/I tC &~ m m nj CD CD D m D CD The Organism as a Whole From a Physicochemical Viewpoint By Jacques Loeb, M.D., PH.D., SC.D. Member of the Rockefeller Institute lor Medical Research With 51 Illustrations G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London Gbe "Knickerbocker COPYRIGHT, 1916 BY JACQUES LOEB Made in the United States of America Go THE MEMORY OF DENIS DIDEROT Of the Encyclopedic and the Systtme de la nature " He was one of those simple, disinterested, and intellectually sterling workers to whom their own personality is as nothing in the presence of the vast subjects that engage the thoughts of their lives." JOHN MORLEY. (Article Diderot, Encyclopedia Britannica.) PREFACE IT is generally admitted that the individual physio- logical processes, such as digestion, metabolism, the production of heat or of electricity, are of a purely physicochemical character; and it is also conceded that the functions of individual organs, such as the eye or the ear, are to be analysed from the viewpoint of the physicist. When, however, the biologist is confronted with the fact that in the organism the parts are so adapted to each other as to give rise to a harmonious whole; and that the organisms are endowed with structures and instincts calculated to prolong their life and perpetuate their race, doubts as to the adequacy of a purely physicochemical viewpoint in biology may arise. The difficulties besetting the biologist in this problem have been rather increased than diminished by the discovery of Mendelian heredity, according to which each character is transmitted independently of any other character. Since the number of Mendelian characters in each organism is large, the possibility must be faced that the organism is_'merely a mosaic of independent hereditary characters. If this be the case vi Preface the question arises: What moulds these independent characters into a harmonious whole? The vitalist settles this question by assuming the existence of a pre-established design for each organism and of a guiding '"force" or "principle" which directs the working out of this design. Such assumptions remove the problem of accounting for the harmonious character of the organism from the field of physics or chemistry. The theory of natural selection invokes neither design nor purpose, but it is incomplete since it disregards the physicochemical constitution of living matter about which little was known until recently. In this book an attempt is made to show that the unity of the organism is due to the fact that the egg (or rather its cytoplasm) is the future embryo upon which the Mendelian factors in the chromosomes can impress only individual characteristics, probably by giving rise to special hormones and enzymes. We can cause an egg to develop into an organism without a spermatozoon, but apparently we cannot make a sperm- atozoon develop into an organism without the cyto- plasm of an egg, although sperm and egg nucleus transmit equally the Mendelian characters. The con- ception that the cytoplasm of the egg is already the embryo in the rough may be of importance also for the problem of evolution since it suggests the possibility that the genus- and species-heredity are determined by the cytoplasm of the egg, while the Mendelian heredi- Preface vii tary characters cannot contribute at all or only to a limited extent to the formation of new species. Such an idea is supported by the work on immunity, which shows that genus- and probably species-specificity are due to specific proteins, while the Mendelian characters may be determined by hormones which need neither be proteins nor specific or by enzymes which also need not be specific for the species or genus. Such a con- ception would remove the difficulties which the work on Mendelian heredity has seemingly created not only for the problem of evolution but also for the problem of the harmonious character of the organism as a whole. Since the book is intended as a companion volume to the writer's former treatise on The Comparative Physiology of the Brain a discussion of the functions of the central nervous system is omitted. Completeness in regard to quotation of literature was out of the question, but the writer notices with regret, that he has failed to refer in the text to so important a contribution to the subject as Sir E. A. Schafer's masterly presidential address on 'Life ' or the addresses of Correns and Goldschmidt on the de- termination of sex. Credit should also have been given to Professor Raymond Pearl for the discrimination be- tween species and individual inheritance. The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to his friends Professor E. G. Conklin of Princeton, Professor Richard Goldschmidt of the Kaiser Wilhelm viii Preface Institut of Berlin, Dr. P. A. Levene of the Rockefeller Institute, Professor T. H. Morgan of Columbia Univer- sity, and Professor Hardolph Wasteneys of the Univer- sity of California who kindly read one or more chapters of the book and offered valuable suggestions; and he wishes especially to thank his wife for suggesting many corrections in the manuscript and the proof. The book is dedicated to that group of freethinkers, including d'Alembert, Diderot, Holbach, and Voltaire, who first dared to follow the consequences of a mechan- istic science — incomplete as it then was — to the rules of human conduct and who thereby laid the foundation of that spirit of tolerance, justice, and gentleness which was the hope of our civilization until it was buried under the wave of homicidal emotion which has swept through the world. Diderot was singled out, since to him the words of Lord Morley are devoted, which, however, are more or less characteristic of the whole group. J. L. THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, August, 1916 CONTENTS CHAPTER I »AG» INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ..... i CHAPTER II THE SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIVING AND DEAD MATTER AND THE QUESTION OF THE ORIGIN OF LIFE 14 CHAPTER III THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF GENUS AND SPECIES: 40 I. — THE INCOMPATIBILITY OF SPECIES NOT CLOSELY RELATED ..... 44 II. — THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF GENUS AND SPECIES AND OF SPECIES SPECIFICITY ... 53 CHAPTER IV SPECIFICITY IN FERTILIZATION . . . . 71 CHAPTER V; ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS .... 95 CHAPTER VI DETERMINISM IN THE FORMATION OF AN ORGANISM FROM AN EGG ...... 128 ix x Contents CHAPTER VII PAGE REGENERATION 153 CHAPTER VIII DETERMINATION OF SEX, SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS, AND SEXUAL INSTINCTS: I. — THE CYTOLOGICAL BASIS OF SEX DETER- MINATION 198 II. — THE PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF SEX DE- TERMINATION 214 CHAPTER IX MENDELIAN HEREDITY AND ITS MECHANISM . .229 CHAPTER X ANIMAL INSTINCTS AND TROPISMS . . . 253 CHAPTER XI THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT . . .286 CHAPTER XII ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT . . . .318 CHAPTER XIII EVOLUTION 346 CHAPTER XIV DEATH AND DISSOLUTION OF THE ORGANISM . 349 INDEX ........ 371 The Organism as a Whole The Organism as a Whole CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY REMARKS I. The physical researches of the last ten years have put the atomistic theory of matter and electricity on a definite and in all probability permanent basis. We know the exact number of molecules in a given mass of any substance whose molecular weight is known to us, and we know the exact charge of a single electron. This permits us to state as the ultimate aim of the physical sciences the visualization of all phenomena in terms of groupings and displacements of ultimate particles, and since there is no discontinuity between the matter constituting the living and non-living world the goal of biology can be expressed in the same way. This idea has more or less consciously prevailed for some time in the explanation of the single processes occurring in the animal body or in the explanation of the functions of the individual organs. Nobody, not i 2 Introductory Remarks even a scientific vitalist, would think of treating the process of digestion, metabolism, production of heat, and electricity or even secretion or muscular contrac- tion in any other than a purely chemical or physico- chemical way; nor would anybody think of explaining the functions of the eye or the ear from any other standpoint than that of physics. When the actions of the organism as a whole are con- cerned, we find a totally different situation. The same physiologists who in the explanation of the individ- ual processes would follow the strictly physicochemi- cal viewpoint and method would consider the reactions of the organism as a whole as the expression of non- physical agencies. Thus Claude Bernard,1 who in the investigation of the individual life processes was a strict mechanist, declares that the making of a har- monious organism from the egg cannot be explained on a mechanistic basis but only on the assumption of a "directive force." Bernard assumes, as Bichat and others had done before him, that there are two opposite processes going on in the living organism : (i) the pheno- mena of vital creation or organizing synthesis ; (2) the phenomena of death or organic destruction. It is only the destructive processes which give rise to the physical manifestations by which we judge life, such as respira- tion and circulation or the activity of glands, and so on. 1 Bernard C., Lemons sur ks Phenomtnes de la Vie. Paris, 1885, i., 22-64. Introductory Remarks 3 The work of creation takes place unseen by us in the egg when the embryo or organism is formed. This vital creation occurs always according to a definite plan, and in the opinion of Bernard it is impossible to account for this plan on a purely physicochemical basis. There is so to speak a pre-established design of each being and of each organ of such a kind that each phenomenon by itself depends upon the general forces of nature, but when taken in connection with the others it seems directed by some invisible guide on the road it follows and led to the place it occupies. . . . We admit that the life phenomena are attached to physico- chemical manifestations, but it is true that the essential is not explained thereby; for no fortuitous coming together of physicochemical phenomena constructs each organism after a plan and a fixed design (which are foreseen in ad- vance) and arouses the admirable subordination and har- monious agreement of the acts of life. . . . We can only know the material conditions and not the intimate nature of life phenomena. We have therefore only to deal with matter and not with the first causes or the vital force derived therefrom. These causes are inacces- sible to us, and if we believe anything else we commit an error and become the dupes of metaphors and take figura- tive language as real. . . . Determinism can never be but physicochemical determinism. The vital force and life belong to the metaphysical world. In other words, Bernard thinks it his task to account for individual life phenomena on a purely physico- chemical basis — but the harmonious character of the 4 Introductory Remarks organism as a whole is in his opinion not produced by the same forces and he considers it impossible and hopeless to investigate the "design." This attitude of Bernard would be incomprehensible were it not for the fact that, when he made these statements, the phenomena of specificity, the physiology of develop- ment and regeneration, the Mendelian laws of heredity, the animal tropisms and their bearing on the theory of adaptation were unknown. This explanation of Bernard's attitude is apparently contradicted by the fact that Driesch1 and v. Uexkull,2 both brilliant biologists, occupy today a standpoint not very different from that of Claude Bernard. Driesch assumes that there is an Aristotelian "entelechy' acting as directing guide in each organism; and v. Uexkull suggests a kind of Platonic "idea'1 as a peculiar characteristic of life which accounts for the purposeful character of the organism. v. Uexkull supposes as did Claude Bernard and as does Driesch that in an organism or an egg the ulti- mate processes are purely physicochemical. In an egg these processes are guided into definite parts of the future embryo by the Mendelian factors of heredity — the so-called genes. These genes he compares to the foremen for the different types of work to be 1 Driesch, H., The Science and Philosophy of the Organism. 2 vols. The Gifford Lectures, 1907 and 1908. av. Uexkull, J., Bausteine zu einer biologischen Weltanschauung. Munchen, 1913. Introductory Remarks 5 done in a building. But there must be something that makes of the work of the single genes a harmonious whole, and for this purpose he assumes the existence of "supergenes."1 v. Uexkull's ideas concerning the nature of a Mendelian factor and of the :< super- genes' are expressed in metaphorical terms and the assumption of the ; .O O Carnivora Canis aureus .OO'l 10 (loose precipitum) Canis familiaris .001 T. Lutra vulgaris .00*; 10 (concentrated serum) Ursus tibetanus .002 S 8 Genetta tigrina .001 3 Felis domesticus .001 3 Felis caracal .0008 3 Felis tigris .000 e; 2 Ungulata Ox .00^ IO Sheep .OO T. IO Cobus unctuosus .002 7 Cervus porcinus .002 7 Rangifer tarandus .002 7 Capra negaceros .000 S 2 Equus caballus .0005 2 Sus scrofa .0 O 58 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species BLOOD OF Precipitum Amount Percentage Rodentia Dasyprocta cristata .002 7 (concentrated serum Guinea-pig .0 clots) o Rabbit .0 o Marsupialia Petro^ale xanthopus 1 Petrogale penicillata Onychogale frenata Onychogale unguifera .O o Onychogale unguifera Macropus bennetti Thylacinus cynocephalus. . Among the Primate bloods that of the Chimpanzee gave too high a figure, owing to the precipitum being floc- culent and not settling well, for some reason which could not be determined. The figure given by the Ourang is somewhat too low, and the difference between Cynocepha- lus sphinx and Ateles is not as marked as might have been expected in view of the qualitative tests and the series following. The possibilities of error must be taken into account in judging of these figures; repeated tests should be made to obtain something like a constant. Other bloods than those of Primates give small reactions or no reactions at all. The high figures (10%) obtained with two Car- nivore bloods can be explained by the fact that one gave a loose precipitum, and the other was a somewhat concen- trated serum.1 We have mentioned that even the proteins of the egg are specific according to Uhlenhuth. Graham Smith, one of Nuttall's collaborators, applied the lat- 1 Nuttall, Blood Immunity and Blood Relationship, pp. 319 and 320. Chemical Basis of Genus and Species 59 ter's quantitative method to this problem and confirmed the results of Nuttall. A few examples may serve as an illustration. TABLE III TESTS WITH ANTI-DUCK'S-EGG SERUM Material tested Amount of precipitum Percentage Duck's egg-albumin .0^84 IOO Pheasant's u .0^28 85 Fowl's u .02^4 61 Silver Pheasant 's .0140 36 Blackbird's II .006 5 15 Crane's II .00 si 14 Moorhen's II .0046 12 Thrush's « .0046 12 Emu's <« .0018 5 Hedge-Sparrow 's " trace Chaffinch's II o Tortoise serum trace ? Turtle serum u ? Alligator serum o Frog, Amphiuma, and Dogfish sera, as well as Tortoise and Dogfish egg-albumins, were also tested, with negative results. TABLE IV TESTS WITH ANTI-FOWL'S-EGG SERUM Material tested Amount of precipitum Percentage Fowl's Fowl's Silver Pheas. Pheasant's Crane's Blackbird's Duck's Moorhen's egg-albumin (old) .0159 .0140 .0075 .0075 .0046 .0046 .0037 .0028 IOO 88 47 47 29 29 23 18 (fresh) ant's " ii ii ii ii ii 60 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species Thrush, Emu, Greenfinch, and Hedge-sparrow egg-albu- mins were tested and gave traces of precipita, as also did Tortoise and Turtle sera. The egg-albumins of the Tor- toise, Frog, Skate, and two species of Dogfish did not react. Alligator, Frog, Amphiuma, and Dogfish sera also yielded no results.1 By improving the quantitative method in various ways, Welsh and Chapman2 were able to explain why the precipitin reaction with egg-white was not strictly specific but gave also, though quantitatively weaker, results with the egg-white of related birds. They found that by a new method devised by them "it is possible to indicate in an avian egg-white antiserum the presence of a general avian antisubstance (pre- cipitin) together with the specific antisubstance." The Bordet reaction was not only useful in indicating the specificity and blood relationship for animals but also among plants. Thus Magnus and Friedenthal3 were able to demonstrate with Bordet 's method the relationship between yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisice) and truffle (Tuber brumale). 5. We must not forget, while under the spell of the problem of immunity, that we are interested at the moment in the question of the nature of the speci- ficity of living organisms. It is only logical to conclude 1 Nuttall, pp. 345 and 346. a Welsh, D. A., and Chapman, H. G., Jour. Hygiene, 1910, x., 177. 3 Magnus, W., and Friedenthal, H., Ber. d. deutsch. bot. Gesellsch., 1906, xxiv., 601. Chemical Basis of Genus and Species 61 that the fossil forms of invertebrate animals and of algae and bacteria, which Walcott found in the Cambrian and which may be two hundred million years old, must have had the same specificity at that time as they or their close relatives have today; and this raises the question: What is the nature of the substances which are responsible for and transmit this specificity ? It is obvious that a definite answer to this question brings us also to the very problem of evolution as well as that of the constitution of living matter. There can be no doubt that on the basis of our present knowledge proteins are in most or practically all cases the bearers of this specificity. This has been found out not only with the aid of the precipitin reaction but also with the anaphylaxis reaction, by which, as the reader may know, is meant that when a small dose of a foreign substance is introduced into an animal a hypersensitiveness develops after a number of days or weeks, so that a new injection of the same substance produces serious and in some cases fatal effects. This hypersensitiveness, which was first analysed by Richet, x is specific for the substance which has been injected. Now all these specific reactions, the precipitin reaction as well as the anaphylactic reaction, can be called forth by proteins. Thus Richet, in his earliest experiments, showed that only the protein-containing part of the extract of actinians, by which he called forth anaphy- 1 Richet, C., L'anaphylaxie. Paris, 1912. 62 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species laxis, was able to produce this phenomenon, and later he showed that it was generally impossible to produce anything resembling anaphylaxis by non-protein sub- stances, e. g., cocain or apomorphin.1 Wells isolated from egg-white four different proteins (three coagulable proteins and one non-coagulable) which can be distin- guished from each other by the anaphylaxis reaction, although all come from the same biological object.2 Michaelis as well as Wells found that the split products of the protein molecule are no longer able to call forth the anaphylaxis reaction. Since peptic digestion has the effect of annihilating the power of proteins to call forth anaphylaxis, we are forced to the conclusion that the first cleavage products of proteins have already lost the power of calling forth immunity reactions. A pretty experiment by Gay and Robertson3 should be mentioned in this connection. Robertson had shown that a substance closely resembling paranucleins both in its properties and its C, H, and N content can be formed from the filtered products of the complete peptic hydro- lysis of an approximately four per cent, neutral solution of potassium caseinate by the action of pure pepsin at 36° C. He considered this a case of a real synthesis of proteins from the products of its hydrolytic cleavage. This 1 Quoted from Wells, H. G., Jour. Infect. Diseases, 1908, v., 449. 2 Ibid., 1911, ix., 147. 3 Gay, F. P., and Robertson, T. B., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1912, xii., 233. Chemical Basis of Genus and Species 63 interpretation was not generally accepted and received a different interpretation by Bayliss and other workers. Gay and Robertson were able to show that paranuclein when injected into an animal will sensitize guinea-pigs for anaphylactic intoxication for either paranuclein or casein and apparently indiscriminately. The pro- ducts of complete peptic digestion of casein had no such effect, but the synthetic product of this diges- tion obtained by Robertson's method has the same specific antigenic properties as paranuclein, thus making it appear that Robertson had indeed suc- ceeded in causing a synthesis of paranuclein with the aid of pepsin from the products of digestion of casein by pepsin. There are a few statements in the literature to the effect that the specificity of organisms might be due to other substances than proteins. Thus Bang and Forssmann claimed that the substances (antigens) responsible for the production of hemolysis were of a lipoid nature, but their statements have not been con- firmed, and Fitzgerald and Leathes1 reached the con- clusion that lipoids are non-antigenic. Ford claims to have obtained proof that a glucoside contained in the poisonous mushroom Amanita phalloides can act as an antigen. But aside from this one fact we know that proteins and only proteins can act as antigens and 1 Fitzgerald, J. G., and Leathes, J. B., Univ. Cal Pub., 1912, "Patho- logy," ii., 39- 64 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species are therefore the bearers of the specificity of living organisms. Bradley and Sansum1 found that guinea-pigs sensi- tized to beef or dog hemoglobin fail to react or react but slightly to hemoglobin of other origin. The hemoglo- bins tried were dog, beef, cat, rabbit, rat, turtle, pig, horse, calf, goat, sheep, pigeon, chicken, and man. 6. It would be of the greatest importance to show directly that the homologous proteins of different species are different. This has been done for hemo- globins of the blood by Reichert and Brown, 2 who have shown by crystallographic measurements that the hemoglobins of any species are definite substances for that species. The crystals obtained from different species of a genus are characteristic of that species, but differ from those of other species of the genus in angles or axial ratio, in optical characters, and especially in those characters comprised under the general term of crystal habit, so that one species can usually be distinguished from another by its hemoglobin crystals. But these differences are not such as to preclude the crystals from all species of a genus being placed in an isomorphous series (p. 327). 