EX LIBRIS. Bertram C, <&. SlEtnfcle, ffl., m.&c., 8,3.6., JF.K.S, THE process of specialization which it would see been necessitated by the immense growth of sc during the past fifty years has gone far towards e minating the older type of biologist who Was posset not only of a fairly complete knowledge of what botany and zoology had to teach, but also had a large acquaint- ance with geology. Nowadays a man is a botanist or a zoologist or a geologist, and perhaps has no very great acquaintance with the intricacies of the sciences cognate with his own. One welcomes, therefore, books like Pro- fessor Dendy's Outlines of Evolutionary Biology (London J Constable and Co. 1912) which give a general account of the phenomena of life and of the theories associated with them, with examples drawn from both kingdoms of Nature. We do not intend to enter into any detailed criticism of the book, and will content ourselves for the most part by saying that the task attempted in this book has been Well carried out; that it presents a fair picture of the state of scientific opinion'on most biological problems and that it should find a place in the library of all our colleges and of all persons working at bio-philosophical problems. No book is worth much which does not reveal something of the personality of its writer and, to our mind, Professor" Dendy reveals himself as too much affected by Weisman- nian views. No doubt " biophores " and " germinal selection " might and would explain a good deal at present unexplained. But then, because an explanation explains, it is not necessarily, therefore, the true explana- tion, and no one will claim that there is anything in the way of ascertained fact which tends to prove the truth or the theories alluded to. Further we must take exception to the Statement that the gap between man and ape is so small that " there is little room for connecting links between them." Mr A. R< Wallace, in his latest work says that " there is not, as often assumed, one '* missing link ' to be discovered, but at least a score such links, adequately to fill the gap between man and apes " (The World of Life, 1911), and we fancy that most persons who have devoted attention to mam- malogy would agree with him. We can commend this book to teachers. B.C.A.W, OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY BY ARTHUR BENDY, D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology in the University of London (King's College) Zoological Secretary of the Linnean Society of London ; Honorary Member of the New Zealand Institute ; formerly Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College (University of New Zealand), and Professor of Zoology in the South African College, Cape Town. LONDON CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD 10 ORANGE STREET LEICESTER SQUARE W.C. 1912 PREFACE BIOLOGY, the fundamental science of living things in all their manifold relations, is a study which, at the present time, is but little encouraged by educational authorities in this country. It has no place in the ordinary school curriculum and even in our Universities it has been thrust into the background, partly because University authorities devote so much of their attention nowadays to subjects which are considered more likely to bring in a direct pecuniary reward to the student, and partly because of the immense elaboration of the various branches of biological science, such as Zoology, Botany, Physiology, Com- parative Anatomy and Embryology, that has taken place in recent years, and the claims of these to more or less separate recognition. The student, if he studies Biology at all for its own sake, which is seldom the case, usually confines himself almost entirely to one or other of these branches, which he finds treated more or less as an independent science, with an extensive literature of its own, and he runs a grave risk of losing sight of the general principles which underlie all and from which all derive their chief educational value. The medical student, it is true, usually takes a year's course in what is called Biology, but his curriculum is, perhaps unavoidably, dominated by the type-system and by what is thought likely to be of direct service to him in his future anatomical and physiological studies, so that in the brief time which the medical authorities allow him to devote to the scientific foundation of his professional work he has but little opportunity for a philosophical treatment of the subject. When we at length come to realize the meaning of Man's position as, for the time being, the highest term of a great evolutionary series which stretches far back into the dawn of vi PEEFACE the earth's history, and to appreciate the importance of the fact that he derives his existence from the same ultimate sources and is subject to the same natural laws as all the other living things with which he shares the earth, we shall perhaps see the necessity for making Biology, in the widest sense of the term, one of the foundation stones of our educational system. In the meantime those who wish to familiarize themselves with the rapidly accumulating results of biological investigation and the bearing of these results upon human problems ought not to be debarred from so doing by want of the necessary knowledge of fundamental facts and principles, and it is largely with a view to the requirements of such students that the present work is offered to the public. That even the elementary study of biological theory should, wherever possible, be preceded by a systematic course in Zoology and Botany, based upon the type-system and including laboratory work, is, no doubt, indisputable. Unfortunately, under existing conditions, regular laboratory work is, for most people, im- possible. We are apt to forget, however, that in reality we all of us spend our lives in a biological laboratory, where we are surrounded by living organisms which we can hardly avoid studying. In this way we learn much of the nature of living things and are to some extent prepared for the study of biological principles. The problems of life, however, cannot be satisfactorily solved if we confine our attention to the higher and more familiar forms of plants and animals. Man, in particular, is far too complex a type to begin with in a philosophical treatment of the subject. The logical method of study is, no doubt, to follow as closely as possible the course which we believe to have been taken in the actual evolution of living things, beginning with the simple and ending with the complex. This method, of course, is attended with certain practical difficulties, mainly due to the microscopic size of the more primitive organisms, but these difficulties are not insurmountable and need not be considered in relation to the present work. As I wish this book to be of use to those who have had no special biological training, as well as to students who have taken the ordinary first year's course, I have, in the earlier chapters, dealt in a very elementary manner with the structure and functions of both plants and animals. I have described Amoeba PREFACE vii and Hsematococcus in considerable detail and used these familiar organisms as pegs on which to hang some elementary ideas with regard to the nature of living things and the differences between animals and plants. Otherwise I have as far as possible avoided the type-system as being altogether unsuitable for a work of this kind, though of course I have been obliged to refer to numerous different organisms in illustration of special points. It was only by rigidly excluding from the earlier part of the book everything that was not considered essential to the under- standing of general principles that it has been possible to find space for even a brief presentation of the evidence upon which the theory of organic evolution rests, and for a discussion of the principal factors which appear to have co-operated in determining the course of that evolution. Although the entire work is intended to be of an elementary character, it has been impossible, in connection with the theory of heredity, to avoid, on the one hand, a considerable amount of cy tological detail, and, on the other, some discussion of theoretical speculations of a highly controversial nature. In dealing with these vexed questions, which underlie the whole problem of organic evolution, I have endeavoured to present the views of opposing schools of thought as fairly as possible, but I must confess that I have ventured to lay considerable stress upon ideas which, though widely accepted elsewhere, have not as yet met with much appreciation in this country, though that they will do so in the future can hardly be doubted. By way of introduction to the discussion of the factors of organic evolution a chapter has been devoted to the views of Buffon, Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, and another to those of Charles Darwin, Robert Chambers and Alfred Russel Wallace, and I have endeavoured to present the opinions of these classical authors as far as possible by means of quotations from their own writings. In a work such as the present the employment of numerous technical terms is, of course, unavoidable, but it is hoped that the meaning of these is sufficiently explained in the text, and the use of the index should obviate any difficulties in this respect, especially if tho book is read systematically from the first chapter onwards. It is a pleasure to record my thanks to many colleagues who have ungrudgingly helped me in various ways. Amongst these viii PKEFACE I should like especially to mention Professor Poulton, Professor Herbert Jackson, Dr. Stapf, Dr. Daydon Jackson, Dr. Sibly and Professor G. E. Nicholls ; while to Mr. E. W. H. Eow, of the Zoological Department at King's College, I am much indebted for the trouble which he has taken in reading through the proof-sheets and for many valuable suggestions. I owe a sincere acknowledgment to my publishers, Messrs. Constable & Co., for their generosity in the matter of illustrations. Most of these are either entirely new or, in some cases, specially re-drawn from original memoirs. I have made extensive use of photomicrography for microscopic subjects, and in the prepara- tion of the photographs at King's College have received much assistance from Dr. Eosenheim, Mr. Eow, and my assistant Mr. Charles Biddolph. For the loan of the blocks from which the remainder of the illustrations have been printed, or for permission to copy, I am indebted to the generosity of the following :— Messrs. George Allen and Son, • " The American Journal of Science," Mr. Edward Arnold, Messrs. George Bell and Sons, Messrs. A. and C. Black, The Cambridge University Press, The Clarendon Press, Messrs. Constable & Co., Messrs. Duckworth & Co., Herr W. Engelmann, Herr Gustav Fischer, " The Journal of Experimental Zoology,'' Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., The Council of the Linnean Society of London, Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., Mr. John Murray, " The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science," The Council of the Eay Society, Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., The Trustees of the British Museum, Messrs. T. Fisher Unwin, Messrs. F. Warne & Co., Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts, Leipzig und Wien. PREFACE . ix I must also express my gratitude to the numerous authors whose work I have made use of, and whose names are mentioned in the appropriate places. I am indebted to the Council of the Royal Society of Arts for permission to make use of the Aldred Lecture which I delivered before the Society in 1909, and which is to a large extent reprinted from their Journal in Chapter XIV. ARTHUR DENDY. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON, December, 1911. COEEIGENDA. P. 382, line 7— for " her " read " its." ,, ,, 9 — -for " she" read "life." ;> >? 10— for "herself " read "itself." CONTENTS PART I.— THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF ORGANISMS— THE CELL THEORY CHAPTER I PAGE Introductory : The nature of life — The living organism viewed as a machine — The essential functions of the living body — The source of energy in living things 1 CHAPTER II Amoeba as a typical organism — The properties of protoplasm . . 12 CHAPTER III Hsematococcus — The differences between animals and plants . . 27 CHAPTER IV The cell theory — Unicellular organisms — Differentiation and division of labour — Co-operation — The transition from the unicellular to the multicellular condition — The early development of multicellular animals and plants .......... 36 CHAPTER V The cell theory as illustrated by the histological structure of the higher animals and plants —Limitations of the cell theory — The cell as the physiological unit 51 CHAPTEE VI The multiplication of cells — Mitotic and amitdtic nuclear division . 69 PART II.— THE EVOLUTION OF SEX CHAPTER VII Limitation of the powers of cell-division — Rejuvenescence by conjuga- tion of gametes — The origin of sex in the Protista . . .81 xii CONTEXTS CHAPTER Till PAGE Sexual phenomena in multicellular plants — The distinction between somatic cells and germ cells — Alternation of sexual and asexual generations — Suppression of the gametophyte in flowering plants . 95 CHAPTEK IX Sexual phenomena in multicellular animals — Structure and life history of Hydra and Obelia — Alternation of generations — The ccelomate type of structure — Secondary sexual characters — The evolution of sex 113 CHAPTER X Origin of the germ cells in multicellular animals — Maturation of the germ cells — Reduction of the chromosomes — Sex determination in insects — Different forms of gametes — Mutual attraction of the gametes — Fertilization and parthenogenesis . . . . .129 PART III.— VARIATION AND HEREDITY CHAPTER XI Variation — Meristic and substantive variations — Fluctuations and mutations — Somatogeuic and blastogenic variations — Origin of blastogenic variations 14). In the meantime remarkable changes have commenced in the nucleus itself. The chromatin granules, together with the linin by which they are apparently held together, have arranged them- selves in the form of a long coiled thread, the spireme (Fig. 31, B), and presently the nuclear membrane begins to disappear (Fig. 31, C, km), being apparently dissolved in the general protoplasm. In this way the distinction between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm is obliterated. The spireme thread breaks up into a number of short lengths known as chromosomes (Fig. 31, C, chrs), the actual number being, with certain exceptions, a constant character for each species of plant or animal. The centrosomes at about this 72 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY time take up their positions at points corresponding to two opposite poles of the original nucleus, with the spindle of fine Fio. 31. — Diagram of the principal Stages in the milotic Division of the Nucleus in a typical Animal Cell. (From Weismann's " Evolution Theoiy," adapted from E. B. Wilson.) aeq, equatorial plate; chr, chromatin ; chrs, chromosomes; cs, centrosome; csp/i, centro- sphere, containing one or two centrosomes ; Jek, nucleolus ; km, nuclear mem- brane; kn, nucleus; ksp, sp, nuclear spindle; p, aster; tie, daughter nucleus; tz, daughter cell ; zk, cytoplasm forming the cell body. protoplasmic fibres stretched between them (Fig. 81, D), and the chromosomes " go on the spindle," arranging themselves in a so-called equatorial plate across its widest part (Fig. 31, D, ai'q). MITOTIC DIVISION OF CELLS 73 The shape of the chromosomes varies much in different cases ; they may be more or less spherical, but they are frequently short, rod-like bodies, often shaped like a V (Fig. 82, A). Each one is composed, like the spireme thread from which they are derived, of an aggregation of chromatin granules, held together by a linin basis. The chromatin granules are sometimes arranged like the beads on a necklace (Figs. 32, B ; 77), and are known as chromomeres. The number of the chromosomes also varies greatly, from as low as two in a variety of the horse-worm (Ascaris) to as many as one hundred and sixty-eight in the shrimp Artemia. In cases where the chromosomes are very small each one may perhaps be equivalent to only a single chromomere. Either before or after taking up its position in the equatorial B -Jd FIG. 32. — Sperm-mother- cells of a Salamander, during Mitosis. In A the chromosomes are shown ; in B the spireme thread is split lengthwise, and also shows very clearly the chromomeres of which it is made up. (Prom Weismann's " Evolution Theory," after Hermann and Driiner.) c, dividing centrosome ; clir, chromosomes ; Jd, chromomeres ; zk, cytoplasm. plate, each chromosome splits longitudinally into two parts (Fig. 81, D), in fact the splitting can sometimes be observed in the spireme thread even before it breaks up transversely into chromosomes (Fig. 32, B). The result of this splitting is that the number of chromosomes is doubled ; but the daughter chromo- somes very soon separate into two equal groups, one of which moves towards each centrosome (Fig. 31, E). Each group contains one of the two halves of each parent chromosome. Having migrated to opposite poles of the spindle the two groups of daughter chromosomes there form the foundations of two new nuclei (Fig. 31, F). The chromosomes break up into granules again ; a new nuclear membrane is formed, whereby a portion of the general cytoplasm is separated off to form the linin network and ground-substance of the nucleus ; the asters and nuclear 74 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY spindle more or less completely disappear — though the centre- some may certainly persist in some cases if not in all — and the newly constituted nucleus (Fig. 31, G, tic) enters upon a longer or shorter period of inactivity accompanied by growth. In the meantime the cytoplasm which constitutes the cell-body has also divided into two parts in a plane which passes through the middle of the nuclear spindle and at right angles to its length. In animal cells this division is usually effected by a constriction which starts from the outside (Fig. 31, F, G) and in plant cells by the deposition of a cell-plate (Fig. 34, E, c.p.) in the equator of the nuclear spindle. This cell-plate forms the foundation of the double cell-wall which will separate the two daughter cells ; it must not, of course, be confounded with the equatorial plate formed temporarily by the chromosomes. Various attempts have been made to explain the dynamics of this remarkable process of mitosis or karyokinesis, the essential features of which are always much the same though the details vary considerably in different cases. The centrosomes, with their centrospheres, asters and spindle, sometimes spoken of collectively as the achromatic figure, are usually regarded as a special mechanism for bringing about the equitable partition of the chromatin substance between the two daughter nuclei. This substance is evidently so important that no rough and ready division will suffice. It is probable, as we shall see later on, that the chromomeres of which each chromosome is composed have different properties, and that it is necessary, in ordinary cell- division, not only that the chromosome as a whole shall be divided into two parts but that eacli daughter nucleus shall have its share of each individual chromomere (compare Fig. 77). In other words a qualitative as well as a quantitative division of the chromatin material has to be effected, and this is secured by the longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes. A transverse division would only result in the separation of the chromomeres into two groups, but the longitudinal division involves each one. According to some observers the fibres of the nuclear spindle are actively contractile and actually pull the two halves of each split chromosome asunder. Others maintain that the centro- somes attract the chromosomes in somewhat the same way as the poles of a horse-shoe magnet attract iron filings sprinkled between them. Of late years the electro-magnetic explanation has been coming MITOTIC DIVISION OF CELLS 75 more prominently to the front. Thus Gallardo has suggested that the chromatin substance is charged with negative and the cytoplasmic colloids with positive electricity, while the centro- somes are capable of acquiring a positive potential higher than that of the general cytoplasm. Increase of this potential causes the centrosome to divide and the radiations which form the asters and spindle indicate lines of force in the cytoplasm. The two daughter centrosomes, inasmuch as they bear like charges of electricity, repel one another. In a similar way the chromosomes divide under the influence of their high negative charges and the two halves of each repel one another and are at the same time attracted by the positive centrosomes. The two new groups of negatively charged chromosomes then attract the positive cytoplasm in opposite directions and thus the division of the cell body follows upon that of the nucleus. Whatever may be the physical explanation of these complex phenomena, we must think of them as lying at the root of all normal processes of growth and multiplication in the higher plants and animals. With comparatively rare exceptions, some of which will be mentioned later on, every one of the innumer- able series of cell-divisions initiated by the fertilized ovum, and continued throughout life in the growth and repair of tissues, is accompanied by complicated processes similar to those above described. The process of cell-multiplication, however, is frequently confined in adult organisms to certain regions. Thus, as we have already seen, in the higher animals the growth of the epidermis depends upon cell-divisions which go on only in its deepest layer, the stratum Malpighii (Fig. 18, a.m.). Most of the cells in the body sooner or later lose the power of division, but they are then usually short-lived, as in the case of those cells which form the outer layers of the epidermis and which rapidly become converted into more or less horny scales to be cast off on reaching the surface. The majority of the tissues are thus renewed throughout life by the mitotic activity of some unspecialized cell-group, a high degree of specialization in the tissue cells of the higher organisms being always, as we have already seen in the case of red blood corpuscles and nerve cells, accompanied by the loss of the power of multiplication. The limitation of cell-multiplication to definite circumscribed regions of the body is perhaps best seen in the case of the higher 76 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY plants, where the various meristematic or actively dividing tissues remain in an undifferentiated embryonic condition and give rise to those additions to the permanent tissues whereby growth is effected. Such actively dividing meristem is found at the growing points of stems and roots, where it serves to bring about growth in length, and in the cambium, which serves, by the addition of new elements to the wood and the bast, to bring about growth in thickness. The microscopic appearance of such a meristematic tissue, FIG. 33. — Part of a longitudinal Section of the actively growing Eoot of a Hyacinth (Galtonia candicans) showing the Nuclei of the Cells in various stages of mitotic Division, A X 280 ; B X 640. (From photographs.) when suitably stained and prepared for examination, is shown in Fig. 33, taken from photographs of part of a longitudinal section of the growing point of the root of a hyacinth (Galtonia candicans). The cell-walls are as yet thin and inconspicuous and filled with dense protoplasm, while the conspicuous nuclei exhibit all stages of mitosis, the whole forming a striking contrast to the dead tissues, such as cork and wood, of which the bulk of many plants is made up, and which consists merely of cell-walls without any protoplasmic contents (cf. Figs. 6 and 7). Mitosis in the cells of the higher plants is usually, though by MITOSIS IN PLANT CELLS 77 no means always, characterized by the absence of recognizable centrosomes. The actual appearance of some of the principal stages in the process is shown more highly magnified in Fig. 34, A, FIG. 34. — Six selected Stages in the mitotic Division of the Nucleus in the growing Boot of Oaltonia candicans, X 1120. (From photographs.) A. Resting nucleus with large nueleolus (Nuls.), B. Spireme stage, with coiled chromatin thread. C. The spireme thread has broken up into chromosomes which are forming the equa- torial plate. D. The chromosomes have split longitudinally and the two groups of daughter chromo- somes thus formed are passing to opposite poles of the spindle. E. Formation of the cell-plate (c.p.) across the equator of the nuclear spindle. F. Completion of the cell-division, and disappearance of the individual chromosomes in the daughter nuclei. which represents a series of six selected stages arranged in proper sequence, reproduced from photo-micrographs. Fig. 34, A represents the so-called resting stage of the nucleus, in which it will be noticed that there is, in addition to the minute, scattered chromatin granules, a large spherical chromatin nueleolus or karyosome (Nuls.). 13 shows the spireme 78 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY stage, with the chromatin granules collected together in a long spirally coiled thread and the nucleolus still very conspicuous. C shows the group of chromosomes formed by transverse breaking UCCj* as.--- A. chr. C. FIG. 35. — Mitosis in the segmenting Egg of the Horse- Worm (Ascarfs m-fytilo- cephahi), x 770. (From photographs.) A. Lateral view of the egg during the first cleavage; showing the nuclear spindle (sp.), the equatorial plate (aeq.), one of the two centrosonies (c.s.), the other being out of focus, and the asters (as.) formed by fine threads of protoplasm radiating from around the centrosonies. Polar bodies (p.b.) are also shown. B. The same stage viewed from one pole, showing the four V-shaped chromosomes (chr.) in the equatorial plate. C. The first division is completed and the nuclei have again passed into the spireme stage. A polar body (p.b.) is still visible. D. Each of the first two blastomeres has again reached the stage represented in A and B. up of the spireme thread. The karyosome has now disappeared, having apparently been used up in the formation of the chromo- somes. D shows the two groups of daughter chromosomes formed by longitudinal splitting of the parent chromosomes and retreating towards the two ends of the spindle, which is only MITOSIS IN ANIMAL CELLS 79 faintly visible. E shows the commencement of the cell-plate (c.p.) across the middle of the spindle, and F the two young daughter cells each with a new nucleus in which the chromo- somes have again broken up into granules. It is only by the examination of large numbers of examples that all the minute details of the process can be elucidated, but the main features as represented in the above figures can very easily be made out. For comparison with the process of mitosis as seen in typical plants such as Galtonia, we may take the first division of the fertilized egg in the horse-worm, Ascaris, a classical subject from the study of wbich much of our knowledge of nuclear division in animal cells has been derived. In this case there are only four chromosomes, but they are large and conspicuous, and charac- teristically V-shaped when forming the equatorial plate on the spindle. Fig. 35 is again taken from actual photographs. In this figure, A represents a side view of the entire egg-cell during the division of the nucleus, with spindle (sp.), asters (as.), centrosomes (one only of which, cs., appears in the photograph, the other being out of focus), and equatorial plate (acq.). 13 shows a similar stage viewed from one pole, so that the spindle itself does not appear, but the four chromosomes forming the equatorial plate are distinctly visible. C shows the two daughter cells or blastomeres resulting from the first division of the egg, each with the nucleus preparing for further division, and I) represents a later stage in which the nucleus of each daughter cell is again actually in process of division and shows the separate chromosomes very distinctly. It must not be supposed that the phenomena of mitosis are by any means confined to the higher animals and plants ; they are observable throughout the animal and vegetable kingdoms, in unicellular as well as multicellular forms. The process has long been known to take place, for example, in at any rate some Amcebre, and it probably occurs wherever there is a clearly differentiated nucleus. The Bacteria and their allies, in which the chromatin granules are scattered throughout the cell body and there is no proper differentiation into cytoplasm and nucleus, apparently form exceptions to the general rule. There are, however, even amongst the higher animals, some cases of cell-division which do not exhibit mitotic phenomena, but in 80 which the nucleus appears simply to constrict into two or more parts (Fig. 36) . This is known as direct or amitotic nuclear division. It is frequently met with in degenerating cells and patho- logical tissues, but it is doubtful if it ever occurs (in the higher organisms at any rate) in cells which are destined to undergo long - continued multiplication. We may therefore regard it as a more or less abnormal process with which we have no need to concern ourselves any further. The phenomena of mitosis, on the other hand, are thoroughly normal and practically universal, and, as we shall see later on, they are of the deepest significance from the point of view of the theories of heredity and variation. FlG. 36. — Amitotic nuclear Division as seen in Cells from the Cavity of the Puraphysis in Sphenodon, X 1000. nu. nuclei. PART II.— THE EVOLUTION OF SEX CHAPTEE VII Limitation of the powers of cell-division — Eejuvenescence by conjugation of gametes — The origin of sex in the Protista. BY the process of cell-division an unbroken continuity has been established in the chain of living things from the earliest appearance of unicellular organisms to the present day. Every cell is the descendant of pre-existing cells and, in accordance with the theory of evolution, all cells which exist to-day, distri- buted amongst the bodies of countless millions of different organisms, could, if our knowledge were sufficiently complete, be traced back to a single ancestral cell. It by no means follows from these considerations, however, that there is, under natural conditions, no limit to the ordinary process of cell-division. On the contrary it is well known that in any cell family, whether belonging to a unicellular or a multi- cellular organism, the power of multiplication tends to become exhausted, and, if that particular cell family is to continue its existence, has to be in some way renewed. Take, for example, an ordinary ciliate or flagellate Protozoon, which multiplies by simple fission. If a single individual be isolated and placed in water containing suitable food material, and kept under suitable conditions of temperature, light and so forth, it will multiply very rapidly, until possibly hundreds of generations of separate cells have been produced and the total number increased perhaps to millions. But under ordinary circumstances a time presently arrives when the individuals begin to show signs of exhaustion, accompanied by physical degeneration, and to slack off in their rate of multiplication. They may be stimulated to renewed activity for a time by special feeding or by constantly varying the culture medium,1 but in a 1 Mr. L. L. Woodruff has kept a culture of Paramcecium under observation for nearly three and a half years, taking precautions to prevent the possibility of con- jugation, but constantly varying the culture medium. During this time more than two thousand generations of Paramcecium were produced by repeated fission — an B. G 82 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY state of nature the chief if not the only means by which the family can be kept from speedy extinction is conjugation, the FIG. 37. — Life History of Copromonas. (From Bourne's " Comparative Anatomy," after Dobell.) cv., contractile vacuole; cpJi., cell pharynx; cst., cell mouth; fv., food vacuole; N., nucleus; R., reservoir; tr., flagellum. (For further explanation see text.) exhausted individuals approaching one another and finally uniting in pairs. In this way they appear to become rejuvenated and average of about one division every fifteen hours — and at the end of the period the organisms were still in a perfectly normal condition. 83 their failing powers of multiplication by cell-division are com- pletely restored. For the purpose of studying this process of conjugation in its primitive simplicity we can hardly do better than take the minute flagellate form Copromonas, which is found in water frequented by frogs, from the excrement of which it derives its nutriment. The adult organism (Fig. 37, A) consists of a very minute ovoid mass of protoplasm with a single flagellum (tr.) springing from the narrow end. Alongside the base of the flagellum is a definite cell mouth (cytostome, cst.) through which solid particles of food are taken into the interior of the body. Close to this there is a contractile vacuole (CT.), accompanied by a "reservoir" (K) into which it discharges. The nucleus (N) is situated nearer to the broadly rounded hinder end of the body, which may also contain a number of food-vacuoles (/#.). If the food supply be abundant the individual Copromonas will grow and presently divide into two by simple longitudinal fission, which commences at the narrow anterior end (Fig. 37, B — D). The division of the nucleus is said to be amitotic. The two daughter cells separate, feed, grow and repeat the process, and in this way a whole swarm of monads is produced. In the course of a few days, however, they appear to become exhausted and conjuga- tion sets in, the individuals uniting in pairs (Fig. 37, 2 — 5). The result of each such union is a single larger individual, which may either undergo a period of rest within the protection of a special envelope or cyst (Fig. 37, 7), or at once assume the ordinary form and begin to multiply with renewed activity (Fig. 37, V;. For the continued existence of the species it is probably necessary that the encysted monads should at some time or another be swallowed by frogs and passed out again in the faeces, in order that they may be brought in touch with the necessary food supply. We have here, as in the case of Haematococcus described in Chapter III., a perfectly typical example of conjugation1 occurring at longer or shorter intervals in the life cycle of the organism. The whole process consists in the union of two separate cells, known in this connection as gametes, to form a single cell known as the zygote, and it is of the utmost importance to observe that not only is there a union between the cytoplasm of the two gametes but the nuclei also unite to form a single zygote nucleus. Indeed, 1 Also known as syngamy or zygosis. G 2 84 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAEY BIOLOGY as we shall see later on, it is the union of the nuclei which is the really important part of the business, for in some cases (e.g., Paramo3cium) the union of the two cell bodies is a merely temporary affair, a necessary preliminary to an exchange and subsequent union of nuclei. In such simple cases as that of Copromonas we see all the essential features of the sexual process which occurs so constantly throughout the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It is evident that in itself conjugation is not a process of reproduction, for its immediate result is to halve the total number of cells instead of doubling it. It has in fact exactly the opposite effect to that of cell-division. It is a process which appears to be necessary for the rejuvenescence, at longer or shorter intervals, of exhausted cells, whereby they are endowed with renewed powers of multi- plication by ordinary cell-division. At the same time it forms the starting point of all those remarkable structural modifications of the organism, whether unicellular or multicellular, which accompany the evolution of sex. In Copromonas and in Haernatoeoceus, although there is a true sexual process, there is apparently no sexual differentiation at all ; there is no distinction between male and female gametes ; the two conjugating cells are exactly alike, and the conjugation is therefore said to be isogamous. In Copromonas, moreover, the gametes or sexual cells are indistinguishable from the ordinary individuals, every individual being at least a potential gamete. Starting from such a case as this we find, even amongst the unicellular plants and animals, every stage in the evolution of highly specialized male and female gametes, differing widely from the ordinary individuals and from each other. Conjugation will then take place between two dissimilar gametes, and is said to be anisogamous. The first hint, so to speak, of sexual differentiation is to be observed in the behaviour of the conjugating gametes; it is a physiological rather than a structural or morphological phenomenon, and consists in the fact that one gamete is active while the other remains comparatively passive. We shall find that this distinction lies at the root of all sexual differentiation throughout the animal and vegetable kingdoms. The more active gamete is spoken of as male and the more passive as female. The passivity of the female is intimately associated with and probably to a large extent dependent upon the fact that it contains more SEXUAL DIFFEBENTIATION 85 cytoplasm and is therefore more heavily weighted than the male gamete. This cytoplasm, moreover, is in many cases densely charged with food material, which constitutes the capital with which the zygote, formed by the union of the two gametes, has to begin its new life cycle. It is quite clear that the primary distinction between the sexes is a simple case of division of labour accompanied by a corresponding structural differentiation. Two ends have to be secured by the gametes. They must come together in order that they may conjugate, and therefore one or both must be capable of active locomotion. They must also contain between them sufficient material, either in the form of actual protoplasm or of some substance that can easily be worked up into protoplasm, to give the new individual which results from their union a fair start in life. A cell body heavily weighted with food material is, however, clearly incompatible with great activity, so one of the two gametes remains unencumbered and becomes specialized as the active partner, charged with the duty of seeking out its mate and bringing about their union, while the other, more or less burdened with the necessary supplies, passively awaits the event. The conjugation of such differentiated gametes leads to a more satisfactory result than can be attained in cases of isogamy like that of Copromonas, for the new individual will have a better chance in life owing to the greater amount of capital with which it commences. Such sexual differentiation of the gametes finds its most complete expression in the formation of female ova and male spermatozoa, which are especially characteristic of the higher animals (compare Fig. 69), though they also occur in many plants and even in some unicellular forms. The process of conjugation in such a case is often spoken of as the fertiliza- tion of the ovum by the spermatozoon. These considerations enable us to understand at once the great difference in size which usually distinguishes the male from the female gamete, whence the general terms microgametes and mega- gametes so often applied to them. The microgamete is as small as possible in order that its activity may not be impaired ; the megagamete is swollen out with nutrient material. We may illustrate these general principles by a brief description of a few more cases of conjugation amongst unicellular organisms. Bodo, or Heteromita (Fig. 38), is a very minute flagellate monad 86 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY FIG. 38. — Life History of Bodo, or the Springing Monad, very highly magnified. (From Dallinger and Drysdale.) A. Ordinary individual. B., C. Multiplication by longitudinal fission (the nucleus divides and the cell body and both flagella split 'lengthwise). D — F. Multiplication by transverse fission (the nucleus and cell body divide, the trailing flagellum splits lengthwise and a new anterior flagellum is budded out at one end). G. Two gametes about to conjugate. H. Conjugation. J. Zygote formed by conjugation, witli flagella still attached. K. Fully formed zygote. L. Escape of spores by rupture of the zygote wall. M. Development of the spores, a./., anterior flagellum; a'.f., new anterior flagellum sprouting out; mi., nucleus; sp., spores; t.f., trailing flagellum ; zyg.nu., zygote nucleus. LIFE HISTORY OF BODO 87 which occurs in long-standing infusions of cod's head. It differs from Copromonas chiefly in the possession of two flagella and in the absence of a cell mouth, all its food being taken in in a state of solution by diffusion through the thin cell membrane. The two flagella both spring from the beak-like anterior extremity. One (A, a.f.) extends forwards and by its movements enables the organism to swim actively about, the other (A, £/.) hangs down and is trailed behind during active locomotion. The monad anchors itself by the trailing flagellum and then, by coiling and uncoiling the latter, executes characteristic springing movements. Asexual reproduction (i.e., reproduction without any sexual process) is effected by simple fission, which may be either longitudinal (B, C) or transverse (D — F). There are no structurally differentiated gametes or sexual cells, but conjugation (G — J) is effected between two apparently similar individuals which are indistinguishable from the ordinary form. It is noteworthy, however, that one of the two gametes at the time of union is anchored, while the other swims actively up to it, and thus we get a slight indication of physiological differentiation into active and passive, or male and female. The male gamete also arises by a somewhat peculiar method of fission. Conjugation of the two gametes produces a zygote which has somewhat the shape of a triangular sac (K). The flagella disappear and in the interior of the sac cell-division goes on with great rapidity, giving rise to an immense number of very minute spores, which ultimately escape from the corners of the sac in the form of very fine dust (L, sp.). Each spore no doubt is a minute nucleated cell, but it is so small that the nucleus cannot at first be made out. It grows by absorbing liquid food from the infusion in which it lives, and as it grows the nucleus becomes apparent, flagella are put forth, and the adult form is gradually attained (M). We have here a striking illustration of the fact that the most obvious result of conjugation is an increase of the power of cell-division. As a case of complete morphological as well as physiological differentiation between male and female gametes in a unicellular organism we may take that of Coccidium scltubergi, which occurs as a parasite in the intestine of a centipede (Lithobius forficatus). The life history of this remarkable protozoon is very com- plicated and it is not necessary for our purposes to describe it in detail. The adult organisms occur in the form of spherical nucleated cells, each actually inside one of the epithelial cells 88 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAEY BIOLOGY which line the intestine of the host and upon which the parasites feed (Fig. 39, A.). The latter increase in number very rapidly by a kind of multiple fission, and successive generations of parasites attack fresh epithelial cells of the host until the epithelium is more or less completely destroyed. After many generations have been produced asexually in this manner a sexual process sets in. Megagametes and microgametes are pro- duced ; the former by growth of an ordinary individual into a large spherical ovum, or egg-cell (Fig. 39, B., ? gam.), the latter by growth and division of an ordinary individual into a number $ gram. A. B. FIG. 39. — Coccidium schulergi, highly magnified. (After Schaudinn.) A. A full grown Coccidium lying within an epithelial cell of the host. B. Male and female gametes about to conjugate. coc., the Coccidium ; c.r., the cone of reception put out by the female gamete ; nil., nucleus of female gamete ; nil. coc., nucleus of adult Coccidium ; nu.ep., nucleus of epithelial cell of host ; £ gam., male gamete or spermatozoon ; % gam., female gamete or ovum. of very much smaller spermatozoa or sperm cells (Fig. 39, B., cf gam.). The ovum is densely filled with food granules and has no power of locomotion. The spermatozoon closely resembles a flagellate monad, being provided with a pair of flagella by means of which it swims actively about ; the body, however, is long and slender and consists almost entirely of nuclear (chromatin) material. It seeks out the ovum, which exercises a peculiar attraction upon it, and the two conjugate, the spermatozoon boring its way into the ovum and their nuclei fusing to form the zygote nucleus. The only trace of activity, apart from nuclear phenomena, which the ovum exhibits is the protrusion of a small " cone of recep- tion " (Fig. 39, B. c.r.) from the surface of the cell towards the approaching spermatozoon, which seems to indicate that the ORIGIN OF SEX IN PLANTS 89 attraction is mutual. The process of conjugation is followed as usual by cell-division on the part of the zygote, which in this case results in the formation of a small number of comparatively large spores, enclosed in tough protective envelopes. From these spores new individuals are produced which, under favour- able circumstances, commence the life cycle afresh. It is extremely interesting to observe that we have here, in a unicellular Protozoon, as complete a sexual differentiation of the gametes as we meet with in any of even the most highly organized plants and animals. We must now briefly notice the sexual phenomena exhibited by those interesting Protista which we have already had occasion to refer to in Chapter IV. under the name Phytoflagellata. It will be remembered that in Haematococcus (Fig. 5) the process of simple fission sometimes results in the production of a relatively large number (32 — 64) of small individuals instead of the usual four comparatively large ones. These small individuals are specialized gametes, differing from the large ones not only as regards size but also in the absence of the characteristic cell-wall of the latter. There is, however, no differentiation into male and female. Conjugation is of the isogamous type and produces a zygote which grows into an ordinary resting cell which will presently begin to multiply actively by ordinary fission. We have also seen that this organism forms the starting point of a series of forms, represented by the genera Haematococcus, Pandorina, Eudorina and Volvox, which illustrate progressive stages in the process of colony formation. The same series also shows us very clearly the differentiation between male and female gametes — the origin of sex in the vegetable kingdom. It will be remembered that Pandorina forms colonies of sixteen or thirty- two cells enclosed in a common envelope (Fig. 10, A). A sexual multiplication is effected by each cell of the colony dividing into 2, 4, 8, and finally 16 or 32, which form a daughter colony within the parent, to be liberated presently by softening of the parental envelope. Occasionally, however, the individual cells of a colony divide each into eight gametes. These are small cells, each with a pair of flagella, which escape and swim about separately. They exhibit no clear distinction into male and female, but some are comparatively large, some small, and some intermediate in size. They conjugate in pairs (Fig. 10, B), and the two members of a conjugating pair are often, though apparently not always, of 90 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY different sizes. It is probable that we have here a kind of foreshadowing of that sharp differentiation into large (female) 8 S £-. 00 173 a ^~ 3 ^3 C S, „ | ft -2 7t 3 •M a — X O 0) '£ T3 cS _g ^£ ^ O .IH ~ x' ce'_g 1 ri O w oH S o g hi a .i O a: 5.1 P< "" «f 5 ' ai •S 1: 1 "* o >> '-H o O be be .5 ^ -2 — 1 0> 5S "S"" 3n3 >S ^ s — bcj Jf 8^ ' | -- o> '^ S = 1 T O c3 G "S lg> ^? a"^ "c.2 7-i — Qi ^^ .2 r s o ^ > "o.i: ^^ £ 11 2° 3* 2 S* N ^ ^" megagametes and small (male) microgametes of which we have already spoken. In Eudorina, which forms colonies somewhat similar to those of Pandorina, this differentiation is already fully expressed (Fig. 40). The megagametes or ova1 differ scarcely at all from ordinary 1 Often termed by botanists oospheres. SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PROTOPHYTA 91 individuals. They are shown imbedded in the gelatinous matrix of the large colony on the left of the figure. The micro- gametes or spermatozoa,1 on the other hand, are much smaller, club-shaped bodies, having a characteristic yellowish colour and with a pair of flagella at the narrow, pointed end (Fig. 40, M3). They are produced in bundles of sixty-four by repeated divi- sion of a mother cell (Fig. 40, II — VI). Thus the male and female gametes, spermatozoa and ova, do not occur together in the same colony, but the colonies, when they consist of gametes and not of ordinary individuals, contain only one or the other kind. Hence the sexual differentiation is in this case extended from the gametes themselves to the colonies which bear them, and we may recognize colonies of three kinds : (1) Asexual, which produce no gametes and reproduce by ordinary fission of all or any of the component cells, (2) male sexual, which produce microgametes or spermatozoa, and (3) female sexual, which produce megagametes or ova. The bundles or colonies of microgametes (Fig. 40, MI, M2) swim about actively by means of their flagella, apparently in search of the larger and much less active female colonies (Fig. 40, I). Having found such a colony the now separated microgametes (Fig. 40, M3) bore their way in, ultimately conjugating with the megagametes to form zygotes. In any one colony of Pandorina or Eudorina the constituent cells are all of one kind, all ordinary asexual cells or all male gametes or all female gametes. In Volvox (Fig. 11) we meet with a further advance. Even in asexual colonies which do not produce gametes at all we find the cells differentiated in so far that some only are capable of giving rise (asexually) to daughter colonies, while in the female colonies only some of the cells form female gametes or ova (Fig. 11, A, o). The male gametes (Fig. 11, B — D) are very similar to those of Eudorina. They unite with the female gametes to form zygotes, which, after a period of rest, develop into new Volvox colonies. In order to emphasize the fact that the process of conjugation is essentially a nuclear phenomenon we may now turn to the case of Paramoecium. The general appearance and structure of this protozoon have been described in Chapter IV. (Fig. 8). It multiplies by simple transverse fission, and under favourable conditions continues to do so until exhaustion sets in, when its 1 Often termed by botanists spermatozoids. 92 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY failing powers are restored by conjugation. The conjugation in this case, however, is not quite like that which takes place in the other unicellular organisms which we have been studying, and the term conjugant may be applied, in preference to the term gamete, to the individuals concerned. It may easily be observed that the union of the two con- jugants (Fig. 41) is a merely temporary affair. They remain attached together by their mouth-bearing surfaces for a short I -meg. mtg.-\ — St. FJG. 41. — Diagram of the Process of Conjugation in Faramoecium. gam., gametic nuclei; M., mouth; meg., meganucleus; inic., microiiucleus ; mig., migratory nucleus ; p. b., products of the division of the microiiucleus which dis- appear (polar bodies); St., stationary nucleus ; zyg., zygote nucleus. (For further explanation see text.) time and then separate again and continue their independent lives. Before separating, however, they evidently undergo some kind of rejuvenescence whereby their vigour and power of multi- plication are completely restored. This is accounted for by the fact that during the time of their union certain complex nuclear processes take place, the net result of which is an exchange of chromatin material between the two conjugants. It will be remembered that Paramcecium differs from most Protozoa in the possession of two nuclei, large and small, or meganucleus and microiiucleus (Fig. 41, A, meg. and mic.). The 93 I latter is alone concerned in the process of conjugation, the meganucleus in the meantime breaking up and being absorbed into the cytoplasm, to be replaced in the manner described later on. We may confine our attention, therefore, to the behaviour af the micronucleus. In each conjugant this divides mitotically into two daughter nuclei (Fig. 41, B, mic.' and p.b.) each of which again divides, so that there are now four micronuclei (Fig. 41, C). Of these four three (^.£>.) go to the bad, being apparently absorbed into the cytoplasm, while the remaining one (mic.") divides once more, so that each conjugant has now again two micronuclei (Fig. 41, D). These two, though similar in appearance, differ strikingly in their behaviour, one of them remaining quiescent while the other passes over into the body of the other conjugant. They are therefore known respectively as the stationary (st.) and the migratory (miy.) micronuclei. In this way the migratory micronuclei of the two conjugants change places with one another, as indicated by the arrows, and the sole object of the temporary union of the two conjugants appears to be to enable this inter- change to take place. When it has been effected a true conjuga- tion occurs between the two micronuclei in each cell (Fig. 41, E, gam.), derived one from each conjugant. This is the real sexual process. The migratory and stationary nuclei are gametic nuclei and the result of their union is a zygote nucleus (Fig. 41, F, zyg.}. Moreover, we have here again an evident distinction into male and female gametic nuclei, characterized in the usual way by the activity of the one and the passivity of the other. The two conjugants themselves, however, cannot be distin- guished as male and female, for each produces both male and female gametic nuclei and may therefore be regarded as hermaphrodite. After the interchange of gametic nuclei has taken place the two conjugants separate as ex-conjugants (Fig. 41, F). The zygote nucleus in each divides repeatedly by mitosis and from the daughter nuclei thus produced both micronuclei and meganuclei are formed. Presently the ex-conjugants themselves begin to divide once more by fission and the new micronuclei and meganuclei are distributed amongst the new individuals (Fig. 41, G). The essential feature of this very complicated process is clearly the same as in the simpler cases which we have examined, and consists in the union of two nuclei belonging to different cells to 94 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY form a single zygote nucleus which has renewed powers of multiplication by division. As already observed, the micronucleus alone takes part in the process, the meganucleus being merely concerned in the life of the individual and its asexual multiplication by simple fission. CHAPTER VIII Sexual phenomena in multicellular plants — The distinction between somatic cells and germ cells — Alternation of sexual and asexual generations — Suppression of the gametophyte in flowering plants. WHEN we consider the habit of colony formation which is so common amongst the Protophyta, and which we have discussed in the cases of Pandorina, Eudorina and Volvox, we see at once that it is impossible to draw any strictly logical distinction between such primitive forms and the true multi- cellular plants or Metaphyta. . The common fresh water alga, Spirogyra, for example, might be regarded either as a colony of single cells or as a very simple multicellular plant in which the constituent cells exhibit little or no differentiation amongst themselves. In any case it forms a very convenient start- ing point for the consideration of the sexual phenomena met with in Metaphyta, being in this respect actually in a much more primitive condition than either Eudorina or Volvox. The fully developed Spirogyra plants con- sist of long green filaments of hair-like dimensions, which float in loose slimy masses in clear fresh water. Each filament consists of a single row of cylindrical cells placed end to end, each cell being enclosed in a thin, transparent wall of cellulose (Fig. 42, c.w.), whereby its protoplasmic contents are completely separated from those of adjacent cells. The cytoplasm forms a thin primordial utricle (p.u.), lining the cell-wall and enclosing a large vacuole (vac.) filled with colourless, watery cell-sap, in which a more or less central mass of cytoplasm, containing the FlG. 42.— Part of a filament of Spiro- gyra, showing one complete cell and parts of two others ; highly magnified. c.w., cell-wall; cr., chro- ma tophore ; nu., nucleus ; p.u., pri- mordial utricle; pyr., pyrenoid ; -str., strands of proto- plasm; vac., vacuole. 