The Organic Matter of the Soil: A Study of the Nitrogen Distribution in Different Soil Types A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF, MINNESOTA BY CLARENCE AUSTIN , MORROW, B.S.,M.A. IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY JUNE, 1918 MINNEAPOLIS UNIVERSITY PRINTING CO. EXCHANGE The Organic Matter of the Soil: A Study of the Nitrogen Distribution in Different Soil Types A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY CLARENCE AUSTIN MORROW, B.S., M.A. < i IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY JUNE, 1918 MINNEAPOLIS UNIVERSITY PRINTING CO. TO MY FATHER AND MOTHER 428979 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. This investigation was carried out under the direction of Doc- tor Ross Aiken Gortner. The author takes this opportunity to express his appreciation and gratitude for the help extended during the prosecution of this work, and for the unfailing kindness, thoughtful advice and encouragement which was given. C. A. M. University of Minnesota. Division of Soils. January 1917. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page I. Introduction: Our present knowledge of the organic matter of the soil 7 A. Early investigations ^ 7 B. The humus theory of Grandeau 12 C. The complexity of the ammonia soluble material 14 D. The presence of definite organic compounds in the soil.. 15 E. The origin of organic compounds in the soil 16 1. Nucleoprotein decomposition 17 2. Nucleic acid decomposition 17 3. Lecithin decomposition 18 F. Bacterial processes which influence the form of soil nitrogen 19 1. Deamination or reduction , 20 2. Decarboxylation or amine formation 20 3. Hydrolysis 20 4. Oxidation 21 G. 'Nitrogen distribution in the soil . . . . 21 H. A summary of the nature of the organic matter of the soil in the light of our present knowledge 29 II. Experimental: A study of the nitrogen distribution in different soil types 31 - A. The problem 31 B. The material : 31 1. Calcareous black grass-peat 31 2. Sphagnum-covered peat 31 3. Acid "muck" soil 31 4. Fargo clay loam 32 5. Fargo silt loam 32 6. Carrington silt loam 32 7. Hempstead silt loam 32 8. Prairie-covered loess 32 9. Forest-covered loess 32 10. Hempstead silt loam subsoil 32 C. The method 33 1. The method in detail for a peat soil 34 2. The method in detail for a mineral soil 36 3. The method for determination of "Jodidi num- bers" ; 37 4. The determination of nitrogen 38 4. The analytical data 38 1. The analysis of "fibrin from blood" hydrolyzed in the presence of 100 grams of ignited subsoil 38 2. Calcareous black grass-peat 41 3. Sphagnum-covered peat 42 4. Acid "muck" soil.. 42 5. Fargo clay loam 43 6. Fargo silt loam 44 7. Carrington silt loam 45 8. Hempstead silt loam 45 9. Prairie-covered loess 46 10. Forest-covered loess 47 11. Sphagnum-covered peat hydrolyzed in the pres- ence of nine times its weight of a mineral subsoil 47 12. Sphagnum-covered peat hydrolyzed in the pres- ence of metallic tin 49 13. Analysis of a 1 per cent, hydrochloric acid extract of sphagnum-covered peat and (in part) of calcareous black grass-peat 50 14. Analysis of a portion of sphagnum-covered peat soluble in 4 per cent, sodium hydroxide and precipitated by hydrochloric acid and (in part) of a similar solution from a calcareous black grass-peat 52 15. Analysis of a portion of sphagnum-covered peat soluble in 4 per cent sodium hydroxide and not precipitated by hydrochloric acid and (in part) of a similar solution from a calcareous black grass-peat 54 16. "Jodidi numbers" ! 55 17. Summary tables 57 18. An attempt to isolate pure proteins from a soil 59 a. Extraction with 70 per cent ethyl alcohol 59 b. Extraction with absolute alcohol 6U c. Extraction with 10 per cent sodium chlor- ide 61 III. Discussion 62 A. Changes in nitrogen distribution in a protein when hy- drolyzed in the presence of a mineral soil 62 B. The human nitrogen, its origin, and significance 63 C. The effect of the quantity of acid used for the hydrolysis on the amount of nitrogen dissolved and the nitrogen distribution in soils 66 D. The percentage of soil nitrogen extracted by acid hy- drolysis 66 E. "Jodidi numbers" 67 F. Attempts to extract proteins from the soil 67 G. A consideration of the nitrogen distribution in different extracts from the sphagnum-covered peat 67 H. General conclusions in regard to the distribution of soil nitrogen in different soil types 68 IV. Summary 70 V. Literature cited 72 Biographical 80 I. INTRODUCTION: OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THE ORGANIC MATTER OF THE SOIL. A. Early Investigations. It has been recognized from the time of the alchemists that manures are of fundamental importance for the growth of plants. The alchemists believed that by a process of transmutation water was converted into plant tissue. In an attempt to prove this an interesting experiment was conducted by van Helmont (1648). In a large earthen vessel he placed 200 pounds of dry earth, and planted in it a small willow tree weighing five pounds, and for five years he watered the plant either with rain or distilled water. .At the end of that time he pulled up the willow and found that it weighed 169 pounds and three ounces. The dry soil remaining after the experiment was found to have lost only two ounces. He drew the apparently justifiable conclusion that 164 pounds of roots, bark, leaves, and branches had been produced by direct transmutation of water. It is evident that it was essential to establish the composition of water and some of the components of the air before further work could have real value. Not until the discovery of oxygen by Scheele (1777) and the proof of the composition of water by Cavendish (1784), as well as the work of de Saussure (1804) regarding the role played by carbon dioxide in plant and animal life, did we have any real knowledge concerning the sources of matter stored up in plants. During the first quarter of the nineteenth century organic com- pounds were regarded as capable of being synthesized only in the living cells of plants or animals. This idea that organic compounds could be formed only through a special vital force was overthrown by the classic work of Wohler (1828) when he prepared urea, a purely animal product*, by evaporating ammonium cyanate to dryness. This fact attracted the attention of chemists, and prac- tically all work done from that time until 1840 was on some phase of organic chemistry. This overthrow of the belief in a vital force and the improved method of organic analysis by Berzelius (1808- 18) paved the way for a more thorough understanding of the part taken by the organic matter in the soil, and consequently created a renewed interest in scientific investigations relating to agricul- ture. Some important work had been accomplished previous to this time. The most valuable was that of de Saussure's (1804) "Re- cherches chimiques sur la vegetation" which was the first syste- matic work showing the source of compounds stored up in the plant. He pointed out that the quantitative increase in the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, when plants were exposed to sunlight, was *Fosse (1912) notes the presence of urea in certain plants. 8 due to the carbon dioxide of the air and water of the soil. He be- lieved that the nitrogen of the soil was the chief source of the nitro-gen found in plants. Unfortunately his conclusions were not accepted at that time, and it was not until about fifty years later, when other investigators had repeated his experiments, that his results were finally accepted by botanists and chemists. One of the first investigators to see the relation between chem- istry and agriculture was that of Sir Humphry Davy (1813), who published a book entitled, "Elements of Agricultural Chemistry." This treated of the composition of air, soil, manures, plants, and of the influence of heat and light upon the growth of plants. Thaer (1809-10) contended that humus determined the fertility of the soil, that plants obtained their food mainly from humus, and that the carbon compounds of plants were produced from the organic carbon compounds of the soil. These ideas gave rise to his so-called humus theory, which was later shown to be inadequate. His writings, however, did much to stimulate later investigation. The French investigator Boussingault verified much of the earlier work of de Saussure and secured many additional facts concerning the chemistry of growth. His predecessors had sought to solve the question as to whether plants assimilate the free or uncombined nitrogen of the atmosphere. Boussingault (1838, 1838a) improved the methods for the determination of the point in question, and showed that peas and clover could get their nitrogen from the air while wheat could not. Unfortunately, he did not make as much of this discovery as he might have done. Boussingault was the first to have a chemical laboratory lo- cated on a farm and to make investigations along a practical line in connection with agriculture. His was the first agricultural ex- periment station. The investigations of de Saussure, Boussingault, Davy, Thaer, and others paved the way for the work and writings of Liebig. He published (1840) "Organic Chemistry in its Application to Agri- culture and Physiology," which was an important factor in at- tracting the attention of the public to> agricultural problems. Many of his investigations and discoveries in the field of organic chem- istry were applied directly to his interpretation of these problems. He assailed the humus theory of Thaer and showed that humus could not be an adequate source of the plant's carbon. By applying the exact methods of chemistry to agriculture Liebig succeeded in establishing that plants derive the carbon of their tissues from the carbon dioxide of the air, and not from the carbon compounds that may be present in the soil. He came to regard the ammonia of the air as analogous with the carbon dioxide of the air, and preached the doctrine that plants were able to derive their nitrogen- ous food from the atmosphere. In the Farmer's Magazine, for in- stance, he writes : If the soil be suitable, if it contains a sufficient quantity of alkalis, phos- phates, and sulphates, nothing will be wanting. The plants will derive their ammonia from the atmosphere as they do carbonic acid. (Cited by Russell, 1912.) Although the work of Liebig was not conducted in connection with field experiments, it had a stimulating effect upon agricultural investigation, and we are greatly indebted to him for summarizing previous work and pointing out valuable lines of future research. In his book (1840) he states, that— a rational system of agriculture cannot be formed without the application of scientific principles, for such a system must be based on an exact ac- quaintance with the means of nutrition of vegetables, and with the influence of soils, and actions of manures upon them. This knowledge we must seek from chemistry, which teaches the mode of investigating- the composition and study of the character of the different substances from which plants derive their nourishment. In one essential point, however, he fell into error. Lawes, the pioneer experimenter on agriculture in England, flatly denied the accuracy of Liebig's conclusions as regards nitrogen assimilation. The results of the investigations at Rothamsted as conducted by Lawes and Gilbert (1851) on the non-assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by crops, were accepted as conclusive evidence upon this much discussed question. The alkali soluble portion of the organic matter of the soil has formed for many years the subject of keen interest and discus- sion. This portion of the soil organic matter was called "humus" by the earlier writers, but this name has in more recent times been used by some American and most European investigators to desig- nate the total organic matter of the soil. I have used the term throughout this paper in its original meaning. In early days the "humus" was regarded as being of very simple composition. De Saussure (1804) for instance, described it as a "brown combustible powder soluble in alkalies and ammonia compounds." Klaproth* applied the name "ulmin" to dark colored amorphous bodies such as those obtained by Vauquelin (1797) from the bark of diseased elm trees. Sprengel (De Candolle** 1833, p. 280), who obtained similar bodies from soils applied to these the name "humic acid." Berzelius (1838) evidently had the general meaning of the term "humus" in mind when he used the term "humin" in describ- ing certain dark colored constituents of vegetable mold. Follow- ing the use of the term "humin" as applied to what was considered to be a definite organic body, a number of other workers took up the study of similar substances, and a number of other terms more or less related, soon appeared. The name of Mulder (1849) is asso- ciated for the most part with the terms applied to humus-like sub- stances which have appeared more or less in the literature from that time to the present. For instance, he says : At present seven different organic substances are known to exist in the soil. They are crenic acid, apocrenic acid, geic acid, humic acid, and humin, nlmic acid and ulmin. These bodies were divided by him into two groups, one con- sisting of crenic and apocrenic acids, and the other group embrac- ing all the others. According to Mulder (1849) these seven or- ganic bodies were intimately related, and five at least were five suc- cessive steps in the decay of organic matter in the soil. The first step in this decay he regarded as ulmic acid ; this on further oxidation yielded humic acid ; and this in its turn, on still further oxidation, geic acid. Continued oxidation produced apocrenic, and finally crenic acid. *(De Candolle 1833, p. 279) states "Das Ulmin ist von Klaproth entdeckt ivorben." ** I" have been unable to verify the original citation, which, according to Uoper was Kastner's Archiv. Bd. 7, p. 163; Bd. 8, p. 145. Presumably one of these articles is that referred to by Russell (1912) entitled "Ueber Pflanzen- Xaturlehre, Niirnberg, 1826. 10 A number of chemists have given the percentage composition of the supposed acids, but no two agree. Nothing is known in re- gard to their constitution. The lack of definite chemical character- ization of these compounds is stated by Cameron and Bell (1905) as follows : The existence itself of these acids has never been satisfactorily demon- strated. * * * * No satisfactory description of the physical or chemical properties of these supposed acids, their salts, or characteristic derivatives, have been recorded. Nearly every writer on soils from the time of Mulder to Hil- gard (1906, p. 126) spoke of these acids with the same assurance as of oxalic or tartaric acids, or any other organic compound that has well known derivatives. The early investigators, including Mulder, soon found that sugar, starch, carbohydrates generally, and even proteins, when treated with strong acids or alkalies, gave rise to dark colored compounds having the same general appearance and properties as the humus substances arising in the soil through decay. How- ever, a conspicuous feature of the work on these humus substances is the discordant results for preparations bearing the same name and often from the same source. Robertson, Irvine, and Dobson (1907) reached conclusions that although there were many strong resemblances between natural and artificial humus preparations, in regard to properties and com- position, yet there are important differences in constitution. Re- cently Gortner (1916 c) has shown that in all probability the humin formed from carbohydrates is actually formed by a polymerization of furfural which is in turn formed from the carbohydrates by the action of the acid. Gortner and Blish (1915), Gortner (1916 c), and Gortner and Holm (1917) have likewise shown that the dark col- ored products originating in an acid hydrolysis of protein sub- stances have their origin in the tryptophane nucleus. Obviously, if carbohydrate humin originates from furfural, and protein humins originate in the tryptophane nucleus, mixtures of protein and carbohydrate would produce a great variety of physically similar but chemically different mixtures. One of the important points at issue between the early in- vestigators was whether humic acid and allied bodies contained nitrogen as a constituent. Mulder (1849, 1862) held that nitrogen was not a constituent of these substances, but was present as ammonia, that is the acids were present in the soil as ammonium salts, and in this connection he says : In good arable soil — that is, one in which the organic constituents are as far as possible decomposed — none of these substances contain nitrogen as a constituent element; all their nitrogen exists in the state of ammonia. Detmer (1871) came to the opposite conclusion, claiming that nitrogen in humic acid as usually obtained, was present in organic combination (not, however, bound in the humic acid molecule). He obtained his humus by digesting with alkali. After precipitat- ing with acid, he redissolved it in ammonia and precipitated the mineral constituents with phosphoric and oxalic acids and am- monium sulphide. After treating with potassium hydroxide and precipitating with hydrochloric acid, he obtained a preparation 11 containing 1.5 per cent nitrogen. No ammonia was evolved on making alkaline, but about 23 per cent of the total nitrogen was evolved on treatment with sodium hypobromite. Detmer believed, however, that humic acid did not contain nitrogen, but that the nitrogen found was present in some organic compound occurring as an impurity in his humic acid preparation. By a tedious process he was able to lower the nitrogen content of his humic acid to 0.179 per cent. Ritthausen (1877) attributed the high nitrogen content of peat to the formation of