OFTM DNIVEMITr or THE AMERICAN HANDBOOK OF ORNAMENTAL TREES THE AMERICAN HANDBOOK ORNAMENTAL TREES. BY THOMAS MEEHAN, / GARDENER. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPIXCOTT, GRAMBO, AND CO. 1853. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO, AND CO., in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Re/»«-«M -I Gin M'f TO JOHN BARTRAM, THE PATRIARCH OF AMERICAN ARBORICULTURE. ^772690 ADVERTISEMENT. A SMALL work on the hardy ornamental trees in cultivation, has long been a desidera tum. The literature of other countries is well represented in this respect ; the author offers the present volume as a small advance to wards placing America in the same position. His original design was to bring out a small volume for the numerous admirers of the in defatigable Botanist, BARTRAM, describing the trees now growing in his far-famed old botanic garden. After the notes were pre pared for this object, he was induced by the kind encouragement of his friends, and in the face of a great public want, to throw them into their present form. In order to make Vlll ADVERTISEMENT. the work of standard accuracy, nothing has been admitted into the body of the work that has not been the result of the personal ex perience of the author. No tree is described as being in cultivation which the author has not himself seen ; and in most cases, the reader is referred to the tree, with its height and / O dimensions, from which the description is taken. The Appendix at the end of the work contains principally those trees which, though in cultivation, are too small to form a correct estimate of their value in ornamental garden ing. The work is offered solely as an aid in practical affairs, without any high pretension to its being a contribution to scientific litera ture. Hence the arrangement is alphabetical and the descriptions are brief. The botani cal characters are for the most part compiled from various authors. In the Pinacece, London has been principally consulted. The references to the natural orders are to those ADVERTISEMENT. IX as developed by Lindley in the " Vegetable Kingdom," on the system of Endlicher, which is now generally followed by botanists. The rest of the work is entirely original. If any resemblance is observed between the author's remarks and the writings of others, it must be attributed to his earlier studies, which have become so blended with his observation and experience, as to make what perhaps properly belonged to others originally, now seem to him to be his own. The nomenclature is not probably what a scientific writer would adopt, no particular author being exclusively followed. In a work intended for extensive popular use, it was thought better to adhere to popular jiames ; and, as the names of the authors of both the generic and specific terms are given in full with each name, no confusion can arise on that score. .Having said thus much of his work, the author would gladly lay down his pen. But X ADVERTISEMENT. lie cannot rule out the claims of the public to knoAV something of the man who presumes to offer rules for its guidance. He would briefly state that, reared from infancy amongst extensive collections of trees, they became by circumstances as well as by taste the study and the hobby of his riper years. These advantages, together with a two years' study of trees in the celebrated gardens at Kew, with the subsequent practice of his know ledge in many superior establishments, amongst which he would here enumerate Eosedale, the nursery of Eobert Buist; Bart- ram Botanic Gardens, now the property of A. M. Eastwick, Esq., and Springbrook, the country-seat of Caleb Cope, Esq., are, as he trusts, sufficient to induce him to appear with out presumption before the public in an author's capacity. He would here farther return his thanks to his numerous friends for their kind assist ance. Particularly to Dr. William Darling- ADVERTISEMENT. XI ton, of West Chester, at whose suggestion the work was originally begun. To A. M. East- wick, Esq., to whom not only the author, but the public at large are indebted for the zeal ous care and watchful jealousy with which everything connected with the finest collec tion of full-grown trees in the country is preserved ; to Caleb Cope, Esq., the ex-Presi dent of the Pennsylvania Horticultural So ciety, he is also indebted for much valuable information and suggestions, as well as to Thomas P. James, Esq., Secretary of the sartre institution, Messrs. E. Buist, of Kosedale, and John Evans, of Eadnor. , September 23, 1853. INTRODUCTION. TREES are essential to an American home. The frame "building, the first pointer to the young mechcinic in his arduous path towards an honorable independence, is imperfect with out the idea of shade trees surrounding it. And when, as he proceeds onwards, pros perity and plenty, smiling on his genius and on his talents, suggest the idea of a suburban residence, he dwells with pleasure on the vast variety of ornamental flowering trees, producing each month a succession of beauti ful novelties, clothed with an endless variety of ever-changing foliage, administering equally shade and shelter for the body with food and enjoyment for the mind, which are pictured with it. Perhaps fortune has chosen him 2 XIV INTRODUCTION. one of her special favorites. He becomes a man of wealth. Being a man of taste, en dowed with an active sympathy for the charms of nature ; alive to the keenest relish for land scape- beauties ; he has seen in his travels some of the fairest specimens of nature's handiwork in forest scenery, and resolved on forming a country-seat where he " with unsparing hand, May cull the beauties of each land, And blend them in that favored spot," and aim at producing in one whole a pleasing picture of garden scenery, out of the mate rials nature has scattered so bountifully in various parts of the world. To aid the mechanic in the choite of pro per trees for his dwelling, and in their pro per treatment ; to assist the active business man in most effectually embellishing his residence, and combining the most beautiful with the most useful, and to point out to the INTRODUCTION. XV retired citizen the principles by which the most pleasing effects from trees can be derived, as well as the most successful modes of rear ing, planting, and cultivating them, are not among the least aims of the author ; and are, as he believes, compatible with the original and main design, as already stated. HANDBOOK OF ORNAMENTAL TREES I. OF PROPER SOIL. 1. EACH kind of tree lias a soil peculiarly its own. In that soil it will do better than any other tree. The subject, then, is one of some moment. 2. Science may some day explain this with exactness; practice and experiment have taught us chiefly what we know so far. They have taught us that an oak, beautiful on our neighbor's clayey soil, would lan guish in our light sandy loam; and a pine on ours — "the envied of all beholders" — would be as equally uneasy on his stiff ground. We have been enabled to learn what trees are well adapted to certain soils — in what soil any given tree will do well. 3 26 AMERICAN HANDBOOK 3. This is of more importance to the man of small means, than to the man of fortune. The latter can have any tree he chooses, be cause he can make the soil to suit. The other cannot afford the expense — he must select the tree that suits his soil. 4. To illustrate the evil of inattention to soil, take the silver maples employed as shade trees in Philadelphia; where they are more generally used than any other tree. You may find it in every situation, till you be lieve that shade tree and silver maple are considered synonymous. For ground wet or dry, for soils light or heavy, it is all the same. Thus, it often finds itself in circum stances every way unsuited to it. The leaves become small; the growth short and meagre; the trunk hide-bound, and the branches covered with mosses and lichens. They live and grow — perhaps for years — but never to satisfaction. Scores of such speci mens may be seen at any time in our streets. The blame is too often thrown on the wrong source. The nurseryman is charged with selling bad trees, and the re medy sought for in trees purchased from OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 27 another dealer, "which also, in their turn, must follow them." 5. The number of species and varieties is now so great, that a fine collection of trees may be had in even a piece of ground with one uniform soil. Variety is generally pleas ing ; and the smallest lot might as well have its half-dozen trees of different kinds, as in one monotonous sameness. If one tree only be wanted, I prefer it to be different from one's neighbor's adjoining. In addition to the charm of variety, which is added to the pleasure of the shade, emulation has here an innocent outlet for its course, which will not fail to bring its gratifying reward. 