96 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY nucleus (nn.), is suspended by slender radiating protoplasmic threads (str.). So far, both in structure and arrangement of its component cells, the plant closely resembles a single hair of Tradescantia (compare Fig. 25). It differs, however, in the presence in each cell of one or more conspicuous chloroplastids or chroma- tophores (cr.), coloured bright green by chlorophyll and wound spirally round and round inside the cell-wall, like pieces of ribbon. It is from these characteristic structures that the name Spirogyra is derived. The filaments increase in length by transverse fission of the component cells. Every cell, however, or to speak more accurately its protoplasmic con- tents, must also be looked upon as a potential gamete. Conjugation in some species takes place between the cells of two filaments which are lying side by side, parallel with one another (Figs. 43, 44). In others it lakes place between adjacent cells of the same filament, but we may confine our attention to the former case. The first indication of the process is seen in the formation of a small, hollow pro-: tuberance on the wall of one of a pair of cells which happen to be more or less opposite to each other (Fig. 44, a.). This is shortly followed by the forma- tion of a similar protuberance on the wall of the other cell (/>.). The two protuberances meet (c.) and fuse together, and the cell-walls at the point of union are dissolved away (d.). Thus a hollow canal is formed placing the cavities of the two conjugating cells in free communication with one another. In the meantime changes are going on in the protoplasmic contents of the conjugating cells, essentially similar in the two members of each pair but with one cell still taking the lead and the other lagging somewhat FIG. 43. — Conjugation in Spirogyra, showing in one Filament solitary Cells (s.c.) which have failed to mate, and in the other Zygotes (zyg.), X 82. (From a photograph.) CONJUGATION IN SPIROGYRA 97 behind. The chloroplastid breaks up ; the primordial utricle retreats from the cell-wall towards the middle, and the entire protoplasmic contents round themselves off into a compact nucleated mass — -the gamete (yam.). The time has now arrived for the all-important event ; the gamete from one cell-chamber creeps through the canal into the other chamber and conjugates with the gamete which there awaits it (Fig. 44, ), which serve as organs of flotation. The histological structure of the plant is comparatively simple and need not detain us ; we are concerned only with its reproductive processes. Fucus vesiculosus is dioecious or unisexual, there being distinct H 2 100 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY male and female plants. In both cases certain branches (/), usually described as fertile, are characterized by the presence of numerous minute spherical pits, opening on to the surface by narrow mouths. These pits or conceptacles, one of which is -represented in vertical section in Fig. 46, contain the sexual organs, male antheridia or female oogonia, as the case may be, intermingled with hair-like structures known as paraphyses. The antheridia (Fig. 47, a) are attached to the branching paraphyses in the male a FIG. 47. — Fucus vesiculosus. a, branching paraphysis from male conceptacle, bearing antheridia ; b, an oogoiiium surrounded by unbranched paraphyses and with its contents divided into eight ova ; c, a discharged ovum surrounded by spermatozoa, one of which will fertilize it ; d, a developing embryo ; all x 160. (From Vines' " Botany," after Thuret.) conceptacles in the form of small sacs in which the male gametes (spermatozoa) are produced. These are minute, nucleated, pear- shaped cells, each with two flagella ; they are produced in large numbers in each antheridium and set free by rupture of the wall of the latter to make their way out of the opening of the conceptacle by their own activity. The oogonia are oval sacs, a good deal larger than the antheridia, and occur amongst the hair-like paraphyses in the female con- ceptacles (Fig. 46). In each oogonium (Fig. 47, 1) eight female gametes (egg cells, ova or oospheres) are formed by cell-division. These are spherical, nucleated cells, very much larger than the ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS IN PLANTS 101 spermatozoa, owing to the great amount of cytoplasm which they contain. They are liberated by rupture of the oogonium and discharged through the opening of the conceptacle on to the surface of the plant. There they are found by the spermatozoa, which swarm around them in large numbers, endeavouring to conjugate (Fig. 47, c). Finally a single spermatozoon succeeds in boring its way into each large egg cell, and fertilization is effected by the union of the male and female nuclei. The zygote, well supplied with food material by the egg cell, begins to undergo cell-division immediately, forming a multicellular embryo (Fig. 47, d) which attaches itself by roots and grows into a plant resembling the parents. Here we have a perfectly typical case of differentiation of the gametes or germ cells into large passive female ova and small active male spermatozoa, and conjugation is anisogamous, the ovum being " fertilized " by the spermatozoon. In the ferns, mosses and other more highly organized plants a new complication is introduced by the fact that two distinct forms of the plant alternate with one another in the life cycle. In one only of these forms, known accordingly as the gametophyte, does a sexual process occur ; the other, known as the sporophyte, reproduces by means of unicellular spores, which are produced asexually and develop into new individuals without any process of conjugation. The gametes or germ cells, borne on the gameto- phyte, on the other hand, conjugate, and the zygote develops, not into another gametophyte but into a sporophyte, while, conversely, the spores produced by the sporophyte develop into gametophytes. This alternation of sexual and asexual generations is a phenomenon of very wide-spread occurrence in the vegetable kingdom, and, as we shall see in our next chapter, something of the same kind occurs also in certain multicellular animals. Take, for example, any ordinary fern. The conspicuous plant (Fig. 48) is the sporophyte. It is very highly organized and shows the typical differentiation into root, stem and leaf met with in all the higher groups of the vegetable kingdom. Some or all of the leaves sooner or later produce on their lower surfaces sporangia (Fig. 48, A, C), little sac-shaped structures in which the spores arise by division of mother cells into fours. These spores are liberated, by rupture of the sporangia, in the form of fine brown dust, which may be carried to considerable distances by the wind. 102 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY •FiG. 48. —The Sporophyte Generation of a Fern, Aspidium filix mas. (From Strasburger.) A, section through a sorus or group of sporangia, covered by the indusium ( x 20, after Kny) ; B, lower surface of a pinna, showing the indusia covering the sori ; C, lower surface of a pinna with the sori exposed. LIFE HISTORY OF A FERN 103 FIG. 49. — Diagram of a young Prothallus (pth.) formed by Germination of a Fern Spore. rh., rhizoid or root hair; sp.c., spore coat. If one of them alights on a suitable spot, in a moist and shady situation, it may germinate (Fig. 49). Its thick outer wall rup- tures and a delicate tube is put forth, containing the pro- toplasm and nucleus. Cell- division takes place and results presently in the formation of the gametophyte. The gametophyte of the fern (Fig. 50) is known as a prothallus. It is an indepen- dent, self-supporting plant, but much less highly orga- nized than the sporophyte, consisting usually of a green, heart- shaped plate of cells, not more than perhaps a quarter of an inch in diameter, and attached to the substratum by delicate hair-like rhizoids. It develops no vascular system but never- theless obtains its food in the same way as the sporophyte, absorbing water containing dis- solved mineral salts from the soil by means of its rhizoids, and splitting up carbon dioxide, obtained from the air, by aid of its chlorophyll. Such pro- thalli are frequently to be found attached to the surfaces of flower- pots and walls in damp greenhouses and other places where ferns are grown. The sexual organs, male antheridia (Fig. 50, an) and female archegonia (Fig. 50, ar), are, like the rhizoids, found on the lower surface of the prothallus, both usually occurring on one and the same plant, which is therefore mono3cious or hermaphrodite. The antheridia (Fig. 51, a) are essentially similar FIG. 50. — The Gametophyte Generation or Pro- thallus of a Fern, Aspidium filix mas, X 8. (From Strasburger.) A, lower surface of a sexually mature prothallus, showing antheridia (an), archegonia (ar), and rhizoids (rJi). B, an older prothallus with the young sporophyte genera- tion or fern plant (b, w) attached to it. 104 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY to those of Fucus, being hollow sacs in which the male gametes are developed. The latter (Fig. 51, s.) are active spermatozoa, each having a spirally coiled body, consisting chiefly of chromatin material, and bearing a bunch of cilia at one end, by the vibration of which the gamete swims actively about in any dew or other moisture which may be deposited on the prothallus. The archegonia (Fig. 52) differ considerably from the oogonia of Fucus, having a characteristic structure which is more or less accurately repeated in the corre- sponding organs of all the higher plants. Each consists of a hollow swollen venter, sunk in the tissue of the prothallus, and a long neck which projects from the surface, and the wall of which is composed of four rows of cells. The venter contains a single relatively large ovum or oosphere (Figs. 52, A, o, and 52, B), above which an axial row of canal cells (A"', A") FIG. 51. — Antheridiumof a Fern, discharging Spermatozoa (Antherozoids) from its opening, highly magnified. (From Vines' " Botany.") a, antheridium ; s, spermatozoon. FIG. 52. — Archegonia of a Fern, Pdypodium vulgare, X 2J.O. (From Strasburger.) A, young, showing ovum (o) and canal ce\ls(K', J£"),and with the end of the neck closed. S, mature, with the end of the neck open. extends into the neck. When the ovum is ready for fertilization the canal cells degenerate into mucilage and the cells at the end CONJUGATION IN FERNS 105 of the neck separate so as to form an opening (Fig. 52, B). The spermatozoa appear to be attracted to the opening by an acid secretion discharged therefrom. One of them makes its way down the neck to the ovum and fertilizes it by the usual process of conjugation. The zygote begins to develop, by cell-division, within the venter of the archegonium,and forms a young sporophyte, which for some time remains attached to the prothallus as shown in Fig. 50, B, drawing nutriment therefrom by means of a special temporary organ known as the foot. Presently, root, stem and leaf are developed and the sporophyte becomes self-supporting. One very remarkable fact in connection with the sexual process in the fern remains to be noticed. The gametes, as we have seen, are normally produced in special sexual organs and are themselves perhaps as highly differentiated in relation to the function of conjugation as gametes ever are. It has been found, however, that if the normal sexual union between ova and spermatozoa be prevented a conjugation may take place between nuclei from adjacent vegetative cells of the prothallus, resulting in the formation of an embryo sporophyte by so-called apogamy. In these cases it is obvious that the sexual process is not really suppressed, but simply transferred to ordinary prothallial cells, which, though they do not conjugate under normal circumstances, have retained the power of so doing when occasion arises. It seems probable, however, that in some cases true apogamy, or suppression of the sexual process, occurs, the embryo sporophyte arising from the prothallus without any conjugation of gametes. The gametophyte or prothallus of an ordinary fern is, as we have already seen, produced by the development of a unicellular spore (Fig. 49), and in most cases is monoecious or hermaphro- dite, bearing both male and female sexual organs and male and female gametes. In the less commonly known and not very fern-like " heterosporous " forms, however (Isoetes, Salvinia and Marsilea), the gametophyte is dioecious or unisexual, there being distinct male and female prothalli, and this sexual differentia- tion affects not only the prothalli themselves but the spores from which these are developed. Hence in these forms we find small microspores which produce male prothalli, and large megaspores which produce female prothalli. The spores themselves are set free from the parent sporophyte, but the prothalli are very much 106 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY reduced in size and never become free from the spores ; they nevertheless develop antheridia and archegonia respectively, in which spermatozoa and ova are produced, and from the conjugation of these arise zygotes or fertilized ova which develop into new sporophytes. We have briefly noticed these heterosporous ferns because, as regards the sexual phenomena which they exhibit, they constitute a very interesting connecting link between the ordinary (homosporous) ferns, which produce only one kind of spore, and the highest members of the vegetable series, the flowering plants. In the flowering plants an alternation of sexual and asexual generations can still be traced, but here the gametophyte is so much reduced in size and has become so degenerate in structure that it is quite inconspicuous, and can only be detected by micro- scopical examination and recognized as constituting a distinct generation in the light of our knowledge of lower forms. The flowering plant itself is the sporophyte, and it is hetero- sporous, producing microspores and megaspores. The pollen grains are the microspores, while the megaspores are represented by the embryo sacs enclosed within the ovules or unripe seeds. The microspores, like the spores of ferns, are set free from the parent sporophyte, the megaspores. however, are never set free as such, and in neither case does the gametophyte become free from the spore. The terms pollen grain and embryo sac were applied to the structures in question long before their true nature as microspores and megaspores was recognized, and they have '. become so firmly established that it is hardly possible to avoid using them. If we examine any typical, fully developed flower, such as is represented diagrammatically in Fig. 53, we shall find that it consists of four whorls or circlets of specially modified leaves. Beginning at the outside we find first the calyx (Ke), composed of a number of sepals, which usually, but by no means always, retain the green colour characteristic of leaves and serve mainly for the protection of the inner parts of the flower while in the bud ; then the corolla (/£), composed of petals, which may be brightly coloured and serve to attract insects ; then the andrcecium, composed of stamens (a,/); and lastly, in the centre of the flower, the gynoecium or pistil (n, g, F), composed of carpels. The stamens and carpels are often spoken of as the essential STRUCTURE OF A FLOWER 107 parts of the flower. They are really to be regarded as spore- bearing leaves or sporophylls. Each stamen consists usually of a long stalk or filament (/), bearing an anther (a) at its extremity. The anther is a bilobed structure, and each lobe contains two chambers, or pollen sacs, in which the pollen grains (p) are formed by the division of mother cells into fours, just as the spores of an ordinary fern are developed within the spo- rangia. The pollen sacs are, in fact, nothing but sporangia— and microsporangia, because they contain microspores. The pistil is formed of a vary- ing number of carpels, which, either singly or united, give rise to a closed chamber below, the so-called ovary1 (F), surmounted by a longer or shorter style (g), ending above in a rounded viscid surface, the stigma (?i). In the interior of the ovary, attached to the carpels, are developed the FIG. _53.— Diagram of a typical ovules (S), which are nothing but sporangia (megasporangia) enclosed each in a double enve- lope (i). In each ovule a single embryo sac or megaspore (em) is produced. Only one ovule is represented in the diagram, but there are usually a large number in each ovary. Having thus briefly described the parts of the sporophyte with which we are immediately concerned, we must turn our attention for a few moments to the gametophyte. The male gametophyte, which never consists of more than a very small number of cells, is developed from the pollen grain or microspore. This latter is at first a perfectly typical unicellular spore, with a single nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm, and the whole enclosed in a thick protective cell-wall often ornamented with microscopic sculpture of various patterns. The commencement 1 This is a very unfortunate name because the structure in question is an entirely different kind of organ from the ovary of animals. Flower in vertical Section. (From Vines' " Botany.") a, anther ; em, embryo sac ; E, ovum ; /, filament of stamen ; F, wall of ovary ; g, style ; i, integument of ovule ; K, corolla ; Ke, calyx ; n, stigma ; p, pollen grains ; ps, pollen tube ; S, ovule. 108 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY It- of germination of this spore in typical cases (Fig. 54) is marked by the division of the nucleus into two. Around one of these two cytoplasm collects to form a naked " antheridial cell " (HI) ; the other, with the remainder of the cytoplasm, constitutes the " vegetative cell " (k), which may or may not divide again. The antheridial cell divides into two " generative cells." The vegetative cell, or cells, represents the last vestige of the body of the male prothallus ; the generative cells are male gametes. The germination of the pollen grain and development of the male prothallus are completed by the putting forth of the pollen tube (Fig. 53, ps, Fig. 54), which takes place if the pollen grain is fortunate enough to alight upon the stigma of a flower of the right kind. The pollen tube forces its way through the loose tissue of the style to the ovary and comes into intimate rela- tions with one of the ovules contained therein. * The female gametophyte is repre- sented by a few cells formed by division of the rnegaspore (embryo sac), or rather of its nucleus, and to some extent of its cytoplasm, within the ovule. The process is a some- what complicated one, but, without going into details, we may note that at the time when the ovule is ready for " fertilization " the embryo sac in a typical flowering plant (Angiosperm) contains seven cells, one of which is a female gamete (ovum or oosphere), while the others may be taken to represent the female prothallus, including a vestige of an archegonium. The arrangement of these cells is shown in Fig. 55 (at, <>, k, s). The embryo sac or megaspore (E) is surrounded by a cellular layer known as the nucellus (Fig. 55, K), which represents the wall of the sporangium, and this in turn by two other coats (ai and ii), the outer and inner integuments of the ovule, which grow up around the nucel-lus. The entire ovule is attached to the wall of the ovary by a stalk or funiculus (/), upon which it is FIG. 54. — Germination of the Pollen Grain of Lilium martagon, X 375. (From Strasburger, after Guignard.) k, nucleus of the vegetative cell of the pollen tube ; m, antheridial cell ; g, male gametes formed by division of the antheridial cell. CONJUGATION IN FLOWERING PLANTS 109 frequently bent sharply round as shown in Fig. 55. Opposite to the spot where the funiculus is attached to the ovule an aperture is left in the integuments known as the micropyle (w). It is through this micropyle that the tip of the pollen tube usually forces its way in search of the female gamete (v/., the earthworm) are hermaphrodite, the same individual bearing both male and female gonads (testes and ovaries) with the corresponding gonoducts (vasa deferentia and oviducts). Fertilization of the ova by the spermatozoa, or in other words conjugation of the gametes, may take place either within the body of the parent, as in most terrestrial forms, or externally, as in a very large proportion of aquatic animals. In the former case special organs are developed for the transference of the sperma- tozoa from one individual to another, and such transference usually occurs even in hermaphrodite forms, which, as a rule, are incapable of self-fertilization. Further modifications may arise in connection with the nutrition of the embryo, which may remain within the body of the parent — in an enlarged portion of the oviduct known as the uterus — until it has reached an advanced stage of development. This takes place more par- ticularly in the females of the higher vertebrates. In connection with the sexual differentiation, more especially in the higher animals, numerous secondary sexual characters may arise which are not directly connected with the organs of reproduction. Such are the various ornamental out- growths of hair, feathers and so forth, which distinguish the males of many vertebrates and are supposed to appeal to the aesthetic sense and thus to contribute towards the mutual attraction between male and female, and the special weapons, such as antlers and spurs, which male animals frequently develop and which are used in combat for the possession of the females. Although not directly connected with the gonads these secondary sexual characters seem to depend for their development in some curious way upon the presence of these organs. Thus it is well known that if the testes be removed by castration the secondary sexual characters will not, in most cases at any rate, develop properly. We see an excellent illustration of this in the case of the antlers of the stag, which are confined to the male and do not develop at all if the animal be castrated in early youth, while if the operation be performed after the antlers are fully developed these are prematurely cast off and replaced by imperfect ones. 126 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY How this intimate correlation between gonads and secondary sexual characters is brought about is still uncertain, but there is strong reason to suppose that it is due to the secretion by the gonad of some specific substance (hormone), perhaps of the nature of a ferment, which circulates throughout the body- chiefly no doubt in the blood — and controls the development of the characters in question. That internal secretions may act in this way upon organs remote from their own place of origin is well known and is strikingly exemplified in the case of the corpora lutea of the mammalian ovary. These structures appear on the surface of the ovary in the places whence ova have been discharged, and are apparently of a glandular nature. As the fertilized ova pass down the oviduct they begin to develop, and on reaching the uterus fix themselves to the wall of the latter, in which they become imbedded. The spot where fixation takes place is far distant from the ovary, but it has been demonstrated that if the corpora lutea on the surface of the latter be destroyed the embryos will not become fixed at all. There is a close correlation, then, between the presence of the corpus luteum and the fixation of the embryo, and this is explained by supposing that the corpus luteum secretes some substance which, circulating in the blood, reaches the uterus and stimulates its epithelial lining to respond to contact with the embryo. Moreover, the reaction, whatever its cause, appears to be mutual, for if the discharged ovum does not get fertilized the corpus luteum does not attain its full develop- ment and soon disappears. We have now very briefly traced the evolution of sexual characters from their starting point in the male and female gametes of the Protista to their culmination in the higher plants and animals. We have seen how sexual differentiation, which primarily concerns the gametes themselves, is gradually extended to the colonies or to the multicellular individuals from which the gametes arise, or even to a preceding, originally non-sexual generation. The various structural modifications thus brought about are all directed towards one end, the conjugation of the gametes. The mutual attraction which undoubtedly exists between the gametes themselves is not sufficient, at any rate in the case of the more highly developed and complex organisms, where the distances between their places of origin are relatively very great, to secure their union. In the flowering plants their own efforts are supplemented by THE EVOLUTION OF SEX 127 all the elaborate devices for securing pollination, and by far the most active part in the process is played by external agencies, especially by those insects which have become the vicarious fertilizers of the flowers. In the -higher animals, on the other hand, the necessity for bringing the gametes into close proximity with one another has led to the development of all those secondary sexual characters, both bodily and mental, which play so conspicuous a part in the drama of life. Throughout the whole course of this remarkable process of evolution, except in the case of certain obviously degenerate forms, we observe that same fundamental distinction between the sexes which we first noticed in the gametes of unicellular organisms, and which in the higher animals is extended with the sexual differentiation itself from the gametes to the complex multicellular body which bears them. The female is the more passive partner and is especially concerned with the nutrition and rearing of the offspring, and her bodily organization is especially adapted to her maternal functions. These functions constitute an inevitable handicap in the struggle for existence, and the females and young of the higher animals are in most cases largely dependent upon the less burdened and consequently more active and vigorous males for their protection. The explanation of this progressive sexual differentiation is undoubtedly to be found in the advantages to be derived from division of labour and the accompanying possibilities of special- ization. The origin of conjugation itself, upon which all sexual phenomena are based, is another, and more fundamental, question. At first, as we have seen, the conjugating gametes were apparently exactly alike one another and exhibited no visible sexual differen- tiation at all. The habit of conjugation probably arose from the necessity of making good some disturbance of equilibrium in the protoplasm of the cell. It has been supposed that, as the result of repeated fission, some condition of inequality was gradually set up amongst the daughter cells, whereby some of them came to have too much of one constituent and too little of another, while others were in the opposite condition. In this way the successive unicellular generations gradually became more and more enfeebled — as we saw in the case of Paramoscium — and, owing perhaps to some sort of polarization, those which had become modified in opposite directions came to exercise an attraction upon one another which resulted in conjugation and restoration 128 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY of the proper equilibrium. It may be that from the very first the inequalities of fission resulted in the accumulation of more active protoplasm in some cells and a greater amount of reserve material in others, and that this was the starting point of the differentiation into male and female. Although fusion of the nuclei (karyogamy) of the two gametes appears now to be the most important feature of con- jugation, we must suppose that it was preceded by plastogamy1 or fusion of the cytoplasm, which obviously constitutes the natural preliminary to karyogamy. In some of the lower Protozoa such plastogamy has been sometimes observed unaccompanied by karyogamy, and it is possible that in some cases plastogamy alone is sufficient to bring about rejuvenescence and renewed activity in cell-division. 1 Sometimes called plasmogamy. CHAPTER X Origin of the germ cells in multicellular animals — Maturation of the germ cells — Reduction of the chromosomes — Sex determination in insects — Different forms of gametes — Mutual attraction of the gametes — Fertilization and parthenogenesis. IN many multicellular animals the distinction between somatic cells and germ cells becomes manifest at a very early stage in the development of the individual. An extreme instance of this is seen in the parasitic round-worm of the horse, Ascaris mcgalo- cephala. Here the distinction in question precedes all other histological differentiation. The two cells or blastomeres into which the fertilized ovum first divides (Fig. 85, C, D) are originally similar to one another, but as they prepare for the next mitotic division of the nucleus a remarkable difference is, according to the observations of Professor Boveri, established between them. Both at first (in the case of the variety known as iinivalens) exhibit two elongated chromosomes (the variety bivalens, which is represented in Fig. 35, having four), but in one the thickened ends of the two chromosomes are thrown off into the surrounding cytoplasm, where they degenerate, while the more slender middle portions break up into a number of short pieces. Thus two differentiated cells are produced, one with two large chromosomes and the other with numerous small ones. The latter gives rise by its subsequent divisions to somatic cells only. The former is a primordial germ cell ; for some five or six times it will divide like its parent cell into a somatic cell and a primordial germ cell, but after these early divisions the primordial germ cells will give rise to their own kind only, until the time comes for the production of the actual gametes. The somatic cells, on the other hand, will gradually become differentiated into all the various tissue cells of the adult. Perhaps the most significant part of this remarkable process as observed in Ascaris is the elimination of chromatin material from the nuclei of the somatic cells when these are first B. K 130 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY differentiated from the germ cells. The result of this is that the germ cells alone retain the full complement of chromatin derived from the parents, and their nuclei are accordingly actually much larger than those of the somatic cells. The differentiation into somatic cells and germ cells cannot usually he traced so far back in the development of the individual as in Ascaris, but in a great many animals the distinction can be recognized at a very early stage. In certain insects, for example, the primordial germ cells can be traced back to a large " pole-cell " which lies at one end of the segmenting ovum, and in the arrow-worm, Sagitta, they can be identified at the gastrula stage (Fig. 63, p.//.r.). As we shall see later on, this early segregation of the germ cells is of very great interest from the point of view of the theory of heredity. It can hardly be said, however, at any rate in the present state of our knowledge, to be a phenomenon of universal or even general occurrence, and in the majority of creloinate animals the germ cells are first recognizable in the ccelomic epithelium at a compara- tively late stage of develop- ment (Fig. 62, B). In plants also, in cases where there is a well developed gametophyte this appears to attain its full development before the germ cells are recognizable, and the entire life of the sporophyte is passed without any distinction between somatic and germ cells manifesting itself. Moreover, the fact that the ordinary cells of a fern prothallus can, on occasion, act as germ cells,1 prevents us from admitting any absolute distinction between the two categories. The primordial germ cells may undergo extensive multiplication by ordinary mitotie division before giving rise to the actual gametes. In niulticellular animals the process of gametogenesis (formation of gametes), which is either oogenesis or sperrnato- 1 Vide, p. 105. FIG. 63. — Section of the Gastrula of an Arrow Worm (Sagitta) showing the primordial Germ Cells. (After O. Hertwig.) bp., blastopore ; ent., enteron ; ep., epiblast ; hyp., hypoblast; p.g.c., primordial germ cells. MALE AND FEMALE PRONUCLEI 131 genesis according to whether ova or spermatozoa are produced thereby, is accompanied by nuclear phenomena of very great interest, whereby the maturation of the germ cells is effected. Before describing this process we must lay stress upon certain preliminary considerations. As we have already seen, each kind of animal or plant is characterized by the appearance of a definite number of chromo- somes in the nuclei of its cells at the time when these are under- going division by mitosis. Although not absolutely constant in all cases the number is usually the same for all the different somatic cells of which the body is composed. It is usually an even number, and (with certain exceptions) it remains the same in successive generations of individuals. It will also be remembered that the zygote or fertilized egg from which the individual develops is formed by the con- jugation of two gametes, ovum and spermatozoon, and that in this process the nuclei of the gametes, sometimes called the male and female pronuclei, unite, or at any rate co-operate as a single nucleus. Fig. 64 is taken from an actual photograph of an egg of Ascaris in process of fertilization ; the spermatozoon has already entered the ovum and the male and female pronuclei (pro.) are seen lying side by side in the cytoplasm. Each pronucleus brings with it its own set of chromosomes, and hence the zygote nucleus has double the number of chromosomes possessed by either of the gametes. Thus it appears at first sight that every conjugation or sexual union of gametes (zygosis) must be accompanied by a doubling of the number of chromosomes, and we might therefore expect to find each successive generation with twice as many chromosomes in its nuclei as the preceding one. That this is not actually so depends (in the case of animals) upon the fact that the nuclei of the gametes contain only half the number of chromosomes characteristic of the somatic cells ; if the K 2 pro FIG. 04. — Ovum of the Horse Worm (Ascaris megalocephala) during the Process of Fertilization, showing the inale and female Pronuclei (pro), X 770. (From a photograph.) 13-2 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY somatic cells have eight the mature ovum or spermatozoon will have only four, and so on. This reduction of the number of chromosomes (meiosis) is the essential part of the process of maturation which the animal germ cells undergo, and it is Spermalogenesis 1 Spermatogonia ^P Oogenesis Multiplication of Epithelial Cells ( Spermatogonia and Oogonia) in the Gonad (Test is or Ovary) by ordinary Somatic Mitosis ? Oogonia Primary /J^ Spermatocytes >r Secondary Sperm Spermatozoa Synaps/s or Pairing xs! of Che Chromosomes v/ Reducing Division f Meiosis ) . Primary Male Gametes Polar Bodies i - Conjugation of ' ' 0 © L Secondary Oocytes 4 / and Polar Bodies l Mature Ova Polar todies Mature Ova Female Gametes C&J Zygote or Fertilised Ovum TT Segmentation of the Zygote by Ordinary Somatic Mitosis (The Figures indicate the numbers of Chromosomes present) FIG. 65. — Diagram of Oametogenesis. effected by a modification of the mitotic nuclear division, in which the chromosomes are separated into two groups, half the total number of entire chromosomes going into one daughter cell and half into the other. In a typical case of spermatogenesis the first stage is the GAMETOGENESIS 133 multiplication of cells (the so-called spermatogonia) derived from the germinal epithelium, in the testis, by ordinary cell-division. Let us suppose the number of chromosomes found in the nuclei of the somatic cells to be eight ; it will, of course, remain the same so long as the character of the mitosis undergoes no change, each chromosome splitting into two at every nuclear division. Presently, however, we find the chromosomes arranged in pairs instead of all appearing separately in the mitotic figure, and the cells, which have increased considerably in size by the absorption of nutriment, may now be termed primary spermato- cytes. This pairing of the chromosomes (synapsis) marks the onset of the "reducing division " ; a nuclear spindle is formed, the paired chromosomes arrange themselves upon it, and the two members of each pair separate and travel towards opposite poles. Thus two new nuclei are formed each with only four chromosomes. The reduction is now complete and the new generation of cells, with reduced nuclei, may be termed secondary spermatocytes. One more mitotic division takes place, this time involving the splitting of each chromosome, so that there is no further reduc- tion in their number, and giving rise to the minute spermatids, each of which develops a long, vibratile, cytoplasmic tail and forms a spermatozoon. Hence we see that each primary spermatocyte gives rise to four spermatozoa, with reduced nuclei containing half the number of chromosomes found in the somatic cells. The essential features of the whole process are represented diagrammatically in Fig. 65. The process of oogenesis takes place in essentially the same manner ; the so-called oogonia,1 derived from the germinal epithelium of the ovary, multiply and give rise to oocytes. Synapsis and reduction in the number of the chromosomes take place as they do in spermatogenesis, but, owing doubtless to the fact that it takes a comparatively large amount of cytoplasm to form the body of an egg, we find that only one perfect ovum arises from each primary oocyte, the other three forming the " polar bodies." Owing to their minute size as compared with the ovum itself, two of the polar bodies (Fig. 35, A, p.b.) appear to be cast out of the latter as it undergoes maturation, while the third is formed by division of the first ; it will be clear, however, from a careful study of Figs. 65 and 68 that the 1 This term is very unfortunately chosen and must not, of course, be confounded with the same term as applied to the female organs of such plants as Fucus. 134 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY FIG. 66. — Some Stages in the Spermatogenesis of a Grasshopper (Stenolothrus virididm}. (After Meek.) 1. A secondary spermatogonium in mitosis, with seventeen chromosomes (eight pairs and one accessory). Polar view. 2. Resting or growth stage following the mitosis of the secondary spermatogonium. The ordinary chromosomes have become resolved into a network but the accessory chromosome retains its individuality. 3. Primary spermatocyte formed by growth of 2, preparing for mitosis. 4. Mitosis of the primary spermatocyte, showing the pairing (synapsis) of the sixteen ordinary chromosomes on the nuclear spindle and the accessory chromosome unpaired. Side view. 5. Later stage in the mitosis of the primary spermatocyte, showing separation of the paired chromosomes. Side view. 6. Still later stage in the division of the primary spermatocyte into two secondary sper- matocytes ; the chromosomes massing at the two poles of the spindle (one mass only will contain the accessory chromosome). Side view. 7. A secondary spermatocyte in mitosis, showing the reduced number of ordinary chromo- somes (8) and the accessory chromosome. (The sister-cell would of course contain no accessory chromosome). Polar view. 8. Later stage in the mitosis of the secondary spermatocyte ; each chromosome (including the accessory one, which lags behind the others) has split into two parts and the two groups are separating. Side view. 9. A spermatid, formed by division of a secondary spermatocyte with an accessory chromosome. It will form a single spermatozoon. x The accessory chromosome. SPERMATOGENESIS IN INSECTS 135 process is merely one of repeated cell-division as in the case of spermatogenesis. The three polar bodies consist almost entirely of chromatin and each of course contains the same reduced number of chromosomes as the ovum itself; they undergo no further development, however, and finally disappear. The truth of the view, now generally held, that the polar bodies are merely ova which have not sufficient cytoplasm to allow of their development, is demonstrated by the fact that in one of the turbellarian flat-worms, according to Francotte, the exceptionally large first polar body may occasionally be fertilized and actually develop as far as the gastrula stage. The details of the process of gametogenesis vary very much in different cases, but the above outline may be regarded as generally applicable. In a large number of insects it has been found that the male animal possesses an odd number of chromosomes in the somatic nuclei, due to the presence of a single "accessory" chromosome or " monosome," while the female possesses an even number (one more than the male owing to the presence of two " accessory " chromosomes). This leads to a curious complica- tion in the process of spermatogenesis. The accessory chromo- some (Fig. 66, X) can often be distinguished by its appearance from the others, and at the time of synapsis (Fig. 66, 4) it has no mate. Hence in the reducing division the chromosomes are separated into two unequal groups, one of which contains the accessory chromosome while the other does not (Fig. 66, 5). Two kinds of spermatozoa are accordingly produced in equal numbers, one kind with an odd number of chromosomes and the other with an even number. The matured ova, on the other hand, all have the same number of cbromosomes, because the accessory chromosome has a synaptic mate. Fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon containing an accessory chromosome results in the production of a female animal with an even number of chromosomes in its somatic cells ; fertilization by a spermatozoon which has no accessory chromo- some results in the production of a male animal with an odd number of chromosomes in its somatic cells, as shown in Fig. 67. Thus it appears that the chromosomes, at any rate in some cases, have a very important influence on the determination of sex, and that the latter is not, as has often been supposed, merely the result of nutritional and other environmental influences upon 136 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY the developing organism, but a character of far more deeply seated origin. It must not be forgotten that the chromosomes, as such, are only recognizable during the process of mitosis ; in the resting condition of the nucleus they appear to be broken up into larger or smaller granules of chromatin scattered through the linin reticulum. The observations on accessory chromosomes above mentioned, and others to be referred to presently, point to the 6 (Unreduced Cells) $( Unreduced Cells) FIG. 67. — Diagram illustrating the Correlation between the Number of Chromosomes and the Sex in certain Insects. (The numbers of chromo- somes given in this diagram are arbitrarily chosen and are obviously different from those which occur in Stenobothius, as shown in Fig. 66.) conclusion, however, that, in spite of this, the different chromo- somes preserve some sort of individuality from one cell-genera- tion to another. In other words, we have reason to believe that the chromosomes which make their appearance at the onset of each mitosis are, taken each as a whole, the same as those which become disintegrated at the close of the preceding mitosis, though it is very possible that the constituent parts of the old chromo- somes (chromatin granules, chromomeres or ids), after absorbing nutriment and increasing in size during the resting period, may come together in new combinations to form the new chromosomes each time division of the nucleus takes place.1 1 Vide Farmer, Croonian Lecture, Proc. Koyal Soc., Scr. B, Vol. 79, 1907. PAIRING OF CHROMOSOMES 137 It is also highly probable, though by no means certain, that the chromosomes which are derived from the male parent remain throughout life distinct from those which are contributed by the female parent. According to this view every ordinary somatic cell has two sets of chromosomes, paternal and maternal respec- tively, and this again is strongly supported by the observations on the germ cells of insects above referred to, where all the chromosomes appear to be duplicated, with the exception of the accessory chromosome in the male animal. There is reason for believing, therefore, that in ordinary cases every paternal chromosome in an unreduced nucleus has an equiva- lent or " homologous " mate derived from the female parent, and that the phenomenon of synapsis l represents a pairing of these homologous paternal and maternal mates. The reducing division which follows on synapsis consists in the separation of the mates once more, one of each pair going to each daughter cell, so that the matured germ cells are left with a single instead of a double set of chromosomes. If we assume that, as seems highly probable, the chromo- somes of each paternal or maternal set are not all identical but differentiated amongst themselves — a differentiation which in some cases is actually visible, as shown in Fig. 66 — and that one of each kind is necessary to make up the full com- plement of the nucleus of the gamete, the importance of the pairing of homologous chromosomes which takes place in synapsis becomes at once evident, for one of each pair goes to each daughter nucleus, which will therefore be certain to receive a chromosome of each kind instead of a chance assemblage. The chromosome of each kind which it receives, however, may be either the paternal or the maternal representative of that kind, and as these, though essentially homologous, may differ from one another to some extent in accordance with individual peculiarities of the parents from which they were derived, it will be seen that the matured gametes may differ widely amongst themselves in their nuclear constitution. This, as we shall see presently, is a very important matter from the point of view of the theories of heredity and variation. This somewhat complex subject will be rendered more readily 1 The pairing of the chromosomes, for which we have used the term "synapsis," is spoken of by some writers as "syndesis," and by others as "conjugation." The use of the latter term seems likely to lead to confusion. 138 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAKY BIOLOGY intelligible by a careful study of Fig. 68, which represents in a very diagrammatic manner the formation of the polar bodies and the distribution of the maternal and paternal chromosomes in the maturation of a typical animal ovum. Periodic reduction of the number of chromosomes is clearly a necessary consequence of the sexual process, for a doubling of FIG. 68. — Diagram of the Maturation of a typical Animal Ovum, showing the Behaviour of the Maternal and Paternal Chromosomes and the Formation of Polar Bodies. (The somatic number of chromosomes is supposed to be four ; the maternal chromosomes are shaded and the paternal not, and the differences between the two of each set are indicated by their shapes.) A, ordinary somatic mitosis in an oogonium, each chromosome split ; B, daughter oogonium ; C, synapsis in primary oocyte ; D, reducing division, formation of first polar body ; E, commencement of formation of second (or third) polar body by ordinary mitosis and of division of the first ; F, mature ovum with three polar bodies. chr., chromosomes; c.s., centrosome ; n.m., nuclear membrane; p.b. 1 — 3, polar bodies. the number at every zygosis or conjugation of gametes could not go on indefinitely without some such compensation. In animals, as we have seen, the reduction takes place during the maturation of the germ cells, but it is by no means necessarily associated with this process. In the ferns, where alternating sexual and asexual generations are represented by independent and well developed organisms, the reduction takes place in the process of spore- formation by the sporophyte. Hence the gametophyte (pro- thallus) to which the spore gives rise has in all its somatic cells POLAB BODIES IN PBOTOZOA 189 Head m.p. nuls. the reduced number of chromosomes, while the sporophyte (fern plant proper), owing to the fact that it develops from a fertilized ovum and receives a set of chromosomes from each parent, has the full number, or, perhaps we should say more correctly, the double number. Even amongst the Protozoa the phenomenon of nuclear reduc- tion has been observed, and it probably occurs wherever the sexual process takes place. Thus, in the case of Copromonas, the life history of which we have already dealt with, the nucleus of each of the similar gametes, previous to uniting with its mate to form the zygote nucleus, gives off two "polar bodies" which undergo degenera- tion in the cytoplasm (Fig. 37, 3, 4), and something very similar may be observed in the maturation of the ovum of Coccidium. In the con- jugating ParamcBcium, again, the products of divi- sion of the micronucleus (Fig. 41, B, C) which undergo no further development may be regarded as polar bodies. As we have already seen, the mature gametes through- out both the animal and vegetable kingdoms usually sexual di.norphism, which into active Tail FIG. 69. — Diagram of typical Sperma- tozoon and Ovum, the former much more highly magnified than the latter. ax., axial filament; e.g., chromatiii granules; cs., ceiitrosome ; cyt., cytoplasm ; m.p., middle piece; n.m., nuclear membrane; mi,., nucleus; mils., nucleolus ; v.m., vitelline membrane; y-g., yolk granules. exhibit a very strongly marked attains its fullest expression in the differentiation spermatozoon and passive ovum (Fig. 69). A typical spermatozoon, as we have also pointed out, closely resembles a flagellate protozoon. It consists of a " head " and a " tail," connected together by a " middle piece " (m.p.). The head contains the nucleus (int.), which almost entirely fills it, being covered with only a very thin envelope of cytoplasm. The middle piece contains a ceiitrosome (cs.). The tail, or flagellum, is 140 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY ch. the active locomotor organ, by the movements of which the spermatozoon swims about ; it contains an axial filament (ax.) and may or may not be provided with a lateral undulating membrane. A typical ovum is a relatively large, spheri- cal cell with a con- spicuous nucleus (nu.) surrounded by a large quantity of cytoplasm (cyt.), and the whole enclosed in a delicate vitelline membrane (v.m.). The actual size sh.m,. a.c. yh. NU FIG. 70. — Diagram of the Structure of a Bird's Egg. a.c., air chamber; alb., albumen; ch., chalazse, of the OVUm depends twisted cords of dense albumen which serve to Ql1T,^af 0nfii-aliT ^ i flir, keep the " yolk " in position ; g.d., germinal al11 6lJ ( disk; nu., nucleus; sh., shell; sh.m., shell amount of food material membrane; v.m. .vitelline membrane ',yk., "yolk." , (deutoplasm or yolk), which is stored up in the cytoplasm in the form of granules (y.g.). In Amphioxus (Fig. 13, I) the amount of food material is very small, and the egg is only about ^io^1 inch in diameter. An extreme contrast to the egg of Amphioxus is seen in that of a bird (Fig. 70), where the amount of yolk is enormously large and the active protoplasm is confined to a minute " germinal disk " (c/.d.), containing the nucleus (nu.), which lies within the vitelline membrane (v.m.) on the top of the "yolk" (yk.), while the ovum proper is entirely enclosed in accessory structures — the " white " or albumen (
