FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY S^.U'.o^ll' -A^XIXHOR'S EDITION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES GKOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. Geologist-in-Charge. SECOND INSTALMENT or AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. BY Dr. ELLIOTT COUES, U. S. A. EXTKACTED FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE SURVEY, Vol. V, No. 2. Washington, September 6, 1879, i/C -rvVS-fc*'^^*^ Art. XVII.— Second Iii^nfaliiioiit of Aiiicrican Oriii- lliolo^'icnl Biblio^rnphy. By Dr. Elliott Cones, ir. S. A. Part First of the "Birds of the Colorado Valley ", etc., contains a I>iblio;nraplii(.'al A]>i)t'udix (pp. 5G7-784, or [1]-[218]), ■\vhieh consists of a "List of Faunal I*ublieations rehiting" to Xortli American Orni- tJiology", being the first instalment of a Universal Bibliography of Ornithology npon which the anthor of that "vvoi'k is still engaged. The present article may be considered to continue the subject, as it gives the titles of " Faunal Publications" relating to the Ornithology of tlie rest of America. Tlie former i^iece of Mork has been received with great favor by ornithologists, whose kind expressions of interest assure him that liis bil)liographical material is Avelcome. This further instabnent of tlie work is constructed npon the same l)rinciples as tlie other, and with the same great pains to secure good results. Though of course much less extensive, containing only about 700 titles, it is scarcely less complete, and no less accurate, than the Xorth ^Vraerican portion. The compiler takes this occasion to renew the request that those who are interested in the matter will iioint out defects which may be detected in any portion of the work now printed. To those who may not be informed of the general plan of the whole Bibliography, he may explain that it is modelled after the " Zoological Record", and that the titles given in this second instalment are only those which an editor of the " Record " would have brought under the head of " Neotropical Region " — all general and miscellaneous works, and all those upon x>articular species, genera, or families of birds, being excluded. 1648. Marcgrave, G. Histori.a Natvralis | Brasiliae, | Aiispicio et Beneficio | lllns- triss. I. Mavritii Com. Nassav | illivs Proviiiojje et Maris snmini Praefecti Adornata | In (inn, \ Non tantum Plautje et Animalia, sed et In- | digenarnm luorbi, iugenia et mores describnntnr et | Iconibns supra quiugentas illus- trantur. | Lvgdvn. Batavorvni, | Apud Frauciscimi Hackium, et | Amstelo- dami, | Apud Lnd. Elzevirium. IMS. \ [Or,] Guliolmi Pisouis, M. D. | Lngdimo-Batavi, | Do | Modicina Brasiliensi | Libri Qvatvor: | I. De Aere, Aquis, & Locis. | II. De Morbis Endoniiis. | III. De Venonatis & Aiitidotis. | IV. De Facultatibns Simplicium. | Et j GeorgI Marojravl de Liebs'^ad, | Mlsnici Germani, | Histori.-B Rervm Na- 240 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol. V. 1<)48. Maucgkavk, G. — Contiimod. tvralivm | Brasilia', | Libri Octo : | Qiionmi | Tres prioies aguut de Plaiitis. | Qnartus dc Piscibus. | Quintus de Avibus. | Sextus de Quadrupedibus & Ser- peutibus. I Septiums de Insectis. | Octavus de ipsa Kegioue, &. illiua lucolis. | Cvm I Appeudice de Tapiiyis, et Chileiisibvs. | loannes De Laet, | Autwer- pianiis, I lu ordinem digessit & Anuotatioues addidit, & A^aria ab Auctore | Omissa sup]»levit & illustravit. | Above titles covering Ijotli Piso and Maregrave ; latter also separately sub- titled in nearly identical words, omitting the Piso part of the title. 1 vol. folio. Engraved title to both, 1 1. ; i)lain title to both, 1 1. ; Piso to Prince AVilliam, 2 11. ; Piso to the reader, 1 1. ; Piso's contents, 1 1. ; Piso's text, pp. 1-122; Piso's index, 1 1. — Marcgrave's subtitle, 1 1. ; Marcgrave's dedication, 1 1. ; De Laet to the reader, 1 1. ; Marcgrave's contents and errata, 1 1. ; Marc- grave's text, pp. 1-292 ; Appendix, p. 293; Index, | + 3 11. Unnumbered cuts in text of both authors. The fifth book of Marcgi-avc's part of this work treats of birds in fifteen cbapters, as fol- lows : — G*orgi JJarcgravi HistoriiE Xaturalis Brasiliit Liber Quintus, Qui agit de Avibns, in Quo sunt Icones quatuor supra quinquaginta, et Annotationes octo, pp. 190-220, Cap, I,-XV, — I, p. 190, Xhanduguacu, lacana (tig,), varise ejus species, Curicaca (fig,). II, p. 192, Tijepiranga. (tig.), lacapu, lambu, Galliua africana (fig,), Guirangeima, lupujulja (fig,), Sayacu, Ani (fig,), Guira guainumbi (fig,). Ill, p, 19-1, Jaguacati (fig,), Mitu (fig.), Mituporanga (fig,), Tlfijau (2 figg.). IV, p, 196, Guainumbi variiB .species (fig,), V, p. 198, lacupema (fig,), lacamacaij (fig,), lacurutu (fig,), Soco (fig,), Matuitui (fig,). VI, p, 200, labiru (fig,), labiru guacu (fig,), ilanucodiata. VII, p, 201, Guirapunga utraque (2 figg,), Guiraquerea (fig,), Jacamaciri (fig.), Cariama (fig.) VIII, p. 203, Guara (fig.), Urutaurana (fig.), Maguari, Guarauna (fig.), Ajaia, Picui pinima. Pica cureba, Tuidara, Guacuguacu, Tapera. IX, p. 205, Psittacoruni niajoiauu &. niinorum varife species. Tui vulgo Perroquet. Araracanga (fig.), etc. X, p. 207, Ipeeu (fig.), Urubu (fig.). Taniatia utraque (2 figg.), Guirajemoja (tig.), GuiTani nheengeta (fig.). XI, p. 209, Cocoi Ardeae sjiecies (fig.); alia .species, Guiratinga, Ardeola (fig.), lacarini, Guiratii'ica, Guiranheengatu. XII, p. 211, Cunicui (fig.), Caracara (fig.), Tijeguacu (fig.), Teitei, Guiragiracu beraba (fig.), Guiracoereba. Guiraperea, lapacani, Caiiure, Andira aca. XIII, p. 213, Macucagua (fig.), Colunibie silvestris species. Anas sylvestris, Urubitinga (fig.), Mareca utraque, Tiieguacu paroara (fig.), Tangara utraque (fig.). XIV, p. 215, Anhima (fig.), Pitangua guacu (fig.), Atingaca camucu (fig.), Guira acangatara (fig.). XT, Matuitui (fig.), Aracari, Tucana, Anliinga (fig.), Ipecati apoa (fig.), Pullus gallinaceus moustrosus (quadrupes, fig.). The figures are monstrous, reminding us of those of Gesnor, for example, though many of the marked species are recognizable. The text, however, is minutely descriptive, and most of the species are identifiable. This is a celebrated work, standing in much the same ornithological relation to South America that its virtual contemporary, Hernandez's, bears to Mexico. "We have here the first description and primary basis of many species. Linnaius and other early species-makers cite Marcgrave freely, and he remains, in fact, quotable to-day. The reader will not fail to note that he has here the vernacular derivation of many names with which he is familiar in their quasi-Latin and even English rehabilitation, but the etymology of which would not necessarily be obvious to a Compare witli tlie above the following, for example: Kandou, Pyranga, Guira, Guiraca, Ani, Mitu, Mituporanya, Jacamar, Kacurutu, Jahiru, Cariama, Ajaja,, Coercba, Maguari, Guarauna, Tapera, Aracanga, Ararauna, Vrubu, Kcngcta, Cocoi, Carasara, Urubitinga, Tangara, Tanagra, Pitangua, Aracari, Tucana, Toucan, etc. For an elaborate commentary on this work, see 1820 and 1824, Lichtensteix, H. 1658. EocHEFORT, C. BE. Histoire | naturelle et morale | des | lies antilles | de I'Amerique. | Enrichie de jjlusieurs belles figures des Earetez les plus | con- siderables qui y sout ddcrites. | Avec vn Vocabulaire Caraibe. | [Dessin.] | A Eoterdani, | Chez Amould Leer.s, | — | M. DC. LVIII. 1 vol. Svo or sm. 4to. Eug. title, 8 jirel. pji. incl. regular title, pp. 1-527, 6 11. (contents). Chapitre Quinzieme, pp. 147-167, a fig. on p. 152, and a page of figs, on p. 166, " Des oiseaus les plus considerables des Antilles ", des Fregates, des Fauves. des Aigrettes, etc., du Grand Gosier, des Poules d'eau, des Flammans {^= Platalea), de I'Hirondelle, de plusieurs Oiseaux de terre. des Arras, des f'anidcs. des Perroijuets, des Peniques du tremble, du Pas- sercau, de I'Aigle de I'Orinoco. du Mansieny, du Colibrj-. — This is the orig. ed. A'o. 2.] COUES'S ORNIiyiOLOGICAL lilliLIOGRAPIIY. 241 1666. KociiEi'Oar, C. Die. The History of the Carihlty-I^himln, vi/. IJaibades, f'"^*^-] In two Books. The First containing tlie Natural the .Second the Moral His- tory', of these islands. Illustrated, [etc.] Rendered into English l>y John Davis of Kidwelly. London. IGCtG. 4to. pp. 3:'/G, 4 pll. Not seen : title from Sabiii's Jiibl. Amer. Ori;i. ed. 1658, q. v. 1667. [Stubbks, Dk. — . ] Observations Made by a Curious and Lcarju-d Person, sail- ing from England, to the Caribe-Islands. <^PhUijx. Traiin., ii, KJliT, \>\>. 4y3-5U(J. 1667. Wariucx, G. Impartial Deserijition of Surinam, . . . with a History of several strange Beasts, Birds, etc. 1667. Not seen. [Sec boyontl, Addenda, 1745.] 1668. Stubbes, Dr. — . An Enlargement of the Observations, formerly publisht, Numb. 27, made and generously imparted by that Learn'd and Inquisitive rhysitian. Dr. Stubbes. < Philos. Trans., iii, 166^?, pp. 6U'J-7(l'j. Allusionti to a few birds. 1681. [RociiEFOUT, C. DK.] Histoiio | Naturelle et Morale | des | lies Antilles | de l'Ameri(iue, | Emichie d'un grand uombre de belles Figures en taille douce, qui I represeuteut au uaturelles Places, &. les Raretez les plus | considerables qui y sont ddcrites. | Avec un Vocabulairo Caraibe. | Derniere Edition. | ReveuiJ & augmentde iiarl'Autlieurd'un Recit de I'Estat present des | celebres Colonics do la Virginie, de Marie-Laud, de l.i, Caroline, du | nouveau Duch6 d'York, do Peun-Sylvania, & de la nouvelle An- | gleterre, situdes dans l'Ameri(iue septentrionale, & qui rele- | vent de la. Courounc du Roy de la grand' Bretagne. | Tii-6 iidelcment des memoires des habitans des mfimes Co- lonics, I en faveur de ecus, qui atu'oyent le dessein de s'y | transporter pour s'y dtablir. [Par C<5sar de Rochcfort.] | [Vignette.] | A Rotterdam, | Chez Rei- iiier Leers, | — | M. DC. LXXXI. 1 vol. Sm. 4to. Eng. title, plain title, both backed blank, and 16 more unpaged 11., pp. 1-583, and 13 unpaged pp. ; then follow pp. 1-43, with a separate title, backed blank ; many plates and other illusti-ations. Orig. ed. 1G58, q. v. Chap. XV, pp. 1C3-182, "Des oiso&us lea p'jus couHiderablcs des Antil- les"; cut on p. lt)8, and page fidl of cuts p. 182. 1682. NiBCiiOF, J. Joan Nieuhofs Gedeukwaerdige Zee en Lantreizc door de Voor- uacmsto Landschapiien van West en Oostindien. Amsterdam. 1682. Folio. Not seen. " The second part, beginning at p. 29, contain,.* a cut representing several bird.s and a bat, with text descriptive of these and nnmerons other Brazilian birds. The figures are very good, much better than Marcgrave's; the names are vernacular." — J. A. Allex, incpist. [See beyond, Addenda.] 1703. Oliver, "W. A Letter from Dr. William Oliver to the Publisher, giving his Remarks in a late Journey into Denmark and Ibdland. <^Philos. Trans., xxiii, 1703, pp. 1400-1410. Contains an account of a curious bird seen m Ain.sterdam from "Carthagena in America", described as "Vultiu- Americauus minor Carthagenije Corjjore elegauti &. plum is admodum Concinne variegatis ". 1707-25. Sloaxe, H. A | Voyage | To the Islands | Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christojdiers | and | Jamaica, | wilhthc | Natural Hi.story | of the | Herbs and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fi.shes, | Birds, Insects, Reptiles, &c. | Of the last of those Islands ; | To which is prefix'd An | Introduction, | Wherein is au Account of the | luhabitauts. Air, Waters, Diseases, Trade, &c | of that Place, with some Relations concerning the Neigh- | bouring Continent, and Islands of America. | — | Illustrated with | The Figures of the Things describ'd, | which have not been heretofore engraved ; | In large Copper-Plates as big as the Life. | — | By Hans Sloane, M. D. | Fellow of the College of Physicians and Secretary | of the Royal-Society. | — | In Two Voliunes. Vol.1 [H]. | — | Many shall run to aiul fro, and Knowledge .shall be increased. Dan. xii. 4. I — I Loudon: | Printed by B. IL for the Author, 1707 [1725]. 2 vols. Folio. 242 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol. V. 1707-25. Sloank, H.— Continued. Vol. I, 1707, 8 p. 11., pp. i-cliv, 1-2G4, pll. i-iv (i being a map), 1-1.5G. Vol. II, 17J5, 2 ]). 11. (title antl dedication), pp. i-xviii, 1-4U9, pll. v-xi, 157-274. ThtTf are some (liscrcpiincles in the titles of the two vols. : in the second the author isppears as "Sir llaus Sloane, Bar'.", and the last line is simply " Printed for the author. 1725."— Vol. II, Book VI, Part II, pp. 293-325, "Of the Birds of .Jamaica ■■, pll. 2.i4-2(2.— Chap. I, Of Land Birds, 54 spp. Chap. II, Of Birds which Wade, or Frequent Watery Places, 17 spp. Chap. Ill, Of Water-Fowl, or such as are web-footed and Swim, 11 spp.; in all, 82 spp. The plates are ^•ery coarse and poor; some of them are as ludicrous as anything in Gesner, for example. The oruithulogy of this work has no intrinsic value, but derives some importance from the fact that here are the original descriptions of various birds upon which Linnican species rest whoUy or in part. Sloane's pages and plates were constantly cited by waiters of the centurj-, as Catesby, Edwards, Brisson, Linna;us, etc., and are sometimes refeiTed to still. 1724. Labat, — . Nonveau Voyage anx lies de I'AnK^rique. 1724. Xot seen: said to contain natural history illustrations. [.See Adtif.nda, beyond.] 1729. Wafer, L. A New | Voyage | and | Description | of the | Lstlimn.s of America. | Giving an Account of the | Author's Abode there, | The Form and M.ake of the Country, the Coasts, | Hills, Rivers, &e. Woods, Soil, AVeather, &c. Trees, | Fruit, Beasts, Birds, Fish, &c. \ The Indian Inhabitants, their Features, Complexion, | &c. their Manners, Customs, Employments, | Mar- riages, Feasts, Hunting, Computation, | Language, &c. | With Remarkable Occurrences in the South-Sea and | elsewhere. | — | By Lionel AVafer. | — | The Third Edition. | — | To which are added, | The Natural History of those Parts, I By a Fellow of the Royal Society : | and | Davis's Exjtedition to the Gold Mines, in 1702. | Illustrated with several Copper-Plates. | — | London, j Printed for James and John Kuaiiton, at the | Crown in St. Paul's Church- Yard. M DCC XXIX. Contained in vol. Ill of the series called "A Collection of Voyages", etc., 4 vols., London, 1729, being pp. 263^63 + 9, maps, plates. "The Birds, and Flying Insects", pp. 334-339, consists of an account of sundry species by the author. "An Additional Account of several Beasts, Birds, Fishes, EeptUes, &c, . . . Communicated by a Member of the Koyal Society ", Chap. II. Of 1 he Birds, pp. 402-410. A formal account of no fewer than 118 spp., very curtly described ruider English names applied wholly at random. 1749. CoxDAMiNE, C. M. DE LA. Relation abr^g^e d'un Voyage fait dans I'intdrieur de I'Amdrique m^ridionale, depuis la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusques^ux Cotes du Br(5sil & de la Guiane, en descendant la riviere des Amazones. <^Mt'm. de VAcad. Boy. des Sci. pour Vanne'e 1745, 1749, pp. 391-492, pll. viii, ix. Ifotes SUP les oiseaux, pp. 471-474. 1750. HCGHES, G. The | Natural History | of | Barbados. | — | In Ten Books. I — I By the Reverend | Mr. Griffith Hughes, A. M. | Rector of St. Lucy's, in the said Island, and F. R. S. | — | [Vignette.] | — | London: I Printed for the Author; | And sold by most Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. MDCCL. 1vol. Folio. 6 p. 11. (title, dedication, subscribers, etc.), pp. i-viii (preface, errata), 1-314, + 11 11. (explanatory notes, index, addenda), pll. 1-29, folded map, and head- and tail-pieces. Book m, pp. 69-79, Of Birds. A few species are very lightly treated, though it is stated that "An Inspection into the Structure, Nature and Qualities of every Species will convince us, that every Individual is stamped with Marks of infinite Wisdom ". 1756. Browxe, Patrick. The | Civil and Natural | History | of | Jamaica. | In Three Parts. I Containing, | I. An accurate Description of that Island, its Situation and Soil ; | with a brief Account of its former and present State, Government, | Revenues, Produce, and Trade. | II. A History of the natmal Productions, including the various Sorts | of native Fossils; perfect and imi)erfect Vege- tables: Quadrupedes, | Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and In.sects; with their Prop- erties and Uses | in Mechanics, Diet, and Physic. | III. An Account of the Nature of Climates in General, and their | diftereut Effects upon the human Body: with a Detail of the | Diseases arising from this Source, particularly within the Tropics. | In Three Dis.sertations. | The Whole illustrated with No.2.] COUES'S OKXITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 24S 1750. BnowxE, rATincK. — Coiitiinifd. • Fifty CopiHT-l'latcs: | lu wliicli tlio most curious rrotlnctions are represeuted of the iiatuiiil Size, and | dcliiu'ati-d iuimediatcly from the Objects. | — | By I'atiick Browne, M. D. | — | Lonilon: | I'riiited for the Author; and 8ohl by T. Osborne, andJ. Shipton, I in Gray 's-Iun. MDCCLVL 1vol. Folio. 4 p. II. (two titles, dedication, and list of subscribers), pp. v-viii (preface), 1-503, + 1 1., pi. i, map, pll. 1-4'J. Cliaj). IV, Of Itiril.s, iip. 400-483, uoiic- of the jdatcH. 5 I. Of the smaller fnigivoroiis and firanivorous birds with short and pointed (•oni<- bills, etc. : Jlinindo 4, Loxin 1, Frinyilla .'>, Mo- tacilla 1. § i. Of the suiidler frriiiiivoroiis awl venuivorous bird.s with couic and moderately Blender lenirthened bills, etc. : Coluiitha 10, Teta \, Tunli's 2. ^ .'(. Of birds of the lnr<:er tfranivorou.-t tril»e with thick, eonif,-aud moderately arehed bills, iiroi>ortioned limbs, and divided claws; I'avo 1, Cniz 1, Meleayrig 1. Gallus 4, letrao 1. '; 4. Of birds that have strong crooked bills and open claws, whose digits are geueniUy furnished with strong arched n.iils: Fulco 3, Viiltur 1, Pgittactis 11, iftrix 2. § 5. Of birds that have large straight bills, of a length nearly cqnal to the middle digit.s, and moderately flatted above: Corcits I, Crotopha- ()t(8 1, 1'icua 1, Barlbtus 1. 5 ^- Of birds that have long slender bills that arch .ind taper very moderately to the top : Folyiinvs 4, Todu* 1, Oriolus 1, Cuculus 1, Merops 1, Xanthornus 2. § 7. Of birds whose bills are 2-18.5, "the Description of Birds inh.ibiting the aerial regions of Guiana, which, for the variety, vivacity and lustre of colour.* that adorn their plumage, are no where excelled". — There is a German vtfsion of same date. 1769. B.\XCR0FT, E. Naturgeschichte | von | Guiana | in | Siid-Amerika. | Avorinn | von der natiirlichen Be.schatienheit nnd den A'or- | nehmsten Xaturinoducten des Laudes, ingleichen der Re- | ligion, .Sitten nnd Gebriiuchen verschiedener Stiimme | der wildeu Landes-Einwohner, Nachricht | ertheilet wird. | — | In vier Briefen. | You | Ednard Bancroft, Es((. | — | Aus dem Englischen. | — | [Quotation from Seneca.] | — | Frankfurt nnd Leipzig, | bey J. Dod.sley nnd Compagnie, 1769. 1 vol. 16mo. Fronti.spieee (2-headed snake), pj). i-x, 1 1., l)p. 1-248, 1 1. "Viigel, pj). 01-112. In dieser Ausgabe. die Art en die boreits in den Schriften des Herm Linne, oder von andera .Scliriftstelleni beschrieben worden sinil, sind mit den uuter den Text gesetzten linuaischcu Triviahiamen. oder Beuennung anderer Schriftsteller kennbarer gemacht woi-den. — Vergl. die Originalausgabe. 1709. 1775. SoNMXi in-: Maxonxuir, C. N. S. Observation sur les Cocis et Ponies de I'Ameririue meridionale. . 261; Strix cuniciilana. pp. '263, 343; Falco tharus, pp. 264, 343; Tidcur [sic] jota, p. 265, 343; Tultur gryphus (Linn.), p. 266. The following is a complete and exact transcript of the systematic catalogue, pp. 343-345, giving the names and of all Molina"s new species: — AVES. Accipitrc^. Tultur Jota uiger, remigibus fuscis, rostro cineraceo. Falco Tharus cera, pedibusque luteis, corpore albo-nigrescente, vertice cristato. Strix Cunicularia capite Ijevi, corpore supra fusco, subtus albo, pedibus tuberculatifl pilosis. yo.2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGKAI'HY. 245 1782. Molina, G. I. — Coutiuiud. Pica. Psittacus Jaguilma macroiinis viridiH, rfiiiifribus apico fuscw, orbitin fulvis. Psittacns Cyanalysios bracbyiiruH lutoo-vireuH, collare ca-nilco. iii-oit.vfd" rubro. I'sittacus Choneus brachyin-u.s viridis, Hiibtus ciinTt-ns, orbitis incomatis. Picus LiijnariuH pihfo coceiuco, eoi-jion- albo. caTiilcoiiuc vitt;it<>. • Picas I'itius oaiKla brevi, ci)i7)(irc fiisco niaciilis ovalibim albis j^utfato. Trocliilus Cyanocephalus leftirostris capitc, n-inigibus, rectricibusque ca-ruleis, ubdomine lllbl'O. Trocbihis Oaleritus ciirvirostris viridi-auiTus, rt'ini^ibus. rectricibusriue fiisciu. crista pur- [)iin'a. A imeres. Anas llilanconjpha rostro sciiiicyliiii ^ i. T> Xares ovatas. 1. Pbvtotoma Kara. , . , . , , Lingua brevis obtusa. 1783. Moux.v, G. I. Essai siir I'Histoire Xaturelle };l■l HysteiimtiHchi- J5fncniniui;fn I'llialtcn, IhI, wt-nii wir uiclit irreu, Ti'miDiiu-k's ..IliHtoire iiaturellu dea Pifjeous et des (Jalliuac^cs". IJald daniuf vcrsitclito Vieillut iu dciii 1810 bis 1819 l)fi D6torville heraus- Kckdinnu-iicu ,, Dictionnairu d'hi.iloiro uatiiitdlo" dit-SL-lbeu aiiniiiitlicli dun daziinial atifyo- stclltfu (jattuut;cn einzuverloibcn uud di-ii si-incr Ansiclit iiacli ziivor iiubuac'hrii'bi-ncii wissi-nst'Iiaftlioln- Namc-n zu ;;cbcu ; clu Vcrsuch, dcsHcu nicliiala zwcifclliaftcr Krfoly naiuciit- lichdcni I'lu.staudi) ist, das Viuillot dicai; Vo<;cl nur iiacli I!uHrliifibuii;;<-ukaiiutf, niithin sowohl liinsiclitliili iliicr systcniatiKcheu Sti-lluii}j als aiit-li ilircr Artwflbatiindigkrit in zaldroiclic Irrtliiniicr vcrfallcu niiisstc. Uubcnauut blicbrn vun ibni nur wcnittf Arten, wclclie er niclit niit f;''"''J-'''>'d>T Siclieilioit in dieser oder jener (lattun^j untiT liiin^cn zu kounrn ;;laubte. Fiir einzolnu sdiuf er nt-uu Giucra, so Alettmrus fiir den ,,Gallito" uud .Stej;an()i)iis fiir den ,,(,"liorlito del tarso ronipriniido". In den drei die Oniitbologie unifas- sendeu Tlieilen des ,,Tal)leau eneyclopCMliciuo et nietliodifiuo des trois rei^nes de la nature" flndet sieli Vieillot's Nonienclatur der ,,l'y an American gentle- man [A. Alsop]. I — 1 In two volumes. | Vol. I [II]. | — | Middletown, (Con- n[ecticut, U. S.].) [ Printed for I. Eiley, ] — | 1808. 2 voLs. 8vo size, 4to by sigs., 4 11. to a sig. Vol. I, 4 p. 11., pp. i-xii, 1-271, 1 1., map. Vol. II, 1 p. 1., pp. i-viii, 1 blank 1., 1-300, 1 inipaged p., 1 blank 1. ; (Appendix), pp. i-iv, 5-68. See the original editiim, 1782. In this, the earliest English version I know of, the bird- matter is iu vol. I, chap. IV, sect. V, pp. 102-188, witli the original Latin diagnoses at pp. 240- 242; sec also p. 208. Phijtotoina liere becomes "Phitotoma". As in some other versions, tlie footnotes of the original are liere dispensed witli, and the technical names aie inserted iu tlic text in parentheses. "The author of tlie present -work, Don Jxuva Ignatius [i. e. Giovanni Ignazio] Medina, was a native of Cliili, distinguished for his literary acquirements, .and particularly his knowledge of natural history, large collections iu which he had made during his resien presto smaltita. Parecchi ddettanti di storia naturale. che non potevano piii provvedersene, s'accordarono a fame una ristiimpa, e mi significarono il desiderio che avevau di arriechirla di nn appendice, so io fossi in grado di somministrar loro i materiali necessarj." No.2.] COCES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGKAPHY. 249 1810. JIoiJXA, G. I. — Continued. In this late edition, the ornithology occupies §xiii-§xvii, pp. 197-220. It is entirely re- modelled, largely rewritten, and miieli augmented. "While all the earliei' ver.sions of ' ' M( )lina " are substantially the same as the original of 1782, the pre.sent is then-fore ijiiite a diU'erent thing, and should be gingerly touched, by any one unfamiliar with the original, in any mutter relating to nomenclature, or authority for species. The Latin diagnoses and the footnotes of the original have all disappeared, and with tliem has gone Molina as nn original authority; lie is here like another person or editor compiling from and enlarging upon "Molina". The following names occur here : — Anas reyia "Frez.", A.picta "Lath.", A. coscoroha "Diz. Chil."', A. hybris "Diz. Chil.", p. 198. A. dlspar, A. magellanica "Lath.", A, melancorypha "Bougainv.", Pelecanus thagiis "Diz. Chil.", p. 199. P. carunculatus "Lath.", P. cristatus "Lath.", p. 200. P. magellanicv^ "Lath.", Aptenodytes maxima, patagonica "Lath.", p. 201. A. cyanocephaUt, papua "Lath.", A. saltatrix, chrysocome "Lath.", A. prceeiiicta, magellanica "Lath.", A. chiloensis "Diz. Chil.", A. cAifejisis "Lath.", p. 202. Phoenicopterug chilensis "Oval. Stor.", p. 203. Tantalus piJJus " Diz. ChiV',ArdeacyanocepjMla, p. 204. A. erythrocephala "Vid.", A.galatea, A. alba,Ugthula "Diz. Chil.", Parra chilensis "Diz. Chil. Oval.", p. 205. Fringilla barbata "Diz. Chil. Ov.", p. 209. F. diuca "Diz. Chil.", p. 210. Turdus tliilius "Diz. Chil.", T. curceus "Diz. ChU.", p. 211. T.milltaris "Lath.", p. 212. T. thenca "Diz. Chil.", p. 213. P/i)/totomarara "gen. nov.Yid." [I], p. 214. Picas pileatus [!], P. lineatus, al. lignarius, P. pitius, p. 215. Psittacus cyanolysios, P. choraeus, p. 210. P. jahuilma, Columba turtur [!], C. mclanoptera, O. passerina, \>. 217. Tetrao p'-rdix [!], iitrix cunicularia, p. 218. Otis chilensis "Diz. Chil.", p. 219. Struthio rhea "Linn. Diz. Chil. Oval.", Vultur iota "Diz. Chil.", p. 220. Falco tharm "Diz. Chil.", p. 221. F. calquin "Diz. Chil.", Yultur gryphus "Linn.", p. 223. 1814-26. LiCHTEX.STEix, H. Die Werke von Marcgrave nud Piso iiber die Natuige- scliicbte Brasiliens u. s. w. 'OX. ATium species novae, quas in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-1820 col- legit et descripsit Dr. J. B. de Spix. Tabulae lithographicse 118 a M. M. Schmid sculptiB. Mouachii 1825. 4. maj. <^ OAex's Xsi«, Bd. xxi, 1828, pp. 88-92. Inh.iltsverzeichniss der Tafeln, Togel, pp. 89-92. 1828. Lessox, [R. p.] Extrait d'une lettre adress^e a JI. Vigors par le capitaine King, sur les productions animales du d^troit de Magellan. ... <^ Feruss. Bull., 2« sect., XT, 1828, pp. 150, 151. Zool. Joum., 'So. 11, 1827, pp. 422-432, and Xo. 13, 1828, pp. 91-105. 1828. Lesson, [R. P.] Notes a ajouter au m^moire intitule : Description de dix es- peces d"Oiseaux amdricains ; par Charles Bonaparte. . . . <^ Feruss. Bull., 2^ sect., xiii, 1828, pp. 240, 24L Joum. Phila. Acad., v, pp. 137-140: Toyez Feruss. Bull., vi, 1825, pp. 412, 413. 1628. Vigors, N. A. On some species of Birds from Cuba. <^Zool. Joum., iii, 1828, pp. 432-448. Treats of 45 spp. Accipiter fringilloides, p. 434; Falco sparverioides, p. 436; Pyrrhula collaris, p. 440; Colapteg fernandince, p. 445; Colttmba inornata, p. 446, spp. nn. — The above is a sub-title of Art. XLVI, "Sketches iu Ornithology," etc. 1829. Axox. Notices Zoologiques communiqu^es par le Dr. Poeppig, pendant son voyage dans le ChiU. . . . <^Feruss.,Bull., 2'' sect., xix, 1829, pp. 95-104. Extrait de Fror. Xotizen, Xo. 529, juillet 1829. 1829. Axox. Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasilieus, heraiisgegeben von Max- imilian, Prinzen von Wied. Weimar, Industrie-Comptoir. Lief. xii. 28. Fol. ill. < Okeu's Isis, Bd. xxii, 1829, pp. 74, 75. 1829. Becklimichew, A. Notice sur deux nouvelles especes d'oiseaux du Br^sil. <^Xouv. M6m. Soc. Imp. Xat. de Moscou, i, 1829, pp. 375-390. Xot seen: title from Roy. Soc. Cat. 1829. Ferussac, — DE. Voyage de M. Alcide d'Orbigny dans le sud de I'Amerique meridionale. latends ; f. 4, ceuf cle Aylaya [sic] episcopus. PI. 23, f. 1. Tanagra montana; f. 2, T. cyaaocephala. PI. 24, f. 1, T. scrankii [sic] ; f. 2, f. yeyii. PI. 25, f. 1, T. cyanicolUs [sic] ; f. 2, T. igaiventris. PI. 2C, f. 1, Hamphocelus atro-sericeus ,- f. 2, Pyranga albicolliS. PI. 27, f. 1, Embernagra torquata ; f. 2, £. rufinucha. PI. 28, f. 1, Saltator rufivcntris ; f. 2, -S'. sinilli ; f. ?., ceuf de .S'. aurantiirostris ,- f. 4, ceuf de »S'. coerulescens. PI. 29, f. 1, Phylotoma rutila; t'.2, P. angmtirostris. PL 30, f. 1, P!pra fasciata,- f. 2, Ampelis vu-idis. PI. 31, f. 1,A. ruhro-cristata ; i. 2, 3, 4, Pachyrhynchus marginatus. PI. 32, f. 1, 2, Tyrannustuherculifcr ; f. 3, 4, r. rufiventris. PI. 33, f. 1, 2, Todirostrum ecandatum ; f. 3, 4, T. margaritaceiventer [sic]. PI. 34, f. . 1, 2, Muscipcta ciimamomea [=vieUlotii of tlie text, p. 321] ; {. 3, 4, Setophaga brunneiccjJS. PL 35, f. 1, S. verticaUs ; f. 2, Muscicapa striaticollis. PL 3G, f. 1, Jl lectunis [=Arundinicola of text, p. 3S5]j!ffi»iyent/'is; f. 2, Culicivora [—Setophaga of the text, p. 330] budytoides. PL 37, f. 1, C. regu- loidcs; f. 2, Fltivicola rufipectoralis. PL 38, f. 1, J', leucophrys ; f. 2, jF. aenanthoides. PL 39, f 1, Muscigralla brevicaiica [.sic]; f. 2, Pepoaza variegata ,- f.3,C£ui de Tyramiussulphuratus; f. 4, oeuf de Pepoaza polyglotta. PI. 40, f. 1, Muscisaxicola mentalls ; f. 2, J/, rufiverfex. PI. 41, f 1, Jf. striaticeps ; f.2,2f.mactiUrostn.s. VI. 42, f. 1, Cypselus moniivagris ; i.2,C.andecolus ; f 3, ceuf de Caprimulgus nacunda. PI. 43, f. 1, Certhilauda cunicidaria ,- f. 2, C. tenidrontris ; f. 3, ipuf de Passcrina Jlava ; t. 4, ceuf de P. nigriceps. PL 44, f. 1, Certhilauda maritima ; i.2,Embcriza luteoccphala ; f. 3, oeuf de Tyrannus savanha [sic] ; f. 4, oeuf de Fluvicolaicterophrys. PI. 45, f. 1, Ember izahypochondria; f. 2, jE. carbonaria ,- f. 3, teuf de Muscicapa icterophrys; f. 4, ceuf de Loxia ciicultata [sic]. PI. 46, f. 1, Einberizaspteculifera ; f. 2, E.falviceps. PI. 47, f. 1, Emberiza griseo- cristata; f. 2, J?, atriceps,- f. 3, ceuf de I'i^. matiUina; f. 4, ceuf de I'£. gtibcrnatrix. PL 48, f. 1, Linaria analis ; f. 2, Carduelis atratiu ; f. 3, oeuf de C tristis ; f. 4, ceuf de Icterus virescens. PI. 49,f.lcr 2'^ , Pitylus aureoventris ; f. 3, aut de Tyranmis sulphuratus ; f.4,ceuf de Cassicus soli- tariiis. PI. 50, f 1, Pyrrhula bicolor,- f. 2, P. glauco-coerulea; f. 3, ceuf de Icterus pyrrhopterus; t. 4, oeufdePn>i(/iHacHC«itato. PL 51, f 1, Cassicusyuracares; f.2, C. atrovirens; f. 3, oeufdeTj/rajwitts mdanchoUcits ; f. 4, oeuf de Pepoaza rixosa. PI. 52, f. 1, Cassicv.s chrysonotics ; f. 2, 3, Icterus maxillcris: f. 4, oeuf de /. brevirostris ; f. 5, oeuf de I.flavus. PI. 53, f 1, Garndus viridicyanus [.sic] ; f. 2, Dendrocolaptcs 2}rocurvus [=X). to/resn.a?/a»i«s intext] ; f. 3, oeufde Garndus clirysops; f. 4, ceuf de G. cyanomclas. PL 54, f. 1, DcndrocolajJtes atrirostris ; f. 2, Anabates squammiger; f. 3, (Bui deTyrannus raelancholicus ; f. 4, ceuf de Saltator coerulescens. PL 55, f. 1, Anumbiusuni- rufus; f.2, nid de Furnarius rvfus; f. 3, J^notaics gutturalis. PL 56, f 1, Eppucertkia mon- tana; 1. 2, IT. andoecola; f. 3, oeuf de Furnarius rufus; f. 4, oeufde J.nttwi6iMS striaticeps. PI. 57, f. 1, Eppuccrthia vidgaris ; f. 2, C. nigro-fumosa ; f. 3, oeuf de Fluvicola bicolor; f. 4, ceuf de Pepoaza. polyglotta. PL 58, f 1, 2, Serrirosfrum carbonarium ; f. 3, S. sittoidcs. PI. 59, f 1, Coni- rostnim cinercuni; f.2, Orthorhynchus smaragdinicoUis. PL 60, f. 1, O.pamela; t. 2, O. a?»e- thysticollis. PI. 61, f. 1, O. estella ; f. 2, O. adela. PI. 62, Colap)tcs rupicola ; f. 2, Picws cactorum. PI. 63, f. 1, P. atriventris; f. 2, P. canicapillus. PL 64, f. 1, J', i^uncticepis ; f. 2, Picumnus alba- squamatus. PL 65, f. 1, P. fumigatus ; f.2, 7*. nigriceps. PI. 66, f. 1, Trogon antisianus ; f. 2, ^ ulacorhynchus cceruleicinctus. This treatise with its many beautiful plates takes a conspicuous place among the few great works on South American oinithology, and d'Oibigny is to be named with such leader.s as Azara and Molina of eailier times, Lafresuaye, Hartlaub, Tschudj, and the Prinz von Wied of his o^vn period, and Bui-meister, Pelzeln, Cabanis, Sclater, Salvin, Lawrence, and other.s, who have subsequently made the history of South American ornithology what it is. It is a comprehensive systematic treatise on some three or four hunched .species, introduced and in- terspersed with general considerations of the avifauna of South America and the classifica- tion and geographical distribution of the birds, treating the families, genei'a, and species in detail — the latter with s>"nouymy, description, and critical and tield-uotes. A coloi-ed map of the comparative zones of latitude and altitude illustrates the geographical distribution of 1 he avifauna. It is an expensive woik, not generallj- accessible in its entirety ; but the orni- thological portion is found separate, with or without the atlas. The new .species discovered on this Expedition appear to have been earlier described by the author and the Baron de Lafresnaye, iuGuerin-MenevUle's J/«ja«TO deZoologie, or elsewhere. The following may be hero now, being those for which no earlier reference is given: — Thamnophilus schistaceus, p. 170; Myrmothera intnetriesii, p. 184; Thryothorus modulator, p. 230; Synallaxis maluroides, S. troglodytoidcs, p. 238; S. maximiliani, -p. 2i7 ; S.patagonica,\i. 249; genus A/Mtm&iMS, p. 251; Embernagra olivascins, -p. 285; Saltator azarae, ip. 2S7 ; Tyrannus rufeseens, p. 308; Todirostritm ecaudatum, p. 316; 2[uscipeta guillemini, li. 319 ; M.vieiUotii,j}. 321; M.ralloidcs, p. 322; gcsiViii Muscicapara, p. 325; If. ^oimarc?!, p. 326; M.boliviana,-p.'i2%; genus Ar«?ifJi?«'coto, p. 335; genus Suiriri [! ! !], p. 337 ; genus Pepoaza, p. 346 ; P.andeeola,\t. £51 ; Dcndrocolaptcs lafrcsnayantts, p. 308 : Colaptes rupicola, p. 377 ; Picus cactorum, P. atriven- tris. p. 278; P.canipileus, P. ptinciiccps,i).o'i9; P. fumigatus, P. nigriceps, Picumnus albosqua- Hiatus, p. 380 ; Aulaeorhynchus coeruleo-cinctus, p. 382. 1830. KiTTLiTZ, [F. H. v.] Ueber eiiiige Vogel von Cliili, [it. s. w.] <^Oken''s It. 44; 1'. parvirostris.ft. 44; P. obscurus, P. nanus, p. 45; P. dubius, p. 46; Myiobiun (Gray), \>. 46: 21. auricrps. \t. 47; 21. inagnirostris, 21. parrirogtris, p. 4S; Serpophaga. S. albvcuronata.'p. 49; Pachyrhainphus {Gray), P. albescens, p. 50; P. ininimuit,j). 51: Liehenopg erythropterus, p. .52; Fhtrieola azarce, p. 53; Agriomis, A. striatus, p. 50; A. micropterus. p. 57; Opetiorhynthvs lanceol. 100; Zenaida galapagoeiisis, p. 115; fiquatarola fusca, p. 126; Totanus fuliginosus. p. 130: Porphyria simplex, p. 133; Lams fuligiaosus. p. 141. (Cinclodus and RMnocrypta are i)roposed, apparently newly, by Gray, on one of the unpaged leaves.) Most of the birdsof the volume are South Anierican. An appen- dix, by T. C.Eyt'ju, gives.someauatomicrildi't;iils respecting 12 spp. The jdates are as follows: — Xo.2.] COUES'S OEXITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 259 1841. Gould, J. — Contiuued, PI. 1, Milcago albogulans ; 2, Craxirex galapagoensis ; 3, Otus galapagoensis ; 4. Strix pune- tntissiiiHi; '). Piogne iiiodesfa ; 6, Pyrocephalusparvirostris ; 7, P. nanus ; 8. Tyrannula magni- rostris; 9, Lichenops enjtJiropten'.s ; 10. Fluvicola azarce; 11, Xolmis varicgata (marked Tacni- optera v.); 12, Agriornis micropterus ; 13, JL. leucurus ; 14. Pachyrhamphus albescens ; 15, P. minimus; 16. 2[imv.s tn'fasciatus; l~, 2I.melanotis; IB, M.parvulitS; 19, TJpipucerthia dumeto- Ha; 20. Opetiorhgnchiis nigrofremosus (marked O. Uiiiceolatus): 2\. Eremohius phoenicurus; 22, Aaumbiiis acuticaudus (marked Synallaxis major) ; 2'.',. Synallaxis riij'ogularis ; 24, S. flavogu- laris;2ii, Llmnomis cur vivos' ri^; 26. L.rectirostris; 27. Dendrodrarnusleucosternus; 28, Sylvicola aureola; 29. Ammodramus longieav.datus; SO, A. maniiabe {marked A.xantTtornus);^!, Passer jagoensis; 32. Chlorospiza rnelanodera ; 33, C xanthogramma ; 34. Aglaia striata (marked Tana- gradanvinij-.'So, Pipilo personata ; 36, Geospiza magnirostris ; 37, G. streaua ; 38, G.fortis; 39, G.parvula; 40. Camarhyyiclius p-nttacidus; 41, t'. crassirostris ; 42, Cactornis scandens ; 43, C.assimilis; 44, Ccrthidca olivncea ; 4'i. Xanthornus flaviceps ; ^6, Zenaida galapagoensis ; 47, J?ftea darwinii; 48, Zapornia notata ; 49, Z. spilonota ; 50, Anser melanopterus. 1841. Hill, E. [Letter relating to the Xe.sts of Birds of Jamaica.] eruauisclifr Yogel. . 436. 1844. TscHUDi, J. J. vox. Avium conspectus quae in Republica Peruana reperiun- tur et pleraeque ob.servatae vel collectae sunt in itinere a Dr. 1. 1, de Tsohudi. icceum leclancherii, p. 94. 1845. Lafresxaye, F. de. Description de quelques oiseaux nouveaux. <^Eev. Zool, viii, 1845, pp. 337-342. Thriothorus fasciato-ventris, T. rvfalbus, p. 337 ; T. leucotis, I. macidipecttis, T. striatxdus, p. 338; CampylorhyncTius rufinucha, C. brevirostris, C. megalopterus, p. 339; Tkamnophiliia immaculatus, p. 340; Myioturdus fuscater, Tyrannula icterophrys, Tyranmdus nigrocapiUus, Hylophilus semibrunneus, p. 341 ; H. Jlavipes, p. 342. 1845. TsCHUDi, J. J. V. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen zu meinem Cousxiectus Avium etc. [op. cit. 1844, (1), pp. 262-317]. <^Arc}i. f. Xatiinj., 1845, (1), pp. 360-366. Cyclarlds ochrocephala, C. poUocephala, p. 3G2, spp. nn. 1845. Histoire physique, jiolitique et naturelle de I'lle de Cuba, i)ar Ramon de la Sagra, Director du Jardin do Botanique de la Havane. Paris chez A. Bertrand. <^01cen'S Isis, Bd. xxxviii, 1845, pp. 196-218. Viigel, pp. 200-202. Bearbeitet von A. d'Orbigny. 1845. Voyage en I'Am^rique meridionalc, ex^cut^ pendant 1826-1833. par Alcide d'Orbigny. Strasbourg chez Levrault. <^Oken's Isis, Bd. xxxviii, 1845, pp. 588-600. 184.5-46. TscHtTDi, J. J. v., and Cabaxis, J. Untersuchungen | liber die | Fauna Peru- ana I von J. J. von Tschudi, | Doctor der Philosophic, Medecin und Chirurgie, Mitglied der kaiserlich leopoldinisch-carolinischen Academie | der Naturfor- scher etc. etc. etc. | — | St. Gallen. | Druck und Verlag von Scheitlin und Zollikofer. | 1844-1846. 1vol. Large 4to. ]> Ornithologie | bearbeitet von | Dr. J. J. von Tschudi | mit Amnerkungen | von | J. Cabanis, | Adjunkt am zoologischen Museum in Berlin. | — | 1845 und 1846. 1 p. 1., pp. 1-316, pll. col'd i-xxxvi. Contains a systematic synonymatic conspectus of Peruvian birds (cf. Arch. f.Naturg., s, 1844, p. 262 ; xi, 1845, p. 360), followed by a general systematic account of the Peruvian avi- fauna, descriptive, critical, and biographical. The new species appear to have been mostly described already, as the "Conspectus" (Arch, fur Naturg., 1. c.) is quoted in the present volume. Turdus sivainsonii Ca\)., p. 187; Procnias viridis Cab., p. 197; Sycalis chloris Cab., p. 216; Conurus frontatus Cab., p. 272, spp. nn. — PI. I, Hypomorphnus unicinetu^ (pi. marked Polyborus taeniurus). II, Circactus solitarias. HI, Circus poliopterus. TV, Noctv.a melanonota. V, f. 1, Caprinndgus decussatus ; f. 2, C. ocellatus. VI, f. 1, C. climacocercus ; f. 2, C. pruinosus. Vn, i. 1, Ampelis riifaxilla ; f. 2, Ptilogonys leucotis. VIII, f. 1, Scaphorhynchus chrysocephn- lus ; f. 2. Tyrannus cinconeti. IX, f. 1, Euscarthmus pileatus ; f. 2, Elaenia viridijlava. X, f. 1. Mionectes poUocephalus ; f. 2. Leptopogon suiJerciliaris. XI, f. 1, Thamnophilus olivaceus ; 262 BULLETIN UNITED STATE8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Voir. 1845-4G. TSCHUDI, J. J. v., a»d Cabanis, J. — Continued. f. 2, Lithysleucophrys. XII, f. 1. Setophaga melanocephala ; f. 2, Ptyonura albifrons. XIII, f. 1, HylopMlug frontalis ; t. 2, Procnopis atrocoervlca. XIV, f. 1, Mijiodioctes tristriafus ; f. 2, Procnopis argentea. XV, f. 1, Cinchis leiu'occphalu.i ; t. 2, Mimus longicaudatus. XVI, f. ], Cyphorhinus thoracicits ; f. 2. Cillunts palUatus. XVU, f. 1, Tanagra fntgilegus ; f. 2, Callispizaxanthocex)hala. XVIII, f. 1, lanagrn analls, f. 2; Callogpiza piuchra. XIX, Phry- gilus pleheius ; f. 2, Arremon frontalis. . XX, f. 1, J.ji«6ates montanus; i. 2, JL. oc7i/-otae»it!S. XXI, f. 1 A. melanorhynchus ; f. 2, Dendroeolaptes validus. XXII, f. 1. I), ehunchotamho ; f. 2, Trochilus leucogaster. XXIII, f. 1, T. insectivorus ; f. 2, T. otero. XXIV, f. 1, Lypornix rn/icapilla ; f. 2, Capito glaucogularis. XXV, Piciis haematogastcr. XXVI, f. 1, Conurus rupicola; f. 2, C. mitratus. XXVII, Psittacus mercenarius. XXVIII, Columba frenata. XXIX, C. meloda. XXX, C. gracilis. XXXI, Pendoije rvfiventris. XXXII, Crypturiis kleei. 'K'KXTn,OdontopIioriisspeciostis. X^JS-IY, Charadrius v.'interfeldtii. XXXV, Larus viodestus. XXXVI, Merganetta leueogenys. 1846. Bridges, T. [Letter addressed to G. R. Waterliouse, Esq., containing notices of Bolivian Mammals and Birds.] <^P. Z. S., xiv, 1846, pp. 7-10. 1846. Lafresxaye, [F.] de. Snr quelques nouvelles especes d'oiseaiix de Colombie. Aves, pp. 183-496. Atlas, folio. No. -2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 263 1847. Gay, C. — Continued. Gay was littlo of an ornithologist, and his work passes for no more than it is worth. The text consists of a diagnosis and description of each species and gronp, with a slight s^tio- nymy and miscellaneous matter, chiefly relating to habits. Birds arc divided into Eapaces, I'ajarillos, Trepadoras, Palomas, Gallinaceas, Zancudas, and Nadadoras. Vhdafasciata, p. 252 ;^.dla) dcsoiHV'ii, p. 316; Chlorospizaaldunatei, p. 356; Zenaida souleye- tiana, p. 380; Peristera aitriculata, p. 3S1; Nothiira pmictulata, p. 391; Squatarola urvillii, y. ■tUl, spp. nn. Cf. Edinb. New Philos. Jour., n. s., iii, 1856, pp. 33.J-338. 1847. GossE, P. H. The | Birds of Jamaica. | By | Philip Henry Gosse; | a.ssistedhy RichardHill, Esq., of Spanish-town. | London: | John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row. I M.DCCC.XLVII. 1 vol. 8vo. 1 p. 1., pp. x, 447, and 1 1. of advts. (A separately-titled vol. of 52 colored plates atteu«ls this work. See 1849.) iJ^early 20U spp. Text almost entirely biographical and " entirely from original investi- gation" of the author and It. Hill, "whose notes pervade this volume". . . "An observer is hardly competent to determine what circumstance is trivial and what is important ; many a recorded fact in science has lost half its value from the omission of some attendant circumstance, which the observer either did not notice, or thought irrelevant. " — (Gosse, p. iv. ) The new species are: — Ephialtes grammicus, p. 19; Xyctibiiis pallidus, p. 49; Tachornis ■ phaenicoMa, p. 58; Hirundo poeciluma, p. 64 (lege f'^ciZowa) ; H. euchrysea, p. 68; Mellisuga humilis, p. 127; Sylvicola eoa, p. 158 ; S. pannosa, p. 162; &'. pharetra, p. 163; Myiobi us palli- dus, p. 166; M. tristis, p. 167; M. stolidus, p. 168; SpennopMla anoxantha, p. 247; S. adoxa, 1). 253; Pyrrhula robinsonii, p. 259; Geotrygon sylvatica, p. 316; Egretta nireof p. 334; E. rufi- collis, p. 338; Ealhis concolor, p. 369; Anas maxima, p. 399; Cyano2>terit» inornatus, p. 402; Erismatura ortygcddes "Hill", p. 406. 1847. GossE, P. H. Extracts from the ' Birds of Jamaica, Ijy Philip Henry Gosse.' <:^Zoolofjist, V, 1847, pp. 1808-18-20. 1847. Hartlaxtb, G. Systematischer Index | zu | Don Felix de Azara's | Apimtami- eutos para la historia natural | de los Piixaros | del | Paraguay y Rio de la Plata. I — I Von | Dr. G. Hartlaub. | — | Bremen, | Druck von C. Schiine- mann. | 1847. 1 vol. sm. 4to. pp. i-vi, 1-29. Important commentary on Azara. See 1802-05, Azara. 1847. Hartlaub, [G.] [Note sur quelques especes nouvelles d'oiseaux de la Jama'ique, R. Z. 1846, pp. 320-322.] <"i?er. Zool., x, 1847, p. 64. 1847. Hartlaub, [G.] [Sur quelques oiseaux de la Jama'ique recemment d^crits iiar M. de Lafresnaye.] <^Bev. Zool., x, 1847, pp. 271,272. 1847. Lafresxayp:, [F.] de. Quelques oiseaux nouveaux ou rares raiiport6s ijar M. Delattre, de Bolivie, de la Nouvelle-Grenade, et de Panama. <^ Bev. Zool., x, 1847, pp. 67-79. 27 esp. — Grallaria, monticola, p. 68; Tyrannula frmitalis, p. 70; Tanagrapalpebrosa, Aglaia wilsoni, p. 71 ; A. fanny, Taehyphonus dclattrii, Arremon aurantiirostris, p. 72 ; Saltator striati- pectus, S. maculipectus, p. 73; Coccoborns cyanotdes, p. 74; Linaria analoides, L. inornata, Geositta peruviana, p. 75 ; Dendroplex picirastris, p. 76 ; Picumnus granadensis, p. 78 ; Malacop- tila panamensis, p. 79, spp. nn. 1847. Lafresxaye, [F.] de. Rdjionse de M. de Lafresnaye aux Observations du doc- teur Hartlaub, du dernier numero de la Revue Zoologique. <^Ilev. Zool., x, 1847, pp. 80-83. 1847. Lafresxaye, F. de. Melanges omithologiques sur I'espece de Ramphocele a plumage variable, rax>porte de la Nouvelle-Grenade i)ar M. Delattre; et sur le Cassicus uropigyalis [sic]. <^Bev. Zool., x, 1847, pp. 21.5-218, Pamphocelus varians, sp. n., p. 216; Cassicus uropigyalis (sive curvirostris, sp. n. supp.), p. 218. 1847. Lafre.sxaye, [F.] de. Rdponsc de M. de Lafresnaye a la notice de M. le D' Hartlaub, de ravant-dernier numero de cette Revue. <^i?er. Zool., x, 1847, pp. 350-352. 1847. SCHOMBURGK, R. H. The History of Barbadoes, . . . London. 1847. Roy. 8vo. Kot seen.— Cf. P. 2. -S., 1871, p. 267. [Sec beyond, Aiuienda.] 1847. TSCHUDI, J. J. V. Animal Life in the Peruvian Forests. <[ Zoolof/ht, v, 1847, pp. 1716-1728. 1847. TscHUDi, J. J, V. Animals of the Puna of Peru. -^Zoologist, v, 1847, pp. 1758-1763. 264 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY [FoJ. T. 1847. TscHUDi, J. J. V. Zoology of Valparaiso. < Zooloylst, v, 1--47, pp. 17G3, 17G4. 1847. TscHDDi, J. J. V. Zoology of Cbiloe. <^Zoolo(j\st, v, 1847, p. 1764. 1847. TscHUDi, J. J. V. Animals in the Bay of Callao. < Zoologist, \, 1847, i)p. 1764-1766. This and tlie four preceding papers are extracted from " Travels in Peru ". 1847. Yarrell, W. Descriptions of the Eggs of some [about 30] of the BirJs of Chile. < P. Z. S., XV, 1847, pp. 51-55. 1847. Untersuchungeu iiber die Fauna peruana auf einer Reise wiihrend 1838-42, von Dr. J. J. Tschudi. St. Gallen bey Scheitlin. Heft vii-xii, 1846. Kl. Folio. S. 33-310. nnd 80. uud 35 Tafeln ill. Viigel, bearbeitet von J; Cabanis, pp. 662-765, The third volume, as just indicated, has a special title, by which it is .sometimes cited apart from the rest, giving the impression that it i.s a ditierent work. Schomburgk's Guiana becomes a very uuportant woi-k in South American ornithology, from the number of new genera and species described by Cabanis iu his elaborate presentation of the subject. Various touchings of birds, by Schomburgk himself, occur through the other volumes ; but Cabanis's article is the formal presentati, darunter 1 neue; Grallatores 55, darunter 1 neue; Xatatoret 10. Im Ganzen 31 neue Arten. " Bei der systematischen Anordnung ist das neuaufgest elite System des Herm Cabanis zu Grande gfclegt worden, was hoflfentlich um so willkommener geheissen werden wird, als dies jedenfalls unter alien bisher aufgesteUten, das erste ist, welches den Anfordeiimgen, die man an ein natiirliches System zu stellen berechtigt ist, wirklich entspricht." Vergl. Omithologische Xotizen von Cabanis in : Archiv fiir XaturgescMchte, Bd. i, 1S47, SS. ; imd besonders abgedruekt. Tardus gymnophthalmue, p. 665; T. phaeopygxis, genus Basiletttcrus, p. 60C; Setophaga cas- taneocapilla, j). 667; Euphona minnta, p. 671; Troglodytes 7-iifi(lus, p. 672; Thryothorus al- hipectus. p. 673; Dlglossa major, Saltator olivascens, p. 676; Arremon personatus, Cvccohorns (Iter, p. 678; Sporophilacastaneiventris, Sycalis minor, p. 679; llolothrns atronitens, Lamprop- sor(g.n.) guianensig,-p. 682; Chalcophancs minor, ?Cyanocorax hyacinihinus ("Xatt."), p. 683; Conopophaga angustiroetris, p. 685; Dasycephala uropygialis, p. 686; Anabates pyrrhodes, Premnocopus (g. n.) undidatus, p. 689; Copurus poecilonotus, p. 702; Campylopterus hypery- thrvs. p. 709; Caprirmdgiis nigresceng, p. 710; ? Nyctihius nt/us. p. 711; Coccygus helviventris. p. 714; Psittacida modesta, p. 727; Bttteo abbreviatug ("Licht. Mus. Berol."), p. 739; Trachy- pelmvs (g. n.) eltbcristat^ls, p. 749; Crcx schomhurgkii descr. orig. Theil ii, p. 245, spp. nu. Other genera of Cabanis's here new. or lately new, are Gcothlypis. p. 666; Phoenicosoma (for Phoenisomu), Pogonothraupis, p. 669: Arhelorldna. p. 675 : Cahiphtfophorvs [sic], p. 678; Pyr- rhocorax, p. 713; Monasta (ioT Monasa). p. 719: Ortygarckvs. p. 759. No. 2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 265 1848. [Cabot, S., Jr. ?] Incidents of Travel | in Yucatan. | By Jolin L. Stepliens, | Author of " Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petriea, and the | Holy Land," "Incidents of Travel in Central America," etc. | Illustrated by 120 engrav- ings. I In two Volumes. | Vol. I [II]. New York : | Published by Harper & Brothers | for Henry Bill. | 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. I, pp. i-xii, 9-459, 54 en- gravings. Vol. II, pp. i-xvi, 9-478, 70 engravings. y> Vol. II, Appendix, Memorandum for the Ornithology of Yucatan, i^p. 4G9-476. I find no indication of the autliorship of this "Memorandum", but am under the impression that it is by Dr. Samuel Cabot, jr. It consists of a brief general essay on the subject, con- cluded with a list of "Birds observed in Yucatan during the -svinter of 1841, '2, between the months of October and June, which are also found in the United States, and have been figured and described by Wilson, Audubon, Bonaparte, and Xuttall", pp. 475, 476. Both volumes also contain cursory bird-matter bj' the author. 1848. Castelxau, [F. de]. Considerations sur I'ornithologie del' Amerique tropicale. <^Arch. des Sc. Phrjs. et Nat., viii, 1848, p. 72. Compt. Bend, da 6 Mars 184S. 1848. C.\STELXAU, F. DE. Considerations g^n^rales sur I'omithologie de FAmdrique tropicale, <^Comi}t. Bend, de VAcad. Sd., xxvi, 1848, pj). 306, 307. 1848. Castelnau, [F.] de. Considerations g^nerales sur I'omithologie de l'Am6rique troiiicale. . 2; Jf. atro-sericea, p. 3; Turdiis imdigenis, p. 4; T. minimus, Seapho- rhynchus chrysocephahis, p. 5; Tyrannula cineracea, p. 7; Setophaga albidiadema, p. 8; Coni- rostrum atro-cyaneiim, p. 9; Tachyphonus canigularis, p. 11 ; T. alMtempora, p. 12. 1848. Lafresxaye, F. de. Sur le genre Psittacula et sur quelques nouvelles especes d' oiseaux de Colombie et du Mexique. <^Eev. Zool., xi, 1848, pp. 170-176. Ps. conspicillata, Ps. viridissima, p. 172; Tachyphomis ruficeps, p. 173; Muscicapa vicillo. tio'ides, p. 174 ; Pipilo rxifipileus, p. 176, spp. nn. 1848. Lafresx'ayi-^, [F.] de. [Reconnaissance d'uue notice, extraite des bulletins de 1' Academic royale de Belgique, de quinze nouvelles especes d'oiseaux d'Ameri- que, decrites par M. le vicomte Dubus.] <^Bev. Zool., xi, 1848, pp. 239-249. Morphnus mexicaniis, p. 239; Ischnosceles niger, p. 241; Cyanocorax nanus, C unicolor, G. violaceus, p. 243; Tityra albitorques, p. 244; Sylvia tatniata, Pyranga cuctdlata, Pityhis polio- gaster, p. 245; Pipilo torquatus, p. 246; Carduelis notata, Arrcmon ophthalmicus, p. 247; Mo- nasa unitorques, p. 248 ; 21. inornata, Pnonites carinatus, p. 249 ; en suite de chaque descrip- tion des observations qu'elles lui ont sugg6r6es. 1848. PoEY, D. A. Catalogo metodico de las Aves de la isla de Cuba. <|J/e»i. licaJ. Soc. Econom. de Ja Huhana, Nov. 1848. Xot seen : title from Giebel. 1849. Corx'-a.lia, E. Vertebratornm Synopsis in Museo Mediolauense extantinm qufe per Novem Orbem Caietauus Osculati collegit annis 1846-47-48. Si>eciebns novis vel minus cognitis adjectis, uecuon descriptiouibus atque iconibus illus- tratis, curante. Mediolani. 1849. 4to. pp. 15, 1 pi. Xot seen. — Cf. Nuov. Ann. Sc. Nat. Bologna,3(l ser., iii, 1851, pp. 349-351. 1849. Deville, E. Description de C[uelques Mammiferes et Oiseaux uouveanx de I'Amerique meridionale. <^Rev. et Mag. Zool., i, 1849, pp. 55-58. Jacamerops isidori, Galhula chalcocephala, p. 55; 6. cyanescens, Biwco lanccolata, Once- rhynchus castelncaui, p. 50 ; Cassicus oseryi, p. 57. 1849. Gosse, p. H, Illustrations | of the | Birds of Jamaica. | By | Philip Henry Gosse. I — I London : | John Van Voorst, 1, Paternoster Row. | 1849. Large Bvo, 1 vol. 3 pp. text (title, advt., and contents), 52 col'd pll. Bull. V, 2 S 266 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY [Vol.Y. 1849. GOSSE, P. H. — Continued. Tlie plates, 52 in number, representing 51 spp., dra^m and engraved by the author, printed by Reeve, Benham &, Eeeve, form the only published part of a series designed to illustrate all the species noticed in the Birds of Jamaica ; their numbers are cousequeutly. not continuous, though usually arranged consecutively. They represent, among others, Gosse's new species, and include some not in the Birds of Jamaica, and are as follows (ref- erences to pages being to the Birds of Jamaica, 1848, q. v.) : — PI. U, Buteo borealis, p. 11. IV, Ephialtes grammiciis Gosse, p. 19. TI, Nyctihius jamai- censis, p. 41. "VII, N. pallidus Gosse, p. 49. Till, Acanthylis collaris?, p. 51. IX, Tachor- nis phcenicobia Gosse, with nest, p. 58. X, Cypseliis nigcr, p. 63. XII, Hirundo cuchrysea Gosse, p. 68. XIT, Todus viridis, p. 72. XVI, Certhiola Jlaveola, p. S4. XV 11, C. maritima [ex Wils. = (i5fnnaGm.], p. 87. 'S.'VUl, Lampornis mango, p. 88. XIX, Trochilns polytmus.rf , and XX, the same, 9. auf^ nest, p. 104. XXI, Mellisuya humilis, d, 9. nest, p. 127. XXII, Trochilus Maria "HiU" {Anti. N. H., 1849; not in B. Jam.). XXIH, Merula leucogenys, p. 136. XXIV, M. jainaicensis, p. 142. XXVIII, Seirus novehoracensis, p. 151. XXXTT, Sylricola pensilis, p. 156. XXXTV, S. eoa Gosse, p. 158. XXXVII, S. pannosa Gosse, p. 102. XXXVIII, iS. pharetra Gosse, p. 163. XL, Myiobiv.s pallidus Gosse, p. 166. XLI, M. tristis Gosse, p. 167. XLII, 21. stolidus Gosse, p. 168. XLIV, Tyranniis caudifasciatiis, p. 177. XXV. Elania eotta Crosse (Ann. Nat. Hist, ISiQ: not in B. Jam.). LII, Corv us jamaicensis, -p. 209. LIII, Quisealits erassirostris. p. 217. LVI, Tanagra nigrocephala, p. 231 (" T. zena "). LVIU, Taua- grella ruficollis, d, 9. P- 236. LIX, Evphonia Jamaica, . 254. LXVII, P. robiwsonu, Gosse, p. 259. LXXTV, Piayaplu- vialis, p. 277. LXXXIV, Geotrygon sylvatica Gosse, p. 316. LXXXV, Zenaida? plumbea Gosse, MGS., ref. to p. 324. XC, Egretta nivea Gosse, p. 334. XCIII, E. rujicollis Gosse, p. 338. CII, Ballus concolor Gosse, p. 369. CIV, Ortygometra minuta, p. 372. CVHI, Himan- topus nigrieollis, p. 386. CX, Anas maxima Gosse, p. 399. CXI, Cyanopterus inornaUiS Gosse, p. "209". CXm, Erismatura ortygoides, p. 406. CXX, Fodiceps dominicus, p. 440. 1849. Gosse, P. H. Descriptions of two new Birds from Jamaica. <^Ann. Mag. Xaf. Hist., (2), iii, 1849, pp. 2.57-259. Elania [sic] cotta, p. 257; Trochilus maria, p. 258. 1849. Hartlaub, G. Description de deux noiivelles cspeces d'Oiseaux de Caraccas. Appendix F. Birds. By John Cassin. pp. 172-206, pll. (col'd) xiv-xxviii. Systematic account, with miscellaneous field-uotes, of 119 spp. of (chiefly? entirely?) South American birds. PL xiv, Falco mgriceps ; xv, P&aracolius [sic] curcevs ; xvi, f. 1, Agelaius thilius; p. 2, Sturnella militaris ; xvii, C'hrysomitris marginalis; xviii, f. 1, C'alliste cyani- collis; t. 2, C. larvata; xix, f. 1, C. gyroloides ; f.2, C. dcsmarestii ; xx, f. 1, Euphoiiia ritfivm- tris ; f. 2, Chlorophonia occipitalis; xxi, f. 1, Ericornis melanura; f. 2, Sajtalopus fuscus ; xxii, Psittacus ochrocephalus ,- xxiii, Branta antarctica ; xxiv, Bernicla magellanica; xxv, Anas melanoccphala ; xsvi, Querrj. creccoides ,- ^-^yii, Fuligida mctopias ; x^Tiii, Phalacrocomx brasilianus. 1855. Des Murs, p. O. Oiseaux nouveaux ou rare reciieillis dans I'Am^rifxue du Sud, ^lar F. de Castelnau, etc. Paris, 1855. 4to. 20 pll. Xot seen : title from a bookseller's catalogue. Compare 1856, same author. 1855. Gould, J. Descriptions of Eight New Species of Birds from South America. /iuiUaxis muUostriata, Turdiw fulviventrig Terr. MS., T. ignobilis, 'p. 273; Cinclus leuconotm, Tyrannm atn/rons, p. 274; Melanoptila (g. n.) glabrirostris, p. 275, -waodcc. ; Li- paiigus riifc8ce)is. p. 276: Tinarnns castaneus, p. 277. — Note Tyrannus atri/rons Scl. = Saurophaga bairdii Gumh. = Tyrannus bairdi Scl. 1857. Taylor, W. J. Investigation on the Rock Guano from the Islands of the Carib- bean Sea. <^Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phda., ix, 1857, pp. 91-100. Chemical analyses, etc. 1857. Thiexemaxx, F. A. L. Ueber die von Dr. Gundlach eingesendeten Eier und Nester cubanischer Vogel. /. /. 0., 1858, vi, pp. 152-162. 1858. De Verteuil, L. A. A. Trinidad : | Its Geography, | Natural Resources, Admin- istration, Present | Condition, and Prosi»ects. | By I L. A. A. De Verteuil, M. D. P. I — I [Quotation, 3 lines.] | — | London: | Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet street. | — | 1~58. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. i-xii, 1-508. Chapter III, Xatural History, p. 100; Birds, by the author, pp. 118-126.— Appendix : An Essay on the OraithologA- of Trinidad, by Antoine L6otaud, M. 1). P., pp. 423-439, giving con- siderable information on the subject. 1858. GfXDLACH, J. Notes on some Cuban Birds, with Descriptions of three New Species. App. J. Notes on the Birds collected by the La Plata Expedition. By John Cassiu. pp. 599-602. Merely a list of the species collected, with a slight commentary of general character. 1859. Editorial. [Letter from Mr. Fraser at Nanegal, Pichincha, relating to various birds.] ',W. Notes on the Mountaiu Birds of Jamaica. <^ Zoologist, xvii, 1859, pp. 6753-6761. These notes continued in same journal for 1860. q. v. 1859. Sagra, Ramon 'de la. fimtm^ration des especes zoologiques et botaniques de I'ile de Cuba utiles a acclimer dans autres regions analogues du globe. <[ Bull. Soc.AccUm.,\i, 1859, pj). 169-184. Oiseaux, pp. 178-181. 1859. Sclater, p. L. Characters of Five [lately] New Species of American Birds. < Ann. Mag.Xat. Hist.. (3), iii, 1859, pp. 443-446. From P. Z. S., Xov. 9, 1858, pp. 446-W9. 1659. ScLATER, P. L. List of the First Collection of Birds made by Mr. Louis Eraser at Pallatanga, Ecuador, with Notes and Descriiitions of New Species. <; F. Z. 5., xxvii, 1859, pp. 135-147, pi. (Aves) cliv. 102 spp. — Vireo josephce, -p. lo'i,j)l. cliv ; Xemosia ornata,-p.l36; Anabates s^ibularis, A. tem- poralis, DysithamnKS vnicolor, p. 141; Furmicivora caloptera, Pachyrharnphus homochrous, Cephalopterus penduliger, p. 142, spp. nn. 1859. Sclater, P. L. On some new or little-known Birds from the Rio Napo. ■^ P. Z. S., xxvii, 1859, pp. 440, 441. 9 spp. — Buarremon castaneiceps, Grallaria nuc'haUs,'p.iM. spp. nn. 1859. Sclater, P. L.,flHrf SALvax, O. On the Ornithology of Central America. Parti [-III]. < Ihis, i, 1859, pp. 1-22, 117-138, 213-234, pll. iv, v. Sketch of literature of the subject ; 382 spp. with field-notes, mainly from Mr. Salvin's per- sonal observations, and some synonymy. Cistothorns elegans. p. 8 ; Ccereba lucida, p. 14 : Xipho- colaptes elegans, p. 118 ; Sayoniis aqv.atica, p. 119 ; Empidonax albigidaris, p. 122 ; Elainia vilis- sima, p. 122, pi. 4, f 1 ; E.placeng, p. 123, pi. 4, f. 2. Various eggs figured at pi. 5. Several spe- cies are left undetermined. Cf. Ibis, 1866. pp. 188-206. 1860. Brewer, T.M. [List of the Birds of Cuba, compiled from two lists furnished by Dr. Gundlach, of Havana.] <;Proc. Boston Soc. Xal. Hist., \ii, 1860, pp. 305-308. Jfominal list of 250 spp. • 1860. Bryaxt, H. [Notes ou two Birds from Bogota.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., vii, 1860, pp. 226, 227. Turdus minimus Lafr. ; Yireo bogotensis. sp. n., p. 227. 1860. BuRMEisTER, H. Systematisches Verzeichniss der in den La Plata-Staaten beo- bachteteu Vogelarten. < ././. 0. , viii, 1860, pp. 241-268. 201 sjip. ; the list shortly annotated and with a few references. .Vo. 2.J COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 275 1660. Cassix, J. Catalogue of Birds collected duriug a survey of a route for a Ship Canal across, the Isthmus of Darien, by order of the Govemmeiit of the United States, made by Lieut. X. Michler, of the JJ. S. Topographical Engineers, -with notes and descriptions of new species. <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Scl. Phila., xii, 1800, pp. 13-2-144, 188-197. 144 spp. — Monasa, pallescens, p. 134 (with synop. of 6 spp. of 2Ionasa) ; Celens mentalis, p. 137 ; Orthogonys olicaceus, Pittasoma (g. u.) rnichUrx, p. 189; Dendroica vieillotii, p. 192 (with synop. of 5 allied spp.), spp. nn. 18G0. Cassix, J. Catalogue of Birds fi-om the Island of St. Thomas, West Indies, col- lected and presented to the Academy of Xatural Sciences by Mr. Robert • Swift. With Notes. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phiht., xii, 1830, pp. 374-379. 27 spp., auuotated. 1860. Editorial. [Notice of Mr. Erasers Movements and Operations.] K^Ibis, ii, I8o0, pp. 192, 193. 1860. Frauexfeld, G. v. Ueber den Aufenthalt iu Valparaiso und die Ausfluge daselbst, 'R-iihrend der Weltfahrt der k. k. Fregatte Novara. <^ Ferh. {Abhandl.) k. I: zooL-bot. Ges. JVien, x, 1880, jip, 635. Grossten Theils oruithologischen Inhalts. 1860. Germaix, M. F. Notes upon the Mode and Place of Niditication of some [69 spp. J of the Bii-ds of Chili. K^Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., vii, 1860, pp. 308-316. 1860. Godet, T. L. Bermuda : | its History, Geology, Climate, Products, | Agricul- ture, Commerce, and Government | from the earliest period to the present time ; | with hints to invalids. | By Theodore L. Godet, M. D. | London : | Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill. | — | M.DCCC.LX. 1 vol. 8vo. > Chap. XIII, pp. 193-198. Treats of a very few spp., with running commentaiy. 1860. Lawrence, G. X. Description of a X^ew Species of Bird of the Genus Phaeton, also of a Xew Species of Humming Bird of the Genus Heliopaedica. < J««. Lye. Xat. Hist. Xew To)% vii, 1860, pp. 142-145. Ph. flavo-aurantius, p. 142 j H. castaneocauda, p. 145. 1860. Lawrence, G. N. Notes on some Cuban Birds, with Descrii^tions of Xew Spe- cies. . 295; Tachyphnniis ca8g!nii,l^. 297; Capita wacul!curoiialit»,\>. 300; Coretlirura albigii- laris, p. 302. II. Thryothonis galbraithii, p. 320 ; Th. castaneits, j). 321 ; Uylophibis pvgiUuti. \>. 323 : U. (nirantii/roiiii,\>.'i'2i ; II. viridirtavus,\>. 324; Myiarclmn 'j;'i';»ncw;M', p. 327. III. Syrnimn lineatuin, p. 402 ; Trogon concinniis, p. 4C3 ; Daenh venuhta, p. 464 ; Avtoii>ohiii paUidigularit, p. 465 ; Dendrocincla olivacea, j). 406 ; Dendrornis lachrymoaug. p. 467 ; Myrmetherula /ulficeiilri*, p. 468 ; Jlamphocaemis semitorrjuatus. \t. 469 ; Myrmeciza ferruginea, p. 470 : Tiirdus obsoletim, ji. 470; Attila gclateri, p. 470; Empidonax grigeigularig, p. 471; Leptopogon jiavovireng, p. 472: rgittovius gubcoerulens,i<. 475; Pioniug coccinicollarig. p. 475: Chloroncrpeg calloptenu. i). 470. IV. I'etrochelidon albilinea, \t.2: Cy2>horinvglav'renciiSc\.^S.,]i.5; Pit/iyg bicolor,\>.G; Ilhyn- chocyclug jlavo-tAivaceug, p. 8; Lipavgvg (dbogrigcug, p. 9: Spermnphila gemicollarig, j). 10; Sjnr mriphila gchigtacea. p. 10, .spp. im. 415 spp. (as uumberctl, but some of the Xo.s. (liipliratcil) treated, -with various critical notes, besides the descriptions of ucw species. The reception of collections at dilTereut times causes the several lists to be successive additions, and gives occasion for some rectifications iu later lists of earlier identitications. The se(|uence of tin- species is s.vstematic in each of the four lists, but not continuously so throughout tlie wlicde. 18G1-G9. Cabaxis, J. Uebersicht der im Berliner Museum betindlichen Voj^el vmi Costa Rica. < J. /. 0., viii, 1860, pp. 321-336 (pub. Jan., 1861), 401-41G (pub. May, 1861); ix, 18G1, pp. 1-11, 81-96, 241-256; x, 1862, pp. 161-176, 321-336; xvii, lc«69, pp. 204-213. None published tiU Jan., 1861, though the first two portions appear in the Nos. for Sept.- Nov., 1860. Based on the investigations of Dts. v. Frantzius, Hothuauu, and EUendurf. This importaut s.vstematic review of Costa Eicau birds is full of critical matter, and gives man.v new generic and .specific names, as follows : — Pezopeteg. p. 415; Amaurogpiza, p. 3; Calligpiza (pro Calliste), p. 87; Acrocompga, p. ^^: Panterpe, p. 164; Ceophloeug, p. 176, geu. nu. [.Jan., 1861] Catharug frantzii, Turdug plebejug, p. 323; T. nigregceng. p. 324; Rhitnoiitplni" ruficepg. p. 326'; Cumpsothlypig giitturalig, p. 329; Trigliphidia callophryg, p. 331; Phouancn luteicapilla, p. 332 ; P. gracilig, p. 333 ; P. humilig. p. 334 : P. gnatlio, p. 335 : P. gatiiraUi. p. 330. [Ma.v, 1861) Pulioptila (not named), p. 401 ; Ptilogonyg caudatug, p. 402 ; Cyclorhig giOjjia- vcgceng. p. 405; Troglodyteg intermediug. p. 407; Thryothorut mudegtvg. p. 409: Diglogga phiin- bea, p. 411; Melozone lencotig. p. 413; Pezopeteg capiUdig. p. 41.'>. [1801] Amaurogpiza concnlnr. p. 3 (Cyanogpiza minor, p. 4); Sporoplnla Icucopgig, S. ochropyga (Licht., Mus. Ber.), p. 5: .V. hojfmanni. p. 6 (Lampropgar icarczu'iczi. p. 83); Phoeaicothraupig fiigcicauda. p. 86: Calli- gpiza frantzii, p. 87; Atticora cyanophaea. p. 92; Myrmornig hojfmanni, p. 95; Tfiamnophilug pvnctatus, p. 241; Thripobrotus compreggug, p. 243: Myiarchug nigricapillug, p. 250. [l!<02j 1G3 : Patiterpe ingignis. p. 164: Chlornlampig galvini.}}. 164: Mala- coptila cogturicengis, p. 172; Trogon tenellug. p. 173; Chluronerpcg uropygialis, p. 321; Cm- turug hojFmannii, p. 322 (C. polygrammiciig,i).32fi') -. Patnphagtog npproximang.-p. 333. spp. nu. S.vnopsis of 6 spp. of Pyrrhocorax. 4 spp. of Chloronerpeg, 10 spp. of Centuna, and various less formal special criticisms. [1869] This portion treats of 8 spp. of Glaucidium and of various Pai)tatoreg and otlier birds. Agtii rina polionota, j). 208 ; Ortalida/rantzii, p. 211 ; Crypturug modcgtug, p. 212. spp. ini. 1862. Albrecht, R. Zur Oruitliologie von Jamaica. Nach Osburii. .'^cbiter nnd zusammengestellt. <•/./. O., x, 1862, pp. 192-207. Compilation from the sources named. 191 spp. 1862. Editorial. [O. Salvin's and F. Godmau's Operations in Guatemala.] . iv, 18G2, p. 195. 1862. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of Six New Species of Birds [of Middle America ]. of the Families Charadrida> [sic], Troeliilida". and Caprimulgida-. <^Anii. Lye. Xat. Uht. Xcir York, vii, 1862, pp. 455-46ti. Aegialitig tentdrogtrig, p. 455; Thalurania lucifv. p. 456: Chlorostilbon i)igular}g. p. 4.'>7: TrochUug aurigularis. p. 458: Sapi)hironia luminoga. p. 458; Stenopgig maculic^vdtts. i>. 459. 280 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolV. 1862. Lawrence, G. N. Descriiitions of Sis New Species of Birds from tlie Isthmus of Panama. < Ibis, iv, 1862, pp. 10-13. Hcleodytes albo-brunneus, p. 10 ; Pitangus albovittatv.-s, Myozefetes granadensis, p. 11 ; Todiros- truin olivaceum, Tyrannisctis parvus, Tyrannithis brunneicapillus, p. 12. 1862. Salle, A., and PARzrDAKi, E. N" 2. Avril 1862. | Catalogue | des | Oiseaux du Mexique | composant | les collections de M. A. Sall6, | Rue Guy-de-la- Brosse, 13, a Paris, | et | de M. E. Parzudaki, Rue du Bouloi, 2. | — | [Paris: Impr. de Mme: Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, Rue de rfiperon, 5. 1862.] 8vo. pp.7. Ces oiseaux sont en peaux bien prepar^es et ont et6 mentionnfis par Bonaparte dans les Comptes Rpiulus de llnstitut ; ils ont aussi fotuni la matiere de plusieurs notices publics par Sclater dans les P. Z. S.. 1S56-1860. 1662. Salvix, O. [Letter on Birds from Duenas, Guatemala.] < Ibis, It, 1862, p. SC. 1862. Sclater, P. L. On some Birds recently Collected by M. Boucard in Southern Mexico. < P. Z. 5., XXX, 1862, pp. 18-20, pi. iii. 16 spp. — Harporhyachits ocellatus, p. 18, pi. iii, sp. u. 1862. Sclater, P. L. Characters of Nine New Species of Birds received in collections from Bogota. < P. Z. S., xxx, 1862, pp. 109-112, pi. xi. Turdus ephippialis, p. 109; Hylophilus f. 309-313. From P. Z. S., Marcli 25, 1862, pp. 109-112, q. o. 1862-63. Natterer, J., ed. Pelzelx, A. v. Handschriftliche Notizen [iiber die Ca- thartidae und Falcouid;^ Brasiliens]. < Vi'rh.{Abh.)};.-lc. zooh-bot. Ges. TVitn, xii, 1862, pp. 171-192 ; xiii, 1863, pp. 631-636. Notizen iiber 25 Arten der hier besprochenen Grnppcn. als Anhang zu Pelzelns ,,Die Geier und Falken der Kaiseii. Omitb. Sanimlung", tomm. citt. jip. 123-192, 585-636. 1863. [Baird, S. F.] List of the described Birds of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies not in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution. January 1, 1863. 8vo, double column, pp. G. Names only. 1863. Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the River Amazons ; a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of Natiue under the Equator during eleven years of travel. By Henry Walter Bates. London. Murray, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. figg. Orig. ed., not seen : see 2d ed., 1864. Xiimerous ornithological passages, and some of the woodcuts. Mr. Bates's collection of birds, upwards of 400 species, is said to have been dis- persed with only imperfect record (P. Z. S., 1857, pp. 261-208, 7. v.) of names, dates, or locali- ties. Cf. Ibis, 1863, pp. 462,463; Xat. Bist. Jiev., 2d ser., iii, 1863, pp. 385-389; Zoologist, xxi, 1663, pp. 8537-8554. 1863. Editor. The Naturalist on the Amazons. < Xaf. ^Tis/. i?ei-.,2d ser.,iii, 1863, pp. 385-389. Editorial review of H. W. Bates's work. 1863. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of Eight New Species of Birds from the Isthmus of Panama. < Ibis, x, 1863, pp. 181-184. Cotyle uropygialis. Dendrornis nana, Formicivora virgata, Myrmelastes corvinus, Myiozetctes marginatus, Myiobius atricaudus, Platyrhynchtis superciliaris, Celeiis squamatus. 1863. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Vireonidae and Rallidae. < Froc. Acad. Xat. Sci. riiila., xv, 1863. pp. 106, 107. Yireo atripennis, Corethrura guatemalensis, p. 106 ; Aramides axill'a)-is,' 1863. New.alax, E. Notices of New Books. XE, G. X. Descriptions of Xew Species of Birds of the Families Caere- bidse, Tauagridse, Icteiida% aud Scolopacida-. < Proc. Acad. Xut. :Sci. ritila., xvi, 1864. pp. lOd-lOa. Daenis ultra marina, Saltator intermedins, p. 106; Cassicus vitelliniw, Erevneteg occidentalis. p. 107 ; all but the last from Isthmus of Panama, the Ereuaetes Iteing from Xoith Ameiii-u. ldG4. Philippi, E. A., and Laxdbeck, L. Contribucioues a la omitolojia de Chile. < Analea Univ. Chile, xxv, Set. de 1884, pp. 408-439. 1. Pteroptochus castaneus, sp. n., p. 408. — 2. De las Alondras Chilenas, pp. 409-418. Certhi- la.uda froheni, \>. ^W; C. isabellina, p. 412; Geoharnon fagciatus, p. 415, spp. im. — 3. De las Muscisaxicolas Sud-Americanas, pp. 418-439. Mwicisaxicola Ci'/ie»-ea, p. 422; 21. rubricapiUa, p. 429; M. flavicertex, p. 434; M. nigri/rotu, p. 436, spp. nn. — This paper reappears iu J. ce/i. /. Xaturg., 1865, q. v. 1864. Philippi, R. A., «Hf? Laxdbeck, L. Beitriige ziu- Oruithologie Chiles. . 610; Pipra nattereri, p. 611, pi. xxxix. 1864. ScLATER, P. L., and SAL"^^^", O. Notes on a Collection of Birds from the Isthmus of Panama. eeies are included iu this list, to which is prefixed a con- cise notice of previous papers treating of the same subject. Four new species are described, namely, CassicuUig microrhynchtig, Mynneciza immaculata, Camptogtoma flaviventre, and Conurug ocidaris, while of all those enumerated a very full synon>Tiiy is given, coiTecting a great many fonuer errors. One species, Eucometig caggini, is figured. 1864. Taylor, E. C. Five Months in the West Indies. Klhia, vi, 1884, pp. 73-97, 1.57-173. Part I, pp. 7.3-97, Trinidad and Venezuela; sketch of region ; 141 spp. ; Tyrannus rogtratus Scl., .sp. n. Part II, pp. 1.57-173, Martinique, Dominica, and Porto liico; same treatment of subject; 48 spp. ; Ccrthiola dominicana, p. 167; Pitangttg taylori 'Scl.", p. 169, spp. nu. Cf Ibig, 1864, p. 405. 1865. Cassix, J. On some Conirostral Birds from Costa Rica in the Collection of the Smith.sonian Institution. < Proc. Acad. Xut. Sci. Phihi., xvii, 1865, pp. 1(19-172. 22 spp. — F.ingiUida- -j- Tanagridce. Arrcmon rujidorsalig, Buarrcmon crassirostrii. p. 170; Etiphonia annece, p. 172, .spp. nu. i\'o. 2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 283 1865. Laavrexci:, G. N". Descriptions of New Species of Birds [of Central and South America] of the Families Tanagridpe, Deudi'ocolaptidte, Formicaridne, Tyran- uida?, and Trochilidre. -102. Catalogo de las Aves introducidas, 4 esp. Cat. de las Aves obser- vadas en el carapo, pero probablemente huidas de jaulas, G esp. Cat. de las Aves indicadaa como pertenecientes d la Omitol. cubana, pero equivocadas con otras que en efecto sc encuen- tran, 87 esp. Cat. de Las Aves indicadas como pertenecientes d la Oni. Cub., pero indudable- mente por error, 39 esp. Correcciones de erratas esenciales, p. 403. Sketch of general character of the avifauna ; table of geographical ilistribution of species. Of 257 species found feral in the isLind, 40 are peculiar to it, and 119, or more than half the remainder, are common to Xorth America. 8 to South America. E.xtracts iom a letter of Dr. Gundlach relating to Cuban omitholog;^- are also printed in Journ. /. Orn., 1866, pp. 352- 354. Cf. Ibis, 1867, pp. 377, 378. 1866. B.URD, S. F. [On dates of original publication of various spp. un. of Pbilippi and Landbeck's as between Aiiales Univ. Chile and Arcli. f. Naturg.] . 251 ; Certhiola jiaveola var. portoriccngis, Yireo latimeri (descr. nulla), SpiMalis portoritoms, p. 252; FringiUa zena var. portoriceiisis, Icterus dominicensis var. portoricensis, p. 254 ; Saurothera vieillotii var. ru/escens, p. 256. Cf. Ilis, 1867, pp. 129, 130. 1866. GuxDLACii, J. Briefliches von Cuba. <•/./. O., xiv, 186<), j)p. 352-354. Desultory remarks on a few species. 1866. GuYox, — , Des animaux tlisparus de la Martinique et de la Guadeloupe depuis notre etablissenient dans ces iles. <(.'o»)j;/(S Fundus de VAcad. Sci. Paris, Ixiii, 8 Oct. 1866, pp. 589-593. Xot seen : title from Zool. Fee. 1866. L.vwREXCE. G. N. Characters of Seven New Species of Birds from Central and South America, with a Note on Thanmatias chionnrus. < J«h. Lye. Xat. Hist. Xeiv York, viii, 1866, pp. 344-050. Campylorhynchus brevipe7inis. ^. 344; Automolus rufescens, p. 345; Grallaria gigantca, p. 345; Grallaricula costaricensis. p. 346; Phcethomis cassinii, p. 347; Fiipherusa cujfreicfps. p. 348 ; Geotrygon veraguensis. p. 349. 1866. L.vwREXCE, G. N. Descriptions of Six New Species of Birds of the Families Hiruudinidii-, Formicaridie, Tyrannidit^, and Trochilid;e. orary cover-title is a little difierent from the permiinent one. Ct.Ibis, 1867, pp. 123, 372 ; 1868, pp. 335-337; 1809, pp.109, 110; 1870, 262-264; Zool. Jtec, iii, p. 48 ; iv, p. 51 ; V, p. 38 ; vi, p. 60. The plates are all by Mr. Smit ; they are very beautiful. The whole number of species figured is 104, referred to 51 genera. In most cases, a systematic of the other American epecies of the same genus is appended to the illustration of each, thereby enlarging the scope and greatly increasing the value of the work. Each of the species is systematically treated with synonymy, diagnosis, iind critical and biogxaphical matter. The authors are the highest authfirities in neotropical ornithology, and this work is a monument of erudition, industry, and artistic excellence. PI. 1, Lijmiiijits unirvfus. PI. 2, X. subalaris. PI. .3, L. rvfescens. PI. 4, Fiimarius torri- dus. PI. 5, Xipholena atroptirpurea. I'l. 6, I'tilogonys caudatus. PI. 7, Vireolanius meli- tophrys. PI. 8, T. pulchellus.—T\. 9, I'hlogopsis tnadeannani. PI. 10, Cinclocerthia rufi- cauda. PI. 11, C. macrorhyncha. PI. 12, C. gtitturalis. PI. 13, Acdpiter ventralis. PI. 14, A. chionoganter. PI. 15, Jitipicola sangiiinolenta. PI. 16, I'orzana rubra.— V\. 17, Accipiter crythrocnemis. PI. 18, A. caiifanilivs. PI. 19, Cichhpsts Icitci'jonys. PI. 20, Xyctibius bracleatus. PI. 21, CypTiorinvit lau-rcncii. PI. 22. C. phfpoccphalux. PI. 23. f. 1, Thryothorus solstitialis; f. 2, T. brnnncicolUn. PI. 24, Icterus 7)i(*^(taf»(«.— PI. 25, 2Iyiadestes obscurus. PI. 26, Jf. viUcolor. PI. 27, 21. ralloidex. PI. 28, 21. elizabetho'l PI. 29, Hylactes eastaneus. PI. 30, Oedicnemits superciliaris. PI. 31, Lanio attrantius. PI. 32. L. leucothorax. PI. 33, Tachyphonus phocniceus. PI. 34, T. delattrii. PI. 35. Xiphocolcptcs emigrans. PI. 36, X major. PI. 37, Accipiter chilenms.—Tl. 38, Leucopternis svperciliaris. PI. 39, Geotrygon "chiriquensis" {= albi/acies, .see Exot. Omith.. viii, IKS, p. 123). PI. 40, G. bourcieri.—Vl. 41, f. 1, Chlorophonia frontalis ; f. 2, C. longipennis. PI. 42, C. occipitalis. PI. 43, JfeJano- tis hypoleucus. PI. 44, Tinamrts robustus. I'l. 45, Crypturus sailed (lege sallcei). PI. 46, O. boucardi. PI. 47, C. mcserythrus. PI. 48, Tigrisoma cabanisi.—Tl. 49, Leucopternis palliata. PI. 50, Scops jlammeola. PI. 51, S. barbarus. PI. 52, Chatiira sfuiicollaris. Fl. 53. Forzana havxwelli. PI 54, P. melanophcea. PI. 55, P. aWigularis. I'l. 50, P. leucopyrrha.—P\. 57, Fxdica ardesiaca. PI. 58, F. armillata. PI. 59, F. leucopyga. PI. 60, F. leucoptera. PI. 61, Leucopternis semiplumbea. PI. 62, Geotrygon chiriqnensis (verus; vide supri). PI. 63, Cardinalis phoeniceus. PI. 64. f. 1. Pyrgisoma rubricatum ; f. 2. P. leueote. — PI. 6.5, f 1, P. cabanisi; f. 2,P. kieneri. F\. dd. Oxyrhamphus /rater. P\. 61, Thyrorhina schomburgH. PI. 6?, Chlorophonia calophrys. T\. 69, Accipiter bicolor. VllO.Ttirdus gigas. Tl.7i,T.albicolUs. PI. 72, T. leueomelas.—in. 73, T. crotopezus. I'l. 74. T. alhiventris. PI. 75. T. phaopygus. PI. 76, T. gymnophthalmus. PL 77, Bxicco striolatus. PI. 78, I'orzana castaneiceps. PI. 79, Attagis chimborazensis. I'l. 80, Formicivora strigilata.—Vl. 81. Comirus hoffinanni. PI. 82, Eallus antarcticus. PI. 83. R. semiplumbeus. PI. 84, Pitylns hnineralis. V\. i^'>, Acci2)iter gut- tatus. PI. 86. A)npelion arevatus. PI. 87, A.'durina nattereri. PI. 88, .t. rtiricauda.—P\. 89, A. pucherani. PI. 90, .1. plagiata. I'l. 91, Botanrus 2'ennatvJi. PI. 92. TigriJiomafasciatum. ri. 93, Thripadectesjlammxilatus. T\. fH, Icterus aheillii. PI. 95. Centropehna micropterum. PI. 96, Centrites ocens.— PI. 97, GalUnugo impcrialis. PI. 98. G. nobilis. I'l. 99, Querque- dulapxina. PI. 100, 2Ierganetta turncri. 1867. Bryant, H. A List of the Birds of St. Domingo, wiia Descriptions of .some New Species or Varieties. < Froc. Boston Soc. Xut. Elat. for Dec. 5. 1866, xi, pub. 1867, pp. 89-98. 79 spp., iu part .annotated. Tyrannula stotida var. dominicensis, p. 90: T. carriboea var. hispaniolcnsis. 2nmus polyglottus \-aT. dominicus, Chrysomitrix dominicensis. p. 93. fig. i>. 94, spp. nn. Kalochclidon, p. 95, gen. n. Cf. Ibis, 1868. p. 229. 1867. L.vwREXCE, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of American Birds. < Jn». L>ic. Xat. nhi. Xexo York, viii, 1867, pp. 466-482. Euphonia purpurea, p. 466; Buarremon Jlavovircns, p. 467; Piitllus (Caryothraustes) humera- lis. p. 467 ; Philydor virgatus, p. 468 ; Thamnophilus temiifasciatus, p. 468 ; Thamnophilus nigres- No.2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 287 1807. Lawrence, G. N. — Continued. ccns, p. 469; JJi/iodynastcs SKjierciliaris. p. 470; Aglceactis olivaccocauda, p. 470; Seliomaster spectabilis, p. 472; Passerculus guttatu^, p. 473; Zonotrichia melanotis, p. 47.3; Coturniciilus iiiexicanus, p. 474 ; Iladrostomus albiventris, p. 475 ; Ortyx graysoni, p. 476 ; Saltator plumbiceps B(L MS., p. 477; Pheucticus tibialis Bd. MS., p. 478; Spermophila atriceps Bd. MS., p. 479; Pyryisoma xantusii Bd. MS., p. 480; Dendrornis mentalis Bd. MS., p. 481. Cf. Ibis, 1868, pp. 114, 11.5. 1807. Lawrence, G. N. Notes on certain Birds from New Grenada, witli descrij)- tions of New Species. < Proc. Acad. Xat. ScLThila., xix, 1807, pj). 94,9.5. lachyphonvs propinquits, PJicenicothraupis vinacea, Leptoptila cassini, p. 94, spp. nu. Cf. Ibis, 1868, p. 230. 1867. Laavrexce, G. N. Descriptions of Five New Species of Central American Birds. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., xix, 1867, pp. 232-234. Glaucis ceneus, Eupherusa nigriventris. p. 232 ; Thaumatias liicice, Dromococcyx rvfgularis, p. 233; Afamides albiventris, p. 234. Cf. Ibis, 1868, pp. 114 and 485. 1867. Philippi, E. A. Comentario critico sobre los animales descritos por Molina. tes radiolatus Scl. MS., p. 755; Thanmophilus murimi.s Xatt. MS., Myrinotherula cinereiventris Sd. MS., p. 756 ; Choetura brachycerca (pi. xxxiv), Celeus citreopygius Bp. MS., p. 758, spp. nu. 1867. ScLATER, P. L., and Salvix, O. List of Birds collected at Pebas, Upper Ama- zon, by Mr. John Hauxwell, with Notes and Descriptions of New Species. < P. Z. S., xxxv, 1867, pp. 977-981, pi. xlv. 135 spp.- On/zobof-us //!«?««, p. 979 ; Percnostola fortis, p. 980, pi. xlv, and fig. xylog. ; Tyran- niscus gracilipes, Porzana fasciata, p. 981, .spp. nu. 288 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Tol.V. 1837. SCLATEK, P. L., and .Salvix, 0. Ou PeruAian Biid.s collected 1iy Mi. II. Wliite- ly.— Part I. < P. Z. S., xxxv, 1837, pp. 982-991, pi. xlvi. 58 spp., amiotated— Continued, P. Z. S.. 1868, pp. 173-178. 1867-69. EuLER, C. Beitriige zur XaturgescLiclite der Vogel Bia.siUeuh.. . 64 ; Cyphorintis ( J/iVro- cerculus) cinctus N., p. 65; Thryothoriis minor P.. p. 66; Odontorhynchv^ (Pelz., g. n.) cinercus X., p. 67. — Abth. n, 1869. Passeres Dentirostres. pp. 69-136 (371 .spp.). Beschreibung nener Oder wenig gekannter Arten, pp. 136-188. Ilylophilus hypoxanthus P.. p. 136 : Pasileuterus leu- cophrys X., Cyclorkis wiedii P., p. 137; Thamnophiltts unduliger P., p. 139; T. barbae P.. p.l40; T. tschudii P., T. moestus P., p. 141 ; T. cinereoniger P., p. 143 : T. stictunts P., p. 144 ; T. einerei- ceps P., T. cinereinucha P., p. 145; T. stietocejihabis P., T. punctidiger P.. p. 146 ; T. poUonotns P., T. saturninus P., p. 147 ; T. ineertus P., Dygithamntis P., p. 149; Herpsilochmus atricapilliis X., R. longirostrig X., p. 150 ; II. dorsimacidatus X., p. 151 ; Myrmotherxda assimilis P., p. 152; M. luctuosa (Temm. msc). If. longipenni-s P., p. 153; Fonnicivora rnelanogaster X'., p. 154; F. leucophthalma P., F. ruficauda X., p. 155; F. bicolor X., p. 156; Tercimra melanoletiea X., lihamphocaenuscollaris'iJ., p. 157 ; Cercomacra approximans P., C. ruficauda V., p. 1.58; Per- cnostola minor P., p. 159; P. leucostigma (Xatt. et Lafres. msc), p. 160; Sclerurug rufigvlaris X., Heterocnemis albiventris P., p. 161 ; Mynnecisa [sic] squamosa X., p. 162; Hypocnemis fla- vescem (X.) Scl., p. 163 ; H. maculicauda P., p. 164 ; H. margaritifera P., p. 165 ; Pithys cristala X., p. 166; P. griseiventris P., Phlogopsis erythroptera (Gould), p. 167 ; Grallaria imperator X., Attila validus P., p. 169 ; A. rvjigularis P., p. 170 ; A. phoenicurus X., p. 171 ; Todirostntin gut- tatum P.. p. 172; Euscarthmus zosterops P., F. latirostris P., E. senex P.. p. 173; E. inorna- tusV., HapalocercHS rufomarginatus v., p. 174; Phyllomyias subviridis X., p. 175; P. lividus (Temm. msc), Elainea sj^cctabilis P., p. 176: E. cristata P.. E. albivertcx P.. p. 177; E. parvi- rostis [sic— lego -rostris] P., p. 178 : E. elegans P.. E. ruficeps P., p. 179 ; E. littoralis X., E. cinerea P., p. 180 ; Bhynchocyclus assimilis P., Pitangus parvus P., Empidoehanes pocciloccrcus P., p. 181; My iarchus cantons P., M. tricolor S., p. 182; 21. g radii rostris P., Tityra (Erator) leueura X., p. 183; Lipaugus viru-ssii X., p. 184; Hcteropelma ru/uvi X., II. chrysocephalum P., p. 185; Heterocercus flavi vertex P., Pipra opalizans P., p. 186; P. virescens P.. p. 187.— Ahth. Ill, 1870. Passeres Conirostres, Scansorcs. Columbae, Gallinae, Stnithiones. Grallae. Anseres, pp. 189-326. Beschreibung ncuer oder wenig gehanutcr Arten, pp. 326-344. Leistes erythrothorax X., p. 326; Ei'phona ochrascensV., Tachyjihonus nattcreriV..-p.3'2S: Oryzoborus ? frimjilloidesV., No. 2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 291 1868-70. Pelzelx, A. v. — Continued. p. 329; Spermophila superciliaris yi., p. 33.0; S. caboclinho'S., S. melcmops'K., p. 331; S.mcla- nofjaster'S.. MaplospUa ? crassirostris S"., p. 332; Sycalis citrina TS., p. 333; Ficumnus auri- frons K"., P. barbae P., p. 33-1; P. lettcogaster'N., P. fitscus N., p. 335; Peristera cyanopis 2^., p. 336; Leptoptila reichenbachii P., Penelope ochrogaster N., p. 337; P. hvliviana "Reich.", p. 339; P.pileata ''Licht.", p. 340; P. nigricapilla "Gray", p. 341; Crax pinima N., p. 341; C. mikani P., p. 343. Betrachtvingen iiber die ornithologisclie Fauna Bra.siliens, pp. 344-390. — Abth. it, 1870. Fundorte der Tijgel Brasilicn.s jiacli den liauptsachliclieu Quellen, pp. 391- 462 ; Surama der in Brasilien beobacbteten Aiten, 1680. — Zusatze. — Index. The work also includes a disqui-sition on the faunal divisions of Brazil as determined from its Ornis. Four subregions are laid down, and mapped, with tabular exhibits of their charac- teristic species. These are tenned the Columbian, Amazonian, South Brazilian, and Chileno- Patagonian. The summary list of 1.680 Brazilian speciesis compiled from various sources, as Maximilian, Spix, Burmeister, and Wallace. Cf. Zeitschr. f. d. (jes. Xatvrw., 1867, p. 537; Ibis. 1868. pp. 226, 227; 1869, pp. 113-117; 1870, pp. 272-274; Zool. Gart, 1868, p. 40; Zool. Rec, v. pp. 5.5, 56; vi, p. 51. • ■ John Xatterer has been called a model ti-aveller, and the most energetic and successful ornithological collector that ever lived. He explored Brazil from 1817 to 1835, securing 12,293 bird-.skins, beautifully prepared and fully labelled, representing about 1,200 spp., besides registering various additional items of information. He died in his prime, on his return to Europe, leaving his collection, almost untouched, in the Imperial Cabinet of Zoology at Vienna. For nearly thirty years little was done to render his labors available in the cause of science, though instances of 'Xatt. MSS." were of not infrequc'nt occurrence in different quarters. Upon the accession of Pelzeln to the charge of the collection, he began to work upon the material, and publish the results, with selections from batterer's MSS. HLs numerous papers, which were received with favor, may be considered preliminary to the j)resent work, which undertakes a complete exposition of Xatterer's labors and results." 1869. Bishop, N.H. The Pampas and Ande.s. | — | A | Thousand Miles' Walk | across [ Soutli America. | By | Xathaniel H. Bishop. | — | With an Introduction | by | Edward A. Samuels, Esq., | atithor of " Ornithology and Oology of New Eng- land," I etc., etc. I — I Bo.stou: | Lee & Shepard. | 1869. 1vol. 8vo. 1 p. 1., pp. 310. Slightly ornithological passim. 1869. CuNXiXGHAM, R. O. [Letter on Birds seen in the Straits of Magellan.] <^i7)W, 2d ser., v, 1869, pp. 2'S2-23A. Two earlier letters appeared in Ibis, 1868, pp. 122-129, 486-495. 1869. Fraxtzius, A. v. Ueber die geographische Yerbreitung der Yogel Costaricas und deren Lebeusweise. < J. f. 0., xvii, 1869, pp. 195-204, 289-318, 361-379. The natural and proper complement to Cabanis's technical articles upon the same avifauna in J. f. 0., 1861-69, q. v. 518 spp. known to him as Costa Rican, with occasional notes on them. The paper has special reference to Lawrence's Catalogue, 1868-69, q. v. Cf. Salvin, Ibis, 1870, pp. 107-116. 1869. GOERIXG, A. Excursion a algunas cuevas hasta ahora no esploradas (al sureste de Caripe). <| Vargasia, No. 5, 1869, pi). 124-128. Contains an account of Steatornis caripensis. (Cf. Ibis, 1870,p. 522.) 1869. Habel, X>r. — . [Exhibition of some Birds from the Galapagos Islands.] <^P.Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, p. 433. The collection contained about 70 spp., some suppo.sed to be new, but no particulars are given. Cf. Comptes Rendus, Ixix, pp. 273-277; P. Z. S., May, 1870, pp. 322-327. 1869. Lawrexce, G. N. List of a Collection of Birds from Northern Yucatan. <^Ann. Lijc. Nat. Hist Xew YorJc, ix, 1869, pp. 198-210. 103 spp. — C'ontopus schottii, p. 202; Zenaidura yueatancnsis. p. 207, spp. nn. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 280; Zool. Pec, 1809, p. 50. 1869. Lawrexce, G. N. Catalogue of Birds from Puna Island, Gulf of Guayaquil, in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, collected by J. F. Reeve, Esq. <.Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, ix, 1869, pp. 234-238. Tardus reevei, p. 234; Thryothorus superciliaris. p. '235; Empidonax griseipectus, p. 23G; Contopus punensis, p. 237. spp. nn. — 21 spp. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 281. 292 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Tol.Y. 1839. Lawrence, G. N. Characters of some New South American Birds, with Notes ou other rare or little kuowu species. <^A)in. Lye. Xat. Mist. Xeiv York, ix, 1869, pp. 265-275. Tardus hanxivelU. p. 205; Ochthoeca rufomari)inatus, ^Iccocerculus v.ropygialis, p. 266; Po- gonotriccus plumbeiceps, Myiozetetes rufipennis, p. 267; If. inornatug, p. 268; Leshia ortoni, p. 269 ; Accipiter nigroplumheus. p. 270, si)p. nn. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 281. 1869. Lawkexce, G. N. Descriptiou of Seven New Species of American Birds from various localities, with a note on Zonotrichia melanotis. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., xs, 1868 [pub. 1869], pp. 359-362. Dendroeca capitalis, p. 359; Tachyphonus atricapillus, p. 359; Qniscalus fortirostris, p. 360; ThamnojjhUus viryatus, p. 361; Pipra (?) ciiinamoinea, p. 361; Phynchocyclus margmatus, ^. 361; Harpagm fasciatus, p. 361. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 280. 1869. Rogers, H. Natural-History Notes from Rio. <^Zoolo(jist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1923, 1925. 1859. Salvix, O. Notes on Mi-. Lawrence's List of Costa-Rica Birds [in Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., ix, pp. 85-149]. (.5, 2d ser., v, 1869, pp. 310-319. A detailed critical commentary. IMakes 13 different determinations, expunges 14 spp., and adds 13 others — 10 clianges in 474 spp. This article relates only to the first portion of Mr. Lawrence's catalogue, the Laud Birds. — Continued in Ibis, 1870, pp. 107-116, q. v. 1869. SCLATER, P. L. On the Birds of the Vicinity of Lima, Peru. "With Notes on their Habits; by Prof. W. Nation, of Lima. (Part III.) oUonota, p. 599; Mcrganetta turneri, ji. 600, .spp. nn. Xo.2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 293 1869. ScLATER, P. L., and Salvix. O. Third List of Birds collected at Concliitas, Argentine Republic, by Mr. William H. Hudson. <^P.Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, pp. 631-636. Cf. P. Z. S., 1868, p. 137 : 1869, p. 158. 92 .spp., with remarks on 34 of them. 1869. Sternberg, C. Notizen aus der Vogelwelt von Buenos- Ayres. <./. /. 0., xvii, 1869, pp. 174-193, 257-278. Lebensweise — 35 spp. 1869? SuxDEVALL, C. J. Foglarne pa on S:t Bartlielemy, efter de af Dr. A. von Goes hemsauda samlingarna bestiimde af Carl J. Sundevall. <^ Ofvers. Konigl. Veiensl-.-Al-ad. Fork., 1869, pp. 579-.591. 47 spp. Some new "Stirpes" are indicated. — Compare 1870?, same author. 1869? Sundevall, C. J. Foglarne pa iiu Portorico, efter HrHjalmarsons insamlingar framstallda af Carl J. Sundevall. <[ Ofvers. Konigl. Vetensl-.-Alcad. Fork., 1869, pp. 593-603. 90 species. — Compare 1870 ?, same author. 1870., a. Apuntes para la fauna ornitologica de Venezuela. <^ Vargasia, num. 7, 1870, pp. 195-198, con una lamina. Estracto de las puhlicacioues de P. L. Sclater y O. Salriu sobre las colecciones de pdjaros veuezolauos hechas por Antonio Goering ; Proc. Zool. Soc. 27 de Febrero (p. 165) y 10 de Di- eiembre (p. 626) de 1868, y 22 de Abril (p. 2-50) de 1869. Ldm., Bmchijgalba goeriiifji, Suble- gatus glaber, Euscarthnms impiget: 1870. FiNSCH, O. On a Collection of Birds from the Lsland of Trinidad. , 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp. 107-116. Continued from Ibis, 1SC9. pp. 310-319. q. v. — Adds 19 spp. to Lawrence's List. Contains much criticism, and includes a synonyniatic synopsis of three species of Capito, important as showing that the opjKJsite sexes of each had generally been rated as different species. 1870. Salvix, O. Ou some Collections of Birds from Yeragua. — Part II. .l ; Attila cinnamomeus, p. 8; Todirostrum siq^erciUaris, p. 9; JElainea macilvainii, -p. 10; Emjri- donaxfulvipectus, Irogoa eximius, p. 11; Chlorostilbon caribceus, p. 13; Conurus holochlorus Tar. brevipes Hd. 'itlS., p. 14; Leptoptila bona2)artii, Tp. 15; Zenaidura graysoniHA. MS., p. 17; Tireosylvia magister Bd. MS., p. 20. Interesting field-notes of Col. A. J. Grayson's accompany several of the species. The note ou liallus longirostris states that with this species li. crassi- rostris Lawr. from Babia agrees, it being apijarently different from li. crepitans Gm. 1871. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of three New Species of American Birds, with a Note on Eugenes spectabilis <^ Ann. Lye. Xat. Hist. X. T., x, 1871, pp. 137-140. Mimits nigriloris, i^. 13~ (Mexico); Buarremon sordidus,p.l38 (Bogotii); Serpo2)haga gnsea, p. 139 (Costa Eica). Distinctness ot E. spectabilis reiterated. 1871. Orton, J. Contributions to the Natural History of the Valley of Quito. — No. I. < J[;He>-. Xat., v, No. 10, Oct., 1871, pp. 619-026. Birds, pp. 623-626. — Annotated list of 184 spp., 38 of which are believed to be confined to the valley ; followed by general remarks on geographical distribution. 296 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. \Tcl.V. 1871. Ortox, J. Notes on some Birds in the Musenm of Vassar College. <] Amtr. Xat., iv, No. 12, Feb., 1871, pp. 711-717. Observations on 50 or more spp., the greater part of the notes relating to neotropical hirds. At time of writing, Vassar College contained nearly 1,200 spp., of which ahout 700 were X. and 600 S. American; among them several type-specimens, and others of interest as the originals of Audubon's plq^'S. 1871. Orton, J. On the Condors and Humming-birds of the Equatorial Andes. < Ann. Ma(j. Xat. Hist., (4), viii, 1871, pp. 185-192. 1871. Ortox, J. The Vultures and Humming Birds of Tropical America. < Canad. Xat.c^- Quart. Jo urn., n. s., v, 1871, pp. 357-360. Abstract of his paper in Aiiier. yat. 1871. SCLATER, p. L. On the Laud-birds of Juan Fernandez. < Ibis, 3d ser., i,lf71, I^p. 178-183, pi. vii. Sketch of the islands; 6 spp., with comment. PI. vii, f 1, Ancerctes fernandezianus ; f. 2, Oxyurus masafuerce. 1871. SCLATER, P. L. Tlie Birds of the Lesser Antilles. < :\7(/«re, iv, 1871, pp. 473 . 'Sot seen. 1871. SCLATER, P. L. [Extracts from Correspondence -with Mr. G. W. des Vceus con- cerning the expediency of introducing Secretarius reptilivorus or Dacelo gigas for destruction of the Rat-tailed Serpent of Santa Lucia (Trigouocephalns lanceolatus). ] < P. Z! S. , xxxix, 1871, pp. 2-4. 1871. ScLATER, P. L. On the Birds of the Island of Santa Lucia, West Indies. .2i; Arremon ivuchereri, -p. 25; Haplospiza uni/or^nis, p. 29. P. 158: Cnipole- gus pusillus, p. ^3; Euscarthmiis vmchereri, p. 45; Serpophaga subflava, p. 47 ; S. poeeilocerca, p. 47. P. 159 : Phyllomyias platyrhyncha, p. 48 ; Lipaugus immundus, p. 57 ; Casiornisfusca, p. 57 ; Furnarius agnatus, p. 61. P. 160 : Philidor erythronotus, p. 66 ; Margaromis stellata, p. 67 ; Pi- colaines puncticeps, p. 69 ; Thamnophilus tristis, p. 69 ; Myrmothenda pyrrhonota, p. 72. P. 161 : Microbates torquatus, p. 72; Cereomacra carbonaria, p. 73; Ehinocrypta fiisca, p. 76; Dendro- cygna discolor, p. 129. P. 162 : Querrjuedida andium, p. 129 ; Leptoptila rujinucha, p. 134 ; Odon- tophorus hy2)ospodius,p.V3S; Psophi a napensis, p. 141; Tinannts rt'ficeps, p. 152. P. 163: Vo- thoprocta ciirvirostris, p. 153. 1873. Sclater, P. L., and Salvia, O. On Peruvian Birds collected 1)y Mr. Whitely. Part VI. acnis xanthophthalma, Dacnidea (g. n.) Inucngastra (pi. xix, f. 2), p. 131 ; *2Iicrospi7igit^ (n. g.) trifasciatits (pi. xix, f. 1), *Chloro- spingus cinercocphalus, * Spermophila simpilex, p. 132 ; *Sycalis rainiondii, "^Ochthceca thoracica, p. 133; 'Museisaxicola rufipennis, *Leptopogon auritiis, p. 134; Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus, Do- liornis (g. n.) sclateri (pi. xx), * Corythopis humivagans, * SerpsUochmv.s motacilloides, p. 136; Myrmothcrula atrogularis, * Thrijxidectes scrutator, p. 137; *Scytalopus sylvestris, Thalurania jelskii, *Helianthea dichroura, p. 138; Mctallura hcdvigce (pi. xxi, f. 2), *Eriocnemis sapphiro- pygia, p. 139 ; Lampraster (n. g.) branickii, pi. xxi, f. 1, p. 140, spp. im. ; those marked ■with an asterisk being from C. Jelski's MS. Cf. J./. O., 1873, pp. 6-1-68, 315-320 ; 1874, pp. 97-100. 1874. Taczanowski, L. Liste des Oiseaux recueillis par M. Constautiu Jelski dans la partie centrale du Pdrou Occidental. <^P. Z. S., Nov. 3, 1874, pp. 501-565, pll. Ixiv, Ixv. Most of the ne'W Peruvian birds discovered by Jelski had been described by Cabanis iu J.f. O., 1873, and by Taczanowski in P. Z. S., 1874, when the latter drew up the jsresent im- portant article, giving a complete list of the 490 species secured by the intrepid and inde- fatigable traveller during the three years he passed in exploring the narrow but interesting region comprised between Lima, Huanta, Monterico, Farma, and Junin, which is situated iu the Cordilleras, and therefore presents a marvellously rich avifauna, composed of species living from torrid regions to the line of perpetual snow. The following 19 species are here described as new: — Anthus brevirostris, A. calcaratus, p. 507; Conirostruin cyancum, p. 512; Buarrcmon mystacalis, p. 515; B. tricolor, p. 516; Chlorospingus chrysogaster.j}. 517; Spermo- philaobscura, jy. 519 ; Pipilo mystacalis, -p. 521 ; Geosittasaxicolina, p. 524; JJpucerthia serranu, p. 525; Anabazenops cabanisi, p. 528: Ochthodiceta signatus, p. 532; Phyncocyclus pcruvianus, p. 537 ; Myiobius superciliosus, p. 538 ; Empidonax andinus. p. 539 ; Lttucipipus pallidus, p. 542 ; Hypoxanthus brevirostris, p. 546; Gallinago andina, p. 561; Xothoprocta branickii, p. 563. — PI. xliv, Turdus nigriceps. PI. xlv, Buarrcmon tricolor. — The text is chiefly descriptive, bio- graphical, and critical. 1875. DuBUS, A. Descriptions de Quelqttes Oiseaux Nouveaux. <^ BuU. Acad. Boy. Belg., 2d ser., xl, No. 12, Dec., 1875, pj). 13-17. Cyanocitta yucatanica, p. 13, Yucatan; Icterus virescens, p. 15, Mexico; I. xanthorntcs tut. a. dubusii, p. 16, Panama ; I. xanthornus var. marginalis, p. 17, Panama. — !Not seen. 1875. Lawrexce, G. N. Descriptions of five new Species of American Birds. <^lbis, 3d ser., v, July, 1(575, pp. 383-387, pi. ix. Chlorospingus? speculiferus, p. 383, pi. ix, f. 1; C.nigrifrons, p. 384; Serpophaga leucura, p. 384, pi. ix, f. 2 ; Orchilus atricapillus, p. 385 ; Empidonax nanus, p. 386. 1875. Pelzelx, a. V. On some Birds from Spanish Guiana collected hj Herr Miinz- berg. 'yufi(s, Dendroeca aureola, Gcospiza fuliginosa, Pyrocephalus nanus. 1877. Taczanowski, L. Liste des Oiseaux recueillis au nord du P^rou occidental par MM. Jelski et Stolzmann. is, 4th ser., ii, 1878, pp. .58-69. Xot seen. (This volume of the Ibis is at the binder's.) 1878. DuRNFORD, H. Notes on the Birds of Central Patagonia. strat ions. . . . Loudtm: .Sump- son Low & Co. lti7S. 2 vols. 8vo. •Not seun: contains a catalogue of birda, reprinted from P. Z. ,S., It73, jip. 511, iHJ. 1879. A[llen'], J. A. Lawrence and Ober on the Birds of Douiiuica and St. Vincent. - 353, and on Quiscalus infiexirostris Swains., p. 356. Mtjiarchus sclateri, p. 357, sp. u. 1879. Lawijexce, G. N. Catalogue of a Collection of Birds obtained in Guadeloupe for the Smithsonian Institution, by Mr. Fred. A. Ober. <^ Proc. U. S. Xat. Mu-f., vol. i, 1878, (pub. Apr. 22, 1879), pp. 449-4G2. Of the same characters as previous papers of this series. Mr. Ober collected in Guadeloupe in August and September, 1878, sending in 132 specimens, and noting 45 spp. 1879. Lawrence, G. N. A General Catalogue of the Birds noted from the Islands of the Lesser Antilles visited by Jlr. Fred. A. Ober ; with a Table showing their Distribution and those found in the United States. <^Proc. U. S. Xat. Mas., vol. i, 1878, (pub. 1879), pp. 48G-488. A resume of the preceding catalogues in tabular fonu. All these papers of Mr. Lawrence's are also published separately, same pagination, with cover and new title-page. ADDENDA. \j I continue A^itli a few titles acquired during' the impression of the preceding' pages. 1G25. De Laet, J. Nieuwe Weroldt | ofte | Beschrijviughe | van | "West-Indion, | wt veelcrhande Schriften eude Aen-teekeningeu | van verscheydeu Natien by eeuversamelt | Door loannes de Laet, | Endo met Noodighe Kaerten en Tafels voorsien. | Tot Lcydcu, | In de Druckerye van Isaack Elzcvier. | Anno 1625. | Met Privilege der Ho. Mo. Heeren Stateu Generael, voor 12 Jaren. | Folio, pp. (2), xxii, 520, maps. Xot seen : title from Sabiu's Bibl. See cd. of 1C30. 1630. De Laet, J. Besclirijvinghe | van | AVest-Indien | door loannes de Laet. | Tweedo Druck: | In ontallijcko plaetsen ver- | betcrt, vermecrdcrt, met eeuigo nieuwe Caerten, beelden van | verscheyden dierei\ eude | planten ver- ciert. I Tot Lcyden, bij de Elzcviers. A". 1630. | Met Priuilegie. 1 vol. Folio. 14 p. 11., iucl. half-title, eng. title, dedication, privilege, introduction, con- tents, list of (14) maps, and errata, pp. 1-C22, 9 11. (index), maps and other illustrations. Orig. ed. 1C25. This is the only edition of the famous work I have seen ; I cite several others from Sabin's Bibl. 30G BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Tol.Y. IG'.V.]. Dk Laet, J. Novvs Orbis | seu | Descriptioiiis | India? Occidentalis — Libri XVIII. I Authore | loainie de Laet Antverp. | Novis Tabulis Geograpliicis et variis I Auimantinm, Plantarum Fructiinmqne | Iconibus illustrati. | Cvui Privilegio. | Lvgd. Batav. apud Elsevirios. A". 1633. 1 vol. Folio. IG p. 11. iucl. half-title, eng. title, aud of (14) maps, pp. 1-690, 9 11. (index). 1640. De Laet, J. L'Histoire | dv | Nouveaii Monde ] ou | description | des ludes Occidentales, | Contenant dix-hiiict Liures, | Par le Sieur lean de Laet, d'Anuers; | Enriclii de noviuelles Tables Geographiques & Figures des | Ani- maux, Plautes & Fruicts. | [Dessin.] | A Leyde, | Cliez Bouanentnre A: Abra- ham Elseuiers, Imprimeurs | ordinaires de I'Vniuersite. | — | do loc XL. I vol. Folio. 14 p. 11., i)p. 1-63-2, 6 11., 14 maps. "Tlii-s French tianslation of Laet contains many materials not found in the original Dutch, . . . This work is full of the most excellent and curious details of the natural history, . . .' 168'2. NiEUHOF, J. Johan Nienhofs | Gedeukweerdige | Brasiliaeuse | Zee- en Lant- | Reize. | Behelzende | Al het geen op dezelve is voorgevallen. | Beneftens | Eeu bondige beschrijving van gautsch | Neerlants Brasil, | Zoo van lantschappen, steden, dieresi, gewassen, als | draghten, zeden en der iuwoon- ders: | En inzonderheit | Een wijtloopig verhael der merkwaardigste voor- vallen | en geschiedenissen, die zich, gedunrende zijn uegeujarigh | verblijf in Brasil, in d'oorlogen en opstant der Portugesen | tegen d' onzen, zich sedert het jaer 1640. tot 1649. | hebben toegedragen. | Doorgaens verciert met ver- scheide af beeldingen, na 't leven aldaer getekent. ] [Afbeeld.] | t' Amsterdam, I — I Voor de AVeduwe van Jacob van Meurs, op de Keizers-gracht. 1682. 1 vol. Folio. Eng. title, ilium, title, dedication, arms, privilege, introduc- tion, each one leaf; pp. 1-308, 2 11. (directions to binder, and index) ; 44 en- gravings. See what is said anted, p. 241. In addition to this, there is on p. 281 a heading "Indiaense en Javaense vogels en viervoetige dieren"; underwhich descriptions of various East Indian and particularly Javan birds mn to p. 288, including two engravings on which the Dodo and various other birds are figured. The above is the full printed title. The work is scarcely citable in the present connection, being of a more general character. 1724. [Labat, PereJ. B.] Nouveau | Voyage | [du Pere Jean Baptiste Labat] | anx Isles | de I'Amerique. | Contenant | L'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays, | rOrigine, les Moeurs, la Religion & le Gouvemement des | Habitans anciens & modemes: | Les Guerres & les Evenemens siuguliers qui y sont arrivez pendant | le long s^jour que I'Auteur y a fait: | le Commerce et les Manufac- tures I qui y sont 6tablies, & les moyens de les augmenter. | Ouvrage enrichi d'un grand nombre de Cartes, Plans, & Figures en Taille-douce. | Tome pre- , ^, (P. Husson. T. Johnson, mier [second]. | [Vignette.] | A la Haye, | Chezj j Van Duren. R.Alberts. P. Gosse I j^j ^^^ ^^.^. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. I, 3 p. 11., pp. j-viij, 1-360, & C. Le Vier. I 211., 47 maps and plates. Vol. II, 4 p. 11., pp. 1-520, 9 11., many maps and plates. There are many editions. Sabin's Bill, gives the following, besides the above :— Paris, 6 vols., 12mo, 1722.— La H.aye, 6 vols., 12mo, 1724.— Paris, Svols., TJmo, 1742 ; augmented.— Paris, 8vo, 1831 ; abridged.— Dutch, Amsterdam, 4 vols., 4to, 1725.— Latin, Niimberg, 7 vols., 12mo, 1782-88. The celebrated work is very full on the Natural History of the "West Indies, and ornithol- ogy comes in for its share of treatment; but the copious details are so scattered through the volumes that formal citation of the bird-matter becomes inconvenient. 1745. Warren, G. Impartial Description of Surinam, &c. The date of the original is said to be 1G67. The only .sliape in which I have handled it is as a part of Vol. II of Osbome"s "A Collection of Voyages and Travels", etc., folio, London, 174,'), where it is given with a. half-title-page as follows:— An impartial | Description | of | Sur- inam I upon the I Continent of Guinea | in | America. | TVith a | History of several strange No.2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 307 1745. Warren, G. — Continued. Beasts, Birds, Fishes, SeiiJents, In- | sects, and Customs of that Colony, (e Xordische Beyfradi', iii, 1782, pi>. 1-7, pi. i. 1. l>er kleine schwarze Kukuk aus Surinam (Cvmihis tencbrosus), p. 2, pi. i, f. 1. 2. Der allerkleinste Specht oder "NVeudehals. aus Siidamerika (,1'icus minutissimus), p. 5, pi. i, f. 2. 1793. AVest, H. Bidrag | til | beskrlvelse | over Hf Croix | med en | kort Udsigt | over I St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, | Spanishto^vu og Crabeneiland. | Af | H. West, I Rector ved det vestindiske Skole-Institut. | — | I^iobenhavn, 1793.. I Trykt hos Frederik Wilhelm Thiele. 1vol. 16mo. 3 p. 11., 1-364, folded sheet opp. p. 204. This is the ed. princ. ; there is another, German. Kopeuhagen. 1794. The only bird-matter consists of a list of 2 spp., on p. 317 — Ardea cocndea and Fulica chloropus (= Gallinula galeata). 1610. Ledru. A.-P. Voyage | anx lies | de Tendriffe, | La Trinite, Saint-Thomas, | Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, | execute par ordre du Gouveruement Fran^ais, | Depnis le 30 Septembre 1796 jusqu'au 7 Jnin 1798, sons la | Direction du Capitaiue Baudin, pour faire des Recherches | et des Collections relatives a I'Histoire Xatnrelle ; | contenaut | Des Observations sur le Climat, le Sol, la Population, | TAgriculture, les Productions de ces lies, le Caractere, les | Mceurs et le Commerce de leurs Habitants. | Par Andre-Pierre Ledru, | [etc., trois lignes. ] | Ouvrage accompagnc denotes etd'additions, | parM. Sonuini. | Avec une tres-belle Carte gi-avee par J. B. Tardieu, d'apres Lo^iez. | Tome premier [second]. | A Paris, | Chez Arthur Bertrand, Libraire, rue Haute feuille, no 23. \ — | 1810. 2 vols. 16mo. Vol. I, 2 p. 11., pp. i-xh-iij, 1-315, 1 1. Vol. II, 2 p. 11., pp. 1-324, 1 1., map. Vol. I, Chap. XIII, Essai sur I'hi.stoire naturelle de Tile de Teneriffe, pp. 176 et seq. Oiseaux, pp. 177-185. par Fauteur. Xotes sur les animaux dont il est question dans le chapitre pr6c6dent, par Sonnini. pp. 219-231. Xote sur le Pelecan, par Sonnini, pp. 245, 246. Chap. XVI. Notice sur I'ile de la Trinite. par Tauteur. jip. 247 et seq. Oiseaux, pp. 258-261. Xotes sur I'histoire, et particulierement sur I'histoire naturelle de I'ile de la Trinity, par Son- nini, pp. 267 et .secj. Oiseaux, pp. 296-307. — Vol. II, Chap. XIX, Essai sur I'histoire naturelle des lies danoises, pp. 36 et seq. Oiseaux, pp. 38, 39. Chap. XXVIII, Histoire naturelle de Porto-Kiceo, iqi. 194 et seq. Oiseaux. pp. 199-209. Addition il I'histoire naturelle de Porto- Ricco, par Sonnini, pp. 255 et seq. Oiseaux, pp. 2.56-274. 1811. Humboldt, A. v. Recneil d'Observations de Zoologie. 1811. Not seen ; said to contain a few brief notices of the birds of Colombia. 1811-12. Ledru, A.-P. Reise nach den Inseln T^n^rifta, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Cruz, nnd Porto-Rico, . . . Aus dem Frauzosischen, mit Bemerkungen iiber Colonialwaaren von E. A. W. Zimmermann. Leipzig, 1811-12. 2 vols. 8vo. Not seen: title from Sabin's i?i'&Z. 1823-31. Srix, J. B. v., and Martius, C. F. P. v. Reise | in [ Brasilien | anf Befehl Sr. Majestiit | Maximilian Joseph I. | Kouigs von Baiern | in den Jahren 1817 bis 1820 gemacht und beschrieben | von | Dr. Joh. Bapt. vonSi)ix, | [etc., 3 Zeilen,] | und Dr. Carl Friedr. Phil, von Martius, | [etc., 3 Zeilen.] | Erster 308 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1823-31. Spix, J. B. v., and Martius, C. F..P. v.— Coutiuiied. [-dritter] Theil. | — | Muuchen, 1823 [1828, 1831]. ... 3 vols. 4to.— Erster Theil, Miiuclien, 1823, gedruckt bei M. Lindaner, 4 p. 11., pp. i-x, 1-412. Zweiter Theil, bearbeitet und heraiisgegcheu von Dr, C. F. P. von Martius, Miiucheu, 1828, gedruckt bei I. J. Leutner, pp. i-viii, 413-884, 1 1. Dritter Theil, bearb. u. herausg. von Dr. C. F. P. von Martius, Miinchen, 1831, bei dem Verfasser, Leipzig, in Comm. bei Friedr. Fleischer, pp. i-viii, 885-1388, geographischer Auhang, 1 p. 1., jip. 1-40, und Karte vom Amazonenstroaie. The copy examined contains no formal presentation of tlie ornithology, and only one map. There is an English translation of a portion of the ■work, 1824, q. v. The natural history is said to be contained in a special appendix to TheU III, and to be also found sejiarate under the title ,,Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischeu America" u. s. w., Miinchen, 1831, gr.