6. One objection to variety, so far as shade trees are concerned, is its cost. A nurseryman can afford to sell a quantity of one thing for less, than for small lots of dif ferent ones. But, on reflection, few would be willing to forego the pleasure of that variety which is one of the charms of natu ral beauty — one of the means by which we contrast that which is superior with that which is beneath — and rest satisfied with the only change brought by the seasons, and the 28 AMERICAN HANDBOOK only pleasure that brought by its shade, when a trifling cost in the original outlay will " add all these things unto them." The saving of a dollar in a gratification which is expected to last for life, is a consideration which will have little weight when duly reflected on. A little extra expense in a selection of trees, a little extra thought on appropriating each to its most proper soil, and a little extra care bestowed on their removal and replanting, will be amply repaid in the future beauty, variety, health, and luxuriousness of shade trees. II. ON THE CHOICE OF TREES. 7. For shade trees it is considered advan tageous to possess the property of trans planting easily. This is a great reason why certain trees become so popular in some dis tricts as to give them a character. But, in reality, there are no trees difficult to trans plant. "When the true principles of the ope ration are understood, a beech may be trans planted as easily as an ailanthus, or a sour- OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 29 gum as a maple. This I hope to make plain to the reader as we proceed. 8. In choosing trees, prefer those raised in a nursery to those growing naturally in the woods. Most persons are aware of the difficulty of getting the latter to do well. A glance at the nature of roots will teach us the reason. There are two sets of roots to most trees, perhaps to all. One consists of fibres, the sole office of which is to draw mat ter from the soil for the use of the tree ; the other of true roots, which extend and keep the tree in its position, affording at the same time channels for the conveyance of the matter absorbed by the fibres. This distinc tion must be well noted. Fibres, as I have repeatedly proved, are annual, dying out after a season's service. ISfew fibres make their appearance as the extending roots grow; and are, consequently, farther away from the collar of the tree in proportion to its age. 9. The roots of trees have their peculiari ties of divarication as well as the branches. Some trees grow erect, or horizontal, making few side shoots, and looking always sparse 30 AMERICAN HANDBOOK and thin ; others branch and re-branch in every direction. So it is with their roots. The sour-gum throws out a few strong roots, scarcely making a single fork; while the linden throws out an abundance of rootlets in every direction. If we attempt to take up a specimen of the former by the common practice, that is, by opening a trench but a few feet from the trunk, we find that though we may have a great many roots, we have very few or no fibres. They are left with the roots in the ground, at their extremities. Such a tree is reduced to the condition of a mere cutting, and without the treatment pro per for a cutting, cannot grow. Trees taken up by the same mode, that have an abund ance of branching roots, are more likely to have fibres near the stem, and so succeed. This constitutes the chief difference between a tree that will "remove easily" and one which will not. 10. It should be an early inquiry whether a tree proposed to be transplanted have the above-mentioned conditions of success or not. A tree from a nursery has been trans planted when very young, perhaps several OF ORXAMEXTAL TREES. 31 times. The repeated cuttings off of the young roots cause them to branch out nu merously, attended, of course, by an abund ance of fibres. That is exactly the tree for the planter. Trees from the woods will be in a worse case. Where they are particu larly desired, there are two ways of pro cedure. We may dig out a space two feet deep, at from four to six feet from the trunk of the tree, according to its size, which will cut all the roots to that depth. Immediately replace the earth, into which they will fibre. The following year the tree may be removed with safety. In the other case, the roots should be followed to their extremities, the fibres gathered together carefully, and rolled up with the roots towards the trunk of the tree, where they can be protected from in jury. The ball of earth on which so much care is given to cultivate trees, is of little importance in this case. There being but few fibres at the base, the ball can be of slight service, while it materially adds to the ex pense, and is actually a drawback by render ing the tree more unmanageable. 11. In these two modes of removal, sue- 32 AMERICAN HANDBOOK cess greatly depends upon the operator; a careful, persevering, determined Land, per forms more, and with better results, than a hasty, undecided, and unpractical individual. The latter mode, in the right kind of hands, will give the most satisfaction in the end. III. OX RAISING TREES. 12. For reasons already explained in the last section, trees are far better for the plant er when raised artificially. Each tree's pe culiar treatment will be noticed in another part ; here we may note a few generalities. 13. "Whenever it is convenient to raise trees from seeds, they will become most vigorous ; though, under favorable circum stances, cutting layers or grafts, will some times equal or excel. 14. Many seeds lie two years in the ground before they grow. Anything that will assist the decomposition of their shells or outer cases, hastens their germination. Applica tions of oxalic acid, or boiling water, have been found useful, as well as allowing the seed to lie in a heap and ferment ; or even OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 33 by freezing them for a short time by packing them in ice. It is a fruitful field ; but few discoveries have been made in it. 15. Trees of rapid growth should be trans planted at the end of the first season. In other cases, they may remain two years in the seed-bed. IV. THE BEST SIZE FOR TRANSPLANTING. 16. This is a much disputed point. There are many good reasons for preferring large trees. The man who has become superior to the active duties of business, through a long course of years, and desires to pass the remainder of his days in the peaceful retire ment of a country-seat, cannot afford to wait till young trees grow up with their grateful shade. He will prefer large trees. Taken up properly (see par. 10), and at a proper season (par. 21), they will succeed perfectly, and the immediate object be gained. 17. Such trees, however, never grow with much luxuriousness. Young thrifty trees, under favorable circumstances, equal them in a few years, and eventually go ahead. 34 AMERICAN HANDBOOK Besides, there is great pleasure to be derived from watching each year's luxuriant growth. The gratification which immediate shade is calculated to afford, is more than balanced by the pride we feel in pointing to a thriving tree which, but a few years ago, we could have put into our coat pocket. 18. Where trees have to be procured from a distance, or a nursery in general, young trees should always be preferred. The haste unavoidable in a nursery at the planting sea son, is unfavorable to great care in lifting them ; while the readiness with which small trees can be taken up, and the facilities they afford for careful packing, is a powerful ar gument in their favor. V. THE BEST SEASON TO PLANT. 19. When the principles of successful planting are understood, trees can be removed at any time. A tree on being transplanted is, in some respects, in the condition of a cutting. Let us inquire, then, what are the principles of propagation ? 20. Cuttings are taken generally from half OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 35 ripened wood, are planted in light or sandy soil, and plunged in material a few degrees warmer than the atmosphere. Over the cut tings bell-glasses are placed. These are the main points — variations being made to suit peculiarities of each kind. Now for the principles. Half-ripened wood contains the " descending sap," out of which roots are formed. Cuttings are " too young" when the sap has not been elaborated ; " too hard" when the descending current is feeble, or has ceased. The sandy soil admits air, which is essential to the formation of roots. Bottom heat excites the base of the cutting, encour aging it to form roots before the top starts into active life. Bell-glasses prevent evapo ration from the leaves and stems, checking their demand for nutriment till the roots are formed to supply them. Let us carry this illustration to our subject. 