.) and the shell (sh.), with its lining membrane (sh.m.). The mammalian ovum, on the other hand, is, like that of Amphioxus, very minute, in the rabbit (Fig. 71) again only about ^^th inch in diameter. It is enclosed in an envelope known as the zona radiata (Z), which lies outside the vitelline membrane, and it FIG. 71. — Ovum of a Babbit, X 200. (From Marshall's " Vertebrate Embry- ology," after BischofP.) MO, spermatozoa which have penetrated the zona radiata ; N, nucleus; NU, nucleolus; Z, zona radiata. ATTRACTION OF GAMETES 141 contains very little deutoplasm. This is correlated with the fact that it develops within the body of the parent at the expense of food material derived from the blood of the latter. There is reason to believe, however, as we shall see later on, that the small size of the mammalian egg is a secondary feature. The plant egg-cell may also be loaded up with food material, so as to attain a large size, as in the green alga, Chara, where the contrast between the minute flagellate spermatozoon and the relatively gigantic ovum, filled in this case with starch grains, is very striking. In the higher plants, however, where, as in the case of the Mammalia, the developing embryo is not dependent for its nutrition upon food supplies stored in the egg- cell, the latter remains quite small, as, for example, in the fern (Fig. 52) and the flowering plant (Fig. 55, e). According to some authorities one of the most important differences between ovum and spermatozoon in animals lies in the fact that the centrosome of the former disappears finally during the process of maturation, the centrosome of the zygote being contributed by the spermatozoon alone. In view of the fact, however, that a definite centrosome is not usually recognizable at all in the higher plants we cannot attribute very great importance to its supposed absence in the animal ovum, and we shall also see presently that centrosomes appear in developing eggs which have not been fertilized by spermatozoa. We have already had occasion to refer to the existence of some attractive force whereby the male and female gametes are brought together in conjugation. Many observers main- tain that this is simply a case of positive chemotaxis, or the chemical stimulation of the protoplasm of one gamete by a specific secretion of the other in such a way as to cause them to respond by approaching one another (or by the male gamete approaching the female). It is a well known fact that certain spermatozoa are attracted by specific chemical substances. Thus the free-swimming sperma- tozoa of ferns and mosses are attracted by weak solutions of malic acid and cane sugar respectively, and those of Coccidium are attracted by nuclear matter discharged from the ovum in the process of maturation. There can be no doubt that, whether the attracting substance be secreted by the germ cells themselves or by some other part of the organism, chemotaxis sometimes plays a very important 142 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY part in bringing the gametes together. So also, of course, do many other factors in various plants and animals, but we must distinguish between factors which act directly upon the gametes, such as chemotaxis, and those which act indirectly through the soma or body of the organism, as for example through the visual and olfactory senses of the higher animals. It is probable, however, that chemotaxis itself is but a secondary factor which serves to bring the gametes within the range of one another's direct influence. Thus in Coccidiurn (Fig. 89) the cheniotactic action seems to be exhausted after a certain number of spermatozoa have been attracted to the neighbourhood of the ovum and a fresh attraction appears to be exerted by the ovum itself or by its nucleus. The term cytotropism, or cytotaxis, has been applied to the attraction which, according to some observers, is sometimes set up between two adjacent cells, and something of this kind probably comes into play in the mutual attraction of gametes. It can probably act only at very short distances, and hence the necessity for some preliminary means of attraction such as chemotaxis. That chemotaxis alone is not a sufficient explana- tion of the phenomenon in question is suggested by the case of Spirogyra. The conjugation of the gametes in this plant has already been described in Chapter VIII. It will be remembered that the process may take place between the cells of two filaments lying close together, parallel with one another (Figs. 48 and 44), and is then inaugurated by those of the male filament. Each of these cells which happens to lie opposite to a cell of the female filament puts forth a hollow protuberance of its wall, which is presently met by a similar protuberance from the wall of the female cell, the two projections uniting to form a canal through which the protoplasmic body of the male gamete creeps inside the cell- wall of the female gamete to conjugate with the latter. It sometimes happens, however, that, owing to inequalities in the sizes of the cells, there may be a cell in one filament which lies between two cells of the opposite filament and for which there is no mate, all the adjacent cells being coupled. In such cases the solitary cell (Figs. 48 and 44, S.C.), if it exhibits any of those re- markable activities which are shown by the conjugating cells on either side of it, merely makes preliminary advances which are prematurely checked, as though there were a competition for partners in which it was unsuccessful. Here it is obvious that PARTHENOGENESIS 143 in the case of two cells lying opposite to one another, though not in contact, and though each is enclosed in a firm cell-wall, some stimulus is transmitted from one to the other which calls forth a definite response manifested in the formation of the connecting canals and the conversion of the protoplasmic contents of the cells into gametes. The insufficiency of the principle of chemo- taxis to account for these phenomena appears to he indicated by the fact that cells which have no mates do not form either complete connecting canals or gametes, though exposed equally with their more fortunate neighbours to the influence of any chemical substances dissolved in the surrounding water. The only explanation appears to be that the solitary cell cannot attract, or at any rate retain, the attention of a mate to stimulate it to complete the process of conjugation.1 The cytotropic attraction of the gametes, as we have already observed, probably depends upon some difference of polarity between the two. That it is mutual is demonstrated by such cases as that of Zygogonium (see p. 97) and by the fact that even when the ovum is too heavily laden with food material to take any active part in the process of conjugation it yet in many cases puts out a definite "cone of attraction" towards the advancing sper- matozoon, as seen in Coccidiurn (Fig. 39). What the real nature of this primary attraction between the gametes is we do not know ; it may ultimately be explicable in terms of some force already known to us, or it may be one of those cases where it will be convenient to cloak our ignorance by the assumption of some special vital force of which we know nothing. Although as a general rule an egg does not develop unless fertilized by a spermatozoon, this is by no means always the case, and many instances are known of parthenogenesis or the development of unfertilized eggs. This may either be a normal occurrence in the life cycle or it may be artificially induced. Natural parthenogenesis occurs chiefly in insects, especially amongst the aphides or plant lice. In these animals males and perfect females appear only in the autumn. Fertilized eggs are then laid which hibernate through the winter and hatch in the spring, producing imperfect viviparous females. In these imperfect females eggs are formed which develop parthenogenetically within the body of the parent and give rise to fresh generations of viviparous forms. This reproduction by means of unfertilized eggs 1 See, however, the footnote on p. 189. 144 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY is repeated again and again throughout the summer months and thus the aphides multiply with great rapidity. In the autumn, however, males and perfect females are again produced. The viviparous imperfect females, as well as the males, are generally winged, the perfect females are wingless. We have here another kind of alternation of generations, in which forms which repro- duce parthenogenetically alternate with others which exhibit the normal sexual process ; to this type of alternation the term heterogeny is sometimes applied. A very large number of parthenogenetic generations may intervene between two sexual ones. Another well-known case of parthenogenesis is that of the hive- bee, where the eggs laid by the queen may either be fertilized or not, in the former case giving rise to females (workers or queens) and in the latter to males (drones). Other instances occur amongst those parasitic flat-worms known as flukes (Trematoda) and in some Crustacea (Cladocera, the so-called water fleas). The most remarkable cases of natural parthenogenesis, how- ever, are those to which the special term paedogenesis has been applied, in which the imperfect females do not even wait to attain maturity before producing their offspring, but actually do so in the larval condition, as in Chironomus and some other two-winged flies (Diptera). In general we may say that parthenogenesis occurs in cases where it is desirable to take advantage of a brief season of favour- able conditions to multiply the race as rapidly as possible. It is necessary to make hay while the sun shines. When adverse conditions set in, such as the advent of winter in the case of the aphides, or discharge from the body of the host in the case of parasitic flukes, the vast majority of the race will perish, but a sufficient number will be able to protect themselves in some way (like the encysted cercariae of the fluke), or a sufficient number of fertilized and protected eggs will be produced (as in the aphides) to tide over the evil time and form the starting points for fresh generations at the first favourable opportunity. It seems possible, also, that in some cases parthenogenesis may be continued indefinitely without fertilization ever occurring, for in certain species of minute rotifers and crustaceans no males have as yet been observed. Recent researches have shown that parthenogenesis can be artificially induced in cases where it does not occur naturally at ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS 145 all, and Professor Loeb1 goes so far as to maintain that the problem of fertilization is really one of physical chemistry. He holds that the development of the egg is to be regarded as a chemical process which depends mainly on oxidation, and finds that the unfertilized eggs of various animals (sea-urchins and worms) will undergo development (at any rate up to a certain point) after exposure to the action of certain chemical reagents. The unfertilized eggs of a sea-urchin, for example, developed into larvae after being placed for two hours in sea water, the osmotic pressure of which had been raised about 60 % by the addition of some kind of salt or sugar, but this " hypertonic '' solution must contain a sufficient quantity of free oxygen. In another case the unfertilized eggs of the worm Chaetopterus were stimulated to develop into larvae by the mere addition of potash and acids, without the osmotic pressure of the sea water being raised. Exactly what takes place under these circumstances we do not know, and any speculation on this point is perhaps somewhat premature, but it is quite clear from the experiments of Loeb and other workers in the same field that we can no longer regard fertilization as an indispensable condition of development even in the case of eggs which do not naturally exhibit the phenomenon of parthenogenesis. These experiments may also throw some light upon the process of normal fertilization, especially as regards the nature of the actual stimulus which causes the fertilized egg to begin segmenting. The casting out of polar bodies during the maturation of the ovum led many of the earlier observers of this phenomenon to believe that the matured ovum is incapable of development because it has an imperfect nucleus, the importance of the nucleus as taking the lead in cell-division having been established at a comparatively early date. The imperfect nucleus of the matured ovum was termed the female pronucleus, and it was supposed to be converted into a perfect segmentation nucleus by union with the male pronucleus brought into the egg by the spermatozoon (Fig. 64), and the power of cell-division was supposed to result from this completion of the nucleus. The observations upon which this belief was based were perfectly correct, but the conclusions drawn from them have not been sustained by recent investigations, for in cases of artificial parthenogenesis development 1 "Die chemische Entwicklungserregung des tierischeii Eies" (kiinstliche Par- theuogeiiese). Berlin, 190'J. B. L 146 OUTLINES OP EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY takes place in spite of the fact that reduction of the nucleus of the ovum has occurred in maturation and has nofc been made good by union with the nucleus of a spermatozoon. In cases of parthenogenesis it is clear that the developing organism is provided only with maternal chromosomes, but we are now also acquainted with cases which form the exact converse to this, only paternal chromosomes being present. Such cases may arise when an ovum is artificially enucleated, so that all the maternal chromosomes are removed, and then fertilized by a spermatozoon. It has actually been found possible in this way to induce the development of enucleated eggs, and the phenomenon, our knowledge of which we owe mainly to Delage, is known as merogony. Although it is obvious that, as a result either of artificial parthenogenesis or of merogony, the developing organism may start life with only half the normal number of chromosomes, it is possible that, as maintained by Delage, this number may be subsequently doubled in some way. It cannot therefore be the union of male and female pronuclei that furnishes the stimulus to development ; this union, or amphimixis as Weismann terms it, has another significance, and, as we shall see later on, is most probably connected with the transmission of inherited characters from parent to offspring. Boveri, followed by other observers, has put forward the view that the unfertilized egg cannot develop because the centrosome, which is to be regarded as the dynamical centre of the cell, has been eliminated during the process of maturation. It is the spermatozoon that, in the act of fertilization, brings with it the centrosome upon the activity of which the cell-divisions of the fertilized egg depend. This is probably perfectly true in cases of normal fertilization and development in animals, but the view that the centrosome of the spermatozoon supplies the essential stimulus to development seems to be hopelessly negatived by the phenomena of parthenogenesis, in which new centrosomes undoubtedly arise in unfertilized eggs. It seems therefore as if we were for the present thrown back upon Loeb's hypothesis of a chemical stimulus, which he main- tains for normal fertilization as well as for artificial partheno- genesis. In the former case the necessary chemical substances are supposed to be brought in by the spermatozoon. Loeb believes that there are two of these substances. One, which he terms a lysin, is supposed to bring about the formation on the STIMULUS TO DEVELOPMENT 147 surface of the egg of the " fertilization membrane," while the other is supposed to prevent the -cy tolysis or disintegration of the ovum, induced by the formation of the fertilization membrane, from going too far. It remains to be seen whether this " lysin theory " will stand the test of time. What it is that stimulates the unfertilized ovum to develop in normally occurring parthenogenesis we do not yet know. In most cases of this kind the process of maturation seems to differ more or less from that which takes place in eggs which are destined to be fertilized by a spermatozoon, and it may be that these differences have something to do with the power of the egg to develop parthenogenetically, but the discussion of this very difficult problem is altogether beyond the scope of the present work. L 2 PART III.— VARIATION AND HEREDITY CHAPTER XI Variation — Merislic iind substantive variations — Fluctuations and muta- tions— Somatogenic and blastogenic variations — Origin of blastogenic variations. THE term variation is used in more than one sense ; it may be denned in the first instance as the process whereby closely related organisms come to differ amongst themselves. It is a matter of everyday experience that neither animals nor plants exhibit absolutely fixed and constant characters, which are handed on without alteration from parent to offspring. This is very well seen in the case of human families, in which there is rarely any difficulty in distinguishing the different members by more or less pronounced and characteristic individual traits. One may be fair and another dark, one short and another tall, one with brown eyes and another with blue, one clever and another stupid, and so on. In this way they vary amongst themselves and deviate from the common parents of the family often to a very considerable extent. We cannot, however, avoid extending the use of the term variation from the process itself to the results of that process, and speaking of organisms as exhibiting variations, but this usage is not likely to cause any confusion. Variations are of many kinds and may be classified in different ways according to the point of view from which we regard them. Meristic variations, which are variations in the number of the repeated parts of an organism, are sometimes contrasted1 with substantive variations, which depend upon the structure (in- cluding shape, size and colour) of the organism or its parts. Small fluctuating or continuous variations, which fluctuate 1 Bateson, " Materials for the Study of Variation." (Macmillan M FIG. 97. — Fore and hind Feet of a Horse, show- ing reduction to a single functional Digit (No. Ill) with Vestiges of two others (II and IV) in the form of splint bones, x £. (From Lull, after Marsh.) 242 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY consider the way in which this type has been adapted to form organs of flight in different vertebrate groups. The wing of the extinct pterodactyls (Fig. 99) was formed by an expansion of the skin of the body stretched between the fore and hind limbs, and the phalanges of the little finger were enormously elongated so as to aid in the support of its anterior LIMBS OF VERTEBEATES 243 margin. The surface of the flying membrane was probably covered with scales. In the bats (Fig. 99) four of the digits c« P of the hand, Nos. II — V, are elongated and take part in the support of the flying membrane, the surface of which is either naked or covered with fine hair. In the birds (Fig. 99) the B 2 flying membrane is formed chiefly of feathers, and the distal part of the wing is supported mainly by the second digit ; the first and third digits are greatly reduced, and the other digits are absent. In all these different types of wing the skeleton is again clearly of the pentadactyl type, modified by enlargement, diminution or total suppression of certain of its constituent bones. In the paddles of the modified aquatic mammals, such as the sirenians, seals (Fig. 100) and whales (Fig. 101), the whole limb c. m.c. Ill FIG. 100.— Skeleton of right fore Foot (A) and right hind Foot (B) of a Seal (Otaria hookeri), X 5. (From photographs.) c. carpals ; m.c. metacarpals ; m.t. metatarsals; ph. phalanges; I — V, digits. is very much shortened and flattened and the digits are enclosed in a common integument so as to offer a greater resistance to the water, but the skeleton still reveals the essential pentadactyl features, and the same is true of those aquatic reptiles, the turtles, plesiosaurians (Fig. 141) and ichthyosaurians (Fig. 142). In the whales, however, a curious increase in the number of phalanges (hyperphalangy) may often be observed, and in the ichthyosaurians supplementary small bones are developed in such positions that the entire skeleton of the paddle assumes the form of a mosaic pavement. 245 246 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY We can only explain the occurrence of the same type of skeleton — and that a very complex type — in all these different kinds of organs of locomotion on the assumption that it has been inherited from common ancestors. We cannot believe that one and the same type of skeleton was necessarily the most suitable for all these different cases, including ambulatory legs, wings and paddles, and was therefore specially and independently created for each. We must conclude rather that each organism receives a certain kind of material by inheritance from its ancestors and has to adapt it to its own requirements as best it may ; has, in short, to cut its coat according to its cloth, and, whatever the ' S.I. FIG. 102. — A swimming Crab (Porttmm depurator), showing jointed ambu- latory appendages and also swimming appendages (s.l.). (From a photograph.) shape of the coat may ultimately develop into, the cloth will retain, more or less evidently, traces of the original pattern. This conclusion is greatly strengthened when we turn to other groups of animals and see how they have solved the same problems with the aid of different materials. The vertebrates are not the only animals which have organs of locomotion in the form of jointed appendages. Many members of the great group Arthropod a — insects, crustaceans and spiders— have ambulatory limbs which externally bear considerable resemblance to those of vertebrates. If we examine these limbs, however, we find that they are constructed upon a wholly different plan. In the first place the skeleton is external instead of internal, and is composed HOMOLOGY AND ANALOGY 247 of the hard cuticle secreted by the epidermis, there being no true bone. The muscles therefore lie inside the skeleton instead of outside. The number and arrangement of the limb-segments, again, is totally different, and there is, of course, no pentadactyl structure (compare Fig. 102). Thus, with different material at their disposal, the arthropods have solved the problem of constructing an ambulatory appendage in a very efficient manner, but quite differently from the vertebrates. Many of them have also solved the problem of locomotion in water by modification of certain of the limbs to form paddles, as in the case of the swimming crab (Fig. 102). Many insects, on the other hand, have acquired the power of flight by means of wings, which, though bearing some external resemblance to those of vertebrates, are totally different in structure and origin not only from the latter but also from the other appendages of the arthropods themselves. We are now in a position to define the meaning of the terms homology and analogy as used by biologists. Homologous organs are such as have the same essential structure, which they owe to inheritance from common ancestors, though they may be very differently modified in adaptation to different functions. The pentadactyl limbs of air-breathing vertebrates, however much they may differ amongst themselves, are all homologous organs in so far as their essential pentadactyl structure is concerned. Analogous or homoplastic organs, on the other hand, bear only a superficial resemblance to one another, which they owe not to common ancestry but to adaptation of fundamentally different structures along similar lines for similar functions. The ambulatory appendages of arthropods and vertebrates are analogous but not homologous organs, so also are the wings of birds and insects. The evolutionary process by which analogous but not homologous structures have come to resemble one another is sometimes spoken of as convergence, and the result may be looked upon as an illustration of the general principle that similar causes tend to produce similar effects. The necessity for the adaptation of different organs and organisms to the same environment and the same mode of life results in a superficial resemblance between the organs and organisms thus adapted. One of the most familiar examples of convergent evolution 248 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AKY BIOLOGY is afforded by the whales, dolphins and porpoises (Figs. 101 and 161) with their extraordinary external resemblance to fishes. The fore limbs, as we have already seen, are modified to form paddles, but they retain the pentadactyl structure and are thus totally different from the fins of fishes, which have never reached the pentadactyl stage. The hind limbs have completely disappeared, but vestiges of the limb bones and their supporting girdle, which in some cases are found buried deeply beneath the skin in the pelvic region (Fig. 101, f,p), still bear witness to their former presence. The powerful tail fin has obviously no real relationship to the tail fin of a fish, for it lies horizontally instead of vertically. There are, of course, no gills, as in fishes, but the animal comes to the surface to breathe air by means of lungs. Not only is the whale not a fish, but it belongs to the group of vertebrates most remote from fishes. It is a warm - blooded mammal, suckling its young and exhibiting other characteristically mamma- lian features. It has seven cervical vertebrae, a number which is curiously constant throughout the mammalian series, but owing to the extreme shortness of the neck these vertebras are all crushed together to form practically a single bone (Fig. 103). In the giraffe we also find seven cervical vertebrae, but they are all greatly elongated in accordance with the enormous length of the neck (Fig. 104). On the hypothesis of special creation we should certainly have expected the whale to have fewer vertebras in its neck than the giraffe, and we can only suppose that the number seven has been inherited from some common mammalian ancestor. The resemblance of the whale to the fish, in short, is simply due to the fact that both have acquired the external form best adapted for an active aquatic life. The winga of pterodactyls, bats and birds are equally good FIG. 103. — The seven cervical Vertebrae of a Whale, fused together in one Mass. (From Reynolds' "Vertebrate Skeleton.") CONVERGENT EVOLUTION 249 examples of convergent evolution within much narrower limits. They can only be regarded as homologous to the extent of all being FIG. 104. — Skeleton of the Giraffe, showing the seven separate and greatly elongated cervical Vertebrae. (From Brehm's "Thierleben.") pentadactyl. They do not owe their special characters as wings to descent from a common ancestral winged form, but have been 250 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY evolved independently from more primitive pentadactyl types of limb. We find analogous cases in other vertebrate groups. Several of the lizards, such as the so-called slow worm or blind worm (Fig. 105) and the " glass snakes " (Ophisaurus), have, by loss of their limbs, come so closely to resemble snakes as to be FIG. 105. — The Slow Worm, Anyuis frayilis, X J. (From a photograph.) indistinguishable by most people. The Coeciliidae (Fig. 106) amongst amphibians, the Amphisbfenidae amongst lizards and the Typhlopidae amongst snakes have all adapted themselves to a burrowing underground life, like the earthworms. Their limbs have completely disappeared, the body has become cylindrical and worm-like and they have lost the use of their eyes, but though they FIG. 106. — A worm-like, limbless Amphibian, Urm.typhlus africanus. (From British Museum Guide.) have all come to resemble one another closely as the result of convergent evolution they are not in reality at all nearly related. The loss of limbs, the assumption of the worm-like form, &c., have taken place quite independently in each group. The mammalian fauna of Australia consists mainly of members of the single order Marsupialia or pouched mammals, but different representatives of this order have come, by convergence, to resemble closely members of widely different orders of CONVERGENT EVOLUTION 251 mammals found in other parts of the world. The so-called marsupial wolf of Tasmania (Thylacinus) closely resembles a typical carnivore in its habits and general structure. Its teeth are adapted for a predaceous life, and the entire skull (Fig. 107, B), with its dentition, bears an extraordinary general resemblance to that of a dog (Fig. 107, A), being distinguishable only by details of structure which would hardly be noticed except by an FIG. 107.— A. Skull of Dog, side view ; B. Skull of Thylacine, side view. (From photographs.) anatomist. These details, however, are quite sufficient to show that there is in reality no close relationship between the two. Thus the dog (Fig. 108, A, AI) has in each upper jaw three incisor teeth (i.1 — i.3), one canine (c.), four premolars (p.m.1 — p.m.4) and two molars (m.1 — m.2) ; and the dentition of the lower jaw is the same except for the presence of a third molar (m.3), which is, however, in a vestigial condition. The thylacine, on the other hand (Fig. 108, B, BI), has four incisors (i.1 — i.4) in the upper and 252 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAKY BIOLOGY FIG. 108.— A, A!, Skull and Mandible of Dog ; B, BI, Skull and Mandible of Thylacine, to show the arrangement of the teeth, &c. (From photographs.) i. J. — i.4, incisors of upper jaw;i.i — i.s, incisors of lower jaw; c., canine; p.m.1 — p.m. 4, premolars of upper jaw; p.m.j — p.m.4, premolars of lower jaw; m.1 — m.4, molars of upper jaw ; m.i — m.4, molars of lower jaw. CONVERGENT EVOLUTION 253 three (i.i — i.3) in the lower jaw ; and one canine (c.), three premolars (p.m.i — ») and four molars (m.i — 4) in each jaw. The thylacine skull is further distinguished from that of the dog by the presence of large vacuities in the hinder part of the bony palate and by the strongly marked inflection of the angles of the mandibles. These two characters, both of which are shown in the illustrations, as well as the arrangement of the cheek teeth and other minor features which it is unnecessary to specify, are fundamental peculiarities of the great group Marsupialia and at once indicate the true affinities of Thylacinus. The case of the Australian marsupial mole, Notoryctes, is equally striking. The powerfully built digging limbs, the soft, close fur, the absence of external ears and the loss of sight, as well as the general shape of the body, all in adaptation to its burrowing habits, cause it to assume a wonderfully mole-like aspect, while in reality it comes nowhere near the true moles as regards genetic relationship. Perhaps the most remarkable of all known cases of convergent evolution, however, is met with in the Ungulata. We have already seen that amongst the typical ungulate mammals of the present day we can distinguish two series, odd-toed or perisso- dactyl, and even-toed or artiodactyl. In the odd-toed series the reduction of the digits culminates in the horse, with a single perfect digit in each foot and vestiges of two others in the form of splint-bones. This extreme modification of the unguligrade type is so peculiar that it is difficult to believe that precisely the same line of evolution has been followed independently by two different groups of animals. Yet such appears to be actually the case. There is an extinct group of ungulates known as the Litopterna, whose remains have been described by Ameghino from Tertiary beds of Patagonia. The small size of the brain-cavity, the characters of the dentition, cervical vertebrae, carpus and tarsus, indicate that they were more primitive forms than the true Perissodactyla, and, as Dr. Smith Woodward observes, they reached their maximum of specialization at an earlier period than the latter. We find amongst them forms (Theosodon, Fig. 109, A, B) with three well-developed toes as in the rhinoceros, forms (Proterotherium, Fig. 109, C) with one well- developed toe and two small ones as in some of the extinct ancestors of the horse, and forms (Thoatherium, Fig. 109, D, E) with a single toe as in existing horses ; and in all cases the axis 254 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY IV FIG. 109.— Feet of Ungulates belonging to the extinct group Litopterna, from Lower Tertiary deposits of Patagonia. (From Smith Woodward's "Vertebrate Palaeontology," after Ameghino.) m A, B, Theosodon lydekkeri ; right fore and hind feet, x J. C, Proterotherium intermixtum ; right fore foot, x |. D, E, Thoatherium crepidatum ; left fore and hind feet, x CONVERGENCE AND CHANGE OF FUNCTION 255 of the foot passes down the middle of the third digit. If we compare the foot of Thoatherium (Fig. 109, D, E) with that of a horse (Fig. 97) it is hard indeed to imagine that the animals possessing such closely similar and highly specialized limbs are not nearly related to one another. Expert palaeontologists, however, tell us that they are not, and we must helieve that the resemblance is due entirely to adaptation to a similar mode of life in the two cases. We shall have something to say as to how this adaptation was brought about in the case of the horse when we come to discuss the ancestral history of that animal in Chapter XIX. It will be readily understood from the examples which we have been considering that the phenomena of convergence provide many pitfalls for the unwary biologist, and have led to many other mistakes in classification besides the popular error of placing the whales amongst the fishes. We have already noticed how the limbs of arthropods have come to bear a superficial resemblance to those of vertebrates, though so absolutely different in their essential structure that no anatomist would dream of regarding them as homologous organs. Many aquatic arthropods, belonging to the class Crustacea, like the lobsters, cray-fishes and crabs, breathe by means of gills which bear a superficial resemblance to those of fishes, but are again by no means homologous structures, and there are other resemblances between arthropods and vertebrates, due probably to convergence, which have led more than one observer to conclude that vertebrates are descended from arthropod ancestors, a conclusion which is by no means justified by the facts. We may now further consider the process known as " change of function," in which an organ primarily adapted and used for one purpose takes on a new and altogether different duty and becomes modified accordingly. The lungs of air-breathing vertebrates, for example, are generally believed to be homologous with the swim-bladder of fishes, for both arise in the same way as outgrowths of the front part of the alimentary canal, in the region of the throat. The swim-bladder of a fish is a hydrostatic organ ; it is filled with gas, the amount of which can be regulated by suitable means, and assists the animal in maintaining its proper position in the water. In the dipnoan fishes, such as the Australian mud-fish (Neoceratodus, Fig. 110), the South American Lepidosiren and the African Protopterus, the walls of 256 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY the swim-bladder have become highly vascular and it serves as an organ of respiration. Air is taken into it through the mouth, so that the blood circulating in its wall is oxygenated, and the arrangement of the heart and blood-vessels has become modified accordingly. Functional gills, however, are still present. In the amphibians the swim-bladder has become completely converted into a pair of lungs, and in this way was rendered possible that great step in the evolution of the vertebrates, the migration from water to land. Thus in the air-breathing verte- brates the gills have been entirely supplanted and replaced functionally by the lungs, which are still to be regarded as homologous with, or morphologically equivalent to, the air- bladder of fishes. The hand of man affords another beautiful example of change FIG. 110.- The Australian Mild-Fish, Neoceratodus forsleri, greatly reduced. (From British Museum Guide.) of function — from locomotion to prehension — but it has under- gone surprisingly little structural modification in the process. The proboscis of the elephant is also a very efficient organ o£ prehension, but it is formed by enormous elongation of the nose, which is primarily an organ for conveying air to and from the olfactory organs and lungs. Still more remarkable is the con- version of muscle fibres in the torpedo and the electric eel (Gymnotus) into powerful electric batteries, capable of giving severe shocks and therefore valuable as weapons of offence and defence. In this case the change of function is accompanied by very profound modifications in structure. Wherever we turn we find that novel requirements are met, not by the sudden creation of new organs, but by the gradual modifi- cation of old ones. As we have already said, the organism has to do its best with the material which it has inherited from its ancestors ; and yet the power of living protoplasm to meet every new requirement by a suitable modification of bodily structure VESTIGIAL ORGANS 257 appears to be almost unlimited. We must remember, however, that such modifications, in a state of nature at any rate, only take place very slowly and gradually. Traces or vestiges of organs which have ceased to be of any use to their possessors persist with astonishing pertinacity in many organisms. Evidently their complete removal must be an extremely slow process. We have already noticed the per- sistence of vestiges of the pelvic girdle and leg bones in the whale (Fig. 101), of the reduced metapodials or splint bones in FIG. 111. — A New Zealand Kiwi, X &. (From a photograph of a stuffed specimen.) the feet of the horse (Fig. 97), and of the coracoid in the typical mammalian shoulder girdle (Fig. 90). Unless we are to believe that such structures have been put where they are on purpose to mislead us we cannot possibly explain their occurrence on the theory of special creation. They are, at any rate in many cases, perfectly useless to their possessors, and the only rational way of accounting for their presence is by supposing them to be inherited from remote ancestors in which they were functional. We may now briefly notice a few other instances of such B, s 258 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY vestigial structures. A characteristic feature of oceanic islands is the presence on them of birds which have more or less lost the power of flight. Such were the dodo of Mauritius, the solitaire of Eodriguez, and the gigantic moas of New Zealand. All these forms are now extinct, but we still find in New Zealand several flightless birds surviving. One of the most interesting is the kiwi or Apteryx (Fig. Ill), a moderate-sized bird of nocturnal habits, now rapidly be- coming exterminated. The whole body is covered with coarse, hair - like plumage and externally shows no trace of wings. There is, however, a minute remnant of a wing present on each side, completely con- cealed in the plumage and entirely functionless as an organ of flight. Yet it still possesses the pentadactyl skeleton, though in a greatly reduced condition (Fig. 112). It is said that when the kiwi goes to sleep it still endeavours to tuck its long beak under its wing after the FIG. 1 1 2. — Skeleton of a Kiwi, showing the manner of other birds, vestigial Wing Bones, behind which a j th extinct moas to piece of Black Paper has been placed, . x i- (From a photograph.) which thejkiwis are per- haps related, even the last vestiges of the wings seem to have disappeared, for amongst the enormous quantities of the remains of these gigantic birds which occur in New Zealand no wing bones have ever been found. There is very strong reason to believe that the remote ancestors of existing vertebrates possessed an additional pair of eyes on the top of the head, behind the still existing lateral eyes. Traces of this second pair— the pineal or parietal eyes — are yet to be found in lampreys and lizards, and especially in that VESTIGIAL ORGANS 259 remarkable New Zealand reptile the tuatara (Sphenodonpunctatas). This animal (Fig. 113) is usually regarded as the oldest surviving FIG. 113.— The New Zealand Tuitara, X £. (Drawn by Miss V. E. Dondy from a model and photographs.) type of terrestrial vertebrate, the order to which it belongs (the Rhynchocephalia) dating back to the close of the Palaeozoic period of the earth's history (Permian epoch). In the adult tuatara there is still a fairly well developed pineal FIG. 114.— Section through the Pineal Eye of the Tuatara, X 68 (From photograph.) le., lens ; n., nerve ; ret., retina. eye (Fig. 114), with retina, lens and nerve, but it is only about inch in diameter and lies deeply buried beneath the s 2 260 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY skin in the parietal foramen in the middle of the roof of the skull. It may to some extent still be functional, though probably of far less importance than in the extinct amphibia and reptiles of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic periods, in which the presence of a comparatively large parietal foramen indicates that the eye was better developed. In the case of the tuatara it has been demon- strated by anatomical and embryological investigation that the remaining pineal eye is the left-hand member of the original pair. In the lampreys it appears to be the right-hand member. Turning now to the frog, we sometimes find in this animal a minute light-coloured spot on top of the head (Fig. 115), between the paired eyes. This marks the position of a little sac-shaped vesicle which lies beneath the skin and is known as Stieda's organ, consisting merely of a number of undiffer- entiated cells surround- ing a central cavity and attached to the end of a kind of stalk (Fig. 116). The vesicle represents the functionless vestige of a pineal eye and the stalk probably repre- sents its disappearing nerve. In the birds and mammals all trace of eye-like structure has disappeared from this region, but a vestige of one or both of the pineal eyes is probably to be recognized in the so-called pineal gland lying on the roof of the brain, which attained such celebrity in the seventeenth century owing to its identification by the philosopher Descartes as the seat of the soul. In studying the mammalian dentition we again meet with plenty of illustrations of vestigial structures. The whale-bone whales (Balsenidae) have no teeth in the adult at all, but in the foetus vestiges of teeth can be found imbedded in the gums. The young Australian duck-billed Platypus (Ornithorhynchus) has vestigial teeth which are entirely replaced by horny pads in the adult. The third molar in the lower jaw of the dog (Fig. 108, AI, m.3) is, as we have already seen, evidently in a vestigial FIG. 115. — Head of Frog (Rand temporaria), showing Stieda's Organ between the lateral Eyes. (From Studnicka, after Stieda.) VESTIGIAL ORGANS condition and can be of very little if any use to its possessor, and there is reason to fear that in man himself the teeth are disappearing a good deal more rapidly than we could wish, though in this case the disappearance seems to be chiefly due to disease. A better example of a vestigial structure in man is the coccyx at the hinder end of the vertebral column (Fig. 95), which represents the last remnant of the ancestral tail, and is occasion- ally accompanied by vestiges of the muscles by which an ordinary tail is moved. The hair on the chest, again, is a vestige of the r.s. FIG. 116. — Section through the vestigial Pineal Eye of the Frog (Tadpole), X 168. (From a photograph.) epd., epidermis ; p.e., pineal eye ; r.s., roof of skull ; v.n., vestigial stalk and nerve. hairy coat which once clothed the entire human body, as it still does that of the apes. Examples of vestigial organs might be multiplied to an indefinite extent, but enough has perhaps been said to show that such structures are of very common occurrence and to indicate their value as evidences of organic evolution. They occur, of course, not only in the adult condition but also, as in the case of the embryonic gill-slits of air-breathing vertebrates, at earlier stages of development, but such cases will be more conveniently dealt with in the next chapter. Closely akin to the occurrence of vestigial structures is another phenomenon known as atavism or reversion, by which we mean 262 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY the sudden and sporadic reappearance of some ancestral structure which had either been completely lost or very greatly reduced. The elder Pliny has placed it on record that Caesar the Dictator had a horse whose fore feet were like those of a man. This statement evidently refers to a more or less complete return to the ancestral pentadactyl condition. Marsh has given a figure of the fore foot of a horse in which the second digit is fairly well developed, with three perfect phalanges, though not so large as the third, while the first is represented by a splint bone, and a very similar case is exhibited in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. In man the occasional excessive development of the canine teeth is regarded as due to reversion to an ancestral condition similar to that of the anthropoid apes, in which the canine teeth are very large and used as weapons. The occasional occurrence in man of vestigial tail muscles, and even of a short tail, may also be regarded as due to reversion. Whether or not all such cases are capable of being explained on Mendelian principles, as suggested in Chapter XIV, it is impossible to say, but this does not affect their importance as evidence of the truth of the theory of organic evolution. Although, in the present chapter, we have so far drawn our illustrations entirely from the animal kingdom, it must not be supposed that the same general principles cannot be equally well demonstrated in the case of plants. Indeed the whole chapter might be re-written entirely from the botanical point of view. Change of function is very well shown, for example, in the "pitchers" of Nepenthes and Sarracenia, formed from modified leaves and serving as traps for catching insects. Convergent evolu- tion is illustrated by the strong superficial resemblance which exists amongst the various Alpine cushion plants belonging to widely different orders, all of which have assumed the form best suited for withstanding the peculiar hardships of their environment. The leaves of the parasitic dodder, reduced to tiny scales (Fig. 184), and the staminodes or functionless stamens of many flowers, again, might well serve as examples of vestigial structures. Considerations of space, however, forbid us to pursue this fertile line of inquiry any further. CHAPTER XVIII Ontogeny — The recapitulation hypothesis — Interpretation of the onto- genetic record — Palingenetic and caenogenetic characters. IN dealing with the cell theory, in Chapter IV, we have already laid stress upon the fact that every multicellular animal or plant commences its individual life as a unicellular egg or ovum, and gradually passes by slow stages of cell-division and differentiation into the adult condition. There are, of course, apparent exceptions to this rule in the case of animals and plants which reproduce by budding or by some analogous process, where the bud arises from a group of cells belonging to the parent, but even in these cases reproduction by means of germ cells is resorted to at more or less frequent intervals and the budding must be regarded merely as an additional method of multiplication interpolated in the life-cycle. The individual organism, then, does not come into existence fully formed in all its perfection, but passes through a longer or shorter process of development to the adult condition. In fact it undergoes a process of individual evolution which constitutes its individual life-history or ontogeny, and the length and complexity of this process are proportional to the complexity of organization of the adult. Thus the complete life-cycle of many of the lower multicellular animals and plants is passed through in the course of a few months, while a man requires twenty years or more to attain his full development. Although, for the sake of convenience, the ontogeny of any given organism may be divided up into a number of stages, yet these stages cannot in reality be sharply distinguished from one another. Even the division or segmentation of the ovum (Figs. 13 and 119), whereby the organism passes from the uni- cellular to the multicellular condition, does not take place suddenly but by means of the slow and complicated process of mitosis or karyokinesis (Fig. 31) ; and in cases where there is an apparently abrupt change, or metamorphosis, from one condition 264 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY to another, as, for example, at a later stage, from the chrysalis to the butterfly, the development really progresses quite slowly and gradually internally, although the external appearance may for a long time remain unaltered and give the impression that it is completely at a standstill. The fact that the young organism cannot commence its life at the stage reached by its parents, but has to make a fresh start from the beginning and go through a whole series of stages FIG. 117. — A. Chick Embryo of about 5| days, X 5. B. Babbit Embryo of about 13 days, X 5. In both cases the foetal membranes and yolk-sac have been removed. (From photographs.) before reaching the adult condition, is very significant from the point of view of the evolutionist. Still more significant is the fact that different organisms all commence at the same stage — as unicellular eggs — and come to diverge further and further from one another in structure as their development progresses. If we examine a number of series of embryos belonging to different vertebrate types, no matter how widely the adult animals may differ from one another, we shall find that as we trace their life-histories backwards they gradually converge until, while still at a relatively advanced stage of development, the different embryos come to resemble one another so closely that 265 in many cases it is doubtful if even an experienced embryologist could distinguish between them. This great generalization appears to have been first reached by the embryologist von Baer, who in 1827 discovered the mammalian ovum. It may be illustrated by the chick and rabbit embryos represented in Fig. 117. Von Baer's generalization contained the germ of what is now known as the Eecapitulation Hypothesis, or, as Haeckel has termed it, the Biogenetic Law, which states that every organism in its individual life-history recapitulates the various stages through which its ancestors have passed in the course of their evolution. In other words, ontogeny, or the life-history of the individual, is a repetition of phylogeny, or the ancestral history of the race to which the individual belongs. We have already referred, in Chapter IV (Fig. 13), to some of the earlier stages in the development of that primitive fish- like animal Amphioxus (Fig. 118). Let us next inquire how these stages may be interpreted in accordance with the recapitu- lation hypothesis. The unicellular ovum (Fig. 13, I) obviously represents the remote protozoon ancestors which were common to the whole animal kingdom, and which are also represented at the present day by independent unicellular organisms such as the Amo3ba. The segmentation of the ovum into primitive embryonic cells or blastomeres (Fig. 13, II — VI) represents the transition from the condition of the simple protozoon to that of the protozoon colony, in which the individual cells, instead of separating, as in the dividing Amoeba, remain together, but still without undergoing any marked differentiation and division of labour. The arrangement of the blastomeres in the form of a hollow sphere, the blastula or blastosphere (Fig. 13, VII), with a single layer of cells surrounding a central cavity, represents the formation of such a protozoon colony as we see in the existing Volvox (Fig. 11) or Sphaerozoum (Fig. 12). The process of gastrulation, whereby the single-layered blastula is converted into a two-layered gastrula (Fig. 13, VIII — X), with primitive digestive cavity (enteron) and primitive mouth (blastopore), repre- sents the transition from the protozoon colony to the coelenterate stage of evolution, the latter being still represented at the present day by such forms as Hydra (Fig. 57), Obelia (Fig. 60), the jelly- fish, the corals and all their numerous relations, which retain in their organization all the essential features of the gastrula, though generally complicated by the development of tentacles, skeleton, &c. The development of coelomic pouches (Fig. 13, XI — XIII, c.p.) as outgrowths of the primitive digestive cavity, and the conversion of these into mesoblastic somites (Fig. 13, XV, ni. 8.), arranged serially or metamerically down each side of the body, mark the transition from the unsegmented and ccelenterate condition to the metamerically segmented l and coalomate condition. The cavities of the coalomic pouches form the coalom or body cavity, which is at first transversely sub- divided into compartments, as it still is in the adult earthworm, while their walls form the third germ-layer or mesoblast, lying between the epiblast which covers the surface of the body and FIG. 118. — The Lancelet (A?), Hind Foot of Eohippus pernix, X i- (From Lull, after Marsh.) EVOLUTION OF THE HORSE 311 (Fig. 153, 6-), which continued on into Pliocene times and attained a height of 48 inches, had the second and fourth digits of each foot represented by mere splint bones as in modern horses, and had therefore already attained to the single-toed condition (Fig. 158). In Pliocene times, however, we still find a three- toed horse— Hipparion — surviving in Europe, but the modern one-toed genus Equus (Fig. 153, /) also makes its appearance both in the old and new worlds, becoming extinct in the new world in Post-Pleistocene times until re-introduced from Europe by the agency of man. The time occupied in the evolu- tion of the genus Equus from its remote ancestor Eohippus is estimated by Professor Sollas at five or six millions of years. This period is sufficient to allow of a very slow and gradual change from one condition to the other. Allowing five years for each generation, Sollas arrives at the conclusion that somewhere about a million generations intervene between the two extremes. The total increase in height during this time has been 53 inches, and if this increase were spread fairly uniformly over the whole period it would only mean about 0*00005 inch for each successive generation — an amount which would be quite imperceptible to human observers. In reconstructing such a pedigree as that of the horse from palaeontological evidence it is of course necessary to bear in mind that the great majority of extinct forms which come to light will almost certainly not be actually in the direct line of descent. Collateral branches will have been given off from the phylogenetic tree in various directions, and it is much more likely that any particular form discovered will belong to one of these branches than that it will belong to the main stem. This fact, IV FIG. 155.— -a, Fore Foot and b, Hind Foot of Orohippm agifis, X ^. (From Lull, after Marsh.) 312 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAEY BIOLOGY R however, by no means vitiates the general argument, for it is usually possible to pick out pretty accurately those which come into or near to the direct line, and even the collaterals afford valuable evidence as to the general course of evolution. We may safely say that the palaeontological evidence amounts to a clear demonstration of the evolution of the horse from a five-toed ancestor along the lines indi- cated above. The ancestry of the elephants is less well known than that of the horses, but recent dis- coveries in the Egyptian Ter- tiary formations, which we owe especially to the investigations of Dr. Andrews, have done much to elucidate the history of this remarkable group of mammals, and there can now be no doubt as to the main line of evolution which has led up to the existing Proboscidea. In some respects the elephants have remained in a some- what primitive condition, as is indicated very clearly by the fact that all the digits remain well developed in both fore and hind feet. It is in the struc- ture of the head that they IV FIG. 156. — a, Fore Foot and b, Hind Foot of Mesohippvs celer, x ^. (From Lull, after Marsh.) exhibit a high degree of special- ization, marked particularly by the elongation of the snout to form a long prehensile trunk, by the enormous development of the occipital region of the skull, by the enlargement of the incisor teeth to form great tusks, by the shortening of the jaws and by the increase in size and complexity and the reduction in number of the cheek teeth. These changes have been accom- panied by a huge increase in the size of the entire body, so that most of the elephants are amongst the largest of known land mammals, whether fossil or recent. EVOLUTION OF ELEPHANTS 813 CL. Like the horses, the elephants prohably originated from that primitive ungulate group, the Condylarthra. The earliest known form exhibiting proboscidean characters is Moeritherium, a tapir-like animal whose remains have been found in the Middle and Upper Eocene deposits of the Egyptian Fayum. This was a comparatively small creature, about as large as a Newfoundland dog. It probably differed but little from other primitive ungulates, but the skull (Fig. 159, 1) already shows marked proboscidean ten- dencies. The position of the nasal bones, away back from the tip of the snout, indicates that there was in all likelihood a short pro- boscis. The occipital region of the skull is beginning to grow up and air cells are beginning to develop in the bones. The second pair of incisor teeth in each jaw are enlarged to form small tusks and the hinder cheek teeth are beginning to show an increase in complexity of structure. The total number of teeth however (86) is only eight short of the full typical mammalian dentition. The next stage is represented by Palaeomastodon (Fig. 159, 2) from the Upper Eocene of the same region, some species of which were little larger than Mreritherium while others attained almost elephantine proportions. In this genus we notice a strong accentuation ef the proboscidean characters. The occiput is higher, the nasal opening in the skull further back, the upper tusks better developed, the cheek teeth more complex ; while the canines and all the incisors except the tusks in both jaws have dis- appeared. It will be observed that as yet there is no shortening of the jaws, but, on the contrary, the lower jaw has become FIG. 151.— a, Fore Hind Foot of whitneyi, X %. Foot and b, Neoli ipparion (From Lull.) 314 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAEY BIOLOGY considerably elongated, apparently serving as a support for the lengthening proboscis. In Tetrabelodon angustidens, from European Miocene formations, this elongation of the mandible is much more marked, so that the lower jaw is much longer than the upper one and the short lower tusk comes to project almost as far forward as the long upper one (Fig. 159, 3). From this time onwards, how- ever, the chin shortens, thereby allowing greater flexibility to the proboscis, so that in the lower Pliocene we find Tetrabelodon longirostris (Fig. 159, 4) with the lower jaw only a little longer than the upper, leading the way to the mastodons and true elephants (Elephas), which also appeared in Pliocene times and in which the tusks have entirely disappeared from the greatly abbreviated mandibles while the cheek teeth have become enormously enlarged and complicated (Fig. 159, 5). We have here a wonderfully perfect series of connecting links between the most primitive known ungulate mammals and the elephants. Only forms which appear to lie in or near the direct line of descent have been mentioned in the above brief account. Other modifications of the proboscidean type arose as lateral offshoots from this main stem. One of the most remarkable of these is Dino- therium, with its great, downwardly directed lower tusks (Fig. 160), which appeared in Europe in the Pliocene period. In the case of the Cetacea, a group which includes the whales, porpoises and dolphins, we have as yet only a much more frag- mentary pedigree, but still quite sufficient to justify, on the palaeontological side, the conclusion, already arrived at on ana- tomical grounds, that these extremely aberrant forms are the descendants of typical terrestrial mammals which have become re-adapted to an aquatic life and in accordance therewith have re-acquired a superficial resemblance to their much more remote FIG. 158.— a, Fore Foot and &, Hind Foot of Pliohipjnispernix, X \. (From Lull.) EVOLUTION OF ELEPHANTS 315 Recent Pleistocene Ufifier Pliocene ELEPHAS (short chin) Lower Pliocene TETRABELODON [LONGIROSTRIS STAGE] Ufiner Miocene (shortening chin) Middle Miocene TETRABELODON [ANGUSTIDENS STAGE] Lower Miocene (long chin] ~,- Mi oration from Africa I/finer Oh gocene . f _ A J ' ' into Lurone -Asia Lower Oligocene?\ UnnerEocene { Middle Eocene Lower Eocene PAL AEO MASTODON chin) MOERITHERIUM (short chin) FIG. 159. — Some Stages in the Evolution of the Skull in the Proboscidea (From British Museum Guide.) 316 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY fish-like ancestors.1 The fore limbs have become converted into paddles while the hind limbs have entirely disappeared externally FIG. 160. — Skull of Dinotherium giganteum, Lower Pliocene, X T^. (From Smith Woodward's " Vertebrate Palaeontology," after Kaup.) (Fig. 161). The tail has become flattened out into a horizontal fin and there is frequently a well developed dorsal fin. The skull FIG. 161. — The Dolphin, Delpliinus delphis, X Guide.) (From British Museum has undergone very curious changes. The brain case is rounded and strongly arched (Fig. 162) and the nasal apertures or blow- holes lie far back, at or near the highest point of the head 1 Compare Chapter XVII. EVOLUTION OF WHALES 317 (Fig. 101, //), while the jaws have become greatly elongated. The teeth have in some cases completely disappeared, as in the whale- FIG. 162.