-4to mit 4 Taf. in-folio. 1824. Spix, J. B. v., and Martius,* C. F. P. v. Travels | in | Brazil, | in the years | 1817-1820. I Undertaken by command of | His Majesty the King of Bavaria. | By I Dr. Joli. Bapt. von Spix, | and Dr. C. F. Phil, von Martius, | [etc., 3 lines.] j — I Volume the first [second]. | — | London: | printed for | Long- man, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, | Paternoster-row. | 1824. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Vol. I, pp. iii-xxii, 1-327, 4 pll. Vol. II, pp. iii-x, 1-298, 5 pU. This is an English translation of portions of Spix and Martins's Seise, not of the whcle work, which was not completed until 1831. It does not contain the natural history proper of the work, which is in the concluding part of the German work ; only giving some little bird- matter incidentally, here and there. (See this Bibliography, anted, p. 250, at date of 1823-31.) 1831. Wagxer, J. A. Beitriige | zur | Kenutniss der warmbliitigeu Wirbelthiere | Amerika's. | Von | Professor Dr. Johanu Andreas Wagner. | [u. d., n. p. Kempten, 1831.] 1vol. 4to. pp. 94, pll. v. Diese mit Halbtitel versehene Broschiire enthiilt : Osteographische Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger siidamerikauischenTogel. I. Crypturus variegatus, pp. 56-66, pi. iii, f. 1-6. II. Dicho- lophvs cristatus, pp. 66-72, pi. iii, f. 7-11. in. Psophia crepitans, pp. 72-77, pi. iv, t. 1-4. IV. Mycteria americana, pp. 77-83, pi. iv, f. 5-7. 1831-35. KiTTLiTZ, F. H. v. tJber einige Vogel von Chili, beobachtet im Miirz und Anfang April 1827. <^Mem. presenUs a VAcad. Imp. des Sci. de St.-Petcrsb. par div&rs Savans Utranfj., i, 1831, pp. 173-194, pll. — ? ; ii, 1835, iip. 465-472, pll. 1-5. (Auch als Separat-Abdruck erschienen.) I. li'il.—Phrjtotoma silens, p. 175 ; Pteroptochos rubecula, p. 179; P. albicolUs, p. 180; P. megapodius, i). 182; Troglodytes pjo^fadozxis, p. 184; Synnalaxis [sic] humicola, p. 185; S. aegithaloides, p. 187; Opetiorynchos [sic] rupestris, p. 188; Muscicapa parulus, p. 190; If. pyrope, p. 191; Fringilla diuca (Mol.), p. 192 ; Crypturus perdicarius, p. 193. (Title calls for 12 colored plates; no plates found in copy examined.) II. 1835. — 13, Tamnophilits [sic] lividus, p. 465, pi. 1 ; 14, Sturnv.s aterrimvs, p. 467, pi. 2 ; 15, Alauda fissirostris, p. 468, pi. 3; 16, Fringilla artensis, p. 470, pi. 4; 17, Anas chalcoptera, pi. 471, pi. 5 (lettered chalcontera). Obs. This reference is often misquoted as if it were to the regular MCm. de I' Acad. St.- Petersb. 1833. SCHREIBER, [C. v.] Collectanea ad Fauuam Braziliaj. Not seen. " M. Schreiber of Vienna commenced, in 1833, the ' Collectanea ad Faunam Bra- zUiffi ', but only one number of that work was ever published." 1834. Lessox, R. p. Sur quelques Oiseaux du Chili. <^L'Insiitut, ii, 1834, No. 72, p. 316. (Soc. des Sc. et Arts de Rochefort.) Not seen : title from Carus and Engelmann. 1834-41. SwAixsox, W. The | Ornithological | Drawings | of | "William Swain.son | Esq., A. C. G. I [etc., 4 lines.] | — | Part 5 [mut. mut.]. | The Birds of Brazil. I — I London : | Baldwin & Cradock. | Treiittel. Wilrtz & Richter Paris, & Strasbourgh. | Oliver & Boyd, Ediubui'gh Robinson's Livei-pool. | Rob'. Havell, 77, Oxford St'. Price 7/. Cold. 10/6. Double Plates 15/. | [n. d. " 1834-1841."] 8vo. Engr. cover-title and 62 ("78") colored plates. ''Pub. in 7 iiarts." The piece handled consists of 62 colored plates, without anj- text, there being only the en- graved cover-title above transcribed. It is not dated ; but there is pencilled in msc. of T. N. ^0.2.] COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 309 1834-41. SwAixsox, W. — Continued. Gilladate, "1834-1841"; and the same band notes on the fly-leaf "Part C wanting", leaving it open to infer that there are several lots or "Parts". The number of Part "5" is also written, not printed ; so that probably the same engraved title covers other parts. The dates above cited are presumed to be those of publication of the whole series. The plates are as follows ; I do not know that these 62 (some cite "78") are all of them: — PI. 1, I[cterus] hcemorrhous. 2, C'[assicus] affinis. 3, O. icteronotus. 4, O. nigerrimus. 5, Blueheaded Tanager, "J.." cyanocephala. 6, ^1. citrinella. 7, A. cuculata. 8, A. cyanoptera. 9, Long-billed Puff Bird, ^'T[amatia?y' somnolenta. 10, T. leucutis. 11, T. maculata. 12, T. leuco2)s. 13, T[roglo- dytes] ceqxdnoctialis. 14, T. carinatus. 15, T. nititans. 16, Thryothorus striolatu^. 17, Black- masked Tanager, E[hampho . . . ?] gularis. 18, R. coccineus. 19, same, $. 20, B. atro-cocci- neiis. 21, T[rochilus] cristatits. 22, T. delalandii. 23, P[ipra] galeata. 2i, Calyptura crifitata. 25, P[ipra] strigilata. 26, Pepra [sic] manacus. 27, Mango Hummingbird, young. 28, L[am- pornis] mango. 29, T[rochilus] miritiis. 30, T. tnoschitus. 31, Black-backed Tanager, "J.." ■melanotus Sw. 32, C[assicus] cristatits. 33, Lochmias squamiilata Sw. 34, Lyxjornix striata. 35, L. rubicula. 36, L. tenebrosa. 37, T[anagra] cana Sw. 38, T. olivascens Licht. 39, T. epis- copus. 40, T. mornata [sic — lege inornata]. 41, T. ccelestes. 42, T. ornata. 43, Black-backed Tanager, " A." melanotis [aic — lege melanonottis]. H, Pij^ra pareola. 45, P. caudata. 46, Ty, rannula superciliosa. 47, T. megacephala. 48, T. modesta. 49, T. caniceps. 50, Tyrannus circumcinctus. 51, Megalrqihvs regius. 52, same. 53, Tyrannula ferruginea. 54, T. curtipes. 55, Platyurus corniculatus. 56, same, $. SI, P. affinis. 58, Cyclarius [sic] gxdanensis. 59, Thamnopihilus ncevius. 60, T. bicolor. 61, Trogon auratus. 62, same, ? . The complete series is said to consist of 78 plates, published in 7 parts. Other titles of the same thing in cuiTent quotation are: "Ornithological Drawings, being figures of the rarer and most interesting Bii'ds of Brazil " ; and "A selection of the Birds of Brazil and Mexico." 1836. KiTTLlTZ, F. H. V. Cinq nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux du Cliili. <^L'Institi(t, iv, No. 190, 1836, p. 442. Not seen: title from Carus andEngelmann. Compare 1831-35, same author. See, also, 7si*, 1836, pp. 347-351. 1843. GouDOT, J. Observations sur I'organisatiou et les liabitudcs du coq de roche I>6ruvien (Pipra peruviana. Lath. ), et du caurale ( Ardea lielias, Liu. ). <^Guer. Mag. de Zool., 2« ss, S. concolor, p. 20; Dacnis flaviventer, JD. analis, Synallaxis dorso macu- lata, p. 21 ; S. maluroides, S. troglodytoidcs, S. striatieexis, p. 22 ; S. albiceps, S.fuliginiceps, p. 23 ; ,S. leucocephala, S. bitorquata, p. 24; S. torquata, Troglodytes pallida, T. tecellata [sic], p. 25 ; T. guarayana, p. 26 ; Antkus furcatus, A. ru/escens, p. 27 ; Nemosia sordida, Tachypihonus versi- color, p. 28; T. flavinucha, T. luctuosus, ? I. capitatus, p. 29; Euplionia laniirostris, E. serri- rostris, E. ruficeps, p. 30; Aglaia yeni, p. 31 ; A. montana, A. igniventris, A. cyanocephala, p. 32; A. cyanicollis. I'yranga albicolUs, p. 33; Bamphocelus atro scriceus, Embernagra torquata, p. 34; E. nifi-nucha, Saltator rufiventris, p. 35; S. similis, p. 36; Phytotoma angustirosiris, p. 37; Fipru fasciata, p. 38; Ampelis rubro-cristata, i>. 39; A. viridis, p. 40; Tyranmis tvbcrcu- lifer, T. fumigatus, p. 43; T. rufescens (Sw. 0, P-44; T. rufiventris, p. 45; T. aurantio atro- cristatus, p. 45; ? Todirostrum, margaritacei venter, p. 4C; T. ecaudatum, Museipeta albiceps, p. 47; M. obscura. If. bimaculata, p. 48 ; M. brevirostris, M. cinnamomea, p. 49; Setophaga brunneiceps, S. verticalis, p. 50; ITuscicapa striaticollis, M. bivittata, p. 51 ; 21. elegans, M. an- gustirosiris, p. 52 ; 21. leucophrys, 21. stramineo-ventris, p. 53 ; 21. olivacea. p. 54 ; Culicivora budy- toides, p. 56; C. regidoides, p. 57; Fluvicola nigerrima, p. 59; E. leucophrys, F. rufi-ijectoralis, E. oenanthoides, p. 60 ; Muscigralla (g. n. ?) brevicauda, Pcpoaza (g. n. ?), p. 61 ; P. murina, P. oaricgata, \>. 63 ; P. montana. p. 64 ; P. maritima, p. 65 ; 2Iuscisaxicola (g. u. "!), p. 65 ; M. rufivcr- tex, 21. inentalis, 21. maculirostris, 21. striaticeps, p. 66 ; Hirundo pataguniea, H. andecola, p. 69 ; C'ypselus montivagus, C. andecolus, p. 70 ; Certhilauda maritima, C. tenuirostris, p. 72 ; Emberiza lutea, E. luteo-cephala, p. 74; E. uropigyalis [sic], E. oUvascens, p. 75; E. atriceps, p. 76 ; E.fulviceps, p. 77; E. specidifera, p. 78; E. griseo-oristata, E.unicolor, E. carbonaria, p. 79 ; E. hypochondria, i). 80 ; E. obscura, p. 81 ; E. torquata, p. 82 ; Carduelis atratus, Linaria analis, p. 83; Pitylus aureoventris, p. 84; Pyrrhula glauco-ccerulea, p, 85; P. bicolor, p. 86; P. cinerea, P. nigro-rvfa, p. 87; P. alaudina, p. 88. 1838. Cassicus atro-virens,j}.l; C. yuracares, -p. 2; C. chrysonotus. -p. S; Icterus maxillaris, p. 6; I. brevirostris, p. 7; Garrulus viridi-cyanvs [sic!], p. 9; Dendrocolaptcs atrirostris, p. 12; Anabatcs squamiger, A. g%Uturatus, p. 14 ; A. ruficaudatus, A. certhioides, A. gutturalis, p. 15; A. iinirvfus, p. 16 ; Anumbins (g. n.) anothoides, p. 17 ; A. striaticollis, p. 18 ; A. striaticeps. p. 19; Vppucerthia [sic] (Oppetiorhynchos [sic]) dunietorum "Is. Geoff, et d'Oil). Mus. Paris", p. 20; E. and€ecola, p. 21; U. montana, E. vulgaris, p. 22; E. nigrofumosa, p. 23; Serrirostruni (g. n.. p. 24) carbonarum, S. sittoides, Conirostmm (g. n.) cinereum. p. 25; Ornismya glaucopoi- des. p. 27; O. aureo-ventris, p. 28; O. pamela "d'Orb.", p. 29; O. smaragdinicoUis, O. amethys- ticollis, p. 3] ; Trochilus estclla "d'Orb. ', p. 32; T. adela "d'Orb.", p. 33. Ko. 2. J COUESS ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 317 riiiLiPPi. — Ct»ntiunc(l. Escursiou al Cajou de los Cipreses, 1875. PiiiLiPPi (tiid Laxdbeck. Besclireibuug zwcier neueu Chileni- schen Vogel aiis den GescMechteru Procellaria uud Caprimulgus, 18G0, Descripcion de unas nueve especies de Piijaros Peruanos, 1861. Descripciou de algunas especies nue- vas de Piijaros Cliilenos, 1861. Neiie Wirbelthiere von Chile, 1861. Beitriige znr Fauna von Peru, 1863. Besclir. eiuer neiien Ente nnd See- schTvalbe, 1863, (p. 309). Contribuciones a la omitolojiade Chile, 1864. Beitriige znr Ornithologie Cliiles, 1864. Beitriige zur Ornith. von Chile, 1865, 1866. POEY. Catiilogo metodico de las aves de Cuba, 1848.. QUOY and Gaijiakd. Sur (luehiues Oiseaus de la province de Rio-de- Janeiro, etc., 1825. Raimoxdi. Sur le huano des lies de Chincha, 1856, 1856. Reed. Birds of Juan Fernandez and Mas-a- fuera, 1874. Apuntes de la Zoologia de Chile, 1877. Reixiiardt. Fuglefaunaen i Brasiliens Campos, 1870, 1870. Richard aud Berxa::d. Catalogue des Oiseaux envoyds de Cay- enne, 1792. ROCHEFORT. Histoii-e des lies Antilles, 1658, 1666, 1681. Rogers. Natural Histoiy Notes from Rio, 1869. ROSEXSCIIOLD. Bref fi-fiu Paraguay, 1853, 1854. Sagra, Rajiox de la. Enumeration desespeces, etc., deCuba, 1859. {See, also, d'Oebigxy.) St. Hilaire, A. de. Apergu d'un Voyage dans le Br^sil, 1822. Salli<;. Liste des Oiseaux ra^iport^s dans la R(5- publique Dominicaine, 1857, Salle. — Continued. Liste d'Oiseaux a vendre, 1861. Salle and Parzudaki. Liste d'Oiseaux a vendre, 1862. Salvadori. UccelU di Costa Rica, 1868. Salvix. Letters from Dueuas, Guatemala, 1860. Letters from Vera Paz, Guatemala, 1860. Three new Birds from Guatemala, 1861, 1861. List of Species to be added to the Or- nithology of Central America, 1861. Letter from Dueuas. Guatemala, 1862. Fortnight amongst Sea Birds of Hondu- ras, 1864. Seventeen nev,' Birds from Costa Rica, 1864. Letter from Guatemala, 1864. Thirteen new Bii-ds discovered by Sal- vin and Godman in Central America, 1884. Sea Birds and Waders of Pacific Coast of Guatemala, 1865. Further Contributions to Ornithology of Guatemala, 1'!'66. Eight new Birds from Veragua, 1866. On some Birds from Veragua, 1867. Notes on Lawrence's Costa Rican List, 1869. Additional Notes on Lawrence's Costa Rican List, 1870. On some Collections of Birds from Vera- gua. 1870. Layard's Departure for Parii, 1872. Notes on Belt's Birds from Chontales, Nicaragua, 1872. Maack's Researches in Panama, 1872. Letter oft' St. Domingo, 1873. Letter on some Guatemalan Birds, 1873. Additional Notes on Birds of Juan Fer- nandez and Mas-a-fuera, 1875. Avifauna of the Galapagoes, 1876. New Birds from Western Ecuador, 1876. Salvix and Sclater. Contrib. to the Ornithology of Guate- mala, 1860. Sclater. On Birds from Yucatan described by Cabot, 1852. Description de six Ois. nouv. apparte- nant aux collections en Paris, 1852. Descr. de deux nouvelles espcces d'Oi- seaux, 1853. On two [lately] new species of Soutli American Birds, 1854. 318 BULLETIN UN-ITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. . [Toi-V. SCLATER. — Contiuned. List of a Collection received by Gould from Quijos iu Ecuador, 1854, 1855. New species fi'om Santa Fe di Bogota, 1855. On Birds received in Collections from Santa Fe di Bogota, 1855. Additional Species in Collections from Bogota, 185G. Birds collected by Bridges at Davis in Cbiricxui in Panama, 1856. Some new si^ecies from Santa Fe di Bogota, 1656. Two new species from Santa Fe di Bo- gota, 1856. Eight new species from South America, 1856. Further Additions to the List of Birds from Bogota, 18.57, Additional Birds received from Bogota, 1857. Collection transmitted by Bates from Upper Amazon, 1857. Eleven new species from Tropical Amer- ica, 1857. Xew genus from Mexico, 1857. Two new species from Bogota, 1857. Notes on a Collection received by Ver- reaux from Rio Xapo in Ecuador, 1858. Birds collected by Taylor in Honduras, 1858. Xew Birds from the Rio Xapo iu Ecua- dor^ 1858, 1858. Xew genus and some new si^ecies of American Birds, 1858. Five new species of American Birds, 1858, 1859. Birds collected by Eraser at Cuenca, etc., in Ecuador, 1858. Birds collected by Eraser at Riobamba, in Ecuador, 1858. First collections made by Eraser at Pal- latauga, Ecuador, 1859. Xew or little-known Birds from the Rio Xapo, 1859. Eggs of two Raptorcs fi'om the Falk- lands, 1860. List of additional Birds collected by Eraser at Pallatanga, etc., 1860. List of Birds collected by Eraser at Quito, etc., 1860. List of Birds collected by Eraser at Xan- egal, etc., 1830. • Arrival of Birds from British Honduras, 1860. Sclateh. — Continued. List of Birds collected by Eraser at Ba- bahoyo, etc., 1860. List of Birds collected by Eraser at Es- meralda, 1860. Catalogue of Birds of the Falklands, 1860. Xew Birds collected by Eraser at Palla- tanga, 1860. Ten new species of American Birds, 1860. Two new Buds from the Rio Xapo, 1860. Eight new species of American Birds, 1861. Additions and corrections to List of Birds of the Falklands, 1861. Collection of Birds made by Osbum in Jamaica, 1861. Catalogue of a collection of American Birds, 1861-62. Birds collected by Boucard in Southern Mexico, 1862. Xiue new Birds from Bogota, 1862, 1862. Additions to List of Birds of the Falk- lands, 1864. Seven new Birds discovered by Xatterer in Brazil, 1864. On Birds of the vicinity of Lima, with notes by Xation, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1871. Letters from E. Bartlett, 1867. Remarks on L^otaud's Ois. Triuidad, 1867. Xotes on the Birds of Chili, 1867. Lecompte's Expedition to the Falklands, 1868. Xew Birds from the Rio Parang, 1870. Xotices of some new Birds of South America, 1870. The Birds of the Lesser Antilles, 1871. Land Birds of Juan Fernandez, 1871. Correspondence with C. W. des Vceux, 1871. Birds of the Islands of Santa Lucia, 1871. Collection of Birds from Oyapok, 1871. Additions to List of Xicaraguan Birds, 1873. Xote on the 'Xomenclator Avium Xeo- tropicalium", 1873. Two new Birds from Antioquia,1873. Peruvian Birds collected by "Whitely, 1873. (For eight other lists, see Scla- TER and Salvix.) Xews of Mr. Salvin, 1874. Xotice of Jelski's Collections, 1874. Collection of Birds from Barbadoes, 1874. No. COUES'S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGKAPHY. 319 ScLATER. — Coutiimed. Aflditioual Birds from St. Lucia, 1876. SCLATKR and Salvix. On the Ornitliology of Central America, 1859. Eleven new Birds from Guatemala, 1860, 1860. Notes on a Collection of Birds from Isthmus of Panama, 1864. Catalogue of Birds collected by Bartlett on the Ucayali, 1866. Additions to Catalogue of Birds col- lected by Bartlett on the Ucayali, 1866. Exotic Ornithology, 1866-69. Birds collected by Cunningham in Straits of Magellan, 1868, 1869, 1870. Venezuelan Birds collected by Goering, 1868, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1875. Birds collected at Conchitas by Hudson, 1868, 1869, 1869. New Species of Fringillidfe, Osyrham- phidae, Bucconidiie, andStrigidse, 1868. Four new Birds from Veragua, 1868. New Species of Dendrocolaptidje, Strigi- dse, an,d Columbidse, 1868. Birds collectetl on the Blewfields Eiver by Wickham, 1867. Birds collected by Wallace on the Ama- zon, 1867. Birds collected by Bartlett on the Hual- laga, 1867. Birds collected by Hauxwell at Pebas, 1867. Peruvian Birds collected by Whitely, 1867, 1868, 1868, 1869, 1869, 1873, 1874, 1876. (For one of these Lists, see SCLA.TER. ) Six new Species of Tanagridii^, Dendro- colaptidpe, Formicariidse, Tyi'annidae, and Scolopacidse, 1869. Two new Birds collected by Bartlett in Eastern Peru, 1869. New Birds collected by Habel in the Galapagoes, 1870. Birds collected by Whitely in Honduras, 1870. Five new Birds from Columbia, 1870. Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium, 1873. Birds of Eastern Peru, with Notes by Bartlett, 1873. Venezuelan Birds collected by Sjience, 1873. Two new Biixls from Antioquia, 1875. SCLATER and Salvix. — Continued. New Birds obtained by Buckley in Bo- livia, 1876. New Species of Bolivian Birds, 1876. Eight new Species of South American Birds, 1877. Six new Species of South American Birds, 1877. Collection made by Steere in South America, 1878. Report on Birds of H. M. S. ' Challenger', 1878. Three new Birds from Ecuador, 1878. SCHOJIBURGK. Description of British Guiana, 1840. History of Barbadoes, 1847. Reisen in Britisch Guiana, 1848. History of Barbadoes, 1848, (p. 308). SCHREIBER. Nachrichten, 1820, 1823, 1823. Collectanea ad Faunam Brasiliae, 1833, (p. 308). SCOrLER. Voyage to Madeira, Brazil, etc., 1826. Seemaxx. Notes on the Zoology of Panama, 1852. Sejiper. On the Birds of St. Lucia, 1872. Sharpe. Collections made by H. M. S. 'Petrel', 1877. Sloaxt:. Voyage, 1707-25. SOXXIXI DE MaXOXCOUR. Sur les Coqs et Poules de I'Amdrique m^ridionale, 1775. Sur les Marails ou Faisans de la Guiane, 1775. Du Sasa, 1785. Spexce. The Land of Bolivar, 1878. Sperlixg. Letter on South American Birds, 1872. Spix. Avium species novse, 1825-26. Spix and Martius. Musical Thrush [?] of Brazil, 1825. Reise in Brasilien, 1823-31, (p. 307). Travels in Brazil, 1824, (p. 308). Sterxberg. Notizen aus der Vogelwelt von Buenos Aj-res, 1869. Stricklaxd. Four Birds from the Peruvian Andes, 1849. 320 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Voir. Stubbes. Observations ou the Caribe-Islands, 1667, 1668. Such. Descrii)tious of uew Braziliau Birds, 1825. Einige unbestiminte brasiUsche Vogel, 1830. SUSTDEVALL. Foglame pa on S:t Barthelemy, 18G9 or 1870. Foglame pa on Portorico, 1669 or 1870. Ou Birds from tbe Galapagoes, 1871. SWAIXSOX. Birds of Brazil, 1834-41, (p. 309). Taczaxowski. Oiseaux nouveaux du Perou, 1874. Liste d'Ois. recueillis par Jelski daus le P^rou, 1874. Ois. recueillis au nord du P6rou par Jelski et Stolzmau, 1877. Supplement a la meme, 1877. Taylor, E. C. Five months in the West Indies, 1864. Taylor, G. C. Birds collected or observed in Honduras, 1860. Taylor, R. C. Natural Objects observed in Cuba, 1836. Taylor, W. J. Rock Guano from the Caribbean Islands, 1857. Thiexejiaxx. Ueber Eier und Nester Cubanischer Vogel, 1857. Thuxberg. Pipne siiecies novse descriptiu, 1822. Tschudi. Diagnosen einiger neuer x>eruanischer Vogel, 1843. Avium conspectus quas in Republica Peruana reperiuntur, etc., 1844. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen zu seinem Conspectus Avium, 1845. TscuuDi. — Continued. Five jjapers on Birds of Peru and Chili, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1847. Tschudi and Cabaxis. Fauna Peruana, 1845-46. Vigors. On some Birds from Cuba, 1828. Ueber einige Vogel aus Cuba, 1830. Exhibition of Birds from Magellan Straits, 1831. New Birds collected by Cuming in Chili and Mexico, 1832. Ueber Kings Vogel von der Magellan- strasse, 1834. Thiere von Cuming, 1835. On a Collection of Birds from the "West Coast of South America, 1839. Water. New Vogage, 1729. Wagxer. Beit, zur Kennt. der warmbliitigen Wirbelth. Amer., 1831, (p. 308). Wallace. Journey to the Amazon River, 1850. A Narrative of Travels on the Amazon, 1853. Habits of Birds, 1854. Warrex. Description of Surinam, 1667, 1745, (p. 306). West. Bidrag til beskrivelse over St. Croix, 1793, (p. 307). Beitriige zur Beschreibung von St. Croix, 1794. Williams. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 1852. Wyatt. Birds of the U. S. of Colombia, 1871. Yarrell. Descriptions of Eggs of Chilian Birds, 1847. m. 2.] COUESS ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRxiPIIY. 321 B.— LOCALITIES. [Note. — In the nature of the case some of the titles can scarcely be indexed here, and anonymous, pseudonymous, and ephemeral titles are mostly omitted, the intentiou being mainly to give a ready clue to the Faunal Lists, etc., of the leading geographical areas of Keotropical America. The few Alexi- can titles here given are only those that should have come in the Kearctic list given on a previous occa- sion. Articles relating to Central and South America at large are grouped together under the first head following. "West Indies " is given ; but see also the several islands composing them.] A:\iEEiCA {neotropica). Condamine. Relation d'un Voyage, 1749. Sounini. Sur les Coqs et Poules de I'ArQ^rique dii Sud, 1775. Sonnini. Dii Sasa, 1785. Pallas. Zwey sudamerikanisclie Vo- gel, 1782, (p. 307). Humholdt. Ueber die Cliinawiilder, 1807. Thunierg. Pipra? species novte, 1822. Bonaparte. Teu species of Birds, 1825. Bonaparte. Note to teu si^ecies of Birds, 1825. Scolder. Account of a Voyage, 1826. Fe'russac. Voyage de M. A. d'Orbiguy, 1829. d'Orbigny. Lettres a M. de F^russac, 183-. Wagner. Beitriige zur Keuntniss der Wirbeltliiere, 1831, (p. 308). Vigors. New Birds collected by Cum- ing in CMle and Mexico, 1832, 1835. Gould. Sur des Oiseaux, 1834. Bonaparte. New Birds from Mexico and South America, 1837. Bredoiv. Ausziige aus den Schreiben Ton C. Moritz, 1837. d'Oriigny. Voyage, 1835-44-47. Bonaparte. Notices and Descriptions of new Birds from Mexico and South America, 1837. Gould. Characters of three new Birds, 1837. L'Herminier. Anatomie verschiedener Vogel aus, 1837. Lesson. Neue Vogel aus, 1837. (TOrligny. Distrib. G^ograiih. des Pas- sereaux de, 1837. Bonaparte. Catalogi di Uccelli Messi- cani e Peruviani, 1838. tfOrMgny. Obs. on the Raptores of, 1837, 1838, 1839. d'Orhigny and Lafresnaye. Sj'uopsis Avium, 1837-38. Lafresnage and d^Orhigny. Notice sur quelques Oiseaux de Carthagene et du Mexique, 1838- America (neotropica). — Continued. Vigors. Obs. on a Collection from "West Coast of America, 1839. Lafresnaye. Oiseaux nouveaux tues par L^clancher, 1840. Lesson. Oiseaux nouveaux, 1840. Gould. Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, 1841. Lesson. Siu' les Ois. nouv. de la Mer du Sud, 1842. Lesson. Species avium novaj aut minus cognitse, 1842. Fraser. On Bridges's Collection of Birds, 1843. Lesson. Ois. nouveaux, 1844. Des Murs. Quelques esjieces nouvelles d'Oiseaux, 1845. Lafresnaye. Ois. nouveaux rapi>ort^s par L6clancher, 1845. Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. nouveaux, 1845. Bridges. Notes in addition to former liapers on Ornithology, 1847, 1847, Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. nouv. rap- port^s par Delattre de BoUvie, de la Nouv. Grenade et de Panama, 1847, 1847. Castelnau. Considerations de I'Omitho- logie, 1848. Duhus. Ueber einige Vogel, 1848, 1848, 1848. Lafresnaye. Reconnaissance de quinze Ois. nouv. d^crits par Dubus, 1848. Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. nouv. de Caracas et de Bogota, 1848. Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. nouv. de Co- lombie et du Mexique, 1848. Cornalia. Vertebratorum Synopsis, 1849. Deville. Descr. de quelques Ois nouv., 1849. Deville. Quatre Ois. nouv. de I'esp^di- tion de M. Castlenau, 1851. Deville. Observations faites en AmtSri- que, 1852. 322 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Woi.r. America {luvtroplca). — Contiuued. Jardiuc. New Birds from the Parisian Collections, lb52. Sclater. Six Ois. nouv., 1852. Sclafer. Deux uoiivelles esp. d'Oiseaux, 1853, 1854. Cassin. Gilliss's U. S. Astron. Exped., 1855. Bes Murs. Ois. uouv. on rares recneillis, 1855. Gould. Eight new species of Birds, 1855, 18.55. Des 2lnrs. Expedition de M. Castlenau dans les parties centrales, 1856. Gould. Eight new species of Birds, 1856. Lawrence. New species of Chordeiles and Polioptila, 1856. Sclater. Eight new species of Birds, 1856. Gould. New Trogon and Odontophorus, 1857. Harilaul). Znr Ornithologie, 1857. Sclater. Eleven new Birds from Tropi- cal America, 1857, 1858. Sclater. New genus and some new spe- cies, 1858. Sclater. Five new species from Cen- tral and, 1858, 1859. Cassiu. La Plata, the Argentine Ee- public, and Paraguay, 1859. Moore. List of Birds collected by Ley- land in Honduras, Belize, and Guate- mala, 1859. Sclater and Salvhi. On the Ornithology of, 1859. Sclater. Ten new species of American Birds, 1860. Laurence. New Phaeton and Heliopae- dica, 1860. Laurence. New Myiarchus and Phlo- gopsis, 1860. Laurence. Three new Birds from Cen- tral America, 1861. Sclater. Eight new species of American Birds, 1861. Laurence. New Charadriid*, Ti'ochili- d?e, and Caprimulgid*, 1862. Sclater. Cat. of a Collection of Ameri- can Birds, 1861-62. Laurence. New Vireonid^e and Kalli- dte, 1863. Salvin. Thirteen new Birds discovered by Godman and Salvin in Central America, 1663. America {neotropica). — Continued. Cassln. Notes on some Birds, 1864. Lawrence. New Tanagridie, Cuculidse, and Trochilidte, 1864. Laurence. New Cserebida?, Tanagridae, Icteridte, and Scolopacidie, 1864. Laurence. New Tanagridte, Deudroco- laptidie, Formicaridie, Tyrannidt^, and Trochilidiie, 1865. Lawrence. Six new Birds from Central America, 1865. Laurence. New Parida-, Vireonid«, Ty- rannidi^, and Trochilida?, 1865. Laurence. Seven new Birds, 1866. Lawrence. Six new species of Hirnn- dinidc-e, Fomiicaridie, Tyrannidte, and Trochilidi?, 1866. Sclater and Salvin. Exotic Ornithology, 1866-69. Laurence. New Species of American Birds, 1867. Laurence. Five new Birds of Central America, 1867. Sclater and Salvin. New Fringillidse, Oxyrhamphid*, Bucconidie, and Stri- gidfe, 1863. Sclater and Salvin. New Dendrocolap- tida^, Strigid.T, and Colunibida, 1868. Bislioj). The Pampas and Andes, 1869. Sclater and Salvin. New Tanagridse, Dendrocolaptidfe, Formicariidfe, Ty- rannidse, and Scolopacidfe, 1869. Lawrence. New Birds, 1869. Laurence. Seven new Birds, 1869. LLoltz. Bosch. siidamerikanischerVogel- Eier, 1870. Sclater. New or little-known species of Birds, 1870. Lawrence. New Birds from Mexico, Central and South America, 1871. Lawrence. Three new species of Ameri- can Birds, 1871. Orton. Birds in Museum of Vassar Col- lege, 1871. Orton. Vultures and Humming-birds of Troiiical America, 1871. Lawrence. New Species of Icterus and Synallaxis, 1872. Sclater. Note on Nomenclator, 1873. Sclater and Salvin. Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium, 1873. Lawrence. Six supjiosed new American Birds, 1874. Lawrence. Two new Tanagridse and Tyraunidse, 1874 ^"0.2.] COUES S ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 323 America {neotro2)ica). — Coutinuod. JJitbus. Quckiues Ois. noiiveaux, 1875. Lawrence. Five new Americau Birds, 1875. Orion. Andes and Amazon, 187G. ScJater and Salv'ni. Eight new Soutli American Birds, 1877. Sclater and Salvin. Six new Soutli American Birds, 1877. Sclater and Salcin. On Steere's Collec- tion, 1678. Sclater and Salvin. On tlie Challenger's Collection, 1878. Argentine Republic. Biirmeister. Brietiiches aus Meudoza, 1858. Bxrmeister. Systematisches Yerz. der in den La Plata Staateu heohachteten Yogel, 18G0. Burmeister. Reise durch die La Plata i Staaten, 18G1. I Leyiold. Beschreih. Tier ueuer Arten | aus Mendoza, 1866. ! Burmeister. Contributions to the Orni- thology of the, 1868. Gielel. Einige neue Yogel von, 1868. Sclater and Salvin. Birds collected by Hudson at Conchitas, 1868. Sclater and Salvin. Second list of Birds collected by Hudson at Conchitas, 1869. Sclater and Salvin. Third list of Biixls collected by Hudson at Conchitas, 1869. Sternl)erg. Xotizen aiis der Vogelwelt von Buenos Ayres, 1869. Sclater. New Birds from the Rio Pa- rana, 1870. Hudson. Letters on the Ornithology of Buenos Ayres, 1870-71. Lee. Notes from the, 1873. Leyhold. Escursion a las Pampas, 1873. Durnford. Ornith. Notes from Buenos Ayres, 1876. Napp. Ai'gentine Republic, 1876. Durnford. Notes on the Birds of Buenos Ayres, 1877. Cabanis. Eine Sammlung von Vogelu aus, 1878. Bakbadoes. Hufjhcs. Natural History of, 1750. Schombur(jk. History of, 1847, 1848, (p. 308). Sclater. Small collection of Birds from, 1874. Bermuda. Godet. Its History, etc., 1860. Bolivia. Bridf/es. Noticesof Mammals and Birds of, 1846. Sclater and Salvin. New Birds obtained by Buckley in, 1876. Sclater and Salvin. New Species of Bo- livian Birds, 1876. ■ Brazil. Marcgrave. Historia Naturalis Brasiliaj, 1648. Nieuhof. Brasiliaense Reize, 1682, (p. 306). Lichtenstein. Die ^Yerke von Piso uud Marcgrave, 1814-26, 1820. 1824. Schreiher. Nachrichten, 1820, 1823, 1823. Maximilian. Reise, 1620,1820-21,1821- 22, 1822. St. Hilaire. Apercu d'un Yoyage en, 1822. Maximilian. Beitriige zur Naturge- schichte von, 1825-33, 1830-33, 1832. Sjnx and Martius. Reise, 1823-31, (p. 307); 1824, (p. 308). Sjjix. Avium species novae, 1824-25. Becklemichew. Sur deux uouvelles 01- seaux du, 1829. Fischer. Ois. envoy^s par Cofirane de Bahia, 1829. Quotj and Gaimard. Remarques sur quelques Oiseaux de, 1825. Sjnx and Martius. Musical thrush [?] of, 1825. Such. New Birds of, 1825, 1830. Schreiher. Collectanea, 1833, (p. 308). Swainson. Ornithological Drawings, 1834-41, (p. 308). Maxim. Note rectificative sur des Ois. du, 1846. Gardner. Notes of Birds in, 1847. Wallace. Journey to explore the Ama- zon, 1850. Burmeister. Ueber Eier uud Nester eini- ger Yogel von, 1853. Wallace. Narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, 1853. Wallace. Habits of Birds of, 1854. Burmeister. Systematische Uebersicht der Thiere Brasilieus, 1856. Burmeister. Erliiuterungen zur Fauna Brasiliens, 1856. Descourtilz. Ornithologie Brasilieune, 1854-56. 324 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. IVol.Y. Brazil. — Coutiuued. Pelzehi. Arteu der Kamilieu Trogoiiidse imd Alcediuida? aus, 1856. Sclater. Birds transmitted by Bates from the Upper Amazon, 1857. Peheln. Ueber ^-ier von Natterer ge- sammelte ueue Yogel von, 1862. Bates. Naturalist on the Amazon, 1863, 1864. Sclater. Seven new Birds discovered by Natterer in, 1864. Sclater and Salvin. Birds collected by "Wallace on the Lower Amazons, 1867. Euler. Zur Naturgeschichte der Vogel von, 1867-69. Palzeln. Zur Ornithologie Brasiliens, 1868-70. Rogers. Natural History Notes from Rio, 1869. Bernhardt. Bidrag til Kundskab om Fuglefaunaeu i Brasiliens Campos, 1870, 1870. Hamilton. Birds from Sao Paulo, 1871. Salrin. Notice of Layard's Departure for Para, 1872. Laijard. Letters on Birds seen on voy- age to Pani, 1872, 1873. Layard. Notes on Birds observed at Pani, 1873. Pelzeln. Yerz. eiucr Sendung aus Neu- fi'eiburg, 1873. Berlepsch. Zur Ornithologie Sauta Catharina's, 1873-74. Cahanis. L'ebersicht der von Euler in Cautagallo ges. Yogel, 1874. Allen. Birds collected by Linden near Santarem, 1877. Buenos Avres. See Argextixe Repub- lic. Cayexxe. Sec GuiAXA. Chile. Molina. Storia Naturali, 1776, 1782, 1783, 1786, 1788, 1789, 1808, 1809. Lesson. Sar cxuelques Oiseaux de, 1834, (p. 308). Kittlitz. Cinq uouv. esp. d'Oiseaux de, 1836, (p. 309). Kittlitz. Ueber eiuige Yogel von, 1836. Bridges. Yarious Birds tiom, 1841. Fraser. On Birds of, 1845. • Fraser. Exhibition of two Birds of, 1845. . Gay. Historia de, 1S47. Philijiin. Ueber eiuige Yogel Chile's, 1855. Chile. — Continued. Boeck. Bemerk. iiber die Oruis der Pro- vinz Yaldivia, 1855. Phili])pi. Ueber einige Chilenische Yo- gel, 1857. Frauenfeld. L'eber den Aufenthalt in Valparaiso, 1860. Germain. On Nidification of some Birds of, 1860. Philipin. L'eber zwei neue Enten uud Fringilla barbata, 1860. Philippi and Landlecl: Zwei ueue Ar- ten Procellaria und Caprimulgus, 1860. Philippi and Landheck. Algunas especies nuevas de Piljaros de, 1861. PltHi2)2n and Landheck. Neue Wirbel- thiere von, 1861. Philip})!. Neue Eute und Seeschwalbe, 1863, (p. 309). Landheck. Contribuciones a la Omi- tolojia de, 1864. Landheck. Beitrage zur Ornithologie von, 1864. Philijyjii and Landheck. Beitrage zur Ornith. von, 1864, 1865, 1866. Sclater. Notes on the Birds of, 1867. PhiVqjjn. Letter on certain Birds of, 1868. Phirq^n. Catalogo de las Aves esis- tentes en el Museo de Santiago, 1868. Sclater. On the Laud Birds of Juan Fernandez, 1871. Landheck. Sobre algunos Piijaros Chile- nos, 1872. Matheir. Notes from Coquimbo, 1873. Jii liet. Couiission Esi^loradora de Chiloe, 1874. Landheck. Zur Ornith. Chiles, 1874. Peed. Remarks on Birds of Juan Fer- nandez, 1874. Salvin. Additional Notes on Birds of Juan Fernandez, 1874. Philijjjn. Escursion al Cajou de los Ci- preses, 1875. Becd. Apuntes de la Zoologia de Cau- quenas, 1877. Colombia. See New Geaxada. Costa Rica. Cahanis. Uebersicht der im Berliner Mus. befind. Yogel von, 1861-09. Cassin. Couu-ostral Birds from, 1865. Salvin. Seventeen new Birds from, 1864. Xo. 2.] COUESS ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 325 Costa Rica. — Continued. Sah-adori. Intoruo ad alcnui Uccelli di, 1868. Lawrence. Catalogue of Birds found in, 1868-(39. Frantzius. Ueber d. geogr, Verbreitung der Vogel von, 1869. Salvin. Notes on Lawrence's List, 1869. Salvin. Additional Notes on Law- rence's List, 1870. Lawrence. Four new Birds from, 1874. Boucard. On Birds collected in, 1878. Cuba. Vigors. On some Birds of, 1828, 1830. Taylor, JR. C. Notes on Natural Objects observed in, 1836. d'OrhUjny. Ramon de la Sagra's His- toire, 1839. YurreJl. Description of Eggs of Birds of, 1847. Poey. Catiilogo met6dico de las Aves de la Isla de, 1848. Lembeye. Aves de la Isla de, 1850. Gundlaeli. Five new Birds of, etc., 1852. Arholeya. Manual de la Isla de, 1852. Gundlach and Cahanis. Beitriige zur Omitliologie Cuba's, 1855-57. Thienemann. Ueber Eier und Nester Cubaniscber Vogel, 1857. Gundlach. Notes on Birds of . . . and descr. of tbree new species, 1858. Lawrence. Obs. on Gundlacb's i^aper, 1858. Gundlach. Ornithologiscbes aus Brie- fen von, 18.59. Ramon de la Sagra. Enumeration des es- pfeces zoologiques de I'lle de, 1859. Brewer. Comjiiled List of Birds of, 1860. Lawrence. Notes on some Cuban Bii'ds, 1860. Allrecht. Zur Omitbologie von, 1861. Gundlach. Tabell. Uebers. aller bisber auf . . . beobacbteten Vogel, 1861. Gundlach. Zusiitze und Bericbt. zu den Beitriigen zur Ornitb. von, 1861-62. Gundlach. Revista y Catalogo de las Aves de, 1865-66. Gundlach. Neue Beit, zur Ornitb. Cubas, 1871-74. Bishop. Notes on Lembeye's 'Birds' of, 1878. DOMIXICA. Lawrence. New Birds from, 1877. Latvrcnce. Provisional List of Ober's Birds from, 1877. DOMixiCA. — Continued. Lawrence. Catal|>gue of Ober's Birds from, 1878. ECUADOK. Jardine. Ornithology of Quito, 1849. Jardine. Five Birds from Quito, 1857. Sclater. Collection of Birds received by Gould from Quijos in, 1854, 18.55. Jardine. Jameson's Collections from Eastern Cordillera of, 1855, 1856. Sclater. Notes on Birds received by Verreaux from tlie Rio Najio, 1658, 1858. Sclater. New Bii'ds from the Rio Napo, 1858. Sclater. List of Birds collected by Era- ser in, 1858, 1858. Sclater. On New or Little-known Birds from tbe Rio Najjo, 18.59. Sclater. Two New Birds from the Rio Napo, 1860. Sclater. Birds collected by Eraser at Babahoyo, 1660. Sclater. Birds collected by Eraser at Esmeraldas, 1860. Sclater. Birds collected by Eraser at Pallatanga, 1860. Sclater. Additional Birds collected by Eraser at Pallatanga, 1860. Sclater. Birds collected by Eraser at Quito, 1860. ScJater. Birds collected bj' Eraser at Nanegal, etc., 1860. Sclater and Salvin. Birds collected by Hauxwell, at Pebas, on tbe Upper Amazon, 1867. Law'rence. Catalogue of Birds from Puna Island, 1869. Orton. Coutrib. to Nat. Hist, of Valley of Quito, 1871. Pelzeln. Sendung vou Vogeln aus, 1874. Salvin. New Birds from Western, 1876. Pelzeln. Weitere Sendung von Vogeln aus, 1870. Pelzeln. Weitere Sendung vou Vogeln aus, 1878. Sclater and Salrin. Three new Birds from, 1878. Ealklajnd Islands. Clayton. An account of the, 1776. Garnot. Sur la Zoologie des lies Mal- ouines, 1826, 1827, 1832. Bernse'e. On Various Birds of East, 1855. Gould. List of Birds from, 1859. 326 BULLETIN L'NITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, [Yol.Y. Falkland Islands. — Contiuued. Sclater. Eggs of Ta'^p Raptorial Birds of, 1860. Sclater. Catalogue of the Birds of, 1860. Abbott. Field-notes on Birds of, 1861. Sclater. Add. and Corr. to tlie List of Birds of, 1861. Sclater. Adilitiou to List of Birds of, 1864. Galapagoes. Habeh Exhibition of Birds fiom the, 1869. Sclater and Salvin. Xew Birds collected by Habel in the, 1870. Sclater. On Birds from the, 1871. Anon. Zoology of the, 1872. Editors. Xew Galapagoes Birds, 1872. Saldn. On the Avifauna of the, 1876. Sharpe. Zoological Collections of H. M. S. 'Petrel', 1877. Grenada. Lawrence. Catalogue of Ober's Birds of, 1879. Guadeloupe. Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. de la, 1844. Lawrence. Catalogue of Ober's Birds of, 1879. Guatemala. Hartlaub. Sept Ois. nouv. de, 1844. Salvin. Letters from Dueuas, 1860. Salvin. Letters from Vera Paz, 1860. Salvin and Sclater. Contrib. to the Orni- thology of, 1860. Sclater and Salvin. Eleven new Birds discovered by Salvin in, 1860, 1860. Salvin. Three new Birds from, 1861, 1861. Salvin. Twenty-eight species to be add- ed to Ornithology of, 1861. Owen. Xestiug of some Birds of, 1861. Salvin. Letter from Dueuas, 1862. {_Sclater.2 Salvin and Godman's opera- tions in, 1862. Salvin. Letter from, 1803. Salvin. Sea Birds and Waders of Pa- cific Coast of, 186.5. Salvin. Another Contrib. to Oruith. of, 1866. Salvin. Sclater. 1874. Gltana. Warren. (p. 306). Letter on some Birds of, 187.3. Letter from Salvin on Birds of, Description of Surinam. 174.5, Guiana. — Continued. Fermin. Hist. Xat. de la Hollande Equi- nox., 1765, (p. 307). Bancroft. Essay on the Natural Historj' of, 1769, 1769. Sonnini. Observations sur les Marails ou Faisans de la, 1775. Eichard and Bernard. Cat. des Ois. en- voycSs de Cayenne, 1792. Schomhu7-gk. Description of British, 1840. Abbott. Exhibition of Birds from Suri- nam, 1844. Cabanis. Schomburgk's Reisen in Bri- tisch, 1848. Bonyan. Raptorial Birds of British, 1851. Bonyan. On Raptorial Birds of British, 1853. Bonaparte. Cat. des Ois. recueillis par Desplanches a Cayenne, 1857. Sclater. Birds from Oyapok, 1871. Pelzeln. Birds collected by MUnzberg in Spanish, 1875. Brown, C. B. Canoe and Camp Life in British, 1876. Hayti. Hearne. Note ou Birds of, 1834. Hearne. Present of Living Animals from, 1834. Hearne. Collection of Birds formed in, 1835. Salle. Oiseaux rapportes dans la Re- publique Dominicaine, 18.57. Bryant. List of the Birds of, 1867. Salvin. Letter off, 1873. Honduras. Sclater. List of Birds collected by Tay- lor in, 1858. Sclater. Arrival of Birds from British, 18S0. Taylor, G. C. Birds collected or ob- served in, 1860. Salvin. Fortnight among Sea Birds of, 1864. Sclater and Salvin. Bfrds collected by Whitely ou the Coast of, 1870. Jamaica. Sloane. Voyage to, 1707-25. Browne. Civil and Natural History of, 1756, 1789. Hill. On Nests of Birds of, 1841, 1842. Hill. Two Bird-skins from, 1844. Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. nouv. de la, 1846. Ko. 2.] COUES S OKNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 327 Jamaica. — Continued. Gosse. The Birds of, 1«47. Gosse. Extracts from tlie Birds of, 1847. Hartlaub. Sur (xuelques Ois. uouv. de la, 1847, 1847. LafresHuije. Eeponse a M. Hartlaub sur quelcines Ois. de la, 1847, 1847. Gosse. Two new Birds from, 1849. Gosse. Illustrations of the Birds of, 1849. Gosse. Naturalist's Sojourn iii, 1851. Gosse. Singing Birds in, 1851. Osburn. Notes on the Birds of (several papers), 1859, 1860. Osburn. Notes on Moimtaiu Birds of, 1860. Sdater. Birds collected hj Oshuru in, 1861. Albrecht. Zur Ornith. von, 1862. ilarcli. Notes on the Birds of, 186:3-64. Bell. Wildfowl of, 186S. Martinique. Lawrence. Catalogue of Ohers Birds of, 1879. Mexico. Lafresnaije. Quelques Ois. nouv. de la collection de M. Brelay, 1839. JViUiams. The Isthmus of Tehuautepec, 1852. Sclatei'. Birds collected by Boucard in Southern, 1862. New Granada. Humboldt. Recueil d'observations, 1811, (p. 307). Boissonneau. Oiseaux nouveaux de San- ta-Fe de Bogota, 1840, 1840. Fraser. New Species from Bogota in Collection of Lord Derby, 1840. Lafresnaye. Ois. nouv. de Santa-F6 de Bogota, 1840. Lafresnaye. Quelques Ois. nouv. de la Colombie, 1842, 1842, 1843, 1843, 1844, 1846. HartlauJ). Quatre Ois. de la, 1843, Lafresnaye. Sur divers Ois. de la, 1844. Seemann. Notes on the Zoology of the Isthmus of Panama, 18.52. Mosquera. Memoria sobre la geografia de la, 1852, 1853. Sclater. New Birds from Santa Fe de Bogota, 1855. Sclater. On Birds received from Santa Fe de Bogota, 1855. Sclater. Additional new- Bu-ds from Bo- gota, 18.56. New Granada. — Continued. Sclater. New Species of Birds from Bo- gota, 1856. Sclater. Two new Species of Birds from Bogota, 1856. Sclater. Birds collected by Bridges at David, Chiriqui, 1856. Sclater. Further additions of List of Birds from Bogota, 1857. Sclater. Additional Birds received from Bogota, 1657. Sclater. Two new Species from Bogota, 1857. Bryant. On Two Birds from Bogota, 1860. Cassin. Catalogue of Birds collected on the Isthmus of Darieu by Michler, 1860. Sclater. Nine new Birds from Bogota. 1862, 1862. Lawrence. Catalogue of a Collection made by McLeannan in, 1861-63. Lawrence. Six new Birds from Isthmus of Panama, 1862. Lawrence. Eight new Birds from Isth- mus of Panama, 1863. Ben ven uti. Descrizioue di quattro nuove specie, etc., 1866. Sclater and Salvin. Notes on a collec- tion of Birds from Isthmus of Panama, 1864. Lawrence. List of Birds collected by Hicks near David, Chiriqui, 1865. Lawrence. Four new Birds from Isth- mus of Panama, 1865. Lawrence. Note^s on certain Birds from, 1867. Co2)e. Birds of Palestine and, 1868. Sclater and Salcin. Five new Birds from the U. S. of Colombia, 1870. Wyatt. Notes on Birds of the U. S. of Colombia, 1871. Salvin. Maack's Researches in Panama, 1872. Sclater. Two new Birds from Antio- quia, 1873. Sclater and Salvin. Two new Birds from Antioquia, 1875. Nicaragua. Lawrence. Catalogue of Collection made l>y Holland at Greytowu, 1865. Sclater and Salvin. Birds collected by Wickham on Blewtields River, 1867. Salvin. Notes on Belt's Chontales Birds of. 1872. 328 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Voir. Nicaragua. — Continued. Sdaia: Additions to List of Birds of, 1873. Paxama. See New Granada. Paraguay. Dobrizh offer. Historia de Abiponibns, 1784, 1822. Azara. Apuntamientos para la Histo- ria Natural, l«02-05, 1809. Hartlauh. Index zu Azara's Apunta- mientos, 1847. Bosen-schohJ. Bref fran, 1853, 1854. Patagonia. Ehig. Letter on Animals of Straits of Magellan, 1827-28, 1828, 1830. King. New genera and .species from Straits of Magellan, 1829, 1831, 1834. Vigors. Remarks on several new Birds from Straits of Magellan, 1831, 1834. (VOrhigng. Naturh. Schilderung des nordliclien, 1839. Sflater and Salvhi. Birds collected by Cunningham in Straits of Magellan, 1868. Cunningham. Letter on Birds of Straits of Magellan, 1869, Sdater and Salvin, Second List of Birds collected by Cunningham in Straits of Magellan, 1869. Cunningham. Nat. Hist, of Straits of Magellan and west coast of, 1870. Xewton, A. Additional Note on Nests and Eggs collected by Cunningham, 1870. Svhtter and Salvin. Third List of Birds collected by Cunningham in the Straits of Magellan, 1870. Cunningham. Fauna of the Straits of Magellan and Western, 1871. Hudson. On Birds of the Rio Negro, 1872. Durnford. Birds observed in Chuput Valley, 1877. Durnford. Notes on the Birds of Cen- tral, 1878. Peru. Tschudi. Diagnosen einiger ueuer peru- anischer Vogel, 1843. Tschudi. A^-ium Conspectus qute in ReiJub. Peruana reperiuntur, 1844. Tschudi. Nachtriigliche Beraerkungen zu seinem Conspectus, 1845. Tschudi and Cabanis. Fauna Peruana, 1845-46. Tschudi. Five papers on animal life in . . . and Chili, 1847. Peru. — Continued. Lafresnaye. Fauue du Pdrou du Dr. Tschudi, 1849. SiricJcland. Four species of Birds from Andes of, 1850. Kinahan. Letter from Callao, 1856. BoUe. Guano auf den Chincha-Inseln, 1861. Baimondi. Huano des lies de Chincha, 1856, 1856. ScJater. On the Birds of the Vicinity of Lima, 1866. Sdater and Salvin. Birds collected by Bartlett on the Ucayali, 1866. Sdater and Salvin. Additions to Birds collected by Bartlett on the Ucayali, 1866. Sdater and Salvin. Birds collected by Bartlett on the Huallaga, 1867. , Sdater. On Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 1867. Sdater. Extracts from Bartlett's let- ters, 1867. Sdater and Salvin. On Peruvian Birds collected by Whitely, 1867, 1868, 1868, 1869. 1869, 1873, 1874, 1876. Sdater. Birds of the vicinity of Lima, 1869. Sdater and Salvin. Two new Birds collected by Bartlett in Eastern, 1869. Sdater. On Birds of the A-icinity of Lima, 1871. Sdater. PeruAian Birds collected by Whitely, Part VII, 1873. Sdater and Salvin. Bartlett's Birds of Eastern, 1873. Cabanis. Neue peruanische Vogel Jels- ki's. 1873, 1873, 1874. Sdater. Notice of Jelski's Collections in, 1874. Taczanowski. Oiseaux nouveaux du, 1874. Taczanou-slii. Oiseaux recueillis par Jelski dans, 1874. Golz. Ueber die Giianolager, 1874. Allen. Exploration of Lake Titicaca, 1876. Taczanou-sli. Liste des Ois. recueillis par Jelski et Stolzmann, 1877. Taczanoicsli. Supplement a la meme, 1877. Porto Rico. Moritz. Notizen zur Fauna der Insel, 1836. Bryant. Vogel von, 1866. No. coiTes's ornithological bibliography. 329 PoKTO Rico. — Coutiuued. Bryani. List of Birds collected by Swift iind Latimer iu, 186G. Simdevall. Foglarue pa ou, 1809 or 1870. BeUo y Ksjrit'^oxa. Zoologisclie Notizeu ans, 1871. Gttndlach. Beitrag zur Oruitli. der Insel, 1874. Criiiidlach. Neiie Beitriige zuj- Oruitli. der Insel, 1878. St. Bartholomew. /''((/( Ihery. Sliitet, af Samlingar til Natu- ral-Historien, 1786. SiindecaU. Foglarue pa on, 1869 or 1870. St. Croix. West. Beytrage zur Beschreibung von, 1794. Newton, J., (tnd Newton, E. Observa- tions ou the Birds of, 1859. St. Domingo. See Hayti. St. Lucia. ScJater. Correspondence with des Voiux, 1871. Selater. On the Birds of, 1871. Sclater. Ou Birds of the Island of, 1871. Semper. Observations on the Birds of, 1872. Sclater: Additional Birds from, 1876. St. Thomas. Knox. Historical Account of, 1852. Cassin. Catalogue of Birds from, 1860. St. Vlncent. Lawrence. Seven new Birds from the Island of, 1878. Lawrence. Catalogue of Ober's Birds from, 1878. Sombrero. Laivrence. Birds collected by Julieu in, 1864. Surinam. See Guiana. Tobago. ■Jard'me. Ornithology of the Island of, 1852. Trinidad. Mitchell. Notice of Lord Han-is's Col- lection, 1850. De Verteuil. Trinidad, 1858. Leotaud. Ois. de I'lle de la, 186H. Sclater. On Leotaud's Birds of, 1867. FinscJi. On Coll. of Birds from, 1870. Bull. V, 2 12 Venezuela. Lafresnaye. Ois. nouv. de I'Ordnoco, 1846. Sclater and Salciii. Birds collected by Goeriugiu, 1868, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1875. Sclater and Salvin. On Birds collected by Spence in, 1873. Ernist. Apuntos jmra la fauna oruitho- 16gica de, 1870. Ernst. Estudios sobre la Flora y Fauna de, 1877. Spence. The Laud of Bohvar, 1878. Hartlauh. Deux Ois. nouv. de Caracas, 1849. Hartlaul). Deux Ois. nouv. de V6n6- zu^la, 1849. Veragua. Salvin. Eight new Birds from, 1866. Salvin. On some Collections of Birds fi-om, 1867. Sclater and Salvin. Four new Biitls fi'om, 1868. Salvifi. On some Collections of Birds from, 1870. West Indies. {See, also, the several Islands. ) De Laet. Beschrijvinghe van, 1625, 1630, 1633, 1640, (pp. 305, 306). Labat. Voyage, 1724, (p. 306). West. Bidrag til beskrivelse over St. Croix, etc., 1793, (p. 307). Eochefort. Histoire des lies Antilles, 16.58, 1660, 1681. Stubbes. Observations on the Caribe Islands, 1667, 1668. Ledru. Voyage, 1810, 1811-12, (p. 307). Taylor, E. C. Five months in the, 1864. Guyon. Thiere die auf Martinique und Guadelouxie verschwundeu sind, 1866, (p. 309). G-uyon. Des animaux disparus de la Martinique et d»; la Guadelouj)e, 1866. mil. History of, 1836. Denny. On Geographical Distrib. of Birds of the, 1847. Hartlauh. Ueber den heutigeu Zustand uuserer Kenntniss vou Westindiens Ornithologie, 1847-48. Taylor. Guano fi'om Caribbean Islands, 1857. Sclater. The Birds of the Lesser Antil- les, 1871. Laivrence. 'New Birds fioui Grenada and Dominica, 1878. 330 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. IVol.V. West Ixdies. — Coutinued. Lawrence. Catalogue of Ober's Birds of Antigua and Barbuda, 1878. Lawrence. General Catalogue of Ober's Birds of, 1879. Yucatan. Caiot. Three New Birds from, 1843. Cahot. Descriptions and Habits of some Birds of, 1844. Yucatan.— Continued. Cahot. Further Account of Birds of, 1845. Cabot. Stephens's Incidents of Travel in, 1848. Sclater. On Birds described by Cabot fi-om, 1852. Laivrence. List of Birds trom Northern, 1869. LoaaL>- DICPART^vlKNT OB"" THE I>rTER.IOR. UNITEO STATES GEOLOGICAL A.VD C-EOuRAPHICAL SUKVEY. F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. Gk J:A»»ii'ii-iN-CHARGE. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY THE TERRITORIES VOLUME y NUMBER 4. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. September 30, 1880. \ BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES. Volume V. 1879. NuivrBER 4. Art. XXVI. — Third Ini^taliiieiit of American Orni- tliolost'ical Bihllo^rapliy. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A. Tlio. Appendix to the Birds of tlie Colorado Valley (pp. 5G7[1]-784[218]), which gives the titles of " Faiiiial Publications" relating- to Xortli America, is to be considered as the Jirst instalment of this work. The second instalment occupies pp. 239-330 of this Bulletin, this Vol., Xo. 2, and similarly gives the titles of " Faunal Publications", being those relating to the rest of America. These two instalments represent all that I am at present prepared to ])ublish of titles of this kind, i. e., in "regional" Ornithology. This present, third instalment consists of an entirely different set of titles, namely, those belonging to the "systematic" department of the whole Bibliograi)hy. In this department come the titles of all publications treating of par- ticular species, genera, or families of Birds, sytematically arranged hi/ Families, in chronological order under each family, with alphabetization of authors' names under each date. The lot of titles herewith presented, however, are only those that relate to American species. Of those fam- ilies which are exclusively American, as, for example, Mniotiltida\ Icte- rida\ Tanagridw, Trochilida', etc., I give, of course, all the titles in my possession; but of those families which are more cosmopolitan, as the Titrdida' or Fringillida', I select only the titles relatiug to American spe- cies; and of extra-limital families no titles whatever are given. Such is the ostensible scope of the present instalment : but I actually give many titles relating to extra-limital species, when the close relationship of such ypecies makes it desirable, or when the insertion of a few such additional titles enables me to present all those that I possess of certain families. The three instalments together represent a nearly complete Bibliog- Bull. v, 4 1 521 522 BULLETIN L'NITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.V. rapliy of Ornitliology so far as America is concerned. They are pub- lished in this manner in advance of the vhole work for several reasons — among others, both to render immediately available certain departments of the Bibliography which are practically completed, and to incite criti- cism and suggestions for the bettering of the work. I am satisfied that, if 1 can come anywhere near the standard I have set for myself, I shall have done a very useful thing; and I beg those who are interested in the accomplishment of this undertaking to inform me of any defects they may perceive. In only one iiarticular would I deprecate criticisttn at present — and this is respecting the arrangement of the titles; for the scheme of the work cannot be fairly appreciated until the whole is pub- lished, including the several contemplated Indexes. The portions of the Bibliography now before the public suffice for an estimate of its plan and piu-pose; but I may add that nothing has yet appeared of several other important departments, such as those of "General and Miscellaneous'' publications, of publications in "Anatomy and Physiology", of publications relating to "Birds in Domestication or Captivity", etc. It is not my intention, however, to print any more of the work at present, the American departments being the only ones sufficiently perfected to warrant their leaving my hands. But mean while I am making manuscript for the rest as rapidly and as continu- ously as possible. NOTA bene: It l>oing absolutely necessary, in this part. of the work, to have some fixed standard (no matter what one) for the grouping of species and genera into fam- ilies, and for the sequence of the families, I have adopted as most convenient the arrangement of Grai/s Hand-list, as far as the Passeres are concerned — the limitations of the families in other orders heiug suflflciently nearly agreed upon hy ornithologists. For Posucrhic families, then, the titles have been assorted strietly and exactly according to the composition and sequence of those groups in the uork just menlianed. Hiriiiiflinifla'. [Here only titles additional to those gi%-on in -Birds of the Colorado Valley", pp. 378-389. .396-^01, q.v.] 1769. Laxmaxx, E. Hirnndo daiirica, area temporali rubra. Uropygio luteo rufes- cente. <^KdngL Svensk. Vetensk.-Aead. Handl., xxx. ITHO, p]). "iOO-'ii:?, pi. vii. 1T74. White, G. Account of the House Martin, <>v Martlet. < rhilox. Trans.. Ixiv, pt. i, 1774, i>p. 19f)-"201. Haliits of Chelidon vrbica. This celebrated memoir i.s euTionsly misquoted in Cams and Enp^lmann. Bibl. Zonl., ii, 1861, p. 1375, as if roferrins to the m.ininial Mustclafoina. known as the '^Marten ". (Jill and Cones perpetuate the blunder in Monngrs. N. A. Itodentin. 1877. App.. p. 100.^, by transcription of the title into their Jiibl. •>/ X. A. Mammals. Cones exa;sgci-ated it in his Fur-hearing Ani- mals. 1877, p. 77. by making out Miistela foina to have been institjited by (Ulbert White, as above! The funny niist.-ike is shown up by Alston, P. Z./:., 1879. p. 469. The title is correctly cited by Coues in Birds Colorado Yalle;/. 1878. p. 396: as it is also by Giebel, Thes. Orn.. ]). 145. — It is hard to teach some people to verify quotations ! On the same pajre of Carus and Eiiirelmann. C lines hiiif/l. VeUnsk.-Jcad. Xi/t Ilandl , X, 1789, pp. :U5-317. No.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY HIRUNDINID^. 523 1809. Reeve, H. Au | Essay | ou | the Torpidity | of | Auimals. | By Henry Reeve, M. D. I Member of the Royal College of Physiciaus of | London, and Fellow of the Liuuaian Society. | — | [Quotation.] | — | London: | Printed for Long- man, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, | Paternoster Row, | by Richard Taylor & Co. Shoe Lane. | — | 1809. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. iii-viii, 1-152. P. 39. "Here a curious question arises respecting the disappearance of birds." And the author goes on to discuss the alleged hibernation of Swallows. Cf. Philos. Mag., xxxv, 1810, p. 241. 1813. FORSTER, T. Observations | on the | Brvmal Retreat | of the Swallow. | — (To which is annexed | a copiovs Index | to many i^assages relating to this bird, | in the works of ancient and modern authors. | — | By | Thomas Forster, F. L. S. I Author of | "Researches about atmospheric Phaenomena," etc. | — ] Third edition, corrected and enlarged. | — | London : | Printed by J. 'Moyes, Greville Street, Hatton Garden ; | for Thomas Underwood, 32, Fleet Street, | and 40 West Smithfield. | — | 1813. 8vo. pp. i-xiv, 1-46. See other editions, of 1814 and 1817. 1814. FORSTER, T. Observations | on the | brvmal retreat | of the | Swallow. | — (To which is annexed | a coj)iovs index ( to many passages relating to this bird, [ in the works of ancient and modern authors. ( — ( By Thomas Forster, F. L. S. I Author of [etc.] ( — j Fourth Edition, corrected and enlarged. ( [This Edition is not published separately.] ( 1814. <[ The PampMeteei; iv, 1814, pp. 431-402. This and two others are the only editions I have been able to lay hands on, of this rather notable paper ; as stated in the title, the present edition is not issued separately. I give eds. of 1813 and 1817, and find another quoted of 1817. In the present, the author alludes to three earlier editions. The treatise in its present shape seems to be materially moditied, with a new preface ; besides which, it consists of the original (?) preface, pp. 433-438, observations, etc., 439-i54, appendix, 455-4.59, giving first and latest appearance of .Swallows near London for several years ; and of index, 460^62, of pas.sages relating to history of the Swallow in various works, ancient and modem, and the' names of Swallows in many different languages. (He derives Swallow, as usual, from A. S. swelgan, to swallow, and says the Greek "is supposed to have come either from xfikri Sovelv quod sdl. labia agitet, vel quod xe'^ec'*' ?^e<- labiis canif — in which he differs from other authority. The latin supposititious derivation, ab hcerendo, from the adhesive nests, seems to me very far-fetched.) Cf. Birds Col. Tail., i, 1878, pp. 369-371. 1816? Axox. The ( Swallows: ( or, ( Observations «fc Reflections ( npon ( Their Late Assemblage ( at Rotherham, ( and their ( subsequent dejiarture. ( — ( [Quo- tation, 4 lines.] ( — ( Albion Press: ( Printed and Sold by T. Crookes, Rother- ham ; ( sold also by [etc. 3 lines], [n. d. 1816 '?] 1 vol. 16mo. pp. i-viii, 9-38. Anonymous: preface dated Clifton Cottage. Dec. 1815. — A sermon by a clergyman to his parishioners, on the wisdom and goodness of God as illustrated by the habits of Hirundinidce. 1817. FoRSTER, T. Observations ( on the ( Br^nnal Retreat ( of the [ Swallow ; ( with j a copiovs reference ( to passages relating ( to this subject, | in difter- ent authors. ( — | By Thomas Forster, F. L. S. ( [etc.] | — ( Fifth Edition. ( — [ London : ( Printed by J. Moyes, Greville Street ; j for Thomas and George Underwood, | 32, Fleet street. [ — ( 1817. 8vo. pp. i-xiv, 1-46. Substantially the same as, if not identical with, the 4th ed., published in Tlie Pamphleteer, iv, 1814, pp. 431-462, q. v. " I do not mean to say that swallows may not have occasionally been found under water ; for it is well known that they have : . . . but I should certainly attribute their being found in such situations to mere accident ; . . . they have sometimes been taken out of the water, in winter, in a torpid state, . . . they have likewise been found concealed in the crevices of rocks, in holes in old decayed trees, in old mined towers, and under the thatch of houses." 1823? Steinmuller, J. R. [Sur I'Hirundo rupestris.] . 677. 1832. "J. D[exsox?]." Intrepidity of the Swallow [Hirundo rustica]. ^70. SiiARPE, R. B. — Continued. * fled with Psalidoprocne holomelcena, juv., and Hirundo dlfredi (Zool. Rec, v, p. 81) with Petrochelidon spilodera (Sund., Of. Sv. Ak., 1850, p. 108). A table of the geographical distri- bution is added, in which an attempt is made to divide the region naturally into five sub- regions — the Abyssinian, Mozambican, Cape, Guinean, and Madagascarian. 1871. Hudson, W. H. [Twelfth Letter on the Ornithology of Buenos Ayres.] -n. o/iSci. (To- ledo, Ohio), 2d ser., i, No. 9, Dec, 1878, cut. Popular biography, with a figure. 1878. COUES, E. The Eave, Cliff, or Crescent Swallow (Petrochelidon lunifrons). < Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Chth, iii, No. 3, July, 1878, pp. 105-112. Biographical sketch, "by permission, from advance sheets of the 'Birds of the Colorado Valley', vol. i." 1878. [Ingersoll, E.] Hibernation of Birds, again. < The Country, i, Jan. 5, 1878, p. 133. See pp. .55, 165. Critical notice of alleged torpidity of Swallows in Maine and Michigan. 1878. Smith, Everett. Notes on the Hibernation of Birds. < The Country, i, Jan. 26, 1878, p. 181. See pp. 55, 133, 165. 1878. Trotter, S. Description of a Hyljnd (Hirundo horreori-lunifrons) between two North American Swallows. «//. Xuft. Ornith. Club, iii. No. 3, July, 1878 lip. 135, 136. The first instance of hybridity in this family reported in this country. The specimen has since been examined by E. Coues, J. A. Allen, and others, who agree that there is no ques- tion that it is a hybrid between Hirundo horreorum and Petrochelidon lunifrong. 1879. Anon. Kough winged Swallow (Hirundo serripennis. ) <^Journ. of Sci. (To- ledo, Ohio), 2d ser., i. No. 10, Jan., 1879, cut. Popular biography, with a figure. 1879. Anon. Migrations of Swallows. . speciosa Maxim., pi. xciii, fig. 1; D. plumbea (Lath.). The second fig. of the pi. is D. ccerebicolor (ScL). 1854. ScLATER, P. L. On two New Species of Dacnis, and on the General Arrange- ment of the Genus. >. 1846. MOSLEY, O. Remarks on the Nuthatch [Sitta europsea]. <^Zoologi9t, iv, 1846. pp. 1498, 1499. 1847. Lafee-SXate, F. de. [Notice dn genre Dendrocolaptes, a propos de la mono- graphie dont il nous donne I'avertissement.] <^Efrue Zoologique, x, 1847. pp. 209-211. 1849. Lafeesxaye, F. de. Monographie du genre Dendrocolaptes. <£«?. et Mag. Zool., i, 1849, pp. 328-3:n. lei senlement I'aper^a g6neral da fsaiet. Voir op. dt. ii, 1850, et iii, 1851. 1850. [Jaedtbte, W.] Synallaxis flammulatus, Jard. [n. .sp.] <^Jard. Contrib. Om.. 18.50, p. 82, pi. Ivi. 1850-51. Lapbesnaye, F. db. Essai d'une monographie dn genre Picueule (Baffon), Dendrocolaptes (Hermann. lUiger), devenu aujourdTiui la sous-famille Den- drocolaptinie (Gray, Genera of birds), de la famille Certhiada; de Swains. 'CEec. It Mag. Zool., ii, 18.50, pp. 95-104, 14.5-1.54,275-285,369-388,417-426, 588-.598 ; iii, 18-51, pp. 145-147, pi. 4. 317-329, 46.5-470, 590, 591. DendrocrJaptes, 6 esp. -D. nimplieicepg, p. 100; D. deriUei. p. 102, app. nn. — Pieolaptet, 11 esp. P. lintaticepg. p. 277. sp. n. — Xiphorkt/nehtig, 5 esp. X. proeurvrAdei. p. 376, sp. n. — Xagica. 14 esp. -V. guttaUndei. p. ?A~ -. N. beauperthuygii. p. 419: X. dorhignyanus. p. 420. spp. nn. ! — Sitta- goraxu. 4 esp. it, XV, 18.57, pp. 5684, .568-5. Xo.t.] COUESS OKXITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — ANABATID^. 533 1657. ScLATEU, p. L. Ou some New or Iniperfectly-known Species of Synallaxis. <^Aiui. Mag. Xat. Hint.. Qd ser., xix, 1857, pp. 179-181. From P. Z. S.. April 22, 1856, pp. 97-99, q. v. 1S57. SCLATER, P. L. Further Additions to the List of Birds received in Collections from Bogota. <^ P. Z. S., xxv, 1857, pp. 15-'20. The article is a briefly anrmtateil list of 52 spp.. among ■which fwo new Anahat\d"iiallaxiu;v. 4. Xo* seen. 1859. SCLATER. P. L. On some New Species of Synalhixis, and on the Geographical Distribution of the Genus. ., Aiii. 1860, pp. 185.186. 1860. Eeixh.\rdt. J. Notitsom Shegten Malaciuus Echb. og de dertil horende Alter. <^ndensk. Mcddel. Xaturhist. Fonn. Ejohenhavn 1859,1860. pp. 103-105. M. rw/f/ron* (111.), if. obioletvf. sp. n., p. 105. M. striatieeps (d'Orb. et Lafr.) og M. ruber (Vieill.). 1^60. SCL.VTER. P. L. On some [lately] New Species of Synallaxis. K^Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 3d ser., v, 1860, p. 332. From P. Z. S.. May 10, 1859, pp. 191-197, q. v. ' 1861. KrCper. T. Ueber Sitta syriaca in Giiechenland. e. — Six species are treated, among which Cer- thilauda frobet}i. p. 411; C. iaabeUina. p. 412: and Geobamon faseuxtus. p. 415, are described as new. The matter reappears in a German version in Areh.f. A'aturg.. 1865, Bd. i, pp. 58-73, q. v. 1865. Lawrexce, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Taua- gridi¥, DeudrocolaptidiP, Formicaridiv. Tyraiinida'. and Trochilid;e. ^ Jhh. Lye. Xat. Hist. Xew York, viii, 1865, pp. 12l>-135. The Dendrocolaptidce^= Anabatidw here described are Philydor nt/obninnetis. p. 127: Ana- bazenops Uneatus. p. 127: Maiiiarornis nibiffirtoga. M. guttata, p. 128: M. brrtnneicauda (pro- band.), p. 130. 1865. Philippi, E. A., and Laxpbeck. L. Die Lerchen [sc. Anabatida^] Chiles. <^Aieh.f. Xaturg., 1865, Bd. i, pp. 58-73. A subtitle of a paper having a more extended scope. — The birds treated are not Larks, or Alaxididee, to which they have some superficial resemblance, but Anabatidte of Grays ar- i-angement. They are six in number. uamel>-: GcoHtta citmmlaria (T.) Bp,, Certhil^uda fro- beniV. & L., p. 62: C. isabelliiia P. A: L.. p. 63: Oe^bamon runpetmu Bnrm., G. fasciata P. & L,, p. 68; Certhilmida nigro/asciata Lafr, Cf Zool. Sec. for 1865. pp. 102, 103,— The article originally appeared in Spanish in Anal. Univ. Chile, xxv, 1864, pp. 409-118, q. v. 534 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1865. SCLATEE, P. L. Notes on Kriiper's Nuthatch and on the other known Species of the Genus Sitta. <^Ibis, 2d ser., i, 1865, pp. 306-311, pi. vii. 12 spp., with critical, descriptive, and geographical annotation. The pi. represents S. krueperi (cf. P. Z. S., 1864, p. 433). S. aculeata Cass, is disallowed. 1866. SCLATER, p. L. Note on .the Genus Geohates of Swainsou. , Strigidse, and Columbidse. p. . Pa.s vue mol-raeme. 1852. Gerbe, Z. Notice sur la Certhia Costie, Bailly, (Grimpereau Costa). <^B('i\ et Mag. de ZooL, 2'' s(5r., iv, avril, 1852, pp. 162-172, i>l. 8. Sous-titre de ses Melanges Zoologiqnes, 1. c. pp. 161-174 ct suiv. L'auteur tun.state niie cette espece est reellement distiiicte do la C. familiaris. La plancLe, de sept tigures, donne les caract^res des deux csp^ces. 1855. Konig-Warthausen, R. v. Zur Naturgeschichte desManerlihifer.s, Tichodroma muraria Illig. ■, iii. l'^r)5, p]). 60,61. 1856. Brehm, [C. L.] [Ueber die Baumlilufer (Certhia).] er den Alijen-Manerliiufer, Ticliodroma phcenicoijtcra, . . . . 1-6, pi. 53. PI. 53, llcndaxis orthonyx Lafr.. R. Z., 1843, p. 131. 1851. [Jardixe, W.] Scytalopus, Gould, 1836. <^J(t)d. Conirih. Oni.. 1851, pji. 115- 118, pll. Ixxvi-lxxviii. Descriptions of, and remarks on, 4 spp. PI. Ixxvi. 1'. 1. S. undnlatvs ; f. "2. A', cdhiventris. PI. Ixxvii, S. fuscug. PI. Ixxviii, S. albognlaris. 1851. Lafresnaye, [F.] de. Ob.servatious on the Genus Scytalojmjs. <^Jard. Con- trib. Orn., 1851, pp. 145-1.50. 17 spp., referred to the genus Merulaxis Less. M. /iiscoides, p. 149. sp. n. 1857. L.'VNDBECK. L. Pteroptochos albifions n. s]*. < .l;v7i. /. Xnfitrg.. 18.57, (1), pp. 273-275. 1864. Philippi. R. A., and Landbeck, L. [Pteroptochus castaneus. .sp. n.] <^Anal. Univ. Chile, xxv., Sept., 1864, p. 408. A separate sub-liead of a paper of much more extended scope. 1865. Philippi, R. A., and Landbeck, L. [Pteroptochos castaneus. ] <^A)-ch.f. Na- turg., 1861, (1), p. 56. A separate sub-head of a paper of iiiiicli n\ore extended scope. The oiig. descr. is in Anal. Univ. Chile, xxv. 1864, p. 408. 1874. SCLATER, P. L. On the Neotroyiical Species of the Family Ptero]rtochidfe. < Ibis, 3d ser., iv, 1874, pp. 189-206, pi. viii. History of the group in brief; systematic, synonymatic, diagnostic synopsis, with com- ment, of 19 spp., referred to 8 genera ; tabular vie^v of their distribution. The pi. reprosenta Rhinocryptafulva. JVo.4.] COUES'h ORNITH. bibliography TROGLODYTID^. 539 Trog^loclytidse. 1832. "T. G." Materials composing tlie Nest of the common Brown Wren (Anorthura communis Rennie). < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist, v, 1832, pp. 738-740, with note by ''J. D.", pp. 740,741. 1833. Gakdiner, W. The Materials of the Nest of the Common Wren (Troglodytes vulgaris). <^ Loudon's Mag. Kat. Hist., vi, 1833, p. 523. 1833. Jennings, J. Structure of the Nest of the Common Brown "Wren [Anorthura communis]. 4. With reference to possession of scarlet on the crown by 9 of this species. 1870. CoUES, E. The Ruby-crowned Wren [Regulus calendula]. . Treats of 4 spp. — Phyllopneuste major, p. 29, sp. n. 1871. TristraiM, H. B. [Critical notes on certain Sylviida-.] <^fhiii, :5d ser., i, 1871, pp. 109,110. Phyllopneuste schwartzi TJa(l. GiLLMAN, II. The J!iuel)ir(l [Sialia sialis] feeding on AiiiiMlo])sis. <^Am. Nat., x, No. 9^ 1M7H, p. r).')(i. 1876. IXGERSOLL, E. Our jiresent Knowledge of the Xiditication of the Ani«iiean Kinglets [Regulus]. 7. 1878. Earle, C. F. Sialia [sialis] : The story of a [captive] bluebird. <^Forest (i)id Stream, xi, Nov. 28, 1878, p. :{39. 1878. [Scott, W. E. D.] Blue-Birds [Sialia sialis]. !. ii. 1851. Westerman, G. F. Beschrijving van twee nieuweSoorten van Meezen. t«rm : 4. olivacea 5. caemlesccns. Til. Albifasciatce. (S. nigrescent. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY— MNIOTILTID^. 651 1870. SUXDEVALL, C. J. — Continued. 7. toivnsendi. 8. chrysopareia. 9. occidentalis. 10. virens. 11. blackburnice. 12. graciae. 13. dominica. 14. pityophila. 15. icterocephala. 16. pinus. 17? mowtona. 18. coronata. 19. auduboni. 20. castanea. 21. striata. 22. caerulea. 23. adelaidce. 24. maculosa. TV. Acuti- rostres. 25. discolor. 2C. palmarum. 27. tigrina. — Necnon, anctori ignotae, 28. pharetra. 29. kirtlandi. 30. earbonata. — Adjectis deacriptionibus, synonymis, locis, observationibusque. 1872. Brewer, T. M. [On the appearance of Oporomis agilis in Massachusetts.] < Pcoc. Bo.s. Atkixsox, J. C. Observations on previous \ Zool., i, 136 and 230] notes on the Grey Wagtail [Motacilla lioarxila]. 'x, F. A. L. tjl>er einige Arten des Geschlechts Pieper, Anthus, Bechst. < Meet. Heft ii. 1849, pp. 171-175. Anthus pensylvanicus, A. cervinus, A. richardi betreflfend. 1849. Thorxcroft. T. Early Arrival of the Tree Pipit (Anthus arboreus) [at Shore- ham]. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2415. 1850. EoDD, E. H. Note on the Pied Wagtail (Motacilla Yarrellii). < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2651. 1851. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Gray-headed Wagtail (Motacilla ueglecta) at Eastbourne, Sussex. <^ Zoologist, is, 1851, p. 3145. 1851. EODD, E. H. Occurrence of Eichard's Pipit (Anthus Eichardi) at the Scilly Isles. < Zoologist, is, 1851, p. 3300. 1851. SjnxH, J. Occurrence of the Gray-headed Wagtail (Motacilla ueglecta) at Great Yarmouth. ■, xii, 1864, p. 143. 1864. Stevexsox, H. Rock Pipit [Anthus rupestris] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9109. Cf. particularly Ibis. 1865. pp. 237; 23K. 1865. Altum, B. Unsere Bach.stelzen. . , 1865. Mathews, G. F. Richard's Pipit [Anthus richardi] at Braunton Burrows. <^ Zoologist, xxiii. lsestris] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 876. 1867. West, E. Does the Yellow Wagtail [Budytes flava] always Migrate. 7. Wharton, C. B. Eock Pipit [Anthns rupestris] inland. <^Z()o1ogi>it, 2d sev., ii, 1867, p. 558. 1868. Gatcombe, J. Viuous-breasted Pipit [Anthns spinoletta] near Plymouth. <^Zoolo(ji>it, 2d ser.. iii, 1868, p. 1254. 1868. GoRDOX, C. Richard's Pipit [Anthns richardi] at Dover. <^ Zoologist, 2d fmr., iii, 1868, ]). 1458. 1868. Rood, E. H. The Ta^vny Pi[>it and Richard's Pipit at Scilly, <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 14.58. 186?^. Rowley, G. D. Richard's Pipit at Brighton : The Tawny Pipit. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1479. 186y. Anon. Ray's Wagtail [Bndytes rayi] at Scilly. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv,lSm, ]». 1847. 1869. Matiikw, G. F. Richard's Pipit [Anthns richardi] near Barnstable. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser.. iv, 1869, p. 1.561. 1869. Rowley, G. D. [Exhibition of some British-killed Pipits (Anthns aquaticus and A. obscnrus)]. < P. Z. 8., xxxvii, 1869, p. 249. 1869. Rowley, G. D. The Water and Rock Pipits. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1369. Pl». 1682, 1683. 1869. WoNFOR, T. W. Richard's Pipit [Anthns Richardi] at Brighton. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1513. 1869. WoNFOR, T. W. Dwarf Meadow Pipit. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1-561. 1869. WoxFOR, T.W. Richard's Pipit [Anthns richardi]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1683. liS69. WoxFOR, T. W. • Meadow Pipit. < Zoologist, 21 ser., iv, 1869, p. 1683. 1869. WoxFon. T.W. Tnwny Pipit near Brightcm. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 18o9, p. 1918. 1»*70. BoYNTON, T. The Pennsylvania Pipit [Anthns Indovicianns], ifcc, at Bridling- ton. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2021, 2022. 1870. Bree, C. R. Anthns Indovicianns vel Anthns rufesceus? <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, pp. 2100, 2101. Coutends for its being the former. 1^70. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Grayheaded Wagtail [Motacilla neglecta] at Gateshead. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2382, 2383. 1870. Harris, J. W. Wagtail in pure White Plumage. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2100. 1870. Reeks, H. The Pipit ["Anthns indovicianns " = A. campestris] shot at Brid- lington. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2067, 2068. 1870. EiCKARDS, M. S. C. Vinous-breasted Pipit on the Banks of Severn. <:^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2222. 1870. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. Grayheaded Wagtail [Motacilla neglecta] near Clifton. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2306. 1870. Richards, M. S. C. Grayheaded Wagtails [Motacilla neglecta] near Clevedon . < Zoologist, 2d ser.. v, 1870, p. 2222. 1870. Stevexsox, H. Richard's Pipit [Anthns richardi, near Yarmouth]. <^Zool- ogist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2066, 2067. 1870. SwiXHOE, R. On the Pied Wagtails of China, Part I [II]. < P. Z. S., xxxviii. 1870, pp. 120-124, woodc. : pp. 129, 130. A synopsis, with descriptions and figures of the head, of the China species of Motacilla, 7 in number; 3 (Jf. felix, p. 121, M.francisi, p. 123, and M.frontata, p. 129) being new, and a race of the first-named being described as var. sechuensis. 1870. Waldex, Lord. [Letter relating to Indian Motacilhe.] <^ Ibis, 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp.293, 294. 562 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.V. 1870. Watson, J. Grayheaded Wagtail [Motacilla neglecta] breeding near Gates- head. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v. 187(1, ^ip. 2343, 2344. 1870. Watson, J. Nesting of MotaciUa flava. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2406. 1871. GUKNEY, J. H., Jr. Nesting of the Grayheaded Wagtail [Motacilla neglecta] near Newcastle. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2483. 1871. GuKXEY, J. H., Jr. Grayheaded Wagtail [Motacilla neglecta] at Brighton. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2639. 1871. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. White Wagtail [Motacilla alba] at Norrham Burrows. <_ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2608. 1872. GURNEY, J. H. [Albinotic] Variety of the Rock Pipit [Anthus rupestris]. ■«//. Xutt. Ornith. Club, iii. No. 3, July, 1878, pp. 133-135. Reliable observations on a little-known subject, givinji a full account of several nests and eggs. No. 4.] COUES'S OENITH. BIBLIOGRArHY MOTACILLID^. 563 1878. COUES, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 17 — The Aquatic Wood-Wagtail, or New York Water Thrush. (Siurus najvius. ) < The Chicago Field, Feb. 2, 1878. From advance sheets of "Birds of the Colorado Valley." 1878. Covert, A. B. Nesting of the Large-billed Water Thrush (Siurus ludovicianus). < The Oologist, iv, No. 2, Apr., 1878, pp. 10, 11. Full account from observations made in Michigan. 1878. Gray, A. F. Abnormal Bird's Eggs [of Siurus auricapillus]. od and Gun, vi, July 3, 1875, p. 215. 137.5. Cooper, J. G. Notes on Californian Tlirushes [of the subgenus Hylocichhi]. <^ Am. Xat., ix. No. 2, Feb., 1875. pp. 114-116. 1875. Greenwood, E. C. Occurrence of the Mocking-Bird [Mimus polyglottus] in Massachusetts. <^ Jw. Sportsman, v, 1874-5, Mar. 13, p. 370. Note added by E. Deane to the ettect that this specimen, which was exhibited to the Nuttall Ornithological Club, was the fourth taken near Boston, within a few mouths. 1875-76. Ingersoll, E. The Nesting of [certain Turdidfe of North] American Birds.. I[-IV.]. <^ Forest and Streavi, y, Dec. 16, 1875, p. 291: Dec. 23, 1875, ]). 308; Dec. 30, 1875, p. 323 : Jan. 13, 1876, p. :^56. I. Tardus migratorius. II. Turdus ncevius. III. Turdus mustelinus. TV. Tardus pallasi. 1876. Cot'ES, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 1. — The Oregon Robin [Tnrdus me- vius]. < The Chicaf/o Field, June 24, 1876, fig. Account of habit.s, with a tigiire of the head. This series of "Letters", each with its own subhead, runs through several is.sue^of the paper, as foUows :— No. 1, June 24, 1876: No. 2, Aug. 12. 1876; No. 3, Aug. 26, 1876; No. 4, Oct. 7, 1876; No. 5, Nov. 18, 1876; No. 6, Dec. 2, 1876; No. 7. Dec. 9, 1876: No. 8, Dec. 16. 1876; No. 9, Dec. 23, 1876;. No. 10, Dec. 30, 1876: No. 11, .Jan. 6. 1877; No. 12. Jan. 13, 1877; No. 13, Feb. 13, 1877; No. 13 [6is = 14], Mar. 17, 1877; No. 15, July U, 1877; No. 16, July 21, 1877; No. 10 his, Dec. 15, 1877; No. 17, Feb. 2, 1878; No. 18, June 29, 1878; No. 19, Apr. 26, 1870; No. 20, May 10, 1879; No. 21, May 17, 1879; No. 22, May 24, 1879; No. 23, June 9, 1879; No. 24, June 14, 1879: No. 25, June 21, 1879; No. 26. June 28, 1879; No. 27, July 5, 1879; No. 28, July 12, 1879 ; No. 29, July 19, 1879 ; No. 30, July 26. 1879.— They give popular accounts of A-arious North American Birds, in ceitaiu cases from advance .sheets of the "Birds of the Col- orado Valley," aud are for flic inost part illnstratiMl with original woodcut figures. They are cited in this Bibliography collectively by the major head under "North America", and also individuall.N by miiiDr heads undei' the several families to which they respectively pertain. ^o. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TURDID^. 569 1876. COUES, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 7. — The Catbird [Mimus carolinensis]. < The Chicago Field, Dec. 9, 1876, fig. Biogi-aphical, from advance sheets of the Birds of the Colorado Vailey. 1876. Gray, A. F. Strange nesting places [of Turdus inigratorius]. <:^ Forest and Stream, vi, July 6, 1876, p. 355. 1876. Harting, J. E. [Turdus migratorius in England. ] < Tlie (London) Field, Dec. 23, 1876, p. — . Not seen. 1876. [IXGERSOLX, E.] The Crissal Thrasher [Harporhynchus crissalis]. ^ Theil, 1792, pp. 95, 98, pi. vi. Not seen— nor do I know that it belongs here. But there are no Laniidce in Surinam, and I presume that some Formicarian is meant. Cf. Meyer's Zool. Annalen, i, 1794, pp. 56, 137. 1825. Lesson, R. P. Sur deux nouveaux genres d'oiseaux, Formicivora et Drymo- phila, . . . ; par W. Swainson. . . . . 476, pi. 2, f. 2. M. axillaris, p. 478. M. unicolor, sp. n., p. 480, pi. 2, f. 1. Formicivora nigricoUis, p. 482, pi. 3, f. 1, 2. F. duluzce, sp. n., p. 484, pi. 5, f. 2. F. pileata, p. 485. F. rufimarginata, p. 487. F. ferruginea, p. 488. F. loricata, p. 490, pi. 4, f. 1, 2. F. strigilata, p. 493. F. macu- lata, p. 494, pi. 5, f. 1. F. malura, p. 496. F. rufa, pi. 9, f. 1. F. caeridescens, p. 499, pi. 6, f. 1, 2. F. melanaria, sp. n., p. 500, pi. 7, f. c. F. alapi, p. 502. F. domicella, p. 503, pi. 7, f. 1, 2, and 6. F. atra, p. 505. F. maura, sp. n., p. 506, pi. 7, f. a. F. ardesiaea, p. 507. F. melatmra, sp.n., p. 508, pi. 8, f. 1, 2. F. capistrata, p. 509 (Asiatic!). F. melafnothorax, p. 510 (Asiatic!). F. pyrrhogenys, p. 511 (Asiatic!). F. epilepidota, grammiceps, p. 512 (Asiatic !). F. leucophrys, i 576 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1835. Men^tries, E. — Coutiuned. p. 513 (Asiatic !). F. gularis, p. 514 (Asiatic!). Leptorhynchus (g. n., p. 515) guttatus, sp. n., p. 516, pi. 10, f. 1. L. striolatus, p. 517, pi. 10, f. 2. Oxypyga (g. n., p. 519) scansor, sp. n., p. 520. pi. 11 1^^ Sclerurvs Sw., 1827 — AnabaUd'nopsi8 of 39 spp., with critical comment, Introduced by list of 14 doubtful species which have been referred to the genus. T. ventralis, p. 244, sp. n. Other lately new spp. were descr. by the writer, P. Z. S., Jan., 1855, pp. 18, 19, q. v. No.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY FORMIC ARIIDiE. 577 1855. SCLATER, P. L. A I Draft Arrangement | of the | Genus Thamnophilus, | (Vieil- lot.) 1 By I Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A., F. Z. S. | — | (From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, New Series, April 1855. ) | — ( Edinburgh : | printed hy Neill and Company. | — | MDCCCLV. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 26. Treating 39 spp. with synonymy, description, criticism, &c., after a general consideration of the Bush-shrikes, real or nominaJ. 18.56. Sclater, P. L. Descriptions of some new Species of Ant-Thrushes (Formica- riinaj) from Santa F6 di Bogota. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2), xviii, 1856, pp. 57-59. From P. Z. S., June 12, 1855, pp. 88-90, q. v. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Descriptions of Six New Species of Birds of the Subfamily Formicarinse. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xvii, 1856, pp. 63-65. From P. Z. S., Nov. 28, 1854, pp. 253-255, q. v. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Characters of six new Species of the genus Thamnophilus. < Jnw. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xvii, 1856, pp. 360-362. From P. Z. S., .Tan. 23, 1855, pp. 18, 19, q. v. 1857. Sclater, P. L. Characters of some apparently New Species of American Ant- Thrushes. < P. Z. S., XXV, 18.57, pp. 46-48. Formicarius trivittatus, p. 46 ; Conopophaga castaneiceps, Hypocnemis elegans, p. 47 ; Myr- meciza hemimeloena, Formicivora hcematonota, p. 48. 1857. Sclater, P. L. Descriptions of Twelve New or Little-known Species of the South American Family Formicariida). Tiopsis of the American Ant-birds (Formicariidse). Part I. Containing the Thamnophiliuse. < P. Z. S., xxvi, 1858, pp. 202-224, pll. (Aves) cxxxix, cxl; Part II. Containing the Formicivoimae or Ant-Wrens <[ torn, cit., pp. 232-254, pll. (Aves) cxli, cxlii ; Part III. Containing the Third Subfamily FormicariiuiE, or Ant-Thrushes <; torn, cit., pp. 272-289, pi. (Aves) cxliii. Very full synonymy, characters, and distribution of all the species, with list of 22 spp. not recognized by the author. Thamnophilus amazonicus, p. 214, pi. cxxxix ; Pyrgiptila, n. g., p. 220; Myrmotherula (g. n.) multostriata, p. 234, pi. cxli; Formicivora erythrocerca, p. 240, pi. cxlii ; Cercomacra (n. g., p. 244) nigricans, p. 245 ; Pyriglena maculicauda, p. 247 ; Hypocnemis schistacea, p. 252; Gymnocichla, n. g., p. 274; Myrmelastes (g. n., p. 274) plumbeus, p. 274, pi. cxliii; M. nigerrimus, p. 275; GraUaricula, g. n., p. 283, figg., spp. nn. 1858. Sclater, P. L. On Two Species of Ant-birds in the Collection of the Derby Museum, at Liverpool. -rannus verticalis in Maryland, near Washington, D. C] < Jhh. Bep. Smithson. Inst, for 1874, 1875, p. 32. The original notice of the occurrence. The capture was made by P. L. Jouy ; see his Cata- logue of the Birds of the District of Columbia, in Field and Forest, ii, No. 9, 1877, pp. l.H-156, and No. 10, 1877, pp. 178-181. 1876. "Bridgeport." Cats vs. Birds. <:^Eod and Gun, vii, Feb. 19, 1876, p. 329. King-birds whipping a cat. Compare p. 294. 1876. Henshaw, H. W. On two Empidonaces, traillii and acadicus. <^ Bull. Nutt Ornith. Club, i. No. 1, Apr., 1876, pp. 14-17. "With special reference to differences in their geographical distribution, nests, and eggs. The subject is well handled, and the author's remarks have been established by later erperi- ences. S. F. Baird was the first to fix the species of our smaller Flycatchers with any satisfactory degree of precision. This he did in 1858 ; since which time, no material modification has been estabhshed among the N. Am. species of Empidonax. The history, however, of the habits of these birds, especially of their geographical distribution, nesting, and eggs, has been much involved. Little reliance can be placed on the accounts given by WUson, Nuttall and Au- dubon ; and even since 1858, there have been several mistakes made in the writings of Allen, Brewer and Coues, with reference to the distribution of acadicui in New England, and to the nests and eggs of all four of the eastern species. Late papers in the Xuttall Bulletin, how- ever, have at length cleared up the confusion ; and no one should presume to write on the habits of birds of this genus without consulting the present paper by Henshaw, and the sev- eral others in the Nuttall Bulletin by Purdie, Osborne, Batchelder and Coues, cited beyond in this bibliography. Xo.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TYRANNID.E. 585 187G. Lawrkxce, G. N. Note on Muscipeta incauescens, Wied. <^ Ihifi, 3(1 ser., vi, Oct., 1876, pp. 497,498. Wied's tj-pe, now in Amer. Mus. Kat. Hist. New York, examined and found to be very dif- ferent from Ornithion imberbe, which Sclater (P. Z. S., 1873, p. 576) had united with it. 1876. PuRDiE, H. A. The Nest and Eggs of Traill's flycatcher [Empidonax traiUi], as observed in Maine. <^BuU. Xitit. Orniih. Club, i, No. 3, Sept., 1876. pp. 7.5, 76. 1877. "G. G. H., Jr." The great crested flycatcher. Myiarchns crinitus — Calamis [(. e., Cabanis]. <^Forestand Stream, ix, Aug. 23, 1877, p. 44. Observations on nidiflcation. 1877. ''GUYOX" [ ]. Migration of Kingbirds [Tyraunns carolinensis]. <^ Forest and Stream, viii. May 17, 1877, p. 224. 1877. JuDSOX, E. Z. C. A Plea for the King Bird [Tyramuis carolinensis]. <; Forest and Stream, ix, Aug. 9, 1877, p. 5. Protection afforded to fai-m-yard by Tyrannv^ carolinensis through its enmity to hawks. 1877. [Sclater, P. L., and Salvix', O.] , Lawrence on a new Pitangiis [gabbii]. < Ibis, 4th ser., i, Oct., 1877, p. 481. Notice of the paper in Am. Lye. N. Y., xi, Nov., 1876, pp. 288-290. 1877. White, W. H. King Birds [Tyiannus carolinensis] and Bees. <^ Forest and Stream, ix, Oct. 4, 1877, p. 186. Kingbirds insatiable devourers of honey-bees. 1878. AXLEX", J. A. Late Capture of the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher [Empidonax tiavi- ventris] in Massachusetts. <^Bi(U. Xtitt. Ornitli. Club, iii, No. 2, Apr., 1878, pp. 101, 102. 1878. Axox. The fork-tailed fly-catcher. Milvulus Tyraunus (L.) Bp. <^ Familiar Science and Fanciers^ Joiirti., i (new series), Feb., 1878, p. 30. Illustrated. 1878. [Fitch, E. H.] The Wood Pewee [Contopus virens]. < The Journ. of Sci. (Toledo, Ohio), 2d .ser., i. No. 2, May, 1878; cut. Popular biography, with a figure. 1878. Ixgersoll, E. The Linnean Society. < The Country, i, Apr., 20, 1878, p. 371, See vol. ii, p. 9. Secretary's report of meeting ; many fax^ts concerning niditication of Tyrannidce. 1878. Ixgersoll, E. Linnean Society. < The Country, ii, Apr. 27, 1878, p. 9. Kepoit of meeting, and letter fi'om H. A. Purdie concerning breeding of Empidonax trailli. 1878. [Ixgersoll, E.] Linnean Society. <^ Forest and Stream, x, Ajir. 25, 1878, p. 216. See p. 255. Report of proceedings, and letter from H. A. Purdie In regard to breeding of Empidonax trailli. 1878. Merrill, J. C. The Occuiience of Myiarchus crinitus var. erythrocercus, Sclat., at Fort Browu, Texas. < Bull. Nutt. Ornitli. Club, iii, No. 2, Apr., 1878, p. 99, 100. "With an editorial note resiiecting priority of the discovery ; and a note by T. M. Brewer On the eggs of the same bird. 1878. Nicholas, G. L. Perseverance of Pewees [(Sayornis fuscus) in nest-building]. < Forest and Stream, xi, Dec. 12, 1878, p. 379. of a pair of Sayornis fuscus rebuilt seven times in the same place in one season. 1878. OSBORXE, S. D. The Nesting of the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empidonax flaviventris). < Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Club, iii. No. 4, Oct., 1878, pp. 187, 188. Confli-ming H. A. Purdie's description, op. torn, cit, pp. 166-168, both as to situation and structure of the nest, and as to the eggs being spotted. 1878. Peckham, B. .1. Nesting of Contopus virens. <^The Oologist, iv. No. 5, July, 1878, p. 34. 1878. Purdie, H. A. Trail's Flycatcher [Empidonax trailli]. < Forest and Stream, x, May 9, 1878, p. 255. See p. 216. BiiU. V, 4 5 586 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [FoJ.V. 1878. PuRDiE, H. A. The Nest aud Eggs of tlie Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empi- donax flaviveutris). <^ Bidl. Nuft. Ornifh. Chib, iii, No. 4, Oct., 1878, pp. 166-168. Important, being a careful description of an authentic nest and eggs. Much error and un- certaint.^- had prevailed on this subject, even among the leading writers. Both Brewer and Coues had stated the eggs to be white, whereas they are well spotted. 1878. ScLATER, [P. L. ] [Remarks on Exhibition of the type of Dicrurus marginatus Blyth, Ibis, 186.">, p. 46, = Muscipipra vetula Licht.] elis garrulus], . . . «7/., 2«" sec. viii, 1826, pp. 442, 443. Extrait du Zool. Journ., ii, Xo 7, 1825, pp. 354-357,9. "• 1826. Selby, p. J. An Account of a new or fifth Species of the Genus Psaris [cryth- rogenys], Cuv. <^ZooL Journ., ii, 1826. pp. 483, 484. 1827. Lesson, R. P. Description d'une esp^ce nouvelle du genre Psaris, de M. Cuvier; par P. J. Selby. . .• <^Feruss. Bull., 2«' sect., xii, 1827. p. 267. Ps. erythrogenys, Selby : Zool. Journ.. ii, 1826, p. 483. 1828. Selby, P. .J. Neue Gattung Psaris Cuv., ... < Oken's Ms, Bd. xxi, 1828, pp. 943, 944. TJebers. aus d. Zool. Journ., ii, 1826, pp. 483, 484 ; Ps. erythrogenys. 1830. SWAINSON, [W.] Ueber die Sippe Psaris Ciiv. ^Otot's Js/s, Bd. xxiii, 1830, p. 1038. TJebers. aus d. Zool. Jour., Bd. ii, Xr. vii, Oct., 1825, pp. 354-357. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY COTINGID^. 589 18;{0. Wagi.ek, J. Revisio generis Pipru. < Oken's Iain, Bd. xxiii, 183U, pp. 926-'J4:i. PP. ignicapilla, lanceolata, p. 931 ; aurantia, p. 935 ; auricapilla, p. 934 ; perspicillata, p. 935 ; tyramilus (sic), p. 940, spp. nn. — Expositio specierum 33, synonymis, descriptionibus et patriis redactarum, pp. 926-941. — Expositio brevior reliquanam specit^rum 17. 1832. Chilijrkn, [J. G.] [On specimens of the Phytotorna bloxhami, Cliildr., col lected by Mr. Cuming in Chili.] <^ Proc. Comm. Set. and Corr. Zool. Soc. Lond., pt. ii, 1832, p. 3. 1832. Lafresxaye, F. de*. Phytotome. Phytotorna, Molina, Daudiu, etc. <^ G^uSr. May, de ZooL, 2*^ annee, classe ii, notice v, pi. v. E.sqiiisse monographiquf sur ce genre. PI. v, Phytotorna rutila V. 1835. Children, [J. G.] [Phytotoma bloxhami.] <^ Ofce/t's /«(», Bd. xxviii, 1835, p. 365. Aus P. Z. S., 1832, p. 3. 1838. Eydoux, [F.] ef Gervais, [P.] Sur quelques particularites anatomiques du Phytotoma rara de Molina. <[ Gtter. Mag. de ZooL, 8" ann^e, 1838, classe ii, notice Ixxxvi, pp. 1-4, pi. Ixxxvi. 1839. Lafresxaye, F. de. G. Cotinga. Ampelis. Lin. C. a plumes en lamelles. Ampelis lamellipenuis. De Lafr. <^ Gu^r. Mag. de Zool., 2« ser., ann^e 1839, Oiseaux, pp. 1, 2, pi. 9. C'est line Cotinga, fin sous genre Xipholena Glog. 1841. Parzudaki, C. Manakin uouveau [Pipra candei], d^couvert par M. De Maus- sion Cand^. <^ Revue Zoologiqiit, iv, 1841, ]). 306. 1842. Lafresxaye, F. de. [Ueber Pliytotoma.] < Oken^s /sis, Bd. xxxv, 1842^, p. 51. Aus d. Mag. de Zool. Jahrg. ii, 1832, Klasse ii. Artikel v, Taf. 5. 1843. Des Murs, O. Notice sur le genre ornithologique rupicola ou coq de roche et considerations oologiques. <^ Guer. Mag. de Zool., 2<' s^r., anu6e 1843, Oiseaux, pp. 1-10, pi. 37. PI. 37, I'cBuf de Rupicola peruviana. 1843. GouDOT, J. Note sur le nidihcation du Rupicola peruviana et de l'Euryi)yga phalenoides. <^ Eevue Zoologique, vi, 1843, pp. 1, 2. 1843. GouDOT, .J. Observations sur I'organisation et les habitudes du coq de roche pdruvien (Pipra peruviana, Lath. ), et du caurale (Ardea lielias, Lin. ). <^ Gue'r. Mag. de ZooL, 2« ser., ann^e 1843, pp. 1-4, pll. 37, 38. PI. 37, oeuf du Rupicola peruviana ,- pi. 38, ceuf de VEurypga phalenoides. 1843. Lafresx'aye, [F.] DE. G. Cotinga. Ampelis. L. C. a croissant. C. arcuata. De Lafresu. <^ G-u4r. Mag. de ZooL, 2^ s^r., ann^e 1843, Oiseaux, pp. 1, 2, pi. 40. Rev. Zool, 1843, p. 98. (Fyrrhorhynchus, Lafr., 1849.) 1843. Lafresnaye, [F.] DE. G. Cotinga. Ampelis. L. C. a poitrine d'or. A. aureo- pectus. De Lafr. <^ Gu4r Mag. de ZooL, 2^ s^r., ann6e 1843, Oiseaux, pp. 1,2, pi. 39. Rev. Zool, 1843, p. 68. {Euchlornis De Fil., 1846.) 1843. Lafresxaye, [F.] DE. G. Manakin. Pipra. Limi6. M. chrysoptere. P. chrys- optera. De Lafr. <^ Gue'r. Mag. de ZooL, 2'^ s^r., ann6e 1843, Oi.seaux, pp. 1,2, pi. 44. . R. Z. 1843, p. 97. (Masius Bp., 1850.) 1843. Parzudaki, [C] G. Manakin. Pipra. Linn6. M. de Cand^. Pipra Candei. Parzudaki. <^ Gue'r. Mag. de ZooL, 2^ s6r., ann^e 1843, Oiseaux, pp. pi. 45. Revue Zool, iv, 1841, p. 306. {Chiromachcerig Cab., 1847.) 1844. Eydoux, [F.] and Gervais, [P.] Anatomisches iiber Phytotoma. < Oken's Isis, Bd. xxxvii, 1844, p. 405. Aus &uer. Mag. de Zool, Jahrg. viii, 1838, Klasse ii, Notiz 86, taf. 86. 1847. Lafresxaye, [F. ] de. Sur le Ptilochloris arcuatus (Lanius arcuatus Cuv.), et les autres espfeces du genre. <^ Eevtie Zoologiqu£, x, 1847, pp. 182-185. 590 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY. [TolT. » 1847. Paezudaki, C. Descrijitiou d'une nouvelle espece du genre lodopleurus [lege lodopleura] [d'Isabelle; sic; c'est-a-dire isabellse] (Lesson). <^ Bcviie Zoolo- gique, X, 1847, jj. 186. Stet lodopleura isabellce. 1848. [Jardixe, W. ] Tityra surinama, Linnaeus. <^Ja)d. Contrib. Ont., 1848, p. 62, pi. xi. 1849. Haetlaub, G. Note monograpMfiue sur le sons-genre Pyrrhorhynchus. <[i?ei-. et Mag. de Zool, i, 1849, pp. 493-494, pi. 14, f. 1. Cinq especes. Ampelis formosa, sp. n., pi. 14, f. 1. 1850. ScHOMBURGK, R. Rupicola aurantia (Cnv.) <^Naumanma, i, Heft ii, 1850, pp. 34-38. Ein physioiogisch. Beitrag. 1850. Wallace, A. R. On the Umbrella Bird (Cepbalopterns ornatus), ' ' Ueramimb^," L. G. < P. Z. S., xviii, 1850, pp. 206, 207. Description, habits, and distribution of this species ; structure of the crest. 1851. Wallace, A. R. On the Umbrella Bird (Cephalop terns ornatus), "Ueram- imb6," L. G. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., viii, 1851, pp. 428-430. From P. Z. S., 1850, pp. 206, 207. 1851. SCLATER, P. L. V. — On a new species of Manakin [Pipra flavicollis]. <^Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1851, p. 143. 1852. CoRXALL\, E. On a New Species of the Family of Ampelidie [Euchlornis sclateri]. <^Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1852, p. 133, pi. ci. 1852. Deville, E., et Sclater, [P. L.]. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Co- tinga [poi-phjTolsema] provenant de rexp6dition de MM. de Castelnau et Deville dans I'Am^rique du Sud. <^ ^er. et Mag. de Zool., iv, 1852, pp. 226, 227. 1853. CORNALL\, E. Note sur une nouvelle espece du Genre Euchlornis [sclateri]. < Ber. et Mag. de Zool, v, 1853, pp. 104-109, pi. 4. H. sclateri, p. 107, pi. 4. Notice historique et critique du genre. Tableau synoptique des espfeces. 1854. COEXALiA, E. Note sur une nouvelle espfece du genre Euchlornis [sclateri]. <^ Bianconi's Bepert. Itul. Star. Nat., ii, 1854, p. 55. Extrait de la Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1853, p. 107, pL 4. 1857. Gould, J. Descriptions of three new and very beautiful species of Birds, from Guatemala [Cotinga amabilis] and from the Island of Lombock. <^ P. Z. S., XXV, 1857, pp. 64, 65, pi. (Aves) cxxiii. Cotinga amabilis, p. 64, pi. cxxiii ; Halcyon fulgidus, Pitta condnna, p. 65. 1857. Gould, J. Descriptions of three new and very beautiful species of Birds, from Guatemala and from the Island of Lombock. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., XX, 1857, pp. 380, 381. From P. Z. S., April 28, 1857, pp. 64, 65, q. v. 1857. Sclater, P. L. Review of the species of the South American Sub-family Tity- rinai. < P. Z. S., 1857, pp. 67-80, 2 woodcc. The subfamily is composed of the two genera Tityra and Pachyrhamphus, the former with 6, and the latter with 16 spp. "With Tityra are considered synonymous Psaris, Cut., 1817, and Erator, Kaup, 1851. With Pachyrhamphus Gray, 1838 {vice Pachrhynchus, Spix, 1824) are considered synonymous Bathmidurus, Cab., 1847, Chloropsaris, Kaup, 1851, and Platypsaris and Callopsaris Bp., 1854. — The species are treated with synonymy, diagnosis, habitat and critical commentary. "Wood-cuts show the wing-stiticture of each genus. Pachyrhamphus alhogriseus, p. 78, sp. n. 1857. Sclater, P. L. Description of a new species of Pach;\Thamphns [albo-griseiis]. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xx, 1857, p. 398. From P. Z. S., Apr. 28, 1857, p. 78. 1859. Gould J. On the Members of the Genus Rupicola, and whether there be Two or more Species. < P. Z. S., xxvii, 1859, pp. 99, 100. R. sanguinolenta, p. 100, sp. n. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY COTINGID^. 591 1860. Crisp, E. [Exliibition of specimens of the Cock of the Rock (Riii)icola crocea)]. < P. Z. S., xxviii, 1860, p. 98. 1860. Gould, J. On the Members of the Genns Rupicola, and whether there be Two or more Species. 8. 1861. SCLATER, P. L. On a New Species of Bird of the Genus Lipangus of Boi6 [L. snbalaris]. < i'. Z. S.. xxix, 1861, pp. 209-212. AVith syuop.sis of 9 spp. of the geuus, anauged in the 3 sections of Lathria, Lipaugus, and Aulia. (X. B. noraen generis Lipaugus nee Lijiangus scribendum, scil. Keiiretv deflcere,avy») splendor.) 1862. SCLATER, P. L. Note on Pipra deliciosa. < Ibis, iv, 1862, pp. 175-178, pi. vi. Referred to genus Machceropterus ; synonymatie synopsis of 4 spp. of this genus ; and re- print from P. Z. S. of his remarks on its wing-structure. 1862. SCLATER, P. L. On a New Species of Bird of the Genus Lipangus of Boi(5. <:_^A)in. Mag. Xat. Hist., 3d ser., x, 1862, p. 80. From P. Z. S., May 28, 1861, pp. 209-212. 1863. ScLATER, P. L. On a New Species of tl^e Genus Pipra [leucorrhoa] from New Greuada. P- 401-408, 1 col. pi., one woodcut. A popular account of these singular birds. The plate illustrates G. nudicollis. 1869. Sclater, P. L. [Note on Chasmorhynchus variegatus in British Guiana.] < Ibis, 2d ser., v, 1889, p. 462. 1870. Anon. Der Gloekenvogel [Chasmorhynchus carunculatus]. <^Ansder Natur., Iii, Oder n. F., xl, 1870, p. 352. 1872. ZoRN, J. [Eine Siesta am Irura.] <^ Westerm. illustr. deiitsche Monatshafte, Juni, 1872, pp. , fig. Fig. of Cephalopterus ornatus. 1878. Sclater, P. L. Re\ision of the Species of the Cotiugine Genus Pipreola. <^Ibis, 4th ser., ii, Apr., 1878, pp. 164-173, pi. vi. Monography of 9 spp. regarded as "fli-mly established", with notice of two doubtful ones, one of these being P. chlorolepidota, on which Swainson originally established the genus. Euchlorornis Cab. & H., 1859, or Euchlornis Filippi, Mus. Med., 1847, = Pyrorhytichtts Bp., 1854, or Pyrrhorhynchus Lafr., \84Q, = Pipreola Sw., 1838. The nine spp. are riefferi, mela- nolcema, viridis, formosa, frontalis (pi. vi), sclateri, aureipectus, jueunda, elec/ans ; none new. 592 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.y. VireonidaB. 1843. [Lafresnaye, F. DE.] G. Cyclarhis, Cyclarliis. Swaiuson. (Fain. Lauiadae.) Gen. Laniagra, d'Orb. et Lafr. Taugara, Buif. <^ C^uer. Mag. de Zooh, 2" sdr., ann6c 184:?, Ois., pp. 1-4, pi. 33. PI. 33, C. nigrirostris Lafv. (i?. Z., 1842, p. 133). Liste ties trois especes composant le genre. 1851. Cassin, J. Sketch of the Birds composing the genera Vireo, Vieillot, and Vireo- sylvia, Bonaparte, with a List of the previously known and descriptions of three new species. <^Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. PhUa., v, 1851, pp. 149-154, pll. X, xi. Vireo, 5 spp. ; V. huttoni, p. 1.50, pi. x, f. 1, sp. u. ; Vireosylvia, 6 spp. ; V. flavoviridis, p. 152, pi. xi; y. philadelphica, p. 1.53, pi. x, f. 2, spp. nn. 1851. Lafresnaye, F. de. Sur I'oiseau noiume par Brisson Taugara de Saint-Do- mingiie, Tauagra Domiuiceusis, Tauagra Dominica, par Liun6, figure par Biif- fon, pl, enl. 156, f. 2, et dont Vieillot a fait son genre Esclave (Dulus). sous le uom de Dulus palmarum. <^Eer. et Mag. de Zool., iii, 1851, pp. 583-590. 1851. Strickland, H. E. On the Type of the genus Dulus, Vieill. <^Jard. Cuntrib. Oru., 1851, pp. 103, 104. Tanagra dominica L., uec Turdus palmarum L. Cf. Lafr., Eev. et Mag. de Zool., iii, 1851, pp. 583-590. (See Gray's Handlist, Nos. 5827 and 7025.) 1852. Lyman, T. [On the Breeding of the Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria viridis) in New England.] <^ Proc Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., iv, 1852, p. 167. 1852. WoODHOCSK, S. W. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Vireo [atricapilla, p. 60], Vieill., and Zonotrichia, Swains. <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1852, pp. 60, 61. 1853. Lawrencp:, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Genera Ortyx Stephens, Sterna Linn., and Icteria [longicauda, p. 4] Vieillot. <^Ann. Lye. Xat. Hist. X. Y., vi, 1853, pp. 1-4. 1857. Brewer, T. M. [On the charactcr.s, habits and distribution of Vireo-sylvia phi- ladelphica of Cassin.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., ii, 1857, pp. 108-111. lucludin.K a letter from Tli. Kumleiu, of Wiscousin. 1860. Bryant, H. [Vireo bogotensis, sp. u.] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., vii, 1860, jy. 227. The description occurs in an untitled article -wliicli also treats of Turdus minimtts Lafr. 1863. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Vircon- idie and Rallida-. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., xv, 1863, pp. 106, 107. Vireo atripennis, p. 106, Sombrero. See especially Baird, Sev. Amer. Birds, p. 330. 1864. Brown, E. Occurrence of the Redeyed Flycatcher [Vireo olivaceus] in England. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 8965-8967. Extracted from the "Natural History of Tutbury", p. 385. 1864. Hadfield, H. Notes ou the Redeyed Flycatcher [Vireo olivaceus]. < Zoolo- gist, xxii. 1864, pp. 9020, 9021. 1865. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the Families Paridie, Vireonida% Tyranuida% and Trochilida% with a note on Myiarchus Pauamen- sis. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., s-vu. 1865, pp. 37-39. Hylophilus acuticaudus, p. 37, Venezuela. 1870. Bree, C. R. The Red-eyed Flycatcher [Vireo olivaceus]. < The London Field, May 14, 1870. The writer contends that the Vireo captured in England, as described and iignred by Mos- ley iu Nat. Mist. Tutbunj (pl. fi), is V. aUiloquus, not V. olivaceus! A note from "B" ap- pended suggests that the bird may bo EnjthrosternaparvaH No. A.] COUES'S ORNITH. lURLIOGRAPHl VIREONID^. 593 1874. SiiARPK, R. B. On a new (ionus and Species of Bird from the West Indies. (s, i, 1859, pp. 330,331. 1860. Edward, T. Occurreuce of the Great Aslicoloured Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in Aberdeenshire. < Zoologist, xviii, 1860, pp. 6807, 6808. 1860. Edward, T. Capture of an Aslicoloured Shrike (Lauius Excubitor) at Sea. <^Zoologist, xviii, 1860, p. 7235. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY LANIID^E 597 18G0. Gordon, G. Occurrence of the Great Gray Shrike (Lanius excubitor) at Forres, N. B. . 403. 1833. D[enson?], J. A Magpie the Tips of whose Mandibles crossed each other in the manner the Sides of the Letter x do. <^ Loiidon'n Mag. Xat. Ifisf., \i, 1833, pp. 517, 518. 1835. G[eoffroy]S[t. HiLAiRE, IsiD.]. Pie. Pica. Cuv. P. a mou.staches blanches. P. mystacalis. G. S. <^Gu4r. Mag. de Zool., 5*^ ann^e, 1835, classe ii, notice xxxiv, pi. xxxiv. Bolivia (Cyanocorax). 1836. GoDMAN, J. D. American | >J^atural History. | By | John D. Godman, M. D. | To which is added | his last work, | the Rambles of a Naturalist, | with | a bio- graphical sketch of the iiuthor. | In two volumes. | Vol. I [II]. | — | Third edition. | — | Philadeli)hia : | published by Hogau & Tliom])son. | — | l'^3t). 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. I, cngr. title-p., pp. i-xxvi (biographical sketch), 1 1. (dedi- cation), pp. v-xiv (prefnce and introduction), pp. 1.5-345. Vol. II, cngr. title- p., Ijp. 1-337. Plates in both vols. Dr. Godman was born at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 20, 1794, and died Apr. 17, 1830. His prin- cipal work, "American Natural History, " is devoted to llaranials, as is well known. The original edition, in 3 vols. 8vo., was published, vols. i. ii, 1826, Philadelphia, H. C. Carey and I. Lea, and vol. iii, 1828, Pliiladeljjhia, Carey, Lea, and Carey. Tliis was reis.nued in 1831, Pliila- delphia, Stoddart and Atherton, without alteration, doubtless from the original ])lates. In 1836 appeared the third edition, as here eited, in two vols.: snbstanti.illy the same as the ori- ginal, as to main text, but with biograpliieal sketch prefixed to vol. i, and *tbe '■Eaml)les" affixed to vol. ii. This third edition was reissued in I860, Philadelphia, Uriah Hunt and Son. apparently without alteration, tlioui;h wiUi new titU'-iiaosl.8oi: Xat. 5j.s/.,i,1843,p. 15.5. J843. H[ewitt], W. Note on the Habits of the Raven [Corvus corax]. < Zoologist. 1,1843, pp. 215-219. 1843. II[ewitt], W. Additional Note on the Raven [Corvus corax]. <^ZooIoqist, i, 1843, pp. 305, 306. 1843. Hewitt, W. Note on Magpies, Jays and Crows [Corvida-]. < Zoologist, i, 1843, pp. :;.5(», 351. Bull. V, 4 0. 602 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolV. 1845. AisOX. Ferocity of a Magpie [Corv'us pica]. <[Zoo7o^i«f, iii, 1845, p. 1072. From Lancaster Gazette, June 21, 1845. 1845. Cabot, S., Jr. [Remarks on exhibition of a specimen of Pica melauoleuca from Micliigau. ] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Mist. , ii, 1845, pp. 73, 74. Critical comparison with the European bird. 1845. Strickland, H. E. On Cyanocitta, a proposed new genus of Garrulinse, and on C. superciliosa, a new species of Blue Jay, hitherto confounded with C. ultraniarina, Bonap. <^ Ann. May. Nat. Hist., xv, 1845, pp. 260, 2G1. The type of Ihc new genus Cyanocitta is expressly stated to- be Garrulus cristatus (Linn.); wrongly given by most American writers as Q. superciliosa:^ G. calif or nicus.^G. cristatus is wrongly given by G. R. Gray and others as the typo of Swainson's genus Cyanurus, 1831, upon the assumption that the first siiecies mentioned by an author under a genus must be consid- ered his type of that genus. But Swainson himself says that cristatus, etc., are aberrant members of his genus Cyanurus. Therefore, Cyanurus Sw., 1831, is a sj-nonym of Cyanoco- rax Boie, 1826, leaving Cyanocitta Strickl., 1845, to stand for the crested blue jays of America typified by C. cristatus, stelleri, etc. — See P. Z. S., 1876, p. 268, note. 1845. Strickl.\xd, H. E. Further Notice respecting Cyanocitta superciliosa, a sup- posed new Species of Blue Jay. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., xv, 1845, pp. 342, 343. Identified with Garrulus cali/ornicus Vig. 1846. Agassiz, L. [Corvus luguhris, sp. n.] <^Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hisi.,ii, 1846, p. 188. 1846. Hughes, E. J. R. Habit of the Raven [Corviis corax]. < Zow7t>f/(s/, iv, 1846, p. 1366. 1847. Aga.ssiz, L. On the Moose and Carabou and on the American Raven [Corvus lugubris]. <^ Am. Journ. Sci. , iii, 1847, j). 436. rrom Proc. Bost Soc. Nat. Hist, 1846, p. 187. 1847. Agassiz, L. On the Moose and Carabou, and on the American Raven [Corvus lugubris]. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xx, 1847, p. 142. From Am. Journ. Sci., 1847, p. 436. 1848. Cassin, J. Descriptions of two new Species of the Genus Cyanocorax [C. harrissii, C. concolor], Boie, of which specimens are in the Collection of the Academy of Natiu'al Sciences of Philadelphia. <^ Froc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv, 1848, pp. 26, 27. 1848. Prater, T. Anecdote of a Magpie (Corvus pica). <^ Zoologist, xi,1848,'p.21A6. 1849. Cabot, S., Jr. [On the sijecific distinctness of Corvus americauus and Corvus corone.] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, 1849, pp. 104, 105. 1849. Ellmax, J. B. A Gamekeeper's Stratagem. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2494. Singular method of attracting magpies, — by cries of a tortured hedgehog. 1849. Strickland, H. E. Cyanocorax nanus, Dubus. ? <^Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1849, \}. 122, pi. xxxiii. Provisionally named C. })umilio, s]). n. 1850. Anon. A Magpie's delicate attention to its Mistress. <^ Zoologist, \'n\, 1850, p. 2953. From Literary Gazette, Oct. 12, 1850. 