21. In planting, the immediate object is to get a speedy formation of new roots or fibres. The best time to plant, then, will be when the earth is a few degrees warmer than the atmosphere, and when the elaborated sap is 36 AMERICAN HANDBOOK descending and active, and the tree itself least likely to suffer from excessive evapora tion. That time is the autumn ; at the fall of the leaf. 22. Autumn planting, however, has its dis advantages. The soil is generally very dry and unmanageable. The tree comes up with difficulty, and the new fibres dry up as fast as they push. Another disadvantage is, if we wait till the fall rains have deeply pene trated the soil, there is danger of having to leave the operation unfinished by frost. If the planting be not very extensive, it is much better for the tree to apply water when re quisite, and have it done in the best time. The future health of the tree will repay the additional expense. . 23. Spring planting is most usually fol lowed. The ground is so pliable, it seems to save so much labor, and the work can go right ahead to completion. This is all that can be said in its favor. 24. Winter planting, or the " Frozen ball" system, is sometimes adopted. In the early part of the winter, a hole is prepared for the tree, and the tree itself prepared with " a OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 37 ball" just ready for removal. When the ball is frozen through, it is taken off to the spot prepared for it, suffered to thaw, and then the hole filled up. I do not approve of this system, having seen it fail on a very exten sive scale. The frost and atmosphere to gether, seem to act injuriously on the cut and exposed roots ; besides, as I have al ready observed (par. 10), no amount of " ball" can compensate for a want of fibres. 25. Though I lay down the rule that au tumn planting is preferable under most cir cumstances, it can be carried out in any sea son of the year. I have planted in every month for experiment sake. The worst pe riod is just after the tree has burst forth its leaves in spring. Success is more probable every succeeding month till the fall, when the most favorable period for the process has arrived. There is a regular ebb and flow, like the tides and the seasons, in the rise and fall of the sap. 26. I will give one illustration to accom pany the last paragraph. In one of my situations, a fine apricot-tree had to be trans planted or destroyed, in the month of June, 4 38 AMERICAN HANDBOOK to make way for some alterations in a car riage house. The frnit was at the time as large as pigeons' eggs. The young shoots were cut back, as far as they seemed "watery," to check evaporation. The roots were wa tered, and covered with damp mats as fast as they were exposed. It was taken out without the particle of a ball, planted at once, and finally well watered. Not a leaf withered. It was not watered again the whole season. The next spring it was a sheet of blossom, and had the curculio been well disposed, would have borne a splendid crop. VI. PEUNING. 27. Is it necessary to cut back the branches of a tree on transplanting ? As much so as it may be necessary to cut off a man's limb to save his life. In either case, it is a neces sity upon which the operator might well ponder, and hesitate to act. 28. If fall planting be adopted, the elabo rated sap, contained in every branch, will assist in the formation of roots. As there is OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 39 little or no evaporation from the tree in the winter season, the branches can do no harm any way ; and by the spring, the tree will have made roots to serve them. 29. In spring planting also, if the roots have an abundance of fibres, cut nothing away ; they can support all. If otherwise, pruning must be resorted to, or the sap will be dried out of them before the tree can raise a necessary supply. 30. The whole question is reduced to one of evaporation. If there be fibres enough to sustain great evaporation, the less cut the better. VII. THE OPERATION OF TRANSPLANTING. 31. The common mode of planting is to dig out a hole, stick in a tree, and leave the rest to nature. This is not care enough. A tree will repay reasonable attention. 32. In preparing a piece of ground for planting, few operations are more beneficial than draining. Some trees, certainly, thrive in swamps ; but these are little employed, 40 AMERICAN HANDBOOK and comprise but a small section of orna mental trees. The majority thrive best in well-drained soil. I know of no soil, except those on sandy or gravelly substrata, not improved by draining. It frequently renders a poor soil perma nently fertile. By an underdrain a channel is opened beneath the surface, which draws down the rain, bringing with it the various gases mixed with it, as well as the many fer tilizing ingredients always found at the sur face, all of which would otherwise have been washed away to the nearest stream. A piece of ground well supplied with underdrains, from the great quantity of air-spaces the draught of water through it occasions, is always moist without the possibility of be coming soured by saturation. So much do I value draining as a means of highly and permanently improving land for trees, that were I offered a thousand dollars for manure, or five hundred to be expended in draining, previously to planting a piece of ground, I would unhesitatingly choose the latter. If OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 41 well executed, the most substantial and last ing benefit would ensue. 33. In some cases, natural causes prevent draining, or the piece of ground would not warrant the outlay; the expense being greater than the corresponding advantages. In such cases, if the ground be very wet, I would plant on the surface instead of below it. I have described my practice in this re spect in the Horticulturist, for 1849. The ground is first trenched, or dug deep, the tree placed on the desired spot, and the earth spread over the roots; the whole, when finished, mound-like. The appearance of trees thus planted is objectionable. The ground appears to an observer to have been lowered, the trees indicating the original height. Such appearances detract from that natural looking beauty a garden ought to exhibit. The mode can only be tolerated where the ground cannot be drained. Bad as its appearance is, it is preferable to seeing trees planted in holes which, in reality, become wells of stagnant water, with their tenants rotten at the roots, their trunk the sport of every passing breeze. 4* 42 AMERICAN HANDBOOK 34. One of the commonest errors is deep planting. The fibres or feeding roots of a tree, cannot exist long far beneath the sur face. Abstracting a portion of their supplies from the atmosphere, they must be contigu ous to it. I have seen peaches, maples, and elms, killed in six months by having the soil about them raised fifteen inches. Those who delight in seeing how nature works, may look at any old forest, where the fibre- bearing roots cover the surface like railroads on a modern map. The tap roots only, bearing no fibres, and evidently acting solely as supports to the tree, penetrate far into the soil. 35. A fear of the tree blowing over, or becoming parched in summer, is a common motive for deep planting. A tree planted with long roots (par. 10) will never blow over ; the weight of soil on the roots keep ing them in their position. When otherwise planted, they should be securely staked ; and if liable to parch, the soil ought to be covered with short grass or other substance, as a mulching. If, however, the principles of planting, as I have explained OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 43 them, are understood and attended to, there will seldom be occasion for one or the other. VIII. OX THE SELECTION OF KINDS OF TREES. 36. Firstly, we have to consider what the tree is wanted for; whether for shade, for ornament, or both combined; for utility or beauty ; whether a rapid growth be desired, or the highest effects of the art without re ference to time; whether they are to be planted singly, or together in masses ? 37. A shade tree should have a widely spreading head, abundant leaves, or dense foliage. It should bud forth early in spring, and retain its leaves late in autumn. It should also be free from unpleasant odors, and liability to attacks of disease or insects. All fruit-trees are objectionable. "Who would choose a Lonibardy poplar for a shade tree ? The honey-locust has too fine a foliage. The odor of the ailanthus is unpleasant. The Kentucky coffee buds late, and the American buttonwood is too unhealthy. Still, there is great scope for variety. Fine selections can be made from amongst the horse-chestnuts 44 AMERICAN" HANDBOOK and buckeyes, maples, some birches, ashes, tulip-tree, magnolias, hop horn-bean, Eng lish button-wood, the oaks, sweet-chestnut, sophora, and in some parts or situations, lindens and willows. 