— Skull of the Dolphin, x J. (From British Museum Guide.) bone whales (except for foetal vestiges), while in others they are present in large numbers but have lost the typical mammalian FIG. 163. — Dorsal and lateral views of the Skull of a primitive Whale, Prozeuglodon atrox, X rV (From British Museum Guide.) differentiation into incisors, canines, premolars and molars, being represented by a continuous and uniform series, all of which are conical in shape and single-rooted. Such teeth occur in both 318 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY jaws of the porpoises and dolphins (Fig. 162) and in the lower jaw only of the sperm whale. In the extinct shark-toothed Dolphins (Squalodontidae), whose remains have been found in Miocene formations of Europe and America, the teeth are still differentiated into incisors, canines, prernolars and molars, and the molars have double roots and compressed crowns with serrated edges. Further back, in Eocene times, there existed, widely distributed over the northern hemisphere, a group of still more primitive whale-like animals known as Zeuglodontidse. In these the seven vertebrae of the neck, which in existing whales are more or less fused together into a solid mass (Fig. 103), are all separate, and the typical dental formula is identical with that of primitive ,..31 4 3—2 carnivorous land mammals, viz. i 0, c. - r, p.m. -., m. — » — . o 1 4 o The genus Prozeuglodon, from the Egyptian Eocene, ap- proaches so closely in the characters of the skull and teeth (Fig. 163) to the primitive carnivores (Creodontia)of about the same period as to leave no reasonable doubt about the derivation of the Cetacea from that group, although it is quite possible that none of the extinct forms so far discovered are actually in the direct line of descent of any of the modern whales. CHAPTEK XXI Geographical distribution1 — Areas of distribution — Barriers to migration — Means of dispersal — Changes in the physical conditions of the earth's surface — The evidence afforded by the study of geographical distribution with regard to the theory of organic evolution. IT is hardly necessary to remind the reader that each species of plant or animal, in a state of nature, is more or less sharply restricted to a certain portion of the earth's surface, the entire region over which it may be found, whether sea or land, being termed its area of distribution. Such areas of specific distribu- tion are nearly always continuous, without any considerable gaps or intervals from which the species is entirely absent. This does not, of course, mean that the species necessarily occurs in all parts of its area of distribution at once, but that it is free to range over the whole of it and may accordingly be found in any suitable part of it at any time. It is necessary to introduce some such qualifying word as " suitable " in this connection, because each species is not only restricted in its range to a more or less well-defined geographical area, but can only live continuously in certain portions of that area, to the special conditions of which it is structurally and physiologically adapted and which constitute its habitat. Thus, for example, a fresh-water snail may perhaps range over an entire continent, but it would be useless to look for it except in fresh water. Individuals of a species may pass with more or less freedom, according to the nature of the case, from one habitat to another within the area of distribution, but it is only on rare and exceptional occasions that they are able to transgress the boundaries of the area itself. True discontinuity in areas of specific distribution, as distin- guished from mere discontinuity of habitats, is extremely rare. We have a good example of it, however, in the case of the marsh 1 The reader is referred to Dr. Wallace's classical volumes on " Island Life " and the " Geographical Distribution of Animals," and to Professor Heilprin's work on the " Distribution of Animals" in the International Scientific Scries (Vol. LVIII, 1887), for further information on this subject. 320 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY tit (Parus palustris), which has two areas of distribution separated from one another by an interval of four thousand miles — in Europe and Asia Minor on the one hand and in Northern China on the other. The size of the area over which a species may range varies immensely, in some cases comprising an entire continent, or even more, and in others only a few square miles. Thus the leopard ranges over the whole of Africa and most of Southern Asia, while the Tuatara (Fig. 113) is confined to certain small islands off the coast of New Zealand, and certain species of humming birds are said to occur only on the volcanic peak of Chimborazo in the equatorial Andes. An area of generic distribution is the sum of the areas of distribution of all the species which are comprised within the genus, and thus genera have usually a much wider geographical range than species. Families, again, have a wider range than genera and orders than families, and so on with groups of still higher value. In short, the more comprehensive the group the larger will be its area of distribution, until we find that the sub- kingdoms or phyla are cosmopolitan, ranging more or less over the entire world, wherever a suitable habitat is to be found. The reason why species are rarely, if ever, cosmopolitan in their distribution is that they are confined within their own limited areas by the existence of physical conditions which con- stitute what are called barriers to migration. Such barriers either form absolutely insuperable obstacles to the passage of the species in question or they may be surmounted only at rare intervals and by some happy chance. The nature of the barriers varies, of course, with tbe species concerned, and wbat is a barrier to one may be a high road to another. In the case of marine animals the principal barriers are continents and temperature conditions, while the deep sea itself acts as a barrier to the distribution of shore-dwelling or littoral forms. For terrestrial animals the chief barriers are seas, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts and climate generally ; for fresh-water animals land and sea. In the case of plants the barriers to migration are very much the same. It may be laid down as a general law that every organism, whether animal or vegetable, at some period or other of its existence is specially adapted so as to secure dispersal either by its own exertions or by the action of some external agency. By DISPERSAL OF PLANTS 321 some means or another it is able, not only to spread itself over its own area of distribution, but also., when occasion offers, to extend that area by surmounting its barriers. The lower terrestrial plants, such as fungi, mosses and ferns, are dispersed by means of spores, which, protected by special envelopes, may be widely distributed by the wind. In the higher plants the spores, as agents of dispersal, are replaced by seeds, wbich, usually still within the fruit, maybe carried on the wind, floated on rivers or ocean currents, carried about entangled in the hair or feathers of animals, or actually eaten and passed out uninjured in the freces. A great many seeds and fruits are specially modified in structure to secure their distribution in one or other of these ways, and the study of such adaptations consti- tutes one of the most interesting chapters in botanical science. We need only refer here to such fruits as the blackberry, whose succulence tempts the birds to eat them and carry the seeds, safely enclosed in their hard protective envelopes, to long distances ; the various kinds of burs with their hooks for entangle- ment in fur and feathers ; the winged fruits of the maple, elm and ash, and the thistledown of the tbistles, adapted for floating on the wind. The dispersal of plants is in all cases passive and dependent on external agencies, though sometimes aided by some purely mechanical device in the plant itself ; in the case of animals it may take place either passively or actively, by the exertions of the animals themselves. Beginning with the marine fauna, we find that the larger forms — whales, porpoises, dolphins and fishes — owe their dis- persal mainly to their own active powers of locomotion, while the smaller animals, especially the invertebrates, are • largely dependent in this respect upon oceanic currents. Even animals which, like the sponges and corals, are firmly fixed to the sea-bottom in the adult condition, have free-swim- ming larval forms (Fig. 164) whose own limited powers of locomotion may, under favourable circumstances, be enormously supplemented by the action of currents. Such larval forms, from the point of view of dispersal, play the part of the spores and seeds of plants, and they occur not only in cases where the adult is strictly sedentary in habit but also where its powers of loco- motion are limited, as in many worms, snails, crabs (Fig. 128), star-fishes, brittle stars (Fig. 127) and sea-urchins. The B. Y 322 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY dispersal even of large and active fish, like the mackerel, is largely assisted by the action of currents upon the floating eggs, and this factor must be of still greater importance in the case of the comparatively sluggish bottom dwellers, such as the turbot and sole. The more superficial waters of the open ocean are densely populated with pelagic animals and plants and with pelagic eggs and larvae in various stages of development, all drifting more or less helplessly wherever the ocean currents may carry them, for their own powers of locomotion are usually quite insufficient to enable them to pursue an inde- pendent course. This floating population is technically spoken of as " plankton " and its in- vestigation, which is of great importance for the solution of practical fishery problems, has lately attracted a great deal of attention. We must therefore regard all the great ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, as highways thronged with life of many kinds, including representatives of all the more important groups of marine animals, any one of which may be on its way to found a new colony and establish its own particular species in some region far distant from its original home. Some of the wanderers are only immature forms, belonging partly to shore-dwelling species, others are adult. Almost all exhibit some special adap- tation to their pelagic mode of life. The fish-eggs are floated by oil-globules, and the larvae of the crabs, brittle stars and sea-urchins are provided with defensive spines (Figs. 127, 128) ; but the most general and characteristic feature of all the pelagic host is transparency, whereby they are rendered inconspicuous and less likely to become the victims of the numerous enemies which feed upon the plankton. Adult jelly-fish, worms, molluscs and crustaceans, and innumerable larval forms, all exhibit this same peculiarity. The effect of ocean currents upon the distribution of marine FIG. 164. — Free-swimming Larva of a Sponge, Orantia compressa ; highly magnified. (The larva swims by means of the rapid undulations of the numerous flagella with which it is provided.) DISPERSAL OF ANIMALS 323 animals is shown in a very interesting manner in the case of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. In each of these there is a surface current constantly flowing in from the open ocean and bringing in vast numbers of individuals, both larval and adult, which never find their way out again. Hence these almost enclosed seas form a kind of trap for marine animals and we accordingly find them to be inhabited by an exceptionally rich and varied fauna. The range of marine species, though sometimes very wide, is usually more or less strictly limited, so that the shores of every continent have their own characteristic fauna and flora. This is no doubt partly accounted for by differences in climatic conditions, food supply and so forth, but it is mainly due to the fact that, in spite of the facilities for travel afforded by ocean currents, the dangers incidental to a long voyage from one continent to another are rarely surmounted, at any rate by shore-dwelling organisms. We know that many such forms flourish quite as well in some other part of the world as in their original home if they can once overcome the initial difficulty of migration. Thus the artificial introduction of the American oyster into British seas has accidentally brought with it the introduction of the remarkable limpet-like Crepidula, which attaches itself to the oyster shells and runs riot over the oyster beds on the Essex coast. That such occurrences may occasionally take place in a state of nature, and a species thereby be enabled to extend its area of distribution, there can be no reasonable doubt, for even American turtles have occasionally been carried by the Gulf Stream to the shores of Great Britain. Amongst the higher forms of non-aquatic animals, and especially birds and mammals, their own powers of locomotion constitute the most important means of dispersal. Even these, however, are frequently transported for long distances by those external agencies which are chiefly responsible for the dispersal of less highly organized forms. Leaving out of account, for the moment, the action of man, which has brought about immense changes in the geographical distribution of the existing fauna, the chief agents to be noticed in this connection are wind and water. It is to the action of the wind that large numbers of winged animals — insects, birds and bats — owe the wide distribution which they enjoy. All actively flying land animals are liable to be Y 2 324 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY carried out to sea in storms, and although the great majority of these will inevitably perish a few will occasionally manage to reach some distant haven where they may succeed in establish- ing a colony and thus extending the range of the species. During westerly winds American birds not infrequently make their appearance on various parts of the coast of Europe, while north of the 58th parallel of latitude the polar winds trend in the opposite direction and with them we find a transference of European birds, by way of Iceland and Greenland, to the American continent.1 During storms, again, European birds are cast upon the Azores, about 1,000 miles from the nearest continental coast, and there is strong reason for believing that the little wax-eye (Zosterops lateralis) has been transported in this way from Australia to New Zealand, where it has succeeded in establishing itself. Water currents may play an important part in the dispersal of two groups of terrestrial animals — those which occasionally swim and those which are liable to be carried away on icebergs or on floating masses of vegetation. Most quadrupeds swim well and even if not habitual swimmers may be forced to take to the water in times of flood. In this way they may cross large rivers and even get carried out to sea and perhaps to some neighbouring island, but they cannot cross large stretches of open ocean, and are accordingly never found, except when introduced by man, on islands far remote from any continent. In polar regions the floating ice affords a means of dispersal to such animals as wolves and polar bears, while within the tropics floating islands or rafts formed of matted vegetation play the same part. Such islands have been observed floating out to sea from the mouths of large rivers like the Ganges, the Amazon, the Congo and the Orinoco. They serve as a means of transport to many different kinds of terrestrial reptiles, birds and mammals, and countless molluscs, worms and insects, to say nothing of plants. "If," says Sir Charles Lyell, "the surface of the deep be calm, and the rafts are carried along by a current, or wafted by some slight breath of air fanning the foliage of the green trees, it may arrive, after a passage of several weeks, at the bay of an island into which its plants and animals may be poured out as 1 Heilprin, op. cit., p. 47. DISPERSAL OF ANIMALS 325 from an ark, and thus a colony of several hundred new species may at once be naturalized." * As a definite example of this kind of dispersal may be men- tioned the fact that in 1827 a large boa constrictor, twisted round the trunk of a tree, was carried by ocean currents from South America to the Island of St. Vincent, where it was destroyed after killing a few sheep. A current flows from the North Island of New Zealand southwards to Chatham Island, four hundred miles distant from the nearest point on the New Zealand coast. This current carries considerable quantities of New Zealand timber to the island and its existence probably accounts for the fact that the planarian worm, Gcoplana exulans, has been found both in the North Island of New Zealand and on Chatham Island, but, as yet, nowhere else. The land planarians habitually creep into the crevices of decayed timber, and their eggs are enclosed in tough, horny cocoons which may probably occasionally be transported even over wide stretches of sea. Small terrestrial animals are, of course, often accidentally dispersed by human agency. Rats, mice and cockroaches have been carried nearly all over the world by ships, and snails, worms and other small creatures may be carried about with timber and earth, especially around the roots of plants. When I was in New Zealand I had some plants sent to me from England in a tightly closed tin box. When they arrived, after a voyage of some five or six weeks, I found an earthworm still alive in the tin. Many invertebrates have doubtless been unknowingly dispersed in this manner and great care has to be taken to make due allowance for such possibilities in studying problems of distribution. In exactly the same sort of way the seeds of many plants are accidentally dispersed over the world in ships' ballast, so that the same common European weeds occur in the neighbourhood of the ports along all the great routes of commerce. The restrictions placed upon the dispersal of fresh water animals are more severe than in the case of either marine or terrestrial forms. One river system or one lake is separated from another by intervening land or sea which fresh water animals cannot as a rule cross by their own exertions. There are of course exceptions, as in the case of the lampreys and eels, 1 Lyell's " Principles of Geology," Ed. 5, Vol. III., p. 44. 326 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY and other fish which go down to the sea periodically, but for the most part the inhabitants of fresh water are largely dependent upon external agencies for their dispersal. Accordingly we find two groups of such animals, widely contrasted with one another as regards their distribution. Those which do not go down to the sea and which are not likely to be carried about by external agencies, such as most of the fishes, have usually restricted areas of specific distribution, and individual mountain lakes sometimes contain peculiar species of fish which are found nowhere else in FIG. 165. FIG. 166. FIG. 166. — Gemmule or Statoblast of a Fresh Water Polyzoon, Cristateila mucedo, X 40. (From Sollas.) FIG. 166.— Two Gemmules of a Fresh Water Sponge, Ephydatia (Spongilla)- fluviatilis, X 60. (From a photograph. ) gem., gemmules ; sp., spicules of the parent sponge. the world. Galaxias nigothoruk, for example, is a small fish which occurs abundantly in lake Nigothoruk in Victoria (Australia). This lake is in a very isolated position in a mountainous region and the only outlet is by percolation under- ground. There appears to be no natural means by which the fish could be transferred to any other locality at the present time, and it is not known to occur elsewhere. On the other hand many fresh water invertebrates, such as the Polyzoa, hydras and sponges, and above all the microscopic Protozoa, are remarkable for their wide distribution. Identical genera if not identical species of tliese groups occur almost all over the world, and the reason for this is not far to seek, for all CLIMATIC CHANGES 327 of them have some special character which enables them to be easily dispersed by external agencies. The fresh water Polyzoa and sponges produce minute buds (statoblasts or gemmules) enclosed in hard protective envelopes (Figs. 165, 166), which are likely to be carried about in the mud on the feet of wading birds and mammals. The embryo of Hydra secretes its own protective envelope (Fig. 59, D — G) within which it passes through a period of rest embedded in the mud ; while many of the Protista (e.g. Haematococcus) are capable of being dried up at some period or other of their life-history and carried about by the wind in the form of dust. Thus a sample of mud, taken from a pond and dried up, may, after an interval of many months, if again placed in water, give rise to an abundant fauna, amongst which even such highly organized forms as Crustacea (e.g. Apus and Branchipus, which lay specially protected eggs) will frequently appear. We must remember that the present distribution of animals and plants is the outcome not only of the existing physical conditions of the earth's surface but also of conditions which obtained in past geological periods. From time to time these conditions undergo great changes, which may concern not only the climate of particular regions or of the entire world, but also the relative distribution of land and sea. The earth has been subject, at various periods of its history, to climatic changes of two chief kinds, (1) cold or even glacial epochs in temperate regions, and (2) mild or warm epochs in arctic or antarctic regions. Probably alternations of these two extremes have been not infrequent, but the case of which we have most complete knowledge occurred in the Pleistocene period and is usually known as the " Glacial Epoch " par excellence. There is clear evidence that during a portion of the Pleistocene period a very large part of the northern hemisphere, which now enjoys a temperate climate, was covered with perpetual ice and snow and reduced to a condition resembling that of Greenland at the present time. Scandinavia and the whole of Northern Europe were buried beneath the ice-sheet, and the same is truo of the northern part of North America. The glacial epoch in the north must have driven the greater number of the northern plants and animals southwards, causing a keen struggle for existence in which many species were exterminated. Its influence was possibly intensified by the 328 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY fact that the glaciation was not continuous but alternated with a succession of warm periods. The southern hemisphere also experienced a glacial epoch during which warm and cold periods alternated, and astronomers hold that the warm periods in one hemisphere coincided with cold ones in the other. It has been calculated that each warm or cold period lasted for about 21,000 years. Other important changes in climate occurred long before the great glacial epoch. Thus the fossil remains of a luxuriant vegetation in Greenland and other northern localities indicate the occurrence of a mild arctic climate in Miocene times. Such a climate must have favoured migration between the old and new worlds by way of what is now Behring Strait, which may very well have been dry land at the time. Owing to the gradual loss of the earth's heat by radiation and the consequent shrinkage and crumpling of the solid crust, variations in the level of the land are constantly taking place. Areas which are at present separated by sea may have been connected in former times and vice versa, and there can be no doubt that the distribution of plants and animals has been profoundly influenced in this way. Many cases of discontinuity in distribution may be explained by the former existence of land connections which no longer remain. It is necessary, however, to be extremely careful how we invoke the aid of this principle, which, as an easy way out of difficulties, is apt to lead us into all sorts of unjustifiable speculations. Those remarkable animals the lemurs, as a group, exhibit a very curious discontinuity in their distribution, occurring in Africa (and especially Madagascar) on the one hand and in Southern Asia on the other. To explain this distribution it has been suggested that in former times a continent — Lemuria — existed in the Indian Ocean. Similarly, but with perhaps greater justification, it is believed by many people that the antarctic continent at one time extended much further north than at the present day, so as to afford, possibly with the aid of a chain of islands and with the co-operation of a mild antarctic climate, a route along which migration might take place between South America and Australasia. In this way may be explained certain remarkable points of agreement between the fauna and flora of Australia and New Zealand and those of South America. The genus Fuchsia, for example, is typically South American, CHANGES IN LAND AND SEA 329 but one or two species occur in New Zealand ; and the same is true of Calceolaria. The evergreen beech forests of New Zealand must be extraordinarily like those which Darwin described in Patagonia. Even the same curious genus of fungus (Cyttaria) is found on the beech trees in South America, New Zealand and Tasmania. A fresh water lamprey, Geotria, also occurs both in New Zealand and South America and similar cases could be quoted from the invertebrate fauna. It is very doubtful, however, whether such an extensive change in the configuration of the earth's surface as the submergence of an entire continent has ever taken place. According to Dr. Wallace, who is recognized as the greatest authority on tbe subject of geographical distribution, the existing continents and oceans as a whole are permanent features, although their outlines may be greatly affected by oscillations of the earth's crust. Perhaps tbe strongest argument against the former existence of continents where we now have oceans lies in the fact that the average depth of the sea is many times greater than the average height of the land, no less than twelve thousand feet as com- pared with one thousand, for the great depths of the ocean extend over vast areas while the greatest heights of the land are narrow mountain ranges. Hence, although large areas of land might be submerged by a comparatively slight change of level, it would take an enormous movement to bring any extensive tract of the ocean bed to the surface. In short, we are only justified in postulating the former existence of land in places where the ocean is comparatively shallow, but even this limitation leaves abundant opportunity for changes in the relative distribution of land and sea which would profoundly affect the distribution of plants and animals. The actual occurrence of such changes is abundantly proved by geological evidence and they are known to be going on at the present day in many parts of the world. There is good reason to believe that the principal groups of terrestrial animals originated in the great northern land masses and that the southern peninsular areas of Africa, Australasia (now, of course, represented by detached islands) and South America have been peopled mainly by successive waves of migration from the north. We find in all these southern areas primitive, ancient forms of life. Marsupials at the present day 330 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY are found only in Australasia and America, but the fossil remains of such animals are widely distributed over the northern hemi- sphere. The Onychophora, again, a small group of extremely primitive arthropods, which until recently were all included by zoologists in the single genus Peripatus (Fig. 167), are almost confined to Australasia, South Africa and South America, in all of which regions they are fairly abundant. It is more reasonable to imagine that the ancestors of the Onychophora migrated from the north, where the group has now become extinct, than to invent imaginary continents across which they may have wandered, or even to suppose that they have been so widely distributed as we now find them by some external agency such as floating timber. The geographical distribution of plants and animals would be quite inexplicable on the supposition that they had all been independently created and deposited where they now live. It is, however, easy enough to explain it on the theory that the earth has been peopled by the des- cendants of common ancestors which migrated from place to place as occasion permitted and at the same time underwent modification in many different directions. We may now briefly summarize the principal facts of distribution which justify us in holding this view. (1) The extent of the area of distribution of any group of animals is directly proportional to its means of dispersal. Thus flying animals are much more widely distributed than quadrupeds. Birds occur abundantly on oceanic islands, but the only mammals which occur there in a state of nature are bats and small forms like rats and mice which may be carried on floating timber. Nevertheless we know that when the larger mammals are trans- ported by man to such localities they flourish exceedingly. Many Protozoa, again, which are readily blown about in the form of dust, are almost cosmopolitan even as regards their species. (2) The degree of peculiarity of the fauna and flora of any FIG. 167. — Peripatusmpensia, from Cape Colony, X f . (From a photograph.) GEOGEAPHICAL ISOLATION 331 area is proportional to the length of time for which and the extent to which that area has been isolated from other areas. Thus Australia, which has probably been separated from the Asiatic continent ever since the Cretaceous period, has a most peculiar fauna and flora. We have already referred to the numerous different kinds of marsupials — kangaroos, wombats, phalangers, native bears, native cats and so forth — which have not as yet been supplanted by the more recently developed groups of mammals found in other parts of the world. Australia is also still the home of those most primitive and reptile-like of all the mammals, the Monotremata (Figs. 91, 92). The Australasian forests, again, are composed principally of eucalypts of many different species, which are found nowhere else in the world. In New Zealand, which is even more isolated than Australia, we find no less peculiar inhabitants, including the wonderful tuatara (Fig. 113), the oldest surviving type of terrestrial vertebrate, together with the kiwi (Fig. Ill) and other remarkable flightless birds. The reasons why the degree of peculiarity of the fauna and flora of any region is proportional to the degree of geographical isolation are not difficult to find. On the one hand ancient types, such as the tuatara, the monotremes and the marsupials, may be preserved from competition with more modern forms long after they have been exterminated elsewhere. On the other hand, indivi- duals accidentally introduced from distant areas at rare intervals will have few opportunities of breeding with others of the same species, and thus whatever variation occurs amongst them will be less liable to be swamped by intercrossing with the parent form. New races and ultimately new species will thus become established more readily in such areas than elsewhere. This principle of geographical isolation as a factor in the production of new species is of great importance and we shall have to refer to it again in a subsequent chapter. The zoological or botanical affinities of the inhabitants of any given area, not only with one another but also with those of adjacent areas, are exactly what we should expect in accordance with the views which we are advocating. It is impossible to believe that the existing marsupials were (with the exception of the few American species) all specially created in Australasia when we know perfectly well that marsupials used to exist in Europe in past geological times and can still exist in Europe 332 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY when transported there by human agency, and it is equally impossible to believe that such animals as sheep and rabbits, to which the Australian climate appears to be pre-eminently suited, were specially created in Europe and Asia but never in Australia. The existing condition of the Australian fauna is, however, easily explained on the supposition that it was originally derived from Asia at the time when marsupials and monotremes flourished in the north, and that the island continent became separated from the mainland before the more recent mammalian types, such as sheep and rabbits, had arisen on the latter. Divergent evolution within the limits of this isolated area is then quite sufficient to account for the immense variety of marsupials occurring there at the present day. It is very instructive in this connection to contrast the con- dition of the fauna of a comparatively recently separated continental island, such as Great Britain, which is not far removed from its parent continent, with that of the fauna of a typical oceanic island which has never formed part of a continent at all and is very widely separated from any other laud. The native or indigenous population of continental islands always exhibits a close relationship with that of the adjacent mainland, from which it was originally derived and with wbich it is still able to keep up a certain amount of intercourse. Such an island will contain indigenous quadrupeds, and the great majority of the species of plants and animals found in it will be identical with those of the mainland. True oceanic islands, on the other hand, such as St. Helena and the Sandwich Islands, are peopled entirely by waifs and strays which have gained access to them at rare intervals in one or other of the ways discussed in the earlier part of this chapter. They never contain large quadrupeds and, owing to their more or less complete isolation, the animals which do occur almost always belong to peculiar species found nowhere else in the world. (8) Palaeontological investigations have demonstrated that the present animal population of any tolerably isolated area is closely related to the population of the same area in comparatively recent geological periods. Thus in Australia we not only find that at the present day marsupials are by far the most charac- teristic features of the fauna, but also that the remains of extinct marsupials, many of which belong to genera and species different from any now living, are very abundant in the tertiary deposits DISCONTINUOUS DISTEIBUTION 333 of the same region. Similarly in South America at the present time the edentates (sloths, armadillos and ant-eaters) form the most characteristic mammalian group, and the tertiary deposits of that country have yielded the remains of a great number of extinct forms belonging to the same order. It would be very difficult to explain these facts on any theory of special creation, but we can easily understand how a group of animals, having once gained a footing in any area and finding itself secure and more or less cut off from communication with other parts of the world, would increase and vary, producing new species and ultimately becoming the dominant group in that particular region. (4) Cases of discontinuous distribution are readily explicable on the theory of evolution and migration. Either individuals of the species in question have occasionally transgressed the barriers to their dispersal and established new and distant colonies, or possibly a large area of distribution has become broken up into a number of smaller ones by geographical or climatic changes rendering portions of it uninhabitable. " Thus, for instance," says Romanes, " it is easy to understand that during the last cold epoch the mountain hare would have had a continuous range ; but that as the arctic climate gradually receded to polar regions, the species would be able to survive in southern latitudes only on mountain ranges, and thus would become broken up into many discontinuous patches, correspond- ing with these ranges. In the same way we can explain the occurrence of arctic vegetation on the Alps and Pyrenees — namely, as left behind by the retreat of the arctic climate at the close of the glacial period." 1 1 " Darwin and after Darwin," Vol. I., p. 209. CHAPTER XXII Adaptation to environment in animals — Deep sea animals — The colouration of animals — Protective and aggressive resemblances — Warning colours — Mimicry — Epiganiic ornamentation . IN the last few chapters we have discussed a number of facts selected from that great and ever increasing mass of evidence which leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the present con- dition of the fauna and flora of the earth, with their almost endless diversity of plants and animals, is the outcome of a long process of organic evolution. It is desirable at this stage of our inquiry to emphasize the fact that this evolution, in the main, has been of a progressive character, and of such a character, moreover, as to maintain a more or less perfect harmony between the organism and its environment. Adaptation in bodily organization and in corresponding function, whereby each kind of plant or animal is enabled to meet the constant demands made upon it and maintain its existence in the endless warfare of life, is the great outstanding feature of living things. So universal is this adaptation that we are apt to take it for granted, and any want of it is at once recognized as an exception and an anomaly. Anyone, for example, who watches the slow and clumsy movements of a tortoise cannot fail to be struck with the fact that the limbs of this animal are but ill-suited for purposes of locomotion, but even in this case there is compensation in that the tortoise carries its place of refuge about with it and has therefore little need to hurry itself. We have seen in an earlier chapter how completely the pentadactyl limbs of air-breathing vertebrates may become modified from their primitive condition in correspondence with changes in the mode of life. The fore limbs, adapted in the first instance for locomotion on land, have become changed in the whales, seals and dugongs into paddles ; in the pterodactyls, birds and bats into wings, and in man into organs of prehension. 335 Indeed, given time enough, the power which an organism possesses of altering its bodily structure in accordance with new demands on the part of the environment seems, as we have already pointed out, to be almost without limits. This plasticity is illustrated in the most striking manner in cases where the organism has been removed from what may be regarded as the normal environment of the group" to which it belongs, and to which the great majority of the group are adapted, and come to live under new and very different conditions. Thus it is with the aquatic and aerial mammals, which, in encroaching upon the domains of the fishes and birds, have, by convergent evolution, come to resemble these in bodily form. Wherever we turn we find fresh illustrations of the same principle. At great depths of the ocean the conditions of life are very different from those which obtain in shal- low water, and we find the animals which inhabit these abysses modified accordingly. Fig. 168 represents two deep sea sponges obtained by the " Challenger " expedition ; Cladorldza longipinna from a depth of 3000 fatboms in the North Pacific and Axonidenna miralile from a depth of 2250 fathoms in the South Pacific. It will be seen at once that the form assumed by these sponges is very unusual and quite unlike that exhibited by their shallow water relatives. The great majority of the members of the group of sponges (the Tetraxonida) to which they belong are indeed by no means remarkable for symmetry of shape, but these two are beautifully symmetrical, their form at once suggesting that of a parachute, with a small conical body fringed by long radiating processes surrounding a central root-like projection. This " Crinorhiza form," as it is termed, is obviously an adaptation which serves FIG. 168. — Two Deep Sea Sponges, exhibiting the Crinorhiza Form. A. Cladorhiza longipinna; B, Axoni- derma mirabile ; nat. size. (After Ridley and Dendy in " Challenger " Reports.) 336 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY to prevent the sponge from sinking into and being smothered by the soft mud or ooze which covers the bottom of the ocean at very great depths, and it is interesting to observe that species of several distinct though related genera have adopted the same device, thus affording a beautiful example of the phenomenon of convergence. Other sessile deep sea animals have found different means of overcoming the same difficulty, especially in many cases by the development of long stalks. The absence of light at great ocean depths has led to the acquisition on the part of many of the deep sea fishes of brilliant phosphorescent organs, arranged like little lamps on various parts of the body. In some cases at any rate these serve to attract other animals upon which these fishes prey. Some of them, again, develop long and delicate feelers by aid of which they grope their way about in the dark. In the brilliantly illuminated surface waters of the ocean con- ditions are very different, and here we find that the most favourite device for preserving life amidst a host of enemies is transparency, but we have already alluded to this in the preceding chapter and need not dwell upon it further. It is a phenomenon which falls under the head of protective colouration, of which we shall find better instances elsewhere. The significance of the colouration of animals as a means of adaptation to environment is a subject which has in recent years developed into a special branch of biological science, and which already has a copious literature of its own. Professor Poulton, in his well known work on the Colours of Animals,1 has suggested an elaborate scheme of colour classification from this point of view. He distinguishes, in the first place, between apatetic (deceitful) colours, sematic (warning and signalling) colours, and epigamic colours (displayed in courtship), all of which afford marvellous instances of more or less highly specialized adaptation. We have not space to follow out the details of this classification but we shall presently refer to examples of all the more important types of colouration included therein. Every observer of nature must have been struck with the general harmony of colouration which exists between animals and their surroundings. So complete is this harmony that our sense of hearing is frequently a better guide to the whereabouts of an insect, bird or mammal than our sense of sight. I 1 International Scientific Series, Vol. LXV1II. PEOTECTIVE AND AGGRESSIVE RESEMBLANCE 337 remember standing with my gun in the midst of a dense patch of scrub in Australia and hearing the pademelons1 hopping about all around me. For a long time, however, I could see nothing but the trees. My native guide pointed out where I was to aim, but I only fired at a log from the side of which a pademelon hopped away. Again he pointed, and this time at a small white spot which I could just distinguish amongst the trees. I fired once more, aiming at the white spot, and sure enough a pademelon rolled over. Ft appeared that I had aimed at the white fur which occurs on the breast of the animal and which to the experienced eye of the native told all that he needed to know. It is often supposed that conspicuous patches of this kind serve as recognition marks between individuals of the same species, but it may be questioned how far the advantage of being recognized by a friend compensates for a disturbance of the colour harmony which reveals an animal to its enemies. The type of colouration which aids in the concealment of an animal is termed, by Pro- fessor Poulton, cryptic. It belongs, of course, to the apatetic group. Concealment may be desirable either as a means of escape from enemies or for the purpose of ambuscading prey, or possibly for both. In the former case we may speak of it as protective resemblance (procryptic colouration), in the latter as aggres- sive resemblance (anticryptic colouration). Protective resemblance is often of a very highly specialized character, and may be due as much to adaptation in actual form as to adaptation in colour ; frequently these two factors unite in producing the result, and a third may be added, viz., adaptation in habit or instinct. In the common stick caterpillars of the geometer moths we see all three factors co-operating. In colour and shape these caterpillars precisely resemble small twigs. They move about with a characteristic looping action amongst the leaves or branches of the bushes which they frequent, but when at rest they stiffen themselves up and stand out from the branch at the exact angle of a twig, and FIG. 169. — Larva of the Brim- stone Moth (Rumia crutae- yata) resting upon a Haw- thorn twig ; nat.size. (From Poulton.) A small species of kangaroo. B. 338 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAKY BIOLOGY in this condition it is extremely difficult to detect them. Professor Poulton remarks : — "These caterpillars are extremely common, and between two and three hundred species are found in this country ; but the great majority are rarely seen because of their perfect resemblance to the twigs of the plants upon which they feed." As will be seen from the illustration (Fig. 169), which represents the larva of the brimstone moth upon its food plant, the hawthorn, the caterpillar is enabled to main- tain its position for a long period by attaching its head to a twig by means of a silken thread. Numerous moths so closely re- semble in the colour and pattern of the upper surface of their wings the objects upon which they rest in the daytime, such as the bark of trees, that they are almost invisible, but perhaps the most perfect examples of protective resemblance are met with in the wonderful leaf insects. Fig. 170 represents an orthopterous insect, PuLchriphyUium crurifolium, from Ceylon. The whole insect is of a bright leaf-green colour, and not only are the wings shaped and veined so as to resemble leaves, but even the body and legs exhibit leaf-like outgrowths. In the well known Indian leaf FIG. 170.— A Green Leaf Insect ( Pulchriphyllium crurifolium, J ), from Ceylon ; xi. (From a photograph.) butterfly, Kallima (Fig. 171), the resemblance to a leaf is only seen when the insect comes to rest with its wings folded together above the body so as to expose their under surfaces. It is a dry, dead leaf which is imitated this time, and stalk and midrib, veins and colour markings, even down to such minutiae as rust spots, are perfectly represented. The Mantidse or praying insects feed upon flies, &c., which they capture with marvellous dexterity with their serrated claws. In some species the uniform green colouration doubtless serves, not only to protect them from their own enemies, but also to PROTECTIVE AND AGGRESSIVE RESEMBLANCE 339 prevent them from being seen by their victims before they have come within range. Other species exhibit even more wonderful adaptations both in form and colour. Thus the South African Harpax tricolor sits amongst the pink and white flowers of the heath, which are imitated by similarly coloured outgrowths of the insect, and there awaits the approach of its unsuspecting victims ; while in Mozambique the terrible Idolum didbolicum I FIG. 171. — An Indian Leaf Butterfly (Kallima inachis}; A., with wings expanded ; B., with wings folded ; x if. (From a photograph.) simulates, both in form and colour, a large flower, and thereby deceives and attracts other insects in search of honey. It is no doubt amongst the almost innumerable species of the great group Insecta that cases of highly specialized adaptation for purposes of concealment or deception are most frequently met with. They also occur, however, and by no means uncommonly, in other groups of the animal kingdom. A familiar instance is afforded by the common British spider crab, now known as Macropodia rostrata,1 of which excellent illus- trations (under the name Cancer Phalangium) were given by 1 I am indebted to my friend, the Rev. T. 11. R. Stebbing. F.R.S., for information as to the correct nomenclature, &c., of this species. z 2 340 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Dr. Macculloch, in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, as far back as 1801. I am enabled by the courtesy of the Council of the Society to reproduce here, on a reduced scale, Dr. Maccul- loch's original plate (Fig. 172). The crab actually breaks off fronds of seaweed and attaches them to the long hairs of its body, thus disguising itself so effectually as to be quite unrecognizable except by careful examination. Dr. Macculloch was of opinion FIG. 172. — Eeduced Facsimile of Dr. Macculloch:s Plate of Macropodia rostrata, in the Transactions of the Linnean Society. On the left is shown a plant of the seaweed in which the crab dresses itself up ; on the right the crab without the seaweed, and at the bottom the crab dressed up. that this dressing up of the crab in seaweed was an artifice which assisted it in capturing its food (anticryptic), but it is much more likely that it is protective (procryptic). The late Professor Bell has told us how the slow and sluggish habits of the crab render it an easy prey to fishes, and the stomach of a thornback ray has been found entirely filled with them, so that there appears to be ample reason for them to seek concealment. In the case of Macropodia the adaptation for concealment shows itself as an inherited habit or instinct more than in any modification of bodily structure, but such an instinct is probably PROTECTIVE AND AGGRESSIVE RESEMBLANCE 341 itself the effect of some structural modification, however impossible to detect, in nervous tissue. In the Australian Phyllopteryx eques, a fish which is closely related to the curious sea-horse (Hippocampus) of our own coasts, we get precisely the same idea, so to speak, carried out in a different manner. Both Hippocampus and Phyllopteryx live amongst seaweed, to which they attach themselves by means of their curious prehensile tails. Hippocampus (Fig. 173) exhibits no special resemblance FIG. 174. FIG. 173. FIG. 173. — A Sea-horse (Hippocampus antiquorum), x §. (From a photograph.) FIG. 174. — Plnjllopteryx eques, attached to seaweed. (From Giinther's " Study of Fishes.") to its surroundings, but in Phyllopteryx (Fig. 174) the body is covered with cutaneous outgrowths which float out in the water like fronds of seaweed and doubtless effect a most satisfactory disguise. This is certainly a less troublesome plan than that of dressing up in clothing borrowed from the outside world. The well known colour changes of the chameleon and of various flat fishes, not to mention numerous other instances which might be cited from different groups of the animal king- dom, are due to a complex apparatus, controlled by the nervous 342 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY system, whose function it is to bring about a varying adaptation for concealment under varying conditions of the environment. How perfect the adaptation may be will be realized by all who have ever observed with what marvellous accuracy the colour markings of a turbot in an aquarium are made to match the sand or gravel upon which it is lying. In striking contrast with the cryptic colouration by which an animal seeks, as it were, to avoid observation, are those numerous cases in which self-advertisement appears to be the main object in view. The British army, which only in recent years has learnt the advantages of khaki clothing when in the field, still exhibits some of the most startling instances of conspicuous colouration met with anywhere in the animal kingdom, though whether these examples should be classed under the head of warning colours, or regarded as belonging to the epigamic category, is perhaps an open question. We must, however, con- fine our attention in this place to a few examples of warning colours met with amongst the lower animals. We have seen that both warning and signalling colours, or recognition marks, are spoken of as sematic. The former are further distinguished as aposematic and the latter as episematic. Aposematic colours are exhibited by many animals which possess some special means of defence and find it advantageous to advertize the fact. Wasps and hornets, with their conspicuous orange- and black-banded bodies, are excellent examples. Such animals do not seek to conceal themselves but rely upon their warning colours to remind their enemies that they had better leave them alone. It is not enough that they should possess the power of making themselves disagreeable; the fact must be clearly recognized, otherwise they would be constantly exposed to experimental attack, and suffer injuries for which any damage which they might inflict upon their pursuers would be but a poor consolation. Orange, red and black, owing to their great conspicuousness, especially when associated with one another, are the colours most frequently met with in this connection, and we find these colours, not only in noxious insects, but in various vertebrate animals, such as poisonous reptiles, toads and sala- manders. The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), of Mexico and Arizona, is the only known poisonous lizard, and is con- spicuously coloured in tints of blackish brown, yellow and orange, while other members of the same group are usually MIMICRY 343 coloured so as to harmonize more or less perfectly with their surroundings. If it is advantageous for a noxious species to advertize its true character, it is no less so for an innocuous one to advertize a false character, and gain credit for some power of making itself objectionable which it does not really possess. The practice of bluffing is by no means an exclusively human institution. Thus we find many insects, which in themselves are quite inoffensive, taking on the characteristic warning colouration of dangerous species. The drone-fly mimics the bee, and though they belong to widely different orders of insects, the one having only two wings and the other four, the resemblance is so close as to have given rise, as we saw in an earlier chapter, to the ancient belief in the spontaneous generation of bees from the carcases of oxen (on which, of course, drone-flies had deposited their eggs). Most moths, as is well known, have opaque wings, covered with microscopic scales, but in the clear-winged moths (Fig. 175, A) the wings have partially lost their scales and become transparent, and this anomalous feature, combined with the colouration of the body, enables these perfectly harmless insects to mimic the dangerous hornets (Fig. 175, B). Even a harmless snake may mimic the warning colouration of a venomous species, and thus secure for itself the respect which is properly due only to the latter. It is not necessary that an animal should be capable of inflicting serious injury upon its enemies when attacked for it to secure immunity from pursuit as soon as recognized. Many butterflies and other insects, which are probably merely distasteful or nauseous (or perhaps actually unwholesome) to birds, exhibit aposematic or warning colouration. Amongst these we find curious associations known as synaposematic groups, the members of which, belonging to distinct species and often by no means closely related to one another, seem to have combined B. FIG. 175. — A., a clear- winged Moth (Sesia cra- bronifurmis] mimicking B. , a Hornet ( Ves/ia crabra] ; both x f. (From a photograph.) 