fm.^' •39 #iriiifttiiitoila. PART THE FIRST. BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS FALCO CHRYSAETOS OR, GOLDEN-EAGLE. OENITHOLOGIA, «, — THE BIRDS: A POEM, IN TWO PARTS, WITH AN INTRODUCTION TO THEIR NATURAL HISTORY; AND COPIOUS NOTES ; BY JAMES JENNINGS, AUTIJOR OF Observations on the Dialects of the West of England, &;c, Sjc, "They whisper Truths in Reason's ear, If human pride will stoop to hear." Lord Erskine. Quel bien manque a vos vceux interessants oiseaux ? Vons poss^dez les airs, et la terrc, et les eaux ; Sous la feuille tremblanteun zephyr vous eveilie; Vos coulenrs charmeiit I'ceil, et vos accents I'oreille. De Lille. SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. I LONDON: I SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, * 4 23, PATERNOSTER ROW. h. 1829. (5^ J. ANO C. AOLARD, FRINTERS, BARTHOIOMEW CLOSE. PRELIMINARY NOTICES. The favourable reception of Ounithologia, especially hy those who are judges of the science, has induced the author to revise it, and to make such additions to it which the late rapid progress q/' Ornithology has rendered necessary: those ad- ditions will be found in the following Preliminary Notices; to which, as the author has no wish to shrink from the closest scrutiny into the merits of his tvork, he has appended a few Explanatory Observations on some objections that have been, either carelessly, ignorantly, or wantonly , made to it: with a liberal and discerning public he has no doubt of the result. Since the appearance of Ornithologia, in 1827, the the public attention has been more than ordinarily excited to Animal Natural History. The Zoological Society is men- tioned in page 94. Its collection of living animals in the Regenfs Park is now, under suitable regulation, open to the jmhiic at a very trifling expense, namely, one shilling each person. The crowds that daily visit the Gardens are almost innumerable. They are, at once, a fashionable, an agreeable, an amusing, and instructive lounge j and far exceed, in exciting interest, any thing which could have been pre- viously anticipated concerning such an establishment. The members of the Society exceed, at the present time, (September 1829,) 1300. TheMusenm in Bruton Street con- n Q PRELIMINARY NOTICES. tains 600 specimens oi Mammalia ; 400 specimens oi Birds; 1000 o( Reptiles and Fishes ; 1000 ol' Tistacea and Crustacea; and 30,000 Insects. The Gardens were opened to the pub- lic in Jnne 1828, and with the Museum, from that period, in one year, had been visited by 112,226 persons. In the Gardens are between five and six hundred living Quadru- peds and Birds. Amonj^ the curious birds are the follow- ing: Curassows, the Guan^ the Crowned Crane, Black and White Storks, Spoonbills, Herons and Bitterns, Parrots, Pelicans, Emus, an Ostrich, the Gannet, the Shag ; various species of the Duck tribe ; Tame, Wild, and Black Swans ; various species of the Goose tribe; Gulls ; many varieties of Pigeons and Domestic Fowls; the Condor; the Griffon Vulture ; various Eagles ; curious Owls ; numerous species of the Falcon tribe; Pheasants; Partridges ; and many singing Birds, &c. See the Guide to the Zoological Gardens, drawn up by N. A. Vigoks and W. J. Broderip, Esqrs. It may be also useful to state, that, although this Society vvei^ reluctantly compelled to postpone the attempt to become more directly and practically useful, by experi- nienls in the breeding and domestication of animals, yet that they are, now, about to direct their attention to those important objects. The Regent's Park not being calculated for the purpose, they have engaged a farm, with suitable offices, &c. of about thirty-three acre* of land, in a beautiful situation under the wall of Richmond Park, nine miles from Hyde Park Corner. Here it is intended that their experiments for breeding and domesticating animals are to be made. The animals are to include not only Quadra- peds and Birdsy but also Fish, Besides the work of Wilson on the Birds of America, noticed in page 90, one now in course of publication, in this country, by Mr. Audubon, consisting of Drawings of the PRELIMINARY NOTICES. same size as the Birds, must here be mentioned, [t is enti- tled Birds of America, from Drawings tnade during a resi- dence of twenty 'five years in the United States and its Terri- tories. TV^t wMwi6e/'5 have already appeared. The Plates wxc three feet three inches long, by two feet two inches wide: " a size," says Mr. Svvainson, in his notice of the work, in the Magazine of Natural Historyt " which exceeds any thing of the kind I have ever seen or heard of; on this vast surface, every bird is represented in its full dimensions ;" the whole are also correctly coloured, according to nature. In allusion to two ornithological narratives by Mr. Audubon, printed in one of the Scotch Journals, Mr. Svvainson says, " There is a freshness and originality about these Essays which can only be compared to the animated biographies of Wilson. Both these men contemplated Nature as she really is, not as she is represented in books. The observations of such men are the corner-stones of every attempt to discover the natural system. Their writings will be corisulted when our favourite theories shall have passed into oblivion. Ardently, therefore, do I hope that Mr. Audubon will alternately become the h.istorian, and the painter, of his favourite objects ; that he will never be made a convert to any system, but instruct and delight us, as a true and un- prejudiced biographer of Nature. The largeness of the paper has enabled Mr. Audubon to group his figures, in the most beautiful and varied attitudes, on the trees or plants which they frequent. Some are feeding, others darting, pursuing or capturing their prey ; all have life and anima- tion ; the plants, fruits, and flowers, which enrich the spetie, are alone still." There has been, as yet, no letter-press description pub- lished of Mr. Audubon's Drawings; but it is designed that every bird shall be suitably described; the number of which PIlELi:\IINARY NOTICES. delineated hy him, is, we understand, between four and five hundred; and he, being, it is said, a nnt\\c oi Louisiaiiaf will, we doubt not, supply much original information relative to the birds of the southern regions of North America. It appears, by a Catalogue of the Birds of the United States, published in an American work, by Prince Charles Bonaparte, that they consst of 28 families, 81 genera, and 362 species: 209 land, and 153 water birds. Of these 81 genera, C3 are comtnon to Europe and America, while 18 have no representatives in Europe. Arranging all the known birds in 37 natural families, 28 of these are found in America; and of these 28, two are not found in Europe. The Magazine of Natural Histori/t^^as begun last year, and, under the able superintendence of Mr. Loudon, is diffusing its utilities around. While it preserves a scientific character it, at the same time, renders the study of Natural Historyy whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, easy to the plainest capacity. Among its advantages are the accentvation and explanation of the scientific terms ; compendia of the various scientific departments ; much new and explanatory desiderata ; and original communications from various able naturalists. There is another point, too, for which the intelligent Editor deserves great credit; namely, that of permiting authors and others who have been misquoted or misrepresented, to explain themselves in their own words and in their own way. See a Letter by the Author of Ornithologia, below. As connected with Ornithology, it ought also to be stated that the Linnean Society has lately enriched its collection with the Collections and Library of LiNN/EUS, and those of its late President Sir J. E. Smith ; so that nearly all the materials which that great naturalist employed are now in this country. The Society gave for these treasures 3000 iruincas. PRELIMINARY NOTICES. Enough has, perhaps, been said concerning the quinary ttrrangement of Birds proposed by Mr. Vigors, in ihe Intro- duction, see page 41; but as Mr. Macleay, the original propounder of the system, has given us a learned and valu- able paper, in the sixteenth volume of the Linnean Trans- actions, relative to the analogies existing between Birds and the Mammalia, it may be useful to observe that he has proposed the following comparative Table: MAMMALIA. AYES. 1 Ferce Carnivorous 1 Raptor es» 2 Primates Omnivorous 2 Insessores. 3 Glires Frugivorous 3 Rasores. 4 Ungulata \ Frequenting the l ^ Gral/atores, ^ \ vicuiily of water, S 5 Cetacea Aquatic 5 Nalatores. Corrections and Additions to Ornitliologia. Colymbus minor, or Didapper, page 11. This is a mistake; it is the Fulica chloropus, or Moor-Hen. TurdusmusicuSf or Song-Thrush, page 18. In regard to the firucture of the nest of this bird, see forwards in the Letter to the Editor of the Magazine of Natural History. Hirundo escalenta, or esculent Swallow, page 23. The Chinese carry on a large trade in these birds' nests. It is said that tlie quantity annually sent from Java to China is 242,000 lbs. the export value of which is estimated at £284,000. What there can be in these superior to the gelatine to be obtained from innumerable animal substances the luxurious Asiatics can best explain. Sleep of Birds, page 57. Ducks will also sleep while doating on the water; and, most probably, many other of the natatoria tribe; hence the facility of their moving from one region of the earth to another. Incubation of Birds, page 60. Mr. Sweet, Mug, Nat. Hist. PRELIMINARY X0T1CE3. vol. ii, page 113, states some curious facts relative to birds for- saking their nests. He says tliat " the redbreast, wren, black- bird, song-thrush, missel-thrush, and, he thinks, almost every other bird, will forsake their first nest for the season, if frightened out of it once or twice, and will immediately begin to build another ; but they will not forsake theirnest while laying, handle the eggs as much as you please, or change them one for the other; or even if you take one out every day, the same hen will return, and lay, in the empty nest. A redbreast will sit on any egg sub^tituted for its own, even a blackbird's or thrush's, and will breed up the young ones; a hedge-sparrow will do the same ; and, most probably, any soft-billed bird. Later in the season, after a bird has made one or two nests, it will not for- sake its nest when sitting, drive it out as often as you please ; some will even suffer themselves to be taken out and put back again without leaving the nest." In regard to the Goldfinch^ when it breeds in gardens, I can say that it builds sometimes a few feet only from the ground, in an espalier, for instance; and pass to it as close as you please during incubation, it usually remains iu the nest. The greatest enemies of birds that build in such places are cats. Birds of London, page 7.5, et seq. The Corvus monedula, or Jack-Daw frequents some of the church towers of London, particidarly St. Michael's, Cornhill; and itis said that the Fa' co tinnunculus, or common Hawk, builds in some of the more ele- vated parts of St. Paul's Cathedral. I heard the Song-Thrush, Turdus musicuSj singing on one of the trees in Berkeley Square, March 22, 1828. I am quite certain of this fact, as I took care to see the bird. Mr. Britton informs me that, iu the winter. Tomtits, Funis cffru/eu5, frequent his garden in Burton Street, Burton Crescent, to the number of four or six at a time : the Chaffinch, Fiin- gilla ccelebs, has also b^en ol>served in the same garden : and last summer, 1828, the Whiteturo xt, Motacilla sijlviu, poured its pleasing song in the samp place. It is scarcely necessary to PUELIMINARY NOTICES. add that Pheasants and Partridges are to be seen in the Regent's Park, because these were, it is presumed, brought there by those having command in that region, and which, there- fore, can hardly be considered as the natural, voluntary domi- cile of those birds. The Nightingale is also occasionally to be heard in the same park. And Starlings now, I observe, build very commonly in or about some of the capitals of the Corinthian columns at Sussex Place. It may be staled also, in addition to what is said in page 77, concerning the Martin, Hivundo urbica, that I observed, Aug. 10, 1829, several of those birds actively on the wing, over, and around the Southwark bridge, where they were evidently collecting their food. It is stated in the Mag. of Nat. Hist, that the Gardens about London, are much more injured by insects than those in distant parts of the country ; and it is conjectured that this is owing to the number of birds which are taken by the bird-catchers and also by the cats. Although this statement is in favour of the necessity of Humanity to Animals for our own well-being, yet I cannot confirm it by any knowledge of my own. The Falco Harpijia, or Crested Eagle, pagel04,is sometimes called Harpy. It is one of the most powerful of the Eagle tribe; a fine specimen of this bird is in the Horticultural Socie- ty's Gardens ; by this time, we hope,'in the Zoological Gardens. Falco Washingtoniana, or Great American Sea-Eagle. We are indebted to Mr. Audubon for a description of this large, rare, and rapacious bird, in the Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. i. p 115. This Eagle is much larger than our Golden Eagle. The male weighs 14]^ lbs. and is three feet seven inches long, by ten feet two inches in extent. The female is, of course, larger. The upper part of the head, neck, back, scapulars, rump, tail-coverts, femorals, and tail feathers, are a dark coppery brown; the throat, front of the neck, breast, and belly, a rich bright cinna- mon, all the feathers of which are dashed along the centre with ad PRELIMINARY NOTICES. the brown of the back. Primaries brown, secondaries between the last-named colour and rusty iron-grey, of which colour are the lesser coverts. Legs and feet strong, and of a dirty yellow. Bill three and a half inches long, bluish black, turning into yellow to- wards the mouth which is blue, and surrounded with a thick yel- low skin. Found, though rarely, in the back settlements of Nortii America. The knowledge evinced by these birds, and the care of their young, are deserving notice. " In a few minutes," says Mr. Audubon, " the other parent joined her mate, which, from tl.e difference in size, we knew to be the mother bird. She had brought a fish, but, more cautious than her mate,ere she alighted, she glanced her quick and piercing eye around, and perceived that her nest had been discovered ; she dropped her prey, with a loud shriek commuuicated the alarm to the male, and, hover- ing with him over our heads, kept up a growling threateniug cry, to intimidate us from our design. The young having hid them- selves, we picked up the fi>h, a white perch, which the mother had let fall ; it weighed o^ lbs. the upper part of the head was broken in, and the back torn by ti»e talons of the Eagle." Mr. Audubon could not, however, obtain either of these birds, nor one of their young. The specimen which he describes was obtained by him on another occasion. Cilumha migriUoria, or Passenger Pigeon, page 120. Every account from travellers confirms the immense numbers of these birds in the back settlements of North America. An incalcu- lable quantity were seen pas!:ing over, the village of Rodiester^ {Genesee Coiinttjy N./l.) on the I3ih of December, 1828, from the North. Such an unusual migration, at such a season of the year, excited great attention ; and, what was very remarkable, those of tliem which were taken were ve>yfat. Whence could they have come; from some noriJtem sitmmer ? Another account, from the Siisquehannuh County Register, far Mmj 1829, states that an encampment of these birds was about ten miles from Montrose, N.A.; where they built nests and reared their young : this encampment was upwards of nine miles PRELIMINARY NOTICES. in length and four in breadth, the lines regular and straight, within which there was scarcely a tree, large or small, that was not covered with nests. They caused such a constant roaring, by the flapping of their wings, that persons*, on going into the encampment, had great difficulty in hearing each other speak. Every thing throughout the camp appeared to be conducted in the most perfect order. They take their turns regularly in feeding their young; and when any of them are killed upon their nests by the sportsmen, others immediately supply their places. The editor of the paper mentioned observes, " we incline to believe that they have in part adopted Mr. Owen's community system, as the whole appears to be a common stock business. The squabs, (yonng pigeons,) are now sufficiently large to be considered by epicures better for a rich dish than the old ones ; they are caught and carried off by waggon loads." It appears, by the latest accounts, that the statement that this pigeon lays only one egg for a brood is incorrect. It often Jays two eggs for the same sitting ; and it also breeds nearly as often as our domestic pigeon, seven or eight times a year. In twenty- three days from the laying of the eggs the young can fly ; in eight days after being hatched they fly from the nest. New York Med, and Phys. Journal. Cyg-nus/erMS, or Wild Swan, page 125. The chief specific difference between this and the Tame Swan, consists in the structure of the trachea or windpipe, which, in this species* enters into the sternum, or breast-bone, forms a circumvolution within it, and, returning out again, enters in the usual manner into the lungs. In the tame Swan there is nothing unusual in the progress of the trachea into the lungs. Like the tame Swan this species may be bred in confinement. Lord Egremont has reared it at Petworth; the pair now in the Zoological Gardens came from his lordship's menagerie. Guide to the Gardens. Cygnus atrata or Anas atrata, page 125. The Black Swan is bred with ease in England. Tlie trachea of this bird is singu- PRELIMINARY NOTICES. iar, being exactly intermediate in character between those of the wild and the fame Swan: it has the convolution of that of the wild species, but it does not enter the breast-bone. Phasianus galluSy or Common Cock and Hen, page 146. The Dorking Fowl is distinguished by having Jive claws on each foot. It appears from Crawford's Emhassy to Siam and Cochin-China, that, in the forests through which the embassy passed, they observed several flocks of wild poultry. One of these, not far from a vilFage, appeared so little shy that, at first, it was ima- gined they were domestic fowls: this account confirms the statement of naturalists that the cock and lien came originally from Asia. Scnlopax gallinagOf or CoMTfl ON Snipe, page 161. This bird is called in some of the province!^, chiefly, it is presumed, Sxjot- land, Heather Hleater, from the male making a noise during the breeding season like the bleating of a goat. " The cuckoo and the gowk, The lavrock and the lark, The heather-bleat, the muire-snipe. How many birds is that ?'' 3Iag. Nat. Hist. Answer, Three only. Scolopax arquata, or Curlew, page I6S. The young of this bird are called in Somersetshire, Checkers. Slurniis Vulgaris, or Sterling, page 168. Although I have never met with the nisi of this bird in Somersetshire, the bird itself is not uncommon there in the winter. See before, in these notices, Birds of London. Loxia coccothrausies, or Hawfinch, page 175. A nest of this bird was found, May 1828, on the bough of an apple tree, at Clielsfield, Kent, and of no very curious construction} eggs PRELIMINARY NOTICES. five, size of a skylark's, of a dull greenish grey, streaked and spotted with bluish ash, olive brown, or blackish brown. Mag, Nat. Hist. The Tringavanellus, or Lapvting, page 183, is found in many of our English marshes and moors. Shakesp^re, in Hamlet^ act v. scene ii. has the following line : •'This lapwing runs away with the shell upon his head/' See page 222. Some of the learned commentators on Shakes- peare, Dr. Johnson among tliem, have made strange havoc with this passage; the plain truth, I presume, is, they knew nothing of the fact in natural history, that, occasionally, young birds of the rasoTy the wafa/or, and wading tribes, do run away as soon as they are hatched, with the shell upon their heads ; hence Osrick, to which the above line is applied in Shakespeare, is called a lapwingf not being properly informed concerning the business on which he was sent, in other words, was an ignorant young bird. The Great American Bittern (see page 200) is said to have the power of emitting light fronj its breast equal to that of a common torch, which illuminates the water so as to enable it to discover its prey. Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. ii. page 64. It is also suspected that other birds of the ardea genus in this country have similar properties ; yet we are not aware that any one has observed them : the breast of the common heron, ardea major, has a space void of feathers, but covered by a tuft of down, the use of which is not at present known ; is it for the purpose of emitting light? See Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. ii. p. 206. Blergus serrator, or Red-breasted Merganser, page 210. A wf5olar regions of North America, have thought proper to abuse the author for the introduction of wcm; terms, although, in the preface to Ornithologiaj he has not said much in favor of such terms; and has, besides, studiously avoided the intro- duction of many of them into the poetical parts of his work, PRELIMINARY NOTICES. forgetting that it is, most probably, their own ignorance, and not theterms,which is in fault. Besides, although the author has, it is true, anglicised many of those neio terms, the merit of their introduction mnst not be ascribed to him. He found them, if not in current use, proposed at least by learned and respectable ornithologists, and it became his duty to notice them. The only new term which the author of Ornithologia has introduced is dtrinel for the yellow-hammer ; his rea- son for doing this is assigned in page 226: even this term can hardly be called newy being anglicised from citrinella. The author laments, as much as any one can possibly do, that numerous terms, and to those unacquainted with the science, ?ie?« they must be, present themselves to us in books treating of ornithology : he laments also the almost infinite variety of names, both scientific as well as trivial, which are applied to birds by different naturalists: he complains, likewise, of the heedlessness and, in some instances, wan- tonness, with which terms have been introduced ; thus rendering the study of ornithology at once perplexing and repulsive. But, how much soever he may lament all this, it was his duty, nevertheless, as an historian of the science, to exhibit it as it is, despairing as he does of ever seeing it, at least in its nomenclature, what he could wish it to be. The author is old enough to remember the first intro- duction of the present Chemical Nomenclature, and those who remember it as he does, can tell how it was opposed and derided ; yet it has steadily made its way : he who should now, for a moment, contend that Glauber's salts was a better term than sulphate of soda, for the same substance, would assuredly be dignified with a fool's cap. Although it i^ not certain that, fifty years hence, syhia luscinia will b< preferred to the nightingale, yet, as a more correct know- PRELIMINARY NOTICES. ledge of natural history shall generally prevail, names which designate the genus and the species, or groups and families, in the most explicit manner; will, in all probahi- lity, become more common; and thus supersede the abun- dance of synonyms, for the same animal or plant, in the various languages of the intelligent and civilized world. In the nomenclature of chemistry care was, however, taken to denominate substances from the ingredients of which they are composed, or from some of their sensible qualities, a few only, such as water, being excepted from the rule. Unfortunately the same care has not been taken in natural history : for, too often, the name of the discoverer of a bird is applied to it as a specific term, instead of having given to it that which shall inform us concerning its pecu- liar shape, colour, or other qualities. This misapplied nomenclature has been noticed in page 399: and, as it appears to be gaining ground in ornithology, it cannot on this account be too strongly deprecated. Even the specific name of p/«C(9, much less of /^er^on, is not, in natural history, sufficiently discriminative, and should be avoided. Some of the critics complain, also, of the harshness and unmusical nature of the new terms, forgetting that it is, most probably, their own ignorance, as has been before hinted, certainly not the unmusical nature of the terms, of which complaint should be made. It would be very kind of those gentlemen to inform us, what there is in the following- words less musical than in thousands of our common words in constant use in our poetry ; nay, it may be contended, with some truth, that several of them are greatly superior i« their musical intonation to such as house -sparrow, hedge- sparrow, yellowhammer, woodpecker, &c. ; surely these are less musical than alaudina, oriolina, merulid, sylviad, luscinia, corvidy trochitid, fringillid, insessor, raptor, rasor, mnalidf PRELIMINARY NOTICES. columbidf cygnine, galbule, scolopacid, 8cc. Besides, as every scientific term is explained either in the glossary or at the foot of the page in which it is used, the complaint of the introduction of new terms loses much of its force; had such explanation been omitted the objection to their introduc- tion would appear more specious, although not decisive even then, against their use, Ornithologia was written for the uninitiated, the Plea- sures OF Ornithology for those whose tastes and whose science require no such initiatory method as that adopted in Orniihologia ; yet, by some perversity, one of our jour- nalists has complained of the last production as ** something too much of the subject." Really these critics remind one of the fable of the old man, his son, and the ass : it is evi- dently impossible to please them. While, again, one says " do not separate the poetry from the prose ;" another says " you ought not to attempt to com- bine them." Another says, the poetry is a " failure :" it is asked, a failure to do what ? — to teach more eifectually the science of ornithology ? If it does not fail to do this, with humble submission to Messrs. the Critics, it is not a failure. Another says, that Darwin failed on a similar subject ; and another, that the attempt would have floored the genius of Byron. That Darwin failed to render his work popular by his method of handling his subject, there can be no doubt j but that he failed in Jus object in writing the Botanic Garden, is more than we are warranted in assuming. That Byron might have failed on a similar subject, is very possible ; chiefly, it is presumed, because he would not have conde- scended to that familiarity and simplicity which appears necessary to success. In what has the author of Ornitho- logia failed ? He has stated, that his object was to render 62 PRELIMINARY NOTICES. a knowledge of Ornithology more pleasing and facile by the aid of poetry; and if he have succeeded in this, his object is accomplished,* "In every work regard the writer's end, Since none can compass more than they intend/' Pope. Besides such various and contradictory opinions, for which an author ought to be prepared if he write on Natural History^ he may also expect to be told, as the author of Ornithologia has been, that " he does not comprehend our higher naturalisls." To this, however, he does not think it necessary to reply, except by reference to his ■work ; and if in that, when examined throuffhout, there be any evidence of his want of comprehending our higher naturalists, he will at once plead guilty to the charge. Per- haps, in the mean time, he may be pardoned for asking, whom are we to consider as our higher naturalists? those who know and record, in clear and intelligible language, the greatest number o\' facts and existences, or those who, more intent upon systems and system-builditig than facts or existences, attempt to reduce to a Procrustes'' bed the nume- rous anomalies with which the whole world of nature abounds, and which, dcs^iiic o{ aW learned classification, still unfurl their flags of defiance, by whomsoever that classifica- tion be attempted, and vvhether those atteinpts be dignified with the title of Natukal method or by any other terms. * While the author is still of opinion that his object in the composition of his work is accomplished, he thinks that, instead of calling Ornithologia a Poem, had he called it a Metrical Catalogue, which in fact it is, the title would have more strictly corresponded with the contents: but cavillers, even with this title, may no doubt be found j he has therefore not altered it in this second impression. PRELIMINARY NOTICES. For the Pleasures of Ornithology, as it was elaborated with considerable care, and in which the scientific terms are less sparingly infroduced than in Ornithologia , the author must confess he had confidently anticipated, from the critics at least, some encouragement j but, if the London Magazine can be relied on, his labour and time on that production have been extremely ill applied.* He desires, however, as judges of this work, none but the Masters of the Science, for whom chietly it was written ; if they condemn him, he will be unfortunate indeed. Only three hundred copies of the Pleasures of Ornithology were printed, as he never anti- cipated, from its very nature, a large sale; yet those natu- ralists, on whose judgment reliance can be placed^ have borne a willing testimony to its merits and its truth. But the hunters, the shooters, and the fishers, those to whom Isaac Walton's hook is a dainty ; some of the critics too, those who are fond of hunting and shooting, at authors at least, have, it seems, determined that hunting, shooting, and fishing, are not only praiseworthy but e\- en intellectual pur- suits; ergo, his book is to tliem unpalatable: how, in fact, can it be otherwise to depraved tastes ? It is fortunate for mankind, that such persons form a very small portion of that public by whom the pretensions of all authors and books must be ultimately decided ; and, at the same time, unfortunate for the author, that the sneer and the gibe of such persons deter many a well-disposed reader from looking into his book. * The London Magazine is now defunct. Its decease is not at all wonderful: the continued atten)pts at wit and witicism, with which too many of our periodicals aboutid, to the neglect of other sterling and useful qualities, must end in their destrnc- tion; they burn out with their own flashing,-— by flashing are they kept alive, and of flasliing they will die. Who ever looks into such publications a second time? 63 PRELIMINARY NOTICES. The following observations on the Technicalities of Science, by the author of Ornithologiay appeared in the Magazine of Natural History, for July 1828; as subservient to the author's views, a place is given to them here. It 5s time that we should get rid of that puerility which would persuade us that a fact described in terms and language familiar only to the learned, becomes of less importance when displayed in the energetical simplicity of our mother tongue. It is time that such puerility should be placed upon the shelf, or hurried to the tomb of all the Capulets. If, however, for the sak^ o' foreigners, such a course should at any time be deemed expedient it is hoped that an English translation will accompany the Latin description, so that it may escape the complaints frequently made, and with nmch truth, against many of the works on natural history mIucIi have been published in this country and elseuhere; and which appear to be designed rather to display the learning of the writers, than to state the facts which such learning ought to convey. Such, nevertheless, it is admitted, is the effect of habit, or the prideof science, or both combined, that it is often difficult for those accustomed to scientific language and terms, to con- descend to the use of such as shall make what they write at once agreeable to, and understood by the general reader. Through inattention to these circumstances, the study of natural history has not obtained that attention, in this country, to which it is entitled and deserves: and I may venture to predict that, while the pride of science shall refuse to condescend to familiar explanation, the number of students in natural history will not very materially increase. However, it is to be hoped, that the prospects of natural history are extending, and that the esta- blishment of the Zoological Society, in particular, will excite the public attention ; that the study of nature will be more sim- plified, and be made more attractive and more amusing. The publication of the Magazine of Natural History will, it is also hoped, be instrumental in this work, by reducing the science to the level of ordinary capacities, and by smoothing the road to more recondite views. PRELIMINARY NOTICES. The following Letter has been some time before Ihe public J it is, nevertheless, deemed expedient to republish it here. To THOMAS CAMPBELL, Esq. Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, &c.&c. London, Jan, 2rf, 18.8. Sir : As it is generally understood that you are the Editor of the Neiv Monthhj Magazine, I take the liberty to call your attention to an article which appears in the number of that periodical publislied yesterday, and which I am quite sure you did not write, and most probably, before its publication, never saw : for if you had, I think you could nevei have suffered such trash to be made public. And were it not that the name of the author of the Pleasures of Hope, seems to sanction what appears in that Magazine, I should not think it deserved the least attention. The article to which I allude, treats my work on Birds, lately published, and which has been, I am happy to say, very well received by those who are competent judges of it, as a work of utter worthlessness, and, in your critic's opinion, stale, flat, and unprofitable! Not content with abusing the poetry, he has pounced upon the prose ; and although I have candidly, and, I trust, modestly, explained in the Preface my motives for my attempt, and that it is designed as an ehmentary work, yet all that I have said, seems to have rendered the poor thing more pertinaciously blind. I am, however, sir, obliged to draw this conclusion, either that your critic is totally incompetent to judge of the merit and value of my work, or that all the nume- rous journalists and other scientific persons who have spoken of it are fools ! It is very easy, sir, for a critical butcher, with a knife and saw, to cut up the labour of three yearSf and the accumulatiun of a life of observation f with all the eflfrontery and cruelty of igno- rance and malice ; but it is not very easy for those who are the objects of his cold-blooded operations to bear them. He may wrap himself up in his anonymous cloak, and welcome ; I have PRELIMINARY NOTICES. no wish to see him in Iiis nakedness ; but of this I am sure, that he is neither a judge of my work, nor of the science of which it treats. In conclusion, and not to weary you with a long letter, let me entreat you, sir, for tiie future, to exercise your discretion as an Editor, and refuse such trash offered to you as criticism, or disavow your connexion with such a periodical,— your fame and credit will not be improved by the alliance. I am, sir, With much respect, your most obedient humble servant JAS. JENNINGS. p.s. You will observe, sir, a few of the public testimonies to the value of my work on the following page. I could adf?uce many letters from some of the first naturalists of tiie age, and fellows of the Linnean Society, to whom I am person;. lly unknown, who have voluntarily and unsolicitedly expressed their approbation of it ; but such gratifying communications I have, of course, no right to make public. To conclude this lly per criticism, what a deliglilful book wouIdOrm'/Ao/oo/a have been, had not the author introduced the subject of Humanitj/ to Animals ; how pleasant could lie have made it, had he eulogized, as is the fashion, Isaac Walton and other piscatory writers; how would our lite- rary gourmands have gloated over whole pages of inanities, so that he bad left them to the enjoyment oi \he\r pleasures. More especially if he had written in praise of the Pleasures of the Chace ; of the destruction of Grouse and Partridges ; of the exhilaration produced by the cry of the loud mouthed hounds ; or by the flash of Manton's riflo, on a frosty morn- ing in October. But no, he has not chosen to do this, and verily he hath his reward, — the silly criticism of the London and the Neio Monthly Magazines, and the vitupe- ration of the ignorant and the unfeeling. London; September 1829. CRITICAL OPINIONS OF ORNITHOLOGIA. "This is, at once, a curious, an instructive, and an amusing work. The meritorious author has put together an immense quantity of information and anecdote respecting birds and their habits, (Sec; and his stories are not the less entertaining for being strung together by poetical licence. The latter, it is true, is rather of a medley cast ; but we can assure our readers, espe- cially those who are young, that they will hardly be able to dip intt) a page of this volume, without meeting with something to entertain and instruct them." — Literary Gazette, Nov. 10, 1827. " Mr. Jennings's Ornithologia is agreeable and amusing." — Gent. Mag. for Feb. iQ'iS. " Too often have books on ornithology, as on other subjects, been rather adapted for scientific than for general readers, much less youthful minds j and terms not understood by every one, and difficult of remembrance, have been generally used. Mr. Jennings has long turned his attention to the removing of this impediment; and it is but honest to avow that, whether we consider the extent of information he has here collected, or the easy and unaffected style in which his work is written, our opi- nion is, that it should obtain a place in the libraries of those who are seeking for themselves, or their children, a plain and full trea- tise on this interesting branch of s{\n\y."— Literary Chronicle, Dec. 1,1827. " We cannot conclude this notice of Ornithologia, without paying our due meed of praise to its scientific details, as well as to the amiable spirit of philanthropy that pervades both poetry and prose." — New Literary Gazette. "A very interesting volume : the poem which forms the ground- work affords a favorable specimen of the author's genius in this branch of composition." — Atlas. PRELIMINARY NOTICES. **We can promise those who look into Ornithologia a most pleasant and profitable employment. For youth especially, we know not a more clear or attractive book." — Sunday Monitor. " Mr. Jennings has certainly the merit of producing a very pleasing and useful little volume." — Taunton Courier. '* Mr. Jennings's volume is well adapted for presentation to young persons ; while the knowledge which it displays entitles it to a much higher stand than a mere book of amusement." — mirror. See also the Magazine of Natural History, &c. «&c. THE PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY, (2s. 6d.) "Once more, Go seek YE in their various nests Much pleasure and much wisdom. Who shall cope With Birds in architecture ? Not nice skill Of man's most practis'd hand ; not all the lore Of sages.'' — Page 37. " A meritorious production." — London Magazine. [See the Preface to the Pleasures of Ornithology.'] *'The Pleasures of Ornithology is written with great feeling, and proves that the author has the love of nature deeply im- planted in his breast." — JVest of England Magazine. "A beautiful little poem. The object of the writer, 'to ally poetry to nature, to science, to truth, and to humanity; to make her a useful handmaiden in the accomplishment of great, good, and important ends ;' has, in this production, been happily at- tained."— Leamington Spa Courier. Lately published, by the author of Ornithologia, (price 2s. 6J.) AN INQUIRY CONCKRNING THB NATURE AND OPERATIONS OF THE IN WHICH " THE SCIENCE OF PHRENOLOGY, THE DOCTRINE OF NECESSITY, PUNISHMENT, AND EDUCATION, ARE PARTICULARLY CONSIDERED. (A Lecture delivered at the Mechanics' Institution, London.) WITH NUMEROUS CORECTIONS, ADDITIONS, AND NOTES. " Altogether the work is one of great research, and well merits the attention of the public." — West of England Magazine* "In this inquiry there are many things, especially those which show the fallacy of metaphysical notions concerning the mind, which deserve attention. Of course the same principle per- vades this inquiry as does all others of the kind and party to which Mr. Jennings belongs ; viz. that every thing old and esta- blished must be bad, and every thing new and innovating good." Gintleman's Magazine, While the author admits that the Gentleman* $ Magazuie is one of the few honourable exceptions to the trashy lite- rature of the day, he regrets that sentiments should be, in that publication, attributed to him which can be no where found in his writings. So far is the author from thinking that every thing new and innovating is good, he thinks much of what is new and innovating is had', as he does also much of what is old. As useful knowledge consists in a record of facts and of existences, and deductions from them PRELIMINARY NOTICES. whether apprehended by the mind or stored np for us in books, so, from the multiplication of our means, in conse- quence of the present general diffusion of knowledge, the latest knowledge, if properly chosen, will be, most probably, the best : for it is by the united, as well as insulated, expe- rience of a large number of observers, accurate ones of course, that the greatest certainty in every kind of know- ledge, science, is to be attained. For these reasons it is, ihe pauciii/ of observers in ancient times, and from the scanty data on which they reasoned, that few of their deductions in any science can be depended upon. Therefore, modern knowledge must be preferred to ancient. Some centuries hence, in all probability, the same opinion will be held of much of our present knowledge, as is now entertained by us concerning that of the ancients. We can, of course, only reason from what we know; all ages and all countries have done the same : that man is a progressive being, what we know of him incontestibly proves. 04r T/te preceding worhs, as well as the Family Cyclo- PiEDiA, (for a notice of which see the end of the volume,) are to he obtained of Messrs, Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 23, Paternoster row. TO THE NOBLE, THE HONOURABLE, THE LEARNED, POETIC, SCIENTIFIC, AND OTHER SUBSCRIBERS, THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, AS, BY THEIR FOSTERING ENCOURAGEMENT, During a period of unexampled Commercial Difficulty, it has been published. The Marquis of Lansdowne; Lord Stanley ; The Countess of Mayo; Lady Paxton, (2 Copies.) Sir William Jardine, Bart, f.l.s. &c. Major Gen. T. Hardwicke, f.r.s. f.l.s. &c.&c. Adiard, Messrs. J. and C. Bar- Burrows, W. esq. Islington. tlioIomew-Close, (2 ropies.) Children, J. G. esq. F.iM». &c. AUcock, Egertou,esq. Soliliull. and Sec. to the Royal S^nety, Allcock, — esq. Carmarthen. Clarke, J. N., esq. Trowbridge. Andree, J. P. esq. City-road. Concklin, B. esq. Bristol. Bell, Thomas, esq. f.l.s. New Conduit, Edward, esq. Great Broad-Street. Snrrey-street. Bentham, W. esq, f.l.s. &c. Coope, Miss, Hackney. Gower-slreet. Crabbe, the Rev. Geo., m.a. Bland, — esq. Garra way's Cof« Trowbridge. fee-House. Cullon, MrT, Canterbury, (2 Buwles, the Rev. AV. L. m.a. copies.) Bremhill, (5 copies.) Dickinson, William, esq. m.p. F.L.S. Hackney. Davies, David, m.d. Bristol. Boys, Percivai, esq. Bridge- Dillon, John, esq. Fore-street. water, (2 copies.) Edge, Andrew, esq. Essex-st. Bradbury, Sam. esq. Islington. Ellison, the Rev. N. T. m.a. Broackes, W. esq. City-road. Huntspill. SUBSCRIBERS. £vans, John, LL.d. Islington. Faulconer, — esq. Watling-st. Funge, Jno., esq. Garroway's Coffee House. Glover, J. esq. Montague-sq. Hamilton^ "A. J., esq. Dalzel, (6 copies) Hal!, Mr. City-road. Heatli, Matthew, esq. Temple. Henibury, Mr, M., Pawlet. Holland, Jolin, esq. m. a., Great Rtissell-street. Holmes, Bryan, esq. Tlunm- hall, Yorkshire. Holmes, J. P. esq. Great- Surrey-sireet. Horsfield, Thomas, ivi.n. F.t.s. &c. &c. Hulbert, Mr. Shrewsbury. Jackson, J., esq. r. a. New- man-street. Jacob, William, esq. King's- square. Jennings, E. A., esq. Leamin-^- ton. Jennings, Mr. Charles, Trow- bridge. Jones, B. S., e«q. India-board. Kay, Richard, esq. Northanip- ton-square. La Beaume, J. M., esq. f.l.s. Soiithamplon-row. Latham, John, m.d. f.l.s. Win- chester. Massey, — esq. Birmingham. Meredith, Mis. Bristol. Merriman, Samuel, m.u. f.l.s. Lower Brooke-street. Mill, Charles, esq. Weniworth- place. Moore, Tho., esq. author of Lalla Rookh. Morgan, J. M., esq, Ludgate- hill. Morrison, James, esq. Balham- hill, {S copies.) Obbard, R., esq. Bride-lane. Palmer, J. J., esq. Bristol. Parry, Mr. R., Buckingham. Phillips, W., esq. F.L.S. George- yard, Lombard-street. Pierce, W., esq. Wolverhamp- ton, (3 copies.) Pope, Charles, esq. Bristol. Pngh, John, esq. Bristol. Reynolds, J., esq. Academy, John-street-road, ("2 copies.) Roberts, Mr. Robert, Car- marthen. Ronquet, the Rev. James, West Harplree. Sabine, Joseph, esq. f.r.s. See. and Sec. to the Horticultural Society. Saunders, Tho., esq. Park- street, Borough. Saunders, Wm. esq. Huntspill. Smith, George, esq. Mercer's- hall. Smith, John, esq. Bedlbrd-row. St. Barbe, K. esq, (6 copies.) Southey, Robert, esq. LL.D. Poet Laureate, &c. Stacy, Edmund, esq. Carmar- then. Surr, T. S., esq. Sloane-street. Sweet, S. W.,esq.Basinghall-st. Sweet, R. esq. f.l.s. Chelsea. Thelwall, J.,esq. Dorset-place. Thompson, VV. esq. Cork (.2 co- pies.) Vigors, N. A., esq. m.a. f.l.s. &c, and Sec. to the Zoological Society. Ware, M. esq. Bloomsbury-sq. Waring, R., esq. Lewisltam. Weir, A., esq.VVindsor-terrace, City-road. Weston, Joseph, esq. Wilson, John Broadly, esq. Clapham, (5 copies.) Woodthorpe, Henry, esq. l.l.^). Cliaiterhouse-squaie, (2 co- pies.) Woodward, C, esq. Newgate- street. Yarrel, W., esq. f.l.s, Bury- street, St. James's. PREFACE. Although the science of Ornithology has already many votaries, it is presumed that it can be rendered more gene- rally interesting by a combination with Poetry, an attempt at which is here made; with what success must be left to the public to determine. Having made the attempt, the author will not, of course, be understood as agreeing with the sentiment expressed by an ancient writer, namely, that Miranda eanunt sed noii credenda Poetce. Cato. For, although, doubtless, one of the objects of the Poet ought to be to excite attention, and, if you please, with our ancient, admiration, yet poor indeed must that poetry be which excites admiration and nothing else. Perhaps the author's notions concerning poetry might not be in ex- act accordance with the opinions of those who aflfect to be, or who are considered, the arbitri elegantiarum, but he ne- vertheless thinks that the Poetry, however admirable, however splendid, which neither instructs, reforms, nor persuades, is good for little ; hence the non credenda, in the passage above quoted, is not admissible as a general truism. He thinks, indeed, that Poetry ought, if possible, always to be made subservient to Truth — its handmaid ; not, as is too frequently the case, — Truth made subservient a VI. PREFACE. to Poetry, and, too often, her distorted slave. And he feels assured that Poetry, as the handmaid of Truth, may become, as it sometimes has been, eminently beneficial and useful to mankind. The author desires it, however, to be distinctly under- stood, that the higher order^of poetry in the following work has neither been his object nor bis aim. The style and versification of the splendid effort of Darwin, the Botanic Garden, have not escaped his observation ; but, notwith- standing, that poem bas bad, and, no doubt, always will have, many admirers, because it contains some striking imagery combined with Truth and Science ; yet it ap- pears, and the coldness of its general reception warrants the conclusion, that so much elegant labour, so much pomp of diction, have failed to render it popular ; and a work on such a subject ought to be popular to be exten- sively useful. The st>le, versification, and diction of Darwin, have b^cfn, therefore, in the present work, stu- diously avoided. Whether the author have succeeded in more simple measures, and in a more familiar style, is not, of course, for him to answer ; but, it must be evident, tbat th^ method of treating a scientific subject, which is here adopted, promises^ at least, more popularity. While the author has endeavoured to be simple, he has, he hopes, avoided vulgarity. AAvare of the truth which Horace has long ago told us, that, Diddle est proprie communia dicere,—- it is difficult to express common things well; still the difficulty has not deterred him from the attempt. He has, contrary to the example of Darwin, introduced few scien- tific terms into the poetry ; these have been consigned to the Introduction and to the Notes, where they appear k PREFACE. VU. to the author most appropriate. For this course, one reason, among others, may be assigned, namely, that our scientific naturalists, as will be seen in the Introduction, have not yet exactly agreed as to Ihe arrangement and TERMS which are most suitable to the science ; and, there- fore, were the Linnean or any other systematic arrange- ment and terms adopted in the text, as, very possibly, some future naturalist may strike out or discover another method more consonant with nature, which might become more popular, the poem, thus written, would be rendered com- paratively useless. By using the common names this is not very likely to occur : for the author is not so sanguine as to expect that the common names of birds will be ulti- mately and entirely superseded by scientific ones; at least by such scientific ones as are now in use s the latinity and novelty of these, if nothing else, presenting to the uninitiated a disinclination, nay, a repugnance, to their introduction. The classical ear will, it is presumed, 'be always more pleased with Picas martins, than with Great Black- Backed Woodpecker; with Tringa pugnax, than with Ruff" and Reeve ; with Larus canus, than with Common Gullf or even Sea-mew;* and Picus erythrocephalus^ no very musical expression, will be preferred by many to the Red-headed Woodpecker ; yet it is to be feared that learning will never succeed in rendering such terms popular. The best method of making them so will be to anglicize them ; then, indeed, ihe. Luscinian Sylvia, or Sylviad, instead of Nightinyale, and Canorous Cuculid, for the Cuckoo, may occasionally find * Yet who would wish in that beautiful song of Lord Byron's, (Childe Harold, Canto /.) to see sea-mew exchanged for Lams canus? In truth, classical names may be dignified, but they generally want the charm of simplicity. «2 VlJl. PREFACE. a place in our poetry, if not in our prose. But this is an innovation which, to any great extent, the author would not presume to introduce. See the Observations on the Quinary Arrangement of Mr. Vigors, Introduction, page 43. A few only of the terms proposed by this gentlemen has been adopted, and appear in the poetry in an anglicized dress ; such are Raptor^ Rasor, ScoTisorj Vulturid, &c. In short, although the author's own taste and inclinations lean io the use of scientific terms, (and ho fears that some of his readers will think he has introduced too many,) there can be, he apprehends, no doubt that the general reader will prefer the common and more usual names. It is true he runs the risk of incurring the censure of those who are more partial 1o names than to things ; and he may possibly offend the pride of the professor, but, on the most mature deliberation, he feels persuaded that the course which he has pursued for an elementary work is the most useful and most instructive: enough of science pervades, he hopes and believes, the Introduction and the Notes. These observations are made in order that the author'* object in regard to the poetical portion of bis work might not be misunderstood. If lie have succeeded in rendering a knowledge of ornithology more pleasing and facile by the aid of Poetry, that object is accomplished. To the originality of assembling tlie, birds under the auspices of the Fagle and the Vulture the author lays no claim; he adopted it, believing that it oifered an easy means of displaying the knowledge which he was desirous to convey. Candour, moreover, compels hira to declare that the perusal of a little poem in MS., written by a lady, and entitled the Lanthom Fly's Lec/ure, descriptive of many of our ingects, suggested, more immediately, the present per- formance. PREFACE. IX: Of the Prose portion of the work it may be suflacient to say, tliat a crowd of naturalists have, from time to time, recorded a variety of useful and amusing facts concerning Birds; — (hat to bring the chief of these facts before the student, with the addition of many more from the author's own resources, and others from intelligent and scientific friends, and to combine them w'ltU familiar poetry, so as to render the science altogether more attractive, and to ex- hibit a useful epitome of it, have been the design of the pre- sent undertaking, which, the author flatters himself, will supply, at once, agreeable reminiscences to the Adult, and elementary and useful instruction to Youth. Indeed, he frankly avows, that he looks forward to its becoming an every-day companion in our academies and our schools j as well as at our firesides. Of his own ADDITIONS to the Natural History of Birds he does not wish to say much ; they are numerous, and, he be- lieves, not unimportant : an observer of nature for more than forty years ought to add something to our knowledge conceining her works. That he has been assiduous jn the composition and arrangement of the volume will be, it is presumed, self-evident; in fact, no labour, trouble, nor re- search, has been spared. But that it is, even now, with all his assiduity, free from error, he is, nevertheless, neither so weak nor so vain as, for a moment, to suppose. The Notes contain notices of every genus and the most important of the species described by LiNN^us ; and also notices of the additional genera of Dr. Latham. The Birds, indeed, described in this little work, are more in number than all those described by Linnaeus ; so that, it is hoped, nothing very material has been omitted concerning this interesting portion of the animal kingdom. It ought, perhai)s, also to be mentioned that, although X. PREFACE. the author's residence has been chiefly in and around the metropolis during the last ten years, many of which have been passed at Lewisham, with innumerable rambles to Sydenham^ Forest Hill, &c. &c., yet, that the chief of his knowledge of the Natural History of Birds has been obtained by a Jong residence in Somersetshire ^ at Hunts- pill, of which place he is a native j and where, to his shame be it spoken, in his earlier days, he was (he niost inveterate bird' s-nester in the county. Not an egg or nest of any kind in hedge, bank, bush, the loftiest tree, or wall, could escape him. He had, while yet a boy, one year, an exhibition of nearly two hundred eggs, obtained from the various tribes, the Hawk, the Cuckoo, and a numerous et catera. He is now, however, thoroughly convinced of the folly, not to say wickedness, of such predatory plunder j the birds which do us harm are, comparatively, so few, that, the House-sparrow perhaps excepted, (and he fears that he must except the house-sparrow of the country,) benevolence would bid us leave them all to their enjoy- ments ; — a moderate degree of care being sufficient to prevent any of their serious depredations* It is hoped that his inconsiderate example will be no inducement to any one to follow the idle and heartless \mtsmto(bird^s-nestinff. No one can more truly regret than the author now does the pains to which his heedless and silly curiosity, or something worse, subjected them. Should, therefore, any fact relative to the birds of this country he stated in the following pages, which may not seem in accordance with what is stated in books, or even with the experience of the accurate observer of nature — the Natural Historian, it is hoped thatit will not be forgotten, that many facts may be observed in ono place which might not occur in another. Even the nidification of birds. ' PREFACE. XI. although in jijeneral pretty uniform, undergoes, occasionally some modification in consequence of the ease or difficulty with which certain materials can be obtained. We must not, tlierelore, be in haste to condemn what we have not ourselves witnessed. In the Natural History of Birds, even of those with which we are most familiar, we are still greatl}'^ deficient ; theie can be no doubt that more ex- tended observation will add very materially to our know- ledge of this truly dehghtful department of nature. The author takes the present opportunity Of returning hi$ sincere and best thanks to those kind and intelligent; Friends and Correspondents who have so promptly and liberally communicated to him many facts concerning the Natural History of Birds which were not previously known; and also for their hints and suggestions for the improvement of bis work. Some of these gentlemen are specifically men- tioned in the Introduction or the Notes; but he deems it incumbent upon him to state that he is indebted fot valuable information to Dr. Latham, to whoso interesting and voluminous work on Birds he is al^ under considera- ble obligation ; to N. .4. Vigors, Esq. m.a. f.l.s. Seethe learned Secretary of the Zoological Society, and the in- genious expounder of the Quinary Arrangement ; to Dr. HoRSFiELD, the author of Zoological Researches; to tbe Poet Laureate ; to Richard Taylor, Esq. f.l.s. ; to the Rev. W. L. Bowles ; the Rev. W. Phelps ; to J. G. Children, Esq. f.l.s. &c. and Secretary to the Royal Society; to W. Yarrel, Esq. f.l.s, whose collection of English Birds, and their eggs, as well as many anatomical preparations of Birds, evince, at once, his zeal and his ex- tensive knowledge of this interesting science ; and to R. Sweet, Esq. f.l.s. for whose valuable communication on Xll. PREFACE. ^ the singing of some of the warbler tribe in the Introduction^ the author is also particularly indebted and obliged. Nor must he omit the name of Mr. David Don, the ingenious librarian of the Linnean Society, who has, ou numerous occasions, most kindly assisted the author in his ornitholo- gical researches. While the author regrets that so long a time has elapsed since the first announcement of his work, the delay has been, from the state of trade, unavoidable, — yet the delay itself has been of infinite advantage to the completion of the volume. The substance of all the Lectures on Ornithology which the author gave during the last summer, at th^ City of London Institulion, is incorpo- rated in this work. The student, in consulting the following pages, ought most carefully to attend to wliat is stated in the Introduction. The Index, as it includes most of the provincial names of Birds, will considerably assist those who are not acquainted with the scientific terms. As the names of many Birds are mentioned in the Poem which have no notes of reference annexed, when information is wanted concerning them, re- course should be had to the Index. It may seem almost superfluous to add that, as the author is desirous of rendering his work as interesting and com- plete as possible, a notice of any errors, or of any striking and recently observed facts concerning Birds, will be most thankfuHy received, if addressed to the author, at the pub- lishers', free ofexpence, and with an authenticated s'lgn'AiufC. PREFACE. Xlll. Convinced as Ihe author is that a knowledge of Natural history, is best conveyed through the alluring medium of Poetry; if his present eflfort be approved, it is his intention to proceed (should health and opportunity permit,) in a similar way with the remainder of the Animal kingdom. The whole will then be arranged in the following manner ; I. Mammalia, or the Quadrupeds, and other animals which svckle their young ; characterized by a heart having two ventricles and two auricles ; the blood being red and warm ; viviparous. II. Ormthologia, (the present Work,) or the Birds ; the characters of which are the same as in the first class except that Birds are oviparous^ covered with feathers, and furnished, for the most part, with wings, so as to be able to raise themselves in the air. III. Amphibia, which will include the Serpent, Crocodile y Frog, Toady ^c. ; in this class the heart has but one ventricle and one auricle ; the blood being red but cold; inspiration and expiration, in some measure, voluntary. IV. IcHTHYOLOGiA, Of the FiSHES ; the heart of this class has the same structure, and the blood similar qualities uith those of the amphibia; but Fishes are distinguished by brunchicB, or gillsy and by having no such voluntary command of the lungs. V. Entomologia, or the Insects ; the heart has one ven- tricle, but no auricle ; the blood is cold and white; this class has also antennee or feelers^ VI. Helminthologia, or the Worms ; the characters of which are the same as in class V. ; this Class has, however, no antenncBy but is furnished with tentacula. And thus become, it is hoped, useful and amusing manuals of the science of Animal Natural History ; and prove, besides, the author hopes and believes, that Poetry can be rendered subservient to Nature and to Truth. a3 XIV. PREFACE. Of the Wood-Engravings, improved from the elegant designs of n Lady, Mrs. Hamilton, and executed by the author's friend, Mr. Henry Hughes, and which accompany the work, it is scarcely necessary to speak, their excellence being manifest. The author cannot, however, here avoid calling the public attention to this branch of the arts ; and he, at the same time, hopes that an Artist who combines in his own person that of a Landscape- Draughtsman^ a Wood' Engravevy and a Painter, will not long remain without a suitable portion of public encouragement and reward, Mr. Hughes is already known by his work containing Sixty Views in Wales, all of which, except one or two, were drawn on the spot, and afterwards engraved on wood, by the artist himself. Ladytoell, Lewisham ; October, 1827. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. The Plate of the British and European Birds, with the Land- scape, must follow page 96 ; the Plate of the Foreign Birds with the Landscape must follow page ^98. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Pitge Address to Mrs. Kay, coniaining Sketches of the Country in and around Lewisham — Le£, Blackheath — Greenwich-Park — Forest-Hill — Sydenham — Penge-Wood — Beckenham — Bromley — Hayes— Ha yes- Common, atidHoLwooo 1 The Plough Boy's Song 3 The Nest of the Wren — the Long-tailed Capon — the Thrush — t}ie Goldfinch — the Chaffinch — the Magpie — the House-Sparrow — the Swallow — the Martin — the Wood-Pigeon — the Woodpecker — the Rook--* the Croic — the Oriole — the Grosbeak — the Tailor- ' bird — the Rufous Bee-Eater — the Esculent Swallow 17 The Arrangement of Linnaeus 27 Pennant 30 Latham 32 Vigors 39 On the Structure and Functions of Birds 45 Incubation of Birds 59 Songs of Birds 65 Song of the Nightingale 68 Nidification of Birds 79 Migration of Birds 82 Summer Birds of Passage 84 Winter Birds of Passage -. ib. Notice of Wilson the American Ornithologist .... sk) Scientific Terras 95 XVI, CONTENTS* PART THB FIRST. Page^ British and European Birds 97 The Woodlark's Invocation 112 Address to the Nightingale 132 Cuckoo 137 Rook 148 Freedom 170 The Redbreast's Song 4. 239 Skylark's Song 249 Gold6nch's Song , . . w. . . . 251 Thrush's Song 266 Linnet's Song 261 Blackbird's Song 263 Hedge-Sparrow's Complaint 26^ Bulfinch's Sonnet 268 Ring-Dove's Lament 270 Black-cap's Song 272 Nightingale's Song 274 A Glee ^ 275 The Banquet 276 House-Sparrow's Speech 279 Conclusion of the First Part 296 Address to the Warblers 297 Spring 298 CO^JTENTS. XVll. NOTES TO THE FIRST PART. Note Page 1 (Falco) Eagle, Hawk, Buzzard, Kite, Falcon, &c. 100 2 (Alauda) Lark, Woodlark, Titlark, &c. .... 112 3 (Columba) Pigeon, Dove, &c . . 116 4 (Anas) Swan, Goose, Duck, &c. , . 123 5 {Sylvia luscinia) Nightingale 132 6 (Cucuhis) Cuckoo, the Common, the Honey- Guide, &c 137 7 {Phasianus) Pheasant, Cock and Hen, &c 144 8 (Corvus) Rook, Raven, Crow, Magpie, &c 149 9 (Hirundo) Swallow, Martin, Swift, &c 157 10 (Scolupax) Woodcock, Snipe, Curlew, &c 160 11 {Picus) Woodpecker, the Green, the Golden, &c. 164 12 {Slurnus) Starling, Water-Ouzel, &c 167 13 (^Zocrfo) King-Fisher 171 14 (Charadrius) Plover, Dotterel, &c 172 15 \Loxia) Grosbeak, Green- Linnet, Crossbill, &Cw 174 16 {Larus) Gull, Kittiwake, Tarrock, &c 178 17 (Tringa) Sand-Piper, Ruff and Reeve, Lap- wing, &c 182 18 {Rallus) Rail, the Land, the Water, Gallinule, 186 19 {Colymhus) Diver, Grebe, Guillemot, &c 187 20 (Emberiza) Bunting, Ortolan, Yellow-Ham- mer, &c. , 191 21 (Certhia) Creeper 193 22 (Z,amM«) Shrike, Butcher-Bird, Wood-Chat, &c. 194 23 (Ardea) Stork, Crane, Heron, Bittern, &c. . . 196 24 {Upiipa) Hoopoe, Grand-Promerops, &c. .... 202 XVlll. CONTENTS. Note Page 25 (Coracias) Roller 204 26 (Sitta) Nuthatch ib. 27 (Otis) Bustard 205 28 (Fuwar) Wryneck 208 29 {Mergus) Merganser, Goosander, &c 209 30 (Glareo/a) PRATINCOLE 211 31 {Hamatopus) Oyster-Catcher ib. 32 (Alca) Auk, Razor-bill, Puffin, &c 212 33 {Procellaria) Petrel, the Stormy, the Fulmar . . 214 34 {Fulica) Coot, Gallinule, &c 216 35 ( Parus) Titmouse 218 36 {Tetrao) Partridge, Grouse, Quail, &c 221 37 ( Recurvirostra) A vosET 227 38 (Melea^ris) Turkey ' 228 39 (A'umiV/a) Guinea-Hen 230 40 (Pavo) Peacock 231 41 (Strix) Owl 232 42 (Sylvia) Warbler, Redbreast, Wren, Wagtail, &c 241 43 {Alauda arvensis) Skylark 250 44 (Fringilla) Finch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, &c. 252 45 (Turdus) Thrush, Missel, Fieldfare, &c 257 46 (Fringilla linota) Linnet 262 47 {Turdus merula) Blackbird 264 48 (Sylvia modularis) Hedge Sparrow 266 49 (X-oxia y?yyr/m/a) Bulfinch ..^fk^.^^. . . . 269 50 (Columha palumhus) Wood-Pigeon * ,4 ..,.•.... 271 51 (Sylvia atricapilla) Black-cap 273 62 (Fringilla domestica) House-Sparrow 280 CONTENTS. X1X> PART THE SECOND. Page Foreign Birds 299 The Poe-Bird's Song 331 Blue-Bird's Song 333 Address to the Blue-Bird 334 The Wood-Robin's Morning Song 351 Address to the Wood-Robin 352 Mocking-Bird 372 The Canary-Bird's Song 400 Manakin's Song 404 Mocking-Bird's Song 405 Oriole's Song 407 Tanager's Song 409 A Storm 411 The Wood-Thrush*s Evening Song 415 Mocking-Bird's Night Song 418 Detached Pieces. The Valley of Nightingales 421 Hill of Freedom 426 Valedictory Lines 434 Glossary 437 Index 441 XX. CONTENTS. NOTES OF THE SECOND PART. Note ' Page 1 iVultur) CONDUR, VuLTORE, &c 306 2 (Caprimufgus) Goatsucker 310 3 {Trocltilus) Humming-Bird 316 4 {Cinvyris) SuN-BiRDS 318 5 ( Paradisea) Birds of Paradise 320 6 (Pheenicopterus) FLAMINGO 322 7 {Si/Ivia sutoria) TailorBird 323 8 ( Rhynchops) Skimmer 324 9 (B?tcco) Bar BET ib. 10 {Tantalus) Ibis 325 \\ {Ciotophaga) Km 327 12 {Merops) Bee- Eater 328 13 ( Buphaga) Beef- Eater 329 14 {Aniliophagus) Honey-Eater ib. 16 {Sylvia sialis) Blue-Bird 332 16 (Diumedea) Albatross, Man-of-war Bird, &c. 336 1 7 {Oriolus pecoris) Cowpen 337 1 8 {Penelope) GuA\, Yacou, Marail 339 19 {Cancroma) Boat-bill 340 20 (4w/?f/i.v) Chatterer, CoTiNGA, Bell-Bird .. 341 21 {Plotus) Darter, Ahinga 342 22 {Sterna) Tern, Noddy 343 23 {Crax) Cukaqoa, or CuRASSO w ♦ . . 344 24 {Ramphastos) Toucan, Toucanet 347 25 {Platalea) Spoon-bill 346 26 {Phaeton) Tropic-Bi rd 348 27 {Todus) Tody 349 38 {Pelecanns) Pelican, Cormorant, Shag, Gan- net, Sec 35;> CONTENTS. XXI. I^ote Page 29 {Gracula) Grakle, Crow-Blackbird, &c 367 30 (Palamedea) Screamer 358 31 (Psophia) Trumpeter 360 32 (Ono/u5) Oriole 361. 33 ( Phytotoma) Plant-Cutter 364 34 (Trogan) CuRucui, English*Lady ib. 35 (Corrira) Courier 365 36 (Si/lvia) Warbler, the Superb, the Babbling, the Palm, &c .,..,. ib. 37 (Momotus) MoTMOT 36T 38 (Parra) Jacana 368 39 (Mijcteria) 3 ABIRV 369 40 (Muscicapa) Fly-Catcher, Cat-Bird, &c. .... 370 41 (Turdus polyglottiLs) MocKlNG-BiRD 373 42 (5'/rM//iio) Ostrich, Emeu, Rhea, &c 377 43 (Didus) DoDO 382 44 (-BMcero*) Horn -bill 383 45 {Callmis) Wattle-Bird 384 46 ( Vaginalis) Sheath-bill ib. 47 ( Menura) Menura 385 48 (Scythi'ops) Channel-bill 386 49 (Galbula) Jacamar ib. 50 (Colius) CoLY, Mouse Bird ib. 51 {Scopus) Umbre _ 387 52 (Aptenodytes) Pinguin ib, 53 (Oriolus textor — Embcriza textrix) Wea\er.Birds 389 54 {Musophaga) Plantain-Eater 390 55 {Cursorius) Courser ib. 56 {Pteropus) Fin-foot ib. 57 (Polophilus) Coucal 391 58 {Cereopsis) Cereopsis ib. XXII. Contents. Note Page 69 (Pogomjw) Barbican 392 60 (Erodia) Erody »•♦>*>.; ib. 61 (Phoenicopliaus) Malkoha . . . , »r»-* ♦ -% 393 62 {Psittacus) Parrots 394 63 {Friugilla canarid) Canary-Bird 401 64 (P?>ra) Manakin 404 65 {Oriolus nidipendulus) the Hang NEST Oriole .. 408 66 (Tanfl^rra) Tanager 410 (Tnrdus melodus . the "Wood-Thrush — the Turdus migratorius) Red-bkeasted Thrush. . 416 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Notwithstanding the author's vigilance, some nominal, and a few other typographical^ errors have escaped him ; the reader will be kind enough to correct them from the following notices. In addition to the Ornithological publications mentioned in various parts of this work, another ought to be noticed lately begun under the superintendance of Sir Wm. Jardine, bart. and P. J. Seiey» esq. with the co-operation of many other gentlemen eminent in the science. It is entitled Illustrations (if Ornithology, and is designed, in the first instance, to display the newest groups and newest species, and afterwards all the species which have already been described. The Plates are to be co- loured correctly after nature, and are also to be accompanied with scientific letter-press descriptions. It is in royal 4to. One number has already appeared. Page 6. If any additional evidence were wanting to prove that angling is one of the worst of sports, a painful instance has been lately supplied to me. Walking on the banks of the canal in Forest-Hill wood, I saw an angler who had just caught a email pike about a foot long ; but not being able to detach the hook from the throat of the fish, he was obliged to pass his finger under the gills, and to cut out the hook from the throat with a knife; this being done, the fish still continued to breathe. I urged the angler to kill the fish at once ; but no, the animal was to remain in agony, because, while it remained alive, putrefaction would not take place! Page 14, line 10 from the bottom, for dilata read dilatata. Page 22, lines 5, 15, and the last, for Taylor-bird y read Tailor- 4nrd ; in page 248, line 6 from the bottom, make the same cor- I'ectiooj and again in page 323, lines 1 from the top, and 6 and 7 from the bottom,- make the same corrections, as well as XXIV. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. wherever else in this work Taylor-bird may be found ; Tailor- bird being the usual and accredited spellings— 32, line 7, for voluminious read toluminous. — 36, col. 3, line 8, for Gallinoula read Gallinula. — 37, line 11 from the bottom, (or chryste'etos read chrysaelos> In pages 41 and 42, the Circular Diagrams explanatory of the Quinary Arrangement ought to have been placed in a circular form instead of that in which they now stand ; but the page is altogether too small to permit a proper display of this system. It should have been mentioned in page 48, that there is another disease of birds called also pip: it consists in a thick white skin or film that grows under the tip of the tongue; and is said to arise from want of water, or drinking that which is impure, or by eating improper food. It is cured by simply pulling off the film with the fingers and rubbing the tongue with salt. Hawks are said to be peculiarly liable to this disease. In page 49, it is stated that "the organ of smell is said, in the Gannety to be wanting." This is, however, not correct; there is probably no deficiency in the smell of that bird; but, from the peculiar structure of its tongue, the taste is very pro« bably incomplete. Page 52, line 15 from the bottom, after also add to. — 56, line penult., for appears, read appear. — 58, line 12, for Virginia- nus read VirginiaJia. Page 59. In addition to the paragraph concerning the clutnge of plumage in the female bird, it may be stated that a paper by Mr. Yarrel was read before the Royal Society in May last, and will appear in the next publication of the Philosophical Trans- actions, in which it is clearly shewn, by numerous facts, that the alteration in plumage does not arise from age, but from disease of the sexual organs ; nay, that not only may the female be made to produce feathers and other appearances like the male by an arti- ficial a bstraction of merely a portion ofthe oviduct, so that the con- tinuity of the canal may be destroyed, but that the male, as in the capon, becomes also greatly altered ia manners and plumage by ALTERATION IN THE PLUMAGE OF BIRDS. XXV, the abstraction of the organs of generation. Tiie conclusion drawn by Mr. Yarrel is that age is not necessary to this peculiar appearance of the female; and that both male and female be- copie, as it were, a neuter gender, by the deprivation of the sexual organs, and that both assume characters decidedly in- termediate between tiie two sexes. The change, however, in the colour of the feathers of birds is not produced by this na- tural or artificial disease only : for the plumage of some birds is considerably heightened as the sexual organs dilate in the spring ; in the decline of summer the plumage loses again its brilliancy, returning to shades of grey and white for defence during the winter ; at which time also the sexual organs become contracted and the voic^ subsides. Page 62, line 13, for tail read rail. Pages 64 and 250. Aluuda arvensis, or Sky-Lark. Notwith- standing what is stated concerning the song of the female lark, a bird-catcher in the neighbourhood of London assures me that the female larks do not sing ; that it is the constant practice of the bird-catchers to kill them when caught. That the young males if taken at once from the nest and bred up in confinement have not so beautiful a note as those caught in nets in the autuniir : a proof here that nature is the best teacher. Page 67, line 9, for similiarly read similarly. — 81, line 14 from the bottom, for their moss read its moss. Pages 90, 91, 92, and 93, for Andrew Wilson read Alex- ander Wilson. Page 96, line 3, for Axilla read Axillce. — ll7, line 10 from the bottom, for prevails read prevail. Page 124. Of the Swan, (Cygnus Olor,) I find the following notice in the Universal Magazine for 1749, vol. v. page 58, in an account of Abbolsbury, Dorset. * The royalty of this town is in the family of the Homers, who have a Swannery here containing from 7 to 8000 swans." It should have been stated, in page 130, that, although in some districts of the kingdom the Wild Duck is called a Mallard, the XXVI. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. term Mallard is applied, in the west of England, to the mak of the tame duck. Page 132, line 9 from the bottom, for moonlight read noonlight. Page 150. Concerning the Rook, I have been since favoured with the perusal of the late Lord Erskinb's Poem; it is en- titled the Farmer's Vision, and was composed, his Lordship informs us, in consequence of his having, at the instance of his bailiff in Sussex, complained to a neighbour of his Rookery, the only one in that part of the country ; but having been afterwards convinced of the utility of Rooks, his Lordship countermanded his complaint, and wrote the Farmer's Vision, which consists of about 300 lines, with some very pertinent notes. In justice to his Lordship it ought, however, to be stated, that he distinctly asserts he is not a poet ; that the production was not fit for pub- lication, and that a few copies only were printed for friends who asked for them, and that it was too long to make them in writing. It is dated from Buchan-Hill, Sussex, December 25, 1818. Without controverting his Lordship's position, that he was not a poet, there will be no difficulty in stating that there never was a man so eminent as an orator as Lord Erskine, who might not have been a poet had he chosen to direct his attention to the pursuit of poetry ; — the soul of eloquence, and the soul of poetry if not identical, are so nearly allied as scarcely to be distin- guisbable. Exquisite sensibility belongs to both. His lordship, at the commencement of the poem, iu allusion to birds and other animals, says, " They whisper truths in reason's ear, If human pride would stoop to hear." He then proceeds to describe how a flock of rooks were shot }it by his bailiff, some of whom were " Fainting from many a cruel wound. And dropping lifeless on the groimd." When a rook thus addressed his lordship : " Before the lord of this domain. Sure, justice should not plead in vain, 6 LORD ERSKINE*S ** FARMER'S VISION." XXvii. How can his vengeance thus be hurl'd Against his favourite lowrer world ? A sentence he must blush to see Without a summons or a plea; E'en in his proudest, highest times, He ne'er had cognizance of crimes. And shall he now, with such blind fury, In flat contempt of judge and jury, Foul murder sanction in broad day. Not on the King's but God's highway ?" Touch'd with the sharp but just appeal, Well turn'dat least to mukeme feel, Instant this solemn oath I took — No hand shall rise against a Rook." t can atford no farther room for quotation from this hnmane poem ; but in a note, page 22, after having quoted some lines from CowPER's Task, (three of which may be seen in page 283), his lordship observes " The whole subject of humanity to animals is so beautifully and strikingly illustrated in this ad- mirable poem (the Task), that no parents ought fo be satisfied until their children have that part of it by heart." * Whether this production of his lordship be publislied hereafter in a separate form or not, it is to be hoped, at any rate, that those who may be collectors of his lordship's writings will take care that the Farmer's Vision is preserved amongst them." Page 17J. The author saw a beautiful specimen of the Alcedo ispida, or Common King-Fisher, on the banks of the Ravensbourne, between Bromley and Beckenham, in Sept* 1827; it was actively on the wing, and darted out from beneath the bridge over which passes the public road. He is disposed to think, that he saw the Nightingale, too, in a hedge near Lewisham, towards the latter end of August ; but the shyness of this bird renders its identification, without its song, in such a situation, difficult. Page 175, line 17, after Grosbeak read Haio-Grosbeak, XXVlll. ADDENDA KT CORRIGENDA. Page 178, line penult., for fly read /ry — 184, line 10, for Great Coot-Footed Tringa read Grey Coot-Footed Tringa ; same page, line 13, after Red Coot-Footed Tringa^ read Johnson's Small Cloven-footed Gull. — 186, line 9 from the bottom, for redgy read sedgy. — 198, line 4 from the bottom, for Granaries read Craneries. —206, line 16, after they can fly, place a comma. — 207, line 9» for CEnicdemus read CEdicnemus. — 209, line 5, for countries read counties. — 210, line 6 from the bottom, for that read than. — 2?4, line 9 from the bottom, for Prarie read Prairie. — 227, line 7 from the bottom, for Americanus read Americana. — 247, line 13, for countries read counties. Page 253. After Brambling read Bramble; same page, after Siskin read Barley-Bird. — 262, add (to precede the note) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Linnet. — 264, line 11 from the bottom, for (43) read (45).— 274, line 6, for lilies read lilacs: sweet smelling lilies do not blossom in April, in this country. Page 280. The House-Sparrow is occasionally seen white ; another variety black. Page 285, line 6, for its read if 's.— 303, line 10, for embossom'd read embosom'd. — 305, line 15, for Indicus read Indica.—3\7, line 2, after hour add a semicolon. Page 319. I'he Manuel d'Ornithologie of M. Temminck first appeared in 1815. The arrangement consists of fifteen orders and eighty-eight genera. In line 6 of this page from the bottom for ornithologsls read ornithologists. Page 328, line 6, for contists read consists. — 357, line 3, for PiiE read PiCiE. — 358, line 7 from the bottom, for the feet /ead three feet. — Same page, line 11, for resembles read resemble. Page 377. The account of the colours of the mule and female Ostrich has been obtained from the most authentic sources ; yet the female ostrich, now in the museum of the Zoological Society, and which was lately dissected there, has the wing and tail feathers while. Are these birds subject to variation in this respect ? Page 381, line 1, after came dele the comma. — hue 15, for ON THE SONG OF FEMALE BIRDS. XXIX. helmets read helmet.— 390, Vine 11, for Plantan read Plantain. •—399, line 8 from the bottom dele the article a. In addition to what is stated by Mr. Sweet in page 73, con- cerning the singing of birds, that gentleman has favoured me with the following particulars: "When you called on me last year, at Chelsea, I had several female birds which never at- tempted to sing: but now I have two that sing frequently ; one is a female Black-cap ; she sings a note peculiar to herself, and not the least like the male or any other bird with which I am acquainted; I kept her several years before she began to sing. I have also a female Willow-wren that sings nearly as much as the cock ; this bird was bred up from the nest, and did not sing at all the first year ; her note is quite different from the male's, but resembles it sufficiently to indicate that it belongs to the same species. The females of the Larger Pettychaps, and the Larger Whiteihroat, which I have had for several years, never attempt to sing. The following are the juigratory birds which I now have. fVheatear, JVhinchat, Stonechat, Redstart, Nightin- gale, Larger, and Lesser IVhitethroaf , Black-cap, Greater Petty' chaps, and Willow-wren ; I had also, till lately, the IVood-wren. — R. Sweet, Chelsea, Oct. 26, 1827." The Willow-wren, Mr. Sweet informs me, sings also at night p when there is a light in the room. Page 49. That birds are rendered more buoyant by having the cells in their bodies filled with air, as well as also the bones, there is no reason whatever to doubt ; but in what manner their increased buoyancy is produced does not seem well ascertained. Wiiether by condensation of atmos- pheric air similar to that produced in a strongly inflated bladder, by which its elasticity is considerably increased, or whether by some other air specifically lighter than that of the atmosphere.^— The first appears the most probable reason. TO MRS. RICHARD KAY, THE FOLLOWING INTRODUCTION Is respectfully inscribed hy her sincere and affectionate Friend, THE AUTHOR. Since this Introduction Las been printed, Mr. Henry Warren has published six Lithographic Views on the Ra- VENSBOURNE, amonii which is one of Ladywell, the retreat described in the followinjr pages. The coincidence is somewhat remarkable, seeini; that Mr. Warren and the author of this work are total stranijers to each other. As delineating some favourite spots, the author feels peculiar gratification in recom- mending Mr. Warren's Views to puWic attention. They con- sist of, the Source of the Ravensbourne — Cesar's Camp— Simpson's Caslle, Bromley — Scene in Lord Farnborovgh's Park — Ladywell^- and the Mouth of the Ravensbourne. These Views may be seen at Messrs. Dickinson and Co. Bond-Street. INTRODUCTION. Bealus ille quiprocul negotiis — Libet jacere modg sub antiqua dice, Modo in ienaci gmmine ; Labicntur altis interim rivis aguce ,- QUERUNTUR IN SILVIS AvES ; Fontesqtte lymphis obstreperunt mananlibus Somnos quod invitet leves.—HoviKT, Harmer's Cottage, Lady well , LEVVISIIAM, The Summer's fervid reign is past, And bland September come at last: A grateful change — the most to me — To all who can the city flee. Light pleasure's sylphs, with tripping feet, Your presence Aere will gladly greet: Here Quiet — Contemplation dwell Beside the fount of Lady well, Which flows incessant through the year. As virtue pure, as crystal clear. INTRODUCTION. Come to my cottage '.—now look out I Fair prospect. Madam ! who can doubt? The church at distance, 'midst the trees. With verdant meadows round, must please. There, too, the social rookery, That ever hath been dear to me ; — The bridge — beneath, the rippling stream— The alder's umbrage, and the gleam Of sunlight darting through the shade, By lofty elms or poplars made, With willows waving to the wind, All aid to please, to soothe the mind ; While Ducks, in sportive diving, play, And Geese wide o'er the meadow stray; The Pigeons skim the air along, The Cocks and Hens the barn-door throng; As anxious mothers cluck aloud The downy young around them crowd. What time is heard the threshers flail ; The Peacock struts in plumy pride, The wild Gallina* by his side,' E'er ready, with his powerful beak, Fierce vengeance on his foes to wreak; — And lo ! the milk-maid with her pail! — Here feeds the sheep, and there the cow, — On yonder slope the mo\ing plough. While heard the plough-boy's cheering note, On airy waves it seems to float. Numida Meleagris, Guinea Hen, or Pintado. INTRODUCTION. THE PLOUGH-BOY'S SONG, in September. The morning breaks o'er Shooter's hill ;- The Redbreast twitters by the mill ; — The Cocks, at answering distance, crow; In neighbouring mead the cattle low; Yo, hup — yo, ho I To plough we go ! While artless Jane, of beauty pride. Her light step dashing dew aside, With notes of song wakes echo now, As blithe she hastes to milk the cow ; — Yo, hup — yo, ho! To plough we go ! The sun his streams of golden light Now pours o'er hills and vallies bright ;- The Thrush her song is warbling now ; Afield we go to chearful plough ; ' Yo, hup — yo, ho! To plough we go ! O Nature ! mistress of my song, To thee love, beauty, truth belong ; — To thee I homage pay ; and now Afield we go, and — speed the plough; — Yo, hup — yo, ho! To plough we go ! b2 ^ INTRODUCTION". These are the rural sights and sounds With which the valley here abounds. And here, in Spring, the Nightingale Charms, with his song, the listening vale, What time vibrations of delight The Cuckoo's monotones excite, W^hile the wild warbler train attend, And with his notes their music blend ; To grove, to wood, to shady dell, Echo responds in wavy swell ; All Nature rapturous appears, And Fancy vegetation hears.