1 Bradley, H. C., and Sansum, W. D., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1914, xviii., 497- 3 Reichert, E. T.f and Brown, A. P., "The Differentiation and Speci- ficity of Corresponding Proteins and other Vital Substances in Relation to Biological Classification and Organic Evolution." Carnegie Insti- tution Publication No. 116, Washington, 1909. Chemical Basis of Genus and Species 65 As far as the genus is concerned it was found that the hemoglobin crystals of any genus are isomorphous. In some cases this isomorphism may be extended to include several genera, but this is not usually the case, unless as in the case of dogs and foxes, for example, the genera are very closely related. The most important question for us is the following : Are the differences between the corresponding hemo- globin crystals of different species of the same genus such as to warrant the statement that they indicate chemical differences? If this were the case we might say that blood reactions as well as hemoglobin crystals indicate that differences in the constitution of proteins determine the species specificity and, perhaps, also species heredity. The following sentences by Reichert and Brown seem to indicate that this may be true for the crystals of hemoglobin. The hemoglobins of any species are definite substances for that species. But upon comparing the corresponding substances (hemoglobins) in different species of a genus it is generally found that they differ the one from the other to a greater or less degree; the differences being such that when complete crystallographic data are available the different species can be distinguished by these differences in their hemoglobins. As the hemoglobins crystallize in isomor- phous series the differences between the angles of the crystals of the species of a genus are not, as a rule, great; but they are as great as is usually found to be the case with 5 66 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species minerals or chemical salts that belong to an isomorphous group (p. 326). As Professor Brown writes me, the difficulty in answering the question definitely, whether or not the hemoglobins of different species are chemically different, lies in the fact that there is as yet no criterion which allows us to discriminate between a species and a Men- delian mutation except the morphological differences. It is not impossible that while species differ by the con- stitution of some or most of their proteins, Mendelian heredity has a different chemical basis. It is regrettable that work like that of Reichert and Brown cannot be extended to other proteins, but it seems from anaphylaxis reactions that we might expect results similar to those in the case of the hemoglobins. The proteins of the lens are an exception inasmuch as, according to Uhlenhuth, the proteins of the lens of mammals, birds, and amphibians cannot be discrimi- nated from each other by the precipitin reaction.1 7. The serum of certain humans may cause the destruction or agglutination of blood corpuscles of certain other humans. This fact of the existence of "isoagglutinins" seems to have been established for man, but Hektoen states that he has not been able to find any isoagglutinins in the serum of rabbits, guinea- pigs, dogs, horses, and cattle. Landsteiner found the 1 Uhlenhuth, Das biologische Verfahren zur Erkennung und Unter- scheidung von Menschen und Tierblut, Jena, 1905, p. 102. Chemical Basis of Genus and Species 67 remarkable fact that the sera of certain individuals of humans could hemolyze the corpuscles of certain other individuals, but not those of all individuals. A system- atic investigation of this variability led him to the discovery of three distinct groups of individuals, the sera of each group acting in a definite way towards the corpuscles of the representatives of each other group. Later observers, for example Jansky and Moss, established four groups. These groups are, according to Moss, * as follows : Group i. Sera agglutinate no corpuscles. Corpuscles agglutinated by sera of Groups 2, 3, 4. Group 2. Sera agglutinate corpuscles of Groups 1,3. Corpuscles agglutinated by sera of Groups 3, 4. Group 3. Sera agglutinate corpuscles of Groups i, 2. Corpuscles agglutinated by sera of Groups 2, 4. Group 4. Sera agglutinate corpuscles of Groups i, 2, 3. Corpuscles agglutinated by no serum. The relative frequency of the four groups follows from the following figures. Of one hundred bloods tested by Moss in series of twenty there were found : 10 belonging to Group I. 40 belonging to Group 2. 7 belonging to Group 3. 43 belonging to Group 4. Groups 2 and 4 are in the majority and in over- whelming numbers, which indicates that, as a rule, the 1 Moss, W. L., Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 1910, xxi., 62. 68 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species sera agglutinate the blood corpuscles of individuals of the other groups, but not those of individuals belong- ing to the same group. The phenomenon that a serum agglutinates no corpuscles (Group i), or that the cor- puscles are agglutinated by no serum (Group 4), are the exceptions. It is obvious that, as far as our problem is concerned, only Groups 2 and 3 are to be considered. There is no Mendelian character which refers only to one half of the individuals except sex. Since nothing is said about a relation of Groups 2 and 3 to sex such a relation probably does not exist. 8. The facts thus far reported imply the suggestion that the heredity of the genus is determined by proteins of a definite constitution differing from the proteins of other genera. This constitution of the proteins would therefore be responsible for the genus heredity. The different species of a genus have all the same genus proteins, but the proteins of each species of the same genus are apparently different again in chemical con- stitution and hence may give rise to the specific bio- logical or immunity reactions. We may consider it as established by the work of McClung, Sutton, E. B.Wilson, Miss Stevens, Morgan, and many others, that the chromosomes are the carriers of the Mendelian characters. These chromosomes occur in the nucleus of the egg and in the head of the sperm. Now the latter consists, in certain fish, of lipoids and a combination of nucleinic acid and pro- Chemical Basis of Genus and Species 69 tamine or histone, the latter a non-coagulable protein, more resembling a split product of one of the larger coagulable proteins. A. E. Taylor1 found that if the spermatozoa of the salmon are injected into a rabbit, the blood of the animal acquires the power of causing cytolysis of salmon sper- matozoa. When, however, the isolated protamines or nucleinic acid or the lipoids prepared from the same sperm were injected into a rabbit no results of this kind were observed. H. G. Wells more recently tested the relative efficiency of the constituents of the testes of the cod (which in addition to the constituents of the sperm contained the proteins of the testicle). From the testicle he prepared a histone (the protein body of the sperm nucleus), a sodium nucleinate, and from the sperm-free aqueous extract of the testi- cles a protein resembling albumin was separated by precipitation.2 The albumin behaved like ordinary serum albumin or egg albumin, producing typical and fatal anaphylactic re- actions and being specific when tried against mammalian sera. The nucleinate did not produce any reactions when guinea-pigs were given small sensitizing and larger intoxicat- ing doses (o.i gm.) in a three weeks' interval; a result to be expected, since no protein is present in the preparation. The histone was so toxic that its anaphylactic properties could not be studied. 1 Taylor, A. E., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1908, v., 311. 2 Wells, H. G., Jour. Infect. Diseases, 1911, ix., 166. 70 Chemical Basis of Genus and Species It is not impossible that protamines and histones might be found to act as specific antigens if they were not so toxic. The positive results which Taylor observed after injection of the sperm might have been due to the proteins contained in the tail of the spermatozoa, which in certain animals at least does not enter the egg and hence can have no influence on heredity. It is thus doubtful whether or not any of the con- stituents of the nucleus contribute to the determination of the species. This in its ultimate consequences might lead to the idea that the Mendelian characters which are equally transmitted by egg and spermatozoon, determine the individual or variety heredity, but not the genus or species heredity. It is, in our present state of knowledge, impossible to cause a spermatozoon to develop into an embryo,1 while we can induce the egg to develop into an embryo without a spermatozoon. This may mean that the protoplasm of the egg is the future embryo, while the chromosomes of both egg and sperm nuclei furnish only the individual characters. 1 Loeb, J., and Bancroft, F. W., Jour. Exper. Zool., 1912, xii., 381. CHAPTER IV SPECIFICITY IN FERTILIZATION I. We have become acquainted with two character- istics of living matter : the specificity due to the specific proteins characteristic for each genus and possibly species and the synthesis of living matter from the split products of their main constituents instead of from a supersaturated solution of their own substance, as is the case in crystals. We are about to discuss in this and the next chapter a third characteristic, namely, the phenomenon of fertilization. While this is not found in all organisms it is found in an overwhelming majority and especially the higher organisms, and of all the mysteries of animated nature that of fertiliza- tion and sex seems to be the most captivating, to judge from the space it occupies in folklore, theology, and " literature." Bacteria, when furnished the proper nutritive medium, will synthetize the specific material of their own body, will grow and divide, and this process will be repeated indefinitely as long as the food lasts and the temperature and other outside conditions are 71 72 Specificity in Fertilization normal. It is purely due to limitation of food that bacteria or certain species of them do not cover the whole planet. But, as every layman knows, the major- ity of organisms grow only to a certain size, then die, and the propagation takes place through sex cells or gametes: a female cell — the egg — containing a large bulk of protoplasm (the future embryo) and reserve material; and the male cell which in the case of the spermatozoon contains only nuclear material and no cytoplasmic material except that contained in the tail which in some and possibly many species does not enter the egg. The male element — the spermatozoon — enters the female gamete — the egg — and this starts the de- velopment. In the case of most animals the egg cannot develop unless the spermatozoon enters. The question arises: How does the spermatozoon activate the egg? And also how does it happen that the spermatozoon enters the egg? We will first consider the latter ques- tion. These problems can be answered best from ex- periments on forms in which the egg and the sperm are fertilized in sea water. Many marine animals, from fishes down to lower forms, shed their eggs and sperm into the sea water where the fertilization of the egg takes place, outside the body of the female. The first phenomenon which strikes us in this con- nection is again a phenomenon of specificity. The sper- matozoon can, as a rule, only enter an egg of the same or a closely related species, but not that of one more Specificity in Fertilization 73 distantly related. What is the character of this speci- ficity? The writer was under the impression that a clue might be obtained if artificial means could be found by which the egg of one species might be fertil- ized with a distant species for which this egg is natu- rally immune. Such an experiment would mean that the lack of specificity had been compensated by the artificial means. It is well known that the egg of the sea urchin cannot as a rule be fertilized with the sperm of a starfish in normal sea water. The writer tried whether this hybridization could not be accomplished provided the constitution of the sea water were changed. He succeeded in causing the fertilization of a large percentage of the eggs of the Calif or nian sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, with the sperm of various starfish (e. g., Asterias ochracea) and Holothurians by slightly raising the alkalinity of the sea water, through the addition of some base (NaOH or tetraethylammo- niumhydr oxide or various amines), the optimum being reached when 0.6 c.c. N/io NaOH is added to 50 c.c. of sea water. It is a peculiar fact that this solution is efficient only if both egg and sperm are together in the hyperalkaline sea water. If the eggs and sperm are treated separately with the hyperalkaline sea water and are then brought together in normal sea water no fer- tilization takes place as a rule, while with the same sperm and eggs the fertilization is successful again if both are mixed in the hyperalkaline solution. From 74 Specificity in Fertilization this the writer concluded that the fertilizing power depends on a rapidly reversible action of the alkali on the surface of the two gametes. It was found that an increase of the concentration of calcium in the sea water also favoured the entrance of the Asterias sperm into the egg of purpuratus; and that if CCa was in- creased it was not necessary to add as much NaOH. The spermatozoon enters the egg through the so- called fertilization cone, i. e., a protoplasmic process comparable to the pseudopodium of an amoeboid cell. The analogy of the process of phagocytosis — i. e., the taking up of particles by an amoeboid cell — and that of the engulfing of the spermatozoon by the egg presents itself. We do not know definitely the nature of the forces which act in the case of phagocytosis — although surface tension forces and agglutination have been suggested ; both are surface phenomena and are rapidly reversible. We should then say that the specificity in the process of fertilization consists in a peculiarity of the surface of the egg and spermatozoon which in the case of S. purpuratus 9 and Asterias °r 5 glowers were used. The following table shows the result. 268 Animal Instincts and Tropisms TABLE IX A TABLE BASED ON THE MEASUREMENTS OF 2700 TRAILS SHOWING THE ANGULAR DEFLECTIONS AT FIVE DIFFERENT ABSOLUTE INTENSITIES Difference of Intensity between the T-wo Lights Number of Glowers o 8M 16% 25 33 Vz 50 per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. Deflection in Degrees i -0-55 -2.32 -5-27 -9.04 — 11.86 -19.46 2 — O.IO -3-05 — 6.12 -8-55 — 11.92 —22.28 3 +0-45 —2.60 -5.65 -8-73 -13.15 -20.52 4 -0.025 —2.98 —6.60 -9.66 — 11.76 — 19.88 5 -0.225 —2.92 -5-125 -8.30 — 10.92 -19.28 Average —0.09 -2.77 -5-75 -8.86 — 11.92 —20.28 Such constancy of quantitative results is only possible where we are dealing with purely physico- chemical phenomena or where life phenomena are unequivocally determined by purely physicochemical conditions. 5. It seems difficult for some biologists, even with the validity of the Bunsen-Roscoe law proven, to imagine that the movements of the animals under the influence of light are not voluntary (or not dictated by the mysterious " trial and error" method of Jennings).1 1 According to this theory the animal is not directly oriented by the outside force, e. g. the light, but selects among its random movements the one which is most " suited " and keeps on moving in this direction. This idea is untenable for most if not all the cases of tropisms and has been Animal Instincts and Tropisms 269 But one wonders how it is possible on such an assump- tion to account for the fact that the angle of deflection of the larva of the fly when under the influence of two lights of different intensities should be always the same for a given difference in intensity; or why the time for curvature in Eudendrium should vary inversely with the intensity of illumination. It is, however, possible to complete the case for the purely physicochemical analysis of these instincts. John Hays Hammond, Jr., has succeeded in constructing heliotropic machines which in the dark follow a lantern very much in the manner of a positively heliotropic animal. The eyes of this heliotropic machine consist of two lenses in whose focus is situated the "retina" consisting of selenium wire. The two eyes are separated from each other by a projecting piece of wood which re- presents the nose and allows one eye to receive light while the other is shaded. The galvanic resistance of selenium is altered by light; and when one selenium wire is shaded while the other is illuminated, the elec- tric energy (supplied by batteries inside the machine) which makes the wheels turn (these take the place of refuted by practically all the workers in this field, e. g., Parker and his pupils, Bohn, H. B. Torrey, Holmes, Bancroft, Ewald, and others. It is only upheld by Jennings and Mast; and is accepted among those to whom the idea of a physicochemical explanation of life phenomena does not appeal. Torrey and Bancroft (for the literature the reader is referred to Bancroft's paper, Jour. Exper. ZooL, 1913, xv., 383) have shown directly that the theory of trial and error is not even correct for the organism for which Jennings has developed this idea; namely Euglena. 270 Animal Instincts and Tropisms the legs of the normal animal) no longer flows symmetri- cally to the steering wheel, and the machine turns towards the light. In this way the machine follows a lantern in a dark room in a way similar to that of a positively heliotropic animal. Here we have a model of the heliotropic animal whose purely mechanistic character is beyond suspicion, and we may be sure that it is not ; 'fondness' for light or for brightness nor will-power nor a method of "trial and error" which makes the machine follow the light. 6. It may also be of interest to know that in helio- tropism the motions of the legs are automatically controlled by the chemical changes taking place in symmetrical elements of the retina. In order to prove this point we will turn to the phenomenon of gal- vanotropism. The galvanic current forces certain animals to move in the direction of one of the two electrodes just as the light forces the heliotropic animals to move towards (or from) the source of light. The change in the concentration of the ions at the boundary of the various organs, especially the nerves, determines the galvanotropic reactions. When the shrimp Pal&monetes is put into a trough with dilute salt solution through which a current of a certain intensity flows, the animal is compelled to move towards the anode.1 It can walk forwards, back- wards, or sidewise. Here we can observe directly 1 Loeb, J., and Maxwell, S. S., Arch.f. d. ges. Physiol., 1896, Ixiii., 121. Animal Instincts and Tropisms 271 that the effect of the current consists in altering the tension of the muscles of the legs in such a way as to make it easy for the animal to move toward the anode FIG. 45 and difficult to move toward the cathode. Thus if the current be sent sidewise through the animal, say from left to right (Fig. 45), the legs of the left side assume the flexor position, those of the right the extensor position. With this position of its legs the animal can easily move 272 Animal Instincts and Tropisms to the left, i. e., the anode, and only with difficulty to the right, i. e., the cathode. This change in the position of the legs occurs when the animal is not moving at all, thus showing that the galvanotropic movements take place not because the animal intends to go to the anode, but that the animal goes to the anode be- cause its legs are practically prevented by the galvanic current from working in any other way. This is exactly what happens in the heliotropic motions of animals. x To understand what happens when the current goes lengthwise through the body it should be stated that Palcemonetes uses the third, fourth, and fifth pairs of legs for its locomotion. The third pair pulls in the forward movement, and the fifth pair pushes. The fourth pair generally acts like the fifth, and requires no further attention. If a current be sent through the animal longitudinally, from tail to head, and the strength be increased gradually, a change soon takes place in the position of the legs (Fig. 46). In the third pair the tension of the flexors predominates, in the fifth the tension of the extensors. The animal can thus move easily with the pulling of the third and the pushing of the fifth pairs of legs, that is to say, the current changes the tension of the muscles in such a way that 1 That the mechanisms by which heliotropic and galvanotropic orientation is brought about are identical was shown by Bancroft in Euglena (Bancroft, loc. a/.). Animal Instincts and Tropisms 273 the forward motion is rendered easy, the backward motion is difficult. Hence it can easily move toward FIG. 46 the anode, but only with difficulty toward the cathode. If a current be sent through the animal in the opposite direction, namely, from head to tail, the third pair of legs is extended, the fifth pair bent ; that is, the third 18 274 Animal Instincts and Tropisms pair can push, and the fifth pair pull. The animal will thus move backward easily and forward with difficulty, and it is thus driven to the anode again. The explanation which Loeb and Maxwell proposed for this influence of the current on the legs assumes that there are three groups of ganglion cells in the central nervous system of these animals which are oriented according to the three main axes of the body; (i) right-left and left-right, (2) backward, and (3) for- ward. It depends upon whether the ganglion cells or the nerve elements are in anelectrotonus, which muscles are bent and which relaxed. It would lead us too far to recapitulate the theory in this place, and the reader who is interested in it is referred to Loeb and Maxwell's paper.1 The importance of the ob- servations lies in the fact that they show that any element of will or choice on the part of the animal in these motions is eliminated, that the animal moves where its legs carry it, and not that the legs carry the animal where the latter "wishes" to go. 7. This may be the place to dispel an error which has sometimes crept into the discussion of the tropistic reactions of animals. It has been stated occasionally that it is the energy gradient and not the automatic orientation of the animal by the light which makes the positively heliotropic animal move towards the source of light and the negatively heliotropic away 1 Loeb, J., and Maxwell, S. S., Arch.f. d. ges. PhysioL, 1896, Ixiii., 121. Animal Instincts and Tropisms 275 from it. Thus the positively heliotropic animal would be compelled to move towards the source of light as a consequence of the fact that the intensity of the light increases the more the nearer the animal approaches the source of light. If the source of light be the reflected sky-light the dif- ference of intensity at both ends of a microscopic organ- ism is so slight that it is beneath the limit capable of influencing the motions. A simple experi- ment published by the writer in 1889 suffices to dispel FlG 7 the idea that the energy gradient determines the direction of the mo- tion of an animal in tropistic reactions. Let direct sunlight (S, Fig. 47) fall through the upper half of a window (w w) upon a table, and diffused daylight (D) through the lower half of the window on the same table. A test-tube a c is placed on the table in such a way that its long axis is at right angles to the plane of the window; and one half a & is in the direct sun- 276 Animal Instincts and Tropisms light, the other half in the shade. If at the be- ginning of the experiment the positively heliotropic animals are in the direct sunlight at a, they promptly move toward the window, gathering at the window end c of the tube, although by so doing they go from the sunshine into the shade.1 This experi- ment is in harmony with our idea that the effect of light consists in turning the head of the animal and subsequently its whole body toward the source of light. By going from the strong light into the shade the reaction velocity in both eyes is diminished equally and hence there is no reason for the animal to change its orientation, though its progressive motion may be stopped for an instant by the change. But at the boundary between sunlight and daylight a sudden change from strong to weak light occurs. If the energy gradient determined the direction of the posi- tively heliotropic animal, the motion should stop at the boundary from strong to weak light, which may happen for an instant but which will not interfere with the progressive motion of the animal. 8. Graber had found that when animals are put into a trough covered half with blue and half with red glass, those that are "fond" of light go under the blue, those that are "fond'1 of darkness go under the red glass. The writer pointed out that this result should be expected on the basis of his theory of heliotropism, if 3 Loeb, J., Dynamics of Living Matter, p. 126. Animal Instincts and Tropisms 277 the assumption be correct that the red light is con- siderably less efficient than light which goes through blue glass (such glass also allows green rays to go through). The botanists had already shown that red glass is impermeable for the rays which cause helio- tropic reactions of plants, and the writer was able to show the same for the heliotropic reactions of animals. Red glass acts, therefore, almost like an opaque body for these animals. A closer examination of the most efficient rays for the heliotropic reactions of different organisms has revealed the fact that for some organisms a region in the blue X = 46o— 490 pt.^, for others a region in the yellowish-green, near about X = 520 — 530^ is the most efficient.1 For many plants and for some animals, like Eudendrium and the larvae of the worm Arenicola, a region in the blue is most efficient; for certain, if not most, animals a region in the yellow-green is most efficient. Among unicellular green algae, Chlamydomo- nas, has its maximal efficiency in the yellowish-green and Euglena in the blue. According to observations by Mast, some green unicellular organisms like Pan- dorina, Eudorina, and Spondylomorum seem to behave more like Chlamydomonas, while certain others behave more like Euglena. 