314 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY together to share the expenses of a common advertisement and thereby reduce the cost to each. Young birds have to learn by experience which insects are good to eat and which are not. In making their experiments no doubt they themselves suffer, but the subjects of the experiment are probably actually killed. Obviously, then, if one experiment can be made to serve for a number of different species of insects there will be a corre- sponding reduction in the death-rate, and hence it is that we FIG. 176. — A Synaposematic Group of South American Lepidoptera, all X \- (From a photograph.) A, Tithorea harmonia ; B, Heliconius etliilla ; C, Perrhybris (Mylotliris) malenka, g ; D, Dismorphia praxinoe, J ,• E, Pericopis angulosa. find these groups of species all adopting the same type of warning colour, and thus coming to resemble one another very closely, although perhaps belonging to totally distinct families. We may illustrate this somewhat complex phenomenon by reference to certain South American Lepidoptera which take part in the formation of such a synaposematic group. In Fig. 176 A, B and D represent butterflies belonging to three distinct families, while E is a moth, as may be seen at once by its thick body and the absence of terminal knobs on the antennae. All of these, in common with numerous other species which inhabit the same area, have adopted the same characteristic scheme of warning colouration, wherein the prevailing tints are black and orange. In such a synaposematic group, or mimicry ring, it is usually possible to distinguish between certain species which seem to have led the way in the development of the warning colouration, and others which seem to have followed their example. In the particular case under notice the original " models " belong to the group Ithomiinae, of which Titkorea harmonia (Fig. 176, A) is a representative. These are probably the most distasteful members of the combination to birds. They have been imitated by Helieoninae, such as Helicomus ethilla (Fig. 176, B), Pierinse ("whites"), such as Dismorphia praxinoe (Fig. 176, D), and Hypsidae(a family of moths), as exemplified by Pericopisanyidosa (Fig. 176, E), all of which may be regarded as mimics of the Ithomiinae. The case of the pierine mimics is particularly instructive, and shows very clearly that these forms really imitate other species, for the female is commonly a far more perfect mimic than the male, which often departs little, if at all, from the typical colouration of the group to which it belongs. Fig. 176, C repre- sents a male pierine, Perrltybris (Mylothris) malenka, which is at once recognizable from its colouration as a " white," although even here, curiously enough, there is a faint trace of the warning colouration on the under surface of the hind wings.1 The female of the same species has the warning colouration well developed, as it is in both male and female of Dismorphia praxintie. So different are the males and females of some of these mimicking species that it would be difficult to believe, were it not for breeding experiments, that they are really specifically identical. The explanation of the difference is doubtless to be found in the fact that it is much more important, from the point of view of the species, that the females, heavily laden with the eggs upon which the existence of future generations depends, should be able to warn off the birds, than that the males should do so, for the latter, having once accomplished the fertilization of the eggs, is of no further value to the race. 1 Doubtless inherited incompletely from female ancestors, as in the case of the vestigial nipples of man. 346 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY When an unquestionably harmless species mimics the warning colours of an undoubtedly noxious one, the case is sometimes spoken of as one of " Batesian " mimicry, after the distinguished naturalist, H. W. Bates, who added so much to our knowledge of the subject. In the case of a synaposematic group, or mimicry ring, however, it is often impossible to say whether any particular species is edible or not, and it may very well be that in some cases all are more or less inedible, though undoubtedly some, which are presumably the less objectionable forms, mimic others, which are presumably the more objectionable. This kind of mimicry, resulting in the development of a warning colour common to a number of inedible species, is sometimes distin- guished as " Miillerian " mimicry, after the naturalist Fritz Miiller, who first suggested the correct interpretation of the phenomenon. Perhaps the most remarkable case of mimicry known amongst butterflies is that of certain species of Papilio found in Africa and Madagascar, which have formed the subject of exhaustive study by Trimen, Poulton and others. In Madagascar occurs Papilio meriones, a non-mimetic species in which the male and female (Fig. 177, A) closely resemble one another and both possess the " tail " on the hind wing which is such a charac- teristic feature of the genus. We may take it, then, that this is a primitive form. On the continent of Africa is found the wide- spread Papilio dardamts, with several subspecies. In these sub- species the male (Fig. 177, BI) retains the ancestral form, but in most of them the female is mimetic; it has lost the Papilio tail and closely mimics, both in shape and colour markings, some one or another of various species of butterflies belonging to different families which occur in the same region. Nor is this all, for the female is likewise polymorphic, and different individuals of the same subspecies resemble widely different models. Thus the subspecies merope is known to have three forms of female, a hippocoon form (Fig. 177, B2) which mimics the danaine butterfly Amanris niarius (Fig. \ll,G),o.troplioinus form (Fig. 177, B3) which mimics another danaine, Limnas chrysippus (Fig. 177, D), and a planemoides form which mimics the acrseine, Planema pogyei. Our illustrations, which are reproduced from Mr. Trimen's original memoir, give a good idea of the form and pattern of some of these insects, but they lack the beautiful colouring of the original figures, which is MIMICRY IN BUTTERFLIES 347 A. Papilio merion.es Bi. Papilio dardanus (jnerope) o* C . Amauris niavius D. Limnas chrysippus. Bz. Papilio dardanus (me rope) {hippocoon form) Ba. Papilio dardanus (merope) (frrophon/us form) FIG. 177. — Mimicry in Butterflies. (After Trimen, from coloured plates in the Transactions of the Liunean Society, First Series, Vol. XXVI.) 348 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY necessary in order to give a true idea of the close resemblance between mimics and models. Breeding experiments carried out by Mr. G. F. Leigh with the subspecies cenea of Papilio dardanus have shown that the eggs laid by one and the same butterfly may give rise to at least FIG. 178. — Male and Female of an Australian Lyre-Bird (Menura superba). (Photographed from specimens in the British Museum, Natural History.) three different forms of mimetic female, as well as, of course, the male. It is obvious that we have here the very opposite of a synaposematic group, for, instead of concentrating upon a single warning pattern, different individuals, even of the same species, adopt totally different patterns in imitation of totally different models. This case still requires a great deal of explanation, but concerning the facts there can be 110 doubt. EPIGAMIC ORNAMENTATION 349 Frequenters of any good museum of natural history will be familiar with plenty of examples of epigamic ornamentation. The highly elaborate and gorgeous plumnge of many male birds, such as the peacock, the Argus pheasant, the Australian lyre- bird (Fig. 178) and numerous species of humming birds, to say nothing of less conspicuous examples, affords the best illustration of this phenomenon. In all such cases the function of the ornamentation appears to be to gratify the aesthetic sense of the female during the period of courtship, and render her amenable to the attentions of her mate. There is no doubt that in many cases the cock bird deliberately displays himself to the best advantage before the admiring eyes of the hen, who is credited with a no less deliberate choice of the partner who most nearly approaches her ideal standard of beauty. In all these cases the plumage of the female is comparatively sombre and uninteresting. An elaborate and gaudy tail would be a disadvantage during the lengthy period of incubation, when it is desirable, both for her own sake and that of her offspring, that the female should be as inconspicuous as possible. Thus it is the male bird that has had to adapt his clothing to the requirements of the female, and she herself is unable to follow the fashions which she imposes upon her mate. It is obvious that no theory of evolution can be regarded as satisfactory which does not offer some explanation of the origin of such highly specialized and precise adaptations as those which we have been considering in this chapter, and it was in order to emphasize the need for such explanation that we have laid so much stress upon them. We shall see in our next chapter that no less remarkable and precise adaptations for special purposes are also met with in the vegetable kingdom, and shall then pass on to seek the necessary explanation. CHAPTER XXIII Adaptation to the environment in plants — Alpine plants, desert plants and lianes — The modification of flowers in relation to insect-fertilization. IN plants no less than in animals we find adaptation to the conditions under which they have to live to be the most striking feature of their organization. We have already noticed, in dealing with the phenomenon of convergent evolution, the manner in which Alpine plants of many kinds tend to assume the compact cushion-like form which seems best suited to withstand the rigorous climate to which they are exposed. Wherever a plant may be found growing in a state of nature the character of the environment is sure to be reflected more or less obviously in its structure and habit. We see this equally clearly in the water-storing plants of desert regions — the cacti of America or the aloes of Africa— with their succulent stems or leaves and other structural modifications which enable them to withstand the effect of long-continued drought, and in the climbing lianes of tropical forests, whose one object in life appears to be to reach some elevation where they can expose their foliage to the light and air. Just as we find those air-breathing mammals which have taken to an aquatic life adopting the form and habits of fishes as being best suited to their changed conditions, so in the tropical forests of Queensland we find palms, members of a group which elsewhere are types of self-supporting independence, adopting the form and habit of climbing plants as the only means of coping with the exigencies of the situation. If the adaptation amongst plants usually appears less remark- able than is often the case in animals, it is because the relations of a plant to its environment are usually less complex than those of an animal. The greater activity of animals is associated with the development of highly specialized organs of locomotion, sense-organs and nervous system, all of which are alike subject to adaptation. Plants afford much more restricted opportunities for the effects of the environment to show them- selves, and it is in their relations with animals, or to speak more ADVANTAGE OF CROSS-FERTILIZATION 351 accurately, in those organs which are immediately concerned with these relations, that adaptation becomes most complex and precise. Even amongst animals, however, it would be difficult to find better illustrations of accurate adaptation to highly specialized conditions of the environment than those which we see in the wonderful structural modifications whereby the majority of flowers are adapted for pollination by insect agency. This process of pollination is commonly referred to as the " fertiliza- tion " of the flower, although, as we have seen in a previous chapter, the real act of fertilization takes place inside the so-called ovule and consists in the conjugation of the male and female gametes, the sperm-cells and egg-cells. The great majority of flowers produce both pollen and ovules, containing respectively the male and female gametes ; in other words they are hermaphrodite. It is obvious that in such cases we have two possibilities with regard to fertilization, for the flower may either be fertilized by its own pollen or by that of some other flower. It may be either " self-fertilized " or " cross- fertilized," and the cross-fertilization may be effected either by pollen from another flower of the same plant or by pollen from a different plant of the same kind, the latter being the more advantageous. It seems at first sight a strange thing that when a flower is capable of self-fertilization such a roundabout and apparently unnecessary proceeding as cross-fertilization should ever take place at all. It has been shown, however, that cross-fertilization, if not absolutely necessary, is at any rate of very great advantage to the plant, or rather to the species, in which it occurs. Charles Darwin experimented for eleven years on this subject, and proved conclusively that cross-fertilization yields better results than self-fertilization, both as regards the number of seeds produced and also as regards the quality of the offspring. It would be impossible -to give an adequate account of his work in this place, but we may briefly notice one series of experiments and refer for the remainder to his classical volume on the " Cross and Self Fertilization of Plants." He started with the " Con- volvulus major" (Ipomcea purpurea), the flowers of which are hermaphrodite and may be either cross- or self-fertilized in a state of nature. It is an easy matter, by artificially conveying 352 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY the pollen on the tip of a feather, to bring about the fertilization in any way which may be desired. Ten flowers were thus self- fertilized with their own pollen, while ten others were cross- fertilized with pollen from a distinct plant. The crossed and self-fertilized seeds thus obtained were carefully cultivated under exactly the same conditions, and it was found that the plants raised from cross-fertilized seeds were taller than those raised from self-fertilized seeds in the proportion of 100 to 76. The same experiment was repeated with ten successive generations of the same plants, and always with the same result in favour of the cross-fertilized individuals. Moreover, it was proved at the same time that the fertility of the plants produced by cross-fertilization was greatly superior to that of the self- fertilized plants, a much larger quantity of seed being produced. These results, taken in conjunction with many others of the same kind, clearly proved the advantages of cross-fertilization. To quote Darwin's own words :— " It has been shown that the offspring from the union of two distinct individuals, especially if their progenitors have been subjected to very different conditions, have an immense advantage in height, weight, constitutional vigour, and fertility over the self-fertilized offspring from one of the same parents." The theoretical explanation of this advantage is not an easy matter, but is probably to be sought in the admixture of two distinct series of hereditary tendencies in the offspring of a cross. In a state of nature it is a very rare thing for plants to be exclusively self -fertilized, for, although self-fertilization may take place in some cases to a very large extent, and although some flowers are so constructed that self-fertilization alone is possible, yet there is nearly always at least an occasional cross by the introduction of pollen from a different plant. Considering the advantages which arise from cross-fertilization, we need not be surprised to find that a very large number of flowers are provided with special adaptations whereby these advantages may be secured to them. We may notice first certain contrivances by means of which self-fertilization is more or less effectually prevented and the injurious effects of perpetual close inbreeding thereby avoided. These contrivances may be classed under three principal heads. FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. 353 (1) Separation of the Sexes. — In many flowers we find that only stamens or pistil are developed, never both, so that we get distinct male and female flowers, which renders self-fertilization absolutely impossible, though it does not necessarily prevent fertilization by pollen from other flowers on the same plant. (2) Physiological Self-sterility. — In some flowers, to quote the words of Darwin, " the ovules absolutely refuse to be fertilized by pollen from the same plant, but can be fertilized by pollen from any other individual of the same species." Again, in a large number of plants, although self-fertilization may take place, yet, if the pollen from another individual be brought to the stigma, it takes precedence, so to speak, of the flower's own pollen and renders the latter ineffectual ; it is said to be prepotent. (3) Dichogamy. — In a large number of flowers, in which both male and female organs are present, the stamens and pistil become mature at different times, so that self-fertilization cannot possibly take place and, physiologically speaking, the flowers are unisexual. Usually in these cases the pollen ripens and is all shed before the stigma is ready to receive it. The flower is then termed protandrous, as for example in the common pink (Dianthus). More rarely the stigma ripens and withers before the pollen is ripe, and such species are termed protogynous, as in the fig-wort (Scroplmlaria nodosa). Of course it would be worse than useless to prevent self- fertilization unless some means were provided at the same time for securing cross-fertilization. We saw in Chapter VIII that the principal agents in conveying pollen from one flower to another are wind and insects, and that flowers are accordingly dis- tinguished as anemophilous or wind-fertilized and entomophilous or insect-fertilized. The fact that the former are usually very small and inconspicuous, as for example in the grasses, while the latter are large and brightly coloured, affords strong presumptive evidence that entomophilous flowers have become modified in relation to the insects which visit them in search of food or shelter. A great many different kinds of insects have this habit, bees, flies, butterflies, moths and even beetles ; while in South America some of the humming birds in like manner play the part of pollen carriers. We are in the habit of regarding bees as the most important insects concerned in the cross-fertilization of flowers, and in B. A A 354 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY .ati at countries where they are plentiful this is perhaps the case. They visit the flowers in order to collect both honey and pollen, to be used as food for themselves and their offspring. The honey is usually found at the bottom of a long narrow tube formed by the lower part of the corolla, so that in order to reach it the bee requires a corre- spondingly long and narrow instrument. This is pro- vided in the shape of a very complicated proboscis (Fig. 179), formed by modifica- tion, especially elongation, of certain of tha appendages surrounding the mouth, which in more primitive insects, like the cockroach, remain short and simple. When not in use the pro- boscis is neatly folded away beneath the head, but when a flower is visited it is un- folded and inserted into the tube containing the honey, which is then drawn up into the bee's stomach by means of a special sucking ap- paratus. In butterflies and moths also a somewhat similar proboscis is used for the same purpose, but it differs so much from that of the bee in details of struc- ture as to indicate that it has been independently evolved from the primitive mouth parts of some remote insect ancestor. In both cases the mouth appendages have become specially adapted for the very special purpose of sucking honey, and the necessity for the fulfilment of the same function has led, as usual, to a superficial resemblance between the two types of proboscis. We have here, of course, another illustration of convergent evolution. FIG. 179. — Head of a Bee, showing the com- plex Proboscis formed from modified Month Parts. (From Weismann's " Evolution Theory.") at, antennae ; Au, large compound eye; au, ocellus ; la., labrum or upper lip ; le, outer division of second maxilla (paraglossa) ; li, ligule or tongue, formed by fusion of inner divisions of second maxil lee ; md, mandible ; mx*t mx^, first and second maxillse ; pi, labial palp; p.m., maxillary palp. FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. 355 For collecting pollen the bees make use of their legs, on which special collecting brushes and baskets are formed by the stiff hairs. The pollen is first moistened with honey to make it stick together, and then picked up on the collecting brushes, placed in the baskets on the hind legs and carried to the hive or nest. Insects commonly visit a large number of flowers of the same kind in rapid succession, and, whether they intentionally collect pollen for their own purposes or not, it is evident that, after each visit to a flower containing ripe pollen grains, they will uninten- tionally carry away some of these, accidentally attached to various parts of the body. The pollen which is thus unconsciously carried away is equally unconsciously deposited on the stigma of the next flower visited, and thus cross-fertilization is effected. It may, of course, happen sometimes that the pollen is deposited on the wrong kind of flower, but that is of no consequence, for pollen is, with rare exceptions, quite incapable of fertilizing flowers of any but its own particular species. Under these circumstances it will obviously be advantageous to a plant to make its flowers as attractive to insects as possible, and, just as it is desirable for a nauseous insect to inform the birds by means of warning colours of the fact of its unpalatability, so also is it desirable for flowers which have honey to offer in exchange for the service of pollination to make that fact known to their insect visitors by means of brilliant colours and strong scents. There can be no reasonable doubt that the colours serve to attract the insects and to enable them to recognize the flowers which they prefer, and that the same is true of the scents is very clearly indicated by the fact that certain flowers, such as various species of Arum and related genera, which are fertilized by carrion-loving flies, have managed to perfume themselves in accordance with the tastes of their visitors. It is also desirable to ensure, by means of mechanical arrange- ments, that the insects shall not get their honey without paying for it, that is to say, without effecting fertilization, and this end is usually secured by concealing the honey at the bottom of a long tube, in such a manner that the insect must brush against the stamens and stigma before it can reach it. " Sometimes, how- ever, the insects become a little too clever for the flower and steal the honey by biting a hole through the bottom of the tube with- out ever touching the stamens or stigma at all. In this way the red clover flowers are often robbed of their honey by the humble A A 2 356 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY bee, Bombus terrestris, thus affording an example of imperfect adaptation. We may now consider a few definite examples of the manner in which flowers may be specially adapted in structure so as to secure the advantages of cross-fertilization by insect agency. If a number of plants of the common primrose, the oxlip, the cow- slip or the polyanthus (species of the genus Primula) be examined carefully, it will be seen that in each case two quite different forms of flower occur. In other words the flower is dimorphic. The two forms are known to gardeners as " pin-eyed " and " thrum-eyed " respectively. In the pin-eyed flowers (Fig. 180, A) the style (g) is comparatively long and the stigma (n) appears as a round knob, like the head of a pin, in the centre of the flower, at the entrance to the long tube formed by the lower part of the corolla. The anthers (a) lie much lowyer down in the tube, so that they are invisible until the flower is cut open. In the thrum-eyed flowers(B)the positions of the stigma and anthers are reversed ; the style being much shorter the stigma lies only half way up the tube, while the anthers appear in the centre of the flower, in the mouth of the tube. The two kinds of flower are always found on separate plants, and the long-styled and short- styled plants are said to occur in about equal numbers under natural conditions. The pollen grains also differ in the two kinds of flower, those of the thrum-eyed being larger than those of the pin-eyed and of somewhat different shape. This particular kind of dimorphism, which is sometimes known as heterostylism, is extremely characteristic of the genus Primula, and it has recently been shown that the distinguishing features of the two forms are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. The flowers of the primulas are fertilized by the agency of insects such as humble bees, and Darwin found that if insects were carefully excluded by covering the flowers with a net, little B FlG. 180. — Heterostyled Flowers of the Oxlip (Primula datior] in longitudinal section. (From Vines' " Botany.") A, long-styled ; B, short-styled flower, a, anthers ; c, corolla ; f , ovary ; g, style ; k, calyx ; n, stigma. FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. 357 or no seed was produced. In order to reach the honey, which is secreted at the bottom of the long tube of the corolla, the bee thrusts its proboscis down the tube and in so doing brushes past the stigma and the anthers. If a pin-eyed flower be visited the pollen from the anthers is deposited comparatively low down on the proboscis. If a thrum-eyed flower be visited the pollen is deposited much higher up, in accordance with the more elevated position of the anthers. Thus the bees carry about two different kinds of pollen on two different parts of the proboscis, a fact which has been established by microscopic examination of the proboscis itself with the attached pollen. If it be remembered that in the two different kinds of flower the relative positions of the anthers and stigma are reversed, it will be obvious that when a bee sucks honey from a long-styled flower the stigma will be touched and pollinated by that part of the proboscis which touches the anthers of a short-styled flower, and vice versa. Hence it follows that pin-eyed flowers will be fertilized by pollen from thrum-eyed, and thrum-eyed flowers by pollen from pin-eyed. Here, then, we have a very precise adaptation for a special kind of cross-fertilization, and Darwin further proved by his experiments that this is the only kind of fertilization which results in complete fertility. Cross-fertilization in these plants is, however, possible in no less than four distinct ways : — (1) A pin-eyed flower may be fertilized by pollen from another pin-eyed ; (2) a thrum-eyed flower may be fertilized by pollen from another thrum- eyed ; (3) a pin-eyed flower may be fertilized by pollen from a thrum- eyed ; (4) a thrum-eyed flower may be fertilized by pollen from a pin-eyed. The first two methods have been termed by Darwin "illegitimate unions" and they result in incomplete fertility; the last two have been termed " legitimate " and result in complete fertility. The benefit derived from the existence of the two kinds of flower lies in the intercrossing, not merely of two distinct flowers, but of two distinct plants, for it will be remembered that each plant bears only one kind of flower. Self-fertilization is not absolutely prevented in this case, for the anthers and stigma are mature at the same time in the same flower, but it is not likely to take place, and if it does it results in incomplete fertility and weakly offspring. But even if pollen should accidentally find its way to a stigma of its own plant it need not necessarily 358 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY prevent cross-fertilization, for foreign pollen will be prepotent even if deposited on the stigma some time afterwards. " To test this belief," Darwin observes, " I placed on several stigmas of a long-styled cowslip plenty of pollen from the same plant, and after twenty-four hours added some from a short- styled dark-red polyanthus, which is a variety of the cowslip. From the flowers thus treated, thirty seedlings were raised, and all these, without exception, bore reddish flowers, so that the effect of pollen from the same form, though placed on the stigmas twenty-four hours pre- viously, was quite des- troyed by that of pollen from a plant belonging to the other form." The flowers of the common sage, and of other species of the genus Sal via (Fig. 181), afford a no less striking example of profound structural modification in adapta- tion to the visits of insects. These flowers are pro- tandrous, the stamens maturing and shedding their pollen before the stigma is ready to receive it, so that self-fertiliza- tion is absolutely prevented. Moreover, the stigma in young flowers (Fig. 181, c/r') lies in such a position that it will not be touched by visiting insects, which crawl right under it in order to reach the honey at the bottom of the corolla-tube. In older flowers the style elongates and curves downwards, so that the stigma (Fig. 181, cjr") comes to lie in the mouth of the corolla-tube and must be brushed against by insects in search of honey. The most remarkable feature of the flower, however, is a special mechanical contrivance for placing the pollen on the back of any insect which attempts to suck honey from it in its young or male condition. There are only two fully developed stamens, and these are most curiously modified in structure. Each anther U FIG. 181.- -Flower of ftalvia^ratensis. (From Weismanu's " Evolution Theory," after H. Miiller.) gr' immature stigma; gr", mature stigma; st', anther-lobe concealed in the " helmet " ; st", anther-lobes lowered ; U, lower lip of corolla. FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. 359 - consists as usual of two anther-lobes united together by a con- nective ; but the connective is very greatly elongated, so that the anther- lobes are widely separated from one another instead of lying close together at the top of the filament. The anther-lobe at one end of each connective is imperfect and produces little or no pollen ; the other is fully developed. The connective is attached to the top of the very short filament by a movable joint, so that it can be swung freely up and down in a vertical plane. It has a long limb which curves upwards inside the " helmet " of the corolla and terminates in the perfect anther-lobe, and a short one which bears the imperfect lobe, as shown in the figure. The two stamens lie side by side in the flower and the imperfect anther-lobes are held downwards in the mouth of the corolla- tube, exactly in the path of a visiting insect. The perfect anther- lobes, on the other hand, are, at first, held up well above the level of the insect's back (Fig. 181, st'). When a large insect, such as a bee, visits the flower, it alights upon the large lower lip ( [/), which, as in so many other flowers, affords a convenient platform and has doubtless been specially adapted to that end. The head of the insect is then thrust into the corolla-tube and pushes against the two imperfect anther-lobes. The connectives turn on their pivots like a see-saw and the two ripe anther-lobes (st") are clapped down on the back of the insect and dust it with pollen. This happens when the insect visits a young flower. When an older flower, in the female condition, is visited, the pollen from the back of the insect is deposited on the mature stigma (gr"), which now hangs directly in front of the entrance to the corolla-tube. It is, however, in the highly specialized order Orchidaceae that we find perhaps the most remarkable contrivances for ensuring cross-fertilization that are to be met with in the vegetable kingdom. Many of these have been described and illustrated by Darwin in his well-known work on the " Fertilization of Orchids." In the common early orchis of Europe (Orcliis mascula, Fig. 182) there are three sepals and three petals, and both sepals and petals are brightly coloured. The lower petal is very large and in front forms a tongue-like projection termed the labellum (u\ which serves as a landing platform, while behind it is produced backwards into a hollow spur or nectary (sp, ri) in which honey is secreted. The reproductive organs lie just above and partly in front of the entrance to the nectary, so that an insect, in 360 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY poking its proboscis down to get at the honey, cannot fail to touch them. Both male and female organs are very much modified in structure, and united together to form the column (C). There are three stigmas. Of these, however, only two (B, no) are functional, and they lie at the back of the entrance to the nectary. The third is specially modified to form a remarkable organ known as the rostellum (B, C, »•), which projects above the FIG. 182. — Adaptation in the Flower of Orchis mascuJa in relation to Insect- Fertilization. (From Weismann's " Evolution Theory.") A, side view of flower ; B, front view ; C, vertical section through the column ; J>, pol- linia removed on the point of a pencil and still standing erect ; E, the same later on, bent forwards. ei, entrance to nectary ; n, nectary ; na, stigmatic surface ; p, pollinia ; r, rostellum ; Sm, honey guide ; sp, spur; st. ovary (twisted) ; U, lower lip of flower (labellum). other two in front of the mouth of the nectary. This rostellum, or beak, consists of an exceedingly sticky body covered over by a thin, membranous cap. The cap is so delicately adjusted that the slightest touch is sufficient to push it down and expose the sticky mass beneath, and it is so elastic that when the pressure is removed it springs back into its original position and again covers up the sticky substance. There is only one perfect anther, consisting of two sacs which stand up above and behind the rostellum. Each sac contains a single coherent mass of pollen grains instead of the usual loose, FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. 361 powdery pollen. Each mass of pollen grains, or pollinium (It, C, p), is a pear-shaped body provided \vith a short stalk or caudicle. The stalk is continued downwards into the rostellum as shown in C, where it ends in a membranous disc attached to the sticky substance. When the pollen is ripe the pollinia are exposed by rupture of the sacs in which they lie, so that in the mature flower they are only attached by means of their stalks or caudicles, loosely fixed by the sticky substance of the rostellum. If we take any slender object, such as a pencil point, and poke it gently into the mouth of the nectary, we shall find on with- drawing it again that it will bring with it either one or both of the pollinia, attached to it by sticky cement. The pencil has, of course, touched the rostellum and pushed down the little cap which covers it. The sticky substance of the rostellum, thus exposed, has cemented on to the pencil the disc at the lower end of the caudicle, and thus the pollinium itself, or both of them, is pulled bodily out with the pencil. The cement rapidly hardens on exposure to the air. When first attached to the pencil the pollinium is in a nearly upright position (D), so that if the pencil were inserted into another flower it would simply go back into its old place, without touching the stigma and of course, therefore, without effecting fertilization. After being exposed to the air for a short time, however, the disc by which the pollinium is attached to the pencil begins to contract, and in such a manner that the polli- nium is pulled down until it comes to project straight forwards (E). If now the pencil be inserted into a flower it will be found that the pollinium exactly strikes against one of the stigmas and dusts it with pollen. In the economy of nature the proboscis of some insect takes the place of our experimental pencil. Bees and moths have fre- quently been observed with the pollinia of various species of Orchis attached to them ; indeed Darwin figures one instance in which no less than fourteen pollinia are attached to the proboscis of a moth. Every time such an insect visits a flower in search of honey it will effect cross-fertilization by pushing the pollinia which it brings with it against the stigmas, and may perhaps carry off another pollinium into the bargain. In this case one can hardly fail to be astonished at the number and complexity of the adaptations which have arisen in the flower for the purpose of ensuring cross-fertilization. There is 362 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY the conspicuous colour of the sepals and petals, which serves as an advertisement ; the formation of the long spur or nectary, with its secreted honey ; the great development of the labelluni to serve as a landing place, marked with the "honey-guide " (Sni) to point out the way to the visitor ; the secretion of sticky cement by the rostellum ; the formation of an elastic cap to keep the cement from being dried up before it is wanted ; the agglu- tination of the pollen into solid masses, which serve to fertilize a large number of flowers in succession, losing a few grains at each contact ; the remarkable form of these pollinia, with their adhesive discs and their peculiar relation to the sticky substance on the rostellum ; and, lastly, the wonderful mechanism by means of which the pollinia become bent downwards after their removal, so as exactly to adjust them for contact with the stigma of another flower ! In some species of plants certain parts of the flower are highly sensitive and respond to the slightest touch by a sudden and vigorous movement, going off, so to speak, like a spring trap or a hair trigger. This is well exemplified in a New Zealand orchid, Pterostylis trulli folia, as described by Mr. Cheeseman. In this flower the lower petal, or labelluni, is highly sensitive, and when an insect alights upon it springs up and imprisons the visitor in a cage. The parts of the flower are so arranged that the insect can only escape by crawling through a narrow passage, and in such a manner that it must carry away the pollinia and also leave on the stigma some of any pollen which it may chance to bring with it. A still more remarkable orchid, Catasetum, actually throws the pollinia at its insect visitors as soon as they touch the flower, and the tiny projectiles attach themselves to the intruder's head. Darwin has described how, on one occasion, when he experi- mentally irritated this flower, the pollinium was thrown for a distance of nearly three feet, when it stuck on to a window pane. The presence of irritable structures which aid in cross- fertilization by insect agenc}T is, however, by no means confined to orchids. Candollea (Stylidium) graminifolia is a common Australian wild flower belonging to a totally different order, the Candolleacese. It is found growing on open heaths and sends up tall stems from the midst of a tuft of long, grass-like leaves, each stem bearing a large number of rather small pink flowers FERTILIZATION OF FLOWERS. 363 along its length. There are five petals, but only four are fully developed, and these spread themselves out in the form of a cross around the mouth of the tube in which the honey is secreted. The anthers and stigma are borne on the end of a long slender column which springs from the middle of the flower. Close to its base the column is bent downwards at a sharp angle so that it hangs out at one side of the flower, between two of the fully developed petals and resting upon the aborted petal as on a cushion. Near its apex the column is again bent at a sharp angle, this time upwards. The flowers are protandrous, the anthers becoming mature and shedding their pollen before the stigma is fully developed. An insect, visiting the flower and poking its proboscis down the tube of the corolla in search of honey, must touch the column at the first bend. This is the irritable spot, and no sooner is it touched than the column springs over to the other side of the flower and brings the anthers or stigma, as the case may be, down on the back of its visitor. In tbis way pollen is deposited upon or. removed from the insect's back and cross-fertilization is effected. One of the most curious things about this case is that the column loses its irritability at nightfall and refuses to jump, however much you may tickle it. The few examples of entomophilous flowers which we have now studied must suffice to give some idea of how wonderfully minute and perfect may be the adaptation of plants to highly specialized environmental conditions. The dominating factor of the envi- ronment here is, of course, the presence of insects, which can be pressed into service as pollen carriers, and it is obviously in relation to the requirements and tastes of these insects that the various adaptations which we have been describing have arisen. There can be little doubt that the insects select for their visits those flowers which please them best and which are most readily recognizable as the bearers of the coveted honey. Although, as we have previously pointed out, some carrion- feeding flies prefer scents which are repulsive to ourselves, yet the vast majority of insect-fertilized flowers have scents and colours which we appreciate perhaps no less than the insects for whose gratification they primarily exist. As we shall see later on, these scents and colours, though now in many cases improved by human selection, doubtless arose in the first instance in response to insect selection. If we pursue this line of thought a 364 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY little further, there seems good reason to suspect that man, who appeared upon the scene at a very much later date and whose ideas of what is beautiful are doubtless largely derived from the contemplation of flowers, may owe much of his aesthetic develop- ment to the fact that he has been educated by flower-loving insects. PAKT V.— FACTORS OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION CHAPTER XXIV Views of Buffon, Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck. WE shall have occasion to point out in a subsequent chapter that many organisms exhibit characters which it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to bring into any direct relation- ship with the environment, but this fact does not invalidate the generalization that the most striking feature of all living things is adaptation to the conditions under which they have to carry on their existence. In seeking for an explanation of the means whereby organic evolution has been effected, this fact must constantly be borne in mind, and, as we have already said, no theory can be considered adequate which does not take fully into account the phenomena of adaptation, and offer some reasonable explanation of the wonderful harmony which exists between living things and their surroundings. We have said before that the theory of organic evolution is no new thing, but can be traced back even to the ancient Greek philosophers. In the middle ages such ideas were thrust into the background, along with other fruits of Greek and Roman intellectual activity, and to a large extent supplanted by the teachings of dogmatic theology. With the revival of scientific inquiry, however, the theory of organic evolution, as opposed to the doctrine of special creation and the immutability of species, again began to occupy a prominent place in the minds of thinking men, and a brief consideration of the views of some of the chief philosophical biologists of the last two centuries will perhaps form the most fitting introduction to this part of our subject. The celebrated French naturalist, Buffon (1707 — 1788), who held the post of Superintendent of the Jardin des Plantes and, in conjunction with his colleagues, published a large number of volumes of Natural History, was one of those who had at any 366 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY rate strong leanings towards the theory of organic evolution, although, unfortunately, he seems to have found it very difficult to give a frank expression to his views. The following trans- lated extracts will serve to illustrate his position. Speaking of the arbitrary character of our systems of classifi- cation he observes : — " But Nature proceeds by unrecognized gradations and con- sequently she cannot lend herself completely to these divisions, since she passes from one species to another species, and often from one genus to another genus, by imperceptible shades : so that we find a great number of intermediate species and objects which we do not know where to place, and which necessarily upset the plan of the general system." l Buffon certainly appears in this passage as no believer in the immutability of species, and amongst the causes which bring about their modification he attributes great importance to the action of climate: — "If we again consider each species in different climates, we shall find obvious varieties both as regards size and form ; all are influenced more or less strongly by the climate. These changes only take place slowly and imperceptibly ; the great workman of Nature is Time : he walks always with even strides, uniform and regular, he does nothing by leaps ; but by degrees, by gradations, by succession, he does everything; and these changes, at first imperceptible, little by little become evident, and express themselves at length in results about which we cannot be mistaken." 2 In dealing with the animals of the old and the new worlds, and after speaking of the extinction of the mammoth, he says : — " This species was certainly the foremost, the largest and the strongest of all the quadrupeds : inasmuch as it has disappeared, how many other smaller ones, weaker and less remarkable, have had to succumb also, without having left us either witness or evidence of their past existence ? How many other species, having become modified in their nature, that is to say, perfected or degraded by the great vicissitudes of land and sea, by the neglect or the culture of Nature, by the long influence of a climate become contrary or favourable, are no longer the same that they formerly were ? And, moreover, the quadrupeds are, next to man, the beings whose nature is the most fixed and whose form is the most constant: that of the birds and of the fishes varies 1 Buffon, " Histoire Naturelle," Tom. I, p. 13. 2 Op. tit., Tom. VI, pp. 59, 60. VIEWS OF BUFFON. 367 more ; that of the insects still more, and if we descend to the plants, which we must not exclude from animated nature, we shall be surprised at the promptitude with which the species vary, and at the facility with which they change their nature while taking on new forms. " It would not be impossible then, that, even without reversing the order of Nature, all these animals of the new world may have been originally the same as those of the old, from which they may have been formerly derived ; one might say that having been separated subsequently by immense seas or impassable lands, they would, in the course of time, have received all the impressions, suffered all the effects, of a climate itself altered in character by the same causes which brought about the separa- tion ; that in consequence they would in time have become dwarfed, changed their nature, &c. But that should not prevent us from regarding them to-day as animals of different species : whatever may be the cause of this difference, whether it has been produced by time, climate and country, or whether it be of the same date as the creation, it is none the less real. Nature, I admit, is in a continual state of flux ; but it is enough for man to seize her as she is in his own time, and to glance backwards and forwards in endeavouring to gain some glimpse of what she may have been in former times and of what she may become in the future." l This passage also seems to be a sufficiently clear declaration in favour of the theory of organic evolution and the action of the environment in modifying species. Buffon, however, by no means confined himself to the consideration of climate as a factor in the production of such modifications. The following quotation shows that he also realized the importance of the principles of use and disuse and the inheritance of acquired characters, which were destined to take such a prominent place in the subsequent writings of Lamarck : — " The llama, which, like the camel, passes its life in bearing burdens and only rests by lying down upon its breast, has similar callosities which are perpetuated in the same way by generation. The baboons and the apes, whose most usual attitude, whether awake or asleep, is sitting, have also callosities beneath the region of the buttocks, and this callous skin has even become adherent to the bones against which it is continually pressed by the weight of the body ; but these callosities of the baboons and apes are dry and healthy, because they do not arise from the constraint of trammels or of the weight of a foreign burden, and because they 1 Op. clt., Tom. IX, pp. 126, 127. 368 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY are merely the effects of the natural habits of the animal, which remains seated more willingly and for a longer time than in any other posture : it is the same with these callosities of the apes as with the double sole of skin which we carry beneath our feet ; this sole is a natural callosity which our constant habit of walking or resting upright renders more or less thick, or more or less hard, according to the amount of friction to which the soles of our feet are exposed." l It has been maintained that Buffon not only anticipated Lamarck's views as to the influence of the environment and the principle of use and disuse, but also those of Malthus and Charles Darwin with regard to the importance of the struggle for existence and the process of natural selection. That some such ideas were present in his mind seems sufficiently clear from the following passages. After speaking of the invasions of the Huns and Goths and other peoples he continues : — " These great events, these conspicuous epochs in the history of the human race, are, however, only trifling vicissitudes in the ordinary course of living nature ; it is in general always constant, always the same ; its movement, always regular, turns on two fixed pivots, the one the unlimited fecundity given to all species, the other the innumerable obstacles which reduce the product of this fecundity to a fixed quantity and at all times leave only approximately the same number of individuals in each species." " The causes of destruction, of annihilation and sterility follow immediately upon those of excessive multiplication ; and, inde- pendently of contagion, the necessary consequence of too great an accumulation of any living matter in one place, there are in each species special causes of death and destruction, which we shall indicate in the sequel and which alone suffice to compensate for the excess of former generations." 3 " The least perfect species, the most delicate, the most heavily burdened, the least active, the least well armed, &c., have already disappeared or will disappear." 4 Even if, on the strength of this last passage, however, we can claim that Buffon had conceived the idea of the survival of the 1 Op. tit., Tom. XIV, pp. 325, 326. 2 Op. cit., Tom. VI, p. 248. 3 Ibid., p. 251. 4 I tianslate this passage, which I have not found in the original, from a quotation given by Osborn in his interesting work " From the Greeks to Darwin " (Columbia University Biological Series). The student should refer to this work for the history of the theory of evolution. VIEWS OF BUFFON 369 fittest, the mere question of priority is a matter of small moment. As a matter of fact it is now well known that this idea is very much older than Buffon, and can be traced back, as Osborn remarks, " to Empedocles, six centuries before Christ." l Osborn also points out that : — " Buffon 's ideas regarding the physical basis of heredity are very similar to those of Democritus, and certainly contain the basis of the conception of the Pangenesis theory of Darwin, for he supposes that the elements of the germ-cells were gathered from all parts of the body." 2 So far we have presented the views of Buffon as those of a thoroughgoing evolutionist. He had, however, apparently another side to his mind, which is extremely difficult to under- stand in the author of the foregoing passages. In the fourth volume of his Natural History, after discussing the possible modification of species, he continues : — " But no, it is certain, by revelation, that all animals have participated equally in the grace of creation, that the two first of each species and of all the species came forth complete from the hands of the Creator ; and we must believe that they were then much the same as they are now represented to us by their descendants."3 The doctrine of special creation could hardly be more clearly expressed. Of course it is possible, as Samuel Butler suggests in his interesting discussion of Buffon in " Evolution Old and New," that such passages as this may be ironical, but it seems more likely that Buffon vacillated between what was then regarded as religious orthodoxy and the more rational views which he knew so well how to express. Indeed, Butler himself remarks, apropos of another passage : — " This is Buffon's way. Whenever he has shown us clearly what we ought to think, he stops short suddenly on religious grounds." 4 1 Op. cit., p. 117. 2 Ibid., p. 135. 3 " Histoire Naturelle," Tom. IV, p. 383. 4 " Evolution Old and New " (New Issue, London, A. & C. Fifield), p. 115. This work contains numerous passages translated from Buffon and Lamarck, and I •have found it of great use as a guide to the more salient passages in the voluminous writings of the former. I have, however, in all cases made fresh translations from the French. B. B B 370 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Buffon's inability to reconcile the logical consequences of his own inductions with his religious convictions is perhaps nowhere better illustrated than in the attitude which he adopted with regard to the position of man in the animal kingdom. Such an experienced observer as he was could not fail to realize the close agreement in structure between man and the higher apes : — " We shall see, in the history of the orang utan that, were we to pay attention only to the form, we might equally well look upon this animal either as the highest of the apes or as the lowest of mankind ; because, with the exception of the soul, he lacks nothing of all that we possess, and because he differs less from man in bodily structure than he differs from other animals to which the name of ape has been given." * " I admit that, if one should judge only by form, the ape species might be taken for a variety of the human species : the Creator did not think fit to make for the human body a model absolutely different from that of the animal ; He has included his form, like that of all the animals, in one general plan ; but at the same time that He bestowed upon him this ape-like material form, He penetrated this animal body with His divine breath."2 The ape, on the other hand, is a mere animal, and " in spite of his resemblance to man, far from being the second in our species, he is not the first in the order of animals, since he is not the most intelligent." 3 There can be no doubt that the views of Erasmus Darwin (1731 — 1802) were largely influenced by the writings of Buffon, to which he repeatedly refers. Darwin's "Zoonomia" was published in 1794,4 but, perhaps because it was mainly a medical work, it received but little attention from professional naturalists. The section dealing with " Generation" contains his views on evolu- tion. A few quotations will suffice to illustrate these :— " Owing to the imperfection of language the offspring is termed a new animal, but is in truth a branch or elongation of the parent ; since a part of the embryon-animal is, or was, a part of the parent ; and therefore in strict language it cannot be said to 1 " Histoire Naturelle," Tom. XIV, p. 30. The name "orang utan " was applied by BuflFon to the chimpanzee. 2 Ibid., p. 32. 8 Ibid., p. 37. 