complex, difficultly decomposable materials by absorption of ammonia and pointed to the low ammonia content as an indication of it, claiming it was not present as such after absorp- tion. In an attempt to disprove Ritthausen's theory, Sivers (1880) found that he could expel only very small amounts of ammonia by heating with potassium hydroxide. He concluded that all the am- monia taken in remained as such, and did not go to form complex compounds. He maintained that most of the nitrogen was in the form of protein but presented no conclusive evidence. Grouven (1883) tried to show that the nitrogen of humus was due to the absorption of ammonia by humic acids, but found frojn various samples that only one-fiftieth of the total nitrogen was liberated on heating with milk of lime, and only one-twentieth when heated for two hours with potassium hydroxide. It was found by Loges (1886) that the hydrochloric acid ex- tract of the soil gave a precipitate with phosphotungstic acid, which is recognized as being a precipitating agent for certain nitrogenous compounds. Baumann (1887) found that certain black Russian soils rich in humus, containing but small traces of ammonia in the soil, gave a considerable amount of it on boiling the soil with dilute hydrochloric acid. From this he suggested the presence of amino and amide compounds in the soil. About the same time this sub- ject was more thoroughly investigated by Berthelot and Andre (1886). They found that the nitrogenous matter was split up pro- ducing ammonia and soluble nitrogenous compounds, and that the hydrolysis goes further the greater the strength of the acid, the longer it is in contact with the soil and the higher the temperature. A soil containing 0.174 per cent of nitrogen was heated on a water bath for two hours with 7 per cent hydrochloric acid and 31.9 per cent of its nitrogen was dissolved. Of this soluble nitrogen 17.8 per cent was ammonia. Similar experiments were conducted using 3.4 per cent hydrochloric acid, and 0.7 per cent hydrochloric acid and distilled water. Warington (1887) working with a sample of Rothamsted soil, which had been heavily manured, showed the presence of a small amount of amide nitrogen by using both hypobromite and nitrous acid. It seems highly probable from these experiments that at least a part of the nitrogen in the soil is present as amino com- pounds. Eggertz (1888) found that the nitrogen content of thir- teen samples of humus varied from 2.59 to 6.43 per cent and states that the nitrogen was present in organic form and not as an am- monium salt. Sestini (1899) also showed the presence of amino 12 nitrogen by the action of nitrous acid. Dojarenko (1902) working with humus from seven Russian soils found appreciable quantities of amino nitrogen. Unlike previous investigators he determined the amount present quantitatively, and assumed all of the amino nitrogen was present as amino acids. He also made deter- minations of the ammonia by distillation with magnesium oxide, and obtained the amide nitrogen by hydrolysis with dilute hydro- chloric acid and subsequent distillation of the ammonia formed with magnesium oxide. B. The Humus Theory of Grandeau. A tremendous impetus was given to the study of soils by the work of Grandeau, because he believed that the ammonia extract of soils contained the nutritive substances essential for the life of the plant and for the fertility of the soil. The theory that the humus extract was of such value had a great deal to do with re- tarding the development of the study of the organic matter of the soil. The method of Grandeau (1872) is essentially the one in use at the present time in America for the determination of humus. He elaborated a method for the estimation of the "matiere noire" of the soil by first leaching the soil with dilute acid in order to set the humus free from its combination with the alkaline earths, removing the excess of acid by washing with water, then moisten- ing the soil with ammonia and allowing it to stand for a short time (three to four hours, cf. Grandeau 1877, p. 149), after which the humus solution was displaced by repeated washings with am- moniacal water. The dark brown solution so obtained was evapor- ated to dryness in platinum, weighed, ashed, and the amount of "matiere noire" and of ash recorded. Grandeau regarded the humus ash as an integral part of the humus. He believed that the organic matter which dissolved was responsible for the fertility of the soil, apparently not so much because of the carbon and nitrogen con- tent, as for the high percentage of phosphoric acid and potash in the humus ash. The views of Grandeau wrere never generally adopted in Eu- rope although often accepted by individual workers, but have been more generally accredited in America, due to the sponsorship of certain parts of Grandeau's humus theory by the late Professor Hilgard. The American investigators, e. g., Hilgard (1906), Ladd (1898), and Snyder (1895, 1897, and 1901), however, do not report the humus ash as an integral part of the humus but call only the volatile portion humus. They consider that the humus is, in part at least, combined in the soil with inorganic substances ; these compounds are called "humates" and to their abundance and pro- duction has been ascribed an important part of the maintenance of soil fertility. Hilgard (1906) regarded the humus of the soil as a definite soil product, formed from vegetable material in the soil under the in- fluence of fungus and bacterial growths ; this conversion being 13 most efficiently carried out in the presence of only a moderate amount of moisture, under the influence of a more or less rapid circulation of air and in the presence of calcium carbonate to neutralize any acids which may be formed. Under these conditions the vegetable substance is converted into black, neutral, insoluble humus compounds. He believed that the nitrogen of plant debris which has become an integral part of the soil must first be converted by humifying bacteria and fungi into humus before the nitrogen can become avail- able to the nitrifying bacteria and thus rendered available for the use of the higher plants. His views of the persistence of plant ma- terials in soils are contained in the following statement: As a matter of course, the several organic compounds contained in plants may continue to exist in soils for some time, varying according to conditions of temperature and moisture. Thus dextrin, glucose, and even lecithin and nuclein have been reported to be found. The activity of the numerous fungus and bacterial ferments under favoring conditions, will of course, limit the continued existence of such compounds somewhat narrowly so that they can hardly be considered as active soil ingredients save in so far as they favor the development of bacterial flora. Suzuki (1906-08 a) made a study of the formation of humus by treating oak leaves with a humus soil and various inorganic com- pounds and concluded that not only calcium carbonate but also magnesium carbonate promoted the decomposition of moist oak leaves by fungi, judging from the amounts of carbon dioxide evolved. He further states that the opinion of Hilgard corresponds closely to the natural conditions of humification. Further studies of Suzuki (1906-08 b) indicate that protein, starch, and pentosans contribute to the formation of the black matter of humus, but neither fat nor cellulose, and that protection from air is essential. One of the latest additions to the idea of specific of plant materials in the soil is that of. Trusov (1915). He inoculat- ed various types of organic compounds with soil bacteria for vari- ous lengths of time and concludes that humus has its origin in lignin, albumen, starch, chlorophyll, and tannic substances; while cellulose, hemicelluloses, mono- and disaccharides, glucosides, or- ganic acids including amino acids, and wax forming substances do not appear to have any part in its formation. He also finds that the organic nitrogenous compounds used as nutrients for the micro- organisms may serve as an indirect source of humus. Weir (1915) has recently questioned the idea that the soluble humus of the soil is an indication of the fertility of that soil and that the humus nitrogen plays an important role in the nutrition of plants. He removed 40 per cent of the nitrogen of the soil by extracting the humus with sodium hydroxide and then used the extracted soil for pot experiments. However, Gortner (1916 b) has shown that in all probability a very considerable portion of the humus nitrogen still remained in Weir's extracted soil, for he was able to extract 90.3 per cent of the original nitrogen content of the soil. This would indicate that nearly all of the soil nitrogen could be extracted with sodium hydroxide. Snyder (1897) prepared artificial humus by mixing a subsoil with certain organic substances and allowing these to remain in a moist condition for one year. At the end of the year humus was 14 determined on the resulting- mixture by extraction with ammonia, folio-wing a previous leaching with dilute acid, an. I the humus so found was regarded as having been formed in the soil during the preceding year. Unfortunately Snyder did not correct for am- monia soluble organic matter in the mixtures at the beginning of the experiment. The results of Fraps and Hamner (1910) and Gortner (1917) show that ammonia dissolves a considerable por- tion of material from unchanged organic compounds, so that the humus gain at the end of the experiment was in all probability actually a loss when compared with -the amount of ammonia soluble materials at the beginning of the experiment. Fraps and Hamner (1910) as well as Gortner (1917) report a series of experiments af- ter the general plan adopted by Snyder, with the exception that the ammonia soluble materials were determined both at the beginning and at the end of the experiments, and in each instance the am- monia soluble material was found to decrease. The experiments of Gortner (1917) furnish no evidence that a specific "humification" of plant materials takes place in the soil giving rise to an increased amount of "humus." He says: On the contrary, all of the evidence is directly opposed to such a con- clusion, and it appears altogether probable that the maximum amount of am- monia soluble material is present in a soil immediately after a green manuring crop has been plowed under and before the 'humifying' bacteria or fungi begin their work. Fraps and Hamner (1910) showed that the humus extract of soil must contain substances from unchanged vegetable materials, while Gortner (1916 a) pointed out that the extract must contain substances from unchanged plant material, from bacteria and protozoa. C. The Complexity of the Ammonia Soluble Material. With the development of chemistry the idea has been gradu- ally abandoned, that the ammonia soluble compounds can contain the whole of the organic matter which is responsible for the fer- tility of the soil. The work of the U. S. Bureau of Soils in the isolation of a large number of definite organic compounds from the soil, has been a distinct contribution along this line. As has been suggested by Gortner (1916 a) — If one speculates on the nature of the soil organic matter, it becomes obvi- ous that the variety of compounds which are present in a soil is limited only by those compounds which were present in the plants growing upon the soil, plus those compounds which compose the bodies of bacteria and protozoa, plus the compounds contained in the soil fungi, plus all the various compounds which may be formed from the above sources by decay, oxidation, and all the intricate chemical reactions which take place in converting dead organic material, either into living protoplasm on the one hand, or into water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen on the other. Undoubtedly these organic compounds are not the product of 'humification' but are derived from un- changed plant material, from protozoa, or from bacteria. A part, or all, of these compounds would be found in the "humus" extracted by Grandeau's method — Inasmuch as the 'humus' extract of soils is undoubtedly a mixture of organic compounds, many of which are colorless and in all probability are extracted from unchanged plant or animal materials, and inasmuch as the soil pigment present in this solution probably rarely exceeds 40 per cent of the 'humus', a determination of 'humus', as ordinarily carried out, appears to be wholly without scientific justification. (Gortner 1916 a.) 15 D. The Presence of Definite Organic Compounds in the Soil. The following types of pure organic compounds have been isolated from the soil. In view of Gortner's statement above it is of interest to note that all of these compounds are colorless, and that nearly all of them were isolated from an alkaline humus ex- tract. 1. Paraffin hydrocarbons. Hcntriacontane, C3iH«4. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1911 a). 2. Alcohols Argosterol*, CseHUO. Schreiner and Shorey (1909, 1909 a) Phytostcrol, C26H44O, H2O. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1911 b) 3. Esters "Glycerides of fatty acids." Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a) "Resin esters." Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a) 4. Acids Oxalic acid, COOH-COOH. Shorey (1913) Succinic acid, COOH-CH.-CHr-COOH. Shorey (1913) Saccharic acid, COOH-(CHOH)4-COOH. Shorey (1913) Acrylic acid, CH2=CH-COOH. Shorey (1913) a-Crotonic acid, CH:1-CH = CH-COOH. Walters and Wise (1916). a (l:ll)-Monohydroxystearic acid, CH,(CH,)tiCHOH (CH2)»COOH. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1910 b) Dihydroxystearic acid, CH3(CH2)7CHOH-CHOH(CH2)TCOOH. Schreiner and Shorey (1908 a, 1909 a) Benzoic acid, C6H5COOH. Shorey (1914) Metaoxytoluic acid, OH-C6H3-CH3-COOH. Shorey .(1914) Agroceric acid, C2iH42O3. Schreiner and Shorey (1909 a) Paraffinic acid, C24H48O2. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a) Lignoccric acid, C:uH4*O2. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a) "Resin acids" (?). Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a) 5. Aldehydes Salicylic aldehyde, C6H4-OH-CHO. Shorey (1913) Vanillin, OH-C6H3(OCH3)-CHO. m-methoxy-o-hydroxy benzal- dehyde. Shorey (1914) Trithiobenzaldehyde, (C6H5CSH)3. Shorey (1913) 6. Carbohydrates Mannitol, CH,OH-(CHOH)4-CH2OH. Shorey (1913) Rhamnose, CH3-(CHOH)4-CHO, H2O. Shorey (1913) Pentosan**, C5H8O4. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a), Shorey and Lathrop (1910) 7. Pyrimidine derivatives Cytosine, C4H5N3O. 2-oxy, 6-amino pyrimidine. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1910 c) 8. Purine bases Xanthine, CsH4N4O2. 2, 6-dioxy purine. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1910 c) Hypoxanthine, C5H4N4O. 6-oxy purine. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1910 c) Adenine, C5H5N5. 6-amino purine. Shorey (1913) Guanine***, CsHtNtO. 2-amino, 6-oxypurine. Lathrop (1912). Schreiner and Lathrop (1912). Tetracarbonimid****, C4H4N4O4. Shorey and Walters (1914) 9. Pyridine derivatives a-Picoline. -y-carboxylic acid, CrHrNOa. Shorey (1906), Schreiner and Shorey (1908 b) *The composition of the compound was determined by a single analysis, made with 0.1500 gram of the substance. It seems highly improbable that the composition could be obtained accurately from this amount of material. **Pentose sugars have been separated as hydrolysis products of substances isolated from the soil (Schreiner and Shorey 1910 a). **This compound was isolated from a steam heated soil. **** This has been shown to be cyanuric acid (Wise and Walters 1917). 16 10. Amines Trimethylamine, (CH3)3N. Shorey (1913) Choline, HON(CH3)3-CH2-CH2OH. Trimethyl oxyethyl am- monium hydroxide. Shorey (1913) Creatinine, C^NaO. ^,-imino (n) methyl a-keto tetrahydro gly- oxalin. Shorey (1911), Schreiner, Shorey, Sullivan and Skinner (1911) 11. Organic phosphorus compounds Nucleic acid. Shorey (1911 a, 1912, and 1913) Lecithin, Aso (1904), Stoklasa (1911). 12. Amino acids Arginine, CoHu&Os. a-amino, g-guanidine valerianic acid. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1910 d) Histidine, GiHflN3O2. a-amino, #-imidazole propionic acid. Schreiner and Shorey (1910 a, 1910 d) Lysine, CeHnN3O2. a £-di-amino, caproic acid. Shorey (1913) Whether all of these compounds have actually been isolated is perhaps an open question, in view of the minute quantities which were obtained, insufficient in many cases for an, exact chemical an- alysis as stated by Schreiner and Lathrop (1911) : The amount of a substance obtained may be so small that extreme puri-' fication is out of the question, and therefore) in such cases, where distinct crystalline form or characteristic tests are not available the identification becomes uncertain, as neither melting point nor analysis can be made. E. The Origin of Organic Compounds in the Soil. Chardet (1914) gives a discussion of the possible origin of certain organic nitrogenous compounds that have been isolated from the soil or might be expected to exist. A very complete summary of our present knowledge of the or- ganic matter of the soil is presented by Jodidi (1914) under these headings: I. Introduction; II. The sulphur compounds of the soil; III. The influence of certain factors on the quantity of nitro- gen contained in the soil ; IV. The nature of humus substances ac- cording to the older authors ; V. The observations of later authors concerning the nature and behavior of humus to certain reagents ; VI. Genetic relationship between the chemical compounds in the soil and those in plants and animals ; VII. The nature of nitrogen compounds in the soil; VIII. The organic nitrogenous compounds of the soil ; IX. Separation of the nitrogenous compounds in a sulfuric acid extract (i. e., hydrolysate) of the soil; X. Cleavage products of nucleoproteins ; XL Lecithin products in the soil; XII. Pyridine derivatives in the soil ; XIII. Ammonification of amino acids and acid amides in the soil ; XIV. The occurrence of hydro- carbons, alcohols, and aldehydes in the soil; and XV. The organic acids occurring in the soil. Different investigators have succeeded in isolating from soils the following nitrogenous compounds which may be related to or derived from the proteins: tetracarbonimid, a-picoline y-car- boxylic acid, trimethylamine, nucleic acid, arginine, histidine, lysine, proteoses, and peptones. Potter and Snyder (1915 b) have shown that in some soils, at least, free amino acids and peptides occur but the amounts are very small. Since there have been so many nitrogenous compounds isolat- 17 ed from the soil that are related to proteins, it is well to discuss some of the complex organic compounds such as nucleoproteins, nucleic acids, and lecithins that find their way to the soil through plant and animal remains. While the final decomposition products are undoubtedly simple compounds or elements such as carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, nitrogen, and hydrogen, these products are reached by fairly definite and well defined methods of cleav- age. The process may be a rapid one, a slow one, or one entirely arrested at certain stages, all depending on the factors present in the soil. 1. Nucleoprotein decomposition. The nucleoproteins are with- out doubt the most complex compounds that enter the soil. They are common constituents of plants, animals, bacteria, and molds, and hence occur wherever these live or die. The chemical changes through which these compounds go during decomposition may be rendered clear by the following scheme presented by Lilienfeld (1892): Nucleoprotein Protein Nuclein (Histone) I ! I Protein Nucleic acid The products are then protein and nucleic acid, the latter of which has been isolated from the soil (Shorey 1911 a, 1912, and 1913). 2. Nucleic acid decomposition. Nucleic acids are constituents of all nuclei and on decomposition yield a variety of compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The acids occur in both plant and animal cells. Jones (1914) states that all plant nucleic acids contain a pen- tose group, while on the other hand all animal nucleic acids yield levulinic acid, which is formed from a hexose group in their mole- cule. The hydrolysis products may be classified, according to Forbes and Keith (1914) as follows: Nucleic acids Phosphoric acid Carbohydrates Bases Pentoses Hexoses Unidentified Purine Pyrimidine Guanine . Cytosine Adenine Thymine Xanthine Uracil Hypoxanthine 18 The purine and also the pyrimidine derivatives can be changed one into the other by chemical means. In a parallel manner much the same results can be obtained through the biochemical changes brought about by bacteria and enzymes. By chemical agents Kos- sel and Steudel ( 1903) transformed cytosine into uracil. In like manner Fischer (1882) changed guanine into xanthine, and Kossel (1886) changed adenine into hypoxanthine. It was shown by Schit- tenhelm and Schroter (1904) that putrefactive bacteria, especially those of the coli group, were able to convert guanine and adenine into xanthine and hypoxanthine and that bacteria also have the ability of breaking down nucleic acid itself. This change of nucleic acid is also accomplished by certain enzymes, the nucleases (cf. Jones 1914 and Euler 1912). It will be clear from the above that the decomposition of nucleic acid may take place in many steps and that the intermediate as w'ell as the final products may be transformed one into the other. This may be accomplished in the soil through the agency of micro- organisms or enzymes. Schreiner and Lathrop (1912) working with steam heated soils found that from the heated samples less nucleic acid was obtained than from the unheated samples. On the other hand the decomposition products of nucleic acid were present in larger amounts in the heated soil, indicating that hydrolysis of nucleic acid has been accomplished in this manner. That nucleic acid decomposition does take place in the soil is evidenced by the isolation of certain of its decomposition products, e. g., cytosine, xanthine, hypoxanthine (Schreiner and Shorey 1910 a, 1910 c), adenine (Shorey 1913), and guanine (Lathrop 1912, Schreiner and Lathrop 1912). 3. Lecithin decomposition. A similar instance of a single substance decomposing into several substances is that of the lecithins. They are closely related to the fats in constitution and are possible primary constituents of all plant and animal cells. Lecithins are esters of glycerol with two molecules of higher fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic acids or other unidentified saturated or unsaturated acids) with a molecule of phosphoric acid, which is at the same time combined with the base choline. Mathews (1915) states that in some cases choline can be replaced by neurine. There are a number of different lecithins which are characterized by the nature of the organic acid radicals present. The hydrolysis may be indicated as follows : L,ecithin Acids Bases Glyceryl-phosphoric acid I I Palmitic Choline Glycerol Stearic or Phosphoric acid Oleic Neurine or Other higher fatty acids. 19 The base choline is also widely distributed in both plant and animal tissues as well as being a decomposition product of lecithins. It has been shown to exist in the soil. Choline yields neurine by bac- terial decomposition, and both of these compounds break up into trimethylamine. This substance may also be added to the soil from other sources, both animal and vegetable. As noted above Stoklasa (1911) obtained evidences of lecithin in the soil and Aso (1904) re- ports small quantities of lecithin present in soils rich in organic mat- ter. Choline has been isolated from soil (Shorey 1913). The tri- methylamine reported by Shorey (1913) possibly had its origin in the lecithin molecule and it may be that the dihydroxy-stearic acid of Schreiner and Shorey (1908 a, 1909 a) and the mono- hydroxystearic acid (Schreiner and Shorey 1908 a, 1909 a) had the same origin. (For a discussion of the organic phosphorus of the soil sec (iortner and Shaw 1917). F. Bacterial Processes Which Influence the Form of Soil Nitrogen. We know that the decomposition of protein substances can be brought about through bacterial activity or by the agency of en- zymes widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom. We should expect any protein materials present in the soil to be subject to the action of the above agencies. Viewed in the light of the researches of Emil Fischer (1899-06) protein hydrolysis leads to disruption of the complex molecule and the formation of simple molecules, as represented in the following scheme* — i' Di-amino acids Mon-amino acids Acid amides Fischer has shown that the amino acid combination in the pro- tein molecule may be represented as follows: HO H H O I I! ! ! !J H.N-C-C N-C-C-O H I I R R O H The group II ! being known as the "peptid group." The — -C-N — nitrogen in this group is in the form of the imino (-NH) radical. Upon hydrolysis each "peptid group" takes up a molecule of water forming a free carboxyl (-COOH) group changing the imino group into an amino (— NH2) group. As the protein hydrolysis continues, the proportion of nitrogen in the amino form increases until it reaches a maximum at com- plete hydrolysis. It has been shown by Van Slyke (1910, 1911) that the amount of amino nitrogen formed is a measure rbf the hydrolysis of the protein substance. The amino acids derived from protein degradation may be acted upon by the bacteria in the soil and bring about chemical changes which depend largely on the character of the organisms present. 20 1. Deamination or reduction plays an important part in the formation of ammonium salts in the soil. The amino group is .split off as ammonia and non-nitrogenous organic acids remain. It is not certain whether this process involves oxidation of the amino acid to the ketonic acid first, or whether the deamination is brought about by hydrolysis. If the hydroxy acids are first formed they are subsequently reduced so that the fatty acids are formed from the amino acids. This can be illustrated by the following examples : Aspartic acid will give succinic acid, and this by loss of carbon dioxide gives propionic acid. Tyrosine— >p-Hydroxy-phenyl-propionic acid— >p-Hydroxy-phenyl-acetic acid— >p-Cresol— > Phenol This deamination or reduction is in all probability what is termed in soil chemistry ammonification. 2. Decarboxylation or amine formation involves the splitting off of carbon dioxide by the action of so-called carboxylase bac- teria. This may happen either before or after deamination. Their formation is illustrated in the following reactions: CH3-CH(NH,)-COOH- >CH:r-CH,.-NH,.+ CO2 Alanine Ethyl amine C,iH4(OH)-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH - ->CoH4(OH)-CH2-CHo-NH2 +CO2 Tyrosine p-Hydroxy-phenyl-ethyl amine >NH2-CH2-CH:!-CH2-CH;-NH2+CO2 Lysine Cadaverine NH2-C(NH)-NHCH2-(CH2)r-CH(NH2)-COOH- Arginine NH2-C(NH)-NH-CH2-(CH2)2-CH2-NH2+CO2 Agmatine Tryptophane gives rise to indole ethyl amine. Mathews (1915) states— If the splitting: off of carbon dioxide occurs after the deamidization an amine cannot, of course, be formed, but the next lower carboxylic acid is produced by way of the aldehyde. Thus from tyrosine there may first be formed p-hydroxy- phenyl-pyruvic acid, which may be reduced to p-hydroxy-phenyl- lactic acid, reabsorbed and reexcreted in the urine ; or the p-hy- droxy-phenyl-pyruvic acid may be split into p-hydroxy-phenyl acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide, and the former be oxidized into p-hydroxy-phenyl-acetic acid, which is excreted in the urine. It is well to remember that any bacteria of the coli group will split off carbon dioxide from an amino acid. It is evident that mixed cultures of bacteria may be present in the soil and thus cause more than one type of splitting to take place. 3. Hydrolysis takes place with liberation of carbon dioxide Ehrlich (1911) has shown that yeasts can convert amino acids into alcohols, liberating carbon dioxide and ammonia. C6H4(OH)-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH + H2O -- > Tyrosine CoH4(OH)-CH2-C Tyrosol 21 4. Oxidation results with liberation of carbon dioxide and ammonia and the formation of a fatty acid containing one less car- bon atom. A type reaction may be represented as follows : R-CHr-CH(NH2)-COOH + Oa - ->R-CH2-COOH + CO2+NH3 That oxidation is a factor in the organic matter of the soil is self-evident from the fact that carbon dioxide is constantly pres- ent in the soil atmosphere in excess of the amount present in the air, thus representing degradation of the organic matter to carbon dioxide and water, arid also from the fact that ammonia is trans- formed into nitrates, a process known in soil chemistry as nitrifica- tion, a reaction which is carried out in the laboratory by the most violent chemical oxidation, e. g., chromic acid. A further step in this oxidation carries the nitrates through denitrification which re- sults in the liberation of free nitrogen. In carrying to completion these processes on protein material one can easily postulate an almost unlimited number of organic compounds, which are theoretically (and in all probability) pos- sible. Very recently Robbins (1916) has produced some evidence that the existence of certain of the organic compounds in the soil is limited somewhat narrowly by specific bacteria, which either utilize the nitrogen or the carbon of the compound as a source of energy. Thus pyridine is destroyed by a specific bacterium which is able to utilize the nitrogen, and the carbon of cumarin and vanillin is like- wise a source of carbon for other specific bacteria. G. Nitrogen Distribution in the Soil The chemistry of soil nitrogen may to a large extent be con- sidered as being the chemistry of protein undergoing hydrolysis. The isolation of a number of amino acids indicates that proteins are decomposed in the soil in much the same way as in acid hydrolysis or animal digestion. Just how far the cleavages have already gone in the soil previous to acid hydrolysis remains a matter of much work before definite conclusions can be drawn. Walters (1915) has reported the presence of certain decompo- sition products in the soil, presumably proteoses and peptones, resulting from either a partial hydrolysis of proteins or by the syn- thetic action of microorganisms. It has been recorded by Hoppe- Seyler (1909, p. 413) that intermediate protein decomposition prod- ucts may result from the action of water at high temperature, by mineral acids, alkalies, oxidizing agents, enzymes and microorgan- isms. There is little reason to suppose that the action of micro- organisms is other than that of the enzymes which they produce. Effront (1914) states that under the influence of the various tryp- sins secreted by putrefactive bacteria, the protein molecule is split into proteoses, peptones and amino acids. The proteoses and pep- tones represent stages of decomposition between that of true pro- teins and amino acids. Walters concludes — that proteins undergo hydrolytic decomposition in the soil in much the same way as in dig-estion by enzymes, acids, or alkalies, in the laboratory. 22 In an extensive examination of the nitrogen compounds of processed fertilizers, Lathrop (1914) has reported the presence of certain protein-like substances similar to those described above. In his studies on the chemical nature of the organic nitrogen in the soil, Jodidi (1911) thought water would be preferable to either acids or alkalies for the purpose of extraction, since it would not be so liable to alter the organic nitrogenous materials. He found that the direct extraction of a soil by boiling with water for ten hours removed only 2.92 per cent, and for twenty-four hours the highest amount removed from any soil was 9.96 per cent of the total soil nitrogen. Shmook (1914), however, reports 19.10 per cent of the total nitrogen of a Laterite soil of Russia to be water soluble. The literature has been very thoroughly summarized by Potter and Snyder (1914) in regard to the determination of ammonia in soils. Both their work and that of Jodidi ( 1909) indicates that the amount of ammonia is small. Kelley and Thompson (1914) in a study of some Hawaiian soils reached the conclusion that ammonia and nitrate nitrogen constitute but a small percentage of the total nitrogen, and that the nitrogen is very largely in organic combina- tion. It is known that only a small part of the soil nitrogen is dis- solved by dilute acids, yet it has been shown by Kelley and Thomp- son (1914) that 1 per cent hydrochloric acid dissolves some organ- ic nitrogen, for in every instance the soils contained only about half as much ammonia nitrogen as was extracted by the acid. In the soil studies of Potter and Snyder (1915 a) they find that the nitrogen extracted by 1 per cent hydrochloric acid varied from about -1.2 to 2.3 per cent of the total nitrogen, except in the case of the peat it was only 0.67 per cent. This is contrary to the findings of Gortncr (1916 a). Working with eight mineral soils he finds a maximum of 4.18 per cent of the total nitrogen soluble in 1 per cent hydrochloric acid with an average of 3.17 per cent. In three peats he finds a maximum of 7.50 per cent with an average of 3.78 per cent, and in five samples of unchanged vegetable materials (oat straw, alfalfa hay, oak leaves, sweet fern leaves, and grass from a peat bog) he finds a maximum of 34.58 per cent with an average of 20.10 per cent. These findings would seem to indicate that in the transformation of vegetable materials into the true organic mat- ter of the soil there is a fall in the proportion of the total nitrogen soluble in very dilute acids. Shorey (1905) published results of his investigations which gave the first definite knowledge of the individual amino acids formed in the decomposition of soil organic matter. He worked on a Hawaiian soil with a view to classifying the decomposition prod- ucts of the nitrogenous substances in the soil. The method applied was that proposed by Osborne and Harris (1903) for classifying the decomposition products of proteins resulting from acid hydrolysis. The method is a modification of that proposed by Hausmann (1899) and is in short as follows : After hydrolysis the excess of the 23 mineral acid is removed by evaporation, and the nitrogen present as ammonia determined by distilling with an excess of magnesium oxide ; after separating the magnesia precipitate from the remain- ing solution by filtration, the nitrogen was determined in the pre- cipitate by the Kjcldahl method, the di-amino nitrogen in the fil- trate was precipitated by phosphotungstic acid and determined by the method of Kjeldahl and the mon-amino nitrogen determined by difference. He obtained in the acid solution 84.5 per cent of the total nitro- gen in the soil, 52.3 per cent of which was found in the magnesia precipitate. This result is in striking contrast to those obtained by Osborne and Harris (1903) working on pure proteins, where they found that the nitrogen contained in the magnesia precipitate does not usually exceed 4 per cent of the total nitrogen and in most cases is very much less. The amount of nitrogen insoluble in the 12 per cent acids used in the digestion may be designated as "hu- min." The nitrogen in the magnesia precipitate has been desig- nated by most investigators "humin" nitrogen. The total "humin" nitrogen in the soil is then represented by the nitrogen in the magnesia precipitate plus that retained by the soil. On -recalcula- tion of his data it was found that the insoluble humin in the soil after hydrolysis amounted to 15.3 per cent of the total nitrogen, making a total humin nitrogen content of 59.1 per cent. This very high result of total humin