2 Wasteneys and the writer suggested 1 Loeb, J., and Maxwell, S. S., Univ. Cal. Pub., 1910, PhysioL, Hi., 195; Loeb and Wasteneys, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 1915, i.f 44; Science, 1915, xli., 328; Jour. Exper. Zool., 1915, xix., 23; 1916, xx., 217. 3 Mast, S. O., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 1915, i., 622. 278 Animal Instincts and Tropisms that there are two groups of heliotropic substances, one with a maximum of photosensitiveness in the blue, the other in the yellowish-green; and that the latter group may or may not be related or identical with the visual purple which is most rapidly bleached by light of a wave length near X = 520 — 530^. The ophthalmologist Hess1 has utilized the helio- tropic reactions of animals in an attempt to prove that all animals from the lowest invertebrates up to the fishes inclusive suffer from total colour-blindness. This statement was based on the observation that for most positively heliotropic animals the region in the yellowish- green near X = 520 ^ seems the most efficient. Since this region of the spectrum appears also as the brightest to a totally colour-blind man, he concluded that all these animals are totally colour-blind. There is no reason why heliotropic reactions should be used as an indicator for colour sensations; if totally colour-blind human beings were possessed of an irresistible impulse to run into a flame Hess's assumption might be con- sidered, but no such phenomenon exists in colour- blind man. Moreover, v. Frisch2 has shown by ex- periments on the influence of the background on the colouration of fish as well as by experiments on bees and THess, C., "Gesichtssinn," Winterstein's Handb. d. vergl. PhysioL, 1913, iv. av. Frisch, K., "Der Farbensinn "und Formensinn der Biene," Zool. Jahrb. Abt.f. allg. Zool. u. PhysioL, 1914, xxxv. See also Ewald, W. F., Ztschr. f. SinnesphysioL, 1914, xlviii., 285. Animal Instincts and Tropisms 279 on Daphnia that the reactions of these animals to light of different wave-lengths indicate different effects besides those of mere intensity. Thus v. Frisch could train bees to go to a blue piece of cardboard distributed among many cardboards of different shades of grey. Bees thus trained would alight on any blue object even if it contained no food. It would be impossible to do this with totally colour-blind organisms. 9. Heliotropic reactions play a great role in the preservation of individuals as well as of species. In order to understand this r61e it must be stated that the photosensitive substances appear often only under certain conditions and that their effect is inhibited under other conditions. Thus among ants the winged males and females alone show positive heliotropism, r while the wingless workers are free from this reaction. This positive heliotropism becomes violent at the time of the nuptial flight and this phenomenon itself seems to be a heliotropic phenomenon since it takes place in the direction of the light. When the queen founds her nest she loses her wings and becomes negatively heliotropic again. Kellogg2 has shown that the nuptial flight of the bees is also a purely heliotropic phenomenon. When a part of the hive remote from the entrance is illuminated the bees rush to the light and can thus be prevented from swarming. These phenomena suggest 1 Loeb, J., Der Heliotropismus der Tiere, 1889. a Kellogg, V. L., Science, 1903, xviii., 693. 280 Animal Instincts and Tropisms that the presence of some substance secreted by the sex glands may cause the intensification of the helio- tropism which leads to the nuptial flight. In certain species of Daphnia, fresh-water copepods, and of Volvox, a trace of CO2 suffices to make negatively heliotropic or indifferent specimens violently positively heliotropic. I Certain forms of marine copepods and the larva? of Polygordim can be made positively helio- tropic by lowering the temperature2 and the larvae of the barnacle can be made negatively heliotropic by strong light. 3 It is quite possible that a change in the sense of heliotropism by temperature and light is to some extent at least responsible for the periodic depth migrations of heliotropic animals. Many if not all positively heliotropic animals can be made negatively heliotropic by exposure to ultra-violet light. 4 A most interesting example of the role of heliotropism in the preservation of a species is shown in the cater- pillars of Porthesia chrysorrhcea. The butterfly lays its eggs upon a shrub. The larvas hatch late in the fall and hibernate in a nest on the shrub, as a rule not far from the ground. As soon as the temperature reaches a certain height, they leave the nest; under natural 1 Loeb, J., Arch. f. d. ges. PhysioL, 1906, cxv., 564. 2 Ibid., 1893, liv., 81. 3 Groom, Theo. T., and Loeb, J., Biol. CentralbL, 1890, x., 160; Ewald, W. F., Jour. Exper. ZooL, 1912, xiii., 591. 4 Loeb, J., Arch. f. d. ges. PhysioL, 1906, cxv., 564; Moore, A. R., Jour. Exper. ZooL, 1912, xiii., 573. Animal Instincts and Tropisms 281 conditions, this happens in the spring when the first leaves have begun to form on the shrub. (The larvae can, however, be induced to leave the nest at any time in the winter provided the temperature is raised suffi- ciently.) After leaving the nest, they crawl directly upward on the shrub where they find the leaves on which they feed. Should the caterpillars move down the shrub, they would starve, but this they never do, always crawling upward to where they find their food. What gives the caterpillar this never-failing certainty which saves its life, and for which a human being might envy the little larva ? Is it a dim recollection of experiences of former generations? It can be shown that it is the light reflected from the sky which guides the animal upward. When we put these animals into a horizontal test-tube in a room, they all crawl toward the window, or toward a lamp ; the animal is positively heliotropic. It is this positive heliotropism which makes them move upward where they find their food, when the mild air of the spring calls them forth from their nest. At the top of the branch, they come in contact with a leaf, and chemical or tactile influences set the mandibles of the young caterpillar into activity. If we put these larvae into closed test-tubes which lie with their longitudinal axes at right angles to the window, they will all migrate to the window end, where they stay and starve, even if their favourite leaves are close behind them. They are slaves of the light. 282 Animal Instincts and Tropisms The few young leaves on top of a twig are quickly eaten by the caterpillar. The light, which saved its life by making it creep upward where it finds food, would cause it to starve could it not free itself from the bondage of positive heliotropism. The animal, after having eaten, is no longer a slave of the light, but can and does creep downward. It can be shown that a caterpillar, after having been fed, loses its positive heliotropism almost completely and permanently. If we submit unfed and fed caterpillars of the same nest contained in two different test-tubes to the same artificial or natural source of light, the unfed will creep to the light and stay there until they die, while those that have eaten will pay little or no attention to the light. Their sensitiveness to light has dis- appeared ; after having eaten they become independent of light and can creep in any direction. The restlessness which accompanies the condition of hunger makes the animal creep downward — which is the only direction open to it — where it finds new young leaves on which it can feed. The wonderful hereditary instinct, upon which the life of the animal depends, is its positive heliotropism in the unfed condition and its loss of this heliotropism after having eaten. The latter pheno- menon is in harmony with the experiments which show that the heliotropism of certain species of Daphnia disappears when the water becomes neutral. And finally it may be pointed out that the majority Animal Instincts and Tropisms 283 of green plants could not exist if their stems were not positively, their roots negatively, heliotropic. It is the positive heliotropism which makes the top grow toward the light, which enables the leaves to get the light necessary for assimilation, and the roots to grow into the soil where they find the water and nutritive salts. 10. While we do not wish to deal here with the different tropisms it should be stated that aside from heliotropism, chemotropism as well as stereotropism play the most essential role in the so-called instinctive actions of animals. It is a problem of orientation by the diffusion of molecules from a centre when a male butterfly is deviated from its flight and alights on the wooden box in which is enclosed a female of the same species. We have already alluded to certain phenomena of chemotropism in Chapter IV. Certain organisms have a tendency to bring their bodies as much as possible on all sides in contact with solid bodies; thus the butterfly AmpMpyra, which is a fast runner, will come to rest under a glass plate when the plate is put high enough above the ground so that it touches the back of the butterfly. The animals which live under stones or underground or in caves are as a rule both negatively heliotropic and positively stereotropic. Their tropisms predestine or force them into the life they lead. The sensitive area which forms the basis of tropisms 284 Animal Instincts and Tropisms is as a rule developed not in the whole organism but only in certain segments of the body. Thus the eyes are located in the head. But when the action of one segment becomes overpowering the whole or- ganism follows the segment. It has been customary among physiologists to speak of reflexes in such cases. Thus, e. g., the arms of the male frog develop a powerful positive stereotropism on their ventral surface during the spawning season. It would avoid confusion to realize that there is nothing gained in applying to this tropism the meaningless term " reflex"; it is better to call them tropisms since the organism as a whole is involved. If necessary we might speak of segmental tropisms. The act of seeking the female as well as that of cohabitation are in many cases combinations of chemotropism and stereotropism. The development of these tropisms depends upon the presence of certain specific substances in the body, a fact emphasized already in the case of helio tropism. In case of the development of the segmental stereotropism of the male frog at the time of spawning it has been shown that it depends on an internal secretion from the testes. It has been suggested by some authors that the tropistic reactions are determined by some feeling or emotion on the part of the organism. We have no means of judging the emotions of lower animals (except by "intuition"). The writer suggested in 1899 m his book on brain physiology that emotions may be deter- Animal Instincts and Tropisms 285 mined by specific substances which also determine the tropistic reaction (as well as phenomena of organ formation, although this latter phenomenon has nothing to do with the subject of instincts) ; and the excellent work of Cannon1 has shown the role of adre- nalin in the expression of fear. It is, therefore, both unwarranted and unnecessary to state that hypotheti- cal emotions determine the tropistic reactions. 1 Cannon, W. B., Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage, New York, 1915. CHAPTER XI THE INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT I . The term environment in relation to an organism may easily assume a mystic r61e if we assume that it can modify the organisms so that they become adapted to its peculiarities. Such ideas are difficult to compre- hend from a physicochemical viewpoint, according to which environment cannot affect the living organism and non-living matter in essentially different ways. Of course we know that proteins will as a rule coagulate at temperatures far below the boiling point of water and that no life is conceivable for any length of time at temperatures above 100° C., but heat coagulation of proteins occurs as well in the test-tube as in the living organism. If we substitute for the indefinite term environment the individual physical and chemical forces which constitute environment it is possible to show that the influence of each of these forces upon the organism finds its expression in simple physicochemical laws and that there is no need to introduce any other considerations. 286 The Influence of Environment 287 We select for our discussion first the most influential of external conditions, namely temperature. The reader knows that there is a lower as well as an upper temperature limit for life. Setchell has ascertained that in hot springs whose temperature is 43° C., or above, no animals or green algas are found.1 In hot springs whose temperature is above 43° he found only the Cyanophycece, whose structure is more closely related to that of the bacteria than to that of the algas, inasmuch as they have neither definitely differentiated nuclei nor chromophores. The highest temperature at which Cyanophycece occurred was 63° C. Not all the Cyanophycece were able to stand temperatures above 43° C., but only a few species. The other Cyanophycece were found at a temperature below 40° C., and were no more able to stand higher temperatures than the real algae or animals. The Cyanophycece of the hot springs were as a rule killed by a temperature of 73°. From this we must conclude that they contain proteins whose coagulation temperature lies above that of animals and green plants, and may be as high as 73°. Among the fungi many forms can resist a temperature above 43° or 45°; the spores can generally stand a higher temperature than the vegetative organs. Duclaux found that certain bacilli (Tyrothrix) found in cheese are killed in one minute at a temperature of from 80° 1 Setchell, W. A., Science, 1903, xxvii., 934. 288 The Influence of Environment to 90°; while for the spores of the same bacillus~a temperature of from 105° to 120° was required.1 Duclaux has called attention to a fact which is of importance for the investigation of the upper tempera- ture limit for the life of organisms. According to this author it is erroneous to speak of a definite temperature as a fatal one; instead we must speak of a deadly temperature zone. This is due to the fact that the length of time which an organism is exposed to a higher temperature is of importance. Duclaux quotes as an example a series of experiments by Christen on the spores of soil and hay bacilli. The spores were exposed to a stream of steam and the time determined which was required at the various temperatures to kill the spores. It took at iooe over sixteen hours " 105-1 10° two to four hours " 115° thirty to sixty minutes 125-130° five minutes or more 135° one to five minutes " 140° one minute In warm-blooded animals 45° is generally considered a temperature at which death occurs in a few minutes; but a temperature of 44°, 43°, or 42° is also to be considered fatal with this difference only, that it takes 1 Duclaux, E., Traite de microbiol., 1898, i., 280. The Influence of Environment 289 a longer time to bring about death. This fact is to be considered in the treatment of fever. It is generally held that death in these cases is due to an irreversible heat coagulation of proteins. Ac- cording to Duclaux, it can be directly observed in micro-organisms that in the fatal temperature zone the normally homogeneous, or finely granulated, proto- plasm is filled with thick, irregularly arranged bodies, and this is the optical expression of coagulation. The fact that the upper temperature limit differs so widely in different forms is explained by Duclaux through differences in the coagulation temperature of the various proteins. It is, e. g. known that the coagulation temperature varies with the amount of water of the colloid. According to Cramer, the mycelium of Peni- cillium contains 87.6 water to 12.4 dry matter, while the spores have 38.9 water and 61.1 dry substance. This may explain why the mycelium is killed at a lower temperature than the spores. According to Chevreul, with an increase in the amount of water, the coagulation temperature of albuminoids decreases. The reaction of the protoplasm influences the tempera- ture of coagulation, inasmuch as it is lower when the reaction is acid, higher when the reaction is alkaline. The experiments of Pauli show also a marked influence of salts upon the temperature of coagulation of colloids. The process of heat coagulation of colloids is also a function of time. If the exposure to high temperature 19 290 The Influence of Environment is not sufficiently long, only part of the colloid coagulates ; in this case an organism may again recover. Inside of these upper and lower temperature limits we find that life phenomena are influenced by tempera- ture in such a way that their rate is about doubled for an increase of the temperature of 10° C., and that this temperature coefficient for 10°, QIO, very often steadily diminishes from the lower to the higher temperature; so that near the lower temperature limit it becomes often considerably greater than 2 and near the higher temperature limit it becomes very often less than 2.1 This influence of temperature is so general that we are bound to associate it with an equally general feature of life phenomena; and such a feature would be most likely the chemical reactions. It is known through the work of Berthelot, van't HofI, and Arrhenius that the temperature coefficient for the velocity of chemical reactions is also generally of about the same order of magnitude; namely ~ 2 for a difference of 10°. In chemical reactions there is also a tendency for QIO to become larger for lower temperature, and coefficients of QIO about 5 or 6 have repeatedly been found for purely chemical reactions between o° and 10°, e. g., for the inversion of cane sugar by the hydrogen ion. The temperature coefficient for the reaction velocity of ferments shows the same diminution of QIO with 1 A full discussion of the literature on temperature coefficients is given in A. Kanitz's book on Temperatur und Lebensvorgdnge, Berlin, 1915. The Influence of Environment 291 rising temperature which is also noticed in most life phenomena. Thus Van Slyke and Cullen1 found that the reaction rate of the enzyme urease "is nearly doubled by every 10° rise in temperature between 10° and 50°. Within this range the temperature coefficient is nearly constant and averages 1.91. From o° to 10° it is 2.80, from 50° to 60° it is only 1.09. The optimum is at about 55°." The rapid fall of the temperature coefficient for enzyme action at the upper temperature limit has been ascribed by Tammann to a progressive destruction of the active mass of enzyme by the higher temperature (by hydrolysis). This will, however, not account for the high value of the coefficient near the lower limit. But is it not imaginable that at low temperature an aggregation of the enzyme particles exists which is also equivalent to a diminution of the active mass of the enzyme and that this aggregation is gradually dispersed by the rising temperature? This would account for the fact that at a temperature near o°C life phenomena stop because the enzymes are all in a state of aggregation or gelation; that then more and more are dissolved and the rate of chemical re- action increases since the mass of enzyme particles increases until all the enzyme molecules are dissolved or rendered active. Under this assumption three processes are superposed in the variation of the value 1 Van Slyke, D. D., and Cullen, G. E., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1914, xix., 141. 292 The Influence of Environment of QIO with temperature: (i) the supposed increase in the number of available ferment molecules with in- creasing temperature near the lower temperature limit ; (2) the temperature coefficient of the reaction velo- city which is nearly = 2 for io°C.; (3) the diminution of the number of available ferment molecules by hydroly- sis or some other action of the increasing temperature. This latter is noticeable near the upper temperature limit. The reason that I and 3 interfere more strongly in life phenomena than in the chemical reactions of crystalloid substances may possibly be accounted for by the fact that the enzymes and most of the con- stituents of living matter are colloidal, i. e., consist of particles of a considerably greater order of magnitude than the molecules of crystalloids. x We will now show the role of the temperature coefficient upon phenomena of development. F. R. Lillie and Knowlton2 first determined the influence of temperature upon the development of the egg of the frog and showed that it was of the same nature as that of a chemical reaction. These experiments were repeated a year later by O. Hertwig.3 1 These considerations may meet the objections of Krogh to the application of the van't Hoff rule of temperature effect on reaction velocity to life phenomena. See also the discussion of this subject in Kanitz's book. 2 Lillie, F. R., and Knowlton, E. P., ZooL Bull., 1897, i. 3 Hertwig, O., Arch, mikrosk. Anat., 1898, li., 319. See also E. Cohen, Vortrdge fur Aerzte ilber physikalische Chemie. 26. ed. Leip- zig, 1907. The Influence of Environment 293 The time required for the eggs to reach definite stages was measured for different temperatures and it was found that the temperature coefficient QIO between 2.5° and 6° was equal to 10 or more; between 6° and 15° it was between 2.6 and 4.5; between 10° and 20° it was 2.9 to 3.3, and between 20° and 24° it was between 1.4 and 2.0. To anybody who has worked on this problem it is obvious that no exact figures can be obtained in this way, since the point when, a certain stage of development is reached is not so sharply defined as to exclude a certain latitude of arbitrariness. The writer found that very exact figures can be obtained on the influence of temperature upon development of the sea-urchin egg by measuring the time from insemination to the first cell division. Such experiments were carried out in a cold-water form Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and a form living in warmer water, Arbacia.1 The figures on Arbacia have been verified by different observers in different years. 1 Loeb, J., Arch. f. d. ges. PhysioL, 1908, cxxiv., 411; Loeb J., and Wasteneys, H., Biochem. Ztschr., 1911, xxxvi., 345; Loeb J., and Cham- berlain, M. M.f Jour. Exper. ZooL, 191 5, xix., 559. 294 The Influence of Environment TABLE X INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE UPON THE TIME (IN MINUTES) REQUIRED FROM INSEMINATION TO THE FIRST CELL DIVISION Arbacia TEMPERA- Strongylocentrotus TURE LOEB AND LOEB AND purpuratus WASTENEYS CHAMBERLAIN 1911 1915 °C. Minutes Minutes Minutes 3 532 4 469 5 352 6 275 7 498 291 8 410 411 210 9 308 297.5 , 159 10 217 208 143 ii 175 175 12 147 148 131 13 129 H 116 121 15 100 IOO IOO 16 85-5 17 70-5 18 68 68 87 19 65 78 20 56 56 75 21 53-3 78 22 47 46 75 23 45-5 Upper tempera- 24 42 ture limit 25 40 39-5 26 33-5 27-5 34 30 33 31 37 These figures permitted the determination of the temperature coefficients Q10 with a sufficient degree of accuracy (see next table). It seemed of importance The Influence of Environment 295 to attempt to decide what the chemical reaction under- lying these reaction velocities is (if it is a chemical reaction). Loeb and Wasteneys1 investigated the temperature coefficient for the rate of oxidations in the newly fertilized egg of Arbacia and found that the temperature coefficient QIO for that process does not vary in the same way as the temperature coefficient for cell division. TABLE XI TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Qi0 FOR THE RATE OF SEGMENTATION AND OXIDATIONS IN THE EGGS OF Strongylocentrotus AND Arbacia QIO FOR RATE OF SEGMENTATION IN QIO for Rate of Oxidations in TEMPERATURE Arbacia Strongylocentrotus Arbacia ;c3 3-91 2.18 4-14 3-88 3.52 2.16 7-17 3-27 7-3 2.OO 8-1 8 6.0 9-19 2.04 4-7 IO-2O 1.90 3-8 2.17 1 1-2 1 3-3 12-22 1.74 3.1 13-23 2.8 2-45 15-25 2.5 2.24 16-26 2.6 17.5-27.5 2.2 2.OO 20-30 1.7 1.96 It is obvious that the temperature coefficient of the rate of oxidations is remarkably constant, about 2 for 10°, for various temperatures and does not show 1 Loc. cit. 296 The Influence of Environment the variation from 7 or more to 2.2 for QIO for the rate of segmentation. Kanitz1 has shown that in a graph in which the logarithms of the segmentation velocities are drawn as ordinates and the temperatures as abscissas the logarithms form two straight lines which are joined at an angle. According to the law of van't Hoff and Arrhenius concerning the influence of temperature upon velocities of chemical reactions the logarithms should lie in a straight line. We are dealing therefore in these cases with two exponential curves, one representing in Arbacia the interval 7-13° and the second from 13-26°; in Strongylocentrotus between 3-9° and 9-20°. It was found in these experiments that if measure- ments of the QIO of later stages of development are attempted the variations due to unavoidable difficulties become too great to permit an equal degree of reliability in the determinations. The vast importance of this influence of temperature upon the rate of development is seen in the fact that in addition to the food supply the rate of the maturing of plants and animals depends on this factor. 