ital 8 ek | ses ‘ae 3 ‘“ THE FISH HAT GOT AWAY. i) PVIN' CHESTER Self- Lava Rifle. 351 Caliber High-Power Model’07 This rifle is reloaded by the recoil of the exploded cartridge. All that it is necessary to do to shoot it is to pull the trigger for each shot. The ease and rapidity with which this rifle can be fired, coupled with the tremendous killing qualities of the .351 Caliber High-Power Cartridge make it a splendid big game gun. Circular fully describing this rifle, **The Gun That Shoots Through Steel,” sent upon request WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. - - NEW HAVEN, CONN. ‘PARRANT. BROS, } & CHICAGO, iL THE IDEAL BEVERAGE Should quench the thirst cheer and stimulate, and nourish or strengthen. Is used by the ne and oo cri minating yx ortamen. In design, _P ossesses all the good qualities >) rol with added strength and durabili y Can be packed in a crowded suitcase. No parts to lose or get out of or- ady for immediate use. we Manufactured 7 ASK FOR LIT for fly bait m uskallong or tarpon Handle is made entirely of brass with areversible cork erip TELESCOPIC FRATURE — Can be nstantly telesco ped from its great- est length into the length ef the handle joint, or AUTOMATICAL- 0 ks dl (LONDON) india Pale Ale is well known as a pure and wholesome beverage inside, prevent ing rotting, rusting both refreshing and salu- or corroding brious You are invited to try it, and if found satisfac- tory to you to ask your merchant for it. ere a ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. he afer af afr afer ofr ofr ofr of ofe ole fe fe afe afer af afer ate ahr he IS Pep 50x aeobeofe ste afr ate feof ofr ate aft fe ate ate afr arate ae af fe abe ae afar afe fe fe ae ne ofr afr 4g SE ifs ahs ahs obs of fs af af she obs ofs ofa of ahs af af of af af af af of fs ofa af ahs af of af of afi ai fs as as aah ahs af af ahs ahs chs ahs os os sof of of When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gun and Motor Spor ada. 2 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. ROSS RIFLES For Target and Sporting Purposes The best in the world. 303 Calibre, Military and Sporting Patterns. Special calibres to order. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION ROSS RIFLE COMPANY Quebec 7 writing advertisers kindly = = —— When writing adve 1 Motor Sports in Canada ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. 3 Small in size. Great in capacity. 80 yards, 9 thread line, * rst high-grade reel sold at popular price, within of all tshermen + THE BALD MAN pier who wears no FTOUPEE or WIG atallis just as much handicapped as the man who wears one of inferior manufacture. The ‘“‘Maison,”’ Jules & Charles, have the fam- ous reputation of making the best TOUPEES and WIGS in America POLIS SSO SSSESOSS. Every man should read our New Special because of Illustrated Free Catalogue on BAI,DNESS, TOU- PEES and WIGS. Write for one. HAIRLENE—Extract of Herbs is the best hair grower and stops the hair from falling,instantly $1.00 to $2.00 THE “MAISON” JULES & CHARLES 431 YONGE ST-, TORONTO PRPED Seed | capacity, ‘Ase. » Featherlisht ae Experi high grade sing! PER, fro ne reeis, ranging in price from soc. to 8S lealers. Our ooklet, We guarantee < in constr free No other maker will do A _ MEISSELBACH @ BRO., 5 prospect St., Newark, N. J. art’ Reels and Harrimac Landing Nets. IGNITION ACCESSORIES SOMETHING YOU CAN RELY ON HOLLEY CARBURETOR mation, FREE ligh priced) to be > repairs (if any) nerte SO F4444E0FOOS OOOOH 3 YEE. “hie, COIL Consumes only 1-4 ampere and gives 3” flaming spark at a frequency of 1600 per second. Supplied in either Dash or Box Types. DOME LIGHT Just the thing for your Motor Boat. Supplied with Opal, Clear, or Holophane Cut Glass with Lamps aS Auxiliary Air Valve. Metal} required. : Floats. Carried in all sizes in : Marine and Auto Types. Write or Ask for Catalog No. 25 on Ignition Apparatus. JOHN FORMAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 248-250 CRAIG ST., WEST, MONTREAL, QUE. When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and iGen ‘and Motor Sports in Gpartne ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. To enhance the pleasure of your Summer Outing take along a few Van Horne Cigars They are recognized to be the best value made in Canada at 1o cents. Harris, Harkness & CGo., Makers, Montreal / LAKE BAYS % _—— er. : cam Saat = — Ra tar — : ‘i; _ a ‘s / z / ; THE KILLARNEY o/AMERICA HIGHLANDS oF; ONTARIO” Good speckled trout fishing Magnificent Sc thd River Weleriaigs” Gaal Wiel aouevaty eae ) ng y ul yout itt y of the Trust Building, Chic 52 POUNDS OF SALMON TROUT CAUGHT WITH 6-OUNCE STEEL ROD When writing advortin Rod ans d Motor Sp ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. Lee and Sargent MONTREAL Handle all Kodak Goods AS WELL AS THE Leading Plate Cameras HOW ABOUT A KODAK THIS SPRING ? Think of the story it will tell next winter, of people met, places visited, good times enjoyed, the memories it will stir in future years, and we will “‘gamble” that ina few years money will not buy your album of snapshots. OR PERHAPS YOU HAVE