* Nor will the churchyard sod refuse Its sombrous strains by rustic muse ; Where, too, sleeps Genius, wild and free. Within the grave of Dermody.! * IVIaJame Cottin has a similar, but, I think, more happy thouglit, — '' On croiroit presqtie entendre le bruit de la vegetation." — Elizabeth ou Les Exiles de Siberie. t A poet of some promise, whose malignant planet marred his best efforts. The fate of tiiis young man reminds us of the fate of Savage, who had, like Dermody, been consigned to neglect in his earlier years: hence the unfortunate impres- sions which both received could not, as it appears, be coun- teracted in their effects by any subsequent attempts, either of others or of themselves; a convincing proof of the power of early circumstances in forming characterj and a proof, also, of the necessity of early attention to such surrounding media, in order that the best character may be fashioned and brought out. Deimody was a native of Ireland ; but died at Lewisham, df in tijo neigidjourhood, in 1802, at the age of Iwenty-eiijht. LEWISIIAM— THE RAVENSBOUR^E — ANGLING. O Oh visit not with brow severe His failings, — o'er them drop a tear! A little walk, yon steep ascend And pleasure will your toil commend. Behold, in undulating swell, How rise the hills, how sinks the dell. Now let your steps descending turn Along the banks of Ravenshouryie ; And, though not sure to meet delight. Her nymphs, perchance, will you requite. Some Birds, even now, will here in song Be heard the sylvan shades among ; The Thrush, the Redbreast in the grove, Still warble soft their notes of love ; And Larks, high soaring in the air, ^ Proclaim their pleasure still is there ; Of Chaffinch " chinks" the woods are proud, And shrieks of Blackbirds echo loud;* While Swallows, many, bounding, fleet. Bathe in the stream both wings and feet. What time along the marge you stray. Behold the fishes' sportive play; — Oh may no angler, in yon nook, Disturb those tenants of the brook, Nor wound them with insidious hook ! * The Blackbird, although rarely if ever heard in song in the autumn, ulteis, nevertheless, upon being disturbed, a singular and continued shrieking or note, which, although well known to tlie natural historian, is not easily diescribed. b INTRODUCTION. His, wanton sport, — a sport unblest, — A sport I ever must detest.* Return — and should you, seeking Health, — The maid most coy when woo'd by wealth, Westward ascend — behold a Spring That might, perchance, even heal a King. But who its modest worth shall tell^— What poet sings of Lady well ? * Lord Byron has thus denounced the sport ot angling: " And angling, too, that solitary vice, Whatever Isaac fValton sings or says : The quaint, old cruel coxcomb in his gullet, Should have a hook, and a small trout to pull it." Don Juan, Canto XIII. His Lordship adds, in a note, << It would have taught him huma- nity at least. This sentimental savage, whom it is a mode to qnote (among the novelists) to shew their sympathy for innocent sports and old songs, teaches how to sew up fro^, and break their legs by way of experiment, in addition to the art of ang- ling, the cruellest, the coldest, and the stupidest of pretended sports. They may talk of the beauties of Nature, but the angler merely thinks of his dish of tish ; he has no leisure to take his eyes off the stream, and a single bite is worth to him more than all the scenery around." It must, however, be admitted, notwithstanding Walton's bad taste in regard to angling, that his book is an amusing one ; and has, very probably, induced many persons to follow the sport, who would otherwise never have thought of it. Surely, notwithstanding all that Walton says, the sitting for hours by the margin of a brook or river, is not a healthy occupation, whatever the angler may make of it; surely man, intellectual man, can find something more praise- worthy than such solitary inactivity to gratify his aberrant inclinations I LADYWELL — CHALYBEATE SPRING. 7 None — none ; — then now, O Fount ! to thee, Let this first offering hallowed be. While many seek the ocean's shore And listen to his hollow roar ; May I, with calm delight, still sing Of thee, unostentatious spring !* I love the woods, the hills, the fields ; Will you attend me, Lady ! there To hear the Birds — to snuff the air — To taste the pleasures Nature yields. I love the country and its calm. For many wounds a sovereign balm.f I loathe the city and its noise, — Its tumult, pageants, and its toys. Mistake me not — 1 friendship prize,t And gladly seek the good and wise ; * It ought to be mentioned, that, although tliis spring is in the little hamlet of Ladvwell, the name of Ladywell isjiot derived from it. Ladywell, the fountain so called, produces pellucid and excellent water. The spring here alluded to is a powerful chalyheate, and totally unfit for common use. It is similar in its properties to the waters of Tunbridge; and, were it farther from the metropolis, would, long ere this, have ob- tained celebrity. Those who may be desirous of knowing this spring, will find it at a cottage inhabited by Mr» Russell. t O rus, quando ego te aspiciam? quandoque licebit Nunc veteium libris, nunc somno inertibus horis, Duceresolicitae jucunda oblivia vitae. — Horat. J Ego vos hortari tantum possum, utamicitiam omnibus rebus hnma^iis anteponatis; nihil est enim tarn naturae aptum, tarn con- veniens ad res secundas vel adversas. — Cicero de Amicitia. 8 INTRODUCTION. But may I not such here possess— May I not here find happiness? Come then, fair Lady ! with me stray; To Siiooter's-iiill now haste away ; Or, midst the shady bowers of Lee,* I'll proudly wait your company. Or, if you so prefer, the dark The chesnut groves of Greenwich Park ; Forgetting not — who can forget ? The balmy breezes of Black-heath, * ** The spirit of improvement through the land Strides like a giant." The improvements which have lately been made on Black- heath, at Lee, and the unostentatious village of Lewisham, deserve a short note. Those who remember the gloomy gran- deur of Lee, may now contemplate it under another aspect, namely, that of rural elegance. There is an oak by the footway, leading from Lee church to Lee-gteevj that deserves, together with the surrounding scenery, to be immortalized by the pen, or the pencil, or both. Blackheath has lately received an important addition to the east, in a series of elegant villas evincing, at once, the taste and opulence of the ovrners. The modern and long-neglected ruin of Sir Gregory Page Turner's seat, has, at length, totally disappeared ; and, in its stead, have arisen numerous mansions which wealth and competence have chosen for their abode. Of Lewisham, I dare not trust my- self to say much ; it is a quiet, unobtrusive village, in which I have passed many happy days, and in which a considerable por- tion of this work was written. The improvements, either com- pleted or going on here, will render its neighbourhcol still more desirable as a residence. The walks and scenery surrounding this place are sufficiently described in the text. feLACK-HEATH— FOREST-HILL — AUTUMX. Where health will twine for you a wreath, Where the Campanula* blooms yet ; Where Chamomile sanescent grows, Call'd by the learned Anthemis,f Specifically nobilis, — And Heath her beauteous blossom shows, — There oft I rove. On Forest-Hill I drink of pleasure's cup my fill ; — There listen to, the shades among. The Redbreast's soft, autumnal song ; Or hear the Thrush, a farewell lay Pour out, as sinks to rest the day ; While from the stubble sudden spring The Partridges, on sounding wing; — No, social Rasors ! ne'er will I Send death amongst you as you flyt. * Campanula patula, — See a subsequent note. t Antliemis nobilis^ or Common Chamomile with shigk flowers ; the cultivated variety has double flowers. Whatever may be the merits of the LinncEan, and other scientific systems of botany; it is, nevertheless, greatly to be feared, that, from their apparent complexity and verbosity, it will be a long time indeed before they will come (if ever) into general use, and supersede the present trivial nomenclature. J For some account of the misery produced by firing among flocks of birds, see the notes to the House Sparrow's Speech. For an explanation of the term Rasor, see the prose portion of this Introduction. 10 IS^TRODUCTJON. I love the steps of autumn time, When cool, not cold, the morning's prime ; — When noon has lost his scorching pride, And pleasures throng the brooklet's side; — When eve is bland — the genial breeze Plays wantonly among the trees ; Or, dimpling o'er the river's face, Adds to its beauty novel grace. Delight with me, too, often roves In Sydenham's dark, shady groves; Yet o'er her hills, with, Lady ! you, Pleas'd I shall be to dash the dew From herb and flower ; and pleas'd to see The blooming heath I ween you'll be. Nor will that modest lilac maid, Campanvla*, with drooping head. Deny her charms, the while appear Such goodly prospects far and near. The pwrpZe DiGiTALisf too. Will here her homage pay to you. * The Campmula patula, or Meadow Bell-floweb, is one of the most elegant of the Campanula genus, and only not more admired because it is so very common on our heaths. t Digitalis purpurea, or Fox-glove. Tliis valuable and beautiful indigenous plant, although growing plenlifully in hedges in various parts of the kingdom, is rare in the immediate neighbourhood of London. The curious will, however, find it on the Sydenham-hills, — hills which no one who deligiits in rural scenery should omit to see ; yet how many of the inhabitants of the metropolis have never visited them ! DULWICH — HITHER-GREEN — RUSHY-GREEN. 11 Hence, if it please you, down the vale, DuLwiCH shall tell a pleasant tale Of Pictures and of groves of shade, By painters and by Nature made.* If, still aberrant, you will stray. To Hither Green without delay; Let health's brisk breezes round you blow. While you command the vale below. Or wander to that Rushy-Green, Where diving Dabchicksf oft are seen. Now pass, the Ravensbourne again. And quit the haunts of busy men. For scenes where dwells the woodland sprite, And FOREST and canal unite ; The WARBLERS here will charm your sense With Nature's wildest eloquence. Though rarely do such works of art, Canals, the picturesque impair t, Yet here both Art and Nature meet, To lay it. Lady ! at your feet.t * The Dultcich Picture Gallery^ the munificent gift of Sir Francis Bourgeois, afibrds an agreeable lounge for those who have any taste for paintings. It is greatly to be regretted, that a singular regulation precludes some of its usefulness ; this regulation consists in compelling every one, desirous of viewing it, to obtain a ticket (gratis it is true,) in London, No one applying without such a ticket at Dulwich is admitted. t Colymbus minor y orDioAPPER; a considerable number of these birds may be always seen in a pond, or on its banks, at Rushy-green. X This Canal unites with the Thames, near Deptford. By a multiplicity of locks, it reaches a considerable elevation 32 INTRODUCTION* - But Other wanderings you shall find^ Of various power to stir the mind. Of Pence, the embowering wood explore, — Of pleasure there an ample store; Scenes which the artist, charm'd, shall trace, And on his canvass lay with grace: There pensive, tranquil thought might dwell ; There, too, might hermit choose his cell; And there, the lords of the domain, The WARBLERS, hold triumphant reign. Obedient now to Pleasure's wand, Let Beck EN HAM your steps command: The region, if not classic, such You scarcely can admire too much. Behold its churchyard picturesque. With gates that trench on the grotesque ; Then pass through grove and sombre glade, For poet's haunt in autumn made. The whirring pheasant here may too. At eve or morning startle you. As from the wood, with sudden spring, She flies on heavy, labouring wing. "When at Forest-hill \X winds between woods ; and Iheiicp, pa.ssing on llirough Sydenham, it again winds through Penge-icood to Croydon. For several miles, while on the elevation, there are no lacks; hence, from its sinuous course, it adds consideraMy ta the very beautiful scenery through which it parses. BECKENilAM — MR. ROBINSOK. 13 Here Robinson,* from toils of state Opinions' conflict, keen debate, Retires to soothe, relax his mind, Woo Nature — to us ever kind. If now to Bromley you extend, New scenes, new subjects will befriend; Nor shall the Villa, taste of Long. f Be absent from my rural song. Still farther would you, Lady, rove, Delight attends in many a grove. * The Right Honourable Frederick Robinson, now Lor J GouEHiCH, who, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, in a luminous and eloquent speech, on the opening of the Budget to Parlia- ment, March 13, 1826, promulgated some of the most liberal and important opinions that were ever uttered by any states- man. It is scarcely possible to estimate the effect of such senti- ments on the well being and happiness of the human race,' to the furtherance of viliich they so eminently tend, when io ex- tensively diffused, as they necessarily must be, in reports of our parliamentary proceedings; but we may be morally assured that^such sentiments will never be forjiotten; and that the time has indeed arrived when the minds of our enlightened states- men are in accordance vvitii the opinions of an enlightened people; and that, among those, while the names of a Canning, jA Peel, and a Huskisson, will be prominent, the name of the late Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Robinson, will never he mentioned without respect and esteem. t The Right Honourable Sir CharlesXong, Bait. ; since this was written, created Lord Farnborougii. 14 INTRODUCTION. Proceed to Hayes, where Chatham* dwelt; Some recollections may be felt, — How, in the senate, many shook Beneath his all-commanding look: How here, the social hearth beside. He sank the statesman and his pride; And, pillow'd on affection's breast, He solace sought, and found the best: For what is Splendour, what is Fame, To Home and Happiness?— a name! While here, let no pretence delay, But listen to the woodland fay ; Or with the mountain.nymph ascend. Who will with glee your steps attend. * William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, the first of tliat name, and the incidents in whose life are inseparably woven with the history of this country. Hayes was his favourite residence, where he died; and where also his son William, mentioned in a subsequent note, was born. This village affords a quiet and umbrageous retreat. Among many fine trees here, some Lombardy poplars (Populus dilata), near the mansion, where once presided the penates of that respected nobleman, are pe- culiarly interesting by their great height and beauty, they being well clothed with ivy. Fashion has latterly fixed a stigma upon this tree (the Lombardy poplar,) which it does not deserve. It is now become, it is true, extremely common, but; it is nevertheless, very ornamental, and as little injurious by its foliage as its shade; indeed, much less so than most other trees. This residence of Lord Chatham is now occupied by Mrs. Dehaney. IP IIAYES COMMON. 15 Should taste now bid you botanize, The upland wilds fail not to prize:* Here Sphagnum^ lifts her humble head, And DroseraX will her dewdrops shed ; While Heaths, of roseate hue, will smile, And thus your wandering way beguile. Or should your steps refuse the waste, With Edens near the scene is grac'd, And cots embov/er'ci, while soaring high Their smoke, slow curling, stains the sky;^ Where Peace, beside the hearth of home, Spurns with disdain the lordly dome. Or like you length and breadth of view O'er scenery rich, of varied hue, Ascending still, at Holwood Park, Look round, and many objects mark ; 'Mongst which the QUEEN of cities stands,',] A cynosure to distant lands. * The spot called Hayes Common deserves a more dignified name: it is at once a wild and an upland, not to say mountain- ous district; and the numerous villas around add an interest to it of no ordinary kind. t Sphagnum palustre, or Bog-moss, a curious and useful plaht for packing other plants. See Mr. Salisbury's ^count of it in the Trunsactions of the Society of Arts. X Drosera rotundifolia, or Sundew. § " Above whose peaceful umbrage, trailing high, A little smoke went up, and stain'd the cloudless sky.'' Bowles's Hope* II iLondon. dl6 INTRODUCTION. Should still no fancy prompt return^ Explore the source of Ravensbourne At Keston ; — Holwoqd's manse around, Where sylvan beauties wild abound, Now wander, whither from the strife Of faction — stir of public life, Once oft retir'd that William Pitt, - Much more a statesman than a wit ; He who, with Fox, shook senates proud ; Whose voice once echoed long and loud. Oh, had he been less fond of war! What fame exists without a scar ?* Now, Lady! having hither brought — Beguil'd you into rural thought, I will not ask your audience long, But list a moment to my song, — A SONG of Birds — their hopes, their fears. Their loves, their pleasures, and their tears; In which, I trust, some seeds of truth Are sown, to serve both age and youth. You, Lady! when that smiling boy'. Of promise bright — his parents' joy, * The Right Honourable William Pitt, for many years prime minister of this country, and son of the first Lord. Chatham, mentioned above. Holwood Park and House are on a very elevated, yet well-wooded spot. The mansion has been, I understand, rebuilt since the time Mr. Pitt inha- bited it. It is altogether a very delightful situation, and does credit to ihe taste of the late prime minister as a country resi- dence. There is a public footpath quite through the park. The present occupier is John Ward, Esq. NESTS OF BIRDS. 17 Shall upward grow, will prompt his mind To all that's good and great — refin'd ; And when, perhaps, my voice is mute, When silent hangs my minstrel lute, Awaking only to the breeze Some fitful strains, not such as these; When ALL that may remain of me. You in my thought, my song shall see. You will remind him, that 'twas I Who struck these chords of minstrelsy. Simple, in sooth, they are, and trite, Yet will, I hope, the mind excite To pleasures simple as my lay. Yet pure as truth — as sunshine gay. You will remind your favourite boy I lov'd him — wish'd him every joy; And, should he listen to my strain, I, Lady! have not liv'd in vain. Oh teach him, when you will know best. To love, admire the warblers' nest ;* * The strnctore of the nests of birds afF6rds, perhapj;, one of t!ie most agreeable lessons in Natural History. Among the most curious nests of our English birds may be named that of the fVren, the Long-tailed Titmouse, the Thrush, the Goldfinch, the Chaffinch, the Magpie, and the House Spari'ow; to these may also be added the Sivallow's, the Martin's, the Wood Pigeons, and the Wood- Pecker's. Of the nests of Rooks^, it may be sufficient to observe, that they are often found to the num- ber of six, or even more, in a cluster. Crows' nests are al\\ay& solitary; they are similar in structure to those of the rook. 18 INTRODUCTION. Mark the design their nests among, — Observe the wonders of their song, — ■ Their habits, their intelligence, — And say not, Man alone has sense, But, See the steps of Providence! The Wren's nest is globular, and very often made of green moss, both vvithin and without ; it lias a small hole on the side of it, just large enough to admit the bird. It is generally affixed to some tree, and behind it, at a few feet from the ground, so as not to be immediately in sight. The wren seems very partial to trees having ivy growing about them, most probably as, by its leaves, the nest is more effectually concealed. It does not seem to prefer any particular tree : the nest will be found very often attached to the elm or the ash; sometimes against an ivied wall, sometimes in the thatch of a house, and sometimes in a hay-rick. In such cases the materials of the nest will often also be varied. See more relative to the Wren in the note attached to the Redbreast's Song\ The Long- tailed Titmouse makes a nest similar in shape to the wren's, but considerably larger in external appearance: it by no means looks so neat as the wren's; its exterior is composed of dead leaves, interspersed with white moss, &c. Interiorly it is, however, much more curious than the wren's, being almost full of small,^ soft, and generally white feathers. It is rarely, if ever, appended, like the wren's, to trees; its usual site is in a hedge, on some bush, either of the thorn or wild plum, a few feet only from the ground. The nest of the Thrush is exteriorly composed of green or other moss, and a few straws; interiorly it is plastered all over witk some paste, apparently composed of rotten wood, with something to cement it; it is generally of a light buff colour. When dry it is quite hard, so that the eggs, if moved, rattle in the nest. The statement, in many of our books of natural his- tory, that it is lined with cktyj is, as far as my experience goes, NESTS OF BIRDS. 19 Teach him a sympathy to feel For NATURE, for the general weal. Grave this a lesson on his heart; May he the precept wide impart, — fatinded in mistake. The Blackbird's nest, although it belongs to the same genus, is a very different one, and has nothing re- markable in it, except that it is plastered within with clay, over which some fine straw or dry grass is laid. The usual situation of a thrush's nest is behind some ivied tree ; sometimes, how- ever, it is found in bushes, particularly of thorn; 1 have seen a thrush's nest in a yew-tree. The blackbird seems to prefer the thorn for its nest, particularly if it happens to be growing over water; it prefers, too, that part of the bush which is least ac- cessible. The Goldfinch's nest is composed exteriorly of white moss^ interiorly of light coloured wool and hair; it is one of the neat- est of our English bird's nests. The goldfinch, during its nidi- fication, is a very domestic bird ; it appears to prefer a garderi near a dwelling-house to almost any other spot for its nest. It builds either on young elms, to which it is particularly partial, on an apple, a pear tree, or a cypress. If not disturbed, it will build sometimes so low that you may look into the nest; and, during incubation, you may pass within a few feet of it without its evincing the least alarm. The Chaffinch builds a neat nest, although not so neat as that of the goldfinch; its habits are also in many respects similar; it prefers gardens and apple-trees, but is not choice in the site for a nest. It will build on fir-trees, against a wall on a grape- vine, on apple and many other trees, but rarely, if ever, in hedges. The Magpie's nest is similar in its lower exterior to that of the rook and the crow, but it is covered over with thorns, so that access to the interior can only be had by two open spaces* 20 INTRODUCTION Be kind to all — to waw, to beast. Bird, Jish, worm, insect ; thus a feast Of happiness will he partake, And happy other beings make. not very regularly marked, one on each side of its covering. This covering is an irregular kind of lattice-work, formed of thorns, and is evidently designed as a defence from some birds of prey ; it is no shelter from the weather. The magpie always builds a solitary nest, either in a thorn-bush or on some lofty elm, and sometimes on an apple-tree j it does not often build very near dwelling-houses, but a remarkable exception to this I) as lately occurred in Somersetshire, at Huntspill : a magpie vot only having bHilt its nest on a tree a very short distance from a dwelling-house, but it occupied the saine nest two years successively. We may be tolerably certain that this bird was not disturbed during the first year, or it would not, most pro- bably, have returned to the same nest a second time. I appre- hend the magpie, as well as its neighbours, the rook and crow, to be a very useful bird in the destruction of worms, of which it partakes as food. The House- Spaj row, as its name indicates, builds very often beneath the eaves of the thatch, as well as of the tiles of dwell- ing-houses. Its nest is composed of straw and feathers; it has usually a hole for an entrance, similar to the wren's. The house- sparrow is, however, no churl iu the choice of a site for a nest. I once saw a house-sparrow's nest in that of a deserted magpie's nest. They will sometimes take possession of the martin's nest; and some curious facts have been stated concerning the battles of these two very different birds. In the neighbourhood of London, and indeed in Hoxton-square in London, the houset sparrow's nest will be seen on the Lomhardy poplar; the only kind of nest which I ever saw on that tree, — it does not seem a favourite of any of the tribe of birds. Wilson informs us that NEST OF THE SWALLOW, HAWK, WOOD-PECKER. 21 Teach him, all violence is wrong — A truth as useful as it's strong : He must not rob the Sons of Song, Nay, that the birds should be as free. As wisheth and expecteth He. the Baltimore oriole builds also on it in the American towns. The house-sparrow builds also very often in the ivy attached to the walls of dwelling-houses : many nests of this bird were to be seen among the ivy covering the front of a house in Montpellier-row on Blacklieath, September 1825. Swallows construct their nests externally of clay; they are lined with straw and feathers. The favourite site of the swal- low's nest is the interior and near the tops of chimneys j they, however, occasionally build in other places. The Martin builds its nest similarly to the swallow, but the entrance to it is more confined : the usual place for martins' nests is under the eaves of houses, particularly those whose walls are covered with what is called rough cast , or in the corners of a stopped-up window. The Wood-Pigeon'' s nist is made with only a few sticks, merely sufficient to retain the eggs; an extraordinary nest for such a bird, when the iiabits of the domestic pigeon are consi- dered. They generally build on trees. I have seen a wood- pigeon's nest on a yew-tree; it is more frequently, I believe, found on the elm or the fir. Tiie Hawk's nest (Fulco tinnunculus) or Kestril, is similar to the wood-pigeon's : I have seen it on an apple-tree. The IVood- Pecker's nest is made in the trunk of some tree, a hole in which the bird scoops out with his bill; the entrance is round, and just large enough to admit the bird. Several of our English birds make their nests on the ground: among these may be named the Skylark^ the Partridge, the ■Redbreast^ &c. &c. ; and, of course, most of those having pulmale feet, as the Duck, Goose, Swan, &.C. 22 INTRODUCTION^. There^s no effect without a cause: This one of Nature's wisest laws. To be all which you may desire Your child will certain things require : Among the nests of foreign birds, that of the Taylor Bird dfiferves especial mention: the bird itself is a diminutive one, being little more than three inches long; it is an inhabitant of India. The nest is sometimes constructed of two leaves, one of them dead; the latter is fixed to the living one as it hangs upon tlie tree, by sewing both together in the manner of a pouch or purse : it is open at the top, and the cavity is filled with fine down; and, being suspended from the branch, the birds are secure from the depredations of snakes and monkeys, to which they might otherwise fall a prey. In Dr. Latham's collection is a specimen of the taylor bird's nest, composed of a single large leaf, of a fibrous rough texture, about six inches long independent of the stalk, five inches and a half in breadth, and ending in a point. The sides of this leaf are drawn together so as to meet within three-quarters of an inch ; within is the nest, about four inches deep and two broad, opening at the top; the bottom of the leaf is drawn upwards, to assist in the support of it. This interior nest is composed of white down, with here and there a feather and a small portion of white down intermixed. Another nest of this bird has also been described as composed of several leaves, like those of some kind of hazel sewed toge- ther ; the inner nest formed of dry bents, fibres, and hairs, sus- pended from a tree. It is, therefore, probable that this bird, as well as some others, varies the structure of its nest as occa- sion and the materials may require. These singular works are performed by the bird's using his bill instead of a needle, and vegetable fibres for thread. We still want, however, more information on this interesting subject. See the note on the Taylor bird in Part II. 2 ESCULENT swallow's NEST, 23" Fit circumstances must surround Him, or your wishes he'll confound. Crabs on the cherry do not grow, Nor does the pine produce the sloe ; The Rufous Bee-eater^ or Merops Rufus, constructs also a very singular nest. This bird is a native of Buenos Ayres; the nest is built generally on the naked great branch of a tree, some- times on the windows of houses, a fence, or a projecting beam ofa^high house or other building: it is composed of earth, In the form of a baker's oven, and is often built in the short space of two days, both birds being engaged in its construction ; it is six inches in diameter, and one thick ; a division is within, be- ginning at the entrance, and carried circularly, so that the eggs are deposited in the inner chamber, on a bed of grass. The swallow and other birds often attempt to obtain possession of this nest; but are generally repulsed by the owners. Many of the Orioles' nests are also deserving notice. The Hack and yellow Oriole, (Oriolus persicus,) inhabiting South America, has a pendent nest, shaped like an alembic j it is affixed to the extreme branches of trees; sometimes, it is said, io many as four hundred nests are found hanging on the same tree. See the note on the Orioles in Part II. The Philippine and Pensile Grosbeak make also very curious nests. See the note on the Grosbeak, &c. in Part I. In concluding this account of the nests of birds, of which occasionally more will be found in the subsequent notes, I may notice here tlie nest of the Hirundo esculenta, or Esculent Swal- low, an inhabitant of China and the Islands of the Indian Ocean. This nest consists of a gelatinous substance, in shape resembhng an apple cut down the middle. Tiie nests are found in great numbers together, and are by the luxurious Asiatics made into broths, and otherwise cooked, and are esteemed one of the greatest dainties of the table j they are also occa- sionally used for glue. 24 INTRODUCTION". All kindred things produce their kind ; Thus is it with the human mind. If you would wish him to be kind. Impress kind conduct on his mind, — Not by mere wordSy but let the deed Of kindness done before him plead; Chiefly the deed performed by you, Which, seeing done, he'll wish to do. You will, no doubt, some learning give, And teach him in the world to live ; But what he'll want, as much as sense. Is active, warm Benevolence, This will produce more happiness Than all besides he may possess : This teach him, and his little heart Will kind impressions soon impart. Thus will there in his bosom spring Affection for each living thing; And thus will be his friends* delight. That beauteous boy of promise bright ! Seductive, Lady! is the theme! Instruction, now a rushing stream, O'erflows its banks on either hand, And widely fructifies the land. A goodly harvest may we see, When all shall wise and happy be! The nests of some of the American swallows are also curiouj. See the note on the Swallow in Part I. INTRODUCTION, 25 Meantime, one word should be impressed. In letters large, on every breast : It is most potent, and will well Perform what can't the prison cell ; What vengeance always fails to do — It is, fair Lady! S'^en in you,— Kindness: repeat the word again — Kindness, — and thus I end ray strain.* * '* It is necessary also to observe, in regard to the Formation of the Human Character, that the mind for ever shrinks from all attempts to force it into any mode of discipline or action ; that, while it may be led by gentleness and argument almost any where, the least appearance of force or violence produces revolt and repugnance. So true is this, that it has led to the trite ob- servation, that it is more easy to lead man wrongly than to drice him right. This disposition, in the ignorant and uninformed, has been frequently called obstinacy ; but it is, nevertheless, the re- sult of a general law which we all obey. There is no other effectual way of removing such obstinacy than by enlightening the understanding, — imparting knowledge. And if this can be done by shewing also tiiat we have tlie interest^ that is, the happiness, of the individual at heart whom we are desirous of persuading, we shall b^ more likely to succeed in the object at which we aim." Soe my Liciureon the Nature and Operations of the Human Mind. The minds of children appear to be operated upon in a similar way to those of the adult, and, therefore, in their education similar means must be adopted. 26 INTRODUCTION The Natural History of Birds, or, as i( is now scien- lifically termed, ornithology, needs little to recommend it to those whose taste for simple pleasures is not vitiated. The habits, manners, and modes of life of this interesting: portion of the animal kingdom, have attracted the attention of numerous nflfurrt//^*, who have, from time to time, re- corded a variety of useful, instructive, and amusing facts concerning it. Various artificial arrangements have also been proposed, by which, it has been presumed, the science of ornithology may be more readily and correctly ac«juired. Among these, the arrangements of LiNNiEus, of Pennant, of Latham, and of Vigors, deserve, it appears to me, the most attention ; although those of Brisson, the Baron CuviER, and of M. Temminck, are also entitled to respect. Nor ought, perhaps, the name of John Ray, our own coun- tryman, who flourished in the seventeenth century, as a dis- tinguished naturalist, to be here omitted ; but we cannot enter into a detail or examination of these last writers' systems. As, however, that of Linn^us has obtained much celebrity, is constantly referred to by our naturalists ; and seems, besides, to have contributed much to the foundation on which many, if not all, of the subsequent arrangements of the Natural History of Birds have been built, it may be useful to place an Epitome of it before the reader, premising, that no artificial arrangement which has hitherto been made public, how ingenious soever it be, will correspond exactly with that which is found in Nature; but, that *ome arrange- ment is nevertheless useful to facilitate this pleasing study, will, it is presumed, be universally admitted. The following are the Ordeus, Genera, and the Number of the Species, described by Linn^us. LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT. 27 ORDO I. ORDER I. AcciPiTREs. Hawks. These have hooked bills, the snp^erior mandible near the base 1)eing extended on each side beyond the inferior ; and, in some, it is armed with teeth. Generum English Number Nomina. Names, of species. 1 Vultur. Viiltiiie,(:ondor,8 C Eaiile, Falcon, 2 Falco, \ Hawk, Kite, (_ &c. - 32 English Number Names, of Species. Owl - 12 Generum Nomina, o Strix ^ , . i Shrike, Bntch- 4Lanms. > erBird,&c. 26 ORDO \l. ORDER II. Pic^. Pies. These have a compressed bill resembling a knife. * Pedibus amhulatoriis — with feet formed for tvalking. 5 Trochilns. < ^V . 6 Certbia. 7 Upnpa. 8 Bophaga. 9 Sitfa. 10 OrioUis. Huniming- Creeper, 25 Hoopoe, 3 Beef-eater, 1 Nuthatch, 3 Oriole - 20 11 Coracias. 12 Gracula. 13 Corvus. Holler . 6 Grakle - 8 r Kaven,Rook, / CroWjMag- (_ pie, &c. ly iA n 1- i Bird of Pa- i4Parad.sea.> ,.^^j^^ . ** Pedibus Scansoriis — with climbing feet. 15 Ramphastos. Toucan - 1 16 Troffon. | Cnrncui,Eng- 19 Picas. 20 Ynnx. 21 Cnculns. 22 Bucco. Woodpecker, 21 Wryneck, 1 Cuckoo - 22 Barbet - 1 17 Psittacus. Parrot - 47 18 Crotophaga.Ani - 2 * * * Pedibus gressoriis — with feel formed for leaping. 23 Bnceros. Horn-bill, 4 I 25 Merops. Bee-eater, 24 Alcedo. King-fisher, 15 | 26 Todus. Tody - ORDO HI. ORDER III. Anseres. Geese, These have a smooth bill, broadest at the poiqt, covered with a smooth skin, and furnished with teeth; the tongue is fleshy, and the toes are palmated or webbed, 28 INTRODUCTION. * Rostro denticulato — with a toothed bill. Generum Nomina. 27 Anas. 28 Mergns. Generum Nomina. •29 Pliaeton. 30 Plotiis. English Number Names, of Species. S Duck, Goose, i Swan, &c. 45 Merganser, 6 * * Rostro edentulo — with a toothless bill 31 Rhyncliops. Skimmer, 2 36 Lariis. 32 Diomt'dea. Albatross, 2 37 Sterna. 33 Alca. Aiik - 5 34 Procellaria. Petrel - 6 38 Colymbiis English Number Names, of Species. Tropic Bird, 2 Darter - 1 C PeIican,Cor- 35 Pelecanus.< morant,Gan- i_ net, &c. 8 Gull - 11 Tern - 7 Diver,Grebe, illemot, - 11 rDiv. .< Gu C &c ORDO TV. ORDER IV. Grall^. Waders. These have a somewhat cylindrical bill ; the tail is short, and the thighs naked ; many of this tribe are distinguished by long legs and long bills. * Pedibus tetradacty lis— feet with four toes. Flamingo, 39 Phcenicop- ^ terns 5 40 Platalea. Spoonbill, 41 Palamedea. Screamer, 42 Mycteria. Jabiru 43 Tantahis. Ibis 44 Ardea. f Crane, He- ' — ^ Stork, -^ ron, ( Bittern,&c.26 45 Recnrvi- K.^set . 1 rostra. 5 46 Scolopax 47 Tringa. 48 Fulica. 49 Parra. 50 Rallus. 51 Psopljia. ■{ Curlew,Wood- cock,Snipe, &c. - 18 C Sandpiper, < Lapwing, t &c. . 23 S Coot, Galli- (^ nule, 6i:c. 7 Jacana - 5 Kail - 10 Trumpeter, 1 52 Cancroma. Boatbill - 2 * • Pedibus cursoriis tiidactyUs — with feet formed for running, — three toed. 53 Haemat- opus. 54 Otis. ^ S OysterCatch- 5 ^ er - 1 Bustard - 4 55 Charadrius 56 Struthio. Plover.Dot- terel, .! Ostrich •{ terel, &c. 12 ORDO V. ORDKR V. Galling. Gallinaceous Birds. These have a convex bill ; the superior mandible is vaulted over the inferior j the nostrils are half covered with a convex LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT. 29 cartilaginous membrane ; the feet are divided, but connected at the inmost joint. Gewrum Nomina. 57 Didus. 58 Pave. 59 Mcleagris. 60 Crax. 61 Nuraida. English Number Names, of Specie^ Dodo - 1 Peacock, 3 Turkey - 3 Curagoa, 5 Guinea Hen, 1 Generum Nomina. English Number Names, of Species. i Pheasant, 62 Phasianus. < Cock,Hen, (. &c. - 6 r Partridge, •? Grouse,QuaiI, C &c. - 20 63 Tetrao. ORDO VI. ORDER VI. Passeres. Sparrows. These have a conical sharp pointed bill ; the nostrils are oval, wide, and naked. * Crassirostres — with thick bills. r Finch, Ca- | 64 Loxia. Grosbeak«fec.48 65 Fringilla •^ nary Bird, &c. - 39 * Curvirostres- 67 Caprimiil.^cioat Sucker, 2 gus. ^ 66 Eraberiza, ■with curved bills 68 Hirundo BuntingjOr- tolan. Sec, 24i 70 Turdus. ^ SwalIow,Mar- ^ tin, Swift, 12 69 Pipra. Manakin, 13 * Emarginatirostres — withemarginated bills. r Thrush, Black- 71 Ampelis. Chatterer, 7 < bird. Field- 72 Tanagra. Tanager, 24 C. fare, &c. 28 73 Muscicapa. Fly-catcher,2l * * * * Simplicirostres—with simple bills. 74 Motacilla. { Warbler, Nightingale, Redbreast, &c. - 49 75 Parus. 76 Alauda. 77 Sturnus. 78 Columba. Titmouse, 14 Lark - 11 Starling - 5 Pigeon - 40 The GENERIC CHARACTERS OF BiRDS are taken frotti the peculiarities in the bill, the nostrils, the tongue, the feet, the feathers, the face, the figure of the body, &:c. The SPECIFIC CHARACTERS are very various ; they consist in the colour of the particular feathers, or parts of feathers; crests of feathers on the head disposed in different manners; the colour of the cere or wax : the colour of the feet: the 30 INTRODUCTION. shape and length of the tail ; the number, situation, &c. of the toes; the colour and figure of the bill, &,c. The VARIETIES of the same species are still farther dis- tinguished by more minute and slighter shades of difforen«.e. The limits to which I am restricted will not permit me to name all the species which are arranged under each genus of the preceding orders ; but an account of the most striking species of each genus, as well as of those in the ad- ditional genera of Dr. Latham, will be, nevertheless, found in the subsequent Notes, so that it is hoped nothing of importance in the Natural History of Birds has been omitted. It will now be necessary that we should advert to some other arrangements. Mr. Pennant classed Birds, first, into two grand divi- sions— Land-Birds and Water-Birds. These he again divided into nine orders, of which the Land-Birds formed six,— namely. Rapacious ; Pies ; Gallinaceous ; Colum- bine ; Passerine ; Struthious. The Water-Birds three, —namely, Clove-Footed or Waders ; Pinnated Feet ; and Web footed. The number of genera in the Linnean arrangement is seventy-eight; of Mr. Pennant's, ninety-five; of Dr. Latham's, in the last edition of his work, 112*. The system of Brisson is apparently, at least, more scien- tific than any of the preceding ; the divisions arc more nu- merous, and, therefore, less liable to exceptions. His first * General History of BirdSy by John Latham, m.d. <&c. &c., in ten volumes, 4:to. with nearly two hundred plates. This intelli- gent and venerable naturalist resides at Winchester : his work has been for many years before the public; it has undergone^ from time to time, considerable iitoprovement. ARRANGEMENT OF LATHAM. 31 divisions are two,— namely, Cloven-footed and Web- footed. The first of these he divides into seventeen orders, and eighty-five genera ; the second into 7iine orders and twenty-eight genera. This system does not, however, seem to have obtained much attention ; yet the number of the genera nearly coincides with that of Dr. Latham, who ap- pears to have followed and improved upon Mr. Pennant's arrangement. His divisions and orders are similar in name and number to those of Mr. Pennant ; but he, nevertheless, differs from him in many particulars ; his genera are also more numerous. The whole number of birds enumerated by Linn/Eus specifically, is only 930, while those described by Dr. Latham in his recently published work amount to about 5000 ! And future discoveries must necessarily in- crease them. But it should be observed, that although Dr. Latham has added to the number of the genera ; this addition arises in part from his dividing some of the genera of Linnaeus into two or more. Thus the genus Motacilla or Warbler, he has divided into Motacilla or Wagtail, and Sylvia or Warbler ; Tetrao or Partridge he has divided into three, namely, Tinamus or Tinamou, Tetrao or Grouse, and Perdix or Partridge; Struthio he has also divided into four, — Struthio or African Ostrich, Casuarius or Casso- wary, Didus or Dodo, and Rhea or American Ostrich ; he has also divided the Snipk, Scolopax^ from the Curlew, which he calls iVumcm'Mj ; he has, again, erected the Grebe, Podiceps, the Gallinule, Gallinula, and the Guillemot, Uria, into separate genera; he has also separated the Phalarope, Phalaropus, from Tringa or Lapwing, &c. Besides which, he has added other new genera, as will be seen on reference to the following synopsis of his work. In justice to Dr. Latham it ought to be stated, that there 32 iNTUODUCTlom, has been latterly evinced, among our ornitliologists, a dispo- sition to follow his alterations, which seen) more consonant with the natural arrangement that it should be our aim to discover and to exhibit. Whether the Quinary system, hereafter to be noticed, will ultimately supersede all other arrangements, remains yet to be seen. As, however, the work of Dr. Latham is one of the most volurainious and valuable that has ever been published on ornithology, and as every student who desires to be deeply imbued with a know- ledge of the science ought to consult it, a list of all the names of the genera, and of the number of the species de- scribed under each genus in that work, is here presented tt> the reader in one view. A SYNOPSIS OF DR. LATHAM'S LAST WORK ON BIRDS. The Latin names of the Genera, are supplred, in part, from the Index Ornithologicus of Dr. Latham, and the remainder from private information, kindly communicated by Dr. L., from his MS. copy of a new edition of the index not yet published. AVIUM GENERA. GENERA OF BIRDS, DIV. L DIVISION I. AvEs Terrestres. Land Birds. ORDO L AcciPiTREs OR Rapacious. Bill inciirvated, the upper mandible hooked, with an inden- tation near the tip ; Nostrils, for the most part, open ; Feet made for perching, strong, short ; Body, Head, and Neck, muscular; Skin thick; Flesh impure; Food obtained by rapine or preying on carrion ; Nest built on trees or elevated ARRAl^GEMENT OF LATHAM. 33 places; Eggs generally four in number: Female larger: monogamous. Oenerum English Number of Nomina. Names. Species. Oenerum Enerlish Number of Nomina. Names. Species. 1 Vultur. Vulture, 32 2 Falco. Falcon - 237 3 Strix. Owl - 83 4 Secietarius. Secretary, 1 ORDO ir. ORDER II. Pic.^. * Pies. Bill sharp edged, upper mandible convex : Feet made for walking; sli rt, strong: Body somewhat tenacious; Flesh impure : Food various : Nest on trees : the male feeds the fe- male while sitting: monogamous. * tVilh legs made for icalking. 5 Lanius. Sluike, 122 11 Buphaga. Beef Eater, 2 13 Miiso- } S Plaintain phaga. \ X Eater, - 2 14 Calheas. Wattle Bird, 1 15 Corvus. 16 Coraeias. 17 Oriolns. 18 Gracnla. Crow, Roller, Oriole, Grakle. Parrot, 19 Paradi- ) 5 P'lradisea sea. 5 ( Bird, 30 Sitta. Nuthatch, 32 Upupa. Hoopoe, 34 Anthopha- ^ J Honey 71 gus. 5 \ Eater. 70 26 35 Certhia. Creeper, 102 % 36 Trochil„s. { "X"""" With climbing feet. 20 13 95 6 Psittacus. ^^^^f"-^^-} Toucan, 8 Momotus. Motmot, 9 Scythrops, [ ^''«""^* 12 Crotopha- 20 Trogon. Bill, An), Curncui, 239 18 2 4 10 21 Bucco. Barbet, 22 Pogonius. Barbican 23 Polophilus.Coucal, 24 Phoenico- K^ n i phaws. JMalkoha, 25 Ciicnlns. Cuckoo, 26 Yunx, 27 Picns. 28 Galbula 29 6 17 8 Wryneck, l VFoodpecker, 91 * * * Feet made for leaping. 10 Bnceros. Horn-bill, 27 j 31 Todns. 29 Aicedo. King's-fisher, 60 j 33 Merops. Jacamar, Tody, - Bee-eater, 29 40 ORDO in. Passeres. ORDER III. Passerine. Bill conic-acuminated: Feet salient, slender, cloven: Body tender : in those which are granivorous the flesh is pure, in others, feeding on insects, impure : Food obtained from trees, D 3 34 INTRODUCTIOK. as seeds, or insects : Nest curionsly constructed : the Food put into the mouth of the young by the parents : mono«;amous : many of these are songsters. * With thick bilh, 41 Loxia. Grosbeak, 121 45 Phytoto- } „, ^ ,^ 42 Emberiza. Bunting, 82 ma, 5 Plant-cutter, 2 44 Fringilla. Finch, - 150 * * With curved billsy the vpper mandible bent at the tip. 40 Coh'us. Coly, - 11 50 Pipra. Man akin, 43 52 Hirundo. Swallow, 66 * * * With bills, having the vpper mandible emarginated at the top. 38 Turdus. Thrush, 234 I 43 Tanagra. Tanai,'er, 61 39 Ampelis. Chatterer, 28 | A6 Muscicapa. FIy-calciier,177 * * * * Sim pie- billed, bill strait, integral, attenuated. 37 Sturnus. Starling, 37 49 Sylvia. Warbler, 298 47 Alauda. Lark, - 55 51 Parus. Titmouse, 38 48 Motacilla. Wagtail, 25 53 Capriraul- ) ^ . , "US ?Goat-sucker,40 ORDO IV. ORDER IV. CoLUMBA. Pigeon or Columbine. Bill rather strait, swelling at the base; Fert formed for walking-, short ; Nails simple ; Body plump ; Flesh savoury; Food grass, fruits, and seeds, swallowed whole; Nest ill con- structed, placed in trees, hollows of rocks, &c. ; Eggs two in number ; the mother feeds the young with grain made soft in the crop, and ejected into their mouths ; monogamous. 54 Colutnba. Pigeon, 136 ORDO V. ORDER V. Gallin.«. Gallinaceous. Bill convex, the upper mandible arched over the lower, having a convex cartilaginous membrane over the nostrils ; Feet made for walking; Toes rough beneath; Body plump, muscular ; Flesh savoury ; Food grain of all kinds, collected from the ground and macerated in the crop; Nest made on the bare ground without art; Eggs numerous; the young as ARRANGEMENT OF LATHAM, 35 soon as hatched, take of themselves the food pointed out by the parents; polygamous. * fViih four toes. 6.5 Pavo. Peacock, 7 56 Meleagris. Turkey, - 2 57 Penelope. Gnan, - 11 58 Numida. Pintado, - 4 59 Crax. Cura9oa, - 8 60 Menura. Menura, - 1 * * 61 Phasianus. Pheasant, 24 62 Tinamus. Tinamou, 15 63 Tetrao. Grouse, - 27 64 Perdix. Partridge, 91 65 Psophia. Trumpeter, 3 With three toes. 66 Otis. Bustard, 17 ORDO VI. ORDER VI. Struthiones. Struthious. Bill subconic, strait, tip various ; Body shapeless, ponder- ous, scarcely edible; Wings small, useless for flight, or none visible ; Feet made forninning, strong; Toes various in num- ber; Food grain and vegetables; Nest on the ground; mo- nogamous. • With four toes. 67 Didus. Dodo, - 3 * * With three toes placed forwards, 68 Rhea. Emeu, - 1 | 69 Casuarius. Cassowary,^ 3 * * * With two toes placed forwards. 70 Struthio. Black Ostrich, l DIV. II. DIVISION II. AvEs Aquatics. Water Biros. ORDO VII. ORDER VII. GRALLi£. Waders. With cloven feet. Bill sub-cylindric ; Feet cloven; Thighs half naked; Body compressed; Skin very tender; Tail short; Flesh savoury ; Food in marshy places, tish, marine insects, molluscee, Sic.'t Nest chiefly on land, sometimes on trees ; mode of pair- ing various. 36 INTRODUCTION. With four toes. 71 Platalea. Spoonbill, 72 Palamedea Screamer, 72* Cariama. Cariama, 7S Mycteria. Jabirii, 74 Cancroma. Boat-bill, 75 Scopus. Umbre, 76 Ardea. Heron, 77 Kiodia. Erody, 78 Tanlahis. Ibis, 5 79 Nmnenius. Curlew, 15 2 80 Scolopax. Snipe, - 56 1 81 Tringa. Sand-piper, 76 6 85 Glareoia. Pratincole, 7 1 86 Rallus. Rail, - 27 1 87 Parra. Jacana, - 11 3 88 Gallinonla. Galiinule, 41 3 89 Vaginalis. Sheath-bill, 1 32 90 Cereopsic. Cereopsis, 1 * * IVith three toes plnccd forwards. 82 Cliaradrius. Plover, - 44 I 84 Hcemato- } ^ Oyster- 83 CuVsorins. Courser, ~ 4 j pus. ji \ catcher, 4 ORDO VIII. Grall.^ Pinnatipedes. ORDER VIII. Waders with Pinnated Feet. Bill, Body, and Food, as in the former ; Feet made for wading, naked more or less above the knees ; Toes cloven, but pinnated or webbed the whole of their length ; Nest large, of leaves, grass, or water plants, in moist grounds, and often close to the water; monogamous. 91 Phalaro- pus. I I'halaiope, 92 Pteropus. Fin-foot, 93 Fulica. Coot, 94 Podiceps. Grtbe, - :> 15 ORDO IX. ORDER IX. Palmipedes. Web-footed. Pedibus loyigioribus, With long legs. Bill various ; Body rather depressed, conic; the Flesh of the young savoury ; Legs very long, made for wading ; Thighs naked the greater part of the length ; Toes fiirnishe 1 halfway with a membrane; Food obtained from the water, as small fish and insects ; Nest placed on the ground ; monogamous. ^■' ".rr } '^vo.c, . 4 p^';';^r>'- 1 Flamingo. . 96 Corrira. Courier, - 1 j Pedibus brevioribuSy IVith short legs. Bill smooth, covered with a skin enlarged at the base ; Feet made for swimming ; Shins short, compressed ; the Toes ORDERS, GENERA, AND SPECIES. 37 united by a membrane; Body fat; Skin tenacious, covered with excellent feathers; Flesh, for the most part, savoury; Food water-plants, fishes, reptiles; Nest chiefly on the ground. most part, polygamous. 98 Diome- > Albatross, 4 dea. > ' 99 Alca. Auk, - 13 100 Uria. Guillemot, 6 101 Colymbus, Diver. - 9 103 Sterna. Tern, - 46 104 Larus. Gull, - 27 105 Procellaria. Petrel, - 30 106 Mergus. Merganser, 5 107 Anas. Duck, 145 108 Apten- J . odytes. 5 109 Pelecanus. Pelican, 39 110 Phaeton. Tropic Bird, 4 111 Plotus. Darter, - 5 'uin, - 15 I It may be here useful to the student to observe, that iu the preceding arrangements, the Orders and Genera have but one name for each, respectively; as, for example, AcciPiTRES or tlie Hawks, and Falco or the Falcon genus. Naturalists have, however, found it extremely convenient, in describing the Species of each genus, to give the generic and the specific name together, in order to that correctness of identification, without which our science would be vague. • Thus, to distinguish the Golden Eagle from others of the same genus, but specifically different, it is called Falco Chvysaetos, and so of all the rest of the tribe of Birds. This, at first sight, might seem a cumbrous nomenclature, but, if it bo examined without prejudice, its utility will bo, it is presumcl, apparent. Indeed, in our Common Nomenclature of Birds, wc have adopted, in part, a similar, yet by no means so accurate, a method : thus we have the House Sparrow and Hedge Sparrow, the Woodlark and Titlark, the Water Rail and Land Rail, SiC. Sfc. Some additional observations relative to this subject will be found in the Preface, which see. Having adverted to several systcmalic arrangements of 38 INTRODUCTION. ornithology, it is quite necessary, in an elementary skntcli like the present, to notice one still more recently promul- gated by Nicholas Aylward Vigors, Esq. m.a. and f.l.s., in a paper by him in tlie tliird part of the I4th volume of the Transactions of the Lirmean Society of London^ entitled, " Observations on the Natural Affinities that connect the Orders and Families of Birds;'' and also in several explanatory papers since published in the Zoological Journal ; as well as in his Lectures at the Zoological Society, of which he is, at once, the eflicdcnt and learned Secretary. In the first paper, Mr. Vigors, in allowing to our conti- nental neighbours the chief merit of improving the science of Zoology, observes, " Ihat Great Britain has made ample amends for the tardy adoption of the more philosophical views of the science in the masterly use to which she applied them when once adopted, and the rapid strides by which she at once, as it were, outstripped all previous research. It has been reserved for one of her sons (Mr. W. S. Mac Leay) to throw a new light upon the sphere of animated nature, and to bring to view a principle that pervades all her works, as beautiful as it is comprehensive. In the year 1819, the enlightened author of Hora Entotnologicce (Mr. Mac Leay) first called the attention of the lovers of the science to a principle which he discovered in a minute group of insects, and which, with a comprehensiveness of mind, and an accu- racy of execution seldom united in an individual, he subse- quently followed up through the whole range of animal life." Mr. Vigors then refers " to the great revolution which the publication of these principles has effected in Zoology. The system which has been traced out with so much success, by the author of Horce Entomologicoe, prevails in none more conspicuously than in those of ornithology." It appears that this new system depends upon what has ARRANGEMENT OF VIGORS. 39 been called the Quinary arrangement of Nature. Anrl if it shall indeed be found, upon subsequent and more extensive investigation, that this arrangement exists absolutely in na- ture, the discovery of it will be of infinite importance in all our Zoological researches. In accordance with these principles, Mr. Vigors proposes to arrange the Birds in groups of fives, thus: Pidibns constringentibus. C Raptores or Birds of Prey. Birds endowed with feet form < Insessokes or Perching ed for grasping. (^ Biros. ^ Rasores or Gallinaceous Pedibus haud constrim^entibus. \ r^„^^^^' tt/ . ... ^ Bird.sendowodwMhtVeiiuca-.^^«|;['^^««^« «•• ^aoixg pable of grasping.* i ^atatores or VVes-footed ^ Birds. To understand more easily this arrangement, two dia- grams (from Mr. Vigors* paper) are subjoined ; one of the above families, and another of one of the subdivisions into which Mr. Vigors proposes to arrange Birds. The six primary orders of Linnajus are by Mr. Vigors converted into five, by placing the Pice and Passeres together. This has been done, as it appears, in accordance with na- ture ; but Mr. Vigors quotes Cuvier as countenancing this arrangement. " Malgre tous mcs efforts," says this celebrated naturalist, ** il m'a ele impossible de trouver, ni a Text^ricur, ni a l'int6rieur aucun caract^re propre k separer des passcreaux ceux dcs genres compris parmi les Piece /,?," -"'f'^s. peifecta. i. Fissirostres. Mr. Vigors then divides the Fissirostres, as will be seen in the last diagram, as follows: — Meropidce ; Hirun- dinidce ; Caprimulgidce ; Todidce ; Halcyonidce. And he adds, " the families which compose this tribe are distinguished from those of all the others, except the Tenuirostres, by their habit of feeding on the wing. From the latter, or suctorial birds, which meet them at one of the extremes of the tribe, and of which the tjpical families feed also on the wing, they are distinguished by their animal food, which they take by their bills or in the gape of their mouths ; while the Tennirostres live chiefly upon vegetable juices, which they extract with their tongue. The FissirostreSf depending so much on the powers of their wings, exhibit a proportional deficiency in the strength of their legs.*' There will not be much difficulty in converting the terms proposed by Mr, Vigors (whose scientific tact has been, in this respect, peculiarly and very happily exem- plified) into English ones; a consideration to those who are concerned in the introduction of a new nomenclature of the first importance. Thus, of the five CLASSES, the R^ores might be Rap'tors ; Insessores, Inses'sors ; Rasores, Ra'sors ; Grallatores, Gralla'fors ; Natatores, Nata'tors. The Quinary subdivisions or orders composing the Raptors^ may be Fal'conids, Vul'turids, Stri'gids, j the Insessors, Den'tirosts, Con'irosts, Fis'siROsrs, Tenu'i- ROSTS, and Scan'sors ; the Rasors, Colum'bids, Pha,- sian'ids, Cra'cids, Tetraon'ids, and Struthion'ids ; the Grallators, Charad'riads, Gru'ids, Ar'deids, Ral'uds, 44 liJTRODUCTlON. and Scolopa'cids ; the JNatators, Lar'ids, Pelecan'ids, Anat'ids, Al'cads, and Colym'bids. And, again, the genera composing the Fissirosts may be Mer'opids, Hirun'dinids, Caprimul'gids, To'dids, and Halcyon'ids, and so also of all the other genera. The singular of any of the preceding Viillof course be formed by the simple omission of the s. Thus, should this new nomenclature very generally pre- vail, it might ultimately supersede all other arrangements, and obviate, in some degree at least, the difficulties which present themselves to a beginner in the study of this branch of Natural History. We could proceed even farther in the use of the preceding terms : the minor might become an adjective to the major: and Vultur id Raptor, Dentirost Insessor, Phasianid Itasor, Scansor Insessor, or Cuculid Scansor, ^c. may be aptly applied, and would convey at once the generic and ordinal, or ordinal and classic con- nection, mutatis mutandis. It may be observed here as a curious fact, that by fur the greater number of the Pie and Sparrow tribe in this country, and perhaps elsewhere, generally lay five eggs ; the Rook, the Crow, the Hedge- sparrow , Goldfinch, Black- bird, Thrush, <^c. ^c. Those who are advocates of the Quinary arrangement will doubtless advance this in cor- roboration of the system. T^igse then are the chief arrangements which offer as most worthy of notice in the study of the Natural History of Birds. It is greatly to be lamented that no one system has yet appeared which, by its utility and simplicity, pro- mises to supersede all others. It is however very probable that the primary arrangements proposed by Mr. Vigors will ultimately prevail; but ingenious as those arrangements are, in an elementary work, like the present, it does not be- come mc to adopt them to the exclusion of others which ON THE STRUCTURE OF BIRDS. 45 have yet considerable liold of llie public mind. I must content myself with exhibiting, I hope, a faithful sketch of the science as it actually exists, rather than of what I couid wish it to be. I take leave of this part of my subject by cautioning the student not to attribute too much importance to any system of ornithology ; against devoting too much attention to the means instead of the end, which, of course, is the acquisition of the hiotvledge oftheforms^ colours, habits, songs, and man- ners, of Birds ; and lest, in so doing, he should incur the censure of St. Pierre, " Nos ornilhologistes, enchaines par leur methodes, ne songent qu"* a grossir lew catalogue, et ne conoissent, dans les oiseaux, que les paltes et le bee. Ce nest point dans les nids q\C ils les observent, mais ct, la chasse et dans leur gibeciere.* From the limits to which T am confined, it will be quite impossible to enter into a minute description of the anatomy of Birds; but it may be observed generally, that their different structures admirably correspond to the very differ- ent functions for which they are adapted. The palmate feet of the Water-birds enabling them to move on and in that element with dexterity ; the wings of many of the land Birds, particularly of the Eagle, the Pigeon, and Swallow, enabling them to take swift and long flights with the greatest ease ; while again, those whose chief characteristic is running, such as the Ostrich or struthious tribe, have their legs and feet well adapted for such purposes, their wings being comparatively of little use. While others again, such as many of the Waders, and some of the Perchers, both fly and run with considerable speed- One of the chief characteristics of Birds is, of course, the * Etudes de la Nature, torn, iii., page 506, Hamburgh edit. 1797. 2 46 INTRODUCTION. coverings of Feathers. Of these there are three kinds,— the Down, most abundant in the aqualio tribes, partieularly the Duck, Goose, Eider Duck, ^c; — the small feathers, which fall over each other like the tiles of a roof, and thus conduct away the water; — and the quills; these last form the wings and the tail, the largest of which, in the win;onie holes in the earth, in trees, or in walls ; and some, as the Swallow, the inside of the tops of chimneys. The Rook most decidedly in this country prefers the elm; yet it occasionally builds on the pine and the chesnut. The Goldfinch is partial to a young elm, not a lofty tree; box is a favourite site, when to be obtained, for the Hedge- sparrow i this choice arises most probably from the nest being, in box^ most effectually concealed : this bird laying early in the spring, before the hedges are clothed with leaves. Afterwards, as its name imports, hedges are its usual place of domicile, and particularly those of the white- thorn ; it also prefers dry and closely matted brakes in th^ early spring, for the same reason no doubt that it prefers the box. The House-sparrow in and near London occa- sionally chooses the Lombardy poplar ; but in no other part of this country, that I am aware of. I am disposed to believe that this is a recently adopted habit of this bird, from this poplar being now very plentiful in the suburbs of London. Many birds of warm climates build pendulous nests, which are attached to the extreme branches of trees, and where only they are secure from their enemies, the snakes and monkeys. Seeing that the eggs of many birds are often sought after and destroyed by vermin in this country, snakes, most probably, and the weasel tribe, it is rather remarkable that pendulous nests are not common here. Those who are conversant with the subject, knovs' that a bird's nest with nothing but broken egg-shells in it will be very often found. The Penduline Titmouse, Parus pendulinns, has a pen- dulous nest, as its name imports, and it is, besides, an ON THE NIDIFICATION OF BIRDS. 81 European bird, but its nest has never been, I believe, seen ill this country. The structure of the nests of birds must ever be a subject of interest and admiration; the skill displayed in many of them is truly wonderful, and indicates a considerable degree of foresight and intelligence. Waterton, in his Wanderings, mentions the nest of some large Humming bird, similar in texture to tanned leather, with a rim in the inside of it, designed evidently to prevent the eggs, two in number, from rolling out, which they as- suredly would do but for such precaution; the nest being attached to the slender branch of a tree, and moving about with every motion of the wind. Our favourite, Thomson, supplies us with many interest- ing traits on this subject ; "Some to the holly -hedge Nestling repair, and to the thicket some ; Some to the rude protection of the thorn Commit their feeble offspring : the cleft tree Offers its kind concealment to a few, Their food its insects, and their moss their nests. Others apart far in the grassy dale, Or roughening waste, their humble texture weave. But most in woodland solitudes delight, In unfrequented glooms, or shaggy banks. Steep and divided by a babbling brook, Whose murmurs soothe them all the live long day, When by kind duty tix'd. Among the roots Of hazel pendent o'er the plaintive stream, They frame the first foundation of their domes: Dry sprigs of trees in artful fabric laid, And bound with clay together. The Swallow sweeps The slimy pool to build his hanging house, e3 82 INTRODUCTION. Intent ; and often, from the careless back Of herds and flocks a thousand tujrgiog bills Pluck hair and wool." Spring. The Migration of Birds is also a subject of considerable interest in their natural history. '* The birds of air Now pleas'd return ; they perch on every spray, And swell their little throats, and warble wild Their vernal minstrelsy." Mason's English Garden^ Book iv. It was formerly supposed (hat many birds, which, it is now known, unqueslionably migrate, retired to some secure retreat, and remained dormant during the winter ; so certain was this supposed to be, that, in some districts of the king, dom, seven of the migratory birds obtained the name of the SEVEN SLEEPERS. I am not exactly aware of all the names of these sleeping birds, but I remember very well that the Cuckoo was called in Somersetshire, when I was a boy, and I dare say is so still by the uninformed peasantry there, one of the seven sleepers. However, more accurate observation has, in great measure, dispelled these fancies: for they ap- pear to be no more than fancies. There is, notwithstanding, a disposition in some persons still to credit the opinion that swallowSf or at least some of tliem, do actually remain dormant during the winter in this country. As I am not aware that any well attested facts of a late date have been observed and made public concerning this very doubtful subject, and, as almost every thing which we know con- cerning this bird tends to the contrary opinion, namely, that it invariably migrates, or, if it remain here, it most probably dies, I am not disposed to countenance an opinion so con- ON THE MIGRATION OF BIRDS. 83 trary to other numerous and well-attested facts, and many of which are indeed open to the verification of almost all who take an active interest in the subject. A very little reflection will serve to show us the real reasons for the migration of birds j which is not confined to this country, but appears to pervade, more or less, every region of the globe in which birds can exist. But it may be observed, that birds which are stationary in one country, are often migratory in another ; or at least that a portion of the tribe migrates. It may be observed, too, that some birds are now migratory in this country that were formerly not so; a proof that they do not find it so agreeable to them as heretofore it used to be. The causesy then, for the migration of birds may be, and most probably are, the following: namely, defect of food at certain seasons of the year; the want of a secure asylum during incubation and nutrition ; or the cold of winter being either destructive or unpleasant to the bird. We can also conceive it possible that excessive heat might occasionally induce birds to migrate, although it is probable that this cause is much less operative than excessive cold. The Stvallow leaves this country about Michaelmas, most probably for two of the above reasons; the climate becomes too cold for it ; and flies, its only food, are not found in sufficient abundance for its support. Away ! away ! thou summer bird ! For autumn's moaning voice is heard, In cadence wild, and deepening swell, Of winter's stern approach to leJl. Lit. Gazette, Many other birds leave also this country about the saine period. While, on the contrary, many birds from the tiorth, — from Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and Lapland, 84 INTRODUCTION. Jiow pour down upon the south of England ; as the climate in the north becomes not only too cold for them, but it does not, most probably, supply them with a sufficient quantity of food. Hence the very common, and j^enerally true ob- servation, that the early arrival of wild geese, wild ducks, and other migratory birds, from the north, in the winter, portends that a severe season is approaching; the early appearance of these birds being, most likely, caused by severe frost having already set in at their usual summer residence. The chief migratory summer birds found in England, and which, most probably, come from the warmer regions of Europe or Asia, or the jet more warm ones of Africa, are, the Cuckoo, the Nightingale, all the Swallow tribe, the Wry-neck, the Wheatear, the Black-cap, the Fly-catcher, the Willow-wren, the White-throat, the Goat-suQlier, and the Land-rail, The Auk, the Guillemot, and Puffin, also visit the maritime cliffs of Great Britain in the summer. The chief migratory birds which visit England during the winter, and which come most probably from the north of Scotland, or from the still colder regions of Lapland, Norway, and other parts of Northern Europe, are, the the Hooded or Royston Crow, the Woodcock, (believed also to come sometimes from North America, but this is ques- tionable,) the Fieldfare, the Ring-ouzel, the Redwing, the Snipe, the Jack Snipe, the Curlew, the Plover, Sandpiper, &cc. Of the Duck tribe, such as Wild Ducks, Wild Geese, Widgeon, Teal, Swans, &c. ; some occasionally breed in England, the Tadorna or Sheldrake very commonly, but by far the greater part retire to remote places and inaccessible rocks, to Scotland or to some still more distant region, \o perform the important functions of incubation and rearing their young, in retirement and security. Some of these ON THE GREGARIOUSNESS OF BIRDS. B5 abound in the fenny and marshy districts of the kingdom du- ring the winter months, where food suitable to them may be commonly and readily obtained. Of the Duck tribe, too, many are migratory almost daily during the winter season: that is, they remain in the marshes for some hours, and then proceed to the sea shore, where food is in abun- dance. Some of these migrations are determined by the pe- riods of the tides. Besides the preceding regularly migrating birds, there are many others that occasionally appear in this country, or which change their residence from one part of the country to another. The Golden Oriole is sometimes seen here as a summer visitant ; rarely, if ever, found here in the winter. The Grosbeak, Crossbill, and Waxen Chaiterer, appear at uncertain intervals. Some of our Wild Pigeons either migrate or change their residence; so do Quails; Starlings most probably migrate in part, although not all. Another peculiarity of many of the bird tribe is that of assembling in large numbers in the winter, and as regularly separating again at the approach of summer. Among our birds of song, the Gold/inch, fringilla carduelis ; and Lark, alauda arvensis, may be mentioned as belonging to this class, they being found together, the Larks particularly, in large numbers in the winter season ; but in the summer these birds are only associated in pairs. The same may be said of the Pur, Tringa cinclus, a well-known sea-bird, seen hovering at the mouths of saltwater rivers in immense flocks in the winter and spring. 1 he House Sparrow is not one of the least interest- ing of birds, notwithstanding its occasional destructiveness in cornfields. It is almost always more or less gregarious, but it is found associated in larger numbers in winter than in summer. In favourable situation, and in mild weather, this bird breeds occasionally even in the winter season ; at 86 INTRODUCTION. least such is my experience of this bird in Somersetshire. The Fieldfare being a migratory bird, is rarely seen solitary iti this country, — usually in flocks. Few birds are gregarious at all seasons of the year. The Rook is, however, peculiarly so ; and, what is very re- markable, this bird only roosts at the rookery for a few months during the time of building its nest, incubation, and rearing its young : in the winter season the whole commu- nity retire sometimes ten, or even more, miles from their nests, to roost on the trees in some sequestered spot or wood. They, nevertheless, occasionally visit the rookery throughout the winter, although not, I believe, diurnally. Notwithstanding many birds are gregarious only during the winter season, some, as we have seen, (the Rook and House Sparrow,) are gregarious also during incubation. Others are gregarious, chiefly, if not only, at this period. The Heron, ardea majors is one of those j and the Oriole, oriolus persicus, is peculiarly gregarious during the time of nidification and rearing its young. The gregariousness of the Duck tribe does not seem to extend, under ordinary circumstances, to more than one brood, — most commonly from ten to fifteen ; at least, this appears to be the fact during \hc\r flight. They are doubtless found together in greater numbers on our decoy pools and other lakes. The gregariousness of the Partridge extends, I believe, rarely beyond a brood ; Quails, on the contrary, assemble together in large numbers in the winter. It is a curious fact in the migration of birds, that some migrate in quest of a particular crop. Thus, in Cuba, the Rice-bird, Emheriza Oryzivora, is found in great numbers during the season of that crop ; but no sooner is the rice gathered than it removes to Carolina, and meets the same harvest in that country^ where it remains till the APPEARANCE OF MIGRATORY BIRDS. 87 rice season is past. It has also been observed of this, and several other species of birds, that the male and female separate during the time of migration. Of the Rice bird it is said that it is only the female which emigrates to Caro- lina. In Sweden a species of Duck, it is said, is found, the males of which constantly leave the country at the time of incubation, and do not return till the pairing season. Attempts have been made to ascertain the exact lime of the appearance and retreat of the various migratory birds; but, from a variety of circumstances, this will be found difficult, if not impossible : some birds appearing in certain places much sooner than in others ; and some never appear- ing in many places, in certain seasons, at all. Thus it is ^aid that the Nightingale is not to be found in England, farther from Dover, in any direction, than the distance of 160 miles. Perhaps, however, 200 miles might be nearer the truth. Huntspilly in Somersetshire, is considerably more than 150 miles from Dover; it is often heard there j I liave also heard it on the banks of the Wye, between Chepstow and Monmouth. Notwithstanding the Nightingale is by no means an uncommon bird in Somersetshire, I remember very well that some years ago, while I resided at Huntspilly one or two summers passed without my hearing it at all ; hence, I conclude it was not in the neighbourhood in those years. Our migratory summer birds, such as the Ctichoo, Night- ingale, Swallow, &c. do, however, generally make their ap- pearance some time in April, according to the season, but usually towards the latter end of the month. The winter bii'ds are more irregular still in their appearance. October and November are the usual months in which they arrive ; the Ring ouzel, it is said, soon after Michaelmas; the Royston, or Hooded Crow, in October; Snipes, in Novem- 88 INTRODUCTION. ber, Sec. &c. By a table in the first part of the xvth vo- lume of the Transactions of the Linnean Society, prepared by Messrs. Sheppard and Whitear, exhibiting the Times of Migration of Summer Birds of Passage, at Harleston, Norfolk, Off Ion in Suffolk, and Wrabness in Essex; the Swift is rarely seen till May ; the Turtle Dove not before the r2th of the same month : the Black-cap as early as the first of April, sometimes as late as the 22d of the same month ; the Swallow on the 7th or 8th of April, sometimes as late as the 30th of the same month ; the Yellow-wren sometimes as early as the 27th of March ; the Nightingale the 14th of April, more commonly after the 20th of the same month ; the Cuckoo on the lOlh of April, more commonly after the 20th of the same month. There is room for believing that some migratory birds return, again and again, to the same spot which they have visited in former years; of the Swallow, indeed, this occur- rence is said to have been particularly observed. The Natural History of Birds is extremely interesting ; it is impossible in this short introduction to do it justice. If I shall by this work, altogether, excite a more general attention towards this department of nature's works, I shall be amply gratified for the labour and assiduity which I have bestowed upon it. Nor is the study of the history of Domesticated Birds to be neglected ; it being, when unaccompanied with cruelty, a source of much gratification. Mason thus ele- gantly describes several of the tribe which minister to our pleasures or our wants : " The feather'd fleet Led by two mantling Swans, at every creek Now touch'd, and now unmoor'd : now on full sail With pennons spread and oary feet tliey plied DOMESTICATED BIRDS. 89 Their vagrant voyage ; and now as if becalm'd 'Tween shore and shore at anchor seem'd to sleep. Around those shores the fowl that fear the stream At random rove: hither hot Guinea sends Her gadding troop j here, 'midst his speckled dames, The pigmy chanticleer of Bantam winds His clarion ; while supreme in glittering state The Peacock spreads his rainbow train with eyes Of sapphire bright, irradiate each with gold ; Meantime from every spray the Ring-doves coo, The Linnets warble, captive none, but lur'd By food to haunt the umbrage : all the glade Is life, is music, liberty, and love." English Garden, Book iv. In consulting the Notes it is necessary the reader should know that, in order to avoid repetition and to save room, in describing the species of each genus, the specific name only is given. Thus, under Falco, the Eagle, Hawk, &c. instead of Falco Chrysaetos, will be found. The Chrysattos, instead of Falco Ossifragus, The Ossifragus, and so on ; so that the student will only have to add the generic term Falco to the specific one Chrysaetos^ and thus oP every other genus respectively, to obtain the scientific names of every species throughout the vvork. As far also as they can be ascertained, the various provincial names of the different species of birds, are added j of the first utility in the study of ornithology. For the supply of this desidera- tum, besides bis own resources, the author is greatly indebted to the Ornithological Dictionary of Colonel Montagu,* a work which, for its accuracy, will be ever * Those who desire to obtain Biographical Particulars of this distinguished naturalist, who was a native of Wiltshire, but died at Knowles, near Kingsbridge, in Devonshire, in 1815, will find 90 INTllODUCTION. held in deserved estimation. A few names are also added from Wilson's American Ornithology^ a work of singular merit, to which he owes the tribute of his thanks. To Dr. Latham's work he is also, on this account, under some obligation. Of Andrew Wilson, as he has long since paid the debt of nature, and who has been little heard of in this country, the following particulars may be here acceptable. He was born of poor parents, at Paisley, in Scotland, in 1766 ; his education was, of course, scanty, but considerably better than falls to the lot of persons of his condition in England. He was apprenticed to a weaver, his brother-in-law, the pursuit of whose trade he followed for many years; he subsequently shouldered his pack and became an itinerant pedlar. Becoming disgusted with trade, he wrote some papers for the Bee, a periodical work edited by Dr- Anderson ; he wrote also a libel, for which he was pro- secuted, and, for a short time, imprisoned, and sentenced besides to burn, with his own hands, the obnoxious work at the public high-cross at Paisley ! In 1792, he published, anonymously, a characteristic Poem, entitled " Watty and Meg,"" which was attributed to Burns. Disliking Scotland, in 1794, he went to America ; there, encountering various fate, he became a teacher in a school ; and, subsequently, formed an ac- quaintance with the venerable naturalist, William Bartram, by whom he was excited to devote his attention to the them in the third volume of Brixton's Beauties of Wilt- shire, lately published ; a volume replete with antiquarian and biographical information; not the least interesting portion of which consists of an auto-biographical memoir of Mr. Britton himself, one of the most industrious of our literary bees. AKBREW WILSON. ^^1 Natural History of Birds, the drawing of which he also as- siduously cultivated. Eeforc he left Scotland, he had pub- lished a volume of jjoems, of, it is said, indiflerent merit j a poem called the " Foresters,'' he published in America. Besides the art of drawing, he acquired also that of etchinff. He became afterwards, at a liberal salary, as- sistant editor of an American edition of Rees's Cyclopaedia, the articles of which, on Natural History, it is presumed, were in)proved under his superintendance. His work on Birds, the title of which is, American Orni- thology, or Natural History of the Birds of the United States, illustrated with plates, engraved and coloured from original drawings taken from nature, by Alexander Wilson, in nine volumes, folio, was published at Philadelphia by sub- scription. It was several years completing ; the last vo- lume appeared soon after bis death, in 1814. A supplemen- tal^ volume, containing some further observations on birds, and biographical particulars of the author, has been since published by Mr. Geo. Ord. This work has obtained for Wilson an imperishable name ; it is little known in this country, but every lover of Natural History ought to be ac- quainted with it. Wilson's whole study appears to have been nature ; he derived little knowledge from books ; but he traversed the United States in various directions for in- formation concerning his favourite pursuit. He died at Philadelphia, in 1813, aged 47, and left his ornilholoi^ical work as a monument of his industry, his ta- lent, and research. His descriptions of birds, although ex- tremely accurate, are, nevertheless, highly poetical and picturesque ; and the amiable spirit of humanity towards the objects of his attention, which breathes throughout his work,' will never fail to excite for him a feeling of respect and esteem. 92 INTRODUCTION. Besides furnishing the whole of the letter-press for his work, and the drawings for the plates, the plates themselves were almost wholly coloured by him, or under his imme- diate superintendance. A work of more accuracy in Natu- ral History does not, perhaps, exist. America has reason to be proud of having been the foster-mother to Alexander Wilson. The number of birds described by him is 278. He was scrupulously just, social, aflectionate, benevo- lent, and temperate ; but of the genus irritabile, extremely pertinacious of his own opinion, and did not like to be told of his mistakes, — a weakness, for weakness it most cer- tainly was, greatly to be deplored. His death deprived the world, most probably, of another work which he con- templated, namely, one on American Quadrupeds. He had a poetical mind, as the extracts from his work in the sub- sequent notes will shew, — but he wanted tasle, to give that polish to his lines which most who read them will perceive they occasionally require. His description of the Bald Eagle in Note 1, Parti, is, however, a masterpiece; it may be pronounced nearly a faultless picture. It is said that upon some occasion the lale President of the United States, Jefferson, treated Wilson with con- tempt. This it is extremely painful to hear; but it too often unfortunately happens that the worth of the living is unknown ; we stand in need of death to set the seal to our pretensions and our merit. Surely Jefferson could never neglect the truly meritorious and worthy, if he believed him to be so ! In concluding this notice of Andrew Wilson, and his American Ornithology, it would be unpardonable here to omit the notice of a work, in some respects similar, on our British Birds, now in course of publication by Mr. Selby ; a work, the plates of which are on elephant folio, and co- SELBy's BRITISH BIRDS. 93 loured correctly after nature, by or under the direction of tlic author himself. As far as I have had an opportunity of examining the engravings, they appear far superior to any thing that has yet been published in this country concerning British Birds. It bids fair not only to equal, if not to ex- ceed, in many particulars, Andrew Wilson's work, but also to supply a desideratum in our ornithological history, which every lover of birds must of necessity highly esteem. My poeficfl/ division of the birds, although not scientific, will not be, I flatter myself, without i(s uses. From the great loco-motive powers of many birds, they belong to almost all regions of the earth; yet, in a general view, the Eagle may be said to be the king of the birds of the tem- perate, as the Vulture, Condur, is of the torrid zones. The Co NDUR prefers putrid to fresh meat; hence the use of such birds in warm climates. As the organ of smell is, in the Vulturid race of birds, strongly developed, Mr. Vigors thinks that this tribe bears, among birds of prey, the same analogical relation to the canine race among the mammalia, as the Falconids exhibit to the Feline tribes.* Pliny has concisely stated the difference in this respect between these two genera of birds. Aquil^e clarius cernunt ; Vultures sagacius ordorantur. The disposition of the Vulture tribe for dead animals was well known to the ancients: Exanima obscoenus consumit corpora viiltur. SiLius Italicus. Although I have poetically two divisions of birds, from a desire to maintain, as much as was consistent with the na- ture of my work, a scientific arrangement in the Notes, I have to regret that the description of every bird could not, * Zoological Journal, vol. 2, page 371. 