2. This influence of temperature upon develop- ment has been used to find the conditions determining fluctuating variation. The reader knows that by this expression are understood the differences between in- dividuals of a pure strain or breed. These variations 1 Kanitz, A., loc. cit., p. 123. The Influence of Environment 297 are not inherited, a fact contrary to the idea of Dar- win, who assumed that by the selection of extreme cases of fluctuating variation new varieties could de- velop. What is the basis of this fluctuating variation? The writer concluded that if fluctuating variations were due to a slight variation in the quantity of a specific substance — in some cases an enzyme — required for the formation of a hereditary character, the tem- perature coefficient might be used to test the idea. We have just seen that the time required from insemina- tion until the cell division of the first egg occurs is very sharply defined for each temperature. If a large number e.g. one hundred or more eggs are under obser- vation simultaneously in a microscopic field it can be seen that they do not all segment at the same time but in succession; this is the expression of fluctuating variation. Miss Chamberlain and the writer have measured the time which elapses between the moment the first egg of such a group segments and the moment the last egg begins its segmentation, and found that this latitude of variation is also very definite for each tem- perature, and that its temperature coefficient is for each interval of 10° practically identical with the temperature coefficient of the segmentation for the same interval.1 The slight deviations are practically all in the same sense and accounted for by a slight deficiency in the nature of the experiments. The 1 Loeb, J., and Chamberlain, M. M., Jour. Exper. Zool., 1915, xix., 559. 298 The Influence of Environment two following tables give the latitude of variations for different temperatures for the first segmentation in Arbacia and the temperature coefficient for this latitude and the rate of segmentation. These two latter co- efficients are practically identical. TABLE XII Latitude Latitude Temperature of Temperature of Variation Variation °C. Minutes °C. Minutes 9 52.5 18 I2.O 10 39-5 19 12-5 ii 26.0 20 9.6 12 22.5 21 8.0 13 19.2 22 7.8 14 17-5 23 8.0 15 13-0 24 8.0 25 5-o TABLE XIII Temperature Interval TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF Latitude of Variation Segmentation O/"*^ V-**» 9-19 IO-2O 4.2 3-9 4-7 3-8 1 1-2 1 12-22 3-2 2.8 3-3 13-23 14-24 15-25 2.4 2-3 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.5 The Influence of Environment 299 If we assume that the temperature coefficient for the segmentation of the egg is that of a chemical re- action (other than oxidation) underlying the process of segmentation, the fluctuating variation in the time of the segmentations of the various eggs fertilized at the same time is due to the fact that the mass of the enzyme controlling that reaction varies within definite limits in different eggs. The first egg segmenting at a given temperature has the maximal, the last egg segmenting has the minimal mass of enzyme. It should be added that the time of the first segmentation is determined by the cytoplasm and is not a Mendelian character, as was stated in a previous chapter. 3. The point of importance to us is that the influ- ence of temperature upon the organism is so constant that if disturbing factors are removed it would be pos- sible to use the time from insemination to the first segmentation of an egg of Arbacia as a thermometer on the basis of the table on page 295. Facts of this character should dispose of the idea that the organism as a whole does not react with that degree of machine-like precision which we find in the realm of physics and chemistry. Such an idea could only arise from the fact that biologists have not been in the habit of looking for quantitative laws, chiefly, perhaps, because the difficulties due to disturbing secondary factors were too great. The worker in physics knows that in order to discover the laws of a 300 The Influence of Environment phenomenon all the disturbing factors which might influence the result must first be removed. When the biologist works with an organism as a whole he is rarely able to accomplish this since the various dis- turbing influences, being inseparable from the life of the organism, can often not be entirely removed. In this case the biologist must look for an organism in which by chance this elimination of secondary condi- tions is possible. The following example may serve as an illustration of this rather important point in biological work. Although all normal human beings have about the same temperature, yet if the heart- beats of a large number of healthy human beings are measured the rate is found to vary enormously. Thus v. Korosy found among soldiers under the most favour- able and most constant conditions of observations — the soldiers were examined early in the morning before rising — variations in the rate of heart-beat between 42 and 1 08. In view of this fact, those opposed to the idea that the organism as a whole obeys purely physico- chemical laws might find it preposterous to imagine that the rate of heart-beat could be used as a thermometer. Yet if we observe the influence of temperature on the rate of the heart-beat of a large number of embryos of the fish Fundidus, while the embryos are still in the egg, we find that at the same temperature each heart beats at the same rate, the deviations being only slight and such as the fluctuating variations would The Influence of Environment 301 demand.1 This constancy is so great that the rate of heart-beat of these embryos could in fact be used as a rough thermometer. The influence of tempera- ture upon the rate of heart-beat is completely reversible so that when we measure the rate for increasing as well as for decreasing temperatures we get approximately the same values as the following table shows. TABLE XIV Temperature Time Required for Nineteen Heart-beats in the Embryo of Fundulus °C. Seconds 30 6.25 25 8-5 20 "•5 15 19.0 10 32.5 5 61.0 10 33-5 15 18.8 20 12.0 25 IO.O 30 6.0 Why does each embryo have the same rate of heart- beat at the same temperature in contradistinction to the enormous variability of the same rate in man? The answer is, on account of the elimination of all secondary disturbing factors. In the embryo of Fun- dulus the heart-beat is a function almost if not exclu- 1 Loeb, J., and Ewald, W. P., Biochem. Ztschr., 1913, Iviii., 179. 302 The Influence of Environment sively of two variables, the mass of enzymes for the chemical reactions underlying the heart-beat and the temperature. By inheritance the mass of enzymes is approximately the same and in this way all the embryos beat at the same rate (within the limits of the fluctuat- ing variation) at the same temperature. This identity exists, however, only as long as the embryo is relatively quiet in the egg. As soon as the embryo begins to move this equality disappears since the motion influ- ences the heart-beat and the motility of different embryos differs. In man the number of disturbing factors is so great that no equality of the rate for the same tem- perature can be expected. Differences in emotions or the internal secretions following the emotions, differences in previous diseases and their after-effects, differences in metabolism, differences in the use of narcotics or drugs, and differences in activity are only some of the number of variables which enter. 4. As stated above the temperature influences practically all life phenomena in a similar characteristic way, e. g., the production of CO2 in seeds1 and the assimilation of C02 by green plants.2 The writer would not be surprised if even the aberrations in the colour of butterflies under the influence of temperature 1 Clausen, H., Landwirtschaftl. Jahrb., 1890, xix., 893. 3 Matthaei, G. L. C., Trans. Philosoph. Soc., 1904, cxcvii., 47; Black- man F. F., Ann. of Bot., 1905, xix., 281. The Influence of Environment 303 •^ turned out to be connected with the temperature co- efficient. The experiments of Dorfmeister, Weismann, Merrifield, Standfuss, and Fischer, on seasonal dimor- phism and the aberration of colour in butterflies have so often been discussed in biological literature that a short reference to them will suffice. By seasonal dimorphism is meant the fact that species may appear at different seasons of the year in a somewhat different form or colour. Vanessa prorsa is the summer form, Vanessa levana the winter form of the same species. By keeping the pupae of Vanessa prorsa several weeks at a temperature of from o° to i° Weismann succeeded in obtaining from the summer chrysalids specimens which resembled the winter variety, Vanessa levana. If we wish to get a clear understanding of the causes of variation in the colour and pattern of butterflies, we must direct our attention to the experiments of Fischer, who worked with more extreme temperatures than his predecessors, and found that almost identical aberrations of colour could be produced by both ex- tremely high and extremely low temperatures. This can be seen clearly from the following tabulated results of his observations. At the head of each column the reader finds the temperature to which Fischer sub- mitted the pupae, and in the vertical column below are found the varieties that were produced. In the vertical column A are given the normal forms: 304 The Influence of Environment TABLE XV o° to o° to A +35° to +36° to +42° to -20°C. + io°C. (Normal +37° C. +4i°C. +46°C. Forms) iclmusoides polaris urtica ichnusa polaris ichnusoides (nigrita) (nigrita) antigone fischeri io — fischeri antigone (iokaste) (iokaste) testudo dixeyi polychloros erythromelas dixeyi testudo hygi&a artemis antiopa epione artemis hygiaa elymi wiskotti cardui — wiskotti elymi klymene merrifieldi atalanta — merrifieldi klymene weismanni porima prorsa porima weismanni The reader will notice that the aberrations produced at a very low temperature (from o° to —20° C.) are absolutely identical with the aberrations produced by exposing the pupae to extremely high temperatures (42° to 46° C.). Moreover, the aberrations produced by a moderately low temperature (from o° to 10° C.) are identical with the aberrations produced by a moder- ately high temperature (36° to 41° C.). From these observations Fischer concludes that it is erroneous to speak of a specific effect of high and of low temperatures, but that there must be a common cause for the aberration found at the high as well as at the low temperature limits. This cause he seems to find in the inhibiting effects of extreme temperatures upon development. If we try to analyse such results as Fischer's from a The Influence of Environment 305 physicochemical point of view, we must realize that what we call life consists of a series of chemical reac- tions, which are connected in a catenary way; inas- much as one reaction or group of reactions (a) (e. g., hydrolyses) causes or furnishes the material for a second reaction or group of reactions (b) (e. g., oxida- tions). We know that the temperature coefficient for physiological processes varies slightly at various parts of the scale; as a rule it is higher near o° and lower near 30°. But we know also that the temperature coefficients do not vary equally for the various physiological pro- cesses. It is, therefore, to be expected that the tem- perature coefficients for the group of reactions of the type (a) will not be identical through the whole scale with the temperature coefficients for the reactions of the type (£>) . If therefore a certain substance is formed at the normal temperature of the animal in such quan- tities as are needed for the catenary reaction (&), it is not to be expected that this same perfect balance will be maintained for extremely high or extremely low temperatures; it is more probable that one group of reactions will exceed the other and thus produce aber- rant chemical effects, which may underlie the colour aberrations observed by Fischer and other experi- menters. It is important to notice that Fischer was also able to produce aberrations through the' application of narcotics. Wolfgang Ostwald has produced expen- 306 The Influence of Environment mentally, through variation of temperature, dimor- phism of form in Daphnia. 5. Next or equal in importance with the tempera- ture is the nature of the medium in which the cells are living. It has often been pointed out that the marine animals and the cells of the body of metazoic animals are surrounded by a medium of similar constitution, the sea water and the blood or lymph, both media be- ing salt solutions differing in concentration but con- taining the three salts NaCl, KC1, and CaCl2 in about the same relative concentration, namely 100 mole- cules NaCl : 2.2 molecules of KC1 : 1.5 molecules of CaCl2. This has suggested to some authors the poetical dream that our home was once the ocean, but we can- not test the idea since unfortunately we cannot experi- ment with the past. Plants, unicellular fresh-water algae, and bacteria do not demand such a medium for their existence. Herbst had shown that when sea-urchin larvae were raised in a medium in which only one of the constitu- ents of the sea water was lacking (not only NaCl, KC1, or CaCl2, but also Na2S04, NaHC03, or Na2HPO4), the eggs could not develop into plutei; from which he concluded that every constituent of the sea water wTas necessary. This would indicate a case of extreme adaptation to all the minutiae of the external medium. Experiments on a much more favourable animal The Influence of Environment 307 for this purpose, namely, the eggs of the marine fish Fundulus, gave altogether different results. The eggs of this marine fish develop naturally in sea water but they develop just as well in fresh or in distilled water, and the young fish when they are made to hatch in distilled water will continue to live in this medium. This proves that these eggs require none of the salts of the sea water for their development. When these eggs are put immediately after fertilization into a pure solution of NaCl of that concentration in which this salt exists in the sea water practically all the eggs die without forming an embryo; but if a small quantity of CaCl2 is added every egg is able to form one, and these embryos will develop into fish and the latter will hatch. This led the writer to the conclusion that these fish (and perhaps marine animals in general) need the Ca of the sea water only to counteract the injurious effects which a pure NaCl solution has if it is present in too high a concentration.1 When we raise the eggs in a pure NaCl solution of a concentration ^fm/8 practically every egg will develop; and even in a m/4 or 3/8 m many or some eggs will form embryos without adding Ca ; it may be that a trace of Ca present in the membrane of the egg may suffice to counter- balance the injurious action of a weak salt solution. 1 Loeb, J., "The Poisonous Character of a Pure NaCl Solution," Am. Jour. PhysioL, 1900, iii., 329; Arch.f. d. ges. Physiol., 1901, Ixxxviii., 68; Am. Jour. PhysioL, 1902, vi., 411; Biochem. Ztschr., 1906, ii.f 8l. 308 The Influence of Environment The concentration of the NaCl in the sea water at Woods Hole (where these experiments were made) is about m/2, and as soon as this concentration of NaCl is reached the eggs are all killed as a rule before they can form an embryo, unless a small but definite amount of Ca is added. It was found that the eggs can be raised in much higher concentrations of NaCl, but in that case more Ca must be added. The following table gives the minimal amount of CaCl2 which must be added in order to allow fifty per cent, of the eggs to form embryos. (The eggs were put into the solu- tion an hour or two after fertilization.) TABLE XVI Concentration Cc. m/i6 CaCl2 of Required for 50 c.c. NaCl NaCl Solution m. 3/8 O.I 4/8 o-3 5/8 0-5 6/8 0.6 7/8 0.9 8/8 1.2-1.4 9/8 I.8-2.O 10/8 2.0-2.5 1 1/8 2.O? 12/8 3-0-3-5 13/8 6.0 This indicates that the quantity of CaCl2 required to counteract the injurious effects of a pure solution of NaCl increases approximately in proportion to the The Influence of Environment 309 square of the concentration of the NaCl solution.1 The reader will notice that the eggs can survive and develop in a solution of three times the concentration of sea water, provided enough Ca is added. It was found also that not only Ca but a large num- ber of other bivalent metals were able to counteract the injurious action of an excessive NaCl solution; namely Mg, Sr, Ba, Mn, Co, Zn, Pb, and Fe;2 only Hg and Cu could not be used since they are themselves too toxic. The antagonistic efficiency of the bivalent cations other than Ca was, however, smaller than that of Ca. The following table gives the high- est concentration of NaCl solution in which the newly fertilized eggs of Fundulus can still form an embryo.3 50 c.c. 10/8 m NaCl +4 c.c. m/i MgCl2 50 c.c. 14/8 m NaCl+i c.c. m/i CaCl2 50 c.c. 1 1/8 m NaCl + i c.c. m/i SrCl2 50 c.c. 7/8 m NaCl+i c.c. m/i BaCl2 On the other hand it was seen that in all the chlorides with a univalent cation, LiCl, KC1, RbCl, CsCl, NH4C1, the eggs could form embryos up to a certain concentration of the salt; but that this concentration could be raised by the addition of Ca. 1 Loeb, J., Jour. BioL Chem., 1915, xxiii., 423. 2 Loeb, J., "On the Physiological Effects of the Valency and Possibly the Electrical Charges of Ions," Am. Jour. PhysioL, 1902, vi., 411. 3 Loeb, J., Jour. BioL Chem., 1914, xix., 431. 310 The Influence of Environment TABLE XVII CONCENTRATIONS AT WHICH THE EGGS NO LONGER ARE ABLE TO FORM EMBRYOS In the Pure Salts In the Same Salts with the Addition of i ex. m CaCl2 to 50 c.c. Solution LiCl about 6/32 m NaCl m/2 KC1 > 11/16 m <6/8m RbCl >8/8m <7/8m CsCl >3/8m <4/8 m >5/8m > 14/8 m > 8/8 m >9/8m >8/8m In short it turned out that the injurious action of the pure solution of any chloride (or any other anion) with a univalent metal could be counteracted to a considerable extent by the addition of small quantities of a salt with a bivalent metal. It was also found in the early experiments of the writer that the bivalent or polyvalent anions had no such antagonistic effect upon the injurious action of the salts with a univalent cation. We therefore see that what at first sight appeared in the experiments of Herbst a necessity, namely, the presence of each constituent of the sea water, turns out as a special case of a more general law; the salts with univalent ions are injurious if their concentration exceeds a certain limit and this injurious action is diminished by a trace of a salt with a bivalent cation. Why was it not possible to prove this fact for the The Influence of Environment 311 eggs of the sea urchin? Before we answer this ques- tion, we wish to enter upon the discussion of the nature of the injurious action of a pure NaCl solution of a certain concentration and of the annihilation of this action by the addition of a small quantity of Ca. The writer suggested in 1905 that the injurious action of a pure NaCl solution consisted in rendering the membrane of the egg permeable for NaCl, whereby the germ inside the membrane is killed; while the addition of a small amount of Ca (or any other bivalent metal) prevents the diffusion of Na into the egg, x possibly, as T. B. Robertson2 suggested, by forming a precipitate with some constituent of the membrane, whereby the latter becomes more impermeable. The correctness of this idea can be demonstrated in the following way. When eggs of Fundulus, which are three or four days old and contain an embryo, are put into a test-tube containing 3 m NaCl they will float on this solution for about three or four hours ; after that they will sink to the bottom. Before this happens the egg will shrink and when it ceases to float the embryo is usually dead. This is intelligible on the assumption that the NaCl solution entered the egg, increased its specific gravity so that it could not float any longer and killed the embryo. When we add, however, I c. c. 10/8 m CaCl2 to 50 c.c. 3 m NaCl the eggs will float, the 1 Loeb, J., Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1905, cvii., 252. J Robertson, T. B., Ergeb. d. Physiol., 1910, x., 216. 312 The Influence of Environment heart will continue to beat normally and the em- bryo will continue to develop for three days or more, because the calcium prevents the NaCl from entering into the egg.1 For if we put a newly hatched embryo into 50 c.c. 3 m NaCl+i c.c. 10/8 m CaCl2 it will die almost instantly; hence the membrane must have acted for three or more days as a shield which pre- vented the NaCl from diffusing into the egg in the presence of CaCl2. The same experiments cannot be demonstrated in the sea-urchin egg, first, because it can live neither in distilled water nor in very dilute nor very concentrated solutions; and second, because it is not separated as is the germ of the Fundulus egg from the surrounding solution by a membrane which is under proper condi- tions practically impermeable for water and salts. Nevertheless it can be shown that the results at which we arrived in our experiments on Fundulus are of a general application. Osterhout2 has shown that plants which grow in the soil or in fresh water are readily killed by a pure NaCl solution of a certain concentration, while they can resist the same concen- tration of NaCl if some CaCl2 is added. Wo. Ostwald3 has shown the same for a species of Daphnia. We, therefore, come to the conclusion that the injurious 1 Loeb, J., Biochem. Ztschr., 1912, xlvii., 127. 'Osterhout, W. J. V., Bot. Gazette, 1906, xlii., 127; 1907, xliv., 257; Jour. Biol., Chem., 1906, i., 363. 3 Ostwald, Wo., Arch. f. d. ges. PhysioL, 1905, cvi., 568. The Influence of Environment 313 action following an alteration in the constitution of the sea water is in some of the cases due to an increase in the permeability of the membranes of the cell, whereby substances can diffuse into the cell which when the proper balance prevails cannot diffuse. For this balance the ratio of the concentration of the salts with univalent cation Na and K over those with bivalent r» j TV/T salts . . ,, cation Ca and Mg -^ - is of the greatest CCa+Mg salts importance. 6. The importance of this quotient appears in the so-called 'behaviour'1 of marine animals. We have mentioned the newly hatched larvae of the barnacle in connection with heliotropism. These larvae swim in a trough of normal sea water at the surface, being either strongly positively or negatively helio- tropic. They collect as a rule in two dense clusters, one at the window and one at the room side of the dish. If such animals are put into a solution of NaCl+ KC1 (in the proportion in which these salts exist in the sea water), they will fall to the bottom unable to rise to the surface. They will, however, rise to the surface and swim energetically to or from the window if a certain quantity of any of the chlorides of a biva- lent metal, Mg, Ca, or Sr, is added, but these movements will last only a few minutes when only one of these three salts is added; and then the animals will fall to the bottom again. If, however, two salts, e. g., MgCla 314 The Influence of Environment and CaCl 2, are added the animals will stay permanently at the surface and react to light as they would have done in normal sea water. These animals also can resist comparatively large changes in the concentration of the sea water, and it seemed of interest to find out t. A *u *• * CNaCl+KCl whether the quotient CM Cl -I- CaCl ' which J'ust allowed all the animals to swim at the surface, had a constant value. The MgCl2+CaCl3 solution was 3/8 m and contained the two metals in the proportion in which they exist in the sea water; namely, n.8 mole- cules MgCl2 to 1.5 molecules CaCl2. The next table gives the result.1 Since these experiments lasted a day or more each, usually two different concentrations of NaCl+KCl of the ratio 1:2 or 1:4 were compared in one experiment. TABLE XVIII Number of Experiment Concentration of NaCl+KCl C.c. 3/8 m CaCl2+ MgCl2 Required Value of CNa+K CMg+Ca I ( m/i6 •jm/8 0-3 0.4-0.5 27.8 37-0 2 jm/8 | m/4 0-5 0.9-1.0 33-3 35-1 3 j 3/16 m ]3/8m 0.7 i-3 35-7 38.5 Loeb, J., Jour. BioL Chem., 1915, xxiii., 423. The Influence of Environment 315 TABLE XVIII— Continued Number of. Experiment Concentration of NaCl+KCl C.c. 3/8 m CaCl,+ MgCl, Required Value of CMt+Ca 4 jm/8 jm/2 0-5 1.8-1.9 36.0 39-2 5 jm/4 •jm/2 0.8-0.9 1.6-1.7 39-2 40-3 6 j 5/i6 m 0.9 1-7 46.3 49.0 7 j 3/i6 m ] 6/8 m 0.6 2.4 41.7 41.7 These experiments indicate that the ratio of CNa-fK CCa+Mg remains very nearly constant with varying concentra- tions of CNa+K. In former experiments on jellyfish the writer had shown that there exists an antagonism between Mg and Ca1, and this observation was subsequently con- firmed by Meltzer and Auer2 for mammals. It was observed that in a solution of NaCl+KCl+MgCl2 the larvag of the barnacle were also not able to remain at the surface for more than a few minutes, while an addition of some CaCl2 made them swim permanently at the surface. Various quantities of MgCl2 were added to a mixture of m/4 or m/2 NaCl+KCl, to find 1 Loeb, J., Jour. BioL Chem., 1905-06, i., 427. 