1850. Bonaparte, C. L. On the GaiTuline Birds, or .Jays; with Descriptions of new species. <[ P. Z. S., xviii, 1850, pp. 79-86, pi. (Aves) xvii. This paper requires close attention to catch its drifti. The authors " Napoh-onic " tendency to transfer, substitute, and otherwise interfere with the genera of other authois, to suit his own notions, is here seen at about its worst : and this abuse of generic nonicuclatme in Gar- ruling has jjrovoked endless confusion. Gray's Lophocitta, 1840, vice Platylophus Sw., is applied (p. 79) to Gurndus histrionicus Miill., and Corvus galericulatiis Cuv. Garrulus liOthi, p. 80, ])!. IT, is a new species ; other species of Garrulus treated are G. lanceolatns Vig., glandarius T.. japonicus Schl., kryniehii Kalcn., melanoecphalus Bonelli, brandti Eversni., and bispecularis Vig. CyanogarruliisTip., p. 83, is 'dismembered" from Cyanocorax Boie, 1826. for C. cristatus, etc., becoming thus exactly synonymous with Cyanocitta Strickl., 1845. No. 4.] COUES'S ORXITII. TUIILIOORAPIIY CORVID^. 603 1850. Bonaparte, C. L.— Continued. Cyanocorax Boie is " restricted" to such species as O. azureus and violaceug. Xanthura Bp., p. 83, is proposed for Corvug peruvianus. Cisdlopha Bp., p. 83, is applied to O. sanblasiana. Cyanurus Sw., 1831, is "transferred" to siicli species as Pica bullockii Wagl., and P. coUiei Vig. — Cyanurus dairi. Cyanurus cubo, p. 84, arc new species. Calocitta is applied to '• red-billed, long-tailed, blue magpies." CyanocephaUis iviedi Bp., "1842", occurs on p. 85 ; but only the generic name Cyanocephalus appeai'edin 1842. Gymnokitta (g. n., "Max.") occurs in the same paragraph. Oyanopica Bp., p. 85, with species C. melanocephala (Wagl.) cyanexis (Pall.) and cooX;i Bp., 1849. Streptocittu Bp. and Gazdla Bp. are respectively proposed to be applied to Pica albicollisY., and Corvus caledwiicu-s. 1850. C. Fragments from my note-book. — A bird brciitliinj;- throuiih its wing. Family Fmior, i, 1850, p. '^2. A blue jay with its wing broken, was brought to me to .stufi'. . . . Wi.shing to kill it with- out injuring its skin or disarranging its feathers, I attempted to strangle it by compressing its neck firmly so that the windpipe was (entirely chjsed, and in this niannei' I held it several minutes without its presenting any appearance of suffocation or inconvenience, and its thorax contracted and expanded regularly. Putting it down on the floor it lioi)peil oft" into a comer, screaming and scolding as usual. 1 was s.adly puzzled to account for this, till at length I thought of its wing; and on examining it I found the long bone (humerus) broken, and through this it breathed. After I stopped up this orifice .and compressed thnma. | O.steologia. | — | Dissertatio | Inavgvralis zootomica | qvara | consensv et avctoritate | gratiosi Medicorvm ordinis Vratislavien.sis | pro | svmmis in Mediciua et Chirvrgia houoribvs ( rite | capessendis | die XVI. M. Novembris A. MDCCCLIII | Hora IX | palam defendet | avctor | Henricvs Agathon Bernstein. | — | . . . I — I Vratislaviae, | typis Grassii Bartbii et Soc. (W. Friedricli). 1 vol. 8vo, X)p. i-vi, 1-64 -f 1 1. 1854. James, G. P. R. The Raven [Corvus corax]. Note T, p. 129. Note T, to this discourse, is on the American Eaven, Corvus corax. 1825. Boxaparte, C. [L.] Descriptions of two new species of Mexican Birds. < Journ. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., iv, 1825, pp. 387-390. At p. 387, Corvus ulframarinus ; the other is an Icterus. COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY ICTERID^. 609 Icteridae. 1815. Clinton, De Witt. An Introductory Discourse delivered on the 4tli of May, 1814. < Trans. Lit. and Philos. Soc. N. Y., i, 1815, pp. 21-184. > Note S, pp. 125-128. NnteS, appended to this discourse, treats of the plumages and migrations of the Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus. 1818. Ord, G. Observations on two species of the genus Gracula [G. quiscala, G. barita] of Latham. <^Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.,\, 181S, pp. 253-260. A critical article, distinguishing the Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major V.) from the Purple Grackle (Q.purpureus). 1819. LiCHTENSTEiN, K. M. H. Ueber die Gattung Gracula aus der i"^milie der Krji- henvogel (Coraces). -17, 1819, Phys. Classe, pp. 143-1.54. (Vorgelesen den 18. Juli 1816.) This is the original ; there is another edition in Isis, 1824, pp. 402-406. q. v. The "genus' Gracula of this author is very extensive, including birds of several of the families recognized by modern ornithologists, among them the Icteridce. The species of Gracula treated are the following: — Gracula religiosa, p. 148; G. calva, p. 148; G. tristis, p. 148; G. pagodarum. \>. 148; G. cristatella, p. 149 : G. eartmculata, p. 149, with several etchers of doubtful character. — The author then proceeds to treat the other Lin- nean " Gracula;", i. «., IcterUkp, as foUows: — Quiscala pttrpurea, "n. sp"., p. 151 (but Bartram had called it Gracula purpurea in 1791!); Q. fulgida, n. sp., p. l.)l ; Q. navicularis, n. sp., p. 1.51 ; Q. saularig, p. l.')l ; Q. jamaicensis, p. — . 1824. LiCHTEXSTEix, K. M. H. Dissertation sur le genre Martin ou Mainate (Gracula) ; par Lichteusteiu. . . ■i^Fernns. Bull., 2<^ sect., ii, lS2i, \^. 294. Extraite des Ahhand. Konigl. Acad. Wiss. Berlin pour les annees 1816 et 1817, pp. 14.3-1.54. 1824. LiCHTEN.STEiN, K. M. H. [Abhandhxng liber Gracula. Auszug aus Abh. Konigl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin aus d. .Jahren 1816-17, 1819, SS. 143-154.] < Oken's Ms, Jahrg. viii, 1824, pp. 402-406. Die Charaktere der verwandten Sippen, Corvus, Coracias, Paradisea. Gracula. Die reinen Grar.ulm sind folgende sechs: religiosa, calva, tristis, pagodarum. cristateUa, carunculata, p. 403. Zweifelhaft bleiben ; G. grisea Daud., GG. gingiiniana, malabarica, icferops Lath., a.ud. ; Q. navicularis ; Q. sav.laris ,- Q. jamaicensis = Sturnus jamaicensis Daud. 1825. Bonaparte, C. [L.] Descriptionsoftwonewspeciesof Mexican Birds. <^Journ. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., iv, l-^OS, pp. 3S7-390. At p. 389, Icterus melanicterus ; the other is a Corvus. 1825. Vigors, N. A. On the genus Icterus Briss. < Zoo/. Jb«rH., ii, 1825, pp. 182-197, pll. .suppl. 9, 10. This, the second iu.stalment of the series of articles entitled " Sketches on Ornithology ; or," &c., treats of the familj- Icteridce as now understood. Here occur the descriptions of Xan- thornus chrysopterus, sii. n., p. 190, pi. 9, and oi Leistes (g. n., p. 191) suchii, sp. n., p. 192, pi. 10. (Feruss. Bull., viii, 1826. pp. 111-11.3 ; Isis, 1830, 1013-'l018.) 1826. BoNAP.\RTE, C. [L.] On the distinction of two species of Icteru,s, hitherto con- founded under the specific name of Icterocephalus. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., V, 1826, pp. 222-225. Icterus xanthocephalus, n. sp., p. 223. 1826. Lesson, [R. p.] Esquissesornithologiques, etc., etc. Du genre Icterus de Bris- son ; par N. A. Vigors. . . < F6niss. Bull, 2^ sect., viii, 1826, pp. 111-113. Zool. Journ., ii, No. 6, 1825, pp. 182-197. 610 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VoLV. 1827. Lesson, R. P. Sur les distinctions a ^tablir eutre deux especes d'Icterus, jusqn'a ce jour coufondues sous le uom sp^cifique d'lcterocephalus ; par Cb. Bona- parte. . . < Feniss. Bull. , 2« sect., xii, 1827, pp. 266, 267. Journ. Acad. Phila., vi, 1826, pp. 222-225. 1830. Vigors, N. A. Ornitliologisclien Skizzen, Fort.setzuuy. <[ Okeii's Isis, Bd. xxiii, pp. 10i:5-101rt. Uebersetzt au.s d. Zool. Journ., vol. ii, ISro. vi, 1825, pp. 182-197. 1836. Ord, G. Observations on the Cow Bunting [Molothrus ater] of the United States of America. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., ix, 1836, pp. 57-71. On its oviposition, parasitism, &c. 1837. Brewer, T. M. Remarks on the xiositions assumed by George Ord, Esq., in rehition to the cow black-bird, (Icterus agrij)euuis [i. c, Molothrus ater]) in Loudon's Magazine for February, 1836. <^ Journ. Boat. Soc. Xat. Hist., i, pt. iv, 1837, pp. 418-435. (Read July 6, 1836. ) "Icterus agripennis" is a name of the Boboliuk {DoUchunyx oryzioorus), not of the species treated in this paper. 1839. LiNSLEY, J. II. Notice of Vespertilio x>ruinosus and Icterus [Ageheus] Phoeni- ceus. <^SiJrtm. Am. Journ. Sci., xxxvii, 1839, pp. 195,196. On the carnivorous habits of the Blackbird. 1843. Cabot, S., Jr. [Oriolus musicus, sp. n., from Yucatan.] <^ Froc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., i, 1843, p. 15.5. This is an Icterus, supposed to be the same as that figured by Cassin in Journ. Phila. Acad., ii, 1848, pi. 17 (giraudii) . 1843. GuRNEY, J. H. Note on the occurrence of the red-winged Icterus [Agelaeus phceniceus] near Norwich. <^ Zoologist, i, lf*43, p. 317. 1844. Lafresnaye, [F. ] de. < G. Icterus. Briss. I. guttulatus. Lafresn. < G-ner. Mag. de Zool., 2« s6r., ann^e 1844, Oiseanx, pp. 1-4, pi. .52. Icterus mentalis Lafr., R. Z., 1842, p. 136. 1847. Cassix, J. Descriptions of three new species of the genus Icteriis (Briss.;) specimens of which are in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., in, 1847, p]). 332-334. /. maculi-alatus, I. aiiricapillus, p. 332 ; /. giraudii, p. 333. 1847. Tarragon, [L.] de. Description d'une nouvelle espfece de Cassique [Cassicus pyrohyjiogaster], et note sur le Macronix Amelise. <^ Pevue Zoologique, x, 1847, pp. 2.52, 253. 1848. Cassin, J. Description of three new species of the genus Icterus, (Briss.); 8i)ecimeus of which are in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. P/((7rt.. ii,pt. ii, Aug., 1848, art. xi,pp. 137,138,pll. xvi,xvii. I. maeuK-alatiis, p. 137, pi. xvi, f. 1 ; I. auricapillus. p. 137, pi. xvi, f 2 : I. giraudii, p. 138, pi. xvii. Described the year previous in Proc. Phila. Acad., iii, pp. 332-334. 1850. Strickland, H. E. Xanthornus prosthemelas, Strickland [sp. n.]. <^Jard. Contrih. Ornith., 18.50, p. 120, pi. Ixii. 1852. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera . . . and Xanthornus [affinis], . . . <^h«. if/c. A"a/. Jffis/. A^. F., v, 1852, pp. 112-117, pl.v. (Read Apr. 28, 1851.) Here occurs, in a iiaper of wider scope, full title of which is in the N. Am. part of this Bibl., the orig. descr. of the above sp., p. 113. 1852. [Read, M. C] Cow Blackbird [Molothrus ater]. < Tlw Family risiior, vol. iii, 18.52, p. 68. A popular article, giving numerous species in the nests of which eggs of the Cowbird have been found. 1853. Anon. " Could 'nt ! Cos he Sung so !" < Zoologist, xi, 18.53, p. 3982. From Clinton (\J. S.) Courant. Xote of a young person's inability to throw a stone at Doli- chonyx oryzivorus, for the reason stated in the title. Xo.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY ICTERID^. 611 1854. Glogeu, C W. L. Das goscblechtliche Verhaltuiss bei den nicht selbst briiton- den Vogelu. < J. f. 0., ii, 1854, pp. 137-143. The general relations of parasitic birds illustrated in the case of Molothrus ater. 1856. [Billings, E.] On tbe Bob-link or Rice- Bird, (Dolicbonyx orzivora [sic].) < Canad. Nat. and GeoL, i, June, 1856, pp. 233-237. 1861. SCLATER, P. L. [Exhibition of a Specimen of the American Meadow-Starling (Sturnella magna) shot in Suffolk, England. ] <^P.Z.S., xxix, 1861, p. 30. 1861. SCLATER, p. L. Notice of the occun-ence of the American Meadow-Starling (Stur- nella ludoviciana [magna]) in England. <^ Ihis, iii, 1861, pp. 176-180. Concludes with observations on the genus and a synopsis of 5 spp., namely: ludoviciana, neglecta, hippocrepis (Cuba), mexicana (Mexico), p. 179, and meridionalis (South. America), p. 179 — the two last being new. 1864. Jeefery, W., Jr. The Redwinged Starling [Ageheus phceuiceus] in Sussex. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8951. 1865. Jesse, W. Redwinged Starling [AgeliBus jthoeniceus] near Liphook. <" Zoolo- gist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9782. 1865. Shimer, H. [On a supposed new Species of Icterus from Illinois (=1. spurius). ] <:^ Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, pt. ii, 1865, pp. 260, 261, 1866. Cassin, J. A Study of the Icteridse. <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.,XYiu, 1806, pp. 10-25. (Continued ibid., pp. 403-417, and op. cit., 1867, pp. 45-74.) Agelaince : 7 genn., 46 spp. — Macroagelaius, p. 13; Agelaioides, p. 15; Erythropsar, p. 17; Callothrus, p. 18 ; Cyanotknis, p. 19, snbgg. nn. Dolichonyx fusdpennis, p. 16 ; Molothrus ca- banisii, p. 22 ; M. rufo-axillaris, p. 23, spp. nn. 1866. Cassin, J. A Second Study of the Icteridse. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sd. Pliila., xviii, 1866, pp. 403-417. (Continued from ibid., pp. 10-25; continued, op. cit., 1867, pp. 45-74.) Quiscalince : 5 genn., 28 spp. — Holoquiscalus, p. 404 ; Megaquiscalus, p. 409 ; Uupfiagug, IHves, p. 413 ; Idiopsar, p. 414, gg. nn. Quiscalus gundlachii, Q. brachypterus, p. 406 ; Q. mexicanus, p. 408 ; Q. rectirostris, p. 409 ; Idiopsar brachyurus, p. 414, spp. nn. 1866. Edward, T. Redwinged Starling (Sturnus predatorius [Agelteus phoeniceus]) in Scotland. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser. , i, 1866, p. 310. 1866. Monk, T. J. Redwinged Starling [Agelseus phoeniceus] at Brighton. '^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 229. 1867. Cassin, J. A Third Study of the Icteridse. <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.,:s.ix, 1867, pp. 45-74. (Continued from ibid., pp. 403-407, and op. cit., 1866, pp. 10-25.) Icterince, more monographically treated than the other groups were in previous "Studies." Euopsar, p. 47; Andriopsar, p. 49; Ateleopsar, p. 53; Cassiculoides, p. 54; Poliopsar, p. 55; Melanopsar, p. 56; Icterioides, p. 60; Melanopfiantes, Aporoptiantes, p. 63, genn. nn. Ict^riis graysonii, p. 48; Icterus sclateri, p. 49; Icterus salvinii, p. 41; /. grace-annce, p. 52; Cassicut melanurus, p. 66, spp. nn. Cf. Ibis, 1868, p. 115. Mr. Cassiu's " Studies" were protracted and faithful, representing our leading monograph of this family, notwithstanding that the author pushed his generic subdivision so far, and described in some cases very slight geographical modifications as distinct species. It was one of his last works, as this hand paused Jan. 10, 1869. 1867. Jesse, W. Redwinged Starling [Agelseus phoeniceus] near Liphook. < Zoolo- gist, 2d sen, ii, 1867, p. 913. 1868. Brewster, W. A variety of the Blackbird [Agelseus phoeniceus]. <^ Am. Nat., ii, 1868, pp. 217, 218. Marked with orange on the breast. 1868. "F. W." The Crow Blackbird [Qui.scalus versicolor] a Robber. <:^ Am. Nat., ii,Aug.,1868,p. 32(5. Note on breeding, and on stealing the material from other birds' nests. 1868. Jackson, T.H. The Cow-bunting [Molothrus ater]. <^m. iVai., ii, 1868, p, 490. Its eggs found in nests of Sayornis fuscus, Empidonax acadicus, leteria viridis, and Pyranga rubra. 612 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [YolY. 1868. McLaughlin, W. J. The Yellow-headed Bhickbird (Xaiithocephahis itteroce- phahis Baird). < Am. Xat. , ii, 1868, pp. 493, 494. Biograpliical note from Centralia, Kansas, with editorial note on gpographical di.stributiou. 1869. Kedney, H. S. The Cow Bunting [Molothrus ater]. < Jni. :V^ai.,iii, 1869, p. 550. Plural eggs of Molothrus ater in nests of Zonotrichia lexieophrys and Contopus virens. 1869. [" F. W."] The Crow Blackbird [Qiiiscalus versicolor] a Robber. <[ Zoologist, •2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1603, 1604. From 'American Naturalist,' Aug., 1868, p. 326. 1869. RiDGWAY, R. Notices of certain obscurely known species of American Birds. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xxi, 1869, pp. 125-135, woodcc. III. The Smaller Quiscali of the United States, pp. 133-135, flgg. 1-3; 3 spp. — Q. mneus, sp. n., p. 134, f. 2. The article also treata of species of I. Hylocichla and II. Pyranga. (See under TurdidcB and Tanagridce.) 1869. Sternberg, C. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte des Viehstaares, Molobrus seri- ceus (Licht.). < J.f. 0., xvii, 1869, pp. 125-136. Mit Bemerkungen vom Herausgeber. 1869. [Sterxberg, C] Fortpflanzung des Viehstaares (Molobrus sericius [lege seri- ceus]). . 234. 1872. IIoLTZ, L. Uel)pr Molohrus-Eier, zu C'antagallo in Hrasilicn von Herrn C. Euhir gesammelt. < ,/./. 0., 187ii>, p]). 193-201, pi. 1, tig. i. In coutimiation of the subject from op. eit, 1870, pp. 1.5-19. The species are not aiven. Eggs are figured, pi. 1, f. a-e. 1872. Kedxky, H. S. Occurrence of the Orchard Oriole [Ictern.s .spnrins] in South Carolina. <^Am. iVat, vi, 1872, pp. 49-51. With observations on its habits. 1872. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Genera Icteros and Synallaxis. < Ann. Lye. Nat. EM. N. F., x, 1872, pp. 184-186. Icterus fonnosus, p. 184 (Teliuan tepee). 1872. LocKWOOD, S. The Baltimore Oriole [Icterus baltimore] and Carpenter-Bee. <.i»i.. Nat., vi, 1872, pp. 721-724. Popular account of the manner in which the bird feeds upon Xylocopa Carolina. 1872. SCLATER, P. L. [Exhibition of a nest of the Tijereta (Milvulus Tyrauuus) con- taining eggs of Molothrus bonariensis. ] <^ P. Z. S., 1872, p. 862. 1873. Cab AXIS, J. [Ueber Ostinops angnstifrons Spix, O. atrovii-ens d'Orb., und 0. atrocastaueus, u. sp. ] < J.f. 0., 1873, pp. 308, 309. 1873. FouLKS, O. D. The Red-winged Blackbird [Agelaeus phoeniceUs]. <^Am. Sportsman, iii, 1873, p. 92. 1873. Newman, E. Molothrus sericeus in Devon. <^ZooZo5ff8<, 2d ser., vlii, 1373, p. 3411. Presumed to have escaped from confinement. 1873. Ortox, J. Meadow Lark [Sturnella magna] with Four Legs. i. Xat., xii. No. 7, July, 1878, pp. 477, 478. On peculiarities in oviposition of Molothrus ater and StumeUa magna. 1878. [WiLLARD, S. L.] Flocking of Qui.scalus purpureus. < TAe Odlogist,\\, No. 2, Apr., 1878, p. 1.5. A'o. 4] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY ICTERIDiE. 615 ls7c*. [WiLLAKD.S. L.] The Cow-bird [Molothius atei] a Poly-^iuiiist. ber einen neuen Ramphocelns [passeriuii] aus Cuba. <^ Okeit's Isis, Bd. xxxvi, Jahrg. 1833, p. 7.^^). 1833. Savainsox, W. Monographie von Tachyphonns. <^ Oken's Isis, Jahrg. 1833, pp. 934, 935. Auszugaus d. Quart. .Tovrn. Sci. Roy. Inst., xx, 1826. pp. 60-69. DiagTicstik von 9 Arten. 1834. Scxtjevall, C. J. Xagra arter af Fogelsliigtet Euphoue. < Kongl. Sreiisk. Tetensk.-Acad. Huttdl. for 1833, 1834, pp. 308-312, pll. 10, 11. E. cenea, p. 309, pi. 11, f. 4 ; E. xanthogaster, p. 310, pi. 10, f.l;E. chlorotica, p. 310. pi. 10 f. 2, 3; E. aurora, p. 312, pi. 11, f. 5. yo.4.] COUES'S ORNITIT. UIBLIOGRAPIIY— TANAGRID^. 617 183'). Jameson, R. [Taiiagra iiigiicopluila, n. sp.] <^ L'/iiNtitiit, iii. 1835, p. 31t). Wot seen. — This is tho Jamaican Spindalis (Jard., 1837) nigricephalu ; see Jard. & Selby, III. Om., pi. 9; Des Murs, Ic. Om., pi. 40; Gosse, III. B. Jam., pi. 56. 1837. Lafresnaye, F. de. Notice sur le gronye de.s Tangaras Rliamphocfele.s et sur toutes Ics espcce.s qui le composent, et desciiptiou d'lmc uouvelle espece de cette division. <^ Cim'r. May. de Zool., 7" aiince, 1837, cla.sse ii, notice Ixxxi, PI). 1-4, pi. Ixxxi. Six espfeces de cette division. I'l. 81, Hhainphocelits dimidiatus, .sp. u. 1838. BONAPAUTE, C. L. Xoiivelh; esptce d'oi-scau du genre Rliamphoc^le [Rhami)bo- celu.s ictei'onotu.s]. <^ licvtiv Zoologiqiie, i, 1838, p. 8. 1838. Lafresnaye, [F.] de. Nouvelle espece d'oiseau dn genre RLampboc^le [Rbam- pLocehi.s luciaui]. <[ Revue Zoohxj'uiue, 1, 1838, p 54. 1839. DuBUS DE GnisioxiES, V. B. Description d'nn Tanagra uouveau [T. lunulata]. < Bull. Avail. lirnxeUes, vi*, 1839, ]). 4:59, pi. {L'Iii>it., vii, No. 310, 1839, p. 428.) Xot seen. 1839. Lafresnaye, F. dk. G. Tangara. Tauagra. Linud. (Groupe des Rliampbo- c&les, Rhanipbocelus. ) T. (Rb.) de Lucien. T. (Rb.) Lnciani. Lafresn. <^ Gu^i: Mag. de Zool., 2'= s6r., annde 1839, Oi-s., pp. 1,2, pi. 2. 1839. Trudeau, J. Description of tlie Wbite-winged Tanager, (Pyrauga leucoptera.) .€v.,ixwi^i^ 1843, Ois., pp.. 1,2, pi. 41. Rev. Zool, 1843, ]). 07. 1843. [Lafresnaye, F. de.] G. Tangara. Tanagi-a. L. T. (Eupbone) de pretre. T. (Eupbonia) Pretrei. De Lafr. <^Clucv. Mag. de Zool., 2'" ser., auude 1843, Ois., pp. 1,2, pi. 42. 1843. [Lafresnay'e, F. DE. ] G. Tangara. Tanagra. L. T. (Aglaia) vert uoiret. T. (Aglaia) nigroviridis. De Lafr. <^ (hur. Mag. de Zool. ,'2'^ .ser., anu6e 1843, Ois., pp. 1,2, pi. 43. R. Z., 1843, pp. 97 and 69. 1844. Buckler, C. Note on tbe occurrence of tbe Red-breasted Tauager [Rampbo- pis purpureus], near Cheltenbara. <; Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 444. 1844 Lafresnaye, [F. ] DE. G. Laniprotes. S\vain.son. L. albo-cri. status. De Lafres- naye. < Guev. Mag. de Zool., 2'' ,s(5r., annee 1844, Oiseaux, pp. 1, 2, pi. 50. Bull. V, 4 7 618 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1846. Cabot, S., Jr. [Pyranga roseo-giilaris, sp. u.] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, 1846, p. 187. 1846. Cabot, S., Jr. Description of Pyranga roseo-gularis, (Rose-thioated Tanager.) <; Joiini. Boston Soc. Xat. IIist.,Y, pt. iii, 1846, p. 416. 1846. Lafresnaye, F. de. Sm- iine uoiivelle eapece d'Enphone (Euphonia [cinerea]). < lievue Zoolofjiqnc. ix, 1846, pp. 277, 278. 1846. Lafresxaye, F. de. Siir le Ramphoceliis Icteronotus du prince Bonaparte. <] Revue Zoolof/iqiu; ix, 1846, pp. 365-370. Avec synopsis iLe 10 csp. tlu genre. 1846. Lafresxaye, [F.] de. , Snr le Lanion hupp6, Lanio cristatus de Vieillot, fet sur line nonvelle cspecc dn genre Lanion. <^ Revue Zoologique, ix, 1846, pp. 202-206. Synopsis de six especes — Lanio aurantrus, p. 204, sp. n. 1847. C.\BOT, S. , Jr. Pyranga roseo-gularis, a new species from Yucatan. <^ Am. Journ. A8'ci'.,iii, 1847, pp. 436, 437. From Proe. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Dec, 1846, p. 187. 1847. Cabot, S., Jr. Pyranga roseo-gularis, a new species from Yucatan. <^Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , xx, 1847, p. 143. From Am. Journ. Set. 1847. p. 437. 1847. Hartlaub, [G.] [Rectification de la synonymic de Tanagra zenoides Lafr. ] <^ Revue Zoologique, x, 1847, pp. 417, 418. 1847. Lafresnaye, F. de. Sur les Tanagras gyrola Gmel. (Rouverdin Vieillot) et Zena Gmel. ( Baliameusis Brisson) et quelques especes voisines faciles a con- foudre avec elles. <^ Revue Zoologique, x, 1847, pp. 275-281. 1848. Cassin, J. Dcscrij)tion of a new Tanagra [nigro-aurita], in tlie Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. <^ Pvoe. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., iv, 1848, pp. 85, 86. 1849. [Jardixe,W. ] Tanagra cana, Swainson. <^Jard. Conirib. Ontith., 1^^49,1^.19, ])1. xvi. 1850. Sclater, p. L. [Dcscriiitiou of Calliste chrysonota, sp. n.] <^Jard. Contrib. Oriiith.,, 1850, p. 50, pi. li. 1651. Bonaparte, C. L. Note sur les Tangaras, leurs affinites, et descriptions d'es- peces nouvelles. <[ Compt. Rend, de VAcad. Sci., xxxii, 1851, pp. 76-83. Calliste bourcieri, G. plioenieotis, C. icterocephala, C.guttnlata, p 76: Tanagrdla ntjigula, -p. 77 : Callospiza boUviana. p. 80, spp. nu. The paper is .substantially the same (though with some modification) as one in B. M. Z. of same date (sec next title). It is full of mishaps, many of which were exposed by Sclater, Jard. Contr. Orn., 1851, pp. 93-96. 1851. Box.\parte, C. L. Note sur les Tangaras, leurs affinites et descriptions d'es- peces nouvelles. <^Rev. et Mag. de Zool., iii. Mar.. 1-^.")1. pp. 129-145 ; Apr., 1851, pp. 168-180. Galliparcea. (g.n.) bourcieri. C. ptioenicotis. Clirygotliraupin icterocepliala. p. IL'!): Lrntliraupis (g. u.) guttulata, Tcvnagrella nifgida, p. 130, spp. un. ; Clialcotliraiipis. g. u., j). ]:!!. L'aiiteiir donne encore plusieiu'es i-ectiflcations relatives aux especes do la famUle et a leui' synouymie. Procnin*. 2 csp. Piprceida, 2\'ti\^. lodopleura, o esp. Eitplione. 13 esp. : E.breviroDtris. E. pumila. p. 136, spp. nu. Pijrrliuplionia (g. u., p. 137). 2 esp. Clilornplionia (g. u.. ]>. 137), 3 esp. Cyanophonia (g. n., p. 13S), 2 esp. Galliots, 8 esp. Tatao (g. n., p. 141), 7 es]). Cliri/sothraupis, 11 esp. Ixotliraiqng, '.i vs\x Glialcothraupiti. ~ ^'tip. Gallospiza. A i^!i\\ -. C.boUriana, sp.n.. p. 169: Tanagra. 8 csp. Dubiigia gigas.ap. n., p. 171: Taclii/plionus, 10 esp.; T. beauperthuyi, p. 175, sp. n. Phaenicofhraupig, 2 esp. Lanio. Lamprotes. Sericossiiplia. P;ira))>fa. Rampho- edus ; Dulus ; D. polioceplialus,\>. 178, sp. n. P^nfin. description d'uue Alouette d'Afrique! Alauda cinnamomea. p. 179, sp. n. — Yoiv Jard. Gontr. Orn., 185], pp. 93-90. 1851. L.\fresxaye, F. de. Sur I'oiseau nomme par Brisson Tangara de Saint-Do- mingue, Tanagra Domiuiceusis, Tanagra Dominica, par Linne, figure par Buf- fon, pl, enl. 1.56, f. 2, et dout Vieillot a fait son genre Esclave (Dulus), sous le nom de Dulus palinarum. <^ Rev. et Mag. de Zool., iii, 1851, pp. 583-590. There is a curious -snag" here. Gf. Strickl., J^ard. Gontr. Orn., 1851, pp. 103,104. See Grav's Handlist, Nos. 5827 and 7025. No 4] COUES'S ORNITH, BIBLIOGRAPHY TAXAGRID^. 619 1851. SCLATER, P. L. Ou Some New Spocies of Calliste. < Jwrrf. Coiiirib. Ornith., 18r,l,pp.21-25, pl.lxix. C. -Jirencens, p. 22, pi. Ixix, f . 1 ; O. xanthocjastra, p. 23 ; G. clinjsoplin/s. p. 24, pi. Ixix, f. 2; with chars, of O. punctata, Linn. 1851. SCLATER, P. L. I. Remarks on Prince Canino's Note, -'Surles Tangaras," in the Revile et Magazine de Zoologie, March and April, 1851. <^Jard. Con- trib. Ornith., 1851, pp. 9:3-96, Rectifications of synonymy, &c. 1851. SCLATER, P.L. II. On the Genus Tanagrella. l. Ixxiv. , 3 spp. The pi. represents T. calophrys. 1851. SCLATER, P. L. III. On the genns Chlorochrysa, Bp. <^Jard. Contrib. Ornith., 1851, pp. 99-101, pi. Ixxiii. 2 spp. 'P\.\xs\n,-ap.&g., O. calliparcea ; lo-vr.&g., C. phofnicoHs. 1851. SCLATER, P. L. Synopsis of the Tanagrino genus Calliste, with Descriptiona of New Species. <^Jard. Conirib. Ornith., 1851, pj). 49-73, pi. Ixx. 48 spp., divided in 8 groups. : 0. leucotis, p. 58, O. castaneoventris, C. ruficapilla, p. 61 ; O. castanonota, p. 63, C. lunigerq,, p. 65, pi. Ixx, f. 2, O. lamprotis, p. 65, spp. nn. The other fig. of pi. Ixx is G. icterocephala Bp. 1851. SCLATER, P. L. Synopsis of the genus Euphonia, with descriptions of New species. <^ Jard. Contrib. Ornith., 1851, pp. 81-92, pi. Ixxv. 23 .spp. + 3 doubtful. -B. melamira, p. 86; E.pyrrhophrys, p. 89, pi. Ixxv. f. 2, spp. nn. The other tig. of same pi. is E. nigricollis. 1851. Stricklaxd, H. E. On two New Species of Euphonia, Desm., allied to E. chlo- rotica. <^Jard. Contrib. Ornith., 18.51, pp. 71-73. E. irinitatis, E. strictifrons, p. 72, with synopsis of 5 spp. of the genus. 1851. STRiCKL.\xr), H. E. On the Type of the genus Dulus, Vieill. <^Jard. Contrib. Ornith., 18.51, pp. 103, 104. Tanagra dominiea L., nee Turdim palmarum L. Cf. Lafr., Rev. Mag. Zool., iii, 1851, pp. 583-590. 1852. Strickland, H. E. Description of Iiidosomis dubnsia (Bon.). <^ Jard. Contrib. Ornith., 1852, pp. 127, 128, pi. xciv. "With important bibliographical criticism. The pi. is marked " Pcecilornis rufivertex." 1853. Lafresxaye, F. de. [ Arremon mystacalis Scl. = A. albifrenatus Boiss. et Lafr. ] <^Iier. et Mag. deZool., v, 1853, pp. 62, 63. 1853. Lafresnaye, F. de. Sur le genre Ramphocelus, Desm. et trois nouvelles espe- ces qui lui appartiennent. <^ Bev. et Mag. de Zooh, v, 1853, pp. 241-246. Le genre doit etre naturellement subdivis6 en deux sections, d'aprfes la forme du bee. : I. Ramph. macrognathi (11 spp.). II. B. micrognathi (5 spp.). R. magnirostris, R. venezue- lensis, p. 243 ; R. aterimus, p. 244. 1854. Lafresxaye, F. de. Melanges Ornithologiques. <^Eer. ct Mag. de Zool., vi, 1854, pp. 205-209. The article relates chiefly to the "subgenus" Chrysothraupis, i. e., Calliste, pp. 20.5-208. G. sclatteri. (sic) p. 207, sp. n. 18.54. SCLATER, P. L. Characters of some New or imperfectly-described Species of Tanagers. < P. Z. S., xxii, 1854, pp. 95-98, pll. (Aves), Ixiv, Ixv. Arremon axillaris, Ramphocelus dorsalis Bp. Mss., Buthraupis chloronota, pi. Ixiv. p. 97; Euphonia concinna, pi. Ixv, f 2 : E. hirundinacca, pi. Ixv, f. 1, p. 98. 1854. SCLATER, P. L. Descriptions of Two New Tanagers in the British Museum. < P. Z. .S., xxii, 18.54, pp. 1.57, 158, pll. (Aves) Ixviii, Ixix. Ghlorospingus melanotis, p. 157, pi. Ixviii ; Tachyphonus xanfhopygius. p. 158, pi. Ixix. 1854. ScLATER, P. L. Description of a new Tanager of the Genus Calliste [C. venusta]. < P. Z. S., xxii, 1854, p. 248. 1854. SCLATER, P. L. Descrij)tion of a second species of the Genus Procnias [P. occidentalis]. < P. Z. S., xxii, 1854, p. 249. 620 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1854. ScLATER, P. L. On a new species of Tanager [Phcenicothraupis giittiualis] in the Britisli Museum. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xiii, pp. 24, 25. Phoenicothravpis gutturalie, p. 25 ; with synopsis of 3 spp. of the genus. 1854. SCLATER, p. L. Tanagrarum | Catalogus Specificus, | auctore | Philippo Lutley Sclater, A. M. | Soc. Zool. Loud. Socio. ] Basingstoke, | 1854. 1vol. sto. pp. 16. Exhibens noniina generam 41, specienmi circ. 240, adjectis cuiqiie auctore et patria. necnon annotationibus 15 ad calcem opusculi. 1855. Sclater, P. L. DescriptioTis of four new or little-known Tanager.s. <^ P. Z. S., xxiii, 1855, pp. 83-85, pll. (Aves) Ixxxix-xcii. Arremon eryV.irorhynclris, p. 80, pi. Ixxxlx ; Tachyphonus XMithopygiiis, p. S3, pi. sc ; Tana- granotabilis, ■Jardine. " J. 84, pi. xci: Saltator arremonops. " Jaidine." p. 84, pi. xcii. 1855. SCL.A.TER. p. L. Description of a newly discovered Tanager of the Genus Buarremon [leucopterus]. <^ P. Z. S., xxiii, 1855. p. 214, pi. (Aves) cix. 1855. Sclater, P. L. Characters of two New Species of Tanagers. [Dubusia auri- crissa, Iridorui.s porj^hyrocephala. i^l. ex.] <^ P. Z. S., xxiii. 1855, pp. 227. 228, pi. f Aves) ex. 18.35. Sclater, P. L. Characters of .some New or imperfectly-described Species of Tanagers. <^Ann. Maf/. Xat. Hist., 2d ser., xvi,lS55, pp. 140-143. From P. Z. S., Mar. 28, 1854, pp. 95-98, q. v. 1855. Sclater, P. L. Description of a new Tanager of the Genus Calliste [vennsta]. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xvi, 1855, p. 150. From P. Z. S., Xov. 14, 1854, p. 248. 1855. Sclater, P. L. Descriptions of Two New Tanagers in the Museum. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xvi, 1865, pp. 377, 378. From P. Z. S., July 25, 1854, pp. 157, 158, q. v. 1855. Sclater, P. L. Description of a second species of the genus Procnias [ocoiden- talis]. < Anil. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 2d ser. , xvi, 1855, pi. 380. From P. Z. S., iS'ov. 14, 1854, p. 249. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Note on the Zoological Appendix to the • Report of the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere,' and on the Geo- graphic Range and Distribution of the Tanagrine Genera Calliste and Eupho- nia. < P. Z. S., xxiv, 1856, pp. 18, 19. The "ifote" refers to a probable mistake in the work named respecting the alleged Chilian habitat of Calliste cyaneicollis, G. gyroloides, and Eiiphonia ruflrentrig ; states that the G. "larvata'' figured on pi. 18, f. 2, is not that species, but C. thalassina. The article concludes with a tabular exhibit of the geographical distribution of 48 spp. of the genus Gallistc. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. — A descriptive Catalogue of the known Species of Tanagers. < P. Z. S. , xxiv, 1856, pp. 64-94, 108-132. 230-281. 40 genn., 272 spp. Mueh synonymy and critical commentary. Ghlorospingiis jlaviventru, p. 91 ; Nemosia guirina, X. ingignis, p. 110 ; y. auricollis, p. Ill ; JRamphocelus xinicolor, p. 128; Galliste vieilloti, p. 257; G. cyanescens, p. 260; Enphonia fulvicrissa, p. 276; E. crassiroitris, p. 277, spp. nn. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. | A Descriptive Catalogue | of the known | Species of Tanagers. | By I Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A.,F. Z.S., &c. I — I [From the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, | April 8, 1856.] I — I London: | printed by Taylor and Francis. | Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. ! 1856. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 127. Treating 272 spp. under 40 genera, with synonymy, diagnosis, habitat, and criticism. 1856. Sclater, P. L. On a New Tanager of the Genus Calliste [rufigenis]. <^ P. Z. 5., xxiv, 1856, p. 311. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Description of a newly discovered Tanager of the genus Buar- remon [leucopterus]. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi-^t., 2d ser., xviii, 1856, pp. 350, 351. From P. Z. S., Xov. 27, 1855, p. 214. 1856. Sclater, P. L. Characters of Two New Species of Tanagers. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xviii, 1856, pp. 418, 419. From P. Z. S., Dec. 11, 1855, pp. 227, 228, q. v. A'o 4] COUES'S ORXITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TANAGRID.E. 621 1856. StLATER, P. L. Descriptious of four uew or little-known Tanagcrs. <^.liiii. Mag. Xaf. Hist., 2d ser., xvii, 1856, pp. 51.5-517. From P. Z. S.. May 22, 1855, pp. 83-85. 1857. .SCL.VTER, P. L. Description.s of some New Species of Tanagers. <^Anti. Mag. Xaf. Hist., 2d ser., xix, 1657, p. 272. From P. Z. S., May 13, 185G. 1857. SCLATER, p. L. Description of a New Taiiager of the genus Euphonia [E. gonldi]. <[ P. Z. S. , XXV, 1857, p. 66, pi. (Aves) cxxiv. 1857. SCLATER, p. L. Description of a uew Tanager [Euphonia gouldi]. <^Aiin. Mag. Xaf. Hist., 2d ser., xx, 1857, pp. 319, 320. From P. Z. S., Apr. 28, 1857, p. 66. 18.57. SCLATER, P. L. A I Monograph | of | the Birds forming | tin; Tanagrine Genus Calliste; | illustrated by | coloured plates of all the known species. | By Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A. . Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; | l^ellow of the Zoological and Linuieau Societies of London; Correspondent | of the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Hon. Member of | the German Ornithological Society : Memberof the British and | American iVssociationsfor the advancement of Science, etc. | [Publisher's monogram.] | London: | John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row. | MDCCCLVII. | 1 vol. 8vo. Map as frontis- piece, pp. xviii, 104, ]dl. col'd xlv. Letter-press general, relating to each one of 52 spp., introduced by an es.say on the genus, which includes schema generum tanagriuorum, et callistarum schema geographicnm. The pis. arenot numbered ; according to the text they are :— PI. i. f. 1, tatao, p. 1; i. f. 2, coelicolor,Tp.i; ii, yeni, p. 5; lii. tricolor, p. 7: iv. fastuosa. p. 9; x, /estiva, p. 11: vi, cyanciventris, p. 13; vii, theracica. p. 15: viii, schratiki, p. 17; ix. 2}"nctata, p. 19; x, guttata, p. 21; xi, xanthogastra, p. 23; xii. graminea, p. 25; xiii, ntfigularis, p. 27; xiv, f. 2, auridenta, j). 29; xiv, f. 1, scla- teri, p. 31: xv, ptilchra, p. 33; xvi, arthitsi. p. 35; xvii, ieteroccphala, p. 37: xviii, vitriolina, p. 39: xix, cayan'a, p. 41; xx, cucullata, p. 45; xxi, flava, d", $,p. 47; xxii, prefiosa, p. 49; xxlii, melanonota, cf, $,p. 51; xxiv, cyanoptera, p. 53; xxv, gyrola, p. 55; xxvi, gyroloides, p. 57; -srsx'u, desmaresti, p. 59; xxviii, 6ra,s-i7ie(ms, p. 61: xxis. ./?ayi»entm, p. 63: xxx, holiviana, p. 67; xxxi, atriccerulea, p. 69; xxxii, ritflcervix, p. 71; xxxiii, atricapilla, cf, ?, p- 73; xxxiv, argentea, p. 75; xxxv, cyanescens, p. 79: xxxvi, larvata, p. 81; xxxvii, niyricincta, -p. 85; xxxviii, cyaneicollis, p. 87 ; xxxix, labradorides, p. 89 ; xl. rufigenis, p. 01 ; xli. parzudakii, p. 93; xlii, lunigera, p. 95: xliii, chrysotis, p. 97; xliv, f. 1, xanthocephala. p. 99; xliv, f. 2, ve- nusta, p. 101: xlv, inornata, p. 103. — eyayiolmma, p. 43: vieilloti, p. 65; nigriviridis, p. 77; francescae, p. 83, are not figured. For additions, see Ihis, 1863, pj). 450^52. 1858. Cassix, J. Description of a New Tanager [Calliste lavinia] from the Isthmus of Darien, and note on Selenidera Spectabilis, Cassin. <^ Proc. Acad. Xaf. Sei. Phila., X, 18.58, pp. 177, 178. ISS;*. Sclater, P. L. Description of a New Tanager of the Genus Euphonia [gouldi]. (P. Z. S., April 28, 18.57.) < J./. 0., vi, 1858, p. 73. Ueber.setzt. nehst Aumerk. d. Herausgeher.s. 1858. .SCL.\TER, P. L. On some New or little-known Species of Tanagers from the Col- lection of M. VeiTcaux of Paris. < P. Z. S. , xxvi, 1858, pp. 293, 294. 5 spp. — C'hlorospingus castaneicollig, p. 293 ; Calliste cyanotis, p. 294, spp. nn. 185"^. Sclater, P. L. On two New Species of Tanagers from the Collection of M. Ver- reaux of Paris. <^ Ann. Mag. Xaf. Hist. , 3d ser. , ii, 18.58, pp. 472, 473. From P. Z. S., .June 8, 1858, pp. 293, 294, q. v. 1858. Sclater, P. L. On Euchsetes coccineus, a new genus of Birds. <^ Ann. Mag. Xaf. Hist. , 3d ser. , ii, 18.58, p. 494. From P. Z. S.. -Jan. 26. 18.58, pp. 73, 74; there forming part of an article of wider scope. 1859. Dubois, C. F. Description et tigure d'une nouvelle espece d'Euphonia [cyano- dorsalis]. < Per. et Mag. de Zoo/., xi, 1859jpp. 49, 50, pi. 2. 1860. Jardine, W. [Euphonia cyanodoisalis Dubois = E, occipitalis, 9 , P. Z. S., 1856- 270. ] < Ibis, ii, 1860, p. 103. 1863. Salvix, O. On a New Species of Calliste [dowii] from Costa Rica <^ P. Z. S., xxxi, 1863, pp. 168, 169. 622 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1863. SCLATER, p. L. List of recent Additions to tlie Genus Calliste. <^ Ibis, v, 1>()3, pp. 450-452, pi. xii. 5 spp. added to the 52 of his well-known monograph (1857) ; none new; 0. dowii figured, pi. xii. 1864. Lawrence, G. N. Descriiitious of New Species of Birds of the Families Tana- gridte, Cue.ulidie, ai,id Trocliilid;e, with a Note on Panterpe insignis. <^Aiin. Lye. Xat. Hist. K F., viii, 1864, pp. 41-46. The Tanagers here described are Saltator fulviventris, p. 41, Paraguay ; Tachyphonus tihi- olis, p. 41, Costa Rica ; and T. napensis, p. 42, Rio JiTapo. 1864. Leotaud, [A.] Description d'une uouvelle esx^ece du genre Tacli3'i)liouus [albi- specularis]. <^Bev. et Mag. de Zool., xvi, 1864, pp. 129, 130. 1864. Salvix, O. On a Ne^y Species of Calliste [dowii] frotai Costa Rica. < Ann. Mag. Xat. mst.,M ser., xiii, 1864, pp. 104, 105. From P. Z. S., May 12, 1863, pp. 1865. Billot, E. Education des Cardinaux gris a tete rouge [Paroaria cucullata]. < Ball. Soc. AccUm. , 2« s6r. , ii , 1865, pp. 463-465. 1865. Cassix, J. On some Conirostral Birds from Costa Rica in the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution. <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. P/ii/a., xvii, 1865, pp. 169-172. The article treats of 22 sp. of Fringillidce and Tanagridce ,■ the new species described are three of the latter family, namely: Arremon rufidorsalis, Buarremon cra-ssirosMs, p. 170; Euphnnia annece, p. 172. 1865. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Tana- gridte, Deudrocolaptidaj, Forniicaridas, Tyrannidte, and Trochilidte. <^ Ann. Lye. Xat. Hist. Xew York, viii, 1865, pp. 126-135. Buarrremo7i ocai, p. 126. 1865. Schmidt, Max. Fortpflauzung des grauen Kardinals [Paroaria cucullata]. < Zool. Gart. , vi, 1865, pp. 12-16. 1865. SCLATER, P. L. Description of a new Species of Tanager of the genus Iridornis [reiuhardti]. <^Ihis, 2d ser., i, 1865, pp. 495, 496, j)l. xi. 1868. SCLATER, P. L. On a recently discovered Tanager of the genus Calliste. <^Ibis, 2d ser., iv, 1868, pp. 71, 72, pi. iii. C. sclateri Cab. nee Less. ;^ C cabanisi Scl.,,sp. renom. 1869. Linden, E. Zur Ehrenrettung des grauen Kardinals [Paroaria cucullata]. < Zool. Gart.,x, 1869, pp. 376-378. 1869. RiDGWAY, R. Notices of certain obscurely known Species of American Birds. <^Froc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Fhila., xxi, June, 1869, pj). 125-135, woodcc. II. On the uniformlj' red species ot Pyranga (6 spp.), pp. 129-133. P. cooperi, sp. u., p. 130, fig. The article also treats of species of I., Hylocichla and III., Qviscalus. 1869. Sclater, P. L.,a«(?SALViN, 0. Descriptions of Six New Species of American Birds of the Families Tanagridse, Dendrocolaptida?, Formicariidje, Tyranuidse, and Scolopacidai. <^ P. Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, pp. 416-420, j)!. xxviii. The new Tanager ia Calliste florida, p. 416, pi. xxviii. 1869. ScLATER, P. L., and Salvin, O. Descriptions of three new Species of Tanagers from Veragua. <^ P. Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, pp. 439, 440, y]]. xxxi, xxxii. Buthraupis arcoei, p. 439, pi. xxxi ; Tachyphonus cfirysoynelas, p. 440, pi. xxxii ; Chlorospingus punctulatus, p. 440. 1870. Allen, J. A. Summer Red Bird [Pyranga a-stiva]. < Am. Xat.. iv, 1870, p. .56. Its occurrence at Amherst, Mass., TJ. S. A. 1870. Cabanis, J. Ueber eine neue brasilische Nemosie oder Wald-Tangare, Nemosia Rourei uov. si>ec. <^ J.f. 0., xviii, 1870, pp. 459, 460 (pi. i, in Jahrg. 1871). 1870. Schmidt, Max. FortpHauzuug des grauen Kardinals (Paroaria cucullata). < Zool. Gart., xi, 1870, pp. 335-341. 1871. Orton, J. Correction [of a misstatement respecting Euphonia elegantissima, Am. Nat., iv, 714]. < Am. Xat., v, 1871, p. 378. • No.i.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY TANAGRID^. 623 187:3. Breum, a. [Siugvermogeu der Euplionia.] <^ J.f. 0., xxi, 1873, pp. 71, 72. 1873. Salvadoui, T. Descrizione di una nuova sj)ecie del geuere Euphouia [meso- cbrysa]. <[ Atti deUa Iteale Accad. delle Sci. di Torino, viii, 1873, p. 193. 1873. SCLATER, P. L. Note ou the Pyrauga rost^ogiilaiis of Cabot. <[ Ibis, 3d set., iii, 1873, pp. 125, 12(1, pi. iii. The colored plate, drawn by R. Ridgway, represents this beautiful species. 1874. Dubois, A. Remarque sur la variability de certaiues especes du genre CaUiste. <[ Bull. Acad. Boy. des Sci. de Belgique, 2" s6r., xxxviii, July, 1874, pp. 124 . Pas vu moi-meme. 1874. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of Two New Species of Birds of the Families TanagridiTJ ami Tyraunidie. <^Am. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi, July, 1874, ijp. 70-72. The Tanagriue here described is Phcenicothraupis cristatus, p. 70, from Bogotd. 1875. SCLATER, P. L. Remarks on tbe species of the Tanagriue Genus Chlorocbrysa. <[ Ibis, 3d ser., V, 1875, pp. 4G4-4G7, jjI. x. 3 s]tp. — Characters, synonomys, etc. PI. x, C. nitidissima. 1876. ScLATER, P. L. Description of anew Tanager of tbe Genus Calliste [melanotis], and Remarks ou other receutly discovered Species. <[ iftts, 3d ser., vi, Oct., 1876, pp. 407-410, pi. xii. C. melanotis, p. 408, pi. xi, fig. 1, from Rio Napo, Ecuador = (7. cyanotis Sci., Ihis, 1863, p. 451.— PL xi, f. 2, G. cyanotis. — Criticisms ou various other .species. Cf. Ibis, 1863, p. 450, and 1868, p. 71. 1877. Pelzeln, a. v. Description of a new Species of Calliste, and of a . . . <^Ibi3, 4tb ser., i, 1877, pp. 337-339. The Tanager here named is Galliste albertince, p. 337, from Brazil (Nattorer). 1878. Brewer, T. M. [Occurrence of Pyranga ludoviciana in Winter in Boston, Mass. ] < Ibis, 4th ser., ii, Apr., 1878, pp. 204-206. Statement occurring in an untitled letter on other subjects. 1878. Brewer, T. M. Rare Visitors. < Forest and Stream, x, March 14, 1878, p. 94. Pyranga ludoviciana at Lynn, Mass., Jan. 20. 1878. Ingersoll, E. Dr. Coues's Idea of a Tanager. < The Country, i, Mar. 23, 1878, p. 310. Extract from " The Birds of the Colorado Valley", pt. i, p. 352, with a note as to circum- stances of its publication. 1878. Salvadori, T. [Identity of Eupbonia cbalcopasta S. & S. with E. mesochrysa Salvad. ] ' < Ibis, 4th ser. , ii, Apr. , 1878, p. 200. 1879. Anon. Comi^arative Scarcity of tbe ScarletjTanager [Pyranga rubra, in New York]. < The Oologist, iv. No. 11, June, 1879, p. 92. 624 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Voiv. Fring^illidse. (With EmbcHzidcv.) 1740. LiXNyKUS, C. Doctor Carl Limia'i Beskrifning pa Sno-Sparfven. <^Eongl. Srensk. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl.,i, 1740, pp. 368-374, tab. i, figg. 9-11. This, whicli I have not seen, is the original description of the subsequent Emhcriza nivalig L. (Plectrophanes nivalis). (Vol. 1, for 1839-40, was pub. 1841.) 1743. LiNNyEUs, C. Beskrifning iia Sn6-sparf\ven. <:^ Eonr/I. Swcnsk. Wctens. Acad. Handl., i (1740), 1743, pp. 302-368, pi. i, ligg. 9-11. This Is «mply the original description of Emberiza nivalis in the later edition of the 1st vol. of the Handlingar. 1749? LixxiEUS, C. Besclircibung riuos Schueesperlings. <^Abha)idl. d. Schtved. Akad. auf <1. Jahr. 1740, 1749 .' pp. 134-141, taf. i, figg. 9-11. This, which I have not seen, is the same description of the subsequent Emberiza nivalis in the German version (Kaatner) of the Handlingar. 1749 ? SuNDius, P. B. C. D. | Surinam('n.sia Grilliaiia | [ . . . ] | ciiriosis cxaminaiida sistit I Aliiumiis Oxeiistieruiauus | Petrns Suuditis Nic. lil. | Stockholmiensits. I In audit. Carol. Maj. d. xviii Jimii | Aiini MDCCXLIIX [sic] | H.A.M.C. I — I Holmi;c, | Tyi)is Laurontii Salvii. | sm. 4to, l.p. 1., pp. 1-24,1 pi. Classis II, Avcs, p. 10. Solum de Emberizce specie tractatur, Passer caeruleofuscus, Sloano, Jam. 11, p. 311. 1750. LiNN^Us, C. Ell ludianisk Spari". Ellor Fringilla cajiito ciernli'o, dorso viridi, abdoiuino fulvo. <^ Eongl. iSrciisk. Vetcnsk.-Acad. Handl., xi, 1750, pp. 278-280, pi. vii. lig. 1. This is the original description of the subseijucnt Emberiza cim L. (^=Cyanospiza ciris Baird), erroneously considered as a bird of India. 1750. Lixx.EUS, C. Beschroibimg cines iudiauisclien Sperlings, Fringilla, capite cae- ruleo, viridi, al)domiue fulvo. <^Ahhandl.d. Schtved. Akad. ant d.Jahv 1750, pp. 287, 288. The same description of the subsequent Emberiza ciris L. {Cyanospiza ciris Bd.) in theGer- man version of the HandlinQar. 1757. ScHONBERG, A. Anmavkiiiiigar Oin Svanska Papegojau, Loxia [euucleator], linca alarum duplici alba. Faun. Sv. N. 176. <] KoikjI. Svensk. Vetcnsk.-Acad. Handl, xviii. 1757, pp. 139-143. 1757, SCHOXBERG. A. Aiiuiorkungcn iiber den sclivrediscben Papagey (Loxia [euu- cleator]).. <^AbhandL d. ,Schwed. Akad., anf d. Jahr. 1757, pp. 132-135. The German version, not seen by me, of the original Swedish. 1773. Ax'ON. Le Pie-gri6che noire de la Caroline [Pipilo erytliroplathalmus]. <^Journ. Observ. de Phys., ii, 1773, pj). 570, 571. ITot seen : the article is anonymous, nor have I been able to discover the author ; whoever he may be, he is not '' Le Piegriche" whom Giebel invented In his Bibliography, p. 139. 1774. GtJNTHER, D. F. C. Vorliiufige Nachriclit von dcm sebr selteueu Nest uud den Eyern de.s Kreuzvogels, oder des Krummschnabels [Loxia curvirostra]. <^Der 2^att(rforschvr, ii, 1774, pj). 66-75. 1778. Otto, — . Abbandlung von den Abarten der Kreutzschnabel [Loxia curvirostra], nebst einigeu Anraerkungen iiber die Anordnung der Tlii^re. <^ Der Natiir- forscher, xii, 1778, pp. 92-99. 1785-1787. KuHX, — . Von demKriinitz oder Kruinscbnabel (Loxia curvirostra,). <^Der Xaturfor.scher, xxi, 1785, p. 197; xxii, 1787, j). 142. 1796. TOJLMAX, T. Account of the Crossbill Bird [Loxia ctu'virostra amcricana]. <[ The Bnral Magazine; or, Vermont Eepository, vol. ii, 1796, p. 475. Seen only in the reprint, by R. Dcaue, Bull. Nutt. Club, Iv, No. 2, Apr., 1876, p. Hi. The breeding of the species in wintor is recorded : "they lay their eggs and hatch their young in the middle of winter." A'o.4| COUES'S ORXITII. Bir5IJ0GKAPHY FRINGILLID^. 025 1707. (JsijKCK, P. Bi'skrifiiin^j; pa Kiior.siiiifveii (Loxia curviroHtra) ocli doss It-fuadssatt. < Kongl. J'ctcnuk.-AkmL Xi/a Ilaiidl., xviii, 1797, \^^. 298-:i0:}. 1822. Gkkkn, J. Fragmonts relating to tho liistory of Animals. <^SiUim.Am..l<>uni. Sci.,ix,lS22,\^i\:m-M2. Under .special subhead "Blue- Yellow HinX.—Fringilla tristis", the writer pives a c'urious supposed case ofa specimen of ChryHomitrig tristis which was dark "indigo" in places wliere the bird is normally yellow ; rotaininj; the black pileuni and wing-l)ar8. 1825. BoxAPAKTE, C. [L.] Description of a new Species of Soiitli American Fringilla [F. xanthoroa]. <^Joiun. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., iv, 1825, pp. 350, 351. 1825. Cooper, W. Descri])ti(>n ofa new species of Grosbeak [Fringilla vespertina, p. 220], inhabiting the Northwestern Territory of the United States. <^Ai>ii. Lye. Xal. Hist. New York, \,])i.u, 1825, pp. 219-222. ( Read .Jan . 10, 1825. ) This is tlie original description of tlie species, from the Scho(d(;raft specimen, Saute Ste. ilarie, Michigan, Apr., 1823. 1826. GooPEU, W. Descripti(m ofa new Species of Grosbeak [Fringilla vespertina, p. 13()], inhabiting the Nortli-we.stern Territory of the United States. < Thom- son''H Ann. of I'hilon., new ser., xi, 182H, pp. 134-130. Keproduced from Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, i, 1825, pp. 219-222. 1826.[ox, E. p. ] Description d'nne espfece nouvelle de Gros-bec [Fringilla vesper- tina, Coop.], etc., habitant le territoire N.-O. des Etats-Unis; par William Cooper. . . . . 70 I i C media, it 710, C 2 i'^^ior^^m. <'. bifasciata, p. 714; C. taenioptera. p. 716; O. leueuptera, p 720 1827. Gloger, C. [W. L.] Ueber dcu weisblndigeu Kre.izschnabel — ^^Loxia taeniop- tera—als cigene Art. < OA; w'.« Isin. Bd. xx, 1S27, pp. 411-418. 1827. Gloger, C. [W. L.] Nrth ctwas Tiber Loxia taenioptera. <^Oken's Iiiis,Bd.xx, 1827, p. 419,4^0. 1827. Les.sox, R. p. Discription d'nne espece nonvelle de gros-bec [Fringilla vesper- tina. Coop.], habitant la partie uoul-oncst des fitats-Unls; par William Coo- per. . . . p. 156-160. 1828. S . . . s. [Stral.s, — .] Noiivelle espece de Bee croise d'Allemagu*' : ]iar lo iiieme [(. e., C. L. Brchm]. ... < Fn-iiss. Bull. ,2" sect., xiv, 1828, p. 2C>0. Crucirostra bifasciata — Ornis, 1827, Heft 3, pp. 77-98. 1829. Axox. The Crossbill [Loxia curvirostra]. < Loiidon'x Mai/. Xat. Hist.. i.lSid, p. 394. 1829. Gloger, C. [\V. L.] Znr Xaturgescliiclite des weisslniidigeu Kivuzsilmabels, Loxia ta^nioptera. < Xov. Act. Avad. Leop. Carol. Sat. Cut:, xiv, pt. ii, l'^29. pp. 919-942. ^Xot seen by me : title from Carus and J^ngehuanu. 1829. "J. W." Flock.s of Crossbills [Loxia curvirostra] near Worcester. <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist. , ii, 1829, p. 268. 1829. Yaerell, W. On the structure of the Beak aud its muscles in the Crossbill, (Loxia curvirostra. ) <:^ Zool. Jourii., iv, 1829, pp. 459-4(54, pi. xiv, tigg-. 1-T. 1830. Brehm, C. L. Xoch eiuige Beobachtungen nber den zweybindigen Kreuzscliua- bel, Crucirostra bifasciata. <^ Okors Isis, Bd. xxiii, 1830, px>. 110-112. 1830. Gloger, C. [ W. L. ] Sur I'histoire uatiu-elle du Bee croise a bandes blauches. (Loxia toenioptera); par Constautiu Gloger. . . . <^ Fe'russ. Bull., 2'' sect., xxii,1830,pp. 125, 126. Extiait des Sov. Act. Acad. Xat. Cur., xiv, 1829, pt. ii, pp. 919-924. 1831. K[UHX, — .] Sur les Becs-croises de Rit.ssie. . . . <^i^er((ss. />«?/., 2^ sect., xxv, 1831, pp. 353,354. Tir6 du nouv. Magas. d'Hist. Nat., etc., de Moscou, fevrier 1829. 1832. Cooper, W. Xeue Gattung Kernbeisser [Fringilla vespertina]. <^Oken's Isis, Bd. XXV, 1832, p. 1073. Anszng aus d. Ann. Lye. Xat. Hint. Xeu-Tork. i. 1825, pp. 219-222. 1832. Greex, J. Fragmentc zur Xaturgeschichte. <^Oken^s Isis, Bd. xxv. 1832, p. 1042. Au# d. Amer. Journ. Sei., iv, 1822, pp. 309-312, q. v. 1833. Clarke, W. B. A Bird's [Plectrophanes nivalis] Nest iu the Skull of an Esqui- maux. <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist. , vi, 1833, p. 154. Cf. torn. eit.. p. 524. 1833. Clarke, W B. A Snow Bunting's [Plectrox^hanes uivalis] Nest not in the Skull of au Esquimaux. <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., vi, 1833, p. 524. Cf. t.m. cit. p. 154. 1834. Boie. J. F. Ejibi liza [j. c. Centrophanes] lapponica Linn. <^f)ket)'s Isi^. Bd. xxvii, 1832. p. ?■( 6. 1834. Gervais, [P.] Moiueau. Friugilla. Linne. M. de Gay. F. Gayi. Eydoux et Gervais. < Guer. Mag. dc Zool.,A^ .auuee, 1834, cla.sse ii, notice xxiii, ^\. xxiii. 1834. "J. O.' The Pectiophanes [Centrophanes] lapponica has been captured, aloug with Larks, near Preston. Lancashire. -^Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist.,y\\. 1834, pp. 56, 57. 1835. Gardixek, W. Paiticulars on a caged Pair of Siskins', or Aberdeviues", Iniild- ing Nests and rearing a pair of young Siskins iu Confinement : and a State- ment of the Fact that the Siskin, wild, has bred about Dundee. < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., viii, 1835, pp. 372-374. 1835. Gervais, [P.] Moineau. Fiingilla. L. Vieill. M. de Cuba. F. Cuba?. Ger- Aais. < Gue'r Mag. de Zool., o" annde, 1835, classe ii, notice xliv, pi. xliv. 1836. Browx, J. S. The Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). <:^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., ix, 183(5, p. 202. 1836. Morris, F. 0. Facts on tlie Habits and personal Characteristics of the Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra Temm.). <^London's Mag. Xat. Hist., ix, 1836, pp. 413-416. J^o.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY FRINGILLIDiE. 627 1837. Clakkk, J. Notus on, and Notices of, the Cn^.s.sbill (Loxia curvirodtra Liuu.), < CharU'Hw. May. Nat. IIM..\, 18:?7, pp. 164-1(;7. Hiibits. iiiditiriitioii, anil lUiiimers in captivity. 18:i7. Dauwix, C. [Ki'juarks \i\nn\ the Hahits of Birds of the Genera Goospiza, Cama- rhyuclms, Cactoniis, and Ccrthidca.] <^ /'. Z. S., v, 1837, p. 49. 1837. Gould, J. [ Remarks on a groii]> of Ground Finches from Mr. Darwin's Collec- tion, with characters of the New Species.] <^ /'. Z. S., v, 1837, pp. 4-7. Geospiza magnirostris. G. strenaa, O. fortis, O. nebulosa, G.fuliginosa, p. 5: G. dentirostris, G. parrula. O.dubia, Caviarhynchus psittacula, O. crassirostris, p.G -, Cactomis scandem C. assimilis, Certhidea alioacea, p. 7, geuu. et spp. un. A very notable paper, first describing the remarkable Fringillidce of the Galapagos. .See Darwin's remarks ou them, ihid. p. 49. 1837. S[elby]. P. J. Loxia curvirostra [in Britain]. . 251-253. Fringilla (Linaria) gebleri, p. 251i=P. arctous, var. a. F. (L.) brunneonucha, \>.2'y2=^P. a. VAT. p. F. {L.) griseoniicha, p. 252 ==; P. a. var. y. Each one of Pallas's t hree varieties of Passer arctous is thus provided with a new name ; but as Brandt afterward s.iw that the word arctous itself must stand for one of them, he consequently {Bulletin of Feb. 3, 1843, p. 27) tr.insfened his term gebleri to an entirely different bii'il. 1842. LAFitESNAYE. [F.] DE. G. Catam)jlyrhynNAP.\RTE, C. L. Genus novnui Fringillinarnm [Bustaihantia (capitaiirea sp. n. )]. <^ Xnov. Ann. Scienzc Xaf. liologna, 2d ser., i. May, 1844, pp. 397-399. Tilt- genus ami specie.s, descrilu-cl asiii'w from Bofiotd, are synonymous with Catamhlyrhyn- chus diadema Lafr., Ji. Z., 1842. p. 301. l'-44. I'.RAXDT, .J. F. Ueber die Gattungcn von Loxia in Russlaud. <^ Ol-en's Isis, Bd. xxxvii, 1844, p. 134. From JBidl. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Petersb.. Bd. ix, 1841, p. 288. 1-44. Braxdt, ,J. F. Bemerkuugeu uber Passer arctous Pallas, welcher wahrschein- lich der Typus von 3 verschiedenen Gattungen ist. <^ Okenh Isis, Bd. xxxvii, l'^44, pp. 13.V137. Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sei. St.Petersb.. Bd. s, auf d. J. 1841, 1842, pp. 251-253, q. v. Fringilla (Linaria) fiebleri. F. (L.) brunneonucha, F. (L.) griseonucha. 1-44. W.\rd, .]. F. Ueber das Vorkoinnien von Pynhula enucleator bey Newyork. < Glen's Isis, Bd. xxxvii, 1844, p. 118. A7in. Lye. Nat. Hut. N. T., iv, p. 51. — Vergl. 1848, VT.wuk .T. F. l-4r>. Bokrer, "W., Jr. Occurrence of the Lapland Bunting (Plectrophanes [Centi'o- phanes] Laj)pouica), near Brighton, Su.ssex. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 825. 1-45. Clark, H. Occurrence of the Pine Gro.sbeak [Pinicola enucleator] near Roch- dale. < Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 1025. 1845. FiTTOX, E. [B.] [Note on the White- winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera).] . 1551. 1846. Garth, J. Occurrence of the Crossbill [Loxia curvi rostra] at Knareslioiougli. < Zoologist, iv, 1846, p. 1.367. 1846. Hunter, C. B. Nesting of the Lesser Redpoll [^giothus linaria] in Xorlolk. < Zoologist, iv, 1846, p. 1497. 1846. Hunter, C. B. Occurrence of the White-wiuged Crossliill [Loxia curvirostra] near Thetford. < Zoolofjisf, iv, 1846, p. 1498. 1846. Newton, A. Ou Redpolls [^giothus liuaria] staying at Thetford thi-oughnut the summer. <^ Zoologist, iv, 1846, pp. 1497, 1498. 1846. Selys-Longchamps, E. de. Notice sur les Becs-crois€s leucoiJtfere et bifascie. <^ Bull. Acad. Belgique, xiii, i, 1846, pp. 324-336; VInstitut, xiv, No. 660, 1846, pp. -290, 291. Pas vne moi-meme. 1846. SUNDEVALL, [C. J.] Loxia bifasciata Br. <^ Offers. Kongl. Svensk. Vetensl:.- Akad. Forhamll. for ur 1846, pp. 37-40. "Efter nagra underrattelser om Bandel korsnabbens forekomst, lemnar forf. eu ofversigt af de liittills kanda 5 artema af si. Loxia.''— ^. Friesen, Ofv. Sver. Orn. Litt, 1860, 34. Hittills kanner mau foljande arter af slagtet Loxia: L. pityopsittacus, L. curvirostra, L. fusca Y. [=i. americana Wils.], L. bifasciata, L. leucoptera. 1847. Hodgkinson, J. B. Occurrence of the White-winged Crossbill [Loxia curvi- rostra] in Cumberland. <[ Zoologist, v, 1847, p. 16.38. 1848. Johnson, F. W. Extreme abundance of the Mealy Redpoll (Fringilla [^giothus] canescens) near Ipswich. <^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2064. 1848. Newman, E. Proposed alteration of Name in the Europiean White-winged Crossbill, and Occurrence of the American White-winged Crossbill [Loxia leucoptera] in England. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2300. 1848. Newton, A. Note on the Mealy Redpoll (Fringilla [^giothus] canescens), &c. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, pp. 2144, 2145. 1848 {prior to). Ward, J. F. Notice of the Appearance of the Pine Grosbeak, Pvit- hula Enucleator, in the Environs of New-York [in winter of 1836-7 ]. < Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, iv, 1848, pp. 51, 52. (Read Dec. 19, 1836. Whole vol. dated 1848.) This article must Lave appeared in 1844 or earlier, as it is noticed in the Isis of that year. The date given is that of the completed vol. of the Annals. 1849. Bree, C. R. Occurrence of the Two-barred Crossbill (Loxia bifasciata) in Suf- folk. <:^Zoologist, vii , 1849, p. 2419. 1849. Cater, W. E. Arrival of the Snow Bunting (Emberiza [Plectrophane.s] nivalis) [in Britain]. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, -p. 2415. 1849. Duff, .J. The Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) nestmg in Durham. ficenicoptera ; 32, JS. obsoleta ; 33, £. githaginca .- 34, 35, JJragus sibiricus ; 36, 77. sanguinolentus ; 37, 38. Chaunoproctus papa; 39, 40, Scematospisa sipahi ; 41, Montifrin- gilla griseinitcha ; 42, M. brunneiiiucha ; 43, M. tephrocotis ; 44. 45. 21. arctoa; 46, M. nivalis; 47, Fringalauda nemaricola ; 48, Linota cannabina ; 49. L.fringiUirostris. n. sp., p. 45; ^%,L. tnontium ; 51, Acanthis canescens ; 52, A. linaria ; 53, A. hollbolli ; 54, A. rufescens. The introductory matter of this work is unmistakably "Napoleonic''; the text is apparently from the hand of the more conservative and trustworthy author. — There is a reprint of the "Introduction " in Jard. Gontr. Cm.. 1851, pj). 27-47 — though one issue of this matter might have been considered amply sutlicient. 1850. [KiRTLANO, J. P. ] Birds of Winter. < The Famih/ Visitor, i, No. 8, 1850, p. — . Xoting occurrence of certain Fringillidm in Ohio at that season. 18.50. [KiRTLAXD, J. P.] Pine Linnet — Linaria pinus. . Acad. Xat. ScL Phila., vi, 1852,p. fil. 1852. Vekreaux, J. Descripticm d'unc nonvelle e.^^pece d'oiseau du genre Calli- rhynchus [devrouis]. < Her. cf Mag. de Zoo'L, iv, 1852, pp. 314-316. Described from Guayainiil. 1852. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera . . . Em- beruagra [rntivirgata], . . . <^Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. X. F., v, 1852, pp. 112- 117, pi. 5. (Read Apr. 2,^, 1851.) Here oceuis, in a paper of wider scope, full title of wliich is the N. Amer. part of this Bibl., the orig. descr. of the above sp., p. 112, pi. 5, f. 2. 1852. L.\WRREXCK, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds, of the genera . . . Plectrophanes [McCownii, p. 122] Meyer. <^Ann. Lijc. Nat. Hist. N. F., v, 1852, pp. 121-123. (Read Sept. 8, 1851.) Other ispp. here desciibed are a Toxostoma and a Tyrannula: title is to he found in full in the N. Am. part of this Bibl. 1852. WooDiiousE, S. W. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Vireo, Vieill., and Zonotrichia [cassinii, p. 60], Swains. <^Proc. Acad, Nat, Sci. Phila., vi, 18.52, pp. GO, 61. This is the Peucoea cassini of later author.s. 1852. WooDHOUSE, S. W. Description of a new Snow Finch of the genus Struthus [caniceps], Boie. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 18.52, pp. 202, 203. 1853. Brehm, [C] L. Die Krenzschnabel. Crncirostra, Cuv. <^Namnanma,u\,18p3, pp. 178-203, 241-256 ; pi. — , figg. 1-20. I. Loxia pityopsittaeus : 1, C. major, f . 1 ; 2, C. pityopsittacus, f. 2; 3, C. suhpityopsittacxis, f. 3; 4, C. hrachyrhynchos, f. 4; .", G. pseudopityopsittacus, f. 5; 6, C. inter cedcns, f. 0. II. Loxia curvirostra : 1, C. vmntana, f. 9; 2, C. paradoxa, f. 7; 3, C. media, f. 8; 4, C. macrorhynchos, f. "8"; 5, G. pinetoru.m,i.\\. III. Grucirostraminuta: G. minor, f. 12. IV. Griicirostra rubri- faseiata ; 1, C. rubrifasnata, f. 13 ; 2, G. erythroptera. f. 14. V. Grvcirostrce albifasdatce ; 1, C trifasciatn,^!^: 2. G. hlfaseiata, f. 10; G. tienioptera, f. 17: 4, G. orientalis, f. IS; 5, G. assi- milis, f. 19; 6, G. Ifiuccjftcra, t'. 20. In this paper Bichm is very tlioronglily liimself, carrying out his peculiar views to their logical extreme. All these '•si)ecies." real or Brelimian. some of which are here described as new, are very elabor.itely tient'Ml : r.w\ the plate, from nature by J. F. Xaiimanu. Is valuable as showing how complete is the gradu.ation in size of bill from tlic largest to the smallest. Among the twenty "species" liere treated, some five or six might be held worthy of recogni- tion by many ornithologists. 1853. Bock, — . Ansfallen der Mauser bei einem Vogel [Centrophanes lapponica] in der Gefangenschaft. < ././. O. , i, 1853, pp. 207. Cf. torn. cit. p. 383. 1854. Cassix, J. [Remarks on abundance of Loxia leucoptera in the vicinity of Philadelphia, winter of 18.53-4.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 1854, pp. 203, 204. 1854. Lanfossi, p. Sopra varie friugille apparteneuti al sottogenere Linaria di Brehm. < i>j««co«('.s- Rcpert. Ital. Star. Nat., ii, 1854, pp. 24-27. Estratto Oiom. delle I. R. Istit. Lombardo di Scienze, ec, t. iii, pp. 95-109, Milano, 1851. 1854. L.\XFOSSi, p. Sovra I'albinismo e melanismi d'nna varieta della Loxia curvi- rostra etc. < Biaiicoiii's L'cprrt. Ital. Stor. Nat, ii, 1854, pp. 9, 10. Glorn. I. R. Istit. Lombardo di Scienze, ec, t. ii, Milano, 1850, p. 111. 1854. Roberts, A. Occurrence of the Crossbill [Loxia curvirostra] near Scarborough. uly properly citable in another connection; noted liere for the detailed account o{ Hesperiplwna vespertina which the pajjer includes. 1859. BiiEWEii, T. M. [Note on the occnircucc of C'otiunicnlns henslowi in Mu.s>achii- setts.] <^ Froc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., vii, 1859, pp. 74, 75. CoiTccts his erroneous statement, torn, cit., p. 21, that Peuciea cestivalis had been found in Massachusetts. 1659. Gould, J. [Exhil)itiou of Crithagra brasiliensis shot in England (probably escaped). ] < P. Z. .9. , xxvii, 1859, p. 100. 1559. Graysox, xV. J. Tiie Crimson-necked or House Finch [Carpodacus frontalis]. <^ The Ilispcnan (San Francisco, Cal.), ii, Mar., 1859, pp.7 .with pi. of i and 9. Not seen. 18.59. Rc^GER.s, H. Occurrence of the Snow Bunting (Emberiza [Plectrophanes] ni- valis) in the Lsle of Wight. < Zoologist, xvii, 18.59, p. 6780. 18.59. Wheeler, E. S. [Remarks on exhibition of male and female specimens of Ammodromus henslowi, with nest and eggs.] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., vii,18.59,p. 1:j7. 1800. Gloger, C. W. L. Die Hcimath des weissbindigen Kreuzschnabels in Enropa. < J.f. O., viii, 1800, pp. 397, 398. " Loxia lev copter a ! taenioptera, bifaseiata." 18G0. KiRTLAXD, J. P. [Occun'ence of Hesperiphona vespertina in Ohio.] <^OIiin Farmer, March 24, 1800, vol. ix, p. — . Tlie original ascription of the species to Ohio: but it had been got in that State in 1347. 1800. SCHXERR. J. Die Krenzschniibel [Loxia cnrvirosTra]. Legende. <^J.f. 0., viii, If^'iO. pp. 471, 472. Gedicht. l>iC)0. Philippi, R. a. Ueber zwei vermuthlich nene Chilenischeu Enten und ul>er Fringilla barbata Mol. < Archf. f. Xatur(j., 1800, (l). pp. 24-28. Anas iopareia, p. 24. Erismatiira vittafa, p. 26. Synonymik vou Chrysomitris barbata. 1801. BoLLE, C. Ueber den californischen Hansfinken, Carpodacns familiaris McCall. < J.f. O., ix, 1801, pp. 141-147. Ins Deutsche iibertragen von Br. C. BoUe aus Cass. III. B. Cal. Texas. Heft 3, 1853, fig. xiiL 1801. CotTES, E. A Monograph of the Genus J^giothus, with descriptions of new Spe- cies. < Froc. Acad. Xat. Sci. , xiii, 1801, pp. 373-390. This is an attempt, not entirely successful, to fix the .species ot this difficult genus, with synonymy, description, and criticism. The author recognizes .seven species : ^. rostratus (.sp. n., p. 378, Greenland), canescens. cxilipes (sp. n., p. 385. Arctic America). Unaria. fuscescens (Coue.s, described as sp. n., in np. torn, cit., p. 222, Labrador), ru/escens. and holbolU. The hvst two are given as doubtfully distin(;t from Unaria. ( Ji'. fuscescens has since been shown to be the dark midsummer plumage oilinaria. and rostratios to bear the same relation to the large Greenland form. Ji\ exilipes has been usually .iccepted as a good species, and of late accred- ited iilso to boreal continental parts of the old world.) Cf. Ibis, 1862, p. 187. 1801. Gloger, C. W. L. Richtige Ansicht eines nordischen Zoologen [Liljeborg] iiber die Fiirbung der mannlichen Kretizschniibel [Loxia curvirostra]. <'^/. O., ix, 1801,p.7s. Bull. Y, 4 8 634 BULLETIN UNITED 8TATE8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [rol.Y. 166L ScLATER, P. L. On a New Species of FincL, of the Geuus Sycalis [clirysops], from Mexico. <^ P. Z. S., xxix, 18IU, pp. 37(5, :377. 18liL W[HEATOX], J. M. Bird Talk. < Field Notes, vol. i, No. 'ZQ, May 18, 1861, p. 153. Occurrence of various birds, especially Chondestes grammica, in Ohio. 1862. Bree, C. E. Occurrence of tlic Parrot Crossbill [Loxia pityopsittacns] near Colcliester. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, pp. 8032, 8033. 1862. Cabaxis. .J. Zur Synouymie ciniger Pipilo-Arten. <^J-f. O., x, 1862, pp. 473, 474, Pipilo crixsalis, ftigcus, rutilus. maculatus. 1862. CouPER, W. Occurrence of the Blue Grosbeak (Guiraca ccerulea, Swainson) at Mille Vaches, Lower St. Lawrence. <^ Canad. Nat. and Geo!., vii, 1862, p. 319. 1862. Guise, W.Y. Parrot Crossbill [Loxia pityopsittacns] at Cheltenham. <^ Zoolo- gist, XX, 1862, p. 7344. 1862. Hadfielt), H. Of the change of Plumage in the Crossbills [Loxia spp.] and Pine Grosbeak [Pinicola enncleator]. <[ Zoologist, xx, 1882, pp. 8033, 8034. 1862. Hadfikli). H. OccuiTeuce of the Crossbill [Loxia cnrvirostra] in England. < Zoologist. XX. 1>'62, p. 7931. 1862. ScLATER, p. L. On a new Species of Finch, of the Genus Sycalis [chry.sops], from Mexico. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. H'lst., 3d ser., ix, 1862, p. 340. FTora P. Z. S.. Xov. 26, 1861, pp. 376, 377. 1862. Stevexsox. H. Occurrence of the Laphmd Bunting [Centroplianes lapponica] in Norfolk. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8032. 1862. Tyreu, R. , Jr. Occurrence of the Crossbill [Loxia cnrvirostra] near Eye. <^ Zo- ologist. XX. 1^62, p. 7881. 1862. Verrii.i,. a. K. Descri])tion of a Species of Passerella [obsciira], supposed to be new, from Anticosti. <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ix, 1862, pp. 143-146. It has not proven to be distinct from P. iliaca. 1862. "Wheelwright, [H.] On the Change of Phimage in the Crossbills [Loxia spp.] and Pine Grosbeak [Pinicola euutdeator]. <^ Zoologist, xx, 1862, pp. 8001, i^002. 1863. Blyth, E. Note on the Genus Pyrrhula. < Ihis. v, 1863, pp. 440-442, pi. x. Sketch ol' bibliography of the genus, and of 7 spp. held to compose it. P. erythacus Bl.\-th (Ihis. 1862, p. 389) is figured, pi. x. 18(53. Blyth, E, Parrot Cro.ssbill and Common Crossbill supposed one species. <^ Zo- ologist, xxi, 1863, pp. 8327, 8328. 1863. Coi'ES, E. Additional Remarks on the North Ameiican -Egiothi. <^ I'roc. .Acad. Nat. Sci. P/i(7rf., XV, 1863, pp. 40, 41. TJecognizing American representatives of the forms known in Europe as ^. holbolli and Ji. rufegcens. For the monograph to wliich these i-emarks arc additional, see op. cit, 1861. pp. 37.^-390. 1863. Hartlaih, G. Ueber Pi]tilo vire.scens n. sp, <^ J. f. (>..\\. 18(53, p]), 228, 229. A note of the editor's say.-* that Tnnnara mclanops and Fringilla snitntn T.icht.. Jfcs. Peml., arc both this species. 1863. HrcKETT, T. Parrot Crossbills [Loxia pityopsittiicus] ;it I'.inndon. <^Zooh>- gist, xxi, 1863, p. 884">. 1863. Mathews, G.F. Snow Bunting [Plectroidiancs nivalis] near rmrn.stapli'. <^Zo- ologist, xxi, 18(53, p. 884.'i. 1863. Saxijy, H. L. Snow Bunting [Plectrophanes nivalis] iu.lunc <^Zi>i>logisf.xx\, 1863, p. 8680. 1863. Wheelwright, H. Change of Plumage in the Crossbills [Loxia cnrvirostra]. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8492. 1861. Blake-Kxox, H. Nesting of the Lesser Rcdpole [.^giotlnis linaria] at Dalkt y. <:^ Zoologist, xxii, 18(54, ]>. H884. 1864. Hamiltox, .1. Lesser Redpole's [yEgio{hus linaria] near Chester. <[ Zo- ologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9210. No.i.] COUES'S ORXITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — FRINGILLIDiE. 635 1864. HoMEYER, A. V. Notiz zu Crncirostra l)alearica. <^J. f. 0., xii, 1864, i).224. 1864. Rake, T. B. Lesser Redpoles' [iEgiothns linaria] Nests near ]5irniingham. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864. p. 9248. 1864. Reeks, H. Pine Grosbeak [Pinicola enucleatoi] at Tlirnxton. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9023. 1864. RoBD, E. 11. Snow Bunting [Plectrophanes nivalis] in Snranier Plumage near Penzauze. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1864, p. 9109. 1>64. ScilWAiTZER, F. Corytlius enucleator (Cnv. ex L.) in der Provinz Posen. <^J. f. O., xii, 1864, pp. 239, 240. 1864. Sjuth, C. H. Crossbills in Bedfordshire. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9110. 186.5. Cassin, J. An Examination of the Birds of the genus Chrysomitris in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. rhiIa..yL\n, 1865, pp. 89-94. 16 spp. Pyrrhomitris, Melanomitris, p. 91 ; Pseudomitris, p. 93, subgenn. un. Ch. bryantii, p. 91, sp. n. 1865. Jesse, W., Ji;. Ornithological Notes [on food of ^giothus linaria]. <^ZooJo- gist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9562. 18f55. Lamprecht, A. [Ueber epilej)tische Anflille von Loxia cardinalis. ] <^Zool. Gart., vi, 1865, pp. 228, 229. 1865. Whartox, C. B. Snow Bunting [Plectrophanes nivalis] at the Kingsbury Reservoir. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9539. 1866. Altum, B. Kreuzschniibelzug in Westphalen. < J. f. O. , xiv, 1866, pp. 286, 287. 1866. DUTTON, J. Snow Bunting [Plectrophanes nivalis] at lieachy Head. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. .522. 1866. Schmidt, Max. [Die Fortpflanzung des griineu Kardinals (Gubernatrix crista- tella) in Gefaugenschaft. ] < Zool. Gart., vii, 1866, pp. 342-345. 1866. Stubbs,C.E. Crossbills at Henley-on-Thames. rox. Common Crossbill in Surrey. <^ Zoo/o^/sf, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1376. 1868. Anox. Migration of Crossbills. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser. , iii, 1868, p. 1377. 1868. Blake-Kxox, H. The Crossbill breeding successfully in County Kildare. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d ser. , iii, 1868, pp. 1133, 1134. 1868. Blake-Kxox, H. Whitewinged Crossbill [Loxia leucoptera] in the County Dublin. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1376. 1868. Blake-Kxox, H. Crossbill in Ireland in 1868. <^Zoo?0(7J8/, 2d ser.,iii, 186-, p. 1377. 1868. Bruhix, T. A. Dor Kreuzschmibel (Loxia curvirostra). n. Xut., xii, 1873, pp. 748, 749. Rediscovery of the apcc-ies, iu Dakota ; amemled description of adult and young; notice of habits. 1873. Ei>WAKDS, W. II. Suowbird [Juuco liyemalis, breeding on Graylock Mountaiu]. <[ Jm. Xut. , vii, 1873, p. 74.5. 1873. Fischer,.!, v. Fortsclireitender Albiuisiuus. <^ Zoo?, (far^, xiv, 1873, ijp. 115, 116. Gannabiiia litiota, Plectrophanes nivalis. 1873. Mapes, H. H. The Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Gniraca hidovioiaua). <^Jm. Xat., vii, 1873, p. 493. A fleld-note on the destruction of Dorypliora lO-lineata by this species. 1873. SCHACHT, H. Cardinal (Cardiualis virgiiiiauns) imd Kirschkerubeisser (Lox. coccothranstes). <^ZooJ, Gari., xiv, 1873, p. 355. 1873. Scott, D.[W.] Ceutronyx ''ochrocephahis," Aiken. <| Jm. Xa?., vii, 1873, pp. 564, 565. Validity of this species denied. — Harporhynchus bendirii considered probably the same as H. curvirostris var. palmeri. 1873. Tenney, S. The Black Suowbird [Juuco hyemalis] breeds in the Graylock Range. < Am. Nat. , vii, 1873, p. 634. 1873. Trlppe.T. M. The Painted Bunting [Plectrophanes pictus]. eriza [Plectrophanes] nivalis in full Summer Phtmage [iu Great Britain]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 3914. 1874. CouES, E, New Variety of the Blue Grosbeak [Gouiaphea coerulea var. eu- rhyucha, Mexico]. <^ Am. Xat., viii, 1874, p, 563. 1874. CouES, E. The Snow-Bird [Juuco hyemalis] as a Sparrow. <^ Field and Stream (newspaxier of Chicago, 111. ), Apr. 4, 1874. "With reference to its comius under the provisions of a game-law. 1874. Dybowski, B. Notia iiber die Ostsibirischen Pyrrhula-Arten. <; ,/. /. 0., 1874, pp. 39-45, pi. i. PI. i, P. cineracea. — P. coccinea. 1874. GuNX, T. E. Lesser Redpoll breeding near Norwich. <^ Zoologist, •2d.ser.,ix, 1874, pp. 4117, 4118. 1874. Hanf, p. B. Beobachtungen der Fortpflanzuug des Fichteu-Kreuzschuabels im Winter 1871/72 uud 1872/73. «??. Xutt. Ornith. C?hZ>, iii. No. 4, Oct., 1878, pp. 189, 190. Observations of C. Bendiro iu Oregon. 1878. Brown, N.C. The Shai'j)-tailed Finch (Anuuodi'amus caudacutus) iu Maine. •«/?. Xutt. Ornith. Club, iv, No. 4, Oct., 1879, p. 238. 1879. Brewer, T. M. The Sharp-tailed Finch — Ammodromus caudacutus, — its Nest, and Eggs. < The Oologist, iv. No. (i, Jan., 1879, pp. 41, 42. Very full account. 1879. Brewer, T. M. A Word in Defence. < Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Clnh, iv, No. 3, July, 1879, pp. 191, 192. Merely controversial, with E. Coues, with respect to the position of Hesperiphona vesper- Una in the List of the Birds of Xew England, publisheil liy the latter in 1868, occasioned by a remark made in "The History of the Evening Gro.sbeak," torn, eit, p. 75. An editorial note appended states that the person in mention declines to reply. No.4.] COUES'S OKNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY FRINGILLID^. 645 1879. Brewster, W. Notes on the Habits and Distribution of tlie Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Pencea ruficeps). <^BuU. Nittt. Ornith. Club, iv, No. 1, Jan.. 1879, pp.47, 48. From the observations of C. A. Allen of Nicasio, Cal. 1879. Cady, W. B. Curious Death of a Bird [.SpizoUa socialis]. <^Scietice Xms, i, No. 15, June 1, 1879, p. 240. Strangled by a thread from the nest. 1879. COUES, E. Southward Range of Centrophanes lapponica. <^ Bull. Xuit. Ornith. Club, iv. No. 4, Oct., 1879, p. 238. Port Smith, Arkansas. 1879. CouES, E. Nest and Eggs of the Clay-colored Bunting [Spizella i^allida]. < The Oologlst, iv. No. 7, Feb., 1879, p. 50. Quoted from the " Birds of the Northwest." 1879. CouES, E. Nest and Eggs of the Chestnut-collared Bunting [Plectrophanes or- natus]. < The Oologist, iv, No. 10, May, 1879, p. 79. Quoted from " Birds of the Northwest.'' 1879. CoUES, E. History of the Evening Grosbeak [Hesperiphona vespertina]. < Bull. Xutf. Ornith. Club, iv, No. 2, Apr., 1879, pp. 0.5-75. By permission, from advance MS. of Birdu of the Colorado Valley. Part II. Very full on the geographical distribution and habits of the species, as well as its appearance in previous literature of the subject, the record of which is given, together with a copious synonymy. 1879. [CouES, E.] nest and Eggs of the Chestnut-collared Bunting [Plectrophanes ornatus]. <^ The Temperance Vidette (newspaper of Terrell, Texas) of Sept. 20, 1879. Quoted from The Oologist, iv, No. 10, May, 1879, p. 79. 1879. Davis, F.J. Yellow-winged Sparrow [Coturniculus passeriuus]. ark (Alauda [Eremophila] alpestris) breeding in Dev- onshire. <^ Zoologist, X, 1852, p. 3707. 1854. Allis, T. H. Occurrence of the Shore Lark (Alauda [Eremophila] alpestris) in Yorkshire. <^ Zoologist, xii, 1854, pp. 4251, 4252. 1854. GORGAS, .J. Importation of Sky-larks [Alauda arvensis, in the United States]. < Bep. Comm. Fateutsfor 1853, Agric, 1854, pp. 70, 71. 648 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Yol.Y. 1854. RODD, E. H. OccuiTeuce of the Sliort-toed Lark (Alauda brachydactyla) at Scilly. <^ Z»ologist, xii, 1854, p. 4477. 1855. Hfllmaxx, A. Otocorys [Eremophila] alpestris bei Gotba erlegt. <^J.f.O,, iii, 1855, p. 181. 1855. Olph-Galliard, L. [Die Feldlerclie, Alaiula arveusis, setzt sicb aixf Biiume.] <^ Xaumannia, 1855, p. 215. 1856. Brehm, [C.L.] [Ueber die Ammerlercbeu (Melauocorypba).] <^ Xaumannia, vi. 1856, j)p. 374-376. 1. M. calandra, a) albigularis, b) megarhynchos, c) subcalandra ; 2. semitorquata ; 3. riifes- cens. Aucb zeigt d. Terf. 2 karzzebige Lerchenarten vor, Calandrella ferrunginea [sic] A. Brhm., und C. brachyptera. 1858. Brehm, [C.]L. Etwas iiber die Haiibeulercheu, Galerita, Boje. (Alavida cris- tata, L., et uudata, L.) <^ Xaumannia, viii, 1858, pp. "204-213. 1. Oalerita cristata nigricans, G. c. major, G. c. vulgaris, G. c. pagorum, G. c. viariim, G. e. karinthiaca, G. c. pallida, G. c. planorum., G. c. gallica, G. e. tenuirostris, G. c. augustistriata, G. c. 'tnaculata, G. c. altirostris, G. c. undata, G. c. rufescens. 2. G. abyssinica. 3. G. jlava, G.f. tenuirostris, G. f. crassiroatrig. 4. G.lutca. 5. G. theklae. 1858. Schilling, H. L'eber das Yorkoimueu von Alauda [Eremophila] alpestris iu Pommern. <^ Xaumannia, viii, 1858, pp. 60-63. 1859. SwiXHOE, R. Descriptioii of the small Chinese Lark [Alauda ctelivox, Swiuh.]. <^ Zoologist, xvii, 1859, pp. 6723-6727. 1860. LocHE, — . Description de denx nouvelles espfeces d'Alonettes deeouvertes dans le Sahara algerien par le commandant Loche, directenr dii museum d'histoire naturelle d'Alger. <[ Bev. et Mag. de ZooJ., xii, 1860, pp. 148-151, pi. 11. Calandrella reboudia, p. 149, pi. xi. f. 1 ; Galerida randoni, p. 150, pi. xi. f. 2 — les deux d6- crites en 1858 par Loche, Cat. Mavim,. et Ois. de I'Algerie, pp. 83-85. 1861 [Harrls, S. D. ] Note. < Field Xotes, i, Xo. 12, Mar. 23. IHJl, p. 92. Introduction of Alauda arvensis in Ohio in 1851. 1861. ViAX, J. Notice sur I'Alouette pispolette, Alauda pispoletta. Pall, et Bi>.. et sur I'Alouette, Alauda brachydactyla, Temm., Calaudiella brachydactyla, Bp. < Rer. et Mag. de Zool.,-^va, 1861, pp. 34()-353. 1862. Bartlett, J. P. Occurrence of the Short-toed Lark (Alauda brachydactyla) and other rare Birds in Hampshire. <^ Zoologist, xx, 1862, pp. 7930, 7931. 1862. Saxby, H. L. • Notes upon the Migration and Song of the Skylark [Alauda ar- vensis]. <^ Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8281. 1862. Stea'exsox, H. [Letter on occurrence of Eremophila alpestris in Norfolk. Eng- land. ] < Ibis, iv, 1862, pp. 189. 190. 1862. Stevexsox, H. [Letter on another (Ibis, iv, 189) occurrence of Eremophila al- pestris in Norfolk, England]. <[ Ihis, iv, 1862, p. 303. 1862. Stevexsox, H. Another [Zool., 1845,7931] Shore Lark [Eremophila alpestris] iu Norfolk. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, pp. 8090, 8091. 1863. Des Murs, O. Note sur les especes du genre Pji-rhulauda et leur (cuf. <^ liev. et Mag. de Zool., xv, 1863, pp. 209-212. 1863. G.ATCOMBE, J. Occurrence of the Calandra Lark [Alauda calandra] in Devon. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8768. 1863. Newmax. H. W. Skylarks [Alauda arveusis] congregating in October [in Eng- land. ] <^ Zoologist, xxi , 1863, p. 832(). 1863. Reichexbach, L. Friihes [8 Feb., 1861] Nisten der Feldlerclie, Alauda arven- sis. < J. /. 0., 1863, xi, p. 155. 1863. Roberts, A. W. The Shore Lark (Alauda [Eremophila] alpestris) near Lowes- toft. . Ekdle, T. tSliore Lark [EiemopLila alpestris] near Loudon. isay, E. p. Note ou the Nidificatiou of Mirafra horsfieldi. < P. Z. S., Nov. 28, 1865, pp. 689, 690. 186G. Anox. Food of Larks. <^Th(; futelleciiial Observer, vni,l866,\).AS0. (From Proc. Boy. Sac, No. 78.) Kegarda gi'ass the chief food in wiuter. 1866. Watkixs, M. G. The Sky Lark [Alauda arveusis]. < Zoolof/ist, -id ser., i, 1866, p. 498. Qviotation from Milton's L' Allegro. 1867. Bond, F. Wood Lark at Brighton. <:^ Zoologist, 'M nev., ii, 1867, p. 792. 1867. Clakk-Kennedy, A. Youug Lark feeding other yonug ones. «\ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 949. 1867. Cliftox, Lord. Wood Lark iu Keut. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 705. 1867. Jeffrey, W., Jr. Wood Lark in West Sussex. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 75(i. 18(>7. Rowley, G. D. Shore Larks [Eremophila alpestris] iu Suliblk. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. .560. 1867. West, E. Black Sky Lark [Alauda arvt-usis]. <^Zoo/oposed new British Woodpecker [Picus vil- losus ; cf. Zool. 2.527] near Whitby. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, pp. 2496, 2497. 1849. M.4LHERBE, A. Description de quelques nouvelles especes de Picin<^es (Picus, Linn. ). < Rev. et .Wag. de Zool, i, 1849, pp. 529-544. Picus vjilsonii, P. temminckii, p. 529: /'. mitchellii. ji. 530; P. cinereignla, p. .531 : Dendropi- cos haftlanbii. \>. 5^2 : D. lafresnayi, -p-HHZ: Geleopicos Kmaragdinicollis, Phaiopicos blytliii,-p. 534: P. jerdonii. p. 535; Mesopicns deamuri. p. .537; M. cecilii. p. .538: Chloropicas g%ierini,-p. .539: Chrysopicos cailliautii. p. .540: Geopicos campestroides. p. 541: Zebrapicus pucherani, Melampicos jlavigula, ]>. 542. 1850. Malherbe, a. Descri]»tion de ([uclijucs especes de Piciu(5es ; (Genus Picus, Linn). < 7iVr. et Mag. de Zool., ii, 1850, pp. 1.54-158. Chloropicos isidori, p. 1.54 ; Ohrysopicos atricolKs, p. 156, sp]). un. 1850. Malherbe, A. Nouvelle Classification des Piciuees ou Pics, devaut servii de base a uue Monographic de ces Oiseaux Grimpeurs, accompagn6e de planches peiutes. Metz. Impr. de Laniont. July 1850. 8vo. pp. 56. Pas vue moi-meme. Extraite des Mem. de I'Aead. Nat. de Metz. — Toir la revue de I'on- vrage par M. H. E. Strickland, inser^e dans les Contrib. Ornith. de Jardine, 1851. pp. 17-20. 1851. Bird, W. F. W. Note on the Figure [Zool., 2986] of the Hairy Woodpecker (Pi CU8 villosus). < Zoologist, ix, 1851, pp. 3034, 3035. A'o. 4.1 COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY PICID^.. G53 1851. Xkwmax, E. Description ol" the Hairy WoodjKfktr [Pious villosus], ijliiclly copied from Wilson's 'American Ornithology.' <^Zoolo(ji8t, ix, 1851, ])p. "^QSri- 20.^^.^. fig. 1851. S[tkicki.axi)], H. E. Nouvelle Classitit-atiou des Picim^es on Pics, . . . par M. Alfnd Malliorbe. 8vo. Motz, July, 1850. < Jard. Contrib. Or;i., 1851, pp. 17-20. Short critical review, with a concordiince ofMalberbe's generic uames. 1852. M.xLHERBE, A. Description dc uouvelles cspfeces de Picid;e. <^I{ev. et Mag. de ZooL, iv, 1852, pp. 550-555. Ohloropicos caroli, p. 5o0 ; Geopicos chrysoides, p. 553. 1853. Cassix, J. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the geuera Mclauerj)es Swain- son, and Lauius Linufeus. <^Journ. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., 2<\ scr., ii.jit.iii, Jan., 1853, art. xxiv, pp. 2.57, 2.58, pU. xxii, xxiii. Descr. orig. Pr. Phila. Acad., v, 1850-51, pp. 106, 244, 245. — PI. xxii, Melanerpes albolarvatug, before described as Leuconerpes albolarvatus, Pr. Phila. Acad, v, 18.')0, p. 106. PI. xxiii, f. 1. Lanius pallidirostris .- f. 2. L. palleng. 1854. L.\FKESNAYE, F. DE. Sur nue uoiivelle esp^ce du genre Picnmnus, Temminck. < Rev. et Mug. de Zool. 1854, pp. 208, 209. A sub-head of au article eutitleil '"MeLinges Omitbologique.s," ibid., pp. 205-209; the re- mainder of the article relating chiefly to Chrijsothrmqns (i. e., Calliste). The new Picxmniw is P. squamv.latus, p. 208. 1854. Malherbe, a. Nouvelles especes de Picidae. < ./. /. O. , ii, 18.54, pp. 171, 172. P. nataliae, p. 171 ; P. cabanisi, p. 172. 1854. Malherbe,A. Description d'une nouvelle espece [Indopicus carlotta] de la famille des Picidse (Picns Linn. ). < Bev. et Mag. de Zool., vi, 1854, pp. 379, 380. 1854-5. MUKR.\.Y, A. On a curious habit of a Californian Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus). <^ Froc. Boy. Phys. Soc, i, 1854, pp. 1 ; 1855, pp. 18 . Not seen : the above title is probably not literally correct. 1855. Anox. Melanerpes formicivorus (Swainson). <^ Edinh. Xew rhUos.Journ., new ser., i, 18.55, pp. 376, 377. Containing an extract on its nut-storing habits, from Cassin's ■liirds of California and Texas." 1855. Murray, A. On a curious habit [storing acorns in holes in bark] stated to have been observed in one of the W^oodpeckers [Melanerpes formicivorus] in Cali- fornia. <^ Edinb. New Plulos. Jour))., new ser., i, 1855, pp. 363-364. 1855. PuCHERAX, — . Note sur le Picus atrothorax Less. <^Iiev. et Mag. de ZooL, 2^ s^r., vii, 18.55, pp. 21, 22. Ce n'est qn'une synonyme de Picus varius L. (Sphyrapicus varius de Baird). 1856. Antinori, O. Picus cruentatus, Antiuori, n. sp. <^ Xaxinannia, vi, 1856, pp. 411- 414. Taf. 1856. [BiLLiXGS, E.] On the Species of Woodpeckers observed in the vicinity of the City of Ottawa [Canada]. <^»Canad. Xat. and GeoL, i, 1856, pp. 176-189. Eleven spp. — Various compiled accounts. 1856. BURMEiSTER, H. Uebcr die brasilianischeu Spechte [Picidie]. <^Abhandl.Xa- turf. Gesellsch. zii Halle, Bd. iii, Jahrg. 1555, 1856, Sitzungsber., pp. 31, 32. Nicht mir selbst zuganglich. — Titel aus Cams and Engelmaun. 1856. Weixlax'D, D. F. Observations on a new genus of TaMiioides [(Liga punctata), from the small intestine of Picus auratus]. <^ Proc. P>oston i>oc. Xat. Hi'^t., vi, 1856, pp. 59-63. 1857. Gadamer, [H.] Picus tridactylus [in Westgothlaud briiteud]. <^Xai(mannia, vii, 1857, Heft i, p. 86. 1858. BOLLE, C. Merkwiirdige Wintermagazine zweier Spechte Nordwest-amerikas. iSach Cassin und de Saussure mitgetheilt. <^ J.f. 0., vi, 1858, pp. 316-323. Colaptes rubricatus. Melanerpes forinicivorus. 654 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY [Vol.Y. 1658. Bridges, T. Notes ou Californiau Birds. ^Yirll Remarks l>y P. L. Sclater. P.Z.S., xxvi, 1858, pp. 1-3, pi. (Aves) cxxxi. Picus rubrigularig ScL, p. 2. pi. 131. sp. n. [=P. williamsonii, Xewh.. P. P. P.. Pep., vi, part iv, 1857, p. 89, pi. 34, up. fig., no descr. =P. thyroideus Cas8.,c^]. 1858. [Cabaxis, J.] Dendroraus meriaui keine Species, sonderu eiii Artefact. . ^\ -. Liopipo. p. 44; Dendrotyi)e8, p. 40: D. nesiotes,]). 49; X?/h. 1G3: Oeclaigcns, p. 174. Most of tliese genera are useless and burdensome synonyms, resulting from the authors' purism in rejecting prior names not 'classical" in form — a practice totally' indefensible, unless in exceptional cases. The original scope of the Mui<. Hein., as begun by Cabanis alone in 18.50, was much enlarged in later parts by Cabanis & Heine. Thus, Theil IV. (Scansores), of which this Heft 2 con- sists of the Picidm, amounts *to a monography oi' the several families treated. Elaborate Latin descriptions of all the species in the collection are given, with a copious synou^'my of each ; and many other species are a^o as fully treated in German, in the foot-notes, which latter form a running commentary, especially full in synonymy and in criticism of the lite- rary infelicities of previous writers who misspelled or misformed their generic names. The authors are careful to express their sili-prise at these ' ' barbarisms " with the note of exclama- tion, and, what is more to the point, to give the etymology of the many new names they are pleased to invent for themselves. Cf. Ibig, 1865, p. 101, 1863. Ca.ssin, J. Notes on the Picida^, with descriptions of new and little known spe- cies. -3-2.?. 61 spp. critically treated. Pieiis onzabce, P. vagatug, p. 196; PoUpicug (g. n., p. 196) elliotii; GamiJethera vegtita. p. 197 : Chrygopicug malherbei, p. 198; Campephilug bairdii. p. 322, spp. nn.j Gampethera chrygura. var. lineata, p. 327, n. var. 1863. Cassin, J. Descriptions of new and little known species of Birds of the family Picid* in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. <.7oMr». Acad. Nat. Set. Fhila., v, pi. iv, Nov., 1863, art. x, pp. 457-461, pU. li-lii. PI, li, f. 1, PoUpicug elliotii {desfv. orig. Proc. Acad.. 1863, 197): f. 2. Gampfthera vestita descr. orig. I. c.)-. f. 3, Ghrygopicug malherbei (descr. orig. I. c, 198). PI. lii, f. 1, Picug vaga- tug (descr. orig. I. c, 196); fig. 2, Geleus mentalis (descr. orig. op. cit., 1860, 13). 1663. [Laphaji, I. A. ] The Sapsucker [Spliyrapiciis varius]. <^Zt»o/o;/(»/, xxi, 1863, pp. 8767, 87()8. From Proc. Bogt. Soc. Nat. Higt., ix, 1862, p. 55. 1665. Bryant, H. Remarks on Sphyropicus varius Linn. <^ Proc. Honton .s'or. Xat. Hist., X, 1865, pp. 93-95. Description of hyoid apparatus, in comparison with that of Piciig villogus and Golaptes aw ratug, and conclusions drawn as to peculiar habits of the bird. 1865. Hoy, P. R. The Sapsuck [Sphyrapicus varius]. <^Trans. Ill i now State Agric. Soc. for 1861-4, v, 1865, pj). 730-734, pi. Habits, food, and peculiarities of hyoid apparatus. Treats also of other Picidce, etc. 1866. Jackson, C. T. [Notes on the Habit of Melanerijee formicivorns of hoarding acorns.] <[ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., x, 1866, p. 227. 656 BULLETIN UNITED .STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.V. 1866. LoKD, J. K. North Wcsteru Woodpeckers. <^ TIic Intcllecfaal Obscrrer,ix, lS6Cj, Pl>. ;5t21-333, 1 col. pi. n. of Pieus albolarvatus, d, ? • 1866. SUNDKVALL, C. ^. Couspectnm Avium Piciuarum | edidit | Carolus J. Snnd<^- vall I Gustos Musei Zool. Stockliolmiensis. | — | Stockliolmiie 1S66. | Samsou «fe Wallin. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. i-xiv. 1-116. Pnenioncnda, pp. iii-vi; Index Operis Mallierbei, pp. vii-xii; Distrilmtio Picoruui geogra- phica, pp. xii-xiv; Conspoctiia Pirorum. pp. l-li: Pici spocies, pp. 4-94. — Picninmis. pp. O.'j- 106. — lynx, pp. 107-109. — Nomina tt .synonyma spucialia Picorum, exclusis Pkumnis et lyngi- bus, pp. 110-115. Synopsis subgenerum Pici, pp. 115, 116. Pici species adprobatao 254: incortie ct spuiia' 24. Picumni species 28. lyugis species 4. Synopsis .snbdivisionnm generis Pici : Series I. Angusticolles, I) Principales, 2) Squaniicipites, 3) Parvieauclati, 4) Auricipites. Series II, Secunrostres, 5) Nigrovarii, 6) Intermedii, 7) Pas- scrlni, 8; Fulrisca2)i, 9) Mensstrui, 10) Fuscoruhidi, 11) Dcbilipedes, 12) Subviriden.' Series III, Ligonirostre-t, ir?) Dnminicani. 14) Nigropicti, 15) Albofasciati, 16) Guttiventres, 17) Mesospili, 18) Flavinuchales, 19) Virides, 20) Chryswi, 21) Aratores, 22) Canipilci, 23) Pivolii, 24) Aurati, 25) Flavifasciati. 26) Campestres. Series IX. Nudiaarcs, 27) Sultaaei, 28; AuropalUati, 29; Fulvieristati, M) Acutirontres. Picumni genus in tribns 5 divisnm : 1) Picumni enormes, 2) normales, 3) subnormales, 4) abnormes, 5) innormalcs. lyngis generis divisiones desunt. Species omnes Picinarum anctori obvia» optime describuntur, characteribus specierum et subspecierum datis, adjeetisque synouymis, auctorum citatiouibns, loci.s. ct uotisvariis; et suuni cuique pioprium locum in serie analytica adhibct auctoi'. Picorum species novie sequentes in hoc opeve desciiptie : P. canifrnng. p. 26 : P. hedenbnrgii (=P. murinus Sund., 1850. «cc Malh., 1845), p. 31 ; P. rubidtis (=^ rcichenbaclii ^xi^i. Hcin. nee Malh.), p. 35; P. albipes,\xii'i ; P. scotochlorus,Y>.i8; P. imbcrbis (^ Malherbei Cash. 1863, nee Gray), p. 194; P. subinextcanus {= mexicanoides Lafr.), p. 72: P. Jlaviluinbis, p. 74; P. pho- lidntus (-= mentalis Cass, nee Temm.), p. 87: P. squamigttlaris, p. 89. I'icorum subspecies nova' ut setpiuntur: P. (ruhricotlu) oceidentalis, p. 6; P. (lineatus) occi- dentalis, p. 8 : P. (caneiite) orientalis etoceidei^alis, p. 11; P. (villosus) ■)najor, niedius, minor, p. 16: P. {minor} borealis. \t. 26; P. (varius) oceidentalis. p. 34: P. (goertan) oceidentalis, \i. i% -. P. (chriisurus) oeeidentaliii it mcridionalis. p. 64; P. aurato-mexicanus, p. 72; P. (sultaneus) major, indica,^. 79; minor, p. 80; P. (javancnsis) major, minor, p. 83. Picumnoruni species nova' ; P. mieromegas, p. 95; P. asterias, p. 97: P. spiUigaster, p. 100; P. guttifer, p. 101 ; P. squamifer. p. 102 ; P. sagittatus, p. 103 ; P. nebulosus, p. 103. lynges nov» nullie, sed Tyngis torcpiillpe foi-nife novte septemtrionalis et nieridionalib de- scribuntiu' p. 108. Specierum Picorum cognitarum 254 sunt AmericansB 132, Europaeo-Asiatica' 90, Africa* pro- priie. 32. Inter species Pici inceitcC et spurise sunt 15 diituie, 2 defectu partium uon agnitse, 3 aliorum generum Pico confusie, 4 arte compositie. " This useful publication consists of a masterly digest of M. ^lallierbe's great 'Monogra- phic des Picidee.s,' published at Metz between 18.59 and 1862. Each .species is fully described, references being made to the works in which it is flgitred (when such is the case), and its habitat stated. Excellent indices are also added. The Pieidce are divided into three genera only . . . — a very ditfeient treatment of the family frtmi that of most modem authors. "We think it needless to indicate the precise limits of the smaller groups of species, or their rela- tion to the too numerous so-called genera which have been lately instituted ; for the work is one which must be consulted by any one working up tlie famil\-. and its last pages contain a concise synopsis of their contents . . . The whole of this careful work is in Latin." (Zool. Pec. iii, p. 77). Cf. also Ibis, 1866, pp. 415, 416. 1868. Bkrendt. C. H. Report of Exploration.s in Central America. <^{Twenfii-Hec- oiid) Aim. Rrp. Smith. Tn.ii. (for 1867), 1868, ,p]i. 420-426. Allusion to habits of a "Woodjiecker. 1868. Kedzie, W. K. The (Toldcn-winged Woodpecker [Colaptes anratns]. <^Ani. Xat., ii, 1868, p. 882. Liiying of 33 eggs by one ]iair, upon repeated spoliation of their nest. 1868. . Saft.sugeude Tnepikkere. <[ Tidssk. Po)). Frema. af Naturv., 3". Ripkke. v, 1868. ).p. 34.'')-347. ' ' Sap-sucking "Woodpeckers." A'0.4 1 COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY PICID^. 657 186f . Barry, W. E. The Woodpecker [Picus pubcsccus] and Sheldrake [Mergus up.]. <.dOT. Xnf., ii, 1809, pp. (i()0-(J()V!. Biojjrfipbical notes. 18G9. Fowler, A. The Goldeu-wiuged Woodpecker [ColaptcH auratus]. <^ Am. yat., iii, 1SG9, pp. 422-427. Account of the habits of this spucics and of Picus pubescens. 1869. Saussure, H. de. Los Picos [Picidie]. . 348, figg. 6. General account of various North American species, with original figures of the heads of Picus villosus, Sphyrapicws itii/roideus, d, ?, Melanerpes torquatus, M. formicivorus, and Oo- laptes auratus. 658 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Fo?. V. 1R77. Lylk, D. A. Notes on the Breediug babits of the Gohleu-wiiigod Woodpecker [Colaptes auratus]. <^ Am. Xat., xi, No. 12, Dec., 1877, pp. 747-750. "Very closi* observation. Xole by E. Cones, on the molest.ition of tins larire bii d by En'^lish Sparrows (Passer domesticus). 1877. [Scott, W. PL D. ] Mioratioii of Woodpeckers [Picida-]. <^ The Coiniiri/, i.Nov. 10, I877,p. :n 1878. Aldrich, C. Eed-headcd Woodiieckcr [Melanerpes erytbrocepbalus] eatiug Grasshopper.s. < Ball. Xiitt. Oniith. Club, iii, No. 4, Oct., 1878, p. 189. Communicated by E. C[ouesl. The birds caught Caloptenus spretug on open i)rairie. half a mile from timber. 1878. Anon. [Death of a woodpecker by tixiiig its bill in a piece of wood.] <^ The Country, i, March 9, 1878, p. 2(il. 1878. Bailey, H. B. Some New Traits for the Red-hcadcd Woodpecker [Melanerpea erj'throeephabis). < Bull. Xnft Oniifh. Chih. iii. No. 2, Apr., 1878, p. 97. Their stoiing grasshoppers in cracks of wood. 1878, B[rewer],T. M. Picoides Arcticns. <^Fore.'93, pp. 7BU, 7(il. Description by Mr. Hamersly, of Coventiy ; vague and general, but pointing to the bird afterward known as Troehilus colubris. 1693. Grew, N. A Query put by Dr. X. Grew, concerning the food of rhe Humming Bird; occasioned by the Description of it in the Trausnctious. Numb. •JOO. < Philos. Trans., xvii, 1(;9:}, p. 815. Wliether it be juice of tiowei's, or small insects. The question was thus opened very early. 1698. BULLIVANT, B. Part of a Letter from Mr. Benjamin Bullivant, at Boston, in New England; to Mr. James Petiver, Apothecary, and Fellow of the Royal Society, in Loudon. Concerning .some Natural Observntions he had made in those Parts. <.P/)i?o.s. Trans., xx, 1698, pp. 167, 168. Feeding a "Hum-bird" (t. e., Troohilvs cohibris) in captivity with honey. 1777. . Description d'nn Oiseau-Mouche. <^Ohs. ef Mem. sur la Phi/s. ^Ko- zier,)i^K,l777,l)l^.'^66,■i{il7,flg. Pas vne moi-meme — le titre tir6 de Carus and Engelmann. 1778. Badier, — . Sur la mmrriture des Colibris [Trochilidie]. <^11. 1-70. Histoire Naturelle | des Jacamars. | Par L. P. Vieillot. | pp. 1-8, pll. 1-6. Histoire Naturelle | des Promerojis. | Par L. P. Vieillot, Naturaliste-A'oya- geur. I pp. 1-22, pll. 1-9. Table g(5n^rale des inatieres [jjour les Colibris, les .Jacamars et les Prome- rops], pp. 23-28. Contents of Vol. II. Oiseaux dor^s | on | a reflets m6talliqnes. | — | Tome second. | 1 leaf, backed with Crapelet's imprint. Title page of Vol. II, as follows : | Histoire Naturelle | et G^n^rale | des Grimpereaux | et | des Oiseaux de Paradis. | Par .T. B. Audebert et L. P. Vieil- lot. I — I A Paris, | chez Desray, Libraire, Rue Hautefeuille, N° 36. ' An XI = 1802. I 1 leaf, backed blank. Histoire Naturelle des Grimpereaux Sou'f-Mangas. pp. 1-68, pll. 1-41. Histoire Naturelle des Grimpereaux Guit-guits. pp. ()9-84, pll. 42-.')l. Histoire Naturelle des Grimpereaux Heoro-taircs. pp. 85-106, pll. 52-71. 660 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.x 180-^. ArDKUEKT, J. B., and Vikillut, L. P. — Continued. • HistoiiT Naturelle des Gnmpereaux. pp. 1()7-1'28, ](11. 72-88. Hi.stoirc Xaturt'lle | des | Oiseanx rte Parudis. | p]!. l-:'>4, pll. l-Ki. Table irc'-nerale des luatieres. pp. 35-40. The composition of the Avbole work is not (ividcnt at first siirlit. As consisting of t%vn vols, folio, the general title is simt)ly OlSEAUX DOKfo ou A keklets MfeTALUyuES, by Audebert and Vii-illot, and such is the i>reliminary half-title printed on the first leaf of each vol. Uut the full title-page of Vol. I is as above given. It includes the Colibris and Oiscaux- Mourhcs (-— Trochilid(V). by both authors : then the Jaeamars {Galbulidce) by Vieillot, separa- tely paged and half-titled, plates separately numbered : then the Promerops ( Vpvpidce, Prome- ropidre, etc.) by Vieillot. also lialftitled. separately paged, and tlie ])lates separately numbered. The vol. closes with a table of contents of the wliole. eimtinuously paged with Promerops. Vol. H is still more composite as to the birds treated, but has only two ])agination8 and two numerations of plates. The preliminary title is Oiseaux dor6s, etc., as before, Vol. II. The full-page title is as given above under "Contents": but the "Grimperaux" of the full title are subdivided by a sort of chapter-hefldings into "Grimpereaux Soui-Mangas", • ' Grimpereaux Gitit-gnits", "Grimpereaux Heoro-taires', and "Grimpereaux"; continu- ou.sly paged, their plates continuously nitmbered. Then the " OLseaux de Paradis" are half- titled, separately paged, and their plates separately nimibered. The vol. closes with a table of contents of the whole, continuously paged with Oiseaux de Paradis. The "Grimpereaux" are a most miscellaneous lot of birds, about equal to the Linmean Certhia; inchiAiug Meliphagidre. Coerebidce. Si/lvicnlidce, Dendrocolaptidce, etc. The Paradistn birds are less composite, but still include others than the Paradiseidce of modem authors. The work is said to have been published in '32 livraisons, the dates of which are unknown to me. The date above given is that of the title-page of each vol.. being the completion of the work. There are said to be actually 192 plates, though the ostensible series is 70 -|- 6+9-|-88 -{-16=: 189. The edition is said to have been of 200 copies. Therearesaid to have been also 100 copies printed ou vellum, and 10 copies printed with gold instead of black ink. In the copy examined, in the Libr. Phila. Acad., the names on the plates are all in gold. Fortunately or otherwise, no scientific nomenclature is used in this luxurious work. If should be used in connection with Vieillot's article " Colibri" in Xouo. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., vii, 1817. which .see. 1804. Bartox. B. S. Facts relative to the Food of the Hmnming-Bird [Trochilna co- Inbris]. <^ Barton's Med. and Phjis. ,/o«r»., part i, vol. i, 1804, pp. 88, 89. ■ — that the Trochilus does actually in part, upon the different species of insects." 1817. V[iEiLLOT, L. P.] Colibri, Trochilns, Lath. <::^Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., vii. 1817, pp. :U0-87fi, pll. B '^'^, B 19. In Audebert and Vieillot's ou\Tage de luxe. Oiseaux dores ov d reflets metalliqves, which was completed in 1802. no scientific names are given to the Huuuuers and other glittering birds so beautifully depicted: but in the present article, Vieillot names many species in due form, with references to the'plafes of the Ois. dor., as follows : — 'T. cavdacutvs. Y., p. 347 ; T. multicolnr. Lath., p. 347: T.azai;Y.. p. 347: T. superciliusus, Lath., p. 347 (pll. 17, 18 of Oin. Dor.) : T. /iisnw, V., ]). 348 : T. galeritus, Lath., p. 348 : T. cineretis, Lath., p. 348 (pi. 5 of O. D.) . T. leueurus, LAth., \>. 348: T. nigricollis, V., p. 349: T. fulvifrons. Lath., p. 349: 2'. flavifrons. Lath., p. 349 : T. granoiimis. Lath., p. 3.')0 (pi. 4 of O. D.) -. T. aurulentii.s. Aud.-b., p. 350 (pll. 12, 13 of O. D.) : T. elegaas. Audeb., ]>. 351 (pi. 14 of O. D.) : T. peetoralis, Lath., p. 351; T. para diseas. Lath., p. 3:52 : T. crigtateUm, Lath., p. 352: T. hirsvtus. p. 3.52 (pi. 20 of O. D.) ; T. thav niantias. Lath., p. 353 ; T. mango, Lath., p. 353 (pi. 7 of O. D.) ; T. mango, var., p. 353 ; T. quad ricolor. V.,p. 353; T. viridig, V.,p. 354 (pi. 41 of O. D.) ; T. torquatus. Lath., p. 354; T. atrica- pillvs, v., p. 354 ; T. polytmus, Lath., p. 355 (pi. 47 of O. D.) -. T. pella. Lath., p. 355 (pll. 2, 3 of O. D.) ; T. exilii. Lath., p. 356 : T. atrigaster, V., p. 356 (pi. 65 of O. D.) : T. punctatus, Lath., p. 357 (pi. 8 of O. D.) : T. viridis. V. [not viridis of p. 354|, p. 357 (pi. 15 of O. D.) : T. brasiliensis. Lath., p. 3.57 (pi. 19 of O. D.) : T. holnsericeus, Lath., p. .357 (]d. 6 of O. D.) : T. violaceus, Lath., p. 358 ; T. pvnctulatu9. Lath., p. 358 : T. amethystinus, Lath., p. 358 ; T. albirontris, V., p. 359 (pi. 45 otO.D.): T. serrirostris. V., p. 359; T. einereus, V.,p. 359: T. mellivorus. Lath., p. 360 (pll. 22. 23, 24 of O.D.): T. obseurug, Lath., p. 361: T. splendidus,'V., p. 361: T. ourisgia. Lath., p. 361; T. carbunculus. Lath., p. 361 (pi. 5 of O. D.) ; T. ccertdeus, V., p. 361 (pi. 40 of O.D.); T. viacn- latus, v., ]). 361 (pi. 44 of O. D.) -. T. ruficollis, V., p. 362 : T. leucogaster. Lath., p. 363 (pi. 43 of O. D.) ; T. melUsugus, Lath., p. 363 (jd. 39 of O.D.): T. maximus. Lath., p. 364 ; T. ornatus, Latli., p. 364 (pi. 49 of O.D.): T. eristatus. Latli., p. 365 : T. pileatus. Lath., p. 365 (pi. 63 of O. D.) : T. latipennis. Lath., p. .365 (pi. 21 of O. D.) ; T. longlrostrig. V., p. 366 (pi. .59 of O.D.): T. inacron- rus, Lath., p. 366 : T.for/ieatus, L:ith., ]>. 366 (pi. 00 of O. D.) ; T. magnijicus, V., p. 367 ; T. marnio- rat>'.s. v., p. 367 ; T. maiigmts. V., p. 368 (pi. 37 of O. D.) ; T. auritus. Lath., p. .368 (pi 25, 26 of O i>.>: T. niinliniis. L;tth., p. 360: T. ruber. Lath., p. 309: T. ctiaiutrvs Y.. p. 369: T. glaucopis. .Vo. V] COUKS's ORNITH. HIUI.KXJK'AIMI V IIJOCIIILIU^. ^Gl 1817. V[iKiLL<)T], L. r. — C'iiiilimicd. Liith., I). 370: T. ruficaudutiig. V., p. :!70 (pU. .'V, 'JK of O. D.) -. T. platm-im. I.atli.. p. iTo fpl. • U8" of O. D.): r. eulubris, Lath., p. 371 (pll. 31, 32, 33 of O. D.) , T. rubineim, Lath., p. 371 ; T. mo- schitus. Lnth., p. 372 (pi. fw of O. i).) : T. mphirimis. Lath., p. 373 (pll. 3.'), .". .jS of O. JJ.I; T, bicolor. Lath., p. 373 (pi. 30 of O. />.) : 7'. collaris. Latli.. p. 374 (i)ll. fil. 6,> of O. D.) -. T. lencnero. laplnts, v., p. 374; T. cyanocephalug, LuUi., p. ;J7.">; T. oiridlniiimuM. \:ir., p. 37,'i(pl. 4oof (>. D.); T. i/uianeitHin, l.ntU., ]>. 37."i; 7'. /wrctt^M, Lath., p.37t)(pl. 34 of O. D.). TL>- aitirli' aiipiiros coiisciiuciiic fiiiiii thus fiiriiishiu}; a tuthuical iiouii'iu'latuic to the Oinfaux Dur^s. Most, if not all, of till- spccii's niarkcil " V." an- fcchuirally iir-\v. Miiiiy of ih"- ii'st. attrilHiti'l to I.a- thaiii. air n^all.v trmfliiiiaii, Liuiia'an. or othi-r uaiiii'.s. — .Sec \AW1, At hKiiERT ami ViKll.i.ui. 1822. Maximit.i.vx. — . I^'hor dici Nahnmg dcr FliciffiivMiril Criocliiliis) [Trodiilid;!-]. < Okcii'H IxiH, .liihfg. vi, lH-2-i, pp. .17n-47-,>. 1824. Bullock, [W.] ir.'lx'i- C(.lil»ii.s. < Fror. Xoti:.,i\, No. l-^:{, l.-^-J4, pp. HW-1U4. Xicht iiiir .solVjst zufiiiiiglich — Titi'l aiis C. ii. E. liibl. Aus ile.'^sfn ., ."^ix Months' Iti-sidi-nro in Mexico" (Loudon, 1824). 1824. WiL.sox, — . Note .siir I'aiiatoiuic ik' roiscaii-iiioiiche. <^Iiiill. Sc. Mnlii.. — , 1824, pp. 'J- — . Not seen — title from Oirbcl. 1827. VoiGT, — . \V. IJtillock iiberdie Colibri's. (Atis ili-.s-seu : Six Month's Residenco in Mexico ete. London 1824.) <^ Ornis, llelt iii, 1827, pp. 98-111. 1828. [Lksso.v, K. p.] Hi.stoirc Natiivelle des OiHeanx-Monehes ; par K. 1*. Lesson. ... < Fvritss. Bull., 2'- .sect., xv, 1828. pp. W.\. :{(I4. Extrait du I'l-ospt-ctus de cet ouvrage. 1828. Rennie,.L Naliinng des Colihri. <^Fror. Xotiz., xxiii, No. 4-'8. 1^2-. ]>. »4. Xifht niir selbst zuiiiinalii'li — Tittd ans Gams ii. Enirebnann. 1829. Axon. Histoire natiirelle des oi.seanx inoiichos, par Les.son. Paris ihez A. Ber- traud. 29, v,r. 8 ; libr. 1,2; pi. illnm. < Oketi'a Ma, Bd. xxii. 1829, p. 785. 1829. Anox. Histoire iiatnrelle des Oi.seaiix-Mouclies; par M. R. 1'. Les.son. . . . < Fei-Hss. liiilL, 2'- .sect., xvii. 1829, pp. 12:5. 124. 1829. Axox. Histoire naturelle des Oiseanx-Monch''s; par R. P. Lesson, . . . <^ Fe- )-iiM. liiiU., 2« sect., xvi, 1829, pp. 281, 282. 1829. Axox. Histoire naturelle des Oiseanx-Monclies : par Ii. 1'. i..esson. . . . <[ Fe- nmx. HhU.. 2^ sect., xix, 1829, i»i>. Myi, '.\'V.\. ,1829. Anox. Histoire uatnrelle des Oiseanx-Moiiehes, etc. : ))ar M. K. 1*. Lesson. . . . FeruHs. liiill., 2<' sect., xvi, 1829, pp. 4(12. W.\. This and the four i)rcccdinvo. pp. i-xlvj, 1-223; pll. color. l-H"). +48 bis (8t> jdates in all). Published in 17 livraisons, bejiinniny, Jan. 1829: and endinir .*p. i-xlvj. title, dedication, .ndver- tispment (latti'r dated 10, Janvier 1X2!)). and tableau des espeees decrites et fiirnrees dans ri>tte histoire naturelle (mai 1829) : 1-223. the regular text : to this belongs the original series of 1-8.S (86) plates. This .si't of plates and accompanying text is citable as one work uuiler the :(bove titl" commonly called ''Oiseaux-Mouches." The work is found bound in 1 vol., ie\t and plat«8; or in 2 vols., one of letter-press, the other of plates; or text bound with that of Les- son's two other series of Hummers, the "Colibris" and the ''Trocliilidees." The plati-s are either plain or colored; or both, in duplicate sets. (■omi)are the other titles gi\en l>e>i>ud, ;it 1830-31, and 1832. .same autlior. The TrocUiUiUr figured and described in this work aie:— Tkite 1 Oniiminja pftisfiphorn p. 37. 2, O. superba. p. 40. 3, O. tri^iii, )>. 43. 4. O. rivolii. ]>. 48, .'>. O. eiiannpogon. p, 50. 6, O. cora, p. 52. 7, 8, (A c/iri/soJop/irt, p. 55. 9, O.atsennii. yi. W. 10. 11, O. auWtrt. p. G3. 12,13, 662 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, [Vol. V. 1829. Lesson, E. P.— Contiuucd. O. amazili, p. 67. 14, O. sephanioden, p. 69. 15, O. heteropygia, p. 7"2. 16, O. iiattereni, p. 75 17, O. cephalatra, p. 78. 18, O. furcata, p. 82. 19, O. vesper, p. 85. 20, O. temininekii. p. 88 21, 22, O. mellivora, p. 90. 23, 24, O. delalandi, p. 95. 25, O. hirundinacea, p. 98. 26. O. tang* dorffii. p. 102. 27. 28, O.sapho, p. 205. 29, 30. O. mesoleuca. p. 110. 31, 32. O. cristata. p. 113 33. O. simplex, p. 119. 34, O. simplex, p. 121. 35. Campylopterus ensipennis, j). 12i. 36, Tro chill's falcatus. p. 126. 37. T. recurvirostris, p. 129. 38, 39, T. lugubris, p. 132. 40. Ornismya platura. p. 136. 41. O. ornata, p. 139. 42, 43, O. strumaria, p. 143. 44, 45, 46, O. rubinea p. 146. 47, O. amethystina. 48, 48 bis, O. colubris, p. 151. 49, 50, O. bicolor, p. 161. 51 O. audeberti, p. 164. 52, 53, 54, O. moschita, p. 166. 55, 56, 57, O. sapphirina, p. 172. 58, 59, O glaucupis, p. 175. 60, O. viridi^, p. 178. 61, O. erythronotos, p. 181. 62, O. tephrocephalus, p 182. 63. O. albicoUis, p. 184. 64, O. vieiUotii, p. 186. 65, O. prasina, p. 1^8. 66, 67. O. safin, p 190. 68. 69. O. maugei, p. 194. 70, O. swainsonii, p. 197. 71, O. cyanea, p. 199. 72. Trochilus mxtlticolor, p. 201. 73, Ornismya waglerii, p. 203. 74, O. anna, p. 205. 75. O. viridissima, p 207. 76, O. albiveatris. p. 209. 77, O. brevirostris, p. 211. 78, O. albirostri^, p. 212. 79, O minima, p. 213. 80, O. clementioe, p. 216. 