94 INTRODUCTION- without great inconvenience, be confined to its peculiar region, notwithstanding, for the most part, it is so. When, therefore, the description of any bird cannot be readily found in the notes of one part, it should be sought for in the other. The Index will be, however, the mostoertain guide. In an Epitome of Ornithology, the mention of the very extensive and useful collection of preserved specimens of birds now open to the inspection of the public at the British Museum ought not to be omitted. The lover of Natural History will find, in the well arranged cases of that National Repository, much to interest and engage his attention. There he may contemplate specimens of the more rare and curious of the feathered race. The Fla^ miugo, the Bird of Paradise , the Toucan, innumerable Eagles, tlie Columha Coronota, the Bustard, and a numerous et ccetera, either new or rare in this department of science. There may he pass days in the contemplation of Birds alone, which will afford him no ordinary gratification. The Ornithological Museum of the Linnean Society ought also to be mentioned; the extensive collection of the Birds of New Holland, in particular, is more es- pecially deserving notice. This museum is not, of course, open to the public; hut, by a suitable introduction, it may be readily inspected. Nor ought the museum of the East India Company, in Leadenhall Street, to be forgotten. Here will be found many of the birds of the east, and, particularly, a curious collection made by Dr. Horsfield, of the Birds of Java : access to this can only be had through the medium of a Director, or by an introduction to the Librarian, Dr. WiLKINS. Nor must the growing collection of the Zoological Society in these notices be passed over; a society \^hieneat!i, liglii ferniginotis, barred witli black ; tail cinereous grey, with a black bar near the end ; legs yellow. The female is considerably larger than the male ; the head and tail the same colour as the back, which is not so bi ight a red-brown as the male ; beneath, lighter than the male, but the black ppots not so distinct ; eggs from four to six, not po large as a pigeon's; colour reddish brown, with dark blotches ; nest on trees, and sometimes in a deserted mag- pie's or crow's rest. Inhabits England, Europe, and Siberia. Feeds principally on njice, sometimes on cockchafers, occasi- onally on birds ; seen hovering in the air and quite stationary for some lime, tlien pouncing suddenly down on its prey. This bird is a very useful one. In a paper read before the Linnean Society containing some valuable observations on the Birds vf Norfolk and Suffolk by the Rev. R. Sheppahd and the Rev. W. Whitear, May 3, 1825, it is stated, that a hawk of this kind was observed to dart upon a weasd and immediately to mount aloft with it in its talons; but liad not proceeded far before both fell from a considerable height to the ground j the weasel ran rff, but the Kestril, upon examination, was found to have been killed by a bite in its throat. This bird is said to migrate to the north early in the spring ; there are several varie- ties ; it was formerly trained to catch game. The Pulurtiharius, or Goshawk, inhabits England, Europe, and North America. Legs yellow, body brown, tail feathers with pale bands; length twenty-two inches ; devours poultry, and was formerly much used in falconry. — The Nisus, Spar- row-hawk, or Spar. Hawk, inhabits England, Europe, Africa, and Madeira. The legs are yellow, body above yellow- ish brown, beneath, white waved with grey, tail with blackish bands. Male twelve inches, the female fifteen inches long. THE SrARROW-IIAWK— THE FALCON. 109 That, to Nature, to Truth, and to Science, devote, My Harp may respond with a musical note ; — Two other varieties : one spotted with white, the other entirely white. It is very bold, and preys on poultry, pigeons, part- ridges, &c. Sometimes tamed and flies about gardens ; it has been also taught to catch larks. The male of this species was formerly called a musket. The Gtjrfulco, or Brown G\rfalcon, inhabits Europe, and preys on cranes and pigeons. The Lannarius, or Lanner, is the size of the Buzzard ; three varieties. Inhabits England, Eu- rope, and Tartary. Builds in low trees; migrates: much es- teemed in falconry. The Vespertinus, or Ingrian Falcon, in- habits Inirria, Russia, and Siberia; size of a pigeon ; builds on trees, or takes possession of a magpie's nest ; preys on quails ; flies abroad chiefly in the evening or at night. The Subbuteo or Hobby, inhabits England, Europe, and Siberia ; back brown, belly palish, with oblong brown spots; twelve inches long; two varieties ; preys on larks. The (Esoloiit or Merlin, in- habits Europe ; body above bluish ash, with rusty spots and stripes ; beneath, yellowish white with oblong spots ; length twelve inches. Migrates southerly on the approach of winter ; often seen in England. Three other varieties found in the West Indies, or New York. The Pumilius, or Tiny Falcon, has the body brown ash, beneath whitish, with blackish bars. Said to be the smallest of the genus, being hardly six inches long ; inhabits Cayenne ; but the Cerulescens, a native of Java, described by Ur. Horsfield, and a specimen of which is in the East India House Museum, is, I believe, still smaller. The Communis^ Common Falcon, Yearly Falcon, Aged Falcon, or Falcon Gentle, of which there are above ten varieties, inha- bits Europe and North America, some of its varieties, China, Hudson's Bay, and India. The general colour of the plumage is brown, the feathers edged with rusty ; body beneath white, irregularly marked with brown ; the tail with darker transverse 110 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. That Science affianc*d with Nature, fair bride, With Thee and with Truth o'er my Song may pre- side : bands ; bill bluish ash ; legs green or yellow ; length eighteen inches ; feeds on various animals. The above is the usual co- lours of the bird at three years old ; but it puts on different ap- pearances from year to year till it arrives at that age. One variety is entirely white, with scarcely visible yellow spots; another brownish black; another spotted with black and red. The mule is considerably smaller than the female, and hence he has been called a Tircelet^ Tercell, or Tassel ; he is also said to be much less courageous than the female, and hence she was the bird usually employed in Hawking , a sport which was for- merly so much in repute; but which has, deservedly, given way to other and more praiseworthy occupation, I trust never to be revived : we may hope too that the intelligence which is abroad will ultimately banish from among men the puerile pursuits of hunting and shooting animals for sport, than which what can be, to an intellectual being, more derogatory or degrading ? Hawk- ing, hu7iting, shooting, emd fishing for sport are all the remains of the prejudices and customs of barbarous ages : it is time that a high and diffused intelligence should lift up its voice and discountenance so great a departure from the dignity of intel- lectual man. Some of the Falcon tribe have been used in Asia for hunting Hares, Deer, S^c. Mr. Southey alludes to this sport in Thalabu: **The deer bounds over the plain : The lagging dogs behind Follow from afar ! But lo ! the Falcon o'er head Hovers with hostile wings And buffets him with blinding strokes." Thalaba, vol. ii. page 129. The Peregrinus, Peregrine Falcon, or Duck Hawk, is found THE FALCON. 11 I But soft — some warbler's echoing lay On Zephyr's waves seems borne away; — And now, o'er woodland, grove, and dell, Still louder the melodious swell ! on some of oiir rocky shores, and builds commonly in the most inaccessible cliffs; it was formerly much used in falconry, and, being a bold and powerful bird, was in great esteem ; it was, however, chiefly used in the taking of Ducks, and other water- fowl,— whence one of its names. In concluding this long note on an important genus of birds it may just be added, that by the 9th of Hen. VII, " taking the eggs of any Fawcons, Goshawks, Laners, or Swannes, out ot the neste," rendered the offender liable " to be imprisoned for a year and a day, and a fine at the king's will:" and that the Duke of St. Alban's is still hereditary grand Falconer of England : but the office is not exercised. There are also several statute* relating to hawks and their eggs, which it may be sufficient merely to mention : they are, it is presumed, all become a dead letter. It may also be observed that, in former times, and in many countries, the custom of carrying a falcon about was esteemed a mark of a man of rank : many persons of distinction were painted with a hawk on the hand. Aristotle, Pliny, and many other ancient writers, speak of the method of catching birds by means of hawks ; but, it is said, that falconry was practised with far more spirit and universality among the ancient Britons than in any other nation; that it commenced as early as the fifth century, and was cultivated as late as the fifteenth, when the introduction of the use of gunpowder most probably super- seded the use of birds, as means of obtaining game. 112 THE WOOD-LARK'S INVOCATION. Alaudu, arborea. (Linn.) Goddess of the realm of Song ! Round whose throne the Warblers throng. From thy bright, cerulean sphere Deign our humble notes to hear ! Love demands our earliest lay ; — Love, the monarch of our may ; — lo paeans let us sing While we welcome laughing spring. May, with feet bedropp'd with dew. On yon hill-top is in view ; — May, whose arch look, winning wiles. Youth on tip-toe oft beguiles. Goddess of the soul of Song ! Thou to whom delights belong, Deign to prompt the Warblers' Lay ; Deign to deck the coming day.(^) (*) Order, Passeres, (Linn,) Lark, the VV oon, the Tn, the Rock, the Meadow, &c. The Genus Alauda, {Linn.) or Lark, comprehends more than fifty species distinguished by a sharp, pointed, vslender, hill, nostrils covered partly with feathers and bristles: tongue cIovch at the end : toes divided to their origin : claw of the back toe very long, a little crooked : their motion running not hopping. The following are the chief: The Arvensis, or Sky-lark, for an account of which see the Sky-lark's Song. THE LARK. 113 Lo ! the Place! — by a river whose stream runs along In a warble as soft as the Nightingale's song ; In whose deeps of clear crystal the maculate trout Is seen swiftly darting or sporting about ; — The Arborea, or Wood-lark, is less than the sky-lark : the plumage is more pale and inclined to rufous, yet varied like that bird : the head is surrounded with a white ring or fillet ; legs flesh coloun Found in this country, throughout Europe, and, it is said, in Siberia and Kamtschatka. Nest on the ground in tufts of grass, like the skylark : eggs four or five, dusky brown blotched with dusky, with smaller reddish spots. It sings as it flies: but it also perches on trees, when it likewise sings : its note has been compared to the blackbird's and the nightingale's : it is however a sweet and varied song. It some- times soars to a great height in the air, flying in circles, and continues so to do for a long time. It is not gregarious like the artensis, being rarely seen in greater number than six or seven together. The Pratensis, or Tit-lark, inhabits Europe in low grounds, and well known in this country : it is five and a half inches long: has a fine note, and sings sitting on trees or on the ground. The bill is black: body above dusky brown, beneath, white: breast ochre yellow with oblong black spots : legs yellowish : nest on the ground. The Magna, Meadow-lark, or Old Field-lark, of Wilson, is ten inches and a half long, extent sixteen and a half: throat, belly, breast, a rich yellow ; inside lining and edge of the wing the same colour; back beautifully variegated with black, bright bay, and pale ochre; legs and feet pale flesh-colour and very large. Nest, in or beneath a thick tuft of grass, com- posed of dry glass and fine bent, and wound all round leaving 114 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Here the hill's gentle slope to the river descends, Which, in sinuous course, through a wilderness wends; — There, amid lofty rocks, hung with ivy and yew, Doth echo, the wood-nymph her pleasure pursue ; And the comb, and the glen, and the shadowy vale, Invite the fond lover to tell his soft tale. The woods and thick copses, as mansions of rest, Many warblers oft choose for their home and their nest; an arched entrance level with the ground. Feeds on insects and grass seeds ; flesh good, little inferior to the quail. Inha- bits North America from Canada to New Orleans. — Thongli this well known species cannot boast of the powers of song which distinguish the sky-lark of Enrope, yet in richness of plumage as well as in sweetness of voice, as far as its few notes extend, it is eminently supeiior. It differs however from the tribe in wanting the long straight hind claw. Wilson. The Obscurttf Rock-lark, Dusky-LarJc, or Sea-Larky inha- bits rocky places in England, and most probably other parts of Europe ; it is about seven inches long ; solitary and sings little; note like the chirp of a grasshopper. — The Minor^ Field-lark, Lesser Field-lark, Short-lieekd Field-larky or Meadow-lark, visits this country in the spring; sometimes mistaken for the Tit- lark* The Nemorosa vel cristata, Crested-lark, or Lesser- Crested-larky is said to inhabit Europe, and like the Buliinch, to learn with ease to repeat tunes played or sung to it. Orni- thologists are not however, agreed about the identity or even existence of this bird. The Tricialis, Pipit-lark, or Pippit, has the upper parts of the body a rusty olivaceous-brown streaked with dusky, beneath, ferruginous. The Rubra, Red. LARK, or Lark from Pennsylvania, is rather larger than the Sky- lark, and a rare species in this country. THE PIGEON. 115 A place where content in a cottage might dwell; — A place that a hermit might choose for his cell ;— Where, afar from all strife and all tumult and pride, The nymph Tranquil Pleasure delights to reside ; — Where, in meadow or grove or the woodlands among. The Birds may be heard in melodious song. The Time, when the Spring, in his splendid array, Commanded cold Winter to hasten away;— When the woods and the groves, decked in garments of green, With laughing delight and with pleasure were seen. The cowslip with fragrance the meadow perfum'd, And the primrose the dark bank with yellow illum'd ; The cuckoo flower peep'd from the pasture's soft bed. And the yellow ranunculus* lifted her head. The violet drooping seemed ready to die; To part with such sweetnessj, ah ! who will not sigh ? The Thrush's, the Blackbird's, and Nightin- gale's, song Were heard now and then the dark copses among; Whilst a crowd of soft melodists, hid in the grove, Seem'd anxious their musical powers to prove : In a hedge sang theBLACK-CAP, what time in the yew. The WooD-piGEON cried '^Two, two, Taffy y take two." Other Pigeons (^) e'er active, and oft on the wing, Proclaim'd, by their cooing, the presence of spring. (3). Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Pigeon, Dove, &c. The genus ColumbUf (Limt.) to which the Common Pi- geon, or Columba Domestica belongs, is a very extensive one, * Ranunculus acm— Buttercup or Gqldcup. 116 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Winter Birds all were quite ready for flight, But most of them tarried to see the gay sight. consisting of more ti)an one hundred and thirty species, the characteristics of which are, a straight bill, descending towards the tip ; nostrils oblong, half covered with a soft, tumid mem- brane. The cooing of this tribe of birds is well known, and by which it appears to be peculiarly distinguished from every other genus. The young are also fed with grain made soft in the crop and ejected into their mouths from the beaks of the parent birds. On this account, as well as some other peculiarities, they are arranged by Dr. Latham as a separate orcfe7', consist- ing of one genus only ; Mr. Vigors has arranged it among the Rasors. The following are the chief: The Domesticaj Domestic or Common Pigeon, is too well known to need description. It inhabits and is domesticated in almost every part of Europe and Asia. The varieties are very numerous : the Rovghfoottdj the Tumblirf the Horseman, the Carrier, and the Fan-tail, are among the chief. It is about four- teen inches long, and exceedingly variable in its colours ; lays from nine to eleven times a year j eggs two, white; time of in- cubation fiom fifteen to eighteen days ; feeds on grain ; flesh, it is scarcely necessary to say, generally esteemed. See the con- clusion of this note; and also the articles Stock-dove and Rock-dove. Pigeon-Houses are of various kinds. "Where the numbers kept are not large they are usually of wood of a triangular shape, and fixed against a wall out of the reach of vermin and other annoyance; but where a large number is kept, " Some touer rotund Shall to the pigeons and their callow young Safe roost afford." Mason's English Garderif book iv. The (Enas, Stock-pigeon, or Stock-dove, is bluish, neck glossy THE STOCK DOVE. 1 17 The morning walk'd forth in fair beauty's bright dress; The sun rose delighted all things to caress ; green; double band on the wings, and tip of the tail blackish; throat and breast claret colour; claws black; fourteen inches long; inliabits old turrets and rocky banks of Europe and Si- beria; found also in this country ; breeds sometimes in old rab- bit burrows, sometimes on trees ; migrates southerly in winter ; some however remain in England the whole of the year. This has been supposed by some naturalists to be the pigeon whence all our domestic pigeons are derived. The Rev. Mr. Jenyns, however, in his Ornithology nf Cambridgeshire, lately published in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, says, as far as he has observed, that " the Stock-dove never coos, but utters only a hollow rumbling note during the breeding season, which may be heard at a considerable distance. Montague," he continues, "has evidently confounded this species with the Rock-dove, (Columba livia Temm.) which is supposed to be the origin of our dove-house pigeons, and is found in a wild state upon some of the steep shores and cliifs of Great Britain, but is not a native of Cambridgeshire." He adds, •' the Stock-dove and Ring-dove are indiscriminately called wood-pigeons by the country people." From this we gather what great uncertainty and confusion still prevails on one of the commonest subjects of ornithology; and the necessity there is for a more correct record of facts concerning it. I may just add, I never heard of any Wood- pigeons in Somersetshire that do not coo. With great deference to the Rev. Mr. Jenyns, I suspect that many persons would be disposed to call the *' hollow rumbling notes" of this bird, coo- ing, which I believe I heard in Forest-hill wood, in May 18'i7. The Poets generally concur with the commonly received opi- nion, that the Stock-dove coos ; and although, as we have seen in the Introduction, their statements are not to be implicitly relied 118 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. What time became ting'd with his radiance the sky, The Eagle majestic was soaring on high ; on, yet, where so much concurrent testimony is extant, the sub- ject most certainly deserves further inquiry; and in this respect Mr. Jenyns merits the thanks of the Natural Historian for the facts which he has recorded concerning this bird ; and it is to be hoped that we shall, ere long, become better acquainted with the columba livia, or Rock-dove, to which the reverend gen- tleman has alluded. I heard a Stock-dove siiig or say, His homely tale this very day ; His voice was buried among trees, Yet to be come at by the breeze : He did not cease ; but cooed and cooed ; And somewhat pensively he wooed; He sang of love with quiet blending, Slow to begin and never ending; Of serious faith, and inward glee, That was the song— the song for me. Wordsworth. The Stock-dove, recluse with her mate, Conceals her fond bliss in the grove, And, murmuring, seems to repeat, Tiiat May is the mother of love. CUNMNGUAN. For an account of the Ring-dove or Wood-pigeon, see the Ring-dove's Lament. The Liviaf Rock-dove, fVild-dove, fVhite-rumped Pigeon, or Rockier J has been considered, by some ornithologists, as a sepa- rate species, by Dr. Latham as a variety only of the Stock-dove. Mr.SELBY, in his Illustrations of British Ornithology j considers it as a distinct species, in this agreeing with the Rev. Mr.^ Jentns as noticed in the last article. The Rock-dove is said, iu THE TURTLE DOVE. 119 Around him flew Falcons, the while in the air Birds many and noisy his presence declare. form and size, to be very nearly like the Stock-dove, but the Rock-dove is rather more slender; the predominant shades of each are much the same, the principal variations consisting in the colonr of the nimp, which, in the Stock-dove, is invariably bluish grey, but in the Rock-dove generally white, hence one of its names. The habits of these two species are however more strongly marked; while the Stock-dove inhabits woods and the interior of the country, the Rock-dove is always met with in rocky places and those principally on the sea coast. It is found on various cliffs on our own shores, particularly on Caldy island in South Wales, and in the Orkneys, breeding in the innermost recesses of caves of very large dimensions, beyond the situation chosen by auks, gulls, &c. It is also very numerous on the rocky islands of the Mediterranean, abundant in North Africa and on the island of Teneriffe. In short it appears that this species, and not the Slock-dove^ is the genuine original of onr Domestic Pigeons. Eggs two, white; breeds in a wild state only two or three times a year. The Tttf^ar, Dove, Turtle Dove, Common Turtle^ or Culver* inhabits Europe, China, and India ; it arrives in this country in the spring and leaves it in September; the back is grey, breast flesh colour; on each side of the neck a spot of black, feathers tipt with white; tail feathers tipt with white ; length twelve inches. Two other varieties. Migrates in flocks; breeds in thick woods ; very shy and retired ; a pest to fields of peas. It is found in this country chiefly in Kent ; more rarely in the west or north; I never saw it in a wild stale in Somersetshire. Its nest is said to be composed of sticks ; eggs two, white. The supposed faithfulness of this bird to its mate is very qnes- * '* Like as the Culver on the bared bongh Sits mourning for the absence of her mate." Spencer, Sonnet Ixxxviii. 1 120 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. On a rock high, commanding, the monarch, atlength, Perch'd with grace while displaying his wings of broad strength. tionable, although the poets have been so profuse in their appeals to it. One of the latest poems relative to the Dove, is written and set to music by Mr. Bowles ; it is a song of which the fol- lowing is the first stanza : '' Go beautiful and gentle Dove And greet the morning ray, For lo ! the sun shines bright above, And the rain is pass'd away." The Carolinensis, Carolina Pigeon, or Turtle-dove, of the United States, is twelve inches long ; upper part of the neck and wings slaty blue; back, scapulars, and lesser wing coverts, ashy brown; tertials spotted with black; primaries edged with white ; beneath whitish ; eggs two, deposited in a nest rudely constructed in an evergreen, a vine, an apple tree, or on the ground ; male and female unite in feeding the young. Its coo- ing sounds very melancholy, but is nevertheless not so, in reali- ty, being the notes of its amorous affection ; feeds on a variety of seeds and berries ; flesh good. This bird winters in the South- ern, and is frequent in the Northern States of America, during the summer. The Passerina, Ground Pigeon, or Mountain Dove, has a purplish body, wings and tail dusky. Three other varieties ; six and a quarter inches long : inhabits the warm parts of America; feeds on seeds; frequents rocky and mountainous places. " Musical The love-lorn cooing of the mountain dove That woos to pleasing thonghtfulness flte soul." Graingkr's Sugar-cane. The J^Jigraloria, or Passenger Pigeon, inhabits North America; body above cinereous, beneath vinaceous; breast GREAT CROWNED INDIAN PIGEON. 121 All Nature was pleas'd: even the clouds o'er the earth Jn airy light shadows seemed dancing with mirth ; nifous; wing coverts spotted with black; sides of the neck purple ; from fifteen to sixteen inches long; flies in large flocks j troublesome to rice and corn fields. They are seen over the l)ack woods of America, flying in columns of ten miles long, where they are caught in a similar way that Bird-catchers around Loudon catch small birds, with nets, and some pigeons tied to sticks as fluttering decoys. They are also obtained in other ways. Their nests are on trees; but they hatch only one bird at a time, which, while yet young, becomes very fat. This bird affords, by its abundance, considerable support not only to the Indians but to the whites; and also to birds of prey, and even pigs, who pick up the young pigeons that fall from the nests to the ground'. The Coronata, or Great Crowned Indian Pigeon, is bluish, above cinereous; shoulders ferruginous; crest eiect, compressed, five inches long; size of a turkey; brought occasi- onally alive to this country. Although so gigantic a pigeon, it has the cooing and all the other characteristics of the tribe. In. habits New Guinea; it is, of course, a fine and valuable bird. The Bantamensis has a loud cooing note, for which, in its na- tive island, Java, it is much admired; a great price is sometimes paid for this bird. Horsfield. Of all the pigeon tribe the Carrier and Horseman are the most extraordinary. These, by training, may be taken to a great dis- tance from their home, and yet they will, on being let loose, im- mediately fly to their accustomed habitation. ** Led by what chart, transports the timid dove — The wreaths of conquest, or the vows of love? Say, through the clouds what compass points her flight? Monarchs have gaz'd and nations bless'd the sight. Pile rocks on rocks, bid woods and mountains rise, Eclipse her native shades, her native vskies; — 'Tis vain ! through Ether's pathless wilds she goes. And lights at last where all her cares repose. 122 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Or disparting like rocks, or as turrets high, strong, They gracefully mov'd fields of ether along ; Sweet bird, thy truth shall Harlem's walls attest, And uuborn ages consecrate thy nest." Rogers's Pleasttres of Memory. During the siege of Harlem when that city was reduced to the last extremity, and on the point of opening its gates to a base and barbarous enemy, a design was formed lo relieve it; the intelligence was conveyed to the citizens by a letter which was tied under the wing of a Pigeon. Pliny also informs us, that the same messenger was employed at the siege of Mutina. The habits and manners of the domestic pigeon are interest- ing. Themodo in which they feed their young, by placing their bills in the young ones' mouths and ejecting the food from the crop by a sort of pumping, is peculiar to this tribe. Their crop and its secretion are also peculiar. See the Introduction. Although domesticated pigeons breed very often in the year, the Rock-dove very rarely breeds more than twice or thrice j the increased fecundity of the tame pigeon, arising, it is said, merely from domestication; hut we do not yet know enough either of the Stock-dove or Rock-dove in their wild state to describe their habits with precision. The Sport of shooting at pigeons from a given distance is a very common one in the neigh- bourhood of London; it is extremely to be regretted that intel- lectual man either cannot or will not find a more rational method of employing his time. RoBiiRT Bloomfield in his Remains, has touched upon this subject with his usual naivH4 — the reader who feels like myself on this subject, will be pleased to consult the Birds and Insects' Post-Office in that Poet's posthumous volumes. — Drayton well expresses a habit of this tribe: *' And turning round and round with cutty-coo." Noah's Ark. Some laws are in existence for the protection of pigeons as property ; they are rarely, if ever, it is presumed, acted upon. THE SWAN. 123 While many a cloiidling unfolded in light His lining- of gold or of silvery white. Oh, how shall description with pencil or pen Pourtray all the Birds now in grove or in glen! Here the trees* bending branches the Perchers pos- sess; There the Waders and Swimmers the waters caress; While the Scratchers of Earth sought a' worm; with a bound The Snatchers flew swiftly aloft and around.* The Lord of the boundless bright realm of the Air, With his broad sweeping wing, the proud Eagle, was there, t His cere and his feet ting'd with yellowish gold ; At once he appeared both majectic and bold : With an eye, beak, and talons, that fierceness express, Yet both plumage and air what is noble confess, — A mien most imposing — a monarch supreme. The SwAN,(*) too, sailed stately adown the clear stream; (*) Order, Anseres, (Linw.) Swan, Goose, Eider-Duck, Duck, Teal, Widgeon, Garganey, Sec. The Genus Anas, of Linnaeus, to which the Swan, ^ was Cyg'- nus, beh)ngs, is a very large and important tribe of birds, con- * See the arrangement of Mr. Vigors, as described in the Introduction. t The thought in tliis couplet is derived" from iPkRCivAti an American Poet. See note (1), article Halifc'etos. G 2 124 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. His plumes of fair white and arch'd neck to display. While the Cygnets beside him appear'd in ash-grey. sisting of more than on liimdred and forty species ; it includes not only the Swan, Goose, and Duck, but many other birds, such as the Teal, Widgeon, EinER-DucK, &c. The charac- teristics of the genus are, a broad bill, a broad tongue, and palmate or webbed feet. It is a very prolific tribe ; some of the species are found in almost every region of the globe. The Swan is found both in a tame and wild state. The Tame Swan or Mute Swan, Cygnus (olor), is next to the bus- tard, the largest of our British birds, being upwards of five feet in length, much, however, of which consisting of a very long neck ; it is distinguibhed by its hissing; its plumage till the se- cond year is of an ash colour, after which it "becomes perfectly white. The young are called cygnets. Eggs six or eight ; time of incubation six weeks. The swan lives sometimes, it is said, a century, or even more; it is a powerful animal, and will sometimes attack and beat ycHng persons. The flesh is said to be wholesome ; but, at pre- sent, the cygnet only is eaten. The tame swan is frequently seen on the Thames, and, as an ornament, on many of the waters of our noblemen and others in difi'erent parts of the country. Several may be seen on the Serpentine in Hyde Park. It feeds on various food ; it is generally reputed a great destroyer of the young fry of fish ; it is also said to be extremely useful in clear- ing pieces of water from weeds ; it will also eat bread and other farinacea. The hen begins to lay in February, producing an egg every other day. Male and female labour in the formation of the nest, which consists of water plants, long grass, and sticks,^ ge- nerally in some retired part or inlet of the bank of the water on which they are kept. Swan's eggs are white and much lar- ger than those of a goose.— It is extremely dangerous to be approached during incubation. This bird is sometimes called THE WILD SWAN. 125 There were Fieldfares in troops ; of the Missel- Thrush few ; These their songs on the elm now and then would renew. the mute swan, from its uttering no sound except its hissing. It is a stately and ornamental bird : thus Thomson: ** The stately sailing swan Gives out his snowy plumage to the gale, And, arching proud his neck, with oary feet Bears onward fierce and guards his osier isle Protective of his young." Spring. Swans and their eggs are protected by several statutes : whe- ther they are now acted upon I am not aware. Swan's Doumj as well as the down from most of this tribe of birds is, it is well known, white, soft, and delicate ; its use for beds is sufficiently appreciated by the luxurious. See forwards, article EiDER-DucK. The Cygnus {ferus)^ Wild Swan, Whistling Swan, Elk, or Hooper, is inferior in size to the preceding; length four feet ten inches, and weighs from fifteen to twenty-five pounds. The beak is black towards the point, yellow for some distance from the base ; plumage a pure white. Eggs four. It has a very loud call, greatly resembling that of a cuckoo ; utters a melancholy sotmd when one of the flock happens to be destroyed ; hence, said by the poets to sing in dying. It visits the lakes of Scot- land every winter, but comes more southward only in severe weather. Found in all the northern regions of the globe. The Nigricollis, or Black-necked Swan, is found on the Falkland Islands; the Atrata, or Black Swan, at Botany Bay. <)f this last the bill is of a rich scarlet; the whole plumage (except the primaries and secondaries, which are white,) is of the most intense black. It is larger than the White Swan, of 126 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The warbling cocA Blackbird, with deep yellow bill, Was pleas'd his loud notes in rich cadence to trill ; which it has all the graceful action. The ancients supposed the Black Swan an imaginary or extremely rare bird. See the second part. Of the Goose tribe, the following may be named : The Cygnoides, Chinese Goose, Muscovy Goose, or Swan Goosey inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa ; it is about three feet long: three varieties} one from Guinea, distinguished by its erect gait and screaming, is now plentiful in this country, and said to unite well with the common goose. The GambensiSf or Sparwinged Goose, inhabits Africa ; size of the common goose. — The Indicaj or Barrel-headed Goose, is a native of India; flesh good. — The MelanoluSy or Black-headed Goose, a native of Coromandel, is two feet nine inches long. — The Grandis or Great Goose of Siberia, is the size of the Cygnus ; body dusky, beneath white ; bill black, legs scarlet. Weighs from twenty to. thirty pounds. Found in Siberia and Kamtschatka; where they are taken in great numbers ; flesh, it is presumed, good. The Hyperborea or Snow Goose, of Europe and North America, is tlnrty-two inches long; general colour white, except tlie ten first quiis, which are black with white shafts; the young are blue till one year old. The most numerous and the most stupid of the goose tribe. Flies in vast flocks. — Abounds in Hudson's Bay. The Leucoptera, or Bustard Goose of the Falkland Islands, is from thirty-two to forty inches long ; flesh good. The Tadorna, Shieldrakb, Sheldrake, (or rather perhaps) SCHELT-DRAKE, Burrow, or Barra-Duckf Bargander^ St. George's Duck, Pirennet, or Sly Goose, has the body variegated with white, black, and light brown, or russet; flesh rancid; eggs many, good ; lays in rabbits' burrows near the sea-shore, whence probably one of its names ; size of a common duck ; inhabits Europe and Asia. Seen at the mouths of our salt-water rivers THE BEAN GOOSE — EIDER-DUCK. J27 Where the waters forth gushing, in murmurs down fell, The. Thrush a sweet music pour'd out in the dell. in the summer season with its young, many in number, swim- ming after it; on the least alarm, both young and old dive with singular dexterity, and remain under the water for a considerable time. The Segetum^ Bean Goose, or Small Grey Goose^ is of an ash- colour; from two and a half to three feet long; a native of Hudson's Bay and the Hebrides; in autumn, comes to England in flocks, and is destructive to corn. The Erythropus, Berna- CLE, Clakis, or Canada Goose, is found in Europe, sometimes in America, and in the winter on our sea coasts. Length two feet or more ; the upper parts of the body black, so also is the tail ; front white. Breeds in Greenland, Lapland, &c. — The Bemi- da, Brent Goose, Brand Goose, Rat, or Road Goose, or Clatter Goose, is brown, the head, neck, and breast, black ; collar white; a native of North America, Asia, and Europe ; migrates south- erly in autumn ; flies in wedge-shaped flocks, with perpetual cackling; flesh, when tamed, good. The Molissima, Edder, EinER-DuCK, Eider Goose, Cuthberl Duck, or Colk, is found in the northern parts of Europe, Asia, and America ; length twenty-two inches ; bill cylindrical, cere divided behind and wrinkled. The male is white above, but black beneath and behind j the female greenish; the eggs some- what less than those of a goose, are five, greenish, in a nest 8tre«ed with its own down taken chiefly from the breast; time of incubation a month ; flesh and eggs good. Rarely if ever seen in the south of England ; it breeds in Scotland, particularly on the Western Isles ; and on Earn Islands, on the coast of Northumberland; it has also been seen in Norfolk. The Eider-Duck is a long lived bird ; it has been observed to occupy the same nest for twenty years successively; the down is the lightest ^nd warmest known ; that termed live down. 128 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. While all breathless and silent crept softly delight To listen with day to the Songster of Night : and found in the nest, is most valued ; that which is plucked from jhe dead bird is little esteemed. — Eider Down is imported chiefly from Iceland and other northern countries. It is col- lected from the nests of the birds ; if tlie nest be deprived of its down, the female takes a fresh quantity from her breast ; but if the nest be a second time deprived of its down, she cannot supply it, the male then takes from his breaift the necessary lining. As incubation proceed?, the lining of down increases from day to day, and at last becomes so considerable in quan- tity, as to envelope and entirely conceal \h€ eggs from view. The young, as soon as hatched, are conducted to the water, to which, sometimes from the situation of the nest, they are car- ried in the bill of the parent bird. The food of the eider-duck is muscles and other bivalve shell-fish. This bird is with diffi- culty reared in confinement, Selby, in Zoological Journal, vol. 3, page 458. Of the Clypeala, or Shoveler, there are many varieties found in Europe, Asia, and America; it is about (wenty-one inches long. — The Clanguluj or Golden-eye, is varied with black and white, head tumid violet ; length about nineteen inches; inhabits as the last; found on the sea coasts of this country in the winter. — The Ferina, Pochard, Dunbird, Pokefy or R(d-headed Widgeon^ is found as the last ; length nearly that of the golden-eye: colours varied, black, white, andgiey; flesh good ; frequent in the London market in the winter. The Crecea, Teal or Common Ttal, inhabits Europe and Asia, and is well known in the marshy districts &f this country ; it breeds in Norfolk and most probably in other places of Great Britain ; length fourteen inches ; three varieties. Flesh good. The Penelope J Widgeon, Wheicer, or ffAiw, is foui.d in most parts of Europe, breeds in the Northern regions, and visits England in the autumn ; length twenty inches; it weighs about THE WILD GOOSE — THE TAME GOOSE. 129 In a thick, hazel copse he was warbling apart Such notes as have never been equall'd by art. twenty-four ounces ; several varieties ; flesh esteemed excellent; as well known as the teal, in the marshy regions of England. The Querquedula^ Garganey, or Summer Teal^ is a beautiful bird, a little larger than the common teal, being seventeen inches long ; found in this country in the winter ; rarely seen after April, at which time it is taken, it is said, in the decoys of Somersetshire ; found also throughout the north of Europe and Asia, as well as the Caspian sea, and some parts of the East Indies. The Anser, or Goose, consists of two varieties : the FtruSj Greif Lag, Fen, or Wild Goose, is two feet nine inches long; ^he bill is large and elevated, of a flesh colour, tinged with yel- low; head and neck ash-colour; breast and belly whitish, clouded with grey or ash-colour; back grey ; legs flesh- colour. They reside in the feus the whole year, breed there, and hatch about eight or nine young ; often taken and easily tamed. To- wards winter they collect in great flocks. They are migratory on the continent, and also in some parts of England. They generally, when in flocks, fly in the form of a triangle. They have not the superiority of the wild-duck, tasting frequently of fish ; the flesh is not, therefore, equal to the tame goose when properly fed. The Mansuetus, or Tame Goose, is the preceding in a state of domestication, from which it varies in colour, but often more or less verging to grey ; it is found frequently white, especially the males. The goose in general breeds only once a year; but if well kepi, will often produce two broods in a season. It is said to be very long-lived ; some have attained the age of 100 years. The goose sits on her eggs from twenty-seven to thirty days, and will cover from eleven to fifteen eggs. It scarcely needs to be observed, that the feathers of geese make excellent beds, for which they are plucked twice or more G 3 130' BKlTTSir A'S^iy EURtJPEAlf BIRDS. That bird for whom many a harp hath been strung ; — Whose warble enraptures the old and the young ; — (sometimes five times) in a year. See the House Sparrow's Speech. Geese eat grass as well as many other vegetables, fish and worms. In the domestic state, one gander is sufficient for five geese. Besides the well known noise of geese called cackling, the gander is peculiarly distinguished by his hissing. The Moschata or Muscovy Duck, is larger than the wild dock ; length two feet two inches ; bill red ; body varied with black, brown, white, and green-gold ; in a completely wild state, the whole plumage is black, glossed with violet or green; in our menageries, the plumage is sometimes white : domesti- cated in almost every country. Found in a wild state about the lake Baikal, in Asia, and in Brazil. When at large, it builds on the old stumps of trees, and perches during the heat of the day on the branches of those which are well clothed. Naturally very wild, yet when tamed, associates sometimes with the common duck, the produce a mongrel breed. Eggs rounderthan the common duck; in young birds, inclined to green; they lay more eggs and sit oftener than the common duck, hence, and from its hardiness, the breed deserves encouragement. Flesh good. They exhale, a musky odour from the gland on the rump, whence the name is supposed to be derived rather than from the region of Muscovy — but this seems to me a forced construction for the etymology of its name. The Boschas, Wild Duck, called also sometimes Mallard, is found on lakes, in marshes, and at the mouths of salt water rivers in diflFerent countries; and in Lincolnshire and Somerset- shire, where great numbers are taken in traps, called Decoys ; in the west of England, Coy-Pools. It breeds constantly in the marshes of Norfolk and Suffolk, and most probably in many other districts of this country. The Tame Duck is the wild duck domesticated. There are several varieties ; it is ge- nerally of an ash-colour; the middle tail feathers of the male THE COMMON — THE CANVaSS-BACK DUCK. 131 With feeling's soft touch wakes the poet's sweet lyre, And the pensive, the tender, doth often inspire. lecurvale, the head and neck of whom, in most of the coloured tribe, are shaded with green ; the bill is straight ; collar white. Its colour varies by domestication. Feeds on a great variety of very different food, worms, snails, «Scc. The duck will cover from eleven to fifteen eggs; time of incubation thirty days. It scarcely needs to be observed, that the flesh of both the wild and the tame duck is good ; the last, however, depending upon the mode in which it is fed. In the domestic state, one drake is sufficient for five ducks. " In the pond The finely chequer'd duck before her train Rows garrulous." Thomson's Spring. Decoy Pools were more frequent in the lowland districts of Somersetshire formerly than they are at present. In the parish ofMear, near Glastonbury, there were once several; at present, (1825,) not one. There is, however, one at Sharpham Park, the birth-place of Fielding; and another in Sedgenioor, near Walton. For this information I am indebted to my friend, the Rev. W. Phelps of Wells, a gentleman whose proficiency in another department of Natural History, Botany, is well known. The Valisineria, or Canvass-Back Duck of Wii,son, is two feet long, and weighs, when in good condition, three pounds or more; it approaches nearest to the Pochard of this country, but differs in size and the general whiteness of its plumage : the head is mostly of a glossy chesnut ; back, scapulars, and tertials, white, with waving lines as if pencilled ; beneath white, slightly pencilled ; primaries and secondaries pale slate; flesh excellent. Arrives in the United States, from the north, in October : much sought after as food. 132 TO THE NIGHTINGALE. Motacilla Lusevnia, C L i n n 0 — Sylvia Luscima, ( Lat ham.) Thou matchless, yet modest, harmonious Bird! Who hath not with rapture thy singing oft heard? Who hath not oft snatch'd, whattime midnight is still, A moment to listen by copse or by rill ? — A moment, in May-time, when zephyr, not storm. Gives the shadows of moon-light fantastical form ? Not content thou to charm us with song through the night, Through the day, too, thy notes oft resound with de- light. O say, are they sad — dost thou grieve while thy song, 'Midst the glade, wakens echo and warbles along? Or doth pleasure — doth mirth prompt thy wonderful lay, Or doth love — pensive love — its soft feeling display ? Whatever the cause, be e'er hallowed thy note. That at midnight or moonlight distends thy sweet throat. (0 (^) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Nightingale. The ^iGHTiKGALEy Motacilla Luscinia, (Linn.) ihe Philomel QV Philomela of the poets, , Sylvia Luscinia, {Latham,) is about six inches long; its colours are very plain, the head and back being of a pale tawny, dashed wiih olive j the throat, breast, and upper part of the belly, of a light ash coluur ; the lower part of the belly almost white; wings and tail tawny -red. Female THE NIGHTINGALE. J 33 The Cuckoo was heard for the first time in song; His voice was at once clear, resounding, and strong. rather less than the male ; the plumage of both nearly alike. In consequence of its unostentatious colours, its vvhynes.«, and its frequenting thickets and woods, it is rarely seen, and there- fore little known. Builds a nest in low bushes or quick set hedges, well covered with foliage; and, it is said, sometimes on the ground ; it is extcrnallj composed of dry leaves, mixed with grass and fibres lined with hair or down ; eggs, four or five, olive green. It is common to Europe, Asia, and Africa. It does not appear that it has ever been found in America, although several birds in that continent are called by its name. Three varie- ties; one with the body entirely white; one of more than ordi- nary size. It is said, that there are two sub-varieties of this species ; one, which sings only in the night; and another, which sings more frequently during the day. This is, I think, ex- tremely questionable ; for, \{ sameness of note be any proof, as I conceive it is, the same nightingale sings both by night and by day. Those naturalists have, therefore, n;ade a great mistake, who state, that this bird sings only in the evening, and during the night; it may be heard in tranquil and remote woods, and even very near London, at Lee, Greenwich-park, Hoknsey- wooD, &c. during the day; but its song is, or seems, most har- monious in the night. It may be then heard, too, a considerable distance, — a mile, or even perhaps mure. The curious, in regard to the nightingale, will not be displeased with St. Pierre's account vi' it. " Dans nos climats le Rossignol place sou nid a couvert dans un buisson, en choisis- sant de pj^fi^rence les lieux ou il y a des echos, et en observant de I'exposer an soleii du matin. Ces precautions prises, il se place aux environs, contre le tronc d'un arbre, et la confondu avec la Couleur de son ^corce, et sans mouveuient, il devient invisible. Mais bientdt il anime de son diviu ramage I'asyle obscur qu'il s'est choisi,et il efface par I'^clat de son chant, celui 134 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Strange Scansor is he : for, like Him of the West,* He never constructs for himself any nest; de tons les plumages."* On this I beg leave to observe, that, whatever may be the fact in France, relative to the nightin* gale's preference for places where there is an echo, it is by no means so in this country. I suspect, that there is more poetry than trnth in the statement. The nightingale is the most celebrated of all the feathered race for its song. The poets have, in all ages, and most Euro- pean countries, made it the theme of their verses. It visits this country towards the latter end of April, and takes its departiire in August, as it is said; but I suspect not so soon. We still want a knowledge of more facts to make us completely acquainted with the natural history of this bird. Montagu, who appears to have been a very accurate observer, says that, if by accident the female is killed, tlie male resumes his song again, and will continue to sing very late in the summer, or till he finds another mate. It is rarely found in Scotland, the veest of Devonshire, or Cornwall ; and, I conclude, not in Ireland. Its usual habitation in this country is within the segment of a circle, Dover being the centre, whose radii do not exceed in length two hundred miles, and not one hundred and fifty, as has been frequently stated. Its time of singing, in its natural state, is only from its arrival till about Midsummer; but it will, it is said, when domesticated, sing nine months in the year. Its food, in a domesticated state, may be spiders, wood-lice, ants' eggs, flies, and worms; it is chiefly, however, I understand, German paste, a composition well known in the bird-shops of the metro- polis. It requires to be kept in a warm place in winter, or it will die. It is said that the nightingale is common in the bird- shops, not only at Venice, but even at Moscow, and that it there * Emberiza pecoris, or Cow-bunting : see Part II. t Etudes de la Nature, torn. iii. p, 309, Hamburgh edit. 1797. 6 THE NIGHTINGALE, 135 All foundlings his offspring— no moment of care t)evotes male or female their children to rear. sings as finely as in its native woods ; but this is questionable. It is occasionally to be seen in cages in London, where it sings during many months of the year ; but it is not, I believe, ever known to breed in confinement here. See Mr. Sweet's letter in the Introduction. Although this bird in its natural state sings only for about two months in the year, yet Cowper, the celebrated poet, once heard it sing on New Year's Day, and has recorded the fact in some beautiful lines ; and which fact, but from such an autho- rity, I should be very much disposed to question. It is proba- ble, however, that the nightingale, which Cowper heard, was domesticated. An opinion has been occasionally entertained, that this bird usually sleeps o», or with its breast against a (horn; under the impression, I suppose, that, in such a painful situa- tion, it would necessarily remain awake. The thought seems puerile; and is not, of course, entitled to the least credit; yet Young, Thompson, and Sir Philip Sidney, have alluded to the supposed fact; Lord Byron treats it as 'd fable: " The Nightingale^ that sings with the deep thorn, Which fable places in her breast of wail, Is lighter far of heart and voice than those Whose headlong passions form their proper woes." Don Juan, Canto VI. " Grief s sharpest thorn hard pressing on my breast, I strive with wakeful melody to cheer The sullen gloom, sweet Philomel! like thee, And call the stars to listen." Young's JSight Thoughts, Night I,. " The lowly Nightingale, A thorn her pUloic, trills her doleful tale." Thompson's Hymn to May. 136 BIIITISH A^D EUROPEAN BIRDS. Of habits unsocial — affection devoid, His nurse's own children are by him destroy'd. The reader will have the goodness to remember, that the poet here quoted is not Thomson, the author of the Seasons, but William Thompson, author of Sickness, a Poem, Hymn to May, and some Garden Inscriptions, which well deserve the attention of the lovers of poetry. "The Nightingale, as soon as April bringetU -Unto her rested sense a perfect waking, Which late bare earth, proud of new clothing, springeth. Sings out her woes, a thorn her song-book making." Sir Philip Sidney. In this passage it is evident, that Sidney supposed the night- ingale a dormant winter bird, — one of the seven- sleepers. Not- withstanding its limited range of residence in this country, it is said to be found on the continent as far north as Sweden. Its winter residence is supposed to be Asia; of course, the warmer parts. The sonnets and other addresses to the Nightingale are, in our own language, itmumerable; some have been already al- luded to in the Introduction ; one by Milton, beginning ** O Nijihtingale ! that on yon bloomy spray Warblest at eve when all the woods aire still:" has been much admired. Another by Mrs. Charlotte Smith, the first line of whi< h is ** Sweet poet of the wood, — a long adieu!" has been also frequently quoted in the miscellanies. An evening address to the Nightingale, by Shaw, has also had an extensive circulation. They all, with very few exceptions, make the song and sentiments of this bird melancholy, sorrowful, or at least pensive. For other observations on this charming bird, see the Introduction. 137 TO THE CUCKOO. Cuculus Canoms, (Linn.) Thou monotonous Bird ! whom we ne'er wish away, — Who hears thee not pleas'd at the threshold of May? Thy advent reminds us of all that is sweet, Which Nature benignant, now lays at our feet ; — Sweet flowers — Sweet meadows — Sweet birds, and their loves ; Sweet sunshiny mornings, and sweet shady groves; — Sweet smiles of the maiden — Sweet looks of the youth. And sweet asseverations, too, prompted by truth ; Sweet promise of plenty throughout the rich dale ; And sweet the Bees' humming in meadow and vale ; Of the Summer's approach — of the presence of Spring, Forever, sweet Cuckoo! continue to sing. Oh who then, dear Bird ! could e'er wish thee away ? Who hears thee not pleas*d at the threshold of May ?(*^) (<5) Order, Pice, (Linn.) Cuckoo the Common, the Honey Guide, the Sacred, &c. The genus Cuculus, (Linn.) or Cuckoo, comprehends more than eighty species scattered over the globe, the characteristics of which are, a bill somewhat arched, tongue short, tail with ten feathery, toes, two backwards, two forwards j they belong, of course, to the scansorial tribe. The following are most deserv- ing notice. The Canornsy Cuckoo, Common Cuckoo or Gookoo, is four- teen inches long; body above, an ash, or rather a lead colour; beneath, whitish, transversely streaked with black-brown. Two 138 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The House-Sparrows, Chaffinches, noisy be- came;— But their notes, void of melody, always the same. other varieties, one with body varied with reddish, the other grey, covered with a few white dots. Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa; said to feed on insects, and the larva of moths; migrates. Is heard towards the end of April, and generally ceases to sing about the beginning of July. I heard it at Lew- ishani, in Kent, in the year 1824, on the 13th of that month ; it has been heard in Norfolk as late as the last day of it. It would seem, from these facts, that it is heard later in the south-easiern portion of this island, than any where else. Flesh good. The CDckoo is a bird with considerable powers of flight ; the body is slender, wings and tail long ; the plumage, although unostenta- tious, is yet handsome. Mr.YARREL, to whom we are indebted for an account of some <;nrious facts relative to birds, and whose paper on the evolution of the chick from the egg is alluded to in the Introduction, in- forms me, that he has dissected many cuckoos ; that the stomach is similar in structure to the woodpecker's; and, therefore, fitted for the digestion of animal food only ; that the contents of the stomach invariably indicate the presence of such food, namely, the larviB of some insects. I cannot learn from any quarter that the cuckoo has been kept alive in this country (like the nightin- gale) throughout the year. Our ignorance of its genuine food, or the cold of the climate, or both, possibly, have prevented such preservation. Another fact relative to this bird, for which I am indebted to Mr. Yarrel, is, that its testes arc not larger than those of the house-sparrow; and hence, Mr. Yarrel seems disposed to infer, that the sexual organs in the cuckoo are in a very low state of excitement. May not this account for the strange ano- maly of this bird's laying its eggs in other birds' nests? The cuckoo neither makes a nest, nor hatches her own eggs; THE CUCKOO. 139 Sea-Eagles and Buzzards, and Ospreys, were there — Those who give of their nests to the Grakles a share.* nor, as far as is known, does she nourish her offspring. The eggs are generally deposited in the nest of the Hedge- Sparrow , and are hatched, and the young provided for by this little bird. The cuckoo is not known to lay more than one egg in any one nest. The eggs are reddish-white, thickly spotted with black- ish-brown, and smaller than those of a blackbird; they vary, however, occasionally, both in size and colour. The cuckoo does not invariably lay her egg in Uie hedge- sparrow's nest, although I have never seen it in any other: it has been found in that of the Reed-Bunting, theLinnefs, and the WagtaiVs ; and, from the circumstance of Red-hacked- Slir ikes being seen busily engaged in feeding a young cuckoo, it is conjectured by Messrs. Sheppard and Whitear, that the cuckoo occasionally lays her egg in that bird's nest. It has been stated in a popular work, that, from the egg of the cuckoo being small for a bird of its size, the hedge-sparrow has no suspicion of the intrusion. But the eggs of the hedge- sparrow are, nevertheless, much smaller than tlvose of the cuckoo, and are light-blue without a spot ; it is quite improbable, there* fore, that so different an egg would not be discovered. Besides, it seems very likely that the cuckoo would be seen by the hedge- sparrow in her nest. The deception is altogether incredible. We have no means of ascertaining the reasons for the hedge- sparrow*s permitting the egg of the cuckoo to remain in her nest, 410 more than we have for the fact that the Fishing-Hawk per- mits the Grakle to build its nest in the suburbs of its own cita- del. We must, at present, be contented with stating the facts It was formerly suspected, that the hedge-sparrow herself ♦ See Note ('), article Halice'elas. 140 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Hover-Hawk came, too, though loth to renounce His strong inclination on pigeons to pounce ; threw out her own eggs from tlie nest, or destroyed Ijer own young, to make room for her guest, the cuckoo, under the im- pression, it is presumed, that it was an office of honour to be thus employed in fostering our canorous summer visitant, but more accurate observation appears to have dispelled these suspicions. Dr. Jenner, (Philosophical Transactions for 1788,) found that, soon after the young cuckoo is hatched by the hedge-sparrow, the egg", or the young ones, whichsoever should happen to be in the nest, are turned out of it by the young cuckoo, and by it alone. It would seem, that the operation of expulsion is not less singular than the deposition of the egg itself in the hedge- sparrow's nest; it is effectuated by the young cuckoo, in a curi- ous manner, with its broad hollow hacky which, it has been con- jectured, is thus formed to enable it to perform this extraordi- nary action. It is now also pretty well ascertained, that, when a cuckoo is hatched in the hedge-sparrow's nest, there is no room for any other occupant. As far as I have been able to ascertain the fact, the difference between the size and plumage of the male and female cuckoo is very trifling; the male is a little larger. The «owo- of the cuckoo is supposed to be the note of the male alone; the female's note is said to be very different, much less known, and has some resemblance to the cry of the dabchick. The female, it is also said, is generally attended by two or three males in every country, from the earliest period of their arrival. This is, however, I think, too broad a statement, although it has been asserted by naturalists, that the malos are always consi- derably more numerous than the females. Ur. Jenner (Phi- losophical Transactions for 1824,) says, that "the cuckoo is inva- riably a polygamist, and never pairs in this country." The truth seems to be, notwithstanding all that has been observed and published concerning this bird, that its Natural Historv is still THE CUCKOO. 141 On his librating wing he was oft seen apart, And appear'd on his prey ever ready to dart. involved in considerable obscurity. See the Hedge-Sparrotv^s Complaint, The Song itself is too well known to require description, hcin'j, similar to its name cuckoo ; although, I think, it ap- proaches rather-nearer to the name given to it in Somersetshire, Gookoo. It is almost alwa>s clear and distinct for some time after its arrival; but, towards tlie close of the season, there ii considerable hesitation in the utterance of the notes ; thus, instead of cuckoo being repeatedly and distinctly uttered, cuck, cuck, is often repeated in an indistinct tone, before the koo which fuitows. The cuckoo usually sings diuing the day ; but, on May 1st, 1822, the Nightingale and Cuckoo were heard to sing at ShefFord, in Bedrordsliire, the whole night through, by Mr, Inskip, of Sheffbrd, as he believe*!, in competition; Robert Bloomfielu, then resident also at Sheftbrd, was likewise a witness of this extraordinary fact, an allusion to which will be found in the " Remains" of that poet lately published, as well as several other curious particulars concerning biids, under the head of the Bird and Insects' Post-Office^ which every lover of Natnral History should peruse. See also the Examiner for May 26, 1822, where it is also stated, tliat the cuckoo was heard several times during the same season as late as ten or eleven o'clock at night. It is scarcely necessary to add, that these are, in this country, rare occurrences. I heard the puckoo in Greenwich- Park, May 22, I^'l6, at nearly nine o'clock at night, one hour after sun-set. The assertion of Montagu, whose accuracy may in general be relied on, that the cuckoo almost invariably leaves us the frit day of July, is very incorrect. It is seen much later than that,^ very often in August, although it does not .»ing in that month. I once had an opportunity of seeing, in Somersetshire, a 142 BRITISH AND liUROPEAN BIRDS. There were Ringtails and Lanners, and Gos- hawks, a few ; And the Falcons, like aides-de-camp, round about flew; hedge j.parrow feed a yonug cuckoo for about three weeks. It was taken from a hedge-sparrow's nest in a hedge in my father's garden, a few yards only from tlie dwelling-house, soon after it was hatched, and immediately placed in a large blackbird's cage, the door of which was left open, the cage being placed a short distance from the hedge whence the bird was taken. The hedge-sparrow went regularly into the cage with food to the cuckoo, till it became able to fly ; the door was then closed, and she fed it through the bars of the cage, but in about three weeks deserted it. We afterwards supplied it with bread and milk, and earthworms, which last, on being placed in its mouth, it devoured most greedily; but it seemed unwilling, or unable, to pick up either worms or the bread-and-milk. When it attempted to pick up its food, which it sometiures did, the head and neck were first drawn back slowly, and then darted forward in a way that seemed formidable ; but, nevertheless, was very inefficient as a process for obtaining food. Tliis bird arrived at a consi- derable size, but it was generally very sluggish and inactive. It was found dead in its cage one morning some time in August, it was conjectured chiefly froui cold; but, probably, also, from a deficiency, or total want of its natural food. It was, when first taken, and for some time afterwards, both in appearance and in its motions, a disgusting animal; as it grew up, however, its appearance improved. And here I cannot avoid hinting my suspicions, that the cUckoo, even when at maturity, might be fed .sometimes by other birds; certain it is, that it is very often accompanied in its flight by one or more small birds, for what purpose I could never ascertain. See the Note on the Wryneck. As, how- ever, the cuckoo is a scansorial bird, it is very possible that it THE CUCKOO. 143 The Kite, too, slow moving, was seen midst the host. Many Fulmars and Razou-Bills came from th6 coast. may obtain its food unseen by climbing about on the branches of trees where it is generally heard to sing ; it does not often alight on the ground ; the elm is one of its favourites. The cuckoo is, it is said, found in Java, and some other of the Asiatic isles, but it is never heard to sing there. There is, in the Museum of the East India Company^ a specimen marked Cuculus CanoruSf a native of Java; bnt I have great doubt, from the smallness of its size and difference in colours, compared with our cuckoo, whether it be the same species. Till lately, it was not known that any otiier bird laid its eggs in tiie nest of other birds, besides the cuckoo ; it is now, however, well ascertained, that an American bird, called in America CowPEN or Cow-bunting, (see the Notes of the Second Part,) lays its eggs in other birds' nests, and takes no care whatever of its offspring. Upon the whole, the Natural History of this bird is most extra- ordinary; and I have, therefore, been somewhat minute concern- ing it. Its notes, although monotonous, are mingled with some of our most agreeable associations, with the vivifying Spring, with May, and the season of flowers. The poems containing allusions to the cuckoo are innumera- ble; Logan has given us a beautiful little Ode to the Cuckoo^ with which the reader will be much pleased. I cannot find room for it here; the following is the first stanza of it: " Hail, beauteous stranger of the grove, Thou messenger of spring! Now Heaven repairs thy rural seat, And woods thy welcome sing." 'Ihe Indicator f or Honey Guide Cuckoo, is a rusty grey, and is fond of honey ; it inhabits the interior of Africa ; its notes 144 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Some PnEASANTs(') were there, too, in robes of bright dye ; The Rooks, e'er gregarious, came soaring on high : resemble chern, cliern, by which it is said to conduct the iniiabi- lants to the nests of tlie wild bees; hence, it is highly esteemed by the Hottentots, who deem it criminal to injure or de- stroy it. The Honoratvs, oi the Sacred Clcroo, having a t)lackish body spotted ivilh white, inhabits Malabar: feeds on reptiles injurious to vegetation, and hence preserved with great care, and venerated by the natives. The Vetula, or Long-billed rain Cuckoo, inhabits Ja- maica, is easily tamed, and sings before rain ; it is fifteen inches long, body brownish, bill long, flies short, feeds on insects, worms, and small serpents. The Orientalis, a native of Java, has a note conveyed by the letters Toohoo; or, as Dr. Horsfield has it, Tuhu. The Flavus is also a native of Java, and peihaps the most musical of the tribe; it has three different strains. It is consi- dered, however, by the natives of that island, as a bird of bad omen.— Horsfield. (7) Order, Gallina, (Linn.) Pheasant, the Common, the Courier, the Golden, Cock and Hen, &c. The GmwsPHAsiANUS of Linnsens, or Pheasant, consists of twenty-four species scattered over the globe; it includes, not only the Pheasant, properly so called, but also the Cock and Hen ^ those well-known domestic birds. This tribe is distinguished by a short, strong bill ; cheeks covered with a smooth, naked skin ; legs generally with spurs. 1 he following are the chief: The CoZc/iicMS, Pheasant, or Common Pheasant, comprises thefollowingvarieties:— Co7«»2on Pheasant, rufoixs, head blue ;— the Ringed Pheasa^it, collar while;— the Vnriegatfd Pheasant, THE PHEASANT. 145 Those whom soon will science instruct us to know, By their white.yellow beaks from the black of the Crow. — white varied with rufousj—the White Pheasant, white, with small black spots on the neck ; — the Pied Pheasant, rufous, varied with brown j —the Turkey Pheasant. Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa ; from two to three feet long ; domesticated every where ; in breeding time, above the ears on each side, is a golden fea- thered tuft like a horn. From its being a bird of heavy flight, it has never been able to visit America. It is said, however, to be reared in St. Domingo, where it was taken by the Spaniards. Of all birds, except the peacock, the pheasant has the most beautiful and variegated plumage. The varieties are produced either by climate or domestication. In its wild state, it feeds upon all kinds of grain and herbage, and, doubtless, worms. The nest is rude, and on the ground, in some secret place; eggs from twelve to twenty ; when they are carried away^the female conti- nues to lay like the common hen. The young must be supplied with ant's eggs, their only proper food. From its size, and the delicacy of its flesh, the pheasant is, of course, a valuable bird ; allhough plentiful in some districts of this country, it is not so common in the north, and is rarely seen in Scotland ; nor is it found often on marshy land, even in the west, although plenti- fully there on hilly regions, where shelter and food can be ob- tained. Pope has finely, yet painfully, described the Pheasant in his Windsor Forest: "See! from the brake the whirring pheasant springs, And mounts exulting on triumphant wings ; 14^ Short is his joy, lie feels the fiery wound, !. Flutters in blood, and panting, beats the ground. Ah ! what avail his glossy varying dyes, His purple crest and scarlet-circled eyes, The vivid green his shining plumes unfold, His painted wings, and breast that flames with gold!" H 146 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Those whom Man, for his Sport, is oft pleas'd to destroy, Amidst vinous libations and boisterous joy. — This, of course, applies, to the cock pheasant; the colours of the hen are neither so intense nor brilliant. The Gallus, or Common Cock and Hen, are too well known to need description. Fifteen varieties have been named, as follow : the fVild Cock, the Common Cock, the Crested Cock, the Dorking Cock, the Frizzled Cock, the Persian Cock, the Dwarf Cock, the Bantam Cock, the Rongh-legsed Cock, the Turk- ish Cock, the Paduan Cock, the Negro Cock, the Crowned Hen, the Horned Cock, and the Silk Cock. The cock and hen came originally from Asia. The common hen is, perhaps, the most prolific of birds ; if well fed, excepting about two months in the moulting season, she frequently lays an egg a day. When in a wild state, she begins to sit upon her eggs, after laying fifteen or sixteen; and, it is only from the circum- stance of taking away the eggs, that she produces a greater number when domesticated. In Egypt, the eggs of the hen are hatched in stoves peculiarly adapted to tlie purpose; but it does not appear, from all the experiments hitherto made in this country, including those by the aid of steam, that any method of rearing chicken which has been devised, is so good as that of suffering the hen herself to hatch and rear her own offspring. Tlie reader, who should be desirous of obtaining n)ore information relative to the rearing and management of domestic poultry, may consult my Family Cyclopcedia articles. Hen, Duck, Goose, Tuukey, &c. It seems probable, however, that the hatching of chicken by steam in towns, where room is wanted for the roving of the natural hen, and, of course, with difficulty obtained, might be made useful and profitable, chiefly by an equable application of heat as a succedaneum for the brooding of the natural mother. The cock is, naturally, a very pugnacious animal; the young THE COCK THE COURIER PHEASANT. 147 Yes, hath He, of high intellect^ oft, in his pride, With the blood of the Rook his hands wantonly dyed. cock chicken begin to fight long before they are half grown. The full grown cock will often attack animals much larger than himself; the cock turkey is, in general, no match for him. I once had a cock so extremely violent and fierce, that young persons could not venture near him ; he has even frequently attacked grown people. The cock has been a subject of considerable interest with the poets; and, in consequence, he has been very commonly called by them " Chanticleer." " Within this homestead liv'd without a peer For crowing loud, the noble Chanticleer.'' — Drydev. Milton has also finely described this bird. "While the cock with lively din Scatters the rear of darkness thin; And to the stack, or the barn door. Stoutly struts his dames before." — L'Allecro. Of the game of cock-fightings I can only say, that it is a bar- barous^ sport, and ill becomes an intelligent being; the same may be said of cock-squailiug, a sport, I am afraid, not yet wholly unknown in the west. See my Observations on the Dialects of the West of England, he. ,, .^^i l,,c'>L ,a332 ] t^vtil -. The MexicanuSy or Couribr Pheasant, is tawny-white; tail long, shining green; inhabits New Spain; eighteen inches long ; slow in flight, but runs fast. The Cristatus, or Crested Pheasant, is brown above, beneath reddish- white, head crested ; twenty-two inches long; feeds on serpents, worms, and insects; inhabits New Spain. The Superbus, or Golden Chi- NESE Pheasant, is rufous, varied with green and blue ; with- out spurs; inhabits China. The ^rg-us, or Argus Pheasant, is pale vellow, spotted with black; face red; size of a turkey; inhabits Chinese Tartary. iioi^n t .-:/ . ; i .'. ;' H 2 148 TO THE ROOK. Corvus Frugilegus. (Linn.) Tttou social, thou noisy, intelligent Bird! How oft I, delighted, thy cawing have heard ! When infancy prompted my lisp, thy loud voice I heard soon as morning arose to rejoice ; And my youth, long beside thy high dwelling, was taught Th?it happiness was not in towns to be sought; And since hath experience proclaim'd the same truth, Which, alas ! I had heard, but obey'd not in youth. How oft have I seen thee, with labouring breast, Long branches and twigs bear to fashion thy nest. While the wind drove thee far from thy dwelling away. Till, wheeling around, thou regained'st the spray ; — Then, plucking the hairs from the back of the ox ; Or, seeking of wool many soft and warm locks. How oft have I seen, heard thee provender bring, — Feed thy mate, or thy young, and away on the wing.* * The uoise made by the female rook, duiing her incubation, at the approach of the male with food, and when receiving it from him, and that made also by the young rooks, at the approach of the parent bird, is so singular, and so well known by those acquainted with it, that hearing it alone is sufficient to indicate what process is about to take place. THE ROOK. 149 How often at morn from my window I'd look To see thee, to hear thee, affectionate Rook !(^) era yd 9TuJqfii dii^ \o idg«< (8) Order, Vicje, (Linn.) Rook, Raven, Crow, Magpie, Jack-Daw, Jay, &c. The Genus CoRVUS of Linnaus to which the Rook belongs, is a numerous tribe, many of them well known in this country. Above seventy species are scattered over the globe, the greater part of which are found in almost every climate. The bill is convex, sharp-edged, having a small tooth-like process near the point. They are prolific, social, and clamorous ; building ge- nerally in trees ; eggs five or six ; their food is mixed, some animal, some vegetable. The following are the chief: The FrtigUeguSy or Rook, is black, with a bill yellowish white, by which it may be readily distinguished from the Crow, the size and colours of both birds being nearly the same. Inha- bits Europe and Western Siberia, and well known in this country ; builds in large communities called Rookeries, generally on the elm, which it prefers, but sometimes on other trees. Flies abroad, morning and evening, at certain periods of the year, in great flocks; is very noisy. Found in this country the whole year round, but said to be in France and Silesia migratory. It is a bird of considerable intelligence j it is, besides, extremely useful by feeding on large quantities of worms and the larvae of destriictive insects, following the plough for such purposes. It also feeds on corn, and will, if not prevented, pick out, after they are dibbled, both peas and beans, from the holes, with a precision truly astonishing; a very moderate degree of care is, however, sufficient to prevent this evil, which is greatly overbalanced by the positive good which it effects in the destruction of insects. Eggs five, bluish green, with irregular blackish spots and streaks* Flesh, when young, good. A further account of the habits of this bird will be found in the Introduction. See also a poem 150 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Sweet sounds ! that of home, and of parents, and THEE, Will ever be thought of with rapture by me. entitled the Rookery, in my Somerset Dialect. This bird, and the Crow particularly, distinguished by their cawing. Mr. Coleridge, in a poem addressed to Mr. C. Lamb, and published in the second volume of the Annual Anthology ^ edited at Bristol by Mr. Southey, in 1800, alludes to the creaking of tjbe wings of this bird when it flies : " The Rook — when all was still, Flew creaking o'er thy bead." I think that I have occasionally observed this noise of *he Rook. In a note to the poem, Bartram is quoted as having noticed the same fact in the Savannah Crane : as far as I re- member in regard to the Rook, the noise occurs, principally, when the bird is heavily laden with materials for its nest, or contending against the wind. The late Lord Erskine wrote a Poem on the Rook, which was printed and privately circulated some years since. I have never seen it; I presume it deserves publicity. SoMERviLE thus sings of the Rook ; . .Mii/fiWhen feather'd troops, their social leagues dissolv'd, !t)y^i Select Iheir mates, and on the leafless elm, :.'ii: Tj^The noisy Jioo/c builds high her wicker nest." 1, .; Chase, Book iv. The Coraxy or Raven, is black, or bluish black ; but there are several varieties; some with a few scattered white feathers, some entirely white, and others variegated with black and white ; inhabits Europe, North America, New Spain, and is well known in this country. Two feet two inches long ; makes I THE RAVEN. 151 Thou social, thou noisy, intelligent Bird ! ' ^ h"^ How oft I, delighted, thy cawing have heard !* a hoarse croaking noise ; may be taught to speak ; thievish, as indeed are many of the genus ; builds inliigh trees, or on rocks ; eggs bluish green, spotted with brown ; feeds on carrion, fishes, &c; long lived ; smell said to be exquisite. The Greenlanders, it is said, eat the flesh, make the skin into, garments, and the split feathers into fishing lines. The croaking of the Raven is extremely disagreeable ; in the silence and solitude of remote woods it is peculiarly appalling. . It was formerly considered extremely ominous. The poets have, of course, seized upon this : Drayton says " The greedy Raven ih?i{ for death dqtb call :" ^j ' ;: ,■,■, Owl. .,, And quotes Pliny for his authority. And Shakespeare, ** The Raven himself is hoarse "''' '*' . That croaks the fatal entrance of I>laft<^ii' * Under my battlements." '^^'"' '<^'' ^ MacbetKf Act i. Scene 5. * **^I Mfed *em at tha cottage door, When niornin, in tha spreng, WAk'd vooath in youth an beauty too, An birds beginn'd ta zeng. I hired 'em in tha winter-time, When, roustin vur aw^, Tha visited tha Rookery, A whiverin by dk.'^ See a poem called the l^ooKERyf iti ray Observationg on the Dialects of the West of England^SccSic. 152 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. How oft hath affection — Begone thou wild dream! Proceed we to pencil the rest of our theme. : 8^001 no 10 T*'® ■^**®" *^''^**'* *^® *^^*'g^ of death." -'A modern poet has also taken advantage of the superstition. " All nations have their omens drear, Their legends wild of woe and fear. To Cambria look — the peasant see, Bethink him of Glendowerdy, And shun " the Spirit's Blasted Tree." Scott's Marmion. In the notes to the aixih Cant0 of which is a poem by the Kev. George Warrington, entitled the Spirit's Blasted TreCf that contains the following lines : ** Three raveni gave the note of death As through mid air they winged their way ; Then o'er his head, in rapid flight. They croakt — they scent their destined prey. Ill omened bird ! as legends say, Who hast the wondrous power to know, While health fills high the throbbing veins, The fated hour when blood must flow." Sir Walter Scott has thus alluded to the Raven in the Lady qf the Lake. " Seems he not Malice, like a ghost That hovers o'er a slanghter'd host ? Or Raven on the blasted oak, That, watching while the deer is broke, His morsel claims with sullen croak?'' Whatever might have been the opinions concerning this bird CROW — HOODED-CROW — JACK-DAW. 153 The Jay and the Magpie both chatter'd aloud; The Wren Golden-crested, apart from the crowd, in former times, the liberal intelligence of the present age can only regard them with a smile — the poor Raven, harsh as its notes are, may now croak in peace,— without fear and without any acconipanying nialediction. See a curious poem entitled the Raven, in the Anthology, vol. ii. page 240, written, it is pre- sumed, by SOUTHEY. The Corone, Crow, Common Crow, Carrion Crow, or Gor CroM?, inhabits Europe, Siberia, North America, New Guinea, New Holland, Madeira, and this country : it is entirely black; two other varieties; one variegated with white, the other en- tirely white ; eighteen inches long j feeds on carrion or small weak animals, fruit, and grain; builds in lofty trees; nest al- ways solitary; eggs bluish green, with black streaks and spots; usually five in number; rarely at any time of the year gre- garious. The Comix, Hooded-Crow, Royston-Crow, Dun-Crow, Scare- Crow, or Buting'Crow, is dark ash colour, head, throat, wings, and tai', black; twenty-two inches long; eggs bluish green, with blackish brown spots; feeds on almost every thing; in- habits Europe, Asia, and this country; migrates. See the Introduction. The Monedula, Jack-Daw, Daw, or Chough, inhabits Europe, and West Siberia, one variety Persia ; well known in England. There are numerous varieties, the principal in this country is black ; but some of the varieties are brown, others white ; others with the wings white, and a white collar round the neck ; thirteen inches long ; builds in old turrets or lofty rocks, some- times in rabbit holes ; eggs pale, less, and not so much spotted as those of the Hooded-crow ; very gregarious and easily tamed ; thievish ; feeds on insects, grains, and seeds ; utters a harsh, shrill cry, or squeak. H3 154 BRITISH AND EUROPRAU BIRDS. With the Redbreast, in converse, delighted was seen, On a broad branching oak or some tall evergreen. Shakespeare has mentioned this bird under the name of chovghf in his description of Dover Cliffs, King Lear, Act iii. Scene 6. " The crows and choughs that wing the midway air Scarce seem so gross as beetles." And CowFER has written a pleasing poem called the Jack- Daw ; it begins thus : "There is a bird who by his coat, And by the hoarseness of his note, Might be supposed a crow : A great frequenter of the church, Where bishop-Uke he finds a perch, And dormitory too." The note, however, of the Jack-daw, is much more shrill than the Crow's, and can scarcely he mistaken for it,— indeed, never, by an accurate observer. The Glandarius, or Jay, inhabits the woods of Europe and Siberia, and is well known in this country. The wing coverts are blue, with transverse black and blue lines ; body pale rusty purple, mixed with grey ; two varieties. Thirteen inches long ; very docile, easily tamed, and may be taught to speak ; eggs six, dull olive, spotted with brown, size of a pigeon's. Collects nuts and other fruits, and hides what it cannot eat ; feeds also on corn, small birds, and eggs. " Proud of cerulean stains From heaven's unsullied arch purloined, the Jay Screams hoarse." Gisborme's fValks in a Forest, — Spring. The Cristatus, or Blue Jay, is an elegant bird, peculiar to North America; length eleven inches; head with a crest of light blue or purple feathers, which can be elevated or de- BLUE JAY — NUT*CRACKBR— -MAGPIE. 155 The WooDLARK his song warbled loud on the wing; And the Titlark was eager to shew he could singi;! pressed at the will of the bird ; back and upper part of the neck a line light purple, in which the blue predominates ; a collar of black proceeds in a graceful curve to the breast, where it forms a crescent ; chin, cheeks, throat, and belly white, the three former tinged with blue ; greater wing coverts a rich bine; the predominant colours of the whole plumage blue; beneath dirty white, faintly tinged with purple. A noisy chattering bird ; notes very various ; nest large ; eggs five, dull olive, spotted with brown; feeds on a variety of different food, both animal and vegetable; attacks and destroys small birds, eating their eggs, &c. ; may be taught to speak. It is gregarious in September and October. Found in the temperate regions of North America and in Newfoundland. The Caryocatactesy or Nut-cracker, inhabits Europe and Siberia; body brown, dotted with white, wings and tail black ; thirteen inches long; lives chiefly in pine forests; collects and feeds on insects, berries, and nuts. Rarely found in England; frequently in Germany and other parts of Europe. Of the Pico, Magpie, Mag, Madge, Pie, or Hagister, there are four varieties : — variegated black and white, — variegated sooty black and white,— body longitudinally streaked with black and white,— and totally white. It is eighteen inches long, a considerable portion of which is tail. Inhabits Europe and North America ; well known in this country ; feeds on worms. Sec. ; builds in trees or thorn bushes ; covers over its nest with thorns, leaving commonly two entrances; eggs five, greenish, with dusky spots. May be easily tamed, and taught to imitate the human voice ; when tamed, thievish, and hides almost every thing which it carries away ; will carry away many things for which it cannot have any possible use. Its notes are a kind of chattering. For a further account of this bird's nest, see the Introduction. 6 156 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. While other bhds joined in a jig or a reel, The Goatsucker humm'd with his loud spinning wheel.