nitrogen was undoubtedly due to the soil being hydrolyzed only seven hours with a relatively low concen- tration of hydrochloric acid and the insoluble residue boiled the same length of time with sulfuric acid. Complete decomposi- tion of the proteins probably did not take place in the dilute acids used in the short time that they were heated. As a result partially hydrolyzed residues may have been precipitated by the magnesium oxide, which would account for the high results. Shorey (1906) concluded that even though we might know much concerning the constitution of the compounds comprising the various groups isolated from protein by this method of analysis, we know nothing concerning their composition when isolated from soil, inasmuch as we are not dealing with a pure protein (cf. also Oiortner 1913, 1914, 1916 c). The work of Suzuki (1906-08 c) gives us further knowledge of the individual amino compounds formed in the decomposition of soil organic matter. He worked with three samples of humic acid, o>ne obtained from Merck (origin unknown to Suzuki), one prepared from an unmanured soil, and one from a compost heap. After boiling each preparation for ten hours with strong hydrochloric acid, the undecomposed residue was filtered off, washed, and the residue extracted twice in this manner with strong hydrochloric acid. He determined the amounts dissolved as amide, di-amino, and mon-amino acid nitrogen. From 65 to 75 per cent of the total nitrogen was dissolved by the hydrochloric acid and in the extract 41 to 62 per cent of the nitrogen was not precipitated by phospho- tungstic acid. A sample of humic acid was twice extracted, with 24 concentrated acid and the residue analyzed. His results calculated on the ash free basis showed the residue to contain 64.11 per cent carbon, 3.35 per cent hydrogen, and 0.80 per cent nitrogen. The residue becomes lower in nitrogen*, hydrogen, and ash but richer in carbon as the hydrolysis is continued. Detmer (1871) pointed out that similar results were true in peat beds where the deposits remained undisturbed for years. He found that there is an increasing carbon and nitrogen content of the humus for varying depths. This is shown by the following table : Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Brown peat, near the surface... Dark peat, 7 feet 57.75 62.02 5.43 521 36.02 3067 0.80 2 10 Black peat, 14 feet. 64.07 5.01 26.87 4.05 Likewise Gortner (1917) observed — that there is a much greater wastage of carbon than nitrogen. Hilgard (1906) calls attention to the increased nitrogen content of the humus over that of the original vegetable materials. If we take the average carbon con- tent of proteins as 51.15 per cent (average of 30 analyses given by Mathews 1915) a C:N ratio of 3.06 found in soil A-1916 would give a nitrogen content of 16.71 per cent, which approaches very nearly to the average nitrogen content of these 30 proteins, i. e., 17.66 per cent. It is evident that the materials re- maining in the soils are rapidly increasing in nitrogen content. Suzuki (1906-08 c) made further studies on a 500 gram sample of the humic acid obtained from Merck. It was hydrolyzed with concentrated acid and the solution obtained subjected to esterifica- tion and fractional distillation according to the method of Fischer (1901). He obtained: Alanine • 2.39 gm. Leucine , 2.16 gm. Alanine + aminovalerianic acid • 0.11 gm. Aminovalerianic acid 0.57 gm. Proline (copper salt of active proline) . • 0.67 gm. (copper salt of inactive proline) (?) 0.50 gm. Aspartic acid • 0.06 gm. Impure aspartic acid (?) • • 3.16 gm. Glutaminic acid present Tyrosine trace Histidine trace Ammonia 1.90 gm. Copper salts of unknown acids • • • • • 30.30 gm. As these compounds are typical protein decomposition prod- ucts, his work proves that the humic acid examined by him was either of a protein nature, a mixture of protein decomposition prod- ucts, or probably both together with some as yet unknown com- pounds. Unfortunately, the origin of the acid was unknown to Suzuki, but he states that it was probably prepared from peat. From a study on Michigan peat soils Jodidi (1909) has con- cluded that the bulk of the organic nitrogen is made up of acid amides, di-amino acids, and mon-amino acids. He used slightly modified methods. The ammonia was determined as above by distillation with magnesium oxide. The residue from distillation with magnesia was dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid and the *He stated that although the nitrogen content decreases, it is very difficult to entirely remove all of the nitrogen. 25 di-amino acids precipitated by phosphotungstic acid. The nitrogen in the precipitate of di-amino acids was determined by the method of Kjeldahl. The filtrate from the di-amino acids containing the mon-amino acids was oxidized by the Kjeldahl method and the nitrogen determined. In some cases he secured the mon-amino nitrogen by difference, stating that it was difficult to get a direct determination of the mon-amino nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. He states that— this percentage was usually higher than the one directly found by kjeldahl- izing the filtrate from the phosphotung-istic acid precipitate. In one experiment the percentage of mon-amino nitrogen by direct determination was 62.83 per cent, while by difference the result was 67.22, and in another case the results were 64.25 and 65.06 respectively. It will be noted that this is a departure from the method used by Shorey (1905) in that here the nitrogen is separated into three fractions instead of the usual four.v The nitrogen in the magnesia precipitate was distributed with the di-amino and mon-amino acid nitrogen. This method of nitrogen distribution will be classed as "Jodidi numbers" (in contrast to the Hausmann numbers) in the subsequent portion of the paper. Van Slyke's (1910) nitrous acid method was first applied by Robinson (1911) to a study of peat soil, in order to determine the amount of amino^nitrogen present. The ammonia nitrogen was re- moved by previous distillation with magnesium oxide. The only value of Robinson's work seems to be in the fact that his figures for total and amino nitrogen increase to a maximum with in- creasing time of hydrolysis, in much the same manner that pro- teins react ; thus indicating that the amino groups were not ex- isting free in the peat but in some form of combination which did not react with nitrous acid. For example, after one hour's hydrolysis the total nitrogen of the soil in solution amounted to 29.86 per cent, while the amino nitrogen was 4.62 per cent or a ratio exceeding 6:1. After forty-two hours' hydrolysis the nitro- gen of the soil in solution was 51.54 per cent of the total nitrogen and the amino nitrogen was 25.07 or a ratio only slightly exceed- ing 2:1. This ratio increases again with further hydrolysis so that at the end of 138 hours the ratio is almost 3:1. However, the amount of nitrogen in solution was so small that the experimental error of measuring total and amino nitrogen must have been quite large. More recently Jodidi (1911) made a study of some Iowa soils using a modification of the Osborne and Harris (1903) method. The nitrogen removed from the solution by the magnesium oxide was ignored by the author.* This contained a part of the so-called "htimin" nitrogen. Subtracting the sum of the ammonia** and di-amino nitrogen from 100 he found the per cent of the nitrogen in ^Experimental data presented later in this paper will show that this fraction may exceed 9 per cent of the total nitrogen. **He distinguishes the ammonia nitrogen originally present in the soil as such, from that produced by acid hydrolysis. 26 solution as mon-amino nitrogen. It will be readily seen this con- clusion is incorrect. The mon-amino acid nitrogen as deter- mined represents the sum of the humin and mon-amino nitrogen. It is very unfortunate that this mistake should have been made since this gives us only the actual ammonia and di-amino acid nitrogen for use in comparison with other investigations of the organic soil nitrogen as distributed by acid hydrolysis. Kelley (1914) following details as outlined by Jodidi (1911) has made the same error and the criticisms above apply with equal force to his data. It is also extremely unfortunate that investigators should in any case rely upon figures obtained "by difference" for any one of their fractions. It is sometimes permissible to use figures obtained in this manner, for example, in case a determination has been lost and lack of time or other consideration prevents a repetition ; but to constantly use figures obtained in this manner is unscientific, especially, since by this method we have no means of determining how great the experimental error of the method may have been. Jodidi (1911) called attention to the fact that in the case of protein substances the distillation of the hydrolyzed protein with magnesium oxide gives pure ammonia. This, however, may not hold true for the hydrolyzed portion of soils, since some protein substances through decay yield organic bases. It has been shown by Bocklisch (1885) that dimethyl amine is formed through putre- faction of fish, and trimethylamine has been produced by the putrefaction of wheat flour and fish. The bases putrescine and cadaverinc result from the decay of organic substances under cer- tain conditions. It is possible for certain di-amino acids to be- come transformed into di-amines, as for example, arginine can be decomposed into urea and ornithine through bacterial activity. These processes can be expressed by the following equations : NH2-C(NH)-NH-CH2-(CH2)2-CH(NH2)-COOH + H20- Arginine NH2 Hs-CHr-CH^CH (NH:)-COOH+C=O l Ornithine .NH, Urea NH,,-CH2-CH,-CHa-CH(NH2)-COOH -- > Ornithine CO2+NH^CH,-CH2-CH,-CH2-NH2 PUtrescine Jodidi found that the ammonia obtained by distilling the evaporated extract of the soil with magnesium oxide was actually pure ammonia, thereby establishing the absence of any volatile organic bases ; but that the phosphotungstic acid precipitate and the filtrate from that precipitate did not represent di-amino and mon- amino acids only. In order to find out how much of the di-amino and mon-amino nitrogen actually belonged to di-amino and mon-amino acids, the solutions were subjected to analysis by the formaldehyde-titration 27 method of Schiff (1900, 1901, 1902) as modified by Sorensen (1908), Henriques (1909), and Henriques and Sorensen (1910). In a comparison of the amount of di-amino* acid nitrogen, calculated as if histidine, arginine, and lysine were present in about equal amounts, he finds that in plot E, 101.8 per cent; plot Q, 84.8 per cent; and plot U, 93.9 per cent of the nitrogen in the phos- photungstate fraction was actually present as di-amino acids. However, he obtains widely divergent results for mon-amino acid nitrogen; in plot E, 91.64 per cent; plot Q, 52.63 per cent; plot U, 40.12 per cent; plot H, 88.31 per cent; and plot J, 92.11 per cent of the total nitrogen in the "filtrate from the bases" was actually present as mon-amino acid nitrogen whereas all should have been present in this form if dealing with pure proteins only. He, therefore, concludes that the di-amino and mon-amino acids, or in other words, the bases and filtrate from the bases by hydro- lyzing soils, contain other products- than are formed by hydrolysis of pure proteins. In a series of fertilized soils studied by Lathrop an.d Brown (1911) they find that almost 98 per cent of the nitrogen in the soil is of organic nature. The ammonia and nitrate nitrogen constitute the remainder. Employing the same method to the distribution of the soil organic nitrogen as Shorey (1905), they boiled 100 grams of soil with 500 cc. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.115) for three hours, and used the filtrate after making to definite volume for the analyses. The figures given for ammonia nitrogen represent the actual amount of nitrogen as ammonia obtained by hydrolysis and does not include the ammonia nitrogen already present in the soil. They find that the plots which have received organic fer- tilizers give the largest amount of ammonia on hydrolysis, the amount being highest in the plot which has received manure alone and lowest in the check plot. Of the five soils studied, four contained over 25 per cent of the "humin" nitrogen soluble in acid, while the other only showed about half as much. Since the nitrogen of the soil not soluble in acid may be considered "humin" nitrogen, the total amount in this form in the above four soils was over 53 per cent, while in the other soil, which received dried blood, it amounted to only 43 per cent. However, the fractions which they determined have actually very little significance in a discussion of protein hydrolysis products, inasmuch as a three-hour hydrolysis is far too short a time to com- pletely decompose the protein molecule. This explains their high figures for humin nitrogen and low ones for mon-amino acid nitrogen. The di-amino and mon-amino acid nitrogen differ rather widely but there seems to be no agreement between the form of nitrogen and the plot treatment. *The exact interpretation of his data is difficult to understand. 28 In conclusion they say — these five samples of soil are really the same soil under long- continued treatment of different kinds. It is not improbable that work on widely differ- ent soils will show even much greater variations than those here noted. The work shows, however, that even in such cases there is a difference in the nitrogenous compounds in the soil, and that different decompositions of the nitrogenous matter has taken place and probably will continue to take place, under the different conditions imposed upon the soils in the field. A very interesting study has been made by Shmook (1914) of the nitrogen distribution in four Russian soils, one of the Podzol type, two of the Chernozem type, and one of the Laterite type by applying the method of Hausmann (1899). The water extract from 100 grams of the Podzol soil showed a very high content of soluble nitrogenous compounds. This amounted to 0.0452 gram of nitrogen which constituted 19.10 per cent of the total soil nitro- gen. This was distributed as follows : amide nitrogen 0.0034 gram, di-amino nitrogen traces, and mon-amino nitrog-eia 0.0408 gram. These results were deducted from the analyses of the hydrolyzed soil. Thirty gram samples of soil were hydrolyzed with 120 cc. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12) for 8 hours and the analysis carried out as directed. He finds, that the Chernozem and Podzol soils show a simi- larity in the distribution of amide nitrogen, and that of the amino acid nitrogen, but that the nitrogen distribution in the Laterite soil is entirely different from the other types. He concludes that the amount of protein in the soil is not in direct relation to the amount of organic matter, and that the nitrogen insoluble in hydro- chloric acid occurs in unknown form and composes only 1.50 to 1.90 per cent of the organic matter of the Chernozem and Podzol soils, but 13.70 per cent of the total organic matter of the Laterite soil, after subtraction of the protein nitrogen belonging to this insoluble portion. He suggests that these results would indicate that the organic nitrogen existed in the soil in large part as protein material in the Chernozem and Podzol soils, but that a considerable portion was of a non-protein origin in the Laterite soil, since the amount of this insoluble "melanin" in pure proteins amounts to from 0.60 to 1.80 per cent of the total protein nitrogen.