a or — ee é - Die ——— Sonny is Ss 3 p Pea 2 SSS El Se gen en hG of is + +f WAN oie XAG SY ‘ ’ ‘ cS A 4 6 —— } a a4 Anant), MS r e ns U ae | ee ” = se CALANTHE X DOoMINYI, THE FIRST HOME-RAISED HYBRID ORCHID. See pages vii and 50. Grown at Kew, Photo by EF. W. Rolfe. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK: An Enumeration of Hybrid Orchids of Artificial Origin, WITH THEIR PaRENTs, Raisers, DATE oF First FLOWERING, REFERENCES TO DESCRIPTIONS AND FiGuRES, AND SYNONYMY. With an Historical Introduction and 120 Figures and a Chapter on Hybridising and raising Orchids from Seed. BY ROBERT ALLEN ROLFE, A.L.S. AND CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN HURST, F.LS. sea ty A ; RAR Y NEW YORK oe ¢ © BOTANICAL GARDEN. A Companion Volume to the Orcuip Review. @ @ @& TRew: PRANK, LESEIE-& €O.,. 12; LAWN CRESCENT. [The right of reproduction is reserved.| 190g. “ Cross-breeding among Orchidaceous plants would perhaps. lead to very startling results, but, unfortunately, they are not - easily raised by seed.” REV. W. HERBERT, in 1847. LIBRARY NEW YORK Preface, BOTANICAL GARDEN, existing Orchid hybrids of artificial origin, arranged on a uniform system, so as to show at a glance the crosses that have already been made, the adopted name of the hybrids, the works in which they have been described and figured, the original raiser or exhibitor, and the date of first flowering—in short it is intended as a guide to the already vast literature of the subject, and a standard of nomenclature. No apology is necessary for its production—a glance at the synonymy of some of the more popular hybrids enumerated should convince anyone of the need of such a Text Book. Many difficulties have been met with during its execution. These have partly arisen through the same hybrid having been raised independently in different collections, but chiefly through want of a uniform system. Some raisers have considered all the seedlings from the same cross as forms of one, while others have given distinct names to different seedlings out of the same seed-pod. Some hybrids have received Latin or classical names, in accord- ance with the rules of binomial nomenclature, or have been distinguished by the joint names of the two parents, while others have been named in the vernacular. A few have been recorded without names. In addition to this there are many hybrids whose parentage has been lost, or whose records are incomplete, contradictory, or erroneous. Stray seedlings, loss or absence of record of parentage, change of ownership of unflowered seedlings, the contemporaneous flowering of the same hybrid in different collections, and the naming of hybrids without reference to the work of earlier operators, ‘have all contributed their quota to the confusion arising from the ~ multiplicity of systems of nomenclature, and the result may be see in the following pages. The object of the work is to provide a remedy for this - confusion, so far as possible, and we may now proceed to describe the he object of the present work is to provide an authentic list ot WO, : = 4 n JS -« > x so Plan of the work. ec _. The work is divided into two parts :— © Part I, contains an enumeration of the species and hybrids which have & been used as parents, these being arranged in alphabetical sequence, i: ii. PREFACE followed by the name of the resulting hybrid. The name of the first parent (in the alphabetical series) is given in heavy type in the centre of the column, and all the species with which it has been crossed are arranged alphabetically on the left, with the resulting hybrid on the right. Each — parent appears again in its own alphabetical position, and thus the hybrids of any given species appear all together (those of a later date, of course appearing in the Addenda, which should also be consulted). Take Brassa- vola Digbyana, for example:—Eighteen hybrids of it appear on page 1— where also are found the eighteen species with which it has been crossed, in alphabetical order—but there are nineteen additions on page 239, so popular is this species as a parent. The name of the hybrid appears to the right of the second parent, and necessarily occurs twice, as may be seen under Aérides on page 1, where the two parents of A. X hybridum follow each other immediately, but in the very next case, Zygonisia X Rolfeana, they are separated by the whole width of the alphabet. Having found the name of the hybrid by means of its parents, one turns to Part II., where its history and other details are given. Part I. serves the double purpose of indicating the name of any given hybrid whose parents are known, and of shewing with what others a given species has been crossed. Part II. contains, (1) an alphabetical enumeration of existing hybrids, each under its adopted name, followed by (2) the names of its parents, (3) references to descriptions and figures, (4) the name of the raiser or exhibitor, (5) date of first flowering, and (6) synonymy, these being followed in a few cases by (7) a short additional note. A few explanatory details must now be given under these several headings. 1. NAmMeEs.—In all cases we have aimed at adopting the earliest correct name, but this is not invariably the name first published. Part II. commences with a few suggestions for securing greater uniformity of practice than at present exists, and the following paragraph may be repeated, as it has been our guide throughout :— ‘“‘ Hybrids raised between species should receive specific names, Latin or classical, consisting of a single word—the use, however, of two short words being permissible where they can be connected with a hyphen. Short names should be used for preference, those exceeding six syllables being considered inadmissible.” Where the earliest name agrees with this proposition it has been adopted unmodified, but if not in agreement an attempt has been made to amend it. Thus the hybrid between Cattleya Dowiana and C. Eldorado appears as C. X Ingramiz, not as C. x Lady Ingram, the earlier form of the name, and this in spite of the fact that another name, C. X Suzanne, is already in correct form. The latter appeared five years later, and remains, as it has always been, asynonym. Similar names in the vernacular have PREFACE iil. been treated in the same way, where they could not conveniently be joined by a hyphen, but those consisting of a single word have been adopted. For the same reason Brassocattleya X Veitchii is preferred to the earlier B.-c. X Digbyano-Mossiz, which consists of seven syllables, and B.-c. X Maronez to B.-c. Xx Madame Charles Maron, which consists of three distinct words. Names formed by joining the specific appellations of the two parents without abbreviation have generally been avoided, as too long, though this does not always apply. Further, such names have often been used in some particular sense. Thus we have Odontoglossum X _ crispo- Halliiand O. X Hallio-crispum, the latter being the reversed cross, but both are here included under O. X Cooksoni. Ina similar way O. X spectabile includes both O. X crispo-Harryanum and O. xX Harryano-crispum, Names formed by combining portions of the names of the parents have been adopted. 2. PARENTS.—The names of the parents are given in their alphabetical sequence, and in most cases where the seed parent is definitely recorded the sign 2 follows the name. But in many cases the record is not clear, and where doubt exists the sign has been omitted. Raisers might help to fill up some of these blanks, and to correct any that are known to be erroneous. 3. REFERENCES.—We have aimed at giving a reference to the original record in all cases, though the remark may not always apply to reports of the same meeting in different papers. The hybrids exhibited at meetings of the Royal Horticultural Society are taken from the Gardeners’ Chronicle, the records being continuous from the time of the epoch-making Calanthe x Dominyi. Those exhibited at meetings of the Société Nationale d’ Horticulture de France are mostly taken from the Society’s Journal, though some of the records appear a little earlier in contemporary publications, which are also cited in many cases. The Orchid Review is cited regularly, so far as the first reference and any additional information is concerned. Owing to the appearance in the first volume of the ‘‘ History of Orchid Hybridisation,” and the continuous records since, the informa- tion is in a very available form. Other works are cited where the informa- tion found appears to be of sufficient importance. FIGURES.— Except in cases where they are unduly numerous, an attempt has been made to give a complete list of published figures, (avoiding, however, mere repetitions in the same work), and these are indicated by the letters ‘‘t” and ‘“‘f.”” Any varietal names of the plants figured are given within brackets, immediately following the figure, as (v. oculata), (v. aureo-marginata), and (v. magnifica), which indicate varieties of Cattleya X Iris (p. 59). This point is mentioned, because it was found impractic- able to include the multitudinous varieties which have appeared within the iv. PREFACE scope of the work, and a selection would have been both difficult and unsatisfactory. List oF WorKS CITED.—Space has been economised by a great: abbreviation of the titles of works that are frequently cited, but a detailed list is given at the end of the Introduction. 4. RAIsER oR Exuipiror.—The names following the list of references are those of the Raiser or Exhibitor, for the two are sometimes different, and in such cases the actual raiser is often not on record. Where the two are known to be different the name of the actual raiser is given first, within brackets, followed by that of the exhibitor or introducer, as, for example, ‘‘ Brassocattleya X heatonensis.—(Charlesworth) Hye.” 5. Datx.—The date is intended to indicate the period of first flowering, but this is not always known with certainty. The date of the first record is taken unless there is information to the contrary, as in the case of Cattleya x Apollo, which flowered six years before it was recorded. It may be added here that seedlings which are recorded as _ unflowered are not included. 6. SyNonyMy.—This has proved an unusually difficult subject. A glance at page 97 will show that the well-known hybrid between Cattleya Mossiz and Lelia purpurata (Leliocattleya xX Canhamiana) has been recorded under nineteen distinct names, while Paphiopedilum X aureum has nearly forty synonyms. The latter may be an exceptional case, and a good example of the wide diversity of character often shown by secondary hybrids (even out of the same capsule), which seem to defy all attempts to name them satisfactorily, but generally speaking there has been a careless and even reckless multiplication of synonymy. But hybrids with imperfect or contradictory records have proved still more difficult. It was impossible to ascertain whether they should be regarded as distinct or as forms of something else, and many such have had to be omitted because of the sheer impossibility of knowing where to put them. The records or the plants may exist somewhere, and if so we hope that the absence of the names will be detected, and that such information will be forthcoming as will serve to clear up their history. A similar difficulty may have led to some of them being inserted in the wrong place, and if so we hope the errors will be pointed out. The synonyms are arranged as far as possible chronologically, which shows the history of any given hybrid better than an alphabetical arrangement. ILLUSTRATIONS.—The text is illustrated with 120 figures of hybrids in half tone, which can well be left to speak for themselves. In two or three cases the parents are also shown. 7. ADDITIONAL Notes.—These explain themselves, and it is only necessary to add that they either contain information not included else- PREFACE Vv. where, or call attention to points requiring elucidation. They might easily have been extended, but for the fear that the work might outgrow the limits assigned. ADDENDA.—The Addenda has outgrown its intended limits, because the work has taken so much longer to complete than was anticipated. Roughly speaking, it may be said to contain three years additions, up to the end of 1907. As the plan is uniform throughout, it is only necessary to add that the numbers indicate the position in the body of the work. Numbers followed by letters, a, b, c. &c., indicate actual additions, but the remainder indicate additional information respecting names previously enumerated. It is intended to give later and future additions in the Orchid Review, so as to prevent the work from falling out of date. Particulars of this appear on page 326, after the Index. INDEx.—As the adopted names of the hybrids, as well as those of their parents, follow a strict alphabetical sequence, it has been thought necessary to give only an Index of Synonyms. The Addenda, however, of both Parts I. and II. should not be overlooked by those who consult the work. Finally appears a List oF ILLUSTRATIONS, 120 in number. Omissions.—A few remarks under this head appear necessary. The absence of many hybrids of unknown or doubtful parentage has already been explained as unavoidable, but the omission of many well-known natural hybrids, as Odontoglossum X Andersonianum and Leliocattleya xX elegans, may occasion surprise, especially as they appear in the list of parents. But a careful examination of the programme will show that, strictly speaking, natural hybrids do not come within the limits of the work, and can only be included when they have been raised artificially. They are more numerous than is generally realised, and their inclusion would have greatly extended the bulk and difficulty of the work. Many are also not in cultivation. It was necessary to draw the line somewhere, and it may yet be possible to deal with them elsewhere. The inclusion of the multi- tudinous named varieties was impossible, and a selection would have been both difficult and unsatisfactory, but we have been able to indicate those that have been figured, by the inclusion of the varietal name within brackets after the figure cited. The only other matter which occurs to us is the omission of Awards. They had been included, but it was found that there was such an utter want of uniformity between the systems of the different Societies, and the value of their awards at different periods, that the record was not worth the space required, and they were again cancelled. The records of the different Societies must be consulted for them. SECONDARY AND MORE COMPLEX Hysrips.—A great deal of difficulty has been experienced in dealing with secondary hybrids and those of more complex parentage. Although we have treated them the same as primary vi. PREFACE hybrids it is felt that the plan is not satisfactory. Primary hybrids usually combine the characters of their parents in sucha way that they can easily . be recognised, and the variations assumed by different individuals from the same seed pod or the same cross are seldom great enough to prevent them from being recognised, and had the matter gone no _ further most of the difficulties could have been got over with very little trouble. But we now have hybrids of almost every degree of complexity—primary hybrids recrossed with their own parents, or crossed with other species or hybrids; hybrids derived from two species in which the parents are combined in equal and in unequal proportions; hybrids derived from three species, from four, and one even from five species ; and while some of these complex hybrids vary enormously between themselves they also in some cases resemble others that are known to have been derived from different crosses. In short there are hybrids whose parentage cannot be fixed with any degree of certainty by an analysis of their characters, because of the amount of reversion that has taken place. Then there is that curious complication that certain crosses which from their parentage appear to be distinct, yet on analysis prove identical. To put the case differently, the same hybrid may be obtained in two different ways. For example, Odontoglossum nobile crossed with O. X spectabile would appear to be a distinct hybrid from O. X Rolfeze crossed with O. X armainvillierense, but an analysis of parentage shows that both are composed of half O. nobile, a quarter O. crispum, and a quarter O. Harryanum. The two have been left under their respective names of O. X percultum and O. X Ossultoni, but it is at least a question whether they ought not to have been regarded as forms of one. And this is only a type of a series. Owing to these perplexing facts it becomes a question whether secondary and more complex hybrids may not in the future have to be treated in a different way from primary ones, or at all events have to be classified separately. The species in certain genera are now becoming so completely linked up by chains of hybrids that we may have to treat these complex forms purely as florists’ flowers, selecting and naming only such as show distinct improve- ments on their predecessors and ignoring the remainder. Some such selective method seems almost inevitable in the near future. With these remarks we commend the work to our readers, in the hope that their friendly criticism and kindly help will lead to its improvement in the event of another edition being called for. To Messrs. R. T., G. B. and F. W. Rolfe our thanks are due for help in reading the proof and in some other details. R. A. ROLFE, C. (Gi HURST. September, 1908. hie HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. ** On the 28th of October, 1856,” writes Dr. Lindley (Gard. Chron., 1858, p- 4), ‘Mr. James Veitch, jun., of the Exotic Nursery, Chelsea, brought to the writer of this memorandum a flower of a Calanthe which combined the peculiar hairy forked spur and deeply lobed lip of the white Calanthe furcata, with the violet colour and broad middle lobe of the lip of C. Masuca. One might have said that the flowers were just intermediate between the two.... It appears that it had been raised in the Exotic Nursery, by Mr. Dominy, Messrs. Veitch’s indefatigable and very intelligent foreman, between C. Masuca and C. furcata. The seed was obtained in 1854 by crossing these two species, was immediately sown, and in two years the seedlings were in flower. Nor is it the least remarkable circumstance connected with this production that it grows and flowers freely, while C. Masuca is a ‘shy’ plant. We therefore propose, with much pleasure, that the name of the hybrid be Calanthe Dominii, in order to put upon record the name of the first man who succeeded in this operation. He is indeed specially entitled to this distinction, not only in consequence of having produced other Orchidaceous mules, among which we under- stand are Cattleyas, but because of his eminent success in raising such plants from seed, as a matter of horticultural business.” This was over a year after the event, but it is upon record that when Mr. Veitch first showed him the plant the Doctor exclaimed, ‘‘ Why, you will drive the botanists mad!” This historic plant is figured as the frontispiece to the present work. It was Mr. john Harris, a surgeon, of Exeter, who suggested to Dominy the possibility of muling Orchids, and who pointed out to him the reproductive organs seated in the column, and showed that the application of the pollinia to the stigmatic surface was analagous to the dusting of the stigma of other flowers with pollen. The Rev. W. Herbert, Dean of Manchester, had previously suggested the possibility of raising hybrid Orchids. In a paper entitled “On Hybridisation among Vegetables,” published in 1847 (Journ. Hort. Soc., il. p- 104), he remarked, ‘‘ Cross breeding among Orchidaceous plants would perhaps lead to very startling results; but, unfortunately, they are not easily raised by seed. I have, however, raised Bletia, Cattleya, Orchis (Herminium) Monorchis and Ophrys aranifera from seed; and if I. were not during the greater part of the year absent from the place where my plants are deposited, I think I could succeed in obtaining crosses in that order. I had well-formed pods last spring of Orchis by pollen of Ophrys vii viii. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION as well as of other species of Orchis which had been forced ; and if I had remained on the spot I think I should have obtained some cross-bred _ Orchidaceous seed. An intelligent gardener may do much for science by attempts of this kind, if he keeps accurate notes of what he attempts, and does not jump at immature conclusions.” This is interesting as the earliest note on the subject that we have met with, and because it appeared at a time when there was a prevalent notion among gardeners that muling among Orchids was an impossibility. The results, however, must be 6 classed among the ‘‘ might-have-beens,”’ and we may return to Dominy. Dominy is said to have commenced his hybridising operations in 1853, with the genus Cattleya, and six years later the first flowers appeared. In August 1859, five seedling plants were exhibited at a meeting of the Horticultural Society by Messrs. Veitch, which were noted as extremely interesting, and as affording the first examples of well-marked and really showy new forms of Orchids produced by hybridisation. They were ultimately named Cattleya < hybrida, and it is unfortunate that Dominy did not carry out Dean Herbert’s injunction to keep accurate records, for the parentage of this Cattleya was given first as C. granulosa and C. Harrisoniana, then as C. granulosa and C. Leopoldi, and finally as C. guttata and C. intermedia. C. guttata and Loddigesil are now accepted as the parents. A second Cattleya, C. X Dominiana, obtained from C. maxima and C. intermedia, was exhibited in the November following. . In December, 1859, the beautiful Calanthe X Veitchii, a hybrid between C. rosea and C. vestita, made its appearance, and received a First-class Certificate from the Horticultural Society. This is one of the most popular hybrids yet raised, and is now largely cultivated as a very useful autumn-flowering plant. In June, 1861, a fifth hybrid appeared, and also received a First-class Certificate, under the name of Goodyera X Dominiil. Its parents were recorded as Goodyera discolor and Ancectochilus Lowii, now known as Hemaria discolor and Dossinia marmorata, and thus was the first generic cross. It was afterwards called Dossinimaria X Domini, and now seems to have been lost sight of. In July, 1862, another ornamental-leaved Orchid was exhibited, under the name of Goodyera X Veitchiu, also receiving a First-class Certificate. It was another generic hybrid, its parents being Hamaria discolor and Macodes Petola. It is now known as Macomaria Xx Veitchil. In September, 1863, the first Leliocattleya flowered, though the name did not appear till long afterwards. It was exhibited as Cattleya xX exoniensis, and its parents were at first given as Cattleya Mossiz and Lelia purpurata, but the second parent was afterwards corrected to L. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. IX. crispa. This parentage was ultimately confirmed by a repetition of the cross. In May, 1864, the first hybrid Lelia appeared, though it was exhibited under the name of Cattleya xX Pilcheri. Its parents were Leelia crispa and L. Perrinii, and it must have been one of Dominy’s earliest hybrids, for it is said to have been raised in 1853. It is now known as Leelia X Pilcheri. In May, 1865, another ornamental-leaved hybrid appeared, and received a First-class Certificate under the name of Ancectochilus X Domini. — Its parents were Hzmaria discolor and Ancectochilus Roxburghii (xantho- phyllus), and the plant has since been named Ancectomaria X Domini, being the third generic hybrid in the Ancectochilus group. Early in 1867 another interesting generic hybrid flowered, its parents being Phaius grandifolius and Calanthe vestita. It was described by Reichenbach under the name of Phaius xX irroratus, as ‘‘one of the beautiful evidences of Mr. Dominy’s unrivalled talent in hybridising Orchids.” It was not until 1869 that a hybrid Cypripedium appeared, when C. x Harrisianum flowered for the first time. It was raised from C. villosum, fertilized with the pollen of C. barbatum, and was named by Prof. Reichenbach after Dr. Harris, of Exeter, who first gave Mr. Dominy the idea of hybridising Orchids. It is now called Paphiopedilum xX Harrisianum, the tropical species being generically distinct. In 1870 Cypripedium X Dominianum was described by Reichenbach, as a hybrid derived from C. caricinum fertilized with the pollen of C. caudatum. The author gave the alternative name of Selenipedium X Dominianum, thus adding a new genus to the list. It has since, however, been called Phragmopedilum X Dominianum, for it is now known that the genus Selenipedium proper is not in cultivation. In the same year the first hybrid of Cypripedium Fairrieanum flowered, and was described by Reichenbach under the name of C. X vexillarium, as ‘one of the surprises which Mr. Dominy prepares for the Messrs. Veitch. ” C. barbatum was the seed parent. It is now referred to Paphiopedilum. Early in 1871, Mr. Burbidge published in the Gardeners’ Chronicle a list of the Hybrid Orchids raised up to that period, in which occurs the name of Aérides X hybridum, raised from A. affine and A. Fieldingii, thus adding another genus to the list. There is no clue to the date, and we do not know of another record, nor yet what became of the plant. The first successful follower of Mr. Dominy appears to have been Mr. Cross, gardener to Lady Ashburton, of Melchet Court, Hampshire, who obtained Cypripedium X Ashburtoniz by crossing C. barbatum with the pollen of C. insigne. It flowered and was described in 1871. Two years later he added C. X Crossianum, obtained from C. insigne grossed with the pollen of C. venustum. They were the first hybrids from C. insigne, x HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION and both were distributed by Messrs. Veitch. They are now referred to Paphiopedilum. : Mr. Seden next appeared upon the scene, having succeeded Mr. Dominy in the work at the Royal Exotic Nursery. His first hybrid was described as Cypripedium or Selenipedium xX Sedeni. It was obtained by crossing Selenipedium longifolium with the pollen of S. Schlimu, and vwicz versa, both crosses flowering for the first time in 1873, and proving absolutely identical. It is a handsome hybrid, combining the best characters of both parents, and is now known as Phragmopedilum X Sedenil. In 1873, also, what was really the first secondary hybrid appeaed, through it was described under the name of Cattleya X fausta. It was said to be ‘just intermediate between C. Loddigesii, as the 2, or seed parent, and C. X exoniensis, as the ¢, or pollen parent. Two forms were described at the outset—the typical form, with rosy-lilac sepals and petals and a paler lip, and the variety radicans, distinguished by the presence of a number of dark purplish veins and streaks on the anterior part of the lip. Thus it afforded an indication of what has since been repeatedly confirmed, namely, that secondary hybrids are especially variable, plants raised from the same seed-pod often exhibiting great dissimilarity between themselves. It is now known as Leliocattleya x fausta. The genus Dendrobium was next added to the list. In February, 1874, Dendrokium xX Ainsworthii flowered for the first time, and received a First- class Certificate. It was raised in the collection of Dr. Ainsworth, of Lower Broughton, near Manchester, by Mr. Mitchell, between D. aureum ? and D. nobile 3, and the seed is said to have been sown about seven years previously. It has since been recorded that plants of the same cross were raised by Mr. West, at the Fairfield Nursery, near Manchester, at about the same time. The year 1874 also saw the additions of two other genera, Uhysis and Zygopetalum, to the list, as the result of Mr. Seden’s industry. Chysis x Sedeni was recorded as a hybrid seedling between C. Limminghei ? and C. bractescens ¢, but Reichenbach suggested C. levis as the pollen parent, which is clearly corrrect. Zygopetalum Xx Sedeni was described as a hybrid between Z. Mackayi and Z. maxillare, the latter being the seed parent. It received a First- class Certificate from the Horticultural Society. Hybrid Orchids were now decidedly on the increase, for at least ten were recorded during 1876, three of which were the work of new operators. The first hybrid raised in the collection of John C. Bowring, Esq Forest Farm, Windsor, was Cypripedium x _ stenophyllum, its parents being C. Schlimii and C. caricinum. It is now referred to Phragmo- pedilum. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION x Mr. W. Swan, gardener to W. Leech, Esq., Oakley, Fallowfield, Manchester, made his debut with a hybrid between Cypripedium Dayanum ? and C. barbatum 3, which was named C. X Swanianum by Reichan- bach, in honour of the raiser. Later in the year Messrs. Rollisson & Sons, of Tooting, flowered a hybrid which was said to have been raised by Mr. Mylam, from Cattleya granulosa crossed with the pollen of Leelia crispa, and was named Lelia x Mylamiana. It is said to have been raised in 1863, and is now known as Leliocattleya X Mylamiana. The following year revealed the existence of another recruit, when Zygopetalum X Clayi flowered in the collection of Colonel Clay, of Birkenhead. Its parents were Z. crinitum and Z. maxillare, and it received a First-Class Certificate from the Manchester Botanical and Horticultural Society in April, 1877. The event of 1878 was the flowering of a very handsome hybrid from Cattleya Dowiana, which was described under the name of Lelia x Dominiana. The second parent was said to be ‘‘some Lelia, probably elegans,” but long afterwards it was proved by the repetition of the cross to be L. purpurata. It was the last of Mr. Dominy’s hybrids, and a fitting climax to his labours, for if depth and richness of colouring be the criterion of excellence it is not only unrivalled among this raiser’s produc- tions, but is scarcely surpassed at the present day. It is now known as Leliocattleya Dominiana. It is evident that some of Mr. Dominy’s hybrids were not recorded when they flowered for the first time, for Dendrobium xX Dominyanum (D. nobile @ X Linawianum ¢), which was described in 1878, was said to have been obtained by Mr. Dominy ‘‘a very long time ago,” and although not recorded until four years after D. xX Ainsworthii it was evidently the first hybrid in the genus. Cattleya x felix also, described in 1876, was said to be one of the oldest seedlings raised by Mr. Dominy. Its parents were Lelia crispa and Cattleya Schilleraiana, and it was after- wards named Lzeliocattleya X felix. Again, Cypripedium xX calophyllum, which was described in 1880, was said to be “one of the oldest artificial hybrids, having been gained at the Royal Exotic Nursery a long time ago.” It was a seedling from C. barbatum and C. venustum, and is now called Paphiopedilum X calophyllum. As we have been unable to mention all Mr. Dominy’s hybrids in- dividually we may here remark that they number twenty-five, and comprise six Cattleyas, one Lelia, six hybrids between the two genera, two Calanthes, one hybrid between Calanthe and Phaius, three Cypripediums, one Selenipedium, one Dendrobium, one Aérides (probably lost), and three hybrids of the Ancectochilus group. They extended over a period of more Xi. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION than twenty years. Mr. Dominy’s name will always be remembered as the pioneer of this interesting branch of horticulture. In 1880, on the occasion of his retirement from Messrs. Veitch’s service, the Royal Horticultural Society presented him with a Gold Medal in recognition of his services to horticulture. The genus Lycaste was added to the list in 1878, when a hybrid between L. Skinneri and L. Deppei flowered in the collection of Mr. W. Marshall, of Enfield. It was recorded without a name, but was afterwards called Lycaste X hybrida. Hybrids now began to increase rapidly in number, and we shall only be able to indicate a few of the more prominent landmarks. Half-a-dozen novelties appeared in 1879, belonging to genera already mentioned. In 1880 another genus was added to the list, when the handsome Masdevallia x Chelsoni flowered for the first time. It was obtained by Mr. Seden from M. amabilis crossed with the pollen of M. Veitchiana, and the flowers exhibit a charming combination of orange and scarlet. In 1880 a batch of four hybrids raised by a new operator appeared, and were described together as Cypripedium xX meirax, X chloroneurum, X politum, and X melanophthalmum. Reichenbach spoke of them as a lot of fresh hybrids, raised by Mr. Robert Warner, of Broomfield, whose history is not known, probably in consequence of a lost pocket book. All of them he believes had C. venustum for one parent. Their history was discussed some time ago (Orch. Rev., 1905, pp. 291-293). In 1881 a hybrid Anguloa flowered, in the collection of John C. Bowring, Esq., Forest Farm, Windsor. It was named Anguloa xX media by Reichanbach, who spoke of it as no doubt derived from A. Clowesii and A. Rucker. The existence of two new hybridists was also revealed, for Calanthe X 3arberiana flowered in the collection of John T. Barber, Esq., Spondon, Derby, having been raised from C. Turneri nivalis crossed with the pollen of C. vestita, while C. X Sandhurstiana was raised by P. H. Gosse, Esq., of Sandhurst, Torquay, from C. rosea crossed with the pollen of C. vestita, and thus is a form of C. X Veitchii. For a quarter of a century English hybridists appeared to monopolise the field, but in 1881 a French hybrid flowered. In the Revue Horticole for that year (p. 346), the flowering of two unnamed seedling Cattleyas is recorded by M. Bergman. They were raised by M. Alfred Bleu, of Paris, from C. intermedia crossed with the pollen of C. Aclandiz. The cross afterwards received the name of C. X calumnata. Whether this was its first flowering is not quite clear, for another hybrid which afterwards received the name of Cattleya x fimbriata has been confused with it, under the same record, and Mr. Bleu is said to have flowered this in 1878. The HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION Xill. latter appears to have been the first French hybrid, and is now considered to be a form of the natural hybrid C. X Isabella. The next hybridist which we find evidence of was Mr. Fraser, of Derncleugh, near Aberdeen, who raised Masdevallia x Fraseri. It was derived from M. ignea 9 and M. coccinea 3, and flowered in 1882. In 1882 also Cypripedium xX Dauthieri was described, from the establishment of Messrs. Van Houtte, of Ghent. Its origin was a mystery, but it was soon identified as a form of C. X Harrisianum, and, curiously enough, it has since been traced as a stray seedling from Messrs. Veitch’s establishment (See Orch. Rev., 1899, p. 71). In the following year we find Sir Treyor Lawrence, Bart., included in the ranks of the hybridists, he having raised the brilliant Calanthe x porphyrea from C. vestita and C. labrosa. In 1884 the flowering is recorded of Cypripedium x Laforcadei, raised by M. Bauer, of Paris, but it is a form of the earlier C. X Ashburtone. In 1885 the first hybrid Thunia appeared, and, curiously enough, the same hybrid was raised by two different operators—first by Mr. Toll, of Manchester, and shortly afterwards by Mr. Seden, in both cases from T. Marshalliana @ and T. Bensone ¢. Plants were exhibited simul- taneously at one of the Royal Botanical Society’s Shows, in 1885, the former as T. X Wrigleyana, the latter as T. x. Veitchiana. Under the latter name it was eventually described. In 1886, a very striking novelty appeared, and was described by Reichenbach under the name of Lelia x Batemaniana. It was raised by Mr. Seden from Sophronitis grandiflora crossed with the pollen of Cattleya intermedia, and flowered in August, 1886, when a little over five years old. Reichenbach called it ‘‘a lovely gem, a miniature Lelia’? and added :— “This novelty offers a wide field for considerations of nomenclature. Are all hybrids between what we call genera to get intermediate names ? The effect of mixing a Sophronitis and a Cattleya is a Lelia; hence I must reduce Sophronitis to Lelia, except S. violacea, with a remodelled character.” It was dedicated to the veteran Orchidist, James Bateman, Esq., of Worthing, whose name had been known in connection with Orchids for upwards of half a century. The plant is now called Sophro- cattleya X Batemaniana. Another generic hybrid might have been added to the list, for Messrs. Veitch flowered a hybrid whose origin had been lost, and Reichenbach could only suggest Zygopetalum maxillare as one parent, and called it Zygopetalum X leopardinum. A year later the flowering of a hybrid from Colax jugosus afforded a clue, and the present plant was transferred to Zygocolax. The first artificial hybrid Phaleenopsis flowered in 1886, and possesses a Xiv. HISTORY “OF sORCHID HYBRIDISATION double interest, being the first successful experiment undertaken to prove the origin of a wild plant. When in 1853, Phalenopsis intermedia first appeared, as a single plant in an importation of Phalaenopsis Aphrodite (then called P. amabilis) received from the Philippines, Dr. Lindley suggested that it might be a natural hybrid between that species and P. rosea. With a view to prove this hypothesis, Mr. Seden crossed P. rosea with the pollen of P. Aphrodite, and when the resulting progeny flowered for the first time, in 1886, it proved absolutely identical with the wild P. X intermedia. In 1886, the work of two other hybridists appeared. Cypripedium x Io was raised in the collection of Norman C. Cookson, Esq., Oakwood, Wylam-on-Tyne, from C. Argus and C. Lawrenceanum, and C. X apiculatum in that of D. O. Drewett, Esq., of Riding Mill-on-Tyne, from CC. barbatum and C. Boxallii. The work was now being rapidly extended over a wider field, for in 1887 hybrids raised by at least seven new operators flowered for the first time, and Reichenbach remarked ‘‘ All Orchidic England is engaged in the procreation of mules.’”’ We may briefly mention them, but the great extension of the work will prevent us from giving more than a selection in future. Dr. Harris, of Lamberhurst, Kent (a namesake of the gentleman who gave Dominy the idea of hybridising Orchids), flowered Cattleya Xx Harrisii, raised from C. Leopoldi and C. Mendelii, C. X Miss Harris, from C. Mossiz and C. Schilleriana, and Lelia X Novelty, from L. pumila and Leliocattleya X elegans. W. Vanner, Esq., Camden Wood, Chislehurst, flowered Dendrobium X Vannerianum, raised from D. moniliforme (japoni- cum) and D. Falconeri. Captain Hincks, of Breckenbrough, Thirsk, Yorks, raised Masdevallia X Hincksiana, from M. tovarensis and M. ignea. Mr. F. Horn, gardener to Baron N. Rothschild, of Vienna, flowered Cypripedium xX Hornianum from C. superbiens and C. Spicerianum. Messrs. F. Sander & Co., St. Albans, flowered Masdevallia x Geleniana, raised from M. caudata and M. xanthina, Reichenbach remarking ‘ This is the debut of Mr. F. Sander in Orchid hybridising, and very many more are forthcoming.” Lastly, we find two Cypripediums, x Charles Canham and x Mrs. Canham, said to have been raised by an amateur, whose name was not divulged, but has since been recorded as Mr. James Douglas. They were obtained from C. superbiens and C. villosum, and the reverse cross, and were sent out by Messrs. Veitch. Among the numerous hybrids of 1887 the most interesting was Zygoco- lax X Veitchii, raised by Mr. Seden from Zygopetalum crinitum fertilised with the pollen of Colax jugosus, which flowered when a little over five years old. It marks the commencement of a new era in the nomenclature of generic Orchid hybrids. Hitherto such plants had been referred to one HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION XV. or the other of the parent genera, but with very unsatisfactory results, and the precedent adopted in another group of compounding a new name from the joint names of the parent genera was now extended to Orchids (See Rolfe, ‘‘On bigeneric Orchid Hybrids,” Journ. Linn. Soc. xxiv. pp. 156-170, t. 48). Seven names for generic hybrids were there established. In 1888 the genus Epidendrum was added to the list, when E. X O’Brienianum flowered in Messrs. Veitch’s establishment, having been raised by Mr. Seden by crossing E. evectum with the pollen of E. radicans. The first hybrid from Cattleya citrina also flowered when 6% years old. It was raised by Dr. Harris, of Lamberhurst, the seed parent being C. intermedia. It was called C. X citrino-intermedia. About thirty other new hybrids were recorded, including the work of at least four new operators. The first artificial hybrid Miltonia flowered in 1889. Various experi- ments are said to have been made with this and the allied genus Odonto- glossum, and young seedlings had been raised, though none survived until reaching the flowering stage. It was M. Alfred Bleu, of Paris, who first attained success, M. x Bleuana flowering for the first time in January, 1889, when rather under five years old. Its parents were M. vexillaria 9 and M. Roezli ¢. The first hybrid of Brassavola Digbyana, then known as Lelia Digbyana, also appeared. It was raised by Messrs. Veitch, Cattleya Mossiz being the seed parent, and received an Award of Merit from the R. H. S. in April, 1889, under the name of Lelia X Digbyano-Mossiz. It was afterwards referred to Leliocattleya, and ultimately to Brasso- cattleya. In 1889 the first hybrid Cymbidium also flowered, having been raised by Messrs. Veitch from C. Lowianum and C. eburneum. It received a First-class Certificate from the R. H. S. on March 12th, 1889, under the name of Cymbidium Xx eburneo-Lowianum. It is now called C. xX Veitchii. The most noteworthy addition to the list recorded during 1890 was Epiphronitis X Veitchii, a new generic cross, raised by Mr. Seden from Sophronitis grandiflora crossed with the pollen of Epidendrum radicans. It received a First-class Certificate from the R. H. 5S. on June 24th, 1890. It is remarkable for having the habit of a greatly dwarfed edition of the pollen parent, the influence of the seed parent being chiefly seen in its larger flower and slightly darker colour. In 1890 also an artificially-raised hybrid Odontoglossum first reached the flowering stage, in the collection of Baron Edmond de Rothschild, of Armainvilliers, near Paris. About the end of 1884, M. Leroy fertilised O. crispum with the pollen of O. luteopurpureum, and in May, 1890, one out Xvi. HISTORY ‘OF } ORCHID HYBRIDISATION of a batch of five seedlings flowered, and was named O. X Leroyanum, though it was immediately afterwards referred to O. X Wilckeanum, a natural hybrid with the same parentage. The first hybrid Phaius of pure parentage also flowered during 18go, though the genus had previously been crossed with Calanthe. Phaius X Cooksoni was raised in the collection of Norman C. Cookson, Esq., Oak- wood, Wylam-on-Tyne, where it was raised from P. Wallichii, crossed with the pollen of P. simulans (formerly confused with P. tuberculosus). The seed was sown in December, 1887, and a plant flowered in March, 1899, when only two years and a quarter old. The first hybrid Stanhopea was raised in Germany, in the collection of Herr Spindler, of Spindlersfeld, from S. oculata crossed with the pollen of S. tigrina. It flowered in the summer of 1890, and was described and figured as S. X Spindlerianum. Disa X Veitchi, the first hybrid in the genus, was raised by Messrs. James Veitch and Sons, from D. racemosa crossed with the pollen of D. grandiflora, and flowered when only a year and nine months old, thus creating a record for quickness of flowering. It received a First-class Certificate and a Silver-gilt Flora Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society on June gth, 18o1. The second artificially-raised Odontoglossum flowered in 1891, and ‘is interesting because the plant was raised to prove the parentage ofa wild hybrid. Odontoglossum X excellens had been described by Reichenbach, in 1881, as a natural hybrid between O. Pescatorei and O. tripudians, but it was soon suggested that the second parent must have been O. triumphans. Mr. Seden accordingly crossed O. Pescatorei with the pollen of O. triumphans, and when the resulting seedling flowered it proved to be identical with the wild plant. In 1892 a hybrid having three genera in its composition flowered. It was raised by Messrs. James Veitch & Sons from Sophronitis grandiflora ? and Leliocattleya X Schilleriana ¢, and received the name of Sophro- cattleya X Veitchiana. The plant is now known as Sophrocatlelia X Veitchiana, which indicates its parentage more correctly. The first hybrid Vanda was described in 1893, under the name of Vanda x Miss Joaquim. It was raised at Singapore, by the lady whose name it bears, from V. Hookeriana and V. teres, which species are said to be cultivated in every garden in Singapore. It is a very handsome hybrid. In 1894 a hybrid Sobralia appeared, namely, S. X Veitchii, raised by Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, from S. macrantha crossed with the pollen of S. xantholeuca. It received a First-class Certificate from the R. H. Sv in July, 1894. rf In 1894 Sophrolzlia was also added’ to the list:| Messrs: Veitch’ HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. _ “RVI. flowered a hybrid between Lelia Dayana ¢ and Sophronitis grandiflora 7, which was exhibited by them under the name of Sophrocattleya x leta, but shortly afterwards it was described as Sophrolelia x leta (O. R. 1894, P- 334). The third generic hybrid recorded in 1894 was Epilelia x Hardyana, a plant being exhibited at a meeting of the R. H. S. in November, 1894, by Messrs. Sander. It had, however, according to a letter from Mr. Sander, previously flowered, in February, 1891. It was raised in the collection of Baron N. Rothschild, of Vienna, by M. Joly, from Epidendrum ciliare ? and Lelia anceps 3. In November, 1896, another hybrid Odontoglossum appeared, and received a First-class Certificate from the R.H.S. under the name of O. xX crispo-Hallii. It was raised in the collection of N. C. Cookson, Esq., Oakwood, Wylam-on-Tyne, from O. Hallii 2 and O.crispum ¢, and was afterwards called O. X Cooksoni. About the same time Calanthe » albata flowered in the establishment of Messrs. Sander, at St. Albans, and is remarkable as the first hybrid between the deciduous and evergreen sections of the genus. Its parents are C. veratrifolia ? and C. X Cooksoni (a form of C. X Sedeni) #. Many unsuccessful attempts to unite the two sections had previously been made. In 1897 a genuine Epicattleya appeared—for the earlier natural hybrid Epicattleya x guatemalensis had been referred to Cattleya. The novelty was raised by Messrs. James Veitch and Sons, from Cattleya Bowringiana crossed with the pollen of Epidendrum radicans, and received the name of Epicattleya xX matutina. In its reed-like stems it most resembles the pollen parent. The genus Spathoglottis was also added to the list, Messrs. Veitch flowering the handsome S. x aureo-Vieiilardil, said to have been raised from S. aurea 2? and S. Vieillardii g. It has, however, since been pointed out that the seed parent was S. Kimballiana, which at that time was thought to be synonymous with S. aurea, but is now known to be different. The hybrid is now called S. X Veitchu, and is figured at page 31T. A second hybrid having three genera involved in its parentage also appeared during 1897, receiving an Award of Merit from the R.H.S. under the name of Brassocatlelia x Lindleyano-elegans. It was raised in the collection of Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart., from Brassocattleya x Lindleyana and Leliocattleya x elegans, both parents being themselves generic hybrids. It is now called Brassocatlelia < Lawrencei. The most interesting hybrids of 1898 were three Odontoglossums raised in the establishment of M. Charles Vuylsteke, of Loochristi, Ghent. First came O. X loochristiense, raised from O. crispum and O. triumphans, and afterwards O. X crispo-Harryanum, from O. crispum and O. Harryanum, ee HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. the latter receiving a First-class Certificate at the Temple Show. In both cases QO. crispum was the seed parent. The former has since proved identical with the natural hybrid O. X harvengtense, and the latter is now known as O. X spectabile. The third of the series was O. X Rolfez, obtained by crossing O. nobile (Pescatorei) with the pollen of O. Harryanum. In 1899 another generic hybrid appeared, being raised by Messrs. Linden, of Brussels, from Zygopetalum crinitum fertilised with the pollen of Batemannia Colleyi. It was described under the name of Zygobate- mannia X Mastersil, in compliment to the late Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, PKS. The genus Angreecum was added to the list in 1899, Messrs. Veitch flowering a handsome hybrid from A. sesquipedale @ and A. superbum ¢@, which received a First-class Certificate from the R.H.S. under the name of A. X Veitchii. At the same time a Silver Flora Medal was given to the raiser, Mr. John Seden. A hybrid between Leelia cinnabarina ? and Brassavola Digbyana ¢ was also raised by Messrs. Veitch, and received an Award of Merit from the R.H.S. under ‘the name of L. X Mrs. M. Gratrix, for the pollen parent was then referred to Lelia. The hybrid is now known as Brassolalia X Gratrixie. In 1goz2 three new generic hybrids were recorded. Leptolzlia x Veitchii was raised by Messrs. Veitch from Leptotes bicolor @ and Lelia cinnabarina ¢. Zygonisia X Rolfeana was raised by Messrs. Sander, from Zygopetalum maxillare (Gautieri) @ and Aganisia lepida ¢, and received an Award of Merit at the Holland House Show. Phaiocymbidium x chard- warense was raised in the collection of G. F. Moore, Esq., Chardwar, Bourton-on-the-Water, Glos., it is said from Phaius Wallichi (P. grandi- folius was at first recorded) @ and Cymbidium giganteum ¢, but the point requires confirmation, for the plant has entirely the character of the Phaius parent, except as regards colour. In 1903 the genus Cynorchis was added to the list, when C. X kewensis flowered for the first time at Kew, where it was raised from C. Lowiana fertilised with the pollen of C. purpurascens. The cross was made in the spring of rgo1, and the seed sown in the following autumn, and germinated very quickly, while in May, 1903, two of the seedlings flowered, when little over two years had elapsed from the time that the cross was made. A hybrid from Schomburgkia tibicinis @ and Cattleya Mossie ¢ also appeared, having been raised by Messrs. Dallemagne and Co. It is known under the name of Schombocattleya x spiralis, and is figured at page 233. Vanda xX Maronz was another interesting addition, which was raised by M. Ch. Maron from V. teres @ and V. suavis g, and exhibited at the Temple Show. It was the second hybrid in the genus, and the first raised in Europe. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. XIX, The year 1904 produced a sensational hybrid when the six-flowered inflorescence of Odontioda x Vuylstekez appeared at the Temple Show, and received both a First-class Certificate and a Silver-gilt Lindley Medal. It was raised by M. Charles Vuylsteke, of Ghent, from Cochlioda Neetzliana and Odontoglossum nobile (Pescatorei), and is figured at page 281. Other interesting hybrids of the year were the beautiful albino Cattleya x Peetersiz, raised by M. Peeters, of Brussels, from C. Gaskelliana alba x C. Warneri alba, Sophrocattleya x Doris, raised by Messrs. William Bull & Sons, from S. grandiflora and C. Dowiana aurea, and S.-c. x Atreus, by Messrs. Veitch, from S. grandiflora and C. Lawrenceana. In 1905 three new generic hybrids appeared. Dialelia x Veitchii was raised by Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, from Diacrium bicornutum and Lelia cinnabarina, and received a Botanical Certificate from the Scientific committee of the R.H.S. in the spring of the year. It was described as most resembling the Diacrium in habit, as well as in the colour of the flowers. Odontioda X Lairessew was raised by M. A. de Lairesse, of Liége, Belgium, from Odontoglossum crispum crossed with the pollen of Miltonia Warscewiczii, and received an Award of Merit from the R.H.S. on July 20th, 1905. It is most like the pollen parent in habit, as well asin the colour of the flowers, which, however, are larger and modified in shape. It is figured on page 217. Epidiacrium X gattonense is a hybrid raised in the collection of Jeremiah Colman, Esq., Gatton Park, Reigate, from Diacrium bicornutum and Epidendrum radicans. It was described as most like a dwarf form of the latter, and bearing a terminal head of reddish scarlet flowers. It was exhibited without a name on May oth, 1905. The genus Promenza was also added to the list in 1905, a seedling from P. stapleioides ? and P. xanthina $ having flowered in the collection of De Barri Crawshay, Esq., Rosefield, Sevenoaks, which received an Award of Merit from the R.H.S. in May, 1905, under the name of P. oe Crawshayana. It is now believed to be a form of the natural hybrid P. x Rollissoni. The first two hybrids of Odontoglossum Edwardii were also recorded, namely O. x, Lairessei, raised by M. A. de Lairesse, of Liége, from O. Cervantesii 9 and O. Edwardii ¢, and O. x Thompsonianum, which flowered in the collection of W. Thompson, Esq., of Stone, and received a First-class Certificate from the R.H.S., from O. Edwardii 2? and O. crispum ¢. ‘This, however, was raised in the collection of D. B. Rappart, Esq-,of Liscard. A handsome hybrid from O. Rossi crossed with the pollen of O. x spectabile flowered in fg05 with Messrs. Charlesworth & Co., and received XX, HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. a First-class Certificate from the R.H.S. on December 5th under the name of O. X Smithi. It was the first successful attempt to unite the Mexican Odontoglossums with those of the O. crispum group. It is figured on page 290. In 1906 an additional generic hybrid appeared, namely Brassoepidendrum x stamfordiense, which was exhibited by H. T. Pitt, Esq., Rosslyn, Stamford Hill. It is said to have been derived from Epidendrum Parkin- sonianum X Brassavola glauca. The first hybrid Caelogyne also appeared in 1906, in the collection ot Col. Brymer, Ilsington House, Dorchester. It is said to have been raised from C. Dayana X C. asperata, and received the name of C. X Brymeriana. It bore a pendulous raceme of nineteen flowers. Several interesting hybrids appeared in 1907, one of the earliest being the beautiful Odontioda xX Bradshawiz, which received a First-class Certificate from the R.H.S. on January 1gth. It was raised by Messrs. Charlesworth & Co., from Cochlioda Neetzliana ? and, Odontoglossum crispum ¢, and is figured on page 28v. Later in the year came the brilliant Odontioda xX Devossiana, raised by M. H. Graire, of Amiens, France, from Odontoglossum Edwardii fertilised with the pollen of Cochlioda Neetzliana, which received a First-class Certificate on October 29th. Another hybrid from Odontoglossum Edwardii was raised by Messrs. William Bull & Sons, and received an Award of Merit on January 8th, under the name of O. X Aliciz. O. X spectabile was the pollen parent. It is figured on page 282. Odontonia x Elwoodii was raised by Messrs. Charlesworth & Co. trom Odontoglossum cirrhosum and Miltonia Roezlii. Cczlogyne X Colmanii was raised in the collection of Jeremiah Colman, Esq., Gatton Park, Reigate, from C. speciosa and C. cristata alba, and received an Award of Merit from the R.H.S. It is figured at page 265. Lastly may be mentioned Brassocattleya Alexanderi, a striking hybrid from Cattleya citrina crossed with the pollen of Brassavola Digbyana, which was raised in the collection of Major G. L. Holford, at Westonbirt, and received an Award of Merit from the R.H.S. in March, 1907. This hasty survey, while indicating how the work was being constantly extended over a wider field, fails to show what was being done with the earlier genera, but in the following pages may be seen what substantial progress was being made. The genus Paphiopedilum heads the list, with over 750 hybrids; Leliocattleya follows with over 360, Cattleya has over 230, Dendrobium and Odontoglossum have each over go (and the latter is growing very rapidly), Lelia and Masdevallia muster over 40, Phragmo- pedilum over 30, and Phalzenopsis over 20, from which the numbers dwindle down to units in the case of Aérides, Angraecum, Cynorchis, Promenza and Thunia. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. XXxI. GENERIC HyYpriIps. The number of generic hybrids enumerated is 25, of which the following 23 are bigeneric :— Ancectomaria, from Ancectochilus and Heemaria. Brassocattleya, », Brassavola and Cattleya. Brassoepidendrum, _,, br and Epidendrum. Brassoleelia, rr = » Lelia. Dialelia, », Diacriumand Lelia. Dossinimaria, », Dossinia and Hzmaria. Epicattleya, », Cattleya and Epidendrum. Epidiacrium, », Diacrium: ,, ra Epilelia, », Epidendrum and Lelia. Epiphronitis, si fe »» Sophronitis. Leeliocattleya, » Cattleya and Lelia. Leptolelia, », Lelia and Leptotes. Macomaria, » Hemaria and Macodes. Odontioda, 55 Cochlioda and Odontoglossum. Odontonia, su Muiltonmias 4; Phaiocalanthe, ,, Calanthe and Phaius. Phaiocymbidium, », ? Cymbidium and Phaius. Schombocattleya, ,, Cattleya and Schomburgkia. Sophrocattleya, if - ,, Sophronitis. Sophrolelia, ,, Lela and Sophronitis. Zygobatemannia, ,, Batemannia and Zygopetalum. Zygocalyx, i. Colax = i Zygonisia, Bear We wa gsite} Ne a Two others have three genera in their composition, these, of course, being secondary hybrids. They are :— Brassocatlelia, from Brassavola, Cattleya and Lelia. Sophrocatlelia, ,, Cattleya, Lelia and Sophronitis. An analysis of the parentage of these trigeneric hybrids may be interesting. Brassocatlelia includes ten distinct hybrids, seven of which were derived from the intercrossing of Brassavola and Leliocattleya, one from Brassocattleya and Lelia, one from Brassolelia and Cattleya, and one from Brassocattleya and Leliocattleya. Of Sophrocatlelia four hybrids are known, two of these being derived from the intercrossing of Cattleya and Sophrolelia, and two from Leliocattleya and Sophronitis. The arrangement may seem puzzling at first sight, but a moment’s consideration will show that in each case the same three genera are represented, though in slightly different proportions. This brings out the curious fact that the same result may be reached by several ¥xii. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. different ways, and it may be added that when hybrids between Brasso- cattleya and Brassolelia appear, also between Brassolelia and Leelio- cattleya, they will also have to be included under Brassocatlelia, which will exhaust the possible ways of obtaining this artificial or hybrid genus. In one of these fourteen trigeneric hybrids, namely Brassocatlelia xX Lawrencei, both the parents were themselves hybrids, and an analysis shows that it has four species in its composition, Brassavola tuberculata, Cattleya intermedia, C. Leopoldi, and Lelia purpurata. SPECIFIC COMPOSITION OF HYBRIDS. An analysis of the specific composition of the hybrids enumerated would give some curious results. Hybrids may be divided into primary and secondary, and the latter include hybrids of various degrees of complexity. There are hybrids derived from two species, from three, from four, and in one case even from five, and a brief consideration of these several classes will be interesting. PRIMARY Hysrips are the result of crossing distinct species, sometimes belonging to different genera, and necessarily represent the first stage in the process. Primary hybrids almost invariably show a blend of the parental characters, and can usually be fairly described as intermediate, though in a few cases one parent is apparently prepotent over the other, and thus may be described as dominant. The seedlings, even out of the same capsule, often vary slightly between themselves, and the variation is increased when different varieties of the same species are used, but the differences are seldom great, and no difficulty is experienced in assigning all as forms of the same hybrid. Reversing the cross seldom makes any difference, for in many cases where the reverse cross has been made the result is practically identical. PREPOTENCY, already mentioned, sometimes exhibits itself in a very peculiar way. Either parent may exert this prepotent character. In the case of Cattleya X lamberhurstensis it is the seed parent, C. intermedia, which is dominant, but in Epiphronitis X Veitchii it is the pollen parent, Epidendrum radicans, and the character is so marked, both in habit and floral structure, that without actual evidence no one would suspect that it was a seedling from Sophronitis grandiflora. Epicattleya x matutina, Epilelia X Charlesworthii and a few others exhibit the same kind of pre- potency. All are suspected to be cases of partial reversion, the hybrids resembling the more ancestral of the two parents. The idea is borne out by the disappearance of other characters which may be considered as of comparatively recent development. For example, the peculiar beak- like staminode of Paphiopedilum Rothschildianum is invariably lost in its hybrids, the organ reverting to the more typical shield-shaped form. ee ———————-— = 4 HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. Xxiil. FatsE Hysrips.—There is another kind of prepotency—if the term is indeed applicable—in which the seedlings resemble the seed parent entirely, the influence of the pollen parent being apparently lost. Zygopetalum Mackayi furnishes one of the best known examples, for it has been crossed with more than one species of Odontoglossum, also with such diverse plants as Lycaste Skinneri, Oncidium tigrinum, and Lelia anceps, and yet the seedlings in each case resembled the seed parent entirely. It is nota case of self-fertilisation, for in each case the pollen of the Zygopetalum was carefully removed (and unless the foreign pollen is applied to the stigma no capsule is produced). It is suspected to be a case of parthenogenesis, the stimulus of pollination sufficing to cause the ovules to develop into buds. These and other similar cases are worthy of further investigation from a biological standpoint, but they are outside the scope of the present work. The very term “false” hybrids implies a doubt whether they are hybrids at all in a true sense. SECONDARY Hysrips form a very numerous class. They have arisen from the intercrossing Of primary hybrids, either with their own parent species, with different species, or with each other. Their existence necessarily involves the question of the fertility of hybrids, which we have not touched upon, but which for the present may, in the majority of cases, be taken for granted. The one striking difference between secondary and primary hybrids is the much greater variability of the former. It may not be equally apparent in all cases, especially where the original parents are very closely allied, but it is so common as to have attracted universal attention, and various attempts have been made to explain it. The facts are beyond dispute, and the controversial side of the question may be omitted. This great variability was noticed when the very first batch of secondary hybrids flowered, as already mentioned (p. x.), and it may be interesting to record an observation made at the time. Five of the seedlings of Leelio- cattleya X fausta (then called Cattleya x fausta) were painted by Mr. John Day, who remarked as follows (Orch. Draw. xxx. t. 31): “‘ Mr. Seden tells me that they raised seven plants of it only (or that only seven have flowered), and they were all different. This he attributes to the fact that the pollen parent, Cattleya exoniensis, is itself a hybrid between C. Mossi and Leelia crispa, and some of the offspring have run back to their grandparents, and: some have taken more to their mamma, C. Loddigesi.”” The remark is interesting on another account, for it shows that Mr. Seden had then correctly diagnosed the much-disputed parentage of the pollen parent. SECONDARY HYBRIDS DERIVED FROM Two SPECIES are necessarily primary hybrids intercrossed with one of their own parents, and these now form a very numerous class. Phragmopedilum x Sedenii re-crossed with XXIV. HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. P. longifolium and P. Schlimu, and yielding respectively P. Xx Ainsworthii (calurum), and P. cardinale, may be mentioned as two familiar examples. In each case they exhibit a partial return to the characters of the original species. One of them has been carried further, for P. x cardinale has been re-crossed with P. Schlimii, yielding P. x Ada (see p. 226), in which P. Schlimii is represented three times over, thus giving seven-eighths of that species and only one-eighth P. longifolium. Ina similar way Dendrobium x Ainsworthii has been re-crossed with D. x nobile, yielding D. x Rubens, and with D. aureum, yielding D. X Gem; while Leliocattleya X Schilleriana has been re-crossed with Cattleya intermedia, yielding L.-c. x Zampa, and with Lelia purpurata yielding L.-c. X Horniana. There are even smaller degrees of difference. For example, Phragmopedilum x Sedenii has been crossed with both P. x Ainsworthil and P. X cardinale, and although the parents are themselves separated by. only a fractional difference (one eighth) the respective hybrids have received separate names. We have left them as P. X Lemoinierianum and P. X Rosy-Gem, but it will be seen that the interval separating the original P. longifolium and P. Schlimii has been almost filled up by a series of slightly differing inter- mediate forms, involving a very difficult question of nomenclature. SECONDARY HYBRIDS COMBINING THREE SPECIES may result from the intercrossing of primary hybrids with a third species, as in the case of Leliocattleya x fausta, just mentioned, or from the union of primary hybrids that have one parent in common, as in the variable Paphiopedilum x Charlesianum, whose parents, P. X Leeanum and P. X nitens, are both partly derived from P. insigne. | Combinations of three species may also be formed by crosses of increased complexity. It is among hybrids formed by the union of three distinct species that the remarkably wide range of variation observed among secondary hybrids is first met with. Paphio- pedilum X aureum and P. X Hera may be mentioned as two of the most familiar examples, but many others could be enumerated. HYBRIDS COMBINING FOUR SPECIES result from the intercrossing of primary hybrids whose original parents are all different ; also from more complex crosses. For example Paphiopedilum X Harri-Leeanum was derived from P. X Harrisianum and P. X Leeanum, and thus is composed of equal parts of P. barbatum, villosum, insigne and P. Spicerianum, but the same four species were combined when P. Spicerianum and P. X cnanthum were united to form P. * Figaro, though the proportions are different. In this the amount of P. Spicerianum blood is doubled, while that of P. barbatum and P. villosum is reduced by one-half. Again, in P. X Brunianum, raised from P. X Leeanum and P. X cenanthum, the same four species appear, but here we get half P. insigne and a quarter of P. Spicerianum, while P. barbatum and P. villosum are represented as in P. X HISTORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. XXV. Figaro. Other combinations between the same four species are possible, it not actually in existence. But the complexity does not end here, for a similar result may be reached in three different ways. P. X Boyleanum was raised from P. X Crossianum and P. X Harrisianum, but the union of P. x nitens with P. xX calophyllum, also that of P. x Ashburtonz with P. x Measuresianum would agree on analysis, each being composed of equal parts of P. barbatum, insigne, venustum and villosum. The second cross is called P. X Patria, but the arrangement is not satisfactory. The third cross has not been raised. HYBRIDS FROM FIVE SPECIES are at present rare. The first was Paphiopedilum xX Kubele, raised from P. X cenanthum ¢? and P. X Youngianum ¢, which flowered in 1g01. Two years later, P. X Kohinoor appeared, raised from P. X cenanthum ¢@ and P. X Haywoodianum ¢, and in 1906 P. X Seraphis, from P. x Orpheus 2 and P. X cenanthum ¢. All were raised by the late Mr. Reginald Young, of Liverpool, and it will be noticed that in each case P. x cenanthum was one ofthe parents, so that all have three species in common. In fact P. X Kubele and P. x Kohinoor possess four species in common, for both P. x Youngianum and P. xX Haywoodianum are half derived from P. superbiens, and thus the difference between them is in respect of only one out of the five original species. Hybrids of still greater complexity are clearly possible, but we do not remember one having flowered yet. VARIABILITY OF HyBrips.—An excellent example of the wide range of variation seen in secondary hybrids is afforded by the case of Paphiopedilum x Hera, derived from P.xX Leeanum ? and P. Boxallig, of which a series of thirty flowers, arranged in three groups, have been figured (Journ. Roy. Hori. Soc. xxvii. pp. 614-624, fig. 167-169: Orch. Rev. 1903, pp. 71-73, fig. 16-18). They were selected from a series of forty-nine flowers, of which no two were exactly alike. The thirty figured show great variation both in shape and colour, some being profusely spotted and blotched with purple- brown, and others much suffused with the same colour, while in a few the purple markings are very much reduced. These differences may be attributed to the varying influence in the offspring of the original species, P. Boxallii, P. insigne and P. Spicerianum, and it emphasises the import- ance of keeping accurate records, for their common origin would never have been guessed. Still more remarkable is the case of P. aureum, a hybrid from P. Spicerianum ¢ and P. nitens (Sallieri Hyeanum) ¢, which has been described under nearly forty different names. We cannot give the whole range of variation, but may mention the differences seen in the six varieties figured by M. Goossens (Dict. Ic. Orch., Paph. hyb.). P. x aureum (t. 24) has the petals, lip and the lower half of the dorsal sepal greenish yellow, XXVI. HISFORY OF ORCHID HYBRIDISATION. with the upper half of the latter white, the only other colour being a few minute brown lines at the base of the petals and a few brown dots inside - the lip. In var. virginale (t. 24 a) there is a slight suffusion of brown in the flower, and some purple veining on the petals and base of the dorsal sepal. In var. Marie Closon (t. 24e) the purple on the dorsal sepal takes the form of a band, which extends to beyond the middle of the dorsal sepal. In var. Cyrus (t. 24d) the bandon the dorsal sepal is broader and extends right to the apex, while traces of lateral bands occur, with many brown dots on the base of the dorsal sepal and petals. In var. Cédippe (t. 24c) the greater part of the dorsal sepal is suffused and veined with purple, and the whole flower is darker in colour. Lastly, in var. Hebe (t. 24 b) both the petals and dorsal sepal are closely spotted with dark brown all over, the spots on the latter being purple where they extend into the white area. These remark- ably diverse forms came out of the same capsule. The case of Dendrobium x Blackianum (Orch. Rev. 1904, p. 104) is equally remarkable. It was obtained from D. Findlayanum crossed with the pollen of D. X Wiganiz, and exhibits a remarkable range of variation. There are buff yellow forms, with the disc of the lip reddish maroon, and varying considerably in size, others in which the coloured disc is greatly reduced in size or almost absent, some with white ground colour and purple tips to the sepals and petals, and a purple disc to the lip; in short there are forms approaching each parent in general character. . Among Dendrobiums, Cattleyas, Odontoglossums and others cases could be mentioned where a wide range of variation has been observed between the offspring from the same capsule, and the more distinct the original species the greater the possibilities of variation. This variation affords materials for selection, and for great improvements in the future. ASN AR se fae LITERATURE OF ORCHID MYBRIDS: THE literature of Orchid Hybrids is becoming rather extensive, and the following list of works and papers dealing with various phases of the subject will probably be found useful. It does not profess to be exhaustive, but contains most of the principal works that were readily accessible at the time it was compiled, and includes many papers on Natural Hybrids belonging to cultivated genera. 1847. On Hybridisation among Vegetables. By the Hon. and Very Rev. William Herbert, LL.D. Orchids.—Fourn. Hort. Soc. vol. it. Pp: 104. 1858. Calanthe x Dominii (witha few general remarks). By Dr. Lindley. Gard. Chron. 1858, p. 4. 1871. Seedling Orchids. By F. W. Burbidge.—Gard. Chron. 1871, pp. 43-44, fig. 9. 1873. Hybridising Orchids. By F. W. Burbidge.—The Garden, 111. pp. 163-164. 1876. Cultivated Plants, their propagation and improvement. By F. W. Burbidge. The Orchid family, pp. 414-424. 1883. Hybrid Cypripediums. By W. Goldring.—Gard. Chron. 1883, 1. Be 707. £880. ‘The Hybridisation of Orchids. By H. J. Veitch, F.L.S.—journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. vii. pp. 22-36, with five plates. 1887. On Bigeneric Orchid Hybrids. By R. A. Rolfe, A.L.S.—Fourn. EHH. 50... XXIV. ED. L50-L70;, t. 4. 1887-1894. A Manual of Orchidaceous Plants cultivated under glass in Great Britain. By James Veitch & Sons. (Includes most of the hybrids then in existence). 1888. On the fertilisation of Cattleya labiata var. Mossiez, Lindl. By Harry James Veitch, F.L.S.—Fourn. Linn. Soc. xxiv. pp. 395-406, fig. I-14. 1892. Les Orchidées de Semis. By Ernest Bergman.—fourn. Soc. Nat. a’Hort. de France, xiv. pp. 41-43, 85-93, 159-169, 211-223, 274- 292, 422-446, 494-500. 1893 The History of Orchid Hybridisation. By R. A. Rolfe.—Orch. Rev. 1. pp. 3-6, 35-40, 67-71, 99-103, 131-134, 195-197, 227-229, 259- 263, 291-295, 323-328, 356-360. 1893-1904. Hybrid Odontoglossums. By R. A. Rolfe.—Orch Rev. i. pp. 142-144, 170-174, 201-206, 275-278, 331-3343 ll. pp. 139-141, 200- 201, 328-330; ili. pp. 325-329; v- Pp. 74-75; Vi. pp. 179-180; XXVii. XXVIll. DAE TILERATORE OF ORCHID TYVEahiDs- 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1894. 1894. 1894. 1894. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1896. 1896. 1896. Vil. pp. 167-169; vill. pp. 299-301 ; 1x. pp. 56, 260-264; xi. pp. 197- 198; xu. p. 176. (A series of papers relating to the Natural Hybrids ih the genus). ’ Lelio-cattleya X elegans and L.-c. X Schilleriana. By R. A Rolfe. —Orch. Rev. 1. pp. 235-238. Hybrid Oncidiums. By R: A. Rolfe.—Orch. Rev. i. pp. 298-302. Leelio-cattleya Brassocatlelia x . . Aphrodite. Wiganii. A. ae : Mz xiana. F & : peseleri cage idounane | L.-c. x elegans. B.-c.-l. x Mackayi, 5. ANCCTOCHILUS. 2, B. fragrans. l. A. Roxburghii. Cattleya inter- Brassocattleya -Hemaria discolor. Ancectomaria x | media. nivalis, Dominyi, | C. Mossie. B.-c. X striata. 2 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Te | Brassavola— (continued). 3. B. glauca. C. Leopoldi: B.-c. conspicua. C. Lueddemanniana. B.-c. x Milton. C. Schroedere. B.-c. x Sanderi. C. Triane. B.-c. x Orpheus. Lelia cinnabarina. Brassolzelia x Clio. L. harpophylla. B.-l. x Bouteletii. 4. B. Perrinii. Cattleya Leopoldi. Brassocattleya x belairensis. | 8. BRASSOCATTLEYA. 1. B.-c. x Lindleyana (nat. hyb.). Leeliocattleya x Brassocatlelia x elegans. Lawrencei. 9. CALANTHE. 1. C. x bella. C. x Veitchit. C. x Florence. 2. C. Darblayana. C. rosea. C. x splendens. Cc. x*Ruby. C. x atrorubens. Phaius grandifolius. Phaiocalanthe x grandis. | 3. C. furcata. C. Masuca. C. x Dominyi. 4. C. x gigas. Phaius grandifolius. Phaiocalanthe x Niobe. P.-c. < bella: . vestita. C. x Barberiana.. 15. G. x Veitchii. ; < bella: C. x Plorente: . labrosa. C. x lentiginosa. . Regniert. C. °s¢° Winnie . rosea. C. x Victoria- Regina. . Turner. C.. x hellae . vestita. C. *« Sedeait Phaius grandifolius. Phaiocalanthe x Sedeniana. . Wallichit. P.-c. x Brandtiz.. 16. C. veratrifolia. U C. Masuca. C. x Rollissoni. C. Regnieri. C. x Elwesii. C. Sanderiana. C. x Laucheana. C. x Sedenii. C. x albata. 17. C. vestita. . labrosa. C. x porphyrea. Regnieri. C. x Darblayana.. rosea. C. x Veitchii. x Sedenii. €: x Ruby- . Lurnert. C. x Barberiana.. x Veitchil. C. x Sedenii. haius grandifolius. Phaiocalanthe irrorata. Part fs] THE 10. CATTLEYA. 1. C. Aclandiz. C. bicolor. C. x Fascelis. C. Dowiana. C. x Clementine. C. Forbesii. C. & quinquecolor. C. granulosa. C. * Bleui. C. intermedia. C. < Doin €. luteola. C. Greve. . X Leucothoe. . X Wavriniana. Leeliocattleya x Millerze. L.-c. x Mylam- jana, lm-c.. < Galatea: L.-c. <* burba- gensis. L.-¢: > Magnet: L.-c. < Robinii. Li-e. x Neel: Gieilelerlerelelelorerererero@ L. crispa. L. Dayana. L. purpurata. L. tenebrosa. L. xanthina. Leliocattleya x Schilleriana. 18. C. guttata. C. Loddigesii. C. x hybrida. . < weedoniensis. . Xx Dallemagnee. | . X Shakespeare. QN220 AAONAOAEe THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. A Cattleya—(continued), 19. C. x Hardyana. Brassavola Digby- ana. C. Bowringiana. . granulosa. labiata. . Leopoldi. . Mendelii. Leelia cinnabarina. L. pumila. L. tenebrosa. Leliocattleya x albanensis. L.-c. x elegans. L-c., < Schiller ana. Brassocattleya x heatonensis. x Whiteley. < Germania. < Roehrsiana. Leeliocattleya x Edwardi. [.-6. < rubens: L.-c. * Haroldiana. L.-c. x dellensis. elerelele . < Chantinil. . < Green- woodil. 20. C. x Harrisii. C. Bowringiana. C. < Brownize. Pittiz. Williamsize. Gratrixiz. Lucianiana. x highbur- iensis. Cx Daphne: Leeliocattleya x Gladys. >. X Groganiz. COG Naina . X confusa. > & Whitiniz. ecu Crans- touniz. Sophrocattleya x Chamberlaint. x x x x clololelole) 22. C. intermedia. Brassavola fragrans. . Aclandiz. . amethystoglossa. . citrina. . Forbesii. . Leopoldi. GC GC C. aurantiaca. Cc c & _ C. Loddigesii. C, Lueddeman- niana. | C. maxima. C. Mendelii. Brassocattleya x nivalis. C. x calummata. C. x interglossa. C. x aurantimedia. C. * lamberhurst- ensis. . X Isabella. x intricata. . Xx Claesiana. Ella: L.-c. X Schilleri- ana. Lecs< Cicero. L.-c. x Santiago. L.-c. x Zampa. Sophrocattleya x Batemanniana. intricata. C. x Burberryana. . iricolor. Cr >< Philo: < Isabella. C. x Parthenia. 26. C. labiata. Brassavola Digby- ana. . Aclandiz. . bicolor. . Bowringiana. x Brymeriana. dolosa. Dowiana. Eldorado. elongata. granulosa. x Hardyana. . Lawrenceana. . Leopoldi. . Loddigesii. . Mossiz. Lelia anceps. Vo tmolelelolelelolelolelere L. autumnalis. L. cinnabarina. L. crispa. L. Dayana. Brassocattleya Fourniere. C. x Eurydice: C. x Clarkiz. C. x Portia. Cox Viceroy- C. x rubescens. Cis Pala: C. x Marone. C. x Rembrandt. C x Imperator. C. x Peetersii. C. x Mars. C. x Victoria- Regina. x Mastersone. x CEnone. Leliocattleya Liptoni. lec. oe COLnuta: L.-c. x Coronis. L.-c. x Veitchiana. L.c. x Wilsone. ele Gie@ COnOoeo Coan Cattleya labiata--(continued). | L. Perrinii. L. pumila. L. purpurata. L. tenebrosa. Leliocattleya x Clive. L.-c. x elegans. L.-c. X exoniensis. L.-c. x Gottoiana. Ries -c. X Schillerti- ana. Dihe | C. labiata. C. Lueddeman- niana. . Mendelii. -. Mossiz. . Percivaliana. . Schilleriana. -. Schroedere. . Triane. . Warscewiczil. Lelia Boothiana. CiGiGie1@ L. cinnabarina. L. harpophylla. L. Perrinii. L. purpurata. L. tenebrosa. Leeliocattleya x elegans. L.-c. x Statteriana. . x Cornelia. bella. . x Lucasiana. . x Cooksone. -. x Schulze- «x Leone. < Jeanette. < Scottiana. C. Lawvenceana. © x Mars. >< Preciosa. x Murrayi. x Lawre- mossiz. x Sedenii. >< Firebrand. « Jussieu. C. x Cecilia: C. x Jupiter. Leliocattleya x Hilda. L.-c. x highburi- ensis. L.-c. << Hidae L.-c. x Minerva. L.-c. x Hyeana. L.-c. x Baden- Powellii. L.-c. x Ruby. Cc oF C. Cc: G CG; 28. C. Leopoldi. Brassavola Digby- ana. . Perrinii. bicolor. . Bowringiana. Dowiana. Eldorado. . Gaskelliana. . granulosa. . x Hardyana. . Harrisoniana. . intermedia. . labiata. . Loddigesii. . Mendelii. . Mossiz. 22 EPALEEOH Brassocattleya x conspicua. B.-c. * belairensis. C. x Mahlere. C. x Bactia. C. x Chamber- lainiana. x Mitchellii. Doris. Titus. Fowleri. Lucianiana. intricata. Victoria- Regina. . x Patrocinii. yx Harrisit: . X Cyane. x x x x x x Pari I.]| THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Cattleya Leopoldi—(continued). -C. Schroeder. C. <_ Eclipse: Leeliocattleya x Dido. L.-c. x Marriotti- ana. L.-c. X Speran- skye. 45. C. superba. C. Aclandiz. C. Bowringiana. C. Forbesii. C. Gaskelliana. C. granulosa. C. intermedia. C. X intricata. C. Leopoldi. C. Loddigesii. C. Mossiz. C. Warscewiczii. C. x Selfridge. C¢. >< Chatrles= worthii. x mollis. < Adonis: KX KK OX \ / chololovelolelenmere xX X X Cattleya Warscewiczii—(coutinued). | C..x Patroeini, C..x< miami PG. dex. C. x Clymene: | C. Schilleriana. C. x Edwards: | C. Schroederze. C. x Leon | C. superba. C. x Macezenas. C. Trianz. C. x Ballantini- ana. Lelia cinnabarina. Lzeliocattleya x Cappei. L. crispa. L.-c. x Nysa. L. Dayana. L.-c. x Euphro- syne. L. Perrinu. L.-c. < Roths- childiz. L. pumila. L.-c.. X epicasta. L. purpurata. L.-c. x callisto- glossa. L. tenebrosa. L.-c. x bletchley- ensis. L. xanthina. L.-c. ¢iSedenit: C. Mastersii. C. x Charles- worthii. ‘C. tigrinum. C. x Lowgrinum. 5. C. Mastersii. C. giganteum. C. . D. primulinum. ee a | age Dosnavicaiiiane D. pulchellum. D. x Whitei. | D. nobile. D. x Lotus. D. Ruckeri. D. x Roeblingi- 46, D. superbum. anum. ‘ D. X Schneideri- D. x Acis. | D. aureum. D. x Gemma. ae D. Parishii. D. x Nestor. fe D. Pierardi D. x Adrastus D. signatum. D. x Wiganiz. D. eis i D. = genres D. suavissimum. D. 5¢ Tucttis: le fe POON NEES D. thyrsiflorum. D. x Backhousei. 47. D. thyrsiflorum. D. tortile. D. x Niobe. D bile. D. x Back! sei. D. Wardianum. D. x murrhini- Pokies ; _ i aa pete 48. D. tortile. 34. D. Parishii. D. nobile. D. x Niobe. ‘D. superbum. D. x Nestor. | ; 49. D. Wardianum. 35. D. Pierardi. D. x Ainsworthii. D. x Lutwyche- D. superbum. D. x Adrastus. ey. cananen gee D concen 36. D. x Pitcherianum. D. x Cassiope. D. x Berkeleyi. D. moniliforme. D. x Galatea. | _ x rlerae = x Me s ‘ - crassinode. ee altoni. 37. D. primulinum. D. Findlayanum. D. x harefieldi- D. x Ainsworthii. D. x Achilles. ense. D. nobile. D. x Pitchert- D. Hildebrandii. D. x Haywoodiz. anum. D. Linawianum. D. x chlorostele. D. superbum. D. x Mentor. D. lituiflorum. D. X micans. 38. D. l | D. luteolum. Dye Bryan. | Pon ee | D. moniliforme. D. x Veitchii. D. chrysotoxum. D. x. illustre. | D. nobile. D. Xx murrhini- D. Hutton. Dix PES starter gastrum. £ : s D. moniliforme. D. x Stratius. 50. D. x Wiganie. D. nobile. D. x Whitei. | D. x Ainsworthii. D. x Thwaitesiz. 39. D. x Rubens. | 1G. DISA 4 : | s . D. aureum. D. x Ariel. | 1. D. grandiflora. 40. D. Ruckeri. ' D. x kewensis. D. x Watsoni. D. nobile. D. x Roeblingi- D. racemosa. D. x Veitchii. anum. _ D. tripetaloides. D. x kewensis. 41, D. sanguinolentum. D. x Veitchii. D. x Diores. D. Huttoni. D. x rhodostoma. 2. D. x kewensis. 42, D. x Schneiderianum. =P grandiflora. D. x Watsoni. ; | D. x Veitchii. D. x Elwesii. D. x Dominy- D. x Holmesi- | Make fe anum. anum. 3. D. racemosa. D. nobile. D. x Acis. | D. grandifiora. D. x Veitchii. 14 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Pare Tt Disa racemosa—(continiued). D. tripetaloides. D. x Veitchii. D. x Luna. 4. D. tripetaloides. . grandiflora. D. x kewensis. . racemosa. D. x langleyensis. - X Veitchil. D: x) Premier. 5. D. x Veitchii. woke) D. grandifiora. D. x Diores. D. « kewensis. D. x Elwesii. D. racemosa. D2 Lana: D. tripetaloides. D. x Premier. 17. DOSSINIA. 