3 Meltzer, S. J., and Auer, J., Am. Jour. PhysioL, 1908, xxi., 400. 316 The Influence of Environment out how much CaCl2, was required to allow them to swim permanently at the surface. TABLE XIX C.c. of m/i6 CaCl2 Neces- sary to Induce the Ma- jority of the Larva to Sivim in m/2(Na+K) m/4(Na+K) 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl+o.75 c.c. 3/8mMgCl2 O.2 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl+ 1.5 c.c. 3/8 m MgCl2 0.4 0-3 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl + 2.5 c.c. 3/8 m MgCl2 0.4 O.4 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl-j- 5.0 c.c. 3/8 m MgCl2 0.7-0.8 O.y-0.8 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl+io.o c.c. 3/8 m MgCl2 1.6 1.6 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl+i5.o c.c. 3/8 m MgCl2 1.8 50 c.c. NaCl+KCl 4-20.0 c.c. 3/8 m MgCl2 1.8 In order to interpret these figures correctly we must remember that we are dealing with two different an- tagonisms, one between the salts with univalent and bivalent metals and the other between Mg and Ca. The former antagonism is satisfied by the addition of Mg, inasmuch as enough Mg was present for this purpose in all solutions. What was lacking was the balance between Mg and Ca. The experiments in Table XIX therefore answer the question of the ratio between Mg and Ca. If we consider only the concen- trations of Mg between 2.5 and 10.0 c. c. % m MgCl2 — which are those closest to the normal concentration of Mg in the sea water — we notice that CQa must vary in proportion to CMg. If we now combine the results of this and the previous paragraph we may The Influence of Environment 317 express them in the form of the theory of physiologically balanced salt solutions, by which we mean that in the ocean (and in the blood or lymph) the salts exist in such ratio that they mutually antagonize the injurious action which one or several of them would have ij they were alone in solution.1 This law of physiologically balanced solu- tions seems to be the general expression of the effect of changes in the constitution of the salt solutions for marine or all aquatic organisms. This chapter would not be complete without an intimation of the r61e of buffers in the sea water and the blood, by which the reaction of these media is pre- vented from changing in a way injurious to the organ- ism. These buffers are the carbonates and phosphates. Instead of saying that the organisms are adapted to the medium, L. Henderson has pointed out the fitness of the environment for the development of organisms and one of these elements of fitness are the buffers against alterations of the hydrogen ion concentration.2 The ratio in which the salts of the different metals exist in the sea water is another. It is obvious that the quan- titative laws prevailing in the effect of environment upon organisms leave no more room for the interfer- ence of a "directing force'1' of the vitalist than do the laws of the motion of the solar system. 1 This theory was first expressed by the writer in Am. Jour. Physiol., 1900, iii., 434. 2 Henderson, L., The Fitness of the Environment. See also Michaelis, L., Die Wasserstoffionenconzentration. Berlin, 1914. CHAPTER XII ADAPTATION TO ENVIRONMENT I . It is assumed by certain biologists that the envir- onment influences the organism in such a way as to increase its adaptation. Were this correct it would not contradict a purely physicochemical conception of life; it would only call for an explanation of the me- chanism by which the adaptation is brought about. There are striking cases on record which warn us against the universal correctness of the view that the environment causes an adaptive modification of the organism. Thus the writer pointed out in 1889 that positive heliotropism occurs in organisms which have no opportunity to make use of it,1 e. g., Cuma rathkii, a crustacean living in the mud, and the caterpillars of the willow borer living under the bark of the trees. We understand today why this should be so, since heliotropism depends upon the presence of photosensitive substances, and it can readily be seen • • 1 Loeb, J., Der Heliotropismus der Tiere und seine Ubereinstimmung mil dem Heliotropismus der Pflanzen. Wurzburg, 1890 (appeared in 1889). 318 Adaptation to Environment 319 that the question of use or disuse has nothing to do with the production of certain harmless chemical com- pounds in the body. A much more striking example is offered in the case of galvanotropism. Many or- ganisms show the phenomenon of galvanotropism, yet, as the writer pointed out years ago, galvano- tropism is purely a laboratory product and no animal has ever had a chance or will ever have a chance to be exposed to a constant current except in the labora- tory of a scientist. This fact is as much of a puzzle to the selectionist and to the Lamarckian (who would be at a loss to explain how outside conditions could have developed this tropism) as to the vitalist who would have to admit that the genes and supergenes indulge occasionally in queer freaks and lapses. The only consistent attitude is that of the physicist who assumes that the reactions and structures of animals are consequences of the chemical and physical forces, which no more serve a purpose than those forces re- sponsible for the solar systems. From this viewpoint it is comprehensible why utterly useless tropisms or structures should occur in organisms. 2. A famous case for the apparent adaptation of animals to environment has been the blind cave ani- mals. It is known that in caves blind salamanders, blind fishes, and blind insects are common, while such forms are comparatively rare in the open. This fact has suggested the idea that the darkness of the cave 320 Adaptation to Environment was the cause of the degeneration of the eyes. A closer investigation leads, however, to a different explanation. Eigenmann has shown that of the species of salamanders living habitually in North American caves, two have apparently quite normal eyes. They are Spelerpes maculicauda and Spelerpes stejnegeri. Two others liv- ing in caves have quite degenerate eyes, Typhlotriton spelcEUs and Typhlomolge raihbuni. If disuse is the direct cause of blindness we must inquire why Spelerpes is not blind. Another difficulty arises from the fact that a blind fish Typhlogobius is found in the open (on the coast of southern California) in shallow water, where it lives under rocks in holes occupied by shrimps. The question must again be raised: How can it happen that in spite of exposure to light Typhlogobius is blind? The most important fact is perhaps the one found by Eigenmann in the fishes of the family of Amblyop- sidse. Six species of this group live permanently in caves, are not found in the open, and have abnormal eyes, while one lives permanently in the open, is never found in caves, and one comes from subterranean springs. The one form which is found only in the open, Chologaster cornutus, has a simplified retina as well as a comparatively small eye, in other words, its eye is not normal. This indicates the possibility that the other representatives which are found only in Adaptation to Environment 321 caves also might have abnormal eyes even if they had never lived in caves. Through these facts the old idea becomes question- able, namely, that the cave animals had originally been animals with normal eyes which owing to disuse had undergone a gradual hereditary degeneration. Recent experiments made on the embryos of the fish Fundulus have yielded the result that it is possible to produce blindness in fish by various means other than lack of light.1 Thus the writer found that by crossing the egg of Fundulus with the sperm of a widely different species, namely, Menidia, blind embryos were produced very frequently; that is to say such embryos had the degenerate eyes characteristic of blind cave fishes. Very often no other external trace of an eye, except a gathering of pigment, could be found, while a close histological examination would possibly have resulted in the demonstration of rudiments of a lens and other tissues of the eye. Another method of producing blind fish embryos consists in exposing the egg immediately, or soon after fertilization, to a temperature between o° and 2° C. for a number of hours. Many embryos are killed by this treatment, but those which survive behave very much like the hybrids between Fundulus and Menidia, i. e., a number of them have quite degenerated eyes. If the eggs have once formed an embryo they can be 1 Loeb, J., BioL Bull, 1915, xxix., 50. 21 322 Adaptation to Environment kept at the temperature of o° for a month or more without giving rise to blind animals. Occasionally such rudimentary eyes were also observed when eggs were kept in a solution containing a trace of KCN. Stockard has succeeded in producing cyclopean eyes in Fundulus by adding an excess of magnesium salt to the sea water in which the eggs developed or by adding alcohol, and McClendon has confirmed and added to these results. The writer tried repeatedly, but in vain, to produce Fundulus with deficient eyes by keeping the embryos in the dark. Sperm and egg were not allowed to be exposed to the light yet the embryos without exception had normal eyes. F. Payne raised sixty-nine successive generations of a fly Drosophila in the dark, but the eyes and the re- action of the insects to light remained perfectly normal. Uhlenhuth has recently demonstrated in a very striking way that the development of the eyes does not depend upon the influence of light or upon the eyes functioning. He transplanted the eyes of young salamanders into different parts of their bodies where they were no longer connected with the optic nerves. The eyes after transplantation underwent a degenera<' tion which was followed by a complete regeneration, He showed that this regeneration took place in com- plete darkness and that the transplanted eyes remained normal in salamanders kept in the dark for fifteen Adaptation to Environment 323 months. Hence the eyes which were no longer in connection with the central nervous system, which had received no light, and could not have functioned, regenerated and remained normal. The degeneration which took place in the eyes immediately after being transplanted was apparently due to the interruption of the circulation in the eye, and the regeneration commenced in all probability with the re-establishment of the circulation in the transplanted organ. In our own experiments it can be shown that the circulation in the embryo was deficient in all cases where the eyes degenerated. The hybrids between Fundulus and Menidia have often a beating heart but rarely a circulation (although they form blood); and the same phenomenon occurred in the embryos which were exposed to a low temperature at an early period of their lives. Hence all the facts agree that conditions which lead to an abnormal circulation (and conse- quently also to an abnormal or inadequate nutrition of the embryonic eye) may prevent development and lead to the formation of blind fishes. Eigenmann states that no blood-vessels enter the eye of the blind cave salamander Typhlotriton. The presence or ab- sence of light does not usually interfere with the circu- lation or nutrition of the embryonic eye, and hence does not as a rule lead to the formation of degenerated eyes. This would lead us to the assumption that the blind 324 Adaptation to Environment fish owe their deficiency not to lack of light but to a condition which interferes with the circulation in the embryonic eye. Such a condition might be brought about by an anomaly in the germ plasm or in one chromosome, the nature and cause of which we are not able to determine at present ; but which, since it occurs in the germ plasm or the chromosomes, must be heredi- tary. This would explain why it is, that animals with perfect eyes may occur in caves and why perfectly blind animals may occur in the open. It leaves, how- ever, one point unexplained; namely, the greater fre- quency of blind species in caves or in the dark and the relative scarcity of such forms in the open. Eigenmann has shown that all those forms which live in caves were adapted to life in the dark before they entered the cave.1 These animals are all nega- tively helio tropic and positively stereotropic, and with these tropisms they would be forced to enter a cave whenever they are put at the entrance. Even those among the Amblyopsidae which live in the open have the tropisms of the cave dweller. This eliminates the idea that the cave adapted the animals for the life in the dark. Only those animals can thrive in caves which for their feeding and mating do not depend upon visual mechan- 1 Cu£not has proposed the term preadaptation for such cases and this term expresses the situation correctly. Cue"not, L., La Genese des Especes animates. Paris, 1911. Adaptation to Environment 325 isms; and conversely, animals which are not provided with visual mechanisms can hold their own in the open, where they meet the competition of animals which can see, only under exceptional conditions. This seems to account for the fact that in caves blind species are comparatively more prevalent than in the open. In other words, the adaptation of blind animals to the cave is only apparent; they were adapted to cave life before they entered the cave. Many animals are obviously burdened with a germinal abnormality giving rise to imperfection and smallness of the eye — the hereditary factor involved may have to do with the development of the blood-vessels and lymphatics of the eye. Such mutants can survive more easily in the cave, where they do not have to meet the competi- tion of seeing forms, than in the open. In man also an hereditary form of blindness is known, the so-called hereditary glaucoma. It has nothing to do with light, but the disease seems to be due to an hereditary anomaly of the circulation in the eye. Kammerer1 has recently reported that by keeping the blind European cave salamander Proteus anguinus under certain conditions of illumination he succeeded in producing two specimens with larger eyes. Accord- ing to him the eyes of Proteus may develop to a certain point and then retrogress again. He states that by keeping young salamanders alternately for a 1 Kammerer, P., Arch. f. Entwcklngsmech., 1912, xxxiii., 349. 326 Adaptation to Environment week or two in sunlight and in a dark room where they were exposed to red incandescent light, two males formed somewhat larger eyes. The first year no altera- tion was visible. In the second year a slight increase in the size of the eyes was noticeable under the skin. In the third year the eye protruded slightly and this increased somewhat in the fourth year. There is thus far only one case on record in animal biology in which the light influences the formation of organs. The writer found that the regeneration of the polyps of the hydroid Eudendrium does not take place if the animals are kept in the dark, while the polyps will regenerate if exposed to the light ; * and the time of exposure may be rather short according to Goldfarb. 2 It is possible that Proteus resembles in this respect Eudendrium; it should be stated, however, that of many different forms tried by the writer over a number of years, Eudendrium was the only one which gave evid- ence of such an influence of light. Of course it is not impossible that the light might influence reflexly the development of blood-vessels in the eyes of certain animals, e. g., Proteus, and thus allow the eyes of Proteus to grow a little larger. We therefore come to the conclusion that it is not the cave that made animals blind but that animals with a hereditary tendency towards a degeneration of the 1 Loeb, J., Arch. d. f. ges. Physiol., 1896, Ixiii., 273. a Goldfarb, A. J., Jour. Exper. Zool., 1906, iii., 129; 1910, viii., 133. Adaptation to Environment 327 eyes can survive in a cave while they can only excep- tionally survive in the open. The cause of the de- generation is a disturbance in the circulation and nutrition of the eye, which is as a rule independent of the presence or absence of light. We may by wray of a digression stop for a moment to consider the most astonishing and uncanny case of adaptation; namely, the formation of the transparent refractive media, especially the lens in front of the retina. It is due to these media that the rays which are sent out by a luminous point can be united to an image point on the retina. One part of this process is understood ; namely, the formation of a lens. Wherever the optic cup of the embryo is transplanted under the epithelium the latter will be transformed into a trans- parent lens. When the upper edge of the iris is in- jured in the salamander so that the cells can multiply, the mass of newly formed cells also becomes transparent and a lens is formed. This indicates the existence of a substance in the optic cup which makes the epithelial cells transparent; and which also limits the size of the lens which is formed. The lens is not always a perfect optical instrument, on the contrary, it is as a rule somewhat defective. Of course, a great many details concerning the process of lens regeneration have still to be worked out. 3. It is well known that most marine animals die if put into fresh water and vice versa; and in salt lakes or 328 Adaptation to Environment ponds with a concentration of salt so high that most marine animals would succumb if suddenly transferred to such a solution we have a limited fauna and flora. The common idea is that marine animals become adapted to fresh water or vice versa; or to the condi- tions in salt lakes; especially if the changes take place gradually. Yet it can be shown that the existence of these different faunas can be explained without the assumption of an adaptive effect of the environment. The writer has worked with a marine fish Fundulus whose eggs develop naturally in sea water which, how- ever, will develop just as well in distilled water; and the young fish hatching in distilled water live and grow in this medium. Most of the adult fish die after several days, when put suddenly into distilled water, but they can live in fresh water which contains only a trace of salt. They can also live in very concentrated sea water, e. g., twice the normal concentration. Suppose that a bay of the ocean containing such fish should suddenly become landlocked and the concentration of the sea water be thus raised to twice its natural amount; the majority of forms would die and only Fundulus and possibly a few other species with the same degree of resistance would survive. An investi- gator examining the salinity of the water and not know- ing the natural resistance of Fundulus to changes in concentration would be inclined to assume that he had before him an instance of a gradual adaptation of the Adaptation to Environment 329 fish to a higher concentration of the sea water; whereas the fish was already immune to this high concentration before coming in contact with it. This fish seemed a favourable object from which to find out how far an adaptation to the environment really existed; and the result was surprising. By changing the concentration of the sea water gradually it is possible to raise the natural resistance of the fish only a trifle, not much over ten per cent. The con- centration of the natural sea water is a little over that of a m/2 solution of NaCl+KCl+CaCl2 in the pro- portion in which these three salts exist in the sea water. When adult Fundulus are put into a 10/8 m solution of NaCl+KCl+CaCl2 in the proportion in which these salts occur in sea water they die in less than a day, but when put from sea water directly into a 8/8 m or 9/8 m solution they can live indefinitely. It was found1 that if the concentration of the sea water was raised gradually (by m/8 a day) the fish on the fifth day could resist a 10/8 m solution of NaCl+KCl+CaCl2 for a month (or possibly indefinitely; the experiment was discontinued after that period). When a 10/8 m solu- tion was allowed to become more concentrated slowly by evaporation (at room temperature) all the fish died rapidly when the concentration was 12/8 m or even below. In higher concentrations they can live only a day or two. These experiments show that while the 1 Loeb, J., Biochem. Ztschr., 1913, liii., 391. 33° Adaptation to Environment fish is naturally immune to a 9/8 m NaCl+KCl+CaCl2 solution, by the method of slowly raising the concen- tration it may be made to tolerate a 10/8 m or n/8 m solution, but not more. These fish when once adapted to a 10/8 m solution can be put suddenly into a very weak solution, e. g., a m/8o NaCl, without suffering and when brought back into a 10/8 m solution of NaCl+ KCl+CaCl2 they will continue to live. If they remain for several days in the weak solution their power of resistance to 10/8 m NaCl+KCl+CaCl2 solution is weakened. What change takes place when the fish is made more resistant and why is its normal resistance so great? The answer based on the wTiter's experiments seems to be as follows: Fundulus is comparatively resistant to sudden changes in the concentration of the sea water between m/8o and 9/8 m because it possesses a com- paratively impermeable skin whose permeability is not seriously altered by sudden changes within these limits of concentration; while if these limits are ex- ceeded and the fish are brought suddenly into too high a concentration the skin becomes permeable and the fish dies, the gills becoming unfit for use or nerves being injured by the salt which diffuses into the fish. The fact, that by slowly raising the concentration to 10/8 m the fish may resist this limit, is in reality no adaptation. There is no sharp limit between the injurious and non-injurious concentration. We have Adaptation to Environment 331 seen that the fish is naturally immune to a 9/8 m solu- tion. It is also naturally immune to a 10/8 m or 1 1/8 m solution if we give it time to compensate the injurious effects of a 10/8 m solution by the repairing action of its blood or kidneys. Beyond this no rise is possible. In reality adaptation does not exist in this case. In former experiments the writer had shown that a pure NaCl solution of that concentration in which this fish naturally lives kills it very rapidly, while it lives in such a solution indefinitely if a little CaQ2 is added. The explanation of this fact is that the pure NaCl solu- tion is able to diffuse into the tissues of the animal while the addition of a trace of CaCl2 renders the mem- brane practically impermeable to NaCl. The question then arose whether it was possible to make the fish more resistant to a pure NaCl solution of sufficiently high concentration and how this could be done. On the basis of the idea of an adaptive effect of the environment we should expect that by gradually raising the concentra- tion of a pure NaCl solution the latter would gradually alter the animal and 'make it more resistant. The method of procedure suggested was therefore to put the fish first in low and gradually into increasing con- centrations of NaCl. This method was tried and found futile for the purpose. Fundulus when put from sea water (after having been washed) into a 6/8 m NaCl solution die in about four hours. When kept previ- ously in a weaker NaCl solution they die if anything 332 Adaptation to Environment more quickly. But it is possible to make them live longer in a 6/8 m solution of NaCl ; we have to proceed, however, by a method which is in contrast with the ideas of the adaptive influence of the environment. When the fish are first treated with sea water (or with a mixture of NaCl+KCl+CaCl2) of a higher concen- tration so that they become adapted to a 10/8 m solu- tion of NaCl+KCl+CaCl2 or to 10/8 m sea water, they become also more resistant to an otherwise toxic solution of NaCl. Fish taken directly from sea water were killed in less than four hours when put into a 6/8 m NaCl solution, while fish of the same lot previously adapted to 10/8 m sea water in the manner described above lived two or three days in a 6/8 m NaCl solution. * ; It is not impossible that it was the high concentration of calcium in the 10/8 m sea wrater which rendered the fish more immune to a subsequent treatment with NaCl. We know why a pure NaCl solution kills them and we also know why the addition of CaCl2 protects them against this pernicious effect. It is rather strange that where the conditions of the experiments are clear we find nothing to indicate an adaptive effect of the environment. 