A KODAK? If so, have you ever been dissatisfied with your results or careless handling of your films? Send us your next lot to develope, print orenlarge from and we will show you what careful attention and ‘knowing how” will do inthe way of artistic results. ENLARGING IS A SPECIALTY OF OURS! Amongst your photos or films, are many well worth eniarging and coloring and a colored enlargement or print artistically framed makes a perfect gift. or copying If you want any special little job done, send it sonal attention. tousand same wiili receive per- Write us for any information. Lee and Sargent 675 St. Catherine St. West MONTREAL. When writing advertisers kindly THE ‘WELLINGTON’ PHOTOGRAPHIC Plates, Papers ? Films MADE IN ENGLAND Are known throughout the Dominion as THE BEST OBTAINABLE If your dealer cannot supply you then mail a card for full particulars. CED CGD The Canadian Representatives WARD & CO. 13 St. John St, - MONTREAL. 1 on eae ee ee 4 ; . s - : 2 mention Rod When You Want Paint Fine Varnishes and Colors Ask for the Old and Reliable Sanderson Pearcy & Go. TORONTO. LIMITED. FOR SALE BY ALI, DEALERS. a ln ol lain Da bal i in Db in 5 nD Dd nD De i and Gen and Motor Sports in Canada. ~p _T IN ANADA. ¢ ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA ! Just an easy handful of Kodak Film ! will tell the story of your summer vacation. There’s film for a dozen pictures in each cartridge, the weight is trifling. The Kodak itself slips into the pocket and the picture making is simple from start to finish. Press the button do the rest—or leave it to another Kodaks $5.99 to $112.00 CANADIAN KODAK CO., Limited just as you please. SS —— ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. $ Whether you walk for health, pleasure or = = ry Gi business—on city’s streets, in the woods, oron li you desire to make a reputation golf links it is interesting to know exactly how as an expert cocktail mixer, buy the fy much ground you havecovered. The “Club” brand, follow directions, and American Pedometer your friends will wonder where you =e (Carried in the Vest Pocket) i he art. Many a cocktail you gained the art y 3 Mi 4] regulates to your step and registers infallibly have drunk and complimented your §. the exact distance. _It ig but 134 inches in diam- host for his art of mixing—the truth Beto nataiin cere ee ol is you had a “Club Cocktail.” It 2 MILE PEDOMETER $1.00 . « . . ™f tf 1.50 merely required a little ice to cool it. At Sporting Goode dealers. If yours hesn’t You can do it just as well. {t we will send postpaid on receipt of price with our guarantee. Write for free booklet D. G.F.HEUBLEIN & BRO., Sole Proprietors THE AMERICAN PEDOMETER CO 29 Broapway, NEw Yori, N. Y. St. y HARTFORD, CONN. Lonpon 33 1 St, New Haven, Conn. Lackawanna MOTORS ARE NOTED FOR— } Simplicity, Easy Starting and Easy Operating Qualities, Extreme Durability and Economy. Send for Catalog. LACKAWANNA MF’G. CO. NEWBURGH, N. Y. When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gtn and Motor Sports in Canada. 8 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. STEEL RODS — ${.60 3 PIECE, CORK GRIP 10-FT. FLY ands 1-2 FT- BAIT Small Profits Quick Sales Y, Trout Flies For Trial — Send Us I5c foram assorted sample agen. Quality A Flies egular Price, Ss. 30c faxan aesorted sample dozen. Quality B Flies Regular price, 60 cents. 60c for an assorted sample dozen. Quality C Flies Regular price, 84 cents. for an assorted dozen. H 65c Regular price, 84 cents. Bass Flies Try Our New Braided Silk Enameled Waterproof Metal Center Line Size No. 5, 436¢. per yard. Size No. 4, 5%c. per yard. Put up in 20-30-4)-50-100 yards lengths. THE H. H. KIFFE Co. 523 Broadway, NEW YORK TACKLE CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. “Perfection Marine Motors THE ENGINE OF QUALITY —————.____.. F you are looking for an engine that will give you good results it will pay you to investigate the “Perfection,” the best built small motor on the market. [wenty-five years experience in the manufacture of high grade machines has enabled us to produce this engine. ) £ A : Ss ° 4 . Perfect design, proper construction, and hand- some finish make the Perfection Motor a MADE IN ALL SIZES lhe Perfection has few workin g parts to get out of order, are reversible, and ¢ i : 1D1e, § ( ure s . inle : is 4 H. P. $35.0 can Operate them Vrite for ¢ Saas 7 child THE CAILLE PERFECTION MOTOR Guaranteed to give good results and we k ~ sue KX CO. after them to see that they are d t 1302 Secor Ave., Detroit, i i LEFSFFIIFIFSISI SSS VISE FEE ST SS SSSA sseee | ee 4 ee CHS eS x When writing advertiser Sr LELESELSS SL OO HSS OLS ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA 9 HARDY BROS. THE GREAT PRACTICAL ENGLISH FISHING ROD, REEL AND TACKLE MAKERS produce the best in the world. If you want the greatest satisfaction you must have A “HARDY” Cane Built Rod A “HAS0Y” Perfect Reel and Tackle 4 THE ENGLISH FIELD Says: ‘‘It is to Messrs Hardy of Alnwick we owe our supremacv as rod makers.” Hardy Bros. International Tourna- ment, Crystal Palace, won 16 cham- pionships. Hardy Bros. have been awarded forty-one Gold and other awards. 