1. D. marmorata. Hzmaria discolor. Dossinimaria x Dominyi. 18, EPIDENDRUM. 1. E. x Burtoni. E. radicans. E. x Boundii. 2. E. ciliare. E. Wallisit. E. x Sedenii. Lelia anceps. Epilelia x Hardyana. L. autumnalis. L. Dayana. BL xX Efos. 3. E. cinnabarinum. E. x O’Brient- E. x Acis. anum. E. radicars. E. x Galatea. 4, E. cochleatum. E. cucullatum. E. < bybrida; l.-¢._ x epicasta: L. X amoena. L. x Gravesiz. L. . x radiata. -c. < Dominiana. ss xX Resins: < Alberts. C. Warneri. Lec? S< GE dissa: L. autumnalis. ie <- Omen. L. Boothiana. IX epulcherrima: L. cinnabarina. Ean leatona: L. crispa. L. x splendens. L. Dayana. le. oC Diana: L. grandis. L. x Mantinit. L. harpophylla. lL: x Briseis: L. Perrinii. L. x Ingrame. L. tenebrosa. L.: x Pacavia. Leeliocattleya x Leliocattleya x callistoglossa. Birkbeckize. L.-c. x Dominiana. L.-c. x Wiganiana. L.-c. x elegans. L.-c. x Pringiersit. L.-c. x Schilleri- L.-c. x Horniana. ana. Sophronitis grandi- Sophrolelia x flora. heatonensis. 21. L. superbiens. Leliocattleya x Humberti. Cattleya Aclandiz. C. Mossiz. L. anceps. L. x Nemesis. 22. L. tenebrosa. Brassavola Digby- Brassolzlia x ana. Helen. Cattleya Aclandiz. Lzliocattleya x Remula. C. bicolor. L.-c. x La-France. C. Bowringiana. L.-c. « Wrene. C. x Brymeriana. L.-c. xX Milleri. C. Dowiana. Li-c.. x: Truffauti- ana C. Gaskelliana. L.-¢. Eva. C. granulosa. L.-c. X Magnei. ORCHID oe BBS [Pag wk. one EGC GaGoe Ge L.-c. x Choletiana. Lelia tenebrosa— (continued). < Hardyana. . Harrisoniana. . labiata. . Lawrenceana. . Leopoldi. . Mendelii. . Mossiz. . Rex. . Schilleriana. . Schroederze. . superba. Triane. . Warneri. . Warscewiczil. Epidendrum vitellinum. L. Boothiana. L. cinnabarina. L. crispa. L. Dayana. L. harpophylla. L.: x sLatonat L. pumila. L. purpurata. L.-c. x callisto- glossa. L.-c. x Canhami- ana. Lac. X Hippolyta: L.-c. < Schillers- ana. L.-c. X Hidnoldm ana. L.-c. Crane toune. L.-c. < ‘Cattleya Warsce- wiczii. Lelia tenebrosa. L.-c. X callisto- glossa. 8. L.-c. x ‘Cattleya Bow- ringiana. ‘C. labiata. 97 1i.-c. x ‘Cattleya Luedde- manniana. ‘C. superba. 10: L.-6. Cattleya Bow- ringiana. C. Trianz. C. Warscewiczii. Lelia crispa. L. purpurata. Clive. L.-¢ L.-c. x dellensis. amanda. L.-c. x Brymeri- ana. Amesiana. L.-c. x Nephelia. Aphrodite. Brassocatleelia x Wiganil. bella. L.-c. x Alexandre. L.-c. X Iberia. callistoglossa. L.-c. X Colmani- ana. L.-c. X wiseton- ensIs. E=cs 5 1 | ‘ . 20. L.-c. x Proserpine. | L. Skinnert. L. < Praseri. M. tovarensis. M. x McVittize. M. triangularis. M. x Cassiope. M. Veitchiana. M. x falcata. 10. M. coriacea. M. Veitchiana. M. x Hebe. 11. M. cucullata. M. Veitchiana. M. x bockingensis. | 12. M. Davisii. M. tovarensis. M. x Winnie. M. Veitchiana. M. x Gairiana. 13. M. Estrade. M. Arminii. M. x Leda. M. caudata. M. x Sedenii. M. coccinea. M. x Stella. M. ignea. M. x Whitei. M. Veitchiana. M. x langleyensis. 14. M. x Gairiana. M. caudata. M. x Hincksiz. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Masdevallia—(continwed). 5. M. Barleana. 7. M. x Chelsoni. M. coccinea. M. x Pluto. 15. M. ignea. M. amabilis. M. x Rebecca. M. caudata. M. x Henrietta. M. coccinea. M. x Fraseri. M. Estradz. M. x Whitei. M. racemosa. M. x Rushtoni. M. tovarensis. M. x Hincksiana. M. Veitchiana. M. x Heathii. M. Masdevallia—(continwed). 16. M. Barlzeana. 17>- Mi . tovarensis. 18. M. . x Chelsoni. 19. M. . ignea. infracta. M. x glaphyrantha. macrura. Mi. Curler: peristeria. M. x Ajax. racemosa. M. x Rushtoni. M. triangularis. M. x Doris. 20. M. Reichenbachiana. . < Chelsoni. M. x Asmodia. 21. M. rosea. . caudata. M. x Courtauldi- ana. | 22. M. Schlimii. | M. Veitchiana. M. x Imogen. 23. M. Schreederiana. . Veitchiana. M. x Circe. 24. M. tovarensis. M. amabilis. M. x Measures- | jana. | M. Chimera. Meyse- Eric: | M. coccinea. M. x McVittiz. M. Davisii. M. x Winnie. M. ignea. M. x Hincksiana. . macrura. M. x Curlei. M. Veitchiana. M. x Amesiana. 25. M. triangularis. . coccinea. M. x Cassiope. . racemosa. M. x Doris. 26. M. Veitchiana. M. abbreviata. M. x Acis. M. amabilis. M. x Chelsoni. M. x Asmodia. M. x Alceste. M. Barlzana. M. x splendida. . caudata. M. x Kimballiana. . coccinea. M. x falcata. M. coriacea. M. x Hebe. . cucullata. M. x bockingensis. . Davisil. M. x Gairiana. M. Estradz. M. x langleyensis. M. ignea. M. x Heathii. . Schlimit. M. x Imogen. . Schroederiana. M. x Circe. M. tovarensis. M. x Amesiana. M. Wageneriana. M. x Sanderi. — . xanthina. M. x Lawrence}. 27. M. Wageneriana. M. Veitchiana. M. x Sanderi. i) Masdevallia—(continued). 28. M. xanthina. M. caudata. M. Veitchiana. M. x Geleniana. M. x Lawrenceti. 26. MILTONIA. 1. M. Roezlii. M. vexillaria. M. x 2. M. vexillaria. M. Roezlit. Bleuana. M. x Bleuana. 27. ODONTOGLOSSUM. 1. O. x Andersonianum. O. Harryanum. 2. O. cirrhosum. O. Halli. O. x elegans. O. sceptrum. O. x Juno. 3. O. crispum. ©: % Denison?) O.-x ‘mirum. O. Halli. O. x Cookson. O. Harryanum. O. x spectabile. O. Kegeljani. O. x waltonense. O. luteopurpureum. O. x Denisonee. GO. nobile. O. * armainvillier- ense. O. & mirificum. O. x bellatulum. O. harveng- tense. 4. 0. x Denisone. O. & mirum. O. x Vuylstekei. O. sceptrum. O. tripudians. O. triumphans. O. crispum. O. triumphans. 5. O. x elegans. O. nobile. O. * beardwoodi- ense. 6. O. Hallii. O. cirrhosum. O. « elegans. O. crispum. O. * Cooksoni. O. Harryanum. O. x Crawshay- anum. 7. 0. Harryanum. O. < Andersoni- O. x anum. O. crispum. O. X spectabile. O. Hallii. O. x Crawshay- anum. O. Lindleyanum. O. x Wattianum. O. luteopurpureum. O. x Hyeanum. O. nobile. O. « Rolfez. O. triumphans. O. x Charles- worthii. O. x Bradshawie. Bradshawiee. THE ORCHID STUDBOOK O exe) O. crispum. (Part 1 Odontoglossum—(continued). 8. 0, Kegeljani. . crispum. O. x waltonense. 9. O. Lindleyanum. . Harryanum. O. x Wattianum. 10. O. luteopurpureum. . crispum. O. x Denisone. . Harryanum. O. x Hyeanum. 11. O. nobile. O. < armainvillier- ense. O. x elegans. O. x beardwoodi- ense. O. Harryanum. O. « Roliteg: O. sceptrum O. < amoenum. O. triumphans. O. x excellens. 12. 0. sceptrum. O. cirrhosum. O. x Jane: O. crispum. O. x mirificum. O. nobile. O. x amoenum. 13. O. tripudians. O. crispum. O. x bellatulum. 14. O. triumphans. O. crispum. O. x harveng- tense. ' O. x Denisonze. O. X Vuylstekel. O. Harryanum. O. < lo: P. x Argo-Mor- _ gani. P. x leopardinum. P. x Gravesiz. ) | Batalinit. Rehdere. Wilsone. aspasioides. Crethus. Rothwelli- anum. < Iphis. P. < vernixium. Arthurianum. P. x Argutus. P. x Osyanum. Per Xe lueeze: P. x Minos. 5. P. x Ashburtone. P. barbatum. P. x calophyllum. P. callosum. P. x Harrisianum. P. insigne. . x Leeanum. < Numa. purpuratum. Spicerianum. Stonei. . < vernixium. our. yo lie EE P. P: x Philene. x Imperatrix. x Zenobia. x P. x Anneertit. P. x Louise. P. « whitefieldi- ense. x Atropos. < Donatii. < Clarkiz. < Lumsdenii. x festum. Ps Pe < Descombesiz. burfordiense. Wiganianum. STUD-BOOK. 23 Paphiopedilum barbatum— (contd). . ciliolare. . concolor. x Crossianum. . Curtisii. . Dayanum. . Druryi. x Euryale. . Fairrieanum. . Godetroye. . Haynaldianum . hirsutissimum. P. Hookereze. P. insigne. P. Lawrenceanum. P. x Lathamianum., P. x Leeanum. P. Lowi. P. Mastersianum. P. niveum. P. & cenanthum. P. philippinense. P. preestans. P. purpuratum. P. Rothschildi- anum. P. x selligerum. Spicerianum. _ Stonei. . superbiens. x superciliare. < Swantanum. . tonsum. - venustum. x vexillarium. . villosum. . virens. . < Phoebe. P. Rothschildi- P. x Roltei. anum. P. Spicerianum. Pox Enid: P. superbiens. P. x Measuresiz. P. < superciliare. P. x Arnoldiz. P. x Swanianum. P. x Cycnides. P. tonsum. P: x Hunters: P. venustum. P. x Veaubel- P: x vexilarium. ~P. x Gratrixiz: P. villosum. P. x allertonense. P. x Youngianum. P. x Beranekii. J. P-- x< Bleu: P. bellatulum. P. x Asmodia. P. « superciliare. P. x Alfredianum. 10. P. Boxallii. P. Argus. P. x Murillo: P. barbatum. P. * apiculatum. P. bellatulum. P. « Berkleyanum. P. callosum. Po oC Bartelsis: P. x calophyllum. -P.. x Pitot P. x Calypso. P. x Menelik. P. x Canhami. P. x Lendyanum. P. Chamberlaini- PP. x Kamilii. anum. P. Charlesworthii. P. x Elsie. P.xchloroneurum. P. x Burberry- anum. P. Curtisii. P. x Saint-Hilda. P. Dayanum. P.. xX Seylla. P. Druryi. P. « Gordoni. P. exul. P. .< deene: P. x gemmiferum. P. x Heloisianum. P. «x Germiny- P. « eximium. anum. P. x Harrisianum. P. x Eismanni- anum. P. Haynaldianum. P. x Prceetus. P. hirsutissimum. P: | | « Godseffianum. | THE -ORCHID STU D-BOOK [Parkes Paphiopedilum Boxallii— (continued). Ps qe} Te) 10) JO) AO)1e) 40) aollsolise ore eer insigne. = 5¢ Ilo: . Javanicum. .< Lathamianum. . Lawrenceanum. . X Leeanum. . Lowi. . x Morganie. . < nitens. . niveum. - < cenanthum. x Orpheus. . philippinense. Rothschildi- anum. . Spicerianum. . Stonei. . superbiens. . tonsum. - venustum. . villosum. 11. P. x Bruro. P. < Leeanum. Pe Pp: Pp DUDUY MUTT UU TUM UOT x Schlesingert- anum. > Behrensi- anum. . xX vernixioides. x Bala. . x Thayerianum. x Hera. x Beatrice. > Frederico- nobiie. < Parkerianum. x Gracez. rubescens. Juturna. < Leemanni. 12. P. Bullenianum. . insigne. - purpuratum. - venustum. P: ES P: < corbeillense. x Remus. » Fitchianum. 13. P. callosum. Argus. . < Ashburtone. . barbatum. . bellatulum. . Boxallit. - calophyllum. . Chamberlaini- anum. . Charlesworthii. . ciliolare. . concolor. . Curtisit: Druryi. exul. . Fairrieanum. . Godefroye. >< Harrisianum. . hirsutissimum. -. Hookerz. . Appletcnianum. P. x siamense. P- x calloso-Argus. P. x Zenobia. P. « calloso-bar- |e batum. . X Wottoni. . * Bartelsir . < Pallas . X Alcippe. Pp Pp Pp Pp P. .x Rositae P. X Zeus P: Pp IP) Pp led Pp P Pp * conco-callo- sum. . X Goulteni- anum. Smithianum. Conwayi. Juno. Finetit. Ledouxiz. Doncasteri- anum. < Fortuna. xX X Part I.] Paphiopedilum callosum—(conid.). P. insigne. BP: < Leone. P. x Lathamianum. P. x Calliope. P. Lawrenceanum. P. P. x Leeanum. P. Mastersianum. P. niveum. P. x cenanthum. P. philippinense. P. Rothschildi- anun. P. Sanderianum. P. x Sementa. P. Spicerianum. P. Stone. P. superbiens. P. X superciliare. P. x Tautzianum. P. tonsum. P. venustum. P. villosum. ES ee P. P: Pp P: ~ xX x ep AN < EBirae P. x Minnie. P. x Burbidge- anumi. P. « Watsoni- anum. P. x ,Orien: P. x concolawre- P. x White. P. x Arete. P. x platycolor. P. « Arnoldianum-. P. x Marchandii. P. x Marshalli- anum. P. x conco-vil- losum. 27. P x conspicuum. P. insigne. rice es P. Charlesworthit. P. « Ridolfianum. < Creon. P. x Robertsit. 29. P. x Crossianum. P. barbatum. P. bellatulum. P. x Harrisianum. P. insigne. P. x Leeanum. P. Xx marmioro- phyllum. P. Spicerianum. FP ee PAX PLS Ps Xx ye Margarite. Jacobianum. Boyleanum. Rafaeli. Clusia. Lachesis. / Po P. x Malyanum. 30. P. Curtisii. P. Argus. P. barbatum. P. x Hurrelli- anum. Pi aK Kerchove- anum. Part |. Paphiopedilum Curtisii— (continued). | . bellatulum. . Boxallit. . callosum. . x Canhami. . Charlesworthii. . ciliolare. . concolor. Dayanum. Druryi. Gordon: | P. callosum. P. x Smithianum. P. Charlesworthii. P. x Rogersoni. P. ciliolare. P. x Greyanum. P. Curtisit. P. x Fairy-Queen. P. x Godseffianum. P. x Castalia. P. < Harrisianum.,P: x Florence. P. hirsutissimum, P. x Dallemagnet. P. Hookere. P. x Druryo- Hookere. P. insigne. Pe esr P. Lawrenceanum. P. x Cybele. . < nitens. . niveum. < Crossianum. . Curtisii. Dayanum. Druryi. exul. . Godefroyee. . Haynaldianum. . hirsutissimum. . Hookere. . insigne. . Javanicum. < Lathamianum. «< Lawrebel. . Lawrenceanum. < Leeanum. . Mastersianum. . X nitens. . niveum. . & cenanthum. x orphanum. . purpuratum. .Rothschildi- anum. . Sanderianum. . * Schroederi. . * selligerum. . Spicerianum. . superbiens. . x Swanianum. . tonsum. . venustum. . * vernixium. . villosum. UD MX EX KX P. x grandi- florum. P.. x ,Enstea P. x southgat- ense. P. x Eismanni- anum. . X Ledouxiz. < Fausianum. loochristi- ense. cenanthum. Colmanii. Pryorianum. Unxia. gigas. Harri-Lee- anum. x Belus. giganteum. Marwoodii. Creon. Gabrielli. concinnum. Excelsior. io UG Ue Owe OU eee Ucny KKK KK col hehehe) 12 asp el gchire tel iclue SRS SDD Gee xX XX XK X Xx Harrisander. Little-Gem. Paulit. Savageanum. Tryonianum. Rossiz. lee orangense. P. x chloroneurum P. x bellinum. P. * conspicuum. P. P. Ee Part |.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Paphiopedilum— (continwed). 47. P. barbatum. P. bellatulum. P. Boxallit. P. x Canhami. P. Chamberlaini- anum. P. x Harrisianum. P. Hookerz. P. insigne. P. « Lathamianum. - X Leeanum. P_ philippinense. P. Spicerianum. . X Swanianum. P. villosum. P. Haynaldianum. P. x Orissa. Pix Ariel. P. x Preetus. Prox “into, P. x Myra. P. x Wincqzi- anum. P. < Zanipa: P. x Durbar. Pa << Erato: P.. x Carderi. P. x Medeia. P. x Castleanum. P. x Bondii. P. x Deception. P. x Jenseni- s = c =: UU 20) Paphiopedilum hirsutissimnum— (continued). P. villosum. P. x Germiny- anum. 51. P. Hookere. P. barbatum. P. bellatulum. P. callosum. P. ciliolare. Po Curtis. P.:Druryi. P. x Harrisianum. P. Haynaldianum. P. insigne. P,. Lawrenceanum. P. < marmoro- phyllum. P, Mastersianum. [BE oie P. * marmoro- phyllum, P. x Youngiz. P. x Fortuna. P. oy Cleopatra: P. purpuratum. P. x gemmiferum.. P. Rothschildi- Poe dupiter. anum. P. x, Semienta. P. x amabile. P. Spicerianum. PP.» Eurydice: P. Stone. P. a Gran. x Romulus. < Ghalia: . x burbagense a Kwa: P, x Reginaldi- a Bh E: Ee: jc E: ee Ap i alee aed (8 P. Boxallii. P. Charlesworthii. P. insigne. P, Lawrenceanum. P. purpuratum. pP Pp Pp P Pp anum. Leeanum. Thorntont. Comus. Krishna. Daedalus. nitens. Gey oo oe . * Behrensi- anum. x Urania. . x Tryanowski- anum. . x Vanninil. . < modestum. Crossianum. Paphiopedilum « Io—(continued). P. Rothschildi- anum. P. Spicerianum. P. x vexillarium. P. x Youngianum P. x Neptune. P. x Loewegreni- anum. P. x vexill-Io. P. x Brandtize. 54. P, javanicum. P. Boxallit. P. x Harristanum. P. insigne. P; x, Leeanum. P. Spicerianum. Wes vernixioides. P. x Colmanii. P. x Mande. P. xX sie P. x lutescens. 55. P. x Lathamianum. P. barbatum. P. Boxallit. P. callosum. PRP: x ‘Calypso. P. Chamberlaini- anum. P. Charlesworthi. P. exul. P. x Harrisianum. P. Haynaldianum. P. insigne. P. Lawrenceanum. Ps > eeantim: E> Scuiitens: P. purpuratum. P. x Savageanum. P. Spicerianum, PD, Victoria-Mariz. P. villosum. P. x Dakinii. P. x Bailar P. x Calliope. P. x Stevensir P. x Weight P. x Rappartii. P. x Persephone. P. x Pryorianum. P. x “nobilior P. >< Hebaren P.-x<: Pynaerian P. «x Grovesianum. P. x illustre. P. x rotundum. P. x Bollerillge. P. x Salomone. P. «x Brunhild. P. x chrysotoxum. 56. P. x Lawrebel. P. x Harrisianum. P. x Unxta. 57. P. Lawrenceanum. P. Argus. P. barbatum. P. bellatulum. P. Boxallit. P. callosum. P. Chamberlaini- anum P. Charlesworthii. P. ciliolare. P.. x Cleopatra. P. concolor. P. Curtisit. P. Druryi. P. exul. P, Fairrieanum. P. « Harrisianum. P.3< Te: P. « almum. P. x Lawrebel. P. x Thayerianum, P. x Maudiz. P. x Hiero: P. x decipiens: P. x Lucie. P. x resplendens. P. x concolawre. P. x Gowertanum. P: x, Cybele, P. x Julia. P. & streatham- ense. P. x gigas. Part 1.) Get ORCHID STUD-BOOK., 31 | | Paphiopedilum Lawrenceanum— (continued). hirsutissimum. . Hookerz. insigne, sul: . X Lathamianum. x Leeanum. . Lowii. | OOOO OOD P. x Marshalli- anum. P. Mastersianum. P. x Morganiz. P. X nitens. P. niveum. P. x Numa. P. < cenanthum. P. Parishii. P. philippinense. P. x Poliettianum. P. Rothschildi- anum. . Sanderianum. x selligerum. < Sementa. . Spicerianum. . Stonei. . superbiens. — x superciliare. < Swanianum. . tonsum. . venustum. P. X vernixium. . villosum., 58. P. x Lee « Arthurianum. x Ashburtone. . barbatum. . Boxallit. P. x Bruno. P. callosum. P. < you. P. x Elizabethe. P. x Hobson. P. x Fabia. P. x Mahlere. PP Sse Ulior P. x Llangat- tockiz. P. x crassifolium. P. x radiosum. P. x Numa. P. x suryale: P. X augustum. P. x Rogersii. P. x Barbeye. P. * auroreum. Coffigniezii. luridum, anum. P. <-Metis: P. callosum. P. x Millmanit. P. Chamberlaini- P. x Helvetia. anum. P. ciliolare. P. a Dacia. P. venustum. P. x Symondsiz. 86. P. x regale. P. < Ashworthii. x Charpini- anum. P. x- Norma. P. Xx aureum. P. x Spicero- niveum. P..x, Figaro: P. x Picardianum. P..x Astrea. P. x Janet. | Paphiopedilum ORGATD, STUID:BOOK, P. purpuratum. | P. Rothschildi- anum. P. x selligerum. . Stonei. . Superbiens. . tonsum. - venustum. < vernixium. . < vexillarium. . Victoria-Marize. . villosum. sOhich ee ojo) Mec olgelize) ie Spicerianum—(cov.). P. x Cythera. P. « Faroultii. P, x Lynchianum. P. x Alice. P. x Hornianum. P. x Celia. = : I x polystigma- ticum. P. x Clatdii. P. x Statteri- anum. P. x Zollingeri. P. x Lathami- anum. 98. P. Stonei. P. Argus. P. x Ashburtonez. P. barbatum. P. Boxallii. P. callosum. P. ciliolare. P. concolor. P. Curtisit. -. Hooker. . Lawrenceanum. Pp Pp P. x Leeanum. Ps , niveum. P._ x, Oper. 105. P. venustum. P. Rothschildi- P. «x Massaianum. Pesharbacuin P. x calophyllum. p iia p C P. bellatulum. P. x Venubel. re phe OMe P. Boxallii. P. X pavoninum. P. villosum. P. x Laure. P. Bullenianum. P. x Fitehianume 101. P. x Swanianum. P. callosum. P. x Orpheus. P. x almum. P. x Mantinii. P. concolor. P. x Marshalli- P. barbatum. P. X gandavense. | anum. P. bellatulum. Po x Cyenides: P. Dayanum. P. x caligage: P. Dayanum. P. x Artemis. | P. Godefroye. P. x Lloydiz. P. Fairrieanum. P. x Aasenii. | P. x Harrisianum: 2X - x Daedalus. - X vexill-lo. P. X Opoixii. Pex Statteri- anum. P. x Apollo. 108. P. Victoria-Mariz. P. x Lathami- anum. P, x Leeanum. P. Spicerianum. P. < Harold: 6. P. grandifolius. Calanthe x Dar- Phaiocalanthe x blayana. grandis. C. x gigas. Pc. Niobe: C. Masuca. Prec iaspirard. C. Regnieri. P.-c. , Wallichii. P. x Phoebe. — VY - * Owenianus. P. xX Wiganianus. 8. P. maculatus. | P. Blumeti. P. _P. grandifolius. P: P. Wallichii. Ee _Calanthe x gigas. Phaius— (continued). 12. P. x simulans. a) Evar P. Schlimii. Pea Adar P. x Sedenii. P. x Rosy-Gem. P. x Rothschildiz. © ae) TOMO, 30,50) 10) "0) 42) 4o) 4°) 40, . caudatum. . longifolium. . Schlimit. . < Sedenit. . < Ainsworthiil. - X cardinale. . caricinum. . X conchiferum. . X grande. . longifolium . Schlimit. . X Sedenii. . Schlimii. . caudatum. . Lindleyanum. - X Sedenii. . < Sedenii. Phragmopedilum— (covtiniued). 4. P. caricinum. P. x Dominianum. P. x conchiferum. P. xX stenophyl- lum. P. x Faroultii. 5. P. caudatum. P. x Hardyanum. PD, x Finetianum., P. x Dominianum. P,. X nitidissi- mum. P. x giganteum. . Lindleyanum. P. x Geralda. . longifolium. Ps xX *erande: . Schlimit. P. x Saundersi- anum. . X Sedenii. P. x Schroederz. 6. P x conchiferum. . caudatum. P. x nitidissi- mum. . X grande. P. x Elsteadi- anum. P. x Mantinii. P. x Baconis. P. x Coppinianum. 7. P. x Dominianum. P. x albopur- pureum. 8. P. x grande. P. < giganteum, P. x Elsteadi- anum. P. x Uranus: P. x pulchellum. x conchiferum. 9. P. Klotzschianum. P. x suave. 10. P. Lindleyanum. - X cardinale. Pe XxX Cupid. - caudatum. P. x Geralda. . X grande. P. x Uranus. . longifolium. P. x Urgandie. - Schlimii. BP. Unique: . X Sedenii. Pix Persetis. 11. P. longifolium. - X cardinale. Pe Seuevas . caricinum. P. x conchiferum. - caudatum. P2-x Srande. - X conchiferum. P. x Mantinii. . Lindleyanum. P. x Urgandiez. 40) THE ORCHID U'U U Cattleya Mossiz. Ss. S. S. S. S. - Schlimii. - X Sedenii. . Boissierianum. . caricinum. . caudatum. - < conchiferum. . Lindleyanum. - longifolium. nop ro)-ce)'ueh = rellzc) ive} 8 ollie) ye} . vittatum. - Schlimit. Phragmopedilum longifolium— (continued). P. x Sedeniit. P. x Ainsworthiti. 12. P. Schlimii. Pe >< Cleolat P: x Ada. P. & stenophyl- lum. P> x Satindersi- anum. P. x Baconis. P. x albopur- pureum. Pi Unique: P. x Sedenii. P. x cardinale. PY s< Stella < cardinale. < Dominianum. x Sedenii. 13. P. x Sedenii. P. « Ainsworthii. P. «x Lemoinieri- anum. P- Boissierianam, P! >< Brysa, P. < cardinale. P. x Rosy-Gem. P. caricinum. P. x Faroultii. P. caudatum. P. x Schroedere. P. « conchiferum. P. x Coppini- anum. P x grande P. « pulchellum. P. Klotzschianum. P. x suave. P. Lindleyanum. P. x Perseus. P. longifolium. P. x Ainsworthii. P. Schlimii. P: x cardinale. 14. P. vittatum. Poe stella 32. SCHOMBURGKIA. 1. §. tibicinis. Schombocattleya x spiralis. 33.—SOBRALIA. 1. §. Holfordi. Wilsoni. S. & luminosa. 2. §. macrantha.: rosea. ¥ S. «x Sedenii. x Veitchii. S. * mirabilis. xantholeuca. S. * Veitchii. 3. §. rosea. macrantha. S. * Sedenii. STUD-BOOK. Party Sobralia— (continued). 4. §. x Veitchii. S. macrantha. | S. Holfordi. S. xantholeuca. Gi@i@n © S. * mirabilis. 5. §. Wilsoni. S. x luminosa. S. x Amesiana. 6. §. xantholeuca. S. macrantha. S. Wilsont. 34. S. x Veitchit. S. x Amesiana. SOPHRONITIS. 1. §. grandiflora. attleya Aclandiz. . ’ . Bowringiana. . X calummata. . Harrisoniana. . intermedia. O C. Leopoldi. C. Loddigesit. C. Mossie. CG iaiance: Epidendrum radi- cans. Lelia cinnabarina. L. Dayana. L. flava. L. harpophylla. L. pumila. L. purpurata. L. tenebrosa. Leeliocattleya x elegans. Sophrocattleya x Hardyana. S.-C. eximitas S.-¢. x Nydia. S.-c. x Chamber- lainil. S.-c. x Batemani- ana. S.-c. X Cleopatra. S.-c. Calypso. S.-c. x Imperatrix. S.-c. X Saxa. Epiphronitis > Veitchit. Sophrolelia x Psyche. S.-]. x Tae S.-l. x Marriotin S.-l. x Waldae S.-l. x Oper S.-l. « hertonensis S.-l. Harrisii, G.C,, 1895, ii. 721; O.R. 1896, 32; 1898, 16; G.M. 1898, 49, f- = Alarrise 50 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. C. x Phoebe, Sand. O. Guide, 258. 6. C. x Darblayana (Regnieri x vestita 9), ¥.S.H.Fr. 1888, 635, 725; Orchidoph. 1889, 178, t.—Darblay, 1888. C. x excellens (Regnieri ?), G.C., 1891, i. 87.—Veitch, 1888. C. x Bryan, O.R. 1894, 62.—Cookson. C. x William Murray, O.R. 1894, 62 - Cookson. Messrs. Veitch’s hybrid flowered as early as January, 1888, as shown by a flower preserved at Kew, but it was not named and recorded till afterwards. 7. ©. x Dominyi (furcata x Masuca- ?),-G.C. 1858, 4; B.M. t. 5042; V. Man. O. vi. 76; O.R. 1893; 3; 1902, 294: Dict: Ie.O0Calz hyo eee eee Draw. lit. t. 81.— Veitch, 1856. The earliest hybrid Orchid raised by hand. 8. C. x Elwesii (Regnieri Gard. 1893, i. 236; £. 926>——_Veteh, lege C,-X Baron Schroder, G.C. 1894, 1.210; OR. 1894,95; Fer WSoaiaeuoes f. 25; G.M. 1897, 240, 241, f.—Veitch. 7 One of the most vigorous of Calanthe hybrids. 14. ©. x Harryana (Masuca & tricarinata ? ).—Veitch, 1895. C. x Masuco-tricarinata, G-C. 1895, 11..210; O:R. 1895, 96: 12. ©. x Laucheana (Sanderiana x veratrifolia 9), G.C. 1894, 1. 194; O.R. 1894, 288.—Sander, 1894.- C. xX Eclipse (Sanderiana 92), G.-C. 1897, ii: 243: O.R. 1897, 31g eee Bolton. “C,. Regnieri Sanderiana,” cited in the last-mentioned work, is believed to be a mistake. C. Sanderiana, Rolfe (G.C. 1892, ii. 396) is an East African species. 13. ©. x lentiginosa (labrosa 9 x Veitchii), G. C. 1883, i, 44; V. Man. O. vi. 74, f.; O. Ik. 1893, 100.—Veitch, 1883. 14. ©. x porphyrea (labrosa x vestita ?), G. C. 1884, i.76; V. Man. O. vi. 74; O. R. 1893, 101.—Lawrence, 1884. 15. ©. x Rollissoni (Masuca x veratrifolia 9), Haus. O. Hyb. 82; O. R., 1902, 294.—Rollisson, date uncertain. C. x Mylami, Day O. Draw. lii. t. 71. One of the early hybrids whose history is very imperfectly recorded. 16. C x Ruby (x Sedenii x vestita)—Cookson, 1898. C. x Oakwood-Ruby, G. €. 1899, i. 77; 1903, i. 125, 158; .O. R. 1899, 92; 1901, 52; 1903, 83, 86, 116, 158. C.. xX Sibyl, G. C.. 1903; '1.,125, 158+ 0, Ry 190383, S6.0nowt aa: The parentage of this hybrid is rather complex. It is described as C. x Sedenii Oakwood var, (vestita rubro-oculata x rosea) twice recrossed with C. Part I1.] fHE “URCHID \STUD-BOOK., 51 vestita rubro-oculata, and the progeny again seeded from for several years, the darkest form being selected on each occasion. A white form (C. x Sibyl) is said to have come out ofthe same capsule as the deep rose one. 17.. CG. x Sedenii (x Veitchii ¢ x vestita), G.C. 1878, i. 168; V. Man. O. vi. 75 ; O.R. 1893, 68.—Veitch, 1878. C. x Alexandri, G.C. 1885, ii. 566; O.R. 1903, 116.—Cookson. ee Hallii, G.C. 1887, it..596; Vo. Man. O. vi. 74. — Hall. C. x Cooksoni, G.C. 1885, ii. 566; O.R. 1903, 116.—Cookson. C. x Eyermanii, Gard. & For. 1891, 16, 17, f. 3.—Lorillard. C. vestita var. Cornelius Vanderbilt, G.C. 1893, i. 322.—Vanderbilt. 18. G. x splendens (x Darblayana x rosea ?), G.C. 1898, 1. 106; O.R. 1898, 94.— Cookson, 1898. The form of the pollen parent used was C. x Bryan. 19.. CG. x Veitchii (rosea 9 x vestita), G.C. 1859, 1016; B. Mag: t, 5375; aie loro, Gd; t. 751, f. 1-4; Fl. Mag. 1866, t. 280; O.A. 1. t..31Gard. 1887, ties, G04» Laid. v.t-217; V. Man. O. vi. 75, 76, f.; O.RK.'1898, 4 3; F7. 1902, i. 161, f. ; Dict. Ic. O. Cal. hyb. t. 1 (and several other figures).—Veitch, 1859. GC. x Sandhurstiana, G.C.. 1881, i. 395 ; O.R. 1893, 71.—Gosse. 2 burtordiensis; Gard. 1892, it. 398; t; 855, f. 3. Reschenb. ser 2) it 31; 6: ‘63, f. 3.—Lawrence. C. *- sanguinaria, G.C. 1886, i. 331; O.R. 1893, 132. —Lawrence. C. < versicolor, G.C. 1891, ii. 712; Gard. 1892, i. 399, t. 855, —Lawrence. Var. alba, G.C. 1889, i. 132.—Strickland. A very distinct, pure white variety. C. Xx Veitchii has also been found asa wild plant, by Mr. Boxall, and flowered with Messrs. Hugh Low & Co. in 1893 (O.R. 1894, 19). The parentage of C. X versicolor was not recorded, but it is referred to C. <* Veitchii as a variety in the R.H.S. List of Awards. The record of C. x burfordiensis requires confirmation, for it has been suggested that it is a form of C. x Sedenii. 20. C x Victoria-Regina (rosea 9 x Veitchii), Reichenb., ser. 2, ii. 31, t. ‘6a, f. 1, G. C. 1893, 11: 692; O. R. 1894, 29.—Lawrence, 1890. rosea, G.-C..1890,1. 43; Gard. 1892,1. 399; t. 855; £. (not of Lindl:). eee Limatodes, G. C..1900, 1. 30: O. R: 1900, 57. The original name of C. x rosea was changed to prevent confusion with the species, C. rosea, Benth., formerly known as Limatodes rosea, Lindl., which was one of the parents. 24. ©. x Winnii (Regnieri ? x Veitchii).—Wéinn. 1889. ee (unnamed), G.C. 1890, 1.73. A handsome hybrid, rather variable in colour, of which six different forms are preserved at Kew. 9. CATTLEYA. _ 4. GO. x Adela (Percivaliana x Triane 9), G.C. 1898, ii. 14; O.R. 1898, ‘223.—Veitch, 1898. 52 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. ‘(Part I. 2. C. x Adonis (Mossie @ x Warscewiczii), G. C. 1897, ii. 316; O.R. 1897, 350; $.S.H. Fr. 1899, 46.—Mrs. Briggs-Bury, 1897. C. X Enid, G.C. 1898, ii. 92; 1903, 1.174; O.R. 1898, 255; 1903, 1 hagas 1903, 1. 265, f.; Gard. 1903, 1. 215, f.5 Dict. Ic. O.. Cat. hyb. t. 23.— Veitch: 3. C. x Albertiana (Loddigesii @ x Trianz).—-Vincke, 1900. C. x Prince Albert, Chron. O. 1901, 331. 4. ©. x Apollo (Aclandiz x Mossiz ?),G.C. 1896, ii. 471 ; O.R. 1896, 348. —Veitch, 1890. C. x Dortoly (Aclandiz ?), R.H. 1903, 507; Yard. 1903, 336; $¥.S.H.Fr. 1903, 649.—Maron. First flowered in December, 1890, as proved by a flower preserved at Kew. 5. ©. x Ariel (Bowringiana ¢ Xx Gaskelliana), G.C. 1898, ii. 446; O.R. 1899, 31; 1903, 335.—Veitch, 1898. 6. C. x armainvillierensis (Mendelii 2 % Warscewiczil) ¥. S. H. Fr. 1896, 699 ; G.C. 1900, ii. 176; O.R. 1900, 285.— Baron E. Rothschild, 1896. 7. ©. x Arthuriana (Dormaniana ? x luteola), G.C. 1894, i. 102; O.R. 1894, 143. —Dorman, 1894. 9. C. x Astrea (Loddigesii x Skinneri ° ), fard. 1897, 309; $¥. S. H. Fr, 1897, 933 ; O.R. 1897, 359.—Maron, 1897. 10. ©. x Atalanta (Leopoldi 2? x Warscewiczii), G.C. 1894, ii. 194; 1899, ii. 182; O.R. 1894, 275, 287; 1896, 256; Dict. Zc. O. Cat. hyb. t. 11 (v. inversa), 11a (v. splendens) ; ¥.H. 1903, ii. 189, f. (v. superba).—Veitch, 1894. 11 ©. x aurantimedia (aurantiaca x intermedia 92), Sand. O. Guide, 333.—Thayer, 1902. | Epicattleya x auranti-media, Amer. G. 1902, 483. 12. C. x Aurora (Dowiana x luteola).—R. H. Measures, 1902. C. x Golden Dawn.—Gard. 1908, i. 11. 13. ©. x Bactia (Bowringiana 2? x Leopoldi), G.C. 1901, ii. 330; OLR. 1901, 350.—Veitch, 1901. 144. ©. x Ballantiniana (Triane ? x Warscewiczii), G C. 1889, 1. 264; Reichenb. ser. 1, ii. 95, t=. 91; O.R. 1893, 260.-—Sander, 1889. 15. ©. x Barbara (Bowringiana 2 x Trianz), G.C. 1902, ii. 445; O.R. i903, 23.—Leon, 1902. 16. ©. x belairensis (intermedia ? x Skinneri)—Mantin, 1897. C. x intermedio-Skinneri, 7. S. H. Fr. 1897, 609. 17. C. x Bertheauana (intermedia x Schilleriana ? ) --Duval, 1900, C. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 391.—Duval. C. x Bertheauana (intermedia 9), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1903, 284; Rev. H. 1903, 269; Fard. 1903, 160.—Doin. 18. ©. x Bleui (Aclandiz x granulosa).—Bleu, 1900. C. X memoria-Bleui, Lind. xvi. t. 764. 19. ©. x Brabantia (Aclandize x Loddigesii 2), F/. M. 1867, t.360; O.R. 1893, 5; 1903, 335 ; Day O. Draw. x\viii. t. 1.—Veitch, 1863 C. « Aclandi-Loddigesii, G.C. 1863, 602. Part I1.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 53 C. x hybrida, G.C. i863, 602. 20. C. x Breauteana (Loddigesii 9 x superba), $ard. 1897, 310; peo. Fy. 1897, 934 ; O-R. 1897, 360; 1899, 63; G.C. 1899, 1. 31.—Maron, 1897. C. x Alberta, Nich. Dict. 1900 Suppl. 208.—Van Imschoot. C. x Lord Marsham, Nich. Dict. 1900 Suppl. 209. —Charlesworth. 21. C. x Brownie (Bowringiana x Harrisoniana ? ), O.R. 1894, 334, 351; 1901,°350; ¥.H7. 1901, ii. 437, f. (Veitch’s var.), Rev. H. 1895, 63.—Sander, 1904. C. X Brownii, G.C. 1894, ii. 447. The name was changed because of a species previously called C. Brownit (Rolfe in Kew Bull. 1894, 156). 22. GC. x brunoyensis (intermedia ? Xx Percivaliana).—Maron, 1900. C. X intermedio-Percivaliana, Nich. Dict. 1900 Suppl. 209. 23. C. Dormaniano-aurea, Rev. H. 1902, 494; 1903, 507; F. S. A. Fr. 1902, 684. 46. C. x Dominiana (intermedia x maxima ?), G.C. 1859, 948; Fl. Mag. 1867, t. 357 (v. alba); O.R. 1893,4; V. Man. O. ii. 90; Day. O. Draw. ii. t. 37; vili. t. 39 (v. lutea),—Veitch, 1859. C. x Pheidona (intermedia 2), G.C. 1893, ii. 470 (Pheidinez); O.R, 1893, 352, 363. —Veitch. The second hybrid Cattleya raised by hand. 47. C. x Doris (Gaskelliana x Leopoldi).—R. H. Minn awa 1903. C. x (unnamed), Gard. 1903, ii. 168. 48. C. x Eclipse (maxima ? x Skinneri), G.C. 1896, ii.471; O.R. 1896, 347.—Ingram, 1896. 49. C. x Edwardi (Schilleriana 9 x Warscewiczii).—Sander, 1902. C. x Prince Edward, G.C. 1902, i. 442; O.&. 1902, 213.—-Wigan. C. x Schilleriano-gigas, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 500; Rev. H. 1902, 371.— Dallemagne. Part 11.| THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 55 50. C. x Ella (bicolor @ x Warscewiczii), G.C. 1898, ii. 202; O.&. 1898, mies 7.9.H. Fr. 1901, 907 ; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb.t..13 —Veitch, 1898. 51. ©. x Elvina (Schilleriana x Triane ?), G.C. 1896, ii. 534; O.R. 1896, 351; 1903, 344.—Veitch, 1896. C. x Schilleriano-Trianz (Schilleriana ¢), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 777.— Mantin. C. Dione, Sand. O. Guide, 333. 52. ©. x Eros(Mossie ? Xx Walkeriana), G.C. 1895, ii. 192; OR, 1895; 259, 287.—Veitch, 1895. 53. ©. x Eurydice (Aclandiz x labiata ?), G.C. 1895, iy 273 O:F,.1895, 374.—Veitch, 1895. 54. C. x exquisita (luteola @ x Parthenia), G.C. 1903, ii. 181; O.. 1903, 307.—Sander, 1903. 55. ©. x Fabia (Dowiana x labiata 2), G.C. 1894, 11. 604; O.2. 1894, 375; 1902, 367 ; ¥.H. 1897, ii. 499, f. 74; ¥.S.H. Fr. 1900, 118; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 24 (v. Vigeriana).—Veitch, 1894. Cy x fatisberget, Lind. xvi. t.725. C. x Vigeri, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1901, 1062.—Maron. C. x Vigeriana, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 777 ; Gard. 1902, ii. 372 —Maron. 56. C. x Fabiola (Bowringiana @ xX Harrisii), G.C. 1896, ii. 601; O.X. 1896, 375. —Veitch, 1896. 57. C. x Faerie-Queene (Mossiz x Rex), G.C. 1903, ii. 35.—Pitt, 1903. 58. ©. x Fascelis (Aclandie x bicolor ?), G.C. 1900, ii. 346; O.2, 1900, 371.—Veitch, 1900. 59. C. x Fernandi (Aclandie 9° x Warscewiczii).—Maron. 1897. C. x Fernand Denis, Rev. H. 1897, 255; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 933; O. R. 1897, 359; 1898, 189; G. M. 1898, 339, 340, f. 60. C. x Feuillatii (Leopoldig x superba), Fard. 1897, 309; O. R. 1897, 360; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 933; 1899, 486; Rev. H. 1897, 504.—Maron, 1897. 61. C. x Firebrand (Lawrenceana x.Schilleriana?), G. C. 1899, ii. 58; O. R. 1899, 253.—Ingram, 1899. 62. C. x Firefly (Bowringiana x Dormaniana ?), O.R. 1896, 347; 1903, 339 ; G.C. 1902, ii. 272.—Ingram, 1896. Lelio-cattleya x Firefly, G.C. 1896, ti. 471. 63. C. x flavescens (luteola x Triane ?), ¥.S.H.Fr. i899, 47. —Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 19.—Maron, 1898. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 1235 (parents wrongly recorded as “ C. xanthina et Trianz”’). 64. ©. x Fowleri (x Hardyana x Leopoldi ?), G.C. 1895, tig, 178,192 ; O.R. 1895, 259, 286; G.M. 1895, 526, f.; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 5.—Sander, 1895. Lelio-cattleya x Fowleri, G.C. 1895, ii. 239, f. 47. C. x Magneana, Ff. S. H. Fr. 1902, 631; Fard. 1902, 328, 't.:. OLR: 1902, 476; — Maron. 56 THE ORCHID. \STUD-BOOK [Part Il. 65. C. x Frasquita (bicolor ? x velutina), Rev. H. 1903, 507; Fard. 1903, 336; F. S. H. Fr. 1903, 650.— Maron. C. X velutino-bicolor, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 669.—Maron. 66. C. x Frederickiew (Dowiana x Mossiz ?) (Veitch, 1888), Schréder, 1890. C. x Mossize-Dowiana Empress Frederick, G. World, 1890, 716. 5- CATTLEYA X GERMANIA. Fig. “C. Mossize and C. Dowiana Emperor Frederick,” G. C. 1890, ii. 51. C. x Empress Frederick, G. C. 1892, i. 816; 1897, ii. 423, 429, f. 127 (var. Leonata); O. R. 1893, 44. First flowered in July, 1888, as proved by a flower preserved at Kew. 67. C. « fulyescans (Dowiana x Forbesii), G. C. 1901, ti: 250; G. M. 1901, 644, f.; O. R. 1904, 368.-—Charlesworth, 1901. C. « flavescens, O;.K21901, 299, 308, oi7: 68. C. x Gautheriniana (Leopoldi x Schroedere ?), ¥.S.H. Fr. 1899, 940; G.C. 1903, ii. 378 (Gautheriana); O.R. 1903, 338, 339 (Gauthieriana).— Duval, 1899. oy | “I Part. Jt. THE ORCHID "“STUD-BOOK. 69. C. x Geleniana (bicolor x Lueddemanniana 9), Wien. Ill, G. Zeit. 1901, 111, 112. f. 12 (iower fig.)—Hruby, 1901. C. x Leander, G.C. 1902, ii. 105; O.R. 1902, 274.—Charlesworth. C. Hyades, G.d/. 1902, 517.—Charlesworth. 70. C. x Germania (granulosa ? Hardyana), G.C. 1901, 11. 210; 1902, ii. 239; O.R. 1901, 315, 327; 1902, 297, f. 30 (v. burbagensis).—Charlesworth, 1901. [See Fig. 5] 71. ©. x Gertrude (Mossiz x superba ?), G.C. 1898, i. 385; O.R., 1898, 220, 223.—Veitch, 1898. Fig. 6. CATTLEYA X GRANUGLOSSA. 72. C. x Goossensiana (Gaskelliana x Schilleriana 9), Dict. Ic. O. Cat. lhyb. t. 14; O.R. 1900, 119.—Peeters, 1900. C. x Firmini, Rev. H. Belge, 1902, 238.—Lambeau. C. x Bievreana (Gaskelliana ?), G.C. 1903, ii. 209.— King of Belgtum. C. x De Bievreana, Rev. H. Belge, 1903, 283. There appears to be a little doubt about the parentage of C. x Firmini. 73. C. x granuglossa (amethystoglossa x granulosa ? ), Amer. Gard. 1901, Gl, f. 16 ;°O:R. 1903, 345, f. 51.—Mead, 1901. (See Fig. 6] The cross was made by Mr. T. L. Mead, Oviedo, Florida, but the seedlings ‘were raised by Mr. E. O. Orpet, S. Lancaster, Mass. 58 THE: ORCHID, STUD-BOOK. [Part II.. 74. ©. x Gratrixiz (granulosa x Harrisoniana 9 ),—Gratrix, 1897. C. x Mary Gratrix, G.C. 1897, ii. 169; O.R., 1897, 315; 1901, 287. C. xX Crashleyi, G.C. 1903, ii. 181; O.R. 1903, 307.—Stanley, Ashton & Co. These two forms appear to be very nearly allied, but it is somewhat doubtful whether C. Harrisoniana was the second parent in both cases. 75. C. x Greavesiz (Gaskelliana x Loddigesii ? ).---Leemann, 1899. C. x Mrs. Herbert Greaves, G.C. 1899, ii. 426; O.R. 1899, 371; 1901, 349; 1902, 341. C. x Mistress Herbert Greaves, F. S. A. Fr. 1901, 997.—Maren. C. X (unnamed), O.R. 1901, 299. This hybrid should be compared with C. x Williamsiz, as the well-known confusion between C. Loddigesii and C. Harrisoniana is reflected in its hybrids. 76. ©. x Grey (granulosa ? x velutina), G.C. 1900, i. 423; O.R. 1900, 214.—Wigan, 1900. TT. ©. x Halevy (Mendelii ¢ x Rex), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 536; Yard. 1900, 251.—Maron, 1900. 78. C..x.Hardyana (Dowiana ?.x.Warscewiczii), G.C. 1896, ii. 310; O.R. 1895, 292, 298; 1897, 364; Reichenb. ser. 2, ii. 15, t.55; ¥.R.H.S. xxiv. 192, f.96. —Cookson, 1896. C. x Semontiana, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 400; Rev. H. 1902, 302.—Doin. Originally appeared as a natural hybrid in 1883 (G.C. 1885, ii. 206; O.A. v. t. 231), and now fairly common in collections. 79. ©. x Harold (Gaskelliana ¢ x Warscewiczii), G.C. 1893, i.580; 1898,. il. 14; O.R. 1893, 188 ; 1898, 223.—Cookson, 1893. 80. C. x Harrisie (Mossiz ¢ x Schilleriana\, O.R. 1901, 226.—Harris, 1887. C. xX Miss Harris G.C. 1887, ii. 490; 1901, i. 242, 302, suppl. f. (v. E- Ashworth) O.R. 1893, 134; 1901, 153 (v. E. Ashworth); G.M. 1901, 481, f. Catlelia x Miss Harris, Hans. O. Hyb. 96. x (unnamed), F. S. H. Fr. 1897, 954.—Mantin. x Mossi-Schilleriana, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 1344.—Mantin. . X elatior (Schilleriana ? ), G.C. 1899, ii. 478: O.R. 1900, 28.—Ingram. x Elisabethe, Lind. xvi. t. 721.—Linden. x Vuleain, 7. S.A Fr, 1901, 1000? Dict. 1450. Cac hyb. ¢. 16.—- Dallemagne. C. x Mme. Panzani, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 145, 228, 247.—-Maron. 81. C. x Harrisii (Leopoldi 2 x Mendelii), G.C. 1887, i. 104; O.R. 1893, 133; 1897, 34.—Harris, 1887. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S.H. Fr. 1895, 606.—Baron E. Rothschild. C. x Lafontaine (Mendelii 2 ), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 271.—Maron. C. guttata is recorded as the pollen parent of the last named, but we believe cHenewone C. Leopoldi is intended. 82. C. x Heloisiz (Forbesii x Mossi ?), ~.S.H. Fr. 1897, 608.—Mantin, 1897. Part 11.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 59 C. x Forbesi-Mossiz, ¥. S.H. Fr. 1900, 669.—Bleu. 88. C. x highburiensis (Harrisoniana x »Mossiz).—Chamberlain, 1903. C. x (unnamed), G. Worl:!, 19053, 1. 383. 84. C. x hybrida (guttata x Loddigesii), Proc. R. H.S. ii. 619; O.R. 1893 4; 1897, 333; Day O. Draw. xlviii. t. 15.—Veitch, 1859. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1859, 672; Proc. R. H. S. 1. 70. Eee picta, Proc. R. A. S. itt. 369. C. x hybrida picta, Proc. R. H. S. v. 173; Fl. M. 1881, t. 473. C. X picturata, G.C. 1877, ii. 584; O.R. 1893, 36; Amer. G. 1902, 306, 307, £70: The first hybrid Cattleya raised by hand, and one which has subsequently been much confused with allied hybrids. 85. C. x Imperator (granulosa? x labiata), G.C. 1903, ii. 340; O.R. 1903, 364 ; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 26.—Peeters, 1902. First appeared as a natural hybrid, in 1896. See O.R. 1897, p. 365, where its. history is fully detailed. 86. C. x Ingramie (Eldorado ? x Déwiana).—Ingram, 1895. C. x Lady Ingram, G.C. 1895, ii. 588; O.R. 1895, 375; 1901, 338, 349. C. x Suzanne, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 670.—Maron. C. x Louis Fournier, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 765; 1901, 371.—Maron. 87. C. x interglossa (amethystoglossa’x intermedia), Amer. G. 1902, 578. —Thayer, 1902. 88. C. x intertexta (Mossi? x Warneri), G.C. 1897, i. 177; O.R. 1897, 124; 1898, 319.—Veitch, 1897. C. x Grace Moojen, Sand. O. Guide, 333. 89. ©. x intricata (intermedia x Leopoldi @), O.R. 1897, p. 169; 1900, 229.—Sander, 1897. C. X intricata v. Rossii, O.R. 1897, 169. ©, x Rossu,.G.C.1897,.1. 354; O.R. 1897, 191. C. x maculata, Nich. Dict. 1900 Suppl. 209.—Veitch. First appeared as a natural hybrid in 1884, when it was described by Reichenbach (G.C. 1884, ii. 12), though its parentage was not understood till five years later (G.C. 1889, ti. 38). 90. G. x Iris(bicolor @ x Dowiana), G.C. 1901, ii. 249; 1901, 11. 297, 379 ;. 1902, ii. 238; O.R. 1901, 317, 348, 367; 1902, 309, 369, f. 38 (v. oculata), 1903, 330, 343; G./. 1901, 690, f. (v. aureo-marginata) ; 1902, 639, 651, f.; $.H. 1901, ii, 397, f. (v. aureo-marginata) ; 1905, ii. 320, 321, f. (v. magnifica) ; Gard. 1905, ii. 240, f. (v. His Majesty). Charlesworth, 1901. [See Fig. 7] One of the most variable and beautiful Cattleya hybrids yet raised. C. x Isabella (Forbesii x intermedia ? ), Bleu, 1878. . X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1881, 239; 1889, 311.—Bleu. x n. 1, Rev. H. 1881, 306; Orchidoph. i. 49.—Bleu. Wardianum), O.R. 1899, 136.— Berkeley, 1899. 13. D. x Bryan (luteolum? x Wardianum), G.C. 1893, i. 395; 1896, 1. 391; O.R. 1893, 157.—Cookson, 1893. 144. D. x Burberryanum (x Dominyanum x Findlayanum @ ), O.R. 1897, Part Il. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 75 Bopes, 1901, 1705°G:C. 1897, 1. 115; $A. 1900; 1.239, f. 64.—Chamberlain, 1897. 15. D. x Cassiope (moniliforme ? x nobile), G.C. 1890, 1i.620; Orchidoph. Peon 205, 106, f.;-O.R. 1893, 293; 1895, 126, 131; Reichenb.:'ser: 2, 5, €. 50, f. 2; Dict. Ic. O. Dendr. hyb. t. 2.—Cookson, 1890. 16. D. x cheltenhamense (aureum ? x luteolum), Gard. 1893, i. 347, 389; O.R. 1893, 125, 212.—Cypher, 1893. 17. D. x chlorostele (Linawianum 9? » Wardianum), G.C. 1887, i. 477; V. Man. O. iii. 87 ; O.R. 1893, 16, 86, 197; 1903, 113, f. 25 (v. Owenianum) ; Fig. 15. DENDROBIUM X ELLISII VAR. WIGANIANANUM. fie. to: D. <-SIBYL: Fig. 17. D. X WIGANI4. Fig. 18. D. X CITLOROSTELE Fig. 19. D. X MELANODISCUS VAR. OWENIANUM. VAR. PALLEENS. G.M. 1901, 148, f. (v. Juno); Dict. Ic. O. Dendr. hyb. t. 4 (v. Juno).—-Lawrence 1887. (See Fig. 18.| D. x Juno, G.C. 1890, i. 87; O.R. 1893, 294; G.C. 1899, i. 114, f. 44.— Lawrence. D. x Owenianum, G.C. 1893, i. 206; O.R. 1893, 95.—Cookson. D. < xanthocentron, G.C. 1890, i. 87; O.R. 1893, 293.—Lawrence. D. x Aurorea, Sand. O. Guide, 274. 18. D. x clarense (Findlayanum? x signatum), O.R. 1903, 135.—Wigan 1903. 19. D. x Cordelia (aureum? x euosmum), O.R. 1894, 172.—Veitch, 1894.. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part V1. 20. D. x Corningianum (lituiflorum x nobile ?), Hans. O. Hyb. 196.— ‘Corning, 1876. According to Hansen, the reverse cross was afterwards raised by Messrs. Heath and Son. 214. D. x Curtisii (aureum x Cassiope ?), G.C. 1896, i. 210; O.R. 1896, ‘96 ; 1906, 73, f. 9.