81, generic character.s. 82, 83, 84. 85, nests. The Tableau des especes records 58 spp., aU under ' Ornismya," nob., p. x, but reairanged under the "tribes'' Cynanthus Sw., p. xj ; Phoethornis Sw., p. xviij : Platurus. nob., p. xxij ; Lain- pornis Sw., p. xxiij ; Lophomis, nob., p. xxvij ; Camphylopterus Sw. : to which 58 spp. there are added (Sept., 1829) O. clemencice. which was figured pi. 80, but omitted from the Tableau, and O. cyanocephalns, nob., p. xlv. Xearly all these species are described as if new — Lesson even giving them new specific names when he qiiotes older ones, a common practice with this author. 1829. Lyox, Capt. Extract of a Letter from Capt. Lyou, R. N., Corr. Memb. Z. tt., »tc., to a Friend in England, dated Gongo Soco, Brazil, 17th March, 1829. <^ Zool. JouiH., Y, 1829, pp. 1,2, figs. 1,2. Relating to the nidification of a species of Humming-bird, which increased tlie capacity of the nest with the growth of the young. 1829. Rexnie, J. Food of the Hnmming bird. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist.,i, 1829, i)p, 37L:172. 1830. Anon. Hi.stoire natnrelle des Oiseanx Monches ; par R. P. Lesson ... < F^- ru-ss. Bull., 2-^ sect., xxi, 1830, pp. 142 and 320. l!r30. [Lesson, R. P.] Histoire uaturelle des Colibris, suivie d'un supplement a I'Hi.s- toire natnrelle des Oiseaux-Mouches ; par R. P. Lesson. . . . p. 32:i-325. Pi-ospectus. 1830-31. Lesson, R. P. Histoire Natnrelle | desColibris, j snivie j d'nusnpplement | a I'histoire natnrelle | des | Oiseaux-Monches; | ouvrage om6 de planches | des- sinees et gravies par les meillenrs artistes, | et d^di^ | A M. le Baron Cnvier. I Par R. P. Lesson. | [Quotation, 9 lignes. ] | — | Paris. | Arthus Bertrand, Li- braire, | <^ditenr du voyage antour dn monde du capitaine Duperrey, | Rue Hantefenille, N" 23. | No date. (1830-31.) 8vo. pp. i-x, 1-106; pll. 1-25,12 bis, 13 bis (Colibris), 1-39 (Snppl. Ois.-Mouches) = 66 plates in all. Published in 13 ? livraisons, monthly or thereabouts, each of 5 or 6 plates and accompanying letter-press, V)eginning Oct.. 1830, and ending Dec, 1831. This is the second series of Les- sons Hummers, consisting of "Colibris" and "Suppl6ment Oiseaux-Mouches," the two por- tions of this work being continuously paged, but the two sets of plates being separately enumer.ated : pp. i-x, title, dedication, and preface ; pp. 1-90, text of Colibris ; pp. 91-192, text of Suppl. Ois.-Mouch. ; pp. 193-196, Indexes to each ; pll. 1-25, 12 bis, 13 bis, for Colibris, pll. 1-39 for Suppl. Ois.-Mouches. The text of this work is citable as "Col. et Suppl. Ois.- Monch.." but in citing the plates, it must be specified which series is meant. Compare same author at 1?29 and 1832. The following are figured and described in "Colibris:" — PI. 1, Ramphodon (g. n.) macu- latum, p. 18. 2, 3, 4, 5, Trochilus pella. pp. 21. 27, 31, 33. 6, 7, T. sxtperciliosus, pp. 35, 38. 8, T. squalidus, p. 40. 9, T. rufigaster, p. 43. 10, T. auratm, p. 46. 11, T. viridis, p. 50. 12, 12 bis, T. gramineit^, pp. 52, 56. 13, 13 bis, 14, T. mango, pp. 58, 62, 64. 1.5, T. nitidus. p. 66. 16, 17, 18, 19, T. aiirulentm, pp. 68, 71, 73. 74. 20, T. holosericeus, p. 76. 21, T. hirsutus. 22, T. leu- euriis. 23, T. simplex, p. fiQ. 2i, T. prevostii, p. 87. 25, Details anatomiques et caract^res dea Colibris. In the "Suppl. Ois.-Mouches" are described and figured the following : —PI. 1, Ornismyadu- pontii, p. 100. 2. O. audenetii, p. 102. 3, O. anais, p. 104. 4, O. chrysura, p. 107. 5, O. sepha- nioides, p. 109. 6, O. simplex, p. 111. 7, O. anna. 8, O. clemencice, p. 115. 9, 10, O. cyano- pogon, pp. 117. 119. 11, 12, 13, O. sasin. pp. 121, 123, 124. 14, O. tricolor, p. 125. 15, 0. pampa. Xo.i] COUES's ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY TROCIIILID.E. 663 lt^:W-ol. Lessox, R. 1'.— Continued. ]i. 127. 16, O. langsdorjffii, p. 129. 17, 18, O. cywnocephala, pp. 132, 134. 19, O. delalandii, p. 136. 20, 21, 22. O. amethtjstina, pp. 138, 141, 142. 23, O.cyanea, p. 143. 24, O. aioceHa, p. 145. 25, O. eriphile, p. 148. 26, O. vieAii. p. l.")0. 27, O. arge.nnii, p. 152. 28, 29, O. arsenoe, pp. 154, 156. 30, O. oenone, p. l.'iT. 31, O. platura, p. 159. 32, O. chrysolopha, p. 162. 33, O. su- perha, p. 164. 34. O. recurvirostris, p. 166. 35, O. mina, p. 169. 36. O. dumerilii, p. 172. 37, 38, O. canicetil. pp. 174. 177. 39, O. hirundinatea, p. 179. 1830. LoDDlGK.s^ [(;.] [{;eph;inci)is, j--. ii.] < /'. Z. »S'., i, 1830, p. 1:^. 18.30. SCHiEDi:, ^. «Hd Dkppk. — . Humminji Bird and Insects at a great height on the Volcano of Orizaba. <^ Edinh. New Philon. Jonrn., viii, 1830, pp. 203, 204. 1830. Vigors, N. A. [Characters of a New Species of Hiimming-bird, Trochllus lod- dige.sii Gould.] < P. Z. S., % 1830, p. 12. 1831. Axon, llistoiro natnicUc dcs Oiseaux-Mouchcs, par R. P. Lesson. ... <[ Fe- rusts. Ball., 2<^ sect., xxiv, 1831, pp. 200-202. This is simply one of the many notirt's of Lesson's works on Hummers which .appeared in this Bulletin during the progrreas of the publication. 1831. Axox. Histoire natnrellc des Cidibris. . . . ; par R. P. Lesson. ... <^ Fe- russ. Bull., 2« sect., xxiv, 1831, p. 202. 1831. Axox. Histoire naturelle des Colibris, . . . ; par R. P. Lesson. ... <^ Fe. ru.%s. Bull., 2^ sect., xxv, 1831, pp. 118, lit). 1831. Axox. Les Trochilidce.s on les Colibris, etles Oiseanx-Monchcs ; par R.-P. Les- son. . . . . 100. 63, 64, O. inontatM, pp. 161, 16;j. 65, O. kieneri, p. 165. 66, O. swaiiumnii, p. 167. In the luiU'x General, 1832, the 110 s])p. tve-ited in all three of Lesson's series of Hummers are rearranged systematically,* according to the authors claasitication, in 27 " races ' and sundry "trihes,"' with short characters and s>iion\niiy. Lesbia Less., p. xvij : Coeligena Less., p. xviij. These three hooks may he found hound in different ways : generally, with text of all three together, and plates in three separate vols. Index Genei'al helongs to 'Trochilidfees,' as per title of the latter, hut is separately titled and paged. There are in the whole series 864-66 — 66 ==218 i)lates, hut only about 110 species are treated. There are both plain and colored issues of the plates — both togethei'. iu the copy examined. These three hooks aie hard to get the hang of; the titles are so curiously mixed up that there is endless confusion in citing them, especially 'it second-hand. The three separate series are perfectly distiuct works, hibliographically speaking, vet represent a single mono- graph of the Hummers, with titles euough alike to be confusing, yet not different enough to be distinctive until they are studied out. The following summary max therefore be useful ; Less., ■ O-in.-Mouch.", pp. i-xlvj, 1-233, pll. 1-48, 48 bis., 49-85 (86 plates). Date, 1829. Less., ••Colibris et Svppl. Ois.-Mnvch.". pp. i-x, \-\m (CoUhris. pp. 1-90: Sxippl. O.-lf.. pp. 91-192). Colibris. pll. 1-12, 12 his, 13 bis. 14-25. Siippl. O.M.. pll. 1-39 (66 plates in the two series). Date, 1830-31. Less., ■Truclnlidees,' pp. i-iv, 1-171, plL 1-66. Date, 1832. Index General, pp. i-xliij, no pl.ites. Date, 1832. Lesson's work ou tlie Huuuuers is notable as one of the earliest extensive nionogTa'phie.-i of this extratirdinary family of birds, being only preceded by that of Aiuleliert and Vieillot. It treats, however, of only about one-third of the species now known, and its claims as a con- tribution to science are not of the bighest. The plates are liuely finished, being good work of this French kind, and when colored become very pretty pictiuvs; but the tcchuic of the work, as alreads hinted, is of moderate merit. Many new species ami several new genera are named, .and various species are renanu-d even when the author knew and cited their prior designititms — a reprehensible habit wliich Lesson not seldom indulged. It ai>pfars from Rev. ZooL, iii. 1840. \>. 71. that Lessim intendi-d to jniblisli a fnurth vi.. ; but it remained ined. 1832. LODDIGKS, G. [Clifiraoters of Four New Species of Huiiimiug-liinl.s from Pop- ayau, in the Collection of John Gtmld.] < F. Z. !<., u, LS^2, ]^t. (i, 7. Trochilus tiirianthinus, p. 6: T.eun/pterns. T.flavesccns. T.goxildii. p. 7. 1832. LODDIGKS, (J. [Exhibition and chaiiicters olT several Humming Birds from Popayau. ] < Fhilos. Mag., xi, 1832, p. 4*)1. From P. X. a., Jan. 10, 1832, pp. 6, 7, q. r. 1832. Waterton, C. Hnmming-birds. <^ London's May. Xot. Hixl., v, 1832, pp. 473-470. Misci'Uaueous notes of habits. 1832. Waterton, C. The Green Hnnniiinj>-bird. < LokiIou'h Maff. Xat. flisi., v,-L*32, ])]). (wf), ()7(j. 1832. White, A. IJeber Colibri.s. < h;>r. Xoli:., xxxv. No. 7.'.0, 1832, ])i>. 20-23. Nicht mir selhst zugiinglich — Titel aus Car. und Eng. 1833. .Tardixk, W. The | Natnrali.st8' Library. | Ornitholooy. | Vol. I [II]. | Hiini- ming-Birds. | By | Sir William Jardine. Bart. | F. R. S. E. F. L. 8. «&c. &c. | Edinburgh: | W. H. Lizars, and Sterling and Kenney ; | Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and | Longman. Loudon; | and W. Cnrry, Juu. and Co. Dublin. I — I 1833. 2 vols. l(i mo. Vol. I: a green half-cover-title, 1 leaf ; a notice, 1 leaf; advts., i)p. 1-G ; half-title, I leaf; portrait of Linn:pus; ongr. col'd title, backed blank; full title as above, backed with W. Ballantyne & Co. 's imprint ; contents, pp. i-iii ; blank, p. iv; advt., pp. 1-10; half-title to memoir of Liunanis, pp. 11,12; memoir of LinnuMis, pp. 13-4H; regular text of Humming-birds, pp. 49-147, with pll. col'd 1-34; advts., pp. 1-32 and pp. 1-8. Vol. II, not handled by me. /To. 4.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY TROCHILID^. 665 1633. Jardine, W. — Continued. "The Naturalists' Library," wbicli reacbeil about 40 vols, tlirciugb several years, waa started in 1833 with .lariliue's "Humuiing-Birds," iu 2 vols. The above is tbe full title and collation of the original issue, iu cheap binding and loaded with advts., differing materially from the later reissue, when the many vols, were systematically rearrangetl, Mammals tirst, then Birds, &c. In the final rearrangement, these two Humming-Bird vols, become "Hum- ming-Birds.— Part I [II] ', and form Vols. VI, VII. Tbe main text, and the plates, are iden- tical in any issues ; but the titles and the furnishings differ. (Compare next title.) "Tbe Naturalistjs' Library" was a publisher's : but the weight of tbe editor's name, the excellence of the text, and tbe beauty of the plates, rendered it a very notable work, of no less scientific merit than popular interest and usefulness. 1833. Jardine, W, The | Naturalist's Library. | Edited by | Sir William Jardine, Bart., I F. R. S. E., F. L. S., etc., etc., | Vol. VI [VII]. | — | Ornithology. | Hnmmiug- Birds.— Part I [II]. | By the Editor. | — | Edinburgh: | W. H. Lizars, [etc.] n. d. [1833.] '2 vols. 16mo. ^'ol. VI: portrait of Liuuajus; eug. eol'd title; other title; contents, 2 leaves ; }ip. i-xxxii, '25-191, cuts, pll. col'd 1-34. Vol. VII : portrait of Pennant ; eug. eol'd tith' : other title: con- tents, 2 leaves ; pji. 1-192, cuts, pll. col'd, 1-30. Being Vols. I, II, of tbe original issue. The date here given is that of the original issue ; I do not know exactly when the reissue was made. On the systematic rearrangement of the many vols, of the series, the Hummers, originally Vols. I aiul II. became " Humming-Birds, Part I [II]," and then formed Vols. VI, VII, of the rearranged series. (Compare last title.) These two vols, contain memoirs of Linna-us (Vol. VI) and of Pennant (Vol. VII), and other- wise of a monograph ot TriichiUdce ; the text by .Jardine. the illustrations by Lizars. Vol. VI : Hamphodon nrevius, pi. 1; Trocli. arocetta, pi. 2 : T. reciirvirostris, pi. 3; T. rufigas- ter, pi. 4; T.colithris, pi. .>; T. anna, pi. C: T. ci/aneus, pi. 7; T. pmsina. pi. 8? T. qiiadrlcolor, pi. 9; T.delalandii, pi. 10; T. moschitiis, pi. 11 : 2'. sephanotdes, pi. 12; T. petasophorns. pi. 13; T. scutatus, pi. 14 ; T. ornatus, pis. 15, 10 ; T. audenetii, pi. 17 ; T. chalybeus. pi. 18 : T. magnifieus, pis. 19, 20; T.cormitus, pis. 21, 22: T.furcati'x, pi. 23; T. vesper, pi. 24: T. com. pi. 2.5; T. du- pontii, pi. 26; T. eniainw, pi. 27; T. saphirinun, pi. 28; T. leucotis, pi. 20; T. mellivorus, ]il. 30; T. multicolor, pi. 31 : T. graminevs, pl.s. :!2, 33; T. lafipennis, pi. 34 (name Campjilopterns laUpennis on pi.). Vol. VIII: T.thalasx;nus.\,U.l,-l(T.aurUun\,\.): T. iiUjns.\A.:\: T.eoelegena. \AA: T.stnk- esil, pi. 5; T. loddiijesiii, pi. 0; T. delalandii. $. i)l. 7: T. ovthura, pi. 8; T. amcthgstoide.s, \>\.'.i {T. amethystina on pi.) : TT. rubineus. tnontana. no i)l. : T. langgdorffii. pi. 10; T. rvfus, pi. 11 ; T. gouldii, pi. 12 ; T. tricolor, pi. 13 : T. hicifer, pi. 14 (T. eyaaopogon on pi.) : T.petasophorns. pi. 15; T. wagleri, pi. 16; TT. bicolor, maugerii, glmicopis, eceritleus. swainsonii. erythrunotiis, eyanogenyg, atala, no pi. ; T. mesoleucun, pi. 17 ; TT, squamosus, dlbicollis. gitperbus, no pi. : T. rivolii, pi. 18 ; T. bufonii, pi. 19 ; T. )tiango, pi. 20; TT. mridis, holoserkeus. leiicurus, auriden- tus, hypopliceiis, no pi. ; T.pohjtmus. pi. 21; T.underiroodii. pi. 22: T. .y)argamtru», pi. 23; T. mma, no pi. ; T.pella, pis. 24, 25; 1'. superciUosus. pis. 26, 27 ; T. eurynoine. pi. 28 ; T. guy. T. in- termedius, bourcieri, squalidus, longuemareus. niflgaster, davidinmis, no i)l. ; T. hirgutus. pi. 29; T. mazeppa, no pi. : T. gwainsoni, pi. 30. The synopsis, which follows, is briefly synonym.atic and descriptive, adopting Swainsmis five subfamilies. This series of illustrations, coming after Lesson's works on tbe same subject, furnish a valuable check on tbe species so indis- criminately described as new by the latter, to the great prejudice of others, especially Vieillot. 1833. La LL.\^•E, P. de. [Memoria sobre algunas especies nuevas del genero Tro- chilus.] -^Eedistro Trimesire, vol. ii = mini. .5, Enero de 1833, pp. 39-.')0. T. cohuatl, p. 47 ; T. xicotencal, p. 48 ; T. tzacatl, p. 48 ; T. papantzin, p. 48 ; T. topiltzin, p. 49. This article has no title, ami appears to be little known. I commenil it to notice, as con- taining descriptions of five new Hummers, the names of which, given iu due Linn;van form, doubtless antedate others now in general employ. 1833. SCHREiBERS, C. V. [Xeue Arten vonTrochilus.] < Okeua his, Bd. xxxvi, 1833, pp. 534, .535. ,. Kegierungs-Eath von Schreibers aus Wien legte eine Probe des von ihm beab.siohtigten, gemi'iuschaftlicli mit den osterreichischen Naturforscbern herausgegebenden Werkes vor, worinn die von den Oesterreichern in Brasilien neu entdeckten Thiere beschrieben und abge- bildet werden sollen. Dieselbe besteht in deni ersten Hefte des ornitbologiscben Theiles, welcher die Beschreibung und Abbildung zweyer ueuer Trochilus-Arten entbiilt, die er dem Konige und der Koniginn von Ungarn zu Ehreu Trochilug regis und Trochilus regino.i nonnt, und fiihret den Titel; Collectanea ad faunam Bramliae.'' Bull. V, 4 10 666 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [ ToJ. V. 1833. SCHREiiiEns, C. v. Caroli a Schreibers | Museonim Eegio-Caesareo-Aulicorum ex Hist. Nat. Praefecti etc., ) Collectanea | ad | Faiiuam Brasiliae. | — | Nova Genera et Species animalinm, | a natnrae scrntatoribns Caes. Austriacis in Bra- silia collectorum, ] descripta ct iconibns illustrata. | — | Fasciculus I. | — ] Viennae. | Impensis Editoris. | 1833. Folio. Cover-title, other title, pp. 1-4, pi. 1. 2fo more published. — The above is the cover-title of the publication as a whole, of which the present piece is Fasciculus I. To this there is special title as follows : Collectanea | ad Omithologiam Br.\siliae. | — | Beytrage znr Togelknnde BrasUiens. | — | Jfeue Alien von Blunienspeehten, Colibri : | beschrieben | von | Karl von Schreibers. | — | "Wien. | Auf Kos- ten des Herausgebers. | MDCCCXXXIII. [Gedruckt bey Anton Strauss's sel. "Witwe.] The 4 pages of text are devoted to the description of two new species of Trochilidce, viz : T. regis, p. 1, pi. 1, f. 1 and 1 a ; and T. reginae, p. 3, pi. i, f. 2. Besides these, the Plate gives- tig, a, T. o»->iafi'«; t.\>., T.7nag7iifi4ius; t'. c, T. strumariug. There is no other ornithological matter. Cf. Isis, 1833, pp. 534, 535. 1834. Barnes, Mrs. — . [Note on the rearing of a species of Humming-bird (Melli- snga humili.s ?)] < i"- ^- S., ii, 1834, p. 33. 1834. GuiLDiNG, L. Facts on Humming-Birds, their Food, the Manner in which they take it, and on their Habits ; with Directions for preserving the Eggs of Humming-Birds. and the Forms of the Bodies of Spiders, and Pupis and Lame of Insects. <^London^s JIag. Xat. Hist., vii, 1834, pp. 509-573. 1834. Vigors, N. A. [Trochilus loddigesii.] <^Oken-s Ms, Bd. xxvii, 1834, p. 814. Auszugaus Philos. Mag., ix, 1831, p. 62. 1835. Barxes, [AA^/vs — .] [Colibri aus Jamaica.] <^ OAch'-s- Isis, Bd. xxviii, 1835, p. 1026. Anszug aus den P. Z. S., ii, 1834, p. 33. 1835. Gervais, [P.] Oiseaux-mouches. Ornismya. Less. <[ (Vhit. Maf/. de ZooL, o" annec, 183.5, class ii, notices xli, xlii, pll. xli, xlii. O. ricordii, Gerv., pll. xli, xlii, n. sp. 18.35. Gervais, [P.] Oiseau-moucho. Ornismya. O. ciunamomon. O. cinnamo- mens. Gervais. <^ Gtier. Mafj. de ZooL, .5" annexe, 1835, classe ii, notice xliii, pi. xliii. 1835. GriLDiXG, L. Ucber die Nalirung dcs Colibris. <^ Fror. Xoti:., xliii. No. 930, 1835, pp. 71, 72. Xicht mir selbst zugiingUch. Titel aus Carus und Englm. Aus desseu ,. Facts on Hum- ming-Bird.s," II. s. w., in Loudon g Mag. yat. Hist, vii. 1834, pp. 569-573. 1835. LoDDiGES, G. [Vier Arten der Trochilida-.] <^Oken\'i Isis, Bd. xxviii, 1835, pp. 367,368. Auszug aus den P. Z. S., ii, 1S3L'. pp. 6, 7, q. r. 1837. Axon. Lesson's Werke i\ber die Colibri. <^Oken's Isis, Bd. xxx, 1837, p. 94. 1837. Chambers, R. [On the Habits and Geographical Distribution of Humming- Birds.] F,,and Lesson, [R. P.] Oiseaux-Monches nouveaiix ou tr^s-rares, d^converts par M. De Lattre dans son voyage en Am6riqne et d^crits jjar MM. De Lattre et Lesson. <[ Bevue Zoolof/ique, ii, 1839, pp. 13-20. Omysmia (sic) cainpylopterus, De L., p. 14 ; O. lessonii, De L., p. 15 ; O. heloisa, Leas, et De L.. p.l5; O. aheiUei, Leas. etDeL., p. 16; O.henrica, Less.etDeL., O. phoebe, Leas.etDeL., p. 17 ; 0. De Lattrei. Less., p. 19 ; Trochilus pretrei, Less, et DeL., T. cliza, Les.s. et DeL., p. 20, spp. nn. 1840. BoissoxxEAU, — . C4. Oiseau-mouclie. Ornismya. Les.son. [luut. mnt.] <^Guer. Mag. de ZooL, 2" ser., annde 1840, Oiseanx, pp. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, pll. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. O. heteropogon, pi. 12 ; O. paulince, pL 13 ; O. temminckii, pi. 14 ; O. ensifera, pi. 15 : O. mi- crorhyncha,, pi. 16. Toutes les especes deja decrites, Hev. ZooL, 1839, pp. 354, 355, q. v. 1840. BouRCiER, J. Descriptions et figures de trois especes nouvelles d'Oiseau- Mouclies. <^ Ann. So. Phys. Soc. d'Agiic. de Lyon, in, 1840, pp. 225-228, 5 pll. 5fot aeen— title from C. & E. Bibl. 1840. BouRCiER, [J.] Oiseau-MoucLe nonveau [Ornismya lieliordor]. <^ Bevue Zoolo- gique. iii, 1840, p. 275. 1840. Fraser, L. [Characters of new Species of Hnmming-birds. ] . TO; T. cupripennin, T. anthophilui, \). 71: T. guimeti, T. gucrini. T. barroti, p. 72. 1843. BOURCIER, J. Oiseaux-monches uouveaux. <^ Bvrue Zooloylque, vi, 1843, p]i. 99- 104. Trochilus prevostii. p. 99; T. eyanifrons, T. goudoti, p. 100: T. chrysogcuter, T. cyanotus. T. geoffroyi, p. 101; T. lendbeateri. p. 102: T.fallax, T. rUfferi. T. viridigaster. p. 103. 1843. BouRCiER, J. Descriptious de quelques espeees uouvelles d'Oiseaux-Mmulies. < Ann. Sc. Phys. Soc. d'Agric. de Lyon, vi, 1843, pp. 36-49, 6 pll. Pas vues moi-meme — ^le titre tire de Cams et Engelmann. 1843. BOURCIER, J., and Mulsant, E. Descriptious et figiues de plusieiu's e.speees nouvelles d'Oiseaux-mouclies. <^Ann. Sc. Phys. Soe. d'Agric. de Lyon, vi, 1843, pp. 36-49. Pas vues moi-meme — le titre ci-dessus tire du Roy. Soc. Cat. 1843. Lattre, [A. ] de. Descriptiou d'uu Oiseau-Mouche nouveau, Ornismya Helenae. <^ Revue Zoologique, vi, 1843, p. 133. L'ficho du monde saviint. 1843. L0DDIGE.S, G. [Ou some Species of Hummiug Birds. ] <^ P. Z. ,S. , xi, 1843. p. 122. Brief but pointed rectification of synonymy of 9 spp. of Ornitmya. 184.5. Cabot, S., Jr. [Remarks on exhibition of Ornismia (sic) eauivetii.] <^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Xal. Hist., ii, 1845, p. 55. 184.5. Cabot, S., Jr. [Trochilus yucatanensis, sp. u. ] <^Proc, Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., ii, 1845, pp. 74, 75. l845. G[UERix-]M[ENE\aLLE, F. E.] [Note sur les] Descriptions et figures de plusi- eurs espfeces nouvelles d'Oiseaux-mouches, par MM. J. Boiu'cier et E. Mulsaut [Ann. des Sci. , vi, 1843]. <^ Bevue Zoologique, viii, 1845, pp. 343, 344. 1845. Parzudaki, [E.] Xouvelle esi)ece d'oiseau mouclie [Oniysmia (sic) isaacsouii]. < Bevue Zoologique, viii, 1845, p. 95. 1845, Parzudaki, [E.] Nouvelle espece d'Oiseau-Mouche [Ornysniia (sic) liudeuii]. < Bevue Zoologique, viii, 1845, p. 253. 1846. BouRCiER, J. Desci'iptiou de uouvelles espeees de Trochilid^es. < Btrue Zo- ologique, ix, 1846, pp. 312-314. Trochilus addce, p. 312 ; T. furnerii, I. lumacheUus, p. 313. 1846. BouRCiER, J. Descriptiou de viugt espeees d'Oiseaux-Mouches, <^ Bevue Zo- ologique, ix, 1846, pp, 314-316, pll. 3, 4. Tel est le titre d'un m6moire que cet omithologiste et M. Mulsant out ins6r6 dans les Ann. Soc. Roy. d'Agr. de Lyon. Ici se trouvent seulement les descriptions de deux especea — T. convcrm, p. 314, pi. 3; T. victorice, p. 315, pi. 4 — suivies d'un liste des autres. Ko.4.] COUES'S OKNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TROCHILID^. 669 164G. BOUKCIER, J., and Mulsant, E. Descriptions clc viugt cspeccs uouvelles d'Oi- seaux-Moiiches. <^Ann. Sc. Phys. Soc. d^Agric. de Lyon, ix, 1846, pp. 313-332, 3 pll. Xot seeii — title from E. & C. 1846. Gould, J. [Descriittion.s of three New Species of the Family of Troeliilidie.] < P. Z. 6'., xiv. 1846, pp. 44, 45. Trochilus corugcans, p. 44 : T. flahelliferus. T. strophianus, p. 45. 1846. Gould, J. On twenty [(. e., seventeen] New Species of Trochilid* or Humming Birds, < /'. Z. S. , xiv, 1846, pp. 85-90. T.pyra, T. smaragdinus, p. 85; T. gracilis, T. (ocreatug, g. ii.) rv/ucaligatus, T. ligonicaudus. p. 8C; T.cupricauda, T.ceneocauda, T. violi/er, p. 87; T. cyanopectus, T. aurescens, T. fulviven- tris, p. 88 : T. nigrofasciata, T. ruficeps, T. inornata, T. regulus, p. 89 : T. hypoleiicvs, T. hisp'idus, p. 90: cf. torn, eit, pp. 44, 45, for the three others. 1846. Gould, J. [On three new s])ecies of Trochilidie. ] <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hint. , xviii, 1846, pp. 129, 130. From P. Z. S., May 12. 1846, pp. 44, 45, q. v. 1846. Gould, J. On twentj- [/. e., seventeen] new species of Trochilidse or Humming Birds. < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , xviii, 1846, pp. 419-425. From P. Z. S., Sept. 22, 1846, pp. 85-90, q. v. 1846. Gulliver, G. [Note on the Size of the Blood-Cori)uscles of Birds, with Measure- ments l>y Dr. Davy of the Blood-Corpuscles of some Fishes and tions de quelques nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux-Mouches. < Revue Zoologique, xi, 1848. pp. 269-275. Trochilus cephalus, p. 269; T. eastelnaudii, p. 270; T. pucherani, p. 271; T. joscphinx, T. de- villei, p. 272; T. phaeton. T. amaryllis, p. 273; T. eucharis, T. alice, p. 274. 1848. GOSSE, P. H. Ueber das langgeschwiinzte Colibri auf Jamaica. < Fror. Xotiz., 3 Reilie, vi, No. 121, 1848, pp. 167-169. Xicbt niir selbst zugiinglich — Titel aus C.irus u. Engelmanu. 1849. BOURCIEK, J., and Mulsaxt, E. [Trochilus pichincha, n. sp.] <^Mem.Acad. Lyon, ii, 1849, pp. 427, 428. Pas vu moi-meme. Titre tir6 de C. & E. 1849. BOURCIER, J., and Mulsant, E. Description d'une nouV&Ue espfece d'Oi&eau- Mouche [Trochilus pichincha]. <.fiei\ et Mag. de ZooL, 2^ ser., i, Dec 1849, pp. 625, 626. Lu6 h VAcad. des Sc, etc., de Lyon, le 17 juillet 1849. 1849. GossE, P. H. Descriptions of two new Birds from Jamaica. <^ Ann. Xat. Hist., 2d ser., iii, 1849, pp. 257-259. Trochilus maria, p. 258 ; Elania (sic) cotta, p. 257. 1849. Gould, J. Description of Two New Species Avith the characters of a New Ge- nus of Trochilidte. < P. Z. S. , xvii, 1849, pp. 95, 96. Heliodoxa (g. n., p. 95) jacula, p. 96; Eriopus simplex, p. 96. 1849-61. Gould, J. A Monograph | of | The Trochilid.e, | or | Family of Humming- Birds. I By | John Goxild, F. R. S., | [etc., 8 lines.] | In Five Vohimes. | Vol. I[-V]. I London: | printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. | Published by the Author, 26 Charlotte Street, Bedford Scxuare. | [1849-]1861. I [The author reserves to himself the right of translation.] | Five vols, folio. Vol. I, title 1 1., dedication 1 1., list of plates 1 1., pp. i-cxxviii (list of subscribers, preface, introduction, etc.), with unnumbered pll. 1-41, and unpaged folios accompanying them. Vol. II, title 1 1., list of plates 1 1., with unnumbered pll. 42-116, and impaged folios accompanying them. Vol. Ill, title 1 1., list of j)lates 1 1., with pll. 117-203, and unpaged folios accom- panying them. Vol. IV, title 1 1., list of plates 1 1., with pll. 204-283. and unpaged folios accompanying them. Vol. V, title 1 1., list of plates 1 1.. with pll. 284-360, and unpaged folios accompanying. The above is the permanent title, furnished on the compkHiou of the work, with tht- colla- tion of the five vols, in which it is designed that the 25 parts in which the work was pub- lished be bound. The cover-title is a little different, as follows : — A I Monograph | of the | Trochilidse | or | Hunuiiing Buds. | Dedicated with permission to I Her Koyal Highness, The Princess Royal of England. | By | John Gould. F. E. S., &c. | — | I[-XXV]. I — I Contents. | [mut. mut.] | London: | published by the author, . . . [mut. mut.] I [Price Three Guineas.] j June 1st, 1849 [-September 1st. 1861]. Part I. June 1st. 1849, 15 pll. and text. Part II, Xov. 1st, 1851, 15 pll. and text. Part III, JMay Ist, 1852. ]i jdl. :md text. Part IV, Oct, 1st, 1852, 15 pll. and text. V. ]\ray 1st, 18.j3, 15 pll. and text. Part VI, Oct. 1st. 1853, 15 pll. and text. Part VII, M'ly 1854. 15 pll. and text. Part VHI, Oct. 1st, 1854, 15 pll. and text. Part IX, May Ist. 1855. 15 p'l. and text. Part X. Sept. 1st. L-!."\ 15 No. 4.1 COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — TROCIIILIDiE. 671 1849-Gl. Gould, J. — Coutiimed. pll. and text. Part XI, May 1st, 1850, 15 pU. and ti'xt. Part XII, Sept. 1st, 1850. 15 pll. and text. Part XIII, May 1st, 1857, 15 i>ll. and text. Part XIV, Sept. Ist, 1857. 15 pll. aud text. Part XV, May 1st, 1858, 15 pll. aud text. Part XVI, Sept. 1st, 1858. 15 pll. aud text. Part XVII, May 1st, 1859, 15 pll. aud text. Pait XVIII, Sept. 1st, 18.59, 15 jtll. (of 10 .-^pp.) aud text. Part XIX. May 1st, 1800, 15 pll. aud text. Part XX, Sept. Ist, 1800, 15 pll. auhanus fernanden- si.s, E. stokesi, Gouldia laug.sdortti, G. popelairi, G. couvtrsi. Bourcieria torquata. B. fulgidi- gula, B. iuca, Phaethoniis pretrei, P. angriisti, P. authophihis. ITypuroptila buft'oui. H. c;i?rii- leogaster. (15 spp.) Paut VIII, Oct. 1st, 1854. — Dipliogena (sic) iris, Selasphorus .' heloisie, Cephalepis delalandi, C. loddigesi, Helianthea typica, H. bonapartei, Myiabeillia typica, Pauoplites jardini. P. matthewsi, P. tiavesceus, Creligeua typica, C. purpiuea, Eriocueuiis lugens, Delattria henrici, Phaethoruis striigularis. (15 spp.) Part IX, May 1st, 1855. — Heliangelus clarissee, H. stropliiauus, H. amethysticollis, H. spencei, H. mavors, Patagona gigas, Thaumatias brevirostris, T. atiiuis, Cyanomyia quadri- color, Delattria clemencite, D. vividipallens, Leucippus chionogaster, Adelouiyia nielano- genys, A. tloriceps, Glaucis dohmi. (15 spp.) Paut X, Sept. 1st, 1855. — Lophoruis ornatus, L. gouldi, L. maguitiens, L. regulus, L. reginae, L. helena-, Helianthea cos, H. violifera. Erioenemis aurelite. Campy lopl ems delattrei, C. pampa, Gouldia hetitia-, Phaethoruis philippi, Leucochloris albicollis, Adiloui\ ia .' eastanei- ventris. (15 .spp.) Part XI, May 1st, 1850. — Eugenia imperatrix, Heliactin comuta, Avocettulareciirvirostris, Avocettinus eurypterus, Calypte anua», C. helena% C. costa?, Rhodopis vespera, Lamprolaima rhami, Cyanomyia cyanocephala, Cceligeua wilsoni. Glaucis hir.suta. Tlialurauia watertoni, T. glaucopis, Adehnuyia iuoruata. (15 spp.) Paut XII, Sept. 1st, 1856. — Agla-actis cuiiripeunis, A. pam^la. Thaumatias albivi-utris, T. linnjei, Chrysolampis nioschitn.s, Calothorax fanny, Eugenes fulgiais. Lesbia goulili. Campy- 672 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Wol.V. 1849-6L Goru), J. — Coutiuuecl. loptei'us lazulus. C. cuvieri, Uiochroa bou<^ut'ii, Laiiipornis mango, Lcuciiipus fallax, Calli- ]ihlox amethystiua, Saiicerottia cyanifions. (15 spp.) Takt XIII, May 1st, 1857 — Thaumastma elizib, T. corae, Lafrcsnaya ilavicauda, L. gayi, Hclianthea lutctia-. lonolaima sclireibersi. Circe latirostris, Agla'actis castelnaiil, Oitho- rhynchus ciistatus, O. exilis, Aniazilia pristina. A. c-crviuivcutris, A. corallirostris, C'hlo- rostibon auriccps, Thalurania wagleri. (15spp.) Pakt XIY. Sept. 1st, 1857. — Calothoiax cyanopogou, C. calliope, C. rosa-, Trochiliis alexau- (lii, Eulaiiipls jiigiilaiis, E. holosericeus, E. chlorolaimiis. Campylopterii.s eusipcniiis, Coeli- gena prunelli, Eiicephala caTulea, E. grayi, Eupherusa eximia, Klais guimeti, Pha<'tlioniis longucmarus. P. adolphi. (15spp.) Paut XY, May 1st, 1858. — Eriocneniis dcrbiauus. E. iiigrivestis, E. isaacsoui, Trochilus colubris, Phaetboinis ob.scuia, P. vividicauflata, Laiupomis graruiucus, L. porpliyiuviis, L. veraguensis, I,, auiuleutus, L. ju'evosti, Coinetes .' glyceria, Heliop.edica melanotis, Erytbro- Bota eilwanli, E, niveiventris. (15 spp.) Part XVI, Sept. 1st, 1858. — Phaiolaima rubiuoides, Heliodoxa jacula, Discura longicauda, Phaethoniis superciliosus, P. ceijlialus, Stenioclyta cyancipectus, Thaluiauia furcata, T. co- lumbica, T. venusta, T. eripbile, T. verticeps, Microchera albocoronata, Cbrysobronchus Tiicscens, C. virdicaudns. Chiysuronia elicia\ (15sp]>.) Part XVII. May Ist, 1859. — Metallura cupreicaiida, M. a'ueicauda, M. tyviautbina, M. snia- ragdinieollis, M. willianii. Eiiocnemis vestitus. E. aliuic. Heliotbvix pliaiiiola'ina, H. jmrpu- reiceps, Campylopteriis villavieencis. Cbrysiironia wnoiie, C. luimboldti, C. josepbiuoe, Spo- irtdinus elegans, Phaetboinis amaura. (15 sp]).) P.\KT XVIIl. Sept. 1st. 1859. — loiiolainia tVontalis, Boiircieiia eonradi, Juliaiuyia typica, Da- inopbila amabilis. Spathma nielanauthera. Oieotiochilus nielauogaster. Tbauiuatias leuco- gaster. T. chionopectus. T. niilleri, Aniazilia Dmuerili, A. leiicopba'a. A. eyanura, Hylocha- lis lactea, Pbaethornis eseryi, P. nigricinctus, P. episcopiis. (16 spp. on 15 pll.) Part XIX, 186U. — Spathma cissiura. Calothoiax pulchia. Heliotrypha parzudaki, Chlorostilbon caniveti. Pliaiolaima aeqiiatoiialis. Sajipbiionia goudoti, S. ca^rnleogularis, Caniiiylopteius latipeiinis, C. obsciniis, Chrysuiduia chrysura. Thauiiiatias eaudidus, Ery- tlmniota anti(ina. Callijihlox niitchelli. Aniazilia rieffevi. A. deviUei. (15 spp.) P.VRT XX. Sept. 1st. l^t)0. — Lophoiiiis verieanx!. Lesbia euchaiis. L. niuia. L. gl•acil).•^. Heliodoxa leadbeateri, H. otero, Cyanoinyia fianeia', C. violieeps, C. cyaiiocollis, Chlorostilbon aliciiP, C. ])oortiiiaiii. C. at;\la. .\iiiazilia viridigastcr, Circe doiiUledayi. Sporadiniis riccordi. (15 spp.) Part XXI. May 1st, 1861, — Clytolitma? auresccns, Hcliopa'dica xantnsi, Tlialiirania reful- gens, T. iiigTofasciata, T. tschudii, Oreopyra lencaspis, (.'alothorax evelyiia', C. jourdani, Aphantochroa giilari.s, Eriocneniis sipiamata, E. godiiii, Panteiiie insigiiis, Laiupomis viri- dis, Heliodoxa, janiesoni, Chlorostilbon angiistipennis. (15 spp.) Part XXII, July 1st, 1861. — Chlorostilbon ])haethon, C. osberti, I'ha'optila sordida, Thau- niatias viridiceps. Aniazilia beryUina, A. ocai, Hypurojitila iirochrysia. Conietis? caroli, Erythronota so]>lia'. Eiicephala ca'iuleo-lavata, E. smaragdo-carulea, E. chlorocephala, E. hy- pocyanea, (Jivpus spixi, (llaucis mclauura. (15 spp.) Part XXIII. Sept, 1st, 1861. — Loddigesia mirabilis, Scliistes jiersonatus, Eriocneniis d'orbig- ny i, Thauiiiatias nitidit'rons, Aniazilia alticola, A, yiicatanensis, A. castanciventris, Eamphomi- cron viilcani. I>ipbloga'iia aurora, Selasphonis tloresii, Campylopteriis robei'ti, Metallura priiuolinus, Phaethoniis fraterculus, 1*. zoniira, Erythronota saucerottei. (15 spp.) Part XXIV. Sept. 1st, 1861. — Lophornisdellattrei, Threnetes cervinicauda, Glaucis fraseri, G. atlini.s, O. mazeppa, G. lanceolota, Erythronota felicia', E. ! elegans, Calothorax decoratu.^, Lamphornis virginalis, .Vdeloniyia maciilata, Orthorhyncbiis ornatiis, Siuaragdoclirysis iri- descens, Sporadiiius inauga'i, Phlogopbiliis beinileucuriis, (15 spp.) Part XXV, Sept. 1st, 1861.— Xo plates. (Above names, eoiiied as printed on covers, may uot be literally the same as engraved on each plate. — To the 361 spp. ligurcd in these parts, others are added in Part XXV. -witliotit plates: these are given in the systematic enumeration beyond.) The sytematic enumeration of the species by plates, according to tlie iiiake-ii]) of the live volumes, is as follows (the asterisk indicates Goulds geueia and species, whether here new or not : a page given instead of a ]ilate sigiiitics that the species is an untigured one published in Part XXV, 1801) :— Vol. I., with the paged letter-iuess. \c,, and ])11. 1-41. — (irypus na-vius, ])1. 1 ; spixi, 2; Eutoxeres aipiila, I!: conilaininei, 4; (ilaucis bir.suta. 5: niaze)>i>a, 6; aftinis, 7 : ' lanceolata, 8; 'nielanura. 9 ; dohriii, 10: ruckeri, 11 ; fra.seri. 12; 'Threnetes leucurus, i:j; cervinicauda, 14; antonia*, 15: Pliaethornis eurynome, 16: malaris, 17; consobriua (p. xl) : *fratercula. 18 ; longi- rostris, 19: syrmatophora, 20: *boliviana (p. xI) ; philip]u, 21 ; -hispida, 22: oseryi, 23 ; an- tho])hila, 24 ; bourcieri, 25; guy i, 26; eiuiliie (p. xli) ; yanuiiii, 27 : superciliosa, 28 ; augu.sti,29; squalida [=iiitcriuediuson pi.], 30: Pygniornishinguemari [ -Pliiietlioniis longucmarus of pi.], yo.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TROCHILID^. 673 1849-61. Goui-D, J. — Continued. 31; amaui-a [^rhaethoniis ou j)!.], 32: aspasiif [=Phaiith. - viiidicaudata ou i»l.], 'Xi: "zo- nura [=Phaethoniis on i>l.], •>4 : adolplii [—Phaoth. on i>l.], 35; 'griseogulam [=Phaetlior- nison pi.], 36; *striisiilari8 [ - Pliaethoi-nis on pi.], 37; idaliic [=r Phacthomis "obscura on pL], 38; nigiicinota [— Phacth. on pi.], 39, f. 1; *ei)i8<5opn8 [= PliaetLoniLs ou pi.], 39, f . 2 ; niflvontris (p. xliv) : *eremita [= Phacth. on pi.], 40; pyguiasu.s [= Phacthomi.s on pi. J. 41. Vol. II, 1)11.42-116. — Eupctonicna niacrura [E. hinnidinacca onpl.], 42; Sphonoproctiis [;= C'lnipyloptcms ci iil.| pauipa, 43 : curvippnni.s (p. xlv) : Caiiipyloptciu.s la/.iilu.s, 44; hcmileu. Liiru.s [=delattii'i on pi.], 4") : cn.sipennis, 46 ; splcndi'u.s, 47. ni). ti^. ; villavicencis, 47, low. fig. ; latipcnuis, 48 : *aquato]'iali.s (]>. xlvii) : *obS('Ui'u8, 49 ; nifu.s, 30 : hypeiythius, .51 ; *Phaeochroi [Campyloptcrus on pi. 1 onviei-i, 52: roborti, 53: *Aphantocliroa ciirhorhhui.s, 54 : *gnlaris, 55; [= Leucippus on ])1. ] t'allax, .56; ^cervina (p. xlviii) : Urochroa bougiu'i-i, 57 ; *Ster- noclyta cyanripectus, 58 : "Eiiiicm-s fulgens, 59 : Coeligena [= Dclattiia ou pi.] clemencia", 60 ; Lamprolaoma rhami, 61 ; Dclattria honru-i, 62: viridipalh'n.s, 63: 'Hcliopaedii-a melanotis, 64 ; xantusi, 65: Topaza poUn, 66: pyia, 67 : "^Oivotrochilu.s chiniborazo, 68 : pichiucha, 69 : ostella?, 70: *leucopl('uru8, 71: ■ nidanogaster, 72: adclae, 73; Lamponii.s mango, 74; *iridcscen.'s (p. liii) : prevosti, 75: "'veragucnsis, 76 : gramineus, 77 ; vlridis, 78; :Miruli'ntii!s, 79 : virginali.s, 80 ; porphyrurus, 81 ; Eiilampis Jugularis, 82 ; holosericeus, 83 ; i-hlorola/nius, 84 : 'lougirostris (p. Iv) ; Lafresnaya tlavicaudata, 85 : gayi, 86 ; saul»' (p. Iv) : -Dory tV-ra .Johanna', 87 ; ludovicia^ 88; *rectirostris (p. Ivi) ; Chalybura [= Hypuroptila on ])1.],89: ■mofhi-ysia [=:Hypuroptila on pi.], 90 ; *ciErulcoga.stra [~ Hypmoptila on pi.], 91 : -^isamw (p. Ivii) ; *Iohrma frontalis, 92 ; 6chreibcrsi, 93; *Heliodoxa *.iafula, 94: jamosoni, 95; Lcadbcatura otero, 96: *splenden.s (\t. Iviii) ; grata, 97; Aithiirns [= Troihilus on pi.] polytraus, 98 : *Thaliirania glaucopis, 99 ; wa- tertoni, 100: furcata, 101; *fiircatoidfS (p. Ix) ; tbrficata (p. Ix) : *ri-fnlgi'ns, 102: *tscliudii. 103: -nigi-ofasciata, 104: *vouu8ta, 105; tolumbica, 106: -veiticcp.s, 107; fannia; (p. Ix) ; eri- phyle, 108 ; -wagleri. 109 : *Panoplitc'.s jartlini, 110 ; flavcsfi'U.s, 111 ; matthewsi, 112 : Florisnga mellivora, 113 ; ^Habi'Uifora, 114: *atra. 115; *MitTochor;i *alboc()iouata, 116. Vol. III. pll. 117-203. — Lojihorais oniatus, 117; gouldi. 118; niagniticus, 119: *rpgulus, 120 ; "■lophotes (p. Ixiii) : dclattni. 121 : *rogina\ 122 : hok-na', 12:t : Poloniistria f=Lophomison pi.] chalybea, 124: voircaiixi [ =Lophornis on pi.], 126 : Discnra longicauda, 126: I'ryinnacantha. [=Goiildia ou pi.] popi'laiii, 127: Gouldia langsdortti, 128; touversi, 129; lotitia', 130 ; Trochi- lus colubris, 131 : alexandri, 132 ; McUisiiga minima, 133 : ' C'alyptc co.sta,', 134 ; anna-, 135 ; hele- nae, 136: Sclasphorus iiifus, 137 ; sointilla, 138: tioro.sii, 139 ; platyccriu.s, 140 ; Atthis heloisse, 141: *Stellu]a [Calothorax on pi.] ■calliopt', 142 : Calothorax i'yano])0gon. 143 ; -pulcher, 144; *Acestrura [^ Calothorax on pi.] nnil.santi, 145 : *d('corata | = Calothorax on i)l.], 146; lieliodori [^Calothorax on pi.], 147; -niicrura [— Calothorax on pi.], 148: Clia'totcrcus [^Calothorax onpl.] rosa>, 149 ; jourdani [=Cah)thoraxoupl.], l.'iO; Myrti.s ( = Calothorax oupl.] fanniic, 151; yarrelli [= Calothorax on pi.], 1.52 ; Thanma.stura cora', 153; lthodoi)i.'< vosjiera, 154 ; Doricha elizw, 155 ; c'vclyna", 150 : fiiiciira, 157 ; *Tryphaena dupouti, 1.5S: Calliplilox ametliystina. 159; amethystoides (p. Ixx) : mitchclli, 160; Loddigesia *mirabili.s, 161; Spathnra undcrwoodi, 162 ; mclananthera, 163 ; *pcruaua, 164 ; *rufocaligata, 105 ; ^cissiura, 166 ; Lesbia goiildi, 167 ; *gracilis, 168 ; nuna, 169 ; amar\llis, 170 : eucharis, 171 ; Cynanthu.s cyanurus, 172 ; 'caelestii) (p. Ixxii) : mocoa [= ^smaragdicaudu.s on pi.], 173: Cometes sparganuru.s, 174; *phaon, 175; glyceria, 176 ; caroli, 177; *Ptt'rophanos tcniminekii, 178 : *Agla,'actis cui>ripi-uni.s, 179 ; aequa- torialis (p. Ixxiv) : parvnla (p. Ixxiv) : *cauniatonotu.'< (p. Ixxiv) ; castchiaudi, 180 : pamelffi, 181: *Oxypogon giierini, 182; lindeni, 183: Eamphoniicrou hL'teropogon, 184; stanlcyi. 185; 'vulcani, 186: herrani, 187; *rufieeps, 188; microrhynohum, 189: *Uro.sti(ti' bcnjamini, 190; *Metallura *ciiprcicauda, 191 ; -aeneicanda. 192 ; -n-illianii, 193 ; primolii, 194 ; tyrianthina, 195; * species not figured ; tbe species here catalogued being 416 in number, while the plates number 360. In many cases the generic, and sometimes the specific, names are here different from those printed in the body of the work and eugTaved on the plates ; but all these discrepancies I have taken due note of iu the brackets.) 1849. [Jardine, W.] Oreotrocliilus jamesoiiii [u. sp.], Jardiue. October, 1849. <^Jard. Contrih. Oni., 1849, j). 67, pi. xliii. See also note, Contrib. for 1850, p. 27. 1849. Parzudaki, [E.] Description et lignre d'une [r^ceinmeut] uouvelle eapfece d'Oiseau-Mouche de la R^publiqiie de Venezuela. <^Rev. H Mag. He ZooL, i, 1849, pp. 273, 274, pi. 8. Ornysmia (.sic) lindenii, Parz., R.Z., 1845, p. 253. 1849. Sall:^, A. [Description d'une uouvelle espece d'Oiseau-Mouclie (Oruisuiia (sic) catharime).] <^ Zool., i, 1849, p. 498. 1850. Bonaparte, C. L. Note .sur les Trocliilid6s. <^ Compt. Bend, de VAcod. Sci. Paris, XXX, 1850, pp. 379-383. Lafresnaya, Delattria, Boureiera, Saucerottia, Loddigiornis, Gouldia, sout des genres nou- veaux ou r6cemment d6crits (1849). 1850. Bonaparte, C. L. Note sur les Trocliilid^s. <^I{ev. ct Mag, de ZooL. ii, 1850, pp. 243-245. Extraite des Comptes Rendus de VAcad. des So. de Paris, s6ance du 1" avril 1850, q. v. 1850. Gould. J. On six new species of Humming Birds. < P. Z. 5., xviii, 1850, pp. 162-164. Trochilus scintilla, T. chionura, p. 102; T. venvsta, T. coerulcogularis, T. castav.eoventns, p. 163 ; T. niveoventer, p. 104. 2fo. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — TROCHILID^. 675 1650. [Jardlne, W.] Trocliiliis allardi, Bomc. ., xxxii, 1851, p. 188. 1851. Gould, J. On some new species of Trochilidae. < P. Z. S., xix, 1851, pp. 115, 116. Irochilus { — .') amabilis, Phaethornis griseogularis, p. 115. 1651. Gould, J. Ou six new species of Humming Birds. < Ann. Mag. Sat Hist.. 2d ser., viii, 1851, pp. 341-343. From P. Z. S., June 25, 1850, pp. 162-164, q. v. 1851. Gould, J. Description' of Three New Species of Huuiming-Birds. < Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1851, pp. 139, 140. Phaethornis syrmatophora, p. 139 ; Schistes albogularis, Eriopus lugens, p. 140. 1851. [Jardine, W.] Trochilus (Thalurauia) verticeps, Gould, [u. sp.] <^Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1851, p. 79, j)l. Ixxi. 1851. [Jardixe, "\V.] Trochilus (Spathura) melauanthera, Jardine. <^ Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1851, pp. Ill, 112, pi, Ixxx. 1651. Jerrard, F.,and Bailey, F.W.N. The Humming Bird Keepsake. A Book of Bird Beauty. The Birds jiainted among Nests and Flowers by Paul Jerrard. The Poetry by F. W. N. Bailey, written expressly for this work. London : P. Jerrard. 1851. 4to. Not seen — title from Carus and Engelmanu. 1852. Bourcier, J., and Mulsakt, E. Description d'uue nouvelle espece d"Oiseau- Mouche. <^ Ann. Sc. Phys. Soc. d'Agric. de Ly on, noux. ser., iv, 1852, pp. 139-144. Not seen — title from Carus and Engelmann. 1852. Deville, E. Observations faites en Am^rique sur les moeius de diff^rentes espfeces d'Oiseaux-Mouches, suivies de quelque notes anatomiques et de moeurs sur I'Hoazin, le Caurale et la Savacou. <^Pev. et Mag. de Zooh, iv, 1852, pp. 208-226, pi. 9. • Sur les moeurs de dix espfeces du genre Ornismyia ; sur VOpisthocomus cristatus (pi. 9), V Eurypyga helias et la Cancroma cochlearia. 1852. Gould, J. Descriptions of Three New Species of Humming Birds. < Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1852, pp. 135-137. Ramphomicron vulcani, p. 135, Bolivia: Bourcieria inca, p. 130, Bolivia; Irochilus ( !) aurictps, p. 137, Mexico. 1852. Gould, J. On the genus Thalurania. < /'. Z. >S'., xx, 1852, pp. 8, 9. List of 11 spp., with their habitats; I. refulgcns, p. 9, sp. n. 676 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL .SURVEY. [VoLY. 1652. Martin, "\V. C. L. A | General History | of | Iliimuiiug-Biril.s, | or the | Tro- chilida? : | with especial reference to the | collection of J. Gould, F. R. S.^ &c. I noAY exhibiting in the | Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. | By | W. C. L. Martin, | late one of the Scientific Officers of the Zoological | Society of London. | — | London : | H. G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. | 1852. 1 vol. sni. Kinio. pp. i-vii, 1 1., p]). 1-232, frontisp. and pll. col'd. 1-3, 3*, 4-14. I also liiul this work lited .le "121110., 1853": liut tUis luay not indicate a different edition. The work seems to liave lieeii designed as a sort of eonTiuiiatiou of, or sujiplement to, the Hum- ming-birds of Jardlue's Naturalist's Library .■ and if was in fact afterward made one of the Tols. of that notable collection. T have handled the vol. both as a separate work and as one of ^e Nat. Libr. ,- the title and collation are identical, excepting that the d-ate is carefull\ erased in the Nat. Libr. binding. When found in this connection there is absolutely nothing TO show what vol. of the series it is intended for. — Omitting the unnumbered vol. called General History of Man,' it would make Vol. XLI of the Nat. Libr.,- counting the Gen. Hist, of Man as one, it would be Vol. XLII : there being 40 vols, of the series without either of these two.— But the copy examined is .stamped on the back Hummingbirds, Vol. Ill"; going by this token, the work makes Vol. VII bis of the Bird Series, the two regular Hum- ming-bird volumes being respectively Vols. VI and VII. It is a modest treatise of much merit, as the .inthors name would lead us to anticipate. The arrangement of the genera is according to Bonaparte. Some 175 spp. altogethei- are treated, and, ou the 15 (not 14) colored plates and the frontispiece are figured the following : Frontisp., Docimastes ensiferus. PI. 1, Petasophora iolata ; 2, Heliothrix auritiis; 3, Cam- pylopterus obscurus; Z-' , Topaza pyra ; 4, Tiovrciera torquata : o, Agla-actis rvprcipcnnis ; 6, Helianthea eos : 7, Chrysuronia oenonc : i^, Heliangelus mavors : 9, Oreotrochilvs chiwiborazo : 10. Bamphomicronheteropogon : 11, Oxypogon limleni : 12, Spathura iinderivoodii ; 13, £riopv.i cvp7-eiventris .- 14. Govldia conversi. 1853. BoURClEi:, J. Nouvelle cspece du gem-e MetalUira []iriuiolimi.s], Gonld. <^ Brr. ot M(uj. (U Zool, V, 18.53, pp. 295. 296. 185'.'. Gould. J. Descriptions of Five New Species of Hunmnug Birds. < P. Z. S., xxi. 18.53, pp. 61, 62. Helianthea iris, H. aurora. Heliangelus rioUi, Trockilus { ?) cyanocollis. p. 61; T. { — ?) Jloriceps, p. 62. 1853. Gould. J. Observations on the Nests of Hnniming Birds [Trochilida']. <^ P. Z. S., xxi, 1853, p. 100. 1853. Gould, J. Descriptions of Two New Species of Humming Birds from Peru. lace "Bp." after such names iu their new association; and then bestow a new name ujiou the genus thus deprived of its rightful designation — killing two birds with one stone. Again, he usually took a specific name for a generic ime, and to the species thus left nameless he would give a new name — scoring two for him.self again. When, as souu-times happened, these two tricks fell together, he wa? enabled to write ''Bp." four times where it should not once have appeared. Add to all this that lie was utterly regardless of ortliogra))hy — often wrote the same name iu different way.s — ([uoted others' names so carelessly as to make them look like new names — renamed the same thing often in mere forgetfulness — made genera iu Joke, for a chance for a pun, or to compliment a friend — and let the most slovenly printing — with all this, I say, we have a state of things that is a disgrace t« him.self, a scandal to .sci- ence, and only to be adequately characterized by the word abominable. The present article may stand in illustration of the justness of my censure. It is one of four in which within as few years Bonaparte disarranged the Hummers. There is his article in the Gonsp. Av. 1849; one in the Compt. Fend. 1850; one iu the Ann. Sc. Nat. IS.M: and the present. He calls it only "the skeleton " of his .studies; we may wouder what it would be if filled out. It is a mere list of the names of 80 genera and 822 species. It is impo.ssible for any one who has not made a special study of the Hummers to tell which are here new names and which are not. Many are here used for the first time, and many others, botli of his own and of others', are used in such noyel apxjlication, or are so differently spelled, that they become dejure new names. I give the following list, being those that have •Bp." ;ifter them : — Myiaetina, Doleromyia, Leucippus, Orthornis, Guyornis, p. 249. J'j/ijiiioniis, p. 250. Lead- beatera, Reliomastes, Ornithomyia, Bourcieria, p. 251. Oodigena, Lafregnaya, Ghrysohron- chus, Heliotryppha (sic; Could), Eriocnemys (sic; EeiT'h.), p. 2.52. Ramphomicron, Myia- beillia. Adelomyia. Florisuga, Delattria, p. 253. Cyanomyia, Amazilius. Chrysvronia. p. 2.54. Saucerottia, Sporadinus. Thaumantias, Juliamyia, p. 2.55. Sapphironia, Arucettiiiux, Cepha- Icpis (sic; Lodd.), Loddiggiornis. Discttra, p. 256. Thaumastina, Lophorinus, Gouldia, Gouldomyia, p. 257. It ia directly pertinent to the subject of Bonaparte's abuse of names iu this family to refer to hia other schemes, which are not formally citable in this part of my Bibliography. In the J.i»i. Sc. Xat., 4th ser., i, 1854, Bonaparte has inserted one of his perpetual con.spectus, embracing Trochilidce. Heie he is not only at the tricks I have exposed, but commits an ultra-Xapoleonic piece of fatuity, namely, citing a number of names as if Reichenbach's, which the latter never published (see Elliot, Class, and Syn. Troch., 1879. p. 188). Conse- quently the reproach of them falls upon Bonaparte. ^\\c]3. wee Aline, Mo8qv.eria,Lv.ciania, Derbomyia, etc. Bonaparte was seldom thoughtful enough of the convenience of others to indicate whether a "Bp." n.ime was newly proposed or not; and it is consequently not easy for any oue to decide upon the original reference to be given in siu^h cases. Thus, in his ■Xote sur les TrochiHdes, " in Comp. Rend, (vide supra, 1850), he has a number of luimes ; and I notice that Mr. Elliot quotes this place and date as the original reference to them. Most if not all of them, however, occur in his Consp. Av. of date 1849. Aa the latter is a general work which does not come iu this portion of my Bibliogra]>hy, I wiU here give a list of the Bp. genera iu it — being those which Gray correctly attributes to "Bp. 1849" in his Handlist:— Pha'etomis {= Phaethornis, Sw.). p. G7 ; Lafresnaya, Dory/era {=Dori/era, Gld.). p. 68; Colibri, Heliotrix (~ Heliothryx,Boit), p. 69; Delattria, Leadbeatera, Heliomaster, p. 70: Cae- ligena (ex. Leas), Leucippus, Bourcieria, Florisuga, p. 73; Avocettinvs, Ckrysuronia. p. 75; Saucerottia, Amazilius, p. 77; Thaumatias, p. 78; Ramphomicron, p. 79; Sephanoides (ex. Les.s.),p.82; CepAaJcpi«(ex. Lodd.), p. 83; 2)i«cosMra, p. 84; Tkaumast^ira, p. 85; Gouldia. j>.iG. 1854. BouRCiER, J. Nouvelle espece dti genre Hylocliari.s [clilorocephalus]. Boie. < Bev. et Mag. dc Zool. , vi, 1854, pp. 457, 458. 678 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. {VolY. 1854. Gould, J. DescriptioD of a New Species of Hummiug Bird, from Quijos [Thre- netes cervinicautla]. <^ P. Z. S. , 1854, xxii, p. 109. 18.54. Gould, J. On the Genus Thularania. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 2d seT.,iiin,l3oi, pp. '228, 229. From P. Z. S.. Jan. 13, 1852, pp. 8, 9, q. v. 1854. GOT'LD, J. On a New Species of Cometes [mossia] ; a Genns of Humming-Birds. < Bej). Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 18.53, xxiii, 1854 {Misc. Comm.), p. 68. Not de.scribefl here. (See Athen., 24th Sept., 1853.) 1S.54. Reiciiexbach, L. Aiifziihlnug der Colibris oder Trocliilideen iu ihrer wahren iiatiirliclieii Verwaudtschaft, nebst Scliliissel ihrer Synonymik. <^J.f.O., 1853, Extrah.. Marz, 1854, besondere Beilage, pp. 1-24. General reniarks; Tabular view of Genera nnder 16 subfamilies of 4 groups: Criticism of generic names : List of Species ; Synonymatic key to the same : New Species, as follows ; — Coeligena tvarszewizii, C. sagitta. Chlorestes maculicollis, C. euchloris, p. 23; Lesbia gorgo, Sieganura spatuligera. .S'. remigera. Amazilia leucophoea, p. 24. I regret to perceive that either ilr. Elliot or myself is mistaken respecting the d.ite of this paper, the former having uniformly cited the many new genera of Reichenbach's as of 1853. Gray gives them correctly, as of 1854. The paper is a special supplement to the extra num- ber of the .T.f. O. for 3853 ; but tho Extraheft dates 1854. Moreover, Cabanis, the editor, who surely should know, gives the exact date as March, 1854. The article was presented to the seventh annual meeting of 'the German Ornithological Society, held at Halberstadt, July 11- 14, 1853. It is curious that Eeichenbach and Bonaparte twice crossed each other's paths in their coining of many new n":mes for the Hummers. The portions of the Av. Syst. Xat. of the former, and of the Consp. Av. of the latter, which contain the Trochilidce, both date 1849. Again, iu 1854. both brought forward numberless now names. In the former case I do not know with which author lies actual priority ; in the latter, Eeichenbach takes precedence, Bonaparte's article having appeared in May, 1854. If the reader will refer to my remarks npon Bonaparte's article of 1854, he will be prepared for no very favorable judgment of mine respecting the present paper of Reichenbach's. Of the immense number of new generic names which the German author here inflicts upon the TroctiUidte it cannot be that many are either necessary or desirable : many are mere syno- nyms, and none whatever are characterized. Not a few, however, take precedence over those of Bonaparte. I give the following list of the names which are Reichenbach's — most of which are lieie new, though some were proposed by him in 1849 — there being no distinction made between them. Avocettula, ]>. 6: Damophila, Chlorestes, Smaragditis, p. ~ -. liiceordia. Dixcura, Steganura, Tilmatura, p. 8 ; Ghrysolampis, Sappho, Eriocnernis, Engyete, Threptria, Phemono'e, Semi- stephania, Phaiolaima, lonolaima. Lamprolaima, p. 9: Agyrtria, Uranomitra, LeucochlorU, Ghalybura, Cyanophaia, Eucephala, Cyanochloris, p. 10 ; Margarochnjsis, Boissonneaua, Platy- stylopterns. Floresia, Sericotes, Pampa, Saepiopteriis, Prognornis. p. 11 ; Jlulsantia, Bellatrix, Heliactinia, Po^pelairia, Rhamphoir.ieron (ex. Bp.), Parzudakia, Lampruriis, A7iactoria, Dio- tima. AtthM, Doricha, Rhodopis, Calliperidia. p. 12 ; Myrtis, Archilochus, Lipidolarynx, Klait, Baucis. Telesiella. Prnxilla, Petasophora, Tp. 12 ; Eugtephanvs. Eremita, Ptyonornit, Ametror- nis, Thaiimaite. p. 14: Eutoxeres, p. 15. 1855. Axox. [Review of parts Tii. viii of Gouhl's Trochilidse.] <^Xat. Hisf.Bev., ii, 18.55. pp. 3-8. 1855. Gould, J. On two New Species of Hummiug Birds. <^ P. Z. (S., xxiii, 1855, pp. 86,87. Heliothrix purpureiceps, p. 87, Popayan ; H. phavnolcema, p. 87, Rio Napo. 1855. Gould, J. On a new Genus and Species of Trochilidte [Eugenia imperatrix] from Ecuador. < P. Z. <9., xxiii, 1855, p. 192. iS55. Gould, J. Descriptions of Five New Species of Humming Birds. <; Ann. Mag. Xat. Eist.,2d ser., xv, 18.55, pp. 146, 147. Prom P. Z. S., Apr. 12, 1853, pp. 61, 62, q. v. 1855. Gould, J. Observations on the Nests of Humming Birds. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , 2d ser. , xv, 1855, pp. 157, 158. From P. Z. S., July 26, 1853, p. 100. 1&55. Gould. J. Descriptionof a New Species of Humming Bird, from Quijos. <^Ann, Mag. Xai. Hist , 2d ser., xvi, 1855, pp. 278, 279. From P. Z. S., May 9, 1854, p. 109. No.4.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY TROCHILID^. 679 1855. Gould, J. Descriptions of two new Species of Ilunmiiiiff Birds, from Peru. < Ann. Mag. Xat. //i«<., 2(1 scr., vx, 1855, pp. 318, ;U9. From P. Z. S., Kov. 22, 1853, p. 109. 1855. Lawrence, G. N. Description of'a New Species of t lie liiiniming- Bird of the Genus Mellisuga Brisson [M. albo-corouata], with a note on Trocliilus aquila Bourcier. <^A}in. Lijc. Nut, Hist. New I'orA, vi, 1855, iip. 137-142, pi. iv. 1855. Reichenbacii, 1.1. Trochilinarnrn Ennineratio ex afifirutato natural! reciproca prima dneta ])rovisoria. Lei])/,ig. J. Hofrncister. 18.55. 8vo. Not seen. 185ti. Adams, H. G. Huniining Birds described and illustrated; with an introductory sketch of theii- structure, plumage, habits, haunts, etc. By H. G. Adams. With ^ coloured jilates. L Earn. Troohilida', pp. 1-81. Though scarcely citable .as a separate article, I notice this portion of the Hits. Hcin. hero for the many new names of Hummers it gives, as follows: — Dolerisca, p. 6: Pygmornk rufiven- tris (for rufigaster Y.), p. 7; Toxoteuches, p. 11; Sphenoproctiis, p. 11; Loxopterus, p. 13; Oro- trochihis (for Oreutroehilus Gould), p. 1.5; Chrysolampis reichenbachi, p. 31: Thalurania for- ficata (for furcatoides Gould), p. 24; Sporadicus, p. 2.5; Agyrtria niveipeetus {for ehionopectus Gld.), p. 33; Pyrrhophrena, p. 35; P. suavis, p. 36: nemUhylaca, p. 37; H. hoffmanni. p. 38; H. warscewiczi. p. 38; Uranomitra lessoni, p. 41: Chrysuriscn. p. 42; Panterpe. p. 43; P. hisignis, p. 43: Chlorolampin, p. 47: C. salvini, p. 48; C. smaragdina, p. 48; Prasitis. p. 49; Pauychlora, p. 46; P. aurata, p. .50: P. stemira, p. 50; AitMirns, p. 50; Entima, p. 51; Spar- gamira, p. 52; Psalidopryinna, p. 52; Heliomaster sclateri, p. 54; Cephalolepis (for Cephallepis Lodd.), p. 61; Polemistria, p. 63; Prymnacantha, p, 64; Urolampra, p. 68; U. chlorupogon. p. 68: Agaclyta, p. 70: J., aequitorxalis, p, 70; Adelisca, p. 72; Anthocephala, p. 72; Seliotryphon {ior Heliotrypha) , p. 74; Strehlorhamphiis, p. 7G: Opisthoprora, p. 76: Hypermetra. p. 80. The high character of this publication is too well knt>wn to require ct)mment here. These authors offer a notable contrast to some who could be named, and who would sutler Viy com- parison, lu the great care they take for the correct and precise orthography of words accord- ing to their classical etymology. Many of the above new names, in fact, have their origin iu the practice of these authors to discard altogether, or at least to emend, any name not cla.s- sical in form. Commendable as is this care iu the coining of new words, it is perhaps going to an extreme to reject all words, otherwise unobjectionable, wliiili aie not formed iu the same mannei-. 1860. GoULi>, .1. Descriptious of twenty-'' wo New Species of Humming- Birds. <^ /'. Z. S., xxviii, 18(50, \,\\. 3U4-:512. Orypus spixi, Glands melanura, p. 304; Phaethornis zoimra, Augagina smarugdhn'itm, p. 305; Encephala ca>ruleo-lavata, E. hypocyanea, p. 300; Erythronota/ elegans, Thaumaticts virid- iceps, T. cmruleiaps, p. 307 ; T. nitidifrons, Chlorostilbon melanorliynchus, 0. acuticiudns, p. 308; G. osberti, Galothorax decoratiix, Amazilia aUicola, p. 309; Phlogiiphilus (g. n.) hemilcucurm, Calliphlox ! indescens, Aphantochrua ! gularis, p. 310; Eriocneinlx squatnata, Schhtes pcmon- atus, p. 311: Thalurania tgchudii, Oreopyra leucaspis, p. 312. 1860. GoULO, .J. Descriptions oi'tweuty-two New Species of HuinmiMg-Birds. <^ Ann. Ma;/. Xat. Hist., 3d ser., vl, 1860, pp. 301-30i». From P. Z. S., June 12, 1860, pp. 304-312, 7. v. 1860. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of three uew species of Humming-bird> of the Genera Heli(una.ster, Amazilia, and Mellisuga. <^A)ni. Li/i: Xat. Hist. Xew York, vii, Apr., 1860, pp. 107-111. H. stuarta;, p. 107, Bogota ; A. xantusii, p. 109, Cape St. Lucas ; Jf. merrittii, p. 110, Veragua. [The ' ' Mellisttya merrittii " =^ Klais guimeti. ] 1860. Lawrence, G. N. Description of a New Species of Bird of the genus Phaeton, also of a New Species of Hunmiiug Bird of the (tcuus Heliopaedica. <;^ Ami. Lye. X. Y., vii. Apr., 1860, ])p. 142-145. The Hummer is named S. castaneocauda, p. 145 : it is from Gape St. Lucas, and is the same as Ainazilia xantiisiL Id. ibid., p. 109. 1860. Oca, R. M. de. The Mexican Humming-Birds. d sen, viii, 1861, pp. 268, 269. From P. Z. S., May 14, 1861, pp. 198, 199, q. v. 1861. Gould, J. An | Introdnction | to | The Trocliilitbe, | or | Family of Humming- birds. I By John Gould, F.R.S.,&c. &c. | London: | printed for the author, | by Taylor & Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet street. | 1861. 8vo. 4 p. 11., pp. i-iv, 1-216. Syuonymatic list, with primary reference to the pU. of the folio work, hibitat, and miscella- neous critical and biographical comment on the 416 spp. and 123 genn. presented. Species given without a reference are: Phaethornis boliviana, p. 42; Eulampis longirostris, p. 69; Dorifera rectirostrls, p. 71 ; (Stelhda, p. 90 ;) Giinanthus coelestis, p. 102 ; Metallura quUensis, p. 112 (descr. nulla); Gyanomyia guatemaletms, p. 148; {Hcmistilbon, p. 149;) Chrymronia c(eruleicapilla, p. 165 (descr. nulla),- Girce,\t. 168; Phceoptila,^. 169; Eucephala scapulata. p. 166; Phceoptila zomtra, p. 170; Chlorostilbon Igneus, p. 176; C. peruanus, C. napensis,i>. 177; G. brevicaudatus. 1862. Anon. Die Kolibris. <^Ahs der Xafnr.. xix, oder n. F. vii, .lan.-Marz 1862, pp. Not seen. 1862. Crisp, E. On some points relating to The Anatomy of the Hummiiig-bird (Tro- chilus colubris). < P. Z. ,S., xxx, 1862, pp. 208-210. 1862. Gould, J. [Exhibition and Description of two New Species of Humming-birds from Ecuador, of a New Fregilus from the Himalayas, and of a new Prion.] < P. Z. S. , Apr. 8, 1862, pp. 124, 125. The Hummers named are Heliothrix longirostris and Aphantochroa hyposticia. p. 124. 1862. Gould, J. [On new Trochilid*, a new Fregilua, and a new Prion.] <^Ann. Mag. Xat. Hi8t.,M ser., x, 1862, pp. 315-:U7. From P. Z. S., April 8, 1862, pp. 124, 125, q. v. 1862. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of Six New Species of Birds of the Families Charadridte, Trochilidie, and Caprimulgid*. <^Ann. Lye. Xat. Hist. Xeiv York, vii, Feb. , 1862, pp. 455-460. The TrochiUdce here described are Thalurania lucice, p. 450, and Ghlorostilbon i7isnlaris, p. 457, both from the Tres Marias Isls. ; Trochilus aiirigtdaris, p. 458, loc. igiiot. ; Sapphironia luminosa, p. 458, N. Granada. 1863. Benvenuti, H. Description de quatre uouvelles especes de la famille des Tro- chilidie, provenant de la Nouvelle-Grenade et d'une nouvelle Sylvia du Br^sil. < Eev. et Mag. de Zool. , xv, 1863, pp. 20(5-208. Polytmus cecilice, Mellisuga Judith, M. salvadorii, M. ridolfii, Sylvia picciolii, p. 207.— Tra- duction fran5. dun opuscule, petit in-4° de 16 pages, Florence, impr. royale, 1863. Voir lo titre ci-dessous, 1866, Benvenuti, E. 1863. Crisp, E. On some Points relating to the Anatomy of the Humming-bird (^Tro- chilus colubris). < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 3d ser., xii, 1863, pp. 70-72. From P. Z. S., June 24, 1862, pp. 208-210. Bull. V, 4 11 682 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1863. GOSSE, P. H. The Huruming Bird's Tongue. < Zoo%i^f, xxi, 1863, pp. 8485, 8486, figg. 1, 2. 1863. Gould, J. On a New Genus of Humming Birds [Androdon aequatoriaUs, sp. n.]. < Ann. May. Nat. Hist. , 3d ser. , xii, 1863, pp. 246, 247. 1863. Heine, F. Trochilidica. <././. 0., xi, 1863, pp. 173-217. ' An extended and elaborate critical review. — Dnophera, p. 175 ; Aspaita, p. 179; Polyplancta, p. 182; Eranna, p. 187; Eratina, p. 190; Polyerata, p. 194; Eratopis, p. 191; Erasmia, p. 191; Gloanges, p. 200; Polyo7iytnus, p. 206; Thaumatoessa, p. 209; Tricholopha,Tp. 209; Polyaena,p. 215, genn. nn. Thalurania suhfurcata, p. 181; Agyrtria terpna, p. 184; A. eompsa, p. 185; Hemithylaca braccata, p. 193; GMorostilbon egregius, p. 197; Lesbia margarethce, p. 213; Docimattcs schliephackei, p. 215, spp. nn. ISe'J. Wallace, A. R. "\\nio are the Humming Bird's Relations ? < Zoologist, xxi^ 1863, pp. 8486-8491. Cypselidae, not Nectariniidce. 1864. BuRMEiSTER, H. Sobre Ids Picafiores descriptos per D. Felix de Azara. -^An- ales del Mas. Puhl. de Buenos Aii-es, i, Entrega primera, 1864, pp. 67-70. This is the original form of the paper ; see the German paper of same date. Cf. Ibis, 1865, p. 535 : P. Z. S., 1865, p. 467. .See 1867, Burmeistee, H. 1864. Laavren'CE, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Tana- gridre, Cuculida;, and TrochilidiE, with a Note on Panterpe insignis. <^Ann. Lye. Xat. Hist. New York, viii, 1864, pp. 41-46. The Trochilidce here described are Urochroa leucura, p. 43, Ecu.ador ; TTrosticte ruficrisscri, p. 44, Ecuador ; and Ramphomicron olivaceus, p. 44, Bolivia. 1865. BURMEISTER, H. [Extract from a letter concerning Heliomaster angelae. ] <^ P. Z.-S., 1865, pp. 466, 467. 1865. BuRMEiSTER, H. Ueber die von Azara beschriebenen Kolibri-Arteu. \ Ibis, 3d ser., iii, 1872, pp. 2G9, 279. Pygmornis, 8 spp. ; Glaucis, 1 sp. ; Threnetes, 4 spp. 1873. Salvix, O., and Elliot, D. G. On two Species of Trochilidie of the Genus Lophornis. < Ibis, 3d ser. , iii, 1873, pp. 279, 280. L. gouldi ; L. stictolophus {::^reginae Gould, nee Schreibers), p. 280, sp. renom. 1873. Salvix, O., and Elliot, D. G. Notes on the Trochilidie. The Genus Thalu- rania. < Ibis, 3d ser., iii, 1873, pp. 353-361. II spp., with 2 others not known to the authors. 1873. Whitely, H. Notes on Humming-birds collected in High Peru. <^ P. Z. S., 1873. pp. 187-191. Field-notes on 17 spp. For later notes see torn, cit, p. 784, and op. cit., 1874, p. 075. 1873. Whitely, H. Additiouiil Notes on Humming-birds collected in High Peru. , of the Genus Eucephala. <^ Ibis, 3d ser., iv, 1874, pp. 87-89. E. subeaerulea, sp. n. List of 9 spp. of the genus. 1874. Axox. The Pugnacity of the Ilimiming Bird. <^J/h. Sjwrtsman, iii, 1874, p. 251. See also Vol. li, 1873, p. 187. 686 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. 1874. Elliot, D. G. Remarks on some Tyi)ical Sj)ecimeu8 of the Trochilidae, with a Description of one new Genus. <[ liis, 3d ser. , iv, 1874, j)p. 261-264. A. Ton Pelzeln's types from the Vienna Museum. Ptothoptera, p. 261, gen. n., based on Tha- lurania iolcema Pelz. The other species remarked upon are Cephalepis beekii, p. 262 ; Argyr- tria meliphila, p. 263; A. media, p. 263 ; and Thalv.rania lerchi. 1874. Elliot, D. G. Notes on the Trochilidae. The Genua Helianthus. <^IU8, 3d ser., iv, 1874, pp. 330-335. 8 spp. critically treated. 1874. " H. A." The Humming Bird [Trochilus cohibris] and her Nest. <. Am. Sports- 7nan, iii, 1874, p. 381. Bird protected its nest duxing a storm by leaves temporarily fastened above it. 1874-75. Oca, R. M. de. Ensayo ornitologico de la familia Trochilidie o sea de los C'o- libries o Chupamirtos de Mexico. <[ La Xaiuraleza, iii, 1874, pp. 15-31, 59-66, 99-106 ; iii, 1875, pp. 159-167, 203-211, 299-304 ; 12 liiminas. Also separ.ite, 1 vol., 4to, Mexico, 1875, q. v. 1874. Partridge, I. H. Humming-Birds. .27 ; Hudosia, -p. 20; Eudosia (bis), -p.Z2; Engyete, p. 21; Eupogonus,-p.2fi; Helymus, ■p. 2Z; Himalia. -p. 28 ; Himelia, p. ~ ; Hypolia, p. 17; Idas, p. 27; iafim'a, p. 24; Leucaria,'p.29; IAsoria,p.\'\.; Methon, p. 7; Myrrnia, p. 32; Mytinia. p. 28; Nania, p. 21; Xiche, p. 21; Nodaiia, p. 23; Peratus, p. 23; Pholoe. p. 22 ; Polyplaneta, p. 17; Saturia, p. 21; Sericotes, p. 15; Timolia, p. 23; Tricholopha, p. 27. 1875. Oca, R. M. de. Ensayo ornitologico | de los | Troquilideos 6 CoUbries de Mex- ico I jiov Rafael Montes De Oca | Miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, Profesor de Dibujo, | Pintura en Cristal, 6 idiomas | publicado | con la j)roteccion del Ministerio de Fomento | Inter folia frvctvs | Mexico | im- prenta de Iguacio Escalente, | Bajos de San Agustin num. 1. | — | 1875. 1 vol. 4to. 2 p. 11. (title and dedication), jip. 1-58 (text), 1 1. (index) ; portrait of author (frontisp.), and 46 figg. col'd on 12 pll. (Separate from La Xaiural- eza, iii, 1874-5.) Introduccion, pp. 1-4 ; idea general de dichas aves y uso que hacan de sus plumas los antig- nos M6xicanos, pp. 5, 6 ; descripcion de los Colibries que se encuentran en Mexico (48 espe- cies), pp. 6-58 ; Indice, pp. 59, 60. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — TROCHILID^. 687 1876. Cooper, J. G. Early Nesting of tho Anna Hiimmiug-Bird [Calypte anna]. < Am. Nat. , x, No. 1, Jan. , 1876, pp. 48-50. 1876. Elliot, D. G. Remarks on some Type Specimens of Trochilidm from tlie Mu- seums of Nenchatel and Florence. <^ Ibis, 3d ser., vi, No. xxi, Jan., 1876, pp. 5-11. Bourcieria inscctivora (Tschudi). Heliodoxa leadbeaieri (Bourc). Lcucippw hucogattcr (Tschudi). — MolUsiuja juditli, Hanv. =z Par.opUtes JUlvcscens. M. salvadorii, Benv. = Ct/nan. thus eyaminis 9 • ^- ridolfii, Ben v. ^ Eriocnemis vestita $ . 1876. Elliot, D. G. Notes on the Trochilidie. The Genus Lampropygia. <] Ihxa, 3d ser., vi, Jan., 1876, pp. 54-60. Critical notes on 7 spp. L. columbiana, p. 57, sp. n. 1876. Elliot, D. G. Notes on the Trochilidte. The Genera Cyanomyla and Helio- tryi>ha. , 1847: P. Z. S.. p. 31. Conradlnia Reich., 1854: Aufz. CoJ., p. 10. Cora "Reich.", Bp., 1854: Ann. Sci. Nat, p. 138. Corinnes Less., 1832: Ind. Gen.,, p. — . ('Pinis Mr[.s., 1873: Hist Nat., i,p. 178. t'ulampis Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. vii. Cyanofhlopls Reich., 1x54: Aufz. Col., p. 10. Cyanomyia Bi'., 1854: R. M. Z.. p. 2.54. Cyanophaia Rek ii., 1854 : Aufz. Col., p. 10. [p. 138. lyanupogon "Reich.", Bp., 18.'j4: Ann. Sci. Nat, CynanthUH Sw., 1827: Zool. Joum., p. 357. Cynanthus Less., 1829: Tabl. O.M., p. xi. Cynanlhus Boie, 1831: Isis. p. 547. Cynanthus Sw., lH:i7: Class. B., ii, p. 330. Cynanthus Tsciiudi, 1844: Consp., p. 36. Cynanthus Br., 1849: Consp. Av., p. 81. Damophila Reich., 1854: Avfz. CoU, p. 7. DelatlPla Bp., 1849: Consp. Av., p. 70. [p. 137. Delphinella "Reich.", Bp., 1854; Ann. Sci. Nat, DePbomyla "Reich.", Bp., 1854: Ann. Sci. Nat, Depbyomyla Gray, 1855. [p. 137. DIalia Mils., 1875: Cat. Ois.-Mouch., p. 27. Diottma Reich., 18,i4: Attfz. Col. p. 12. DIphlogiena Gould, 1861: Introd., 8vo, p. 133. Diphogena Gould, 18.54: Monog.. pt. viii. DIscosupa Bp., 1849: Consp. Av., y. 84. Dlscupa Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col., p. 8. Dnophepa Hein., 1863: J. f O., p. 175. Docimaster Bp., 1849: Consp. Av., p. 74. Dortmastes, Gould, 1849: Monog., pt. i. DolePiSCaCAB. and Hein., 1860 : Mus. Hein., iii, p. 6. Dolepomyla Bp., 1854: R. M. Z., p. 249. Dollcha Hein., 1863: -J.f. O., p. 208." Dopicha Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col., p. 12. DoPitera Bp., 1849: Consp. Aw., p. 68. Dopyfepa Gould, 1847 : P. Z. S., p. 95. [p. 77. Dopyphopa Cab. and Hein.. I860: Mus. Hein., iii, j DyplniaMuLS. and Verr., 1866: Class. rroch..i>. iS. ! EgoUa MuLS. and Verr., 1866: Class. Troch., p. 86. Ellsa "Reich.", Bp., 1854: Ann. Sci. Nat. p. 138. Elvipa Mils, and Verr., 1866: Class. Troch., i). 32. Elvipa Mui-s., 1875: Cat O.M., p. 9. Emepaudes Less., 1832. Emilia Mul.s. and Verr., I860: ClassTroch.. p. 41. Endoxa Hein., 1868: J.f. O., p. 179. Engyete Reich., 18.54: Aufz. Col, p. 9. Entlma Cab. and Heln., I860: Mus. Hein., iii. p. 51. Ephepusa Muls. and Verr.. 1866. EpannaHEiN., 1863: J.f. 0.,p. 187. Epasmia Hein., 1863: J.f. O., p. 191. Epatlna Hein., 1863: J.f. 0., p. 190. Epatopis Hein., 1863: J.f. O., p. 191. Epebenna Muls. and Verr., 1866, Class Troch., Eppmita Reich., 18.'.4: Atifz. Col, p. 14. [p. 66. Eriocnemls Reich., 1849: SystAv., pi. xl. Eplocnemys Bp., 1854: R. M. Z., p. 252. Epiona Muls., 1875: Cat. O.M., p. 28. Eplopus Gould, 1847: P. Z. S., p. 16. Epylhronota Gould, 1861 : Introd., 8vo, p. 160. Eucephala Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col. p. 10. Euclosia Muls. and Verb., 1866: Class. Troch., Eudosia Muls., 1875: Cat. O.-M., p. 20. [p. 63. Eudosla (bis), Muls., 1875: Cat O.M.. p. 32. Eugenes Gould, 1856: Monog., pt. xii. Eugenia Gould, 1855: P. Z. S., p. 192. Eulampis Boie, 1831: Isis. p. 547. Eulidiii. Muls., 1877: Hist Nat, iv, p. 114. Eupetomena Gould. 1853: Monog., pt. vi Euphepusa Gould. 1857: Monog., pt. xiv. 694 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [YolY. Eupogonus Mlls. and Verr., 18C6: Class. Troeh., 1.. 72. Eustephanus Eeich., 1849: Syst. Av., pi. xl. Eutoxeres Reich., 1849: Syst. Av., pi. xl. Floresia Reich., 1854 : Ai(fz. Col., p. 11. Fioricola Elliot. 1879: Class, and Syn. Troch., Florisuga Br.. 1849: Consp. Av., p. 73. [p. 82. GaleniaMui.s. and TEUit., 1866: Class. Troch., p. 47. eiauf is BoiE. 1831 : Isis. p. &45. Glaiicopcs Less.. 1832: Ind. Gen., p. — . Olaucopis Blum., 1856: Th. Bras., ii, p. 333. Gouldia Bl>.. 1849: Co^isp. Av., p. 86. (iouldomyia Bl'.. 1854: R. M. Z., p. 257. Grjpus Spix. 1824: Av. Kov., p. 79. Gttimetia -Reich.', Bp., 1854: Ann. Se. Nat., Guyornis Bp.. 1854 : R. M. Z., p. 249. [p. 137. Halia Muls. and Terr.. 1866: Class. Troch., p. 61. Beliactin Bom. 1831 : Isis, p. 546. Heliactinia Reich., 1849: Syst. Nat, pi. — . Heliactinus Buiui., 1856: Th. Bras., ii, p. 356. Heliangelus Goild, 1848 : P. Z. S., p. 12. Heliantbea Goild, 1848: P. Z. S., p. 11. Heliodosa Gould. 1849 : P. Z. S., p. 95. Heliodoxa Reich., 1854: Aitfz. CoJ.,p. 9. Heliomaster Bp.. 1849: Consp. Av., p. 70. Beiiomastes Bp.. 1854: R. JT. Z., p. 251. Heliopicdica Gould, 1858 : Monog., pt. xv. Heliopedica Scl. and Salv., "1859." Heliothrix Stricki... '1841.' Heliothrjs Gray. •1840 ": List G. of B., p. 14. Heliotbrj'x Boie, 1831 : Isis, p. 547. Heliotrypha Gould. 1853: Monog., pt. v. HelioJrjphou Cap., and Hein, I860: Mus. Hein., Heliotryppha Bp., 18.^: R. M. Z., p. 252. [iii, p. 60. Helyiniis iluLs.. 1875: Cat. O.-if., p. 23. Hemistephnnia Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col., p. 9. Beniistilbon Gould, 1861 : Introd., 8vo, p. 149. Bemitliylara C.uj. and Helx., I860: Mits. Hein., iii, flimelia Muls., 1875: Cat. O.M., p. 7. [p. 37. Boinophania Reich., 1854 : Avfz. Col., p. 10. flomoptaania Cab. and Hh,ix.. I860: Mus. Hein., Buppes Less., 1832: Ind. Gen. fiii, p. 79. Bylocharis Boie, 1831: /««, p. 546. HyiocJiaris Gray, 1848: 'Gen. o/ P., i, p. 114." Bylonympha Gould. 1873, Ann. Mag.N.H., xii, Bylocharis Bp., 1854 ; R. M. Z., p. 255. [p. 429. Bypermetra Cab. and Heix., i860: Mu^. Hein., Bypochrysia Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col., p. 9. [p. 80. Hypoiia Muls.. 187.5, Cat. O.M., p. 17. flypopliauia Reich., 1854: Aufz. CoZ., p. 11. Bypuroptila Gould, 1854 : Monog., pt. vii. lactae Elliot, 1879 : Class and Syn. Troch., p. 234. Idas Muls., 1875: Cat. Ois.-Moueh., p. 27. lolfema Gould, 1861 : Introd., 8vo, p. 73. lonolsema Gouli>, 1857 : Monog., pt. xitL lonolaima Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col., p. 9. Jacobfnes Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. — . Juliamyia Br., 1854: R. M. Z., p. 255. Kampylopterus Sfix. Klais Reich., 1854; Aufz. Col, p. 13. lafresnaya Bp., 1849: Consp. Av., p. 68. Lampornis Sw., 1827: Philos. Mag., i, p. 422. Lampornis Less., 1829: Tabl. O.M., p. xxiii. Lampornis Reich., 1849: Syst. Av., pi. xxxix. Lampraster Tacz,, 1874 : P, Z. S., p. 140. Lamprol..1. Microcbera Gould. 1861 : Introd., 8vo, p. 82. Milornis Muls., 1873: Hist Nat, i,^. 77. Momus Muls. and Verr., 1866 : Class. Troch., p. 19. Mosqueria "Reich.", Bp., 1854: Anti. Sci. Nat., Mulsantia Reich., 1854: A^tfz. Col, p. 12. [p. 137. Myiabeillia Bp., 1854: R. M. Z., p. 253. Myiabellia "Scl." Myiaetina Bp., 1854: R.M. Z., p. 249. Myiornis Agass. (emend, from Ornismya). Myletes Muls., 1873 : Hist Nat., i, p. 284. MyrmiaMuLs., 1875: Cat O.-M., p. 32. Myrtes Cab. and Hein., 18G0 : Mus. Hein., iii, p. 59. Myrtis Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col, p. 13. Mythinia Muls., 1876: Hist Nat O.M., iii, p. 235. yo.4. COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TROCHILID^. 695 Mytlnia Muls., 187a: Oat. Ois.-Moueh., p. 28. Nania Muls., 1875: Cat. O.M., p. 21. Niche Mils.. 1875: Cat. O.-Jf., p. 21. Nodalia Muls., 1875: Cat. O.M., p. 23. Orreatus Gould, 1846 : P. Z. S., p. 86. [p. 76. OpIsthoproraCAii. andHEix., 1860 : Mtis. Hein., iii, Oreonyrapha (Joull. 1869: P.Z. S., p. 295. OreopyraGoi 1.1), i860: P. Z. S., p. 312. Oreotrorhllus Gould, 1847: P.Z. S., p. 10. OrlotrothlUis Rkicii.. 1849. [p. 91. Ornismya Muls. nml Vekk., 1866: Class. Troch., OrnismyaLKss.. 1829: Tabl. O.M., p. x. Ornismyla oi some. Ornithomyia Bi>., 1854: R. M. Z., p. 251. Ornlthomya Less., 1832. Ornysmla of some Fii'iulimou. [p. 1.5. Orolrochllus ("ab. ami Heix, 1860 : Mtis. Hein., iii, Orthorhynchus Cuv.. '1799-1800." Orthorhynchus III., 1811 : Prod., p. 209. Orthorhynchus BuRJt., 1856: Thier. Bras. Orthornis Bi>.. 18.54: R. M.Z., p. 249. OsallaMuLS. and Verr, 1866: Class. Trocft., p. 92. Oxypogon Gould, 1848 : P. Z. S., p. 14. Pampa Reich., 1854: Au/z. Col., jt.ll. Panoplltes Gould, 18.54: Jlfowogr., pt. viii, October. Panichlora Muls. and Verr. [p. 43. Panterpe Cab. and Heix., 1860 : Mtis. Hein., iii, Panychlora Cah. andHEis'., I860: Mus. Hein., Hi, p. 49. Paphosia Muls. and Verr.. 1866: Class. Troch., Parzudakla Reicil, 18.54: Aufz. 6W.,p. 12. [p. 75. Patasona Gr.\t. 1840: List G. o/J?.,p. 18. Patasrons Less., 1832: Tnd. Gen.,i>.—. Peralus Muls.. 1875 : Cat. O.-M., p. 23. Pefasophora Gray, 1840: List O. ofJB., p. 13. Petasophorus Muls. and Verr.. 1866. Pha'ochroa Gould, 1861 : Introd., 8vo, p. 55. Pha'ohpma Bp., 1854. Phaeoptila Gould, 1861: Introd., jt. 160. Phaethornis Sw.. 1831: Fn. Ko>-.-Am.,ii, p. 322. PhaetornisBr.. 1849: Consp. 4i;.,p.67. Pha>t(»riii!s Gray, 1848. Phaiolaima Reich.. 1854: Atifz. CoJ.,p. 9. Phemonoe Reich., 18.54: Aufz. Col.,j>.9. PhaUhomlS Sw., 1827: Zool. Jowrw., p. 357. PhflPtornlS Less., 1832: Ind. Gen. Troch.,-p.-siv. PhflPtornis Tschudi. 1844: Con*;)., p. 37. [p. 86. Philodice Muls. and Verr., 1866: Class. Troch., Phlogophilus Gould, I860: P. Z. 5., p. 310. ' PholoeMuLs., 1875: Cat. O.-Jf., p. 22. PhPCthOrnisBoiE, 1831: /««, p. 548. Pilonia Muls., 1876 : Hist. yat.,'m, p. 4. Placophorus Muls., 1873: Hist. Nat., i, p. 137. PlaturusLKSS., 1829: Tabl. 0.-lf.,p.xxij. Platystyioptenis Reicil, 1854: Aiifz. Ooi., p. ii. PolcmlstPla Cah. and Hein., I860: Mus. Hein., Hi, Polyipna Heix., 1863 : J. /. O., p. 215. [p. 63. Polyerata Heix., 1863: J.f. 0.,p.l94. Polyuinia Muls. and Verr., 1866: Class Troch., Polyonymus Heix., 1863: J.f. 0., p. 206. [p. 91. Polyplancta IIlix.. 1863: J.f. O.. p. 182. Polythmil»> Less.. 1832: Jnd. Gen. Trocft., p. xvi. Polythmus Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. xvi. Polytmiis ViEiLL., 1807. PolytmuN Gr.\y, 1849: List G. o/J?.,p.— . PolytmUH Reich., 1849: Syst. Av., pi. xxxix. Polytmus Brish., 1760: Orn., iii, p. 666. [p. 123. Polyxcmus Muls., 1877: Hist. Nat. O.M., iv, Popelalria Reich., 1854: Ai^z. Co?., p. 12. PpasltesCiKAY: Ubif Prasllls Caii. and Heix., I860: Mus. Hein., iii, p. 49. Praxilla Kicicii., 1854: Aufz. Col, ji. 13. ProKnornIs Reicil, 1854: Aufz. Col, p. 11. Prymnacantha Cab. and Heix., 1860 : Mus. Hein., iii, p. (14. Psalidoprymna Caii. and Hein., 1860 : Mus. Hein., Pterophanes Gould, 1849: Monog., pt.i. [iii, p. 72. Ptochoptcra Elliot, 1874: JW«, p. 26L Ptyonornis Reich., 18;54: Aufz. Col, p. 14. Pygraornls Br., IS.-vt: R. M. Z., p. 2.50. PyKorniMMuLs.and Verr., 1866: Class.Troch.,-p.l9. Pyrrhophicna Cab. and Hein., I860: Mus. Hein., iii, p. 35. Queues-etPOltes Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. xxzL Ramphodon Less., 1830: Hist. Nat. Col, p. 18. Ramphomicron Bp., 1849: Consp. Av.,^, 79. Rhamphudon Less. Rhamphoinicroii auct. [iii, p. 70. RhaniphoniicrusCAB. andHEra.,1860: Mus. Hein. RhodopiH Reich., 18.54: Aufz. Col, p. 12. RIccordia Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col, p. 10. I Rubis Less., 1832 : Ind. Gin., p. — . Sjeploptcpus Reich., 1854: Avfz. Col, p. 11. Saphos Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. — . Sapphironia Bp., 1854: R. 21. Z., p. 256. Sapphironia "Gould, 1861". Sapphironia Bp., 1854: R. M. Z., p. 256. SaphirH Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. — . Sappho Reich., 1849: Syst. Av., pi. xl. SatUPia Muls., 1875 : Cat. O.M., p. 21. Saucepottia Bp., 1849: Consp. 4«.,p. 77. Schistes Gould, 1851: Jard. Cont. Orn., p. 140. Selasophcpuss Reich., 1855: Troch. Enum., p. 11. Selasphorus Sw., 1831 : Fn. Bor.Am., ii, p. 496. Sclosphorus Bp., 1849: Consi). A v., p. 82. Sephaniodes LEi5s., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. xxix. Sephanoides Bp., 1849: Consp. Av., p. 82. Sericotes Reich., 1854: Atifz. Col, p. 11. Sniapagdites Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. xxix. Smaragdites Muls. and Verr., 1866. Sinaragdites Bole, 1831 : Isis, p. 547. Smapagdites Reich., 1849: Syst. Av., pL xl. Smapagdites Boie, 1831: Isis,p. 547. Smaragditis Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col.,p.7. Smaragdochpysis Gould. ,180l : Introd.,8vo, p. 161. Spapganura Cab. and Heix.. i860 : Mus. Hein., iii, Spathupa Gould, 1849: Monog., pt. i. (p. 52. SphenoppoctusC.\i!. andHEix., I860: Mus. Hein., iii, p. 11. Spopadicus Cab. and Hein., 1860 : Mus. Hein., in. Spopadinus Br.. 1854 : R. M. Z., p. 255. Steganupa Reich., 1854: Aufz. CoJ.,p. 8. j Stcganupus Reich., 1849: Syst.Av.,\tl.xi. StPllula Gould, 1861 : Introd., 8vo, p. 90. SJellupa Muls. and Verr., 1866: Class. Troch., p. 8S. ' Stcpnoflyta Gould, 1858: Jfonoflf., pt. xvi. j Stoka'-siella Bp.. '18.54." ' Stokosiella Bp.. 1854: 'Ann.Sci.Nat^-p. 138." 896 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [ Vol. V. StreblorhnuiphnH, Oah. ami Hein., I860: Mus. Stropliio!;T'::ins (ioiLi), "1853''. [Hein.,iu,\y.'iG. Telamun Mi;ls. ami Vekk., 1866: Class. Troch., TelapllorilsMuLs., 1874: iZwJ. J\rat,i, p. 257. [p. 75. Telesiella Eeicii., 1854: Avfz. CW.,p. 13. Telesilla Cau. and Hein., I860: Mus. Hein., p. 27. Thaliicania Boukc, 1856. Thaliirania Gould, 1848: P.Z. 5., p. 13. Thaluroiiia GiiAv, 1849. Thaumantias Bp., 1854 : B. M. Z., p. 255. Ttaanmasius Sclat., 1879 : P. Z. S., p. 145. Thaumaste Reich., 1854: Aufz. Col.,^. 14. ThaumasturaBp., 1849: Consp. Av.,-p.^b. [1849. Thaumastura Bp., 1850: Compt. Bend., p. 383, nee Thaumatias Bp., 1850 : Compt. Bend., xxx, p. 382. Thaumatias Bp., 1849: Consp.Av.,-p.l8. Thaumatias Gould, 1801 : Introd., 8vo, p. 151. Thanmatessa Hein., 1863: J.f. O., p. 209. Tholucania Hartl., 1857: Arch. /.Nat, Threnetes, Gould, 1853 : Monog., pt. iv. Thrcplria Reich., 1854: A^ifz. Ooi.,p. 9. Tilmatura Rkich., 1854: Avfz. Col.,i\8. Timolia MuLt^., 1875: Cat. O.-Jlf., p. 23. TopazaGuAY, 1840: List G.o/B., p, r.'.. Topazes Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. — . Toxoteuches Cab. ami Heis., 1860 : Mus. Hein., iii, Tricliolopha Hein., 1803 : J. f. O., p. 209. [p. 11. Trochlliis Less., 1766: .Sf. iV., i, p. 189. Tryphseiia Gould, 1849: Monog. ,ipt. i. I'ljsses MuLS., 1875: Cat. O.M., p. 12. I'ralia Muls. ami Vkrr., 1806 : Class. Troch., p. 81. Urania "Fitz." {fide Grax). rranoinitra Reich., 1854 : Av/z. Col., p. 10. llrochroa Gould, 1856: Monog., pt. xii. Urolampra Cab. ami Hein., 1860: Mus. Hein., iii, Urosiicte Gould, 1853: Monog., pt. vi. [p. C8. Vcs,tipes Less., 1832: Ind. Gen., p. — . Zephyritls Muls. and Verb., 1866: Class. Track., Zodalia Muls., 1876: Hist. Nat, iii, p. 281. [p. 87. J^o.4.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY — CYPSELID^. 697 CypselidaB. 1793. Bruyn, S. J. A Letter on the Itcticitit of Swallows [Cliaetura pelagica], and the Torpid State of certain Animals, in Winter. <^ Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts and ,Soi.,ii, 1793,pp.<)(i-99. This iw tho earliest notice I have seen of the now well-known fact that immense collectioas of the bones, feathers, and excrement of Swifts are occasionally found in hollow trees to whicli tho birds have been wont to resort by thousands for a sci'ies of years. A late anony- mens writer (very well known to me, liowever,) in the N. T. Independent of Oct. 7, 1875, has a paragraph on the subject, in which he seems inclined to believe that our Chimney Swift may not impossibly hybernato in such retreats. See also 1853, TiiOMi'sON, Z. 1817. S. B. D. To the editors of the American Monthly Magazine. <^ Am. Month. Mug., ii, 1817, p. 3"nonymatic .and diagnostic synopsis, with critici-sra, of 8 spp. O. cinireiventris is figured. 1865. SCLATER, P. L. Notes on the genera and species of Cypselidic. < P. Z. S., 1865, pp. .593-*il7, tigg. 1-10, pll. xxxiii, xxxiv. This notable article opens with an account of tho structure of the sternum and digits in various species of the family, illustrated with ten figures. The family is divided into two subfamilies, Cypselinoe and Chceturince, the former having the tarsi feathered, and the ratio of the phalanges abnoniial ; the latter with the opposite of these characters. The species of Cyp««K««B are all referred to the two genera Cypselus nud J'anyplilu. ihe latter exclusively American. The Chceturince are divided into four genera, Chatura. Cypscloides, Collocalia, Bull. V, 4 12 698 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. fVoLV. 1865. SCLATEK, r. L.— Continued. and Dendrochelidon. Forty-eight species, two of them new, are reviewed, with synonymy, diagnosis, habitat, and criticism, as follows : — Cypselin-.t:. I. Cypselus. A Old "World, a. Fork-tailed. 1..0. inelba. 2. O. csquatori- alig. 3. C. apus. 4. O. paeifieus. .">. C. leiieonyx. 6. C. tinicolor. 7. C. caffer. 8. 0. parvus. 9. G. hatasmetiMS. 10. C. infumatv^, sp. n., p. 602, Borneo, b. Even-tailed. 11. G. subfur- catus. 12. G. affinis. B. Xew World (TacAorni*). Vi. G. phmnicobiu*. \\. G. squamatus {p{. 33). 15. G. andicola. 16. O. montivagus. H. Panyptila. 1. P. cayanensis. 2. P. saneti- hieronymi. 3. P. melanoleuca. Cn^TURiNiE. UT. Chcetura. A. Majorcs. a. Asiatic (Hi- rundinapus). 1. G. eaudaciUa. 2. G. gigantea. h. American {Hemiprocne) . 3. G. semicol- laris. 4.^cutata, sp. n.. p. 609, pi. 34 (c Xatt. ilS., Brazil). 5. C zonaris. B. Mmores. a. American. 6. C. pelasgia. 7. C. vauxii. 8. C pollura. 9. C cinereiventrie. 10. C spini- cauda. 11. C. rutila. b. African. 12. C eabini. 13. C ca*«int. c. Asiatic. 14. 0. sylvatica. 15. G.coraeina. TV. Gypgeloides. 1. G. senex. 2. G. fumigatus. 3. G.niger. 4. O.borealii. "V. CoUocalia : merely a list of 6 spp., after "WaUaee. VI. Dendrochelidon. 1. X). mystacea. 2. D. wallacii. 3. Z). klecho. 4. J>. coronata. 5. D. comata. 1865. SCLATER, P. L. [Letter relating to various Cypselidpe.] <[ //)(.s, Sdser., i, 1865, pp. 234, -235. 1867. SCLATER, P. L. Bemerkungen iiber die Genera und Species der Cj7)seliden. Aus den ,, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, June 27, 1865" iibersetzt. < -/./. 0. , xv, 1867, pp. 112-141. 1869. Fowler. A. The Chimney Swallow [Chteturapelagica]. < Jw. AY(Y.,iii, 1869, pp. 8-13. Account of its habits. 1873. Sears, J. H. Chimney Swallow [Chaetura pelagica]; Change in Place of Nest- ing. < Am. Xat., vii, 1873, pp. 751, 752. 1874. Merriam, C. H. The Chimney Swift [Chsetura pelagica]; Change in Place of Nesting. < Am. Xat. , vtii, 1874, pp. 367, 368. 1874. Salvin, O. [On the breeding of Panyptila sancti-hieronymi at San Geronimo, Guatemala; etc.] < /6is, 3d ser.,iv, Apr., 1874,p. 188. Xot seen. 1875. Axon. [On the possible hybernation of ChiBtura pelagica in hollow trees.] < X. T. Independent, Oct. 7, 1875. 1877. Gray, A. F. Chimney Swallow. Chimney Swift. Chsetura pelagica. — Baird. <^ Forest and Stream, ix, Nov. 8, 1877, p. 215. 1878. [Fitch, E. H.] The Swifts [Cypselidai]. Jotirn. of Sci. (Toledo, Ohio), n. s., i, No. 1, Apr., 1878, cut. Characters of two subfamilies, Cypselinm and GhteturincB ; figure of Panyptila saxatUis. 1878. Lawrenxe, G. N. Descrii^tion of a New Species of Cypselidae, of the Genus Chaetura [dominicana]. <^Ann. Xew York Acad. Sci., i. No. 8, 1878, pp.255, 256. (Read Nov. 11, 1877. ) 1879. Anon. Nest of the Chimney Swift (Chietura pelasgia). < The Oologist, v, No. 2, Aug., 1879, pp. 9, 10, cut. Very good original observations, illnstrated with a figiue of the nest and eggs. 1879. Merriam, [C. H. ] How the Chimney Swallows [Chaetura pelagica] did Congre- gate. < The Oologist, v, No. 1, July, 1879, pp. 6, 7. Quoted from his "Keviewof the Birds of Connecticut" in 2Va7W. Conn. Acad., iv, 1877, p. S9. NoA.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY CAPRlMULGID-ffi. 699 Capriiiiul^idse. 1817. Humboldt, A. v. Sur le Stcatornis [carippnsis], noiiveau genre d'Oiseau noc- turne. < Hull. ScL Soc. I'hilom, 1817, pp. 51, 52. Paa vu moi-m6me— le titre tir6 de Carus et Engelmann. 1818. Humholdt, A. v. [Uober eiuen Nachtvogel Guacharo genannt (d. li., Stea- toiuis caripousia). ] <[ Oken'a Isis, Jalirg. ii, 1818, p. 411. Au8 d. Yerk. Acad. Wiss. Paris, 1817. 1831. Sw[ainsox, W.] The pectinated Claw of the Goatsucker. S'. , xiii, 1845, p. 18. 1847. Lafkesnaye, [F.] de. Melanges omithologiques sur le Trogon Xalapensis (Couroucon de Xalapa), Brd. Dubus; Esquisses ornithologiqnes, 1"^^ livrais., PI. II, et sur les Couroucous en general. <^ Revue Zoologique, x, 1847, pp. 180- 182. 1849. Devllle, E., et Des Murs, O. Note sur uue nouvelle espfece de Couroucon (Trogon ramoniana), et sur le Trogon meridionalis. <^ Bev. et Mag. de Zool., i, 1849, pp. 331-333. 1856. Eraser, L. [Exliibition of a number of Birds, from the collection of T. C. Eyton, Esq. ] . 181, pi. 66; chelieutensis, p. 183, pi. 67; 8enegaloides,i>. 157, pi. 68; cyanoleuca, p. 189, pi. 69; senegalensis, p. 191, pi. 70 dryas, p. 193, pi. 71 ; malimbica, p. 1 95, pi. 72 : albicilla, p. 197, pi. 73 ; leucopygia, p. 199, pi. 74 nigrocyanea, p. 20], pi. 75 ; lazuli, p. 203, pi. 76 ; diopg, p. 205, pi. 77 ; macleayi, p. 207, pi. 78; pyr rhopygia, p. 211, pi. 79 ; cinnamoinina, p. 213, pi. 80 ; australasice, p. 215, pi. 81 ; lindsayi, p. 217, pi. 82 ; eoncreta, p. 219, pi. 83 ; kombroni, p. 221, pi. 84 ; sacra, p. 223, pi. 85 ; juliae, p. 227, pi. 86 chloris, p. 229, pi. 87 ; sordida, i>. 233, pi. 88 ; forsterii, p. 235, pi. 89 ; vagans, p. 237, pi. 90; sancta, p. 239, pi. 91 ; funebris, p. 243, pi. 92. Todirhamphus venerattis, p. 245, pi. 93 ; recxirvirostris, p 247, pi. 94; tutus, p. 249, pi. 95. Carcineutes pulchellus, p. 251, pi. 96; melanops, p. 253, pi. 97 Monachalcyon monachus, p. 255, pi. 98. Oaridonax fulgidus, p. 257, pi. 99. Tanysiptera sylvia. p. 259, pi. 100 ; doris, p. 263, pi. 101 ; emilice, p. 265, pi. 102 ; sabrina, p. 267, pi. 103 ; nympha, p 269, pi. 104 ; ellioti, p. 271, pi. 105 ; hydrocharis, p. 273, pi. 106 ; acts, p. 275, pi. 107 ; margarethce, p. 277, pi. 108; ?iais, p. 279, pi. 109; galeata,-p. 281, pi. 110; riedeli,-p. 283, pi. 111. Ducelo gigas, p. 285, pi. 112; leachi,i>. 289, pi. 113; eervina,-p. 291, pi. 114; occidentalis, p. 293, pi. 115; gaudi ohaudi, p. 295, pi. 116; tyru, j). 297, pi. 117. Ciitura sanghirensis, p. 299, pi. 118 ; cyanotis, p. 301, pi. 119. Melidora macrorhlna.i). 303, pi. 120. In addition to these plates of species, there is one of generic details, 27 figures, and a map of family relationships. The introduction includes elaborate essays on the classification of the family, with diag- noses of all the genera and species recognized, and on the geographical distribution, as well as an important r6suni6 of the literature of the subject. The family is divided into two sub- famUies, Aleedinince, with 5 genera and 41 spp., and Dacelonince, with 14 genera and 84 spp. The monograph is a model one ; it at once became and remains the leading authority on the subject, and forms the corner-stone of the author's high reputation. Cf. Ibis, 1868, pp. 472, 473 ; 1869, pp. 215, 216; 1870, pp. 121, 122, 506, 507; J.f. O.. 1870, pp. 377- 380; J. m. iVai., iii, 1869, pp. 149, 150. 1869, Davis, H. The Kinglisliev in Winter [Ceryle alcyon, in Minnesota]. <^Am. Xat, iii, 1869, p. 389. 1869. RiDGWAY, E. The Belted Kingfisher [Ceryle alcyon] again. <^ Am. Nat, iii^ 1869, pp. .53, ,54. Observations on the nidification of Ceryle alcyon, with reference to conflicting statements in this journal. 1869. Williams, C. E. of the Belted Kingfisher [Ceryle alcyon]. <^ Am. Nat., ii, 1869, pp. 614, 61.5. Note on two nests, with reference to discussion between "W. Wood and "W. E. Endicott. 1870. Hughes, D. D. The Kingfisher's [Ceryle alcyon] Nest. <^Am.Nat., iii, 1870, p. 616. Notes on several nests of Ceryle alcyon. 1870. FiNSCH, 0. R. B. Sharpe's Monographie der Alcedinidse. < J. /. O., xviii, 1870, pp. 377-380. 1873. Abbott, C. C. Feeding Habits of the Belted Kingfisher [Ceryle alcyon]. < Zo- ologist, 2d scr., viii, 1873, pp. 3527, 3.528. From 'Nature,' Mar. 13. 1873. Anon. Kingfishers and Fish. < ^jw. .S^orfewaw, ii, 1873, p. 187. Method in which Ceryle alcyon handles and swallows its prey discussed. 1873. Breed, E. E. The Kingfisher [Ceryle alcyon]. < Am. Nat., \ii, 1873, p. 634. On the way in which its food is prepared for deglutition. 1874. ScHLEGEL, H. Revne de la Collection des Alcedines faisant partie du Musfie des Pays-Bas. < Mus. Nat. Hist. Pays-Bas, 11" livr., ,Jnin, 1874, pp. 1-48. See the original article, to which this ia supplementary, 1863. 1878. BiCKNELL, E. P. [Migrations of Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon).] < The Country, i, Feb. 16, 1878, p. 229. 712 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Voir. 1878. Brown, N. C. [Late stay of Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyou) in New England.] < The Country, i, Jan. 26, 1878, p. 181. 1878. COUES, E. Habits of tlie Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon). -CBull. Nutt. Ornith. Club, ill, No. 2, Apr. , 1878, p. 92. Fruit-eating: communicated by Mrs. Mary Treat. 1879. Shaw, C. J. The Belted King Fisher. (Ceryle Alcyon.) < Journ. of Sci. (Tol- edo, Ohio), n. s., ii. No. 8, Dec, 1879. Nesting habits. ^0.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY CAPITONIDiE. 713 Capitoiiidac. [In this family I give all the litloa I possess.] 1798. Sparkman, A. Biicco utro-flavus : Et iiytt fogel species ifrS.n Sierra Lioua, boskrilVit. <^ Kotigl. Vetensk.-Acad. Nya Handl., xix, 1798, pp. 305-307, pi. ix. 1836. Lafuesnaye, F. dk. Barbion. Micropogou. Temm. B. soufr^. B. sulphu- ratus. Lafresn. <^Gu6r. May. de Zool., G^ auuSe, 1836, classe ii, pp. 1-5, notice PI. 60, Miaropogon sulphurattis. — En suite, xiue listc de sept esp^Res anidricaines, asiatiqaes et afi'icaiues du genre. 1837, ROppell, [E.] A Notice of the Pliytotoma tridactyla of Abyssinia. <^ P. Z. S., V, 1837, p. 50. Proposes to call Pogonias brucei what liad becu uamed by Stanley Bucco taltii. 1842. Hartlauij, [G. ] Description d'nnc nonvelle espi^ce du genre Barbu [Bucco malacccnsis], suivie dc la listc de toutes les espfeces connues de ce genre. <^ Revue Zooloyique, v, 1842, pp. 330, 1537. 27 esp^ces. 1849. Deville, E., and Des Murs, O. Notice sur le Barbu orang6 de P^rou (Capito Peruvianus); sur le Barbu de la Gnyane [sic] (C. erythrocephalus ou Cay an - ensis) et sur une vari6t6 interm^diare ou espfece nouvelle (C. amazonicus f ). < Bev. et Mag. Zool. , i, 1849, pp. 161-176. Petite monographie. 1849. Lafresnaye, F. de. Description et figure d'une [r^cemment] nouvelle esp&ce d'Oiseau du genre Micropogou de Teuiniinck. <^ liev. el Mag. Zool.,i, 1849, pp. 116, 117, pi. 4. M. bourcieri, Lafr., R. Z., 1845, p. 179. 1849. Lafresnaye, F. de. Description et figure d'une [r^cemnient] nouvelle esp5ce d'Oiseau du genre Micropogou de Temminck. <] Bev. et Mag. Zool. , i, 1849, pp. 176, 177, pi. 6. M. hartlaubii, Lafr., B. Z., 184.'), p. 180. 1850. [Jardine, W.] Megalaima capistratus, Eyton [n.sp.?]. <^Jurd. Coiitnb. Orn., 1850, p. 29, pi. xlv. 1855. [Jardine, W.] Tetragonops ramphastinus (Jardine). <^Edinb. Xew Philos. Joitrn., new ser., ii, 1855, p. 404. 1858. SCLATER, P. L. On a new species of Barbet from the Upper Amazon. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., i, 1858, p. 235. Froin P. Z. S., Nov. 24, 1857, p. 267. The new species is Eubucco aurantiicoUis, described among other birds in a paper on Bates's Upper Amazon collections. 1859. Verraux, J. Description d'une nouvelle espfece de Barbu [Laimodon albiven- tris] de I'Afrique occideutale. < P. Z. . ] < lUs, 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp. 538-538. 1870. Marshall, C. H. T., and Marshall, G. F. L. Notes on the Classification of the Capitouidas. < P. Z. S. , xxxviii. 1870, pp. 117-1^0, figg. 1-6. The family is primarily divided into the three subfamilies Pogonorhynchince, Megalcemince, and Capitonince ; the first represented in Africa and America, the second in Africa and Asia, the third in Africa, Asia, and America. Several of the current genera are rearranged or reorganized; Stactoltema, g. n., p. 118, type Buccanodon anchietce, Bocage, Africa. The heads of this species, oiliarbatula leucoloema, Xylobueco duchaillui, X. scolopacea, Trachyjihonus margaritatus, and T. purpureus, arc figured. 1870-71. Marshall, C. H. T., and Marshall, G. F. L. A Monograph of the Capitonidte or Scansorial Barbets. . . . London. 1870, 1871. roy. 8vo. Pub. in 9 parts. Parts i-v, 1870 ; Parts vi-ix, 1871. Not seen. According to the Zool. Eec, whence I take the title and comment herewith presented. Part V contains the Preface and Introduction, the latter beginning with a dissertation on the theory of evolution, which is followed by an account of the literature relating to the special subject, to which succeeds a chapter on the classiflcation and geographical distribution. The species figured are as follows : Part I. Megalcema virens, M. versicolor, M. henrici, Calorhamphns latkami. Trwholcema hir- Buta, Trachyphonus margaritatus, Capita maculicoronatiis, C. aurovirens. Part II. Pogonor- hynchus dubius, Tctragonops frantzii. Xylobueco duchaillui. Trachyphonus cafer, Capito bour- cieri, Megalcema lineata, M. hodgsoni, 21. flnvifrons. Part III. Megalcema zeylanica. M. caniceps, M. niichalia, M. faber, M. australis, XanthoUema rubricapiUa, tStactnlfema anchietm, Pogonorhynchus leucocephalus. Part IV. Megalcema viridis, M. asiatica, M. oorti, M.phceo- striata, Trachyphonus gojini. T. purpuratus, T. squamiceps, Barbatula leucotis. Part V. Megal- cema chrysnpogon, Xantholmma hcemacephala, Gapito aurantiicollis, Psilopognn pyrolophus, Calorhamphns fuliginosus. Pogonorhynchus abyssinicus, P. torqiiatus, P. bidentatus. Part VI. Pogonorhynchus rolleti, P. diadematus, P. melanoccphalus. Megalcema inornata (Zool Kec, vii, p. 43), Gymnobucco bonapartii, Xantholcema malabarica, Barbatula bilineata, B. atro flava, and Capito versicolor. Part VII. Xantholcema rosea, Megalcema javensis, M. mystaco phonus, M. humii (Zool. Eec, vii, p. 43), and M. franklini, Tctragonops rhamphastinus, Gymno bucco calvus. and Xylobiwco scolopaceus. Part VIII. Megalcema armillaris. M. chrysopsis, M. corvina. Pogonorhynchus vieilloti, P. leucomelas, Capito richardsoni, C.niger, and G. auratus. Part IX. Pogonorhynchus melanopterus, P. undatus, Barbatula leucolcema, B.pusilla, B.sub- sidphurea, B. chrysocoma. B. uropygialis, Capito glaucogularis, G. quinticolor, Megalcema legrandierii, M. duvauccli, and If. cyanotis. Cf. Ibis, 1870, pp. 505, 506; 1871, pp. 451, 452 ; and Zool. Rec. for 1870 .ind 1871 . 1870. [Newton, A.] [Announcement of the Messrs. Marshall's Monograph of the Capitonidre.] <^ Ibis, 2d ser., vi, 1870, p. 156. 1870. Swixhoe, R. The Large Barbet [Megalajma marshallorum n. sp.] of the Him- alayas in want of a Name! < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 4th ser., vi, 1870, p. 348. 1872. Marshall, C. H. T., and Marshall, G. F. L. [Note on the validity of Megalsema manshallorum. ] <; Ibis, 3d ser. , ii, 1872, p. 327. 1873. Lloyd, J. H. On a new Species of Barbet [Megalsema sykesi] from WeBtem India. < Ibis, 3d aer. , iii, 1873, pp. 124, 125. yo.4.l COUES'S ORT^nXH. BIBLIOGRAPHY BUCCONID^. 715 Bucconidae. 183G. Gould, J. [Characters of a new species of Tamatia (T. bicincta).] <^ P. Z. S,, iv, 183G, pp. 80, 81. 1845. Lafresxaye, F. de. Description de deux nouvelles espfeces d'Oiseaux. t's isis,Bd. xxviii, 1835, pp. 1032-1038. TJebersetzung : Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., ii, 1834, pp. 72-79. 1835. Gould, J. Ein neuer Toucan [Pteroglossus haematopygus], von Strickland mitgetheilt aus Sudamerica. <^Oken's Isis, Bd. xxviii, 1835, p. 1060. Proe. Zool. Soc. Lond., ii, 1834, p. 147. 1835. Owen, R. Anatomic von Ramphastos ariel Vig. <^0ken^8 Isis, Bd. xxviii, 1835, pp. 373, 374. Aus d. P. Z. S., 1832, pp. 4'2-4C. 1836. Gould, J. Uebersicht der Rhamphastideu. <^Arch.f.Natu)-g.,n,{l),l*i3Q,-pi^. 307-311. Nach P. Z. S., 1835, p. 156, aeq., mitgetheilt. 1837. Gould, J. Ueber Ramphastideu. <^Oken's Isis, Bd. xxx, 1837, pp. 188-191. TJebersetzung: Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1835, pp. 156-160. 1837. Gould, J. Eiu neuer Toucan. . 104; Ramphodryag, -p. lOS; BaiUonius, p. 114; Bamphastoides, p. 117, suljgg. nn. Is'o new species are described. Cf. Zool. Bee., iv, 1867, p. 88. 1867. Schmidt, Max. [Einigesiiher RamphastosimGefangenschaft.] <^Zool. Gart., viii, 1867. 1870. Stevens, E. P. The Toucan's Beak. < Am. Nat, iv, 1870, pp. 622, 623. On the adaptation and rises of the organ in BhamphasHda. 1871. Stevens, R. P. Tukanens Naeb. ^^Tidssk.forpoptilcereFremst.afNatnrvidensh., 46 8er.,iii, 1871,p. 80. ,, Spi*rgsmaalet: i hvilket ^jemed har Tukanen sit ejendommelige Naeb." 1876. GURXEY, J. H., Jr. Toucans in England in the Seventeenth Century. < Zo- oUgist, 2d ser,, xi, Mar., 1876, pp. 4838, 4839. Extracts from Plot's N(U. Mitt. Oxfordshire, 1677, and Leigh's Nat Hist Lomeashire, 1700. Jfo. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY CUCULID^. 725 Cticulida;. (Note. — The literature of this family is extensive, but much of it relates to Cucultta eanorus alone, or la otherwise excluded from presentation here.] 1832. liAUP, J. [J. ] Saurothera marginata. Eine neue Ai"t auH Mexico. <^ Okoi's Isis, B(l. XXV, 1832, pp. 991, 9<)2, pi. xxvi. 1833. CAVfDOii, Lord. [Exhibition of a Coccygus caroliuensis killed in Wales.] . 214:; 77rocea;, p. 216'; CaucaJias, -p. 218. 1863. HEI^rE, F. Cuculidina. p. 119 .seti.] Notes ou the Cuckoos of the Geuus Coccyzus. <^ P. Z. S., xxxviii, 1870, pp. Ui.')-1()9. Synonymatic and diagnostic synopsis of 8 spp., with critical commentary. 1871. Dresser, H. E. [Exhibition of a specimen of Coccyzus americanus found in Great Britain. ] < /'. Z. S., xxxix, 1871, p. '299. 187'2. SCLATER, P. L. [Remarks on Exhibition of a Skin of the Yellow-bilifd Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) from Buenos Ayres.] <^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ISl'Z, p. 4913. 1872. SCLATER, P. L. [Remarks on Exhibition of a .specimen of Coccyzus erythroph- thahnus kilh-d in Ireland.] < Proc. Zool. Hoc. London, 1872, p. 681. The same specimen formerly recorded (Zoologist, p. 294.3) as G. americanus. The only other instance of the occurrence of this bird in liluropo is .stated to be in Italy (BoUe, J.f. O., 1858, p. 4.57; Selys-L., Ibis, 1x70, p. 452; Salvadori, Fn. Hal.. 1871, p. 42). 1872. Blake-Knox, H. American Cuckoo [Coccygus erythrophthalmus] in Ireland. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 2943. Erroneously given as C. americanus: cf. P. Z. S., 1872, p. 681. 1872 Clermont, Lord. BiackbiHed American Cuckoo [Coccygus erythrophthalmus] in Ireland. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3022. 1873. Cabaxis, J. [Coccygus enleri.n. sp. aus Brasilien.] <^././. 0., 1873, pp. 72, 73. 1873. CoUES, E. Range of the Geococcyx californianus. <^Am. Nat., vii, 1874, p. 7.51. 1873. Lawrence, G. X. Remarks on Neoraorphus pucherani and its Allies. <^Ih\s, 3d ser., iii, 1873, pp. 287-295. Historical. Descriptive synopsis of 4 spp. of the genus. 1874. Anon. [The Road-runner — Geococcyx californianus.] <^Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 39.5. From San Luis Obispo, Cal., Tribune. 1874. HUDNUT, J. O. The Paisano [Geococcyx californianus] not the Chiacalaca [Ortalida ep. ] <^ Field and Stream (newspaper of Chicago, 111.), Apr. 4, 1874. 1875. Anon. The Bird Road-Runner [Geococcyx californianus.] <^Bod and Gun, vi, Sept. 25, 1875, p. 396. Reprint from St. Helena, Cal., Star. 1875. Benner, F. Is the yellow-billed cuckoo parasitic? <^Fore8t and Stream, v Sept. 16, 1875, p. 83. 1875. Dubois, A. Note sur un Coccyzus tu6 en Belgique. <^ Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, xxxix, Jan., 1875, pp. 9-11. Pas vue moi-mfime. Un individn du O. americantis tu6 dans le Bois-de-Lessines, le 22 Oct 1874. 1875. "Parvus." American Cuckoo. <^ Hod and Gun, vii. May 1, 1875, p. 75. Mere statement of fact that the American species make nests of their own. 1876. Chambers, V. T. The Chapparal Cock. < Am. Xat., x. No. 6, 1876, p. 373. Request for information respecting food of Geococcyx californianus. 1878. Bendire, C. Breeding habits of Geococcyx californianus. nography of the Parrots extant. It is to be .always regretted, for Levaillant's sake, that, while he described so carefully and so brilliantly figured numberless simcies of birds, many of them before unknown, he did not in any of his four great works use the systejn of nomenclature which would have entitled him to full recognition. He is the real author of vt'ry many new species to which syste- matic names were later applied by Vieillot and others, who consequently get all the per- functory credit that should have gone to Levaillant. Butfon, Brisson and Levaillant are tlie three great French names in ornithology which are not citable for species. Th(> beautiful plates of this work were dr:iwu from nature, engraved and printed in colors under the direction of Bou<|uet. The text (as is not very often the case with Iconographies like this) is much more than a brief description of the objects represented, occupying usually more thiin one leaf to a plate, and going into many particulars concerning the species of this family. The whole work foims the corner-stone of the special literature of Pgittacidce. 1801. MOROZZO, [C. L. ] Letter from Count Morozzo to C. Lacepede, respecting a Parrot hatched at Rome ; together with some Observations on the duration of the Life of these Birds. < Tilloclih PIiUos. Mag., xii, 1801, pp. 235-246. From Journ. de Physique, Ventose, An 10. I. History of the laying and incubation of a pair of Brazilian Parrots. II. Their habit.s, attachment, mode of rearing their young. III. Description of cf , 9 , and young ( =^ Amazon Parrot of Barrere, Fr. Equinox., p. 144). IV. Instances of some Parrots which have laid in Europe. V. Coiyectures on the durixtion of the life of Parrots, including a table of the dura- tion of incubation and life of several biids, and periods of gestation in several mammals, in compari.son with the duration of their life. 1802. Morozzo, [C. L.] Histoire d'un Perroquet n^ a Rome, suivie de quelques observations sur la durde de la vie des oiseanx. <^Journ. dc Phys., Chim.. et Hist. .V«.<., liv, 1802, pp. 180-193. L'histoire de ces Perroquets, et celle de leur ponte et de leur incubation. — Leurs habitudes, amours, et la m.ani^re d'61ever leurs petits.— Description de ces oiseaux. — Coiyectures sur la vie des ])erToquets, etc. ; "J "en ai vu un moi-meme qui 6toit depuis 75 ans dans la m6me mai- 8on." Table de la dur6e de I'incubation, et de la vie de plusieurs oiseaux. 1803. Morozzo, C. L. Relation De deux fdtus produits par les memes perroquets qui dans I'annde 1801 ont dound un petit, a Rome. <^ Phyn., Ciiiin., et Hist. Nat. Ivi, 1803, pp. 347-350. BlllL V, 4 14 730 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [YoLV. 1820. KunL, H. H. Knlil, Ph. Dr. Ac. C.L. C.N.C. S. | Conspectn.s Psittacornm. | Cum speciernm definitioiiilms, novarum descriptionibus, | syuonymis ct circa patriaiu singularnm uaturalem | adversariis, | adjecto indice museorum, ubi earum I artiiiciosae exuviae servantur. | CumTabulisIII. aeucispictis. | [n. d., n. p. ; Bonuae, 1820. ] 1vol. 4to. pp. 104, pll. iii. Kovis Actis Acad. C'ces. Leop. -Carol. Nat. Cur., vol. x, par.s i, 1820 , pp. 4-104. Do spcciebn.s 209 P.sittacorum tractat auctor celeberrimu.s, rinanim novas "(lirca 40, nus- quaiii de.scriptas" (lontinet monographia sua. Species sigiio t notatas vidit ipse et sec. natu- ram descripsit. Species omnes ad genus Psittaci unicuin relatse sunt, hoc genere in sect. vi., so., 1, Ara; 2, Convrvs (p. 4); .S, Psittacvla; 4, Psittacus; 5, Kakadoe! (p. 11); 6, Probosciger (p. 13). — r. Ara, A, cofoie coccineo, spp., 1-3; B, colore caeruleo, 4, 5; G, colore viridi, 6-10. II. Convrvs, A, American!, 11-28; B, Afiicani, 29-33; C, Asiatici, 34-61; D, Au.strales, 62-92. III. Psittacvla, A, Americani, 9.3-102; B, Africani, 103-105; 0, Asiatici, 106-115; D, Au.strale8, 116-119. IV. Pgittaeus, A, Americani, 120-144; B, Africani, 145-147; C, Asiatici, 148-150; D. Australes, 151,152. Y. Kakadoe, A, Indici, 153-156; B, Australes, 157-164. VT. Probosciger, 165, 166. — Psittaci patriaj incertae, 167-171. — Psittaci dubii, aut auctori incogniti, ab aliis de- sciipti, 172-20.9. Species seqiientes 8an6 novas asterisco notavi ; leliquie forsan prius desciipta'. 10. Psittacus illigeri, Temm. et Kuhl, p. 19 (=P. fuscatus, Mus. Beiol. nomine inepto). 24. P. viridissimus, Temm. et Kuhl, p. 25. 63. P. platurus, Temm. et Kuhl, p. 43. 67. P. *erythronotiis, p. 45. P. *auriceps, p. 46. 75. P. *ehlorolepidotus, p. 48. 77. P. ''itltrarnarinus, p. 49. 78. P. *chrysostomus, p. 50, pi. i. 82. P. *spurius, p. 52. 84. P. *cyanomelas, p. 53. 86. P. icterotis, Temm. et Kuhl, p. 54. 90. P. *brownii, p. 56. 94. P. "st. thomae, p. 58. 104. P. *swinderniamos, p. 62, pi. ii {" swinderianus." lapsu). 111. P. simplex, p. 66. 113. P. *»/ii- eropterus, p. 67. 125. P. braehyurus, Temm. et Kuhl, p. 72. 127. P. ' maximiliani, p. 72. 133. P. cyanotis, Temm. et Kuhl, p. 77. 134. P. '•'erythriints, p. 77. 148. P. *spadiceocepha- lus (!), p. 84. 158. P. ■''tenuirostris, p. 88. 15.9 P. *eos, p. 88. 162. P. 'tevimiiikii (sic), p. 89. 164. P. ^leackii, p. 91, pi. iii. 166. P. *goliath, p. 92. 168. P. "bitorqiiatus. p. 92. 171. P. *fus^ cicoUis, p. 95 12. P. auricapillus, "Licht.,"p. 20. 15. P. Jei/cotis, "Licht.," p. 21. 9G. P. sitrdus, "111.," p. 59. 97. P. weJ«?iono1, 4.52. Extraite des Mein. Soc. Linn, de Paris, ii, 1823 ?, pp. 155-162. 1823. Gabriac, Marquis de. Notice Sur la Ponte faite k Paris par des Perruches de I'Am^riqne m^ridionale, de I'esp^ce dite Pavouane, dans les moia de juillet et d'aoiit de I'annee 1822. <^Mem du Mus. d'Hist. Nat., x, 1823, pp. 309-313. Addition k la notice pr6c6dente, par Geoffroy-St.-Hilaire, pp. 314-316. yo.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY— PSITTACID^.. 731 1623 ? Lamot'hoi'X, J. V. F. Notice Sur dcs aras bleus n^s en France et acclimates (laus le (leparfenient dii Calvados. < Mem. Soc. Paris, ii, 182:5?, pp. 155-1G2. 1823. V.-Y. Conspectus Psittacorum. ... Auct. II. Kuhl. <^ Ferms. Bull., 2^ sect., iv, 1823, p. 208, 209. Revuo do cet ouvrage. 1S;I4. Desm[ai{];st, A. G.] Description de (inelqnes espfeces d'oiseaux des genres Per- roqiiet ot Pi'«//., 2« sec, i, 1824, p. 278, 279. Estr. (k'8 Trans. Linn. Soc, xiii, pt. i, p. 107. 1824. Payijaudkau, B. C. Notice sur la x)onte faite a Paris par des Perrnches do I'Anierique nieridionale, de l'esy)ece dite I*avonane, dans les mois de juillet et d'aout do I'annee 1822 ; i)ar M. le M'". de Gabriac, . . . <| F^uss. Hull., 2«8ect., ii, 1824, p. 203. Extraite des M6m. du Mm. d'Hiit. Nat., x, 1823, pp. 309-313. 