* GisBORNE thus describes this bird : " From bough to bough the restless magpie roves, And chatters as lie flies." Walks in a Forest. — Spring. The magpie is not, I believe, generally considered a very pugnacious bird ; upon some occasions, however, it will exert its energies ; my friend, the Poet Laureate, informs me, that since his residence in Cumberland, he saw in that part of the country three magpies give battle to a Hawk, (the Falco Tinnunculus, I presume,) and beat him. The Graculus, Red Legged Crow, Cornish-daw, Cornwall- kee, Killigrew, or Cornish Choughy inhabits the Alps, Norway, England, Egypt, and Persia ', it is violet-blackish ; bill and legs red; sixteen inches long; it is restless, clamorous, vora- cious, thievish, and gregarious ; builds on rocks ; feeds ou juniper berries, and insects. It is pleased with glitter, and is, it is said, apt to catch up bits of lighted sticks, by which mis- chief is ^sometimes produced ; eggs four or five, spotted with yellow. The whole of this genus af birds have been commonly con- sidered as mischievous and destructive ; and, too often, writers on natural history have echoed the vulgar opinion. But they are, I think, beyond question, a very useful tribe, the mischiefs which they do being very much outweighed by the good which they produce in the destruction of worms, slugs, &c. so inju- rious to tUc^ fruits of the earth. * See the description of the Goat-suckers in Part IL THE COMMON SWALLOW, 157 The BuLFiNCH, the B/EDW'iNG, and Owls too were there; '•?! '^'f^ ^»^ '>flriit on And some Swallows, (') that live almost ever in air; (S") Order, Passeres, {Linn.) SwAtLow, Martin, Swift. The genus Hirundo, (of Linn.) to which the Common Swallow belongs, consists of more than sixty species, dis- persed over the four quarters of the globe, a few of which forming the tribe of Sicifts, have the four toes all placed for- wards; the rest three before, and one behind. Of all the fea- thered tribe the swallow is most upon the wing, flight appear- ing its natural and almost necessary attitude ; in this state, it feeds and bathes itself, and, sometimes, procreates and nou- rishes its young. The following are the chief: The Rustica, Swallow, Chimney, or Common Swallow, has the front and ciiin chesnut, the tail feathers, except the two middle ones, with a white spot ; a variety with the body entirely white; six inches long. Builds in chimneys; sometimes beneath the roofs of out-houses, &c.; lays from four to six white eggs, speckled with red. Arrives in this country in April, leaves it in general at the end of September; seen sometimes late in Oc- tober. When it flies low, is said to presage a storm, in conse- quence of its food, flies, not ascending high in the atmosphere at such times. The notes of the swallow are aptly designated by the term " twittering ;" they can hardly be called a song, although con- sisting of several soimds by no means disagreeable. fuif. Gray has immortalized this bird by one expressive line, in his Elegy written in u Country Church Yard; "The swallow, twittering from the straw-built shed :" and Drayton, its mode of feeding, in another; " The svvift-wing'd swallow feeding as it flies." Noah's Ark. See more concerning this bird and its nest in the Introduction. 158 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Yet at their first advent, on warm fanning- breeze, They repose a long time on the summits of trees : The Esculenta, or Esculent Swallow, inhabits China and the Islands of the Indian Ocean ; it is only two inches and a quarter long; blackish; beneath white; all the tail feathers with a white spot; builds in caverns of rocks; nest made of a gelatinous substance, said to be obtained from marine plants, but, most probably, a secretion from some gland in the bird itself; it is eaten by the Asiatics as a luxury. Its chief ingre- dient is doubtless gelatine. See the Introduction. The UrbicUj Martin, House-Martin^ Martlet, Martinet, is bluish black, beneath white, tail feathers without spots; a va- riety with quill and tail feathers tipt with white ; five and a half inches long ; builds under the eaves of houses ; the outside of its nest like the common swallow, of clay; eggs white; inhabits Europe and North America ; migrates like the swallow. See the Introduction. The Apus, Swift, Black- Martin, SkiT'Devil^ or Skeer-Devil,* is blackish, chin white ; eight inches long ; feet so small that it rises from the ground, and walks with difficulty; is mostly on the wing, and rests by clinging to some wall ; makes a harsh disagreeable screaming ; builds chiefly in tow ers and other lofty edifices. Arrives later than the common swallow. Re- tires from England early in autumn. The Rufa inhabits Cayenne, is five and a half inches long ; affixes its nest, which is sometimes a foot and a half long, to beams. The Purpurea, or Purple Swallow, is entirely violet, female brown ; inhabits Carolina and Virginia, where it is es- teemed for its use as a warning to poultry of the approach of birds of prey, which it becomes by attacking them furiously. The Cayennensis, or White Collared Swift, is blackish * For the meaning of the term skir, see my Obseivatiom on the Somer^t Dialect, article To Skeer, SAND MARTIN CHIMNEY SWALLOW. 159 There silent they sit, scarce one twittering note, Is heard to distend the sweet fissirosts' throat. But the Martins, in fear of a cold April day, Deferred their approach till the season of May; While the Swifts, whose loud shrieks make the welkin oft ring, Chose a day still more distant to welcome the spring. violet; five and a quarter inches long ; nest long, conic, chiefly of the down of dog's bane, curiously woven together with a di- vision in the middle. Inhabits Cayenne. The Riparia, Sand Martin, Shore-bird, or Bank Martin, is the smallest of the British Swallows, being in length only four inches and three quarters ; the upper parts of its plumage are a mouse-coloured brown; beneath white,except across the breast, which is brown. Frequents rivers,andmakesitsnestin the banks, but is most commonly found in sand-pits, where it easily makes its nest in horizontal holes two or three feet deep. May be seen, during the summer, in the sand-banks at the lime-kilns near the foot of Blackheath-hill. It sometimes builds in old walls; and, occasionally, it is said, in hollow trees. Eggs five, white. Habits in other respects similar to the House Martin. Found in most parts of Europe, and also in America, where it is called Ground Martin. i >o- f! The Pelasgica, called by Wilson, Chimney Swallow, is found in.the United States of America, but it is there, as the swallow of this country, a migratory bird, arriving in Pennsyl- vania late in April or early in May : it builds in chimneys, but, in the woods, in hollow trees; nest formed of very small twigs, fastened together with a strong adhesive glue or gum, secreted by two glands, one on each side of the hind head, and mixes with the saliva; eggs four, white; young fed during the night. This bird is four and a half inches long, and twelve in extent; colour a deep sooty brown ; it is supposed to winter in Honduras. 160 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. There were Woodcocks, (^^) and Snipxs, both Grallators of fame ; Wttistl ?! Now distinguished, ah me! in our annals as Game; (■°) Order, Grall^, (Linn.) Woodcock, Snipe, Curlew, GoDwiT, Green-Shank, &c. The genus Scolopax, (Linn.) to which the Woodcock, Scolopax Rusticola, belongs, consists of fifty-six or more species, of which fifteen are common to this country. The chief cha- racteristics of this genus are the bill, more than an inch and half long, slender, straight, weak. Nostrils linear, lodged in a furrow ; tongue slender, pointed ; toes divided to their origin, or slightly connected ; back toe small. The chief of these are The following : The Rusticola, or Woodcock, is fifteen inches long ; bill three inches, straight and reddish at the base ; forehead cinere- ous, the rest of the upper part of the body a mixture of ferrugi- nous black and grey disposed in bars ; beneath yellowish white, with dusky streaks. Flesh and intestines good. Five or six va- rieties, with while or pale straw-coloured body, spotted or other- wise diversified. In the summer they retreat in France to the loftier mountains, and from England towards the mountainous regions of Norway and Sweden; some, it is said, to America ; but a few'remain in this country the whole year, and, of course, breed liere. They are found as far south as Smyrna, Aleppo, and Barbary, and as far East as Japan. They are also found in Canada and Cape Breton. This bird is dressed for being eaten without having its intes- tines taken out. What ground there may be for the saying I do not know, biJt Philips, in his Cyder^has the following lines on the woodcock: " The woodcock's early visit and abode Of long continuance in our temperate clime Foretell a liberal harvest:*' COMMON SNIPE — GREAT SNIPE. 161 There were Curlews, by long bills and wading well known ; And the Crow, who to feasting on carrion is prone. Unless it be that as its long continuance here is indicative of a severe winter, and as long frost renders, most probably, the earth more fruitful. The GallinagOf or Common Snipe, Snipe, or Snite, has a straight bill three inches, body nearly twelve inches long ; the general appearance of the body a variegated brown ; beneath whitish. It migrates partly, and partly breeds in England during the summer. Eggs four or five, olivaceous, spotted with rufous-brown. Flesh excellent, and dressed in the same manner as the woodcock, without taking out the intestines. Found in almost every part of the world. " The snipe fliea screaming from the marshy verge, And towers in airy circles o'er the wood. Still heard at intervals; and oft returns And stoops as bent to alight ; then wheels aloft With sudden fear, and screams and stoops again, Her favourite glade reluctant to forsake." GiSBORNE, Walks in a Forest, — fVinter,.;o Although the respectable authority of Gisborne leaves M no reason to doubt the accuracy of the above description, yet the motions of the snipe, when disturbed, in the marshy districts of Somersetshire, are not in exact accordance with it ; the snipe there is usually found in ditches or drainn, and, when dis- turbed, it rises screaming, and generally moves in a rectilinear or slightly curved direction, so as to be readily shot at on the wing : I have not observed in it a disposition to return to the spot whence it arose. Snipes are not often seen before they rise : their motions are of the most active kind. The Mc{jor, or Great Snipe, weighs about eighf ounces, and is sixteen inches long ; bill four inches; and similar to that 162 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. There were, too, some Godwits, Greensijanks, and Tomtits, , The last, though small birds, are accounted great wits. of the woodcock; upper parts of the body similar to the com- mon snipe. This bird is rarely met with in England. Flesh good. The Gallinulaj Jack Snipe, G/d, or Jud Cocky is eight inches and a half long; bill about two inches; body variegated. Inhabits this country, Enrope, Asia, and America; migrates, none remaining in this country during the breeding season. The Limosui Jadreka Snipe, Lesser Godwit, or Stone Plover is about seventeen inches long; bill four inches. Rarely seen in England. Found in Iceland, and the northern parts of Europe. The Toianus, Spottei>-Snipe, or Spotted Redsliankf is about the size of the greenshank ; head pale ash-colour, with oblong streaks of black; back dusky, varied with triangular spots; wing coverts similarly spotted ; beneath white. Found, though rarely, in England. The CEgocephalttf Godwit, Common Godwit, Grey Godwit, Yarwhelp, Yarwip, or Sea Wood cock, weighs from seven to twelve ounces ; length about fifteen inches; bill long, from three inches and a quarter to upwards of four inches. Head, neck, and upper parts a rusty brown ; but there is considerable variety both in the plumage and the size of this species. Migrates from one part of the island to another: by some naturalists said to leave England in the Spring and to return in September j but Colonel Montagu informs us that it continues here the whole year, migrating from one part of the country to another. These birds are often taken in Lincolnshire, and fattened for the London market. The Cantabrigiensis or Cambridge Godwit is larger than the common Red Shank; it has been shot near Cambridge, but is a very scarce bird. The Canescens or Cinereous Godwit is WHIMBREL — GREEN-SHANK— CURLEW. 163 The Whimbrel, grallator with bill arch'd and long, Was also seen lifting his head 'midst, the throng. about the size of the Green Shank ; it has been killed in Lincolnshire. The PhoeopuSf Whimbrel, Curlew-knot, Curlew- Jacky Half- Curlewj Stone-Curlew, has an arched bill about three inches long ; the body is brownish ; length eighteen inches.^ This bird has all the manners of the Curlew. Migrates, arriving in this country in August, and continuing through the winter. Inha- bits Europe and America. The Glottis, Green-Shank, Green-Legged Horseman, or Greater Plover, has the bill about two inches and ahalf long ; legs greenish and very long; inhabits Europe, Africa, and America. Length fourteen inches. Migrates ; seen in small flocks on our coasts in winter, and in fens and marshes contiguous to the sea. Breeds in Sweden, Russia, and Siberia. It has also been seen in Africa and America, ■■' '- The Arquaia, Common Curlew, ^a*-^ dr Wlieap, varies much in size, weighing from twenty to upwards of thirty ounces; length of the largest about twenty-five inches. The bill is from six to seven inches long, dusky black; wings blackish, with snowy spots ; body above, and breast, with dusky brown spots ; chin, rump, and beneath, white; legs long, bluish ; feeds on worms and marsh insects, and frequents also the sea-shore. Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa, and common in winter on the sea-coasts of this country ; in summer they retire to the mountains, where they pair and breed ; they make no nest, but deposit their eggs amongst heath, rushes, or long grass ; gene- rally four in number, pale olive, spotted with brown ; flesh by some thought good, but often rank and fishy. Another variety, diversified with rufous and black, found in Norfh America. The common notes of this bird are hn'e, hoe, Ito'e ; it utters also corleto occasionally, whence its name. Whether Miss Williams be justified in calling the sounds which this bird utters a 164 , BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Woodpecker (") pleas'd left his ** hollow beech tree ;" In the crowd he appear'd, join'd by rapture and glee. '* inelaucholy wail," which she does in a Sonnet that has many admirers, may be questioned ; " Soothed by the mnrmursof the sea-beat shore, His dun-grey phimage floating to the gale, The Curlew blends his melancholy wail With those hoarse sounds the rushing waters pour." This lady, following our Dictionaries and Poets, accents Cur'lew on the first syllable ; it is however pronounced very often, I believe almost always, in the west of England with the accent on the last, Cur/fic' ; I have in the text, much against my inclination, followed the printed custom. The Pigmea or Pigmy Curlew is about the size of a Lark; weighs scarcely two ounces j it is a very rare bird ; one is said to have been killed in Holland, another in Kent. The Curlew has been arranged as a distinct genus by Dr. Latham, under the term Ncmemus, with fifteen species. (") Order Pic^, {Linn.) Woodpecker, the Great Black, the Green, the Golden-winged, the Ivory- billed, &c. The Genus Picus or Woodpecker, (Linn.) comprises above ninety species, five of which are common to this country. The tribe are distinguished by a straight angular bill, wedged at the tip ; nostrils covered with reflected bristles ; tongue much longer than the bill, round, worm-shaped, bony, missile, dag- gered, beset at the point with bristles, bent back ; tail feathers ten, stiff, sharp-pointed ; feet scansile. The following are the chief of this very curious genus, which are principally inhabi- tants of America. THE GREAT BLACK — THE GREEN WOODPECKER. 165 Hast thou e'er, when alone, amidst woodlands remote, In the forest far distant from dwellings of men,— In the grove's gloomy umbrage, — the mountain's deep glen, — When solemnity, solitude, silence, excite A feeling of awe that no pen may indite. Been startled by some bird's appalling loud note ? The MartiuSy or Great Black Woodpfxker is black ex- cept the crown of the head, which is vermilion ; size of a jack- daw ; length seventeen inches; builds a large and deep nest in some tree, which it excavates for the purpose ; eggs two or three, white. This bird is very scarce in England ; it is said however to have been met with in Devonshire. It is found in other parts of Europe generally, and also in Chili. It chiefly resides among poplar trees, feeding on bees and ants. In winter this bird disappears. In the female the hind head only is red. These birds strike with such force against the trees which they excavate, that the noise is heard as far as a wood-cutter's hatchet. The hole which they make in the tree is generally round, and of course sufficiently large to admit their bodies. It appears that their reasons for thus scooping out trees are two ; the first for the purpose of obtaining ants and insects which secrete themselves in the soft or rotten wood, and after- wards for a nest. , The Viridis, Green Woodpecker, fVoodspitef Rain-bird or" Rain-fowl, High-hoe, HeW'hole, Aicl-bird, Yapping-ale, Yafie or Yafflej', fVoodwall or Poppinjat/f is thirteen inches long ; the ge- neral colour of this bird is green; the crown is crimson; the rump is yellow, beneath a very pale yellowish green ; the bill is two, the tongue six, inches long. Another variety with the up- per part of the head and spots beneath the ears deep red. The first variety is found in Europe and oar.^wp pountry ; the se- 166 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. That note is the Woodpecker's,-^ there may'stthou see The harsh screaming scan sor on many a tree. cond, Mexico. Eggs five or six, greenish, spotted with black, which it lays in a hole scooped out in a decaying tree; the elm, the asp, or the ash, is usually chosen, rarely if ever the oak for such a purpose. A modern poet, Mr. Moore, has immorta- lized this bird in a beautiful song called the Woodpecker ; it is well known, but the first stanza it may be here permitted me to quote : '*! knew by (he smoke that so gracefully curl'd Above the green elms that a cottage was near; And I said, if there's peace to be found in the world, A heart that was humble might hope for it here. Every leaf was at rest, and I heard not a sound, But the Woodpecker tapping the hollow beech tree." The note of this bird is sufficiently described in the text. The Principalis, WjuTE-BiLLED Woodpecker, or Ivory- billed Woodpecker, (supposed to be the largest of the tribe,) is black, crest scarlet, bill prodigiously strong, elegantly fluted, and as white as ivory ; cap in the female not coloured ; twenty inches long. Feeds on the worms found in rotten trees; sto- mach an oblong pouch, not muscular like the gizzards of grani- vorous birds. Inhabits America from New Jersey to Brazil; habits like the last species. This bird from the great quantity of chips which it makes is called, by the Spaniards, the Carji«»- ter^s bird. Tlie £ryiHAT<^,?ni>v The Pubescem, or DowfiYWooDPECKEti^ksihe hack longi- tudinally downy ; outer tail feathers white, with four black spots; hind bead in the male red ; size of a s|>arrovv; inhabits North America in vast flocks; is bold, and very injurious to orchards, making one hole close to another in a horizontal line, till it lias completed a circle of lioles ail r^und the tree.'i'idt io fun ebtid rsdio tliil/ e'^mitamo* baa ,gcioiifi}ji,r ThiB following may be also mentioned as found in tBis conn- try ; but, as their habits are very similar to the Green Wood- fiecker, they require no particular notice. The Villosus or Hairy Woodpecker is nearly nine inches long; above black, beneath white ; found in the north of England, common in America. The Mnjor or Greater Spotted Woodpecker is nine inches long ; the predominating colours of this bird are black and white; egi^s five, white. Mr. Sweet informs me that he had one of this species domesticated, and that it de- stroyed and ate small birds. The Minor ot Lesser Spotted Woodpecker is only five inches ^nd a half long; eggs five, white. This bird is called in Gloucestershire Hickwall add Crank-bird. ('^) Order, Passerbs, (Linn.) Starling, Water Ouzel,&c. The genus Sturnus, {Linn.) to which the Stare, Sturnus Vulgaris^ belongs, comprehends nearly forty species, scattered over the globe, two only common to our own country. 168 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. 0 YE who have power, — who presume that your WILL Is the measure that every weak being must fill, The characters of the tribe are a subulate, angular, depres- sed, bluntish bill ; upper mandible entire, somewhat open at the edges; nostrils surrotmded with a prominent rim; tongue notched, pointed. The following are the chief. The Vulgaris, Stare, Starling, Shepstn, CUepster, or Chep- Starlingy has the bill yellow, body black with white dots; the colours however vary ; sometimes they are a beautiful green and purple, and sometimes white, and, it is said, occasionally black ; nine inches long. Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Ame- rica, and common to our own country. Exceedingly gre- garious, associating during the winter mouths in well-arranged battalions, and sometimes with other birds not of their own tribe. The males are very pugnacious, often fighting during the pairing season for the females with much rancour, the females themselves being the while passive spectators. Their docility and the beauty of their plumage have rendered them great favourites. Their natural notes are a shrill whistle and a chattering; but they may be taught to imitate the human voice, and sing song-tunes. Sterne has immortalized this bird if) his SentimentalJourney : — "The bird flew to the place where 1 was attempting his deliverance, and, thrusting his head through the trellis, pressed his head against it, as if impatient. — I fear, poor creature, said I, I cannot set thee at liberty. — ' No,' said the starling, ' I can't get out,— I can't get out.' Disguise thy- self as thou wilt, still, Slavery, said I,— still thou art a bitter draught '."—Page 101, Edit. Lond. 1804. They feed on insects and worms ; but their flesh is so bitter as to be scarcely eatable. They build in ruinous edifices or the cliflf of a rock, and sometimes in a hollow tree, and sometimes in the deserted nest of another bird. Eggs four or five, of a pale THE STARLING— THE WATER OUZEL. 169 Behold the naive picture, in tints strong and true, And think not that birds were made only for you ; For YOU only to sing, for you only to die ; O think not that thus could e'er act the Most High ! Yes, Slavery! hath Nature, in wisdom, decreed That who drinks of thy cup finds it bitter indeed ; All uncorrupt tastes will thy chalice refuse ; And it dash from her lips will indignant the Muse. green or bluish cast. This species is seen in this country throughout the year; but it is suspected that some of the tribe migrate during the summer months ; I have never seen their nests in Somersetslure. It appears, however, that a great num- ber of these birds have, for several years past, built their nests in the apertures under the lead on the top of Canonbury-tower at Islington.* The Cinclus, Water-Ouzel, CrakCj IVattr^Crake, Water Crow or Piet, is above black, breast and chin white, belly ferruginous ; seven and a quarter inches long ; solitary ; breeds in the holes of banks ; inhabits Europe and Northern Persia, and found also in this country. Although the feet of this bird are not formed for diving, it is yet a most singular circumstance that it pursues its prey under water, living chiefly on small fish and aquatic insects. It sings prettily in the .«piing. The Capensis or Cape Starling is blackish, beneath and sides of the head white ; size of the vulgaris; inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. The Ludovicianus or Louisine Starling is above brownish grey, beneath yellow; in size and habits simi- lar to the common starling. Inhabits, in vast flocks, the inte- rior regions of North America. * See Nelson's History of Islington, ?d edit. p. '237 I 170 TO FREEDOM. But approach! thou delight of the children of men ! Not less than of birds, both of grove and of glen, Fair Freedom! approach! not, as often of yore, In the dark robes of terror, and hands stain'd with gore ; O come, in thy gentleness silvery bright. And diffuse o'er the world thy benevolent light; Take the Virtues, — the maidens of Peace, by the hand; Let persuasion, not force, be thy word of command; Bring with thee affectionate Feeling and Love, So that those who contemn be constrain'd to approve ; Let Knowledge thy constant attendant e'er be. And MAN, become wise, will then only be free. The Birds, too, shall hail thee, — around thee shall throng, — In one loud bursting shout of symphonious song. Water-Ouzels, too, came, and the oft-calling Quail, Pugnacious, — Teals many, but not a Land-Rail; While the Widgeons and Pochards, and rich Golden-Eye, *Midst the Bean-Geese and Brent-Geese were seen oft to fly. Came the Eider-Duck also from isles of the west, Where &he dwells most secure in her soft downy nest. THE KING-FISHER. 171 She to commerce, to luxury, ministers food ; And to Sloth lends her couches, nor wholesome nor good; Oh, when shall conviction, the truth flash on Wealth, That no road yclept Royal can lead unto Health; That Labour can only such happiness yield, And such, too, which chiefly abounds in the field ? The active King-fishers (*^) on willows were seen, In colours most splendid, of purple and green. ('3) Order, PiCiE, (Linn.) King-fisher, the Common, the Splendid, the Puhple, &c. The genus Alcedo, (Linn.) to which the Common King- fisher, Alcedo ispida belongs, consists of about sixty species, all, except the tirst named, inhabiting the warmer regions of the globe. The characteristics of tiie tribe are a triangular thick, straight, long-pointed bill ; tongue fleshy, very short, flat point- ed ; feet, in most, gressorial. It chiefly frequents rivers, and lives on fishes, which it catches with curious dexterity j swallows its prey whole, but brings up the undigested parts ; though short winged, it flies with great swiftness; its predominant co- lour is blue of different shades. The following are the chief: The Ispida, Common King-fisher or Martin-fisher, the Halcyon of the poets, is in length seven inches, weight one ounce and a half; bill black tinged with orange, two inches long. The head and body beautifully tinged with green and blue, interspersed with yellow and orange ; the throat buff co- lour, beneath a dull orange. Found in this country most fre- quently about clear running streams, in the banks of which it generally takes possession of a rat's hole to deposit its eggs, which are white, seven in number, and transparent. Found also in the marshy districts of Somersetshire, and throughout 12 L 172 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS, The Plover ('*), the Golden, his whistle loud blew; And the DoTTERELand Sanderling pass'd in review. Europe, Asia, and Africa. Drayton has well characterized this bird : " Long leav'd willow, on whose bending spray The py'd King's fishery having got his prey, Sate with the small breath of the waters shaken, Till he devour'd the fish that he had taken." Man in the Moon. The Halcyon was feigned by the poets to breed in the sea, and that there was always a calm during her incubation ; hence the term halcyon has been used poetically to imply placidity, quiet: " As firm as the rock, and as calm as the flood, Where the peace loving Aafci/ow deposits her brood." Cooper. This bird is rarely, if ever, found near the habitations of man; it prefers remote and solitary places for its abode. The Formosa ov Splendid King-fisher is tlie most beauti- ful of the genus, with tail short, body yellowish green ; shoul- ders, throat, and rnmp, yellow; wings and crown blue; bill yellowish horn-colour ; head with a bright yellow stripe on each side; smaller wing coverts edged with yellow ;^ legs reddish browu ; a native of South America. The Purpurea, or Purple King-fisher ;— the il/cyon, or Belted King-fisuer, of which there are four varieties; — the Chlorocepliala, or Gkeen-headed King-fisher ;— and the Cristuta, or Crested King-fisuer, of which there are two varieties, are ail that we can notice. (■"*) Order, Grall^e, (Linn.) Plover, Dotterel, Sanderling, &c. The genus Charadrius, (Linn.) or Plover, comprehends aboveforty species, chiefly inhabitants of Europe andAmerica, of which some are gregarious, some solitary. They have a roundish THE RINGED, THE GOLDEN PLOVER. 173 'Fhere were Burrow-Ducks swimming and diving along ; The Skylarks aloft loud were chanting their song; obtuse straight bill ; nostrils linear ; feet three toed, all placed forwards, formed for running. The following are the chief: The Hiaticuluy Ringko-Plover, Sea^Lark, or Dulwilly, weighs about two ounces ; length between seven and eight inches; the bill, upper half orange, lower black ; the breast is black, front biackish with a white band ; crown brown ; legs yellow. It makes no nest, but lays four eggs in a small cavity in the sand, just above high-water mark. Found plentifully iu most parts of the world ; frequents our shores in summer, and retires lo more sheltered places in the winter, at which time it is gregarious; but does not leave the country, as has been com- monly supposed. A variety found in Spain of a grey colour ; another in America of an ash-grey. The Morinellus, or Dotterel, weighs about four or five ounces; is in length nearly ten inches; the breast is ferrugi- nous ; band over the eyes and line on the breast white ; legs black ; another variety with considerable variation in its co- lours. Inhabits Europe ; migrates to the north in summer to breed. Is seen on our downs, heaths, and moors, from April to June, and again in September and October. It is a stupid bird, and easily shot. The Pluvialis, Golden-Plover, Green-Plovery Grey-Plover, Whistling- Plover, weighs between seven and eight ounces; length ten inches and a half; bill one inch. Body blackish, spotted with yellowish green ; beneath white; legs black. In- habits almost every where in England during the winter on heaths and moors, and is a common object of sport ; it also fre- quents the sea coasts. Retires to the mountains and unculti- vated districts to breed ; eggs four, size of a lapwing's, colour dirty white, blotched with purple. A variety in St. Domingo k 174 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. While the Goldfinches, chirping and flitting about, Were delighted in picking the thistle seed out. The Purs from the sea rose like clouds in the air; Green Linnets("), Pine-Grosbeaks, and Cross- BILLS were there. having the body varied with yellowish, beneath white. Flesh good. " With shrilly pipe, from headland or from cape, Emerge the line of plovers o'er the sands Fast sweeping." ^ Blackwood's Mag. March 1822, The Himatopus, Long-legged Plover, or Long-legSj is said to be the longest legged bird in proportion to its bulk hitherto known ; length from the point of the bill to the end of the tail thirteen inches, from that to the end of the toes five inches more ; bill two inches and a half long ; legs four inches and a half long, red ; outer and middle toes connected by a membrane at the base. A rare bird in this country, but said to be plen- tiful in the East and West Indies, Egypt, and on the shores of the Caspian Sea. This bird is wholly white, except the wings and back as far as the rump, which are black. The foreign spe- cimens have the crown and all the hind part of the head black. The Calidris, Sanderling, Curwillet, or Towwillyf has the bill and legs black, rump greyish, body beneath white without spots ; another variety cinereous varied with brown. Inhabits the sandy shores of Europe and America. It is found in flocks, together with the Purre, on our own shores j but whether it breeds in this country is not decidedly known. (»s) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Grosbeak, Green-Lin- net, Crossbill, Bulfinch, &c. The genus LoxiA, (Linn.) Grosbeak, or Crossbillf compre- hends more than one hundred and twenty species, of which the Green-Linnet, or Loxia ChloriSy is one; it is distinguished by THE GROSBEAK — THE CROSSBILL. 175 The Hedge-Sp ARROW softly his song in the dell Trill'd; the Petty-chaps louder his note was heard swell ; a strong bill, both mandibles being convex, thick, and move- able ; nostrils small, round ; tongue truncate. The chief species are as follow : The ChloriSf Green-Grosbeak, Green- Linnet ^ or Greenfinch, is rather larger than the house-sparrow ; head and back yel- lowish green, edges of the feathers greyish ; the rump and breast more yellow. The plumage of the female much less vivid, inclining to brown. Inhabits England, Europe gene- rally, and Kamtschatka ; gregarious in winter ; builds a neat nest, generally in some bush ; eggs five or six, whitish with blood-coloured spots. Feeds chiefly on grain and seeds. Song trifling, but in continement it becomes tame and docile, and will catch the note of other birds. The Coccothraustes, Grosbeak, Hawfinch, or Cherryfinch, is of a chesnut ash-colour j wings with a white line ; about six inches long; varies in its plumage. Inhabits Europe; it visits England in the autumn, and continues here till April. Feeds on hawthorn-berries, breaking the stones of that fruit with ease to obtain the kernel. It sometimes sings here in warm winter days. It breeds in France; eggs bluish green spotted with brown. The Enucleaior, Pine- Grosbeak, or GreatesUBulfinch, is larger than the last ; head, neck, breast, and rump, crimson ; the back and lesser coverts of the wings black, edged with reddish, beneath ash colour. Female brown tinged with green. Found in the northern parts of the kingdom in the pine forests, on the seeds of which it feeds, where also it is supposed it breeds. Found also in North America, Hudson's Bay, Siberia, and northern Europe. Eggs four, white. The Curvirustra, Crossbill, or Sheld-applCf is the most re- markable of the tribe, six inches and a half long. Both man- 176 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Hawfinch, excited by gales of the spring. His gratulant notes was heard also to sing. dibles of the bill are hooked and turned different ways, so that they do not meet at the point. The plumage of tlie male va- ries from a beautiful red to orange colour on the head, neck, breast, back, and rump; wing coverts rufous brown. Females generally a dull olive green on the parts where the male is red. It does not breed in this country, but is often found in our fir plantations from June to the end of the year. They inhabit permanently Germany, Switzerland, the Alps, and Pyrenees; often migratory in those countries. They build on the tops of pine trees ; eggs whitish, with red spots. Feeds on the seeds of the pine, apples, &c. Notwithstanding Buffon considered the formation of the bill of this bird as an ** erreur de la naturef" sub- sequent observation has demonstrated that«it is peculiarly suit- ed to the food on which it feeds, namely, the cones of the pine. In truth the more the structure and habits of birds are exa- mined, the more they will be foimd exactly "fitted to their state and place.** The CardinaliSf or Cardinal-Grosbeak, is crested, red. Inhabits North America; nearly eight inches long ; sings very finely in spring and summer; feeds on grain and Indian corn, which it hoards up. The Sulphurata, or Brimstone-Grosbeak, is olive brown ; throat and belly pale yellow. Inhabits in flocks the Cape of Good Hope ; five inches and three quarters long; builds a pen- dulous nest. The Philippinaf or Philippine-Grosbeak, is brown, be- neath yellowish white. Another variety with tail and quill feathers greenish brown, edged with yellow. The female red- dish below. The first inhabits the Philippine islands, the se- cond Abyssinia; fiveandahalf inches long; constructs a curious nest with the long fibres of plants or dried grass, and suspends it by a cord nearly half an ell long from the end of a slender GROSBEAK, THE ABYSSINIAN— THE PENSILE. 177 While the Lapwing, repeating his noisy Pee-wit, Flew around in a flutter, perchance of deceit. branch of some tree, that it may be inaccessible to snakes and other hostile animals; the interior, it is said, consists of three divisions; the first is occupied by the male, the second by the female, the third by the young. In the first apartment, where the male keeps watch while the female is hatching, a little clay is placed on one side, and on the top of this a glowworm, which affords its inhabitants light in the night-time! The nest of the second variety is spiral, with an opening on one side, which is always turned from the rainy quarter. This account of the nest of this bird is, I confess, a little bordering on the impro- bable: I have no means of ascertaining its correctness. Lord Valencia s&w hundreds of the nests of this bird on a tamarind tree in the East Indies; they were like a long cylinder, swelling out in a globose form in the middle, and fastened to the extreme branches of the tree. The Abyssinica, or Adyssinian.Grosbeak, is yellowish ; the crown, temples, throat, and breast black ; inhabits Abyssinia ; size of the hawfinch ; nest pyramidal, pendent, with an opening on one side, and divided in the middle by a partition. The PensiliSf or Pensile-Grosbeak, is green; head and throat yellow; belly grey; size of a house sparrow; inhabits Madagascar ; nest pensile, shaped like a bag, with an opening beneath, on one side of which is the true nest ; does not choose a new situation every year, but fastens a new nest to the end of the last, often having a ehain of five nests in succession ; builds \n large societies ; brings three at each hatching. The Socia, or Sociable-Grosbeak, is rufous-brown, beneath yellowish; inhabits the Cape of Good Hope; five and a half inches long; lives together in vast tribes from eight hundred to a thousand, at times, under one common roof, containing their several nests, which are built on a large species of the mimosa. For an account of the Pyrrhula, Bulfinch, see Note ('^*). 13 178 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. In fair robes, finely ting*d with ash-grey, o'er the trees, Flew the Gulls (*^) from the sea on a light zephyr breeze. C^) Order, Anseres, (Linn.) Gull, Kittiwake, Tarrock, &c. The genus Larus, (Linn.) or Gull, consists of nearly thirty species ; they are spread almost universally over the globe, ac- commodating themselves to the winters of the arctic regions, and to the heat of the torrid zone. They have a straight bill, a little hooked at the tip ; a light body supported by large wings; from the feathery buoyancy of which they, it is said, never dive ; toes before webbed, back toe small : the following are the chief: The Canus, Gull, Common-Gull, Sea-Gullj White-Web- footed'Gull, Sea-Mall, Sea-Mew, or Sea-Maw,* is seventeen inches long, and weighs fifteen ounces; the head, neck, tail, and under parts of the body white; back, scapulars, and wing coverts ash-colour; bill yellow. Inhabits Europe and Ameri- ca. The preceding is the description of the bird maturely fea- thered ; but the first year it is more or less mottled all over with brown and white; it varies again in the second year ; and it is probable that it does not arrive at maturity till the third or fourth year. It is seen in winter at a considerable distance from the coast, and will follow the plough for the larva: of the cockchafer, Scarabaus Melolontha. It is, however, decidedly a sea-bird, and feeds on fish and marine worms ; breeds on the ledges of rocks, close to the sea- shore; eggs two or three, dull olive, blotched with dusky, size of a small hen's egg. A beautiful song of Lord B\ron's in the first canto of * '* The greedy Sea-Maw fishing for the fly," Drayton's Man in the Moon. THE COMMON GUtL — TH£ HERRING-GULL. 179 The Fuscus was there, long the fisherman's guide ; And he, the Great Black-back'd, of Steep Holmes the pride. Cliilde Harold will immortalize this bird as the Sea-Mew , the tbllowing is the first stanza of it : " Adieu, adieu ! my native shore Fades o'er the waters blue ; The night winds sigh, the breakers roar, And shrieks the wild sea-mew. Yon sun that sets upon the sea, We follow in his flight ; Farewell awhile to him and thee, My native land ! — good night!" The MarinuSy Great Black«baceed Gull, Great Black and fVhite Gull, or Cobby weighs between four and five pounds ; breadth five feet nine inches; colour white; back and wing coverts dusky black. Inhabits Europe and America. Breeds on the Steep-Holmes in the Bristol Channel ; eggs blackish grey, with dark purple sgpts. Feeds on fishes and young birds. It used some years since to be, and probably now is, a common excursion in the summer season among the fishermen resident near the mouth of the Parret, to row in their flat-bottomed boats to the Steep-Holmes, in quest of gulls' eggs : it was ge- nerally considered a source of pleasure rather than of profit. The adventure is a hazardous one, and can only be safely ac- complished in calm weather. The Fuscus, or Herring-Gull, is white; back brown; twenty-three inches long; inhabits Europe, North America, and Asia ; found plentifully on the shores of this country ; feeds on fish, particularly herrings, to the shoals of which fishermen are directed by these birds hovering over and follow- ing them. Eggs three, whitish, spotted with black. In the two first years the young of this and the Less Black-backed Gull are so much alike, that they cannot be ascertained till the m^- 180 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Laughing came, too, from his home, Scoulton Mere ; And that Arctic marauder who hunts without fear: tured feathers appear on the back. See Part II. for a poetical description of the gull's and other birds' pursuit of the herring. The fiidiftundus, Laughing-Gull, Black-headed Guilt Broum- headed Gull, Puit, Pewit-Gully Black-Cap, Sea-Crow, Mire-Crow, or Crocker, is whitish ; head and throat black : length fifteen inches; makes a laughing noise; inhabits Europe and America, and found also in this country. It breeds at Scoulton Mere, in Norfolk, where the eggs have been collected in great numbers. The young birds leave the nest as soon as they are hatched and take to the water, as do indeed most of the young of the aquatic tribes. It is a very useful bird, following the plough for worms as regularly as the rook. Its plumage varies: in winter the head and other parts of the body, which are black in summer, become white. The Argentatus, or Less Black-backed Gull, is greatly inferior in size to the Great Black-backed Gull, but rather larger than the Herring-Gull. Found frequently, and breeds, in this country. The eggs and young similar to those of the herring-gull. The Parasiticus, Arctic-Gull, Teaser, or Dung-Hunter, has the body above black ; beneath, temples, and front, white. In- habits Europe, Asia, and America -, common also in the He- brides and the Orkneys, where they breed among the heath ; it has been seen also in Yorkshire. Eggs two, ash-coloured spotted with black, size of a hen's. It is twenty-one inches long. Pursues smaller gulls till they have discharged what they have lately eaten, which it dexterously catches and de- vours before it reaches the water. The Rissa, or Kittiwake, is, the first and second year, called Tarrock, not arriving at maturity till the third year, when it is al out fourteen or fifteen inches long; weighs about half a THE TARROCK — THE BLACK-TOED GULL. 181 The KiTTiWAKE, Skua the huge, the Black-toed, Over hill, over dale, all triumphantly rode ; — While the Co MMon, well known as the minstrel's Sea- mew, Of whom Byron sings in his feeling " Adieu," Soar'd aloft with wild screaming, and waving in light His downy plum'd pinions of delicate white. There were, too, some Warblers of soft plaintive note : The Red-start — the Wheat-ear, and he with White-Throat ; pound ; back wliitish-hoary ; quill feathers white ; head, neck, belly, and tail snowy ; wings hoary. Inliabits Europe, Asia, and America; found also, and breeds, in this country, but rarely in the southern parts of the island. Besides these, many other species are sometimes found in this country ; the CrepidutuSj or Black-toed Gull; — ihe A tri- ciW«, or Laughing-Gull of Montagu, called also Baltner's Great Ash-coloured Sea-mew; — the Catarractes, Skua Gull, or Brown Gull, weighs three pounds, and is two feet long; — and the iVtcmMS, or Wag el-Gull, The Winter-Gull, Winter-mew, or Coddy Moddy, is said to be nothing more than the common gull in the second year's plumage. The eggs of gulls are collected and eaten in some parts of Great Britain, as well as in other countries. The flesh of most of the tribe is generally considered too rank for food. The feathers would, it is presumed, make good beds; it seems singu- lar that they have not been collected for such purpose : per- haps, however, they may be too oily. " Buoyantly on high, The Sea Gulls ride weaving a sportive dance, And turning to the sun their snowy plumes." A Blackwood s Mag, 1822. 182 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Of the Wagtails— the Water — the Yellow — the Grey; The first at the stream often sipp'd and away. Sand-Pipers ('^) were many — amongst them were seen, The Grey, Black, Common, Spotted, Red, Pur- ple, and Green. (*7) Ori>er, GRALLiE, (LinM.) Sand-Piper, Ruff andRbeve, Lapwing, Turnstone, Phalarope, Knot, Pur, &c. The genus Tring a, (Linn.) or Sand-Piper, consists of above seventy species ; tlieir distinguishing characters are a straight slender bill, and exceeding one inch and a half in length ; nostrils small; tongue slender; toes divided, or very slightly connected. They are found in Europe and America ; a few in Asia; a great many common to this country ; the following are the chief : The Pugnax, or Ruff and Rebve, have the bill and legs rufous ; three lateral tail feathers without spots; face with flesh- colour granulations. They are so variable in colour that two are seldom alike, but the long feathers of the neck resembling a ruff, sufficiently characterize the species. It is about a foot long ; the Ruffs, or males, fight with great obstinacy for the fe- male, or ReeveSf whence their specific name Pugnax. The Reeve is less than the male ; the upper parts are brown ; beneath white. Eggs four, white, with rusty spots deposited in a tuft of grass. The ruff and the flesh-colour granulations of the face are only seen in the summer; both disappear in the autumn. In the young of the first year, which are called Stags, they are wanting. Inhabits Europe and this country; but here only in the fens of Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, East Riding of York- shire, the Isle of Ely, and the marshes of Norfolk ; they arrive in these districts early in spring, where they breed, and depart k THE RUFF — LAPWING — GAMBET. 183 With the Muscovy, Wild Ducks, the Reeve, and the Ruff, Mix'd the Sea-Pies, the Gambet, and many a Chough; the latter end of September. They are caught by nets: when fattened, they are dressed with their intestines, and their whole contents, like the woodcock. The Vanellus, Lapwing, Pewit, Bastard- Plover, or Green- Plover, h about half a pound weight; length twelve inches; has a pendent crest; breast black; back and coverts of the wings brown-green, glossed with purple and blue. Inhabits the marshes and moist heaths of Europe. It is distinguished by the monotonous sounds of pee-weet, which it continually utters, and with which it flies around or near persons, so as to be sometimes, in moors, extremely annoying ; this it does, it has been conjec- tured, to divert attention from its nest or its young. Feeds chiefly on earthworms, which it artfully obtains by beating the ground about their holes. Gregarious, except during the breeding season; and is said to migrate. Eggs four, olivaceous, blotched with black ; it lays on the bare ground. The eggs are placed in a quadrangular manner, touching each other at the smaller ends : this position of the eggs is said to be common to the Sand-piper, Plover, and Snipe tribes. Flesh good; the eggs are considered a delicacy, and ftequently brought to London for sale. The Gambetta, or Gambet, is the size of a green-shank ; head, back, and breast cinereous, spotted with dull yellow ; wing coverts cinereous, edged with yellow; beneath white; rarely seen in England ; inhabits Europe and America, A lapwing of Java, mentioned by Dr. Horsfield under the terms of Vanellns tricolor, has the notes similar to '* Terek." It should, perhaps, also be mentioned here, that the Lapwing has been arranged as a separate genus by many authors under the term Vanellus. 184 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Although of this island both visitors rare, The Grey and Red Phalarope also were there. The Tnterpres, Turnstone, or Sea-Dotterel, is about the size of a thrush ; inhabits the sea-coasts of Europe and America, and found in this country in the winter, but, it is said, does not breed here. It is nine inches long; feeds on worms, turning over stones to look for them, hence its name. Ejrgs four, olive, spotted with black. Three other varieties : one found in Scot- land and North America; two in Cayenne. The Lo6a<«r, Guey-Phalarope, or Grtaf Coo/-/oo/td Tringa, inhabits Europe, Asia, America, and rarely England ; rather larger than the Pvire ; one other variety. In stormy wea- ther gregarious on lakes. The Hyperborean or Red Phala- rope, Cocfe Coot-footed Tringa, or Red Coot-footed Trivga, is the size of the preceding; inhabits the North of Europe; said to breed in Hudson's Bay ; rarely seen in England. The Phala- ROPES are arranged by Dr. Latham as a distinct genus. The Sand-Pipers which are found in England are, among others, the following: the Cinereaj or Ash-coloured Sand- Piper, in length about ten inches; seen in large flocks on the coasts of South Wales ; they migrate, it is said, in April. By some authors esteemed the same bird as the Knot, see below. The Lincolniensis, or Black Sand-Piper, is the size of a thrush. The Fusca, or Brown Sand-Piper, is the size of a Jack-Snipe. The Grenovicensis, or Greenwich Sand-piper, is the size of the Redshank. The Squatarola, Grey-Plover, or Grey Sand- Piper, is rather larger than the Golden Plover. The Pusilla, or Little Sand-Piper. The Mgricaws, Purple Sand Piper, Sea Sand- Piper, or Selniger Sand- Piper. The Islandica, Red Sand-Piper, or Aberdeen Sand-Piper. The Macularia, Spotted Sand-Piper, or Spotted Tringa, The GlareoUi, or Wood Sand- Piper, size of a Jack Snipe. The Ochropus, or Green Sand-Piper, is an elegant species, ten inches long ; solitary, and smells of musk ; inhabits Europe SANDPIPER — KNOT — SANDERLING. 185 The Sand-Pipers Green, and of strong musky smell, Those elegant waders, flew over the dell. and America; arrives in this country in September, and con- tinues till April. The Hypoleucos, Common Sand-Piper, or Summer-Snipi'^ has the body cinereous, with black stripes, beneath white ; in- habits Europe and America, and common to this country, which it visits in the spring, frequenting our lakes and rivers, on the borders of which it makes its nest. Seven and a half inches long; eggs four or five, dirty yellow, with pale spots. Wags the tail, and, when disturbed, makes a piping noise. The Canutus, or Knot, has the body above cinereous, beneath white; inhabits England, Europe generally, and also America ; nine inches long ; eggs flesh colour, with crowded orange spots; flesh delicious. Tlie CincluSf Sanderling, Purre^ Pur, Stint, Red-necked Sand-piper, Ox-bird, Ox-eye, Least-snipe, or Wagtail, has the bill and legs black ; body and rump grey and brown ; a second variety with brown legs ; the breast and belly white in both ; inhabits England, Europe generally, and America; nearly eight inches long; flesh eatable. Freqnents the mouths of our saltwater rivers in immense flocks during the winter and spring, and is generally seen in the greatest numbers at or about high water, particularly during the spring tides. They are rarely seen in the summer, retiring to some distant place to breed. Their numbers and compactness of association may be judged of by the fact that a fisherman whom I knew fired at a large body of them when on a bank surrounded with the tide, and killed one hundred and twenty, and nine plovers which were amongst them, at one shot, besides wounding, perhaps, half as many more which he could not obtain. The shots in the gun were large too, and, consequently, not very numerous, so that one shot must have killed several birds ! See the Note, — House- Sparrow's Speech, 186 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRD9. While the wild running Water Rail (*') just from the fen, Was seen *midst the sedgy green pools of the glen. C*") Order, GiiALLiE, (Linn.) Kail, Water-Rail, Land- Rail, SpOTTED-GaLLINULE, &CC, The genus Rallus, (Linn.) or Rail, consists of about thirty species, of which the Water-Rail, Rallus AquaticuSf is one. The characters of this tribe are a slender bill ; nostrils small j tongue rough at the end ; body much compressed ; tail very short ; feet four-toed, cleft. The following are most important : The Aquaticus, Water-Rail, Brook-Ouzel, Bilcock, Velvet- Runner, Runner^ Grey-Skit, or Skiddy-Cock, is twelve inches long ; upper part of the body olive brown ; black in the middle, the lower cinereous; wings grey, spotted with brown; tail feathers short, black; legs dusky red. Inhabits the watery places in Europe and Asia ; found also in this country ; lays in willow beds or among aquatic plants; eggs five or six, pale yellowish, marked all over with dusky brown spots. Montagu once found a nest with six eggs of spotless white ; rather larger than those of a black- bird. Flies heavily, runs and swims with celerity ; flesh good ; feeds on worms, slugs, and insects. The CreXy Land-Rail, Crake-Gallinule, Land- Hen, Rail, Daker-Heny Corn-Crake, Crek, Cracker, Bean-Crake, or Com- Drake, has the feathers of the body reddish brown, the belly whitish yellow; wings reddish rusty; bill and legs brown ash; inhabits redgy places of Europe and Asia ; arrives in this country the latter end of April, and departing in October, Nine and a half inches long ; runs swiftly along the grass ; flies slowly; feeds on insects and seeds; grows very fat; flesh ex- cellent ; its note harsh, resembling the words crek, crek ; lays on the dry grass from twelve to sixteen eggs, of a dirty white colour, with a few yellow spots. Two other varieties found in the East and West Indies. It is found most plentiful in the northern parts of this kingdom, and in Ireland. GALLINULE— DIVER — GUILLEMOT. 187 The Divers C) were many and various in hue ; Of the Northern, the Imber, Black-throated a few ; The Porzana, Spotted GallinuLe, or Spotted fVater-Hen, is an elegant species, about nine inches long ; it migrates like the preceding; frequents the sides of small streams; flesh good. Inhabits also Europe and North America. ('5) Order^ An seres, (Linn.) Diver, Grebe, Gijillemot, Didapper, &c. The genus ColVmbus, (Linn.) or Diver, consists of about thirty species, including the Grebes and Guillemots. The characteristics of this tribe are a toothless bill ; they walk on land with great difficulty, but swim and dive with great dexte- rity. The Guillemots with a slender bill chiefly inhabit the sea ; feet three-toed, palmate; the flesh is tough, and, as well as the eggs, nauseous. The Divers frequent the northern lakes, have a strong bill ; feet four-toed, palmate ; are monogamous ; fly with difficulty ; and in breeding time prefer fresh water. The Grebes are tailless, with a strong bill; feet four-toed, pinnate; frequently found about the waters of southern Europe. They are separated from the Divers by Dr. Latham, and by him arranged as a distinct genus, so also ai*e the Guillemots. The following are a few of the species. The Grylle, Black-Guillemot, Greenland-Dove^ Sea-Turtle, or Scrabery has a black body ; the wing coverts and secondary quills tipped with white; legs red ; bill black ; from thirteen to fourteen inches long. Inhabits Europe and America; frequent in Scotland and the Hebrides ; rarely seen in the south of our island. Several varieties. Egg one, dirty white, blotched with rust colour ; it is deposited under ground, or in a hole in some rock. The Troile, Foolish-Guillemot, Sea-Hen, Scout, Kiddaw, Murre, Lavy, fVilloch, or Tinkershire, has a black body, breast 188 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. By tribes Hyperborean their pelts often sought, Into robes warm and flexile are frequently wrought. and belly snowy. Two other varieties. Inhabits Europe and America ; found also on our high rocky coasts, sometimes in great abundance. Seventeen inches long. Egg one, greenish blotched with marbled dusky ; two, however, are rarely alike. They do not appear to have much use of their wings, and may therefore sometimes be taken by the hand when perched on rocks. They leave the southern parts of the kingdom the lat- ter end of August. The MinoVf Lesser-Guillemot, Winter-Guillemot y or Morrotf is less than the preceding, being about sixteen inches long J above black, beneath white. Found frequently in the northern parts of this island. — See the conclusion of this Note. The Glacialisy Northern-Diver, Greatest Speckled-Diver j or Loon, is the largest of the genus, sometimes weighing fifteen or sixteen pounds ; in length nearly three feet and a half. The back, scapulars and wing coverts are black, marked with white spots in a most elegant manner ; beneath white ; bill black, four inches and a half long; head and neck a deep velvety black. Inhabits Iceland and Greenland ; sometimes, though rarely, met with in this country. The ImvMTj Imber-Diver, Imber-Goose, Ember-Goosey Immery Great- Doucker, or Cohble^ is less than the preceding ; length about two feet. Inhabits the Arctic Ocean ; found also occasionally in this country, particularly in the north ; it is also found in the north of Europe ; and said to be found also on the take of Constance, in Switzerland, where it is called Fluder. Its distinguishing colour is brown above, spotted with black and white ; beneath white. Feeds on fish, after which it dives. Builds its nest on the water, amongst flags and reeds. The ArcticuSy Black-throated Diver, Northern- Doucker^ or Speckled- Loon, is two feet long; rarely found in England, but not uncommon in the north of Europe and North America. In DIVER — GREBE. 189 Many Grebes, too, were there; some well known unto fame : The Crested, the Dusky and Eared we may name. some countries the skin is used for various sorts of clothing and other purposes, being warm and exceedingly tough; these qua- lities being common to the skins of all the genus. The Cristatus, Crested-Grebe, Greater-crested and horned Ducher, Grey or Ash-coloured Loony Greater-Loon, Arsefoot, Tippet-Grebe, Cargoose, or Gaunt, is about two feet long, and weighs between two and three pounds; crest dusky; above dusky brown, beneath white. Varies in its plumage. This bird is indigenous to England, breeding in the meres of Shropshire, Cheshire, and Lincolnshire ; its nest large, made of aquatic plants, not attached to any thing, but floats amongst the reeds and flags penetrated by the water. Eggs four, white, size of a pigeon's. Feeds on fish, after which it dives admirably. Rarely seen on land; it is found also in various parts of northern Europe. — See the conclusion of this Note. The SeptentrionaliSf or Red-throated Diver, inhabits the lakes of Europe; makes a clamorous noise; two feet five inches long. The Obscur us, Dusry-Grebe, or Black-and-white Dohchick, is larger than the Little Grebe ; length eleven inches. Inhabits the fens in Lincolnshire, where it breeds, and makes a nest in the same manner as the Crested Grebe; found in the winter in our inlets on the coast, particularly in Devonshire. The Auritus, Eared-Grebe, or Eared- Dohchick, is larger than the ))recedingj being in length twelve inches. Inhabits the fens of Lincolnshire, where it breeds; eggs four or five, white, in a floating nest. Found also in tlie north of Europe, Iceland, and Siberia. The Cristutus, called by some authors Colymbus minorf by _ others Colymbus fluviatilis. Little Grebe, Didapper, Dite- doppety Dipptr, Dohchick, Dahchick, Small Doucker, Loon, Arse- 190 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Where the ocean is heard in tumultuous roar, The Guillemots came from some bold, rocky shore. foot, weighs between six and seven ounces; length ten inches. The general colour of this bird is a rusty black ; it varies how- ever occasionally in its plumage. It is the least and mqst plen- tiful species of the genus, being common in most lakes, slow rivers, small streams, and even fish-ponds of tliis country. It seldom takes wing, but dives on the least alarm, remaining un- der water, with its bill only above for respiration, for a long time. Nest similar to other grebes, but usually fastened to the reeds. In the spring the males emit a shrill chattering noise. This bird is found in most parts of the old continent, and also in some parts of America. See the Introduction. Dravton has well described this bird : '• And in a creek where waters least did stir. Set from the rest the nimble Divedopper, That comes and goes so quickly and so oft, As seems at once both under and aloft.'" Man in the Moon. In concluding this note, I cannot avoid noticing the singular confusion which prevails among naturalists in regard to the nomenclature of this genus of birds. I have not been enabled to clear up the difficulties which beset me. I find two diffe- rent species named Colymbus cristatus and Colymbus minor; these errors I have copied, nor can I explain them satisfac- torily : a proof, if any proof were wanting, that a master mind in the science of ornithology is still a desideratum, and a convincing proof also of the propriety of the course which I have adopted in this poem in not adniitting scientific terms into the text. Whether the quinary arrangement mentioned in the Introduction may ultimately dissipate these clouds in the scien- tific ornithological horizon, is a question still remaining to be decided. SNOW-BUNTING ORTOLAN. I9i Snow-Buntings C°) and Bantam-Cocks made a display ; The Wood-chats and Ortolans perched on a spray. (^) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Bunting, Ortolan, Yellow-Hammer, &c. The genus Emberiza, {Linn.) or Bunting, consists of above eighty species, of which the Snow-Bunting, Emberiza nivalis, and the Ortolan, Embeiiza hortulana, are two. This tribe of birds is scattered over the four quarters of the globe, but chiefly found in Europe and America; several species are inhabitants of this country. They are distinguished by a conic bill, the mandibles receding from each other from the base downwards; the lower sides narrowed in, the upper with a hard knob. The following are the chief. The Nivalis^ Snow-Bunting, Pied-Mountuin-Finch, Pied Chaffinch, Snow-bird, Snow-flake, has the quill feathers while, the prmiaries black on the outer edge; tail feathers black, the late- ral ones white. Three other varieties ; in all the colours vary with age, sex, climate, most of them being nearly white in win- ter, but the back and middle coverts black ; larger than the chaffinch. They inhabit, during summer in vast flocks, the north of Europe, Asia, and America; in winter migrate to a warmer climate; they appear in Scctland in large flocks during the winter; rarely seen in the south of England. Builds in holes of rocks, it is said, occasionally in Scotland; eggs five, reddish white spotted with brown. The Hortulana, or Ortolan, has the quill featliers brown, the three first whitish at the edges ; tail feathers brown, the two lateral ones black on the outer side; three or four other varie- ties. Inhabits Europe; rarely seen in lliis country; six and a quarter inches long ; feeds chiefly on panic grass ; grows very fat, and then esteemed a delicacy ; lays twice a year four or five grey eggs, in a low hedge or on the ground. 192 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The CiTRiNEL, Reed-Sparrow, brown Bunting- Lark, 'Midst the wild warbling throng you might also remark. The Citrinella, Yeli.ow-Hammer, Yellow- Bunting ^ or Willy fVinky jhas the bill black; tail feathers blackish; crown, checks, and body beneath yellow, above greenish black. Inhabits Europe and this country; in winter gregarious. Builds some- times on the ground, sometimes in low bushes; nest very deep ; eggs whitish purple, with irregular spots and streaks, sometimes nearly white. Its notes scarcely amount to a song. — See forwards. The Miliaria^ Common-Bunting, Bunting, Bunting-lark, or Ebb, is brown, spotted beneath with black ; rather larger than the preceding. Inhabits most parts of Europe and this country j builds in grass ; eggs four, dirty white, spotted land veined with reddish brown or ash colour. Gregarious in the winter. The Schcenichus, Reed-Bunting, Reed-Sparrow, or Water- Sparrow, is nix inches long; it has the head black, body grey and black. Two other varieties ; one brown, cinereous beneath ; the other white, with dusky wings. Inhabits Europe, this country, and Southern Siberia; the second variety, the Cape ; the third Astracan. Builds its nest on the ground near water, sometimes in a bush, and sometimes in grass, reeds, or even in furze. Eggs four or five, bluish-while or purple brown, with spots and veins resembling those of the chaffinch. The nest of this bird is never fastened or suspended, nor does it sing in the night, as some authors have related. — Montagu. The Orj/ziwora, Rice-Bunting, or Rice-bird, is black, crown reddish; tail feathers daggered. Another variety olive brown, beneath yellowish ; six inches and three quarters long. Inhabits Cuba, and migrates to Carolina as the rice crops advance, com- mitting great ravages, whence its name ; it afterwards proceeds BUNTING— CREEPER. 193 The Creeper (") of modest demeanour was there ; Yet he seem'd for the throng very little to care. to New York to feed on the young Indian corn j sings well. See the Introduction. Several other Buntings are found in this country; I can merely name them. The Cirlus, or Cirl-Buntinc ; — the Chloroctphala, or Green-headed Bunting; — the Montana^ MouNTAiN-BuNTiNG, Lcsser- Mountain- Fitichj or Bramhling ^-^ and the Mustelina, Tawny-Bunting, Great-Pied- Mountain- Finch, Sca-I^ark, or Brambling. This last is rarely met with in England. — For an account of another curious bird of this tribe, the Cow Bunting, or CoM"pcn,see Part II. (^*) OrdeRj Pic^, (Linn.) Creeper, the Common, the Mocking. The genus Certhia, {Linn.) or Creeper, consists of about one hundred species, dispersed through most of the countries of the globe; they feed chiefly on insects, in search of which they creep up and down trees; they breed in hollow trees, and lay numerous eggs ; bill arched, slender, somewhat triangular, pointed ; feet formed for walking ; claws hooked and long. The two following are the chief. The FamiliariSf Common Creeper, Tree-Creeper, or Tree- Climber, the only species of the genus found in England, is five inches long, has the back, rump, and scapulars, inclining to tawny, beneath white ; quill feathers brown; it runs with won- derful facility above or under the branches of trees. Another variety, differing only in being larger. Eggs from six to eight, white, minutely speckled with bright rust colour. During in- cubation the female is fed by the male. The Sannis, or Mocking Creeper, inhabits New Zealand ; seven and a quarter inches long ; imitates the voice and notes of other birds with surprising accuracy, whence its name. K 194 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Butcher-bird (**) bold, like his kinsman the Shrike, With his bill was quite ready a death-blow to strike : (22) Order, Accipitres, (Linn.) Shrike, the Great, the Red-backed, the Tyrant, the Butcher-bird, Wood- chat, &c. The genus Lanius, (Linn.) or Shrike, consists of more than one hundred and twenty species, scattered over the globe ; three, the Excubitor or Great Shrike, the Collurio or Lesser Butcher-bird, and the Rutilus or Wood-chat, found in this country. The bill is straight at the base, tiie end hooked with a tooth on each mandible near the end ; tongue jagged at the end ; toes, the outer one connected to the middle one as far as the first joint. The birds of this genus are noisy and quarrel- some; prey on smaller birds, tearing them in pieces, and sticking the fragments on thorns. The following are the chief. The Excuhitor, Great-Shrike, Cinereous-Shrike, Great Cine- reouS'Shrike, Greater Butcher-bird, Mattages, Wierangle, Murder- ing-bird, Shreek or Shrike, Night -jar, Mountain- Magpie, or French-Pie, consists of three varieties ; one has the tail wedged ; white at the sides; back hoary; wings black, with a white body ; another has a white body ; legs yellowish ; the third has the smaller wing coverts and shoulders reddish. In all the bill is black, crown and neck hoary ; body beneath white, with pale brown arched lines ; tail white at the tip, except the two middle feathers ; cheeks white, with a black transverse line from the base of the bill ; legs black; length ten inches. Found oc- casionally in England, and said to breed on some of our moun- tains, coming in May, and departing in September ; it has been however seen in this country in November. It is trained in Russia for catching small birds. It does not tear its prey like the hawk, but fixes it to a thorn for the purpose of pulling it to THE SHRIKE — THE WOOD-CHAT. 195 Fierce and dauntless the tribe, by their cruelty known; The Tyrant infests not our temperate zone. pieces. It is said to imitate the notes of some other birds by way of decoying them to their destruction. Of the Collurio, Red-backed Shrike, or Lesser Buteher-hird, tliere are several varieties. The first has the tail somewhat wedged, back grey, four middle feathers uniform j bill lead co- lour. Common to England, which it visits in May, departing in September; eggs Hve or six, bluish white, with cinereous brown spots, or white with dusky spots. Feeds chiefly on in- sects, which it transfixes on a thorn, tearing off the body. Thi» variety is called in this country the Butcher-bird ; it is said to be a local species ; it has been found in North Wiltshire, Glouces- tershire, and Somersetshire, particularly about Bristol. It is found in Russia and France; and is common in Italy. It is seven inches long. Another variety has the body grey, beneath reddish brown ; inhabits Europe. Two other varieties inhabit Senegal. To these may be added another variety. The Rutilus, Wood-chat, or Another sort of Butcher -bird j has been by some naturalists described as a distinct species. It is about the size of the Red-backed Shrike; the body above va- riegated white and black, beneath reddisli v;hite. Common to this country. It is either to this or the Great Shrike that Draitton, I presume, alludes in the following line : " The sharp-nebb'd Hecco stabbing at his brain ;" Owl. but this I have not been enabled, notwithstanding all my inqui- ries, accurately to determine. We sometimes wonder at the obscurity of the Classics, but here is a line, written scarcely two hundred years ago, that is not, it appears, now intelligible. Drayton again speaks of the Hecco in his Polyolbion, Song xiii. K 2 196 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Stork (*^) too, in plumage resplendent and white. With black mingled tastefully, soar'd in the light ; thus, "The laughing Hecco," What bird he means by the Tydy, in the preceding line, " The Tydy for her notes as delicate as they," I do not know ; nor do I know to what bird he alludes, in ano- ther line of the same song, under the term Yellow-pate. The Tt/raMMMS, or Tyrant-Shrike, has the body cinereous, beneath white, crown black, with a longitudinal tawny streak ; eight inches long ; builds in hollow trees ; fierce, audacious ; fixes on the back of eagles and hawks, and makes a continual chattering till they are compelled to retire. Three other varie- ties. Inhabits America. (") Order, Grall^, (Linn.) Stork, Crane, Demoiselle, Heron, Bittern, Adjutant, Egret, &c. The geyius Ardea, (Linn.) or Crane, consists of more than one hundred species, of which the Ciconia, or Stork, is one of the chief. This tribe is distinguished by a long, straight, and pointed bill, sub-compressed with a furrow from the nostril towards the tip; nostrils linear; tongue pointed; feet four-toed, clefl. Every quarter of the globe furnishes some of the species. The following are the chief. The Ciconiay Stork, or PVhite-Stork, inhabits Europe, Asia^ and America, yet never, it is saiblue, glossed with green ; three very narrow, white, and tapering feathers, proceed from the hind head, about nine inches long ; these the bird erects when alarmed ; back and scapulars deep blue, glossed with green ; beneath white. It is migratory in Pennsylvania ; called in America Qua-bird, from its note Qua. The SlellariSf Bittern, Bittoury Bumpy-cossj Butter-Bump or Miredrum^ is rather less than the common heron ; its plumage is, in general, of a dull pale yellow, elegantly variegated with spots and bars of black; the great coverts and quill feathers are ferruginous, regularly barred with black ; legs pale green. In- habits the temperate parts of Europe, Asia, and both Americas. In this country it is found chiefly a few miles from the sea- coast, in sedgy moors, where it breeds among reeds, laying four or five eggs of a greenish ash-colonr. It feeds on fishes and reptiles. About sun-set rises in the air to a vast height in a spiral direction, makiirg a prodigious noise : " Swift as the bittern soars on spiral wing." Solthey's Curse of Kehama. It also makes, a peculiarly deep and hollow sound in the spring during the breeding season, which is called by naturalists booming: see below. It migrates from one part of the country to another; but it is in this kingdom scarce, and esteemed a rarity at the tables of the great. If brought down by the gtin with only a broken wing, it displays great courage, and cannot with safety be secured till deprived of life. " A bittern was THE EGRET — THE ADJUTANT. 201 The Crane, in his unostentatious ash*grey. And with pinions of power that he chose to display, Arose at two bounds with an eel in his mouth ; The LITTLE white Egret, too, came from the south. shot and eaten at Keswick by a young Cantab a few years ago ; for which shooting," says Mr. Southey, ** I vituperate him in spirit whenever I think of it." The Egretta, Great-Egret, or Great-White-Heron, is three feet three inches long ; tiie whole plumage white. It is found in both North and South America; builds sometimes on trees; eggs three or four, pale blue; feeds on frogs, lizards, &c. ; if taken young, easily domesticated. The Garzetta, or Little-Egret, is the size of a fowl ; the whole plumage white ; found in all the warmer parts of the globe; once plentiful in this country, although now extremely scarce. The Giganteuf Gigantic-Crane, Adjutant, HurgiW,/4rg-iW, Argala, Large-Throat, or Bone-taker, is the largest of the tribe, expanding fourteen feet ten inches ; the bill is of a vast size, yel- lowish-white or horn colour, and opens very far up into the head ; the head and neck naked ; front yellow ; on the lower part of the neck, and before, is a large conical pouch ; the upper part of the back and shoulders furnished with white feathers ; back and wing coverts deep bluish ash; beneath white. Inhabits the East Indies and Africa; feeds on various reptiles; a very useful bird, and hence much respected. The feathers of the vent used by the ladies as ornaments for the head in a similar way as those of the ostrich. A Crane is described in Chandler's Travels in Asia JMinor, as having a white body with black pinions ; it is like a heron, but much larger ; it builds frequently on domes, and other build- ings. They often make a great clatter with their long beaks, which is sometimes repeated by others all over the town. This noise is sometimes continued through the whole of the night. K 3 202 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Demoiselle Heron, by dancing well known, With a bending trachea beneath the breast bone, In attitudes elegant seem*d to delight. While displaying his feathers long, pendent and white. The Hoopoe (**),withtuft,look'd a gallant dragoon; — Seem'd ready as soldier to range in platoon ; The Turks call this bird friend and brother; of course, it is mucli respected j a variety, most probably, of the stork. Mr. Southey has described these birds, and the Bittern's Booming^ in the following lines : v "The cranes upon the mosque Kept their night clatter still ; When through the gate the early traveller past. And when at evening o'er the swampy plain The Bittern's Boom came far, Distinct in darkness seen — AJjove the low horizon's lingering light Rose the near ruins of Old Babylon." Thalaba, vol. i. page 224. ('♦) Order, Vicje, (Linn.) Hoopoe, the Common, the Crested, the Grand Promerops, &c. The genus Upupa, (Linn,) Hoopoe, or Hoop, consists of ten or more species scattered over the warmer climates of the globe. They have as arched, long, slender, convex, a littje compressed, and somewhat obtuse, bill ; nostrils small, at the base of the bill ; tongue obtuse, entire, triangular, very short ; feet formed for walking. The following are the chief: The Epops, or Common-Hoopoe, is often seen in this coun- try ; it is a beautiful bird, in length twelve inches, and distin. guished by its enormous tuft of feathers, which rises perpendi- cularly from the crown of the head, and which it can erect or depress at pleasure. The crest feathers are brown, tipt with black ; the back, scapulars, and wings, are crossed with broad bars of white and black j breast and belly white. Found all over 6 THE HOOPOE— THE GRAND PROMEROPS. 203 And, proud of his plumage atid proud of his air, He mingled with birds at once splendid and rare. the ancient continent, from Lapland and Sweden, to the Orcades, the Canaries, and at the Cape of Good Hope. In Europe Ihey are birds of passage, and are seen among those vast crowds of birds which twice a-year pass the island of Malta. Their food is insects; their flesh smells strongly of musk ; they build in holes of rotten trees, or in old walls, occasionally in this country ; eggs from two to seven. The Paradisea, or Crested Hoopoe, is about the size of a thrush, and weighs from two to four ounces ; length nineteen inches ; two of the tail feathers very long ; inhabits India. So large a crest, added to a creature of so diminutive a size, renders this bird one of the most fantastical of the feathered tribe. The crest consists of two rows of feathers equidistant; the whole of these feathers are red, and terminate with a black spot ; the upper part of the body is grey, with a tinge of brown, varied with transverse waves of dirty white ; the wings and tail are black, undulated with bars of white. Some varieties of this jaird in Europe; a distinct species in Madagascar and the Cape. When tamed, shews great attachment to its master ; when fully domesticated, eats either bread or raw flesh. A va- riety in Egypt excellent food. The Superba, or Grand-Promerops, is one of the most rich, splendid, and singular in plumage of tl»e whole tribe of birds. It is the size of a pigeon in body, but measures nearly four feet in length. Hind part of the head and upper part of the belly glossy green ; the rest of the upper parts black, changing to violet; inhabits New Guinea. There is a beautiful coloured engraving of this bird in Dr. Latham's work: it is not easily described. The MexicanCf or Mexican Promerops, is the size of a song thrush ; inhabits Mexico. The Papuensis, or New Guinea Brovtn Promerops, is twenty-two inches long ; inhabits New Guinea. > 204 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Timid Rollers (*^)5 in robes ting'd with red and with blue. To clamour devoted, came also a few. The Nuthatch (*^) was whistling while climbing the trees, Intent more on pleasing himself than to please. (25) Order, Picje^ (Linn.) Roller, the Garrulous. The genus Coracias, (Linn.) or Roller, consists of nearly thirty species scattered over the globe; the characteristics are, a sharp.edged bill, bent at the point, base without feathers ; tongue cartilaginous, bifid; legs short; feet formed for walking. The most deserving notice is The GarniZa, Garrulous, or Common Roller, occasionally found in England, but more commonly on various parts of the European continent, particularly in Germany, Sicily, and Malta, where it is sold in the markets and poulterers' shops. It is the size of a jay ; length twelve inches and half; its general plumage is blue ; back red; quill feathers black, primary quill feathers beneath blue ; middle tail feathers dirty green, the rest blue* It is remarkably clamorous, gregarious, migratory and timid ; builds in trees, particularly the beech ; feeds on insects, frogs, nuts, and corn. Eggs pale green, with numerous dusky spots. Inhabits Africa and Syria, as well as Europe. The rest of the species do not very essentially differ. (26) Order, Pic^, (Linn.) Nuthatch. The genus Sitta, (Linn.) or Nuthatch, consists of more than twenty species; distinguished by a subulate, roundish, straight, entire bill, the upper mandible a little longer, com- pressed and angular at the tip ; tongue jagged, short, the tip horny ; nostrils small, covered with bristles ; feet gressorial ; hind-toe long. They are chiefly natives of America and the THE NUTHATCH THE BUSTARD. 205 The BusTARD,(*')hugeRasor, with gular pouch long, With legs formed for running and beak that is strong, West Indies, a few of the Cape, and one of Europe ; this last is denominated — The EuropceOj Nuthatch, Nu^obbeVy or Woodcraekert is about the size of a sparrow; in length nearly six inches; it is cinereous, beneath reddish ; tail feathers black ; the four lateral ones beneath tipt with white j bill three quarters of an inch long ; another variety less in size. It is common in some dis- tricts of this country, remaining all the year; it is said, not seen in Cornwall nor very far north. It creeps up and down the trunks of trees, and builds in their hollows. If Ihe entrance of the hole be too large, it artfully fills it up with, clay till it admits only its own body. Eggs six or seven, white, spotted with rust colour, and are exactly like those of the great titmouse. The nest is used as a magazine for winter provisions, and a re- treat during the night. Their usual food is nuts, the shells of which they break with their bills ; iii defect of such food they eat insects and their larvcB, The notes of this bird are various; in the spring it has a loud shrill whistle ; in the auturnn a double reiterated cry ; it is also said to sing in the night. There is a beautiful poem called the Filbert, written, I be- lieve, by South EY, and print(?d in the first volume of the Annual Anthology, 1799, in which alhision is made to this bird : " Enough of dangers and of eneniies Hath nature's wisdom for the worm ordained ; Him may the Nuthatch, piercing with strong bill, Unwittingly destroy, or to his hoard The squirrel bear, at leisure to be crack'd." ('7) Order, Galling, {Lath.) Bustard, the Great, the Little, the Thick-kneed. The genus Otis, {Linn,) or Bustard, consists of seventeen species, natives of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The characteris- 206 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Whose presence this Island regards now as rare, Came, also, to visit the Lord of the Air. tics of the tribe are, bill strong, a litlle incurvated ; toes three before, none behind ; legs long, and naked above the knees. The following, found in this country, are all that it is necessary to describe. The Tarda, or Great-Bustard, is said to be the largest of the British birds, sometimes weighing as much as thirty pounds ; found in some parts of this country, and inhabits also the open plains of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its colour is wave-spotted with black, and rufous; beneath white; length four feet; fe- male not so large, weighing about twelve pounds ; she tias also different shades of colour. The male has a long pouch, be- ginning under the tongue, and reaching to the breast, capable of holding several quarts of water, supposed to be for supplying the hen whilst sitting on the young, before they can fly with that fluid. It feeds on grains and herbs; is solitary, shy, and timid ; flies heavily, but runs swiftly; is quick of sight and hearing; lays two pale olive-brown eggs, with darker spots, in a hole scraped in the ground. In anfumn they are gregarious, when they leave the open downs for more sheltered situations. The eggs are eagerly sought after, for the purpose of hatching under hens: they have been reared thus in Wiltshire. As the^ are very valuable birds, and eagerly sought after, they are become scarce ; they are still said to exist on some of the Wiltshire downs, but, from the latest information which I can collect, this may be doubted. From a paper lately read before the Linnean Society by Messrs. Sheppard and Whitear, it ap- pears, however, that they now breed in the open parts of Suffolk and Norfolk. Mr. Hardy, of Norwich, has domesticated this bird, whether with advantage to its more productive powers we are not informed. Tetrax, Little-Bustard, or Field- Bustard, h about the size of a pheasant, being in length seventeen inches ; the back THE THICK-KHEED BUSTA^-D— GAME. 207 Of Game* he the monarch, whom often, of yore, The hunter pursued over mountain and moor. scapulars and wings are ferruginous, mottled with brown, and crossed with black lines; great quills black, white at the base; secondaries white ; beneath white. Rarely found in this country; more common on the European continent, particularly France, where it is a delicacy. Eggs said to be green, and four or five in number. The (Enicdemus, Thick-kneeo-Bustard, Stone-Curlew, or Norfolk' Plover, is arranged by LinncEUS under the genus Chara- drius, or Plover ; in compliance with later ornithologists, it js placed under this head. The general appearance of this bird is greyish ; two first quill feathers black, white in the middle. Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa. Migrates to this country, being found here the latter end of April; frequents open hilly situations, corn-fields, heaths, warrens. Lays two eggs, of a light brown colour, blotched with dusky, on the bare ground. Feeds on insects, worms, and reptiles. They leave this country in October. The male makes a piercing shrill cry. * The following are now the chief of the birds in this country by law denominated Game : Partridges, Pheasants, Woodcocks, Snipes, Quails, Landrails, Heath-fowl, commonly called Black- game; Grous, called Red-game and Moor-game. But there are laws also, now become a kind of dead -letter, for the protection of the eggs of Cranes, Biltours, Herons, Bustards, Shovelards, Mallards, Teals, or other Wildfowl. There is also a particular law for the protection of the eggs of Pheasants,, Partridges, and Swans, Bustards are also forbidden to be killed between the first of March and the first of September; Partridges, Pheasants, and Heath-fowl, are also similarly protected ; and destroying Wild Ducks, Teal, Widgeons, or other Water-fowl, in any fen, lake, broad-water, or other resort for wild-fowl, during the moulting season, namely, bctwei^n the first of June and the first of October, subjects the offender to a penalty of 5s. 208 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Degrading employment such toils of the chase ; May wisdom supply a more glorious race ! The Wrynecks(^') contorting, the Cuckoo pursued; And, as long as they chose, a few Turtle-Doves coo'd. There were formerly great flocks of bustards in this country, upon the wastes and in woods, where they were hunted by greyhounds, and easily taken. They have been latterly recom- mended to be bred as domestic fowls, and, to those who desire novelty, the bustard seems to be peculiarly an object for pro- pagation ; the flesh is delicious ; and it is supposed that good feeding and domestication might stimulate them to lay more eggs. (*8) Order, ViCMy {Linn.) Wryneck. The genus Yunx, {Linn.) or Wryneck, consists of one spe- cies only, as follows : The Torquilla, Wryneck, Long-tongue, Emmet-Hunter, or Cuckoo's Maiden, is a beautiful bird about seven inches long ; it has a smooth-pointed, a little incurved, weak bill; feet climbers; colour grey, varied with brown and blackish ; belly reddish white, with blackish spots ; tail feathers waved, with black spots, streaks, and bars ; the whole plumage a mixture of grey, black, and tawny. It arrives in this country sometimes as early as the middle of March. Its chief food is ants and their eggs, which it takes with the tongue. The name Wryneck has been given to it from the awkward contortions of its head and neck ; it also erects the feathers of the head in a terrific manner. It makes a noise very much like the smaller species of hawks. It quits this country about September, at which time it grows very fat, and is then esteemed a delicacy : it has sometimes been called an ortolan, from its resemblance to that delicate bird. "The Welsh," says Mr. Gisborne, "consider the Wryneck THE MERGANSER — GOOSANDER. 209 3IERGANSERS (*') came many, with fish in their throat, By gluttony prompted their bodies to bloat. a> the forerunner or servant of the cuckoo; the Swedes regard it in the same light ; in the midland countries of England the common people call it the Cuckoo's Maiden," Is this one of the birds to which I have alluded as sometimes seen acconipan^'ing the cuckoo ? See the note on the cuckoo. *' In sober brown Drest, but with nature's tenderest pencil touch'd, The wryneck her monotonous complaint Continues ; harbinger of her who doom'd Never the sympathetic joy to know That warms the mother cowering o'er her young, A stranger robs, and to that stranger's love Her egg commits unnatural." GiSBORNE's Walks in a Forest. C) Order, Anseres, (Linn.) Merganser, Goosander, Smew, Dun Diver, &c. The gentis MERGUS,(LiMn.) or Merganser, consists of six or more species, five of which are common to this country, the rest to Europe and America. They have a toothed, slender, cylin- drical bill, hooked at the point ; nostrils small oval ; feet four- toed, three before palmate; hind toe furnished with a fin. Most of the species are of a middle size, between that of a gooseiand a duck. They swallow with voracity fishes that are too large to enter entire into the stomach, and hence, while one end is digesting, the other often remains in the throat. They are said to be the most destructive of all birds which plunder the waters; their flesh is very indifferent food. The following are the chief : The Merganser, or Goosander, is white, subcrested ; head, 210 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. There were Cormorants stretching their necks as they flew ; And the White Nun of beauty, nam'd vulgarly Smew. The Dun-Diver, too, from a far northern lake, With the Goosander came of the glee to partake. neck, and upper part of the breast and wings glossy black ; tail cinereous. Feeds on fish ; flesh rancid. Found in our rivers and lakes in severe winters, but retires to more northern lati- tudes to breed. It is said to be found in the Hebrides in summer, and to continue in the Orkneys the whole year. It is found also on the European continent, in Asia, Greenland, and some parts of America. The Minutus, Minute-Merganser, Minute-Smewy fVeesel Coot J Red-headed Smewj or Lough- Diver, is about the size of a teal ; colour brown ash, beneath white. Not often met with in the south of England, and then only in severe winters. The Serratory Red-Breasted Merganser, Red-breasted Coosandery Lesser-tootJied Diver, or Serulay has a pendent crest, breast varied with reddish ; length twenty inches ; seen occa- sionally in the south of England ; more frequently in the nortii; said to breed in Holland; found also in Russia and Siberia. The Castor y Dun-Diver, or Sparkling-Fowly is twenty-five inches long ; found in the north of England ; and in Germany, and in the lakes in the more northern parts of the world. The AlbelluSy Smew, or White-Nun, has the body white; back and temples black ; wings variegated ; rather larger that a teal; found occasionally in this country; but mostly inhabits the northern lakes. This is the most beautiful of the whole tribe. The Imperialis, or Imperial Goosander, is varied with black, brown, and grey; size of a goose ; inhabits Sardinia. M .................. V The grey-brown Austrian Pratincole (^°) strutted ■ along; The shrew'd Oyster-catcher (^*) made one of the throng ; (3«) Order, Grall^, (Lath.) Pratincole, the Austrian, the Senegal, the Spotted. The g-^MUs Glareola, (Lath.) or Pratincole, consists of seven species ; they have a strong, stout, straight bill, hooked at the tip ; nostrils at the base of the bill linear, oblique; gape of the mouth large; feet fonr-toed ; toes long, slender, connected at the base by a membrane ; tail forked. The following are the chief: the Austriaaty or Austrian Pratincole, is above grey- brown, collar black ; chin and throat white ; breast and belly reddish grey ; about nine inches long. Four other varieties ; three inhabit the heaths of Europe, near the banks of rivers ; two found on the coast of Coromandel. Feeds on worms and aquatic insects ; is very noisy and clamorous. The Sencgalensis, or Senegal Pratincole, is entirely brown ; nine and a half inches long ; found in Senegal and Siberia. The Ncevia, or Spotted Pratincole, is brown spotted with white; size of the Austriaca ; inhabits Germany. (31) Order, Grall^, (Linn.) Oyster-Catcher. The genus H^matopus, (Linn.) or Oyster-Catcher, con- sists of four species, of which the OstralgeuSf Sea-Pie, Oyster- Catcher, Pied Oyster-Catcher, Pienet, or OlivCy is the chief. It has a compressed bill, the tip an equal wedge ; nostril linear ; tongue a third part of the length of the bill ; feet formed for running; toes three, no back toe ; body some- times totally black : frequently head, neck, and body, above black, beneath white; inhabits almost every shore; common on the sea coasts of this country ; about sixteen inches long; feeds on marine worms and insects, but chiefly on oysters and limpets, whicli it obtains from the shells with great dexterity. It makes 212 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS* The Auk (^*) for stupidity ever renown'd ; And Puffins, and Terns, too, in numbers abound. no nest, but deposits its eggs, which are, generally, olivaceous brown, on the bare ground, above high-water mark. It is easily tamed when young, and has been known to attend ducks and other poultry to feed and shelter. (3*) Order, Anserks, (Linn.) Auk, Razor-Bill, Puffin, Penguin, &c. The genus Alca, (Linn.) Auk, consists of more than ten spe- cies; the following are its characteristics ; bill tootliless, short; lower mandible gibbous near the base ; nostrils linear; tongue almost as long as the bill; toes three, forward, webbed, none behind. Its colour is nearly uniform, above black, beneath white ; body shaped like a duck's. It is chiefly an inhabitant of the arctic seas ; very stupid ; builds in rabbit holes and fissures of rocks; lays one egg. The following deserve notice. The Pica, or Black-billed Auk, is the shape and size of the Razor-billf and found on our coasts in the winter season. The TordUf Razor-bill, Aukf Common-Auk, or Mutre, weighs about twenty-seven ounces; is, in length, eighteen inches. Bill two inches long, from the corner of the mouth, much compressed sideways, three quarters of an inch deep at the largest part, much arched and hooked at the upper end of the mandible; all the upper parts of the bird are a dusky black, beneath white. This bird is not seen in this country in the winter, but repairs to our rocky coasts in the spring, where it lays one very large egg, size of a turkey's, of a dirty white co- lour, blotched with brown and dusky, on the projecting shelves of the highest rocks, where the birds may be seen by hundreds in a row, and where they may be taken up and replaced ; such appears to be their great stupidity. Feeds on small fish, par- ticularly sprats. The eggs of this bird, and of the foolish guillemot, are an article of trade in several of the Scpttish THE PUFFIN — THE AUK. 213 The Wild-Geese, in triangle-troops, from the fen, With wing slow and steady, flew over the glen. isles J Ihey are used for refining sugar. They are also eaten by the natives ; they are obtained by suspending a person to a rope from the tops of the cliflPs. The Arcticuy Puffin, Coultemel, Lunda Bonger, Mullet, Bot- tle-nose, Pope, Marrot, or Sea-Parrot, of which there are two va- rieties, is, in length, about twelve inches; it inhabits the northern seas of Europe, Asia, and America, in vast flocks; body black, cheeks, breasts, and belly, white; bill red; legs red. Feeds on fish and sea-weed ; flesh, except when very young, rank. Appears on our rocky coasts in April;- egg one, which it lays in the crevice of a rock or in rabbit burrows; also burrows oc- casionally like rabbits, in order to lay its egg. The young are sometimes caught with ferrets; they are preserved pickled. They are found on Dover cliffs, where it is, indiscriminately with the Razor-bill, called fVillock; off the coast of Anglesea, 6ic. They leave our coasts together with the Razor-bill and Guillemot in September. The winter haunts of these birds have been heretofore meiely conjectured. The late voyagers to the arctic regions, however, inform us that they are found in great numbers on the open waters of the polar seas ; that they there feed on insects ; and where also they furnished the navigators with an agreeable repast. The Impennis, Great-Auk, or Penguin, inhabits Europe and America; is three feet long; timid; cannot fly, but dives admi- rably ; feeds on fishes; head, neck, back, and wings, glossy black; wings short, as though mere rudiments; legs black. Found only in the most northern parts of the kingdom; said to breed on St. Kilda. Egg one, white; six inches long; sometimes irregularly marked or blotched with ferruginous, and black at the larger end. The AUe, Little-Auk, or Greenland- Dove, is rather larger than a blackbird ; its plumage is generally black above, beneath 214 BRITISH ANP EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Petrels, (^^) those storm-birds which sailors affright, Their oil spouted out with apparent delight. white. Seen occasionally in this country; but common in Greenland, where it breeds; eggs two, bluish white, size of a pigeon's. (33) Order, Anseres, (Linn.) PETRELtheGiANT, the Stormy, the Broad-billed, the Fulmar, the Shearwater, &c. The genus Procellaria, (Linn.) or Petrel, consists of about thirty species ; three, the Pelagicuj or Stormy-Petrel, the Puffinus, or Shearwater, and the Glacialis, or Fulmar, are found in this country. The characteristics of the tribe are, a strait bill bent at the end ; nostrils in one tnbe ; legs naked a little above the knee. Toes three, forward, webbed ; a spur behind instead of a back toe. They live chiefly at sea, and have the faculty of spouting from their bills, to a considerable distance, a large quantity of pure oil. They feed on the fat of dead whales and other fishes. The Giguntea, Giant-Petrel, or Mother Gary's Goose, is the largest of the Petrel genus, being in length forty inches, and ex- pands seven feet ; body above pale brown, mottled with dusky white, beneath white. Found at the Isle of Desolation, and other places in higli southern latitudes ; most active in storms or at the approach of them. It visits also, occasionally, the northern hemisphere. Feeds on flesh and fish. Flesh said to be good. The PelagicUf Stormy-Petrel, Storm-finch, Little Petrel, Witch, or Mothei'-Cary's-Chicken ; in ^ome provinces called, I believe, Sea-swallow, and, in its general appearance, size, and flight, is not unlike a swallow. It is above black, beneath sooty brown, or dusky ; rump white : another variety having the wing coverts spotted with green ; inhabits most seas ; they are excellent divers, and are said to breed in some of our northern islands. They are seen in vast numbets all over the atlantic ocean, and will follow a ship for many days ; except at breeding THE SHEARWATER THE PETREL- 215 The Sparrow-Hawk, also, seem'd pleas'd to be there; His garden to-day did not ask for his care. time, seldom seen near the shore ; braves the utmost fury of the storm, skimming along with great velocity among the waves j if seen hovering round tli6 sterns of vessels, a presage of foul weather. Seen occasionally on the various coasts of this country, and sometimes far inland. One was lately taken at Yarmouth, Norfolk ; when killed, oil issued from the nostrils. " Here ran the stormy-petrels on the waves As though they were the shadows of themselves. — They plough'd not, sow'd not, gather'd not in barns, Yet harvests inexhaustible they reap'd In the prolific furrows of the main ; Or from its sunless raverns brought to light Treasures for which contending kings might war: From the rough shell they pick'd the luscious food, And left a prince's ransom in the pearl." Montgomery's Pelican Island. The Puffinusy Shearwater, Shearwater- Petr el, Manks- Puffin, or Lyre, is black above, beneath white ; length fifteen inches ; another variety, above cinereous, beneath white ; inhabits southern and antarctic seas ; found also in the Hebrides, Orkney Isles, and the Calf of Man, where they breed ; egg one, white, laid in a rabbit burrow or other hole. The young are taken in August, salted and barrelled, and, when boiled, eaten with potatoes. The young of these, and some other of the spe- cies, are fed by the oil discharged from their stomachs. Mi- grates from the Scottish isles in autumn. The Vittata; or Broad-billed Petrel, is bluish ash, be- neath white ; inhabits the antarctic seas^ twelve inches long; flies in numerous flocks. The Urinatrix is blackish-brown ; be- neath white ; dives dexterously ; inhabits round New Zealand in numerous flocks ; eight and a half inches long. The Glacialis, Fulmar-Petrel, or Fulmar, is whitish, back 6 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. There were Moor- Hens (^•*) and Didappers, many a Coot. The Willow-wren touched, with much taste, too, his lute. hoary; another variety with blackish wings; size of a gull. Rarely seen on our southern coasts, but frequent in some of the islands of the north of Scotland; breeds at St. Kilda, and sup- plies the inhabitants with a large quantity of oil, which is used for culinary as well as medical purposes; egg one, large, white- Feeds on the most oily fishes. It is also found in New Zealand, and affords food, feathers for beds, oil for lamps, and a medicine in almost every disease incident to the New Zealandersj it is found also in various other parts of the world. (3+) Order, Grall^, (Linn.) Coot the Common, the GiiEATER, the Moor; Gallinule, the Purple, the Crowing, &c. The genus Fulica, (Linn.) or Coot, consists of forty or more species, including several of the birds termed Gallinules. Among which the Chloropus, or Moor-Hen, will be found. This tribe of birds frequent waters ; feed on worms, insects, and small fishes ; the body is compressed, bill thick, and bent in towards the top, the upper mandible reaching far up the fore- head ; wings and tail short. The Galt.inules have the feet cleft, the wings short and concave. The Coots have the toes surrounded by a scolloped membrane ; the mandibles equal ; nostrils oval, narrow, and short. The Gallinules, therefore, are to be distinguished by cleft feet ; the Coots by pinnate feet. Dr. Latham has separated these into distinct genera; — seethe Introduction. The following are the chief: Thfe Chloropus, Common-Gallinule, Moor-Hen, Common Water Hen, More-Hen, Marsh-Hen^ Cuddy, or Moor-Coot, lias a blackish body, or sooty mixed with olive, beneath ash-colour ; bill reddish towards the base; sides red. Inhabits Europe and MOOR-ttEN-— Coot. 217 Some dark, sooty Gallinules, known by cleft feet, Were there, too, the Aquiline Monarch to greet. America, and also this country. Fourteen inches long. Flies \vith difficulty, but runs and swirns well; builds Dear the water side, on low trees or shrubs; strikes with its bill like a hen; eggs dirty wliitish, spotted with rust-colour, from six to ten in number, which it lays twice or thrice a year. Time of incuba- tion three weeks ; the young take to the water immediately on being hatched. Abounds in the fenny districts of England ; flesh delicious. Of the Atra, Coot, Common-Coot, ov Bald-Cnot, there are five varieties ; one with a blackish body ; another black with white wings ; another entirely black; another brown, but the chin, belly, and primary quill feathers white ; head spotted with white, the upper mandible red ; another white, with a few spots on the head and wings. This species inhabits Europe, Asia, and America ; length fifteen inches, and is frequent in this country in many of our lakes, rivers, and large ponds, forming a floating nest among the flags. Eggs six, or more, dirty white, sprinkled with minute rusty spots. The young, when hatched, very deformed ; runs along the water ; swims and dives dexterously; feeds on insects, fishes, and seeds; in winter often repairs to the sea. They are occasionally sold in our markets ; flavour rather fishy. It breeds in Norfolk in considerable numbers, where large gulls attack and devour them. The Coot is soon reconciled to confinement, and be- comes domestic. This bird, if deprived of water in which to pass the night, will roost, as other land birds, upon any elevated situation : it will ascend a tree with the activity of the wren. Linn. Transact* vol. xiv, page 558. *'The Coot her jet-wing loved to lave, Rock'd on the bosom of the sleepless wave." Rogers's Pleasures of Memory. L 21,8 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Long-tailed Capons C^) came also, whose singu- lar nest, With its skill and its comfort hath many impress'd. The Aterrima, or Great kr-Coot, with a blackish body, in- habits, like the last, our own country, and other parts of Eu- rope, but is by no means so common a bird. It differs from the preceding chiefly in size and the deepness of its black colour. The Purpureoy or Crowing-Gallinule, is purple j inhabits the marshes of New Spain, and crows like a cock. The Porphyrio, Purple-Gallinule, or Sultanu, inhabits most of the temperate and warm places of the globe j seventeen inches long ; head and neck glossy violet and violet blue ; body, for the most part, of a dull glossy green; eggs three or fourj time of incubation from three to four weeks ; associating with other fowls, and, like them, scratching the ground. It is docile, and easily tamed, and is altogether a curious bird; it stands on one leg, and lifts its food to its mouth with the other j feeds on fishes, roots, fruits, and seeds. (35) Order, Pass eres, (Linn.) Titmouse, the Long-tailed, the Great, the Blue, or Tomtit, the Marsh, the Bearded, the Amorous, the Crested, &c. The genus Parus, {Linn.) or Titmouse, comprehends nearly forty species, of which the CaudatuSf or Long-tailed Capon, is one. Tliey have a straight, strong, sharp-pointed bill; nostrils round, covered with reflected bristles, tongue truncated ; toes divided to their origin, back toe long and strong. It is a very fertile tribe, laying sometimes from ten to twenty eggs; feeds on seed, fruit, insects, and a few on flesh. They are restless, bold, and cruel to birds less than themselves, and will attack such as are three times their own size. The following are the chief: The Caudatus, Long-tailed Titmouse, Long-tailed Capon, Huch-muckf Bottle-Tom, Bum-barrel, Bairel-Tit, Long-tail Mag, 1 LONG-TAILLD GREAT TITMOUSE — TOMTIT. 219 Even the elegant Oriole,* in vesture of gold, (Go thou who art sceptic such birds' nests behold!) Came to grace, by his presence, the redolent spring, And to proffer respect to the Aquiline King. Long-tail Pie^ Mum'Tuffin^ or Pudiling-Poke, is the smallest of the tribe ; the tail longer than the body ; crown white ; greater wing covens black, lesser brown, edged with rosy; length rather more than five inches. For a descriplion of its nest see the Notes to thelntrodnction. The nest is, however, occasionally varied in size, form, and the position of its entrance. In a drawing of one, a fac-simile of it, lately obtained for me by a friend from the neighbourhood of Dover, it is much neater ex- ternally than this nest usually appears : it looks like a truncated cylinder, the top being arched over, on one side of which is the hole. Eggs small, seventeen or more, white spotted with rusty; sometimes a pure white without any spots. Feeds on insects and their larvae. Inhabits Europe and this country. The Major, Great-Titmouse, Ox-eye, Great-black-headed Tomtit, Black-cap, has the head black, cheeks white ; back and wings olive green ; rump blue grey ; belly greenish yellow ; length five inches and three quarters ; frequents gardens, but builds in woods ; eggs ten, or more, colour of those of the pre- ceding. Said to be injurious to gardens and orchards by pick- ing oflFthe tender buds from trees ; but this may be questioned. Inhabits Europe, Asia, Africa, and this country. Another variety with the bill forked, and crossed as in the loxia cur- virostra, thence named the Cross-hill Titmouse. Builds in the hole of a wall or a tree. T\\e Car ulcus. Tomtit, Blue-Titmouse, Nun, or HickmaUyhas the back yellowish-green, tail blue; body, beneath, white- yellow ; four and a half inches long ; frequents gardens like the * For an account of the G olden-Oriole y see Part II.; for the Orioles' msts, see page 23. L2 220 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Many Titmice were there too — the Bearded — the Great; One whose penduline nest is commodious and neat. last ; said to be t» very mischievous bird ; breeds in holes of walls, and lays six or more eggs, similar in colours to the pre- ceding. Inhabits every part of Europe, and well known in this country. It is a great enemy to the annual sun-flower seed, destroying it almost always, if not prevented long before it is ripe. In food this bird appears, however, to be omnivorous, eating even flesh. Except in its attacks on the sun-flower seed, (Helianthus unnuus,) I am noi aware of any of its mischievous depredations ; although in some places the churchwardens still pay, I believe, for tomtits' heads as well as those of sparrows. The Palustris, Marsh-Titmouse, Black-cap^ or Little black- headed Tomtit f has the head black ; back cinereous ; temples white. Three other varieties ; all found in this country, ex- cept one, a native of Louisiana. It is rather larger titan the tomtit. The Peniluiinus, or Penduline-Titmouse, frequents moist and marshy places, and builds a nest in the shape of a large purse, with an opening on one side, and attached to the end of some brancli of a tree hanging over water; eggs white; four and a half inches long; inhabits Europe, as far as Siberia. The Biai'tnicus, Bearded-Titmouse, or Least -Butcher -Bird, is a very elegant species ; six and a quarter inches long ; the head is bearded ; body rufous ; tail longer than the body ; suspends its nest between three reeds ; inhabits Europe in marshy places, and found in our own countiy. The Amatorius, or Amorous-Titmouse, is blackish bine, five and half inches long; remarkable for the great aff'ection which each sex shows for each other ; inhabits Northern Asia. Beside these, the following inhabitants of this country may also be mentioned : the Cristatus, or Crested-TitmousE ; and the Ater, or Colemouse. THE COMMON PARTRIDGE. 221 The Partridges (^*), also, well pleas'd came to court, Secure, as they hoped, both from Sportsmen and Sport. (36) Order, Galling, (Linn.) Partridge, Grouse, Quail, Ptarmigan, Tinamou, &c. The genus Tetrao, (Linn.) under which the Partridge, Grouse, &c. are arranged, consists of more than one hundred and thirty species, scattered over various parts of the world ; several of them are inhabitants of this country. The general character of the tribe is iiaving, near the eye, a spot which is either naked or papillous, or, rarely, covered with feathers. It has also been tlius subdivided : — Grouse having tiie spot over the eye naked; legs downy; feet in some four, in some three, toed. — Partridge and Quail, orbits granulated, legs naked; the Partridges in the male armed with a spur at the legs; the Quails destitute of a spur. — The Tinamou, orbits with a few feathers, legs naked, four toed, unarmed. Dr. Latham has de&cribed fifteen species of the Tinamou (Tinamus), ninety-one of the Partridge (Perdix), and twenty-seven of the Grouse {Tetrao). The following are the chief species of this numerous tribe. The Perdix, Partridge, or Common- Partridge, has under the eyes a naked, scarlet spot; general colour of the plumage cinereous brown and black mixed ; breast brown, tail ferrugi-, nous, legs white. Several varieties,— greyish white— entirely, white — collar white — body brown — chin and upper part of the throat tawny. Inhabits Europe and Asia, and well known in this country. Length thirteen inches ; frequents corn tields and pastures ; feeds on corn, seeds, and insects ; lays from four- teen to twenty or more* yellowish, or greenish grey, eggs, rather smaller than a pigeon's; nest on the ground, in the dry h * I once saw a Partridge's nest with twenty-one egg3 in it. 222 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. In VARIETY many, — of white and of red ; — By Eld often quoted, by Fame often said, That the young run away with the sheUs on their head. margins of corn-fields, and oilier quiet and grassy places, and little care evinced in its construction. Time of incubation three weeks. Flesh {generally esteemed. The running away icith the shell upon the head, as mentioned in the text, is sometimes, I believe, in regard to the hatching of Partridges, and others of the i?aso7' tribe, a literal fact: hence, when a person undertakes any thing before being properly pre- pared for or instructed concerning it, has arisen the common expression. He runs away with the shell vpon his head. The Rvfus, RED-PARTRincE, Greek- Partridge^ Red-legged Partridge, Guernsey-Partridge, French- Partridge, or Barbary- Partridge, is rather larger than the common Partridge, bill and legs blood red; chin white, surrounded by a black band spot- ted with white. Inhabits Southern Europe and the Greek Islands. Several varieties; one found sometimes on the coast of Norfolk and Suffolk. Perches occasionally on trees, and breeds in confinement, which the common Partridge is never known to do. The LagopuSf Ptarmigan, White-Game, or White-Partridge, is cinereous, quill feathers white, tail feathers black tipt with white, middle ones white j toes downy; length fourteen or fifteen inches. Inhabits the alpine parts of Europe and Siberia, and common in the Highlands of Scotland. Eggs pale rufous, with red brown spots. It is said to be a stupid bird, and bur- rows under the snow. A variety of this species was found by Captain Parry in the high latitudes of North America. The Perching-Partridge inhabits India; it is noted for perching on trees ; plumage above pale brown, beneath pale brownish grey- The Urogitlliis, Wood-Grouse, Cock-of-the-Wood, Great-Grouse, Cock-of -the- Mountain, Caper-Calze, Auer-Catze, Horse-of-the- Woods, or Cnper Cally, is nearly as largo as a Turkey, being two WOOD GROUSE — BLACK GROUSE. TZ6 There came Ptarmigans, too, from the regions of snow ; — The CocK-OF-THE-WooD was e'er ready to crow; — feet eight or nine inches long ; the male, which is considerably larger than i\\e female, sometimes weighs fifteen pounds, more frequently seven or eight. The two sexes differ greatly in colour as well as in size. The head, neck, and hack of the male is elegantly marked with slender lines of grey and black running transversely 5 the upper part of the breast is a shining green, the rest of the breast and belly black, mixed with some white feathers; tail black, with a few white spots. The. female is red on the throat ; head, neck, and back, marked with bars of red and black; belly orange ; tail ferruginous, barred with black ; length twenty-six inches. Eggs from eight to sixteen, white spotted with yellow, larger than tliose of the domestic hen. Inhabits the mountainous and woody parts of Europe and Northern Asia, rarely found in this country. These birds, it is said, never pair, but the cock calls the females together by a peculiar cry which he makes perched upon a tree: " And from the pine's high top brought down The Giant Grot/se, while boastful he display'd His breast of varying green, and crovv'd and clapp'd His glossy wings." GiSBORNE's Walks in a Forest — Spring, This bird differs from most of the other species of the genus in his predilection for woods, and in perching on trees. Feeds on the tops of the pine antl birch, and also on juniper berries. Flesh, of course, good. -=>« "> '-JJ* The Tetrix, Black-Grouse, Black-Game, Slack-CStk, Heath- Cock, Heath-Fowl, or Heath-Poult, is violet black, tail forked ; several varieties ; weighs sometimes four pounds ; length twenty- three inches. Female less than the inale ; her general colour ferruginous, barred and mottled with black, beneath paler. Eggs six or seven, dirty white, blotched with rust colour, size 224 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The voice of the Heath-Cock was heard loud and shrill; Many groups of Red-Grouse, too, rose over the hill. of those of a pheasant. Inhabits tlie mountainoos and woody districts of England and Europe at large. Accordingf to Pennant this bird is remarkable for his exultation during the spring, when he calls the hen to his haunts with a loud and shrill voice, and is so inattentive to his safety as to be easily shot. "High on exulting wing the Heath-Cock rose, And blew his shrill blast o'er perennial snows.^' Rogers's Pleasures of Memory. The Scoticus, Ked-Grouse, Ard-Game, Moor-Cock, or Gor- Cock, is sixteen inches long, transversely streaked with rufous and blackisii ; six outer tail feathers on each side blackish. Colours of the female not so dark as the male. Eggs from eight to fourteen, like those of the Black-Grouse, but smaller. Inhabits extensive uncultivated wastes covered with heath in Wales, Yorkshire, and the Highlands of Scotland. Found in flocks of thirty or forty in the winter season. ** Sounds strange and fearful there to hear, 'Mongst desert hills where, leagues around, Dwelt hut tlie Gor-cock and the deer." Sir Walter Scott's Bridal of Triermain, Canto Hi, The Cupido, Pinnated-Grouse, Heath-Hen^ Prarie-Heiif Mountain-Cock, or Banen-Hen. The last name given to it in consequence of its being found on the wild tracts of America called barrens. This bird is the size of a pheasant ; length nineteen inches; weighs three pounds aud a half; plumage reddish brown, transversely barred with black and white waved lines ; feathers of the head elongated into a crest ; on each side of the neck a tuft of feathers ; under the neck tufts, in the male, are two wrinkled bladders, which the bird can in- I THE HEATH-HEN — QUAll. 225 While the Tame-Ducks, and Drakes with their collars of green, Recurvate their tails, on the waters were seen, flate ; when distended they resemble a middle sized orange ; toes naked, pectinated, pale brown. Found in Carolina, New Jersey, and other parts of North America, and particularly on the bushy plains of Long Island. Feeds on huckle berries, the acorns of the dwarf oak and other fruits, and insects. Eggs numerous ; nest on the ground j flesh good. In September seen in flocks of two hundred or more. In the year 1791 an act was passed in the United States for the preservation of this bird, in which a fine of two dollars was imposed on any one killing it between the 1st of April and 5th of October. It is become, notwithstanding this act, in America (and it has been rarely, I believe, heard of elsewhere) a scarce and dear bird. The Coturnixj or Quail, has the body spotted with grey; eye-brows white; tail feathers with a ferruginous edge and crescent ; seven and a half inches long : another variety much larger. Inhabits the whole of the old world, but not, it is said, America. It is a bold bird, and used in China for fighting, as in this country are game cocks ; and at Athens, formerly, quail fighting was as common as cock fighting is at the present time; it was also at Rome a common diversion ; it is said, indeed, that in the time of Augustus a prefect of Egypt was punished with death for having served up at an entertainment one of these birds which had acquired celebrity from its victories ! It is a migratory bird, appearing in England the beginning of May, and leaving it in October ; a few, however, are said to remain throughout the winter; feeds on green wheat and in stubbles; calls nearly all night ; the males are taken by imitating them. Eggs eight or ten whitish, laid like the partridge on the ground; they are occasionally blotched with dusky ; they are said to lay many more eggs than ten in Italy. Quails are seen in vast flocks in various places contiguous to the Mediterranean Sea l3 226 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The bright Citrinel* cried " Willy winky" aloud; The Turnstone and Knot made a part of the crowd ; Sea-Swaxlow8, Sea-Crows, and some Shear- waters came ; And many more sea-birds not known unto fame. during tlieir migration. Tlioii>andH have been taken in a day in the kingdom of Naples. Tlie Virginianus, or Virginian-Quail, is rather less than the common partridge; it inhabits the woods of America, and perches on trees. The Kakelik has the bill, eye-brows, and legs, scarlet; size of a pigeon; is named from its note Kakelik; inhabits China. The Majoff Great-Tinamou, or Great- Parti idge, has a yel- low body. legs yellowish brown; bill black, back and tail with black spots ; eighteen inches long ; roosts on the lowest branches of trees; feeds on worms, insects, and fruits; builds twice a- year, and lays from twelve to fifteen eggs; inliabits the woods of South America. Note a dull kind of whistle, which may be heard a great way off; the natives imitate it to decoy them. The above birds are all more or less excellent food, and known by the general term Game. Many of the tribe are ex- tremely pugnacious, particularly the grouse, partridges, and quails ; this arises most probably from the fact that the males are^enerally more numerous than the females. Some of this genus of birds in cold climates vary in plumage exceedingly du- ring the summer and winter montlts. * Emberiza Citrinella, or Yellow-Hammer, (see Note 20), one of the few birds to whicJi in this work a new name is given, and this is here done from the intractable nature of the old one. Some of our naturalists have described the song of the yellow- hammer as being composed of only six or seven notes, but it is very often many more than six. They are uttered with consi- derable rapidity, the penult being dwelt upon with much em- phasis, ♦' Willy willy, willy willy f willy willy, wink ky."' I SCOOPING AVOSET — AMERICAN AVOSET. 227 There were Gannets,* too^ — Kilda's prime, staple support ; And some Shags* that on ocean delight oft to sport. With recurvate and flexible beak ting'd with jet, Appear'd, too, the ScoopeVj yclept Avoset (^7). The Pigeons Domestic in large circles soar; While the Cock and Hen sought out the granary door : In VARIETY there seen, a numerous tribe, Whom pen or whom pencil could scarcely describe; Pugnacity ever their prominent trait, — Which young and which old, all observant, obey. (37) Order, Giiall^e, (jLiwn.) Avoset, the Scooping, the American, the White. The g-«itts Recurvi ROSTRA, (Linn.) or Avoset, consists of four species, distinguished by a depressed, subulate, recurved bill ; pointed, flexible at the top; feet palmate. The chief are the following. The AvocettUj Avoset, Scooping-Avoset, Butter-flip^ Scoopet'j Yelper, Picarini, Crooked'bill, or Cobler's-awl, is varie- gated with white and black ; length eighteen inches ; bill black, recurved at the point, flexible like whalebone ; toes webbed about half their length ', feeds on worms and marine insects, which it scoops out of the mud or sand^ eggs two, white tinged with green, and marked with large black spots, size of a pigeon's. Inhabits southern Europe, and found also in this country. The Amei'icanus, or Ameuican-Avoset, has the back black, beneath white ; seventeen inches long j inhabits North America and New Holland. — The Alba, or White-Avoset, is white, wing coverts brownish; bill orange; fourteen inches and a half long ; inhabits Hudson's Bay. • See Part II. for a description of both Gannets and bfidgs, tmder the genus Pelecioius. 228 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The TuRKEY-CocK (3^) Strutted his ladies beside, And, with "Go6, Gobble,'" note, spread his tail fea- thers wide ; (38) Order, Galling, {Linn.) Turkey, the Common, the Horned. Theg-ewtt«MELEAGRis,(Lin«.)or Turkey, consists oftwospe- cies only, distinguished by a conic, inciirvate bill ; head covered with spongy caruncles, chin with a longitudinal membraneous ca- runcle ; tail broad, expansile; legs spurred. They are as follow : The Gallipavo, or Common-Turkey, is above three feet and a half long ; domesticated every where ; varies much in its co- lours; its most predominant is black, mixed with shades of white; caruncles red. In its wild stale lives in woods, feeding on nuts, acorns, and insects ; originally anative of America, where it is now found in great plenty, as well as the West Indies, constituting a great pari of the food of the natives, although never reduced by them to a state of domestication : hunting the turkey is a sport in which the savage delights. The cock makes occasionally a pe- culiar noise, not easily described. In their wild state, turkeys are much larger, more hardy and beautiful, than in captivity. The male wild turkey found in the American woods is nearly four feet long; the female three feet and a quarter. This bird, the young of which are so tender with us, multiplies abundantly in the large forests of Canada, which are a great part of the year covered with snow. Eggs from ten to twenty -five; time of in- cubation from twenty-six to twenty-nine or more days. The common domesticated turkey is a sluggish, cowardly bird, formidable in appearance only. A common game cock will at- tack mauy at once, and, from his activity, frequently comes off unhurt. This bird has an antipathy to red colours. The best turkeys in this country are bred in Norfolk : in breeding, one cock is sufficient for six hens. The hen will cover from nine to fifteen eggs. She is a steady setter, and will sometimes continue upon her eggs until almost starved ; hence she should be pro- vided with food and water during her incubation. I cannot THE COMMON THE HORNED TURKEY. 2^29 Though inspirer of fear, yet of cowardice son : The fierce chanticleer is seen often to shun. enter here into the domestic management of this, nor, indeed, of any other bird ; but the reader who is desirous of ob- taining information concerning the best method of rearing domestic poultry, may consult my Family Cyclopedia, arti- cles Hen, Turkey, Duck, Goose, &c. It is scarcely neces- sary to add, that the turkey is excellent food. This bird was introduced into England during the reign of Henry VIII. It consists of several varieties, which are, very probably, increased by continued domestication. The Salyra, or Horned-Turkey, has the head with two horns, callous, blue, bent back ; body red, with eye-like spots ; caruncle of the chin dilatable, blue, varied with rufous. The female has the head covered with feathers, is hornless and without guiar caruncle; feathers of the head and upper part of the neck black-blue, long, incumbent ; rest of the body as in the male ; rather less than the preceding ; inhabits India. The wild turkey cock is, in the American forests, an object of considerable interest. It perches on the tops of the cypress and magnolia ; and, in the months of March and April, at early dawn, for an hour, or more, the forests ring with the crowing of these American sentinels, the watch-word being caught and re- peated from one to another for, Bartram says, hundreds of miles round. Mr. Southey, in Madocj vol. i. page '265, thus describes this occurrence : **0n the top Of yon magnolia the loud turkey's voice Is heralding the dawn ; from tree to tree Extends the wakening watch note far and wide, Till the whole woodlands echo with the cry." The wild turkey is said to be, in the American woods, a mi- 'gratory bird ; not, indeed, by the assistance of the wings, but by walking. I have lately seen the keel of the sternum of a turkey, that 230 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. In the Guinea-Hens (^^) harsh and monotonous strain, " Go backy' was repeated again and again, had a round groove or depression in it, produced, doubtless, by the weight of the bird pressing it strongly on the perch. (39) Order, Galling, (Liim.) Guinea-Hen, Gallina. The genus Numida, {Linn*) or Guinea-Hen, consists of four species, distinguished by a strong short bill, the base covered with a carunculate cere receiving the nostrils ; head horned, with a compressed coloured callus; tail short, bending down. The following is the only one which it is necessary to notice : The MeleagriSy Guinea-Hen, PintadOy Gallina, Galeny, or Guinea-foicly has double caruncles at the gape, and is without gular fold. The bill is of a reddish horn colour, head blue ; the crown with a conic, compressed, bluish-red protuberance; upper part of the neck bluish ash, almost naked ; lower part fea- thered, verging to a violet blue; body blackish or greyish, with round white spots ; legs grey brown. Two other varieties; one with the breast white, the other having the body entirely wliite; twenty-two inches long ; makes a harsh unpleasant cry, similar to that mentioned in the text ; such sounds it often repeats ; it is restless and turbulent, moving from place to place, and domineering over the whole poultry yard. The male and female much alike; the only difference is, that the wattles which are blue in the former, are inclining to red in the latter ; there is also some difference in the noise which the two sexes frequently make. Eggs many, speckled reddish-brown, considerably smaller than those of the common hen : if this bird be left to itself, it will lay its eggs on the bare ground ; and Is generally in this country a very unfit mother for its own offspring. See the Introduction. Inhabits Africa and America, and is domes- ticated every where. Flesh excellent. This genus in many respects resembles the common poultry, like them going in large flocks, and feeding its young by point- THE PEACOCK — THE CRESTED PEACOCK. 231- As a coronal now came the Peacock (*°) along, Stalking proudly, but uttered no note fit for song. ing out their food. In this country, however, these birds are reared much better by the common hen than by their own spe- cies. The chicken are so extremely sensible to cold, that ex- posure to it on damp grass, or the ground, for a very short time, often proves fatal to them. (+^) Order, Galling, (Linn.) Peacock, tlie Crested, the Iris, the Thibet, the Japan. The genus Pavo, (Linn,) or Peacock, consists of seven species, distinguished by a robust, convex bill ; head covered with revolute feathers ; nostrils large ; feathers of the tail long, broad, expansile, and covered with eye-like spots. The chief are as follow : The Cristatus, or Crested-Peacock, is the species most com- . monly seen in this country ; it consists of three varieties : one with a compressed crest, spurs solitary ; — another having the cheeks, tbroat, belly, and wing coverts, white j — another with the body entirely white. The plumage and tail of this magni* ftcent bird are adorned with rich and various colours, but the most predominant is green of many different shades. It came originally from India, where it is found, it is said, in vast flocks; but it is now seen in all the temperate regions of Europe, and in almost every part of the new world, and also in Africa. It arrives at maturity the third year. In this climate the female lays only four or five eggs, but, in warmer regions, twelve, and, it is said, sometimes double this number. The time of incuba- tion is from twenty-seven to thirty days. It lives to the age of twenty years, or more. One cock is sufficient for three or four hens. They are granivorous, like other domestic fowls, pre- ferring barley. The young only are esteemed good eating. It is not, however, a veiy desirable bird for the poultry yard, it being very troublesome and mischievous. The cry which it utters is one of the most harsh and disagreeable that can be 232 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Thus assembled, the Monarch- commanded the Owl, (*^) To blow loud his trump to the nation of Fowl ; — Not " hoo-hooj'** such as often is heard in the night. When terror and fancy beget wild affright, But a note such as never the owl blew before — Over hill, over dale, went its echoing roar. conceived. The origin of the white variety is not known, but it is said that it continues white in every climate. Lord Byron calls the peacock "That royal bird whose tail's a diadem." And Beattie thus describes it in the minstrel: *' Though richest hues the peacock's plumes adorn, Yet horror screams from his discordant throat/' The BicalcaratuSf or Iris-Peacock, is brown ; bead sub- crested ; spurs tico ; rather larger than the pheasant ; inhabits China. The TliibetanuSy or Thibet-Peacock, isc inereous, streaked with blackish ; head sub-crested ; spurs two ; twenty- five and a half inches long; inhabits Thibet. The Muticus, or Japan-Peacock, is blue mixed with green > head with a subulate crest; spurless; size of the cristatus; inhabits Japan. (**) Order, Accipitres, (^Linn.) Owl, the Great, the Long- eared, the Tawny, the White, &c. The genus Strix, (Linn.) or Owl, includes more than eighty species, scattered over Europe, Asia, and America, about half of which are eared aud half earless ; several are common in this country: they have a hooked bill, cereless; the nostrils are oblong, covered with bristly recumbent feathers; head, auricles and eyes large; tongue bifid; legs downy; toes four, claws hooked and very sharp pointed. They fly abroad mostly by I THE OWL — THE GREAT-EARED OWL. 233 What silence, what stillness, at once was impressed ! Even zephyr scarce wav'd the green trees' leafy vest. The Falcon then thus: " It hath pleased the king, This assembly to-day in his presence to bring ; And wishing sincerely to all much delight. We now to such sports as are pleasing invite." night, preying on small birds, mice, and bats; sight, by day, weak, when the eyes are generally closed ; at such times they make short low flights, and may be, without much difficulty, hunted down. At such time, too, the owl is often attacked and insulted by birds which would not dare, at other times, to ap- proach him. All the species are not distinguished by this sensi- bility to light, some of them pursuing their prey daring the day-time. Owls do, however, for the most part, conceal themselves in some dark retreat during the day ; the cavern, the rock, the cavity of a decayed tree, or the holes of a ruinous and unfre- quented castle, are their solitary abode, where " They hoot from the hollow of their hallowed thrones," and by their harsh notes render the darkness and silence of the night truly hideous and appalling. The weak and superstitious have often foolishly imagined the noise of the screech owl a presage of some great calamity ; but the good sense of mankind is rapidly dispelling such idle fancies. Owls are^ beyond question, a very useful tribe of birds. The following are the chief: The Bubu^ Great-Owl, Great-eared Owl, Eagle-Owl, Great-horned Owl, has a tawny body ; in other varieties darker, with blackish wings. The head is large ; the cavities of the ears large and deep ; on each side of the head are two tufts of feathers, resembling horns, two inches and a half long, which the animal can erect or fold down at pleasure j breadth of the 234 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The birds soon divided in groups as they chose ; In the air soaring these, and in water swam those ; To the wood some retir'd ; others flew up the dell, Where a bubbhng clear fount over rocks dashing fell. There was singing ^ the chief: there was billing and cooing; And many a coy one her lover came wooing. There was diving, the Sheldrake's distinguished for that, While some Warbler's sweet notes admiration begat; wings about five feet ; size, nearly as large as an eagle. Inha- bits Europe, Kalmuc Taitary, and South America; occasionally met with in this country. Chases hares, rabbits, moles, and mice, which if swallows whole; but the hair, bones, and skin, which resist the action of the siomach, it ejects in round balls, similar to the eagle tribe, termed castings. Eggs two, said to be larger than those ola hen ; they are mottled like the bird. Wilson describes an owl under the term Virginiana, or Great-Horjsed-Owl, which he supposes a variety of the pre- ceding : {he male is twenty inches long, the female two feet; its notes, IVavgh O! fVavgh O/ remains in America the whole year. The Otus, Long-eared Owl, Hom-Otcl, is a beautiful spe- cies, in length fifteen inches ; the horns consist of six feathers variegated with black; its general colour is an ochraceous yellow. Varieties of this species found all over Europe and America ; more common in this country than the preceding. Tlie Stridula, Tawny-Owl, Common-Brown-Owl, Jry-Owl, Black-Old, Aluco-Owl, Wood-Owl, or Screech-Owl, has the back, head, and coverlets of the wings, a tine tawny red, elegantly marked with black or dusky spots; fifteen inches long; inhabits Europe, America, the West Indies, and this country, and is by far the most plentiful of the owl tribe in England. Breeds in THE TAWNY OWL — THE WHITE OWL. 235 To enjoy unrestrained of such day the delight, From pleasure's clear stream each oft sipp'd where he might. What excited the smiles of the Aquiline King, Was the noise made by some birds in efforts to sing. The jetty black Raviln, now stretching his throat. Did nothing but croak with a horrible note, That of ill seem'd portentous, as down the deep delF,' ' In echoes heart-startliilg the wavy sound fell. hollow trees, someiiriies in barns; eggs two or three, a dull white. Said to be the only species known to hoot. (Movtagu.) I think, however, this is doubtfnl. " Heard ye the owl Hoot to herniate responsive? 'Twas not she AVhom floating on white pinions near his barn The farmer views well pleas'd, and bids his boy Forbear her nest ; bnt she who cloth'd in robe Of unobtrusive br;)wn, regardless flits Mouse-haunted cornstacks and the thresher's floor, And prowls for plunder in the lonely wood." Gisborne's Wulks in a Forest —Sumtner, This owl is an excellent mousing bird ; but it will sometimes destroy pigeons. The Flaminea, White-Owl, Common-Barn Owl, Howlet, Gillihoictery Madge- Hovcht, Church- Qui, Hissing- Owlj or Screech'Owlf is about thirteen inches long; the plumage elegant; body above pale yellow, with white dots; beneath whitish, with blackish dots ; almost a domestic bird, inhabiting barns, hay-lofts, and churches ; utters a kind of hissing, or harsh and mournful cries, formerly believed in the country to be ominous. Found in Europe, America, and this country. Feeds chiefly on mice, which it swallows whole, ejecting afterwards the bones arid 236 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The Cuckoo, as songster, would also essay ; " Cuckoo, CuckoOj^' still " Cuckoo," was heard through the day. In impertinent boldness appear'd the Tomtit,-^ His notes little more than a chirp or a chit. When laughter arose—" Give me sunflower seed," He cried, '' and I'll sing with the lark of the mead." The saucy House-Sparrow affected a song ; But dissonant noises to sparrows belong. fur in large pellets similar to those of tbe Great-owl. Eggs four or inore,whiti!ih. Breeds in old trees, or even barns. The young wholly white, and the flesh then said to be good. Montagu in- forms us that it never hoots ; I think this is a mistake. *'The awaken'd owl Majestic, slow, on sounding wing sails by, And rous'd to active life, enjoys the hour That gives his winking eye-lids leave to rest, While bright his eye, dim in day's dazzling light, Now into distance shoots its beams, and guides The unweildy spoiler to his creeping prey, Which having seized, again on murmuring wing He cleaves the tranquil air, and to his nest Proudly bears home the feast he toil'd to gain ; Then from the bosom of some thick wove tree, Breathes in dull note his votive strain to night, Friend of his daring, season of his joy." IMrs. O PIE'S Evening Walk at Cromer. Anthology, vol. ii. The BrachyotoSfSHORT-EAREii Owl, Mouse-Hawk, Woodcock- Owl, or Hawk-Owl, is about fifteen inches long ; it is distin- guished from the rest of the tribe by the smallness of its head ; on the top of the head above each eye is a tuft of feathers. I THE lITTLE OWL — THE COQU1M60 OWL. 237 Ducks quak'd, Ganders hiss'd, and Geese cackled aloud ; Many Rooks, and some Crows, too, were heard 'midst the crowd. The Peacock, too, scream'd — his harsh notes ever shock; — Of his crowing, seem'dwondrously proud, too, the Cock. The Dove's gentle cooing was heard in the wood ; The Daw was desirous to sing if he could. " Chink, Chink, '^ cried the Chaffinch ; the Owl gave a shriek; And the Jay and the Magpie attempted to speak. uliich it can erect at pleasure ; the neck, back, and scapulars, are dusky, bordered with ferruginous, breast and belly whitish, streaked with dusky. Arrives in this country in October, and departs in March; hence, from its arriving at the same time as the Woodcock, one of its names. Supposed to breed in the Orkneys, Norway, and Hudson's Bay. It never perches on trees in this country, but hides itself in long grass or fern. The Scops, or Little-horn ED Owl, and the Pusserina, or Lit- tle-Owl, may also be mentioned ; the last h an elegant bird, the smallest of the tribe found in England ; size of a blackbird ; the head and upper parts are brown, tinged with olive ; the former, and wing coverts, spotted with white. The foreign birds of this tribe are numerous, and of various sizes. I cannot enumerate them. There is, however, in the northern latitudes, a species common to the old and new world, called the Nyctea by most ornithologists, which equals in size the largest of the tribe, being two feet long, and having beau- tiful plumage. The Cunicularia or CoQviMiiO Owl, is found in Chili; and is said to dig holes in the ground for a nest for its young, and for its own habitation. There is also a similar owl called the Burrowing-Owl, found in various parts of the North American continent. In 238 BRITISH AUD EUROPEAN BIRDS, 'Midst this babel, the Monarch, extending his wing, Commanded the Warblers in sequence to sing. In a moment was silence ; the restless were still ; At distance was heard, in sweet murmurs, the rill. The Redbreast looked pleas'd, and began with a twittering; That excited of Folly an insolent tittering. But he soon became silent as thus o'er the soul, The warbler's soft notes with much melody stole. the trans-Mississipian territories this owl resides exclusively in the burrows of the Marmot or Pairie dog; whether at tlie same time and in tlie same burrow with the said dog we are not ex- actly informed ; although in other districts, as in St. Domingo, it digs itself a burrow two feet deep, in which the functions of niditication, &c. are performed. Its food is said to be insects ; it flies about by day ; its notes are cheh, cheh^ repeated several times in rapid succession. Length nine inches and half j extent two feet. Bill horn colour, the lower mandible strongly notched ; iris bright yellow; the capistrum before the eyes terminates in black rigid bristles as long as the bill. General colour of the plu- mage a light burnt-umber, spotted with a whitish tinge; beneath whitish; inferior tail coverts are immaculate white; eggs two, white, size of the dove's. See a continuation of Wilson's Ame- rican Ornithology by Prince Charles Buonaparte. Those who like tales abounding in the horrible, will find one to their taste in Blackwood's Magazine for July, 1826, entitled the Owl : the following are the first four lines of it : '' There sat au owl in an old oak tree, Whooping very merrily ; He was considering, as well he might. Ways and means for a supper to-night." I particularly advise those to read it who may not be quite convinced of the impropriety of cruelty to animals. 239 THE REDBREAST'S SONG. Motacilla Ruhecula,—'ListiJS.\Js. Sylvia Rubecula.—h\.THXM. '^Little bird with bosom red, Welcome to my humble shed ! Courtly domes of high degree, Have no room for thee and me ; Pride and pleasure's fickle throng, Nothing mind an idle song." - Langhornb. I 240 THE REDBREAST'S SONG. Come listen unto me, love, Beside the eglantine ; Or listen unto me, love. Beneath the shady pine. I wish not far to roam, love, Delighted to entwine, In some sweet rosy, bower, love, Thy gentle arms with mine. I wish afar from noise, love, From fraud and strife malign, With theCy in peace, to dwell, love That wish is surely thine I I like a quiet home, love. Where I, and all that's mine, In one encircling band move, With thee and all that's thine. THE WARBLER — THE REDBREAST. 241 I love to look around, love, On cherubs that are mine, — And oh ! how sweet the thought, love, Those cherubs too are thine ! I like a quiet spot, love. Where all such things combine To make us truly blest, love, — A home almost divine, i'^^) (+^) Order, PASSERES, (Linn. )WARELER,REDBREAS'f,WREN, Golden-Crested-Wren, Yellow-Wren, Petty-Chaps, Redstart, Wheat-eau, Wagtail, White-Throat, &c. The genus Motacilla, (Linn.) or Warbler, to which the Redbreast, Motacilla RvbeculUf belongs, comprehends nearly three hundred species scattered over the globe ; a very great , number of which are natives of Europe, and many of them of our own country ; their characteristics are a weak, slender bill ; nostrils small ; tongue cloven ; toes, the extreme one joined at the under part to the middle one at the base. The follow- ing are Ihe chief: The Rubecula, Red-rreast, Robin, Robin-redbreast, Robin- Riddickf Ruddock, or Robinet,* is too well known to need de- scription. There are three varieties; the common grey, with throat and breast ferrujiinous ; the second entirely white ; the third with chin while, wing coverts and feathers variegated. It is remarkable that this bird, which remains, even in North Bri- < * ** The nightingale of birds most choice. To do her best shall strain her voice ; A dd to this bird, to make a set, T4ie mavis, merle, and robinet." Dravton, Muses Elysium, Nympliitl, viii. M 242 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. tain, all the year round, as well as generally throiighoat Eng- land, should migrate from France during the winter months, which it is said to do. It appears in this country to be par- ticularly fond, during the winter season, of the habitations of man ; its note is well-known, and its society always agreeable ; M it sings at almost every season of the year, extremely cold wea ther excepted. " The Redbreast swells. In the slow-fading wood, his little ihroat Alone: for other birds have dropp'd their note." It builds in dry banks, beneath tufts of grass j the nest is composed of dead leaves, green moss, and stalks of plants ; it is lined with hair. It lays generally five, sometimes more, whitish ejrgs, with rusty spots. It is found over the whole of Europe, from Norway and Sweden to the Mediterranean. A redbreast, some years since, frequently perched on one of the pinnacles of the organ in the cathedral at Bristol, and joined the music with its warbling effusions, it is said, for fifteen years successively, till I7a7. Some lines on this extraordinary fact have been long since published ; they were written by the Rev. Samuel Love, m.a. one of the minor canons, and are well deserving of perusal ; I am sorry that I have not room for them. In very severe weather, a redbreast, many years ago, entered my parlour in Somersetshire, took its station over the window, where some food was placed for it ; it remained there about a week, and when the weather became more mild it tiew away. The Troglodytes, Wren, Common- H'renj Cutty, Lady's-Hen,* Cutty-fVreny or fVran, has the whole plumage transversely barred with undulating lines of brown and black ; on the belly and lower * Lady's-Hen. My authority for this name is Drayton : " The hedge-sparrow and her compeer the wren, Which simple people call our lady's-hen." Owl. THE WREN. 243 parts it inclines to grey. The tail of this bird is not, as is com- monly the case with most other birds, in a straight line with the back, but it rises considerably upwards, so that one of its distin- guishing characteristics is a cocked tail. It is one of the smallest of our native birds, being less than four inches in length; it inhabits England and Europe at large; it is found also in Asia ; it remains in this country throughout every season. Builds a curious nest, for an account of which see the Introduction ; it may, however, be added here, that such is the instinctive providence of this bird, its nest is generally adapted to the place against or under which it is made ; thus, although its usual structure is green- moss, yet, if it build against the side of a hay-rick, it is composed of hay ; if against a tree covered with white moss, it is made of that material ; this is not, however, anincariable habit : for I have known a wren's nest constructed of green moss at the edge of the thatch of a house, the colour of which was very different from the nest itself: something, doubtless, depends upon the ease or difficulty with which materials can be obtained. Montagu says that the lining is invariably feathers; this is not, I think, correct; I believe when made with gr^cn moss, its lining is, generally, of the same material. Eggs six, eight, or more, whitish, with rusty spots. Feeds on insects. Sings the greater part of the year. It has, besides, a peculiar note, which it often repeats in the spring, similar to chitf chit, chit. The following lines were written many years since. TO A WREN', tVhichyfor many years, built her nesl behind an ash tree that overhung my garden. Little Warbler ! long hast thou Perch'd beneath yon spreading bough; — Snug, beneath yon ivied tree, Thy mossy nest I yearly see, Safe from all thy peace annoys — Claws of cats or cruel boys. M 2 244 BRITISH AND EUKOPEAN BIRDS. We often hear thy chit, ehitf song Call thy tiny brood along, While, in her nest, or on a spray, Tije throstle charms us with her lay ! Little warbler ! chearfiil wren ! The springtime's come and thou again. Little warbler ! thou, like me, Delight'st in home and harmless glee. What of peace is to be found. Circles all thy dwelling round ; ^ Here, with love beneath the shade, Thy tranquil happiness is made; With thy tiny, faithful mate, Here meet'st resign'd the frowns of fate, ( While prouder birds fly high or far. Or mix them in the strife of war, Or restless all the world through range, I. And, restless, still, delight in change, Thou mak'st thy home a place of rest, Affection, love, and that is best ! Then welcome, welcome, faithful wren ! Thrice welcome to thy home again! Huntspill, Somerset ; March 1810. I believe it may be stated with truth that scarcely a year passed from my earliest infancy in which a wren's nest was not to be found behind the tree alluded to above; and if it be still standing may, I dare say, be found there now. The redbreast has been also a very common inhabitant of the banks near. As I always discouraged my own children in the practice of robbing birds' nests, my garden became a sort of sanctuary for the Goldfinch, the Chaffinch, the Thrush, &c. The goldfinch in particular, became a denizen of it ; the garden was by no means a secluded one, being close to a public road ; but the birds soon found tlieir security in it: the young goldfinches were de- stroyed occasionally by cats : this I could not prevent. Candour^ THE GOLDEN-CRESTED WREN. 245 ) however, compels me to state that, with all my disposition for indulgence to birds, I found the huuse-sparroiv a very troublesome guest in the garden, and was obliged to prevent its becoming an inhabitant of ray house and offices, by giving it no opportunity or place for building its nest. A rookery (see ray poem, the Rook- ery, in the Somerset dialect,) was also a short distance from it. This bird and the redbreast are supposed in Somersetshire to be great destroyers of spiders : indeed, the following saying i3 very common there : if it were not for tlie Robin-Riddick and the Cutty'lVranj a spider would overcome a man. The Regulus, Golden-Wren, Golden-crested Wren, Wood-Titmouse, or Tidley-Goldfinchf is generally considered the smallest of British birds. The crown of the head is singularly beautiful ; the crest is composed of a double series of feathers arising from each side,and almost meeting at tlieir points; the exte- rior are black ; the interior bright yellow ; between which on the crown, the feathers are shorter and of a fine deep orange ; the hind head, neck, and back, green; beneath, brownish white, on the belly tinged with yellow. Nest similar to that of the chaffinch, but lined with feathers; sometimes placed asjainst a tree covered with ivy, but most commonly beneath the thick branch of a fir. Eggs from seven to ten, brownish white. This bird braves our severest winters, and is by no means so scarce as it appears, but from itssraallness is seldom noticed. Pennant says it is found principally on oak trees. " Aloft in mazy course the Golden- fVren Sports on the boughs; she who her slender form Vaunting, and radiant crest, half dares to vie With those gay wanderers,* whose effulgent wings With insect hum still flutter o'er the pride Of Indian gardens." Gisborne's Walks in a Forest — Autumn. Humming Birds. See note (3), Part II. 246 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Besides tliese wrens, the following are also inhabitants of this country: the Arundinacea, Reed-Wren, or Lesser-Reed- Sparrow , is^a migratory bird, appearing in this country the latter end of April, and leaving it in September. It builds in reeds, generally, over water. The Sylvicola, Wood-Wren, or Green- fVren, prefers oak and beecii woods ; it is also a migratory bird, ar- riving in and quitting this country about the same time as the preceding. The Trochilus, Yellow-Wren, Seotch-H^ren, fVil- low-IVren, Ground- fVren, or Ground-Huckmuck, is plentiful in woody places, especially among willows. Nest oval, with a small opening near the top, composed of moss and dried grass, and lined with feathers; eggs six or seven, with rusty spots. The plumage of this bird is very similar to the Lesser Pettj chaps. It sings prettily: see Mr. Sweet's letter in the Introduction. The Hortensis, Greater-Pettychaps, or Pettychaps, is above light brown, inclining to olive; beneath dirty white; length six inches. Arrives in this country the latter end of April; its song little inferior to that of the nightingale. Eggs four, dirty white, blotched with brown. The Hippolais, Lesser Pettychaps, Hay-birdf or Beam-bird, is smaller than the yellow wren, length rather more than four inches and half; in plumage it very much resembles that bird, but is not so much tinged with yellow. It is a migratory bird, appearing in this country early, on or before the first of April : its notes consist of two only, chipy chop, frequently repeated. Nest oval, with a small hole near the top : it is placed on or near the ground. Found in all parts of the kingdom : does not leave it till October. The Phcenicurus, Redstart, Redsteert, Redtail, or Brantail, is less than the redbreast, but longer and more slender ; has the head, the hind part of the neck, and the back, of a deep shining grey ; on the fore part of the neck a large black patch ; the breast, beneath the patch, an igneous red, growing more faint towards the flanks and belly, which are white. Three va- rieties. Builds in old walls or rotten trees; eggs five or six, light blue. Arrives in this country in April, quits it in Septem- THE WHEAT-EAR — THE WAGTAIL. 247 ber. It frequents uninhabited houses and solitary places, in which it utters its plaintive notes. The female of this species sometimes sings. See Mr. Sweet's letter in the Introduction. The (Enanthcj Wheat-ear, Fallow-Finchy Fallow- Smich, White-taUi Snorter^ or English-Ortolan^ is distinguished by its hoary back, rump and base of the tail white ; length six inches and half. The distribution of its colours varies so as to produce several varieties. Found as far north as Greenland, and as far east as India. Visits England in March, and leaves us in Sep- tember. Frequents heaths and warrens ; breeds in rabbit bur- ^ rows and under stones ; eggs from five to eight, pale blue. They grow very fat, and are caught in great numbers in some of our southern countries previously to their departure; many are sent to London : when potted by the poulterers, are as much esteemed as ortolans on the continent. This bird sings very prettily. The Albdj Wagtail, White-Wagtail, Collared Wagtail, IVater. Wagtail, Dish-tcasheryWash- Disk, Washerwoman, or Bilhj- 2i2^£r, inhabits England and Europe generally ; its predominating colours deep blue, and white; length about seven inches; remains in this country throughout the year, but migrates, nevertheless, from one place to another ; it builds in various situations; in a heap of stones, in a hole in the wall, or on the top of a pollard tree; eggs four or five, spotted with brown. Three varieties. Sings very prettily in the spring. Characterised, as its name imports, by often wagging its tail, particularly when it drinks. The tribe Wagtail includes twenty or more species of this genus, distinguished into •pied, cinereous, green, water-wagtail, 6ic.', or into Indian, African, &c. from their native habitations. Two other wagtails found in this country should also be named. The Buarula, Grey-Wagtail, or Winter. Wagtail, a very ele- gant species, is above dark cinereous, rump greenish yellow, beneath yellow of various shades ; its plumage varies in the spring. Visits this country the end of September, and quits it in April. It is seven inches and three quarters long. The 1 248 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Flava, Yellow-Wagtail, Springy or Summer-Wagtail^ is in leugth six and a half inches; the distinguishing and predomi- nating colour of this bird is yellow, mixed in the upper parts with olive green of different shades. It visits us about the time that the Winter- Wagtail departs, and quits this country in Sep- tember. I can only mention the following warblers known in this country: the Dartfordiensis^ or Dartford-Warbler; — the Salicaria, Sedge-Warbler, Willow-Lark, Sedge-Bird, Sedge- Wren, or Lesser-Reed-SpuiTow ; — the S'j//»ia, White-throat, or Nctlle Creeper, is a very common species, visiting all parts of the kingdom about the middle of April; enlivens our hedges with its song.— See Mr. Sweet's letter in the Introduction. The Sylviella, or Lesser White-throat, visits also this country at the same time as the last ; but it is smaller than that bird. The Rubetra, Whin-chat, or Furze-chat, is migratory in this country : inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa. Three or four varieties : found chiefly among furze, as its name imports. The Ruhicola, Stone-chat, Stone-chatter, Stone-Smieh, Moor- Tilling, Stone-Smith, or Blacky-top, is found in this country during the whole year. Sings prettily in the spring. Habits the same as the whin-chat. Length five inches and a quarter. The Ncuvia, or Fig-Eater, inhabits Italy 3 feeds on figs and grapes, whence its specific name. For an account of other bire second part; see also, in the same part, a note on the Taylor-bhd. The Wagtails, in Dr. Latham's arrangement, are made a se- parate genus under the term Motacilla, with 25 species ; the Warblers another, under the term Sylvia, with '298 species. The Lark in a flutter uprose with a bound ; His measure disposed you to dance to the sound. 249 THE SKY-LARK'S SONG. Alauda Arvensis.-^'Li^^JBMS, " From the green waving corn, The Lark spreads his wings, And hails as he sings The fresh glow of the morn." To BIN. He who'd live a happy life, Let him live as we ; We defy both care and strife — Are from sorrow free. We with early dawn arise. Health awaits our way ; Up we mount the radiant skies To greet the king of day. Mirth with sparkling eye and Glee, Listen while we sing ; Pleasure, too, and Gaiety, Welcome now the spring. Love too listens to our song ; Exquisite delight! Zephyrs bear the notes along, O'er yon meadows bright. m3 250 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Come, ye sons of sprightliness ! Join our jocund throng ; These the pleasures we possess ; — Come ye — come along ! He who'd live a happy life, Let him live as we ; We defy both care and strife — Are from sorrow free. (*^) (^^3) Order, Passeres, (Liww.) Sky-Lark. The Alauda Arvensis, Lark, Sky-Lark, Mounting-Lark, Common- Field-Lark, or Laverock, inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa; feeds on fruit and insects,; sings sweetly, soaring in a perpendicular direction in the air, and increasing the volume of its note, as it ascends, frequently, so high as to be scarcely vi- sible. It assembles in vast flocks in winter, when it is found, very commonly, in stubble fields, more rarely in meadows or pastures, at whicli time it becomes very fat. It builds on the ground, either in tufts of grass or amidst growing corn ; lays four or five greenish-white eggs, with dusky confluent spots. This and the woodlark said to be the only birds which sing as they fly; but this, like many other sayings, is most probably incorrect. Body is above varied with blackish, reddish grey, and whitish ; beneath reddish white ; bill and legs black ; throat spotted with black; can erect the feathers on the hind head like a crest. Four or five varieties. Length seven inches. Flesh good. The song of the sky-lark has considerable sprightliness in it : see the Introduction, page 69. Pope thus characterises it : " Is it for thee the lark ascends and sings? Joy tunes his voice, joy elevates his wings." Essay on Man, Epistle iii. The lark sings during a much greater portion of the year than most birds ; and it is also believed that the female of this species sings as well as the male; yet the fact does not seem with cer- tainty known. W- 251 THE GOLDFINCH'S SONG. Fringilla Carduelis. — Linn^us. '' The Goldfinch, he, Whose plumage with the tropic warbler's vies ; — Whose note — exultant chearfnlness itself;— Whose downy dome rivals a Trochilid's In beauty." From an unpublished Poem. I've a snug little nest 111 a little elm tree ; This nest I am sure You'll be pleas'd when you see ; It is made with much care, And is lined so throughout — It is neatness itself Both within and without. But a dear little mate, She with whom I am blest, Is the neatest of all things In this little nest. Should you pass by in May, When our little ones come, Look in, and you'll find We've a snug little home. 252 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. No home like that home, Where two bosoms impart Their finest of sympathies Warm from the heart ; Where friendship with love Is perpetual guest ; And affection's smooth pillow A soft heaving breast. C^*) ('**) Order, Passerf.s, (Linn.) Finch, Goldfinch, Chaf- finch, Bra.mbling, Kedpolf, &c. The genus Fringilla, (Litm.) or Finch, to which the Goldfinch, Fringilla CardueliSj belongs, consists of about one hundred and fifty species, distributed over the globe, several of which are found in our own country ; they are distinguished by a conic bill ; tongue truncated j toes three forwards, one back- ward. The following are the chief: The Carduelis, Goldfinch, Thistle-Finch, or Jacknicker, is too well known to need description. Nine varieties ; inha- biting Europe, Asia, Africa, and this country. Sings exqui- sitely, and is very docile j frequents gardens and orchards, and feeds on various seeds; in the winter assembles together in numbers, feeding at such times on thistle seeds, hence its specific name carduelis ; builds in apple, pear, elm, and some evergreen trees; nest very neat, (see the Introduction.) Eggs five, white with brown spots. It regularly breeds with the canary-bird, the produce, a mule, termed Canary-Goldfinch, The young of the goldfinch before the crimson on the head ap- pears, is called by the bird-catchers grey-pate. Of the CoelebSf Chaffinch, Beech-finch, Horse-finch, Pied- finch, Pink, or Twink, there are six varieties, the principal of which is distinguished by the peculiar sound of chink, chink, CHAFFINCH — SISKIN — REDPOLE. 253 or pink, pinky which it often makes ; it has, also, it is said, a song, although a trifling one. It is larger than the goldfinch^ and, though having a great variety of colours, is hy no means so handsome as that bird ; it builds a neat nest, (see the Introduc- tion,) and lays five dirty-white eggs, spotted with brown. In- habits almost every where in this country, Europe, and Africa. It is said, however, that the males are migratory, frequently leaving the feniales in the winter even in this country. Of the Montifringillaj Brambling, Mountain-Finch, or K(Ue, there are three varieties; inhabits Europe and Siberia; one variety, Asia; frequently seen in this country in the winter, but not supposed to breed here. It is about six inches long ; the upper parts are ash-coloured, beneath whitish ; the throat, breast, and upper coverts of the wings ferruginous orange. Eggs yellowish, spotted. The 5pi«MS, Siskin, or ^ierdmnc, has the quill feathers yellow in the middle, the first four without spots ; tail feathers yellow at the base and tipt with black ; four and three quarter inches long. Three other varieties. Inhabits our own country and Europe generally. Feeds on various seeds, easily tamed, and sings moderately. The Cannahina, Greater Red-Pole, Red- Pole, or Greater- Red-headed-Linnetf has the body above chesnut- brown, beneath reddish-white, bottom of the breast blood-red in the male, in the female dirty-brown ; five and a half inches long. Sings prettily. Inhabits Europe, America, and this country. Gregarious in the winter. Eggs five, bluish white, witli purplish specks; makes its nest among furze. See the Linnet's Song. The Linaria, Lesser- Red-headed- Linnet, Redpole, or Stone-Redpole, is much smaller than the last; often found in this country. T\\t Montium, Mountain-Linnet, or TivitCjis black varied with reddish, beneath whitish; rump red. Inhabits Europe and this country; has no song, but merely twitters. The Xanthorea is dusky, rump yellow; primaries edged with green ; tail tipped with white ; length four inches and half. 254 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Inhabits Rio Janeiro. The bird from v^hich this description was taken was tame, and sang like a canary ; and, like other antarctic birds, sang most in the winter. See the Journal of the Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. iv. part 2, in the papers, by Prince Charles Bonaparte. For the Linota, or Linnet, see the Linnet's Song ; for the Canaria, or Canary-Bird, see the Canary-Bird's Song 5 for the Domestical or House-sparrow, see the House- Sparrow's Speech. The Thrush, closely shrouded some ivy among That crept up an elm, was rehearsing her song, In a soft under-tone, and in murmurs most sweet ; (Such warblings who lives that can catch and repeat?) Now more loud rose the notes thus the air they impress'd, As the songstress still sat in her ivy-hung nest. '^5 THE THRUSH'S SONG. Turdtts Mvsicus.—LivsJEVS. **The Home of Love is where the heart Is never found repining." 256 THE THRUSH'S SONG. The home of love is where the heart Is never found repining; The home of love is where we part, In pain some bliss combining ; That bliss, the child of ardent hope, Persuading that to-morrow We shall, with rapture, meet again ; — No room have we for sorrow. The home of love is that on which Our thoughts, when absent centre ; And which, when we behold again, Delighting we re-enter. The home of love is that where dwell Two hearts of pure affection ; Whose mutual throbbings ever tend To dissipate dejection. The home of love is that where dwell Hearts kind, sincere, indulgent ; Where dwells besides for all the world Benevolence effulgent. THE THRUSH. 257 Then, hallowed be this ivied bower, This home of love endearing, Where mutual wishes sink to rest, With thoughts for ever cheering. {^^) (+5) Order, Passeres, {Linn.) Thrush, Missel-Thrush, Fieldfare, Ring-Ouzel, &;c. The genus -TuRDus, (Linn.) or Thrush, now comprehends above two hundred and thirty species, scattered over the globe; the number described by Linnaeus was only twenty-eight. Several are inhabitants of this country. Many of the tribe sing exquisitely, among which may be named, the Missel, the Throstle, or Song-Thrush, the Redwing, the Blackbird, and a vast crowd of foreign birds, including the Mocking-Bird, They are distinguished by having the outer toe connected with the middle membrane, as far as the first joint ; the bill is denticu- lated towards the point ; they are generally subject to a va- riation of colour at different seasons of the year. They are baccivorous, but they also eat insects, worms, and snails ; none of them feeds on grain. The following are the chief: The Musicus, Song-Thrush, Thrush, Throstle, Dirsh, or Mavis,* has the head, back, and upper coverts of the wings deep olive-brown j throat mottled with brown and white ; belly and breast pale yellow, with large black spots ; nine inches long. Inhabits the woods of Europe, generally, and frequent in this country. Builds in a low bush, or in an ivied tree ; (for a description of the nest see the Introduction.) Eggs five, pale-- blue, with blackish spots. In France said to be migratory, in England remains all the year. Remarkably prolific, producing sometimes three different families in a season. Of all the tribes, the Mocking-Bird, perhaps, excepted, this is the most accom- plished singer ; and it sings also at almost every season of the year. There are several varieties in Europe ; three or four in k America. This, and indeed the whole tribe, are very useful i * ** So doth the cuckoo when the mavis slugs." SPENCfc.It, Sonnet Ixxxv, 258 BRITISH AND EUROPEAM BIRDS. birds in the destruction of snails and other injurious anima]s,they should, therefore, never be destroyed. — See the Introduction. The ViscivoruSy Missel, Missel-Thrush, Missel-Bird^ Mis- seltoe-Thrushy Skreechy Home-Screech, Skreech-Thrush, Throstle- Cock, Holm-Thrush, or Stormcock, is peculiarly distinguished as being the largest British bird which has any harmony in its voice; it is in length eleven inches ; back and upper parts light- brown ; neck white, spotted with brown ; beneath whitish; bill dusky. Builds its nest generally in the fork of some tree; very often the apple-tree. Eggs four or five, flesh colour, with rusty spots. This is rather a scarce bird in England ; I have seen it and its nest, occasionally, in Somersetshire, but I know nothing of its song. It is said, indeed, that it is much louder than, and, by some, esteemed superior to that of the song thrush. That it begins to sing in January, ^nd continues singing, more or less, till the female has hatched its young, when it is heard no more till the beginning of the new year. If, however, the young be taken, its song continues as before ; and if the female be de- stroyed, it continues in song the whole summer. This experi- ment, Montagu informs us, he tried upon this and several other song birds, and always found it invariable. Feeds upon holly, misseltoe berries, whence its name, and insects. It generally sings from the summit of a tree ; it is said also to sing before rain and during a storm ; hence its name Stormcock. Tiie Pilaris, Fieldfare, Fieldefare, Feldefare, Vcekure, or Pi- geon-Fiel^are, is ten inches long ; back and lesser wing coverts chcsnut-brown ; neck, breast, and sides, yellowish, streaked with dusky ; throat and beneath white ; tail dusky-black. Three or four other varieties. This is a migratory bird, visiting this country in flocks in October, and quitting it in April. Feeds here on the fruit of the hawthorn, worms, and insects. Their summer residence said to be Syria, Siberia, and the neighbouring districts. The numbers and appearance of this bird in England seem to be determined by the rigour of the weather; while they are seen here, the inhabitants of the country consider that the severity of the winter is not yet past. p I THE RING THE CARNATION -OUZEL. 