—Sander, 1896, (See Fig. 20. Fig. 20. DENDROBIUM X CURTISII. 22. D. x Cybele (Findlayanum ¢ x nobile), G.C, 1887, ii. 778; 1899, i. 258. 259, f. 96 (Oakwood var.); 1903, i. 46; V. Man. O. iii, 87; O,R.. 1894G—°1965 1901, 170.—Veitch, 1887. D. x Wrightz, Gard. 1903, Jan. 17, Suppl. 7.—Wright. D. « Aurora, Sand. O. Guide, 337. 23. D. x Cypheri (crassinode x Findlayanum ¢), O.&. 1902, 100.— Cypher, 1902. Part 11.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 7 LN 24. D. x Dominyanum (Linawianum x nobile ¢@), G.C. 1878, i. 202; V. Man. O. iii. 88; O.R. 1893, 36; Day O. Draw. xxxii. t. 45.—Veitch, 1864, D. x (unnamed), Proc. R. H. S. iv. (1864), 73. D. x Dormanianum, Sand. O. Guide, 275. The earliest record, in 1864, states :—‘‘ Dendrobium moniliforme (seedling), avery interesting Orchid, as being a seedling raised at the Exeter Nursery,,. but with the appearance of an inferior D. nobile.” Fig. 21. DENDROBIUM X GEM. VAR. ARTEMIS 25. D. x Doris (x Ainsworthii 2 xX moniliforme), O.R. 1894, 142.— Cookson, 1894. 26. D. x dules (aureum ¢ xX Linawianum), G.C. 1892, i. 214; 1896, i. 402; OR. 1893, 358; G.M. 1901, 148, f.—Veitch, 1892. D. x burfordiense, G.C. 1892, ii. 744; O.R. 1893, 29, 85.—Lawrence. 27. D. x Ellisii (Hildebrandii x nobile 9), O.R. 1901, 37, 82, 87; 93, 113, f. 22 (v. Wiganianum).—Ellis, 1901. (See Fig. 17 (p. 75) D. x Wiganianum (Hildebrandii ? ), G.C. 1O0F, 1. 1028845" 1903, 4. 142; O.R. 1901, 87; 1903, 84; G.M..1901, 167, f.—Wigan. 28. D. x Elwesii (aureum x Hildebrandii), O.k. 1900, 147.—Elwes, 1900. 1903, 78 THE ORCHID. STUD-BOOK. [Part I. 29. D. x endocharis (aureum xX moniliforme ?), G.C. 1876, i. 298; V. Man. O.iti. 88, f.; oF. S. H.Fr...1892,, 435, 436, £73. O Reg tsa ae Day O. Draw. xix. t. 76.—Veitch, 1876. 30. D. x euosmum(x endocharis ? x nobile), G.C. 1885, i. 174; V. Man. O. iti. 89; O.R. 1893, 102; 1894, 112; Day O. Draw. xliii. t. 89; xlviii. t. .39 (v. leucopterum).—Veitch, 1885. D. x Snowflake, O.R. 1902, 125.—Statter. 31. D. x Florence (Benson x nobile), G.C. 1903, i. 174; O.R. 1903, 116. —Douglas, 1903. 32. D. x Galatea (moniliforme ? x Pitcherianum), G.C. 1900, i. 62; O.R. 1900, 60.—Thwaites, 1900. D. xX Ethel, G.C. 1902, 1. 314; O.R. 1900, 71; 1902, 179.—Berkeley, 1900. 33. D. x Gem (aureum ? x Ainsworthii),—Winn, 1894. [See Fig. 21.] D. x The Gem, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 39; Sand. O. Guide, 275.—Winn. D. xX (unnamed), G.C. 1897, i. 115; O.R. 1897, 93.—Chamberlain, 1897. D. x Artemis, O.R. 1906, 72, f. 8. —Colman. 34. D. x Gemma (aureum 2 X superbum), O.R. 1895, 73.—Winn, 1895. 35. D. x harefieldiense (Findlayanum x Wardianum) —E. Ashworth, 1896. D. X Findlayano-Wardianum, G.C. 1896, i. 337; O.R. 1896, 122. 36. D. x Harold (Findlayanum ¢ x Linawianum), O.R. 1896, 108.— ‘Cookson, 1896. 37. D. x Haywoodie (Hildebrandii x Wardianum).—Haywood, 1902. D. x Wardiano-Hildebrandii, G.C. 1902, i. 219; O.R. 1902, 117. 38. D. x Holbrookii (x Cassiope x Dominyanum), O.R. 1902, 56.—E. Ashworth, 1899. Ds WDomieassio, G:C. 1899, 15 10s: D. * (unnamed), O.FR. 1899, 94. 39. D. x Holmesianum (x Dominyanum x Schneiderianum), G.C. 1896, i. 401.—Hardy, 1896. 40. D. x Hunteri (Brymerianum ? x nobile), O.R. 1902, 153.—Hunter, 1902. Remarkable as the solitary hybrid from D. Brymerianum, yet the flowers have very largely the shape and colour of D. nobile, which is said to have been the pollen parent. 41. D. x illustre (chrysotoxum ? x pulchellum), G.C. 1895, i. 800; ii, 15, f.4; F.H. 1895, 1. 561, 566, f. 99; G.M. 1895, 385, f.; O.R. 1895, 2432 = Vemen- 1895. 42. D. x Imogen (x euosmum ? xX signatum), G.C. 1899, i. 255, O.R. 1899, 159 —Veitch, 1899. 43. D. x Isis (hercoglossum x-moniliforme ?), O.R. 1901, 16; 1903, 84; G.C. 1903, 1. 142,—Berkeley, 1901. 44. D. x Kenneth (Bensonz x Maccarthiz ?), G.C. 1896, 1. 337; 1897, d. 134, 135, f. 37; O.R. 1896, 108; Hans. O. Hyb. 318.—Cookson, 1896. D. Bensone was at first accidentally recorded as the pollen parent, but Pari \1.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 79 afterwards corrected. Mr. Cookson states that he has never been able to get a seed capsule on D. Bensone. 45. D. x Lawrencei (formosum ¢ x Lowii).—Lawrence, 1898. D. x formoso-Lowii, G.C. 1898, ii. 391; O.R. 1898, 374. 46. D. x Lotus (nobile x suavissimum), G.C. 1901, i. 279.—Cookson, 1901, 47. D. x Lutwycheanum (x Ainsworthii x Wardianum), O.R. 1894, 202; 1901, 170 (v. Clio).—Lutwyche, 1894. D. x Clio, G.C. 1896, i. 337; O.R. 1896, 122; $.H. 1896, i. 366, 367, f. 62 (Tyntesfield v.) ; Gard. 1900, i. 268, f. (v. superbum).—Lawrence. 48. D. x Magda (x melanodiscus x nobile @), G.C. 1902, 1. 183; O.R. 1902, 114.—Rehder, 1902. 49. D. x Mantinii (nobile x fimbriatum) Fard. 1901, 7; O.R. 1901, 93.— Mantin, 1900. This is said to be the first hybrid Dendrobium raised in France. 50. D. x melanodiscus (x Ainsworthii x Findlayanum @), G.C. 1887, i. 414; 1904, i. 219, f. 92 (v. gloriosum); O.R. 1893, 16, 197; 1899, 100; 1901, 170; 1903, 113, f. 26 (v. pallens), Reichenb. ser. 2, i. 27, t. 12; F. H. 1905. 25, 4..3 1905, i. 25, f. (v. pallens).—Lawrence, 1877. (See Fig. 19 (p. 75) D. x chrysodiscus, G.C. 1887, i.414; V. Man. O. iit. 87; O.R. 1893, 16, 196.— Lawrence. D, soluuna G:C. 1890, i. 87; O:R. 1893, 294; Amer. G.C. 1905, 83, f.— Lawrence. D. x Hebe, G.C. 1894, i. 84; O.R. 1894, 61.—Lawrence. D. x Dido, G.C. 1894, i. 84; O.R. 1894, 61.—Lawrence. D. x pallens, G.C. 1896, i. 210; O.R. 1896,94; $.H. 1900, ew oo ao 1; f. 65.— Lawrence. x Rainbow, Bohuh. Dict. O. Hyb. 38; O.R. 1898, 92.---Lawrence. x Clytie, O.R. 1899, 100.—Chamberlain. x hessleense, G.C. 1899, i. 174; O.R. 1899, 126.—Burkinshaw. x The Pearl, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 39; O.R, 1899, 100.—Lawrence. . xX Salteri, G.C. 1903, i. 142; O.R. 1903, 84.—Haywood. D. x Melpomene (x Ainsworthii x signatum), G.C. 1900, 1. 207; O.R. 1900, 125; ¥.H. 1900, i. 281, f. 76; G.M. 1900, 206, f.; Gard. 1900, 1. 28, f.-_Lawrence, 1900. 52. D. x Mentor (primulinum @ Xx superbum), G.C. 1893, rears s| OF. 1893, 189.—Veitch, 1893. 53. D. x micans (lituiflorum (Ganamed), G.C. 1902, 1. 112; OLR. 1902, 272. 7. E.-l. x Margarita (E. Parkinsonianum x L. grandis ? ).—Mantin, 4597. Lzliodendron x Margarite, $. S.H. Fr. 1897, 1245. The pollen parent is recorded as E. falcatum or Parkinsonianum, but we believe it was the latter. 8. E.-l. x Sylvia (L. cinnabarina x E. Cooperianum @ ), G.C. 1902, i, 218; O.R. 1902, 118, 157 ; 1904, 169.—Charlesworth, 1902. E.-l. x Aspasia (L. cinnabarina 9°), G.C. 1903, i. 302; O.R. 1903, 179.— Charlesworth, 88 LAE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. "(Part Ul. 9. E-l. x VWeitchii (Epidendrum radicans x Lelia purpurata 9? ).— Veitch, 1897. (See Fig. 29.) E.-l. x radico-purpurata, G.C. 1897. ii. 61, 78, 83, 1 23; Os, AS8o7 eee 232, 256, 273, f. 12 (with Epidendrum parent). 10. E.-l. x Whitei (E. fucatum x L. cinnabarina).—Lawrence, 1902, E.-l.. x (unnamied),.G..C? t902irell2 = OK 1902, 272 19. EPIPHRONITIS. A genus established to contain the hybrids between Epidendrum and Sophronitis. 1. E.-ph. x Orpeti (E. x O’Brienianum x S. violacea).—Thayer, 1901. Sophronitis violacea x Epidendrum x O’Brienianum, Amer. G. 1901, 331, f 7 lene os Oe e901, ao: Fig. 29. EPIL@LIA X VEITCHII (with Epidendrum parent). 2. E.-ph. x Veitchii (E. radicans x S. grandiflora 9), G.C. 1890, 1. 799 ; O.R. 1893, 116, 291; 1896, 48; 1898, 296; 1903, 314; Rev. H. 1896, 480, t. 5 Gil. 1897, 553,555 f.74; Wien Ill. G. Zeit. 1897, 160, 161, f. 24; eee, i914, f. 112; ¥. R. A. S. xxiv. 16, 17, f.; Dict. Ic. O. Epiphr. hyb. t. ie =wemen, 1890. A remarkable hybrid, most resembling a dwarfed edition of the pollen parent in habit. 20. LAXLIA. 1. L. x amoena (anceps x pumila ?), G. C. 1894, ii. 447; O.R. 1894, 334, 351; 1904, 372.—Ingram, 1894. 2. L. x Briseis (harpophylla 9 x purpurata), G.C. 1897, ii. 438; G.M. 1898, 68, f.; O.R. 1898, 31, 351.—Douglas, 1897. L.-c. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 229.—-Fournier. Part I].] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 89 38. L. x cinnabrosa (cinnabarina? x tenebrosa), O.R. 1898, 189; Dict. Ic. O. Lel. hyb. t. 9.—Charlesworth, 1898. L. x Halévy (tenebrosa 2), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 651.—Maron. 4. L. Pilcheri), G.C. 1874, i. 599; 1876, i. 394 ; Fl. and Pom. 1874, 116, 133, t.; O.A. v. t. 217; Day O. Draw. xxximt. o72—— Veitch, 1874. Fig. 31. L#LIA X IONA VAR. NIGRESCENS. L. x Veitchii, Nich. Dict. ii. 229. : 12. L. x Flavina (flava x pumila ?), G.C. 1902, i. 251; O.R. 1902, 147.— Veitch, 1902. 13. L. x Gravesie (crispa x pumila ?), Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 41; Hans. O. Hyb. 323; Boyle Woodl. O. 1901, 88.—Sander, 1895. There is a slight doubt about the parentage. We have followed the original record, but Messrs. Sander, who raised it, give the parentage as L. pumila art 11.) tHE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. of Dayana x crispa Buchaniana (O. Guide, pp. 99, 276), which would make it a form of L. x Euterpe. 44. L. x Icarius (cinnabarina? x flava), G.C. 1902, i.50; O.R. 1902, 51; (Icarus).—Veitch, 1902. 15. L. x Ingramiz (Perrinii x purpurata ? ).—Ingram, 1897. feeeeucy Ingram, G.C. 1897, 1.513) 1902,1°70;, O.R. 1897, 62; ‘G.M. 1897, 92, 93,1. 16. L. x Iona (Dayana x tenebrosa 2 ), G.C. 1899, ii. 233; O.R. 1899, 315; 1901, 327; 1905, 166, 168, f. 36 (v. nigrescens) ; Gard. 1903, ii. 168, f. (Southgate -var.).—Charlesworth, 1899. [See Fig. 31.| 17. L. x juvenilis (Perrinii? x pumila), Orchidoph. 1890, 240, t.; Speer 7. 1890, 636; Lind. ix. t. 415; O.R. 1893, 293; 1897, 28; 1901, 30; Dict. Ic. O. Lezel. hyb. t. 8 (v. Fournieri).— Bleu, 1890. L. x (unnamed) (pumila @ ), ¥. S.H. Fr. 1893, 721.—Perrenoud. L. x Clarinda, G.C. 1896, ii. 471; O.R. 1896, 348, 359. Leeliocattleya x juvenilis, 7. S.H. Fr. 1896, 1063; Sand. O. Guide, 278.—Bleu. 18. L. x Latona (cinnabarina? xX purpurata), G.C. 1892, 1.598; F. H. Pee wiases, 1.61; 1902, i, 379, f.; OR. 1893, 10, 357;; 1896; 1503) 1897, 99; Dict. Ic. O. Lei. hyb. t. 3; $. S. H. Fr. 1899, 375; Chron. O. 196, 296 (v. inversa). —Veitch, 1892. L. x Yula, Sand. O. Guide, 276. L. X purpurato-cinnabarina, Sand. O. Guide, 338. L. X Zula, Amer. G. 1903, 107.—Rothwell. 19. L. x Mantinii (grandis x purpurata ? ).—Mantin, 1898. L. X purpurato-grandis, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 440; Dict. Ic. O. Lzl. hyb. t. 5; O.R. 1903, 179. 20. L. x Minerva (x Latona x tenebrosa), Gard. 1903, i. 380; O.R. 1903, 182.— Keeling. 21. L. x Mozart (Boothiana x tenebrosa), G.C. 1901, i. 305; O.R. 1901, 181.—Leemann, 1901. There is some confusion in the records of L. x Mozart,” both L. tenebrosa and purpurata having been recorded as the second parent. We have followed the original, for otherwise it would be a synonym of L. x pulcherrima, which see. 22. L. x Nemesis (anceps x superbiens?), G.C. 1902, i. 85; O.R. 1902, 52, 56.—Crawshay, 1901. 23 L. x nigrescens (pumila? » tenebrosa), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 46; G.C. 1899, ii. 58; O.R. 1899, 254, 291, 337, f. 17; 1901, 30; Amer. G. 1900, 709, f.— Maron, 1898. (See Fig. 32. | L. x Alpha, O.R. 1899, 337.—Thayer. L. x Eveline, G.C. 1900, i. 409; O.R. 1900, 212.—Miller. Two hybrids may have been confused here, for the original record of L. x nigrescens was L. Dayana x tenebrosa, though it was subsequently altered. The figures cited represent L. x Alpha, whose origin is clear. We should like to see the point cleared up. a2 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part IT. 24. L. x Olivia (crispa? x xanthina), G.C. 1897, ii. 387; O.R. 1898, 29; 1901, 349.-—-Veitch, 1897. 25. L. x Omen (autumnalis x purpurata?), G.C. 1896, ii. 667; O.R. 1897, 29; 1899, 31; G.M. 1902, 9, f.—Veitch, 1896. 26. L. x Oweniana (Dayana? x xanthina), G.C. 1892, ii. 191; 1893, 1.. 682; O.R. 1893, 11, 212, 357.—Sander, 1892. 27. Wi. x Pacayvia (purpurata? x tenebrosa), G.C. 1901, i, 1727ee 1901, 285.—Veitch, 1901. 28. L. x Pilcheri (crispa x Perrinii ¢), Fl. iM. 1867, t. 3405° G:C) teens 1870, Cattleya < Pilcheri, G.C. 1865, 222; $. R..H-'S. 1865) 66: Fig >: 32. LA#&LIA X NIGRESCENS. L. x Pilcheriana, G.C. 1868, 815; 1886, i.617 (in note); V. Man. O. ii- $7; Day 0. Draw, xlizt, 33, L. xX lilacina (G.C. 1868, 342, 617; O.R. 1893, 132) is believed to be a natural hybrid with the same parentage. It appeared in the collection of F. A. Philbrick, Esq., of Oldfield. 29. UL. x pulcherrima (Boothiana x purpurata), G.C. 1899, ii. 198; O.R. 1900, 287 ; 1901, 224.-—_Sander, 1899. L. x Baden-Powell, Sand. O. Guide, 338. L. x Mozart, G.C. May 25, 1901, Suppl. 1; O.R. 1901, 187.—Charlesworth- Part I.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 93 30. L. x Ragotiana (cinnabarina x grandis?), ¥.S.H. Fr. 1898, 438; 1902, 475; Chron. O. 114; G.C. 1899, i. 362; O.R. 1899, 219.—Ragot, 1898. 31. L. x splendens (crispa? x purpurata), G.C. 1897, ii. 188; O.R. 1897, 318.—Ingram, 1897. 32. L. x Stanislaus (autumnalis (wes ameees Olga); G.M. 1899, 144, f. (id.); ¥.H. 1899, 251, f. 61 (id.); O.R. 1899, 125.—- Maron, 1899. 86. L.-c. x Ethelwald (C. Gaskelliana? x L. Boothiana), G.C. 1899, ii. 273; O.R. 1899, 336.—Paynter, 1899. 87. L.-c. x Eumea (C. Triane? x L. grandiflora), G.C. 1893, ii. 536; O.R. 1893, 374; 1894, 21.—Veitch, 1893. 88. L.-c. x Eunomia (C. Gaskelliana x L. Dayana? ), G.C. 1895, ti. 307; O.R. 1895, 292, 320.—Veitch, 1895. 89. L.-c. x Euphrosyne (C. Warscewiczii x L. Dayana? ), G.C. 1895, ii. 527; O.R. 1895, 374.—Veitch, 1895. L.-c. x illustris, G.C. 1897, ii. 278; O.R. 1897, 348.—Ingram. L.-c. x (unnamed), O.R. 1899, 219.— Cypher. L.-c. X lona, G.C. 1903, i. 366.— Cypher. 90. L.-c. x Eva (C. Gaskelliana x L. tenebrosa), G.C. 1902, ii. 313; O.R. 1902, 341.—Veitch, 1902. L.-c. X Gladys, Amer. G. 1902, 574; O.R. 1903, 26, 255.—Thayer. L.-c. X Orpetiana, G.C. 1903, 1. 165; Dict. Ic. O. V.-c. byb, t. 26) (vee siliensis).—Thayer. L.-c. x Endymion, Sand. O. Guide, 339. 91. L.-c.. x eximia (C. Warneri ¢ x L. purpurata), G.C. 1890, i. 800; O.R. 1893, 292; Lind. ix. t. 386.—Veitch, 1890. L.-c. X parisiensis, G.C. 1895, ii. 467; 7. S. H. Fr. 1897, 335.—(Bleu) Statter. Part 11.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 103 L.-c. x Valvassorii, G.C. 1894, i. 762; O.R. 1894, 221.—Linden. 92. L.-c. x exoniensis (C. Mossiz x L. crispa), ¥. L. Soc. xxiv. 169; G.C. 1908, i. 419; O.R. 1903, 213; Amer. Flor. 1903, 527, f.—Veitch, 1863. C. x exoniensis, Proc. R.H.S. 1863, 368; 1864, 177; Fl. M. 1866, t. 269 ; G.C. 1863, 870; 1867, 1144; Warn. Sel. O. ii. t. 36; Fenn. O. t. 1; O.R. 1893, 5. L. x exoniensis, Warn. Sel. O. ii. sub. t. 36; G.C. 1887, 11.716 +-V. Mans O: li. 95; O.A. x. t. 443; Amer. G. 1901, 861, f. 176. There was much uncertainty as to the parentage of this hybrid, but the sup- posed cross has since been repeated, and set the matter at rest. 93. L.-c. x Fascinator (C. Schroedere ? x L. purpurata), G.C. 1898, i. 302; O.R. 1898, 184; Gard. 1903, i. 396, f. (v. splendens).—Ingram, 1898. L.-c. X Isabella (L. purpurata?), G.C. 1899, ii. 82; O.R. 1899, 240.— (Maron) Leemann, 1899. 94. L.-c. x fausta (C. Loddigesii? x L.-c. x exoniensis), G.C. 1889, 1. 619; ii. 155.—Veitch, 1873. C. x fausta, G.C. 1873, 289, 290, f. 57 A (type), 57 B (v.radicans); Fl. M. fara, t- 189°; O.R.'1893, 37. 95. L.-c. x felix (C. Schilleriana x L.crispag?), ¥. L. Soc. xxiv. 169,— Veitch, 1876. Cattleya x felix, G.C. 1876, ii. 68; O.R. 1893, 35. Lelia x felix, V. Man. O. ii. 96. Catlelia x felix, Hans. O. Hyb. 96 (excl. syn.). L.-c. x crispo-Schilleriana, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 961; Chron. O. 168.—Mantin. 96. L.-c. x Fortuna (C. Mossiz 9 x L.-c. x Schilleriana), G.C. 1895, ii. 467; O.R. 1895, 351.—Veitch, 1895. L.-c. x Daphne, G.C. 1897, ii. 352; O.R. 1897, 375.—Veitch. L.-c. x Harrisii, G.C. 1895, i. 748; O.R. 1895, 222.—Miss Harris. There is a slight doubt about the parentage of L.-c. x Harrisii. 97. L.-c. x Fournier (C. Dowiana x L.-c. x elegans ? ).—Maron, 1898. L.-c. x Berthe Fournier, O.R. 1898, 141; G.M. 1900, 108, 109, f. (v. splendida) ; ¥.H. 1905, ii. 266, 267, f. (Westonbirt var.).—Maron. L.-c. x Alcides (C. Dowiana @ ), O.R. 1900, 319.—Thornton. L.-c. x Baron C. Goffinet, G.C. 1903, ii. 359.—King of the Belgians. L.-c. x aureo-elegans, Sand. O. Guide, 338. 98. L.-c. x Fournieri (C. intermedia ? x L. flava).—Fournier, 1896. L.-c. X intermedio-flava, Rev. H. 1896, 549; ¥. d. O. vii. 290; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 843; O.R. 1898, 141, 169; ¥. H. 1898, i. 499, f. 94 (v. Golden Queen, “ Golden Gem” by error); Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. hyb. t. 3. Cattleya x Mozart, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 462.— Maron. 99. L.-c. x Galatea (C. granulosa ? x L. Dayana), O.R. 1900, 319; 1901, 317; G.C. 1901, ii. 50.—Charlesworth, 1900. L.-c. x Phalaris, Sand. O. Guide, 340. 100. L.-c. x Gazelle (C. bicolor x L.-c. elegans 2), G.C. 1896 ii. 535; OR. 1896, 350.—Ingram, 1896. 104 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part 1. 101. L.-c. x Gemma (C. Schilleriana? x L. xanthina), %.S.H.Fr. 1899, 931; Chron. O. 298.—Duval, 1900. L.-c. X xanthino-Schilleriana (xanthina?), ¥.S.H. Fr. 1900, 256, 391.— Duval 102. L.-c. x Ghislaine (C. amethystoglossa x L. harpophylla ¢?), O.R. 1896, 39; F. S. H. Fr. 1896, 102.—Van Imschoot, 1896. This is said to have been the first Lzeliocattleya raised in Belgium. 103. L.-c. x Gladys (C. Harrisoniana @ x L. cinnabarina), G.C. 1902, i. 238; Dict. Ic. O. L.-c: hyb. t. 20.— Fournier, 1901. Lizc.. XH. Jd: Harris, Sand. O. Guide, 339. 104. L.-c. x Gottoiana (C. Warneri ? x L. tenebrosa), G.C. 1900, ii. 346 ; O.R. 1900, 358, 372; 1901, 6; 1902, 343; Lind. xiv. t. 658.— Douglas, 1900. This originally appeared as a natural hybrid in the collection of E. Gotto, Esq., The Logs, Hampstead Heath, in 1891. See O.R. 1903, 338. 105. L.-c. x Greenwoodii (C. x Hardyana x L.-c. x Schilleriana @ ). —Maron, 1897. L.-c. X Stelzneriano-Hardyana, Fard. 1897, 310; O.R. 1897, 360.—Maron. L.-c. x Henry Greenwood, G.C. 1898, i, 252; 1900, ii. 47, f. 8 (excl. name and text); O.R. 1898, 140, 350, 351; 1899, 316; G.M. 1898, 686) GS7eioeeee 1900, ii. 53, f. 12 (v. superba) ; G.M. 1904, 524, 525 (v. Imperator). L.-c. x Duc de Massa, $.S.H.Fr. 1900. 419.—Maron. L.-c. x Madame Martin Cahuzac, $.S.H.Fr. 1900, 350.—Maron. L.-c. x Madame Debac, 7.S.H.Fr. 1901, 637.—Maron. L.-c. X Marquis de Wavrin, G.C. 1903, i. 267.—Peeters. 106. L.-c. x Groganiew (C. Harrisoniana x L. Dayana), O.R. 1902, 30, 64, 316.—Grogan, 1901. 107. L.-c. x Hamiltoni (C. bicolor? x L. Dayana), O.R. 1900, 348 (un- named) ; 1901, 363; G.C. 1902, 11. 344.—Miller, 1900. 108. L.-c. x Haroldiana (C. x Hardyana x L. tenebrosa ? ), G.C. 1901, ii. 172, 297; O.R. 1901, 284, 317, 348; G.M. 1902, 832, 833, f. (v. superba); 1903, 741, f. (v. John Bradshaw); Gard. 1904, i. 25, f. (id.).—(Charleswerth) Tunstill, 1901. 109. L.-c. x Hebe (C. Mossie 2? x L. grandis), G.C. 1902, 1. 313; O.R: 1903, 179; Sand. O. Guide, 339.—Wigan, 1902. The parentage was not originally recorded, and has been added from Messrs. Sander’s work, which we suppose refers to the same hybrid. We have not seen it. 410. L.-c. x Helena (C. Schilleriana x L. cinnabarina 9), G.C. 1901, ii. 360 ; 1903, i. 46; O.R. 1901, 366.-—Charlesworth, 1901. L.-c. x Miss Laura Webb, G.M. 1903, 45.—Wellesley. The reverse cross has also been raised. 141. L.-c. x Henri (L.-c. x callistoglossa x L.-c. x Canhamiana).-— Maron, 1900. . L.-c. x Henri Maron, $. S. H. Fr. 1903, 604.—Maron. Part Il.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 105 412. L-c. x Hera (C. Bowringiana x L.-c. x Leeana).—Maron, 1897. C. x Bowringiano-blesensis, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1907, 954; Yard. 1897, 310; O.R. 1897, 360. 113. L.-c. x Herga (C. Gaskelliana x L.-c. x elegans 2 ),G.C. 1901, i. 374; O.R. 1901, 218.—Low, 1901. 114. L.-c. x Hermione (C. Lueddemanniana x L. Perrinit ?), Gard. 1900, it) 134%. G.C. 1900, ii. 137.— Baron N. Rothschild, 1900. aa5. U.-c. x Herode(C. x O’Brieniana 2? .x Lc. x elegans), G.C.,1900, May 26, Suppl. 1 ; O.R. 1900, 176, 183; G.47. 1900, 348, f.; Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. hyb. t. 17.—Peters, 1900. 116. L.-c x highburiensis (C. Lawrenceana ? x L. cinnabarina), G.C. 1896, feoe.O.R. 1896, 157, 187 ; Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. hyb. t. 15 (type), 15a (v. Fournieri) ; Wien Ill. G. Zeit. 1904, 201, t. 2, f. 45.—Chamberlain, 1896. 117. L.-c. x Hilda (C. Lawrenceana x L. Boothiana), O.R. 1903, 175; ¥.H. 1903, i. 397.—Chamberlain, 1902, Cattleya x Mozart, Gard, 1903, i. 287.—Peeters. 118. L.-c. x Hippolyta (C. Mossiz x L.cinnabarina 9), G.C. 1890, i. 398, Rete wOuw. 1893, 292° Tandem. t. 592- G.M. 1898, 390, 391, £; Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. hyb. t. 14.—Veitch, 1890. Cattleya x Hippolyta, ¥.S.2.Fr. 1899, 376. —Duval. ireeoe Phoebe (CMossieey 2), G.C. 1892;1. 598, 791, f. 114; OR. 1893, ear ceieercnenb. ‘ser. 2. 11. 107, t.93.— Cookson. 119. L.-c. x Hodgkinsone (C. Mossiz x L. harpophylla ¢), O.R. 1902, 219.— Hodgkinson, 1902. Pec < WILSON. * 246. L.-c. x Wiganize (C. Mossiz « L.-c. x Gottoiana ?), G.C. 1900, ii. 18, 47, f. 8 (v. aurea) ; O.R. 1900, 214, 249; 1903, 233, f. 39.—Wigan, 1900. L.-c. x Adrastus, Gard. 1903, i. 380.—Keeling. (See Fig. 36. 247. L.-c. x Wiganiana (L. purpurata @ x L.-c. Dominiana) G.C. 1899, ii. 156; O.R. 1899, 285.--Wigan, 1899. L.-c. x Wiganie, ¥.H. 1899, ii. 192, 193, f. 39. 248. L.-c. x Wilsone (C. labiata ¢ x L. Dayana), G.C. 1899, ii. 441; O.R. 1900, 28 ; 1901, 324, 371, f. 53.—Sander, 1899. ‘See Fig. 37. 249. L.-c. x wisetonensis (C. Warneri x L.-c. x callistoglossa 2), Sand. O. Guide, 340.—Sander, 1901 or 1902. 118 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. We only know of the above record, but Messrs. Sander write that it is one of their hybrids, which flowered in 1901 or 1902. 250 L-c. x Wrigleyi(C. Bowringiana x L. anceps ?), O.R. 1899, 359; 1900, 145, f.; 1902, 29; G.M. 1903, 795, f.; Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. t. 33.—Wrigley, 1899. (See Fig. 38. Le. X gracilis, G.C. 1902, 113.387 ; Kev. A. Belge D902, 280.— Peeters. 951. L.-c. x Zampa (C. intermedia x L.-c. x Schilleriana ? ).—Fournier, 1903. Fig, 38. LALIOCATTLEYA X WRIGLEYI. L.-c, X (unnamed) Rev, H. 1903, 47; $.S. H. Fr. 1903, 37. 252. L.c. x Zenobia (C. Loddigesii ? x L.-c. x elegans), G.C. 1889, i. 802 ; iit. 156.—Veitch, 1887. Cattleya x Zenobia, G.C. 1887, ii. 552; O.R. 1893, 196. C. x Cassandra, G.C. 1888, ii. 596; O.R. 1893, 259.—Veitch. L.-c. X Cassandra, G,.C. 1889,.4, 4915.1. 78. L.-c. X Ino, Sand. O. Guide, 278. Part I1.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 119 L.-c. X Pytho, G.C. 1896, i. 740; O.R. 1896, 221; F. H. 1896, i. 535, 579, 588, f. 102.—Ingram. 253. L.-c. x Zephyra (C. Mendelit ? x L. xanthina), G.C. 1894, ii. 103; O.R. 1894, 285.— Veitch, 1894. 20. LEPTOLALIA. A genus established to contain the following hybrid between Leptotes and Lelia. 1. Leptolelia x Veitchii (Lelia cinnabarina x Leptotes bicolor ¢), G.C. 1902, i. 280; 1903, i. 50, ff. 23, 24; O.R. 1902, 149, 157.—Veitch, 1902. 21. LYCASTE. 4. L. x Ballize (macrophylla x Skinneri), O.R. 1898, 371; 1903, 80, f. 19; G.M. 1903, 356, f.— Ball, 1896. x schoenbrunnensis, O.R. 1896, 40 (not earlier).— Ball. Ingr © 0 0 Oe ae 26. PAPHIOPEDILUM. P. x Aasenii (Fairrieanum X Swanianum ? ).—Ames, 1900. Sypripedium x Aasenii, Amer. G. 1900, 795; Rev. H. 1903, 257; O.R. 1903, 41. P. x Abas (Stonei 2? x villosum).--Veitch, 1900. x Abas, G.C. 1900, i. 143; O.R. 1900, 92. P. x Abessa (barbatum x Euryale).—Ames, 1900. nae Abessa, Amer. G. 1900, 489, 507, f. 101 ; G.C. 1900, 11. 102, P. x Adamsii (x Calypso x regale).—Roebling, 1903. . X John Quincy Adams, Amer. G. 1903, 107. P. x Adela (Boxallii 9 x superbiens).—Duval, 1899. x Boxalli-superbiens, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 84.—Duval. = Fig. 44. ODONTOGLOSSUM X WALTONENSE. P. x Adonis (Curtisii x hirsutissimum @).—WNerch. Liv. d. O, 475.— m, 1893. x Adonis, G.C. 1893, ii. 342; O.R. 1893, 318; 1896, 11. x refulgens, G.C. 1895, i. 338; O.R. 1895, 127.—Ingram. P. & Adrien (Rothschildianum * Swanianum ? ).—Sander, 1899. x Comte Adrien de Germiny, G.C. 1899, ii. 58; O.R. 1899, 254. P. x Aneas (Haynaldianum ? x Hookerz).—Sander, 1900. 1902, 11.314 7.0K, 19025 343: 60. P. x Ballantinei (Fairrieanum x purpuratum 9), Kerch. Liv. d. O: 476; O.R. 1900:8> 1905, 18,4, 5 (Westtield y:).— Veitch teu® [See Fig. C. x H. Ballantine, G.C. 1890, ii. 408 ; O.R. 1893, 295. 61. P. x barbato-prestans (barbatum x przstans).—Beranek, 1903. C. x barbato-praestans, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1903, 604. 62. P. x Barbeye (Lawrenceanum x tonsum ?) ; O.R. 1901, 93.— Jolibois, 189i. C. x n. 260, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1891, 67.—Jolibois. C. x Madame Barbey, Orchidoph. 1892, 337,t. f.3: O.R. 1893, 154.—Jolibois. C. x tonso-Lawrenceanum, 7. S. H. Fr. 1900, 391—Opoix. 63. P. x Bartelsii (Boxallii 2 > callosum), O R. 1902, 94.—Sander, 1894, C. x J. Bartels, G.C. 1894, ii. 670; 1903, i. 130; O.R. 1895, 30.—Sander. C. * (unnamed) (callosum @?), ¥. S.H. Fr. 1897, 745.—Gibez. 64. P. x Batalinii (Argus < purpuratum 9? ).—Sander, 1894. C.. & Batalinit,,G.C? 1894, 11. 3785 OUR. 1894, 349: 65. P. x Beatrice (Boxallii ¢ x Lowii), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 476.—Drewett, 1889. C. x Beatrice, G.C. 1889, ii. 266; O.R. 1893, 263. QF 20) © Janssens & Putzeys. Part I. } THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 137 C. x lucidum v. Beatrice, Hans. O. Hyb. 159.—Drewett. 66. P. x Behrensianum (Boxallii ? x Io), Nerch. Liv. d. O. 476.— Sander, 1894. C. x Behrensianum, O.R. 1894, 111; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1896, 929. C. x Roeblingianum, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 31. C. x lonodes, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 60.—Sander. C. x Ionides, G.C. 1895, i. 500.— Sander. 67. P. x bellinum (x Harrisianum x vernixium ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 476.—Sander, 1894. Fig. 47. PAPHIOPEDILUM X BALLANTINEI, WESTFIELD VAR. C. x bellinum, O.R. 1894, 42. C. x Wendlandianum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 111; Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 39; O.R. 1896, 39.—Sander. Not to be confounded with P. x Wendlandianum, Kerch. (* cenanthum x venustum). 68. P. x Belus (x Harrisianum ? x Mastersianum), O.R. 1900, 100.— Young, 1898. Crise Belus, G.C. 1898, 1230250. 1898, 185; Dict, le. 0. Cyp. hy bet. oi 69. P. x Beranekii (bellatulum @ x Youngianum).—Beranek, 1902. 138 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part vt: C. x Jeanette, G.C. 1902, 1. 380; F. S. H. Fr. 1902, 463. The specific name is changed because of an earlier hybrid with the same name. 70. P x Berenice (Lowii x philippinense ?), Aerch. Liv. d. O. 476.— Vipan, 1891. C. x Berenice, G.C.: 1891, i. 1836; O.R. 1893, 328. 71. P. x Berkeleyanum (bellatulum x Boxallii),—Lawrence, 1902. C: < Berkeleyanum, G.C. 1902, 1. Isl; O.R. 1902, 90: C. x Berkeleyi, G.C. 1902, 1. 217; O.R. 1902, 118.—Charlesworth. C. x Beeckmani, G.C. 1897, ii. 388; Sem. H. 1897, 458; 1898, 165, f. 269 ; Lind. xiii. t. 600; G.M. 1898, 145, f.; $.H. 1904, 1. 272, 273, f.—Linden. C. x Lansbergex, Sem. H. 1900, 555, 556, f. 179 ; Lind. xvi. t. 727.—Linden. C. xX auriferum, Lind. xvii. §. 771 ; Rev. A. Belee, 1905;°97,,99 seen There is a doubt about the parentage of the three preceding synonyms, though we have followed the original records. C. x auriferum is said to have come from the same cross as C. x Beeckmani, but all three are remarkably diverse. 72. P. x Bijou (Lawrenceanum x oenanthum @ ), Kerch. Liv. d OF 4716 — Ingram, 1892. C2 Bijou, G:c. 1892.11. 138 703K. 1S9s3oa9: 73. P. x bingleyense (Charlesworthii @ ™ MHarrisianum); O.R. 1900, 350.—Keeling, 1899. x bingleyense, G.C. 1899, ii. 198; O.R. 1899, 287, 291. x rubens, O.R. 1899, 285, 291 (rubrum by error).—Keeling. x Dryope, G.C. 1903, i. 46, 80; O.R. 1903, 51.—Veitch. x J. Wilson Potter, G.C. 1903, i. 46, 78, 83, f. 36; G. World, 1903, 1.113; OO: 1903, 51, 52; Foi. 1903, 1. 17754. otter. C, x Chorlton, G:C. 1903.0) 230: —Gratnin, C. x Charltoni, O.R. 1903, 310.—Gratrix. 74. P. x Bleui (ciliolare @ x insigne), ¥. R. H. S. xxvi. 692.—Bleu, 1891. C. x Chantino-ciliolare, $. d. O. ii. 343; $.S. H. Fr. 1893, 452. C. x Alfred Bleu, Rev. H. 1893, 84, t.; O.R. 1893, 93. C. x Alfredi, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 10. 75. P. x Bollerille (x Lathamianum ¢ x Savageanum),—McMeekin, 1897, C. x Mrs. Geo. Bollerill, G.C. 1897, ii. 438; O.R. 1898, 31. 76. P. x Boltonianum (x calophyllum ¢ x Leeanum).— Sander, 1895. C. x Boltonianum, O.R, 1896, 362; k. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 22; 77. P. x Bondii (hirsutissimum x Swanianum @ ).— Ingram, 1893. Cc. x T. W. Bond, G.Cy 1893, i. 396; 1901, i. 114, 127, f. 51 (Coundon Court v.); O.R. 1893, 158; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 25; F. H. 1901, 1. 169, f. 78. P. x Bookeri (ciliolare x Spicerianum).—Marwood, 1893. C. x Bookeri, G.C. 1894, 11.447; O.Rk. 1894, 352. 79. P. x Boyleanum (x Crossianum (?) * Harrisianum ¢?), Kerch, Liv: d. O. 476; O.R. 1903, 69.—Sander, 1893. Cle ane mare 11.) Pie ORCHID STUD-BOOR. 139 C. x Boyleanum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 17;Hans.O. Hyb. 1895, 137.— Sander. C. x Haumonti, Lind. xiv. t. 668 ; O.R. 1899, 352.—Linden. 80. P. x Breckmanii (Charlesworthii x Savageanum (Moensii).—Maes. Breeckman, 1903. C. xX (unnamed), G.C. 1903, ii. 359. The second parent is given as C. X Moensii, which we have taken to represent a form of P. x Savageanum, but if itis P. Argus Moensii this hybrid would be a formof P. x Ian. 81. P. x Brandtiew (x Io @ x Youngianum).—Sander, 1895. Fig. 48. PAPHIOPEDILUM X BUCHANIANUM. C. x Frau Ida Brandt, G.C. 1895, i. 748; O.R. 1895, 223; Amer. G. 1900, 375, f. 78. 82. P. x Brunhild (x Lathamianum x Victoria-Marizx.)—Sander, 1902. @esx Brunhild, G:C. 1902) 1.350; £. 118. 83. P.x Brunianum (x Leeanum ? x cenanthum).—Sander, 1892. C. x Brunianum, G.C. 1892, ii. 443.—Sander. C. x A. J. Herrington, G.C. 1895, ii. 588; O.R. 1896, 361.—Sander. C, X Leeanum-Galatea, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 107 .—Sancer. 140 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part I. C. x Madonna, Sand. O. Guide, 336.—Charlesworth. 84. P. x Bruno (x Leeanum x Spicerianum @ ).—Veitch, 1895. C. x Bruno, Gard. 1895, ii. 347; O.R. 1896, 375; Desh. Cyp. ed. 2, 94. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1901, 1137.—Bultel. C. x Tagus, O.R. 1903, 365.—Cypher. C. x nobile, G.C. 1901, i. 408.—Smet- Duvivier. 85. P. x bruxellense (Rothschildianum x venustum), ¥. Rk. H.S. xxvi. 692.— Linden, 1901. C. x bruxellense, Lind. xvi. t. 751. 86. P. x Bryan (philippinense x tonsum ? ).—Drewett, 1901. C.x chloroneurum (plunerum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 476.—Sander, 1893. C xX Burberryanum, G.C- 1893) 1,,.395 Or. 1893, 159 P. x Nemesis, O.R. 1902, 100.—Youtng. 93. P. x Burbidgeanum (concolor x Dayanum ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 416. —R. H. Measures, 1889. C. x Burbidgeanum, Lind. iti. 86; Orchidoph. 1889, 11; Hans. O. Hyb. 137. C. x Salus, G.C. 1897, ii. 10; O.R. 1897, 223.--R. I. Measures. C x Salis, Chron. O. 158.—R. I. Measures. 9%. P. x burfordiense (Argus x philippinense), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 476.— Lawrence, 1888. C. x burfordiense, G.C. 1888, ii. 724; O.R. 1893, 259 ; 1896, 340.—Lawrence. C. * Bryant, G.C. 1892, ii. 138; O.R. 1893, 359; 1896, 340.—Cookson. C.. x pendulum, G.C. 1895, ii. 192; 1899, ii. 99, O.R. 1895, 288; 1899, 249. —Heath. Sander. On the second occasion that this plant was exhibited the second parent was recorded as C. Haynaldianum, but the point requires confirmation. Part U1.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 141 95. P. x buryense (< Swinburnei x venustum).—Wrigley, 1902. P. X (unnamed), O.R. 1902, 124. 96. P. x Cahuzacii (x pavoninum x villosum),—Cahuzac, 1899. C. x villoso-pavoninum, ¥. S. H.-Fr: 1899, 262. 97. P. x calanthum (barbatum ? x Lowii), Stein, O. 457.—Veitch, 1878. C. x calanthum, G.C. 1880, ii. 652; V. Man. O. iv. 79; O.R. 1893, 70. C. x chelseense, G.C. 1888, ii. 406 ; O.R. 1893, 228.—Bull. C. x Sappho, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 98; G.C. 1895, i. 200.—Veitch. C. x Sirius, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 155.—Charlesworth. 98. P. x caligare (Dayanum x venustum @ ), Stein. O. 457.—Drewett, 1888. C. x caligare, G.C. 1888, i. 264 ; O.R. 1893, 259; Orchidoph. 1888, 130. 99. P. x Calliope (callosum x Lathamianum).—W. C. Clarke, 1899. > Calliope, “G:C. 1899) 1. 98. C. x Apuleus, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 9.—Charlesworth. 100. P. x calloso-Argus (Argus ? X callosum).—Graves, 1894. C. x calloso-argus, O.R. 1894, 110. 101. P. x calloso-barbatum (barbatum x callosum ? ).—Joltbois, 1890. C. Crossi x callosum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1890, 201.—Jolibois. C. x ealloso-barbatum, O.R. 1898, 371 ; 1899, 48.—Charlesworth. C. x calloso-Warneri, G.C. 1902, ii. 445; O.R. 1903, 22.—Wrigley. 102. P. x calloso-niveum (callosum x niveum ? ).—Sander, 1895. C. x calloso-niveum, O.R. 1895, 359.—-Sander. C. x Mrs. Edgar Cohen, G.C. 1898, ii. 203; O.R. 1898, 317.—Sander. C. xX niveo-callosum, G.C. 1903, ii. 343; O.R. 1903, 367.—Ardern. 103. P. x calophyllum (barbatum 9 ™X venustum), Stein. O. 458.— Veitch, 1881. C. x calophyllum, GC. 1881, i. 169; V. Man. O. iv. 80; O.R. 1893, 71.— Veitch. ©. x politum, G.C. ‘1880, ii. 525 ; 1887, -i. 764, 765, f. 143; OLA. i. 6. 36; V. Man. O. iv. 96; O.R. 1893, 70 ; 1905, 291; Dict. Ic. O, Cyp. hyb. t. 20; Day. QO. Draw. xliv.t. 17.—Warner. C. x venusto-Crossii, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 35; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 460.-— Drieger. C. x Thetis, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 102; Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 33. — Harris. 10%. P. x Calypso (Boxallii ¢ x Spicerianum), Stein. O. 458,—Veitch, 1890. x Calypso, G.C, 1890;125207; 1891, i..863) 7. 1891, 11. 559 f.. LO; O.R. 1893, 327; 1896, 15; Reichenb. ser. 2, ii. 69, £. 77 (Oakwood var.) ; Dict. Ic. O, Cyp. hyb. t. 26 (type), 26 A. (Oakwood var.), 26 B. (v. Flamingo). C. x Denisianum, G.C. 1893, i. 486; Hans. O. Hyd. 156.—Vervaet. C. x Vanderwielianum, G.C. 1893, i. 286.—Vervaet. C. x Leo, G.C. 1894, i. 84; O.R. 1894, 62.—W. R. Lee. C. x Flamingo, Rev. H. Belge, 1895, 84; Ill. H. 1895, 63; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 190.— Hye. 142 THE ORCHID STUDBOOK: [Part Il. C. x Eurydice, G.C. 1895, i. 199 ; O.R. 1896, 12.—‘‘ Continental.” C. x Flora, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 39; ed. 3, 60.—R. I. Measures. C. x Boutemyez, G.C. 1897, 1. 227.—Linden. C. x hybridum, Bohnh. O. Hyb. 21; O.R. 1896, 14. 105. P. x calypsoides (x Calypso x _ Rothschildianum).—Drewett, 1903. C. x calypsoides, G.C. 1903, ii. 214; O.#. 1903, 308.—Drewett. C. x Lamonteanum, G.C. 1903, ii. 278; O.R. 1903, 339.—Sander. 106. P. x Canhami (superbiens ? x villosum), Stein O. 458.—(Douglas) Veitch, 1887. C. x Charles Canham, G.C. 1887, ii. 490; V. Man. O. tv. 81; O.R. 1893, 133> Dick ic) Ey pr liyb: 1, 9: C. x Mrs. Canham (villosum ¢), G.C, 1887, ii. 746; V. Man. O. iv. 98, f.; O.R. 1893, 134. . x Canhami, Wien Ill. G. Zeit. 1888, 32; 1899, 413, t. 4. . X Canhamiz, G.C. 1894, ii. 667, f. 86 (abnormal). . X inversum, Bohnh. O. Hypb. 21. . x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 844.—Ferrier. 107. P. x Carderi (hirsutissimum x selligerum).—Sander, 1898. €. x John Carder, O.FR. 1898, 372. 108. P. x Cardosoz (Charlesworthii x macropterum).—Cardoso. C. x Madame Elise Cardoso, F. S. H. Fr. 1896, 741. 109. P. x Cardosoanum (barbatum ? x Leeanum), O.R. 1901, 14; 1903, 54, 119.—Peeters, 1900. C. x Cardosoanum, Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 46. 110. P. x Carnusianum (Haynaldianum x Spicerianum), Stezn O. 460,— Carnus, 1890. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1890, ii. 754. C. x Carnusianum, G.C. 1891, 1,87; - 1895, ii. 102; O27. 1893) 325i" Gare 1896, 250, f.—(Carnus) Parr. C. x hybridum, ¥.H. 1891, 1. 50.—-(Carnus) Parr. C. x Cahuzac, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 13; O.R. 1896, 320.—Sander. C. x Peruzzianum, Bull Soc. Tosc. Ort. 1903, 5.—Recenti., 141. P. x Carrierei (superbiens 2 x venustum), Sten O. 460.—Bauer 1887. C. x Carrierei, Monit. H. 1887, 54; O.R. 1893, 374; Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 1887, 152, t.7; V. Man. O. iv. 80. 412. P. x Cassandra (x Goweri x Sanderianum).—Parker, 1903, C. x Cassandra, G.C. 1903, ii. 65; O.R. 1903, 244. 113. P. x Castalia (Druryi x Godseffianum).—Dallemagne, 1902. C. x Castalia, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 139.—Dallemagne, C. x A. Dimmock, G.C. 1902, i. 151, 157, f. 48; O.R. 1902, 92.—Sander. 114. P. x Castleanum (hirsutissimum ° x superbiens).—Stein O. 460.— Sander, 1890. Ge Gre Part I1.] Pak ORCHID STUD BOGK. 143 C. x Castleantum, G.C. 1890, ii. 702.;,1891, 2 39; F.A. 1890, ii. 513 ; 1891, 1. 101, f. 19; Reichenb. ser. 2, 1. t. 45; O.R. 1893, 28, 326.—Sander. C. x Captain Holford (superbiens ?), G.C. 1899, ii. 198; O.R. 1899, 287 ; G.M. 1899, 561, f.—Veitch. C. x Thoorisianum, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 34; Desb, Cyp. ed. 2, 452.— Moens. C. x Bellone, Chron. O. 56; R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 21 (“ Bellune’’).— Vuylsteke. 415. P. x Celia (Spicerianum x tonsum), Kerch, Liv. d. O. 477.—Kimball, 1890. C. x Celia, G.C. 1891, i. 104; O.R. 1893, 327.—Kimball. Ge Cecihay O:R: 1893, 350.—Sander. C. x Madame Jules Hye, G.C. 1894, i. 198; 1895, i. 103, f. 14; O.R. 1894, 92,144; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 8..—Hye. : C. x Inspirator, Rev. H. Belge, 1894, 25; O.R. 1894, 82.—Hye. C. X Spicero-tonsum, G.C. 1895, i. 201; R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 158.— Ingram. C. x Spico-tonsum, Hans. O. Hyb. 139.—Pitcher and Manda. C. x Imperator, Desh. Cyp, ed. 2, 237.—Hye. C. x Jules Hye, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 53.—Peeters. 116. P. x Chamber-Leeanum (Chamberlainianum < Comet, G:C; 1899, 1. LOS; R.A. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 183. 139. P. x Comus (insigne x Swanianum).—Graves, 1895. 146 THE ORCHID (STUD2BOOK [| Paréwmis C. x Comus, Amer. G. March 23, 1895 ; Hans. O. Hyb. 141 ; G.C. 1895, i. 550. 140. P. x concinnum (purpuratum x Harrisianum), Stein O. 463.—Bow- C. X concinnum, Bull Cat. 1887, 10; V. Man. O. iv. 81;° Amer. G. March, 23, 1895; G-C. 1895; 1. 550. In some of the records P. villosum is given as the second parent, but we have followed the original record, which seems to agree best with a dried flower and drawing preserved at Kew. Fig. 49. PAPHIOPEDILUM X CONCO-BELLATULUM VAR. WALKERIANUM. 144. P. x conco-bellatulum (bellatulum x concolor).—Heath, 1891. [See Fig. 49. C. concolor x bellatulum, G.C. 1895, 1.627; 1896, 1. 741; O.N. 1895; 187; 1896, 221, 222.— Strickland. C. X conco-bellatulum, G.C: 1897, 1. 354, 359; OUR. 1897, 169, en. Statter. C. x Walkerianum, G.M. 1898, 386; O.2. 1898, 233.—Druce. P. x Walkerianum, O.R. 1903, 360, f. 53.—-Druce. 442. P. x conco-callosum (callosum x concolor ?).—R.H. Measures, 1895. Pare T1:) foe ORCHID STUD-BOOK: 147 C. X conco-callosum, O.R. 1895, 14 ;' 1900, 28. C. x McNabianum (callosum ?), G.C 1896, ii. 471; O.R. 1896, 349; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 322.—Sander. 143. P x concolawre (concolor ? x Lawrenceanum).—Lawrence, 1893. Cs conco-Lawre, G.C. 1893, i. 206; 1896, 1. 337; O.R. 1893, 15, 94; 1896; 122 : F.H. 1893, i. 193, f. 41 ; O. Alb. xi. t. 506; O. 2. 1894, 337, f. 33; Lind. ix. t. 408. C. xX “concolor inversum” (Lawrenceanum ¢), §¥. S. H. Fr. 1894, 582.— Mantin. C. x Lawre-conco, O.#. 1893, 286.—Sander. C. x Lawre-concolor, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 69.—Sander. C. x Lawrenceo-Regnieri, Lind. xi. t=. 504.—Bleu. C. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H, Fr. 1895, 178, 799. —Mantin. 144. P. x conco-villosum (concolor x villosum), ¥. Rk. H. S. xxiv. 100. —Sander, 1898. Gy © conco-villosum, G.C: 1897, 1. 210; 390; OLR. 1897, 127 ; 1899, 155, 185; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 40. 145. P. x conspicuum (Harrisianum x villosum) Kerch, Liv. d. O. 477.— Swan, 1888. Gy. conspictiunn 1G-C. 1888, i. 521; Ou.R. 1893, 227; Roi. Meas. Cyp. ed, ep ee C. x claptonense, G.C. 1889, i. 168; O.R. 1893, 262.— Low. C. xX. Wallaertii, G.C. 1892, ii. 249.—Pitcher and Manda. C. xX Wallaertianum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 109, 110; G.C. 1895, ii, 655.— Peeters. . X ornatum, G.C. 1892, i. 428; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 377.—Hye. - X Masonianum, R. H. Meas, Cyp. ed. 2, 75.—-Sander. . X villoso-Harrisianum, O.R. 1894, 28 ; Desd. Cyp. ed. 2,467.—Pourbaix. x Gautieri, ¥.S. H. Fr. 1896, 24.—(Moreau) Cardoso. < Harrisianum v. Wallaertianum, Desd. Cyp. ed. 2, 219. . xX W.A. Allen, R. H. Meas. Cyp..ed. 3, 174.—McArthur. x Harrisi-villosum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 133; G.C. 1902, ii. 344; O.R. 1902, 362,.—Lebaudy. C. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 113.—Mantin. ©. x Alfred Thierrard, : S. H. Fr, 1901, 1062.—Cappe. fee Rex, G.C. 1903, 1. 126-0... 1903, 87.—Gratrix. 146. P. x Constableanum (Dayanum x Fairrieanum), Kerch Liv. d. O. 477 ; O.R. 1900, 10; 1905, 38.—Pitcher and Manda, 1893. C. x Constableanum, Gard. 1893, i. 75; O.R. 1893, 118. 147. P. x Constance (Curtisii x Stonei ?), Stein. O. 464.-—Drewett, 1890. C. X Constance, G.C. 1890, ii. 294; O.R. 1893, 294; ¥$.H. 1890, ii. 353, f. AO; NOUS i 259, f.; ¥. S, H.. Fro Voy, 944: Creauames H. Veitch, (CurismeeG.C. 1894, i.) 2589 287) f. 40+" OLR: 1894, 3095-7... 1894, ii, 227, f. 33..=Veiteh. ene ae GO 148 THE ORCHID STUDZBOOK [Part II 148. P. x Conwayi (callosum x exul).