38. But it is by no means in the ma jority of cases that trees are planted for the mere luxury of the shade they afford, or their utility in screening disagreeable ob jects. They are valued for the effect they have on the landscape; the beauty they ex hibit in their forms ; the cheerfulness that dwells in their foliage ; the gayety that bursts from their opening blossoms, charms; and the contrasts they make with each other, please. To these, if they combine harmony with surrounding objects, expression of the artist's ideas, or association with classic his tory, or remarkable occurrences, they afford additional interest. These are points which few can master thoroughly, without long and careful study. Yet, on the perfection of this knowledge, depends the production of the most pleasing effects from ornamental arbori culture. 39. The effect to be produced by trees, OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 45 should be particularly well studied. The object must never be lost sight of. Pleasure, in its broadest sense, is generally a main object; this is always to be derived from a perception of the beautiful. Unity, harmo ny, and appropriate fitness, are the essential elements of beauty ; to these, then, must the planter's efforts turn. 40. The relation or fitness of a tree to the subject in connection with it, will be one of first importance in the study of effect. A tree, beautiful in some situations, and in con nection with some objects, will fail to please under other circumstances. A tree out of character is as offensive to the cultivated mind as would be a dress of the finest satin on the back of a beggar. So, an idea at tached to a tree by association, gives it a character which cannot be removed from it without violence. A traveller, accustomed to associate the cypress or yew-tree with churchyards or monuments, would be pain fully struck on meeting an avenue of them leading to a mansion. The same ideas hold good in the peculiar character of trees, as well as in their associations. A magnificent 46 AMERICAN HANDBOOK deodar, or even a Norway spruce, solitary and alone, would look as ridiculous by the side of one of o.ur western log-houses, as a noble, weather-beaten, rustic-looking oak would alongside a magnificent modern spe cimen of city architecture. 41. We often hear the remark that ever greens around a mansion look so beautiful. Others again give a decided ^preference to deciduous trees. This difference of opinion can be accounted for on philosophical princi ples, and does not originate from any varia tion in the principles of beauty. Evergreens are the accompaniments of the thoughtful and the reflective. As we advance in age, the fondness for them grows more devoted. Their unchanging character suits the re flective steadiness that characterizes old age, and which draws our affection towards them as to bosom friends. Deciduous trees are emblematic of lightness and gayety; the young and untutored will always prefer them. Our happiest remembrances cling around the old oak of our childhood's home, without a thought or a care for the holly or the pine. OF ORXA3IEXTAL TREES. 4:7 42. For these reasons evergreens should never preponderate around places, or in situations devoted to amusement or recrea tion. By schools, or places devoted to the young, they are objectionable in great num bers. Un suggestive of lightness and gayety, they are opposed to the thoughtless, yet happy innocence of childhood. Wherever the aged love to resort, whatever is to have an air of solitude or peace, there is the spot which evergreens will adorn; here is the point from which they will really seem beau tiful. 43. The selection of trees for effect can then depend upon no particular rule, fitness or appropriateness depending upon each cir cumstance ; but unity and harmony are more general in their application. 44. Unity of design must not degenerate into formality; nor harmony into monotony. It is the frequency of this degeneracy that produces the opposite errors of irregularity and discord. One, in a mistaken view of unity, will divide his grounds into two equal parts, and an oak or an elm on one side must have precisely the same on the other, 48 AMERICAN HANDBOOK as if to balance the whole. Another, dis gusted with such abortions of taste, plunges into the opposite error. His place has the appearance of having fallen into the hands of men of all principles, ages, and nations, each one of whom had successively stuck on a patch, till, between the daubs of so many brushes on their objectionable part of the picture, little of the original design is left. 45. Variety is not opposed to unity. The oneness should be in the outline ; the more varied, then, the filling up, the better. The carriage entrance to an old mansion is often improved by a row of trees on each side. Each set of two placed opposite to one an other, should of course correspond. One would as soon see beauty in one gate-post, or one eye being larger than the other, as to see anything different in this respect. Yet there could be no objection to the successive sets of trees varying in species or varieties, so long as no rule of harmony was broken thereby. A light, airy-looking tree, like the hemlock-spruce, should not be placed imme diately after a rugged, artificial-looking Nor way. Its gracefulness would be in part OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 49 absorbed by the rusticity of the latter, and both lose by comparison. 46. This harmony of color, shade, and contrast, is of more importance in the gene ral arrangement of trees in a garden, than in such an avenue as I have described. They are to be looked at in greater masses, seen from more distant points of view, or from more varied positions. 47. The colors, tints, and hues of the fo liage at different seasons of the year, will then have to be more particularly studied. Much may be lost or gained in the effect of a single tree. The golden hue of a sugar maple in the fall, appears to great advantage followed by a sassafras with its rosy yellow tints ; and this, again, followed by a red or swamp maple or tupelo, forms a beautiful combination. If we were to take away the sassafras and replace it with a British oak, the effect would be anything but pleasing. 48. Not only in color should there be har mony, but also in height, habit, and appear ance. All violent contrasts are opposed to natural beauty. In the oft-quoted language of Eay, " nature never takes leaps," but pro- 5 50 AMERICAN HANDBOOK ceeds gradually step by step. Differing in variety, yet united in general principles, each clump or section of trees in a landscape will possess characters exclusively its own. Few mistakes can arise from planting trees sim ply ; harmony and association with the ob jects alone being called for. 49. In planting for a wood or grove, it is frequently the desire to make a small place look larger. Every bend should possess some new or striking feature. A long walk around a wood will not please without an object. A visitor may be surprised at the extent, but to the proprietor it is wearisome. His pleasure can only be secured by a suc cession of ever present, yet ever changing objects of beauty along the course. 50. Thus the planter should be imbued with the principles of beauty. Without them his labors may excite only wonder at their extent, or surprise at their variety ; with them, he combines lasting beauty — a source of unvarying pleasure and delight. OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 51 IX. OF TREES INDIVIDUALLY. ABIES, Tournefort.—Nat. Ord. Pinaceae. Mo- noecia, Monadelphia, Linn. Cones mostly pendant, seldom clustering, cylindrical!