42 We publish the finest and most extensive Catalogue whioh is sent free to any address. HARDY BROS. ALNWICK, ENGLAND ales LANGA \ THE: WATER WAY ‘ 3 > ==." BETWEEN Q ® T ) BUFFALO DETROIT i .. S a i ; Established stahiione i yiaeny To6 Her sblished _ The D.& B.Line 152 Steamers leave Buffalo daily at 5:30 Ms , ¥ : P.m.,(eastern time) THE ART OF SHOOTING’ Seventh and Revised and Detroit week Popular Edition, 2/6; Postage Gq extra. days at 5:00 p. m., ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE Sundays at 4:00 ; p.m. (central time) reaching their destin. 11, PANTON STREET, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S. W. ation the next moring. Direct eounect: Z ’ ions with early mo g trains. Lowest (Opposite The Comedy Theatre.) rates and superior service to all points west. - ~ Rail Tickets Available on Steamers All classes of tickets sold reading via Neve r-Lose Key Ta Michigan Central, Wabash and Grand Trunk - : . Railways between Buffalo and Detroit, in Unusually novel and practical. Only Key Tag which makes it easy either direction will be accepted for trans- portation on D. & B. Line Steamers. Send two cent stamp for illustrated pam- postage on inside. Finder simply phlet and Great Lakes map. _ Address, Teverses aad drops in nearest mail L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. —+POST OFFICE POSTAGE & ADDRESS! INSIDE. box. Avoids necessity of offering re = we SIE ward for returns Gertoan Bitree Detroit & Buffalo Steamboat Co. handsomely made, 5c postpaid Puiuie H. McMinn, A. A. SCHANTZ, gents wanted. C. E LOCKE MFG. CO., 159,22 KENSFTT, lOWA. Vice President. Gen’l Manager, When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada. 10 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. ~ eaeee ones ceeen@erBer Bonbon B= G-r Or Oor Os Orr Ger Oe Oer ee Oer "2 O+1 O11 Os Orr Breer O42" Orr O°O~— ORG HAVE YOU SEEN our THREE HUNDRED DOLLAR LAUNCHES? not you had better not delay having a look at them. res are going so fast that there won't be one left to look at pretty soon. JUST THINK They are 22 ft. by 44 inches, have brass fittings throughout ; and are equipped with a 2H.P. 2 cylinder BUFFALO MOTOR. This sounds reasonable, doesn’t it ? JUST A FEW LEFT! WHO WANTS ONE? } Merchants Awning Co. Ltd. GENERAL SPORTS OUTFITTERS, 154 Notre Dame St., West, 229 Notre Dame St., East, MONTREAL. Canadian Agents for the Buffalo Motors. O22 B29 O-+O+-O-+O+-O--8--0- a eR Re AA a a aR BO 92 9B OOo Bee Ore Bren —?, OOO OH Oi OH Oe Oe en Ona Gnr he Oe eee Oe Oe ne P Gene 4 i | ° é } 4 SCEPC CPSC SESE EEC BSesessesuwy Nothing Useless Put In Nothing Useful Left Out This accounts for our success. Buffalo Marine Motors are aes and built to give satisfaction azd do it. Write for 1907 satan and get 2 to 100 H. P posted as to new sizes and styles. ; 4 6 ¢ ¢ ; ‘ ; ? Our New Slow Speed Engine fills a long felt want. al BUFFALO GASOLINE MOTOR Co. i218-30 Niagara St. Sao - Al ©): N.Y. BSPesess +o ~ 8222422240 2 > Ot OS OD When writing advertisers kind ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. Il Temagami Lakes there is no store likethis. Here may jbe found every requisite for recreation and outdoor games for the camper. the Hun ter, the Automobilist; the Bicyclist, the Tennis Player, the Golfer, and always at prices that are tair a _— HUNTING——FISHING Hotel Accomodation Unsur- aes v The land of the Rod & Gun Sport for the Fisherman. Largest Game for the Hunter 75e t ( Rifles $1.00 to 21.0 Canvas Covered Canoes 24.00 Paddles, all lengths 1.80 and 1.25 Wall Tents, 7 x7 feet 5.60 Couking Kits, 54 pieces Camp stoves, for wood passed. ‘ Canoes, Guides and Outfits Furnished. Reliable information regarding Fishing | Alcohol stoves 75 Camp Chairs - 25, 30, and 40 Camp Cots - 1.20 and 1.80 Catalogues of new Goods free, or our big book No. 036 of Sporting Goods for 4c. to help pay postage. and Hunting le SBE O’CONNOR STEAMBOAT & HOTEL CO. LIMITED. | lt NUM, SON TEMAGAMI ONT. NEW YORK SPORTING GOODS Ce 17 Warren StNew York ; The New Vermifuge and Conditioner for Dogs 4 CHAMBER’S mt“ CARTIQUES”’ ; Does not distress the animal. No starving required. Produces healthy skin and www RRA ee ee Pweeerevreegeee C8 6 6 6 6 6 ee 8 eel coe ee SS OE a i glossy coat. Enables ros you to rear the most ; delicate puppy or kitten. ie SEND FOR COPIES OF Sp ile TESTIMONIALS sm A Pan eee eemecrce |) f--y PAIGE: Se. AND @1-00) Par Battle EVANS’ ANTISEPTIC THROAT PASTILLES} 2 EVANS AND SONS. LIMITED FROM ALL DRUGGISTS 5 MONTREAL & 133 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK — Se ee LIMITED ig Sole Manufacturing Agents for Canada and U.S. _22 2 2222. 