—Wellesley, 1902, Co Dr, ' Conway, G:C. 1902503855. OK. 1902-.os. 149. P. x Cooksone (Curtisii 9 x Sanderianum).—Cookson, 1900. C. X Sanderiano-Curtisii, G.C. 1900, i. 62, 75, f. 23; O.R. 1900; 59 3Gar 1900, 1. 74, f. 150. P. x corbeillense (Bullenianum x insigne), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 477.— Darblay, 1892. C. x corbeillense, ¥. S. 2. Fr; 1892, 611 ; Rev. H. 1893, 250; OR soaneee 151. P. x Coronis (x Leeanum x Lynchianum).—Sander, 1902. C. X Coronis, G@.C.1902; 112 344 Ork= 19023 364: 152. P. x Cowleyanum (Curtisii ? x niveum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 477.— Tautz, 18972. C. x Cowleyanum, G.C. 1892, i. 72; - 1896, 1.656; 7. d@O7 18S23aieera O.R. 1893, 359; 1896, 190. C. x F: S. Roberts, G.C. 1898, 1.47; O.R. 1898, 62, 63; 75= mGeveieoe: 249, f. (“« F. S. Ames” by error), 256; $.H. 1898, i. 77, f. 12.— Low. C. x Non Plus Ultra, O.R. 1898, 364. 153. P. x crassifolium (Lawrenceanum. x Sementa ? ). C. x crassifolium, ard. 1903, 64; 7. S. H. Fr. 1903, 71.—Ferrier. 154. P..x Creon (Harrisianum @ X cenanthum), Stem O. 464.— Veitch, 1891. C. x Creon, G.C. 1891, i.:214; F. d. O. ii. 6; $.H.. 1892 £31 ORE N93; Gl; O27. : . X La Nymphe, G.C. 1892, i. 214.—Ingram. . x Mrs. Warren Hook, O.R. 1893, 117.—Pitcher and Manda. x Brennus, Rk. H. Meas, Cyp. ed. 2, 94.—R. H. Measures. x Brunius, Rk. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 26.—R. H. Measures. 155. P. x Crethus (Argus x Spicerianum ?).—Kerch. Liv. d. O. 477.— Veitch, 1892. C. x Crethus; G:C: 1892, %11::622 = (OUR 1893;.359: C. x Argus-Spicerianum, G.C. 1894, ii. 731; O.R, 1895, 32.—Low. C. x Memoire d’Edouard Pynaert, Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 95.—De Smet Duvivier. 156. P. x Crossianum (insigne ? X venustum), Stein O. 464.—Ash- burton, 1873. C: * Crossianum,.GiG, A873) 877 ; 1889, i. 9,43: Jil. V88So7 ee V.Man.O. iv. 82; O.R. 1893, 37; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 144, C. x amandum, G.C. 1887, i. 174; O.R. 1893, 196.— Bowring. C. x aurantiacum, Rk. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 9; Boyle Woodl. O. 197.—Sander. C. x Francis Heygate, G.C. 1902, ii. 313; O.R. 1902, 324.—Heygate. 157. P. x Curtia (Curtisii x Dayanum) —Oakes Ames, 1900. C. x Dayano-Curtisii, Amer. G. 1900, 151. 158. P. x Cybele (Druryi x Lawrenceanum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 477.— Pitcher and Manda, 1892. cremene Part Ul.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 149 C. x Cybele, Gard. & For. 1892, 562; G.C. 1895, 1. 199. C. x basileum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 16.—R. H. Measures. C. x highfieldense, G.C. 1896, 1.530; O.R. 1896, 159; Gard. 1896, i. 316 (‘ highfieldianum ’’).—Burton. C. x Drurio-Lawrenceanum, O.R. 1897, 349; G.C. 1897, ii. 277.—Veitch. C. x Lawrenceo-Druryi, G.C. 1897, ii. 113.—Sander. 159. P. x Cycnides (bellatulum ? x Swanianum).—Hollington, 1894. [See Fig 50. fe Mocigan § Kidd Fig. 50. PAPHIOPEDILUM X CYCNIDES VAR. WILLIAM LLOYD. ee William Lloyd, G.-C. 1894, ii. 731, 757; £797; F-o1894, ii. 557,:f. 91 ; O.R. 1895, 32, 177, f. 7; 304 ; 1896,99; Boyle Woodl. O. 182, 191, t.; G.M. 1894, 794, f.— Hollington. C. Cycnides, O.R. 1895, 304 ; 1896,99 ; Boyle Woodl. O. 180 («Cyanides”’). —R. H. Measures. C. superbiens), O.R. 1900, 184, f. 32. —Tautz, 1893. [See. Fig. 51. 150 THE) ORCHID” STUD-BOOK. [Part II. C. x Cymatodes; R. A. Meas. Cyp. 1893, ed. 2,29';,G.C, ii. 684 (unnamed). —R. H. Measures. C. x beechense, G.C. 1894, i. 762; O.R, 1894, 223.—W. R. Lee. 161. P. x Cythera (purpuratum x Spicerianum @ ),Kerch. Liv. d. 0. 478.— R. H. Measures, 1890. C..x Cythera, G.C: 1890;%.735 O2k./1893; 295. C. x» Maynardii, G.C. 1890, ii. 702; Reichenb. ser2, 1. 93,» Saute Y.H. 1891, i. 281, f. 51; O.R. 1893, 326.—Sander. Fig. 51. PAPHIOPEDILUM X CYMATODES. C. x Cecilia, R. H. Meas. €yp. ed. 2, 25.—Sander. C. x Rodigasianum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 90; G.C. 1895, i. 200.—Capart. 162. P. x Dacia (purpuratum 2 X superbiens).—Sander, 1903. C. x purpurato-Veitchii, Gard. 1903, ii. 210.—Sander. 163. P. x Dedalus (insigne ? x vexillarium). - O.2. 1898, 360 ; 1900, 104, 1905, 71.—Young, 1898. 164. P. x Daisy (Lowii ? x cenanthum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 478.— Graves, 1892. C. x Daisyz, G.C. 1892, ii. 301; Gard. & For. 1892, 460, 463, f. 79; Fd. O. 111.:249 5 OUR. 1893,,127°360. Rare 11.) Pa sORCHID SEUD-BOOK. 151 165. P. x Dakini (barbatum 2? x Lathamianum).—Hurst, 1900. C. x Lilian, G.C. 1898, 11. 375; Sand. O. Guide, 336.—C harlesworth. 166. P. x Dallemagnei (Druryi ° x hirsutissimum).—Dallemagne, 1900. P. x Druryi-hirsutissimum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 840. 167. P. x Danervaliz (philippinense x selligerum).—Opoix, 1897. C. x Madame N. Danerval, ¥ S. H. Fr. 1897, 945. C. x Monsieur Danerval, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 283, 468. P. x Daphne(Charlesworthii x exul), O.R. 1903, 59.—Appleton, 1903. Ge Daphne, G.C. 1903, 11. 326; O.R. 1903, 367.— Keeling. 169. P. x Deception (hirsutissimum x venustum),—Carnus, 1895. C. x Deception, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 16. Fig, 52. PAPHIOPEDILUM-X DEEDMANIANUM. 170. P. x Decia (Charlesworthii ? x superciliare)—Bull, 1902. e. xX Decia, G.-C. 1902, ii. 106: O.R. 1902, 275. 171. P. x decipiens (Charlesworthii x Lawrenceanum).—Duval, 1899. C. xX decipiens, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 832.— Duval. C. x Lawrenceano-Charlesworthii, G.C. 1901, ii. 59 ; 1903, i. 78; O.R. 1901, 292.— Lew. C. x Lawrenworthii, O.R. 1901, 351.—Peeters. 172. P. x decorum (Lawrenceanum xX nitens), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 478.— Hye, 1891. 152 tHE ORCHID “SERUD- BOOK: [Part iI C. x ‘decorum, Kevai.-Beloc, 1892, 6 3 OUR 1893) 1225360: C. x Ganesa, O.R. 1893, 308 ; G.C. 1893, ii. 342.—R. I. Measures. C. x Johnsonianum, G.C. 1892, ii. 744; O.R. 1893, 31; F.H- 1893S ieee f. 30.—Sander. C. x Cobbianum, G.C. 1893, 11. 692; O.R. 1894, 29.—Cobb. C. X giganteum, G.C. 1902, 1. 67; O.R. 1902, 54.—Statter. 173. P. x Deedmanianum (Chamberlainianum x Spicerianum @), O.R. 1898, 49, f. 2; 70.—Latham, 1897. [See Fig. 52. C. x Deedmanianum, G.C. 1897, ii. 388; O.F, 1898, 29; Amer. G. 1900, 874, f. 218. C. x scitulum, ¥. S. H. #r. 1898, 351] ; ~Cogn. Chron. OF Mase Ome: 132. —Cappe. C. x Spicero-Chamberlainianum, Le Yard. 1899, 39 ; O.R. 1899, 132.—Cappe. C. x Dr. Ryan, Boyle Woodl. O. 219, t.; O.R. 1902, 7._R. H. Measures. C. x Watteau, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 1236 ; 1902, 140.—Doin. C. x Chamberlaini-Spicerianum, ¥. S, H. Fr. 1900, 112.— Opoix. 174. P. x Descombesie (Argus x cenanthum ? ).—Opoix, 1894. C. x Madamotselle Josée Descombes, $. S. JI. Fr. 1894, 139; 1895, 238. C. x. Madame Josci Descombes, G.C. 1895, i. 200. 175. P. x Descombesii (barbatum ? xX ciliolare).—Opoix, 1894. C. x Mons. Elysée Descombes, 7. S. H. Fr. 1894, 583. C. x Descombesii, O.R. 1899, 330. 176. P. x Dido (Sanderianum x selligerum ? ).—Lawrence, 1895. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1895, ii. 49 ; O.R. 1895, 254. ‘ C. x Sanderi-selligerum, G.C. 1895,*11. 192; OLR. 1895, 236: 177. P.x Donatii(x Ashburtonze 9 xX Spicerianum).— Sander, 1893. C. X Joseph Donat, G.-C. 1893, 41.6305 OUx. 1893374. 178. P. x Doncasterianum (callosum x hirsutissimum @?), §.R.H.S. xxiv. 102.—Sander, 1894. C. x Doncasterianum, G.C. 1894, 11. 670; O.JR. 1895, 30. C. x Furzeanum, X. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 187.—Sander. 179. P. x Dora (bellatulum ? x Charlesworthii).—Charlesworth, 1900. C. x Dora Crawshaw, G.C. 1900, 11. 346, 375, f. 117; OR. 1900 Rariteore F.H. 1900, ii. 437, f..117; Gard. 1900, 1i. 406, f. C. x Edithe, Sand. O. Guide, 335. C. x Para, G.C. 1903, ti. 230; O.R. 1903, 310.—Rogerson. 180. Pb. « Doris (Stonei x venustum 9 ), Stein O. 465..—Cookson, 1890. Ci x Doris, G.c. 1890110716 2 OR 1893,295: 181. P. x Drewettii(Lowii x niveum).—Drewett, 1892. C. niveum x Lowii, G.C. 1892, i. 470.— Lewis. C. X niveo-Lowii, Rk. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 78.—Drewett. 182. P. x Druryo-Hookere (Druryi x Hookera).—Veitch, 1896. C. x Druryo-Hookere, G.C. 1896, i. 530; O.R. 1896, 160, 187; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb, t. 39. 153 tae ORCHID” ST.UD-BOOK. Part II.] 1838. P. x Durbar (hirsutissimum x Morganiz).—Sander, 1903. Go. phe Durbar,” GsC; 1903) 1,46; OR. 1903, 51, 184. P. x Duvyailii (ciliolare x nitens ? ).—Duval, 1900. C. x Sallieri-ciliolare, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 118; $ard. 1902, 79.—Duval. C. x Pleides, Charlesw, Cat, Feb. 1900; Sand. O. Guide, 336.—Charlesworth ee, = A - : : Nm: aan t 7) + ‘a a aint PAPHIOPEDILUM X EDMUNDH (on the left), with its two parents. Pig. 53. Fig. 54. P. X NITENS VAR. HYEANUM (on the right). 185. P.x Echo (Hooker ? x insigne), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 478,-—-Graves, 1894. te Echo; O.R. 1894, 111; 186. P. x Edith (Boxallii x Rothschildianum).—(Cookson) R. I. Measures, Reo 1900. C. x Boxallo-Rothschildianum, G.C. 1900, i. 174; O.R. 1900, 125. Measures, 154 THE “ORCHID: 4S GUD BOOK [Part Il. C. x Rothschildiano-Boxallii, Sand. O. Guide, 337. C.. > Edith, G:C. 19035153430 2K. 1903, 367.==hovgersou: 187. P. x Edmundii (Hooker x nitens).—Rothwell, 1902. [See Fig. 53. C. x Edmund Rothwell, Amer. G. 1902, 137, 138, f.33; O.R. 1902, 144, f. 16. 188. P x Edwardii (Fairrieanum x superbiens 9), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 478 ; O.R. 1900, 9, f. 4; 1905, 39, f. 7.—Graves, 1892. [See Fig. 55. C. x Edwardii, O.R. 1893, 23, £2; G.C. 1893, 41, 13385" Gaitenierooee 682, f. 189. P. x Eira (Chamberlainianum x concolor). —Wigan, 1903. Fig, 55. PAPHIOPEDILUM X EDWARDII. Cox E1ra;- GiG, 1903;%, 108s One 1908, 382: 199. P. x Eismannianum (Boxallii x Harrisianum), Kerch. Liv, d. O. 478.—Seeger and Tropp, 1890. 0 x Eismannianum, Garden, 1890, 11. 608. x tenebrosum, G.C. 1894, i. 211; O.R. 1894, 95; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 447.— 0 Tate. < Lobengula, G.C. 1894, i. 343; O.R. 1894, 126.—Ingram. (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1895, 25.—Lebaudy. x amabile, Fard. 1895, 53; $. S. H. Fr. 1896, 298; G.C. 1895, 1. 370s O.R. 1896, 11.—Lebaudy. XU Part U1. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 155 C. x Suzanne Cayeux, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 58.—Cayeux. C. x Alfred Thierrard, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1901, 1062.—Cappe. 491. P. x Elinor (x selligerum ? xX superbiens), Kerxch. Liv. d. O. 478. —Drewett, 1890. Gee siinor, G.C. 1890, 11; 38; OLR. 1893, 294. Gees Denisianum, G.C. 1894, ti. 118; G.f. 1896, 216, f. ; O.R, 1894;,276 Lind. x. t. 437.—-Linden. 192. P. x Elise (x Pallas x Rothschildianum).—Feiling, 1903. Memowelise, G.-C, 1903, ii 214; 0 R. 1903; 308. 193. P.x Elizabethe (Lawrenceanum x Parishii).—R. H. Measures, 1893. C. < Elizabethe, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 35; Hans. O. Hyb. 145.—R. 1. Measures. C. X (unnamed), O.R. 1894, 106.—R. I. Measures. 1494. P. x Elsie (Boxallii x Charlesworthi1).—Appleton, 1903. Ge eelsie, .G.C. 1903, ii. 429; 195. P. x Endymion (barbatum ? x Mastersianum), Ouemeoo) 47,.— Young, 1899. ©) >] Endymion, Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 33. 196. P. x enfieldense (Hookere x Lawrenceanum @), Kerch. Liv. d. On 478.—Hollington, 1891. C x enfieldense, G.C. 1891, ii. 546; O.R. 1893, 309, 327; 1896, 40. C. x Hebe, G.C. 1893, ii. 342; O.R. 1893, 309, 319.—R. I. Measures. C. x Richardsoni, G.C. 1893, ii. 470; Will. O. Gr. Man. 1894, 295.— Hollington. C. < suffusum, G.C. 1895, i. 210; O.R. 1896, 40.—Burton. C. < Fordianum, G.C. 1895; i. 210; OuR. 1895, 96. 230. P. x Fortuna (callosum x Hookere), O.R. 1899, 100. —(Charles- worth) Young, 1896. 231. P. x Fowlere (Chamberlainianum x insigne).—Sander, 1899. C. x Gertrude, X. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 63, Boyle Woodl. O. 194.—Sander. C. x Miss Louisa-Fowler, G.C. 1899, i. 77; O.R. 1899, 92; G.M. 1899, 88, f. — Fowler. Cre acentey 15.7. rs 1900, 179); 1901, 90.— Page. C. Chamberlaino-insigne, G.C. 1900, i. 143; O.. 1900, 90.—Lawrence. C. x hybridum Frau Geheimrat Borsig, Gtfl. 1902, 393, t. 1501;.O.R. 1902, 288.-—-Borsig. C. x bingleyense superbum, G.C, 1900, ii. 424; Sand. O. Guide, 334.— —Hayward. Ca& Alexandre, §.S.H.Fr. 1903, 190; Yard. 1903, 128; Rev. H. 1903 218.—Fournier. C. x Chamber-insigne, $.H. 1901, i. 311, Sand. O. Guide, 334. 232. P. x Fowleri (callosum »* Rothschildionum),—Fowler, 1897. C. X callo-Rotbschildianum, G.C. 1897, ii. 113 ; O.R. 1897. 286. 233. P. x Frederico-nobile (Boxallii x Morganiz).—Seeger and Trapp, 1891. C. x Frederico-nobile, Garden, 1891, i. 345; R.H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 39. THE ORCHID: -STUD-BOOK: [Part Th. C. x Fredericus-nobilis, G.C. 1895, i. 199. 234. P. x fulgens (Hookere x marmorophylluim).—-Sander, 1893. C. x fulgens, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 39: G.C. 1895, i. 200. 235. P. x Gabrieli (Harrisianum x orphanum),—Gabriel, 1899. C. x Gabrieli, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 61. 236. P. x gandavense (barbatum x Swanianum, Kerch. Liv. d. O. 479,— Pitcher and Manda, 1888. C. x gandavense, Lind, iii. 100; Desh. Cyp. ed. 2, 196. C. x Olivet, Hans. O. Hyb. 169; Fard. 1895, 53; G.C. 1895, 1. 370.—Mantin. 237. P. x Ganymedes (x cenanthum x tonsum ¢), O.R. 1900, 20.— Young, 1899. 162: 238. P. x Garfieldii (x regale x tonsum).—Oakes Ames, 1900. C. x James Garfield, Amer. G. 1900, 277. 239. P. x Gaudianum (Curtisii @ x Harrisianum).—Fournier, 1903. C. x Gaudianum, Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 56. C. xX (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1903, 37 ; Rev. H. 1903, 47..—Fournier. 240. P. x Gayotiz# (Dayanum 2 x insigne).—Jolibois, 1889. C. x n.180, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1889, 735, 787; 1891, 45.—Jolibois. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1890, 390.—Jolibois. C. x Madamoiselle Madeleine Gayot, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1891, 67; Hans. O. Hyb. Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 327.—Jclibois. C. x pellucidum, Fl. Exch. Jan. 9, 1892; Hans. O. Hyb. 162; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 338.—Pitcher and Manda. 241. P. x Gem (insigne X marmorophyllum ? ).—Ingram, 1892. C. x The Gem, G.C. 1892, ii. 138; O.R. 1893, 359, 242. P. x gemmiferum (Hookere 9 x purpuratum), Stein O. 467.— Bowring, 1881. C. X gemmiferum, G.C. 1181, i. 814; O.R. 1893, 71; V. Man. O. iv. 85. 243. P. x Georgeanum (niveum x superbeins ? ).—Graves, 1894. C. x Georgeanum, O.R. 1894, 164. C. x The Pard, G.C. 1894, ii. 257; O.R. 1894, 317.— Lawrence. 244. P. x Georgei (Boxalli x Stonei).—Keeling, 1900. C. x Sir George White, O.R. 1900, 142. 245. P. x Germinyanum (hirsutissimum x villosum ?); Stein. O. 468.— Veitch, 1886, C. x Germinyanum, G.C. 1886, i. 200; $.H. 1890, ii. 89, f. 12; 1893, i. 67, 74, f. 10; V..Man. O. iv. 85; O.R. 1898, 147; Dict; Ie. O; Cyp-hybetaaa . X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1891, 46.—Cappe. . villosum violaceum, G.C. 1893, i. 195.—Vuylsteke. x violaceum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 173.—Vuylsteke. x villoso-violaceum, Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 467.—Vuylsteke. x hirsuto-villosum, ¥.S. H. Fr. 1896, 111.—Cappe. «x Roberti, O.R. 1894, 93; 1896, 38. —Cowper. * (unnamed), G.C. 1894, i. 211.—Cowper. e2eeRaage Part 11.] dae ORCHID STFUD-BOOK. 161 246. P. x giganteum (x Harrisianum x nitens ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 479.—-Hye, 1893. X giganteum, O.R. 1893, 316; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 200. Talisman, G.C. 1899, 1. 174; O.R. 1899, 126.—Hye. Harrisiano-nitens, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1895, 606.—Garden. Dauthieri-nitens, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1896, 110.—Opoix. Docteur Allix, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 139.—Cappe. René, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 1130.—Duval. President Kriiger, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 778.—Beranek. O47. P. x gigas (x Harrisianum x Lawrenceanum @), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 479.—Opoix, 1888. eee gieds, G.C.. 1892, i. 136; 7.72. 1892) i, 257,92 420-R. 1893, 359. C. x Amphion, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 113; Boyle Woodl. O. 181.—R. H. (OO OO © Measures. C. x gloriosum, Rk. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 42. —Hye. C. x The Hendre, G.C. 1894, 11. 103 ; O.R. 1894, 285.—Lord Llangattock. C. x Monsieur Paul Descombes, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1894, 314.—Opoix. C. x Paul Descombes, #. S. H. Fr. 1895, 238.—Opoix. Gey @orndeant, G.C. 1895, 1. 627; O:#. 1895; 187,. 215;, 1896, 190.— Swinburne. C. x Flambeau, G.C. 1900, ii. 482; O.R. 1901, 26.—Sander. C. x Monsieur Scellier de Gisors, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 602.—Opoix. Oe er cewerinG.-C. 1897, 1. 210 ; 0.8, 1897, 128 Diet. Te..O. Cyp. hybs £: 23.— Hollington.—The parentage of this hybrid is doubtful. C. xX Esculapias, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 56.—R. I. Measures. Gx Emperor of India, G.C. 1902, i. 281, 322, 413, 415, f. 1533 7.2. 1902, i Ad3,1.; O.R. 1902, 149; G.M. 1902,.274, 275, f.; Rev. H. 1902, 333, f. 139.— Sander. 248. P. x Glonerianum (x Leeanum x Victoria-Mariz) —Linden, 1901. C. x Glonerianum, Lind. xvi. t. 753; O.R. 1902, 63, 383. 249. P. x Godseffianum (Boxallii @ x hirsutissimum), Stein O. 469.— Cookson, 1888. C. x Godseffianum, G.C. 1888, i. 296; Orchidoph. 1888, 133; Rev. H. Belge, fees, ¢. 8; O.R: 1895, 259; F.H. 1895, i. 223, f. 40+; Dict. Ic. O..Cyp. hyb. t- 7 (type), 7 A. (v. Jupiter). fee< Bragaianum, 7. @d.0./0..55; G.C., 188), 1%) 406; Lind. vi.t.. 279.— Linden. C. X Jupiter, Rev. H. 1894, 89; O.R. 1894, 60; Chron. 0.6; Ff. S. H. Fr. 1897, 132; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 280.—Vuylsteke. C. x Othello, G.C. 1890, i. 336; O.R. 1893, 295.— Veitch. C. X hirsutissimo-Boxallii, ¥. S. H. Fr, 1899, 153.—Opoix, 250. P. x Goodsoni (x Haywoodianum x Swinburnei).—Goodson, 1903 C. >¢-1.:S: Goodson, GC. 1903, 11. 246; O.R. 1903, 309: C. x Kitty, G.C, 1903, 11. 262; O.R. 1903, 342.—Crook. 162 THE ORCHID. STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. 251. P. x Gordoni (Boxallii x Druryi).— Gordon, 1903. C. x (unnamed), G:C. 1903, i. 46; O.R. 1903, 51. 252. P. x Goultenianum (callosum x Curtisii 2), Kerch. Liv. d. 0.479.— Goulten, 1894. C. x Goultenianum, G.C, 1894, i. 84; O.R. 1894, 62; 1895, 144. C. x Francesiz, G.C. 1900, ii. 424 ; O.R. 1901, 22, 60.—Statter. C. x calloso-Curtisii, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1901, 193.—Mantin. C. x Mme. Alfred Janssens, G.C. 1903, i 46; Rev. H. Belge, 1903, 47, — Janssens and Putzeys. 253. P. x Gowerianum (Curtisii x Lawrenceanum) Kerch. Liv. d. O, 479.—Sander, 1893. Fig. 57. PAPHIOPEDILUM X GRAVESIZ. C. X Gowerianum, G.C. 1893, i. 682 (in note) ; O.R. 1893, 212; Will. O. Gr. Man. ed. 7, 262; G.M. 1900, 78, f. (v. formosum). x Goweri, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 43; G.C. 1895, i. 529.—Sander. x Sylvia, G.C. 1893, i. 682; O.R. 1893, 212.—-Winn. x Lawrenceo-Curtisii, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1894, 414 ; 1895, 239.—Bleu. x Curtisii-Lawrenceanum, Desd. Cyp. ed. 2, 149.—Bleu. 254. P. x Grace (Boxallii x niveum).—Keeling, 1902. C. x Gracez, G.C. 1902, ii. 294; O.R. 1902, 343. 255. P x gracile (Haynaldianum 2? x Swanianum).—Ingram, 1897. C. x gracile, G.C. 1897, ii. 150; O.R. 1897, 287. Qa © Part 11.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 163 256. P. x grandiflorum (x auroreum x _ Harrisianum).—Pitcher and Manda, 1899. C. x luridum grandiflorum, &. H. AZeas, Cyp. ed. 3, 111.—Pitcher and Manda. 257. P. x Gratrixie (bellatulum 9? xX vexillarium), O.R. 1900, 39.— Briggs-Bury, 1897. C. X bellatulo-vexillarium, G.C. 1897, 1. 326; O.R. 1897, 184; 1905, 71. — Briggs-Bury. C. xX Gratrixiz, O.R. 1898, 183.—Gratrix. C. x vexillario-bellatulum, Sand. O. Guide, 337. 258. P. x Gratrixii (bellatulum x Godefroyz).—Gratrix, 1898. Cy S: Gratrix, O.R. 1898, 183. 259. P. x Gravesie (Argus @ xX niveum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 479.— Graves, 1894. [See Fig. 57. C. x Gravesiz, O.R. 1894, 81, f. 8; G.C. 1894, i. 298, f. 34. C. x Madamoiselle Nancy Descombes, 7. S. H. Fr. 1894, 139; 1895, 238.— Opoix. C. x Ruth Ayling (niveum ¢), G.C. 1895, i. 337; O.R. 1895, 127.— Hollington. 260. P. x Gravesii (Lawrenceanum @ Xx Marshallianum).—Graves, 1894. C. x Henry Graves, O.£. 1895, 50. 2614. P. x Greyanum (ciliolare ¢ x Druryi), ¥. Rk. H.S. xxvi. 692.— Pitcher and Manda, 1892. : C. x Greyanum, Fl. Exch. May 21, 1892; G.C. 1893, igeges) Or. 1893, 159: C. x Merops, G.C. 1894, i. 475; O.R. 1894, 159; G.dZ. 1896, 302, f—Veitch. 262. P. x Greyi (x Godefroye ¢ Xx niveum).—Corning, 1888. C. x (unnamed), O.R. 1894, 227. 263. P. x Grovesianum (x Lathamianum x Leeanum).—Sander, 1896. C. Ino; Amer. G. March 23, 1895; Hans. O. Hyb. 153. 299. P. x Io (Argus @ x Lawrenceanum), Stein O. 473.—Cookson, 1886. [See Fig. 60. C. x lo, G.C. 1886, i. 488; Reichenb. ser. 1, i. 51, t. 23; Rev. H. Belge, 1888, 13, t.; Veitch Man, O. iv. 87; O.R. 1893, 131; 1894, 49, f. 6 (v. grande). C. x Eldorado, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 16; Hans. O. Hyb. 297. 300. P. x Iphis (Argus x tonsum ?), O.R. 1900, 118, 119; G.C. 1901, 1. 102.—Young, 1900. 301. P. x Ira (superbiens x Youngianum).—Cookson, 1903. C. X Youngiano-superbiens, G.C. 1903, ii. 429; O.R. 1904, 18.—Cookson. 302. P x Irene (Boxallii @ x exul), O.R. 1904, 102.—Fournier, 1903. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1903, 37; Rev. H. 1903, 48.— Fournier. C. x Boxalli-exul, Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 1903, 181.—Fournier. C. X memoria-Fournieri, Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 60.—Fournier. 303. P.» Iris (ciliolare x Sementa @ ), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 480.—Williams, 1892. ieee itis, G.C. 1892, ti. 5665 A. A Meass Cypoed. 2; 115; Fard. 1894, 44; J. d. O.v.8; }. S. H. Fr. 1894, 68; 1895, 163, 239.—Bleu. It is not quite clear whether the plant originally exhibited by Messrs. B. S. Williams & Son is identical with that raised by M. Alfred Bleu, to which the later records refer, as the parentage was not originally stated. 304. P. x Jacobianum (bellatulum » Crossianum).—Baron E. Roths- child, 1894. C. x Jacobianum, Hans. O. Hyb. 153. 305. P. x Janet (prestans 2 x Spicerianum).—Veitch, 1899. Go Janet, G.C. 1899, it. 197 >O_K. 1899, 287. There is a slight doubt about the parentage of this hybrid. 306. P. x Jean (Argus x Harrisianum).—Lesueur, 1899. © x Jean, 7. S. OW. Fr. 1899; 751. —Lesueur. C. x Harrisiano-Argus, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1902, 501.—Beranek. 307. P. x Jeanette (x Leeanum 2? x niveum).—Charlesworth, 1897. C. x Jeanette, G.C. 1897, i. 278; O.R. 1898, 365. 308. P. x Jensenianum (hirsutissimum x vexillarium), O-R. 1900, 39; 1905, 71.—Sander, 1898. C. x Jensenianum, G.C. 1898, ii. 357; O.FR. 1898, 374. 309. P. x Johnsoni (philippinense x Rothschildianum).—Statter, 1901. 170 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. ‘Part Il. C xX (unnamed), O.R. 1901, 318 310. P. x Joiceyi (barbatum ? x selligerum).—Joicey, 1893. C. X selligero-barbatum, G.C. 1893, ii. 278.—Joicey. 311. BP. x Joliboisii (Curtisii x Lowii 9), ¥. R. H. S. xxvi. 692.—Opoix, 1893. C. x Souvenir de Roch Jolibois, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1893, 661; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp- hyb. t. 36.—Opoix. C. x Svend Brun, G.C:. 1895, i.. 749; G.d1. 1895, 315; ‘Ol TSG0=aies Ainer. G. 1902, 385, f. 89. C. x Svend Brunson, G.C. 1896, i. 10.—Sander. Fig. oD 61. PAPHIOPEDILUM X JUNO. 312. P. x Josephianum (Druryi x Sementa), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 480.— Pitcher and Manda, 1891, C. x Josephianum, FI. Exch. Oct. 17, 1891; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 277. 313. P. x Julia (exul x Lawrenceanum).—Appleton, 1899. C. x Julia, G.C. 1899, ii. 268; O.R. 1899, 318; 1902, 276. 314. P. x Juno (callosum ? x Fairrieanum) Kerch. Liv. d. O. 480; O.R. 1900, 8; 1905, 17, f. 4. —Drewett, 1891. [See Fig. 61. Part 11.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 171 C. x Juno, G.C. 1891, 360; O.R. 1893, 327 ; G. World, 1903, 682, f. C. x calloso-Fairrieanum, G.C. 1896, ii. 534; O.R. 1896, 349.--Statter. 315. P x Jupiter (Hookerz x Rothschildianum).—R. I. Measures, 1895- C. x Jupiter, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 95 (second entry). Gn Y Mir, G:C 1895, 1. 200; R: Hi. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 1783. AmerzcG., 1900, 680, 681, f. 144 (v. Hallii) —R. I. Measures. C. x Symonsianum, Boyle Woodl. O. 200.—R H. Measures. 316. P. x Juturna (Boxallii x Orpheus), O.R. 1900, 118.—Young, 1900. 317. P. x Kamilii (Boxallii x Chamberlainianum ? ).—Froebel, 1900. C. x Prince Hussein Kamil, G.C. 1900, it. 424; O.R. 1901, 22; Garfenz. 1901, 361.—Froebel. C. x Chamberlaino-Boxallii, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 256; 1901, 212.—Duval. 318. P. x Keelingii (Chamberlainianum x Parishii).— Keeling, 1903. C. x (undamed), G.C- 1905;11.. 4 ;,O-R. 1904, 21. 319. P. x Kerchoveanum (barbatum x Curtisii), Kerch. Liv. d. O, 480.— Brussels Bot. Garden, 1892. C. x Kerchovianum, G.C. 1893, i. 132. C. x W. H. Young (barbatum ?),G.C. 1900, i. 371.— Wigan. 320. P. x Kittelii (Dayanum @ xX superbiens).—Kittel, 1890. C. x George Kittel, Gartenfl. 1890, 311.—Kittel. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1896, 699.—Opoix. C. x Dayano-Veitchii, ¥. S. WH. Fr. 1900, 84.—Opoix. This is said to be the first hybrid of the genus raised in Germany. 3821. P. x Kohinoor (x Haywoodii x cenanthum ¢ ), O.R. 1903, 247.— Young. 322. P. x Kramerianum (xX cenanthum ? x villosum), Steim O. 473.— Sander, 1891. Go x: Kramerianum, G.C. 1891, i. 86; 7.H. 1891, i. 50; O.R. 1893, 326. C. x villoso-cenanthum, G.C. 1899, i. 108 ; O.R. 1899, 94.—E. Ashworth. C. x Mrs. Caroline Allen, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 195.—McArthur. C. x Ernesto, G.C. 1903, i. 179; O. R. 1901, 119; 1903, 364.—Rehder. 323. P. x Krishna(insigne x tonsum).—Graves, 1895. C. x Krishna, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; G.C. 1895, i. 550; R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 97; O.R, 1904, 351. C. X insigne-tonsum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 90; Sand. O. Guide, 266.— Sander. 324. P. x Kubele (x cenanthum @ xX Youngianum); O.R. 1901, 271.— Young, 1901. C. x Kubele, G.C. 1901, ii. 172 ; O.R. 1901, 285; 1903. 282; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 50. $25. P. x Lachesis (x Crossianum ° X marmorophyllum).— Young, 1896. Cc. x Lachesis, O.R. 1896, 104; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp.. hyb. 4. 21. 326. P. x Lachmee (ciliolare 2 x superbiens).—Bleu, 1894. C. x Curtisii, fard. 1894, 171 (not of Rchb. f.); OR. 1894, 307.—Bleu. pod SI bo THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Paget, C. x (unnamed), $. S. H. Fr. 1894, 414 ; 1895, 239.—-Bleu. C. x Lachmee, G:C: 1895, 4. 199.: O.K. 1895; 319.— kk: 1. Measires: 327. P. x La-France (x nitens x niveum).—Seeger & Tropp, 1892. C. x La-France, Gard. 1892, 1.48; Monit. H. 1892, 54, t.; Orchidoph. 1892, 2 OO. 1898, 369); Desb. Cyp. ed: 2, 286: 328. P. x Lairessei (Curtisii 2 x Rothschildianum), ¥. R. H.S. xxvi. 692. Sander, 1895. Fig. 62. PAPHIOPEDILUM X LATHAMIANUM. C. x A. de Lairesse, G.C. 1895, i. 748; O.R. 1895, 223; Dict, Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 41; Chron. O. 362; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 158. —Sander. ’ C. x M. Georges Magne. S. 4. Fr. 1899, 497.— Peeters. 329. P. x Lasellei (x Leeanum x Schlesingerianum).—Whitin, 1903. C. x Hildegard Laselle, Amer. G. 1903, 27.—Whitin. 330. .P. x Lathamianum (Spicerianum @ villosum), Stein O. 473; ¥. R. H. S. xxiv. 101, f. 19; 107, f. 27; O.R. 1901, 105, f. 18.—Latham, 1888. [See Fig. 62. Pari II,| THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 173: C. x Lathamianum, G.C. 1888,.1..360; ¥. &. 1889, i. 175, f. 27 ; Géfl. 1889, gaat. 79; V. Man. O. iv. 885 Lived. ix. t..397, f. 2; xvi. ¢. 732 (v. latisepulum) ;s meunend, ser. 2, i, 21, . 10; Orchidoph. 1892, 209, t.; O.R., 1893; 227; Desb. Cyp. Suess: Wien. dil,-Gart. Ze. 1898, 237, t. 2, f. 13 Dict, Te..0. Cyp. hyb. t. 28. C. x Hera, G.C. 1890, i. 105; O.R. 1893, 295.—R. H. Measures. C. x Spicero-villosum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1891, 198; 1894, 68.—Bleu. C. x Bellona, G:C. 1893, ii. 630; 'O.R. 1893, 374.—R. I. Measures. recente x, Ge. 150401, 343 5 OR. 1894; 124, 126); Desb. Cyp. ed. 2; 406. —Hye. C. x Leo, G.C. 1894, 1.84; O.R. 1906, 37.—W. R. Lee. C. x Cellini(villosum 2), Chron. 0.5; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 114.—Vuylsteke. C. x Madame Elysée Descombes, §. S. H. Fr. 1895, 239; Rev. H. 1895, 48 ; F. d. O. vi. 44.--Jolibois. X signatum, Bull. Cat. 1895, 7; Kew Bull. 1896, App. iit. 9.—Bull. x Bellina, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 12 —R. I. Measures. x nobilius, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1896, 111.—Bleu. x Marguerite, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 132; Chron. O. 157.—Opoix. x Thompsoni, G.C. 1898, 1. 191 ; Sand. O. Guide, 337.—Gratrix. x Albert Hye, G.C. 1898, 11. 446; R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 179.—Sander. x villoso-Spicerianum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 118.—Peeters. O.R. V893h 11.359. Sander: C. Iii, A. 1889, 23, t. 77; Reschenb. ser. 2. it. 19, t. 57 (v. giganteum); V. Man. O. iv. 88, 89, f. (v. superbum); G.M. 1892, 48, f. (v. giganteum) ; O.R. 1893, 101; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 3 (type), 3 A. (v. Alberti- anum) ; Lind. xvii, t. 776 (v. Alexandr) ; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 300-307 (many vars.). C. x Masereelianum, J//. H. 1889, 23, t. 77.—Vervaet. C. x Albertianum (Spicerianum @ ), G.C. 1892, ii. 672; Rev. H. Belge, 1892, 279; 1893, 3, t. 1; O.R. 1893, 58; Lind. xvi. 81, 93, t. 734 (v. rotundiflorum).—Hye. ©. >< Ashworthic, GC, 1893; ii. 630 ; O.R. 1893, 3755 FH. 1894, 1. 197, f. 33; G.M. 1893, 705, f.—E. Ashworth. Parentage recorded as C. x Leeanum x selligerum, but we cannot trace the latter in the flower. . X Engelhardtiz, Lind. vi. t. 285; Boyle Woodl. O. 193.—Linden. x Yvonne, Jil. H. 1895, 23, t. 26; O.R. 1895, 93.—Linden. x Robertianum, Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 408.—Hye. .G.C., 1894, it. 49-90... 1894, 255.—Lewis. 362. P. x Macfarlanei (x calophyllum ? x Spicerianum), Kerch. Liv. d, O. 480.—Sander, 1891. C. x Macfarlanei, G.C. 1891, ii. 300; O.R. 1893, 326. C. x Amandine, ¥. S. H. Rhone, March 30, 1897, f.; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 493. Combet et Bierry. 363. P. x macropterum (Lowii @ x superbiens), Stein O. 476.—Veitch, 1882. weeoo, macropterum, GuC. 1882, ji. 552; °0.R. 1893, 100% \O.A% ix. £39] ; V. Man. O. iv. 90; Day O. Draw. xxxvii. t. 3. C. x Lowii-superbiens, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 70.—Lawrence. 364. P. x maculatum (x Leeanum x tonsum ? ).—Sander, 1892. C. X maculatum, G.C. 1892, ii. 744; F. S. H. Fr. 1896, 1003. —Cardoso. 365. P. x Madeline (Argus x bellatulum).—Palmer, 1895. C. x Madeline, G.C. 1895, ii. 655; O.R. 1896, 30. 366. P. x Madiotianum (Chamberlanianum x villosum ?), O.R. 1899, 47, 132.—Cappe, 1898. C. x villoso-Chamberlanianum, ¥, S. H. Fr. 1898, 168, 352; 1900, 83; Cnron. O. 159.—Duval. 180 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Paria C. x Madiotianum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 195.--Cappe. C. x Madioti, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 374; 1900, 591; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb, t. 58. —Cappe. C. x Mansellii, G.C. 1899, i. 288; O.R. 1899, 132, 155; 1902, 124.— Charlesworth. 367. P. x Magnei (Lawrenceanum ? Xx Leeanum).—Magne, 1900. C. x Paul Magne, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 765.—Magne. 368. P. x magnificum (insigne x Pollettianum), O.R, 1900, 30.—Keeling, 1899, C. x magnificum, O.R. 1899, 370. 369 P. x Mahler (Lawrenceanum x Rothschildianum ¢?), O.R. 1898, 271; 1901, 345.—R. H. Measures, 1898. C. x Wiertzianum, Sem. H. 1898, 425; G.C. 1899, i. 77; O.R. 1899, 92; 1900, 254; Lind. xiv. t. 644.—Linden. P. x Wiertzianum, O.R. 1898, 335.—Linden. C. x Mahlerz, Desh. Cyp. ed. 2, 329; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 42 (v. Dr. Clinge Doorenbos).—R. H. Measures. C. x Gabari, G.C. 1899, ii. 58; O.R. 1899, 249, 254.—-Sander. C. x Alport, O.R. 1899, 284.---Gratrix. C. tixallense, O.R. 1900, 112.—Bostock. C. x Docteur Clinge Doorenbos, 7. S. H. Fr. 1200, 118, 413; 1902, 229,— Peeters. C. x Rothschildiano-Lawrenceanum, G.C. 1900, ii. 58; O.R. 1900, 251, 254. 370. P. x Malyanum (x Crossianum x Spicerianum @¢ ), Kerch. Liv.d. O. 481.—Sander, 1891. C. x Malyanum, G.C. 1891, 11.591 ; OIRNSOS; 327: Cc. x Ashworthianum, Rk. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 9.—Sander. C. x Krouseanum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 63.—Pitcher, 371. P. x Mande (insigne x javanicum @ ).—Pitcher & Manda, 1893. C. x javanico-insigne, Hans. O. Hyb. 1895, 255.—Pitcher & Manda. 372. P. x Mantinii (x almum x Swanianum).—Mantin, 1897. C. x (unnamed), Rev. H. 1897, 282 —Mantin. 373. P. x Manto (Chamberlainianum x Harrisianum), O.2. 1900, 183,— Cappe, 1899. C. x Harrisiano-Chamberlainianum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 56. oe ae C. x Harri-Chamber, Chron. O. 292.—Cappe. Cc. x Manto, Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 64.—Young. 374. P. x Maplee (x Gowerianum x Youngianum ?).—Sander, 1899. C. x Lady Maple, G.C. 1899, it. 58; O.R. 1899, 254.—Sander. 375. P x Marchandii (concolor x superciliare).—Duval, 1900. C. x Colonel Marchand, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 264.—Duval. 376. P. x Margarite (barbatum x Crossianum).—Mantin, 1894. C. x Margarite, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1894, 582; 1895, 178, 240. Part I1.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 181 C. x Marguerite Mantin, fard. 1895, 52; G.C. 1895, i. 370; Hans. O. Hyb. 1895, 160.—Mantin. C. x Dauthieri violaceum purpureum, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1894, 68; Fard. 1895, 52; G.C. 1895, i. 370.—Opoix. . 377. P. x marmorophyllum (barbatum x Hookerz ?), Stern. O. 476.— Veitch, 1876. C. x marmorophyllum, G.C. 1876, ii. 180; O.R. 1893, 40; V. Man. O iv. 90; Day O. Draw. xxxit. t. 9. C. x patens, G.C, 1877, ii. 456; O:R. 1893, 68.— Veitch. 378. P. x Marshallianum (concolor x venustum ¢?) Stein. O. 476.— Veitch, 1875. Fig. 66. PAPHIOPEDILUM X MAUDI. C. x Marshallianum, G.C. 1875, ii. 804 ; 1887, i. 513, f. 99; O. A. ix. t. 418; O.R. 1893, 39; V. Man. O. iv. 91; Hans. O. Hyb. 161. 379. P. x Marwoodii (x Harrisianum x niveum ?), Stein O. 477.—Mar- wood, 1890. C. x Marwoodii, G.C. 1890, ii. 252. C. x Lady Roberts, G.C. 1900, ii. 313; O.R. 1900, 348.—Appleton. C. x (unnamed), Fard. 1903, 64; Rev. H. 1903, 118.—Debille. C. x Harrisiano-superbum niveum v. Leon Duval, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1903, 71. —Duval. 380. P. x Mary-Beatrice (bellatulum x Gowerianum ? ).—Charlesworth, 1900. 182 THE (ORCHID 7STUD- BOOK. [Part II. C. x Mary Beatrice, G.C. 1900, i. May 26, suppl. 1; O.R. 1900, 174, 175.— Charlesworth. 381. P. x Massaianum (Rothschildianum x superciliare ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481.—Sander, 1893. C. x Massaianum, G.C. 1893, ii. 70, 267, f. 48; OR. 1893, 225, 2435525an Gard. 1896, ii. 89 (* Masseanum ”’). 382. P. x Matthewsii (Lawrenceanum x Mastersianum).-—Charlesworth, 1899. C. x Eros, O.R. 1899, 155.—Charlesworth. C. x Lawreaceano-Mastersianum, O./. 1899, 254. — Low. C. x William Matthews, G.C. 1902, ii. 143; O.R. 1902, 276.— Sander. 383. P. x Maudie (callosum x Lawrenceanum ?), O.R. 1901, 17, f. 4; 1906, 207.—Charlesworth, 1900. [See Fig. 66. C. x Maudiz, O.R. 1900, 308; 1906, 125; G.M. 1900, 771, f.; G.C, 1901, ii. 129, f. 41 (v. magnificum); ¥.H. 1901, ii. 121, f, (id.). P. Maudiz was originally derived from the albino forms, P. Lawrenceanum Hyeanum and P. callosum Sanderze. The normal coloured form did not appear until 1906. 384. P. x May (callosum @ xX Sanderianum).—-Sander, 1895. C. x Princess Mary, Gard. 1895, ii. 52.—Sander. C. x Princess May, Boyle. Woodl, O. 201.—Sander. C, x Sanderiano-callosum, Sand. O. Guide, 337. 385. P. x Measuresiz (bellatulum x superbiens ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O.481. —Sander, 1893. C. x Measuresiz, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 75; Hans.0. Ayb. Vea tor, C. x Mrs. Fred Hardy, G.C. 1895, 1. 81, 111, £.16;.G.M. 18955 27m 1895, i. 111, f. 18=-O2R. 1895, 64 Dict. 1e- 0: Cypshyb. t: 67. C. x Cravenianum, G.C. 1897, i. 451; O.R. 1898, 26; Desb. Cyp. edaaiiaa: —Law-Schofield. C. & (unnamed), G.C. 1894, i. 654.—Prewett. 386. P. x Measuresianum (venustum x villosum), Stein O. 477.—Williams, 1887. C. x Measuresianum, O.A. vii. t. 304; $.H. 1888, ii. 47, f.5; Rev. H. Belge, 1888, 266, 267, f. 26; V. Man. O. iv. 91 ; ¥.S.H, Fr. 1893, 812; Will ONGraiae ed. 6, 281, f. C. x Rowallianum, G.C. 1891, 1. 21; 1895, 1. 201.— Fraser. C. x Madame Gibez, Orchidoph. 1893, 67 ; O.R. 1893, 211.—Gibez. C. x Amesianum, O.A. viii. t=. 340; Will. O. Gr. Man. ed. 6,229; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 49.—Williams. ; C. x Julien Coffigniez, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1894, 314 ;. fard. 1895, 53; G.C: 1895; i. 370.—Opoix. C. x Thetis, K. A. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 102); Bolinh. DictO; Ayb.to2 “Hans O. Hyb. 162.—Harris. C. x refulgens, G.C. 1895, i. 210 ; O.R, 1896, 35,—Burton, Part 11.) Mie ORCHID STUD-BOOR, 183 C. x Gibezianum, $.'S. H. Fr. 1896, 111; Lind. ix. t. 425.—Gibez. C. x venusto-villosum, Sem. H. 1897, 459; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2. 461.—-Sallier. 387. P. x Medeia (hirsutissimum x Spicerianum ?), Stein. O. 477.— Latham, 1889. eee Medeia,. 7. Ra. Se l..Proc. 171 5 G.C2 189204. 'F12) (wv. monstrosa) ; 1896, ii. 686 (id.); O.R. 1896, 360 (id.) ; Hans. O. Hyb. 70 (id). —Veitch. meer Ceres, G:C, 1891,1..360; Fs dO. it. 37: -OVR. .1898):327.— Drewett. Cox Van Molianum, 7. d. O. i. 251; G.C. 1892; i. 502.— Miteau. C. x Huybrechtianum, Rev. H. Belge. 1892, 117; G.C. 1892, i. 554.— Vervaet. - C. X fascinatum, G.C. 1893, ii. 756; Rev. H. Belge, 1894, 25, t.; O.R. 1894, 28, 30.—Hye. C. X Sirius, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 99.—Sander. C. x Spicero-hirsutissimum, Bohnh. Dict, O. Hyb. 32. C. x Steurbauti, Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 439.—Vervaet. P. X Ceres, }.R.H.S. xxiv. 100, f. 17 (v. medea).— Drewett. The first seedling, raised by Mr. Latham, had a constantly abnormal flower. 388. P. x medium (Druryi x nitens).— Hye, 1898. G2 medium, Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 335. 389. P. x Melanthus(Hookere x Stonei), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481.—Veitch, 1893. C. x Melanthus, O.R. 1893, 147, 390. P. x Melia (x Calypso x insigne), O.R. 1902, 61.—Wrigley, 1902. C. X (unnamed), Gard. 1903, i. Jan. 17, Suppl. vii.—dJoicey. 391. P. x Memnon (Charlesworthii x Spicerianum @? ).—Veitch, 1900. C. x Memnon, G.C. 1900, ii. 384; O.. 1900, 373. C. x radians, G.C. 1901, ii. 401; O.R. 1901, 367; 1902, 14, 15.—Keeling. P. x radians, O.R. 1903, 30.—-Keeling. . 392. P. x Menelik (Boxallii x Calypso), O.R. 1903, 92; 1904, 120.— Keeling, 1901. C. x Menelik, G.C. 1901, ii. 401; O.2. 1901, 367. P. xX (unnamed), O.#. 1902, 124.—Vanner. 393. P. x Merope (Chamberlainianum x hirsutissimum), O.R. 1903, 59. —Appleton, 1903. 394. P. x Metis (Boxallii 9 x philippinense).—Veitch, 1895. x Metis, GyC..1895, 11. 307; O.%. 1895,,320. 395. P. x microchilum (Druryi x niveum 2?) Stein O.477.—Veitch, 1882. @ x microchilum, G.C. 1882,1. 77; V. Man. O: iv..92,f.; Lind. 1. t. 50; Ok. 1893, 100; Dict. Ic. O: Cyp. hyb. t. 17 ; Day O. Draw. xii. t. 59; xlvi t. 21. C. x niveo-Druryi, Sand. O. Guide, 336. 396. P. x Millmanii (callosum ? x philippinense).—Hollington, 1894. C. x Millmanii, G.C. 1894, ii. 103; 1895, i. 800; O.R. 1894, 285. C. x calloso-laevigatum, Hans. O. Hyb. 163.—Hollington. $97. P. x Milo (insigne 2? Xx cenanthum).—Veitch, 1894, 184 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il, C. x Milo, G.C. 1894, ii. 70; OR. 1895, 30;.7.E. 1899.11 s30cseae (Westonbirt var.) ; G.C. 1899, ii. 413, f. 131 (id.). 398. P. x miniatum (Curtisii 9 > insigne).—Sander, 1895. C. X miniatum, Gard. 1895, i. 50; G.C. 1895, i. 199; O.R. 1896, 383: 1900; 351. ; C. x Atalanta, Charlesworth Cat. March, 1901; Sand. O. Guide, 334 (second entry).—Charlesworth. Fig. 67. PAPHIOPEDILUM X MINOS VAR. YOUNGII. 399. P. x Minnie (concolor « Curtisii 9 ).—Sander, 1896. C. x Minnie Ames, G.C. 1896, i. 83; O.R. 1896, 64; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 343 (Miss Minnie Ames),—Sander. C. x Annie Ayling, G.C. 1896, i. 210; O.R. 1896, 95.—Hollington. C. * conco-Curtisii, Boyle Woodl. O. 181.—R. H. Measures. Part i1.] THE pO RCHID' STUD-BOOK. 185 C. x Cydonia, Boile Woodl. O. 200.—R. H. Measures. 400. P. x Minos (x Arthurianum x Spicerianum ¢), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481; O.R. 1900, 40; 1902, 41, f. 4 (v. Youngii); 1905, 71, 72, f.18 (v. Youngii), 73, f. 19 (Westfield var.).— Veitch, 1893, [See Fig. 67. C. x Minos, G.C. 1893, ii. 692; 1903, i. 108 (v. Youngti); O.R. 1894, 30; 1899, 17, f.6; 1903, 82 (v. Youngii); Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 4 (id.). C. x Minosa, G.C. 1894, ii. 730.— Veitch. P. x Alonzo, G.C. 1897, ii. 387 ; O.R. 1898, 29.—Veitch. C. x Alonzo, O./¢. 1900, 40.—Veitch. 