/ conical; scales not thickened at the top. Leaves solitary, somewhat scattered, and arranged more or less in two rows. 1. A. CANADENSIS, Michaux. Leaves soli tary, flat, toothed near the point, disposed irregularly in two ranks, each about half an inch long. Cones oval, terminal, scarcely longer than the leaves. — Hemlock spruce. Native of the Northern States. It would not be exaggeration to pro nounce this the most beautiful evergreen in cultivation. Beautiful as many of the new pines are, few approach this. It has regu larity without formality; and, in any point of view, elegance and gracefulness. Its habit is frequently so erect as to approach the fas- tigiate; yet the ends of its branches are as pendulous as a Babylonian willow. Its co lor is not of that mournful cast so common to other Pinacese; nor of that consumptive- 52 AMERICAN HANDBOOK looking hue so connected with sickliness. Stepping between these it is suggestive of innocence and lightness, which cannot fail to attract admirers for it, in whatever situation placed. It will make the prettiest object when grown by itself; but it is a tree that has no aversion to company. The largest specimen at Bartram is ninety-four feet high, and eight feet four inches in circumference. It thrives best in a light alluvial loam, contiguous to moisture; but is soon injured in wet situations. It will grow in the driest soils; but, unless the atmosphere is very humid, to little advantage. It is propagated by seeds sown early in the spring in boxes or beds of well-drained sandy loam, but slightly covered with soil, and kept mode rately moist and shaded. When two years old they may be removed to nursery rows one foot apart in the row. When they have been thus raised, and once afterwards trans planted, they can be transplanted easily at any future time. They seldom do well re moved from the woods. 2. A. DOUGLASSII, Lindley. Leaves flat, comb-like in their arrangement, silvery be- OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 53 neatli; about one inch long. Cones about four inches long, and two broad, borne on the ends of the branches, with many sharp, linear bracteas at the base; ovate oblong. — Douglass's spruce. Native of the states on the Pacific. Grows to one hundred and fifty feet high, and is represented to be one of the most beautiful of the tribe. The finest specimen I have seen in the neighborhood of Philadelphia is about five feet high, very vigorous and hardy. This is on a sandy, yet moist hill, with a south aspect. On a cold aspect, in a stiff loam, they do not suc ceed well. Most of the plants in the nurse ries are raised from cuttings, which make fine plants; but many are now raised from seed obtained from their native places of growth. These should be sown as soon as received' in pans of sandy loam, the seeds very little covered ; and if they can be placed in the soil separately, with their sharpest ends downwards, it would be to their advantage. Sometimes the seeds will remain a year in the soil before germinating. 3. A. EXCELSA, De Candolle. Leaves scat tered, quadrangular, curved, and sharp-point- 54: AMERICAN HANDBOOK ed. Cones cylindrical, terminal; of a rich reddish, brown when ripe; five to seven inches long, one and a half to two inches broad. — Norway spruce. There is a great diversity of opinion re specting the merits of this tree in a land scape. The objection is chiefly to the mo notonous formality of its appearance; yet, when it is in a situation highly artificial or extra-natural — as near ornamental buildings, on rugged, rocky places, or on the tops of informal hills — there is probably nothing more beautiful. The finest specimen at Bar- tram is one hundred and twenty feet high, and seven feet two inches in circumference ; beautifully clothed with branches to near the ground. It is growing on a light gra velly loam, on a substratum of gravel. It generally thrives best in a cool sandy loam, where the soil is always moist, but not wet. Propagation, &c., see No. 1. 4. A. NIGRA, Aiton. Leaves solitary, regu larly disposed all round the branches, erect, very short, somewhat quadrangular. Cones ovate, about one and a half inch long, and three-quarters of an inch wide in the middle ; OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 55 the scales blunt, roundish, very thin, and when ripe, ragged and torn at the margin. — Black spruce. Native of the Northern and Middle States. In its native localities this tree often at tains seventy feet in height, though its diameter is never great. It much resembles the Norway, but is not pendulous. It spreads horizontally like that species, but has a darker hue. It will grow alike in the lowest or the most elevated situations; on the rocky hill-side, or in a spot nearly swampy. It seems to thrive best in a cool, light loam. There are no very fine speci mens now at Bartram, the largest is thirty- four feet high by twenty -four inches in cir cumference. For propagation, &c., see No. 1. 5. A. SMITHIANA, Wallich. Leaves com pressed, tetragonal, straight, somewhat awl- shaped, sharp-pointed, one to one and a half inch long, pale green, and somewhat glaucous. Cones ovate oblong, solitary, four to seven inches long. — Smith's Himalayan spruce. Morinda. Himalayas. This is said to grow about fifty feet high 56 AMERICAN HANDBOOK in its native country, and to surpass the Norway in beauty; its habit is not quite so pendulous ; the leaves are longer, and of a lighter hue, and the whole habit seems grosser and more luxuriant. It seems to thrive best in a deep, strong loam, in an ele vated situation, but not too much exposed to the sun. ACACIA, Wittdenow. — Nat. Ord. Fabacese. Polygamia, Moncecia, Linn. Calyx 4 or 5- toothed. Legume dry, 2-valved. A. JULIBKISSIN, Willdenow. Without spines. Leaves with eight or ten pairs of pinnae, and a small gland at the base of each petiole. Heads of flowers pedunculate, form ing nearly a panicle. Native of the Levant ; flowers in July. The julibrissin is a highly ornamental tree, resembling, but far excel ling, in habit and appearance, the honey - locust. When it is old, it has a round- headed character; its branches spreading very wide. Its foliage always gives it a graceful appearance ; but when in flower, it is surpassed in beauty by few. It is per fectly hardy in Philadelphia, though liable OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 57 to lose the tops of the young wood in severe winters. There are several fine specimens in the vicinity, some fifty feet high; the largest Bartram specimen is about thirty-five feet high by twenty-seven inches in circum ference. It delights in a dry, rich loam, and a warm, open situation. It is cultivated from seeds, sown in a somewhat rich loam early in the spring. In the fall they are taken up, tied in bundles, and kept through the winter in a cool, not damp cellar, packed in dryish loam. In the spring, they are planted out in nursery rows, eighteen inches apart, and generally remain out the winter following. ACER, LinncKus. — Nat. Orel. Aceraceae. Polygamia, Monoecia, or Dioecia, Linn. Calyx 5-lobed, sometimes 5-petalled. Capsules two, each terminated by a wing. 1. A. CAMPESTRE, Linnceus. Leaves cord ate, small, with lobes. Wings of the fruit spreading right out. Bark often corky. — English maple. Native of Britain. This seldom reaches thirty feet high in its native country. Its leaves resemble those 58 AMERICAN HANDBOOK of the gooseberry. It is valuable in Ameri can gardening, from the late period of the season to which it retains its foliage. It takes a sharp frost to destroy its verdure. It has a very stiff and formal habit of growth, yet one that renders it very appropriate for planting at a corner, to make a reason ap pear for a bend in a walk, or to accompany any formal piece of work. There is a fine specimen on the grounds of Caleb Cope, Esq., and several in other places near Phila delphia. It is readily propagated from seeds sown in the fall as they ripen, in a bed of sandy loam. If kept till the spring, they seldom come up till the next season. When a year old, they may be planted out in nursery rows one foot apart. In two years afterwards, they may be taken up and planted where they are to remain, or in rows two feet apart till wanted. It is often propagated from layers. A plant is cut down to within a few inches of the ground. The numerous shoots that spring up may be gently twisted any time after the fall of the leaf till the bursting of the bud, and a little soil thrown in amongst OF ORNAMENTAL TKEES. 59 the shoots till the twisted parts are covered ; or the shoots may be bent down to the ground, notched and slit as in the usual mode of layer ing, and sunk a few inches in the ground. The first mode saves labor; the last, after waterings. 2. A. DASYCARPUM, Ehrhart Leaves pal- mately 5-lobed, deeply sinuated with the sinui acute. Flowers in clusters, before the leaves. Ovaries downy. Seeds with large wings. — Silver maple. Native of the North ern and Middle States. One of the finest of our native trees. It is so often seen in a half-starved, stunted state, as a street tree, that one might be in credulous of its beauty when under proper circumstances, from a mere description. Un less in favorable soil, it does not make a deep shade — but in that case few can excel it, and its shade is so mellowed by the silvery under surface of the leaves, as to make quite a pleasing effect. It branches out pretty near the base, and spreads to a great extent with out much ramification, which renders it liable to be broken at times by heavy winds. The finest specimen at Bartram is seventy- 60 AMERICAN HANDBOOK seven feet high, by six feet eight inches in circumference. It thrives best in a deep rich loam, or in a gravelly loam contiguous to moisture, as on a declivity by the side of a stream. It is propagated by seeds, as described in No. 1. 