1624-25. Vigors, N. A. Descriptions of some rare, interesting, or hitherto uncharac- terized subjects of Zoology. < Zool. Journ., i , 1824, pp. 409-418, 526-542, pll. 13, 14, 1(5; pll. suppl. 1-4 ; ii, 1825, pp. 234-241, pl. f^. Mufcicapa lathami, p. 410, pl. 13, n. ap. ; Anthus richardi, Vieill., p. 411, pl. 14; Psittacula kuhli, p. 412, pl. 16, u. sp. ; Flatycercus (g. n.?, p. .527) pacificus, Lath., pl. suppl. 1; P. auricept, Kubl, pl. 2; I'.uiietamis, Lath., pl. 3j Fsittacus pyrhopterus,,-pl. 4; Vol. ii, Anthropoidet stanleyanus, p. 234, pl. 8. 1825. [Anon.] Notice regarding the Breeding of the Peacock Parrot of South Amer- ica [in coTilinenient]. <^ Edinb. Philo-t. Journ., xii, 1825, pj). 184, 185. From Bulletin JJniversel. Cf. M<'m. dm. Mus. d'Hist. Nat, x, 1823, pp. 309-313, and F&nis$. Bull., 2<' sect., ii, 1824, p. 203. Ib25. Vigors, N. A. On a new genus of Psittacida;. <^Zool. Journ., ii, 1825, pp. 387-390. This is a subhead, being part of the third instalment (pp. 368-405) of the series of paper* entitled '" Sketches on Ornithology; or," etc. The new genus is Psittacara, p. 387 ; of which are described Ps. frontatus, p. 389, and Pl. lichtenstcinii, p. 390, spp. nn. Ffruss. Bull, ix, 1826, pp. 91, 92 ; Igis. 1830, pp. 1043-1045. 1826. Lessox, R. p. Sur nn genre nouveau de la famille des Perroquets ; par Vigors. . . . 11. col'd l-:{0 (-f- jxirtrait and vignette = :{2 jdl.). Being Vol. VI of gcneriil ixirangemcnt. Contaius luciiioir of l!i-\vi, M. ararauna ; 1, M. aracanga. H, PgittacaranubUis. 9. Psittanis/entivun ; 10. Pn. erythacus. 11, Agapornig swinderianus. 12, Nestor hypopulius. 13, Plyctolnphus lead- beateri ,• 14, P. milphure/us. 15, Calyptori/nrhug stellahis. 10, Microglonma aterriinvs. 17. Dasyptilim pequetii. 18, Lorius domicilhi,s. 19, C'harinosyna papuengis. 20, Trichoglogsus sivainsonii; 21, T. versicolor : 22, T. pyrrhoptenis. 23, Coripldlus kuldii. 24, Psittaculug gal- giilus. 25, Platycercus pennantii ; 20, P. palliceps. 27, Nanodes veiiustus ; 28, X. undulatus. 2!l, Pezoporus/orinasus. 30. Xymphicus norw hollandice. This is rather sketchy, an outline of the family, with figures of the leading types. 183G. ViGuKS, N. A. [Characters of two new PaiTots (Psittacus augu.stus aud P. guildingii). ] < /'. Z. S., iv, 183(5, p. 80. 1836. White, W. M. Facts on the Mea-sure of the Length of Life of a Species of Par- rot ; with Suggestions for ascertaining the Average Period of Existence of the whole Animal Creation ; aud an Anecdote of a Parrot. <^ Loudun^s Mag. Xat. Hist. , ix, 1830, pp. 347-349. 1837-38. BoiTR.TOT St.-Hilaikk, A. Hoi.stoire Naturelle | des Perroquets, | troisieme volume I (supplementaire), | ])our faire suite aux deux volumes do Levail- lant, I conteuant les especes laissces in(5dites par cet auteur ou r(5cerament decouvertes. | OuATage destine | a completer mie monographic iiguree de la famille des Psittacides, le texte renfermant la ] classification, la synonymic, et la descrijjtiou de chaque espece ; | suivi d'uu index general des especes d^- crites dans tout I'ouvrage ; | par le docteur | Al. Bourjot Saint-Hilaire, | Pro- fessevir du Zoologie an College Koyale de Bourbon. | Les figures lithograplu6es et coloriees avec soin | par | M. Werner, | Peintre attachd au Museum d'His- toire Naturelle. | — | Paris, | Chez F. G. Levrault, Libraire £diteur, rue de la Harpe, n." 81. | Strasboui-g, | merac maison, rue des Juifs, n." 33. | 1837-1838. 1 vol. in-lbl. grand j<^sus. ])p. i-xlii (taux titre, litre, dedicace, preface, in- troduction, index geueralis Psittacorum, table, liste des auteurs) ; Planches colori6es 111, avec le texte non pagine. Pub. par. livr. (29.) Engclmaun cites the work by a somewhat different title, beginning "■Collection des Perro- quets", etc., and gives 1835-39 as dates of the appearance of 29 livi-aisons. Above title is from a bound copy in Libr. Phila. Acad. ; the wrappers of the parts not being preserved, I cannot give their I'espective dates. As expressly stated in the title, this Iconography is designed a.s a third (supplementary) volume to Levaillanfs Histoire Xat. de Perroquets, 2 vols, 1801-5. A fourth companion vol- ume was added to the series of illustrations in 1857-58, by De Souance. The plates ot the present scries are as follows : — PI. 1, Psittacus bengalensi.s ; 2, P. torquatus; 3, 3 bis, P. colomhoides ; 4, P. barrabandi ; 5, P. melamirus ; 6, P. rosaceus ; 7, P. antha- peplus ; 8, P. undulatus ; !), /'. rHjiJ'ron.thorhi)ica (sic) ,• 22. P. nobilis ; 23, P. xanthojHcra ; 24, P. nana,- 25, P. tiriba ; 26, P. variegata melanura ; 27, P. perlata ; 28, P. nimis; 29, P. flaviventris ,- 30, P. icterotis ; 31. P. palliceps ; 32, P. barnardi ; 33, P. brownii : 'Si. P. viridis unicolor ; 35, 35 bis, P. erythropterug : .30, P. pacifirxis ; 37, P. novtv zcalandiw ; 38, P. tabuencis ; 39, P. purpureo- cephalus ; 40, P. coeruleo-barhatus (nob.): 41, P. dorso-cwrulens (nob.): 42. 42 bis. P. aur- capillus ; 43, P. euteles ; 44. 44 l)is. P. iris ; 4.5, P. aurifroiis ; 46, P. placeng (nob.): 47, P. xanthoptei-igius (sic); 48. P. toui gutture luteo ; 49, P. gregariui ; M>, P. passerinus ; 51, P. scintillatus; 52, P. versicolor,- 53. 53 bis. P. spatuliger ; .54, P. flavirostris ; 55, 55 bis, 56, P.mitratus; 57, P. cyanogagter ,- 58, P. leucogaster ; 59, P. vulturinus.; 60, P. senilis; 61, P. ineyeri; 62, P. aceipitrinus ; 63, P. augitstus ; 64, P. guildingii; 65, P. colombinvs , 66, P. pretrei; 07, P. pecqueti ; G8, P. novae zcalandiw ; 69, P. productus ; 70, P. fun»reus ; 71, 71 bi^ 734 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [ToLV.* 1837-38. BouRJOT St.-Hil.^ire, A. — Coutiuued. P. banksianus ; 72,72 bis, P. temminckii ; 73, P. bmidiiiii ; 74, P. rosea; 75, 75 bis, 75 ter, P. rubrogaleata ; 76, P. tenuirostris ; 77, P. leadbeateri ; 78, P. riibrocristata (nob.); 79, P. xul/u- reiis major ; 80, P. sulfur eits minor ; 81, P minor philippinarum ; 82, P. albo-cristata ; 83, P. iitterfringillacea; 84, P. Florentis (uob.) Desmarestii ; 86, P. griseifrons (uob.) ; 87, P. rubri- frons ; 88, P. ct/ano-pileata ; 89, P. Philippensis vel coula cissi ; 90, P. rubricollis vel pullana guienensis ; 91, P. ruseicollis ; 92, P. malaeeensis ; 93, P. huetii ; 94, P. loxia ; 95, P. melaao- nota ; 96, J', cana ; 97, P. torquato-squamata ; 98, P. swinderiana ; 90, P. torajitae ; 100, P. There are some interpolations in this series ; Imt not all those presented as such in the table are actually present. I make out 111 plates by actual count. They were executed by "Werner. The nomenclatuie is very lax, scarcely satisfying the requirements of a system. The names in the text do not always correspond with those in the table, from which I have taken the above list ; and the author's way of using names is difficult to make out, or see the point of. Only French names are engraven on the plates. This laxity or carelessness is a serious blemish upon an otherwise very praiseworthy and valuable monograph. There is about a leaf of text, descriptive, etc., to each plate. • "Many of the plates are original, others are copied from Spix, Temminck, or Lear; they are executed on stone, and though inferior to the works of Gould and Lear, they are perhaps the best ornithological lithographs wliich have issued from the French press. The text of this work is prepared with considerable care, but the nomenclature wants jjiecision, the latin names being often wrongly spelled, and the principles of binomial nomenclature often departed from. Thus the genus Palceornis is in one instance designated Psittacus, in another Psittacus sagittifer, and in a third Conurus sagittifer, with the addition in each case of a specific name." (Strickl. Pep. Brit. Assoc./or 1844, 1845, p. 198.) 1838. Ano>}. Disquisitioues auatomicte Psittacorum, diss, iuang. auct. M. J. Thuet. Turici, apud Orel]. 1838. 4. 30. T. 2. < 0^e»i's /sis, Bd. xxxi, 1838. p. 231. 1838. Thuet, M. J. Disquisitioiies auatoiuicas Psittacorum. Dissertatio iuaitgiiralis. Turici. Orellii, Fiiessliui et Soc. 1838. 4to. pp. 3(5. pll. 2. Not seen. 1838. Vigors, N. A. [Psittacus augustus, Ps. guildiugii.] <^ OA-ew's /s?s, Bd. xxsi, 1838, p. 195. Aus P. Z. S., iv, 1836. 1839. EOUSSEAU, L. F. E. Note sur uu nouA^el os d^couvert daus la tete des Perro- quets. <^ Bevue Zoologique, ii, 1839, pp. 3.52, 353, pi. 2, ligg. 3, 4, 5. D6sign6 sous le nom de I'os Inter-carr6-tyinpano-auditif. 1840. Jacquemin, [E.] [Sur uu os observ6 par M. E. Rousseau daus la maclioire des Perroquets et d^crit conjme nouveau par cet anatomiste. ] <^Com2)t. VAcad. Sd.,x, 1840, pp. 139, 140. L'auteur sonp9onne que cet os n'est autre chose qu'une pi&ce qu'il a lui-meme indiqu6 dans son M6moire sur la Comeille. 1840. Rousseau, [L. F, E.] Sur uu os nouvellement d^couvert daus la macliuire dea perroquets. <^ Compt. Bend, de VAcad. Sci.,x, 1840, pf). 251, 252. Voir O. P., torn, cit, p. 139. N'est point, comme I'a suppos6 M. Jacquemin, nne piece d6pendante du systems des ca^ naux a6riens du squelette, mais une piece propre aux oiseaux du genre Psittacus. 1840. Rousseau, [L. F.] E. [Observatious au sujet de I'os que I'ou trouve a la tete des Perroquets. ] <^ Bevue Zoologique, iii, 1840, pp. 57-59. Voir op. cit., ii, 1839, p. 352. 1843-55. Brehm, C. L. Monographie | der | Papageieu | oder | vollstaudige Naturge- schlchte aller bis jetzt | bekanuteu Papageieu mit getreueu uud | ausgemalten Abbilduugen, | im VereinemitaudemNaturforscheru | herausgegebeu | von | C. L. Brehm | Pfarrer zu Rentheudorf, der Kaiserl. Leopoldiuischeu Akademie Naturforscher und mebrerer golebrten tiud | uatirrwisseuschaftlicbeu Gessell- scbaften ruit- oder Ebrenmitgliede. | — | Jeua | August Schmid, | Paris | Treuttel et Wlirtz, Rue de Lille No. 17. | 1842 [-1855]. folio, pub. in Parts. 1 Heft, 1842; 2 Heft, 1843; 3 Heft, 1845; 4 Heft, 1853; 5 Heft, 1852: 0 Heft, A'o. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. I5IHLI0GRAPHY I'HITTACIDiE. 735 1842-55. HUKUM, C. L.— CoiitiiiiuMl. 185:?; 7 lleft, 185:1; 8 Hoft, 1853; 9 Heft, 185:J; 10 Heft, 1854; 11 II. ft, 1S54; 12 Il.'lt, 1854 ; i:} Heft, 1855; 14 Heft, l&-)5. The copy fxainiui'U of this work couHista of 2 prel. p»(;e8 (title anil dedicatiou), pp. 1-60 of toxf, and 70 colored plates. It appeals to be iiicouiplutc, the text breukiug oil' abruptly in the middle of a .sentence on page CO, nt species 34, already calliu;; for plate 72; it ha.s eovers of the 14 llefic above indicated bound in at the end. The dates on tliesc eovers are mostly in manuscript, presumably of some one who knows, but I cannot vouch for their accunicyj in fact, there .seems to be some oversight, as the dates do not all follow consecutively the buc- cessive isstics of the Parts. The text consists of a general account of each species, chiefly synonymatic, descrii)tive, and critical. The plates nn- as follows: — PI. 1, rsittMcas iiiacao ; 2, J', aracanga ; 3, P. tricolor ; 4, P. hyacynthinu« ; 5, P. mUitarU. 6, Arara hydcinthiaciui ; 7, A. araratina ; 8, A. 6«yo/m (Brehm, page 0) ; 9, A. purpureo-dor- Balis : 10, A. marawndimd : II, A. soverus ; 12, A. luacrognathoK ; 13 missing (=^J.nndor7ij/n- cho8 maxiiitiliani, see Arara luiucinthinus) ; 14, Aratiiiga carolinae-axtgustae ; 15, AraL haemor- rhoug ; 1.") bis, Arathiiiga chryisocephalus ; Id, Aratiiiga aurifrons ; 17, A.luteus h'wc garauba; 18, f. 1, A. caixana, f. 2, A. ninus ; 19, A. eyanogularig ,- 2U, A. aureim ; 21, A. xanlhopUnn ,- 22, A. acutlroatria ; 23, A. flainnenler ; 24, A. latus ; 2.'), A. fasciatng ; 20, A. melanuniis (sic); 27, A. " guianensis" (so Usttere. 34) ; 44, P. senilis (44 hiding pulrerulentus oH text, p. 34); 45, P. pulverulentut ; 40, P. senilis; 47, P. accipitrinus ; 48, P. tiienstruas ; 49, P. cestivus (ior cestiviis) ; 50, P. amazunicus ; 51, P. aina- zoninus ; 52, P. melcmocephalus ; 53, P. barabandi ; 54, P. bouqueti; 55, P. cyanotit ; 50, P. aMr^t««, Bechst., HOC L. ; '>1, P. autvmnalis ; ')8, P. paradisi ; 50, P. cervicalii ; 60, P. 7nascari- nu8 ; *(i\, P. menstriivs.'}: ''02, P. senegalus ; '•G^,P. gramineiLS ; *to4, P.melanocephalitt ; *65, P. geoffrayi (sic); 66, P. crythacws (for erythactis) ; 07, P. domicella ; OS. J', cyanurus ; 09, i'. guebiensis ; 70, P. ochruplemia (siv). Those asterisked uncolored in copy examined. Text of p. 00 calls for — PI. 71, P. garmlus ; PL 72, P. unicolor ,- these not found. Since tlie above was written I have fortunately found a coijy in the original cover-titles, giving further particular.-*, as follows: — Heft 1,1842, title, pp. 1-4, pll. 1-5; TI, 1843, pp. 5-8, pll. 6-10; HI, 1845, pp. 9-12. pll. 11-15; IV, 1853, pp. 13-10, pll. 10-20; V, 1852, pp. 17-20, pll. 21-25; VI, 18.53, pp. 21-24, pll. 20-30; VII, 1853, pp. 25-28, pll. 31-35 ; VIII, 185?, pp. 29-32, pll. 3(M0; IX, 1853, pp. 33-36, pll. 41-45; X, 1854, pp. 37-40. 1)11. 4C-.50; XI, 1854, pp. 41-44, pll. 51-55; XII, 1854, pp. 45-48, pll. 56-60; XIII, 1855, pp. '49-.52, pll. 01-05; XIV, 1855, ].p. .53-50, pll. 66-70. (lomparison of these two copies shows that there .are in this work 14 i)erfect Parts, of pp. 50 and pll. 70 ; and also a 15th incompleted Part, raising the text to pp. 60, but apparently lacking pll. 71 and 72, called for by the text. — I handled the hound copy in the Congressional Libr.. the other iu the Libr. of the Phila. Aca, | tlie Natural History of I Macaws, Cockatoos, Parrots, Lories, | Parokeets, and Love-Birds; | with | general ol).servations on the best niod('S of treatment, | the disease.s to which they are snlyeot, and | methods of cure, &c. | — | B.v an experienced deah'r. | [Figure.] | London: | Thomas Dean & Co. Threadneedlc-Street. 1vol. Kimo. [n. d. 184().] pp. 48, 0 col'd pll., and other illustrations. 1847. Lai'KESnave, F. de. Quehpies oiseaux nouvcaux de Bolivie et de Nouvelle- Grenade. <^ Reviiv Zoulotjique, x, 1847, pp. 65-76. Lea trois oiseaux ici d6crits sont de la famille des Psittaddes — Ara rubro-genys, p. 65; A. castaneifrons, p. 66; Pionus melanotis, p. 67. 1849. [Jaudixe, W.] Piouua giilielmi, Jardiue [u. sp.]. <^Jard. Conirib. Oni., 16A^J, pp. 64, 65, pi. xxviii. 736 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1849. VERREArx, J., and Des Murs. O. Description fl'unc nonvi-Ue espece de Perro- qnet [Pionns fuscicapillus]. <^Iiev. et Marj. de ZooL, i, 1849, p. 58. 1850. BoXAPAUTE, C. L. Nouvelles especcs oruitliologi(iuos hulo8e Driise eiues Papageies (Psittacns ainazouicns).] < Zool. Gflr^. iii, 1862, p. 66. 1862. Net'bert, W. Ueber Ztichtnug von Papageieu in Dentschland. <[ Zonl. Gart., iii, 1832, pp. .57-61, 76-78. 1863. FiNSCH, 0. Naamlijst der in de Diergaarde levende Papagaaijeu. <^Xederl, Tijdscltr. voor de Dierk., 1863, pp. vi-sxiv. Not seen. 1863. Weixland, D. F. Unsere Arara's. < Zool. Gart., iv, 1863, pp. 244, 247, figg. 1-5. 1864. Aucapitaixe, H. Long6vit6 des Perroquets. iir Laurence Ednionston. . . . <] /''/•(((' Zoologique, ii, 1839, pp. 289-290. 1839. Michenek, E. A few Facts in relation to the Identity of the Red and Mottled Owls. &c. < .Tonrn. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., viii, 1839, pp. 5:)-56. 1839. Thompson, W. Note on the Migration of the Snowy Owl, Surnia nyctea, Duni. < Annals of Nat. Hist., iii, 1839, pp. 107-110. 1842. Abhoit, S. L. [On a specimen of Syrnium cinereum from Massachusetts.] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., i, 1842, pp. 57, 58. 1843. Gerard,—. Chouette. <:^ Diet. Nour.d' Hist. Nat., xii, p. mi. Not seen. The article Chouette in ttiis dictionary is specially mentioned by Wagner, aa ■'one of the best of the ornithological articles contained in the present part." The author regards the commonly received genera as subgenera, and docs not enter upon species. 1843. Van Beneden, P. J. Note sur I'oreille externe de quelques oiseaux de proio nocturnes. < Mem. Soc. Hoy. Sci. Liege, i, 1843, pp. 121-124, pi. 3. Pas viio moi-m6me. 744 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. 1844. Cassin, J. [On the frequent occurrence of Strix nyctea in tbe vicinity of Phila- delphia during the winter of 1843-4.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ii, 1844, pp. 19, 20. 1844. Fayrer, — . [Letter from, accompanied by two specimens of Strix nyctea.] , J. J. Mono<;Tiiph of the Owls— Strigiche, by T. T. [sic] Kanp. < Jard. Coufrib. Oni., 1851, \>]>. lli»-l;50; 18.52, ]>\>. 10:5-122. Of the same character as the author's Moiiof^. Falconid(f. Mauy of the generic names aye now or lately new, hut are not so indicateil. See tlio ori-iinal, Ihis, 1848, pp. 753-774. There is a later memoir hy the same on the same, 18r)9, q. v. 1852. Cassin, J. Description of Owls prt'sumed to lie new species, specimens of which are in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. <^ Journ. Aciid. Xat. Sci. I'hila., ii, pt. ii, .Ian., 18.")2, art. xii, pp. 9.5-97, ]>]. xii. Orig. (lescr. Proc. Acad., iv, 1848, pp. 121, 12^. — PI. xii, f. 1, Ephialtea watsonii; f. 2, E. sagil- tatus. See same author at 1850. 1852. Geubk, Z. Observations sur la Chonette Tengmalm (Strix Tengmahni, Gmel.). engU, p. 26 ; JV. perlata capengit, p. 37, subspp.nn. — Tlio group is that of Owls without ear-tufts, as distinguished from the tufted species, the latter being the " Oti " of this author. IrKi. Whkklwiiigiit, H. Notes on the Hawk Owl (Strix funerea), and Tengiualm'a Owl (.Strix Teiij^malini) as observed in Lapland. <^ Zooloijisf , xxi, l%:i, pp. 8442-8444. 1861. Armistkad, J. J. The Shorteared Owl [Strix brachyotus] perching. <^ Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 8876. 1865. LoKD, J. K. The Pigmy Owl. Glaucidinm gnoma, Wagler. . . . <^ The Intel- lectual Ohse)-ver,Vn, 1865, pp. 409-41:5. 1867. Elliot, D. G. De8crii)tion of an apparently new species of Owl, of the Genus Scoi)s [S. kennicottii]. <^ Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xix, 1867, pp. 99, 100, 1867. Ward, H. Snowy Owl [in Caithness] and Honey Buzzard [in Coventry]. '^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 912. 1868. Allen, J. A. Notes on the Red and Mottled Owls [Scops asio], <^Am. Nat., ii, 1868, pp. 327-329. The question discussed and their identity shown. 1868. Anox. Snowy Owl in Inverness-shire. <[ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1457. From the 'Inverness Advertiser.' 1868. Fowler, A. The Mottled Owl [Scops asio]. < Am. Nat. , ii, 1868, p. 109. Continues the contioversy between himself and E. A. Samuels (op. cit, i, 1867, p. 496, and ii, 1868, p. 47). 18)8. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Snowy Owls in Shetland. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1374. 1868. Harvie-Brown, J. A. Snowy Owl off the Scotch Coast. <^ Zoologist, 2d set., iii, p. 10.58. 1868, Maynard, C.J. The Mottled Owl [Scops asio] in confinement. <^Am.XHt., ii, 1868, pp, 73-77. Extended notice, with introductory note by E. A. Samuels. 1868, Rathvon, S. S. The Barn Owl [Strix pratincola] in Pennsylvania. <^Am. A^a^.,ii, l868,p. 489. Account of a nesting place at Lancaster, Pa. 1868, ScLATER, P. L.. and SAL^'^N, O. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Deudrocolaptidie, Strigidse, and Columbidse. <^ P. Z. S., xxxvi, 1868, pp. 53-60, pi. v, woodcc. The new Owls described are Syrnium ftdvescens, p. 58, and Scops barbarvt, p. 56, woodcut; and a synopsis of 7 spp. of the Latter genus is also given. 1868. SCLATER, P. L., and Salvix, O. Descriptions of New or Little-known American Birds of the Families Fringillidse, Oxyrhamphidje, Bucconidre, and Strigidae. < P. Z. S., xxxvi, 1868, pp. 322-329, pi. xxix. The Owl described and figured is Gymnoglaux lawrencii, p. 328, pi. xxix ; a synonymatio synopsis of 3 spp. of this genus is also given. 1868. Wood, W. The Mottled Owl [Scops asio]. < J»i. Nat., ii, 1868, pp. 370-374. Ou the changes of plirmage, and habits. 1868. Wright, C. A Comical Owl [Glaucidinm siju]. <^Avi.Nat., ii, 1868, pp. 420- 422. Habits of .an individual in confinement. 1869. Brewster, W. The IVIottlod Owl again. < Am. Nut., iii, 1869, pp. 334, 335. Notes on the habits of Scops asio in cajitivity. 1869. Canfield, C. S. Habits of the Burrowing Owl of California [Athene cunicu- laria]. < Jm. A'aY., ii, 1869, pp. 583-586. Chiefly on the kind of association with Spermophilus beecheyi, and on the nesting. 748 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolV. 1869. EuLER, C. Notes on tbe Brazilian species of Strigidae. <^J.f.O.. xvii. 1869, pp. 242-249. 1869. GuNN, T. E. Early Nesting of the Bam Owl in Norfolk. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , iv, 1869, p. 1721. 1869. HijGel, a. de. Snowy Owl in Ross-shire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, j). 1863. 1869. Linden, C.S. Nyctale albifrons [i.e., N. acadica juv.]. <^ Am. Xat., iii, 1869, p. 556. Capture of an individual at Buflfalo, New York. 1870. Anon. Nos Hiboux. <^Xaturaliste Canadien, ii, 1870,])]). 197-206, i^l. i. Snr lea StrigidUe du Canada. PI. I, Symium nebulosum (d'apres Audub.). 1670. Clifton, Lord. Supposed [entirely uncertain] Occurrence of the American Mottled Owl [Scops] at Cobham, Kent. ^Zoologist, 2d ser., t, 1870, p. 2138! 1870. Clifton, Lord. Supposed Occurrence of Strix asio in Kenl. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2343. Keaffinned. 1870. Gurney, J. H. Supposed Occurrence of the American Mottled Owl [Scops asio] in Kent. <^ZooIogist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2221. Leaves it open. 1870. Hadfxeld, H. Suj^posed Occurrence of the American Mottled Owl [Scops asio] in Kent. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v^ 1870, ]). 2181. Donbtfal. 1870. Hadfield, H. Supposed Occurrence of Strix asio in Kent. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2382. Criticises his lordship severely. Editor interferes to stay fiuiher proceedings. 1870. Hawkins, H. S. [On the nesting of Nyctea nivea in Labrador.] <[7&iX 2d ser.,vi, 1870, p. 298. 1870. Streets, T. H. [On asymmetry in the skuU of an owl.] <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci.Fhila., 1870, p. 73. 1871. Anox. Hiboux [se montreut trfes communs a Quebec]. <^Xaturaliste Cana- dien, iii, 1871, p. 28. 1871. AsHBV, R. Snowy Owl in County Mayo. <:^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2765. 1871. Clifton, Lord. Note on the alleged Identity of the American Red Owl [Scops asio] with the Mottled Owl [Scops asio]. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2606. Retnms to the charge with a flank movement. 1871. CoLLETT, R. On the Asymmetry of the Skull in Strix tengmalmi. <^ P. Z. S., xxxvi, 1871, pp. 739-743, woodcc. 1871. Hadfield, H. Mottled and Red Owl [Scops asio]. h. Nat., vi, 1872, pp. 283-28.'3. Critical examination (with ref. to Elliot, Ibis, Jan., 1872) of N. albifrons, which is determ- ined to be iV. acadicti juv. Characters and synonyms of tliis species and A", tengmalmi. 1872. WiuTAKER, J., Jr. Abundance of Shorteared Owls in Nottinghamshire. < Zoolof/ist, M »er., vii, 1872, p. 2992. 1873. AfLLENJ.J. A. The White-fronted Owl in Canada. . 517, 518. 1875. "Pete." The Great Horned Owl (Bubo virgrniauu.s) [attacks a dog]. <^Eod and Gun, vii, Dec. 11, 1875, p. 163. 1875. Ridgway, R. More About the Florida Burrowing Owl [Speotyto cunicularia var. floridauus]. car to uumy persons to require some elasticity of application of a princijih' he would make indexible. IIi' fortilies his post' tion with his usual cogency of argument and his conspicuous scholarly attainments. Prof. Newton finds that, among the 78 genera of Linn. .S'. X.. 1766. tliere are only 12 which Linnajus can l)e considered to have invented : Ehamphantos. Buceros. Procellaria, I>iomedea, Phaeton. Palamedea, Mycteria, Gancroma, Parra, Didus, Menura, Pipra. He doubts not that had Linnaius known i>ur modern practice, he w(mld have designated as the type of each of his genera that species to which the name he adopted as generic had formerly been specif- ically applied; this seeming so obvious that he wonders at G. R. Gray and others who invented, the arbitrary rule of .selecting the first-named Linnivan species as the type of the genus under which it stands. He finds it curious that so few Linniuan genera, such as Tultur. Falco and Psittacjts (and 9 others) had been used by pre-Liuua-'au writers in a generic sense. The authors whence Linuicus derived his genera are Gesner, Belon, Aldrovandus, Clusius, Johns- ton, Brown. Barrere, Klein. Moehring, Brisson, and perhaps one or two others. Following out his principle, the author determines the types of 50 Linna'an genera to be as follows (to save space I simply cou])le the generic and specific tei'ms) : Strix stridula. Laniui excubitor, Buphaga africana, Crotophaga ani, Corvus corax, Oriolus galbula. Paradixea apoda, Bucco capensis, Cuculus can(n'us, Jynx toniuilla, Picus maitins, Sitta europasa, Alcedo ispida, Merops apiaster, Uptipa epops, Certhia familiaris, Trucldlus colubris, Alca torda. Procellaria pelagica, Diomedea i-xiilans, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Plotus anhinga. Phaeton .tthereus, Rht/n- chops nigra, Sterna hirundo, Phoenicopterus iiiber, Platalea leucoiodia. Mycteria aniericana, Gancroma cochlearia, Ardea cinerca, Tantalus loculator, Pecurvirostra avocetta, HtPmatopus ostralegus. Fulica atra, Parra jacana, Rallus aquaticus, Psophia crepitans, Otis tarda, Struthio camelus, l>iti?r., 1878, pp. 184-1H7. The author maiutains "three well marked species," — nudipcs IJaud., from Porto Rico; newtoni Lawr., from St. Croix aiul St. Thomas; and laivrencei, S. and S., from Cuba, — which aie described and compared. Editors incline to differ. 1878. KlDGWAY, R. A Review of the Anierieuii Species of the (ienn.s .Scops. <^ I'roc. U. S. Xat. Mhh. , i, 1878, pp. 85-117. This is an elaborate article, in which the several American species are described at full length and critically discussed, upon mort* inateiial than apjjfars to have been commanded by previous writers. The six species recognized are thrown into three groups, according to the feathering of the feet. —A, aS'. nudipes alone, with toes and lower half or more of tarsus bare ; B, with SS. brasilianug, barbarns, and /lammeolus, with tar I'auteur, tiree .1 30 exempl.aires. Extraite de la Descr. de VUgypte, Partie Systematiq^ie, Oiseaux de I'Egypte et de la Syrie. Exemplaire dans la BibUothi'que de VAcad. des Sc. Nat. de la Philadelphie, in.scrite "k M. Latreille, comme un t6moignagc des sentimons de Tauteur" (antographe de I'auteur), plus tard pr^sentfe ti I'Arademip M. le Dr. T. B. Wilson. The copy of this extremely rare piece consists of 54 + 16 pages folio, including the two titles. The full title is transcribed above. The prel. title is : Oiseaux | de I'figypte et de la Syrie. | — | Partie Systematique. | "With it is bound 16 pages of "Observations, " half-titled as follows; Observations | sur | le Systeme des Oiseaux | de I'Egypte et de la Syrie. | The 54 pages are extiactcd from the general work on Egypt, apparently for the purpose of follow, ing them up with the "Observations." These are in defense of the "Systfeme," which had been eritized in high places. 2fo.*.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGKAPIIY FALCONID^. 755 1810. Savigxy, J. C— Coutiuued. Tho first order, Raptores, of Savigny's System, appeared in 1809 in the first livxaison of the general woi'k, and was intended to form part of a considerable treatise. It is here that we find the several new generic names of Savigny's for Binls of Prey. In this extract of 1810 the 17 genera which the author adopts are characterized on pp. 8, 9. They are as follows:— Vui.TUUES. — 1. Oyps. 2. JEgypiits. .'!. Neophron. 4. Phene. A("c;u'iTKES. — 5. Aquila. 0. Saliceetus (observe the original orthography of this name). 7. Milvus. 8. Circus. '.). Dcedcdion. 10. Pandion. 11. Elanus. 12. Falco. VhVi.M. — 13. Noctua. 14. Scupg. 15. Bubo. 10. Syrnium. 17. Strix. Tlie species of these genera are given as follows ; they include many new names : — 1. Gyps vulgaris, p. 11. 2. .^gypius niger, p. 14. 3. Neophron percnopterus, p. 10. Phene ossifraga, p. 18; 5. P. gigantea, p. 20. 6. Aquila heliaca, y>. 22; 7. A./tilva. p. 22; 8. A. me- lana'etos, p. 24. 0. Saliceetus nisus, p. 20. 10. Milvros ictinus, p. 28; M. wtolius, p. 29. 12. Oircusceruginosu^, l>. 'M; lii. O. r«/iw, p. 31 ; 14. (J. gallinarius. 1'). Dadaliori palumbariut, p. 33 ; 10. 2>. fringillarius, p. 34. 17. Pandion jluvialilis, p. 30. 18. Elanus ccesius, p. 38. 19. Falco iinnunmlus, i>. \i'J ; 20. F.sniirillus; 21. F. communis. 22. Noctua glanx. 2'Ji. iscopa ephialtes. 24. Bubo otvAS ; 2.3. B. ascalaphus. 26. Syrnium ululans. 27. titrix flammea . The text consis^ts cliiefly (besides brief characters of the species and genera) of a most elaborate and erudite synonymy of the names applied to these bird.s by ancient .and modern authors. The interesting copy handled is annotated in Savigny's handwriting, and was formerly presented by bini to Latreille. 1818. Wilson, J. Observatious ou some Species of the Geuiis Faleo of Liuiianis. < Mvm. Wcrmrkin Nat. Hist. Soc, ii, pt. ii, 1818, pp. 5G9-G17. Kead Feb., 1817. — An elaborate and carefully prepared criticism, not to be overlooked in .any study of the subject, in spite of errors now fully apparent. — Specitic distinciion of Falco /ulvus and F. chrysaetus maintained. Identity ot Falco albidus Gm. and F. variegatus with F. apivorus. — Significance of the terms "Haggard" and "(ieutle'' or "U-eutil." — Discussion of Falco gentilis, considered as "one of the numerous varieties of the "Common Falcon." — ()n Falco palumbarius. — History of F. communis, to which FF. peregrinus, hornotinus, fuiicus, leucocephulus, albus, gibbosus, rubens, maculatus, and niger, all of Brisson, and perhaps some other names, are considered referable. 1820. KuiiL, H. [Gehiru eiuor] Aquila ossifraga (IV.). < Van Hasfidt und EuliV-i Btrit. zur Vergl. Anal.,!!^" Abtheil., 1820, pp. 60, (51, pi. iv, f. 1-3, pi. v. PI. iv, f. 4-6, dasselbe dcs Psittacus aestivus. 1822. Gkeen, J. Falco leucocephalus— Bald Eagle. < Sillim. Am. Journ. Sci. , iv, 1822, pp. 89, yo. Xote of capture of a specimen. 1823. Selby, p. J. Some Observations ou the Falco chrysaetos aud F. fiilvus of Au- thors, proviug the Identity of the two supposed species. <^Mem. JVeruerian Nat. Hist. SoG.,iv, pt. ii, 1823, pp. 428-433, fig. ou p. 431. "With reference to J. Wilson's article in the same Memoirs, 1823, q. v. The author makes the point plain. 1823. Wilson, J. Remarks ou the diliereut Opiuious cutertaiued regarding the spe- cific Distinction, or Ideutity, of the Ring-tailed and Golden Eagles. <; Mem. Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc.,iv, pt. ii, 1823, pp. 434-448. "Notwithstanding the arguments which have been brought forward by Mr Seluv aud other competent judges," the writer .adheres to bis opinion of their specific distinctness, .and supports his views at great length. 1824. [EuEHM, C. L.] Der nordische Seeadler. (Weisschwiiuzige Seeadler. Beiu- brechcr.) Aquila borealis, Brehni. (Aquila albicilla et ossifraga. Falco albicilla et ossifragus, Linn. ) < Ornis, Heft i, 1824, pp. 1-10. 1824. Vigors, N. A. Sketches in Ornithology: or, [etc.] < Zoo/. Johj'h., i, 1824, pp. 308-44(5; [etc.] This is the first instalment of a series of articles under the above head, running through several vols, and years of the periodical. It is subtitled : On the Groups of the Falconidce. (pp. 312-346.) This portion treats of tho Falconidce, which are analyzed and classified upon the quinary plan, being divided into 5 stirpes— .^.ccipitnno, Falconina, Buteonina, Milvina, Aquilina. Further comment upon the article is therefore superfluous. Harpagus, g. n., p. 327. 756 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOCxICAL SURVEY. [TolV. 1626. Lesson, [R. ] r. Quelques Obsorvatious siir les Falco chrysaetos ct fulviis, iiui prouveut ridcntit^ de ces deux especes ; jiar P. -J. Selby. . . . <^Ferua8. BuU., 2« sect., vi, 1825, pp.96, 97. Extrait des Mem. Wern. Soc, iv, jjt. ii, 1823, pp. 428-433, q. v. 1S25. Lessox, [R. ] P. Reiiiarqvies sur diverse.s opinious finises sur la distinction sp6ci- lique, ou sur I'ideutite des Aigles commuu et dor6 ; par James Wilson. . . . < Feruss. Bull., 2« sect., vi, 1825, p. 97. Extrait des Mem. Wern. Soc, iv, pt. ii, 1823, pp. 434-448, q. v. 1825. Lesson, E. P. Esquisses ornitliologiques, ou observations sui* les rapports qui existeut daus un des groupes les plus nombreux en espJ^ces d'oiseaux ; par N.- A. Vigors, juu. . . . <^Feniss. B till., 2<' sect., vi, 1825, pp. 406-408. ^•s.iriiit dxi ZoologicalJournal, i, Oct., 1824, pp. 308-446; cette partie des "Esquisses" ren- fermantla classification "qiiinaire" des Falconid6s. 1825. Vigors, N. A. On a new genus of Falconida^ [Gampsonyx swaiusonii, sj).n.,p. 69]. <^Zool. Journ., ii,No. 5, Api"., 1825, ijp. 65-70. A subhead, being part of the 2d instalment of "Sketches in Ornithology; or," etc. Cf. Feruss. Bull., 2= sect., vii, 1826, p. 106 ; Isis, 1830, pp. 839, 840. 1825. Vigors, N. A. On a new genus of Falconidie [Nauclerus riocourii, p. 386, sp. n. ]. <^Zool.Joi(r>i., ii, No. 7, Oct., 1825, pji. 38.5-387. A subhead, being part of the fourth instalment (pp. 368-400) of the series of papers entitled " Sketches on Ornithology ; or," etc. Cf. Feruss. Bull., ix, 1826, p. 91 ; Isis, 1830, pp. 1042, 1043. 1826. Lesson, R. P. Esquisses ornitbologiques, etc., sur un genre nouveau des Fal- conidie; par M. N. A. Vigors. . . . < FcVmss. iJit/?., 2« sect., vii, 1826, p. 106. Oampsonix (sic) swainsonii. — Zool. Journ., H, JHo. 5, Avril, 1825, p. 65. 1826. Lesson. [R. P. ] Sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Faucons; i)ar Vig- ors. . . . < FeVHS.«. i'M^., 2^ sect., ix, 1826,p. 91. Nauclerus riocourii. — Extrait du Zool. Journ., ii, 1825, pp. 385-387. 1829. Audubon, J. J. Notes on the Bird of Washington (Falco washingtoniana), or Great American Sea Eagle (fig. 53). <^ Loudoii's Mag. Nat. Hist., i, 1829, jip. 115-120. 1829. Johnson, J. Vision of Birds of Prey. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist. , ii, 1829, p. 473. From Medico-Ghirurgical Review. 1829, "T. F.'' Au Arrangement of the dift'erent Species of Falcons found in Great Britain. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., i, 1829, pp. 217-221, figg. 85-90. 14 spp., under 6 sections. 1830. Bennett, [E.T.] [Polyborus ? hypoleucus, sp.n.] \>.2M,2i\'). 1831. Hoy, J. D. Perej^rinc Falcon. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., iv, 1831, pp.146, 147. Falco peregrinus at Thetford, England. 1632. [FiUES, B. F.] Oni Jagt-Falkcu [F. gyrfalco]. Med pluncln;. <^ Tidnk. f. Ju(jare 0. Natnrf., i, 1832, pp. 352-363, med.kol.fig. Not seen ? 1832. Hoy, J. D. The White-tailed Eagki [Haliaetus albicilla] breeds in Captivity. <^ Loudon's Macj. Nat. Hist., v, 1832, pp. 278, 279. 1832. "J. M." Great Harpy Eagle. <^Loudon'8 Mag. Nat. Hist., v. 1832, p. 452. One said to have been sent from Mobile, Florida (i. e., Alabama), in Sept., 1828. 1832. R[afinesque], C. S. Description of a new Eagle from South America, Aiiuila dicrouyx or Macarran Eagle. <^ Atlantic Journ. and I'riend of KnoivL, i. No. 2, 1832, p. 63. From Buenos Ayres ; 3 feet long, expanse 9 feet, bill 4 inehe.s, etc. Seen living in a collec- tion. Thrasaeti? — or what? 1832. SOderbkkg, C. Ornithologi.ska Bidrag. <^Tidsk. f. Jdgare o. Natnrf., i, 1832, pp. 114-117, fig. Descr. Haliaeti albicillce, d juv., cum fig. 1833. HoLMSTEDT, .J. Underriittelsc om en tam Hafsom [Haliaetus albicilla]. <^Tidsk. f. Jdgare o. Natnrf, ii, 1833, p. 476. 1833. Hoy, J. D. Observations on the Iceland and Ger Falcons (Falco islaudicus), tending to show that these Birds are of two distinct Species, on-Tweed : — i>rinted for the author. | 1841. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. i-xii, 1-278, 1-6; frontisp. Part First. Containing Observations upon the Nature, Antiquity, and History of Falconry, pp. 1-116. Second. Containing Notices of the different Hawks used in British Hawking, the Proper Method of Keeping, Training, and Flying the Birds, the Apparatus belonging to the Art, &c., pp. 117-277. Terms in Falconry, pp. 1-6. 1941. Jameson, R. On the Affinities of the Falconidee. <^ Calmtta Journ. Nat. Hist., i, 1841, pp. 307-324. (Auch in d. Isis, 1843, pp. 810-812.) Not seen. No.4.\ COUES'.S OKNITH. lUBLIOGRAPHY FALCONIDiE. 759 1841. SciiLEGEL, H. Abhaii(llimg(ju | ausdoia | Gebujto | «ler Zoologie iind Vcrgleich- eutlon Anatoiuie, | von | H.. Sclilogcl. | — | 1 Holt. | — | Lcidcsn, | A. Arnz & Coinp. I 1841. I Zu beziehon (lurch allc solidc ]Jachliaii, F. hypoleucns, (iould; (>, F.tanypterns, Liclit.; 7, F. lanarius ; la. F. I. alphanet, pi. xiv ; 7b, F. I. cervicaUs, Liclit. M. B., p. 17; 8, F. saeer ; 9, F. jnnger. B. Kurx- schwauziKo Arten.— 1, F. communis; la, F. c. aviericanm. p. 19; 16, F. c. aiistralis, p. 19; Ic, F. c. indicus ; Id, F. c. minor ; 2, i^. peregrinoides. 1841. Yakuki.l, [W.] [Eiiic Scbwungfcdor vom Harpy-Eagle (Harpyia destructor).] < Oken's Isix, Bd. xxxiv, 1841, p. i)4-J, 94:5. Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., Nov. 14, 1837, p. 127. 1842. Halokman, S. S. [Proposed Changes of Noinenclaturo of certain Genera.] < I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sd. riiihi., i, 1842, \)\}. 187, 188. Tn ornithology, one only— Anopaia, p. 188, g. n.= Harpyia, Cuv., prpoccupied. 1842. Lafresxaye, [F.] de. Description d'un nouveau genre d'Oiseau dc proie [Har- pyhaliiBtus], < Revue Zoolorjique, v, 1842, p. 17:5. 1842. Lesson, [R. P.] Nouveau Genre d'Oiseau do proie [Camifex]. <^ Iievue Zoolog- iqiie, v, 1842, pp. 378-;580. L'£cho du Monde Savant, 9« ann6o, p. 1081. Ce n'est qu' une synonymo de Micrastur. 1843. Edmonstox, T., Jr. Note on the capture of the Sea Eagle (Haliaetos albicilla) in Shetland. < Zoologisi, i, 184:5, pp. 36-39. 1843. Heppenstall, J. The Osprey, (Pandion Haliaetos) [near Sheffield]. <^ Zoolo- gist, i, 1843, pp. 14,15. 1843. Jameson, R. Ueber die Verwandtschaften der Falconiden. <^ Oken's Ms, Bd. xxxvi, 1843, p]). 810-812. Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist, 1841, p. 307. 1844. Fraser, L. [Description of three New Species of Birds.] < P. Z. S., Feb. 27, 1844, pp. :37, :58. Among them ''Lagopus" femigineus. p. 37 — Archibuteo ferrugineus (Licht.) from Mexico. Very curiously, the two authors here concerned independently selected the same name for the species. Lichtenstein has priority, having described his hird as Falco (Jiuteo) ferrugi- neus from California in 1839 (Ahhandl. Berlin. Akad. aus d. Jahre '.838, p. 428.) 1844. Eraser, L. [On three lately new Species of Birds.] <^Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., xiv, 1844, pp. 452, 453. Lagopus ferrugineus. Psittacus Timneh, Plyctolophus citrino-cristatus. From P. Z. S., Fob. 27, 1844, pp. 37, 38, q. v. 1844. Gerbe, Z. Note sur un OEuf d'Aigle, recueilli dans le ddi)artement de I'Aube et attribuo avec doute a I'Aiglo royal (Aquila chrysaetos). <^ Revue Zoologique, vii,1844, pp. 440, 441. 1844. Gray, G. R. [List of Birds in the British Museum. Part I. — Raptores. Lou- don : 1844.] This is the date of the orig. cd., the title of which I cannot give, having yet to see a copy. There is a 2d ed., 1848, q. v. 1844. Hancock, J. Bemerkmigen fiber den Unterschicd des gr5n- und isl&ndischen Falken. < Oken's Ms, Bd. xxxvii, 1844, pp. 668-671. Ann. Ifat. Hist., Bd. ii, No. x, 1838, pp. 241-250, q. v. 1844. Hardy, J. Quelqnes observations sur le Faucon )i61erin, Falco peregrinus, Linu., faites dans I'arrondisseuieut de Dieppe. <^ Revue Zoologique, xii, ISAi, pp. 289-291, 760 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Yol.Y. 1844. Harris, E. [Exhibition of a specimen of Cymimlis hamatus from Florida.] < Froc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., ii, 1844, p. 65. 1844. M.\NSELL, T. Occurrence of the Osprey [Pandion haliaetus] near Faruham. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 443. 1844. Newtox, A. Note on the occurrence of the Sea Eagle [Haliaetus albicilla] at Elden, near Thetford. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 443. 1844. NoRMAX, G. Note on the occurrence of the Rough-legged Buzzard [Archibuteo lagopus] at Hull. < Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 491. 1845. Barlow, J. W. Occurrence of the Golden Eagle [Aquila chrysaetus] in Chesh- ire. < Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 1022. 1845. Bold, T. .J. Occurrence of the Iceland Falcon [Falco islandiciTs] and Rough- legged Buzzard [Archibuteo lagopus] in Northumberland. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 935. "With quotation of more detailed statements from Morning Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1845. 1845. Des MURS, O. Notice sur le genre Aigle A([uila. <^ Berne Zoologifpie, viii, 1845, pp. 271-274. 1845. Editorial. Falco islandicus [shot near the North Tjne]. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , XV, 1845, pp. 213, 214. 1845. GuRXEY, J. H. The supposed Chaunting Falcon [= Circus cyaneus]. <^Zoolo- <7(><, iii, 1845,p. 1022. 1845. Kaup, J. J. Ueber Falken. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der im Museum der Senckenbergischeu naturforschenden Gesellschaft aufgestellten Arten. < jlfus. Senckenb., Bd. iii, Heft iii, 1845, pp. 229-262. This article, which I have not seen, appears to be the first of several by this anthor on the same subject; it is noticed in Isig, 1846, pp. 31.5, .316, and may be regarded as the forerunner of the ,. Monogi-aphien der Genera der Falconida; " in Tsis, 1847, pp. 39-80, 83-lJl. 161-212, 241- 283, 325-386, 954. 955; 1848, pp. 772-774: "Monograph of the Faleonidoe" in Jard. Contr. Orn.. 1849, pp. 68-121; 1850, pp. 51-80; and ,,Con-igirte TJebersicht der Falconidee,'- in Arch. f. Naturg., 1850, (i), pp. 27-^1; qq. vv. — In the course of these several publication.* many new names are proposed, conferring some vitality upon a set of papers which would otherwise be only consulted now from motives of curiosity by one desiring to know to what lengths the quinarian craze may carry its victims. I give these new names, or many of them, under head of the Isis article, 1847-48, q. v. See also same anthor at 1849-50, and 1850. 1845. Laeresxaye, [F.] de. Sur le Falco isidori, De-smurs; Revue Zool. 1845, p. 175. < Revue Zoologique, viii, 1845, pp. 209-211. 1845. RoBERTSOX, C. [Ueber Falco peregrinus.] <^ OAtjj's /sis, xxxviii, 1845, p. 374. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., vi, 1838, p. 77. 1845. Ross, F. W. L. Occurrence of the Osprey [Pandion haliaetus] in Devonshire. < Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 1190. 1845. Sladex. E. Supposed occtirrence of the Chanting Falcon ["Falco musicus" — i. e., Circus cyaneus] in Suffolk. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, i5p. 935, 936. From Kentish Gazette, Mar. 18, 1845. 1846. Axox. Ueber Falken mit besondere Berichtigung der im Museum der senken- bergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft aufgestellten Arten von Dr. Kaup, Inpector des zoologischen Museums zu Darmstadt. (Mu,seum senkenbergia- num. IIL) 1845. 4. 231-262. < OAen's Jais, Bd. xxxix, 1846, pp. 31.5, 316. 1846. Hallowell, E. On the Anatomy [Osteology] of Haii^yia destructor, Cuv., or Harpy Eagle of South America. <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Plula.. iii, 1846, pp. 84-88. 1846. Lafresxaye, F. de. Melanges ornithologiques. <^Bevue Zoologique. ix, 1846, pp. 124-133. Sur les genres Aviceda (Swamson), Lophotes (Lesson), Lepidogenys (Goald), et sur deux nouvelles esp6ces du genre Aviceda; A. verreauxii, p. 130; A. butcmdes, p. 133. No.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BII3LI0GRAPHY FALCONlDyE. 761 1846. TuiENEMANN, F. A. L. Kritischo Ke visiou dor europiiisclien Jagdfalken. <; lihea, Heft i, 184G, pp. 44-98, pll. i, ii. „ Vortroffliche, die reicho Literatur ties Gegenstandea kritisch bewaltegende Arbeit. "— 1, Falco fjyrfalco, Alb. Mag., p. 50. 2, F. ojanopus, Gosn., p. 62, pll. 3, F. rubeus [sic], Alb. Mag., p. 72. 4. F. gentilis, p. 11.— F. subbuteo, p. 87 ; F. cegalon, p. 89; F. sacer, p. 91.— A. F. gacer. B. F. montanarivs. 0. Falconea lanarii. 1846. Tyzexiiauz, C. Romarques sur Ics Aigles d'Europe. <^ Revue Zoologique, is., 1846, pp. 322-320. 7 espiices, des geurea Aquila et Haliaetus. 1846. WOLLEY, J. Occurrence of the Rough-legged Buzzard [Arcliibuteo lagopua] in Nottingiiauishire and Derbysliire. <^ Zoologist, iv, 1846, p. 1247. 1847. Anon. Occurrence of the Golden Eagle [Aquila chrisyactus] near Huugerford. <^ Zoologist, V, 1847, p. 1695. 1847. Cassin, J. Descrii)tion of a new rapacious Bird [Cymindis wilsonii] in the Mu- seum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadeljihia. <^Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Pkila., iii, 1847, pp. 199, 200. 1847. Cassin, J. Description of a new rapacious Bird in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. < Am. Journ. Sci. , iv, 1847, pp. 285, 286. Cymindis wilsonii; from Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iii, 1847, p. 199. 1817. Cassix, J. Description of a new rapacious Bird in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. < J wn. Mag. Nat. Hist. , xx, 1847, p. 356. Cymindis ivilsonii ; from Am. Journ. Sci., Sept., 1847, p. 285. 1847. Cassin, J. Description of a new rapacious Bird in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. <^ Journ. Acad. Xat. Sci. Pliila. ,i,]}t.i, Dec, 1847, pp. 21-23, pi. vii. Cymnidis wilsonii, figured. Cf. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Apr., 1847, p. 199. 1847. Des Murs, O. Notice sur le Falco (Spizaetus) oruatus Daudin, et I'Harpya (Spiz) hraccata de Spix. <[ Revue Zoologique, x. 1847, pp. 315-326. S. spixii, sp. n'. propos., p. 325. 1847-48. Kaup, J. J. Monographien der Genera der Falcouidae. <| Oken's Isis, Bd. xl, 1847, pp. 39-80, pll.i,ii; pp. 83-121, 161-212,241-283, 325-386,954,955; xli, 1848, pp. 772-774. Subfam. I. Falconince — Hierax, Tinnunculus, Harpagv.s, Falco, Jeracidea. II. Milvinae — Ictinia, Nauclerus, Circus, Elanus, Milvus. III. Accipitrince — Spizaetus, Nisus, Geranospiza, Aster, Asturina. IV. Aquilince — Aquila, Helotarsus, Circaetus, Pandion, Haliaetus. V. Buteonince — Buteo, Pernis, Polyborus, Postrharnus, Ibicter [sic]. Polihierax, p. 47 ; Poecilornis (Kaup, 1843), p. 49 ; Tiehornis (Kaup, 1843), p. 51 ; Aesalon, p. 59; Gennaia (Kaup, 1845), p. 69; Poecilopteryx, p. 80; Glaitcopteryx, p. 99; Spilocircus, p. 101; Spizacircus, p. 103; Lophoictinia (1845), p. 113; Hydroictinia, p. 114; Gypoictinia, p. 114; Lophaetus, p. 165; Spizaetus, p. 165; Pternura, p. 168; Hieraspiza, p. 169; Tachy»piza,'p.lT2; Scelospiza, p. 173; Urospiza, p. 180; Gera7iospiza {1S4G), p. 183; Lophospiza (1843), p. 187; Leucospiza (1843), p. 197 ; Leucopternis, p. 210 ; Hieraetus, p. 243 ; Pteroaettts, p. 245 ; Ony- c7iae«MS(1843),p. 245; Uroaetus, -p. 2o2; Circaetus, 2oG ; 2cetus) near Bishop's Auckland. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2452. 1849. EllmajS^, J. B. Occurrence of the Osprey [Pandion halialitus] at Udimore, Susses. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2346. 1849. Ellmax, J. B. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrj'saetos) near Rye. <[ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2409. 1849. Garth, J. C. Occurrence of the White-tailed Eagle (Hahoeetus albicilla) in Somersetshii-e. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2409. 1849. HuLKE, J. W. White-tailed Eagle [Haliaetus albicilla] at Deal. <^Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2409. 1849-50. Kaup, [J. J.] Monograph of the Falcouidne, Systematically aiTanged by Dr. T. T. [sic] Kaup. < Jard. Contrib. Ornith., 1849, pp. 68-121 ; 1850, pp. 51-80. "Dr. Kaup has sent us his Monograph of the Falconidaj, translated by himself from that Journal [Oken's Isis] of 1847, as improved in 1848." — Editor. The first article is occupied with classificatory speculations of the most general character, relating not only to the pres- ent subject but to birds in general ; in the second portion of the paper the family is syste- matically treated on the quinarian plan, and elaborated down to species. Tlioro is nothing to show whether various of the author's generic terms are really new in this paper, or whether they had already been in print in the Isis or elsewhere. The latter is doubtless the case.— See this author .at 1845, 1849-50, and 1850. 1849. Kxox, A. E. Capture of the Sea Eagle (Haliieetos albicilla) in Sussex. '^Zoolo- gist, vii, 1849, p. 2386. 1849. Lafresxaye, F. DE. Melanges oruithologiques. <^Eev,et Zool., i,lS4^J, pp. 385-391. Sur quelques synonymies nouvelles a appliquer k des csp6ccs d'oiscaus de proie ancienne- ment connues. Hypomorphnv.s leucurus, sp. n., p. 388. 1849. Thorxcroft, T. Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) at Beachy Head. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, pp. 2494, 2495. 1850. Bell, T. Occurrence of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) at Selborne. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2764. 1850. Bold, T. J. Occurrence of the Osprey (Pandion Haliaitus) in Northumberland. <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, j). 2824. No. 4.] OOUES'S ORNITH. IIIIJLIOGRAPIIY FALCONID^. 763 1850. BoxAPARTK, C. L. [Suite a nouvelles espcces oruitbologi(iues. ] < liev. et Mag. de Zool, ii, 1850, pp. 241-243. Acad, des Sc. de Paris, s6ance du 11 Mars. iJop-297,pll. xl, xli. Micrastur guerilla, horotofore tloscribed, here figured, pi. xl. 1850. CURTLER, M. OccniTence of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) near Worcester. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2698. 1850. Duff, J. Occurrence of the Osprey [Pandion haliaetus] at Hartlepool. < Zo- ologist, viii, 1850, p. 2764. 1850. [KiRTLAND. J. p.] Tlie Eagle. < The Famih/ Visitor, i. No. 2, 1850, p. 15. On Aquila chrysaetus a.ngel- Eior. < ,/./. 0., iii, 1^55, pp. 20d-2U. ,,1) Ein untl dasselbo Weibcheu legt ateta ahulicho, ja, ich miichto sagon, gleicb gefarbte Eier ; uud 2) Abiindoruiigen, welclio man bei einer Art Hndet, trifft man auch bei andcren A It en." 1855. ScuLKGiiiv, H. [An dcr Fnigt' iiher die Falkcn, bosoudera die Edelfalken.] <^ Xaumannia, v, 15)55, i»p. 251-254. ,,Das Verzek'hniss aller mir bekannten Arten " — 40 spp. 1855. Strickland, H.E. Ornithological Synonyms. | By the late Hugh Edwin Strick- land, M. A., I F. R. S., F. K. G. S., F. G. S., | Deputy Reader in Geology in the University of Oxford, etc. | — | Edited by Mrs. Hugh E. Strickland | and I Sir W. Jardine,* Bart., F, R. S. E., L. S.,«fcc. | — | Vol.1. | Accipitres. | Lon- don : I John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row. | MDCCCLV. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. xlvi, 222. An extensive but far from complete synonymy of 370 -|-3 spp., not entirely fiee from in- accuracies, but prepared with great care, and of great practical utility. The list of works quoted in the introduction is a convenient index to reaearch. No second volume has ap- peared. 1855. Wallenguen, G. D. J. [Ueber Falco gyrfalco, islandicus, uud caudicans.] <^ Naumannia, v, 18.")5, pp. 247-249. 1856. Bkehm, [C. L. ] [Einige ^Yorte iiber die eigentlich europiiischen Wanderfalken. ] <[ Naumannia, vi, 1«56, pp. 326-3:i2. I. Aeclitc Wanderfalkeu : 1. F. j)eregrinu8 cornicum, F. per. abietinus, F. per. grigeiventris, F. per. leucogenys, p. 227; F. per. oricntalis, subsp. un. 2. F. barbarug. II. Uniichte Wan- derfalken : 1. F. cervicaUs, Mus. Berol., F. biarmieus Xob., p. 330 ; F. tanypterus Brm., p. 331. 1850. Brewer, T. M. [Observations on the California Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo mon- tauus). ] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist. , v, 1856, pp. 385, 386. 1856. Cooke, M. C. Occurrence of the Peregrine Falcon [Falco communis] near Xor- wich. <^ Zoologist, xiv, 1856, p. 5058. 1856-57. MUller, J. W. v. Der Jagdfalke und die Falkenbaize. <^ J. f. 0., iv, 1856, pp. 497-502 ; v, 1857, pp. 109-174. I. F. candicans. II. Die Falkenbaize. 1856. Stevenson, H. Occurrence of the Sea Eagle (Haliaiitus albicilla) in Norfolk. < Zooloijht, xiv, 1850, p. 4946. 1856. Urban, "W. S. M. d'. Occurrence of the Whitetailed Eagle (Falco [Haliaetus] albicilla) in Devonshire. <^ Zoologist, xiv, 1850, p. 5090. 1856. Verreaux, J. Xote sur nn Nouvcau Genre [Urubitoruis, de la Xouvelle Grenade] dcs Oiseaux de Proie. <^ /'. Z. -S., xxiv, 1856, pp. 145, 146. 1857. Barron, C. Occurrence of the Whitetailed Eagle [Haliaetus albicilla] near Haslar. <^ Zoologist, xv, 1857, p. 5426. 1857. Blasius,J. H. AiJhorismen iiber Falken. <^J\"aH?«aH«?fl, vii, 1857, pp. 223-264. Sehr voUstandig. 1357. Blasius, J. H. Ueber die Wiehen Europa's. < Namnannla, vii, 1857, pp. 307-324. Behandelt Ciriis aeruginosus, C. cy uncus, G. pallidiis, C. cineracevs — i Artcu. 1357. Cassin, J. Notes on the North American siiecies of Archibuteo and Lanius, and descrijition of a new species of Toucan, of the genus Selenidera, Gould. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila.,ix, 1855, pp. 211-214. The author recognizes 3 species of the genus Archibuteo, one of them being the previously little-known A.ferruginevs (Licht.). 1857. Erharu, Dr. [ Aquila fulva b^im Horste, u. s. w. ] < Xaumannia, vii, 1357, Hft. 1, pp. 87,89. 1857. G[raysox], a. J. The white breasted Squirrel Hawk.— (Buteo califomica [sp. u. ]. ) < JIutchings's California Ifagazine, Mar. , 1857, pp. 393-390, tig. Described as a new species under the above name. It is the Archibuteo ferrugi)teus (Licht.) or the Lagopus ferruginetts, Eraser. The article is mainly devoted to the habits of the bird, but also gives a recognizable description and figure. 766 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. 1857. MiDDENDOEFF, [A. T.] V. [Falco peregrinus auf ebeuer Ercle hoisteucL] <^Xau- mannia, vii, Heft ii, 1857, p. 181. 1858. Brehm, a. E. Die Geieradler und ilir Leben. <^ Mittheil. aus der WerksUilte der Natur,!'^ u. 2^^^ Heft, 1858. Nicht mil' selbst zuganglich. — „ In instructives und anziehender "Weise schildert A. Breliin , die Geieradler und ihx Leben '; . . . Die Subspecies Tverden gut beschrieben. " {Hartl.) 1858. Casslnt, J. [Occurrence of Falco polyagrus at Rock Island, Illinois, east of the Mississippi River. ] <] Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Fhila., x, 1858, p. 1. 1858. HoCKER, J. Ueber den Standort des Horstes der Kornweihe (Circus cyaneus). <^ Xau7nannia, viii, 1858, pp. 505, 506. 1858. Jager, C. Aquila [Haliaetus] albicilla iu der Wetterau. <^Xaumannia, xhi, 1858, pp. 507, 508. 1858. Pelzelx, a. v. Ueber Gold- und Stein -idler. <^ Terh. d. zool.-lot. Ver. JVien, viii, 1858, pp. , Taf. i. PI i, Aquila chrysaetos, Pali. 1858. RiCHAKDSOX, J. Occurrence of the Peregrine Falcon [Falco peregrinus] in Yorkshire. < Zoologist, xvi, 1858, ji. 6058. 1858. ScHXELL, F. H. Der Taubenhabicht. Eiue monographische Schilderung seines Lebens in der Vogelwelt. . 107-119. Exteudeil description rtnd criticism of the various current nominal species, which are to be reduced to one or the other of these two. But the "Buteo harlani And. ?" of this paper is not of Aud., being B. sivainsoni Bp. Cf Ibis, 18C2, pp. 184, 185. 1861. SCLATER, P. L. Note on Milvago carunciilatus and its allied species. <^Ibis, iii, 1861, pp. 19-23, pi. i. Full description from Des Murs' Mss. ined., with critical observations on the genus. 1861. Sclater, p. L. On a rare Species of Hawk, of the Genus Accipiter [pectoralis] from South Amex'ica. <^ Ibis, iii, 1861, pp. 313, 314, i)l. x. 1861. NORDMANN, A. V. Aqnila Fulva L. (Goldadler) im Gefecht. <^ Zool. Gart., ii, 1861, p. 6rt. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, 1860, p. 7. 1861. Orde, J. W. P. [Letter on the breeding of Aquila chrysaetue in a fir-tree iu Perthshire.] < Ibis, iii, 1861, pp. 112, 113. 1861. Orde, .J. W. P. [Note on an Hierofalco .shot Oct., 1860, on North Uist.] <^Ibis, iii, 18Gl,p.415. 1862. Blasius, J. H. tjber die nordischen Jagdfalken [Hierofalco]. p. 153-161. 1864. Anon. A Jerfalcon shot in the South of Scotland. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1S64, p. 8875. 1864. Blasius, R. Die Adler. (Beilage xi. zum Berichte iiber die xiv. Versamml. der Deutsch. Oruith. GeseUsch.) <-/. /. 0., xi, 1863, besond. Beigabe, pp. 76-106. (Pub. 1864.) Full descriptions, with extensive tables of measurement, of 7 spp. 1864. Blasius, J. H. Zur Unterscheidung des Dunenkleides der Raubvogel. < J.f. 0.,xii, 1864, pp. 276-289. a. Der untere Theil des Laufs ist mit Netztafeln besetzt, der obere befiedert (Falco, Ma- nus, Pandion, Circaetos, Pernis). b. Der Lauf bis zur Zehenwurzel befiedert (^q'Mito, Archibuteo). c. Die unteren Thiele des Laufs sind voru mit umfassendcn Quertafeln besetzt, die oberen vorn befiedert (I?Mteo t;M?(7aris, Haliaetus, Milvus, Astur, Circus). Many specific distinctions of European diurnal and nocturnal Faptorcs are also systematically dr.awn. 1864. BOULTON, W. W. Osprey [Pandion haliaetus] near Beverley. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 9207-9209. 1864. Boulton, W. W. Peregrine Falcon [Falco peregrinus] at Flamborough. <] Zo- ologist, xxii, 1864,- p. 9209. 1864. Dutton, J. Peregrine Falcons [Falco peregrinus] taliou at Beachy Head and Seaford Cliils. < Zoologbit, xxii, 1864, p. 9209. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY FALCONID^. • 771 1864. GUNN, T. E. Whitetailed Eagle [Haliaetus albicilla] uear Wymoudham. ring and preparing grass for its nest. 1870. AiXF.x, J. A. What is the "Washington Eagle"? <,4m. Nat, iv, 1870, pp. 524-5>7. It is stated to be Haliaetug leucocephuhu. 1870. Allisox, T; Anecdote of the Sparrow-hawk [Falco sparverius]. <^ Am. Nat., iv, 1870, p. .">3. 1870. Blake-Kxox, H. Osprey [Pandion hali^istus] in County Kerry. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2406. 1870. Brooke, V. [On the occurrence in Ireland of Astur atricapillus. ] <[ /6i«, 2d .ser., vi, 1870, pp. 538, .539. 1870. CoLLETE, J. R. The Osi)rey (Pandion haliaetus [carolinensia]). 4ni. .Y«f., iv, 1870, pp. 74-82. A short popular sketch of the subject, chiefly historical. 1870. WooDMAX, W. The Nesting of the Fish Hawk [Pandion carolinensis.] <.4m. Xat, iv, 1870, pp. 5.59, .560. Criticism of E. A. Samuels's statement. 1871. Abbott, C. C. The Nest of the Pigeon Hawk [Falco coliimbarins. ] <^Am. Nat, V, 1871, pp. 248-250. Eef. to T. il. Brewer, torn, eit., p. 56, and "W. A. Steams, op. cit., iv, p. 439. 1871. Allen, J. A. The Migration of Hawks. < Am. Xat., \, 1871, p. 173. Confirms "W. Wood's observations {op. eit., iv, pp. 759, 760). 1871. Botes, F. Marsh Harrier [Circus seruginosus] in East Yorkshire. <^ Zoologist, 2dser., vi, 1871, p. 2847. 1871. BOYES, F. Ospreys [Pandion haliaetus] in East Yorkshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2847. 1871. Brewer, T.M. The ["]Pigeon'Hawk["]. < Jm.JNa^, v, 1871,pp.56,57. Corrects misstatement of W. Steams, op. cit, iv, p. 439. 1871. Brooke, A. B. Graylag Goose and American Goshawk [Astur atricapillus, in Ireland]. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2524, 2525. 1871. Carey, C. B. Whitetailed Eagle [Haliaetus albicilla] in Alderney. < Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., vi, 1<671, j). 2866. 1871. Guxx, T. E. Eoughlegged Buzzard [Archibuteo lagopus] near Yarmouth. <^ Zoologist, 2(i ser., vi, 1871, p. 2847. 1871. Hadfield H. [On the characters of the European and American] Eoughlegged Buzzard. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2764, 2765. 1871. HoMEYER, E. F. VON. Mouographische Beitrage. I. Gennaja und Faleo Kaup. < ./. /. 0., xix, 1871, pp. 39-56. Commentary on what the writer considers the established species : FF. tanypterus, cervi- calii. jugger; peregrinus, minor, calidns, peregrinator, melanogenyg, peregrinoides. 1871. Jarvis, W. The Duck Hawk [Falco communis, breeding in White Mountains of New Hampshire]. <^ Am. Xat., v, 1871, p. 662. 1871, Newton, A. On certain species of Falconidae, Tetraonidae, and Auatidse. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., 1871, pp. 94-100. Discussing the Great Xorthem Falcon question, and recognizing three species — Falco can- dicans, islandicus, gyrfalco, the comparative diagnoses of which are given. 1871. Reeks, H. [Distinction of American and European] Eoughlegged Buzzard. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2726. 1871. RoDD, E. H. Marsh Harrier [Circus aeruginosus] at St. Mary's, Scilly. <[ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2847. 1871. Saunders, H. [Exhibition of, and Remarks upon, a series of Birds of the genus Aquila. ] <^P.Z.S., xxxvix, 1871, pp. 37-39. 1871. Smith, C. Marsh Harrier [Circus seruginosus] in Somersetshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2866, 2867. 1871. Stearns, W. A. The Pigeon Hawk. Correction [of misstatement made by Avriter, op. cit., iv, p. 439, the species being F. sparverius, not F. columba- rius]. <^^ni. X«^, V, 1871,p. 253. 1871. W00D,W. The Game Falcons of New England. <^m, JVa*., v, 1871, pp. 80-87. Kelates chiefly to Falco communis — biographical, descriptive, etc. 1871. Wood, W. Migration of Hawks. < Am. Xat. , iv, 1871, pp. 759, 760. Note on the large flights occasionally observed. 1872. Buckley, H. On some new or rare Birds' Eggs. < P. Z. S., May 7, 1872, pp. 625, 626. Falco polyagrus, Elanoides furcatus, Ictinia migsismppiensls. 1872. Cabanis, J. [Gruppe der Wiirgfalken, Pnigohierax (n. g.) laniaxius, jugger, und mexicanus.] <^ J.f. O., xx, 1872, pp. 156, 157. Ko.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY FALCONID^, 777 1872. Cauky, C. B. Another Wliitetailed Eagle [Haliai-tiis albicilla] in Guernsey. < Zoologisi 2d ser. , vii, 1872, p. 2911. 1872. Couch, .J. Foot of the Whitetailed Eagle [Haliaetus albicilla]. <^ Zoologist, 2d sur., vii, 1872, p. 2911. 1872. Dresser, H. E. [Remarks on exhibition of Skins of various Eagles (Aquila).] < P. Z. S., 18'72, pp. 863-86r). 1872. Feilden, H. W. Ospreys [Pandion haliaetus] in Hampshire. p. ; Glancidhim, 8 spp. ; besides soveial "varieties" of each of these genera excepting the first. There is much recti- fication of synonymy according to tlie views of the writer, which are not in cntii e accord with those of other authors. Cf. Coues, Am. Xat, 1.S74. Glaucidium, is treated on pp. 91-106. This is the first elaborate monograph of the genus, and led to the subsequent revisions of the group by Mr. Sharpe (1875) and Mr. Eidgway (1876). (See antea under Strigidce.) The species allowed in this monograph are G. passerinum var. californicum, (r=Cr. gnoma). G. pumilum, G. lansbergii (;=rufous phase of G. jardinii), G. jardinii, G. ferrugineum, G. infuscatunn (^=G.ferrugineuin), G. infuscatum var. gnoma {=G. femigineum.), G. nanum, and G. sijii. G. lansbergii is described as new, (but has been deter- mined to be the rufous phase of G. jardinii). — The rectifications here given in parentlie.sis are derived from the author's later study. 1873. SCHLEGEL, H. Revue de la Collection des Oiseaux de Proie faisant partie dn Musde des Pays-Bas. < Mm. Xat. Hisl. Fays-Bas, 10^ livr., Jnillet 1873, pp. 1- 156. The author here reviews the whole subject, which he had previously gone over in 1862-3, but has not apparently much to add to science, though noting the increase of the Museum. Otus capensis major, p. 3 ; Noctua hirsuta minor, p. 24 ; Falco neglectiis, p. 43 ; Asttir henstii, p. 62 ; Baza celebengis, p. 135, spp. nn. 1873. Sharpe, R. B. On the Falco arcticus of Holboll, with Remarks on the changes of Plumage in some other Accipitrine Birds. <:^ P. Z. S., 1873, pp. 414-419, pi. xxxix. F. holboelli, p. 415, sp. n. The pi. shows changes of plumage in Falco, Cijmindis, and Ac- cipiter. Cf. especially Newton, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xii, 1873, pp. 485-487. 1873. Steenstrup, J. Om de Mierker, som Knoklerne i Fnglenes ophnlkede Foder- boller bisre af Opholdet i Fuglenes Maver, samt om disse Markers Betyduing for Geologien og Archaeologieu. <[ Vidensk. Meddel. Naturlmt. Foren. Kjohen- havn for Aaret 1872 (1873), pp. 211-23fi, pi. iv. This is the full text of the article, a resume of which, in Frencli, is given in the same volume, pp. 28-36, and also in Gerv. Journ. de Zool., iii, 1873, pp. 488-498. 1873. SxEENiSTRUP, J. Sur les marques que portent les os contcnus dans les pelotes rejetees par les oiseaux de x^roie et sur I'importance de ces marques pour la geologie et l'arch6ologie. <^ Vidensk. Meddel. Xaturhist. Foren. Kjohenhavn for Aaret 1872 (1873), pp. 28-36, pi. iv. 1873. Steenstrup, J. Sur les marques que portent les os contenus dans les pelotes rejet6e8 j>ar les oiseaux de proie et sur I'importance de ces marques pour la geologie et I'arch^ologie. <^Gerr. Journ. de Zool,, ii, 1873, pp. 488-498, pi. xx. Analyse, faito parl'auteur, de sou M6moire ins6r6 dans le Vide7isk. Meddel. fra den Naturh, Foren. i Kj^benh. for Aaret 1872, 1873, p. 211-236, pi. iv. 1873. Wooi>, W. The Game Falcons of New England. The Pigeon Hawk [Falco cohunbarius]. < Am. Nat., vii, 1873, pp. 340-345. A biography of this species. 1674. Anon. Au Eagle's struggle with a Girl. <^ J»i. (Sj;ortsHmH, iii, 1873-4, j). 375. Quoted from Jacksonville, Florida, Bepublican (newspaper). An eagle attacks a child 14 years old. 1874. Anon. Singular Capture of au Eagle. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 3953. From Inverness Advertiser. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — FALCONIDiE. 779 1874. Barrington, R. M. Golden Eaglo [Aquila chrysaetus] at Powersconrt. <^ Zooloijiist, 2d 8or., ix, 1874, p. ;5y5'2. 1874. Clark-Kkxnedy, A. J. An Osprcy [Pandion lialiaiitus] can-ying off Young Chickens. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser. , ix, 1874, pp. 399G, 3997. 1874. COUES, E. Habits an«?/. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Sun: Terr., ii, No. 2, Apr. 1,1876, pp. 91-182, pll. 30, 31. In this, the third paper of the series (.ill published in this Bull.), numerous genera are studied with care, the results of investigation constituting a monography of each one of them. M«M«, pp. 91-131 ; Gera«oaeiu«, pp. 131-133 ; Onychotes, \ip.lZi, 135 ; Hcrpetotheres, pp. 136-138, pll. 30-31, giving details of H. cachiiinans ; Heterospizias, pp. 139, 140; BuUogaUus, p. 141; Busarellus, pp. 142-144; Thrasaetus, pp. 145,146; Morphnus, pp. 147-149; Gampsonyx, pp. 150, 151 ; Leptodon, pp. 152-155 ; Regerhinug, pp. 156-160 ; Antenor, pp. 161-165 ; Spiziastur, p. 166 ; Urubitinga, p. 167-173 ; Leucopternis, pp. 174-179 ; Elanoides, pp. 180-182. The descrip- tions are elaborate, in most cases, and the synonjmy is very copious. 1876. Ridgway, R. Studies of the American Falconidae. — Monograph of the Genus Micrastur. <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. P/u7a., Dec. 28, 1875, pp. 470-502, ligg. 1-9. (Pub. 1876.) Elaborate treatment of 6 spp. of the genus, with copious synonymy, extended descriptions, and critical comment; much also on the literature of the subject. The species recognized as valid are 7 in number, viz : M. melanoleucus, mirandollii, guerilla, zonothorax, ruficoUis, pel- zelni, sp. n., p. 494, concentricus. Details of heads, feet, and wings are figured. The appendix, pp. 500-502, gives biographical notes on M. melanoleucus, by A. J. Grayson. — The author afterward reviewed liis work in Ibis, 1816, pp. 1-5, q. v. See also his original paper on the genus, Proc. Bost. Soc, xvi, 1873, pj). 73-106. 1876, Ridgway, R. Second Thoughts on the Genus Micrastur. <^ Ibis, id ser., Jan. 1876, pp. 1-5. Results of examination of the entire series of the smaller members of this genus in the Mus. Salvin-Godman, modifying views before given in Proc. Bost. Soc, xvi, 1873, pp. 73-106, and Proc. Phila. Acad., 1875 (pub. 1870), pp. 470-502, qq. vv. The spp. now admitted are MM. melanoleucus, Tnirandollii, guerilla, zonothorax, ruficoUis, pelzelni, and concentricus, all of which are analyzed, with critical determinations of the names of old authors, and a special description of M. pelzelni Ridgw. 1876. RocKE, J. Greenland Falcon in North Wales. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, May, 1876, pp. 4919, 4920. 1876. Rowley, G. D. Falconry. < Rowl. Orn. Misc., pt. iv. May, 1876, pp. 213-222, pll. xxvii-xxix. 1876. [ScLATER, P. L. ] [On Young Caracaras (Polyborus sp.) iu remarkable plum- age. ] < P. Z. 5. , Apr. 4, 1876, p. 333, pi. xxv. The species here left in doubt was afterward determined to bo P. tharus, juv., in an ab- normal phase of coloring. Cf. P. Z. S., 1878, pp. 230-232. 1876. ScLATER, J. Plumage of the Roughlegged Buzzard. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, June, 1876, p. 4955. 784 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. WolY. 1876. Vennor, II. G. Our Birds of Proy, | or the | Eagles, Hawks, and Owls | of | Canada. | By | Henry G. Vennor, F. G. S. | Of the Geological Survey of Can- ada. I With 30 Photographic Illustrations by Wm. Notnian. | — | R. Worth- ington, 750 Broadway, New York. | Montreal : | published by Dawson Brothers. I — I 187(5. 1 vol. sm. 4to. pp. i-viii, 1-1.54, with 30 photog. pll. An interesting and valuable treatise in so far as it is largely based upon original observa- tions and personal experiences, though the technic of the work is decidedly behind the times. The photographic illustrations must be regarded as an experiment not entirely successful, being for the most part taken from very badly stuffed specimens.— PI. 1, Duck Hawk. 2, Pigeon Hawk. 3, Gyr Falcon. 4, same, dark variety. 5, Sparrow Hawk. 6, 7, American Goshawk, ad. and young. 8, Cooper's Hawk. 9, Sharp-shinned Hawk. 10, Red-tailed Buz- zard. 11, Red-shouldered Buzzard. 12, same, young. 13, Broad-wmged Buzzard. 14, Eough- legged Buzzard. 15, same, black variety. 16, Marsh Hawk. 17, Golden Eagle. 18, Bald Eagle. 19, Osprey. 20, Great Horned Owl. 21, Screech Owl. 22, Long-eared Owl. 23, Short-eared Owl. 24. Great Gray Owl. 25, Barred Owl. 26, Sparrow Owl. 27, Acadian Owl. 28, 29, Snowy Owl. 30, Hawk Owl. 1876. Whitaker, J. Kite, Hen Harrier and Hobby in Nottinghamshire. < Zoolo- gist, 2d scr., xi, Jan., 1876, p. 4730. 1876. Whitaker, J. Roughlegged Buzzard at Rufiord. <^Zoo/o(i(is^, 2d ser., xi, Apr., 1876, p. 4870, 1876. WoOD,W. The game Falcons of New England: the Goshawk [Astur atrica- pillus]. < Am. Xat., x, No. 3, 1876, pp. 132-135. A good pojiular account of the habits of this species. 1876. YuiLLE, S. Hen Harrier in Northumberland. <^ Zoologist, 2d scr., xi, Sept., 1876, p. 5079. 1877. A[llen], J. A. Ridgway's "Studies of the American Falcouidse." <:^BuU. Xutt. OrnUli. Club, ii. No. 3, July, 1877, pp. 70-73. Extended review of of Ridgway's late papers on this subject, in Bull. TT. S. Oeol. Surv. Terr., Proc. Phila. Acad., and Proc. JBost. Soc. 1877. BOUDWIX, G. Perpgriue falcon (Falco Peregrinus). <^ Forest and Stream, yu\, Apr. 19, 1877, p. 161. Falco anatum feeding upon the pigeons around St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia. 1877. C[larke], S. C.,«HfZ ''Dom Pedro" [Quay,T. R.]. " Does the Osprey ever take dead fishf ' <^ Foi'est and /Stream, viii, Feb. 8, 1877, p. 4. Letters detailing affirmative instances. See vol. vii, p. 276. 1877. Cory, C. B. The Black Gyr-Falcon (Falco sacer var. labradora) in Massa- chusetts. <^BuU. Nutt. Ornith. Club,ii,'No. l,Jan., 1877, p. 27. 1877. Coues, E. Eastward Range [to Illinois] of the Ferruginous Buzzard (Archi- buteo ferrugineus). <^ Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Clui, ii. No. 1, 1877, i). 26. 1877. Coues, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 13. — The Harrier [Circus hudsonius]. < The Chicago Field, Feb. 3, 1877, fig. Notice of habits, etc. 1877. "Dom Pedro" [Quay, T. R. ]. Does the Osprey [Pandion haliaetus] ever take dead fish ? <^ Forest and Stream, viii. May 17, 1877, p. 224. 1877. "Florida." Audacity in Hawks. fE, H. An Account of a prodigiously large Feather of the Bird Cuntur, brought from Chili and supposed to be a kind of Vultur; and of the Coffee- Shrub. <^P/u7os. Tra«s., xviii, 1694,pi}. 61-(34. Qaill of the bird afterward known as Sarcorhamphus gryplms. 1772. . Naturgeschichte des Geierkonigs [Sarcorhamphus papa]. <^J5erK«, Samml.,'w, 1772, pp. 173-179. Xicht mir selbst zuganglich. 1789. Walbaum, J. J. Vom dem Geyerkouig [Sarcorhamphus papa], — 'j. 1. Der Kopf des GeyerkSnigs uach der Natur dargesteUet und beschrieben. <[ Schriften Berlin. Gesell. Xatiirf. Freunde, ix, 1789, pp. 246-256, pi. 8. 180-. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, fi. Observations sux le Vautour royal (Vultur [Sarcor- hamphus] papa) dans premier age. <^ Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom., iii. An xii (180-), p. 189. Pas VTies moi-meme. 1808. Humboldt, A. v. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte des Condor (Vultur [Sarcor- hamphus] gryphus L.). <^ Beoh. aus d. Zool. n. Tergl. Anat.,'2 Lief., 1808. Mcht mir selbst zaganglicb. 1811. HtraiBOLDT, A. DE. Essai sur I'Histoire Naturelle du Condor, ou du Vultur [Sar- corhamphus] gryphus de Linn6. <^ Recueil d'Obs. Zool. Anat. , i, 1811, pp. 26-45, pll. viii, is. Lu h. la premiere class de I'lnstitut de France, le 13 oct. 1806. The miscellaneous work by Humboldt and Bonpland, entitled "Collections of Observations iu Zoology and Comparative Anatomy," etc., appeared in several languages and at diflferent dates. I have only seen a French version, "EecueU d'Observations," etc., the first vol. of which, dated 1811, contaius, among several distinct papers, one by Hirmboldt on the os hyoides and larynx of birds, and one by the same on the Condor, as above given. The full title of the works comes in a different department of this Bibliography. 1826. AuDUBOX, J. J. Account of the Habits of the Turkey Buzzard (Vultur [Cath- artes] aura), particularly with the view of exploding the opinion generally entertained of its extraordinary power of Smelling. <^Edtnb. JS'ew Philos. Journ. , ii , 1826, pp. 172-184. {Fror. Xot. , xvii, No. 359, 1827, pp. 97-106. ) This very notable article opened a protracted discussion, in which the writer's views met with no little opposition and ridicule. The paper includes circumstantial recital of experi- ments made, and general account of the habits of the bird. 1826. Head, F. A. Ueber die Starke und das ziihe Leben der Condor's [Sarcorham- phus gryj)hus] Sudamerika's. <^Fro7'iep's Notizen, xv. No. 324, 1826, pp. 246-248. Nicht mir selbst zuganglich. 1827. AUDUBOX, J. J. Account of the Carrion Crow, or Vultur [Cathartes] atratus. <^Edinh. Journ. Sci.,xi, 1827, j)p. 156-161. {Fror. Kot.,s.vij, No. 357, 1827, pp. 65,70.) Extended notice of the habits of this species. 1827. Axox. Living Condor [Sarcorhamphus gryphus] at Paris. <^ Philos. Mag., \, 1827, p. 473. 1627. Payraudeau, B. C. Notice sur les Couroumous ou Vautours de la Guiane ; par M.J.-A.-A.Noyer. . . . < i^eVjws.^MH.,2« sect., xii, 1827, pp. 129-131. Precis: Annales Marit et Colon, janv. et f6vr. 1826, p. 96. 1828. Douglas, D. Observations on the Vultur [Cathartes] Californianus of Shaw. < Zool. Journ., iv, 1828, pp. 328-330, Description and account of habits. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — CATHARTID^. 789 1828. L[ui:oth;1, S. G. Obseivatious «ur le Vultur [Catliartes] atratus; (par J. J. Audubon. ) . . . < Feruss. Bull. , 2« sect. , xiii, 1828, p. 239, 240. Pr6cis de ces observations, in9or6e8 dans Edinb. Joum. Sci., janv., 1827, pp. 156-161. 1830. Harlan, R. Notice of an Anatomical Peculiarity obsen'cd in the Structure of the Condor of the Andes; (Vultur [Sarcorhamphus] gryphus, Linn.) < Trans. Amcr. Fhilos. Soc.,2d ser., iii, 1830, p. 466. Merely a note on the digestive organs, the "peculiarity" of -wbich is not obvions. 1830. Humboldt, A. v. On the Lofty Flight of the Condor [Sarcorhamphus gryphus]. < Edinb. New P/n/o-s. .Tourn.,vu\, 1830, pp. 142, 143. From Tableaux de la Nature, ii, pp. 7^-78. 1830. Hunter, P. Powers of Smell ascribed to the Vulture [Cathartes aura]. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., iii, 183U, p. 449. 1831. Douglas, D. Ueber Vultur [Cathartes] califomianus Shaw. < Oken's Isis, Bd. xxiv, 1831, pp. 110-112. Aus d. Zool. Joum., iv, 1828, pp. 328-330. 1831. Less[on, R. P. ] Note sur une particularity anatomique de la structure du Con- dor (Vultur [Sarcorhamphus] grj^hus, L.); par R. Harlan. . . . <^ Feruss. Bull, 2« sect., xxvii, 1831, pp. 188, 189. Extraitc des Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc, 2' s6r., iii, 1830, p. 466. 1832. Audubon, J. J. Lcbensart A'on Vultur [Cathartes] aura (Turkey Buzzard). < OA-ch's Ins, Bd. xxv, 1832, p. G87. Auszug aus Edinb. New Philos. Joum., Bd. u, 1826, Heft 3, p. 172-184. Only a 4-line paragraph here. 1832. Lund, [P. W.] Sur la conformation particuli^re du Jabob cher I'Urubu (Perc- nopterus [Cathartes] Jota Bonap.). < Jnn. des Sci. Nat., xxv, 1832, pp. 333- 336, pl.xi. (Fror. Notizen, xxv, No. 750, 1832, pp. 17-20. ) 1832. Waterton, C. On the Faculty of Scent in the Vulture [Cathartes aura]. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. mst.,x, 1832, pp. 233-241. 1833. Grant, R. E. [On the Cloaca of the female Condor (Sarcorhamphus gryphus). ] , pp. 4632-4(535. 1856. MAXl.MiLl.\>r, Pkinz vox Wikd. Ucbcv don nordanierikanisehen rothkiipfigen Urubu, (Cathartes aura Andub. Bonap.) < -/./. O., iv, 1856, pp. 119-124. Eliiborato (leHcriptioii, etc. 1857. Boi.i.F., C. Der call forniselie Condor, Sarcorbani])lius ealifornianus. <^J.f.O., V, 18.57, pp. 50-.54. Nach A. S. Taylor, aus dem Zoologist, 1855, pp. 4632^635. 1859. Editorial. [Extract from an article in the Sau Francisco Herald, ))y A. S. Taylor, on Cathartes ealiforuianns. ] < Ihis, i, 18.59, pp. 469, 470. . 1859. Taylor, A. 8. The egg and young of the California Condor [Cathartes eali- fornianus]. <[ ButchvKjii's Cal. Mof/., iii, 1859, i>p. .537 , tig. Not seen. — Vyoodcut of young ^nd ogg. Also, the " Great Condor of California," p. 540. 1859-61. Taylor, A. S. The Great Condor of California (Cathartes ealifornianus). <^nutcMngs'8 Cal. May., iv, July, 1859, pp. 17 ; Aug., 1861, pp. , with cut of the bird. Not seen. 1860. AiJBOTT, C.C. [The egg figured in Ibis, ii, 1860, pi. 1, f. 2, as that of Milvago anstralis is "undoubtedly that of Cathartes aura."] <^Ibi8, ii, 1860, p. 432. 1860. SCLATER, P. L. [Exhibllion of the egg of the King Vultiu-e (Gyparehus papa).] < P. Z. S., xxviii, 1860, pp. 193, 194. 1860. SCLATER, p. L. Note on the Egg and Nestling of the Californiau Vultun; [Ca- thartes ealifornianus]. < Ibis, ii, 1860, p. 278, pll. viii (egg), ix (nestling). Cf. op. cit, 1859, p. 409. 1860. Taylor, A. S. Notes on the Queleli, a rare Bird of Sonora ; the King of the Zopolites; and Bartram's Vulture. <^Zoolof/i>9; 1-16. [OR,] 1808-11. Knip, Madame. Les Pigeons, | par Madame Knip, | n6e Pauline de Cour- celles, ! premier peintrc d'Histoire Naturelle | de S. M. I'lmperatrice Reine Marie-Louise. | Le texto par C. J. Temminck, | Directeur de I'Academie des Sciences ot des Arts de Harlem, etc. | [Monogram.] | A Paris, | C M"'" Kui}), Auteur et Editeur, Rue de Sorbonne, MusJie des Artistes. I ^^ \ Garnery, Libraire, Rue de Seine, Hotel Mirabeau, n" 6. I — I De I'imprimerie de Mame. | M. DCCC XL 1 vol. folio. Prel. Title (Les Pigeons), 1 loaf, Kdw's new Title, 1 leaf; Knip's Discourse on Pigeons, pi>. 1-14 ; Text, pp. 23-41, 1-128, 1-30 ; Table, pp. i-iii ; with 87 plates, in three series, 1-11 ; 1-25, 25 bis, 26-.59 ; 1-16. This work is one of the curiosities of literature. Owing to the cause c616bre between the two ostensible authors, we have in effect the same work by two different authors, with two different title-pages, above transcribed. By compaiing the two preceding paragraphs, the difference between the two forms of the work may bo perceived. The work was originally published in 15 livraisons, 1808-1811. At the 9th livraison, 1811, J^o.4.] . COUES'r ORNITTI. bibliography COLUMBID^. 795 1808-11. Temminck, 0. J., or Knip, Madame — Continued. Miidamo Knip accomplished a piece of truly fuiuininc finesse, bj' which she stole it from Tem- minck. To do tliis, she ciianged the cover-title of the 9th and following livraisons, and made sunilry other alterations to suit her purpose. With tlie lutli livraison she furni.shed new title- pages of the wh(de work, substituted a now Diseours sur Ics Pigeons, and directed the binder to suppress Temminck's title-pages, his entire Introduction, his Index, and liis Diseours. To account for the break in the pagination of the text between p. 23 and p. 41, sIk; even went so far as to declare it was a typogr.apliical error. This was cej'tainly .1 liold trick, regardless of conseiiuences. But ni> siicli piracy as seems to have suited tlie lady's taste could hope to pass without detection ; and Temminck immediately published an indignant reclamation, expos- ing and j)rotesting against the fraud. AVhat may have gone on under the surface would doubtless be even more curious than what lias trauspired, \)ut the historical facts are suffi- ciently novel. There is a iinitpn^ copy of this work in the Library of the Philadelphia Acadelny, from the Bibliothbque de J. B. Hazard, preserving all the original cover-titles, and giving .some mann- script notes explaining tlu^ whole atfair. These I shall transcribe be,yond. The first eight li\Tai.sons appeared under the following cover-title, 1808-1810: — Histoire | Naturelle | des Pigeons. | — | [ . . . ] Livraison. | — | A Pai'is, | chez Garnery, Hue de Seine, Ancien Hotel Mirabeau. | — | Do I'imprimerio de Mamo Frdres, | Rue de Pot- de-Fer, n" 14. | 1809 [Ksio]. Though the date on the title is 1808, that on livr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is 1809, and perhaps none of the work appeared before 1809. The date on livraisons 6, 7, 8 is 1810. "With the 9th livraison Madame Knip stole the woik, altering the cover-titlo to — Les Pigeons, | par Madame Knip, | n6e Pauline de Courcellos, | Premier Peintre d'Histoire Ifaturelle | de S. M. rimp6ratrice Heine Marie-Louise. | Le texte par C. J. Temminck, | Di- recteur de rAcademie des Sciences et des Arts de Harlem, etc. | — | [. . .1 Livraison. Prix 40 francs. | — | f'haquo livraison, accompagnoo de son texte, est compos6e de six figures en couleurs | d'apres les dessins do I'Auteur, gravees, imprim6es, et retnuchecs sous .sa direc- tion. I L'Histoire (16n6ralo dcs Pigeons aura quinze livraisons formantun volume. | A Paris, | , jtime Knip, Autour ■Q.t ^fiditcur. Rue de Sorbonne, Mu86e des Artistes. | ^^•^^ i Garnery, Rue do Seine, Hotel Mirabeau, n° (5. I ~ I ^° ^'^'^' primerie de Mame. | M. DCCC XI. The unique copy exaiflined is invaluable in containing Hazard's msc. "Notes Bibliogra- phiques." I think it advisable to publish these notes, as further explaining the transaction. It is to be understood that this copy forms two volumes — one, Temminck's, without the main text, and with the plates uncolored, but with all the suppressed pieces of the work ; the other, Knip's, with the substituted titles and discourse, the main text, and the plates colored. (The plates were issued in two series, colored and plain.) The following is Hazard's MS. : — "NOTES Bibliogr.iphi(iuea sur I'exemplaire de I'Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons, qiie.j'ai dans ma Bibli- othfeque. "Get exemplairo est unique, non seulement par les ditFerentes pieces qu'il contient, qui I'ont fait diviser en deux volumes ; mais encore par la beaut6 des 6preuves des doubles figures, et par les portraits qui y out 6t6 a,)out68. "On salt que cet ouvrage a ete r6dig6, pour lo texte, par M. Temminck, et pour les figures, par Mademoiselle Pauline do Courcelles, depuis Madame Knip ; que cc, ne devait etic que la premiere partie d'un ou\Tago plus consid6rable {I'Histoire Genirale des Pigeons et des Galli- naces), qui devait avoir trois volumes; que d'apres les arrangemens particviliers des auteurs, Madame Knip est demouree proprietaire de I'ouvrage des Pigeons; qu'elle y a fait des sup- pressions et des additions pour ne conscrver que ce qui 6tait relatif aux Pigeons, et qu'il n'y a eu qu'un petit nombre d'exemplaires (douzo) delivr6s au Public, tels qu'ils 6taient sortir des mains de M. Temminck, d'apr6s le i)lan g6n6ral de I'ouvrage ; on trouvera ces detaOs dans la r6clamatiou de M. Temminck, . . . "Void la note des pieces qui composent les deux volumes. "l^"' Volume. [Temminck's.] "1". Faux titre gen6ral de I'ouvrage Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons et des Oallinaces, au verso e8t,ioint( iino lettre autographe do Madam.c Knip, nee Pauline de Courcelles, qui m'en- voie les pieces qui out 6t6 supprini6es : un feuillet. [La lettre a 6t6 retir6o plus tard. — E. C] "2*>. R6clamirtion de M. Temminck, centre Madame Knip, piece mauuscrite, extraite du tome troisi6me de I'Histoire Naturelle genirale des Pigeons et des Gallinaces, en trois volumes in-80, 1813-1815: unefeuille. 4 "3". Avis au Relieur sur les pieces Jl supprimcr et k remplacer par d'autres: nn feuillet. "4°. Faux titre general et titre de I'ouvrage. . . . Ces titres ont 6t6 supprim6s plus tard : line feuillo, 4 pages. "5°. Un trfis beau portrait do Louis Napoleon, roi do HoUande, dessinfi par Gr6goriu8 796 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [YolY. 1808-11. Tejijiixck, C. J., or Knip, Madame — Continued. d'aprfes la buste de Gasteillier, grav6 par L. 0. Ruotte, et auquel If. Temminck avait dedi6 son ouvrage : un feuillet, 2 pages. •'6". £pitre dedicatoire do Jlf. Temminck, au roi de Hollande, suppiim6e k tons les exem- plaires, par lauteur lui-meme: un feuillet, 2 pages. "7°. Introduction de 2f. Temminck. sur I'ordre g6n6rale des Gallinac^s; sur la derniere page, est I'extrait du Rapport fait a I'Institut national, classe des sciences physiques et mathe- matiques, par MM. Lacepede et Guvier, sur les figures colori6es de Mademoiselle Pauline de Oourcelles. L'introduction 6tant g6n6rale a 6t6 supprimee dans I'histoire des Pigeons : 10 pages. "8°. Discours sur Fordre des Pigeons: 16 pages. Ce discours, paging 7-22, devait faire suite aux 6 pages du titre et de ]'6pitre d6dicatoire ; l'introduction qui le precede y avait 6te ajout6e aprfes rimpression. II a aussi 6t6 supprun6 et remplac6 par un autre, extrait de celui-ci, que Ton trouvera indiqu6 dans le volume suivant. ' ' 9°. 87 planches des Pigeons, figures noires, a vant la lettre, exemplaire d'amateur : epreuves que Madame Knip a bien voulu me choisir et sur lesquelles elle a mis, elle-meme, les noma des Pigeon.s, au crayon. J'ai divis6 les trois sections par des titres s6pares : Les Colombars, Les Colombes, Les Colombi-Gallines. "10°. Index (omitbologique) : 16 pages. Get Index a 6t€ supprime. "11". Table: une feuille. Get Table indiquant les pieces supprimees, a 6t6 suprim6 aussi et r6imprim6 pour le volume suivant. "12". Enfln, j'ai conserv6 k ce volume, soit en tete, soit k la fin, les titres-enveloppes des huit premieres livraisons, qui portent le premier titre d'Histoire naturelle des Pigeons, sous les dates 1809-1811. Ge n'est qu'ii la neuvieme livraison que Madame Knip les a changes ainsi qu'Us sont dans le second volume. "2« Volume. [Knip's.] "1". Jfouveau Faux-Titre, Les Pigeons, et Titre du volume . . . ; un feuille, 4 pages. "2°. Un tr^s beau portrait, en couleurs, de Marie-Louise, archiduchesse d'Autriche, Im- p6ratrice de France, Eeine d'ltalie, dessinfe d'apr^s le buste de Bosio, par Durand Diiclos, grav6 par L. G. Ruotte: L'Ou^Tage lui avait 6t6 pr6sent6 par Madame Knip, et avait valu k cette derniere le titre du premier peintre d'Histoire NatureUe de Sa Majest6. Ce portrait a 6t6 ajoute par moi. "3". Le nouveau Discours stir V ordre des Pigeons, 14i)ages; on trouve sur la quatorzifeme Pextrait du Rapport de I'Institut qui, dans le volume pr6c6dent, est k la suite de l'introduction supprim6e. "4°. Les 87 figures colori6es des Pigeons formiint les trois s6ries, 6preuves que Madame Knip a bien voulu me choisir, elle-meme ; elles sont plac^es en face de leurs descriptions, dans le texte. "5°. Le texte, commengant page 23, avec les Golumbars, premiere division, et faisant suite au Discours sur I'ordre des Pigeons, du volume pr6cedent, finit page 41 ; quelques erreurs typographiques dans la pagination ont 6t6 corrig6es avec soin, k la plume. Le texte recom- mence page 1, avec les Golombes, deuxieme division, et se termine page 128. II recommence encore page 1, avec les Colombi-GaUines, troisi^me division, et finit page 30. " La diflKrence de pagination du texte avec les pieces liminaires de ce volume, resultant da pi6ce supprimee, du volume pr6c6dent, a 6t6 indiqu6 par Madame Knip comme une faute d'impression, au verso du faux titre. "6". La table, qui a 6t6 r6imprim6e, et qui n'indique plus, en t6te la D6dicace et l'intro- duction, et k la fin I'lndex ornithologique, qui ont 6t6 supprim68. "7°. J'ai conserve aussi, k ce volume, comme au pr6c6dent, soit en t6te, soit a la fin, les titres-enveloppes du livraison 9 ^ 15 et derniere, sous la date de 1811, qui difi'erent de ceux du pr6c6dent, par le titre nouveau, par plus d'6tendue et plus d'ornemens typographiques.'' The errors of pagiaation in the first set of pages, from 37 to 41, have been corrected so neatly with the pen in this copy that I cannot make out what they were. The series of plates is consecutive, 1 to 80, with 25 bis = 87 ; but pi. xxxiii is wrongly nitmbered xxxi, and pi. xivii is numbered Ixvii. The following is a list of the plates — those with the asterisk being Tem- minck's species : — I. Colombars. — PI. 1, 2, Golumba militaris* ; 3, G. australis ; 4, G. psittacea*-, 5. 6. G. aro- matica ; 7, G. calva* ; 8 9, G. abyssinica ; 10, 11, G. vernans. n. Colombes. — PI. 1, Golumba spadicea ; 2, G. palumbus ; 3,4, G. oenea ; a, G. arquatnx*; 6, G. armillaris* ; 7, G. Uttoralis* -, 8, C. chalcoptera ,- 9, G. eristata*; 10, G. cariba ; 11, G. oenas; 12, G. livia; 13, G. leucocephala ,- 14, G. speciosa ,- 15, G. portoricensis* -. 16. C. guinea ; 17, 0. madagascariemis ; 18, G. gymnoptalmos ; 19, O. francicB ,• 20, G. rubricapilla ; 21, G. au- ricularis* ; 22, G. elegans* -, 23, G.cincta*; 24, O. rufina* ; 25, 25 bis, G. aurita* ; 26, C. javan- ica; 27, G.jambos; 28, 29, G. violacea*; 30, G. melanocephala ,- 31, G. larvata* ; 32. O. halo- sericea; 33, G. superba* ; 34, 35, 0. purpurata ,- 36, O. tympanistra* ; 37, G. ccerulea' ; 38 39, No.i.\ COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY COLUMBID^. 797 1808-11. Temminck, C. J., or Knip, Madame— Couihwu'd. C. a/ra ; 40, (J. hitorquata* ; 41, G. vinacea* ; 42, C. turtur ; 43, C. tigrina * ; 44, C. risoria ; 45, C. camhmjensis ; 46, C. alba* ; 47, C malaccensis ; 48, 49, 0. migratoria ,- '>(). C. carolinensii ; 51, C. dominicemis ; 52, C. maxigeus* ; 53, 54, G. capensis ; 55, G. erythroiHera ,- 56, G. myt- tacea* ; 57, G. godefrida" ; 58, O. cinerea* ; 59, G. squamosa'. III. Colombi-Giillines. — PI. 1, Gohimba coronata ; 2, 0. nicobarica ,• 3, 0. cyanocephala ,- 4, C. montana; 5, 6, C. martinica ; 7, O. erythrotorax* ; 8, 9, C. cruenta ; 10, O. frontalis'' ; 11, O. caritftcuJata*; 12, 0. (aZpacoti*; 13, 14, G. passer ina ; 15, C. hottentota* ; 16, G.minxUa. There is a continuatiou of this work, by Kuip, text by Prevost, 1838-4-, formiDg ostensibly a second vokimo. 1813-15, Temminck, C. J. Histoiie Naturelle G<5n6rale | des | PigeoiiH | et dcs | Galli- uaces, I par | C. J. Temmiuck, | Chevalier de I'ordre Iiupeiial dc | la R6uuion, Directeur de la | Soci^te dcs Sciences a Harlem, | et Meuil^n; de plu.sieurs | soci^tes d'histoire naturelle. | Oii\Tage en trois volumes. | Acconii)agnd de | Planches Anatomiqucs. | — | Tome Premier [Second, Troisieme]. | — | — \b. Amsterdam, | chez J. C. Sepp & Fils, | et a Paris, | chez C. Dufour, | 1813 [1815]. I i\ rimprimerie de H. O. Brouwer, heereumarkt | No. 5. a Amsterdam. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. I, 1813, frontisp., pp. 1-499 + 1 p. Vol. II, 1813, pp. 1-477 + 1 p. Vol. Ill, 1815, 1 p. 1. , pp. 1-7.57 + 1 p. , pll. i-xi. The 1st vol. treats of the Pigeons, the other two of the Oallinacece (incl. Tinamidce, otc.l ; at end of 1st aud 3d vol. is an "index", or synopsis of the species treated, with characters, svnonymy, and habitat of oacli. The plates bound at end of 3d vol. pertain to vols, ii and iii: the frontisp. of vol. i to the Columbae. This is a very well known and "standard" treatise. Vol. I is really the text of Temminck's plates, Hist. Nat. Gener. des Pigeons, folio, Paris, 1808-1811 (for circumstances of the case see above). Columba militaris, p. 39; psittacea, p. 47: aromatica vnv., p. 53: calva, p. 63; arquatrix, p. 93; arwitem, p. 97; Uttoralis,-p.99; cristata, p. 108; picazuro, p. Ill; maculosa, p. 113; gymnophtalmos (sic), p. 225; auricularis, p. 236; clegans, p. 240; cincta, p. 243; rufina, p. 245; aurita, p. 247; violacea, p. 260; larvata, p. 267; holoserieea, -p. 269; mystacea, -p. 27a: superba,\).2n ; tyinpahistria, -p. 2S7 ; ccerulae (sic), p. 290; geoffroii (sic), p. 297 ; cinerea, p. 299 ; bitorquata, p. 301 ; vinacea, p. 303 ; picturata, p. 315; tigrina, p. 317: alba, p. 333; squamosa, p. 336; maiigei, p. 363; erythrotorax (sic), 405; carunculata, p. 415; talpacoti,p.i2\; picui,p.A3b; ?ninia- 460; brunnea,p.Mo — '^mihi". Vol. II. Pavo cristatus primus, p. 27; Gallus sonneratii, p. 246; morio, p. 253: lanatus, p. 256; furcatus, p. 261; eeandatus (sic), primus, p. 267; macartneyi, p. 273; Phasianus colchicus hybridus, p. 319; torquatus primus, p. 326; satyrus, p. 349 ; Lophojihorus refulgens, p. 355; Poly- plectron chinquis, p. 363 ; Argus giganteus, p. 410 — "mihi ". Vol. III. Pauxi galeata, p. 1 ; Pauxi mitu, p. 8 ; Grax rubra, p. 21 ; G. carunculata, p. 44 ; Pe- nelope parrakoua, p. 85; Tetrao saliceti, p. 208; Pterocles arenarius, p. 240 ; Pt. bicinctus, p. 247; Pt. quadricinetus, p. 252: Pt.setarius, p. 256; Pt. tachypetes, p. 274; Syrrhaptes pallasii, p. 282; Perdix clamator, p. 208: adanso7iii,p.30o: longirostris, p. 323 : thoracica, j). 335; gularis, p. 401; ocitZea, p. 408 ; dentata,p.AX9; borealis, p.436; sonnini, p. iol; Goturnix perlata, p. 470 : austra- lis, p. 474: textilis, p. 512; excalfactoria, p. 516; grisea, p. 523: noKce guinea-, p. .'524; Gryptonix (sic) coronatus, p. 526; rnfus. p. 534; Tinamus rufescens, p. 552; maculosus, p. 557; tao, p. 569; undulatiis, p. oH2: adspi'rs us, p. 5S5; obsoletus, p. 5SS; lataupa,p.590; st/igulo-tus, p. 594; nanus, p. 600; Hemipodius nigrifrons, p. 610; pvgnax, p. 612; nigricollis, p. 619; thoracicus, p. 622; tachydromus, p. 626; maculosus, p. 631 ; fasciattts, p. 634; Turnix hottentottus, p. 63(3 — "mihi". The majority of all the birds in these three voluaies are thus described as new; a large part of the rest are credited to Latham. Temminck's names are barbarous in many cases, most of those given in the French vernacular being horrid ; but that has always been the style with the French ornithologists. Vol. HI concludes with a statement from Temminck of the circumstances under which his folio work on the Pigeons appeared — which is not only important as a bibliographical matter, but delightful as a bit of gossip. In explanation both of the present publication and of the folio work on the Pigeons, I bore give the substance of his grievance as set forth by him: The present work, says Temminck, was intended to .appear in folio, with colored plate-s. The volume of the folio edition appeared at Paris in 1808 and was completed in 1811, under the direction of Mile. Pauline de Courcelles, afterward Madame Knip, a very accom- plished natural history artist, all of whose works attest her distinguished talents. Tliis lady was charged with the supervision of the engraving, 47 drawings having been made by her from specimens of Pigeons in the Paris Museum, .and 40 others copied by her from M. Prfitre's designs, the latter made under Temminck's supervision. The first livraison appeared in 1808, with the same general title as the present edition ; MUe. de Courcelles being properly credited with her part of the work in the following terms: "Aves figures en conleurs peintes par Mademoiselle Pauline dc Courcelles, grav6es, imprim6es et retouch6es sous sa direction.'' 798 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1813-15. Temmixck, C. J. — Continued. No sooner was the work completed than Madame Knip, "the ingrate", saw lit to replace the title with another in which she appeared as the author, her concoction being in the following terms: "... les Pigeons par Madame Knip, nee Pauline de Courcelles, premiere peintre d'histoire naturelle de S. M. I'lmperatrice et Reine. Le teste par C. J. Themminck [sic]. — Se vend a Paris, chez Tauteur, Rue Serbouue. Musee des Artistes." She suppressed 40 pages of text, which would have told against her, and did the same for the 16 double-column pages of the Latin index. The work thus mutilated was presented to Queen Marie Louise, and secured for Mad. Knip some favors hei' ambition had hmg coveted. Nevertheless, to keep Temminck in the dark, the lady had the wit to send him some perfect copies, proi>erly titled. It had been agreed that he was to have eight copies; these eight, he says, aud four others which bear the date 1808 and have the Latin index, "sout les seuls approuves par moi" — whence it appears that there are only twelve perfect aud authorized copies of the folio work extant! The aggrieved author found out the artful woman's trick when he went to Paris to ijublish the part of the work relating to the Oallince ; but it was too late. He could obtain no redress ; the plot was backed up by royalty ; journalists refused his "r6clamations", even his reply to an article which the lady published — and which, I suppose, if I could lay my hands on it, would tell quite another story. Such, in brief, is Temminck's own version of the affair which determined him to publish the present 8vo ed. For further particulars relating to the folio work, see under that head, 1808-11. 1824. BoiTARD, [P.] «H(Z CoKBiE, — . Les Pigeons | de | Yoliore et de Coloiubier, | ou I Histoire Naturelle et Mouographie | des Pigeons domestiques, | reufermaut I la nomeuclatiu-e et la descriiJtiou de toutes les races | et variiSt^s con- stautes couuues jusqu'a ce jour; la | mani^re d'etablii- des colombiers et volieres; d'61ever, | soigner les j)igeous, etc., etc. | DMi^e a sou Altesse Royale | Madame la Duchesse de Berry, | par MM. Boitard et Corbie. '| Avec vingt-cinq figures de pigeons peiuts d'apres nature. | A Paris, | Chez Audot, Libraire-^fiditeur, rue de Ma9ons-Sor- | bonne, n". 11. | Corbi6, Oiselier de S. A. E. madame la duchesse | de Berry, quai de la M6gisserie, n". 6(j. 1 — I 1824. 1 vol. 1 p. 1., pp. i-viij, 1-240, pll. 1-25, + 1. Histoire generate des pigeons — Origine des pigeons domestiques — Du croisement des races — Nonrriture — Accouplement — De la ponte et de I'incubation — Des pigeonneaux — Du jeune pigeon et de la connaissance des sexes — Maladies des ingeons — Du colombier — Maniere de peupler le colombier — Soins 4 donner au colombier — De la colombier — TJsteusiles — De la voli6re — Soins k donner a la voli^re — D6g4ts et utUit6 des pigeons. Partie 2'^, Monographic des Pigeons de voli^re. — Pigeons de la premiere-vingt-quatri^me race. — Colombes tourterelles. — Tourterelle des bois, k collier, et blanche. 1825. Desm[are]st, [A. G.] Les Pigeons de A^oUfere et de Columbier, . . . ; par MM. Boitard et Corbie. . . . im. Bnll, 2* sect., iv, 1825, pp. 258-260. 1827. Audubon, J. J. Notes on the Habits of the Wild Pigeon of America, Columba [Ectopistes] migratoria. <^^din&. Jouni. roN. Sur les Columba domestica, livia et Amaliae ; par M. Brehm. ... <^Feruss.Bull.,2<= sect., xiv, 1828, pp. 260, 261. Pr6ci8, tir6 de Vlsis, xxi, 1828, pp. 136-141. 1828. Brehm, C. L. Ueber Columba domestica, livia et Amaliae. <^ OJceii's Isis, Bd. xxi, 1828, pp. 136-141. 1829. [Editoriai..] Notice respecting a Pigeon which continued to live tvro days without Brain and upper jiart of Spinal Marrow. <^ Edinb. New Philos. Joum., vii, 1829, p. 372. Xote on M. Desportcs's communication to Acad. Sci. Paris. 1829. Fleming, [J.] Description of the Passenger Pigeon [Ectopistes migratorius], < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., i, 1829, p. 488. .Vo.4.1 COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY COLUMBIDiE. 799 1829. "J. M." Colniiiba [Ectopi.stcs] mi<,nat<»ii;i (the Wilfl ri<<;coii). <^ London's Mag. iVat. Hist., ii, 1829, pp. 309, ;?70. QuotatioriH from tlio liochestiT, N. T., Genesee County lieyister, Dec, 1828; Susqv^hanna County Register, May, 1829, and JVeiw York Med. und I'hijs. Juurn.^ ii, p. 210. 1832. Axon. Mode, of (l('(;oyinat group.s or divisiims, the other four being represented by the I'avonitlie, Tefraouida;, Struthionid;e, and Cracidic" — in spite of which oi)eniug. the book continueswell. — PI. 1, Vinagoaromatica; 2, V. oxyura; 3, Ptilinopuspiirpurntus; 4, P.mona- chug; 5, P. cyanovirens; C, Carpophaga (Selby, p. 112) magnifica; 7, O. occanica; 8, Columba phasianella; 9, C. spadicea; 10, C. dilopha,- vignette, C. palurnbus; 11, C. cenag; 12, C. livia; 13, var. tremula latecauda; 14, C. cuciillata jacobina; 15, var. gutturoga subrubicunda; 16, 0. turcica; 17, Turtur risorius; 18, T.? lophotes; 19, Ectopistes migratoria; 20, E.l capensis; 21, Phaps (Selby, p. 194) chalcoptera; 22, Ghcemepelia (sic) talpicoti (sic) ; 23, Peristera tympan- istria; 24, P. jaumicensis (ivMimii ruf axilla on pi.); 25, P. inartinica (named cuprea on pi.); 2C, P. larvata; 27, Oeophilus (Selby, p. 214) cyanocephalus ; 28, 6. carunculatus; 29, O. tiico- baricus; 30, Lophyrus coronatus. " Mi.scellaneous observations on the rearing, feeding, and management of domestic pigeons" concludes the volume. 1888-4-. Knip, Madame, and Pu^voST, F. Les Pigeons, | par Madame Kuip, | ude Pauline dc Courcelles, ) le texte par Florent Prevost, | Aide Naturaliste et Chef des Travaux Zoologiqties an Mu.sduui | d'Histoire Naturelle. | — | Tome jime Knip, auteur des dessins, et dditeur, Ruo Rue de Bac, N"^ 17. | de Verneuil, 1 bis. I ~~ I Typographic de Firmin Didot Fr&res, Rue Jacob, 56. [u.d. 1838-184-.] 1 vol. folio. Prel. title, 1 leaf ; title, 1 leaf ; table, 1 leaf (2 pages) ; text, pp. 1-113. Plates, 1-GO, colored. Thi,s is ostensibly Vol. II of thirTemminck-Knip work ; but, appearing many years afterward, with text by another person, it is in effect a different work altogether, though in continua- tion of the same subject, and prepared in the same style. The volume examined in the Libr. Phila. Acad, is bound uniform with Hazard's unique copy of Temminck-Knip ; but unfortu- nately the cover-titles of the livraisons are not preserved, .so that I cannot give the dates. It stands announced for 15 livraisons of 4 plates each, and, according to Eugelmanii, livrs. 1-12 appeared 1838-43. The following is a list of the plates : PI, 1. Columba piiella. 2. leucotis. 3. znem. 4. porphyria. 5. humeralis. C. reimcardtgii. 7. humilis. 8. cyanovirens. 9. rufigaster. 10. sicboldii. 11. gularis. 12. olax. 13. lophotes. 14. pulchella. 15. pino^i. 16. janthina. 17. viridis. 18. denisea. 19. dilophus. 20. dussu- mieri. 21. perlata. 22. boliviana. 23. xanthura. 24. occanica. 25. magnifica. 26. venusta. 27. gelastes. 28. lemomela. 29. radiata. 30. oxyura. 31. modesta. 32. ayniera. 3:i. srripta. 34. rosacea. 35. picturata. 36. ruficeps. 37. capistrata. 38. capellei. 39. picui. 40. luclu- osa. 41. macquarii. 42. superba. 43. laurivora. 44. locutrix. 45. histrionica. 40. mana- densis. 47. forsterii. 48. cruziana. 49. sphenura. 50. leuconota. 51. histrionica. 52. pha- ( M™'' Kuip, auteur des dessins, et dd Second. I — I A Paris, I Chez< t^ n- i t-> ^ * rn^ t i ' ' ' ' ( Bellizard, Duiour et C"^, Lil)raires, 800 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY. [VolY. 1838-4-. Knip, Madame, and Prevost, F.— Continued. iianella. 53. monacha. 54. hyogaster. 55. Colombigallina linearis. 56. Columba muUerii. 57. rivolii (nobis). 58. plumifera. 59. nuna. 60. mayeri. In the text the species are only given under their French vernacular names. But the technical names are graven on the plates, and also given in the table. 1839. Weissenborx, [W.] [Letter relating to a Pigeon destitute of Organs of Vision. < P. Z. S. , vii, 1839, p. 175. 1840. Hunter, J. On a Secretion in the croi> of breeding Pigeons, for the nourish- ment of their young. < Obs. Anim. (Econ., Amer. ed., 1840, pp. 149-151. Orig. ed., 1786. 1844. Cabot, S., Jr. [Note on Columba trudeaui.] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, 1844, p. 183. 1847. McCall. G. a. Description of a supposed new species of Columba [solitaria], inhabiting Mexico, with some account of the habits of the Geococcyx viati- cus, Wagler. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iii, July, 1847, pp. 233-235. 1847. McCall, G. A. Description of a supposed new species of Columba [solitaria] inhabiting Mexico. < Am. Journ. Sci., iv, 1847, p. 421. From Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phila., iii, 1847, p. 233. 1850. [Kirtland, J.P.] WildPigeou— Ectopistesmigratoria. <^ T he Famihj Visitor, i, No. 17, 1850, p. 133. 1,285 netted one day near Circleville, Ohio. 1851. Eaton, J. M. Dedicated to the young and inexperienced fancier | of the Almond Tumbler. | — | A | Treatise | on the art of | Breeding and Managing | the | Almond Tumbler. | — | By John Matthews Eaton | — | [Quotation.] | — | Published for the author, | 7, Islington Green, London. | — | 1851. 1 vol. Bvo. pp. i-vi, 7-49 + 1 p. Followed by Notes on a treatise on the art of breeding and managing the Almond Tumbler. By an old Fancier, pp. i-viii. 1851. Hartlaub, "P." [J. e., G.] Sur une nouvelle espece de Colombo [Zenaida iunotata] de Chili. < Pev. et Mag. de Zool., iii, 1851, p. 74. 1852. Eatox, J. M. Dedicated to the young and inexperienced Fancier | of tame, domesticated, and fancy Pigeons. | — | A | treatise | on the art of | breeding and managing | Tame, Domesticated, a.ud Fancy Pigeons, | carefully compiled from the best authors, with observations, containing | all that is necessary to be known of tame, domesticated, and fancy pigeons. | — | By John Matthews Eaton, I Author of the Almond Tumbler. | — | [Quotation.] | — | Published for, and to be obtained of, the author, | 7 Islington Green, London. | — | 1852. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. i-xxii, 23-88. This is an annotated reprint of John Moore's Columbarium (London, 1735), the fuU title- page of which makes p. ix of the present tract, the preceding pp. being Eaton's preliminary matter. His annotations are in the form of foot-notes throughout the tract, sometimes occu- pying the whole page, as pp. 59, 60, 61. Mooro'.s tract ends at p. 80, and Eaton's concludes the vol. 1852. Eatox, J. M. [Plates accompanying a treatise on Fancy Pigeons, by J. M. Eaton.] 4to and fol. size. Loudon : pul )lishcd Dec. 8, 18.52. 6 plates, colored. Xo title- l)age; plates not numbered. 1, Alinond Tumbler, 4to; 2, Black Mottle, 4to; 3, Bald Head, 4to; 4, Beard, 4to; 5, Carrier, folio, folded. C, Fowter, folio, folded. I suppose these plates belong to Eaton's treatise of same date, q. v., but there is nothing to show this. 1852. WOODHOUSE, S. W. Description of a new species of Ectopistes [marginella]. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vi, 1832, pp. 104, 105. 1854-55. Bonaparte, C. L. Coup d'ceil sur I'ordre des Pigeons. < Compt. Rend, de VAcad. 5ct.,xxxix, 1854, pp. 869-880, 1072-1078, 1102-1112; xl, 1855, pp. 15-24, 96-102, 205-215. 1854. — Phalacrotreron, p. 872; Butreron, Crocopus, p. 873; Osmotreron, p. 874; Lcucotreron, Thouarsitreron, Lamprotreron, p. 876 ; L. apicalis, p. 876; Cyanotreron, Ramphiculus, Jotreron, Kurutreron,Omeotreron,Tp.SlS; O.batilda, p. 878; GJofticera, p. 1072 ; G.tarrali, O.sundcvaUi, iVo.4.1 COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPUY — COLUMBID^. 801 1854-5'). BoxAPAUTK, C. L. — Coiitinm-d. G.rubricera, "Gray", p. 1073; C'arpophaga cha^bura, 0. ochropygia, Ptilncolpa. p. 1074; Pt. carola, Pt. grieseipectus, "Gray", p. 1075: Ducula paulina, "Temm.". D. basilica, "Tcnim.", Memiphaga, !>. 107fi; Myristieivorn grisea. "Gray", p. 1078: Leucomeloena, Trocaza, Turtur- oena, p. 1104; Ulictoenas dilluni, p. 1105; Palumboenas, p. 1107; C'olumba (Ch.lorwna)'albilinea, "Gray", p. 1108; Chlaroenas spilodcra, "Gray", j). 1109; Crossophthalmus reichenbachi, p. 1110; Macropygia doreya, p. 1111; M.carterelia, Turaccena, Jieinwardtcena typica, p. 1112. 1855. — Streptopelia, p. 17; A2)lopelia, p. 18; Ohalcopelia, p. 19; Chamaepelia granatina, O. albivitta, G. trucliila, C. amazilia, p. 21; Talpacotia, p. 22; O hainaejyelia rufipennis, Gray, Gh. godince,\y.22; Golumbula p. 22; Mctriopelia, M. gyinnops, GrAy, p. 23; ilf. inomata, Gray, p. 24; Scardafella, S.inca, Uropelia, p. 24 ; Zcnaidura, Z. marginella, p. 96; Zenaida bimaculata, "Gray", Z. hypoleuca, Gray, Z. ruficauda, Gray, p. 97; Z. pentheria, Z. stenura, \^. 98; LeptoptUa verreauxi, L.dubiisi, p. 99; Geotrygon chrygia, p. 100; G. bourcieri, G. saphirina, p. 101; Oscu- latia, Starnoenas. p. 102: Pampusana, p. 207; Ghalcophaps axtgntta, p. 209; Ghrymuchcena, p. 210; Phapitreron amethystina, p. 214; Globicera microcera, Ducula pistrinaria, p. 215. — Tableau ! p. 212. (Coup tie th6atro ! ! "A moi la cargaison" ! ! !) 1354. Bonaparte, C. L. Couit d'uiil sur les Pigeons. <[ Bei\ et Mag. de Zool. , vi, 1854, pp. 680, 681. R6suin6 fie la coramencenient de la troisifenie partie de son ouvrage pr6.sent6 i I'Acad. de Paris, sfiance du 11 d6c. 1854. 1854. Desportks, E. H. Observatiou cle longevity d'uii i)igec)ii. <1 Ann. den Sci. Nat., 4« sdr., ii, 1854, pp. 249-254. 