401. P. x Miranda (x augustum x Rothschildianum 9? ).—Bleu, 1901. C. x Rothschildianum-augustum, Rev. H. 1901, 515; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1901, 996. 402. P. x modestum (x Io X purpuratum 2 ).—Sander, 1894. C. x modestum, G.C. 1894, ii. 103; O.R. 1894, 286. C. xX molestum, Hans. O. Hyb. 163. Re-named by Hansen, but this is the first ‘recorded C. x modestum. 403. P. x Moensie (callosum x Spicerianum), O.F, 1901, 38.—Moens, 1892. , C. x Mdlle. Gabrielle Moens, Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. 25; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 328.—Moens. C. x Moensiz, O.R. 1899, 330.-—Moens. 40%. P. x Moreauanum (callosum x superciliare ?).—Kerch. Liv, d. O. 481.—Regnier, 1892. a C. x Moreauanum, Hans. O. Hyb. 164; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 348. 405. P. x Morganiz(Stonei x superbiens ? ), Stein. O. 478.—Veitch, 1880. C. x Morganianum, G.C. 1880, ii. 134. --Veitch. (See Fig. 68. C. x Morganiz, G.C. 1886, ii. 241, 243, f.49; 1890, i. 264, sunpl. f., 545, 552, Pee geteo2. ti. 217, 218, f. 37; 7.4. 1887, i. 232, 233, f. 42; O. A. vii. t. 313; Pome e).iv. 92, f.; Gard. 1883,1, 58, t. 372; 1902, 1.75, t. £. ; Keichenb. ser. 2, teem er, burfordiense); Il. H. 4887, 16,'t. 5; Kev. H. Belge, 1885, 217, f. ; O.R. 1893, 41, f. 3, 70; 1894, 79; Nich, Dict. G. 1900 Suppl. 290, f. 303; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 27; Day. O. Draw, xliv. t. 13. 406. P. x Moussetianum (callosum x superbiens).—Mantin, 1894. x Moussetianum, 7. S. H. Fr. 1894, 582. x Memoria Mousseti, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1895, 240.—Mantin. xX purum, Amer. G. 1902, 189, f. 43; G.C. 1902, ii. 294.—Parker. x Katherine, G.C. 1902, ti. 445; O.2. 1903, 23.--Veitch. x x x Sander. Mme. Osterrieth, Rev. H. Belge, 1903, 3. calloso-Veitchii, G.C. 1903, it. 343; O.R. 1903, 367.—Statter. Cassandra, G.C. 1903, ii. 340; O.R. 1903, 364.—Sander. 107. P. x mulus (hirsutissimum ° x Lawrenceanum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481.—Vuylsteke, 1892. C. x mulus, G.C. 1893. i. 752; O.K. 1893, 244; Hans. O. Hyb. 165 (excel. var,).—Sander. The variety cited by Hansen belongs to P. X Erato, the error arising from a Boise susasy confusion of C. x Sallieri Hyeanum with C. Lawrenceanum Hyeanum. 186 THE “ORCHID” STUD- BOOK: [Part Il 408. P. x Murillo (Argus x Boxallii?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481.—Vuylsteke, 1892. C. < Murillo, G.C. 1893;1. 1625 OR. 1893, 147. C. x Dibdin (Argus 2 ), G.C. 1893, i. 162; O.R. 1893, 118.—Tautz. C. x Cyris, G.C. 1894, ii. 605; O.R. 1894, 374; G:F, 1894, 701; tear ii. 363, f. 58. —Cookson. Fig. 68. PAPHIOPEDILUM X MORGANIA VAR. BURFORDIENSE. C. x Horneri, O.R. 1894, 80.—Marwood. C. x Daviesianum, G.C. 1893, i. 206; O.R. 1893, 95.—Statter. C. x (un-named), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1896, 110.—Opoix. C. x Sphinx, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 156; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 428.—Vuylsteke. 409. P.x Myra (Chamberlainianum x Haynaldianum).—E. Ashworth, 1897, C. x Haynaldo Chamberlaini), G.C, 1897, ii. 316.—E. Ashworth, Part 11.) THE ORCHID STUD.BOOK. 187 C. x Haynaldo-Chamberlainianum, O.R. 1897, 350.—E. Ashworth. C. x Myra, Boyle Woodl. O. 179.---R. H. Measures. 410. P. x Nandii (callosum 9 Tautzianum).—R. 1. Measures, 1894. Cc. x Nandii, G.C. 1894, ii. 318; O.R. 1894, 310, 319; G.M. 1895, 403, f. A114. P. x Nansen (x Morganiz x selligerum @ ).—Cookson, 1897. C. x Nansen, G.C. 1897, i. 246; Chron. O. 39. 442. P x Nebula (Rothschildianum x selligerum @ ).—Sander, 1898. Cee selligero-Rothschildianum, O.R. 1898, 252.—Sander. Fig. 69. PAPHIOPEDILUM X NIOBE. C. x Orion, G.C. 1898, ii. 92; 1902, ii, 191, 211 (v. Mrs. Arthur Wells) ; O.R. 1898, 256. — Sander. Cc. x Mrs. Arthur Wells, G.C. 1902, ii. 243.—Wellesley. 413. P. x Nellie (Charlesworthii x tonsum), —Law-Schofield, 1899. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1899, ii. 478; O.R. 1900, 25.—Law-Schofield C. X tonso-Charlesworthii, Amer. G. 1900, 795; Chron. O34 ==Mrstey Ee. Ames. . Cc. x Nellie, G.C. 1901, ii. 172; O.R. 1901, 284.—Pitt. 44%. P. x Neptune (x Ilo ? x Rothschildianum).—Sander, 1896. C, x Neptune, G,C. 1896, i, 792; O.R, 1896, 224; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 358, 188 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. C..x Mars, G.C. 1902, ii. 143; O.R. 1902, 276.—Sander. 415. P. x Niobe (Fairrieanum x Spicerianum 92), Stein O. 478; O.R. 1900, 9, f. 3; 1905, 41, f. 9.— Veitch, 1889. (See Fig. 69. C. x Niobe, $.H. 1889, ii. 527, £..167; G.C. 1889; 11.°701 5 1SeO sie eee Ill. G. Zeit. 1890, 342, 343, f. 69; O.A. x. t. 438 Orchidoph. W892 Sie 1893, 7, f.1; 1894, 80, 172; Gard. 1891, ii. 482, t=. 806; Will. O. Gr. Man. ed 7, 285; Duct. Ie. O. Cyp. hyb. t..13: C. x Gaskelliana, Gard. 1890, ii. 150; O.R. 1893, 8; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 197.— Gaskell. C. X miniatum, Rev. H. Belge, 1893, 290; O.R. 1893, 371,—Hye. C. x oliganthum, Hans. O. Hyb. 165.—Graves. C. X purpureum, Hans. O. Hyb. 165.—Graves. C. x luteum, Hans. O. Hyb. 165.—Graves. 416. P. x Niobe-Leeanum (Leeanum x Niobe).—Sander, 1902. C. x Niobe-Leeanum, G.C. 1902, ii. 383.; O.R. 1902, 367. 417. P. x nitens (insigne x villosum 9), Stein O. 478; $.R.H.S. xxiv. 109, f. 31; O.R. 1901, 16.—Veitch, 1878. C. x nitens; G.C. 1878, 1. 398: Lind. v. €. 223; V. Man. 0.19293) iowa ee 1889, 127,-t.; O.R. 1893, 68; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 22 (wasiperbam ees (v. Sallieri), t. 228 (v. Hyeanum) ; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 363 ; Day O. Draw. xl, t. 3. Cx >< *Salliegil. F555 te, ee 1884, 164; Rev. H. 1885, 476; Orchidoph. 1884, 147; 1887, 33; V. Man. O. iv. 97; Godefr. and Br.. Cyp. t.s; Lind. Nateca. wee 1893, 102; 1902, 144, f. 17 (v. Hyeanum) ; Day. O. Draw. xlvii, t. 77.—Godefroy- Lebeuf. _ C.:x* Celeus, G.C. 1893, ii. 630; O.R. 1893, 374; Will. O. Gr. Man. ed. 6, 241.—R. I. Measures. C. x Almos, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 7.—Ebner. C. x Chantino-villosum, ¥.S.H.Fr. 1897, 1383; G. World, 1903, i. 89.— Lebaudy. x Colin, O.R. 1900, 62.—Bostock. Laflacheri, ard. 1902, 86. Great Rex, G.C. 1903, i. 47; O.R. 1903, 54.-—Gratrix. < Dido, G.C. 1903, 11. 340.—Sander. Souvenir du Dr. Weber, $.S.H.F7. 1903, 708,—Magne. Souvenir du Pres*tt. Weber, Rev. H. 1903, 575; Fard. 1903, 368.— QO00 © Sen eR Gs. QO <& Magne. C. x Mrs. Cary Batten, G.C. 1903, ii. 429.—Cary Batten. 418. P. x nitidum (x nitens x selligerum).—R. H. Measures, 1901. C. * nitidum, Boyle Woodl. O. 1901, 204. 449. BP. x nobilior (Haynaldianum @ x Lathamianum).—Sander, 1894. C. x nobilior, Hans. O. Hyb. 167. C. X nobilius, G.C. 1895, i. 200; ¥,.S. H. Fr. 1896, 649.—Sander. 420. P. x Norma(x Niobe x Spicerianum @?), O.R. 1900, 40; 1905, 104 f. 22; 105, f. 23 (Westfield var.).—Veitch, 1895. [See Fig. 70. Part I1.j THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 189 C. x Norma, G.C. 1895, i. 82 ;,0..-1895, 64. 421. P. x Norrisianum (Leeanum x purpuratum @ ).—Rehder, 1897. C. x Norrisianum, G. World, 1897, ii. 148; O.R. 1897, 360. 422. P. x Northumbrian (x calophyllum ? x insigne), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481.—-Drewett, 1890. . X Northumbrian, G.C. 1890, i. 160; O.R. 1893, 294. . X Artemis, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 8. x Thora, Gard. 1895, ii. 347.—Veitch. » X calophyllum-Chantini, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 84.—Opoix. AAO Fig. 59. PAPHIOPEDILUM X NORMA, WESTFIELD VAR. 423. P. x Numa (Lawrenceanum ¢ x Stonei), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 481.— Veitch, 1890. C. x Numa, G.C. 1890, i. 608; O.R. 1893, 295. 424. P. x Oakesii (Curtisii x purpuratum).—Mrs, F. L. Ames, 1899. C. X purpurato-Curtisii, Amer. G. 1899, 753; G.C. 1899, ii. 430.—Mrs. F. L. Ames. 425. P. x osnanthum (x Harrisianum ? x insigne), Stezx O. 479,— Veitch, 1876. 190 DAE ORCHID STUD-BOCK [Part II, C. X cenanthum, G.C. 1876, i. 297; Lind. i. t. 33 (v. superbum) ; Rev. H. Belge, 1885, 231, 233, f. 39 (id.); $.H. 1886, i. 62, f. 11 (id.) ; O.A. viii. t. 379 ; ix. t. 420 (id.); Reichenb. ser. 1, i. 85, t. 38 (id); V. Man. O. iv. 93, f. (id.); O.R. 1893, 39; 1894, 334; Day O. Draw. xxx. t. 71; xxxiv. t. 79. C. x Thibautianum, G.C. 1886, i. 104; V. Man. O. iv. 99.—Veitch. C. x Cambridgeanum, $.H. 1887, i. 376, f. 66.—R. I. Measures. C. xX Galatea, G.C. 1888, 1. 168; V. Man. O. iv. 84; O.R. 1893, 259; G77. March 4, 1893, suppl. t.; ¥.H. 1896, ii. 627, f. 108 (v. majus).—Veitch. C. x Electra, G.C. 1888, i. 297; V. Man. O. iv. 83 ; O.R. 1893, 259.— Veitch. C. x Josephine Jolibois, 7. S. H. Fr. 1888, 296; Rev. H. 1888, 236; Orchidoph. 1892, 337, t. f. 2; O.R. 1893, 154.—Jolibois. C. x Berggrenianum, G.C. 1888, 1. 798.—Sander. C. x Orestes, V. Man. O. iv. 94; O.R. 1893, 259.— Veitch. C. xX Felix Jolibois, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1889, 25.— Jolibois. C. x Clement Loury, ¥. S. H.. Fr. 1889, 231; Rev. H. 1889, 206.—Jolibois. C. x Charles Gondoin, $. S. H. Fr. 1889; 310; Orchidoph. 16922 a7. ete Rev. H. 1889, 251; O.R. 1893, 154 —Jolibois. C. x Madame Charles Gondoin, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1889, 377.—Jolibois. C. x Madame Emilie Gayot, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1889, 377; Rev. H. 1889, 303.— Jolibois. n. 192, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1891, 45.—Jolibois. Mademoiselle Alice Gayot, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1891, 67, 68.—Jolibois. Mme. Roch Jolibois, fard. 1895, 53 ; G.C. 1895, i. 370. Mademoiselle Germaine Scellier de Gisors, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1893, 652.— OQ PS OS OS OS Madame Coffinet, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1893, 652.—Opoix. Donatianum, R. H. Meas, Cyp. ed. 2, 33.— Sander. pulcherrimum, Rk. H, Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 87.—Drewett. Themis, kK. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 103.—Veitch. René Jolibois, 7. S. H. Fr. 1894, 726,.—Jolibois. Louryi, Bohnh, Dict. O. Hyb. 24; G.C. 1895, 1. 200. Morrisianum, G.C. 1897, i. 51.—Sander. Madame Georges Boucher, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 1242.—Opoix. President Kruger, ¥.S.H.Fr, 1899, 1131.— Duval. Wilmslowianum, G.C. 1899, ii. 366.—E. Ashworth. Madeleine Thiebaux, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1903, 765.—Opoix. Madeleine Thiebaut, ard. 1903, 384.—Opoix. . 6. P. x G@nomaus (« Calypso x tonsum ? ).—Oakes Ames, 1898. C. x CEnomaus, Amer. G. 1898, 792; Chron. O. 299. 427. P. x cno-superbiens (x cenanthum ¢? xX _ superbiens).—Lawrence, BK KOK PR I, OK es C. X ceno-superbiens, G.C. 1893, 11. 192; O.R. 1893, 287; F.H. 1893; meee f. 38. 428. P. Olbia (x Leeanum ? x Romulus).—Peeters, 1900. Part \.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 191 C. x Norma, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 53.—Peeters. Re-named because of an earlier C. x Norma. 429. P. x Olenus (bellatulum ? x ciliolare), ¥.R.H.S. xxvi. 692.—R. I. Measures, 1895. C. x Olenus, G.C. 1895, i. 402, 613, f. 86; OR. 1895, 157; Gard. 1902, i. 355, f. C. x Gertrude Hollington, G.C. 1895, i. 626, 644, f. 90; O.R, 1895, 188; Monit. H. Oct. 10, 1895, f.; ¥.H. 1896, i. 3, f. 1; G. World, 1898, i. 616, f. (Southgate var.). C. x Sir Thomas Lipton, G.C, 1898, i. 385.—Stanley & Ashton. 430. P. x Olivia (niveum x tonsum ¢), O.R. 1900, 358.—Oakes Ames, 1898. C. < Olivia, G.C. 1898, ii. 128; 1899, ii. 339, f. 113; O.R. 1898, 285, 286 ; 189S, 28, 350; $.H. 1898, ii. 142, 143, f. 26. The parentage was first recorded as C. tonsum and C. concolor, but after- wards amended as above. 431. P. x Ollendorffii (x Harrisianum x hirsutissimum), O.R. 1899, 135. —Ollendorff, 1899. 432. P. x Omphale (x Lucie x tonsum @ ),O.R. 1903, 26.—Young, 1902. 433. P. x Opoixise (niveum x superciliare ?).—Opoix, 1893. C. x Madame Octave Opoix, $.S.H.Fr. 1893, 500; Yard. 1895, 53; Lind. x. t. 462; $Fourn. d. O. v. 310.—Opoix. 434. P. x Opoixii (Lowii @ x vexillarium).—Opoix, 1895. C. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1895, 602; 1896, 792.—Opoix. 435. P. x orangense (x Harrisianum ? Xx tonsum).—Graves, 1894. C. X modestum, Amer. G.“March 23, 1895 ; Hans. O. Hyb. 163.—Graves. Re-named because of an earlier C. x modestum. 436. P. x Orion (concolor x insigne 9). Kerch. Liv. d. O. 482.—Veitch, 1893. ieaneOrion, G.C. 1893, 1. 8050.8, 1893, 61; 7:2. 1899)1151, f. 315° 6.M. 1899, 104, f.; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 62. C. x Chantino-Regnieri, Sem. H. 1897, 468; Desd. Cyp. ed. 2, 118.—Bleu. 437. P. x Orissa (barbatum @ xX Haynaldianum).—Jolibois, 1890. P. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1890, 200.—Jolibois. 438. P. x orphanum, (barbatum x Druryi), Stein O. 479.—Veitch, 1886. C. x orphanum, G.C. 1886, ii. 166; V. Man. O. iv. 94; O.A. x. t. 455; O.R. 1893, 27, 131; Lind. v. t. 206; $.H. 1887, ii. 135, f. 16; Day O. Draw. |. t. 85. The name refers to the fact that the parents were unknown when the hybrid originally appeared. 439. P. x Orpheus (callosum x venustum @ ), Stein O. 479.—Sander, 1891. €. x Orpheus, G.C. 1891, i. 39; O.R. 1893, 326; 1896, 39. 440. P. x Osyanum (x Arthurianum xX Harrisianum),—Craen-Longhe, 1901. C. x Souv. du Baron Osy, R. H. Belge, 1901, 71.—Craen-Longhé. 192 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. (Pariatt 441, P. x Pageanum (Hookerz x superbiens), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 482,— Lebaudy, 1888. . X Pageanum, G.C. 1888, ii. 264; O.R. 1893, 228; Orchidoph. 1888, 257. . X CEnone, (Hookere ?), G.C. 1890, i. 260; O.R. 1893, 295.—Sander. x Cydippe, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 29.—Veitch. — Peeters. C. x marmorophyllum v. superbum, G.C. 1892, i. 745.—Ingram. 447. P. x Patersoni (Dayanum x Lowii).—-Cardoso, 1896. Che Paterson, -fao.-il fe LOveco2o. 448. P. x Patria (x nitens « calophyllum (politum).—Young, 1903. C. x polito-Sallieri, G:C. 190331. 302 ; O.R.91903, 69; 179! 449. P. x Paulii (x Harrisianum x selligerum 2), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 482. —Bowring, 1893. C. x Paulii, O.R. 1893, 147. C. x selligero-Harrisianum, Rev. H. Belge, 1894, 48; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 422.— Van Imschoot. 450. P. x pavoninum (Boxallii @ x venustum), Stein. O. 480.—Drewett, 1888. C. x pavoninum, G.C. 1888, i. 264; O.R. 1893, 259; Orchidoph. 1888, 132 ; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 386; V. Man. O. iv. 95. C. x Desboisianum, G.C. ii. 1890, 747; Rev. H. Belge, 1891, i. 48; Lind. vi. t. 277; O.R. 1893, 295.—Vervaet. Slee 20 Geqece aa x Part I. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 193 ~ C. x dubium, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 52. C. < woodlandense, KR. H. Meas, Gyp. ed. 2, 111; .@.C. 1895, 1. 1993 O.R. 1896, 262 ; Boyle Woodl. O. 195.—Sander. We have not seen C. X woodlandense, but from the parentage given it should be a form of the natural hybrid P. x Petri, 29; 457. P. x Petri-insigne (insigne x Petri ? ).—Opoix, 1896. C. x (unnamed), 7.S.4.Fr. 1896, 110.—Opoix. C. x Petri-insigne, ¥.S.H.Fr. 1897, 1006.—Opoix. 458. P. x Philene (x Ashburtone ? x barbatum).—Opoix, 1896. C.x Ashburtoniz-barbatum, ¥.S.H.Fr. 1896, 649.—Opoix. 459. P. x Philo (philippinense x purpuratum ? ).—Lawrence, 1900. C. x levigato-purpuratum, G.C. 1900, ii.57; O.R. 1900, 251.—Lawrence. 460. P. x Phebe (bellatulum x philippinense).—Statter, 1895. See Phoebe, G.C. 1895, 1. 337; O.RK. 1895, 127; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 71. 461. P. x Picardianum (Pageanum x Spicerianum).—Mantin, 1894, C. x Picardianum, $.S.H.Fr. 1894, 582 ; 1895, 240; Bohnh. Dict. O. Hyb. R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 137. 462. P. x Piercei (Druryi x tonsum).—Oakes Ames, 1900. C. x Franklin Pierce, Amer. G. 1900, 362.—Oakes Ames. 463. P. x Pitcheri (barbatum x purpuratum).—Pitcher and Manda, 1894. C. xX barbato-purpuratum, Hans. O. Hyb. 136.— Pitcher and Manda. 464. P. x platycolor (concolor ? x Stonei).—Lawrence, 1895. C. x platycolor, G.C. 1895, ii. 655 ; O.R. 1896, 29. 465. P. x pleistochlorum (barbatum ? x virens), Stein O. 480,—Drewett, 1887. O 194 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part IT. C. x pleistochlorum, G.C. 1887, ii. 552; O.R. 1893, 196 ; V. Man. O. iv: 9B. DayO. Draw Niet 1X: 466. P. x plumosum (barbatum x cenanthum).—Statter, 1895. C. x plumosum, G.C. 1895, ii. 655; O.k. 1896, 30. 467. P. x Pluto (Boxallii 9 x calophyllum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 482; Ff -R.H.S. xxiv. 114, 116. f.39; O.R. 1902, 263.—Low, 1893. C. x Pluto, G.C. 1893, ii. 692; O.R. 1894, 29. C. x Clotho, G:C. 1895, 11.527: O:R. 11895, (374; Dict: Te, Os Cyp. “hyiauea 32.—Young. 468. P. x Polkii (Chamberlainianum x nitens).--Roebling, 1900. Part II. | THE. ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 195 C. x James K. Polk, Amer. G. 1900, 200; Rep. Miss. Bot. G. 1900, 201. t.— Roebling. C. x edgbastonense, G.C. 1902, i. 219; O.R. 1902, 117.— Latham. P. x elgbastonense, O.R. 1903, 95.—Latham, C. x Violetta, G.C. 1903, i. 302: O.R. 1903, 179.—Charlesworth. 469. P. x Pollettianum (x calophyllum @ x cenanthum) Stein. O. 481.— Sander, 1890. Fig. 72. PAPHIOPEDILUM X PRINCESS. C. x Pollettianum, G.C. 1890, ii. 702; $.H. 1891, i. 559, f. 101; Retchenb. Bote i. 90, t. 43, f. 1; O.R. 1893, 326; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb: t. 35. 470. P. x polychromum (x calophyllum ? x superbiens).—-W. C. Clark, 1896. C. x polychromum, G.C. 1896, ii. 668 ; O.R. 1897, 28. 471. P. x Polyphemus (tonsum x venustum ? ).—Graves, 1894. C. xX tonso-venustum, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; G.C. 1895, i. 550.—Pitcher and Manda. C. x Polyphemus, Hans. O. Hyb. 171.—Graves. 196 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. (Pari II. 472. P. x polystigmaticum (Spicerianum x venustum), Stein. O. 481.— R. H. Measures, 1888. C. x polystigmaticum, G.C. 1888, ii. 407; O.2. 1893, 59, 227. C. X venusto- Spicerianum, G.C. 1889, 1. 394 ; O.R. 1893, 59, 263.—Drewett. C. x Yperianum, Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 488.—Moens. C. x Florentiz, Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 1903, 5.—Recenti. 473. P. x porphyrochlamys (barbatum ? x hirsutissimum), Stes. O. 481.— Veitch, 1884. [See Fig. 71. C. X porphyrochlamys, G.C. 1884, i.476; O.R. 1893, 101, 105, f. 7; V. Man. O. iv. 96 (porphyrochlamis) ; O.A. ix. t. 426; Day. O. Draw. xli. t. 13. C. x Fraseri, V. Man. O. iv. 84; Lind. vi. t. 253; O.R. 1893, 106, 262 ; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 191.—Fraser. 474. P. x Premier (x Cymatodes x Rothschildianum).— Sander, 1899. C. xX Premier, G.C. 1899 1i. 58; O.R. 1899, 254. 475. P. x prestonense (Argus X marmorophyllum?), O R. 1902, 101.— Parker, 1902. 476. P. x Priam (insigne 2 x Niobe).—Veitch, 1900. C. x Priam, G.C. 1900, 11. 384; O.R. 1900, 373; F.H. 1900, 11. 505)ii2e: 477. P. x Priapus (philippinense @ x villosum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 482.— Veitch, 1890. C. xX Priapus, Gard. 1890, i. 402; Hans. O. Hyb. 172. C. X (unnamed), G.C. 1890, i. 526.—Veitch. C. x AEolus, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2,6; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 42. —Veitch. 478. P. x Prince (Rothschildianum x Sanderianum).—Gratrix, 1899. C. x Prince Edward of York, O.R. 1899, 249.—Gratrix. 479. P. x Princess (x Coffinetii x Fairrieanum), O.k. 1905, 43; 1906, 113, f. 13.—Opoix, 1902. [See Fig. 72. C. x Princess, G.C. 1902, ii. 272; O.R. 1902, 339; 1905, 277-=(Operm Charlesworth. 480. P. x Proetus (Boxallii x Haynaldianum).—Graves, 1895. C. x Proetus, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; G.C. 1895, i. 550 ; Hans. O. Hyb. 307. C. X augustum var. Proetus, Hans. O. Hyb. 135.—Graves. 481. P. x Pryorianum (x Harrisianum x Lathamianum 32), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 482,—Sander, 1893. C. x Pryorianum, G.C. 1893, ii. 692; O.R. 1894, 29; Dzct. Ics O Graeme. t. 45 (v. inversum). 482. P. x Psyche (bellatulum x niveum).—Winn, 1893. [See Fig. 73. C. x Psyche, G.C. 1893, i. 751; OLR. 1893, 2237 1894, 262; 1898, 2e2 nea C. x Mrs. Herbert Druce, G.C. 1897, i. 411; O.R. 1898, 232, 363.—Druce. C. xX Lily, O.R. 1899, 27. Keeling. P. x Mrs. H. Druce, O./¢. 1903, 359, f. 52.--Druce. This has sometimes been thought to agree with P. Godefroyz leucochilum, but careful comparison fails to confirm this. 483. P. x punctatissimum (Argus x hirsutissimum).—Rehder, 1899. Part 11.) THE ORCHID STUDSB00K. 197 C. x Miss Rehder, G.C. 1899, ii. 96; O.R. 1899, 255.—Rehder. 484. P. x pycnopterum (Lowii x venustum 2 ).—Stein O. 481.—Veitch, 1876. C. X pycnopterum, G.C. 1876, 1. 622; O.R. 1893, 39; V. Man. O. iv. 96, 97. C. X vorphyrospilum, G.C. 1879, ii. 489; O.R. 1893, 69 --Veitch. 485. P. x Pygmalion (ciliolare x villosum) — Graves, 1895. C. x Pygmalion, Amer. (7. March 23, 1895 ; Hans. O. Hyb. 172. C. X cilto-villosum, G.C. 1895, 1. 401; O.R. 1895, 158.-—Lewis. 486. P. x Pynaertii (x Lathamianum x Lawrenceanum).— Pynaert, 1903. Fig. 73. PAPHIOPEDILUM X PSYCHE VAR. MRS. H. DRUCE. C. x (unnamed), O./¢. 1903, 149.—Pynaert. 487. P. x Pytho (callosum x Mastersianum).—R. I. Measures, 1897. fe calloso-Mastersianum, OLR. 1897, 29. —Veitch. P, x Baron Schréder, O.R, 1900, 39; 1901,81, f. 16; 1905, 42, f. 10 eins f. 30 (v. Germaine Opoix), 137, f. 31 (v. Gaston Bultel).—Veitch. C. x Germaine Opoix, Fard. 1899, 303; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1899, 831.—Opoix. C. x Gaston Bultel, 7. S. H. Fr. 1900, 59; 1901, 372; Kev. HA. 1904, 160; t.—Opoix. Part I.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 205 C. x Schroedere, $.H. 1902, ii, 526.—Charlesworth. 533. P. x Schusterianum (Hookerze x villosum).—Linden, 1900. C. x Schusterianum, G.C, 1900, i. 110; O.R. 1900, 90. 534. P. x Scylla (Boxallii x Dayanum), O.R. 1899, 55.—Graves, 1895. C. x Scylla, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; G.C. 1895, 1. 500. 535. P. x selligerum (barbatum ? x philippinense), Stein O. 485; F.R.H.S. xxiv. 100, f. 15 (with its parents).—Veitch, 1878. C. x selligerum, G.C, 1880, i. 776, 780, f. 133; Fl. 6 Pom. 1878, 85, f.; O.A. Meteo xi. ¢. 483 (v. majus); O.R 1893, 99; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp., hyb. t. 37; V. Fig. 76. PAPHIOPEDILUM X SIAMENSE (with its parents). (P. callosum in the centre and P. Appletonianum on the right). Man. O. iv. 97, f.; Lind. i. t 22 (v. majus); Reichenb. ser. 1, ii. 11, t. 54 (id.); Orchidoph. 1890, 272, t. (id.) ; Day O. Draw. xxv. t. i; xxxv. t. 63. C. x Peetersianum (philippinense ? ), G.C. 1888, i. 331; O.R. 1893, 227.— Peeters. C. x Monica, G.C. 1896, 1. 40.--Burton. 536. P. x Sementa (superbiens x virens?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 483.—Bleu 1883. C. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1883, 443; 1884, 465.—Bleu. C. x n. 1, Rev. H. 1885, 476. —Bleu. C. xX javanico-superbiens, V. Man. O. iv. 87; O.R. 1893, 102; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 275; Day O. Draw. li. t. 5.—Bleu. C. x Sementa, Bergm. ex. Hans. O. Hyb. 154.—Bleu. 206 THE ORCHID STUD.BOOK. [Part Il. There is a slight doubt about the parentage of this hybrid. It was first exhibited as a hybrid from C. javanicum, which was afterwards corrected to C. javanicum virens, with the statement that the latter was the seed parent. Han- sen cites Bergm. O. des Semis as the authority for the name C. x Sementa, but it is not in the copy accessible to us (¥. S. H. Fr. 1892), except as C. X javanico- superbiens (p. 280). 537. P. x Shillianum (x Gowerianum x Rothschildianum), O.R. 1902, 287.—Law-Schofield, 1899. C. x Shillianum, G.C. 1899, ii. 37; O.R. 1899, 247, 253, 311; G. World, 1899, ii. 57, f. 538. P. x siamense (Appletonianum 9? x callosum), O.R. 1903, 44, f. 11 (with its two parents).—Young, 1903. [See Fig. 76. Originally described as a species, C, siamense (Rolfe in G.C. 1889, i. 192), but afterwards (O.R. iii. 20) considered to be a natural hybrid, with the parentage above indicated, which was afterwards proved by the late Mr. Reginald Young. 539. P. x simile (ciliolare x Curtisii).—Sander, 1897. C. x (unnamed), O.R. 1897, 199.—Sander. C. x Curtiso-ciliolare, G.C, 1903, ii. 429; O.R. 1904, 19.—Wrigley. 540. P. < simonii (insigne x Leeanum 9), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 483; O.R. 1899, 11.—Fournier, 1890. C. x Simonii, ¥. S. H. Fr, 1890, 138; Rev. H. 1890, 190; Orchidoph. 1891, 62 (“« Simonis ”); ¥. S. H. Fr. 1897, 944 (“ Simonei ”’). x Leopoldianum, G.C. 1895, 1. 333; Desd. Cyp. ed. 2, 309.—Hye. x Acteus, G.C. 1897, ii. 352; O.R. 1897, 375; 1901, 368.—Veitch. x Leeano-superbo-Chantini, ¥. S. H, Fr. 1899, 53.—- Page. x Marjorie, G.C. 1900, i. 30; O.R. 1900, 58.—Wigan. x Hilda Davis, G.C. 1900, ii. 466; O.R. 1901, 23.—C. S. Harris. x Putzeysii, G.C. 1903, 1.46; Rev. H. Belge, 1903, 47.—Janssens and Putzeys. 544. P. x Singletonianum (barbatum x vexillarium ?), O.R. 1900, 39; 1905, 68.—Singleton, 1896. C. x Singletonianum, G.C. 1896, ii. 195; O.R. 1896, 286; Gard. 1896, 11. 130 (** Singtonianum ”’), [See Fig. 77. 542. P. x Sirius (barbatum x Godefroyz).—Low, 1894. C. x J. Gurney Fowler (Godefroyz ?), G,C. 1894, 1.410; O.R. 1894, 156, 361, f. 34 («« 18.””)—Low. C. x Sirius, G.C. 1894, ii, 730; O.R. 1895, 32.—Veitch. C. x Rhenia, G.C. 1897, i. 354 ; R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 144.—R. I. Measures. 543. P. x Smithianum (callosum ? x Druryi).—Sander, 1896. Cc. x A. R. Smith, G.C. 1896, i. 88; O.R. 1896, 64; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 427.— Sander. 544, P. «x Solon (Rothchildianum x tonsum ?).—Lawrence, 1900. C. x Rothschildiano-tonsum, G.C. 1900, ti. 57; O.R. 1900, 251.—Lawrence. 546. P. x Sophie (x Gowerianum x niveum).—Rehder, 1902. creniclicnicy © Part i.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 207 C. x Sophie, G.C. 1902, ii. 106; O.. 1902, 274; 1903, 63. C. xX Desdemona, Gard. 1903, ii. Oct. 31, Suppl. vii.—Low. 546. P. x Spicero-niveum (niveum x Spicerianum).—Sander, 1893. C. X Spicero-niveum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 100. , Cr x Isabelle, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; Hans. O. Hyb. 153; G.C. 1885, i. 550; O.R. 1899, 28.—Williams. . ~gC. X Marriottianum, O.R. 1895, 322, 351.—Marriott. The parentage of the last-mentioned is somewhat doubtful. 547. P. x southgatense (bellatulum x Harrisianum), Kerch. Liv. d. O, 483.—Lewis, 1892. Peeeecoutncatense, GC. 1892, 1. 698; 1893, ii. 630; F.. 1892, 39 £6: OR. 1693, 11. Fig. 77. PAPHIOPEDILUM X SIRIUS VAR. J. GURNEY FOWLER. C. x Fowlerianum, G.C, 1895, i. 337; O.R. 1895, 128.—Sander. C. x Macfarlanei, O.R. 1901, 350,—Statter. 548. P. x stamfordiense (x Chapmanii x Harrisianum),—Pitt, 1901. C. x (unnamed) GC. 1901, ii. 172; O.R. 1901, 284.—Pitt. 549. P. x standense (Lawrenceanum x Numa).—Statter, 1902. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1902, ii. 293; O.R. 1902, 342.—Statter. 550. P. x Statterianum (Spicerianum ° x vexillarium), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 483 ; O.R. 1900, 39; 1905, 68; 1906, 89, f. 11.—Statter, 1893. [See Fig. 78. C. x Statterianum, G.C. 1893, ii. 536; O.R. 1893, 373; FH. 1893) it. 417: f.-61. C. x Janus, R. H. Meas. Cyp.ed. 2, 61; G.C. 1895, i. 501.—R. H. Measures. 551. P. x Stevensii (x Calypso x Lathamianum).— Thompson, 1902. C. x Stevensii, G.C. 1902, i. 50, 67; O.R. 1902; 51, 54. 208 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. (Part il. 552. P. x Stottianum (Charlesworthii x cenanthum).—Law-Schofield, 1901. C: x Stottianum,:.G.C. 1901, 1. 102; 553. P. x Straeteni (x Canhami x Leeanum).—Sander, 1896. C. x Henri Van der Straeten, G.C. 1896, i. 88; O.R. 1896, 64.—Sander. 554. P. x streathamense (Fairrieanum xX Lawrenceanum 9?).—R. H. Measures, 1893. Fig. 78. PAPHIOPEDILUM X STATTERIANUM. C. x Fairrieano-Lawrenceanum, O.R. 1893, 307; 1894, 29 ; G.M. 1893, 728, fof sld i UEOA a, 45 he 7) C. x Lawrenceo-Fairrieanum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 103; Rev. H. 1903, 257.—R. H. Measures. P. X Fairrieano-Lawrenceanum, O.R. 1900, 10 ; 1905, 17.—R. H. Measures. 555. P. x superciliare (barbatum ° x superbiens), Stein O. 488.—Veitch, 1876, Part it.) THE ORCHID ‘STUD-BOOK. 209 ©. x superciliare, G.C. 1876, 1. 79; OR. 1893, 39); V.. Man..0. iv. 98 ; mucrwic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 38; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2,443); Day O: Draw. xxxiv. t..77 ; Berl. Gart. Zeit, 1885, 450, 451, f. 107. C. x barbato-Veitchianum, ¢. S. H. Fr. 1887, 709 ; Orchidoph. 1889, 10; Lind. v. t. 228.—Bleu. C x Warnero-superbiens, G.C. 1892, 11. 301; Gard. & For. 1892, 510, 511, f. 87.—Graves. C. X barbato-superbiens, G.C, 1891, i. 682.—Sander. Fi g. 79. PAPHIOPEDILUM X TAUTZIANUM VAR. YOUNGII. C. x Boucardi, G.C. 1896, ii. 534 ; O.R. 1896, 350 (unnamed).—Mantin. C. X Cappei, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 20; ed. 3, 32.—Cappe. 556. P. x Sutherlandiz (Rothschildianum x Youngianum @ ).—Sander, 1899. C. x Duchess of Sutherland, G.C. 1899, ii. 58; O.R. 1899, 254.—Sander. 557. P. x Suttonz (Chamberlainianum x niveum).—Sutton, 1902. ea Mrs. AoW. Sutton, G.C, 1902, i. 50.--O.R. 1902, 51.—Sutton.: C. x Godiva, G.C. 1902, i. 218; O.R. 1902, 118.—Charlesworth. 558. P. x Swanianum (barbatum x Dayanum ? ), Stein. O. 488,—Leech, 1876. 210 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK: [Part I. C. xX Swanianum, G.C. 1876, ii. 36; O. R. 1893, 39; V. Man. O. iv. 98; Foe, 1900, 391-33 Day 2D ramexl. tl. C. x delicatulum, G.C. 1887, ii. 552 ; O.R. 1893, 195.—Drewett. C. x Wiganiz, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 203; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 482.—Wigan. C. x Crossi-Dayanum, #.S. H. Fr. 1896, 110.—-Opoix. 559. P. x Swinburnei (Argus x insigne 9), Kerch. Liv. d.O. 483; $.R.H.S. xxiv. 100, f. 16 (with its parents). — Heath, 1892. C. x Swinburnei, G.C. 1892, i. 88, 136; O.R. 1893, 11; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 48. C. x Argus-Chantini, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1901, 34; 1903, 37.-—Doin. 560. P. x Symondsiz (purpuratum x venustum).—Ross, 1896. C. x Symondsiz, O.R. 1896, 16, 34. C. xX meirax, G.C. 1880, ii. 524; O.A:1i.t.95; V. Man. O. iv. 91; O.R. 1893, 70; 1905, 291, 295; Day O. Draw. xxxix. t. 65.—Warner. The second parent of C. meirax is doubtful, but the absence of warts on the petals long ago suggested C. purpuratum to Mr. Day, and if this is correct the name Symondsiz will have to be superseded. 561. P. x Syrinx (tonsum ? xX Youngianum),—Young, 1902. C. x Syrinx, Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 55. 562. P. x Tacita (tonsum x Measuresianum ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 483.— Graves, 1893. C. x TacitayGard. & For 1893105; OUR: 1893, 1719. 563. P. x Tantalus (Mastersianum x tonsum 9? ).—Young, 1901. C: x-Pantalus GC. 190i aloe 564. P. x Tautzianum (barbatum x niveum @ ), Stein O. 488; O.R. 1901, 241, f. 33 (v. Youngii).—Veitch, 1886. (See Fig. 79. C. x Tautzianum, G.C. 1886, ii, 681 ; 1888, ii. 756 (v. lepidum) ; 1889, i. 237 (id.); V. Man. O. iv. 98; O.R. 1893, 1382; 1897, 364 (v. lepidum) ; Reichenb. ser. 1, ii. 35, t.65;" Gard. 1899,1..86: C. x lepidum, Kk. H, Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 67.—Bull. 565. P. x Tennyson (Dayanum x cenanthum ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 483. McArthur, 1893. C. x Tennyson, G.C. 1893, ii. 490; O.R. 1893, 364. 566. P. x tessellatum (barbatum x concolor), Stein. 0.488; ¥ R.H.S. xxvi. 693.—-Veitch, 1875. C % tessellatum, G.C.. 1875, 119614 G:C. 188i. 4. Alain nore eee O.R. 1893, 38; Lind. 1.t, 18; F. H. 1888, i. 382, f. 43; Dict. Ic. O. Cypehyaeneiae G.M. 1894, 732, f.; $. S.H. Fr. 1902, 35; Day O. Draw. xxx. t. 35 (v. porphyreum). C. X Lavinia, Boyle Woodl. O. 200.—R. H. Measures. 567. P x Thalia (insigne x Schrcederi), O.R..1905, 107, f. 24. (v. punctatum).—Veitch, 1902. (See Fig. 80. Cex Thalia,,G: C. 1902, 11,344 Ore. 1902, 36a: 568. P. x Thayerianum (Boxallii x Lawrenceanum), Kerch. Liv, d. O, 484.—Sander, 1893, Part II.| THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 211 C. x Thayerianum, G.C. 1893, ti. 192; O.R. 1893, 288. C. x Whitelyanum, G.C. 1895, ii. 307.—Shaw. C. x Diomede, Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 162. —Vuylsteke. The parentage of the last-named is somewhat doubtful. 569. P. x Thomyris (x Hera (robustum) x superciliare).—Dallemagne, 1901. Fig. 80. PAPHIOPEDILUM X THALIA VAR. PUNCTATUM. C. x Thomyris, 7.S.H.Fr. 1901, 841. 570. P. x Thorntoni (insigne x superbiens ?), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 484.— Thornton, 1887. C. X (unnamed), G.C. 1887, ii. 398.—Thornton. C. x Thorntoni, Hans. O. Hyb. 178; Amer. G. 1898, 792 (v. Blonbergi). — Thornton. 7 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. C. x G. H. Rogers (insigne ?), G.C. 1895, ii. 192; Ox. 1895, 288.— Williams. 571. P. x Thyades (Chamberlainianum x superbiens ? ).—R. I. Measures, 1899. C. x Thyades, G.C. 1899, i. 286; O.R. 1899, 189; Gard, 1899, i. 351. 572. P. x Tia (exul x chloroneuron (lanthe).—Rehder, 1903. GC. ia; GsC. 1903.05 108; 205k 1903782" C. x ex-lanthe, G.C. 1903, ii. 377; O.R. 1903, 365.—Rehder. Cc. x Zia, G.C. 1903, ii. 429; O.R. 1904, 19.—Rehder. 573. P. x Transvaal (Chamberlainianum Rothschildianum).—Appleton, 1901. C. x Transvaal, G.C. 1901, ti. 172; 1902, 11. 361, f. 123 (v. superbum); OLK: 1901, 284; $.H. 1902, ii. 445, f. (v. superbum) ; G. World, 1903, 731, f. 574. P. x Treleasei (Parishii x Rothschildianum 9? ).—Sander, 1898. C. x William Trelease, G.C. 1898, ii. 203; O.R. 1898, 317.—Sander. 575. P. x tringiense (barbatum ¢ x Rothschildianum).—Sander, 1897. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1897, 11. 188.—Sander. C. x barbato-Rothschildianum, O.R. 1897, 319 ; 1903. 243; G.C. 1903, i. 78. —Sander. 576. P. x triumphans (x nitens x cenanthum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 484; F.R.H.S. XXxiv. 97.—Hye, 1893. C. X triumphans, Rev. H. Belge. 1893, 228; O.R. 1893; 316; 3D7er ieee Cyp. hyb. t. 6; G.C. 1894, 1. 198. 577. P. x Truffautiee (ciliolare 9 > Stonei).—Sander, 1895. C. x Madame Georges Truffaut, G.C. 1895, 1. 82; O.R. 1895, 64, 73.— Sander. C. x Georges Truffaut, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 3, 62; Boyle Woodl. O. 194.— Mantin. 578. P. x Tryanowskyanum (insigne @ x Io), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 484.— Sander, 1894. C. x Tryanowskyanum, O.R. 1894, 43. C. x gloriosum, G.C. 1894, ti, 447 ; O.R. 1894, 350, 365.-—Statter. 579. Px Tryonianum (x Harrisianum ? x superbiens), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 484.—Tate, 1893. . x Tryonianum, G.C. 1893, ii. 134; O.R. 1893, 285. . x Veitchi-Dauthieri, ¥.S. H. Fr. 1894, 577.—Opoix. C. x Madame Silva Freire, ¥. 8S. H. Fr. 1897, 752 ; 1898, 286.—Cardoso. C. x grossum, Wien. Ill. G. Zeit. 1902, 109, t. 1; O.R. 1902, 159.—Hruby. There is a slight doubt about the origin of the last-named. 581. P. x Ultor (Lawrenceanum ? x Sanderianum).—Young, 1903. C. x Ultor, G:C. 1903, 11.28, G4; OUR. 1903,242-Gards903ii. loom 582. P. x Una (Godefroyz (v. leucochilum) x villosum ¢ ), O.R. 1903, 59.— Appleton, 1903. 583. P. x Unixia (x Harrisianum ? x Lawrebel).—R. I. Measures, 1900. a @ Part I1.} THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 213 C. x Unixia, G.C. 1900, ii. 214 ; O.R. 1900, 314. 584. P. x Urania (Charlesworthii x Io 9 ).—Cappe, 1900. C. x (unnamed), ¥.S.H.Fr. 1900, 537.—Cappe. C. x Urania, G.C. 1901, i. 374; O.R. 1901, 218.—Cappe. oS as - _ ————— —— —_ | Fig. 81. PAPHIOPEDILUM X VENETIA. C. x Martin-Cahuzac, $.S.H.Fr. 1901, 410; 1902, 500; Rev. H, 1901, 419. —Cappe. 585. P. x Uriel (javanicum x Leeanum).—Oakes Ames, 1900. 214 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Cc. xX Uriel, Amer. G. 1900, 151; Chron. O. 1. 342. 586. P. x Vacuna (Rothschildianum x villosum ? ).—Veitch, 1898. C. x Rothschildiano-villosum, G.C. 1898, ii. 168 ; O.R. 1898, 287.—Veitch. 587. P. x Vannere (Curtisii 9 x selligerum), O.k. 1902, 316, 317.— Vanner, 1895. C. x Vannere, G.C. 1895, i. 402; O.R. 1895, 144, 157. 588. P. x Vanneri (x Calypso ? x Chamberlainianum), O.2. 1901, 190. ——Vanner, 1901. C. x Chamber-Calypso, G.M. 1903, 141.—Sander. Fig. 82. PAPHIOPEDILUM VEXILLARIUM VAR REX. 589. P. x Vanninii (x Io x Lawrenceanum).—Ross, 1897. C. x Vanninit, O.R. 1897, 132; 196) - 590. P. x Venetia (Lawrenceanum x Morganie), O.R. 1902, 241, f. 25.— Ross, 1902. [See Fig. 81. 591. P. venubel (bellatulum x venustum),—Bennett, 1895. C. x bellatulo-venustum, G.C, 1895, i. 402 ; O.R. 1895, 157.— Bennett. C. x venubel, ¥.H. 1899, i. 315, f. 73.—Bennett. 592. P. x Venus (insigne x niveum).—Hollington, 1890. Part I1:] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 215 C. x Muriel Hollington, G.C. 1890, 11.570; O.R. 1893, 327 ; 1897, 37 (in note). —Hollington. GC. x Venus, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 107 (second entry); ed. 3, 169 (first entry); O.R. 1902, 62 ; G.C. 1895, i. 200; 1902, i. 86, [91, f, 31 (Oakwood var.); $.H. 1902, i. 123, f. (id.) ; G. World, 1903, 315, 316, f.—R. H. Measures. P. X niveo-insigne, O.R. 1897, 37,—Sander. Seeeeeirs. &. V. Low, G.C: 1897, ii. 10; OR. 1897, 223, 253:— Low. The parentage of C. x Muriel Hollington has been doubted, but we are con- vinced that it belongs here. - | | | | | | Fig. 83. PAPHIOPEDILUM X VEXILL-IO. 598. P. x vernixioides (Boxallii «x javanicum).—Graves, 1895. C. X vernixioides, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; G.C. 1895, i. 550; Hans. O. Hyb. 180. 594. P. x vernixium (Argus ? x villosum), Stein. O. 489.—Veitch, 1878. C. X vernixium, G.C. 1879, 1. 398; O.R. 1893, 69; Veitch Man. O. iv. 99; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 464; Day. O. Draw. xxxii. t. 97. C. x Smeeanum, G.C, 1894, ii. 670; O.R. 1895, 29.—Smee. C. X auricularum, R. H. Meas. Cyp. ed. 2, 6.—De Cock. 216 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part iI. 595. BP. x vexillarium (barbatum ? x Fairrieanum), Steiz. O. 489; O.R. 1900, 7, f.1; 1905, 16, f. 3 (v. Rex).—Veitch, 1870. [See Fig. 82. C. x vexillarium, G.C. 1870, 1373; 1880, i. 780, 781, f. 135 (selligerum, by error); 1887, i. 456, f. 87; Fl. & Pom. 1880, 13, f.; O.A. x. t. 447; Lind. vii. t. 309; V. Man. O. iv. 100, f.; O-R. 1893, 35, 297, f. 15; “Desb. Cys) ediezaeaaer Day O. Draw. xxviii. t. 9; G. World, 1903, 682, f. C. x Warocqueanum, Rev. H. Belge, 1892, 263; Desb. Cyp. ed. 2, 479.— Warocque. 596. P. x vexill-Io (x lo x vexillarium 92), Kerch. Liv, d. O. 484; O.R. 1905, 69, f. 16.—Cookson, 1893. [See Fig. 83. C. xX vexill-Io, G.C. 1893, 1. 752; OR. 1893, 223; G. World, 1903)GS2.a0. 597. P. x Vibilia (insigne x Sementa).—Graves, 1895. C. x Vibilia, Amer. G. March 23, 1895; G.C. 1895, 1. 550; Hans. O. yb: 181. 598. P. x Vidor (x Canhami x Harrisianum).—R. I. Measures, 1900. C. x Vidor, G.C. 1900, 11. 313; OUR..1900,.347 ; F. WZ. 1900; 11, 39Set ee. The record of C. x Leeanum as one parent is believed to be erroneous. 599. P. x Vigerianum (barbatum x superciliare).—Mantin, 1892. C.-x Vigerianum, 7. S. H. Fr. 1895, 502; -G.C. 1895, si5 1ODR Rez 1895, 400- C. x Ministre A. Viger, Hans. O. Hyd. 163.—Mantin. C. x Boucardii, G.C. 1896, ii, 534. —Mantin. C. x (unnamed), O.F. 1896, 350.—Mantin. C. bellatulum x barbato-Veitchii, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1898, 288.—Bleu. 600. P. x Villeboisii (Charlesworthii @ x ciliolare).—Cappe, 1900, C. x Colonel de Villebois-Mareul, 7. S. H.-Fr. 1901, 295 Reo, daaiSOie 131.—Cappe. C. x Villebois-Mareuil, ¥.S. H. Fr. 1902, 35; Dict. Ic. O. Cyp. hyb. t. 63. -- Cappe. 601. P. x villexul (exul x villosum).—R. I. Measures, 1903. C. xX villexul, G:C. 1903, 1. 174; O38; 1903; 115 19045 10m 602. P. x Wiolettz (x nitens x venustum ?), O.R. 1903, 176.—Mantin, 1900: Eo. Clark C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1900, 113.—Mantin. 603. P. x Vipani (niveum x philippinense 9), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 484; G.R.H.S. xxvi. 693.—Vipan, 1890. See Fig. 84. C. x Vipani, G.C. 1890, 1.792; ¥.H. 1892, i, 420, 421. £73 - "Gua 306, f.; O.R. 1893, 245, 294; 1897, 241, f. 11 (v. Corningii); Ammer. G. 1899, 428, 429, f. 111 (Corning’s var.). C. x Corningii, O. 2. 1897, 241 (in note).—Corning, C. X striatum, F.4.77.S. xvi. Proc. 103; O.R. 1898, 365.—Ingram. 604. P. x Vitazo (Charlesworthii @ x Gowerianum),—Loveless, 1901. Cy x Vitazo, Amer. G. 1901, 731. C. x Belinda, Charlesw, Cat. Jan. 1902; Sand. O. Guide, 334.—Charlesworth. Part 11.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 217 605. P. x Warburtoni (Curtisii x Morgania).—Warburton, 1901. C. X (unnamed), O.R. 1901, 253.—Warburton. 606. P. x Watsonianum (concolor x Harrisianum @), Kerch. Liv. d. O. 484.—Sander, 1893. OMe. 4 Watsonianum, O.R. 1893, 244; 1898, 85. C. x J. H. Berry, G.C. 1895, i. 82; O.R. 1895, 64.—Sander. 607. P. x Wendlandianum (x cenanthum ? x venustum), Kerch. Liv. d. O. Sander, 1895. C. x Wendlandianum, Hans. O. Hyb. 181; O.R. 1896, 38; Sand. O. Guide 1901, 274 (first entry). A second C. x Wendlandianum is considered to be a form of P. x bellinum. 608. P. x westoniense (Appletonianum ¢ x barbatum), O.R. 1898, 112. —Appleton, 1898. 484. Fig. 84. PAPHIOPEDILUM X VIPANI VAR. CORNINGII. 609. P. x whalleyense (x nitens x Stonei).—Gratrix, 1899. C. x Stonego-Sallieri, O.R. 1899, 370.—Gratrix. 610. P. x whitefieldiense (x Ashburtone ¢ x Numa).—Statter, 1895. C. x annamense, G.C. 1895, i. 468; O.R. 1896, 63.—Statter. The specific name is changed, annamense being misleading for a hybrid of garden origin. 644. P. x Whitei (concolor x Leeanum).—Law-Schofield, 1899. C. x Sir George White, O.R. 1899, 371.—Law-Schofield. 612. P. x Wiganianum (x Ashburtone x Harrisianum), Kerch, Liv. d. O. 484, Wigan, 1893. 218 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK, (Part Il. C. x Wiganianum, O.R. 1894, 143. The parentage is somewhat doubtful. 613. P. x Wilsone (Argus x Sanderianum ? ).