4 My quotations are taken from an edition published by B. Dugdale at Dublin iu 1800. VIEWS OF EKASMUS DARWIN 371 be entirely new at the time of its production ; and therefore it may retain some of the habits of the parent-system." Here we have clearly expressed the idea of continuity which plays such an important part in modern theories of heredity. Erasmus Darwin was, however, a " Spermatist," that is to say he believed " that the embryon is produced solely by the male, and that the female supplies it with a proper nidus, with sustenance, and with oxygenation; and that the idea of the semen of the male constituting only a stimulus to the egg of the female, exciting it into life, (as held by some philosophers) has no support from experiment or analogy." It must be remembered that he wrote in the days before the cell theory had shed its illuminating rays over the science of embryology : — "I conceive," says he, "the primordium, or rudiment of the ernbryon, as secreted from the blood of the parent, to consist of a simple filament as a muscular fibre," but this filament was not necessarily thread-like in form, for he adds : — " I suppose this living filament, of whatever form it may be, whether sphere, cube, or cylinder, to be endued with the capability of being excited into action by certain kinds of stimulus." It thus absorbs nutriment and becomes organized by "accre- tion of parts," and this leads to the development of new kinds of " irritability." According to this view the appearance of a new organ precedes its use : — " the lungs must be previously formed before their exertions to obtain fresh air can exist." " From hence I conclude, that with the acquisition of new parts, new sensations, and new desires, as well as new powers, are produced ; and this by accretion to the old ones, and not by distention of them." But the exercise of these new powers in turn gives rise to the development of more new parts, which " are formed by the irritations and sensations, and consequent exertions of the parts previously existing, and to which the new parts are to be attached." " From this account of reproduction it appears, that all animals have a similar origin, viz. from a single living filament ; and B B 2 372 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY that the difference of their forms and qualities has arisen only from the different irritabilities and sensibilities, or voluntarities, or associabilities, of this original living filament ; and perhaps in some degree from the different forms of the particles of the fluids, by which it has been at first stimulated into activity." "From their first rudiment, or priniordium, to the termina- tion of their lives, all animals undergo perpetual transformations; which are in part produced by their own exertions inconsequence of their desires and aversions, of their pleasures and their pains, or of irritations, or of associations ; and many of these acquired forms or propensities are transmitted to their posterity." Dr. Darwin thus passes from the discussion of what is now termed the ontogeny or development of the individual to that of the phylogeny or development of the race. From consideration of the former he endeavoured to gain some insight into the latter, and it may be fairly claimed that he thus anticipated what is known in modern biology as the Recapitulation Hypothesis :— " From thus meditating on the great similarity of the struc- ture of the warm-blooded animals, and at the same time of the great changes they undergo both before and after their nativity ; and by considering in how minute a portion of time many of the changes of animals above described have been produced ; would it be too bold to imagine, that in the great length of time, since the earth began to exist, perhaps millions of ages before the commencement of the history of mankind, would it be too bold to imagine, that all warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament, which the great First Cause endued with ani- mality, with the power of acquiring new parts, attended with new propensities, directed by irritations, sensations, volitions and associations ; and thus possessing the faculty of continuing to improve by its own inherent activity, and of delivering down those improvements by generation to its posterity, world without end ! " Erasmus Darwin was perfectly familiar with the idea of adaptation, as manifested, for example, in the colours of animals :— " The colours of many animals seem adapted to their purposes of concealing themselves either to avoid danger, or to spring upon their prey. Thus the snake and wild cat, and leopard, are so coloured as to resemble dark leaves and their lighter interstices ; birds resemble the colour of the brown ground, or the green VIEWS OF EKASMUS DAEWIN 373 hedges, which they frequent; and moths and butterflies are coloured like the flowers which they rob of their honey." " A proboscis of admirable structure has been acquired by the bee, the moth, and the humming bird, for the purpose of plundering the nectaries of flowers. All which seem to have been formed by the original living filament, excited into action by the necessities of the creatures, which possess them, and on which their existence depends." In the following sentences we have at any rate a very close approach to the idea of natural selection which forms the key- note of the evolutionary theory as advocated by the illustrious grandson of the writer :— " A great want of one part of the animal world has consisted in the desire of the exclusive possession of the females ; and these have acquired weapons to combat each other for this purpose. . . . So the horns of the stag are sharp to offend his adversary, but are branched for the purpose of parrying or receiving the thrusts of horns similar to his own, and have therefore been formed for the purpose of combating other stags for the exclusive posses- sion of the females ; who are observed, like the ladies in the times of chivalry, to attend the car of the victor." " The final cause of this contest amongst the males seems to be, that the strongest and most active animal should propagate the species, which should thence become improved." Here the principle of selection seems to be clearly enough recognized, at any rate that form thereof which Charles Darwin afterwards distinguished as sexual selection. The great French philosophical biologist,1 Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck, was born in 1744 and died in 1829. His most celebrated work, the " Philosophie Zoologique," which contains the fullest expression of his mature views on the theory of organic evolution, was published in 1809, but these views appear to have been first announced to the world in the opening lecture of the Course of Zoology given at the Natural History Museum in Paris in 1800, 1 Lamarck was the originator of the term Biology for the Science of Living Things. and published in the following year in the form of a preface to the " Systeme des Animaux sans Vertebres."1 It seems impossible to doubt that Lamarck, like Erasmus Darwin, was largely influenced in his views by the writings of his great compatriot Buffon, with whom he was on terms of personal friendship, and to whom he refers in his published work. Whether or not he was acquainted with the works of Erasmus Darwin will probably never be known, but it is evident that both drew part at any rate of their inspiration from the same source. Owing largely to his official position as Professor of Invertebrate Zoology in the National Museum, Lamarck was able to bring forward a very imposing array of facts in support of his opinions, and though these opinions were but the natural development of those enunciated by his predecessors, he was able to place the theory of organic evolution on a much firmer and broader basis than it had previously enjoyed. He also doubtless derived great advantage from the fact that he was an experienced botanist as well as a zoologist, having published many important botanical works before he turned his attention more particularly to the zoological aspect of biology. During the earlier part of his life Lamarck appears to have accepted the still prevalent doctrine as to the immutability of species, and it is perhaps significant that his conversion to evolutionary views seems to have followed very rapidly upon the extension of his investigations from the vegetable to the animal kingdom. In the " Philosophie Zoologique " he maintains that the first living things arose by a process of spontaneous generation, which may still take place, and that from the starting points thus pro- vided the entire animal and vegetable kingdoms as they now exist have arisen as the result of orderly and progressive evolution. He devotes a large amount of space to the question of classifi- cation and the conception of species, and arrives at the following conclusions, which are, on the whole, in singularly close agreement with those of modern biologists : — " But these classifications, of which several have been so happily imagined by naturalists, and the divisions and sub-divisions 1 Vide Packard's " Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution, his Life and Work " (Longmans, Green & Co., 1901). This most interesting work contains translations of portions of Lamarck's writings, and has for the first time made the work of the great French philosopher available to the general reader in England and America. I have, however, thought it desirable to give fresh translations from the original French. VIEWS OF LAMARCK 375 which they present, are entirely artificial contrivances. Nothing of all that, I repeat, occurs in nature, in spite of the foundation which appears to be given to them by certain portions of the natural series which are known to us, and which have the appearance of being isolated. We may be certain that amongst her productions, nature has really formed neither classes, nor orders, nor families, nor genera, nor constant species, but only individuals which succeed one another and which resemble those which produced them. Now these individuals belong to infinitely diversified races, which shade off under all forms and in all degrees of organization, and each of which maintains itself without change so long as no cause of change acts upon it." l " The name species has been given to every collection of similar individuals which have been produced by other individuals like themselves. "This definition is exact; for every individual that enjoys life always resembles very closely that or those from which it sprang. But to this definition has been added the supposition that the individuals which make up a species never vary in their specific character, and that consequently the species has an absolute constancy in nature. " It is exactly this supposition that I propose to combat, because the clear evidence obtained by observation shews that it is unfounded. " The supposition, almost universally admitted, that living bodies form 82)e,cies constantly distinguished by invariable characters, and that the existence of these species is as old as that of nature herself, was established at a time when obser- vations were insufficient, and when the natural sciences were still almost non-existent. It is always contradicted in the eyes of those who have seen much, who have for a long time followed nature, and who have profitably consulted the great and rich collections of our Museum."2 After speaking of the doctrine of special creation Lamarck continues : — "Without doubt, nothing exists except by the will of the sublime Author of all things. But can we assign to Him laws in the execution of His will, and fix the method which He has followed in this respect ? Has not His infinite power been able to create an order of things which should give existence 1 " Philosophic Zoologique," Tom. I, pp. 21, 22. 2 Op. cit., Tom. I, pp. 54, 55. 376 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AKY BIOLOGY successively to everything that we see, as to everything which exists and which is unknown to us ? " Assuredly, whatever may have been His will, the immensity of His power is always the same ; and in whatever manner this supreme will may have been executed, nothing can diminish its grandeur."1 Lamarck seems to have been the first to insist upon the branching character of evolutionary series ; after speaking of such series he goes on : — " I do not wish to say thereby that existing animals form a very simple series, everywhere equally graduated ; but I say that they form a branching series, irregularly graduated, and which has no discontinuity in its parts, or which, at least, has not always had, if it be true that, in consequence of some species having been lost, such discontinuity occurs anywhere. It results from this that the species which terminate each branch of the general series are connected, at least on one side, with other neighbouring species which shade into them."2 Like Buffon, he lays great stress upon the action of the environment in modifying organisms : — " Many facts teach us that in proportion as the individuals of one of our species change their situation, their climate, their manner of living or their habits, they thereby receive influences which little by little change the consistency and the proportions of their parts, their form, their faculties, even their organization ; so that everything in them participates, in the course of time, in the transformations which they experience. " In the same climate, very different situations and exposures at first cause the individuals exposed thereto simply to vary ; but, in the course of time, the continual difference in situation of the individuals of which I am speaking, which live and reproduce themselves successively in the same circumstances, causes in them differences which become, in some way, essential to their existence ; so that, after many generations have succeeded one another, these individuals, which belonged originally to another species, find themselves in the end transformed into a new species, distinct from the other. " For example, if the seeds of a grass, or of any other plant natural to a damp meadow, be transported by any chance, first to the slope of a neighbouring hill, where the soil, although more elevated, is still sufficiently cool to permit of the plant main- taining itself, and if afterwards, after having lived there and 1.Op. cit., Tom. I, pp. 56, 57. 2 Ibid., p. 59. VIEWS OF LAMARCK 377 reproduced itself many times, it reaches, by slow degrees, the dry and almost arid soil of a mountainous region ; if the plant succeeds in living there, and perpetuates itself for a succession of generations, it will then become so changed that the botanists who come across it will make of it a distinct species." l As Lamarck's views have so frequently been misrepresented it is incumbent upon us to make ourselves thoroughly acquainted with what he really meant by the action of the environment, and on this point, fortunately, he is very precise :— " Here it becomes necessary for me to explain the meaning which I attach to these expressions : The environment (les circonstanccs) influences the form and organization of animals, or in other words, as it becomes very different it changes, in course of time, the form and organization themselves by proportional modifications. " Certainly, if people took these expressions literally they would attribute to me an error ; for, whatever the environment may be, it does not directly effect any modification whatever in the form and organization of animals. " But great changes in the environment lead, in the case of animals, to great changes in their requirements (besoins), and such changes in their requirements lead necessarily to actions. Now, if the new requirements become constant or very lasting, the animals then adopt new habits, which are as lasting as the requirements which have called them forth. . . . " Now, if a novel environment, having become permanent for a race of animals, has given to these animals new habits, or in other words has led them to new actions which have become habitual, there will have resulted therefrom the use of some particular part [of the body] in preference to some other, and in certain cases the complete disuse of some part which has become useless. "None of these statements should be considered as hypo- thetical or as the expression of individual opinion ; they are, on the contrary, truths which need only attention and the observa- tion of facts to render them evident. " We shall see immediately, by the citation of known facts which attest it, on the one hand that new requirements having made some part necessary, have really, by a series of efforts, caused this part to arise, and that afterwards its continued employment has little by little strengthened it, developed it, and in the end considerably enlarged it ; on the other hand, we shall see that, in certain cases, the novel environment and new requirements having rendered some part quite useless, the 1 Op. cit., Tom. I, pp. 62, 63. 378 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY complete want of employment of this part has caused it to gradually cease from developing like the other parts of the animal ; that it has become reduced and attenuated little by little, and that at length, when this want of employment has been complete during a long period, the part in question has in the end disappeared. All this is positive ; I propose to give the most convincing proofs of it. " In plants, where there are no actions, and consequently no habits properly so-called, great changes in the environment have none the less led to great differences in the development of their parts ; in such a way that these differences have caused certain of them to appear and develop, while they have caused many others to dwindle away and disappear. But here everything is effected by changes which take place in the nutrition of the plant, in its absorptions and transpirations, in the amount of heat, light, air and moisture, which it then habitually receives ; finally, in the superiority which certain of the various vital movements may acquire over others."1 Like his predecessors, and like those who followed him, Lamarck adduces in support of these views the remarkable modifications which have taken place in animals and plants under the influence of domestication : — " That which nature does with the aid of much time, we do every day by suddenly changing, in relation to some living plant, the conditions under which it and all the individuals of its species, have existed. " All botanists know that the plants which they transport from their native place in order to cultivate them in gardens, undergo, little by little, changes which, in the end, make them unrecogniz- able. . . . "Is not the cultivated wheat (Triticum sativwn) a plant brought by man to the condition in which we now actually see it? Who will tell me in what country such a plant occurs naturally, that is to say except as the result of its cultivation in some neighbouring place ? " Where do we find, in a state of nature, our cabbages, our lettuces, &c., as we now possess them in our kitchen gardens ? Is it not the same with respect to the many animals which domestication has changed or considerably modified?" We may next consider two examples of the kind of evidence which Lamarck brings forward in proof of the effects of the 1 Op. cit., Tom. I, pp. 221—223. 2 Ibid., pp. 226—227. VIEWS OF LAMAECK 379 environment and of the use and disuse of organs upon plants and animals living in a state of nature : — " The following fact proves, with regard to plants, how much the alteration of any important factor in the environment modifies the parts of these living bodies. " So long as Ranunculus aquatilis is sunk beneath the surface of the water, its leaves are all finely divided and have their divisions hair-like ; but when the stems of this plant reach the surface of the water, the leaves which develop in the air become broadened, rounded and simply lobed. If some runners of the same plant succeed in pushing their way into a soil which is merely damp, without being inundated, their stems are then short, and none of their leaves are divided into hair-like segments ; thus arises Ranunculus hcderaceus, which botanists regard as a species when they come across it." 1 "With regard to habits, it is curious to observe the result thereof in the remarkable form and in the stature of the giraffe (Camclo-pardalis) : we know that this animal, the tallest of the mammals, inhabits the interior of Africa, and that it lives in places where the earth, almost always arid and without herbage, obliges it to browse on the foliage of trees and to make con- tinual efforts to reach it. As a result of this habit, maintained for a long time in all the individuals of its race, the fore limbs have become much longer than the hind ones, and the neck has become so much elongated that the giraffe, without standing up on its hind legs, raises its head and reaches a height of six metres (nearly twenty feet)." 2 The following passage must suffice to give some idea of Lamarck's views on the inheritance of " acquired " characters, which his theory necessarily implies, though not in the exaggerated sense of some modern writers : — " These familiar facts are surely well suited to prove what is the result of the habitual use by animals of some particular organ or part ; and if, when we observe, in an animal, an organ specially developed, strong and powerful, anyone pretends that its habitual exercise has caused it to gain nothing, that its continued disuse would cause it to lose nothing, and that, in short, this organ has always been as it is since the creation of the species to which the animal belongs, I would ask why our domestic ducks can no longer fly like wild ducks ; in a word, I would cite a multitude of examples relative to ourselves, which bear witness to the differences which result in our own bodies 1 Op. tit., Tom. I, p. 230. 2 Ibid., pp. 256—257. 380 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY from the exercise or the want of exercise of any of our organs, although these differences are not maintained in the individuals of the next generation, for then their results would be much more considerable. " I shall show in the second part that when the will determines an animal to some action, the organs which have to execute this action are forthwith stimulated by the affluence of subtle fluids (the nervous fluid) which become the determining cause of the movements which the action in question requires. A multitude of observations establishes this fact, which should no longer be called in question. " It results therefrom that numerous repetitions of these acts of organization strengthen, extend, develop and even create the organs which are needed. It is only necessary to observe attentively what is happening everywhere in this respect to convince oneself of the actuality of this cause of organic development and modification. " Now, every change acquired in an organ by a habit of use sufficient to have produced it, is maintained afterwards by generation, if it is common to the individuals which have united in the act of fecundation for the reproduction of their species. In short, this modification is propagated, and thus passes to all the individuals which follow and which are subjected to the same environment, without their being obliged to acquire it by the means which really created it. " The mingling in reproductive unions, however, between individuals which have different qualities or forms, is necessarily opposed to the constant propagation of those qualities and forms. This is the reason why in man, who is subjected to so many different modifying circumstances, the accidental qualities or defects which he has chanced to acquire are not preserved and propagated by generation. If, when any peculiarities of form or any defects have been acquired, two individuals in this condition should always unite, they would reproduce the same peculiarities, and successive generations confining themselves to similar unions, a special and distinct race would then be formed. But the perpetual mingling between individuals which have not the same peculiarities of form causes all peculiarities acquired as the result of peculiar circumstances of the environment to disappear. Whence one may be certain that if human beings were not separated by the distances of their habitations, the mixed breed- ing would cause the general characters which distinguish the different nations to disappear." l In the light of modern knowledge these views on the subject of heredity are, of course, crude and inaccurate enough, but there 1 Op. cit., Tom. I, pp. 259—262. VIEWS OF LAMARCK 381 is nothing absurd in them, and at the time when Lamarck wrote it would scarcely have been possible to formulate anything better. It is, however, this assumption of the inheritance of somato- genic characters that has probably done more than anything else to prevent many modern biologists from accepting the so-called Lamarckian factors of evolution. Those who hold with Weis- mann that there is no possible mechanism by which a somato- genic character can be converted into a blastogenic one are forced to reject Lamarck's teaching, but the Weismannian assumption that there is no such possibility of inheritance of somatogenic characters rests upon no better foundation than the Lamarckian assumption that there is. We have dealt with this question at some length in an earlier chapter and need only now remember that, if there* are many modern biologists who reject the Lamarckian factors because they cannot reconcile them with Weismannism, there are probably quite as many others who accept them because they appeal irresistibly to their common sense, and because they refuse to believe that Weismann's difficulties are really insurmountable. It is, of course, easy to ridicule Lamarck's views, and to say, for example, that he maintained that an animal could develop an organ by simply wishing for it, and ridicule of this kind has undoubtedly done much to hinder the due appreciation of his work. Such statements, however, are only made by those who have never paid adequate attention to the writings of the great French biologist. It is evident from the passage last quoted that Lamarck also did not fail to perceive the importance of isolation as a factor in organic evolution, necessary to prevent the swampin effects of intercrossing upon newly arisen species or varieties. In another place he discusses the influence of the struggle for existence in counteracting the effects of excessive multiplication, and in so doing just misses the idea of Natural Selection : " Animals eat one another, except those which live only upon plants ; but the latter are liable to be devoured by carnivores. " We know that it is the stronger and the better armed which eat the weaker, and that the large species devour the smaller ones. Nevertheless the individuals of one and the same race rarely eat each other ; they make war on other races." l 1 Op. cit., Tom. I, p. 99. 382 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Lamarck summed up his views as to the factors which have co-operated in organic evolution, at any rate so far as the animal kingdom is concerned, in a later work, the " Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres," published in 1815, in the form of four " Laws," which may be taken as replacing the two " Laws " of the " Philosophie Zoologique." They are as follows :— " First Law : Life, by her own forces, tends continually to increase the volume of every body which possesses it, and to extend the dimensions of its parts, up to a limit which she herself imposes."1 " Second Law : The production of a new organ in an animal body results from a new requirement which continues to make itself felt, and from a new movement which this requirement begets and maintains."2 " Third Law : The development and efficiency of organs are constantly in proportion to the use of these organs,"3 " Fourth Law : All that has been acquired, traced out or altered in the organization of individuals during the course of their life, is preserved by generation, and transmitted to the new individuals which originate from those which have experienced these modifications."4 With regard to the position of man in the animal kingdom Lamarck, unfortunately, does not seem to have been able, any more than Buffon, to divest himself of the fetters of religious orthodoxy. After pointing out at length the numerous ties by which man, in his bodily organization, is united to the lower animals, and especially his close relationship to the apes, he saves himself, so to speak, in the following paragraph :— " Such would be the reflections which one might make if man, considered here as the pre-eminent race in question, were only distinguished from the animals by the characters of his organization, and if his origin were not different from theirs."5 1 " Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres," Tom. I, 1815, p. 182. 2 Ibid., p. 185. 3 Ibid., p. 189. 4 Jbid., p. 199. 5 " Philosophic Zoologique," Tom. I, p. 357. CHAPTER XXV Eobert Chambers and the " Vestiges of Creation " — Natural Selection — The Views of Charles Darwin and Alfred Eussel Wallace. FOE half a century after the appearance of the " Philosophie Zoologique " the theory of organic evolution made but little progress. The gap, however, was to some extent filled by the publication, at first anonymously, of Robert Chambers' celebrated book, "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." This work first appeared in the year 1844 and rapidly passed through a large number of editions. Though the views of its author can hardly be said to mark any advance, but on the whole perhaps rather a retrogression, the work, which gave rise to much controversy, undoubtedly played a very important part in preparing the way for the reception of Charles Darwin's " Origin of Species." Chambers presented the evidence of organic evolution in a very convincing manner, laying great stress upon that afforded by the geological record and the facts of comparative anatomy and embryology, and he included mankind in his general scheme of evolution. His views as to the modus opcrandi of organic evolution are probably expressed as clearly as such views could be in the following paragraphs :— " The proposition determined on after much consideration is, that the several series of animated beings, from the simplest and oldest up to the highest and most recent, are, under the providence of God, the results, first, of an impulse which has been imparted to the forms of life, advancing them, in definite times, by genera- tion, through grades of organization terminating in the highest dicotyledons and vertebrata, these grades being few in number, and generally marked by intervals of organic character which we find to be a practical difficulty in ascertaining affinities ; second, of another impulse connected with the vital forces, tending, in the course of generations, to modify organic structures in accordance with external circumstances, as food, the nature of the habitat and the meteoric agencies, these being the 384 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY " adaptations " of the natural theologian. We may contemplate these phenomena as ordained to take place in every situation, and at every time, where and when the requisite materials and conditions are presented — in other orbs as well as in this — in any geographical area of this globe which may at any time arise— observing only the variations due to difference of materials and of conditions."1 " For the history, then, of organic nature, I embrace, not as a proved fact, but as a rational interpretation of things as far as science has revealed them, the idea of Progressive Development. We contemplate the simplest and most primitive types of being, as giving, under a law to which that of like-production is sub- ordinate, birth to a type superior to it in compositeness of organization and endowment of faculties; this again producing the next higher, and so on to the highest. We contemplate, in short, a universal gestation of nature, analogous to that of the individual being ; and attended as little by circumstances of a startling or miraculous kind, as the silent advance of an ordinary mother from one week to another of her pregnancy. We see but the chronicle of one or two great areas, within which the development has reached the highest forms. In some others, as Australia and the islands of the Pacific, development appears to have not yet passed through the wrhole of its stages, because, owing to the comparatively late uprise of the land, the terrestrial portion of the development was there commenced more recently. It would commence and proceed in any new appropriate area, on this or any other sphere, exactly as it commenced upon our area in the time of the earliest fossiliferous rocks, whichever these are. Nay, it perhaps starts every hour with common infusions, and in similar humble theatres, and might there proceed through all the subsequent stages, granting suitable space and conditions. Thus simple — after ages of marvelling — appears Organic Creation, while yet the whole phenomena are, in another point of view, wonders of the highest kind, being the undoubted results of ordinances arguing the highest attributes of foresight, skill, and goodness on the part of their Divine Author." 2 Progressive evolution is here clearly attributed to some inherent tendency implanted in the first living things, and apparently the writer imagines that the same or closely similar results may have been arrived at along many different lines of evolution, each commencing at a distinct starting point and at a different time and 1 " Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." 12th ed., 1884, pp. 201, 202. a Hid., pp.230, 231. NATURAL SELECTION 385 place from all the others. The author of this hypothesis evidently considers it a distinct improvement upon the views of Lamarck, which he very briefly discusses. He thinks that Lamarck attributes too much importance to the principle of use and disuse, which he regards as "obviously insufficient to account for the great grades of organization," though he admits that external conditions may have been " a means of producing the exterior characters." There can be little doubt, however, that, in relying upon a system of more or less definite and continuously operating natural causes as factors of organic evolution, Lamarck took up a far more scientific position than Robert Chambers. In insisting upon the great importance of Natural Selection as a factor in organic evolution, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace made a great advance upon the position of any of their predecessors. We have seen in the last chapter that this principle had been hinted at by more than one writer about the close of the eighteenth and the commencement of the nineteenth centuries, and that it can even be traced back to the philosophy of ancient Greece. In the historical sketch which prefaces the later editions of the " Origin of Species," Charles Darwin himself quotes a translation from Aristotle which shows sufficiently clearly that the idea was familiar to the great Greek biologist. In the same sketch he also quotes a passage from Dr. W. C. Wells, from a paper read before the Royal Society in 1813, in which the same principle is recognized in the most explicit and unmistakable manner. It was not, however, until the year 1858 that the part played by natural selection in organic evolution began to be gene- rally understood. In that year Sir Charles Lyell and Dr. J. D. Hooker communicated to the Linnean Society certain papers,1 written by Darwin and Wallace, which at once called prominent attention to the importance of this factor and contained the essential parts of the theory of natural selection as subsequently developed by both these writers. Darwin's paper consisted of an extract from his as yet unpublished work, together with an abstract of a letter to 1 These papers have been reprinted by the Linnean Society in the volume pub- lished in connection with the Darwin-Wallace Celebration held on July 1st, 1908, and it is from this volume that the quotations which follow are taken. B. CO 386 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Professor Asa Gray. A few quotations will suffice to indicate his views : — " De Candolle, in an eloquent passage, has declared that all nature is at war, one organism with another, or with external nature. ... It is the doctrine of Malthus applied in most cases with tenfold force. . . . Even slow-breeding mankind has doubled in twenty-five years ; and if he could increase his food with greater ease, he would double in less time. But for animals without artificial means, the amount of food for each species must, on an average, be constant, whereas the increase of all organisms tends to be geometrical, and in a vast majority of cases at an enormous ratio. Suppose in a certain spot there are eight pairs of birds, and that only four pairs of them annually (including double hatches) rear only four young, and that these go on rearing their young at the same rate, then at the end of seven years (a short life, excluding violent deaths, for any bird) there will be 2048 birds, instead of the original sixteen. As this increase is quite impossible, we must conclude either that birds do not rear nearly half their young, or that the average life of a bird is, from accident, not nearly seven years. Both checks probably concur. The same kind of calculation applied to all plants and animals affords results more or less striking, but in very few instances more striking than in man." " Lighten any check in the least degree, and the geometrical powers of increase in every organism will almost instantly increase the average number of the favoured species. . . . Finally, let it be borne in mind that this average number of individuals (the external conditions remaining the same) in each country is kept up by recurrent struggles against other species or against external nature (as on the borders of the Arctic regions, where the cold checks life), and that ordinarily each individual of every species holds its place, either by its own struggle and capacity of acquiring nourishment in some period of its life, from the egg upwards ; or by the struggle of its parents (in short-lived organisms, when the main check occurs at longer intervals) with other individuals of the same or different species. " But let the external conditions of a country alter. If in a small degree, the relative proportions of the inhabitants will in most cases simply be slightly changed ; but let the number of inhabitants be small, as on an island, and free access to it from other countries be circumscribed, and let the change of conditions continue progressing (forming new stations), in such a case the original inhabitants must cease to be as perfectly adapted to the VIEWS OF CHARLES DARWIN 387 changed conditions as they were originally. It has been shown in a former part of this work, that such changes of external conditions would, from their acting on the reproductive system, probably cause the organization of those beings which were most affected to become, as under domestication, plastic. Now, can it be doubted, from the struggle each individual has to obtain subsistence, that any minute variation in structure, habits, or instincts, adapting that individual better to the new conditions, would tell upon its vigour and health ? In the struggle it would have a better chance of surviving ; and those of its offspring which inherited the variation, be it ever so slight, would also have a better chance. Yearly more are bred than can survive ; the smallest grain in the balance, in the long run, must tell on which death shall fall, and which shall survive. Let this work of selection on the one hand, and death on the other, go on for a thousand generations, who will pretend to affirm that it would produce no effect, when we remember what, in a few years, Bakewell effected in cattle, and Western in sheep, by this identical principle of selection ? " " In nature we have some slight variation occasionally in all parts ; and I think it can be shewn that changed conditions of existence is the main cause of the child not exactly resembling its parents; and in nature geology shews us what changes have taken place, and are taking place. We have almost unlimited time ; " " Another principle, which may be called the principle of diver- gence, plays, I believe, an important part in the origin of species. The same spot will support more life if occupied by very diverse forms. We see this in the many generic forms in a square yard of turf, and in the plants or insects on any little uniform islet, belonging almost invariably to as many genera and families as species. . . . Now, every organic being, by propagating so rapidly, may be said to be striving its utmost to increase in numbers. So it will be with the offspring of any species after it has become diversified into varieties, or subspecies, or true species. And it follows, I think, from the foregoing facts, that the varying offspring of each species will try (only few will succeed) to seize on as many and as diverse places in the economy of nature as possible. Each new variety or species, when formed, will generally take the place of, and thus exter- minate its less well-fitted parent. This I believe to be the origin of the classification and affinities of organic beings at all times ; for organic beings always seem to branch and sub-branch like the limbs of a tree from a common trunk, the flourishing and c c 2 388 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY diverging twigs destroying the less vigorous— the dead and lost branches rudely representing extinct genera and families." The same paper also contains a sketch of the supplementary theory of sexual selection, which will be seen to agree very closely with the paragraph from Erasmus Darwin's " Zoonomia " quoted in the last chapter : — " Besides this natural means of selection, by which those individuals are preserved, whether in their egg, or larval, or mature state, which are best adapted to the place they fill in nature, there is a second agency at work in most unisexual animals, tending to produce the same effect, namely, the struggle of the males for the females. These struggles are generally decided by the law of battle, but in the case of birds, apparently, by the charms of their song, by their beauty or their power of courtship, as in the dancing rock-thrush of Guiana. The most vigorous and healthy males, implying perfect adaptation, must generally gain the victory in their contests. This kind of selec- tion, however, is less rigorous than the other ; it does not require the death of the less successful, but gives to them fewer descendants." The publication from which these quotations are taken itself consists of extracts from Charles Darwin's manuscripts, selected with a view to explaining, as clearly as possible, his theory of natural selection, and is therefore especially suitable for citation. In the following year (1859) the author's classical work, " The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection," made its appearance, the first of that notable series of volumes on philosophical biology which have made his name so famous. In these works both the general theory of Evolution and the sub- sidiary theory of Natural Selection are elaborated and supported by an immense body of evidence drawn from published records and personal observations, and so successfully was this done that in a comparatively few years these theories met with general acceptance on the part, not only of scientific men, but also of the educated public. It must not be forgotten, either, that Charles Darwin applied the doctrine of organic evolution in a fearless and uncompromising manner to the origin of the human race. Dr. Wallace's contribution to the Linnean Society symposium of 1858 was entitled " On the Tendency of Varieties to depart VIEWS OF A. K WALLACE 389 indefinitely from the Original Type." The following quotations will serve to show that his views on Natural Selection were closely similar to those of Charles Darwin. " The life of wild animals is a struggle for existence. The full exertion of all their faculties and all their energies is required to preserve their own existence and provide for that of their infant offspring. The possibility of procuring food during the least favourable seasons, and of escaping the attacks of their most dangerous enemies, are the primary conditions which determine the existence both of individuals and of entire species." " Even the least prolific of animals would increase rapidly if unchecked, whereas it is evident that the animal population of the globe must be stationary, or perhaps, through the influence of man, decreasing. Fluctuations there may be ; but permanent increase, except in restricted localities, is almost impossible. For example, our own observation must convince us that birds do not go on increasing every year in a geometrical ratio, as they would do, were there not some powerful check to their natural increase. Very few birds produce less than two young ones each year, while many have six, eight, or ten ; four will certainly be below the average ; and if we suppose that each pair produce young only four times in their life, that will also be below the average, supposing them not to die either by violence or want of food. Yet at this rate how tremendous would be the increase in a few years from a single pair ! A simple calculation will show that in fifteen years each pair of birds would have increased to nearly ten millions ! Whereas we have no reason to believe that the number of the birds of any country increases at all in fifteen or in one hundred and fifty years. With such powers of increase the population must have reached its limits, and have become stationary, in a very few years after the origin of each species. It is evident, therefore, that each year an immense number of birds must perish — as many in fact as are born. . . . It is, as we commenced by remarking, ' a struggle for existence,' in which the weakest and least perfectly organized must always succumb. " Now it is clear that what takes place among the individuals of a species must also occur among the several allied species of a group, — viz., that those which are best adapted to obtain a regular supply of food, and to defend themselves against the attacks of their enemies and the vicissitudes of the seasons, must necessarily obtain and preserve a superiority in population ; while those species which from some defect of power or organization are the least capable of counteracting the vicissitudes of food 890 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY supply, &c., must diminish in numbers, and, in extreme cases, become altogether extinct." " Most or perhaps all the variations from the typical form of a species must have some definite effect, however slight, on the habits or capacities of the individuals. Even a change of colour might, by rendering them more or less distinguishable, affect their safety ; a greater or less development of hair might modify their habits. . . . An antelope with shorter or weaker legs must necessarily suffer more from the attacks of the feline carnivora. ... If, on the other hand, any species should produce a variety having slightly increased powers of preserving existence, that variety must inevitably in time acquire a superiority in numbers. . . . All varieties will therefore fall into two classes — those which under the same conditions would never reach the popula- tion of the parent species, and those which would in time obtain and keep a numerical superiority. Now, let some alteration of physical conditions occur in the district — a long period of drought, a destruction of vegetation by locusts, the irruption of some new carnivorous animal seeking ' pastures new ' — any change in fact tending to render existence more difficult to the species in question, and tasking its utmost powers to avoid com- plete extermination ; it is evident that, of all the individuals composing the species, those forming the least numerous and most feebly organized variety would suffer first, and, were the pressure severe, must soon become extinct. The same causes continuing in action, the parent species would next suffer, would gradually diminish in numbers, and with a recurrence of similar unfavourable conditions might also become extinct. The superior variety would then alone remain, and on a return to favourable conditions would rapidly increase in numbers and occupy the place of the extinct species and variety. " The variety would now have replaced the species, of which it would be a more perfectly developed and more highly organized form. It would be in all respects better adapted to secure its safety, and to prolong its individual existence and that of the race. Such a variety could not return to the original form ; for that form is an inferior one, and could never compete with it for existence. . . . But this new, improved, and populous race might itself, in course of time, give rise to new varieties, exhibiting several diverging modifications of form, any of which, tending to increase the facilities for preserving existence, must, by the same general law, in their turn become predominant. Here, then, we have progression and continued divergence deduced from the general laws which regulate the existence of animals in CHARLES DAE WIN AND LAMARCK 391 a state of nature, and from the undisputed fact that varieties do frequently occur." It will be evident from the above sketch of the theory of Natural Selection, which I have thought it desirable to give in the actual words of its chief exponents, that adaptation is explained as the logical consequence of certain facts which can at any time be verified by direct observation. (1) All organisms tend to increase in a high geometrical ratio ; (2) there is, partly as a direct result of such increase, a keen struggle for existence, to which all organisms are more or less exposed and in which vast numbers perish without leaving offspring; (3) all organisms tend to vary in many directions ; (4) variations, whether favourable or otherwise, tend to be transmitted by heredity from generation to generation; though, as we have already seen, there is at the present time much dispute as to whether variations of a certain kind ought not to be excluded from this generalization. It follows inevitably from these premisses that in every genera- tion there will be a more or less strongly pronounced tendency towards the elimination of those individuals which are least well adapted to their environment and a corresponding preservation and encouragement of those which are best adapted, or, in Herbert Spencer's celebrated phrase, a " survival of the fittest." This process, continued from generation to generation for count- less ages, has resulted in that marvellous perfection of adaptation which we have seen to be such a striking feature of both plants and animals. Charles Darwin himself, however, was not satisfied with natural selection as the sole factor concerned in bringing about pro- gressive evolution and adaptation. Although, in the historical sketch which he added to the later editions of the " Origin of Species," he remarks : — "It is curious how largely my grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, anticipated the views and erroneous grounds of opinion of Lamarck in his ' Zoonomia,' " and although he himself at first appears to have attached very little importance to Lamarck's opinions, yet we find in the last chapter of the sixth edition of the " Origin of Species " abundant evidence that he was obliged to admit the efficacy of the chief " Lamarckian " factor, the principle of use and disuse, in 392 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY modifying species, and also, to some extent, that of the direct action of the environment : — " Disuse, aided sometimes by natural selection, will often have reduced organs when rendered useless under changed habits or conditions of life ; and we can understand on this view the meaning of rudimentary organs.1 But disuse and selection will generally act on each creature, when it has come to maturity and has to play its full part in the struggle for existence, and will thus have little power on an organ daring early life ; hence the organ will not be reduced or rendered rudimentary at this early age. The calf, for instance, has inherited teeth, which never cut through the gums of the upper jaw, from an early pro- genitor having well-developed teeth ; and we may believe, that the teeth in the mature animal were formerly reduced by disuse, owing to the tongue and palate, or lips, having become excellently fitted through natural selection to browse without their aid ; whereas in the calf, the teeth have been left unaffected, and on the principle of inheritance at corresponding ages have been inherited from a remote period to the present day." 2 " I have now recapitulated the facts and considerations which have thoroughly convinced me that species have been modified, during a long course of descent. This has been effected chiefly through the natural selection of numerous successive, slight, favourable variations ; aided in an important manner by the inherited effects of the use and disuse of parts ; and in an unimportant manner, that is in relation to adaptive structures, whether past or present, by the direct action of external condi- tions, and by variations which seem to us in our ignorance to arise spontaneously. It appears that I formerly underrated the frequency and value of these latter forms of variation, as leading to permanent modifications of structure independently of natural selection. But as my conclusions have lately been much mis- represented, and it has been stated that I attribute the modifica- tion of species exclusively to natural selection, I may be permitted to remark that in the first edition of this work, and subsequently, I placed in a most conspicuous position — namely, at the close of the Introduction — the following words : ' I am convinced that natural selection has been the main but not the exclusive means of modification.' This has been of no avail. Great is the power of steady misrepresentation ; but the history of science shows that fortunately this power does not long endure." 3 1 Often now called " vestigial organs." a "Origin of Species," Ed. vi. p. 420. 8 Ibid., p. 421. A. R. WALLACE AND LAMARCK 393 It is of the greatest interest to recognize the fact that Darwin himself saw nothing incompatible between the so-called Lamarckian factors of use and disuse and the direct action of the environment, and the principle of natural selection, but, on the other hand, that the one set of factors might supplement the other. On the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Charles Darwin in the Natural History Museum at South Kensington, Professor Huxley found occasion to observe tbat " science commits suicide when it adopts a creed."1 This warning, it is to be feared, has not been heeded by all of Darwin's followers. Many of these have departed very far from the moderate and rational position of their leader and, while attributing to natural selection almost every advance which has been made in the evolution of the organic world, are, as we have already seen, obliged to justify their neglect of the " Lamarckian " factors by denying altogether the possibility of the inheritance of acquired characters, which Darwin, of course, freely admitted. Natural selection, in the hands of these enthusiasts, and in spite of Charles Darwin's efforts to maintain a just balance between this and other factors, lias indeed become a creed. Dr. Wallace from the first adopted an uncompromising attitude towards the opinions of Lamarck. In the Linnean Society paper from which we have already quoted he says : — " The hypothesis of Lamarck — that progressive changes in species have been produced by the attempts of animals to increase the development of their own organs, and thus modify their structure and habits — has been repeatedly and easily refuted by all writers on the subject of varieties and species, and it seems to have been considered that when this was done the whole question has been finally settled ; but the view here developed renders such an hypothesis quite unnecessary, by shewing that similar results must be produced by the action of principles constantly at work in nature. The powerful retractile talons of the falcon- and the cat-tribes have not been produced or increased by the volition of those animals ; 2 but among the different varieties which occurred in the earlier and less highly organized forms of these groups, those always survived longest which had the greatest facilities for seizing their prey." 1 Vide Herbert Spencer's " Factors of Organic Evolution," p. 75. 2 Who ever said they had, except in the sense that an animal voluntarily uses its claws on appropriate occasions and that constantly repeated use causes them to Wallace's views l also differ from those of Darwin in that, at any rate in later years, they have become strongly anthropo- centric, and he now regards the whole of the organic world as having been designed by the Creator for the ultimate reception and benefit of mankind. He does not, it is true, go back to the old idea that species have been separately and specially created as we now find them, but he holds that the entire scheme of evolution was planned out in the mind of the Creator, and even suggests that the working out of this scheme may have been delegated by the Supreme Being to a body of "organizing spirits " : — " At successive stages of development of the life-world, more and perhaps higher intelligences might be required to direct the main lines of variation in definite directions in accordance with the general design to be worked out, and to guard against a break in the particular line which alone could lead ultimately to the production of the human form." 2 Such speculations as this would render natural selection and all other natural factors of organic evolution superfluous, but we cannot profitably discuss them in a work like the present. We may point out, however, that they are in essential agreement with the views of the author of the " Vestiges of Creation," to which we have referred in the early part of this chapter, excepting that Eobert Chambers did not venture to call in the assistance of subordinate " organizing spirits " to carry out the plans of the Creator. increase in size and efficiency ? Lamarck did not suppose that an animal simply willed organs to sprout out of its body ! 1 For a full exposition of these views the reader should refer to Dr. Wallace's " Darwinism " (London : Macmillan & Co., 1889). 2 " The World of Life, a Manifestation of Creative Power, Directive Mind and Ultimate Purpose," by Alfred Russcl Wallace (London : Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1910), p. 395. CHAPTER XXVI Selection not confined to the organic world — Illustrations of the action of natural selection in the struggle for existence — Degeneration Flight- less birds — Extermination of the Morioris — Sedentary animals — Para- sites— Co-operation of natural selection and the so-called Lamarckian factors of evolution — The influence of internal secretions upon growth — Increase in size beyond the limits of utility. THE principle of selection is, of course, by no means confined to living things. The various bodies which make up the inorganic world owe their actual form and arrangement largely to processes of selection which are constantly going on amongst them. The outline of the sea coast is the result of the selective action of atmospheric and tidal agencies upon the different kinds of rock of which it is composed. The softer parts are destroyed first, leaving the more resistant portions to stand out in the form of bluffs or promontories, and to illustrate in the inanimate world the principle of the survival of the fittest. We might even say that the prominent headlands exhibit adaptation, for if they were not adapted by their peculiar hardness to resist the dis- integrating influences of the environment they would not be there, but would have perished with those portions of the land which formerly occupied the bays and inlets. All things, in short, must be subject to the selective action of their environment, and we need not hesitate to attribute to natural selection a very large share in the modelling of the features of the organic world as we now see it. We know what we ourselves, by our so-called artificial selection, are able to do in this way. The chief difference between artificial and natural selection is that man selects for his own purposes and modifies organisms to suit his own ends, while Nature selects to the benefit of the species operated upon, which becomes thereby modified to its own advantage and preservation in the struggle for existence. But we cannot really draw a distinction between the two kinds of selection, for even in a state of nature organisms are often selected and modified to the advantage of other organisms. 