1855. Greenleaf, P. H. Observations on the Flight of the American Passenger Pigeon [Ectopistcs migratorius], at Madison, Ind., March, 1855. <^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist.,r, 1855, pp. 181, 182. 1856. [BiLLiXGs, E.] On the Pigeon, (Ectopistes Migratoria.) <^ Canad. Nat. and Geo/., i, June, 1856, pp. 168-176. Compilatiou from "Wilson. 1856. Bonaparte, C. L. Additions et Corrections an Conii d'ceil sur I'Ordre de.s Pi- geons, et a la partie correspondantc du Conspectus Avium. <^ Compt. Bend, de VAcad. Sc/., xliii, 18.56, pp. 833-841, 942-949. Thouarsitreron minor, Drepanoptila, p. 834; Ducula concolor, Palumbus excelsus, p. 836; Trocaza bouvryi, \}. 837 ; Golumba evergmanni, p. 838. Voii- 1854-55, memo auteur. 1356. Bonaparte, C. L. Additions et corrections au Coup d'o-il sur I'ordre des Pi- geons et k la partie correspondantc du Conspectus Avium. <[ Rev. et Mag. de Zool., viii, 1856, p. 535, et jip. 538, 539. Void seulement la Xote qui pr6c6de ccs additions, ct la conclusion g6n6r.ale. 1357-58. Bonaparte, C. L. Iconographie | des Pigeons ! non figur<5s ])ar M'"<= Knip (M"" Pauline de Courcelles) | dans les deux volumes de MM. Tcmminck et Florent Pi'cvost | par Charle.s-Lucien Bonaparte | — | Ouvr.age servant d'illus- tration a son | Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons | — | Paris | P. Bertrand, Li- braire-fiditeur | Ruodcl'Arbre-sec, 22 | 1857 [1858]. 1 vol. in-fol. grand jalensis. 8. Crocopus viridifrons. 11. fig. 1, Osmotreron pompadora ; fig. 2, O. malabarica. 12. O. malaharica. 13. O. vernans. 14. Ramphiculus occipitalis. 15. Lampro- treron porphyrea. 16. Trerolcema leclanoheri. 17. Thouarsitreron leucocephala. 18. T. dia- dema. 19. Ptilopus purpuratus. 20. P. flavicoUis. 21. P. swainsoni. 22. fig. 1, P. clementi- nm ; flg. 2. P. mercieri. 23. P. roseicapillus. 24. fig. 1, P. ewingi; fig. 2, P. Clementina:. 25. P.greyi. 26. P. marice. 28. lotreron viridis. 29. fig. 1, Kiirutreron oppa ; fig. 2, K. chryso- gaster. 31. Chryscena luteovireng. 32. Erythrcena madagascariensis. 33 Serresius galeatus. 34. Globicera myristidvora. 35. G. pacifica. 36. G. microcera. 38. G. tarrali. 39. G. riibri- cera. 40. G. sundevalli. 42. C'arpophaga chalybura. 45. G. perspicillata. 51. Ptilocolpa gri- seipectus. 57. Palunilnis torquatus. 58. P. cagiotis. 61. Dendrotreron hodgsoni. 62. Leuco- melcena norfolciensis. 69. Trocaza laurivora. 70. T. bouvryi. 75. Columba rupestris. 102. Turtur isnbellinus. 116. Oseulatia sapphirina. 119. Leptoptila jamaicetisis. 121. Talpacotia rufipennis. 125. fig. 1, Peristera einerca ; fig. 2, P. geoffroyi. 126. P. mondetoura. 133. Ze- naida aurieulata. 134. Z. hypoleuca. 140. IHduneulus strigirostris. The livraisons in which these plates and their accompanying text appeared may be .seen by the table of contents in the work. They were published not in the above order nor in any other; nor did the sheets of text always appear with the plates to which they respectively pertain. The text is very briefly descriptive of the subjects of the beautiful plates. 1857. Brehm, C. L. Die | Naturgesrhiclite nud Znclit | der Taiibeii | oder vollstan- dige Beschreibuug aller enropiiischen wildeii iind zali- | meu Taiibeuarteu iiud ihrer Abauderuugeu, ihrer Wohuorte | uud Sitteu, ihrer Xalirung aud Fort- pflauziiug, ihrer Be- | baudluiig imd Pliege, ihres Nutzeus iiud Scliadeus, ihrer I Feiude uiid Kraukheiteu. | — | FiirTaubenziichter uudOruithologeu ] von | ChristiauLudwig Brehm, | [etc.] | — | Weimar, 1857. | Verlagund Druckvon Beruh. Friedr. Voight. 1 vol. 8vo. 1 p. 1., pp. i-xii, 1-177, -\- 1^ 11. advts. Columbarum cpuspectus sy.stematicus, pp. 7-13. The main part of the work is a complete treatment of each species and variet3- of European and domesticated Pigeon. Many varietal names of Brehm's occur, some doubtless new here ; but it is seldom desirable and never neces- sary to cite his useless synonyms. 1858. [Editorial.] Unu.sual migratiou of Wild Pigeons [Ectopistes migratorius]. < Canad. Xat. and Geol., iii, 1858, j)!). 150, 151. 1866. Wym.vx, J. [ Acconnt of the dissection of a young domestic pigeon. ] <::^ Proc, Boston Soc. Xat. Hist, xi, 1866, pp. 24, 25. 1867. Hill, R. Note on Geotrygon sylvatica, Gosse. -^iProe. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., xix, 1867, pp. 130, 131. Habits ; with suggested relation to Didns. 1867, Newman, E. Notices of New Books. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, pp. 929-943. Keview of Tegetmeier's ' Pigeons, their Structure, Habits and Varieties.' 1867. Tegetmeier, W. B. Pigeons, their Structure, Habits and Varieties. By W. B. Tegetmeier, F. L. S. "With Coloured Illustrations of the Varieties by Har- rison Weir. London. Routledge. 1867. 8vo. Not seen. Cf Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, pp. 929-943. The many domesticated breeds of Columba lioia are very fully treated. 1868. Harris, E. D. The Structure, Flight and Habits of the diiferent varieties of the Domesticated Pigeon. <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., xi, 1868, pj). 355-360. J^o.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY COLUMBID^. 803 1868. SCLATEU, p. L., and Salvin, O. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Dendrocolaptidc'e, Strigid.-B, and Columbidfe. < P. Z. S., xxxvi, 1868, pp. 53-60, pi. V, woodcc. The new Pigeons are described as Leptoptila plumbeiceps and L. cerviniventris, p. 59, and a synopsis of 8 spp. of the genus is given. 1868. Voir, — . Beobachtunsen nach Abtragung der Hemispharen des Grosshima bei Tauben. < Sitzungnb. Akad. Wissensch. Miinchm, ii, 1868, pp. 105-108. Not seen. 1869. VoiT, — . Observations sur I'ablation des hemispheres c^r^brawx des pigeons. < Institut, No. 1828, 12 Jan., 1869; Ann. Sc. Xat., 5« 86r., xi, pp. 90-92. Not seen. 1871. SALVAnoRi, T. Nuove specie di Uccelli dei generi Criniger, Picus ed IToniop- tila Nov. Gen. <^Atti della B. Acad, delle Sdenze di Torino, vi, 1871, pp. 128- 132. , Homoptila decipiens, g. sp. n., p. 131, ex Brasilia,.— Genus novuiu genere Leptoptilce differt tantum remige prima apicem versus minime attenuata. 1872. Anon. AVild Pigeon [Ectopistesmigratorius] roost in Maryland. Note S, pp. 12.5-128. Xote S, api)ended to the discourse, treats of the origin of the domestic Turkey, Meleagris gaEopavo. 1820. Cuvier, G. Description d'une nouvelle espece de dindou de la bale de Honduras. (Meleagris ocellata. Cuv.) <^ Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. S^at., vi, 1820, pp. 1-4, pi. i. La notice do cette espfece se trouve reproduite dans les Ann Gener. Sc. Phys., vii, 1820, pp. 145, 146; Brugnatelli, Giorn. di Fis., iv, Dec. 2, 1821, p. 164. 1326. Bonaparte, C. L. Ueber den wildeu Truthahn [Meleagris americana]. <^ Fro- riep's Xoiizcn, xiii. No. 275, 1826, pp. 165-170. 2J^icht mir selbst zuganglich : Titel aus Carus and Engelmann. — Wahrscheinlich einer Aua- zug aus dessen Amer. Ornith. 1832. Anon. Turkeys [Meleagris gallopavo] eat Cateriiillars which feed on Tobacco; and Hogs eat the poisonous Root of Cassava ( Janii)ha manihot). <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. nisc, v, 1832, pp. 472, 473. 1836. Hildreth, S. P. [Wild Turkeys (Meleagris americana) in the Kanawha Valley, Virginia.] <^Sillim. Am. Journ. Sci., xxix, 1836, p. 85. ffo.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY MELEAGRIDIDA:. 811 1837. Owen, Richard. [Dissection of the head of the Common Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). ] avo, presenting a cavity through which the intestine passed.] <^ Proc. Bo8t, Soc. Nat. Hist., xviii, 1875, p. 454. 1875. " Keystone, F. F. V." Wild turkey [Meleagris americaua] trapping and hunt- ing. <[ Farest and Stream, iv, Mar. 11, 1875, j). 67. 1876. [SXOCKWELL, G. A.] Game of Michigan. Wild Turkey.— Meleagris gallipavo [i. e., americana], Meleagris mexicana. <^ Rod and Gun, ix, Nov. 4, 1876, p. 65. "Writing under the pseudonym "Archek," this person ran a long course of literary im- posture, chiefly on the game birds of America, in the columns of the Chicago Field, the Lon- d(m Field, and doubtless elsewhere, until his gross plagiaries were at length exposed. Xone of his writings that have come under my observation have the slightest claim to be regarded. (See COUES, Chicago Field, Xov. 29, 1879, and "Archer," ibid., Dec. 20, 1879. 1877. Axon. Hou. J. D. Caton's Domesticated Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo americana). <^ Forest and Stream, ix, Oct. 18, 1877, p. 207. 1877. Anon. [Editorial.] Domesticated Wild Turkeys [Meleagris americana]. <:^ Forest and Stream, ix, Dec. 13, 1877, p. 366. 1377. " Bob White." Wild Turkeys [habits of Meleagris americaua]. < Forest and Stream, is, Aug. 30,1877, p. 64. 1877. Caton, J. D. The Wild Turkey [Meleagris americana] and its Domestication. < Am. Xat., xi. No. 6, 1877, pp. 321-330. 1378. "W. H. R." Birds towering [e. g., Wild Turkeys, Meleagris americana]. <^Fore8t and Stream, x, May 2, 1878, p. 235. 1379. CoUES, E. The Origin of the Turkey [Meleagris gallopavo]. <^Forest and Stream, xiii, Jan. 1, 1879, p. 947. Chiefly on the early history of the Domestic Turkey in Europe, the origin of which species ia held to be tiie Mexican bird. The article includes copioas extracts from Bennett's Oard. and Menag. Zool. Soc. London. 814 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. TetraonidaB. 1729. ROBERG, L. Diss, pliys. de Lagopode galliuacea et congeneribus. Praes. L. Roberg, Resp. M. Lithenius, W". Gothus. Upsalise. 1729. 4to. pj). 26. Not seen. 1755. Edwards, G. A Letter to Mr. Peter Colluson, F. R. S. couceraiug tbe Pheasant of Peusylvauia, and the Otis Miuor. <^PhUos. T?*oh8. /or 1754, xlviii, pt. ii, 1755, pp. 499-503, pll. xv, xvi. A fair account and figure of the Ruffed Grouse, subsequently the Tetrao umbellut or Bo- nasa ximbellus of authors. 1774. Barrixgton, D. Observations on tlie Lagopus or Ptarmigan. <^ Pliilos, Trans, for 1773, Ixiii, 1774, pp. 224-230. General structure and relationships, and habits. 1776. MoNTUsr, L. Tviiune arter af Suoriiian [Lagopus]. <^Physiogn. Sdllsk. Randl., i, 1776, pp. 150-155. Ufot seen. 1782. Lapeyrouse,P. DE. Histoire naturelle du LagoiiMe (Tetrao Lagopus). <^Hist. et Mem. de VAcad. de Toulouse, i, 1782, i)p. 111-127. Pas vue moi-meme — le titre tir6 de Carus et Engelmann. 1784? Lapeyeouse,P. DE. Histoire Naturelle du Lagopede. Toulouse. 17S4 ? 4lo. pp. 17. Pas Tue moi-mfeme. — Voir 1782, meme auteur. 1825. Editorial. Winter Change of Colour of the Ptarmigan [Lagopus]. <^Edinb. Philos. Journ., xiii, 1825, i>. 390. Note on Faber's and Bole's opinions. 1827. Bonaparte, C. L. Notice of a nondescript Species of Grouse [Tetrao urophasi- anus], from North America. <] Zoological Journ., in, 1827, pp. 212, 213. 1828. Anox. Notice sur une espece non d^crite de Coq de bruyere, habitant I'Am^r- ique du Nord ; par M. Charl. Luc, Bonaparte. . . . <:^Feru8s. Bull., 2^ sect., siv, 1828, p. 117. Extraite du Zool. Journ., lid, 1827, pp. 212, 213. 1828. NiLSSON, S. Ripors omsning af Klor. < Voienslc.-Akad. Arsb. t Zool., 1323, pp. 104-106. On Lagopus : not seen by me. Ift28. NiLSSON, S. Ripors fjiideromsning. <^ Vetensk.-Akad. Arsb. i Zool., 1328, pp. 106, 107. On Lagopus : not seen by me. 1828. ScouLER, J. Account of the Taenia found in the lutestiues of the Common Grouse (Tetrao [Lagopus] scoticus). <[ Edinh. Xew Philos. Journ., vi, 1328, pp. 81-83. 1829. Douglas, D. Observations on some Species of the Genera Tetrao and Ortys, natives of North America ; with Descriptions of Four new Species of the former, and Two of the latter Genus. <; Trans. Linn. Soc., xvi, ]5t. iii, 1329, pp. 1:^3-149. ("Read" Dec. 16, 18-^8 ; pub. in 1829, though whole vol. dates 1833.) This paper is wrongly given in most bibliographies as dating 1833 — obviously so, for it is reprinted in 1829, and reviewed in Oken's Isis and in Ferussac's Bull, in 1830. Tetrao iirophasianus Bp.. Zool. Jotirn,, iii, 1827, p. 212, fully described, p. 133. T. tirophas- iancllus, p. 136; T. sabini, p. 137; T. franklinii. p. 139; T. richardsonii, Sab. MS., p. 141. Ortyx p-kta, p. 143 ; O. doiiglassii, Vig. MS., p. 145. There are given full accoimts of the habits of some of these species; \vith field-notes on various other X. A. Tetraonidce. Abstracts in Philos. Mag., v, 1829, pp. 73, 74 ; Ediiib. Xcw Philos. Journ., 1830, pp. 372-376; Feruss. Bull., xx, 1830, pp. 326-331; Okens Isis. xxxiii, 1830, pp. 917-920. i^V4.l COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — TETRAONID^. 815 1829. Douglas, D. Observations ou some species of the Geuera Tetrao auil Ortyx, natives of North America, v/ith descriptions of four [lately] new species of the former, and two of the latter genns. <^ Pkilos. May., v, 1829, pp. 73, 74. i'l-om Trans. Linn. Soc, xvi, yt. iii, 1829, pp. 133-149, q. v. 1830. BONAPAUTK, 0. L. Ueher eineu neneu Tetrao [urophasianus] aus Nordamerica. < Okeu'd Jsi8, Bd. xxiii, 18:50, p. IIGO. Aus (1. Zool. Journ., iii, 1827, pp. 212,213. 1830. BoxAPARTK, C. L. General Observations on the Birds of the Genus Tetrao ; with a Synopsis of the species hitherto known. <^ Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc, 2d ser., iii, 1830, pp. 38:5-394. 3 geuu. Bonasia, 2 spp. ; Tetrao, 8 .spp. ; Lagopiis, 3 spp. 1830. Douglas, D. Uebcr einige nordamericanische Gattungen vou Tetrao u. Ortyx. < Oken's Lsin, Bd. xxiii, 1830, pp. 917-920. l.'uberset/.t aii.s <1. Linn. Trans., xvi, pt. iii, 1829, pp. 133-149, q. v. 18.30. [Douglas, D.] Ob.servations snr quelques especes des genres Tetrao et Ortyx, de FAmdriqne septentrionale. <^ Fenis.^. Bull., 2^ sect., xx, 1830, pp. S2G-.331. Pr6cis, par Lesson, de raiticlo in8er6 dans les Trans. Linn. Soc, xvi, pte. iii, 1829, pp. 133- 149, q. V. Les descriptions des esp6ces nouvelles se trouvent reproduites ici. 1830. [Douglas, D.] Account of several Now Species of Grouse (Tetrao) from North America. <^ Edinh. Netv Philos. Journ. ,\iu, 1830, pp. 372-37G. Anonymous article. See Douglas, D., 1829 and 1830. 1833. Anon. Rip-Jagt. [Lagopns.] <:^Tidsk. f.Jiigare ocJi Naturf.,ATg.u, 18?,S, -pp. G41-G;j7, lig. Not seen. 1834. Gronland, C. Nagra ord om Fjell-Ripan [Lagopus]. <^Tidsk.f.J(ig.oehNa- tnrf., Arg. iii, 1834, pp. 850, 851. Not seen — title from Carus and Engelmann. 1836. Arago, — . 0»iservations snr la temperature des animaux par de trfes grands froids. < Ann. des Sci. Xat. , 2« s6r. , v, 1836, pp. 375, 37G. Gelinotte uoir d'Am6riquc, Lagop6de des Saules. . 1836. Audubon, J. J. Naturgeschichte des Cupido-Huhns (The Pinnated Groue, Te- trao Cupido. L. ) < Arch.f. Naturg. , ii, 1836, (1), pp. 164-175. Aus desseu Omith. Biog., ii, p. 490, seq. 183G. KocH, T. Beobachtuugen ilber das Cupido-Huhu Tetrao Cupido L. (Prairie- Henn, Ruster.) < Arch.f. Naturg., ii, 1836, (1), pp. 159-163. Ich weiss niclit was es heissen soil, dass der Verf. ,,IIenn, Ruster " sagt. Soil es veilleicht ,, Hen, Roo.ster. " 1837. Skaife, J. Domestication of Grouse [Lagopus britannicus]. <^CharIesiv. Mag. Xat. Hist., i, 1837, Y). 608. 1839. Charlton, E. On Tetrao Rakelhahn. < Eep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1838, vii, 18:59 {Misc. Conun.), p. 107. Considered as a hybrid between T. urogallus and T. tetriz. 1839. Charlton, [E.] [Tetrao Rakkelhau Temm. n'est qu'nn hy bride entre le La- gopiide Ptarmigan 9 et le Coq de bruyere. ] «C Bevue Zoologique, ii, 1839, p. 154. 1846. Cabot, S., Jr. [Measitrements of some of the internal organs of Tetrao cupido.] < Froc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, 1846, p. 120. 1848. Bladon, J. Extremely lai'ge Red Grouse (Lagopus Scoticus). <^ Zoologist, yI, 1848, p. 2023. 1848. Webster, T. Another extremely large Red Grouse (Lagopus Scoticus). <^Zo- ologist, vi, 1848, p. 206G. 1850. Jones, J. M. Food of the Red Grouse (Tetrao [Lagopus] Scoticus). <^ Zoolo- gist, viii, 1850, i». 2652. 1854. Caire, i'Ji. 24. Failure of attempt to introduce them into England. 1874. Barber, L. A Grouse [Bonasa umbellus] Hiding in Water. < J?h. S2}ortsnuin, iv, 1874, p. 203. 1874. Batty, J. H. The Dusky Grouse (Tetrao Obscurus). < Am. Sportsman, iii, 1874, p. 342. 2fo.A.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY TETRAONID^. 819 1874. Batty, J. II. IIow the Kulfed Grouse [Bonasa umbellus] drume. <[ Am. Sportsman, iii, 1874, p. 379. See also p. .122, aud iv, jip. 7, 38. Eeply to Mr. liiilgway's article on the same subject, p. 322. Maintains that the drumminjc noise is made by striking together the exterior surfaces of the wtngs above the back. 1874. Batty, J. H. Has the Rufled Gronse [Bonasa umbellus] Ceased to Fear the Presence of Man? <^ Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 38. Reply to "Wm. Brewster concerning timidity of Bonasa urnbellut ; and maintaining the the- ory advocated ibid., iii, p. 322. 1874. Batty, J. H. The White-tailed ptarmigan — Lagopus leucurus. <^ Forest and Stream, i, Jan. 29, 1874, p. 390. 1874. Brewer, T. M. [Description of the Egg of Lagopus leucurus.] <^ Forest and Stream, ii, Mar. 2G, 1874, p. 103. 1874. Brewer, T. M. Note on the Nesting and Eggs of Lagopus leucurus. <[ Froc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xvi, 1874, pp. 348, 349. MS. from T. M. Trippe; locality near Idaho Springs, Colorado; date June 28, 1873; altitude 1,000 feet above timber-line. 1874. Brewster, W. The RuflFed Grouse [Bonasa umbellus] again. < Am. SiJorts- man, iv, 1874, p. 74. See also p. 7. Keply to Mr. Batty {ibid., p. 38) in further explanation of dnimming of Bonasa umbellug. 1874. Brewster, AV. The Drumming of the Rufled Grouse [Bonasa umbellus]. <] Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 7. Confirming observations recorded ibid., iii, p. 322, and controverting theory expressed ibid., iii, p. 379. The present writer maintains that the drumming is produced by forcible downward stroke of the wings. 1874. "E. M. M." Drumming of the Rufled Grouse [Bonasa umbellus]. < J«i. Sportsvian, iv, 1874, ji. 28. ■ 1874. "Corporal." The Rufled Grouse [Bonasa umbellus]. <^Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 108. 1874. Ferguson, N. Introduction of Pinnated Grouse [Cupidoniaciipido]. A Theory.' <^Am. Sportsman, iii, 1874, p. 245. See also p. 182. Suggestions as to introducing it into the Eastern States. 1874. H[arvey], M. The Ptarmigan [Lagopus spp.] of Newfoundland. <^ Forest and Stream, ii, Aug. 6, 1874, p. 404. General account of Lagopus albus and L. rupestris. 1874. "Hi! On!" The Sharp-tailed Grouse [Pedioecetes phasianellus]. <^Am. Sjwrts- wan, iii, 1874, p. 231. See also pp. 267 and 315. 1874. H[olberton], "W. C. Pinnated grouse [Cupidonia cupido] for New Jersey. <^ Forest and Stream, ii, Apr. 9, 1874, p. 131. Account of former abundance of tiiis Grouse in New Jersey. 1874. "K." Mountain Grouse [Canace obscurus]. <^m. (SportoJiflw, v, Oct. 24, 1874, p. 49. 1874. M[cElwraith, At]. Pinnated Grouse— [Cupidonia] Cupido. <^Am. Sjm-ts- man, iv, 1874, p. 83. 1874, " R. H. B." Habits of the Pinnated Grouse [Cupidonia cupido]. < Am. Spiorts- man, iii, 1874, p. 346. See also p. 182. 1874. RiDGWAY', R. Why and How does the Rufi'ed Grouse [Bonasa umbellus] drum. < Am. Sportsman, iii, 1874, p. 322. This article gave rise to an animated discussion, each part of which will be found cata- logued under its own title, printed on p. 379 of Vol. iii, and pp. 3, 7, 28, 38, 74, and 108 of Vol. iv. 1874. RiDGWAY, R. A remarkable peculiarity [.slight muscularity of the gizzard] of Centrocercus Urophasi.^nus. <^ Am. Nat., viii,1874, -p. 240. 1874. [Smith, Greene.] Pinnated Grouse (Prairie Hens [Cupidonia ciqiido]). < Forest and Stream, ii, July 2, 1874, p. 324. Experience with this species in confinement. 820 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUETET. [Yol.X. 1>74. "Vkteran." The sage cock [Ceutrocercusuropliasianus]. <^ Forest and Stream, ii, Mar. 12, 1874, p. 6C. 1874. '•Vkteran." The l)liie grouse [Cauace obscurus]. <^ Forest and Stream, ii, May 21,1874, p. 230. Circumstantial observations upon habits. Iir71. [Wr.sTCOTT, C. S.] Do piimated grouse [Cupidouia cuj)ido] remain in "packs" all the sea-son ? <[ Forest and Stream,, iii, Oct. 1, 1874, p. 116. Affirnied. 1875. Axon. Pinnated grouse [Cupidoniacupido] in England. lot of Pinnated ( rionsfi shippod from Kansas to Now Zealand. 1879. "Dingo." Pinnated Grouse [Cupidonia eupido] for New Zealand. <^Forest and Stream, xii, Feb. i:i, 1H79, p. :?1. Notice of .1 shipment of 28 birds of this species fortCew 2realand. 1879. DUTTOX, J. W. Drumming of tho Canada Grouse [Canace canadensis]. idonia cupido]. <^ Forent and Stream, xi, .Jan. •»., 1H79, p. 440. Editorial remarks replying to statement of a correspondent that "prairie chickens" are found in Nevada, pointing out the fact that evidence of the occurrence of Cupidonia cupido 80 far west is still wanting. 1879. [Grinxell, G. B.] Grouse [Cupidonia cupido] For New Zealand. <^ Forest and Stream, xii, Mar. U, 1879, p. 119. 1879. [Grinxell, G.B.] Drumming of the Spruce Partridge [Canace canadensis]. <| Forest and Stream, xiii, Sept. 11, 1879, p. 625. 1879. Hardy, M. Notes on the Habits of the Ritffed Grouse [Bonasa umbellus]. <^ The Temperance TerfeWc (newspaper of Terrell, Texas), Dec. 6, 1879. Quoted from The Oologist. 1879. R[iCH], J. G. Drummingoftlio Canada Grouse [Canace canadensis]. <^Fore8t and Stream, siii, Oct. 2, 1879, p. 684. 1879. [Samuels, E. A.] Canada Grouse, Tetrao canadensis. Linnicu.s. <^ Town and Country (monthly ncwsp., Boston, Mass.), i. No. 10, Oct., 1879, p. 1, fig. A short notice, with a figure from the author's 'Birds of ITew England', after Audubon. 1879. "fuAXSiT" [Richards, — ,] and "IxcOG." [Grixxell, M.] The Flesh of the Sago Grouse [Centrocercus urophasianus]. <^Forest and Stream, xii. Mar. 6, 1879, p. 85. Difiorent opinion.s as to the gastronomic quality of this bird's flesh. 1879. W[ebster]. .T. W. Destruction of Rntfed Grouse [Bonasa umbellus] in Con- necticut. <^ Forest and Stream, xiii, Oct. 2, 1879, p. 684. Destruction of the young of this species by the larvae of Ol/ersia americana, Le;u;h. 1879. Wright, M.M. How the Ruflfed Grouse [Bonasa umbellus] Drums. < Joitu and Country, the Peoples Monthly Journal (Boston), i. No. 3, Mar., 1879. The wings beat the air, but neither the body of the bird, nor the log, nor each other. As may be seen from many of tlie foregoing titles, there was for a time considerable dis- cussion in the sporting papers and elsewhere, respecting the mechanics and acoustics tti this remarkable operation ; and the same subject has often been taken up in general works which have occasion to treat of the Ruffed Grouse. Opinions have been advanced : 1) That the out- sidos of the wings strike each other over the bird's back; 2) that the iusidesof the wings strike the bird's body ; 3) that the wings strike the log or other hard object on which the bird stands ; 4) that the wings boat the air with such rapidity as to produce the vibrations in which the "drumming" sound consists. It would appear to be impossible that the peculiar sound should be produced in any other than one of these four ways ; and the balance of evi- dence is in favor of the last named, as held by the present writer and others. 824 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. \Tol.y. Perdicidae. 1830. Vigors, N. A. [Observations on the Genus Ortyx, with characters of two New Species— O. neoxenus, O. affinis, p. 3. ] <^P.Z.S.,i, 1830, pp. 2-4. 1831. "J. C." Notice of an Attempt to naturalise the Virginia Partridge [Ortyx virginiana] in England. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist, iv, 1831, pp. 16-18, lig. 8. 1831. [Editorial]. [Abstract of Mr. Vigor's remarks on a Gallinaceous group (Ortyginse) of America which supplies in that continent the place of the Quails of the Old World.] < Philos. Mag., ix, 1831, pp. 54, 55. From P. Z. S., Xov. 4, 1830, pp. 2-4. 1832. Llave, p. be la. Sobre tres especies nuevas del g6nero Tetrao [Ortyginse]. <^ Begistro Trimestre (Mexico), i, uvim. 2, Abril de 1832, pp. 141-145. The genus Tetrao is here equivalent to three modern genera of Ortyginai or Odontopho- riiicf. Kone of the species here described as new is really so. Tetrao marmoratH, p. 144, is Dendrortyx inacroura (Jard. and Selby); T. cristata, p. 144, is Callipepela squamata (Vig.); and T. guttata, p. 145, is Cyrtonyx massena (Less.) There is a French translation in R. M. Z., xiii, 1861, pp. 425-429. 1833. D[enson], J. The Virginian Partridge [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., vi, 1833, p. 1.53. On its introduction in England. 1834. Vigors, [N. A.] Ueber die Wachteln [Ortyginse] der ueuen Welt. <^0ken'8 Isis, Bd. xxvii, 1834, p. 806. Auszug aus Pliilos. Mag., Bd. ix, 1831, pp. 54, 55. 1836. Gould, J. [Characters of a New Species of Ortyx (ocellatus) from Mexico.] < P. Z. S., iv, 1836, pp. 75, 76. 1837. Gould, J. [On a New Species of Ortyx (plumifera) from the collection of the late Mr. David Douglas. ] < P. Z. i. , v, 1837, p. 42. 1839. Gould, J. [Ortyx plumifera n. sp. aus Califomien. ] <^ OA-ew's Xsfs, Bd. xxxii, 1839, p. 145. Aus P. Z. S., V, Apr. 11, 1837, p. 42. 1841. CONTRAiXE, F. Observations sur le Conin sonnini ... <[ Bull. Acad. Bruxelles, 2*= ser., viii, 1841, pp. 113-116. Pas vues moi-meiue. > 1842. Gould, J. [On various New Species of Ortyx.] < P. Z. S. , x, 1842, pp. 181-184, O. nigrogidaris, p. 181 ; O. pectoralis, O. castanea, p. 182 ; O. stellata, p. 183. 1843. Cabot, S., Jr. [On a species of Ortyx (nigrogularis) discovered by him in Yucatan. ] < Proc. Post. Soc. Nat. Hist. , i, 1843, p. 151. Cf. Stephens^ Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, i, App., p. 474. 1843. Gould, J. [Descriptions of Ortyx parvicristatus and O. marmoratus, sj)p. nn.] < P. Z. S., xi, 1843, pp. 106, 107. 1843. Gould, J. Descriptions of four New Species of Ortyx. <^ P. Z. .?. , xi, 1843, pp. 132-134. Ortyx leucophrys, p. 132; O. fasciatus, O. leucotis, p. 133; O. strophiuni, p. 134. 1843. Gould, J. [New Species of Ortyx.] <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xii, 1843, pp. 284-286. From P. Z. S., Dec. 13, 1842. 1843. [R6DACTEUR.] [Extrait d'un article sur la Caille des £tats-Unis, Perdix bore- alis Temm. (Ortyx virginiana), public dans les M6mou-e8 de la Soc. d'Agric. de I'Aube, 1842. ] < Bemie Zoologique, vi, 1843, pp. 223, 224. 1844. Denny, H. , Ortyx virginiana in Norfolk. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xiii, 1844, pp. 405, 406. No. i.] COUES'S OKNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — PERDICID^. 825 1845. GouLU, J. A Mouograpli of the Sub-family OdoutDpUorina!, or Partridges of • America. <^ Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adn, Sd.for 1844, 1845 (Miso. Comm.), pp. 61, 62. Here only a notice of the monograph, iucliuUu^ an abstract of sonic points given respecting the birds thomsolvcs. 1847. Abekt, .J. W. [Ou the Habits of Ortyx (Callipepla) squamata, Vigors, as ob- served in New Mexico.] <^ Proc. Acad. Xaf. Sci. I'hila., iii, 1847, i)p. 221, 222. 1848. Gambol, W. Description of a new Mexican Quail [Ortyx thoracicus]. <^ Proc. Acad. Kat. Sci. Phila.,iv, 1848, p. 77. 1849. Gambkl, W. Description of a [lately] new Mexican Quail [Ortyx thoracicus]. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., iii, 1849, pp. 1317, :J18. From Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv, 1848, p. 77. 1850. Gould, .7. A Monograph | of | The Odontophorlnte, | or | Partridges of America. I By John Gould, F. R. S., | [etc., etc.] | London: | printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet street. | Published by the author, 20, Broad street, Golden Square. I 1850. 1vol. folio, pp. 23 of introd., rest not paged ; pll. col'd 32. 7 gonn., 35 spxj., 32 of which are figured. PI. I, Ortyx virginianus ; II, O. cubanensis ; III, O. castaneus ; XV, O.nigrogularis ; V, O. pectorali.s ; W, O. cnyolcos ; VII, Cj/rto»i»/a; (u. g., p. 14) massena; VIII, O. ocellatiis ; IX, Eupsyclwrtiix (n. g.,p. 1")) cristatus; X, E.leucotis ; XI, £. sonninii; (E. afflnis not fig.); XII, E. parvicristatiis ; XIII, E. leucopogon ; XIT, Philortyx (n. y^.,y.ll) fasciatus ; XV, OaUipepla picta ; XVI. G. calif ornica ; XVII, G.gambeli; XVIII. 0. elegayi.i; (G. douglassi not fig.) : XIX, G. aquamata ; XX, Dendrortyx (n. g., j). 20) viierurus; XXI, Z). leucophrys; XXII, D. barbatus ("Licht. Mus. B."); XXIlI, Odontophorus guia- nenais ; (0. mar morrefMs not fig.) ; XXIV, O. pachyrhynchus ; XXV, O.spcciosus; XXVI, O. dentatus; XXVII, O.stellatus; XXVIII, O.guttatus; XXIX, O.balliviani; XXX, O.colum- bianus ; XXXI, O. strophium ; XXXII, O.lineolatus. 1850. JoNE.s, J. M. Note on the Californian Quail [Lophortyx californica]. <] Zoolo- gist, viii, 1850, p. 2852. 1850. Reeves, W. W. Occurrence of the Virginian Colin (Coturnix MarylancUca [Ortyx A'irgiuiaua]) near Tunbridge Wells. <| Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2700. 1850. REEVES, W. W. Occurrence of the Virginian Colin (Perdix Marylandica [Ortyx virginiana]) near Tunbridge Wells. <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2771. 1853. Lawukxce, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Genera Ortyx [texauus, p. 1] Stephens, Sterna Linn., and Icteria Vieillot. <^Ann. Lye. Xat. ■ Hist. X. Y. , vi, 1853, pp. 1-4. 1854. Prevost, F. Note sur racclimatatiou du Colin hou'i [Ortyx virginiana] de I'AmMque du Nord. < Bull. Soc. Acclim. , i, 1854, pp. 247-251. Avec une liste des Colins, Perdrix et T6tras susceptibles d'etre acclimates comme gibiers. 1854. Saulnier, — . Sur le Colin de Califoruio [Lophortyx californica] et sa repro- duction, extrait d'une lettre address<5e a M. le President de la Soci6t6 zoolog- ique d'acclimatation. <^ Bull. Soc. Acclim., i, 1854, pp. 303-305, fig. 1855. Coeffieu, — . Le Colin houi [Ortyx virginiana] vulgairement nommd Perdrix d'Amdrique, Extrait d'une lettre addressiSe h M. le comte d'Fpr^mesnil. < Bull. Soc. Acclim., ii, 1855, pp. 14.3-146. 1856. Gould, J. Description of a New Trogon and a New Odoi'^ojjho" i [vera- guensis, p. 107]. oc. .4 «7(»(.,2<^ s6r., iii, 1866, pp. .599- 602. 1866. BussiERE de Nercy, — . Beinerknng iiber das Feldhuhn [Lophortyx califor- nica] A'ou Californien nud seine Acclimatisation in Frankreich. <^Zool. Gart., vii,1866,pp. 110, 111. 1866. COUES, E. Field Notes on Lophortyx gaml)eli. < Ibis, 2d ser. , ii, 1866, pp. 46-55. A considerable biography of the species, from original ob.servations in Arizona. 1866. [Freyberg, — v.] [Ueber die Acclimatisation des kalifornischen Rebhuhns (Lophortyx californica). ] <^ Zool. Gart. , vii, 1866, pp. 269, 270. Vergl. torn, cit., pp. 110, 111. 1868. Stephenson, .1. W. Virginian Colin [Ortyx virginiana] at St. Mary's Cray, Kent. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1838, p. 1059. 1869. Fowler, A. The Virginia Partridge [Habits of Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Am, Nat. , iii, 1869, pp. 535-539. No.4.\ COUES'S ORNITIT. BIBLIOGRAPHY PIRDICID^. 827 1801). Geoffkoy Saint-Hilaikk, A. Note aur Ics Hiicces obtcnu.s i)ar MM. Louis Coij^et et Ldon llcniu'ciut dans la multiplicatiou ilea Coliiia do Califoruii! [Lophortyx californica] en libcrtc. <^ Bull. .SW. Jccitm./-}" »6r., vi, 1869, pp. 1869. Geoffroy Saint-Hilairk, A. [Sur I'^islosion des Colius; rdpouse b. M. De- sidiamps,] < Bull. Soc. Acvlm.,2'' sdr., vi, 1869, pp. 707, 708. 1609. [Thorpe, T. B.] Bob White [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Harper's New Monthly Mag., xxxix, Sept., 1869, pp. 50.'>-.512, figs. 1-6. All iiccoiint of this siiecies and its conKcntirH. 1870. Wilson, S. M. [Escapt'd] Califoinian Quail [Lophortyx californica] in Sus- sex. < Zoolofjint, 2d ser. , v, 1870, i)p. 2:58:5, 2:584. 1871. Freybkrg, Karon v. Ziichtung der iiordaiucrikaniHcher Banmwachteln [Ortyx virgiiiiana]. < Xool. Gart., xii, 1871, pp. 90, 91. 1872. Whitaker, .J., .Jr. [Escaped] Virginian Colin [Ortyx virginiana] in Notting- liauisbire. < Zoohf/ist, 2d ser. , vii, 1872, p. 2994. 1873. "Amateur." rartridgc vs. Quail. A Reply to Snap Shot. . 160. Comparison of the European Perdix with American Ortyx. 1873. " E. E. E." The California Partridge [Lophortyx californica]. < Am. Sports- 7nan,i\, 187.3, p. 83. Proposed acclimation of this species iu the Eastern IJ. S. 1874. Allen, J. M. Quail [Ortyx virginiana] eating pine-cone seeds. <^Am. Sjwrts- maii, iv, 1874, p. 171. 1874. Anon. [Editorial.] A name for the Quail [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Am. Sports- man, iii. 1H74, p. 24H. Urges adoption of "bob-white" as a distinctive name of this species. 1874. Anon. [Editorial.] Quail [Ortyx virginiana] Bred and Breeding in the city. <; Forest and Stream, ii, June 18, 1874, p. 292. 1874. Anon. The California quail [Lophortyx californica]. < Forest and Stream, iii, Aug. 27, 1874, p. 37. 828 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1874. Anox. Quail [Ortyx virginiaua] food [and manner of feeding]. <^ Forest and Stream, iii, Oct. 22, 1874, p. 164. 1874. COUES, [E.] Compliments of Mr. & Mrs. Robert White. < Avi. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 65. Accompanying portraits of male and female Ortyx virginiana. 1874. "E." Do quail [Ortyx virginiana] eat chinch bugs? <^Forest ajid Stream, ii, Apr. 30, 1874, p. 180. 1874. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott.] "Do quail [Ortyx virginiana] voluntarily retain their scent." < Forest and Stream, i, Jan. 29, 1874, p. 390. The negatire maintained. 1874. " Pioneer." The scent question. < Forest and Stream, ii, Aug. 6, 1874, p. 405. "With respect to Lophortyx californica. 1874. "Scotia." Migration of Bob White [Ortyx virginiana]. <^Am. Sportsman, u\, 1874, p. 290. 1874. Treeton, J. [Escaped] Virginian Quail [Ortyx virginiana] in Northampton- shire. <; Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 3835. 1874. "T. S. D." Albino Bob White [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Am. Sportsman, in, 187 4, p. 283. 1874. Wanmaker, E. S. Do quail [Ortyx virginiana] withhold their scent ? <^For- est and Stream, ii, Apr. 30, 1874, p. 180. See p. 276. Believes tliat a quiet, sitting bird would be readily overlooked by the dog ; but that it could not voluntarily retain its scent. Much correspondence between gunners precedes and fol- lows for several months, little of which has any permanent value, or brings out any new facts upon the subject. 1875. Anon. [Feeding habits of Ortyx virginiana]. <^Rod and Gun, vi, July 3, 1875, p. 215 ; Aug. 7, p. 281. Reprint. See also pp. 330, 370. 1875. Anon. Fertile Albinos [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Forest and Stream, iv, Mar. 11, 1875, p. 69. Eeprinted from St. Louis "Republican", Mar. 3, 1875. 1875. Barnes, J. B. The Perdicidse [of America]. <^ Forest and Stream, iii, Jan. 21, 1875, p. 372, 1875. EsTEY, T. H. White California quail [Lophor+.yx califoi'uica]. <^Fon'stand Stream, iv, Feb. 11, 1875, p. 5. 1875. Everts, M. G. An Open Letter [concerning the Migratory Quail (Coturnix communis) of Europe, and the feasibility of its introduction into the United States]. <^ Am. Sjiortsman, v, Jan. 23, 1875, p. 264. 1875. Goldsmith, M. The migrating quail [Coturnix communis]. <^Eod and Gun, vi, May 1, 1875, p. 65. Habits, etc., in Europe; with reference to its introduction into America. 1875, H[oLBERTON], W.- C. Quail [Ortyx virginiana, in winter]. <^ Forest and Stream, iv, Feb. 18, 1875, p. 24. 1875. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott.] A new variety of quail [Ortyx hoopesii sp. u.]. <[ Forest and Stream, v, Nov. 25, 1875, p. 243. Editorial note appended, stating it to be abnormal plumage of Ortyx virginiana. 1875. "J. K. 0." California Quail [Lophortyx californica, can jirobably bo intro- duced into Eastern States]. <; Bod and Gun, vi, June 19, 1875, p. 187. 1875. "Protector." How to raise quail [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Forest and Stream, iii, Jan. 7, 1878, j). 345, 4 cuts. 1875. "Recapper." [T.O.Abbott.] Protect the American Quail [Ortyx virgini- ana]. < Am. Sportsman, v. Mar. 13, 1875, p. 378. See also p. 346. 1875. "T. C. A." Protect the American Quail [Ortyx virginiana]. <^ Am. Sports- 7nan, v, Feb. 20, 1875, p. 346. See also p. 378. No.i.\ COUES'S ORXITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY PERDICID^. 829 1875. •' Waiikonza." Dearth of (^iiail [Ort.yx virgiuitiua]. <^JHi. ^'ijwrtumau, v, Mar. 20, 187.''), p. 391. 187(3. "Alpha." The Quail [Ortyx virginiaua] Question. <^ Eod and Gun, viii, Ai>r. -20, 1876, 1). 67. Scent concealed by crouc-bing bird. 1876. Anon. Migratory Quail [importation of Cotumix communis into the United States]. <] Forest and Stream, vi, Mar. 30, 1876, p. 115. 1876. Anon. The Migration of the quail [Cotumix communis, at Malta]. <^Eodand liun, viii, July 8, 1876, p. 231. Quoted from London "Times." 1376. Anon. [Hallock, C] [Success in] Taming quail [Ortyx virginiaua]. <^For- est and Stream, vii, Oct. 5, 1876, p. 137. 1876. . Quail [Ortyx virginiaua], etc. <^ Rod and Gun, viii, Apr. 15, 1876, p. 34. Several letters upon the question of thoir withholding scent. 1876. "Arkansas." Quail [Ortyx virginiana, migratory or not ?] '^ Rod and Gun, vii, Feb. 12, 1876, p. 307. 1876. Brewster, W. Can quail [Ortyx virginiana] withhold their scent? <^Rod and Gun, vii, Feb. 26, 1876, p. 344. Considers this power possessed by certain individual birds — not necessarily by all of cer- tain bevies. 1376. " C. F. W. B." Do Quail [Ortyx virginiana, withhold scent ?], etc. < Rod and Gun, viii. May 13, 1876, p. 99. Views of German sportsmen. 1376. "Corduroy", and Others. Can Quail [Ortyx virginiana] Withhold Their Scent? oimty Gazette". 1877. Anox. Migration.s of Quails [Ortyxvirgiuiuua]. <^Thc Country, i,X)iic. lb, 1877, p. 91. Letter contlcu.scd froiii "Scientific- American "concerning inability of tliis siiecie.s to tly tlio Missi.ssippi river near Natchez. 1877. Anox. Migratory Quails [Cotuniix coumuiiiiis] for Vermout. <^Fore>it and Stream, viii, .June 28, 1877, p. 1^41. Account from lliitland ( Vt.) " Herald' of arrival of Quail from Sicily, to be acclimatised by the Hon. M. G. Everts; and remarks on breeding native Quail iu thi.s country from the Na.shvillo (Tenn.) "KuralSun." 1877. . Quail [Cotuniix communis] at Sea. <^Forent and Stream, ix,Nov. '^^i, l.-^77, p. 3()t;. 8(',c pp. :W7, Mb. Letters conceming their occurrence on Atlantic Coast. 1877. . Thosfi Migratory quail [Coturnix communis]. . 9115. 1864. Harting, J. E. The little Ringed Plover [^gialitis curonica] at Kingsbury, Middlesex. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 9283-9285. 1864. Norman, G. Eggs of the Thickknee Plover [CEdicnemus crepitans]. <^ Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 9114. 1864. Schwaitzer, F. Charadrius [Eudromias] morinellus in der Provinz Posen. <^./. 0.,xii, 1864, p. 314. 1865. SCHLEGEL, H. Cursores. <^Mus. Nat. Hist. Pays-Bas, 17" livr., Mars 1865, pp. 1-80. The "Cursores" of this author consist of four very distinct families, the Otididce, Glareo- lidce, Charadriidce, and Hcematopodidce. Of Otididce are described 18 spp., all referred to the single genus Otis. Of Glareola are treated 5 spp., and of Oursorius 7 spp. Strepsilas with 3 spp. and Hcematopus with 6 spp. The greater part of the memoir is of course devoted to the charadrian group, of which are described 7 spp. of CEdicnemus, 21 of Charadrius, 4 of Morinellus, 3 of Pluvialis, 13 of Tan- nellus, and 9 of Lohivanellus. The whole group is represented by a total of 750 specimens in the Leyden Museum. 1866. Brehm, a. E. Zur Naturgeschichte des weisschwanzigen Kiebitzes, (Chaetusia [sic] leucura). J.f. 0., xiv, 1866, pp. 386-388. 1866. Monk, T. J. Little Ringed Plover [.^gialitis curonica] near Lewes. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 229. 1866. Rood, E. H. Occurrence of the Stone Curlew or Great Plover [CEdicnemus crepitans] at the Land's End. <[ Zoologist, 2d ser., i, 1866, pp. 34, 35. 1866. Shorto, J., Jr. Stone Curlew [CEdicnemus crepitans] near Dorchester. < Zoologist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 389. 1867. Herklotz, O. Oedicnemus crepitans. <^ Verli. (AM.) k.-Jc. zool.-bot. Ges. Wieu, xvii, 1867, pp. 619-622. Lebensweise. 1867. Shorto, J., Jr. Golden and Green Plovers (see Zool. S. S. 690). < Zooldgist, 2d ser.,ii, 1867, p. 759. 1867. Stubbs, C. E. Lapwings [Vanellus cristatus] at Henley-on-Thames. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 829. 1868. Blake-Knox, H. Thickkueed Plover [CEdicnemus crepitans] in the County of Dublin. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1134. 1868. RODD, E. H. Occurrence of the Common Dotterel [Eudromias morinellus] at the Lizard. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1423. 1869. CORDEAUX, J. On the Variation in Colour of the Axillary Plume of the Golden Plover [Charadrius pluvialis]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pj). 1601, 1602. 1869. Harting, J. E. [Exhibition of a skin of Anarhynchus frontalis.] < P. Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, p. 360. 1869. Harting, J. E. On rare or little-known Limicolse. [Parti.] <^Ihis, 2d ser., V, 1869, pp. 304-310, fig., and pi. viii. This, the first instalment of a series of articles with above caption, without subhead, treats monographically of Anarhynchus frontalis. 838 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolV. 1869-73. Harting, J. E. On rare or liitle-known Limioolse. [Parts I-V.] <^Ibis, 2d ser., v, 1869, pp. 304-310, fig. and pi. viii, 42G-434, figg. and pi. xii; 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp. 201-213, pll. v, vi, 378-392 ; 3d ser. , iii, 1873, pp. 260-269, pll. viii, ix. An importaut series of papers, very full, and making many rectifications of synonymy and other criticisms. They are divisible into parts, each one of which will be found entered in this Bibliography under head of the family to which the birds treated in the successive instalments respectively belong. — 1869, pp. 30-4-310, treats of Anarhynchus frontalis (pi. 8); 1869, pp. 426-434, oi EurynorhynchvbS pygmceus (\>\. 12); 1870, pp. 201-213, oi Ewdromias asiat- icus (pi. 5), E. vcredus (pi. 6); 1870, pp. 378-392, of ^gialitis geoffroyi, J!. mongolicuK ; 1873, pp. 260-269, JUgialitis varius (pi. 8), JE. sanctce helence, n. sp., p. 266 (pi. 9) -^pecuariiis ox St. Helend auct. Thus all five papers, excepting the second, treat of Charadriidae. 1869. Hartlaub, G. On Anarhynchus [frontalis]. < P. Z. -S^. , xxxvii, 1869, pp. 433- 436. History and characters of the genus ; synonymy and description of the species. 1869. HORNK, C. [On the habits of Lob ivanellus goensis.] <:^ Ibis, 2d ser., v, 1869, pp. 454-456. 1869. Jardixe, W. [Note on the bill of Anarhynchns frontalis.] <^Ibis, 2d ser., v, 1869, pp. 461, 462. 1869. Mathew, M. a. Dotterel [Eiidromias morinellus] near Weston. <^ Zoologist, 2dser.,iv, 1869,p. 1802. 1870. GuRXEY, J. H., Jr. Gray Plover [Squatarola helvetica] at Blakeney. <^Zoolo- {/ht, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2384. 1870. MosLEY, O. Golden Plover [Charadrius pluvialis] on the Dove. <[ Zoologist, 2dser.,v, 1870,p. 1981. 1870. Newton, A. [Exhibition of a Chick of Anarhynchns frontalis.] (s, 2d sen, vi, 1870, pp. 378-392. The fourth instalment of the series, continued from torn, cit, p. 213. It treats of .^gialitis geoffroyi and JE. mongolwa. 1870. SwiNHOE, R. On the Plovers of the Genus ^gialites found in China. <^ P. Z. ^., xxxviii, 1870, pp. 136-142, pi. xii. 8 spp. ^. hartingi, p. 136, pi. xii ; ^. dealbatus, p. 138, spp. nn. 1871. Harvie-Brown, J. A. Ringed Plover [^gialitis hiaticula] breeding Inland. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2851. 1871. Chalk, W. J. Large Flock of Golden Plover [Charadrius pluvialis] at Bedford. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2806. 1871. Edwardes, L. Ringed Plover [.lEgialitis hiaticula] breeding at a distance from the Coast. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2770. 1871. GuRXEY, J. H., Jr. Dotterel [Charadrius moiinellus] at Dungeness. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2851. 1871. Harting, J. E. Ringed Plover [^Egialitis hiaticula] breeding at a distance from the Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , vi, 1871 , p. 2807. 1871, MiTFORD, R. Ring Dotterel breeding Inland. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2851. 1871. Power, F. D. Dotterels [Eudromias morinellus] in Somersetshire. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2441. 1871. Ogden, J. A. Synopsis of the Genus Chettusia (Lobivauellu.s), with a Descrip- tion of a New Species. <^ Proe. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., 1871, pp. 194-196, pi. i. A short, imperfect sketch, including 16 species, one being O. nivifrons, sp. n., from Fazo- glou, p. 196. See especially Finsch, op. cit., 1872, p. 32. Xo.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — CHARAURITDyE. 83? 1871. KoDD, E. H. K(^nti.sli Plover [JEgialitis cantiana] near Ponzancc. <^Zoologi8i^ •2dscr., vi, 1871, p. 2806. 1872. Angus, W. C. Ringed Plover [^gialitisliiaticula] breeding at a distance from the Coast. < Zoologist, "id sor. , vii, 1872, pp. 2905, 2906. 1872. FiNSCH, O. On Charadrius asiatiens and Ch. damarensiH. <^Ibi«, 3d ser., ii, 1872, pp. 144-147. Syuonyuiiitic und critical. Tlie deteruiinationa moire sur la place que doit occuper daiis le sys- tfeme ornithologique le genre Cliionis on Bec-en-fonrreau. edly nearest to the ancestral type," and is therefore named Chionarchus minor. Other observations on Chionis minor, by Dr. Kidder, are found ibid., p. 7 ; and in op. cit, No. 2, 1875, pp. 1 ; but these are not separate articles. I am under the impression that one or more special papers on Chionis appeared after 1876 ; but if so, I have not indexed the periodicals in which they are contained. 2fo.L] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGEAPHY H^MATOPODLD^. 843 Hsematopodiflae. 1T73. . Be8chreil)nngde8Au8tern8ammler8[H8eniatopu8 08tralegti8]. ■^BeV' lin. Savimlgn., v, 177:5, pp. 517-519. Nicht mil- solbst zugauglich : Titel aus Cams und Engelmann. 1783. Otto, B. C. Der Steindreher [Tringa (Strepsilas) interpre8]. <^ Ahhandl. Nw- turf. Gesell. Halle, i, 1783, pp. 111-1"20. Nicht mil' solbst zugauglich : Titel aus Carus und Engelmacn. 1826. [BoiE, r.] On tbo Plumage of the Oyster Catclier [Haematopus 08tralegufl]. <^ Thomaon^s Ann. Philos., new ser. , xi, 1826, pp. 71, 72. Editorial note of Boie's observations. 1833. Evans, J. A puzzling Specimen of the Oy8ter-catcher (Hsematopus OBtralegus L. ). < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist, vi, 1833, pp. 152, 153. From Hereford Journal, Dec. 5, 1832. 1834. G[OATLEY], T. The Account of the Oyster Catcher [Hsematopufl ostralegus]. <^Loudon'8 Mag. Xal. Hist., vii, 1834, pp. 151, 152. Cf. op. cit, vi, p. 151. 1846. Chennell, F. A. Occurrence of the Oyster-Catcher [Hasmatopus ostralegus] inland. <] Zoologist, iv, 1846, i). 1212. 1646. Hall, T. Longevity of the Oyster Catcher [Haematopus ostralegus, set. 30]. < Zoologist, iv, 1846, p. 1501. 1848. Cabot, S., Jr. [Comparison of the American and Eui-opean Oyster-catcher (Ha3matopus). ] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. , iii. 1848, pp. 43, 44. The former was named H. palliatus by Temminck, Man. Om., ii, p. 532. 1(548. Cabot. S., Jr. American and European Oyster-catcher. <^ Am. Journ, Sci., vi, 1848, p. 433. Fi-om Proc. Bost. Soc., iii, 1848, pp. 43, 44. 1849. CuRTLER, M. Occurrence of the Oyster-catcher (Haematopus ostralegus) in Worcestershire. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 24JS5. 1850. Garth, J. C. Tiu-nstone [Strepsilas interpres] associating with Pigeons. <^ Zo- ologist, viii, 1850, p. 2652. 1858. Jager, C. [Haematopus ostralegus am Main. ] <[ Naumannia, viii, 1858, p. 169. 1863. Saxby, H. L. Green Variety of the Oystercatcher's [Haematopus ostralegus] Egg. < Zoologist, xsi, 1863, p. 8725. 1864. Newman, H. W. Is the Turnstone [Strepsilas interpres] near Flamborough and Filey in July ? < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 9362, 9363. 1867. Clark-Kenxedy, A. Plumage of the Oystercatcher [Haematopus ostralegus]. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , ii, 1867, pp. 607, 608. 1868. Harvie-Brown, J. A. Plumage of the Oystercatcher [Hasmatopus ostralegus], < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868. p. 1178. 1879. "MowiTcri." Black Oyster Catcher [Haematopus niger]. < Forest and Stream, xiii, No. 14, Nov. 6, 1879, p. 785. Ita occurrence in Britiah Columbia. 844 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. iScolopacidae. 1765. Str5m, H. Beskrivelse voor en Norsk Strand sneppe, kaldet Fiore-pist [Tringa sp.]. <^Kong. Norske Vidensk.-Selsk. Skrift, iii, 1765, pp. 440-445. Not seen. 1767. Strom, H. [Beschreibuug einer nordisclieu Strandschnepfe, Fiore-pist genannt (Triuga sp.).] <^ Drontheim. Ges. Schrift., iii, 1767, pj). 395-400. Kot seen. Transl. from Kong. Norske Tidensk.-Selsk. Skrift.,ui, 1765, pp. 440-445. 1794. Markwick, W. Additional Remarks ou the Wood Sandpiper, Tringa [Totanns] glareola. <^ Trans. Linn. Soc, ii, 1794, j). 325. The original remarks are in a paper '■ On the migr.ations of certain Birds," etc.. in Trans. Linn. Soc, 1791, pp. 118-130, pi. xi. The species is. here considered as a variety of T. ochroptis (written ocropus). See same view in Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist, v, 1832, pp. 81, 82. 1794. [Markwick, W. ] Ueber Linnes branngetieckten Strandlaufern, (Tringa [To- tanns] Glareola.) <^ Meyer's Zool. Annalen, i, 1794, pj). 331-383, pi. vi. Anszug aus Trans. Linn. Soc, 1791, p. 128, pi. xi. 1805. Vaughax, J., and Milligax, R. Facts and Observations relative to the North- American Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <^Barton's Med. and Phys. Journ., part i, vol. ii, 1805, pp. 68-70. The behavior of the bird during the mating season. 1816. Thunberg, C. p. Platalaea pygmfea, vidare beskrifven, med fignr. <^ Kongl. Vetensk.-Acad. Handl., 1816, pp. 194-198, pi. vi. 1818. Rafinesque, C. S. General Acconut of the Discoveries made in the Zoology of the Western St.ites. < Amer. Monthly Mag., iv, 1818, pp. 106, 107. Page 106, Symphemia, g. n., n.amed, no descr. It is described, and its type named S. atlan- tica, sp. n., in Journ. de Phys., Ixxxviii, 1819, p. 418. 1823. Kaup, [J. J.] Brehm's Schnepfe, Scolopax Brehmii Kaup [sp. n.]. <^ Oken's Jsis, Jahrg. vii, 1823, p. 1147. 1823. MORRisox, — . The Woodcock [Scolopax rnsticola]. <^Edinb. PMlos. Journ., x, 1823, pp. 198, 199. On the migration of this species. 1824. Straus, — . Memoire sur le Scolopax Brehmii ; par M. Kanp. . . . <^ F^russ. Bull.,2^ sect., i, 1824, p. 183. Extrait de VIsis, Bd. vii, 1823, p. 1147. 1825. [Morrison, — .] Sur la B^casse [Scolopax rusticola]. <^Feruss. Bull., 2" sect., vi, 1825, pp. 98, 99. Extrait de VLdinb. Philos. Journ., x, 1823, pp. 198, 199; siu? les migrations de cet oisean. 1825. Vigors, N. A. A description of a new Species of Scolopax [sabini] lately dis- covered in the British Islands ; . . . <^ Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xiv, pt. iii, 1825, pp. 556-562, x>l. xxi. Tlie paper is of more extended scope, and the fall title will be fonnd in the Fourth (British) Instalment of this Bibliography. The new Snipe is figured on the plate. 1825. Vigors, N. A. [Scolo]iax sabini.] <^ Philos. Mag., Ixv, 1825, pp. 433-437. Tliis is only a cattli-title, which I cannot verify at present printing. I had the full title, bnt it is lost or mislaid. Ste preceding title. 1826. Less[on, R. p.]. Description d'line nouvelle espfece de Scolopax [sabini], d^converte rdcemment dans les lies brittaniques, . . . <^Feruss. Bull., 2^ sect., vii, 1826, pp. 250, 251. Vigors, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xiv, pt. ui, 1825, pp. 556-562. 1828. [Editorial.] [Note on Yarrell's Description of a Species of Tringa (Tryngites rufesceus) new to Europe.] <^ Philos. Mag., iv, 1828, p. 61. See Trans. Linn. Soc, xvi, pt. iii, pub. 1829, pp. 109-113, pi. xi. No.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY SCOLOPACID^. 845 1828. Gkaba, C. T. Triiiy;u longiro.stru [ii. sp. ]. < Oken^s Isin, B(L xxi, 1828, pp. 107, 108. 1828. [Gkaba, C. T.] Xouvelle cspcce du genre Tringa [longirostra] ; . . . ^jFtf- rass. Bull, 2« sect., xv, 1828, p. 393. Extraite do l'/«w, Bd. xxi, 1828, pp. 107, 108. 1829. "A. C. R." Scolopax Sabiiii. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 207. Of. op. cit, viii, 1835, p. 014. 1829. Bkke, W. T. Breeding of Woodcocks [Scoloiiaxrusticola] in England. <^Lou- dun's Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, pp. 86, 87. lucludiug uotioes from the Coventry Mercury, Juno 1, 1828, the Aberdeen Ohronicle, and the Belfast Chronicle. 1829. Hill, W. H. The sound or call of some kind of Bird [Gallinago ?]. <^Loudon'8 Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 100. 1829. IIUNTEU, P. Scolopax Sabiui. < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hint., ii, 1829, pp. 288, 289. Refers "A. O.K." {torn, cit, p. 207) to a figure in Bewick, p. 410, last edition. 1829. "H. V. D." Descriptive and Historical Notices of British Snipes. <^Loudon'8 Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, pp. 143-148, figg. 32-39. 4 spp. carefully discriminated. The modest author concludes his article thus: "It is by such communications as the above, that in my opinion your Magazine may be rendered most valuable."— Cf. op. cit., iii, 1830, pp. 27-30, figg. 2-4. 1829. "J. F." The Bird [Gallinago] with a Sound like the Bleating of a Goat. <[ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 207. 1829. "J. G. C." The Bird [Gallinago] with the Sound like the Bleating of a Goat. < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 207. 1829. "J. M." [Call and Answer of certain species of Scolopacidaj. ] <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., i, 1829, p. 297, figg. 157, 158. 1829. " J. V. S." The Sound of a Bird [Gallinago] resembling the Bleating of a Goat. < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 208. ^ 1829. Vigors, N. A. Beschreibung einer ueuen Gattung Scolopax [sabiui] der brit- tischeu Inseln, . . . <^ Ofew's isis, Bd. xxii, 1829, pp. 1107-1109. Aus d. Trans. Linn. Soc, xiv, pt. iii, 1825, pp. 556-562, pi. xxi. 1829. Yaruell, W. Description of a Species of Tringa [Tryngites rufescens], killed in Cambridgeshire, new to Englaud and France. <^ Trans. Linn. Soc, xvi, pt. iii, 1829, pp. 109-113, pi. xi. (Pt. iii pub. 1829; whole vol. dated 1833.) "With a list of 13 late additions to British ornithology. See 1828, Editorial. 1829. " Your Constant Reader." The Solitary Snipe [Gallinago major]. <^Lou- don's Mag. Xat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 302. Mutilated note of the length of its bill. 1830. Bree, W. T. Distiuctionof Sex in the Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola]. <^ Lou- don's Mag. Xat. Hist., iii, 1830, p. 147. 1830. Harvey, J. A. A Snipe of a novel Colour ... < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., iii, 1830, pp. 436, 437. 1830. Hayward, J. The Snipe's Beak. < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., iii, 1830, pp. 449, 450. 1880. ''S. T. P." Supplement to the " Descriptive and Historical Notice of British Snipes," in the Seventh Number of the Magazine of Natural History. (A'^ol. II. p. 143.) In a Letter to the Conductor. <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., iii, 1830, pp. 27-30, figg. 2-4. Macrorhamphus griseus and Oallinago sabinii. Cf. op. cit, h, 1829, pp. 143-148, figg. 32-39. 1830. [Yarrell, W.] Beschreibung A'ou Tringa [Tryngites] riifesceus, in England vorgekommen, von W. Yarrell (Linn, transact. XVI. 1. 109. tb. II). < Ok-en's Isis, Bd. xxiii, 1830, pp. 910-912. 846 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1831. [Bree, W. T.] Caractere servant a distiuguer les deux sexes de la b^casse ordi- naire. (Scolopax rusticola); par W. F. Bree. <^Ferms. BuU., 2" sect., -s.-s.iY, 1831, p. 3G8. Extrait du Magaz. of Nat. Hist., iii, mars 1830, p. 147. 1831. "A Subscriber." The Snipe's Beak. < Loudon s Mag. Nat. Hist, iv, 1831, p. 383. Its use. 1631. Gray, J. E. [On Rhynchaea capensis and R. pitta, sp. u.] , pp. 1>2(;, lji7. 18;{5. GuiLDiXG, L. Tlui Woodcock [Hcolopax rusticola] occasionally breeds iu Brit- ain. <^ Luudon'n May. Xat. Hint., viii, 1835, p. 012. 183'). GuiLDiNG, L. The Sc61oi>ax Sablui (II. 207 [iu reply to the query there].) <^ Loudon's Maij. Xat. Hist., viii, 1835, p. ()14. 1835. Mackenzie, F. Ueber das Briiten von Scolopax rusticola. <[ Okeu'ii Im, Bd. xxviii, 1835, p. 432. P. Z. H., 1832, pp. i;i:), i:{4 ; Fhilos. Mag., 18:i3, i)p. «8, G9. 1835. I'alliseu, F. [Early? Time of the Year lor the Occurreuce of a Nest of Young Woodcocks (Scok»pax rusticola) iu Britain. ] <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., \ii\, 1835, p. (512. 1835. "T. G." A Pair of a Species of Bird, presumed to be Sabine's Snipe, (Scdlopax Sabini Vigors), shot iu Lancashire. <^ Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., viii, 1835, pp. ()13, 614. 1836. Anon. The Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola]. <^Loudon'a Mag. Xat. Hist., is., 1836, pp. 543, 544. 1836. Hodgson, B. H. [On the Scolopacidie of Nipibl.] < F. Z. S., iv, 1836, pp. 7, 8. GaUinaf/o heterura, O. solitaria, O. nemoricola, p. 8, spp. nn. 1836. Hodgson, B. H. [On the Scolopacidie of Niptll.] <^Loml. and Edinh. Philos. JoiiriK, ix, 1836, pp. 143, 144. From r. Z. S., Jan. 12, 183G, pp. 7, 8, q. v. 1836. Sal.-mon, J. D. The Purre's (Tringa Ciuclus) Breeding at Martin Mere, Lan- cashire. < London's Mag. Xat. Hist. , ix, 1836, pp. 326, 327. Cf. op. cit, vii, 1834, p. 599. 1836. Williamson, W. C. Nests of the Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola] in England. <^ London's Mag. Xat. Hist. , ix, 1836, p. 543. 1836. Yarrell, W. [Occurrence of Macrorhamphus griseus near Carlisle, England.] er [Totanus fuscus] in Cornwall. <^ Zoologist, i, 1843, pp. 363, 364. 1843. Selby, [P. J.] Note on the occurrence of Woodcocks [Scolopax rusticola] at Twizell House, in .July, 1842. < Zoologist, i, 1843, p. 80. From AuDual Address of tlxe Fresidcnt of the BerwicksMre Nat. Club, Sept. 28, 1842. No. 4.1 COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY— SCOLOPACID^. 849 1«44. Austin, T. On the habits of the Godwit[Limo8a sp.]. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , xiv, 1844, pp. 382, 383. 1844. Bond, F. Note on rare Waders [Triuga snbarquata and Totanus glottis] oeciuTiiig at Kingsbury Reservoir. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 767. 1844. Heppknstall, J. Note on a Woodcock [Scolopax rnsticohi]. <^ZoologiHt,\i, 1844, p. ()H7. 1844. HusSEY, A. Note on the Food of the Sniiie tribe [Scolopacidaj]. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 576. 1844. Thompson, W. [Note on the breeding of the Woodcock (Scolopax rnsticola) in Ireland.] <^llep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1843, xiii, 1844, (Misc. C'onini.), p. 71. 1844. Thompson, W. Ueber das Briiten von Scolo^iax rnsticola in Irland. <^0ken'8 Ms, nd. xxxvii, 1844, p. 730. Ann. Nat. Hist., Bd. ii, No. xi, 1839, pp. 337-348. 1845. Cabot, S., Jr. [Occnrrence of Scolopax noveboracensis (Macrorhamphns grisons) in Massachusetts.] <^ Proc. Boat. Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, 1845, p. 46. 1845. CooPKR, J. On the Noise made by the Snipe [Gallinago]. <^ Zoologist, in, 1845, pp. 1192, 1193. 1845. EvERSMANN, E. Nachricht neber eine noch unbeschriebene Sumpfschnepfe (Scolopax [hyemalis]) ans dem Altai Gebirges. <[ Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, xviii, pt. i, 1845, pp. 257-262, pi. vi. 1845. Frere.H. F. Flight of the Woodcock [Scolopax rnsticola]. 2. Hakvie-Bkowx, J. A. The Siuidpippr [Tiiiigoiih-H liypoh'ucii.s] :i Diver. . 82:i7. 1862. HoLLis, W. Suipes' Nests iu Oxfordshim < Zoo?of/i^<, xx, 1862, i>. H1G9. 1862. HoKSKALL, W. C. Occurreuw; of the Greul Snipe [Galliii:iji<) iiiajoi] near Mal- haui, in Yorkshire. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8196. 1862. .Iackkl, a. J. Einijj;e IJoiuerknnjfen zu deni Anfsatze : ,,Auch eiu Wort iiber (las Meckern tier Bekassine von B. Borggreve" in diesem Jouruale, Jahrg. lH(iO, S. m ff. < ././. 0.,x, 1862, pp. 212-22:{. 1862. Lkven, K. W. The Sau(lpii»er [Tringoides hypoleueus] a Diver. <^Zoologist, XX, 1862, p. 82:?7. 1862. Mawson, G. Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola] breeding near Keswick, Cumber- land < Zoologist, XX, 1862, p. 8196. 1862. RoDD, E. H. [Occurrence of Gallinago sabinii in full plumage in Cornwall.] < P. Z. S., XXX, 1862, p. i:{. 1862. RoDi), E. H. Examination of a Specimen of Sabine's Snipe [Gallinago sabinii]. < Zoologist, XX, 1862, pp. 7882, 788:{. 1862. RODIJ, E. H. Re examination of Sa))ine's Snipe [Gallinago sabinii]. <^Zoolo- gist, XX, 1862, p. 7938. 1862. RODD, E. H. Correction of an Error [ Zool. , p. 7882, respecting Scolopax sabinii]. < Zoologist, XX, 1862, p. 7938. 1862. Saxby, II. L. Unusual Situation of a Sandpiper's [Tringoides bypoleucus] Nest. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8169. 1862. Saxby. H. L. Occurrence of the Curlew Sandpiper [Tringa subarquata] at Rochester. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8237. 1862. ViAX, J. Notice sur (pielques jeunos Oiseaux d'Europe. < Rev. et Mag. de Zool., xiv, 1862, pp. 369-371, pi. 15, f. 1. Limosa cinerea. 1862. Wagneh, C. [Fang der Kanipfhiihne (Machetes pugnax).] <^Zool. Gart.,in, 1862, pp. 173, 174. 1863. Blakk-Kxox, H. On the Diving of the Sandpiper [Tringoides hypoleucus]. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, pp. 8632, 863:'.. 1863, Blake-Knox, H. The Saudpiptu- [Tringoides hypoleucus] Diving. <^ Zoolo- gist, xxi, 1863, pp. 8493, 8494. 1863. BoULTOX, W. W. Jack Snipe [Gallinago galhnula] shot on the River Hull. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8770. 1863. BouLTOX, W. W. Rutf (Machetes pugnax ^ ) shot near Beverley. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8827. 1863. BoULTOX, W. W. Occurrence of the Green Sandpiper [Totanus ochropus] near Beverley. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8771. 1863. Gkill, J. W. Macht der Strandpfeiffer, Totanus hypoleucus Lin., immer eine „ Runde' ' f <^J.f.O., xi, 1863, pp. 159, 160. 1863. IIadfield, H. American Snipe [called Scolopax americanus; cpi. Gallinago wilsoni ?]. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, pp. 8446, 8447. 1863. Hadfield, H. The Sandpipii- [Tringoides hypoleucus] a Diver. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8447. 1863. IIadfield, H. Common Snipe (Scolopax gallinago [Gallinago media]). <^ Zo- ologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8494. 1863. Hadfield, H. The Sandpiper [Tringoides hjijoleucus] a Diver. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1833, pp. 8524-8526. 1863. Hartixg, J. E. The Curlew Sandpiper [Tringa subarquata] near Yarmouth. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, pp. 8827, 8828. BnlL V, 4 L>2 858 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUKVEY. [Yol.Y. Id63. Harvie-Bkowx, J. A. Sandpiper [Tiiugoides liypoleucus] Diviug. <^ZooIo- f/is/,xxi,1863,p.8770. 1863. HORSFALL, W. C. Occurrence of the Solitary Snipe [Gallinago major] near Leeds. < Zoologht, xx, 1863, p. 8330. 1863. Levex, E. H. The Sandpiper [Tringoides hypoleucus] a Diver. <[ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8691. 1863. Newton, A. On the Breeding of the Green Sandpiper (Helodromas ochropua). < P. Z. aS., xxxi, 1863, pp. 529-532. On trees, in Thrushes' nests, etc. 1863. KoDD, E. H. Occurrence of Temniinck's Stint [Tringa temmincki] at Scilly. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863. p. 8827. 1863. EoiiD, E. H. The Spotted Kedshank (Totanus fuscus) in Cornwall. < Zoolo- gist, xxi, 1863, p. 8827. 1863. Rogers, H. Reeves [Machetes pugnax $ ] in the Isle of Wight. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8827. 1863. Saxby, H. L. Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) in Shetland. <^ Zoologist, ^xi, 1863, p. 8494. 1863. Saxby, H. L. Five Eggs in the Nest of a Common Snipe [Gallinago media]. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8691. 1863. Saxby, H. L. Redshank [Totanus calidils] breeding in Shetland. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 872.5. 1863. Stevexsox, H. Blacktailed Godwit (Limosa melaniira) at Yarmouth. <^Zo- olojist, xxi, 1863, p. 8330. 1863. SwiXHOE, R. [Exhibition of a rare AVader, Pseudoscolopax semipalmatus. ] < P. Z. «., xxxi, 1863, p. 181. 1864. Armistead, J. J. Occurrence of the Little Stint [Tringa minuta] near Leeds. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9289. 1864. BouLTOX; W. W. Solitary Snipe [Gallinago major] near Beverley. <^Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 8890, 8891. 1864. BouLTOX', W. W. Ruif and Reeve [Machetes pugnax hook. <] Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9793. 1865. LuNEL, G. Note sur le Becasseau platyrhynqxie, Triuga platyrhyncha, et de- scription d'un caractere nouveau observe chez cet Oiseau. <[ Bull. iSoc. Ornith. Suisse, i, 1865, pp. 31-37, pi. i. Not seen. — The new character is nudity of the chin. 1865. Mathew, M. A. Abundance of Jack Snipe [Gallinago galliuula] during the ])ast Winter. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9564. 1865. Mathew, M. A. Snipe [Gallinago media, in England] in the middle of July. < Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9733. 1865. SLvTHEW, M. A. Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola, in England] in .July. <^ Zo- ologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9733. 1865. Mathew, M. A. Tlie Ruff [Machetes pugnax (^ ] on the Northam Burrows, North Devon. <^ Zuologinl, xxiii, 1865, p. 9848. 1865. Power, W. H. Curlew Sandpiper [Triuga subarquata] at Kingsbury Reser- voir. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9848. 1665. Power, W. H. Temmiuck'a Stint [Triuga temmincki] near Rainham, Kent, <[ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9848. 18G5. PuYou, M. R. Solitary Snipe [Gallinago major] near Thetford. < Zoologist^ xxiii, 1865, p. 9564. 860 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Tol. V. 1865. RODD, E. H. Cm-low Trinjja [suhiuqnata] ; Cliaiige of Plumait of tin- Woodcock [Scolojiax nisticola]. <^ZoolnyiHt,'ld ser., ii, lH(j7, p. (i:};'). P^'oni the Liiiiilon ' FielrHauiy Reservoir. <^Zoolofii»t,'M aer.,ii,lH()7, 1.. H'^!>. 1^67. Clakk-Kknxkdy, A. Greenshank [Totanus j^lottis] and Wood Siiiiiliii;iiT [To- tauiis j^liireola] near Al(l«J>nrgh. <^ Zoologixt, 2d ser. , ii, 18(57, \*. 950. 18r)7. Ci.akk-Kkxnkdy, A. Curlew .San(li»iper [Trin^^a sulianpiata] near AIdel(Ui;;li. Sutl'olk. <; Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 18(57, p. Df)!). 1867. Ci.AKK-Kr.NXKDY, A. Pif^niy Curlew [Trinj^a suijaniuataj at Aldel>urf;li. 7. 8vo. pp. lol. Nicht mil- selbst 7.iif:iiii';lich.— Vergl. J. /. O., IstiT, jip. nu-112; Zool. Uart., 1867, pp. 445- 448: Ibis, 1868, ]>]). lo'l, lit). Soil .sebr vollstiiiidif: iind iibiTuus jjewisauuhaft gescbriebeu seiii. — Eiitbalt yleiclil'ivU.'i Hciuerkuuf^eu iiber Philohela minor. 18(37. Jackkl, [A. J.] Die Waldscbnepfe [Scolopax rusticola]. Eiu mouograpli- ischer Beitrag zur .Jagdzoologie vou Dr. Julius Iloflniauu. ... <^ Zool. Gart., viii, 18(17, pp. 44.5-448. Ueberaicht. 1867. Jesse, W. Green Sandpiper [Totanus oclirr)])us] near Ingatestone, Essex. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 91,5. 1867. PowKK, F. D. Extraordinary Flock of Wood Sandpipers [Totanus glareola] at Rainliani, Kent. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 991. 1867. PowKH. W. H. Redshank [Totanus calidris] in Breeding Plumage in Janu- ary. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, ]>. 708. 1867. PowKK, W. H. Early ap])earance of Jack Snipe [Gallinago gallinula, in Kent]. MAN], G. A. Perching of Wilson's Suipe [Galliuago wilsoni]. ^Am. iVa<., iii, 1869, p. 222. Confirms W. A. Pope's observations on this habit of the bird, Am. Xat., ii, 1868, p. 329. 1869. Castle, W. W. [Perching] Habits of Snipes [Galliuago wilsoui aud Philohcla minor]. < Am. Xat., ii, 1869, p. 663. 1869. GuNN, T. E. Purijle Sandpiper [Triuga maritima] iu Suifolk. <^Zoologixt,2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1722. 1869. GuNN, T. E. Solitary Snipe [Galliuago major] uear Norwich. <:^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1722. 1869, GuNN, T. E. Green Sandpiper [Totanus ochropus] on the Norfolk Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1866. 1869. GUNN, T. E. Greenshauk [Totanus glottis] uear Yarmouth. <^ Zoologist. 2d ser.,iv, 1869,p. 1921. yo.i.i COUES'S ORXITII. mULIOGKArilY SCOLOPACIDiE. 863 l'jG9. GuK.VKY, J. H., Jj{. Correction of an error: Parasite of Saljinc's .Snipe [Galli- naj^o salnuii]. <^ Zoolotjisf, 'M ser., iv, 18G9, pj). 15(j"2, l.%3. 1869. GuKNKY, .F. H., Jk. Blavktailed Godwit [Liiuosa luelaunra] at Hickliug. < ZoologiHl, 2(1 ser., iv, 18(59, p. 180'i. 1869. IIaut, W., and Son. Sabine's Suipe [Galliuago sabinii] (f) at Christelinreh. < Zoolofjint, tid ser., iv, 18(39, \>. 1722. 1869. Hautinu, J. K. On rare or little-known Liniieola-. [I'art II.] <^ /few, 2d ser., V, 18(59, pp. 42r)-4:5-l, fijig. and pi. xii. C'outiiiiicd IVoiii torn, cit., ji. 310. 'I'liis secoud instuliiiuiit of the scries of articles treats iiiiinojji'iipliieall.v "1' Euryiiorhynchus pyginoeiis. I'art s I, Iir, IV, V, tri-at of varioim species of Charadriidlio;;rapiiy, wlierir tlicy arc all duly eiilcred. But in citinj; the whole series collcct- vfly, as coiiHistin-i of live jcijicrM, (hit in}{ 1809-73 (sec anted, p. 8.'J8), I have overlooked a sixth liapcr, ou Itecitrciruntra, 1874 (.see jdo«<««, p. 87.5^. Please make th(- necessary correction, iu ink, in your copy of this IJiblio^'aphy. loi)9. UuKAUDS, M. S. C. Purple Sandpiper [Tringa niaritinia] at Weston-snper- Mare. < ZooloijiHl, 2d ser. , iv, lH(i9, p. 1645. 1869. Koi)i>, K. II. American Stint [Tringa juinntilla] at Northani Burrows. <^ Zo- olotjixt, 2, p. 1(54.5. • 1869. ScLATEU, p. L., aud Sal\'in, O. Descriptions of Six New Species of American Birds of the Families Tanagridie, Uendrocolaptidiu, Formicariida", Tyrau- nidie, and Scolopacidie. <^ 1\ Z. S., xxxvii, 18;)9, pp. 416-420. The new Suipe is Gallinago impcrialix, p, 419. 1869. Tkmi'LER, R. B. A Bullcolonred Woodcock [Scolopax nisticola]. <^ Zoolorjist, 2d .ser., iv, 1869, p. 1602. 1869. [TiiORPK, T. B.] The Woodcock [Philobela minor]. <^ Harper's Xew Moifthly M(t(j.,xxxix, 1869, pp. 640-647, tigs. 1-4. Niitural history aud methods of capture. 1869. Ward, E. [Exhibition of a specimen of a melanotic variety of the Commou Woodco(-k (Scolopax rnsticola).] <^ P. Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, p. 473. 1«70. AX( tx. Weight of Snipe. < ZooJoijht, 2d ser. , v, 1870, p. 20(59. From the London ' Tiold,' Jan. 22, 1870. 1870. Blake-Knox, H. Esquimaux Curlew [Numenins l>orealis] in Dublin Market. < Zoolodist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2408, 2409. 1870. Blakk-Kxox, H. Ruff [Machetes puguax iper8 [Tetanus glareola] and Greenslianks [Totanus glottis] iu Norfolk. < Zoohgial, 2d ser. , v, 1370, p. 2384. 1870. Gi'xx, T. E. Solitary Snipe [Gallinago major] iu Norfolk. < Zoologist, 2d sor., v, 1870, p. 2384. 864 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.v. 1870. GUKNEY, J. H., Jr. Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola] ami Godwit [Limosa ]. < Zoolo(jhi, "id S(ir., v, 1870, p. 2;}45. 1870. Harting, J. E. [Exhibition of a specimen 'of Totauus fiwcus.] < P. Z. 6'., xxxviii, 1870, p. 221. 1870. Harting, J. E. [Occurrence of Triuga bairdii, Coues, at Walviscb Bay, S. Africa, Oct. 24, 1863. ] < Ihl>i, 2d ser., vi, 1870, jjp. 151, \:>2. 1870. HoRNE, C. Jack Snipe [Galliuago galliuula] in a Norwood Garden. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2141. 1870. '"J. W. D."' Sabine's Snipe [Galliuago sabinii]. poHcd to prevent the increase of Soriddae. 1871. Fuller, O. The Stilt Sandpiper [Micrdpiilainii himautopu.s] in MassachuHetts. < Am. Nat., v, 1H71, p. 727. 1871. GuXN, T. E. Solitary Snipes [Giillinajfo major] in Norfolk. <^Zoologvit, 2d net., vi,1871,p.2«r)2. 1871. Orx\, T. E. Riilfs and Keeves [Machetes piignax ,^ 9 ] at Yarmouth. <;^Zo- oloji'ml, 2(1 ser., vi, 1H71, p. 2852. 1871. GraXKY. J. H., Jk. The Wader at Whitby [(.«;., Machetes ])ngna.\, Zool., .s. s., ]t, 2772. ] < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, j). 2800. Vatiellug gregarius or Machetes pugnax9 As will be seen by several titles below, the '•"Whitby Wader" occasioned considerable correspondence before it was finally determined to be Machetes pugnax. d, j"v. 1871. GUKXKY, J. E., Jk. Hurts [Machetes pngnax ugnax ^ ] in Middlesex. <^ Zoolo- gist,•>d ser., vi, 1871. p. 2806. 1871. Newtox', a. [Exhibition of some rare European Birds' Egg.s. ] <^F.Z.S., xxxix. 1871, i)i». .54fi, 547. Calidris arenaria remarked upon. 1871. Power, F. D. Rutf[ Machetes pugnax ^ ] in Middlesex. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2852. 1871. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. Green Sandpiper [Totanus ochropus] at Scilly. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., vi, 1«71, p. 2485. 1871. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. Pectoral Sandpiper [Tringa maculata] at Braunton Bur- rows. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2808, 2809. 1871. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. Greenshank [Totanus glottis] and Green Sandpiper [To- tanus ochropus] near Barnstable. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2e09, 2810. 1871. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. Wood Sandpii^er [Totanus glareola] at Brannton Burrows. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2851. 1871. RoDD, E. H. Yellowshanked Sandpiper [Totanus flavipes] near Marazion. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2807, 2808. 1871. RoDD, E. H. Snipe-shooting at St. Mary's, Scilly. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 28.52. 1871. SiMi'sox, M. Name of a Wader [t. c, Machetes pugnax]. <^Zoologisl, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2772. 1871. SiMPSOX, M. The Whitby Wader [Totanus bartramius? i. e., Machetes pugnax]. < ZooZo«7i8<, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2870. 1871. Smith, Cecil. Wood Sandpiper [Totanus glareola] in Somersetshire. iii^t, 2d ser. , vi, 1871, p. 2684. 1872. Bond, F. Tlie Whitby Wader [Machetes pugnax]. <^ZooIogiKt, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 2905. At length determined to be Machetes pugnax, cf , juv. 1872. Botes, F. Snipes [Gallinago sp.] "Drumming" in Winter. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 2994. 1872. CORBix, G. B. Woodcock [Scolopax rnsticola] Bi-eeding in the New Forest. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3260. 1872. DURNFORD, H. Saiiderlings [Calidris arenaria] at the Mouth of the Mersey. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3149. 1872. Feildex, H. W. Woodcocks [Scolopax rusticola] l)reeding in Wolmar Forest. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3188. 1872. Feildex, H. W. Sabine's Suipe [Gallinago saljiuii] in Scotland. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872. p. 3188. 1872. GURXEY, J. H., Jr. Whimbrel [Numenius pbaeopus] near Stratford and Dun- lin [Tringa alpina] near Leamington. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3273. 1872. Hartixg, J. E. Snpi>osed Occurrence of Wilson's Snipe in Cornwall [Zool. s. s., 3149]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, pp. 3273, 3274. It was only a var. of G. media. But an authentic in.stance of occurrence of G. wilsoni in England Is here noted. 1872. HtJGEL, A. V. Woodcock [Scolopax rusticola] lireeding in the New Forest. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3236. 1872. Leach. H. R. Sauderlings [Calidris arenaria] and Cockle [attached to its foot]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ^di, 1872, p. 3314. 1872. Mathew, G. F. Greenshanks [Totanus glottis], &c., near Newton. '(^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 2945. 1872. Pickard-Cambridge, O. Snipe [Gallinago sp.] "Drumming" on the 2nd of February. ecies of North American Bird [Triuga ptilocucmis]. <^Am. Xat., viii, 1874, pp. 500,501. Reproduction of the description of Tringa ptilocnemis, Cones, from H. W. Elliott's Rep. Pryhilov Islands, 4to, 1873, App., not paged — the original being nearly inaccessible. 1874. DuRNFORD, H. Malformation in Upper Mandible of a Redshank [Totanus calidris]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874. pp. H999, 4000. 1874. "Dry Land." Late woodcock [Philoliela minor]. <^ Forest and Stream, ill, Dec. 3, 1874. p. 267. Philohela minor and OalUnago wilsoni at Salem, Mass., in December. 1874. '• E. H. L." Curious trick of a woodcock [Philohela minor]. <[ Am. Sportsman, iii, 1874, p. 379. See also iv, p. 10. Parent ■woodcock carrying young in her beak. 1874. Harting, J. E, On a new Species of Tringa [Tringa gracilis] from Alaska. < P. Z. S., xlii, 1874, pp. 242-244, pi. xl. The pi. shows also bill, feet, and tail of T. aipina and T. crassirostris. — The species was later identified with T..ptiloenemis, Cones. 1874. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott. ] Upland Plover [ Actitnrus bartramius] Shooting. <; Am. Sjyortsinan, iv, 1874, p. 231. 1874. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott.] The Summer moult of Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <^ Forest and Stream, ii, March 19, 1874, p. 86. 1874. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott.] Woodcock [Philohela minor] and Woodcock Shooting. <^ Forest and Stream, iii, Oct. 8, 1874, p. 131. 1874. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott.] Snipe [Gallinago wilsoni] and Snipe Shooting. <^ Forest and Stream, iii, Oct. 22, 1874, p. 163. 1874. "H. P. S." Early Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <^ ^m. *SjJortemaw, iii, 1874, p. 395. At Troy, N. Y., March 7. 1874. "Philohela." Woodcock [Philohela minor] in Boston [Boylston street]. <^Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 91. 1874. "Herbert". The Song of the Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <^Am. Sports- man, iv, 1874, p. 92. Sings at evening (see p. 19) and carries young by clasping it between the thighs (see p. 75). 1874. Lamberton, A. B. The American Snipe [Gallinago wilsoni]. . 379. 1874. WniTAKER, J. Bartailed (Jodwit [Limosa lappouica] in Nottiiigham.shire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 4199. 1874. "Wing Note ". Ideas of a Georgia Sportsman [as to sounds made by Gallinago wilsoni, while descending]. <^ Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. X'iT^. 1874. Wyman, L. [Habits of Actiturus bartramius in Massachusetts.] <^Forest and Stream, i, Jan. 8, 1874, p. 342. 1875. ''AliqUIS." The Woodcock [Philohela minor] as a song bird. <^ Forest and Stream, Iv, June 3, 1875, p. 262. 1875. Anon. Artilices of the Woodcock [Philohela minor]. < Forest and Stream, iv, April 22, 1875, p. 167. See also p. 215. 1875. Anon. [Euitorial.] Instinct in the Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <^Foresi and Stream, iv, June 10, 1875, j). 279. Carrying young in its claws. 1875. Anon. [Tileston, W. M.] Tame Snipe. <^ Forest and Stream, v, Se]}t.9,lS7ii, p. 68. Succeaaful experiments in keeping Snipe in various parts of the world. 1875. Anon. [Editorial.] The Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <^ Hod and Gun, xi, April 17, 1875, p. 40. See also p. 67. Tfeed of legislative protection. The volume contains frequent allusion to, and arguments for, this measure, from various correspondents. 1875. Anon. [Editorial.] [Characteristics and pseudonyms of Tringa maculata.] , pp. 5142-5145. On its specific v.nlidity. 1870. [Scott, "W. E. D.] A Key to our Shore Birds. — II. <^ Forest and Stream, Aug. 10, 1876. Tliis second instalment of an analysis, for the use of sportsmen, of the Jforth American Limicolce, gives brief characters of all the Scolopacidce. 1876. " SxiPE." Early Snipe. < Hod and Gun, vii, Feb. 5, 1876, p. 290. Gallinago tvilsoni (?) at Baltimore Jan. 16. 1877. Anon. Woodcock [Philoliela minor]. <^i?o(Z antZ Gf it?;, ix, Mar. 10, 1877, p. 360. Its ability to endure much rigorous weather. 1877. B[kackett, a. E.] Jack Snipe in Colorado. <^ Forest and Stream, ix, Dec. 27, 1877, p. 397. 1877. "Bourgeoise." Woodcock [Philobela minor] a la Bonrgeoise. <^ Forest and Stream, viii, July 26, 1877, ji. 421. 1877. [Brewer, T. M.] Tlie Nesting of the Snipe [Gallinago wilsoni, in southern localities]. < Forest and Stream, ix, Dec. 27, 1877, p. 397. Sec pp. 285, 326. 1877. Brewer, T. M. The Willet [Symphemia semipalmata, breeding along the Atlantic coast of the United States]. <^ i^orp.«i and ASfream, ix, Sept. 27, 1877, p. 144. 1877. Harting, J. E. [Remarks on Exhibition of a variety of the common Snipe, Gallinago media.] <^ P. Z. S., June 19, 1877, p. 533. Showing the so-called G. sabinii to be a melanism of this species. 1877. HuiDEKOPER, E. Breeding of Wilson Snipe [Gallinago wilsoni, at Meadville, Pa. ]. <^ Forest and Stream, ix, Nov. 29, 1877, p. 326. See i>. 285. 1877. Hoyt, R. D. The Woodcock [Philohela minor, breeding] in Florida. <^ Forest and Stream, viii, Apr. 5, 1877, p. 129. See p. 82. 1877. [Merriam, C. H.] Breeding of Wilson Snipe {Gallinago wilsoni]. <^Forest and Stream, ix, Nov. 5, 1877, p. 285. See p. 326. Report of its breeding in Connecticut ; from his ' ' Review of the Birds of Connecticut, ' ' 1877, p. 105. 1877. Severance, J. A. Nomenclature [of Gallinago wilsoni corrected]. <^ Forest and Stream, viii, Apr. 5, 1877, p. 128. 1878. Abbott, C. C. The English Snipe [Gallinago wilsoni] in New Jersey. < The Country, 1, Jan. 26, 1878, p. 180. Breeding at Trenton, N. J. ; specimens supposed to have been unable, through injury, to go northward ; note-appended by W. E. D. Scott, doubting this explanation. 1878. •• Ano." Early Birds. < Forest and Stream, x, Apr. 25, 1878, p. 216. "Woodcock breeding at Paiuesville, Ohio, Apr. 7. 872 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.V. 1873. [Appi.etok, G. L.] A Lai'ge Woodcock [wcij^lit nine ounces]. <^ Forest and Stream, x, Mar. 14, 1878, p. 95. It is not impossible that this and some similar records of unusually laige Woodcock shot in the United States have actual reference to the European Scolopax rusticola. 1878. Brewtir, T. M. The Stilt Sandpiper (Micropalama himantopus). < Bull. NiUt. Oniith. Club, iii, No. 3, July, 1878, p. 148. Its frequent occurrence on Long Island, according to observations of G. N. Lawrence. 1878. Brewer, T. M. Eggs of the Solitary Sandpiper (Rhyacoi^hilus solitarius Bp.). ■ < Bull. XhU. Orniih. Club, iii, No. 4, Oct. , 1878, p. 197. Important as being doubtless the first description of an authentic egg of this species. The supposed egg had occasionally been reported before, but never with positive identification, that of Tringoides macularius or ^gialitis vocif«ra having been usually mistaken for it. 1878. Brewer, T. M. Notes on the Occurrence of Micropalama himantopus in New England. <^Proc. Bost. SocNat. Hist., xix, for Oct. 3,1877, pub. Jan. Feb., 1878, pp. 252-256. This is quite an extensive paper, giving the particulars of various occurrences. 1878. Brown, N. C. The Stilt Sandpiper (Micropalama himantopus) at Portland, Maine. < Bull. Nutt. Ornith. Club, iii. No. 2, Apr. , 1878, p. 102. 1878. [Chubb, J.] Early Snipe [Gallinago wilsoni, at Cleveland, Ohio]. i)revi()ii8ly recorflcd. 1879. DwiGiiT, .T.,.Jk. The Stilt Sandpiper (Micropalaraa hiiiiautopus) on the New Jersey Coast. < Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Club, iv, No. 1, Jan., 1879, p. 63. 1879. Editorial. [F. Satterthwaitk. ] A Plea for Woodcock [Philohela minor]. <; Fm-est and Stream, xiii, Aug. 14, 1879, p. 550. Against the shooting of this species during the summer months. 1879. Ellzky, M. G., and Squire, G. R. Do Woodcock [Philohela minor] Breed Twice a Year? <^ Forest and Stream, xii, July 10, 1879, p. 444. Letters confirming the position taken by Geo. Bird Grinnell, tliat "Woodcock do usually, in the Middle States, i-eai- two broods each season. • 1879. [Grinnell, G. B.] Woodcock [Philohela minor] Breed Twice. us fulicariiis] iu the Isle of Wight. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8283. 1863. Button, J. The Gray Phalaroije [Phalaropus fulicarius] at Brighton. <^ Zo- ologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8331. 1863. Jkffeuy, W., Jr. The Rednecked Phalarope [Lobipes hypcrboreus] near Chi- chester. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8828. 1863. Kerr, J. Gray Phalarope [Phalaropus fulicariiis] near Greenock. <^Zoologi8t xxi, 1863, p. 8828. 1863. Stevenson, H. The Gray Phalarope (Phalaropus platyrhynchus [fulicarius]) in Norfolk. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8331. 1864. Osborne, H., Jr. Gray Phalarope [Phalaropus fulicarius] in Caithness. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8890. 1866. Blake-Knox, H. Gray Phalarope [Phalaropus fulicarius] in Dublin Bay. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., i, 1866, pp. 500, 501. 1866. Button, J. Gray Phalarope [Phalaropus fulicarius] at Eastbourne. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 499. 1866. Button, J. Gray Phalarope [Phalaropus fulicarius] at Eastbourne, &c. - on its brcediug. 1878. CouKS, E. The Noithein Phalarope [L()bipcs hyperborcus] in North Carolina. < Bull. Xutl. Oniith. Cluh, iii, No. 1, .Tan., Ls78, pp. 40, 41. 1878. MuUDOCH, J. Phalarope,— An Etyiiiologieal Blunder. < IJuU. Xutt. Oniith. Club, iii. No. :3, July, 1878, pp. UA), I'A. Contends that tho word should ho written Phalaridopus, beinj^ from t/)aAapt?, gen. -I'Sos, "a coot", and TToOs, "foot", nottlu? adj. (j>a\apbi, "white", as " PhalaroiJtis " would seem to indi- cate. " Novertheless, " as tho writer, who has well taken his point, continues, ' ' the name has served so long as a distinguishing mark of tho genus, that it would be by no me.ins advisable to attempt to make an exchange for the etymologically correct form "; especially as the form " Phalaropus " represents no very great degree of contraction. Moreover, as the writer does not state, c^oAapl?, a coot, and tl>a\apo^, bright, white, shining, or otherwise conspicuous, are etymologically tho s.amo, tho former substaulivc being derived from the latter adjective and having been applied to the bird b(^caus(! of its conspicuously colored bill ; there being tlus ad- ditional reason for not insisting upon the change. Brisson certainly invented "Phalaropus" to mean "coot-footed," but the ijidXapa of tho Greeks were any ornaments with which a thing might be furnished, as tho gems of a tiara, the studs of a helmet, the caparisons of a horse, etc. ; and " Phalaropus" is therefore not so far out of the way after all, for a bird whose feet are remarkably "om.amented" or appendaged. 1878. WiLLiSTON, S. W. Ou the adult male plumage of Wilson's Phalarope. (Ste- ganopus Wilsoni Sab. ) <[ Trans. Kansas Acad. Science for 1877-8, vi, 1878, p. 39. "What has hitherto been considered the young plumage of this bird, has been confounded with [that of] the adult male." Description follows, with other remarks. 880 BULLETIN UNITJiD STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [TolY. HeliornitliidaB. 1840. Brandt, J. F. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Podoa und ihr Verhaltniss zu Fulica, Podiceps und den Steganopoden. <^ Mem. de VAcad. St.-Petersb. , vi s^r. , v tome, ii pte., Sc. Nat.,ui, 1840, pp. 197-202, pll. xi, xii. A subtitle, being the third part of his series entitled: Beitxage zur Senntniss der Natnrg. Vogel u. 8. w. — Podoa is associated with Fulica, in the order Natatoreg. 1848. Gray, G. E. Description of a new specie^ of Podica [P. personata]. <^ P. Z. S,, xvi, 1848, p. 90. 1849. Gray, G. R. Description of a new species of Podica [P. personata]. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 2d ser. , iii, 1849, pp. 311, 812. From P. Z. S., June 13, 1848, p, 90. 1861. GiEBEL, C. G. Ueber Podoa surinamensis. <| Zeitach. f. d. gesammt. Naturwisa., xviii,1861,pp.424 . Nicht mir selbst zuganglich. — Enthaltend anatomisches. 1867. SCHLEGEL, H. Urinatores < J/«s. Hist. Nat. Paya-Bas, 9« livr., avril 1867, pp. 1-52. This group, as made up by the author, consists of the five families Spheniscidy Owen, torn, cit,, pp. 1-10.] < P. Z. -S., Jan. 11, 1848, pp. 11,12. Scilicet, Dinornis, Palapteryx, Notornis, Nestor. 1848. Mantell, [G. A.] Debris d'oiseanx fossiles de la Nouvelle-Z61ande, <^Arrh. des Sci. Phys. etNat.,\n, 1848, p. :^:'.7. Geol. Soc. Lond; 2 et 23 f6vrier ; Athanceum, 26 f6vrier et 11 mars, 1848. 1848. [Mantell, G. A. ] Notices of the Fossil Bones of the Ancient Birds of New Zea- land, (in letters dated Jan. 19 and 26, 1848, from Dr. G. A. Mantell to the Senior Editor.) < Am. Journ. Sci., 2d ser., t, No. 15, May, 1848, p. 431. 1848. [Mantell, G. A.] On the Fossil Bones of the Ancient Birds of New Zealand, (in letters, dated January 19 and 26, 1848, from Dr. G. A. Mantell to Professor Silliman Senior.) it, vii, 1849, p. 2499. 1849. Des Murs, O. Notice et Consid<^ratiou8 oologiques sur le gepre omithologique Poule-Sultane, Fulica Porpliyrio (L. ). <^Rev. etMag. Zool. , i, 1849, pp. 439-444. 1849. Hulke, J. W. Moorhens [Gallinula chloropus] roosting in Trees. -^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2621. 1849. Lafresnaye, F. de. Melanges ornithologiques. [Sur le genre Ocydromus.] < Eev. et Mag. dc Zool, i, 1849, pp. 433-439. T a-t-il r6elleraei)t plusicuis espoces de ce genre (Qallirallus) , on n'a-t-on point regard^ comme telles de livrees d'ftge ou de sexe d'une seule esp6ce ? 1849. Mantell, G. A. Sur des d6bris d'oiseanx fossiles recueillis a la Nouvelle-Z^- lande. <^ Arcli. des Se. Phijs. et Nat. Geneve, x, 1849, pp. 77-79. Extrait du Quart. Joxirn. Geolog. Soc, num6ro d'aoftt 1848, p. 225, sur les genres Dinornis, Palapteryx, Aptornis, Notornis, et Nestor. 1849. Mantell, G. A. On the Fossil Remains of Birds collected in various parts of New Zealand by Mr. Walter Mantell, of Wellington. <^ Jm. Journ. .SV/..2d ser.. vii, 1849, pp. 28-44. Fjoni Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, London, No. 15, Aug., 1848. On the genera Dinornis. Pa- lapteryx, Aptornis, Notornis, and Nestor. 886 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1849. Morris, F. O. The Moorhen (Galliniila chloropus) roosting iu Willow-trees. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, pp. 2591, 2592. 1849. Owen, R. On Dinornis (Part III.): containing a description of the Skull and Beak of that Genns, and of the same characteristic parts of Palapteryx, and of two other Genera of Birds, Notoruis and Nestor, forming part of an exten- sive series of Ornithic remains discovered by Mr. Walter Mantell, at Wain- gongoro, North Island of New Zealand. <[ Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., iii, pt. vi, 1849, pp. 345-378, pll. X'otornis mantelli, sp. n. ? 1849. Wedderburx, J. N. OccuiTcnce of the Landrail (Cres prateusis) in Bermuda. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2591. 1850. Bree, W. T. Habits of the Moorhen (Galliniila chloropus). <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2801. 1850. Bonaparte, C. L. [Presentation d'une figure d'un Oiseau (le Notornis mantelli d'Owen) trouve vivant dans la Nouvelle-Z61ande. ] <^ Compt. Bend, de VAcad. iSci., xxxi, 1850, p. 770. 1850. Editorial. New Bird [Notornis mantelli] from New Zealand. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 2d ser., vi, 1850, p. 398. I'5o0. Evans, A. On some of the Habits of the Waterhen (Gallinula chloropus). <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, pp. 2704, 2705. 1850. Gould, J. Remarks on Notornis Mantelli. < P. Z. ;S., xvui, 1850, pp. 212-214, pi. (Aves) xxi. The liring bird is here described, with a colored figure of the head, of natural size. 1850. HODGKINSON, J, B. Variety of the Corn Crake (Crex pratensis). <[ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2772. 1650. Mantell, G. A. Notice of the Discovery by Mr. Walter ManteU in the Middle Ishmd of New Zealand, of a living specimen of the Notornis [mantelli], a Bird of the Rail family, allied to Brachypteryx, and hitherto unknown to naturalists except iu a fossil state. <; P. Z. S., xviii, 1850, pp. 209-212. 1851. Harper, J. 0. Carnivorous proi)ensity of the Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus). <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 2990. 1851. HuLKE, J. W. Occurrence of Baillou's Crake (Crex [Porzana] Baillonii) near Deal. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3035. 1851. Mantell, [G. A.] Sur un oiseau [Notornis mantelli] vivant de la Nouvelle- Z61ande qu'on avait cru n'exister qu'a l'6tat fossile. <^ Arch, des Set. Phys. et Xat. Geneve, xvi, 1851, pp. 73, 74. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, Nov., 1850. 1851. Mantell, G. A. Notice of the discovery by Walter Mantell, Esq., of Welling- ton, in the Middle Island of New Zealand, of a living specimen of Notornis [mantelli], a bird of the Rail Family, allied to Brachypteryx, and hitherto known to naturalists only by its fossil remains. <^Am.Journ. Sci., xi, 1851, pp. 102-105. 1851-52. Mantell, G. A. [Notizen iiber den lebenden Notornis mantelli. ] <^Froriep''s Tagsber., No. 296, 1851 (Zool, Bd. ii), pp. 57-59; No. 587 (Zoo?., Bd. iii), 1852, pp. 97-101. Xicht mir selbst zuganglicb. 1851. Varnham, W. Landi-ail [Crex pratensis] in February. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3115. 1852. Gould, J. Remarks on Notornis Mantelli. <[ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 2d ser., ix, 1852, pp. 234-236. From Proc. Zool. Soc, Kov. 12, 1850, pp. 212-214, q. v. 1852. Gould, J. Remarks on Notornis ManteUii. <^ Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., iv, pt, ii, 1852, pp. 73, 74, pi. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY RALLID^. 887 185"2. Irby, L. H. Oc-currcncc of the Little Crake (Crex xmsilla [Porzaiia iiiimita]) ill Norfolk. < Zoolofjist, x, 1852, p. 3477. 1852. Mantkll, G. A. Notice of the discovery of a living siteciinoii of the Notoruis [iiiantelli]. <^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2(1 ser., ix, 1852, pj). 2;il-234. From Proo. Zool. Soc, Nov. 12, 1850. 1852. Mantell, G. A. Notice of the Discovery by Mr. Walter Mantell iu the Middle Island of New Zealand, of a living specimen of the Notoruis [mantelli], a Bird of the Rail family, allied to Brachypteryx, and hitherto unknown to Natural- ists, except in a Fossil state. <^Trati8. Zool. Soc. Land., Iv, pt. ii, 1852, pp. 69-72. 1853. Bonaparte, C. L. [Note sur une nouvelle cspJice de Foulqne, Fulica cornuta.] <^ Compt. Rend, de VAcad. Sei., xxxvii, Dec. 19, 1653, p. 925. L'oiseau plus tavd nonini6 Lycornis (g. n.) cornuta, Bp., Ann. Sci. Nat, 4« ser., i, 1854, p. 46; Ooinpt. Rend., xliii, \i. fiOO. 1853. GuRNEY, J. H. Note on a Wingless Bird said to inhabit the Island of Tristan d'Acunha. <^ Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 4017. 1853. WoDziCKi, C. Eiuige Worte gewissenhafter Beobachtungen ilber die Fort- pflanzung des Rallus aqnaticus, Lin. <^ Naumannia, iii, 1853, pp. 267-276. 185 J. Bryant, H. [Remarks on Exhibition of the j)ecnliarly formed Trachea of the Courlau (Aramus scolopaceus [giganteus]).] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, V, 18.54, pp. 20, 21. 1854. Gloger, C. W. L. Das zwoimalige Briiten der Galliuula chloropus. <^ J. f. 0., ii, 1854, pp. 189-191. Cf. op. cit, 1853, pp. 450, 451. 1854. GuRNEY, S., Jr. Waterhen [Gallinula chloropus] carrying her Young in her Feet. <^ Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 4367. 1854. Hartlaub,G. Kritische Revision der Gattuug Fulica Lin. <^J. /. 0., i, 1853, Extrah., (1854), pp. 73-89. 12 .spp., very fully tioated, with description, extended synonymj-, di.Htribution, and criticism. F. stricklandi, p. 75, sp. ii. 1854. Partridge, H. T. Extraordinary Propensity of a Moorhen [Gallinula chloro- pus]. <^ Zoologist, xii, 18.54, p. 42.5.5. 1854. PowYS, T. L. Note on the late abundance of the Spotted Crake (Crex porzana [Porzana maruetta]). <^ Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 4165. 1854. Tristram, H. B. Occurrence of the Little Olivaceous Gallinule (Ortygometra ]iusilla [Porzana miuuta]) at Balbriggan. <^Zoologist, xii, 1854, pp. 4298, 4299. 1855. Baldamus, [E.] [Notiz liber Gallinula chloropus. ] <^ ^YrtMjnaHWia, v, 1855, p. 413. 1855. Cassix, J. [Remarks on Exhibition of a .specimen of Crex iirateusis shot in New Jersey. ] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Ph ila. , vii, 1855, j). 265. 1856. B.VLDAMU.S, E. [Fulica cristata. ] <^ Naumannia, vi, 1856, p. 424, Taf. — . 1856. Hadeield, H. W. Note on the Spotted Crake (Crex Porzana [Porzana maru- etta]). < Zoologist, xiv, 1856, p. 5064. 1856. IIadkielo, H. W. Little Crake (Crex pusilla [Porzana minuta]) in the Isle of Man. <^ Zoologist, xiv, 1856, p. .5280. 1856. Roedeun', (iraf. Ueber die Eier von Ortygometra pygmaea [Porzana minuta]. <^ Naumannia, vi, 1856, pp. 402-404. 1857. IIomeyer, A. v. Seltsames Nesterbauen der Galliuula chloropus. <^J.f. O., V, 1*57, pp. 373, 374. 1857. RoDD, E. H. The Land Rail (Gallinula crex [Crex i)ratensis]) in Scilly. <^ Zoologist, XV, 18.57, ]>. 58:52. 1S58. PlliLippi. R. A. Kurze Beischn'ibung einer neuon Chileuischcn Ralle [Rallus uliguosiis]. < Arch./. Natimj., 18,58, (1), pp. 83, 84. 888 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [FoJ.T. 1858. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of Baillou's Crake (GallLuula [Porzana] Baillonii) near the Land's End. <[ Zoologist, xvi, 1858, p. 6210. 1858. Salmon, [J. D.] [Exhibition of Crex (Porzana) bailloui, and its Eggs, from Cambridgeshire. ] <^F.Z. S., xxvi. 1858, p. 560. 1858. ScHLEGEL, H. H. Schlegel, iiber einige ausgestorbene riesige Vogel von den maskareuischen Inseln, als Anhang zu seiner Geschichte der Dodo's. (Mit- theilungt-n der Konigl. hoUiindischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, AbtheiJ- ung Naturkunde, Theil ^-ii, Seite 116.) Aus dem HoUandischen iibersetzt tod Dr. Ed. V. Martens. < ^./. 0. , vi, 18.58, pp. 367-381. ifebst Bemerk. des TJebersetzers, pp. 379-381. 1858. Smurthwaite, H. Occurrence of the Spotted Crake (Gallinula porzana [Por- zana maruetta]) near Richmoud, Yorkshire. <[ Zoologist, xvi, 1858, p. 6224. 1859. BOLLE, C. Zur Oophagie der Ralleu [Rallida;]. < J.f. 0., vii, 1859, pp. 237, 238. 1859. Sealy, a. F. Occurrence of Baillon's Crake [Porzana hailloni] and its Nesting in England. < Zoologist, xvii, 1859, pp. 6329, 6330. 1861. Newton, A. Description of a New Species of Water-Hen (Gallinula [pyrrhor- rhoa, p. 19]) from the Island of Mauritius. < P. Z. S., xxix, 1861, pp. 18, 19. 1861. Newton, A. Description of a [lately] New Species of Water-Hen (Gallinula [pyrrhorrhoa]) from the Island of Mauritius. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 3d ser., vii, 1861, pp. 417, 418. From P. Z. S., Jan. 8, 1861, pp. 18, 19. 1861. Philippi, R. a., and Landbeck, L. Sobre las especies chileuas del j^nero Tulica [sic — lege Fulica]. <[ Anales Univ. Chile, xix, Octubre, 1861, pp. 501-510, 3 figs. "Fulica'' choloropoides, King; "2"." chUensig, Gray; "T." rufifrons, sp. n., p. 507. — 3 figs. 1861. SCLATER, p. L. On the Island-hen of Tristan d'Acunha [Gallinula nesiotis, sp. n. ] < P. Z. 5". , xxix, 1861, pp. 260-263, pi. xxx. ' 1861. ScLATER, P. L. On the Island-hen of Tristan d'Acunha [Gallinula nesiotis]. < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hi.'if.. 3d ser., viii, 1861, pp. 498-501, figg. 4. From P. Z. S., June 11, 1861, pp. 260-263. 1862. CouPER, W. OccuiTenee of the YeUow Rail (Porzana noveboracensis) in the vicinity of Quebec. <^ Canad. Xat. and Geo?., vii, 1862, p. 320, 1862. Landbeck, L. Ueber die chilenischen Wasserhiihner aus der Gattung Fulica Linn. < Arch./. Xaturg. , 1862, (1), pp. 21.5-228. Drei Art en — F. chloropoides, F. ehilensin, F. rufifrons, Ph. aud Laudb. ; nebst Kennzeichen. "Cebersetzt aus d. Anales Univ. Chile, six, Oct., 1861, pp. 501-510. 1863. Belamy, [J. C] Observations sur les habitudes d'une poule d'eau apprivois^e. < Compt. Send, de VAcad. Sci., Ivi, 1863, pp. 1104-1106. 1863. Belamy, [J. C] Observations sur les habitudes d'une poule d'eau apprivois^e. < Bev. ei Mag. de ZooL, xv, 1863, pp. 239, 240. Extrait d'une lettre lue k I'Acad. de Pari.s, s6ance da 8 join 1863. 1863. DrxTOX, J. The Little Crake (Gallinula pusilla [Porzana niinuta]) in Peven- sey Marshes. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8330. 1863. DcTTON, J. The Spotted Crake (Gallinula porzana [Porzana maruetta]) in Pevensey Marshes. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1363, p. 8330. 1863. HucKETT, T. Sjjotted Crakes [Porzana maruetta] in the Hackney Marshes. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8847. 1863. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families Vireon- idic and Rallidii-. <^ Froc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Fkila., xv, 1863, pp. 106, 107. Two new Kails here described are Corethrura guatemalensis, p. 106, Guatemala (cf. Ibis, 18G5, p. 238) ; and Aramides axillaris, p. 107, Xew Granada, 1863. Matthews, M. A. Spotted Crake (Crex porzana [Porzana maruetta]) near Taunton. <^ Zoologist, .xxi, 1863, p. 8446. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHy RALLID^. 889 1863. Savillk, S. P. Occuitcucc of the Spotted Crake [Pcjrzaua inaruetta] uear Cam- bridge. < Zoologist, XX i, 1863, p. 8330, 1863. Saxby, H, L. Moorhen (Galliuula chloropus) in Shetland. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8494. 1864. Armistead, J. J. Spotted Crake [Porzaua maruetta] in Hampshire. <^Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 8890. 1864. Blake-Knox, H. Spotted Crake [Porzana maruetta] in County Antrim and Storm Petrel in Dublin Bay. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8890. 1864. BouLTON, W. W. Spotted Crake [Porzana maruetta] near Beverley. <^ Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 8890. 1864. BOULTOX, W. W. Spotted Rail [Porzana maruetta] near Beverley. < Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 8961. 1864. BoULTox, W. W. Sternum of Litth; Crake [Porzana minuta] shot in Cam- bridgeshire. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 9285-9289. 1864. GuNX, T. E. Spotted Crake [Porzana marnetta] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9118. 1864. MORTiiMER, T. Abundance of the Corn Crake [Crex prateusis]. <^Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 8889, 8890. 1864. Schmidt, Max. [Section einer Sultanshiihn (Porphyrio).] <^Zool. Gart., v, 1864, p. 224. 1864. Newmax, E. The Purple Galliuule [Pori)liyrio hyacinthinus] in Scotland. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8961. 1864. Noll, C. F. Zur Nahrungder Fulicaatra(L.). < J./. 0., xii, 1864,pp. 393, 394. Aus d. Zeitsch. d. zool. Qart. zu Frank/., v, S. 27. 1864. Noll, C. F. Das Wasserhulin [Fulica atra] auf dem Main. <:^ Zool. Gart., x, 1864, p. 27. 1864. Saville, S. p. Little Crake [Porzana minuta] in Cambridgeshire. < Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, pp. 9118,9119. 1865. Armistead, J. J. Moorhen [Galliuula chloropus] perching in Trees. <^ Zoolo- gist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9540. 1865. Eyre, H. S. Carolina Crake [Porzaua Carolina] near Newbury. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9540. 1865. Hara'ie-Browx, J. A. Water Rail [Rallus ax^uaticus] in Stirlingshire. <^Zo- ologist, xxiii, 1865, j>. 9468. 1865. KuTTER, — . Ein Beitrag zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte von Galliuula pusilla [Porzana minuta]. <^ J.f. 0., xiii, 1865, pp. 334-341. 1865. [Newtox, a.] [On the identity of Corethrura guatemalensis Lawr. with C. rubra, P. Z. S., 1860, p. 300.] < Ibis, 2d ser., i, 1865, p. 238. 1865. Newtox, A. [Exhibition of a specimen of Porzana Carolina shot Oct., 1864, on the Kennett, near Newbury, England. <^ P. Z. S., xxxiii, 1865, p. 196. 1865-66. SciLLEGEL, H. Ralli < J/ms. Hist. Xat. Paijs-Bas,7^ livr., avril 1865, pp. 1- 76; 8e livr., 1866, pp. 77-80. This lueinoir includes representatives of several families of other authors. Gruid/e, 12 spp. in the single genus Grus ; Aramus, 1 spp. ; Rallus, 11 spp. ; Arainides, 5; Rallina, 10; Hypotcenidia, 4 ; Crex, 6; Himantomis, 1; Porzana, 14; Gallinula, 14; Porphyrio, 8; Fulica, 5 ; Parra !, 8 ; Palamedea '., 3 ; Ocydromus, 2 ; Eurypyga !, 1. 1865. Stares, W. Purple Galliuule [Porphyrio hyacinthinus] in Hampshire. < Zo- ologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9418. 1866. Legge, W. V. Moorhens [Gallinula chloropus] perching in Trees. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 14.5. 1866. Overexd, J. Eggs of Baillon's Crake [Porzaua bailloni] at Great Yarmouth. < Zoologist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 389. Bnll. y, 4 24 890 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. IVol.x. ljS6C. Eeeks, H. Purple Waterlieu [Por]ihyrio hyacintliiuus] uear Southampton. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , i, 1866, p. 229. 1866. Shorto, J. Moorhens [Gallinnla ehloropiis] jierching in Trees and feeding on Pears. <^ Zoolor/isf, 2d ser., i, 1866, pp. 33, 34. 1867. Feilden, H. W. Spotted Crake [Porzana maruetta] on Longridge. <; Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 1017. 1867. Harrison, J. W. D. Landrail in January [Crex pratensis, in Gloucestershire]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 636. From the "Field,'' Jan. 19. 1867. Hawker, F. A. Purple Gallinule [Porphyrio hyacinthinus] in Hampshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 829. 1867. Mackay, D. [Letter on Notornis, and other New Zealand Birds. ] <^/W8, 2d ser., iii, 1867, pp. 144, 145. 1867. Milne-Edwards, A. M^moiie sur unc espece c^teinte du genre Fulica [new- tonii], qui hahitait autrefois ITle Maurice. <^ Ann.des Sd.Nat., 5<' scr.,viii, 1867, pp. 195-220, pll. 10-13. PI. 10, F. neu'tonii; 11, F. atra ; 12, Porphyrio madagascarensis ; 13, Ocydromus australis, Cf. Zool. Rec, iv, 1867, pp. 117, 118; Ihis, 1868, p. 482, note. 1867. Sclater, P. L. Note on the Species of the Genus Tribonyx. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., XX, 1867, pp. 122, 123. 1867. Sclater, P. L. [Gallinulapumila^G. minor = G. angulata.] <^ Ihis, 2d sev., iii, 1867, p. 254. 1868. BiNNiE, F. G. Scarcity of the Corn Crake [Crex pratensis, in Tadcastor]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1459. 1868. Blake-Knox, H. Spotted Crake [Porzana maruetta] in the County Dublin. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1458. 1868. Frauenfeld, G. v. Aufhndung einer bisher unbekauuten Abbildung des Dronte und eines zweiten kurzfliigeligen wahrscheinlich von den Maskare- nen stanunenden Vogels. <^ ././. 0., xvi, 1868, pp. 138-140. Aphanapteryx imperialis, g. sp. n. 1868. Frauenfeld, G. v. HeiT Georg Bitter von Frauenfeld berichtete iiber die Auf- findung einer bisher unbekannteu Abbildung des Dronte und eines zweit«n bisher unbeschriebenen fliigellosen Vogels, wahrscheinlich von den Maska- renen. <^ Verh. Ic.-k. zool.-hot. Ges. Wien, xviii, 1868, p. 24. Aphanapteryx imperialis. — The above is all there is of it. 1868. Frauenfeld, G. v. Neu aufgefundene Abbildung des Dronte und eines zwei- ten kurzfliigeligen Vogels, wahrscheinlich des Poule rouge an bee de B^casse der Maskarenen in der Privatbibliothek S. IM. des verstorbeneu Kaisers Franz. Erliiutert von George Ritter von Frauenfeld. Mit 4 Tafeln. Wien: 1868. imp. fol. pp. 17. Cf. especially Ibis, 1868, pp. 480-182; F. C. jSToU, Zool. Gart., 1868, p. 282; A. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool, 5' ser., x, pp. 325-346; Ibis, 1869, pp. 256-275; A. Newton, Zool. Jiec, v, p. 103. Contains full list of Dodo literature since Strickland's account. Not seen by me. — Cf. the jiaper on Aphanapteryx, J.f. O., 1868, ])p. 138-140. 1868. Milne-Edwards, A. Memoire sur une esi^ece ^teinte du genre Fulica [new- tonii], qui habitait autrefois Pile Maurice. <^Comj)t. Bend, de VAcad. yiScJ., Ixvi, 30 mars 1868, pp. 646-650. Tire des Ann. Sci. Nat., b' s6r, viii, 1867, pp. 195-220, pll. 10-13, q. v. 1868. Milne-Edwards, A. Memoire sur une espfece dteinte du genre Fulica [new- toni], . . . <^i?ei'Me Zoo?05ff'g«e, 1868, pp. 147-152. Pas vu moi-niSme. — Abreg6 du memoire insert dans les Comptes Hendtis, 1868, pp. 646, 650. 1868. Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Synopsis of the Ameiican Rails (Rallidie). < P. Z. • 450)), CrexunA Thyrorhina (ji. n., p. 458) with 1 each. The Fulicince embiacc 4 {genera, Porphyria aud Porpltyriojyn witli 2 Bpp. each, Gallinida witli 1, aud Fulica with 7. Ileliornithinrt; aro also inehided, with 1 sp. — Porzana levrandi, p. 452, pi. xxxv; P. castaneiceps, p. 453; 7^. hauxwelU, p. 453, spp. nn. (l). 105, pi. 53 of Exot. Ornith. quoted for the named). The heads of .several speciea {Thyrorhina, the Oallinules, and tlie Coots) are fijrnred on the woodcuts. 1869. Anon. Croimu-oloun^d Moor Hen [Galliuulii (•hl()i()i)Uis]. <^ Zoo/o/;i.s(, 2d ser., iv, 18G9,p. KIOl. 1869. Bennett, G. [Letter on Birds of Lord Howe's Lslaud. ] S/)orf8m««, iii, 1874, ]». 310. Sec also j). 364. Noto of finding a "lail " [Porzana Carolina?] in soutlicru Now Jersoy on Nov. 20tb. 1874. Brewer, T.M. Breeding Gronnds of the Sora Rail [Porzana Carolina]. <^Am, Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 339. Correcting errors of "Homo" (ibid., July 18), defining breeding range of Porzana caroKna, and describing and eggs. 1874. " C. B." Rail [Porzana Carolina] in Winter. <^ Am. Sportsman, i v, 1874, p. 28. At Whitehall, N. T., in February. 