259 This bird has given rise to an expression, found occasionally in our old writers, and also at the present time in the West : "The harm is done j and farwelfeld^fare." Chaucer, Troilus and Cressida, Book ii. That is, the season is over; the occasion is past; the bird is flown. *' Ye strangers, banished from your native glades, I Where tyrant frost with famine leagu'd proclaims ' Who lingers diesj' with many a risk ye win The privilege to breathe our softer air And glean our sylvan berries." GiSEORN E's JValks in a Forest — Autumn. The Tor^ua/ws, Ring-Ouzel, Amsel, Rockov Mountain Ouzels Michaelmas- Blackbird^ or Tor-Ouzel, is eleven inches long ; the ge- neral plumage black, beueatii greyish ; collar white. One or two other varieties. Rather a scarce bird in this country. It is also found in many parts of Europe, A^ia, and Africa. The Ring-ouzel is a migratory bird ; said to breed in Scotland, Wales, and some parts of the West of England. Nest generally on the ground under some bush, which, and theeggs, are similar to the blackbird's. " Joyously From stone to stone, the Ouzel flits along. Startling the linnet from the hawthorn bough; While on the elm-tree, overshadowing deep The low-roofed cottage white, the Blackbird sits Cheerily hymning the awakened year." '*' Tbe above lines are from Blackwood's Magazine , for March, 1822, with the signature of A- I take the present opportunity of expressing the pleasure which I have often felt on the pe- rusal of the many truly poetical productions of this amiable yet anonymous writer which have, from time, to time appeared in that magazine. The Roseus, Rose-coloured Thrush, Ouzel, or Carnation- Ouzeij is the most beautiful of the species, and occasionally seen in this country ; it is rather less than the blackbird, being in length hardly eight inches. The head, which is crested, neck, 260 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. wings, and tail, are black, glossed with blue, purple, and green ; back, rump, breast, belly, and lesser wing coverts, pale rose- colour, with a few irregular spots. It varies considerably in its roseate shades. More frequent in France j and found also in many other parts of Europe, and also in Asia ; visits, it is said, Aleppo, in pursuit of locusts, and thence called the Locust-bird ; it is held sacred by the Turks; it is also found in South Russia and Siberia, where it is said to breed. The CuTfcus is the size of the Missel, sings finely, and imitates the notes of other birds; when tame, the voice of man. Inha- bits Chili. The Tinniensy or Alarm-Thrush, is above brown, beneath white, breast spotted with black; six and a half inches long ; inhabits Cayenne ; cries every morning and evening for half an hour with a harsh loud voice, like an alarum bell. The Arundinaceus, or Reed-Thrush, is rusty brown, beneath white-testaceous ; quili feathers brown, tipt with reddish : three other varieties. Inhabits the reedy marshes of Europe ; builds a hanging nest among reeds ; eggs five or six, yellowish- white, spotted with brown. The male sings while the hen is sitting; seven inches long. The IliacuSf Redwing, Sivine-pipCf fVind-Thrushf JVindle- Thrushy fVhinnle-Tlirush, or Dirsh, is eight and a half inches long ; similar in its general colours to the song-thrush, but having the body, under the wings, and under wing coverts, reddish-orange. This bird is migratory, arriving in flocks in this countfy in September, and leaving it in the spring. Breed?, it is said, in Norway and Sweden, and is also said to sing in the breeding season equal to the song-thrugh of this country ; nest in a low bush ; eggs six, blue-green, spotted with black. Flesh good. The Mindanensis is the most pleasant singing bird of the island of Java ; its song is, at once, diversified and agreeable. HORSFIELD. For a description of the Blackbird, see the Blackbird's Song; for that of the Mocking-Bird, see Part II.; for the Red-breasted Thrush, and the Wood-thrush, see also Part II. 261 THE LINNET'S SONG. Fringilla Linota. — Li n NiEUs . *'The lovely linnet now her song Tunes sweetest in the wood." Shenstone. Where dwell pleasures worth possessing? In yon cot beside the hill ! — Where content, purer love caressing, Wanders by the crystal rill ; Where affection, strong and fervent. Opes the door to calm delight; And where hope, a faithful servant, Fans the flame of promise bright ; Where domestic peace resideth ; Where, beneath the humble dome, Wisdom's self for aye abideth, There hath Happiness her Home. 262 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. There dwell pleasures worth possessing, In yon cot beside the hill. Where content, pure love caressing. Listens to the crystal rill. (*^) (*^) The Fringilla Linota, Linnet, Common-Linnet, or Bromi- Linnet, sometime* called also, I believe, Grey-Linnet, is chesniit-brown, beneath whitish ; bottom of the breast blood-red in the male, in the female streaked with brown. Size of the Greater- Redpole. Eggs five, whitish, with chesnut spots ; sings delightfully. It appears that, from occasional variations in its colours, this bird is often confounded with the Greater-Redpole ; indeed, Montagu asserts, that both this and the Redpole are. one and the same species. See the description of the Redpole in note 44. For a description of the Green-Linnet, Loxia Chloris, see page 1 75. 263 THE BLACKBIRD'S SONG. Turdus Merula. — Linn^ijs. " Tiie blackbird whistles from the thorny brake." Thomson. All cities I hate ; nor has splendour or pride The least of attraction for me ; Give me a retreat by some shady wood-side ; There only I'm happy and free. Though man for his pleasure may birds in a cage Remorseless for ever confine; Though some of our tribe such a prison may please, May such prison never be mine ! Though man, too, may feed us with daintiest food. Though gold on our prisons may shine; I prefer the plain fare that is found in the wood, For myself and for all that is mine. 264 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. You may prattle of cities as much as you please ; Of their splendour and wealth all how fine ! I prefer living here with my mate at my ease ; Where is happiness equal to mine ? 0^) (+7) Order, Passkres, (Linn.) Blackbird. The Blackbird, Tardus Merula, (Linn.) Colly, Merle* or Amselj is almost too well known to need description. The male is wholly of a deep black when full-grown, at which state it arrives the next spring after the snmmer in which it is hatched, when the bill and the orbits of the eyes are deep yellow. The fe- male is not so intense a black as the male; nor is the bill so deep a yellow : the ditference in the colour of the bills being the principal characteristic of the sex. It is said there arc three other varieties of this bird ; one with the head white ; another with the body white ; and the third variegated with black and white; but they are not common in England. It feeds chiefly on snails and worms, and, occasionally, on insects and berries. In a domestic state it may be fed on bread and niilk, and bread and water, and even flesh. It is at all seasons a solitary bird. Found almost every where in this country, in the neighbourhood of woods, trees, and hedges ; rarely on open heaths or downs. It also inhabits Europe and Asia. Lays five dirty-green spotted eggs. Nest composed externally of dried grass, or moss, and sometimes other materials; plastered inside with clay, and then lined with dried grass. See the Introduction. See also note (43.) '* Take thy delight in yonder goodly tree, Where the sweet merle and warbling mavis be." Drayton's Owl. * The terms merle for the blackbird, andmat'u for the thrush, are used chiefly by our poets : " Merry is it in the good green wood, When the mavis and male are singing, When the deer sweeps by and the hounds are in cry, And the hunter's horn is ringing." Sir Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake. L 265 THE HEDGE-SPARROW'S COMPLAINT. Motacilla Modularis.—LinjiMVS. Sylvia Modularis. — Latham. I have heard well-pleas'd, attentive, Many birds their carols sing ; Sweet the power of sorig inventive! — Power to soothe, to charm a king. But what power may soothe my anguish ? What shall chase my grief away ? Mine, not throbs of love's soft languish — Deeper far my woe than they. Rapine gives my plaint its feature ; Rapine! Vis too mild a name For the deeds which outrage nature ; — Deeds for which man 's oft to blame. The blackbird has a loud and beautiful note ; it sings in tiiis country during the spring for about three months; is generally silent the remainder of the year, except that, upon being dis- turbed, it utters a peculiar shrieking, not easily described, yet well known to the natural historian. The mode in which this bird, and some others of the thrush tribe separate house-snails from their shells by striking them repeatedly against a stone, deserves notice ; the labour which they expend in doing this i.«, sometimes, almost incredible. N 266 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. And, as if enough it were not. While we suffer various ill, From the kite, hawk, stote* destroying, Man our cup of woe must fill ! Nets and traps, deceitful birdlime. Lays he often in our way ; And he even trains our fellows. To entice us — to betray. I my little brood had nurtur'd — Hope had much for me in store- Came a boy — a wanton school-boy. And my darliiigs from me tore ! Tell me not man's noble nature Spurns the chains of base control ; Tell me not that such a creature. Has a great, a generous soul. (^*) (^8) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Hedge-Sparrow. The Hedge-Sparrow, Hedge- fVarbler, Titling^ Dunnock, or Motacilla Modularise (Linn.) is brownish, with blackish streaks; size of the redbreast; builds in box hedges, low bushes, hawihorn hedges, and dry brakes ; nest neat ; externally of green moss, &c. internally lined with hair; eggs five, light blue. Common to Europe, and very common in this country. The cuckoo generally lays her egg in the nest of this bird.— See * A species of weasel. THE HEDGE-SPARROW. 267 note (6.) — The hedge-sparrow has a pleasing song; it remains with >is the whole year ; feeds on insects and worms, but will also, like the redbreast, pick up crumbs of bread, and seems to prefer being near the habitations of man. It appears that, although the young or eggs of the hedge-sparrow are invariably destroyed whenever the cuckoo's egg is hatched in the hedge- sparrow's nest, this destruction is not effected by the hedge- sparrow, but by the young cuckoo. As the following lines, on disturbing a Iiedge-sparrow from her nest, allude to this fact, I shall be, I trust, pardoned for reprinting them here : they have long been before the public. " Little flutterer! swiftly flying. Here is none to harm thee near ; Kite, nor hawk, nor school-boy prying. Little flutterer! cease to fear. One who would protect thee, ever. From the school-boy, kite, and hawk, Musing now obtrudes, but never Dreamt of plunder in his walk. He no weasel stealing slily. Would permit thy eggs to take, Nor the pole-cat, nor the wily Adder, nor the wreathed snake. May no cuckoo wandering near thee, Lay her egg within thy nest ; Nor thy young ones, born to cheer thee, Be destroy'd by such a guest.* Little flutterer ! swiftly flying, Here is none to harm thee, near ; Kite, nor hawk, nor school-boy prying j Little flutterer cease to fear. * The fact here alluded to is particularly mentioned by Dr. Jenneu in a paper published in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1788. V 2 268 THE BULFINCH'S SONNET. Loxia Pyrr/jM/d.— LiNN^.us, " The bulfinch whistles soft his flute like notes." Savage. We live without law, and we love without care; And my mate is delighted my feelings to share. We live without law, and we love without strife ; Oh what is so sweet as the bulfinch's life ? Our LAWS are our feelings, which prompt us to show Affection to all that inhabits below. From my mate is ne'er heard the harsh word of com- mand; But a look, always kind, is the wizard's sole wand. Son of freedom himself, he's the friend of the free; No constraint could be pleasing to him or to me. It is thus he insures the Affections' control; And thus, without law, he possesses my soul. Come, Man ! and learn thou, from the birds of the grove. What HAPPINESS waits on such generous love ! C*^) THE BULFINCH. 269 (*9) Order, Passeres, {Linn.) Bclfinch. The BuLFiNCH, (Loxia Pyrrhula,) Red-hoop, Hoop, Tony- hoop j Alp, or Nope, is so well known as to need little descrip- tion. The head, wings, and tail, are black ; the breast and belly red ; the upper tail coverts and vent white. The male is distinguished from the female by the superior blackness of his crown, and by the rich crimson which adorns his cheeks, breast, belly, and throat ; those parts of the female being of a dirty buff colour. The plumage is, however, variable, some indi- viduals being wholly black; others white, with black spots on the back. About six inches long. This is one of the few species of birds of which the female also sings. See Mr. Sweet's letter in the Introduction. This bird is so docile that, having but two or three harsh notes, it becomes, by regular education, proficient in mnsic. It may be taught to speak as well as sing. It is found in our woods and thickets throughout the year ; seen sometimes in gardens attacking the buds of plums, and generally considered destructive to them ; but its object, most probably, is not the bud itself, but the worm in it. Builds in a black or white thorn bush ; eggs four or five, bluish white, speckled and streaked with purple. 270 THE RING-DOVE'S LAMENT. Cotumba PaZumiiw.— (Linn.) Dear is my little native vale, The RiNG.DovE builds and nuirmurs there. Rogers. Why, alas ! am I forsaken ? — If forsaken ? — Is it true 1 — Slill Affection will awaken Thoughts of Happiness and you ; — You — you — you I How have I in aught offended ? — With disdain why me pursue ? Affection, with my being blended, Ever dwells, in thought, with you; — You^you — you. More professing you may find one, — More imposing — not more true ; But a heart — where meet more kind one, One that, e*er, will beat for you ? ybw— yoM— 2/ow. THE RING-DOVE. 571 O, return '.—return ! and gladden This poor heart, forlorn, yet true ; — Bid begone all cares that sadden ; — Here waits Happiness for you ; You — you — you /('o) (5°) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Columba, (Lath.) Wood- Pigeon. The Columba Palumbus^ WooD'Pigeon, Ring-Dove, Ring- Pigeon, Queeze, Quest, Wood-Quistf or Cushaty* is cinereous, tail feathers black on the hind part j primary quill feathers whitish on the outer edge ; neck each side white ; eighteen inches long ; inhabits Europe, our own country, and, occasionally, Siberia; heard sometimes near London, as, in Kensington Gardens. Flesh of course good. It is indigenous to this country, and migrates, most probably, only from the northern to the southern parts. In winter they assemble in large flocks, and constantly resort to woods to roost on the highest trees ; on which too they build their nests, composed only of a few sticks, (see the Intro> duction.) Eggs two, white, exactly oval, and larger than those of the domestic pigeon, with which, and ^^ith this species, at- tempts have been made to produce a breed, but without suc- cess. Feeds on grain, seeds, Sec. The cooing notes of the wood-pigeon are somewhat loud, yet hoarse, and uttered very slowly ; they seem to be notes of sorrow, and consist principally of such sounds as are conveyed by the words twoj two, two, taffy take two; they are probably neither more nor less than the natural expressions of pleasurable sensation peculiar to this tribe of birds. See note (7.) , ■' .. . .- ,i'.^.in^ ,i)-' ■ * " Perch'd on Lis wonted eyrie nigh, . , . . Sleep seal'd the tercelet's wearied eye. That all the day had watch'd so well The cushat dart across the dell." Sir Walter Scott's Rokeby, Canto vi. 272 THE BLACK-CAFS SONG. Motacilla Airicapilla.—'LnnNJEVs, Sylvia Atricapilla.'^Ij aiu am. *' The mimic melodist, The Black-cap from some tangled sloe bash trills His varying song : now as some merulid*s, Now as Lusci7iian Sylviad's* aloud His note ; and now in strain original Excites the woods to listen." From an unpublished Poem, Her loveliness, oh, who shall tell. Or, of beauty, what is the magic spell ; — And what that affection, pure and fine. That around the heart unseen doth twine ? And who shall tell the deep feeling now That is hid in the leaves of the waving bough;— And who shall tell that breast's delight. When my song lays it gently to rest at night? Hush, hush, ye winds! and ye noises rude ! On my love's repose how dare ye intrude ; Begone with thy steeds, thou garish day ! And then I will warble my love a lay. (*') * The Nightingale. THE BLACK-CAP. 273 (5') Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Black-cap. The BlacK'CAP, (Motacilla AtTicapilla,) Mock-Nightingale^ Nettle-creeper J or Nettle-monger, inhabits England, Europe, and Siberia ; it is found also at Madeira, and there called Tinta- Negra. It is a migratory bird, arriving in this country in April, and leaving it sometime in the autumn ; its winter retreat is not known ; it is, however, occasionally s^enhere in January. It is between five and six inches long. The head of the male is black, back greyish-brown, with a tinge of green ; beneath ash-colcur. Three or four varieties. The female is larger than the male, and has the crown of the head of a rust-colour. Builds generally in low bushes, but sometimes in an old ivy-tree. Eggs four or five, pale reddish-brown, mottled with a deeper colour, sprinkled with a few dark spots ; the male and female sit upon the eggs in turn. Feeds on insects, and also on the berries of tlie spurge laurel, service, and especially ivy. Has, it is said, in Italy, two broods in a year; in this country only one. The black-cap.niay with propriety be called the English Mocking-bird ; it has been heard to sing the notes of the Black- bird, Thrush, Nightingale, Redstart, and Sedge-Warbler, besides its own peculiar whistle, which is most delightful; it makes also a noise resembling that of a pair of shears used in clipping a fence, which is also the noise made by its young. See the paper by Messrs. Sheppard and Whitear, before referred to in the Introduction. N 3 274 THE NIGHTINGALE'S SONG. Motacilla Luscinia. — Linn^us. Sylvia Luscinia. — Latham. Sweet is the time when all the fields Their loveliest robes assume ; And sweet the time when lilies shed Their elegant perfume. But sweeter far than these the time When, on his eager wings, My love returning to his bower An evening descant sings. Sweet morn, sweet eve, and sweet the day, When spring, with budding rose, Advancing smiles, with liberal hand. Rich fragrance round him throws. But, oh ! how sweeter far the time When, at the midnight hour. My love pours out to me his soul In notes of magic power,* For a description of the Nightingale's Song,, see the Introdnctiou ; for its form, colours, habits, &c. see note (5.) * It is here presumed that the female, as well as the male nightingale, sings ; the fact, however, is doubtful : the reader will, it is hoped, pardon the poetical licence. t15 GLEE. We are sons of pleasure, We are sons of love, Joys, beyond all measure. Wait us in the grove. Who so happy as birds, Who as birds so free; — Who so happy as birds, Who so happy as we 1 We know nought of care, Little know of strife ; Tell us, tell us where. You find so sweet a life^ None so happy as birds, None as birds so free ; None so happy as birds, None so happy as we. 276 THE BANQUET. Quae virtus et quanta, boni, sit vivere parvo, Discite: Jejunus raro slomachus volgaria temnit. HORAT. " The freedom nature gave, Her water and her simplest dish." Canary Bird's Song. Behold now the banquet ! And, first, we remark. That the banqueting -hall was a large shady park ; The table a glade— cloth a carpet of grjeen, Where sweet-smelling shrubs strew'd about might be seen. The lilac put forth her delights in the vale; Other' odours were mix'd with the gale. With encouraging smile nature sat at the feast ; Her converse a charm that enraptured each guest. The viands were various to suit every taste, Got together by magic, assisted by haste : The dishes, all simple, no surfeit produce ; Nor did wine's effervescence excite to abuse. THE BAiTQUET. 277 There was corn— w/iea^, oats, barley, for many a Fowl J There was grass for the Goose, and a mouse for the Owl. There were pease for the Rook, as an elegant treat j For the Crow there was carrion, he glories to eat. The Bulfinch's feast wassome buds from the plum, That, torn fresh from the tree, made the gardener look glum. For Pheasants and Nightingales, ants' eggs were found ; Andy?iesfor the Swallows in numbers abound. For the Sea-gull was many a cock-chafer grub ; Many Warblers pick'd worms from the tree or the shrub ; The Sea-birds directed attention to Jish; The Duck partook almost of every dish. For the Swan were some water -'plants pluck'd from the pond ; Of Jish the KiNG-FiSHERS evinc'd they were fond. The Divers, Grebes, Guillemots, Water-Rails, too, On the dishes oi Jish all instinctively flew. For the Goldfinch was groundsel, a delicate bit; There was sunjiower-seed for the saucy Tomtit. For the Crane was an eel; for the Thrush was a snail ; And barley for Partridge, for^PiOEON, and Quail. For the Cuckoo, dm earthworm — his greatest delight; Some Hawks, of fowl, Jlesh, or Jish, seized what they might ; 278 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. But the Kestril, a mouse to all dainties preferred; While the Shrike pounc'd, at once, on some poor helpless bird. For the House-Sparrow, wheat — he's reputed a thief; The Eagle himself got a slice of raw beef. The Turkey of apples partook as a treat, And the Cock and Hen caught up a bone of cold meat. The DessertI— It consisted of only one thing : A clear stream of water just fresh from the spring. 279 THE HOUSE-SPARROW'S SPEECH. FringiUa Domestica. — Linn^GUS. ** Go to the Indian, White Man ! go— And learn his Ourah reed to blow — Compound Wourali poison — deep The arrow in the fell juice steep, Then shoot — the bird, with scarce a sigh, Will thank thee for such death, and die." 280 (5*) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) The House-Sparrow. The FringillaDomesticat House-Sparrow, or SparroitJ, inhabits Europe, Asia, Africa, and this country, and too well kno\«u to need description ; four varieties ; five and three quarter inches long. Builds under the eaves of houses both thatched and tiled ; sometimes in ivy, sometimes in other birds' nests ; (I have seen its nest in that of a deserted magpie's,) and in and near London on the Lombardy poplar. Feeds on grain and insects; troublesome in gardens j proverbially salacious; breeds many times in the year; eggs six, whitish, dirty spotted ash colour; it is a gregarious, noisy, crafty bird, and not easily- caught; very destructive to ripe corn; but, nevertheless, it may be questioned whether, upon the whole, it be not a useful bird : for more concerning it and its nest, gee the Introduction, 281 I TO THE LADIES ^■^ fVho have so kindly patronized THE SOCIETY FOR PREVENTING CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, THE FOLLOWING SPEECH OF THE HOUSE-SPARROW Is respectfully inscribed By the Author. Why mute the Lark on themes like these ; — Why silent are the Partridges;— Why slumber Sea-birds when among Them death, disasters, stalk— a throng ? Why sleeps remonstrance, when proud Man Walks forth, the monarch of a span, And lifts the fatal tube on high. Then, 'midst our tribe, lets ruin fly ?* * The very common practice of firing at large flocks of birds deserves severe animadversion. Larks^ House-Sparrows^ Par- iridgesy and various other gregarious tribes, are too often sub- jected to tliis wanton and merciless indulgence in what has been named Sport. It is difiicult iu speaking or in writing of such 28^ BRITISH AND EVROPJEAN BIRCS. Why sleeps Remonstrance when to Sport He pays a heedless wanton court; — Wounds many — kills, perchance, a few — Then calls his dogs with loud halloo ? barbarity, for barbarity it assuredly is, to suit one's expressions to the occasion. There can be, however, I presume, but one opinion as to firing amidst a flock of birds, where the chances are that as many or more may be wounded than killed by the unfeeling process. The thought, too, which must naturally arise in the breast of every humane person, that the wounded birds may, and very often do, retire in agony and die a lingering death, or drag on a miserable life, is calculated still more to heighten our disgust and disapprobation. Such reflections as these ought to deter Man from so wanton an aggression on the happiness and well being of birds: but, alas! his Pleasure and his Sport weigh down the beam in opposition to humanity and feeling. Although I should not desire to see the late Act of Parliament for preveniing Cruelty to Animals extended so as to include birds, it being a subject on which it is difiicult, if not impossible, to legislate, yet I should be very glad to find that, in every Seminary ofEducation^ the necessity and duty of treating with kindness and benevolence all animated nature were strongly inculcated and enforced. Such kindly feeling exercised towards brutes would inevitably lead to more kindly feelings towards our own species — feelings which cannot be too much encouraged and nurtured ; feelings which tend not only to promote the happi- ness of others, but most essentially our own. It appears to me that it is chiefly by such means as these, not by penal enactments, that Cruelty to Animals, generally, will be most effectually prevented ; more especially if those, who are influential in the affairs of mankind, take care to evince those dispositions which it ought to be the aim of our seminaries to implant. But, while the pursuits of Hunting, Fishing, ON SHOOTING BIRDS POR SPORT. 283 The wounded flutter through brake or wood, With anguish writhe as they seek their food ; — Or^ lingering in pain from day to day. At length they pine and die away ; — Or fluttering J floating on ocean wave. They find, in some hungry fish, a grave. These, Man ! the trophies of thy sport!* For these thou payest wanton court ! and Shooting, are eucouraged as Sports, and followed ac- cordingly by our Magnates, acts of parliament, and, I fear, most other attempts to prevent cruelty to animals, will be comparatively abortive. Relative to the destruction of animals injurious to man, Cow per has stated the case with tolerable precision : " The sum is this : If man's convenience, health. Or safety, interfere, his rights and claims Are paramount, and must extinguish theirs." When, however, noxious animals are to be destroyed, hu- mauity will prompt us to do the revolting deed in the most ex- peditious and least painful way. The wickedness and cruelty of destroying any animal, how noxious soever it may be, merely for our sport or diversion, require no comment. In Note (17), page 185, it is stated that one hundred and twenty- nine birds were killed, or at least obtained, by one shot; but it should also be mentioned, as an appalling fact in the history, that nearly /or^i/ birds more, either wing-broken or otherwise in- jured, floated away on the surface of the water. What must have been the mass of pain and suffering produced by this outrage on the unoffending Pur; a bird which, after all, though eatable, is by no means a delicacy. * These are not, however, the only trophies obtained by Shooting. The accidents arising to man himself from the use 284 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. But what have we, House- Sparrows, done, The victims both of net and gun ! A race proscribed, for ever we Are doomed to dire hostility ;^ Our various labours set at nought; — Our heads by the churchwarden bought ;-— And every wanton, booby boy Taught us to worry and destroy. True, we in fields of corn delight — Corn is to us most apposite : In this we only follow nature, As man does, every other Creature, Our sins are trumpeted aloud. Our virtues wrapt in darkness* shroud How comes it that the good we do Is kept most carefully from view 1 ._ '^"^ of the Fowling-piece in this country are so many, so continual and disastrous, that it is really surprising, seeing that shooting is not only circumscribed by law, but is, besides, in numerous in- stances, a very unprofitable employment, how so many persons can find pleasure or amusement in it ; but it seems that its comparative unproductiveness, its dangers, and, withal, its in- humanity, are not sufficient to prevent certain persons from following, what I cannot avoid considering, to say the least of it, a silly occupation. When will men act up to the dignity of their nature and their knowledge ? ** I would not kill one bird in wanton sport, I would not mingle jocund mirtli with death, For all tiie smoking board, the savoury feast. Can yield most exquisite to pampered sense." C. Lloyd. Anthology , vol.ii. page 237. UTILITY or BIRDS. 285 We hear not of the many seeds Which we devour of noxious weeds ; — Of worms and grubs, destructive things, That each of us his offspring brings.* What though we snatch a feast of corn, Or ere its safe in yonder barn, Yet, is there not enough beside For Man and his consummate pride ? Must all of us to HIM alone Bow down as though earth were his throne, On which no being may intrude To mar his pleasure or his good ? Hath HE of earth the exclusive charter ;~ Shall HE for sport or pleasure martyr All others' weal? — We may admit His manly port — his talent — wit — Admit, nay, more, admire them too ! But WE have rights, and so have you. : Shall HE, our fellow mortal here. Presume with us to interfere — Fix limits to our happiness — Capriciously curse or bless As pleaseth his high mightiness ? * Bewick states that " a single pair of sparrows, during the time they are feeding their young, will destroy about tour thou- sand caterpillars weekly." They feed their young, also, with many winged insects : in London, it is presumed, chiefly with flies. The utility of the Goldfinch is peculiarly striking, it feeding in the winter, when at large, principally on thistle seed ; hence it is called the Thistle/inch. 286 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Have WE no sense— no feeling — we With ALL THE Animate of Earth, whom he Vainly attempts to govern ? — Narrow The thought, and futile the pretence, To limit to himself all sense ! He may obtain some even from a Sparrow ! I here, might, enpassant^ complain For youye Warblers in our train ; For yoUf who morning, noon, and night, The woods, the uplands, meads, delight. For you, who oft in prison dwell. Deprived of social converse there, Like lonely hermit in a cell. Perchance to please some lady fair ; — To pick from off her lily hand Some crumbs, or sing at her command. But Scotia's Bard hath well in song Proclaim'd aloud the heinous wrong.* * " Be not the muse asham'd here to bemoan Her brothers of the grove by tyrant man Inhuman caught, and in the narrow cage From liberty coufin'd and boundtess air. Dnll are the pretty slaves, their plumage dull. Ragged, and all its brightening lustre lost ; Nor is that sprightly wildness in their notes Which, clear and vigorous, warbles from the beech ; O then ye friends of love and love-taught song, Spare the soft tribes ; this barbarous art forbear : If on your bosom innocence can win, Music engage, or piety persuade." Thomson's Sjning, ON THE PLUCKING OF GEESE. 287, And you yourselves to-day have shown That 'tis not good to be alone. Besides, And here even patience' self derides, Who is it that complains of us — About his corn-fields makes such fuss ? The Greatest Ravager on earth — Man ; man, who, from the earliest birth Of ancient time, Hath robb'd and ransack'd every clime — The ocean, earth, and air, for food ! — In pleasure or in wanton mood Commands the Duck, Goose, us, to bleed ; Pursues the Ostrich on the steed ; — Of all our pangs takes little heed ! — The most omnivorous of all, What shall we such a being call? — I might still further amplify On his august humanity : Might tell how, Jive times in a year. He strips the raiment from the goose And then, as heartless, turns him loose ; — * * S^ince the above was written, I find the following informa- tion in the Morning Herald of Sept. 15, 1826. "The farmers on the moorlands in this county (Somerset) rear vast flocks of geese, chiefly for the sake of the feathers, which are mercilessly stripped from the suffering bird five times a year. By this practice one pound of feathers is obtained from each bird yearly. Yesterday week was the period of plucking for the fifth time in the neighbourhood of Westmoor near Langport; the geese were immediately afterwards turned out on the common: 6 288 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. How poulterers the feelings rive. By plucking many a fowl alive,* You well might shudder while you hear! How sordid wights will oft pretend Our native songs to improve, extend ; — the rain descended that night in torrents, and the air was chilly ; in consequence of which the flocks, having been divested of ■ theirnatural protection, suffered so severely, that, on Westmoor alone, from 1600 to 2000 geese were in the morning found dead ; and a very considerable number besides are now so languid that their recovery is doubtful." The plucking of geese for their feathers, even in the most genial season, can scarcely be effected at any time without the production of considerable pain to the animal. A more humane method would be, at a suitable season, to cut off the feathers close to the skin with sharp scissors; by this method the quality of the feathers would be much improved, and the trouble of assorting and dressing the feathers afler they are plucked would be thus saved ; the down may be afterwards removed by the same means. It is said that when the feathers are removed in this way, the animal is rather benefited than injured by the operation ; and that the stumps are thrown off as in natural moulting, and a beautiful new crop of plumage quickly makes its appearance. I am indebted for these hints to the communi- cation of a lady in the Monthly Magazine^ vol. Ivi. page 4iJ4. * Tliis is, I fear, too true, and too common a practice in the metropolis. The reason assigned by a poulterer is that *' it does not tear the flesh'' — that is, as the living is more tenacious than the dead fibre, the exterior appearance of the fowl after death is, to use a vulgarism, more sightly. When will man cease to agonize the quivering fibres of animals for his silly and luxurious gratification ? TfiE house-sparrow's SPEECH. 289 How keep us in a putrid bath ! Restrain, I you beseech, your wrath I That all much suffer, many die. You know, I ween, as well as I.* From Birds, to Beasts, to Fish, might pass- Tell how he treats the horse, the ass — The bull how worries — and how eels He skins alive — what crimped cod feels» But such a catalogue — so dire Would only more inflame your ire. He boasts his knowledge and his art ; His wisdom, too; —his generous heart. Have WE no knowledge— none, when we Pass over land and over sea, From clime to clime. As constant as the march of time, Our wants, our pleasures, tastes, to suit? — Man calls this, instinct of the brute!— A most convenient word is this. For his subUmity, I wis — Instinct ;t whenever and where he Cannot perceive congruity — * See the Introduction, page 47. t The term Instinct has been so long used by our philoso- phers both prosaic and poetical, that it may be thought some- what heretical to question its meaning and application. But as Truth can never be injured by discussion ; and as it is the duty of every one of us to verify, if possible, by actual experi- ment, the truths which we are taught, in order that our convic- tions may be rendered, by such experiments, more consistent, O 290 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Connexion 'twixt effect and cause, He, at one stride, the inference draws — 'Tis Instinct, and beyond all laws, useful, and lasting, I make no apology for questioning the pro- priety of the use of the term Instinct when applied to many of the actions of birds as well as to those of other animals, com- monly termed the brute creation. Pope says. How instinct varies in the grovelling swine. Compared half-reasoning elephant with thine! 'Twixt that and reason what a nice barrier ! For ever separate yet for ever near ! Remembrance and reflection how allied ; What thin partitions sense from thought divide! Essay on Man. So thin, indeed, as frequently not to be divided at all ! These lines appear lo me to contain a very small portion of philosophy ; little that is agreeable to Fact, upon which all true philosophy must be founded : for, according to the doctrine here laid down, brutes do not reason. Why not ? If Reason be a process, (not a faculty,) by which different ideas or things are compared^ their fitness or unfitness perceived, and conclusions drawn from such com- parisons and perceptions, which I think it is, then it will be found that most brutes, including birds, reason more or less, tiie intel- lectual difference between these and man consisting principally in degree ; the degree is undoubtedly great; but the probability is that, from their inability to communicate many of their thoughts to us, they ali know much more than they can show. The terms half-reasoning applied to the elephant are peculiarly inappropriate; the elephant, compared with many other qua- drupeds, reasons well ; so do the dog, the horse, and many other animals whose actions we have an opportunity of atten- tively observing, not omitting to name some of the birds. When the action of a brute animal appears to arise without any apparent process of reasoning, we call it instinct; but if I INSTINCT REASON. 291 How knows he this? — Who could him teach, None hut himself hath -power of speech? What! does he think the various sounds With which our feather'd world abounds Contain no meaning ? — This, his sense ! His views oi our intelligence ! He too denies that we have reason! If it would not be out of season, I'd prove, as easily I can, That we have that as well as man. we were belter acquainted with the opeiatiouh of the minds of brutes, it is extremely probable tliiit much of wiiat now seems, and is called instinct, would be found the result of processes of reasoning; simple, no doubt, many of them are, but rational notwithstanding. Mr. Bolton, the author of Harmonia Ruralis, informs us that he observed a pair of goldfinches beginning to make their nest in his garden, and that they formed tiieir ground-work with mossj grass^ Sec. as usual j but, on his scattering small pieces of wool about the garden, they, in a great measure, left their own materials and used the wool ; he afterwards gave them cotton, wiiich they took, resigning the wool ; he lastly gave them doun, with which they finished their work, having forsaken all the other articles. Is not this reason'/ But it would be endless to multiply instance's in which the actions of birds, and other aniiLals, are evidently regulated by reason. And here I cannot avoid lanienting that PoPt's Essay on Man has had, on this account, as well as on some others, so ex_ tensive a circulation ; it has, I fear, by the method in which it lias treated the subjects of Morals and Mind, considerably obstructed our progress in knowledge: for it is, it appears to me, by far too dictatorial and dogmatic, assuming as true wlia^ must still, I think, be considered as subjudice. And although we 292 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Of our proficiency in art I shall convince you ere we part. Look at OUR Domes inlaid with care ; Such let him fashion if he dare : Inspect the Wren*s — the Oriole's nest— The GoldJinch*Sf and all the rest Of curious make ; then say if he, With all his cunning nicety, With all the abundance of his wit, Can ever thus materials fit ? As for his wisdom. Being vain ! Behold it in his Sporting Train ! may not exactly agree with another poet, a predecessor of Pope, yet Prior has treated the subject with more modesty, if not with more truth. Speaking of brutes, he says, "Evil likens they shun, and covet good ; Abhor the poison and receive the food. Like us they love and hate ; like ns they know To joy the friend, or grapple with the foe. With seeming thought their actions they intend, And use the means propoi tion'd to the end. Then vainly the philosopher avers That reason guides our deed, and instinct theirs. How can we justly different causes frame. When the effects entirely are the same ? Instinct and reason how can we divide?" Solomon, Book I. Yet Pope lias divided them ! — how lamely we have seen. We conclude, therefore, that instinct ought to be used in a much more restricted sense than it hitherto has been ; it is by no means applicable to many of the actions of the brute creation: for, in numerous instances, they appear to reason in a similar way to man. THE house-sparrow's SPEECH. 293 *Mongst which, the savage horde canine, Kept hungry by sedate design — Those Hounds that, now and then, contrive To eat their keepers up aHve — I here might aptly introduce To shew man's wisdom and its use ; But the horrific theme is such It proves, I fear, almost too much ;* Talk of a heart ! prate to the wind ! The storm, the waves, are far more kind ! Have we not homes and children too ? How often he doth these destroy, In all the glee of savage joy, I need not here relate to you. Talk of a heart! — what I have said Will prove what are both heart and head! Of Man, our Master, these are deeds , At which the heart revolting bleeds : Of man, too, who is said to be, — Of all God's creatures only he, — The HIGHLY-CIVILIZED ! Of man who, vainly proud of name. Asks guerdon of immortal Fame! By fame such deeds are duly priz'd ! Might I now here advice presume This Lord's thick darkness to illume, I'd say — If thy 'penchant be still The fowls of air, in Sport, to kill, * The circamstance here alluded to occurred in Somerset- shire about twenty years ago. — See ray Observations on the Dia- lects of the West of England, article Fanny Fear. 294 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. Go to the Indian, white man ! go, And learn his ourah reed to blow — Compound wourali poison, — deep The arrow in the fell juice steep, Then shoot — the bird, with scarce a sigh, Will thank thee for such death, and die.* And are we not, 'tis painful thus To speak of what relates to Us — I here more strictly now apply The word to sparrows such as I — * We learn from Wateuton's Wanderings, that the Blow- Pipe, with which the Indians of Guiana shoot their poisoned arrows at birds, consists of a long hollow reed without a joint. The part used is ten or eleven feet long; it is called Ourah : the case consists of another reed called Samourah. The arrow, which is made from the leaf of a palm tree, is hard and brittle^ and pointed as sharp as a needle. About an inch of the pointed end is dipped in the poison called Wourali, which de- stroys life's action so gently that the victim appears to be in no pain whatever. This powerful and fatal drug is a sympous de- coction made from several vegetables, the chief of which is called woMrafi, whence the poison has obtained its name, and from venomous ants and the fangs of some snakes. It is pre- pared by the Indians with many superstitious rites. With this blow-pipe the Indian can send an arrow three hundred feet : he puts the arrow, round one end of which some cotton is wound to resist the air, into the tube, and, collecting his breath for the fatal puff, after taking aim, sends it on the work of death ; the birds, it is said, are not at all injured by the poison, — in three minutes the victim generally falls to the ground. The plant called wourali is one of the scandent tribe, and allied to the genus strychnos. — The particular species does not appear to be yet ascertained. .ui^>M,i. i ,.. .V THE house-sparrow's SPEECH. 296 And are we not a social tribe ? We follow man without a bribe ; We leave even corn with him to dwell, Why, let him, if he's able, tell : For in his cities we abound Where corn grows not, nor weeds are found. '^^ '• How live you, then ?" — I almost scorn Such question ! certes not on corn ! We live by worthy means — by wit — Have I not rightly answered it ?— We /ive— enjoy domestic life — And though we sing not, you may see And hear us always full of glee ; Nor know we much of care or strife, Save what proud Man provides for us. From what is said coiiclude we thus : That yet, our knowledge cannot scan The vast design which we, with man. In nature's universe behold ;— That, though there be some beings bold Who would prescribe laws to that Power, Beneath which we and man must cower, How often are we set at nought — Our insignificance how taught ? Yet may we cherish happiness And all our fellow beings bless, By offices of tenderness. — Here chiefly lie our duties— here No doubts arise— no mists appear. Who is it then that has most sense ? He WHO SHEWS MOST Benevolence!! 296 BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BIRDS. The shadows of evening began to grow long ; The monarch once more now demanded a song. Desirous to know how their notes would combine He directed the songsters in chorus to join. With the rich varied concert resounded the glen : The Nightingale—Blackcap — the Thrush— Willow- wren i — The Redbreast— the Linnet — the Larky with brisk note ; — The Stone-chat— Wren— Goldfinch— the Woodlark-^ White-throat ; Blackbird'Sttlfinch — the Swallow-^the Petty-chaps loud. Missel — Red~pole, and Red-start, were heard 'midst the crowd. The Hedge-Sparrow -^ Pig eon — the Siskin — the Dove Were pleas'd to pour out, too, the notes of their love. Yet who of such sounds may the melody tell That, on zephyr's light wings, were borne far up the dell ? No artist could copy-^no pen could indite ! The Birds, too, were now all preparing for flight. They departed in peace; while the Nightingale's song, 'Midst the silence was heard, deep, melodious, and strong: First, to Eve a rich carol of rapture he sang ; Now, with Love notes, the woodlands delightfully rang ; Then, to Day a " Farewelj.," and a ** Welcome" to Night, He warbled ; — the moon in her splendour rose bright. 297 TO THE WARBLERS' On every bough the birdis herd I sing With voice of angell in their harmonic." Chaucer, Assemble of FouUs. Then hail, ye sweet Warblers ! continue to sing ! Ever charm by your presence the redolent Spring ! Be your songs ever sacred to peace and to love. And may harmony ever be found in the grove. May the woods, dells, and vallies, resound with your voice ; And may man in your freedom for ever rejoice. No more may he wantonly death ^midst you send, But become, as in duty, your patron and friend ; — No more in your sorrows delight, nor the crime Of involving your feathers in treacherous lime ; No more may in prison your peace he beset ; No more may ensnare you with bait or in net. May he cease to torment you in sport with dire pain ! And my song, ye sweet Warblers ! shall not be in * By Warblers here the reader will please to understand not only the genus Motacilla or Sj/Zcia, but also the whole tribe of Song-birds. o5 298 TO THE SPRING. Solvitur acris hyems gratSk vice Veris et Favonl. Horat. *' The birds, in new leaves shrouded, sung aloft, And o'er the level seas spring's healing airs blew soft/' Bowles's Hope. And hail, too, thou blithe and thou green-budding Spring ! May the Birds on thy branches continue to sing ; May thy groves and thy meadows with beauty be crown'd ; And may plenty, content, »midstthy dwellings abound; With Thee, Truth and Nature, may rapture e'er dwell, While echo, in bird notes, is heard in the dell ; And the song of the plough-boy, all buoyant with hope, 'Descend in soft cadence from upland or slope. May man, far remov'd from the city and strife, Possess, and with Thee, a rejind rural life. May thy roses e'er blossom — thy pleasures ne'er fade. And love e'er enjoy the delights of thy shade I Then hail, thou blithe, bright, and thou redolent Spring ! May the Birds on thy branches for ever still sing! end the first part. ORNITHOLOGIA. PART THE SECOND. FOREIGN BIRDS. La Zone Torride, ■C»est IJi que la nature, et plusriche et plus belle, Signale avec orguell sa vigeur ^ternelle : C'est li qu' elle est sublime." Saikt Lambbbt. #iriwlitiiiliigto. PART THE SECOND. FOREIGN BIRDS, VULTUR GRYPHUS: OR, THE CONDOR. ORNITHOLOGIA. PART THE SECOND. FOREIGN BIRDS. Once more of the Princes of Air — yet once more, Ere my harp in the hall to its place I restore. — Oncemore shall theWARBLERS be heard, and their song Once more waken Echo the woodlands among. O for powers that, more worthy the theme of my lute, Shall an audience insure and attention strike mute. Might I catch. Bard of Erin ! a note of thy strain, My song, although humble, shall not be in vain. Yes, MooRE ! to the sounds of thy rapturous Lyre At distance I listen, but dare not aspire : O lend me thy mantle, or toss me thy pen ; Or prompt me to sing of the Birds of the Glen. What delight had pervaded the Eagle's throng'd court, Swiftly bore to the Vulture the tongue of report: His pride took alarm as on Andes he sate ; He arose, flapp'd his wings, and assumed much of state. To declare to the empire his wishes august He del ay 'd not— thus ran the high will of the Just : 6 302 FOREIGN BIRDS. Be it known to all Birds, beneath moon, beneath sun, That, ere the next hebdomad race shall be run, The Autocrat, monarch of Andes, the world. Where vulturid banners have long been unfurl'd, Apart all excuse and aside laying care, A day of delight with his people will share. It was, too, a command that no bird, on that day, Should dare his rapacity once to display ; Who, offended in this, in his fulness of might, The monarch indignant would dash from his sight. Proclamation being made of the Vulturid's pride, By swift pinion'd report it was borne far and wide ; Announc'd, too, through many and distant a clime, The Isle of assembly, and g^so the Time : To delight, and to birds, long the Island well known ; There often the Vulture reclines on his throne ; Not the throne of the Andes, but one where the ocean Can be heard or in wild or in pleasing commotion : Where a dell that, uplifting its bold, rocky side. High, massive, would seem the fierce storm to deride. His bolts shoot the thunder oft sportively there, And echo, again and again, awakes fear. Below, at the base of a mountainous rock, That hath long stood of earthquakes and tempests the shock, Rolls ocean, whose waves, as they break on the shore, Send up through the dell a loud murmuring roar : As you pass its wild, picturesque windings along, You will hear many Birds both in loud and soft song; FOREIGN BIRDS. 303 While now dash over rocks, now in eddies soft glide, The crystalline waters those windings beside. What though there no Luscinian Sylvia* s* sweet throat, Nor of Cuculid Scansor canorousf the note, Yet the Warblers abound, and, in many a lay. Their amorous passion are pleas'd to display; But their plumage will charm you as much as their airs ", Delight's gayest daughter — such plumage is theirs. Embossom*d this Dell in that Isle of the west, Which Nature herself hath abundantly bless'd. The whole a wild garden, where plants, shrubs, and trees, Grow in richest luxuriance ; the evening breeze, Delighted to fan you, bears odours along. While the Polyglot ThrushX fills the woods with his song. Heat a monarch is there; the rich, tropical fruit In its splendour stands forth, varied tastes to salute. Of the Beauties of Flora which rise in their pride, 'Midst the rocks fertile crannies — the streamlets be- side,— Or in soil rich and deeper adown thrust their root. While their corols of splendour on lofty stalks shoot. Description, how vivid soe'er, becomes faint, When attempting such tropical glories to paint. * Nightingale, S^/via /u^cinzu. t Cnckoo, CucuZtw canoru*. X The MockiDg-bird, Turdtis polyglottus. 304 FOREIGN BIRDS. Yet we may not neglect the fair Dahlia* bright ; Nor her the fam'd Cactus* who blooms in the night; Nor the Fuchsia,' with red and with frutescent stems, And with florests depending like bright crimson gems; Nor the Aloe who sits on the rock all serene. Unfolding her leaves long and thick and pale green. Midst the lords of the forest, Pimenta* grows there, Whose beauty and fragrance what need to declare ? The BoMBAx' abundant in pods of fine silk; — The Cocos*^ nutricious with nuts full of milk; The red Theobroma^ delighting in shade, From whose rich oily nuts the fam'd chocolate's made ; — The hard Sideroxylon* also there grows ; — And the lofty Mahogany' round her arms throws;-^ * Dahlia superflua Sind/rustranea. They are now common in this country, ^ Cactus grandiflorus. This plant produces a very magniticent flower of an exquisite odour ; it is said to open at sunset, and to continue in perfection only six hours. It belongs to that class of plants called Cereus. 3 Fuchsia coccinea. * Myrtus pimentot or Allspice Tree. 5 Bombax heptaphyllum, Silk Cotton Tree, or Ceilta. * Cocos nuciferaf or Cocoa Nut Tree. 7 Theobroma cacoay or Chocolate Tree. * Sideroxylon lycioides, or Willow Leaved Iron Wood. 5> Swietenia mahogoni, or Common Mahogant. FOREIGN BOtAUIf. 305 While the strange Indian Tree* sends her shoots to the ground ; For the Warblers a harvest her fruit will be found. The Cabbage Tree Palm* lifts her broad leaves on high; The Fan-Palm^ and Tamarind* also grow nigh ;— The GuaiaCum^ rich in medicinal gum ;— The Ferns* plants perennial and lofty become; The leguminous Cassia,' with flowers of gold, Is pleas'd her pale foliage in light to unfold : While many trees more, in their floral robes dight, Arom£^ diffuse on a zephyr wing light ; For the Birds they would seem almost purposely made; As food some, and others delightful as shade. • Ficus tndicus, or Wild Fig. A similar tree is called in the East Indies Banyan. See a more extended poetical de- scription of this tree in Southey's Cur8£ of Rehama; see also Milton's Paradise Lost. t Areca oleracea, 3 Corypha umbraculifera, * Tamarindus Indica, ^ Guaiacum officinale. ^ Polypodium arboreum, or Cyaihea arboreOf a perennial fern rising twenty feet high, with leaves that give it the appear- ance of a palm tree. ^ Caisia fistula. The fruit of this tree is a woody, round, blackish pod, about one inch in diameter, and sometimes two feet long ; it contains a sweet pulp, which is used in medicine as a gentle purgative. It is a native of both thd Indies; some persons have imagined this to be the wild honey eaten by St. John in the wilderness — but surely without reason. 306 F0R£IGK BtRfiS. With the Pine- Apple,* rich in a nectarine taste, The clefts of the rocks in abundance are grac'd. There, too, Ricinus* broad-leav'd, whose reniform seed Secretes in its cells panaceas indeed ; There the Capsicum' rich in pods pungent and red ; And there the Banana* uplifts too her head. Thus the Lord of the Mountain (') was pleas'd to invite His vassals to meet on this day of delight. (') Order, Accipitres, (Linn.) Condor, Vulture, the King, the Aura, the Crested, the Aquiline. The genus Vultur, (Linn.) or Vulture, to which the Condor or Condur, the Vultur gryphus, belongs, and to which * Bromelia Ananas. • " Ricinus CommuniSf or Palma Christi. An annual plant, grow- ing plentifully in the West Indies ; it is of very quick growth, and sometimes attains the height of sixteen feet. From its seed is obtained the well known and safe purgative called Castor Oil. 5 The Capsicum Annuunif baccatum, and other species of Bird PEPPER,are well known pungent stimulants, from some of which is obtaiued the Cayenne Pepper. '^ The Musa sapientunif or Banana Tree, is supposed to be a native of Guinea, whence it was carried to the West Indies, where it now flourishes most abundantly. The stalks of this plant are peculiarly porous; the root alone is perennial, the rest dyin?; down to the ground every year; the leaves are two yards long and a foot broad. The fruit is in the form of a cu- cumber, four or five inches long. The weight of a bunch of bananas usually exceeds twelve pounds ; when ripe it is eaten by all ranks of people either raw or fried. t«£ CONDOR. 307 " Now haste to the dell of enchantment away /" In vigour arose and exclaim'd the fresh day. the term Vulture in the text is designed emphatically to be ap- plied, comprehends above thirty species scattered over the warmer parts of the globe : some of which inhabit America, some Asia, some Africa, and some other parts of the world, bnt none of them is found in this conntry. They seem to be pe- culiarly inhabitants of warm climates, chiefly, it is presumed, because putrid flesh, on which they feed, is there most plentiful. They are distinguished by a straight bill hooked at the point ; the head is bare of feathers, with a naked skin in front ; tongue cleft; neck retractile; sense of smell generally acute. They are a rapacious tribe, feeding on carcasses, however pntrid : unless pressed by hunger they seldom attack living animals. Waterton, indeed, informs us, in his Wandvrings in South America^ that Vultures never live upon live animals ; that in Paramaribo the laws protect them, and that in Angustura they are as tame as domestic fowls. They are bold, gregariojis, fly slowly, unless very high in the air. The following are the chief: The Gryphus, Condor, Condur, or Zumbadoref is of prodi- gious size, measuring, with the wings extended, it is said, four- teen, sixteen, or even more, but other accounts say ten or eleven, feet. Mr. Barrow wounded a Condor at the Cape of Good Hope, whose wings, when spread, measured ten feet and one inch. The bill is black, four inches long, point white ; caruncle on the crown as long as the head ; the throat is naked, the bottom of which is surrounded with a white ruft' composed of long fine feathers of a hairy texture ; the lesser wing coverts wholly black, middle ones the same with greyish white ends, forming a bar when closed ; the greater, half black and half white, divided obliquely; three first quills black ; secondaries white, tipped with black ; back black ; tail black ; legs stout, reddish brown, and those as well as the claws, which are three quarters of an inch long, are said to be covered with scales. 308 fOR£lGU BIRDS. The birds heard his voice, ere the glorious sun Had his race o*er the waters in radiance begun. The chief of this description is from Dr. Latham, who derived his information from an actual specimen ; but the scarcity of this bird renders its accurate description difficult, and it also varies in different authors. It is said to build under the protection of the highest rocks ; eggs two, white; the west must be, of course, large, but its size, or of what materials composed, does not seem with accuracy known. Inhabits South America, Asia, some parts of Africa, and probably other regions of the globe j it appears to be a bird of enormous power, but is, in every country, extremely rare. This rapacious animal has attracted the notice of travellers, who have, perhaps, too often given their descriptions of it an air of exaggeration. Dr. Grainger, author of the Sugar CanCf and other PoemSf has alluded to it under the name of Ztunbadorej 80 called, he informs us, in consequence of the hideous humming noise which it makes : "The swift wing'd Zumbadore The mountain desert startled with his hum.*' Sugar CanCj Book I. In a note to the poem it is said that this bird, one of the largest and swiftest known, " is only seen at night, or rather heard, on the desert tops of the Andes.'* This, however, is not, by later accounts, correct : the condor frequents the sea- coasts during the rainy season in the evening, remains there all night, and returns in the morning to the mountains. From the extreme rarity of this bird its natural history is not yet well understood; further information concerning it is every way desirable. It has been conjectured that the Roc mentioned in the fables of the Arabian writers is this bird. The PapUf King-of-the- Vultures, or King-Vulture, has the nostrils caruncalate ; crown and neck naked ; body above THE KING OF THE VULTURES. 309 The dews, rich in odour, from balmy shrubs fell ; And the Mocking-Bird warbled his night song's farewell. reddish buff, beneath yellowish white ; quills greenish black ; tail black ; craw pendulous, orange coloured. It is about the size of a turkey; but is chiefly remarkable for the odd formation of the skin of the head and neck, which is bare ; this skin, which is of an orange colour, arises from the base of the bill whence it stretches on each side to the head, thence it proceeds like an indented comb, and falls on either side according to the motion of the head ; the eyes are surrounded by a red skin, and the iris has the colour and lustre of pearl. This species has been placed at the head of the vulture tribe on account of the superior beauty of its external appearance ; and it is said that it is no other way distinguished from the genus; yet Waterton asserts that when the king of the vultures is present, the inferior species do not attempt to touch the prey till the king^ is satisfied ! — There might be some truth in this without attributing kingly qualities to the bird: the inferior species might know experimentally that his majesty would not suffer them to touch the prey till he himself is sated. It attacks, it is said, only the weaker animals, devouring rats, lizards, serpents, and every kind of excrement and filth; flies very high; a native of America. The Aura, Carrion-Vulture, Aura-Vulture^ Turkey-Vulture^ or Turkey'Buzzard,hdi% the body greenish brown; quill feathers black ; bill white. Another variety with body black ; quill feathers brown ; bill cinereous ; size nearly of the preceding; feeds on carrion, putrid carcasses, on which it gorges, and crocodile's eggs, &c. ; sense of smell extremely acute ; inhabi ts the United States, the West Indies, South America, and Africa ; it is also said to be found in some parts of Europe j seen in large flocks ; nest midst the recesses of solitary swamps in hollow trees ; eggs from two to four, dull dirty white or cream 310 FOREIGN BIRDS. The ScANsoRs, chief Parrots, were dissonant loud; Many Goat-suckers' (*) notes, too, were heard from the crowd. colour, splashed with chocolate, mingled with black ; they are in Icnsith two inches and three quarters, breadth two inches. This is a peaceable and harmless bird, never offering violence to any living animal; in the southern states of Nortii America, from their usefulness, they are protected by a law which inipose.-* a fine on those who wilfully deprive them of lite. The CristatiLS, or Crested-Vulture, has the body blackish red; head crested; breast rufous ; smaller than the last, but ex- tremely active and voracious ; feeds on hares, rabbits, foxes, fawns, and fish ; found in some parts of Eutope. The FercnopteruSj Aquiline-Vulture, or Pharoah's-Cliicktn, has the plumage white, except the quill feathers, which are black ; the edges hoary ; length two feet. Another variety, with the body reddish-ash, spotted with brown ; inhabits Egypt, Syria, and Persia. It is encouiaged in Cairo to devour dead carcasses; and in Palestine to destroy the mice whiih swarm in the tields. In Egypt it was formerly a capital crime to destroy one of these birds. *' The place is tainted— and behold The Vulture hovers yonder, and his scream Chides us that still we scare him from his banquet." South EY's Thalaba, vol. i. page 105. (^) Ohder, Passfres, (Li?j?j.) Goat-sucker, the European. the ViRGiAN, the Grand, &cc. The geuos Capriiviulgus, (Linn.) or Goat-sucker, com- prehends about forty species, chiefly inhabitants of America; one the Caprintulgus Europaus, or Euroi^ean Goat-sucker, is found in this country. I he characteristics of the tiibe are, bill short, hooked at the end ; upper mandible beset with a row I THE GOAT-SUCKER. 311 Where, 'midst shades dark and sombre, and shrouded from sight, They shrank from the glances of strong piercing light. They often, whenever the parrots were still, Exclaim'd ** Willy come go!" or now, " Whip^ whip, poor wilir " Who are you .*" was another monotonous lay ; And another repeated, *' Work, luork, work away T' Whilst a ''Ha!" "heard aloud, in the wild, distant wood, Oft repeated, yet fainter, spake murder and blood. of stiff bristles; niontli wide; tongue small, pointed, entire; toes connected by a membrane as far as the first joint; tail feathers ten. These birds seldom appear in the day-time, unless when disturbed, or in dark cloudy weather, but wander about in the evening in search of insects, on which they feed. They lay two eggs, which they deposit on the naked ground. The Europaus, Goat-sucker, European Goat-sucker, Noctur- nal Gnat-sucker y Night- Hawk, Dorr-hawk, Churn-Owl, Goat-Owl, Wheel bird, or Night-jur, is ten inches long; mouth excessively wide; plumage beautifully diversified with black, brown, ferruginous, and white, speckled and dashed with cinereous ; beneath ferruginous brown. Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Africa. During summer, from May to September, frequents the woods of this country ; feeds chiefly on beetles and moths; hence is, most probably, a very useful bird. The absurd story formerly related of it, namely, that of sucking goats, whence its name, no longer credited. Its note is similar to the sound of a spinning wheel, besides which it has a sharp squeak. Eggs whitish, marked with light brown and ash colour, larger than tho^^e of a blackbird; these are laid on the ground amongst fern, heath, long grass, &r. It begins its flight in the dusk of the evening in 312 FOREIGN BIRDS. Of the Bell-birds was heard too the loud clanging note. As far distant it seem'd upon ether to float. What clamour arose as the Birds flew along ! No time was there now for the soothing of song; The sounds more like Babel assaulted the ear ; The Sea-birds like dense clouds dark rolling appear* pursuit of the larger insects, particularly the Scarabeeus Melolon- that or cock-chafer, &c. " Hark from yon quivering branch your direst foe, Insects of night, its whirring note prolongs Loud as the sound of busy maiden's wheel : Then with expanded beak, and throat enlarged, Even to its utmost stretch, its customed food Pursues voracious. Thus from Zembla's deep On warmer climes when herring armies pour The living tide of plenty ; to the sun With gold and green and azure many a league, When ocean glitters like a field of gems Gay as the bow of heaven, and burns by night In every billow with phosphoric fire ; Their march innumerous foes attend. Behold '■ '^ In light wing'd squadrons, g-u//* of every name ' ' Screaming discordant on the surface hang. And ceaseless stoop for prey. Lo ! gunnets huge And osprnjs plunging from their cloudy height With leaden fall precipitate, the waves Cleave with deep dashing breast, and labouring rise Talons and beak o'er-loaded." Gisborne's Walks in a Forest. I have thought it most advisable not to separate these lines, 60 descriptive of several facts in the natural history of birds, THE VIRGINIAN — THE GRAND GOATSUCKER. 313 Come hither Description ! assist to me sing. The birds who this day met their Vulturid King. He from high Chimborazo* or Cataractsf came, (Or from that lofty giant envelopM in flame, altiioiigh the last portion of them relate to the Osprey. See note (1) of the tirst Part, article Ossi/ragus. The VirginianuSf Virginian Goat-sucker, Slwrt-winged Goatsucker^ N ight-haick,nnd sometimes Whip-poor -willy is brown, transversely vaiied with grey-brown and a little ash-co!our ; beneath reddish-wiiite ; eight inches long; makes a disagreeably loud noise all night long; eggs green, with diisky spots and streaks; inhabits Noith Amenca. The Grandis, or Grand Goat-sucker, is nearly two feet Jong; the gape of the month so large as readily to admit a man's fibt ; inhabits Cayenne. The Indicus, a small elegant bird, and the Asiaticus, or Bom- bay Goat-sucker, inhabit India. The Nova Hollandia, or Crested Goat-sucker, is found in New Holland ; the Longi- pennis, or Leona Goat-sucker, at Siena Leone. The goat-suckers being chiefly American birds, exhibit in that continent, of course, the greatest variety in their manners and notes. Waterton, in his Wanderings, mentions .five kinds that have each a peculiar set of notes. One utters, " fl'hi) are ym, uho, who, who are you ;" another, " Work away, work, work away;" another, " Willy come go; another, which is also ronimon to the United States, " Whip poor will, * The hightst peak of the Andes, and, as far as is hitherto known, theljighest mountain in America. t The cataracts of the Andes are unrivalled : that of Tequen- daina dashes, at two bounds, down a perpendicular heisht of six hundred feet, with an astounding roar, into a dark and frightful a!»yss. The tremendous cataracts of Maypuri and Apvr'e may also be mentioned. P 314 FOREIGN BIRDS. The fierce Cotopaxi;^ or some rocky chasm — Some frightful Quebradaf that nature in spasm And wild agony bore,) ere the morning's first beam ; His hum startled forest and mountain and stream. whip, whip f tchipf poor will ;" and another, a large bird, the size of the English wood-owl, " Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," which sounds are uttered like a person in deep distress — the departing voice of a night-murdered victim. Suppose yourself in hopeless sorrow, beginning the above sequence of sounds with a loud note, each succeeding one being lower and lower till the last is scarcely heard, and pausinir a moment between every note, will convey, according to Waterton, an idea of this bird's noise. The plaintive cries of all these are uttered throughout the night. As Waterton has not mentioned the specific names, these birds cannot be identified ; but we learn from Dr. Latham's work, that two species of goat-suckers have obtained the name of Whip-poor-will. The Vocifems, however, seems to be that to which the name is most properly applied. The Vociferus, Whip-poor-'WILL, or Whip-poor-will Goat- sucker, is nine and a half inches long ; gape very large ; mouth * A notable Volcano of the Andes, of which, it is said, there are near\y forty scattered over that mountainous chain. t The Quebradas of the Andes are immense chasms by which many of the mountains are separated from each other ; some of these chasms are nearly a mile deep, and their sides almost per- pendicular ; they are, nevertheless, frequently adorned with trees, shrubs, and flowers. Natural, as well as artificial bridges, are occasionally seen over deep and yawning lacerations ; sometimes, too, a torrent rolls down their winding jaws, adding, of course, to the sublimity of the scene : nor does the occasional presence of the Condor detract from the astound- insr picture. WHIP-POOR-WILL — NIGHT-HAWK. 315 With beak black, and bent at the tip ting'd with white ; With an eye that commands both the day and the night ; With wing nervous, expansive, and tint of black -brown; With legs and feet squamous, carunculate crown ; Throat naked ; back dark ; and with claws black and strong ; Evincing the signs that to power belong; — Of the mountainous desert the lord, in whom fear And imperial command both united appear ; — He look'd round from his Rock, over sea, over shore. And over the Dell too— that proud Zumeadore. beset with long, thick, elastic bristles; plumage above varie- gated with black, pale cream-brown, and rust-colour ; back darker ; breast and belly mottled, and streaked black and yellow ochre. Ei'gs two, marbled with dark olive. Inhabits many parts of North America, most plentifully in Kentuckey. The notes of this bird are similar to the words whip-poor-will, whence it has obtained its name; it is heard very often in the night. Rarely seen during the day, unless attendant on its young. Feeds on moths, grass-hoppers, and insects. In Penn- sylvania it is a migratory bird, proceeding to the South in winter. — Wilson. Waterton says that the goat-suckers of South America perch longiludmally on trees, and not crosswise like other birds ; this is also stated by Wilson in regard to the Americanusy or Night-Hawk, called in Virginia, and some of the Southern districts of the American States, a Bat. According to Wilson, the only goat-suckers found in the United States are the preceding, Whip-poor-will ; the Carolinensis, or Chuck-wills-widow; and the AmericanuSf or Night-Hawk, which is, I believe, the same as the Virginianus, described above ; these are all migratory birds. P2 316 FOREIGN BIRDS. Around him the Vultures obediently flew : The Crested, the Aura, and Aquiline too : And even the Papa of beautiful dyes, With /n^r^M vies pendulous, glossy pearl eyes — Of royal external that homage might bring — A subject was here, although elsewhere a King. The Parrots* presented a numerous host; The Petrels were few, just arrived on the coast. The HuMMiNG-BiRDs (^) gaudily glow'd midst the throng, In their green and their gold as they flutter'd along ; (3) Order, Pic^, {Linn.) Humming-Bird, the Red- throated, the Supercilious, the Least. The genus Trochilus, (Linn.) or Humming-bird, consisis of above ninety species, found, chiefly, in the tropical regions of America and the West Indies; indeed, it has been stated, that no humming-bird has ever been seen in the old world ; one, however, has been mentioned as an inhabitant of the Cape of Good Hope. About half the species has a curved, the other a straight bill, which is subulate, filiform, and tubular at the tip, the upper mandible sheathing the lower ; the tongue is also filiform, the two threads coalescing, tubular. This genus is the least in size of the race of birds. They feed, it is said, on the nectar of flowers; but there is reason for believing, from the statement of Wilson in regard to the Redthroated'humming- hirdy that they feed also on small inserts. They are almost continually on the wing, fluttering like bees, and making a humming noise, whence their name. Of all animated beings, these birds are the most elegant and brilliant ; their plumage • For a description of the Pari ot, see forward. THE HUMMING-BIRD. 317 Of nectar they sipp'd from the sweet smelling flower ; Or, seizing, abridg'd the small insect's brief hour, There was one of large size, of rich plumage, Red Throat, Distinguished by chirping a grass-hopper note ; being adorned with innumerable shades of colour, in which the emerald, the rnhy, and tlie topaz are gracefully intermixed. Their nest is cnriously constructed, and attached sometimes to two leaves, or to a single twig of the citron or orange; it is pe- culiarly neat and small ; eggs two, white, about the size of a pea; time of incubation twelve days. It has been said that these birds cannot be tamed ; this is, however, in regard to some of them at any rate, a mistake. Wilson mentions having kept one of the Red-throated Humming- birds in confinement for three months. It is said, nevertheless, that they are neither shy nor suspicious ; that they are caught by the Indians on limed twigs, and that, when taken, they in- stantly expire, and are afterwards worn as ear-rings by the Indian ladies. That some of them should expire when caught on limed twigs is not to be wondered at when the delicacy of these birds is considered ; but that they instantly expire if taken with suitable precaution, is quite incredible. Some have been kept alive by syrups for a few weeks; and, probablyy were we better acquainted with their proper food, their pre- servation alive would be more certain and continued. That they sometimes feed on insects is confirmed by Waterton, and it is said that small insects have been found in them on dis- section. The following are all we can name : The Colubris, or Red-tiiuoated Hu.mming-bird, is three inches and half long ; back, upper part of the neck, sides, under the wings, tail coverts, and two middle feathers of the tail, a rich golden green ; tail and wings a deep brownish purple. Nest one inch in diameter and the same in depth. Eggs two, white. From the drawing given of it in Wilson's Amei'lcan 318 FOREIGN BIRDS. And one of form tiny might, too, be there seen, Much less than a bee, deck'd in elegant green ; But of gay, eastern Sun-Birds, ("*) in robes bright and fair, And of manners congenial, not one was found there : Ornithology it appears similar to the goldfinch's, but, of course, much smaller and neater. The note of this bird is a single chirp, not louder than the grasshopper. It has been kept in confine- ment in the United States for months : it is a mistake to sup- pose that it feeds only on the nectar of flowers ; it feeds also on insects. This bird is very fond of the flowers of the plant called Balsamum noli me tangere, or Touch-me-not. It is found in most of the warm and tropical regions of America. This description is taken from Wilson's work; the bird is, I sus- pect, the MoschituSf or Ruby-necked Humming-bird of some other writers. The Superciliosus, or Supercilious Hummingbird, is one of the largest of the tribe, being nearly six inches long, and in- habits Cayenne. The Minimus^ or Le.vst-Hummingbird, is green ; smaller than several of our bees, hardly a quarter of an inch long ; weighs about twenty grains ; found in Brazil. See note (42,) part 1, article Golden-crested-Wren. (*) Tenuirostres, Cinnj/rirffC, (Vigors); or, to anglicize the terms, CiNNYRiD Tenuirosts — Sunbirus. The genus some time since established by Cuvier, and de- nominated by him Cinnyris, has been lately brought into no- tice in consequence of Mr. Vigors having arranged it as a sub-family in his Tenuirostres ; and also by his having excited the public attention to this group of birds in his late Lectures at the Zoological Society. According to their habits, size, and the statements of Mr. Vigors, they appear to supply the place in the old world, of that numerous, airy, and splendid race of birds in the new, so well known and so much admired under the SUN-BIRDS. 319 They the odorous groves of the Orient Isles, And the Hindoostan gardens, e'er greet with their smiles. name of Humming-birds, or, to anglicize a Vigorsean tenttf Trochilids. They are now, it seems, called in this country by llie trite name of Sun birds. By whom this term was first applied, or for what reason, I do not know, but presume from the splendour of their colours. One of their characteristics (besides of course being Tenuir^osts) is that of feeding on the nectar of flowers. The genus Cinnyris is included in Tem- minck's Nectarinia.* I have not been able to obtain so satisfac- tory an account of it as I could wish. The following species I, however, find described in Dr. Latham's great work. The Lon^iros^ia, (Linn. Transact, vol. xiv.) Certhia Longi- rostra, (Lath.) or Long-billed-Creeper, is five inches long, the bill an inch and half; the tongue is long and missile; crown and back behind light green; back, wings, and tail, dusky, edged with olive green ; neck before, and breast, white ; belly and vent pale yellow ; legs bluish. Found in Bengal, where it perches on the rich flowers of Indian plants, and darting its tongue into the calyx extracts the sweets. Inhabits also Java, where it is called Prist Andun. The Java species is larger and more brightly coloured. The Affinis (hma. Transact, vol. xiii.) Anthophagus Oliva- * Since this volume has been in the press, my attention lias been called to the splendid work of M. Temminck on Birds, now publishing at Paris in large folio, with finely executed en- gravings, accurately and most carefully delineated, and coloured after nature. This work is esteemed by our ornithologsts as a very valuable addition to the science: as far as I have had an opportunity of examining it, I can bear my willing testimony to its merits, particularly in regard to the engravings. The Manual of Ornithology of this author is, of course, well known to the scientific. Both woiks are written in the French language. 320 FOREIGN BIRDS. From the Papuan Isles in magnificence bright. Came the Paradise Birds (') at once lustrous and light; ceus, (Lath.) Olive-Honev-Eater, or Olive- Creepei\ is four inches long ; bill half an inch long, black; plumage above dull olive-green, inclining to brown on the forehead and crown ; beneath grey-brown ; around the eyes whitish ; quills and tail brown, with an olive-green tinj;e ; the two outer feathers -white at the ends; legs pale brown. Inhabits Madagascar and Java. Individuals found in the last-named place are olive, va- riegated beneath with dull brown-grey; outer tail feathers white at the ends. Many others of this tribe of birds have been exhibited, by far more splendid and smaller than these ; but I have at present no means of obtaining an accurate description of them. (5) Okder, ViCMi(Linn.) Birds of Paradise, The genus Paradisea, {Linn.) or BiRD-OF-pARADistr, consists of tvienty tpecies ; the bill is covered with a belt of downy feathers at the base; feathers of the Mdes very long; two of the tail feathers naked. They are inhabitants of New Guinea, the Papuan Islands, or Islands of the Indian ocean. The following aie some of the most remarkable. The habits of this tribe of birds do not, however, appear to be yet very ac- curately known. The Apodu, or Greater-Paradise-Bird, is of a chesnut colour ; neck beneath green gold ; feathers on the sides longer than the body; two middle tail feathers long, bristly. Another variety of a smaller size. Inhabits the islands near New Guinea; feeds, it is said, on moths and butterflies; flies, it is aL^o reported, in flocks, with a leader at the head, making a noise like the thrush. The strangest and most THE BIRD-OF-PARADISE. o21 Of whom hath cupidity artful and bold, Yet in mystery's cant, many falsities told. improbable tales were formerly related concerning this bird. Thus sings Camoens : " The golden birds that ever sail the skies, Here to the sun display their shining dyes; Each want supplied on air tliey ever soar ; The grouud they touch not till they breathe no more." The LusiAu, by Mickle, From their food being moths and butterflies, and, perhaps, the nectar of flowers, they are doubtless a good deal on the wing ; but there appears no reason whatever to suppose that their maimer of incubation and resting is different from other birds. The most remarkable features of this species are about forty or fifty long feathers, which spring from each side below the wing, and, mingling below the tail, augment the apparent size of the animal, without adding any thing to its weight. It is about the size of a thrush, but its feathers make it appear much larger than that bird. In some parts of India, the feathers fetch a great price, being worn as ornaments of dress. niese birds were formerly brought to this country without feet, the policy of the foreign dealers in them most probably in- duced the abstraction of those signs which lead very often to the habits and manners of the bird. Hence also the more ready belief in the tales propagated concerning them ; and hence, too^ the specific name Apoda, without feet, very improperly applied to these birds by European naturalists. The Regia, or KiNG-of the-BiRDs-OF-pARADiSE, is a ches- nut-purple, beneath whitish ; a green-gold band on the breast ; from five to seven inches long; solitary. Inhabits the same countries as the last. p3 322 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Honey-Guide-Cuckoo, from Africa came ; TheFLAMiNGo(^) look'dgayin his garments of flame. (*) Order, Grall^, (Linn,) Flamingo, the Red, the Chilese. The genus Pikbnicopterus, (Linn.) or Flamingo, consists of two species distinguished by having a naked toothed bill, bent as if broken; the feet are four-toed, palmate, the mem- branes semicircular on the forepart. The Ruber, Flamingo, or Red-Flamingo, is a very remarkable bird, with a body less than that of a goose; but when erect, is six feet high from the tip of the toe to the bill, which is seven inches long, partly red, partly black, and partly crooked ; it per- petually twists its head round when eating, so that the upper man- dible touches the ground. The legs and thighs are slender, not thicker than the fore-finger of a man, yet two feet long ; the neck is also slender, and three feet long. From this extraordi- nary shape, it is able to wade in water to the depth where its food is to be found. The feet are webbed, though it seldom uses them for swimming. Length from bill to tail four feet four inches. The plumage is not less remarkable than its figure, much of it being of a bright flame-colour, whence its name. Found both in the new and old continents, but in not more than about forty degrees either north or south from the equator. It is found on almost every shore of the Mediterranean — Spain, Italy, &c.; and in every district of Africa, to the Cape of Good Hope ; in South America, and the West Indies. The nest is made of earth, rising about twenty inches above the water, which always covers its base; the top of this is a little hollowed out for the reception of the eggs, which are two, white, size of a goose'?, upon which the female sits and hatches, perched, as it were, upon her rump, with her legs hanging down like a man silting upon a stool. This peculiar posture is ne- cessary during her incubation, in consequence of the very great length of the legs. The young never exceed three in number. THE FLAMINGO — THE TAYLOR-BIRD. 323 The Taylor-Bird, (^) too, left his leafy sew'd nest. To pay his respects to the King of the West; These birds are gregarious, and are occasionally tamed in their native climates, and mingle with other poultry, but they never thrive in such a state. They atFord a fine down, equal to swan's down ; flesh, by some persons, esteemed. The negroes of Africa hold this bird in superstitious venera- tion ; hence they do not permit it to be destroyed, although, from its numbers and its noise, it is extremely troublesome. It feeds on shell-fi-h, aquatic insects, and the spawn of tish. The Flamingo was well knov\n to the ancients under the name of Pkcenicopterus ; its flesh was a dish among the luxu- rious Romans ; Apicius is said by Fliny to have discovered the exquisite relish of this bird's tongue, and a new method of seasoning it ! " Evening came on : arisinj^ from the stream Homeward the tall Flamingo wings his flight ; And when he sails athwart the setting beam His scarlet plumage glows with deeper light !" South EV's Curse of Kehama — the Separation. I take the present opportunity of expressing the great plea- sure which the perusal of that highly imaginative and melodious poem, the Curse of Kehuma, has afforded mc. The Chilensis, or Chilese-Flamingo, has the quill feathers white ; bill covered with a reddish skin ; head subcrested ; five ftet long from the bill to the claws. Inhabits Chili. (7) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Taylor-Bird. The Taylor- Bird, Taylor-Wr en, Taylor-Warbler, Molacilla Sutoria, (Linn.) or Sylvia Sutoria, as it is called by Dr. Latham, one of tiie numerous genus Warbler, is a very small bird, being only about three inches and a half in length, and weighs only about, it is said, three sixteenths of an ounce ; the plu- mage above is pale olive-yellow; chin and throat yellow; 324 FOREIGN BIRDS. The restless Black-Skimmer (^) swept often along ; And the Barbet(5') was heard with his turtle-dove song. breast and belly dusky- white. It inhabits India, and particu- larly ihe I.