4. Ehrlich's work on trypanosomes seems to indicate a remarkable power of adaptation on the part of or- ganisms to certain poisons. If the writer understands these experiments correctly they consisted in infecting 1 Loeb, J., Biochem. Ztschr., 1913, Hii., 391. Adaptation to Environment 333 a mouse with a certain strain of trypanosomes, and treating it with a certain arsenic compound, which inhibited somewhat the propagation of the parasites but did not kill them all. Four or five days later trypanosomes from this mouse were transmitted to another mouse and after twenty-four hours this mouse was treated with a stronger dose of the same arsenic compound; and this process was repeated. After the third transmission or later, the trypanosomes can resist considerably higher doses of the same poison than at first and this resistance is retained for years. Ehrlich seems to have taken it for granted that he had succeeded in transforming the surviving trypanosomes into a type which is permanently more resistant to the arsenic compound than was the original strain. The writer is not entirely convinced that in these experiments a possibility was sufficiently considered which is suggested by Johannsen's experiments on the importance of pure lines in work on heredity. Ac- cording to this author a strain of trypanosomes taken at random should, in all likelihood, contain a population consisting of strains with different degrees of resistance. If a high but not the maximal concentration of an arsenic compound is repeatedly injected into the in- fected mice the weaker populations of trypanosomes are killed and only the more resistant survive. These of course continue to retain their resistance if trans- planted to hosts of the same species. According to this 334 Adaptation to Environment interpretation the arsenic-fast strain may possibly have existed before the experiments were made, and Ehrlich's treatment consisted only in eliminating the less resistant strains. On the other hand, it has been shown that if an arsenic-fast strain of trypanosomes is carried through a tetse fly it loses its arsenic-fastness. This fact may possibly eliminate the applicability of the pure line theory to a discussion of the nature of the arsenic- fastness, but it seems that further experiments are desirable. 5. Dallinger stated that he succeeded in adapting certain protozoans to a temperature of 70° C. by gradually raising their temperature during several years. It is desirable that this statement be verified; until this is done doubts are justified. Schottelius found that colonies of Micrococcus prodigiosus when transferred from a temperature of 22° to that of 38° no longer formed pigment and trimethylamine. After the cocci had been cultivated for ten or fifteen gen- erations at 38° they failed to form pigment even when transferred back to 22° C. Dieudonne1 used Bacillus fluorescens for similar purposes. At 22° it forms a fluorescing pigment and trimethylamine, but not at 35°. By constantly cultivating this bacillus at 35° Dieudonne found that after the fifteenth genera- tion had been cultivated at 35° the bacillus produced 1 Dieudonn<§, A., Arb. a. d. kais. Gesndhtsmt., 1894, ix., 492. Adaptation to Environment 335 pigment and trimethylamine at 35°. Davenport and Castle1 found that tadpoles of a frog kept at 15° went into heat rigour at 40.3° C., while those kept for twenty- eight days at 25° were not affected by this temperature but went into heat rigour at 43.5°. When the latter tadpoles were put back for seventeen days to a tem- perature of 15° they had lost their resistance to high temperature partially, but not completely, since they went into heat rigour at 41.6°. The authors suggest that this adaptation to a higher temperature is due to a loss of water on the part of protoplasm, whereby the latter becomes more resistant to an increase in temperature. This idea was put to a test by Kryz2, who found that the coagulation temperature of their muscle plasm is not altered by keeping cold-blooded animals at different temperatures. Loeb and Wasteneys3 found that Fundulus taken from a low temperature of 10° C. die in less than two hours when suddenly transferred to sea water of 29° C. ; and in a few minutes if suddenly transferred to a tem- perature of 35° C. If, however, the fish were trans- ferred to a temperature of 27° C. for forty hours they could live indefinitely in sea water of 35°. By exposing the fish each day two hours to a gradually rising tem- 1 Davenport, C. B., and Castle, W. E., Arch. f. Entwcklngsmech., 1896, ii., 227. 2 Kryz, F., Arch. f. Entwcklngsmech., 1907, xxiii., 560. 3 Loeb, J., and Wasteneys, H., Jour. Exper. Zool., 1912, xii., 543. 336 Adaptation to Environment perature they could render them resistant to a tem- perature of 39°. The remarkable fact was that fish if once made resistant to a high temperature (35°) did not lose this resistance when kept for four weeks at from 10° to 14° C. Control fish taken from the same temperature died in from two to four minutes; im- munized fish taken from 10° and put directly to 35° C. lived for many hours or indefinitely. They will even retain this immunity when kept for two weeks at a temperature of 0.4° C. Why is it that an animal can in general resist a high temperature better if the latter is raised gradually than when it is raised suddenly? Physics offers us an analogy to this phenomenon in the experience that glass vessels which burst easily when their temperature is raised suddenly, remain intact when the temperature is raised gradually. Glass is a poor conductor of heat and when the temperature is raised suddenly inside a glass cylinder the inner layer of the cylinder expands while the outer layer on account of the slowness of conduction of heat does not expand equally and the cylinder may burst. We might assume that the sud- den increase in temperature brings about certain changes in the cells (e. g., an increase in permeability or destruc- tion of the surface layer?). If the rise of temperature occurs gradually the blood or lymph or the cell sap may have time to repair the damage, and this repair seems to be irreversible, at least for some time, as the Adaptation to Environment 337 experiments on Fundulus seem to indicate. If the temperature rises too rapidly the damage cannot be repaired quickly enough by the cell or body liquids. It is also to be considered that substances might be formed in the body at a higher temperature which do not exist at a lower temperature, and vice versa, and this might explain results like those of Schottelius or Dieudonne and many others. 6. The theory of an adapting effect of the environ- ment has often been linked with the assumption of the inheritance of acquired characters. The older claims of the hereditary transmission of acquired characters, such as Brown-Sequard's epilepsy in guinea pigs after the cutting of the sciatic nerve, have been shown to be unjustified or have found a different and more rational explanation. Recently P. Kammerer has claimed to have proven by new experiments that by environmental changes, hereditary changes can be produced. It has been mentioned already that the mature male frogs and toads possess during the breeding season lumps on the thumbs or arms which are pigmented and which bear numerous minute horny black spines; these secon- dary sexual characters serve the male frog in holding the females in the water during copulation. There is one species which does not possess this sexual character, namely the male of the so-called midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans). In this species the animals copulate on land, and it is natural to connect the lack of this secon- £2 338 Adaptation to Environment dary sexual character in the male with its different breeding habit. Kammerer now forced such toads to copulate in water instead of on land (by keeping the animals in a terrarium with a high temperature). He makes the statement that by forcing the parents to lay their eggs during successive spawning periods in water he finally obtained offspring which under normal temperature conditions lay their eggs naturally in water; in other words, they have changed their habits. We will not discuss this part of his statement since the breeding habits of animals in captivity are liable to be abnormal. But Kammerer makes the further important statement1 that the male offspring of such couples will in the third generation produce the swell- ing on the thumb and the usual roughness, and in the fourth generation black pads and hypertrophy of the muscles of the forearm will appear. In other words, he reports having succeeded in producing an inheritance of an acquired morphological character which has never been known to occur in this species. Bateson, on account of the importance of the case, wished to examine it more closely and I will quote his report. The systematists who have made a special study of Batrachia appear to be agreed that Alytes in nature does not have these structures; and when individuals possessing them can be produced for inspection it will, I think, be time 1 Kammerer, P., Ar<~h. f. Entwcklngsmech., 1909, xxviii., 448. Adaptation to Environment 339 to examine the evidence for the inheritance of acquired characters more seriously. I wrote to Dr. Kammerer in July, 1910, asking him for the loan of such a specimen and on visiting the Biologische Versuchsanstalt in September of the same year I made the same request, but hitherto none has been produced. In matters of this kind much generally depends on interpretations made at the time of observation; here, however, is an example which could readily be attested by preserved material. x More recently the same author has reported another hereditary morphological change brought about by outside conditions.2 A certain salamander (Salaman- dra maculosa) has yellow spots on a generally dark skin. Kammerer states that if such salamanders are kept on a yellow ground they become more yellow, not by an extension of the chromatophores (which would not be surprising) but by actual multiplication and growth of the yellow pigment cells; while the black skin is inhibited in its growth. The reverse is true if these salamanders are kept on black soil; in this case according to Kammerer the growth of the yellow cells of the skin is inhibited while the black part of the skin grows. Curiously enough, according to him, these in- duced changes are hereditary. Here again we are deal- ing with the inheritance of an acquired morphological character. 1 Bateson, W., Problems of Genetics, pp. 201-202. Yale University Press, 1913. 3 Kammerer, P., Arch. f. Enlwcklngsmech., 1913, xxxvi., 4. 34° Adaptation to Environment Megusar1 has repeated Kammerer's experiments on salamanders but contradicts him by stating that the colour of the soil has no influence on the colouration of salamanders. Of course, we know the phenomenon of colour adaptation in which the animal changes its colour pattern according to the environment. This is an effect of the retina image on the skin and has been interpreted by the writer as a case of colour tele- photography, for which no physical explanation has yet been found.2 This phenomenon, however, does not lead to any hereditary change of colour. Kammerer makes many statements on the heredity of acquired modifications of instinct; indeed he claims that an interest in music on the part of parents pro- duces offspring with musical talent. In such claims much depends upon the subjective interpretation of the observer. The writer is not aware that there is at present on record a single adequate proof of the heredity of an acquired character. We have records of changes in the offspring by poisoning the germ plasm by alcohol given to parents — as in Stockard's well-known experi- ments— or by exposing butterflies to extreme tempera- tures, but in these cases the germ cells were poisoned or altered by the alcohol or by chemical compounds produced at very low or very high temperatures. This 1 Werner, P., Biol. Centralbl., 1915, xxxv., 176. 2 Loeb, J., The Mechanistic Conception of Life. Chicago, 1912. Adaptation to Environment 341 is of course an entirely different thing from stating that by inducing the midwife toad to lay its eggs in the water the male offspring acquires the pads and horns of other species of frogs on its thumb; or that by keeping black salamanders on yellow paper the off- spring is more yellow. Yet if there is an inheritance of acquired characters which can in any way throw light on the so-called phenomena of adaptation it must consist in results such as Kammerer claims to have obtained. While the writer does not decline to accept Ehrlich's interpretation of the arsenic-fast strains of trypano- somes or Kammerer's statements in regard to the inheri- tance of acquired character, he feels that more work should be done before they can be used for our problem. 7. This attitude leaves us in a quandary. The whole animated world is seemingly a symphony of adaptation. We have mentioned already the eye with its refractive media so well curved and placed that a more or less perfect image of the outside objects is focussed exactly on the retina; and this in spite of the fact that lens and retina develop independently; we have mentioned and discussed the cases of instincts or automatic arrangements which are required to per- petuate life — the attraction of the two sexes and the automatic mechanisms by which sperm and egg are brought together; the maternal instincts by wrhich the young are taken care of; and all those adaptations by 342 Adaptation to Environment which animals get their food and the suitable conditions of preservation. Can we understand all these adapta- tions without a belief in the heredity of acquired char- acters? As a matter of fact the tenacity with which some authors cling to such a belief is dictated by the idea that this is the only alternative to the supra- naturalistic or vitalistic ideas. The writer is of the opinion that we do not need to depend upon the as- sumption of the heredity of acquired characters, but that physiological chemistry is adequate for this purpose. The earlier writers explained the growth of the legs in the tadpole of the frog or toad as a case of an adapta- tion to life on land. We know through Gudernatsch that the growth of the legs can be produced at any time even in the youngest tadpole, which is unable to live on the land, by feeding the animal with the thyroid gland. As we have stated in Chapter VII, it is quite possible that in nature the legs of the tadpole begin to grow when enough of the thyroid or a similar compound has been formed or is circulating in the animal. It might justly be claimed as a case of adaptation that the egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus and calls forth the formation of the decidua. We have mentioned the observation of Leo Loeb that the corpus luteum of the ovary gives off a substance to the blood which alters the tissues in the uterus in such a way that contact with any foreign body (e. g., the egg) induces this decidua formation. Again what appeared Adaptation to Environment 343 as adaptation when unknown turns out to be a result of the action of a definite chemical substance circulating in the body. It appears as a case of adaptation that the eggs of the majority of animals cannot develop without a spermatozoon, and yet we can imitate the activating effect of a spermatozoon on the egg by definite chemical compounds, which leads to the suggestion that the activating effect of the spermatozoon on the egg might be due to the fact that it carries such a compound. The wonderful adaptations exhibited in the mating instincts seem to be due to definite substances secreted by the sex glands, as was shown by Steinach (Chapter VII). Here, again, the process as popularly conceived, is the reverse of the truth; those survive that have the equipment, — they did not acquire the equipment under the influence of environment. It is absolutely imperative for green plants that their stems and leaves be exposed to the light since only in this way are they able to form carbohydrates; and it is equally essential that the roots should grow into the soil so that the plant may get the nitrates and phosphates required to build up its proteins and nucleins. This result is, in the language of adaptationists, brought about by an adaptive response of the plant to the light. In reality this adaptive response is due (Chapter X) to the presence of a photosensitive substance present in almost all green plants. 344 Adaptation to Environment Lewis has shown that if the optic cup is transplanted tinder the skin of a young larva into any part of the body the skin in contact with the optic cup will form a lens; it looks as if a chemical substance from the Optic cup were responsible for the formation of the lens. These examples might be multiplied indefinitely. They all indicate that apparent morphological and instinctive adaptations are merely caused by chemical substances formed in the organism and that there is no reason for postulating the inheritance of acquired characters. We must not forget that there are just as many cases where chemical substances circulating in the body lead to indifferent or harmful results. As an example of the first type, we may mention the exist- ence of heliotropism in animals living in the dark, of the latter type, the inheritance of deficiencies like colour-blindness or glaucoma. While it is possible for forms with moderate dis- harmonies to survive, those with gross disharmonies cannot exist and we are not reminded of their possible existence. As a consequence the cases of apparent adaptation prevail in nature. The following observation may serve to give an idea how small is the number of existing or durable forms compared with the number of forms incapable of exist- ence. We have mentioned the fact observed by Moenk- house, the writer, and Newman, that it is possible to fertilize the eggs of each marine bony fish with the Adaptation to Environment 345 sperm of practically every other marine bony fish. The number of teleosts at present in existence is about ten thousand. If we accomplish all possible hybridiza- tions, one hundred million different crosses will result. Of these only a small fraction of one per cent, can live (see Chapter I), and it is generally the lack of a proper circulation which inhibits them from reaching maturity. It is, therefore, no exaggeration to state that the number of species existing today is only an extremely small fraction of those which can and pos- sibly do originate, but which escape our notice and disappear because they cannot live or reproduce. If we consider these facts we realize that the mere laws of chance are adequate to account for the fact of the apparently purposeful adaptations; as they are ade- quate to account for the Mendelian numbers. CHAPTER XIII EVOLUTION DARWIN'S work has been compared to that of Coper- nicus and Galileo inasmuch as all these men freed the mind from the incubus of Aristotelian philosophy which, with the efficient co-operation of the church and the predatory system of economics, caused the stag- nation, squalor, immorality, and misery of the Middle Ages. Copernicus and Galileo were the first to deliver the intellect from the idea of a uni- verse created for the purpose of man; and Darwin rendered a similar service by his insistence that accidental and not purposeful variations gave rise to the variety of organisms. In this struggle for intellectual freedom the names of Huxley and Haeckel must be gratefully remembered, since without them Darwin's idea would not have conquered hu- manity. Darwin assumed that the small fluctuating variations could accumulate to larger variations and thus cause new forms to originate. 346 Evolution 347 It was the merit of de Vries1 to have pointed out that fluctuating variations are not hereditary and hence could not have played the role assigned to them by Darwin, while discontinuous variations as they appear in the so-called "sports*1 or mutations are inherited. This was an important step in the history of the theory of evolution. It did not touch the foundation of Darwin's work, namely the substitution of the idea of an acci- dental evolution for that of a purposeful creation; it only modified the conception of the possible mechanism of evolution. According to de Vries, there are special species or groups of species which are in a state of muta- tion. He considers the evening primrose on which he made his observations as one of these forms. Morgan and his pupils have observed over 130 mutations in a fly Drosophila. From our present limited knowledge we must admit the possibility that the tendency toward the production of mutants is not equally strong in different forms. Whether this part of de Vries's idea is or is not correct there can be no doubt that variations occur which consist in the loss and apparently, though in rarer cases, in the gain or a modification of a Mendelian factor. If we wish to visualize the basis of such a change we may do so by imagining well-defined chemical constituents in one or more of the chromomeres undergoing a chemical change. 1 de Vries, H., The Mutation Theory, translated by Farmer, J. B., and Darbishire, A. D., Chicago, 1909. Species and Varieties. Chicago, 1906. Gruppenweise Artbildung. Berlin, 1913. 348 Evolution This way of looking at the origin of variation has had the effect of putting an end to the vague specula- tions concerning the evolution of one form from another. We demand today the experimental test when such a statement is made and as a consequence the amount of mere speculation in this field has diminished considerably. It is possible that any further progress concerning evolution must come by experimental attempts to bring about at will definite mutations. Such attempts have been reported but they are not all beyond the possibility of error.1 The most remarkable among them are those by Tower who by a very complicated combination of effects of temperature and moisture claims to have produced definite mutations in the potato beetle. The conditions for these experiments are so expensive and complicated that a repetition by other investigators has not yet been possible. It is, however, still uncertain whether the mere addi- tion or loss of Mendelian characters can lead to the origin of new species. Species specificity is determined by specific proteins (Chapter III.), while some Mende- lian characters at least seem to be determined by hor- mones or substances which need neither be proteins nor specific for the species. 