1874. Clark-Kenkedy, A. J. Baillon's Crake [Porzana bailloni] near Eastbourne. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 4159. 1874. CORBIN, G. B. [Note on the habits of the] Corn Crake [Crex jirateusis]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 3881. 1874. COUES, E. The Rails— Family Rallida;. < Am. Sportsman, v, Oct. 31, 1874, p. 65. From his 'Buds of the Northwest.' 1874. DURNFORD, H. Note on the habits of the Water Rail [Rallus aquaticus]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, pp. 3881,3882. 1874. "Friend of Dog and Gun." [Justus von Lengerke.] Least Water Rail [Porzana jamaicensis]. <^ Am. Sportsman, v, Dec. 12, 1874, p. 171. Occurrence at West Hoboken, N. J. 1874. Gurney, J. H. Water Rail [Rallus aquaticus, captured by hand]. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 4036. 1874. "Homo." [C. S. Westcott.] Rail [Porzana Carolina] Shooting on the Dela- ware River. <^Am. Sp>ort.3)nan, iv, 1874, p. 166. 1874. Hutton, F. W. On a New Genus [Cabalus] of RallidiP. < Trans, and Proe. JVew Zealand Inst, for 1873, vi, 1874, pp. 108-110, pi. xx. Cabalus, g. n., p. 108, proposed fov Eallusmodesttts, Ibis, July, 1872, and ojj. cit., v, 1873, p. 223. See especially torn, cit., p. 124. 1874. Hutton, F. W. Notes on the New Zealand Wood-hens (Ocydronius). <^ Trans, and Proc.Keiv Zealand Inst, for 1873, vi, 1874, pp. 110-112. Head before Wellington Philos. Soc., 22 Sept., 1873. O. troglodytes, O. licctori, sp. n., p. 110, O. australis, O.fusciis, O. fmschi, sp. n., p. Ill, O. carli,- diagnosis of, and remarks on. 1874. "Jacobstaff." Sora [Porzana Carolina] in May [in Central New York]. < Forest and Stream, ii, May 21, 1874, p. 230. See p. 261. 1874. KrideRjJ. Rail [Porzana Carolina] out of Season. <^Ain. S2>ortsnian, iii, 1873- 74, p. 364. Reply to note on p. 316, ibid., conceming hxto stay of Porzana Carolina. 1874, 0[USTALET], E. Les anciens oiseaux des iles Mascareignes I La poule d'eau de Tile Maurice. < La Nature, 2<= aunde, N". 34, 24 Janvier 1874, pp. 113-116, desain. 1874. Palmer, J. E. Baillon's Crake [Porzana bailloni] near Huddersfield. <^^oolo- gist. 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 41.59. 894 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Wol.Y. 1874. PiLLEY, J.B. Landrail [Crex prateusis] iu January [iu Great Britain]. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 3953. 1874, SCHOMBURGK, R. [Coiumuuication from, containing an account of the nesting- habits of FuUca australis]. < P. Z. «., xlii, 1874, p. 129. 1874. Sucker, A. Ipseudon.l [Occurrence of Porzana noveboraceusis at Centralia, 111. ] -C -3t/«. Sjjortsman, iv, 1874, p. 45. "Sucker" is a local vulgarism for a native of Illinois, said to liavf originated from some necessity early settlers were under of fluding water in holes in tlie prairie so deep that they were obliged, as it were, to suck it up in drmking. However apt or otlierwise eligible the slang pseudonyms of sporting wi'iters may seem to them at the time when they "wi-ite for the newspapers, " such nonsense wears a very unbecoming air when it comes to be set forth formally in Bibliography. 1875. BuLLER, W. L. [On Rallus modestus. ] <^ Trans, and Proc. Xeic Zealand Inst, for 1874, vii, 1875, Proc. Wellington Phil. Soc, 1x511. Prof. Newton's determination of the validity of the species. 1875. CoRBiN, G. B. Coot [Fulica atra] near Ringwood. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., x, May, 1875, pp. 4458, 4459. 1875. "R." Singular Freak of a Coot [Fulica americana]. <^ Forest and Stream, v, Oct. 7, 1875, p. 131. 1875. Ramsay, E. P. Description of the Eggs and Young of Rallina tricolor, from Rockingham Bay. < P. Z. S., Nov. 16, 1875, pp. 603, 604. 1875. Whitman, G. P. The Purple Gallinule [Porphyrio martiuica, in Eastern Mas- sachusetts]. >\ Forest and Stream, iv, Apr. 22, 1875, p. 167. 1875. Whitman, G. P. The Purple Gallinule [Por^jhyrio martiuica, iu Massachusetts]. < Am. Xat.,ix, No. 10, Oct., 1875, p. 573. 1876. BOYES, F. Is the Common Waterhen [Gallinula chloi?opus] Migratory or not ? <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi. Mar., 1876, pp. 4845, 4846. 1876. Garrod, a. H. On the Anatomy of Aramus scolopaceus. <^ P. Z. S., Mar. 7, 1876, pp. 275-277, figg. 1-3. Important ; with special reference to the systematic position of the genus, which is con- sidered to be most Latimately related to (}rus, in view of many of its anatomical characters. The skull is figured in three views. 1876. [Gervais, p. ] (A. H._) Garrod : Sur I'auatomie de I'Aramus scolopaceus. (Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 275). < Gerr. Journ. de Zool. , v, 1876, pp. 439, 440. See last title. 1876. [Grinnell, G. B.] A Word or two abottt some of our Rails [North American RalUdse]. <^ Forest and Stream, vii, Nov. 9, 1876, p. 212. 1876. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Little Crake [Porzana minuta] at Hastings. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, Oct., 1876, p. 5126. 1876. Gurney, J. H., Jr. Little Crake [Porzana minuta] at Hastings. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi,Nov., 1876, p. 5167. 1876. Hudson, W. H. Notes on the Rails [Rallidas] of the Argentine Republic. < P. Z. S., Jan. 18, 1876, pp. 102-109. Very interesting, and including many notes on other birds of the same region, as Aramus, Parra, Ibis, Milvago, and some Passeres. 1876. Jeffrey, W. The Common Waterhen [Gallinula chloropus] Migratory. <^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., xi, Apr., 1876, pp. 4882, 4883. 1876. Mathew, G. F. Baillon's Crake [Porzana bailloni] at Braunton Burrows. < Zoologist, 2d ser., xi. Mar., 1876, pp. 4844, 4845. 1876. Newman, E. White Spotted Crake [Porzana maruetta]. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., xi. Mar., 1876, p. 4845. 1876. NlCUOLLS, R. P. Spotted Gallinule [Porzana maruetta] near Kiugsbridge. < Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, Jan., 1876, p. 4763. NoA.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY RALLID^. 895 1876. Prior, C. M. Thirteou Eggs in a Mooilieu's [Galliiuila cliloropnsj Nest. <[Zo- ologht, 2d ser., xi, July, 187(5, p. 5006. 1876. Prior, C. M. Chaugc of Plumage in the Moorlieu [Gallinula cliloropus]. < Zoologist, 2(1 ser., xi, Soi)t., 1876, p. .5084. 1876. "Recapper." [Thos. C. Abbott.] To Dr. Cones. <[ /?od! and Gmh, viii, June 24, 1876, p. 203. Notes on Fulica americana observed at Trenton, N. J. 1876. [ScLATER, P. L. ] [Addition of Porzana notata to the Society's Menagerie.] < /'. Z. S. , Feb. 15, 1876, p. 255. 1876. SwixiiOE, R. [Letter on Porzana exqnisita, claiming tlie name.] <^ /&(■«, 3d ser., vi, Oct., 1876, pp. 507, 508. See P. erythrothorax, J. f. O., 1873, p. 107; P. undulata, J. f. O., 1874, p, 333; Ann. Mag. N. H., 4tU ser., xii, Nov., 1873, p. 370 ; Ibis, 1876, p. — . 1877. Browxe, F. C. Occurrence of the Black Rail [Porzana jamaicensis] in Massa- chusetts [at Plymouth, in August, 1869]. <^Foreiit and Streain, Yni,Fe\). 22, 1877, p. 33. See p. 129. 1877. [COUES, E. ] Birds. < The Mirror ( Baltimore, Md. ), Sept. 1, 1877. Editorial extract from Birds of the Northwest, relating to Rallus virginianus. 1877. [CoUES, E. ] Commmiion with Birds. <^ Tlie Temperance Vedette (Terrill, Texas), Aug. 11, 1877. Editorial extract from Birds of tlie Northwest, relating to Rallus virginianus. 1877. Curtis, T. D. The Occurrence of the Black Rail [Porzana jamaicensis] in Mas- sachusetts [in Boston]. <[ Forest and Stream, viii, Apr. 5, 1877, p. 129. See p. 33. 1877. Streets, T. H. Description of a new Moorhen [Gallinula sandviceusis] from the Hawaiian Islands. < Ihis, 4th ser., i, Jan., 1877, pp. 25-27, fig. 1878. Evans, R. D. [Porzana Carolina] Caught at Sea. <:^Foresi and Stream, x, Aug. 1,1878, p. 503. An individual captured 350 miles off tlie coast of Virginia. 1878. SCLATER, [P. L.] [Exhibition of the jirobable type of Fulica gallinuloides King, Zool. Journ., iv, p. 96 = F. leucoptera V., nee F. armillata (cf. P. Z. S., 1868, p. 465 ; Exot. Orn., p. 115).] < P. Z. &, Mar. 5, 1878, p. 291. 1879. "Aix Sponsa." The Mud-hen of the West [Fulica americana]. <^ Forest and Stream, xii, July 10, 1879, !>. 444. Habits of young of tliis species. 1879. "Byrne." The "Mud Hen" of the West [Fulica americana]. <:^ Forest and Stream, xii, Apr. 24, 1879, p. 226. 1879. Chubb, H. E. Whose Mistake ? < Forest and Stream, xiii, Oct. 9, 1879, p. 705. Refers to Porzana noveboracensis in Obio. 1879. CouES, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 23. — The American Coot.— (Fulica Americana, Gin.) <^ The Chicago Field, June 9, 1879. From tbe "Birds of tbe Nortbwest." 1879, Deane, R. The Florida Gallinule [Gallinula galeata] in New England. <^ Forest and Stream, xiii. Not. 6, 1879, p. 785. 187 -. Elliot, D. G. The Genus Porphyrio and its Species. <^ Strag Feathers, — , 137-, pp. ,lpl. 1879. [Fitch, E. H.] The American Coot [Fulica americana]. <^ The Journ. of Sci. (Toledo, Ohio), 2d ser., ii. No. 1, Apr., 1879, cut. 1879. [Grinnell, G. B.] A Rare Rail [Porzana noveboracensis]. <^ Forest and Stream, xiii, Sejit. IS, 1879, p. 045. Captured in New Jersey. 1879. [Grinkell, G. B.] The Florida Gallinule [Gallinula galeata] in Counecticut. < Forest and Stream, xiii, Oct. 2, 1879, p. 684. 896 lUJLLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Tol.Y. 1879. HOLiiEUTOX, W. The Yellow-breasted Kail [Porzaiia iioveboraccusis]. < Fo)-- est and Stream, xii, Juuc 25, 1879, j). 405. Capture of a specimen in Hackensack (N. J.) Meadows in Apr., 1879. 1879, Linden, C. Note ou Porzana noveboraccnsis. <^ Forest and Stream, xiii, Nov. C, 1879, p. 785. Capture of this species at Clinton, Iowa. 1879. Merrill, H. W. Eail [Porzaua Carolina] in Wisconsin. <^ Forest and St»-cam, xiii, Nov. 20, 1879, p. 827. Mentions also the "King mil" (? Eallus clegans) and some game birds. 1879. "Perdix." The Common Gallinule [Galliuula galeata] in Illinois. p. 68-72. Zur Lebensweise, mit besouderer Kiicksiclit an dessen Zug. 1863. Sacc, Dr. Sur les Grues [Gruidai j. < Bull Soc. Acelim., x, 1863, pp. 736-738. Traitant de ciuq especes apprivois6es. 1864. HoMEYER, E. V. Ueber die Riickenf arbung des briitenden Krauiehs [Gru>i cine- rea]. < J.f. O., xii, 1864, pp. 337-339. Bemeikungfii uber Meve's Artikel, Oefv. K. Yet.-Akad. Fbrh., 1800, pp. 218 ; J. /. O., 1862, pp. 132, 133. 1865. Smith, Cecil. Crane [Grus cinerea] at Stallford. <^Zoologist,xxu\,lS'ob,\}. 9848. 1866. Jerdon, T. C. The Common Crane [Grus cinerea] in India. <^ Zoologist, '2d ser., i, 1866, pp. 346, 347. From 'Birds of India,' ii, p. 665. 1866. Jerdon, T. C. The Demoiselle Crane [Anthropoides virgo] m India. <^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 347. From ' Birds of India, " ii, p. 667. 1868. SCLATER, P. L. [Notices of recent additions to the Society's Menagerie. ] < P. Z. S., xxxvi, 1868, pp. 566, 567. Qrus americana, -with list of 12 spp. of Gruidce. 1869. Anon. Crane [Grus cinerea] at Lynn, <:^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1803. 1869. GoEBEL, H. Einige Beobachtungen iiber den Krauich[Grus cinerea]zug. <] J, f. 0., xvii, 1869, pp. 193, 194. 1869. Gurnet, J. H., Jr. Crane [Grus cinerea] at Tewkesbury. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1803. 1869. Gurnet, J. H., Jr. Occurrences of the Crane [Grus cinerea] in 1869. < Zo- ologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1841, 1842. 1869. Hart, W. Crane [Grus cinerea] at Wareham. < Zoo?oB6T., ix, 1872, pp. 692, 693. Moeurs et habitudes. 902 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.y CariamidaB. 1809. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, E. Description Du Cariama de Marcgrawe, micro- dactylus Marcgravii [Dielioloplius cristatus]. <^Ann. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat., xiii, 1809, pp. 3G2-370, pi. 26. Avcc les caracteres ties genres Palamedea et Psophia, et sur les habitudes du Cariama. ' On the strength of the above, G. E. Gray quotes Microdaetylus marcgravii, g. sp. n., Geofir., 1809. IS'23. Maximilian, — . Beitrage zur Natiirgescliiclite des Sariama oder Seriama [Dielioloplius cristatus]. <^Xov. Act. Acad. Leoj). Carol. Nat. Cur., xi, jit. 11, 1823, pp. 341-350, pi. 4.5. Mir nicht zuganglich. 1S36. Martin, W. [Notes on tlie visceral and osteological Anatomy of the Cariama (Dielioloplius cristatus HI.)] < P. Z. «., iv, 1836, pp. 29-32. 1838. Martin, [W.] Zerlegung des Sariama (Dicholoplius cristatus). <^0}cen's Isis, Bd. xxxi, 1838, p. 181. Aus d. P. Z. S., iv, 1836, pp. 29-32. 1853. BuRMEiSTER, H. Beitriige zur Natiirgescliiclite des Seriema [Dicholoplius cris- tatus]. < Ahhandl. d. Naturf. Geselhch. zu Ralle, Bd. i. Quart, i, 1853, pp. 11-52, 2 Taflu. (Auch besonders gedruckt, Halle, Schniidt, 18.54. 4to.) Nicht mir zuganglich.— Titel aus Carus & Engelmanb. Cf. J.f. O., 1854, pp. 67, 68. 1853. NiTZSCH, C. L. Vergleicliung des Skelets von Dicholophus cristatus mit dem Skelett ji>us der Eaubvogel, Trappen , Hiihner und Wasserliiibner. <] Ahhandl. d. Naturf. Geselhch. zu Halle, Bd. i, Quart, i, 1853, pp. 53-58. Nicht mir selbst zuganglich.— Vergl. Sund., Tent, 1873, p. Ill: Parker, M. Micr. Journ., 1873, p. 45. 1854. Cabinis, J. Abbandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellscbaft zu Halle : I. Band, I. Quartal. < J.f. O., ii, 1854, pp. 67, 68. GrcisstentheilseineNotiziiberBurmeister's ,, Beitrage zur NaturgeschlcMe des Seriema." 1857. Barron, C. Note on the Osteology of Cariama [Dicboloiihus cristatus]. < Zoologist, XV, 1857, p. 5428. 1860. Hartlaub, G. On a New Form of Grallatorial Bird nearly allied to the Cari- ama (Dicbolophus cristatus). < P. Z. S., xxviii, 1860, pp. 334-336. JHcholophits burmeisteri. See Burm., Reise, 1861, p. 66. 1860. Hartlaub, G. On a [lately] New Form of Grallatorial Bird nearly allied to the Cariama (Dicholophus cristatus). <:^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 3d ser. , vi, 1860, pp. 451, 452. JD. burmeisteri. From P. Z. S., June 26, 1860, pp. 334-336. 1872. GtJNTHER, A. Note on a Deformed Example of Cariama [Dicholophus] cristata. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., x, 1872, pp. 67, 68. No. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY PALAMEIDEID^. 903 Palameidcidae. 1797. Geoffroy St.-Hilaiue, E. Sur les genres Paoi)liia ct Palamodca do Linn6. <; MilHn, Magas. EtwycL, iii, iv, 1797, pp. 10-12; Bull. Sc. Soc. Philom., i, ii, 1797, pp. .'>0, 51. Pas vu iuoi-m6tue — lo titre tii'6 do la Jiibl. de Carus et Engelmann. 184'2. Martix, W. [Notes on the Habits of the Horned Screamer (Palamedea cornuta, Linn.)] < P. Z. S.,-&, 1842, pp. 15, 16. 1843. Martin, W. [Znr Lebenswdse von Palamedea cornnta. ] <^Froriep'8 Neue Noti- zen , XXV, No. 545, 1843, pp. 259-261. Not seeu. From P. Z. S., 1842, pp. 15, 16. 1845. Gray, G. R. [Chauna derbiana, sp. n.] <^ Gray if Mitch. Gen. B.,Ja,n., 1845, pi. 1(50. 1863. Parker, W. K. On the Systematic Position of the Crested Screamer (Palamedea chavaria). < P. Z. f the genus, hei'e largely detailed, is taken as the guide to its classification. The author concludes that the family cannot be kept among the Aaseriuo birds, where Flower had placed it. "In the windiiijie and the form of tlie angle of the jaw, tliey no doubt closely ap]iroacli them. In their alimentary canal they are mucli nearer to Strvthio and Rhea (not Drnnuriig and Oasuarlug) than to any otlier birds. There is a Cit'onine tendency in tlieir myoloiiy, whilst theirdstcology pciints in no special direction. It seems, therefore, to me tliat, summing these results, the Screamers must have sprung from the primary avian stock as an independent ofi'sluiot at much the same time as did most of the other important families." On tlie species treated, cf. P. iJ. /S'., 1863, p. 511 ; 1867, p. 415; 1874, p. 117. 904 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. fFoLV. Opifiithocoiiiidae. 1785. SONNiNi DE Manoncour, 0. N. S. Dii Sasa [Opisthocomus cristatus], Oiseau de la Guyane. <^Journ. de Physique, xxvii, 1785, pp. "222-224. Pas vu moi-meme : le titre tir6 do la Bibl. de Carus et Engelmaim. 1787. SONNiNi DE Manoncour, C. N. S. Ueber den Sasa [Opisthocomus cristatus], eineu Vogel aus Guiaua. < Liclit. u. Voigt's Magaz., 3d ser., iv, 1787, pp. 45-50. Nicht mil- selbst zuganglicli : Titel aus Cams und Engelmann, Bibl. 1852. Deville, I5. Observations faites en Am6rique sur les mceurs de difl'i^rentes esp^ces d'Oiseaux-Mouclies, suivies de quelques notes auatomiques et de mceurs sur I'Hoaziu [Opisthocomus cristatus], le Caurale, et le Savacou. < Bev. et Mag. de Zool., iv, 1852, pp. 208-226, pi. 9. Sur I'organisation et les mceurs de rHoazin, pp. 217-222, pi. 9. 1852. Deville, E. Observations faites en Am6rique sur les mceurs de difiF^rentes especes d'Oiseanx-Mouches, suivies de c^uelques Notes sur i'organisation et les mceurs du Caurale, de Savacou et de I'Hoaziu [Opisthocomus cristatus]. <^ Compf. Bend, de VAcad. Sci., xxxiv, 18.52, pp. 652-654. Extraites par I'auteur. Ici la quatrifeme et principale partie de ses "Observations," sux I'anatomie de I'Hoazin. 1870. Cabaxis, J. [Eier des Opisthocomus cristatus. ] <^ J"./. O., xviii, 1870, pp. 318, 319, pi. i, fig. 3. 1873. Perrin, J. B. Note on the Myology of Opisthocomus cristatus. <^P.Z.S., 1873, p. 685. 1879. Garrod, a. H. Notes on Points in the Anatomy of the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus). . 39. | — | M.DCCC. Y. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. pp. i-xiv, 1-224, pll. i-vi. This is a celebrated treatise on a very celebrated bird, replete with curious learning upon the natural, mythological, and philological history of the Ibis, gathered by the author as a part of his researches in Egypt. The bird excited much attention about that time ; the Baron Cuvier gave his views on the same subject; and quite a literature was soon formed, both as regards the ornithological and the archasological aspects of the case. The present memoir became the occasion of much discussion, and the information it contains is found in various other writings, under different guises. 1805. VOSMAER, A. Histoire Naturelle | du | Courli | Africaiu [ ]. | Ay ant 6t6 conserve dans le Museum | De son Altesse S6renissime Monseigneur le Prince | D'Orange-Nassau. | Par Feu Mr. | A. Vosmaer, | De sa vie Conseiller de S. A. S., Directeur de son Cabinet d'Histoire | Naturelle &, des Curio8it68, Membre de TAcad^mie Imp6riale, | Correspondant de TAcad^mie Eoyale des Sciences de Paris, | Membre de celle de Madrid & des Soci6t6s Litterai- | res de Flessin- gue & de Harlem «fec. | — | A Amsterdam, chez | J. B. Elwe, | MDCCC Y. 4to. pp. 8, pi. 1806. JOMARD, — . Observations sur I'Histoire Naturelle et Mythologique de i'ibis, Ouvrage de J. C. Savigny, Membre de I'lnstitut d'Egypte. [Par M. Jomard. ] n. d. n.p. [Paris. Delauce. 1808.] 1vol. 8vo. pp.27. Extraites du Magasin Encyclop6dique, num6ro de F6vT-ier 1806. 18— . RoziERE, — . De I'ibis Egyptien. [Par Rozifere.] 8vo. pp.22. Extrait du ? Apropos de I'ouvrage de M. J. C. Savigny, intitule: Hist. Nat. et Mythol. de VIbis: donnant les principaux r6sultats du travail de M. Savigny, en y joignant quelques observations. 1817. Montagu, G. Some Remarks on the Natural History of the Black Stork [Cico- nia nigra], for the first time captured in Great Britain. < Trans. Linn. Soc,, 1817, pp. 19-23. 1817. Ord, G. An Account of an American Species of the Genus Tantalus or Ibis. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhUa.,i, 1817, pp. 53-57. Identified, with a query, with T. mexicanus Gm. This is probably the earliest special notice of the Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) in North America. 1822. " L'UN DE vos AuDiTEURS A l'Ath6n]^e." Au r^dacteur du Journal de Physique. <^ Journ. de Phys. CMm. Hist. Nat., xciv, 1822, p. 320. Quelques faits concernants les moeurs des Cicognes. 1823. Montagu, G. Einige Bemerkungen uber die Naturgeschichte des schwarzen Storchs, Ardea [Ciconia] nigra Linn., den man vor kurzem zum erstenmal in England angetroffen hat. < Oken's Ms, Jahrg. vii, 1823, {Utter. Anzeig.), pp. 539-543. Aus d. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xii, pt. i, 1817, pp. 19-23. No.4.] COTTES'S ORNITH. HIBLIOORAPIIY CICONIID^. 909 1825. Adam, J. A deHcription of the Ciconia. Argalu or Adjutant l'A\(\ of lieuyal. < T)-ans. Med. Phys. Soc. Calcutta, i, 1825, i>p. 240-248. Not seen — title from Hoy. Soc. Cat. It is reprinted in several places. See below. 1826. Adam, J. Description of the CiconiaArdgala [sic], or Adjutant Bird. <^r^dmh. New rhUos. Jour II., i, 182(5, p]). :527-:}:52. From Trans. Med. and Phys. Soc. Calcutta, i, 1825, pp. 240-248. DeBcription followed by extended account of habits. Also in Froriep's Notizen, xv, Xo. 328, 1826, pp. 307-309, and Isig, 1832, p. 685. 1826. [Temmixck, C. J., and Laugieu, M. ] Notice sur les Cigognes, et particuliere- nieut .sur les trois graudes especes qui fouruisseut a la toilette des dames les ]>Iuiiie8 deliees dites Marabou. <| Ann. des Sci. Xat., vii, 182(i, pp. 91-96. K6produito de la CI' livraison '«//., 2'' sect., xv, 1828, p. 392. Extraite des Trans. Med. and Phys. Soc. Calcutta, i, 1825, pp. 240-248; Edinb. New Philot. Journ., i, 1826, pp. 327-332. 1829. . Cicogues avec des <5cussons metalliques. <^ Feruss. Bull., 2* sect., xvi, 1829, p. 285. Froriep's Notizen, xxi, n" 21, August, 1828, p. 329. 1829. [Priou, — ]. Ibis noirs tu<5s dans le d<5parteraent de la Loire-Inf(^rieure le 18 mai 1828. . . . < Fmks', vl, 1864, p. 430. 1864. Meyer, R. Juuger und alter Storch [Ciconia alba]. (Mit einer lithographir- tcu Tafel.) < Zool. Gart., v, 1864, pp. 399-403. Der Tafel stoUt dessen Duuenkleid dar. 1864. SCHWAlTZER, F. Eiu Eingeweiaewurm am Herzen einer Ciconia nigra. <^ J, f. 0., xii, 1864, pp. 398, 399. 1865. Blake-Knox, H. Glossy Ibis [Ibis falcinellus] in Dublin Bay. <^Zoologi8t, xxiii,1865,p.9453. 1865. Gunn, T. E, Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] on the Coast of Norfolk. <^ Zo- ologist, xxiii, 1865, pp. 9418, 9419. 1865. GURNEY, J. H. Anecdote of a Pair of Storks [Ciconia alba]. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, pp. 9453, 9454. 1865. Jackel, a. J. Die Begattung der Storche [Ciconia alba] vor ihreni Wegzugc von uns. <^Zool. Gart., vi, 1865, pp. 378, 379. 1865. RoDD, E. H. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] near Helston. <^Zoologist, xxiu, 1865, p. 9564. 1865. SCHLEGEL, H. Ciconiae < j1/«s. Hist. Xat. Pays-Bas, 7<= livr., D^c, 1864, pp. 1-26. (Pub. 1865.) Though ostensibly dating Dec, 1864, this article cannot have been published before 1865, for tlie end of it is a partof the same sheet of paper (signature 29) that begins the next article, dated May, 1865. The article treats of Ciconia (7 spp.), Mycteria (4 spp.), Anastomiis (2 8pp.), Tantalus (^ sjip.). and Platalea (6 spp.), represented in the Leydeu Museum by 152 si)ecimens. 914 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [ToLY. I«G5. Schmidt, Max. [Eiu juuger schwarze Storcli (Cieouia uigra).] <^Zool. Gart., \i, 18G5, p. 343. IdGG. Hackett, \V. A. The Stork [Cieouia albaj at Cork. <^Zooloit, 2(1 ser., i, 1866, p. 524. 18GG. Harting, J. E. Ou the Occurrence of the Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] in Middlesex. <^Zoolo(jisl, 2d ser., i, 1666, pp. 35-37. 1866. Mathew, M. a. Glossy Ibis [Ibis falciuellus] at Biulleigh Saltertou. <^ZooIo- gist, 2d ser., i, 1866, i). 524. 1866. EODD, E. H. Glossy Ibis [Ibis falciuellus] at Scilly. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser. , i, 15G6, p. .524. 1866. Schmidt, Max. Zwei rothe Ibis (Ibis rubra). <^Zool. Gart., vii, 18GG,-p. 421. 1867. Hamoxd, a. [Cieouia nigra iu Norfolk, England.] <^ Ibis, 2d ser., ill, 18G7. i). 3S2. 1867. Jerdox, T. C. The Gigantic Stork or Adjutant (Leptoptilos argala).- <^Zoolo- gisf, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 834. From 'Birds of India', p. 731 1867. Jerdox, T. C. The Shell Ibis (Anastomus oscitaus). <^ Zoologist, 2d ser.. ii, 1867, pp. 834, 835. From ' Birds of India', i, p. 760. 1867. Kawaxl, J. H. Biologisches vom Storch (Cieouia alba Bris.) Aus Kurland. < Bull. Soc. Imp. Xat. Moscou, xl, pt. 2, 1867, pp. 486-497. 1867. Meyer, E. Ueber das Herabfallen der jungeu Storche [Cieouia alba] aus dem Neste. <^Zool. Gart., viii, 1867, pp. 482-484. 1837. Schmidt, Max. Eiu seuegambischer Jabirustorch (Mycteria senegalensis). < Zool. Gart., viii, 1867, p. 29. 1868. Clark-Kexxedy, A. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] iu the North of York- shire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1135. 1868. Guxx, T. E. Glossy Ibis [Ibis falciuellus] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1423. 1868. Guxx, T. E. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] ou the Norfolk Coast. < Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1295. 1868. Ki{AUSS, Dr. Aus dem Freilebeu des weissen Storchs [Cieouia alba]. <^ Zool. Gart., ix, 1868, pp. 127-136. 1868. Schmidt, Max. Fortptlauzuug des weissen Storches [Cieouia alba] iu Gefan- genschaft. < Zool. Gart., is., 1868, pp. 10-23, 41-51. 1869. Anon. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] at Scilly. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1848. 1869. GUNN, T. E. Glossy Ibis [Ibis falciuellus] in Norfolk. <^Zoologist, 2d ser.. iv, 1869, p. 1517. 1869. Hart, W., and Son. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] at Benacre. <^ Zoologist, 2dser.,iv, 1869, p. 1.562. 1870. Anon. Der Storch als Bigamist. <[^»8 (?e>* JVafJo-., liii, oder n. F.,xli, 1870, p. 592. 1870. Horne, C. [Letter on the liest and eggs of Mycteria australis.] <^Ibis, 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp. 294, 295. 1871. Gurney, J. H. Note on the Indian Adjutant [Leptoptilus argala]. <[ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2871, 2872. 1871. Gurney, J. H., Jr. White Storks [Cieouia alba] near Lydd. <^ Zoologist, 2(\. ser., vi, 1871, p. 2643. 1871. Gurney, J. H., Jr. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] near Yarmouth. <^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2871. A'0.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY CICONIID^. 915 1871. Lkacii, II. K. Spooubill [Plataiea Icucorodia] near Akleburgh. <[ Zooloyitt, ^idser., vi, 1871, p.2871. I 1871. HoRNE, C. [Notes on the nesting of Mycteria australia. ] < Ibis, 3d ser., i, 1871, Ijp. 110-112. 1871. RODD, E. H. Spoonbill [Platalea leucorodia] at Scilly. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2522, 1871. RoDD, E. H. Spoonbill [Platalep, leucorodia] at the Lizard. <^ Zoologist, 2d .ser., vi, 1871, p. 2851. 1872. OUST.VLET, E. Remarques sur I'Ibis Sinensis de M. I'Abbd A. David. <^Kouv. Arch, (hi Mas. d'Hisi. Xat. ,vin, 1872, Bull, pp. 129-137, pi. vi. = Ihisnippon, var. sinensis. 1873. AxTUMjB. Nochmals: ,, Storcho undMiiuseualirnug." <:^Z'w/. Grt>'^, xiv, 1373, pp. 474-476. 1873. Altum, B. Storche als Vertilgcr von Felduiiiusen. < Zoo?. Ortcf., xiv, 187o, pp. 24, 25. 1873. Droste-Hulsuoff, [F.] V. [Storche als Vertiliger vou Feldmiiuseu.] <^Zool. ^art.,xiy, 1873, pp. 153, 154. 1873. DROSTE-HiJLsnoFF, F. v. (Storche als Vertiliger von FcldmiluHen uud Yor- zehrer vou Vogeln.) <^ ZooL Gart., xiv, 1873, pp. 394-390. 1873. Jackel, [A. J.] Die Storche als Vertiliger der Feldmiiuse. <^ZooL Gflrf.,xiv, 1873, pp. 312-314. 1873. Olfers, E. v. (Die bewachsenen Storchuester). <^ Zool. Gart., xiv, 1874, p. 476. 1873. Rope, G. T. White Stork [Cicouia alba] in Suttblk. . 1248. 1846. Frere, H. T. Anecdote of Herons fighting. <^Zoologist, iv, 1846, pp. 1212, 1213. 1846. Rodd, E. H. Occurrence of the Purple Heron [Ardea purpurea] near Pen- zance. < Zoologist, iv, 1846, "p. 1331. 1846. Thompson, W. Notice of an American Bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus, Mont. (sp.), obtained in Ireland. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xvii, 1846, pp. 91-94. 920 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Yol.Y. 1847. Plomley, F. Occurrence of the Purple Heron [Ardea purjiurea] near Lydd. <^ Zoologist, V, 1847", p. 1777. 1848. Bold, T. J. Occurrence of the Common Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris) at Prestwick Car and Blagdon, Northumberland. <^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2066. 1848. Bond, F. Occurrence of the young of the Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] near Enfield. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 1969. 1848. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) at Battel. <.^o- ologist, vi, 1848, p. 2023. 1848. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Little Bittern (Ardea [Ardetta] minuta) at Ewhurst and Ledlescomb, Sussex. <^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2147. 1848. Gould, J. Description of a new Heron [Ardea leucophsea]. <^ P. Z. -§., xvi, 1848, pp. 58, .59. 1848. Johnson, F. W. Occurrence of the Common Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] at Ipswich. <^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2066. 1848. Montgomery, R. J. Occurrence of the Night Heron (Nycticorax Gardeni) in the county Louth. <^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2147. 1849. Bird, W. F. W. Occurrence of the Common Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stella- ris) in Norfolk. <[ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2421. 1849. BuLTEEL, C. J. C. Occurrence of eight Night Herons (Nycticorax ardeola) in Devonshire, <[ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2528. 1849. Ellman, J. B. Occmrence of the Great White Heron ([Herodias alba] ?) in Romney Marsh. <[ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2419. 1849. Frere, H. T. Occurrence of the Little Bittern (Ardea [Ardetta] minuta) at South Walsham. < ZooZo^risf, vii, 1849, pp. 2498, 2499. 1849. Gould, J. Description of a new Heron [Ardea leucophyea]. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., iii, 1849, pp. 306, 307. From P. Z. S-, May 9, 1848,p. 58. 1849. Hewett, W. The Heroury in Coley Park, Berks. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, pp. 2420, 2421. 1849. Morris, F. O. Occurrenceof the Purjile Heron (Ardea purpurea) near Driffield. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2591. 1849. Morris, B. R. Note on the Heron (Ardea cinerea) as an article of Food. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2353. 1849. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Night Heron [Nyctiardea grisea] at Scilly. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2498. 1849. RODD, E. H. Occurrence of the Squacco Heron (Ardea [Buphus] comata) near Penzance. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2498. 1849. Smith, Jajies, Rev. Occurrence of the Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) in Ab- erdeenshire. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, pp. 2497, 2498. 1849. Smith, James, Eer. Occurrence of the Little Bittern (Ardea [Ardetta] minuta) at Yarmouth. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2528^ 1849. Webster, T. Occurrence of the Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] near Man- chester. <^Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2499. 1849. Wedderburn, J. N. Colour of the Eyes in the Night Heron (Aidea Nycti- corax [Nyctiardea grisea]). <^Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2591. 1849. Wright, J. Occurrence of the Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris) at Lym- ington. <] Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2392. 1850. Barclay, H. Occurrence of the Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris) at Walth- amstow. <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2771. ^0. 4] COUES'S ORNITH. HIBLIOGRAPHy ARDEID^. 921 1850. Pkacock, E., Ju. Habita of the Horon (Ardeacinerea). i>, E. il. Occurrence of the Night Heron (Ardea nycticorax [Nyctiardea grisea]) near Hclston. -^Zuoluyist, viii, IH.'iO, p. 2825. 1851. Clkvland, a. Occurrence of the Little White Heron (Ardea rassata [Herodias garzettn]) in South Devon. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 311G. 1851. Harpkr, .1. O. Occurrence of the Little Bittern (Ardea [Ardetta] uiinnta) in < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 2989. 1852. Anox. T!i;> Bitor l>it. <^Zoolo^inf, x, 1852, pp. :',71(i, :{711. From thf 'Sussex Express', Oct. 30. 18.')2. Heron killed by an eel it tried to swallow. 18o2. Baldamus, E. [Ardea nycticorax (Nyctiardea grisea) in der Nahe von Halle.] <[ Naumannia, ii. Heft i, 1852, p. 104. 1852. Ellmax, .J. B. Occurrence of the Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) at Catsfield, Sussex. < Zoologist, x, 1852, p. :i:?:«). 1852. GuRXEY, J. H. Note on the Little Bittern [Ardetta niinuta]. <^ Zoologi$t, x, 1852, pp. .3503, 3504. 1852. Reil, W. [Ardea nycticorax (Nyctiardea grisea) bei Halle.] <^ Xaumannia, ii. Heft i, 1852, p. 104. 1852. Schneider, M. [Ardea nycticorax (Nyctiardea grisea) in der Nahe von Halle.] <:^ Xaumannia, ii. Heft i, 1852, p. 104. 1852. WoDZicKi, C. Ueber Ard. [Botaurus] stellaris. <^ Naumannia, ii. Heft ii, 1852, pp. 48-50. Zur Lebensweise. — Beilage Xr. 6 zum Protok. d. seuhsten Vers. d. deutsch. Om.-Ges. 185.3. Gloger, C. W. L. Das hochst gewandte Klettern der Rohrdonimelu [u. s. w. ]. < J./. O. , i. 1853, pp. 379-381. Botaurus stellaris, Ardetta rninuta. 1854. Cooke, N. Occurrence of the Common Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) near War- rington. <^ Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 4254. 1854. DuTTON, J. Occurrence of the Common Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris) at Chiswick. <^ Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 4254. 1854, Martin, L. Zur Ernahrungsweise dea groasen Rohrdommels, Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris. < ././. 0. , ii, 1854, pp. 371, 372. 18.")4. KiMRou, — . Die kleine Rohrdommel [Ai-detta minuta] betreffend. <^J.f.O., ii, 1854, pp. 370, 371. Cf. op. cit, 1853, p. 379. 1854. Wallengren, [H. D. J.] Ardea purpurea, skjuten i Skane. <[ Of vers. Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandl.for dr 1853, 1854, pp. 123, 124. 1855. RiMROD, — . Der Zweck der schwaramigen Haut tind deren Dunenbekleidung, an BrustundScheukeluder Reiher[Ardeidai]. <^J./. 0., iii, 1855, pp. 190, 191. 1855. Rood, E. H. Note on the Common Night Heron [occipital plumes of Nycti- ardea grisea]. <^ Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4913. 185G. Anon. Occurrence of the Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] in Bedfordshire. <^Zo- ologist, xiv, 1856, p. 5064. 1856. Bouvi5, T. T. [Observations on the Nest of Ardea nycticorax.] <^rroc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist. , vi , 1856, p. 20. I. e., of the American variety, Nyctiardea gardeni Baird, or JV. grisea ncevia (Bodd.), Allen. Bull. V, 4 2(i 922 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 185G. D'Urban, W. S. M. Note on the Bittern (Ardea [Botannis] stellaris) in Devon- shire. <^ Zoologist, xiv, 1856, p. 5064. 1856. Graxtham, G. Occurrence of the Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] at Lowes. <[ Zoologist, xiv, 1856, p. 4996. 1857. Bai-damus, [E.] [UeberArdeauycfcicorax.] <;^fflumannia, vii, 1857, pp. 335, 336. 1857. Briggs, J. J. Occurreuce of the Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] in Dorljyshire. < Zoologist, XV, 1857, pp. 5594, 5.595. 1857. RiMROD, ^. Nachtrtigliche Berichtiguug iiber das Nisteu vou A[rdea]. uycti- corax [Nyctiardea grisea] ini uordUcheu Deutschland. <^Nawmannia, vii, 1857, p. 335. 1859. Drane, R. Occurrence of the Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] near Cardiff. < Zoologist, xvii, 1859, pp. 6562, 6563. 1860. Dewey, W. T. Occurrence of the Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] near Taun- ton. <^ Zoologist, xviii, 1860, p. 7274. 1861. HoMEYER, A. V. FJiegen die Reiher [Ardea cinerea] auch in Orduuug ? <^J. /. O.,ix,1861,p.305. 1862. BoDiNUS, Dr. Ein Fischreiher [Ardea cinerea] als Pflegevater von Wanderfal- ken. < Zool. Gart. , iii, 1862, pp. 31, 32. 1862. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Squacco Heron [Buphus comatus] near Redruth. < Zoologist, XX, 1862, p. 80.35. 1862. Stevenson, H. The Common Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] in Norfolk. < Zo- ologist, XX, 1862, pp. 8035, 8036. 1863. BouLTON, W. W. Occurrence of the Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] in York- shire. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8770. 1863. DuTTON, J. The Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris) at Eastbourne. <^Zoolo- gist, xxi, 1863, p. 8446. 1863. SCHLEGEL, H. Ardeae < Miis. Hist. Nat. Fays-Bas, 3*" li^•r., avril 1863, pp. 1-64. Treating sixty species of Ardeidce, all referred to tbe single genus Ardea, together with Gancroma cochlearia, which is allowed to be generically distinct. These are represented by 527 specimens in the Leyden Museum. A. minuta attstralis, p. 39; A. stellaris capensis, p. 48, subspp. nn. ? 1863. Schmidt, Max. Ein Fischreiher [Ardea cinerea, briiteud in Gefaugenschaft]. < Zool. Gart , iv, 1863, pp. 132, 133. 1863. Stevenson, H. The Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) in Norfolk. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, pp. 8329, 8330. 1863. Stevenson, H. The Squacco Heron (Ardea [Buphus] comata) in Norfolk. < Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8725. 1864. BouLTON, W. W. The Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] shot near Beverley. <^Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, pp. 8959-8961. 1864. BouLTON, W. W. Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] near Beverley. . From the 'Field,' Feb. 2. 1867. Ashjiead, G. B. Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] near Henley. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 829. 1867. Endicott, Wi E. The Encampment of the Herons [Nyctiardea grisea iiievia]. < Am. Nat., i, 1867, pp. 343-345. Notes of observation of a colony in Korfolk County, Mass., wantonly destroyed, and of habits of an individual kept in confinement. 1867. Endicott, W. E. Habits of the Bittern [Botaurus minor]. <^4m. iVa<., i, 1867, p. 325. Short note, criticizing E. A. Samuels's acconnt. 1867. Greet, T. Y. Food of the Heron. <^ The Intellectual Observer, x, 1867, p. 79. Extract of letter, with editorial note. 1867. RoDD, E. H. Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] near the Lizzard. <^ Zoologist, 2d. ser., ii, 1867, p. 829. 1867. RoDD, E. H. The Purple Crested Heron [Ardea purpurea] near the Lizzard, Cornwall. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , ii, 1867, pp. 829, 8.30. 1667. RoDD, E. H. Squacco Heron [Buphus comatus, at Land's End]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 830. 924 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [FoI.V. 1867. RoDD, E. H. Little Bitteru [Ardetta minuta] in Cornwall. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 759. 1867. Samuels, E. A. The Bitteru [Botaurus minor]. <;^m. iVa/., i, 1867,pp. 434, 435. Reply to AV. E. Endicott's strictures, ibid., p. 325. 1867. Shorto, J., Jr. Bitterns [Botaums stellaris] near Dorchester. <^ Zoologist, 'Id ser., ii, 1867, p. 708. 1867. TnoTMPSON, W. Squacco Heron [Buphus comatus] at AVeymoiitli. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser. , ii, 1867, p. 915. 1868. Angus, W. C. Common Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] in AberdeensMre. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1134. 1868. Clark-Kennedy, A. Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] near Pontefract. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, pp. 1134, 1135. 1868. Clark-Kennedy, A. Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] in Berkshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1135. 1868. Blake-Knox, H. Bitterns [Botaurus stellaris] in Ireland. <^ Zoologist, 2(1 ser., iii, 1868, p. 1378. 1868. Clark-Kennedy, A. Note on the Breeding of the Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] in Buckinghamshire. <^Zoo?0(7('8<, 2d ser., iii, 1868, pp. 1255, 1256. 1868. DuTTON, J. American Bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus] in Pevensey Marshes. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1098. 1868. GuNN, T. E. Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] breeding in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2(1 ser., iii, 1868, pp. 1220, 1221. 1S68. Mathew, G. F. Bittern (Ardea [Botaurus] stellaris) [at Slaptou Lea]. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d ser. , iii, 1868, p. 1098. 1868. Mathew, M. a. Little Bittern [Ardetta minuta] at Braunton, North Devon. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1295. 1868. RoDD, E. H. Flight of Bitterns [Botaurus stellaris]. <^ZooZo(/isf, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1059. 1868. White, H. J. Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] at Steyning, Sussex, <^ Zoologist, 2d ser.,iii, 1868, p. 1178. 1869. Clermont, Lord. American Bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus] in Ireland. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d ser. , iv, 1869, p. 1517. 1869. Clogg, S. Bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus] at Looe. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1562. 1869. Endicott, W. E. Bitterns. < ^»i. ^at, iii, 1869, pp. 169-179, fig. 36. Biographical notes on species of Botaurus and allied genera, especially B. lentiginosue. 1869. Gravil, J. T. [?], Jr. Bittern [Botaurus stellaris] near Epworth. <; Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1562. 1869. Hume, A. [0.] [On the breeding of certain Indian Ardeidse.] <^Ihis, 2d ser., V, 1869, p. 238. 1869. Mathews, G. F. Night Heron [Nyctiardea grisea] in Devonshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1802, 1803. 1869. RoDD, E. H. Night Herons [Nyctiardea grisea] in Cornwall. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser.,iv, 1869,p. 1802. 1869. Rowley, G. D. Contents of a Heron's Crop. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1722. 1870. Abbott, C. C. Night Herons [Nyctiardea grisea ncevia]. <^Am.Nat., iv, 1870, p. 377. Brief observations, made at Trenton, New Jersey. 1870. Blake-Knox, H. American Bitteru [Botaurus lentiginosus] at Cahir, Ireland. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , v, 1870, p. 2408. No.4.] COTTES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY ARDEID^. 925 1870. liOYES, F. Litth; Bittoru [Ardetta iniiiutii] in Nottinghamshire. <^ Zoologist, 2(lscr.,v, 1870, p. 2:W8. 1870. Gatcombe, J. Little Egret [Herodias garzotta] in Devonshire. <^ Zoologist, 2dser.,v,1870,p.2308. 1870. GURNEY, J. H. [On certain Ardeidae.] < Ibis, 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp. l.'iO, 151. 1870. Layaku, E. L. [Ou the occurrence of Calherodius cuculhituH in South Africa.] < Ibis, 2d 8cr., vi, 1870, p. 443. 1870. RODD, E. H. Little Bittern [Ardetta niinuta] at the Land's End. < Zoologist, 2d Her., v, 1870, p. 2224. 1870. Power, J. T. Little Bittern [Ardetta niinuta] in Ireland. -(^Zoologist, 2dser., V, 1870, pp. 2224, 222.5. 1870. Stevenson, H. Curious Anecdote of a Heron [preying on a Waterhen]. <^Zo- ologist, 2dser., v, 1870, p. 2068. 1870. Stieda, L. Uebor den Ban der Puderduneu der Rohrdonimel [Botaurus stella- ris]. <^Reich. u. Bois-Reym. Arch., 1870, pp. 104-111, pi. ii. 1871. Anderson, A. Night Heron [Nyctiardea grisea] breeding in Immature Plum- age, &c. <^ Zoologist , 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2807. 1871. Blake-Knox, H. American Bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus] in Ireland. '^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp.2642, 2643. 1871. Boyes, F. Bittern [Botaurus leutiginosns] in East Yorkshire. <^ ZoolQgist,'id. ser., vi, 1871, pp.2484, 2485. 1871. Nehkkorn, a. Notiz iiber Ardeola [Ardetta] minuta Lin. -esf a«d -Stream, i, Sept. 25, 1873, p. 105. Characteristics in brief, and scientific names, of the North American Ardeidce. 1873. Anon. Night Herou [Nyctiardea grisea] in Jersey. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3616. 1873. Aubrey, H. W. AV. Heronry near Salisbury. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3369. 1873. Bailey, H. F. British Heronries. < Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3369. 1873. BoYES, F. Heronries in East Yorkshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, pp. 3369-3371. 1873, BURNEY, H. British Heronries. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3651. 1873. Gatcombe, J. A New Heronry in Cornwall. <[Zoo?oflts<, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3693. 1873. Harting, J. E. British Heronries. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, pp. 3404- 3407. 1673. Hart, W. E. Heronries in Ulster. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3454. 1873. Heaton, W. H. Heronries: Errata [literal]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3454. 1873. Kerr, W. J. Heronries in Denbighshire and Merionethshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3369. 1873. LovETT, C. W. [On the supposed death of a Night Heron (Nyctiardea grisea na!^^a) from fright.] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. HiH., xv, 1873, pp. 242, 243. 1873. Swinhoe, E. On a new Species of Little Bittern [Ai-detta eurhythma] Irom China. <^liis, 3d ser., iii, 1873, pp. 73, 74, pi. ii. 1874. Anon. A Fine Specimen [of Ardea herodias]. <^Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 124. Occnrrence at Providence, R. I. 1874. Anon. Herons in Richmond Park. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 3835. Prom the London ' Pield ', Dec. 6, 1873. 1874. BOYES, F. Little Bittern [Ardetta niinuta] in East Yorkshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 4118. 1874. BlXLLER, W. L. Notes on the Little Bittern of New Zealand (Ardetta macu- lata). . 54. 1875. Anox. The Green Herou [ButoridcH viresceus]. <^ Oo7o(/j»<, i,'1875, p. 14, fiff. 1875. Hkkwek, T. M. [Not*; on the spocilic identity of Ardea pcalii and A. rufesccns]. < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hint., xvii, 1875, pp. 205, 200. 187.5. Clark-Kennkdy, A.J. The Heron preying on Birds. <^ Zoologist, 2(1 ser., x, Feb., 1875, pp. 4:540, 4:$41. 1875. CouiJix, G. B. Bitterns [Botanrus stelhiris] in South-Westeru Hampshire dur- ing the Winter of 1874-5. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., x, July, 1875, pp. 4540, 4541. 1875. "Dock." A Rare Bird [Herodias egretta, at St. Charles, Missouri.] <[ Bod and Gun, vi, May 8, 1875, p. 91. 1875. Guxx, T. E. Bitterns [Botanrns stellaris] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., x, Feb., 1875, p. 4:541. 1875. HcDsox, W. H. On the Herons of the Argentine Republic, with a Notice of a curious Instinct of Ardetta involucris. < P. Z. S.,'Nov. 10, 1875, pp. 02;j-631. The writor lu-ro ■rives one of the very 1)est pieces of writing we have evoi' received on the nature and habits of Herons, — to be particularly recommended alike to those contemplating biographies of these birds, and to those who are fond of graphic delineations of bird-life. 1875. Nkwman, E. Bitterns [Botaurus stellaris] in England, Ireland and Wales. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., x, Feb., 1875, p. 4341. 1875. RiDiiWAY, R. A Heronry [Ardea herodias] in the Wabash Bottoms. < Am. Sjjortsman, v, Fel». 13, 1875, p. 312. 187.5. "Teal." [R. L. Newcomb.] Another specimen [of Botaurus lentiginosus, at Salem, Mass.]. <^ Forest and Stream, iii, Jan. 14, 1875, p. :io7. 187.5. Whitaker, J. Bitterns [Botaurus stellaris] in Nottinghamshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., x, Feb., 1875, p. 4:341. 1875. " W. H. C." The Sensitive Sight and Hearing of the Great Blue Heron [Ardea herodias]. <^ Oillogist, i, 1875, p. 52. 1870. Abbott, C. C. The OccuiTeuce of White Egrets [Garzetta candidissima] at Trenton, New Jersey. < Am. Nat., x, No. 8, 1876, pp. 47:3-470. Full account of the occurrence there of these and other Herons, with much reflection on the subject. 1870. AUDUBOX, J. J. The Great Blue Heron. Ardea herodias, — Linn. < OiJlogist, i, 1875, pp. 70-78, fig. (to be cont.) Extract from his Ornith. Biogr. 1870. Brewsteu, W. Singular food of the Least Bittern [Ardetta exilis]. <^Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Club, i. No. 3, Sept., 1870, p. 70. Stomach "fairly crammed with clean white cotton wool." 1870. FiSK, W. II. A Fight with a Heron. <^ Forest and Stream, vii, Nov. 10, 1870, p. 230. Combat between a doj? and a Heron, copied from the London (England) "Field"; with editorial remarks upon a similar occurrence witnessed in Minnesota, U. S. 1870. GuRXEY, J. H., Jr. American Bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus] in Dumfries- shire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, May, 1676, p. 4929. 1876. Hersey, J. C. The Little Whit« Egret [Garzetta candidissima] in Colorado. Am. Xat., X, 1870, p. 4^,0. 1670. [Hudson, H.] Notes on a South-American Heron [Ardetta involucris]. <^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., xi. May, 1870, pp. 4928, 4929. From P. Z. S., 1875, pp. G23-C31. 1870. [Lowell, J. R. ] Night Herons [Nyctiardea grisea nsevia, at Boston in the win ter. ] <^ Forest and Stream, vi, Mar. 9, 1870, p. 08. 928 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Yol.Y. 1876. LuMSDEN, J. American Bittcru [Botaurus lentiginosus] in Islay. <^Zoologi8l, 2cl ser., ii, Feb., 1876, p. 4801. From the London 'Field' of Jan. 22, 1876. 1876. Mathew, M. A. Herons at Bishop's Lydeard. <:^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, Aug., 1876, p. 5046. 1876. Matuew, M. A. Little Bittcru [Ardctta minuta] at Plymonth. <^ Zoologist, 'idi ser., xi, Aug., 1876, p. 5046. 1876. NiCHOLLS, H., Jr. Night Heron [Nyctiardea grisea] near Kingsbridge. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d ser., xi, Mar., 1876, pp. 4843, 4844. 1876. Stevenson, H. Purple Heron [Ardea purpurea] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi. Mar., 1876, p. 4843. 1877. Nelson, E. W. The Louisiana Heron [Demiegretta ludoviciaua] in Indiana. < Bnll. mitt. Ornith. Club, ii, No. 2, Apr., 1877, p. 51. 1877. REicnEXOAV, A. Systei:iatische Uebersicht der Schreitvogel (Gressores), einer natiirlicheu, die Ibidae, Ciconidae, Phoenicopteridae, Scopidae, Balaenicipi- dae und Ardeidae umfasseuden Ordnung. <; J. f. 0., Apr., 1877, pp. 113-171, pll. i, ii; July, 1877, pp. 225-277. Da dieser Jahrgang gerade gebundcn wurde, war es mir nicht mbglioh denselben einzu- sehen. 1877. [Scott, W. E. D.] Notes on the Habits of the Least Bittern (Ardetta exilis). < The Country, 1, 1877, pp. 91, 103. 1878. A[llen], J. A. Ridgway's Studies of the American Herodiones. < Bull. Nutt. OmiWi,. C/«ft, iii. No. 4, Oct., 1878, pp. 182, 183. Review of the paper iu Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., iv, pp. 219-251, Feb. 5, 1878. 1878. A[llen], J. A. Reiclienow's Review of the Herons and their Allies. <^ Bull. JSTntt. Ornith. Club, iii. No. 4, Oct., 1878, pp. 183-185. Extended review of the ,, Systematische Uebersicht der Schreitvogel," in: Cab. Journ. fur Ornith. Jatirg., xxv, Apr.-July, 1877, pp. 113-171, 225-278. 1878. [Garlick, T.] a Large Heronry [of Ardea herodias]. <[ Forest and Stream, ix, Jan. 17, 1878, p. 451. 1878. " H. W. T. E." Booming of the Bittern [Botaurus lentiginosus]. <:^ Forest and Stream, x, April 25, 1878, p. 216. 1878. LocKWOOD, S. The Night Herons [Nyctiardea grisea ntevia], and their Ex- odus. < Jm. Nat., xii, No. 1, 1878, pp. 27-35. Vivacious and interesting account of the habits. 1878. RiDGWAY, R. studies of the American Herodiones. — Part I. — Synopsis of the American Genera of Ardeidse and Ciconiidis ; including Descrijitions of three New Genera, and a Monograph of the Americau Species of the Genus Ardea, Linn. <:^Bull4 U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. Terr., iv. No. 1, Feb. 5, 1878, p^j. 219-251, fig. No second Part of the "Studies " has appeared. Synonymy and diagnosis of the "order " Herodiones — Altricial Grallatores, \\ 219. — Synopsis of the American Herodioniue families, p. 220; there are live: Cancromidce, Ardeidce, Cieonii- dee, Ibididce, Plataleidce. — Synopsis of the American genera of Arrfridoe, p. 223; these sixteen : Ardea, Herodias, Oarzctta, Dichromanassa (g. n., p. 224), Hydranassa (Bd., 1858), Florida, Bu- torides, Syrigma (g. n., p. 224), Pilhcrodius, Nyctiardea, Kyctherodiu.i, Agamia. Tigrisomn, Zebrilus, Botaurus, Ardctta. — Monograph of the American species of the genus Ardea, p. 226 ; four species: A. oecidentalis A.w\. (to which A. w!/rd«>!(T7miBd. isrefei-red), A. herodias, A.cin- erea (of Europe), A. cocoi; very full accounts of which, with copious synonymy, are given. — Description of two new Americau genera of Ardeidw, p. 246, being Dichromanassa and Syrig7na, as above given. — Synopsis of the American subfamilies and genera of Cieoniidoe, p. 248; the family being dividet into Giconiinoe and Tantalince, with Euxenura (g. n., p. 249:= IHssoura Cab., 1850) and Mycteria as genera. (See P. Z. 8., 1878, p. 633, and Ibis. 1878, pp. 475-477. 1878. Rowley, G. D. On Sussex Heronries. <[JSowi. Orw. ilfisc, iii, pt. xii, Jan., 1878, pp. 65-74, pll. Ixxxix, xc. f^o.i\ COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY ARDEID^E. 929 1878. "Sawuoxks." a Bitt(!rii [Botaunis lentiyinosus] Bit. < Forctt and Stream, xi, Nov. 14, 1878, p. 301. Choked to death by a flsh. 1878. [ScLATER, P. L., and Salvix, O.] Kidgway's Studiiis of t\u'. Anierican Hcro- (lionos. < Ibh, 4th ser., ii, Oct., 1878, pp. 475-477. Review (tf the paper in Bull. 77. S. Geol. 8urv. Terr., iv, No. 1, Feb., 1878, pp. 219-251. 1879. Brewstkk, W. a Second Spetumeu of the Yellow-crowucd Night Ilcrou (Nyc- tiardea violaeea) in Massachusetts. <^ Bull. XuU. OntUli. Club, iv, No. 2, Apr., 1871), ])p. 124, 125. 1879. Cory, A. B. De.sciiption of a New Si)ecie.s of the Family Ardoi(hie [cyauiro.s- tris'}, from the Bahama Islands.— A loose lialf-nheet, dated Boston, Oct. 8, 1879. This inogular mode of publication is highly objectionable, and acarcely admissible. The supposed new species is apparently not distinct from the common Louisiana Heron, Ardea ludoviciana of Wilson, Demiegretta ludoviciana Baird, or Hydranassa tricolor, Ridgw. The specific name is apparently to l)e taken for cyaneirostris. 1879. COUKS, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 20. — The American Bittern. Botaurus Minor. (Gm.) < The Chicago Field, May 10, 1879, From the "Birds of the Northwest." 1879. CoUKS, E. Letters on Ornithology. No. 30.— The Great White Egret. Ardea Egretta (Gm.) Gray. < The Chicago Field, July 26, 1879. 1879. CouES, E. Nesting of the Great Blue Heron [Ardea herodias] iu the West. < The Chicago Field, Aug. 2, 1879. Extract from "Birds of the Northwest." 1879. DEAiiE, R. The Great White Egret [Herodias egretta] in New Brunswick. < Bull mat. Ornith. Club, iv. No. 1, Jan., 1879, p. 63. 1879. Eaton, D. H. Nest and Eggs of the American Bittern (Botaurus minor [lentigi- nosu8|).j <^The Oologisi, iv, No. 10, May, 1879, pp. 73, 74, pi., fig. 1. Original observations made in Illinois. 930 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Wol.Y. PhcenicopteridaB. 1716. DOJJGLASS, J. The Natuial History aud Description of the Phoenicopterus or Flamingo ; with two Views of the Head, and three of the Tongue, of that beautiful and uncommon Bird. <^ Philos. Trans., xxix, 1716, pp. 523-541, tab. ii, figg. 1-6. Very fuU — name and its etymology, genus, geograpbical distribution, food, nesting, flight, uses made of the bird, and extended description ; the plate shows the bead, and several views of the tongue and os hyoides. 1734. Perrault, C. Description anatomiqne d'nn Becharu [Phoenicopterus]. <^ Mem. de VAcad. Boy. des Sel. depnis 1666 jusq. 1699, iii, pt. iii, 1734, pp. 4'2-49, pll. 9, 10. 1757. Perrault, C. Anatomisohe Beschreibuug eines Flamingo [Phceuicopterus]. <^ Aihandl. Konigl. Franziiskh. Akad., ii, 1757, pp. 217 . Xot seen-rtitle from Giehel. Geriji. transl. from Mem. de I' Acad. Paris, iii, pt. iii, 1734, p. 42. 1797. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, £t. Sur une nouvelle espece de Phoenicopterus [mi- nor]. < MiWn Magas. Encxjcl., iii, 1797, pp. 433-436. Pas vu moi-meme. 1798. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, St. Sur une nouvelle espece de Phoeuicojiterus [mi- nor]. < Bidl. Sci. Soc. Philom., i, 1798, pp. 97, 98. Pas vu moi-meme. 180-. GiORNA, M. E. Description du Phoenicopterus tn^ en Pi^mont le 31. Mai 1806, etc. <^ Mem. Acad. Turin pour less anuses 1805-8, 18 — , pi). 318-327. Pas vue moi-meme. 1829. D'Orbiony, [A.] D., and Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Is. Sur une nouvelle espece de Ph^nicoptere on Flammaut (Ph^nicopterus ignipalliatus). <^Ann. des Sci. Kat., xvii, 1829, pp. 454-457. Les auteurs pr68entent quatre especes — PP. antiquorum, ruber, minor, ignipalliatus, sp. n. 1829. [D'Orbigny, A. D., and Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Is.] Sur une notivelle espfece de Phenicoptere ou Flammant (Phoenicopterus ignipalliatus) ; . . . <^ Feruss. Bull., 2e sect., xix, 1829, pp. 111-113. Extrait des Ann. des Sci. Nat., xvii, 1829, pp. 454-457. 1832. [Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Is.] Pheuicoptfere. Phoenicopterus. Lin. <^ (rM^r. Mag. de Zool.,2^ ann^e, 1832, classe ii, Ois., notice ii, pi. ii. Phoenicopterus ignipalliatus, d'Orb. et Is. Geoffi-., Ann. Sci. Nat., xvii, 1829, p. 454. Traite aussi de P. antiquorum, P. ruber et P. minor. 1832. Owen, R. [Notes on the Anatomy of the Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber.] < P. .^. S., ii, 1832, pp. 141-144. 1834. D'Orbigny, A. D., and Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Is. [Phoenicopterus ignipal- liatus. ] < Oken's /sis, 1834, p. 1094. Mir nicht zuganglich. Aus d. Ann. Sei. Nat, xvii, 1829, p. 454 u. folgg. 1835. Hunter, W. P. On the geogr.nphical Range of the Flamingo (Phoenicopterus riiber L.). <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., viii, 1835, pp. 571, 572. I. e., Phoenicopterus antiquorum, of the Old "World. 1835. Owen, R. Anatomic von Phoenicopterus ruber mas. <^ Oken's Isis, Bd. xxviii, 1835, pp. 433, 434. Aus d. P. Z. S., 1832, p. 141. 1844. Des Murs, 0. Notice et Considerations Oologiques sur la place k assigner au Genre Ornithologique Flamant (Phoenicopterus, L.) <^ Eevue Zoohgique, vii, 1844, pp. 241-246. L'auteur n h6site pas a en faire un veritable Palmipede. A'0.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — PHCENICOPTERIDiE. 931 1850. HiLKE, J. W. Euquiiy icspectiug tho Nest of iLe Flamingo [Pha-nicoptfias antiquoriiiu]. <^Zooloiji8t,\in, 1850, i)i). 2801,2802. 1857. GuYoN, — . [Extrait tl'uiie Note concernant les Flamants du lac de Timia.] <; liei'. ei Mag. de ZooL, ix, 1857, pp. 415, 41(3. 1864. Tristram, H. B. [Note ou breediug of] The Flamingo. <^Zoologi8t, xxii, 18(54, pp. 9119, 9120. From his 'Great Sahara,' p. 62. 1865. Andershon, (J. J. Note on the two Flamingoes of South Africa. < Ibis, 2d ser., i, 1865, pp. 64-67. F. erythrceua and P. minor ,■ descriptive and biographical. 1868. Feilden, H. W. [Desci-iptiou of Phcenicopterus rubidus, sp. u.] <^Ibi8, 2d ser, iv, 1868, pp. 495, 496. 1869. Gray, G. R. Notes on the Bills of the species of Flamingo (Phcenicopterus.) < Ilm, 2d ser., v, 1869, i)p. 438-443, pis. xiii-xv. Commentary ou the forma of tho bills. Synonymatic and geographical synopsis of 8 spp., under several subgenera : Phwniconai», p. 440 ; Phoenicorodias, p. 441, subgg. nn. Phoeni- toptems yli/phorhyncJmg, sp. u., from tho Galopagoes, p. 442, pi. xiv, f. 5. The bills of all the other spp. are also ligured. 1869. Jerdon, T. C. [Ou the Phteuicopteru.s rubidus et atF.] < /ft?.?, 2dser., v, lc69, pp. 230-232. 1869. Saunders, H. [Exhibition of eggs of the Flamingo (Phosnicopterus anti- quorum). ] <^ r. Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, p. 432. 1870. Clark, J. W. [Niditicatiou and breeding habits of Phcenicopterus antiquorum in France. ] < I bin, 2d ser., vi, 1870, pp. 439-442. 1873. Jackson, A. J. Flamingo in the Isle of Sheppey. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, p. 3693. From the Loudon ' Field, ' Aug. 16. 1873. " M. H." The Flamingo. < Appleton's Journ., x, July, 1873, p. 85. 1873. Newman, E. The Flamingo Killed in the Isle of Sheppey. < Zoologist, 2d ser., viii,1873, p. 3737. 1875. Leidy, J. On a Fungus in a Flamingo [Phcenicopterus ruber]. <^ Proc. Acad, Xat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 11, 12, fig. i. Suspected to bo the same as Aspergillus nigrescens Eobin, found in a phthisical Pheasant. 1879, Anon. Tho Flamingo [Phcenicopterus ruber]. <[ The Oologist, iv, No. 9, Apr., 1879, p. 72. Burlesque verses, quoted firom the Toronto Qlobt. 932 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. Anatidae. 1()50. Bartholinus, T. Cygni Anatome ejusque Caiitus. Resp. Joh. Jac. Bewerlin. HafnijB. 1650. 4to. 4 folia. 1 Tab. Haud mihi obvius. — Edit, alteram notis auctiorem edldit Caspams Thomse fllins, HafnisB, 1668, q. v., infrd,. 165S. Lelandus, J. Cygnea Cantio cimi commeutario. Londini. 1658. 8vo. Haud mihi obvius. 1660. Feller, J., and Gerhard, G. Cygnorum cantuni defendere conabuutur. Lip- si*. 1660. 4to. 2 folia. Haud mihi obvius. 1666. Major, J. D. Progr. de Cygni Anatome. KiloniiB. 1666. 4to. Hand mihi obvius. 1668. Bartholinus, T. {Ed. BarfhoUnus, C.) Thomse Bartholini | Dissertatio | de | Cygni I Anatome ejusq; | Cantu | a | Jobaune Jacobo Bewerlino | inAcademia Hafniensi | olimsubjecta, | nunc Notulisqvibusdamauctioredi- | taexscbedis Paternis | a | Casparo Bartbolino | Thom;e Filio. | 16[monogTamma]68 | — | Apnd Danielem Panlli | Regium Bibliopolam. | Literis Henrici Godiani Reg. &, Acade- | mise TypograpM. 1 vol. 16mo. pp. 96, figg. on p. 6. Ed. alt.— Ed. princ, Hafniffi, 1650. 1670. Glatthorx, G. L. Diss, de Cygno. Resp. Rlicker. Wittebergae. 1670. 4to. 2 folia. Haud mihi obvia. 1678. Moray, R. A Relation concerning Barnacles. <^P/h/os. IVaws., xii, 1678, pp. 925-927, fig. 3 on pi. Description of these cirrhipeds: "The Bird in every sheU that I opened, as well the least as the biggest, I found so curiously and compleatly formed, that there appeared to be nothing wanting, as to the external parts, for making up a perfect Sea-Powl." 1685. Robinson, T. Some observations on tbe Frenck Macreuse, and tbe Scotch Bernacle ; together with a continuation of the Account of Boyling, and other Fountains. < PUlos. Trans., xv, 1685, pp. 1036-1040. "TheErencheatit upon Fish-days, and all Lent, thinking it to be a sort of fish . . . whereas the Bernacle (as also the Macreuse itself, ) is 0^'lparous, and of the Goos-kind ; and the shells [i. e., cirripeds] themselves contain a testaceous animal of their o\yn species, as the Oyster, Cockle and Muscle doth." After noticing Sir E. Moray's error, Phil. Tr., No. 137, and other equally absurd mistakes, the writer speaks of the Beinacle as a Goose, and identifies the Ma- creuse with the Anas niger of Willughby, p. 336 or 366. Cf. Philos. Trans., 1685, pp. 1041-1044. 1685. Ray, J. A Letter from Mr. Ray, Fellow of the R. S. to Dr. Robinson; concern- ing tbe French Macreuse. <^ Philos. Trans., xv, 1685, pp. 1041-1044. Acknowledges the jjoint, and continues the subject with various further particulars ; cf. Philos. Trans., 1685, pp. 1036-1040. 1688. Lachmund, F. De Cygni Lingua Ossea. <^Ephem. Acad. Nat. Cur., Dec. i, Cent 4 et 5, 1673-74, 1668, p. 225. Hand mihi obvius. 1688. Wedel, G. W. Cygni Sterni Anatome. <^ Ephem. Acad. Nat. Cur., Dec. 1, Ann. 2, 1671, 1688, pp. 30, 31, pi. Hand mihi obvium. 1694. Treutzel, D. Berniclas sen Anseres Scoticos commnniter sic dictos. Praes. D. Treutzel, Nycop., Resp. P. Raam, Nycop. Strengnesiae. 1694. 4to. pp. 134> Kot seen. 1697. Hahn p. Disp. phil. de Cygno ejusque Cantione. Praajs. P. Hahn, Resp. M. Weckelman, Wex. Smol. Abose. 1697. 8vo. pp. 8, 36. Haiul mihi obvia. 2^0.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. RTHLIOGRAPHY ANATTD^. 933 1698. WiNTEU, D. Do Cantu Cygneo. Cygnote. 1G98. 4to. Hand niihi obvius. 1703. RuDRKN, T. Exercitiurn acad. do Cantu Cygnorum. Pries. Th. Rudeeu, Reap. B. Graiiroot, Ost-Botli. Aboac. 1703. Bvo. pp. 6, 30, 2. Hand niihi obvium. 1721. Valentini, M. B. Anatome Claugulae. <:^Ephem. Acad. Nat. Cur., Cent. 9, 10, 1721, pp. 431, 432, 1 pi. }fot seen : title from Carus and Engolmaim. 1722. EDZAitDUS, E. H. Diss, de Cyguo ante mortem nou canonte. Rcsp. Martiui. Wittebergaj. 1722. 4to. 2 folia. Hand mihi obvia. 1723. Detharding, G. Progr. de fabuloso Olorum Cantu. Rostock. 1723. 4to. Haud inihi obvius. 1725. T(iRNER, F. Diss, philol. de Avibus Apollinis Cygno et Corvo. Resp. N. O. Rabenius. Upsalite. 1725. Bvo. pp. 22. Haud mihi obvia. 1729. MoRiN, H. Question naturelle et critique, sgavoir, pourquoy les Cygnes qui cbautoient autrefois si biou, cliauteut aujourdhui si mal. <^ M^in. Acad. In- acript. Paris, v, 1729, pp. 207-218. Pas vuo moi-mfime. 1749. IlstrOm, J. Beakrifuing om Kcirfogelens [Mergus merganser] nytta, nar fiske- hus blifva bygde fiir konom- uti saU-eller insjo-vikar. <^Eongl. Fetenak.-Akad. Ilandl., 1749, pp. 190-196. (Uobersetzung 1749, pp. 197-203.) Not seen. 1761. TiBKRTius, [T.] [Huru Auderkunnamed fordelg6rashemtamde.] <^Kongl. Svensk. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl., xxii, 17G1, pp. 321, 322. 1763. BRt^NNiCH, M. T. Eder Fuglens [Somateria mollissima] beskrivelse. Kj0beu- havn. 1763. Bvo. pp.60. 3 pU. • 1763. BrOnnich, M. T. Tilltoeg til Edorfuglens [Somateria mollissima] beskrivelse. Kj0benbavn. 1763. Bvo. pp. 36. I have seen neither of these tracts in tbe original Danish, but have handled the German vei-sion of same date. See next title. 1763. Brunnicu, M. T. Die | uatiii-liche Historic | des | Eider- Vogels [Somateria mol- lissima] I beschrieben ( von | Morten Thrane Briinniche | aus dem dauischeu iibersetzt. | [Abbildung.] | mit Kupfem. ( — | Kopenhagen, | bey Johanu Gottlob Rotben | 1763. ' 1 vol. sm. Bvo. 4 p. 11., pp. 1-70, 1 1., 3 pll. 1770. GUELDENSTAEDT, A. J. Auas uyroca. <^Novi Comment. Acad. Scient. Imp. Pe- irop. ad aim. 1769, xiv, pt. i, 1770, p. 37. 1770. GUELDENSTAEDT, A. J. Anas nyroca. <| Novi Comment. Acad. Scient. Imp. Pe- trop. ad ami. 1769, xiv, pt. i, 1770, pp. 403-408. 1775. Beckmann, J. Kleiner Beitrag zur Naturgescliicbte des Meerrochen, Xlergua serrator, L. <[ Beschdfft. d. Berlin. Geaell. Naturf. Freunde, i, 1775, pp. 170-176. Nicht mir selbst znganglich. 1775. TiTius, J. D. Von Nutzen und Unschiidlicbkeit der Schwiine [Cyguus sp.]. iK:-Aknd. Havdl., xl, 1779, pp. 26-34, pi. i. " I (It; inledande anmarkningarno om AndslSgtet i allmanhet sager forf., at Merg. albellus ar bona till M. merganser." (v. Friesen. ) 1779. Pallas, P. S. Auas glocitans, ein seltner Vogel, nur im ostlicheu Sibirien zu findeu. <,Abhandl. Schwed. Akad., xli, f. 1779, pp. 22-28. Nicht mir selbst zuganglich. 1780. Faille, C. de la. M^moire dans lequel on examine le sentiment des anciena et des modernes sur I'origine des Macreuses. . 1823. Cooke, T. A | Letter | to | Mark Milbank, Esq. M. P. | of | Thorp Hall, and Barningbani, in the county of York, | with two plates, | descriptive of the character | of | The Whistling Swan, | and of | the ])eculiar structure | of its trachea. | [By Thomas Cooke.] | — | Aniico niiinis. Titflbl.,2 iinpagiiiirte Bliitter^4 Scitni, 1 Taf.. Anonym, tlixli von unzwcifelhafter Autorscbal't. Der Vdirel wild Mergus anatariua ge- nannt, iind fiir oini-n Bastard von McrguB albellus d "iid Anns clangula ? gehalten. VergL Isis, 1820, p. 400; 18.31, p. 299. 1829. Hill, W. H. Tht; Small Dover. < LondoiCs Maij. Xal. Hist., ii, 1829, pp. 403, 404. 1829. lIiLL, W. il. The Dark-looking Watir Bird. [Aiiswi-r to query ou p. 101.] < Loudon's MiKj. Nat. HM., ii, 1829, p. 40:?. 1829. L s, .J. A dark-looking Water Bird. < Ao/u7oh'« .V«f/. A'«/. ///»/., ii, 1829, p. 101, Gg. 21. Cr. tovi. cit., i>. 403, whore supposed to l)e Anas [CEdemia] nigra. 1829. Lkngeutk, A. dk. Mauierc d'dlevor les Oifs daus lo Hol8teiu ... < Feruss. Bull., 4« sect., xii, 1829, pp. 133, 134. Land- iind Haumvirth, 182'), p. 2G9. 1829? PoiiL, W. L. Der Selnvan. < .ibhand. Kaiurf. Gcwll. zu Gorlitz, i, pt. 1. Xot seen.— Poem, set to music by J. Schneider, preceded by an anonjTnous notice of the natural history of this emblem of the Gorlitz Society. 1829. SCHLEKP, [B. C] Au.ser mediiis. < Ofcew's M», Bd. xxii, 1829, pp. 1054, 105.'>. 1829. "T. F." Flying Geese. < Mag. Nat. Hist., v, 1832, pp. .565, .566. 1832. Anon. Teal [Querquedula carolineusis]. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., v, 1832, p. 473. Ho. 4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY ANATIDiE. 939 183-2. "A SUBSCUiBEK." HabitHoftLe loug-loggcd whistling Ducks [Deudiocygua], aud of the Shehlrakn [Ta(h)rna cornuta]. < Loudoa'a May. Nat. Hist, v, 183"2, p. :203. Cf. op. eit., iv, 1831, p. 474. 183'2. Beckfiuis, C. Skanska Svanjagten [Cygnussp.]. <^Tidiik.f. Jagare och Na- turf., i, 1832, pp. 78-83. Not seen. 1832. Blackwall, J. Bemerkuugou fiber cine kiirzlicli beschriebene Gattung Schwan [Cyguus bewickii]. <^ Oken'a Ittin, Bd. xxv, 1832, p. 661. Au.szng aus d. Zool. Journ., Tom. v, No. xviii, 1830, p. 189. 1832. G[OATLEY], T. Notes on the Scoter (Anas nigra Lin., Oidemia nigra Flem.)- <; Loudon's Ma(j. Nat. Hint., v, 1832, p. 82. 1832. Hill, W. H. A rare Variety of the Goose Family. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1832, pp. 79, 80, fig. 33. 1832. K[nox], T. Information and Queries on the Trachea, or Windpipe, of the Dun Diver (Mergus Castor). < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., v, 1832, p. 397. 1832. Sells, W. Wild Ducks [in Chesapeake Bay]. 'ON. Ngte ou a prolific Duck [180 eggs in one season]. < Zoologist, ii, 1844, ji. 727. 1844. Axon. Note on the Nidification of Swans [Cygnus sp.]. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. G6'J. 1844. Fisher, W. R. Notes on Ducks nesting in Trees. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, pp. 7G7, 768. 1844. G[erbe], Z. [L'Oie fl'Egyiite (Anser [Chenalopex] iegyptiacu.s), une espfece fl(^fiTiiti vement acquise k I'omithologie europ^enne. ] <^ Bevue Zoologique, vii, 1844, pp. 441, 442. 1844. GURNEY, J. H. Note on the occurrence of the Red-crested Whistling Duck [Fuligula rufina] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 576. 1844. Hardy, J. Enquiry resjiecting the manner in which the newly- hatched Wild Duck is conveyed to the Water. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, pp. 669-671. 1844. Mansell, T. Note on the occurrence of the Scoter [Qildemia nigra] near Fam- ham. <[ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 455. 1845. Bartlett, J. P. OccuiTeuce of the Gadwall [Chaulelasmus streperus] in Kent. < Zoologist, iii, 1845, pp. 1025, 1026. 1845. Dashwood, J. M. Description of an Egg of the Common Duck [Anas boschas]. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 1077. 1845. Fisher, W. R. Description of a New Duck. < Zoologist, iii, 1845, pp. 1137, 1138. Apparently a hybrid between the Common and White-eye^ Pochard, Fuligula ferina and F. nyroca. This is "Paget's Pochard," which later became Fuligula ferinoides, Bartl., P. Z. S., 1847, p. 48. 1845. Frere, H. T. Occurrence of Bewick's Swan [Cj'gnus bewickii] near Somersham and Godmanchester. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, pp. 942, 943. 1845. Gerbe, Z. Note sur le Cygne Bewick. (Cignus [sic] Bewickii). <^ Bevue Zoologiqiie, viii, 1845. pp. 244-247. Comparaison avec le Cygne sauvage. 1845. Hewgill, J. Enquiry respecting a species of Duck. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 943. 1845. Newmax, E. Note on Ducks «&c. nestling in Trees. <^ Zoologist, iii, 1845, pp. 878, 879. 1845. NEWNHA3I, W. O. Remarkable Duck's Egg. < Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 1077. Egg in egg. 1845. SCLATER, P. L. Occurrence of Aquatic Birds [3 spp. Anatidse] near Odiham. <; Zoologist, iii, 1845, p. 1077. 1845. Selys-Loxgchamps, E. de. Recapitulation des hybrides observ^es dans la famille des Anatid6es. < Bull. Acad. Brnxdles, xii, 1845, pp. 335-355. Pas vue moi-meme: le titre tir6 de Cams et Engelmann. 1846. Axox. Occurrence of the Black Swan (Cygnus atratus, Bennett), in Scotland. < Zoologist, iv, 1846, pp. 1501, 1.502. 1846. Bartlett, A. D. Eiue fiir England neue Gans [Anser phoenicopus] vergUchen mit andern. < Ohenh Isis, Bd. xxxix, 1846, pp. 559-560. P. Z. S., vii, 1839, p. 2. 1846. Bell, R. J. Occurrence of Steller's Western Duck [Fuligula dispar] at Filby in Yorkshire. <[ Zoologist, iv, 1846, p. 1249. A'0.4.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY AXATID^. 945 184!'). Cahot, S., Jr. [Remarks on exhibition of Fuligula vullisucria lioui Massa- chuHctts.] <^Proc. Boston Soc.Nat. Hist., 11, 1846, p. 89. 1846. Cabot, S , Jr. [On the anatomy of Fullf^nla (Somateria) Hpcctahllis.] < Proc. Hoiitun .Soc.Nat. Hint., 11, lrt4G, i>p.y:J,U4. 1846. Cabot, S., Jr. [Remarks on the supposed identity of Anas (Mareca) peuclope and A. (M.) ann-rifana.] < Proc. lioaton Soc. Nat. Hist., 11, 1846, pp. 118-1-^0. Anatomical comparison. 1846. Freuk, H. T. Remarks on the Trachea; of Wild Geese. <^Zoolofjist, iv, 1846, pp. 1249, 12.'S0, 1846. Frere, n. T. Norfolk Swan-fatting. . 1698. 1847. Tyzenhauz, [C] Notice sur la coloration accidentelle rose des Canards sau- vages. <^ Bevue Zoologique, x, 1847, pp. 273-275. 1847. Wright, M. v. Bidrag till Prakt-Eidems (Fuligula [Somateria] spectabilis, Bonap.) Natnral-Historia. <[ Acta Soc. Scient. Fennicce, ii, pt. ii, 1847, pp. 751- 759, pi. xiii. 1848. BoRRER, W., Jr. Occurrence of the Egyptian Goose (Anser [Chenalopex] Egyptiacus) in Sussex. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2067. 1848. Clibborn, J. Occurrence of the White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) at Wa- terford. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2024. 1848. CURTLER, M. Occurrence of the Summer or Tree Duck [Aix sponsa] at Ten- bury. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2067. 1848. Dunn, R. Occurrence of the Surf Scoter (Anas [OEdemia] perspicillata) in Shetland. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2067. 1848. Fisher, W. R. Note on the Bimaculated Duck (Anas glocitans). <^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2026, lig. 1848. GoTiGH, T. Capture of the Velvet and Common Scoters (Anas [CEdemia] fnsca and A. [CE.] nigra) on Windermere. <:^ Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2230. 1848. Johnson, F. W. Occurrence of the Velvet Scoter (Anas [CEdemia] fusca) and Common Scoter (Anas [Q3.] nigra) in Suffolk. ulaiii (Laiuprouettain) Fisiht'ri novum aviiuii rossicanim apet'iein i)rai'niissi8 obsi^rvationibiis ad Fuli;;nlaruni yeneris sectiouum et sub- genonim quonindam characteres et attiuitates sinctantibiis de.scripsit .7. F. Brandt. <^ J/Jm. . 6, pi. ; Pliylaconetta, ;;. u., p. 9, typo A. histrionica L. IV. FuligulcB (Latiip- ronettce) ftsclieri luariH adulti descriptio. Y. Do cjusduiu affiuitutilnus auiiuadverDiumed iin^e- daui. 1849. BuKUoUGiiES, T. H. Ocxurreuce of the Tufted Duck [Fuligula cristata] in Norfolk. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2456. 1849. Cassin, J. [Remarks on a specimen of Anas rafflosii (Quorquedula cyanoptera) from Louisiana. ] <^ rroc. Acad. Nat. Sd. PhUa. , i v, 1849, p. 195. 1849. Davy, J. Notice of a peculiarity of structure observed in the Aorta of the Wild Swan [Cygnus ferus]. < P. Z. S., xvii, 1849, pp. 28, 29, 1849. GuRNEY, J. H. Inquiry respecting the Gray-legged Goose [Anser cinereus]. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2(522. Cf. op. cit, viii, 1850, p. 2740. 1849. GuRNEY, J. H. Occurrence of the Gray-legged Goose (Anser palustris [cine- reus]) in Norfolk. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2456. 1849. Hansell, p. E. Remarkable Colour of the Yelk in the Eggs of the Common Duck [Anas boschas]. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2353. 1849. HULKE, J. W. The Summer Duck (Anas [Aix] sponsa) a British Bird. <^ Zo- ologist, vii, 1849, p. 2421. 1849. HuLKE, J. W. Occurrence of the Summer Duck (Anas [Aix] sponsa) near Deal. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 23.53. 1849. Kennaway, G. G. Curious Anecdote of a Duck. < Zoologist, vii, 1849. p. 24."r). 1849. Lafresxaye, F. de. Sur uuc fcmcllc dc Canard sauvage a plumage de male et sur uue Mdtis de Canard pilet et de Canne sauvage. <^ Bep. et Mag. de Zool., i, 1849, pp. 177-179. 1849. Newton, A. Inquiry respecting the Spur-winged Goose [Plectropterus gani- bensis]. <^Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2421. 1849. Newton, A. The Summer Duck [Aix sponsa] a British Bird. <^ Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2529. 1849. SciiEEL, C. Om Platypus [Fuligula] ferinus. 52. Tobias, L. [Cyguus musicus bei Griineberg in Schlesien.] ^ Xaumannia, H, Heft i, 1652, p. 102. 1653. Anon. How Eider [Somateria mollisshna] Down is Gathered. <^ Harper's Xew Mouth ly Mag., vi, 1853, pp. 764-786. Process and perils of procuring down on the European arctic coast. 1>53. Baldamus, E. [Platypus marilus (Fiiligula marila) in der Nahe von Braun- schweig briitend: 11. s. w. ] <^ Naumannia, iii, 1653, pp. 337-339. 1653. Bock, — . Die Pracht-Eiderente [Somateria spectabilis] vorgekommen an der prenssischen Knste. <[ ././. 0., i, 1853, p. 371. 1653. Dyhr, — . [Anas falcaria Pall., funneu iSverige.] <^dfver8. Kongl. Fetenak.- Akad. Forh . , 1853, pp. 227, 228. 1S53. Gloger, C. W. L. Das Fortschwimmen der Enten [Anatidas spp.] unter dem Wasser. < ^./. 0. , i, 1853, pp. 381-383. 1653. Gloger, C. W. L. Die Neigung der Enten-Arten [Anatidse] zur Vermischung durch Begattung mit einander. <[ ././. O., i, 1853, pp. 409-418. 16.53. Kjarbolling, N. Ueber Clangula mergoides, n. sp.? (Bell. 4. zum Protok. d. siebenten Omithol.-Versam. zu Halberstadt. ) <^Naumannia, iii, 1853, pp. 327-332. Cf. J.f, O., i, 1853, Extrah., (1854), pp. 29-32. 1653. Mack, — . [Black eggs laid by white domestic Duck (Anas boschas).] . 1653. Naumann, .T. F. Zur Erklarung des Titelkupfers. <^ Xanmannia, iii, 1853, pp. 5-6. Anserince ; flg. A, B, C, Anser arvengis ; fig. D, E, E, Anser segetum. 18.53. SCHLEGEL, H. Verfarbung des Gefieders. < ,/./. 0., i, 18.53, p. 67. Anas caroUnensis, Aix galericulata. 1853. Smith, A. C. Young Ducks nursed by a Cat. <; Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 3946. 16.53. STE^^ENSON, H. Note oh the late appearance of the Common Scoter (Anas [CEdemia] nigra) in Norfolk. < Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 3989. 1654. Altum, B. Ueber eine neue(?) Kleine Schwanenart. •< A'aMmaHnia, iv, 1854, pp. 145-149, nebst Taf. i, u. ii, figg. 1-4 ; auch p. 398 (Druckfehler). Cf. torn, cit, p. 327. AV4.I COUES'S ORNITH. niBLIOGKAI'HV AXATID^. 051 lc?o4. Andrews, [W.] [Oh the Irish Hpt'ciincn of Malacorhyiic'lms inciuhraiiaceus. ] < Xat. Hint. Jiev.,i, 1854, p. 2o, 1854. BUCK, — . Die Mauser voii Pla^vpus [CEdeiuia] niger. <^J.f. O., ii, 1854, pp. :}(n)-3i2. Zusatze d. Ileraimg. 1854. Cai^t, S. [ Jn. ] [Ou a apccimeu of u byhrid Duck, a cross between the Golden- eye (Clausula americaua) ami the Hooded Merganser (Mergus cucullatus).] <^ I'roc. lioHtoH Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 1854, pj). 57, 118-120. From Scarborough, Maine ; full doscription ; propotied to bo Diuiiod Clangula merg\formxe. l'r^">4. GoUi.D, J. [Exhibition of male and female specimens of a very rare English Duck (Fuligula fcrinoTdcs). ] <^ P. Z. .S., xxii, 18.'>4, p. 95. 1854. Hakti.aub, G. Vorliiuliges iiber die von B. Altum beschriebene klcinc Schwa- neiiart. <^ Ntiumannia, iv, 18.54, pp. ;}27-l{*2!>. Cf. torn, cit., 1). 145. — Da«8 die vou Altum bescliricbcne Art k«-ine andere als dcr 1831 von 8har])le88 in d«n 228ten Bande von SillLman's Amer. Journ. Sci. auf S. 83 be8cbrieb«ne Of/g- nus americanut scin kann. (Vergl. op. cit. v, pp. 101, 258.) 1854. KjarbOlling, N. Ueber Clangula raergoides Kjiirb., als wahre, unverkennbare Tauchente. (Anhang IV. zu Bcrichte iiber die VII. Jahresversammlung der deutschen Ornithologen-Gosellschaft. ) < J. f. O., i, 1853, Extrah., (18.54), i>p. 29-:}2. Cf. Naum., iii, 1853, pp. 327-332. 1854. Le Prestke, — . Observations sur le Cygne noir [Cygnns atratus, en domes- . ticitd]. < Bull. Soc. Acclim.,i, 1854, pp. 409-414. 1854. Martin, L, Wie zalime Ganso [Anser] begierige Fleischfresser warden. <; ./. /. 0.,ii, 1854,pp.l79,180. 1854. MiLNER, W. M. E. Tufted Duck [Fuligula cristata] breeding at Osberton. < Zoologist, xii, 1854, pp. 4440, 4441. 1854. RODD, E. H. Occurrence of the Goosander (Mergus Merganser) at Scilly. <; Zo- o%f8<,xii,1854,p.4179. 1854. ROUTILLET, F. Nouvel art d'61evcr, de multiplier, d'engraisser et de chasser les Canards [Anatidip]. Moyen de se faire nn revenu annuel de 1400 k 2000 Fr. 2'' 6dition, augmentde. Avec gravures. Paris. Tissot. 1854. 8vo. pp. :i6. Pas vu moi-niAmc : le titre tir6 do. Cams et Engelmann. 1854. Stevensox, H. Note on the late appearance of the Common Scoter (Anas [CEdemia] nigra) in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 4408. 1854. [SuNDEVALL, C. J.] Anas falcaria, funnen i Sverige. <; Ofvera. Kongl, Vetensk.- .had. Forhandl.for dr 1853, 1854, pj). 227, 228. 1854. Thompson, W. Occurrence of the Turf [sc. Surf] Scoter (Oidemia perspicil- latu, Flem.) at Weymouth. <[ Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 425.5. 1854. Wakefield, R. Singular Hatch of Ducklings. < Zoologist, xii, 1854, p. 4441. 1855. Altum, B. Nachtrag zu den im II. Quartalc 1854 bcschriebenen und im III. desselben Jahres abgebildeten deutschen Schwanen. Cygnus Bewickii.(?) <^ Xdiimainiift, v, 1855, pp. 101-103. 1855. Andrews, W. On an Adtlitiou [Malacorhynchus membrunaceus] to the Or- nithology of Great Britain. < Nat. Hist. Eev. , (Pr. Soc. ), ii, 18.55, pp. 8, 9, 10. Other additions to the same fauna are also noted. 185.5. Bereskord, G. Occurrence of the Smew [Mergdlus albclliis] near London, <^ Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4704. 1855. Bold, T. J. Occurrence of the Egyptian Goose (Anser [Chenalopex] .^gyptia- cus) near Newcastle. <^Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4560. 952 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. fr-./.v. 1855. Bryant, H. [Remarks on exhibition of North American specimens of Mareca peuelope and Querqnedula crecca. ] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v, 1355, p. 195. 1855. Frederick, G. S. Occurrence of the Polish SAvan [Cygnns immutahilis] at Hornsey Mere. <^ Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4661. 1855. Gadamer, [H.] 1. Zur Naturgeschichte der Oidemia fusca, Flemf.* Platypus fnscus, Brehm. Melanita fusca, Boje. Anas fusca, Linn6. Fuligula fusca, Bouap. <^ Naumannia, v, 1855, pp. 89-92. 1855. Gloger, C. W. L. Ein Hockerschwan [Cygnus olor], einen Fisch verzehiend. < J. f. O., iii, 1855, pp. 181, 182. 1855. Gray, G. R. On a new Species of Somateria [v-nigra], and the Female of Lampronetta Fischeri, Brandt. <\ P. Z. /S'., xxiii, 18.55, pp. 211, 212, pll. (Ares) cvii, cviii. P). cvii, Somateria v-nigra, p. 212, sp. n. ; pi. cviii, Arctonetta (n. g.) fischeri. 1855. GuRNEY, S., Jr. Black Swans [Cygnus atratus] Breeding in Confinement. <^Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4661. 1855. Heckel, J. Ueber verrirte wilde Schwiine [Cygnus musicus]. <[ Vcrh. zool.- iot. Ver. Wien, v, 18.55, pp. 14, 15. 1855. Homeyer, E. v. Einige Worte iiber Art, Bestand und klimatische Ausartung; mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Fuligula Homeyeri. <^ J.f. O. , ii, 1854, Extrah., (18.55), pp. Ixvi-lxix. 1855. MtJLLER, — V. [Ueber Anseres spp. in der Umgegend von Sternberg.] <^Nau- mannia, 18.55, pp. 104, 105. 1855. Newmax, E. Curious Act of Auto-surgery in a Teal [ZooL, p. 4661]. < Zoolo- r/jsf, xiii, 1855, p. 4704. 18.55. Preston, T. A. Curious act of Antosurgery in a Teal [plugging a wound with feathers]. <^Zno\oif\si, xiii, 1855, p. 4661. [Cf. p. 4704.] 1855. Schlegel, H. [Ein Wort iiber den von Altum beschriebenen Singschwan mit ganz schwarzer Schnabelfirste. <^ Naumannia, v, 18.55, p. 258, taf. iv, f. 1-4. 1855. Schlegel, H. [Ueber die Saat- und weisstirnigeu Giinse.] olotjiip. 82-87. 1861. Finger, J. Ueber den Singschwan, Cygnus mu.sicus. < Verh. (Ahh.) k.-k. zooL- l)ot. Ges. TFieH, xi, 1861, pp. 229-234, holzschnitt. 1861. Jackel, a. J. Zur Frage liber Altum's Schwan und den Cygnus mclanorhinus Naumann's. < ./. /. O., ix, 1861, pp. 66-71. ,,Ich hiilte Altunis Schwane (X.-uim. 1854, 145) ITir sthr altc Mannchen und Weibchen des Cygnus inclanorhinus (minor, bewickii, und den meinigen fiir Uebergang zum Schwan mit ganz schwarzer Schnabelfirste. " — {I. c.) 1861. Laurexce, M. a., Jr. Ueber die Zucht der Mandarin-EnTc (Anas [Aix] galeri- culata). <^Zool. Gart., ii, 1861, pp. 95-98. 1861. Newtox.A. On a Hybrid Duck. < Z'. Z. 5.. xxix, 1861, i)p. 392, 393. Mareca penelope X Anas boschas (/era X domestica). 1861. Newtox, A. On some Hybrid Ducks. <^wn..Jfagyptiacus] near Dubliu. <^ Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 7939. 1862. BODINUS, Dr. Eiiiiges iiber Anas tadoma [Tadorna cornnta, in Gefangenscliaft]. <;^Zool. Gart., iii, 1862, pp. 188-192. 1862. Crowley, P. Occurrence of the Egyptian Goose [Cheualopex a?gyptiacu.s] at Alton. <^Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 7883. 1862. Crowley, P. Occurrence of the Egyptian Goose [Clienalopex tegyptiacus] at Alton. <^ Zoologist, xx, 1862, x>. 8005. 1862. Elliot, D. G. On the Occurrence, within the Liiuits of the United States, of Barrow's Goklen Eye, Bucephala [Claugula] Islandica (Gmel.) Baird. <^^«?j. Lye. Xat. Mist. Xew York, vii, 1802, pp. 449-4.54. 1862. GossE, P. H. A clever Duck. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 7883. Caught a mouse and drowned it. 1862. HusSEY, H. Pochards [Fuligula ferina] in the Serpentine. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 7930. 1862, Leadbeater, — . [Exhibition of a Hybrid Duck (Dalila acuta X Querquedula crecca). ] < P. Z. S., xxx, 1862, p. 84. 1862. Marchaxd, A. [Observations sur la domestication de I'Anas [Fuligula] ferina. ] < Rev. et Mag. de Zool., xiv, 1862, pp. 78, 79. 1862. Newtox, A. On a Hybrid Duck. <^Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 3d ser.,ix, 1862, pp. 339, 340. From P. Z. S., Dec. 10, 1861, pp. 392, 393, q. v. 1862. Newtox, A. On a hybrid Duck. < Canad. Journ., vii, 1862, pp. 226-227. From P. Z. S., Dec. 10, 1861, pp. 392, 393, q. v. 1862. Pelzeln, a. v. Notiz iiber Cygnvis inimutabilis Yarrell. <[ Verh. (AM.) k.-k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xii, 1862, Abth. ii, pp. 785, 786. Zum Schlusse die einstweOige Diagnose der Arten. 1862. Philippi, R. A., anrf Laxdbeck, L. Sobre los gansos [Anatid;?] chilenos. <^ Anal. Univ. de Chile, xxi. No. 5, Nov., 1862, pp. 427-439. 1. B. melanoptera, Eyton. 2. B. digpar, Ph. &, L., p. 431, sp. u. 3. B. leucoptera, Gm. 4. B. chiloensis, Pli., p. 434, sp. n. 5. B. inornata, King. 6. B. antaretica, Stepli. Cf. Ibis, 1864, p. 121. 1862. Philippi, R. A., and Laxdbeck, L. Descripcion de una nueva especie de j)ato del Peru [Querquedula angustirostris, p. 439]. <^ Anal. r«'i'. C/fiVf, xxi, No. 5, Nov., 1862, pp. 439, 440. 1862. RODD, E. H. Occurrence of the Wild Goose near Penzance. <^ Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8002. 1862. SCLATER, P. L. [Exhibition of a Red-crested Duck (Fuligula ruliua). ] . 8448. No.i.] COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGRAPHY ANATID^E. 959 1803. Glogan, H. Eideiffaus [SoiuatPiia iiKillissiiiiii]. <^Zool. (iarl.,\\, Irt);?, p. •>!. Ife0:i. PiiiLiPPi, K. A., and Landhkck, L. BcHclut'ilmii'f ciiuT iicucn Eiiti; uiul finer ncnen Scccliwalbe. <^ Arch.f. Xatnnj., — , IMli:}, \>\t. 202 . Mir iiiflit zuKiinglicli. — Qiierquedula angiistiroatrin, Hlema atro/asciata, aus Sudami-rika. Vergl. Anal. Univ. Chile, xxi, 1802, p. 439. 1863. Savillk, S. P. The Egyptiiin Goose (Auser [Cheualopex] tegyptiacuH) in the Cainbritlgesliirc Feus. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, p. 8331. 1863. Saxby, H. L. Pintail Duck (Anas [Dafila] acuta) in Shetland. <^ Zoologist, xxi, 1863, J.. 8494. 1803. Walkku, R. On the Skeleton of a Seal (Phoca Groenlandica ?), and the Cranium of a Uuek, from the Pliocene Beds, Fifeshire. <^ Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist,, 3d ser., xii, 1863, pp. 382-388. The duck, nuuauicd, is described as near QSdemia and Somateria. 1864. Anox. Der Singschwau. <^ Am der Natur, xxx, oder n. F., xviii, 1804, p. 688. 1864. Blackmoke, H. P. Remains of Birds' Eggs found at Fishertou, near Salisbury. <^ Edinh. New Philos. Journ., new ser., xix, 1864, pp. 74, 75. Supposed to be those of certaiu Anatidce. 1864. Blackmore, H. Tufted Duck [Fuligula cristata] near Salisbiuy. <^ Zoologist, xxii,1864,p.9047. 1864. BoULTON, W. W. Smews [MergeUus albellus] shot in Yorkshire. <; Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8962. 1864. BoULTOX, W. W. Bewick's Swan [Cygnus bewickii] on the Humber, near Pat- rington. <^Zoologi>il, xxii, 1864, p. 896'2. 1864. BouLTOX, W. W. (jfoosaiulers [Mergus merganser] on the River Hull, near Beverley. <^ Zoologist, xxii? 1864, p. 8963. 1864. BoULTOX, W. W. Gargany Teal [Querquedula circia] at Flamborough. i. Eongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Fork., xx, for ar 1863, 1864, pp. 27-29. 1864. Hill, R. Note on the Muscovy Duck [Cairina moschata]. <^ Am. Journ. Sci., xxxviii, 1864, p. 294. 1864. Jeffrey, W., Jr. The Velvet Scoter [ffidemia fusca] off the Sussex Coast. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8962. 1864. Maurice, C. J. The Tufted Duck [Fuligula cristata] near Romsey. <^ Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 8962. 1864. MiLLEGAN, W. J. The Goosander [Mergus merganser] near Richmond, York- shire. <^ Zoo/o^ts<, xxii, 1864, p. 8963. 1864. Newman, E. Barrow's Goldeneye [Clangula ielandica; cf. Zool., p. 9039]. <_ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9122. 1864. Newton, A. The Ruddy Shieklrake [Tadorna rutila] at Epworth. < Zoolo- gist, xxii, 1864, p. 9363. 1864. RODD, E. H. Graylegged Goose [Anser cinereus] near Penzance. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8891. 1864. RODD, E. H. Gadwall Duck [Chaulelasmus streperus] near St. Austell, Corn- wall. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8962. 1864. RoDD, E. H. Goosander [Mergus merganser] near the Lizard. <^ Zoologist, :s.xn, 1864, p. 8963. 1864. RoDD, E. H. Longtailed Duck [Harelda glaciaUs] at Scilly. <^ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9364. ^ 1864. '-S." Anh.anglichkeit einer Ganz. tian Goose [Chenalopex segyptiacus] and Great Gray Shrike in Somersetshire. <[ Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9048. 1864. Stevenson, H. Gray Lag Geese [Anser cinereus] in Norfolk. <[ Zoologist, xxii, 1864. p. 9119. 1865. Blackmore, II. Tufted Duck [Fuligula cristata] uear Salisbury. <^ Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9540. 1865. Briggs, J. J. Extraordinary Death of five Swans. 5. Gould, J. D(.-.s(iii)tion of a New ,S]M'tie.s ol' flit; Genus iMei;j;ns [ < J)/H. May. yal. Hint., 3(1 ser., xv, IHfio, ji.Tl. From P. Z. S., A\tv. '-•(>, 18C4, )). 184. 1865. HiNCKS, W. On C.vgiins Passiuoiii, a Hiiiipo.sed new Ainerieau Swan. < I'roc. Linn. Soc, viii, 18(55, pp. 1-8, ligg. Not accn— cf. Zool. Rec. for 1865, p. 134. "The stcnium and tnichpa figured and described by Tanell (Trans. Linn. Soc, xvii. pp. 1-4, tab. i.) as bclonKinf; to C. buccinator arc referred to the new species." I8b5. Matiikw, M. a. Egyptian Goose [Cbenalopex a'gy]>tiacns] at IJarnstaple. <^ZuoIogiist, xxiii, 1865, \k 97:M. 1865. MawSON, G. Bernicle Goose [Bernicla leiicopKLs] near Coekernioutli. <^Zoolo- gixt, xxiii, 186.5, pp. 9733,9784. 1865. rAlMvKK, W. K. Preliminary Note.s on some Fossil Birds [Anatida-] from the Zobbng Cave, Malta. < P. Z. S., xxxiii, 1H65, ])]>. 7.52, 7.53. Cygnus falconeri, u. sp. foss., C. olor?, G. bcwicki I and a Bernicla or large Anas. 1865. Reixhaudt, J. Notits om Canada-Gaasens (Bernicla canadensis) Foiekomst i Grouland. < I'idcnak. Meddcl. Naturkint. Form. Kjiihcnharn for Aarct 1864, 1865, pp. 24(i, 247. Specimen from Disco ; first instnncc of the discovery of the species in that country. 1865. RoDD, E. H. Sitrf Scoter [CEdemia perspicillata] at Scilly. < Zoologist, xxiii, 1865, p. 9794. 1865. WiLSOX, J. Incubation artificielle des Canards cu Clune. . (Leptotarsii) eyUtni. 1866. '• F." Zur Tbierseeleuknnde [Gans]. < Zool. Gart., vii, 1866, pp. 238, 239. 1866. IIiNCKS, W. [On Cygnus passniorii. ] < Canml. Journ., xi, 1866, p. 72. Not seen ? 186(;. Meyer, K. Fang eiuer Nilgans (Cbenalopex a-gyptiaeus) am Main. D. major, vagans, aml/ulva, with remarks on Tadoma variegata. Cf. P. Z. S., 1866, p. 417. 1866.. ScHKODEK. E. Das treue Giinse-Paar. <^Zool. Carl., vii, 1866, pp. 37t5-37s. 1866.* St. Geklach, C. de. Beobaclitinigen iiber die Cereopsis-Gaus. (Cereopsis Novae Hollaudiae.' <^Zool. Gart., vii, 1866, pp. 170-173. In Gefangenschaft. 1866. Tristram, H. B. Egyptian Geese [Cbenalopex aigyptiacns] at Stookton-on- Tees. <[ Zoolo'yint, 2d ser., i, 1866, p. 525. 1866; VlAN, J. Causeries Ornitbologiciues. < Per. et May. de Zool., 1866, pp. 401-410. Not seen. These relate to several species of Anatidce. 1867. Blackjioke, H. Canada Goose [Bernicla canadensis] at Coombe Bissett. <^Zo- nloiiist. 2d ser., ii, 18;>7, i)p. 708, 709. 962 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1867. BouiLLOD, — . Reproduction eu domesticite du Canard Tadorue et dn Canard Soucliet avec la femelle de. la Caroline. <^ Bull. Soc. Jcclhn., 2<^ ser., iv, IH67, pp. 396, 397. 1867. Clark-Kennedy, A. Goosander [Mergus merganser] in Wiltshire. <^Zoologist, 2d .ser., ii, 1867, p. 709. 1867. Clark-Kennedy, A. Instinct in the Swan. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 916. 1867. Clifton, Lord. Redheaded Pochai'd [Fuligula feriua] in Kent. <^ZooJogist, 2d ser.,ii, 1867, p.636. 1867. DOBREE, N. F. Smews [Mergellus albellus] from Holland. <^ Zoologist, 2i\ ser., ii, 1867, p. 636. 1867. Droste,F. V. Der Enteustrich. < J./. 0., xv, 1867, pp. 64-70. 1867. Droste, F. V. Beobachtnugenanf einer Rattgansjagd[Beruicla hreuta]. <^J. /.O., XV, 1867, pp. 89-94. 1867. GUNN, T. E. Ferruginous Duck [Fuligula nyroca] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2Ci ser., ii, 1867, p. 709. 1867. GuRNEY, J. H. Unusual Occurrence of the Smew [Mergellus albellus]. <^ Zo- ologist, 2d. ser., ii, 1867, p. 608. 1867. Hackett, W. a. Redbreasted Merganser [Mergus serrator] on the Baudon River. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser. , ii, 1867, p. 636. Prom the London 'Field,' Jan. 26. 1867. Hackett, W. A. Goosander [Mergus merganser] and Shoveller Duck [Spatula clypeata] in the South of Ireland. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 709. From the London 'Field.' 1867. Hartmann, W. Ueber 2 Bastarde vom schwarzeu Schwau [Cygnus atx'atus] und Hiickerschwan [Cygnus olor]. <^ Zool. Gart., viii, 1867, p. 441. 1867. Harvie-Brown, J. A. Scaup Duck [Fuligula marila] breeding in Britain. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 878. 1867. Harvie-Brown, J. A. Gadwall [Chaulelasmus streperus] shot on the Tay. <^ Zoologist, 2d .ser., ii, 1867, p. 562. 1867. Hensman, H. P. Egyptian Goose [Chenalopex asgyptiacus] near Northampton. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 831. 1867. Hooper, W. T. Tufted Pochard [Fuligula cristata] on the River Lea. < Zo- ologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 709. 1867. Mathew, M. a. Egyptian Goose [Chenalopex segyptiacus] at Barnstaple. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 831. 1867. MuRiE, J. On Cygnus buccinator, Richardson, and Cygnus passmori, Hiucks. < P. Z. S., XXXV, 1867, pp. 8-13, iigg. 2. Maintaining their identity on anatomical grounds. The subject is discussed at length ; the stemums of the two are figured. 1867. Parker, W. K. On some Fossil Birds from the Zebbug Cave, Malta. <[ Trans, Zool. Soc, vi, j)t. iii, 1867, pp. 119-124, pi. xxx, Iigg. 1-23. This is the memoir in full, preliminary notice of the material, with description of Cygnus falconeri. having been previously made in P. Z. S., 1865, pp. 752, 753. 1867. Schnetz, H. [Zur Fortptianzungsgeschichte der schwarzeu Schwiine (Cygnua atratus) in Gefangenschaft. ] <^Zool. Gart., viii, 1867, j). 276. 1867. Stephenson, W. Egyptian Goose [Chenalopex isgyptiacus] in Yorkshire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 636. From the London "Field," Jan. 26. 18C8. Baird. S. F. Occurrence of the Barnacle Goose [Bemicla leucopsis, at Hud- «07i's Bay] in North America. <^ Am. Nat., ii, 1868, p. 49. No.4.\ COUES'S ORNITII. BIBLIOGILVPIIY ANATID^. 963 186H. HouiLLOD, — . Keproduction tlu Cauiml Tudoinc (tlcuxii-nie ann<5e), do la Sar- celle et de la I'oulo d'eaii. < liuU. Soc. Ardim. , '>" hc't. , v, 1H«W, pp. G48, G4'J. 18G8. Bkkk, [C.R.] P]ider Duck [Soniateiia iiiolli.s.siiiia] on tlu; Eshox Coast. <^Zo- oloijist, 2d ser., iii, 18GH, p. 12*.il. From the London 'Field.' 1868. Cdrdeaux, J. The Ashby Decoy. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , iii, 1868, pp. 1378, i:{79. The uumbors of six speciea oi Anatida; (Anas boschas, Nettion crecca, Mareca penelope, Spa- tula clypeata, Dafila acuta, and Ghaulelasmua gtreperxis) taken during thirty-five seasons (Sept., 1833 to Apr., 1868) at thi.s celebrated Lincolnshire decoy. 1868. Criciiton, A. W. Eider Duck [Somatoria niollissiina'] on the Thames. <^Zo- olocjist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1135. 1868. HiNCKS, W. [Letter ou the differences betweeu Cyyuii.s passuiori and C. biic- ciuator. ] < P. Z. S. , xxxvi, 1868, pp. 211-213. 1868. HoMEYER, A. V. Wie gelaugen jiiuge Eiiten, die iu der Hciho ausgebriitet wor- den, auf daa Waaser ? <^ J.f. O., xvi, 1868, i»p. 356, 357. 1868. Mathew, G. F. Redcrested Whistling Duck f Fuligula rufina] near Brauutou. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1098. 1868. Mathew, G. F. Mute Swan [Cygnus olor] on Northam Burrows. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1135. 1868. Noll, C. F. Bastarde von dem schwarzeu [Cygnus atratus] und dem Hiicker- Schwan [Cygnus olor]. < Zool. Gart., ix, 1868, pp. 189, 190. 1868. PISSOT, — . Note sur les produits obtenus de raccouplement d'un Cygne uoir [Cygnus atratus] male avec un Cygne blanc [Cygnus ] femelle. <^ Bull. Soc.Aeclim.,2« s6r., v, 1868, pp. 11, 12. 1868. Roger, E. Reproductions de C^rdopses (Cereopsis Nova' Hollandia'-). < Bull. Soc. AocUm., 2« s6r., v, 1868, pp. 501-503. 1868. Schlegel, F. Die Schwiine. < Zool. Gart., ix, 1868, pp. 60-62. Bemerkungen iiber 8 Arten, deren 4 der alteu "Welt und ebensoviele der iieuen Welt ange- hiiren. 1868. Schmidt, [Max.] [Bastarde von dem schwarzen Sehwan (Cygnus atratus), und dem Hocker-Schwan (C. olor).] <^ Zool. Gart., ix, 1868, p. 77. 1868. SCLATER, P. L. [Note on Pleetropterus gambensis.] < /Six, 2d ser., iv, 1868, p. 502. 1868. Smith, Cecil. Lougtailed Duck [Harelda glacialis] at Exmouth. < Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1059. 1868. Tiemann, F. [Beitrag zur Thierseeleukunde (Sehwan).] <^Zoul. (iurt.. ix, 1868, p. 79. 1868. Walker, J. F. On the Occurrence of the Genus Anser in the Peat and Gravel Deposits in Cambridgeshire. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., ii, 1868, p. 388. 1868. Waterston, R. C. [Note on the condition of Geese's feathers after long use as bedding. ] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xi, 1868, p. 278. "The feathers were stripped of their pluuniles and the filaments formed a plush-like nap of remarkable uniformity, which adhered firmly to the whole interior of the case." 1868. Wickevoort-Crommelin, J. P. van. Notes sur des hybrides d'Auser t>t ^70. RoDD, E. H. Garganey or Summer Teal [Querquedula circia] at the Land's End. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2141. 1870. RoDD, E. H. Redbreasted Merganser [Mergus serrator] iu Adult Plumage in Winter. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2141, 2142. 1870. SUTTOX, R. Black Swans [Cygnus atratus] in Lincolnshire. i71, p. 2644. 1871. Boyes, F. Garganey Teal [Querquedula circia] in East Yorkshire. <[ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser. , vi, 1871, p. 2644. 1871. Boyes, F. Bewick's Swan [Cygnus bewicki] near Beverley. fl, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2563. 1871. Hakting, J. E. Ou the recent Occurrence of the Redbreasted Goose (Anser ruficoUis, Pallas) in Essex. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2513, 2514. 1871. Haiitixg, J. E. [Exhibition of a specimen of Anser ruficollis from Maldon, Es- sex.] < P. Z. S. , xxxix, 1871, p. 102. 1871. Herbert, W. H. Velvet Scoter [CEdemia fusca] near Newbury. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2526. 1871. Lawrence, G. N. The Barnacle Goose [Beruicla leucopsisj. <^ Am. Xat.,\, 1871,pp. 10, 11. Occurrence of this European species at Currituck Sound, Korth Carolina. 1871. Newton, A. On certain species of Falconidte, Tetraouidse, and Auatidfe. (Conmiunicated by Mr. Cones.) <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., July 4, 1871, pp. 94-100. The Anatidce liere critically considored are certain European species of Anser. 1871. Newton, A. On a remarkable Sexual Peculiarity in an Australian Species of Duck. < /'. Z. S., xxxix, 1871, pp. 649-651, woodcc. " Anas punctata Cuv." Sternum and trachea. Virago, n. g., p. 651. 1871. NoRDVi, A. G. Anas [Somateria] stelleri, in Europa briitend. <^J. f. 0., xix, 1871, pp. 20H, 209. Am nordischeu Kiiston dcr riissischon Finmark, im Juni. 1871. PURDiK, A. C. On the Skeleton of a Bird (supposed to be a Swan), foimd in Dunedin. < Trans, and Proc. A\ Z. Inst, for 1870, iii, 1871, Proc. Otago InM., p. 100. 1871. RiCKARDs, M. S. C. Canada Goose [Bernida canadensis] at Glastonbury. <^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2486. 1871. RoDD, E. H. Canada Goose [Bernida canadensis] at Enys, near Penryn. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2486. 1871. Koi>D, E. H. The Redbreasted Merganser [Mergus serrator] in Cornwall. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2562, 2563. 968 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.T. 1871. Sharpe, R. B. On the Americau Eider Duck [Somateria dresseri, n. sp.]. < Ann Mag. Nat. Hist. , 4th ser. , viii-, 1871, pp. 51-53, hgg. 1, 2. The writer undertakes to speciflcaUy distinguish the American from the European Eider Duck, describing and figuring the svipposed differences. 1871. Smee, a. H. Wild Swan in Leadenhall Market. <: Zoologist, 2d ser., vi. 1871, p. 2487. 1871. Smee, A. H. Smew [MergeUus albellus] on the Wandle. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2487. 1871. Smee, A. H. Wild Swans on the Thames. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2525. 1871. Smee, A. H. Goosander [Mergus merganser] in Oxfordshire. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser.', vi, 1871, p. 2810. 1871. Smith, Cecil. Canada Goose [Bernicla canadensis. Remarks on its occurrence near Glastonbury.] < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, pp. 2523, 2524. 1871. Stubbs, C. E. Tufted Duck [Fuligula cristata] at Henley-on-Thames. . 21:5. An editorial note makes it out to be Dendrocygrm eytoni Gould. (No. O.'i of Oat. N. Z. Birds, 1871.) See also torn, cit, p. 415. ,1872. Saundeks, H. On the lutroduction of Anser [Clicu] ulbatus of Cassiu into the British Avil'auua. <^ P. Z. S., l'S72, pp. 519-521. Two specimens shot at Wexford, Ireland. 1872. SciiLEGEL, G. Sinico-Aryaca ou Recherches sur lee Racines primitives dans les langues Chinoises et Aryennes. <^ Verhandl. Bataviaasch Genoots. Etinst. en ll'eiens., xxxvi, 1872, pp. xvi, 1-181. Also separate— At pp. 26, 27 are treated the roots of tbe woi-ds for Goose and Swan. 1872. Schmidt, Jacob. Eiue alte mjiunliche Trauerente [Oiidoinia nigra] in Hoch- zeitskleid bei Frankfurt a. M. geschossen. <^Zool. Gart., xiii, 1872, pp. 2.53, 2.54. 1872. Smee, A. H. Singular [red] Mark on the Head of a Tame Swan. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, pp. 3112, 3113, tig. 1872. Smith, Cecil. Notes on the Breeding in Confinement of the Pochard [Fuligula ferina], Pinkfooted Goose [Anser brachyrhynchus], and Wigeon [Mareca penelope]. <^Zoo/oc/i»/, 2d ser., vii, 1872, i»p. 3243-3245. 1872. WiiiTAKKR, J., Jr. Ducks in Nottingham Market. < Zoologint, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3(IGG. 1873. Anon. The American Widgeon [Mareca americana]. < Jw(. Sportsman, iii, 1873, p. 70. See also p. 110. 1873. Anon. Canvas-back Duck [Fuligula vallisneria] Shooting. . 242. Se»! also pp. 18o, 200. 187G. Matuew, G. F. Hooded Merganser [Lopbodytea cucuUatus]. <^ Zoologist, 2d. ser., xi, June, 187G, p. 495ri. 1876. NiCHOLLS, 14. P. Smew [Mergellus albellus] at Slapton Ley. < Zoologist, 2d Her., xi, Feb., 1870, p. 4803. 187G. Peacock, A. Variation of Colour in the Teal [Qneniuedtila crecca]. <^Zoolo- tjist, 2(1 .ser., xi, Dec., 187G, p. 5180. 1876. PooLK, R. Reported Occurrence of the King Duck [Somateria spectabilis] at Maldou. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, Jan., 1876, p. 4766. 1870. Prince, H. R. Smew [Mergellus albellus] at Taunton. < Zoologist, 2d ser., xi. Mar., 1876, p. 4847. 1870. [Prince, H. R.] Smew [MergolluH albellus] near Old Malton. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi. Mar., 1876, p. 4847. 1876. Prior, C. M. Duck nesting in a Pollard Willow. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, July, 1876, pp. 5000, 5007. 1876, Rice, F. L. The True Brant [Bomicla brenta] in Wisconsin. <^ Hod and Gun, viii, Aug. .5; 1870, p. 293. 1870. RoDD, E. H. Lougtailed Duck [Harelda glacialis] near Padstow, Cornwall. < Zoolog>st,2d ser., xi,"Dec., 1876, p. 5180. 187G. Rowley, G. D. Chen albatus. (Cassin's Snow-Goose.) <^ Howl. Or n. Misc., ii, pt. V, Oct., 1876, pp. 9:}-100, pi. xlvii. An oxtcnded article on Snow Geese in general, with sperial reference to the capture of O. albatus ill Ireland, Nov., 1871. 1670. Sclater, P. L.,aw- of the Hooded Merganser (Mergus cucuUatus) in Florida. < Bull. Xutt. Ornith. Chih, iii, No. 1, Jan., 1878, p. 40. 1878. B[oiSEAU], R. F. Our Washington Letter [concerning Ducks on the Potomac]. <^ Forest and Stream, ix, Jan. 17, 1878, p. 458. 1878. COUES, E. Peculiar Feathers of the young Ruddy Duck [Erisuuitura rubida]. < Am. Nat.,xn, No. 2, 1878, p. 123, 124, fig. 1. 1878. GOSS, N. S. The true Brant [Bernicla brenta] in Kansas. < Forest and Stream, ix, Jan. 10, 1878, p. 430. 1878. "H. G." A Domesticated Teal [Qucrquedula discors]. vrence. 982 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolV. Pelecanidae. 1730. M^RY, .J. Sur la Peaii da Pelican. <^ Mem. de I'Acad. Boy. des Sci, depuis 1666 jusq. 1699, X, 1730, pp. 433-438. (Dec. 31, 1693.) 1733. Meey, .J. Sur la peaii dn Pelican. <^Hist. de VAcad. Boy. des Sd. pour l'ann6e 1092, ii, 1733, pp. 144-146. 1734. Perrault, C. Description anatomique de deux Pelicans. <^M4m. de VAcad. Roy. des Sci. depuis 1666 jusq. 1699, iii, pt. iii, 1734, pp. 186-198, pU. 26, 27. 1757. Perrault, C. Anatomische Beschreibung zweener Pelikane. <^ Ahhandl. Kd- nigl. Framosich. Akad., ii, 1757, pp. 341 . Kot seen — title from Giebel. Germ, transl. from Mem. de I'Acad. Paris, iii, pt. iii, 1734, pp. 186-198. 1826. Payraudeaux, B. C. Note sur le vol et les allures du Pelican ; par M. Eoulin, . . . 85 1874. RiDGWAV, R Breeding Ground of White Pelicans [Pelecanns trachyrhyuchus] at Pyramid Lake, Nevada. < Am. Sportsman, iv, 1874, p. 289 figg 1-3 '"'"• ^<0.J^^^:^^;%;:' ^'^ ^^*^ "^"^^" f^^^— trleUyn^yn^hus]. 1875. BREWER T. M. Female White Pelicans [Pelecanns trachyrhynchns] with center-boards. p. 42-54. 1824. Q[uo]Y, — . Note sur le Grand Cormoran (Carbo Cormoranus [Phalacrocorax carbo]), hie a la Soci^.t^ canton, des Sc. natur. de Lausanne, par M. Chavau- nes. ... <^Feruss. Bull, 2<' sect., i,1824,Y>. 279. Feuille du Canton de Yaud, n" 130, p. 304. 18 — . RuDOLPHi, K. A. Ueber die Knochen am Hinterhaupte des Seeraben, Pelecanus [Phalacrocorax] Carbo L. <^Abhandl. Berlin. Akad. aus d. Jahr. 1816-17, 18—, Fhys. Kl., pp. 111-115, pi. Mir niclit zuganglich. 1825. [RuDOLPHi, K. A. ] Sur irn os surajoute a la partie i)ostei'ieure de la tete du Pele- canus [Phalacrocorax] Carbo; par M. Rudolphi. . . . <^ F6-hss. Bull., 2^ sect., iv, 1825, pp. 129, 130. Extrait des Abhand. Konigl. Acad. Wiss. Berlin pour les annces 1816-17. 1826. Faber, F. BeytrS,ge zur arctischen Zoologie. <^ Okeu^s Isis, Jahrg. x, 1826, pp. 791-807. Fiinfte Lioferung. TJeber die Gattung Carbo. G. craeuhm (sic), p. 792 ; C. cormoranus, p. 799. 1826. Payraudeau, B.C. [Carbo desmarestii, Larus audouinii, sp)). nn.] <^Nouv. Bull. Soc. Fhilom., 1826, pp. 122, 123. (Isis, 1834, pp. 894, 895.) Not seen in either of these publications. See next title. 1826. Payraudeau, [B. C] Descrijition de deux especes nouvellcs d'oiseaux, ap- partenant aux genres Mouette et Cormoran. <^ Ann des Sci, Nat., viii, 1826, pp. 460-4(55. Larus audouinii, p. 462 ; Carbo desmarestii, p. 464. 1827. L[uroth], S. G. Description de deux especes nouvelles d'oiseaux apparte- nant aux Genres Mouette et Cormoran ; par M. Payraudeau. ... <^ Feruss. Bull., 2'' sect., xi, 1827, p. 302. Larus audouinii, Carbo desmarastii, Ann. Sci. Nat, aoftt 1826, p. 460. No. 4.] COUES'S 0RNIT7I. BIBLIOGRAPHY PHALACROCORACID^. 987 1828. Yarrell, W. On tin- use of th(^ xiphoid bono [ossification of lijramcntum nu- cha}] and its mnscles iu the Corvorunt, (Pelecauus [Phalacrocorax] carbo, Linn. ) < Zool. Journ. , iv, 1828, pp. 234-237, pi. 7, tigs. .'), «. 