-'land of Ceylon ; it constructs a very cnrions nest by sewing the edges of one cr more leaves together, so as to form a conical repository for its eges and young; the ejigs are white, not much larger than what are called ants' eggs. For further paiticulars concerning this biid's nest, see the Introduction. (8) Ohder, Ansehes, (Linn.) Skimmer. The genus Rhynchops, (Ltww.) or Skimmer, consists of one species only, The NigrOy Bi ack-Skimmer, Breaker, Cutter, or Skippog, The bill is straight, the upper mandible much shorter than the under; size of the black guillemot; length eighteen inches; breadth three feet ; tail foiked ; body blackish, beneath white; front and chin white; wings with a transverse white band; legs red. Another variety tawny. This bird is perpetually •flying about and skimming over the water, out of which it scoops small fish with its lower mandible. Inhabits all South America, and the southern parts of North America, and also the East Indies. Nest a mere hollow in the sand ; eggs three, white, with large round blackish spots, others like pale Indian pink. They lay near to each other, in societies of from lo to 20 pairs ; half a bushel of eggs have been col- lected in New Jersey within the compass of half an acre; ,they have a fishy taste, but are nevertheless eaten. Voice narsh and screaming. This bird is migratory in New Jersey. (9) Order, Vicm, (Linn.) Barbet, the Beautiful, the Yellow-cheeked, &c. The genus Bucco, (Linn.) or Barbet, comprehends twenty- nine species, chiefly inhabitants of Guiana, and found almost universally in warm climates. The bill is strong, straiglitisb. THE BARBET THE IBIS. 325 There too was seen, hovering over the shore, The Ibis (*°) that Egypt once pleas'd to adore; The Curlew in Scarlet with richest tints glow'd, And the Canvass-back-Duck on the waters proud rode : nearly covered with bristles ; it is a very stupid genus. The following are all I can notice : The ZeylonicuSf or Yellow-cheeked-Barbet, is five and a half inches long; sits on trees, and murmurs or coos hke a turtle-dove, but louder. Inhabits Ceylon. The Eleguns^ or Beautiful-Barbet, is green, head and chin red, edged with blue ; quill feathers brown ; throat and breast yellow, the latter spotted with red; belly yellow, spotted with green ; size of a sparrow. Inhabits the shores of the Amazon. The Tamatia, or Spotted-bellied Barbet, is above taviny brown, beneath tawny white, spotted with black; six and a half inches long. Inhabits Cayenne and Brazil. Flesh insipid. The PhiUppensh, a native of Java, has its notes conveyed by the word Ingku. Horsfield. ('») Order, Grall^, (Linn.) Ibis, the Egyptian, the Wood, the Scarlet, the Glossy, &c. Tlie genus Tantalus, {Linn,) or Ibis, consists of more than thirty species scattered over the warmer climates of the globe. The bill is long, subulate, rounded, and subarched; face naked; tongue short, broad; jugular pouch naked; feet four-toed, palmate at the base. The following are the chief: Tliclbisyor Egyptian-Ibis, has the face red, bill pale yellow; quill feathers black ; body whitish-rufous. From thirty to forty inches long. Inhabits, in vast numbers, the lower parts of Egypt. This bird, so faithful in its native country, was made thp emblem of it. Its figure, which is wrought on all the ancient Egyptian monuments, represents Egypt, where divine honours 326 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Egret, the Great, and the Little, milk white. Their pinions displayed 'midst a splendour of light. 'Mongst the Eagles, the Crested a denizen here, Were many rapacious whose looks begat fear. were paid to it by the superstitious inhabitants. This bird feeds on locnsts, caterpillars, and serpents; and, it is said, even after it is satiated, it still continues occupied in destroying these noxious animals. The intention, therefore, of the Egyptian rulers in rendering this bird sacred, was, doubtless, to preserve and to inutiply so useful an animal. So sacred was it held, that dried skeletons of it have been found preserved as mum- mies. As a drawback from this statement, it should be also ob- served, that many other birds, such as storks, kites, and vultures, are hostile to serpents, and the figures on their hieioglyphics do not appear sufficiently defined, so that this kind of bird may be determined with exactness : certain, however, it is, that for- merly, in Egypt, the killing of this bird was held as a capital crime. The LoculatoTy or Wood-Ibis, has a bluish face ; the bill red- dish, nine inches long ; the body white ; legs, quill, and tail- feathers, black. Two other varieties. Three feet long. In- habits New Holland, and the warmer parts nf America ; slow in flight, and stupid ; feeds on fruit, fishes, and reptiles j flesh good. The LeucocephaluSf or White-headed-Ibis, has the head, neck, and body, white ; bill and face yellow ; legs pale flesh- colour ; rump with long rosy feathers; the largest of the tribe. Inhabits India. The Ruber f Scarlet-Ibis, Scarlet -Curlew , or Red- Curlew, is a beautiful bird, found in most parts of America, within the tropics; the whole plumage a rich glowing scarlet, except the extremities of the four outer quill feathers, which are of a deep steel blue ; length twenty-three inches ; sits on trees, bnt.lays its greenish eggs on the ground. The young bird*, when first THE GLOSSY-IBIS — THE ANI. 327 The social and singular Ani (") was there. In whose nest many females obtain oft a share. The fleet Courier-Pheasant ran swiftly along; With a serpent the Crested immers'd in the throng. hatched, are said to be black, then grey, then whitish, and, lastly, scarlet. The Igneus, or Glossy-Ibis, has the head and neck black ; bill and legs green ; body varied with glossy-blue, blackish- green, green and claret; beneath dark rufous; quill and tail feathers green-gold ; thirteen inches long -, inhabits Russia : was once shot in Cornwall ; it has also been seen in I^forfolk. (") Order, Picm, (Linn.) Ani, the Lesser, the Greater, the Varied, the Walking. The genus Crotophaga, or Ani, consists of four species, all natives of South America ; they have a compressed semi-oval arched bill, carinate on the back ; upper mandible angular at each edge ; nostrils pervious. They are as follow: The Aniy or Lesser-Ani, is blackish violet, feet formed for climbing ; thirteen and a half inches long ; gregarious, many females laying in the same nest, each taking care of its own brood ; eggs sea-green, spotted towards the ends ; feeds on fruits, seeds, worms, and insects; picks out the acarus, or tick, from the backs of cattle infested with it, for which purpose it is said they will lie down spontaneously. The Major, or Greater- Ani, is also blackish-violet, the feathers edged with green; quill feathers dusky green ; feet scansorial like the last ; length eighteen inches ; docile and easily tamed ; inhabits Cayenne. The Variaj or Varied-Ani, is varied with black and red ; feet scansorial ; eleven inches long. The Amhulatoria, or VValking- Ani, has the feet ambulatory ; except in the structure of the feet, is like the last ; inhabits Surinam. 328 FOREIGN BIRDS. Rice-Buntings, andTuRNSTONES ingenious abound; And Bee-Eaters, ('*) Beef-Eaters, {'^) some were there found » ('«) Order, Pjce, (Linn.) Bee-Eater, the Common, the Indian. The genus Merops, (Linn.) or Bee-Eater, contists of more than forty species, one only of which, the Apiaster, or Common- Bee-Eater, is found in this country. The characteristics of this tribe are a curved, quadrangular, compressed, carinate, pointed bill j tongue slender, the tip (generally) jagged ; feet gressorial. They are scattered over India, Africa, and the South of Europe. The Apiaster, or Common-Bee-Eater, from which the rest of the species do not essentially differ, derives its name from subsisting chiefly on bees, wasps, and other insects, which, like the swallow, it catches when on the wing. The head and neck of this bird are chesnut ; upper part of the body pale yellow, with reflections of green and chesnut ; the lower parts azure, brightening towards the tail; bill black, quadrangular, a little bent and sharp at the point ; length ten inches. Digs deep holes in sandy banks, where it lays from five to seven white eggs ; gre- garious, found not only in England, but many other parts of Europe, as well as in Asia and America. There is another va- riety, having a convex instead of a carinate bill, and in which the toes are not connected, as far as the third joint. The Rufus, or Rufous -Bee-Eater, is eight inches and half long; plumage in general rufou«, deeper on the upper parts, in- clining to yellow beneath ; builds a curious nest. See the Intro- duction. Eggs four, white, spotted with rufous. Song trifling. Found at Buenos Ay res, and on the River Plate. The Bee-Eater is said to be migratory in this country ; but, although occasionally seen here in the summer season, its nest has never, I believe, been discovered. It is said to be plenti- ful, and to breed in the southern parts of Russia. BXE-EATER BEEF-EATER — HONEY-EATER. 329 From far Polynesid's Taheitian grove, Where, 'midst Flora's rich realm is his pleasure to rove, In his glossy green-black came the Poe-bird (*♦) bright, Whose plumage and note afford equal delight. One of the handsomest of the tribe is the Viridis, or Indian- Bee Eater, of a green colour, with a black belt on the breast and the throat, and tail of the same hue; of this there are several varieties, inhabitants of Bengal. ('3) Order, Pic^,(Liwn.) Beef-Eater. The genus Buphaga, {Linn.) or Beef-Eater, consists of two species only, distinguished by a straight somewhat square bill, mandible gibbous, entire, more gibbous on the outside ; legs gressorial. The Africana^ African-Beef-Eater, or African- Oxpeckeif is eight and a half inches long; picks holes in the backs of cattle, for the purpose of getting at tlie larva of the gad fly ; feeds also on insects ; found near the river Senegal in Africa, and parts within the Cape of Good Hope. The Striped-Beef-Eater is the size of the former ; a spe- cimen is in the museum of Mr. Bullock. (^*) Order, Pic^e, (Lath.) Honey-Eater, the Po'e, the Great-Hook-Billed, the Hook-billed, «&c. ThegenusANTHOPiiAGUs,(La//i.) or Honey-Eater, consists of seventy species ; they have a bill somewhat triangular at the ba^e, and more or less bent at the tip; nostrils rounded, partly covered by a membrane ; tongue more or less extensile, formed for collecting haney from flowers, which is supposed to be their principal food ; legs made for walking. This genus is also di- vided by Dr. Latham into those with thrush-like bills, and those tcith creeper bills. The following are examples of each : Tlie Cincinnatus, (Lath.) Foe-Honey-Eateu, Poe-Bee-Ealer, Poe Bird, or Kogo, with a thrush-like bill, is rather larger than 330 FOREIGN BIRDS. Many Eaters of Honey, flowers flutter'd among ; While others seem'd charm'd with the Poe-hird's song. a blackbird ; length eleven inches ; plumage deep greenish- black, in many parts very glossy ; greater wing coverts white ; tail coverts a rich blue ; tail same as the body ; neck feathers fine, long, somewhat curled, and standing from the neck like a ruff} a white tuft of curled feathers on each side of the neck. The term Po'c is said to be the Otaheitan word for ear-ring, whence its name. This bird is said to be as remarkable for the sweetness of its note as it is for the beauty of its plumage ; flesh delicate food ; inhabits New Zealand and the South Sea Islands ; and particularly Otaheiti ; or, as the inhabitants themselves call it, Taheety, or Taheity. This island lies in lati> tude 18^ South, and in the loO^'^ degree of West longitude; it is beautiful, well wooded, and affords support to many inhabi- tants. The celebrated Bread Fruit-Tree, Artocarpxis incisa^ is indigenous here ; it is about the size of a moderate oak ; the leaves are oblong, and often a foot and half in length ; they, in colour and thickness, resemble those of the fig, exuding a milky juice on fracture. The fruit is about the size of a new-born child's head. The eatable part, which lies between the skin and core, is as white as snow, and of the consistence of new bread. It is prepared for eating in various ways. The Great-Uooked-billed-Honey-Eater, or Great- Hook-billei)-Creeper, (Certhia pacifica,) with a creeper-like- hill, is eight inches long; plumage above black, lower parts of the back, rump, and upper tail coverts, a tine deep yellow ; beneath dusky ; shoulders, inner ridge of the wing, and part of the coverts, yellow ; quills and tail black; inhabits the Friendly Islands in the South Seas ; called at Owhyhee, Hoohoo. The Hooked-billed-Honey-Eater, (Certhia Ohscura,) may also be mentioned as a curious species. For another Honey- Eater f see pages 31 9, 320, Cinnyris affinis. 331 THE POE-BIRD'S SONG. A nthophagus Cincinnatus. — (Lath . ) Taheity! Taheity! The Poe-bird's home, Taheity! Taheity! Who from thee would roam ? Taheity! Taheity! Far over the sea ! When, when shall return Thy own bird unto thee ? Taheity! Taheity! All strangers I see ; When shall I behold Those I love, know, and thee ? Taheity! Taheity! Thy groves and thy shade, Thy mountains, thy vales, For affection were made. Taheity ! Taheity ! — Thy Mahie* to see ! Oh, when shall return Thy own bird unto thee ? * rUe ISread- Fruit 'Tree f so called by the natives of Otaheite. 332 FOREIGN BIRDS. Not in woodlands apart from the rest of the crowd, Where the dark vested trees many warblers oft shroud; Not unheard and unseen, far from dwellings of men, Pour'd the Blue-Bird {^^) his notes in the wild forest glen; But, the dear mellow harmonist seemM to delight In all that was social, and chearful, and bright: Artless chorister ! he, in his elegant suit. Thus tastefully touch'd the sweet strings of his lute. (•5) Order, PAssEREs,(Lapic.s; rarely flies at a great distance from the water, unless obliged to do so by high winds; seen sometimes in the southern ocean, six or seven hundred leagues from land. Eggs numerous, larger than those of a goose, the white not hardened by boiling; the flesh i< tough, but occasionally eaten. The cry of this bird is haish and brayinif. It sometimes swal- lows a salmon of such leiigth that th(^ whole cannot enter its stomach, the tail part hanging out of its mouth. At such tinies it is easily knocked down and killed; but, at other times, it makes a stout resistance. Tlie male watches the female while sitting, and supplies her with food. The large intestine is used in some countries as a floating bladder to buoy up tishiug nets ; the bones are employed by some of the South Sea Islandeis for tobacco pipes, needle cases, and other trinkets. As scon as the young of this bird leave the nest, the Penguin takes possession of it, and hatches its young in turn. The Spadiccu, or Cijocolate-Aleatross, has the body a I THE COW-BUNTING. 337 The Chocolate-Albatross came from Chung- Kwo ;* And another, the Sooty, from regions of snow. The CowpEN (*') too came, who, for reasons unknown, Will never construct any house of her own ; Like the Cuckoo, content is this bird of the west To deposit her egg in another bird's nest : deep cliesnut brown ; face and wings, beneath whitish; another variety entirely grey-brown. The first, three feet long, inha- bits the Pacific Ocean ; the second, two and a half feet long, inhabits China. The Chlororhyncos, or Yei.low-nosed- Alba- tross, is abont three feet long, and inhabits the Pacific Ocean. The Fuliginosus, or Sooty-Albatross, is the size of the last ; inhabits seas in the arctic circle. All this tribe of birds nourish their younj; by discharging the contents of their stomach. For another Man of-War Bird see the note on the Pelican. (■7) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) IJunting, the Cow, or COWPEN-BIRD. This bird, which is found in the United States of America, and, probably, in many other places of the western world, is called by Latham, Oriotus pecoris, or Cowpen-Oriole, and by W J Lso ji, Emberizd pecoriSy Cow-Bunting, Coic-JB^fe- birdf or Cowpen; it is, in consequence of its mode of laying its egg, one of the most singular of the ornithological creation. We are not yet sutBciently acquainted with its natural history ; but, from that accurate observer, Wilson, wc learn the follow- ing particulars : It is seven inches long; the head and neck are of a deep silky^drab colour; the upper part of the head is a change- able violet ; the rest of the bird is black, with a considerable • China. 338 FOREIGN BIRDS. Wild wonder may gaze while proud science, in vain, Attempts the anomaly strange to explain. Of the Tikamou-Tribe* many visitors came ; — One of robes citrine hue and distinguished by fame ; The ViRGiNiATJ-QuAiL, and the Heath-hen were there, To whose singular figure what bird may compare ? gloss of green when exposed to a good light. The most remarka- ble trait in the character of this bird is that, like the Cuckoo, it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, instead of building a nest and hatching for itself; and thns leaving its progeny to the care of strangers. It only lays one egg in any one nest ; it is rather larger than those of a blue-bird, thickly sprinkled with grains of pale-brown on a dirty-white ground. It seems to be less nice than the cuckoo in the choice of its nest; among others, it lays in that of the Blue-Bird, tiie Chipping- Sparrow, the Golden-Crowned-Thrush, the Red-Eyed-Fly-Catcher, and the Maryland- Yellow-Throat, birds all well known in America, but which are quite foreign to this country. It is said, too, that the eggs or young of the fostering birds, in whose nest the cow- bunting lays its egg, are ejected from the nest, and, of course, destroyed ; but, whether by the hatched stranger, or by the foster parents, has not been yet ascertained. This bird is mi- gratory in the northern States of America: it appears in Pennsylvania from the south at the end of March or eaily in April; it winters in the Carolinas and Georgia. As it does not appear in size and shape by any means so formida- ble as the cuckoo, this extraordinary habit of laying its egg in the nest of some birds equal, if not superior, to it in size, is more singular than even that of the cuckoo, singular as both of them undoubtedly are. See note (6,) p. 137, 138. * For a description of the Great-Tinamou and the Pin- nated-Grouse, or Heath-Hen, see note (36,) part I. CRE&TED-GUAN YACOU — PIPING-CUR ASSOW. 339 There, too, Yacous (**) domestic and Guans were seen ; The last with brown back, and a body black-green. ('*) Order, Galling, {Lath.) Guan, Yagou, PipingCu- RAssow, Marail. The genus Penelope, (Lath.) to which the Guan, Penelope cristatUyand the Yacou, Penelope cumanensis, belong, consists of eleven species, distinguished by a bill naked, at the base covered with feathers ; legs spurless. They are all inhabitants of South America. The following are the chief: The Cristata, or Crested-Guan, has the head with an erect crest ; bill black ; body black-green j back brown ; neck, breast, and belly, spotted with white ; legs red ; two feet and a half long; they are often tamed, and make a noise not unlike th6 sound of jacu, or rather, perhaps, yacow; flesh good; inhabits Brazil and Guiana. The Cumanensis, or Yacou, is blackish ; crest and first quill feathers white ; body beneath speckled with white ; tail long ; legs red ; size of a hen turkey ; erects its crest and spreads its tail; builds on the ground and in low trees; inhabits Cayenne and Guiana; at the former place it is tamed, becomes familiar, and will mix with other poultry. The Pipile, or Piping-Curassow, has the back brown, spotted with black, the belly black; wing-coverts and first quill-feathers white ; legs red ; voice weak, piping ; inhabits with the last. The Marilf or Marail, is greenish-black ; head crested ; in- habits, in flocks, the woods of Guiana ; roosts in trees, upoa whose fruit it feeds ; emits a harsh disagreeable cry. Q2 340 FOREIGN BIRDS- The Boat-bill ('^j was there, too, that feaster on fish; And the Scarlet-Cotinga as bright as you wish. Many Pompadour-Chatterers (*°) were seen in the throng ; Many Troupioles* warbled a sweet plaintive song. ('5>) Order, Grall^i:, (Linn.) Boat-bill, the Crested, the WniTE-BELLItD. ThegeniisCANCROMA, (Linn.) or Boat-bill, consists of two species only ; it is characterized by a gibbous bill, shaped like an inverted boat ; nostrils small, placed in a furrow ; tongue small; toes divided; they inhabit South America. The Coclilearia, or Crested-Boat-bill, is ash-colour ; the belly rufous ; crown and lunule on ihe neck black ; bill brown ; lores raked and blackish; crest long, pendulous, pointed ;"legs yellowish, brown ; toes connected at the ba«e; length twenty- two inches; perches on trees which hang over water, and darts down on fishes as they swim underneath ; feeds also on crabs : a second variety having the body spotted brown. The Cancro- phagUf or White-eellied-Boat-bji.l, is also crested ; the body rufous-brown ; belly whitish ; crown black ; by some considered only a variety of the preceding, by others the female. (^) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Chatterer, Cotinga, Bell-Bird. The genus Ampelis, (Linn.) or Chatterer, comprehends twenty-eight species, most of them natives of Africa or Ame- rica, one or two of India; and one, the Ampelis GarruluSy or Waxen Chatterer, found occasionally in this country; they are distinguished by a straight, convex, subincurved bill, each * See forwards. The Orioles, so called by the French ; I should not have thought it necessary to introduce this term Troupiole, had not Wateuton, used it very freely in his Wanderings in South America: this unnecessary, as it appears to me, introduction o(new names is greatly to be regretted. THE WAXEN-CHATTERER— THE BELL-BIRD. 341 Aloud, too, was heard the Campanero's note, As, afar o'er the dell, it seem'd frequent to float. mandible notched ; nostrils covered with bristles ; tongue sharp, cartilaginous, bifid ; middle toe connected at the base to the outmost. The (bllowing seem most worthy of notice: The Gavrulus, Waxen-Chatferer, European-Chattei'er^ Silk-Tail J Bohemian-IVax-lVingj ov Bohemian-Chattei'er^ in size resembles a starling; the head is crested, which, and the upper parts, are vivacious brown, dashed with ash-colour ; beneath pale purplish ash-colour ; it is said to appear annually about Edinburgh, and to feed on the berries of the mountain ash; it is also said to breed in parts more northerly, and to form its nest in the holes of rocks ; found also occasionally in the southern parts of the kingdom. The Carnifex, Red-Chatterer, or Scarlet-Cotingaj is seven inches long ; crest, lower part of the back, rump, thighs, and lower part of the belly bright crimson ; the rest of the plumage dull red; inhabits South America; its cry like the word ouette. Another, the Coccinea, is called Scarlet-Chatterer. Ano- ther, the Militaris, the size of a crow, has the whole plumage crimson, inclining to pompadour red; found in Guiana, but scarce. And another, the Pompadoruj or Pompadour-Chat- terer, has the plumage, in general, a fine glossy purplish red; found also in Guiana. The Variegata, or Variegated-Chatterer, called, occa- sionally. Bell-bird, is eleven inches long; general colour of the body pearly-white, inclining to dove on the back ; wings black; from the chin to the middle of the breast, spring numerous narrow flat and elongated fleshy appendages, about one inch and a quarter in length; voice loud, and heard a great way oflF; makes two kinds of noise, for about six weeks only, in the months of December and January ; one like a hammer striking on a wedge ; the other similar to the noise of a cracked bell; found in South America, particularly Guiana. 342 V FOREIGN BIRDS. .^.7^/7/ The Wiiite-bellied-Darter(^*) his power display'd; The Terns (") noisy, daring, of nought were afraid. The CarM«ctt/afa, Caruncut.ateu-Chatterer, Bell-Bird, or Campanero^ is twelve inches long ; the whole plumage in the male white, in the female olive-green ; on the forehead a fleshy caruncle or lube, nearly three inches long, which may be erected at pleasure ; when filled with air it looks like a spire, when empty it becomes pendulous like that of a turkey-cock ; it is jet black, dotted all over with small white feathers; nest on tall trees ; eggs four, greenish j voice so loud as to bo heard for half a league ; Waterton says three miles! notes composed of two syllables — /n, /!n, uttered in a drawling tone ; it has been compared, as in the variegated species, to the sound of a bell, and hence one of its names ; inhabits South America, par- ticularly Guiana. The Murasing-Chatterer is found at Calcutta. C) Order, Anseres, (Limw.) Darter, Ahinga. The genus Plotus, {Linn.) or Darter, consists of a very few species ; five have been described ; they have a straight, pointed, toothed bill; the nostrils with a little slit near the base ; face and chin naked ; legs short ; all the toes connected ; they have also a small head and slender neck, and are chiefly seen in southern climates ; they live principally on fishes, which they take by darting forward the head, while the neck is con- tracted like the body of a serpent. The AnhingUy White-bellied-Darter, Ahinga, or Snake- bird, has the body above black ; belly white ; head, neck, and breast, reddish-grey ; tail-feathers twelve, broad, long ; two feet ten inches long ; inhabits Brazil, and many other parts of America ; builds on trees ; when at rest sits with the head drawn in between the shoulders ; flesh oily and rancid. The Melanogaster, or Black-bellied-Darter, is three feet long; inhabits Ceylon and Japan; three or four other varieties THE GREATER-TERN. 343 The Noddy, too, sought, midst the sea-birds, delight; The Larids in air look'd exultant and bright. found in Cayenne and Senegal. The Surinamensis, or Surinam- Darter, is thirteen inches long; has the head crested; the belly white ; is domesticated ; feeds on fishes and insects ; is very active ; inhabits Surinam ; Dr. Latham has arranged thi« last nnder his genus Fin-foot, which see. (*2) Order, Anseres, (Linn.) Tern, the Common, the Black, the Lesser; the Sandwich; Noddy. The genus Sterna, (Linn,) or Tern, comprehends between forty and fifty species, four of which are found in this country ; they have a subulate, straight, pointed bill; wings very long, tail mostly forked ; feet small, webbed ; they are clamorous and gregarious, assembling in large flocks; with us they are migratory, leaving our shores regularly on the approach of winter. The following are specimens: The Hirundoj Common, Greater-Tern, Sea-Swallow, b» Gull-Teazer, is fourteen inches long; the bill and legs red ; the top of the head black; beneath the eyes, the neck, and all the under parts, white ; back and wings of an ash-colour ; tail forked and white, except the outer web of the exterior feathers , which is black ; it has a slender but eJegant form, most beautiful plumage, and is the most active fisher of all the aquatic tribe ; it is a noisy and restless bird, constantly on the wing in search of insects or small fish ; but though web-footed, is said never to swim or dive ; it is most commonly known by the name of sea-swallow, its actions being similar to those of that bird ; it is called guU-teazer on the south coast of Devonshire, where it is frequently seen to pursue and persecute the lesser gulls, till they disgorge their food, which it dexterously catches before it reaches the water ; it comes to this country in the spring; laying on our flat sandy shores three or four eggs, it is said in sand, the size of a pigeon's, olivaceous brown, spotted 344 FOREIGN BIRDS. CURA90AS Globose, C^) and the Crying, were there ; And many Black Swans, that of yore were so rare,* with dusky ; these are, it is also said, hatched without much at- tention of the female. This species is found in great abundance on the Canary Islands. It leaves this country on the approach of winter. The Fissipes, Black-Tern, Cloven-footed-Gullj Pease-Crow, or Car-SicalloWf is less than the common-tern, but is similar in its manner to that bird ; it breeds also in this country. The Minnta, LeSser-Tern, Smallcr-Ttrnj Lesser- Sea- Swallow, or Richel-B'trd, is the smallest of the tribe, not measuring more than eight inches and half long; it is an elegant bird, and has also the habits of the common-tern ; breeds in the same places, but is far less numerous. The Canliaca, Sandwich-Tern, Kumtschatka-Tern, or Cloven-footed-Gull, is the largest of the British terns, being in length eighteen inches; it is a beautiful bird, but by no means so plentiful as the other species j it is said to breed on the coast of Kent, near Sandwich. The Stolida, or Noddy, is also another species that may be mentioned ; the body is black ; front whitish ; eye brown- black ; hind head cinereous ; bill and legs black ; fifteen inches long ; inhabits within the tropics. (23) Order, Galling, {Lvrn.) Cura^oa, the Crested, the Globose, the Cashew, the Crying. The genus Crax, (Linn.) Cura^oa, Curassow, or Curasso, consists of eight species, having the bill strong, thick, and the base of each mandible covered with a cere; nostrils in the middle of the cere; feathers covering the head revolute; tail large,, straight, expansile: they are all inhabitants of South America; the chief of which are as follow : * Rara am in terris ni^roque sitnillima cygno. Juvenul, Sat. vi. See note (4,) part I. THE CRESTED — THE CRYING CURA9OA. 345 On the waters were pleas'd their dark plumes to display, While elegant gracefulness waits on their way. The AlectoVf Crested-Cura-Tod\, is yellowish- brown, beneath yellow ; chin and spot on the crown white ; wings and tail brown ; bill very large and broad ; size of the nightingale. The Ohscurus, or Obscure-Tody, is olive-brown; beneath yellowish-white ; size of the hedge-sparrow ; found in North America; feeds on insects. * For an account of this bird and the Red-breasted'Thrushf see the Wood-Thrush's Evening Song. 361 THE WOOD-ROBIN'S MORNING SONG.* Turdus Melodus. — (Wilson.) Liberty, Liberty, dearest of treasure — Give me of freedom an o'erflowing measure ! Columbia ! Columbia ! the home of the free, Who of the earth is so happy as thee ? Peace with her olive branch waving her hand — One brotherhood binds thee, my dear Native Land! Made were thy Prairies, Woods, Mountains, and thee, For us, and for man, too— a home for the free. Liberty, Liberty, dearest of treasure — Give me of freedom an o'erflowing measure ! * The reader will be so obliging as to recollect that the IFood-Robin and the fVood-Thrush is the same bird: the evening song of this charming bird is, therefore, that entitled the Wood-Thrush's Evening Song ; the two names have been adopted both for euphonious convenience and variety. The following lines, used as a simile in Carrington's Twines Lament, are very descriptive of the locality of this bird's nest : a coincidence, of course, purely accidental. " His home, — A quiet nest embosomed deep In woods of some soft valley, where the hand Of plunderer comes not, and the sudden gale But seldom shrieks, and silence sweetly spreads O'er all her downy wing.'* 362 TQ THE WOOD-ROBIN. Tardus Melodus. — (Wilson.) Yes, Bird of melodious note ! unto thee Shall ever be sacred the home of the free ! There may Liberty flourish — extend her broad shade, And Knowledge delight in the home she hath made. And oh ! might a wish for the welfare of men Be heard, and prevail over mountain and glen, Where the fierce tropic sun rolls his chariot along, And Slavery still dwells western regions among; Then, should gentle Benevolence, warm from the heart. Flow in streams of Persuasion — pure lessons im- part— Then, should Truth and should Justice together be found; — And knowledge diffuse far her radiance around ; — The Slave become free, and his Master his Friend ; And thus Happiness widely her blessings extend. YeS; Bird of melodious note ! unto thee. Unto man, too, be sacred the Home of the Free !* * See this subject farther pursued in the piece towards the couclusiou of this work, entitled the Hill of Freedom. THE PXLICAN. 353 Of mercy the emblem in annals of fame. With her pouch full of fish, the White Pelican ('^) came ; < :., " .^'j; -... ; . V .1^ ... . ill. (28) Order, Anseres, (Linn.) Pelican, Cormorant, Shag, Booby, Frigate-Pelican, Gannet. The genus Pelecanus, {Linn.) or Pelican, comprehends nearly forty species scattered over the globe, three or four common to this country. The hill is long, straight, hooked at the end ; nostrils an obliterated slit ; toes four, palmate. These birds are extremely expert at catching fishes with their long bills, and are often tamed for this purpose. They are gregarious and voracious. The following are the principal : — The Onocrofa/us, White-Pelican, or Pelican, is white, gullet pouched ; bill red, from fifteen to sixteen inches long ; upper mandible depressed, broad, the lower forked ; the gular pouch is flaccid, membranaceous, of a red or yellowish colour, and ca- pable of great distention ; head naked, at the sides covered with a flesh-coloured skin. It is by far the largest of the genus, the wings, when extended, being from ten to twelve feel ; the pouch, which will contain when distended ten quarts of water, answers the purpose of a crop, and is used by the bird to contain food both for itself and for its young, which, when hatched, are fed with the fishes which have been for some time macerated in the pouch. This bird is easily tamed ; but it is a disagreeable and useless domestic, and its flesh unsavoury. Whatever food is given it, it always first commits to the pouch, and afterwards swallows at leisure. It is universally spread over all the warm latitudes of both the old and new continents ; has been seen, although rarely, in this country. In Asia they are pretty numerous, migratory, and fly iu wedge-shaped flocks. Eggs two or more, white, the size of those of a swan ; time of incuba- tion the same as that bird. Great numbers are killed for their pouches, which are converted by the native Americans into purses, &c. When carefully prepared, the membrane is as soft as silk, and sometimes is embroidered by the Spanish ladies for 354 FOREIGN BIRDS. The once-believ'd fable of blood from her breast Hath long since been set, and for ever, at rest, work-bags, &c. It is used in Egypt by the sailors, whilst at- tached to the two under chaps, for holding or baling water. The pouch extends from the point of the under mandible to the throat ; it admits of being greatly contracted. In disgorging the food the bird presses the bottom of the sack upon her breast, and thus the contents are discharged : hence the fable of feeding her young with her blood. It is an indolent lazy bird; the female takes very little care either of her eggs or her young. When it cannot obtain fish, it will feed on rats and .small quadrupeds. Although the general colour of this bird is white, it becomes, it is said, as it advances in age, in many parts of the body, red. It lives sometimes 100 years. The Carbo, Cormorant, Corvorant, or Sea-Crow^ is black; the neck long, size nearly that of a goose ; found in almost every part of the ocean; flesli eaten by navigators; it abounds on the sea- coasts of these kin«:dom8, but chiefly the north : it is very common also on the shores of the Bristol Channel. This bird was formerly domesticated in this country, and trained to fish for its owner ; it is still used in China for this purpose. It is subject to much variety both in size and colour : one described by Montague, unqne-tionably very large, was three feet three inches long^ breadth four feet eleven inches, and weight eight pounds! It is usually, however, much less than this: not so large as a goose. Eggs three, white; nest, composed of sticks and sea-weed, is generally found on the summit of the hij-hest rocks, near the sea. It is in the wintrr seen sometimes in fresh- water rivers, at a considerable distance from the sea. This bird has been usually considered greedy and rapacious ; so much so, indeed, that it has been often cited by writers, and particularly by the poets, as well as in the common language of life, as an emblem of greediness : — " Spite of cm^morant devouring time.'' Shakespeare. THE BOOBY — THE FRIGATE-PELICAN. 355 The imbecile fool Booby, the Gannet, the Shag; Ducks of all kinds; and Geese, amongst which the Grey-Lag. There were, too, Frigate-Pelicans soaring on high ; Those who sometimes proceed man himself to defy ; " Hence up he flew, and on the tree of life Sat like a cormorant." Milton. The GraculuSf or Shag, called erroneously sometimes Crane, is black above, beneath brown; two feet and a half long; two other varieties; in its general manners similar to the Cormorant, bat keeps wholly to the salt water. Inhabits Europe and Ireland, and is common also to this country. Perches on and sometimes builds (as well as one of the varieties of the Cormorant) in trees, although both these birds have palmate feet. The Sula, or Booby, has a whitish body, quill feathers tipt with blackish; beneath white ; length two feet and a half; bill five, tail upwards of ten inches long. Inhabits South America and the neighbouring islands. It is an indolent, senseless, and cowardly bird, submitting to all sorts of depredations upon its happiness with indolent imbecility; yetis,occasionalIy,when much excited, ferocious. The man-of-war-bird (see the next species,) no sooner perceives it in the air, than it pounces upon it, not to destroy it, but to make it disgorge the fish which it has swallowed, which is snatched up by the voracious plunderer before it reaches the water. The Aquilus, Frigate-Pelican, Great-Frigate-Pelican, Frigate-Birdf or Man-of-War-Bird, has a forked tail, body black, bill red ; the male has the pouch deep red ; wing coverts rnfous; female belly white; three feet long; extent of the wings fourteen feet ; builds in rocks and trees ; eggs one or two, flesh-colour, spotted with red ; feeds principally, if not entirely, on fish. This bird is one of the most formidable tyrants of the 356 FOREIGN BIRDS. Fierce warriors o'er ocean pursuing their way, And who merciless pounce, as they pass, on their prey. ocean. When in flocks their audacity has sometimes prompted them to brave even man himself. It is said a cloud of them at- tacked a crew of French sailors upon the Island of Ascension, and, till some of them were struck down, endeavoured to snatch the meat from their hands. From the length of their wings, when upon the ground or on the water they cannot easily take flight ; they are, therefore, rarely, if ever, seen on the water. Although having palmate feet, they perch commonly on trees or other eminences, where they also build: eggs one or two, flesh-colour, spotted with crimson. Inhabits within the tropics. See the preceding article. The Bassanus, Gannet, Common-Gannet, or Soland-Goos€j has a white body; bill and primary quill feathers black ; face blue; length three feet ; three varieties ; one inhabits Cayenne, the other two Europe and America. The gannets are birds of passage, arriving in this country in March, and quitting it iu August or September. Their chief food is herrings, although, it is said, they cannot dive for them. They are found in vast numbers on the rocky recesses of Scotland ; and particularly on the Bass rock, at the entrance of the Frith of Forth, whence this bird has obtained its specific name. Egg one ; but, if that be carried away, the female will lay twice or even thrice. The young grow very fat ; and, in St. Kilda, with the egg?, contri- bute to the support of the inhabitants, who contrive to take them by being suspended by a rope from precipitous rocks, two hundred fathoms from the ground. The eggs and food thus pro- cured are preserved in pyramidal stone buildings, covered with ashes, to defend them from moisture. Their winter retreat is said to be off the coast of Cornwall, far out at sea, and in every part of the British and Irish Channel, pursuing herrings and pilchards. See the Introduction. THE GRAKLE. 357 The GrakleC^^), loquacious, whose nests will be found The marge of the Osprey's to cluster around ; (29) OvtDERfPiJEy (Linn.) Grakle the Minor, the Boat- tailed, the Crested, the Purple, &c. The genus Gracula, (Linn.) or Grakle, consists of nearly forty species, natives of India and South America, some of them of Europe. They have a thick convex bill, compressed at the sides, with small nostrils, and sharp hooked claws, the middle toe connected at the base with the outer. The following are the chief: — The i^dig'iosa, or Minor-Grakle, is violet black, spot on the wings white; hind head with a yellow naked band. Another variety much larger; both inhabit Asia; the first is ten inches and half long ; feeds on cherries, grapes, and other fruits : when tamed exceedingly loquacious. The Barita, or Boat-tailed Graki.e, is greyish, shoulders bhie; quill feathers outside green ; tail rounded and concave when folded, as it is when on the wing ; flat when spread ; thirteen inches long; feeds on insects and fruits; inhabits Amedca and the West Indies. The Quiscala, Purple-Grakle, or Crow-Blackbird, is violet black, tail rounded. Male thirteen and a half, female eleven and a half inches long; sings finely; lays five or six bluish eggs, with black striped spots ; nests in great numbers on the same tree; and also sometimes near the Osprey''s. See note 1, part I., article Hali^etos. When domesticated, feeds on all kinds of grain. Although very destructive to plantations, it clears them in a considerable degree from noxious insects, on which account the breed has been of late encouraged in the West Indies. It is a native of Mexico, the warm parts of America, and Jamaica. The SCoukier, having a long stiaiglit bill, without teeth; thighs longer than the body; feet four-toed, palmate; the hind-toe not connected ; it is less than the curlew, and runs swiftly ; inhabits Italy. (36) The genus MoTAciLLA,CLr«w.^ or Sylvia, as the War- BLERs are termed by Dr. Latham, has been described pretty copiously in the first Part; but as the Warblers, peculiarly so called, are most common to tropical and other warm climates, 366 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Pen SI LIS, fam^d for perennial song, Was pleas'd, amid pines, his soft notes to prolong; and, as few are known in our own country, a separate notice of some of the most striking is here introduced. Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Warbler, the Superb, the Babbling, the African, the Thorn-tailed, the Yellow- Poll, the Palm, the Banana, the Pensile. The Cyanea^ or Superb-Warbler, the most beautiful species of the whole genus, is five inches and a half long; colour black- blue, beneath white j feathers of the head long, lax, turgid ; front, cheeks, and lunula of the neck, fine blue ; female brown above, beneath white; blue round the eyes j one other variety. Inhabits New Holland; the second variety Manilla. The Curruca, or Babbling-Warbler, is found in France, Italy, and India ; it is a restless noisy bird, imitating the notes of other birds. The Africana, or African-Warbler, which is more than seven inches long, inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. Its note is said to resemble a flute; flesh in much estimation. The SpinicaudUf or Thorn-tailed-Warbler, is the size of a sparrow ; the chief peculiarity is its tail, which is cuneiform, and the feathers are almost bare of webs for one third of their length, ending in points. Inhabits Terra del Fuego, and found occasionally in Paraguay ; another variety at the Cape of Good Hope. The ^stivUf Yellow-Poll-Warbler, or Blue-eyed- Yellow- Warbler, inhabits America ; makes a soft noise, compared to that of a linnet. The Palmarum^ or Palm-Warbler, is five inches long; plumage above brown, beneath dirty yellowish-white. Inhabits St. Domingo; its song consists of four or five notes only, not unpleasant. Found among palm-trees, in which it builds its nest; eggs two only. THE PENSILE-WARBLER— WaENS — MOTMOT. 367 The Superb in rich robes flaunted by without lute ; And the African blew, as it pleas'd him, his flute ; One, the Babbling, was heard in a neighbouring vale; While the Motmot(") ran past with his singular tail. The Bananivoruf Banana- Warbler, or Bananistey is often seen on the bananas, on which it is supposed tp feed ; song trifling ; inhabits St. Domingo. The PensiliSf or Pensile-Warbler, inhabits St. Domingo and the pine thickets of Georgia ; it is five inches long, and a most beautiful species ; nest very curious, hanging by the top and playing with every blast of wind ; the opening is beneath, through which the bird rises some way upward, over a kind of partition, and descends again to the bottom, on which the eggs, four, are laid on a soft downy matter. The nests are frequently seen suspended on the withes which hang from tree to tree, and chiefly such as are over water ; song very delicate, and con- tintved throughout the year; the female also sings, although not equal to the male ,; feeds on insects and fruit ; breeds, it is said, two or three times a year. The Carolinensis, Louisiane-Wren, or Coroiine-fFrcn, is five inches long ; inhabits various parts of South America ; called Tout-voix hy the French ; song said to be little inferior to the nightingale ; nest like a melon; the entrance to which is about the middle ; it is suspended between reeds, and lined with fea- thers ; it is made by the female, the male bringing her the ma- terials. The Calendula^ or Ruby-crowned-Wren, is larger than the Golden-crested-Wren ; plumage above olive, with a tinge of brown, beneath yellowjsh-white ; note loud ; it has also a pretty soft warbling one ; inhabits South Carolina and Georgia. (37) Order, Pic^, (Lath.) Motmot. The genus Momotus, (Lath.) or Motmot, consists of two species j the characteristics are a strong, slightly curved bill, serrate at the edges; nostrils feathered; tongue feathered ; tail 368 FOREIGN BIRDS* There, with loud and soft note, too, the Rt^ by-crow n'd- Wren ; And the Caroline warbled most sweet in the glen. The Woodpeckers came, in their brightness array'd, Still "tapping," still scooping till holes they had made. For the poultry fit guardian and governing king, There the Faithful Jacana (^^) with spines on his wing. wedged; feet gressorial ; distinguislied also from all other birds by having the two middle tail feathers quite naktd of their vaues, for about an inch, at a small distance from the extremity. The BrasiliensiSf or Brazilian -Motmot, is brit;ht green above, below a more obtuse shade of the fame colour; length seven inches; bill conic, serrate; toes three before, one behind. Found in South America ; feeds on insects ; shy, solitary, and almost incapable of flight. This bird is called by Edwards the Brazilian Saw-billed Roller, by 1VIarcgrave,Guira-^ GUAINUMBI. (38) Order, Grall^, {Linn.) Jacana, the Chilese, the Chesnut, the Faithful. The genus Parra, (Linn.) or Jacana, comprehends more than ten species, natives of the warmer parts of Asia, Africa, and America; they have a tapering, somewhat obtuse bill; nostrils oval, in the middle of the bill ; front covered with lobate caruncles ; wings spinous. The following are some of the most interesting examples : The ChileTisis, or Chilese-Jacana, has the bill two inches long ; neck, back, and forepart of the wings violet ; throat and breast black ; wings and hhort tail brown ; spurs on the wings yellowish, conic, bony, half an inch long, with which it de- fends itself; size of a Jay > noisy ; feeds on worms, &c.; builds in the grass; eggs four, tawny, speckled with black. The Jacana, or Chesnut-Jacana, has the body chesnut- THE JACANA— THE JABIRU. 369 The Prince of the WaderSy the huge Jabiru,(-'^) Up the dell in much haste with a long serpent flew. The Crows, Rooks, and Ravens, arriv'd rather late; The WiLD-TuRKiES were many — affected much state. purple ; length ten inches ; very noisy ; flesh good ; inhabits watery places of South America. The C/miarjf/, or Faithful Jac ANA, has the toes long; on the hind head a crest, consisting of about twelve black feathers, three inches long, pendent ; body brown, belly light black j wings and tail blackish j wing-spurs two or three, half an inch long; size of a cock, and stands a foot and a half fioni the ground ; inhabits the rivers and inundated places near Cartha- gena in America. The natives keep one of these birds to wander with the poultry and defend them from birds of prey, which it does by the spurs on its wings : it never deserts its charge, bringing them home safely at night. It feeds on herbs ; its gait is slow; it cannot run unless assisted by its wings ; it tiies, however, easily and swiftly ; voice clear and loud. (39) Ordek, Gkall^, (Linn.) Jabiru, the American, the Indian, the New Holland. The genus Mycteria, (Linn.) or Jabiru, comprises six species, distinguished by a sharp-pointed bill, a little bending upwards; tongue small, or tongueless ; feet four-toed, cleft; the following deserve notice : The Americana, or American-Jabiru, is white, the plumage on the neck excepted, which is red; quill and tail-feathers purplish-black. It is one of the largest birds of Guiana, being more than four feet high and six in length. Its large black bill is a formidable weapon, being above thirteen inches long, and at the base three in thickness ; feeds chiefly on fish, but destroys serpents and other reptiles ; is gregarious and migratory ; eggs two ; nest in trees hanging over water. The AsiaticUf or Indian-Jabiru, is white; band over the r3 370 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Fly-Catchers (*°) also flew darting along, While the Mocking-Bird warbled some other bird's song : eyes, lower part of the back, quill and tail feathers, black ; feeds on shell fish; inhabits India. The Nova-HoUand'i(£^ or New-Holland-Jabiru, has the body above pnrplish-green, beneath, neck, and shoulders, white; head purplish, spotted with white; first quill feathers white ; tail black and white ; inhabits New Holland. {'^°) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Fly-Catcher, the Spotted, the Pied, the Fantailed, Sec. The genus Muscicapa, (Linn.) or Fly-Catcher, compre- hends more than one hundred and seventy species scattered over the warmer parts of the globe; the greater number inhabi- tants of Australasia and Polynesia ; two found in this country. They have a bill nearly triangular, notched at each side, bent in at the tip, and beset with bristles at the root ; toes, mostly, divided at their origin. The following deserve notice : The Grisola, Spotte»-Fly-catcher, Cobweb, Rafter, Bee- bird, Cherry -sucker, or Chanchider, is about the size of a titlark ; body above brown, beneath whitish ; neck longitudinally spot- ted. Inhabits Europe ; comes to this country some time in May, and quits it in September ; builds in holes of walls or hollow trees ; eggs four or five, pale, spx)tted with reddish ; feeds on winged insects, but is fond also of cherries ; frequently seen in woods where flies abound, darting in every direction in pursuit of them; its note a simple weak chirp. The Atricapillay Pied-Fly. Catchek, or Cold-Finch, is about the size of a Linnet, and occasionally seen in this country, and is said to be indigenous here ; it is, however, a scarce bird, said to frequent uncultivated tracts of furze, and probably builds there. THE FLY-CATCHER — CAT-BIRD. 371 Delight of Columbia!* her woods, unto thee, For ever be hallowed that home of the free, Which the Spirit of Britain for ever pervades — > Her hills and her vallies and far distant shades.f The Addon is rusty-brown, beneath yellowish- white ; size of the reed-thrush, and sings delightfully in the night; inhabits Dauria. The i^uWcoWis, or Purple-Thuoateu-Fly-Catcher, is black ; chin and throat with a large purple-red spot j twelve inches long; gregarious; often associates with the toucan; inhabits South America. The FlabeWfera, or Fan-tailed- Fly-Catcher, is above olive, beneath ferruginous; length six and a half inciies ; flies with its tail expanded like a fan ; is easily tamed, and will sit on the shoulders and pick off flies as they appear. The Carolinensis, Cat-Fly -Catcher, or Cat-bird, {the Turdus lividus of Wilson,) is nine inches long ; very common and very numerous in the United States; colour a deep slate; notes more remarkable for singularity than for melody ; mews like a cat, or rather, according to Wilson, like a young kitten ; it also imitates the notes of other birds ; attacks snakes. To the stories told of the/a^t/ia^ion of snakes, Wilson gives no credit. * For one song of the Mocking-Bird, see the Song of the Manakin, and page 406; for the Mocking-Bird's Night Song, see the conclusion of the second Part. t The reflection that the pervading mind of the United States of America is essentially British— liberal^ intelligent, is pecu- liarly gratifying to a native of the United Kingdom. May nothing, for the future, occur to disturb the harmony now sub- sisting between us and our kindred of the west ! 372 TO THE MOCKING-BIRD. Tuidus Polyglottus. — (LiNN.) Bird of Mockery ! Bird of Song ! To thee all discord's notes belong. When, risen from his couch, the day To ruddy labour hastes away. And many a scansor*s screaming note Through wood, o'er dell, is heard to float. Thy mimic voice is present, loud. As though of all discordance proud : The Bell-bird's clang — the Parrot's prate— Toucans loud hiss of fearful hate — The Cat-Bird's mew — Goatsuckers Ha! The Sawing-bird*s harsh, grating Ra — By thee sent forth in mimic song ; To thee all discord's notes belong. But now, with silence, wait awhile ; — What sounds shall soon the sense beguile ! Some Warbler, tenant of the shade. Sends forth his song of sweetness made ; By Thee the strain is instant caught. And with more mellow sweetness wrought ! Bird of Mockery ! Bird of Song! To thee all pleasing notes belong. THE MOCKING-BIRD. 373 When day resigns to night his reign, And stillness stretches o'er the plain. Then, Bird of Melody ! thy note Doth on the gales of ether float. That note harmonious, truly thincy Approaches strains almost divine : When lifts the moon her lamp on high. And dashes light o'er earth and sky. Its warbling echoes onward roll. And lap in feeling's bliss the soul. Bird of Mockery ! Bird of Song ! To THEE all pleasing notes belong. (*^) • (+') Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Mocking-Bird. The Tuidus Polyghttus, (Linn.) Mocking-Bird, or Mimic- Thrush, belongs to the numerous genus Turdus described iu note (45) of the first Part. Itscolouris above dusky-ash, beneath pale-ash; primary quill feathers white on the outer half; nine and a half inches long; female nearly like the male ; feeds on berries, fruits, and insects; eggs four or five, cinereous blue, spotted with brown ; has two broods in a year ; found in Anierica, from the States of New England to Brazil, and in many of the adjacent islands ; more numerous in those states south of the Delaware ; generally migratory iu the latter and resident in the former ; a warm climate and low country not far from the sea are most congenial to it ; sings occasionalfy as early as February; builds in Georgia in April, in Pennsylvania in May, and in New York and the New Englivpd States still later ; prefers a thorn bush, an impenetrable thicket, an orange tree, a cedar or a holly bush ; souietimes a pear or apple tree, often a short distance from a dwelling-house ; time of incubation fourteen days, during which the male will attack both cats and snakes with great courage ; 374 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Great-Crown'd-Indian-Pigeon came cooing aloud, Of whom might the Papuan regions be proud. the pretended fascination of these last being ineffectual, this bird frequently destroying the noxious reptile. The mocking-bird forms a striking exception to what is generally esteemed the character of the birds of the new world, where the rich, lively, and brilliant hues of the feathered race are very often accompanied with harsh, monotonous, and disa- greeable notes, but the mocking-bird is the most melodious of all birds, the nightingale not excepted. Besides the charms of its natural song, it has the power of imitating or counterfeiting the notes of every bird of the woods; and, it is said, too, that the songs which it repeats it improves. With all these qiialifi. cations it is of very ordinary appearance compared with other birds in the American woods. It is, however, fond of the vi- cinity of man, and easily domesticated ; it perches upon trees near the planter's houses ; and sometimes upon the chimney tops, where it remains all night, pouring forth the sweetest and most varied notes. From all that can be gathered concerning the song of this bird, it appears that dunng the day its chief notes consist of the imitations of the songs of its neighbours ; at night its song is more peculiarly its own. It is in accordance with this impression that two songs of the mocking-bird are given in the text. See forwards. It ought, however, to be mentioned, that different accounts are given of this bird's song. Mr. Southey, in his Madoc, has thus alluded to the Mocking-bird : " Or gladlier now Hearkening that chearful one, who knoweth all The songs of all the winged choristers And in one sequence of melodious sounds Pours all their music." Madoc f vol. ii. page 48. THE MOCKING-BIRD. 375 The Ground-Pigeons tiny, from mountainous nest, Came also to visit the King of the West. In notes of sad seeming the Blue-Turtle-Dove Evinc'd for his mate most affectionate love. Of the Passengers, too, many myriads vsrere there, And in cloudy-wav'd columns they darken'd the air. In a note, page 235, of the same volume, Mr. Southey men- tions Davis's Travels in America^ and the Mocking-bird. A negress was heard lo exclaim, '* Please God Almighty, how sweet that mocking-bird sing ! he never tire." "By day and night it sings ahke ; when weary of mocking others the bird takes up its own natural strain, and so joyous a creature is it that it will jump and dance to its own music. The bird is perfectly domestic, the Americans holding itsacred." " Would," exclaims Mr. Southey, " that we had more of these humane prejudices in England — if that word may be applied to a feeling so good in itself and in its tendency." The native notes of this bird, Wilson informs us, consist of short expressions of two, three, or, at the most, of five or six syllables, generally interspersed with imitations, and all of them uttered with great emphasis and rapidity, and are continued with undiminished ardour for half an hour or an hour at a time. They have considerable resemblance to those of the Brown- Thrush, another American bird, but may be easily distinguished by their greater rapidity, sweetness, energy, and variety ; both are called in many parts of the United States, Mocking-bird ; but the brown thrush is the French, the other the English mocking- bird. While this bird sings, his expanded wings and tail, his buoyant gaiety of action, arrest the eye as his song irresistibly does the ear; he mounts or descends as his song dies away ; — he bounds aloft with the celerity of an arrow." (Bartram.) His imitations are wonderfully like the notes of the birds whom he imitates, so that the sportsmen are frequently deceived 376 FOREIGN BIRDS. Besides these, many more came from regions re- mote, But whom to description we cannot devote. Some sent by the Pigeon excuses to make ; Some alleged inability journies to take : by him. He loses little of his power and energy by confine- ment. He whistles for tbe dog ; he squeaks ont like a hurt chicken : the mewing of a cat, the creaking of a wheelbarrow, the quivering notes of the canary, the clear whistling of the Virginian nii^htingale, are alike by him distinctly and accurately expressed. Both in his native and his domesticated state, during the stillness of night, as soon as the moon rises, he begins his solo, and during the whole of the night makes the neighbourhood ring with his inimitable melody. There is very little difficulty in rearing these birds in America. The eagerness with which they are sought after in the neigh- bourhood of Philadelphia has rendered them extremely scarce for many miles around that city. They have been known also to pair and breed there in confinement. The price paid for a mocking-bird at Philadelphia has been from seven to fifteen dollars ; fifty have been paid for a remarkably fine singer. We learn from a paper in the Philosophical Transactions , vol. Ixii. part ii. page 284, by the Hon. Daines Barrington, that a mocking-bird was once to be heard in London ; but here, it seems, his notes were chiefly if not entirely the imitations of the notes of other birds: "his pipe," says Mr. Barrington, " comes nearest to our nightingale of any bird I have ever met with." It is also, I understand, now to be seen occasionally in London. A keeper of a menagery informs me that he gave five pounds for one not long since. THE OSTRICH. 377 As, the Ostrich, (**) and Emeu, well known in the east ; To credulity long both have furnished a feast; (+2) Order, Grall^e, (Linn.) Ostrich, Emeu, Cassowary, Rhea. The genus Struthio, (Linn.) or Ostrich, is arranged by Dr. Latham as a separate order, (Struthiones,) consisting, with the Dodo, of four genera. It comprehends, without the Dorfo, five species, not only the Ostrich so called, but also the Emeu, the Cassowary, and the Rhea. This tribe has been arranged under the order GALLiNiK by some authors. Its characteristics are a subconicbill; oval nostrils; wings unfit for flight ; feet formed for running. They are as follow : (the Dodo is described in the next note.) The Camelus, Ostrich, Black, or African-Ostrich, has the feel two-toed ; plumage of the male black ; quill feathers and those of the tail perfectly white : plumage of the female ash- colour ; wings and tail black ; height from the top of the head to the ground from seven to nine feet ; length from the beak to the top of the tail the same; weight from eighty to one hundred and fifty pounds, or perhaps more, and is said to be the largest of birds. It is found in Africa, and the parts of Asia adjoining, and in great plenty about the Cape of Good Hope. The female is larger than the male. From its scanty plumage and its great weight it cannot rise in the air ; the covering of the body of this bird is composed of downy hairs ; the thighs are large and muscular ; the legs scaly ; the toes thick, having a striking similarity to those of a goat ; the inner toe, including the claw, is seven inches ; the other, which is without a claw, is about four inches long ; the eyelids are furnished with hairs; on the breast is a callous, bare, and hard substance, serving the bird to rest on when it bends for- ward to sit on the ground ; on each wing are two spurs, about an inch in length. 378 FOREIGN BIRDS, Their structure— their manners from fable apart, Are wondrous — then wherefore embellish with art ? It is said that it never drinks. In its natural state grains and fruit are its principal food ; but it will swallow, in confine- ment, almost every thing, and that with greediness, such as bits of iron, copper, glass, lead, &c. which sometimes prove fatal to it; it swallows pebbles in its natural state, most probably to assist the comminution of its food, like many other birds, although its interior structure has, it is said, a great affinity to that of quadrupeds. In some of our books of natural history it is stated that the heart and lungs of this bird are separated by a diaphragm j but Mr. Brookes, in a lecture at the Zoological Society, April 25, 1827, on the Ostrich which was lately dissected there, stated that the thorax and abdomen were not separated by a diaphragm ; and the drawing which he exhibited of the bird confirmed his statement. He also stated, as a remarkable fact, that the intestinal canal of the Ostrich was generally about eighty feet in length, while that of the Cassowary was considerably shorter. The rings in the trachea of this bird exceeded 200 in number ; its height was more than nine feet. See page 51. This bird was a female, which had been in the possession of his Majesty for about two years; it died of obesity, and, from its appearance, its weight must have been, it is presumed, more than 150 pounds. Many gentlemen partook of the flesh. The sexual organs and the kidneys differ, it is said, materially from other birds; it has also two stomachs; the first is muscular, and appears to act by trituration, in the other there is a gastric liquor. This bird prefers for its residence those mountainous and parched deserts which are never refreshed by rain. In those solitary regions they are seen in vast flocks, and are there hunted on fleet Arabian horses, for their blood, their fat, and the feathers found in the wings and tail ; these last have been sought after more or less in all ages; it is said, however, that this bird tttt AFRICAN-OSTRICH. 379 But whether the timid, tall Rhea was there, As faithful historian, I cannot declare. Still, still doth the hunter^ and thinks it no crime. This tribe closely pursue.— Oh, when come shall the time, is occasionally domesticated, and that the finest feathers are those obtained from the domesticated bird, from which they are cut about thrice in two years. The skin is substituted for leather by the Arabians. The flesh is said to be but indifferent food, and eaten only by the Africans. The cry of this bird is similar to that of a lion, but shorter. Various accounts of the eggs and incubation of this bird have been published ; the following is the most authentic, for which I am indebted to Dr. Latham's work. The male is polyga- mous, and, as has been stated, most probably highly salacious, he being frequently found with two or three, or even five, fe- males, who lay their eggs, which are white, in concert, to the Dumber of ten or twelve each, which they all batch together, the male taking his turn of sitting among them ; between sixty and seventy eggs have been found in one nest. The egg holds five pints and a quarter of liquid. Small oval pebbles, the size of a pea, of a pale yellow colour, are often found in the eggs ; from nine to twelve of these have been found, according to Mr. Barrow, in one egg. The time of incubation is six weeks. This takes place, it is said, at different times of the year, de- pending upon the climate and latitude, whether north or south j it is also said that the mode of incubation is different in different places; thus, in very warm climates, the bird scarcely sits upon her eggs at all, the heat of the sun being sufficient to bring the young bird to maturity ; that, as the climate increases in coldness, the female is more assiduous in her attentions. Notwithstanding its size, it is generally considered, and indeed is, a very stupid bird, displaying little intelligence or ingenuity of any kind j and, although it is occasionally ridden 380 FOREIGN BIRDS. That man, with superior intelligence fraught, On such occupation shall not waste a thought : When death, if the animal for him must die, Shall be sudden and safe, and escape in a sigh ?* like a horse in its native climate, it is said to be very unma* nagcable and untractable. " O'er the wild waste the stupid ostrich strays, In devious search to pick her scanty meal, Whose fierce digestion gnaws the teniper'd steel." MiCKLE's Lusiad, Book v. Such statements, often made, that this bird can digest steel or iron, are founded in mistake ; it is true the bird will swallow pieces of iron, but there is no evidence whatever that they are digested. The Rhea, Eifltu, Rhea, American-Emeu, or American- OsTKiCH, is grey above, beneath white ; it has three toes oir each foot, ^nd a round callus behind. It is by far the largest bird found in the American continent, it being about six feet high; the neck is long, head small, beak flat; but, in other respects, resembles the Cassowary. Its voracity and speed are similar to the Ostrich. Found in almost every part of South America. The uest is in a large hole in the ground, often with a little • The hunting of Birds with dogs, except as setter?, is, in this country, not now, I believe, practised ; it is devoutly to be hoped that the hunting of oilier animals will ultimately give way to a superior intelligence and the benevolent affections. The author, when a school-boy, remembers being once on a hunting excursion, and never but once ; that once was, for him, sufficient : the hare was eaten up alive by the dogs / he will never forget the horror with v\hich he beheld one of the gentlemen hunters exhibit a leg, the only part left, with the fibres ^11 quivering. See the House-Spakrow's Speech. THE EMEU — THE CASSOWARY. 381 The Parrots, too, came, not of Afric or Ind ; Yet loth their description the muse to rescind : The Aterrimus, prince of the Psittacid tribe ; — The Scarlet rob'd Lory its name will describe; — straw at the bottom, on which the eggs are laid ; from sixty to eighty have been found in one nest, and hence it has been supposed that several females contribute to produce them, and that each female lays sixteen or seventeen eggs; the egg con- tains a^)out two pints of liquid. The flesh of the young is reckoned good eating. It defends itself with its feet ; and calls its young by a kind of hiss. They are exceedingly swift, and with difficulty caught. This is a separate genus in Dr. Latham's work, and there called Emeu. The Casuarius, Emeu, Cassowary, or Galeated-Casso- wAR Y, is brownish-black ; it has three toes on each foot ; helmets and dewlaps naked. From the shortness of the legs and neck, it is not so tall as the Ostrich; but its body is more heavy and clumsy. Its helmet is the most remarkable of its characteristics ; it reaches from the base of the bill to the crown, is nearly three • iches in height, and at the root three in thickness. The wings are still shorter than those of the Ostrich, and, of course, cannot assist the bird to fly ; they are furnished with four hard pointed feathers resembling darts; the feet are also armed with large claws ; it is, nevertheless, peaceable and inoffensive ; never attacking others; wlien attacked kicks like* a horse; pushing down its assailant by running against him, and grunting like swine; it is as voracious as the preceding species. Eggs nu- merous, ash-coloured, or greenish spotted, some are white, about fifteen inches in circumference one way, by twelve the other; shells more thin and brittle than those of the Ostrich. Found in the eastern parts of Asia towards the south, and the Molucca Islands ; never met with out of the torrid zone. The NovcE HoUandice^ New-Holland-Cassowary, Emeu of Neiv South H'ales, Southern Cassowary, or Emeu, is nearly as tall 382 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Banksian, black, crested, and bold Cockatoo, With side tail-feathers ting'd of a bright crimson hue, 'Midst the woods of Australia delighting to rove ; — Have never been seen in an Occident grove. Some few Absentees to be named remain still: The uncouth Dodo^^^) came not, nor Jealous-Horn- BILL ; as the black Ostrich, being not less than seven feet ten inches high : like the rest of the genus, it runs with prodigious speed; the bill is black ; head, neck, and body, covered with bristly fea- thers, varied with brown and grey; throat nakedisb, bluish; wings hardly visible ; legs brown. Inhabits New Holland, where it is hunted with dogs, the skull or the jaw of which, ac- cording to WenTworth, it sometimes fractures by a single kick; the flesh is good; its weight varies from sixty to one hundred and twenty pounds. It abounds with oil, which is used for leather and other purposes. The Casuarius Diemenianus, (Lath.) or Van-Diemen's Land Cassowary, is not so large as the preceding, but much exceeds the bustard in size ; its general colour is dark brown, with a tinge of bUie or grey ; it has neither wings nor tail ; legs stout, dirty bluish ; toes three, all placed forwards ; flesh said to be well tasted ; eggs numerous, and very delicate ; inhabits Van Diemen's Land. The three last species are arranged under one genus by Dr. Latham. (*2) Order, Galling, (Linn.) Dodo, the Hooded, the Solitary, the Nazarene. The genus Didus, (Linn.) or Dodo, consists of three species only; they have the bill narrowed in the middle, with two transverse wrinkles, each mandible bent in at the tip ; nostrils oblique ; face naked beyond the eyes ; legs short, thick ; feet cleft; wings unfit for flight; tailless. They are arranged by THE DODO — THE HORN-BILL. 383 As cruel as jealous, fierce conirost he; Woe, woe to the lady, if foot mark should be ! {*'^) Dr. Latham among the struthious tribe. Their specific cha- racters are as follow : The Ineptus, Dronte, or Hooded-Dodo, has the head hooded ; bill strong, large, and bluish, with a red spot; plumage black, waved with whitish; feathers of the rump curled, in- cHning to yellow ; clawless ; three feet long; inhabits the Isles of France and Bourbon. The Soliiarius, or Solitary-Dodo, is varied with grey and brown ; feet four-toed ; spurious wings, terminating in a round protuberance. Female with a white protuberance each side the breast resembling a teat ; size of a turkey ; never found in flocks; egg one, larger than that of a goose ; time of incubation seven weeks, at which process the male and female assist in turn; the young are delicious food, for which they are hunted between March and September; inhabits the island ofRodrique. The NazarenuSf or Nazarene Dodo, is larger than the Swan ; colour black, downy ; lays on the ground, in a nest made of dry leaves and grass, one large egg ; inhabits the Isle of France. (^) Order, PiCiE, {Limu) Horn-bill, the Philippine, the Indian, the Undulate. The genus Buceros, {Linn.) or Horn-bill, consists of twenty-seven species, chiefly inhabitants of Asia and Africa. They have a convex, curved, sharp-edged, large bill, sen-ate outwardly, with a homy protuberance on the upper mandible near the base ; tongue short, sharp-pointed ; feet gressorial. Besides feeding on fruit, they are said also to devour mice, small birds, reptiles, and even carcasses. The chief are the following : The Bicornis, or Philippine-Hornbill, of which there are two varieties. The first, is above black, beneath white, quill feathers with a white spot j double horned at the fore part ; size of a common hen ; inhabits the Philippine isles. The second. 384 rOREIGN BIRDS. The Wattle-Bird {'^^) hiss'd in Australian groves ; And the Sheath-bill C^^) was seeking for shell-fish he loves. lias the bill vermilion, hack and rump ash-brown ; belly black ; feeds on fruit, which it swallows whole, and, after digesting the bulk, casts up the stones ; has a voice resembling the grunting of a swine, or the bellowing of a calf; said to be worshipped by the Indians. The Hydrocorax,, or Indian-Hornbill, inhabiting the Mo- lucca Islands, has the protuberance flattened forwards ; it is two feet four inches long j frequently tamed to destroy rats and mice; it feeds on the wild nutmeg, which renders its flesh peculiarly aromatic. The Undulata, or Undulate-Hornbill, called by the na- tives of Java, the Jealous-Hornbill, feeds the female du- ring her incubation ; and, during his absence in search of food, should he find, on his return, the marks of another bird near the nest, he will, it is said, inclose the female in the nest, and leave her to perish. — Horsfield. (+5) Order yPicjE, (Lath) Wattle-Bird. The genus Callceus, (Lath.) or Wattle-Bird, consists of one species only, the Cinerea, or Cinereous-Wattle-Bird ; it has an incurvate arched bill, the lower mandible shorter and carunculate beneath at the base ; nostrils depressed, half co- vered with a subcartilaginous membrane ; tongue subrartilagi- nous, split and fringed at the top ; feet ambulatory ; length fifteen inches; walks on the ground, seldom perches on trees; feeds on berries, insects, and small birds -, makes a hissing and murmuring noise ; flesh good ; inhabits New Zealand and Australasia. (+6) Order, GRALLiE,(l.atA.) Sheath- bill. The genus Vaginalis, (Lath,) or Sheath-bill, consists of one species only, the Albuj or White-Sheath-eill. It is SHEATH-BILL — MENURA. 385 The New-Holland MENURA(*^)in meadow or wood. Or on Van Diemen mountains, was seeking its food ; And, perchance, even now, undiscovered remain. On that CoNTiNENT-IsLE* — some Australian plain;— Or where bursts the huge stream from the mountain's cleft side ; — Where, through woodlands and meadows its waters may glide; — Unable to swim, and unable to fly, Many groups that description at present defy. distingaished by a short, thick, conic, compressed bill, the upper mandible covered above with a moveable horny sheath ; nostrils small, placed before the sheath ; tongue above round, beneath flattened, pointed at the tip ; face naked, papillous ; wings with an obtuse excrescence under the flexure ; legs strong ; four toed ; from fifteen to eighteen inches long ; feeds on shell- fish and carcasses; inhabits New Zealand and the South Sea Islands. (*7) Order, Galling, (Lath.) New-Holland Menura. The genus Menura, (Lath.) consists of one species only, the Nova HollandicB, New-Holland Menura, or Mountain- Phea- sant. It has a stout conico-convex black bill, and oval nostrils ; legs long, black, very strong, formed for walking, and covered with large scales; along tail, consisting of sixteen loose webbed feathers, the two middle ones narrow, and greatly exceeding the others in length ; the outer one on each side broader and curved at the end; size of a hen pheasant; the whole length more than three feet and a half; plumage above brown, fore part of the neck rufous, beneath brownish-ash. The female, in colour, resembles the male, but is much smaller. Found in the mountainous districts of New Holland, where it is said to be * New Holland, or Australia. 3H6 FOREIGN BIRDS. Yet the Channel-Bill(*^) came from a region as far j Andthatscansortoocame,theloDg-biirdJACAMAR.(*^ rare ; flesh supposed to be good ; but we want more infoTmation concerning tins, most probably valnable, bird. C^s) Order, PicMf(Lath.) Channel-bill. The genus Scythrops, (Lath.) or Channel-bill, consists of one species only, the Psitlacus, which is found in New South Wales. It has a large, convex, sharp-edged, pale-brown bill, tipt with yellowish and channeled at the sides, point hooked j nostrils naked, rounded at the base; tongue cartilaginous, split at the point ; feet scansile ; head, neck, and upper parts of the body pale bluish-grey; back, wings, and tail, cinereous; size of a crow, but, from its long tail, its whole length is two feet two inches. (^^) Order, Picje, (Lath.) Jacamar. Of the genus Galbula, (Lath.) or Jacamar, five species have been described ; inhabitants of South America. They have a straight, very long, quadrangular bill ; tongue short, sharp-pointed; thighs downy on the fore part; feet scansile. They are generally about the size of a lark, and feed on insects ; some of them fly in pairs. (5°) Order, Passeres, (Lath.) Coly. The genus Colius, (Lath.) or Coly, consists of eleven spe- cies ; they have a short thick bill, convex above and flat be- neath, upper mandible bent down at the tip ; tail long, wedged; toes three before, one behind, but capable of being occasionally varied so as to have all in front. These birds live universally on fruits, not feeding on grains or insects; they are gregariou even during incubation, their nests being made in society; they do not perch like other birds, or leap from branch to branch; nor do they even walk nimbly; for, resting on the whole length of the leg, they drag the belly after them. They grow very fat, are well flavoured, and much sought after THE UMBRE — THE PINGUIN". 387 But nor Coly(5°) nor Umbre(^*) would daringly brave The breeze of the west, and Atlantic's high wave. Nor could come from the south, with his rudiment wing, The PiNGUiN (5') unwieldy, to honour the king. as food. They are inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope, Senegal, and India. These birds are called at the Cape, Mouse Birds, from their soft plumage and their frequently creeping about the roots of trees. The Leuconotus, or White-backed- CoLY, is twelve inches long; its general plumage bluish-ash; eggs five or six, rose-coloured ; inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. (5^) Order, Grall^, (Lath.) Umbre. The genus Scopus, (Lath.) or Umbre, consists of one species only, the Umhretta, or Tufted-Umbre; it has a long, thick, compressed bill, a little hooked ; nostrils linear, oblique ; feet four-toed, cleft; a thick, tufted, lax crest; body brown; tail obscurely barred; twenty inches long; legs longish ; female not crested ; inhabits Africa. (52^) Order, Palmipedes, (Lath.) Pinguin. The genus APTENODYTES,(Laf/t.) Pinguin, or Penguin, which consists of fifteen species, is distinguished by a straight bill, wings fin-shaped, without quill feathers; fiet fettered, four-toed ; tail short, wedged ; feathers very rigid ; is seen only in the temperate and frigid zones of the southern hemisphere ; the same as may be said of the auk in the northern hemisphere : none of either of these genera of birds has been, it is said, observed within the tropics. Notwithstanding there is a great similarity between this genus and the alca, or auk, there is, nevertheless, one peculiarity which decidedly distinguishes the Pinguin from the last-named bird : the Pinguin, while swimming, sinks quite above the breast, the head and neck only appearing, while the auk, in common witli other aquatic birds, swims on the surface. It is remarkably dexterous in the water, yet it is a stupid race of birds, and, when on land, easily taken. Some of this tribe lay their eggs in the deserted nest of the Albatross ; see note (14). The following deserve notice: s2 388 FOREIGN BIRDS. Nor that tiny Hirundinidj he of the east, Of his tribe the most singular, while, too, the least ; Not, like martins or swallows, with clay or with loam. Such vulgar materials ! constructs he his dome : Within walls of pure gelatine, little beside, The Esculent-Swallow* delights to reside ; The Detnersa,or Cape-Pinguin, is twenty-one inches long; plumage above black, of the head and throat dirty grey ; breast, belly, and tail, white ; the two short appendages in place of wings black above, white on the lower edge, white varied with black beneath. Swims and dives well, but hops and flutters in a strange awkward manner on land, and, if hurried, stumbles perpetually ; will frequently run for some dis- tance like a quadruped, making use of the finny wings instead of leg?, crying out like a goose, but in a much hoarser voice. Said to clamber some way up the rocks to make a nest, in doing which it assists with the bill. Eggs two, white, size of a duck, very good ; these birds are sometimes kept tamo, but do not survive the confinement many months. Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. The Magellanica, or Magellanic-Pinguin, is two feet or more long, and weighs eleven pounds ; voice not unlike the braying of an ass ; flesh not unpalatable, but of a musky flavour. Eggs size of a goose, and laid in pairs, are good ; they are deposited in places where many of the tribe associate. Inhabits Falkland Islands. The Chrysocome, CrestedPinguin, or Hopping-Pinguin, is a beautiful bird, twenty-three inches long, inhabiting the Falkland Islands, the Isle of Desolation, New Holland, &c. Called Hopping from its habit of leaping quite out of the water on meeting with the least resistance. • For an account of this bird, see page 158 ; for its nest, see the Introduction, page 23. THE PINGUIN— THE WEAVER-BIRD. 389 While mandarins, monarchs, demand oft his nest, Which to luxury ministers many a zest. Nor whispers report that those textors were there. Who richjbombycine filaments, choose with much care: Those Weaver-birds (") that, with a tapestry select, The walls of their prisons have often bedeck'd. The Patachonica, orPAXAGONiAN-PiNGUiN, is the largest of the genus, being above four feet long, and weighs forty pounds. Back of a deep ash colour, each feather bluish at tlje tipj be- neath pure white ; on each side of the head, beginning und^er the eye, and behind it, is a broad stripe of fine yellow ; usually found very fat j flesh black, though not very unpalatable. Found in the Falkland Islands, New Georgia, &c. The Aastralis, or Apterous-Pinguin, (called Apterix Aus- tralis in Shaw's Zoology,) is the size of a goose; the rudiments of wings quite hid in the plumage. Inhabits New Zealand. (") The Orio/««/c.TMACAW, is one of the most superb of the Parrot tribe : the purple, the gold and the azure, excite no ordinary interest; it is nearly three feet long. Eggs 398 FOREIGN BIRDS. The Goatsuckers' notes, too, were now heard again} And the Woodpeckers uttered their dissonant strain. two, which it lays twice a year, about the size of a pigeon's; the male and female share alternately the office of incubation. Found within the tropics in America and the West Indies. The ^stivuSj Amazon, or Common-Parrot^ is green, slightly spotted with yellow ; there are many varieties. The Ochroce- phalus, or Ykllow-headed-Parrot, belongs to the class called Criks by the French writers ; this, and the Amazon, or Common Parrot, are, of all the American Parrots, most easily taught to speak. The Popinjays are distinguished from all the preceding by having no red on their wings. The Paradisi, or Paradise* Parrot, is a very beautiful species of Popinjay; the whole body is yellow, and all the feathers bordered with a sort of gilding. The Paroquets are extremely numerous and diversified ; when properly tamed they are good speakers ; one of this tribe laid once in England five or six small white eggs. The Aureus, or Golden-Paroquet, is a beautiful bird. The CarolinensiSf Carolina-Parrot, Illinois- Parrot, or Caro- lina-Parakeet, is said by Wilson to be the only one of this nume- rous tribe of birds found native within the territory of the United States ; it is a very hardy bird ; enduring cold much better than the generality of the tribe; it is found, however, chiefly in the states west of the Alleghany mountains. It is said to build in companies in hollow trees. This bird is thirteen inches long, and twenty-one in extent. The general colour of the plumage is a bright, yellowish, silky green, with light blue reflections » lightest and most diluted with yellow below. The Cookii, or Cook's-Cockatoo, (Temminck, Linn. Transact, vol. xiii.) is a fine bird, a native of New Holland, a dried specimen of which is to be seen in the museum cook's-cockatoo. 