1 For a critical discussion of the details, see Bateson, W., Problems of Genetics, New Haven, 1913, Chapter X. CHAPTER XIV DEATH AND DISSOLUTION OF THE ORGANISM I. It is an old saying that we cannot understand life unless we understand death. The dead body, if its temperature is not too low and if it contains enough water, undergoes rapid disintegration. It was natural to argue that life is that which resists this tendency to disintegration. The older observers thought that the forces of nature determined the decay, while the vital force resisted it. This idea found its tersest expres- sion in the definition of Bichat, that "life is the sum total of the forces which resist death/' Science is not the field of definitions, but of prediction and control. The problem is: first, how does it happen that as soon as respiration has ceased only for a few minutes the human body is dead, that is to say, will commence to undergo disintegration, and second, what protects the body against this decay while the respiration goes on, although temperature and moisture are such as to favour decay? The earlier biologists had already raised the question 349 35° Death and Dissolution of the Organism why it was that the stomach and intestine did not digest themselves. The hydrochloric acid and the pepsin in the stomach and the trypsin in the intestine digest proteins taken in in the form of food; why do they not digest the proteins of the cells of the stomach and the intestine? They will promptly digest the stomach as soon as the individual is dead, but not during life. A self -digestion may also be caused if the arteries of the stomach are ligatured. Claude Bernard and others suggested that the layer of mucus protected the cells of the stomach and of the intestine from the digestive enzymes; or that the epithelial layer had a protective effect. Pavy suggested that the alkali of the blood had a protective action. All these theories became untenable when Fermi showed that all kinds of living organisms, protozoans, worms, arthropods, are not digested in solutions of trypsin as long as they are alive, while they are promptly digested in the same solution when dead.1 This is in harmony with the fact that many parasites live in the intestine without being digested as long as they are alive. Fermi con- cluded that the living cell cannot be attacked by the digestive ferments, while with death a change occurs by which they can be attacked. But what is this change? Fermi seems to be inclined to think that the "living molecule"' of protein is not hydrolysable (per- haps because the enzyme cannot attach itself to it?), 1 Fermi, C., Centralbl. f. Bacteriologie, Abt. I, 1910, Ivi., 55. ~ Death and Dissolution of the Organism 351 while a change in the constitution or configuration of the proteins takes place after respiration has ceased. The fact that the living cell resists the digestive action of trypsin and pepsin has found two other modes of explanation, first, that the cells are surrounded by a membrane or envelope through which the enzyme can- not diffuse, and second, that the living cells possess antiferments. But the so-called antiferments are also said to exist after the death of the cell, whereas after death the cell is promptly digested. Fredericq, as well as Klug, has shown that worms which are not attacked by trypsin are digested by this enzyme when they are cut into small pieces; although the pieces of course contain the antienzyme. The other sugges- tion that a membrane impermeable for trypsin protects the cells would explain why living protozoa are not digested by trypsin, but it leaves another fact unex- plained, namely, the autodigestion of all the cells after death by enzymes contained in the cells themselves. 2. The disintegration of the body after death is not caused exclusively or even chiefly by the digestive en- zymes of the intestinal tract or the micro-organisms enter- ing the dead body from the outside, but by the enzymes contained in the cells themselves. This phenomenon of autolysis1 was first characterized by Hoppe-Seyler. 2 1 Levene, P. A., Autolysis. The Harvey Lectures, 1905-1906, p. 73, gives a full account of the work on this subject up to 1905. ' Hoppe-Seyler, F., TuUnger med.-chem. Untersuchungen, 1871, p. 499. 352 Death and Dissolution of the Organism All organs suffering death within the organism, in the absence of oxygen, undergo softening and dissolution in a manner resembling that of putrefaction. In the course of that process, albuminous matter gives rise to leucin and tyrosin, fat to free acids and soaps. This maceration, iden- tical with the pathological conception of softening, is ac- complished without giving rise to ill odour and is a process similar to the one resulting from the action of water, acids, and digestive enzymes. In work of this kind, rigid asepsis is required to exclude the possibility of bacterial infection and this was first done by Salkowski, who showed that in aseptically kept tissues like liver and muscle the amount of substances that can be extracted with hot water increases considerably. By the work of others, especi- ally Martin Jacoby and Levene, it was established that the power of self-digestion is shared by all organs. Analysis of the products of the autodigestion of tissues shows that, e. g., the amino acids, which constitute the proteins, are produced. Dakin, Jones, and Levene demonstrated the hydrolytic products of the nucleins, in the case of the self-digestion of tissues. r Again the question arises: Why do the tissues not undergo autolysis during lifetime and what protects them, and the answer is that self -digestion is a conse- quence of the lack of oxidations. The presence of antiferments must continue after death and cannot be the cause which prevents the self-digestion during 1 Levene, P. A., Am. Jour. Physiol., 1904, xii., 276. Death and Dissolution of the Organism 353 life, since nothing indicates the destruction of the hypothetical antidigestive enzymes through lack of oxygen. The recent work of Bradley and Morse1 and of Bradley2 has thrown some light on the problem. These authors found that proteins of the liver which are indigestible can be made digestible by the liver enzymes if an acid salt or a trace of acid is added to the mixture. A m/20O HC1 solution gives marked acceleration of the autodigestion of the liver. This would explain why autodigestion takes place after oxidations cease. In many if not all the cells, acids are constantly formed during lifetime, e. g., lactic acid, which through oxidation are turned to CO2, and this diffuses into the blood so that the H ion concentration in the cells does not rise materially. If, however, the oxidations cease, as is the case after death, the forma- tion of lactic acid continues, but the acid is not oxidized to CO 2 and thus removed, and as a consequence the H ion concentration increases in the cells and the self- digestion of proteins, which the digestive enzymes con- tained in the cells themselves could not attack formerly, becomes possible. Acid increases the digestibility of a protein, probably by salt formation. Theoreti- cally we should not be surprised that while in the liver an increase in the CH favours autolysis in other tissues the same result is produced by the reverse effect. We 1 Bradley H. C., and Morse, M., Jour. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxi., 209. a Bradley, H. C., ibid., 1915, xxii., 113. 23 354 Death and Dissolution of the Organism might say that the preservation of a certain CH prob- ably at or near the point of neutrality during life pre- vents self -digest ion, while the gross alteration of the CH in either direction after death (or after the cessa- tion of oxidations in the tissues) induces autolysis. Bradley indeed suggests that many of the phenomena of autolysis during lifetime, such as atrophy, necrosis, involution, might be due to an increase in the CH in the tissues. These facts agree with the suggestion of Fermi that in the living cell the proteins cannot be attacked by the digestive enzymes but relieves us of the necessity of making the monstrous assumption of a '' living molecule'1' of proteins as distinct from a "dead" mole- cule. The difference between life and death is not one between living and dead molecules, but more likely between the excess of synthetic over hydrolytic processes. In the second chapter we mentioned the interesting idea of Armstrong that when a synthesis is brought about by a digestive enzyme (e. g., maltase) not the original substrate is formed (e. g., maltose) but an isomer, in this case isomaltose; and this isomer is not attacked by the enzyme maltase. We thus get a rational understanding of the statement which Claude Bernard used to make but which remained at his time mysterious: la vie, c*est la creation. During life, when nutritive material is abundant, through the Death and Dissolution of the Organism 355 reversible action of certain enzymes, synthetic com- pounds are formed from the building stones furnished by the blood. These synthetic isomers cannot be hydrolyzed by the enzymes by which they are formed and hence on account of the isomeric structure are immune against destruction. It is not impossible that the increase of the concentration of acid in the cells after death transforms the isomers into that form in which they can be digested by the enzymes contained in the cell. Another possibility is that the increase in digestibility brought about by an increase in CH in the cell is due to the hydrating effect of acids on proteins with a subsequent increase in digestibility. Whatever the answer may be, the work done since Claude Bernard has removed that cloud of obscurity which in his days surrounded the prevalence of synthetic action in the living and of disintegration in the dead tissues. 3. We have already referred to the connection between the lack of oxygen and the onset of autolysis and disintegration of tissues in the body. It is of interest that there are cells in which the disintegration under the influence of lack of oxygen is so rapid that it can be followed under the microscope. The writer has observed that certain cells undergo complete irre- versible dissolution in a very short time under the influence of lack of oxygen, e. g., the first segmentation cells of the egg of a teleost fish Ctenolabrus. x 1 Loeb, J., Arch.f. d. ges. Pliysiol, 1895, Ixii., 249. 356 Death and Dissolution of the Organism When these eggs are deprived of oxygen at the time they reach the eight- or sixteen-cell stage, it can be noticed that the membranes of the blastomeres are transformed into small droplets within half an hour or more, according to the temperature. These droplets begin to flow together, forming larger drops. [Figures 48 to 51 show the successive FIG. 48 FIG. 49 FIG. 51 Stages of this process.] When the eggs are exposed to the air in time, segmentation can begin again; but if a slightly longer time is allowed to elapse, the process becomes irre- versible and life becomes extinct. Such clear structural changes cannot often be observed in the eggs of other animals under the same conditions. Are these changes of structure (apparently liquefaction of solid elements) respon- sible for death under such conditions? In order to obtain an answer to this question, the writer investigated the Death and Dissolution of the Organism 357 effect of the lack of oxygen upon the heart-beat of the em- bryo of the same fish Ctenolabrus. This egg is perfectly transparent and the heart-beat can easily be watched. When these eggs are put into an Engelmann gas chamber and a current of pure hydrogen is sent through, the heart may cease to beat in fifteen or twenty minutes; it stops beating suddenly, before the number of heart-beats has diminished noticeably, and ceases beating before all the free oxygen can have had time to diffuse from the egg. In one case the heart beat ninety times per minute before the hydrogen was sent through; four minutes after the current of hydrogen had passed through the gas chamber, the rate of the heart-beat was eighty-seven per minute, three minutes later it was seventy-seven, and then the beats stopped suddenly. It is hard to believe that this cessation could have been caused by lack of energy. Hydrolytic processes alone could furnish sufficient energy to maintain the heart-beat for some time, even if all the oxygen had been used up. The suddenness of the standstill at a time when the rate had hardly diminished seems to be more easily explained by a sudden collapse of the machine ; it might be that liquefaction or some other change of structure occurs in the heart or its ganglion cells, compar- able to that which we mentioned before. In another fish Fundulus, where the cleavage cells undergo no visible changes in the case of lack of oxygen, the heart of the em- bryo can continue to beat for about twelve hours in a cur- rent of hydrogen. In this case the rate of the heart-beat sinks during the first hour in the hydrogen current from about one hundred to twenty or ten per minute; then it continues to beat at this rate for ten hours or more. In this case one might believe that during the period of steady diminution of the tension of oxygen in the heart (during the first hour), the heart-beat sinks steadily while it keeps up at a low but steady rate as long as the energy for the 35$ Death and Dissolution of the Organism beat is supplied solely by hydrolytic processes; but there is certainly no change in the physical structure of the cells noticeable in Fundulus, and consequently there is no sudden standstill of the heart. Budgett has observed that in many infusorians visible changes of structure occur in the case of lack of oxygen1; as a rule the membrane of the infusorian bursts or breaks at one point, whereby the liquid contents flow out. Har- desty and the writer found that Paramcecium becomes more strongly vacuolized when deprived of oxygen, and at last bursts. Amoebae likewise become vacuolized and burst under these conditions. Budgett found that a number of poisons, such as potassium cyanide, morphine, quinine, antipyrine, nicotine, and atropine, produce structural changes of the same character as those described for lack of oxygen. As far as KCN is concerned, Schoenbein had already observed that it retards the oxidation in the tissues, and Claude Bernard and Geppert confirmed this observa- tion. For the alkaloids, W. S. Young has shown that they are capable of retarding certain processes of autoxidation. This accounts for the fact that the above-mentioned poisons produce changes similar to those observed in the case of lack of oxygen.2 The phenomenon of rapid disintegration when de- prived of oxygen (or in the presence of KCN) seems to be general as Child3 has shown in extensive experiments. Child has used it to show that younger animals disin- tegrate more rapidly than older or larger ones, and he uses this fact for a theory of senescence. He connects 1 Budgett, S. P., Am. Jour. PhysioL, 1898, i., 210." 2 Loeb, J.f The Dynamics of Living Matter, New York, 1906, pp. 19-21. 3 Child, C. M., Senescence and Rejuvenescence. Chicago, 1915. Death and Dissolution of the Organism 359 the more rapid disintegration of the young animal with a greater metabolism.1 Without wishing to doubt Child's interesting observations the writer is not quite certain whether the more rapid disintegration of the younger forms is not a result of the fact that the walls of membranes in the young are softer than those of the older animals, and hence are more readily lique- fied. Such a difference could be due to mere chemical constitution, e. g., the increase in Ca in the membrane with the increase in age. In old age in man the deposit of Ca in the blood-vessels is a frequent occurrence. These facts may help us to understand the nature of death and dissolution of the body in higher animals. Death in these animals is due to cessation of oxidations, but the surprising fact is that if the oxidations have been interrupted but a few minutes life cannot be restored even by artificial respiration. This suggests that the respiratory ganglia in the medulla oblongata suffer an irreparable injury or an irreversible change (comparable to that just described in the cells of Cteno- labrus) even when deprived of oxygen for only a short time. As a consequence of the irreversible injury to the medulla the respirations cease permanently, the x It is a fact that in the early cells of Ctenolabrus the dissolution of the cell walls through lack of O precedes death, since when oxygen is admitted early enough the cells recover again. In infusorians the bursting of the animal due to lack of O occurs suddenly, while the animal is still moving, and this bursting is the cause of death, and not the reverse. 360 Death and Dissolution of the Organism heart-beat must also cease, and gradually the different tissues must undergo the dissolution characteristic of death. While all the cells may be immortal they are only so in the presence of oxygen and the nutritive solution which the circulating blood furnishes. With the proper supply of oxygen cut off they can no longer live. 4. It is an unquestionable fact that each form has a quite definite duration of life. Unicellular organisms are immortal; but for the higher organisms with sexual reproduction the duration of life is almost as character- istic as any morphological peculiarity of a species. No species can exist unless the natural life of its in- dividuals outlasts the period of sexual maturity; and unless the average duration of life is long enough to allow as many offspring to be brought into the world as will compensate for loss by death. The male bee dies before it is a year old, while the queen may live several years. In a certain species of butterflies, the Psychidae, the parthenogenetic female lays its eggs while still in the cocoon and then dies without ever leaving the cocoon. The imago of the ephemera leaves the water in the evening, copulates, lets its eggs fall into the water, and is dead the next morning. The imperfect condition of their mandibles and alimentary canal makes them unfit for a long duration of life. The males of the rotifers which are devoid of organs of digestion live but a few days. Death and Dissolution of the Organism 361 In the Zoological Station at Naples in 1906, an actinian, Actinia equina, was alive after having been in captivity fifteen years, and another one, Cerianthus, had been observed for twenty-four years. Korschelt kept earthworms for as long as ten years. The fresh- water mussel may reach the age of sixty years or more and crayfish may live for over twenty years. The differences in the duration of life of mammals are too well known to need discussion. If the cells and tissues are immortal, how does it happen that the duration of life is so characteristic for each species? Metchnikoff1 has recently investigated the cause of "natural'* death in the butterfly of the silkworm. The butterfly in this species lacks the organs necessary for taking up food, like the male rotifer or the ephemeridae and hence is already, by this fact, condemned to a short life. Metchnikoff observed that these butterflies could live twenty-three days, but the average duration of life was 15.6 for the males and 16.6 days for the females; and that seventy-five per cent, of them con- tained no parasitic fauna or flora in their intestine. They lose considerably in weight during their lives, but the males still contain the fat body at the time of death. None of the changes accompanying "old age' in man are found in the tissues of these butterflies before death. Metchnikoff is inclined to believe that the animal is poisoned by some excretion retained in 1 Metchnikoff, E., Ann. d. I'lnst. Pasteur, 1915, xxix., 477. 362 Death and Dissolution of the Organism the body; namely, the urine, and that this poison also causes the symptoms of weakness which characterize the animal. He could prove the toxic character of their urine on other animals. This combined with starvation could sufficiently account for the short duration of life. The facts of the case show that it is due to an imperfection in the construction of the organism such as one would expect to find more or less in each anima] if one discards the idea of purposefulness and divine wis- dom in nature. Only a slight, perhaps an infinitesimal, fraction, of those species which are theoretically possible and which at one time or another arise can survive. Those which are durable show all transitions from the grossest disharmonies to an apparent lack of such shortcomings. 5. Minot had tried to prove that the death of meta- zoa is due to the greater differentiation and special- ization of their tissues. Admitting the immortality of the unicellular organisms he argues that death is the price metazoa pay for the higher differentiation of their cells. This is of course purely metaphorical, but we may put it into a form in which it is capable of discus- sion in physicochemical terms, by assuming that death is a necessary stage in the development of a species. We are inclined, however, to follow Metchnikoff and suspect some poison accidentally or unavoidably formed in the body or some structural shortcoming as the cause of " natural'* death. Death and Dissolution of the Organism 363 An unusually favourable object for the study of natural death is the animal egg. The egg of the starfish Asterias forbesii when taken out of the body is usually immature, but in the spawning season it ripens in sea water. The writer1 observed that eggs which ripen disintegrate very rapidly when not fertilized. This disintegration may be due to a process of autolysis, which sets in only after the egg has extruded the two polar bodies. The writer found that by preventing the maturation of the egg either by withdrawing the oxygen or by replacing the alkaline sea water by a neutral solution or by exposing the eggs for some time to acidulated sea water, the disintegration could also be prevented. Further experiments showed that even in the mature egg rapid disintegration could be prevented by lack of oxygen, and similar results were obtained by Mathews. When the egg is fertilized it does not disintegrate in the presence of oxygen but it gradually dies in the absence of oxygen. One is almost tempted to say that while the fertilized egg is a strict aerobe the mature unfertilized egg is an anaerobe. This latter statement, however, becomes doubtful since the pre- sence of oxygen may help the disintegration only in- directly by allowing certain changes to go on in the egg. The important points for us are that duration of life in the mature unfertilized egg is comparatively 1 Loeb, J., Biol. Bull., 1902, iii., 295. 364 Death and Dissolution of the Organism short and that the entrance of a spermatozoon or the process of artificial parthenogenesis saves the life of the egg. Loeb and Lewis found that the life of the unfertilized sea-urchin egg (which is usually mature when removed from the ovaries) can also be prolonged when its oxidations are suppressed. The decay of the unfertilized egg seems to be due to the fact that those alterations in the cortical layer which underlie the membrane formation and which are responsible for the starting of development gradually take place. In such a condition the egg will die quickly unless deprived of oxygen. This view is supported by the observation of Wasteneys that unfertilized eggs of Arbacia show an increased rate of oxidations when allowed to remain for some time in sea water; we have seen in Chapter V that such an increase also accom- panies artificial membrane formation. 6. If the limited duration of life of an organism is determined by one or more definite harmful chemical processes, we should expect to find a temperature co- efficient for the duration of life or at least be able to show that if all other conditions are the same the dura- tion of life is for a given organism a function of temperature. The writer1 investigated the dura- tion of life of fertilized and unfertilized eggs of Strongylocentrotus purpumtus for the upper temper- ature limits. 1 Loeb, J., Arch.f. d. ges. PhysioL, 1908, cxxiv., 411. Death and Dissolution of the Organism 365 TABLE XX Temperature Duration of life of the eggs of S. purpuratus Unfertilized Fertilized °C. Minutes Minutes 32 {:.* «x 31 {<3* 30 f 8 1 < 10 1-3 ' 27 about 1 8 j > 20 j < 22 26 f >35 ( <40 i > 35 25 |>76 24 j > 168 | < 200 f > 192 { < 209 Hours 22 io^ 21 24 2O 72 These observations show a very high temperature coefficient near the upper temperature limit, and this 366 Death and Dissolution of the Organism may account at least partly for the fact that in tropical seas the pelagic fauna is so much more limited than in polar seas.1 It is quite probable that the high tem- perature coefficients at the utmost limits are only an expression of the coagulation time of certain proteins. P. and N. Rau state that in the cold certain butter- flies live longer, and similar statements exist for the silkworm, but these statements are not based on exact experiments, which are difficult. Dr. Northrop and the writer have started experiments on the influence of temperature on the duration of life of the fly Droso- phila. Newly hatched flies were kept first without food except water and air at 34°, 28°, 24°, 19°, 14°, and 10°; and second with cane sugar. The average duration of life was as follows: With water days 2.1 With cane sugar days 6.2 2.4. 