396 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY As we saw in a previous chapter, the forms, colours and scents of many flowers are probably the result of unconscious selection by insects, extending over countless generations. It may be said that the advantage gained in this case is mutual ; the insect gets the honey and the flower gets fertilized. This of course is true, but exactly the same is true of human selection. The sheep gets the pasture and man gets the wool. It seems impossible to explain on any other hypothesis than that of the natural selection and gradual accumulation of chance, favourable variations, those marvellous adaptations of animals which lead to protective resemblance and mimicry, for although we may admit that an organ which is actively employed may be modified by the efforts of an animal to maintain itself by the use of that organ, we can hardly extend the same principle to such passive features as colour and ornamentation, or the out- growth of leaf-like dermal appendages and so forth. It may be questioned if, even with the aid of natural selection, we can fully account for all the wonderful phenomena of mimicry, for why, if it be an advantage to some species to adopt a common warning colour and band themselves together in synaposematic groups, should it be desirable for others to do just the reverse and split up into a number of differently coloured forms, each of which mimics some particular model ? We can only say that we do not know all the factors of the environment, and that until we do our inability to solve the problem cannot be justly considered as an argument against the efficacy of natural selection. It is, of course, extremely difficult, if not impossible, to obtain direct evidence of the action of natural selection in modifying species in a state of nature. Human life is all too brief to admit of our making very satisfactory observations concerning processes which extend perhaps over millions of years. Man has, however, in a comparatively short space of time, so changed the conditions of life for many of the lower animals as to lead, albeit unintentionally, to the more or less complete extermina- tion of many species, and by studying these cases we may hope to arrive at sound conclusions as to what takes place in a state of nature. After all, mankind is a part of nature and we have no just reason for excluding his influence in our consideration of the factors which have brought about the present condition of the organic world. It is well known that many of the birds of various remote FLIGHTLESS BIRDS 397 islands have lost the power of flight. Such are the kiwi, the kakapo, the weka, the notornis and the already extinct gigantic moas of New Zealand ; the dodo of Mauritius, and the solitaire of Rodriguez. Although belonging to several very distinct families of birds, including ratites, parrots, rails and pigeons, all the forms enumerated have undergone the same curious modifi- cation, resulting in the most extreme cases (the moas) in the complete loss of the wings, and in others in the reduction of those organs to a more or less vestigial condition.1 This convergence is clearly due to the similarity of the con- ditions under which these birds have had to live. One of the most characteristic features of oceanic islands is the absence from them of predaceous mammals, the natural enemies of birds, which have never been able to cross the great stretches of open ocean which separate such islands from the continental areas on which the Mammalia have been evolved. Birds, however, and even land birds, by virtue of their powers of flight, have been able to reach these islands at more or less frequent intervals and to establish themselves there. Finding abundance of food, which they could obtain near the ground, and finding themselves no longer under the necessity of constantly using their wings in order to escape from their enemies, some of these birds, though by no means all, gradually gave up flying and their wings under- went a slow process of degeneration in accordance with Lamarck's principle of disuse. No doubt such disuse, if continued only through a single lifetime, could scarcely produce a visible effect upon the next generation, but continued under the same con- ditions throughout thousands of generations it has brought about a permanent deterioration which can no longer be retrieved. It is to be noted that this degeneration is the result of the removal of the organism, to a certain extent, from the struggle for existence. Natural selection can only act through the struggle for existence and upon those organs which are of value in the struggle. When the struggle ceases, natural selection ceases and degeneration sets in, for there is no longer any reason why a high standard of perfection should be maintained. All degrees of imperfection now have equal opportunities of propagating them- selves. The inferior individuals are no longer weeded out, and the average condition of the species consequently deteriorates. But observe what happens when a degenerate organism is 1 Compare Chapter XVII, Figs. Ill, 112. 398 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY once more exposed, by some unfortunate change in its environ- ment, to the old struggle from which it had escaped. This has actually taken place in the case of the flightless birds of New Zealand and other remote islands. With the advent of Euro- peans, predaceous mammals of many species — dogs, cats, rats, weasels, stoats and ferrets — have been let loose upon their helpless victims. These are once more exposed to a keen struggle for existence, while at the same time they have lost those very organs which are necessary to enable them to maintain themselves in that struggle, and natural selection, having regained her power, is rapidly exterminating them. It is not too much. to say that in a few years' time there will be no flightless birds left in New Zealand except in special reserves where they are being protected by man. It is highly instructive in -this connection to contrast the con- dition of such a bird as the flightless parrot, or kakapo, with that of its relative the kea. The kakapo is a large, heavy bird of nocturnal habits and with practically no means of defence ; it haunts the dense forest and is rarely seen except when hunted out by dogs. The kea, on the contrary, is one of the strongest fliers of the parrot tribe. It frequents high and more or less inaccessible mountain regions and since the advent of Europeans has learnt to make use of the sheep which they have introduced as an additional food supply. It is doubtful whether the utmost efforts of the sheep farmers, who annually expend large sums of money for the purpose, will ever enable them to exterminate the kea, and it is equally doubtful whether the efforts of the New Zealand Government to preserve the unique flightless birds will suffice to" prevent the complete extermination of the kakapo within the next few years. The aboriginal human population of remote islands has of course suffered not less than the lower animals from the in- vasion of their retreats by Europeans, although not always exclusively at the hands of the Europeans themselves. There are, perhaps, few more striking examples of the extermination of a primitive native race than that afforded by the rapid disap- pearance of the Moriori inhabitants of the Chatham Islands, some four hundred miles to the east of New Zealand, during the nineteenth century.1 At the time of my visit to these islands, in 1 Compare Dencly, " The Chatham Islands : A Study in Biology " (Memoirs and Pro- ceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Vol. XLVI., 19U2). EXTERMINATION OF MORIORIS 399 January, 1901, there were only about a dozen pure-blooded indi- viduals left ; some of these were of great age, while the youngest was a lad of about 16, and they had all, I think, more or less completely adopted European manners and customs. Under these circumstances we are fortunate in possessing any reliable record of this interesting people, and that we do so is largely due to the energy and enthusiasm of Mr. Alexander Bhand, who for more than thirty years lived amongst the Morioris and made a special study both of that race and of their Maori conquerors. It appears from their language, customs and traditions, as well as from their physical characteristics, that the Morioris are closely related to the New Zealand Maoris. Their ignorance of the art of tattooing, and their very inferior artistic faculties in general, however, point to a very remote separation of the two races. Like the Maoris they trace their origin to an unknown father- land called Hawaiki, from which they must have emigrated to Chatham Island in canoes. In their new home they appear to have found the conditions of life remarkably easy, indeed, as the sequel shows, fatally so. With an abundant natural food supply of fruit, shell-fish, &c., and with no enemies to contend with, they multiplied until the islands were thickly populated, while at the same time they doubtless became lazy and effeminate. The discovery of the islands by the brig " Chatham," in 1790, may be said to have sealed the fate of the unfortunate Moriori, though it is doubtful whether any serious injury ensued until the advent of the whaling and sealing vessels in 1828. These vessels brought with them many undesirable visitors, and prob- ably were the means of introducing a disease which soon played havoc with the native race. On board some of the ships, moreover, were Maoris from New Zealand, who, on their return, painted such a glowing picture of the land of plenty, that a large number of their fellow-countrymen determined to emigrate to the islands en masse. In order to effect this purpose they took possession of the brig " Rodney " at Port Nicholson, in New Zealand, about the beginning of November, 1835. They are said to have seized the crew and compelled the captain to transport them, about 900 in number, to their destination. At the time of the invasion the Morioris are supposed to have numbered about 2000, and had they 400 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY attacked the new-comers on their first arrival, they might have exterminated them with little trouble and prolonged for an indefinite period the life of their own race. Unfortunately for themselves, however, they had lost the art of self-defence. Owing to the absence of competition they had, in this respect at any rate, undergone degeneration. Killing was actually forbidden by their laws, and peace had reigned too long and too securely to give place at once to war when the emergency arose. Just as the flightless birds of New Zealand have more or less completely disappeared since the advent of carnivorous mammals, so the Morioris, their happy isolation once broken, fell an easy prey to the more virile Maoris. The latter proceeded to parcel out the conquered country amongst themselves, claiming not only the land but also the inhabitants thereof, many of whom were massacred under circumstances of unutterable atrocity, while the remnant were speedily reduced to the condition of slaves. Under the changed conditions which had suddenly arisen in their environment the Morioris were no longer fit to survive in the struggle for existence, they had become degenerate in a vital respect, and natural selection, as soon as opportunity arose, stepped in and eliminated them. It would be easy to multiply illustrations of the great generaliza- tion that when removed from the struggle for existence all organisms tend to become degenerate, the organs or faculties which they no longer require atrophying and gradually dis- appearing for want of employment. We see this very clearly in the case of sedentary animals such as the ascidians (Figs. 129, 130). The young ascidian is a highly organized creature which swims actively about by means of a muscular tail, in the same way as the tadpole of a frog. Like the latter it has nervous system, notochord and sense organs — though the sense organs are of a type peculiar to itself — and is an undoubted chordate. It never, however, progresses further in organization, so as to attain the true vertebrate condition. On the contrary, it gives up its active life and withdraws as far as possible from the struggle for existence by fixing itself to some rock or seaweed and envelop- ing its entire body in a thick protective envelope, within which it undergoes extensive degeneration. The tail and notochord completely disappear, so do the sense organs, none of these being any longer required under the new conditions of life. The DEGENERATION IN PARASITES 401 nervous system dwindles away to a mere ganglion, from which a few nerves come off, and the entire animal is reduced to the condition of a bag, with two openings through which the remaining organs obtain their food supply and communicate with the outside world by means of a stream of water maintained by ciliary action. Still more conspicuous is the degeneration undergone by the great majority of parasites, whether animals or plants. Sacculina, for example, in the earlier stages of its existence, is an active crustacean which swims vigorously about by means of well developed appen- dages. It belongs to a group, the barnacles or cirripedes, which are notorious for sedentary habits and consequent degeneration in the adult condition. Sacculina, however, not content with a sedentary life, goes further down hill and becomes parasitic. It attacks crabs, and in the adult state is reduced to the condition of a large, irregularly shaped bag (Fiff. 183) fixed to the under surface of the crab s abdomen by root -like pro- cesses which penetrate the body of the host and extract nutri- ment therefrom. With the exception of these root-like processes, which are a special, csenogenetic development, adapted for nutri- tion under new conditions of life, the only organs which have not undergone degeneration are those of reproduction, for upon these depends the perpetuation of the race and upon these, therefore, natural selection is still able to retain her hold. It is, indeed, a general rule amongst parasitic animals that the reproductive organs are largely developed and very complicated, for the conditions which have become necessary for the existence of these animals are so complex and highly specialized, while the chances of mating between different individuals for purposes, FIG. 183.— Lower surface of a Swimming Crab (Portunus depurator] with a Sac- culina (Sac.) attached to it. (From a photograph.) B. D D 402 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY of sexual reproduction are so remote, that the ova and spermatozoa have to be produced in vast numbers to compensate for the immense mortality which must take place amongst them and amongst the young animals to which they may give rise. Thus FIG. 184. — The Dodder, Cuscuta europcea. Part of a Plant parasitic on a Branch of Willow, with germinating Seedlings on the right and Section of Host and Parasite on the left. (From Strasburger. ) b, vestigial leaves ; Bl, flowers ; Cus, stem of parasite in section ; H, haustoria of parasite in section; W, stem of host in section, with vascular bundles (v, c) ; t, seedlings. one of the most frequent results, or at any rate concomitants, of parasitism, and one which is well exemplified in the case of Sacculina, is hermaphroditism, which affords many more chances for the fertilization of the eggs than the unisexual condition. We meet with precisely analogous phenomena in the case of many parasitic plants. In the dodder (Fig. 184) the leaves and INSUFFICIENCY OF NATURAL SELECTION 403 roots have disappeared almost completely and no chlorophyll is pro- duced, but special nutritive organs, the sucker-like haustoria, are developed on the slender, twining stems, and serve to extract the necessary food from the host plant. The flowers, however, upon which the perpetuation of the race depends, still remain in a well developed condition. Both Sacculina and the dodder have lost the power of inde- pendent existence, and if, for any reason, they were to find themselves suddenly confined to an environment where there were no suitable hosts, their races would inevitably become extinct. Nature would treat them just as she is treating the wingless birds, and make them pay the penalty for the degeneration which they have undergone. It has sometimes been pointed out as an objection to the theory of natural selection that it cannot account for the first origin of favourable variations. The theory takes variations for granted and assumes that some will be favourable and some not, that the former will be fostered and accumulated from generation to generation and the latter ruthlessly eliminated. It is further alleged that variations are usually so slight at their first appear- ance that they can have no selective value, and that something is wanted to account for the increase of such variations along apparently definite lines of utility. The theory also takes the inheritance of variations for granted, and many people, as -we have seen, consider nowadays that this is not altogether a justifiable proceeding, that while some variations undoubtedly are inherited, others, and amongst them many which would be likely to be of the greatest value to the organism, are not. We have, then, to go much deeper than the idea of natural selection before we can reach a satisfactory working hypothesis as to the manner in which organic evolution has taken place. The problems of variation and heredity have already been dealt with in earlier chapters, and it will be unnecessary to discuss the matter now at great length, but there are certain points which we must recapitulate in this connection. We have seen that somatogenic or bodily variations in the individual are undoubtedly brought about by the direct action of the environment and by the use and disuse of organs. We have also seen that blastogenic variations, which originate in the germ plasm, may likewise be brought about by the action of the D D 2 404 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY environment (as in the case of the potato beetle as demonstrated by Tower), but that they probably also arise from the mingling of different streams of ancestral tendencies in the process of amphimixis or conjugation of gametes, and possibly in yet other ways with which we are not acquainted. Of course, natural selection can only influence a species through variations which are capable of being inherited, and it is, as everyone knows, urged by many modern writers that somatogenic variations, due either to the direct action of the environment or to the use and disuse of parts, cannot be inherited and therefore have no significance in evolution, and that natural selection must content herself with such fortuitous and non-adaptive variations as may happen to arise in the germ plasm. This indeed seems an extreme view, and it is just here that the split between the extreme selectionists, who have gone far beyond Charles Darwin in this matter, and the followers of Lamarck arises. The curious thing about the controversy is that there is no inherent incompatibility between the views of the two schools. The theory of the inheritance, to a limited extent, of acquired characters, indeed, appears to be just what is necessary to supply the deficiencies of that of natural selection. To say that acquired characters cannot be inherited because we cannot see them being inherited in our own brief lifetimes1 is like saying that a glacier does not move because we do not see it or feel it moving as we walk over it. I have endeavoured to show in an earlier chapter that it is not difficult to imagine a mechanism by which somatogenic characters may gradually be converted into blastogenic ones, and if this is in any way possible there is no reason why we should deny the possibility of their inheritance. No one, however, would be rash enough to suppose that all that an animal or plant acquires in its individual lifetime is transmitted to its heirs. Nature imposes a heavy death duty and takes away by far the greater part of the capital which has been accumulated by each individual. We may suppose, however, that a fraction remains, however unrecognizable by our limited powers, and that these fractions, accumulating under the same influences throughout thousands of generations, ultimately confer upon the organism as a birthright that adaptation which is essential to its existence. 1 As a matter of fact, it appears from recent experiments that in some cases we can see them being inherited (vide p. 182). CO-OPERATION OF FACTORS 405 Even the individual can do much in its own lifetime to adapt itself to its environment, and when the residua of all the individual adaptations are summed up by inheritance the result is such that we may well wonder how it can have been produced. Throughout the whole process, of course, natural selection must help by constantly weeding out inferiority, but it is probably the direct influence of the environment, including the use and disuse of organs in response to that influence, that is in most cases the determining factor in bringing about adaptation. It may well be, however, that there are also cases in which natural selection alone, acting through the occurrence of purely fortuitous variations, has, in the struggle for existence, been sufficient to produce marvellous adaptations. This may have been the case with protective resemblance and mimicry in form and colour, and with the adaptation of flowers for fertilization by insects, in all of which it is difficult to see how the direct action of the environment or the use and disuse of organs could bring about adaptive modifications. But the fact that natural selection alone appears to have been sufficient in some cases must not prevent us from admitting the action of other factors in other cases. The fact that some carriages are pulled by motors affords no justification for asserting that other carriages may not be pulled by horses, or that the same carriage may not at one time be pulled by a motor and at another by a horse, or even by both together. Many factors must have co-operated to bring about such a marvellously complex result as the present condition of the organic world, and no sufficient reason has yet been shown for denying ourselves the assistance of " Lamarckian " factors in our endeavours to discover the processes through which this result has come about.1 We may now turn our attention to a group of cases which certainly appear to support the view that the factors at work in determining any particular line of evolution are more complex than might at first sight be supposed. It is a fact well known to palaeontologists that many widely separated groups of the animal kingdom have, during the course of their evolution, and especially towards the end of that course, shown a strongly marked tendency to enormous increase in size. We see this in the extinct eurypterids (Fig. 137), giants amongst the 1 " To insist on ascribing complex results to single causes is the well-known vice of narrow and untrained minds " (Morley's " Life of Gladstone." Vol. II., p. 68). 406 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONAEY BIOLOGY • arthropods; in the huge labyrinthodont amphibians; in many groups of reptiles of the Secondary period, some of which attained a length of 80 feet or more, and amongst mammals in the extinct Tinoceras (Fig. 150) and the still surviving elephants and whales. Comparative anatomists are familiar with similar phenomena exhibited by individual organs, such as the extra- ordinary development of horns and spines in many of the extinct reptiles referred to (Fig. 145), the immense tusks of FIG. 185. — Head of Babirusa alfnrus. (From Flower and Lyddeker's " Mammals Living and Extinct.") the babirusa (Fig. 185), and the gigantic and grotesque beak and " helmet " of the hornbill (Fig. 186). The exuberant development of some organs of this kind may possibly be attributed to the action of sexual selection, and indeed our daily experience of our own species seems to warrant us in believing that there is no limit to the grotesque results which may ensue from the unrestricted exercise of the jiesthetic faculties of either sex, but it seems hardly reasonable to attempt to explain all such bizarre and monstrous productions in this manner. In all the cases cited, and in many others which could be adduced, either the entire body or some particular organ appears to have acquired some sort of momentum, by virtue of which it continues to grow far beyond the original limits of utility, although perhaps in some cases a new use may be found which will assist the species in maintaining itself in the struggle for existence. EXTINCTION OF GIANT RACES 407 An enormous increase of mere bodily size, however, seems in the long run to be always fatal to the race, whose place will be taken by smaller and presumably more active forms. The gigantic amphibians are all extinct, so are the really gigantic reptiles, and of the gigantic mammals only a couple of species of elephants FIG. 186. — A Hornbill, Biiceros rhinoceros, from North.- West Borneo. (Drawn from a specimen in the British Museum, Natural History.) and a few whales survive, all of which are being rapidly exter- minated in competition with man. There is perhaps some justification in recent developments of physiological science for the belief that a race of animals may acquire a momentum of the kind referred to ; that some brake is normally applied to the growth of organisms and organs and that sometimes this brake is removed, leaving the organism to rush onwards to destruction like a car running away down hill. Many modern physiologists hold the view that the growth of 408 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY the different parts of the animal body is controlled by internal secretions, or hormones, the products of various glands. Thus we know that disease of the pituitary body in man may lead to acromegaly, one of the symptoms of which is great enlargement of certain parts. The most dreadful of all the diseases to which human beings are subject, cancer, is essentially due to an unre- strained multiplication of cells, and consequent abnormal growth of tissue, which may very possibly be correlated with the extent to which some specific controlling secretion is produced in the body. In short, we are justified in supposing that in the individual growth may be normally inhibited or checked by specific secretions, and that in the absence of these it may continue far beyond the ordinary limits. It is difficult to see any good reason why we should not apply this principle to the race as well as to the individual, and, paradoxical as it may appear, it even seems possible to explain both the growth of the organism as a whole and that of its various organs, beyond the limits of utility, as an indirect result of natural selection. When a useful organ, such as the tusk of a wild boar, is first beginning to develop, or to take on some new function for the execution of which an increase in size will be advantageous, natural selection will favour those individuals in which it grows most rapidly and attains the largest size in the individual lifetime. If growth is normally checked and controlled by some specific secretion, or hormone, natural selection will favour those individuals in which the glands which produce this secretion are least developed, or at any rate least active. The process being repeated from generation to generation these glands (whatever may be their nature, and we use the term "gland "for any cell or group of cells which produces a specific secretion, whether recognizable as a distinct organ or not) may ultimately be eliminated, or at any rate cease altogether to produce the par- ticular hormone in question. Moreover, this elimination may take place long before the organ whose growth is being favoured by natural selection has reached the optimum size. When it has reached this optimum it is certainly desirable that it should grow no larger, but is there now any means by which further growth can be checked ? The inhibiting hormone is no longer produced ; the brake has been removed, and further growth may be supposed to take place irrespective of utility, until, when EXCESSIVE GROWTH 409 the size of the organ gets too great to be any longer compatible with the well-being of the race, natural selection again steps in and eliminates the race. The same argument of course applies 'to the size of the body as a whole as well as to that of its con- stituent parts. It may be thought that many of the bizarre and almost monstrous characters under discussion, such, for example, as some of the excrescences of the dermal armature in extinct reptiles (Fig. 145), can never have had any value as adaptations, and that therefore natural selection could never have encouraged them to increase so much in size as to get beyond her control. Here, however, the principle of correlation comes in. Just as many totally different organs are affected by disease of the pituitary body, so the removal of the gland which controlled the development of some undoubtedly useful organ, such as a frontal horn, might at the same time permit the growth of all sorts of excrescences which have no adaptive significance. Thus it appears not impossible that, the normal checks to growth being removed along certain lines by the action of natural selection, a definite direction might be given to the course of evolution, which the organism would continue to follow irrespec- tive both of natural selection and of the principle of use and disuse.1 In the present state of our knowledge, however, the above suggestions can only be regarded as tentative. They are doubtless open to much criticism, and it is unfortunately impossible to subject them to the crucial test of experiment. 1 I have discussed this question at somewhat greater length in a paper read before the British Association for the Advancement of Science (ride Report of the Portsmouth Meeting, 1911). CHAPTER XXVII Artificial selection — Continuous and single selection — The mutation theory of the origin of species — Mutual adaptation — Unit characters — Isolation — Physiological selection — Non-adaptive characters — The evolution of man. IT has long been recognized that much light may be thrown upon the problem of the origin of species by the careful study of the methods which mankind has adopted for the improvement of the various races of cultivated plants and domesticated animals. Many such races have been so greatly modified that, did they occur in what is commonly called a state of nature, we should be obliged to regard them as distinct species. The history of some of these is lost in antiquity and we have no positive knowledge of the methods by which the improvement of wild species was first effected. We may assume, however, with some degree of confidence, that the earliest breeders and cultivators would select for cultivation and propagation those individuals which offered them the most valuable qualities, and that they would reject such as exhibited marked signs of inferiority. This process, repeated from generation to generation through thousands of years, and aided in each generation by the direct effects of cultivation, could not fail to bring about con- spicuous results. For an account of what has been effected in this manner the student should consult Charles Darwin's classical work on the " Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication." The almost unconscious efforts of our ancestors have given place in modern times to deliberate and systematic attempts to discover the principles upon which the improvement of cultivated races, both of plants and animals, should be based. Perhaps no species of plants have been more improved by man than the various cereals upon which he relies so largely for his food supply. Professor de Vries, in his interesting book on " Plant-Breeding," l describes how such improvement has been 1 Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., London, 1907. CONTINUOUS SELECTION 411 effected in recent times. In the first place much care and thought have been devoted to carrying out experiments in accordance with the principle of continuous selection : — " The general custom [in Germany] was to start such experi- ments from the best local or improved varieties by an initial choice of a certain number of typical heads. Such a group of selected plants was called the elite, and this elite had to be ameliorated according to the prevailing demands or even simply in accordance with some ideal model. Year after year, the best ears of the elite group were chosen for the continuance of the strain or family, and slowly, but gradually, its qualities were seen to improve in the desired direction. After some years, such a family might become decidedly better than the variety from which it had been derived. Then its yearly harvest would be divided into two parts, after having been sufficiently purified by the rejection of accidental .ears of minor worth. The best ears were carefully sought out and laid aside for the continuance of the elite strain, but the remainder were sown on a distant field in order to be multiplied as fast as possible. By this means, after a multiplication during two or three generations, its product could be used as seed grain for the farm or sold to others for the same purpose. Each year the elite would, of course, give a new and better harvest which could be multiplied and sold in the same manner." 1 By this method improvement may undoubtedly be effected, but the selection has to be constantly repeated, otherwise the improved strain rapidly deteriorates again. Indeed it may be questioned whether it is possible in this way to effect any per- manent improvement, at any rate in the case of cereals. One reason for this appears to be that we are dealing all the time, not with a single pure race, but with a mixture of distinct races. We must also remember that many of the characters which it is desired to perpetuate and increase may be the direct result of the cultural methods employed, and, as we have already seen, we cannot expect such causes to produce visibly heritable effects in the course of a few generations, whatever they might do in the long run. We have had occasion to point out in an earlier chapter that, according to Professor de Vries, new species arise, in a state of nature, not by the accumulation in particular directions of small, fluctuating variations, but by the sudden appearance of those 1 De Vries, op. clt.. p. 58. 412 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY more conspicuous variations known as mutations. De Vries points out that many of the so-called Linnean species, such as Draba verna, are in reality made up of a large number of "elementary species" which have arisen in this manner, and certain results which have been obtained in experi- ments upon the improvement of cereals appear at first sight to afford considerable support to these views. It has long been known that an ordinary field of wheat con- tains a larger or smaller number of " types," " mutations," or " elementary species," which can be recognized by the experienced eye, and it has been shown that if a single plant of one of these types be isolated it will produce offspring like itself and continue to breed true for an indefinite number of generations. Of course it is necessary that there should be no crossing with other types, but this is easily avoided, for, although accidental crosses may occur, the cereals, with the exception of rye, are usually self-fertilizing. Upon this knowledge is founded the method of single as opposed to continuous selection, a single selection of a suitable type being enough to establish the desired strain. One of the first to make use of the method of single selections was Patrick Shirreff :— " His first discovery was made in the year 1819. He observed a plant of wheat which surpassed its neighbors by its high degree of branching. It yielded 63 ears with about 2500 kernels. He saved the seeds, sowed them on a separate field and at considerable distances apart so as to induce in all the plants the same rich branching. He contrived to multiply it so rapidly that it took only two generations to get seed enough to bring it advantageously into the trade. He gave it the name of Mungoswell's wheat, and it soon became one of the most profit- able varieties of Scotland. It has found its way into England and into France, where it is still considered one of the best sorts of wheat." 1 The same method has been subjected to severe tests and placed upon a thoroughly scientific footing at the Swedish Agricultural Station of Svalof. We have seen, in Chapter XIV, that hybridization may occasionally give rise to permanent races or strains exhibiting new combinations of characters, and that this takes place in 1 De Vries, op. fit., pp. 34, 35. HYBRIDIZATION AND MUTATION 413 accordance with Mendelian principles. It cannot be doubted that hybridization occurs occasionally in cultivated cereals, and Professor de Vries is of opinion that the occurrence of the different types or mutations is often the result of hybridization at various periods in the history of the race : — "Experience, however, shows that in ordinary fields almost all possible combinations may be met with, and it is to be pre- sumed that at least the greater number of them are due to crosses in previous and, perhaps, in long-forgotten years." x • Some of these combinations, as might be expected, are not stable but split up into a number of varieties in the next generation, but also : — " We may conclude that some, and perhaps many, of the types which may be selected and isolated in the fields and which prove to be constant races must be of hybrid origin." 2 De Vries maintains that in the case of the cereals so many of these " types " now lie ready to our hand that all we have to do is to pick out those which we require and cultivate them in isolation from each other and from the remainder.3 Professor Biffen has shown, however, as we have already pointed out in Chapter XIV, that it is possible by intelligent artificial hybridi- zation to produce yet otber stable combinations or hybrids which may surpass in value any which have accidentally arisen in the past. It appears, then, that many at any rate of the so-called mutations or types amongst cereals are due to hybridization. How far this applies to mutations in general it is quite impossible to decide. That it is not always so, however, appears to be proved by the occurrence of such mutations or sports as hexadactylism, which are known to be inherited and which cannot have arisen in this way. De Vries tells us in another work that :— " According to the theory of mutation species have not arisen gradually as the result of selection operating for hundreds, or thousands, of years but discontinuously by sudden, however small, changes. In contradistinction to fluctuating variations 1 De Vries, op. cit., p. 80. 2 Ibid., loc. cit. 8 Ibid., p. 50. It seems strange, considering that de Vries admits that many at any rate of the "types" have probably arisen by hybridization in the first instance, that he should attribute so little value to artificial hybridization as a means of improvement. 414 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY which are merely of a pins or minus character the changes which we call mutations are given off in almost every manner of new direction. They only appear from time to time, their periodicity being probably due to perfectly definite but hitherto undiscovered causes. " The theory of the inheritance of acquired characters comes under the heading of fluctuations. Acquired characters have nothing to do with the origin of species. Nor can the theory of descent be applied to the solution of social problems." l There is here no suggestion of a hybrid origin for the mutations in question. If, however, as seems probable, a large proportion of so-called mutations are really the result of hybridi- zation, and if, as we showed in Chapter XIV, hybrids tend to be automatically eliminated in a state of nature — though of course there is nothing to prevent a constant hybrid from being pre- served if it happens to possess characters peculiarly favourable to its own existence — it does not seem likely that such mutations can have played any very great part in organic evolution. In any case there is no need to suppose that the theories of muta- tion and natural selection are mutually exclusive, for, however new characters may arise, they must be subject to the action of natural selection in the struggle for existence. Professor de Vries' objection to small, fluctuating variations as the material upon which natural selection operates in the modification of species appears to be based upon the view that such characters are acquired in the lifetime of the individual and cannot be inherited. If, however, we admit that a sorna- togenic character may, in the course of many generations and under the continued influence of the same conditions which originally called it forth, become converted into a blastogenic character, this difficulty entirely disappears. It is extremely hard to believe that mutations, which, apart from the occurrence of hybridization, seem to occur very rarely and at long intervals, can have afforded sufficient opportunity for the production of all the marvellous adaptations which exist in nature. Take, for example, the mutual adaptations which we see between the length of the nectary in certain flowers and the length of the proboscis in the insects which fertilize them. We cannot suppose that either the elongated nectary or the elongated proboscis arose by sudden mutations, for unless these mutations 1 " The Mutation Theory." English Trans., Vol. I., p. -'13. MUTATION AND ADAPTATION 415 took place simultaneously in flower and insect, and in the same locality, and in a sufficient number of each, a supposition which, to say the least of it, is wildly improbable, the delicate correla- tion between the two would be thrown out of gear and the individuals exhibiting the mutations would be eliminated by natural selection because they were no longer sufficiently well adapted to the very special conditions of their environment. We can only believe that the increase in length of nectary and proboscis took place so slowly that their reciprocal adaptation was never upset. A slight increase in the length of the nectary obliged the insect to poke further into the flower for the honey and thus increased the chances of fertilization. A slight increase in the length of the proboscis enabled the insect to get more honey and thus gave it a better chance of existence. After perhaps many thousands of generations, under the influence of natural selection, combined in the case of the insect with the effects of use and disuse, the present enormous lengths of proboscis and nectary have been attained, and no one doubts .the fact that they have become blastogenic characters. The same argument applies to all accurate adaptations to special conditions of the environment. How can we explain the facts of protective resemblance and mimicry except as due to the accumulation under the influence of natural selection of what Charles Darwin called slow successive variations ? How, again, can the theory of mutation be applied to such cases as that of the flightless birds on oceanic islands ? Who can doubt that the reduction of the wings and the loss of the power of flight has been brought about slowly and gradually as a result of disuse ? and at the same time who would venture to argue that the flightless birds are not specifically distinct from their actively flying ancestors ? If it be urged that mutations may be so small as to be almost imperceptible, then we must ask how do they differ from fluctuating variations ? and if we are told that they occur very rarely and do not fluctuate, that very answer is sufficient to show that they can hardly have given rise to adaptive modifications. De Vries' theory of the origin of species -by mutation is supposed to harmonize with the Mendelian principle of unit characters, but we have to ask ourselves, how do new unit characters arise in the first instance ? It seems at least as probable that they arise by the gradual accumulation of slight 416 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION ABY BIOLOGY fluctuating variations under the control of natural selection as that they originate in any other way that can be suggested in the present state of our knowledge ; and even if these variations are at first purely somatogenic, we may suppose that in the course of many generations they gradually exert a cumulative influence upon the germ plasm until the latter, so to speak, topples over into some new position of equilibrium and a new unit character arises. We cannot, however, now add to what we have already said on this subject when dealing with the theory of heredity. One of the most important factors in bringing about divergent evolution is undoubtedly isolation. However a new character may have arisen it is liable to be swamped by the crossing of the individuals which possess it with others which do not possess it unless by some means or other the two groups are prevented from interbreeding. We cannot fail to see the importance of this principle when we study the fauna and flora of remote islands, and their relationships to those of the nearest continental areas or of other islands. Take, for example, the case of the Chatham Islands, which, as we have already seen, lie some 400 miles to the east of New Zealand. There can be very little doubt that these islands were formerly connected with the New Zealand mainland, and this connection probably continued into Pleistocene times, when a great depression took place which caused the two to be separated by a wide tract of ocean. All who have studied the question are agreed that the fauna and flora of the Chatham Islands are simply isolated detachments of those of New Zealand. Many species, especially of the plants, are identical with New Zealand species, but many others, though closely related to those of New Zealand, are considered by systematists to be specifically distinct, and they occur nowhere else in the world. We have here an excellent illustration of the effects of geographical isolation, which we shall be able to appreciate better, perhaps, if we confine our attention to a few typical cases. The common New Zealand wood pigeon, Carpopliaya (Hcmiphagd) novce-zealandife, is represented on the Chathams by a species known as Carpophaga (Hemiphaga) chatliamensis, differing but slightly from its new genus congener, and the New Zealand GEOGRAPHICAL ISOLATION 417 lizard, Lyyosoma moco, is represented on Pitt Island (one of the Chathams) by a very similar form described by Mr. Boulenger under the name Lygosoma dendyi. The remarkable New Zealand lance-woods (Psendopanax crassifolium and P. ferox) are repre- sented on Chatham Island by the closely related Psendopanax chathamicwm, and the Chatham Island ribbon-wood also differs slightly from the common New Zealand species (Plagiantlius betulimis). The explanation of these differences is that the two portions into which each of the species mentioned became divided when the Chatham Islands were separated from New Zealand have diverged from one another and followed somewhat different lines of evolution. Owing, perhaps, to slightly different conditions of the environment, or to other causes which it is impossible to specify, one or both has become modified to a greater or less extent in its own particular direction and, owing to the geographical isolation, there has been no interbreeding between the two sections to keep them both in the same average condition. The principle of isolation fully explains why the fauna and flora of oceanic islands in general are made up almost entirely of peculiar species found nowhere else in the world. The ancestors of these species were originally derived from some very distant, probably continental area, and their descendants have had few if any opportunities of interbreeding with the parent species, from which they have gradually diverged further and further under their new conditions of life. Certain writers, such as Mr. Gulick and Dr. Romanes, have maintained that the mere separation of a species into two or more sections which are prevented from interbreeding would suffice to bring about divergent evolution, irrespective of whether or not the separate sections were exposed to different environ- mental conditions. It would probably be impossible to divide a species into two sections whose average qualities are identical, and : — " No matter how infinitesimally small the difference may be between the average qualities of an isolated section of a species compared with the average qualities of the rest o f that species, if the isolation continues sufficiently long, differentiation of specific type is necessarily bound to ensue." l 1 Romanes, " Darwin and after Darwin," Vol. Ill, " Isolation and Physiological Selection," p. 13. B. BE 418 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY If isolation is necessary for the establishment of new species by divergent evolution, why, it may be asked, do we find closely related species, which we must suppose to be descended from common ancestors at no very distant period, actually inhabiting the same areas at the present time ? The answer is that there are other means by which groups of organisms can be prevented from interbreeding besides geographical isolation. It used to be supposed that one of the best tests of the specific distinctness of any two forms was their incapacity for breeding together and producing fertile offspring.1 The mule, it is true, is the offspring of parents belonging to two distinct species, the ass and the horse, but the mule is almost always sterile, and most well characterized species2 are incapable of breeding together at all. This fact has been regarded by many people as a most serious difficulty in the way of comparing the origin of species by natural selection with the results produced amongst domesticated plants and animals by artificial selection, for the products of artificial selection, however much they may differ from one another, if they have been derived from the same parent species will remain capable of breeding together with perfect fertility. The solution of this difficulty is to be found in the theory of " Physiological Selection," which we owe to Mr. Gulick, Dr. Romanes and others. These writers point out that amongst the endless variations to which plants and animals are subject will be variations in the reproductive system, by which certain individuals will be rendered infertile when crossed with others of the same species, while remaining fertile with individuals which have varied in the same manner as themselves. In this way a species may be as effectively divided into two sections as by any geographical barrier, and under these circumstances divergent evolution may be expected to take place. According to this view the mutual sterility which, to a greater or less extent, undoubtedly does characterize distinct species in a state of nature, is the cause and not the result of their distinctness, and cannot be regarded as a reason for supposing that there is any essential difference between the processes of artificial and natural selection. In artificial selection it is merely another kind of 1 Although Lamarck pointed out a century ago that this is really no criterion of specific distinction. The idea that it is so is clearly expressed by Buffon (" Histoire Naturelle," Tom. VI, 1756, p. Ifi). 2 At any rate amongst the higher animals. NON-ADAPTIVE CHARACTERS 419 isolation that has been employed to prevent the swamping effects of intercrossing ; but it is an isolation that may be broken through at any moment, and if all the different varieties of some domestic plant or animal were turned loose to struggle for existence and interbreed with one another and with the parent species in a state of nature, they would probably in most cases very soon cease to have any separate existence. The theory of natural selection, combined with that of the gradual inheritance of the effects of use and disuse and of other modifications brought about by the long-continued influence of the environment, affords a satisfactory explanation of the evolu- tion of adaptive characters. Many if not all organisms, how- ever, exhibit characters to which we can assign no adaptive value, which do not seem to be of any particular use to the organism in the struggle for existence, or which apparently might, so far as utility is concerned, be equally well replaced by any one of a number of alternative characters. Amongst the microscopic Protozoa species are frequently distinguished from one another by minute differences in the form or ornamentation of the skeleton (compare Figs. 3 and 4). Different species of the genus Lagena (Fig. 4),1 amongst the Foraminifera, for example, exhibit different sculptured patterns upon their flask-shaped calcareous shells. Are we to suppose that it is of any consequence to the gelatinous, Amoeba-like inhabitant of the flask whether its shell be ornamented in one way rather than in another ? Does one pattern help a uni- cellular foraminiferan or radiolarian more Lhan another in the struggle for existence ? The same argument applies to the extremely minute siliceous flesh-spicules or microscleres which occur scattered without order through the ground sub- stance of many sponges, and the form of which is regarded by those who have studied the question as by far the most reliable guide, not only in the recognition of species, but also in the grouping of these species in genera and families. Take, for example, the wonderful chelae (Fig. 187), characteristic of the family Desmacidonidae. Different genera and species are dis- tinguished by differences in the size, shape and number of 1 The two figures below the centre figure and two in the bottom right hand corner represent four species of Lagena. E E 2 420 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY the teeth of these microscopic and apparently useless organs — useless at any rate so far as their generic and specific characters are concerned, for what can it matter to the sponge whether the number of the teeth be three or more or less, or whether the teeth at the two ends of the spicule be equal or unequal? Yet, in the course of evolution, such characters as these have become more ElG. 187. — Siliceous Spicules (Chelae) of Sponges. (After Eidley and Dendy, in " Challenger " Eeport.) A. A', front and side views of chela of Esperella lapidiformis, x 360. B. B', front and side views of chela of JEsperiopsis pulchella, x 284. C. C', front and side views of chela of Cladorhiza (?) tridentata, x 360. or less fixed and constant and they are evidently handed down from generation to generation by the ordinary process of heredity.1 We pointed out in an earlier chapter that the external form of the entire sponge is, in some cases at any rate, explicable as an adaptation to peculiar conditions of the environment. We saw this is the case of the curious " Crinorhiza " form (Fig. 168) which prevents the sponge from sinking into the soft mud or ooze on which it rests. Let us glance for a moment, however, at another deep sea sponge, Esperiopsis challenger^ dredged up by the " Challenger " Expedition from a depth of 1 The reader should refer back to Fig. 88 for other forms of sponge spicules. NON-ADAPTIVE CHARACTERS 421 825 fathoms in the Malay Archipelago. In some respects this is the most remarkable sponge that has ever been discovered. Its form (Fig. 188) is absolutely unique and resembles rather that of some graceful plant than those of other sponges. It belongs to a group of sponges whose members occur mostly in much shallower water and are by no means distinguished by beauty or sym- metry of shape. In spiculation, moreover, and other minute anatomical features, it exhibits no striking peculiarities ; indeed, so closely does it agree with more ordinary species of Esperiopsis that it has not as yet been considered necessary to separate it generically. How then can we account for this wonderful form ? Can we say that it is an adaptation to any special conditions of the environment ? It hardly seems likely that this is the case, for we know that the relatives of this sponge get on well enough with all sorts of other forms, for the most part more or less irregular and ill-defined, and we know of nothing in the conditions under which it lives to make such a unique and beautiful form especially advantageous. The " Challenger" obtained no less than thirteen specimens of this sponge at the same place, and the form appears to be quite constant. No doubt the undisturbed condition of the at great depths favours symmetry of FIG. 188. — Esperiofisia challenyeri, X £. (After Ridley and Dendy, in " Chal- lenger'' Eeport.) sea growth in sessile organisms like sponges, but why this particular and absolutely unique shape, so different from anything else that has ever been met with ? These are questions which we cannot answer, and it must suffice to point out that such cases can hardly be explained by the theory of natural selection. Many factors must combine in determining the course of evolution of any particular organism, and some of the characters which result from their interaction may perhaps have no more direct relation to the necessities of the organism in the struggle for existence than has the colour of a pebble to its continued existence on the sea-shore. 