399 Some Warblers were eager their carols to sing, And thus they delighted the Vulturid King. of tlie Linnean Society ; it is about twenty-two iociies long ; the general plumage is black ; the feathers of the head long, and forming a fine crest ; tail long, the two middle fea- thers of which are black, the others the same at the base and ends, but the middle, for more than one tliird of their length, a fine crimson. This bird has been called, by some authors, Banksian- CoCKATOO, but very improperly as anotlier, 4be Psittacus Banksiif is distinguished by that name. The Banksian Cockatoo mentioned in page 382 is tlie Cookii described above, and not the Banksii ; this last is by no means so striking or splendid a bird as the former, and, therefore, it has not been deemed necessary to describe it. It is to be regretted that those to whom the opportunity is given of bestowing names do not bestow them with more sci- entific discrimination. How much soever we may respect the names of Cook and Banks, surely this bird might have a much more appropriate and discriminating specific term« applied to it : for example, Psittacus niger ; or, if this name be already engaged, some other, equally discriminating and appropriate, should be given. In science^ the practice of distinguishing persons rather than facts ought to be discarded. It was this mode of giving names that contributed to retard and obscure, for ages, the science of chemistry. 400 THE CANARY-BIRD'S SONG. Fringilla Canaria.—(LitiN.) Let city birds in cages sing, Such, such are not for me ; I love the freedom of the wing ; I love my liberty. Be city birds, like monks immur'd, Such life is not for me; It cannot, will not be endur'd, By love or liberty. Let city birds luxurious live — Do nothing — yet to me No charm hath idleness to give; — No charm hath luxury. The pleasure of pursuit is much— I love to seek my food ; I love to hear my neighbours touch Their flutes in grove or wood. Besides, I love to meet my fair Within the shady dell. At noontide eve or morning rare. My tender tale to tell. THE CANARY-BIRD'S SONG. 401 Of city birds then tell me not— Their lives, their luxury ; I much prefer my country cot, With love and liberty. To pick seeds out of glass or gold, To sing in marble hall. Is what some birds, I have been told, The highest pleasure call. Give me, I have no other wish, The freedom nature gave — Her water and her simplest dish, But make me not a slave.* ("') * Beattie lias touch'd similar chords : ** Rise sons of harmony and hail the morn, While warbling larks on russet pinions float Oi acck, at noon, the woodland scene remote, Where the grey linnets carol from the hill. O let them ne'er, with artificial note, To please a tyrant, strain the little bill. But sing what heaven inspires and wander where they will." Minstrel, Book 1. (<53) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Canary-Bird. The Fringilla Canaria^ (Linn.) Canary, Canary-Bird, or Canary-Finchy consists of two varieties j one having the bill and body straw'colour ; quill and tail feathers greenish; the other with body above brown j eye-brows yellow. The prevailing colour of this bird is, however, yellow^ mixed with grey ; but, in a state of nature, it is said that it is chiefly grey. Other varieties, 402 FOREIGN BIRDS. or lather, perhaps, sub-varieties, have been described to the nninber of uearly thirty, arising doubtless from domestication and admixture with other birds of the Finch and Bunting tribe. It is about the size of a goldfinch. The first variety inhabits the Canary islands, whence its name ; the second variety, Africa, and it is said also St. Helena, where it sings much better than the common canary found in cages in this country. It is also found at Palma, Fayal, Cape Verd, and Madeira, as well as at the Canaries. This bird is supposed to have been first brought into Europe in the thirteenth or fourteenth centnry ; Gesner, who flourished in the sixteenth, is the first naturalist who mentions it ; and when Aldrovandus published his work on birds in 1599, it was esteemed a great rarity. It is easily tamed, and is domesticated almost every where for its delicate plumage and beautiful song. It feeds on various seeds, chiefly on those of hemp and canary grass; it is prolific with most of the other species of the finch, and even with some which are usually considered as belonging to a diflferent genus, such as the yellow-hammer, Emberiza Citrinella. The canary male is, however, more shy than the female, and will aAaucioto with no fom»lc but his own sperie«. The age of this bird extends to fourteen or fifteen years. Of the eggs and incubation of this bird in its natural state I have not been able to obtain any account. In its domestic state it doubtless partakes of the nature of those birds with which it might happen to be associated. The eggs of the Jinch tribe are generally about five in number, and whitish, with rufous spots. For others of the^ncA tribe, see pages 252, 262, and 280. They breed without difficulty in confinement in this and many other countries; the male and female both assist in forming the nest. It is said, too, that the song of the Canary-birds bred in this country is usually composed of the notes of the Titlark and the Nightingale j but, although this may be occasionally true, it is THE CANAAY-BIRD. 403 not, I suspect, a general truth. There is, surely, probability that the Canary has a song of its own. 1 am, however, indebted to Mr. Yarrel for the following particulars of the domesticated Canary-Bird, of which he has several eggs, produced by the genuine 8pecies, without any ad- mixture. " Whatever the materials are of which the Canary forms its nest, or what the colour of its eggs in its native islands, I do not know ; but, in this country (having bred them myself), they make a compact nest of moss and wool closely interwoven, very similar to the nest of the Linnet and the Redpole j the egg is also very like that of the Linnel^ but somewhat smaller, the ground colour white, slightly tinged with green, spotted and streaked with dark red at the larger end ; in number four or five. " However domestication may change the feather, I have no reason to believe that it produces any alteration in the colour of the egg; and, in this instance, both the nest and eggs agree closely with the other species of the genus to which the Canary belongs. *' Domestication, though continued for years, produces no chaugp. in the eggs of phpasants, &c. &-c." The Canary has been known to breed in confinement in this country six or eight times a year ! While the Man akin murmured a tremulous song. The Mocking-bird followed with music aloncj. : 404 THE MANAKIN'S SONG. Pipra Musica. — (Linn.) I would sing with much pleasure, but oh! its so shocking, The instant I open my bill and begin, That insolent bird, which some call, I think, mocking, Repeats all my notes in unmannerly din. Already you hear him ! I can't go on singing : You, I know, will excuse me : indeed I'm unwell. Whoe'er can endure, for a moment, such ringing Of changes ? — his voice is just like a crack'd bell. Alas! he'll not suffer me even to utter A word of complaint ! I beseech you to hear : Be my notes high or low, or a warble, a mutter. Be they loud, be they soft, be they distant or near. What then is this mockery? weapon of witlings, To whom WISDOM and truth are both often un- known ? Who, in order to shine like some little Tomtitlings, Sport the bright thoughts of others, and call them their own. (***) (^*) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Manakin, the Tuneful, the Rock. The genus Pipra, (Linn.) or Manakin, comprehends more than forty species, inhabitants of the warm climates of Asia, Africa, and America; they have the bill shorter than the head, strong, hard, nearly triangular at the base, and slightly incurved 405 THE MOCKING-BIRD'S SONG. Turdus Polyglottiis.—(JLiyK.) I now sing with much pleasure, my notes never shocking ; Know ye not that, before I look round and begin, I'm that musical bird, which some choose to call MOCKING, And my notes oft respond in melodious din. Already you hear me ! I must go on singing : You, I know, will excuse me ; I'll try to sing well : You all will be pleas'd, I doubt not, with my ringing Of changes, — much better than those on a bell. Delightful! permit me my feehngs to utter ; Not a word of complaint shall you now from me hear: Be my notes low or high, or but merely a mutter ; Be they soft, be they loud, or far distant, or near. Then welcome, dear mockery 1 charmer of witlings. To whom WIT, if not wisdom, hath long time been known ; Who, to shine like bright stars, not as silly Tomtitlings, Sport of others the thoughts much improv'd by their own. at the tip ; nostrils naked ; feet gressorial ; tail short. The fol- lowing are the chief:— The Musica, or Tune ful-Manakin, is black, beneath orange; front and rump yellow ; crown and nape blue ; chin, throat, 406 FOREIGN BIRDS. and legs, black ; four inches long; inhabits St. Domingo; is very shy, and easily eludes the vigilance of those who attempt to take it, by perpetually skipping, like the creeper, to the. oppo- site branches of the tree : its note is musical, and forms a com- plete octave, one note regularly succeeding another. The RupicolOf Rock or Crested-Manakin, Cock-of-the-Rockj or Hoopoe-Hen, is a showy and elegant bird ; the crest is erect, very large for the size of the animal, and edged with purple ; bill yellowish ; body bright, reddish orange, varied in the wings with white and brown ; legs yellow, size of a pigeon ; length from ten to twelve inches ; eggs two, white ; builds in the clefts of remotest rocks; shy, but may be tamed if taken young ; feeds on small wild fruit. Female and young birds brown ; inhabits the rocky parts of South America. The Manacus, or Black-capped-Manakin, is black above, beneath white ; spot on the neck, above, and on the wings, white ; bill black, legs yellow ; it is a restless bird ; gregariwis j and inhabits the woods of Guiana. The Minutay or Little-Manakin, is greyj head black, speckled with white ; size of a small wren ; inhabits India. For an account of the Mocking-bird, see page 373; but it may be stated here that its day-sow» consists generally of the imi- tations of the notes of other birds; its night-song, {^Qt forward,) is its own. 407 THE ORIOLE'S SONG. Oriolut Nidipendulus^ — (Linn.) " He who'd live a happy life, Let him Uveas we; We defy both care and strife, — Are from sorrow free." Thb Lark's Song. You may sing of your dells, Of your groves and your trees, Of your vallies and fells. Of your cool mountain breeze : You may prattle to solitude All the day long ; And let none but the wood Hear your voice or your song : You may sing of the sorrow Of love-dying swain ; Or of maidens who sigrh For their charmers in vain ; You may sing of Savannahs, And swamps, and the fall Of the fam'd Niagara ; — Sublime may it call. 408 FOREIGN BIRDS. Give me a rich field Heavy laden with corn, Just before its consign'd To the planter's strong barn. Give me too, — its the zest Of the Oriole's life,— A crowd of companions Without care or strife. Be monkish who may, I no monk e'er will be ; I like jolly fellows Around me to see. Ah, its all very well Now and then to retire To the mountain or moor, And pure Nature admire ; But, what fancy may prompt us, What ardour may burn. To society's smiles. Soon or late, we return. (*^^) (*5) Order, Pic^, (Linn.) Hangnest.Oriole. The Oriolus nidipendulus, Hangnest-Oriole, Spanish- Nightingale, Watchy-Picketf or American- Hangnestj has the frontlet and wreath black ; crown, neck, back, and tail, reddish brown 5 breast and belly tawny yellow; length seven inches; sings charminglj'; builds a pendulous nest on the extreme branches of a high tree ; inhabits the woods of Jamaica, and , most probably, many other of the West India islands. For an account of other Orioles, see note (3S). 409 THE TANAGER'S SONG. Tanagra Mexicana,—(LiHN.) 1 envy not, I ask not, A gay or gaudy life; I wish not, I seek not, The haunts of noisy strife. T love not, I hope not. To dwell amid the crowd. Where think not, where care not, The haughty and the proud. I should not, I could not. Behold without much pain The reckless, the heedless O'erbearings of the vain. I should not, I could not, Behold the poor oppress'd, Without some poignant anguish Arising in my breast. T 410 FOREIGN BIRDS. Then give me not, I ask not, A gay or gaudy life ; I wish not, I seek not, The haunts of noisy strife.* (^^) (^•5) Order, Passeres, (Linn.) Tanager the Black and Blue, the Red-breasted, the Golden. The'genus Tamagra, (Linn.) or Tanager, consists of more than sixty species, nearly, all found in the West Indies and America. They have been considered as similar to the sparrows of Europe, to which they approach in almost every particular, oi]'):' .'v>!> /;.r[ti'/' The Cuckoo, with sameness of note ever wooing; Yet ever to pleasure such notes will belong ? And this is the Valley of Nightingales; — listen To those full swelling sounds — with those pauses between ; Where the bright waving shrubs 'midst the pale hazels glisten, There oft may a troop of the songsters be seen, Seest thou yon proud Ship on the stream adown sailing, O'er ocean her course to strange climes she now bends ; Oh ! who may describe the deep sobs or heart wailing, Her departure hath wrought amongst lovers and friends ? The rocks now re-echo the songs of the sailor, As he chearfully bounds on his watery way ; But the Maiden ! — ah what shall that echo avail her, When absence and sorrow have worn out the day ? Behold her all breathless, still gazing^ pursuing, And waving at times, with her white hand, adieu ; On the rock now«he sits, with fix'd eye the ship viewing, No picture of fancy— but often too true ! 424 THE VALLEY OF NIGHTINGALES. Dost thou see yon flush'd Hectic, of health poor re- mainder, With a dark hollow eye and a thin sunken cheek ; While Affection hangs o'er him with thoughts that have pain'd her, And that comfort and hope still forbid her to speak?* Yes, Friendships! Affections I ye ties the most tender ! Fate, merciless Fate, your connexion will sever ;— To that tyrant remorseless, all — all must surrender ! I once had a Son — ^ere we parted for ever If Now the sun o'er the earth rides in glory unclouded ; The Rocks and the Valleys delightedly sing ; The Birds in wild concert, in yonder wood shrouded. Awake a loud chorus to welcome the spring. And this is the Valley of Nightingales; — listen To those full-swelling sounds — with those pauses between, Where the bright waving shrubs midst the pale hazels glisten. There oft may a troop of the songsters be seen. May, 1826. * The Hot wells are, unfortunately, too often the last resort of the consumptive. t A promising youth who died some years since at Berbice. 4^5 THE HILL OF FREEDOM. Approach ! thon delight of the children of men, Fair F&eedom! approach!'* See Part t. page 170. The questions as to the justice of buying or selling any of our fellow men, of whatever colour or condition, or of retaining them, as Slaves, have been, it is presumed, long ago decided. The emancipation of such unfortunate beings must, therefore, sooner or later take place. The only questions which remain appear to be those relative to the manner and the time. The ignorance and prejudices of the SLAVES on the one hand, and the immediate interests and prejudices of the Planters on the other, are, it must be admitted, difficulties of no ordinary kind. While some of our benevolent enthu- siasts have advocated early, or even immediate, emancipa- tion, the planters have, in too many instances, done all they could to prevent the diffusion of knowledge amongst the slaves, and, by such and other obstructions, have, doubtless, retarded the desired consummation. Both pro- ceed injudiciously and unwisely. To expect the Slaves to be at once capable of rational freedom is not less absurd than to expect ignorance to produce rational obedience. The only safe course is by enlightening their understand- ing, shewing them their true interests, and teaching them the arts, conveniencies, and decencies of civilized society; and also by shewing them that humanity to which tliey, as well as the whites, are equally entitled. Vindictiveness, on either 426 THE HILL OF FREEDOM. side, will be, most certainly, productive of a retaliation greatly to be deplored. The anomaly which is found in some of the United States of America^ where the Negro is still bought, sold^ and treated as a Slave by the white Proprietou, who, at the same time, is loud in his demands of Liberty for himself, furnishes a lesson that will, it is to be hoped, have, in lime, a proper influence on the manners and councils of that otherwise highly favoured and happy country. The existence of Slavery, however, in the United States of America, it is evident, is tolerated, not encourag€d,hy the intelligent portion of their social community. From some efiforts which have been lately made by those states where Slavery is not tolerated, we learn that tlie state of Mississipiy where, of course, Slavlry.w tolerated, haa transmitted a report and resolution in which the proposal of the state of Ohio relative tp the emancipation of Slaves is disapproved ; and in whicb^ also, complaint is made of the interference of non-slaveholding slates. The report, in eflFect, declares that the right of property in Slaves is as sacred and inviolable as that of any other personal property ; that, however great the national evil of Slavery may be, and however much it may be regretted, circumstances have rendered it inevitable, and placed it without the pale of legislative authority; that the state cannot concur in any arrangement for emancipating Slaves; that any interference by non-slaveholding slates on subjects of this nature may produce deplorable consequences, excite prejudices, and weaken the union of the states ; and, instead of ameliorating the condition, can only aggravate the misfortunes of the Slaves; that, by a gradual emancipation, the hopes of those who remained in slavery would be excited to insurrection, and the lives of the citizens endangered; the state, lor THE HILL OF FREEDOM. 427 these reasons it seems, determined to partiqipate . in no such measure. aftiifttjiWit* ,i\"i > In conclusion, this right, hearty, and determined Slave- holding state, claims the right, in concert with the southern statesj whose situation is similar, of mov ing this question when an enlarged system of benevolence sluiU, in consistency with their, rights and inter ests^ render it practicable. Most excellent morality certainly 1 Which enlarged system of benevolence it is not difficult to prophesy will never, under the direction of these Slave-holders, unless continually stimulated and prompted by their neighbours, arrive. And, notwithstanding the high tone of such moral professors, it is devoutly to be hoped that their neighbours will continue to remind them of their Duties, in temper and conciliation of course. The haughtiness of these worthies, among their other qualities, is not a little remarkable: you must not meddle in their concerns, although their lad example may contaminate all their neighbours ! It is to be hoped, however, that, notwithstanding the peculiar sensitiveness of the Legislators of Mississipiy their iNTEtLiGENT Neigh- bours will not fail to keep a watchful eye over them, and ihdii public opinion will ultimately operate beneficially upon the obliquity of their morals and their understandings. We now come to legislators of a higher grade ; and here it is impossible to observe, without regret, that a Resolu- tion concerning Slavery in the district of Columbia was offered, among others, by Mr. Miner, of Pennsylvania, to the Congress of the United States, a short time since, and negatived by an apparently large majority ; this reso- lution was as follows : Resolved, That the district of Columbia being placed under the exclusive regtdation of the United States, ought to exhibit 428 THE HILL OF FREEDOM. to the nation, and to the world, the purest specimen of govern- menty vindicating the superior excellence of free institutions ; that f as we are here establishing a city^ (Washington,) in- tended as the perpetual Capital of a great Republic^ it is due to Ourselves, and to Posterity, that the foundations thereof be laid in wisdom, and that no fundamental evils in the structure of its policy be permitted to take root, which might become inveterate by time, but which prudent and timely policy may eradicate. We turn from the unfruitful efforts of the intelli- gent and BENEVOLENT in America to the speech of Don Manuel Lorenzo de Vidaurre, Minister from Peru at the opening of the American Congress at Panama, on the 22d of June, 1826. Here shall we find sentiments in accordance with the times and with truth ; after expatiating on various interesting topics, he thus alludes to the Slave. "Let," said he, "the sad and abject countenance of the poor African, bending under the chains of rapacity and oppression, no longer be seen in these climes ; let him be endowed with equal privileges with the white man, whose colour he has been taught to regard as a badge of su> periority; let him, in learning that he is not distinct from other men, learn to become a rational being/' To such efforts and such sentiments as these, who does not wish success ? 429 THE HILL OF FREEDOM. Shall Birds and their Freedom engross all the Song ? Forbid it, O ye! that to music belong. Awake Harp ! once more with thy melody wake ! Let the Freedom of Man of the Song now partake ; Let the chords from thy strings in loud energy roll; And let Truth and let Justice the cadence control. Who hath not heard of Freedom ? — delightfirl the sound ! Wherever she dwells may be deemed holy ground. In cities she, sometimes, is pleas'd to reside; And, sometimes, the hermit's lone cottage beside ; But the country J for ever, abode of her choice: In woods, meadows, on mountains, her footsteps rejoice. She hath long had, in Britain, a high chosen seat; And Columbia, for her, is a sacred retreat. O'er the South — o'er Peru—to the Andes — the Shore, Where Tezcalipoca* the natives adore, * One of the imaginary Gods of the Mexican Indians^ of whom thus sings South tv in his Ma doc. *' Among the Gods of yon unhappy race, Tezcalipoca as the chief they rank, Or with their chief co-equal j maker he And master of created things esteem'd. He sits upon a throne of trophied skulls Hideous and huge." Part 11. Sect, 11. 430 THE HILL OF FREEDOM. She now stretches her arm with glad tidings for all Who on her may choose for assistance to call. Her permanent palace an undulate Hill, At whose feet gushes forth, in sweet warble, the rill ; On whose top looking round you all nations behold — Their valleys of verdure — their rivers of gold. That ocean of isles looking far to the west, Hath nature with plenty abundantly blessM. There the swart Sons of Africa labour and sigh ; And oft, too, for Freedom, are willing to die. On that Hill top, in vision, enraptur'd I saw, Fair Freedom unfetter'd by Custom or Law ; Her form the most graceful — step airy and light ; And her robes gave to splendour intensity bright ; Her countenance shone ; and her look was benign ; — Her contour and movement bespake her divine. Beside her walked Knowledge, like vestal sedate, Nor airs of importance surround her, nor state ; Her language was simple, yet touching the grand. And such as the simplest could well understand; — No sentence involv'd, nor terms learned, abtruse, — Nor pride to exhibit what is of no use. She, the punning of pedants — the play upon names — With the lumber of learning, consigns to the flames. To Teach, her sole object, the Useful and True ; — By the aid of enquiry examines the new : To Progression pays homage, and, as the Time flies, Collects from his passage the words of the wise. Content, too, awaited in Freedom's fair train ; And Happiness smil'd, in robes homely and plain. THE HILL OF FREEDOM. 431 Innumerous the sylphids who wander among The groves and the glades,- while the Birds, in full song, Sent o'er hill and o'er valley the notes of delight, . As the sun of the morning in splendour rose bright. The Children of Africa, groaning and sore With the chains of oppression, will bear them no more. On her hill top fair Freedom they ken from afar, And indignantly threaten their Mast.ers with war: They to her look for succour — to her they appeal- That she the deep wounds of oppression will heal. She, in accents benignant, bright hope by her side, To the tale of their sorrows thus kindly replied : *' Ye Children of Afric! your manifold wrongs " Long by me have been heard in your prayers and songs ; " Nor have heard I in vain : for gone forth is a sound " That will your oppression abash and confound : "That soui*4 is^.o^f .Ki^,Q^i46DG£, t^^i.i3ail4 f^Bd^still VOicej'7 f!' '^.':a'( ifOV ''tO-^^.' '3'-;i^H[t Ol'i:?n^»f><^(d'l9 ^f- " At whose bidding all nations shall sing and rejoice. " My handmaid is she — will my fiat attend, " And ever will prove your inflexible friend. " O seek her, pursue her by day and by night ; " All her paths are of peace and are strew'd with de- light. " Without HER what aid can I, Freedom, impart? " It is Knowledge with me that must govern the heart. 432 THE HILL OF FREEDOM. " Be patient then Children of Afric ! your sun *' Hath his glorious career o'er the mountains begun;— *' You, my Children of Britain will never for- sake ; — " For You, they will efforts incessantly make ! ** Ye days of bright promise, O hasten ! O speed ! " When Knowledge shall make all, at length, free indeed." She ceas'd for a moment; then turn*d unto those Whom the Africans deem, at once, masters and FOES. "You, who hold in your hands all the issues of life — " Of the Negro— his children — son — daughter, and wife ; " Who transfer, when you please, be they blind, be ' they lame, ** Their persons for gold unto whom you may name ; " You, whose ships float along on the tide of success ; *' You, whom POWER enables to curse or to bless ; — ** Oh fail not in duty's imperious commands ; " Be a blessing to those whom you have in your hands ; " Smooth the pillow of age — and to youth be e'er kind — " And thus lead, not administer /orce to, the mind. " Consult too the feelings, — affections,— nay, pride ; *' Nor mother from daughter, son, father, divide ; ** Nor wife from the husband, nor friend from the friend ; " And thus o'er your Slaves benign influence extend. THE HILL OF FREEDOM. 433 "Teach them lessons of love by the pure Gospel taught, ** Apart from the webs superstition hath wrought. ** Diffuse, too, the wisdom which knowledge im- parts ; ** Teach them foresight, and prudence, the useful in arts. •' Be, in your own persons, the picture I draw, *' And soon shall you need not the terrors of law, '• This do. and your Slaves will, aye, maugre your creed, " Soon become all well fitted for freedom indeed. " My realm they may enter with dance and with sonr, " While happiness leads them, in triumph, along!" She said, — a dark cloud now arose on the hill ; No more she was seen ; aloud warbled the rill. U 434 VALEDICTORY LINES. O reminiscences of youth! ye charm The years of manhood, soothe the aches of age ; Your pencil paints the pleasures of the past In liveliest hues, while many a rueful pain Ye darken o'er with shade." From an unpublished Poem. Ye minstrels of melody ! children of song ! A moment yet more I the strain must prolong. Yes, lovely enchanters of wood and of dell ! One moment yet grant me to bid you farewell. — One moment to thank you for much of delight ; — For much ting'd with rapture, by hope colour'd bright; — What time I have listened, in glens and in groves, In moorlands, in meadows, to songs of your loves; — How often the Lapwings have heard on North-moor ! How often the Rooks, at my natal cot's door ! And both those and the Ring-Doves, B.t P ether ton-Park, While o'er the rich meadow sang sweetly the Lark ! And the Thrush' s, the- Black-bird's, and Red-breast's soft note, Seem'd, buoyant like bubbles, on ether to float ; — The Cuckoo's loud monotone spake of delight ; — Of May time the Nightingale sang at midnight ; — Valedictory lines. 435 Or, while the tenth wave* rising roll'd on the shore, And, lifting his head, gave a loud hollow roar, Have heard the wild sea-bird's loud screaming, not song. As I wander'd with pleasure the sea marge along. In youth, ere Experience, with look sedate, chill, Fix'd on Feeling the rein, there I wander'd at will, While the young laughing Love, with his sinuous art, Threw his magical sympathies over my heart. In manhood less rapture, more pleasure, my share : For reason had taught me your feelings to spare; * The tenth wave has exci^d the attention of the poets. Maturin somewhere speaks of the '* tenth wave of human misery." In turning over lately some of our older poets, I met with an allusion to the ninth wave ; in whose works I do not now recollect. Ovid has the following passages relative to this subject : Qui venit hie fluctus, tiuctus supereminet omnes; Posterior nono est, undecimoque prior, Tristia Elegia, 2. Vastius insurgens decimce ruit impetus undce. Mttamorph. Lib. xi. This notion concerning the tenth wave has also been long entertained by many persons conversant with the sea-shore : I often heard it when I was a boy, and have repeatedly watched the waves of the sea iHun breaking on the shore, (for it is to this particular motion that the tenth wave, as far as I know, applies,) and can state that, when the tide is ebbing, no such phenomenon as the tenth wave occurs ; but that, when the tide is flowing, some such is often observable; it is not, however, invariably the tenth wave : after several smaller undulations, a larger one follows, and the water rises. This is more distinctly U2 436 VALEDICTORY LINES. Ot your HOMES and your little'ones often I thought; For your ])leasures, your wrongs, too, I manfully fought ; And, ROW I am come to the threshold of age. For YOU I a war still am willing to wage. But no more! of your songs — of the meadow, or dell — No more — ye wild Warblers! I bid you farewell ! And farewell, too, to song I — for your minstrel grows old, And the world, frowning o'er him, looks callous and cold. No more he, perchance, shall awaken the lyre, But in this, his last song, his last thoughts may transpire. When he sleeps in yon woodland, will you, in the spring, O'er his sod, in remembrance, a requiem sing ; — Will you visit the woods where he once touch'd his shell ?— Ye Minstrels of Melody! hail! and farewell! seen on a sandy, or i-mooth muddy shore of more or less flatness. I take occHsioD to observe here tliat the Ska is a subject of intense interest, solemnity, sublimity, at all time»; but, per- haps, most so on a still evening about high water, when it make.< no noise except at interval^, as its wavy yet smooth undulations break with a peculiar and indescribable hollow sound as they roll over on the shore, reminding us of *' Eternity, eternity, and power.*' Procter. A GL0S5>ARY OF TERMS USED IN THIS WORK. ^* A Jew other words of rather nncommoa uccurrtnce uill also be found in the preceding pages, but, as ihty htve a place in Todd's Johnson's Dictionary, it has been thought unnecessary to explain them in (his glosiuri/. The Anglicized words are accented. Al'cad. A bird ofllie aufc tribe. Alcada. Birdsof the um/c tribe. Alembical. Having tiie shape of an alembic. Anat'id. AbirdoftheDwcfciribf'. Anatid^p. Birds of the Duck tribe. Ar»deiil, A bird of the Heron tribe. Ardeida. Birds of tlie Heron tribe. AvEs. Birda. Bombyciue. Silky, formed of silk. Bu'ccrid. A bird of the Horn- bill tril)e. Bucerid tribe. Cucufid(E tribe. Den'tirost. toothed bill Birds of the Divtr A bird having a Birds having co- Bird i of tlie Cuck \ bird bavin;: 438 GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Dentirosires. Birds ha^ng toothed bills. Expansile. Capable of being expanded. Fal'conid. A bird of ihe Eagle or Falcon tribe. FalconidcB. Birds of the Eagle or Falcon tribe. Furinacea. Those vegetables, particularly corn, which are mealy. Ferruginous. Having the co- lour of rusty iron. Filiform. Having the shape of threads. Fis'sirost. A bird with a elcfi or notched bill. Fissirostres. Birds vrith cleft or notched bills. Frin'gillid. A bird of the Finch tribe. Fringillid tt • . Palmated.5^^^"'g^'^^»- Pelecan'id. A. bird of the Pe- lican tribe. PelecanidcB. Birds of the Pe- lican tribe. Pendiiline. Pendulous, not supported below, Phasian'id. A bird of the Pheasant tribe. PhasianidcE. Birds of the Phea- sant tribe. Pi'cid. A bird of the Wood' pecker tribe. PicidcB, Birds of the Wood- pecker tribe. Pinnate. Furnished with little webs. Pip'rid. A bird of the Mawafcm tribe. PipridcB. Birds of the Manakin tribe. Polygamous. Not confined to one sexual association. Prairie. An extensive plain in the back settlements of America, covered chiefly with grass. Primaries. The chief gui/Z fea- thers of the wing. Promer'opid. A bird of the Hoopoe tribe. Promeropidce. Birds of the Hoopoe tribe. Psit'tacid* A bird of the Par- rot tribe. Psittacidce. Birds of the Par- rot tribe. Ral'lid. AbirdoftheJJaiUribe. RallidtB. Birds of the RaiUribe. Ramphas'tid. A bird of the Toucan tribe. Ramphastidee, Birds of the Toucan tribe. Rap'tor. A bird of the rapto- rial tribe. Raptores. Birds of prey, or raptorial birds. Raptorial. Having the quality of snatching — rapacious. Ra'sor. Oneof the gallinaceous or scratching birds. Rasores. Birds whose cha- racteristic is scratching : gal- linaceous bird«. Recurvate. Curved backwards. Reniforra. Kidney shaped. Retractile. Capable of being drawn backward or inwards. Revolute. Rolled or turned back. Rufous. Reddish yellovr, some- what red. Scandent. Climbing. Scansile. Formed for climbing. Scan'sor. A climbing bird. Scansores. Climbing birds. Scansorial. Formed for climb- ing. Scapular. Belonging to the shoulder blade. Scapulars. Feathers covering the back part of the shoulder. Scolopa'cid. A bird of the Snipe tribe. Scolopacidts. Birds of the Snipe tribe. Scratcher. A bird that scra^cAes the ground to obtain its food. Secondaries. The quill feathers of the second size in the wing. Semipalmate. 'i Half or parti- Semipalniated. \ ally webbed. 440 GLOSSARY OF TERMS, Snatcher. A bird of prey ; a raptorial bird. Sqtianiiforin. Shaped like scale*. >Sternuin. The breast bone. Stri'gid. A bird of the Owl tribe. StrigidcE. Hirils of the Otfitribe. Struthiones. Ostiithes: birds of tlie Ostrich tribe. Struthion'id. A bird of tl»e Ostrich tribe. Strut hioni dee. Birds of the Ostrich tribe. Strnthions. Havinc the qnali- ties of the Ostrich tribe. Stiir'nid. A bird of the Starl- ing; tribe. Sturnidec. Bird&of theS/ar/iwgr tribe. Subarchcd. Somewhat arched. Subcouic. SoiMevvhat conic. Subcrested.Soniev hat crested. Subcylindri^. Somewhat cy- lindrical. Siibincurved. Somewhat id- curved. Subulate. A\vl-.-*haped. Syl'viad. A bird of the JVurbkr tribe. Sylviadce. Birds of the fVtublcr tribe. Tenn'irost. A bird having a slender bill. Tenuirostres. Birds having slender bills ► Tertials. The huiallest quill feathers of the wing. Tetraon'id. A bird of the Partridge and Giuuse tribe. Tttraon'tdce . liirdsof the Par- tridge and Grouse liibe. Textor. A weaver, Thoiacic duct. Tliat tube or vessel which conveys tlienu- trimeni from the absorbents to the biood. To'did. A biid of the Tody tribe. Todidce. Birds of tlie Tody tribe. Tro'chilid. A humming-bird. Trochiiidee. Humming-birds. Truncate. Appeariiiir lopped or shortened. Vertebra;. The bones of the back and neck. Vinaceous. Havinc; the colour of grape leave*, pale dull green. Viscera. The plural of Viseus. Viscus, A bowel or entrail : it is, however, used by anato- mists in a more extensive signification than this : the hcurt is called a vLscus ; and we frequently hear of the thoracic, as well as uhdominai viscera. Vul'turid. A bird of the Vul- ture tribe. Vuiiuridce. Birds of the Vul- ture tribe. Wax. The membiane covering the; l.ase ot the bill ; the cere.. INDEX. ,♦ I'he Scientific Bdum's are distinguished tlius: the ordinal and GENERIC by capitals; the specific by Italics; the English names by Roman letters. Aberdevine 253 Alca Alle 213 ACCIPITRES 3'i, 37 ,100 Ardica ib. Address to the Blue-Bird , 334 Impennis ib. Cuckoo 137 Pica 212 Freedom 170 Tarda ib. IheHedse-Sparrow 267 Alcad 43 Mrs. Kay 1 ALCAOiE 41 theMocking-Bird,372 Alcedo 171 Nightingale, 132 Alcyon 172 Rook 148 Chlorocephala ib. Spring 298 Cristata ib. Warblers 297 Formosa ib. Wood-Robin 352 Ispida 171 to a Wren 243 Purpurea 172 Adjutant 201 Alp '269 African Beef-Eater 3^29 Amazons 397 Ahinga 342 American Hang-nest 408 Alauda 112 Ampelis 340 Arborea 113 Carnifex 341 ArvensU ib . 250 Carunculata 342 Cristata 114 Coccinea 341 Magna 113 Garrulus ib. Minor 114 Militaris ib. Nemorosa ib. Pompadoru ib. Obscura 114 Variegata ib. Pvatetisis 113 Amsel 259 ,264 Rubra 114 Anas 123 Trivialis ib. Anser (Ferns) 129 Albatross 336 (Mansuetus) ib. the Chocolate, ib. Atrata 125 Sooty 337 Bemicla 127 Wandering, 336 Boschas 130 Yellow-LOsed,337 Clangula 128 Alca 212 Cti/peata v3 ib. 442 INDE .X, Ana8 Crecca 128 A PTENOD YT ES Panting-Crow loS Rice ib. ' IJutcherbird 195 Snow 191 Another sort of, ib. Tawny J 93 the Greater, 194 W eater S89 Least 220 Yellow 19ti Lesser 1 95 IJunting-Laik ib. Hutier-Hnnip 200 HupHAGA, Africana 3t9 Flip 227 Burrow Duck 12^ ,173 Hnz/ard. t!ie Bald 105 Bustard aOo Moor 106 the Field toe Turkey 309 Great ib. Byron, Lord, on Anglin:,', 6 Little ib. tlieNigijiingale's.Song,72 '1 hick-kneed 867 c. Calloels Cinerea 384 Campanero 341, 342 Canary-Bird 401 's Song 400 Finch 401 Goldfinch 232 Cancroma 340 Canciophaga, ib Coclileuria, il>. Canorous Cuculid, 137,503 Cape-Starling 169 Caper-Caize 222 Caper-Cally ib. Caprimnlgid 44 CAPRIMULGIDi* 42 Caprimulgus 3i0 Americanus 315 Asiaticus 313 Carolinensis 315 EuropcBus 311 Gratidis 3 1 3 Indicus ib. Longipennis ib. SovcE Hollandia i b . Virgin Janus 313 Vociferus 314 Car-Goose 189 iyARIAMA o59 Carolina-Pigeon . 120 Carpenter's- Bird 166 Cassowary, theGaleated, 381 New Holland, ib. Southern, ib. Cassowary, the Van Uie- nien's Lund 382 Ca«tril 107 (Usu ARILS Diemenianus 382 Cat-Bird 371 Cereopsis 391 ISwa Hotlandi4S, 392 the Nf.w Holland, ib. Certhia 193 Familiar is ib. Longirosira 319 Obscura 330 Pacrfica ib. Sannis 193 Certhiad 43 CERTHIADiE ib. Chatiinch 252 the Pied I9i Chanchider 370 ChanneNBiil 386 Chanticleer 147 Character, on the Forma- tion of, 25 Charadriad 43 CUARADRIAD^ 41 CUARADRIUS 172 Calidris 174 Hiaticula 172 Himatopus 1 74 Moiinellus 172 Plutialis ib. Chatham, the first Loid, 14 Chatterer 310 1KD£X. 446 Chatterer, the Bohemian 341 CotuMBA Dotnestica 116 Caiuuculateil 342 Lw'ta 118 European 341 Mi'^ratoria 120 ]VIiirasin<{ 342 CEnas 116 Pompadour 341 Paiumbus 116,271 Ked ib. Passerhm 120 Scarlet ib. Turiur 119 Variegated ib. Colnmbid 43 Waxen ib. COLUMBID^ 41 Cliepster 168 Columbine Birds 34 Chep-starliiig ib. Coly, the While-backed 387 Cherry-Finch 175 Colynibid 43 Sucker sro CoLYMBID.ffi 41 Chough 153 COLYMBUS 187 the Cornish 156 Arcticus 188 Chnck-M' ill's- Widow 315 Auritus 189 Churn-Owl 311 Cristatus ib. Citrmel 226 Fluviatitis ib. Cinnyrid 318 Glad alls 188 CiNNYUIDifi 427 Grylle 187 Cl>NYRIS 318 Immer 188 Affinis 319 - Minor ib. Ijongirostra ib. Obscura 139 Clakis 127 Septentrioiiulis ib. Cobb 179 Troile 18' Coblde 188 Cone Insion 417 Cobler's Awl 227 Cond or 3 07, 313 Cobweb 370 Coiid ur ib. Cock and Hen,theCommot 1,146 Conirost 43 of ilie Mountain 222 CONIROSTRES 42 Rock 406 Coot 216,217 Wood 222 the Bald ib. the Indian 345 Conniion ib. Pheasant lb. Greater 218 Cockatoo, theBanksian 398 Moor 216 Black 397 Weasel 210 Yellow-crested ib. CORACIAS 204 Cook's 398 Ganula ib. Coddy-moddy 181 Cormorant z 10, 354 Cold-Fmclj 370 Corn- Crake 186 Colemonse 2^0 Corn -Drake ib. CoLEiUDGE, Mr., on the Corni sl»-Ciiough 156 Nightingale's Song 68 Daw ib. Con us, Leuconotus 386 Cornvrall-Kee ib. Colk 137 CORRiRA Italica S65 Colly 264 Corvid 42 COLUMBA 34 ,115 CORV IDJE ib. Bantamensis 121 Corvorant 354 Carolinensis 120 CORVIJS 149 Coronata^ 121 Caryocataetes 155 CoRVus Cristatus 154 E3ti Creepe r, the Olive 320 Corax 150 Tree 193 Comix 153 Cfek 186 Corone ib. Criks 397 Frugilegus 148 ,149 Crocker 180 Graculus 156 Crooke d-Bill 227 Glandarius 154 Crop of Birds 52 Monedula 153 Cross-bill 174. 175 Pica 155 Titmouse 219 Cotinga, the Scarlet 341 Cbotophaga 326 <3oucal 391 Ambulatoriu ib. the Gigantic ib. Ani ib. Pheasant ib. Major ib. Conlternal 213 Varia ib. Courser 390 Crow, the Buting 153 Courier, the Italian 265 Carrion ib. Cow-Bunting 337 Common 161, ib. Blackhird ib. Dun ib. Cowpen ib. Gor ib. Bird ib. Hooded ib. Oriole ib. Indian 397 Coy.Pools 130 Mire 180 Coystrel 107 Pea^e 344 Cracid 41 Ked-Legged 156 Cracid^ ib. Royston 153 Cracker 186 Scare ib. Crake 169 Sea 180, 354 the Corn 186 Crowned Vulture 104 Bean ib. Cruelty to Animals, on, Gallinule ib. 281, 282, 283 Water 169 CoGkoc » 133, 137 Crane 196, 197, 201 ,355 the Common ib. the Common 197 ,198,201 Honey-Guide 143 Dancing 202, ib. Long-billed-Rain 144 Gigantic 201 Pheasant 391 Numidian 197 Red-headed 393 Cranery 198 ,199 Sacred 144 Crank-Bird 167 Address to the, 137 Crax 344 Cuckoo's Maiden 208, 209 A lector 345 Cuculid 42 Galcata ib. the Canorous 137, 303 Globicera ib. CUCULI DJE 42 Pauxi ib. CUCULUS 137 Voci/erans ib. Cemorus ib. Creeper 193 Flavus 144 the Common ib. Honoratus ib. Great Hooked- Indicator 1 43 billed 330 Orient alls 144 Long-billed 319 Phasianus 391 Mocking 193 Vetula 144 INDEX. 447 Cuddy 216 Culver 119 CURA90A 344 the Cashew 345 Crested ib. Crying ib. Galeated ib. Globose ib. Curasso 344 Curassow ib. the Piping 339 Curcuma 198 Curlew, the Common 161, 163 Half ib. Jack ib. Knot ib. Pigmy 164 Red 326 Scarlet ib. Stone 163, 207 Currakeel 198 CURSOUIUS 390 Asiaticus ib. Europcdus ib. Curucui 364 the Fasciated 365 Indian ib. Red-bellied ib. Yellow-bellied ib. Cin-willet 174 Cushat S7l Cuthbert-Duck 1*27 Cutter 324 Cutty S42 Wran ib. Wren ib. Cygnet 124 Cygnus Ferus 125 Olor 124 D. Dabchick ; 189 Divedopper 189 Daker-Hen 186 Diver 187 Darter 342 the Black- throated 188 the Black-bellied ib. Dun 210 Surinam 343,391 Greater-Speckled 187 White-bellied 342 Imber ib. Daw 153 Lesser-Toothed 210 Decoy-Pools 131 Lougli ib. Demoiselle-Heron 197 ,202 Northern 188 Dentirost 43 Red-throated 189 Dentirostkes 42 Dobchick ib. Dermody, a note on 4 the Black and White, ib. Didapper 189 Eared A. DiDUS 382 Dodo 382- Ineptus 383 the Hooded 383 Nazarenus ib. N azarene ib. Solitarius ib. Solitary ib. DiOMEDEA 336 Domesticated Birds 89 Chlororhyncos 337 Dorr-Hawk 311 Exulans 336 Dotterel 173 Fuliginosus 337 the Sea 184 Spadicea 336 Doncker, the Great 188 Dipper 189 Northern 188 Dirsh 257 Small 189 the Whinnle 260 Dove 119 Dish-Washer 247 the Greenland, 187 ,207 448 INDEX, Dove, the Mountain 120 Duck, the Edder 127 King 118, 271 Eider ib. 's Lament S{7() Muscovy 130 Rock 1 20 St. George's 126 Stock 116 Tame 130 Turtle 119 Wild ib. of the Uni- Ducker, (he Greater, ted Slates 120 Crested, and Horned 189 Wild 118 Duck-Hawk 110 Dronte 38:3 Dnivvich 11 Duck 12S Duhvilly 173 the Bnrra ]26 Dun-bird 128 Burrow ib. Dun-Crow 153 Canvass- Back 131 Dung- Hunter 180 Ciithbert 127 Duunock 266 E. Eag!e 100 , 123 Emberiza Clilorocephala 193 the Bald 103 Cirlus ib. Bearded 104 Cilrinclla \9i Black 103 Hortulana 191 ('rested 104 Miliaria 192 Fishing 105 Montana 193 Frencii 104 Muslelina ib. Golden 101 Nivalis 191 Oronookoo 104 Oryzivora 192 King-tailed 103 Pecoris 337 Sea log Schfcuichus 192 East India House Museum 94 Textrix 389 Ebb 192 Emeu 381 Edder.Duck 127 American 380 Education, notice concern- of New South Wales 381 ing 17 Emnief-Hunrer 208 Eggs of Birds 61 English Lady 364 Egret, the Great 201 Erodia 392 Little ib. AmphiUnsix ib. Eider-Duck 127, 179 Pundiceriana 393 Down 128, 171 Erody, the Abyssinian 392 Goose 127 Pondicherry 393 Elk 125 Esculent Swallow 158 388 Ember Goose 188 Exeter Change, Birds ar, 95 Emberiza 191 INDEX. 449 Falco 10(f Fieldfare 258 Mrtiginnsus 106 the Pifieon ib. Aiitillarum J 07 Fig-Eater 248 Austriacus 105 Finch 252 Harbatus 104 the Beech ib. Buteo 106 Canary 401 Ccerukscens 109 Cold 370 Chrysaetos 101 Clierry 175 Communis 109 Fallow 2i7 Cyaneas 104 Gold 252 Fulvus 103 Great Pied Gallicus 104 Mountain 193 Gyrfalco 109 Green 175 Haliaetos 105 Haw 175 , 176 "Harpyia 104 Lesser Mountain ,193 Lidnnurius 109 Mountain 253 Leucocephalus 103 Pitd 252 MUvus 105 Pied Mountain 191 Nisiis 108 Storm 214 (Esolon 109 'ihistle 25a Orientulis 107 Fin- Foot 390 Ossifragus 102 the African 391 Palumbarius 108 American ib. Peregrinus 110 Fire- Bird 361 Pumilius 109 Fish-Hawk 105 Pygargus 104 Fisliin^-Hawk ib. Serpenfarius ib. Fissirost 43 ,159 Subbuleo 109 FiSSIROSTRES 42 Tinnunculus 107 Flamingo 322 Vesptrtinus 109 the Chilese 323 Falcon, the Aged 109 Red 322 Common ib. Flicker 167 Gentle ib. Finder 188 Iiigrian ib. Fly Catcher 370 Ke.stril 107 the Cat 371 Peregrine 110 Fan-tailed ib. Tiny 109 Pied 370 Yearly ib. Purple- Falconid 43 throated 371 Falconid^e 41 Spotted 370 Fallow Smieli 247 Food of Birds, on the, 53,55,276 Finch ib. Foreign Birds 201 F'eathers of Birds 46 Forest-Hill 9 Feldefare 258 French Eagle 104 Fieldefare ib. Pie 194 450 INDEX. Frigate-Bird Pelican Fringilla the Great Canaria Cannabina Carduelis Ccelebs Domestica Linaria Linota Montifiingilla Montium 355 ib. ib. 252 401 253 252 ib. 280 253 262 253 ib. Fringilla Spinus 253 Xanthorea ib. Fringillid 42 Fringillid^ ib. FULICA 216 Aterrima 218 Atra 217 Chloropus 216 Porphyrio 218 Purpurea ib. Fulmar 215 Furze- Chat 248 G. Galbula 386 Goat-Sucker 156, 310, 311 Galeny 230 the Bombay 313 Gallina ib. Crested ib. Galling 34 European 311 Gallinaceous Birds ib. Grand 313 Gallinula S6 Leona 313 Gallinule 216 217 Nocturnal 3ll the Common 216 Short-winged 313 Crake 186 Virginian ib. Crowing 218 Whip-poor. Purple ib. Will 313, 314 Spotted 187 GoDERicH,LordViscoimt, Gambet 183 a Note 13 Game, what. 207 Godwit, the Cambridge 162 Black 223 Cinereous ib. Moor 207 Common ib. Red 224 Grey ib. White 222 Lesser ib. Gannet 227,356 Golden-Eagle 101 Gargauey 129 Eye 128 Gaunt 189 Robin 361 G^^se, on the Plucking of, 287 Tlinish 362 Gid 162 W^en 245 GilJlhowter 235 Goldfinch 174, 252 Glareola 211 's Song 251 Austriaca ib. Gookoo 137 Navia ib. Goose, the Barrel Headed 126 Senegalensis ib. Bean ib. Glead 105 Bernacle 127 Glee 275 Black-Headed 126 Glossary 437 Brand 127 Goat-Owl 311 Brent ib. IHDEX. ibi Goose, the Bustard J26 Green Hnmming-Bird 350 Canada 127 Linnet 175 Chinese 126 Lefged-Horseman 163 Clatter 127 Sparrow 349 Ember 188 Greenshank ib. Eider 127 Greenland-Dove 187 213 Fen 129 Gregarionsness of Birds, on Great, of Siberia 126 | the. 85 Grey-Lag 129 Grey-Pate 252 Imlier 188 Skit 186 Muscovy 126 Grigi 347 Rat IV Grosbeak 174 ,175 Road ib. the Abyssinian 177 Sly 126 Brimstone 176 Small Grey 127 Cardinal ib. Snow 126 Green 175 Soland 356 Haw ib. Spar-winged 126 Pensile 177 Swan ib. Philippine 176 Tame 129 Pine 175 Wild 213, ib. Sociable 177 Goosander 209 Three- toed 364 the Imperial 210 Gronnd-Pigeon 120 Red- Breasted ib. Hnck-mnck 246 Gor-Cock 224 Parakeet 350 Gor-Crow 163 Grouse 221 222 Goshawk 108 the Black 223 Gracula 357 Great 222 Barita ib. Pinnated 224 Cristellaia 353 Red ib. Quiscala 357 Wood 222 Religiosa ib. Gruid 43 Sturvina ib. GRUIDiE 41 Grakle ib. Guan 339 the Boat-tailed ib. the Crested ib. Crested 358 Guillemot 187 Minor 357 the Black ib. Purple ib. Foolish ib. Grallator 43,99 Lesser 188 Grallatores 41 Winter ib. Grall^ 28,35 Gninea-Fowl 58 230 GRALL^ PiNNATIPEDES 36 Hen ib. Greatest Bulfinch 175 Guira-Guainumbi 368 Grebe 187 Gull 178 the Crested 189 the Arctic 180 Dnsky ib. Black-Cap ib. Eared ib. Headed ib. Little ib. Toed 181 Tippet ib. Brown ib. Green-Finch 175 Headed 180 45 i lifDEX. Gull, the Cloven- Footed 344 Gull, the Pewit 180 Cotumoi) 178 Sea 178 GreatBlack-backed 179 Skua. 181 and White ib. Wagel lb. Herring ib. White-Web-footed ,178 Langhing 180 Winter 181 of Monla^n 181 'leazer 180 343 Less Black-blacked 180 F 155 Gyr-falcon, the Brown t 109 Hagister Heron the Common 198 HiEMATOPUS ostrulgius t>ll Crested lb. Halcyon 171 Demoiselle 197 202 Halcyonid 42 Gardenian 199 Halcyonid^ ib. Great White 201 Half-Curlew 1(53 Lesser Ash-Co- Hangin;;-Bird 361 loured 200 Hangnest ib. Night 199 the American 408 Spotted ib. HarmerV Cottage 1 Heronry ib. Hawfinch 175 ,176 Heronshaw 198 Haw-Grosbeak 175 Herrin g-GulI 179 Hawk 107 Hew-Hole 165 the Dnck 110 Hick-Mall 219 Fi8h 105 Hick. Wall 167 Fishing ib. Hif?h-Hoe 165 Hover 107 ,140 Hdl of Freedom 425 Oriental 107 Hirundinid 44 388 Spar 108 HlRUNDIMlD^ 42 Sparrow ib. HiRUNDO 157 Hawks 27 Apus 158 Hay-Bird 246 Cayennensis ib. Hayes 14 Escultnta ib 388 Hayes-Common 15 Pelasgica 159 Heaih-Cock 223 Purpurea 158 Fowl ib. Riparia 159 Hen V24 Rufa 158 Poult 223 Rustica 157 Hecco 195 Vrbica 158 Hedge-Sparrow 266 Hobb> 109 's Complaint 265 Ho ceo 345 Lines to a, 267 Hoinc- Screech 258 Warbler 266 Holm- riirush ib. Hen and Cock, theComnioi 146 Honey -Eater 329 Hen-Harrier 104 the Great-Hook- Hern 198 ed-billed 330 Hernsew ib. Hooked-billed ib. Henisliaw ib. Ohve 320 Heron ib. 200 Poe 329 INDEX. 453 Honey-Eaiinc 42 Hooded Crow 153 Hoop '202, 269 Hoop.T 125 Hoopoe 202 tlie Common il>. Crest el PsiTTACDs Cristalus 397 Pteropus 390 Erythacus ib. Africanus 391 Garrulus ib. Surinatnensis ib. Guineensis ib. Pudding-Poke 219 Macao ib. Puffin 215 Ochrocephalus 398 Pnit 180 Paradisi ib. Pulse of Birds 51 PSOPHIA 360 Pur 174,185 Crepitans ib. Purre 185 Undulaia ib. Puttock 106 Ptarmigan 2^22 Q 200 Qua- Bird Queeze 271 Quail 225 Querkey 198 the Virginian ne Quest 271 Quebrada, what 514 Quinary Arrangement 41 Rafter R 370 RECURViROSTRA^wtericana* ib» Kail 186 Avocetta ib. the Land ib. Redbreast 241 Water ib. 's Song 239 Rain-Bird 165 Red-Game 224 Cuckoo 144 Hoop 269 Fowl 165 Legged -Crow 156 Rallid 43 Pole 253 RALLIDiE 41 the Greater ib. Rallus 186 Stone ib. Aquaticus ib. Shank, the Spotted 162 Crex ib. Start 246 Porzana 187 Steert ib. Raniphestid 42 Tail ib. Ramphastid^ ib. Wing 260 Ramphastos 346 Red-Headed-Widgeon 128 Tucanut ib. Reed-Hunting 192 Viridis 347 Sparrow ib. Raptor 43,99 the Lesser 246 Raptores 41 Wren ib. Rasor 43,99 Reeve 182 R AS ORES 41 Rhea 380 Raven 150 Rhynchops nigra 324 the Night 199 Rice-Bird 192 Razor-Bill 212 Bunting ib. Reason, what 290 Richel-Bird 344 Reclrvirostra 227 Ring-Dove 115, 271 AUa ib. 's Lament 270 4t)2 INDEX. Ring-Pigeon 115 ,271 Roller, the Brazilian Saw- Ring-tail 104 billed 368 King-tailed-Eagle 103 Common 204 Robin 241 Garrulous ib. the Golden 361 Rook 144 ,149 Redbreast 241 Address to the, 148 Riddick ib. Rookeries 75 tlie Wood 41d RoysJon-Crow 15S Robinet 241 Ruddock 241 Rock-Dove 118 Ruff 182 Rockier ib. Runner 186 Roller 204 . fi I. Sanderling 174 185 SCO LOP AX CEgocephala 162 Sand-Martin 158 PhcBopus 163 Sand-Piper 182 PigmcFa 164 the Aberdeen 184 Rnsticola 160 Ash-coloured ib. Totanm 162 Black ib. Scooper 227 Brown ib. Scopus Umbrella 387 Common 185 Scout 187 Green 184 Scraber ib. Greenwich ib. SCRATCHERS 133 Grev ib. Screamer 358 Little ib. the Chaja 359 Purple ib. Crested ib. Red ib. Horned 358 Necked 185 SCYTiiROPs Psittacus 386 Sea 184 Sea-Crow 180 354 Selniger 185 Dotterel 184 Spotted ib. Eagle 102 Wood ib. Gull 178 Sa wing-Bird 364 Hen 187 Scansor 43 Lark 114 SCANSORES 42 Mall 178 Scare-Crow 153 Maw ib. Schelt-Drake ib. Mew ib. Scientific Terms 95 Baltner's Great Scolopacid 43 Ash-coloured 181 ScoLOPACIDiE 41 Parrot 213 SCOLOPAX 160 Pie 211 Arquaia 163 Sand-Piper ia4 Canescens 162 Swallow 214 ,343 Cantabrigiensis ib. the Lesser 344 Gallinago 161 Turtle 187 Gallinula 162 Woodcock 162 Glottis 16S Secretarius 33 , 104 Limosa 162 Secretary ib. Major 161 Vulture ib. INDEX. 463 Sedge-Bird 248 Warbler ib. Wren ib. Selby's British Birds 92 Senses of Birds 49 Serpent-Vulture 104 Serula 210 Seven-Sleepers 82 Shag 355 Shear- Water 215 Sheath-bill, the White 364 Sheldrake 126 Sheld-Apple 175 Sliepster 168 Shieldrake 126 Shore-Bird 159 Shoveler 128 Shovelards 207 Shreek 194 Shrike ib. the Cinereous ib. Great ib. Cinereous ib. Red-Backed 195 Tyrant 196 Silk-tail, 341 Sistcin ' 253 SiTTA EurnpcBa 205 Skeer-Devil 158 Skiddy-Cock 186 Skimmer, the Black 324 Skippog ib. Skir-Devil 158 Skreech 258 Thrush ib. Sky-Lark 250 *l5 Song 249 Sleep of Birds 56 Siiiew 210 the Minute ib. Red-Headed ib. Snake-Eater . . . ; ' K ' 104 Bird ' ' 342 Sxiatchers 123 Snipe, the Common 161 Great ^ ib. Jack 162 Jadreka ib. Least ■ 185 Spoiled 162 Snipe, the Summer 185 Snorter „ 247 Spow-Bird 19l Bunting ib. Flake ib, Soland Goose 356 Song of the Blackbird 263 Biack-Cap 272 Blue-Bird 333 Bul6nch (Son- net) 268 ^ , Canary-Bird 400 Goldfinch 25 1 Hedge-Sparrow-s Complaint 265 Linnet 261 Manakin 404 Mocking-Bird 405 at Night 418 Nightuigale 69,274 Oriole 407 Plough-Boy 3 Poe-Bird 331 Redbreast 239 Ring-Dove (La- ment) 270 Skylark 249 Tanager 409 Thrush 255 Woodlark (In- vocation) 112 Wood-Robin (Morning) 351 Wood-Thrush (Evening) 415 Songs of Birds, on the 67 Song-Thrush 257 Sonnet of the Bulfinch ^26S Spar-Hawk 108 Sparkling-Fowl 210 Sparrow 280 the Green 349 Hedge 266 House 280 House,Speech279 Hawk 108 Lesser-Reed 248 Sparrows 29 464 INDEX. Spoon-Bill 347 STRVTHioCamelus 377 the Dwarf 348 Cusuarius 381 Roseate ib. Nnvee Hollandu£ ib. White ib. Rhea 380 Spring, Address to the 298 Strutiiiones 35 Stag 182 Struthionid 43 Stannel 107 Struthionid^ 41 Staie 167 ,168 Sturnid 42 Starling ib. STURMDiE ib. the Cape 167 StURNL'S 167 Louisine :i69 Capensis 169 Red-winged 36i Cinclu8 ib. Steingel W7 LudnvicianuB ib. Sterna 343 Vulgaris 168 Cantiaca 344 Sultana 218 Fissipes ib. Snmmer-Snipe 185 Hirundo 343 Sun-Bird 391 Minuta 344 Sun-Birds 318 Sfolida ib. Swallow 157 Sterne's Starling 168 the Car 344 Stint 185 Chimney 157 159 Stomach of Birds 51 Esculent 158 388 Stock-Dove 116 Purple ib. Pigeon ib. Sea 214 ,343 Stoi-egall 107 Lesser Sea 344 Stone-Chat 248 Swan, the Black 125, 344 Chatter ib. Necked ib. Curlew 163 Mute 124 Plover 162 Tame ib. Smich 248 Whistling 125 Smith ib. Wild ib. Stopping, what 47 Goose 126 Stork, the White 196 Sweet, Mr. on the Songs Storm 411 of Birds 72 Storm-Cock 258 Swift 158 Finch 214 the White-CoUaied ib. St rigid 43 Swimmers 123 Strigid^ 41 Swine- Pipe 260 Strix 232 Sydenham 10 Brachyotos 236 Sylvia ' 239, 298 365 Bubo 233 Africana 366 Cunicularia 237 Atrkapilla 272 Flaminta 235 Luscinia 132 274 Nyctea 237 Modularis 265 Otus 234 Rubeciila 239 Passerina 237 Siaiis 332 Scops ib. Sutoria 323 Stridula 234 the Luscinian 303 Virginiana ib. Sylviad 42, 272, 334 Strnctiire of Birds 45 Sylviad^ 42 Struthio 377 INDEX. 465 Tailoi-Bird 323 Tetrao Scoticus 224 '8 Nest S!2 Tetrix 223 Warbler 3"23 Urog alius 222 Wren ib. Virginianus 226 Tanager 409 Tetraonid 43 the Black and Blue ib. Tetraonid^ 41 Golden ib. Thistle-Finch 252 Red-Breasted ib. Throstle 257 's Song 409 Cock 258 Tanagra 410 Tlirush 66, 67 ,257 Jacapa ib. the Alarm 260 Mexicana ib. Holm 258 Vivlacea ib. Mimic 373 Tantalus 325 Missel 258 Ibis ib. Missel toe ib. Igneus S-27 Polyglot 303 Leucocephalus S'l6 Red-Bieasted 417 Loculator ib. Reed 260 Ruber ib. Rose-coloured 259 Tarrock 180 Song 257 Tassel 110 Whinnle 260 Taylor- Bird, see Tailor- AVin.l ib. Bird 3-23 VVindle ib. Teal, the Common 128 Wood 350,416 Summer 129 's Song 255 Teaser 180 Tidley Goldfinch 245 Tennirost 43 Tinamon, the Great 226 Tenuirostres 42 Tinkerslnre 187 Tercel et 110 Tinta Negra 273 Tercell 110 Tiny Falcon 109 Tern 343 Tircelet 110 . the Black 344 Titling 266 Smaller ib. Titmouse 218 Common 343 the Amorous 220 Greater ib. Bearded ib. Kamtschatka 344 Blue 162 , 219 Lesser ib. Crested 220 Sandwich ib. Cross-bill 219 Surinam 391 Great ib. Tetrao 2i;i Long- tailed 218 Cotvrnix 2'i5 Marsh 220 Ciipidu 224 Pendniine ib. Kukalik 226 Todid 42 Lagopus 222 ToniD^ ib. Mqjor 226 Tonus 349 Perdix 221 Vindis 350 Rufus 222 Regius ib. X 3 4!S0 INI DEX. TovvsPlatyrhynos 350 Trochilid 42. 251 Obscurus ib. Trochilidje 42 Tody, the Green ib. Trochilus 316 King ib. Calubris 317 Broad-billed ib. Minimus 318 Obscure ib. Moschitus ib. Tpmtit 162 ,219 Supercitiosus ib. the Great Black- Trogon 364 headed ib. Curucui 36'i Little Bladi- Fasciata ib. headed 220 sindicus "• ib. Tony-Hoop 269 Viridis ib. Tor-Ouzei 259 Tropic Bird 348 Toucan 346 theBlack-billed349 the Green 347 ('oniinon ib. Yellow-breasted 346 Red-tailed ib. Toucanet 347 Troupiale 364 Tout-voix 367 Troupiole 3*0, 363 ,364 Tow-witty 174 Trumpeter 360 Trachea of Birds 54 the Gold- breasted ib. Tree-Climber 193 Undulate ib. Tringa 182 TURDUS 256 Canuius 185 Arundinacms 260 Cinerea 184 Curaus 260 Cinclus 185 IHacus ib. Fusca 184 Lividus 371 Gambetta 183 Melodus 351,352,416 Glareola 184 Merula 264 Grenovicensis ib. Migratorius 417 Hyperborea ib. Mindanensis 'ieo Hypoleucos 185 * Musicus 1b7 Interpretes 184 Pilaris 258 Islandica ib. Pohjglottus 373 Lincolniensis ib. Rosens 259 Lobata ib. Tinnicns 260 Maculuria ib. Torguatus 259 Nigricans ib. Viscimrus 258 Ochropus ib. Turkey 228 Pngnax 182 the Common ib. Pitsilla 184 Horned 229 Squatarola ib. Wild ib. Vanellus 183 Turnstone 184 Tringa, the Cock-Coot- Turtle-Dove 119 footed 184 of the United Grey Coot- States 120 footed ib. the Sea 187 Red Coot- Twink 25« footed ib. Twite 253 Spotted ib. Tydy 196 INDEX, 467 U. Umbre, the Tufted 387 Upupa Papuensis •203 Upupa 20^ Parndisea ib. Epops ib. Superba ib. ttjexicana 203 V 384 Uria 37 Vaginalis Alba Vulture' 306 Valedictory Lines 434 the Aquiline 310 Valley of Nigiitingales 421 Carrion 309 VjiNELLUS Tricolor 183 Crested 310 Veelvare 258 Crowned 104 Velvet Runner 186 King 308 Vigor's Arrangement 38 Secretary 104 VULTUR 306 Serpent ib. Aura 309 Turkey 309 Crisiutus 310 Vultures, the King of the 308 Gryphus 307 Viilturid 43 Papa 308 VULTURID^ 41 Percnopterus 310 \1 /. Waders 28, 35 ,123 Warbler, the Superb 366 Wagel-Gull 181 Tailor 3T3 Wagtail 185 Thorn-tailed 366 the Cinereons 248 Yellow-pbll ib. Collared 247 Warblers, Address to the 297 Green ib. Wash-Dish 247 i::^ 247 Washerwoman ib. ib. Watchy-Picket 408 Spring 248 VVater-Biros 35 Summer ib. Water-Crake 169 Water 247 Water-Crow ib. White ib. Hen, tlie Common , 216 Winter ib. Spotted 187 Yellow 248 Ouzel 169 Warbler 365 Rail 186 the African 366 Sparrow 192 iiahbling ib. Wagtail 247 Banana 367 Wattle Bird, the Cinereous 384 Bine 332 Wave, the Tenth 435 BJue-eyed- Weaver-Bird 389 Yellow 366 Bunting ib. Dartford 248 Oriole ib. Hedge 266 Web-footed Birds 36 Palm 366 Weesel-Coot 210 Pensile 367 Weever-Birds 389 Sedge 248 Wheap 163 468 INDEX. Wheat-Ear 247 Wood-Pigcon,Addres8tothe352 "WlJeel-Bird 311 Thrush 351 W hewer 128 Titmouse 245 Whim ib. Woodpecker 164, 165 166 Whimbrel 163 the Downy 167 Whin-Chat 248 Golden-winged ib. Whip-poor-WiW 313 314 165 Whitt-Game 222 Greater-spottedl67 Nim 210 Green 165 Tail 247 Haiiy 167 Throat 248 Ivory-billed 166 the Lesser ib. Lesser-spotted 167 Wagtail 247 Red-headed 166 Widgeon 128 White-billed ib. the Red-headed ib. Woodspite 165 Wieranale 194 Woodwail ib. Wild-Geese 129 213 Wourali Poison, what 294 Willock 187 213 Wran 242 Willow-Lark 248 Wren ib. Willy-Winky 192 the Caroline 367 Wilson, Alexander, Common 242 some Account of 90 Gntty ib. Wh)d-Hover 107 Golden 245 Winter Gull 181 Crested ib. Mew ib. Green 246 Witch 214 Ground ib. Wit-wall 362 Loui,'parrow,(^) bird well known and save by boy; Rapacious, rarely touched by tyrant man? But see ! a spoiler comes, without whose note No spring would seem; nor would the maiden rove, In May-time pleas'd, the solitary dell, Without that well-known note, although with him "Who all her soul commands, — associate power Of Nature ! Yes, a note that with delight The morning wakes, as from the lofty elm The CuckooC) sends the monotone. Yet he, Polygamous, ne*er knows what pleasures wait On pure monogamy ; nor doth his slave A domicile prepare her callow brood To nurture, but, with occupancy rude, ( ') Sylvia modularis. — (^) Cuculus canorus. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 15 The hedge-sparrow's peace invades, and leaves an eg^ To be by her protected. This were well Did not destruction wait around her dome ; Scarce stirs with life the stranger, ere he thrusts Her offspring forth — their death concludes the scene ! From Sylviads, Alaudinas, pass YE now ; From MerulidSf — the whole Insessori^) tribe, To some important groups that freely range The mountain, wood, the forest, or the plain ; Whom Snowdon and the Alps, and Andes greet As welcome lords of desolate domain ; Whom sea, whom desert hears ; whom distant isle Acknowledges companions ; where no voice, Save of the winds, or ocean's angry roar, Disturbs their dwelling, their secure abode : The tall Grallator,{^) and the Raptor C) fierce; Hence to domestic Rasors (*), that to man Subjected and his rule, caprice, or sport, Or better pleasure, their abundance yield. Whether of eggs nutritious, or of food Fibrous and firm ; — or proud Natators ('), they (') Insessor tribe^ Perching Birds. — (^) Grallalor, a Wading-Bird. — (^) Raptor, a Rapacious Bird.— -('*)/?«5«r*, birds which obtain their food by scratching the ground. — (5) Nalators, Swimming Birds. 16 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. Who, buffeting the wave, on ocean sail, Or, on the floods of Thames or Severn, glide. Or more secluded waters, where they reign Lords of the element, and sportive dive, Or seek the finny tribe, aquatic worm. The race A7iatidjC) too, whose snowy down. Or plumage, proffers man serene repose. Where no indulgent luxury abounds. Will e*er attentive observation claim. Nor less the active Rasors ; whether they Before the grange or in the woodlands stalk — A Phasianid ij") group of various hue, — Obediently to many a chanticleer, That wakes the morning with responding notes, And bids stout labour from his homely couch Rise e'er the sun gladdens the eastern hills. The Tetrnonids, (^) too, prolific tribe. Shall yield no mean excitement — *^ Giant Grouse^'\^) The Partridge, {^) Ptarmigan^ (^) the Heath-cock, C') QuaiL{*) C) Race anatid, birds of the Duck tribe, including the Goose, Swan, &c. — (*) Phasianid group^ birds of the Phea- sant TRIBE, inchiding not only Pheasants, bnt also the com- mon Cock and Hen. — (3) Tetraonids, birds of tiie Partridge, Grouse, and Tinamou tribe. — C^) Tetrao urogallus^:r-C) '^^- traoperdix. — {^) Tetrao Iagopus.—(J) Tetrao t€trix.—(^) Tetrao coturnix. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 17 What time Columbidsi^) buoyant o'er the fields, Or urged by speed, as messengers, shall fly. O YE who, in the smoky city, toil, Denied the mountain's lofty height to tread, Denied the breezes of the ocean shore, Yet wisely seek occasional relief, Or kind retirement from the eternal din — ' ' Collision of the crowd ; who to some dell Where runs the rivulet, where warble birds. Or, o*er the breezy hills of Hampstead hie. To Sydenham's cool shades, or Wood of Penge, The warblers' free domain ; how blest the change ! How renovating ! But, neglecting these, The simplest, purest pleasures which abound Amid fair Nature's fields, if YE adopt Sport for your pleasure, — Sport with sentient life — Sport with " the quivering fibre"— JSirc? or Beast — Unhallowed ever will that pleasure be. And calm reflection wound you with her sting.(*) (') Columbids, birds of the Pigeon tribe. (^) The sport of shooting at Pigeons, it is to be regretted, a very favourite one in and around the metropolis, and generally, the sport of shooting at Birds have been treated so much at large in my Ornitkologia that there does not appear any ne- cessity for saying more concerning them here. 18 PLEASURES OF ORKITIIOLOG Y. Nor may we here forget that Cygnine C) group. White as the fairest snow, and proud of port, With neck of graceful arch ; domestic some, Yet more in hyperborean climes abide, Free as the air of heaven to wander wild, And greet, though rarely, our south brumal sun. Say YE aberrant, for YE have, perchance, On marge of inland lake — the sea*s wild shore, Sought out some guiltless victim and from tube. Fraught with destruction, sent the thunder forth, — Say, heard YE e'er a melancholy wail ; Have not some plaintive notes assail'd your ear, As out the life-blood flow*d — the plumage stain'd, Which memory never, never may forget 1 And deem YE that the RapiorSy too, for waw, Pursue their course mid paths of upper air — From Alp to distant Alp or Andes soar — Or stooping, snatch the all unconscious lamb, — That to the eyrie Hannah Lamond's bairn (*) Was borne to prove a mother's agony, And triumph 1 — Else why urge your lofty claim ? C) (Cygnine group, birds of the Swan tribe. (^) See a finely wrought up story on this subject in Black- wood's Magazine for October, 1826. t»LEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 19 Now go YE to the groups migration sends On errands o'er the earth ; for pleasure some, But more important functions stimulate- Chief Incubation, and the sequent care To rear the tender offspring ; others rove In quest of food, or of more genial skies ; Some in wild troops arrive ; but more, in spring, Alone come unobserv'd, until their songs Proclaim their presence in the budding wood. The Cuckoo,{^) Nightingale^ shall ever please The messengers of May ; — while others lift Their voices in the meadow or the dell, Or on the mountain ; chief the Sylviad tribe : The gentle Willow-wren{^) — the Petty-Chajpsji^^) Whose note Luscinia's rival, and a crowd Of WarblerSj whom go seek YE in the wood. The Golden Galbule, (*) too, that Orioline,{^) (^) It has been lately stated in the public papers that a Cuckoo has been kept in a healthy state in a cage during the last winter at Goring, near Worthing, and that in the spring of the present year (1828) it ponred forth its well known note. The only in- stance it is l5('Iieved of a Cuckoo having been kept throngh the winter in this country. (*) Sylcia trocJiilus. — (3) Sylvia hortensis, or Greater Petty-chaps.— ('*) Oriolu galbula, or Golden Oriole; (5) 0%^ioUne is, of course, a bird of the Oriole tribe. 20 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. Bright in his elegance, amid our shades, Occasionally wanders when the sun Rides in his summer glory and invites The birds to follow from the fervid south. The swift Hirundinids (*) of twittering note, Shall come to greet your dwellings, while the Raili^y The Caprimulgid C^) with his humming wheel. Shall aid to fill the group and crown the spring. But now the hollow blasts of autumn rise ; The sun no more his calorific ray Intense pours o'er the fields, and night, cold night, Transforms to frost-work crystalline the dew ; Our summer guests of melody are gone ; Others on wing to go ; of these the chief Are Swallows who, a seeming conference Or council hold, till on some favouring breeze They upward soar, and southward wing their way. As frown the brumal heralds, lo ! they come. From hyperborean, Scandinavian climes, A far more hardy and enduring race. Surcharged their plumage with a mucous oif ; Well cloath'd to cope with tempest and with sea, C) Hirundinids^ birds of the Swallow tribe. — (^) Rallus crex, — (3) Caprimulgus Eurapxus, or Goat-sucker. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 21 On the ice-clifF they citadels erect ;(') Now for support and shelter in the south Come the Anatid, CygninCy Alcady{'^) groups ; The Scolopacids (^) too ; — the Woodcock(*) — Snipe{') — Innumerous more Grallators ; — Merulids{^) Also retreat before benumbing frost And strew our fields with life, what time the snow A fleecy mantle drops upon the earth, Till, winter pass'd, they flee again away, Rejoicing in the summer of the north. Still on your patience may the song intrude ? Still will YE listen to the musing strain Of one who would your better judgment aid. (0 It is a singular, yet authenticated fact, that gome sea-birds make icebergs their retreat iu tempestuous weather, sleep there, 4nd there too occasionally hatch their young ! {j^) A lead group, birds of the Auk tribe.— (3) ScoZopaciV*, birds of the Snipe tribe.— (+) Scolopax rusticola. — (^)Scolopax gallinagOj or Common Snipe.— (6) Merulids: as the Turdus pilaris, or Fieldfare, and the Redwing, Turdus iliacus. This last bird sings, it is said, in the breeding season, in Norway and Sweden, equal to the Song-Thrush of this country ; indeed a Friend, at Trowbridge, (J. N. C. esq.,) informs me that the Redwing occasionally sings in this country before its departure in the spring. See the end of the Poem, 22 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOG 1*. And win you with all kindness, as for those Who cannot for themselves your court address — A counsel he to plead their righteous cause ? And, oh, were he more able ! Where is Bowles(^) — The feeling and the tender, he who well, On Cantian cliffs, to Matlock tunes his reed ; Or, of the Captive in the narrow cell ** From life and light shut out," such thought excites As prompts benevolence to active deeds ? Where South ey ! Thou, who erst of freedom sang*st, And with a dash of thy astounding plume, Mad'st quail the proud oppressor ? — Where art Thou, Moore of the Lyre melodious ? — Coleridge ! where? (*) Mr. Bowles has been lately most praiseworthily engaged in endeavouring to obtain the mitigation of a very severe sen- fence passed on a female, for stealing from her master, a magis- trate, some china of the value of a few shillings. She was tried at the sessions at Marlborough and sentenced to two year's imprisonment, one half of which she was to be in solitary con- fiuement ! Such sentences as these, so far from being calculated to amend the offender or prevent crime, tend only to excite disgust at tlieir inhumanity, and pity for the sufferer. When will men learn the best mode of correcting our moral aberra- tions? 1 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 23 ThoUf who in mystic musings seek'st delight, Or warblest for the ** wretched" such high song As ever in the vallies of the earth Shall echo ? — Hither haste, ye potent Bards ! Ye masters of the soul— of love, of truth, Lest such an humble advocate should fail How just soe'er the question ! Turn YE now Where glows with fiercer ray the Tropic sun- Where vegetation her profusion pours From ample cornucopia, and invites All animate creation to partake. Nor slow the Birds to accept the proffer'd boon — A rich repast of berries or of fruit — From Palm or Pine, the Coco's laden arms — Or Indian fig*, the glory of the East. The sea too yields her store; and many an egg Of Crocodile or Tortoise from the sand Evolves the Vulturid (0 then holds his feast. Here too in music the wild woods abound, Despite of Caprimulgid's (*} grating note, * Ficus Indicoy or Banyan-tree. (') VuUuridj a bird of the Vulture tribe. — (*) CaprimuJgiJ, a bird of the Goat-sucker tribe. 24 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. Of Psittacid*s (') or Picid's scream what time, The days of tempest o'er, adorn'd with smiles, Flora and Ceres in their garlands dance, Strewing their odours to the passing breeze. Go listen to the throng; and chief to him In plumage plain, the Mimic Merulid, (*) He who hath all the Sylviads* songs by heart — All notes melodious and all dissonance Ever at ready beck, as he may list ; Still, through the live long night, he sings his own, Lively yet soothing, rapturous yet sweet. Now hie YE to some quiet, sombre shade — And if at eve, when sad the day hath been. And rain descending bathes the earth with showers. Most favourable time YE choose to hear The Wood-Thrush Q) warble his melodious lay. Nor cease the active Fringillids to greet The woods, the dales, with music ; chief of these Of graceful form and robes of citrine hue. With intertexture elegant of grey, (0 Psittacidf a bird of the Parrot tribe.-— (^) Tardus pohjgloltus, or Mocking-bird.— (3) Turdus melodus. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 25 The Bird to Afric (0, Islands Fortunate (^), To that Atlantic Rock(^) indigenous, Which proudly lifts its front amid the waves The storm defying; on whose bosom rests What once possessed a spirit that could stir The nations with a breath, and, in career Of haste, too oft with desolation arm 'd. Swept as a whirlwind ; now he silent lies, The terror once of Europe — of the World — Whose life a lesson which the world should learn : He unto whom both Emperors and Kings Paid homage, now on that volcanic rock The Victim of Ambition (*) silent lies, Dissolving to his pristine elements; While o'er his lonely grave the willows bend, As if in sadness, and the sprightly song Of vagrant bird is heard upon the spray. Heedless a mighty conqueror rests below : That bird a denizen of these warm climes, Of song at once both loud and passing sweet ; Whether his native notes your audience claim. Or, by domestic education taught. The Alaudinas and the Sylviad's voice Mingles with strains melodious, wild, and new. (0 Fringilla Canaria, or Canary bird (*) Tke Camry Islands, so called.— (3) St. Helena.— (*) Napoleon Buona- parte. B 26 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. Hence hie YE where the broad La Plata rolls His giant tide ; or to the fertile banks Of his huge tributaries — Paraguay, Parana, where on Nature's ample board Plenty pours rich oblations ; and the birds. Of wood, of meadow, and of mountain, lords, Riot in all the luxuries of song. There listen to that sweet XanthorearisQ) strain. Who, when in Northern climes beyond the reign Of Cancer, finds abode, the accustomed song, By time, not season, prompted, still he sings. Greeting the winter with his warbling lay. Many the Oriolinas (•) melodies ; But chief the Niger ^ (') Nidipenduline, C^) Your ear demand. Well too observe their domes Wrought with consummate skill, and nicely attached. Yet firmly, to some slight depending spray ; Buoyant they wave to every breezp, secure From wily serpent and the Simia tribe. (0 Fringilla xanthorea. This bird is described by Prince Charles Buonaparte, in the Journal of the Academy of Natu- ral Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. iv., part 2. See also Orni- THOLOGiA, page 253. — (*) OriolinaSf birds of the Oriole TRIBE. — (^) Oriolus niger, or Black Oriole. — (*) Oriolus nidipendulus, or Hangnest Oriole. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 27 Their plumage too, of vivid tints behold — Rich as some eastern monarch's flowing robe, When he his princes meets in high Divan ; Bright as the brilliants which adorn his brow. Nor will the Tanagrinas' (0 social group Their harmony neglect ; the Sylviads, too, Exult in pride of plumage and of song : The Babbler f(^^) restless mimic, others' notes With noisiness attempts ; the PensiliSf (^) Wrapt in a robe of beauty, tunes his reed To delicate, perennial song, the while Within her myrtle bower his cheerful mate Responds in modest note ; or in her nest, That wantons in the breeze, she smiling sits Sipping the silent stream of deep delight. Of WrenSf go listen to the group that rouse Indifference from his trance ; — the Ruby-crown' d (♦) Of various note ;— the Caroline (*) whose voice Vies with the Nightingale's, whose nest globose On reedy columns plac'd, a strange support, Invites the eye of wonder oft to gaze. Still further would YE of the warbler train Your search pursue ? In far Columbian climes C) TanagrinaSy birds of the Tanager tribe.— (•) Sylvia curruca, or Babbling Warbler.— (3) Sylvia pensilis^ or Pen- sile Warbler.— (*) Sylvia calendula, or Caroline Wren. b2 28 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. The Blue-bird (') that domestic Sylviad, he Whom youth, whom age, whom infancy, respects. Affords sincere delight what time the spring He with his gentle melodies awakes. And is there aught more soothing or more sweet Than song of Bird upon some buoyant spray ? Go YE of Art the various music seek, — The organ pealing from the gothic dome — The din of instruments, and many a voice That trills, amidst some gorgeous theatre, Italian airs of difficult command. At midnight; or to City concert hie, Where mingled are the sounds of trumpet, drum. The viol, and the harp; and there partake. If so YE may, of Pleasure's splendid feast ; Whilst I, in daytime, eve, or early morn. With one fair gentle spirit, will away And hide me in some distant woodland dell. Where gushing waters from the rock descend, And listen to the songs of Nature's Birds ; Or, at the midnight hour, with quiet steal,— For midnight hath her charms where quiet dwells,- And listen to the Nightingale, apart From all the turmoil of the world ; or meet Kind Contemplation in the starry vault. (») Sylvia sialis. PLEAIURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 29 From music go YE, and contemplate now The many-tinted robes intense and bright That mock description in the various tribes; Where colour vies with colour — red with green — Crimson with black — the "purple with the blue — Yellow with orange — dove with fairest whiter Apart, or else, by intermixture nice, A thousand shades producing such as ne'er By art was pictur'd, or by fancy wrought : What need to name the Peacock's (') splendid plumes, The Pheasant's (^ ) green and gold ; the orange tints Of Manakin ; (') the glossy black and green Of Promerops (*) superb — the brilliant dyes Which proudly Birds of Paradise (*) bedeck ! Behold the groups of Psittacids (*^) that climb The palm, or on the coco*s branches swing, As gay as garrulous ;— the PicidsC) too. With ivory beak of elegance, yet strength To pierce the hollow bole with echoing strokes That through the forest ring, and thence obtain (') Pavo cri8iatus.-—{'*-) PhasianuM Colchicus, or Common Pheasant.— ('2) Pipra rupicolcy or Cock of the Rock. — (*)Upupa superba, or Grand Promerops. — (^) Paradisea apoda, ox Greater Bird of Paradise. — (^) Psiltacids, birds of the Parrot tribe. — (7) PicidSj birds of the Woodpecker tribe } the allusion in the text applies to Picus principalis, or Ivory-billed Woodpecker. 30 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. The insidious worm, scooping a nest secure From numerous enemies. The Trochilids, (') Tenuirosires, (2) bright and on the wing E'er humming shall awhile your care engross ; — Their nests consummate neatness ; and their eggs Tiny, rotund, and white without a stain ; With delicacy mix*d, their plumage glows In all the colours of the irid arch, Combined in shadows of innumerous hues Intense or faint, yet ever beautiful. Again : think YE the aberrant Orioline, (^) Whom have Columbia's sons the Cowpen (^) nam*d — For Man becomes a vagrant, nor provides Or house or home, nor knows domestic bliss ; — From nest to nest of other birds she roves Her eggs depositing, nor ever cares One moment for them or her callow sons? Thence, midst the Nectariniad (*) groups, go search The spicy gardens of the gorgeous East — In Hindoostan — beneath the tropic sun — Or in those myriad isles that stud the seas, (») Trochilids, or birds of the Humming-bird tribe. — (2) TenuirostreSf birds with Slender Bills. — (3) Oriolus pe- coris, the Cowpen Oriole, Cowpen, or Cow-bunting. — (*) Nectariniad groups, birds of the Honey-eating tribe. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 31 To whom broad Ganges ever tribute yields ; — Go and behold the splendid Cinnyrids (*) That flutter o'er the many-tinted flower Its nectar stealing, while their wings they bathe In odours exquisite, which to the breeze They prodigally scatter as they rove. Hence, inquisition midst the forest glades Of dangerous AJrica shall yield delight, If, with security, YE there might rove : There pipe the Fringillids, there Sylviads sing — Brightness their plumes, and melody their lays. There, too, the Red Flamingo (*) on the marge Of lake or river stalks, Grallator tall. Whom superstition worships : there his note— Guide to delicious Aorae2/(^) — wild bees* nest. With high delight the roving savage hears. The Ibis (*) too, the serpent's enemy, O'er Egypt's Delta keeps a watchful eye What time approach the Locusts. There abound Herons and Cranes — huge some, and some minute : The Egret Q), Adjutant {% and Demoiselle (^), (0 CinnyridSj birds of the Cinnyris or Sun-bird tribe. — (^) Phosnicopterus ruber, — (3) Cuculus indicator, or Honey-guide Cuckoo. — {^) Tantalus ibis. — (5) Ardea garzeita, or little Egret. — {^) Ardea gigantea, or Bone-taker, whose wings expand almost fifteen feet.— ('') Ardea virgo, or Dancing- crane. 32 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. Whose attitudes much elegance display. There too, indigenous, that Textor (') bird, Who oft, in his captivity, hath wrought, With chosen filaments, consummate skill, Rich fabrics of unrivalled bombycine. In fine, go search on Afric's thirsty sands, That Struthionid{^) tall, of all earth's birds The biggest, him whose fair and snowy plumes Bedeck our brightest beauties ; thence seek YE, . Of helmet pride, the Emeu of the East^ (3) The Rhea of the West ;{^) or him{^) who roves The wild Australian plain, and, fleet of foot. Flies fast before the hunters ; all evince. As o'er the earth they skim, yet scarcely touch. Speed without flight — our admiration win. (») Emheriza texlrix, or Weaver-bunting. The habits of this bird are very little known ; more iuformation concerning them is every way desirable ; its nest is, in all probability, a very curious one. — (*) Struthionid, a bird of the Ostrich tribe. The particular one here alluded to, the Struthio camelus, Black or African Ostrich. — (3) Struthio casuarius, or Cassowary. — (4) Struthio rhea, or American Ostrich. — (^) Struthio Nov(E Hollandice^ or New Holland Cassowary. The Dodo, Didus (Linn.), is arranged also under Struthio, which Dr. Latham has made an order consisting of four genera, of which the Dodo is one. But although there is no doubt that such birds as Dodos have existed, (see Ornithol gia, page 383,) yet, by the latest researi lies, (see Zoological Journal,) they are not now to be found at the Mauritius, where they formerly in- habited; nor have they been heard of elsewhere. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY 33 From habit, manner, song, to structure pass Of nicest adaption, what their wants, Necessities, existence, may require. Behold their beaks how multiform and long, Or short, or bent, or straight, or narrow, broad : Compress'd as some of Alcad group, in shape. Rude likeness of a Razor, — Bucerids\C) With ridge of horn protuberant and huge. The Conirostres' {^) fitted well the shell Of seeds to crush ; the Raptors' piercing hook To hold or rend ; Grallafors' often long To probe, to pierce, for many a hidden worm : — The Anatids broad, indented i^Fissirosts Q) With ample gape which, while upon the wing. Its prey with ease ingulpbs. Some pointed, sharp To wound the worm or pierce the mucous snail. Tenuirosts\^) that draw from many a flower The juice mellifluous with missile tongue. Even Plaialeai^) with her rostral spoon — * Ramphastosi^) hissing with his mask grotesque. And Loxia curvirostra (J) will evince That best adapted are the beaks for each. From Head to Feet go YE.— What wonder still, What wisdom ! The Insessors with long claws (') JSwcerids, birds of the Horn-bill TRIBE. — (2) Conirostres, birds with Conic Bills.— (3) Fissirosts, birds with notchkd or GROOVED Bills.— C^; Tenuirosls, birds with Slkkder Bills. — (5) Platalea, Spoon-bill ; particularly Platalea leuorodia.-^ (<5) RamphastoSyToncxii, — (7) Loxia carriros/ra, or Cross-bili,. 34 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. That grasping, hold secure the topmast spray, And to the passing breeze all buoyant dance ; — The Grallatores (") who with cloven feet , And length of leg deep wade; or Raptors they, Whose talons strong, incurv'd and piercing, hold Whate'er they seize and to the eyrie bear ; While by the Rasor*s well- adapted feet Forth from his hiding place is drawn the worm. As sail the Natafores {^) on the wave, Their paddles membranous, lo ! how they ply And speed along ; or; if Colymbid (^) race, Dive with agility, and long beneath, For pleasure or security remain. Even flamy Phcenicopterus ('^) whose length Of leg, of neck, seems disproportionate To trunk so small, is still what he should be — Well fashioned for his functions. Hence go YE Inspect their various Feathers form'd at once For use and beauty — light and fitted well — The pennon plumes to press the elastic air, And on impel the buoyant bird ; to steer (J) Grallatoresj Wading birds.— d) NatatoreSy Swimming BIRDS. — C^; Colymbid race, birds of the Diver tribe.— (^'^)Phida, or King-fisher. See Ormithologia > page 171. 44 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. Shall lift the axe of vengeance ; when nor clime Nor creed shall sever ; nor ambition mock That holy, moderate, essential toil For nourishment, for health in due degree To all apportioned ; when united mind — One Family of Love — one will-^one wish To be and to make happy, shall the earth, Midst meet vicissitude, most pleasant change, Pervade, encircle, as the ambient air. Bland, universal, vital, and benign ('). (') The author cannot resist the temptation which half a page offers him to observe, in conclusion, on this interesting subject, that the possibility of all mankind living in mutual har- mony is not perhaps so difficult, nor the period so remote in which it may be accomplished as, to ordinary apprehension, it usually appears. If it be possible to train not only cats and tnicef but owls, hawks, pigeons, and many other birds, and an et ccetera of other animated beings, to live together in mutual harmony, without disturbing one another in their various en- joyments; and, that it is possible, a large cage containing the living evidences of such possibility is often to be seen on some of the bridges of the metropolis, accompanied by the ingenious owner and trainer of the animals; surely, if this be possible, Man, the most intelligent of animated beings, may be ultimately brought to perceive that his true interest, his best happiness, lies in offices of benevolence and mutual goodwill— whatever his clime, whatever his creed. The name of the owner of the animals above mentioned is John Austin, and he resides near the Coburg Theatre : he deserves honourable mention. PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. 45 THE REDWING'S SONG. Turdui Iliacus. — Linnaeus. Le cantique de mes soupirs. — J. Racii A love there i», surpassing love, It is of purest kind, And lives — for ever lives — to time It may not be confined. 'i'o cold diistrust — indifference cold It never — never yields ; — No wintry blasts can ever blight The blossom in its fields. Nor Fortune ! fickle as thou art, Can thy severest frown The ardours of that love abate — A moment cast them down. When want appears with poverty, When hollow Friends forsake, That love around its kindred heart A closer twine will take. 46 PLEASURES OF ORNITHOLOGY. When to the couch hath pale Disease Her suffering victim led, That love shall lend its ministry And raise the drooping head. When death shall threaten, or shall smite That love shall ever stand Eager to lessen, if it might. His heaviness of hand. Such love the lapse of years endures, Intense becomes by age ; As well the peasant suits as prince. Philosopher or sage. That love is thine, beloved one ! Affection's darling child; And O may time yet realise Thy warmest visions wild. 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