3. A. MONTANUM, Aiton. Leaves cordate, 3-5-lobed. Lobes acuminate, coarsely ser rate. Eacemes simple, pendulous, sometimes nearly erect. Petals linear. — Mountain ma ple. Native principally of Canada and the Alleghanies. This tree is scarce in our nurseries. It is valuable to the landscape gardener for the variety of its red colors in the fall, and de serves more extensive culture. It does not grow large when on its own roots ; but bud ded on the strong-growing species, makes a fine tree. 4. A. NIGRUM, Michaux. Leaves 3-5-lobed. Broader, and less bayed and cut than A. Saccharinum, slightly downy beneath. Leaf stalks shorter and stouter.— Black sugar maple. Native of the Middle and Southern States. This tree, in cultivation, so much resem- OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 61 bles the true sugar-maple, that few can dis tinguish them. When in a wild state, it is generally thought to present a very distinct and peculiar appearance. In cultivation it has a darker hue than the other kind, and may be readily distinguished in the spring by its coming into leaf a week or ten days earlier. The finest specimen I have seen is at Bartram. Though it is quite young, it measures fifty feet high and thirty inches in circumference. It is propagated by seeds, as No. 1. 5. A. PLATANOIDES, Linnwus. Leaves milky, broadly cordate, 5-lobed, coarsely toothed. Fruit divaricate. Flowers pendu lous. — Norway maple. Native of the North ern parts of Europe. A very ornamental tree in any situation. It does not incline to branch out so low down as some of the maples, while it has a more rugged and branching habit of growth. Its ample broad leaves give a fine shade, which is heightened by their dark green color. It is quite a peculiar tree, combining the artistic appearance of some trees with the rusticity of others. There are many situations in a 62 AMERICAN HANDBOOK landscape where it would be singularly effect ive. It is very hardy, and will thrive in any soil or situation. The finest specimen at Bartram is growing on an elevated situa tion, in a gravelly soil on a rocky substratum, and is sixty feet in height, and three feet two inches in circumference. In the fine arbore tum of Mr. G. W. Pierce, near West Chester, there is a fine specimen near eight feet in circumference. There are also some fine specimens on the grounds of the Society of Friends, on Mulberry between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. For propagation from seed, see No. 1. 6. A. PSEUDO-PLATANUS, Linnceus. Leaves cordate at the base, 5-lobed, unequally den tate. Fruit with long, large wings. — Syca more. This has a more formal appearance than the last, being more regularly round-headed. It is readily distinguished by its habit, which is stiff and little inclined to branch. The lobes of the leaves are more pointed, and there is a wide difference in the fruit. It is a fine object grown as a single specimen, at taining sixty or seventy feet high. It is a OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 63 rapid grower, thriving in a deep rich loam ; but growing pretty well in any situation, or under any circumstances. The young speci men at Bartram is about twenty-five feet high and forty inches in circumference. It may be propagated like No. 1. 7. A. RUBRUM, Linnceus. Leaves 3, nearly 5-lobed, slightly cordate at the base. Ovaries smooth. Seed-vessels and stalks red or brown. — Eed maple. — Swamp maple. Na tive of most of the States and Canada. This tree, though it is naturally found in swamps and morasses, will thrive in any soil or situation. It is fortunate that it does so, as it is indispensable to the landscape gardener. Its bright scarlet fruit and flowers are amongst the earliest harbingers of spring; while its leaves, of every shade of red in the fall, add materially to the interest of the landscape. It has a very formal, regular head, though sometimes a specimen may be found with a somewhat rugged appearance. It varies very much from seed. In a curved avenue on the grounds at Springbrook, in which there are many of them, there are almost as many forms either 64 AMERICAN HANDBOOK in habit, hue, foliage, or fruit, as specimens. One may prove a valuable variety. The fruit is almost green, and comparatively in significant ; while the foliage appears a week earlier than any of the others. The best Bartram specimen is forty-seven feet high and four feet in circumference. In favorable situations it doubles this. It is propagated from seed, like No. 1. 8. A. SACCHARINUM, Linnceus. Leaves palmate, 3, 5-parted, smooth; lobes sharp, with coarse teeth. Flowers in drooping corymbs, on hairy or downy stalks. — Sugar- maple. Canada to Pennsylvania. This tree has none of the graceful airiness of the silver-maple, or the rusticity of branches as the Norway ; but excels them both in no bility of appearance. It has a stiff, regularly round head, generally in over proportion to the size of its trunk. It is much admired on account of the rich golden-yellow hue, often tinged with red, with which it is clothed in the fall. The finest specimen at Bartram is eighty-two feet high and five feet five inches in circumference. Like most of the maples it is of easy culti- OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 65 vation, doing well in any situation, except in the dry and confined atmosphere of a densely built city; and in most soils; but preferring a loose loam or one on a sub stratum of clay. It is propagated as No. 1. 9. A. STRIATUM, Lambert. Leaves 3-lobed, rough, slightly cordate at the base, sharply and finely serrate ; lobes acute. — Striped barked maple. — Moosewood. From Canada to Carolina. Few trees show so much the effect of dif ferent circumstances as this. In England, when grafted on the Sycamore, it makes a tree three or four times larger than when in its native places of growth. At Bartram there is a young specimen on its own roots, growing in a moist shady situation upon a substratum of mica which is about thirty feet high and sixteen inches in circumference ; while in another part of the grounds there is another specimen growing in dry gravel, under the shade of a Norway spruce, which, though planted many years, has never arisen above the character of a shrub, perfecting its seeds every year. In the latter state, I pre- 6* 66 AMERICAN HANDBOOK sume it is the A. Penrisylvanicum, the moose- wood of Linnaeus. It may be raised from seeds, cuttings, or grafts. Linnaus.—Nat. Ord. Sapin- clacae. Heptandria, Monogynia, Linn. Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed. Petals unequal. Sta mens usually curved inwardly. Fruit bristly and muricated. 1. A. HIPPOCASTANUM, Limuzus. Leaflets 7, obovately wedge-shaped, toothed. — British horsechestnut. This tree, originally confined to Northern Asia (its native country), is now cultivated all over the civilized globe. It is one of the finest shade trees, and possesses in its hand some flowers appearing in May, a recom mendation many others do not. It does not grow very lofty, being more inclined to spread and become round-headed, and on that account is one of the very best to stand out by itself as a specimen tree on a lawn or in a park. In deep rich loam it does well, attaining a great bulk in a short time, but in a dry or gravelly one, though it will grow OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 67 pretty well, it is short lived, and seldom healthy. The old specimens planted by John Bartram, not being on congenial soil, are not remarkable; the largest being but fifty feet high and seven feet five inches in circumference. They are readily reproduced from seed. When collected, lay them out of doors on the ground in a shady place, and slightly cover them with leaves. Guard them from vermin. Early in spring select a rich loamy spot, in which draw drills, and sow the nuts four inches apart, but just covering them with the soil. They will soon appear. In the fall following, transplant, to eighteen inches or two feet apart, to where they can remain till wanted. They also succeed well budded in July on the buckeye. 2. JE. OHIENSIS, Michaux. Leaves qui- nate, unequally toothed; leaflets nearly ses sile. Flowers nearly yellow. — American horsechestnut, sometimes Ohio buckeye. This species half unites the buckeye with the true horsechestnut, having the habits and appearance of the one, with the prickly fruit, the chief characteristics of the other. 68 AMERICAN HANDBOOK It is a small tree, attaining about forty feet, and thrives in a similar soil, and is pro pagated in the same manner as No. 1. The Bartram specimen is young, about thirty feet high, and two feet in circumference. A specimen in the arboretum of Gr. W. Pierce appears to be about fifty feet high, and is two feet four inches in circumference. 