282 2 2 ee eee ee eee eee ee ee www sees vuerurrrrurvrrrse : : : ! When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Grn and Motor Sports in Canada. “= 12 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. STAG BRAND STAG BRAND ALLCOCK’S FISHING TACKLE (Established 1800) Our Tackle has been before the world for over 100 years and stood the test. Fishermen can always rely upon Allcock’s Stag Brand Goods. They never fail. The Allcock, Laight & Westwood Co., Limited 78 BAY STREET, TORONTO REDDITCH, ENGLAND A SATISFACTORY DAY'S FISHING IS ASSURED THE USER OF A Carlton Automatic Reel. Every owner of these reels praises them highly. Cana- jian anglers who have not seen the Carlton Reel should ask their dealer to show them one. If your dealer does not handle them, you will confer a favor by ac eaine us of the ’ f: Our line consists of reels a deci to every class of fishing, from the automatic to the light weight trout ree r he Carlton Aut omatic Reel not only increases at 1€ catch after it is once Send for Catalogue. ass The mh William English Canoe Co., ‘The Cc iy i 1ON MEG. co Peterborough, Ontario. | Exchang . _ Day ——— eer ee When writing advertisers kind I > Spc a — Spor ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS iN CANADA. 13 SHORT LINE | QUICK TIME TO ALL POINTS IMUSKOK. Write for Book, ‘‘Lake Shore Line of the Muskokas” handsomely illustrated, best Map of Muskoka Lakes. Offices Corner King and Toronto Streets and Union Station. Telephone Main 5179 When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gtn and Motor Sports in Canada, PPRPPPP PPP PPP PPP PALL EEA ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. THE CHAMPAGNE OF WATERS For The Home, The Club and ETHESDA The Cafe AMERICA’S Greatest Bequest to Mankind CHC ~I TDD Write for Booklet. On Sale Everywhere JOHN TREVASKIS in Splits, Pints, Quarts and Buffalo, N. Y., U.S.A. Half Gals. (Still) FRE E’ SAM E Marble's Nitro-Solvent oil The Wonderful New Oil that will quickly clean and absolutely protect firearms from the corrosive action of all black and smokeless powders—including Cordite. The formula is the final result of many years of labratory work by Mr. .C.L. Bradley —an expert chemist and a sportsman t—Saves labor and time by quickly dissolving the residue of all powders Protects the arm from the corrosive action of all powders by rendering inert all elements dangerous to the metal Quickly removes all gum an 1 dirt left by previous use of poor oils Will not get sticky Will not gum or harden Can be safely used in all locks. Chemical tests show that there is no acid in this oil and also that no acid or corros- ive properties remain in the resdue of any powder after being treated with Mar- ble’s Nitro-Solvent Oil Prevents rust by protecting steel and nickel from all adverse atmospheric conditions, Removes rust by destroying the acid condition brought about by the action of water on stec!. If used in time Marble’s Nitro-Solvent Oil will prevent pitting. Itis an extremely valuable lubricant for hig “ well other machinery, mechanisms and vehicles. It wears exceeding well and prevents wear Goes farther than any other 01 . Polishes the stoch »f guns and other highly f Cuts off dirt and grease Mak 1 in »bing with the palm of the hand ora} lant v ‘ land lasting lustre Use it mm your plano It is the greates are teatily that will doit soecas Two ounce bottle 1¢as Marbles 56-Page Catalog Sportsmen, and 1 fa this, magazine MARBLE SAFETY AXE CJMPANY 101-129 DELTA AVE., GLADSTONE, When writing advertisers ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. 15 ee 1) POO OOO OOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO VICHY-CHARMEIL "eine Cures Gout, Dyspepsia, Liver and NATURAL Stomach Troubles. Imported only in Bottles. Sealed and Bottled under the authority of the French Government at the VICHY- ALKALINE CHARMEIL Springs. Approved by the Academy of Medi- cine. WATER Official analysis on label. None gen- uine without. REPRESENTATIVE VICGHY-GHARMEIL D. CAMPBELL MacIVER ee Toronto, Ont. Sold at all Stores, Hotels and Restaurants, 200000000000 000000000808000000008880800 DOOCOS OH OOODOODOOOOOOOHHS OOOOH ISOS OCOOCECS ,SSSSSSSHSSSHSSSHSSSHSSSSSOHSSHSSESSSSSHSSSSSSHSOSOS FSOSSSSCEEEEE Hiawatha The Ojibway Indian play at Wa=- ya-ga- mug Petoskey, Mich. (Reached by Railroads and Steamers) Mie, July 13th to September 7th, ’07 At Wa-ya-ga-mug are Camping, Canoeing, Water Sports, Shooting, a North American Wild Animal Farm, a Sportsman’s School open from June to Sept. 30th. For camping accommodation write CAPTAIN CRAINE Wa-ya-pa-mug, Petoskey, Michigan. nn When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Grn and Motor Sports in Oanada. 16 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. See weers9eeOe 880110110011 rr 8B OnOnrBreOrr nO -r Orr Orr O10! 7O~ a = Lon | nc When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gtn and Motor Sports in Canada. 20 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA When your engine starts MISSING “23a Pull this LITTLE SWITCH! Saves Stoppage Don’t stop your motor on the road, Te we pull up this switch ne and your PLUG will immediately THE am FIRE again. Equip your boat with the Duplex Attachment. When the engine starts to miss, do not stop it, donot replace plugs IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR “HIGH COMPRESSION ENGINES BOAT ENGINES —just pull the little | SOOTING CYLINDERS switch and your engine will no longer AND SPLASH LUBRICATION miss a single fire. Fits all plugs and IMPORTED UNIQUE PORCELAINS makes them waterproof. fi Te DUPLEX IGNITION CO. Duplex Ignition Co., Inc.