* Potter and Snyder (1915 a) made a study of some Iowa soils using Van Slyke's (1911) method of protein analysis. Their soils were the same type but had received different fertilizer treatment. At the same time they also made a study of peat soil. The soils were in all cases first extracted with 1 per cent hydrochloric acid "in order to render the humus more soluble." They were then hydrolyzed by boiling one part of the soil with two parts of 22 per cent hydrochloric acid for forty-eight hours. They also pre- pared a 1 per cent sodium hydroxide extract of the acid leached soils, and after precipitation with sulfuric and acetic acids the resulting humic acid precipitate was subjected to the above method of analysis. The authors conclude: (1) that the humin nitrogen as deter- mined by the Van Slyke method on soils extracted by dilute alkali *Actually in some cas^s these results are much lower, and in others de- cidedly Higher, e. gr., Van Slyke (1911) finds gelatin contains 0.07 per cent and fibrin 3.17 per cent. 29 is very high when compared to the amounts in proteins ; (2) that no typical class of organic compounds is extracted from the soil by dilute alkali ; (3) that the amounts of amino acid and peptid nitrogen in the soil are found to be very small compared to the amounts of amino. acids formed by acid hydrolysis ; (4) (and this is the most important for our purpose) that nothing very significant can be deduced from the variations in the different soils, or in other words, the organic matter in the same soil type under different fertilizer treatment, is essentially the same, and as I shall show later in the experimental part of this paper, the organic mat- ter (as distributed by Van Slyke's method) in different soil types is essentially the same. Lathrop (1916) recently made a study of protein decomposi- tion in the soil. He added a high grade nitrogenous fertilizer to the soil and allowed decomposition to proceed at laboratory tem- perature, and at different periods topk samples and subjected them to Van Slyke's method o.f protein analysis in order to determine how the different fractions were affected by bacteria and other agencies present in the soil. From his \vork he concludes that the analysis obtained by the Van Slyke method indicates that there is a formation of protein taking place in the soil in the course of the decomposition of the protein materials, and that apparently the new protein is somewhat resistant to decomposition. He states, that — this is indicated in (1) the unequal loss of mon-amino acids and hydroly/able nitrogen from the soil during- the early stages, (2) by an increase in amide nitrogen during the early stages, (3) by an increase in histidine nitrogen dur- ing the early stages, (4) by an increase in the arginine nitrogen during the later stages, and (5) by an increase in lysine nitrogen during the later stages. This view that the protein nitrogen in the soil was largely con- tained in the bodies of bacteria and protozoa had been previously advanced by Shmook (1914). It was stated by Loew and Aso (1906-08) that under favor- able condition of growth protein material is excreted by yeast and bacteria, and that soluble materials can pass through the cytoplasm to the outside on death of the cell. They also state that the amount of nitrogenous substances partly consisting of peptones excreted by dead cells, is by no means inconsiderable. H. A Summary of the Nature of the Organic Matter of the Soil in the Light of Our Present Knowledge. It has been pointed out, that the organic matter of the soil was at first considered to be a very simple thing, that the alkali extract contained the essential plant nutrients, and that the process of "humification" was the necessary step through which the or- ganic matter of the oil must pass in order to be converted into food materials for plant life ; but as the knowledge of chemistry de- veloped it became evident that the problem was more complex. A definite knowledge of the forms of organic matter in the soil can only be secured when we have a thorough understanding of 30 the chemical products formed by the action of the bacteria, pro- tozoa, and fungi on each other, and on the organic matter, both animal and plant, that finds its way to the soil. The present method is to study the soil with its complex mixture of organic and in- organic compounds, and by the application of recognized methods of chemical investigation unravel the mysteries tied up in it; but unless we have the climatic and cultural conditions uniform, we cannot hope to secure results that will be of general application. There have been two methods of attacking the problem: first, the isolation and study of the individual organic compounds ex- isting in the soil, and, second, a study of the hydrolysis products. It is evident that these methods are slow and tedious and unsatis- factory, but on the other hand a study of all the possible combina- tions of the organic substances existing in the soil appears to be an endless task in the light of our present knowledge. In brief, a complete and thorough knowledge of the organic matter of the soil appears possible only after we have mastered all of the bio- chemical processes which are characteristic of the fungi, protozoa, and bacteria of the soil, and have a much deeper insight into the chemical constitution of vegetable cells than we have at the present time. Our present knowledge leads us to believe that it is possible to isolate an almost infinite variety of chemical compounds from a soil, the number and variety reaching a limit only when we have isolated all of the compounds which are pres- ent in the plants which grew upon the soil, plus those compounds contained in the bodies of bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, plus all of the compounds which may be derived from these compounds under the peculiar soil conditions of decay, oxidation, bacterial ac- tion, and the secretions of fungi and living plant roots. 31 II. EXPERIMENTAL: A STUDY OF THE NITROGEN DISTRIBUTION IN DIFFERENT SOIL TYPES. A. The Problem. It has been shown in the historical study above that a number of investigators have studied the organic nitrogen distribution in the soil by applying either Hausmann's (1899) or Van Slyke's (1910, 1911) method of protein analysis. It has been demonstrated by Potter and Snyder that various plots on a single soil type under different fertilizer treatments gave, with Van Slyke's method, es- sentially the same results. I have taken up the problem at this point and made a similar study of the organic nitrogen distribution in different soil types in an attempt to see whether the forms in which nitrogen occur differ from locality to locality and from soil type to soil type. 1 am concerned with the problem of distribution of the organic nitro- gen in the soils and soil extracts studied. B. The Material. The study was made using two peats, one muck, seven mineral surface soils, and one subsoil. All were from the State of Min- nesota. The origin and type names are in accordance with the surveys of the Bureau of Soils of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture when such surveys were available. Almost all of the soils used are portions of the identical samples employed by Gortner (1916 a, and 1917) in his soil studies. The samples used in this study were all air dry soils. The moisture was determined by heating the soils to a temperature of 100° C. for 12 hours and then weighing. The descriptions of the soils follow : 1. Calcareous black grass-peat. This sample was selected from a large bulk sample taken to a depth of 8 inches from a grass bog near the Agricultural Experiment Station Farm, St. Paul. The peat was black and well decomposed. The peat was ground to a powder in a ball mill before using. The air dry material con- tained 6.40 per cent moisture. 2. Sphagnum-covered peat. This sample of very strongly acid peat was prepared from a large bulk sample taken from a bog on the Experimental Farm near Grand Rapids. The superficial layer of sphagnum and shrubs was first removed and a sample of the un- derlying peat taken to a depth of 8 inches. The peat was poorly decomposed. The sample was prepared by grinding to< a powder in a ball mill. The air dry soil contained 5.90 per cent moisture. 3. Acid "muck" soil. A sample of this strongly acid soil was obtained from a bog about two miles from the farm of the Agri- 32 cultural Experiment Station, St. Paul. The sample is a composite of 10 samples taken to a depth of 8 inches lengthwise of the bog. The vegetation of the bog was largely cattails (Typha spp.) and rushes (Scirpus spp.) The sample contained 5.60 per cent moisture in the air dry condition. 4. Fargo clay loam. The sample analyzed consisted of a composite made from 144 borings taken to a depth of 8 inches from a twenty-acre field on the Northwest Sub-station Farm, Crookston. The sample was highly calcareous. This soil type has been de- scribed by Mangum and Schroeder (1906). The moisture content of the air dry soil was 3.92 per cent. 5. Fargo silt loam. This sample was a composite made from 100 borings to a depth of 6 inches, twenty borings being taken from each of five virgin fields near Nerstrand, Rice County. The sam- ple had a neutral -reaction. The soil type has been described by Burke and Kolbe (1909). The air dry soil contained 14.89 per cent moisture. 6. Carrington silt loam. This soil is represented by two sam- ples. Each composite consisted of 100 borings to a depth o-f 6 inches, twenty borings being taken from each of five virgin fields near Nerstrand, Rice County, for Sample number I, and twenty borings being taken from each of five virgin fields near Morristown, Rice County, for Sample number II. Sample 1 was strongly acid while Sample II was but slightly acid. The soil type is described by Burke and Kolbe (1909). The moisture content of sample I was 6.22 per cent. 7. Hempstead silt loam. A composite sample from 36 borings to a depth of 6 inches was taken from 12 plots on the Agricultural Experiment Station Farm, St. Paul. No commercial fertilizer had been applied, but the land had long been under cultivation. The soil type has been described by Smith and Kirk (1914). The sam- ple was strongly acid. The air dry soil contained 3.07 per cent moisture. 8. Prairie-covered loess. The sample consisted of 50 borings taken to a depth of one foot, ten borings being taken from each of five virgin fields near Luverne, Rock County. The sample was somewhat calcareous. The area from which the sample was ob- tained has not been subjected to a detailed soil survey. The air dry soil contained 7.89 per cent moisture. 9. Forest-covered loess. This sample wras taken from five virgin fields near Caledonia, Houston County, ten borings to a depth of one foot being taken from each field and equal weights from each boring being combined in the composite sample. The sample was strongly acid. The air dry soil had a moisture content of 1.87 per cent. 10. Hempstead silt loam subsoil. This was a third foot bulk sample taken from a grove on the farm of the Agricultural Experi- ment Station, St. Paul. The sample was strongly acid. 33 C. The Method. The method of Van Slyke (1911) has been used throughout this investigation because the nitrogen can be separated into a larger number of fractions than when the earlier method of Haus- mann (1899) is employed. The different fractions, however, are not listed in the same manner as in the Van Slyke method, for since we are not dealing- with pure protein material we cannot correctly speak of arginine, histidine, cystine, and lysine nitrogen. Van Slyke (1915) has called attention to the fact that his method was devised for the analysis of pure protein material and not for a heterogeneous mixture of nitrogen compounds. This fact was not recognized by certain investigators. Grindley and Slater (1915) applied this method to the analysis ot feeding stuffs in exactly the same manner as though they were dealing with a pure protein. Potter and Snydcr (1915 a) analyzed certain soils and soil extracts and report their fractions as "arginine," "histi- dirtfe," etc. Although they state (p. 2221) : It is not thought that nitrogen as found by the Van Slyke method, work- ing with such a complex as the soil, is in reality, all lysine, histidine, etc., nitrogen. It might be said that each group, as found, represents 'a class of compounds having the particular reaction by which the lysine. histidine, etc., nitrogen respectively are determined. It is obvious that there are other types of organic materials which will interfere with the nitrogen distribution. It seems very probable that in soils as well as in the material analyzed by Grind- ley and Slater (1915) there must be many organic nitrogen com- pounds which have no relation to the protein molecule, such as purme bases, pyrimidine bases, nitrogenous lipins, nitrogenous pig- ments, as well as other non-protein nitrogenous compounds (cf. the list of non-protein nitrogenous compounds actually isolated from the soil as given in the preceding part of this paper). Gortner (1913) states that much valuable comparative data can be obtained by the application of Van Slyke's method to the analysis of heter- ogeneous materials ; but it is self evident that no analogy can be drawn between the analysis of pure protein and the analysis of a protein mixed with an unknown amount of foreign nitrogenous compounds. The results of Potter and Snyder (1915 a) are of little value in advancing our knowledge of soil proteins or for comparison with analyses of pure proteins, but are extremely valuable and interesting for comparison between themselves and with other analyses of soils carried out under similar conditions. It must be remembered that all data on similar material is strictly comparable when the same method of analysis is followed. It is possible that many of the non-protein nitrogenous com- pounds may be split up during the hydrolysis of heterogeneous ma- terial. Gortner (1913) has shown that uric acid nitrogen is dis- tributed in all four of the major fractions after hydrolysis. The ammonia nitrogen amounted to 15.27 per cent, humin nitrogen 35.98 per cent, basic nitrogen 12.97 per cent, and non-basic nitrogen 3S./8 per cent. "The humin nitrogen contained no trace of black color and was probably calcium ureate." Probably all of the purines and pyrimidines would behave in a similar manner. 34 The general method employed in this investigation will be dis- cussed in detail for two soils, a peat and a mineral soil, inasmuch as the experimental conditions vary in minor details with the two types. 1. The method in detail for a peat soil. Duplicate samples of 15 grams were hydrolyzed in the presence of hydrochloric acid for 48 hours. The content of calcium oxide was taken into, account, and corrections made so that the 100 cc. of hydrochloric acid used was of sufficient concentration to neutralize the lime and at the same time furnish a constant boiling acid. The hydrolysis was carried out in 200 cc. long neck, round bottom Kjeldahl flasks, fitted with modified Hopkins condensers made from a test tube which fit rather loosely into the neck of the flask. By means of this device any error due to products extracted from cork or rubber stoppers was obviated. The flasks were heated to gentle boiling on the same sand bath over an Argand burner, so that the rate of hydro- lysis would be as near the same as possible. After completion of the 48 hour hydrolysis the mixture was evaporated in a Claissen distilling flask under diminished pressure until all the hydrochloric acid possible was driven off. The residue after this distillation was dissolved in 100-150 cc. of water, 100 cc. of 95 per cent alcohol, and an excess of calcium hydroxide sus- pended in water was added and the ammonia distilled off into standard acid at a temperature of 40-50° C. under a pressure of less than 30 mm., distillation being continued for at least a half hour. The results are listed under "ammonia nitrogen." The alkaline mixture in the distilling flask was filtered and the precipitate well washed with hot water until free of chlorides. A Kjeldahl determination was made of the filter and its contents, and the results listed under "humin nitrogen." The filtrate and washings from the humin were acidified with hydrochloric acid and concentrated under diminished pressure to less than 200 cc. To this solution was added 18 cc. of concen- trated hydrochloric acid and the whole heated on the water bath until hot. A solution containing 15 grams of phosphotungstic acid was then added and the heating on the water bath continued for an hour. The flask was then set aside in a cool place for 48 hours. The precipitate of the bases was then filtered off and washed as directed by Van Slyke (1911). The basic phosphotungstates were suspended in 800 cc. of water and brought into solution by the cautious addition of a 50 per cent solution of sodium hydroxide, a few drops of phenolph- thalein being added to guard against too great an excess of alkali. The phophotungstic acid was precipitated by the addition of a slight excess of 20 per cent barium chloride, and the barium phos- photungstate was filtered off and washed free of chlorides with hot water. The filtrate and washings were united, acidified with hydro- chloric acid, and concentrated under diminished pressure to a very small volume. After cooling the residue was filtered, washed and made up to 50 cc. volume. 35 The washed precipitate of barium phosphotungstate and filter were subjected to Kjeldahl determination for any nitrogen that might be held by absorption, adsorption, or occlusion, as was also the filter and contents remaining after the final filtration of the solution containing the basic nitrogen. In all cases some nitrogen was found. This nitrogen is probably derived from the "unad- sorbed humin carried down with the !^asic phosphotungstates" mentioned by Van Slyke (1915, p. 284). Inasmuch as my work was done prior to this publication, I added this nitrogen to the total nitrogen content of the bases instead of to the humin. During the distillation after kjeldahling this precipitate the cochineal indicator took on a color which made the acid solution appear that complete neutralization might have occurred when in fact it had not. This color change was noticed in every case with the barium phosphotungstate distillate. This made titration diffi- cult, since a new end point had to be established. Gortner and Holm (private communication) have observed a similar color change in the case of fibrin hydrolyzed in the presence of a large excess of formaldehyde. They explain this finding on the assump- tion that pyridine (or some similar base) is formed which is not easily broken down in the Kjedahl process (cf. Dakin and Dudley, 1914), and which greatly influences the color changes of the indicator when the base is volatalized during the subsequent distillation with alkali. Whether or not this is the cause of the phenomenon observed in my materials cannot be ascertained, with- out further investigation. In no case did I attempt to separate the basic nitrogen into the usual fractions of "arginine," "cystine," "histidine," and "lysine" nitrogen, because I am not dealing with pure protein. Instead in each case the total nitrogen liberated as ammonia was determined on 25 cc. of the solution containing the bases. This was determined in exactly the same manner that Van Slyke used for the determina- tion of arginine nitrogen. The volume of standard acid neutralized by the ammonia indicated the amount contained in the 25 cc. of solution used. The nitrogen found is listed as "basic nitrogen set free as ammonia by 50 per cent potassium hydroxide." The solution remaining" from this determination was used in the estimation of the total nitrogen of the bases. This was performed according to Van Slyke's directions. The quantity of acid neutralized in this determination was added to that neutralized in the basic-nitrogen- set-free-as-ammonia-by-50-per-cent-potassium-hydroxide, thus se- curing- the "total basic nitrogen." The "amino nitrogen of the bases"" was determined in Van Slyke's (1912) apparatus, using 10 cc. portions of the solution. The filtrate from the bases was treated with sodium hydroxide solution until a slight turbid precipitate -of lime was formed, and then cleared immediately by the addition of acetic acid. This was concentrated under diminished pressure and on cooling was made to 200 cc. volume. The solutions were more or less violet in color. "Total nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases" was determined on duplicate portions of 25 cc. each by the method of Kjeldahl. The 36 digestion was continued for three hours after the solutions were clear, so that the phosphotungstic acid would not interfere with the accuracy of the determination. The "amino nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases" was determined on duplicate portions of 10 cc. each by means of the Van Slyke (1912) apparatus. 