182i). K[UHN], — . Sur Fusagc dc I'os cervical du Cormorau [Phalacrocorax carbo] et sur le muscle qui s'y attache ; par W. Yarrel[l], ... < F^russ. Bull, 2« 8ect.,xix, 1829,p. 357. Extralt (lu Zool. Journ., No. 14, 1828, p. 234. 1832. K[nox], T. a Crested Cormorant [Phalacrocorax cristatus, taken near Dublin, Ireland]. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist. , v, 1832, p. 397. 1835. Waterton, C. Notes of a Visit to the Haunts of the Cormorant [Phalacroco- rax carbo], and Facts on its Habits. < Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., viii, 1835 pp. 16(1-171. ' 1837. Gould, J. [Phalacrocorax brevirostris, sp. n.] <^P. Z. S.,y, 1837, p. 26. 1838. Brandt, J. F. Observations sur plusieurs esp&ces nouvelles du genre Carbo ou Phalacroc(Jrax qui se trouveut dans le Musdum de rAcad(Smie des Sciences de St. Petersburg. [1837.] < St.-PStersb. Acad. Sci. Bull, iii, 1838, cols. 53-57. Pas vues moi-m6me— le titre tir6 du Oat. de la Soe. Roy. Loud. 1839. Brandt, J. F. Neue Gattungen von Carbo. < Oken's Ms, Bd, xxxii, 1839 p 635. Aus Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. St.-Petergb., iii, 1838, p. 53. ^ 1840. Brandt, J. F. Notice sur une nouvelle espfece du genre des Cormorans (Carbo nudigula). < Bull Sdentif. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Petersb. , vi, 1840, pp. 290. 291. 1848. Fuller, H. Occurrence of the Common Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in the Thames. < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 2149. 1849. Curtler, M. Occiirrence of the Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Worces- tershire. < Zoologist, vii, 1849, p. 2456. 1851. Norman, A. W. Occurrence of the Shag or Green Cormorant (Phalacrocorax graculus) at Oxford. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3118. 1852. Anon. Sporting by Steam. [With Note by G. Gordon.] <:i Zoologist, x 1852 p. 3712. ' Phalacrocorax carbo killed by a locomotive. 1854. [Baldamus, E.] [Carbo cormoranus bei Waldenberg in Sachsen.] <^Nau- mannia, iv, 1854, p. 395. 1855. Dehne, a. Halieus carbo lUig. (Phalacrocorax Carbo, etc.) <^AUgem. Deutsclie Naturh. Zeil, n. F., i, 1855, p. 441. Mir uicht zuganglich. 1857. Gloger, C. W. L. Die 4te und 5te europaische Scharben-Art : Halieus desma- restii und H. leucogaster. < J.f. 0., v, 1857, pp. 4-23. 1857. Gloger; C. W. L. Halieus Desmarestii ein gute Species. < Naumannia, vii, Hefti, 1857, p. 77. 1857. Gloger, C. W. L. [Carbo leucogaster Cara's wahrscheinlich eine gute-Art.] < Naumannia, vii, Heft i, 1857, p. 78. 1858. HOMEYER, E. V. Carbo Desmarestii. < J.f. O., vi, 1858, p. 237. Selbstandijikoitder Art; geogr. Verbroitung; Zahl der Steuerfedem. 1858. Philippi, R. A. Beschreibung neuer Wirbelthiere aus Chile. <^Arch. f. Na- turg., 1858, (1), i>p. 30:i-311. Graculus elegans, p. 305. 1860. Kinahan, G. H. [Field] Notes on the Cormorants in the neighbourhood of Castleconnell. < Nat Hist. Rev. , (Pr. Soc. ), vii, 1860, pp. 400, 401. 1860. Kruper, T. Carbo spec ? in Griechenland beobaohtet. < J.f. 0., viii 1860 np 369, 370. 988 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 1865. Cooper, J. G. On a new Cormorant from' the Farallone Islands, California. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sd. P/nia., xvii, 1865, pp. 5, 6. Qraeulus bairdii, Gruber, mss., p. 5. A further note by J. Hepburn, loc. cit. 1866. Blake-Knox, H. A Natural History of the Shag or Green Cormorant [Phala- crocorax cristatus], with an Account of all its Plumages and Transformations from the Nestling to the Adult Bird. <^ ZooJogist, 2d ser., i, 1866, pp. 243-257. The first of a series with major title "Letters on Ornithology." 1866. Blake-Knox, H. Being a detailed Accoirnt of the Summer Plumage of the Shag [Phalacrocorax cristatus] ; also an Accottnt of its Hahits in Confine- ment. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., i, 1866, pp. 328-333. The second letter of a series ■with major title "Letters on Ornithology." The Shag is here very folly treated. 1869. Gtjnn, T. E. The Cormorant [Phalacracorax carbo] inland. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1921. 1870. GUNN, T. E. Cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo] inland [Kimberley]. <; Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., t, 1870, p. 2386. 1870. HtJGEL, A. DE. Voracity of the Cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo]. <^ Zoologist, 2d8er.,v, 1870, p. 19821 1870. Schmidt, Max. Fortptianzung des gemeinen Cormorans (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Gefangenschaft. <[ Zool. Gart, xi, 1870, pp. 12-18. 1870. VoELKEL, P. Reproduction du Cormoran [Phalacrocorax carbo] au Jardiu Zoologique de Francfort-sur-le-Mein. <[ Bull. Soc. Acclim. , 2^ s6r. , vii, 1870, p. 323. Der Zoologische Garten, Janvier 1870. 1871. Harvie-Browx, J. A. Cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo] breeding Inland. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2852. 1871. Smith, Cecil. Cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo] inland in Somersetshire. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , \'i, 1871, pp. 2810, 2811. 1872. Hansmann, a. Uuter den Cormoranen [Phalacrocorax carbo]. <^J. f. 0., XX, 1872, pp. 310-314. Account of a visit to a breeding place of this bird in the vicinity of Stettin. 1873. Buller, W. L. Description of a new Species of Cormorant [Phalacrocorax featherstoni] from the Chatham Islands. <[ Ibis, 3d ser. , iii, 1873, pp. 90, 91. 1873. DooLiTTLE, J. Fishing with Cormorants. <^ Am. Sjwrtsman, iii, 1873, p. 108. Extracted from Kev. Justus Doolittle's "Social Life of the Chinese." 1873. Gurney, J. H. [On the existence of Graculuslucidus in Damaralaud.] <^Ibis, 3d ser., iii, 1873, p. 232. 1873. Saxvin, F. H. Cormorant Fishing. ^Zoolo^ffs*, Sdser., viii, 1873, p. 3696. From the London ' Field.' 1875. Anon. Birds trained to fish [Cormorants of France]. <[ Bod and Gun, vii, Oct. 2, 1875, p. 11. 1878. [Gbinnell, G. B. ] Cormorants [Phalacrocorax dilophus] in Central New York. < Forest and Stream, x, Apr. 4, 1878, p. 156. ^0. 4.1 COUES'S ORNITH. BLBLIOGRAPHY PLOTID.E. 989 Ploticlae. 1806. [Barton, B. S.] [OccuiTence of Plotns anhinga as far north iu the United States as latitude 39°. ] < First Suppl. to Barton'-i Med. and Phiju. Jouni., Mar., 180G,'i)p. 67, 68. 1852. GURNE Y, J. H. Note on the American and Indian Darters in Captivity ; and ot the known Species of the Genns Ph>tus. < Zoologist, x, 1852, p. 3711. 1852. Smith, A. C. Supposed Capture iu England of the American Black-bellied Darter (Plotus Anhinga). < Zoologist, x, 1852, pp. 3601-3605, fig. 1852. Smith, A. C. Supplemental Note on the Black-bellied Darter, (Plotus Anhinga). <^ Zoologist, X, 1852, pp. 3654-3657. 1856. Brewer, T. M. [Occurrence of Plotus anhinga in Illinois.] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., V, 1856, p. 391. 1868. Wyman, J. On a Thread Worm (Filaria anhingse) infesting the Brain of the Snake-bird, (Plotus anhinga Linn.). ,iu,'iiio. 2, Apr., 1878, p. 101. Portuguese anhina, related to Latin iinguina (angnis, a snake). 1878, Garrod, A. H. Note on Points iu the Anatomj- of Levaillant's Darter (Plotus levaillauti). < P. Z. S., June 18, 1878, pp. 679-681, fig. On the alimentary canal ; figure of the stomach, showing peculiar structure of glandolac areas, U-shaped ridge, and pyloric infundibuliform plug. 1878. [SCLATER, P. L.] [Addition of Plotus levaillauti to the Society's Menagerie iu March, 1878. ] \\. i-v. This is merely his nionog^i'apli of Phaethon, issued with new pagination and the old pagina- tion preserved, and with new full pajje title and new preface — the latter explaining the re- issuing of certain memoirs under the title of Spec. Oruith. Exot., as above given — this pres. ent Toutameu mouographiao zoologicae generis Phaethon being fasciculus I, or the first of the proposed series. 1840. Brandt, J. F. Tentamen monograj)biae zoologicae generis Phaetbou. <^J/(^w. de VAcad. St.-rctersh., vi s^r., v vol., ii pte.,(.S'c». Xal., iii), 1840, pp. 239-275, pll. i-v. Introductio — Character natui'alis generis — Anatome — De vita et patria Phaethontuni, eorumque nsus — Specierura descriptiones : Ph. phcenicunis Gm., p. 252, pi. 1, f. 1, 2 ; Pli. cethe- reus, pi. 2 ; Ph Jlavirostris Brandt, \^. 263, pL 3, f. 1, 2, pi. 4. — Spp. dubiae, PP. fulvus? catesbyi f edwardmi ? m elanorhynchos ? — PI. 5, rostrum, pes, palatum, lingua, os h yoides et larjTix Phae- thontis pha-nieiiri. / 1852. [Jardink, W.] Phaethon. <^Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1852, pp. 3.-)-39, pi. Ixxxiv. On the eggs (pi.) and the habits of species of this genus. 1860. Lawrknce, G. N. Description of a New Species of Bird of the Genus Phaeton, also of a New Species of Ilmuniing Bird of tbe genus Heliopaedica. <^Ann. Lye. Nat. Ulsl. X. Y., vii, Apr., 1860, pp. 142-145. The new Phaethon, from an unknown locality, is named P. flavo aurantius, p. 142. 1872. Pembrokk, Earl of. Habits of Tropic Birds [Phaethon sp. ]. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hint., 4th ser., ix, 1872, pp.242, 243. Extract from ' South Sea Bubbles ', p. 143. 1872. Pembroke, Earl of. Habits of Tropic Birds [Phaethon sp.]. < Jm. Xai., vi, 1872, pp. 557-559. Editorial reproduction of passages from the author's ' South Sea Bubbles', p. 143. 187G. Bree, C. R. Tropic Bird [Phaethon sp.]. <^Zoologi8t, 2d ser., xi, Feb., 1876, p. 4803. 1876. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Information Wanted about the Worcestershire Tropic-bird [Phaethon sp. ] < Zoologist, 2d ser. , xi, Jan. , 1876, p. 4766. 1876. GuRNEY, J.H.,.JR. Tropic Bird [Phaethon sp.] habits of these birds. 1823. Edmonston, L. Notice of a Specimen of the Larus [Pagophila] elnirnens, or Ivory Gull, shot in Zetland; and further Remarks on the Iceland Gull [Larus islandicus]. <; Mem. IVernerian Xat. Hist. Soc.,iv, pt. ii, 1H2:?, pp. .^)01-507. The Larus islaiidicus of Edmonston of 1^22 proving to be L. glaucvg, the name islandicus is very improperly "transferred" to another species (the L. leucoptervs of Fabcr). 1823. Traill, T. S. Description of a New Species of Larus [scoresbii]. <^Mem. Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc, iv, pt. ii, 1823, pp. 514-516, pi. xvi, tig. 1. 1824. Katjp, [J. J.] Beschreibung einer ueuen Seeschwall>e [Sterna nitz.schii]. < Oken's Ms, Jahrg. viii, 1824, p. 153, 154. Description of S. nitzschii, sp. ii., p. 153, giving also the sjieciflc charactcis of /S. hirundo L. 1824. Macgillivhay, W. Descriptions, Characters, and Synonyms of the ditterent Species of the Genus Larus, with Critical aud Explanatory Remarks. <^ Mem. Wernerian Xat. Hist. Soc, v, pt. i. 1824, ]ip. 247-276. After a cu'cnimstantial ac(;ount of the genus considered iudividually, tlie species are taken up in order. L.rosetis.p. 249; L. ba^yrinchus [siic— leifebathyrhyiichiis\,xi. 2o3: L. argenteiis, p. 204 (renamed from aryentatus) \ L. arcticus, p. 268 (^= argentatus Sabine); L. glacialis, p. '270'( — glaucus Temm.), spp. nn. These and .some other species are very elaborately treated. monographicaUy, excepting the first, ■which is (mly named "provisionally " (the name rosetis, by the way, afterward excited some acrimonious personality, as anticipating rossii of Kich- ardson). The paper looks as if it were but a part of the article, but it is not marked to be con- tinued, and no more has been found. It is one of the soundest papers ever writteu on Gulls. 1825. Lesson, [R.] P. Description d'une esp^ce in^^dite de Goeland (Larus [.scores- bii]); par Th. Stewart Traill . . . < i'Vrjm. />»?/., 2« sect., vi. 1825, p. 94. Larus scoresbii, Traill, Mem. Wcm. Soc, iv, pt. ii, 1823, pp. 514-.'>1C. 1825. Lesson, [R. ] P. D(>scriptions, Charactferes et Synonymic de diverses espfeces du genre Goeland ou Mouette [Larus], avee des Remarques critiques et explica- tives; par \V. Macgilivray. < F6-uss. Bull., 2^ sect., vi, 1825, pp. 94-96. Extrait des Man. Wern. Soc, v, pt. i, 1824. pp. 247-276, q. v. 994 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, \Vol.V. 1826. Gahxut, p. Histoire d'line nouvelle espece tie Goelaud [Larus islaudicus] tuee in Sbetlaud; par L. Edraonstou. . . . . 2803. 1850. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Blaclc Tern (Sterna Hssipes) in Adult Summer Plumage in Mount's Bay. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2803. 1000 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolY. 1850. RuDD, T. S. Occurrence of the Little Gull (Larus minutus) at Redcar. and some Particulars of its Plumage. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2706. 1850. Smith, Bev. James. Occurrence of the Gull-billed Teru (Sterna Auglica) in Norfolk. <:^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 265:3. 1851. Briggs, J. J. The Little Gull (Larus minutus) in Derbyshire. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3118. 1851. Duck, J. N. Occurrence of the Little Gull (Larus minutus) at Weston-super- Mare. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3056. 1851. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Little Gull (Larus minutus) at Lewes. <^Zo- ologist, ix, 1851, p. 3036. 1851. GuRNEY, J. H. Note on the Gull-billed Tern [Sterna anglica]. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3235. 1851. Gurnet, J. H. Occurrence of the Caspian Tern [Sterna caspia] at Yarmouth. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3235. 1851. Leith, G. H. Occurrence Of Bonaparte's Gull (Larus Bonaparti) in Scotland. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3117. 1851. MOGGRIDGE, M. Larus [Rissa] tridactylus [in Britain]. <^AnH. Mag. Xat. Hist., 2d ser. , vii, 1851, pp. 235, 236. 1851. Potter, C. Occurrence of the Little Gull [Larus minutus] at Lewes. <^Zo- ologist, ix, 1851, p. 3036. 1851. PowYS, T. W. Occurrence of the Caspian Tern (Sterna Caspia) near Lausanne. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, pp. 3209, 3210. 1851. RODD, E. H. Occiu'rence of the Whiskered Tern [Sterna leucoparia] at Scilly. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3280. 1851. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Pomarine Skua [Stercorarius pomatorhinus] in Adult Plumage near Penzance. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3280. 1851. Thorxcroft, T. Occurrence of Richardson's Skua (Lestris Richardsonii) at Brighton. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3054. 1851. Wood, C. Occurrence of the Kittiwake Gull (Larus [Rissa] tridactylus) on Wandsworth Common. <:^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3117. 1852. Ellmax, J. B. Occurrence of Ross's Rosy Gull (Larus Rossii [Rhodostethia rosea]) at Pevensey, Sussex. <^ Zoologist, x, 1852, p. 3388. 1852. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Pomerine Skua (Lestris pomeriuns [sic — lege pomatorhinus]) at Hastings. <[ Zoologist, x, 1852, pp. 3331, 3332. 1852. Irby, L. H. Food of the Black-headed Gull, (Larus ridibuudus). <^ Zoologist, X, 1852, p. 3711. 1852. [Jardine, W.] Habits of Larus canus. <^ Jard. Contrib. Orn., 1852, j). 40. 18.52. Lawrence, G. N. On the occurrence of the Caspian Tern (Sylochelidon Cas- pius) in North America. <^Ann. Lye. Xat. Hist. New York, v, 1852, pp. 37, 38. (Read May 6, 1850.) 1852. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Lesser Tern [Sterna minuta] near Mount's Bay. < Zoologist, x, 1852, p. 3453. 1852. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Gull-billed Tern (Sterna Anglica) at Scilly. < Zoologist, X, 1852, p. 3536. 1852. RoDD, E. H. Occurrence of the Iceland Gull (Larus Islandicus) at Scilly. -^ Zoologist, X, 1852, p. 3536. 1852. Schach, F. [Das Vorkommen von Lestris pomarina bei Krimnitzschau. ] <^ Namnannia, ii, Heft ii, 1892, p. 123. 1852. Smith, J. A. Notice of the Occurrence of the Black Tern, Sterna nigra, Linn,, near Coldstream. <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., ix, 1852, pp. 73, 74. Ao.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY LARID^. 1001 18G2. Thompson, W. Liirus ghiiuus [iu Britain]. < Ann. Mag. Xat. niKt.,2d ser., ix, 1852, p. 244. 1853. BORRER, W., Jr. Occurrence of the Manked Gull (Larus capLstratus) iu Sus- sex. <^ Zooloyint, xi, 18515, p. 3912. 1853. Brown, E. Occurrence of the Sooty Teni (Sterna fuliginosa) in England. < Zoologist, xi, 1853, pp. 3755, 3756. 1853. Bruch, [P.] Monographische Uebersicht der Gattung Larus Lii^. <•/./. 0., i, 1853, pp. 90-103, pll. ii, iii. Sketch of the subject ; characters aud habitat of 62 spp. Larinoe, under 12 genn., and of 5 spp. Lestridince under 3 genn. The large folded plates, uncolored, illustrate the heads of 24 spp. Larince of natural size. The article has been spoken of with some reserve, and is gen- erally considered to have been superscMled by the author's siibseijuent paper on the same sub- ject, op. cit, 1855, p. 273, seq. (See what is said at 1854, Boxap.vkte, C. L.) 1853. Dunn, R. OccuiTence of the Little Gull (LaruH rainutua) in Shetland. <^Zo- oIoyist,Ki, 1853, pp.3911, 3912. 1853. Frederick, G. Occurreuce of the White-winged Black Tern (Sterna leucop- tera) near Yarmouth. <[ Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 3911. 1853. FOOTTIT, W. F. Occurrence of the Caspian Teni (Sterna Caspia) in Lincoln- shire. < Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 394G. 1853. Guu.NKY, J. H. Note on a White Variety of the Common Tern [Sterna hirundo]. <^ Zoologist, xi, 18.5:?, p. 4124. 1853. HoMEYER, E. F. V. Larus Heiuei. Heine's Move. <^Naumannia, iii, 1853, pp. 129, 130. 1853. Lawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Genera Ortyx Stephens, Sterna Linn., and Icteria Vieillot. <^Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. \. Y., vi, 1853, pp. 1-4. Sterna pikei, p. 3. 1853. Lenk, Dr. — . Eine hriefliche Mittheihing des Hm. Dr. Lenk. < Verh. zooL- bot. Fcr. JVien, iii, am 7 Dec, 1853, Y>p. 195-197. Ueber Larus capistratus in Bohmen. 1853. LOWENH.JELM, C. G. Myoxus avellauarius; Sterna arctica. <^0/ver8. Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandl. fiir ar 18.52, 18.53, pp. 234, 235. Sterna arctica hiickar i mangd vid en insjo, 2 mil norr om Gellivare. 1853. Newton, A. Correction of a previous Error [Zool., p. 2825] respecting the Masked Gull, (Larus capistratus). <^ Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 4074. 1854. Bonaparte, C. L. Notes sur les Larides <^Xaumannia, iv, 1854, pp. 209-219. La famille entidro des Larides (c'est k dire les subfam. Lestridince et Larince) ayant 6t6 pass6e en revue synoptique, Tautour s'occupe d'une critique de M. Bruch {J. f. O., 1853, pp. 96-108). Lestridince, 4 genn., 4. spp. (avec (5) Gimoliornis diomedeiisOvren, sp. foss.) : Larince, 18 genu., 73 spp. A cause des rapports qui scmblent d'avoir exist^s entre I'auteur et M. Bruch, il devient difficile d'indiqiier avec pr6cision les noms (pii sent v6ritablement nouve- aux ; surtout lorsqu'on rcconuait le fait que ces auteurs tous deux out prestiue toujours manqu, \w. translates and comments upon what that writer has to sa^y respecting the changes of i>himage in Laridce. 1854. Gloger, C. W. L. Das Abundcrn der weisscu Zeicbnung an den Scbwingeu der Moveii [Laridic]. < J.f. ()., ii, 1854, p. 383. Translation from Audubon on this subject, in the case of i. argentatus. 1854. GoLnwAT!>cn()W, A. Larus cohimbinns. (Mouette Colombine.) Espfece nou- velle, habitant les parages i\e la mer Caspienne. < Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mo8- coii, xxvii, i)t. i, 18.54, pp. 435-441, pi. iv. 1854. Hardy, J. Description d'line espfece in(^dite de Lestris [spinicaudus] de l'0c6an meridional. <] Bev. et Mag. de ZooL, vi, 1854, pp. 657, 658. 1854. KixG. E. L. Occurrence of Eicbardson's Skua (Lestris Ricbardsonii) at Lynn. <^ ZooloffiKt, xii, 1854, pp. 4512, 4513. 1854. Lawrence, G. N. Description of a New Species of Bird of tbe Genus Larus [califomicus] Linn. <^Ann. Lye. Xdt. Hist. N. Y., vi, 1854, pp. 79, 80. 1855. Bonaparte, C. L. Notes sur les Larides. <[i?er.j\/rt(/. Zoo?., Adi, 1855, pp. 12-21. Not seen. 1655. Bruch, [P. ] Revision der Gattuug Larus Lin. < J.f. 0., iii, 18.55, pp. 273-293, pll. iv, v. Cf op. cit, 1853, pp. 96-108. 65 spp. The present article retraces the ground of the first one ; the discrepancies between the two are numerous and irreconcilable, leaving both open to suspicion. In fact, having ourselves suffered for our indiscretion in venturing upon these papers of Bruch's, as well as those of Bonaparte's ou the same subject, it is a duty we owe to posterity, and one we willingly here discharge, to warn all persons off these premises. 1855. Degland, C. D. [Fang einer flir Frankreicb, wenn nicbt iiberbaujit fUr Eu- ropa, nenen Seescbwalbe (Sterna fuliginosa).] <^Xaumannia, v, 1855, p. 412. ..S.fuli(/!nosa wiirAe bekanntlich vor mehren .Tahren an der Elbe, gleichfalls lebendig gefangen. ' ' — Baldamus. 1855. Gloger, C. W. L. Aucb Movcn werfen lebende Scbaltbiere aus der Hobe auf kable Felsen [u. s. w.]. < ././. 0., iii. 18.5.5, p. 447. Quotations from Audubon on the habits of Larus argentatus. 1855. Gloger, C. W. L. Aucb die grosseren Moven brilteu znm Tbeil scbon im nocb unvoUendeten Kleide. < J. f. 0., iii, 1855, pp. .521, 522. Quotation from Andubon, again, respecting Larus argentatus. It would have simpliiied matters, if the writer had once copied from Audubon all he desired on the subject, and had done with it. 1855. HrsSEY, A. Occurrence of Eicbardson's Skua (Lestris Ricbardsoni) in Sussex. <^ Zoolof/ixt, xiii, 18.55, ]). 4560. 1855. Murray, A. [Extract of letter from W. Jardine, on capture of Pagopbila ebur- nea in Caitbness-sbire. ] < Editib. Neio Philos. Journ., new ser., i, 1855, p, 365. 1855. PowYS, T. L. Occurrence of Buonaparte's Gull (Larus Buouapartii) on tbe Irisb Coast. < Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4762. 1855. PowYS, T. L. Occuvrcnce of Buonaparte's Gull (Larus Buonapartii) on the Irisb <^ Zoologist , xiii. ia55, pp. 4809, 4810. 1855. Roberts, A. Occurrence of tbe Lesser White-winged Gull (Larus islandicus) near Scarborough. <^ Zoologist, xiii, 18.55, p. 4560. 1855. Waiters, [J. J.] On the Habits and on tbe Varieties of some of the [Irish] Larida;. < Nat. Hist. Rev., ii, 1855, pp. 100-103. ^0.4.] COUES'S ORyiTH. BIBLIOGRAPHY LARIDiK. 1003 l-'.ti. fBii.MNOs, E.] On ii Sca-Gull [Lanis argentatiis] shot at Ottawa. -^Canad. Xat. and Geol., i, 1856, pp. 1;VJ, 100. ICoi;. Dkssauvillk, p. a. Notice of the Arctic Skua (Lestris Parasitica, Teni.), shot in Skye in the Siininicr of IHnf). <^Ediiih. Xnr PhiloH. Jourv., iii, 1856, pp :550, :{;')!. 1 -.-.(). D'l'KBAN, W. S. M. Occurrence of tlie Little Gull [Larus minutiisj and Com- mon Skua on the Exe. < ZooloyiMl, xiv, 185(i, p. 5065. 15156. Faukan, [C] On the Genus Skua. (Lcstridse.) <^Nat. Hist. Iiei\,{Pr.Soc.), iii, 1856, pp. 48-51. Ch.iractora and habits of several species. 1857. Bruch, [P.] Nachtraj^ zur Revision (Ut Gattung Larus. 9. Anon. Occurrence of Sabine's Gull (Larus [Xema] Sabini) at Brighton. <^ Zoologist, xvii, 1859, p. 6331. 1859. Bartlett, A. D. Remarks on the Habits of a Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). < /'. Z. p. 467, 468. Voluntary semidomestication. 1859. Dunn, R. Occurrence of the Adult Glaucous Gull [Larus glaucus] in Orkney. < Zoologist, xvii, 1859, p. 0448, 1859. DuTTON, J. Occurrence of the Pomarino Skua (Lestris pomarina [Stercora- rius ptmiatorhinus] ) at Birting Gap. < Zoologist, xvii, 1859, p]). 0378, 6379. 1859. Homeykr. E. [F. ] v. r,.l..«r Earns Heinei. < J.f. 0., vii, 1859, pp. 155, 156. Especially on it.s rulationsliips with L. canus. 1859. Ross, F. W. L. Notic(> of a Black-headed GuU [Larus ichthyaetus] found re. ceutly in Devonshiie. < Jjin. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3d ser, , iv, 1859, p. 467. 1004 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VoLV. 1860, Albrecht, — . Verhalten oiiier aufjjezogenen Move [Larus argentatiis] ; lan- gere Aufbewahrimg friacher Eier. < J.f. 0. , viii, 1860, pp. 367-369. Translated from Bartlett, Ann. Mag. X H., No. 30, June, 1860. 1860. B.4RTLETT, A. D. Remarks on the Habits of a Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hi8t.,M ser., v, 1860, pp. 498, 499. From P. Z. S., Xov. 22, 1859. 1860. DuxN, J. Occurrence of the Glaucous GuU [Larus glancus] in Orkney. < Zo- ologist, xviii, 1860, p. 6813. 1860. DUTTON, J. Occurrence of Richardson's Skua (Lestris Richardsonii) at East- bourne. <^ Zoologist, xviii, 1860, p. 7106. 1860. Gould, J. Description of a new Species of Gull (Gavia roseiventris) from the Falkland Islands. < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , 3d ser. , v, 1860, p. 232. From P. Z. S., Feb. 8, 1859, p. 97 ; from a paper of wider scope. 1860. GURNEY, J. H. Note on the Carnivorous propensities of the Blackheaded GuU (Larus ridibundus). <^ Zoologist, xviii, 1860, pp. 7106, 7107. 1860. Jackel, J. Sterna leucoptera Meissn. uud Schinz in Bayern briitend. K.J-f' 0., viii, 1860, pp. 300, 301. 1860. Leadbeater, — . [Exhibition of Lestris cepphus from Ireland.] r8 ; later reduced to ii race of the lutt«r. 9, Larun cali/urniciis. 10, L. delawarentit. 11, L. brachijrhynchns Rich., l>eiiij; tlie N. Am. representative of L. canut ; to it are referred L. Kuckleiji and Riiita geptentrionalis of Lawrence. 12, Jilanpus heermanni. Vi, Rusun tridac- tyla. 14, J{. kotzebui, the N. I'aeifir uualoi;tie of Ii. tridactyla. 15, J{. hrachtjrhynrha (iould, or breviroxlris Brandt. Ki. Paijuphila ehiirnea. 17, /'. brachylartun (.sinee adniitticl to be same n» 1(5). 18, Chruicocfphalns ntrieilla. 19, C. cucnllatim (afterward referred to 'JO). 20, C. franklini. 21, C. Philadelphia. 22, C Jnt»u(tw (given as qiicHtionably North Aniericau). 23, Rhodogtethia rogea. 24, Xema sabinii. 25, Creagrug /urcntim. Takin;; from these 25 HpeeieH the following 5, viz: L. hutchinsii, L. chalcopterut. Rigta kotzebui, I'atjophila brachytarsim. C'hroicocephalut cucuUatug, a» not valid, and C. minulug an extralimital, we have a residuum of 19 good specie.s, of whilexing lead. It is otherwise a very fair exhibit of the knowledge we possessed at the time the paper was written. Cf. Ibis, 1863, pp. 108, 109. 186'i. COUES, E. A Review of the Tenis [Steniiuic] of North America. <^ Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. riiila., xiv, lf<62, pit. r>',io-i^)iAK The genera and species critically reviewed in this i)aper are the following; — 1, Oelochelidon anglica. 2, Thalagneug cagpiua ; the N. Am. bird tentatively named Ih. im- perator, sp. n., p. 538. 3, T. regiug. 4, T. elegans. 5, 1\ acuflavidng (afterward reunited with T. cantiaea). 6, Sterna trudeaui. 7, H. "havflW, considered as the winter plumage of . forgttri. 9, .S'. hirundo. 10, S. macroura. 11, .S. pikei Lawr. 12, H. para- digea. \3, S. antillanun. 14, Hydrochelidon jisgipeg. 15, Haliplana fuliginoga. \^, Anorig gtolidug, with A. /rater, sp. n. prob., p. 5.58. Neither of the two new names has i)roven to represent much value. The identification of .S'. havelli, here first made, has \ieen confirmed. 5. pikei is not a good species. T. acufiavidiu is not distinct from T. cantiamg. The other species hold, though some of them require other names, and several species have since been added to the North American Fauna. See same author at 1874, Birds of the Xorthvjegt. Cf. Ibig, 1863, pp. 471, 472. 1862. Gatcombk, J. Occurrence of the Little Gull [Laru.s iniuutiis] at Plymouth. < Zoologist, XX, 1862, p. 7940. 1862. Gatcombk, J. Occurrence of the Iceland Gull [Larus leucopteru.s] at Plymouth. < Zoolof/ixt, XX, 1862, p. 8036. 1862. Hammond, W. Occurrence of the Little Gull [LaruH miuutus] in Kent. < Zooloijist, XX, 1862, p. H003. 1862. Philippi, R. A., and Landbkck, L. Descripciou de uua nueva goloudrina de mar [Stei;na atrofasciata]. <^ J««/. Univ. Chile, xxi, Nov., 1862, p. 440. 1862. Preykr, W.,flHf/ ZiRKEL, F. Reise nach Island im Sominer I860. Mit wi.ssen- schaftlichen Anhangen. Leipsig. Bro, S. richardsoni (Hv;.}. S. hardy i(Ti]}.). 7, S.spinicauda(Bp.}. S, il.btifoni(Boie). The nomenclature of this paper is tcceunic, the author having apparently imbibed some untenable views of G. E. Gray's on this subject. S. richardsoni has not proved valid. The four unciuestionablo Jiigers of the Northern Hemisphere are carefully distinguished and adequately described, with copious synonymy. See same author at 1874, Birds of the North- west. Cf Ibis, 1864, pp. 127, 128. 1863. CoUES, E. [Ou the specitic validity of Larus smithsonianus. ] \ Mi. OsUort Salviu and Mr. V. (iodinaii. <[ I bin, vi, 18(14, pji. I}87-I'93. 10 or 10 spp. Critical uotus. Virst rneutiou of Haliplana diseulor, u. m., subboquently described. Field uotuu by O. S. 1864. Fisc'HKit, J. C. II. Lariis lossii [Kliodo.stcthia rosea] paa Fa}r0eine. <^ Kr^yer'a {Sdih^dU^H) Xdlurhinl. TnU-ik., iii, 1804, pj). d-lU. Cf. /6m, 180,'), pp. lo:t, 'SM. 1804. Gould, J. Deacriptiou of a Now Siiecies of Gull [GLioicoeuphalus tibctauus] from Tibet. < /'. Z. S. , xxxii, 1864, pp. 54, 55. 1804. Gould, J. Description of a Nmv Species of Gull from Tibet [CUroicocephalns tibitanus]. < Ann. Ma;/. Xat. IIi8t.,M .ser., xiv, 1804, pp. 279, 280. P'roni /'. X. S., l''i>b. 9, 1804, pp. 54, 55. 1804. SciiLKUKL, II. Stcniae <; Alas. Uixt. Xat. rays-Baa, Ij'' livr., 1804, pp. 1-44. The Sternw of this author iucludo the three ;;eiiei'a Sterna ('37 8pp.), Rhijnchopt CJ spp.), and Dro/nas (1 sp.) !, represented by 371 specimens in the Leydeu Museum. Sterna bem- steini, p. 9. The monograph is dated Sept., 180^, but livr. 5 did not appear until 1864. 1865. Alstox, E. R. [On J. Sabine's specimen of Larus rossi (Rhodostetbia rosea). Cf. Ibis, 1805, p. 238. ] < Ibis, 2d ser. , i, 1865, pp. 547, 548. 1865. Alston, E.R. Kittiwakf [Rissa tridactyla] iu Ayrsbire in Winter. <^Zoolo. J/I.S/, xxiii,1805,p.l)470. 1865. Blakk-Knox, H. Iceland Gull [Larus leucopterus] iu Dublin Bay. lk Coast. {[ 801-., ii, 1867, p. 1018. 1867. Knight, J. Masked, Iceland and Glaucus Gulls [Larus tapistratus, lencop- terus, glaucMis] near Scarborough. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 6:J7. From the London ' Field,' Jan. 26. 1867. Mathew, M. a. Sabine's Gull [Xema sabinii] at Weston-super-Mare. <^Zo- ologwt, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 992. 1867. Morris, F. O. Sabine's Gull [Xema sabinii] in Cornwall. < Zoo%m<, 2d ser. , ii, 1867, p. 710. 1867. J^CLATKR, P. L. [Remarks oh Gulls (Lariuaj, three spp.) living in the Society's Menagerie. ] < P. Z. 6f. , xxx v, 1867, pp. 315, 316. 1867. Power, W. H. Gulls in Kent. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, pp. 710, 711. 1867. Smee, a. H. Arctic Tern [Sterna macrura] near Gravesend. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser.,ii, 1867, p. 1017. 1867. Smee, A. H. Skua [Stercorarius skua] on the Thames. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, pp. 1017, 1018. 1867. S.mee, A. H. Sandwich Tern [Sterna cantiaca] at Whitby. <.Zoologi8t, 2d net., ii, 1867, p. 1018. 1867. Ste\'en80N, H. Occurrence of the Whitewiuged Black Torn [Hydrochelidon leucoptera] in Norfolk. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ii, 1867, p. 951. 1868. ASHJIEAD, G. B. Little Gull [Larus minutus] in the Thames. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, ]>. 1462. 1868. Blakk-Knox, H. Part II.— Biting an Account of its [Larus cauns] Plumages and Transforuiatious from the Nestling to the Adult Bird. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, pp. 107.>-1088. The sixth of a series with major title "Letters on Ornithology." 1868. Blake-Knox, H. Sabine's Gull [Xema sabinii] in Dublin Bay. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1099. 1868. Blake-Knox, H. Sabine's Gull [Xema sabinii] in the County Down. <^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1099. ' 1868, Blake-Knox, H. Iceland and Glaucous Gulls [Larns Icucopterus, glaucus] off the Dublin Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser. , iii, 1868, p. 1463. 1868. DuTTON,J. Pomarine Skua [Stercorarius pomatorhinus] at Eastbourne. -^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1099. 1868. Gi-RNEY, J. H. Iceland Gull [Larus leucopterus] off Brixham. < Zoologist, 2d ser.,iii,1868, p. 1222. 1868. GuRXEY, J. H., Jr. Little Gull [Larus minutus] at Flamborough. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1379. 1868. GURNEY,J.H.,jR. Little Gull [Larus minutus] near Bridlington. <:,Zoolo- gixt, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1424. 1868. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Common Skua [Stercorarius skua] on the Dogger Bank. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1462. 186e. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Richardson's Skua [Stercorarius richardsoni] near Flam- borough. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1462, 1868. Gr RNEY, J. H. , Jr. Pomarine Skua [Stercorarius pomatorhinus] near Bridling- ton. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1462. 1010 BULLETIN UNITED .STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. • [Vol.Y. 1868. GURNEY, J. H., Ju. Little. Gull [Lanis minutiis] at Flamboronjili. <^ Zoolo- gist, *2d ser., iii, 18G8, ]>. 14C>2. 1868. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Little Gull [Larus niiuutus] near BricUiiigton. < Zoo?o- f/ist, 2(1 ser., iii, 1868, p. 14G2. 1868. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Little Gull [Larus iniuutus] near Filey. <^Zooloijist,26 ser., iii, 1868, p. 1462. 1868. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Little Gulls [Larus miuutus] ou the Yorkshire Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1482. 1868. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Pomarine Skua [Stercorarius pomatorhiuns] at Flam- horough. <^ Zoologist, 2(1 ser., iii, 1868, p. 1482. 1868. GuNN, T. E. Pomarine Skua [Stercorarius pomatorliinns] ou the Norfolk Coast. < Zoologist, 2(1 ser. , iii, 1868, p. 1483. 1868. Harvie-Browx, J. A. Wide-awake Terus [Sterna fuliginosa?]. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1888, pp. 1098, 1099. 1868. Smith, Cecil. Black Tern [Hydrochelidon nigra] in Somersetshire. -^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1378. 1868. SanTH, Cecil. Lesser Tern [Sterna miuuta] in Devonshire. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1378. 1868. Walker, T. C. Kittiwake [Rissa tridactyla] : Correctiou of an Error [Zool., s. s., p. 1367]. <[ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1424. 1869. Blaj{e-Knox, H. Glaucous and Iceland Gulls [Larus glaucus, leucopterus] in Kingstown Ilarbour, County Dublin. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1517, 1518. 1869. Blake-Knox, H. Iceland Gull [Larus leucopterus] in Kingstown Harbour, County Dublin. <[ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1564. 1869. Clogg, S. Little Gull [Larus miuutus] at Looe. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1563, 1564. 1869. Dresser, H. E. [Exhibition of, and remarks on, the eggs of Larus minutus.] < P. Z. S., xxxvii, 1869, pp. 530, 531. 1869. GuNN, T. E. Little Gull [Larus minutus] near Yarmouth. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1518. 1869. GUNN, T. E. Sandwich Tern [Sterna cantiaca] on the Norfolk Coast. < Zoolo- gist,26. ser., iv, 1869, j). 1517. 1869. GuNN, T. E. Voracity of the Common Gyll [Larus canus]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1603. 1869. GuNN, T. E. Black Tern's [Hydrochelidon nigra] Egg in Norfolk. < Zoologist, 2dser.,iv, 1869,p. 1868. 1869. Harting, J. E. Sooty Tern [Sterna fuliginosa] at Wallingford. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1867, 1868. 1869. Hunter, J. Kittiwake Gull [Rissa tridactyla] near Faversham. <^ Zoologist, 2dser.,iv, 1869, p. 1518. 1869. KOnig-Warthausen, Baron R. Revue der Sterna-Eier. < Bericht iiher d. xvii. Versamml. d. Deutsch. Onnth. Gesellsch., 1869, pp. 36-39. Not seen. — The oological characters, so far as known to the author, of all the species of Sternince are briefly given. 1869. Matiiew, G. F. Little Gull [Larus minutus, at Brauntou]. •, 1870. Ai^STOx, E. R. Kittiwake Gull [Rissa tridactyla]. < Zoolor/ist, 2d ser v 1.^70 p. 2108. ' • > > - > 1870. Anon. A Rare Visitor [Stercorarius pomatorhinus, iu Peunsvlvauial < Jm Xat., iv, 1870, p. 57. • j \ • 1870. Bell, A. S. Little Gulls [Larus minutus] on the Yorkshire Coast. < Zoolonist 2dser., V, 1870, p.2107. '^ ' 1870. Blake-Knox, H. About the Kittiwake's [Rissa tridactyla] First Winter Plu- mage, &c. d ser., v, 1870, p. 1982. ' 1870. GuNN, T. E. Abundance of the Little Gull [Larus minutus] on the Norfolk Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, pp. 2107, 2108. 1870. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Pied Head in the Common Skua [Stercorarius skua]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2386. 1870. Jones, J. M. On the Larid© of the Nova Scotian Coast. < Trans. Xov. Scot. Inst.Xat. Ad., ii. i)t. iv, 1870, pp. 52-57. Ficld-noti-s on 7 spp. 1870. Matiiew,M.A. Glaucous Gull [Larus glaucus] at Weston-super-Mare. < Zo- ologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2066. 1870. MObius, K. Absonderliche Nahruug einer jungen Move [Larus argentatu^l. < J. /. 0. , xviii, 1870, p. 118. 6 J 1870. Ramsey, R. G. W. Little Gull [Larus minutus] at Coldingham. < Zoologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2026. \ -/ > 1870. Smee, a. H. Common Tern [Sterna hirundo] in Oxfordshire. < Zoologist. 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2308. 1870. Stubbs, C. E. Terns at Henley-on-Thames. . melanauchen ,- 30, S. minuta ; 31, S. antillarum ; 32, S. superciliaris ; 33, H. sinensis; 34, i>. sumatrana ; 35, S. nereis; 36, S. exilis ; 37, S. balcennriim ; 38, S. alcutica ; 39, S. ancestheta, fig. 3; 40, S. lunata ; 41, S.fu- liginosa, flg. 2. 42, Ncenia inca. 43, Oygis Candida, flg. 4 ; 44, G. microrhyncha, sp. n.. p. 668, tig. 5. 45, Anoiis stolidus ; 40, A. tenidrostris, pi. Ixi, flg. 1 ; 47, A. melanogenys, pi. Ixi, flg. 2: 48, A. leueocapillus, pi. 1x1, flg. 3; 49, A. cceruleus (cf. P. Z. S., 1878, p. 271, seq. ). See Coues, Bull. Nutt. Ornith. Club, ili, 1878, pp. 140-142. 1876. Tuck, .J. G. Little Gulls [Larus niiuutns] off Flaniborough Head. < Zoologint, Sil ser., xi, Feb., 1876, p. 4804. 1876. Tuck, J. G. Glaucous Gull [Larus glaiicus] at Flaiuborough. <(^, "Zd ser., xi, Feb., 1876, p. 4804. 1876. Tuck, J. G. Saiulwich Tcru [Sterna cantiaca] on Filey Brigg. ird of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Eliode I.sland. 1878. [Editorial.] Instinct in Birds. <^ T7ie Cohh^;-^, ii. July 6, 187r!, p. 168. Remarks upon an anecdote of "instinct " in a Gull. 1878. Feildex, H. W. [Letter on the occurrence of Rhodostethia rosea in the Novaya Zemlya Sea.] .^^, p,,.. n, Ihth, pp. i^;..!- Tom; 1„,.,|,,.,|,,UI 1,7,1';.,",,"; •' ''"'°™ " ""»"" "»«"'<"■ "■« ™« .yp» .,„«,„,.„, »aJh '/z?rr.'''; , :c " ,r"T.ts:,t ;",:;"■";■■" -* •re u„IM „„,|er „„„,„ „f j^,,, „„^^, "■ '^- '■ '■■ '™, P- «"■ "t"" 1™ .pecies S«„„d,.r. r,.cogBi„, lb. f„IIo.|„e apeol™,-l. P„j.,M« ,!,„„,„. 2 «i.,. ,riiaM.ta rf 8> -ii ; \;,,' , *'"'^"'»""«orc J I ' Ja J"„n S Sfo \ r''".^t ^- ^^ '•' ' '""'• ^"■• <««,Mar.' torn cit n 2=51. 7" .;, . T '"''• P^- "• P-^'^l : L- ro^eus. 1842. Cftosparac- 18, 2. K;«r Roth ■ A^ 11 ; "*V <^"."'*^'"-"'''-- '-■'••v. «• o/B., iii, 1845, p. 655 «oto., "Hp.-, Hr„.h J /o D 100 Bn t^ ^' '"'^t'""'""" ^'■■^'.v.,.antlod spp. 18,53. Gabiaun, Bp. Va«m u oio f„'/r ' ^V; ^aum., 1854, pp. 211, 215; L. pacijicu.. 1854. (?«,.«« " np." Brucl, r f On 108 r ^' .•• "^'^'^ 'l="-k"'antlod Gull.,. 18.53. Z<>«cop/,a.,« ciuL.. .;i;n^i."i^7^^^i:rBp ^c^^^'rtn^- '""'"•■ '" ?^= ^- "• 211, includes c.^.^L.W." 18.53: L^.^L'^Bp':: Sr^*^ j^o' f 1^7 ^^'l' f ""^•/. hooded spp. 1854. Oelastes, Bp., .Vaum d -lo ftw' •^■/■^-^'; 1««' "r 'lark-mantled JVa«m. p 21'>- for L nM^nJ ,a-r^' ^' ' ■^^ ^^'«*<^*' «tc. 1854. ^tricii/a, Bp., a«m., p. 21., for L. atrunlla. 18o4. Creagrus, Bp., ^a«m., p. 213; for L./urcatus. 1854 1020 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. iVoJ.V. 1878. Saunders, H.— Continued. , , , Oavia subgg. Melagavia, Cirrhocephala, Bp., Naum., 1854, pp. 212, 213. (Cirrhocephalug, Bruch.) 1857. BrucUgavia, Bp., G. A., ii, p. 228: a joke. 1854. ProcellaTmsiv. 356: Priocella, p. 357, genn. nn. : P. garnotii, "nob", p. 357, descr. nulla. 1844. Jacqutnot, — . Remarques sur quelques points de I'anatomie et de la physi- ologie des Procellarid^es, et e.ssai d'une nouvelle classification de ces Oiseaux. <^ Revue Zoologique, vii, 1844, pp. 118, 119. 1844. Stricklaxd, H. E. On Thalassidioma meliteusis, Schembri, a supposed new species of Stormy Petrel. < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist.,xiv, 1844, pp. 348, 349. = T. pelagica. The paper also makes a few corrections of Drumm,ond's Birds of Ionian Islands and Crete. 1844. Yarrell, W. [On a specimen of Pufiinus obscurus from the Dardanelles.] < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., xiii, 1844, pp. 305, 306. From P. Z. S., May 19, 1843, p. 70. 1845. "A. P." [Sur le vol de I'albatros.] elagica] in Buckinghamshire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, pp. 1178, 1179. 1868. Gurney, J. H., Jr. Fulmar Petrel [Fnlmarus glacialis] at Flamhorough. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, pp. 1461, 1462. 1868. « Gurney, J. H., Jr. Fulmar Petrel [Fnlmarus glacialis] near Sutherland. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1462. 1868. Gurney, J. H., Jr. Fulmar Petrel [Fulmarus glacialis] near Filey. -467. Abstract only hero; paper deferred for want of algebraic type to Becond vol. of the same publication, 1870, i)p, 227-232, where in full. 1869. HriTON, F. W. On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Sailing-Flight of the AlbatroH. .< Philos. Mag., Ang., 1869, pj). l.'?()-i:i6. Not seen. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 122 ; Znol. Itec, iv, pp. 45, 46, ,50. 1869. HuTTON, F. W. [Letter relating to certain Procellariidie.] < Ihis, 2d ser., v, 1869, pp. :}51-35:{. ^strelata gouldi, sp. n., p. — . Description of Majaqtieus parkinsoni, Gray. Criticism of E. Coues's review of the Procellariidce in Proc. Phila. Acad., I8C4-G6. 1870. GUNN, T. E. Abundance of the Storm Petrel [ProccUaria pelagica] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 1983. 1870. GuNN, T. E. Fulmar Petrel [Fulmarus glacialis] on the Norfolk Coast. < Zo- olnglxt, 26. ser., v, 1870, p. 1983. 1870. HuTTOX, F. W. Description of two Birds [Procellariidte] new to the Fauna of New Zealand. <^ Trans. N. Z. Inst., ii, 1870, pi). 78-80. Not seen. 1870. HUTTOX, F. W. On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Flight of the Albatros. < Trans, and Proc. New Zealand Inst, for 18';9, ii, 1870, pp. 227-232. In full ; abstiact in op. cit., vol. i, 1869, pp. 465-467. Also pub. in Philos. Mag., Aug., 1869, pp. 130-136. Read before Auckland June 1, 1868.— A notable paper, which occasioned considerable comment and criticism. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 122 ; Zool. Bee, iv, pp. 45, 46, 50. 1870. Webb, J. S. On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Sailing Flight of the Albatros. < Trans, and Proc. Xeiv Zealand Inst, for 1869, ii, 1870, j)]). 233- 236, with 1 diagram. It seems to the author, who commends Capt. Button's "ably written and very interesting paper," that the latter has "not been happy in the mathematical treatment of the subject," "having made a mistake at the outset of his calculations." 1871. Anon. Albatross in Derbyshire. < Zoo/or/is<, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2527. From, the London ' Field ', Nov. 26. 1871. GuRNEY, J. H. Forktailed Petrel [Cymoehorea lencorrhoa] in South Devou. <_ Zoologist, 2<1 ser., vi, 1871, p. 2443. 1871. GURXEY, J. H. Albatross in Derbyshire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2.563. 1871. GuRXKY, .1. H., Jk. Wholesale Destruction of Manx Shearwaters [Pufflnus iingiorumj. <^ Zoologist, 2d .ser., vi,. 1871, p. 2646. 1871. Herbert, W.H. Storm Petrel [Procellaria pelagica] near Wantage. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., \ i, 1S71, p. 2563. 1^71. Rowley, G. D. Forkedtailed Petrel [Cymoehorea lencorrhoa] at Brighton. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2443. 1871. West, C. Albatross in Derbyshire. < Zoologist, 2d .ser., vi, 1871, p. 2527. From the London 'Field,' Dec. 4, 1870. 1872. HuTTON, F. W. On the Sailing Flight of the Albatros; a Reply to Mr. J. S. Webb. < Trans, and Proc. New Zealand Inst, for 1871, iv, 1872, pp. 347-350. For Webb'.s aiticle, see op. cit. for 1869, ii, 1870, pp. 233-236. For Button's previous papers, 866 op. cit, i, pp. 46,')-467; ii, pp. 227-232; Philos. Mag., Aug., 1869, pp. 130-136. Cf. Ibis, 1870, p. 122 ; Zool. Itec., iv, pp. 45, 46, 50. 1872. HUTTON, F. W. [On the synonymy of certain Procellariidse, &c.] <^Ibi8, 3d ser., ii, 1872, pp. 83, 84. 1872. Sperling, R. M. [Letter on certain Procellariidte, and various South American Birds. ] < Ihis, 3(1 ser., ii, 1872, pp. 74-79. 1873. Anon. Mother Carey's Chickens. <^ Am. Sportsman, iii. 1873, p. 183. Account of Procellaria pelagica, "from English magazine." 1032 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. WoLY. 1873. Potts, T. H. " Notes on a snpj)osecl new Species of Prion [anstralis]. <^ Ibis, 3d ser. , iii, 1873, jjp. 85, 86. 1873. SwixiiOE, R. Ou a Black Albatross [Diometlea tlerogata, sp. u.] of the China Seas. < F. Z. S. , 1873, pp. 784-786. 1874. AnOjV. [Capture of Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) at St. Kilda. ] <[ ^m. Sports- man, iv, 1874, p. 19. 1874. Bexner, F. Our Petrels. < Forest and Stream, ii, Apr. 9, 1874, p. 133. Xestinj; habits of three species on the coast of Maine. 1874. Gatcombe, J. Greater Shearwater [Puffinus major] on the Coasts of Devon and Cornwall. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, p. 4262. 1874. Gurney, J. H. Note ou the Occurrence of the Greater Shearwater [Puffinus major] in Bridlington Bay. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., is, 1874, pp. 3882, 3883. 1874? Reinhardt, J. Sur la structure anatomique des ailes dans la famille des Petrels (Procellaridi©, s. Tubinares). <^ Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj(pbenluivn for aaret 1873, 1874? pp. 38-41. E6sume francais. 1874? Reinhardt, J. Om Vingens anatomiske Bygniug bos Stormfugle-Familien (ProcellaridiB s. Tubinares). <^ Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj6benhavH for aaret 1873, 1874 ? pp. 123-138, iigg. in text. The actual date of the paper is in question; but it probably appeared in 1873. The wing-structure of ProceZtoriidee is treated with reference to the presence of one or two ossicles at the elbow-joint, developed in connection with the apophysial booklet of the hu- merus, and the origin of the extensor metacarpi longus and extensor plicae alaris. These ossicles are found in 6 genera and not in 8, but the 6 are enough richer in species to indicate that they occur in about two-thirds of the species of the family. Being peculiar to Procel- lariidce, it is proposed to divide the group primarily upon this character. Cf. Coues, Am. Nat., viii, 1874, p. 546 ; Zool. Bee, x, pjj. 71, 72. 1874. Reinhardt, J. Sur la Structure anatomique des ailes dans la famille des I'etrels (Procellaridse sen Tubinares). <^ Gerv. Jonrn. de Zool., iii, 1874, pp. 139-144, tiff. 2. E6sume fait par I'auteur de son M6moire ins6r6 dans le Vidensk. Meddel. Foren. Ejijib. 1873, pp. 123-128. 1874. RoDD, E. H. Greater Shearwater [Puffinus major] on the Cornish Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, pp. 4261, 4262. 1875. Buller, W. L. Description of a new Species of Petrel (Procellaria affinis). <^ Trans, and Proc. New Zealand Inst, for 1874, vii, 1875, p. 215, 216. Compared with P. cookii. 1875. Gatcombe, J. Large Number of the Greater Shearwater [Puffinus major] off the Coasts of Devou aud Cornwall. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., x, Jan., 1875, p. 4300. 1875. RoDD, E. H. Fulmar Petrel [Fulmarus glacialis] in Mount's Bay. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., x, May, 1875, pp. 4459, 4460. 1875. Salvin, O. Critical Notes on Procellariidie. <^Iiowl. Ornifh. Misc., pt. iv, May, 1876, pp. 223-238, 249-257, pll. xxx-xxxiv. A specially important and trustworthy paper, clearing up many obscure moot points in this difficult group. It consists of two separately titled and paged parts. Parti: Banks's unpublished Drawings. This is an attempt to identify these drawings, which iigure so prominently in the literature of Procellariidce, yet are really little understood, and accessible to few. The 16 spp. drawn by Parkinson, being Nos. 12-27, are nearly aU satisfactorily accounted for. Part II is : The new species of Petrels obtained during the Voyage of tlie Italian Corvette 'Magenta' round the World. These are described, aud all are figured in colors, as follows: PI. XXX, (Estralata magenta!, p. 2.51; PI. xxxi, (E. arminjoniana, p. 252; PI. xxxii, CE. trinitatis, p. 253; PI. xxxiii, (E. defilippiana, p. 255; PI. sxxiv, Puffinus elegans, p. 256. 1876. CORDEAUX, J. ilaux Shearwater (Puffinus anglorum, Temminck) ou the North- East Coast. < Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, Dec, 1876, ji. 5169. 1876. Gatcombe, J. Greater Shearwater [Puffinus major] in Devou. < Zoologist, 2d ser., xi, Oct., 1876, p. 5127. No.i.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — PROCELLARIID^. 1033 187G. GUKXEY, J. II., Jk. Fulmui' Petrel [Fulmarus glacialis] of Martin. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2(1 ser., xi, May, 1876, p. 4931. The picture in ' Voy. St. Kilda,' 1698, was drawn by James Monroe: cf. Edwards, Xat. Hist., p. 289. 1876. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Yellow-nosed Albatross [Diomedea chlororhyncba] in Der- byshire. < Zoologinf, '2(\ ser. , xi, Apr. , 187(), pp. 4883, 4884, With quotation from the Analyst, vi, Apr., 1837, p. 160, as copied in Wood's Naturalist, ii, p. 104 and p. 294. 1876. GuRXEY, J. H., Jr. Manx Shearwater [Puffinus angloruni]. <^ Zoologi8t, 2d ser., xi, July, 1876, pp. 5007, 5008. 1876. Rowley, G. D. Thalassidroma bnllockii, Fleming. [Cymochorea leucorrhoa, Coues.] (Bullock's Petrel.) < Eowl. Orn. Misc., ii, pt. v, Oct., 1876, pp. 101- 111, pll. xlviii, xlix. PI. 48, portrait of Wm. Bulloct, F. L. S. ; pi. 49, "Mother Carey and her Chickens" — very spirited. It is a pleasant gossipy article, rich in historical flavor. 1877. B[rewer], T. M. Salvin on the Procellariidie. < liull. Xidt. Ornith. Club, ii, No. 3, July, 1877, pp. 69, 70. Review of Salvin's paper in the 4th part of Rowley's Ornithological Miscellany. 1877. Brewer, T.M. Breeding of Leach's Petrel [Cymochorea leucorrhoa] on the Coast of Maine. < Bull. Nutt. Ornith. Club, ii, No. 3, Jnly, 1877, pp. 80, 81. 1877. FIXSCH, O. On a New Species of Petrel [Procellaria albigularis] from the Feejee Islands. <^ P. Z. S., Nov. 6, 1877, p. 722. 1878. Anon. Stormy Petrel. < The Country, i, Mar. 2, 1878, p. 260. Account of habits quoted from "Science Gossip" (Jan., 1878), with editorial remarks. 1878. [Fitch, E. H.] Wandering Albatross [Diomedea exulans]. <^ TheJourn. of Sci. (Toledo, Ohio), 2d ser.,i, No. 5, Aug., 1878, cut. Popular notice, with a figure. 1878. Salvin, O. Reports on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of H. M. S. 'Challenger.'— No. XII. The Procellariid*. J, T. S. The Northern Diver [Colymbus tonjiiatus, in England]. <^ Lou- don's Mag. Nat. Hist., ix, 1836, p. 480. 1838. Moore, E. Northern Diver [Colymbus torquatus, in Devonshire]. <^ Charlesw. Mag. Nat. Hist., ii, 1838, p. 634. 1840. Braxdt, J. F. Ueber Podiceps und Eudytes als zwei besondere Typen in der Ordnuug der Schwimmvogel. <^ Mem. de VAcad. St.-Pe'tersb., vi s6r., v, pte. ii, Sc. ^Yaf., iii, 1840, pp. 203-212, pll. xi, tigg. .5-8, xiv-xvi. A subtitle, being the fourth part of his series, Beitrage zur Kcnntniss der yaturg. Vogel, u. s. w. 1843. Edmonstox, T., Jr. Note on the Northern Diver [Colymbus torquatus]. < Zoologist, i , 1843, p. 365. 1843. RoBixsox, .J. B. [Notice of presentation of Colymbus torquatus.] <^P.Z.8., xi, 1843, p. 123, 1844, Greexwood, a. Note on the change of Plumage in the Northern Diver [Co- lymbus torquatus]. <[ Zoologist, ii, 1844, ]}\), Abo, 456, 1844. RoDD, E. H. Note on the Great Northern Diver [Coljnubus torijuaius]. <^Zo- ologist, ii, 1844, p. 795. 1848. Bold, T. J. Occurrence of the Black-throated Diver (Colymbus arcticus) at Cullercoats. Northumberland, < Zoologist, vi, 1848, pp. 2067, 2068. 1848, Cooper, W. W, Occurrence of the Speckled Diver at Worcester, < Zoologist, vi, 1848, p. 1989. Jfo.i.i COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY — COLYMBID^. 1035 164!^. Cooper, W. W. Occurroncn of the Red-throated Diver (Colyinbtis septentrio- nalis) at Worcester. <[ Zooloffiit, vi, 1848, p. 2027. 1848. Salmon, J. D. Occurrence of the Red-throated Diver (Colymbus septentrio- nalis) near Guilford. ■< Zoologint, vi, 1848, p. 2304. 1849. HoMEYEK, E. V. Ueber den Federwechsel der Seetaucher [Colymbidae]. <^ Xaumannia, i, Heft i, 1849, pp. 14-17. 1849. RODD, E. H. Occurrence of the Great Northern Diver [Colymbus torquatus] at Penzance. <^ Zoologist, vil, 1849, p. 2621. 1850. Bond, F. Occurrence of the Black-throated Diver (Colymbus arcticus) at Ches- terlijikl. <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2775. 1850. BuRROUGHES, T. H. Occurrence of the Black-throated Diver [Colymbus arc- ticus] on Barton Pond. <[ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2775. 1850. GuRNEY, J. H. Note on the Changes of Plumage periodically incident to tho Great Northern, Black-throated and Red-throated Divers [Colymbus torqua- tus, C. arcticus, C. septentrionalis]. <[ Zoologist, viii, 1850, pj). 2775, 277H. 1850. Matthews, H. Occurrence of the Black-throated Diver (Colymbus septentrio- nalis) in Lincolnshire. <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2803. 1850. Nelson, C. Curious Capture of the Red-throated Diver (Colymbus septentrio- nalis). <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2706. 1850. Newman, E. Occurrence of the Black-throated Diver (Colymbus arcticus) in the Thames. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2706. 1850. Newton, A. Occurrence of the Great Northern Diver (Colymbus gracialis [sic]) in Torbay. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2776. 1851. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Black-throated Diver (Colymbus arcticxis) at Pevensey. •^ZooZo^is^, ix, 1851, p. 3036. , 1851. Gurney, J. H. Note on the Autumnal Moult of the Red-throated Diver [Co- lymbus septentrionalis]. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3301. 1S51. Nicholls, H. Occurrence of the Great Northern Diver (Colymbus glacialis [torquatus]) in Devonshire. <^Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. .3035. 1851. Potter, C. Occurrence of the Great Northern Diver (Colymbus glacialis [tor- quatus, at Lewes]). <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, pp. 3035, 3036. 1852. MoGGUiDGE, M. Colymbus septentrionalis [in Britain]. <^Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , 2d ser. , x, 1852, p. 398. 1854. Smith, A. C. Occurrence of the Great Northern Diver [Colymbus torquatus] iu Wilts. < Zoologist, xii, 1854, pp. 4165, 4166. 1855. More, A. G. On the [habits of the] three Species of Divers or Loons [Colym- • bidiE]. < Zoologist, xiii, 1855, pp. 4628, 4629. 1857. Pelzeln, A. v. [Ueber das Vorkoumien von Colymbus arcticus und C. glaci- alis. ] <^ Verli. (I. k.-k. zool.-bot. Gcs. zii Wien, vii, 1857, Sitzungsber., p. 85. Not seen. 1859. Gray, G. R. Description of a New Species of Diver (Colymbus [adamsii]). < P. Z. S. , xxvii, 1859, p. 167. 1859. SCLATER, p. L. Remarks on exhibiting specimens of Two Species of Divers (Colymbus), from Mr. Gnrney's Collection. < P. Z. S. , xxvii, 1859, pp. 206, 207. 1860. Gray, G. R. Description of a New Species of Diver (Colymbus [adamsii]). < Jnx. Mag. Xat. Hist., '.id ser., v, 1860, p. 331. From P. Z. S., May 10, 1859, p. 167. 1862. Bell, A. S. Occurrence of the Blackthroated Diver [Colymbus arcticus] near Scarborough. < Zoologist, xx, 1862, p. 8005. 1036 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.Y. 186-2. CoCES, E. Synopsis of the North Ainericau Forms of the Colyinbidft^ and Podi- cipidae. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.,xiv, 1862, pp. 226-233. Abstract of a monograph revised and published in 1874 in the author's 'Birds of the North- west, ' q. V. Of Colymhidce are recognized 1 genus, Colymtus, with 5 spp.— forgwafM*, adamsii, arcticus, pacificus, and septentrionalis. Cf. Ibis, 1863, pp. 107, 108. 1863. Grill, J. W. Om Stor-Lommen, Colymbus arcticus. < Ofvers. Kongl. Vetensk. - Akad. Forhandl. for dr 1862, xix, 1863, pp. 361, 362. 1863. Stevenson, H. The Redthroated Diver (Colymbus septentrionaUs) in Norfolk. < Zoologist, sxi, 1863, p. 8331. 1864. Blake-Kxox, H. Scarcity of the Redthroated Diver [Colymbus septentrion- alis] ami plenty of the Great Northern Diver [C. torquatus] iu Dublin Bay. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 8963. 1864. BOULTON, W. W. Redthroated Diver [Colymbus septentrionaUs] near Bever- ley. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, p. 9048. 1864. Bruch, C. Polar taucher [Colymbus arcticus] in Uugarn. t('t Poditeps och do Svenska Artema d&raf. <^ Koiigl. I'eivusk. Acad. Nya IJaiull., xv, 1794, pp. 300-'315. Charactereii pft tlotta Sliigte, p. 301. — 1. P. cristatiis. 2. P. rubricollis. 3. P. auritua. 4. P. cornutus. 5. P. ohscurus. 6. P. minor. 1805. Mewes, — . Bonieikuugen iibin- ilio Naluniugmittel von Podicops subcristatus. < Wiedem. Arch./. Zool. ii. Zoot., Bd. iv, St. ii, 1805, pp. 178-180. Not seen. 1833. Allis, T. The Food of the larger Grebes (apecios of Latham's geuus Podiceps). < Loiidon'H May. ^at. Hist., v, 1882, p. 7:?3. 1833. Fennell, J. A Dabchick [Podiceps minor] choked by a Bnllhead Fish. < Loudon's Mat/. Xat. Hist., vi, 1833, p. .520. 1833. K[nux], T. Instances of Feathers Ibnnd in the Stomach in thi; larger Species of Grebe. What End in the Economy of Digestion do these Feathers subserve f < London's Mag. Xat. Hist., vi, 1833, pp. 519, 520. 183(5. GuiLDiN'G, L. The Dabchick [Podiceps minor], Remarks on. <^ London's Mag. Xat. Hist., ix, 183(i, p. 32(i. 183<). K[n()X],T. Feathers in the Gizzard of the Larger Species of Grebe, and why^ < London s Mag. Xat. J?w/., ix, 1836,p.202. 183t). Wood, C. T. The Blackchin Grebe. < Loudon's Mag. Xat. Hist., ix, 183G, p. G47. 1836. Wood, N. Feathers in the Gizzard of the larger Species of Grebe, and why? < London's Mag. Xat. Hist..\x, 183t;, ]\ 32(!. 1836. Wood, N. Feathers in the Gizzard of the Grebe. <^ London's Mag. Xat. Hist., ix, 1836, p. 597. 1843. Holme, F. Note on the occurrence of tbe Eared Grebe [Podiceps auritus] at Oxford. < Zoologist, i , 1843, p. 223. 1843. Pajjsons, C Note on the Habits of the Dabchick [Tacliybaptes minor]. <^ Zo- ologist, i, 1843, pp. 364, 365. 1844. Atkinson, J. C. Notes on the Dabchick [habits of Tachybaptes minor]. < Zoologist, ii, 1844, pp. 499-502. 1844. Gould, J. [Description of Podiceps australis, sp. n.] < P. Z. S., xii, 1844, p. 135. 1844. Chennell, F. a. Note on the occurrence of the Crested Grebe [Podiceps cria- tatus] in Middlesex. <^ Zoologist, ii, 1844, p. 502. 1845. BUKV, ('. A. Encjuiry relative to the Staining of the Eggs of the Dabchick [Tachybaptes minor]. <[ Zoologist, iii, 1845, pp. 863-865. 1845. Gould, J. Description of a new species of Australian Bir7, pp. 709, 710. 18G8. Blake-Knox, H. Eared Grebe [Podiceps aiiritns] in County Dublin and Couuty Antrim, Ireland. <^ Zoologist, '2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1424. 1868. Hkddekly, J. S. Rednecked Grebe [Podiceps griseigena] near Nottingham. <^ Zoologist, '2d ser., iii, 1868, p. 1060. 1868. Stephenson, J. W. Abundance of the Little Grebe [Podiceps minor] in Sussex. < Zoologist, •2d ser., iii, 1868, p.' 1482. 1869. GuKNEY, J. H., Jr. Great Crested Grebe [Podiceps cristatus"] at Hempstead. <^Zoologisi, 2d ser., iv, 18G9, p. 1603. 1869. Skinner, A. Sclavonian Grebe [Podiceps cornutus] near Faversham. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iv. 1869, p. 1.563. 1869. Southwell, T. Note on the Nest of Podiceps minor. <^ Zoologist. 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1803, 1804. 1870. Blake-Knox, H. Sclavouiau Grebe [Podicep.s cornutus") in Couuty Dublin. < Zoologist, '2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2182. 1870. CiLALK, W. J. Rednecked Grebe [Podiceps griseigeua] in Bedfordshire. <^ Zoologist, '2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2064. 1870. Chalk, W.J. Sclavonian Grebe [Podic(>ps cornutus] at Taunton. <^Zoologist, '2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2106. 1870. Crewe, K. H. Great Crested Grebe [Podiceps cristatus] feeding its Adult Young. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2386. 1870. Gatcombe, J. Rare Grebes in Devonshire. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2106. 1870. Gatcombe, J. Grebes on the Coast of Devon. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870. pp. 2142, 2143. 1870. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Dabchicks [Podicej)s minor] in Kensington Gardens. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1|^70, p. 2347. 1870. GOEBEL, H. Ueber Podiceps Widhalmi nov. spec. < J. f. O., xviii, 1870, pp. 312-315. Naclitrag von E. F. von Homeyer, p. 315. 1870. GUNN, T. E. Sclavonian Grebes [Podiceps cornutus] in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser.,v, 1870,]). "2'22r>. 1870. RoDD, E. H. Horned Grebe [Podiceps cornutus] in Cornwall. <:^ Zoologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2142. 1870. Smee, A. H. Sclavonian Grebe [Podiceps cornutus] on the Wandle. <^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2106. 1870. Smith, Cecil. Reduecked Grebe [Podiceps griseigena] at Teigumoiith. <^Zo- ologist, 2d ser., V, 1870, p. 2106. 1871. BoYES, F. Rednecked Grebe [Podicejis griseigena] in East Yorkshire. < Zo- ologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2527. 1871. Gatcombe, J. Eared Grebe [Podiceps auritus] in Devonshire. <^ Zoologii^t, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2646. 1871. GuNN, T. E. Rednecked Grebe [Podiceps griseigena] in Norfolk. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2872. 1871. Travers, W. T. L. Notes on the Habits of Podiceps cristatus. . (i4H-(M]. 183S. Morris, F. O. The Guillomot's [Uria troile] Habits. <:^ Loudon's May. Nat. IfiHt., viii, 1835, p. 617. 1835. Waterton, C. Notes of a Visit to the Haunts of the Guillemot [Uria troile], ami Facts on its Habits. <^ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., viii, 1835, pp. 1G2-I(i5. 1837. Blyth, E. [On the Osteology of the Great Auk (Alca impcnnis) in comparison with that of Sphenisci. ] <:^P.Z.S., v, 1837, i)p. 12-^, 123. 1837. Brandt, J. F. Rapport siir nne raonographio de la famille des Alcad^es. < St.-Pctersb. Acad. Sci. Bun.,u, 1837, col. 344-349. Pas vu moi-mfime — le titrc tii'6 lUi Cat. de la Soc. Boy. Londres. 1837. Brandt, J. F. [Ueberbleck vou eiuer Monographie, welche er iiber die Alca- dcn bearbeitet. ] < Oken's Isis, Bd. xxx, 1837, pp. 937-940. Alls Bull. Sci. Acad. St-Peterab., i, 1837, Nr. 24. 1837. MoouE, E. Change of Plumage in the Guillemot [Uria troile]. -C^Charlesw. Mat/. Xat. Hist., i, 1837, pp. 007, 608. 1838? . Gojrfuglen [Alca impcnnis] ved Jydland? <^Er^yer's Naturh. Tidsk., ii, 1838 .', p. 207. 1838. BURNKLL, E. II. [Occurrence of Mergulus alle at Witham, England.] < Charlesw. Mao. Nat. Hist.,\i, 1838, p. 53. 1839. Reinhardt, J. Gejerfuglens [Alca impcnnis] Forekomstpaa Island. 3:U53.^). 1841. Blyth, [E.] [Zeigt einen Theil vom Skelett der Alca impennis und zeigt der Unterschiede mit Aptenodytes.] <[ Oken's Isis, Bd. xxxiv, 1841. pp. 939, 940. Aus d. P. Z. S., Nov. 14, 1837, pp. 122, 123. 1841. Reinhardt, J. Ueber das Vorkommen des grossen Alks (Alca impennis) auf Island. < Oken's Isis, Bd. xxxiv, 1841, pp. 421, 422. Aus Kr(/,yer'g Naturh. Tidsk., Bd. ii, Heft 5, pp. 533-.535. 1841. TOWNSEND, C. T. Little Auk [Mergulus alle, in Suftolk]. < Ann. Mag. Nat. //(.<(?., viii, 1841, p. 317. 1842. Strickland, H. E. Little Auk [Mergulus alle, in Enghmd]. <^»jj. Mag. Nat. Hist., viii, 1842, pp. 394, 395. 1846. Hunter, C. B. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] near Downham, in Norfolk. <^ Zoologist, iv, 1846, p. 1502. 1847. Anon. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] in the Moray Firth. <^ Zoologist, v, 1847, p. 1642. Friim the " Invernea.-? Coui'ier," Dec. 16, 1846. 1847. Anon. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] near Durham. <^ Zoolo- gist, v, 1847, p. 1642. From the "Newcastle Journal," Dec. 5, 1846. 1847. Fitch, S. E. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] near Cromer. <^ Zoologist, v, 1847, p. 1642. 1847. GOATLEY, T. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] near Chipping Norton. <^ Zoologist, v, 1847, p. 1701. 1847. Hunter, C. B. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] near Downham. <^'Zoologist, V, 1847, p. 1642. 1848. Fisher, W. R. Egg of the Ringed Guillemot (Uria lacrymans). < Zoologist, vi, 1848, pp. 2148, 2149. 1848. Hartlaub, G. Ueber Uria dubia Pall. <^Zeitung Zool. Zoot. Falteoz., No. "W, 1848, p. 160. Not seen — title from Giebel. 1046 BULLETIN UXITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. \Vol.Y. I>^o0. Bond, F. Octurreuce of the Little Auk (Alca [Mergulus] Alle) at Newmarket. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2706. 1850. Crotch, W. D. Occurrence of the Little Auk (Alca [Mergulus] Alle) at Wes- tou-super-Mare. <^ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2653. 1850. CuRTLER, M. Occurrence of the Little Auk [Mergulus alle] near Malvern. < Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2706. 1850. Ellman, J. B. Occurrence of the Little Auk (Alca [Mergulus] alle) at Craw- ley, Sussex. <[ Zoologist, viii, 1850, p. 2970. 18.50. G.\MBKL, W. Description of a [lately] new species of Mergulus [cassinii], Ray. from the coast of California. <^Jonrn. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ii, pt. i, Nov., 1850, art. V, p. 55, pi. vi. » Originally described in the Proc. Acad. Phila., i, 1845, p. 267. [This is the Ptycorhamphut aleuticus.] 1851. Amherst, F. K. Description of a Gullemot shot on the Coast of Sligo, Ireland. <^ Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3117. 1851, BoxAPARTE, C. L. On the largest known species of Phaleridine Bird [Sag- matorrhiua lathami, g. sp. n.]. <;P. Z. 5.,xix, 1851, pp. 201-203, pi. (Aves) xliv. The article concludes with a sketch of the division of birds into AltHcM and Praecoces. 1851. Thompson, W. Occurrence of the Puffin (Alca [Fratercula] arctica) in Winter. < Zoologist, ix, 1851, p. 3175. 1852. Newton, A. British Species of Guillemot [Uria]. < Zoologist, x, 1852, pp. 3425, 3426. 1852. WoLLEY, J. On the Specific Distinctness of the Ringed Guillemot [Uria lach- rymans]. < Zoologist, x, 1852, pp. 3477-3479. 1853. Bonaparte, C. L. On the largest known species of Phaleridine Bird [Sagma- Torrhina lathami]. < Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., xii, 1853, pp. 278, 279. From P. Z. S., July 22, 1851, pp. 201-203. 1853. More, A. G. Occurrence of the Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in Winter off the Isle of Wight. < Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 3755. 18.53. Tristram, H. B. Occurrence of the Little Auk (Uria [Mergulus] Alle) in the City of Durham. <[ Zoologist, xi, 1853, p. 37.55. 1854. Ball, — . [Remarks on exhibition of Mergulus alle shot in Ireland, 30 miles from the sea. ] <^ Nat. Hist. Bev. , {Pr. Soc), i, 1854, p. 98. 1854. Lloyd, L. The Great Auk [Alca imi^ennis] still found in Icelahd. <^ Edinb. New I'hilos. Journ., Ivi, 1854, pp. 260-262. Extract from his "Scandinavian Adventures," ii, p. 495. 1855. Bold, T. J. Occurrence of the Little Auk (Alca [Mergulus] alle) in Northum- Iterlaiul. <^Zoologist, xiii, 1855, p. 4560. 1856. Carte, [A.] Occurrence of the Bridled Guillemot (Uria lachrymaus [ringvia]) in Ireland. < Nat. Hist. Rev., (Pr.^Soc), iii, 18.56, p. 24. 1856-57. Steenstkup, J. [.J. S.] Et Bidrag til Gierfuglens, Alca impennis Liu., Naturhistorie, og sterligt til Kundskaben om dens tidligere Udbredningskreds. <^ Fidcnsk. Meddel. Natnrhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn, for aaret 18^5, 'Nr. 3-7, 1856-57, pp. 33-116, Kartet og Tavlen. A. Geirfiiglens Ophold ved den vestlige Side af Atlanterhavet : ved de nordlige Dele af Nordamerikas Ostkyst. 1. Geirfuglen ved Gronlands Kyster. 2. Geirfuglen i St. Lawrence- bugten, ved Newfoundland, o. s. v., pp. 44-71. B. Geirfuglens Forekomst ved Udoemo i den Ostligo Del a f Atlanterhavet. 1. Geirfuglen ved Islands Kyster. 2. Gierfuglen ved Faeroeme. 3. Geirfuglen ved de vestligate Skotske Smaaoer. 4. Geirfuglens Forekomst ved Norgea Kyster. C. Summon af de enkelto Undersogelser om Geirfuglens Udbredning, 1) Geirfuglen har aldrig vajret en cgentlig arkisk Fugl, o. s. v., 2)-9). D. Bensevnelsen ,, Pengwina " Be- 1^0.4.] COUES'r ORNITH. bibliography ALCID.E. 1047 1856-57. Stkknstrii', .1. [J. S.] — Continued. tydning, Ojiriudelso og Ilistorio. K. Om Geirfuglens Stilling till sine nasrraeato Beslaegtede. — Oplysning oin Kaartet og Tavlen. — TiUfegsanmeerkning. Oyralca, g. n., p. 114. This (•(•Icbrated urticlp is also puldisbod separately, 1 vol., 8vo., Kjobonhavn, 1857. Thero aro two Uennan versions: one in Oelehrten Anzeigen der k. Bayerisehen Akad., 1860, pp. — ; the otlicr ill Bull. Acnd. Imp. Sci. St.Petersb., vi, 186:i, pp. 513-.070, reprinted in Melangot Biol. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Petersb., iv. 4'- livr.. 1864, up. .399-400, by K. E. von Baer. There ig also a Frencli translation in Btill. Hoc. Ornith. Suisse, il, 1" pte., 1868, pp. 5-70. Cf. Ibis, 1865, p. 228; 1868, p. 342; Zool. Rec, v, pp. Ill, 112. 1857. Briggs, J..). The Little Ank (Uriii [Mi'igulns] alio), <^Zoolo(fiHt, xv, ISbl, p. 5:3(>."). 1857. MORUIS, F. (J. On the specilic di^stint•tion of the Bridled Guillemot (Uriu [ring- via] laclirvnians, Tenmiinek). <^X(it. flitt. Tier., (Pr. (Soc. ), iv, 1857, pp. 253- 256. 1857. RoDD, E. II. Occunencc of the Bridled or Ringed Guillemot [Uria ringvia] near Penzance. <:^ Zoologist, xv, 1857, j). 5596. 1857. Stevensox, H. Note on the Little Auk (Uria [Mergulus] alle) apjjeariug on the Norfolk in Summer. <^ Zoologist, xv, 1857, p. .5758. 1857. Steenstkup, J. J. S. Et Bidrag | til | Geirfuglens Naturhistorie | og saerligt til Kundskabeu om dens tidligere | Udbredningskreds | af | J. Jap. Sm. Steen- strup. I — I Med Kaart og en Tavle. | — | Kjobenhavn. | Trykt i Bianca Bog- trykkeri ved F. S. Mnhle. | 18.57. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 p. 11., pp. 1-84, 1 map, 1 pi. Separate, with new title and talilt^ of contents, from Naturh. Foren. Vidensk. Meddelelser for Aaret 1855, Nos. 3-7, 18.56-57, pp. 33-116. Inhold: Indletlning, p. 1. A. Geirfuglens Ophold ved den vcstlige Side af Atlantcrhavet o: ved de nordlige Dele af Nordamerikas Ostkyst, p. 5. 1. Ved Groulands Kyster, jt. 6. 2. I St. Lawrencebugtcn, ved Newfoundland o. s. v., p. 12. B. Geirfuglens Forekomst ved Udoerno i den Ostlige Del af Atlanterhavet, p. 39. 1. Ved Islands Kyster, p. 39. 2. Ved Fseriierne, p. 51. 3. Ved de vestlige Skotske Sm.aaoer, p. 54. 4. Ved Norge.s Kyster. p. 59. C. Sunimen afde enkelte Undersogelser over Geirfuglens Udbreduing, p. 63. D. Benaevnel- sen ,,Pengwins" Betydning, Opiindelse og Historie, p. 66. E. Om Geirfuglens Stilling til sine nicrmeste Besl.Tgtede. p. 76. Oplysning om Kaartet og Tavlen, p. 82. Tilla)gsanm;rrk- ning, p. 83. PI., ossa Tetraonis urogalli L. et Alcce impennis L. varia inter Mytilns, Cardia, Ostn-as, ceto- rasqvo reliqvias ewiiaruni .iboriginuni Dani.'e inventa. (Oversigt. Komjl. Vidensk. Selsks. Fiirh., 1855.) 1858. Morris, F. O. On the Si)efific Distinctions of Uria troile and Uria lachrymaua [ringvia]. < Eep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1857, 1858, (Misc. Comm.), p. 105. 1859 ? Charlton, E. On the Great Auk [ Alca impennis]. < Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, iv, 1859 (?), pp. 11:} seq. Not seen.— Reprinted in Zoologist, I860, pp. 6883-6888. Contains extraets from Falier's p.aper, Isis, 1827, p. 633. 1860. Bryant. H. [Notice of the Breeding of Uria briinniehii, and Uria luarmorata on Gaunet rock. Gulf of St. Lawrence.] <^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vii. 1860, ]). 349. Uria 'm,ariu(trata" should read TJ. lachrymans or ringvia. 1860. Charlton, E. On the Great Auk (Alca imiieunis). < /f<»(>%('.f/, xviii, 1860, pji. 688:5-6888. Historical notes, reprinted from the Trans. Tyneside Nat. Hist. Sac., iv, 1859? p. 113 seq. 1860. Dunn, J. Occurrence of tlie Little Ank [Mergulus alle] iti Orkney. < Zoologist, xviii, 1860, pp. 6812, 6813. 1860. Gloger, C. W. L. Die friihere ausseronlentlichc Iliiufigkcit From P. Z. S., Nov. 10, 1863. pp. 435-438, q. v. 1864. Neave, E. Young Puffin [Fratercula arctica] in November. < Zoologist, xxii, 1864, pp. 8891, 8892. 1864. Pelzeln, a. v. The Gare-Fowl, or Great Auk (Alca impennis). < Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. , 3d ser. , xiv, 1864, p. 393. Note of a specimen in the Imperial Museum at Vienna. 1664. Sclater, p. L. Note on the Great Ank [Alca impennis]. < J«ji. Mag. Xat. Hist., ser., xiv, 1864, p. 320. Criticizes the incompleteness of R. Champley 's list of specimens. 1864. Smith, Cecil. Little Auk [Mergulus alle] in Somersetshire. < Zoologist, xxii. 1864, p. 8891. 1864. Owen, R. [On the Skeleton of Alca impennis. ] < P. Z. S., 1864, p. 258. Merely a note announcing his forthcoming memoir. Cf P. Z. S., 1863, p. 435. 1865. [Anon.] Der grosse Alk (Alca impennis), ein ausgestorbener Vogel. < Ju« der Xatur, xxxi, oder n. F., xix, 1865, pp. 81-86, 97-103, 113-117. Bull. V, 4 34 1050 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [Vol.V. 'kBoo. [Field, E.] Letter from the Right Rev. The Bishop of Newfoiindhiud, con- cerniug the Mummy of the Great Auk, (Alca impeuuis,) found ou the Funk Islands. <^ Trans. Xova Scotia Inst. Nat. ScL, i, pt. iii, 1865, p. 145. 3 specimens — one went to Prof. A. Jsewton, another to Prof. L. Agassiz, the other to J. M. Jones, President of the Institution. S-6G5. HOMEYEK, A. V. Alca impeuuis un Breslauer Museum. <^J- f- 0., xiii, 1865, pp. 151, 15-2. S865. [Newton, A.] [On some remains of Alca impennis.] <^ Jfeis, 2d ser., i, 1865, pp. 116, 117. 18C5. Newton, A. The Gare-fowl [Alca impennis] and its Historians. m//. de la Soc. Oni. de la Suisse, ii. pte. i, 1868, PP..5-32, 32a-h,3:i-70,pl. This article is a French Torsion of Steenstrup's famous Memoir, which originally appeared in Vid. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. i. Kjipbenhavn for aaret 1855, 1856-57, pp. 33-116, q.v. Then^ is a plate which belongs either to this article, or to V. Fatio's in the same part of the Bidletin. " Th(( publication of this translation by the Swiss Ornithological Society is greatly to be appl.audcd, for few were able (o read the original, published as it was in Danish, though it had already appeared in Germ VI, ..." {Zool. Rec.) 1868., J. [Note on Bones of the Great Auk (Alca impennis), found at Goose Island, Casco Bay, Maine.] <:_ Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., xi, 1868, p. 303. 1869. Anox. The Egg of the Great Auk (Alca impennis). < Jm. Nat. , iii, 1869, p. 550. An anonymous reference to Dr. B.aldamus's report of 22 specimens in Europe, with men- tion of 2 known to the writer in the United States; also, on 3 .skins in the United States, 2 skeletons in England and United States, and numerous osseous fragments. 1869. Clark, J. A. Little Auk [Mergulus alle] at Loughton. <^Zooloqist, 2d ser.. iv, 1869, p. 1867. 1869. Feildkx, H. \V. [On certain specimens of Eggs of Alca impcnuiti.] < Ibis, 2d ser., V, 1869, pp. 358-360. 1869. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. Great Auks [Alca impennis] for Sale. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1603. 1869. GuRNEY, J. H., Jr. Notes on the Great Auk [Alca impennis]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1639-1643. 1869. GURXT5Y, J. H., Jr. Bridled Guillemot [Uria lachrymaus] at Bridlington. < Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1684. 1052 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY. [Vol.^. 1869. GURNEY, J. H., Jr. The Great Auk [Alca impennis]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1684. 1869. Hunter, J. Little Auk [Mergulus alle] ami Common Guillemot [Uria troile] at Faversham Creek. <^ Zoologist., 2(1 ser., iv, 1869, p. 1517. 1869. Orton, J. The Great Auk [Alca impennis]. < Am. Nat., iii, 1869, pp. 539-542, fig. 83. Miscellaneous observations, not entirely correct. 1869. Preston, T. A. Winter Puffin [Fratercula arctica] at Marlborough. '^Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., iv, 1869, pp. 1951, 1952. 1869. Reinhardt, J. [Reprint of the original description of Uria mandti.] <^ Ibis, 2d ser. , v, 1869, pp. 239-241 . From Mandt's ' Observations, ' with coiuiuent. 1869. Rowley, G.D. The Skins of Alca impennis. < Zoo%?"s*, 2d ser., iv, 1869, p. 1645. 1870. [Baird, S. F.] Specimens extant of the Great Auk [Alca impennis]. <^Harp- er's Xew Monthly Mag., xli, 1870, p. 308. 1870. Blake-Knox, H. Puffin [Fratercula arctica] on the Dublin Coast in Febru- ary. < Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 2107. 1870. Boettger, O. Der nordische Papageitaucher, Mormon arctica L., veriirt in Hesseu. <^Zool. Gart., xi, 1870, p. 163. Aus <1. Offenbacher Yer. Naturk., s, p. 64. 1870 ? Brandt, .1. F. Ergiinzung und Berichtigungen zur Naturgeschichte der Fam- ilie de Alciden. <^BuU. de V Acad. Imp. des Sci. St.-P^tersb., xiv, (1869-70), 1870 ?, pp. 449-497. The .actual date of publication is in question : it is ostensibly November, 1869, but I doubt that it really appeared before 1870. Conspectus familise Alcidarum, secundum Brandt: — Subfam. I. — Pterorhines seu Aleince. 1, Alca; a, Plautus; 1, A. (P.) impennig; b, TTtamania; 2, A. (U.) torda. 2, Uria; a, Lorn- via; 3, U. (L.) arra; 4, troile: b, Grylle; 5, TI. (d ser., V, 1870, p. 19H2. 2 specimens in Miis. Sci. and Art. 1870. JoxES, J. M. [Diapositiou of] The Mummy Specimen of Alca inijii-nnis at Hali- fax, Nova Scotia. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., v, 1870, p. 1982. 1870. Jones, J. M. The Great Auk [Alca impennis] from Funk Island. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser. , v, 1870, pp. 21 82, 2183. Personal— controversial — but with note on the mode of preservation of the mummy. 1870. Newton, A. "The Munnny Specimeu of Alca impeuuis at Halifax, Nova Sco- tia. " < Zoologist, 2d ser. , v, 1870, p. 206.5. 1870. Newton, A. On Existing Remains of the Gare-fowl (Alca impennis.) <^Ibi8, 2d ser., VI, 1870, pp. 25f)-2til. Supplementary to V. Fatio'a list in Bull. Soc. Orn. Suisse, ii, pt. i, pp. 80-85, q. v. 71 or 72 skins, 9 skeletons, detached bones of 38 or 41 individuals, and 6.5 eggs. 1871. Blake-Knox, H. Brunuich's Guillemot [Uria arra] on the Dublin Coast. <^Zo- otogist, 2d .ser. , vi, 1871 , p. 2609. 1871. GuKNEY, J. H., Jk. Ringed Guillemot [Uria ringvia] near Flamborough. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vi, 1871, p. 2729. 1871. Potts, T. H. Notes on an Egg of Alca impennis, Linn., in the Collection of the writer. < Trans, and Proc. X. Z. Inst, for 1870, iii, 1871, pp. 109, 110. Abstract in Proc. for same year, separately paged, p. 33, with modified title. 1871. [Wheatland, H.] LitUe Auk [Mergulus alle, occurring in New England]. < Bull. Essex Inst., in. No. 11, Nov., 1871, pp. 156, 157. 1872. Anon. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, pp. 3023, 3024. From the London 'Field,' Feb. 24. 1872. CUPPAGE, H. C. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. <^ Zoologist, 26. ser., vii, 1872, pp. 3024, 3025. From the Limdon 'Field,' Mar. 2. 1872, Deane, R. Great Auk (Alca impennis). < Am. Xat., vi, 1872, pp. 368, 369. Specimen found dead near St. Augustin, Labrador, Nov., 1870 (fide A. Lechevallier), J'; sent to Europe (.$200). 1872. Dunning, J. W. Great Auk [Alca impennis]. < Zoo/ojff-sf, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 2946. Extract from I. I. Hayes's 'Land of Desolation." 1872. Goode, G. B. a Sea Bird [Mergulus alle] Inland. < Am. Xat., vi, 1872, p. 49. At Middletown, Conn. ; editorial note on same species at Middletown. Mass. 1872. Grimsuaw, C. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3025. 1872. GuRNEY, .7. H., Ju. (Jreat Auk [Alca imjiennis] at Disco. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, pp. 3064,306.5. Examination of evidence on the (jucstion, etc. 1872. Hale, N. F. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. <:^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3024. [Bis.] 1872. Leacii, H. R. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. < Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3024. 1872. MoRCOM, G. F. Great Ank [Aha impennis]. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3338. Note on the Labrador spiximen, from Am. Nat. 1054 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [FoZ.V. 1872, "R. F. C." Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. <^ Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3024. From the London ' Field, ' Mar. 2. 1872. RiCKARDS, M. S. C. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda "j. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3023. 1872. SCLATER, J. Mortality amongst Razorbills [Alca torda]. <^Zoologist, 2d ser., vii, 1872, p. 3025. 1873. Perkins, G. H. The Thick-billed Giullemot [Uria an-a, in Vermont]. <-im. Jn«^, vii, 1873, p. 240. 1873. [Salvin, O. ] [Notice of Brandt's Memoir on Alcidse. ] <[ Ibis, 2d ser. , iii, 1873, p. 104. 1873. Sjuth, Cecil. Guillemot [Uria troile] moulting its Quill-feathers. <^ Zoolo- gist, 2d ser., viii, 1873, jjp. 3454, 3455. 1874. Anon. TheGreat Auk [Alca impennis]. <^^//i. 5jJ0/-^s»ia«, iv, 1874, p. 401, fig. 1. 1874. GuRNEY, J. H. Note on the Changes of Plumage in Guillemots [Uria troile] aud Razorbills [Alca torda]. ^Zoologist, 2d ser.. ix, 1874. p. 3954. Ic74. HfARVEY], M. The Great Ank [Alca impennis] in New Foundland. <^Forest and JStream, ii, May 28, 1874, p. 244. 1874. Newman, E. The Guillemots at the Zoological Gardens. <7('), i>. 4. 1870. Sci.ATKU, J. Scarcity of tlie Razorbill [Alca torda |. < Zoolof/'ist, t'd ser., xi, luly^ lH70,i>.r.007 1870. Tuck, J. G. Tlic Piillin [Fratorciila arctica]. <^Zoolo(jiHt, *-id ser., xi, JunO;.. 1H70, p. 41)5^. 1877. Barrows, W. B. Catalogue of the Alcida? contained in the ilusenm of the- Boston Society of Natural History, with a Review and proposed Classificatiou of the Family. < Proc. Hosl. Soc. Xat. nist.,xix, for Apr. 4, 1877; pub. Oct.- Nov.,1877, pp. ir)0-l(i5. The paper treats of 21 spp., being tboao tliat the author recognizes as valid, whether specimens of them be in the Museiini or not. These are ranged under the genera FraUr- cula, Phaleris, Mergulus, Brachyrhamphus, Vria, Lomvia, and Alca,- dispensing with sub- ftimilies altogethor. 1877. Bureau, L. De la Mue du Bee et des Orueinents Palp^braux du Macareux arcticine, Fratereula arctica (Lin. ) Steph. aprfes la saison des amours. <[ Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, 1877, pp. 1-22, table, pll. iv, v. (Aussi stSpar^ment, in-80, Paris, 1877, pp. 1-22, table, pll. iv, v.) I have only seen the separate, which however is identical with tlie Bulletin in which the paper originally appeared. In 1879 it was combined with a later paper on same subject, thft two togetlicr being rei.ssnod apait from the Bulletin under the title of the later paper alone. See 1879, same author. • This is a contribution of gieat originality, interest, and imi)ortance. It establishes a be. fore uiLSUspf cte'l fact, that Fratereula arctica regulaily moults portions of the homy sheath of the bill, and also the exoreseeiices upon the eyelids. The whole process .anil its results are presented in detail, according to the author's extended and novel researches. Two horse* shoe-shaped pieces, whicli .are saddled on the bases of the upper mandible, and two other pairs- of pieces: together with a similar shoT -shaped piece, and a similar pair of slender pieces, from the under mandible, making in all nine separate portions of the homy covering of the bill, are moulted; a.s is the excrescence ujjon each eyelid. All these deciduous pieces, as well as the peimanent portions of the bill, are elaborately described, and the appearance of th& bird at different seasons, conformably with these extraordinary circum-stances, is also fully presented. The hi.storv of tlie author s experiences — how ho came to make the discovery, and how he established the facts— is au interesting part of tho paper. The conditions of the bill before, during, and after the piocess are figured in color? in an ingenious manner. The author was, of course, greeted with acclamation ; the article was immediately translated, with editorial comment, by E. Coues, ffT tho Bulletin of the Jfuttall Ornithological Club, iii, Apr., 1878, pp. 87-91; and J. E. Ilarting gave a sjTiopsis, with one of the plates, in the Zoolo- gist of that year. The latter I have nol seen. M. Bureau's discovery naturally direc ted attention to the various and curious Xorth Pacific allies of F. arctica, raising the expectation, afterward justified, that a similar condition of things would be established among forms. Tho author discreetly forbore to prophecy, but entered upon tho now obvious course of mquirj- which resulted in 1879 in a second ad- mirable paper on tho same subject. 1877. [GuiNNKLL, G. B.] The Little Auk [Mergulus alle, in Connecticut]. 88. 1877. Newtox, a. [Remarks on Exhibition of a Variety of tho Guillemot, Uria troile. ] per mandible. Simorhynchus cristatellus sheds all the red parts of the bill, in four pairs of pieces, three from the upper mandible. S. " dubius" and S. " tetraculus" are the same bird, without these ornaments. Si'morhynchus eamtschaticiis probably moults one pair of pieces from the upper mandible, being nearest in respect to Ombria. S. cassini of Cones is the young biid. Simorhynchus m.icrocero8 moults the tubercle on the ujjper maiulible. .S'. pusillus is tlie same bird. The author does not appear to have seen Brandt's latest paper, in which he makes a similar reduction of the species of this group. It may be added, without detracting in the least from the merit of M. Bureau's brilliant discovery, that his determinations of species are, wilhout exception, the same as those given in E. Cones "Key to North American Birds,'' 1872. Neither Brandt nor Coues had any idea of the actual state of the case, so far as the moult of the bill is concerned, but made their determinations of species upon other considerations. 1879. Bureau, L. Recherches | sur la | Mue du Bee des Oiseaux | de la | Famille des Mornionides | par | Le Docteur Louis Bureau [etc., 6 ligucs] | — | (Extrait du Bulletin de la Soci»^t(^ Zoologi(iue de France, [1877 et] 1879.) | — | Paris | Librairie F. Savy | 77, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 77 | — | 1879 8vo. Cover- title, half-title, title, each 1 leaf; i>p. 1-22, 1 folding table, pll. iv, v; pp. 1- 68, 1 folding table, 1 chart, ]ill. i-vi. This brochure consists of two entirely distinct articles, united under the same three titles. The first article consists of the paper "De la Mue du Bee et des Ornements palp6branx du Macireux anti(iue, Fratercula arctica (Lin.) Steph. apres la siiisou des amours, " pp. 1-22, table and 2 plates, reproduced from the Bull. Soc. Zool. de Fra7ice, 1877. The second article is "Recherches sur la Mue du Bee des Oiseaux de la Famille des Monnonides, " pp. 1-68, Ifo.4.\ COUES'S ORNITH. HIHLIOGRAPHY ALCID^.. 1057 1879. Bureau, L. — Contimied. tabic, map and 6 plates, reproduced IVoiri the Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, 1879. Each article is separately paged, and the two tojrether are funii.>.). 2. Aptenodytes longirostris Scop, (patachonica Aliq., pennantii Gray, rex Bp.). 3. Pygoscelis tceniata Peale (papua Forst., wagleri Scl.). 4. Pygoscelis adelice H. and J. (brevirostris Gray, longicauda Peale, herculis Finschj. 5. Pygoscelis antarctica Forst. 6. Eudyptes antipodes K. and J . (Jlavilarvata Pesde). [/waBonn.). 7. Eudyptes catarrhactes Forst. {Phaeton demersus L., eristata Shaw, saltator Steph., gor- 8. Eudyptes chrysocome Fort. { pachyrhyncha Gmy, nigrivestis Groidd). 9. Eudyptes chrysolopha Brandt. 10. Eudyptes diadematus Gould. 11. Spheniscus minor Vmst. (wndina Gould). 12. Spheniscus demersus Linn., with S. magellanicus as a variety Spheniscus mendicubis Sund., not treated. Cf. Zool. Pec. for 1872, p. — ; Am. Nat., vii, 1872, pp. 38-40. It may be useful to give here in chronological order a nearly complete list of the namea which have been proposed for Spheniscidce, beginning with Linnseus: 1766. Diomedea demersa Linn., Syst. Nat., i, p. 214. 1766. Phaeton demersus Linn., Syst. Nat., i, p. 219. 1777. Aptenodytes longirostris Scopoli. 1777. Aptenodytes papua Scopoli. 1777. Aptenodytes platyrhyneha Sco])oli. 1781. Aptenodytes chrysocome Forst., Comin. Reg. Soc. Sci. Oott, iii, p. 135. 1781. Aptenodytes patachonica Forst., I. c, p. 137. 1781. Aptenodytes antarctica Forst., I. c, p. 141. 1781. Aptenodytes magellanicus Forst., I. c, p. 143. 1781. Aptenodytes catarractcs Forst., I. c, p. 145. 1781. Aptenodytes torquata Forst., I. c. p. 146. 1781. Aptenodytes minor Foist., I. c, p. 147. 1782. Aptenodytes gorfu a, Bonnaterre, Encyc. MSth., i, p. 67. 1788. Aptenodytes chilensi.s Gni., Syst. Nat., i, p. 559. 1788. Aptenodytes chiloensis Gm., Syst. Nat, i, p. 559. 1790. Aptenodytes molino! Lath., Ind. Om., p. 881. 17 — . Pinguinaria eristata Sliaw, Nat. Misc., pi. 437. 1800. Aptenodgtes fu-scirostris lUiger. 1816. Eudyptes Vieillot, Analyse. 1825. Chrysocoma saltator Steph., Shaw's Oen. Zool., xiii, p. 58. J062 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. [VolV. 1672. COUES, E. — Coiitiiuied. 1825. Spheniscus novce hollandice Steph., I. c , p. 68. 1832. Pygoseelis "Wagle.r, Isis, p. 183. 1834. Spheniscus humboldtii Meyen, Nov. Act. Acad. Oaes. Leop., xvi, supp. i, p. 110. 1837. Catarractes chrysolopha Brandt, Bull. Acad. Sc. St. Petersb., ii, p. 324. 1841. Catarractes adelice Homb. aud Jacq., Ann. Sc. Nat, p. 320. 1841. Catarractes antipodes Hombr. and Jacq., I. c. 1842. Dypsicles Gloger, Handb. Naturg. 184-. Pyfjoscelis brevirostris Gray, Voy. Ereb. tfi Terr. 1841. Eudyptes pachyrhyncha Gray, I. c. 1844. AjJtenodytes palpebratalAcht., ed. Forst. JDe«cr. A/i., p. 356. 1844. Aptenodytes brasiliensis Licht., I. c, p. 355. 1844. Aptenodytes forsteri Gray, Ann. Mag. N. R., p. 315. 1844. Aptenodytes pennantii Gray, I. c. 1844. Aptenodytes undina Gould, P. Z. 8., p. 87. 1846. Dasyrhamphus, Hombr. and Jacq. 1848. Aptenodytes magnirostris Peale, TI. S. Expl. Exped., p. 263. 1848. Aptenodytes flavilarvata Peale, I. c, p. 260. 1848. Aptenodytes longicaudata Peale, I. c, p. 261. 1848. Aiitenodytes tceniata Peale, I. c, p. 264. 1856. Aptenodytes rex Bp., Compt. Bend., p. 775. 1856. Aptenodytes imperator Bp., Compt. Rend., p. 775. 1859. Palceeudyptes antarcticus Huxley, Journ. Oeol. Soc, xv, p. 672. 1860. Pygoscelis luagleri Sol., P. Z. S., p. 392. 1860. Eudyptes vigrivestis GoVilA, P. Z. S., -p. 'iV6. 1860. Eudyptes diademata Gould, I. c, p. 419. 1870. Dasyrhamphus herculis Finsch, P. Z. S., p. 322. 1871. Spheniscus mendiculus Sund., P. Z. S., p. 129. 1873. Sphenisciis iri/'ascia*MS Philippi, "Zeitschr. ges. Naturw., xli, 1873, p. 121." 1874. Eudyptula albosignata Finsch, P. Z. S., p. 207. 1875. Eudyptes vittata Finsch, Ibis, p. 112. 1875. Eudyptes atrata (Hutton) Finsch, Jfiis, p. 114. 1872. Hector, J. Ou the Remaiusof a Gigantic Penguin (Palaeeudyptes antarcticus, Huxley) from the Tertiary Rocks ou the West Coast of Nelson. <^ Trans, and Proc. New Zealand Just, for 1871, iv, 1872, pp. 341-346, pll. xvii, xviii. For a preliminary notice see op. cit, ii, p. 403; paper delayed for the illustrations. 1872. Hyatt, A. Catalogue of the Ornitliological Collection of the Boston Society of Natural History. [Parti. Spheniscidae. ] <^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xiY, 1872, pp. 237-251. The author carefully treats of the nine species contained in the Society's Museum, making of the " Catalogue," in fact, a monographic sketch of the group. 1873. A[llen],J. A. Monograph of the Spheniecidie, <^ Jw. AW., vii, 1872, pp. 38-40. Review of E. Ooues's Material for a Monograph of the Spheniscidce, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., 1872, pp. 170-212. 1873. Hector, J. Further Notice of Bones of a Fossil Penguin (Palaeeudyptes antarc- ticus, Huxley). <^ Trans, and Proc. Neiv Zealand Inst, for 1872, v, 1873, Proc. WelUuiiton Phil. Soc. , pp. 438, 439. Additional specimens; cf. op. cit, iv, 1872, pp. 341-346. 1873. [Salvin, O.] [Reference to Bonaparte's Conspectus Ptilopterorum Systemati- cus, Coniptcs Rendus, 1856, p. 775.] <^ Ibis, 3d ser., iii, 1873, pp. 103, 104. Where appear the names Aptenodytes rex and A. imperator. 1874. Finsch, O. Descrij)tion of a new Species of Penguin [Eudyptula albosignata] from New Zealand. < P. Z. S. , 1874, pp. 207, 208. 1874. Hyatt, A. Note on Aptenodytes patagonica Forst. <^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Eist., xvii, 1874, p. 94. Its specific distinctness from A. pennanti. 1874. Newman, E. The Penguin at the Zoo[ logical Society of Loudon]. <^ZooIogist, 2d ser., ix, 1874, pp. 4262-4264. Interesting account of actions and appearance in confinement. Cf. op. dt, p. 4848. Ao.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY SPHENISCID^. 1063 1875. Fixscii, O. Oil two apparently uow Species of Penguins from New Zealand. < Ibis, :Jd aor., V, 1875, pp. 112-114. Eudyptes vittata, ji. 112: E. atrata "Hutton", p. 114. 1876. Newman, E. The King Penguin at the Zoo[logical Society of London]. < ZoologtHt, 2d 8er., xi, Mar., 1876, p. 4848. Obituary. See op. cit., p. 4262. 1877. [BuLKLEY, J. M.] A domesticated Penguin. <[ Forest and Stream, viii, Apr. 19, 1877, p. 160. 1878. [ScLATER, P. L.] [Report on additions to the Society's Menagerie in January, 1878. ] < P. Z. S., Feb. 5, 1878, p. 116. Sphenigcus humboldti the only bird. 1879. Anon. A Group of Penguins. <| Pacific Rural Press, xvli, No. 18, May 3, 1879, p. 289 ; cut of 5 figg. A slight sketch, "written up" to tho cut. 1879. Bartustt, A. D. Remarks upon the Habits and Change of Plumage of Hum- boldt's Penguin [Spheniscus humboldti]. <^ P. Z. S., Jan. 14, 1879, pp. ft-8, figg. 1,2. An interesting article, firom observations upon an individaal in oaptlTityi 1064 BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. {Foi.T, Tiiianiidse. 1832. Gboffroy St.-Hilairk,Isid. ETulromie. Eudromia. Isid. Geoff. <^G-u4r.Mag. de Zool.,2'' aun6e, 1832, Classe ii, Ois., Notice i, pi. i. Eudromia elegans, D'Orb. et Is. Geoff., gen. sp. n. 1836. Vigors, N. A. [Characters of a new and .singular form among the Tiuamous (Tinamotis pentlandii, g. sp. n.)] < P. Z. S.,iv, 1836, p. 79. 1837. Vigors, N. A. [Note on Tinamotis pentlamlii (from P. Z. S., Sept. 13, 1836.)] < Lond. and Edinb. Philos. Mag.,:s., 1837, p. 289. 1838. Vigors, N. A. Ueber einen neuen Vogel [Tinamotis pentlandii] zwischen Tinamu und Trappen, mitgebracht von Pentland von den hoheu Anden. < Oken's Ms, Bd. xxxi, 1838, p. 195. Auszug aus P. Z. S., iv, Sept., 1836, p. 79. 1863. Natterer, J. (Ed. Pelzehr, A. r.) Handschriftliche Notizen [iiber drei Arten der Gattuug Tinamus]. < VerJi. {Abh.) k.-k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xiii, 1863, pp. 1128-1130. Als Anhang zu Pelzeln's ,, Ueber vier von Natterer in Brasilien gesammelte noch unbesch- riebene Vogelarten," torn, cit., pp. 1124-1130. 1863. Pelzeln, a. v. Ueber vier von Natterer in Brasilien gesammelte noch unbe- schriebene Vogelarten. < Verh. k.-lc. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wein, xiii, Oct. 10, 1863, pp. 1125-1130. Three spp. of Tinamidce : T. guttatus, p. 1126 ; T. erythropus, p. 1127 ; T. hrevirostris, p. — . 1867. Bartlett, A. D. [Remark.s on the breeding of Ehyuchotis rufesceus. ] <^P. Z. S., XXXV, 1867, p. 687. 1870. Nathusius, W. v. Ueber die Eischaleu von Jipyoruis, Dinornis, Apteryx und einigen Crypturiden. < Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., xxi, 1870, pp. 330-335, pll. xxv, xxvi. Cf. i:ns, 1871, pp. 454, 45."). 1874. Axix, E. Memoire sur I'ost^ologie et la Myologie du Nothura major. <^ Gerv. Journ. de Zool., iii, 1874, j*]). 167-214, 253-285, pi}, viii, xi. "Ou pent r6sumer cette comparaison [du Squelette du Nothura avec cclui des Vertebras et des Oiseaux] en disant queles Tinamid^s ressem blent da vantage aux Struthid6s parleurtfite, aux Gallinac6s par le thorax et les ailes, au R41es par le bassin, et qu'en meme temps ils offrent quelque.s affinites avec les £chassiers pressirostres et longirostres de Cuvier. "Un examen detaill6 des os et des muscles du Nothura major nous amene k conclure que si les Tinamides out de grandes ressemblances soit avec les Antmches, soit avec les Galli- nac6a, on ne pent pourtant pas les confondre avec I'un ou I'autre de ces deux groupes, et qu'ila diff&rent encore plus des Rallid6s, des ifichassiers pressirostres, longirostres et des Palmi- pedes, auxquels ils ne se rattachent que par des traits Isolds. Nous sommes alnsi conduits, tout en tenant compt6 de ces affinit6s, a partager I'opinion de Lherminier, qui fasait de ces Oiseaux un groujie separe." 1876. Axix, E. Sur la Myologie du Rhynchotu.s rufescens. <^ Gerv. Journ. de ZooL,y, 1876, pp. 411,412. V6ritication que les partiouliarit^s que I'autenr signale dana les muscles du Nothura {op. dt, iii, i)p. 167, 252, 1872) se retrouvent chez les autres Tinamid6s. yo.4.] COUES'S ORNITH. BIBLIOGRAPHY RHEID^. 1065 RheidaB. 1808. Hammer, F. L. Observations Sur le Toiiyon ou Autruche d'Am6rique (Stra- thio [Rhea] araericamis. Liu.), faites h Strasbourg en jan\'ier 1806. < Ann. dii Mus. cPHist. Nat., xii, 1808, pp. 427-4:53, pi. 39. Avec des observations sur ce que les naturalistes en ont dit. 1834. Martin, W. [Notes on Anatomy of the Rhea (R. americana, Vieill.) and Casso- wary (Casuarius emeu, Lath. ). ] < P. Z. S.,\\, 1834, p. 9, 1837. Darwin, C. [On the Habits of the American Ostriches (Rhea darwiuii) 1 < P. Z. S. , V, 1837, pp. 35, 36. 1837. Gould, J. [On a New Rhea (darwinii) from Mr. Darwin's Collection 1 < F Z.>S.,v, 1837,p.35. -J \ • 1837. [Editorial.] Notice respecting [D'Orbigny's claim of his prior name, R. peu- nata, for tho] Rhea darwini Gould. < Charlestc. Mag. Nat. Hist. , i, 1837, p. 504. 1838. [Editorial.] Rhea. < Mag. of Zool. and Bof.,u, 1838, pp. 92, 93. Merely a note on the existence of a second species, discovered by Darwin. 1839. Gould, J. Eino neue Rhea [darwini] aus Patagonien von Darwin. < Oken's Isis, Bd. xxxii, 1839, p. 144. ' P. Z. S., Marz 14, 1837, p. 35. 1841. Heron, R. [On the Breeding of Rhea americana in Confinement ] < P Z -S.,ix, 1841,pp.79,80. j \ • • 1842. Derby, Th^ Earl of. [Letter relating to the Hatching of Rhea americana in Confinement, ifcc.] < P. Z. S., x, 1842, p. 147. 1842. Heron, R. [Ou the breeding of Rhea americana in Confinement.] y C. A. White and H. A. Nicholson 143 Bibliography, American Ornithological, by E. Coues 239, 521 1067 1068 INDEX. Birds of Michigan, Annotated List of, by Morris Gibbs 481 Bouibomelecta thoracica 370 Bombus pennsylvauicus 367 scntellaris 367 Boochserus hunierosus 59 Brachiopoda 108, 215 Bridger 4'2, 44 Callimiis chalybceus 5000 eleodes 500 Calliopsis coloradensis 366 Callipterus asclepiadis 29 bella 29 betulaicolens 30 caryse 31 discolor 30 hyalinus 30 punctata 30 quercicola 31 ulmifolii 29 walshii 29 Camarasaurus beds 35 Cauis cnspigeriis 58 gregarius 58 geismarianus 58 haitsbornianus 58 lippiucottianus 58 Capriniulgidaj 409, 489 Carnivora 56 Cathartidye 83, 422, 491 Cephalopoda 111 Ceratorhinus 229 Cerceris lulvipes 360 sexta 361 Ceropales brevicornis 368 elegans 367 texana 351 CerthiidfE 482 Chgetetes dimissus 220 Chsetocuema feneola 518 cribrifrons 517 Chaitophorus 31 quercicola 32 smithise 32 virainalis 31 Charadriidae 86, 430, 491 Clambus vulueratus 512 Clisodou 479 Coatis, on the, by J. A. Allen 153 CcBlodonta 230 Coleoptera of the Alpine Rocky Mountain Regions, Part II, by J. L. Le Conte 499 Coleoptera, List of, Collected by E. A. Schwarz 500 Colletes armata 365 ciliata 369 Colopha uliuicola 9 Columbidaj 83, 422, 491 Colymbidi© 102, 440, 496 Conchifera 109, 216 Cope, E. D. : Observations on the Faunte of the Miocene Tertiaries of Oregon 55 On the Extinct Species of Rhiuoce- ridse of North America, and their Allies 227 The Relations of the Horizons of Ex- tinct Vertebrata of Europe and North America 33 CorvidEB 80, 400, 488 Coues, E. : On the Present Status of Passer do- mesticiis in America, with Special Reference to the Western States and Territories 175 Second Instalment of American Orni- thological Bibliography 2.'>9 Third Instalment of American Orni- thological Bibliography 521 Crabronidre 354 Cracidse 426 Cretaceous 38 Cryphalus mucronatus 518 Cuculidce81,411,489 Cypselidse 489 Dseodon shoshonensis 58 Deliphrum expanum 500, 510 Diadasia 475 australis 476 di minata 476 enavota 476 Dicopis damalis 208 Diluvial 42 Drepanosiphum 27 acerifolii 27 Dyschirius montanus 507 Echiuodermata 212 Elevations, by H. Gannett 441 Elotherium imperator 58 Emphor 476 I Emphylus americanus 500, 513 INDEX. 1069 Epcoliis occidentalis 366 E(iim8 beds 42 Ernobius filicoinis 517 gracilis 510 luteipennis 516 tristis 516 Euceraj 471 Eucercoris caualiciilatus 357 laticeps 357 superbus 356 uuicomis 359 Eucroptaphus occidentalis 59 , superbus 59 Euhydrocyon basilatus 57 stenocephalus 56 Eumenes bollii 364 Eumicrotis curta 122 Eumidae 364 Euti'clmia 476 Euthia 500 colon 514 iiupressa 513 longula 513 scitula 513 Eutoptychus cavifrons 55 crassiramis 55 plauifrons 55 Falcouidaj 82, 418, 490 Faluniau 42, 46, 47 Fossil Forests of the Volcanic Tertiary Formations of the Yellowstone National Park, by W. H. Holmes 125 Fringillidaj 76, 390, 486 Gannett, H. : Additional Lists of Elevations 441 Gasteropoda 218 Gastrallus marginipennis 500, 517 Gibbs, Morris : Annotated List of the Birds of Mich- igan 481 Graculidai 438, 495 Granatocrinns lotoblastus 212 Grote, A. R. : On Lithophane and Now NoctuidsB201 Gruidie 435, 493 Gyrophajua 500, 510 Habropoda 477 floridana 478 luiserabilis 479 Hadena aurea 205 flavidens 205 fumosa 205 longula 204 modiola 204 Hsematopidai 88 HaimatopodidsB 430, 492 Halictus occidentalis 366 Harpastopus rufiventris 354 Harpalus alienus 508 Hay den, F. V. : The so-called Two-Ocean Pass, 223 Helops montanus 518 Hiruu(linid;B 74, 388, 485 Holmes, W. H. : Fossil Forests of the Volcanic Ter- tiary Formations of the Yellowstone National Park 125 Hoplophoneus brachyops 56 Hormaphis spinosus 14 Hydrobius 500 cur%"idens 511 ladidens 512 longidens 511 longulus 511 obtusus 511 pumilus 511, Hymenoptera, Aculeate, by W. H. Patton 349 Hypertragulus calcaratus 66 Hypocoprus formicetornm 500 Hypocyptus nigratulus 510 Hyracodon 234 Icteridai 78. 396, 487 Jura-Trias Section of Southeastern Idaho and Western Wyoming, by A. C. Peale 120 Kimmeridge 35 Lacconotus piuicola 500 Laniidse 75, 390, 486 Laramie Group of Western Wyoming and adjacent Regions, by A. C. Peale 195 LaridsB 438, 495 Larra jBthiops 354 divisa 368 Le Conte, J. L. : Coleopteraof the Alpine Rocky Mount- ain Regions Part II 499 Leptomeryx evansi 66 Leptopora winchelli211 Limnichus montanus 514 Lithophane and New Noctuidae, by A. E. Grote 201 1070 INDEX. Lithopliane cinerosa 202 hemnia 202 Loup Fork 42, 46, 47 * Luperus nigrocyaneus 517 Lutrictis lycopotamicus 67 Machserodus strigideus 56 Mamestra arietis 20r McChesney, Charles E. : Notes on the Birds of Fort Sisseton 71 Meekoceras sepanatum 112 gracilitatis 114 gracilitatis var. 116 mushbachanus 113 Megastizus brevipennis 345 texanus 345 MeleagridtE 427, 491 Melissodes 472 Meniscomys hippodus 55 inultiplicatus 55 MerycochcBrus leidyi 59 temporalis 59 Merycopater guyotianus 58 Michigan, Birds of, by M. Gibbs 481 Microbembex 364 monodonta 362 Miocene Faunte, Observations on, of Ore- gon, by E. D. Cope 55 Monedula emarginata 369 speciosa 361 ventralis362 Mouell, J. : Notes ou Aphididte, with Descriptions of New Species IS Monell, J., and Riley, C. V. : Notes on the Aphididae of the United ytates, with Description of Species occurring West of the Mississippi 1 Motacillidge 483 Murchisouia terebra 219 Mycetoporus tenuis 510 Myzine interrupt a 349 nanna 349 Nasua uarica 162 rufa 170 Nicholson, H. Alleyne, and White, C. A. : Supplement to the Bibliography of North American Invertebrate Pale- ontologv 143 Nomada texana 366 Nomia nortoni 366 Notes on the Aphididae of the United States, with Descriptions of Species, occurring West of the Mississippi, by C. V. Riley and J. Monell 1 Notes on AphididsB, with Descriptions of New Species, by J. Monell 18 Notes on the Birds of Fort Sisseton, by Charles E. McChesney 71 Nucula i)erumbonata 217 Nuculana obesa 216 Ochthebius discretus 510 Odyrerus annulatus 364 vogus 364 CEningian 42 Olophrum marginatum 510 Oncocunius mirificalis 207 Oolite 35 Ornithology of the Lower Rio Grande of Texas, Notes on, by G. B. Sennett 371 Orthosia conradi 203 disticha 203 Oxford 35 Palaeochcerns coudoni 58 pristinus 58 socialis 58 Palseolagus haydeni 55 Faleontological Papers No. 9, by C. A. White 105 Faleontological Papers No. 10, by C. A. White 133 Faleontological Papers No. 11, by C. A. White 209 Paratiphia alilabris 349 Paridse 72, 375, 482 Parisian 44, 42 Paromalus debilis 515 Passer domesticus, on 1 he Present Status of, in America, with special refer- ence to the Western States and Ter- ritories, by E. Coues 175 Patton, W. H. : The American Bembecidae 341 Collection of Aculeate Hymenoptera made by S. W. Williston in North- western Kansas 349 Generic Arrangement of the Bees allied to Melissodes and Authophora 471 Peale, A. C. : Jura-Trias Section of Southeastern Idaho and Western Wyoming 120 INDEX. 1071 Pcalc, A. C. — Contiuuod. The Laramie Group of Western Wyo- niiug and Adjacent Regions 195 Poculior ;{7 P.l.-cjinidiO 101,437,495 Pi' iipliijrus accrilblii K! Iraxinifolii 17 ))<)pnli-moni!is 13 poi)nli-ramnlornm 16 l)()puli-trau8ver8U8 15 Pontacrinus asteriscus 121 Pepsis caerulea 351 Perdicidse 429 Perigrapba prieses 202 Perissodactyla 58 Piialacrocoi;acid8e 101 Plialacrns dispar 513 Phalaropodid;e 89, 492 Philanthns inversus 355 vontilabris 355 Pblct'()tnl)ns puberulus 519 Phymatodes macnlicollis 500 Piiida- 81,415,489 Pityophtliorns deletus 519 Plaiiiceps concolor 367 Plourolioiis siilcifrous 55 PltMirotomaria gravillensis 219 PlotidiB 438 PodicipidiB 102, 496 Pcvbrotherium sternbergii 59 Polistes anrifer 364 variatns 364 Polyzoa 213 Pompilidif 351 Pompibis ifhnonmoniformis 351 willistoui 352 Prionoiiyx atrata 354 Protolabis transmontauus 67 Pscndiibsens obscurus 515 P^seudopsis obliterata 500, 511 Pteroehilus quinquefasciatus 364 Ptilodyctia triaugulata 214 Rallidaj 95, 436,493 Recnrvirostrid.'e 88, 431, 492 Retzia woosteri 215 Rhinoceridit, Extinct Species of North America, and their Allies, by E. D. Cope 227 Rhiiioccrns 229 Rhopalosiphuui 26 salicis 26 rhois 27 Riley, C. V., and Moueli, J. : Notes on the Aphididae of the United States, with Descriptions of Species occurring West of the Mississippi 1 Rodentia 55 Sacium biguttatum 512 Salviida; 482 Saxicolida) 72, 482 Schizoneura americana 4 Schwarz, E. A. : List of Coleoptera collected by 500 Scolia lecontei 350 octo-macnlata 350 Scoliadaj 349 Scolopacidte 89, 432, 492 Scolytida; 500 Scolytus nnispinosus 519 Sennett, G. B. : Further Notes on the Ornithology of the Lower Rio Grande of Texas, from Observations made during the Spring of 1878 371 Siagoninm punctatum 500 Siphonophora 18 achyrantes 19 calendulas 21 calendulella 19 cerealis 19 cratsegi 20 fragarise 22 granaria 19 liriodendri 20 rudbeckiae 21 sonchella 21 tillK 20 tulipas 19 Sittidae 482 Sphecidae 353 Sphecienus 345 Sphecius 341 hogardii 343 nevadensis 343 speciosus 342 spectabilis 344 Sphexichneumonea 354 Stampiau and Aquitanian 45,46 Steneotiber gradatus 55 nebrascensis 55 Stenialia 364 Strigidae 82, 417, 490 Stizini 341 Stizus agilis 347 bicinctus 347 1072 INDEX. btizus — Continued. cingulatus 347 dubiua 347 lata 346 moneduloides 347 servillii 346 unicinctus 346, 361 Stylemys oregonensis 55 Subapennine 42, 47 Suessonian 42 Sulidaj 495 SylvicolidiB 73, 384, 483 Sylviidaj 375 Syncalypta grisea 514 Synhalonia 473 acerba 474 Eebata 474 edwardsii 474 frater 474 fulvitarsis 474 honesta 474 intrudens 474 speciosa 474 Tachytes ccelebs 355 texanus 368 Tauagridae 388, 485 Tantalidaj 432 Temnocyon altigensis 58 Terebratula angusta 108, 122 semisimplex 108 Tertiary 37 Testudinata 55 Tetraonidai 84, 491 Tetratonia 472 Tetratonia — Continued concolor 518 Tongrain 42 TrochiUdaj 81, 411, 489 TroglodytidsB 72, 381, 483 Turdidae 71, 372, 482 Two-Ocean Pass, by F. V. Hayden 223 TyrannidBe401,48g Vertebrata, Relations of the Horizons of Extinct, by E. D. Cope 33 Vespidee 364 Veta Pass 520 Vireonida; 75, 389, 485 Wasatch 42 Wealden 35 White, C. A. : Paleoutological Papers No. 9 : Fossils of the Jura-Trias of Southeastern Idaho 105 Paleoutological Papers No. 10: Con- ditions of Preservation of Inverte- brate Fossils 133 Paleontological Papers No. 11 : Re- marks upon Certain Carboniferous Fossils 209 White, C. A., and Nicholson, H. Alleyne : Supplement to the Bibliography of North American Invertebrate Pa- leontology 143 White River 42, 45, 46 Williston, S. W., Aculeate Hymenoptera collected by, 349 Xenoglossa pruinosa 473 Xylocleptes cucurbitsB 519 Zalabis 229 ■■i / ^ ^ ^'^. cP O