| 1555 Broadway, Circular G, 1555 BROADWAY, Circular R, NEW YORK AGENTS WANTED. Agents Wanted. — New York City. ¢ PBESSO LOL LOS LAL SSS HHS SAAAAHAHAHAISADOHHODDSD Palmer's Moose Head Brand SPORTING RooTs — taf HIS cut illustrates our celebrated Knee High Sporting Boot with Sole and Heel, ef flexible oil-tanned leather sewed on bv hand. Phis is our leading Sporting Boot and is used largely by big game hunters. Is noiseless, waterproof and insures comfort on long tramps. Bello ws tongue to top and guaranteed waterproof Also made without Is also very popular with Miners, Surveyors, Prospectors, Fisher- men, etc wade in Men's Write for our new catalegue of Water- and Women's proof Sporting Boots and Shoe Packs, JOHN PALMER GO., Ltd. Fredericton, N. B., Canada. MEE TEVI IIIT ETE T ETT ED FFF TESTE ECE GEDT ESD 2S OHH GSLEHODEN When writing advert POSESESESE SEE EOREDEEFSS HEEL EEEE SSE OSES mention Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in C anada ney ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA, 21 SOMETHING NEW AND. PRACTICAL FROST’S IMPROVED KELSO AUTOMATIC REEL Capacity 100 yards, Case of aluminum, satin finished ; steel bearings; only 7 1-2 ounces. Itis both lightand strong. With ordinary care it should last a lifetime. Can use on rod either above or below hand. Guaranteed. Price $5.00. If your dealer cannot supply you, send his name and address to us and we will fill your order through him. The “‘KELSO'"' brand LINES : REELS, RODS, LEADERS, FLIES and HOOKS are as good as can be © = ty made. Manufacturing and Jobbing; Fishing Tackle is our business excius- tiaihait ively ; Headquarters for everything required by anglers. Catalogues to trade only. H. J. FROST & CO. 90 Chambers St., New York & e e e e e e e ® ® e e e e e e ® ® e e e e © ® ° e e e e e e 6 ¢ e @ e e LJ ® e e ¢ ® a e ® ¢€ e 6 e © e e e Catalog for a Ca Meg VST e ten ere ee ener els CSCS Cater erenere 107 iS now ready : Te . i (S fp pon ee en It is different from Maniatis the others. So the Adams Engine The Adams Launch and Engine Mfg. Co. PENETANG When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gtn and Motor Sposa in Canada. : eon TAT GA NADA. 22 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA THE FAMOUS Chestnut Canvas Canoe The Era of the Bark Canoe We Have Had The Era of the Log Canoe q The Era of the Wood Canoe And are now on the verge of the Era of the Canvas Canoe The Chestnut Canvas Canoe is the strongest, lightest, best wearing and cheapest canoe made in Canada. Bulk for bulk, or weight, for weight, we back it against any canoe made in the world. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. R. CHESTNUT & SONS FREDERICTON, N.B., CANADA. Whee writing ad er ‘ I t > 6 3 = a Rod Gtn and Motor Sports in Oanada. ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. 23 OBB 1 + Os OO world a class by themselves. et a et tet et ese yet et ee ee ee King Air Rifles Fasten this name in your mind—they are the best Air Riflesin the We would. not be so enthusiastic over them were we not thoroughly convinced of their merits. Other Air Rifles are made to imitate the “King”’ but it is a mis- take to suppose that all Air Rifles are alike. King row and share in these profits. “King” Air Rifles are in __ Their splendid finish, neat model and accuracy in shooting place them away above other makes and they are built so strong they save the jobber and dealer the expense of taking back Furthermore dealers build upa big trade and make a good profit selling King Air Rifles. Why not get in the Glad to send you our advertising circulars. THE MARKHAM AIR RIFLE CO., Plymouth, Mich., U.S. A. poe ee 0B +O er O22 Oe Bor Gro OB oe O29 DO +1 Ore G Goo Bor Gor Oe Woo wes, Be OO ee Ger Gee Ser Gee Gee Bes Oa Boo ++ Oo Oe Oe Be Oe B+ Oo OO BOs eS OD PB SF OSS S-- SSS “defective” guns. Air Rifle world. The largest factory in the er tt fe et et te et et ee eet see ee ee BACK VIEW a 20th CENTURY «‘BABY GRANDS” SEARCHLIGHTS FOR BOATS Combining HEAD, PORT aud STARBOARD lights, authorized by marine laws on Boats up to ten tons. 2 sizes, 44% and 614 inch body diameter 4 & 6 inch Finest Ground Mangin Lens Reflector. In matters of appearance, convenience and effectiveness, they are particularly the right thing. Attach toany storage cylinders or gener- ators supplying other lamps or the 20th Cen- tury Generators are well adapted, capacity ¥, I, and 2 Ib. 2 Send for Special Literature. 20th CENTURY MFG. CO.., Also call atten- tion to. 20th Cen- tury Contained Generator Acety 12 for CANOES BARGES, Etc. \ A strong Head light, and has red and green sidelights At- taches to stun- chion at bow of boat and easily removed, makes a Hand Lantern for camp, ete. 20th deiails, - 19 Warren St., N. Y. Century Catalogue gives all 25 THOUSAND RUNNING 25 STYLES AND SIZES 25 MOTORS PER DAY 1 1-2 to 25 Horsepower; One, Two and Four Cylinder; Two or Three Port; Jump or Snap Spark Ignition; Two or Four Cycle. Send for New 1907 Catalog (R & G) : PALMER BROTHERS COS COBB, sore, NEW YORK, 242 Fourth Avenue PHILADELPHIA, The Bourse BOSTON, 85 Union Street PORTLAND, ME., ~~ 48 Portland Pler-; CONN. 24 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. Oe ee al ee ee 1 B+ O-9 Oe Or Oe Or Or Oe: Or Oe OOo Oo Or Orr Ot Or Ore Oe" O19 O*.@eqe-, ae Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Write for Illustrated Guide Books to THOS. HENRY, Traffic Mgr., Montreal, Can. H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Toronto, Can. The w ‘] Finest Scenic Niagara i and To Fishing The Route ow on the i Conti- 3 ; nent ‘ ‘‘a MORNING'S CATCH 3 ; ; 0-20-0090 008-2000 810221281 8s OO or O08) 20 Os OOo e102 Or Ooo Bonin rs Oer Ber O-eOer OO re Bre Bee Preur Dee Qac Gebers! SEASHORE AND COUNTRY COMBINED i‘ TRKS HEAD INN-ROCKPORT MASS 3 es Public Garage and Auto Supplies SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET Season June 27th to September 12th C.8.MARTIN PROPRIETOR Our own Automobiles to Rent. UNTIL JUNE 25th ADDRESS, HOTEL WADSWORTH, BOSTON, MASS. When writing adv rs kindly 1 tion Rod and G d Motor Sports in Canada. ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA 25 MOTOR BOAT INSURANCE policies afford absolute indemnity against less er FEDERAL LLOYDS damages by fire, explosion, collision, sinking, stranding or any other dangers of navigation. CORRESPONDENTS ; Burnett, Ormsby & Clapp, Ltd. (FE, §& K ELLE Y, Generar AGENT, Toronto. Dale and Co., Montreal, P. Q. = See . oom Wm. Thomson & Co., St. John, N. B. ST. JOSEPH., MICHi, U. S. A ‘“‘Drop Us a Line”? HEDDON’S“ ‘4 oronly “brags up” the*DOWAGIAU” Mintiow®: ™, MINNOWS it tells vou how to bait cast and catch fish. The most popular, successful and artistic artificial baits ever made. WRITE FOR BOOKLET JAMES HEDDON& SON, Dept. , DOWAGIAC, MICH. PP vove is a picture of 1500 feet above sea level. Pure and Exhilarating air. Splendid fishing—bass—speckled trout—salmon trout Unexcelled for canoeing and camping Hundreds of beautiful canoe trips. Write to any of the following addresses for handsome publication telling you all about it-— G, W. Vaux 9'7 Merchants Loan and Trust Building Chicago, Ill. F. P. Dwyer, 290 Broadway, New York. T. H. Hanley, 360 Washington St., Boston, Mass., W. Robin- son, 506 Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa W_E. DAVIS, G.T BELL, issenger Traffic Manaver, General Passenger & Vicket Agent. Montreal Montreal When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gi ud Motor Sports in Canada. ROD AND GUN AND that sportsman Lc- is an article every quires. It is abso- lutely guaranteed to PRESERVE and SOFTEN all kinds of SHOES, HUNTING and FISHING BOOTS, GUN CAS- ES. Asarust preven tory and cleaning oil, it has nosuper- ior. Every gun owner should use it regularly. Ask your dealer for it orsend fifty cents for half pint sample can to J. R. BUCKELEW MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. TRADE MARK LOVERS OF Fine Fishing Tackle will find our 1907 stock a marvel of excellence and novelty. We have spared neither time nor expense in collecting the best makes of all countries and are now prepared to fill all orders for SALMON FLIES, TROUT and BASS FLIES. FLY RODS, BAIT RODS, ~ ARTIFICAL LURES TARPON OUTFITS IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LINES and LEADERS Our famous ‘‘Touradif’ Rods have won more prizes in,open competition during the past year than any other make. Send forcatalog H. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH COMPANY 57 READE ST., NEW YORK 111i Chambers St. New York, THE ‘SOVEREIGN’ THE SPORTSMAN’S AND PROSPECTOR'S FAVORITE Made from genuine Chrome Tanned German _ Calf Skins and Waterproofed. Every pair guaranteed genuine Oak Tanned Soles, Waterproofed. Full Bellows Tongue to top. The most Waterproof Boot made and will not harden when not in use. Made in Tan or Black, specially to your order. - 1-2 Pint Can Waterproof Dressing “with every pair. 9 INCHES HIGH 12 ee se 15 Express fully paid anywhere in the Dominion. None genuine unless stamped “Sovereign.” Kindly remit cash with order. The Laidlaw Watson Shoe Co. AYLMER (WEST) ONT Ltd. ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. ONAL RY OSTER y eRNATI INTETIONA\ owe! WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A LIBRARY IN ONE BOO. Besides an accurate, practical, and scholarly vocabulary of English, with 25,000 NEW WORLS, the International contains a llistory of the English Language, Guide to Pronunciation, Dictionary of Fiction, New Gazetteer, New Bio- graphical Dictionary, Vocabulary of Scripture, Greek and Latin Names, English Christian Names, Foreign Quotations, Abbreviations, Etc. 2380 PAGES. 5000 ILLUSTRATIONS. SHOULD YOU NOT OWN SUCH A BOOK? WEBSTER’S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY Largest of our abr Regular an Thin Paper J 1116 PAGES AND 1400 IL TRATIONS Write for ‘‘The Story of a Book”’— Free. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass. ditions. When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gun and Motor Sports BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER l insist that your barber 1 It is Antiseptic, and'will prevent any of the skin diseases often contrac- ted \ positive Sunburn, ~ PrickleyHeat,Chafing, and all afflictions of the skin Re- moves all oderef perspiration Get Mennen’s—the original put up in non- refillable tcxes—the ““bex that lox Sold everywhere or mailed for 25c. Sample free Try Mennen’s Violet (Borated) Talewm GERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, NJ. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act June . 154 relief for LOUIS RHEAD, the Fisherman, Artist and Writer, says in the April ‘‘Outing’’— “T have for some seasons past chosen a ‘BRISTOI,’ steel rod from others lighter, better and more expensive. My tenderness for it I cannot ex- plain, except, perhaps, that I can cast a longer distance and can treat it with the utmost brutality. yet it remains sound and true. I have had it in use ten years: during that time it has been enameled twice, and is still as good as new.”’ Guaranteed for Three Years. Took for ovr trade-mark on the reel seat—without it you will get a cheap imitation = illustrated Catalogue Free THE HORTON MFG. CO. 32 HorTON ST .Bristo..Con U 5-A- 28 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. ee ete cep peneesses Ade dbbbohhhOH aa: FISHING TACKLE EXCLUSIVELY SOLE AGENTS FOR H. L. LEONARD RODS GOOD GOODS RIGHT PRICES PROPER SERVICE Every order receives the Personal Attention of one of our Mr. Mills. It will pay you to send us your trade. A Special ; just to get acquainted : < ’ The ‘‘Levison’’ Fly Book In the “‘Levison’”’ we have the PERFECT FLY BOOK. Each Fly is held in the book at full length and separately by a spring and hook made especially for this purpose. Any Fly can he taken out and returned readily without disturbing any of the others. ‘The books are 7!4 inches long and made in two widths, the regular width being about 445 inches, the narrow being” 3% inches. lf you have never used a Levison fly book, thereisa pleasure in store for you: you should own one quickly. It is ger nerally conceded that the Levison is the ‘‘Ideal’’ book for carrying regular Trout and Bass Flies. The principle is equally good and perfect for carrying looped Salmon and Trout Flies and it has perfectly solved the problem of how to carry the small and medium flies on eyed <3 +s SPPSSASSALOSS SAAS S SOOHOO SOOO SSO fed ci n00kS NARROW PATTERN 7 1-2 x 3 1-2 inches. 2 3 4 5 leaves . Has 32 48 64 80 hooks G Covers of Fancy Leather $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 cach i Covers of Fine English Pigskin or Sealskin 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 each WIDE PATTERN 7 1-2 x 4 1-2 inches 2 3 4 5 6 leaves f Has : 40 60 So 100 120 hooks , H Covers of Fancy Leather ..... 7 $3.75 $5.00 $6.25 $7.50 $8.'75 each 1 Covers of Genuine Sealskin .. .../-. .......... 5'75 '7.00 8.25 9.50 10.75 each WM. MILLS & SON, 25 Park Place, New York FISTS SSIS SSS TES Have you ordered your Canoe or Skiff or Launch for next spring ? SEND US YOUR ORDER Now SEND FOR CATALOGUE Peterborough Canoe Co., Limited. PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO When writing ad Motor Sports in Canada. ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. 29 TheLENOX HOTEL IN BUFFALO MODERN HIGH GRADE FIREPROOF UNEXCELLED SERVICE THROUGHOUT OUR OWN RAPID ELECTRIC CARRIAGES, EXCLUSIVELY FOR PATRONS, operate continuously every few minutes from Hotel through Business District and to all Depots and Wharves for principal trains and steamers : EUROPEAN PLAN Rates $1.50 per day and up. George Duchscherer, - ~- Proprieter. WE MAKE BOATS that are Best for Hunters, Best for Fishermen, Steady to Shoot or Cast , from. Safe for Wife or Children, will not Puncture, cannot f sink. Will outlast Steel or Wood, and carry more load. Made ee) oi best canvas, tempered steel frame, with flat bottom. Folds ie A work — _ es ccmpactly for carrying by hand. Checks as baggage. Every — - Wiican oue Guaranteed. Safe, Durable and Satisfactory. Write the ‘‘ Sonne” Awning, Tent and Tarpaulin . = 5 : CLM crireainariielderect ari Catalog) Ae Life Saving Folding Canvas Boat Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. FSS 3 ~ Bin One MADE IN CANADA. ? y the sensitive mechanism. tion the reel nev fails ata almoment. ‘*3in One" wont gum, dry out, contains no acid. ‘*3 in One” prevents rust on every pa ing vears to the life, REAL brightness to the b en the'finest. Good for the rod too—preserves bility—protects the metal. er also—the asant odor G. W. COLE Co. 55 New St > New York City eS EVERY AUTOMOSILE and MOTOR BOAT OWNER should have @ Duplex Plug Uniform Hot Spark Attachment MADE ESPECIALLY FOR Then when your plugs starts missing no need to stop your motor—just pull the littleswitch. The device fits any plug ‘ and protects it from riin and water splashes Auto & Gas Engine Work. In exchange for THREE SUBSCRIPTIONS to ‘ROD AND GUN AND M@TOR SPORTS IN CANADA’ we will send one of these Dfiplex Attachments. Cost$2.50. CARBONS LIMITED, Only a limited number on hand, so send in your three i subscriptions NOW, alata oi a a For full particulars regarding this contrivance, address SSSPPSSSISTITESSESSESSESSS FSH | OVUPLEX IGNITION CO., 1555 Broadway, New York A FFFSFFFFTESSTSFFFSIFFFSS Manufactured by Toronto’ When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gun and Motor Spor ts in Canada. 30 ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. FORSHOTGUNSANORIFLES DU PONT ‘4 DUPONT SMOKELESS At Richmond, Va., May 8-10 First, Second, and Third General Averages, First, Second, Third and Fourth Amateur Averages First, Second and Third Moneys in The SOUTHERN HANDICAP All the above honors were won by shooters who used Dupont Smokeless Cpa. . _ POPP tec eee tees || Established 1802 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. | E. |. DU PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER Go. =o otor Sports in Canada. ROD AND GUN AND MOTOR SPORTS IN CANADA. 31 GOO e881 BH ee Bors 0601011 OHO Om Orr Orr we Make a Motor B cat of any Boat in 5 minutes The Waterman Out-Board Motor The greatest marine motor improvement in re cent years, makes it possi le for anyone owning or renting a row boat to convert it into a Motor Boat TheFamous Nepigon River (TOURISTS’ PARADISE) Finest Brook Trout aoe on the Continent Revillon Bros., (Established 1723) LIMITED NEPIGON: ONT. OUTFITTERS FOR TOURISTS, HUNTERS, PROSPECTORS, ERG: in five min- utes time with- out tools. This motor is quick- ly and easily attached (or detached) at the stern of any small boat, weighs only 40 Ilbs., complete, will drive an 18-ft. TOW boat 7 mile: sper hour one gallon of gosoline, is strong and ab- solutely de- pendable. It is the simplest motor in existence—consists of only three parts. Any boy or woman can attach and operate it. Send for descriptive catalog WATERMAN MARINE MOTOR CO. 1514 Fort St., West, Detroit, Mich. Be er one St et ee et ee ee et Se eee ee ee ne eet ee et et ee Wecarry a complete line of Anglers, Tourists, Campers, Sportsmen's and Prospector’s Outfits, such as Canoes, Tents, Bedding, Camp Equipment, Fish- ing Tackle, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Provisions, etc., etc. We also furnish experienced and reliable canoe- men and guides. For further information, write for pamphlet and map sent free of charge. Ber ter ne oe et ter tee eer tee er et ene et ee ee et er ee ty nt et et tee nt eet tet eet Sey tet oe) fee ee ee ct @ ah Eo = a ° i} arene Orr Ot Breen OOOOH OOOO Ome i aleeaeaemtimiaearai seed + Oa AAA RAR RRRARRRRR RRR RRR RRR SS eee CO Y————— 1 LARD'S PATENT The Smith Gun won the GRAND AMERICAN HANDICAP 1902-1906. The Smith Automatic Ejector fitted with the Hunter One-Trigger won the 4 GRAND EASTERN HANDICAP in Philadelphia 1906. The Smith Gun won the SUNNY SOUTH HANDICAP 1907. You cant miss them with a SMITH. Send for art catalogue. THE HUNTER ARMS CoO. FULTOR. NZ Y- PHOPSOOOOO OS HOGS OOOOOH DODO OSOSOOE OOS OOOOH When writing advertisers kindly mention Rod and Gtn and Motor Sports in Canada. Just climb up your little ladder, go to bed ke ore felis, ae when you rise, you are as fresh as the morning g one ys an appetite ready for a good breakfast. When you go hun He in the Fall, take a ‘‘ SUSPENDED” and pitch it high up in the trees. Game will come around you, as it Is a fact, that game does not look up for the hunter, neither do they scent any danger in the boughs of the trees. With a ‘*SUSPENDED” you do not have the worry of tent stakes pulling up, the wind blowing your tent down, sleeping in a mud puddle, or rheumatism, with that creepy, crawling feeling that comes over you in the night. | aw | We can tel: you more about it if you will write for our Twenty page catalogue. It will tell you ALL about it. SUSPENDED TENT CO., 418 E. 43rd Street, CHICAGO, Il Dept. A. Motor Sports in Canada. Vol. 1X No. 2 ROD AND GUN and Motor Sports in Canada The contents of this magazine are copyrighted and must not be reprinted without permission. Contents for July, 1907. A Young Nature Student’s Pets. Bonnycastle Dale ...... sacs [2 AeWondvkesmunaredy. | Waki iisher 4-52 ereeac ssc sss 16 MoosesEtuntines in| Quebec, BH. Bs Guild) -.- a2... [51 Our Fishing and Hunting Tripin Northern Ontario. Eiramka Gare leew recep rerta.-cslersiapes stopecieten ieee srayel«. 2. seas ay Oe beswateuMirssWavyidihavlor= <5... seug sereeie © oes hae ogo | Our Vanishing Deer. A Few Words From Dr. Murdoch..... 152 Official Experiences of Anti-Hounding Laws. C.H. Wilson... 154 Wihy (©ur/DeewAre) Vanishing. J; W. Misnher.......2..--~.: 156 AgStiiliuntersyexperiences... Roy D: Almas.....2-a:-0:.o- 160 Our Vanishing Deer Sam@rli Hy McKee... .2..-. Re caters ar 10 A Day With the Redheads on Lake St. Francis............... Nmbdedr Buchananise scr occ ee oc = sie ete Od Maskinongerom bike mVWien EUCKSODee 0 - 2. ash- se ae See 2 164 ibe Veracityron Meer tunters, | Eo. McVeigh... 15... --4- 166 A Boys’ Camp in the Laurentians. C. B. Powter...... Aen.) 168 A Fishing Trip to Rock Lake, Ont. Walter Greaves..... 173 Forest and Game Protection in British Columbia ....-........ 175 Two Touches of Human Nature. Straw Hat................ 178 RowtudsenyBayby Canoe. Robt. i. Morris:.