2. The method in detail for a mineral soil. Duplicate portions of 250 grams were hydrolyzed in 500 cc. round bottom Kjeldahl flasks for 48 hours on different sand baths. Allowance was always made for the lime content of the soil, and the requisite amount of hydrochloric acid added to insure the presence of a constant boiling acid (sp. gr. 1.115), and a volume of approximately 250 cc. The solutions boiled smoothly and gave no trouble by bumping. Air dry soil was used in all cases, but the moisture was determined on a separate portion and all data calculated to the dry basis. On completion of the hydrolysis each of the two samples was diluted to a 1000 cc. in measuring flasks and allowed to settle for at least 24 hours. The clear solution was then syphoned off and an aliquot of 500 cc. analyzed according to the usual method of Van Slyke. In nearly all cases this solution was straw color due to the presence of ferric salts that had been formed during the hydrolysis. No black color, the usual color of a protein hydrolysate, was observed in any instance. Another aliquot of 100 cc. was used for the determination of total nitrogen in the solution by making duplicate Kjeldahl de- terminations on 50 cc. portions. A second aliquot of 100 cc. was used for the determination of ujodidi numbers" (cf. p. 25) when they were determined. The soil remaining in the measuring flask was washed free from soluble nitrogen with a 1 per cent solution of potassium sul- fate by decantation from tall soil beakers, the solution after set- tling being syphoned off not oftener than twice a day. This meth- od was employed in order to prevent the clay from forming a colloidal suspension. Distilled water alone would remove all elec- trolytes and allow a portion of the clay to remain in the solution in colloidal suspension. It is known that suspensions of finely di- vided clay carry a negative charge in pure water. Since it is necessary for the complete precipitation of colloids to. have some electrolyte present it was decided to use a 1 per cent solution of potassium sulfate. The negatively charged colloid was thus pre- cipitated by the positive ions of the potassium sulfate solution and at the same time the salt would not interfere with the subse- quent Kjeldahl determination. A concrete example of the thoroughness of this washing may well be given. It will be noted that 700 cc. of the original hydrol- ysate was syphoned off for the different analyses. This left a total volume of 300 cc. of residue and solution to be washed by decanta- tion with 1 per cent potassium sulfate. By the methods of calcu- lation given in the following paragraphs it was found that the re- maining- solution contained 0.1089 gram of nitrogen. If three- fourths of the wash solution is removed each time, there will remain 37 in the solution at the end of the fourth washing approximately 0.0004 gram of the original nitrogen. Actual Kjeldahl determinations were made on 250 cc. portions from the fourth washing in the case of duplicates from the same soil, and the results indicated that 0.0006 gram of nitrogen still remained in the solution. Since this was within experimental error of the theoretical value, the method of washing by decantation was followed in all the subsequent work with mineral soils, or those which had mineral soils added previous to the analysis. The residue from the hydrolyzed soil was evaporated to dry- ness on the steam bath in an evaporating dish, then further dried at about 110° C. After cooling, this dry soil was passed through a 1 mm. sieve and after being thoroughly sampled, duplicate nitro- gen determinations were made on 15 gram portions and the total nitrogen remaining in the soil calculated. These results are listed as ''insoluble humin nitrogen in the soil." The weight of the dry soil divided by the average specific gravity (2.6) represented the actual volume occupied by this soil residue. The total volume of the hydrolysate minus the volume occupied by the insoluble resi- due gives the actual volume of the soil solution. Since the analysis was made on 500 cc. of the soil solution it was necessary to recalculate the total "insoluble humin nitrogen in the soil" in order to determine the amount of this humin nitrogen actually belonging to the aliquot analyzed. The total nitrogen belonging to the solution analyzed was found by taking the sum of the total nitrogen in the solution and the above insoluble humin nitrogen. Knowing the total nitrogen content of the soil before hydrolysis and the total nitrogen in solu- tion, the per cent of the total nitrogen in solution after hydrolysis can be determined. The 500 cc. aliquot was concentrated under reduced pressure until the hydrochloric acid was practically removed and the am- monia nitrogen determined in the manner outlined under the peat analysis. The "humin" fraction precipitated by the calcium hydroxide was almost colorless or light yellow, due to the iron salts con- tained in it. This bulky precipitate was always washed by de- cantation after the method above described, except that distilled water was used, the united washings being concentrated to 200 cc. or less for the precipitation of the basic nitrogen. It was found necessary to use 35 grams of phosphotungstic acid for the precipitation of the bases. The remainder of the analysis was carried out as directed under peats. 3. The method for determination of "Jodidi numbers." A 100 cc. portion of the clear hydrolysate was concentrated under reduced pressure and the ammonia nitrogen determined in the usual manner. The residue remaining in the flask after this de- termination was dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and phosphotungstic acid added.* After standing the usual length of time the precipitate was filtered of! and the total nitrogen deter- *lt will be noted that no "humin" fraction is separated. In that respect the "Jodidi numbers" differ from Hausmann numbers. 38 mined on the filter and -contents by the Kjeldahl method and listed as "basic N." The filtrate from the above precipitate was con- centrated and made to 300 cc. volume. Duplicate determinations were made on 100 cc. portions, and the total nitrogen listed as nitrogen in the filtrate from the "bases." 4. The determination of nitrogen. Nitrogen was determined on the soils and soil extracts in the usual manner, using 25-35 cc. H.,SO4, 10 gm. K2SO4, and a crystal of CuSO4. All titrations were made with N/14 acid and alkali so that the figures obtained repre- sented milligrams of nitrogen without necessitating a calculation. D. The Analytical Data. The essential data which have already been published on the soils studied are shown in Table I. Table I. — Certain analytical data for the soils used in this paper. Data of Gortncr (1$16 a). 3 'c "^ & "" 11 ^ o o tf "w 1^ |1 be c G X •** in ^ C _o "1* % Ss o ^ o « +> 0 X C — • w C cd 3 .O .CJ ^ if o 1 Calcareous black grass-peat Sphagnum-covered peat 6.40 5.90 2.940 2.000 42.81 49.32 0.600 none 28.71 32.91 14.56 24.66 Acid ''muck" soil . . 5.60 1.340 14.58 none 7.14 10.88 Fargo clay loam. . . . Fargo silt loam 3.92 14.89 0.250 0.823 2.678 10.02 2.360 0.200 2.66 9.91 10.72 12.17 Carrington silt loam. Hempstead silt loam Prairie-covered loess Forest-covered loess 6.22 3.07 7.89 1.87 0.371 0.256 0.301 0.128 4.733 3.373 3.704 1.638 0.090 0.020 0.240 0.120 4.95 3.61 3.40 1.79 12.76 13.17 12.30 12.79 1. Analysis of "fibrin from blood" hydrolyzed in the presence of 100 grams ignited subsoil. This analysis was conducted in order to ascertain if possible the effect of soil minerals upon the hydro- lysis of a pure protein. Fibrin wras selected because it was from a sample already analyzed (Gortner 1916 c). The subsoil was first ignited to redness in a muffle furnace for an hour, in order to drive off all the organic matter, and subsequently cooled in a desiccator. Duplicate portions of five grams fibrin and 100 grams ignited subsoil were hydrolyzed in the presence of an excess of hydrochlo- ric acid. Upon the application of heat, fumes of hydrogen chloride were evolved for some time. The analysis was conducted like that of the mineral soils, excepting that a 600 cc. aliquot was used for the analysis, this amount of solution being equivalent to three grams of fibrin. After making the ammonia determination the humin precipitate was washed by decantation in the usual man- ner and the filtrate made to 250 cc. volume. The first wash solu- 39 tion from the humin precipitate had a characteristic light blue color in each case. Duplicate Kjeldahl determinations were made on 25 cc. portions of this solution and the results listed as total- nitrogen-in-the-filtrate-from-humin. The remaining 200 cc. solu- tion was used for the precipitation of the bases and the subsequent analysis, but of course the results were calculated on the basis of the total volume. The total nitrogen belonging to the aliquot an- alyzed was determined by adding the nitrogen obtained as am- monia, humin, and total-nitrogen-in-the-filtrate-from-humin to the insoluble-humin-nitrogen-in-the-soil. The filtrate-from-the-bases was made to 250 cc. volume. Twenty-five grams of phosphotungstic acid was used for the precipitation of the bases. The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate was 0.0022 gram for Sample I and 0.0020 gram for Sample II. The experimental data showing the grams of nitrogen found a-nd per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table II. Table II. — Nitrogen distribution *in tJyree grams of Merck's "fibrin from blood" hydrolyzed in the presence of 100 grams of ignited subsoil. Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen I II 1 I II 1 Av. Total \ 04577 04591 Ammonia N • • 0.0457 0.0455 9.98 9.91 . 9.95 Insoluble humin N in soil Humin N pptd. by CaCOH), 0.0125 00220 0.0130 0.0221 2.73 4.81 2.83 4.81 2.78 4.81 Basic N • • \rgmine N • • 0.1219 0.0598 0.0995 0.0440 26.63 13.07 21.68 9.58 24.15 11.32 Histidine^T none none none Lysine N • • Cystine N 0.0597 0.0531 13.04 11.57 12.30 0.51 Amino N in bases • • 00775 0.0746 16.93 16.25 16.59 N in filtrate from bases.. Amino N in filtrate from bases 0.2725 02671 0.2909 02702 59.54 58.36 63.36 58.85 61.45 58.61 Non-amino N in filtrate from bases • • 00054 00207 1 18 451 284 Total N regained ....-••• 0.4746 0.4710 103.69 102.59 103.14 iFrom data of Gortner (1916 c). Table III shows a comparison of these analyses with other analysis of the same sample of fibrin hydrolyzed alone, and in the presence of three times its weight of cellulose (data of Gortner 1916 c). Differences .between these analyses, together with differences between duplicates in each series of analysis, and data showing "maximum" and "average" experimental differences to be expected are given in Table IV. These comparisons will be considered in detail under "Dis- cussion" in the latter part of this paper. 40 Table III. — Comparative analyses of three grains* of Merck's 'fibrin from blood" hydrolyzed alone and in the presence of carbo- hydrate and of ignited subsoil. c .M t; I* c3 O ti 1 0 ,Q CM aJ C 'U'O "d c "S C g-Cd 8? 52 Van Slyke's o ^ O r* E_, o w {^ ^ J-t ^ - S (~\ Q1 1 ^ \ 11/1.1 1 '•£ o ^ bco ^ ^3 ^n *** *^ •*•* ^ 5f G-^- rK ^3 0>U p, ^) ^ ^^ ^2 ""'" experimental ^•M 'C P *o'£ 'C O • 'ct-1 differences o > 9 ftr>-2'o ft>-S ' s . s- ^A •rn rj /-A. M •C"" ^ C HH •3 "ja £ t feo"^ ®'o" |SsS ||S2 d C^ S P-l OH 0 cc. portions used for the dis- tillation. This method was followed subsequently with th'e "humin" nitrogen determination of all the mineral soils. The nitrate from "humin" was of a sirupy consistency in each case. The first addition of 15 grams of phosphotungstic acid did not entirely precipitate the bases. Five gram portions were added from time to time until a total of 50 grams had been used. After standing the usual length of time the precipitate of the bases was filtered off, but even then the wash water caused the formation of a small additional precipitate in the filtrate. After warming on the steam bath this final solution was perfectly clear, and on standing over night, only a trace of precipitate was formed so the precipita- tion was considered complete. It appears probable that a portion of this precipitate is due to the formation of inorganic phospho- tungstates which consume a very large amount of the phospho- tungstic acid, for if all of this precipitate had consisted o.f basic nitrogen compounds the amount of nitrogen recovered should have been greater than the amount which was actually found. In all the subsequent work 35 grams of phosphotungstic acid was used for the precipitation of the bases in the hydrolysates from mineral soils. The phosphotungstate precipitate dissolved very slowly in the sodium hydroxide as did all other phosphotungstic acid precipitates of the mineral soils studied. A Kjeldahl determination of the barium phosphotungstate gave 0.0026 gram nitrogen. The solution containing the nitrogen of the bases was made up to 100 cc. volume. During the concentration of the filtrate from the bases so much precipitate separated, that this was filtered off and the solution made up to 300 cc. volume. The salt remaining was dissolved in water and also made up to a volume of 300 cc. Aliquot portions were taken from each solution and combined for the different de- terminations. The experimental data giving the grams of nitrogen and per cent of total nitrogen are found in Table VIII. Table VIII. — Nitrogen distribution in Fargo clay loam. Grams nitrogen [ Per cent of total nitrogen II II Av. Total N 03368 0 3338 Ammonia N 0 0788 "00821 23 40 24 60 24 (X) Insoluble humin N in soil. Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2 0.0948 00352 0.0948 00266 28.15 1045 28.40 797 28.27 Q 21 Basic N . i 00320 9 58 Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 0.0108 3?3 323 Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00212 635 63=1 Amino N of bases • • 00215 6 44 Non-amino N of bases • • 00105 3 14 N in filtrate from bases. . . 0.1092 32.71 Amino N in filtrate from bases 0 1027 3077 30 77 Non-amino N in filtrate 00065 1 95 1 9S Total N regained 0.3447 103.26 103.77 1 Entire sample lost during precipitation of bases. 6. Fargo silt loam. Two 125 gram portions were hydrolyzed for 48 hours with 500 cc. hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.18). During the first few hours large amounts of hydrogen chloride were evolved. The resulting hydrolysates from the two flasks were com- bined and diluted to 2 liters. After settling, a 1 liter portion was syphoned off and analyzed by the usual method. Two 100 cc. por- tions were used for the determination of total nitrogen in solu- tion, and another portion of 200 cc. was used for determination of the "Jodidi numbers." The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate was 0.0091 gram. The solution containing the basic nitrogen was made to 100 cc. volume and that containing the nitrogen in the filtrate from the bases to 300 cc. volume. The experimental data showing grams of nitrogen and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table IX. Table IX. — Nitrogen distribution in Fargo silt loam. Total N Ammonia N Insoluble humin N in soil Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2 Basic N Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Amino N of bases • • • • Non-amino N of bases • • N in filtrate from bases • Amino N in filtrate from bases Non-amino N in filtrate from bases Total N regained Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen 0.9238 0.2454 0.2118 0.03011 0.1119 0.0296 0.0823 0.0695 0.0424 0.3246 0.3015 0.0231 26.56 22.93 3.26 12.11 3.20 8.91 7.52 4.59 35.14 32.64 2.50 100.002 By difference. Calculated. 45 7. Carrington silt loam. Sample I (Nerstrand origin). The hydrolysis of 250 grams was carried out according to the method described under Fargo silt loam. The "humin" nitrogen was de- termined as outlined under Fargo clay loam. Sample II (Morris- town origin) was hydrolyzed and the same methods of analysis employed throughout as was applied to- Sample I. The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate precipitate was 0.0028 gram in Sample I and 0.0025 gram in Sample II. In both samples the solutions containing the bases and nitrate from the bases were made to the same dilution as under Fargo silt loam. The experimental data showing grams of nitrogen and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table X. Table X. — Nitrogen distribution in Carrington silt loam. I Sample No. I | Sample No. II Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Total N .... 0 5124 04920 Ammonia N 0 1463 28 55 01381 2807 Insoluble humin N in soil Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2. • Basic N 0.1324 0.0304 00600 25.84 5.93 11 71 0.1210 0.03263 00725 24.59 6.63 1474 Music N set free as NPL by 50% KOH 0.0172 3 36 00156 3 17 Masic N not set free as NH;t by 50% KOH .. ... 004?8 835 00569 11 S7 Amino N of bases 0.0412 804 0 0393 799 Non-amino N of bases 00188 367 0033? 