422 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY It may even be questioned whether any large proportion of specific characters can have arisen through the action of natural selection. The characters by which we are accustomed to sepa- rate one species from another — such as minute differences in size, shape and colour — are usually so slight that we are hardly justified in attributing to them any adaptive value. They may, however, form the starting points from which, under the influ- ence of natural selection and use and disuse, adaptive characters may subsequently arise. The application of the principles of organic evolution to the problem of the origin and progress of the human race cannot be adequately dealt witli in the present volume, while at the same time we cannot altogether ignore it, for not only is it in man himself that we find the most remarkable illustration of what has been accomplished by evolution, but the future progress of mankind must depend in large measure upon the correct understanding of the principles in question. Buffon, more than a century ago, pointed out the close resem- blance in anatomical structure between man and the higher apes, and it is clear that both he and Lamarck were only pre- vented by religious scruples from definitely maintaining the origin of the human species from ape-like ancestors, a view which at the present time is universally accepted amongst scientific men. This reluctance to admit the obviously close relationship of the human species with the apes was one of the evil results of the intellectual dishonesty and obscurantism of the middle ages. If we go back to the days of Carthage, we find that the explorer Han no did not hesitate to speak of the "gorillas "l which he met with in Africa as hairy men and women of the woods, and although this was doubtless going too far in the opposite direction, it shows not only that he recognized the relationship but also that he approached the question with a mind entirely free from prejudice. Man is one of the latest products of organic evolution, and his appearance upon the scene possibly does not date further back than Pliocene times. It is said that flint flakes of human workman- ship have been discovered in early Pliocene deposits of Burmah, 1 Probably really chimpanzees. ANTIQUITY OF MAN 423 but perhaps the earliest actually human fossil so far known is a lower jaw of very massive form which was found in a deposit of late Pliocene or early Pleistocene age near Heidelberg, and described by Schoatensack in 1908 under the name Homo Heidelberg ensis. This name implies that in the opinion of its author the fossil man of Heidelberg was generically, but not specifically, identical with the human beings which now exist. The question of the distinction of species in the genus Homo, however, is, as in most other genera, a very difficult one, and opinions are divided as to whether only one or several species should be recognized amongst the existing races of mankind. So close is the anatomical agreement between the genus Homo and the higher apes that there is little room for con- necting links between them, the difficulty being rather to find any definite characters by which they can be separated than to discover reasons for bringing them together. Nevertheless, the gap, small as it is, has been filled by the discovery, by Dr. DuboTs in I»y4,~~bf the remains of a semi-human, ape-like creature, to wliich the name Pithecanthropus erectus has been given. These remains were found in Pliocene strata in the island of Java and consist of a portion of a cranium, a thigh bone and two molar teeth.1 In deposits of Pleistocene age undoubtedly human remains become fairly abundant, and are found associated with the bones of other mammals, of which many, such as the mammoth, the cave bear and the woolly .rhinoceros, are now extinct. The chief factors which contributed towards the gradual transformation of ape-like into human creatures were doubtless the same as those which have operated in the evolution of other branches of the animal kingdom, namely, the efforts which the ancestral forms were obliged to make in order to maintain them- selves in the struggle for existence and the natural selection of favourable variations. In no group of the animal kingdom do we see better illustrated the importance of Lamarck's principle of the effect of changed habits upon bodily organization.2 The anthropoid ancestors of man were undoubtedly, like 1 Some authorities regard these remains as truly human. The difference of opinion is itself very instructive. 2 Darwin, notwithstanding what he says in the sixth edition of the " Origin of Species " about the effects of use and disuse (quoted on p. 392), denies, in the " Descent of Man " (Ed. 2, p. G19), that man has risen through his own exertions. I can see no reason for such a pessimistic view. 424 OUTLINES OF E VOLUTION AEY BIOLOGY existing Simiidae, arboreal in habit. Their limbs, whose primi- tive pentadactyl structure indicates their origin from some little-specialized mammalian type, had ceased to be used exclu- sively as organs of locomotion on the ground and become adapted for climbing trees. Hence the opposable toe and thumb, which enabled their possessor to obtain a firm grasp of the branches. In the existing apes hand and foot are very similar, and both, as regards function, partake as much of the nature of hand as of foot, whence the name " Quadrumana " applied to the group by the older naturalists. In many of the lower apes or monkeys a long prehensile tail, which can be twisted round the branches, is of great assistance to the animals in their arboreal habits, but in the higher forms, such as the chimpanzee, the gorilla and the orang utan, the tail has already disappeared. These tailless forms are still mainly arboreal, but when they have occasion to come to the ground they assume a semi-erect posture in locomotion. In walking they usually put their hands to the ground, but generally resting upon the backs of the fingers, instead of upon the palms as in the lower apes.1 Hence in these large old-world apes the hands and feet are more completely differentiated from one another. The next step in the evolution of man was probably the gradual abandoning of arboreal habits and the assumption of a more completely erect attitude during locomotion. This appears to have been the real starting point of his human career. It was this change of habit which led to those structural modifica- tions required to balance the body properly in its new position, and to the further differentiation between hand and foot, the latter being used to the complete exclusion of the former as an organ of locomotion and at the same time losing its prehensile character, so that one of the chief distinguishing features between man and the higher apes is that in man the great toe has ceased to be opposable. In this way the hand was completely set at liberty for the purposes of a prehensile organ. It was, however, no longer used, as in the apes, chiefly for laying hold of branches in climbing and for conveying food to the mouth, but more for grasping loose objects and converting them into weapons or tools for different purposes. Hanno observed that the anthropoid apes which he met with in Africa defended themselves with stones, 1 Vide Beddard, " Mammalia " (Cambridge Natural History, Vol. X), p. 570. EVOLUTION OF MAN 425 so that we can hardly say that the use of tools or weapons is an exclusively human attribute ; but the hand of man is undoubtedly' one of his most characteristic features, and by its aid man has been able to make for himself an unlimited number of what are really additional organs, derived not from his own body but from his environment. To the experience gained by the exercise of the hands in so many different ways must also be attributed in large measure the extraordinary mental and moral development which, more than anything else, separates mankind from the apes. The constant exploitation of the environment stimulated and exercised the brain, which in turn suggested methods of employing the hands and the tools which they had constructed to ever greater advantage ; and thus both hand and brain progressed until they attained their present wonderful state of efficiency.- The development of the brain has, however, long since taken the lead in human evolution and, considering the immense difference in intellectual capacity, it is surprising that there should be so little structural difference between the brain of man and that of the higher apes. As Huxley has pointed out : — " It is only in minor characters, such as the greater excavation of the anterior lobes, the constant presence of fissures usually absent in man, and the different disposition and proportions of some convolutions, that the Chimpanzee's or the Orang's brain can be structurally distinguished from Man's."1 Intellectual capacity appears, however, to depend mainly upon the size of the cerebral hemispheres, which is doubtless correlated with the number of nerve cells present, and in this respect the human brain is far in advance of that of any ape. One of the most important characters which differentiate man- kind from the apes is the faculty of articulate speech, but even this undoubtedly had its beginnings in the inarticulate sounds made by ape-like ancestors, either as spontaneous expressions of their emotions or as a means of communicating more or less definite ideas to one another. The development of speech provided a new means for the transmission of experiences from one genera- tion to the next, and as a consequence knowledge began to accumulate in the minds of the human race. When oral tradition 1 Huxley. "Man's Place in Nature," p. 140 (Collected Essays, Vol. VII). 426 OUTLINES OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY gave place to the establishment of written records, and methods were invented for the indefinite multiplication of these, the accumulation of knowledge took place at a much more rapid rate and it became possible for every -human being, at any rate in civilized communities, to benefit from the experience of all his fellow men. The acceleration of intellectual and moral progress which has been brought about in this way has led to results which may well have deluded man into the belief that he is the centre of the universe and that between himself and the lower animals there is a great gulf fixed. Man has indeed acquired a degree of control over his environ- ment and over his own destiny which distinguishes him from any of the lower animals, but at the same time the conditions of his life have become far more complex and the young, at any rate in civilized communities, have to go through a long course of education before they are fit to enter upon the struggle for existence on their own account. Amongst the lower animals all, or almost all, the faculties necessary for existence are directly inherited from the parents, incorporated in the organism itself, but man inherits in this way only a relatively small proportion of the powers which he requires to carry on his life. The greater part of human experience is of too recent origin to have become heritable ; it has to be acquired afresh by education in every generation, and in this respect is strikingly contrasted with the instincts of the lower animals. The immense advance which civilized man has made since he parted company with his ape-like progenitors is shown, not only by the fact that he has already to a large extent subjugated the remainder of the organic world and directed the forces of inanimate nature into new channels to serve his own purposes, but also by the intelligent forethought which he exercises for the future welfare of his own race. At the present time this forethought is being exercised in new directions, and a determined effort is being made to apply our knowledge of the principles of organic evolution to the furtherance of human progress. In spite of many differences of opinion, such as that which still prevails with regard to the relative importance of breeding and education, we have undoubtedly arrived already at many results which are of vital significance in this connection, and the intelligent application of scientific principles must here, as always, lead to further progress. We cannot, however, HUMAN PROGRESS 427 control the future of the human race until we have familiarized ourselves with the past, and learned to recognize the part played by the numerous different factors which have been con- cerned in the evolution, not only of mankind, but of the whole organic world. It must always be remembered that the problem before us is one of extreme complexity, and that we cannot afford to neglect any of the factors involved. Above all, we must avoid dogma- tizing on an insufficient basis of fact. If, for example, the very modern doctrine of the non-inheritance of acquired characters is allowed to influence the actions of men and women, and if, after all, this doctrine should prove to be erroneous, as • seems highly probable at the present time, the attempt to apply biological principles to the welfare of humanity may well end in disaster. The penalty which each generation has to pay, in regard to bodily and mental organization, for the mistakes and misfortunes of its ancestors, may, in most cases, be a very small one ; but if there is any penalty at all, and if the mistakes are continued from generation to generation, it will surely be a cumulative one. In dealing with problems of this kind a rational conservatism, with a mind always open to conviction, seems the only safe attitude to adopt. INDEX A. ABBREVIATION of ontogeny, 273. abiogenesis, 214 — 216. Acacia pycnantha, seedling, Fig. 132. acacias, life-history, 280. Acanthodes, 291, Fig. 138. accessory chromosomes, 135. accessory idioplasm, 167. accretion, 20. achromatic figure, 74. acquired characters and human progress, 427. ,, ,, Bordageon, 182. ,, ,, Brewer on, 178, 180. ,, ,, Brown - Sequard on, 180. „ ,, Buff on on, 367, 368. ,, ,, Charles Darwin on, 180, 393. ,, ,, de Vries on, 414. ,, ,, Eigenmann on, 183. ,, ,, Erasmus Dar- win on, 372. ,, ,, Henslowon,183 ,, ,, Herbert Spencer on, 185. ,, ,, Ililgardon, 178. ,, ,, inheritance of, 165, 169, 176— 193, 404. ,, ,, Lamarck on, 379, 380, 382. ,, ,, meaning of term, 156, 176, 177. ,, ,, Sumner on, 182. ,, ,, Weismann on, 176, 179. actinula larva, 122. activity of male, 84, 85. adaptation, 235, 365. ,, and design, 212. ,, ,, fluctuating varia- tion, 414, 415. adaptation and mutation, 41 J, 415. ,, ,, natural selection, 396, 404, 405. ,, average, 184. ,, co-operation of factors in bringing about, 405. ,, embryonic, 267 ,, Erasmus Darwin on, 372, 373. ,, in animals, 334 — 349. ,, individual, 184. ,, in inorganic world, 395. ,, in leaves of acacias, 280. ,, in plants, 350 — 363. ,, mutual, 414, 415. ,, origin of, 183. ,, resulting from survival of fittest, 391. ,, Eobert Chambers on, 383, 384. adipose tissue, 56, Fig. 19. aesthetic development of man, in- flueuced by insects, 364. aesthetic sense, in courtship, 349. affinities, natural, 228, 229. after-effects, 191. age of habitable earth, 285 — 287. age of ocean, 287. aggregate species, 224. aggressive resemblance, 337. Agnatha, 290. Agnosias princeps, Fig. 134. air-bladders of Fucus, 99. air-breathing vertebrates, origin, 256. ala spuria, 305. albumen, 23. alcoholism, 157. alimentary canal, 124. allantois, 270. allelomorphs, 200, 206. aloes, 350. Alpine plants, 181, 262, 350. Alps, Arctic vegetation on, 333. alternation of generations, 101. in aphides, 144. in ccelenterates, 121. in ferns, 101—106. in flowering plants, 106 — 112. 430 INDEX Amauris niavius, 346, Fig. 177. Amblyopsis, 183. ambulatory appendages of arthro- pods, 246, 247. ambulatory legs of vertebrates, 235. Ameghino, 253. amitotic nuclear division, 80, Fig. 36. in Copromonas, 83. amnion, 270. Amoeba, 12—21, Fig. 2. ,, mitosis in, 79. ,, sensitive to stimuli, 188. Amphibia, geological range, 284. ,, limbs, 235. ,, origin, 292. amphimixis, 146, 171, Fig. 78. ,, and variation, 173. Amphioxus, adult, 266, 267, Fig. 118. ,, early development, 45 — 48, 265, Fig. 13. ,, free swimming embryo, 271. ,, ovum, 140. Amphisbsenidse, 250. Amphitherium, 302. anabolism, 9, Fig. 1. analogy, 235, 217. anatomy, evidence afforded by, 232 —262. ancestral history, 229. Anchitherium, 310. Ancon sheep, 154. Andalusian fowls, blue, 200, 201. Andrews, C. W., 312. androecium, 106. anemophilous flowers, 111, 353. Anguisfrdyilis, 250, Fig. 105. animals, compared with plants, 34, 35. ,, dependent on green plants, 35. anisogamous conjugation, 84. anisogamy in Fucus, 101. Anomodontia, 296. Antarctic continent, 328. anteaters, 333. Antedon, hybridization in, 174, 175. ,, recapitulation in develop- ment, 273, 275, Figs. 123, 124. antheridia, of Fera, 103, 104, Fig. 51. „ ,, Fucus, 100, Fig. 47.. antheridial cell of pollen grains, 108, Fig. 54. anthers, 107. anticryptic coloration, 337. antiquity of man, 422, 423. antlers, 125. apatetic colours, 336. apes, Buffon on, 367, 368. ,, and man, Buffon on, 370. ,, ,, ,, Lamarck on, 382. ,, ,, ,, relationship of, 422 — 425. aphides, parthenogenesis in, 143. Aphrodite, story of, 214. apogamy in ferns, 10j. aposematic coloration, 342. Apteryx, 258, Figs. Ill, 112. Apus, dispersal of, 327. arborescent colonies, 40. Archseopteryx, 300, 305—307, Fig. 151. archegonium, of Fern, 103, 104, Fig. 52. ,, ,, flowering plant, 108. architype, 232. Arctic climate, retreat of, 333. ,, vegetation on Alps and Pyre- nees, 333. areas of distribution, 319, 320, 330. Argus pheasant, 349. Aristotle, 163, 385. arm, of man, 237, 238, Fig. 94. armadillos, 333. arrow worm, origin of germ cells, 130. Artemia, chromosomes, 73. Arthropoda, limbs, 246, 247. arthropods and vertebrates, 255. artificially produced characters, 156, 157. artificial parthenogenesis, 145. selection, 395, 396, 410— 413. ,, ,, and fertility, 418, 419. artiodactyl limbs, 241, Fig. 98. Arum, fertilization, 355. Ascaris, chromosomes in, 73. ,, distinction between somatic and germ cells, 166. ,, fertilization of egg, 131, Fig. 64. ,, mitosis, 79. ,, origin of germ cells, 129. ascidian, adult, 277, Fig. 129. ,, degeneration in, 400. „ larva, 277, Fig. 130. asexual reproduction, in Eudorina, 91. ,, ,, in Hydra, 116. INDEX 431 asexual reproduction, in Obelia, 119. „ ,, inPandorina, 89. Aspidium, Figs. 48, 50. asters, in mitosis, 71. atavism, 261, 262. attraction of gametes, 143. „ ,, ,, in Coccidium, 141, 142. ,, ,, ,, in ferns and mosses, 141, 142. in Spirogyra, 142. „ „ sexes, 125—127. ,, sphere, 71. Aucuba, male and female plants, 111. Aurelia, meristic variation in, 149. Australia, fauna and flora of, 250, 328, 329, 331. Australian climate, adaptation to, 280. automatism, 19. Avebury, Lord, 281. average adaptation, 184. axial filament, of spermatozoon, 140. Axoniderma mirabile, Fig. 168. B. BABIRTJSA, tusks, 406, Fig. 185. baboons, Buffon on, 367, 368. Bacillus saccobranchi, 66, Fig. 27. Bacteria, 217, 218, Fig. 83. ,, alleged spontaneous genera- tion, 215. ,, origin, 219. ,, structure, 66, Fig. 27. Badhamia, Fig. 29. Bakewell, 387. liahvna mysticetus, 245, Fig. 101. Balsenidse, teeth, 260. barnacles, degeneration, 401. barriers to migration, 320. basal cell, 48. bast, 65. Bates, II. W., 346. Batesian mimicry, 346. Bateson, W., 195, 205, 207, 208. bats, 301. ,, dispersal, 323. ,, wings, 236, 243, Fig. 99. battle, Charles Darwin on law of, 388. ,, Erasmus Darwin on law of, 373. beech, evergreen, 329. beech, seedling, 281, Fig. 133. bees, alleged spontaneous genera- tion, 214, 215, 343. ,, as pollen carriers, 354, 355, &c. ,, parthenogenesis, 144. ,, proboscis, 354, Fig. 179. beetles, mutation in, 159. Behring Strait, former land connec- tion, 309. ,, ,, former mild climate 328. Bell, 340. Biff en, E. H., 205. binomial nomenclature, 226. biogenesis, 216. biogenetic law, 265. Biology, origin of name, 373. ,, science of, 1. Biophoridse, 219. biophors, 22, 66, 168, 219. birds, compared with reptiles, 305. dispersal, 323, 324. egg, 140, Fig. 70. evolution, 306, 307. geological range, 284. limbs, 235. origin, 299, 300. wing, 243, 244, Fig. 99. blackberries, white, 204. blastoccel, 47. blastoderm, 270. blastogenic characters, 176. ,, ,, inheritance, 169. ,, ,, origin, 159, 160. ,, variations, 149, 157— 160. blastomeres, 45, 79. blastopore, 47, 265, 269. blastosphere, 45, 265. blastostyles, 120. blastula, 45, 265. ,, interpretation, 279. „ of Amphioxus, 45, 47, Fig. 13. of frog, 268, Fig. 119. of Hydra, 118, Fig. 59. blind worm, 250, Fig. 105. blood, 51, Fig. 15. blue Andalnsian fowls, 200, 201. boa constrictor, dispersal, 325. Bodo, life-history, 85-87, Fig. 38. body cavity, 48, 124. body wall, 124. Bombus terrestris, robbing clover, 355, 356. bone, 57. 432 INDEX bony fishes, 292. Bordage, E., 182. Boveri, T., 146, 174. brachiopods, 289. brain, in evolution of man, 425. ,, of man and apes, 425. branching classification, Charles Darwin on, 387. ,, evolutionary series, La- marck on, 376. Branchiosaurus, 293, Pig. 139. Branchipus, dispersal, 327. breathing, 8. breeding experiments with Papilio, 348. Brewer, 178. brimstone moth, larva, Fig. 169. brittle star, 275, Fig. 126. Brontosaurus, 299, Fig. 144. Brown-Sequard, 180. Buceros rhinoceros, Fig. 407. budding, 263. in Hydra, 116. in Obelia, 119, 120. Buffon, on sterility of species when crossed, 418. views of, 365—370. Burbank, L., 204. Butler, Samuel, 3, 186, 191, 369. Butscbli, O., 19, 21, 22. butterflies, warning colours, 343 — 347. butterfly, leaf, 338, Fig. 171. ,, metamorphosis, 264. „ proboscis, 354. C. CACTI, 350. ,, thornless, 204. csenogenetic characters, 278 — 281. Csenolestes, 301. Csesar's horse, 262. Cainozoic Era, 284, 285. calcareous skeletons, 26. Calceolaria, distribution of, 328. calcium, influence upon segmenta- tion, 45. callosities, Buffon on, 367, 368. calyx, 106. cambium, 76. Cambrian Epoch, 284. camel, Buffon on, 367. „ feet, 241, Fig. 98. Camelo-pardalis, Lamarck 011, 379. cancer, nature of, 408. Cancer pJialangium, 339. candle, analogy of, 2, 5. Candollea graminifolia, fertilization, 362. cane sugar, attracting spermatozoa, 141. canine teeth, reversion in, 262. cannon bone, 241. Capsella bursa-postoris, development, 48, Fig. 14. carbohydrates, 27. carbon, 6. carbon dioxide, 6, 8. Carboniferous Epoch, 28-1. Carchesium, 40. carnivores, 301. carpals, 237. carpels, 106. Carpophaga chathamensis, 416. „ nova: zealandia:, 416. carrion flies, 355. cartilage, 56, Fig. 20. casein, 23. castration, effect, 125. Catasetuni, fertilization, 362. caterpillar, larval organs, 275. „ stick, 337, 338. cats, inheritance of mutilation, 178. ,, stump-tailed, 179. caudicle, 361. cave-animals, bleaching inherited, 183. cell, 12. body, 13. definition of, 38. division, 69—80. ,, limits of, 81. history of term, 36, 37. membrane, 69. plate, 74. sap, 62 theory, 38. ,, limitations of, 65. typical, 69, 70, Fig. 30. wall, 27, 28, 69. cellular structure, 36. cellulose, 27, 28. centrosorne, 71. , , absence i n higher plants , 141. ,, ,, ,, ovum, 141. ,, as stimulus to develop- ment, 146. ,, in spermatozoon, 139, Fig. 69. ,, in unfertilized egg, 146. ,, origin of, in zygote, 141. centrosphere, 71. INDEX 433 Cephalaspi*, 290, Fig. 135. Ceratodus (see Neoceratodus). cercariae, 144. cereals, fertilization, 412. ,, improvement, 410— 413. ,, Mendelian inheritance in, 205. cervical vertebrae, of giraffe, 248, Fig. 104. „ „ „ whale, 248, 318, Fig. 103. Cetacea, evolution of, 314 — 318. „ limbs, 236. Chsetopterus, artificial partheno- genesis, 145. chalk, 26. chamaeleon, colour change in, 341. Chambers, Robert, views of, 383— 385. change of function, 255, 256, 262. Chara, gametes, 141. characters, coinpound, 208. "Chatham," H.M.S., 399. Chatham Islands, 325, 398—400, 416, 417. chelso, of sponges, 420, Fig. 187. Chelonia, 295. chemical affinity, 6, 7. ,, processes, 9. ,, stimulus to development, 146. chemically modified larvae, 157. chemotaxis, 141, 143, 189. chick, embryo, 265, Figs. 117, 122. chimpanzee, brain, 425. „ Buffon on, 370. Chinese women, small feet, 156. Chironomus, psedogenesis, 144. Chlamydomonas, 40. chlorophyll, 7, 8, 28. ,, cells, 64. ,, corpuscles, 32, 64. chloroplaslids, 32, 64. ,, in Spirogyra, 96. Chordata, 277. chordate condition, 266. chromatiu, 70, 71. ,, in heredity, 166, 169, 174, 206. chromatophores, in Spirogyra, 96. chromomeres, 73, 168, 206. chromosomes, 71, 73, 168. and sex, 135, Fig. 67. ,, differential division, 171, Fig. 77. ,, in gametophyte, 138. ,, „ sporophyte, 139. B. chromosomes, integral division, 171, Fig. 77. ,, maternaland paternal, 137, 207, Fig. 68. „ pairing, 133, 137, 206, Fig. 68. „ reduction, 132, 133, 137, 138, 206, 207, Fig. 68. chrysalis, 264. cilia, 39. dona intestinaHs, Fig. 129. circumcision, 179, 180. Cirolana, 227. cirripedes, degeneration, 401. Cladocera, parthenogenesis, 144 Cladorhiza longipinna, Fig. 168. ,, (?) tridentata, spicules, Fig. 187. classes, 226. classification, 225—228. ,, and phylogeny, 230, Fig. 87. artificial, 228. ,, Buffon on, 366. ,, Charles Darwin on, 387. ,, Lamarck on, 374, 375. natural, 228, Fig. 86. clavicle, 234, Figs. 89, 90, 93. clear-winged moths, mimicry, 343, Fig. 175. cleavage of ovum, 75. climate, adaptation to, 280. ,, changes in, 327. ,, influence of, Buffon on, 366. ,, ,, ,, Lamarck on, 376. ,, Miocene, 328. clover leaf, meristic variation, 149. coal, energy in, 4. Coccidium, gametes, 87, 88, Fig. 39. ,, maturation of ovum, 139. coccyx, in man, 261. cockroaches, dispersal of, 325. Codonella, Fig. 9. Cceciliidse, 250, Fig. 106. Coolenterata, 114. coelenterate and gastrula, 265, 269, 270, 277. ccelom, 48, 124, 266. ccelomate and coelenterate types, 124, Fig. 62. coalomic epithelium, 124. ,, pouches, 266. cold-blooded animals, 6. colloids, 23. F F 434 INDEX colony formation in Hydra, 116. ,, Obelia, 119. ,, „ „ Protozoa,40 — 44. colour changes in animals, 341, 342. colours of animals, 336, 337. ,, ,, ,, Erasmus Darwin on, 372. ,, ,, flowers, 355. column, of flower, 360, 363. combustion, energy liberated by, 4, 6. ,, nature of, 2, 5, 6. communication between cells, 187. compound characters, 208. conceptacles of Fucus, 100. Condylarthra, 309, 313. cone of attraction (or reception) in Coccidium, 88, 143. congenital variations ( characters), 157. Conilera, 227. conjugants, in Paramcecium, 92, Fig. 41. conjugation of chromosomes, 137, Fig. 68. „ gametes, 33, 82—85, 131, 141, 206, 207, Fig. 65. ,, ,, iu Ascaris, 131, Fig. 64. ,, ,, in Bodo, 87, Fig. 38. ,, ,, in Cocci- dium, 88, Fig. 39. ,, ,, in Ccelo- mata, 125. ,, ,, in Copromo- nas, 83, Fig. 37. „ ,, inEudorina, 91, Fig. 40. ,, ,, in ferns, 105. ,, ,, in flowering plants, 109. ,, „ in Fucus, 101, Fig. 47. ,, ,, in Haema- tococcua, 33, Fig. 5. ., ,, in heredity, 171. ,, ,, in Pando- rina, 89, Fig. 10. conjugation of gametes in Para- moDcium, 92, 93, Fig. 41. ,, ,, in Spiro- gyra, 9(3, 97, 142, Figs. 43, 44. „ in Zygogo- iiiuni, 97. ,, of nuclei in zygote, 131, Fig. 64. ,, origin of, 127. ,, results of, 84, 87. connecting links, 232—235, 305— 318. ,, ,, destruction of, 222. conodoiits, 289. conservatism of germ cells, 184, 190. continental islands, fauna, 332. continents, permanence, 329. continuity of germ plasm, 166, 168, Fig. 76. „ life, 67. ,, ,, parent and offspring, Erasmus Darwin on, 370. ,, ,, protoplasm, 66. continuous selection, 411. ,, variations, 148, 150. contractile tissue (see muscle fibres). ,, vacuole, 14, 18. convergence, 247 — 255. ,, in Acacia, 280. ,, „ flightless birds, 397. „ plants, 2fi2. ,, ,, proboscis of bees and Lepidoptera, 354. " Convolvulus major," fertilization, 351, 352. co-operation, 40. ,, of factors in evolution, 421. Copromonas, life-history, 83, Fig. 37. ,, nuclear reduction, 139. coracoid, 234, Figs. 89, 93. „ vestigial, 257, Fig. 90. corals, 114, 2H5. cork, cellular structure, 37, Fig. 6. corolla, 106. corpora lutea, 126. corpuscles, blood, 51, 52, Fig. 15. correlation, 409, 415. . cortical tissues, 50. INDEX 435 cosmopolitan distribution, 320. Cosmozoa, 216. cotyledons, caenogenetic characters, 280, 281, Figs. 56, 133. cowslip, fertilization, 356. crab, larva, 276, Fig. 128. „ swimming, 247, Fig. 102. creation, Lamarck on, 375, 376. special, 212—214, Fig. 82. Buffon on, 369. ,, ,, Linnaeus on, 222. Creodontia, 318. Crepidula, 323. Cretaceous Epoch, 284. Crinoidea, 274. Crinorhiza form, 335, 420, Fig. 168. Cristatella mucedo, statoblast, Fig. 165. Crocodilia, 295. cross -fertilization of flowers, 351 — 363. crossing (see hybridization). Crustacea, fresh water, dispersal, 327. ,, gilH 255. cryptic coloration, 337. crystalloids, 23. currents, dispersal by, 321 — 325. curve of frequency of error, 153. ,, ,, variation, 150, 153, Figs. 72, 73. Cuscuta europcva, 402, 403, Fig. 184. cushion plants, 262, 350. Cyathaspis, 290. cyclopean larvae, 157. Cyclostomata, 289. cyst, 20, 83. cytology, 67. cytolysis of ovum, 147. cytoplasm, 13, 69. ,, in heredity, 174, 175. cytostome, 83. " cytotaxis, 142. cytotropism, 142. ,, of gametes, 143. Cyttaria, 329. Cyttarocyclis, Fig. 9. D. DARBISHIRE, A. D., 197. Darwin, Charles, views of, 164 — 167, 176, 180, 185, 195, 208, 222— 224, 329, 351,— 353, 356, 357, 359, 385—388, 391—393, 410, 415, 423. Darwin, Erasmus, views of, 370 — 373. ,, Francis, 192. death, 21, 162, 168. De Candolle, 386. decay, nature of, 4. deep sea animals, adaptation in, 335, 336. deer, feet, -241, Fig. 98. degeneration, 397 — 403. ,, in ascidians, 400. ,, ,, flightless birds, 397. ,, ,, Morioris, 400. results of, 398. Delage, Y., 146. Delphinus deljihis, Figs. 161, 162. Democritus, 369. dendrons, 59. dentition of dog and thylacine, 251 — 253, Figs. 107, 108. denudation, 285, 288. dermatogen, 50. Descartes, 11, 260. descent with modification, 221. design, doctrine of, 212. Desmacidonidae, spicules, 419, 420, Fig. 187. determinants, 167, 206. ,, effect of stimuli upon, 189. ,, vibrations in, 189. deutoplasm, 140, 267. development, 263 — 281. ,, and unconscious memory, 192. ,, Erasmus Darwin on, 371, 372. ,, factors in, 192. ,, of birds and reptiles, 270. ,, of flowering plants, 48 — - 50, 109, Fig. 14. of Frog, 268—270, 272, Figs. 119, 121. ,, of Hydra, 118, Fig. 59. Devonian Epoch, 284. De Vries, Hugo, 154, 204, 224, 410— 414. Dianthus, 353. diatoms, 25. dichogamy, 353. Dictyocysta, Fig. 9. Didelphyidae, 301. differences between plants and animals, 34, 35. differential division of chromosomes, 177, Fig. 77. differentiation, 39, 43, 44, 60, 119. „ sexual, 85. F F 2 436 INDEX diffusion of gases, 8. digestion, in Amoeba, 16. digestive cavity, of Hydra, 115. „ Medusa, 120. „ Obelia, 119. digits, reduction, 239 — 241. dihybridism, 201—203, Figs. 80, 81. dimorphic flowers, 356. dimorphism of gametes, 139. Dinosauria, 297. Dinotherium, 314, Fig. 160. dioecious, 99, 105. Diplodocus, 299. Diplosoma crystallinum, larva, Fig. 130. Dipnoi, 255, 291. Diptera, ppedogenesis, 199. direct nuclear division, 80, Fig. 36. discontinuity between species, 222, Fig. 85. ,, in distribution, 319, 320, 333. ,, in evolutionary series, Lamarck on, 376. ,, in organic world, 221. discontinuous variation, 149, 153 — 156. DismorpJn'a praxiiwe, 345, Fig. 176. dispersal of organisms, 320 — 327. distribution, geographical, 319 — 333. disuse (sre use and disuse). of wings, effects of, 397, 398. divergence in evolution, 213. A. E. Wallace on, 390. ,, Charles Darwin on, 387. division of labour, 39, 43, 44, 60, 85, 119. ,, ,, between male and female, 127. dodder, 402, 403, Fig. 184. ,, vestigial leaves, 262, Fig. 184. dodo, 258, 397. dog, skull and dentition, 251 — 253, Figs. 107, 108. ,, vestigial teeth, 260. dogfish, embryo, 270, Fig. 120. dolphin, Figs. 161, 162. dolphins, convergence in, 248. „ shark-toothed, 318. domestication, Charles Darwin on, 410. ,, Lamarck on, 378. dominant characters, 197, 207. Draba verna, elementary species in, 224, 412. drone flies, mimicking bees, 343. mistaken for bees, 215. Dubois, E., 423. Dujardin, 38. dynamics of cell-division, 74. E. ECHIDNA, 234, 301, Fig. 92. echinoids, larval stage, 276. Echinus, blastorneres, 45. ., hybridization in, 174. ectoderm, 47. ,, of coelomates, 124. „ Hydra, 115, 116, 118. edentates, 301, 333. education, 426. eels, dispersal of, 325, 326. egg cell (see ovum). ,, of Ascaris, mitosis, 79, Fig. 35. ,, ,, bird, 140, Fig. 70. ,, „ frog, 268. eggs, dispersal of fish, 322. ,, similarity in different or- ganisms, 162. ,, size, 267. Eigenmaun, 183. Elasmobranchii, 291. electrical energy, transmission, 189. electric eel, 256. ,, organs, 256. electro-magnetic theory of mitosis. 74, 75. elementary species, 224, 412. elephants, ancestry, 312 — 314, Fig. 159. „ limbs, 239. Elephas, 314. elite, 411. Elodea, evolution of oxygen, 31. embryo, fixation, 126. of chick, 265, Figs. 117, 122. ,, ,, Fucus, 101, Fig. 47. ,, ,, mammals, 270. ,, rabbit, 265, Fig. 117. embrjology, Erasmus Darwin on, 371, 372. ,, evidence afforded by, 261—281. embryonic cell, 48. embryo-sac, 48, 106, 107, 108. embryos of birds and reptiles, 270. Emily Henderson, sweet pea, 208. Empedocles, 369. Encrinites, 274. endoderm, 47. ,, of coelomates, 124. of Hydra, 115, 116, 118. endoplasm, 14, 22. endosarc, 14. INDEX 437 endosperm, 109. energy, conservation of, 6. ,, manifested in life, 4, 5. ,, of chemical affinity, 7. ,, source of, 4, 6, 7, 9. ,, ,, ,, in green plants, 30. engrams, 186. entelechy, 11. enteron, 47, 265. ,, in Hydra, 115. entomophilous flowers, 111, 353. enucleate eggs, fertilization (see merogony). environment, control of, 426. ,, influence of, 5, 6, 166, 182, 183. A.E.Wallace on, 390. Buffon on, 366, 367. Charles Darwin on, 387, 392. Lamarck on, 377 — 379. upon development, 193. ,, germ plasm, 159. Eocene Epoch, 284. Eohippus, 309, 310, Fig. 154. Ephydatiafluviatilis, gemmules, Fig. 166. epiblast, 47, 48, 266. of Hydra, 115, 118. epicoracoid, 234, Figs. 89, 93. epidermis, 54, Fig. 17. of plants, 50, 64, Fig. 26. epigamic ornamentation, 336, 349. epigenesis, 163. Epihippus, 310. epilepsy, in guinea pigs, 180. episematic coloration, 342. Epistylis, 40. epithelium, 54, Figs. 16—18, 28. epochs of earth s history, 284, 285. equatorial plate, 72. Equidse, pedigree of, 307 — 312. Equus, 309, 311, Fig. 153. eras of earth's history, 284, 285. Esperella lapidiformi's, spicules, Fig. 187. Esperiopsis challenger!, 420, 421, Fig. 188. ,, pulchella, spicules, Fig. 187. eucalypts, 331. leaves, 280. Eudendrium, migration of germ cells, 123. Eudorina, 42, 90, Fig. 40. Eurypteridse, 291, Fig. 137. ,, size of, 405. Eutheria, 301. ,, first appearance of, 302. evolution, factors of, 365 — 427. in development, 163. individual, 263. of sex, 81—147. progressive, 192, 334. theory and evidence of, 211—364. ,, versus special creation, 212—214, Fig. 82. ex-conjugants, in Paramceciuin, 93. excretion, 9. ,, in Amoeba, 17. experiments in heredity, 174, 175, 194—209. explosive character of living mole- cule, 18. extinction of groups, 231. ,, ,, species, Buff on on, 366. extracted dominants, 198. ,, recessives, 198. eye-colour, Mendelian inheritance of, 205. eyes, pineal, 258—260. F. FACTORS, co-operation of, 208. ,, in development, 192. ,, germ plasm, 206, 207. ,, of organic evolution, 365 — 427. ,, permutations and combina- tions of, 206. faeces, 16. families, in classification, 226. Farmer, J. B., 206. fat, 56, Fig. 19. feather star, hybridization, 174, 175. ,, ,, recapitulation in life- history, 273—275, Figs. 123, 124. feathers, acquisition of, 177. female animal, 114. ,, characters, 84, 85, 127. ,, dependence on male, 127. femur, 237. fermentation, 218. fern, life-history, 101—105, Figs. 48— 52. ferns, dispersal, 321. fertility and cross-fertilization, 352, 357. ,, test of specific identity, 418 438 INDEX fertilization, adaptation of flowers for, 351—363. ,, chemical stimulus in, 146. ,, development without, 145. „ in heredity, 171. ,, membrane, 147. of flowers, 110, 351— 363. ,, ,, ovum, 85, Fig. 65. ,, ,, ,, in Ascaris, 131, Fig. 64. ,, ,, „ ,, Ccelomata, 125. ,, „ ,, ,, ferns, 105. „ „ „ „ Fucus, 101. ,, „ ,, „ Hydra, 118. ,, ,, ,, ,, medus?e,12]. fibrillar structure of protoplasm, 22. fibula, 237. fig-wort, 353. filament of stamen, 107. finger, inheritance of mutilation, 180. First Cause, Erasmus Darwin on, 372. fish eggs, dispersal, 322. fishes, bony, 292. „ deep sea, 336. ,, geological range, 284. fish-like stage in ontogeny and evo- lution, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279. fission, in Amoeba, 21. „ „ Bodo, 87. ,, „ Copromonas, 83. ,, ,, Hsematococcus, 29. fixation of embryo in uterus, 126. flagella, in Bodo, 87. ,, ,, Eudorina, 91. ,, ,, Hsematococcus, 29. flame, nature of, 2. Flemming, 69. flightless birds, 258. ,, ,, and fluctuating varia- tion, 415. ,, ,, ,, natural selection, 397, 398. flint, 24. floating islands, dispersal by, 324. flower, structure of, 106, lot, Fig. 53. flowering plants, life-history, 106 — 112. flowers, adaptation for fertilization, 351—363. ,, sexual characters, 110, 111. fluctuating variations, 148, 150, 155, Figs. 72, 73. ,, ,, and adapta- tion, 414, 415. ,, ,, and natural selection, 414. ,, ,, De Vries on, 413, 414. flukes, parthenogenesis in, 144. foam structure of protoplasm, 21. foetal membranes, 270, 278. foetus, in Mammalia, 270. food materials of animals, 16. ,, ,, ,, green plants, 30 — 32. ,, nature of, 7. ,, vacuoles, 14. food-yolk, 267, 278. „ influence of, 268, 271. foot, artiodactyl, 241. ,, of apes and monkeys, 424. „ „ camel, 241, Fig. 98. ,, „ deer, 241, Fig. 98. ,, „ elephant, 239. ,, „ hippopotamus, 241, Fig. 98. ,, „ horse, 241, Fig. 97. ,, ,, ,, atavism in, 262. ,, ,, ,, evolution of, 310 — 312, Figs. 154—158. „ ,, Litopterna, 253 — 255, Fig. 109. „ „ llama, 241. ,, „ man, 238, Fig. 94. ,, ,, oxen, 241. ,, „ pig, 241, Fig. 98. ,, ,, rhinoceros, 241. „ ,, seal, 244, Fig. 100. ,, ,, sheep, 241. ,, „ tapir, 241, Fig. 96. „ ,, ungulates, 239—241, 253— 255. ,, pentadactyl, 238. ,, perissodactyl, 241. Foraminifera, 26, Fig. 4. fossilization, 287, 288. fowls, Mendelian inheritance in, 200, 201. foxgloves, mutation in, 154. Francotte, 135. Freia, Fig. 9. frequency of error, curve, 153. fresh water animals, dispersal, 325, 326. frog, early development, 268—270, Fig. 119. INDEX 439 frog, life-history, 272, Fig. 121. ,, ,, interpretation of, 279, Fig. 131. , , pineal eye in, 260, Figs. 115,116. frogs and toads, 293. fruit trees, propagation, 205. fruits, dispersal, 321. Fuchsia, distribution, 328. Fucus, 99—101, Figs. 45—47. Functions of organisms, 5. Fundulus, cyclopean larvae, 157, Fig. 75. Fungi, 34, 321. funiculus, of ovule, 108. furze, recapitulation in seedlings, 280 G. Giilaxiaa niyothoruk, dispersal of, 326. Gallardo, 75. Galton, Francis, 209. Gal ton's law of inheritance, 209. Galton's polygon, 155. Galtonia, mitosis in, 76, Figs. 33, 34. gametes, 33, 83 (see also germ cells). attraction of, 141, 142, 143. ,, conjugation of, 207. ,, evolution of male and female, 84, 85. of Bodo, 87. „ fern, 104. ,, „ flowering plant, 108, 109, 110. „ Fucus, 100. ,, ,, Pandorina, 89. „ Spirogyra, 96, 97, 142, 143. „ Volvox, 91. „ purity of, 200, 206. ,, sexual dimorphism of, 113, 139. gametic nuclei in Paramoecium, 93. gametogenesis, 132, Fig. 65. gametophyte, 101. ,, chromosomes of, 138 of fern, 103, Fig. 50. ,, ,, flowering plant, 107, 108. suppression of, 112. gamobium, 121. ganglion, 59. ganoids, 292. gastrsea, 277. gastral cavity, 47. ,, ,, in Hydra, 115, 118. ,, ,, in Obelia, 119. gastrula, 47, 265, 277. ,, interpretation of, 265, 279. „ of Hydra, 118. ,, Sagitta, 130, Fig. 63. gastrulation, in birds and reptiles, 270. „ frog, 269, Fig. 119. Geikie, Sir A., 285. gemmules, dispersal of, 327. ,, in pangenesis, 164. ,, of fresh water sponge, 327, Fig. 166. genera, 225. generative cells, 108. Genesis, Book of, 212. genital ducts, 125. geographical distribution, 319 — 333. ,, ,, summary, 330. ,, isolation, 416, 417. geological formations, 284. ,, history of the earth, 284, 285. ,, periods, 284. „ range of animal groups, 284. record, 283, 287—304. geometer moths, caterpillars, 337, 338, Fig. 169. Oeoj)lana exulans, dispersal, 325. Geotria, distribution, 329. germ cells (see also gametes). ,, and somatic cells, 97, 98, 99, 113, 129, 166, 167, 168. ,, conservatism, 184, 190. ,, immortality, 162, 168. ,, independence, 99. ,, maturation, 138. „ migration in Hydrozoa, 123. ,, origin in Ascaris, 129. ,, ,, Ccelouiates, 124, 130. ,, „ Hydrozoa, 123. ,, ,, plants, 130. ,, ,, Sagitta, 130. ,, potentialities, 163. ,, sensitive to stimuli, 188. germinal disk, 140. ,, selection, 173. ,, variations, 149, 157 — 160. germination of fern spore, 103, Fig. 49. ,, pollen grain, 108, Fig. 54. „ seed, 109, Fig. 56. germ layer theory, 48. 440 INDEX germ plasm, complexity, 167. ,, composition, 172, Fig. 78. ,, constitution, 205, 206. „ continuity, 166, 168, Fig. 76. ,, influenced by environ- ment, 159. gestation of nature, R. Chambers on, 384. pigantic animals, 303, 304, 405—409. Gila monster, 342. gill slits, in Amphioxus, 266. „ embryos, 261, 273, Fig. 122. gills of crustaceans and fishes, 255. giraffe, 2-18, Fig. 104. ,, Lamarck on, 379. glacial periods, 327, 328. glass snakes, 250. gliadin, 23. glucose, 28, 31. glutinin, 23. Godlewski, 174. gonads, 113. ,, in Coelomates, 124. ,, ,, Hydrozoa, 124. ,, ,, medusae, 121. gonoducts, 125. gonophores, 122. gonotheca, 120. "gorillas," Hanno on, 42'2. gorse, recapitulation in seedlings, 280. gradation in nature, Buffon on, 366. ,, „ structure, 232. ,, of animals, Lamarck on, 376. Orantia compressa, larva, 322, Fig. 164. grape hyacinth, curve of variation, 150, Fig. 72. ,, sugar, 28, 31. grasshopper, spermatogenesis, 134, Fig. 66. Gray, Asa, 386. Gray, J. E., 227. grazing mechanism, 309. Great Britain, a continental island, 332. Greenland, former mild climate, 328. Grew, Nehemiah, 37. gristle, 56. growth, 10, 20. control of, 408. in Amoeba, 20. ,, animal tissues, 75. ,, plants, 76. ,, ,, periodicity of, 191. guard cells, 64, Fig. 26. guinea pigs, Brown-Sequard's experi- ments, 180. Gulf Stream, dispersal by, 322, 323. Gulick, 417, 418. gut wall, 124. Gymnotus, 256. gynoecium, 106. H. HABIT, of plants modified by en- vironment, 181. habitat, 319, habits, adaptation in, 337. ,, influence of, Lamarck on, 377, 378, 379, 380. ,, in plants, 191. Haeckel, Ernst, 66, 229, 265, 277. hsematids, 52, Fig. 15. hsematochrome, 28. Hsematococcus, 27 — 34, Fig. 5. ,, conjugation, 89. ,, dispersal, 327. haemoglobin, 53. hair, vestigial, 261. hairs of Tradescantia, 61, Fig. 25. hand of man, 256, 424, 425. ,, ,, monkeys and apes, 424. Hanno, 422, 424. harmony, in coloration, 336. Harpax tricolor, 339. Hatteria (see Sphenodon). Hawaiki, 399. heat, in living organisms, 6. Heidelberg, fossil man, 423. Heilprin, A., 319. Heliconime, 345. Heliconius ethi/la, 345, Fig. 176. Heloderma suspectum, 342. Hemiphaya chathamensis, 416. ,, novae zealandia>, 416. Henslow, G., 183. Herbst, 45. heredity, 161 — 210 (see also inherit- ance). „ Buffon on, 369. ,, Charles Darwin's theory, 164—166. ,, fertilization experiments, 174, 175. Galton on, 209, 210. ,, in neuter insects, 189, 190. „ Protista, 161. „ Lamarck on, 380, 381. „ Mendelian experiments, 194—209. INDEX 441 heredity, mnemic theory, 186, 191, 192. ,, nature of problem, 163. ,, Pearson on, 210. ,, Weistaann's theory, 166 — 174. Heriug, E., 186. hermaphrodite, 103, 105, 113, 114. hermaphroditism, 93, 116, 125, 402. heterogamy, 144. Heteromita, life-history, 85 — 87, Fig. 38. heterosporous ferns, 105. heterostyled flowers, 356, Fig. 180. heterozygote, 207. hexadactylism, 154, 413. Hilgard, E. W., 178. Hipparion, 311. Hippocampus antiquorum, 341, Fig. 173. Hippopotamus, feet, 241, Fig. 98. histological differentiation, 48. histology, 51. His, Wilhelm, 178. hock, of horse, 240, Fig. 95. holophytic nutrition, 34. holozoic nutrition, 34. Homo heidelhergensis, 423. Homo, species of, 423. homologous chromosomes, 137, 206, 207. homology, 235, 247. homoplasy, 235, 247. homosporous ferns, 106. homozygote, 207. honey guide, 362. honey sucking apparatus, 354. Hooke, Robert, 36. Hooker, J. D., 385. hormones, 126, 188, 408. hornbill, 406, Fig. 186. hornets, colours of, 342, 343. horns, excessive development, 406. horse, evolution of, 307 — 312, Figs. 153—158. horse's feet (see foot of horse). ,, skeleton, Fig. 95. horses, Mendelian inheritance in, 205. horse-worm (see Ascaris). humble bee, robbing clover, 355, 356. humerus, 237. humming birds, as pollen carriers, 353. „ „ distribution, 320. ,, ,, epigamic orna- mentation, 349. hyacinth, mitosis in, 76, Figs. 33, 34. hybridization, 194—209. ,, and evolution, 209. ,, and mutation, 413, 414. ,, in cereals, 413. Hydra, 114—118, 265, Figs. 57—59. ,, dispersal, 327. ,, suppression of medusoid, 123. hydranth, 119. hydrocaulus, 119. hydrotheca, 119. Hydrozoa, 123. hyperphalangy, 244. hypertonic solution, producing par- thenogenesis, 145. hypoblast, 47, 48. ,, of Amphioxus, 47, 266. „ Frog, 269. „ Hydra, 115, 118. hypostome, 116, 119. Hypsidse, 345. Hyracotherium, 310. I. ICEBERGS, dispersal by, 324. Ichthyopterygia (Ichthyosauria), 297, Fig. 142. paddles, 236, 244. Ichthyosaurus communis, Fig. 142. idants, 168. identical twins, 173. idioplasm, 167. Idvlnm diabolicum, 339. ids, 168, 206. igneous rocks, 282. Iguanodon, 297, Fig. 143. illegitimate unions, in Primula, 357. immortality of germ cells, 162, 168. ,, „ Protista, 161. immutability of species, Buffon on, 369. Lamarck on, 374. Linnaeus on, 222. individual adaptation, 184. ,, characters, transmission of, 175. ,, variations, 150. individuality of cells, 68. inertia of germ cells, 190. inflorescences, variation in, 150. Infusoria, 40, Fig. 41. inheritance (see heredity). ,, of acquired characters, 165, 176—193. ,, ,, mutilations, 178, 179. 442 INDEX insect communities, as individuals, 190. insectivores, 301. insects, as pollen carriers, 353 — 355. ,, dispersal of, 323. ,, primordial germ cells, 130. ,, selection by, 363. „ sex determination, 135, 136, Fig. 67. ,, spermatogenesis, 135. ,, wings, 247. instincts, adaptation in, 337. ,, origin of, 184. integral division of chromosomes, 171, Fig. 77. integration, 44. integuments of ovule, 108. intercellular substance, 57, 123. interclavicle, 234, Figs. 89, 93. intercrossing, swamping effects, 416. interstitial cells, 116. intussusception, 20. invagination, 47. invertebrates, dispersal, 325. ,, geological range, 284. Ipomoea purpurea, fertilization, 351, 352. irritability, 18. irritable structures in flowers, 362, 363. Isoetes, 105. isogamy, 84, 89, 97. isolation, 331, 416-419. „ Lamarck on, 380, 381. Ithomiinse, 345. J. JELLY-FISH, 114, 121, 265. Joly, 286. Jurassic Epoch, 284. K. KAKAPO, 397. Kallima inachis, 338, Fig. 171. kangaroos, 301. Kant, 178. karyogamy, 128. karyokinesis, 69 — 79, Figs. 31 — 33. karyoplasm, 14, 69. karyosome, 70, 77. katabolism, 9, Fig. 1. kea, 398. khaki clothing, 342. kidney, effect of removal, 156. kinetic energy, 7. kingdoms, 226. kiwi, 258, 331, 397, Figs. Ill, 112. knee, of horse, 240, Fig. 95. L. LABELLUM, 359. labyrinthodonts, 243, 406. Lagena, non-adaptive characters,419. Lamarck, views of, 176, 373 — 382, 418. Lamarck's four laws, 382. Lamarckian factors, A. E. Wallace on, 393. ,, ,, Charles Darwin on, 166, 392, 393. ,, ,, neglect of, 393. ,, ,, Robert Cham- bers on, 385. lampreys, dispersal, 325, 326. „ distribution, 329. „ pineal eye, 258, 260. lance-woods, 417. land connections, former, 328, 329. ,, planarians, dispersal, 325. larva of Antedon, 274. Ascidian, 277, Fig. 130. crabs, 276, Fig. 128. echinoids, 276. frog, 272, Fig. 121. Grautia, 322, Fig. 164. ophiuroids, 275, Fig. 127. larvae, 272. larval forms, dispersal, 321, 322. „ organs, 272, 275, 278. Leach, 227. leaf insects, 338, 339, Figs. 170, 171. „ structure, 63-65, Fig. 26. leg, of man, 237, 238, Fig. 94. legitimate unions, in Primula, 357. legumin, 23. Leigh, G. F., 348. Lemuria, 328. lemurs, distribution, 328. leopard, distribution, 320. Lepidosiren, 255, 291. Leptinotarsa, mutation in, 159, 160. leucocytes, 51, Fig. 15. level, changes of in land, 328. lianes, 350. life-history, 263 (see also ontogeny), life, nature of, 2, 3, 4, 11. Lilium, germination of pollen grain, Fig. 54. limbs, of arthropods, 246, 247. ,, vertebrates, 235 — 246. Limnas chrysippus, 346, Fig. 177. linin network, 70. INDEX 443 Linnaean species, 412. Linnaeus, 222, 226, 228. Liimean Society, 340, 385. lithium larvae, 157. Lithobius, host of Coccidium, 87. Litopterua, 253, Fig. 109. lizards, pineal eye, 258. „ shoulder girdle, 234, Fig. 89. llama, Buffon on, 367. „ feet, 241. Lock, B. H., 152. locomotion in Amoeba, 15. Loeb, J., 145, 146. Lubbock, Sir John, 281. Lull, E. S., 307. luminous organisms, 6. lung-fishes (see Dipnoi), luugs and swim-bladder, 255, 256. Lyell, Sir Charles, 324, 385. Lyyosoma dendyi, 417. ,, moco, 417. lyre bird, 349, Fig. 178. lysin theory of fertilization, 146, 147. M. MACCULLOCH, 340. machine, analogy of, 2, 3, 10. Macropodia rosirafa,339,340,Fig.l72. magnesium larvae, 157, Fig. 75. maize root, section, 37, Fig. 7. male animal, 1 14. ,, characters, 84, 85, 127. malic acid, attracting spermatozoa, 141. Malthus, 386. Mammalia, compared with Eeptilia, 232-235. dispersal, 323. geological history, 284, 301—304. gigantic, 406. limbs, 235. nutrition of young, 270. origin, 300. ovum, 140, Fig. 71. mammoth, Buffon on extinction of, 366. man, aesthetic development in- fluenced by insects, 364. ,, and apes, relations, 422, 423, 424, 425. ,, ,, ,, Buffon on, 370. ,, ,, ,, Lamarck on, 382. „ antiquity, 284, 303, 422, 423. man, control of environment, 426. ,, evolution, 422 — 427. ,, ,, Charles Darwin on, 423. ,, influence on other organisms, 396. ,, limbs, 237, Fig. 94. ,, Mendelian inheritance in, 205. ,, progress of, 422 — 427. ,, races of, 423. ,, reversion in, 262. ,, vestigial hair, 261. „ „ tail, 261. Mantidae, 338, 339. manubrium, 120. Maoris and Morioris, 398 — 400. marginal canal, 120. marine animals, dispersal, 321. „ fauna and flora, 323. Marsh, O. C., 262, 307. marsh tit, distribution, 319, 320. Marsilea, 105. marsupial mole, 253. „ wolf, 251. Marsupialia, 250, 301, 331. ,, distribution, 329, 330, 331, 332. ,, extinct, 302, 332. Mastodon, 314. Mastodonsaurus, 296. maternal chromosomes, 137, Fig. 68. „ functions, a handicap, 127. matter, indestructibility of, 6. maturation of germ cells, 132, 137, 138, Figs. 65, 68. in heredity, 171. Mauritius, 258. Mediterranean fauna, 323. medusae, 120, 121, 123, Fig. 60. megagametes, 85, 88, 90. megalecithal, 267. meganucleus, 39, 92. megasporangia, 107. megaspores, 105, 106, 107, 108. Megatherium, 303. meiosis, 132, 206. memory, 186, 191, 192. Mendel, G. J., 195. Mendelian experiments, 194 — 209. ,, inheritance in Leptino- tarsa, 160. in Primula, 356. „ principles, application of, 205. ,, proportions, 199. Mendelism, 195. ,, and mutations, 415. 444 INDEX Meinira snperba, 349, Fig. 178. meristem, 76. meristic mutations, 154. ,, variations, 148, 149. rnerogoiiy, 146, 174. Merychippus, 310, Fig. 153. mesentery, 54. mesoblast, 48, 266. mesoblastic somites, 266. mesoderm, 48, 124. mesogtea, 115, 116. Mesohippus, 310, Figs. 153, 156. mesophyll, 50, 64, Fig. 26. Mesozoic Era, 284, 285. metabolism, 9, Fig. 1. inetacarpals, 238. metagenesis, 121. metameric segmentation, 149, 266, 279. metamorphic rocks, 283. metamorphosis, 263. Metaphyta, 44, 95. metapodials, 240, 241. metatarsals, 238. Metatheria, 301, 302. Metazoa, 44. mice, dispersal, 325. ,, experiments in heredity, 179, 182. microgametes, 85, 88, 91. microlecithal, 267. Microlestes, 301, 302. micronucleus, 39, 92. micropyle, 109. microsporangia, 107. microspores, 105, 106, 107. microzooids, 33. migration from north, 329. milk, 271. mimicry, 343—348. ,, and fluctuating variation, 415. ,, and natural selection, 396, 405. ,, rings, 345. umieral salts, 23. Miocene Epoch, 284. Miohippus, 310. mitosis, 69—79, Figs. 31—35. ,, in heredity, 169. mnemic theory of heredity, 186, 191, 192. moas, 258, 397. models and mimics, 345, 348. Moeritherium, 313, Fig. 159. moles, marsupial, 253. Molluscoida, 277. momentum in evolution, 406 — 409. monads, 83. Monera, 66. monoecious, 103, 105. mpnohybridism, 201, Fig. 79. monopodial branching of phyloge- netic tree, 230, 231, Fig. 87. monosome, 135. Monotremata, 234,296, 301, 302, 331. monstrosities, 154, 157. Morioris, extermination, 398 — 400. mosses, dispersal, 321. moths, clear-winged, 343, Fig. 175. ,, proboscis, 354. ,, protective resemblance, 338. motion, in living organisms, 6. mountain hare, distribution, 333. mud, dispersal in, 327. mud-fishes, 255, 291. Miiller, Fritz, 346. Miillerian mimicry, 346. multicellular, 38. ,, organisms, origin of, 44. Multituberculata, 302. multiplication of cells, 69 — 80. Mungoswell's wheat, 412. Muscari, variation in, 150. muscle fibres, 57, 58, 116, Figs. 21, 22, 58. music and memory, 192. mutation and adaptation, 414, 415. ,, ,, evolution, 414. ,, ,, hybridization, 413 414. ,, ,, Mendelism, 415. ,, ,, natural selection, 414. ,, theory, 224. mutations, 149, 153—156, 224. ,, meristic, 154. origin, 159, 160. ,, ,, of species from, 411, 412, 413. ,, substantive, 154. mutilations, inheritance of, 178, 179. mutual adaptation, 414, 415. Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes), 67, Fig. 29. N. NAGELI, 167. natural affinities, 228, 229. ,, selection, 395 — 409. ,, ,, and mutation, 414. ,, ,, A. E. Wallace on, 389—391. ,, ,, Buff on on, 368. INDEX 445 natural selection, Charles Darwin on, 385—388, 392. ,, ,, Erasmus Darwin on, 373. ,, ,, insufficiency of, 404. ,, ,, insufficiency of, Charles Darwin on, 392. ,, ,, summary of theory, 391. ,, system, 226. nectaries, 359, 360, 414, 415. Neoceratodus, 255, 291, Fig. 110. Neohipparion, 310, Fig. 157. Nepenthes, 262. Nerocila, 227. nerve-cells, 58, Figs. 23, 24. ,, fibres, 58. nerves, 59. nervous system, 18, 121, 266. neurons, 58, 59. neuter insects and heredity, 189, 190. newts, 294. New Zealand, fauna and flora, 258, 328, 329, 331. nipples, vestigial, 345. nitrifying bacteria, 218. Nitrobacter, 218. Nitrosomonas, 218, Fig. 84. nomenclature, 226, 227. non-adaptive characters, 419 — 422. normal curve of variation, 153. ,, variations, 150. notochord, 266. Notornis, 397. Notoryctes, 253. nucellus, 108. nuclear membrane, 69. nucleinic acid, 71. nucleolus, 70, 77. nucleoplasm, 14, 22, 69. nucleus, 13, 69. ,, division (see mitosis and amitotic nuclear division). ,, in heredity, 161, 166, 174. ,, zygote, 83. numerical variations, 149. nutrition, 7 (see also food materials). „ of embryo in Coolomata, 125. O. OBELIA, 119, 265, Fig. 60. ocean, age of, 287. oceanic islands, fauna, 330, 332, 397. oceans, permanence, 329. CEnothera, mutation in, 155. oil-foam, 19, 21. Olenus cataractes, Fig. 134. Oligocene Epoch, 284. ontogenetic record, obscuring of, 267, 278. ontogeny, 263. „ abbreviation of, 273. „ a habit, 192. „ and phylogeny, 265, 279, Fig. 131. ,, Erasmus Darwin on, 371, 372. ,, interpretation of, 277. Onychophora, distribution, 330. oocytes, 133. oogenesis, 133, Fig. 65. oogonia, of Fucus, 100. „ in oogenesis, 133. oospheres, 90, 100, 104, 108. ooze, 26, 283. opal, 24, 26. Ophisaurus, 250. Ophiura dliaris, Fig. 126. ophiuroids, 275, 276. opossums, 301. opposable great toe and thumb, 424. orang, brain, 425. " orang utan," Buffon on, 370. Orchidaceinatococcus, 33, Fig. 5. „ Hydra, 116. ,, Obelia, 121. ,, Pandorina, 89, Fig. 10. ,, Paramoecium, 93, Fig. 41. ,, Spirogyra, 96, 97, Figs. 43, 44. ,, Volvox, 91, Fig. 11. „ Zygogonium, 97. sexual reproduction, 33. ,, selection, Charles Darwin on, 388. ,, „ Erasmus Darwin on, 373. Shand, Alexander, 399. sharks, fossil, 291. sheep, Ancon or otter, 154. „ feet, 241. shepherd's purse, 48, Fig. 14. Shirreff, Patrick, 412. shoulder girdle, of mammals, 234, • Fig. 90. ,, ,, ,, Ornithorhynchus, 234, Fig. 93. ,, reptiles, 233, 234, Fig. 89. Sicilian pea, 208. silica, 23, 24. siliceous skeleton, 25. Silurian Epoch, 284. single selection, 412. Sirenia, 301. paddles, 236, 244. size, increase of, 309, 405 — 409. skeleton (see feet, limbs, paddles and wings), of extinct animals, Figs. 139—152. -iraffe, Fig. 104. horse and man, Fig. 95. kiwi, Fig. 112. Obelia, 119. Protista, 23—26, Figs. 3, 4. ,, whale, Fig. 101. skulls of dog and thylacine, 251, Figs. 107, 108. slime fungi (see Mycetozoa). sloths, 333. slow worm (see Anguisfragilit). snails, dispersal, 325. snakes, mimicry in, 343. social problems, de Vries on, 414. sodium, in sea water, 287. sole of foot, Buff on on , 368. solitaire, 258, 397. Sollas, W. J., 286, 287, 311. soma and germ cells contrasted (see germ cells and somatic cells), somatic and germ nuclei in Para- moecium, 98. somatogenic characters, supposed non-inheritance, 169, 176 (see also acquired characters), somatogenic variations, 149, 156 157. somatopleure, 124. somites, 266. soul, 11, 19. South America, fauna and flora, 32S, 329, 333. Spalacotherium, 302. special creation, 212—214, 222, Fig. 82. Buff on on, 369. ,, Lamarck on, 375, 376. species, aggregate, 224. ,, Charles Darwin on, 223. ,, definition of, 223. ,, elementary, 224. ,, Lamarck on, 375. ,, modification of, Buffon on, 366, 367. ,, nature of, 222—224. ,, number of living, 211. ,, origin from mutations, 225. „ supposed immutability of (see immutability of species). ,, transformation of, Lamarck on, 376, 377. INDEX 451 specific characters, non -adaptive, 419—422. speech, an acquired character, 156, 184. ,, evolution of, 425. Spencer, Herbert, 2, 185, 391. spermary, 113. spermatids, 133, Figs. 65, 66. spermatist (Erasmus Darwin), 371. spermatocytes, 133, Figs. 65, 66. spennatogenesis, 132, 133, 134, 135, Figs. 65, 66. spennatogonia, 133, Figs. 65, 66. spermatozoa, 85, 139, Fig. 69. ,, chemo taxis in, 141. ,, development (see sper- matogenesis). ,, of Chara, 141. ,, Coccidium, 88, 141, Fig. 39. ,, Eudorina,91,Fig. 40. ,, fern, 104, 141, Fig. 51. Fucus, 100, Fig. 47. Hydra, 116. medusa?, 121. mosses, 141. sponges, 113. Volvox, 91, Fig. 11. spermatozoids 91. sphoerechinus, experiments in hybri- dization, 174. Sphserella (see Heematococcus). Sphferozoum, 43, 265, Fig. 12. tipltenodon punctatus, 259, 260, 295, 320, 331, Figs. 113, 114. spicules (see sponges, spicules). spider crab, 339, 340, Fig. 172. spindle, nuclear, 71. spines, excessive development, 406. spiny anteater (see Echidna), spireme, 71. Spirogyra, 95 — 97, 142, Figs. 42 — 44. splanchnopleure, 124. splint bones, 241, 257. sponges, deep sea, 335. ,, dispersal of fresh water, 327. ,, gemmules of fresh water, 327, Fig. 166. ,, germ cells, 113. ,, non - adaptive characters, 419—421. spicules, 26, 232, 419, 420, Figs. 88, 187. Xj>on