7.2 2.4 0.4 4.1 . .12.3 8.3 .II.Q 24° 19° 14° 10° 1 K. Brandt ("Uber den Nitratgehalt des Ozeanwassers und seine biologische Bedeutung," Abh. d. kais. Leap. Carol, deutsch. Akad. d. Naturfoscher., 1915) accounts for this fact by the assumption that through the greater activity of the denitrifying bacteria in the tropical waters the amount of available nitrates is here comparatively smaller than in the polar oceans. The writer fully appreciates the importance of this fact but nevertheless is inclined also to see a limiting factor in the enormously rapid decline of the duration of life at the upper temperature limits. Death and Dissolution of the Organfsm 367 These experiments show that there is a definite temperature coefficient for the duration of life and that this coefficient is of the order of magnitude of that of a chemical reaction. We are continuing these experi- ments with animals in the presence of food. It should, however, be remembered that the fly carries with it a good deal of reserve material from the larval period. We have carried on simultaneously determinations of the temperature coefficients of the duration of the larval and pupa stage of these organisms at the same temperatures and found ratios similar to those given above for the duration of life with water only. 7. MetchnikofP has furnished the scientific facts for our understanding of senescence. He has demon- strated that the changes in tissue which give rise tc phenomena of senility are due to the action of phago- cytes. Thus the ganglion cells are altered (digested?) and destroyed by " neuronophags " and this is the main cause of mental senility. Definite phagocytic cells, the osteoclasts, slowly dissolve the bones (by the excretion of an acid?) and this leads to the known fragility of the bones in old age. The whiteness of the hair is due to the action of phagocytes; in the muscles in old age the contractile elements are destroyed by the sarcoplasm, and so on. It agrees with these facts that where organs are absorbed in the embryonic development of an animal, as e. g., the tail of the tad- 1 Metchnikoff, E., The Prolongation of Life. New York, 1907. 368 Death and Dissolution of the Organism pole in metamorphosis, the phenomenon is due to a process of phagocytosis (and autolysis). We have mentioned the fact that in the larva of the Amblystoma the absorption of the gills and of the tail occurs simul- taneously and that both must be caused by a constituent of the blood. Such a constituent may be responsi- ble for phagocytosis and autolysis in the organs under- going absorption. Metchnikoff calls attention to the fact that certain infectious diseases, e. g., syphilis, may bring about precocious senility; and he mentions also the senile appearance of young cretins which is due to the diseased thyroid. "It is no mere analogy to sup- pose that human senescence is the result of a slow but chronic poisoning of the organism/' He assumes that in man this poisoning is caused by the products of fermentation in the large intestine and that the micro- organisms responsible for these fermentations may therefore be regarded as the real cause of senility in man. Parrots which are long-lived birds have a limited flora of microbes in their intestine, while cows and horses which are short-lived in comparison with man possess an extraordinary richness of the intestinal flora. But, needless to say, it is not the quantity of microbes alone which is to be considered, the nature of the microbes is of much greater importance. Certain plants like the Californian Sequoia gigantea may be considered as practically immortal since they live several thousands of years; other plants, the an- Death and Dissolution of the Organism 369 nuals, die after fructification. Metchnikoff quotes from a letter by de Vries that this author prolonged the life of (Enotheras by cutting the flowers before fertilization. Under ordinary conditions the stem dies after producing from forty to fifty flowers, but if cutting be practised new flowers are produced until the winter cold intervenes. By cutting the stem sufficiently early the plants are induced to develop new buds at the base and these buds survive winter and resume growth in the following spring. Metchnikoff suggests that it is a poison formed in the plant (in connection with fructification?) which kills the annuals, while it is not formed or is less harmful in the perennials. He compares the situation to the death of the lactic acid bacilli if the lactic acid is allowed to accumulate. This hypothesis is certainly worthy of consideration, and it is quite possible that in addi- tion to structural shortcomings poisons formed by certain organs of the body as well as poisons formed by bacteria account for the phenomenon of death in metazoa. INDEX Abraxas, 203, 238, 241 Acquired characters, inheritance of, 337 ff: Actinia equina, 361 Adaptation, 12, 318 ff.; to life in caves, 319 ff.; fresh and salt water, 327 ff.; poisons, 332 ff.; temperature, 334 ff.; caused by hormones, 342 Addison, W. H. F., 188 Agglutination, of corpuscles by sera, 67 ff.; of sperm, 78, 82 ff. Allolobophora terrestris, 46 Alpheus, 176 Alytes obstetricans, 337, 338 Amanita phalloides, 63 Amblystoma, 157, 368 Amelung, 184 Amphipyra, 283 Analogies between living and dead matter, 14 ff. Anaphylaxis reaction, 61 ff. Ancel, 158, 225 ff. Antagonistic salt action. See Balanced salt solutions. Antennularia antennina, 194, 196 Apes, blood relationship to man, 54, 56 ff- Apolant, 45 Arbacia, 75 ff., 96, 99, 101, III, 114, 150, 190 ff., 293 ff., 298, 299, 364 Arenicola, 277 Armstrong, E. P., 26, 28, 354 Arrhenius, S., 33 ff., 88, 290,296 Arrhenoidy, 218, 225 Artificial parthenogenesis, 95 ff.; in sea urchins, 95 ff.; new method of, 98, 99; by blood, 101 ff.; by sperm extract, 103; by acids, 105; by mechanical agitation, 107; in starfish, no; role of hypertonic solution, 112, 115, 116; and oxidation, 116, 117, 118; and permeability, 119 ff.; in frogs, 124; and de- termination of sex, 125 Artificial production of life, 38-39 Assimilation of CO2 without chlorophyll, 17 ff. Astenas,49, 81, no, 363; ochracea, 73 ff.; capitata, 74 Asterina, 75, 81, no Astrospheres, nsff., 192 Auer, J., 315 Autolysis, 351 ff. Avena, 263 B. colicommunis,^6; typhosus, 36; fluorescens, 334 Bacteria, growth of, 15 ff., 29, 71 ff.; specificity in, 41 ff. " Bacterio-purpurin, " 41 Balanced salt solutions, 307-317; theory of, 317; and adaptation, 331 ff- Ba'amis, 259 Baltzer, F., 215 ff. Bancroft, F. W., 70, 125, 127, 264, 269 ff. Bang, 63 Bardeen, C. R., 174 ff. Barnacle, larvae of, 313 ff. Bataillon, 124 Bateson, W., 230, 240 ff., 338, 348 Batrachia, 338 Baur, E., 48, 246 Bayliss, 63 Becqucrel, P., 36 ff. Bcggiatoa, 19 371 372 Index Beijerinck, M., 20 Berkeley, Lord, ill Bernard, Claude, 2 ff., 26, 159, 350, 354, 355, 358 Berthelot, 290 Bertrand, G., 248 ff. Beutner, R., 140 Bichat, 2, 349 Bickford, E. E., 169 Blaauw, H. A., 263 Blackman, F. F., 302 Blastomeres, 141 ff. Blind animals, 319 ff. Blood, transfusion of, 53 ff. Blood relationship, established by transfusion, 53, 54 ff. ; precipitin reaction, 55 ff.; anaphylaxis re- action, 61 ff.; hemoglobin crys- tals, 64 ff. Blood serum, precipitin reaction of, 54 ff.; effect of, on unfer- tilized eggs, 101 ff., 124 Blowfly, heliotropism of larvae of, 265 ff. Bohn, G., 253, 264, 269 Bombinator igneus, 46 Bonellia, 215 Bonnet, 154, 161 Bordet, 54 ff., 60 Bouin, 158, 225 ff. Boveri, Th., 8, 126, 128 ff., 134, 138 ff., 150 ff., 186 ff., 209 ff., 246 Brachystola, 199 Bradley, H. C., 27, 64, 353, 354 Brandt, 366 Braus, H., 147 Bridges, C. B., 208, 229, 231 ff. Brown, A. P., 64 ff. Bruchmann, H., 93 Bryophyllum calycinum, 153, 160 ff., 177 Buchner, 24 Budgett, 358 Buller, 93 Bunsen-Roscoe, law of, n, 256 ff., 261, 263, 264 Burrows, 31 Campanularia, 178, 181 Cannon, W. B., 285 Carcinus m&nas, 217 Cardamine pratensis, 90 Carrel, 31 Cassia bicapsularis, 37 Castle, W. E., 89 ff., 335 Caullery, M., 158, 180, 217 Cave animals, 319 ff. Cell division, 15, 29, 129 ff. ; suppression of, 113 ff. Cells, nutritive media of, 15 ff; immortality of, 30 ff.; mi- grating, 44; mesenchyme, 51 ff., 130 ff., 147, 155 ff. Cerianthus membranaceus, 171 ff.f 188,361 Chatopterus, 78 ff. Chamberlain, M. M., 293, 297 Chapman, H. G., 60 Chemotropism of spermatozoa, 92 ff. Chevreul, 289 Child, C. M., 7, 170, 177, 358 Chlamydomonas, 277 Chodat, R., 248 Chologaster, 320 Christen, 288 Chromosomes, r61e of, in sex determination, 198 ff.; theory of Mendelian heredity, 233 Chun, 142 dona intestinalis, 89 ff., 212 Cladocera, 159 Clausen, H., 302 Clavellina, 181 Cohen, E., 292 Cohn, 41 ff. Compton, 90 Conklin, E. G., 129, 134, 143, , 145 ff. Constancy of species, 40-43 Copernicus, 346 Corpus luteum, action of, 157-158 Correlation, 154, 167 Correns, C., 90 ff., 214 Cramer, 289 Crampton, H. E., 143, 225 Criodrilus lacuum, 219-220 Crossing over of chromosomes, 241 ff. Crystals, differences between living organisms and, 14 ff. Ctenolabrus, 355, 357, 359 Ctenophores, 142 Index 373 Cue*not, L., 12, 324 Cullen, G. E., 24, 291 Cuma rathkii, 318 Cyanophycece, 287 Cytisus biflorus, 37 Cytoplasm of eggs as future embryo, 8, 9, 70, 126, 151 ff. Dakin, 352 Dallinger, 334 Daphnia, 210, 262, 279, 280, 282, 306, 312 Darbishire, A. D., 347 Darwin, 90, 297, 346 ff. Darwinian theory, 5 ff. Davenport, C. B., 244, 335 Death, 349 ff.; natural, cause of, 364, 369 Decidua formation induced by corpus luteum, I57-I58 Delage, Y., 107, no, in, 123, 126, 1 86 de la Rive, 24 de Meyer, J., 127 Dendrostoma, 101 Dentalium, 144 Design, 4, 5 Determination of sex, in bees, 2O» ff.; in phylloxerans, 210; in Bonellia, 215 Development of egg, 127 ff. de Vries, H., 6, 42, 154, 161, 347, 369 Dewitz, 93 Dieudonne", C., 334, 337 *' Directive force," 2 Disharmonies, 7 Divisibility of living matter, limits of, 148-151 Dominance, 230 Doncaster, L., 203 Dorfmeister, 303 Driesch, H., 4 ff., 128, 133, 136, 138 ff., 147, I50» 169 ff., 180 ff., 184 ff. Drosophila ampelophila, 204 ff., 237, 243, 322, 347, 366 Duclaux, E., 288, 289 v. Dungern, 80 Duration of life, 360 ff. Durham, 249 Dutrochet, 154 Dzierzon, 208 Ectoderm formation, 130 ff. Egg, as the future embryo, 8, 9, 70, 126, 151; artificial partheno- genesis of, 95 ff.; organisms from, 128 ff.; determining unity of organism, 151-152; chromo- somes in, 1 98 ff. Egg structure, 129 ff.; influence of centrifugal force on, 135; and regulation, 139, 140, 141; and fluidity of protoplasm, 141 Ehrlich, 45, 322, 332 ff., 341; side-chain theory of, 88, 1 88 Eigenmann, 320, 323 ff. Electromotive forces, origin in living organs, 140 Engelmann, 357 Engler, 24 Entelechy, 4, 170, 182 Environment, influence of, 286 ff.; temperature, 288 ff., 344 ff-; salinity, 306; adaptation to, 319 Enzyme action, 23 ff., 297, 302 Ernst, A., 21 Eternity of life, 34 ff., 360 Eudendrium, 260, 261, 269, 277, 278, 326 Eudorina, 277 Euglena, 264, 269, 272, 277 Euler, H., 21 Evolution, 346 ff.; and mutation, 348 Ewald, W. F., 261 ff., 269, 280, 301 Farmer, J. B., 347 Fermi, 350, 354 Fertilization, heterogeneous, 48 ff., 51, 73 ff.; specificity in, 71 ff.; and oxidation, 117 ff.; and per- meability, 119 ff. " Fertilizing' 84, 87 ff., 93 Fischel, 187 Fischer, 303 ff. Fish, 55 Fitness of environment, 317 Fitzgerald, J. G., 63 Flow of substances and regenera- tion in Bryophyllum, 161 ff. 374 Index Fluctuating variations, 6, 297 ff., 346 ff. Folin, 22 Food, influence on polymorphism in wasps, 222 ff. Food castration, 224; influence on sexual cycle in rotifers, 224; on metamorphosis in tadpoles, 155 Ford, 63 Forssmann, 63 Fredericq, 351 Free-martin, cause of sterility, 218-219 Friedenthal, H., 53 ff., 60 Frisch, K., 278, 279 Froschel, P., 263 Fuchs, H. M., 90 Fucus, 123 Fundulus heteroclitus, 51, 116, 147, 300, 301, 302, 307 ff., 321 ff., 328 ff., 335, 337, 357 ff. Galileo, 346 Galvanotropism, II, 270 ff., 319 Gay, F. P., 62 ff. Generation, spontaneous, 14 ff., ,34 Genes, 4 ff., 152, 319 Genus and species, chemical basis of, 40 ff. Geppert, 358 Germination in seeds, 35 ff. Giard, 180, 216 ff. Godlewski, E., 48, 75, 78, 120, 126, 169 Godlewski, E., Sr., 18 Goebel, K., 154, 161 Goldfarb, A. J., 326 Goldschmidt, JR., 220 ff. Goodale, H. D., 218 Gortner, R., 249 Graber, V., 256, 276 Grafting, heteroplastic, in animals, 46; in plants, 47 Gravitation, influence on organ formation in Antennularia, 194 ff.; on the egg of the frog, 141 Gray, J., 122 Gregory, 243 Groom, T. T., 280 Growth, termination of, 184; in- fluence of cell size, 187 Gudernatsch, J. F., 155, 255, 342 Guyer, 124 Gynandromorphism, 209 Haeckel, 346 Half -embryos and whole embryos, 141, 142 Hammond, J. H., Jr., 269 Harden, 16 Hardesty, 358 Harmonious character of organism, 5, 6, 318 ff., 341 ff. Harrison, 31 Hartley, in Healing of wound, 187 Hektoen, 66 Heliotropism, n ff., 257 ff., 318; heredity of, 250 ff.; change of, 279, 280 ff.; and adaptation, Helmholtz, 34 Hemoglobins, crystallographic measurements of, 64 ff. Henderson, L., 317 Henking, 198 ff. Herbst, C., 97, 147, 193, 306, 310 Heredity, of genus and species, 40 ff., 70, 151, 152; Mendelian, 70, 151 ff., 229 ff., 348; of sex, 198; sex-linked, 203 ff., 238 ff.; and evolution, 348 Herlant, M., 78 ff., 115 ff. Hermaphroditism, 89 ff., 212 ff., 216, 219 ff. See also Inhibition and Regeneration. Hertwig, O., 97, 123, 292 Hertwig, R., 95, 97 Hess, C., 278 Heterogeneous hybrids, purely maternal, 49, 50 Heterogeneous transplantation, Murphy's experiments on, 44 ff . ; limitation of, 46 Heteromorphosis, 155, 193-196 Hill, C., 25 Hippiscus, 199 Holmes, S. J., 269 Hoppe-Seyler, 351 Hormones, 145, 155, 181, 219; and Mendelian heredity, 245 ff., 348; and adaptation, 342. See also Organ-forming substances. Index 375 Huxley, 346 Hybridization, heterogeneous, in sea urchins, 48 ff., 73 ff.;in fishes, 51; in plants (Mendel's), 230 ff. Hydrolytic enzymes, action of, 24; reversible action of, 24 ff. Hypertonic solution, 99, in ff. Imitation of cell structures by colloids, 39 Immortality, of cancer cells, 30; of somatic cells, 30 ff . ; of life in general, 34 ff. Inheritance, of colour-blindness, 203, 204, 205; of eye pigment in Drosophila, 204 ff.; of pigments, 248 ff.; of acquired characters, 337 ff. Inhibition of regeneration in Bryo- phyllum, 162 ff. Inhibition of sexual characters of opposite sex, in pheasants, 218; lack of in hermaphrodites, 219; in Bonellia, 226 Instincts, 10 ff., 253 ff.; sexual, 198 ff. Intersexualism, 221 Intestine, formation of, 130 ff. Isoagglutinins, 66 ff., 92 Isolation of blastomeres, 136 ff. Jacoby, 352 Janda, V., 219 ff. Jansky, 67 Janssens, 242 Jennings, H. S., 264 ff. Jensen, 45 Joest, 46 Johannsen, W., 42, 333 Jones, 352 Jost, 90 Kammerer, P., 325, 337 ff. Kanitz, A., 290, 292, 296 Kastle, J. H., 26 ff. Kellogg, V. L., 279 Kelvin, 34 King, W. O. R.f 50, 247 Klug, 351 v. Knaffl, E., 106 Knowlton, E. P., 292 Kofoid, C. A., 143 v. Korosy, 300 Korschelt, 361 Krakatau, 21 Kraus, 54 ff. Krogh, 292 Kryz, P., 335 Kupelwieser, H., 75 Lack of oxygen, influence on dis- integration of tissue, 355 ff. Ladoff, S., 224 Lamarck, 6 Laminaria, 165 Landois, L., 53 Landsteiner, 66 Lanice, 143 ff. Lankester, E. R., 41 Leathes, J. B., 63 Leucana leucocephala, 37 Levene, 351, 352 Lewis, 183, 344, 364 Light, influence on organ forma- tion, in cave animals, 319 ff.; in Proteus, 325; in Eudendrium, 326. See also Heliotropism. Lillie, F. R., 80, 82 ff., 87 ff., 93, 134, 191, 218, 292 Lillie, R. S., 101, 107, no, 120 ff. Lipase, synthetic action of, 26 Living and dead matter, specific differences between, 14 ff. Lloyd, D. J., in Localization of Mendelian charac- ters in individual chromosomes, 243, 244 Loeb, Leo, 30 ff., 45, 157, 170, 187 ff., 342 Loevenhart, A. S., 26 ff. Lumbricus rubellus, 46 Lychnis dioica, 217 Lycopodium, 93 Lygczus, 20 1 Lymantria dispar, 220 Lymnczus, 142 Lymphocytes, rdle of, 45 ff. Lyon, E. P., 134 ff. Macfadyen, A., 36 Maeterlinck, 255 Magnus, W., 60 Maltese, synthetic action of, 25 376 Index Marchal, P., 222 ff., 254 Margelis, 192 Mass of chromatin and of cyto- plasm, 1 86 Mast, 269, 277 Mathews, A. P., 107, 363 Matthaei, G. L. C., 302 Maxwell, S. S., 270, 274, 277 McClendon, J. F., 122, 322 McClung, C. E., 68, 198 ff., 237 Megusar, 340 Meignon, 217 Meisenheimer, 225 Meltzer, S. J., 315 Membrane formation, 86 ff.; arti- ficial, 98 ff. Mendel, G., 23, 229 ff. Mendelian characters, and evolu- tion, 70, 348; and internal se- cretions, 243, 348; and enzymes, 247, 248, 249 Mendelian, factors of heredity, 4 ff., 68, 151 ff.; mutation, 66; dominant, 90; segregation, 229 ff. See also Non-Mendelian inheritance. Mendelian heredity, mechanism of, 229 ff.; and chromosomes, 233 ff.; and hormones, 245 ff., 348 ; and enzymes, 247 ff. Menidia, 51, 321, 323 Merogony, 120, 126, 186 Merrifield, 303 Mesenchyme formation, 130 ff. Metamorphosis of tadpoles in- duced by thyroid, 155, 156 Metchnikoff, 361 ff., 367 ff. Michaelis, L., 62, 317 Micrococcus prodigiosus, 334 Micromeres, 132 ff. Minot, 362 Moenkhaus, W. J., 51, 344 Molisch, 20 Montgomery, 199, 234 Moore, A. R., 50, 247 ff., 280 Morgan, T. H., 46, 68, 89 ff., 95, 116, 126, 134, 141 ff., 173, 175, 184, 204 ff., 229 ff., 241 ff., 244, 347 Morse, M., 156, 353 Morton, J. J., 44 Moss, W. L., 67 Muller, H. J., 229, 231 ff. Murphy, J. B., 44 ff. Mutation, 6, 42, 243; and evolu- tion, 347, 348 Myers, 55 Nathanson, 19 Natural death, 361 ff. Neilson, no Newman, 344 Newton's Law, 253 Nitrifying bacteria, 1 6 ff. Non-Mendelian inheritance, genus and species characters, 70, 151, 251; rate of segmentation, 246; first development, 247 Northrop, 366 NostocacecE, 21 Nussbaum, M., 149 Nuttall, G. H. P., 56 ff. Ocneria dispar, 225 (Enotherus, 369 Onslow, H., 249 Organ-forming substances or hormones in regeneration, 1 54 ff . ; causing metamorphosis in tad- poles, 155-157; decidua forma- tion, 158; development of milk glands, 158; Sachs's theory of, 159 Organisms from eggs, 128 ff. Origin of life, 14 ff., 33 ff. Osborne, 23 Osterhout, W. J. V., 312 Ostwald, Wo., 29, 305, 312 Oudemans, 225 Overton, 123 Palcemon, 193 Paloemonetas, 193; geotropism of, 270 Palinurus, 193 Pandorina, 277 Parker, G. H., 264, 269 Parthenogenesis, artificial, 95 ff.; "spontaneous," 107 Pasteur, 14 ff., 24, 33, 38 Patten, B., 264 ff Pauli, W., 289 Pavy, 350 Payne, F., 322 Index 377 Pearl, R., 203, 244 Penicillium, 289 Pennaria, 192 Pepsin, synthetic action of, 28, 62, 63 Pfeffer, 92 ff. Phagocytosis, 367 Planaria, 173 ff.f 177 Planorbis, 142 Plants, heteroplastic grafting in, 47 ff.; regeneration in, 160 ff. Polygordius, 280 Polymorphism, 222 Porthesia, 256, 280 ff. Preadaptation, 12, 324 Precipitin reaction, 54 ff. Preformation of organism in egg, 128 ff., 142-145 Presence and absence theory, 230 ff. Primula, 243 Proteins, specific reactions of, 54 ff.; and species specificity, 68; and evolution, 70, 348 Protenor, 200 ff., 208 Proteus, 325 ff. Przibram, H., 176 Pure lines, 333, 334 Pycnopodia spuria, 74 Pyrrhocoris, 198 Radiation pressure, r61e in trans- mission of spores through inter- stellar space, 34 ff. Rana, esculenta, 46; palustris, 46; virescens, 46 Rate of segmentation, a non- Mendelian hereditary charac- ter, 246 Rau, 366 Reaction, tropistic, n ff., 92 ff., 147, 178, 187, 255 ff.; precipi- tin, 54 ff.; anaphylaxis, 61 ff. Regeneration, 9 ff., 153 ff.; in plants, 160 ff. ; in Bryophyllum, 161-167; in animals, 167 ff.; in Tubularia, 167-170; in Cerianthus, 171 ff.; in Planar- ians, 173-176; in Alpheus, 176; and autolysis, 178-181; of lens, 182, 183; external influences on, 192 ff.; of gonads in her- maphrodites, 219 Regulation, 139, 140, 141; in regeneration, see Regeneration. Reichert, E. T., 64 ff. Reseda, 90 Resistance of spores, 36; seeds, 36 ff. Reversibility of development, in Campanularia, 178 ff.; in As- cidians, 180; in egg, 189 ff.; in Antennularia, 194 Rhabdonema nigrovenosum, 213 Richet, C., 61 Richter, 34 Ringer solution, 99 Robertson, T. B., 28 ff., 62 ff., 104, 311 Roentgen rays, 45 Roscoe, see Bunsen Rotifers, determination of sexual cycle by food, 224 Roux, W., 141 ff. Saccharomyces, 36; cerevisice, 60 Sacculina, 216 ff. Sachs, 88, v. Sachs, J., 145, 154 ff., 159, 161, 184 Salamandra maculosa, 339 Salkowski, 352 Salts required for life, 306 ff. Sansum, W. D., 64 Schizophycece, 21 Schleip, W., 213 Schoenbein, 358 Schottelius, 334, 337 Schroeder, 14, 33 Schultze, O., 141 Schiitze, 55 Schwann, 33 Schwarzschild, 34 Secretions, internal, 145, 155, 157 Self-digestion, 350 ff. Self-sterility, 89 ff. Senescence, 367 Sequoia, 31, 368 Setchell, W. A., 165, 287 Sex, of parthenogenetic frogs, 125; of twins, 211 Sex chromosome, 199 ff. Sex determination, cytological basis of, 198 ff. ; physiological basis of, 214 ff. 378 Index Sexual characters, 198 ff. Shibata, 93 Shull, A. F., 214, 224 Sicyonia, 193 Side-chain theory, 88, 188 Smith, Geoffrey, 159, 217 Smith, Graham, 58 Spain, K. C., 188 Spallanzani, 33 Species, chemical basis of, 40 ff.; specificity of, 41 ff.; incompati- bility of, not closely related, 44 ff- Species specificity, determined by proteins, 63, 68, 348 ; apparently not by nucleins, 69 Specificity, of grafted tissues, 47; of spermatozoa, 48; of blood sera, 53 ff. ; in fertilization, 71 ff. ; of activation of sperm by eggs, „ 8off< Spelerpes, 320 Spermatozoa, fertilization of eggs by, 72 ff.; activation by eggs of, 80 ff.; agglutination of, 82 ff.; cluster formation of, 83; chemotropism of, 92 ff.; cul- tivating of, 126 ff. ; chromosomes of, 198 ff. Spirographis, 260 Spondylomorum, 277 Spontaneous generation, 33, 38 Spooner, G. B., 134 Standfuss, 303 Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 36 Steffenhagen, K., 55 Steinach, E., 225 ff., 254, 343 Stereotropism, 178, 187, 283 Stevens, Miss, 68, 199 Stimulus, 196 Stockard, 322, 340 Strassburger, 260 Streaming as means of egg differ- entiation, 145, 146 Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, 50, 52, 75, 81 ff., 103, 247 Strongylocentrotus lividus, 129 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, 52, \ 73 ff., 81 ff., 94, 98 ff., 103, 108, 109, in ff., 137, 191, 246 ff., 293 ff-» 364; larvas of, 49 ff. Sturtevant, A. H., 229 ff. Styela, 146 Sulphur bacteria, 19 ff. Supergenes, 5, 9, 136, 319 Sutton, W. S., 68, 233 ff. Synthesis of living matter, by micro-organisms, 15 ff.; by enzymes, 24 ff. Synthetic action of enzymes, 23 ff.,38 Tania, 212 Talbot, 262 Tammann, 291 Tanaka, 243 Taylor, A. E., 27, 69 ff. Tchistowitch, 54 ff. Teleost fish, crosses of, 6 ff., 345 Temperature, effect on heliotrop- ism, 280; upper limit for organ- isms, 287 ff.; effect on life, 288 ff . ; on butterflies, 303 ff . ; adapta- tion to, 334 ff. Temperature coefficient, 290 ff., 305; for enzyme, 291; for de- velopment, 292 ff.; for oxida- tions, 295; and fluctuating var- iation, 296 ff.; for [heart-beat, 300 ff . ; for duration of life, 366 Thatcher, Miss, 181 Thyroid inducing metamorphosis in tadpoles, 155, 156 Tichomiroff, 95 Tissue culture of spermatozoa, 127 Tissues, transplantation of, 30 ff., 44 ff.; cultivation of, 31 ff.; spe- cificity of, 44 ff. Torrey, H. B., 264, 269 Tower, 348 Transfusion of blood, 53 Transplantation, of tissues, 30 ff., 44 ff . ; of cancers, 45 ; of anlagen, 148; of eye of salamander, 157; of testes, 226; of ovaries, 227 Traube, 28 Treub, 21 Trial and error, 268, 270 Trifolium arvense, 37 Tropisms, n ff., 92 ff., 147, 178, J87, 253 ff.; and instincts, 253; theory of, 257 ff. Tropisms, in embryonic develop- ment, 147; of cave animals, 324 Index 379 rypanosomcs, 332 ff. Trypsin, synthetic action of, 27 Tuber brumale, 60 Tubularia crocea, 171 Tubulariamesembryanthemumti6jt 169, 192 Twins, origin of, 136 ff.; sex of, 211 Tyndall, 33 Typhlogobius, 320 Typhlomolge, 320 Typhlotriton, 320, 323 Tyrosinase, 249, 250 Tyrosine, 249, 250 v. Uexkull, J., 4 ff., 128, 139 Uhlenhuth, E., 157, 183, 187 Uhlenhuth, P., 55, 58, 66, 322 Underbill, F. P., 23 Vanessa, prorsa, 303; levana, 303 Vaney, 217 Van Slyke, D. D., 22, 24, 291 van't Hoff, 24 ff., 290, 292, 296 Variation, 6, 297 ff., 346-348 Vitzou, 159 Volvox, 280 Walcott, 42, 6 1 Warburg, O., 117 ff. Warming, 41 Wasps, polymorphism in, 222- 224; sex determination, 255 ff. Wassermann, 55 Wasteneys, H., 29, 82, 87, 112, 113, 117, 191, 277, 293, 295, 335, 364 Weiggert, 188 Weismann, 7, 30, 303 Wells, H. G., 62, 69 Welsh, D. A., 60 Werner, F., 340 Wheeler, W. M., 43 White, J., 36 Whitney, D. D., 224 Wilson, E. B., 68, 143, 199 ff. Winkler, 47 Winogradsky, S., 16 ff., 42 Wolf, G., 182, 187 Yeast cells, cultivation of, 15 ff. Young, 1 6, 358 Selection from the Catalogue of O. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Complete Catalogues sent on application What Is Man? By J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., LL.D. Professor of Natural History, University of Aberdeen Editor of "The Outline of Science" The proper study of mankind is Man, and this book is an introduction to the study. 1 1 is written mainly from the biological point of view, but other aspects are not left unconsidered. It is not a learned treatise, but an outline for the general reader who wishes to know how modern Science regards Man. It presents many facts in a new light, in a fresh setting, and there is throughout a note of meliorism, if not of optimism. 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