67S N in filtrate from liases 0.1305 25.47 0 1390 28.25 Amino N in filtrate from bases Non-amino N in filtrate from bases. Total N regained • i 0.4996 97.50 0.1272 0.0118 0.5032 25.85 2.40 102.28 Solution lost at this point. 2 Result calculated from the digestion of one-half the precipitate. 8. Hempstead silt loam. Duplicate 250 gram samples were hydrolyzed for 48 hours. The "humin" was washed and the de- termination carried out as described under mineral soils. The only explanation which occurs for the higher ammonia nitrogen of one hydrolysate is that Sample I must have been heated more strongly during hydrolysis. From unpublished experiments conducted at this Station it has been found that when a pure protein is hydro- lyzed under vigorous boiling, a. greater amount of ammonia nitro- g~en is invariably obtained than when hydrolyzed under slow boil- ing conditions. This observation was made subsequently to my own, so that the importance of the rate of boiling was not known at the time of doing my work. Only 25 grams of phosphotungstic acid were added for the precipitation of the bases. After standing the solution gave a further precipitate on addition of more phosphotungstic acid. It was concluded, however, that the organic bases were entirely pre- cipitated, for on washing the precipitate with the phosphotungstic acid wash water no additional precipitate formed. The nitrogen determination gave 0.0011 gram retained by the barium phospho- tungstate. The solution containing the nitrate from the bases was made to 300 cc. volume. 46 The experimental data giving the grams of nitrogen and pel cent of total nitrogen will be found in Table XI. Table XL — Nitrogen distribution in Hemp stead silt loam. | Grams nitrogen | Per cent of total nitrogen | I~ II " I II | Av. Total "NT 0 3416 03485 01042 0.0989 30.50 28.38 29.44 Insoluble humin N in soil Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2 0.0981 0.0164 0.0920 i 28.72 4.80 26.40 27.56 4.80 Basic N 00389 11 39 Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00078 2.28 2.28 Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00311 9 10 9.10 00254 744 00135 395 N in filtrate from bases 00960 28.10 Amino N in filtrate from bases 0.0839 24.56 24.56 Non-amino N in filtrate from bases 00121 3.54 3.54 Total N regained ~. 0.3536 103.51 101.29 1 Solution lost at this point. 9. Prairie-covered loess. In Sample I, 250 grams were hy- drolyzed in the presence of 250 cc. of constant boiling hydrochloric acid for 48 hours. The hydrolysate on cooling was diluted to 1000 cc. and a 500 cc. portion was syphoned off and used for the an- alysis. In Sample II, two 125 gram samples were hydrolyzed in the same manner as outlined under Fargo silt loam (500 cc. con- stant boiling hydrochloric acid to 125 grams soil). The dilution and aliquot used for analysis were also the same. The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate amounted to 0.0020 gram in Sample I, and 0.0072 gram in Sample II. The solution con- taining the bases was diluted to 100 cc. in both samples. The experimental data showing grams of nitrogen found and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XII. Table XII. — Nitrogen distribution in prairie-covered loess. | Grams nitrogen | Per cent of total nitrogen ! I II i II Av. Total N 03907 04012 Ammonia N • • 0 1223 0 1194 31 30 29.76 30.53 Insoluble humin N in soil Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2 0.0922 00198 0.1007 0.0213 23.60 5.07 25.10 5.31 24.35 5.19 Basic N 0.0444 0.0562 11.36 14.01 12.68 Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Amino N of bases 0.0100 0.0344 0.0271 0.0132 0.0430 0.0322 2.56 8.80 6.93 3.29 10.72 8.03 2.92 9.76 7.48 Non-amino N of bases... N in filtrate from bases.. Amino N in filtrate from bases 0.0173 0.1152 0 1044 0.0240 0.1128 0 1033 4.43 29.49 26.72 5.98 28.12 25.75 5.20 28.80 26.24 Non-amino N in filtrate from bases 0.0108 0.0095 2.76 2.37 2.56 Total N regained 0.3939 0.4104 100.82 102.30 101.56 47 10. Forest-covered loess. In Sample 1, 300 grams of soil were hydrolyzed and diluted in the same manner as Sample I of prairie-covered loess. In Sample II, 300 grams of soil were hy- drolyzed under the same conditions as Sample II of prairie-covered loess. The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate was 0.0024 gram in Sample I, and 0.0023 gram in Sample II. The solution containing the nitrogen of the bases was Diluted to 100 cc. in both samples and the solutions containing the total nitrogen of the filtrates were made to a volume of 300 cc. It is observed that the volume of acid used in the hydrolysis had little effect on the proportion of the different fractions. The only observed difference is in the insoluble humin nitrogen retained by the soil residue, and this is slightly larger in Sample II, which was hydrolyzed in the presence of the greatest excess of acid. In connection with this it must also be noted that there is a somewhat larger quantity of nitrogen in solution in Sample II than in Sample I. Much the same results are shown with the prairie-covered loess. All increases or decreases in the various fractions due to the greater excess of acid may well be considered to be within the experimental error. The experimental data showing grams of nitrogen found and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XIII. Table XIII. — Nitrogen distribution in forest-covered loess. | Grams nitrogen | Per cent of total nitrogen ] I II I II [ Av. Total N 0.2224 0.0646 0.0574 0.0140 0.0316 0.00/4 0.0242 0.0175 0.0141 0.0621 0.0585 0.0036 0.2297 0.2362 0.0669 0.0662 0.00801 0.0325 0.0096 0.0229 0.0172 0.0153 0.0626 0.0568 0.0058 Ammonia N 29.05 25.81 6.29 14.21 3.33 10.88 7.87 6.34 27.92 26.30 1.62 103.28 28.32 28.03 3.30 13.76 4.06 9.70 7.28 6.48 26.50 24.05 2.45 U/O.UO2 28.69 26.92 4.84 13.98 3.69 10.29 7.57 , 6.41 27.21 25.17 2.04 101.64 Insoluble humin N in soil Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2 Basic N Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Amino N of bases Non-amino N of bases. . . . N in filtrate from bases.. Amino N in filtrate from bases Non-amino N in filtrate from bases Total N regained By difference Calculated. 1 1 . Sphagnum-covered peat hydrolyzed in the presence of nine times its weight of a mineral subsoil. Duplicate 10 gram samples were hydrolyzed in the presence of 90 grams subsoil with constant boiling hydrochloric acid for 48 hours. The hydrolysate was con- centrated as much as possible and ammonia nitrogen determined on the entire mixture by distillation with an excess of calcium hy- droxide for one hour.* *This was the first attempt to determine the nitrogen fractions in the presence of a mineral soil. For certain reasons later analyses have already been reported in this paper. The analyses as reported in this paper are by no means in chronological order, which may explain seeming1 inconsist- encies. 48 The residue remaining after hydrolysis was washed free of chlorides on ordinary funnels. It was then digested in three Kjeldahl flasks using a total of 30 grams potassium sulfate and 360 cc. sulfuric acid. After digestion the material was transferred to a 1000 cc. flask, made to volume, and the nitrogen content deter- mined as described under sphagnum-covered peat. It will be ob- served that the total "humin" nitrogen is determined here instead of being reported in two separate fractions as was done in the case of all other analyses containing mineral soil. The combined filtrate and washings from the "humin" precipi- tate were concentrated in the usual manner and made to 200 cc. volume. Duplicate Kjeldahl determinations were made on 25 cc. portions of this solution and the results listed, as total nitrogen- in-the-filtrate-from-humin. The remaining 150 cc. portion was used for the precipitation of the bases, the subsequent procedure being completed as described in the "fibrin from blood" analysis. The barium phosphotungstate precipitate retained 0.0016 gram of nitrogen in Sample I, and 0.0053 gram in Sample II. In the second sample the combined filtrate and washings from the phosphotungstic acid precipitate of the bases were brought to near the neutral point with 50 per cent sodium hydroxide and a small amount of acetic acid added at once. After the addition of the acid it seemed possible that the neutral point had not been reached the first time, so more sodium hydroxide was added until the neutral point was just passed and acetic acid again added. The resulting solution was placed in a double-necked distilling flask and an attempt made to concentrate the solution under diminished pressure. Frothing was so intense that it was impossible to effect any concentration. When alcohol was added the distillation con- tinued quietly as long as any alcohol was present, but after that the frothing continued. The mixture behaved like a concentrated soap solution. The solution was finally concentrated in an evaporating dish over a water-bath and the resulting solution made to 300 cc. volume. On shaking the solution frothed very badly. The experimental data showing the grams of nitrogen found and the per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XIV. A comparison between these analyses and those of the peat hydrolyzed alone is made in Table XV, the data of the peat hy- drolyzed alone being taken from Table VI, and recalculated from a 15 gram basis to a 10 gram basis. 49 Table XI]7. — Nitrogen distribution in sphagnum-covered peat livdrolyscd in the presence of nine times its weight of a mineral subsoil. Grams nitrogen I II" I Per cent of total nitrogen " I | "II | Av. Total N 02441 02441 Ammon'a N 0.0625 0.0621 25.60 25.44 25.52 Humin N 0.0658 0.07561 26.96 j 26.96 Basic N • • 00268 0 0374' 1098 ] 10.98 Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 0.0095 00173 0.0105 3.89 709 4.30 4.09 \mino N of bases • • 00177 00179 725 733 7.29 00091 373 N in filtrate from bases.. Amino N in nitrate from bases • • 0.0954 0.0836 0.0948 0.0815 39.08 34.25 38.84 33.39 38.96 33.82 Non-amino N in filtrate from bases Total N regained 0.0118 0.2505 0.0133 ^_..._: 4.83 102.62 5.45 5.14 102.42 1 These results are evidently incorrect and in the "average" column the figures from the first column only are used. Table XV. — Comparative analyses of sphagnum- cohered peat hydrolyzed alone and in the presence of nine times its zveight of a min- eral subsoil. Grams Nitrogen Apparent distribution of Nin subsoil in per cent of total nitrogen Peat Peat Subsoil1 fncrease ( + ) or Decrease(— ) Total N 0.2000 0.0466 0.0527 0.0195 0.0060 0.0135 0.0105 0.0090 0.0860 0.0776 0.0084 0.2048 0.2441 0.0623 0.0658 0.0268 0.0100 0.0168 0.0178 0.0090 0.0951 0.0825 0.0126 0.2500 +0.0441 -J-0.0157 +0.0131 +0.0073 +0.0040 +0.0033 +0.0073 \mrr>.onia N . . 35.60 29.71 16.55 9.07 7.48 16.55 Humin N Basic N Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Amino N of bases \on-amino N of bases. N in filtrate from bases.... N in filtrate from bases • • +0.0091 +0.0049 +0.0042 +0.0452 20.64 11.11 9.52 102.50 Non-amino N in filtrate from bases Total N regained .......... 1 Ninety gm. of subsoil contained 0.0441 gm. of soil nitrogen. 12. Sphagnum-covered peat hydrolyzed in the presence of metallic tin. This peat was hydrolyzed in the presence of a reduc- ing agent because it was thought that the amount of "humin" nit- rogen would be reduced, for according to Samuely (1902) the formation of this dark colored product is due to an oxidative proc- ess. Hlasiwetz and Habermann (1871 and 1873) hydrolyzed pro- tein with hydrochloric acid in the presence of stannous chloride in order that the solution should remain colorless. Cohn (1896-97 50 and 1898-99) believed that the use of »a reducing agent was not essential, but according to Otori (1904) this is a mistake. It is perhaps significant that the "humin" nitrogen was reduced to 3.90 per cent by the presence of a reducing solution. It is not known whether there was sufficient tin present to maintain a reduc- ing solution throughout the hydrolysis inasmuch as the ferric iron in the peat would have an oxidizing action on the stannous salt. The sample was known to contain iron but the amount was not determined. Duplicate 15 gram samples were hydrolyzed with 100 cc. hydro- chloric acid (sp. gr. 1.115) for 48 hours in the presence of five and ten grams of tin respectively. The tin was first partially dissolved in the acid before the samples of peat were added. The deter- mination of "humin" nitrogen was carried out as directed under sphagnum-covered peat excepting that the digested material was diluted to 500 cc. instead of to 1 liter. The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate was 0.0023 gram in Sample I; and 0.0047 gram in Sample II. The solution containing the filtrate from the bases was diluted to a volume of 300 cc. The experimental data giving the grams of nitrogen found and the per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XVI. Table XV L — Nitrogen distribution in hydrolyzed in the presence of metallic tin. sphagnum- covered peat Grams nitrogen | Per cent of total nitrogen 1 I . 5 gm. tin II 10 gm. tin I II Av. Total N 0.3000 0.0633 0.0699 0.0320 0.0099 0.0221 0.0193 0.0127 0.1 4041 0.1297 0.0107 0.3056 0.3000 0.0578 0.0650 0.0417 0.0100 0.0317 0.0219 0.0198 0.1380 0.1307 0.0073 0.3025 Ammonia N Humin N 21.10 23.30 10.67 3.30 7.37 6.43 4.23 46.80 43.23 3.56 101.86 19.27 21.67 13.90 3.33 10.57 7.30 6.60 46.00 43.57 2.43 100.83 20.18 22.48 12.28 3.31 8.97 6.86 5.41 46.40 43.40 2.99 101.34 Basic N .... Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH.... Amino N of bases ' • • Non-amino N of bases. . . . N in filtrate from bases.. Amino N in filtrate from bases Non-amino N in filtrate from bases Total N regained 1 This result is from a single determination of nitrogen. 13. Analysis of a 1 per cent hydrochloric acid extract of sphag- num-covered peat and (in part) of calcareous black grass-peat. Acid extraction was made of the two peats in direct contact with 1 per cent hydrochloric acid. For the extraction 125 gram por- tions were placed in 2.5 liter acid bottles and two liters of 1 per cent acid added. In the case of calcareous black grass-peat, how- ever, the calculated amount of hydrochloric acid necessary to neu- tralize the calcium oxide was first added and then sufficient dilute acid to make two liters of a 1 per cent solution. Five hundred 51 grams were taken in the case of sphagnum-covered peat, while 750 grams were taken in the case of calcareous black grass-peat. The bottles were shaken at intervals during five days and then the con- tents filtered through two thicknesses of a good grade of cheese cloth and squeezed in the hands. The resulting solution was then j filtered through two thicknesses of filter paper on a Buchner funnel. This extract was colored in each case but the calcareous black grass-peat gave a deeper straw colored solution than did the sphag- num-covered peat. This was probably due to the presence of a larger amount of iron in the one case than in the other. The cal- careous black grass-peat is known to contain a very considerable quantity of iron. The wash water in both instances was also straw colored. It has been shown by a number of investigators, e. g., Jodidi (1909), Kelley and Thompson (1914), and Gortner (1916 a) 'that considerable amounts of nitrogen are dissolved from certain soils by this preliminary treatment. Xhe acid solution thus obtained should contain the ammonia, acid amides, amines, amino acids, and all other organic nitrogenous compounds soluble in water or very dilute acid. The 1 per cent hydrochloric acid extracted 8.57 per cent of the total nitrogen from sphagnum-covered peat, and 5.09 per cent from the calcareous black grass-peat. Duplicate nitrogen determinations were made on 250 cc. por- tions of the acid extract and from these results the total nitrogen in the bulk solution determined. The 5500 cc. solution from sphag- num-covered peat, containing 0.6468 gram nitrogen, and the 5000 cc. from the calcareous black grass-peat, containing 0.4690 grain nitrogen, were used for analysis. These solutions were concen- trated under reduced pressure to about 200 cc. and then hydrolyzed for 48 hours, after first adding 75 cc. concentrated hydrochloric acid to the solution from sphagnum-covered peat, and 100 cc. to the solution from the calcareous black grass-peat. During evap- oration under reduced pressure considerable hydrolysis took place for the solutions turned dark brown in color. During hydrolysis of calcareous black grass-peat silicic acid separated in the con- denser.* The analysis of sphagnum-covered peat shows that over 65 per cent of the nitrogen is in the form of ammonia. Potter and Snyder (1915 a) have shown that a very small amount of the nitrogen in the 1 per cent hydrochloric acid extract of soils exists in the soil as ammonia nitrogen. It seemed probable that if an extract of the peat contained so much ammonia nitrogen after hydrolysis, the air dry peat must contain an appreciable amount in the ordinary con- dition. The ammonia nitrogen was determined directly on a 5 gram sample of the air dry material. An excess of calcium hydroxide solution was added and the mixture distilled under reduced pressure for forty-five minutes. It was found that 5.40 per cent of the total *This was also true with all of the mineral soils studied, and is probably due to the presence of inorganic fluorides. 52 nitrogen of the soil existed in the form of ammonia nitrogen.