—Drewett, 1901. C. X Miss Fanny Wilson, G.C. 1901, 11. 172 ; 1902, 1. 50; O28 TV8Oieaeae 1902, 50.— Drewett. 6144. P. x Winegzianum (x Harrisianum x Haynaldianum),—Opoix, 1896. C. x (unnamed) F. S. H. Fr. 1896, 132.—Opoix. C. inquilinus, G.C. 1867, 544 ;-O.R. 1893, 6.—Veitch. Phalanthe x irrorata, Hans. O. Hyb. 233. Phalanthe x inquilina, Hans. O. Hyb. 233. Phaius x inquilinus is suspected to have been a seedling out of the same batch. 1. P.-c. x Niobe (C. x gigas x P. grandifolius ?), G.C. 1899, i. 109; O.R. 1899, 95.—Veitch, 1899. mec: < Ruby (C: >< Ruby x P; Wallichit 9). GiC21902; 1. 151; OLR. 1902, 91.--Cookson, 1902. 9. P-c. x Schroderiana (C. x gigas x P. Wallichii 2), G.C. 1901, i. Ge 7 .f7. 1901, 1. 181, 189, f.; G.M. 1901, 387, f.—Veitch, 1901. 10. P.-c. x Sedeniana (C. x Veitchii x P. grandifolius 9), G.C. 1888, i. toa, /. Man. O. vi. 17, f. ; Wren fil. G. Z. 1891, 257, 258, f. 60; O R. -1893, 85; FH. 1894, ii. 512, 513, f. 80; ¥.R H.S. xvii. 254, 255, f. 33.—Veitch, 1887. Phaius X Sedenianus, G.C. 1887, i. 174 ; O.R. 1893, 195. Pec. x Sedeni, G.C.1896; 1..88; O.R. 1896; 645 F..-1896, 1. 99; f. 15 (v. albiflora).—Veitch. Phalanthe x Sedeniana, Hans. O, Hyb. 234, 331. 28. PHAIOCYMBIDIUM. A genus established to contain a hybrid recorded as derived from Phaius and Cymbidium, which requires confirmation. 1. Phaiocymbidium x chardwarense (Cymbidium giganteum x Phaius Wallichii 9), G.C. 1902, 1. 219, 322; O.R. 1902, 117,190 ; 1903, 325; G.M. 1903, 740; $.H. 1903, ii. 507, f.—G. F. Moore, 1902. 29. PHAIUS. 14. P x amabilis (grandifolius 2 x simulans), G.C. 1893, i 206, 226, 229, f. 32; .H. 1898, 1. 453, f. 82 - O.R. 1893, 87; 1895. 86; :Reichenb, sera 2amiemoes t. 90, f. §. —Veitch, 1893. 2. P. x Ashworthianus (maculatus x Wallichii 9), G.C. 1896, ii, 534; O.R. 1896, 351; G.M. 1897, 551, f£.: Neub. G. M. 1897, 385: Sand. Cat. New O. 1897, 14, 15, f. -Sander, 1896. Fig. 86. PHaIus ae _CLIVE. 3. P. x Brownii (P. x amabilis x p. A maoMaes —Sander, 1899. P. x D. S. Brown, G.C. 1899, i. 108; O.R. 1899, 95.—Sander. 4. P x Chapmanii (Humblotii x Phoebe), G.C. 1903, i. May 30, Suppl. I. ; 411, 412, f. 159, n. 2 (type), n. 5 (v. superbus); G.M/. 1903, 593, f. (v. superbus) ; ¥.H. 1903, ii. 47, f. (id.); O.R. 1903, 182.--Cookson, 1903. 5. P. x Clive (x Cooksoni (Norman) x simulans), G.C. 1903, i. 142; O.R. 1903, 84, 137, 138, £ 33; 174.—Cookson, 1903. [See Fig. 86. 6. P. x Cooksone (grandifolius @ x Humblotii), G.C. 1895, 1. 748; 1903, i. 411,-412, f. 159, n. 6; O.R. 1895, 199, 220; $.H. 1895, i. 512, 513, f...925 -F900s i, 323, 325, f. 90; 1903, i 353, f.; G.M. 1895, 353, f.—Cookson, 1895. { Poem » Sedenii).— Ainsworth, 1879. Cypripedium x Ainsworthii, G.C. 1879, i. 748; V. Man. O. iv. 101, 102. Selenipedium x Ainsworthii, G.C. 1879, i. 748 (in note); O./. 1893, 244 ; 1895777179: C. x calurum, G.C. 1881, 1. 41; Fl. & Pomol, 1884, 145, t. 619; OA. ii. £. 136; O.R. 1893, 70 ; Day O. Draw. xxx. t. 55.—Veitch. x Ainsworthianum, Desh, Cyp. ed. i. 143. . X robustius (Sedenii ?), G.C. 1889, i. 394.—Baron N. Rothschild. . x Brownii, G.C. 1891, ii. 49; O.R. 1893, 326.—Pitcher and Manda. x Sedeni v. Pellizzarianum, Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ort. 1897, 207.—Linari. - X calurum, Nich. Dict. iii. 413 ; Lind. vii. t. 304; O.R. 1893, 70: P, xX calurcum, OR, 1902, 237: 3. P. x albopurpureum (x Dominianum x Schlimii 9 ).—Veitch, 1877, C. X albopurpureum, G.C. 1877, ii. 38; 7.H. 1883, i. 472, 473, f. 105; Orchidoph. 1883, 508, 509, f. ; Gard. 1882, i. 332, 333, f.; V. Man. O. iv. 101, 102, f. S. x albopurpureum, G.G. 1877, ii. 38 (in note); O.R. 1893, 67; 1895, 77. 80; Day O. Draw. xlii. t. 21. 4. P. x Baconis (x conchiferum ? x Schlimii).—Sander, 1892. C. x Baconis,.G.C. 1892; 4.470. C. x Edithz, G.C. 1892, ii. 458.—Sander. S S NNAQAN -. * Baconis, O.2. 1893, 358; 1895, 77, 80.—Sander. . x Edithe, O.R. 1893, 358.— Sander. Part I1.} THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 5. P. x Brysa (Boissierianum OURS S99) 250, 258; G.M. 1899, 484, f. ; $.H. 1899, ii. 73, 83, f. 18.—Veitch. Fig.' 92. SOPHROCATTLEYA X HARDYANA. 8. S.-c. x Nydia (C. x calummata x S. grandiflora ? ), G.C. 1901, ii. meee t. 1901; i1, 530, 531, f.; O.R. 1901, 366; Dict. Ic. O.. S.-c. t--1 5 Fard. 1903, 184, t.— Charlesworth, 1901. 9. §.-c. x Saxa (C. Triane x S. grandiflora), G.C. 1903, ii. 104; O.2. 1903, 267—Veitch, 1903. 36. SOPHROLALIA. A genus established for the hybrids between Lzelia and Sophronitis. 4. §.-l. x Gratrixiz (L. tenebrosa x Sophronitis grandiflora), G.C. 1901, ii. 210; O.R. 1901, 315; 1903, 306.—Charlesworth, 1901. 2 S.-l. x heatonensis (L. purpurata x S. grandiflora), G.C. 1902, 11. 239 ; 236 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. O.R. 1902, 311, 339; G.M. 1902, 694, 698, f.; $.H. 1902, ii. 397, f.—Charles- worth, 1902. 3. S.-l. x leta (L. Dayana? x S. grandiflora), O.R. 1894, 333 ; 1896, 33 ; 1898, 323.— Veitch, 1894. Sophrocattleya x lata, G.C. 1894, ii. 447, 476, 477, f. 63 ; O.#. 1894, 351. 4. §.-l. x Marriottii (L. flava x S. grandiflora 9 ), G.C. 1896, ii. 667; O.R. 1897, 28.—Marriott, 1896. S.-l. x Marriottiana, G.C. 1900, i. 30, 66, f. 20 ; O.R. 1900, 58 ; 1903, 271. Sophrocattleya x Marriottiana, Gard. 1902, i. 248. 5. §.-l. x Orpeti (Lelia pumila? >» Sophronitis grandiflora), O.k. 1901, 288 ; 1902, 116 ; 1904, 22.—Orpet, 1901. S.-l. x leta var. Orpetiana, G.C. 1901, i. 306; O.R. 1901, 182 ; 1904, 22; 4.H. 1905, ii. 99, f.—Orpet. 6. S.-l. x Psyche (Lelia cinnabarina ? xX Sophronitis grandiflora), O.R. 1902, 55 ; Dict. Ic. O. S.-l. t. 1.—Charlesworth, 1902. 7. §.-l. x Walda (L. harpophylla x Sophronitis grandiflora 2), G.C. 1901, i.54; O.R. 1901, 37.—Veitch, 1901. 37. SPATHOGLOTTIS. 4. §. x kewensis (plicata ? x Vieillardii), O.R. 1903, 218,—Kew, 1903. 2. §. x Weitchii (aurea ? x Vieillardii)—Veitch, 1897. S. x aureo-Vieillardii, G.C. 1897, i. 354; 1898, i, 309, f. 115; O.R. 1897, 192; G.M. 1898, 308, f.; 7.H. 1898, i. 439, 445, f. 82; 1900, i. 434, f. 117 ; Dict. Ic. O. Spath. hyb. t. 1.—Veitch. 38. STANHOPEA. 4. S. x bellaerensis (insignis ? x oculata), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1895, 502 ; 1897, 602; Rev. H. 1896, 231, 232,t.—Mantin, 1894. 2. §. « Spindleriana (oculata @ x tigrina), Gtfl. 1890, 625, t. 1335 (with parents) ; O.R, 1893, 323.—Spindler, 1890. 39. THUNIA. 4, TT. x Veitchiana (Bensonez x Marshalliana ?), G.C. 1885, i. 818; O.A. vii. t. 326; V. Man. O. vi. 20; O.R. 1893, 291 ; 1905, 204; Day O. Draw. xlvi. €. 45.—Veitch, 1885. T. x Wrigleyana, O.A. vii. sub t. 326; O.R. 1893, 291; 1905, 204.— Wrigley. 40. VANDA. 1. Vanda x Joaquimiz (Hookeriana x teres).—Joaquim, 1893. V. x Miss Joaquim, G.C. 1893, i. 740; 1897, i. 427, f. 165; 1898, 11, 1235i O.R. 1893, 245 ; 1897, 211; 1903, 271.—Joaquim. 2. V. x Marone (suavis x teres?}, O.R. 1903, 209, f. 38.—Maron, 1903. V. x Marguerite Maron, 7. S. H. Fr. 1903, 406 ; Rev. H. 1903, 254, 574, t. ; G.C. 1903,i. May 30, suppl 2; O.R, 1903, 183,—-Maron, Part 11.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 237 M. ZYGOBATEMANNIA. A genus established to contain a hybrid between Batemannia and Zygopetalum. 1. Z. xX Mastersii (Batemannia Colleyi x. Zygopetalum crinitum on Sem. Hort. 1899, 76; G.C. 1899, i. 77, 99, f. 40; O.R. 1899, 46: Lind. xiv. t¢. 657.—Linden, 1899. 42. ZYGOCOLAX. A genus established to contain the hybrids between Colax and Zygopetalum. 1. Z.-c. x Amesianus (Colax jugosus x Zygopetalum Mackayi (brachy- petalum) ?), G.C. 1899, ii. 478 ; O.R. 1900, 29.—Sander, 1899. Z.-c. X Amesiz, O.R. 1900, 13,—Sander, 2. Z.-c. x leopardinus (C. jugosus x Z, maxillare 9 ), V. Man, O, ix. 66; Oe o00; 12; G.M. 1900; 121, f. (Wigan’s var.).—Veitch, 1886. Zygopetalum x leopardirium, G.C. 1886, ii. 199; O.R. 1893, 132. 3. Z.-c. < Rosa. C. x Adolphinez. C. x Lawreglossa. Leliocattleya x Merciana. Sophronitis grandi- Sophrocattleya x flora. warnhamensis. 4, ©. bicolor (p. 3). C. Dowiana. C. Gaskelliana. C. Lawrenceana. Leelia flava. C. x Hardyana. C. x Adula. Ce iris: C. x Farquharsor- lana. Sophrolelia x Sophrocatlelia x Orpeti. Medea. 5. C. Bowringiana (p. 3). C. Forbesii. C. x Meadii. C, granulosa. C. x Hopkinsii. C. Schilleriana. C. x lucida. Leliocattleya x Nysa. Tenos. Leliocattleya x 6. ©, x Brymeriana (p. 3). L. xanthina. L.-c. x ilsington- | ensis, 7. GC. citrina (p. 4). Brassavola Digby- Brassocattleya x ana. Alexanderi. C. Aclandiz. C. x Shakersii. 10. ©. dolosa (p. 4). Lelia cinnaba- rina. L. tenebrosa. Leliocattleya x Leliocattleya x chardwarensis. L.-c. x dolotene. L.-c. X Lambeaui. | C. Dowiana. ie. Bowringiana. Lelia cinnabarina. Leeliocattleya x elegans. L. harpophylla. L. x Latona. Leeliocattleya x Amelia. L.-c. x harpo-aurea. L.-c. < illGstris: L.-c. X Sehneideri: L.-c. X Charles- L.-c. x Golden- worthil. Oriole. Lice. 3 Cran. L.-c. X Kelpie. | stonnee. L.-c. x Golden- Beauty. L.-c. x Leeana. L.-c. x Georgina. Sopnronitis grand- Sophrocattleya xX iflora. Doris. 13. ©. Eldorado (p. 4). Lelia Perrinii. L.-c. x Ernestit. Leeliocattleya x Soulageana. Leliocattleya x L.-c. X vivicans. elegans. 14. GC. elongata (p. 4). C. Dowiana. C. x Appletoni. l4a. ©. x Enid. Sophrocattleya Sophrocattleya x x Calypso. Marcus. I4b. ©. xX flavescens. C. x Loubetii. Leeliocattleya x .L.-c. x Mount- Ernesti Ophir. L.-c. x Fournieri. L.-c, x Kronprinz. 15. ©. Forbesii (p. 4). | Brassavola Digby- Brassocattleya x Holfordii. C. x Meadii. ana. ronselensis. Part 1. Suppl.| THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 241 15a. Cattleya x Frasquita. C. Dowiana. C. x Milano. 16. ©. Gaskelliana (p. 4). C. Aclandiz. C. x Madouxiz. C.amethystoglossa.C. x Adolphine. C. granulosa. C. x Caduceus. Coeeeacatrixizc. C. x Nyez. C. intermedia. C. x Vulcan. C. Mossie. ©. 5G Hyez. C. velutina. C. X Casca. C. Warneri. Cox Peetersiz: Epidendrum Par- Epicattleya x kinsonianum. Lawrence. E. vitellinum. E.-c. X magdeburg- ensis. Lelia Cowanii. Leliocattleya x Lydia. Leliocattleya x L.-c. x Blountiz. Schilleriana. L.-c. x Wellsiana. L.-c. x Dicksoniz. 17. C. granulosa (p. 5): Brassavola Digby- Brassocattleya x ana. Pluto. C. Bowringiana. _ C. x Hopkinsii. C. Gaskelliana. C. x Caduceus. C.Lueddemanniana.C. « Minnie. C. Trianz. C. x Alfredi. Lelia Perrinii. Lelio-cattleya x Perrilosa. Leliocattleya x L.-c. x Alexanderi. elegans. 17a. ©. x Gratrixie. C. Gaskelliana. Cie Nye. 19. ©. x Hardyana (p. 5). C. bicolor. C. x Adula. C. Harrisoniana. C. x Cypheri. | C. Warscewiczii. | Leeliocattleya x Cattleya Harrisoniana (contd.) C. Aclandiz. C. x Olenus. C. x Hardyana. C. x Cypheri. C. labiata. Cc. x Berti: C. maxima. C: x Hester: C. Walkeriana, Leelia flava. C. x Heathii. Leliocattleya x Amarylloso. Leliocattleya x L.-c. x Priam. callistoglossa. L.-c. X exoniensis. L.-c. x Arethusa. L.-c. x Nysa. L.-c. x Thetis. 22. GC. intermedia (p. 5). Brassavola Digby- Brassocattleya x ana. Cordelia. C. Gaskelliana. C. x Vulcan. Epidendrum fal- Epicattleya x catum. Figaro. Lelia xanthina. Leliocattleya stellata. Leliocattleya x L.-c. x Orestes. warmhamensis. 22a. C. x intertexta. Lelia tenebrosa. Lzliocattleya x Gouldiz. | 24a. ©. x Iris. | C. bicolor. C. x Farquharson- jana. C. labiata. C. x Aliciz. C. x bellatula. L.-c. x Lusitania. Phryne. | L.-c. Truffautiana. L.-c. x Aureole. 26. C. labiata (p. 6). | Brassavola glauca. Brassocattleya x C. Loddigesii. C. x Armstrongiz. C.Lueddemanniana.C. x Thurgoodiana. C. Mossiz. C. Triane. C. velutina. Lelia crispa. L. X Latona. L. Perrinii. L. purpurata. Leliocattleya x callistoglossa. C. x Knollysiz. C. x Cooksoni. C. x Davisit. Leeliocattleya x crispo-Hardyana. L.-c. x Jason. L.-c. x AEgina. Lire... Capartit. L.-c. x Whiteleggei. | L.-c. x Gottoiana. L.-c. x Duncanii. L.-c. x Hippolyta. L.-c. x Duchess. 21. Brassavola Digbyana. C. Harrisoniana (p. 5). Brassocattleya x Hye. C. x Rothschild- jana. C. Schilleriana. C. velutina. C. Warscewiczii. eum. Pos Brassavola Digby- ana. | B. glauca. | B. nodosa. | C. amethysto- glossa. Pyrrha,. C. Dormaniana. C. < ucasur L.-c. X Hardieri. fanle < Iona. | L. X juvenilis. L. longipes. L.-c. X Geoffrey. Lelio-cattleya x L.-c. x Purple- callistoglossa. Emperor. Iy.-c: * Decia. L.-c. x Hildegard. Iez-c: <<) Ingram’) L.-c. x*Elba: L.-c. x Martinetii. L.-c. x Wellesleyi. Sophrocattleya x Sophrocattleya x Cleopatra. Antiochus, 50a. ©. x Wendlandiana. Leliocattleya x Leliocattleya x IL.-c: xX Barbarossa. Clive. Goodyii. 50b. ©. x Whitei. C. Dowiana. C. x Waldemar. ita. COCHLIODA. 1. ©. Noetzliana. Odontoglossum Odontioda x Brad- crispum. shawie. O. Edwardii. O. x Devossiana. O. x Vuylstekee. | O. nobile. 2. ©. sanguinea. | O. cirrhousm. O. < heatonensis. 244 3. Cochlioda vulcanica. O. cirrhosum. O. x Bohnhoffie. 11b. CG@LOGYNE. 1. GC. asperata. C. Dayana. C. x Brymeriana. 2. ©. cristata. C. speciosa. C. x Colmanii. 3. ©. Dayana. C. asperata, C. x Brymeriana. 4. C. speciosa. C. cristata. C. x Colmanii. 13. CYMBIDIUM. 1. GC. eburneum (p. 11). C. giganteum. C. woodford- iensis. 22. L.-c. x Schilleriana (p. 20). Brassavola Digby- Brassocatlelia x Lelia crispa. ana. balarucensis, Cattleya Gaskell- L.-c. x Blountiz. jana. C. Lawrenceana. Lelia pumila. L.-c. X gattonensis. L.-c. x Oracle. THE “ORCHID STUD-BOOK. | Cattleya x Iris. | C. Lawrenceana. | M. fragrans. | M, vexillaria. | Odontoglossum L.-c. x Hopkinsii. | | O. x harveng- | O. Kegeljani. | O. Rossii. | O. nobile. [Part 1. Suppl Leliocattleya—(continued). 23. L.-c. x Truffautiana. L.-c. x Aureole. 24. I.-c. x warnhamensis. Cattleya inter- L.-c. X Orestes. media. L.-c. < Dusctiess: P. X Leeanum. P. x Tracyanum. ORCHID | STUD-BOOK. 251 Paphiopedilum— (continued). 7. P. barbatum (p. 23). P. x calophyllum. P. x Lubbersii Po exul. Pe3x >. Draco: x Orpheus. Pax Dpais. Rothschild- Po <- Cookson P. Godefroy. P. x Barclayz. Poe era: P. x Black-Prince. P. insigne. . X ingens. P. x Leeanum. P. x Williamsoni- anum, P. Mastersianum. P. x dellense. P. x nitens. . x Edwardi- arum. P. Stonei. P. x imperiale. 88a. P. x Sanacteus. P. insigne, P. X Sanacdere. 89. P Sanderianum (p. 34). P. x Gowerianum. P. x Wellesleyz. P. x Youngianum. P. x Herbert. 91. P. x Schlesingerianum (p. 34). P. Argus. Ee Pr. x fitens: P..X% Scipio. 93. P. x selligerum (p 34). P. x cenanthum. P. x Earl. 96. P. x Simonii (p. 35). P. insigne. P. x Sanacteus. P. x Leeanum. P. x Marjorie. Dis x bridgense. P. Spicerianum (p. 35). P. Godefroye. Bax Vera: P. x Haywood- P. x Rose. ianum. | P. x Hera. P. * Cravenianum. | - X Winnianum. P. x Jerming- hamiee. 98. P. Stonei (p. 35). P. Chamberlain- P. x Ethel. janum. P. Lowii. P. x Mercatellii. P. Rothschild- P. x imperiale. ianum. 18) 18) P. Argus. Paphiopedilum— (continued). 99. P. superbiens (p. 35). P2 exul: P. x Minerva. P. x Mabeliz. P. x Braceyanum. P. tonsum. P. x tonso-super- biens. 101. P. x Swanianum (p. 36). P. Charlesworthiit. P. x Clarkii. | 102. P. x Swinburnei (p. 36). PB. Argus: P. x nigratum. | P. x Berkeley- P.-x Lucasue anum. 104. P. tonsum (p. 36). P. Chamberlain- ianum. P. x Muriel. | P. concolor. P. conco-tonsum. | PB. Curtisi. P x Frankeanum. Peexull P. x Margery. P. Godefroy. P. x Moorer P. superbiens. P. x tonso-super- biens. 104a. P. x triumphans. P. callosum P. < Rajah P. s@ Buryale. P. x Victory: P. X Harrisianum.P. x Shed P. X nitens P. x bowdonense. 107. P. x vexillarium (p. 37). P. x cenanthum. P. x epicasta. P. philippinense. P. x Bella. 108. P. Victoria-Mariz (p. 37). . insigne. P. x Dorothy. . villosum. P. xX Venitiee 109. P. villosum (p. 37). P. x Hera. P. x Dicksonianum. P. Mastersianum. P. x Mastersio- villosum. P. x Niobe. P. x Fabiola. P. x Norma. P. x villma. P. przestans. P. x Vanessa. P.Victoria-Mariz. P. x Venilla. 110a. P. x Winnianum. P. »« Harrisianum. P. x Rhesus. P. Spicerianum. -P. x Jerning- hamiz. 110b. P. x Wottoni. P. x Lathami- P. x Brunette. anum., 111. P. x Youngianum (37). P. x Argo-Youngit. P. x Healei. Be Deitova: Pox Herbert. P. Sanderianum. Part I. Suppl.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. * 255 = — : : > se 29. PHAIUS (p. 37). | 33b. SOPHROLALIA. 4. P. x Cooksone (p. 38). 1. §.l. x Gratrixie. P. x oakwoodiensis. P. x Doris. _ L. pumila. S.-l. x Leda. : | 2. Sl. Teta. ee page eonu (herman): Cattleya Law- Sophrocatlelia x Calanthe Regnieri. Phaiocalanthe X | renceana. Phyllis. Colmanii. Leelia Jongheana. S.-l. x Phroso. 9a. P. x oakwoodiensis. | 2. 8.-l. x Orpeti. Eee Cooksone. P. x Doris. _ Cattleya bicolor. Sophrocatlelia x | Medea. 4. P. caricinum (p. 39). | 1. §. grandiflora (p. 40). P. xX Lemoinier- P. x turconiense. | Cattleya Sophrocattleya x lanum, amethystoglossa. warnhamensis. Sees | C. Dowiana. SC aoris: oa. P. x SUC ULSr AMEE | C. Lawrenceana. S.-c. x Atreus. P. caricinum. P. x turconiense. Cr Santecdeus, Gee © Ree chin 31a. PROMENAA. 35. SPATHOGLOTTIS (p. 40). J. P. stapelioides. ieee Rae oe Dix / : : sab eitcnil. x a 5 P. xanthina. P. x Rollisoni. ‘ Mt 9 hi | 2a. §. x Veitchii. eo enna. | S. aurea. S. x Colmanii. * P. stapelioides. P. < Rollissoni. 36. STANHOPEA (p. 41). 33. SOBRALIA (p. 40). la. §. Martiana. S. tigrina. S. X Wolteriana. la. §. leucoxantha. : aa Is be ; 3. §. tigrina (p. 41.) S. Lowii. S. x dellensis. Spee eae Sn ooiicn lb. §. Lowii. | S. leucoxantha. S. x. dellensis. 39. ZYGOPETALUM (p. 41). 3a. 4Z. Jorisianum. | Z. maxillare. Z. X maxjorisii. 33a. SOPHROCATTLEYA. 5. Z.maxillare (p. 41). 1. §S.-c. x Calypso. ; ; | Z. Jorisianum. Z. X maxjorisii. Cattleya x Enid. S.-c. x Marcus. Z. x Perrenoudi. Z. x Gottianum. 2. 5.-c. x Cleopatra. 6. Z. x Perrenoudi (p. 41). C. Warscewiczii. S.-c. x Antiochus. | Z. maxillare. Z. < Gottianum. SUPPLEMENT LO, BAK Five Containing additions up to the end of 1907 (the numbers and pages indicate the position in the body of the work). 5. BRASSOCATLALIA (p. 44). Oa. B.-c.-l. x balarucensis (Brassavola Digbyana x Leliocattleya x Schilleriana ?), O.R. 1906, 135.—Denis, 1906. Ob. B.-c.-l. x Fowleri(Brassolezlia x Gratrixie x Cattleya Schroeder 2), O.R. 1907, 151 ; $.H. 1907, i. 455, f.—Fowler, 1907. Brasso-Lzlia-Cattleya x Fowleri, G.C. 1907, 1. 290, 303, f. 125. Oc. B.-c.-l. x Hippocrates (Brassavola Digbyana x Leeliocattleya x Hippolyta ?).—Holford, 1907. Brasso-Lzlio-Cattleya x Hippocrates, G.C. 1907, ii. 221 ; O.R. 1907, 308. la. B.-c.-l. x Lido (Brassavola Digbyana ¢ x Leeliocattleya x Green woodii), O.R. 1907, 63, 179.—Maron, 1906. Leliocattleya x Lido, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 753. Brasso-Leelio-Cattleya x Lido, G.C. 1907, 1. 354. 2. B.-c.-l. x Mackayi (p. 44). Brasso-Lzelio-Cattleya x elegans-Digbyana, G.C. 1906, ii. 201.—Charlesworth. B.-c.-l. x elegans-Digbyana, O.R, 1906, 309. 2a. B.-c.-l. x Rowena (Brassavola ee x Leliocattleya x Doris), O.R. 1907, 315.—Holford, 1907. Brasso-Lzlio-Cattleya x ‘Rowena, G.C. 1907, ii. 190 ; O.R. 1907, 306 ; G.M. 1907, 661, f. Brasso-catt-lelia x Rowena, $.4. 1907, ii. 267, f. Brassocattleya X Rowena, O.k. 1907, 341 (v. rubella). 2b. B.-c.-l. x tringiensis (Brassavola Digbyana x Leeliocattleya x callistoglossa ? ).—Hon. W. Rothschild, 1904. Leliocattleya x Digbyano-Arnoldi, G.C. 1904, i. June 4, suppl. 2.— Hon. W. Rothschild. L.-c. x Arderniz, G.C. 1904, ti. 346; O.R. 1904, 368.—Ardern. B.-c.-l. * Tring Park Hybrid, O.R. 1906, 180.—Hon. W. Rothschild. 2c. B.-c.-l. x Veitchii (Brassocattleya x Veitchii x Lelia purpurata 9), O.R. 1907, 149.—Veitch, 1906. Lelio-Brasso-Cattleya * Veitchii, G.C. 1906, i. 254 ; O.R. 1906, 150. Brasso-Cattleya-Lzlia x Veitchii, G.C. 1907, i. 259. Brasso-Catt-Lelia x Veitchii, G.C. 1907, i. 259; $.H. 1907, i. 479, f. 56 Part Il. Suppl. | THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Zor 6. BRASSOCATTLEYA (p. 44). Oa. B.-c. x Alexanderi (Brassavola Digbyana x Cattleya citrina @), O.R. 1907, 125.—Holford, 1907. B.-c. X H.G. Alexander, G.C. 1907, i. 161; O.R. 1907, 115.—Holford. Ob. B-c. x Baron (B. Digbyana x C. x Rothschildiana).—Sander, 1906. mee. x Lhe Baron, G.C. 1906, i. 223, 281, suppl. f.; O.RK. 1906, 147.— Sander. Lzeliocattleya x The Baron, G.M. 1906, 239, f. Oc. B.-c. x Bayard (B.-c. x Maroni x C. Lueddemanniana 92). Maron, 1906. Leelio-cattleya x Bayard, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 510. la. B.-c. x brunoyensis (B. Digbyana x C. x Patrocinii ¢ ).—Maron, 1906. Lelio-cattleya x Gaudi-Digbyana, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 505.—Maron. 3a. B.-c. x Cordelia (B. Digbyana x C. intermedia ?), O.R. 1906, 287.— Holford, 1906. 3b. B.-c. x Ena (B. Digbyana x C. Lawrenceana 9), G.C. 1907, ii. 190; O.R. 1907, 307.— Veitch, 1907. 3c. B.-c. x Erotion (B. glauca ? x C. Walkeriana), O.R. 1906, 49, f. 6.— Thayer, 1906. [See Fig. 93, 5a. B.-c. x Holfordii (B. Digbyana x C. Forbesii 2° ),—Holford, 1906. 258 THE, ORCHID STUD-BOOK [Part Il. Suppé. Leliocattleya x Digbyano-Forbesii, 7. S. H. Fr. 1907, 467,— Maron. B.-c. xX Digbyano-Forbesii, G.C. 1906, 11. 265; O.R. 1906, 339, 350.— Holford. 5b. B.-c. x Hye (B. Digbyana x C. Harrisoniana ?), O.R. 1907, 113, f. 12.—Hye, 1905. See Fig. 94. B.-c. X Madame Jules Hye, Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 23, 281; G.C. 1906, 11. 36; O.R. 1906, 243, 255.—Hye. 6. B.-c. x langleyensis (p. 45). B.-c. X Warburtont, G:C. 1907, 1. 31 -O.R:.1907; 55: — Warburton ha Fig. 94. BRASSOCATTLEYA X HYEA. 7. B.-c. x Leemannie (p. 45). B.-c. x Mrs. J. Leemann, Gard. 1906, ii. 311, f. (v. inversa); G.C. 1907, 1. 351, f. 148 (v. Rajah). 8. B.-c. x Marie (p. 45). 3..c. X Warneri-Digbyana, Gard. 1904, ii. 216.—Charlesworth. Lucas. Leliocattleya x Eric Lucas, Gard. 1904, ii. 320. 10a, B.-c. x Mary (B. nodosa ? x C. Lawrenceana), G.C. 1907, i. 37; O.R. 1907, 242; $.H. 1907, ii. 99, f.—Colman, 1907. 13. B.-c. x Orpheus (p. 47). Part Il. Suppl.] RE ORCHID STUD-BOOR. 259 B.-c. x Juliette Wallet, ¥.S.H.Fr. 1906, 758.—Maron. l3a. . B.-c. X Peetersii(B. glauca 9 x C. Lawrenceana), O.R. 1905, 119; Dict. Ic. O. B.-c. t. 1.—Peeters, 1905. ispees-c. < Pluto (B: Digbyana, x, C: granulosa 9), G.C. 1907; i. 31; O.R. 1907, 39, 49.— Holford, 1907. I4a. B.-c. x Praetii (B. Digbyana x C. Leopoldi).—Praet, 1904. B.-c. X (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1904, 240.—Praet. 14b. B.-c. x Pyrrha (B. glauca ? x C. labiata), G.C. 1906, i. 30; O.R. 1906, 51.—Veitch, 1906. 16a. B.-c. x Seguinii (B. fragrans @ x C. Mendelii), ¥. S.H. Fr. 1904, 761. —Lesueur, 1904. 19. B.-c. x Veitchii (p. 48) Bee. Princess Victoria, Gard. 1904. ii... 283; G. World,. 1904, 852.— Charlesworth. B.-c. X Queen Alexandra, G.C. 1905, ii. 190.—Charlesworth. 20. B.-c. x Wellesleye (B. Digbyana x C. Lueddemanniana 9 ).— Wellesley, 1906. B.-c. X Mrs. Francis Wellesley, G.C. 1906, i. 254, 422, suppl. t.; O.R. 1906, 135, 149 ; G.M. 1906, 269, f.— Wellesley. 6a. BRASSOEPIDENDRUM. 1. B.-e. x stamfordiense (Brassavola glauca x Epidendrum Parkinsoni- ~ anum ?), O.R. 1906, 342.—Pitt, 1906. B.-e. x Stamfordianum, G.C, 1906, ii, 298.— Pitt. 7. BRASSOLADLIA (p. 48). 1. B.-l. x Bouletii (p. 48). Lelia x Eug. Boulet, Dict. Ic. O. Lzl. hyb. t. 11. 2. B.-l. x Clio (p. 48). B,-l. x Etoile de Marseilles, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 106.—Gaud. 2a. B.-l. x fladosa (Brassavola nodosa 9 xX Lelia flava), G.C. 1906, ii. 169 ; O.R. 1906, 277, 286, 287 ; 1907, 306.—Colman, 1906. eee.-|. < Gipsy (B.-l.. x Helen x. L.. %.cinaabrosa), G.C.:1907, i. 290; Ov, 1907, 151; G.M. 1907, 331, f.—Holford, 1907. 4a. B.-l. x Jessopi (Brassavola Digbyana x L. xanthina ?), O.R. 1907, 191.—Jessop, 1907. Ab. B.-l. x Lellieuxii (B. Digbyana x L. anceps 2), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 30 ; O.R. 1906, 60.—Denis, 1905. B.-l. x (unnamed), O.R. 1906, 28.—Denis. The specific name was inadvertently misspelt on p. 239. 4c. B.-l. x Louis-Bel (B. Digbyana x L. Boothiana ¢?), O.R. 1907, 39.— Denis, 1907. 5a. B.-l. x Thwaitesii (B. Digbyana x L. grandiflora), G.C. 1907, ii. 116; O.R. 1907, 264, 275,—Thwaites, 1907, 260 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Suppl. B.-l. x Veitchii (p. 49). Ax Edward Vilé Orchits, 1:37; 6.5. -l. x Digbyana-purpurata, ¥.H. 1907, ii. 27, f. (v. King Edward). B.-l. x westfieldiensis (B. glauca x L. flava), G.C. 1907, i. 61,62; O.R. 1907, 52.—Wellesley, 1907. med Uae Ss: 8. CALANTHE (p. 49). 5. ©. x bella (p. 49). x Phoebe, G.C. 1905, i. 60; O.R. 1905, 52.—Cookson. 5a. ©. x Chapmanii (x Ruby x Veitchii), G.C. 1905, 1.61; O.R. 1905, 52: G.M. 1905, 87, f£—Cookson. 6. ©. x Darblayana (p. 50). C. x’ Bryan, Gard. 1906, 1. 172, f. Tue) 9. CATTLEYA (p. 51). la. C. x Adolphine (amethystoglossa x Gaskelliana), Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 21 ; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 36.—Peeters, 1903. 2a. ©. x Adrienne (maxima x Warscewiczii).—Wavrin, 1906. C. x Adrienne de Wavrin, G.C. 1906, ii. Nov. 10, Suppl. 4; O.R. 1906, 364. —Wavrin. 2b. C. x Adula (bicolor x Hardyana), G.C. 1905, ii. 254; O.R. 1905, 308. — Charlesworth. 3a. ©. x Alfredi (granulosa x Trianze).—Fowler, 1904. Cc. x Alfred Fowler, G.C. 1904, i. 302; O.R. 1904, 171.—Fowler. 3b. C. x Alicia (x Iris x labiata).—Goodson, 1907. C. x Aliciz, G.C. 1907, ii. 318; O.R. 1907, 363.—Goodson. 3c. GC. x amabilis (labiata x Warscewiczii), G.C. 1904, ii. 293; OLR, 1904, 339.—Sander, 1904. 4a. ©. x Appletoni (Dowiana x elongata 2), O.R. 1905, 350.—Appleton, 1905. | C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 477.—-Maron. C. x Appletone, G.C. 1906, ii. 234; O.R. 1906, 310.—Appleton. 6a. C. x Armstrongie (x Hardyana x Loddigesii), G.C. 1907, 11. 190; O,R. 1907, 307.—Armstrong & Brown, 1907. C. x Castrzana, G.C. 1907, ii. 221; O.R. 1907, 309.—Sander. 12. ©. x Aurora (p. 52); O.R. 1905, 350.—Appleton. 16a. ©. x bellatula (Iris x Warscewiczii), G.C. 1906, ii. 265 ; O.R. 1906, 340.—Sander, 1906. 17a. ©. x Bertii (Harrisoniana x labiata).—Bert, 1904. C. x (unnamed) ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 595.—Bert. 21. ©. x Brownie (p. 53); O.R. 1906, 345, f. 45. 23a. ©. x Caduceus (Gaskelliana x granulosa), G.C. 1905, ii. 115; O.R. 1905, 275.—Charlesworth. C. x Thalia, Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 219.—Hye, Part ll. Suppl.| THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 261 25a. C. x Carmen (Lueddemanniana x Warscewiczil), G.C. 1905, ii. 74 ; O.R. 1905, 247.—Veitch. 25b. ©. x Casca (Gaskelliana x velutina), G.C. 1904, ii. 230; O.R. 1904, 309.—Veitch. 31. ©. x Chloris (p. 53). C. x schonbrunnensis, G.C. 1907, ii. 170 ; O.R. 1907, 318.—Emperor of Austria. 36. ©. x Claudian (p. 54). C. x Nestor, O.R. 1905, 245.—Charlesworth. 37a. ©. x Cleopatra (Dowiana x superba), G.C. 1906, ii. 357; O.K. 1907, 349.—Charlesworth, 1906. | C. x Leda, G.C. 1906, ii. 234, Nov. 10, Suppl. 4; O.R. 1906, 311, 363, 374,.— Charlesworth. 38. C. x Clymene (p. 54). C. x Ethel, G.C. 1905, ii. 254; O.R. 1905, 308.—Marriott. C. x Capartiana, G.C: 1906, ii. 234; O.R. 1906, 312.—Schuster. 40a. C. x Cooksoni (x Hardyana x Trianze).—Cookson, 1906. C. x Chapmanii, G.C. 1906, i. 30; O.R. 1906, 51—Cookson. 42a. ©. x Cypheri (x Hardyana x Harrisoniana).—Cypher, 1907. C. X (unnamed), O.R. 1907, 366.—Cypher. 44. ©. x Daphne (p. 54). Geerittiz, G.C. 1905, i. 333; O.R. 1905, 171 ; G.M. 1905, 515, 517,f. —Pitt. C. x Lucieniana, O.R. 1906, 251, 344; Rep. R. H.S. Genet. Conf. 226, 239. It is now suspected that C. x Daphne may have the same parentage as the earlier C. x Lucieniana, Rchb. f. (p. 61), but the materials which would clear the matter up are wanting. 44a, ©. x Davisii (x Hardyana x velutina), G.C. 1906, ii. 224 ; 1907, ii. 190; O.R. 1907, 307, 342.—(Sander) Fowler, 1906. 47a. ©. x Dupreana (Warneri x Warscewiczii), Chron. O. li. 75.— Lambeau, 1906. 52a. ©. x Ethelreda (Dowiana x O’Brieniana), G.C. 1907, ii. 190 ; Oke 1907, 307.—Sander, 1907. 53. ©. x Eurydice (p. 55). C. x Vincius, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 23.—Doin. 53a. C.x Evadne (Percivaliana x Schilleriana).—Armstrong & Brown, 1907. C. x (unnamed), O.R. 1907, 308.—Armstrong & Brown. 55. ©. x Fabia (p. 55) ; Dict. Ic. O, Cat. hyb. t. 24a (v. Mary de Wavrin). 57. (C. x Faerie-Queene (p. 55). C. x Goodsonez, Gard. 1904, i. 440.—Tracy. 57a. ©. x Fallieri (Rex x Trianz), G.C. 1906, ii. 234; O.R. 1906, 312.— Schuster, 1906, 57b. ©. x Farquharsoniana (bicolor x Iris), G.C. 1906, it, 2ZOVO LR: 1906, 309, 316.—Colman, 1906. 61. ©. x Firebrand (p. 61). 262 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Suppl. C. x Herodia, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 105.—Maron. 62. C. x Firefly (p. 55). C. x Gem, U.R. 1906, 29.—Chamberlain. 67. ©. x fulvescens (p. 56); G.M. 1907, 802, f. (Westonbirt var.); F. H. 1907. ii. 505, f. (id.). 80. C. x Harrisie (p. 58), C. x Pétrone, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 27.—Doin. C. * Miss Harrts, ¥.4. 1907, 11. 243, £- S8la. ©. x Heathii (Harrisoniana x Walkeriana).—Heath, 1907. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1907, i. 30; O.R. 1907, 51.—Heath. 82a. C. x Hester (Harrisoniana 2? % maxima), O.R. 1904, 92.—(Charles- worth) Craven, 1904. 83. C. x highburiensis (p. 59). C. x Lord Nelson, G.C. 1905, 11. 316; O.R. 1905, 339.— Fowler. 83a. ©. x Hopkinsii (Bowringiana x granulosa).—Wellesley, 1906. C. x Mrs. Frederick Knollys, G.C. 1906, ii. 265; O.R. 1906, 339, 340; 1907, 308.—Wellesley. i 84a. ©. x Hyew (Gaskelliana x Mossie ? ).—Hye, 1906. C. x Suzanne Hye de Crom, Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 72.—Hye. A. beautiful albino, raised from albino forms of the two parents. 85. C. x Imperator (p. 59). C. x Madame Galpin, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 672.— Lesueur. 90. CG. x Iris (p. 59); G.M. 1907, 653, f. (v. His Majesty) ; Gard. 1907, i1. 481, f. (id.). C. x La France, Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 271.—Beranek. 97a. C. x Knollysiz (x Hardyana x Mossiz). —Wellesley, 1906. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1906, i. 191.—Wellesley. Cc. x Mrs. Frederick Knollys, O.k. 1906, 110. —Wellesley. 97b. ©. x Lambeaui (Dormaniana x labiata).—Lambeau, 1906. Leliocattleya x (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 93,—Lambeau, 98a. C. x Lawreglossa (amethystoglossa 9 » Lawrenceana), O.R. 1905, 19> 1907, 102.—Chamberlain. 99a. ©. x Law-Schofieldii (labiata « Rothschildiana).—Sander, 1904. Cc. x G. W. Law-Schofield, G.C. 1904, ii. 324; O.R. 1904, 364.—Sander. 10la. C. x Lesueuri (labiata = velutina ? )._-Lesueur, 1906. C. x velutino-labiata, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 672.—Lesueur. 104a. C. x Loubetii (Dowiana x flavescens).— Maron, 1905. C. x President Loubet, Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 271 ; $. S. H. Fr. 1906, 35, 160.—Maron. 104b. ©. x lucida (Bowringiana x Schilleriana), Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t 37.—Peeters, 1903. C. x Bowringiano-Schilleriana, G.C. 1905, 11. 269; O. Ie. 1905, 343.— Lambeau. Leliocattleya x Saxa, O.R. 1906, 252.—Grogan. Part 11. Suppl.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 263 C. x Saxa, O.R. 1906, 287. 107. ©. x Mackayi (p. 61). C. x Dusseldorfii, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 564; G.C. 1906, ii. 414 (v. Undine) ; ¥.H. 1907, i. 3, f. (id.) ; O.R. 1906, 19.—Maron. 107a. ©. x Madouxiz (Aclandiz x Gaskelliana).— Mme. Madoux, 1905. C. x (unnamed), G.C. 1905, ii. 269; O.R. 1805, 344; ev. H. Belge, 1905, 239.—Madame Madoux, 1905. 112. C. x Marons (p. 62). C. x Marguerite Maron, 7. S. H. Fr. 1906, 753.—Maron. 116a. ©. x McMastersie (Mendelii x Schilleriana), G.C. 1906, ii. 265 ; O.R. 1906, 339.—Colman, 1906. 116b. ©. x Meadii (Bowringiana x Forbesii).—Mead, 1904. C. x (unnamed), O.R. 1904, 72.—Mead. 118a. ©. x Milano ( Dowiana x Frasquita), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1907, 546.— Maron, 1907. 120a. ©. x Minnie (granulosa x Lueddemanniana), G.C. 1907, ii. 116; O.R. 1907, 275.—Wellesley, 1907. 121. ©. x Minucia (p. 64); Gart. Welt. 1906, 199, f. 126a. C. x Peetersie (Gaskelliana 9 x Warneri).—Peeters, 1904. C. x Mrs. Myra Peeters, G.C. 1904, June 4, suppl. 1; O.R#. 1904, 181.— (Peeters) Sander. C. x Madame Myra Peeters, O.R. 1904, 229.—Peeters. A beautiful albino, raised from the albino forms of the parent species. 127a. C. x Neptune (labiata x Schilleriana), G.C. 1904, 11. 323; O.R. 1904, 364.— Sander, 1904. 128a. C. x Nye (Gaskelliana 2 x Gratrixie)— Nye, 1904. C. x Mrs. Kate Nye, G.C. 1904, ii. 267.—Nye. 129a. C. x oakwoodiensis (Mendelii x Murrayi), G.C. 1904, i. 301; O.R. 1904, 170.—Cookson, 1904. 130. ©. x Octavia (p. 64). C. x Octave Doin, ¥.H. 1906, i. 201, f.; G.M. 1906, 724, 725, f. (Herbert Goodson’s var.). 13la. C. x Olenus (Aclandiz x Harrisoniana).—Doin, 1904. C. x (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 595.— Doin, 133a. ©. x Oviedo (maxima x Schilleriana).—Mead, 1904. C. x (unnamed), O.R. 1904, 72.— Mead. 140. C. x Peetersii (p. 65); G.M. 1905, 791, 792, f. (v. Mrs. Francis Wellesley). 142. GC. x Pittiz (p. 65). C. x Kitty Measures, Gard. 1906, ii. 246.—R. H. Measures. 15la. ©. x Robertii (Schilleriana x Schroederz).—Wavrin, 1906. C. x Robert de Wavrin, G.C. 1906, ii. 298 ; O.R. 1906, 342.—Wavrin. 153a. ©. x Rosa (amethystoglossa x Dowiana).—Charlesworth, 1904. C. x Rosa Leemann, G.C. 1904, ii. 293 ; O.R. 1904, 339.—Charlesworth. 264 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. (Part I. Suppl. 156. ©. x rubescens (p. 67). C. x Ariadne, G.C. 1906, ii. 234; O.R. 1906, 311.—Low: 15Sa. GC. x Sapho (Dowiana 2 x Loddigesii), Rev. H. Belge, 1904, 23; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 31.—Peeters, 1903. ; 160a. ©. x Shakersii (Aclandiz x citrina ¢), ¢. S. H. Fr. 1904, 210.— Fanyau, 1904. 162a. ©. x suavis (Schroedere x Skinneri), G.C. 1904, i. 302; O.R. 1904, 172.—Sander, 1904. 163a. C. x Susanne (Skinneri x Warneri), 7. H. 1905, i. 252.—Orpet, 1905. Fig. 95. CATTLEYA X TRIUMPHANS. 165. ©. x Thayeriana (p. 68, fig. 11). C. x nivea, ¥. S. H. Fr, 1907, 423.—Lambeau. 166a. ©. x Thurgoodiana(x Hardyana x Lueddemanniana), G.C. 1904, ii. 82; O.R. 1904, 246.—Pitt, 1904. 167a. C. x triumphans (Dowiana x Rex), G.C. 1904, ii. 43; O.R. 1904, 944; 1905, 264, 305, f. 66 (Maron’s var.); ¢. S. H. Fr. 1905, 575, 576, fig. 38 (id.) ; Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 33 (v. Ch. Maron).—Sander, 1904. See Fig. 95. Part I. Suppi.] THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 265 167b. C. x Unique (Mendelii x Schroeder), G.C. 1906, i. 286; O.R. 1906, 170.—Ingram, 1906, 170a. C. x Vulcan (Gaskelliana x intermedia), G.C. 1905, 280.—Vincke-Dujardin. 170b. ©. x Waldemar (Dowiana x Whitei), G.C. 1907, ii. 77 245.—Holford, 1907. 170c. ©. x Wavrinie (Loddigesii 2 x Rex).—Wavrin, 1905. C. x Marie Henriette de Wavrin, G.C. 1905, ii. 316.—Wavrin. C. x Mdlle. Marie Henriette de Wavrin, Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 272 ; O. Cat. hyb. t. 34.—Wavrin. 172. C. x weedoniensis (p. 69); Gart. Welt, x. 199, f. 176. ©. x Whiteleyze (p. 69). 1905; it. TIS OR: Dict. Ic Fig. 96. CC:LOGYNE X COLMANII. C. x J. W. Whiteley, ¥.H. 1906, ii. 451, f. (Rosslyn var.). 177a. ©. x Wildemanii (Trianze x velutina), G.C. 1906, ii. 1906, 342.—Wavrin, 1906. 178a. C. x Wincqxiana (velutina x Warscewiczii), Dict. Ic. OCat. hyb. t. 35 (29 in text, by error) ; Chron. O. 11. 72 —Peeters 1906. 298: jOck, 10a. CHLOGYNE. 1. C. x Brymeriana (asperata x Dayana), G.C. 1906, i. 317 173.—Brymer, 1906. 2. ©. x Colmanii (cristata x speciosa), G.C. 1907, 1.108, 109, f. 48; OLR. —_ 1907, 73, f. 8; 82, 90 (v. magdeburgensis).— Colman, 1907. [See Fig. 96. : O.R. 1906, 266 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Suppl. 114. CYMBIDIUM (p. 70). 2a. C. x Colmanizg (eburneum x Veitchii), G.C. 1906, i. 286; O.R. 1906, 170; G.M. 1907, 212, f. (Edenside var.).—Colman, 1906. 2b. GC. x Cravenianum (Lowianum x Tracyanum), G.C. 1906, 11.413; O.R. 1907, 20.—J. W. Moore, 1906, 2c. ©. x heatonense (eburneum x giganteum).—Charlesworth, 1906. C. WiC x4 Ballit (p./98). L.-c. x M. Seguin, J. S. H. Fr. 1905, 213.—Seguin. 22a. L-c. x Barbarossa (C. Triane x L.-c. x callistoglossa), G.C. 1907, ii. 380; O.R. 1907, 373.—Holford, 1907. . 22b. L.-c. x Beauclerkiz (C. Triane x L.-c. x Ingramii),—Wellesley, 1906. L.-c. x Mrs. de Vere Beauclerk, G.C. 1906, ii. 201; O.R., 1906, 309: Fiz; 1906, ii. 291, f —Wellesley, 1906. 27. L.-c. x Bertha (p. 96). L.-c. X Rocksand, O.R. 1904, 158.—Miller. 27a. L.-c. < Beta (C. x Rothschildiana x L.-c. x_ callistoglossa).— Cookson, 1905. L.-c. X Oakwood Beta, G.C. 1905, i. 107; O.R. 1905, 75.—Cookson. The previous records inadvertently give ‘‘L.-c.”’ instead of C. x Roths- childiana as the first parent. 28. L.-c. x Bievreana (p. 96). L.-c. X De Bievreana, Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 48.—Praet. 30a. L.-c. x Birkbeckii (C. Mendelii x L.-c. x Greenwoodii).--Wigan, 1905. L.-c. x J. F. Birkbeck, O.k. 1905, 178.—Wigan. 31. L.-c. x bletchleyensis (p. 96); G.C. 1904, i. 88, suppl. f. (v. Ruby King); Géfl. 1906, 505, t. 1555. 3la. L.-c. X Blountie (C. Gaskelliana x L.-c. x Schilleriana).— Wellesley, L.-c. x Mrs. Gilbert Blount, G.C. 1907, 11.116; O.R. 1907, 275.—Wellesley. 33a. L.-c. x Bradex (C. Schroedere x L.-c. x Aphrodite).—Wellesley, L.-c. x Mrs. Reginald Brade, G.C. 1905, ii. 16; O.R. 1905, 211.—Wellesley. 39. L.-c. x Canhamiana (p. 97). L.-c. x Rex, Flora & Sylva, 1904, 264, t. L.-c. X Mme. Réne Oberthiir, $. S. H. Fr. 1905, 470.—Maron. 39a. L.-c. x Capartii (C. x Hardyana x L. purpurata).—Duchesne, Lanthoine & Co., 1906. ; L-c. x Dr. Capart, Rev. H. Belge, 1906,95.—Duchesne, Lanthoine & Co. L.-c. X George Woodhams, G.C. 1907, iti. 153; OR. 1907, 27e52— Armstrong & Brown. 40. L.-c. x Cappei (p. 98) ; 7.H. 1904, ii. 452, 453 f. (Charlesworth’s var.). 41. L-c. x Cassiope (p. 98). L.-c. x Angela, G.C. 1904, ii. 355; O.R. 1904, 366.—Luceas. 44a. L.-c. x chardwarensis (C. dolosa x L. cinnabarina 2), G.C. 1905, 11.74; O.R. 1905, 247,—G. F. Moore, 1905. 45. L.-c. x Charlesworthii (p. 98). Part II. Suppl.] THE ORCHID: .STUD-BOOK. 271 L.-c. x Ibis Rose, ¥ S. H. Fr. 1904, 661, 662.—Lesueur. 45a. L.-c. x chocophylla (C. quadricolor (chocoensis) x L. harpophylla) Y.S. H. Fr. 1905, 106.—Beranek, 1905. 47. L.-c. x Cicero (p. 98). L.-c. X Gertrude, Gard. 1904, i. 297.—Clarke. L.-c. x inter-elegans, G.C. 1904, i. 270; O.R. 1904, 140.—Mond. 57a. L.-c. xX Cordelia (L. Dayana x L.-c. x bella), G.C. 1904, ii, 355 ; O.R. 1904, 366.—Lucas, 1904. 62a. L.-c. x crispo-Hardyana (C. x Hardyana x L.crispa ?), G.C. 1905, meee Osi. 1905, 308, 317. — Holford, 1905. 65a. L.-c. x Denisii (C. Lueddemanniana x L. superbiens ?), O.R. 1906; 135.—Denis, 1906. 70. L.-c. x Deweyi (p. 101). L.-c. x Admiral Decocq, Rev, H. Belge, 1906, 219.—Hye. 7id. L.-c. x Dicksoniz (C. Gaskelliana x L.-c. x Wellsiana).—Wellesley, 1906. Ec. x.Mrs. W. J. Dickson, G.-C. 1906, ii. 360 ; OR. 1906, 366.— Wellesley, i. i.e. X Dido (p. 101). L.-c. X Skinnerobarina, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 106.—Beranek. 74a. L-c. x dolstene (C. dolosa x L. tenebrosa).—Peeters, 1904. L.-c. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr, 1904, 564.—Peeters, 77 Lec. < Doris (p. 101). Eee (unnamed), O.. 1907, 158; 159.—Clark. 77a. .c. x Duchess (C. x Hardyana x L.-c. x Hippolyta ? ).—Sander 1905. L.-c. X The Duchess, G.C. 1905, ii. 382; O.R. 1905, 367; 1907, 342.—Sander. 77b. L.-c. x Dumatii (L. tenebrosa x L.-c. x elegans).—Marcoz, 1906. L.-c. x Ingenieur Paul Dumat, ¥. S. H, Fr. 1906, 752.—Marcoz. gic.) L-c. x Duncanii (C. x Hardyana x L.-c. x Gottoiana), G.C. 1905, ii. 316; O.R. 1905, 340.—Lucas, 1905. L.-c. x Miss Mary Froude, O.R. 1906, 43.—Wellesley. 77d. L.-c. x Duquesnei (L. purpurata x L.-c. x warnhamensis), O,R. 1907. 92.—Cappe, 1907. 79a. Lc. x Elba (C. Warscewiczii x L.-c. x Ingramii),G.C. 1907, ii. 773 O.R. 1907, 246.—Charlesworth, 1907, 83. L.-c. x Emiliz (p. 102). L.-c. x Aclandio-purpurata, . S. H. Fr. 1904, 159.—-Duval. 84. L.-c. x epicasta (p. 102); G. Alb. 1906, 15, f. (Gatton Park var.) ; G.M. 1907, 804, 824, f. (v. The Premier). 85. L.-c. x Ernesti (p. 102); Dict. Ic. O. Lic. hyb. t. 32. 90. L.-c. x Eva (p. 102). L.-c. x Endymion, G.C. 1905, ii. 254; O.R. 1905, 309.—Sander. 93. L.-c. x Fascinator (p. 103); 7.H. 1904, ii. 5, f. (v. King Edward) 3 G.M. 1907, 231, f. (v.‘splendens). > bo “I ie) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part I. Suppl. L.-c. x dourdanense, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 107.—Doin. 95a. L.-c. x Firmin (C. Warneri x L.-c. x Hippolyta). —Lambeau, 1907. L.-c. x Firmin Lambeau, Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 45 ; Trib. H. 1907, ii. 371, t. 48. 97. L.-c. X Fournier (p. 103); Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. hyb. t. 37 (v. obscure- purpurea). L-c. x Imperator, G.C. 1904, ii. 309; O.R. 1904, 330.— Peeters. 99a. L.-c. x Gamma (L. Jongheana x L.-c. x Ernesti).—Cookson, 1905. L.-c. X Oakwood Gamma, G.C. 1905, i. 107; O.R. 1905, 75.—Cookson: L.-c. X Millie, O.R. 1907, 311.—Keeling. 99b. L.-c. x Ganymede (C. Schroedere x L. x Latona), G.C. 1907, i 290; O.R. 1907, 151.—Holford, 1907. 99c. L.-c. x gattonensis (C. Lawrenceana x L.-c. xX Schilleriana).— Colman, 1907. L.-c. X (unnamed), O.R. 1907, 251.—Colman. 101. L.-c. x Gemma (p. 104). L.-c. x Schilleriano-xanthina, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 159.—Duval. 10la. L.-c. x Geoffrey (C. Warscewiczii x L. longipes ?), G.C. 1905, ti. 1906, ii. 1389; O.R. 1905, 247 ; 1906, 276.—Lucas, 1905. 101b.—L.-c. x Georgina (C. Dowiana x L.-c. x Leeana 9), $.S.H. Fr. 1905, 659.—Maron, 1905. 102a. L.-c. x Gilberta (C. x Mantinii x L.-c. x Ingramii).—Wellesley, 1905. L.-c. X Miss Gilberta Blount, G.C. 1905, 11. 348; O.R. 1905, 364, 373.— Wellesley Later references (G.C. 1906, ii. 98; O.K. 1906, 247) sive Lc) xX epieasta and C. Dowiana aurea as the parents, but it is difficult to say which is correct. 103a. L.-c. x Glycera (C. Triane x L. rupestris), O.R. 1904, 111.—Young, 1903. L.-c. x (unnamed), G.C. 1904, i. 205; O.R. 1904, 118.— Hon. W. Rothschild. 103b. L.-c. x Golden-Beauty (x Ernesti x Greenwoodii), G.C. 1906, ii, Nov. 10, suppl. 4; O.R. 1906, 364.—Sander, 1906. 103c. L.-c. x Golden-Belle (C. Dowiana x L.-c. x Ernesti).—Holford. 1907. L.-c. x Golden Beauty, G.C. 1907, 11. 347; O.R. 1907, 364.— Holford. This should be compared with the preceding, as it is not quite clear whether 74 “ee the two are distinct. 103d. L.-c. x Golden-Glory (C. Mossiz x L.-c. X Zephyra), G.C. 1906, 1. 348, 349; 1907, i. 352, 353, 357, f. 152; O.R. 1906, 181; 1907, 174.—Sander, 1906. 103e. L.-c. x Golden-Oriole (C. Dowiana x L.-c. x Charlesworthii), O.2. 1907, 373.—Holford, 1907. 103f. L.-c. x Goodsone (C. Schroedere x L. Perrinii), G.C. 1905, ii. 381 O.R. 1905, 366.—Goodson, 1905. 103g. L.-c. x Goodsoni (C. Mendelii x L.-c. x Hippolyta), G.C. 1905, i. 332; O.R. 1905, 172,—-Goodson, 1905. Part i. Suppl.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Sy 8) 103h. L.-c. X Goodyi (C. x Wendlandiana x L.-c. x Clive), G.C. 1906, ii. 265; O.R. 1906, 339.—Colman, 1906. 104a. L.-c. x Gouldiz (C. x intertexta x L. tenebrosa).— Wellesley, 1905, L.-c. x Mrs. Freke-Gould, G.C. 1905, ii. 34; O.R. 1905, 243.—Wellesley. 105. L.-c. x Greenwoodii (p. 104). L.-c. X Géneral Voyron, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 565.—(Maron) Peeters. L.-c. X Mme. Karthaus, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 565.—Maron. 108a. L.-c. x harpo-aurea (C. Dowiana x L, harpophylla), G.C. 1906, 1. 110; O.R, 1906, 85.—Charlesworth, 1906. 107a. L.-c. x Hardieri (C. Warscewiczii x L. x juvenilis)—Cahuzac, 1906. L.-c. X Réjane Hardier, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 751.—Cahuzac. 110. L.-c. x Helena (p. 104); G.M. 1906, 514, f. (Westfield var.); Gard. W. 1906, 129, f. 114. L.-c. x Hermione (p. 105); G.C. 1905, ii. 275 (Westfield var.). 117a. L.-c. x Hildegard (C. Warscewiczii x L.-c. x Decia), G.C. 1907, ii. 318; O.R. 1907, 362.—Holford, 1907. 118. L.-c. x Hippolyta (p. 105). L.-c. X Phoebe, Gard. 1906, ii. 17, f. (Gatton Park var.). 120a. L.-c. x Hopkinsii (L. tenebrosa x L.-c. x Pallas), $.H. 1906, 1. 361, f.; G.C. 1906, i. 223; O.R. 1906, 146.—Wellesley. _ 127a. L.-c. x illustris (C. Dowiana x L. xX Latona), O.R. 1904, 364 ; Gard. 1904, ii. 320; G.C. 1906, i. 190.,—Charlesworth, 1904. Lelia x illustris, G.C. 1904, ii. 324.—Charlesworth. 127b. L.-c x ilsingtonensis (C. x Brymeriana x L. xanthina).—Brymer, 1907. L.-c. x Powellii, G.C. 1907, ii. 254; O.R. 1907, 341.—Brymer. Re-named because of an earlier L.-c. X Powellii. 133. L.-c. x Ivernia (p. 107). L.-c. X Prof, Fritz Rober, G.C. 1904, ii. 212; O.R. 1904, 311; ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 564.—Charlesworth. 133a. L.-c. x Ixion (C. Lueddemanniana x L.-c. x Myra).—Maron, 1905. L.-c. X (unnamed), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 477.—Maron. 133b. L.-c. x Jason (C. x Hardyana x L. x Latona), O.R. 1907, 316.— Jessop, 1906, 136a. L.-c. x Kelpie (C. Dowiana x L.-c. x Cranstounz), G.C. 1906, ii. Nov. 10, Suppl. 4.—Wellesley, 1906. 136b. &.-c. x Kitcheneri (C. Schilleriana x L.-c. x elegans).—Sander, 1904. L.-c. x Lord Kitchener, O.R. 1904, 181.—Sander. L.-c. x Admiral Togo, G.C. 1904, ii. 156; O.R. 1904, 270,—Ingram. 137a. L.-c. x Kronprinz (C. x flavescens x L.-c. x Fournieri).—Maron, 1904. L.-c. x Kronprinz Frederick Wilhelm, G.C. 1904, i. 296,—Maron. 274 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Suppl. L.-c. x Kronprinz Wilhelm, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 465 ; 1906, 113.—Maron. 139a. L.-c. x Lambeaui (C. dolosa x L.-c. x elegans).—Lambeau, 1905. L.-c. X (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 212, 139b. L.-c. x Laura(x elegans x Martinetii).—R. H. Measures, 1904. L.-c. X Laura Gilbert, Gard. 1904, i, 425.—R. H. Measures. 139c. L.c. x Lawrie (C. Lawrenceana x L.-c. X warnhamensis), G.C. 1907, i. 226; O.R. 1907, 146.—Lucas, 1907. 140a. L.-c. x Leesew (C. x Murrayi x L. tenebrosa).—Wellesley, 1907. L.-c. x Miss Leese, G.C. 1907, i. 427; O.R. 1907, 213.—Wellesley. 142a. L.-c. xX Lesueuri (C. Schroeder x L.-c. x Hippolyta).—Lesueur, 1907. Cattleya X Fascinator, /. S. H. Fr, 1907, 338.—Lesueur. 146a. L.-c. x Linneus (C. Warneri x L.-c. x Gottoiana).—Lord Roths- child, 1904. L.-c. xX Charles Linnzus, G.C. 1904, ii. 14;- O.R. 1904, 213.--Lord Rothschild. 147a. L.-c. x Lucasii (C. Warscewiczii x L. x Iona), G.C. 1906, ii. 139; O.R. 1906, 276.—Lucas, 1906. L.-c. ~ George Branch, O.R. 1906, 320.—Lucas. 148. L.-c. x Lucasiana (p. 108). L.-c. x Fabia, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1906, 778.—Magne. I5la. L-c. x Lusitania (C. x Iris x L.-c. x Phryne), G.C. 1907, 11. 285; O.R. 1907, 343, 346.—Charlesworth, 1907. 151b. L.-c. x Lustre (C. Lueddemanniana x L.-c. x callistoglossa), G.C. 1907, ii. p. 254; O.R. 1907, 341.—Holford, 1907. 153. L.-c. x Lycidas (p. 108). L.-c. X Isabelle, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1907, 429.—Maron. The parentage was in- ferred by the raiser. 153a. L.-c x Lydia (C. Gaskelliana x L. Cowanii 2), O.R. 1904, 30.— Charlesworth, 1903. 154. L.c. x Mabel (p. 109). L.-c xX Fanyauana, ¥.S.H. Fr, 1905, 229; Rev. H. Belge, 1905, is — Fanyau. 157. L.-c. x Marguerite (p. 109). L.-c. x Mrs. Measures, Gard. 1905. i. 280.—R. H. Measures. 158. L.-c. x Marica (p. 109), L.-c. x Proteus, G.C. 1905, i. 6.—Veitch. 158a. L.-c. x Marnhami (x Aphrodite x callistoglossa), G.C. 1906, 1. 158; O.R. 1906, 108.—Wellesley, 1906. 16la. L.-c. x Martinie (L. grandis ? x L.-c. x Ascania).—Maron, 1905. L.-c. x Madame Bienvenu Martin, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 324.—Maron. 161. L.-c. x Martinetii (p. 109). L.-c. xX Pommere, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 375.— Beranek. Part Il. Suppl.) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOR. 275 163. L.-c. x massiliensis (p. 109). C. xX massiliensis, Dict. Ic. O. Cat. hyb. t. 21. 164a. L.-c. x Mazharata (L. x Latona x L-c. x Gottoiana), ¥.S. H. Fr. 1907, 405.—Beranek, 1907. 164b. L.-c. x Measuresie (L. xanthina x L.-c. x elegans).—Sander, 1906. L.-c. x Mrs. Robert Measures, G.C. 1906, ii. 169 ; O.R. 1906, 278.—Sander. 165. L.-c. x Measuresii (p. 110). L.-c. x bellula, G.C. 1906, ii. 234; O.R. 1906, 312.—Schuster, 1906, 165a. L.-c. x Melina (L.-c. x Ernesti x L.-c. Lucasiana), ¥..S. H. Fr. 1907, 191, 212.— Maron, 1907. iGobs E.-c. < Adelina, G.C., 1907, i. 195; .O.R. 1907, 117.—Lucas. 188a. L.-c. x Perrigottoi (L. Perrinii x L.-c. x Gottoiana).—R. I. Measures, 1905. L.-c. X (unnamed), O.R. 1905, 357.—R. I. Measures. 276 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Suppl. < Perrilosa (C. granulosa x L. Perrinii), G.C. 1906, ii. 265 ; 9.R. 1906, 338, 350, 375.—R. I. Measures, 1905. L.-c. x (unnamed), O.R. 1905, 357.—R. I. Measures. 188c. L.-c. x Perseus (C. x Minerva x L.-c.-x Clive), Oc; 1905,23- 1906, 29.—Chamberlain, 1904, 191. ioe. 188b. L.-c. 3 ( L.-c. x Phryne (p. 111); O.R. 1906, 339 (Gatton Park var.) ; 1907, 8, [See Fig. 97. Fig. 97. LALIOCATTLEYA X PHRYNE. L.-c. x Mademoiselle Hilde Beyrodt, ¢. S. H. Fr. 1904, 565.—Maron, 196a. L.-c. x Priam (C. Harrisoniana x L.-c. x callistoglossa), G.C. 1907, ii. 347 ; O.R. 1907, 364. Holford, 1907. 199a. L.-c. x Pujeti (C. Trianze 9 x L. superbiens), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1904, 105. —Maron, 1904. 199b. L.-c. x Purple-Emperor (C. Warscewiczii x L.-c. x callistoglossa), G.C. 1904, ii. 82; 1905, ii. 218 ; O.R. 1904, 248; 1905, 307.—Sander, 1904. t a | “I Part II. Suppl. THE ORCHID. STUD-BOOK. ; L.-c. X (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1907, 211.—Peeters, L.-c. X Caligula, G.C. 1907, ii. 77; O.R. 1907, 245.— Holford. 206a. L.-c. x ronselensis (C. Forbesii? x L. cinnabarina), G.C. 1904. ii. 433; O.R. 1905, 21.—Wavrin, 1904. L.-c. X (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 23.—Wavrin. 2i0oee-e. < Ruby (p. 113). L.-c. X Beyrodtiana, ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 213.— Maron. Fig. 98. LA&LIO-CATTLEYA X STATTERIANA. 2lla. L.-c. x Salus (C. superba x L. crispa ?), O.R. 1905, 286.—R. Young, 213a. L,-c. x Schiffmanii (C. Mendelii x L.-c. x callistoglossa).— Sander, L.-c. X Dr. R. Schiffman, G.C, 1904, i. 76; O.R. 1904, 53.—Sander. 214a, L.-c. x Schneideri (C. Dowiana x L.-c. x Amelia?), ¥. S. H 1904, 762; 1905; 699; O.R. 1905, 23, 368: G:C. 1905, ii: 382;—Cappe, 1904. ae 215. Lc. x Schroederé (p. 113). 1 Fr: ho ; SI io 2) THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. [Part Il. Suppl. L.-c. X Baroness Schréder, G.M. 1907, 239, f. (Westonbirt var.). 216. L.-c. x Schulzeana (p. 113). L.-c. x Fraulein Lotte Abeken, Dict. Ic. O. L.-c. hyb. t. 38. 229a. L.-c. X Sheila (C. Percivaliana x L. pumila), G.C. 1907, 1. 161; O.R. 1907, 115.— Charlesworth, 1907. 222b, L.-c. x Sirius (C. Mossiz x L.-c. x highburiensis).—-Lambeau, 1905. L.-c. & (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 190.—Lambeau, 1905. 222c. L.-c. x Soulageana (C. Eldorado x L. Perrinii), ¥. S. H. Fr. 1905, 797.—Ginot, 1905. 223. L.-c. x Speranskye (p. 114). Loc. X Hurstii, O-iR2 1906, 221-—E. EF. Clark 224, L.-c. x Statteriana (p. 114) ; O.R. 1906, 361, f. 46 (v. oculata). [See Fig. 98. 225a. L.-c. x stellata (C. intermedia x L. xanthina), G.C. 1907, i. 259 ; O.R. 1907, 149.—Wellesley, 1907. 227a. L.-c. x Sunset (C. Percivaliana x L. Jongheana), G.C. 1906, ii. 201; O.R. 1906, 308.— Holford, 1906. 227b. L.-c. x Templeana (C. Lueddemanniana x L.-c. xX elegans), O.R. 1907, 150.—-Lawrence, 1907. 2927c. L.-c. x tene-Gottoi (L. tenebrosa x L.-c. Gottoiana).—R. I, Measures, 1906. L.-c. % tene-Gottoi, G.C. 1906, ii. 265; O.R. 1906, 338, 350.—R. I. Measures. 227d. L.-c. x Tenos (C. Bowringiana x L.-c. x Nysa), Gard. 1904, ii. 320 ; O.R. 1904, 364.—Veitch, 1904. 228a. L.-c. x Thetis (C. Harrisoniana x L.-c. x Nysa), O.R. 1907, 84.— Veitch, 1907. 231. L.-c. x Topaz (p. 114). L.-c. < cinno-Warneri, G.C. 1905, i. 62; Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 48.—King of the Belgians. L.-c. X cino-Warneri, Rev. H. Belge, 1906, 71.—King of the Belgians. 234a. L.-c. x Tunis (C. Warscewiczii x L. Xx cinnabrosa), G.C. 1905, ii. 218; 1906, ii. 234; O.R. 1905, 307; 1906, 310.—Holford, 1905. 236a. L.-c. x Ursula(L. crispa ? x L.-c. xX Leeana), O.R. 1907, 157.— Clark, 1907. 236b. L.-c. x Veisenpachii (C. Triane x L.-c. x warnhamensis), O.R. 1907, 92.—Cappe, 1907. 238a. L.-c. x Veronique (C. Mendelii x L. x cinnabrosa), G.C. 1905, i. 205; O.R. 1905, 117; G.M. 1906, 355, f —Charlesworth, 1905. 238b. L.-c. x vesinetensis (L. flava x L.-c. x Cappei).—Cappe, 1907. L.-c. X (unnamed), O.R. 1907, 92.—Cappe. 241. L.-c. x Vinesiz (p. 116). L.-c. x (unnamed), Rev. H. Belge, 1905, 213.—Lambeau. 24la. L.-c. x vivicans(C. Eldorado x L.-c. x elegans 2), O.R. 1905, 286.— Sander, 1905. Part Il. Suppl. THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 279 244a, L.c. x Whiteleggei (C. x Hardyana x L.-c. x callistoglossa).— Bradshaw, 1906. L.-c. x G. G. Whitelegge, G.C. 1906, ii. 265 ; O.R. 1906, 338.—Bradshaw. 246. L.-c. x Wiganie (p. 117); $.H. 1907, ii. 315, f. 248a. L-c. Leeano- Boxallii, 167; Leeano-Chamber- lainianum, 143: Leeano-Charlesworthil, 176; Leeano-superbo-Chantini, 206 ; Lee- ano-villosum, 1743; Leeanum, 175, 302; Leeanum v. Simonei, 174; Leeanum- Galatea, 139; Leeanum-Morganie, 193; Leeanum superbum 5S. Gratrix, 1443 Lemoinieri, 229; Lemoinierianum, 229; Leo, 141, 173, 200; Leon, 302; Leone; 176; Leonidas, 173; Leonis, 166; leo- pardinum, 176; Leopoldianum, 156, 206 ; lepidum, 210; Leucas, 304; leucorrho- dum, 232; leyburnense, 302 ; Leysenia- num, 199; Lilian, 151; Lilian Green- wood, 199 ; Lily, 196; Lily Blanche, 295 ; Lily Measures, 176; lineolare, 144; Little-Gem, 176; Lloydiz, 176; Loben- gula, 154; Loewegrenianum, 176; long- woodense, 176; loochristianum, 177 ; loochristiense, 177; Lord Derby, 179; Lord Ossulton, 302; Lord Roberts, 200% 202)5) Louis, 177; | Louise, i300 Loms, , Sander, 202; ...Loutyi,, paico- Lowii-superbiens, 179; Lowii-villosum, 178; Lowio-Parishii, 305 ; Lowryanum, 177; Loyensi, 144; Lubbersii, 303 ; luci- 318 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Index. Cypripedium— Cypripedium— dum, 177; lucidum v. Beatrice, 137; melanophthalmum, 144, 296; Melanthus, Lucie, 178; Lucienianum, 202 ; L’Unique, 183; Mellona, 135; Memnon, 183; 232; luridum, 178; luridum v. grandi- memoria Aug. Lemoinier, 296 ; Memoire florum, 163 ; lutescens, 179 ; Juteum, 188; | d’Edouard Pynaert, 148 ; memoria-Four- Luxemburgianum, 218 ; Lynchianum,179; | nieri, 169; memoria Jerninghamiz, 301 ; Mabelie, 179; Mabelianum, 179; Mac- | Memoria Mercatelli, 303; memoria farlaneanum, 179 ; Macfarlanei, 179, 207; | Moensii, 203; Memoria Mousseti, 185 ; macrochilum, 229; macrochilum _ vy. Menas, 219: Menelik, 183; Merops, 163; giganteum, 228; macropterum, 179; | Méteoré, 199; Metis, 183; microchilum, maculatum, 179; maculosum, 193; | 183; Millmanii, 183; Milo, 184; Minerva, Madame A. Bleu, 133; Mme. Alfred Jan- | p44, 303; Minerva, 303 ; miniatum, 184, ssens, 162, 299; Mme. Barbey, 136; | 188; Ministre A. Viger, 216; Minnie, Mme. Bette, 303; Mme. Cappe, 203; 144: Minnie Ames, 184; Minos, 185, Mme. Charles. Dietrich, 306; Mme. 297; Minosa, 185; Mira, 177 ; mirabile, Charles Gondoin, 190; Mme. Coffigniez, 303; Mme. Coffinet, 190; Mme. de Curte, 203; Mme. Elise Cardoso, 142; Mme. Elysée Descombes, 145, 173; Mme. Emile Cappe. 203 ; Mme. Emilie Gayot, 190; Mme. Georges Boucher, 190; Mme. Georges Truffaut, 212 ; Mme. Gibez, 182 ; Mme. Harry Veitch, 132; Mme. Hustin, 306 ; Mme. Josci Descombes, 152 ; Mme. Jules Hye, 143, 295; Mme. Leoni Doin, 198; Mme. Lloyd, 303; Mme. Margaret Hye, 135; Mme. Mary Hye, 135; Mme. N. Danerval, 151; Mme. Octave Opoix, 191; Mme. Osterrieth, 185; Mme. Pet- rick, 199; Mme. Regnier, 159; Mme. Roch Jolibois, 190; Mme. Silva Freire, 212; Mme. Stepman, 174; Mme. Van Houtte, 165 ; Mme. Vincke, 165 ; Made- line, 179; Madeline Thiebaut, 190; Madeleine Thiebaux, 190 ; Mademoiselle Alice Gayot, 190; Mdlle. Gabrielie Moens, 185; Mdlle. Germaine Scellier de Gisors, 190; Mdlle. Louise Scellier de Gisors, 203; Mdlle. Josée Descombes, 152; Mdlle. Madeleine Gayot, 160; Mdlle. Nancy Descombes, 163; Madioti, 180; Madiotianum, 180; Madonna, 140 ; Madouxianum, 202; Magdalena, 166; Magnet, 203; magnificum, 180; Mah- ler, 186; Mahlerianum, 145, 296; Malyanum, 180; Mansellii, 180 ; Manto, 180; Marchioness, 296; Mar- chioness of Salisbury, 199; Mar- guerite, 173, 180, 302; Marguerite Man- tin, 181 ; Marguerite Opoix, 303; Marie, 143, 166; Marjorie, 206, 303 ; marmoro- phyllum, 181; marmorophyllum _ v. superbum, 192; Marriottianum, 207 ; Mars, 188; Marshallianum, 181; Martin Cahuzac, 213; Marwoodii, 181; Mary Amelia, 131 ; Mary Beatrice, 182; Mary Lee, 175; Masereelianum, 175; Mason- ianum, 147; Masonii, 130; Massaianum, 182; Masters-insigne, 130; Mastersio- exul, 303; Masterso-callosum, 304; Masterso-villosum, 303; Maudie, 182, 303; Mauriceanum, 203; Maynardii, 150; May Procter, 305 ; McNabianum, 147; Measuresie, 182; Measuresianum, 182 ; Medeia, 183; medium, 183 ; meirax, 210; | 295; Miss Annie Goodson, 308; Miss Balfour, 136; Miss Clara Measures, 199 ; Miss Daisy Druce, 297; Miss Dora Webb, 308; Nina E. Hollond, 300; Miss Fanny Wilson, 218; Miss _ Louisa Fowler, 159; Miss M. Sillem, 299; Miss Rehder, 197; modestum, 185, 191; Moensiz, 185; Moensii, 203; molestum, 185; Moloch, 303; Mon- arch, 202; Monica, 205;- Monsieur Coffinet, 145; Mons. Danerval, 951; M. de Curte, 203; M. Elysée Descombes, 152; M. Finet, 1595 M. (Galoumayemec, 174; M. Georges Magne, 172; M. Henri Berthier, 203; M. Martin Cahuzac, 307 ; M. Paul Descombes, 161; M. Scellier de Gisors, 161 ; Moreauanum, 185; Mor- ganie, 185, 304; Morganianum, 185 ; Morrisianum, 190; Morteni, 143, 295; Moussetianum,185 ; Mrs. Aitchison, 294 ; Mrs. Alfred Fowler, 198; Mrs. Arthur Wells, 187; Mrs. A. W. Sutton, 209; Mrs. Butterworth, 296; Mrs. Canham, 142; Mrs. Caroline Allen, 171; Mrs. Cary Batten, 188; Mrs. C. Maynard, 143; Mrs. de Vere Beauclerk, 295; Mrs. D. Salomon, 202; Mrs. Edgar Cohen, 141; Mrs. E. G. Uihlein. 1735) Mitoe V. Low, 215; Mrs. F. L. Amesmaaeig: Mrs. Francis Wellesley, 308; Mrs. Fred. Hardy, 182; Mrs. G. D. Owen, 173; Mrs. Geo. Bollerill, 138; Mrs. Harry Smith, 179; Mrs. Harry Veitch, 132 ; Mrs. Hay- wood, 302; Mrs. Herbert Druce, 196; Mrs. Herbert Measures, 163; Mrs. James E. Rothwell, 202 ; Mrs. Leemann, 168 ; Mrs. Pitt, 130; Mrs Plummer, 192; Mrs. Reginald Young, 198; Mrs. Rehder, 199 ; Mrs. Robert Lonsdale, 302; Mrs. Rob- son, 306; Mrs. Sutton Willoughby, 308 ; Mrs. Tautz, 203; Mrs. Walter Clark, 144 5 Mrs. W.A. Roebling, 231; Mrs. Warren Hook, 148; Mrs. W. Mostyn, “157, 303; multicolor, 167; mulus, 185 ; Muriel Hollington, 215; Murillo, 186 ; Myra, 187; Nandii, 187; Nansen, 187 ; nanum, 163; Nellie, 187; Neptune, 187 ; Neron, 166, 174; Nicias, 135 ; nigratum, 304; Nilssoni, 203 ; Niobe, 188; Niobe, Westonbirt var., 304; Niobe-Leeanum, Index.) Cypripedium— i88 ; nitens, 188 ; nitens, Cleverley’s var., a ; nitens Leeanum, 143 ; nitidissimum, 229; nitidum, 188; niveo-callosum, 141 ; niveo- -ciliolare, 136 ; niveo-Druryi, 183 ; niveo-insigne, 215; niveo-Lowii, 152; nobile, 140; nobilior, 188 ; nobilius, 173, 188 ; Nogi, 305 ; Non Plus Ultra, 148 ; Nora, 304; Norma, 189, 191; Norri- sianum, 189 ; Northumbrian, 189 ; Numa, 189; Nuyensii, 297 ; Oakes Ames, 1315 obscurum, 134; Odette, 145 ; (Edipe, 035 173; cenanthum, 190, 304; (:nomaus, 190; (Enone, 192; ceno-Spicerianum, 159 ;. ceno-superbiens, 190; Olenus, I9I ; oliganthum, 188; Olivet, 160; Olivia, tot; Olympia, 135; optimum, 177 ; Orestes, 190; Orion, 187, 191; ornatum, 147; orphanum, 191; Orpheus, 1g1 ; Os- bornei, 23; ‘OSiris,, 135 ;- Othello, 160 5 Padgerii, 302 ; Pageanum, 192; ; palatinum, 203 ; Pallas, 192, 304; pallens, LOZ: Pandora, 192;- Para,- 152; Pard, 160; Paris, 218; Parishii- Lowianum, 200; Parkerianum, 192; Parksianum, 192; Marens, 181; Patersoni, 179, 192; Pauli, 192, 204; Paul Magne, 180; pavoninum, 192; Peetersianum, 205; Pegasus, 193; Pelias, 193; Pelican, 304 ; pellucidum, 160 ; Pelops, 193 ; pendulum, 140 ; Penelaus, 229; Penelope, 193, 296; Perseus, 230; Peruzzianum, 142 ; Petri, 193 ; Phzedra, 220 ; Pheres, 130 ; Phidias, 220 ; Philomene, 175 ; Phebe, 176, 193)5 Picardianum, 193; picturatum, 167 ; Pirbright, 198; Pitcherianum, 203 ; placidum, 131; platycolor, 193; Pleides, 153; pleistochlorum, 194; plumosum, 194 ; plunerum, 144; Pluto, 194; polito- Sallieri, 192 ; politum, 141 ; Pollettianum, 195 ; polychromum, 195 ; Polynice, 135 ; eee cemus, 195 ; polystigmaticum, 196; Pomone, 135 ; porphyreum, 232 ; por- phyrochlamys, 196 ; porphyrospilum, 197 ; Prefect Boegner, 200; Premier, 196 ; President Kruger, 161, 190 ; Prewettii, 161 ; Priam, 196 ; Priapus, 196 ; Prince di Venose, 178; Prince Edward of York, 196; Prince Humbert, 300 ; Prince Hussein Kamil; 074 5 Prince of Wales, 2; Princess, 196 ; Princess Mary, 182 ; Princess May, 182; Proetus, 196 ; Proser- pine, 220; Prospero, 175 ; Pryorianum, 196 ; Psyche, 196; pulchellum, 230 ; pulcherrimum, 190 ; punctatum, 300 ; pur- purato-Curtisii, 189 ; purpurato-Veitchii, 150; purpureum, 188; purum, 185 ; Putzeysii, 206, 306; pycnopterum, 197 Pygmalion, 197; Pyleus, 230 ; Oucen - ‘of: Italy,. 156; Queen of Yellows, 304; Quies 197 ; Quirinus, 198 ; Rachel, 198 ; radians, 183 ; radiosum, 198 ; Rajah, 305; Ranjitsinghi, 202; Rappart- ianum, 198; Raymond Faroult, 228 ; Readii, 305; refulgens, 129, 182 ; regale, THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 319 Cypripedium— 198; Regine 198; Reginaldianum, 1993 Rehderianum, 199; Remus, 199; René; 161, 299; Kené Jolibois, 190; René Vervaet, 202, 203; resplendens, 199 ; Rex, 147, 173; Reygerti, 296 ; Reynaldi, 199; Reynaldianum, 176; Rhenia, 206 ; Rhodopsis, 199; Rialto, 136; Richardsoni, 155; Ridolfanum, 174, 200; Rimbert- ianum, 200; Robert Etty, 156; Roberti, 130, 160; Robertianum, 175; Roberts- ianum, 176; Robinianum, 200; Robins- lanum, 200 ;- Robinsonianum, 157; Rob- soni, 305 ; robustius, 226; robustum, 167; Roch Jolibois, 157; Rodigasianum, 150 ; Roeblingianum, 137 ; Rogeri, 159 ; Rolfe- anum, 305 ; Rolfei, 200 ; Rolfei superbum, 305 ; Romulus, 199, 200; Rosa Bonheur, 173i) PENROSE 305) LOSCUM lS 5 eZOLr Rosita, 201 ; Rossianum, 201, 202 ; Rossii, 202; Rosy-Gem, 230; Rothschildiano- Boxallii, 154; Rothschildiano-Lawrence- anum, 180; Rothschildiano-superbiens, 179 ; Rothschildiano-tonsum, 206 ; Roths- childiano-villosum, 214; Rothschildianum- augustum, 185; Rothwellianum, 202; rotundum, 202; Rowallianum, 182; Rowena, 202; rubens, 138, 218 ; rubescens, 202; rubicundum, 227; rubrum, 135; Ruth Ayling, 163; Said Lloyd, 176; Salis, 140; Sallieri, 1883; Sallieri-cilio- lare, 1533; Sallieri-Spicerianum, 136; Salus, 140; Sampeianum, 200; Samuel Gratrix, 143, 163; Sanacderz, 306; San-Acteus, 306; San-Arthur, 306; Sanderiano-callosum, 182; Sanderiano- Curtisii, 148; Sanderi-selligerum, 152 ; Sandero-selligerum, 297 ; Sandero- superbiens, 131 ; Sappho, 141; Saron, 202; Saturn, 174 ; Saundersianum, 230 ; Savageeanum, 202; Savoyanum, 175; Schlesingerianum, 203; Schofieldianum, 204; Schroederz, 205, 231; Schusteria- num, 204; Scipio, 306; scitulum, 152; Scylla, 205; Sedenii, 231; Sedenii v. albanense, 227; Seegerianum, 202; selligero-barbatum, 170; selligero-Harris- ianum, 192; selligero-Rothschildianum, 187; selligerum, 205; Sementa, 205 ; Senateur Montefiore, 192 ; senonense, 178, 218 ; Sheba, 306 ; Sheila, 306 ; Shillianum, 206 ; shorthillense, 198; siamense, 206 ; sibyrolense, 203; Sidneyanum, 306; Siemonii, 157; signatum, 173; Simonii, 206; Singletonianum, 206; _ Sirdar, 192; Sir George White, 160, 217; Sir Redvers Buller, 198; Sir Thomas Lipton, 191 ; Sirius, 141, 183, 206 ; Smee- anum, 2153; Smithii, 178 ; Smithii v. pretiosa, 218; Sophie, 207, 303; south- gatense, 207; Souvenir de Draps, 294; Souv. de Dusseldorff, 305 ; Souv. de Emile Chouvet, 144; Souv. de Jules Dupre, 203 ; Souv. de Madame Jules Dupre, 203 Souv. de Roch Jolibois, 170; Souv. du 320 THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. Index. Cypripedium— Baron Osy, 191 ; Souv. du Dr. Weber, 188 ; Souv. du President Weber, 188 ; Sphinx, 186 ; Spiceriano-Morganie, 144; Spicerio- Harrisi, 203 ; Spicero- Chamber- lainianum, 152; Spicero-Curtisii, 294 ; Spicero-hirsutissimum, 183 ; Lathamianum, 202 ; Spicero- Lowii, 2MNo\ 5 Spicero-nitens, 136; 207 ; Spicero-tonsum, 143; Spicero- villosum, 173; Spico-tonsum, 143; splendens, 231; St. Albans, 307; Ste) eltildasy202-3 sot. |e Niarkaaey 4; Standaert, 302; Standard, 302; Stanley Rogerson, 201, 305; Statherianum, 307; Statterianum, 207; Stella, 232; steno- phyllum, 232; Stephanos, 307; Step- maniz, 174; Steriope, 220; Steurbauti, 183; Stevensii, 207 ; Stonei-Spicerianum, 130; Stoneo-Sallieri, 217; Stottianum, 208, 300; striatum, 216; suave, 232; suffusum, 155 ; Sunray, 302 ; superbiens- | Hookere, 192; superciliare, 209; Surprise, 1353 Suzanne Cayeux, 155; Svend Brun, 170; Svend Brunson, 170; Swanianum, 210 ; Swinburnei, 210 ; Sybil, 144 ; Sylvia, 162; Symondsiz, 210; Symonsianum, 171; Syrinx, 210; Tacita, 210 ; Tagus, 140; Talisman, 161, 297; Tantalus, 210; Tautzianum, 210, 307; T. B. Haywood, 165 ; Telemachus, 132 ; tenebrosum, 154 ; Tennyson, 210; Terpsichore, 135 ; tessel- latum, 210, 307 ; Thalia, 210, 307 ; Thayer- ianum, 211 ; Themis, 190 ; Theodore Bullier, 140, 295 ; Thersites, 230; Thetis, 141, 182 ; Thibautianum, 190 ; Thompsoni, gfe) Thomyris, 211; Thoorisianum, 143; Thora, 189; Thornianum, 307 ; Thorntoni, 211; Thyades, 212 ; Tia, 212; tigrinum, 135; Titanes, 175 ; Tityus, 158 ; tixallense, 180 ; tonso-Charlesworthil, 187 ; tonso- Lawrenceanum, 136 ; tonso-superbiens, 307 ; tonso-venustum, 195 ; tonso-villosum, | i140 ; Tracyanum, 307 ; Transvaal, 212 ; trentonense, 175 ; Tressilian, 294 ; Tressil- ianum, 300 ; triangularis, 130; SU gte de Watermael, 175 ; triumphans, 21 T. Rogerson, 200; skyanum, 212; Tryonianum, 212; T. W. 3ond, 138; Uihleinianum, 130; Ultor, 212; Umlauftianum, 157: Unixia, 213; Urania, 213, 307; -Urdnus, 2325" Uriel, 214; Van Houtteanum, 164; Van Houttei, 165; Van Imschootianum, 176; Valer- andi, 175; Valleti, 294; Vander wielianum, 141; Van Molianum, 183; Vanneree, 214; | ; varl- | Vanninii, 214 ; variabile, 144, 296 opictum, 198; Veitchi-Dauthieri, Veitchii-Morganiz, 193; venubel, Venus, 215, 229; ’ venusto-Crossii, WATies venusto- Spicerianum, 196; venusto-vil- losum, 183 ; vernixioides, 215 ; vernixium, 2153 Vertumne, 1355 Vervaet, 175 : Vervaetianum, 157, 165; Vesta, 134; vexillario - bellatulum, 163 ; vexillarium, 2D 214 ; Spicero- | Spicero-niveum, 2, 307 ; | Troilus, 200; Tryanow - | Cypripedium— 216; vexill-Io, 216 ; Vibilia, 216 ; Victory, 308 ; Vidor, 216 Vigerianum, ZO. Vv illebois- Mareuil, 216 ; Ville de Paris, 201; villexul, 216; villma, 308 ; villoso-callosum, 169 ; villoso-Chamberlainianum, 179 ; villoso- Harrisianum, 147 ; villoso-Latham- ianum, 144 ; villoso-Leeanum, 174 ; villoso-cenanthum, 171 ; villoso-pavoni- num, 141 ; _ villoso-Spicerianum, - 173; villuso-violaceum, 160 ; violaceum, 160; Viola Lee, 306 ; Violetta, 195; Vipani, 25605 virescens, 165 ; virginale, 135; © Vitazo,“216— ) \Waeeese Allen, 147 ; Walkerianum, 146; . Wallaertianum, 147 ; Wallaertii, 147 ; Warnero-superbiens, 209 ; warnhamense, 145 ; Warocqueanum, 216; Watsonianum, 217 ; Watteau, 152 ; Weathersianum, 220 ; W.E. Dickson, 200; Weidlichianum, 232 ; Wendlandianum, 137, 217 ; westfieldense, 308 ; westpointense, 308; W. H. Cannon, 201 ; Whitelyanum, 211 ; W. H. Page, 299; W. H. Young, 171 ; Wiertzianum, 180; Wiganie, 210; Wiganianum, 218; William Lloyd, 149; Wiliam Matthews, 182 ; William Pitt, 176; William Trelease, 212 ; Williamsianum, 144 ; Williamson- ianum, 308 ; Wilmslowianum, 190 ; Wincqxianum, 218 ; Winifred Hollington, 36 ; Winnianum, 218 ; Woden, 218 ; woodfordiense, 218 ; woodlandense, 193; Wormse, 308 ; Wottoni, 218 ; W. R. Lee, 179°; W. W. Lunt, 203 ; wyndhurstense, 219 ;xanthinum, 306 ; xanthophyllum, 219 ; Y’Mir, 171; Youngiz, 220; Young- iano-superbiens, 169 ; Youngianum, 220, 308 ; Yperianum, 196 ; Yvonne, 175 ; Zampa, 220; Zeno, 200, 220 ; Zenobia, 163 ; Zephire, (33; Zephyr, 158 ; Zephyra, 135; Zethus, 167 3 Zeus, 2205‘Ziaye2iee Zurigo, 220. ENDROBIUM x. Alcippe, 79 ; Apollo, 81; Armstrongi, 73; Artemis, 78; Arthur Ashworth, 266; Aurora, 76; Aurorea, 750s burfordiense, Has chrysodiscus, 79; Clio, 79; Clytie, 79; crassinode- Wardianum, 83; crepidato- nobile, 81 : Dalhou-nobile, 83 ; Dalhousie- nobile, 83; dellense, 81 ; Desdemona, 81 ; Dido, 79 ; Domicassio, 73 ; Dormanianum, 77; Dorothy, 81 ; Edithe, 73 ; Ellerianum, 73; Ethel, 78; Euryalus, 81; Euryclea, 79 ; Euterpe, 80 ; Findlayano-Wardianum, 78; Flora, 81 ; formoso- Lowi, 79 ; Gem, 78; Germinyanum, 73; Haywoodiz, 266 ; Hebe, 793 Hector, 81; hessleense, 79; heterocarpo-nobile, 73 ; hetero-Cypheri, 73 ; Joan, 81 ; Juno, 75 ; Kingiano-speciosum, 82; Kingianum- speciosum, 82 Leechianum, 735 Tena 79, 260 ; Mary McCartney, 267 ; nobile- aureum v. Leechianum, 73; nobile-Ward- ianum, 80 ; nobile-Wiganiz, 266 ; Othello, Index. | THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 321 Dendrobium— 81; Owenianum, 75 ; pallens, 79; Pearl, 79; Pirene, 82; Rainbow, 79 ; recurvum, 73; Robinsonianum, 73; Rolfee, 80; | Salteri, 79 ; Sanderze, 73 ; Snowflake, 78 ; | Socius, 81 ; Souvenir de Queen Victoria, | 81 ; specio-Kingianum, 82; splendidissi- | ’ p mum, 73; splendidissimum illustre, 8: ; splendidissimum nobilius, 81; striatum, 82; Sylvia, 81; Thalia, 81; Virgil, 81; Wardiano-aureum, 73; Wardiano- Hilde- brandii, 78; Wardiano-japonicum, 82 ; Wardiano-moniliforme, 82; Wardiano- | nobile, 80; whitefieldense, 81; Wigan-_ lanum, 77, 266; Wrightiz, 76; xantho- | centron, 75. Disa X Clio, 84 ; kewensis superba, 85. EPICATTLEYA X auranti-media, 52; Gas- kello --Parkinsoni, 267; Mrs. James O’Brien, 85; Orpetiana, 85; radiato- Bowringiana, 85. Epidendrum xX Armstrongii, 87; En- dresio-Wallisii, 87 ; radicanti-Stamford- ianum, 87 ; radico-vitellinum, 86 ; radico- xanthinum, 267 ; Tennyson, 86 ; Wallisio- ciliare, 87 ; xantho-radicans, 86. Epilelia x Aspasia, 87; Hardyana, 94 ; radico-purpurata, 88 ; vitell-brosa, 268. GOODYERA X Veitchii, 120. L#LIA X acuminato-anceps, 269; Alpha, 91; Amesiana, 94; Arnoldiana, 97; autumno-cinnabarina, 93 ; [saden-Powell, 92; Batemaniana, 234; bella, 96; callistoglossa, 97; caloglossa, 115 ; Canhamiana, 97 ; Celestina, 98; Clarinda, | gt ; Clio, 48 ; devoniensis, 1o1 ; Digbyana- | Helen, 49 ; Digbyano-Mossiz, 48 ; Digbyano-purpurata, 49 ; Docteur Marcel Dellac, 268 ; Dominiana, 1o1 ; Edward VII., 49 ; elegans v. Beatrice, 105 ; Eug. Boulet, 259 ; Eveline, 91 ; exoniensis, 103 ; felix, 103; Gemma, 90 ; Gratrixiz, 49; Halevy, 89 ; Hebe, 49 ; Helen, 49 ; Helene, 49 ; Horniana, 105 ; La Perle, 268; Leeana, 107 ; lilacina, 92 ; Lucy Ingram, 91 ; majalis-tenebrosa, 268 ; Mary Colman, 268; Monsieur Dutremblay, 89 ; Mozart, 92 ; Mrs. Gratrix, 49 ; Mylamiana, to1, 110 ; Novelty, 110 ; Philbrickiana, 111 ; Pilcheriana, 92 ; Psyche, 269 ; Purple May, 269 ; purpurato-cinnabarina, gI ; purpurato- grandis, 91 ; Sandere, 113; Sedeni, 113 ; stilata, 93; Timora, 114; Tresederiana, 114; triophthalma, 114; Veitchiana, 115 ; Veitchii, go ; Victoria, 116; vitellina, 101 ; | Yula, 91; Zula, 91. Lzlio-Brasso-Cattleya X Veitchii, 256. Leliodendron _X bellaerense, 87; Mar- garitz, 87. Lelio - cattleya x Aclandio - purpurata, 271; Adelina, 275 ; Admiral Decocg, 271 ; Admiral Dewey, 101 ; Admiral Togo, 273 ; Adrastus, 117; Alcides, 103; Aleschiana, 94; amoena, 109; Ancona, 117; Angela, 270; Apollonia, 101; Ardernize, 256 ; armainvillierensis, 94; Arnoldiana, 97 ; Aspasia, 94 ; Atalanta, 99 ; aureo-elegans, 103; Aylingii, 97; Baron, 257; Baron C. Goffinet, 103; Baroness Schroder, 113, 278; Bayard, 257; Behrensiana inversa, 95; bellaerensis, 95, 96; bellula, 275 ; Berthe Fournier, 103; Bertie Warburton, 97; Beyrodtiana, 277; Bird of Paradise, 275 ; blesensis, 107 ; Bleuana, 97 ; Boreli, 112 ; Bowring-Clive, 100 ; Bbowringiano-Clive- 100; broomfieldensis, 99; Caligula, 277; caloglossa, 115; Canhamiz, 97; Captain Law-Schofield, 97 ; Captain Percy Scott, 113; Captain Scott, 113 ; Cassandra, 118 ; Catherine, 106; Catherine L. Whitin, i117 * C. G. Roebling, 1125" Charles Darwin, 100; Charles Linneus, 274; cinnabarino - Schreedere, 95; cinno- Warneri, 278; cino- Warneri, 278 ; Clodoald, 114; Clonia var. Amy Leemann, 109; Clonia var. Mar- guerite Maron, 109; Comtesse de Bassetiere, 98 ; conspicua, 44; Constance Wigan, 100; corbeillana, 107; corbeill- ensis, 107; Coronation, 109; Coustoni, 107; crispo-Schilleriana, 103; Cypheri, 112; Cythera, 117; Dante, 93; Daphne, 103; De Bievreana, 270; dellensis, 112 ; Digbyano - Arnoldi, 256; Digbyano- Forbesii, 258 ; Digbyano-Mendelii, 46; Digbyano - Mossiz, 48; Digbyano- Schreedere, 45; Digbyana-Triane, 47 ; Donizetti, 93; Donna Roma, 109; Dormaniano-aurea, 54 ; dourdanense, 272; Dr. Capart, 270; Dr. R. Schiffman, 277; D. S. Brown, 100; Duc de Massa, 104 ; Duchesnei, 94 ; Duchess, 271 ; Duchess of York, 97; Duke of York, 112; Eclipse, 116; Edgar Wigan, 44; Edmund Roth- well, 109; Edouard Andre, 97; elegans, 113; elegans - bicolor, 94; elegans- Lawrenceana, 113; eleganti-Lawrence- ana, 113; elegantissima, 94; Elstead Gem, 102; Empress of India, Io! ; Empress of Russia, 46; Endymion, 102, 271; Eric Lucas, 258; Etoile d’Or, 110; Eudora, 94; Eugene Coutin, 93; Euterpe, aurea, 95; excellens, 97; Fabia, 274; Fanny Leon, 108; Fanyauana, 109, 274; fastuosa, 97; Firefly, 55; Fire King, 101; Firmin Lambeau, 272 ; flaveola, 95; Fowleri, 55; Fraulein Lotte Abeken, 278; Frederick Boyle, 96; Gaston Doin, to1 ; Gaudi-Digbyana, 257 ; General Baden-Powell, 95 ; General French, 116; General Voyron, 273; George Branch, 274; George Wood- hams, 270 ; Gertrude, 271; G. Galpin, 97 ; G. G. Whitelegge, 279; Gladiator, 93; Gladys, 102; Godiniana, 96; Golden 322 THE ORCHID Leliocattleya— Beauty, 272 ; gracilis, 118; G. S.° Ball, 95; Hardyana, 97; Harold Measures, 112; Harold Morris, 110; Harrisii, 103; | Harrisoni-prestans, 100; Henri Maron, 104; Henry Greenwood, 104 ; Hermann Holmes, 94; Hettie, 96; H. J. Harris, 104; Hon. Mrs. Astor, 95; Hurstii, 89, 278; Hyeana, 106; Ibis Rose, illuminata, 96; illustris, 102, Imperator, 272; Imperatrice de Russie, 46; Ingenieur Paul Dumat, 271; In- ayt 5. | 273 5 | grami v. broomfieldensis, 99; Ino, 118; | inter — elesans, | Oo. a7ti; cinnabarina, 94; intermedio-flava, 103 ; Iona, 102 ; Isabella, 103; Isabelle, 274 ; Ithone, 269; Jacobiana, 94; J. Birkbeck, 270; Josephine, 109 ; juvenilis, 91; Kerchovez, 96 ; Kronprinz Frederick Wilhelm, 273; Kronprinz Wilhelm, 274 ; labiato-anceps, 108 ; Labiena, 109 ; Lady Leese, 279; Lady Miller, 110; Lady Rothschild, 112; Lady Wigan, 97; Laura Gilbert, 274; leucasta, 111 ; Lido, 256 ; Lily Measures, 108 ; loochristiensis, 96; Lord Kitchener, 273; Lord Roberts, 99; Ludovicii, 107; luminosa, intermedio- | By. | 114; | Lutece, 108; Lycias, 108; Macnabiana, | 1o1; Bienvenu Charles Maron, 45 ; 104; Mme. Georges Mme. Karthaus, 273; Madame Mar- guerite Fournier, 45; Madame Martin Cahuzac, 104; Mme. Rene Oberthur, 270 ; Madame Wallet, 97 ; Mademoiselle Clem- entine, 98 ; Major-General Baden Powell, Mandarin, 110; Marguerite, 98 ; Mar- guerite Fournier, 44 ; Mariz, 45 ; Marie Pie, 112; Marie Speransky, Madame Madame _ Debac, Halphem, 97; Martin, 274; Wavrin, 104; Mauve Queen, memoria aroness Schroder, Millie, 272 ; Milton, 46; Minerva, 96; Miss Gilbert Blount, 272; Miss Laura Webb, 104; Miss Leese, 274; Miss Lily Measures, 108; Miss Mary Froude, 271; Mistress J. Leemann, 45; Mona, 275; Mossiae-elegans, 107; Mossiz x grandis, 109; Mrs. Birkbeck, 96 ; Mrs. 100 ; Chamberlain, 44; Mrs. de Vere Beau- | clerk, 270 ; Mrs. Freke Gould, 273 ; Mrs. Gilbert Blount, 270; Mrs. J. Leemann, 45; Mrs. Measures, 274; Mrs. RK. A. dH. , Mitchell, 275: Mrs. Reginald Brade, 270; Mrs. Robert Measures, 275; Mrs. E. Rogerson, 109 ; Mrs. W. J. Dickson, 271 ; M. Seguin, 270; Myersiana, 105; Mylamiana, 101 ; New Century, 108; Noel, 101; Normani, 99; Oakwood Alpha, 269; Oakwood Beta, 270; Oakwood Gamma, 272; Oakwood Delta, 269; Onyx, 116; Ophelia, 114; Orpetiana, 102 ; Orpheus, 47 ; Othello, 100; Oxyana, 111; Panope, 108 ; parisiensis, Li4: | Marone, 46 ; Marriottii, 97 ; Marquis de | 100 ; | Mdlle. Hilde Beyrodt, 276; | 95 5 | | MASDEVALLIA x Bocking Hybrid, STUD-BOOK. [Index. Leliocattleya— 102; Pauli, 94; Perrino-Mossie, 96; Phalaris, 103; Phcebe, 105, 273; Phoebe superba, 105; Pommerez, 274; Pom- mereyz, 107; Powellii, 273; President Viger, 97; Prince Leopold, 108 ; Prince Yellow, 95; Princess of Wales, 97; preestans - bicolor, 96; Prof. Fritz Roher, 273; Proteus, 274; pur- purato - Aclandiz, 102; purpurato- gigas, 973; purpurato - Mossiz, 97; purpurato-Schilleriana, 94, 105; Pytho, 119; Queen Alexandra, 93 ; Radience, Io! ; regalis, 94; Regina, 98 ; Rejane Hardier, 2733; Rex, 98,270; Ridolfiana, 97 ; Robin Measures, 112; Rocksand, 270; Rosa- mond Taylor, 110; Ruby Gem, 113; Sallieri, 117; Salliero-gigas, 113; Saxa, 262; Schilleriano-xanthina, 272; Sheila, 96 ; Sidneana, 110; Sir William Ingram, 1o1; Skinnerobarina, 271; Stanleyensis, 106 ; Stella, 102; Stelzneriano-Hardyana, 104; superbo-elegans, 112; tenebrosa- Mossiz, 109; tenebroso-labiata, 108 ; tene-gottoi, 278; tene-Schofieldiana, 109 ; Thetis, 98; Thiebauxii, 107: Thorntoni,- 47; Thyra, Io1; tigrina, 111; Timora v. porphyrea, 111 ; trentonensis, 110 ; T. W. Bond, 96; tyntesfieldensis, 101 ; Vacuna, 101; Valvassorii, 103; Varjenevskyana, 93; Vedasti, 107 ; Veitchii, 115 ; velutino- elegans 108 ; Violetta, 112 ; Watellieriana, tor; W. Balmforth, 279; weedoniensis 113; Wellsia, 96; Wiganiz, 117 ; Wilhel- mina, 113; Williamsoni, 269; Wilmer, 107; Wm. Pitt, 100 ; Wylamiana, Io! ; xanthino - Schilleriana, 104 ; Yellow Prince, 95. ‘Lycaste X Cappei, 119; Charlesworthii, 119 ; Deppei punctatissima, 119 ; Mantini, 119; Mary Gratrix, 119, 279; schoen- brunnensis, 119. 120°; caudato-Estrade, 122 ; Chamberlainiana, 122; Ellisiana, 121 ; Estradze-Shuttle- worthii, 122; ferrieriensis, 121; igneo- Estradz, 122; Jessie Winn, 122 ; Mund- yana, 121; Parksii, 121; Parlatoreana, 122; Pourbaixii, 121, 279; Veitchiano- Estradz, 121 ; Veitchiano-Wagenerl, 122; Weathersiana, 121 ; xanthino-Veitchiana, Tai. ; Miltoniopsis X Bleui, 123. OpONTOGLOSSUM ™_ Adriano-triumphans, 286; Annie Louise, 290 ; ardentissimum, 124, 283; ardentissimum vy. eximium, 283; armainvillierense var., 283 ; Binge- lianum; 292; blando-nobile, 284; X Bleuanum, 123; Braeckmani, 127, Braeckmani y. Crawshayanum, 125. cirrho-Hallii, 126; cirrhoso-Hallii, 126, Index. | THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 323 Odontoglossum— Phragmopedilum x calurum, 226 ; leucor- rhodum, 232 ; macrochilum, 229 ; unicum, ‘ Cobbiz, 290 ; ceeruleum, 284 ; concinnum, es J- 124, 282; crispo- Hallii, 125; crispo- Harryanum, 127, 292; crispum v. arden- tissimum, 124; crispum v. concinnum, 124; crispum v. dulce, 124; crispum v. venificum, 124; culiginosum, 293; Dickens- ianum, 125 : dulce, 124; Elinor, 282; | Schomburgkio-Cattleya x spiralis, 233. eximium, 284 ; Galpinianum, 288 ; Hallio- ; res ; : crispum, 125; Hallio-xanthum, 288 ; Selenipedium X Ads ore ee 220); Promenzea xX Crawshayana, 310. SCHOM-CATTLEYA X spiralis, 233. Harryano-crispum, 127, 285 ; Harryano- Ainsworthii, 226 ; albanense, 227 ; album, excellens, 125; MHarryano-triumphans, | 227; 3aconis, 226; Brysa, 226; Brysa v. 125, 284; Hesperides, 287 ; hy strix-cris- | Wenus, 229; calurum, 226; cardinale, pum, 125; insignitum, 282; Jacobeanum, | 220 ; chlorops, 228 ; Cleola, 228 ; Clonius, 125 ; lacteum, 200 ; Lambeauianum, 289; | 229; _ Clymene, 228 ; conchiferum, 228 ; laudatum, 282; Leroyanum, 125; loo- Coppinianum, 228; Dalleanum, 231; christiense, 126 ; luteopurpureo- crispum, Dallei, 231 ; Dominianum, 228 ; Duvali, 125; Marriottianum, 126; memoriaLam- | 2323; Edith, 226; Elsteadianum, 228 5 beauiz, 289; nobili-triumphans, 126; Finetianum, 228; Geralda, 228; gigan- nobilius, 126 ; Pescatoreo-cordatum, 287 ; teum, 229; grande, 229; Hardyanum, Pheedra, 293; Prince Albert, 282; Prince | 229; hybridum, 229 ; Hylas, 231; John Edward of Wales, 284 ; Queen Alexan- Ashworth, 226; leucorrhodum, — 232 ; dra, 125, 284 ; Rochfordianum, 124 ; Ruby, longifolio-cardinale, 228 ; L’Unique 284; Souvenir de Victor Hye Lebrun, | 232; macrochilum, 229 ; macrochilum v. 126 ; Souvenir de Victor Hye de Crom, | giganteum, 229 ; Madame Linden, 310 ; 288; Tresederianum, 126; venificum, | Mauriceanum, 228; nitidissimum, 229, 124; vivicans, 127; Watsonianum, 288, 310; Pallene; 310; Perseus,’ 230; 292; W. H. Hatcher, 291; Wilckeanum, | Phaedra, 230; porphyreum, 232 ; pulchel- 126, 285. | lum, 230; Raymond Faroult, 228 ; Rosy | Gem, 230; Saundersianum, 230; Schroe- : | derae, 231 ; Sedenii, 232 ; Sedenii v. Pel- : / ele No e. | ~ » 3) ? ? S57 EAPSIOFEDILUM X Alonzo, 185; Ariadne, | lizzarianum, 226; Stella, 232; stenophyl- I ) 2 06 ; Bridge Hall Seedling, 295 eee Oetiae- lum, 232; Suave, 232; tenelluin, 232 ; eee ch ee D 1 ae sae Titanum, 232 ; toiconines 310; Uranus, » 156, 298; Druryi-hirs | 2; Urgande, 232 ; Verdieri, 229 ; Weid- 151; edgbastonense, 195; Euphrosyne, | |. pane te Taw bee | ichianum, 232. 179; Fairrieano - Lawrenceanum, 206 ; Fitzus, 299; General Knox, 157; G. | Sobralia x Amesiz, 233 ; roseo-macrantha, a J. Coles, on Leeanum | 234; Wigania, 234. ambridge Lodge var., 302 ; Louise, 300; | . ; . ; =e Maria, 143; Marie, 295; Miss Daisy Sophrocattleya x George Hardy, 235 ; Druce, 297 ; Mrs. H. Druce, 196; Neme- leeta, 236 ; Marriottiana, 236; Queen Sis, 140; niveo-insigne, 215 ; Olga Bag- Empress, 235 ; Veitchiana, 234; Veitchit shawe, 136; Paris, 218; Queen of Italy, 234- 156 ; radians, 183 ; ; variabile, 143; Vic- Sophrolelia x Eros, 234 ; leta v. Orpet- torinus, 303 ; Walkerianum, 146 ; Wiert- iana, 236 ; Marriottiana, 236. esas 180. Sophroleya X Batemaniana, 234 ; Calypso, Phaio-calanthe x Sedeni, 221. 234 ; eximia, 235. Phaius x D. S. Brown, 222; Gravesii, 224 ; Spathoglottis x aureo-Vieillardii, 236. inquilinus, 221 ; irroratus, 221 ; maculato- grandifolius, 224 ; _Yornan, 223, 309; | THUNIA X Wrigleyana, 236. Normani, 223 ; Opoixii, 224 ; Phoebe, 224; Sedenianus, 321. : : . : VANDA X Miss Joaquim, 236 ; Marguerite Phalanthe X Berryana, 221 ; Brandtia, 221; Maron, 236. inquilina, 221 ; inspirata, 2215 irrorata, mee 220s ; Sedeniana, DOT Phalenopsis X F. L. Ames, 224; John Seden, 225; Lady Rothschild, 225; Mrs. | Zygopetalum X Crawshayanum, 310 ; J. H. Veitch, 226; Schilleriano-Stuart- crinito-Gautieri, 237 ; crinito-maxillare, lana, 226 ; Stuartiano- Manni, 225 ; Vesta, 237 ; Mackyo-crinitum, 312; leopardinum, 225. 237 ; pentachromum, 238. ZYGOCOLAX X Amesiz, 237. List 20m eke USaA IKONS: BRASSOCATTLEYA X Erotion ISIGKSES) Gor Leemannize Marone Sanderi BRASSOLZELIA X Helen ... CALANTHE X Dominyi CATTLEYA X Germania granuglossa Iris Mantinii Maroni Rothschildiana Thayeriana triumphans CCELOGYNE X Colmanii CYMBIDIUM X Veitchii Winnianum DENDROBIUM X Aspasia chlorostele v. Oweniaanm Curtisii.. , Ellisii v. Wiganianum Gem v. Artemis . melanodiscus v. pallens Nestor. i Sre Schneiderianum Sibyl Waltoni Wiganiz DISA X kewensis langleyensis Premier Veitchii EPILALIA X Veitchii LALIA X Diana ... : Iona v. nigrescens nigrescens | LALIOCATTLEYA X 257 | Charlesworthii v. magnifica... 258 Ingramii 45 Phryne... 46 | Statteriana 47 | ‘Truftautiana | Wiganize | Wilsonee 48 Wolterz : | Wrigleyi Frontispiece | MILTONIA X 56 Bleuana v. Stevensil ... 57 60 | ODONTIODA X Sa Bradshawie 66 Vuylstekez 68 264 | ODONTOGLOSSUM X Aliciz . : wh ae pala licrente Vv. “ardentissimum 265 Beauté-Cceleste bellatulum crispodinei al Eurydice WD Fascinator formosum Japanais v. exquisitum 74 Lairessei 76 mirificum 76 Othello... 7 Phoebe... i Rolfez ... 75 Smithii... 80 Stewartianum... 85 ‘Yhompsonianum 75 Vuylstekez 83 waltonense 75 ODONTIONIA X 84 Lairessez 84 84 | PAPHIOPEDILUM X 84 Arthurianum . Arthurianum v. pulchellum .. Ballantinei, Westfield var. 88 Buchanianum.. conco-bellatulum v. Walkerianum.. Cycnides v. William ache eg Cymatodes A go Deedmanianum g2 Edmundii 204 132 133 137 139 146 149 150 151 153 Illustrations. | THE ORCHID STUD-BOOK. 325 PAPHIOPEDILUM X PAPHIOPEDILUM X Edwardii a 2:2 WE > > se-vtypane gn men tit mM me picit he Pet sda ieth ct snc es cts h caste At AIA asia GUM ea LENORE AIS Mee eng ge Ree BS Re Ligh iad 7 eee aS aces og FM See SEH) Leen re > 1 ae en S Shaws pede yp ns Les a Sg AER fF od yore erty”