3. M. RUBICUNDA, Zte Gandolle. Leaflets 5-7, unequally serrate. Petals 4, with the claws of the petals shorter than the calyx. Sta mens, eight. — Eed horsechestnut. Though a native species, it has not been long in cultivation. It is undoubtedly the handsomest. The flower-spikes are very large, of a deep brick red, and do not appear till June. It has a vigorous habit when grafted on the yellow buckeye, which is its best stock. The Bartram specimen — I be lieve the finest in the country — is thirty feet high, and twenty-four inches in circumfer ence, grafted on the British species. The same treatment as Nos. 1 and 2 suits it. The seedlings occasionally produce car- nate-colored flowers. OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 69 AILANTUS, Desfontaines. — Nat. Ord. Xan- thoxylaceas. Polygamia, Monoecia, Linn. Ca lyx 5-cleft. Petals five. Stamens ten, un equal. Ovary mostly of five carpels, mem branous, 1 -celled, 1 -seeded. A. GLANDULOSA, Desfontaines. Leaves pin nate; leaflets toothed at the base, with a gland at the base of each tooth. — Ailanthus : Tree of heaven. Xative of China. Flowers in June or July. Few trees have met with such a sad re verse of fortune as this. Its growth is very rapid, and as rapidly it grew in popular esti mation on its first introduction. Latterly, the tide has set against it, and caused many to be torn up by the roots, and cast away. The late Mr. Downing's last and best essay was directed against it, and it will probably never recover from that stroke of his power fully-directed pen. There are many who will agree with his pleasing arguments, and discard it on account of its bad propensity to throw up suckers, an argument that can be used against many other of our finest trees ; and for its abominable stench for the week that it is in flower. These are its disadvan- 70 AMERICAN HANDBOOK tages. On the other hand, it is of very rapid growth, and, in appearance, often rivals the beauty of our own black walnut. In some situations, it does not sucker so freely as in others, and occasionally not at all. Severe pruning, or any external injury either to the roots or branches, seems to have considerable influence in the production of suckers. Hav ing thus given both its merits and demerits, I leave it to its fate. Though I cannot re commend it as a lawn tree, yet in cities, where it is so difficult to keep trees healthy, its suckering propensities cannot injure any thing in the street, and there its value, by its freedom from insects, may atone for its stench while in flower. The Bartram speci men is sixty feet high and seven feet in circumference. AMELANCHIER, Medilms. Nat. Ord. Poma- ceas. Icosandria, Pentagynia, Linn. Calyx 5 -cleft. Petals 5, oblong lanceolate. Styles more or less united. Fruit, a small apple, with 3-5 gristly cells. A. BOTRYAPIUM, De Candolle. Leaves ovate oblong, slightly cordate at the base, acumi- OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 71 nate. Flowers in loose racemes ; petals linear lanceolate. — June berry, shad-flower. Flow ers in April. Native of most parts of the United States. A pretty tree, fifteen to twenty feet high. It grows very slenderly, and with few shoots, unless in a very rich loam. The leaves have mostly a white silky appearance, and the flowers and succeeding berries are very or namental. I have seen a specimen thirty feet high, and three feet in circumference, but it is probably turned into "post and rails" by this time. They may be propagated by seeds, but in English nurseries are generally grafted on the hawthorn, and sometimes on the pear and quince. Seeds produce the finest trees. The latter modes produce plants quickest. AMYGDALUS, Linn&us. — Nat. Ord. Dru- paceoe. Icosandria, Monogynia, Linn. Calyx 5-cleft, petals 5. Fruit a drupe. Seed an ovate nut with reticulate furrows. A. PERSICA, Linnceus. Variety pendula, with the branches drooping, is a very pretty ornamental peach, when budded as tall as it 72 AMERICAN HANDBOOK can be got, on a tree of the common kind, suffered to grow up six or eight feet for the purpose. ANDROMEDA, Linnaeus. — Nat. Ord. Eri caceae. Decandria, Monogynia, Linn. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla monopetalous, globose, with a contracted 5-parted mouth. The seg ments reflexed. A. ARBOREA, Linnceus. Leaves oblong oval, tapering to a point, thickly toothed. Flowers in terminal panicles. Corolla slightly downy. — Sorrel-tree. Native of the South ern States. Flowers in August. A very handsome tree in favorable locali ties ; in others it dwindles down to a mere shrub. It is fond of a gravelly, light loam, where the roots can be in proximity to a spring. Covered with its white blossoms it is very pretty, and adds to the gracefulness its light twiggy habit always presents. The prettiest specimen at Bartram is sixty feet high, and four feet in circumference. It is raised from seed obtained from their native places of growth. These must be sown in fine sandy peat, sheltered from heavy OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 73 rains, yet kept regularly moist. When they are about a foot high, plant one foot apart in rows, in sandy loam, where they may remain till wanted. Linnceus. — Nat. Orel Anonaceae. Polyandria, Polygynia, Linn. Calyx com posed of three sepals connected at the base. Petals 6, innermost smallest. Fruit, many- seeded, pulpy. A. GLABRA, Linnceus. Leaves ovate ellip tic, wedge-shaped, smooth. The three outer petals nearly round. Fruit large, thick, and fleshy. — Papaw. Kative of the Middle and Western States. Flowers in July. The stem is very straight, of a peculiar gray color ; and the leaves have a very dark and glossy-green appearance. To be grown to perfection, it should be treated as a single specimen, in rich soil, in an open situation. Then the tree has a very pretty conical ap pearance. In stony soil it is liable to throw up suckers ; but these are easily kept down. In Philadelphia, it bears fruit freely in the autumn. The largest specimen at Bartram is thirty feet high and two feet eight inches 7 74 AMERICAN HANDBOOK in circumference. There are some very healthy luxurious specimens in Marshall's Garden, in Chester County, Pa. I have been unable to determine whether the A. trildba, Micliaux, is distinct. My friend, Col. Carr, late proprietor of the Bartram Bo tanic Garden, considers them so. I am in clined to think them identical from the de scriptions, and have adopted the original name, as the plant I describe is so known in the nurserie^. It is readily propagated from suckers or seeds. ARALIA, Linnceus. — Nat. Ord. Araliaceae. Pentandria, Pentagynia, Linn. Calyx very small, mostly 5-toothed. Petals 5, expanded or reflexed at the apex. Styles very short, permanent, spreading. Fruit, a berry ; usually 5-celled, and striated. A. SPINOSA, Linnceus. Stem and leaves prickly. Panicles much branched. — Ange lica tree. Club of Hercules. Thinly scattered through the Middle, Southern, and Western States. When full grown, and covered in the fall and winter OF ORXAMEXTAL TREES. 75 •with its purple berries, it is a pretty, though small tree. The coarse, spiny branches also give it a picturesque appearance. It has the advantage of thriving in dry, barren, stony places, where few other things will grow. When once established, it must always remain ; every attempt to destroy it by digging it up, is retaliated by a regiment of suckers. Let it alone, and it is not so troublesome. The finest Bartram specimen is fifteen feet high, and twelve inches in cir cumference. It is easily propagated from cuttings of the roots, or by seeds. ARAUCARIA, Ruiz and Pavon. — Nat. Ord. PinaceoB. Dioecia, Monadelphia, Linn. Male flower. Pollen contained in ten to twenty cases, pendant from the apex of the scale. Female. Ovule solitary, joined to the carpel or scale. Leaves imbricate. A. IMBRICATA, Ruiz and Pavon. Leaves in eights, ovate lanceolate, with small perma nent spiny points, stiff, and attached to the tree for several years. Cones roundish ovate, about eight inches long, and seven broad. 76 AMERICAN HANDBOOK Seed about two and one-fourth inches long, and one broad. — Chili pine. This picturesque evergreen is perfectly hardy when grown in a light loam, and pro tected from sun in the winter season. It sometimes loses its side branches when young, in severe winters. In cold stiff soil, especially if exposed to the sun in winter, it generally fails. It is propagated from seeds obtained from its native country. These should be sown in pans or boxes of light loamy soil, with the narrow ends of the seeds downwards, as soon as received. Put them in a frame where they can be kept evenly moist, with out liability to saturation from rain. An abundance of air is essential. Avoid much heat, or an abundance of vegetable matter in the soil. When they are a few inches high, pot singly into four-inch pots; or, if they can be protected, plant out in a bed four or six inches apart. BETULA, Linnaus. — Nat. Ord. Betulacea3. Monoecia, Tetrandria, Linn. Aments of the sterile flowers long and cylindrical; scales OF ORXAMEXTAL TREES. 77 ternate, the middle ones bearing the stamens. Pistillate aments ovate oblong ; scales trifid, 3-flowered. Seeds (or fruit) with a mem branous edge. 1. BETULA ALBA, Linnaeus. Leaves ovate, acuminate, serrate. Stem covered with white bark.— White birch. Native of the North of Europe. The bark gives this a peculiar character ; and the slender drooping branchlets, and elegant shining green foliage, combine to render it one of the handsomest of trees. There is but one specimen referred to this species at Bartram, but it so closely resembles B.populifolia as to require a nice examina tion to determine it.* It will thrive in the most barren soils where little else will grow, the roots extending just beneath the surface, and probably drawing much of their sustenance from the atmo sphere. This circumstance renders them very easy to transplant, and where any kind * The nomenclature of the Birches is in great con fusion among practical men. They are worth a closer study. 7* 78 AMERICAN HANDBOOK can be got from the woods while young, it is preferable to raising them from seeds. They may be raised from seeds sown either in fall or spring, on a bed of light sandy loam. If slightly covered with decayed leaves, they will more easily germinate. Large trees are bad to transplant, on account of their main roots extending so far ; but if transplanted several times while young, there are few easier. 2. B. LENTA, LinncBus. Leaves cordate, ovate, acuminate, sharply serrate ; the nerves beneath hairy, as well as the leafstalks. — Sweet black birch. Native of the Northern States. One of the handsomest of the birches. It is one of the earliest to put out its foliage to welcome the spring. It is generally conically round-headed when old, and frequently has its branches as pendulous as a weeping willow. It will grow sixty or seventy feet high under very favorable circumstances. The Bartram specimen is fifty feet high, three feet ten in ches in circumference. Propagated and cultivated as No. 1. 3. B. NIGRA, Linnaeus. Leaves rhombic OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 79 ovate, sharp -pointed. Fertile catkins oblong, with hairy scales. — Black birch. Sometimes red birch. There are several fine specimens at Bar- tram, which have been styled "paper birches," on account, as I presume, of their shaggy bark. Others, correcting the error, have styled them the B. rubra of Michaux, neither of which I believe are in the collection ; nor can I find them really in cultivation in the vicinity.* Our kind is a very ornamental, round-headed, pendulous, branching tree, and thrives best in a rather moist situation. Its white and yellow shaggy bark give it a pecu liar character, which interests even in winter. Propagated and cultivated as No. 1. 4. B. POPULIFOLIA, Alton. Leaves del toid, much acuminated, unequally serrate. Scale of the fertile catkin, with the middle lobe acute, and smaller than the lateral ones. — American white birch. Poplar birch. The bark of this species is not of so fine a silvery color as the European species. It * The B. rubra, MX. may possibly prove to be the same as B. nigra, L. 80 AMERICAN HANDBOOK is a stronger, and makes the finest tree. It thrives best in a cool but not wet loam ; but will grow in any dry situation. The best Bartram specimen is forty-one feet high by three feet in circumference. There is a much finer specimen in Mr. Pierce's arboretum. BROUSSONETIA, Ventenat. — Nat. Ord. Mo- raceae. Dioecia, Tetrandria, Linn. Male flow ers in pendulous cylindrical catkins. Fe male, peduncled, in upright globular heads. Fruit, club-shaped. B. PAPYRIFERA, Ventenat. Leaves large, downy; some entire, others deeply lobed. — Paper-mulberry. Native of Japan. This tree was formerly in much request for shade. Its wide-spreading branches adapt it well for that purpose. In other respects, it possesses no beauty, and as it throws out many troublesome suckers, it is not now much sought after. It is very apt to be killed by severe winters. It grows to forty or fifty feet high. There are no very large specimens at Bartram, the original trees having been rooted out. In very dry situa- OF ORNAMENTAL TEEES. 81 tions, where few things will grow, and some thing is preferred to nothing, the paper-mul berry may be applied to advantage. It also thrives on the sea-shore, as may be seen at Cape May, where it stands solitary and alone as an ornamental tree. BUMELIA, Swartz. — Nat. Ord. Sapotaceae. Pentandria, Monogynia, Linn. Calyx 5- parted. Corolla, with a short tube, 5-parted, with two scales at the base of each segment. Fruit, an ovate, 1 -seeded drupe. B. LYCIOIDES, Willdenow. Leaves lanceo late, slightly wedge-shaped at the base, and shining. Flowers in axillary panicles. — Bu- melia. Native of the Southern States. A small, thorny tree, of rugged growth, and, in itself, of little beauty. It possesses an interest in the fact of its being nearly evergreen in this vicinity, and is covered with small purple berries in the fall. It will grow pretty well in the deepest shade as well as in open situations, and prefers a rich, loamy soil. It may be propagated by seeds, or more easily by layers. A specimen at 82 AMERICAN HANDBOOK Bartram is about thirty feet high, and nine inches in diameter. Buxus, Tournefort—Nat. Ord. Euphorbia- ceoe. Monoacia, Tetrandria, Linn. Calyx of the male flower 3-leaved. Petals 2. Fe male calyx 4-leaved, with three petals and three styles. Capsules with three beaks. Cells three. B. SEMPERVIRENS, Linn. Box-tree. Those who have seen this plant only as an edging to garden-walks, can have no concep tion of the beauty of the tree varieties. The climate of Philadelphia seems well suited to them. The Bartram specimens, and some at Marshall's, excel anything in beauty I have seen in its native Box-hill in England. The best Bartram specimen is about thirty- six feet high, and thirty inches in circum ference, perfectly symmetrical, and a pair of them (the golden-striped variety) equally uniform. The common green thrives equally well, growing in a gravelly dry soil, under the drip of trees. It is usually propagated by seeds, layers, or cuttings. The former may be sown as OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 83 soon as ripe, in a cool, somewhat dry and shaded situation. They will readily germi nate, and may stay two years where they are sown, then planted out in rows to stay till they are wanted, when they can easily be removed. New varieties may be raised in this way, the box being very apt to sport from seed. In the nurseries, they are usually raised from cuttings, which root readily when put in a frame of sandy soil early in the fall. The box-tree will transplant at any season, with care. I have been most successful im mediately after the breaking up of frost. There are several handsome varieties in cul tivation, the broad and narrow-leaved, gold- edged, variegated, silver, yellow, and myrtle- leaved. The B. Balearica, or Minorca Box, is not, I believe, hardy in Philadelphia. CARPINUS, Linn. — Nat. Orel Corylacea?. Monoscia, Polyandria, Linn. Male catkins, cylindrical; scales ovate, acute, ciliate near the base. Stamens twenty; anthers slightly bearded at the top. Female catkins oblong, scales unequally 3-lobed, 1 -flowered, per ma- 84 AMERICAN HANDBOOK nent, enlarging, and becoming leafy. Nut ovate, slightly flattened. C. AMERICANA, Michaux. Leaves oblong ovate, acuminate, unequally serrate. — Ameri can hornbean, water-beech. Northern and Middle States. A small tree, of about twenty-five feet high. Like the birches, it is useful for planting in barren soil, especially if on a clay bottom. It is fond of being near to moisture, as on the margin of streams. It is a very handsome small twiggy tree, the leaves changing in the fall to various shades of crimson, scarlet, and orange, and very often, after they are killed by the frost, are retained on the plant till the spring. The best Bartram specimen is thirty -two feet high, and twenty-six inches in circumference. It is generally raised in the nurseries by layers ; seedlings make finer plants, but are longer in coming on. The seed should be sown as soon as ripe, in a rather moist but light soil, and transplanted when a year old. Unless they are moved a time or two when young, they are difficult of removal after wards. OF ORNAMENTAL TREES. 85 The European hornbean nearly resembles this. The leaves are more perfectly ovate, and each has red ovate glands at its base. There are several varieties