* The precipitates containing the "humin" nitrogen were washed by decantation until practically all the dissolved nitrogen was removed. After digestion the material was diluted to 500 cc. and 250 cc. portions used for distillation. Before concentration the filtrate from the "humin" precipitate of sphagnum-covered peat was reddish in color and after concentration this color changed to a cherry red. Twenty-five grams of phosphotungstic acid was used for precipitation of the bases in sphagnum-covered peat. The barmm phosphotungstate precipitate retained 0.0022 gram nitrogen. The solution containing the basic nitrogen was diluted to 50 cc. and the one containing total nitrogen-in-filtrate-from-bases to 250 cc. The experimental data showing the grams of nitrogen found and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XVII. Table XVII. — Nitrogen distribution of a 1 per cent h\drochloric acid extract of sphagnum-covered peat and (in part) of calcareous black grass-peat. Sphagnum-covered peat Calcareous black grass-peat Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Total N 06468 04680 Ammonia. N • • 04230 . 55 40 03013 64 38 Humin N 00657 10 16 00582 1244 Basic N 00389 601 i Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00181 280 Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00208 321 Amino N of bases 0.0266 4.11 Non-amino N of bases 0.0123 1 90 N in filtrate from bases 0.1335 20.64 Amino N in filtrate from bases 0.1107 17.11 Non-amino N in filtrate from bases. 0.0228 3.53 Total N regained 0.6611 102.21 1 Distribution of remaining' nitrogen not determined. 14. Analysis of a portion of sphagnum-covered peat soluble in 4 per cent sodium hydroxide and precipitated by hydrochloric acid and (in part) of a similar solution from a calcareous black grass-peat. The organic material soluble in 4 per cent sodium hydroxide was next extracted from new portions of the two differ- ent peats. Twelve 5 gram portions were leached with 1 per cent of hydrochloric acid to the absence of calcium and the excess of acid removed by washing with distilled water, until the filtrate indicated only a faint trace of free acid when tested with Squibb's litmus paper. After leaching and washing, each 5 gram portion was washed into tall glass-stoppered cylinders of 500 cc. .capacity *This was further indicated by greenhouse experiments. The peat was treated with calcium carbonate at the rate of 4000 pounds per acre and planted to barley. The plants made a very rapid growth during the early stages of development and finally lodged. Next to this was a plot of calcareous black grass-peat which contained only 0.88 per cent of its total nitrogen in the form of ammonia nitrogen. When limed and sown to barley, it did not show any abnormal growth. 53 with 4 per cent sodium hydroxide and filled to the mark. These were thoroughly shaken and placed on their sides, thus allowing the peat to settle on the sides of the cylinder, thereby exposing a very large surface to the action of the hydroxide. The shaking was repeated at intervals for nine days. The cylinders were then thor- oughly shaken, placed in a vertical position and allowed to settle for four days before the supernatant liquid was syphoned off and filtered. The samples of calcareous black grass-peat were almost completely dissolved by the hydroxide solution. These filtered solutions were neutralized with hydrochloric acid (solution tested faintly acid) when a brown flocculent precipi- tate separated. This was allowed to settle for several hours and the cider colored solution syphoned off. The brownish black pre- cipitates were filtered and after draining over night were thoroughly mixed with a large volume of water and again filtered and drained. The resulting precipitates were hydrolyzed with 200 cc. of hydro- chloric acid for 48 hours. This amount of concentrated acid was added and the flask brought to boiling until hydrogen chloride fumes were evolved showing the presence of constant boiling acid. Silicic acid separated on the condenser during the hydrolysis of calcareous black grass-peat. Even after the hydrolysis there still remained some small lumps of the "humus" precipitate. The entire hydrolysate was used for the ammonia determina- tion. After this determination the "humin" precipitate was thor- oughly ground in a mortar to insure complete disintegration, al- though this seemed hardly necessary as the solid was already in a fairly fine state of division. This precipitate was washed in the usual manner by decantation, the filtrate concentrated by evapora- tion and made to 250 cc. volume. Duplicate portions of 25 cc. were used for the determination of total nitrogen in the solution and the result listed as total nitrogen-in-the-filtrate-from-humin. The remaining 200 cc. portion was used for precipitation of the bases and subsequent analysis. The high content of carbonaceous organic matter made the "humin" precipitate very difficult to digest. The sulfuric acid required was 120 cc. and the digestion extended over 10 days be- fore complete decoloration was effected. Of course precautions were taken to prevent the absorption of ammonia from outside sources, The material was diluted to 500 cc. and 250 cc. portions used in the distillation. The basic nitrogen was precipitated with 25 grams of phosphotungstic acid. The nitrogen retained by the barium phosphotungstate was 0.0043 gram. The solution contain- ing the basic nitrogen was made to 50 cc. volume, and that con- taining the total nitrogcn-in-the-filtrate-from-the-bases was made to a volume of 250 cc. The experimental data showing the grams of nitrogen and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XVIII. 54 Table XVIII. — Nitrogen distribution in that portion of a sphag- num-covered peat soluble in 4 per cent sodium hydroxide and precipi- tated by hydrochloric acid and (in part) of a similar solution from a calcareous black grass-peat. Sphagnum-covered peat Calcareous black grass-peat Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Total N 0.2860 0.0464 0.0950 0.0309 0.0070 0.0239 0.0174 0.0135 0.1175 0.0965 0.0210 0.2898 0.6344 0.0781 0.2093 i Ammonia N . . 16.22 33.22 10.80 2.45 8.35 6.08 4.72 41.08 33.74 7.34 101.32 12.31 32.99 Humin N Basic N Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH Amino N of bases Non-amino N of bases N in filtrate from bases Amino N in filtrate from bases Non-amino N in filtrate from bases. Total N regained 1 Distribution of the remaining- nitrogen not determined. 15. Ana'ysis of a portion of sphagnum-covered peat soluble in 4 per cent sodium hydroxide and not precipitated by hydro- chloric acid and (in part) of a similar solution from a calcareous black grass-peat. The filtrate remaining from the brownish black precipitate formed by acidifying the sodium hydroxide extracts of the soil with hydrochloric acid (cf. section 13) were concentrated in the usual manner to about 700 cc. when a heavy precipitate of sodium chloride separated. On standing over night there also separated a heavy flocculent brown precipitate. This may have been due to the salting out effect of the sodium chloride on some of the organic substances in the solution. The solution was sat- urated with hydrogen chloride in the cold and the mixture then divided into two portions and hydrolyzed for 48 hours. The cold material after hydrolysis was united and filtered through glass wool and the precipitate washed with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The filtrate was allowed to stand in a tall soil beaker when more salt separated, due to the increased concentration of the hydro- chloric acid. The salt that separated was freed from the mother liquid by packing in a centrifuge and washing with acid a number of times. The salt washed as free of the solution as possible was dried on the steam bath. It was nearly white in color. The glass wool was dried and ground with the salt. After being sampled, 15 gram portions were used for Kjeldahl determinations. The results were listed as nitrogen-retained-by-the-salt. The combined nitrates were concentrated and analyzed. After the digestion of the humin nitrogen, the material in the Kjeldahl flask was made to 500 cc. volume and the distillations carried out on 250 cc. portions. The nitrate and washings from the humin were acidified and evaporated under diminished pressure to less than 200 cc. and then made to 250 cc. volume. Duplicate nitrogen determinations were made on 25 cc. portions of the solution and 55 the results listed as total nitrogen-in-the-nltrate-from-humin. The total nitrogen in the hydrolysate was determined by add- ing the nitrogen obtained as ammonia, and humin (in salt and that precipitated by calcium hydroxide) to the total nitrogen-in-the- filtrate-from-humin. Fifteen grams of phosphotungstic acid were used for the pre- cipitation of the bases. The barium phosphotungstate from the sphagnum-covered peat retained 0.0055 gram nitrogen. The solu- tion containing- the basic nitrogen was made to. 50 cc. vUim" '•»* ' that containing the total nitrogen-in-the-filtrate-from-the-bases was made to 250 cc. volume. The experimental data showing the grams of nitrogen and per cent of total nitrogen are given in Table XIX. Table XIX. — Nitrogen distribution in that portion of a sphagnum- cohered peat soluble in 4 per cent sodium hydroxide and not precipi- tated by hydrochloric acid and (in part) of a similar solution from a calcareous black grass-peat. Sphagnum-covered peat Cateareous black grass-peat Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Grams nitrogen Per cent of totat nitrogen Total N 03736 06204 Ammonia N ; . . . 0.0993 26.58 0.2003 32.29 Humin N pptd. by Ca(OH)2 Humin W retained in NaCl 0.0335 00102 8.97 273 0.0652 0 0169 10.51 2.72 Basic N 00324 867 2 Basic N set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00070 1.87 Basic N not set free as NH3 by 50% KOH 00254 680 \mino N of bases . . 0.0160 4.28 Non-amino N of bases 00164 4.39 "V in filtrate from bases 0 20061 5369 •\mino N in filtrate from bases 0 1721 4607 \on-amino N in filtrate from bases.. 0.0285 7.62 Total N regained 0.3760 100.64 1 Calculated from one determination. Duplicate lost in digestion. 8 Distribution of the remaining nitrogen not determined. 16. "Jodidi numbers." These determinations were carried out as directed previously on Fargo clay loam, Fargo silt loam, Hempstead silt loam, prairie-covered loess, and forest-covered loess. The resulting data in grams and in per cent of total nitrogen are shown in Tables XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, and XXIV. The figures for similar fracions from the complete Van Slyke analyses are added for comparison. These results will be discussed later. 56 Table XX. — "fodidi numbers" determined on 100 cc. of hydrol- ysate of Fargo clay loam, together with a comparison of similar frac- tions taken from the Van Slyke analysis. Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Average data of Van Slyke analysis TablfVlIl Total N Ammonia N Residue from above acidi- fied with HC1 and bases pptd. direct, "Basic N". N in filtrate from "bases" Total N regained I 0.0484 0.0160 0.0033 0.0315 0.0508 II 0.0478 0.0160 0.0055 0.0277 0.0492 I II Av. 33.06 6.82 65.08 104.96 33.47 11.51 57.95 102.93 33.26 9.16 61.52 103.94 24.00 9.58 32.71 Table XXI. — "Jodidi numbers" determined on 200 cc. of hydrol- ysate of Fargo silt loam, together with a comparison of similar frac- tions taken from the Van Slyke analysis. Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Average data of Van Slyke analysis. Table IX. Total N 0 1424 Ammonia N 0.0487 34.20 26.56 Residue from above acidified with HC1 and bases pptd. di- rect, "Basic N" ; . . . N in filtrate from "bases" Total N regained 0.0193 0.0777 0.1457 13.55 54.56 102.31 12.11 35.14 Table XXII. — "Jodidi numbers" determined on 100 cc. of hydrol- ysate of Hempstead silt loam, together with a comparison of similar fractions taken from the Van Slyke analysis. Average Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Van Slyke ana ysis s Table XI Total N I 00487 II 1 0.0513 I 11 Av. Ammonia N 00207 00197 4251 3840 4045 2944 Residue from above acidi- fied with HC1 and bases pptd. direct, "Basic N". N in filtrate from "bases" Total N regained 0.0068 0.0243 0.0518 0.0067 0.0255 0.0519 13.96 49.90 106.36 13.06 49.71 101.17 13.51 49.81 103.77 11.39 28.10 57 Table XXIII. — "Jodidi numbers" determined on 200 cc. of hydrol- ysate of prairie-covered loess, together with a comparison of similar fractions taken from the Van Slyke analysis. Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Average data of Van Slyke analysis. Table XII. Total N 0.0601 Ammonia N . . 00244 4060 3053 Residue from above acidified with HC1 and bases pptd. di- rect "Basic N" 0.00361 5.99 12.68 N in filtrate from "bases" 0.0321 53.41 28.80 Total N regained 100.002 1 By difference. 2 Calculated. Table XXIV. — "Jodidi numbers" determined on 200 cc. of hydrol- ysate of forest-covered loess, together with a comparison of similar fractions taken from the Van Slyke analysis. Grams nitrogen Per cent of total nitrogen Average data of Van Slyke analy sis. Table XIII. Total N 0.0340 Ammonia N . . . . . ... 0.0130 3824 2869 Residue from above acidified with HC1 and bases pptd. di- rect, "Basic N" 0.0059 1735 1398 N in filtrate from "bases" 00175 51 47 2721 Total N regained 0.0364 107.06 17. Summary Tables. Certain of the preceding analyses have been summarized in Tables XXV, XXVI. In Table XXV are shown the amounts and percentages of soil dissolved by the acid during hydrolysis as well as the amount of nitrogen and percentage of the total nitrogen dissolved. Table XXVI summarizes average nitrogen distribution of Tables V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, and XIX. Table XXV. — Percentages of soil and of soil nitrogen dissolved by hydrolysuig the different soil types. Soil type &> a a C/3 Grams soil taken (dry basis) Grams soil dis- solved Per cent soil dis- solved Grams nitrogen in soil Grams nitrogen dis- solved' Per cent of dis- solved nitrogen Fargo clay loam I TT 240.2 2402 43.2 432 17.99 0.6005 0.4252 70.79 Kargo silt loam T 222.8 54.8 24.60 1.8336 1.4237 77.65 Carrington silt loam . . Hempstead silt loam . Prairie-covered loess . Forest-covered loess . I I II I II I II 235.5 242.3 242.3 230.3 230.3 294.4 294.4 36.5 32.3 . 33.3 42.3 45.3 29.4 32.4 16.61 13.33 13.74 18.37 19.64 9.98 11.11 0.8738 0.6201 0.6933 0.3768 0.6191 0.4395 0.4508 0.5260 0.4991 0.2735 0.2511 70.91 70.87 72.69 75.91 72.02 72.19 66.65 aThe figures in this column were obtained by subtracting the "insoluble humin nitrogen" remaining in the residual soil from the nitrogen figures ob- tained by multiplying the original weight of soil taken (dry basis) by the nitrogen content of the soil. These figures may or may not agree with the figures obtained in kjeldahling a portion of the solution, due to experimental errors, and perhaps to errors introduced in using a uniform factor (2.6) for specific gravity. The figures in this column are free from any error of this sort. paadAOO •jl opiums *I tUBOl . xio}Suu.n!0 H •UIBO| •ureoi PPV in •TJH A'q .HO«X %t •TOH (! jou in °^3X S ^*JU OS r-H laaudg H X paa^.voo -u i uuS « HX H.X — i LO SO Ox t^ rj- (M 00 CM u-j 10 CM VOco^OONi-H o '— i C^J ON ^t "^ O O LO ON CM •— < »— i CM O\IO U> *-* VO W> O CM co VO C^i co CXJ t~v! -^ LO ^j CM CM " CM — i CM CM ON T-H LO O LO co CM •— ' CM ON vC Tf ^ ""> *- ' -3- T-H TJ- 00 GO ON ^J- ; ON * * t< co co l-H CM T-H \OT-H O T-H o CO OvO CM r_. D. 1910. Erne Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der aliphatischen Amino- gruppen; einige Anwendungen derselben in der Chemie der Pro- teine, des Harns und der Enzyme. Ber., Bd. 43, pp. 3170-3181. VAN SLYKE, D. D. 1911. The analysis of proteins by determination of the chemical groups characteristic of the different amino acids. /. Biol. Chem., v. 10. pp. 15-55. VAN SLYKE, D. D. 1912. The quantitative determination of aliphatic amino groups. II. J. Biol Chem., v. 12, pp. 275-284. VAN SL\KE, D. D. 1915. Improvements in the method for analysis of proteins by determina- tion of the chemical groups characteristic of the different amino- acids. J. Biol. Chem., v. 22, pp. 281-285. VAUQUELIN. 1797. Sur une maladie des Arbres qui attaque specialement 1'Orme, et qui est analogue a un ulcere. Ann. chim., t. 21, pp. 39-47. WALTERS, E. H. 1915. The presence of proteoses and peptones in soils. /. Ind. Eng. Chem., v. 7, pp. 860-863. WALTERS, E. H., and WISE, L. E. 1916. o-Crotonic acid, a soil constituent. /. Agr. Res., v. 6, pp. 1043-1046. WARINGTON, R. 1887. Some recent researches on the nature of the nitrogenous organic mat- ter of soils. Chem. News, v. 55, pp. 27-28. 79 WEIR, W. 1915. The effect of removing the soluble humus from a soil on its produc- tiveness. /. Agr. Set., y. 7, pp. 246-253. WISE, L. E., and WALTERS, E. H. 1917. Isolation of cyanuric acid from soil. J. Agr. Res., v. 10, pp. 85-91. WOHLER, F. 1828. Ueher kiinstliche Bildung des Harnstoffs. Poggcndorff's Ann. Phys. «. Chem., Bd. 12, pp. 253-256. BIOGRAPHICAL. Clarence Austin Morrow was born near Morrow, Warren County, Ohio. He graduated from the Hillsboro, Ohio, high school in June, 1901. He entered the Ohio Wesleyan University in the Jail of 1902, and received the degree of Bachelor of Science in June, 1906. During 1906-08 he held the position of Assistant in Chem- istry at Oberlin College. He received the degree of Master of Arts from the same institution in June, 1909. In 1909-10 he was acting- head of the Departments of Chemistry and Physics at Doane Col- lege. Having been appointed the John Harrison Scholar in Chem- istry at the University of Pennsylvania he entered that institution in the fall of 1910 and continued his graduate work. In the spring of 1911 he was appointed John Harrison Fellow in Chemistry, but later resigned this to take the position of Professor of Chemistry at Nebraska Wesleyan University, which position he has held to date (January, 1917). During 1914-15 he was granted leave of absence for study in the Division of Soils, University of Minnesota, where he held the position of Assistant in Soil Chemistry. Here he studied for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Major subject, soil chemistry. Minor subject, organic chemistry. Member of the American Chemical Society. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. YC 65764 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY