TII i: < II KM 1C A L J! A SIS ANIMAL I!()I)Y. Tf! TV •|- 1 1 1 : CHE M I C A L BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 3ppcnlrir to JFostcr's \ i" 1898, [All FPS & STATIONERS, VANMEVAR * CO . fONQt 8T T&RONTO. Copyright, 1892, BY MACMILLAN AND Co. SSnttorrsttg lirrss: JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PREFACE. rniIK following Appendix has been written upon tin- same •*• lines us in t'onner editions, save that it has been enla ami in reality now eon>titutes a treatise on the chemical sub- stances occurring in the animal body. As in former editions • •ntirely the work of Dr. A. Sheridan I. The references given, though extensive, are not intended to .liaiistive. An effort has been mad"- to make tin- ivfcr- :it work as complete as possible : other i are to pajiers which themselves give full i-efereiices and will therefore serve as a guide t<> the literature of the subject ; and some have been inserted in order to inform the student of the dates at which important results \\ere iirst descrii \Ve desire to express our thanks to .Messrs. Wintei Heidelberg for the six figures which have been taken from Krukenbei-'/s Gfrundriu der ///• •//••////>•. y,-,-/,, ////>•••//- n an\\ i>l < Ul - . i.l.l.l.'.K, 0 \MUHIlM.I APPENDIX. THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL P.nhY. Tin ;mim;il liody, from a chemical point of view, may be •led as ;i mixture of various representatives of three lai-e ( la— es of chemical substances, viz. proteids, carbohydrates ami in association with smaller quantities of variou- saline and other crystalline bodies. By proteids are meant bodies contain- ing carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen in a certain proportion, varying within narrow limits, and bavin:: certain general feature-; they are frequently spoken of as albuminoids. I'.y carbohydrate.-, are meant. Marches and sugars and their allies. \\V have alre-umahly has been changed in con-t ruction, but still is p: matter; they sometimes speak of protoplasm as ' living pp-tcid or 'living albumin.' It is worthy of notice. 1, simple forms of living matter, like that constituting tin- b«-dy • •( a white corpuscle, forms which we may fairly - "ii-idY. :1 intrivst. The iihy>iul. i^i.-al function <,f any .-nk-tam •• must depend ultimately on its molecular including it- chemical natiuv ; and though at ).re-ent our chemical knowledge of the c..n-tituents of an animal hody ^ives u- luit little insight into their physiological properties. it cannot \»- d«uil.t»-d that such chemical int'orniation as is attainable is a n<-r,-^,,iv preliminary to all physiological study. These form the principal solids of the mu-cular. nervous. ami ulandular tissue-. of the scrum of Mood, of si-rous lluids, and of lyinjih. In a healthy c-ondition, sweat, tears. Idle, and urine con- tain mere traces, if any, of ]>roteids. Tlieir general j.eiventa-e eom]iosition may lie taken as lyini; within the following limits: — C 50-0 to 55-0 ........... 50-0 to :,:,-( i H 6-9 „ 7* ........... 6-8 „ 7-3 N 15-0 „ 18-0 ............ 15-4 „ is-ii (» L'li-u .. L':5-r» ........... ^2-8 „ 24-1 S (I-:1. .. 2-0 ........... 0-4 „ 5-0 1 1 "1 '1 ie-Seyler.2) (Drechsel.) The ei.m],n>itj.iii of the true ]iroteids lies go • onstaiitlv within the ahove limits that conclusions as to the jnoteid nature nf any Milistance whose juirity is assui-ed may lie drawn with -at'ety from the re-nit-- of it^ ultimate analysis. This is important in where a suli-tance i> with ditlieulty. if at all, oUaincd in a < «\\- dition such that it yields mme of the reactions characteristic iti.in lyin^ aj.precialily out -ide the aliove limit-. In addition t.» tin- al«ive c.in-t it in-nt-, jimli-ids nnliniirily l«-a\.-.ni lUiiitinn a variable ([iiantity "I" a-h. In tin- rase nf r^-allmniiii flu- |irinci|ial .-mi-t it iient- »\ tin- a-li an- fldnrido ••!' -i'nmr in aiimunt. Tin- r- iiiainnla--iiiin, in «-«.inliiiiat imi with phosphoric, siil|ilinric, and carlmnic aciil-, and \.T\ -mall ipiant it ii- ••(' . alfiuin, iiia^iii--iiini. and imn, in iininii \\itli tin- -aine acid-. 'I'licn- may !"• alx. a trare ..|' -ilica.4 Tin- a-li "f M finii-allniiiiiii cnntain- an • 1 Tin- i-licini-try .>f [.r..t«-ii|s and :illi.-.l -ii'.-iaii. . •«. t..^.-i ! • lit. r;iiiirc .if tin- vulijr. i, i~ \i-r\ full\ II-. iii-. I .iii'l rrrorili'i! in I' ill j,:uli •hlniri:'- II, a, •In;, ', •>,,,! \\,\ ill II- illiil ill Hrilsti-in1-; llunill'url, • H'l III (IHK^ -'•• - l/,IMl. ,1. /./-v.v ;,.,//, < (Jnirlin. //./'•••/. ./. • ' Bdrni 8 205. 0 . PEOTEIDS. of sodium chloride, but the ash <>t' tin- proteids of muscle contains an exceixs of potash salts and phosphates. The nature of the connection of the ash with the proteid is still a matter of obscurity, and it is not known whether they constitute an integral part of its molecule or are merely adherent impurities. There is a certain amount of probability that the latter is the case, inasmuch as an increasing number of pro- teids have in recent times been obtained practically free from any ash-residue on ignition. It is, however, possible that in their natural condition as constituents of the animal tissues and fluids the proteids are combined with salts, the separation of which we are now speaking being an artificial result of the processes employed to effect that separation. The sulphur in proteids is present partly in a stably combined condition, partly loosely combined. The latter is removed by boiling with alkalis, the former is not. The proportions of the two differ in the several proteids.1 Proteids met with in the animal body are all amorphous, the only apparent exception being haemoglobin : this substance is however not a pure proteid but a compound of a proteid globin with the less complex haematin. It is to the latter that the power of crystallising is due. Some are soluble, some insoluble in water, some are character- istically soluble in moderately concentrated solutions of neutral salts, and all are for the most part insoluble in alcohol and ether ; they are all soluble in strong acids and alkalis, but in becoming dissolved mostly undergo decomposition. Their solutions exert a left-handed rotatory action on the plane of polarisation, the amount depending on various circumstances, and differing for the several proteids. Crystals into whose composition certain proteid (globulin) elements largely entered were long since observed in the aleurone-grains of many seeds.2 Similar crystalloid compounds are also described as occurring occasionally in the egg-yolk of some animals (Amphibia and Fishes). By appropriate methods they may be separated and re- crystallized from their solution in distilled water, most readily by Drechsel's method of alcohol dialysis.8 The crystals consist in no case of pure proteids, but are always compounds of the latter with some inorganic residue such as lime or magnesia. These recrystal- lized, and hence presumably pure, compounds have been frequently analysed with a view to establishing a formula for proteids which should give some clue to their molecular magnitude. An excellent summary of the endeavours to arrive at a definite formula for proteids. based on the above analyses and on those of haemoglobin and certain compounds of egg-albumin with salts of copper and silver is given by 1 A. Kriiger, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. XLIII. (1888), S. 244. 2 For literature down to the year 1877, see Weyl, Zt. f. physiol. Ch. Bd. r., S. 84. See also Hoppe-Seyler's Handbuch, Ed. v. p. 259." Vines, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. in. (1880), p. 102. Chittenden and Hartwell, .//. of Ph i/siol. Vol. xi. (1890), p. 435. 3 .//. f. i>rakt. Cliem. N. F. Bd. xix. (1879), S. 331. CHKMK \i. BASIS "i nil: ANIMAL J;OI>Y. : iSim^i-.1 A- tin- rr.-ult nl' tlh->e. \arion-. formulae havi- IMVII proposed liy the several oli-.erver-. Very little real importance can ho \\ever he attached t« these formulae. \»r. M l>iveli>el oh-er\e>. in >,> large a molecule an analytical emu- of -01 p.c. \\ould h:i\e tin- same ini|»ir- tance a- would one of -1 j,.(-. in ordinary aiialv.--. Tli--\ ;_M\e u- a' .in idt-a of the ntinlinul lua^nit mli- of lh«- pmti-iil nioli-culf. I'lii apart from this tln-y tlimu n ...... uv lij^ht on tin- >nlijt-.-t than alr.-a«l\ •••(1 in Lii-lirrktihn'- oldi-r formula. General reactions of the proteid*.* \. Heated with strong nitric acid, they or thrir s.iluti«ui> turn \fllo\v. and this colour is, on the addition of ammonia. <>r caustic soda or potash, changed to a deep orange hue. (Xantlmjuntci. reaction. ) If much protoid. except albumoses and peptones, )>«• present a yellow precipitate is obtained at tin- same time. \Vitli less pn,- teid their solutions merely turn yellow on Imiling and nrange on the addition of the alkali: if only a trun- of proteid is present n<" yellow colour is observed until after the addition of the alkali. •_' With Millon's reagent3 they give, when present in >uth- cient quantity, a precipitate, which turns red on heating It they are only present in traces, no precipitate is obtained. l>ut men-lv a red colouration of the solution when heated., If mixed with an excess of concentrated solution of sodium ite, and one or two drops of a dilute solution of cupi; pliate. a violet colour is obtained, which deepens in tint on ln.il- iii'_r ( 1'iotrowski's reaction.4) The above serve to detect the smallest traces of all pi 4. Render the tluid >tn>ngly acid with acetic acid, and add a feu drops of a solution of ferrocyanide of potassium: a \-\ -hews the presence of proteids, except true peptone- and >ome forms of allum; 1,'ender the tluid. a- l.efore. strongly acid wit i: add .in equal volume of a coin-, nt rated -olution of sodium >ul- phate. ami boil. A precipitate i- formed if pi I l"-p- present M, hy»x>1. <'!>• ) V« n * Consult in all ca.— 1 1..,,,.,. RerlerVi //.//"•/, ,/. ;»/,y«"/. path. r/,/-m. Annl^c • • also Kniki-nl.«Tu'. >>'-'• U / \ -- \r I xxriii. (1849), |. ««' / II I • / IM. vx,. 8 PROTEIDS. This reaction is particularly useful, not merely because it effects a very complete precipitation of the proteids which are present (except peptones), but also because the reagents employed do not produce any decomposition of other substances which may be present, and do not interfere with certain other tests whicli it may be necessary to apply after the removal of the proteids by filtration. It is of use more par- ticularly in the determination of sugar in blood.1 The following reactions are specially used for freeing solutions from all proteids by precipitation. 6. Acidulate faintly with acetic acid and add tannic acid. 7. Acidulate with hydrochloric acid and add the double iodide of mercury and potassium. (Briicke's reagent.2) 8. Add hydrochloric acid until the reaction is strongly acid ; then add phosphotungstic acid. The following methods are often additionally useful for freeing solutions from all proteids. i. Precipitate by excess of absolute alcohol, having previously made the solution neutral or faintly acid. ii. Prepare a solution of ferric acetate by saturating acetic acid with freshly precipitated ferric oxide, avoiding all excess of free acid. Add this to the solution and boil ; the whole of the proteids are pre- cipitated together with the iron; the latter as a basic salt.8 In some cases a mixture of ferric chloride and an excess of sodium acetate is employed.4 iii. Boil the solution for a few minutes with a little hydrated oxide of lead in presence of a little lead acetate.6 In recent years various neutral salts, more particularly neutral ammonium sulphate,6 have been largely employed for effecting the precipitation and separation of the several proteids. All proteids yield a characteristic violet colouration with simul- taneous slight fluorescence upon treatment with glacial acetic. acid and strong sulphuric acid (Adamkiewicz' reaction). The reaction is best obtained by adding to the suspected solution or substance a mixture of one volume of strong sulphuric acid and two volumes of glacial acetic acid and boiling.7 The violet-col- 1 See Gamgee's Phi/siol. Chem. Vol. i. p. 195. 2 Sitzb. d. Wien. Akad. LXIH. 2 (1871), Feb. Hft. 3 Hoppe-Seyler, Hdbch. S. 264. 4 Seegen, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxxiv. (1884), S. 391- 5 Hofmeister, Zt.f. physwl. Chem. Bd. 11. (1878), S. 288. 6 Wenz, Zt.f. Biol. Bd. xxu. (1886), S. 10. Kuhne, Verhand. d. Naturhist.-Med. Ver. Heidelb. N. F. Bd. in. 1885, S. 286. See also Halliburton, Jl. of Physwl. Vol. v. (1883), p. 172. 1 Hammarsten, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxxvi. (1885), S. 389. ( INIMICAL P.ASIS <>F TH1-: ANIMAL i:«»l>Y. «. mired siilutii.ii obs.-r\ed it' proteiiU are prc-cnl givefl ;ui ah-orption liainl between tin- line-, I, and /'in tin- solar -pe.-t nun. •jeiieral method .-an be ^i\cn t'-.r the quantitative estimation nf the various prot.-id- For this -..me -p.-. 'ial manuals should be con-iilted and use made of tin- reaction- which aiv -p.-. itically characteristic <>i cadi 'mtfiil as - «.f ililt'fi-ciit |>n. trill-; ri-i- t.i t'art may IH- nf u^.- in i|i-tci-tiii^ and • •st imatini; thi-ir Approximate relative amount-.1 CLASSIFICATION OF THK PKOTKII The following classification is both convenient and c.m. CLASS I. Naticc "Hnunins. Soluble in distilled water. Solutions coagulated on heating, especially in presence of a dilute (acetic) acid. Not precipitated .rbonates of the alkalis or by sodium chloride, m- generally by solutions of neutral salts. 1. K^g-allminin. Serum-albumins. II. Dt-rirnl nil, H minx ( .I///////- In-olul.le in distilled water ami in dilute neutral >alinc solu- tions ; soluble in a<-id< and alkali^. Solutions not coagulated l,v lioil: 1 Acid-alliumin. '1. Syntonin. .".. Alkali-alliumin 4. Ca>ein or Native alkali-alliumin.: CLASS III. (Hal i nl' In-olulde in distilled water, solul.lc in dilute saline solui Soluble in /•• /•//«//////. acids and alkalis- if the acid- and alkalis •ronir they ate rapidly changed into member^ of ('la II :ly precipitated by -atuiatiii- their dilute -aline -,,lu tions with neutral -alt- inch U -odium chloride or magnesium sulphate. ii. Traiil.-. /. vl.T. lldlrh K.I •'• I-i'l'-M1'' i.wh ,1. CAtfM. 15.1 iii S. MO. Dultowil i i>ky* ft nut (:»| T. 7 (I88J). Nr ». 3 Ca«oin iliff.-rs in inanv r<->]»-> is fr-mi tli<- ..tlirr m.-int...^ ..f tl. .illi.-.l t,, tli. 'in Ilian I- tin- in. i • otluT .1 ly pp. ipitability by neutral *nlt* it nhcwii nornn affinity t.. the globulin* 10 PROTEIDS. 1. Crystallin, the globulin of the crystalline lens. 2. Vitellin. 3. Paraglobulin or Serum-globulin. 4. Fibrinogen. 5. Myosin. 6. Globin. CLASS IV. Fibrins. Insoluble in water. Soluble with difficulty in strong acids and alkalis, and undergoing a simultaneous change into members of Class II. Soluble by the prolonged action of moderately strong (10 p.c.) solutions of neutral salts, with simultaneous change into members of Class III. CLASS V. Coagulated proteids. Products of the action of heat on members of Classes I., III., and IV., or of Class II. when precipitated by neutralisation and heated in suspension in water. They are also obtained by the prolonged action of alcohol in excess upon members of Classes I., III., and IV. Their solubilities, except in solutions of neutral salts, are in general similar to, but less than those of Class IV. CLASS VI. Albumoses and peptones* The true peptones are extremely soluble in water. They are not precipitated by acids, alkalis, neutral salts, or many of the reagents which precipitate other proteids. They are precipitated but not coagulated by even the prolonged action of alcohol. Pep- tones are readily diffusible, albumoses less so. Some of the albu- moses are readily soluble in water, some are less soluble. They are distinguished from peptones by being precipitated when their solutions are saturated with neutral ammonium sulphate. They yield precipitates with many of the reagents which precipitate other proteids, and it is specially characteristic that the precipi- tates they yield with nitric acid and with ferrocyanide of po- tassium in presence of acetic acid disappear when warmed and reappear on cooling. CLASS VII. Lardacein or amyloid substance. Insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalis, and saline solu- tions. Converted into members of Class II by strong acids and alkalis. 1 The albumoses are classed with the peptones partly from their close relationship to these substances and partly for convenience. CHEMICAL I'.ASIS OF TI1K AMMAI. |HH>Y. 11 'I'm: CIIKMISTKY I»K nn: SIYIKAL l'i:»i King.1 LM I .V-////V Egg-albumin A- obtained in tin- solid form by evaporating its solutio: dryue-s at 40 J, preferably in vacuo.it forms a semi-transparent, brittle mass, of a pale yellow culourL tasteless aiisl inodorous. l)i^- snlviMl in wa_ter it yields a clear neutral colourk'ss solution. This solut: Mali's on heating, but the temperature at which tin- coagulation takes place varies considerably with the coiiccntrati' >i i , and is largely dependent upon the presence ,,\ absence <>i' salts. The moiv commonly observed inn) »erat lire is 7roloiit:ed action of alcohol: Fh"e idlrujjlill becjj|ues JtrofoUlldly cjiaiiL[e_d bv the action of the ;u^id, and doi-s n.,i di--olvc UJMUI romoval of the acid M-'i • •uric chloride, nitrate ..)' sihcr. ami lead acetate, precipitate the albumin, forming with it insoluble .•oiupuiinds of variable com- :on. :•• acid in excess oivev no pi.-, ipn.it. •. luit when the solution i- concentrated the albumin is transformed into a ti.m- parent jelly. A similar jelly is produced when strong caii-tn- :i i- added to a eom-i-iit rated solution of r^'-albumiu. In 1 In :iil/>liii>ti--i it Ai / '• I Miicean. :,.|i| S-.. .\i.,t HI Mmly'ii Ja*TM- l*rirl,t. \i. (I--I I. S T. - Upta him / IM ' ^^M 1871 .luli-IIH ' ' ' / I M8), p. 170 12 PROTEIDS. both these cases the substance is profoundly altered, becoming in the one case acid- in the other alkali-albumin. The specific rotatory power, which is stated to be independent of the concentration, is variously given as (a)D= — 35'5° (Hoppe- Seyler), or — 3779° (Starke). The latter agrees closely with Haas' determination1 (a)D= — 381° and is probably the most correct of the three values. Preparations. The fibrous network in white of egg is broken up with scissors and violently agitated in a flask till a thick froth is formed. The flask is then inverted, whereupon the foam rises to the top, carrying the larger part of the fibrous debris with it. The clear subnatant fluid is now carefully drawn off and filtered through fine muslin ; .to this an equal volume of water is added, and the whole is finally filtered through coarse paper. From this point onwards two methods may be employed. 1. For ordinary purposes the fluid may be very carefully and faintly acidulated with acetic acid, filtered and the filtrate purified by dialysis. 2. To obtain the purest albumin proceed as follows : 2 Saturate the fluid with magnesium sulphate at 20°, filter and saturate the filtrate with sodium sulphate. Dissolve the precipitate of albu- min thus obtained in water and precipitate again with the sodium salt, and after repeating this process several times remove the last traces of salt by dialysis and concentrate to dryness at 40°. According to recent researches egg-albumin may be obtained in a crystalline^orm by slow evaporation of its solutions in presence of neutral ammonium sulphate. The separation takes place at first in the form of minute spheroidal globules of various sizes, and finally minute needles, either aggregated or separate, make their appearance. It has not as yet been found possible to obtain these so-called crystals from solutions which have been freed by dialysis from the ammonium salt. Further investigation is needed to establish their real nature.3 The primary digestive products obtained during the peptic diges- tion of egg-albumin have been studied by Chittendeii and Bolton.4 2. Serum-albumin. This is the sole proteid. apart from the globulins, which occurs in_s£r_um.5 Pure solutions of this proteid closely resemble those 1 Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xn. (1876), S. 378. 2 Starke, loc. cit. a Hofmeister, Zt.f. physiol Chem. Bd. xiv. (1889) S. 165. Gabriel, ibid. Bd. xv. Hf. 5 (1891) S. 456. 4 Stud. Lab. Physiol. Chem. Yale Univ. Vol. u. (1887), p. 126. 5 'Serum casein ':of Kiihne and Eichwald was shewn by Hammarsten to consist CHEMICAL BASIS <>r mi; ANIMAL J'.oDV. l:: ^-albumin in their oviicral reactions, l.ut tin- difference of the two is clearly shewn by tin- following statement.- ; — 1. When t'n-.- from -alts and in 1 — 1%"> p.c. s.ilutiun it ci.a^u- 'ii heating to 50°. The addition of sodium chloride raises the coa^ulatm- l'"int to 75° — 800.1 Under thr conditions in which it occurs in serum it is not found to shew aiiv opalesccnce on heating at any temperature below 60°, and it nia\ rded oagulating completely at 75.° I'.y fractional heat-coagulation <.f serum freed I'mm ..rlc.bulin Halli- burton- lias obtained e\ id.-nee of th«- e\i-tenee in the scnun of maiiv animals of three albumins coagulating at 70-73°, 77-7* . and S'j in .-OKI serum only two (,f these albiiinins nccur. '_'. It is iij^t reudilv (Mia^ulateil by alrnhol._i.r precijiitated by ether: e^-alluiiniii is, and must readily by alcohol. .".. It is ditlieult tn makt' any one definite statement as i<> the specific rotatory pn\v(-r of serum-albumin since it appear< t«> ditler fur the substance as obtained from dilVerent animals. Starke oive- it as (o)D = — 62'6° for human scrum-albumin, and — »i iiat of the horse. 4. It is not very readily precipitated by strong hydrochloric , and the precipitate is readily soluble on the further addition <>f acid: the reverse is the case for c^u-a .". Precipitated or coagulated serum-albumin is more rcadijv soluble in nitric acid than is c^rr-^ ('.. When precipitated by alcohol it is, a- aln-ad\ immediately though it is ultimately c..aoiilated by the action of the precipitant, than is eo 7. According to (Jauthiei-'1 the follouiim reagent c^'o albumin but not serum-albumin : L'" ;!|-hat.- of copper 1 p.c. : 700 <-.<-. glacial a- • To be added ill the ratio of ]() c.c. to '_' . . uf the fluid t" be ••I. S. Ivj'-i-alliiiiiiin if injected subi'iitaneously or into a VC.H. ain'eai-s unaltered in the urine; scrum-albumin similarly inJL'c^ed does not thus normally pass out by Mu» kidney, Si-nuii-albjiniin is found not only in blood-serum, but also jp^ IviniVltT both that contaiiiedln tip- proper lymphatic channel . . r<.ntirin--il t.\ I l:illil'iirt..ii. .//. /V,v«i.».'. Vol. 1 Stark-, la •,' 8 I- - .//. /'//»/>/,./. v..l. \. i-x-i. |. i :.•_'. Mm -• .»'- • v-'l \i 1 1 -'.mi. | i Ifalr'i /. i: : \ . , :ii. 14 PROTEIDS. that diffused in the tissues ; in chyle, milk, transudations, and many pathological fluids. It is this form in which albumin generally appears in the urine. Scherer described' two proteids which he obtained from the contents of ovarial cysts, and to which he gave the names of metalbuinin and paralbumin.1 Hammarsten concludes from his researches 2 that they are really identical. Metalbumin seems to be associated with some carbohydrate substance resembling glycogen (?), since it yields, on heating with sulphuric acid, a body which reduces Fehling's fluid as does dextrose.8 Neither egg- nor serum-albumin can be obtained in a condition such that They leave no ash residue on ignition. Al. Schmidt asserted * that they could be by means of dialysis, and that in this condition they were no longer coagulable by heat. On this point a keen con- troversy was carried on for some time, for the details of which see Rollett's article on Blood in Hermann's Hdbch. d. Physiol. Bd. iv. Th. 1, S. 93. The whole difficulty seems to have turned on the ex- treme sensitiveness of dialysed solutions of albumin to the presence or absence of traces of acid or alkali, and on the fact that such dialysed albumin is largely changed into an albuminate.6 Preparations of pure serum-albumin. Centrifugalised serum is saturated at 30° with magnesium sulphate, and the precipitated globulin 6 is washed on the filter with a saturated solution of the salt. The filtrates are then saturated at 40° with sodium sul- phate; by this means the serum-albumin is precipitated. The precipitate is dissolved in water, reprecipitated by sodium sul- phate, and the process repeated several times. The final product is then freed from salts by dialysis, precipitated by excess of alcohol, washed with this, and finally with ether, and dried by exposure to the air." The facts on which this method is based were clearly stated by Denis.8 Schafer rediscovered9 the precipitability of serum-albumin by sodium sulphate in presence of the magnesium salt. Halliburton has shewn 10 that this is due to the action of the double sulphate of magnesium and sodium MgNa2(S04)2 6 H20. 1 Ann. d. Chetn. u. Pharm. Bd. 82 (1852), S. 135. 2 Maly's Bur. Bd. xi. (1881), S. 11. Zt. physio/. Ch. Bd. vi. (1882), S. 194. 3 Landwehr, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxxix. (1886), S. 203. Zt. physiol Chem. Bd. vui. (1883), S. 114. Hilger, Annal. d. Chem. Bd. 160 (1871), S. 338. Plo'sz, Hoppe- Seyler's Med.-Chem. Unters, (1871), S. 517. Obolensky, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. iv. (1871), S. 346. * Pfliiger's Arch. xi. (1875), S. 1. 5 Werigo, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. XLVIII. (1890), S. 127. 6 Hammarsten, Zt. f. physiol. Ch. Bd. vui. (1884), S. 467. 7 Starke, loc. cit. (sub. egg-albumin), S. 18. 8 Etudes sur le sang, Paris, 1859, p. 39. 9 Jl. of Physiol. Vol. in. (1880), p. 184. 10 Ibid. Vol. v. 1883, p. 181. CHEMICAL i:.\sl> <»F THK ANIMAL BODY. 1.', CLA» II. />> :ri'-'d AUmmimt (Albtiminates). \ . Acid-albumin. When a native iilluiniiii in solution. such as egg- or serum- albumin, is treated for some little time with a dilute acid, such us hydrochloric. its properties become entirely changed" The :n;irU.-il changes are (1) that tin- solution is no longer eoa^- ulaj_ed by lii-;it : ( _ ) that when the solution is can-fully neutral- ised the whole of the proteid is thrown down as a ]>rt'ci])itatG ; in other words, the serum-albumin, which was soluble in war at least in a neutral fluid containing only a small «|iiantity <>f neutral salts, li^s become converted into a substance insoluble in \vatyr "i" in similar m-ntral thuds. The Imily into which scrnni- albiimin thus becomes converted by the action of an acid i< spoken of a< "i-iil-ullniiiiiii. Its characteristic t'eatnn-s are that it is insolultlc in distilled water, and in neutral saline solutions, such asj.hose of godic chlddde. that it is readily solulde iii"dUnte njMds or dilute alkalis, and that its solutions in acids or alkalis ar" pot- po:nrnla^d by builing. (When suspended, in the undis- solved state, in water, and heated to 75° C., it becomes coagulated^* and is then undistinguishable from coagulated serum-albumin, or indeed from any other form of coagulated proteid. It is evident that the substance when in solution in a dilute acid is in a dif- t'.'ivnt condition from that in which it is wln-n precipitated liy neutralisation. It' a quantity of serum- or e^-albumiii be ti with dilute hydrochloric acid.it will lie found that the eon version of tin- natrve albumin into acid-albumin is gradual ; a specimen heat'-d to 75° C. immediately after the addition of the dilute acid, will coagulate almost Bfl usual: and another specimen taken at the -;ime time, will give hardly any precipitate on neutralisation. S.ime time l;iter the interval depending "ii the proportion of the acid to the albumin, on temperature, and on other circumstances, the coagulation will be |e88, and the neutralisation precipitate will be , on^iderable. Still later tin- coagulation will be ab-ent. and the whole of the proteid will be thrown down on neutrali- "ii. i-i.iivi-r>i<'ii "f tin- native albiiinins in s,,lnti..i, int.. a.-i facilitated I»y heatiiij,-; f t'-ni|>erat un-s l.i-l.>\\ at wliicli tin- albumins respe.-t ivelv n.a^idate. ' Tlie ••••n\ i-rsmn treiiidv rapiil it :i str«>n^ acid is adiled tT. a <-..n. •rut rated s..luti..n <-f tin- ].n.tei.|; thus when a little ^la.-ial iOStlC Mid : "it., muli- lllted \\Ilite of ,-^ the wh-.l.- -. .| i. I i lie. lilt., a \ell-.\N t Fa II- | .11 Tell t jelly . .. .\k«d H.I. i.xxxiv. (1- Arch. I:.! I 16 PROTEIDS. consisting of acid-albumin. A similar jelly is formed, only gradually, if the albumin is placed in a ring-dialyser and floated on dilute acids (1-2 p. c.)1 Globulins are more readily converted into acid-albumin than are the native albumins. Coagulated proteids or fibrin require for their conversion the application of the acids, preferably hydro- chloric, in a concentrated form, the products thus obtained being practically indistinguishable from the products of the action of dilute acids on the more readily convertible proteids. As ob- tained -by the action of acids on the various proteids the products exhibit certain not very marked differences, which however in- dicate that each proteid yields its own special acid-albumin. The researches of Morner2 have shewn that, contrary to earlier views,3 acid-albumins differ distinctly from the alkali-albumins. These differences may be more appropriately considered after the prep- aration and properties of the latter have been described. Preparation 1. Serum or diluted white of egg is digested at 40 — 50° for several hours with 1 — 2 p.c. hydrochloric acid. The solution is now filtered, carefully neutralised, the precipitate col- lected on a filter and washed with distilled water. 2. Acid-albumin may be rapidly prepared by adding glacial acetic acid to white of egg which has been chopped with scissors and strained through muslin. A jelly is thus formed which can be dissolved in warm water, and from this solution the acid-albu- min can be precipitated by neutralisation and washed as before. 2. Syntonin. Although this substance is merely the acid-albumin which re- sults from the action of acids on the globulin (myosin) contained in muscles, and in its more obvious properties^is at first sight identical with other acid-albumins, it merits a short and separate description, not only on account of its historical interest in the chemistry of muscles, but also because recent work has shewn it to be distinctly different from the similar products of the action of acids on other proteids, and its properties and reactions have been more fully studied than those of any other form of acid-albumin. Liebig, unacquainted with the existence of myosin in the dead muscle, was the first to prepare it by the action of dilute (•! p.c.) hy- drochloric acid on the nmscle substance,4 and he regarded it as the 1 Johuson, Jl. Chem. Soc. 1874, p. 734. Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesell. 1874, S. 826. Rollett, loc. cit. 2 The original is in Swedish, but is fully abstracted in Maly's Jahresbericht, Bd. vn. (1877), S. 9, and is also published in extenso in Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xvn. (1878), S. 468. A convenient resume is given on p. 541. 8 Soyka, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xii. (1876), S. 347. 4 Annalen d. Chem. n. Pharm. Bd. 73 (1850), S. 125. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE AMIMAL BODY. 17 chief and rhuracteri>t ic proteid of muscles (mu>ch>-tibrin). Kiihue, li..\vcvi-r. .-hewed in his famous researches on muscle-plasma1 that its formation i> dm; to tin- convt-r>ive action of tlie acid on niyo>in. ,"H-ii(ii>n. r>y_t,he action of O'l ]).c. hydrochloric nejd, on yuj^jimisin (see belowY or ^treatment of 'finely chopped and thoroutfhlif washed muscle substanper preferably from the frog, with the same acid. It may he ) ir^'ciyitated from its solution by^ , and freed froni^ salts by washing, but in this case ^ can- must be exercised as toThe extent of the washing, sine- tonin is distinctly altered by the prolonged action of water, espe- cially as regards its solubility in dilute acid and linie-\s. The reactions specially characteristic of this substance and its distinction from other forms of acid-albumin and from alkali- albumin are indicated in the following statements.8 1. It is soluble in, Tune-water and this solution is coagulated. though incompletely, by boiling (Kiihne). I*. K is insoluble in acid phosphate_Qf_SDda (NaH,PO4) ; other aeid-alhumius are soHilde (Morner). In presence of this salt it does not pass into solution on the addition of alkali until the whole of the aeid phosphate has been converted into the neutral I !'<>,). In this respect it differs from alkali-albumin, whieh is soluble under tlie same conditions lon«rTefore the emiveixioii nf tlu' acid into the neutral phosphate is complete. 3. It is soluble in dilute sodium carbonate. 4. When precipitated from its acid solution by neutralisation the_preeipitate is more gelatinous than that of the other aqd- albumins, and less readily soluble in alkalis (Morner). 5. It- >]"-eific rotatory power when dissolved in dilute hydro- chloric acid or sodium carbonate is independent of the concent ra- tion. and is given as (a)u = — 72° (Hoppe-Seyler). Syiitonin lia> I ..... n stated to l>c ca|.:il.l<- of r.-<'.ni\ i-r.-i-'ii into m\ or some ^'lolniliii clo>cly reM-iiililing it. by .-ohition in lim. h..rt of >at nrat ion. and m-utrali>atimi \vitli acetic acid. Tin- nnitral fluid thus linally obtaiiii'd is allowed to full drop by dn-p into di.-till which a tine concilium gradually Hoppr-S.-ylcr .states tliat by similar tn-atnn-nt all form- of acid-albu- min may be converted into ^lobulins resembling myosin.' /'i-otodatma, I - 15. - Ki.l ..... , /,..-. dL .\nh.f. Phynot. J»hrg. 1881, a 196. 8 Seo M'TIKT, /<«?. fit. » A I):»nil.-w>ky. '/.I. /: i'hVsi.J. ri,,m. IM. N ! - - I ) N. 158. '- n,ib,-h. ,i tl iss.-j), s. aai. 18 PROTEIDS. 3. Alkali-albumin. - or_egg-albumin or washed muscle be tteafed with dilute alkali instead of with dilute acid, thejroteid undergoes"^ change in many ways similar tci-tbat which was brought about by the acicT The alkaline solution, when the change has become complete, is no longer p.nn|rn1nt,p.d by heat, the proteid is wholly precipitated on neutralisation, and the_ precipitate^ insoluble in water and in_jieutral solutions of sodiimicHiToride, is readily solu- ble in dilute acids or alkalis. Alkali-albumin may be prepared by the action not only of dilute alkalis but also of strong caustic alkalis on native albumins as well as on coagulated albumin and other proteids. The jelly produced by the action of caustic potash on white of egg (p. 11) is alkali-albumin ; the similar jelly produced by strong acetic acid is acid-albumin. In short, the general statement may be made that under other- wise similar conditions, if an alkali is employed instead of an acid to act on proteids. alkali-albumin is formed instgadjof acid- ajbumin! In the opinion of many authors 1 th£ precipitates ob- tained by neutralising the acid or alkaline solutions which arise djiring the preparation of acid- and alkali-albumin respp-f-tivp.1v are to be regarded as identically the same. According to this view the neutralisation precipitate is itself neither acid- nor alkali- albumin, but becomes either the one or the other by solution in either an acid or alkali, entering at the same time into union with the acid or alkali. Danilewsky 2 has utilised the tropaeolins for the purpose of deter- mining the fixation of acids or alkalis by proteids, and on this he has based a classification of these substances. The tropaeolins are soluble in water, the one (tropaeolin 00) yielding a yellow, the other (tro- paeolin OOO No. 1) an orange solution. The first is changed to a lilac colour by acids, but not by salts which have an acid reaction to litmus. The second is turned to bright carmine by free alkalis, but not by salts which have an alkaline reaction to litmus. It is however on the whole more prnbnhlp 3 that acid- and alkali-albumin are distinct, though very closely allied substances, and we might go even so far as to say that probably every proteid yields its own kind of either the one or the othp.r prntp.i'H on t.rp.at- B"^^HMMBIMaMV^MM«^^HHHMMMMMHM^V>MMMi^MMBHHBMM^HH^MM^l^M_M^^^^MWKV"l*^ ment with acids and alkalis. But as yet we do not possess any means of distinguishing between the several forms of each sub- stance by any ordinary reactions. 1 Soyka, Pfluger's Arch. xii. (1876), S. 347. 2 Centralb.f. d. med. Wiss. 1880, No. 51. 3 Morner, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xvn. (1878), S. 468. But see also Kieserit/.ky. Inaug.-Diss., Dorpat, 1882. Abstr. in Maly's Jahreslter. Bd. xn: (1882), S. 6, and Rosenberg, Inaug.-Diss., Dorpat, 1883. Abstr. in Maly, Bd. xm. (1883), S. 19. (HLMICAL BASIS <>F Till. ANIMAL UnhV. I'.t The chief though somewhat unsatisfactory evidence which is advanced as to the difference of the two products is the following: 1. Al]tali-albuniin_is_in general more soluble than acid-albumin. 2. Wh.-ii pi-eclated h^ neutralisation tin- former (ajjj^li) i* t. the latter (acid) iXn]£Ie viscid, transparent. an atino us. 3. \Vhen dissolved in a lainiinum of alkali and heated to 00° in scaled tubes, alkali-albumin coagulates. .-u-jd-allmimp 4. When alkali-albumin is dissolved in NaaHP04 it js iu,f pp.- cjpitated on the addition of an acid until aTTTTie salt has IK-CM converted into XaH-iHV (Of. above, p. 17.) Acid-albumin can IK- coiivertc^l into alkali-albirmjn }j\- tht; actjiui of strong alkalis, but the rcycr.-c conversion of tin- imuhjpt thus obtained or of an ordinarily prepared alkali-nlhiiinin into acid-albumin is stated to b 'I'hc rotatory ]io\vcr of alkali-albumin varies accnrdinu' t<- n- source; thus when prepared by strong caustic potash tVom scruni- allmmin, the rotation rises from -56° (that of scrnni-albuinin) to -86°, for yellow light. Similarly prepared from c^-albumin, om - 38-5° to -47°, and if from coagulated whit-- of it rises to-58'8°. Hence the existence of various forms of alkali- alliumin is probable. The - sei|iient observers have however failed to confirm his views. and it is only meiit ioned here from its historical iir Since Mulder's time the name has been applied to various forms of proteid "'ii-iitwn. The best method is that originally introduced by Lielierkuhn.:: Purified white of e«^ (see p. 1 I i i- made int.. a. bj^ the ad3itioji__ \vith rapid stirring of strong nqustip- ^»\-.\ Avoiding as far as possible all excess of ihc_jaj(' i The jelly i*- ut into small Tumps and \va-hed in distilled watei. ,/ rim n,,,,!. until the lumps are quid- white throughout. The lumps of purified albumin are tli.-n di 1 ,/. Ch. ,>. I'h.tnn. IM XVMII (1838), 8 "I .' 1',, --,.,,, !,,rf - .\nnitl H.I i\\\\i < II- L'O PROTEIDS. The product thus obtained is very pure, but there is a consider- able loss of material during the washing of the gelatinous lumps, owing to the solubility of the substance in the alkali which is being removed. The pure substance itself is also slightly solu- ble in water. 4. Casein.1 This is the well-known proteid existing charactejiatically_in milk and in no other fluid or secretion of the body.'2 It has recently been proposed to call this proteid 'caseinogen ' and to use the name casein for the product of its decomposition»_the clot or curd, which is formed by the action of renntn^ugon_Jt. This nomenclature would have the advantage of indicating a relationship between the two proteids similar to that between fibrin and fibri- nogen, rayosin and myosinogen (Halliburton). Preparation? Fresh milk is diluted with 4 volumes of jlis- tilled water and acidulated with acetic acid until the diluted imTk contains from -075 to O'l p.c. of the acid. If the milk has been diluted with ordinary tap-water rather more acid must be added. I The precipitated casein is now washed two or three times by decantation with water, as rapidly as possible* dissolved in the least quantity of dilute caustic soda which suffices for its solution, and filtered through a series of filters until the filtrate is quite clear and only faintly opalescent. This filtrate is then somewhat diluted, the casein again precipitated by the careful addition of acetic acid, and the whole process of washing, solution, and repre- cipitation carried out a second time. The final product is now freed as far as possible from water, worked up into an emulsion with 97 p.c. alcohol, collected on a filter, washed with alcohol, finally with ether, dried by exposure to the air, and finally in vacuo over sulphuric acid. Casein may also be separated from inilk by precipitation with an excess of sodium chloride * or magnesium" sulphate.5 I'he latter pro- cedure is chiefly of use for the preparation of casein from human milk, from which it can scarcely be precipitated by means of acids. Pure casein as obtained by the above method i& a fine, snow- white powder, which on ignition of even large quantities of the 1 Our knowledge of the chemistry and properties of casein are based chiefly upon the researches of Hammarsten. His papers were mostly published originally in Swedish or Latin, but are fully abstracted by himself in Maly's Jahresbericht d. Thier- chem., to which reference will in each case be made. 2 For methods of conducting a complete analysis of milk see Pfeiffer, Die Anali/se der Milch, Wiesbaden, 1887. 3 Hammarsten, Maly's Bericht. Bd. vn. (1877), S. 159. 4 Hammarsten, Maly's Ber. Bd. iv. (1874), S. 135. 5 Hoppe-Seyler, Hd'dch. d. phys.-path. chem. Anal. Aufl. iv. (1875), S. 241. CHEMICAL I!A>IS <»F Till: ANIMAL HoDV. L'l substam •«• (4 —6 tfrin.) leaves scarcely a tract- of ash. h i- prac- ticiillv insoluble in water, but is soluble in alkalis, carbonates and phosphates (if the alkalis, lime- and baryta-water. From the-.- solutions it inav In- precipitated by excess of neutral salts such as sodium chloride. anoMjy dilute acids, in which it is a^ai'n soluble ifatiy^x^ss °^ ac*^ ls prcs^rct- Its reactions thus correspond closely to those of acid- and alkali-albumin, but as will be ently shewn it is in many ways perfectly distinct from these substances. Solutions of pure c.ist'in an- in )t cna^ulatrd liy l.oil- inuf, but if heated to 130 — loQ" in sealed tubes a coagulation is obtained. \Vln-n ;u-iil> arc aildfd t« diluted milk l<> effect the jtrecijiitat i«.n of .•;i-.-iii IK. precipitate is obtained until the >nluti(in ha- a di-tinetly acid react inn; this has usually l>cen att riluited to the pre>eiic.- in milk <«f potassium phosphate. ' Hanniiarsten has houi-vn- shewn - that the .-ame hidils ^ ..... 1 for solution- of ca-ein free fr..m thi> -alt. When jin-jiiired from milk by magnesium snljihate (see below), freed by ether from fats, and dissolved in water, casein possesses a specific rotatory power (0)0= —80°; in dilute alkaline solu- tions. of -76°; in strong alkaline solutions, of -91°; in dilute solutions, of - 87°.3 Although purified casein leaves no ash-residue on ignition. Ham- in, trsten found that it contained a m/ixtnnt and fairly laiye amount of phosphorus, as a mean -S47 ]>.c. From this fact and its be- haviour towards sodium chloride in dilute solution-, he r«-_;ards ca-ein as bein^ a nucleo-albumin 4 (see below). This viev. iv-ponds with the ie-ult- previously obtained by I.ubavin/' who found that a pho.-phorised ( nuclein ) constituent of . a-.-m is sep- 1 out a- an insoluble residue during the digestion of i-a-ein with gastric juice. \_i_t the vii-ws of inaiiv authors0 milk <'oiituin.s HQ- oidv. lnit at least two forms of |U-otei(l u hirh pass under the ojie I lainiiiar.-teii 7 has criticised these views and conclude- that ii is a unitary substance, and not a mixture i.r compound A, tm, i »j ,-,,111111 nn eatrin. This ha- b,-, n fully studied by Hainmar-teii. \\bo-. iv-ults may be summaiised a- folio, ' Kiilnu-. /../ir'.. tl.,.h,,»»l. &**. I-' kUlr'i /;, ,. MI B Hoppe-Serler, //-//«•/,. (K-i. r.) p 286. Hoppe-Seylcr'H .»/.'/../!.».. ('ntmnch. Ilf M »«»3. Mill.,,, „' ( . .nun ail!.-. / Maly IM v 22 PEOTBIDS. trary to the older views that the formation of the clot is rather of the nature of a precipitation than a true ferment action, we now know that by the action of rennin the clotting of casein is due_to a specific action of the enzyme which results in the form- ation of a substance (tyrein) differing essentially from casein." It had been considered that the separation of the clot was due to the formation of lactic acid from milk-sugar,1 but this is not so ; 2 pure casein free from every trace of lactic acid clots with rennin. The specific action of the enzyme is further shewn by the fact that simultaneously with the formation of the clot, a by-product is formed having the properties of a soluble albumin.^ Further, the clot is entirely different from casein : jt is mucli less soluble ^i acids and alkalis than the latter,* always leaves as ordinarily prepared a large and constant residue of. ash (calcium phosphate) on ignition, and even it it ~5e~Treed from the calcium salt by special methods 5 and dissolved in dilute alkalis, is not capable of being made to yield a clot by the renewed action of rennin. It may be remarked here that no efforts to obtain a ' curd ' from milk by purely chemical means, such as the addition of acids or neu- tral salts, have resulted in tbe production of a substance which by further treatment can be made to yield a typical ripening 'cheese.' The latter can only be made by the use of rennin. The calcium salt plays an all-important part in the clotting of casern! Casein freed from this salt and dissolved in dilute alkali wlfl not yield a clot ; dialysed milk similarly yields no clot, but if the dialysate be concentrated and added to the milk it now clots on the addition of fenrTtTT vviien pure casein is dissolved in iTme^water and neutralisecTwith phosphoric acid it ndw clots with rennin. The action of the salt in the whole process appears to be that it Determines not so much the action of the ferment on the casein, but^ rather the subsequent separation from solution oQlie altered product.6 JN either Is the calcium salt alone essentiaTTfor be replaced, but with less efficient results, Jjv the similar salts of magnesium, barium, and strontium.7 The question as to the identity or the reverse of casein and alkali-albumin as obtained by the action of alkalis on other pro- teids has given rise to much controversy. Some authors have 1 Soxhlet, Jn.j. pr. Chem. Bd. vi. (1872), S. 1. 2 Hammarsten, Maly's Ber 11. (1872), S. 118, iv. (1874), S. 135. Heintz, Jn. f prakt. Chem. N. F. Bd. vi. (1872), S. 374. 3 Hamraarsteu. See also Koster (Swedish) in Maly's Ber. Bd. xi. (1881), S. 14. * Al. Schmidt, Beitr. z. Kennt. d. Milch, Dorpat, 1874. 5 Koster; foe. cit. S. 14. 6 For further observations on the influence of salts on the clotting of milk and casein see Ringer, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. xi. (1891), p. 464, xii. (1891), p. 164. ' Lundberg (Swedish). See Maly's Ber. Bd. vi. (1876). S. 11 CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL BUl>Y. con.-ideivd tin-in to be identical,1 but that they are m-t M U -ntti- ciently -hewn by th.- following facts. Solutions of alkali-albumin In- made to clot by the action of pure rennjn. If milk In- added to tin- solution and impure rennet,] e. extract of tin- niuc.ui> membrane containing rennin, be allowed to act upon it, in -onie cases a separation of the alkali-albumin may take place, owin^' to the formation of lactic acid which then preeipi- the allnimin. In the absence of the milk -n-_rar n«> change i- produced which can in any way be regarded as analogous t» the dotting i if casein. When milk is clotted the se]>aratiun uf the casein is so complete that none is found in the ' whey.' and Ham marsten has shewn that if alkali-albumin be added to milk and the mixture be then clotted, alkali-albumin may be obtained fnmi the whev on breaking up the curd, It has further been shewn - that although casein i- \ei\ resistant to the action of acids, it may by treatment with them be converted into acid-albumin w i 1 1 1 complete loss of all clotting powers, ami still more readily into alkali-albumin by the action of alkalis. A farther difference of tin- t\\.> sul»tances was urged l.\ /aim <>n tin- ba>is i.i hi> e.\]H-riineiit> MH tin- till rat i ...... l' milk tln-Mii^h |IMI-MUS eartheiiNvare (liattery-cells).8 He I'mmd that scilutions of ulkali-allm min ]>a» thi'Dii^h the \\alU «\ the relU as rapidly a> <1" -.>luti«-ii> «•!" M-riim-albiimin . \\Iim milk Imwever is filtered hy tlii- nietlnnl. . il-ie- nut |>a^-. and the liltrati- fi.n>i>t> "i' \\ater. .-alt^. and the i-na^nla- l>le pi-Mteid uf the milk. Whether thi> mdi«-ate> any difference be- t\\ecll the t\\M >||li>talice> i> Il<>\\eVer d< Mlht t'll 1. 1"1' it !•» .-till all n|.fll <|iiestiMii whether ea-ein is truly in .sMlntimi in milk. Furtlier it i> >tated that tin- ra>ein al>M pa— «•.-. int.. the filtrate it" the liltrati. >n is ).r..l..n^ed.4 and S, .xhlet >tat.- that if lim-ly di\ nleil (i-mulsified) fat -peiided in a >..lnti..n <.f alkali-albumin the filtrati..n of tin- -nl>- >tanee is rendered as inip..--il'l>' a- that <>\ ca-i-in in milk. The crucial distinction between the two substances is the fact t hat casein can be clotted by reiinin with simultaneous format ioi i of a soluble ]iroteid by-|jrodiict. whereas^io true clot can ever k' i >l ttained from ordinary alkiili-i'lbiiiuin •r Uu- removal of"casc'in from milk by j.iv. ipitati-iil. sj)oken of as 'laetalbninin,' closely resembliiiLj serum-albumin in eneral properties, but dilleriim slightly as t.. n .]•>• power and th«- tempeiat UP- .n which it ...adulates when heated.6 tit. tiil!.«TU, lor. nt. /., -.-.. I": -.-r* Arch. H.I. u -.98. •',. /. ,/ mea I ?*• ft Sell-li.-!. . Mil- OM>1. S 1885), S. IW. Hallil.urt.m. .// tfPkg**, Vol XI. 24 PROTEIDS. In addition to these, according to the older views, milk, even when quite fresh, frequently contained traces of a proteid which, since it yielded the biuret reaction, was usually spoken of as a peptone, and was by some observers called ' lactoprotein.1 It was stated to increase in amount in the milk on standing for some time, and more especially if warmed to 40°, and to be consider- ably increased during the clotting induced by rennin.2 Eecent researches have however shewn that perfectly fresh milk contains no substance whicn yields a biuret reaction, its presence being due to its formation during the processes employed in its separation.3 If the milk undergoes an acid (lactic) fermentation a substance may now be obtained from it which yields a biuret reaction, but is not a true peptone, but a primary albumose. When milk is kept for some time at a temperature above 50° and below its boiling point, a firm skin is formed over its surface composed largely of casein.4 Its formation is not to be regarded as being specially characteristic of milk, for pure casein dissolved in dilute alkalis exhibits the same phenomenon, as also do alkali- albumin, chondrin, gelatin, and the filtrate from 1 p.c. starch when it is concentrated on a water-bath. Its formation is probably due to the rate of evaporation from the surface of the milk being more rapid than the fluid diffusion into the upper layer ; 5 and in accordance with this it is found that its appearance is considerably facilitated by blowing a rapid stream of air or any indifferent gas, such as carbonic oxide, over the surface of the warmed milk. Our knowledge of the chemical properties of casein as already described is based entirely upon researches carried out upon the milk of cows. There is no reason to suppose that all that has been said does not apply equally well to the milk of other ani- mals. Nevertheless human milk shews, apart from the difference of composition (see § 513), certain differences from cow's milk, which are due to a distinct but characteristic difference in the reactions of the casein contained in each.6 This is shewn by the following facts. (1) Human milk clots less firmly than cow's milk, and sometimes not at all with rennin. (2) The casein in hurrian~milk, 011 the addition of acetic acid, yields a very imper- fect jprecipitate whicn is finely floccuientTaTmost granular as com- pared with the compact and coarsely flocculent precipitate yielded 1 Hamrnarsten, Maly's Bericht. Bd. vi. (1876). S. 13. Palm (Russian), Ibid. Bd. xvi. (1886), S. 143. For other references see Halliburton, loc. cit. p. 459. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch d. phi/s.-path. chem. Anal. 1883, S. 480. 3 Neumister, Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xx'iv. (1888), S. 280. 4 Sembritzky, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxxvu. (1885), S. 460. See also Maly's Ber. Bd. xvu. (1887), S. 157. 5 Hoppe-Seyler, Virchow's Arch. Bd. xvn. (1859), S. 420. 6 Simon, Animal Chemistry (Sydeuham Soc.), Vol. n. 1846, p. 53. Also in "Die Frauenmilch u. s. w." Berlin, 1838. Biedert, Virchow's Arch. Bd. i>x. (1874), S. 352. Biel, see Abst. in Maly's Ber. Bd. iv. (1874), S. 166. Langgaard, Virchow's Arch. Bd. i.xv. (1875), S. 352. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL linDY. 25 by cow's milk. (3) Th_e <"isein in human milk is, as already stated, very incompletely precipitated by the addition of acids. and can only be completely precipitated by saturation with imiLf- nesium sulphate.1 (4) Casein irom hitman milk is less solu hie in water than is that of the cow. The primary di«;r>tivr prodm" • l>tain«-d hy the action of pepsin on casein have hern dr-eril>rd and studiril l.y Chittrndrii and Pain' CLASS III. GM'tilhiii. Besides the derived alhimiins there are a nuinher of native j^nbjjds which (litter from tin.1 alhuinins in not heinij soluije in distilled waiter ; they need for their solution tjje presence <>f ;in uh it ma appj-ecjahle. t liou^h it may be a small, quantity of a neutral saline suhstaiier such as sodium chloride. ThusTTiev reseinhle the alhu- iniiiates in not hein^ soluhle _m distilletl \vajj-r. hut djjler from thc'in in heiiiLj soluhle in dilute'^'dium chloride or other neutral saline solution.-/' Their~ur''iieral characters may he stated as follows. They are insoluhle in water, soluhle in dilute ( 1 j».r.) solutions lium chloride; they are also sojiibje in dilute neids and alkalis, Itein^ changed on solution into acid- and alkali-alhumin respectively unless the acids and alkalis are exceedingly dilute and their action is not prolonged. The saturation with solid sodium chloride or other neutral salts of their Miline solutions 1'ivcij.itates most members of this class. 1. Crystallin. (Globulin of tk« eryttoUii This form of ^lohulin is usually regarded as identical^ with vitt-TTiii. Tt is howev.'r convenient to treat it separately, inasmuch ;|s ij_eall I'" pivpaivd jj, a | Hi 1 e forill. whel'eas \Jtellill lias IlOt as ohtailied t'lvi ^tVolll lecithin (see I.eloW). /• . /»t,->it<»ii* Crystalline leii^-s. in which it occurs to the i of L1 1 -t'.'J p.p.. are rnhheil up in a mortar with a little fine sand and a few civ-tal- ••!' IM, k -alt : the n. 'iien e\tr with water and tiltered. The liJtrate .•ontains the crvsfallin and some -eruin-alhiiiiiiii. Thelornier is separated from the laf copious dilution with distilled water and a current ot carlionie anhv.lride thmu-jh the diluted mixtir upon the :allin is precipitated. A diluto dine solution of this j.n.t. -id OOftgulattt at 75°. Makria. ln«> I'-' rt. (II ,ijol. i.-i.-d in flj diluting serum ten-fold with water and j'assin^ a jirolon^ed current of carbonic acid -as; (lj) saturatin- serum with sodium chloride. The amount of precipitate thus obtained rej»re>ent- only a small part of the total paxaglobulin present in the scrum.4 and the only satisfactoi-y method of preparing it pure and in considerable i|iian- tity is as follow- : '.'> serum is saturated at ."»() with magnesium sulphitj.e, liv nuuins o£ w'liicl| paraulobulin is tiuantitativelv |ue- ripitjited The precipitate collected bv filtratign i.s_jj_istril.»uU'd dirou^h a small volume of a saturated solution of the magnesium salt, cijllectedjon a filter and \vashed with. satiuai»'f til.riii" | |. In -/,. C. A,»it. „. /'in/sml. .lat.ru "-''I 1'tl" i ./,. r..i M (187f) s.4i.-!. //-.< l« i';«'i pn-\i..ii-h 'IMM-II ili-sri-ilM-i| iin.l.T tli«- naiiH- ' .-..•nun ra|>riati-l\ known l.\ I In- latt.T i of nranMdobolio, as >iiL:^cstrii t>\ I|O|>|K--S" - llanunar-t.-ii. I'lln. l'..| \MI i I Wfrfrf, 1--I . - l'ln/»iol. ('hem. Vol. 1 ; 4 Hammar-t. n. I,*-. r,t. II.'MiMii-. I'tln-:. : • ll.i.iun. r~l, n. ... Mil \\m 'A. I I'hi/siol. t'/i• |»liat.- for tli.' <|iiantiiativ.' s.'jiaration loliuliiin (' Init Ilainniar-I.'n r. tin- ir«-inT.il nirtli-«l - 28 PROTEIDS. Pure paraglobulin is insoluble in water. If dissolved in a m.i/tii'm.al anwunt of alkali it is precipitated by "03 to '5 p.c. of JiaQl. On the addition of more than *5 p.c. of the salt it oes again into_solution and does not begin to be reprecipitated on the addition of more salt until at, least 20 p.c. NaCJ. has been added. It is not completely precipitated by saturation of its solutions with NaCl (Hammarsten). Its dilute saline solutions .coagulate on heating to 75 °.1 Dissolved in dilute solutions of NaCl or MgS04 its specific rotatory power is stated to be (a)D = — 47 '8°.2 Paraglobulin occjrrs in smaller amounts (£ — |) in chyle, lymph, and serous fluids. Hammarsten by means of saturation with MgS04 was the first to shew that hydrocele fluids frequently contain paraglobulin, thus largely shaking the importance of Al. Schmidt's views as to the part it plays in the process of blood- clotting. Globulins which are not regarded as differing essentially from paraglobulin are also stated to occur in urine.3 Cell-ylobulins. Halliburton has described under this name 4 some forms of globulin which Qccnr in lymph-corpuscles and may be ex- tracted from them by solutions of sodium-chloride. Of these one, ce1Ir glbbulin-q, occurs in minute quantities only and is characterised by coagulating at 48 — 50°. The other, cell-globulin-/?, is more copiously present in the corpuscles and coagulates in dilute saline solutions at 75°. The latter resembles paraglobulin very closely in properties other than the identity of their temperatures of heat coagulation in dilute saline solution, e. g. precipitability, &c. He considers thaj cell-globulin-/? differs from true paraglobulin, or_ plasma-globulin as he terms it, by possessing the power of hastening the clotting^of di- luted salt- plasma, and he regards^ the so-called 'fibrin-ferment T as^ identical with ^ell-globulin-^ and "arising from the disintegration of leucocytes. The proteid constituent of the stroma of red blood-corpuscles con- sists chiefly of a globulin usually regarded as identical with paraglo- bulin, since its saline solutions coagulate at 75° and it is precipitated from the same by saturation with sodium chloride and a current of carbonic anhydride.5 Halliburton considers it to be identical with plied it somewhat differently to Denis. On the use of ammonium sulphate for separating globulins and serum-albumin see Michailow (Russian), Abst. in Malv's Bericht. Bd. xiv., xv. (1884-5), Sn. 7, 157. Pohl, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Ed. xx. (1886), S. 426. 1 Halliburton, .//. ofPhi/siol. Vol. v. (1883), p. 157. 2 Fre'de'ricq, Arch, de BioL T. I. (1880), S. 17. Bull. Acad. roi/. de Belgique (2), T. iv. (1880), No. 7. (See Maly's Bericht. 1880, S. 171.) 3 Lehmaun, Virchow's Arch. Bd. xxxvi. (1866), S. 125. Edlefsen, Arch. f. kiln. Med. Bd. vn. (1870), S. 67. Also Central b. f. med. Wiss. 1870, S. 367. Senator, Virchow's Arch. Bd. LX. (1874), S. 476. Heynsius, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. ix. (1874), S. 526 (foot-note). Fuhry-Snethlage, Arch. Mi'n. Med. Bd. xvn. (1876), S. 418. 4 Proc. Hoi/. Soc. Vol. XLIV. (1888), p. 255. Jl. of Pfn/swl. Vol. ix. (1888). p. 235. 5 Hoppe-Seyler, Physiol. Chem. S. 391. Kiihne, Lehrbuch, S. 193. Wooldridge, Arch. f. Phi/siol. Jahrg. 1881, S. 387. Hoppe-Seyler, Zt.f.physiol. Chem. Bd. xm. (1889), S. 477. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BOI>\. cell-globulin-/?, and arc-mints thus for tin- curlier statements a.s t<. tin- tibrinoplastic properties of tin- stroma-glubulins.1 / 4. Fibrinogen.- f 7 This globnliq oec-irs in blood-plasma together with para^lolMi- lin Uidaeram^aJiQUpiri. During blood-clotting it is converted ~ " Iy7~ir noTentirely, into tibriu (but see below). It is ;dso found in clivle. serous thuds and transudations. more particularly in hydrocele tluids.:: In its iji-neral reactions it resembles para^lohulin bnt is markedly distinguished from the latter by tin- following charac- teristics. (1) A* it occurs in plasma 4 or in dilute solutions of sodium chloride (1 — 5 p.c.), it maculates at ~>~> — .")Q^ (2} It is very readily' precipitated by^ the addition of sodium chloii de to its salijir snlutiuj^s until the wlndr contains 10 p.c. NaC'l. whriv- as paraultiliiilin is not appivcial.dv precipitated until at least -. «'t the sodium salt lias lieen added. ii:' Salted jilasma, obtained by Cjintrifu^alisinu blood \vhose _eoa^nlat_ion is ]irevented l»v the addition of a certain pn.- ])ortion of mauiiesium sulphate, is nn^ed with aii__etfii's statfim-nts as to tin- nature and propt-rt ii-> i.f tiliri- iioy lu't\\n-n lniiisi-lf. Al. Schmidt, and When a fluid containing purified tibnn bv the action of fibrin-ferment, thejmiount ofjj]aiii iojiu^l i .//. «/'/Vi,/siW. V..]. \. (1*89), p. 532. - llamin: 1 psahl. Vol. \ 1. \^.'< BfTtcAl. B. 15. I'tluu'-r's Arrh. 15.1. \l\. (1-771. S. I'll . M :|; \\\ (1883), S. 437. Maly's />••''' MI ( I »--'), S. 1 1. Al Nlmii.lt. I'llii-.-r's Arch. H.I. M (1"7-J), S. 4KI;' xj. (1-::.). > Ml! MM (1876), ^ 14« " I.i-lm- \ mi .Ifii frrmciit QerinoiuigMneb*ioiuiff0o a ^ / Vol. l\ (I—:!), i S, :;i:i ; |~- \'..l. i \n ' l.n-lwiu - /•. L887, S. -J-JI. Zt. /I i: "I. H.I XMV. I- S 174. './/. I'l.if,,..':. \ • 1 x lla.niniirsten, Maly viu. (I87H). S 4 Fr.'.l.Tic.]. .\,m. & Hull, dr l'Ar,,,l. r..y. 1 i p. 41. .l;i>i. C/nm. /'/!//.•.. i 30 PROTEIDS. is always less than that of the fibrinogen which disappears at the "same time.1 The Deficit thus observed is at least partly accounted for by the simultaneous appearance of a globulin which coagu- lates, when heated in saline solution, at 64°. Although at first sight it seems very tempting to regard the process of fibrin-for- mation from fibrinogen as partaking of the nature of a hydrolytic (?) cleavage of which this globulin is one product, this view is not as yet established. Hammarsten considers it is more prob- able that the globulin really represents a portion of the fibrin \yliich has gone into solution during its formation, basing liis views on the earlier work of Denis,2 who showed that j ncj,er speciaT~circumstances a form of fibrin may be obtained winch is soluble in solutions of sodium chloride, the solution coagulating at 60 — 65° (see below, p. 33). AT Schmidt holds that Hain- mars ten's fibrinogen as coagulating at 55° is in reality a sort of modified or " nascent " fibrin and not truly a globulin. The viscid secretion of the vesicula seminalis of the guinea-pig is very rich in proteids and possesses the power of clotting. The pro- teid which it contains is not in all respects a typical globulin, but in many ways it resembles fibrinogen. When dissolved in a little lime- water it coagulates when heated to 55°. The secretion itself clots readily and firmly on the addition of a small quantity of the aqueous extract of a blood clot.8 The fibrinogen of invertebrate blood yields fibrin by the action of fibrin ferment, but differs from vertebrate fibrinogen by coagulating at 65° when heated.4 5. Myosin When an irritable contractile muscle passes into rigor, the sub- stance of which the muscle-fibres are chiefly composed undergoes a change, analogous to the clnf-.fr'npr nf hlnnrl-plnsTna, which results in the formation of a clot, of myosin.5 By appropriate methods (see § 59) the muscle-fibres may be broken up and their contents obiajned as a viscid, slightly opalescent fluid (muscle-plasma), which .filters with Tiifficulty and clots ^at "temperatures above G£. This muscle-plasma may be diluted with solutions of varying strengths of several neutral salts, whereby its clotting may be delayed, and the nature and phenomena of the processes involved in the clotting investigated along the lines previously employed in the elucidation of the phenomena of the clotting of blood- 1 Hammarsten, Pfliiger's Arch. Ed. xxx. (1883), Sn. 459, 465, 475. 2 " Nouvelles e'tndes chimiques, etc." Paris, 1856, p. 106. " Memoire sur le sang," 1859. 3 Landwehr, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxm. (1880), S. 538. < Halliburton, ,11. of Phi/siol. Vol. vi. (1884), p. 321. 5 Kiihne, " Das Protoplasma," 1864. Lehrbuch,- S. 272. BASIS OP i IN: \MMAI. BODY. 31 pla-ma.1 The more important hctfl winch have thus l»e,-n made out may IM- lirietly summarised a- i'.>lln\\>. Mu>d« --plasma con- t_ai_ns a uloliuliii-foreruuiier <>f myosin (• niyosino^.-n ") wTuVTi resi-mltles lilirino^en in coagulating at ^'t . This pmteid i- r,,n- \vrted into mvo>m on tin- occurrence oi' dotting liy tin- action of a .-pecitic ferment. which is regarded a> l>einu do>dy related t... if not identical with, an alluimose (see below). Tin- serum. which is left in small (|uantitie.s only aftt-r the formation of tin- dot. contains m-otdds winch coitLrulat<- at 47°" o."» . (niyoLjlobuliu) 73°, an albumin <:Iosdy n-iti (\) Finely dioj.jwd mnsde-substeiice is wa-lit-d rapidly with cold water, to remove serum-alimmin and colouring matters (baemOglODin , the residue is sijueexed out in linen, and extiaeti-d for at l-a-t '2 4 hours with H' )>.<•. solution of N'ij^'l in \yhidi mvosin ia readily soluhle. Tin- extract is now liltejvTl lirst through muslin and then thnniLfh jiajier: the filtrate is a more or vjadd and Quiescent solution of mvosin. From this the III\OMII may lie prepared in a run- condition l>y allowing it- solution in the ammonium salt to drop into a lar^e exei-^s oi ili-^ The myt ts.ii! gradually settles out in a tloccule^nt ^ ina_-<. which may lie further ]>urilied h_v resolution in a minimal amount of neutral salt and reinvci]iitation by jiourin^ into an excess of distilled \v;iter. '1'his jiiiritication must lie conducb-d and at htw tem)>e.ratures. for myorolonue(l action of water and liecomes in^oluhlc in saline -olutioiis.4 (2) The tiuely dioj.j.i-d and \\ashed mu-d«- is divided into tw ..... jual portions: to one of the •iifud- (deci-normal) hydrochloric acid is m /r /'////// added until a distim-t acid reaction is nl.tained as shewn \<\ tropaeolin ( M ) ( see aliove. p. IS). The two portions an- then intimately mixed to-.-ther. allowed to -land some time, strained through muslin, tillered ami the myosjn precipitated from the liltrate l'\ c'aieful nentrali-atiou with veiy dilute alkali or lime-water. Apart from the general reactions which diaraeten-e ifijo>m a> a ^lol.ulin. it is distinu'iiishcd hy the low tenii>erat ure i aL yvhieh its siTline solutions constantly coagulate. !• larinj ash residing on incineration, consisting ehielly of >alts of lime. As already stated, it is coiiyerted into an in-oljd'le j Ity the prolonged action of water, ami into syntoiiin l_>v the action oj_iicids. Thesi- StlltstaiK-' led to lie capable of reeon\er sion into ni\ p. 17). It is also stated r> that it 1 II:illHiiirt..n,.//. »/ / • IM lirinani. /j. f -, H ; iv. (1880), & 384. :,!!••« .-.ky, /j't'. : •:>• IM. v. (1 « \Vr>l. '/J '/. l>ltl,snJ. r/,.m I'.. I '" llallil«nrt«.li. lir nl }> I 1- 32 PROTEIDS. myosin is dissolved in NaCl or MgS04 (10 and 5 p.c. respectively) it yields a renewed clot on mere dilution with water. According to .N'usse l inyosin constitutes the anisotropous substance (see above § 56) of the unaltered muscle-fibre, and the activity of con- traction is inversely proportional to the amount of this substance which is present in the fibres of different animals. Globulins to which the name of myosin is applied are described as occurring in vegetable protoplasm2 and in the cells ofThi' Myosin is readily digested by pepsin, more slowly by trypsin. The primary products arising from the digestive action oF the former enzyme have been studied by Kiihne and Chittenden.4 6. Globin. When haemoglobin is allowed to undergo decomposition spon- taneously by exposure to the air an. insoluble proteid is bbtanied of which very little is known, but to which the name of globin was given by Preyer.5 It appears to be perhaps an outlying member of the globulin class of proteids, but unlike a true glob- ulin is scarcely soluble in dilute acids and imperfectly soluble in alkalis and solutions of sodium chloride. It is converted into acid and alKaii-albumm by the action of strong acids and alkalis respectively, and is stated to yield no trace of ash on incineration CLASS IV. Fibrin. This proteid is ordinarily obtained by ' whipping ' blood with a bundle of twigs until clotting is complete ; the fibrin which adheres to the twigs is then washed in a current of water until all the haemoglobin of the entangled corpuscles is removed and it is now quite white. The washing is greatly facilitated if the fibrin is very finely chopped before it is washed, and if it is fre- quently kneaded and squeezed with the hand during the washing. In this way it may be obtained quite white in a few hours. The washing is also much facilitated if the blood is mixed with an equal bulk of water before it is whipped. It is obvious that fibrin prepared by the above method must be in an extremely impure condition, for it contains a not inconsiderable admixture of the 1 "Anat. u. Physiol. d. Muskelsubst." Leipzig, 1882. BioJ. Centra/It. Bd. n. (1882-3), S. 313. Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1882), S. 124. 2 Weyl, Zt. phi/Sid^ Chem. Bd. i. (1877), S. 96. 3 Pldsz, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. vu. (1873), S. 377. 4 Zt.f. Biol. Bd. xxv. (1889), S. 358. See also Chittenden and Goodwin, Jl. of PKifsiol. Vol. xii. (1891), p. 34. '5 "Die Blutkrystalle," Jena, 1871, S. 166. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL lioDV. remain- of tin- white corpuscles an«l the .-tmmata of tin- red l It can only he prepared pure during the chtttiiii; of i-itljej filtered or ceiitrifu^alised iced-plasma oii_aaJjLi|>lasiiia, or by theaction of purilied li Iain-ferment on pure tihrinoi/en. In accordance with fibrin as ordinarily obtained lea. :riable amount of granular residue which contains phosphorus durini: it- digestion by pepsin. NII -uch residue i- observed \vhni lilnin I'rmu til' jtlasma is di-i'-t'-d \vitli JM-JISJII (set- l»clu\v. j. 4'2 ), luit in im otlit-r iitial ivxj,,.(-t d»«-- tin- inn- liln'in diltcr frum tin- ntlin liilirin. a- ordinarily olitaiiu-«l. rxhjbits a tilaiut-ntous struc'tinv. tin- riiinjM.nciit threads lu'-s.^sin^ an t'lasticjtv much ^ivatcr that itt' any utln-r kumvn solid )in»tcid It' allowed to f«irn7 gradually in laryi- ma»f>, tin- structure is n-'t >n imticralilc. and it ivsriuMrs in this i'urni india-rulilir]- Sucli lunijis of lilirin aiv cajialdc of licin^ split in any direction, and no definite arrangement of paiallel luindle^ oi '•an lie made nut Filirin is insolnhle in \vater jind ,/j'/,it, s^jim. ^..Imioi^ : also ordj^jirily insolnlde in dilute acids (HC1) & their action |>lac,- at ordinary tein|)e]'atures and is not prolonged, nit-rely liecoinin^ swollen and transparent in the acid and returning t" spinal >tate if the acid i> removed by an ezoeafl "1 Wt1 careful addition of an alkali JSyjjro loured action at ordinary tej^})eratuivs. or a shorter action at 40°, the jihjiu is profoundly cjian^ed and certain forerunners of the peptones which mayije tinully formed (at 40 J) n,re ]n-odnced It is similarly insoluble in <|ilute alkalis_and ammonia, hut }':_i^s;j> more readily into solution inj.lu-se rea;ientsr if their action is prolonged or the temperature is raised, than i> the case with dilute acids The heha\ i«>ur of tihrin towards solutions (,f neutral salt- is peculiar and important I ready Maic'd, tihrin pre)>aivd hy simply whipping hlood i- insolulile in dilute saline solutions I'.nt it- -i.luhility is de|H-nd- ent upiin the conditions under which it is separated out from the blood. In accordance \\ith tin-. I Jenis - descrihed three form- of tilirin to which he gave the name- of 1 l-'ihrine . oncivte ll|(,di '_' Fil.iine -lolnilme. :; I-'ii.rme .-oncn-te j.uie. Th- is what \\e now know as ordinary tihrin olitained hy \\hippini; ar- terial hlood (human in Peiii-' \\oiki Tlie -e. ond he ohtained hy the -jii.ntaneoiis clotting of human \eiion- I'lood. and thi- ieadil\ -well- up to a slimy ma-- in 10 ]>.<-. NaCl. The third h- i liy 'whijipinu' human venous hloo hut little reason for doubt mi,' the accuracy of so careful ' Ilaiiiiiiarstc-ii. I'tlu. • I ! : NMI (1880), S. 481 ; XXX. (1883), S. 440. I ••:••• 34 PKOTEIDS. The possible solubility of fibrin under certain conditions in saline solutions of moderate strength obtained considerable importance in the controversy between Schmidt and Hammarsten as to the nature of the processes involved in the clotting of blood. When on the other hand fibrin is subjected to the prolonged action of more concentrated (10 p.c.) solutions of neutral salts, and the salt solution is frequently renewed, the fibrin may be finally completely dissolved, being converted into members of the glob- ulin class.1 Most observers agree that the globulin thus chiefly formed coagulates at 55 — 56°. Green obtained in addition one coagulating at 59 — 60°, the two differing further in their solubili- ties in 1 and 10 p.c. solutions of NaCl. These changes are brought about by the salts in the entire absence of any putre- factive phenomena, and the resulting globulins cannot be made to yield fibrin again by any treatment with fibrin-ferment. When fresh unboiled fibrin is simply washed till it is white and digested with pure active trypsin, it is largely converted into coagulable proteids during the initial stages of the ferment action.2 These proteids are characteristically globulins and one is closely related to paraglobulin, as judged of by its coagulating in saline solutions at 75° and possessing a specific rotatory power (in 10 p.c. NaCl) of (o),>=-4810.3 The second globulin pro- duct of the ferment action coagulates at 55 — 56°, and in this respect more closely resembles fibrinogen.4 Whether the whole of the globulin thus obtained is a product of the conversion of the fibrin, or whether a portion of it is due to globulin existing as such in the raw fibrin, is not yet stated. Similar globulins are produced by the action of pepsin in its earlier stages on raw fibrin. If the fibrin is boiled or treated for some time with al- cohol before digestion with either of the above enzymes, mere traces, if any, of these globulins are obtained. The purest fibrin always leaves a small but fairly constant ash- residue on incineration. Of the inorganic constituents of winch this residue is composed it is probable that sulphur is the only element which enters essentially into the composition of the fibrin. When boiled in water or treated for some, time with alcohol it loses its elasticity, becomes much more opaque, is much less soluble in the various reagents which dissolve the original fibrin with comparative ease, is attacked with much greater difficulty 1 Green, .//. ofPki/siol. Vol. vin. (1887), p. 373. Limbourg, Zt. / phi/siol. Chem Bd xin. (1889), S. 450. The latter contains a complete list of references to the literature of the subject excepting Pldsz, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. vn. (1873), S. 382. 2 Briicke, Wien. Sitzber. Bd. xxxvii. (1859), S. 131. Kiihne, Virchow's Arch. Bd. xxxix. (1867), S. 130. Lehrbuch, S. 118. Kistiakowsky, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. ix. (1874), S. 446. 3 Otto, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vm. (1883), S. 130. 4 Hasebroek, Zt. f. physio/. Chem. Bd. xi. (1887), S. 348. Herrmann, Ibid. S. 508. But see Neumeistef, Zt. f. Biol. Bd, xxm. (1887), S. 398. Salkowski, Ibtd. Bd xxv. (1889), S. 97. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL 1;<>1>Y. liy pepsin ami try].siii. and is in fad indi-tin^ui-hable from all other coagulated pn.teids. A peculiar property «>f this body remain- yet to l.e in.-uti< vix. itsjiower of decomposing hydrogen dinxid"- !':•• 68 of fibrin placed in this lluid, though themselves underiMiinj,' m> change. -..on become covered with bubble- i.f oxy-.-ll ; alld ^Uaiacllll turned 1'lue by tibriu in pie-ence .,f h\dr«--eu dioxid- turpentine. When globulin, niyosin. and tilirin are compared each with the other, it will l.e -ecu that they form a series in which nn|os_mi- ijjU-rmcdiate between ^lobnjm and tihriu. (Ilobulin is e\e. -s-ivelv s^lubleiii even tlie most dilute acids and jdkajjs ; tibrin is aln insoluble in these ; while myosin, though m ( »re soluble thai i fibrin, is less soluble than globulin. (ilobulin a«>aimILi^oJ\ex wjth__the^ greatest ease in a very clihija^solution of sodium chlo- ^'•T^MvosiiL on the other hand, dissolve's with dijliculty ; it is much more soluble in a 10 per cent, than in a one per cent. -<.lu- tinii iif sodium chloride ; and even in a 10 per cent solution the myo>in can hardly be said to be di>snlved. -<. viscid is the ie>ult- inu lluid and with such difficulty does it filter. Fibrin a«j;ain dissolves with ^rcat ditliculty ami very slowly in even a 10 per cent. >oluti'"''n of sodium chloi-ide. and ni a one ]M-I- cent, solution it is practically insoluble "VYTien it is remembered that tibrin and myosin are. both of them, the results of clotting, their simi- larity is intelligible. Myosin is in fact a somewhat more soluble form of tibrin, deposited not in thread- or filament- but in clumps and ma- <'i.\-s \". ( ',,inlnted Proteids. Tr J These are insoluble in watei\ dilute ac^tls and alkalis, and SfllJllV SobiH'r>m of nil ..me solution. especially at hi-h tcmpciat UL-. ljurinu solution in stnniu acjds destructive decomposition takes place, but some ajiionnt ui acid- or alkali-allmmin is always produced, together with some jteptonu and allied snb Very little i- known of the chemi< ten-tic- ..f this class. TJ.ey are produced by huatinir to 100° (-'. solut siTiiiii-iilbmiiin H^MJli* «iis|»«iniftl in \\ntfr nr dissolved in lino qf>1iiti..i.s b\ h..ilin» tori -h"rt time tibrin -iisjM-nded in water, or preci].itateerature of the body into ]*-].toncs. bv the action of uastru mice in an acjd. or of iHTe:i|jc j^ce j|f :m alkaline medium. All proteids in solutinn are precipitated bv an eyes. ,,f v. . If the precipitant be rapidly removed th- 36 PROTEIDS. soluble in water, but if the precipitated proteid& are subjected for some, time to tbe a^|,jnp of VliM n1i-n|ii»1 they are,"\\-itli the excep- tion of peptones, coagulated and lose, their solubility. It appears, however, that the proteids contained in the aleurone-grams of plants are exceedingly resistant to this coagulating action of alcohol.1 CLASS VI. Albumoses and Peptones. When any of the proteids already described are submitted to the digestive action of pepsin or trypsjn, certain subtances are formed,~in~tlie earlier stages of the action. . wiiicTTare intermediate b'eTween the proteid undergoing digestion, and the proteidproduct (peptone} which finally results from the action of the enzymes. When the digestive fluid employed is pepsin in presence of dilute (•^"p.c.) hydiQchloric acid, a small portion of the, proteid may be at first Converted into a form of ordinary acid-albumin.2 It_ is obtained by neutralising a peptic digestive mixture at an early stage of the digestion, and has been frequently and almost, usu- ally confounded with the ' parapeptone ' of Meissner. As will be explained later on. the two substances are quite distinct forms of proteid. At a later stage of the digestion the first-formed "acid- albumin disappears, a considerable amount of parapeptone is formed, and other products make their appearance, which are known collectively under the name of albumoses.3 By a more prolonged action of the pepsin a considerable portion of these albumoses is further changed into the final product peptones ; 4 beyond this stage no further change can be brought about by the action of pepsin. If trypsin be employed in an alkaline solution (•25 p.c. Na.2C03) the decomposition of the proteid is much more complifiaJied and profound. Instead of acid-albumin a small amount of alkali-albumin makes its ap]3£aian.ce, together witn more or less (see above, p. 34) of the cog.gulabl.e globulins in the earliest stages of the digestion. Albumoses speedily make their appearance, to be somewhat rapidly and it may be largely converted into pep- tones, of which some are in their turn partially, though never completely, converted into leucin, tyrosiu, and other less well- defined crystalline products. Simjlaj prodnp|.s of the decompo- sition of proteids may be obtained by the action of acids alone, in * Vines, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. in. (1880), p. 108. 2 To this substance the name ' syntonin ' was formerly applied ; this term is how- ever most appropriately used to denote that form of acid-albumin which results from the action of acids on myosin. (See above, p. 16.) 3 Kiihne, Verhand. d. naturhist.-med. Ver. Heidelb. N. F. Bd. i. (1876), S. 236. Schmidt-Miilheim (Arch. f. Physiol. 1880, S. 36) named these antecedents of the true peptones ' propeptone.' See also Virchow's Arch. Bd. i. (1880), S. 575. Jahresber. d. Thierarzneischule, Hannover, 1879-1880. Biol Central!/. Bd. i. (1881-2), Sn. 312, 341, 558. * Name due to Lehman n 1850, Pfujsiol. C/iem. (Ed. Cav. Soc.) Vol. n. p. 53. Peptones were first definitely described bv Mialhe, Jn, de P/utnn. et de Cftim. (3 Ser.) T. x. 1846, p, 161." CHEMICAL BA8I8 OF Tin: ANIMAL the absence of :ill en/ynie, tin- preponderance of any one or more of the products being dependent upon tin- cuncentralion of the acids, tin- temperature at which they arc employed, and tin- dura- lion i'i' their action. 1'roteids may al-o In- peptoni-ed by means of water acting at high temperature- under considerable pi. I'.y employing tin- above means for ellecting tin- decomposition of proteids, the products (pTOteid) which may In- obtained, and which been very exhau-tively dealt with and described ;hne ami his pupils, are numerous It will hence conduce to clearness in the subsequent description of each separate pmduct if this is preceded l>y a short statement <»f the views which have from time to time been held as to the general digestive changes which proteids may undergo. tir>t distinct experimental demonstration of the aohfont action of gastric juice was due tn Keaumur (17.~iL'). \\liicli wa> foil,, \\i-d at intervals by those of Stevens (1777). Spallan/ani (17s.'o. and ! niont ils.'Jl). The chemical nature of the product* ari-in^ fr..m the suliitinii \\a> ii«'t. h»ue\cr. docriiuMl until tin- year l.SKi l.y Miallic under tin- name ->f ' all»uininu>»-; ' IM thex- tlie name »i jK-ptun.- uas >iil»-e«|iu-ntly ^iven l.y Lelmiann in 1S.">(>. and their nmst important, properties fairly fully docrilied liy Mulder in IS^S. In this >aiiic year < 'nrvisart first published his views as to the .-pecilic proteolytlO powers of pancreatic juice, and tlie>e were tinally >he\\n to l,r c,,rre.-t l.y Kiilme in 1SH7. I)in-inur this latter period (1859—1862) M. i-m-r ami lii> j.upil>Miad ].ul.lished the results of roearclies ,.n the products which are formed during researches. When an alkali was added t»> the tiltered fluid resnltini; from the acid peptic digestion of any proteid, to an amount just short of that required for exact neutralisation, a pre- eipitate was dhtained which he named /»•,•<'/» iion into a peptone by the further action of pep-in. !!•• ] -inted out at the same time that it might be digested by an infu-imi «>f the pancreas Alter the n-mnval of the parapeptone h ..... < a-ion- ally obtained a further precipitate by the addition of acid, to nut more than -ii.". to -1 p. c.. (n tin- filtrate ; this -nb-tance I,,, named nn fn/H i>tn,i,: lie further d.---rili«-il a iv-idne insoluble in dilute acids, but soluble in dilute alkalis, which made if during the dk"-ti"n "f casein, and to which he gave the na: dyspepton* moral of the above |.roducts theie -till remained in snlntimi tbiee BabstanOM -ailed IVSJMM t i\ d\ and '--peptone, and charactei i-rd as follows: — ; precipitated by -troirj nitric acid and bv in Jin-sen, e ..f , id. 1 /.t. /: ml. M,<1. !?.!.•. MI S. I . MI v s I MI ^ "i :.-,,,,,.- la I.i'lilliaiin : 38 PKOTE1DS. 2>-peptone , not precipitated by strong nitric acid nor by potas- sium ferrocyanide unless in presence of an excess of strong acetic acid. e-peptone ; not precipitated by nitric acid nor by the potas- sium salt, whatever be the amount of acetic acid simultaneously added. These statements of Meissuer led to considerable subsequent controversy, and the occurrence of the several products he de- scribed was, with the exception of parapeptone and c-peptone, denied by those who repeated his experiments. There is now but slight reason for doubting that the divergent views are due to the fact that Meissner's digestive extracts frequently contained only small amounts of pepsin, while those of subsequent observers were much more actively peptic, so that in their case several of the intermediate products described by Meissuer were rapidly peptonised and thus missed. Further it was urged that Meissner's parapeptone was not a specific product of peptic action, for it was said to be identical in all its chemical properties with ordinary acid-albumin or syntonin Hence it was that Brucke,1 opposing Meissner, put forward the view, which has since been most gen- erally accepted, that the sole products of a peptic digestion are parapeptone and peptone, — the former being due to the action of the acid necessary for the activity of the pepsin, the latter making its appearance as the sole final specific product of the ferment's action on the first formed parapeptone, Schiff alone appears to have supported Meissner.2 The researches of Kilhne. From what has been already said it is at once evident that Meissner's view implied a decomposition or splitting-up of the primary proteid molecule, inasmuch as he held that his parapeptone was incapable of conversion into pep- tone by the further action of pepsin Brucke on the other hand regarded the process of peptonisation by gastric juice as not necessarily involving any decomposition of the proteid molecule. Kiihne, impressed with the profound and obvious decomposition which trypsin brings about when it acts on proteids, reverted once more to the possibilities implied in Meissner's views. In so doing he found further confirmation of the idea that even in gas- tric peptonisation the proteid is not merely changed but split up, in the fact that only a portion of the gastric peptones can be made to yield leucin and tyrosin by the action of trypsin ; from which it follows that during a complete gastric peptonisation at least two distinct peptones are formed. In accordance with this he assumed that the original proteid molecule must itself consist of two parts, of which each yielded its corresponding peptone 1 Sitzb d. Wien. Akad. Bd. xxxvii. (1859), S. 131 ; XLIII. (1861), S. 601. 2 Lecons sur la digestion, J867, T. i. p. 407 , u. p. 12. CHEMICAL BASIS "K Tin: ANIMAL I;<>DY. during th'- hydration which loads to the formation of JH-J.I. He found al-o further continuation ut' this probability in tin- work of Schut/enb< This, observer, decomposing proteids with .icids at 100' ('., came to the conclusion that halt' the proteid molecule is readily decomposable l»y the acids, whik- the other hall' is jieculiarly resistent and is obtained in the final products as an extraordinarily indigestible but true proteid, t<> which he gave tlie characteristic name of ' hemiprotein.' Convinced thus of the doulde nature of the proteid molecule. and seeing hut little hope of separating i'roin each other in a mixture the two pep- tones which must presumably ie-uh from the gastric peptoni-a- tion of a proteid, Kuhne endeavoured to establish their exi-tence by trying to discover the primary products intermediate hetween the proteid and the jx-ptones, — antipeptone on the one hand and hemipeptone on the other.3 Iii this his endeavours were at once •d liy his being in posses-ion of a large amount of a proteid identical with that first described and carefully examined by r>ence-.lones, and hence called by his name.4 A renewed exami- nation of this substance revealed that it was capable of <-on- \ei-ion by pepsin into a peptone which was readily further •nposfd by irypsin.-'' It was jM fact the product intermediate between the original proteid and the hemij>eptone. and to it Kuhne gave the name of hemialbunio.se It now was only i. sary to obtain the corresponding a Ibumose precursor of the anti- peptone, to peptonise this, and shew that the peptone thus obtained would yield no leucin or ty rosin by even prolonged treatment with trypsiu. Tliis Kuhne succeeded in doing by a fractionate.l peptic :ion'; and thu- established his own views, and in don shewed how acelllate a.S il whole MeisHlcl'- statement- This will be evident from the detailed description of ti products ,,f the decomposition of proteids by prpsin, tr\ p-in, and arid-, which i> given below. The fundamental notion, then, of Kulmc's view i- that an ordinary native albumin or fibrin con- tain- within it-.-lf t \\ •• residues, \\hi«-h h. lively an anti-r.-i.liie and a hemi-residuc The iv-ult of eitlier p,-p- tryptic di-e-tion i- U) split up the albumin or fibrin, and to pio- diu-e on the part of the anti-rcF T11K A.MI.MAI. I'. cane--ui!ar .-plits up into ;i molecule ut' de\tio>,- ami a molecule of levulovc, v() ;( molecule of antialhunio-r, fur in-tance. >j.lits tij. into at Ira-t two molecules <»f antipeptone, and so on. Having thus brielly stated tin- -i.-j^ by which mn ],]. knowledge has been reached of tin- possible product- i.f a diges- tive conversion of prof.-ids. it now remain* to dt-al with the-,- products -eriatim. In so doin^ it will be l..->t tn de-cjil,- tii-t such product- aa arise nio-t largely and characteristically during tin- ai-tion of acids, anil to tn-at of tin- allminosf> and jti-]'toni-s subsequently. Ai(tnill>inni't> This sul'stanct- i<. arrordinn to Kiihnc, identical with .Mi-issuer's j.arapcptoiH' It is nio>t ivadilv t'onm.-d l.y the fairly prolonged action of dilute acids at 40°, luit it may also inakj' its a])pearauce. but to much smaller extent, during a pel 'tic digestion in which but little ])ei>sin is present. It i- oB- tained, mixed in some cases with variable qua'ntities of an ordi- nary acid alltuniin, Ky neutralising the di^estiiiL; mixture, from which it is thus precipitated. As already stated, it is cliarai t< r- ised Ity the i>n>i>erty that it canliTtt 1>e converted intt active ] < IMII. w'liile on the other hand it is readily ]ie]itonised l»v trvi'sin ami yields then^ antipeptone, but im leuein or tyrosi,!!. Apart fn in its lit-haviour with pepsin and trypsin, it resi-ml-les oidina]\ alliumin and syntonin in it-< general i hemieal reactions Hut the latter are chemically quite, distinct from antiall.umate nr jara- peptone, for either of them may be peptoni j -in. and the jH-jtiones thus formed may he j.artly made to yield leuein and -in hy the suh<«Mjuent action of trj'psin. 1 Vy_the furtl i er prolonged or active treatment of antialbuniate with acids it is converted into the substance '" "birli Kithne ^ave the name of antialbumid It is in all \ iden- tical with the • hemijirotein ' of Sdiiit/enber^er, and al-o probably with the dysprptone of Mejssner. so far as the lattei \\as not pi hap- largely compos,-,! of nucleins. It also makes its apix-araiier. but in very small amount, during a peptic digestion, ami in mm- siderable ([iiantity duriiiLT u jiancreatii". It is characterised la its n-latively mvat insolubility in tlilut<' »'-'\\\* --""I nlkidis s,, that it separates out as a granular residue during a pancreatic dJL." This iv-idue is readily soluble in 1 p. ••. rai; tated by neutralisation, it is now soluble in 1 p c sodium houate. From either of tlie-e s,,lllt|o||s it I precipitated by the addition of a little sudium chloride Injlilut*? alkaline solution (1 p - N.i.cn.) it may b<- 1'artlv croce-s the larger )>art sejtarates out into a gelatin" lum or dot. which is quite unacted upon by pepsin and can only be ] •! by 42 PROTEIDS. the prolonged action of very active trypsin in presence of a con- siderable amount (5 p. c.) of sodium carbonate. The_peptone thus produced is antipeptone. for it yields no ImjcJn or tyrosin by the action of trypsin. It has been suggested above that Meissner's dyspeptone might have consisted largely of nuclein, and this possibility becomes very great in the light of the statements previously made as to the nature «.t' casein (sefc p. 20) and the fact that it was during the digestion of this proteid that he obtained the so-called dyspeptone. Even as regards the similar residue left during a peptic digestion of fibrin, it has been stated that here also the dyspeptone is merely a residue (nucleins) from the cellular elements which are ordinarily entangled in the fibrin; in support of this it is stated that no dyspeptone is obtained during the digestion of fibrin prepared from filtered plasma.1 There is_however now no doubt from Kuhne's researches that anti-albumjd is a true proteid, not a mere undigested residue of nucleins. and that its properties are generally such as Meissner described for his dys- The albumoses. Tb^e are the true primary products^ of the action oj the proteolvtic enzymes on proteids; and give_rise~by the further action of the ferments to the corresponding_peptones. In accordance with Kiihne's views already stated there must of ne- cessity be at least two albumoses, antialburnose the forerunner of antipeptone, and hemialbumose of hemipeptone. Antialbumose.2 This substance is ohtaiiifid as a neutralisation precipitate at a_certaiu earlv sta^p of a fra pinnated peptic diges- tion of proteids. limits ordinary chemical reactions it is indis- tinguishable from acid-albumin or svntonin. It may be converted O __^ — — _ __ — __^ _ *' *J into a peptone by the furtlier action of pepsin, and still more readily by the action of trypsin, so that it does not make its ap- gearance in the final products of either a prolonged peptic or a short trvptic digestion. The peptone, into which it may be con- verted by either pepsin or trypsin, is antipeptone, for it^cannot be made to yield any trace of leucin or tyrosin by even the most prolonged and energetic treatment with trypsin, and in this fact, lies the distinction between antialbumose and either acid-albumin or syntonin. During its peptonisation by trypsin some antialbu- mid is simultaneously formed. Antialbumose differs from para- peptone by the fact that the latter can only 1 3 peptonised by trypsin, the former by either pepsin or trvpsjn. Hemialbumose? This is the best known, most characteristic 1 Hammarsten, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxx. (1883), S. 440. 2 Kuhne n. Chittenden, Zt.f. Biol. xix. (1883), Sn. 170, 194. 3 Schmidt-Miilheim. antea loc. cit. Salkowski, Yirchow's Arch. Bd. 81. (1880), S. 552. Kuhne and Chittenden, loc. cit. and Zt.f. Biol. Bd. xx. (1884), S. 11. Herth, Monatsheftef. Chem. Bd. v. (1884), S. 266. Straub (Dutch). See Maly's CHKMK AI. P,AM> <>1 THK ANIMAL l;«»l>\. J.; and most frequently olitaiiit'd by-product of proteid xvumi' It was first noticed amPisoIatetl by Meissner under tin- name of hei-n j. , ;l- i^-iirrin^ n..t infretiuently in grim-.- ami it is more than probable tTTat many' of tin- older statements as to tin- occurrence of peptones in urine and other fluids referred n-ally to the orcunvne,. of hemialbu- nio-«-. It i- al>o >tat«-il t_o_ori_2ir nonuallv i^ tin- inanuw of Ijoiif-.- aiuj_iii reivhr()s])inalthnil.4 Sis. n-ailily pe^oniseS by tryi'-iir\vitK the simultaniMms formation from tin- peptone of much leucin ami tyrosin, hemialhunios,. x^rj-flv makes it^ ap- j^earance in anv a]>precial)le <|uantitY in the final products of a ijancreatie digestion. It is hest inviiare*! W the action of a small iiinoiint of verv active i»ei>sin on a _eonsuleraMi- niass of lilirjn. previously >\\rllftl up into a gelatinous mass liy the aetion~of ••J p.c. H< 1 at 40° 5. Under the action of the ]»epsin the lilirjn lii|ii^: JOOD afl tin- i- '•iini]iK>te. dilute sodium carbonate is added until the reaction is just faintly nlU-:ilit-,,- l.y which ni'-ans a bulky precipitate is obtained. This is removed by filtration ami the tiltrat.- now contains a UxgB amount of heinialhuniosc and but little [K-jitone, and may be utilised directly for the feestfl charac- ' LC of the albuillOSe. paration of pun //»•////////" -dkowski).6 Acidulate the filtrate de-.-ribed above strongly with acetic acid, add an • ('.'<~-~> ^riiis. to eai-h 100 •• .dium chloride, ami agitate the mixture until it i> saturated with salt. The hcmialbiini' thus preeijiitated : it N now collected on a filter, washed with saturated solution of sodium chloride. di--1.l\c,l a^ain in v, and reprecipitated by acetic acid and >«»liuin chloride. This ie repeated, and the final prodad i- then di^-olved in a minimal amount of water and fr ..... 1 from salt hydialy-is" h may thi-n be concentrated, jm-cijutated by alcohol ;md drie.i sulphuric acid and then at 1 " ^i'lllimiHui-. Th/- pure dry substance, is not readih -olnhle in distilled water, but readily sohible in »\ Bd. X1T. (1884), 8.M II.nnl.iiru" r (Dm. li) - Id \M 1 This i-\|iri'»imi inay !.«• coOTeotentll ' ,-''ii<-r.ill\ the ch»ii/;i'« tnliirril liv tin- uiii.ruMiii-*-'! f'-rin- -.ilkc.u.ski ii I., i hr<- v"ii llarn ' <'tO. Fleii ei Vii ' Hallil.nrt..,, i.-tail.i IH-O '/J. f. /•'<•• I '-I M\ (1 - Anli-itiui- /ur D.-ir-l.-ll pin. •.!••! .-h.-in. I'r.ipar.it.- \' : Dnriti" tli.- .li.ilx-i- S..IIIP low of albumuao* •.. ei arc ulicht fnsihl,-. l-ir ia tin- |N-pt..m-!«. 'A I'. /{>•>' . IM i ' 'Not* on |. 44 PROTEIDS. acids, alkalis, and neutral salts (sodium chloride). These solu- tions give the following characteristic reactions : — / 1. Acidulate fairly strongly with acetic acid and add a few drops of saturated solution of sodium chloride ; a precipitate is formed which disappears on warming and comes down again on cooling. If excess of the salt is added the precipitate does not dissolve on warming. f 2. Add carefully a few drops of pure nitric acid ; a precipitate is formed if the acid is not in excess, which disappears on warm- ing and comes again on cooling. /• 3. Add acetic acid, avoiding all excess, and then a trace of potassium ferrocyanide ; a precipitate is formed which disappears on warming and reappears on cooling. / 4. On the addition of caustic soda in excess and a trace of sulphate of copper the ordinary biuret reaction is obtained, TJijg reaction distinguishes hemialbumose from other soluble proteids. with the exception of peptones. Hemialbumose has so far been spoken of as being one uniform substance only. Kiihne and Chittenden in their earlier work 1 at first distinguished merely between a soluble and insoluble form ; more recently they have described four closely allied, but distinct forms of the albumose.2 (1) Protalbumose. Soluble in hot and cold water and precipitable by NaCl in excess. (2) Deuteroal- bumose. Soluble in water, not precipitated by NaCl in excess, unless an acid be added at the same time. (3) Hcteroalbumose. Insoluble in hot or cold water ; soluble in dilute or more concen- trated solutions of sodium chloride, and precipitable from these by excess of the salt. (4) Dysalbumose. Same as heteroalbumose, except that it is insoluble in salt solutions.3 Hemialbumose as ordinarily prepared may hence be regarded as a mixture of these several albumoses in varying proportions according to the condi- tions of its preparation. The preceding statements as to the existence of four forms of hemialbumose are however contested by Herth, Straub, and Ham- burger (loc. cit. on p. 42). The peptones. Kecent work has shewn that in all probabil- ity the various substances which have been described as peptones have consisted to some extent, if not largely, of a mixture of true peptones with variable quantities of albumoses. Our knowledge of the nature and properties of tme peptones is at present in a 1 Zt. f. Bid. Bd. xix. (1883), T. 174. 2 Ibid. Bd xx (1884), S. 11. 3 For further details the original papers of Kiihne and Chittenden must be con- sulted, more especially Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xx. (1884), S. 11. See also Neumeister, Zt f. Bid. Bde. xxm. ( 1887), S. 381 ; xxiv. (1888), S. 267; xxvi. S 324. The preparation and separation of the albnmoses is conveniently given in Kohmann's " Anleitung /urn chemischen Arbeiteu." Berlin, 1890, S. 48. ( HK.MK Al. BASIS OF THK ANIMAL >t;tt'- of transition, MI that it i> on tin- whole advisable to ;_;i\e some acciiuut of th'- oldei work U well a- of tin- ln»ic ivet-nl. i,,irnti' I »r this tin- \\ • \l.il\ ' lleith.- Hennino.-i. ' K"-s,d.4 Hofmeister,* and I.<'\\ •• >hould be consulted. The oeneral properties and reactions ..t th.- peptones obtained by tin- aln.v.- authors may In- stated as follow.-. A- piv, -ipitate.l l.y alcohol th.-y c.,u-ist of a whit ..... ' \.-llo\vi>h j.o\vdt-r. which is .sr,.pie and extraordinarily soluhh- in water. and in some 11 be deliquescent 1'nle-- thorooghly dehydrated the ]>o\vdcr ma\ melt on tomtit- \\anniiiL: Kroni tln-ir neutral aqueous solutions they ;nv j.reeijiitated \\ith ditlieulty by a large » of alcohol, bein^r unchaiiued in the ].ro.-»->s and not becom- • 'adulated or insoluble by prolonged e\)H.sun- to the action of the jireeijiitant. The ])recipitation occur.- with ditlieulty if at all in ]>re-cncr ..f hydrochloric acid Peptones are not jTeeijiitated by many of the reagents \\hich precipitate other ]>roteids, but are ]ireeij.itat'Ml by taiinie acid, mercuric chloride, nitrates of mercury, and by phoephotungStic and ]>hos]ihomolyhdic acids in jin-scncc of hydrochloric or other mineral acids: al-o by the doul>le i«nlide> of ].ota>sium and mercury or potas^inni and bismuth, in ]-r. :on^ mineral acids. A very characteristic reaction is the ' biuret ' or jiiitk coloration which is obtained on the addition of of caustic soda and a inert trm-f of sulphate of copper. The sli^hte-t eZCeSfi of the copper salt ^ive> a violi-t coh is the case with all other pioteid.v whirh deepen- in tint on b(»il- iii'_r This biuret reaction is however now known to be yielded al-o by the albillll<>-es (see above). IVptolies are all and diflusible. The / small \\li.-n compared with that of cr\ .-tal 1 im- Mihstam-.- -uch as Miiliiini chloriil.le. A 'inliiiL; to the views of some observers it is said to be. pos- sible to eli'eet a partial reconversion of peptones into the more primary proteids from which they were obtained, hy nn-.i: prolonged heating to 140 — 170°, and possibly by mean- of a dehydrating a-jeiit such as acetic anhydride.* I'.ut little i>- how- BVei delinitely known as to the real nature of the product- ob- tained by these mean It was at one time stated that when peptone- an- injected into the hl..od-Ves.-els, the blood speedily loses its j.oWel of I'lottillg i.-moval from the body.'1 This action is now known to be due to the albumo-e- with which tlie i>ei>tones wen- nijxed.''' TM cli.tting may similarly be j.revented l.y the injection of a 1 p.c. XaCl extract of the pharynx and millet "f the leech : the ot this has not as yet been fully worked out." During the pancreatic- dige-nun (.f pn-ti-id- >"in.- l.\ -pr.Mlurt n it- ajipearanci- \\hicli gi\i'- a i-liaract. ri-t ii- \ i.-let i-r pink c.'l-Tat i«n mi tlie addition i-f I. n. mine, or «\ clilnrine in the pri-i-in-i- •-! ft l»:inil.-w.ki. <',n,r,,lh. f.,1,,,,,1. IFiM.18M Nr U IM1 Efl II --:i). j.. i:»o fit. Kulili" II. niitti'mlni. /-'• I I. \IX 80S vv:: Tatarin..ff. rHIH,.t. /;.„,/. I' '•;. us--|). p 7l:«. H"l" . . . . . 15,1 ,, ,,. K],lir< |'tl,1L.. : I IM M.MM UV.M. Bat we abo Chittflodaa and Solli rfl VoL xn p.«,o«U* ' ll.-nni., • II ..... ' I'.-ki-lharinir. riluifr's Arch. 15.1. XXII "'"*' m,r/ r,, . Heidelberg, IM m. : '». N"'" •* XXI" imidt-Mlilheim, Arc* f. PkgtUL 1880 • 1'i.llii/ T n , ; u. /'harm. Bd XVJH DifkiniM.ii. M. -/ MiH'ol. \ 48 PKOTEID6, Tlie colour is not due to the peptones or albuinoses (Kuhne). The colouring matter obtained by the addition of these reagents has been examined by Krukenberg : and nn>re recently by Stadelniann.- CLASS VII. Lardacein, or the so-called amyloid substance.* The substance, to which the above name is applied, is found as a pathological deposit in the spleen and liver, also in nuinerous other organs, such as the blood-vessels, kidneys, lungs, &c. It is insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalis, and neutral saline solutions. In percentage composition it is almost identical with other proteids,* viz. : — O. and S. H. N. C. 24-4 7-0 15-0 53-6 The sulphur in this body exists in the oxidised state, for boil- ing with caustic potash gives no sulphide of the alkali. The above results of analysis would lead at once to the ranking of lardacein as a proteid, and this is strongly supported by other facts. Strong hydrochloric acid converts it into acid-albumin, and caustic alkalis into alkali-albumin. When boiled with dilute sulphuric acid it yields leucin and tyrosin ; 5 by prolonged putre- faction indol, phenol, &c. 6 On the other hand, it exhibits the following marked differences from other proteids : — It wholly resists the action of ordinary digestive fluids ; it is coloured red, not yellow, by iodine, and violet or pure blue by the joint action of iodine and sulphuric acid. From these last reactions it has derived one of its names, ' amyloid,' though this is evidently badly chosen ; for not only does it differ from the starch group in com- position, but by no means can it be made to yield sugar : ' this latter is one of the crucial tests for a true member of the carbo- hydrate group. According to Heschl 8 and Cornil 9 anilin-violet (methyl-auiliu) colours lardaceous tissue rosy red, but sound tissue blue. The colours mentioned above, as being produced by iodine and sulphuric acid, are much clearer and brighter when the reagents are applied to the purified lardaceiu. When the reagents are applied to the crude substance in its normal position in the tissues, the colours obtained are always dark and dirty-looking. 1 Verhand. d. jihys.-med. GeseU. Wiirzburg, Bd. xvm. (1884), NT. 9, S. 7. - Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xxvi. (1890), S. 491. 3 Virchow, Compt. Rend. T. xxxvu. p. 492, 860. * C. Schmidt, Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. ex. (1859), S. 250, and Friedreich u. Kekule, Virchow's Archiv, Bd. xvi. (1859), S. 50. 8 Modrzejewski, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Phann. Bd. i. (1873), S. 426. 6 Weyl, Zt. f. physiol'Chem. Bd. i. (1877), S. 339. 7 C. Schmidt, lor. cit. 8 Wien. med. IVochensckr. No. 32, S. 714. 9 Compt. Rend. T. LXXX. (1875), p. 1288. CHEMICAL HAS IS OF THK AM MAI. BODY, Purified lardaeein i.> readily soluble in moderately dilute ammonia, and can, by evaporation, be obtained from this .solution in the form of tough, gelatinous flakes ami lumps ; in this form it gives feeble reactions only with iodine. If the excess of ammo- nia i> expelled, the x'lution becomes neutral, and is precipitated by dilute acids. iHii-'itinn. The gland or other tissue containing tin- body is cut up into small pieces, and as much as possible of the sur- rounding tissue removed. The pieces are then extracted several times with water and dilute alcohol, and if not thus rendered colourless are repeatedly boiled with alcohol containing hydro- chloric acid. The residue after this operation is digested at 40° ( '., with active artificial gastric juice in excess. Everything except lardaivin, and small quantities of niuciu, nucleiu, keratin, together with some portion of the elastic tissue, will thus be di»»l\ed and removed.1 From the latter impurities it may be separated by fractional decantatiou of the finely-powdered substance from water, alcohol, and ether. In opposition to the older statements it has recently been stated that lardacein may be digested by pepsin in presence of hydrochloric acid.2 The writer's own experiments lead him to believe in the results obtained by the earlier authorities The known products of decomposition of proteids are very numerous, varying in nature and relative amount with the con- ditions and reagents by means of which they are produced, and it may be similarly, though tit a much less extent, with the kind of proteid employed. These products belong for the most part to well-known classes of chemical substances, and in many cases representatives of several consecutive members of any -i\en homologous series are obtained during the decomposition- A -tudy of these products has not, however, up to the present time thrown any extended light upon the more minute molecular structure of the proteids. and the reason is not fai It consists simply in the fact that we possess no guaran; tenon ,,!' the purity of those proteid- which can be obtained m suHicient amounts for the purposes of experiment. The\ may I.e. and pmhahly are. mixture- ••!'. it may be, several closely .'Hied rabetances, BO that the numerous products which arise duiin- the d'-ci.mposition <>f what is regarded in the cxj>erinient a uniform Mih-tance. represent really the deoompodtfao-piodaoti / proteid molecules, and thus throw no light "ii the structure of any onf. Ami the matter is still furtln-i complicated 1 Kiilincnn.l Kii.ln.-lt. '. ~.\,.f>. IM vvxoi il*65),8.66. a Kwtjiirin. H'/.w. nud. Jahrb. 1886, 8. 181. 4 50 PKOTEIDS. by the fact that the final products of any given decomposition do not at all necessarily represent the primary mode of breaking down of the proteid molecule ; many of them may be the out- come of some secondary decomposition of the first-formed pro- ducts. It may hence suffice to give a short account of the more generally important researches on the decompositions of proteids and to refer the reader for details to some larger work.1 The products of the decomposition of proteids by acids (HC1) have been elaborately studied by Hlasiwetz and Habermann.2 These observers subjected proteids (casein) to the action of boil- ing concentrated hydrochloric acid in presence of stannous chlo- ride for three days. From the fluid thus obtained they were able ~to separate out by repeated crystallisations leucin, tyrosin, glu- tamic and aspartic acids and ammonia; the mother liquor from the above yielded no further well-defined substances. Schutzen- berger,3 treating proteids in presence of a little water with an excess of baryta in sealed tubes at 200 — 250°, observed a more profound breaking down of these substances as judged by the products of their decomposition. In addition to the products described by Hlasiwetz and Habermann he obtained small quan- tities of carbonic, oxalic, and acetic acids, together with other amido-acids homologous with leucin, amido-acids of other series, leuceins,4 gly co-protein, tyroleucin,5 &c. The chief difference in the results obtained by the two sets of observers turns upon the non-occurrence of carbonic, oxalic, and acetic acids among the products of the action of hydrochloric acid. Drechsel 6 has how- ever shown that if the noii-crystallisable residue from Hlasiwetz and Habermann's experiments be appropriately treated with baryta in sealed tubes it readily yields carbonic acid, so that the difference may turn out after all to be more apparent than real. Interesting as are the above researches they do not as yet enable us to form any clear idea of the probable molecular composition of proteids. According to Schiitzenberger the relative amounts of carbonic acid and ammonia which make their appearance are the same as would have arisen from a similar treatment of urea with caustic baryta, and from this and the fact of the preponderating appearance of amido-acids by the action of the alkaline oxide, 1 Ladenburg's Handirorterbuch d. Chem. Bd. in. S. 541. Beilstein's Hdbch. d. Chem. Bd. HI. S. 1258. 2 Anzeig. d. Wie.n. Akad. 1872, S. 114; 1873, Nr. 15. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. 159 (1871), S. 304, Bd. 169 (1873), S. 150. Jn. f. prakt. Chem. (2) Bd. VH. S. 397. See also E. Schulze, Zt.f. phi/swl. Chem. Bd.'ix. (1885), Sn. 63, 253. 3 Ann. de Chim. et. de Ph>/s. (5 Scr.) T. xvi. (1879), p. 289. Bull, de la Soc. Chim. xxin. 161, 193, 216, 242, 385, 433; xxiv. 2, 145 ; xxv. 147. Also in Chem. Centralb. 1875, Sn. 614, 631, 648, 681, 696; 1876, S. 280; 1877, S. 181. Compt. Rend. T. 101, (1886), p. 1267. See also Nasse, Pfliiger's Arch. Bde. vi. (1872), 589; vn. 139; viii. 381. 4 Compt. Rend. T. 84 (1877), p. 124. 5 Ibid. T. 106 (1888), S. 1407. 6 Jn.f prakt. Chem. (N. F.) Bd. xxxix. (1889), S. 425. BASIS OF TIM: \MMAI. r,m>Y. ,M he regards tin- pr.-teids as complex meides : that i- to >. coinl'ination- .if inva with amido-acid- helonoinu t" -e\eral >*fiefl such a- tin- leiicir ami aspartic.1 In >u|.j...rt ..f this view the \viirk nf (Irimaux- may In- mentioned. I'.v fn-i: tic anhydride aiul urea he ol.tained a MiL-tance iv-riiiM. pr.'t.-id in -evi-ral of its reactions, ami yielding a-pnrtic a«-i.l. carbonic acid ami ammonia l.y treatment with haryta. It has not howe , : IH-.-II -hown that thi- >ul>-tanr,- ran !-«• math- and furth.-i, n.. nnr ha- ever -ii--<-r.-d.-d in <.l,tain- ini,' uiva as a direct j.ruduct of tin- decomposition "f a prnti-id. Kurtln-i'. aa a^ninst the view nf the ui'cidc nature uf j.r.'tei.ls, AS to the pruliahle nnn-e\i-teii.-f ..f aiiiid.>-.i< id itU-s in tile I'l'oteid llinlecule must Hut he In-t xj^ht of.8 Tin- i»ldiT >tati-iuriit> ..t r.e.-liaiii|. 4 and IJittt-r5 a- t«. tin- furiiiatinii of ur.-a from j.roteids l.y the arti"ii «\ ]><>ta»ium juTinaii^ana1 «MT<>iiei.u>.''' The iii.ot reeriit refutation of their \ie\vs i- due t«. :i." \\lio tinds that trarr- ..f ^naiiidin may make their a|.|.ear- aiiee luit no urea. Tlii- >ul»tauce mij^lit ln>\ve\i-r lie ea>ily mistaken for urea >inee it> compoondfl \\ith oxalic and nitric aci.U closely .l.h- tlioxi- .,f urea with the >ame aeid>. Although ^uaiiidin when Loilc.l with >nl].hiirie arid ..r l.ar\ ta water readily yield- urea (and -imiiltaneou-ly amnnmia) thi> can in m> \\ay lie taken a- imply- i |i..>.-iLle ftiriiiatimi of urea from proteiil- directly. <,»uite -tallirn- La-e railed 'ly.-atin,' which readily \iidil- un-a when Loileil with Laryta water," has Leeii isolated from aimm^ the products of the decompo>ition <.f ea-ein Ly liydn.cliloric acid and .-hloridr of /inc. Tin- formula "f tlii- La.-e i> u'i\en - < II \ • ». thu- placing it in .-lo>e eompn.-it ional relation-hip with K ( ,11 \ i >. and Kreatinin C.I^N.O. -•I :is yet be said that we p,,>-,-s> anv ival km-ul nf the <-MM-titUti"M «'f pmtei.!-. alld the i|Urstinll will jmilialily :M unsnlv.-d iiniil some ••utin-ly m-w dej.aitnre i- ma.le in \in-_,' the ju-nlih-in, "i uniil some ne\\ |.n.p.-it\ "f pioteid-i- d l.v which theii al.M.lnte purity niav l.e det,-rmii th,. , preliminary In the whu'le in\ i-t i-at inn. The 8O- crystallised ]n-..teid- (see :d..,ve, p. r.) have nol , s-l.ut/,, attcmpu u. »yndMllM ptoteid*. Me C'o»/rf. ..i i;.i XXM I I XX ,. - I I XMM ' 1219. urakt. <•!„ I ' IM. in. <\ ,«,.s.*,,, ;l« r.i' PROTEIDS. been prepared in sufficient quantity l to admit of the easy and decisive application of the modern methods of organic chemistry to the elucidation of their molecular structure. Work in this direction on a really large scale could scarcely fail to yield im- portant results. Schrotter 2 has recently described the preparation of benzoylated ethers of the albumoses, and intends to apply the method to other proteids and to study the products of decom- position and oxidation of these substances. Whether any real advance will be made in this direction cannot be foretold, but this new departure is of considerable prospective importance. No account of the constitution of proteids would be complete without a reference to the views and theories of Pfliiger, and of Low and Bokorny. Pfliiger 3 starting from the characteristic dif- ferences between the products obtained by decomposing dead pro- teids by chemical means out of the body, and the products which arise by the natural decomposition (metabolism) of living proteids (protoplasm) in the body, has put forward a view as to the dif- ference of living and dead proteid. He considers that in dead proteid the nitrogen exists in the amide foun. while in living proteid it is present in the less stable cyanic form. The build- ing-up of living proteid from dead he regards as being carried on by the ether-like union of the isomeric living and dead proteid molecules, accompanied by the 'elimination of water. During this process the nitrogen of the dead proteid passes into the cyanic condition, and if this is repeated and accompanied by polymerisa- tion the formation of a large and unstable living proteid molecule may be readily accounted for. He further draws attention to the readiness with which polymerisation occurs in the cyanic series and the extraordinarily high molecular energy of cyanogen. Low and Bokorny 4 deal also with the probable mode by which, in the case at least of plant cells, the complex proteid molecule may be built up out of the simpler substances from which these obtain their nitrogen. They consider there is evidence of the existence in living plant cells of some substance of an aldehyde nature. Starting with formic aldehyde, by its union with ammonia the aldehyde of aspartic acid might be obtained, and by polymerisa- tion of the latter in presence of sulphur and with the exit of water a substance with the same composition as an ordinary proteid would arise. Their speculations are ingenious, but it cannot by any means be said that their views are established. Asparagin, from which aspartic acid is readily obtained, undoubtedly plays an all-important part in the constructive nitrogenous metabol- 1 But see Chittenden and Hartwell JL of Physiol. Vol. xi. (1890), p. 435. 2 Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. xxn. (1889), S. 1950. 3 Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. x. (1875), S. 332. 4 Low and Bokorny's work may be most conveniently quoted by reference to the following volumes of Maly's Jahresbe.richt d. Tkierchem'. Bde. x. (1880), S. 3 ; xi. 391 , 394; xn. 380; xm. 1; xiv. 349, 474; xvi. 8; xvn. (1887), 395. See also Bid. Centralb. Bd. I. (1881), S. 193; vin. (1888), S. 1. CHEMICAL I'.ASIS OF THE ANIMAL I'.nDV. ism of jilants; l)iit as yet tin- aldeh\ dc of aspartic acid has not been prepared by any chemical means, and P>aum:iim l has cast great doubt <>n the reliability of the methods by which tin- above authors have endeavoured to prove the existence of aldehydes in the protoplasm of the living plant cells. And it is probably sig- nificant that the reactions by which the presence of the aldehydes i^ supposed to be shown are only well marked in the case of the cells nf the lowest plants; in the case of animal cells they are more usually wanting. THK KN/YMI.S OK SOLUBLK I'N«>I:I; AM/KM KKUMKNTS.* Chemists have for a long time been familiar with an extensive, and still increasing class of reactions which occur solely, or in ^ome cases most readily, in presence of minute quantities of some < ubstance which does not itself appear to enter directly into the Mii : in other words the causative agent is found to have it-elf undergone no obvious change during the reactions which it has set up between the other sul tstances. Striking instances of Mich reactions are observed in the preparation of ether from alcohol by means of sulphuric acid and in the manufacture of sulphuric acid itself. In the former case a small quantity of sulphuric acid is theoretically able to convert an indefinitely quantity of alcohol into ether, and in practice the limit is mined simply by the occurrence of secondary decompoftitioiu between the reagents. Similarly during the manufacture of sul- phuric acid a minute quantity of nitric oxide suttices in the pres- of water to convert an indefinitely large amount of -ulphurons anhydride into sulphuric acid. Of late years a large numl reactions have been found to depend for their OOOUTTBl ..... upon the nee of the minutest traces of water; thus ,//•// chlorine has no action on dry sodium, and dry hydrochloric acid gas and '•u do not react even when exposed to bright sunlight. neither do ,//•_// oxygen ami carbonic oxide explode on the passage of an electric spark. The fact of immediate interest in each of the aliove instances i- that a minute trace of the substance which determines the occurrence "f the reaction is abl -luce change in an indefinitely large ma-< of the other reagent- without • ing any final alteration. Turning to t he cheini-t r\ 1 rtln-.T's Af,-h. H.I. \\iv (I8*-M. S. 4«H( Cktm. IM. \ (18C : It :i|,|,r:irs :ul\ i-:il.l.- I'. n->- tin- t.-mi 'ni/Mi..-' iKnlin.. ' •/. /.Ay*»o/. ];,| | i - .liiMi- mi..: t in. 'lit* fin- . -rallv, n-.TMii- tl ..... M.T naiin- "f ' f. rin.-nt ' f..r tin- «>i i-'li M J«Mt iiirli it u;i> lir-t aj.|ilM-i|. If tlii« IM^ .1 ...... it uill !«• . ..n\ i-nii-nt t» n- /.\ni.i|\-i- ' t-> ili'ii.iti- tli.- i-lian^f.* |ir>Mliin>i| l.y tin- <-iu.\ iiu-« in tli. -iiLsta'tircs, and t.. a|.|.ly tin- ti-rin ' f.Tiiinitati..ii ' f.tlM- a. ti«n „( the orgmnilH nt- In tl, •'* I" tin- <;.-rinaii ' F- rm. •iitwirlaiMi:' >i..n ..th.T -ii f.Tinrnt- an. I ' fiTtii<-iitati»ii ' to M .ii 54 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. of animal and vegetable cells it is found that in many cases sub- stances may be extracted from them which possess to an even more striking degree the property of inducing change in an indef- initely large mass of certain other substances without themselves undergoing any observable alteration. These agents are known as the enzymes or soluble ferments, and the essential conception of an enzyme is summed up in the above statement of the most remarkable characteristic of their activity. Further investigation of these enzymes shows that their activity is dependent upon many subsidiary factors which are more or less common to them all. Thus their activity is largely dependent upon temperature, being absent at sufficiently low temperatures, increasing as the temperature is raised to a certain optimal point which varies slightly for different enzymes, then again diminishing as the tem- perature is further raised, and finally disappearing. By^the action of jL-£ufficiently high temperature they permanently lose their characteristic powers and are now spoken of as being killed.' Again the enzymes' are extremely sensitive to the reaction, whether acid, alkaline, or neutral, of the solutions in which they are working, also to_the presence or absence of various salts, some of which merely inhibit their action while others permanently destroy it ; and their activity is in all cases lessened and finally stopped by the presence .of an excess of the___rjroducts to whose formation they have given rise. ItTias been already said that an enzyme may be killed by exposure to a high temperature, but this only holds good when they are in solution, or if in the solid form they are heated in a moist condition. When perfectly dry they may be heated to 100° — 160° without any permanent loss of their powers.1 It will be seen that so far the enzymes have been characterised solely with reference to the peculiarity of their mode of action and to the influence of surrounding conditions upon that activity, and the question of their probable chemical composition has been left untouched. Notwithstanding the fre- quent endeavours which have been made to prepare the enzymes in a pure condition, it is unwise to lay any great stress upon the results of the analysis of these so-called ' pure ferments,' bearing in mind that, as in the case of the proteids, no criterion of their purity exists. This much however may be said. In the major- ity of cases, analysis shows that their composition approximates .more nearly to that of a proteid than of any other class of syb- ^stances, and this is apparently true even when they do not yield to any marked degree the reactions (xanthoproteic, &c.) which are characteristic of a true proteid. Ordinarily it is almost im- possible to obtain an enzyme solution of any considerable activity which is free from proteid reactions, and hence many authors are 1 Hiifner, Jn.f. pralct. C/iem. Bd. v. (1872), S. 372. Al. Schmidt, Centralb. f. d. med. ir?s,«. 1876, 'S. 510. Salkowski, Virchow's Arch. Bd. i.xx. (1876). S. 158; i.xxxi. (1880), S. 552. Hiippe, Mittheil. d. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamtes, i. 1881. CHEMICAL BASIS <>F THK ANIMAL r."l>Y. inclined to regard these bodies as being really of proteid nature. I Jut this is ;i point which is ;is yet l>y n<> means settled, as the 1'<>1 lowing consideration^ show. The Mile means at mir disposal of determining tlie presence of an en/vine is that of ascertaining the change which it is able to bring about in other >ul>stau<-es, and since the activity of the en/vines is extraordinarily great, a minute trace suffices to produce a most marked effect From this it f«»l- |o\\stliat the j)iiritied en/vines whicli give distinct proteid iva. - lions might merely consist of very small quantities .,f a true non-proteid en/vine adherent to or mixed with a residue of in. -it proteid material Again on the other hand it is similarly possible that the purified en/vines which have been described as devoid of juot -id reaction really consist of some inert non-proteid material with which a trace of what is ivally a true jnoteid en/yme ; mixed, the amount of enzyme being too small to yield any of tin- reactions characteristic of proteids. The occurrence or absence of proteid reactions in a solution of an en/yme cannot therefore set- tle the nature of the enzyme, and for similar reasons a mere anal- ysis of the separated enzyme is also inconclusive ; the balance of appears to be in favour of the view that the are_proteid in nature. Imt this is still an OJM-II question. Many nf the puritied enzymes have been analy/ed and tli«- r«->ults slinw in many cases a percentage of carbmi c..ii>ideralily !•• \\t trypsin li:id tin- f«>llo\\ ing pn-, ,-ntage coinp«.sitinn : C = 47'22 — 48-09 ; H — 7'1">— 7. 1 1 : N = 11' •;•»'.)— 1::-tl : S = 1-7:5— 1-Sf, F..I- ntli.-r anal Aug. Schmidt.1 1 1 iii'ncr.- I'>artli.a I!ut >c.- al>.> \N'urt/. * and Lo\\ . • The en/ymes are possessed of certain properties, nmiv o common to them all. by means of which they may be sep;i from the tissues in \\hich they primarily occur, and i-olated fioin tlic -olution- \\\\\< obtained Soluble in wat.-l. they may b. • •ijiitated unchanged from this solution by the addition - • absolute .-ill-oil. •!. They may also in man\ precipitated from their a(|iieons or other solution by satu: with neutral ammonium ^ilphate1- They arc convenient 1\ -olu ble in glycerine1 from which thc\ may a- bcfoie ]„• pie.'i] bv an exceSfl of ale,. hoi. None of the en/\ ditl'usihle and ,a\ readily be ! :iv admixed ditlu-ible 1 /tiini'i Iii.-ii. Tiil)iiii;.-ii, 1-71 \ i Bd ^ i-:.' - / .lal.rs. M ' < • /, /. r K( (1880), ]• 1879 I XOLp I 1!,| \\vii (1R82). S Ktthn< I \and.d.maturk.-med \- Ili-id.-ll,. m IHH6, S. 46.1 AI-« ''.ntralb. ,.,/ , . ;i i»k<>w(KiiH.-iun). **> Bt •i.-h. niiiK. i '»••». 56 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. substances by means of dialysis.1 They possess further the re- markable property of adhering with great tenacity to any finely divided precipitate which is formed in the solutions in which they are present, more particularly if the precipitate is of a viscid or gelatinous nature.2 It is not however possible to base upon the above properties any general method of preparing the en- zymes which is equally applicable to each of them; some are most readily prepared in a fairly pure state by one method, some by another, and very many by the conjoined application of two methods. A further consideration must not be lost sight of in connection with the separation of the enzymes from the parent tissues ; thjs is the fact that in some cases the enzymes do not exist in thlTfree and active conditions in tbp. p.plls of the reapec- tive tissues, but in the form of an inactive antecedent, to which the name of ' zymogen ' is usually applied.3 Hence to obtain an active extract it is frequently necessary to treat the tissue with some such reagent as shall ensure the conversion of the zyrnogen into the active enzyme. During prolonged digestions it is essential to insure the absence of any changes due to the development of bacteria or other organ- isms. The most suitable antiseptics for this purpose are salicylic acid (*1 p.c.) and thymol ('5 p. c.). These reagents are dissolved in a small quantity of alcohol and added in the above proportions to the digestive mixture. It is frequently a matter of the utmost importance to determine whether the hydrolytic power of any given preparation is due to the action of a soluble enzyme or of a ferment (organised). The discrimination is most readily effected by carrying on the diges- tion in presence of chloroform, which is inert towards the enzymes but inhibits the activity of ferment organisms.4 SPECIAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MORE IMPORTANT ENZYMES.5 Ptyalin. While occurring chiefly and character! stir».g,,1]y i" gallon ^ a similar enzyme may be obtained in minute amount, but fairly constantly, from almost any tissue or fluid of the body, more particularly in the case of the pig. It was first separated out from saliva, but in an impure condition, by Mialhe, who precipitated the saliva with an excess of absolute alcohol.6 It has been prepared in the 1 Maly, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. ix. (1874), S. 592. 2 Briicke, Sitzb. d. Wien. Akad. Bd. xnn. (1861), S. 601. Danilewsky, Vir- chow's Arch. Bd. xxv. (1862), S. 279. Cohnheim, Virchow's Arch. Bd. xxvm. (1863), S. 241. 3 Heidenhain, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. x. (1875), S. 583. 4 Miintz, Compt. Rend. T. LXXX. (1875), p. 1255. 5 Consult the article ' Fermente' by Emmerling in Ladenburg's HandwOrterbuch d. Chem. Bd. iv. 1887, S. 95. 6 Compt. Rend. T. xx. (1845), pp. 954, 1485. CHEMICAL BASIS <>F TIM: ANIMAL r.«»Dv. purest (') ftirni by Cohnheim.1 His iinjtlntil i-mieating the above process .nid finally precipitating with absolute alcohol. Prepared in this way. the enzyme is obtained as a fine white amorphous powder. Dissolved in water it is extremely active in hyilmlysin.. starch, and the solution yields none of the reactions mo>t t ypieallv rTiaracteristic of proteids. On these ^rounds it is asserted that ptyalin is not a proteid, but the evidence is not conclude. More recently this enzyme has been prepared as follows.8 Saliva is diluted with an eijual volume of water, and saturated with neutral ammonium sulphate. The precipitate thus formed is treated on the filter for five minuU's with strong ali-ohol. removed from the filter, and further treated with absolute alcohol for one or two days. It is now dried at 30°, and yields, on extraction with a volume of water equal to that of the original >al solution which is actively zymolytic, and is stated to be five from all proteid reactions. The hydrolytic activity of ptyalin is most marked in neutral or nearly neutral solution An amylolytic enzyme is found in urine.4 experiments have as yet established tin- existence of anv of ptyalin (ptyalinogen).6 The amylolytic enzyme of the pancreas. The_. secret ion of the pancreas is even inure active than saliva in_ejjerTingthe hydrolysis ot starch.'' This property is dej»endent, upon the ''presence In this secretion of an en/yme \\hich in many closely resembles ptyalin, but d tilers from it markedly in its greater power of effecting a more complete deconipnsition of the_sUirch than can ptyalin. Under ordinary conditions the only sugaF~Tornie«l by the action of ptyalin on -tardi is mall..-- . n. ver, the aetion is prolonged, small amounts of d> -\tros. it is stated, also make their appeal -he re-ult of the fur- .rcl.owV.4rrA. B.I. \\MII (|M;:H. S. .Ml ivvkow, l«r. rit. * I^anplcv and Kvos, .//. ofPkytiol, \ ><\ i\ 18. ill. «••<• n-f I . -u!i !'••!. -;M. : ' I.Hfll^lcV , .//. (•/'/'/!//>/"/. Vl'l. I. Ki ... /. - I IT Mal» in HormannV lldbrk. d. /'hi/.*,..' Id! \ .' S i 58 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. ther action of the enzyme on tlie first-formed maltose.1 But this is by no means quite certainly the case, and without doubt no dextrose is obtained during a digestion of moderate duration. The pancreatic enzyme, on the other hand, not only rapidly con- verts starch into maltose, but further converts this maltose into dextrose in considerable quantity during a digestion of relatively short duration in comparison with that required for its production by the action of ptyalin.2 The secretion of the pancreas is of ex- tremely complicated composition, and contains in addition to the amylolytic at least two other well characterised enzymes ; from these the former has as yet been only very imperfectly separated, so that scarcely anything is known of its chemical nature as dis- tinct from its converting powers. According to von Wittich the amylolytic enzyme is separable from the others by treating the gland with ether and alcohol before its extraction with glycerine, to which reagent it then yields only the amylolytic enzyme ; 8 Hiifner, however, obtained a mixture of enzymes by von Wittich's method.4 Experiments on the separation of the enzymes have also been made by Danilewsky 5 and Paschutin ; 6 but the most successful outcome of any method which may be employed simply results in the production of an extract which is preponderatingly amylolytic, but is by no means free from the other enzymes. An active amylolytic .extract is best prepared by Roberts' method,7 in which the finely minced pancreas is extracted for five or six days with four times its weight of 25 p.c. alcohol, the mixture being frequently stirred. The pancreas of the pig yields the most cer- tainly active extracts, and more particularly if the gland is kept for 24 hours after removal from the body, and is then treated for a few hours with dilute (-5 p.c.) acetic acid before its final ex- traction with alcohol. Benger's ' liquor pancreaticus ' is, when freshly prepared, possessed of extraordinarily active araylolytic powers. From it an extremely pure and active solution of the enzyme may be obtained by adding to it four times its volume of strong alcohol and filtering off the precipi- tate thus formed; the precipitate is then rapidly washed with alcohol, dried in the air, and dissolved in water. The secretion and extracts of the small intestine possess to a 1 Musculus mid Gruber, Zt.f. pht/siol. Chem. Bd. n. (1878), S. 177. Musculus uud T. Mering, Ibid. S. 403. v. Mering, Ibid. Bd. v. (1881), S. 185. 2 Brown and Heron, Liebig's Ann. Bd. cxcix. (1879), S. 165. Ibid. Bd. cciv, (1880), S. 228. Proe. Roy. Soc. No. 204 (1880), p. 393. Confirmed also by the author's own experiments. 3 Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. 11. (1869), S 198. * Hiifner, Jn.f.prakt. Chem. N. F. Bd. r. (1872), S. 372. 5 Virchow's Arch. Bd. xxv. (1862), S. 279. But see Lossuitzer, Dtss. Leipzig, 1864. B Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. Jahrg. 1873, S. 382. • Proc.'Roy. Soc. Vol. xxxn. (1881), p. 145. See also Digestion and Diet, 1891, pp. 16, 69. ( HKMICAL BASIS OF T1IK ANIMAL I'.ODV. slight extent tin- power of slowly liydn.lysinx starch into maho-e . tlii- conversion being more rapid if portion- ot tin- nun -i.il> mem- brane of tin- intestine he tim-ly divided and immersed in the .-tarch solution.1 The tissue and its extracts, on tin- other hand. possess to a very marked extent the power of rapidly ellerting * conversion • if maltose into dextrose ; tlr icat phy.-iol. significance, inasmuch as it points to the probability that the car- bohydrate- an- absorbed from the intestine as dextro-e and not as maltose, — a view which is supported by the fact that maltose dot-- not appear to be capable of direct assimilation, but is excreted laivly unchanged if injected into the blood.2 If this \te so, then - dextrose that the liver receives its supply of carbohydrate material for the formation of glyco^en. a fact which is of no small inteiv.-t when we know that the liver discharges the carbo- hydrate which results from the reconversion of -Jyco^en into sugar a- dextro-e.3 (See also suit glycogen.) ( 'aiu---ULcar ha> been shown by I»ernard t» he similarly incapable <>f a.— imilatioii: if injected into the blood it is excreted in tin- urine iinrhan^iMl. \\'lit-n taken through tin- alimentary canal it i- probably inverted nr converted into a mixture <>f dextrose and la-\ul»>e, \sliirh are then a>-imilal>le. Tin- <-Mii\.-r-i.'ii nf hepatic glycop-n int«» .-u^ar a- a preliminary t«« it- di-i'liar:4'- from the liver has more usually been regarded a- dependent iipmi tlie aeth ity «-f .-cnue ,-pei-ial hepat ie en/yine. Tin- \ie\\ i- n»\\ no longer tenable in face «•!' the ne^atne e\ idence a- \« it- t-xi-ten,-.- olitained by moi-i- recent <.b-ei-\ .-r-.4 (S.-.- al-« >nb ^lye..^eii.) Pepsin. This is the characteri-tiy proteolytic ,^/.viiie of ^a.-tri<' juic.- It was first separated out" in an approximately pure form by " Hi- method \\a- a- toll«i\v>. Tin- miie-.n- membrane »{ the -t..m.i.-h i- -.eparat.-il t'r..m the mu-eiilar c.iat-. tinely chopped and dip--te.I \\itli :i laru'e volume of ."> p. c. phosphoric acid. Tin- fluid thu- ..bta; ..... 1 i- -fraim-d off through linen, and filtered, and lii ..... wafer is added until the reaction i> ju.-t not .[iiite neutral : by thi- uie.i ipitati- »\ ' Dniwii ami H.-n-i. .MM (1880), p. 3!W. I I. IM. \',.||a. M-.l- -rrMtrl, ;„ \ IM. Mil. H..iir.|in-l..i. <;„„,,!. /;,„,/. T. \, vii. (1883), |- I«XN' . ..iiii.-riii:iiiii. I'llu-.-r', .I,./, H.I 01. Philip- (Dutrh I' , (I88I , - Bouranelot, Compt. RrmH. Eonn ii-^»).|-. !''•"» i'...nr.|iiri..i. ./» ./• ' i-'' -' ribwFlfW Eonn ii-^»).|-. !''•"» ...nr.|iir..i. .» .• -' - ,-r. riluirrr-- .In-/,. IM. xiv. (1877). - nU X-N M -79). 8. M in.. I Knit^-liin.-r. / / "I ^Xl% uliis in.. I \ M. rinu'. /^ /". l'hit*i«i. ('firm. IM. ll .IT. ,/. v..l ^ (I--11. p m l"l I- ./ ' '. I ./ ' / • ' (») T. . II r . / i: ! x.o. 1 1 •»••,!). S. 601. Se« «ko In. l-.r.v«. St*r 60 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. calcium phosphate is obtained to which all the pepsin is adherent. The precipitate is now filtered off, dissolved in a minimal amount of dilute hydrochloric acid and again precipitated by the addition of lime- water; this second precipitation frees the pepsin largely from the proteids which were at first carried down with it. This second pre- cipitate is now as before dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. From this the pepsin is separated as follows. Cholesterin is dissolved in a mixture of four parts of alcohol and one of ether, and this solution is introduced below the solution of pepsin by means of a long thistle- tube. As soon as the cholesterin comes in contact with the water it separates out and the separation is completed, as a finely granular mass, by violently shaking the vessel in which the mixture is con- tained. The pepsin adheres now to the cholesterin, which is filtered off, washed first with water faintly acidulated with acetic acid and finally with pure water. On treating the mass with pure ether in a separating-funnel the cholesterin goes into solution in the ether which forms an upper layer, below which is an aqueous solution of pepsin, which must be shaken up several times with renewed portions of ether until all the cholesterin has been extracted. The aqueous solution of the enz3rme thus obtained is exposed to the air until it is free from ether, and is then filtered. It may be further purified by dialysis, and is now found to give none of the reactions characteristic of pro- teids, and to be precipitable only by the acetates of lead. It yielded no trace of opalescence on the addition of tannic acid, though this is capable of detecting one part of proteid in 100,000 of solvent.1 From the reactions of the pepsin solution obtained by Briicke's method, it seems justifiable to consider that the enzyme is not really a proteid. The same conclusion may be deduced from the more recent investigation of Sundberg.2 No analyses of purified pepsin appear to have been made as yet, so that the views as to its non-pro teid nature are based solely upon the reactions of its solutions as described by Briicke and Sundberg, reactions which, as already pointed out, are not really conclusive. Preparation of peptic digestive fluids. If a few drops of a glycerine extract of gastric mucous membrane be added to dilute (•2 p. c.) hydrochloric acid, or if the tissue be simply extracted for a short time with the dilute acid and the extract be filtered, a solution is obtained which suffices for demonstration and ordi- nary purposes.3 When however a peptic extract is required for research purposes it is essential to adopt some more elaborate method which yields a product as free as possible from admixed substances ; one of the best is that of Maly.4 The mucous mem- brane is digested, as in Briicke's method, with phosphoric acid and the fluid precipitated with lime-water. The precipitate of 1 Hofmeister, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. 11. (1878), S. 292. 2 Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. ix. (1885), S. 319. But see Low, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxxvi. (1885), S. 170. 3 See also Kiihne and Chittenden, Zt. f. Biol Bd. xix. (1883), S. 184. 4 Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. ix. (1874), S. 592. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL I'.oDV. r,i < -a!, him phosphate is then tillered off, washed, and di— .d\ed in dilute hydrochloric acid, and this solution is then dialysed until it is five from chlorine and phosphate-, and «>n acidulating with hydrochloric acid is ready fur use. < hvinu' to tin- relatively slow diffiisil.ility of allmmn.se.s and peptoii.^. men- dialysis "1 a solution of pepsin in which these suhstanc. :t does not. within any reasonalde time, siitlice to yield an e\eii Comparatively pure solution of tin- en/yme. Many form- of commercially prepared pepsin arc ohtained l>y d. iiii,' tin- irastric mucous nifinlirain- \\ith dilute hydrochloric acid; tin- BOltttioD thus ohtaiiifd is thru >at uratt-d with soinc >alt siicli as Na<'l. », or CaCl... wlu-n-ujMin a .-cum rises to the surface, consisting chiftly of j.rotcid niattt-i- to which the pepsin is adherent. This scum is then removed, frequently mixed witli milk-sugar and dried at a low temperature.1 IVpsin does not exist preformed in the cells <»f tin- gastric t^litijd s , hut as a /yinogen to which tin- name of iH.'j)sino^en i s «jiv«Mi ; this is ivadily cunvciifd into pepsin by tin- action <»f hydrochloric acid.2 I'nlikc ptyalin the hydrolytic activity of pepsin igjmanifggted ojily '" presence of an acii,l. The most ctlicu-nt acid in this i for artificial digestions is hydrochloric of a strength of •'2 p. c.:j The average percentage of this acid may be statt-d a^ •'2 p. c. in normal gastric juice, but it varies slightly in the case of different animals.1 Other acids may lie substituted for tin- hydrochloric, the optimal percentage varying for the se acid A remarkalde peptonisin^ en/yme (papain). exits in tin- milky juice of an Ma>t and \\'e>t Indian plant, Carica 1'apaya. Any di-criptimi of thi> en/yme and its properties lies outside the scope ••«' this \\ork: all necessary information may lie uhtaim-d 1-y referring to the pap.-i- (ploteil !ielo\\/' of jiejisin and other en/\ |iiently found in urine ; the literature of the subject up to the present date is fully Diluted iii the papers to which a n-feiem ••• is hnv " :, Mah •>./ '. H'l. ill. (187.-H - -h), lt.nl. H • KlM.-in iind Crut/.iM-r, I'Hu-.T1- Arr.h. 1M. \in. (IS74). S. \~>2 \ , in. (1881), |. -\ an. I K.lkin.v /'•••/ V»l. vil. (\»M), p. :I7I. .. 1'tlu^.TH .\,.l,. IM. \\\1 KVII i I-- • Bidder and s. -imii.it. I>" \'.,.i.«i I »•• amimUm I'tlntr.T's .\ ,<•!,. IM. \i\ (1879), v , i.Uon iind Iii.-t.Tirl,. .!..,•/,. f. .\,,,,i. ». /'/,./>-./. Jali r«. 1860, S. 6M. I in Mah's Btrlckt. Mil. \. I • Wnrte et Boachnt, r,,,,,,^ /,•.„./. T. i\\\.\ \Vurt/. / KO.B 1879; I KOI !• 787 I'"l;ik (l)ntdi). 8«e Ab»t. in Mmly'f Jahntbtr. . M.,r-':../ //'/,./.<.../. V.,1. v 1 1-- M p. 336. ..l.-lm:um. , 15. 1 IXli •lIu-MMii) A!.-i in \: : I maim. l'Hui:«'r'- I'.'l. M.I. (1887), S. 14!j. llclwea, Ibid. B«I xi.m 62 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. Trypsin. The proteolytic enzyme of pancreatic juice. This appears to have been first separated from the other enzymes which exist iTT pancreatic ]uice by DamlewskyT* More recently .Kulim7""!!; i s prepared it in quantity and in what must be presumed to be a pure (?) form, by an elaborate and lengthy process, for the details of which his original work must be consulted.2 The composition of the enzyme as prepared by Kiihne was found to be remarkably complex, as shown by the fact that when dissolved in water and boiled it is split up with the formation of 20 p. c. coagulated proteid and 80 p. c. albumose. It might at first sight appear probable from this that the purified enzyme was in reality a mixture of the true enzyme with other substances (proteid) to whose decomposition on boiling the coagulated proteid and albu- mose were due, and some authors have taken this view.3 This seems however to be negatived by the fact that Kiihne digested his trypsin for several weeks in dilute alkaline solution and did not observe the formation of the least trace of peptone, leucin, or tyrosin. The percentage composition of the enzyme has been quoted on p. 55, from which it appears to contain distinctly less carbon than a true proteid. Preparation of solutions of trypsin for digestion experiments.. The following method due to Kiihne yields an extraordinarily pure and active tryptic solution ; unfortunately it is a somewhat lengthy process.4 One part by weight of pancreas which has been extracted with alcohol and ether is digested at 40° for 4 hours with 5 parts of •! p. c. salicylic acid. The residue after being squeezed out is further digested for 12 hours with 5 parts of -25 p. c. Na2C03, and the residue is again squeezed out. The acid and alkaline extracts are now mixed together, the whole made up to -25 — '5 p. c. Na2C03, and digested for at least a week in presence of -5 p. c. thymol. By this means all the first formed albiimoses are fully converted into peptones; this is essential. At the end of the week the fluid is allowed to stand in the cold for 24 hours, filtered, faintly acidulated with acetic acid, and saturated with neutral ammonium sulphate. By this means all the trypsin is separated out and may be collected on a filter, where it is washed with the ammonium salt (sat. sol.) till free from peptones. It is now finally dissolved off the filter in a little '25 p. c. solution of Xa2C03, to which thymol is added and thus an extremely active and very pure digestive solution is obtained. Ten grams of the original pancreas yield 80 — 100 c. c. of extract. 1 Virchow's Arch. Bd. xxv. (1862), S. 279. 2 VerhandL d. naturhist.-med. Ver. Heidelbg. (N.F.), Bd. I. (1876), S. 194. 3 Low, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xxvn. (1882), S. 209. * Verhand. d. naturhist.-med. Ver. Hcidelby (N.F.), Bd in. (1886), S. 463. Also Ceniralb.f. d. med. Wiss. 1886, Nr. 45. CI1KMICAL BASIS OF T1IK AM MAI. 1;<>1>Y. I'.eitij.-r's 'liiiiK.r paitcn-at icti> ' contains in addition t«> tin- cn/\ nifs I.., tli Iriicin anniall amount re<|unvd to \ idd an acti\«- dii;..-tive solution introduce^ an amount «\ impurities which inav \«- in-^lected in many ca-i->. The al>»\(- impurities may !>•• lar^. i rid of by precipitating oul the .-n/vines \\ith aid. h.. 1 u desorib Although trvpsin exhibits its liydrolytic jxiwers to tin- advantage in presence "f an alkali, its activity is scared y~so • ly related to_th_e alkali as is that of in-psiit to dilute hy<]i» »- c-hloric acid. Thus it will digest pruti-ids, although much luTiic slowly in a m-utral solutimi and i-vt-n in jin-scncc of dilute ('01- ' hydrochloric acid, Imt tin- slight. •-! exoen < 1 p. c. ) of the arid d.--n'.y- it.1 In connection \vith these >tat«-nn-ni> it nm-t h«i\vi-vi-r In- Imriif in mind that pr<>t«-ids ]iavc tin- JM.W.T *>f readily (•uiiiliiniii^ with acids, hence the addition of say -1 j». «:. of hydm- <'lil"ric acid to a digestive mixture dues n»t imply that th. then '1 p. c. of free acid in the solution.- This comparative independence of tryptic activity in its rela- ti"iis t<> the reaction of the digestive mixture i< dmilitless »»f r«m- siderable physiological .significance. The reacticm of the contents of the small intestine is very variable. The chyme as diseh from the stomach is of course acid, and this aridity is lar-.'ly diminished by the advent of the stronulv alkaline bile and pan- crejitic jniei-. so that the reaction may become alkaline within a short distance of the pylorus. On the other band the alkaline ;.>n mavjtot be at all appreciable until the lower end of tin* • ine is reaclied, and fn-nuently, at least in dogs, the reacti.m ntly acif_^' small intestine ; it varies at different times, ami drjNMuls upon the !,!..•. Virrliow's Arek. IM. X^MN (ItST), > n" Ili-i-li-iiliain. 1'ti Arrfi. 15.1 \ '( " «/- /• ''"I "I v l.il|illnTl,'iT (Sw.'.,|i.|| • I XIII. •.«'•, '/A f. i>hi/niiJ. Chnn. Hi I. i. I!-" ;»../. H' ... 1880 N... :»l. v. .1. Vi-l.l.-n. />•••'•>• •'• i H.I. \\»n . . S. |«C,. Cf. I.an-l.'v :in,| ' .»•/ V.,1 n iimi.lt-Miilli.-im. Arek. I. /Vi./«W. .Inhrg. 1879. S. .19. Ciwh. /'.'/ IH80.8. ••123. F,«-:i. .//. /'/, mil. n- . niiivi-f Miilk-Miu'.irl int.. H'l " I I'- ll' t 64 ENZYMES Oil SOLUBLE FERMENTS. kiiid_and relative amount of the several food-stuffs, the_changes these undergo and the amount of alkaline secretions with which they are mixed. Ail the evidence we do possess Igjids^ to the belief that intestinal digestion to be of use must be capable ^f being carried on in a mixture which may be alkaline, or_neutral, or even frequently acid. Although the acidity of the intestinal contents may be due to hydrochloric acid in the upper end of the duodenum, the acidity is elsewhere much more probably due to lactic or butyric acids, and it is interesting in this connection to notice that according to Liudberger,1 the former of these two acids exerts a distinctly favouring influence on tryptic digestion, especially in presence of bile and sodium chloride. Thus in presence of '02 p. c. lactic acid and 1 — 2 p. c. bile and sodium chloride fibrin may be digested more rapidly than in a neutral solution and fully as quickly as in a solution of moderate alka- linity. But the presence of -05 p. c. of lactic acid stops the digestion. Traces of trypsin have been stated to be found in urine ; this is somewhat doubtful.2 Trypsinogen. The zymogen of trypsin. Heidenhain first showed that the pancreas contains, in its absolutely fresh and normal condition, no ready-made enzyme, but an antecedent of the same.3 This body is readily converted into the active enzyme by the action of dilute acids (1 c.c. of 1 p.c. acetic acid to each 1 grin, of gland- substance) and a conversion also takes place if the gland is kept for some time, especially in the warm, this resulting most prob- ably from the spontaneous acidification which it thus undergoes. The zymogen is soluble in strong glycerine without conversion into the enzyme ; it is also soluble in water, in which it is gradually changed into the enzyme, most rapidly when warmed, probably under the influence of the acid reaction which the solution acquires.4 Pialyn.5 In addition to the two pancreatic enzymes which have already been described, both the secretion and the gland-substance contain a third substance which has not as yet been isolated, of which, therefore, but little is known from a chemical point of view, but which must be regarded as an enzyme in virtue of the typical conditions under which it is able to effect a hydrolytic decompo- 1 loc. cit. ref. 1 , on p. 63. 2 For litt. see ref. 1, sub Pepsin, on p. 61. 3 Heidenhaiu, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. x. (1875), S. 581. See also Podolinski, Ibid. Bd. xni. (1876), S. 422. Weiss. Virchow's Arch. Bd. LXVIII. (1876), S. 413. * Kiihne, Lehrb. d. phi/siol. Chem. 1868, S. 120. 6 From ir'ia.p = fat, and \vtiv = to split up or decompose. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE A M.MAI. i;oDY. 65 of neutral fats into ^l\«,-iuit- and free fatty arid. !'>• i in-w attention t<> tin- exi-teii'--- of this en/yme.1 It is most it in tin- Mil. -i. in. ••• of tin- freth gland or in its secre- utl may l.e extracted fr«»ia tin- former by means of j i y case it is essential to ensure that the gland "t iicquired an acid reaction I'.-fore extraction, and that all \ thfin- Hence a dilute alkaline solution should l»e empl ami according to Paschutin sodium Uiearbonate mixed \\ ith the normal carbonate is the most efficient solvent* presence of tin- ••n/yme is tested f"i- \<\ adding tin- exti;, minion .-f nil "f hitter aliiiniid>. -T ..th.-r neutral oil or fat. with £iiiii arahic: the mixture i> then nn».st can-fully m-utrallM-d and di- 1 at 40°, togfthtT with a minimal amount of lu-utrul .-• i litmu> sidutioii. In prrst-ncc uf the »-n/yine tin- mass turn- less rabidly red, nwin^j to the liberation of the free fatty acid. \ niic nature of the active agent is shown by the fact that its activity is greatest at about 40°, is destroyed by boiling, ami is dej.eiident upon the reaction of the digestive mixture. greatest in \n> : a dilute alkali, although it will >ln>\v itself in a neutral solution. It will also be observed that the decom- position which jiialyn effects is typically hydmlytic. Rennin. tl of the mucous memhrane «»f tin- stomach of young il>, and more especially of the calf, have been known time immemorial to |M(^,^- a m.,>t remarkahle jH.wer of HL; milk to clot, and rennet was commonlx employed l.\ tin- :ie manufa't ure i. f cheese. The active agent in \<\» is in more recent times supposed to be eitln-r the acidity of the extract itself or tin- j.n>duction of la. inilk-suirar (lactose) by means of some active j,nn< ipl.- in the it/ and ffemmaraton, howev.-i. >h..u.d that this •mtenahle ; and we now know that the sulmtance to whii'h the dotting is due is MM- (o whi'h the na; at may be conveniently ^iven.4 The en/ynnc nature of the •• a^ent in rennet is tl -.\\n l-\ th-- t;. pi-al i.-l.it ..... ship shits in its activity to the rea !n- solution in it ii present,* to the t- n it \vhi<-h its activity is 1 Comfit. Amy him in 1*7'J under the name of ' til>ri: nient.' ' It- • !iad Keen ton-shadowed in some experiments mad-- ke. in which he showed that the Hliriintplastic aetion of precipitated paraglobulin was parti] dejM-ndent upon the admixture of some other >ul. stance, which he regarded as the truly tilirinoplastic fat-tor. Thus, he showed among other things nore a serum is diluted before the paraglohulin is precipi- from it liv means of CO,., the less marked are its tiluino- -.2 Further. Mantegazza had in 1871 put forward the view, also held }.y Uuchaiian, that the white coi),u>cles play imjx>rtant part in the formation i.f tilirin, without in any :isin^' the substance which he suggested was prob- ably dis' I Mum them as the determinant of the whole process.8 The time was thus rijN- for Schmidt's discovery.4 He prepared the ferment l>y juvcipitatint: serum with !."• — ijO vol- •iur alcohol ; the precipitate was treated for /// 14 da\> with the alcohol to insure complete (?) coagulation and insolubility of the proteids; after which time it was removed W ion. dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid, pulverised, and with distilled water in volume equal to twice that of the xeiuin originally employed. The ferment solution thus ob- i i- by no means pure, and n< 'ti\e. M • : ••ntly aarsten has obtained the ferment in solution free from pnra- glol.uliu.5 11^- saturates serum with magnesium Milphate at 30°, and "'Iters otl the precipitated para^Iobu^iu at the same temj_M-ra- t_ure. Th>' filtrate he dilutes with nine volumes ot water, and t«» tln^ adds gradually, and with continuous stirring, dilute caustic sore<-ipitat<' j§ fanned. Tliis precipitate carries the ferment down mechani- cally, and i- finally washed, pressed. -u-|«-ndcd in water, dissolved by a< i to a neutral -olutiou.and dialysed till free from ordinary puriMtses an extremely active ferment solution l»e must readily ofiuined by Hamgee's method »f extra* tii i ;_' < >-called ' wasjied IdcxKl dot ' with 8 p.c. solution of sodium chloride.* The solution in this case contains ti large amount of 1 An account of Buchanan '• experimeot* ha* beea jfvM br Gamgee. Pkytiol. Ckm,< . i 8«e abo Jl. of l^ v»o/. Vol. n. (1879). p 145. Al.th.), 1867, 8. 891. \ !«t. in Ma rrt.n:..r'« .)-.', I! Ibid. R! KTl x \ x I - QHBgM 68 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. globulins m solution, as also does^the similar extract which may be equally efficiently prepared from ordinary washed fibrin.1 In no case as yet has the fibrin-ferment been obtained in a con- dition of such purity as to justify any dogmatic statement as to Its chemical composition. All the solutions whose preparation has been described above ^leld strong proteid reactions, and Halliburton 2 has argued from his own experiments and a criticism of preceding work that the ferment is really a proteid identical (?) with what he had previously called ' cell-globulin ' (antea, p. 28). On the other hand it is possible by appropriate methods to free the .^alt- extracts of fibrin very completely from proteids without anv great loss of ferment activity, certainly without any such loss as would necessarily be the case if the active substance were a globulin.3 It may be said that the apparent ferment-powers in such cases are in reality due to the presence of calcium sulphate, which is now known to promote the clotting of a dilute salt-plasma to an extraordinary degree ; 4 but as against this the fact may be quoted that solutions free from proteid reaction, and which had been freed from salts by careful dialysis, lost their activity on heating to 60 — 70°, which they would not have done had the activity been due merely to calcium sulphate. When Schmidt's method is applied to blood received directly from an artery into an excess of alcohol no ferment can be ob- tained from the precipitate thus obtained. LtL is. hence evident that the living, circulating blood contains no preformed ferment. and the question thus arises from what does it take its origin during the clotting of blood and presumably as an immediate antecedent to that clotting ? Buchanan held distinctly the view that the active agent in the whole process was in some way con- nected with, if not derived from, the white corpuscles, a view also held later on by Mantegazza. Schmidt also took this view, bas- ing it on an elaborate series of investigations for which his orig- inal works must be consulted.5 Lowit, experimenting with lymph as well as blood, while denying that the white corpuscles break down at clotting in the way Schmidt described, still connects them with the production of the initiative factor in the whole process.6 Still further evidence in the same direction may be derived from the experiments of Rauschenbach 7 and Halliburton,8 and of Fano, who observed that wTien "peptone-plasma is freed' as 1 Lea and Green, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. iv. (1883), p. 386. 2 Jl. of Physiol. Vol. ix. (1888), p. 265. 8 Lea and Green, loc. cit. * Green, Ibid. Vol. vm. (1887), p. 354. 5 Pfluger's Arch. Bd. ix. (1874), S. 353; xi. (1875), Sn. 291, 515. 6 Sitzb. d. Wien. Akad. (2 Abth.), Bd. LXXXIX. (1884), S. 270; xc. S. 80. 7 Inaug.-Diss. Dorpat, 1883. See also the Dissertations (Dorpat) of F. Hoffmann, 1881. Samson-Himmelstjerna, 1882; Heyl, 1882. 8 loc. cit. See also Kriiger, Zt.f. Biol. xxiv. (1888), S. 189. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 69 completely as possible from \vhit«- it canuot be made to dot in tin. u-ual way by the addition of water.1 In addition t<- the red ami white ci.r|-u>cles blood also contains, as already -l.--i.Tit'. -d :hir«l >tructural element, tin- 'j.lat. • vend "I'M-rvere have end. -avoured tii connect t lie first cause of the clotting of blood with some breaking down and di>aj>]>< ara; these structures.* Th; as yet insufficiently supported, and is c« -in hated by several observers; 3 bearing in uiind however how little i> known about the origin and nature <>f th«--t- platelet* tin- rin-fer- iiiij,' to hi* view Mood-plasma contains in itself all the element > requisite for the formation of fibrin, which he cons id' . ; no sense tin- outcome of any fermentative process. He described coagulable proteids A- £- and (7-fibrinogen. The la>t of tlie-e - in minimal ijiiantities in plasma, is identical with the -ul>- •• ordinarily known as tihrino^en. and clots on the addition of fibrin-ferment. According to his \ lew clotting U due tn a tn • f lecithin from it> conildnat i«n with A-UOnaOf/SD t«> /y-!il»rino- iiich means both the tibrinogens disappear and fibrin takes their place.* information which we possess as to tin- nature of th«- tU'rin-f.-nii'-nt is mm !i less complete and satisfactory than in tin* case of otlii-r .•n/ym.-- Hut that il is proix-rlv plai-i-d in tin- class of tlu _ |_- _ -hown hy the typical facts that its activity _ ^y ili-]M'iideiit ni'on t<-iii|M-ra(iiie. hring ili-stroyi'ir '•_ lu-at- i"njj_to JtiJ ; that Li d«M/s_jiot alTtM t tin- aniouiit but only tin- "fati* of r|ianov of filirino^'-n^Tnto t'j"''ii ; that it is can ify nous j.ivipii. it«--; funii'-d in Hs solutions Hamni'-r.-. ^aiO. i (1878), p. ./« Pkyiial. 1878. p. 692. BilXox.T... Vir. IL.W'K Arrh. IM \ I'..! I XXXM low ' hKmatuli!.vt-> ' are identical with Binoirr tru.- hvmatoblaiu are the cell* described br Neumann. IHadfldach. and other* ai> «F.i ..f.d.mf.l u t,loe.cit. Rchimroelboach, 4 K.H i .Mlimnnn. rjMtf I -* I / -nrf. 1886. l.adwi^'" Ft***rift, 1887. See al«o Halh 70 ENZYMES OK SOLUBLE FERMENTS. enzyme employed, and is not, so far as we know, used up in the change which it induces, since it is present in serum Muscle enzyme. The phenomena of the clotting of muscle-plasma compared with those of blood-plasma and the relationship of the process to the presence of neutral salts and to temperature suggest at once that the change is probably one in which some enzyme plays a part. Immediately after Schmidt's discovery of the fibrin-ferment the question of the existence of a rnyosin-ferment was investigated under his guidance,1 and resulted in the discovery of the exist- ence in muscles of an enzyme which appeared to be identical with fibrin-ferment rather than specifically myosinic. The later work of the Dorpat School further confirmed the above, but failed to establish the existence of an enzyme, differing from fibrin-fer- ment and specifically active in promoting the clotting of muscle- plasma.2 More recently it has been shown that by applying Schmidt's method to muscles which have been treated for some time with alcohol, a solution may be obtained which hastens the clotting of diluted muscle-plasma, does not facilitate the forma- tion of fibrin in blood-plasma, and, unlike fibrin-ferment, requires to be heated to 100° before it loses its activity.3 The active agent in the solution is therefore not identical with fibrin-ferment and may be spoken of as a myosin-ferment. Urea-ferment. When urine is exposed to the air its acidity at first increases, but in most cases this speedily gives way to a marked alkalinity, which is accompanied by the evolution of ammonia. This is due to a hydrolytic fermentative change resulting from the appear- ance and development in the urine of certain micro-organisms of which the best known is the Torula ureae.4 Normally urine is free from these organisms and may be kept in the excised blad- der for an indefinite period without exhibiting any tendency to become alkaline ; 5 in certain abnormal conditions it may undergo an active alkaline fermentation while still in the bladder. The part played by the organisms was for a long time regarded as similar to that of yeast-cells in promoting alcoholic fermentation. Soon however evidence was adduced which showed that the 1 Michelson, Dlss. Dorpat, 1872. 2 Grubert, Diss. Dorpat, 1883. Klemptner, Ibid. Kugler, Ibid. 8 Halliburton, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. vin. (1887), p. 159. * Midler, Jn. f. prakt. Chem. Bd. LXXXI. (1860), S. 467. Pasteur, Compt. Rend. T. L. 1860, p. 869. van Tieghem, Ibid. T. LVIII. 1864, p. 210. But see also Jaksch, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. v. (1881), S. 395. Leube, Virchow's Arch. Bd. c. (1885), S. 540. Miquel, Bull, de la Soc. Chim. T. xxix. (1878), p. 387 ; xxxi. p. 391 ; xxxii. (1879), p. 126. • '" Cazeneuve et Livon, Compt. Rend. T. i.xxxv. (1877), p. 571. Bull, de la Soc. Chim. T. xxvni. (1877), p. 484. CHKMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL r,«>DY. 71 c hange was not necessarily due solely to tin* lid- and growth <>f •rganisms in tin- solution, for it was found that the fern, tion might be •upletc in presence of an amount of carbolic acid wliidi is t'atal to th-- de\.-lopment of micro-organisms.1 The probable of an en/yme as a possible fa.-t >r in tin- whole •ss which was thu- demon-nated wa- reduced to a certainty by the exjH-riments of Mu-cnlu-.- Kmplovm- the thick mucous •rh he precipitated the iniicin with al- cohol, dried tin- jirei-ij.itate at a low teiujK-ratnre, extracted it with water and found the extract to possess active hydndytic ; a solution of urea. The proof of the existence of the In a pathological mucous urine in which there i OjUently no reason to suspect i. ;ice of any micro-organisms still Ifft (»|XMI tin- (|Uc>ti«.ii ()f the isolation of the ir«'in the mi. lo-oiuiani^m it-elf. When urine which \>\ exj.<,si; the air has .-nt.-ivd into active alkaline f.-i iii'-ntat ion an. I. M shown l»y microscopic examination, is full of Torulae, is flliciently vni'- <-a] table of bydrolisin.u' urea can l»o precipitated by alcohol from the dear filtrate. If on the other band the until- tered urine he precipitated with an excess of alcohol and'th* ••d with alcohol and dried in the air, a po\\,i :ie«l which i- itself extraordinarily active, and yields to an • soluble eiixyme which raj. idly <-on\erts inunoiiia and carbonic acid. The rapidity of the c.mv. udes the intervention of any developing or^ani-m. and that lian^e is truly due to an en/ynie i- shown by the fact that it ith e,|ual readiness in presence of chloroform.8 -oiiu' iiitt-rot tc. notice ln-r«- that frmn \\hat lia> IM-.-M said \\h.'>»- activity tin- feriiu-Mtatinii is dm- <\« n-.t tr^e tlit-ir i-n/yiiif int.. tin- Mirmmidiiin inediuin; \\ln-ii killt-.l ic.ili.J. tln-y yii-ld it n-ailil- italile Thi> li..l in tin- case of invcrtin. \\hidi : found in tin- liltrat.- !>..;• \\liili- it ina\ n-adily IM- .-\t ra.-t. ••: tin- .-.-II- when killed l-y ether .T al.-..||,d.4 Similarly it appear- that \ield an en/ynie «ho>e acti-m i> •ryp-in.0 The nio-t j.rolit: of the urea enzyme is in all case- the mucous urine passed in inflammatory conditions of the bladder. II:- i U I i \\MII 1 1 -:«.). i •-• I.\\M .. Al-t in Indu*!. IH^I.N.K. |«. .'. •'»*«"• * I! l>1ni*inl. Cktm. Bd. XI. (IWT K . Salkuwnki. /J ' H>-J Bd xx\ (IBM). 72 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS^ In this c«ise the enzyme appears to be closely associated with the mucin and is presumably a secretory product of the mucous mem- brane, for it is frequently obtained when there has been no opera- tive use of surgical instruments which could account for the intro- duction of micro-organisms from the exterior. In concluding this account of the more important enzymes of the animal body it may not be out of place to say a few words on the probable mode of action of the ferments and enzymes. The term fermentation was applied originally to the changes, accompanied by characteristic frothing, foaming, and evolution of gases, which saccharine solutions such as the expressed juice of fruits or infusions of grain undergo on exposure to the air. The chemical changes and products of the fermentation were studied from the earliest times, and in 1680 Leuwenhcek described, with the aid of the newly-invented microscope, the small, spherical par- ticles which are now known as yeast-cells, to be the exciting cause of the whole process. He did not however ascribe any organisa- tion to these particles, and it was not until 1835 and 1837 that Cagniard de Latour and Schwann respectively but independently took up the investigation where Leuwenhoek had left it, and estab- lished firmly and finally the organised and plant-like nature of the yeast-cell and the absolute dependence of fermentation upon its presence in the fermenting fluid.1 The yeast-cell having thus been definitely recognized as the cause of the fermentation, the interest- ing question at once arose as to how the known cause produces the observed effect, and to this question many answers have been given, of which the following are the more important. Liebig regarded the ferments as substances in a state of pro- gressing decomposition during which the equilibrium of their constituents is upset and a rapid motion of their minuter parts established. When brought into contact with other decomposable substances the motion of the ferment's particles is communicated to the former, whereupon it also undergoes a decomposition result- ing in the formation of the simpler products which make their appearance and are characteristic of the fermentation. According to this view the organised nature of the yeast-cells is left out of account and the phenomena attributed entirely to the purely chemical decomposition of their constituent substance, set going at the outset by oxygen.2 Pasteur regarded alcoholic fermenta- 1 Erxleben in 1818 had described and spoken of yeast as a vegetative organism, as also in 1825 had Desmazieres, who ascribed to it an animal rather than vegetable nature. 2 Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. xxx. (1839), Sn. 250, 363. Stahl in 1734 had ex- pressed practically identical views. CHEMICAL BASIS "1 I Hi: ANIMAL tit'ii as indissolnhly connected with the vegetative LM'owth, multi- plication, and metabolism of the yeast-cell. According to this view sii^ar is tin- food-stuff out of whii-h the organism obtains the ma- terial requisite for its metabolism and growth, the products of tin- fermentation beinu' thus, as it wen-, the e\cn-tiunary residues of tin- metabolised food.1 A third vi»-\v attributes tin- fermentative uposition to the production l>y the organic -d t« -nm-ntsof solu- ble unorganised ••! ix vines to whose activity tin- decomposition is diii-. Th >-ceived its chief sui»i>urt DUD tin- discovery that a part at l«-ast i>f the change which siujar undergoes in presence of may be obtained by means of the soluble enzyme ' invi-rtin ' which can readily be extracted from tin- dead cells.2 But as yet all efforts to obtain an i-nxyuie capable of carrying tin- decomposi- tion beyond the initial stage of inversion have been fruit less. \ • cnling to von Nageli tin- living substance of the organised ct-11 is to be regarded as being in continuous and rapid molecular vibra- tion, ami the decomposition of the fermentable substance as tin- result of the direct transference of these vibrations to this sub- is by means of which its equilibrium is upset and it is split up into simpler and therefore more stable products.1 To discuss the merits of these various theories and the experiments upon which they are based is quite impossible within any reasonable limits of brevity. We shall perhaps be not far wrong in consider- ing that as regards the organised ferments the changes they effect ;>e, iii their earlier stages, partly the outcome of the action of some soluble en/vine, and partly the result of that cycle of meta- bolic (chemical) processes which occur continuously in their proto- plasm, in virtue of which «they are sjMiken of as -living.' Simi- larly in the higher animals we find a large number of Simpler >n by means of isolal.le en/.ymes. by which un- doubtedly the labours of the protoplasm in i»erformiii'_: its own •implicated activities an1 materially lightened. l'>ut v. still fare to face with nunilttrless decompositions which cam. reproduced outside tin- limits of living matter and which t be explained with reference to anything other than the activity of living matter The .jeiier.il ( oiiditious and factors which characterise the action of tin- soluble ferments or enzymes have already been mentioned .; without making any suggestion as to the prohahl. in which tln-v produce and .airy mi tin- decompositions to which tln-y -jive rise. Liebij - of the mode of action ot yeast, lince n left !; ind life of the cell entirely out •••' w WM keenly attarked »" n. ./. Cl>n* u I'h.irm. Bd. < MM : 8«« lW«nr in wply, A**. Ckim. l'ky> « v. r I \\* . • rtinir |«-wfr »f yemrt wo flmt dt.i nnif;iiit in I "47. I^rthHot -MI. a ml II - prepand it in t!i«- I.. rin ••( ;» <• reference* on |< I 74 ENZYMES OR SOLUBLE FERMENTS. account, and was based simply upon the supposed properties of the changing cell-substance, might obviously therefore be applied to any ordinary soluble enzyme. There is however no evidence to show that the enzymes are in the state of change or decomposi- tion which Liebig supposed ; on the contrary they are observed to be on the whole remarkably stable substances, from the point of view that a minute trace can produce a profound decomposition in a relatively enormous mass of material, during an almost indefi- nitely long time, without itself undergoing any proportionate altera- tion or destruction.1 The theory of v. Nageli previously quoted was applied by its author to explain the fermentative power of the living cell, and is thus not directly applicable to the non-living enzymes. Mayer, it is true, has put forward a view which is essen- tially a development of v. Nageli's and is applicable to the en- zymes. These substances are in all cases produced solely and entirely by the activity of living cells or organisms, and Mayer regards them as retaining in themselves a portion of that molecu- lar motion which is supposedly so characteristic of the living parent cell from which they have been separated.2 It cannot how- ever be said that these theories afford any real insight into the probable mode of action of an enzyme, and we must look for it in some other direction. Attention has been already drawn (p. 53) to the existence of a large and increasing class of chemical reactions whose occurrence is determined by mere traces of some substance which does not itself at the same time undergo any change during the decomposi- tions which it initiates, and the enzymes have been compared to these substances. Now in the case of the reactions of which we are now speaking it is known in some and probable in all that the process which takes place is in general terms the following. The determinant substance interacts with one of the reagents to form a compound which can now enter into combination with the other , the result is the formation of a more complex compound which at once decomposes, giving rise to products of which one is the origi- nal determinant substance in an unaltered form, the others the product characteristic of the reaction.3 This suggests at once that the enzymes may play their part in a manner similar to that of the determinant in the above reactions, a view which has been put forward but scarcely receives the attention that it deserves.4 1 Berzelius explained fermentation as the outcome of a mysterious 'catalytic ac- tion,' or 'action by presence ' or ' contact.' He thus compared ferments to platinum- black, which is able, in minute quantity, to cause a liberation of oxygen from peroxide of hydrogen without itself undergoing any recognisable change. This is however no explanation, for it does not amount to more than saying that given the contact of two substances capable of reacting on each other, a certain reaction takes place. 2 Die Lehre von den chem. Fermenten, Heidelb 1882. 3 Vide the reactions in the continuous etherification process and the manufacture of sulphuric acid. See also Traube (Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesell. 1885, S. 1890), on the part played by water in determining the explosion of O and CO. 4 Kiihne, Lehrb. d. physiol. Chem. 1868, S. 39. Hoppe-Seyler, Med.-chem. Unters. CHEMICAL BASIS (>F II IK ANIMAL 1;«»DV. In most ca>es it is known, ami it i- probable in all. tint the soluble ferment- act by lirin^int; about a union of water with the m-es uj.on which they act. This process mi^ht be supposed to take place in tin- following way. Tin- en/vim- uniting with the Mib-tam •»• to he decomposed, the compound thus formal i-, now able to unite with water. and this final moiv complex and 1; loSB stal)lr comjKMind undergoes a dr. •ompoMtion ,,f which the original en/vine i- one product, tin- oth.-i- heiiiL' the hydrated and substance whos.- lormatioii is characteristic of the whole process It is impossible within convenient limits to hrin- ill the diiv.t evidence in favour of the above view as to the mode of action of en/ vim. ; it must suffice to say that as is jH-psm there is some reason for thinking that it can enter •mhination with hydrochloric acid. Finally it maybe stated that the chai. i phenomena of xyinolysis in « onnection with the iiitluen,,- .,t heat, the ellect of various saltsand dilution, the cessation of the change in presence of an excess of the produ* that cha: ire such as careful consideration shows ini^ht wvera] j-oint- of view be e\j>ected on the supposition th.it the above theory of en/vine action is true. mical action i> in all ca-<-> arr-nnpatiied \>\ an evolution or ab- S'Tpti'in uf h.-at. ami it will add t«> the cc.iupleti'iie>s ..f tlii> account of tin- f'Tin. •'..• >n>id«T hrietly tin- heat-plieiioineiiauliii-li :ic,-..iii|iaiiy tile cllelllH-al action due to tile ell/VllM- Lielij^r regarded tile ferillellta- • 1011 of sugar as necessitating a con-i-lnrd.!.- couxiiiiptioii .\\liich he supposed to be derived from the deOOmpOtlBg ftlblh lain "f th«- feriii.Mit >uli-tanci-. Hoppe-Seyler on the other hand put id the general vir\\ that heat i- .-\-ol\-ed in i-very i-a-e i.f t.Tinent i, basing it UJHUI iixperiinent> in \\lucli lie ol»>er\ed a distinct iiip.-ratur.- during the action of pancreatic upon I, luit more particularly up PII tin- opinion that the heat of com- tlie product- -I /yniol\-i> i- in all CM6B less than tl tin- .in^inal >ub-tanci- from which the jirodi. uied.1 And this is undoubtedly tl ..... orivet \u-\v. In addition t.. Ib.ppe- ••bservers ha\ 1 .1 n-- of temperature during . r. ;/. in the ca>e of the formation of fibrin.- the dotting of milk. a and the inv« : .im---u^ar.4 Mftl J OO the Othei hand observed a CMii-derahh- ubsnrpt ion of heat during th«- a< 1 1 ...... t |»cp«in on pn.t.-id-i and ptyalin on starch.* Tin-- -in-lit- it ma\ di-conlant. ami in reality they m-it IHT H|N>ak ht : -t the evolution of heat diiriM-4 the action of tin- (-11 /vines; M Wittich. I'riiiRpr'ii .IrrA. »d v. (I87S). S. 4-1.V \V !«•»(»). p : V lift 4. 1-: ' M i. 6. See Ate. in M«ly'« Hrrickt. ISM), ft 309 Out MI« aim MUM», //»'/ 1879, 8. 16. • Kunk-!. niuj-r- 1 ' Ui \\ 1-79.8 509 But M« Nijpli. /**«/. Bd XXII. | !|0 • I'llutr-r'.. Art* Bd. XXII (1880). SIM 76 MUCIN. a matter of fact they could scarcely be expected to do so, since it is ex- tremely difficult to make allowance for the heat which may be simply absorbed or set free as the result of the varying solubilities of the orig- inal substance and the products of its decomposition. The real proof of the correctness of Hoppe-Seyler's view is the fact, already stated, that the heat of combustion of the products of zymolysis is less than that of the substance from which they are derived.1 NITROGENOUS NON-CRYSTALLINE BODIES ALLIED TO PROTEIDS. These resemble the proteids in many general points, but exhibit among themselves much greater differences than do the proteids. As regards their molecular structure nothing satisfactory is known. Their percentage composition approaches that of the proteids, and like these they yield, under hydrolytic treatment, large quantities of leucin and in some cases tyrosin. They are all amorphous. Mucin. This is the substance which gives to many animal secretions, such as saliva, bile, synovial fluid, &c., their characteristic ropy consistency. It may also be obtained by the use of appropriate solvents from the tissues themselves, such, as submaxillary gland, tendons, and umbilical cord. It is peculiarly copious in the secre- tion which may be collected on stimulating the mantle of Helix pomatia, or in an extract of the tissues of this animal. The gen- eral phenomena of the formation of mucin by mucous cells, and more particularly the characteristic behaviour of the mucous granules in relation to the secretory activity of the sub-maxillary gland,2 leave but little doubt that mucin is to be regarded as de- rived from the true proteids; in conformity with this it yields many of the reactions characteristic of the proteids (Millon's and xanthoproteic), and by the action with mineral acids some form of acid-albumin is usually obtained. During this treatment (or with alkalis) moreover a second product generally makes its ap- pearance, which belongs to the group of carbohydrates and by heating with acids may be made to yield a reducing sugar. Not- withstanding the views which. have frequently been advanced that mucin is in reality a mixture of proteid and carbohydrate material, it is now known with considerable certainty that it is a unitary substance which, from what has been already said, might be almost regarded as an animal glucoside. It further 1 For heat of combustion of physiologically important substances see Rechenberg. Inaug. Diss. Leipzig, 1880, and Jn. f. prakt. Chem. (N. F.) Bd. xxii. (1880), Sn. 1, 223. See also Stohmann, Ibid. Bd. xxxi. (1885), and Landwirth Jahrb. Bd. xm. S. 513. Rubner, Zt. f. Biol. Bde. xix. (1883), S. 313 ; xxi. Sn. 250, 337. Berthelot et Andre, Compt. Rend., T. ex. (1890), p. 884. 2 Langley, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. x. (1889), p. 433. ( IIKMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL 1!«H»V. ,ip|H-ars that th«- substance at tir>t secreted by tin- mu (nf Helix) may not be typical niiicin, luit a sort of mucinogen whii-h readily gives rise to mucin on treatment with dilute (til i ».c.) caustic potash.1 If it be assumed for tin- moment that is only «»nt- kind of mucin, then the following general state- ments as to this substance may be additionally made. It is pre- cipitated from its solution.-, by a to its ready solution. from which it can again he pie. ipitated by the addition • acid. It may be extracted from any mucigenous tissue hy the ! dilute alkalis or lime-water, and in solution is somewhat chnra lly precipitated hy hasic lead acetate. Our knosvl- "f mucin i.s ho\\e\«-r in an extremely transitional condition. and recent investigations have shown that probably the mu<-in> d from ditleivnt >our<-es are really distinct substances, ju-t lamiliar with ditl'erent forms of proteids. From this it follows that no general statement of the properties of the nun-ins made which would he other than misleading, nn«l it will conduce to clearne>s to ^ive a hrief account of this suhstam e ::om each of the chief sources from which it has Mucin is not a constituent of normal hile when freshly secreted, hut is found in it as the result of the tory activity of the internal epithelium of the ^all-Madder. bait prep.i). .'. il'aijkull). liile is mixed with • t al.-olutc alcohol and centrifiiLiiiliM'd ; the pivcjpi- nuicin which is thus ohtaim-d i- then dis-ol\ed in \\.itcr and the ahove j-nx5ess repeated two or three tiuic^. An aqueous solution of thi< mucin is precipitated hy acetic and hydr«H-hlorie soluhle in excess of either acjd. and \ield- -tlon-ly :d reactions. This mucin dilleis from that ohtanied from otli. in not yielding any ledu.-in^ siil.-tam ,- when hoiled witii acids, and in the soluhil-ity of its precipitate obtained hy n. acetic acid in an excess of this acid. It also con- phosphoms, and is by some regarded aa more closely alli.-d to the niicleo-all.iimins (see p. 89) than to the true nui- 'he 8vb-maxill>i r;i >. ii,r n. n»:i 78 MUCIN. and hydrochloric acid is added up to 1 — 15 p.c. The mucin is thus precipitated at first, but at once passes into solution, from which it is precipitated by the addition of a volume of water equal to three to live times that of the original solution. This precipi- tate is then again dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and repre- cipitated by water, the process being repeated several times. As thus prepared and thoroughly washed it possesses a distinctly acid reaction ; it may be dissolved to a neutral solution by the cautious addition of very dilute alkalis, and now exhibits the fol- lowing properties. It is readily precipitated by acetic acid, much less readily in presence of sodium chloride ; this salt on the other hand greatly facilitates the precipitation of mucin by alcohol, which again does not take place in presence of a trace of free alkali. Any excess of alkali, especially on warming, at once changes the substance so that its characteristic ropiness is permanently lost, and boiling with dilute mineral acids yields a reducing substance. It gives the usual reactions for proteids and is strongly precipi- tated by the acetates of lead and by CuS04 and by excess of NaCl and MgS04. The mucin of Helix pomatia.1 Hammarsten distinguishes be- tween the mucin contained in the secretion of the mantle and that which may be derived from the foot of this animal. Mantle- mucin. The secretion of the mantle contains a mucigenous sub- stance precipitable by acetic acid which is exceedingly insoluble in water, but is readily converted into true mucin by the action- of dilute ('01 p.c.) caustic potash. From its solution in alkali it may be purified by precipitation with acetic acid, washing, re- solution in alkali and reprecipitation with acid. When dissolved in a trace of alkali the solution yields the reactions typical of other mucins, but it differs from these in the fact that the precipi- tate formed on the addition of hydrochloric acid (or acetic) is not soluble in excess of the acid. Foot-mucin. It may be obtained by extracting the foot with .01 p.c. KHo; from this solution it is now precipitated by the addition of hydrochloric acid (not acetic) up to •! — '2 p.c., redissolved in alkali and reprecipitated with acid, the process being repeated several times. Solutions of this mucin resemble those of mantle-mucin in all essential respects, the only difference which is stated to be characteristic of the two being that in presence of sodium chloride, mantle-mucin, like that of the submaxillary gland, is not precipitated by faint acidulation with acetic acid, whereas under similar conditions solutions of foot- mucin cannot even be neutralised without yielding an opalescence or precipitate. The mucin of tendons? The tendo Achillis of the ox is cut into 1 Hammarsten, Pfliiger's Arch, Bd. xxxvi. (1885), S. 373. Gives previous literature. 2 Lobisch, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. x. (1886), S. 40. Gives previous literature. ( IIKMICAL BASIS OF THK AM.MM. BODY. thin slices, washed with distilled water and extra, ted with half- saturat'-d liuu--w.it.-r , the mucin is thus di-sol\vd. and is purified by prei ipitation with cither acetic or hydrochloric acids, re-solu- tion in dilut-- alkali, and repie.-ipitation with ;K'U\<. In ii • .us it resembles tin- nuicins previously described, hut appears GTer from them in its distinctly ;.'!•••. HPT to the .; ,ind alkalis. ••in of the umbilical cord.1 May be extia< t.-d by means of i and is readily precipitated from tin- solution 1 acid. ra to differ from thi- other nnu-ins in containing more tnd a considerable amount of sulphur: it lie- i: •.vhat midway between the proteids and true niucin-. •d boilini: \\ith -ulphurie acid nuicins yield leucin and t\i'-.in, but the pr.Hlucts of their decomposition have not been t fully stud: ial mucins exhibit differences in percentage composition which lie within somewhat similar limits t" those al- ready assigned (p. 5) to the proteids. A comparison of these seems to v the statement that on the whole the mucins contain slightly M and distinctly less nitrogen than do the prot« i "'searches <»n nmciii L:nul\vi-)ir * .il>t;iiin-d a xil.-tance to \\hich li.- ^ave the name of "auiiiial-^uin " I'n-m its general >imil:ir- tlit- \t-^ftal'le products of tli<- >ann- name. II.- was at tir>t in- 1 t«i n-^ard the iimciii> as iiii\tiin-s <>f tliis carlmliydrati' with pp.t«-i«l >ul'-tancrs. l>ut this view he .siil.sc.|iifiitly iiK.ditit-d.4 Kiirtlit-r invf-ti^atinii lias led him to regard aiiiinal-^iii. :rrin^ in many ti--iu-s of the \n»\\. and tc. >|n-cnlate <>n its pliy>i"l"^ical and •al significance. '' IN i>"lati"ii ficiiii tin- >.\.i;il ti-- .ind c.iinplicated. ami t"..r this I.amlucln :s must be consulted. It ili«M>l\i-^ in \ .idily n^j Milutioii. fr«'in wliich it iua\ i.itatid l»y alc->li<'l. Ii, alkaline sulution it n-adily di--"l\'-^ cupric o\id«- \vhicli luccd <>ii I..,ilinj4: \\li.-n l.oiled \\ith dilute mineral arid* it yi«-Id> a p-ducin^ if iM.t altered l.y di^e-tinn \\ith -aliva «-r JIM.-.- (see also bel<>w under carl">liydratcs). It ha- I.een alp-ady -tat«-il that puritied niucin (e\r.-pt ..f l.il.-) yield- a .•ai!...li\«lrate \\li.-n li. at.-d with acid- or >t -ideraMe i-iui- ii d --ii .1- t" \\li' th. T .uiiliial- in the tissues M ft i •li.- iimcins ..r whether it i- in all ra-e- • their decomposition. The .-\idence at hand mi tin- jH.int iiclu- :,t it may \»- -aid that, while iimcin i- -.1 (Swedish). See Abst. in Maly'n Btrirkl. 1880. 8 :i . rmanti. H>ol. Cmlr,, 1887-88), > tiot. Ckem -HI), 8. 75; Till. (1883), S. 128. • Ibi>l. IM IX. S • ( it ,,. (1885), S. 3«9. IflUger'c Arrk Bde. xxxti. (1686). 80 GELATIN. accompanied by animal-gum, the latter has by no means been proved to take its origin from the former. The whole subject requires further investigation. Gelatin or G-lutin.1 The ultimate fibrils of connective tissue and the organic matter of which bones are largely composed consist of a substance named in the first case ' collagen,' in the second ' ossein.' They are ob- tained either by digesting carefully cleansed tendons with trypsin, which dissolves up all the tissue-elements except the true collage- nous (gelatiniferous) fibrils,2 or by extracting bones with dilute acids in the cold, by means of which the inorganic salts are dis- solved and the ossein remains as a swollen elastic mass which re- tains the shape of the original bone. As thus prepared they are insoluble in water, saline solutions, and either cold dilute acids or alkalis ; in the former, however, (acids) they swell up to a trans- parent gelatinous mass. When subjected to prolonged boiling with water, more especially under pressure as in a Papin's diges- ter, they are gradually dissolved, and the solution now contains true gelatin into which they have been converted by hydrolysis, and has acquired the characteristic property of solidifying into a jelly on cooling. The conversion of collagen into gelatin may be still more easily effected by a shorter boiling in presence of dilute acids, but in this case, unless the process be carefully regulated, the first-formed gelatin is further hydrolysed into what are often spoken of as gelatin-peptones. Although insoluble in dilute acids collagen is readily dissolved by digestion with pepsin in presence of an acid passing rapidly through the condition of gelatin into that of gelatin-peptone, and although collagen is not acted upon by trypsin in alkaline solution, it is readily hydrolysed by this enzyme after a short preliminary treatment with dilute acid or boiling water, the products as before being known as gelatin-pep- tones. When gelatin is exposed for some time in the dry condi- tion to a temperature of 130° it is reconverted into a substance closely resembling collagen, which may be again converted into gelatin by treatment with water under pressure at 1200.3 Gelatin obtained by the above means from connective tissue or bones is, when dry, a transparent, more or less coloured and brittle substance.4 It is insoluble in cold water, but swells up into an elastic flexible mass which now dissolves readily in water when warmed. When the solution is again cooled it solidifies charac- 1 Glutin must not be confounded with the vegetable proteid ' gluten.' 2 Kuhne u. Ewald, Verhnnd. d. naturhist.-med. Ver. Heidelb. Bd. i. N.F. (1877), S. 3. See also Etzinger, Zt.f. Biol. Bd. x. (1874), S. 84. Ewald, Ibid. Bd. xxvi. (1889), S. 1. 3 Hofmeister, Zt.f. physiol. Chem. Bd. ir. (1878), S. 313. Weiske, Ibid. vn. (1883), S. 460. 4 Pure gelatin is colourless, e. g. fine isinglass prepared from the bladder of the sturgeon. Glue is impure gelatin made from hides, &c. CHEKIOAL BASIS <>i' Tin: ANIMAL BODY. teristically into a jelly even when it contains as little as ] j.. c. of also readily soluble in tin- cold in dilute acids and alkalis. The proteid reactions of gelatin are so feeble that they must IM- regarded .is din- entirely to unavoidably admix. -d traces of ;d impurities; more particularly i- it to !..- noticed that the usual ivai tion of pmteids with Millmi's reagent i> entirely want- : which indicates tin- probable absence of aromatic (hen- 111 its molecule and ••orn->j..inds t" tin- ah>.-!: ti amon^ the products of its decomposition. Notwithstand- ing that it i- in no sense a pr»teid, its percentage composition ap- mates to that of tin- latter • lass of substances and maybe D as C = 50"76, H=7'la, () = L'.",i'l, N = 1S-.TJ, from which it apju-ars t-i contain distinctly less carlion than do the pi..- i Uo Stated to contain no sulphur when pure, hut ordinarily it :ns a .-mall amount ( •."• p. <-.).' C. -latin i- pie. i]pitat--i hy luit few salts, vi/.. : mcicuri- chloride and the douhle iiecipitate it readily, such as j»hos].hotungstic and meta- phoephorie, also taurocholic and tannic. Of the two last-named \i. -Ms an njialescciice in presence of 1 part of 11 in 300,000 of .solution, and the latter in still morv dilute - The ).re< -ipitaliility with tannic acid seems to depend on the j^resence of neutral salts.8 The specific rotator}' power of :i in aijueous solution or in presence of a trace of alkali i> to be i ")„=- 130° at 30° C. and to be reduced to -111' or -114 on the addition of more alkali or acetic acid.4 This • Mnlirminx- When decomposed in seal tul>es \\ith caustic-1. . • latin \a on the whole the same products as do the proteid-. •'• with \.-ejition of ty rosin ; neither tin- m.r any ..tlu-r substance of illy ai-i'inatic >.ri.- is ,\,r «.htained during any decom- posit: latin, whether l»y chemical or jmtn-faetive |n.K-fS8ea.* volon^ed lioilin.u with hydrochloric a. id it lycin ucin. ^lutamii- a. id. and ammonia.7 and with sul- id aspartic acid as well.8 I prolonged boiling with water (1 } i.e. so- lution hoiled for 30 hours), or sh -.it -nt in a I'.q.in's diges- 1 IIamm«nrt«n 'A. f. pkyilol. Chm. Bd. in. (18S5), 8. 905. Mavitthyl - 95 » \N>i»k.-. CM 1 .1 I. I'.ir /'.-- TuLingeo, 1864. Abo in Hoppc Scylcr'» mtd. u JeunerK, J* / Cktm VI. Wojl Xt.f. ftytiol. Cktm M m UW Bd i xxx (1879), i- A'.ih .limi lift <*. ,4ii metaboli.-in which lead- to tin- format imi ..f pr<(- In other word- tin- nitr-'^'-n contained in gelatin cannot In- built up into the nitn . i.i-oteid.1 \\ V .|.. not any information which enable- u- to formulate an\ n-a-on for this il behaviour of gelatin. It ha- l>«-rn .1 that tin- al -:diie- in gelatin (-•••• al««\i-) nii^lit a.-.-oiint for tin- pln- iioni.-non.- luit experiment- in \\hich animaU ha\.- l..-.-!i f.-.l \\ith :n have not continued thi> vi«-\v.8 It aj.pear- that a coii-idt-raldr ainou1 'in i- ili'4«--ti-d and al>-oi-hrd in i»ian. .ippi-ars in tic .ind nn-at (iiiu>i-h-) may contain a> niurli .itin: furthi-i. \|..-riiii.-nt- >ho\v that a do^' may ; tin- ^'l.itin adniini-ti-rcd in tin- form of 11^' tln-«- fart> in mind and kiio\\in^ that p-latin u\>- pear» to !><• ni"i«- nadil\ im-taiicil than proti-id.-. \\f may regard t a \alualdi- f l->tuff. hut not a- a f 1 \\hirh can supply tin- nitro^eiiini> m 'In- ti--m-- tliem-eh e-. The fai-t- thus : max >iipply an e\].lanat imi <•!" the heiielicial effi-.-t- \\hi<-h art- >upp.-ed t.. re-ult from tlie UM- of jellie> in training diets.6 Chondrin. Tli«- matrix «>f liyalim- cartilage is composed of an »-la-ti'-. -emi- xnvnt sul. -tancr which i< insululili- in cold <»r hot water and 11 up aj.pivcial.lv liy t ivat iin-nt with i-itln-r water or tlilut' at id. I'.y jirulmiL'f'l treatment with water umlt-r :re in a l(a].iir< .li-j«-ster it 18 gradually dissolved and yields iition wlii« li gelatinises mi runliuo and now contains th«- nice usually -jMikfii of as chondrin. The hyaline mat; .age appear^ tints to hear tin- same relationshij' to chondrin that the groand-sabatanoe of connective-tissue (collagen) d id 1- therefore frei|Ueilily Spoken of as 'cliolldl The -ul.-tanre known as chondrin. which is obtained in solution by the action of -ii]«-rheated water on hyaline cai t ilao«'. exhibits • icteri • ',r»rh. ti. H" k, 1876, & 86. '•/ / ,..»/. Miin. hen. 1885. il».. Kt/in * K' uiritioiial. m««UlMi1ir anil ) gelatin w« IlermaonV //IS OF TIIK ANIMAL BODY, mil network. The «li>.-"hed |>urt~ lar^'-h «i a Mihstaiu-i- (cluui- dlOiniieoid) With marked atHuiti*-* t<> inuciii. wherea> tin- tindi»"lvrd rk. 1'V treatment with acids or sup«-rh.-.r largely into typical ^.-latin. For further detail- the original paper- ly quoted >h.>uld be o.n-ult.-.l. Elastin This is the characteristic component of tlie elastic fibres which the removal of gelatin, mm-in, fats, etc., from tissues such as •• liiMniiMituin iiurhae." Some of the more important in which it di tiers from the substances which have been )>n-\ i«niuiv form.1 Li^'»«'"tuin mn-hai- «i an ««\ is cut intit tin'- -li--.--. tn-atrd t'c.r thn-c or fmir days with l.uiling water, tln-n tor -..in.- hours with 1 j i.e. caustic potash at 100°C and >uU-- (ju«-ntlv with wat«-r Tlii- ]>r<»ci->-* i- then n-jM-at.-d with 10 p.c. I Finally it is ti.-;,- _: \ hours in thf cold with 5 wasln-d with water, boiled with '.».". }>.r..alco- nd extracted for at least two w.M-ks with rther to remove • • of adln-ivnt fat. I'.y the al»ovc nn-thod it may l>e ob- d as a pale ytdlowish |>owd»-i in which th»- shajx- of fragments of tin- original clastic fibres may be still distinguished under tin- When uioi-t it i> yellow ami elastic, but on drying - Brittle and may with ditliculty lie j.ulveri-ed \\\ a raor- Suljihur jiroliahly din-s m.t enter int.. it- composition ('). It . ed by >tl<>nur alkalis at 100°(.', and it also goes into Dilution when treated with mineral acids at the same tem{«nuure ; 1'iit in the latter case the solution involves decomposition with tin- much leucin (30 — 40 p.c.) and traces ••_'.". | tvrosin when the acid employed j> sulphuric.- I: -n-.n- li\«ln>- ehh.rii- acid be enijiloyed with chloride of xinc the same crystalline •1'tained together with ammonia. gljOOOOll, and an ami. I id. l>ut ii" ^lutamic or aspartii- acids.-'1 In this respert it diH'er- fr»m botli ordinary j.roteids and gelatin, -inc.- the r when ximilarh tiv.n.-.l \ i.-ld the ojulamic and a-; •lyco. oil. and the latter never yield- tin- lea-t huflllU' the ptltlefactlVe dec.i||||Mi-.i(|on of .-l.l-till J'lo- -imilar t«> the above are obtained to^.-thej with *»\w |H-p like -llh-taiice « Wild! tle.ited with -1lp-lhe.lt. -.1 with dilute hvdio, hlori. a. id at 1>«H IM M (JHH^).S no ( !Mtt.-ii.l.-n an.l li M « Wui. i.: I ; :i 86 ELASTIN. KERATIN. analogous to those of the digestive products of proteids.1 It is however as yet uncertain whether a true elastinpeptone can be obtained ; it is more probable that during the digestion only some of the primary substances (elastoses) make their appearance, since they are completely precipitated by saturation with neutral am- monium sulphate.2 Elastin is also rapidly corroded and dissolved by the action of papai'n. (Gamgee.) Hilger 3 has obtained a somewhat similar substance from the shell and yolk of certain snakes' eggs. Keratin. Hair, nails, feathers, horn, and the epidermal structures in gen- eral are composed chiefly of keratin, admixed however with small quantities of proteids and other substances, from which it may be freed by thorough extraction with water, alcohol, ether, and dilute acids in succession, followed by digestion with pepsin and trypsin (Kiihne) and a renewed washing with the above reagents. A con- venient source which readily yields a pure product, owing to the comparatively simple composition of the mother substance, is found in the shell-membrane of ordinary eggs.4 The percentage composition of keratin is in general allied to that of the true pro- teids, but varies within somewhat wide limits according to the source from which it has been prepared and particularly with re- gard to the sulphur which it contains This latter element varies in amount from -5 to 5'0 p.c. and leads to the formation of sul- phides of the metal when keratin is dissolved in alkalis, Unlike the proteids, gelatin and elastin, keratin is quite unaffected by the most prolonged and active digestion with either pepsin or trypsin. On the other hand, when decomposed at high temperatures by either caustic baryta or strong hydrochloric acid, it yields large quantities of leucin (15 p.c.), tyrosin (3 — 4 p.c.) and other pro- ducts which are in general identical with those obtained by the similar treatment of proteids.5 It is soluble in strong alkalis when heated, and is further stated to be dissolved by prolonged treat- ment with superheated water ; in the latter case a product is ob- tained to which, since it somewhat resembles an albumose, the name keratinose has been given, and which may now be digested by means of pepsin.6 Further investigation in this direction is however needed before any positive statements can be made re- specting any truly digestive products derivable from keratin, or indeed as to the characteristic differences of the keratins from different sources. 1 Horbaczewski, loc. cit. 2 Chittenden and Hart, loc. cit. 3 Ber. d. deutscli. chem. Gesell. 1873, S. 166. See also Krukenberg, Vergl.-physiol. Stud. ii R. 1. Abth. S. 68. * Lindwall (Swedish). See abst. in Maly's Jahresber. 1881, S. 38. * Horbaczewski, Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Win. Wien. Bd. LXXX. (1879), 2 Abth. Juni-Hft. Bleunard, Compt. Rend. T. LXXXIX. (1879), p 953, T xc. (1880), p. 612. '; Krukenberg, Sitzb. d. Jena, Gesell. f. Med. u. Xat.-wtss. 1886, S. 22. (•INIMICAL I'.ASIS n|- Till: ANIMAL Linf. <-,t.) d>-*i-ril»eil tin- format i-m "f an all.iimiiiatr an with medullary constituents l>y alcohol and rthrr- This nt-urokfi-atin, so nann-d from th, irom which it is obtained. It i- characterised l.y its somewhat greater resistance to those decomposing ;io,.nt< who-,.- action on keratin ha- been iv described. The determination --t it- udotenoe in tissues which are not oliviou>ly epidermal in the adult is of .•.•n-nlerahl»> vological and morphological interest, since it throws some light upon the developmental origin of the structures in which it •M-nt or absent.- Although it i- not found a- a constituent of any mammalian tissue, this substance eom)N.f the exoskelet-.n rtebrates. It is hy man\ d as the animal "^ue of cellulose of plants, and from this point of view it possesses considerable morphological interest The m<>*\ < »\\- ••ni which it may l.e j-iepaied i> the . l.-an-ed >.s or lolisterv Thi> i- tir>t thoroughly e\ti with dilute hydr.M-hloiic a. id and caustic p .-r which it is dcohol and ether, and may l.e tinalh : l.y the action of j.ei inanimate of j.otasli.5 It .liite aiiiiirphoii- -ul.stance. which oft.-n retain- the -!i.i]« of iimeiit from which it ha- l.een pn- pa ret I. It i- m-olul.le •her than concentrated min- i >n- h as Milpi hydi'K hlc.ii. The immediate adiliti' ..l.al.ly reprecipitate- the chitin in an uualUJred \Vhell heated \S 1th c,.||C.-ntlate,l hvdl'N hl"ll'- acid it is :ito -ly. •o-amin and .1 I which the i .il.l. Vtihattd. n,tt*rhitt..t*«l I ||. ... P. i I I- Kulr ll"J- M ^X»l (I1*'"'). -s ttL KM * t ^teinbrfigK^ II- XM ,.Av«.o/ rkfm.JU ii (l«> Hot Me abo 8ai. lbi>\. 89 ami dissolved, ami the urn-lei separated from them. A further purification i- obtained l.y treatment \\ith alcohol and ether ami final digestion with jx-jisiii in a«-id solution, which does not the substance of the nuclei.1 Tin- final residue thus obtained i- ••d with dilute acid, di--ol\ed in ak caustic soda, j'itated liy hydriH-hlouc acid. ami wa-hed with water and ali-iih"l. i by the above methods, nuclein jg ftp amorphous sulistanee,jjeh in phosphorus. which is set fire a- pho-j.i wJlen it js iKMtebTwitlTalkalis. At the same time some form of TiTusually makes Its appearance, aa also do the crystalline ances of the xanthin series, ^iinnin (?) and hyjM.xanthin. when the nuclein is ln-at«-d with dilute mineral acids instead of alkalis.1 It-appears, however, that the absolute and relative aim iimt of the above possible products of its deconnmsition varies with the source from which the nuclein is nhtflinml I'mlt-r tli»- iiaim- 'adi-nin' K<>>,>cl lia- in««ri- n-ccntly ilf..-ril»cd a m-\v base which lie ..l.tained \>\ tli«- di-c..inj...>it imi ••! miclrin fn«iii \ra-t-r.-lU with dilute >.ul]iluiric arid and heat.1 It i> talliin-, n-adily ->lulilr in warm \vat«-r and can-tic alkali-, and \\ln-n treated with nitrous acid IM.XHIitllin. (See lieloW.) il N,-r-H20=C4H4X40-r-NlI1. When egg- «>r -eniin-alliuniin is precipitated with iiii'tuph<>.sphi>ric i phoaphorised substance is obtained which exhibit- many ..f the :-tic nf nuclein.4 It di>e- imt, li"\ve\er. yield any • •f tin- xanthin ha-e- when treated with acid-.'' Nucleo-albumins. While th.- nuclei may be regarded as coinixised j.rim -ij.all\ ..i the somewhat unsatisfactorily • li.n nucli-ins. tin-re is evi- the existence6 of closely allied It *bo fwbto the action of iry|*in Bokar, Xi.f f*i»»J. Ckm. IU i . ,,«W. Cktm. Bd. r. (I- MII WM - ./. rfrm C,wl\ 1885, So. 79. 1928. Xt ,.h*,i,J. <'/., 8. 8&0 Si>Y CAEBOHYDRAT1 Certain member- only of tli. !as. h;i\,- b.-.-n f,,und in tin- human body ; of these. the m-.-i important and wide ill-Mr..-.- <;_diic,.se). with which - in. ih.-.-. and milk-- it, which has the .saint- ]»-K .-nta^c ci.mpo-u n>n as a C Hi.M and possesses a distinctly in l.i-s.-d with tin- Carbohydrates. Tin- i- i] -in>-e now known to l..-l"ic_' t«. th«- ben/.,'. below, p. _'h the above-mentioned carbohydrates may 1»- d.-t. ind srcn-tions .if the animal body. their j.j. in the several cases is not so mu< h due to their introduction into •••nil in which they tl. ;r as to their pio- duction fn.m other meml.ers ..f the carbohydrate ui'.up <-\i-tnc_' in fo- these i- -t,u. h, and it \\ill jx-rhaj.s conduce : \i-ry l»rielly with thi- JMH-II' stauce and some of the products of its de. .. Till. SIAK. H <;i:..u-. 1. Starch «'.. II,, Og).. Starch occurs characteristically in plants and is formed iii their i parts under tin- determinant influence of the chloroj.hyll- rorj-U-cles. The e\;|.'t Illode of its formation is hoWe\ :n plant-tissues in tin- form of Drains which :id s||M]M- ac. •oidlliL: to the plant, hut which possess :ion ch.ua. t.-ristic ..f e\hihitinx a stratitied strii'-tuiv. which is much more marked in -..me cases < potato-stnrch ) than in oth.-is. and the phenomena of double-refraction when examined in iH.lari-.-d 1 « idered as a \\lmle the Drains app. Mipos.-d , 1 'stances of which the chief both in i|uan- iid importance is call.-d ^ranulose and the other Ids the blue colour cb.M. '.IP b on the addition of iodine, may be dissolved out by the :n-4 a c.-llulosic skeleton ..f tb- Tllis so-called celllllos,. is II": ll \Mtll old cellulose, &8 shown by its ready solubility in several n-;i which do not di<-.,lve the latt-i \\li-n tr.-ated \\ith boiling tin- Drains ^\\,-}\ up and finally burst, yielding a un \19 maSS of starch-paste of which tin- < bl'-t lit is the 1 I li«- r.irl«.»i\l KMrmkydratr. BmiUa. I**- Cfciiarf, Pi 5«7 H •*). |H-rl.;i|.. -.in.- oliRht doaht m* to thin iitetitilv, l-w-i IM* • i|.|.;ip-nt liff. ronce in the » lextroM MM t«M lii-.l from .linlM-tir urin.' ( S«T Mill- r « Bn.wn .-xn-l II MC V.-l \\\\ (1-T'.»). |» «N. Lfcbi/c'» A mm. Bd. CXC1X > 92 STARCH. granulose. The mass thus obtained cannot be regarded as a true solution of starch, and it filters with extraordinary difficulty, leaving a gelatinous residue on the filter, however dilute the starch-paste may be which is used for the filtration. When sub- jected to hydrolytic agencies such as superheated water, dilute acids and enzymes the starch passes rapidly into true solution, yielding at the same time a series of successive products to be described below. Many attempts have been made to assign a definite formula to this substance. The outcome of these is that the molecule of starch is certainly not C6HioO5 but n (C6Hio05), where n is not less than 5 or 6 and is probably much larger. When starch is converted into dextrose by treatment with dilute boiling sulphuric acid, it is found that 99 parts of starch yield 108 of dextrose.1 Thus [(C6H1005)6 -f H20] (mol. = 990) + 5H20 = 6C6H12O6 (mol. = 1080). Most recently, and in continuation of previous researches, it has been shown, by an application of Raoult's method, that the molecule of soluble starch must probably be represented by the formula 5 (C12 H200io)2o-2 Formulae based on analyses of the supposed compound of starch with iodine are probably valueless, since there is but little rea- son to suppose that any such definite compound exists. 2. Soluble Starch (Amylodextrin) (C6H1005)n. When starch-paste, heated to 40° C. on a water-bath, is digested with a small amount of saliva and the whole stirred so as to effect a thorough mixture of the two, the paste rapidly loses its opalescent appearance, becoming limpid and clear like water: the moment this change has taken place the digesting mixture should be boiled to cut short the further action of the ptyalin. The fluid thus obtained contains the first product of the hydrolysis of starch to which the name of ' soluble starch ' has been given. Its solution filters readily, and the filtrate yields with iodine the pure blue characteristic of the original unaltered starch. On the addition of an excess of alcohol the soluble-starch is precipitated, the precipitate after drying being but little soluble in cold water although it readily dissolves in water at 60 — 70° C. It also yields a characteristic precipitate with tannic acid, and differs in this respect from the dextrins.3 It is dextrorotatory (a)D=:-f- 194-8° [(«),= 216°], and does not reduce Fehling's fluid. The same substance may be 1 Sachsse, Sitzb. d. Natforsch. Gesell. Leipzig, 1877. Chem. Centralb. 1877, No. 46. 2 Brown and Morris, Jl. Chem. Soc. Vol. LV. July, 1889, p. 462. 3 Griessmayer, Anna/, d. Chem. Bd. CLX. (1871),'S. 40. CHK.MICA!. BASIS "1 i Hi: ANIMAL 1:«>DV. >imilarly obtain* ,1 l.y tin- limited action of malt-extract or pau- The dextrins i< II < >,)„.« When the hydn-lytie action of saliva, malt >i jum i •an-h-pa-te is prolonged, tin- lir-t-fornied soluble-tan li idly changed into a nmnbei • to which il name of dextrin is LJIVII. These pn»lii' t- an- inter '•n soluble-starch ami th> A'hieh result 'inplete hydrolysis of starch, and are probably v.-iv num«-r- •he similarity in tin- pn>|>erties of tin- siicrr-MVely f< rini,' their >eparation and char nn-ly :lt. They .in; all precipitable by alcohol, and differ fr-.m .Ide-.-turch in yielding no precipitate with tanni-- acid. If during the earlier stages of the h\dio- i-paste, si; jiortimis of the solution he t I iy the addition of iodine, it may he observed that the pure Mm- whi-'h it yields at first passes gradually through violet ami di-h-violet to ivddish-hrown, the latter colour being supposedly due to tl. the solution of erythrodextrin, whence the I '.ut little is definitely known i.f tins dextrin as a chemical individual, its chief characteristic Kein^ the colour it yields with violet observed during the earlier ^ta^e* of ii\dro- is due to an admixture of the Idue due t" so]uMr--tan -h with the iv d of the erythrodextrin. i. -\trin, whii-li i> MTV impure, omtainini; de\t r..- •iitly unaltrrt-il .-.tar.-li. iiMiall y \ i.-l.; ng red colour*- he atlilition of When, during the ]>,;,!,,. • lysis of starch under ordinary conditions, the addition ,,f i'Mline ceases to give any colouration, the fluid now contains much r together with a con-id. -rahle hut variable proj.ortion of this ii has received its name from it- U'haviour t"\\anl- .••IdiiiL' no colour with this rea : • I* , t' ned during ' "/•'/ artificial di^«--ti ...... f ii \\ith sjiliva ( -be 8epa' its .solution by c-oncentration airl the addition of an excess of alcohol. A- thus prepared it \\ith much adl ftwot. Cktm. Bd. ir. (I MO), S . 94 DEXTRIN. tained by fermenting off the sugar with yeast (O'Sullivan) or by dialysis, since dextrin is non-diffusible. If however the mixture be warmed with a slight excess of mercuric cyanide and caustic soda, the whole of the sugar is destroyed in reducing the mercuric salt, leaving in solution a non-reducing dextrin.1 As thus pre- pared it appears to possess a constant dextrorotatory power (a)D = 194-8° [(a)j= 216°], and as precipitated by alcohol is a white amorphous powder very soluble in water. Maltodextrin.' This substance is described as appearing during the earlier stages of a limited hydrolysis of starch-paste with diastase, and it may perhaps similarly occur when saliva or pancreatic juice is employed. It differs from the dextriiis previously described as follows. It is more soluble in alcohol and distinctly diffusible; it reduces Fehling's fluid, has a lower specific rotatory power and is completely convertible into maltose by the further action of diastase. It will therefore not be found among the products of a pro- longed hydrolytic degradation of starch. When starch-paste is hydrolysed outside the body with diastase or with animal enzymes some dextrin is always obtained together with the sugars which make their characteristic appearance dur- ing the process. Considerable difference of opinion has been expressed as to the possibility of a complete conversion of these dextrins into sugar by the renewed action of the enzyme upon them after their isolation, but the balance of opinion appears to be that the conversion is in many cases either impossible or takes place with slowness and difficulty. If this is so then the course of an artificial and normal digestion of starch is, as regards the final products, very different in the two cases, for there is no evi- dence that in the body any carbohydrate is absorbed as dextrin from the alimentary canal. The conditions however under which the two digestions are carried on are markedly different, and more particularly with respect to the very complete and continu- ous removal of digestive products in the natural process as com- pared with their accumulation in an ordinary artificial digestion. Now there is no doubt that the products of an enzymic hydrolysis are inhibitory to the further action of the enzyme,3 and this is probably the cause of the observed difference. In accordance with this, if a starch digestion be carried on in an efficient dia- lyser, the starch may be practically entirely converted into sugar, the small residue of dextrin being due rather to inefficiency of the 1 It should be carefully borne in mind that probably many forms of dextrin exist, especially among the earlier products of hydrolysis, none of Avhich give any colour- ation with iodine. 2 Brown and Morris, loc. cit. p. 561. 3 See also Lindet, Compt. Rend. T. cvui. (1889), p. 453, with special reference to maltose. P.ASIS < >F Till: AM.MAI. i:«»hV. 95 apparatus tli.ui t.. th«- chemical resistance of tin- dextrins to com- ;oii into su^'ur.1 Although this statement is leased upon e\jHTim--i;i- in. i.l'' \\ith saliva. there is no reason to suppose that tin; same will n<»t hold «MMM! in tin- <-a.se of tin- pan< ; jui'-e l.y whose action tic arl.ohydrat. u of thr Ion. We shall then-fop- n..; AP-M^ j,, eluding that in tin- animal \» h is completely • into -uijar pn-vious ; lion, and if this I..- thr cast- the i' thf i»hysiolo^ist in thr primary PPM! arts of si is becomes very smaK far as a study of icts is essential to tin- rln.-idation of thr prol.abl.- mol, .d -tru« -turr of thr parent-substance. \Vh tr.l with dilutr lioilinjF acids, the \w»\ which 'n. nurd in rapid succession, liolr Iwin^ finally convrrtril into dextroae.* I Animal-gum < '.jH^O.o^HjO) < s is, accord i i iu' to I.andwrhr, a form of carliohydrat.- which l.y thr proliin.jrd ai-tion MI >n]H-rhratr.l water tnd mucoiis glands, and is found also in mil!, urinr. It has already IM-I-II l«riefly dewrihcd al.o\.- < ]» 7'.' ) v. :ct«M-istii-s havr U-en jjiven. To these- may ln-re be ! that it yi.dds no colouration with iodine, is very frrl.ly .ttory and appears to form a compound with < upric : the latter is obtained whrn can-tic -..da and sulph. copj- l.-d to its solution, and may 1..- n-,-d for the separa- tion of anim.tl -L'uin from urine.8 Qlycogen t« ,H:,« >.).. This su 'lom a pun-ly chemical point of • •ly lik-' M.ii h. lip -inularity lirim; mo>t mark, d \\li.-n the nlllctS of til' Mil fair in thr animal I..N| l.ut little doul.t that it may be regarded from thr ph\>i..l..-i. al side as truly ninial anali^'iir ..f the vegetal'' -u'-h it is fre- • inrntly spokrn of as • animal -tar. li ' It N 1 as a iturnt of th«- liver l.y In-rnard ' and. simultaneously though inde|H-ndrntly. !.\ EenMO.1 In more r««<-eiit i iiaa been found to 'ies in iijiiny tissues of the M V,,l M IH90). p. SM. • «-o W.-hl. ll'r ,1 .1. rktm. f^N.//.. J»hrk' XXMI (I*-K)|. S 9101. • I.., «., IS85. S. .169. See •!*> Wedeaaki. ytool. Chrm. H.I xn: \*3. MM (1W7), |. 57». Gat. HtMom. 1- \rtk.f.palk. .Imif. M. Pkytiol. Bd. xi (l»57), 8. 39». 96 GLYCOGEN. adult body, as for instance the muscles,1 also in white blood- and pus-corpuscles 2 and other contractile protoplasm (Aethalium sep- ticum),3 in which its presence is significantly connected with their specialised activity, not as an essential, as some have supposed, but as a convenient accessory. It is also conspicuously found in the tissues of the embryo before the liver is functionally active,4 and is present in large quantities in many rnollusks, as for in- stance the common oyster5 (9'5 p.c.). It is at present uncertain whether the glycogen obtainable from muscles is identical with that of the liver. It is stated that muscle- glycogen yields a distinctly more purple colour with iodine than does liver glycogen,6 but their identity is still an. open question.7 Preparation of glycogen. The liver of an animal (rabbit or dog), previously fed with copious meals of carbohydrate, is excised as rapidly as possible, cut into small pieces, and thrown into an excess of boiling water, at least 400 c.c. to each 100 gr. of liver. After being boiled for a short time, the pieces are removed, ground up as finely as possible in a mortar with sand or powdered glass, returned to the original water, and boiled again for some time. On faintly acidulating the boiling mass with acetic acid a large amount of the proteid matter in solution is coagulated and may be removed by filtration. The filtrate is now rapidly cooled, and the proteids finally and completely precipitated by the alternating addition of hydrochloric acid and of a solution of the double iodide of mer- cury and potassium (Briicke's reagent),8 as long as any precipi- tate is formed. The precipitated proteids are again removed by filtration, the glycogen precipitated by the addition of two vol- umes of 95 p.c. alcohol,9 collected on a filter, washed thoroughly with 60 p.c. spirit, and finally with absolute alcohol and ether (Briicke).10 The above method suffices in cases where there is much glycogen present and no quantitative result is desired ; as a matter of fact there is a not inconsiderable loss during its application. The ac- curate determination of glycogen in tissues is a matter of some difficulty, primarily because it is not easy to ensure the complete separation into solution of the glycogen from the tissue, and sec- 1 Nasse, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. ii. (1869), S. 97. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, Med.-chem. Unters. Hft. 4 (1871), S. 486. 8 See refs. on p. 4. Also Kiihne, Physiol. Chem. 1868, S. 334. 4 See Preyer's Speeialle Physiol. d. Embryo, Leipzig, 1885, S. 271. * Bizio, Compt. Rend. T. LX'TI. (1866), p. 675. 6 Naunyn, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. in. (1875), S. 97. Boehm n. Hoffmann, Ibid. Bd. x. (1878), S. 12. Nasse, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xiv. (1877), S. 479. 7 See also Musculus u. v. Mering, Zt.f. physiol. Chem. Bd. n. (1878), S. 417. 8 Prepared by saturating a boiling 10 p.c. soluti of potassium iodide with freshly precipitated iodide of mercury ; on cooling, th. is filtered and the filtrate employed as directed. " So that the mixture contains 60 p.c. of alcohol. 1° Sitzb. d. Wien. Akad. Bd. LXIII. (1871), 2 Abth. Feb.-Hft., S. 214. CHKMICAL I'.A Till; AM.MAJ, JinDV. •..; ondarily owin^ l\ the addition of caustic h which di-solve-. tli.' ti-*ui- fragment... and thus liheratex the al-« by .-\tra.-ti. .11 in a 1'apin's digester,1 in which ra-e the .solution i> a^'ain \ery compl is, when pure, an auiorphus whit.- jMiwd.-r, readily sulut»l'- in ss.it<-i with which it yields a solution which i> u-u- ally, luit in>t alway>. njulcsccnt. This solution contains n» which are visible under the inicr..>, ,.)»• and tilt«T> !y without diminution of the ..j... ; the latter m.iv !y removed by the addition of free alkalis or arctic acid. I'nder ordinary conditions it is readily precipitated I'.v alcohol when the mixture contains 60 }>.«•. of the precipitant, hut if i in 0'5 — 1*0 p.c. solution, even an excess of absolute alcohol is stated not to cause its precipitation. The precipita- tion tikes place at once on the addition of a trace of sodium ohlori .1 characteristic port-wine colouration with iodine, which does not howe\er distinguish it from eiythrodextrin since in both cases the colour, contrary to the older and current statements, dis- apjH-ars mi wanning and returns on cooling. On the other hand, ire not precipitated by 60 p.c. alcohol, even the m-.^t .i'lc of these substances requiring at least 8f> p.c. of alco- hol for their precipitation, ami Usually more. It appears that the reaction with iodine is most delicate in presence of sodium chloride.4 Aqueous solutions of ^l\ro._ren are strongly dextrorotatory, but •atements as to its sjH-citic rotatoi must be received with caution. [Boehm .///./ //..//«//«// 6"(a)n = -h226-7°. h in •«» ]...-. solution (a)D = +203-5° to + 225-6°. Landwehr" (a)D = -r-213-30]. Tht' iiioK-i'iilar ina^iiitiide <»f ^lyi-i.^.-n. like that "1 >taivh, is un- M^ pri'cipitati-s with taiinic acid. al><> \\itli calcium alid luiriniii hydrati-.0 and \\itli basic lead h. .\\.-\i-r !"• pl.i.-.-il <»n the determination "t tlie :n an analysis of thettv ' H.-hm. I-flup-r1- ^^^l (IMO), x n fully treated by KuU in Zt.f. Bid. 1 S. 161. whoro al»o th« lit«»rnt |.r«h«i»iirelr qootad. S ••• n.l.liti..n»lly N «TII (1886] > MJ, and \M^ Jaknttt. 1887, 8. SO4. ( 'nuner. #./. Biot. 67. » K -m. GtMil. Jahrfc- I8«2. S. 1300. . ! XXXM. (1M6V V 485. » A,. > 4W. • PflU^er - 8ft. vui. (|HH; .I«M>. rttiu:- '•"* 7 98 GLYCOGEN. The hydrolytic products obtained by the action of enzymes and dilute boiling acids on glycogen have not been as fully studied as they have in the case of starch, but the general course of the de- composition is the same in both cases. Thus when treated with dilute mineral acids at 100°C., the opalescence disappears, some, dextrin is formed en passant, and finally the solution contains only dextrose.1 On the addition of saliva or pancreatic juice to a solution of glycogen at 40°, the first change observed is an •im- mediate disappearance of the opalescence, followed by a rapid con- version into some form of dextrin and a considerable proportion of a sugar which is apparently identical with maltose.2 Some trace of dextrose may perhaps at the same time be formed. The change which glycogen in the liver undergoes post-mortem and presumably also during life is strikingly different from that which has been described above. Whereas by ordinary enzyinic hydrolysis, maltose is the chief final product obtained, there is now no doubt that in the liver little if any maltose is formed, the so-called liver-sugar being apparently identical with true dex- trose. This fact throws considerable light on the mode of con- version of glycogen into sugar by the liver. It has been most usually taught that this conversion is due to some fermentative action ; if this were so then the enzyme which is the active agent must be possessed of powers differing from those of most other enzymes since it forms dextrose and not maltose. But as a mat- ter of fact it does not appear possible to extract any appreciable quantity of enzyme from the liver, and if a trace is obtained it is of one whose action on starch and glycogen yields chiefly maltose and not dextrose. It is hence a legitimate conclusion that the conversion of glycogen into sugar by the liver is the outcome of the specific metabolic activity of the hepatic cells, and not of any enzymic action.3 It is also significantly probable, from what has been already said (see above, p. 59), that the liver receives its carbohydrates supplied in the form of dextrose, and there is no doubt that diabetic sugar is closely related to, if not identical with, true dextrose. The dextrin which some observers have obtained from muscles is not to be regarded as a specific constituent, but as formed from their glycogen by some post-mortem change. Horse-flesh is peculiarly rich in glycogen, and it was chiefly from this source that dextrin was ob- tained in large amount.4 1 Maydl, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. HI. (1879), S. 194. Kiilz u. Borntrager, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xxiv. (1881), S. 28. Seegen, Ibid. Bd. xix. (1879), S. 106. 2 Musculus u. v. Mering, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. u. (1878), S. 403. Seegen, loc. cit. Kiilz, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xxiv. (1881), S. 81. 3 Eves. JL of Physiol. Vol. v. (1884), p. 342 (contains lit. to date). See more recently Langendorff, Arch. f. Physiol. 1886. Suppl.-Bd. S. 277. Panormow, Klin. Wochenb. 1887, No. 27. Dastre, Arch, de Physiol (4) T. i. (1888), p. 69. * Limpricht, Liebig's Ann. Bd. cxxxm. (1865), S. 293. < m:\ncAi. BASIS OF itu: ANIMAL r.nu^. ... CeUulose (( ll • Although tiu«- cellulose is never fciiii ordinarilv applied i- due , -uli-taiier called li^nin. \"»-ry littl.- i> kii"\\n "f i cli.-inical indiviilual: it appears t.. c.nitain nmre rarlH.n than .-(•llulii>e. [ts discrimination from oelluloM dapeadi ,-},, \\ ) and d.-t-p l»rn\n l.\ that <•! iodine and sulphuric nciil. \Vln-n t: with pldi.p.^'liu-in anric acid it turn- n-d : it is 4-nlniired hri^ht \t-ll.iu l.y the ;icti«n «.f aniline -ulphati- ..r i-)il<>rid<> anil th. -id.-.-. |iirnt additii.n «f hyilr'.clil»ric acid. l-'uith'-r. although ;,t present but little is known as to how the .-llulosu is brought about in the aliment. .dellCe of the pos.-ible e\i-ten<'c of a -] me t» whose solvent action the change i- din-. I'.ut as yet ta almost entirely upon exju-riineiits with and ilde organism-.1 •--.1 to -tai.-h and iii -ome cases (Date, I'hyt.-le- phas) pl.r. it of a Store < ••• material, beiii'_' di-- .Miably b\ -..in.- en/yni'-. and utilised during ,uermin i .-ll-wall of \.-ir,. table cell- is coni|K)sed of cellulose, which in !1- i- pun- and muel. -i-tant t- jent- the ulder c.-H- \\1|. i .Hid -ted with oth.-r -ub-tan-e-. When pure it is soluble in OIL- reagent only which is a solution of hy.i ii ammonia- Wh-n ti..it.-d \\ith -tmn^ sulphuric -•Ihilose is changed and yi.-ld- a -ub>tan«'e which 18 col- observed on the addition \.l r MI (1890), p. 497. CooUiw •lire. pond a« T l|.h»t«of copper in flotation. t<> whk-h MIIM am mot fhl.iri.l.« has U-rn a.l.l.-l. i-« j.r--. ipiUUed with rstutir »ud« : the hjdrmtfd rnpn I'taincd U wwihed, ami diMolved to Mtnntkn in SO p.c. mmrooi - prepare! l.y (. • »n of the copper being effected hr drawing • current of air through the floid in which the taming* are immerMd. (CroM and Bermn. Cr//«/ow, ISM. p. 6 ) 100 CELLULOSE. of iodine after the action of chloride of zinc (Schulze's reagent).1 These reactions afford a means of detecting cellulose. By treatment with strong sulphuric acid cellulose may be dis- solved with the formation of a dextrin-like product: on diluting with water and boiling it is finally converted into a sugar which is apparently identical with dextrose.2 As already stated cellulose is undoubtedly digested in the ali- mentary canal more especially of herbivora, but also to a less ex- tent of man.3 We know however but little of the real nature of the digestive processes which are involved in this. Two views are open to us. It has long been known that under the influence of putrefactive organisms, as from sewer-slime, cellulose is disin- tegrated and dissolved with an evolution of marsh-gas and car- bonic anhydride.4 This is usually known as the marsh-gas fer- mentation of cellulose. In accordance with this it is possible that a similar factor is at work in the alimentary canal, more especially of the herbivora with their large caecum in which the food stays for some time. This accords with the marked occurrence of marsh- gas in the gases of their intestine and its increased presence in the intestine of man when largely fed with a vegetable diet.5 On the other hand it is possible that the digestion may turn out to be due to some definite enzyme,6 but as yet no such enzyme has been obtained with certainty from the secretions or tissues of the alimentary canal. Possibly the organisms which as stated above can cause the decomposition of cellulose do so by means of some specific enzyme. It remains for further research to throw a decisive light on the possibilities to which attention has been drawn. Some difference of opinion exists as to the physiological sig- nificance of cellulose digestion. There is at present no evidence that the cellulose of food as such is a food-stuff in the same sense that starch is. As far as the existing evidence goes we shall not perhaps be far wrong in supposing that cellulose digestion is primarily important as liberating from the cells the true food- stuffs which they contain. At the same time the products formed 1 The reagent used is prepared as follows. Iodine is dissolved to saturation in a solution of chloride of zinc, sp.gr. 148, to which 6 parts of potassium iodide have been added. See also Bower, Pract. Bot., 1891, p. 506. Cross and Bevan (loc. cit. p. 7) recommend the following. Zinc is dissolved to saturation in hydrochloric acid, and the solution evaporated to sp.gr. 2-0 ; to 90 parts of this solution are added 6 parts of potassium iodide dissolved in 10 parts of water, and in this solution iodine is finally dissolved to saturation. 2 Flechsig, Zt. f. Physiol. Chem. Bd. vu. (1883), S. 523. 3 Bunge, Phi/siol. and Path. Chem. 1890, pp. 81, 191. 4 Popoff, Pfl'iiger's Arch. Bd. x. (1875), S. 113. Van Tieghem, Compt. Rend. T. LXXXVIII. (1879), p. 205. Hoppe-Seyler, Ber. d. d. ckem. Gesell. Jahrg. xvi. (1883), S. 122. Zt.f. physiol. Ch. Bd. x. (1886), Sn. 201, 401. 6 Tappeiner, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. xv. (1882), S. 999 ; xvi. Sn. 1734, 1740. Zt.f. Bid. Bd. xx. (1884), S. 52. (Gives literature to date.) Ibid. S. 215; xxiv. (1888), S. 105. 6 Hofmeister, Arch.f. Thierheilk. Bd. vn. (1881), S. 169; xi. (1885), Hfte. 1, 2. ( HKMICAL j;AMS OF TIIK ANIMAL BODY. 1"! during the solution of the cellulose may, if they are oxidised in the body, contribute to its energy and thus be of u> Tunicin i < ',; H J0« >,)„. This substance constitutes the chief part of the mantle of Tuni- cate (Ascidians) and appears to have been first described 1 Schmidt.- who drew attention to its similarity t«> vegetable cellu- lose. This view was confirmed by Berthelot, \vli< . h< >\\ that it is much more resistant to the action of at ids than : cellulose/1 In other respects the two may be regarded as inlam-e with this it is found that tunirin is soluble in Bohweuer's reagent (see above), from which it may be reprecip- '. by hydrochloric acid and thus purified. It is further coloun-d blue by the addition of iodine after preliminary b nn-nt \vitli sulphuric acid. It is soluble in concentrated sulphuric aci.l. ami if uat.-r l»c added to this solution ami it be boiled for >ome time, a su^ar which is apparently identical with ordinary dextrose is obtained.4 1 in the pure form by treating the mantles for some days with water in a Papin's digester, then in succession with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid, strong caustic potash and water. A-, thus obtained it retains the form of the parent tissue. THK SiuARS. The researches i,f Kmil Fischer have thrown a Hood of li^-ht on •I t he sugars.'"' In jthenyl-hydraxin <',H,.NHNII i reagent which forms with the sugars compounds known as hyd: md osazones. These provided for tin- first time by their various solubilities, melting-pointt, and rotatory l\iate means of detecting, sepa n.l char.- :he several members of this class of carbohydrates. Hence possible to investigate the occurrence of sugars among •••1 ]'l"i!ucts of the reactions employed III the. •H! -\llthetir ppnllict io||. It W..ul,l b- -re to enter into the details ! .iv that he h.is ni>t m.-i .tlieti-*ed both i < >., ti,.. ahore Me Webke, Cktm. Ctrtra, - b*rjc •1.1. W«i»k .olM a. FtecMf. I.M (1S46), > -IIH. I 149. •/. d. ektm. OttA I8T», S. 1938. Compt. fa»d. T I\\M\ 755. Seh&fer, UeWg'* A* •> .S .312. • Fiwh-r HM given » cood«BMd accon • wurhM. » - ,l..-h*m '-..-//. J»hrfc xxili. (IWK)), ^ .'IU •>( tin* an / Ckt i«90, p. ISSS. KM abo SchaUt. ll.oi. Ctntralb. 102 DEXTROSE. dextrose and Itevulose, and definitely established the fact that they an- respectively an aldehyde and ketone of the hexacid alcohol C6H8(OH)C, but has in addition succeeded in producing artificial sugars containing seven, eight, and nine carbon atoms.1 In connec- tion with the latter an interesting question . arises as to the prob- able effects on animal metabolism of their introduction into the body instead of the natural sugars. The osazones. The compounds of the sugars to which this generic name is applied are formed when solutions of the sugars are warmed for some time on a water-bath with phenyl-hydrazin and dilute acetic acid, and separate out either in an amorphous or crystalline state. Their formation takes place in two stages. In the first the sugar combines, as do the aldehydes and ketones, with one molecule of the base to form a compound which is in most cases readily soluble and is known as a hydrazone. In the second stage the first-formed hydrazone is oxidised by the excess of pheuyl- hydrazin present, and the substance thus produced unites with another molecule of the base to form the osazone. As already stated the osazones of the various sugars differ characteristically in their solubilities, melting-points, and rotatory powers. They hence afford an invaluable means not only for detecting and iso- lating the sugars, but also for discriminating between sugars whose optical and reducing powers may afford an insufficient distinction. Further, in some cases the osazones have provided a means of ascertaining the molecular formula of certain sugars and of deter- mining the constitution of others. The characteristic properties of the several osazones are given below under the respective sugars. THE DEXTROSE GROUP. 1. Dextrose (Glucose, Grape-sugar). C6H1206. [COH-(CH.OH)4-CH2.OH]. Is found in minute but fairly constant quantities as a normal constituent of blood, lymph, and chyle. Its occurrence in the liver has been already referred to (§ 465) in connection with diabetes, a disease which is characterised by the large amount of dextrose which is present in the blood and the still larger amount in the urine. The question whether dextrose is a normal constit- uent of urine has led to much dispute, but it now appears probable that it is present in minute amounts.2 The experimental difficulties of detecting traces of sugar in this excretion are con- siderable. There is no dextrose normally in bile. 1 Fischer u. Passmore. Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. xxm. (1890), S. 2226. 2 For literature and results see Neubauer u. Vogel, Analyse des Hams (Ed. ix. 1890), S. 41. CHKMICAL BASIS < U • THK ANIMAL ln»l>Y. The probability that it is as dextrose that tin- carl >« 'hydrates are finally ahs.'H'cd from the alimentary canal ha> all- i to p. .".'.». This c.inv>p,,mU \\ith tin- t'ai-t that is tin- most ivadily assimilable i-.m compara- tive injections of tin- various sugars int<> the hhtod-vessels ami rvations on their subsequent appearance in the urii When pa iv. dextrose is colourless and crystallises from it- aqueous s.>luti"ii in six-sided tables or prisms, often agglcum int-) warty lumps. The crystals will dissolve in tln-ir own weight of cold watvr. requiring however some time for tin- process; they ivadily soluble in hot water. I».-\trose is somewhat sparingly soluble in cold ethyl-alcohol, more soluble in warm; slowly soluble, hut in considerable quantity, in in«-thyl-al«-ohol, and insoluble in ether. It may l.e prepared by eom-rntratin.i: dial.eti«- urine until it Yields crystals of r: these are then purified li\ i..i\-t,il- lisaticn fr.im methyl-alcohol. It may al-o In- eonvcniently \<\-<-- par.'d l>y thi- action of hydrochloric acid on canr-M. 'l\vd in alcohol.1 A freshly prepared cold aqueous solution of de\ possesses a specific rotatory powvr for monochromatic y.-llcw Qght "f (a):, =-f~100°- This rapidly falls, especially on \varm- in.i:. until it may \>e taken as (a),, =-f-52'50 for solutions which do not contain more than 10 p.c. of the sugar. The rotation is however dependent on the concentration of the solution being with very dilute solutions. Tin- s|..cilic r.'!:it..rv |>»u«-r «\ a >ul»taiic.- i- tin- unmuiit. in ili'-jri-i--. l-v wliii-li tin- plain- «>f pnlari»-il lij^lit is rntatdi by a solu- \\lii.-h i-.uitaiii> 1 ^rain "f tin- >nli>tanr«- in each 1 c.c. \\li- in a la\i-r 1 ilcin. in tlii- >inrc tin- atinniiit «.f r^1 in any 'jivi-ii case 18 ilin-i-tly pr<'p.-rl imial t-- tin- >: . al-' t.i tin- ««-ij:lit .if Mil-tan.-.- in .siiluti.ui ami tin- .f tin- tiiii.l lay.-r in uliidi it i* examined we have (a) = -' . \\ln-n- (.1) i- tin- .-p.-.-il power. /- i- tli.- u.'i^ht in -nun- ••! tli.- -ill-tan.-.- in 1 .-..-. ..f t)n> solu- ti-.M. / is tin- thickneM in \ im-asiirinjr tin- rotation | i solu* .f unknown .-.-n.-.-nt ral i»n in a l.i\.-r of known t liirkin--s. tin- \ pou.-r IM-JIIL; kno\\ n.- I for nn'asiirinj: tin- amount «>f r.-r pro.iii.-.-.l l-\ an ojiti.-allx a.-ti\r -ill. -t. inc.- .ir.- kiio«i .llyas li^'lit rhtly luminous so.liiiin-tlain.'. tin- .l.-t.-rn iN I !(.| XM [IMfl rmtruroi>ntji anil tncthixU urc l.nn«l.ilt. /fat opliickr :••* organ. > JI"p|» v- •'. fxilk. rftrm. .l».i/. 1883, 8. ...trunKai. -n IMO. p. SWH Mq. 104 DEXTROSE. made for the monochromatic light corresponding to the D line of the solar spectrum. In this case the specific rotatory power is represented by (a)D. In another class the mean yellow light of an argand or paraffin lamp is employed. In this form of polarimeter the field of the instrument when adjusted for use is of a pale pinkish-violet colour, called from the extreme sensitiveness with which it changes from pink to violet or the reverse the 'transition tint' (teinte de passage). This colour is complementary to yellow (jaune), and specific rotatory powers determined for this particular colour are represented by (a)j. For any given substance (a)D is always less than (a)j, and for ordinary purposes (a)D = -i.?/Co> or (a)o : («)j : : 21-65 : 24. Hence it is important in all cases to state clearly whether a given determi- nation has been made for monochromatic yellow light or for the 'tran- sition tint ' of mean yellow light. Dextrose, like all alcohols, readily forms compounds with acids and many salts ; of these the latter are the more important and are in many cases characteristic, as for instance those with caustic alkalis and sodium chloride. When heated many of these compounds, more particularly those of bismuth, copper, and mercury, are de- composed, the decomposition being accompanied by the precipita- tion either of the metal (Hg) or of an oxide (Cu20). This fact provides the basis for the more important methods of detecting the presence of dextrose and other sugars with similar reducing powers, and of estimating them quantitatively in solution, since it is found that the amount of reduction effected by any given sugar is, under given conditions, a constant quantity.1 Phenyl-glucosazone. C18H22N4O4. [C6H10O4 (C6H5. N2H)S]. This compound of dextrose with phenyl-hydrazin crystallises in yellow needles. It is almost insoluble in water, very slightly soluble in hot alcohol, melts at about 205°, and is laevo-rotatory when dissolved in glacial acetic acid. The phenyl-hydrazin test for dextrose is applied as follows. To 50 c.c. of the suspected fluid (e.g. diabetic urine) add 1 — 2 grm. hydrochloride of phenyl- hydrazin, 2 grm. sodium acetate, and heat on a water-bath for half an hour ; or else add 10 — 20 drops of pure phenyl-hydrazin and an equal number of drops of 50 p.c. acetic acid and warm as before.2 On cooling, if not before, the glucosazone separates out as a crystalline or it may be amorphous precipitate. If amorphous it is dissolved in hot alcohol, the solution is then diluted with water and boiled to expel the alcohol, whereupon the compound is obtained in the characteristic form of yellow needles. By the 1 The description of the various methods employed for the detection and estima- tion of dextrose and other sugars lies outside the scope of this work. Full details are given in Neubauer u. Vogel, Analyse des Hams, and Tollens' Handbuch der Koklenki/drate. 2 Fischer, Ber. d. d. chem. Geseil. Bd. XXH. (1889), S. 90 (foot-note). CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL T.oDV. 105 above method it is possible to obtain the crystals from fluids which contain only 0-5 gnu. per litre. An important property of dextrose is its power of undergoing fermentations Of these the principal are : (1) Alcolwlic. This is produced in aqueous solutions of dextrose, under the influence of yeast. The decomposition is the following : C«H12OC = 2C»H6O -f- 2CO2, yielding (ethyl) alcohol and carbonic anhydride. Higher alcohols of the fatty series are found in traces, as also are gly- cerin, sui -cinic acid, and probably many other bodies. The fer- mentation is most active at about 25°C. Below 5°C. or above 45°C. it almost entirely ceases. If the saccharine solution con- tains more than 15 per cent, of sugar it will not all be decom- posed, as excess of alcohol stops the reaction. (2) Lactic. This is best known as occurring in milk when it turns sour owing to the conversion of lactose into lactic acid. But dextrose and other sugars may also be converted into lactic acid (C6H12O« = 2CSH«O8), the conversion being ordinarily due to the presence of some specific micro-organism l which is specially active in presence of decomposing nitrogenous material, such as decaying cheese.3 A similar change is rapidly produced when dextrose is mixed with iinely divided gastric mucous membrane.3 There is also some evidence of the existence of an unorganised ferment (enzyme) in the mucous membrane of the stomach which can convert lactose and dextrose (?) into lactic ficid.4 On prolonged standing the lactic fermentation is apt to pass into (3) Butyric. This results from the appearance and action of another specific organised ferment on the first formed lactic acid, the change IM -in g accompanied by the evolution of hydrogen and carbonic anhydride — 2C3H60, = C,H7. COOH. + 2COS + 2H2. Lactic and butyric fermentations are most active at 35° and 40 J •lively; they probably occur constantly in the alimentary eanal with a carbohydrate diet and may in some cases lie remark- ably predominant The hydrogen evolved during butyric fermen- tation probably plays some important part in the production of the fii-cal and urinary pigments from those of bile (see below). I>e\tr..-e i- tin- sujjur which is characteri>t irally formed by the action i if boiling dilute mineral acids >aid to be partly n-com erted into a. true 1 F.isti-r. /' .nillinisfitl Brffftnsonglhft. II. (1886), 8. 117. ;,.t. |8M A I. st. iii M:ily'> r,.r,.-ht. Iss], S. 468. - Ili-liscli, I'rr/xinilliin i>f' tin-fir iicul. Lictii^'s A»ti. IM I \I. (l-»7), S. 174. . i.i.-i.i-1^ .JH,, i;,i ouaaa (1874), 8. M7. 4 BbUBBMnton is\\.-.li»|i). See Almt. in Maly's lirr IM n. (1872), S. 118. 106 L^VULOSE. GALACTOSE. dextrin which may be precipitated by the addition of alcohol, and is capable of reconversion into dextrose by mineral acids.1 2. LaDvulose C6H1206. [CH2. OH — CO — (CH. OH)8 — CH2. OH]. This is the ketone corresponding to the aldehyde dextrose. It is best known as occurring mixed with dextrose in many fruits, also in honey, and is stated to occur occasionally in urine. It is a characteristic product of the action of dilute mineral acids on cane-sugar, which is hereby decomposed into equal parts of dex- trose and laevulose, and since when the change is complete the original dextro-rotatory power of the solution has become leevo- rotatory, the cane-sugar is said to have been ' inverted.' A simi- lar inversion takes place in the stomach and small intestine (see under cane-sugar). In its general reactions lasvulose behaves like dextrose, but may be at once distinguished from the latter by its powerful Isevo-rotatory action on polarised light : this varies con- siderably with the temperature and concentration of the solution. It yields with phenyl-hydrazin an osazone identical with that derived from dextrose. It forms a compound with calcium hydrate which unlike that yielded by dextrose is extremely insoluble and may thus be employed for the separation of the two sugars. 2. Galactose (Cerebrose) C6H1206. When milk sugar (lactose), see p, 113, is boiled with dilute mineral acids it is decomposed into a molecule of dextrose and one of galactose Ci2H22On -{- H20 ^ C6Hi2Oe -f- C6H12O6. The two sugars may be separated by crystallisation and by taking advantage of the greater solubility of galactose in absolute alcohol.2 In its general reactions and behaviour galactose resembles dextrose but is possessed of a considerably greater specific rotatory power [(a)D=-f~ 83°] which increases with the concentration and rise of temperature.3 It yields with phenyl-hydrazin an osazone (phenyl-galactosazone) which has the same composition as phenyl- glucosazone and very similar solubilities. It differs however from the latter in melting at 190 — 193° and in being optically inactive when dissolved in glacial acetic acid. It has recently been shown that the sugar which was described by Thudichum4 as resulting from the action of boiling dilute sulphuric acid on cer- 1 Musculus u. Meyer, Zt. f.physiol. Chem. Bd. v (1881), S. 122. 2 Fudakowski, E'er. d. d. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. 1875, S. 599. Soxhlet, Jn. f. pr. Chem. (2) Bd. xxi. (1880), S. 269. 3 Meisjsl, Jn. f. pr. Chem. Bd. xxn. (1880), S. 97. 4 Jn.f.pr. Chem. Bd. xxv. (1882), S. 19. C1IKMICAL BASIS (•] TIIK ANIMAL 1J»>I)Y. 107 tain ( -onstitnents of the brain substance, and was named by him ceivhrosc, is really identical with galactose.1 (ialaetose is fermentiblr with yeast, ItuL less readily so than is dextrose. •I. Glycuronic acid. C,H10O7. [COH -,< II .< Mi ,,<<>< >H]. This acid was first obtained as a compound, campho-gljCUIOnic acid, in the urine of do^s after the administration of camphor,- and sul)sequently as urochloralic acid after tin- administration hloral.:; Sine.- then it has been found in urine a> ethereal or iducose-like compounds, with an extensive series of members of the fatty or aromatic series after the introduction of the ap- propriate substances into the animal body.4 It is probable that traces of compounds of this acid occur normally in urine, sine,- tin- excretion is usually slightly la-vo-rotatory, and it is known that indol and skatol which are formed in the alimentary canal readily reappear in the urine as compounds of glycu- ronic acid; viz. indoxyl- and Bkatoxyl-glycuronic acid, when intro- duced into the body. The compounds of glycuronic acid are all la-vo-rotatory, and some of them reduce metallic salts on boiling, and may hence lead to errors in the determination of i in urine. Glycuronic acid does not occur in the free state in the animal body. Chemically it is closely related to dextrose; when oxi- di>ed with bromine it yields saccharic acid,6 C6H10O8, [COOH - (i I£. OH)4 -COOH], — an acid which is also readily obtained by the oxidation of dextrose with nitric acid. Saccharic acid can he converted into glycuronic acid by reduction with sodium amal- ^am.'; Like dextrose, glycuronic acid is dextro-rotatory, but to a extent, (a)0 = -f- 194°, reduces Fehling's Huid to the same ••tit as does dextrose, and forms with phenyl-hydra/.in a yellow -talline compound which melts at 114 — 115°. The acid jv known only as a syrup soluble in alcohol and water. When boiled in the latter solvent it loses a molecule of water and yields an anhydride (lactone), C«H80«, which is crystalline, insoluble in alcohol, soluble in water, dextro-rotatory, ami reduces Fchling's fluid powerfully. I Thierfcldcr, '/A. f. />// //W. f '/,/•//, 15,1 \i\. ( 1-vn. s. ^t'.i Hrown and Murri-. Jl. CA .1. i MI. (is'.to), p. 57. n M.-x.-r, 7.1. /: phi/ai'ol. Cli> w IM. in. (IH7H), S. 422. rinK. H.,,1. IM.'vi. (|HSL.), S. l-o 4 For vory full li.«t ..f tin- \;iri..ii(« Htilwtances which when introduced into tlu> body n-:i|ip«-;ir in the urine as paired compounds «itli ^Ixcuronic acid, and for references to date (l-'.iit) to the literature "f the .-iitij-M-t, see Neiiliauer u. Vo^el, //iiriniini' Kd. i\ l-'iu. p. nr, '•> Thierfelder. /.' / ,>l,,/xiol. Cliem. Bd. xi (1887), S. 388. Sec also Bd. MII ' (I88'.r, - 1 i- u Pilot v, If,;-. ,1. ,1 chem Gciell. Jahrg. xxiv. (1891). S. :,ji. 108 INOSIT. The formation of the compounds of glycuronic acid, to which attention has been drawn, is of great and increasing interest. There can be little doubt that the acid has its origin in the carbo- hydrate (dextrose) of the body, but it is not yet possible to ex- plain exactly how each particular compound arises after the introduction of the corresponding substance into . the animal organism.1 Inosit. CCH1206 + 2H20. [CH.OH]6. This substance has the same percentage composition as a sugar, and possesses a distinctly sweet taste; in virtue of which prop- erties it appears to have been usually classed with the carbo- hydrates. It does not, however, yield any of the reactions most typical of this class of substances; for instance, it exerts no rotatory power on polarised light, does not reduce metallic salts, does not undergo alcoholic fermentation, and does not react with phenyl-hydrazin. On account of these peculiarities, the view was long ago expressed that it is not a carbohydrate at all; and this has recently been shown to be the case by Maquenne, who has proved that it belongs really to the benzol series.2 Struc- turally it may be represented by a closed ring of six CH . OH groups. Tnosit occurs but sparingly in the human body ; it was found originally by Scherer 3 in the muscles. Cloetta showed its pres- ence in the lungs, kidneys, spleen, and liver,4 and Miiller in the brain.5 It occurs also in diabetic urine, and in that of 'Bright's disease,' and is found in abundance in the vegetable kingdom, — more especially in unripe beans, from which it may be conven- iently prepared.6 It is also found in the urine after the ingestion of an excess of water into the body.7 It is prepared from aqueous extracts of the mother tissues by acidulating with acetic acid and boiling to remove any coagulable proteids. The filtrate from these is then precipitated with normal lead acetate and filtered, and the inosit is finally precipitated from this filtrate by means of basic lead acetate in presence of ammonia. The lead compound is decomposed with sulphuretted hydrogen, and after the addition of alcohol and ether to the solution, inosit separates out by crystallisation.8 Pure inosit forms large efflorescent crystals (rhombic tables) ; 1 In the case of camphor and chloral see Fischer u. Piloty, loc. cit. S 524. - Compt. Rend. T. civ. (1887), pp. 225, 297, 1719. 3 Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. LXXIII. (1850), S. 322. 4 Ibid. Bd. xcix. S 289. 5 Ibid. Bd. cm. S. 140. 6 Vohl, Ibid. Bd. xcix. (1856), S. 125 ; ci. S. 50. ? Kiilz, Centralb.f. d. med. Wiss. 1875, S. 933. 8 Marine', Ann. d. Ch. u. Pharm. Bd. cxxix. S. 222. See also Boedeker, Ibid. Bd. cxvii. S. 118. CHEMICAL P.ASIS OF THE ANIMAL IJODY. 109 in microscopic preparations it is usually obtained in tufted lumps <>f fine crystals. FIG. 1. INOSIT CRYSTALS. (After Kiihue.) Readily soluble in water, it is only slightly so in dilute alcohol, and is insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether. Although inosit admits of no direct alcoholic fermentation.it has been stated to be capable of undergoing a lactic fermentation in presence of decomposing proteid (cheese) and chalk, yield- ing ordinary (ethylidene-) lactic acid and some butyric acid.1 It had been previously stated that the acid thus obtained is sarcolactic (ethylene- or para-) lactic acid.2 These assertions are ly reconcilable with our present knowledge of the chemical constitution of inosit. Reactions of inosit. (i) Sclierer's test.9 The suspected substance is treated- with ,' nitric acid and evaporated nearly to dryness on porcelain. < »n tin- addition of a little ammonia and a few drops of freshly prepared and not too dilute solution ot calcium chloride, a bright jiink or rose-coloured residue is obtained on renewed evaporation it' inosit is present. (ii) Gallois' text. When inosit in concentrated solution is treated with a few drops of 2 p.c. mercuric nitrate solution, or Liebig's solution for the estimation of urea, and the mixture i> evaporated to dryneSB, it yields a y«-llo\v residue which on bem- more strongly heated turns rosy red; this disappears on cooling, and returns again on renewed heating.4 1 V.,1,1. ll.r. u + H,« >. This is the sugar which is characteristically formed, together with de.xtrins, by the action of malt-extract (diastase) on star< -h- paste. It was first described by Dubrunfaut2 as arising in this I >ut its existence was for some time doubted until firmly established hy O'Sullivan.3 Later researches showed that it is similarly the chief sugar which is formed by the action of saliva ami pancreatic juice upon starch-paste or upon glycogen, being accompanied in the case of pancreatic juice by a variable but dis- tinct amount of dextrose if the action of this secretion be pro- li-n -'-.I.* Maltose is also formed by the action of dilute acids ujM.n stan-h-j »aste, but in this case it is difficult to prevent the simultaneous formation of dextrose into which it is readily con- verted by acids, yielding 98 — 99 p. c. of the latter sugar.6 It is therefore usually prepared from the products of the action of malt- extract on starch -paste.6 .Maltose is very soluble in water, also in alcohol, but less so in the latter solvent than is dextrose. It crystallises in fine needles which are however not very easily obtained. Solutions of maltose are dextro-rotatory ;,,,,! reduce metallic salts; it is therefore not easily distinguished from dextrose by merely qualitative tests. A< tii«- nerv-^ity of discriminating between the two sugars is one •I iient ocrurrence, the following characteristic differences be- tween their optical and reducing powers are of great importance. For maltose in 10 p. c. solution at 20°C. (a)D = + 1400,7 tor dex- trose (a)D = -j-52'5°. When maltose is boiled with Fehling's Yin-how's Arch. Bd. x. (18.r.f,|. S. in Koebner, Diss. Breslau, (1859). Al.st. in Ili-iili- 11 Metaner's Jahre* _' .•»'.. ;il><-. <;,,tr,,n,. i. ,1 ,„.l, p. :.7'.i. Cf. Musmlii> u (Jriilx-r. '/A ;/.sW. t •/„•„,. B Ann. IM. • v :iure, hard colourless crystals, belonging to the rh«>mbic system (four-sided prisms). It is less soluble in water than dextrose, requiring for solution six times its weight of cold, but only two parts of boiling, water; it is entirely insoluble in alcohol Mid in ether. It is fully precipitated from its solutions by the addition of basic lead acetate and ammonia. Solutions of many metallic salts are readily reduced by boiling with lactose, but the reducing power is less than that of dextrose. Thus 1 c. c. of Fehling's thud which is reduced by 5 mgr. of dex- trose requires 6'7 m.^r of lactose provided that certain conditions as to the dilution of the solution, duration of boiling, \-e.. are attended to.3 These are important for the accurate volumetric estimation of lactose. The specific rotatory power of lactose is (a)D=-r-52'3°, and is independent of the concentration in solu- tions which contain up to 35 p. c. at ordinary temperatures. Its rotatory power is thus identical with that of dextrose. It is, how- readily 'distinguishable from dextrose by its smaller solubility in water, insolubility in alcohol, and incapability of undergoing direct alcoholic fermentation with yeast It also does not reduce I'.aifoed's reagent, and in this resembles maltose. When boiled with dilute mineral acids it yields eipial molecules of dextrose and ua lactose (see p. 106), and since the specific rotatory power of the latter of these is high [(a)D = -j-83°], this increase of rotatory (and reducing) power on treatment with acids affords a further convenient means of discrimination between lactose and dextm>e. 1 Sec <;.>rnp Hcs.-iiK'/., f.flir/,.,1 /./,- ,W .<"/,, • I'hnn d. mensch. Xillinni./*- u. <;,nnsxmittrl,:\ Allll (I-VI). I'ul. I. S. L'.'.O./ s»/. : Ilufmfintcr, /J /". f,lti/M»l. ('In m Mil. i. (1877), S. loi. Sco Ncubauor u. Vogel, Analyse . s I- ..l.-w.-iM u. T..I1.-!,.. /•'< . '/ •/ chem. Getell. 1878, S. 2076. S.xhk-t, /A. f. prakt. Chtm. (-2), IM \\i I -MI. s 8 114 • I.ACTOSK. Fhenyl-lactosazonc. C'.J41 f 82N40,. This compound of lactose with pheiiyl-hydrazin is formed under conditions similar to those already described for the preparation of the analogous compound of dextrose. It is soluble in 80 — 90 parts of boiling water and melts at about 200°. It crystallises readily in the form of yellow needles which, unlike the crystals of phenyl-maltosazone, are usually aggregated into clusters. Lactose is readily capable of undergoing a direct lactic fermen- tation and this occurs characteristically in souring milk. The exciting cause is doubtless ordinarily an organised ferment, but there is also some evidence of the existence in the alimentary canal of an enzyme which can effect the same conversion. The circumstances and products of the conversion are the same as for dextrose and saccharose. Although isolated lactose is unaffected by yeast, milk itself is cap- able of undergoing, under the influence of certain ferments, an alcoholic fermentation, and this has been employed from very early times by the inhabitants of certain districts of Russia in the prepara- tion of Kumys and Kephir. from niare's-rnilk. Of late years these fluids have attracted much attention in virtue of their supposed thera- peutic action in certain wasting diseases. Very little is as yet known as to the real nature of the changes which occur during the fermenta- tion, but they are probably extremely complex and due to the presence of several organised ferments.1 Kephir ferment is a commercial article in Russia, obtainable at the apothecaries. The non-assimilability of saccharose and maltose has already been referred to, and experiment has shown that lactose is simi- larly incapable of assimilation, for when injected into the blood- vessels it appears unaltered in the urine.2 It is therefore presumably changed in the alimentary canal into some form of sugar which is assimilable, it may be into dextrose and galactose. It does not appear that any such conversion can be markedly observed, if at all, under the action of any of the secretions of the alimentary canal ; hence the change may more probably take place, as in the case of maltose, rather during than before the passage of the sugar through the intestinal walls. This non-assimilability of lactose is certainly remarkable when it is remembered that it is in this form that young animals receive 1 There is an extensive literature on this subject, of which the following are of most comprehensive interest. Biel, Unters. uber den Kunu/s, Wien, 1874, and St. Petersburg, 1881. Abst. in Maly's Benefit. 1874, p. 166, 1886, p. 159. Struve, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. 1884, Sn. 314, 1364. Krannhals, Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med. Bd. xxxv. (1884), S. 18. Hammarsten (Swedish). See Abst. in Maly's Benefit. 1886, p. 163. 2 Dastre, Compt. Rend. T. xcvi. (1883), p. 932. Compl. Rend. Soc. Biol. (9), T. I. (1889), p. 145. De Jong (Dutch Diss.). See Maly's Bericht, 1886, p. 445 CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 11.-, their supply of carbohydrate food. It might more probably have IMM-H expected that they should be shielded as far as possible from any avoidable excessive digestive labour by the presentation of a diivrtly assimilable sugar. We cannot as yet offer any other ex- planation of the observed facts than the one that since lactose is incapable of diivet (alcoholic) fermentation, not only is the milk while it is accumulated in the breast less liable to fermentative decomposition, but also the tendency to fermentative disturban< •»• in the alimentary canal of the young animal is largely diminished. Both saccharose (cane-sugar) and maltose1 are similarly not dirfctly fermentable, and both again in the adult are apparently converted into fermentable dextrose during, or at least, immedi- ately before, absorption. The subject is one which requires further investigation. FATTY ACIDS AND FATS, THEIR DERIVATIVES AND ALLIES. I. ACIDS OF THE ACETIC SERIES. General formula C,,H2B+i.COOH (monobasic). This, which is one of the most complete homologous series of organic chemistry, runs parallel to the series of monatoniic alco- hols. Thus formic acid corresponds to methyl alcohol, acetic acid to ethyl (ordinary) alcohol, and so on. The several acfds may yarded as being derived from their respective alcohols by simple oxidation taking place in two stages, the first yielding an aldehyde, the second an acid by direct union of oxygen with the aldehyde.2 Thus with ethyl alcohol (i) CH, . CH3 . OH + O = CH, . COH + H,O, (ii) CH,.COH + 0 = CH,.COOH The successive members differ in composition by CH2, and the boiling points rise successively by about 19°C. Similar rela- tioii> hold good with regard to their melting-points and specific gravities. The acid properties are strongest in those where n he least value. The lowest members of the series are volatile li« | u ids, acting as powerful acids; these successively become less 1 Horace Hrown Private communication to author. Cf. V. MeriiiR, '/A. f. :: I r, (1881), s -' The views as to the possiMe importance of the aldehydes have already been referred to when treating of pn.teids (see p. 52). It is further interesting to notice that a simple polymerisation, to which it is very prom-, of the lowest Imeth ) aldehyde II i i "II. Mould yield a sulistamv h.-miiir the composition of a carholn drate. ThlB is indeed a view which is held hy many as to the mode of formation of starch in plants. Cf. Miller I' .in in 1880, Sec. 1, p. 726. 116 ACIDS OF THE ACETIC SERIES. and less fluid ; and the highest members are colourless solids, closely resembling the neutral fats in outward appearance. Con- secutive acids of the series present but very small differences of chemical and physical properties, hence the difficulty of separat- ing them : this is further increased in the animal body by the fact that exactly those acids which present the greatest similar- ities usually occur together.1 The free acids are found only in small and very variable quan- tities in various parts of the body ; their derivatives on the other hand form most important constituents of the human frame, and will be considered further on. Some of the lower acids of the series have been obtained by treating proteids with molten caustic potash. They also occur among the products of the putrefaction of proteids, as for instance in old cheese. Of the primary alcohols from which this series of acids is de- rived only two have as yet been obtained from animal tissues or secretions, viz. ethyl2- and cetyl-alcohol,3 C2H5 . OH and C16H33 . OH, — the former from muscle, brain, and liver, the latter in union with palmitic acid in spermaceti and the secretion of the caudal glands of birds. Formic acid. H . COOH. When pure is a strongly corrosive, fuming fluid, with power- ful irritating odour, solidifying at 0° C., boiling at 100° C., and capable of being mixed in all proportions with either water or alcohol. It has been obtained from various parts of the body, such as .the spleen, thymus, pancreas, muscles, brain, and blood ; in the latter its presence may be due to the action of acids on the haemoglobin. It also occurs in minute traces in urine. It is excreted by some ants (Formica rufa) in a fairly concentrated form and may be present to the surprisingly large extent of 40 p.c. in the secretion of certain caterpillars.4 The separation of so acid a fluid from the alkaline cell-substance is remarkable and of con- siderable interest. When heated with strong sulphuric acid it is decomposed into carbonic oxide and water. It is further charac- terised by readily effecting the reduction of metallic salts, as of mercury or silver, when heated with their solutions. Acetic Acid. CH3 . COOH. It is distinguished by its characteristic odour ; its boiling-point is 100° C. ; the anhydrous acid solidifies at about 17°. It is solu- ble in all proportions in alcohol and in water. 1 For details on this series see Hoppe-Seyler's Hdbch. d, phys. path. chem. Anal. 1883, S. 85 et seq. 2 Rajewski, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xi. (1875), S. 122. 3 De Jonge, Zt.f. physiol. Chem. Bd. in. (1879), S. 225. 4 PoultOD, The colours of animals, Internat. Sci. Ser. 1890, p. 274. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 117 It may In- formed in the stomach as the result of fermentative changes iu the food, and is frequently present in diabetic mine, as also in traces in normal uriiie. In other organs and fluids it exists only in minute tra With I'crru- chlnride it yields a blood-red solution, decolourised by hydrocloric acid. (It differs in this last ivacti'in fmni siilphocyanide Of iron.) Heated vrith alcohol and sulphuric acid, the characteristic <>f acetic ether (ethyl-acetate) is obtained. Acetone. CH, . CO . CH,. This substance is the typical member of the general class known as ketones, and may be prepared by the dry distillation of calrinm or barium acetate. Ketoues are characterised by containing the group CO (carbonyl) in the same way that the aldehyde- an- characterised by the group ('< »1 1. and the acids by the group COOH. The ketones are closely related to the aldehydes and may be regarded as derived from them 1>\- dis- placing the H of the COH group by some monad (alcohol) radicle. They are most usually prepared by the dry distillation of the calcium .-alts of the appropriate acids. Ketones, like the aldehydes, unite readily and directly with phenyl-hydrazin, yielding a class of com- pound-. known as hydrazones. (Cf. p. lOii.) Acetone is a volatile liquid, soluble in water, boiling at 56°, and possessed of an agreeable ethereal odour. It may be obtained in considerable quantity by distillation from the urine and blood of diabetic patients and accounts for the peculiar ethereal odour which these frequently evolve.1 This symptom is of serious prognostic importance, and it has been supposed by many authors that tin- fatal diabetic coma which rapidly supervenes is caused by the pres- ence of acetone.2 The urine of diabetic patients frequently ex- hibits a reddish-violet colouration with ferric chloride, supposedly due to the presence of aceto-acetic acid (CH8 . CO. CH2 .('<>< >H > which readily yields acetone by its decomposition. Acetone is also not infrequently 'found in the urine and breath (?) of children in apparently normal health.3 Acetone gives a characteristic reaction with iodine in presence of an alkali (formation of iodoform) and colour-reactions with sodium nitro-prusside and fuchsin.4 Propionic acid. C2H8 . COOH. This acid closely resembles the preceding one. It p..--. a very sour taste and pungent odour; H soluble in water, boils 1 Vim JukM-li. • •mirif n. fhnrrtiinr, Horlin, IS1- history ami liti-ratim- of the «ubii>< t Cf '/.t . / /./,•/.«;»/. CV,, ,„ IM. vi. (1882), S. 541. - cf. (Janice's />A ./W .r/,,,,, V,,! i 1880. p l'.- / /'//(/.<"•/. -Tali' 4 Consult IfeubMMr nd N'«>t;'-l. // •< «>< 118 ACIDS OF THE ACETIC SERIES. at 141° C., and may be separated from formic and acetic acid by taking advantage of the superior solubility of its lead salt in cold water. It occurs in small quantities in sweat, in the contents of the stomach, and in diabetic urine when undergoing fermentation. It is similarly produced, mixed however with other products, during alcoholic fermentation. It is stated to have been found occasionally in normal urine. Butyric acid. C8H7 . COOH. There are two possible isomeric acids of the general formula €8H7 . COOH, the normal or primary, CH8 . CH2 . CH2 . COOH and iso- or secondary, CH(CH3)2 . COOH. Normal butyric acid. An oily colourless liquid, with an odour of rancid butter, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, boiling at 162° C. Found in sweat, the contents of the large intestine, faeces, and in urine. It occurs in traces in many other fluids, and is plenti- fully obtained when diabetic urine is mixed with powdered chalk and kept at a temperature of 35° C. It exists, in union with gly- cerin as a neutral fat, in small quantities in milk, and gives the characteristic odour to butter which has become rancid. It is the principal product of the second stage of lactic fermen- tation (see p. 105), and is ordinarily prepared from this source. Isobutyric acid. Occurs in fasces and among the putrefactive products from proteids, also in certain fruits such as the banana. Valeric or Valerianic acid. C4H9 . COOH. Four isomeric forms of this acid exist. Of these the one here described is the isoprimary CH(CH8)2CH2 . COOH. (Isopropyl- acetic acid.) An oily liquid, of burning taste and penetrating odour as of de- caying cheese ; soluble in 30 parts of water at 12°C., readily soluble in alcohol and in ether. Boils at 175° C. It is found in the solid excrements, and is formed readily by the decomposition, through putrefaction, of impure leucin, am- monia being at the same time evolved ; hence its occurrence in urine when that fhiid contains leucin, as in cases of acute atrophy of the liver. Caproic acid. C5HU . COOH. Caprylic acid. C7H15 . COOH. Capric (Eutic) acid. C9H19 . COOH. These three occur together (as fats) in butter, and are con- tained in varying proportions in the faeces from a meat diet and CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE .AM .MA L BODY. ll'.t the first two in sweat. The first is an oily fluid, slightly soluble in water, the other- an- -"lids ami scarcely soluble in water; they are soluble in all proportions in alcohol and in ether. They may be prepared from butter, and separated by the varying solubilities of their barium salts. Laurie or Laurostearic acid. CnH2s . COOH. Myristic acid. CWH,7 . COOH. These occur as neutral fats in spermaceti, in butter and other fats. They present no points of interest. Palmitic acid, c, ,11 , Stearic acid. C17H,5 . ('< x »H. These are solid, colourless when pure, tasteless, odourless, crys- talline bodies, the former melting at 62° C., the latter at 69*2° C. In water they are quite insoluble; palmitic acid is more readily soluble in cold alcohol than stearic : both are readily dissolved by hot alcohol, ether, or chloroform. Glacial acetic acid dissolves tin-in in large quantity, the solution being assisted by warming. They readily form soaps with the alkalis, also with many other metals. The varying solubilities of their barium salts afford the means of separating them when mixed : ' this method may also be applied to many others of the higher members of this series. These acids in combination with glycerin (see below), together with the analogous compound of oleic acid, form the principal constituents of human fat. As suits of calcium they occur in the and in 'adiporiiv,' and probably in chyle, blood, and serous fluids, as salts of sodium. They are found in the free state in decomposing pus. and in the caseous deposits of tuberculosis. Tin- '-\jsteiice of mar£aric acid. a> obtained from natural fats, in- termediate to the above two. is not now admitted. >inci- Heintz has shown2 that it is really a mixture of palmitic and stearic acids. Mar^aric acid possesses the anomalous melting-point of .V.)-9° C. A mixture of «iO part.- >tearic arid and l<> of pal mi I ic acid, melt- at d"'-;; . A true mari:aric arid mav lio\\e\er In- prepared h\- replacing the group <>H in eetyl-alcohol (C16HM . Oil) by the Kroup ( '< )( >H. Wln-n animal (proteid) tissues are buried for some tiim- in damp ground or othcr\vi.-e e\p(i nn>i-nire jM the absence of any free supply "t they aiv frequently found to have undergone a peculiar change 1-y which they are converted into a waxy or fatty substance. This is known as adipocire. It consists, not of true neutral fats, but of the ammonium, and in some cases calcium, salts of the highest fatty acids palmitic and 1 HHnt/., Poggemlorff'a Anital. d. Phys. «. < '/,• •, I!. I \. n. S. 588. at 120 OLEIC ACID. NEUTRAL FATS. stearic, or of the free acids themselves.1 Practically nothing is definitely known as to the agencies and mode of this conversion. It may be the result of a purely chemical change, or perhaps it is more probably due to the action of some micro-organism.2 On either view of its formation the occurrence of adipocire is of extreme interest as showing a possible direct formation of the higher fatty acids and hence of fats from proteids. It is however supposed by some authors that the adipocire is formed entirely by change and aggregation from the fats present in the tissues at death.3 This view is probably incorrect. II. ACIDS OF THE OLEIC (ACRYLIC) SERIES. C^^.COOH (monobasic). The acids of this series bear the same relationship to the ole- fines (C2H4) that those of the acetic do to the paraffins (CH4). Some of the higher members of the series are found as glycerin compounds in various fats. They bear an interesting relation to the acids of the acetic series, breaking up when heated with caustic potash into acetic acid and some other member of the same series : — thus, Oleic acid. Potassium acetate. Potassium palmitate. Ci7H33.COOH-h2KHO= KC2H302 + KC16H3102+IL. Oleic acid. C17H33 . COOH. This is the only acid of the series which is physiologically im- portant. It is found united with glycerin in all the fats of the human body. When pure it is, at ordinary temperatures, a colourless, odour- less, tasteless, oily liquid, solidifying at 4° C. to a crystalline mass. Insoluble in water, it is soluble in alcohol and in ether. It cannot be distilled without decomposition. It readily forms with potassium and sodium hydroxide soaps which are soluble in water : its compounds with most other bases are insoluble. It may be distinguished from the acids of the acetic series by its reaction with nitrous acid which converts it into a solid (elaidic acid) and by the changes it undergoes when exposed to the air. It may be converted into stearic acid C17H33 . COOH + H2 = C17H35 . COOH. THE NEUTRAL FATS. These may be considered as ethereal salts formed by replacing the exchangeable atoms of hydrogen in the triatomic alcohol 1 Ebert, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. vnr. (1875), S. 775. 2 Kratter, Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xvi. (1880), S. 455. Lehmann, Sitzb. d. nhus.-med. Gesell. Wiirzburg, 1888, S. 19. 3 Zillner, Viertelj.f. ger. Med. u. off. Sanhatsw. (N.F.) Bd. XLIV. (1885), S. 1. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY'. li'l glycerin (see below), by the acid radicles of the acetic and oleic series. Since there are three such exchangeable atoms of hydro- gen in glycerin, it is possible to form three classes of these eth<-- real salts; only those, however, which belong to the third da-- occur as natural constituent.- of the human body: those of the tirst and second are of theoretical importance only. The following reaction which repivsrnt* the formation of tri- palmitin from glycerin and palmitic acid is typical for all the others. (ilvo-riii. Palmitic acid. Tri-palmitin. C.H. (OH), + 3 (CUHM . CO . OH) =C,H6 (C15H81 . CO . 0),+ 3 H2O. They possess certain general characteristics. Insoluble in water and but slightly in alcohol, they are readily soluble in ether, chloroform, benzol, &c. ; they also dissolve one another. They are neutral bodies, colourless and tasteless when pure ; they are not capable of being distilled without undergoing decomposition, and yield as a result of this decomposition solid and liquid hydro- carbons, water, fatty acids, and a peculiar substance, acrolein, resulting from the decomposition of the glycerin. (See below.) They POS-I-.-S no action on polarised light. They may readily In- decomposed into glycerin and their respec- tive fatty acids by the action of caustic alkalis, or of superheated steam. Palmitin (Ti -i-palmitin). C8H5 (C,6H81 . CO . 0)8. 1'almitin is but slightly soluble in alcohol either cold or hot, readily so in ether, from which, when pure, it crystallises in fine needles; if mixed with stearin it generally forms shapeless lumps, although the mixture may at times assume a crystalline form, and wa- then regarded as a distinct body, namely margarin. \Yhfii pun- it melts at 62° and solidifies again at 45°. It is most conveniently obtained from palm-oil by removing tin- free palmitic and oleic acids by alcohol and repeatedly crystallising tin- residue from ether. Stearin (TH->t.-urin). C,HS (C17H86 . CO . 0),. This is the hardest and least fusible of the ordinary fats of the liody ; is also the least soluble, and hence is the first to crystallise out from solutions of the mixed tats. Ueadily soluble in ether and in Iniliny alcohol. It crystallises usually in square talilr- or glittering plates. It present- pi-culiaritii-s in its fusing-points, mdting tirst at ">° , then solidifying as the temperature is further 1. and melting finally and permanently at 71°. Preparation. From mutton suet, its separation from palmitin and olfin In-ing effected by repeated crystallisation from ether, stearin l>rin- th«- loa-t soluble. It is, however, very difficult to obtain it pure l»y tin- process. IL'1' NEUTRAL FATS. Olein (Tri-olein). C8H6(C17H33 . C0.0)8. Is obtained with difficulty in the pure state, and is then fluid at ordinary temperatures. It is somewhat soluble in alcohol, very soluble in ether. It readily undergoes oxidation when exposed to the air, and is converted by mere traces of nitrous acid into a solid isomeric fat, tri-elaidin. Olein is saponified with much greater difficulty than are palmitin and stearin. Preparation. From olive oil, either by cooling to O° C. and pressing out the olein that remains fluid, or by dissolving in hot alcohol and cooling, when the olein remains in solution while the other fats crystallise out. The fats which occur in the animal body are mixtures of the above three substances in varying proportions. The normal fat of each animal or class of animals is however characterised by the constant preponderance of one of the three ; thus in the fat of man and carnivora palmitin is in excess over the other two. In the fat of herbivora stearin predominates, and in that of fishes olein. Butter contains, in addition to the above, several fats formed by the union of glycerin with the radicles of the lower acids of the acetic series. There is no doubt that a large part of the fat laid on in the animal body during fattening cannot be accounted for by the fat given in the food, and must hence arise from a conversion of proteids or carbohydrates into fat. (See §§ 506, 507.) The question as to how the storage arises from these food-stuffs is one which has given rise to a prolonged controversy. On the one hand Voit and his followers urged that although carbohydrates do lead to a rapid storing of fat in the body, they do so not directly by being themselves converted into fat, but indirectly ,by protecting the proteids from the metabolism they would otherwise have under- gone. According to this view fat is formed from proteids only. Lawes and Gilbert on the other hand took the view that carbo- hydrates are directly converted into fat. While there is no doubt that proteids can give rise directly to fat as shown by the storage of fat during "nitrogenous equilibrium" (see § 522), there is also now equally no doubt that carbohydrates can lead to a direct storage of fat by being themselves converted into fat. This is the incontrovertible outcome of the most recent experiments, which have proved that with a diet rich in carbohydrates, so that the. storage of fat is sufficiently rapid, more fat is laid on than could possibly have been formed from the proteids in the food given.1 1 Meissl u. Strohmer, Sitzb. d. Wien. Akad. Bd. LXXXVIII. 1883, IIL Abth. July. Tscherwinskv, Landwirth. Versuchsstat. Bd. xxix. (1883J, S 317. Chaniewski, /K. f. Bid. Bd.'xx. (1884), S. 179. Rubner, Ibid. Bd. xxii. (1886), S. 272. Munk, Vircnow's Arch. Bd. ci. (1885), S. 91. Biol. Centralb. Bd. v. (1885-86), S. 316. See also Voit, Ibid. Bd. vi. (1886-87), S. 243. dlKMICAL BASIS OF T1IK ANIMAL BODY. IL':; Glycerin (< i hverol). C3H6(OH),. tlready stated, glycerin i-; ;i triutomic alcohol, the neutral fats being ethereal salts rarmed from it with the radicles of the higher fatty acids and oleic arid. When pure, glycerin is a viscid, colourless liquid, of a well-, known sweet taste. It is soluble in water and in alcohol in all proportions, insoluble in ether. Exposed to very low temperatures it becomes almost solid; it boils at 290° and may be distilled without decomposition in the absence of air. It dissolves the alkalis and alkaline earths, also many oxide-., such as those of lead and copper; many of the fatty acids are also soluble in glycerin. It possesses no rotatory power on polarised light. It is easily recognised by its ready solubility in both water and alrohol, its insolubility in ether, its sweet taste, and its reaction with liases. When sufficiently heated, especially in presence of a dehydrating agent, glycerin is decomposed, loses two molecules of water and yields acrolein. C|H6(OH), = ('.,II4< )+L'H20. This substance possesses an intensely penetrating, irritating and pungent odour so that its formation enables glycerin to be readily idm ti- tled. It is the cause of the peculiar smell arising from overheated tats. Chemically it is the aldehyde of allyl alcohol (derived from tin- oil-tines) and is intermediate between this substance and acry- lir acid, which is a homologue of oleic acid. (.See above.) (Jlycerin is formed in traces during the alcoholic fermentation of sugar \ It is prepared in bulk by distilling in a current of superheated steam the fluid residue left after the saponification of tat- with lime. Soaps. When iifittral fats are heated with lime or caustic alkalis under ne they are decomposed, the metal combining with the free fatty or oleic acid to form a salt, leaving the glycerin in solution. These >;ilts are called soaps, being soluble in water if the metal is an alkali, insoluble if it is calcium, lead, or other similar metal. The reaction which takes place during the above saponitication is Tri -t.-riu. l'"t;isxium sterftte. (il\ci-rin C«H,(Ci,Hu . CO.O), -f 3KHO = 3(C17H88.COOK) -f C3H6(OH),. A similar decomposition into glycerin and free fully acid ran be i-tle.-ted by pancreatic juice (see p. 64), the acid uniting with the alkali of tin- juice or of the bile to form a son].. This drcomji.iv.j- tion is however quantitatively inconsiderable but qualitatively of great importance for the absorption of fats, owing to the extra<>r- 1 r.iM.-ur, Ann. t. /'harm. IM. < \ i ( 1*58), S. 338. 124 LACTIC ACIDS. dinarily great emulsifying power of a mixture of bile, free fatty acids and soluble soaps. The same decomposition takes place when fats, more especially butter, turn rancid. III. ACIDS OF THE GLYCOLIC AND OXALIC SERIES. When one atom of hydrogen in ,a paraffin is replaced by hydroxyl a primary monatomic alcohol is obtained ; if a second atom is replaced a parallel series of diatomic alcohols may be pre- pared, which are known as glycols. The replacement of a third atom of hydrogen by hydroxyl yields the triatomic alcohols (e. g. glycerin). Further, just as the monatomic alcohols yield acids by oxidation, so also do the glycols ; but from the latter two series of acids can be obtained, known respectively as the glycolic and oxalic (succinic) series. Thus at first : Ethvl-glycol. Glvcolic acid. C2H4(OH)2 -f- 02 = CH2(OH) . COOH.+ H2O. By further oxidation a member of the glycolic series can be converted into a member of the oxalic series, thus : Glycolic acid. Oxalic acid. CH2(OH) . COOH + 02 = (COOH)2 + H2O. The acids of the glycolic series are monobasic, those of the oxalic dibasic. The following table exhibits the above relationships in a con- venient form. Paraffin Alcohol Acid Glycol Acid I Acid II Methane Methyl Formic Carbonic I CH4 CH3(OH) H . COOH „ CO(OH).(OH) Ethane Ethyl Acetic Ethyl-Glycol Glvcolic Oxalic C2H6 C2H5(OH) CHg.COOH C2H4(OH)2 CH2(OH) . COOH (COOH)2 Propane Propyl Propionic Propyl-glycol Lactic Malonic C8H8 C8H7(OH). C2H5 . COOH C3H6(OH)2 C2H4(OH) . COOH CH2(COOH)2 Butane Butvl Butvric Butyl-glycol Oxvbutvric Succinic C4Hio C4H9(OH) C3H-.COOH C4H8(OH).2 C3H6(OH) . COOH C2H4(COOH)2 GLYCOLIC ACID SERIES. Lactic (hydroxy-propionic) acid. C3H608. This, after carbonic acid, is to the physiologist the most important acid of the series. If lactic acid is regarded as derived from propionic acid CH8 . CH2 . COOH, it may be noticed at once that two isomeric 1 This acid is frequently classed in the preceding group of acids as the first of the glycolic series. CHEMICAL BASIS OF Till: ANIMAL P,<>I>Y. 125 lactic acids must be capable of being formed from it. These acids will have the following formula; respectively: CH8.CH(OH). COOH an.l riL (nil,. rila. COOH, Of these the first is known ethylidene-lactic acid, the second as hydraerylic acid. In adilitiiiu to the above a third acid, isoineric with ethylidene- lactic acid is known, namely sarcolactic or para lactic acid. Of these three acids only two occur in the body, hydracrylic being absent. A fourth acid, to which the name of ethylene-lactic acid ha- been given, has also been described as isomeric with hydra- i iv lie acid. It is however probable that this acid is really acetyl- lactic acid, hydracrylic acid being the true ethylene-lactic acid, below.) The several forms of lactic acid are all syrupy colourless fluids, soluble in all proportions in water and in alcuhol, and to a slight extent iii ether. They possess an intensely sour taste, and a stmng acid reaction. When heated in solution they may partially distil over in the escaping vapour, but are usually decomposed during the process. They form salts with metals, of which those with the alkalis .are very soluble and crystallise with difficulty. The calcium and zinc salts are of the greatest importance, as will be seen later on, inasmuch as by their varying solubilities they at lord a means of separating the several acids each from the other. 1. Ethylidene-lactic acid. CH, . CH(OH) . COOH. This is the ordinary form of the acid, obtained characteristically as the chief product of the lactic fermentation of sugars (see p. 105). From this source it may be readily prepared by adding a little old chei-M.' and sour milk to a solution of cane sugar t<> \\hirli some car- lionatcof /inc is added. The whole is kept warmed to 40° or 45° for ten day> or a fortnight, hcing vigorously stirred at frequent intrnals. Tin- lactic aci»l i- fixed as a lactate by the /inc salt as fast as it is formed. thi> removal of free acid heing essential to the progress of the fermentation which does not take place in an acid solution. The crusts of /inc-lactate formed during the above process are purified by -tallisini:, the acid is then liberated from the compound 1>\ the action ,,)" >iilphurettcd hydrogen, and extracted hy shaking up with ether, in which it is soluble. By a similar process lactic acid may In- read ily o I it aiued from lactose. Lactic acid occurs in the contents of the stomach and intestine, more particularly during " (li('t rich in carbohydrates, and maybe readily funned by the digestion of gastric mucous membrane with solutions of dextrose or saccharose.1 According to Heint/2it is found also in muscles, and according to Gscheidleu3 in the ganglionic cells of the grey substance of the brain. 1 Maly, Ann. d. Chrm. n. Phnrm. H.I. ci.xxm. (1S74), S. i'27. 2 Ann. <1. <•/„,„. „. /'>,<,,-,„. IM . i vi! f|v7l i. S. 314. • Pfliiger'a Archiv, Bd. vin. (1873-74), S. 171. 126 LACTIC ACIDS. The most important salts of this acid are those of zinc and calcium. Zinc lactate. Zn (C3H5Os)2 + 3H2O. Soluble in 53 parts of water at 15° ; in 6 parts at 100°. Almost insoluble in alcohol. Calcium lactate. CA (CsHjOs)" + 5H2O. Soluble in 9'5 parts of cold water ; soluble in all proportions in boiling water. In- soluble in cold alcohol. 2. Sarcolactic acid. This form of the acid is isomeric with the preceding one. In its general chemical behaviour as tested by the various decom- positions it can undergo it is found to be identical with ethylidene- lactic acid, the sole observable difference being in the different solubility of its calcium and zinc salts. But both sarcolactic acid and its salts differ strikingly from the preceding acid and its salts as regards their physical properties, for the former exert a distinct rotatory action on polarised light while the latter do not. This peculiar kind of isomerism, chemical identity with physical difference, has been called ' physical isomerism ' to distinguish it from the ordinary form of chemical isomerism. It is now more usually and correctly called ' stereochemical isomerism ' in accord- ance with the theory which is held as to the nature, and cause of the phenomenon. (See below.) This acid has not yet been prepared synthetically and is only known as occurring characteristically in muscles1 to which it gives their acid reaction,2 and in blood.3 In the latter it is found more particularly, as might be expected, after the muscles have been in a state of contracting activity.4 It is also found in urine, very markedly in cases of phosphorus poisoning, and in the same excretion after violent muscular exertion,5 or artificial stimulation of groups of muscles,6 and very strikingly after extirpation of the liver in birds,7 and frogs.8 It is also stated to be formed in vari- able and slight amount during the lactic fermentation of dextrose.9 Lactic acid has also been frequently described as a constituent of various pathological fluids ; in these cases it is probable that the acid is often the sarcolactic acid.10 As occurring characteristically in muscles it is hence found in 1 Wislicenus, Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. CLXVII. (1873), S. 302. 2 Liebig, Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. LXII. (1847), S. 326. 8 Gaglio, Arch.f. Physiol. Jahrg. 1886, S. 400. 4 Spiro, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. i. (1877), S. 111. Cf. Von Frey, Arch. J Physiol. Jahrg. 1885, S. 557. Also Marcuse, loc. cit. below. » Colasanti and Moscatelli. See ref. in Maly's Bericht. 1887, S. 212. 6 Marcuse, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xxxix. (1886), S. 425. 7 Minkowski, Centralb. f. d. med. Wiss. 1885, No. 2. Arch.f. exp. Path. u. Phar- makol. Bd. xxi. (1886), S.40. 8 Marcuse, loc. cit. But see Nebelthau, Zt.f. Biol. Bd. xxv. (1889), S. 123. 9 Maly, Her. d. d. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. 1874, S. 1567. 10 Cf. Maly. Abst. in Maly's Jahresb. 1871, S. 333. Fluid from ovarial cyst. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 1L'7 large quantities in Liebig's 'extract of meat* which is the most convenient source for its preparation l Liebig's extract is dissolved in four parts of warm water. To this solution two volumes of 90 p. c. alcohol are added and the precipitate is removed by tiltration. The filtrate, after concentration, is again precipitated with four volumes of alcohol. The filtrate from this second precipitate is finally concent rated, acidulated with sulphuric acid. and extracted with r\ce» of .-ther which dissolves out the sarcolactic acid. On evaporating off the t-ther and dissolving the residue in \\ater, the pure acid may he ohtained hy forming its zinc salt, which i> puritied by ery>talli.-at ion and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. F«>r the method of detecting and separating this acid from urine see Salkowski and Leube.2 Tin- /inc and r;il< iuni salts of sarcolactic acid are much more soluble both in water and alcohol than are those <>f ethylidene- lactic acid. xn,;-i>lii,'titte. Zn (C8H6O3)2 + 2H2O. Soluble in \~~~> of water at 15° or 964 parts of boiling 98 p. c. alcohol. t '"Icium sarcolactate. Ca (C,H6O3)2 + 4H2O [ ? 4^ H2OJ. Solu- ble in r_' 4 jiarts of cold water, soluble in all proportions in boiling water or alcohol. The free acid is dextro-rotatory, but the true value of (a)D is unknown owing to uncertainty as to the purity of the acid. The salts on the other hand are all bjevo-rotatory. For the zinc salt, when one part is dissolved in 18 of water (a)D = -7'6°. FI-. :.' Xivc SM.-. 01. \CTATE. (After Kulme.) FII. .'t CM i M M Svi:. -in \CTATE. (. \ftiT Klllllll' ) Both this acid and the juvcedinu one yield an intense yellow rnlniuation when added to ail c.xtreniely dilute (almost colourless) solution of ferric chloride. This reaction is sour-times useful.3 1 See Oamgee, Physiol. Chemist, ,,. V..1 i 1880. p. 361. // • ,11 * Uffelmann, Arch.f. kl(n M->.-',/. M,,J;,!n. Berlin. 1 -'',: « Cf UVrflirr /"-. Of I .llihurt. .„..//. PhyM, Vol. VIM. (1887), p. 154. « Wislicfuus. Ann y some striking reactions which may be obtained even with micro- scopic quantities. (i) When the crystals are treated with concentrated sulphuric add they usually turn violet or red. On the addition of a little iodine the play of colours is very marked, the crystals being vari- ously coloured, — blue, red, green, violet.1 (ii) When dissolved in chloroform, the solution turns blood- red on the addition of an equal volume of concentrated sulphuric acid : this turns to blue, green, and finally yellow, the. change of colour being very rapid if the solution is freely exposed to the air in an open dish. The sulphuric acid under the chloroform exhibits a green fluorescence.2 (iii) When evaporated to dryness on porcelain with a few drops of concentrated nitric acid, a yellow residue is obtained, which turns red if treated, while still hot, with ammonia. COMPLEX NITROGENOUS FATS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES.* Lecithin. C^ Occurs widely spread throughout the body. Blood (red-cor- puscles),4 bile, and serous fluids contain it in small quantities, while it is a conspicuous component of the brain, nerves, yolk of egg, semen, pus, white blood-corpuscles, and the electrical organs of the ray. It occurs also in yeast6 and other vegetable cells, and in small amount in milk.6 Tin- presence of lecithin in the red blood-corpuscles may prove to be of no inconsiderable importance in connection with the possible fixation liy them of carbonic anhydride.7 Setschenow has shown that lecithin :u-t- like a base towards carbonic anhydride, each molecule of the suli-taiH ••• being able to combine loosely with approximately one molecule of the anhydride (-092 gr. lecithin fixes 2'7 cc. of CO,) at a partial pressure of 56mm.8 Further, it is stated that red M ..... 1- I figures in Fi-.nkc. Atlas d. />/i//.W. Cl,,m. Leipzig, 1858, Taf vi Fig. 2, .T This work should !><> consulted for the crystalline forms of all physiologically im jiortant substances. See also Ultzmonu u Hoffmann, ./if/a* d. £Tam*M%M>fe \Virn. - <-f. Hnn-hanl. Innng. Dlts. Rostock, 1889. Al^t in /.'•». r. fit. (su!> Choleotprin). 7 Al S-hini.lt, It.,-, d •! U IM. MX. (1867 5 •!<>. Xunt7., ./. mnl. ll'-s<. i MOW, Il.td. 1877. S. 625; IHT'.t. S. I r.-,|rric.|. Cornet. Rend. T. LXXXIV. 1877, p. 661. Mathiou ot I'rliain. //•/'/. ]. I • :>TJ. ami Chrw. C.nt,,,!!.. is«8, S. 186. a .Inri. d. Chfm. n. I'luirm. 15,1. .\\iil. (l»6a). S. 3.VJ ; H.I. cxi.vin. (1868), S. 76. • Marino-Zuco, Rend. d. /?. accad. d. Lincei, 1888, p. 835. 136 CHOLIN. NEUKIN. prepared from the yolk of egg.1 The process is elaborate but consists roughly in decomposing the residue of the yolk, left after complete extraction with alcohol and ether, by boiling it for at least an hour with caustic baryta. At the end of this period the barium is precipitated by a stream of carbonic acid, the filtrate is concentrated, extracted with absolute alcohol, and from this solu- tion the cholin is precipitated as a salt by the addition of platinum chloride. It is finally separated from this salt by means of sulphuretted hydrogen. Wurtz a has obtained it synthetically, first by the action of gl ycol CH2 . OH chlorhydrin on trimethylamine, and then by that of ethylene CH2.C1 oxide on a concentrated aqueous solution of trimethylamine. Cholin when pure is an oily liquid with a strong alkaline re- action soluble in alcohol or ether. It yields crystalline com- pounds with acids and some salts of which the double salts formed with hydrochloric acid and the chlorides of either gold or platinum crystallise readily and are employed for the detection and separa- tion of the base. The platinum salt is readily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. The gold salt is but slightly soluble in cold water, but soluble in hot alcohol. When boiled in concentrated solution cholin is decomposed into glycol and trimethylamine. (CH3)3 = N = C2H4(OH)2 + N (CH.),. XCH2 . CH2(OH) By oxidation with concentrated nitric acid it yields the ex- tremely poisonous alkaloid muscarin C5Hi5NO3.3 Cholin is itself possessed of poisonous properties, and arising as it does from the decomposition of lecithin and protagon is now recognised as one of the alkaloidal products or ptomaines (see below) which occur in putrefying animal tissues.4 r /OH i Neurin. C5H13XO. (CH3)3 = N\CH _ CH , trimethylvinyl- ammonium hydroxide. This substance is closely related to cholin both in composition and origin, but is much more powerfully toxic than that body. 1 Diakonow, for ref. and details see Hoppe-Seyler's Hdbch. d. phi/s.-path. chem. Anal. 1883, S. 163. 2 Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Supl.-Bd. vi. Sn. 116, 201. Cf. Baever, Ibid. Bd. CXL. (1866), S. 306. 3 Schmiedeberg u. Harnack, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. vi. (1876), S. 101. Cf. Berlinerblau, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. xvn. (1884), S. 1139. But see also Bohm, Arch.f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. xix. (1885), S. 87. 4 Brieger, Zt. ' f. klin. Jfed. Bd. x. (1885), S. 268. See also Brieger's works referred to below, sub Ptomaines. CHEMICAL BASIS OF TU K ANIMAL BODY. 1,;7 It was first described as a product of the decomposition of pro- tagon by caustic baryta,1 and until recently the names cholin and neurin were applied interchangeably to the basic product of the action of baryta on lecithin or protagoii first described under the name choliu.2 The researches of Brieger have however shown that neurin differs distinctly both in composition and properties from tlu- older cholin, and have further identified it as one of the most commonly occurring and actively toxic of tin- alkaloidal basic products of the putrefactive decomposition of animal tissues known under the name of the ptomaines8 (see below). Like cholin it is in the pure state a sirupy fluid, with strongly alkaline reaction and is extremely soluble in water. It forms with hydrochloric acid and platinum chloride characteristic double salts which crys- tallise readily. The double salt which neurin forms with gold chloride crystallises in yellow needles ; it is but slightly soluble in cold water, though soluble in hot water Frotagon. C16oH808N6PO85(?). A crystalline substance, containing nitrogen and phosphorus, obtained by Liebreich* from the brain and regarded by him as its principal constituent. The researches of Hoppe-Seyler and I)iak- onow tended to show that protagon was merely a mixture of leci- thin and cerebriu. A repetition of Liebreich's experiments has however led Gamgee and Blankenhorn 6 to confirm the truth of his results, and further confirmation has been afforded still mon- recently.6 Protagon appears to separate out from warm alcohol on gradual cooling in the form of very small needles, often arranged in groups : it is slightly soluble in cold, more soluble in hot alcohol, and in ether. It is insoluble in water, but swells up and forms a gelatinous mass. It melts at 200° and forms a brown sirupy fluid. Preparation. Finely divided brain substance, freed from blood- vessels and connective tissue, is digested at 45° C. with alcohol (85 p. c.) as long as the alcohol extracts anything from it. The united extracts are filtered while hot, and the protagon separates out from the filtrate on cooling to 0°. It is next thoroughly ex- tracted with ether to get rid of all cholesterin and other bodies sol ul tie in ether, and finally purified by repeated crystallisation from warm ale,, hoi. By treatment with boiling solution of caustic baryta protagon is J Lichrei.-h, II. r. ,L ,1. ch.m. (fftrll. .Tahrtf. II. (lSf,'.n. S. 1-J •liMinrti.m i" made between rholin and neurin in the latest edition (1883) of H»|p[x--Sr\ It-r's I/itnilliiK/, il. /i/ii/*.-/Hlt/i. rh. ill. Allill. 8 Brieffe^ li>r. /«//•;«. M. . \\xiv. (If 6 Jl. of Phi/si,,!. Vol. n. (IHT'.i). j, ll.! AN., in /.i. f. f>hi/tiol. Chem. B<1. in. (1879), S'. 260.' (iivf-s hi>t<.rv :iny the action of phosphoric acid.1 This base was at one time, 'led as closely related to, if not identical with ethylinimine < II;. NH.2 It has however been recently shown that the two substances are not identical, and it has further been stated that the composition of spermin is most probably represented by the formula C0H26N4.8 AMIDES AND AMIDO-ACIDS. THEIR DERIVATIVES AND ALLIES. \\IIDO-ACIDS OF THE ACETIC SERIES. 1. Amido formic acid. NHt.COOH. This substance is identical with carbamic acid, one of the amiil<>- il'-rivatives of carbonic acid, the first acid of the oxalic acid series. It will be described under the oxalic group. 1 Sdirr-inor, Inc. cit. Abel, Ber. d. d. chem. Getell. Jalirt; \\i (1888), S. 758. Ktliy- liiiiniiiic appears (see next ref.) to be nothing but pipcrazinc, Hof man's dicth\ Irnc- dianiiinv Majort a. Schmidt, Ibid. Jahrg. xxir. (1891), 8. 241. 1'ochl. S. 359. 140 GLYCIN. SARKOSIN. 2. Glycin. C2H6N02. [CH2 (NH2) . COOHJ. (Amido-acetic acid.) ^Also called Glycocoll and Glycocine.) Does not occur in the free state in the animal body, but enters into the composition of several important substances, more espe- cially hippuric and glycocholic acids. It is also a product of the action of hydriodic acid on uric acid, and of boiling acids and caustic alkalis on gelatin : hence the name glycocoll or gelatiii; FIG. 7. GLYCIN CRYSTALS. (After Funke). sugar, since it possesses a sweet taste. It crystallises in large, colourless, hard rhombohedra, or four-sided prisms, which are easily soluble in water (1 in 4-3), insoluble in cold, slightly solu- ble in hot alcohol, insoluble in ether. Its solutions possess an acid reaction, but a sweet taste. Glycin has also the characteristic property of uniting with both acids and bases, to form crystallisable compounds, as also with salts. In this it exhibits its amidic nature, which is further clearly evi- denced by the method of its synthetic production by the action of monochloracetic acid on ammonia: — CH2 (Cl) . COOH -f 2NH3 = CH2 (NH2) . COOH + NH4 Cl.1 Preparation. Either synthetically as above or more usually by the decomposition of hippuric acid by prolonged boiling with hydrochloric acid, whereby it is split up into glycin and benzoic acid, the latter being separated by crystallisation and shaking up with ether in which glycin is insoluble. 3. Sarkosin. C3H7N02. [CH2 . KH (CH3) . COOH]. (Methyl- glycin.) Like glycin in its general chemical properties it further resem- bles it in that it is never found in the free state as a constituent 1 Mauthner u. Suida, Monatshefte f. Chem. Bd. xi. (1890), S. 373. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL J!«U)V. Ill of the animal body. It is however a substance of considerable interest and importance, not merely on account of its chemieal relationship to kreatin (see below) but as having been employed in a well-known series of experiments intended to elucidate tin- probable mode of formation of urea in the body. It was stated that when sarkosin is administered to an animal in quantities siu-h that tin- nitrogen given as sarkosin is equal to the daily output of nitrogen as urea by the animal, the urea disappears from the urine and is replaced by a new substance.1 The latter appeared to be a compound of sarkosin and carbamic acid, known generally by the name of methyl-hydantoic acid, — NH, . CO . N (CH,) . CH» . COOH. This substance may be regarded as arising from the union of one molecule of sarkosin with one of carbamic acid and elimination of one molecule of water, or as being urea in whieh two atoms of hydrogen are replaced by methyl and a resi- due of acetic acid respectively : — NHS . CO . N (CH8) (CH2. COOH). The conclusions drawn from these observations were that just as methyl-hydantoic acid is supposedly formed by the union of sarkosin with carbamic acid and subsequent dehydration, so also would urea be formed if, instead of sarkosin, ammonia were pres- ent, tn unite with the carbamic acid, form ammonium carbainate (NH4. NH2. CO2) and by loss of water yield urea. Subsequent repetition of these ingenious experiments has shown that they are in no way conclusive, for in most cases the sarkosin is largely excreted in an unaltered condition, methyl-hydantoic acid being formed in very minute quantities if at all.2 It is further interest- in;: to note that the purely chemical reactions which most readily yield methyl-hydantoic acid out of the body, involve the inter- action of sarkosin with cyanic compounds such as ammonium or j'ota— ium cyanate.3 Moreover it has been shown that at the temperature of the body sarkosin and urea in solution do not yi<-ld methyl-hydantoic acid, although they do in ]>resen baryta, especially when boiled.4 These facts show that Schultzen's experiments do not strongly favour the carbamic-acid origin of 1 1 re; i ; they further show that the methyl-hydantoic acid is prob- ably not Conned by a direct union of >arko>in and urea, ami are, from a purely chemical point of view, rather in favour of a cyanic in of urea. 4. Taurin. C,H7NSO,. [CH, (NH,) . CH, (SO, . OH) ]. Amido- ethylsulphonic acid. Isethionic acid, CH, (OH) . CH, . SO, (< >II ). like glycolic acid, 1 Srlnilt/.on, Ber. d. d. rh, ,„. /;. „ Y | *:•_•. S. 578. « Baumaim u. von Mi-rin^. //-«/. lsT.\ S. :>*4 K. Salkowski, Ibid. S. 6.38. A1-... /.'. I. /-Ai/MV. di.m. IM. iv (issn), sn. .V,, Inl. Hut nee also Sdiiff.-r, //./»/. .•:,: ; 15.1. MI. (1883), S 8 Baumaim u. HopiKvSeyler, Ber. d. d. cheat. Getell. 1874, S. 34. Salkowski, Ibid. S. Mr,. 4 Hauiiiuiiii u. Hoppe-Seyler, l»c. fit. Itaumaou, Ibid. S. -' 142 TAUKIN. CH2 (OH). COOH. contains two hydroxyls replaceable by amidogen NH2, so that two isomeric amido-derivatives can be formed from it. Of these one is amido-iseth ionic acid CH2 (OH) . CH2 . S02 (NH2), the other amido-ethylsulphonic acid or taurin.1 Taurin is stated to occur in traces in the juices of muscles and of the lungs, but it is known chiefly as a constituent of tauro- cholic acid, which is one of the characteristic acids of bile, more especially of the carnivora, and above all, of the dog. It crystallises in colourless, regular, four- or more, usually six- sided prisms ; these are readily soluble in water, less so in alcohol. The solutions are neutral. It is a very stable com- pound, resisting temperatures of less than 240° C ; it is not acted on by dilute alkalis and acids, even when boiled with them. It is not precipitated by metallic salts. Preparation. Ox-bile is boiled for several hours with dilute hydrochloric acid. The fluid residue is separated from the resin- ous scum, and freed from any remaining traces of bile acids by means of lead acetate, the excess of precipitant being removed by sulphuretted hydrogen. The final filtrate is then concentrated to crystallisation, and the taurin finally purified by recrystallisation FIG. 8. TAURIN CRYSTALS. (After Kiihne.) from water. The use of the lead salt may be omitted in many cases and the taurin purified by several crystallisations from water. The behaviour of taurin when introduced into the alimentary canal is remarkable. In the case of man the larger part reappears in the urine in combination with carbamic acid as tauro-carbamic acid. In dogs a large part is excreted unaltered, together with some tauro-carbamic acid. In herbivora (rabbit) on the other hand a portion of it is ex- 1 Taurin has usually been regarded as identical with amidoisethionic acid. This is not the case. Seyberth, Her. d. d. chem. Gesell. 1874, S. 391. Erlenmeyer, Neu. Rep.f. Pharm. Bd. xxm. (1874), S. 228. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 143 creted in the urine, but the larger part is oxydised, leading to a large iiH-rrase of sulphates in the urine together with some hyposulphite. Injffti-il suhcutaiifously it is largely excreted in an unaltered form.1 ' ro-carbamic acid. NHaCO . NH(CHa) . CH2 . (SO,OH). The remarks which have been already nuule respecting the nature and for- mation of sarkosin-carbaraic acid apply generally to this acid. It is most easily obtained as a potassium salt by the action of potassium cyanute mi taurin.2 5, Kreatin. C a molecule of water and yields urea, CN. (NH2) +HaO '(NH2)a, hence as might be expected, kreatin yields by simi- lar treatment sarkosin and urea. This is to the physiologist the most important chemical property of kreatin, bearing as it does so closely upon one possible source and mode of formation of urea in tin- body. (See sub urea.) Kivatin occurs as a constant and characteristic constituent of muscles and their extracts to an amount which is variable, but may be taken as from 0'2 - 0-3 p. c. on the weight of the muscle.6 It is also found in nervous tissue, and is said to occur in traces in several fluids of the body. It must however be carefully borne in mind that kivatin very readily loses a molecule of water and thus becomes kivatinin, and that the latter with equal readiness takes up a molecule of water to form kreatiu. Hence the kreatin nhiaiiu'd during any analysis need not at all necessarily imply its presence as such in the original tissue or tin id unless due allow- ance has been made for the possible effect of the methods em- ployed upon the reciprocal conversions of kreatin and kivatinin. This is the cause of the conflicting statements as to the occurrence of kreatin in urine ; as a matter of fact this excretion always con- tains kreatin in. It is on the whole most probable that any 1 xilkownki, Der. d. d. chem. GeteU. 1872, S. 637. Virchow's Arch. Bd. LVIII (1873) ; S. 4fiO. kowski, Virchow's Arch. Bil. i.vm. (IK73), S. 460. Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. 187.3, Sn. 744, II'.M, 1 :»!•.'. Huj.|«Tt. //./,/. 1278. » Volhard, Sitsb. d. bayer. Akad. 1868, Hit. 3, S. 472. Also Zt.f. Chem. 1869, S. 318. 4 Cf Horbaczewski, Wien. mrd. Jahrb. 1885, S. 459. • Voit, Zt.f. Bid. Bd. iv. (1868), S. 77 144 KREATIN. kreatin which may be found in urine is due to the conversion of kreatinin into kreatin during its extraction, since it has been shewn l that the more rapidly the separation is effected, the less FIG. 9. KREATIN CRYSTALS. ( Krukenberg after Kiihne.) is the quantity of kreatin obtained, and the greater, the amount of kreatinin. In the anhydrous form kreatin is white and opaque, but crys- tallises with one molecule of water in colourless transparent rhombic prisms. The crystals are soluble in 75 parts of cold water, extremely soluble in hot ; slightly soluble in absolute alcohol, they are more soluble in dilute spirit and are insoluble in ether. The aqueous solutions are neutral in reaction. Kreatin is a very weak base, scarcely neutralising the weakest acids, with which it forms soluble crystalline compounds. Preparation. Most conveniently from ' Liebig's Extract.' This is dissolved in 20 parts of water and precipitated by a slight ex- cess of basic acetate of lead. The filtrate is then freed from the lead salt by means of sulphuretted hydrogen and concentrated at moderate temperature (avoid boiling) to a thin syrup. On stand- ing in a cool place for two or three days the kreatin crystallises out. The crystals are removed by filtration, washed with 88 p. c. alcohol, and purified by recrystallisation from water.2 Kreatin yields no very striking reactions by means of which it can readily be identified. It reduces Fehling's fluid by prolonged boiling without any separation of cuprous oxide. On boiling in presence of alkaline mercuric oxide, a transient red colour is ob- tained and finally a separation of metallic mercury. The reac- 1 Dessaignes, Jn. de Pharm. et Chim. (3) T. xxxii. (1857), p. 41. 2 The mother-liquor from the kreatin may be used for the preparation of hypoxanthin and sarcolactic acid. Drechsel, Darstell. physiol.-chem. Prdparate, 1889, S. 29. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY. 145 tions of kreatinin on the other hand are striking (see below), and hence kivutiu may be identified with most certainty by conversion into kreatinin, and the determination of the presence of the latter substance. The conversion is readily effected by boiling with di- lute mineral acids, during which process kreatin loses one molecule of water : C4H9N,O8 = C«H7N8O + H20. M- -1111011 has already been made of the possible and very probable genetic relationship of urea to muscle-kreatin (see § 484). This is a question to which brief reference will again be made under urea, r /NH - CO -i G. Kreatinin. C4H7N,0. NH : C L \N(CH,).CH2J Kreatinin as already stated is simply a 'dehydrated form of kivatin. It occurs normally as a constant constituent of urine, varying however in amount from 0'5 to 4*9 grm. per diem accord- ing to the amount of proteid food (meat) eaten.1 It is not a nor- mal constituent of mammalian muscle but is found in the muscles of some fishes,2 and has been obtained from sweat.8 It crystal- lises in colourless prisms or tables according to the conditions under which the separation takes place and the mode of pre- paration, and frequently, owing to imperfect development, the < nstals assume a very characteristic 'whetstone' form. Fio. 10. KREATINIS CRYSTALS. (Krukenberg after Kiihne.) Ki'-atinin is readily soluble in cold water (1 in 11*5), also in alcohol, but is scarcely soluble in ether. The aqueous solutions an- usually alkaline, but some observers regard the alkalinity as , and . It is also typically formed during the tryptic (pancreatie) lion of proteids to an extent which amounts on the average » Ber. d. d. chem. Getell. 187 - s.-iiuwski. /.t. /: /./M/.I/W. < '!„,„. n,i,.. iv. (iHso). s. m : \\. (1885), 8. 127. 9 Krnkcnbere, \'< i/,.?,,,!. //. VVnr/.lnirs:. IM. xvm. (1884), S. 5. roiitiriii.'.l by SalkowBki. Cf ( '..lasanti, M.-l.-s.-h-.tt's Untert. Bd. xni. (1888), Hf. 6. * Ann. di chim. t. difnrm - (1887), p. 195. i'. phy»iol. Chem. Hcl. x. (ISHfi), S. 399. 8 Worm Mull.-r. I'lliiger's Arc/,. IM. \\\ n. (1882), S. 59. 348 LEUCIK to some 8 — 10 p. c. on the proteid digested, and is in this case always accompanied by tyrosin. It may occur in the urine, more particularly in cases of acute yellow atrophy of the liver ; but its presence in this excretion in other and more general diseased con- ditions of the liver is by no means so constant or certain as it pre- sumably would be on the common assumption that a large part of the urea leaving the body is due to its formation from leucin under the converting action of the liver.1 As usually obtained in a more or less impure form it crystal- lises in rounded fatty-looking lumps which are often collected together and sometimes exhibit radiating striation. When pure, it forms very thin, white, glittering flat crystals. It is extremely soluble in hot water, less so but still very soluble in cold water, soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether. The crystals feel oily to the touch, and are without smell and taste. Leucin is particularly soluble in presence of acids and alkalis. The aqueous solutions are laevorotatory, acid and alkaline solutions on the other hand dextrorotatory. Preparation, (i) From horn shavings by prolonged boiling with sulphuric acid, 5 of acid to 13 of water. The resulting FIG. 12. LEUCIN CRYSTALS. (Krukenberg.) fluid is neutralised by baryta and filtered, the excess of baryta removed by the cautious addition of dilute sulphuric acid, and the final filtrate concentrated to crystallisation. It is separated from tyrosin by repeated crystallisation, taking advantage of the great solubility of leucin and the slight solubility of tyrosin. (ii) From the products of the tryptic (pancreatic) digestion of proteids. After prolonged digestion, using thymol and salicylic acid to prevent putrefaction, the fluid is filtered, moderately con- centrated, and set aside to crystallise ; by this means a large part 1 Cf. Salkowski, Die Lehre vom Ham, 1882, S. 427. Lea. Jl. of Phusiol. Vol. xi. (1890), p. 258. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE. ANIMAL BODY. 1 !'.» of the accompanying tyrosin is removed. The filtrate is now further concentrated, treated with excess of hot alcohol, which precipitates the peptones, and filtered while hot. If much leucin is present ;i lari;e part of it crystallises out on cooling the aleo- holir filtrate, ami tin- rest on concentrating by slow evaporation. There is a large loss of leucin by both the above methods, and the resulting product is far from pure. To obtain pure leucin it should be synthetised by the action of ammonia on a-brom- caproic acid.1 M an approximately quantitative separation of leucin from solu- tions when- it is mixed with "ther substance.-, e. g. an extract of tis- siie-, or a digestive mixture, is a matter of great difficult v. Advantage may in smut- ease> In- taken of its behaviour toward > hydrated oxide of copper, with which it forms a compound. - For ordinary practical purposes the microscopic appearance of the crystals affords tin- must convenient means for recognising leucin, and in this way very minute traces may be determined with certainty. The confirmation of the clue thus afforded by tin- application of chemical tests is however not easy unless a tail amount of material is at hand, and that in a pure condition. In the latter case the following tests may be applied, (i) When 'i illy heated to 170° leucin sublimes and yields a charac- teristic odour of amylamin The only other substance of physio- logical importance ordinarily met with which yields a sublimate on heating is hippuric acid, due to its decomposition and the sub- limation of the benzole acid thus set free, (ii) »sv// /. < >nly applicable to very pure leucin. The suspected substance is evaporated carefully to dryneu with nitric acid on the lid of a platinum crucible; the residue, if it is leucin, will be almost transparent ami turn yellow or brown on the addition of caustic soda. If this be again very carefully concentrated with the al- kali an oily drop is obtained, which runs over the platinum in a -pheroidal state. The optical properties of leucin have not as yet been fully worked out. Experiment shows that its solutions are sometimes optically active, at other times inactive, dependently upon the source and mode of formation of the leuein. This corresponds to the expectations as to its optical behaviour based, in ac- • •ordance with the Van't HoH-I.e I'.el hypothesis, upon its con Mitutional formula.' The possible relationship of leucin to the formation of urea in 1 IIufli.T. .In f.i>r,,kt. ('htm. (2) Bd. I. (1- '\-t.\\ H:il,iTiii:inii. .\nn. il. ('!„,„ ii I'li'irm. IM. • i \i\ . i I -:•:>.- • For details see Mautlim-r. '/.'. / i>h>i*iol. Cf,,m. IM. vn. (1 Srhiil/..-, //•/./. IM. ix. ..uit-.i,. / S. U.V.t. I.ij.piiiaiui, I - i.'i S< luilre u. BoMhard, Zt. f. phenol, ' Bd. x. (188C,), S i:u 150 CYSTIN. the body has been already pointed out (§ 488). It will be further considered under urea. AMIDO-ACIDS OF THE LACTIC SERIES. Cystin. (C8H6NS02)2 . [S . C(CH8)(NH2) . COOH]2. pholactic acid.1 Amido-sul- Is the chief constituent of a rarely occurring urinary calculus in men and dogs. It may also occur in renal concretions, and in gravel, and is occasionally found in urine, from which it separates out as a greyish sediment on standing. It is prepared from this sediment, or better still from cystic calculi, by solution in am- monia. This solution is then allowed to evaporate spontaneously and yields the cystin in regular, colourless, six-sided tables of very characteristic appearance. Cystin may be separated from urine by taking advantage of the formatioa of a sodium salt of ben- zoyl-cystin when it is shaken up with a few drops of benzoyl- chloride.2 FIG. 13. CYSTIN CRYSTALS. (After Funke.) Cystin is insoluble in either water, alcohol, or ether, readily soluble in ammonia, differing in this respect from uric acid, also in many alkaline carbonates and in mineral acids. Its solutions 1 The constitution of cystin has been variously stated by different authors, and will only be known with" certainty when its synthesis has been accomplished. Slightly different formulae have been assigned to it, containing respectively 5, 6, and 7 atoms of hydrogen. The literature is fully quoted by Kiilz, Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xx. (1884), S. 1. Cf. Baumann, Zt. f. physiol. Ch'em. Bd. vni. (1884), S. 299. 2 Goldmann u. Baumann, Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. xn. (1888), S. 254. Udranskv u. Bamnann, Ibid. Bd. xv. (1891), S. 87. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL IIODV. 151 are strongly la •vnmtatury, (a)D =-205<9° in hydrochloric acid 112 j>. c.1 or if the acid is dilute (a)D = -214°.2 Apart from the characteristic crystalline form and its solubility in ammonia, the fact that cystin is one of the few crystalline sub- stances, occurring physiologically, which contain sulphur, ren- ders its detection \vi Thus when boiled with caustic alkalis a sulphide of the alkali is obtained which gives a dark stain on silver foil; also a brown or black colouration appear- when cystin is boiled in a test-tube with a solution of oxide of lead in caustic soda.3 AMIDO-ACIDS OF THE OXALIC SERIES. 1. Carbamic acid. NH,(COOH). Carbonic acid is more usually classed at the head of the acids of the glycolic (lactic) series. It exhibits however a remarkable difference from the remaining acids of this group, since they are all monobasic, whereas carbonic acid is dibasic. It may therefore be more appropriately classed with the dibasic acids of the oxalic series. In virtue of the two replaceable hydroxyls which it con- tains, it yields two amido-derivatives, of which the first is car- bamic acid, the second urea (NH2)2CO or carbamide. Carbamic acid is a substance of peculiar interest to the physiologist on account of the important part it is frequently supposed to play in the formation of urea in the animal body. It is formed by the direct union of equal molecules of dry ammonia and carbonic anhydride, a second molecule of ammonia uniting witli it at the same time to yield the ammonium salt or ammonium carl »a mate. Thus 2NH8 + CO8 = NH4 NH,CO, : simple dehydration of this salt yields urea (NH2)3CO. This point will be returned to further on when discussing the probable mode of formation of urea in the body. Carbamic acid is unknown in the free state; its best known salt i- that with ammonium, but many others have been prepared. It further apjM-ars that some of its salts occur in serum, and it is ^tate.l to I..- formed during the oxidation of glycin, leucin. ami tyrosin by means of potassium permanganate in alkaline solution.4 Ammonium carbamate i- extremely soluble in water. i Mautlm..,-. 7.i / pkgM. '(.'hem. Bd. vn. (1883), S. 225. Cf. Drechael, .1 i: - Bamnanii, iif. <-,!. S. :tn:t 8 The following literatim' may ho a'.•. -_'M>: \ll --'.VI; \n Vin-how's .liW/. I 3 Lit M,; - Ja 1884 S. 465. Berl. klin. tck. I**'.*. No. If,. '/.< /. /.//». .\f"l. ll.'l. \^ - .325. 1 Dn-. hsrl, II, r. il.l:. s. (,'. |'/itr M-illi. nntum-iss. CI. .Tllli. I -7 "• ./»/. /'. prnk-t. Chrm. (•>) H.I. XII. ( 1«75). - I. (1877), 8. 180 ; XXII. (1M \>-rh. f. ri»i*i»l. Jahrjf. 1880, S. 550. But see »Uo ll.,fin. i-t.-r. 1: .1 1M \n (1871 8 152 ASPARTIC. GLUTAMIC. in which solution it is gradually converted into the carbonate. At ordinary pressures when heated to 60° it is decomposed into am- monia and carbonic anhydride, but under pressure at 130° -140° it yields urea. When electrolysed in told aqueous solution by a rapidly and continuously commutated current the salt similarly loses water and yields urea (Drechsel). The dehydration may be represented as taking place in the following way : — + H20. ii. or by the action first of H2 and then of O.1 2. Aspartic (or asparaginic] acid. C4H7N04. [COOH . CH2 . CH . COOH]. Amido-succinic acid. This acid is chiefly obtained from plant extracts, and occurs notably in beet-sugar molasses. It may be synthetised, but is most conveniently prepared by boiling asparagin with caustic alkalis or mineral acids. It is also a typical product of the action of boiling mineral acids and caustic baryta on both vegetable and animal proteids (antea p. 49) and of acids on gelatin,2 being usually accompanied by its homologue, glutamic acid. It is also now recognised as a product in minute quantities of the pancrea- tic digestion of fibrin3 and vegetable glutin,4 although it does not occur as a constituent of any animal tissue or secretion. It crystallises in rhombic prisms which are but sparingly soluble in cold water or alcohol, but readily soluble in boiling water. Its solutions, if strongly acid, are dextrorotatory, but if alkaline, Isevo- rotatory. It forms a characteristic readily cry stalli sable compound with oxide of copper, which is practically insoluble in cold, but soluble in boiling water, and may be used for the separation of aspartic acid from solutions in which it is mixed with other substances.5 3. Glutamic (or glutaminic) acid. C5H0N04. (Amido-pyro- tartaric acid). This acid is homologous with aspartic acid. The circumstances and conditions under which it occurs are in general the same as for aspartic acid, but it has not as yet been obtained by the action of pancreatic enzymes on proteids and is never found in any animal tissues or secretions. But as a product, often to a large amount, of the artificial decomposition of proteids it acquires some 1 Cf. Ludwig's Festschrift, 1887, S. 1. 2 Horbaczewski, Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien. Bd. LXXX. (2 Abth.) Juni- Hft. 1880. 3 Radziejewski u. Salkowski, Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. vu. (1874), S. 1050. * v. Knieriem, Zeitsch. f. Bid. Bd. xi. (1875), S. 198. 5 Hofmeister, Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, Bd. LXXV. (1877), 2 Abth. Marz-Hft. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 153 considerable importance. It is always prepared by treating pro- t.-ids with boiling mineral acids.1 It crystallises in rhombic tetrahedra or octahedra ; is not very soluble in cold, but readily soluble in hut water; insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Its aqueous and acid solutions possess a dextrorotatory power. I Asparagin. C4H8X20,+ H2O. [COOH . CHa. CH (NH2). <|>M LJ. Amido-succinaraic acid. Although asparagin is not found as a constituent of the animal body it is a substance of considerable interest to the physiologist. Not only is it closely related to aspartic acid, into which it may be converted by the action of boiling acids and alkalis, yielding at the same time ammonia, but it undoubtedly plays a most impor- tant part in the constructive proteid metabolism of plants. Further it exists iii not inconsiderable amount in many plant-tissues used as food by man, and is known, like so many of the members of the numerous class of amido-acids to which it belongs (leucin, •jlycin, &c.) to give rise to urea when taken into the body of <-ar- nivora,2 and to uric acid in that of birds.3 In plant.- asparagin, like leucin, is found chiefly in those parts which afford a store of reserve material, such as bulbs, tubers, &c., and the cotyledons of seeds. The amount is however largely im-n-a-ed during germination, and it is therefore present in frequently very large quantities in seedlings, as for instance those of yellow lupins (30 p. c.). The increase in the young growing plant is ni»-t probably due chiefly to a formation of asparagin out of tin- decomposition of • -proteid-, although some may be formed synthetically. The amount i.- greatest when the seeds are germinated in the dark and the seedling sub.-ei|iient ly grown for -Mine time in .-emi-obsciirity and shielded from the access of carbonic anhydride. 1'nder the> ..... mdi- tions the formation of non-nitrogenous (? carbohydrate) material is simultaneously prevented; and putting the two i\\<-\< together it ap- pears probable that the disappearance of a-paragin in seedlings grown under ordinary conditions is tine to its consumption f,,r the synthetic production of proteids.4 It is conceivable that the amido-acids and amides may similarly play some part in the synthetic nietaboli-m ..(' animal tissues, though to a presumably much -lighter extent, bearing in mind how in plants constructive im taholi-m preponderates so largely over the destructive.* Asparagin crystallises readily in large rhombic piild. hut n-adily soluble in hut water. and are insoluble in absolute ale. .1ml ami in ether. Its solutions H. Kn-ii.l.-r. .f». f prnlt . ('he,,,. (2) IM. III. (1871), 8. 314. v. KiiH-ri-in. Xi f. /.'»•/ I 3 v. Kiii.Tirin. /',i,/. MIL (1-7" « Cf Vii,,^. /V,v>"./-;v »f I'l'ini*. |-|.. r-'». 150, 174. • Lea, Jl. ofPhysiol.'Vol. xi. (1890), p. 258. 154 ASPAKAGIN. are dextrorotatory. It may be prepared synthetically,1 but is usually obtained by crystallisation from the expressed juice or extracts of the seedlings of peas, beans, or lupins.2 Mercuric nitrate yields a precipitate with aspardgin which may be used for its separation from vegetable extracts.3 Urea-ferment converts it into succinic acid.4 One point of interest with respect to asparagin remains to be briefly mentioned. Seeing that in plants the nitrogen requisite for the construction of proteids appears to be obtained largely from asparagin, is there any evidence that in animals also the nitrogen of this substance can take the place of that of proteids ? The answer to this question may be stated as follows: When asparagin is administered to carnivora or birds practically the whole of it is converted into urea or uric acid respectively.5 Thus in carnivora at least there is no diminution of proteid metabolism, such as is observed under a gelatin diet, when asparagin is added to the food. In herbivora on the other hand there appears to be somewhat distinct evidence that a part of the nitrogen in proteids may be replaced by that of asparagin.6 The question as to the importance of the nitrogen of asparagin as a possible replacer of that of proteids arose first in connection with the dispute already referred to (p. 122) on the mode of formation of fats in the animal body. In the experiments of Weiske and Wildt 7 on which Voit chiefly based his original views, a diet of potatoes was largely used. The amount of proteid in these was calculated from the total nitrogen they contained, on the assumption that there was no nitrogen present in them in any form other than that of proteids. As a matter of fact potatoes contain a not inconsiderable quantity of asparagin,8 so that making allowance for this the total amount of proteid given in their experiments was much less than they supposed, and might not have sufficed to account for the fat stored up. This difficulty would obviously be got over if it could be shown that the nitrogen of asparagin can play the part of the nitrogen of proteids. 1 See recently Piutti, Chem. Centralb. Bd. xtx. (1888), S. 1459. 2 Piria, Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (3) T. xxn. (1847), p. 160. Schulze u. Bosshard, Zt.f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. ix. (1885), S. 420. 3 Schulze, E., Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. 1882, S. 2855. 4 Bufalini, Ann. di chim. e di farmac. (4) T. x. (1889), p. 207. & Von Knieriem, loc. cit. But cf. von Longo, Zt. f. phusiol. Chem. Bd. i. (1877), S. 213. 6 Weiske, Zt.^f. Biol. Bd. xx. (1884), S. 277. Weyl, Biol. Centralb. Bd. n. ( 1882-83), S. 277. These give copious references to literature up to date. In addition see Voit, Sitz. d. Bai/r. Akad. 1883, S. 401. Rohmann, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xxxix. (1886), S. 21. (On storage of glvcogen.) ' Zt.f. Biol. Bd. x. (1874), S. 1 8 Schulze u. Barbieri, Landwirth. Versuchs-Stat. Bd. xxi. (1877), S. 63. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 155 THE UREA AND URIC ACID GROUP.1 1. Urea. (NH3),CO. (Carbamide). This is tin- chief nitrogenous constituent of normal urine in mammalia and some other animals. The urine of birds also con- tains a small amount, more particularly on a meat diet Average normal human urine contains from 2'5 — 3-2 p.c., the average total daily r.\rivti<>n varying from 22 — 35 grams or as a mean 30 grams. It is also found in minute quantities in normal blood 2 (-OHf* p.r. ) serous fluids, lymph, and aqueous humour: it is not usually met with in the tissues except that of tin- liver.3 It is never present in normal mammalian muscles, but may make its appearance there under certain pathological conditions. Under ordinary conditions the amount of urea in sweat is almost inappreciable, but the older statements of its occurrence in this excretion have recently received continuation, and it appears that this source of nitrogenous loss to tin- body may have to be taken into account4 FIG. 14. UREA CRYSTALS SEPARATED BY SLOW EVAPORATION FROM AQUEora SOLUTION. (After Funkc.) When pure it crystallises from a concentrated solution in t In- form of IOIIL:, thin glittering needles. If deposited slowly from dilute solutions, the form is that of four-sided prisms with pyrami- dal ends; these are always anhydrous. When tin- separation rapidly, as for instance from a strong alcoholic solution on •--slide, the typical crystalline form is not readily obwned. but rather that of irregular dendritic crystals. Urea is very soluble in mid water, distinctly less soluble in cold alcohol, readily so in hot ; it is insoluble in anhydrous ether and 1 For full details of tin- NMtfaM, pMOOtiM, Md methods of detcriniiiini: and dealing practically with tin- in<'inl>«Ts of this £r»ii]i, consult in all caw»H NmhaiuT 11. .[ti>ili/xf il>ti Ifnrna. Salkow.ski U. Letlbe, Die I.thr- mm Hum. Hoppc r. /'/ii/xio/. -;«;///. rfiiin. Antllt/Kt. ' • d II ' tw!g, 1 -"l » Hut ne ii..|,|,,- s,.yi,T, /.i. t: ,,/i •/.„•/.»/. r< nssi), S.348. « ArpUinsky, 1'tlutrVr's Ar.-l,. H,| XLVI. (18i»0). S. 594. 156 UKEA. in petroleum-ether.1 It possesses a somewhat bitter, cooling taste, resembling saltpetre. Preparation, (i) From urine by concentration to a sirupy state, extraction of the residue with absolute alcohol, and concen- tration of the alcoholic extract, by slow spontaneous evaporation in a warm place, until the urea crystallises out. This is then purified by recrystallising from alcohol, decolourising with char- coal if required. Or the urea may be precipitated as nitrate by the addition of pure colourless nitric acid to strongly concentrated urine cooled to 0°. The nitrate is then decomposed in water by the addition of barium carbonate, and the urea extracted as before with alcohol, (ii) Synthetically in many ways, of which the most usual and convenient is by mixing equivalent proportions of ammonium sulphate and potassium cyanate; the ammonium cyanate thus formed is evaporated to dryness, whereupon it undergoes a molecular transformation to urea, which is then ex- tracted with alcohol : thus NH4 . CON = NH2 . CO . NH2 . It is interesting to note that the above synthesis of urea, obtained in 1828 by Wohler, was the first instance in which a substance ordinarily elaborated by the specific activity of the animal body was artifically prepared. Urea readily forms compounds with acids and bases ; of these the following are important as a means of detection and identification. Nitrate of urea. (NH2)2 CO . HN03. Obtained by the addition of a slight excess of pure colourless nitric acid to a moderately concentrated solution of urea. The nitrate should separate out rapidly in the form of six-sided or rhombic tables, frequently aggregated in piles, but the successful obtaining of typical crystals requires some attention to the con- centration of the solution. FIG. 15. CRYSTALS OF NITRATE OF UREA. (Krukenberg after Kiihne.) 1 Petroleum-ether consists of the products, with low boiling-points (up to 120°), of the distillation of ordinary petroleum. It is also known commercially under the name of ligroin. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. ir.7 The crystals are but slightly soluble in nitric acid, or alcohol, more soluble in cold water, and much more so in hot water. They are insuluhle in ether. Oxalate of urea. [(NHt)aCO],.H2C804 + H2O. Obtained by the addition of concentrated aqueous solution of oxalic acid to a concentrated aqueous solution of urea. This salt Fio. 16. CRYSTALS OF OXALATE OF UREA. (Krukenberg after Kiihue.) crystallises out in rhombic tables closely resembling those of the nitrate, but they are frequently aggregated into a characteristic prismatic form. As in the case of the nitrate some care is required with respect to the concentration of the respective solutions during its preparation. The crystals are less soluble in oxalic acid than in water, but may in other respects be taken as resembling those of the nitrate in respect of their solubilities. Of the many salts which urea forms with other bases and salts those which it yields with mercuric oxide and nitric acid are of most importance. When a solution of mercuric nitrate is added to one of urea a precipitate is formed which, dependently upon tin- concentration and relative amounts of the two solutions, may con- tain some one of three possible salts, consisting of [(NHa)sCO]j. \'O3)2 united with 1,2, or 3 molecules of mercuric oxide (HgO). When tin- solutions are fairly neutral and itifntr, the salt with :) molecules of HgO is formed [(NH,), C0]2 . Hg(NO.), . 3 HgO. This is the salt formed in the reactions on which Liebig's vol- umetric method for the determination of urea is based. The other more important reactions of Urea. 1. Urea may be heated dry in a tube to 120° without brin-_: decomposed ; on further raising the temperature it melts at 132-601 1 Reissert, Ber. d. d. chem. Getell. Ed. xxm. (1890), S. 2244. 158 UKEA. and afterwards gives off ammonia, and if heated to 150° for some time is converted largely into biuret : 2(NH2)3CO=NH2.CO.NH.CO (NH2)+NH3. On further heating to a higher temperature (200° ) it is largely converted into cyanuric acid. When biuret is dis- solved in water and treated with caustic soda and dilute sulphate of copper it yields the well-known pink colour employed for the detection of peptones, and hence called the ' biuret reaction.' In the application of the test to urea some caution is requisite while heating the suspected substance to avoid carrying the decomposi- tion beyond the biuret stage. When boiled in aqueous solution with strong sulphuric acid or alkalis it is gradually decomposed, under assumption of two molecules of water, into carbonic acid and ammonia ; the same decomposition ensues by simple heating of the aqueous solution in sealed tubes, to 180°. This forms the basis for the older 'Bunsen method' of estimating urea. A similar change (hydration) is produced under the influence of several micro-organisms which are found in urine undergoing alkaline fermentation. Of these the best known is the Micrococcus ureae 1 from which a soluble hydrolytic enzyme may be extracted.2 (See above, p. 70.) 2. When treated with nitrous acid, e.g. impure yellow nitric acid, it is decomposed finally into carbonic anhydride, nitrogen, and water: (NH2)2CO -f 2HNO.2 = C02-|-2N2 + 3H20. A similar de- composition is obtained by the action of sodium hypochlorite or hypobromite : (NH2)?CO -f 3NaBrO = SNaBr + C02+N2-f-2H20. Since the volume of nitrogen evolved is constant for a given weight of urea, this latter reaction forms the basis of a method for the quantitative determination of urea. (Knop-Hiifner. ) 3. When a crystal of urea is treated with a drop of concentrated freshly prepared aqueous solution of furf urol — - C5H402 (aldehyde of pyromucic acid) and then immediately with a drop of hydro- chloric acid (sp. gr.= riO) a play of colours is observed which passes rapidly from yellow through green, blue, and violet to a final brilliant purple. The test may be also applied by the addition of three drops of the acid to a mixture of one drop of 1 p.c. aqueous urea solution and '5 cc. of aqueous furf urol solution.3 Detection in Solutions. In addition to the microscopic appear- ance of the crystals obtained on evaporation, the nitrate and oxa- late should be formed and examined. Another part should give a precipitate with mercuric nitrate, in the absence of sodium chloride but not in the presence of this last salt if in excess ; in presence of sodium chloride the mercuric nitrate reacts first with the sodium salt in preference to the urea. A third portion is treated with 1 Pasteur, Compt. Rend. T. L. (1860), p. 869. Van Tieghem, Ibid. T. LVIII. (1864), p. 210. Jaksch, Zt. f. ph^siol. Cttem. Bd. v. (1881), S. 395. 2 Musculus, Pfluger's Arch. Bd. xn. (1876), S. 214. Lea, Jl. of Phusiol. Vol. vi. (1885), S. 136. 3 Schiff, Ber. d. d. ckem. Gesell 1877, S. 773. CHKMICAL IIASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY. 159 nitric acid containing nitrous fumes; if urea is present, nit: and carbonic acid will be obtained. To a fourth part pun- nitric acid in excess and a little mercury an- adiled, and the mixture is warmed. In presence of urea a mlmi /•/!•** mixture of gases (X and COS) is given off. A tifth jiortioii is treated, after evaporation to dryness, in the way above described for the application of the biuret reaction, and a sixth part is tested with furfurol. Quantitative determination. The methods are based on some of the reactions above described. They consist of (i) Precipita- tion by a standardised solution of mercuric nitrate (Liebig). (ii) Decomposition into carbonic acid and nitrogen by means of sodium hypohromite, and measurement of the volume of nitrogen (Knop-Hiifner). (iii) Conversion into carbonic acid and ammonia by heating in a sealed tube with an ammoniacal solution of barium chloride, and determination of the weight of barium carbonate obtained. ( Hunsen.) Although simple in principle, the above methods, and especially the first, require the careful observance of certain precautions to ensure accuracy. The needful precautions have recently been most assiduously investigated, more particularly by Pttiiger and his pupils, and of these and of the application of the methods a full account is given in Neubauer and Vogel's exhaustive work /'/• '//>•'• des ffarn*. The determination of the total nitrogen in urine is also of great importance, and is now usually carried out by Kjeldahl's method.1 This consists in converting all the nitrogen of a measured portion of urine int.. ammonia by boiling with fuming sulphuric acid and the sul)se.|uent addition of potassium permanganate. The am- monia is then expelled from the acid solution by distillation with an excess of caustic soda or potash, the ammonia l.eing received into a measured volume of standardised acid, whose diminution of acidity due to the absorption of ammonia is finally determined by titration with standard alkali. The synthesis of urea by molecular transformation of ammonium cyanate indicates an undoubtedlyclo-,. ivliitimishipof un-a to cyanic acid, and then- an- other reactions which enforce the same idea. Thus by the union of water with cyanamide, which is readily affected by treatment with 50 p.c. sulphuric acid, urea is obtained: — ON. N 1 1 . -f H,O = (NH,), CO. It is further stated that when potassium cyanate and acid potassium tartrate an dissolved in water and the mixture is kept for some time, a not inconsiderable amount of urea is formed along with some carbonic acid,2 thus affording experimental support of Salk«\\»ki's view3 that urea 1 /.I. f. nnnl. <'h,m. It.l xxtl. (188.1). S. 366. 3 Hoppe-S.-vl.-r. Pkytie < - *09. • Zt. f. phyiiol. L'hem. Bd. I. (1877), 8. 41. 1GO UKEA. might arise in the body from the union of two molecules of cyanic acid and one of water : CO.NH+CO.NH+H20 = (NH2)2CO+CO2. The final formation of cyanuric acid (CO.NH)8 by the action of heat on dry urea is further evidence in the same direction. On the other hand there are a number of reactions resulting in the production of urea, which leave but little doubt that urea, while closely related to cyanic acid, is truly the amide of carbonic or carbamic acid. Thus by the action of ammonia on phosgene gas: — COCl2-r-2NH3 = CO(NH2)2 + 2HCl: of ammonia on diethyl-carbonate : — CO.(C2H50)2 + 2NH3 = CO(NH2)2 + 2C2H5. OH : — reactions which are strictly analogous to the formation of acetamide CH3 . CO(NH2) by the action of ammonia on acetyl chloride CH3 . COC1, and on ethyl-acetate CH3 . COO (C2H5). It is interesting to observe here that acetamide yields methylcyanide by treatment with phosphorous pentoxide : — CH3 . CO (NH,) = CH3. CN+H.O. Acetamide is also formed by the dry distillation of ammonium acetate, the change being one of simple dehydration ; and this re- action is one of general applicability, amides being formed by the removal of one molecule of water from the ammonium salt of a monobasic acid or of two molecules of water from that pf a dibasic acid, e.g. ammonium oxalate yields oxamide. Now although urea has not been formed by the dehydration of ammonium carbonate, it is readily rehydrated into the carbonate by the action of acids, alkalis, superheated water, or the urea ferment. Further, if instead of operating on ammonium carbonate the ammonium salt of car- bamic acid (see p. 151) be heated in sealed tubes to 140°, or if it be electrolysed with a rapidly commutated current, it loses a mole- cule of water and is converted into urea. When the purely chemical facts above stated are applied to the formation of urea in the animal body it is at once obvious that urea might originate from some cyanic source, or from a simple dehydration of ammonium carbonate or carbamate. A full dis- cussion of the possibilities thus indicated lies outside the scope of this work, but it may not be out of place to indicate, as briefly as may be, the various views which have been put forward concern- ing the probable way in which urea originates in the body.1 There is little reason for doubting that the larger part of the nitrogen which leaves the body as urea was at one time a constit- uent of the nitrogenous muscle-substance (see § 484.) There is equally no doubt, both from general considerations and from the fact that no urea can ever be detected in muscles normally, that the nitrogen does not make its exit from the muscles as ready- made urea. Neither until recently had urea been obtained by 1 The literature of the subject is very fully quoted in Bunge's Physiol. and pathol. Chemistry, 1890. Lecture xvi. pp. 310-348. CHK.MICAL I'.ASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY. 161 any purely chemical means from the products of the ti< in of proteids. older statements of I'>.:« hanip and Hitter that urea may be ob- tained from pi-oteid.s by the action of j»>t:i»imu permanganate have Keen shown to In- erroneous.1 It is at nio>t pOMiblfl that a trace of ^uaiiiilin may he funned, ami ^uanadin can hy the act inn of water be ci.nverteil into urea ami ammonia: NH.C(NH2).,-J-H^Oss:(lJ(^)tOO -f-NHj.a Divch>el has however obtained from among the product> of tin- decom|M»ition of casein with concentrated boiling hydrochloric aciil ami chloride of zinc a base to which lie has given the name of • l\-atiii.' When boiled with haryta water in excess it yields urea.3 What knowledge have we of the possible or probable form un- der which the nitrogen may make its primary exit from the muscles > The connection of muscle-kreatiu with urea-formation has IMM-II already discussed (§ 484, 485) and the evidence of the connection may be briefly summed up as follows. A considerable amount of kivatin exists (?) in the muscles at any one time, hence probably a considerable amount is continuously being formed; tlp-iv is no evidence that any of this kivatin leaves the body as Mich, hence. it is presumably converted into some other substance befoiv being discharged, and this other substance is probably urea, ing that kreatin may be readily decomposed into urea and sarkosiu. Tln-iv are further reasons for supposing that the nitro- : leaves tin- muscles as a compound containing comparatively little carbon, and kivatin answers to this requirement, since it contains only four atoms of carbon to three of nitrogen.4 If thi> latter view be correct it implies that the nitrogen is not split off in the form of amido-acids, since there is not sufficient carbon in proteids to convert their nitrogen into the amido-acids with which \\e have t<. deal iii the body. On the other hand when these amido-acids (olycjii. leiiein, aspartic acid and asparnoin ) are in- troduced into the body they are partly converted into urea, so that if formed they would account for a portion at least of the urea ted When pioteid- are decomposed by caustic alkalis, more espe- cially baryta, or during putrefaction, they yield much ammonium carbonate, which by simple dehydration would give nn-a. Xow although ammonium carbonate, like many other salts of this base, is readily converted into urea when administered to man or other animals, there is no evidence, although it is a possibility, that the nitrogen leaves the tissues as ammonium carbonate. 1 Lww. .In. f. jmdt. r/,rm. (2) IM. ii. (1870). S. 289. Tappcincr, A'tfn. t&cht. GettU. d. \\'i»*. 1871. See Abut, in Malv -71, S. II. * LdWeil, Ann. y fu.-in^ nitron-nous animal refu.-e \\itli potassium carhonate and iron. Then- i> further evidence of tin- existence in the body i.f cyanic re-idiies, as shown by the exit fn'in it of SulphocyUMtee (HCNS), \vliich an- found in both saliva and mure part icularly in urine.1 Tin- existence ..f sulphur in the>e salts -U^I-M.-. at once that it ari-e> fn-m the decomposition Off proteid.-, into wh<.x- compo>ition sulphur enters as a constant and charaeteri-t ic constituent. The formation of ralphocjUUC acid in the body has recently Keen investigated, and it i* worthy of note that it i> stated •ur in the uriiu- only nf those animals \\hich excrete their nitro- gen chiefly in the form of urea.2 The various ways by wliich it has l>een suggested that urea may arise in the body all imply that whatever be the form in which the nitrogen initially leaves the tissues, the substance or sub- stances in which it makes its exit undergo their final (synthetic?) eon version in some other organ of the body. In the case of leucin then- i> distinct evidence that the conversion is effected in the liver, and there is increasing evidence that this organ is largely concerned in the presumably synthetic changes which lead to the formation of urea in mammals and of uric acid in birds. Thus Schroder has shown that the conversion of ammonium carbonate into urea occurs in the liver,3 and a similar relationship to the formation of uric acid in liinls has additionally been proved* Further there are many observations which show, when the liver is diseased, a marked diminution in the excretion of urea, with a frequently increased output of ammonia.6 After extirpation of the liver in birds tin- urine contains not only more ammonia but a larjre amount of sarcolactic acid.0 It would lie however prema- ture tn regard this fact as showing that in birds uric acid is partly formed l.y the converting activity of the liver brought to bear Upon ammonia and lactic acid. When urea is given to birds it reappears externally as uric acid,7 but this change is not effected after extirpation of the liver. Xit/i.tfifitfri/ t'l-i-ua. The hydrogen atoms of urea can he replaced hy alcohol- and acid-radicle-. The results an- >ul.st it uted un-a* in the .ise. or iin-ides as they are called in the. second, when the h\dro- U'en i> replaced l.y the radicle of an acid. Many of them are called acids, -ince the hydrogen from the amido ^n>up. if not all replaced as al.ove, can be replaced by a metal. Tims the snl.-t itution of oxalyl 1 Munk. Yin-how's Arrh. Bd. LXIX. (IsTT), S 354. Gscheidlen, Pfliiger'a Arch. !',.! or. (1-:: . s. 401. 8 Hruylants, Bull. iif I'acad. dr mf<\. ,lc lifl^/nf, (4) T. u. (1888), p. 18 et tea. /'.ill,, n. ri.mm. 11.1. \v. (I • I ; 1J.I. \IX. (1885), b. 373. S.il.-iiK.n, Yin-liuw's A, •'•/,. 15,1. \. vn 141 * MinkowMki. Arch. f. er,,. /'•,//<. H. /'luirm. IM. XXI. (!' 6 Koster, IM SptrmtHtaU^T. xi.iv. (iWT'.i), j.. i.vr llall.-rv..nl.'ii. .-lt,-/i. • relves : ammonia however scarcely dissolves it, and in this re-pert it ilitleix conveniently from cystin. It is fairly soluble in ulyreiin. and soluble to some extent in solutions of lithium carbonate. FlO. 19. (Krtik r Kuhno.) Urinary sediment, sli i'-tly the most usual form of crystals of aciil sodium unite. ('..II N iN'4Og. 166 URIC ACID. Salts of Uric acid. Of these the most important are the acid urates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium ; these salts are fre- quently still called ' lithates,' the term ' lithic ' acid being used for uric acid. The sodium salt which is the most common con- stituent of many urinary sediments crystallises in many different forms, these not being characteristic, since they are almost the same for the corresponding compounds of the other two bases. It is very sparingly soluble in cold water (1 in 1100 or 1200), more soluble in hot (1 in 125). It is the principal constituent of several forms of urinary sediment, and composes a large part of many calculi ; the excrement of snakes contains it largely. The potas- sium resembles the sodium salt very closely, as also does the compound with ammonium; the latter occurs generally in the sediment from alkaline urine. FIG. 20. (Krukenberg after Kiihne.) Urinary sediment from alkaline urine. The large crystals consist of ammonio-magnesium phosphate (triple phosphate, XH4MgP04-f- 6H20). A few crystals (octahedra) of calcium oxalate are also shown. The remaining crystals represent the form of acid ammonium urate, C5H3(NH4)N4O3. The rounded objects are urinary fungi. Preparation. The amount of uric acid in mammalian urine is too small to make it a source of the acid. Crystals may however be readily obtained from human urine by adding to it 2 — 3 p. c. of strong hydrochloric acid and letting it stand for one or two days in a cool place. The crystals form on the sides, of the con- taining vessel. On the large scale it is usually prepared from guano, or from snake's excrement. From the latter it is obtained by boiling with caustic potash (1 part alkali to 20 of water) as long as ammonia is evolved ; in the filtrate a precipitate of acid urate of potassium is formed by passing a current of carbonic acid ; this salt is then washed, dissolved in caustic potash, and decomposed by carefully filtering its solution into an excess of dilute hydrochloric acid. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 1C7 By similar treatment uric acid is ivadily obtained from fowl's excrement, a convenient source of the acid. ititication of uric acid. The crystalline forms afford some clue, luit are so numerous that some forms which may at any tiiin' present themselves are scarcely characteristic. The rhombic, tables, • dumb-bell,' and 'whetstone' crystals are on the whole most characteristic. i. Murcxid test. The suspected substance is treated in a por- celain dish with a few drops of strong nitric acid ami evaporated on ••/til/I/ to dry ness, by preference on a water-bath. The residue thus obtained will, if uric acid is present, be of a yellow or more frequently red colour, which turns to a brilliant reddish purple on exposure to the vapours of ammonia. On the subsequent addition of a drop of caustic soda the colour is changed to a reddish blue. This di>ap pears on warming, whereas the similar colour obtained by the above process from guanin does not. This is an important means of distinguishing between the two substances. Tin- te.-t depends on tin- formation of murexid, which is the arid UDinonilUn >alt »f purpuric acid, the ai-id it-elf l>einf iirir iif'nl iii xuliitioii* (i/fiif). The accurate quantitative determination of uric acid is a matter of some dif- ficulty: for details some standard work- (quoted sub urea) should be consulted. It will suffice to indicate here the princi- ple- of the more usually employed methods. i. ,sW/.-<;//W. /-/,/' '//<»/.- When an ammoniacal solution ' An,,. ,/. ('/„,„. ii. rhnrm. \\>\ < i\ H ••/. Jahrb. 1884, S. 597. Cf < 'aiii-r.-r. /. 1 Diol. Bd. XXVII. (1890 - 168 UKIC ACID. of nitrate of silver is added to a solution of uric acid, to which an ammoniacal mixture of magnesium chloride and ammonium chlo- ride has been previously added, the uric acid is precipitated as a magnesio-silver salt. This is collected, washed, and decomposed by sodium or potassium hydrosulphide, whereupon the uric acid passes again into solution as a urate of the alkali. On the addi- tion of an excess of hydrochloric acid to this solution the urate is decomposed, uric acid separates out and is collected and weighed. ii. Hay craft's method.1 When uric acid is precipitated by am- moniacal solution of nitrate of silver in presence of the ammonio- magnesic mixture as above described the precipitate is stated to contain one atom of silver to each molecule of uric acid. The uric acid is hence determined by dissolving the precipitate in nitric acid, in which solution the silver is then estimated volumetrically with a standard solution of potassium sulphocyanate.2 Chemical constitution of uric acid. Notwithstanding the fre- quent and careful investigation of uric acid and of the extremely numerous products of its decomposition, its constitution has until recently been a matter chiefly of surmise and conjecture, and many constitutional formula? have been assigned to it. When uric acid is treated with concentrated hydriodic acid at 160-170° it is decomposed into glycin, ammonia, and carbonic anhydride C5H4N4O3 + 5H20 = CH2(NH2) . COOH . -f 3C02 + 3NH8. By reversing this decomposition as it were, namely by fusing to- gether at 200 - 230° glycin and urea, uric acid was for the first time obtained artificially ; 3 when sarkosin is used instead of urea methyl-uric acid is obtained. Uric acid has also been prepared by fusing together trichlor-lactamide or trichlor-acetic acid and urea.4 The high temperatures at which the above reactions were conducted and the uncertainty as to the nature of the products intermediate between the reagents and the finally formed uric acid precluded them from being regarded as syntheses in the strict sense of the word. A true synthesis of uric acid has been recently discovered by Behrend and Koosen,5 from which it appears that the constitutional formula first assigned to the acid by Medicus,6 is a true representation of its constitution. This view had been pre- viously stated by E. Fischer as a result of his analytical investiga- tions of uric acid.7 1 Brit. Med. Jl. 1885, p. 1100. .//. of Anat. and Phijsiol. Vol. xx. p 695. Zt. f. anal. Chem. Bd. xxv. (1885), S. 165. Zt.f. physwl. Cltem. Bd. xv. (1891), S. 436. ' 2 Volhard, Jn. f.pr. Chem. (2) Bd. ix. (1374), S. 217. 3 Horbaczewski. Monatsh.f. Chem. Bd. in. (1882), S. 796. Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesell. Jahrg. (1882), S. 2678. * Horbaczewski, Monatsh. f. Chem. Bd. vi. (1885), S. 356; Bd. vm. (1887), Sn. 201, 584. 5 Ann. d. Chem. u. Phurm. Bd. CCLI. (1889), S. 235. 6 Ibid. Bd. CLXXV. (1875), S. 230. 7 Ber. d. deutsch. chem. Gesell. 1884, Sn. 328, 1785. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 169 NH — CO Uric acid. CO C — NH I II >co. NH — C— Nil An inspection of the above formula shows at once that uric acid contains the residues of two molecules of urea. This cor- responds to the fact that nearly all the possible decompositions of uric arid yield either a molecule of urea along with the more spe- citie product of the decomposition, frequently itself a derivative of nrra, or else some substance which can by further change be de- composed into urea and some other product which is as before l'rei[Uemly a derivative of urea. The close chemical relationship of urea and uric acid is thus clearly shown, and may be further t-niphasi/ed by the following reactions, which illustrate and amplify at .the same time the general statement which has just been made. The decomposition of uric acid takes place in two stages, yield- ing two series of products, of which one is headed by allox; n and the other by allantoin ; from these two substances respec- tively tin: other members of each series are derived by subsequent decomposition. 1. Alloxan series. By careful oxidation with nitric acid uric acid is decomposed into a molecule of alloxan and one of urea. NH — CO NH — CM II II CO C — NH CO CO NH,N | || ) CO || /CO. NH -C-NH +H,0+0 = NH— CO + NH/ Alloxan is itself a substituted urea or ureide (antea, p. 164), \\y.. mrsoxalyl-nrea, and by oxidation ran In- further converted into parabauic acid (oxalyl-urea) and carbonic anhydride. NH — CO NH — CO CO CO CO NH — CO + 0=NH — CO + CO,. By heating with alkalis parabanic acid is hydrated and yields oxaluric acid. MI —CO MI — CO CO CM Ml _CO + H,0 = NH, CO. OH. 170 URIC ACID. The latter by prolonged boiling with water is converted into urea and oxalic acid. NH — CO CO NH2 NH 8v )CO CO. OH + CO. OH 2. Allantoin series. By oxidation with potassium permanganate uric acid is decom- posed into allantoin and carbonic anhydride. NH — CO NH — CO NH, CO C — NH I I! )co NH — C — NHX CO CO -f H20 -f 0 = NH — CH — NH + C02. When allantoin is boiled with nitric acid it is hydrated and decomposes into a molecule of urea and one of allanturic acid. NH — CO NH2 NH — CO CO CO CO k/NH9 H — CH — NH-f-H20 = CO Allanturic acid is itself a substituted urea, viz. glyoxyl-urea, and may be converted into parabanic and hydantoic acids. NH — CO NH — CO NH2 CO. OH I I I 2 CO CO CO I I I NH — CH(OH) = NH — CO + NH Of these two acids the parabanic may as before be converted into oxalic acid and urea, and hydantoic acid is a derivative, by simple hydration, of hydantoin, which is itself a substituted urea, viz. glycolyl-urea, containing a residue of glycolic acid, [CH2(OH). COOH]. NH — CO NH2 CO. OH CO CO NH — CH2 (Hydantoin) + H20 = NH CH2. (Hydantoic acid. ) The above reactions and decompositions show clearly how close is the chemical relationship of urea and uric acid, and the connec- tion is still more evident when it can be shown that many of the products described above as obtained during the decomposition of uric acid, viz. the ureides, can be prepared from urea directly. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY 171 Thus parabanic acid (oxalyl-urea) is readily formed by the action of phosphorus oxychloride on a mixture of urea and oxalic acid : NH— CO MI, CO. OH CO C0\ 1 = J NHa + CO.OH NH — CO-f2H,0. When the close chemical relationship of urea to uric acid is taken into account, the statement that those substances which when introduced into the body of a mammal lead to an increased excretion of urea, when introduced into the organism of birds are converted into uric acid,1 needs excite no surprise. There is fur- ther distinct evidence, already referred to under urea, that tin- conversion is affected in the liver.2 "VYr k\\<>\\- nothing as y.-t a- to the cause of the slight divergence of metabolism which leads to the preponderating formation of urea in mammals and of uric acid in birds and reptiles. It is certainly not due, as some have. supposed, to insufficient oxidation in the latter, since the excretion of uric acid is not increased in mammals by artificial disturbance of the respiratory interchange,3 and it is exactly in birds that the most active oxidational changes, as shown by their higher tem- perature, is observed. Bearing in mind how readily uric acid yields urea as one product of its oxidational decomposition, it has been supposed that a good deal more uric acid is formed in tin- mammalian body than is excreted in the urine. In support of this view it may be pointed out that uric acid when introduced into mammals is largely excreted as urea, and that some of the known products of the artificial ox i da t inn of uric acid are occa- sionally found in their urine, e.g. oxalic acid, oxaluric acid (hydrated parabanic acid), and allantoin.4 The latter substance is apparently increased (?) by the administration of uric acid.6 3. Oxaluric acid. C,H4Nj04. (Hydrated parabanic acid.) Occurs in minute traces in normal urine, from which it is ex- tracted by filtering a large quantity of urine very slowly through a relatively small amount of animal charcoal. The charcoal after being washed with distilled water is extracted with boiling alcohol, to which it yields the oxaluric acid as an ammonium salt. The free acid is a white crystalline powder, not very soluble in water : it- alkaline salts are readily soluble.6 1 For liti-ritiire nee Bunge, Phi/iiol. path. Chrmistrv, i>. .141. Horl>:uv Mnnatsf.fl / Cl.rm. Bd. X. (1889), S. 624. Sit:l>. d. HW. Akad, Bd. xcviu. (1889), 3 A I.- .-.I-.. •-..!: Srhnuler, Arch. f. Phyiiol. 1880. Suppl.-Bd. S. 113. Ludwig'a Feitsrhritf, ISH;. S. 98. » Senator. Vir. -how's Arrh. B<1. xi.n. (1*68), S. 35 « Salkowski u. Ixsnbe. Die fshre vom I/arn (1882), S. 100. • 8alkow*ki. lirr. ,1. d. rhrm. tlrvtt. I-;., > 71'J. 1878. 8. 500. • For .!. 'tails nee Hoppe-Seyler, Phyt.-path. Anal. 1832, S. 159. Neubaner u. Vogel, Jftinxinalyte, 189O, S. 239. 172 ALLANTOIN. 4. Allantoin. C4H6N408. (Diureide of glyoxylic acid.) The characteristic constituent of the allantoic fluid, more espe- cially of the calf, as also in foetal urine and amniotic fluid ; it occurs also in the urine of many animals for a short period after their birth. Traces of it are sometimes detected in this excretion at a later date. It is obtained in urine after the internal administra- tion of uric acid.1 It has also been found in vegetable tissues.2 It crystallises in small, shining, colourless, hexagonal prisms. They are soluble in 160 parts of cold water, more soluble in hot, insoluble in cold alcohol and ether, soluble in hot alcohol. Car- bonates of the alkalis dissolve them, and compounds may be formed of allantoin with metals but not with acids. The salts with silver and mercury are important as providing a means of separating allantoin from its solutions. FIG. 21. CRYSTALS FROM CONCENTRATED URINE OF CALF. (After Kiihne.) The large central crystal composed of an aggregation of small prisms is allantoin: those below it are crystals of kreatiri, kreatinin and oxa- late of lime. The large prisms in the upper part of the figure consist of magnesium phosphate. Allantoin gives no reactions which are sufficiently striking to admit of its detection in urine or other fluids ; it must therefore in all cases first be separated out and then examined. The separa- tion may be effected in several ways, of which those more usually employed consist in its precipitation with nitrate of mercury or silver.3 From the urine of calves or from their allantoic fluid, allantoin may usually be obtained in crystals by mere concentra- tion and subsequent standing till crystallisation occurs. 1 Salkowski, loc. cit. 2 Schulze u. Barbieri, Jn. f. pr. Chem. Bd. xxv. (1882), S. 145. Schulze u. Bosshard, Zt.f. pkysiol. Chem.'Bd. ix. (1885), S. 420. 3 For details see Hoppe-Sevler, loc. cit. S. 162. Neubauer u. Vogel, loc. cit. S. 222. CHEMICAL 11ASIS OF TIIK ANIMAL BODY. 173 Preparation. Allantoiu may !»«• ea-ily obtain. -d l.y tin.- careful oxidation of uric acid with pota-sium permanganate.1 It may also In- syntht-ti.M'd by prolonged heating to 100° of a mixture of idyoxylic aciil and urea,2 or of the latter substam-e with mooxalic acid.8 As prepared artificially it crystalli>e> readily in large, pri-maiic hexagonal crystals. FIG. 22. CRYSTALS OF ALLANTOIN I-I:I.I-M:I u BY THE OXIDATION OF UKIC Ann. (After Kiihne.) In addition to the crystalline form and precipitability with nitrates of mercury and silver, allantojn is further chnrart by yielding Schiff s reaction with furf urol (see above, p. 1 58, sub urea), but less readily and with less intense colouration than does urea. It also reduces Fehling's fluid on prolonged lioiliim. THE XANTHIN GROIT.' This -jronp comprises a number of substances closely related t<> uri'e a<-id ami to each other. Some of them occur in small annumis in the tissues (muscles) and excretions (urine) of the body and are to he regarded as being, like urea and urie acid, typical products of the downward destructive metabolism <>f pmteids. Some of t luMii are closi-ly n-laied to certain alkaloids which occur in plants (thi-obromin and call'ein ), and which jirobably play some not unim- p-irtant part in the nutritional changes of the animal body, sine.- they an- constantly consumed, in sonic form or other, by the ! part of the human race. This relationship ,,f tin- xanthin-bodies Stable alkaloids is further interesting when it is | ( -liui-, /;,,-. >i. ,i. ,-ifm. <;. •<••/;. IM MI i- mnaiix, Cnmjit. /innl. T. s.'t (ISTf,), ji. 62. Ch,m. JI. Vol. I 4 l-'..r ,i full *trit«'ini-iit nf tin- t."'ii'Tal n-:u -tinim of thin croup, and the metlioda for thoir so|tarnti<>ii ami .ii-. riiainatiou, »ee Neubaucr U. Vogei, Anaiyte drt Hants, 1890. Sec. 20O— 219. 174 XANTHIN. g a o eg 'S to embers of an oxidati c o .5 © I i &*§• .S -2 I -^ cu « H H o> ^%. 0> :^ ^ o . s 'fl .3 "H _ P£= 3 "S g * '• C B 31 S to 8=1 ° X 0 ftl ,2 cs o 33 •§ § £'•§ c 73 ^ 'S — o S o O sv 03 O> ^ o T^ O rrt "•* ~ a 12 « «3 '3 s s c8 Co 03^ "^ 'o -J ^ £ s I „ I •« HH •• ^ ^ 'S •<-> o ™2~ a cs o 3 — «, 13 a o> cS i ^ £} £} O C8 § dl S .2 ^Q ^ '2 *» S 1 O ^ > s C8 rl «-2 "*•" -S CO "-' q q •* •* ~" £ « o o o W •o o o H ^^ §1 - — B £^ g ~ eS c3 /-« rt x 02 .S -2 p ^ 3 I £ ^». X AM HIM NITRATE, C,I1,N,", HC1. (Kul.u.-.) c, II.N.o. -.IIXns. (Kiihne.) lings, and tea. In nearly all cases it is accompanied by hypo- xantliin. Tli<' amount which is present in any of the above turaefl and fluids is so small that none of them, except perhaps theextrart "f meat, affords a convenient source for its prepara- tion.2 To obtain it in quantity guanin is treated with nitrous acid,8 and the nitro-product thus obtained is reduced in amnionia- cal -olution with ferrous sulphate. It may also be prepared .ntiticiallv from hydrocyanic acid and water in presence of acetic a.id.» Wli.-n pun- it is a mlmirless powder, requiring about 14,000 parts of water for its solution at ordinary 1 (i) far. d. d. chem. GweU. 1882, S. 453. (ii) Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd • i \ \ 18821 v 2 For it»'f«epamti.iii fn.m urine see Nenbauor, Zt.f.anal. Chem. IM vn. (1868), irt, «ee St&deler, .!/. ' ». 1'hnrm. !?.i axn (1860). \oubauer, Zt.f. anal. C1/,. m. IMf. u. (1863), S. 26, vi. (1867), S. :n. 8 Fischer, loe. cil. (ii). « Gantier, Compt. Rend. T. 98 (1884), 1523. 176 XANTHIN. and 1400 at 100°. Insoluble in alcohol and in ether, it dissolves readily in dilute acids and alkalis (characteristically in ammonia) forming crystallisable compounds. Reactions. The discrimination of members of the xanthin group is not easy, since from their close relationship they yield many reactions in common. The following are characteristic of xanthin. i. WeideVs reaction.1 The substance is warmed with freshly prepared chlorine-water and a trace of nitric acid as long as any gas is evolved : it is then carefully evaporated to dryness and, if xanthin is present, the residue turns pink or purplish-red on the access of ammonia fumes. Carnin gives a similar colouration if but little chlorine-water is used, while guanin and adenin do not. ii. Hoppe-Seyler's reaction. When xanthin is introduced into some caustic soda with which some chloride of lime has been mixed, each particle of the substance surrounds itself with a dark green ring which speedily turns brown and then disappears. FIG. 25. CRYSTALS OF XANTHIK SILVER-NITRATE, C5H4N4O2 . AgNO3. (Krukenberg after Kiihne.) iii. Strecker's test? When evaporated to dryness on porcelain with nitric acid a yellow residue is obtained which turns reddish- yellow on the addition of caustic soda or potash (not of ammonia), and reddish-violet on subsequent warming. Distinctive from uric acid. iv. Xanthin is more readily soluble in ammonia than is uric acid. v. Xanthin yields in solution in dilute nitric acid a character- istic crystalline compound with nitrate of silver, which differs from the similar compound of hypoxanthin both in the forms which it presents and in its greater solubility in nitric acid of sp. gr. 1-1 at 100°. It is therefore used as a means of separating xanthin and hypoxanthin. 1 Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. CLVIII. (1871), S. 365. This reaction was given by its author for hvpoxanthin, but apparently in error. Cf. Kossel, Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. vi. (1882), S. 426. Salomon, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesetl. 1883, S. 198. - Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. cvm. (1858), S. 146. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY. 177 vi. The compound of xanthin with hydrochloric acid is far less soluble in water than are tin- similar compounds of hyjtuxan- thin and guanin, and hence affords a further means of separating tin -so bases. Hy treatment with hydro< -hloric acid and potassium chlorate xanthin is converted into alloxan and urea (Fischer). Tin- older and frequently ivjieated >tatement> that xuntliin ami hypo xanthin can In- obtained from uric arid \>\ tin- art ion of sodiuni- ainali^alu, as also that hTpOXUltluO can he converted into xanthin by treat inent with nitric acid, have recently Keen shown to he erroneous. Notwithstanding the similarity of their composition these three sub- stanco are incapable of interconversion.1 L'. Heteroxanthin. r II, N4< >, (M.-thyl-xanthin?). This substance occurs in minute quantities in the normal urine of man- and the dog,3 along with xanthin and hypoxanthin and another closely allied xanthin-base, paraxanthin. It occurs in larger amount in the urine of leukhaemic patients. It is crystal- line, hut not very characteristically so, is soluble with difficulty in (old water, much more soluble in hot water, is insoluble in alcohol ami in ether. It may, as also may paraxanthin, be separated from other xanthin-bases by taking advantage of the relatively slight solubility of it< sodium salt in caustic soda. It also yields with hydrochloric acid a relatively insoluble salt which crystal- lises readily, whereas the corresponding salt of paraxanthin is readily soluble. They may by this means be separated the one from tin- other. Il-'teroxanthin does not give the ordinary reaction for xanthin with nitric acid and caustic soda, but yields a brilliant colouration on the application of Weidel's test (see sub xanthin). Like the otln-i xanthin-bases it gives an insoluble salt with an ammoniacal solution of nitrate of silver. Paraxanthin. C7H8N402 (I)imethylxanthin ?) Isonieride of Theoliromin. Like heteroxanthin it oc.-ur- in very small amounts in urine.1 It i- Miluble with difliculty in cold water, but is more soluble than xanthin ; is much more soluble in hot water, insoluble in alcohol and in ether. It crystallises readily in characteristic tlat. somewhat irregular, six-sided tables when its solutions are slowly evaporated, or in needles if rapidly. It forms, as do the preceding 1 Iv ,,1,,/g,;,!. Ch.m. H.I. vi. (IHS2), S. 4-.'s Fis.h.T. 11. r d. d. chen. Gf»> i---.. s :u«>: in..,,, '/j , ' .,„. H.|. M (!««.:), S. 412. 4 Tlm.li.-lmm. '.!fi»n/.« nf rh. M»l. V..1 i ID..II, /trr. ,1. d s. i-.i:,. issr,, .-HIM;. '/.>. /: k-im. M*-hy$iol. Cl il-'-'l). S. 319. 12 178 CAKNIK substances, a crystalline salt with nitrate of silver ; this like the corresponding compound of xanthin is soluble in strong nitric acid (sp. gr. I'l) at 100°, and may thus be separated from hypoxanthin. It may be separated from xanthin by means of its greater solubility in cold water, and from heteroxanthin by the difference in the solu- bility of its salts with sodium and hydrochloric acid. Paraxanthin gives Weidel's reaction but not the ordinary xanthin test with nitric acid and caustic soda. An inspection of Fischer's formula for xanthin shows the pos- sibility of the existence of at least two isomeric di-methyl deriva- tives of this base according to the replacement by methyl CH3 of the hydrogen atoms in the three NH groups which it contains. Of these one has for some time been known as theobromin ; para- xanthin is probably another isoiner, and more recently Kossel has described a third, theophyllin. By substitution of (CH8) for hydrogen in the third (NH) group trimethyl-xanthin or caffein is obtained. In connection with the isomeric relationship of paraxanthin and theobromin it is of great interest to observe that the physiological action of the two bases is the same.1 4. Carnin. C7H8N403. Closely allied in composition to the preceding base, but as yet of unknown constitution, carnin occurs only as a constituent of ' extract of meat,' of which it forms about one per cent.,2 although it has been stated to occur also in urine (?).3 It is prepared by precipitating extract of meat with baryta- water, avoiding all excess of the precipitant. The filtrate from this is now precipitated with basic acetate of lead, which carries down all the carnin. This precipitate is repeatedly boiled with water which dissolves out the lead salt of carnin, which is then decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the carnin obtained by concentration of the aqueous nitrate from the sulphide of lead* It crystallises in white masses composed of very small irregular crystals ; it is soluble with great difficulty in cold, readily soluble in hot water, insoluble in alcohol and in ether. It unites with acids and salts to form crystallisable compounds. Of these the more important are the salts with basic lead acetate, soluble in boiling water, and with nitrate of silver, insoluble in strong nitric acid and ammonia. Carnin gives Weidel's reaction when only a small amount of chlorine-water is employed, but the test fails if any excess is used. Carnin bears an interesting relationship to hypoxanthin, into 1 Salomon, Verh. d. physiol. Gesell. Berlin. Arch.f. Physio!. 1887, S. 582. 2 Weidel, Ann. d. Che'm. u. Pharm. Bd. CLVIII. (1871), S. 353. 8 Pouchet, Journ. de Thtrap. T. vn. (1880), p 503. 4 Krukenberg u. Wagner, Sitzb. d. phys.-med. Gesell. Wiirzburg, 1883, No. 4. CHKMir.u. r.AMS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 179 which it may he converted by treatment with chlorine or nitric- acid, or still more readily by bromine. C7H8N4O8 + Br2 = C6H«N4O . HBr -f CH,Br + CO,. I' In- latter may be isolated from its hydrobromic acid salt by means of caustic soda. 5. Hypoxanthin or Sarkin. ( ll^N/t. NH — CH I II 00 ' — N\ NH — C = N (?). Closely related to xanthiu and usually occurring witli it in tin- tissues and fluids of the body. It- constitutional formula has not yc-t l>eeii definitely ascertained, but it will probably be found to contain the group N = CH — N in the place of one urea residue in xanthiu.1 On this supposition three formulae are obviously 1'o-sil.le, and the correct one has still to be determined. Hypo- xanthin may be obtained from normal muscles, and hence is found in larger amounts in 'extract of meat.' It occurs also in the spleen, liver, and medulla of bones, and in considerable quantity in. the blond - and urine3 of leukhiemic patients; also in normal urine4 and in vegetable tissues — lupins,6 malt-seedlings, and FlO. 26. Ih I-M\ \\TIIIN--II \ l i: Ml l: \ i l . ' ' .HjN^O • AgNOt. (KrukcnU-rg after Kuliiie.) It i^ obtained from fluids or tissue extracts by means of tin- processes already mentioned I'm the extraction of xanthin. and is separated from the latter by taking advantage of the slighter 1 I- -/. ,/. ,-!„,„. Getell. 18- •*s.-l. '/.l. f. ph,,itol. Cliriii. IW. v. (1881), S. 267. n hc.w'.M Arrl,. \kl cix. (1877), 8. 390. 4 (,. S:il,.i,,,,ii. Zt. f phi/tiol. Chem. Salkow»ki, Virchow'f Arch. Bd. L. (1870), S. 195. 6 Salomon, Verhnnd. d f,fiVtiol. Gettll. Nor. 12, 1880. Arch. f. Phyiiol. 1881, S. 166. 6 Baginskr, Zt. f. j^siol. Chen Bd. vm. (1883—4), S. 395. 180 HYPOXANTHIN. solubility of its salt with nitrate of silver in boiling nitric .acid (sp. gr. I'l). The crystalline form of this salt is characteristic. It also yields crystalline salts with nitric and hydrochloric acids. Hypoxanthin is soluble in 300 parts of cold and 78 of boiling water, insoluble in cold alcohol and in ether, soluble in 900 parts of boiling alcohol. It does not yield either Weidel's reaction or the reaction with nitric acid and caustic soda so characteristic of the other xanthin bases. It gives no green colouration with FIG. 27. HYPOXANTHIN-NITRATE, C5H4N40 . HN03. (Kiihne.) FIG. 28. HYPOXANTHIN-HYDROCHLORIDE, C5H4N40 . HC1. (Kiihue.) caustic soda and chloride of lime such as xanthin does (Hoppe- Seyler's reaction), but after treatment with hydrochloric acid and zinc, it yields a ruby-red colouration on the addition of an excess of caustic soda (Kossel). In this reaction it resembles adenin. During the putrefactive decomposition of proteids (fibrin) or by the action of boiling water, dilute acids, or gastric and pancreatic enzymes, hypoxanthin can be obtained in minute amounts.1 This was at first regarded as evidencing a direct formation of xanthin bases from proteids. The researches of Kossel have however shown that the source of the hypoxanthin in the above cases is probably the nuclein of the corpuscles en- tangled in the fibrin, since he finds that, by similar treatment, 1 Salomon, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. 1878, S. 574. Krause, Inauq.-Diss. Berlin, 1878. Chittenden, .//. of Physwl. Vol. n. (1879), p. 28. (•INIMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 181 isolated nucleiu yields no inconsiderable amount of hypoxanthin.1 'I'll'- nuclein huwever from egg-yolk does not yield hypoxanthin. and thus resembles the nuclein derivable from ca-ein.- Although the xanthin-bases undoubtedly result in the body from tin- meta- bolism .if iiitr.^.-nous (proteid) tissues there is as yet no evidence as to the manner in which they can be formed from true proteids.8 Tin- urn. -tic relationship of hypoxanthin to nuclein probably ac- counts for the marked occurrence of the former in leukhaemic blood. Bearing in mind the close chemical relationship of uric acid, xanthin, and hypoxanthin, and regarding the xanthin ba.-> distinctly and typically products of the downward metabolism of nitrogenous ti>sues, the i|iiestion at once suggests it.-elf whether in the body there is any anteeedental relationship be- tween these substances and uric acid or urea . As with kreatin (above, p. 162), so with the xanthin bodies, the disproportion between the amount presumably arising in the tissues and that which is actually excreted makes it probable that they are con- •mething else, uric acid (or urea), before leaving the body. And in support of this belief there is a certain amount of experimental evidence which was wanting in the case of kreatin. It is found that hypoxanthin administered to a dug does not reappear as such externally in the urine,4 and that when given to fowls it leads to an increased excretion of uric acid amounting to some 60 p. c. of the hypoxanthin employed.'1 Since the latter iv-ult is obtained in fowls with extirpated livers, it ap- that the coii\cr>ion is not effected in this oigan, although it is known that normally no inconsiderable portion of the uric acid i> formed in their liver. <;. Adenin. C,H,N This base was obtained by Kossel * during the treatment of pancreatic ti>-ue for the preparation of hypoxanthin. It bears the >ame relationship to the latter that guanin to xanthin. ami can similarly be convert,-.! into hypoxanthin by the action of nitrous acid. It is stated to have been found in urine." 1 'A f. ;./•-/>•/«/. Ch,,n. H.I.-. 111. (1>7'.M. S. _'-i. \\ J'.Hi. \ i:,i'. ••(•-. v i. »-j:;. vn 7 '•'.LIST'S Arch. H.I. xxn ndi . l',itl>. ii. /'/Kin,,. I!.!.- \\iii (1SS7), S. U.«. ilso RtadtliM ' l,.-i.,w. •I. d. ••/„„!. G'..s- /. is-:,. M, ; t\ )>hiliiol. Chem. Bde. X. |i MI. (1888), S. '.'41. \M (18M > I S-liimllrr .//"./ . MM •.»•)» ilir«-< tii. us fur .-••|.:ir:it i"ii <>f xanthin, hvfioxanthin. cnanin. an 898 I'.rnh. ir.T. I' id. H.I. x\i 160 St;i.lth;if:i-n. Vin-h-... - 390. 182 GUANIK When pure it crystallises in needles from aqueous solutions. Is soluble in 1086 parts of cold water, readily in hot water, in- soluble in ether, slightly soluble in hot alcohol. Yields crystal- line compounds with acids, also with some salts. The compound with nitrate of silver is soluble in hot nitric acid (sp. gr. 1*1), and is thus separable, together with hypoxauthin, from xanthin. It also yields a readily crystalline compound with picric acid, which is very insoluble in cold water (1 in 3500) and may be used for its quantitative separation from solutions (Bruhns, loc. cit.). It does not give the ordinary reactions characteristic of the xanthin bodies, but like hypoxanthin shows a red colouration on the addition of an alkali after treatment with hydrochloric acid and zinc. 7. Guanin. C5H5X50. NH — CH If H == C C — NH J JL: | \CO (Fischer).1 NH — C = tf It was first obtained from Peruvian guano, which still provides the most convenient source for its preparation. The guano is finely powdered and boiled with milk of lime as long as it yields a coloured filtrate. The residue is then repeatedly ex- tracted with boiling solution of sodium carbonate; the filtrate on the addition of acetic acid yields a precipitate of guanin and some uric acid, from which it is separated by boiling with somewhat dilute hydro- chloric acid. A hydrochloride of guanin is formed which is crystal- line, and from this compound the guanin is separated by the addition of concentrated ammonia.2 Guanin is also found in small quantities in the pancreas, liver, and muscle extract, and among the products of the action of acids on some nucleins.3 It may also occur in urine, more especially of pigs, in which case it is also found in many of their tissues ; * ad- ditionally in the retinal tapetum of fishes and in their scales,5 as also in the integument of amphibia and reptiles,6 and in vegetable tissues.7 It is a white amorphous powder, insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and ammonia. Its insolubility in the latter distinguishes 1 loc. cit. (sub xanthin). 2 Strecker, Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. cxvin. (1861), S. 152. 3 Kossel, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vin. (1884), S. 404. 4 Pecile, Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. Bd. CLXXXIII. (1876), S. 141. Cf. Salomon, Arch. f. Physiol. 1884, S. 175. Arch. f. Path. Anat. Bd. xcv. (1884), S. 527. Virchow, Arch. f. path. Anat. Bde. xxxv. (1866), S. 358, xxxvi. S. 147. 5 Kiihne u. Sewall, Unters. a. d. physiol. Inst. Heidelb. Bd. in. (1880), S. 221. 6 Ewald u. Krukenberg, Ibid. Bd. iv. Hft. 3. (1882), S. 253, Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xix. (1883), S. 154. 7 Schulze u. Bosshard, Zt.f. physiol. Chem. Bd. ix. (1885), S. 420. CHK.MK \L 11ASIS (>F TIIK ANIMAL 1;<>1>Y. 183 it from xanthiii and hypoxanthin. It unites with acids, alkalis, and salt- t«> form crystallisalde compounds. Of its compounds with acids the most characteristic aiv tho-e with hydrochloiie and nitric acids. The compound with nitrate of silver is extremely insoluble in 1 Milling nitric acid. ' <;i VMN IM DKOCIII.ORinK Fio. 30. GUANIX SITI: MI. ii«.. _;». » i < \ > i > M i i MI' 'v it i.» »n i i»r. , *• tu. uv. \jt .\ -> i > .> i i K \ i r. , ( I! N,<). HC1 - I LI i. ( After Kiihne.) C6II6N6<> • HNO,+ 4HjO. (After Kulnu- ) • Reactions. By treatment with nitric acid and caustic soda (Strecker's test) it yields a colouration closely resembling that given l.y xaiitliin, l>ut does not respond to WeideFs test (see above, p. 177). reactions.1 (i) A yellow crystalline precipitate «n the addition <»f a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid t» a solution of guanin-hydrochloride , insoluble in cold water. (ii) An orange-coloured crystalline precijiitate, very insoluble in water, on the addition of a concentrated solution of pota>sium chroinate. (iii) rrismatic yellowish-brown cry-tals on the ad- dition of a concentrated solution of feniI>V. 185 South America, an infu>i«m »i the h-a\e- ,,i" / /' x,',x-. n, kola-nuts u.-ed a- food MI ( '«-nt nil Africa (tin- I'ruit of .S/r«// t.» tin- nitro<4eiiou- cr\-talline • c\t ract i\ e- ' of muscle-, it is inteiv-t iiiu t.i notice further that they s.-.-m to bear tin- .-aim- j^eiieral relationship to the or^anism> in which they respect ively occur. There can I't- luit little ilmilit that the xanthin h«. (and uric aci «i tin- i|n\\nuanl e\cret i.inary nit m^en-nis inetaKc'lisin of animals. The alkaloidal principles of plants, in this case theohroinin ami caffeine, may lie >imilarly re^irde.! a^ BXCn- tionary pmilm-ts ami are hence I'miml collected in t ho^,. part- of the plant uliich are more immediately or ultimately cast off, \\7.. the leaves, -.-, d-. and hark. The facts already stated render the consump- tion of theolu-omin and caffeine in -..me form or other by practically the \\hole human race !.->> surprising than it mi^ht at first si^ht appear. Their universal use also indicate- that they >upply -ome distinct \\ant of the economy which cannot a- yet he explained purely with reference to their relationship to the nitrogenous extract! animal ti--iie.-. hut rather to the physiological effect their invest ion produces. In moderate do-e- they exert an a^iveahh- >timulatin^ action wherehy the >ensati p.c. ). proteid- (1» p.c.). and carbohydrate- \\hich enter into their comjiosition. The comparative physiological action of xanthin. theo- broinin. caffeine, and some of their derivatives have recently been studied by Pilehne.* TIIK AROMATIC SERIES. 1 . Benzole acid C,H6 . COOH. This is not found a- a normal ron-i it uent of the body. When urs in (chielly herbivorous) urine its presence i* usually dun •••rinentative decoiiip..-iti..n of hipj.uric acid whereby beii/oie acid and u'lyi'in ( ijlycocollj are 1'i.rined. C II .00, Nil OH « "<>H +11 " = C.H,.COOH. + CH,(MI .» C I .lliil Chlirrli, ('/„•„,. nfroinmnH lit'-, 1HHO. p. UT I HH-hon. I1-- .1 --A. /: l'h>i»u>l. ./ '/i. II. rixirm. H.I. xv. (188LM. S. .'J, ami <-f. |{.,^!,ar!i. 1'llu- ; 186 HIPPURIC ACID. The acid is usually prepared by the above decomposition of hippuric acid, which is readily effected by a short boiling with mineral acids or, less readily, with caustic alkalis. It is also obtained by the dry distillation of gum-benzoin from which the acid separates by sublimation. The sublimed acid generally crystallises in fine needles which are light and glistening. It is soluble in about 200 parts of cold or 25 of boiling water and very soluble in alcohol, ether, and petroleum-ether,1 in which latter hippuric acid is insoluble. When precipitated from solutions, either by cooling or the addition of acids to its salts in the cold, the crystalline form is usually much less distinct. Apart from the crystalline form benzoic acid is characterised by its property of readily subliming, even at 100°, thus resembling leucin and differing markedly from hippuric acid. As a result of this it passes off freely in the vapours arising from its boiling aqueous solutions, so that in concentrating fluids, such as urine, in which its presence is conjectured, they should be first rendered alkaline with sodium carbonate, thus forming a non-volatile salt. Benzoic acid may be additionally recognised by the following test : when treated with a little boiling nitric acid and evaporated to dryness, the residue thus obtained yields, on further heating, an unmistakable odour of nitrobenzol. When introduced into the body benzoic acid is readily and largely converted into hippuric acid, while at the same time small quantities of succinic acid may at the same time make their appearance. The chief interest in the acid centres in the above relationship to hippuric acid, a fact discovered by Wbhler in 1824 and specially interesting as being the first known instance of a well defined synthesis effected by the animal body, and the start- ing-point for the disproval of Liebig's views as to the funda- mental difference in the metabolic processes of animal and plant tissues. 2. Hippuric acid. C7H602. [C6H5 . CO . NH . CH2 . COOH.] (Benzoyl-gly cin. ) This acid is found in considerable quantities (1'5 — 2*5 p.c.) in the urine of herbivora, and also, though to a much smaller amount (0*1 — 1*0 grm. per diem) in the urine of man. It is undoubtedly formed in the body by the union, with dehydration, of benzoic acid and glycin (see § 419.) This mode of its formation may be readily observed out of the body by heating together dry benzoic acid and glycin in sealed tubes to 160°. C6H5.COOHH-CH2(NH2).COOH=C6HS.CO . NH.CH2.COOH4-H20. 1 Petroleum-ether consists ordinarily of a mixture of the more volatile hydro- carbons obtained by distillation during the fractionating of crude petroleum, and boils up to about 120°. The most volatile petroleum-ether boils up to about 80°. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL P.nPY. 187 Its constitution is further characteristically shown \>y it- pro- duct i. .a hy the action of ben/amide on monochlor-ftoetio acid : — C6H6.CO . NH2+CHSC1 . COOH=C.H, . o > N 1 1 < ' 1 1 _.. a x )H.+ 1 1 « ; ami al.-o by that of benzoyl-chloride on glycin : 1 C.H6.CO.C1+CH, (NH,) . COOH=C,H5 . < « »M I .CH8.CO( > II +11 < 1 It may be readily obtained from tin- urine of horses or co\\ -. more particularly when they are out to ^rass, — t\\e perfect It/ / urine hoileil with milk of lime in slight excess, by which means the arid U tixe.l as a hippurate of calcium. It i> then tilteivd. the filtrate concentrated to a email bulk ami treated when cold with hydrochloric acid in slight excess; this decompo>es the calcium salt, litteratinu hippuric- acid, whii.'h separates out at once, owiiiL; to its comparatively slight soluliility. It is then puritied liy >• recrystallisations from boiling water, but it is extremely dithVult to obtain it colourless. II. Hn-i'i i:i« \. ii. CRTSTALS. (After Kunke.) When rapidly separated out from its aqueous solutions, a the above met hod of its j. reparation, it assumes the form of tine needle-. I ',y >lo\vi-r cry-t a 1 lisat ion it yield- hmx foursided pri-m- or cnlumns with ]i\ ramidal ends; the-e are frequently arranged • >ups and present a semitran-pnrent. milky appearance. When ] Hi re they are odourles- and of a somewhat hitter taste. They rei|iiire parts of water for their -olution at 0°, arc' readily >oluble in hot wat--r, al-o in alcohol anil to a nt in ether. They are conveniently insoluble in petroleum-ether, in virtue of which hippuric acid can be readily separated from hcn/oic acid which is soluble in this reagent. Its solutions redden litmu-- paper. 1 Baum. Zt.f. /%- !'• I ix. (!."«.')). S. 4f,:, 8 To avoid fermentative .lci..in|>.)!»itiun int.. Iwn/ui.- a. j,| ntnl gl\-\ -in. 188 HIPPURIC ACID. Hippuric acid is monobasic, and forms salts which (except the iron salts) are readily soluble in water ; from these solutions, if sufficiently concentrated, excess of hydrochloric acid precipitates the acid in fine needles. When heated with concentrated mineral acids it is • resolved into benzoic acid and glycin. The same de- composition occurs readily in presence of putrefactive organisms. Apart from the characteristics already stated the acid may be recognised by the following reactions. When gently heated in a small tube the acid does not at once sublime as does benzoic acid, but melts and solidifies again on cooling. If more strongly heated it melts as before, but is now decomposed, yielding a sublimate of benzoic acid accompanied by an odour like that of new hay, while oily red drops are observed in the tube. When treated with boil- ing nitric acid (see above sub benzoic acid) and evaporated to dryness the residue on being heated yields the marked and characteristic odour of nitrobenzol (Llicke's reaction J). As al- ready stated hippuric acid owes its formation in the body to a union of benzoic acid with glycin, so that its source must be sought for in the modes by which benzoic acid (aromatic sub- stance) is introduced into or arises in the body. The source is probably of more than one kind. Hay and grass were long since stated2 to contain some substance which yields hippuric acid in the body : this may be extracted by means of dilute sulphuric acid, less readily by caustic potash.3 More recent researches have shown the presence in grass, hay, and many fruits and berries not only of some benzoic acid but also of substances such as quinic acid (OH)4 C6H7 . COOH, which readily yield benzoic acid and are hence a source of hippuric acid.4 A further source is found in the aromatic (benzoic) products of the putrefaction of proteids, such as in especial phenyl-propionic acid (C6H5 . CH2 . CH2 . COOH)5 which in its amidated form is more particularly a product of the decomposition of vegetable proteids,6 and yields benzoic acid by oxidation. This substance has been found in the rumen of cows fed with hay.7 These facts coupled with the marked occurrence of putrefactive changes in the alimentary canal of herbivora probably account for the preponderance of hippuric acid in their urine. In carnivora it appears that some traces of hippuric acid may be observed during starvation, originating here from the aromatic residues of the tissue proteids; also during an exclu- sively meat-diet.8 When fed on a mixed diet some of the 1 Arch.f. path. Anat. Bd. xix. (1860), S. 196. - ,Nleissner u. Shepard, Die Hippursditre. 1866. 3 Weiske, Zt.f. Biol. Bd. xn. (1876), S. 241. 4 For refs. see Salkowski u. Leube. Die Lehre vom Harn, 1882, S. 131. 5 E. u. H. Salkowski, Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1885), S. 161. 9 Schulze u. Barbieri, Ber. d'. d. chem. Ges. 1883, S. 1711. Jn. f. prakt. Chem. (N.F.) Bd. xxvu. (1883), S. 337. 7 Tappeiner, Zt. f. Biol. Bd. XXH. (1886), S. 236. 8 Salkowski, E., Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. 1878, S. 500. Arch. f. path. Anat. Bd. 73 (1878), S 421. CHEMICAL BASIS OF T1IK ANIMAL BODY. hippuric acid arises from the ben/oie and allied constituents of tin- vegetable part of the food, and probably not an inconsiderable amount from the putrefactive products of tin- proteids in the ali- mentary canal; in accordance with tin- it i- found that disinfec- tion of tin- alimentary canal in do^s with calomel diminishes the outjnit of the acid.1 Ty rosin, notwithstanding its aromatic con- stitution, does iiot give rise to hippuric acid when administered to nan.1 The classical researches of Bunge and Sc hmiedeberg3 li;i\ shown that the >yiithetic. production of hippuric acid by the union of beuzoic acid and ulycin takes place chietly in the kid- ney of carnivora (dogs). In herbivora (rabbits) it appears that a considerable formation of hippuric acid may be observed on the -:ion of benzoic acid even after exclusion nf the kidneys.4 and the same is the case with frogs. Pathological observation.- on man seem to indicate that in them the kidneys play at least some part in the synthetic production of hippurir acid from benzoic.6 When benzoic acid is administered to birds it reappears in the ex- creta as ornithuric acid: the latter when boiled with hydrochloric acid splits up into benzoic acid and ornithin. the latter having the composition of diamido-valerianic acid.6 a Tyrosin. c,HnN():; . [( HI . C6H4 . CH2 . CH . (NH,) . CooH]. >xyphenyl-a-amidopropionic acid. The earlier work on the synthesis of ty rosin indicated the prob- able presence in its molecule of some aromatic (phenyl) radicle. The more recent successful synthesis by the action of nitrous acid mi para-amidophenyl alanin " has confirmed this view and defi- nitely established its constitution.8 It always accnnij'anies leiicin. though less in amount, as a product of the pancreatic di^otiun of proteids, l>ut not of gelatin, also as a 'product of their putrefactive decomposition as well as of the action of boiling mineral acid* and alkalis. It is also perhaps found normally in small quantities in the pancreas and its secretion and in the splr.-n. and tracet have I n described as obtained from various tis>ue- ,,t the body'1 l- is normally absent in urine, but. makes its appearance together with leucin in this excretion in several diseased conditions of the liver, notably acute yellow atrophy, also in pbo«.p horns poisoning ; there >. ,,/,,/giol. Cl,.m. H,|. \. (1886), S ../. IM \i (i-- » /t, r,nh. „. /'/,.!,•//• . H.I. vi. (in:r,). s H.I. M- ». See «l»o II. 'fTiii.'iiin. A //.../. 15,1 M -339. « \V S:il..iii,.n. '/.< i- /./../"••/. <'!>•• i». H-l. in. (!><:'.»). S 365. • .lanrMrl.l ii. s,t..kvi«. .1 ••>. i ••.• Pod 1871 8 268. • Jnfl ,/. ,•!,.,„. GtM& i M.ii.in i- a :uiii.l..jiP.pi..iii.- :i.'i-l : CII, . CH i v 'H •:.-niin-\iT M. Lii'p.. /'• '/. '/ -lirm. Gttflt. 1882, S. 1544. I. i. •!,;_••< Anna!. 1M -.'M 1889 8. 161 9 v. Gortip-Itaancz, fahrb. d. phytiol. Ckem. Bd. i\ I-:-, j,;, U 190 TYROSIK is however some conflict of opinion as to its constancy in such cases. It is also present in not inconsiderable quantities, along with leucin, in many plant tissues. Tyrosin crystallises in exceedingly fine needles which are usu- ally collected into feathery masses. The crystals are snow- white, tasteless, and odourless. If crystallised from an alkaline solution tyrosin often assumes the form of rosettes composed of fine needles arranged radiately. The crystals are very sparingly soluble in cold water (1 in 2000 at 20°), much more soluble in boiling water (1 in 150) ; FIG. 32. TTROSIN CRYSTALS. (Krukenberg.) they are almost insoluble in strong alcohol (1 in 13500) and quite insoluble in ether. They are readily soluble in acids and particularly so in ammonia and other alkalis and in solutions of alkaline salts. Preparation, (i) The products of a prolonged pancreatic diges- tion of proteids are neutralised and filtered ; the filtrate when concentrated usually yields crusts of tyrosin crystals, which may be readily purified by solution in a little boiling water from which they separate out on cooling after concentration if neces- sary, (ii) Horn shavings are boiled for 24 hours with sulphuric acid (5 of acid to 13 of water). The sulphuric acid is then sepa- rated by the addition of lime, and the filtrate from the calcium sulphate yields as before crusts of tyrosin crystals on concentra- tion and cooling. These are then purified by recrystallisation from boiling water.1 Any leucin at first present in the crystal- 1 These methods suffice for the preparation of small amounts of tyrosin for purposes of study. For full details of its preparation and most productive separation from leucin see Hlasiwetz and Habermann, quoted sub leucin. See also E. Schulze, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. ix. 1885, Sn. 63, 253, on the separation of amido-acids. UIK.MK'AL IIASIS OF TIIK ANIMAL BODY. 191 line crusts remains in the mother-liquors from which the tyrosiu lias lirrll M-parat.'d. Apart fn-iii its crystalline form and characteristic solubilities tyrosiu may he ivadily recognised l»y several well-marked n-actions. Hi'ri'in HHH'* i-i'irtio/i. When heated with Millon's reagent so- lutions of tyrosiu yi.-ld a hrilliant crimson or pink colouration which, if much tymsin is present, is accompanied tinally l>y a similarly coloured precipitate. Tin- test in its original form was applied liy heating with a M>luti«m of mercuric nitrate in presence of nitrous acid.1 1'iriti'x /•ox/inn? If tyrosin is moistened on a wateh-ojass with etinci-ntrated sulphuric acid and warmed for rive or ten minutes on a water kith, it turns pink, owini: to the formation of tyrosin- sulphonic acid — C9H10 (SO,OH) NO, + 2H80. Tliis is then diluted with water, warmed, neutralised with kirinm < a rlion ate, and filtered while, hot. The filtrate yields a violet colour on the careful addi- tion i if very dilute peirhloride of iron. The colour is readil stmyed hy any 6X0688 of the iron sah.:; Tiie remarks made mi p. 149 on the optical properties of leucin, apply also to tyrosin.4 \Yhen tyr«»in i- Mihject.-d to putrefactive decomposition it yields paraoxyphenylacetic acid OH . C6H4-CiL .<(»( )[|.. pwaozyphenrl- in-i-jiiniiif (hydropaiacomarie) acid <»II . < ,.II4 ('H.-( II .' n.. /^-jilieiiN •l]ir'>]ii-(hvdriicinu;iiiiir) acid (',-,11 . < II . < II . < »><>M.. phenol, !',H, . OIL, and paral,d CH, . C,H4 . ul.- >Jam-fs occur normally in Miiall and varialdi- amounts in uriiu- and an- mcriMM-d in (ju;intity in tins excretion !>y tin- administra«tion of :\T"-in. Their presence is \\itliout dmibt cliit-tly due to j.ntrt i .'(•c.urrin^ in the alimentary canal in corre>[>ondencc with tin- facts that the bodies in question are found most markedly in the urine of herl.ivora, in increased quantity in that of men under ft regetablfl .nid largely disa|i]iear under the intlueiice of drills Midi ;t-> calo- mel. which likens or prevents the occurrencr «'f putrefactive changes in the intestine.6 In the absence of thoe putrefactive pi. ro> in when administered m not excessive amounts i> apparent!;. pletely o\idi-ed and does not. as frequently stated. ^: to any increa~ed output of urea.7 In large (lose.s tyro>in reappears externally 1 I. ifhip's Ann.il. l',.i. I.XXXMI. (1S.VJ). S. - I.i.-t.i-'s At,,,,,!. IM i.xxxi: - L'.'H * For other !••.•..•< imp.. riant n-:u-tii.ns see \Vnrntrr. ' f. Pkytiol. Bd. I. (1887). S. l'J4. l'.lran>/.ky. Zt f. i>h,/si,J ( t,,m. 1M. xn. (is.sS). S. 355. -«•<: Maiitliurr, I/ --'), alao Si: . li.l LZZXT. (1883), April-Hft. Srliul/.r. / (1885). Sn l.i|i)>in:iiiii. /.'" ./. •/. dum, Cettll. 1884. S. i83«. \V-vl, Zt. f. «|MM£ ( •!,.,„. ll.l. Ill I liatiinaiiii. I'-nl. lit! i\ S. 304. Sehottan, //•„/. n.i. MI. (18« - H /' d. li.iiiinaiiii, />'i'l. s « Bauniai.n. /4. f },h;.« ! 1-71 Mrii-'ger. 'A. f. /'AVW. Cl,.i». H.l u (1*7*). G H.'.hinann. fieri, kiln. U'orhentch. 1888. " Nrn. 43, 44. I'ol.: . -/«io/. Chem H.I \i\ (1- 192 TYROSIN. NH.CO in the form of tyrosin-hydantoin * OH . C6H4 - C2H8 ' XCO. NH This substance is the anhydride of tyrosin hydantoic acid 2 OH . C6H4 - C2H3 (NH . CO . NH2) COOH. and analogous to the similar compounds excreted after the ingestion of sarkosin and taurin. (See pp. 141, 143.) It yields tyrosin, am- monia, and carbonic dioxide when heated with baryta in sealed tubes. 4. Kynurenic acid. C10H7N08. [C9H5N . OH . COOH.] Oxy- chinolin-carboxylic acid. This acid occurs characteristically but in variable amounts in the urine of dogs, but does not appear to have been found normally in that of man. It was first described by Liebig.3 It is most readily separated horn fresh urine by precipitation with phospho- tungstic acid after the addition of hydrochloric acid ; it is then FIG. 33. CRYSTALS OF KYNURENIC ACID. (After Kiihne.) liberated from the precipitate by the action of baryta.4 It may also be obtained by concentrating the urine to one-third of its bulk, acidulating with hydrochloric acid and allowing it to stand in a cool place for several days until the separation of the acid is complete.5 It may be separated from admixed uric acid by solu- tion in dilute ammonia. It is practically insoluble in cold water, slightly so in boiling water, and readily soluble in hot alcohol and 1 Blendennann. Ibid. Bd. vi. (1882), S. 234. 2 Jaffe', Ibid. Bd. vn. (1883), S. 306. 3 Liebig's Annalen, Bd. 86 (1853), S. 125, Bd. 108 (1858), S. 354. 4 Hofmeister, Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. v. (1881), S. 67. Cf. Brieger, Ibid. Bd. iv. S. 89. 6 Schmiedeberg u. Schultzen, Liebig's Annalen, Bd. CLXIV. (1872), S. 155. CHEMICAL BASIS <»!• T1IK ANIMAL iionv. 193 in dilute ammonia. It crystallises in long brilliant white needles which when kept under acidulated water an- often changed into Ion;; glittering foursided prisms. Tins arid forms >alts of which that with barium crystalline- readily and in a very characteristic triangular form. Apart from its crystalline form and tliat of its barium salt this acid may he readily recognised by the following reaction. "When heated on a water bath with hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potash and evaporated to dryuess a reddi>h residue is obtained, which turns at first to a brownish green on the addition of am- monia, and finally to an emerald green.1 :J4. CRYSTALS OF BARIUM KTXI-RKNATE. (After Kulmc.) I'.v prolonged heating to 250 — 260° kynuivnic acid carbonic anhydride and is converted into kynurin (o.\y« •hinolin ) C9H«N (OH), and when heated with /inc dust in a current of hydro-en it is converted into chinolin C,H6N (OH) -f- H, = C II N + ll-jO. These reactions throw considerable liu-ht on the constitution of the acid.2 The amount of kynurenic acid in the urine is increased on the :ion of isatin. a product of the oxidation of indigo.3 Under ordinary conditions its amount in this excretion is dependent upon the nature of the food supplied to the animal, being greatest under a pioteid diet, and is not related to the occurrence or absence of putrefactive processes in the alimentary canal 4 PhenoL C,H6.OH. Oxybenxol. (Gufcolio or pheny Ho acid.) This substance is formed, together with indol and skatol. dur- ing the putrefactive decompo>ition ,,f protvids, more es|>criully in prolonged putrefactive pancreatic digestions.6 From these it may 1 Jaffa', 7.1. f. ph,i»ih n. I'-l irokl, I'll... I'-l v rl-7-.'l. S. 353. • 1'lu / 173 See also Alnufo, Ibid., Bd xvii. (i-:- . s Ki7 .rmi!./.ky. /,t / i>fiii»iol. Chem. Bd. xil. (1888), Sn 355. 196 PYROCATECHIK acid,1 C7H7O . S02OH. The general conditions of its presence in urine are practically identical with those for the occurrence of phenylsulphuric acid.2 When introduced into the animal body the three isomeric kresols undergo distinctly different oxidational changes.3 Reactions. On the addition of an excess of bromine water to its solutions parakresol yields a brominated derivative, but the compound is only obtained in a separate and crystalline form after prolonged standing, differing characteristically from the analogous compound of phenol, which under similar circumstances is formed rapidly. It yields a reddish yellow colouration with potassium nitroprusside and caustic potash, which turns bright pink on the addition of an excess of acetic acid.4 Aceton gives a similar reaction. With furfurol and sulphuric acid the reaction is closely similar to that which phenol gives.5 7. Pyrocatechin. C6H4 (OH)2, Orthodioxybenzol. This substance occurs, in small amounts in human urine united with sulphuric acid as a mono-ethereal compound OH . C6H4 . O . S02OH. It is more plentifully present in the urine of herbivora, especially of the horse, and is largely increased in amount by the administration of benzol or phenol.6 It is also stated to occur in cerebrospinal fluid." When present in urine it (together with hydrochinon) confers on this excretion, especially if alkaline, the property of turning successively greenish, brown, and finally dark- brown or almost black on exposure to the air, and of readily re- ducing solutions of metallic salts, a fact to be taken into account when dealing with the presence or absence of sugar in the urine. Solutions of pyrocatechin turn emerald green on the addition of a few drops of very dilute solution of ferric chloride, avoiding all excess of the reagent. If the green solution is now acidulated with tartaric acid, it turns violet on the subsequent addition of a little ammonia and purplish-red on the addition of excess. The green colour may be restored by excess of acetic acid.8 It may 1 Baumann, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. ix. (1876), S. 1389. Zt. f. ph>/siol. Chem. Bd. 11. (1878), S. 335. Preusse; Ibid. S. 355. Brieger, Ibid. Bd. iv. (1880), S. 204. 2 Baumann u. Brieger; Ibid. Bd. in. (1879), S. 149. Baumann, Ibid. IT. S. 304. For the detection and separation of the kresols and phenol see Baumaun u. Brieger, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. XH. (1879), S. 804. Baumann, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vi. (1882), S 183. Brieger, Ibid. Tin. (1883), S. 311. '3 Preusse, Ibid. Bd. T. (1881), S. 57. * v. Jacksch, Zt.f. klin. Med. Bd. vm. (1884), S. 130. 5 Udranszky, cit. (sub phenol). 6 See Baumann, Pfl tiger's Arch. Bd. xn. (1876), S. 63, Baumann u. Herter, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. I. (1877), S. 248, Baumann u. Preusse, Ibid. Bd. ill. (1879), S. 156. Brieger, Arch. f. phi/siol. Jahrg. 1879, Suppl.-Bd. S. 61. Nencki u. Giacosa, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. 'IT. (1880), S. 325. Schmiedeberg, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. xiv. (1881), S. 288. 7 Halliburton, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. x. (1889), p. 247. 8 Ebstein u. Miiller, Yin-how's Arch. Bd. LXT. (1875), S. 394. See also Jacquemin, Rev. Med. de PEst. T. TIII. (1877), p. 90. (INIMICAL UASIS <>r THK ANIMAL K<>I>Y. I'.i? be distinguished from hydrochinon by yielding a precipitate \vitli normal acetate ill lead which is Soluble in acetic acid, whereas the latt' T substance does not No simple directions can be given for the separation and estimation of pyrocatechin in presence of phenol, kivsnl, and hydrochinon.1 Hut little is known as to the source of this substance in urine apart t'r«>m its probable formation from the phenol produced by putrefactive changes in tin- alimentary canal. In herbivora there is some evidence that it is derived from certain aromatic consti- tuents of their food.- 8. Hydrochinon. C«H4 (OH)2. Pared i o. xy he nxol. II kfl not yet been described as occurring normally in urine, but only as the result of the invest ion of phenol. It exists in urine as an ethereal compound with sulphuric acid, and is largely tin- cause of the dark colour which this excretion assumes after tin- absorption of phenol on exposure to the air. It resembles pvr<>- cati-chin in effecting the reduction of metallic salts, but differs from it in being nearly insoluble in cold benzol and in not yield- ing any precipitate with normal lead acetate. This latter property sutlices for its separation from pyroeatechin. It is readily con- verted by oxidation into chinon C,,Hi( }-- whose characteristic odour affords a further means of identification, ami when heated in an open test-tube it yields a blue sublimate.3 The third known isomeric dioxyben/ol. vix. meta-dioxybeii/ol ••sore-in, has not yet been found in the animal body or in urine. Tin: IM>K;O SKIMKS. ' 1. Indol. (Ml N Indol oeniix <-haracteri their ]»eculiai Iv unplea-ant odour.1 It- pi- In-ie is due to its formation during tin- putrefactive decomposition of proteid^ which u-ually «iccur> t' extent in the alimentary canal, part of the ind<>l leaving the body in the urine :im -alt of indoxyl-iilpliurie •''"/'•'), the mder bi-ing excreted with the f.i-ce<. It may readily be obtained, contaminated b\ varying' '|iiantities of phenol and /: /,/,v.<,V r/,,,,,. H,| M \vn t» occur in several plants (Indigofera tinctoria, l>atis tim-tuna ) Ilnjij.e- Seyl.-r r»teids. Further, when administered to animals, it leads to a correspondingly increased output of urinary indii -an,:{ an increase which is similarly observed as the result of either a normally, pathologically, or experimentally in<-i activity of putrefactive processes in the alimentary canal.4 Hence indican is under normal conditions more plentiful in the urine of herbivoia than of carnivora. It is al.-o increased in carnivorous urine under a meat diet, is not increased by the administration of gelatin and is l.-ast during starvation, although in the latin it may not entirely disappear.6 These facts correspond again to tin- experimental observations that gelatin does not yield indol during its putrefactive decomposition,0 whereas inucin does,7 and the latter substance constitutes a part at least of the content < "I the alimentary canal during starvation. These statements show cl.-arlv the origin and mode of formation of urinary indican. the •rmed indol undergoing oxidation into indoxyl, which is siil.si..|uently united t«i the elements of sulphuric acid and exm-tcd as an ethereal compound Indoxyl-sulphuric acid is nut known in the free state; it< m<.st important salt is that with ]><,ta — mm, the form in which it occurs 1 For f>:irlior literature *••<• II /*iW -/x///i rlrm. An.-U.T . / MM » Jnff. t'.nir.ilh f. d. mrd. Wiu. 1872, Sn. 2. 481, 497. UCXM877). 8 72. nrtwi-iU-r. M« »lw> Abrt. in dbwA is:-. ^ ;i \v..\i. /.• i pkg$bt • •«- M.I i. n-r:i, s 339. ; WaU-lili, .In f'. rr,,k-t. L'htm iNM'.). M-l. \MI. (1878), S. 71. 200 INDIGO-BLUE. in urine.1 When warmed in aqueous solution with hydrochloric acid it decomposes into indoxyl and potassium sulphate : — C8H6N . O . S02 . OK + H2O = C8H6N (OH) + KHS04. Indoxyl by oxidation is converted into indigo-blue : — 2C8H6N (OH) + 02 = C16H10N202 + 2H20. The blue colouration which results from the above reaction affords the one test for the presence of indican in urine. The test is applied as follows (Jaffe'). A small volume of urine (10 c.c.) is mixed with an equal volume of strong hydrochloric acid and 2 — 3 c.c. of chloroform. A strong solution of chloride of lime is then added drop by drop, shaking after the addition of each drop. If indican is present the layer of chloroform which settles on standing will be coloured more or less brilliantly blue accord- ing to the amount of indican in the urine.2 The formation of indigo-blue is also the basis for the quantitative estimation of indican. The latter is converted into indigo-blue by oxidation and the indigo-blue is estimated either by weighing or colori- metrically or spectrophotometrically.3 3. Indigo-blue. C16H10N2O2. It is formed, as stated above, from indican, and gives rise to the bluish colour sometimes observed in sweat and urine. It may, by slow formation from indican, be obtained in fine crystals ; these are insoluble in water, slightly soluble, with a faint violet colour, in alcohol and in ether. Chloroform dissolves them to a slight extent, as also does benzol. Indigo is soluble in strong sulphuric acid, forming at the same1 time two compounds with the acid, indigo mono- and di-sulphonic acids. The sodium salts of these acids are soluble in water and, when mixed with sodium sulphate, constitute the crude ' indigocarmine ' of com- merce, and in a purer form the sulphindigotate of soda used in certain experiments on the nature of the excretory activity of the kidney and other glands (see § 416). These soluble sulphonates give an absorption band in the spectrum which lies to the red side of and close to the D line. This may be used to detect indigo. Indigo as ordinarily seen possesses a pure blue colour ; it leaves a reddish copper-coloured mark when pressed with a hard body, and the crystals exhibit the same colour if seen in reflected light. Treated with reducing agents in strongly alkaline solution in- 1 For its isolation and preparation from urine see Baumann u. Brieger, Zl. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. in. (1879), S. 254. See also Baumann u. Tiemanu, Ber. 'd. deutsch. Chem. Gesell. xn. (1879), Sn. 1098, 1192 ; and xm. (1880), S. 408. 2 Jafft', Pfluger's Arch. Bd. HI. (1870), S. 448. Cf. Senator, Centralb. f. d. med, Wiss. 1877, S. 357. 3 For details and literature see Xeubauer u. Vogel, Die Harnanalyse, 1890, S. 492. CHEMICAL BASIS OF T1IK ANIMAL BODY. _ul digo is decolourised, being reduced to indigo-white. The latter contains two atoms of hydrogen nn>re than indigo, is ivcon\ into indigo-blue by exposure to the air, ami thus piovi convenient reaction for the detection of either indigo or of re- ducing substances such as dexin r /NH\ i 1. Skatol. C.H.N. CJV ;CH. .Methyl-indol. L ^ C^ CH, Skatol was first noticed and detinitely described by Brit ••_• ring in human fares together with indol. the latter u-ually being less in amount than the former.1 Later researches have shown that the conditions of it- production are in general the -aim- as tln»e for the formation of indol, so that the two sub- -lance- iiccur mixed in variable proportions among the products of the putrefactive decomposition of proteids2 or brain-sub-tam-e '•* ami of the action of caustic potash at high temperatures on pio- teid-.4 In tin- former case it apjniars to be produced at a later than i- imlol. -o that on tlie whole it is most preponderant the longer the putrefactive change is allowed to proceed. Its nee in the fares is thus due to causes similar to tho-e which ace. milt for the presence of indol, and the resemblance is further shown by the fact that a portion of the fir-t -formed skatol is al. -orbed, oxidi-ed. and appears externally in the urine as ska: sulphuric acid (see below). •••I is tWined in -mall ipiant itics during the preparation «•! ind.,1 hv reduction f n. in indigo/' It may In- partly mm erted into indol by j,a--i: !».iir- through a red-hot porcelain tube.* Tlie c'.n.-ti- tntin: I ua- f.ire>lia«l"\ved I -v its prepa rat !• ni fnnn the barium -alt- ,,i ..rtho-nitrociiniini,- a. -id. (< 'I I :),< '1 1 . < . CiM»ir and clearlv proved bv it- -\nthetic pi-.idiictinii fn.ni pn>p\ lidcne-pheny lliv- drax.i \II . N ' CII . Ml.. <'H3, the ],r.,durt ..f the ai-ti.ui ..f aldehyde (CH, . CH.. «'< Ml ) on phenylhydra/in ((',11 .Ml. » ttrr. tl. ,1. cl.rm. Crs,!!. TM. X. (IS7T). S. 10a;. .In f. /.»•„ IM xvii. .1-"- > l.'l A dOMlj >iinil;ir. if not i.li-iitirul. stil^tui. n.itirfil. I. lit nut rli-:irh rli:ir:u trri"«'.iiiiiii <>( pr-' 'nilar iliTniii|i< /. f an Ka>t Indian tree. Celt is ret imlosa.* — nt fr»m the faecen of the dog. - Hi.' rhii-f n-i-iinl •>( its ..<•< nrn iu-e is in a ca»e of diabetes mellitus with clisiiirUnri-. Otin. PlluiirrV A»-l, IM \XMII !--»).> M. • '..//I. 15,1. xii dssH). - I 10 \ .-iinilar c.iin|Miun.J ..f iml'i\\ 1 \\iili ^hiiir"iiic :niil ha* been tlcscrilx-.l. S<-liinio(lcberK. .1 /'nth. n. rtinrw. lid . "xiv. (issi). g j,l,'i.- tin- lilt-ratlin- «>f this >ub*ttnce >.ilk-.w^ki. Zr. /: i>h>t»i»l. Chftn. IM MM S 117. i\. (I --4'. Mi I « Dniistrui. rimrm. .11. V,,l \i\ (1889), \> IDlo />,, ,1 ,1 . ,•>„,„ CeteU. (Referate), IM \\n (isv.i,.s. ui Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol M.M (1889), p. all. 204 PTOMAINES. THE PTOMAINES. The now extensive literature of these substances may be most con- veniently and inclusively indicated by reference to the following publications. Selmi (to whom the name ptomaine is due), Sidle ptomaine od alcaloidi cadaverici. Bologna, 1878. Gautier, Compt. Rend. T. xciv. (1882), p. 1119. Guareschi e Mosso, Arch. ital. de Biol. T. ii. (1883), p. 367; HI. (1883), p. 241. Abstr. in Jn. f. prakt. Chem. (N.F.), Bd. xxvii. S. 425; xxvm. S. 504. Brieger, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1883), S. 274. Ber. d. d. chem. Qexell. Bd. xvi. (1883), Sn. 1186, 1405. E. u. H. Salkowski, Ibid. S. 1191. Brieger, Ibid. Bd. xvn. (1884), Sn. 515, 1137, 2741; xix. (1886), S. 3119. Ueber Ptomaine, i., u. Berlin, 1885; HI. 1886: gives litera- ture to date. See resume with references by O. Schultz, Biol. Centralb. Bd. vi. (1886-87), Sn. 685, 726, 739. Gautier, Bull. deVacad. de med. Jan. 12, 19, 1886 (largely on the leukomaines). Udranszky u. Baumann, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. xm. (1889), S. 562. Brieger, Virchow's Arch. Bd. cxv. (1889), S. 483. The last contains a most useful list of known ptomaines, with empirical and constitutional formulae, name of discoverer with date of discovery, sources, action, and characteristic reactions. Although the substance to which the above name has been given (from Tn-oi/Aa, a corpse) are now known to belong chiefly to the class of compounds called amines,1 so that they provide no chemical sequence to the bodies previously described, their charac- teristic production during the putrefactive decomposition of animal tissues seems to make this a suitable place for treating of them. The ptomaines as a group may be said to closely resemble the class of substances long known under the name of alkaloids and obtained from plant tissues. The resemblance is shown not merely in their chemical constitution, but more obviously in their similar solubilities in various fluids, in their general behaviour towards reagents, and in some cases even in their specific reactions, and more especially in their frequently powerful (poisonous) action on the animal organism, the actions of certain ptomaines being almost identical with those of certain vegetable alkaloids. The ptomaines may therefore be regarded as alkaloids of animal origin. The close similarity of- the two classes of substances has hence endowed the ptomaines with very considerable interest from a medico-legal point of view, in virtue of the not infrequent use of the vegetable-alkaloids for criminal purposes and the now obvious possibility that the detection of alkaloids in the corpse may afford no reliable information as to the administration of the same dur- 1 An amine is, strictly speaking, a compound ammonia in which one or more atoms of hydrogen have been replaced by some oxygen-free radical. Several of the ptomaines, however, contain oxygen in their molecule, as do also many of the vegetable alkaloids. The constitution of those ptomaines which contain oxygen has not in most cases as yet been as definitely determined as has that of those which contain uone. CHEMICAL BASIS OF TIIH ANIMAL BOD\ iii'4 lif'1.1 They are further of considerable and increasing patho- tl interest, and that from tw.i point* of view. In tin- tir-t place, as products of tin- u'-n.-ml putrefactive change- which animal tissues undeigo, they may account tor tip- severe symptom* and not infrequent death which iv-ult- t'r«»ni tin- consuinption a* food of fish, sausages, ami tinned-meats. In the second there appears to he increasing evidence of the formation of s) ptomaines liy tin- organism- rhararii-ri>tir of sp.-cific disea-. that the pathological conditions may be dm- rather to the products formed hy the organisms than to tin- organism* tln-m-elves diivcth . a possibility of no small importance in the liidit of recent prophy- laetie le-eaivh. While the general reactions of the ptomaines place them, as already stated, side hy side with the vegetable alkaloid-, their specific reactions and properties exhibit considerable diflei. both in comparison with ea,ch other and with those of the alka- loids- Some are liquid and highly volatile so that they pass off readily during distillation of their aqueous solutions, othei liquid and noil-volatile, others aijain solid and crystalline. They exhibit equally marked diHeivnces in their solubilities. Thu- neither ben/ol nor petroleum-ether will extract them from their iqiieniis solution. Kther on the other hand dissolves out a fe\v of the ptomaines from an acid solution and a lar^e majority from an alkaline solution. Some are more particularly soluble in chloroform, a few are insoluhle in any of il rents. Amyl- alcohol is the one reagent in which as a class they appear to be almost Ljenerally soluble ( Ihie^er). Their behaviour with the u-i'ial alkalojdal precipitant- (mercuric and platinic chlorides, tannie acid, the double iodides of potassium with nn-rcury and other metal-. \-c.) i- equally varied. Tin y are all j-recipitated by phospho-molybdk a-'id. ami most of tin-in yield crystalline com- pounds with a >olution of iodine in hydriodic acid. 1'o-si-s-ed of an alkaline reaction they further act as powerful reducing ayeiit-, many of them <-onvertin.^ ferri- into fern.cv ani«le-. the reduction bein-4 evidence. 1 by the formation of Prussian blue on the simulta- neoii- addition of ferric chloride. This projN-rty is ho\', t-y many vegetable alkaloids and not by every ptomaine . i not therefore be regarded aa a specific • bh6M -iib-i ...utii-r). Some of the ptomaines < are extraordinarily poisonou-. producing eH-.-ts which ar< qiiently sjM-cific, Imt in many cases similar to those of certain table alkaloids. Others a^ain are quite in. The separation of the ptomaines, a- of the vegetable alkali involves the application of methods Sta--< Uto's, Hrieger's)8 which 1 For owe* in point nee HUIOHIMIIH. .1"A ./ /'/,,/ ,„ (Itciho.T) ».!•• Xix " 481. ^ * L'ntert. Ob. Ptomaine, n. 1885. B 206 PTOMAINES. admit of no suitably brief description. The principle involved in each consists in preparing a concentrated alcoholic, ethereal, or chloroformic extract of the mother-substance, and from this crystalline compounds of the alkaloids are prepared by the addi- tion of suitable reagents.1 A further means for their final separa- tion consists in the formation of benzoylated compounds which are insoluble in water.2 Alkaloidal substances, some poisonous, others inert, may also be obtained both from normal but more particularly from pathological urines.3 The first distinct evidence that the poisonous properties of cer- tain (septic) fluids might be due to a specific chemical substance rather than necessarily to the action of organisms in those fluids is apparently due to Panum, who seems to have dealt with a septic alkaloid in a very pure form, although he did not definitely characterise it as a chemical substance.4 This was followed by a series of observations all tending in the same direction, but none of the observers obtained the supposed specifically toxic substances in forms which enabled them to be spoken of as chemical in- dividuals until Nencki in 1876 5 isolated from the products of the pancreatic putrefaction of gelatin a well-crystallised base C8HUN, to which he assigned the constitutional formula /CH3 C6H5 — CH and hence the name isophenyl-ethylainm. XNH Since then the ptomaines have been in most cases fairly definitely and in some cases absolutely characterised as regards their chemi- cal composition and constitution. They belong typically to the class of substances known as amines and are in many cases dia- mines. Two of the most clearly defined ptomaines are cadaverin and putrescin. These are found in corpses which have undergone putrefactive decomposition, cadaverin appearing in the earlier stages of putrefaction, and putrescin preponderating in the later. The latter is largely present in putrid herrings.6 The former is identical with pentamethylen-diamine NH2 (CH2)5NH2.7 The latter has been shown to have the constitution of tetramethylen- diamine NH2 (CH2)4NH2. They have both recently been obtained as conspicuous constituents of urine from a case of cystinuria, and 1 For description of these methods see Halliburton, Chem. Physio', and Pathol. 1891, p. 175. Otto, toe. at. S. 103. - Udranszky u. Baumann, Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. xm. (1889), S. 562. 3 For details and literature see Neubauer u. Vogel, Anal. d. Hams. 1890, S 241 et seq. * Published originally in Danish in Bibliothek. f. Ldqer, April, 1856, S. 253 Fully abstracted in Schmidt's Jahrbiicher d. yes. Med. Bd. ci. (1859), S. 213, and republished in Virchow's Arch. Bd. LX. (1874), S. 301, with literature up to date. 6 Ueb. d. Zersetz. d. Gelatine u. s. w. Bern, 1876. See later Jn. f. prakt. Chem. Bd. xxvi. (1882), S. 47. 6 Bocklisch, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. xvm. (1885), Sn. 86, 1922; xx. (1887), S. 1441. 7 Ladenburg, Ibid. Bd. xix. (1886), S. 2585. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 207 uj'1't-ar t<> owe their origin to putrefactive processes occurriiiL1 in the intestine.1 They are both somewhat viscid fluids uhirh illise at low temperatures, and yield readily crystallisable compounds with acids and salts of gold, platinum, and mercury. Their henzoyl compounds are insoluble in water and hemv atlord a convenient means for their separation. Cholin and the highly toxic neurin, whn-h really belong to this class, have already been : il>ed. (See above pp. 135, 136.) This name has been applied by Gautier2 to those basic (alkali tidal) sul>stances which occur in linn;/ tissues and are to be regarded as products of their normal metabolism and thus distinct from ptomaines. They are obtained by extracting finely minced ox-flesh with an extremely dilute aqueous solution of oxalic acid. According to Gautier this extract may contain the following six liases: Xanthokreatiniii, r5Hi0N40; Chrysokreatinin, CSH8N4O, Amphikivatinin, C8H19N7O4, Pseudoxanthin, C4H5N»O and two, as yet unnamed, with the composition CnH24N,,,<>. and ClaH,5NnO8 respectively. They probably stand in close relation- ship to ]>araxanthin, C7H8X4O2, heteroxanthin, C«H6N4O2, and adenin C;H-NT6 (see above, p. 181), and it is interesting to note that comparing the formulie of the leukomaines with each other and with those of kreatinin C4H7N80 and kreatin C4H9N8Oj they •"ii ml to differ in several cases by the group CNH. The leukiiniaines are regarded by Gautier as feebly toxic alka- loidal products of metabolism from which the organism is normally freed either by their excretion, since they are found in urine (see above), or by destructive oxidation, and it has further -uggested that their abnormal retention in the economy may the i a use of certain obscure pathological conditions.3 THE BILE-ACIDS. 1. Cholalic (or cholic) acid. C^H^O,. To avoid confn>i..n the t.-nu •••ln.lic' should be in all cases used as synonym..^ \\ith • rliolalir. ' I >«-mar<-a\ . who first described choUlk a.-'nl a- a pr-nlnet i-f tin- .!••.•.. iii|i..-.it i..n ..f bile-acids, gave it tin- naim- of chnlic arid.4 Tin- iiaiin- 'i-lu'lalir' is |..-rlia|» tin- ln-tt.T. >ino- it in. IK -at i- tin- in. -tli.. «1 1'V \\lii<-li tin- l.ilr-a«-i«l* IM d000mpOWd it- j.p-parati vi/. l.y t r.-atnnMit with alkalis. The name 1 ri!niti-/kv ii Haamann, lot. tit. Sea also Stadthagen u Rrieger, Virchow'g Artl, 190. r In alca< --lion tmrtSrifniK t\»»n» aniinmir. Paris, 1886. Bull, de I'ura d. dt ' The name is .Ifriv.-.l fpun A*v«»ua. ix-ranionally used to denote whit* of egg, and hence to iinlir:itf their i>rii;iii fnun iin>t.-. H..u.-har.l. r,.,n,.t. I;. (1886), pp. 669, 727. I 4 Li. Kite's .Un ltd xxvii (1838), 8 270. 208 CHOLALIC ACID. was first applied by Ginelin 1 and subsequently by Strecker 2 to the acid which is now always known as glycoeholic. The acid now known as taurocholic was originally called 'choleic' by Dernarcay, and the same name has been quite recently used to denote an acid (C25H4204) closely related to cholalic acid (see below). This acid occurs in traces as a product of the decomposition of the bile-acids in the small intestine, in larger quantities in the contents of the large intestine, and in the faeces of man and many animals. In icterus the urine is also stated to frequently contain traces of this acid. Its principal interest lies in its being the starting-point, by its union with glycin or taurin, for the acids which, as sodium salts, exist characteristically in bile (see below). Owing to the readiness with which ox-bile can be obtained in large quantities, this has been most frequently used for the prep- aration of cholalic acid, whose properties as usually given hence refer to the acid as obtained from this source. More recent re- searches have however demonstrated comparatively unimportant but still distinct differences in the composition and properties of the acid as it occurs in the bile-acids of different animals. The description of the acid which here follows refers to that form which is obtained from ox-bile. Preparation. This depends upon the decomposition of the bile-acids (glycocholic and taurocholic) by means of alkalis at boiling temperature. It is not however necessary to employ the purified acids for this purpose since the raw bile suffices. The bile is boiled for twenty-four hours with as much caustic baryta as it will hold in solution, concentration during this operation being avoided by means of a condenser attached to the mouth of the flask. When the decomposition is complete the fluid is filtered while still hot, and the filtrate concentrated until crystals, con- sisting of the barium salt of the acid, are copiously formed. These are then purified by recrystallisation from boiling water and de- composed by the addition of hydrochloric acid. The free cholalic acid is finally obtained in a pure form by solution in a small volume of boiling alcohol from which it separates out in the crystalline form on cooling. As thus prepared the acid possesses the following properties. The crystals obtained from hot alcoholic solutions are usually in the form of large rhombic tetrahedra or octahedra, containing 2£ molecules of water of crystallisation which may be driven off by heating to 100° C. The crystals are but slightly soluble (1 in 750) either in water, even when boiling, or in ether, but readily soluble in alcohol. This acid may also be obtained in an amor- phous form by concentrating its solutions to dryness, and is now 1 Die Verdauung nach Versuchen, 1826. 2 Liebig's Ann. Bd. LXV. (1848), S. 1. CHKMK'AL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 209 iisoluble than when crystallised. If the amorphous acid is di>r M\-sided prisms which are anhydrous. When the sodium salt of cholalic acid is decomposed under ether by the addition of hydrochloric acid, the acid may be obtained in rhombic plat--- containing one molecule of water. The alkali and barium salt- oi' eh'ilalie aeid are soluble in water and in alcohol, especially when warm, and yield, like the free acid, dextro-rotatory solution-. rW solutions of the anhydrous acid («)D = -}- 50°. When tallised with 2£ H2O, (a)D = -f-35°. In alcoholic solutions of the sodium salt (a)D = -}- 310g4 (Hoppe-Seyler). The constitution of cholalic acid is scarcely as yet definitely rCOOB known, but may be represented by CWH31 J (CHjOH),.1 It yields I GHOH with iodine a compound which, like that resulting from the inter- action of iodine and starch, possesses a brilliantly blue colour and is specifically distinctive, since it cannot be obtained either from the bile-acids or choleic acid (see below) or the products of the decomposition of cholalic acid.2 When cholalic acid is prepared from human bile it exhibits ii differences, more especially as regards the lesser solubili- t its alkali and barium salts, which led to its being regarded as di-tinct from that obtained from ox-bile, and hence it was called anthropoeholalic acid. It appears however that the bulk of the acid is identical with that from ox-bile, the slight difference being due to an admixture with another acid either choleic, as was first supposed, or fell: add, C86H42O4. Is ol.tained in small ani<>unt> mixed with rholalir arid during tin- preparation .if tin- latter from "\-l>ilr. It from cholalic acid in the solubility of iti >alt>and the products of its oxidational decomposition.4 1 ;: '';. Obtained in small aniouuN from human I'ile during the preparation i.f i.rdinary rlmhilii- arid. It i- rhararter- i-ed \>\ the extn-nie i iis< •! ii hi 1 i t y ••!' its barium and maijne-iuiii -alt-. It :il-- \ ielcl^ ;i less brilliant lVttcnk"tVr r.'a.-ti..n (-•>• l..-l,,\\ ) than ••holalir arid. The l.il.-arid> of the pig and goose when di ..... mp"-rd \iehl f.-n rholalie arid called re>j.ert ivrl y hy<>-cholalic acid ('_ II, « ',. and cheno- cholalir / ,/ ,/,-,„ Stag. IM. xx. (IR87). S. 1968. * M% S. 683 an.l Zt f. pkytiol. Ckem. Bd. xi. (1887), S. 306. See al«O H.I \; * S«-h..tt.-n. /.i. i. phifiitJ. Chem. Bd. x. (1886), S. - 268. ff. ll. r. d. d. ckem. Guett. Bd. xviu. (1885), S. 3039. 6 Schotteu, /or 14 210 DYSLYSIK GLYCOCHOLIC ACID. 2. Dyslysin. C^H^O,. When cholalic acid is heated to 200° C. or boiled for some time in solution with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid it loses two mole- cules of water and yields a resinous anhydride called dyslysin, from its insolubility in water, alcohol, and alkalis. As resulting from the dehydration of cholalic acid it is found sometimes in small amount in the faeces. It is a non-crystalline substance which is soluble in an excess of ether, also in solutions of cholalic acid or of its salts. By treatment with boiling alkalis it may be reconverted by hydration into cholalic acid. The various forms of cholalic acid which may be prepared from the bile of different animals each yield a corresponding form of dyslysin. 3. Glycocholic acid. C^H^NO,,. This substance was first described by Gmelin (1826), by whom it was then named ' cholic acid.' It is found not in the free state but as a sodium salt, chiefly in ox-bile but also in that of man, mixed in both cases with a much smaller and variable amount of taurocholic acid, also present as a sodium salt. In carnivora it occurs, if at all, in such minute traces only, that it may be said to be absent from the bile of these animals ; hence their bile-acid consists entirely of taurocholic acid.1 In icterus the urine may contain small quantities of glycocholic acid. Preparation. This may be affected in several ways, using ox- bile as the source ; of these the following is as convenient as any (Drechsel).2 The bile is mixed with washed sand and evaporated on a water-bath until it presents a pulverisable mass. This is then extracted in a flask with strong boiling alcohol and yields a green solution, which is filtered, decolourised with animal char- coal, and concentrated to a sirup. The latter is then dissolved in a minimal quantity of absolute alcohol and precipitated by an excess of ether. The precipitate which consists of glycocholate of soda together with the corresponding salt of any taurocholic acid which is present in the bile, is collected, dissolved in a little water, and acidulated with sulphuric acid in presence of some ether as long as any precipitate is formed. By this means the acids are separated from their sodium salts, and on standing a crystalline mass of glycocholic acid is obtained, practically free from taurocholic acid, which, since it is, unlike the glycocholic, extremely soluble in cold water, remains in solution in the mother liquor. The crystals may be purified by recrystallisation from 1 For earlier references to the bile-acids of various animals see Bayer, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. in. (1879), S. 293. 2 Anleit. z. Darstell. physiol. -chem. Praparate, 1889, S. 33. CHEMICAL BASIS OF Till; ANIMAL BODY. 211 }u.'t water in which they are soluble, separating out again as their solution cools.1 The acid crystallises in fine glistening needles. which require about 300 parts of c..ld hut only li!0 ..f hot water for their solu- tion. They are also very soluble in alcohol, hut practically in- snluhlc in ether. The salts ut' tliis acid, more especially those with tin- alkalis, an- extremely soluble e-ven in c..ld water. also in alcohol, but very slightly BO if at all in ether. I'.oth tip acid and its salts are dextro-rotatory: for the former, in alcoholic solutions, (a)D = +29-0°, for the latter (a)D=+L).V7 < ll»ppe- Sevl.-r). (llycocholic acid is a compound of cholalic a.-id and gly< -in ( glycocoll) or amido-acetic a. id. When boiled with hy- orolysing agenta such as dilute acids or alkalis it takes up one molecule of water and is resolved into its components: — Cholalic acid. , 4- H80 = v tin- n-niiival «\ one m»lrcule "t" \vati-r yii-ld> iilyi-'u-li acid. C.j.-.HuNn.. Tin- l-ariiiin >alt nf this la->t acid is iii>«>ltil>li- in . which fact is nf importance. >ince cholmiic acid j -.early tin- .-aim- -1'i-rilic rotatory power a^ <;1\ coeliolic acid. I Taurocholic acid. « II \ This acid is founlen- tifully present in that of man. The bile of the dog Contains tanroeholic acid alom-, unmixed with »n rntinii. The. method de-crihcd ahove suflices to obtain olvcocholic acid free from tanroeholic. On the other hand it is not l.v any means easy to ol.tain the hitter free from the former, iirocholic acid is extremely soluhlr in water (its crystals are deliqiieNi-ent) and this solution can readily dissolve the much l«-s readilv solnlde olycocholjc acid. Hence the mother liquor from lycocholic acid crv-taN contains not merely the tauroch'- •/ I'/iytioi. Hd. v .1 i : MUius. /*. f.fkftU. Chrm. Hit. xi. (1887). S. 331 212 TAUKOCHOLIC ACID. This is next washed, suspended in alcohol, and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. After removal of the sulphide of lead by filtration the alcoholic filtrate is concentrated and the tauro- cholic acid precipitated by an excess of ether. This yields a sirupy mass which may become partly crystalline on standing : the crystals at once deliquesce on exposure to the air.1 As dog-bile is not readily obtainable in large quantity at any one time, it may be desirable sometimes to obtain taurocholic acid from the mother liquor left in the preparation of glycocholic acid. The separation is effected by the addition of a little ammonia and normal lead acetate. This precipitates both glycocholic and cholalic acid, but not taurocholic. After the removal of this precipitate the tauro- cholic acid is prepared as already described by the addition of basic lead acetate to the filtrate. This acid, as already stated, is extremely soluble in water and in alcohol, but not in ether ; so also are its salts with the excep- tion of the one formed on the addition of basic lead acetate in presence of ammonia, which is insoluble in water and in alcohol. The acid and its salts are dextro-rotatory ; for the sodium salt in alcoholic solution (a)D = -f 24'5°. If dissolved in water the rotatory power is less, and in this respect it resembles glycocholic acid. When hydrolised it readily takes up a molecule of water and is decomposed into taurin and cholalic acid : — Taurin Cholalic acid. C26H45NS07 + H20 = NH2 . CH2 . CH2 . S02OH + C24H4005. This decomposition may, as in the case of glycocholic acid, be brought about by the action of dilute acids or alkalis, but even mere boiling of an aqueous solution of the acid also suffices, a fact which demonstrates how unstable a substance it is, both absolutely and as compared with glycocholic acid. Tau- rocholic acid has not as yet been observed in the urine in icterus, but since cholalic acid does occur together with glyco- cholic acid, it is probable that the non-appearance of taurocholic acid is due to its decomposition before excretion as a result of its instability. Taurocholic acid possesses a remarkable power of effecting the complete precipitation of ordinary proteids from their solutions, whereas peptones if present at the same time remain unprecipi- tated. This is possibly of some not inconsiderable importance in connection with the changes which proteids undergo in the small intestine, since it leads to the retention of the peptones in a state of solution and hence facilitates their absorption, while the less completely altered proteids are precipitated and thus further ex- 1 Parke, Hoppe-Seyler's Med.-chem. Unters. Hft. 1. (1866), S. 160. CHEMICAL I'.ASIS OF Tin: AMMAL i;ui>v. in:; posed to tin- action of the digestive enzymes.1 It is al>o poeai nl powerful antiseptic properties.2 The ariils (.litaiiird ip.in tin- l.ile <.f dit'tWi-nt auiinaU differ slightly in pn.pert ii-s ami c(.in|...>it imi. dependent ly. a> already -tati-d. up-m the dii't'ereiir.-> I iet \\een t In- >e\ i Tal forms of cholalic acid with which either the u'lyrin i.rtaurin U iv.-pei-' ively united. '/x.a The following is the mure usual method of obtaining the i tion. Bile, which may l.e very considerably diluted, or a dilute solu- tion of bile-salts or acids is mixed in ;i porcelain dish with a i'.-w drops of a 10 p. 0. solution of cane-sugar. Concentrated sulphuric acid is now added to the mixture with constant stirring to an ex- tent not e \cefdini: rt of its volume, the addition of the acid l.ein^ _ulated that the temj.erature of the mixture is not allowed t<. ri-M- a!)Ove70°C. Hereupon a brilliant cherry-red colour makes its appearance and rapidly assumes a magnificent purple tint. < 'n standing for >oine time the colour becomes darker J'.nd of a more distinctly blue tint. The reaction may al-o be obtained by tin- addition of first the acid and then the Mi-ar solution. The suc- cess of the test depends on the careful avoidance of any excessive • \ temperature during the addition of the sulphuric acid and more especially of an\ »f siinar which by beinj,' charred by the acid MJves a brown colouration and masks the typical pinjlc.4 The purple solution if diluted with alcohol (not \\ith water, which lie colour) shows with a spectroscope a characteristic ab- sorption spectrum consisting , ,f t\\,, ab-tin^ of cholalic acid ; this js ill— ..Ived «.n the further addition of acid, after which the d tlC colour makes its appearance. h has ;,].,, iv,eiit]\ shown that the reaction depends upon the formation of fur- |',,| n (|sv»). S. M» • Hammanrtcn. I'tl m. (1870 ...li. :i.iil t.. ^olatiu and its |M-|ituin-» *«••• Kinirli. Vfalru Emich, i di See ml»o Undberger (Swedlnh) See AbKr. in M ./ ITS DKl:l\ATI\ 1. Haemoglobin.2 This is the well-known constituent of the red corpuscles to which tin- dark colour ot' tin- lilooil from an a>phyxiated animal is due. It is also present to a less and .somewhat variable amount in ordinary venous Mood, in proem -.• «»f correspondingly variable amounts of the coniDounoT which it forms ;en, namely oxy-ha-moglobin. In iiornTal arterial blood it is probably present in mere traces, if at all, since here its athnities for oxygen arc completely satisfied to form oxy-ha-iuo- globin. Hai'inoglobin is chiefly ot interest as an oxygen-carrier or respiratory pigment, in virtue of the ease with whieh it ah-orbs and unites in loose combination with oxygen when meivh posed to this gas. and again gives it up when brought into rela- tionship with the oxygen-free tissues of the body. The conditions and phenomena of this fixation and liberation of oxygen by luemo- glol.in have been very fully investigated ; the fundamentally im- portant facts in connection with it have already been stated in some detail in an earlier part of tlii- work ;j ."43 et seq.), so that it is now only necessary to add ><«me farther detail* of ha-moglobin more purely chemical characi Owing to the ea-e and avidity with which lui-moglobin unites with oxygen to form the distinct and stable comiiound known as oxy_-ha-nio^li>biii. it< investigation i- atTended with considi-rable experimental ditlii'iilties . hence our knowledge of it as a chemi- ibatanoe is on the whole le-< complete than is that ol' h.eino^lobin. Ha'inoglobin iriay be obtained in a crystalline but with some considerable difficulty owing to its extreme solubility in water. The crystaK may be prepared by sealing up a concentrated aqueous solution of oxy-htemoglobin in gla-^ tubes from which, it iv. all remaining air is displaced by hydro- gen : on prolonged standing all tip disappear- during the putrefactive reduction which en-u.-. and finally, more readily on exposure to a low temperature, crystals of ha-mogiohjn make their r il.-t.-iiN —I! - i i>hif».-initli. ' I !«-|, .!».///,>• ./. // ui. . -' Tin- Mii^le name hmncwlobin i" n«'«l li- : «liat i- i ami usually ralli-il • r«'.iir •.•,! ' liii-inncloliiu, us distinrt fnun • an- I •First .lcs.Til»-.| l.y Kulm,-. Vio'li..*'.* An-h. M. X\\M. (!•'.). S. 4*3. 216 HAEMOGLOBIN. appearance in the fluid.1 A similar production and formation of crystals is frequently observed when crystals of oxy-haemoglobin are sealed up with Canada balsam under a cover-slip and kept for some time.2 The form of the crystals obtained from the blood of different animals has not yet been fully investigated. They ex- hibit to a marked degree the phenomena of pleochroism, being ap- parently trichromatic.3 Pleochroism is that property possessed by many crystals of appear- ing to differ more or less in colour, in accordance with the direction from which they are viewed by transmitted light. The phenomena are usually investigated by means of a single Nicol prism. For further details consult some special work on mineralogy or the article on this subject in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," Vol. xvi. p. 375. As ordinarily seen the crystals of haemoglobin have a dark red appearance, unlike the bright scarlet of oxy-haemoglobin, with a strong purple or bluish tint They are extremely soluble in water, much moie_aQ than the crystals of oxy-haemoglobin. The optical properties of solutions of haemoglobin have already been suffi- ciently described (§ 346, and see below Fig. 36, No. 5). One of the most remarkable properties of haemoglobin is its power of uniting directly with any one of several gases, such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and, as recent research has shown, possibly carbon dioxide ; the compounds which are thus formed have in the case of the first three gases a definite and constant composition, crystallising more or less readily in characteristic forms and snowing in aqueous solutions absorption spectra which are constant and characteristic for each. (See below.) The chemical composition of haemoglobin does nqt as vet admit of being represented by any definite formula, and indeed its per- centage composition has not been determined by direct analysis. It must be inferred from a knowledge of the probable composi- tion of the more stable and easily crystallisable oxy-haemoglobin and of the quantitative relationships whicR hold good between haemoglobin and oxygen during its conversion into oxy-haemo- globin. As will be seen later on, analysis of purified crystals of oxy-haemoglobin shows that these probably differ in composition as prepared from the blood of different animals, and the same statement therefore probably holds good for haemoglobin. When decomposed in the absence of oxygen (air), as for instance by~The action_of organic acids,'niore dilute mineral acids, orjasat of all by caustic alkalis, it ;yields ajjroteid, of which but little is known (see p. 32), and a coloured substance called by Hoppe-Seyler haemochromogen. The latter on exposure to air absorbs oxygen 1 Hiifner, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. iv. (1880), S. 382. Cf. Nencki u. Sieber, Ber. d. d. cfiem. Gesell. Bd. xix. (1886), Sn. 129,410. 2 A. Ewald, Zt.f. Biol. Bd. xxn. (1886), S. 459. 3 A. Ewald, loc. cit. CIIK.MICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL IH»I»V. LM7 and becomes ordinary ha-matin : it is in fact the substance usually spoken of as reduced ha-matin. (See I..-1..-.. L'. Oxy-haemoglobin. When luemo^lobiu is exposed ti> tin- air it rapidly unites. molecule^ tor molecule, \vitli oxygen, thus becoming oxy-lui-iiKixl' >bin, the characteristic constituent of the red-corpuscles to which the scarlet colour of arterial b|u<>d is du«-.' readily set free from the corpuscles b\ i h- addition to defibrinated Mood of such rluids as alcohol, ether, chloroform. wa_ter, and solutions of bile-salts. or^jbj_jx'jji^edl^fivexiii" "and thawing the blood : when, thus set free it passes7 into soIutiou"iM the jidjaeent serum. Froiu this solution it may !»• obtained a- Aith more or less readiness. dependency upon the kind of animal whose lilood is n-.-d f..r its preparation see vj ."-U,1, the ditl'crciicc l.riim due. j-arily at least, to tlu- varying soluliility of tin- several haemoglobins. .iitain rapidly a microscopic preparation of o\y-ha-nio^lol.in Is it >utli< -es t<» take a drop of the blood of some animal WOOee ha-nioulol.in ery>talli-e- r.-adily (rat, guinea-]ii^, or d- mix a drop of it on a slide with a minute drop of water, and allow the mixture to evaporate until a rin^ of dried substance is formed at the periphery. It' it lie now cnveivd with a rover-slip, ery-taN usually form in a short time, especially if it he kept cooled. I : the preparation of axy-hflemoglobin crystals IIM ;i ]aii,re scale many methods, the >ame in general principles hut diilerin^ >om(-what in detail, have lieen proposed, the ditlieulty of the ju-eparatiou varyin.u' cousideialily acconlinu to the kind of him id u>ed.- laJ»«ratory ]>urpo- ^'lohin may he \. i\ readily ohtained from do^'s hloi.d ;>> follows Kiihue). 'JJn^ blood is detihrinated and strained tlirouyh tine muslin : it is then placed Fn a llask and etlier is julded with frequent shaking until the 1-lood i- ju>t • lak\ .n-] ai.-nt. The tlask is imw -iiiiMiuided 1. in^ mixture of ice ;ind -alt and in a short time it- content- u-ually liec.,me almo-t ; from the m;i- rVStalfl which form in it. Ti. then centrifu^'ali-ed oil', dk-"l\ed in a minim"! amount of 0 ...1,-d !•• It . and after the additio: •! its hulk d alcohol a^ain imnier-.-d in ;i flee/in^' mixture. The -•-•Miid crop . |fl thu> ohtained may he a^ain \< talli-ed U aln-.nly d- I '-hed with water at »>' r-ontainin-j -•'• p '' "t alcnhol. and may he diie.l -ulphurie acid at O'.and an- now fairly stable. .•>\>\\\ is uniti-.l • ^ in tin- lil.»»l .•( all I, wiili i«.» In in\«Tti-l>r:iii- i,l,. ; illy fmui'l in f».>luti.m in the pliwma, I. ut tli.-r<- :in- :i few (riirht • i«N :i"'l litermture Me I!;illilnirt..n. ''I,. ! ln/.<,ol. ' - 18 I! !. /'AyWo/. / 'ctttchr. f. C I ,«1. T. 109 (1890), }. 218 OXY-H.EMOGLOBIN. The crystals obtained from the hgemofflobin of various animals differ in their crystalline torn! The following figure shows some of the most typical forms.1 FIG. 35. CRYSTALS OF OXY-H«MOGLOBIN. (After Funke.) a. Squirrel, b. Guinea-pig, c. Cat, or Dog, d. Man, e. Hamster. Apart from these differences in crystalline form the oxy-hsemo- globin of different animals varies in its solubility, in the amount of water of crystallisation with which its crystals are united, and also apparently in its percentage composition. The crystals are pleochroic but to a less extent than are those of haemoglobin.2 As against these differences it is important to notice that the close relationship of the various forms of oxy-hsemoglobin, from whatever blood they may be obtained, is shown by the fact that the spectroscopic properties are in all cases identical, as also are the products of decomposition and the compoundL forme_d_yyith ' ases! Numerous analyses^of oxy-haemoglobin have been made,3 ut these while they tell us at most that it consists of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon together with iron as a character- istic constituent and some* sulphur, and seem "to indicate that it differs in composition as obtained from different animals, do^ not as yet enable us to assign with any certainty a definite formula to its composition, "it is nowever certain that its molecular weight is enormously great (13,000 — 14,000).4 1 For a discussion of the various crystalline forms of oxy-haemoglobin see Halliburton, Chem. Physiol. and Pathol. 1891, p. 270. 2 A. Ewald, loc. cit. (sub haemoglobin). 3 See Hammarsten's Lehrb. d. physiol. Chem. 1891, S. 57; or Halliburton's Text-book of Chem. Physiol. Pathol. 1891, p. 286. * Marshall, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1882), S. 81. Kiilz, Ibid. S. 384. Cf. Zinoffsky, Ibid. Bd. x. (1886), S. 16, and see Hiifner, loc. cit. < 'INIMICAL BASIS «)F TIIK AM MA I. I5«.!»V FlO. 36. (Afl.-r I'n-yi-r ami < iaint:.-. < I"' ^i''1 1 1: \ t <'\KII.)N .M.>\.i\||» II I MM.. I ..IIIN 1 to i liniiiR (I ) low than '01 p.r., (2) -09 p.c., (:«) •' 5. -lining about -2 • '. ' inojil.diin In oarh »f tlio .»ix raw-t t tro«cop« mw 1 i • thickness. Th- ! , Ac.) uidicate Fraoenl -. ami t no figures ware- lengths expressed in UW.OtHitli uf a millimeter. 220 OXY-H.EMOGLOBIN. The spectroscopic appearances of solutions of oxy-haemoglobin have been already sufficiently described and figured (§ 345). (For convenience of reference Fig. 75 is reproduced here.) When its solutions are heated or it is treated either in solution or as a solid with_ acids or alkalis, it may be readily decomposed, yielding a proteid as in the case of haemoglobin and a coloured residue, viz. naematin. (See below.) The oxygen which is loosely combined with haemoglobin in the formation of oxy-haemoglobin may be readily removed by several means of which the following are those most usually employed. (i) The solution is warmed to 40° and the gas driven off by exposure to the vacuum of a mercurial pump, (ii) A current of some neutral gas such as hydrogen or nitrogen is passed through the solution, (iii) The solution is treated with a few drops of some reducing agent such as Stokes' fluid.1 This is prepared by adding tartaric or citric acid to a solution of ferrous sulphate, and then ammonia until it is strongly alkaline. This reagent does not keep and must be freshly prepared each time it is required. In- stead of Stokes' fluid, ammonium sulphide may be used, but in this case some slight manipulation is frequently required to ensure reduction. A few drops of the sulphide are added to the solution, which is then gently warmed : if on examination with the spectro- scope it is found that the reduction has not taken place, as shown by the persistence of the two bands of oxy-haemoglobin, a little more of the sulphide may be added and the mixture again care- fully warmed. The amount of oxygen, removable by the means just described, with which one gram of haemoglobin (from dog's blood) can unite is usually stated as being T59 c.c. at 0° and 760 mm. Hg. this constant being taken as independent of the concentration of the solutions employed.2 Quite recently some doubt has been cast on the quantity being thus constant ; and it has been stated that several modifications of haemoglobin exist which, while they can- not be discriminated by their purely chemical characteristics, exhibit a marked difference as to the amount of oxygen with which the same quantity of each can unite under similar external conditions ; the results thus obtained are stated to hold good for the compound of oxygen with haemoglobin as it exists in the red blood-corpuscles of the dog,3 and further for the haemoglobin of guinea-pigs and geese.4 Further investigation must decide the interesting questions raised by the above statements. There appears to be a consensus of opinion that haemoglobin, and more particularly oxy-haemoglobint possesses to a slight 1 Proc. Roy. Soc. June, 1864. Phil. May. November, 1864. 2 Hiifner, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. i.' (1878), Sn. 317, 386. See also Jn. f. prakt. Chem. Bd. xxn. (1880), S. 362. 3 Bohr u. Tornp, Skandinav. Arch. f. PJnjsiol. Bd. HI. Hft. 1, 2 (1891), S. 69. Bohr, Ibid. Sn. 76, 101. 4 Jolin, Arch.f. Physiol. Jahrg. 1889, S. 265. CHEMICAL BASIS OF TIIK ANIMAL I'.oDV. 1'LM degree the properties of an acid. This view appears to he on the following fads. ( Jxy-ha-moglnhin i- extraordinarily >oluhli> in alkalis and in this solution appear- to he more stable than ordinarily. It i< further slated that it has a feeble j.o\\ facilitating tin- evolution of carbon-dioxide from dilute solutions liuni carbonate.1 It is hence often supposed that in the r.-.l blood-corpuscles the haemoglobin is united to the alkalis of which their stronia partially consists. If the above views are . • they may a«i>t in explaining to sonic slight extent the diMicultio in undeistanding the causes of the exit of carlioii-dioxide from venous blood during its passage through the lung-. (See £ 357.) But the possibility here indicated must be received with the greatest caution; for it has been shown that although a dilute alkaline solution of Oxy-hffimoglobiD when exposed to a low partial pressure of carbon-dioxide ah.-orhs le.-< of this gas than sutn'ces to convert the alkali into bicarbonate, thus acting like an acid, at higher partial pressures it absorbs more than can be accounted for by the change of the alkali into bicarbonate. In the latter case the ha^moglobin seems to act like a feeble base.2 It is interesting here to notice that if the immediately preceding statements hold good. the ha-nioglobin must \» increasingly acid properties in proportion as the carbon-dioxide begins to be evolved from the blood, and might thus further that exit. The power apparently possessed by ha-moglobin of it-df uniting directly with carbon-dioxide will lie referred to later on. .". Carbon-monoxide haemoglobin. When a ooxnnt oi boil-monoxide is pa^-ed through a solution of OXy-h&moglobin the n is driven oil' and its place taken by the tirst-nanied «,'as. The compound thn> formed iv>ult<. like OXJ-hflemoglobin, from the union of one molecule of the gas with one of ha-nioglobin. It further resembles oxy-ha-mogloliin in beinur readily crystallisable :! in forms isoiiiorphous with those of the former, but the crystals are on the whole less soluble, brighter coloured and more stable than are tho-e of oxy-hiemoglobin.4 They are distinctly dichro- matic (see p. L'lfi). The compoinul of carbon-mono\ide with h.cmoglol)in is much more stable than is oxy-ha-moglobin, so that the -as i- not pclled by the action of o\ \ --en. a fact which fully explains the fatal result of breathing carbon-monoxide. Finally the spectrum of carbon-nioiio\i.|e ha-ninglohin while similar at first sight to that of oxy-lia-mog|obin. dilli-rs distinctly Illutkryttallr. 1H71, S . 7n •M-IH-IIMW. .!/ I I \\\l l»7'.l. «>lllirlllfil lit Xunt/. Mfriiiaini's ll.llx-h. ,1. 1 B i\ Hi -' (ISM > r |trc|i:iratiiin in ijiiantitv .^T Kill/.. '/J. f. jih', • IM \n 4 (':irlii)ii.|iioiin\iilr hiFinoglohin i-* uiiaffiTti-il liy <-itli liang«* or the action ()f |i;iin-n'.itii juii'r Bopp^StjrW, IMi ••'). s in 222 CAKBOX-DIOXIDE HEMOGLOBIN. from it in the position of its two absorption bands (see Fig. 36, No. 6). The spectrum of this compound undergoes no change by the action of any of the reducing agents described on p. 220 : this affords a further characteristic means of discriminating be- tween the compounds of carbon-monoxide and oxygen with haemoglobin. Since the determination of this compound in blood is frequently of considerable importance in medical jurisprudence, many tests for its presence have been devised additionally to the evidence afforded by the spectroscope. One of the oldest and best is due to Hoppe-Seyler.1 It consists in adding to the sus- pected blood twice its volume of caustic soda of sp. gr. 1-3. If carbon-monoxide haemoglobin is present it yields a brilliant red precipitate, differing entirely in appearance from the brownish- green mass observed if oxy-haemoglobin is present. For further tests consult the literature quoted below.2 4. Nitric oxide haemoglobin. If a current of nitric oxide be passed through a solution of carbon-monoxide haemoglobin, the carbon-monoxide is displaced by the former gas.3 The compound thus obtained is still more stable than is carbon-monoxide haemo- globin. It may be crystallised and in solution exhibits two absorption bands very similar to those of oxy-haemoglobin but slightly nearer the red end of the spectrum ; these bands are not affected by reducing agents. If prepared by passing the gas through ordinary blood, the latter should first be freed from oxygen by a current of hydrogen and care must be taken to neutralise the nitrous acid formed during the process. 5. Carbon-dioxide haemoglobin. The possible union of carbon-dioxide with haemoglobin has already been referred to (p. 221), and more recent researches have thrown further, though still far from complete light upon this possibility. There appears to be no doubt that a solution of haemoglobin takes up a much larger volume of carbon-dioxide than can be accounted for as the result of a merely physical absorption. Thus in one set of experi- ments it was found * that 1 gr. of haemoglobin could unite witli 2-366 c.c. of the gas at a temperature of 18 4° and partial pressure of 31-98 mm. of Hg, the latter being a mean average partial pressure of carbon-dioxide in venous blood according to the older 1 Virchow's Arch. Bd. xm. (1858), S. 104. .For a recent modification of this test see E. Salkowski, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. xn. (1888), S. 227. '2 Jaderholm (Swedish),' Abst. in Maly's Jahresb. 1874, S. 102. Weyl u. von Anrep, Arch. f. Physiol. Jahrg. 1880, S. 227. Zaleski, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. ix. (1885), S. 225. Knnkel, Sitzb. d. Wiirzb. physik.-med'. Gesell. 1888, Sitz. 9. Katayama, Virchow's Arch. Bd. cxrv. (1889), S. 53. Welzel, Verhandl. d. physik.- med.~ Gesell. Wurzb. (N. F. ) Bd. xxm. (1889), S. 3. 3 L. Hermann, Arch.f. Anat. u. Physiol. Jahrg. 1865, S. 409. * Bohr, see Beitrdge z. Physiol. Ludwig, gewidmet, 1887, S. 164. Centralb. f. Physiol. Bd. iv. (1890), S. 253. Skandinav. Arch. f. Physiol. Bd. m. Hf. 1/2 (1891), S. 47. See also Jolin, Arch.f. Physiol. Jahrg. 1889, Sn. 277, 285. CHEMICAL BASIS OF Till-: ANIMAL BOD\ established data,1 while that in arterial blood is L'I-US mm.- It is furlher stated that lli.- stron-, T solutions nl' li.riuou'lobiii absorb relatively LeSfl Carbon-dioxide than tin- weaker, aiul thai, as in the case of oxy-hemqglohui (see p. L!L!l ) various modification-, »i ha-miiLjlubin i-xisi possessing dillerenl powers «,t' uniting with this < >n comparing the amounts of carbon-dioxide ami of 01 ..!• ( '( > or N'( ) which may unite with a ^ivm weight of haemoglobin it is at once evident that tin; mode of union »t' the form- must In- ditlerent from that of the latter three, with which, as already stated, ha-moidobin unites molecule for molecule. This difference in behaviour is very probably due to the decomposition which lia-moolobin undergoes when a current of carbon-dioxide is •I through it,3 and indeed it is hence probable that the so- called carbon-dioxide h.emo^lobin i- rather a compound of the gas with a coloured product of the decomposition of ha-mo^lobin, viz. tuemochromogen, which has been shown by Hoppe-Seyler to unite with carbon-monoxide (see below). The compound, whatever be it- true nature, is stated to exhibit a one-banded absorption trum closely similar to that of ha-mo^lobin, but the centre of the band lies slightly more towards the violet end of the spectrum.4 Piohr state- that tin- absorption of carbon-dioxide is independent of the simultaneous presence of oxygen.5 Tin- ai-eiiratt- ipiantitat ivi- determination of the amount <>f h;em<>- k'l.'liin in any jjiven snlut KMI i- a matter <•!' extn-iue imp..rt:iin-i-. n.it mi-rely in connection with several of the statemente oonteinad in the •iini; il.--<-ript i..n <>(' (UBmoglohin and it- cniiipMiinds with gases, l>nt al>.' in many in\ e>t i^at i.ms \\lii.-li turn «.n tin- \aryin^ aiii«mit* «.t" tin- >iil>-tanei- umler < 1 1 He re n t i-xpi-riim-ntal r< unlit it l>e <>ut «•! plan- t«. il.-.a-.-.l. r.-l'.-rniiL: tin- n-adi-r t>. sp.-cial \\.irk- fi.r the detail- "t tin- n->pi-i-t ive | The ini-thiiils eiiipl.-yi-d fall under tw.. <-ateg.'ries : chemical ami pll\ -i. :il. 1. Chemical. ". Tin- ainmint ..f iron pre-ent in KM) par ha-mogloKin has Keen frequently determined for thfl ''1 ..... 1 ..f \arimis animals. It may !>>• -tat.-. I t- !».• al>"iit • p.e. II. •ne.- it" a siiliitmn of thi> lahttanoe be evaporated t.. drym--- and tin- ri->i't" lia'iiK.^l.'liin may In- inf.-rrrd I'r-.m the • • WulffLfru'. I'!! IM vi (is;.'i. S J.I. Straiwliurp, Ibid. \ Nnwhnnin. //•»/. I - Hut <-f M.il.r, I'.nlr.ill. t /'/,,/>"•/. H-l. i. (ISS7). S. -JM. n. (1888), S. 4.-I7. uh.i makett it inii.-li l'->s. An ..nlint: t.. th • tin- j.:irti;il pri-xxuro i>f ' M >li.-til.l |in>\.- to !»• tin- <-:i»r> on further nn< ••ti^ati.ni. it u.nil.l apjK-ar that tho ffutoont iiii.T. lianyo whirh taken plai-c in tin- IIIIIL'* < annut !»• tin- pviilt «if a jmn-ly .iiffunivo \v In-Ill to IM- ($ . -li|. See Abut. In M IIS * T.-nij.. /•». "t. and see aLv. :<.• KoalaMtaMbiBdamg dm Blutea," KopcnhaL''-!!. 1887. • tndmav. Arch.f. Phyriol. Bd. III. (1891), S. 62. L'l'4. SPECTROPHOTO^IETRY. amount of iron, existing as oxide of iron, in this residue.1 b. Since tlu' volume of oxygen which unites with a given quantit}- of ha-ino- globin is known with considerable accuracy (but see above, p. 2l'l), the amount of this substance may be determined by saturating its solution with oxygen and then estimating the volume of the gas which is united to the hiemoglobin. The determination is made either by extracting the oxygen with a mercurial pump or displacing it by carbon-monoxide, or estimating it in the solution by a volu- metric process with sodium sulphite and indigo.2 These methods are inferior to the following. 2. Physical. These may be again divided into two : colorimetric and spectrophotometric. (i) Colorimetric method. The principle of this method may be briefly stated as follows. A standard solution of haemoglobin is pre- pared from pure crystals of the substance. The tint of the solution in which the haemoglobin is to be determined is then compared with that of the standard solution: if it is not the same when examined under the same conditions, it must be equalised by either of the methods to be next described; and from the operations necessary to produce equality of tint the relative concentrations of the two solu- tions may be inferred, and hence the absolute concentration of the unknown solution. The methods more usually employed consist either in diluting one or the other of the solutions until their tint is the same when examined in layers of equal thickness (Hoppe- Seyler),3 or else in determining the different thicknesses of the fluid layer of each which exhibits the same tint (Duboscq). Since in the latter case the concentrations of the two solutions are inversely pro- portional to the thicknesses of their layers when their tint is the same, the amount of haemoglobin in the solution of unknown strength can be at once inferred.4 For clinical purposes Gower's haemo- globinometer is perhaps most frequently employed. In this instru- ment a measured volume of blood is diluted till it has the same tint as that of a standard mass of gelatin coloured with carmine and picrocarmine.5 There are, however, many other forms of colorimeter designed for clinical use. (ii) Spectrophotometric method. All coloured substances in solu- tion possess the power of absorbing light. With a given thickness of a given substance the amount of light transmitted by the solution bears to the incident light a ratio which, while it varies for different parts of the spectrum, is constant for any one portion, and is there- fore characteristic of each substance. Hence if the absolute absorb- 1 Pelouze, Compt. Rend. T. i. (1865), p. 880. * Grehant, Compt. Rend. T. LXXV. (1872), p. 495. Quiuquaud, Ibid. T. LXXVI. p. 1489. Schiitzenberger et Risler, Ibid. p. 440. 3 Hdbch. d. physiol. patkol.-chem. Anal. Aufl. 5 (1883), S. 435 4 For a description of Duboscq's and other apparatus see G. u. H. Kniss, Kolorimetrie u. quant. Spektralanal. 1891, S. 7 et seq. This work gives a most excellent account of the best physical methods employed for the determination of colouring substances in solution" A useful review of methods up to date (1882) is given by Lambling, " Des proce'des de dosage de I'lie'raoglobine," Nancy, 1882. Of. later, E. von Fleischl, Med.Jahrb. 1885, S. 425. Malassez, Arch. d. Physiol. 1886, p. 257. 5 For details see Gatngee, Physiol. Chem. Vol. i. p. 184. CHEMICAL HASIS OF THE ANIMAL BODY. ing power of a given thickness of tin- >uh>tanc.- is determined once for all for a given region of tin- >pectrtnn under ^iven conditions, it becomes possible to determine tlit- amount «.f that >uh-tance in any solution <>f unknown concentration bj examining the solution under the ,-ame conditions in the same part of tin- spectrum and ascertaining liu\v iinich li.u'ht it ha> absorbed. Li-t / In- t In- inten.-it \ <>f the inci- dent light, and 1' its reduced inteii>ity al't.-r pa»in;_' through in 1 .•I a coloured solution, each of which reduces the initial intercity by !. tli.-n it follows that /' = —. nm This is triii- whatever be the intensity of tin- incident ray; hence tin- intensity may be taken = 1, and we have. /' = — Again, let E denote the reciprocal of the number which represents in centimeters that thickne>s of layer of the ab>orbiiig solution which reduces tin- inten>itv of the incident ray t" ,'0 of its initial intensity during it- pa->ai,'e through this layer.1 Then if the solution be exam- ined in a layer which is always 1 cm. thick, this layer may be regarded a> made up of E layers, each of thickne-> cm. Hence if in tin- formula previously given we put n = 10 and m = E, we find that the roidual intensity 1' of light after passing through a layer 1 cm. thi.-k .- I> = W* = 10~*» \\hence E=— log. /'. It can also be proved that E, the ( ffirient of extinction. i> directly proportional to the amount of colmirin^ matter present in the eolation, or in other wordfl, t«. it- 'concentration;'1 whence if the • •ntration be represented by C, n K = some constant 3 A, or C = AE. This constant A having been determined om-e for all for a given substance in ;i solution i,f Known concentration and for „/' //'. ni, the concentration of any solution of the same sub stance of unknown strength i- olitaim-il l>y simply multiplying A by the coefliciellt of extinction / Spectrophot, •meters an- instruments by which the value «\ / ab,,\e) and hence of E may be detennine<|. Those of Yierordt 6 and i / bedbd -I-.M-IH. -i.-nt <>f ••\tinrtiuu. ' a term ininxlu. -•,! l.\ IJunacn and Kotcoe, Pogp. Aini.il. 11.1. . i (IV.7). S •( •»ii.-i-iitr:iti»ii ' i- tin- 1111111!.. r of grams of i ..Inuring sub«tance diwolred in I r i- "( tluiil ( Vii-ronlt). ; Ciilli-.l tin- ' :il>t.ir|>ti>in r.c 4 Tin- ititriMliirtiuti »f tin- |pactrli..t... li.-!ni.-:il roearche* of Mun-i-n ami I \'i.T"plt. (i) " Anw.-ii-l. 'I S|M-.-tr;ilapparaU /.nr I'li.ii.iin.-trii- .1 A [Kjctren 11 /. .|ii.uii rlii-in An.il ." TiilHiiu'-n. IH"-'». and (ii) "Die quajit. S|>cctralaaal. in ilir.T Anw.-ri.l auf l'liv.-i.,l. u. •> w ." Tubingen, 1876. » loc.cit. (i). > 16 226 METH^MOGLOBIN. Hiifner l have been most generally used for physiological purposes, but there are many other forms.2 The value of A. has been deter- mined by several observers for haemoglobin,8 oxy -haemoglobin,4 carbon- monoxide haemoglobin 8 and methaemoglobin,6 for certain fixed parts of the spectrum; as also its value for bile and urinary pigments.7 If the value of A. has been determined for two substances in two differ- ent parts of the spectrum, the amount of each substance in a mixture of the two may be determined spectrophotometrically.8 This is a possibility of considerable importance when working with blood in which varying amounts of haemoglobin and oxy-haeinoglobin may occur simultaneously. 6. Methsemoglobin. When blood or solutions of haemo- globin which have been exposed to the air for some time are examined with the spectroscope they are frequently found to exhibit, in addition to the more or less persistent absorption bands of oxy-hsemoglobin, a marked band of absorption between C and D, closely resembling but differing slightly in position from the band which hsematin shows in acid solution (see below). This band may also frequently be observed in many pathological fluids, such as those from ovarial cysts, etc., which are coloured by blood, and in urine when similarly coloured.9 The substance to which the band is due is known as niethsemoglobin.10 It may be readily prepared in the laboratory by the action of many reagents such as acids or alkalis, or more conveniently of certain salts, on solutions of oxy-hsemoglobin. Of these salts those which may perhaps on the whole be most advantageously employed to obtain the spectrum of methsemoglobin are nitrites,11 potassium ferricyanide, or potassium permanganate.12 With the two latter salts the spectrum of methsemoglobin may be obtained as follows. To 10 c.c. of a moderately strong solution of oxy-haamoglobin add a few drops of a dilute ('5 — 1*0 p.c.) solution of either of the salts and warm very gently. If on examination with a spectro- scope the two bands of oxy-hsemoglobin are still strongly visible, i Jn. f. prakt. Chem. N.F. Bd. xvi. (1877), S. 290. Cf. Otto, Pfltiger's Arch. Bd. xxxvi. (1885), S. 12. Glazebrook has constructed a modification of Hiifner's instrument. See Lea, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. v. (1883), p. 239. '2 For all details of instruments and spectrophotometry in general see G. u. H. Kriiss, Kolonm. u. quant. Spektralanal. 1891, Very complete details are given in Neubauer u. Vogel, Analyse d. Hams, 1891, S. 411. 3 Hiifner, Zt.f. physiol. Chem. Bd. in. (1879), S. 7. 4 Hiifner, Ibid. Bde. i. (1878), S. 317, in. (1879), S. 4. Von Noorden, Ibid. Bd. iv. S. 9. Otto, Ibid. Bd. vn. S. 62. Pfliiger's Arch. Bd xxxi. (1883), S. 244. xxxvi. (1885), S. 12. Sczelkow, Ibid. Bd. XLI. (1887), S. 373. 5 Marshall, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1882), S. 81. 6 Otto, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. xxxi. (1883), S. 263. 7 See Vierordt, loc. cit. or G. u. H. Kriiss, loc. cit. 8 Vierordt, loc. cit. 9 Hoppe-Seyler, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. v. (1881), S. 6. 10 The name was first used by Hoppe-Seyler in 1865, Centralb. f. d. me.d. W/xs. S. 65. But see also previously Ibid. 1864, S. 834, and Virchow's Arch. Bd. xxix. (1864), Sn. 233, u. 597. 11 Gamgee, Phil. Trans. 1868, p. 589. 12 Jaderholm, Zt. f. Biol. Bd. xin. (1877), S. 193. 228 METH^MOGLOBIN. let the mixture stand for a short time, and if the band character- istic of methsemoglobin has not made its appearance, add one or two drops more of the solution of the salt and proceed as before. As soon as the bands of oxy-hsemoglobin have markedly disap- peared, acidulate very faintly and examine again. The band which should now be visible as characteristic of methsemoglobin lies in the red part of the spectrum, between C and D, nearer to the former line As already remarked, its position is closely sim- ilar to that of hiematin in acid solution ; but comparison will show that it lies nearer D than does the hsematin band, the centre of the latter being situated at w. L. 640, while that of the former is at w. L. 630 l (See Fig. 37, Nos. 4 and 5). In addition to the reagents recommended above, an extensive series of other substances are also found to effect the conversion of oxy- hsemoglobin into methaemoglobin, such as potasssium chlorate, amyl- nitrate, iodine dissolved in potassium iodide, bromine, osmic acid, hydrochinon, pyrocatechin, &c.2 It may also be obtained as the result of prolonged evacuation with a mercurial pump, of putrefactive changes, or of the action of palladium saturated with hydrogen and immersed in the solution of oxy-hsemoglobin.3 The absorption band which has so far been described is the one which is to be regarded as characteristic of methcemoglobin, being accompanied by a very marked absorption of the violet end of the spectrum extending up to the D line. In addition to this band it is stated that, working with a good spectroscope of low dispersive power, three other bands may be additionally seen,4 two corre- sponding closely with those of oxy-hsemoglobin but not identical, their centres corresponding to w. L. 580 and 539, and the third in the blue at w. L. 500 (?).5 In an alkaline solution the position of two of these bands differs slightly from that just given, being stated by Jaderholm to be at w. L. 602 and 578, while the third is unaltered at 539. In the preparation of large quantities of crystallised oxy- hsemoglobin from pig's blood, it was observed that during the recrystallising essential to its purification a copious crop of reddish-brown crystalline needles was obtained. These were found on examination to be crystals of methsemoglobin.6 They 1 This method of localising the bands means that their centres occupy positions in the spectrum where the wave-length of light is respectively 640 and 625 millionths of a millimeter. It should always be adopted for all absorption bands, since it is independent of the varying dispersion and arbitrary scales of different spectroscopes. For details see Gamgee, Bhysiol. Chem. Vol. i. p. 94. 2 For list of substances see Hayem, Compt. Rend. T. en. (1886), p. 698. 3 Hoppe-Seyler, Zt. f. pjiysiol. Chem. Bd. 11. (1878), S. 149. * Jaderholm, Zt. /, Biol. Bd. xx. (1884), S. 419. Also Nord. Med. Arkiv. Abst. in Maly's Jahresb. 1884, S. 113. But see also Araki, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. xiv. (1890), S. 405. 5 For figure see Halliburton, Chem. Phi/siol. and Pathol. Fig. 59, Spect. 6, p. 277. e Hufner u. Otto, Zt.f.physiol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1883), S. 65. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY. 229 are mow> tlie spectrum of OXV-hftmqglobilL "When a solution of ha matin is similarly treated it yields the spectrum of ha mo- chromogen (reduced hematin) in alkaline solution (see below). "While the close relationship of methsemoglobin to oxy-ha-moglobin is thus clearly shown, very great differences of opinion have ex- isted as to the exact nature of that relationship. Three \ have been put forward. 1. That meth&emoglobin is more highly oxjdised than OXY-hffimoglobilL -. That it is le»s highly oxidised. ."•. That it is united with exactly the same amount of oxygen as is oxy-luemoglobin i only in a more stable combination. Th- ins to have been based on the ready production of nietha-moglobin by oxidising agents and on the statement that when metha-moglohin is reduced it yields //,•*/ oxy-h;emoglobin and then ha-moglohin. The second view iv-ted on the possibility of obtaining metbttmoglobui by the prolonged action of a \acuum or the -bolter action of palladium saturated with hydi and on the statement that by reducin it passe to ha-moglobin \\ithout tin- intermediate appearance of ha-moglnbin. The third view, which now appears to be generally ted, H derived fr-Ull obs,-r\ at j« 'US of the aillolint - which can be pumjied out from a mixture of meth.emoglobin ami oxy-ha-moglubin of known composition.1 and from the amount of ' IIufn.T. //././. Bd.Tm.(lM4),fl 'IMV .lu,!,.rl,..ln, / / IM XX. (1884), > in ,n..t. .1 l.y Jiin. -.•»:• - mini: lii«-rntnre to (18IU) has l.c.'n u'iv.-n /-i^,m in tli" ;iliuiil "f this -tiih-' 230 H^MOCYANIK oxygen which is displaced from a given weight of methsemoglobin when it is treated with nitric oxide.1 We may probably say, therefore, that under certain conditions, without our being able to state exactly what has taken place, the oxygen loosely united to hemoglobin as oxy-hsemoglobin becomes more stably combined, and is now not removable by either a vacuum, or carbon-monoxide, or a current of hydrogen, and further that the resulting substance (methpemoglobin) has the same composition and crystalline forms as oxy-haemoglobin, and may be reconverted into the latter body by suitable means, such as reduction by ammonium sulphide and subsequent oxidation. 7. Hsemocyanin.2 As previously stated (p. 217) the blood- plasma of many invertebrates contains haemoglobin in solution ; in a few cases this is united to special corpuscles in the blood. But in the case of other invertebrates this respiratory pigment is replaced by another to which, since it turns blue on exposure to air (oxygen), the name hsemocyanin has been given. Hence the arterial blood of those animals in which it occurs is blue, while the venous is colourless. Hcemocyanin is a proteid of the globulin class ; it is therefore partially precipitated by a current of carbon-dioxide, by satura- tion of its solutions with sorh'nm p.h1nr[rjp and completely by satu- ration with magnesium sulphate.3 Unlike haemoglobin it has not yet been crystallised ajid contains copper, presumably as a con- stituent of its molecule, in place of the iron characteristic ^f haemoglobin. It exhibits no absorption bands when examined spectroscopically. Another animal pigment is known, into whose composition copper (5 — 8 p. c.) enters ; this is the substance called turacin.4 It gives the characteristic colour to the plumage of certain African birds known as Touracos or Plantain-eaters, whence the name turacin. It differs entirely from hasmocyanin in its general properties, and is only men- tioned here because it contains copper, as does the former pigment. It is slightly soluble in water, readily soluble in dilute alkalis, the solutions in either of these solvents showing two absorption bands be- tween D and E very similar to, though not identical with, the bands of oxy-haenioglobin and a third faint broad band at F. It is not how- ever a respiratory pigment. 1 Hiifner u. Kiilz, Zt.f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. vn. (1883), S. 366. 2 For literature see' Halliburton, Chem. Phi/sioi. and Pathol. 1891, p. 321. Details of previous work to date (1880) are given by Krukenberg, Vergleich.-physiol. Studien, in. Abth. (1881), S. 66. 3 Halliburtou, ,//. of Phi/siol. Vol. vi. (1884), p. 319. * Church, Phil. Trans. Vol. CLIX. (1870), p. 627. Cf. Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. IT. (1869), S. 314; in. (1870), S. 459. See later Krukenberg, Veryl.-pht/siol. Stud. v. Abth. (1881), S. 72; 2 Reihe, i. Abth. (1881), S. 151. The same work (2 Reihe, Abth. n. n. in. 1882, Sn. 1 u. 128) contains elaborate observations on other pigments from feathers. CIIKMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL l',«U>V. 8. Haemochromogen. C34H,,N4FeO, (?). When (reduced) ha-moglobin is treated with acids, or, better still, with alkalis in the entire absence of oxye.-n, it i.- d posed into a proteid and a coloured sub-tan. .- t<. \\hi.-h Euemochromogen P given by Hoppe-Seyler.1 When alkalis an- u.-ed in its preparation, the solution obtained i> of a brilliant purplish-red colour, ami is characterised by t\\<> marked al-s.-ij.- tiuii band-, the stronger lying halfway between 1> ami /„', the other ;;ml fainter between E and I. These are identical with tin- l>aiuls of Stokes' reduced luematin in alkaline solutioi Fit,'- 37, No. 3). When exposed to the air (oxygen ) tin- solution rapidly loses its brilliant colour, becomes dichioio, vi/. : red in thick, and greenish in thin layers (cf. xnh ha-matin) and now yields an absorption spectrum, which exhibits one not strongly marked hand in the yellow, to the red side of It ami touching the latter line. This is the spectrum of ha matin in an alkaline solution (see Fig. 37, Nos. 1 and 2). "When the de. « m position of the haemoglobin is brought about by acids instead of alkalis, the coloured product is similarly kuemochiomogeil, but in this case, unless special precautions are taken, some of the ha nio- chromo^en is itself further decomposed ami yields ha ma' phyrin or iron-free ha-matin (see below). Tin- mixture thus obtained probably accounts for the four-banded spectrum as thst .lied by Hoppe-Seyler.2 When a solution of ha-matin in alkali is reduced with Stokes' fluid (see sub oxy-hu/moglohin) or ainiii'inium sulphide the solution obtained shows U\ •• absorption bands identical with those already described as chara« -tei i-tie of ha-nio.-hronio^en. l-'nun these fa<-t- it would at tiist si-lit . ; that reduced ha-matin in alkaline solution and b.i-miK-hron imilar solution are identical substances, and this is it the view which has been most generally adopted. l-'mm a Bpectroecopic ]>oint of view they do aj>])ear to be the same, but Hoppe-Seyler maintain- that they are not.8 According to him h&mochromogeu i- a simple product of the decomposition of ha-nio^lubjii, while ha-matin is an oxidi»-d pioduct which dilleis from true oxy-lia-mochrom-^en by he in;,' united to a smaller amount of oxygen than is tin- former. lie has further in obtaining imt only ha-mocln-omo^en in a crystalline form.4 but a l-o a compound of h.i-moehromo^.-n with carbon-iiH»no\i,i hibitinu' the al.-orption hand- of carbon-monoxide hemoglobin ami containinu tlie same am.iunt of carb..n-monoxi.le unite.l to i M,,I.-.-I,.,H Pi* < lift M fisrii. S :.4o 'in«e. <•!„,„ v,,l. i ], us. See A!M later Hopper v«o/. Cktm. Hih i - 104, •J. <'hrm. (1881), 8. 394. 9 t'. i>hv*i»l. i '!•• ••>. IM. MO 4 H\ the aetfon of itraag CMMtii -«!a»t 100° in tin- ••mire absence of oxrgea. 232 ILEMATIN. each atom of iron as does that body, whereas haematin in alkaline solution will not unite with carbon-monoxide. He therefore considers that haemoglobin is a compound of a proteid with this haemochromogen, to which it owes its colour, and that it is with the haemochromogen group rather than with haemoglobin as a whole that the gases are united in the formation of such com- pounds as oxy-haemoglobin and carbon -monoxide haemoglobin. Further investigation, more particularly of the crystalline haemo- chromogen, is needed for the final establishment of these views. 9. Hsematin. C34H36N4Ee05.1 When oxy -haemoglobin is decomposed by either acids or alkalis it yields a proteid and a coloured substance known as haematin. This decomposition may take place in old blood-clots or extrav- asations and is readily produced by the action of either gastric or pancreatic juice on oxy-haemoglobin, so that haematin is frequently found in the contents of the alimentary canal and in the faeces, more especially with a flesh diet. It has also been found in urine as the result of poisoning with sulphuric acid or arseniuretted hydrogen. Preparation. The following method slightly modified after Klihne 2 may be advantageously employed, and yields not only solutions which show strikingly the spectroscopic appearances of haematin in acid and alkaline solution, but also finally a fairly pure and typical specimen of haematin itself. Defibrinated blood is made into a thin paste by mixture with potassium carbonate, and is then evaporated to dryness on a water-bath. The dry residue is powdered, placed in a flask, and extracted with about four times its bulk of strong alcohol by boiling on a water-bath. The deeply coloured extract thus obtained is poured off and the residue again extracted as before with alcohol, the process being repeated as long as any colouring matter is extracted. The ex- tracts are mixed and filtered and form a strong solution (a) of haematin in alkaline alcohol. A portion of this extract may be kept for spectro- scopic examination. The remainder is strongly acidulated by the care- ful addition of sulphuric acid, any precipitate which is formed is removed by filtration, and the filtrate (b) provides a typical solution of haematin in acid alcohol. A portion of this may as before be kept for spectroscopic examination. The remainder is made alkaline by the addition of an excess of ammonia and filtered; the filtrate (c) is, as in the case of (a), a solution of haematin in alkaline alcohol, but now the extraneous salts present are chiefly those of ammonium. The filtrate (c) is finally evaporated to dryness on a water-bath, extracted with several portions of boiling water, and the undissolved residue con- sists of fairly pure haematin. This should finally be washed with alcohol and ether and then dried for a prolonged period at 130-150° . To obtain pure haematin it is probably better to prepare it from haemin whose purity as a mother substance can be ensured at the out- 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Med.-chem. Untersuch. 1871, Hft. 4, S. 523. 2 Physiol. Chem. 1868, S. 202. I'.ASIS OF TIM: ANIMAL r.nny. set liy tin- fact that, unlike ha-matin, it is ivadily obtained in rrystala. ••elow.) Tin- ha-iiiiu crvtals sh,,uld !„• |i..ilrhown, a> tested by nitrate ••!' -il\er. \» l.e free from hydrochloric arid. The residue is tinallv dried l>v prolonged heating to l.'lu — 150°. » ordinary purposes hiematin is characterised chiefly by the speetroseopie appearances of its solutions. When dissolved in an alkali (ammonia, as in solution (c) above) it shows one absorp- tion band in tin- yellow adjuiniiiLj D t<> the red side of this lin.-, while at the same linn- th.-iv is ^reat absorption at tin- Idin- end of the sjM-ctruni ( Fi^. 37, Nos. 1 and 2). On tivatnirnt with a ivduriim a-. -nt, Stokes' fluid or annnoniuni sulphide, this band is ri'plai-fd by two others in the green, of which the «>ne neaiv-t l> is remarkably dense, the other less sharply defined. Very little absorption of the red end is observed while that of the blue is as bt-iore very marked (Fi<{. 37, No. 3). This is the spectrum of Stokes' reduced ha-matin and is identical with that of Hoppe- Seyler's ha-niochroiiH^en. The two substances have usually been led as identical, but this is disputed by Hoppe-Seyl. -\ aliove). Alkaline solutions of ha-niatin are strongly dichr.'ie. bein.i,' ruby-red in thick layers and greenish in thin 1 viewed by reflected li^ht. The arid alcoholic solution of ha-niatin (solution (l>) above) is characterised by - absolution band between r and />. adjoining <', whose centre is situated at w. L. (140. This baiid is somewhat similar to that of metha'moglobin, but it is le-s dense, and careful observation shows that the centres (.f the re>p. •• -live bands do not coincide ( Fiij. 37, Nos. 5 and 4). Acid solutions of ha-niatin are monuclironiatic and of a dull reddish-brown colour. If blood or a strong solution of o\y-ha-moul"bin be made strongly acid by tin- addition of acetic acid the ha-moglobin is decomjM.se.l. ha-matin is B6l free, and if the volution be shaken up with ether and all ml, the ether li-es to the surface and is m. • coloured owing to the presence of hiematin held in solution in the acid ether. This acid ethereal solution shows, in addition to the one band al- ready described as characteristic of ha-matin in an acid solution. three other bands whose positions and relative inten.sitir- are siif- liciently shown in Fi-. -"-T, N< Bflematinafl prepared by the method bed above i- usu- ally obtained Iv but not crvstalline mass of bhiish-black colour and metallic lustre, strongly resembling iodine. When finely powdered it appears d.uk or light-brown according to the Ml />/,,, W.-/xi/A«/.-<-Vm. Amil. :> Ami l"-i S. 239. SPO al*. / \',Mr. in M:ilv-- C'Aiw. I \\\u (1877), p. 485. .Ma.-.Mni.n. ./. tfPkgtb \»\. \i I8M. p. 22. 234 HISTOHyEMATINS. fineness of the powder. It is a remarkably stable substance ; may be heated to 180° without decomposition, but by stronger heating is finally decomposed, liberates an odour of hydrocyanic acid, and leaves a residue (12'5 p. c.) of pure oxide of iron. It is quite insoluble in either water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, or ben- zol. It is somewhat soluble in strong acetic acid, especially if warm, also in alcohol (not water) to which some acid has been added, and readily soluble in alkaline solutions or in alcohol con- taining alkalis. It is not affected either by strong caustic alkalis even when heated, or by hydrochloric or nitric acids. It may be dissolved in strong sulphuric acid, but is now found to have un- dergone a change during solution which results in the removal of iron and the production of hsematoporphyrin or iron-free hsema- tin J (see below). If the decomposition of hsematin by sulphuric acid be brought about in the absence of oxygen an iron-free insoluble substance is obtained known as haematolin, to which the formula C68H78N807 is assigned.2 If potassium cyanide be added to an alkaline solution of hsematin, this now shows one broad absorption band extending from D to E (Hoppe-Seyler). By the action of reducing agents, this band is re- placed by two other bands.3 The substance to which these appear- ances are due is known as cyan-haematin, but all further information is still wanting. Some more recent observers (Nencki and Sieber) have assigned to hsematin the formula CsoHsaN^FeO^ the validity of which as against the views of Hoppe-Seyler is not as yet generally accepted. It will be referred to again under haemin. 10. Histohaematins. This is the name assigned to a class of pigments which are stated to be of wide-spread occurrence in the tissues of both vertebrates and invertebrates, and to be related to though quite distinct from haemoglobin and haematin. They are regarded as respiratory pigments, playing towards the muscles or other tissues in which they more particularly occur the same part that haemoglobin does to the tissues generally. Our knowledge of these pigments is however as yet limited to the spectroscopic ap- pearances which they present either in situ in the mother-tissue or in solutions obtained by the action of ether, while their respi ratory function is assumed from the changes which they exhibit under the influence of reducing agents and subsequent exposure to oxygen. Of these histohsematins the one most fully de- scribed is known as myohaematin from its characteristic presence in muscles. 1 The haematoin of Preyer. See " Die Blutkrystalle," 1871, S. 178. 2 Hoppe-Seyler, Med.-chem. Unters. 1871, Hf. 4, S. 533. Cf. Nencki u. Sieber, Bar. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. xvii. (1884), S. 2272. 3 See Gamgee, Physiol. Chem. Vol. i. p. 115. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL I'.oDV. •1nr m- stauce is produced which in both acid and alkaline solutions shows bands similar to those of haematoporphyrin in the same si-lvi-nts. Under certain conditions myohaematin becomes ' modified ' and now yields two bands similar to those of ha-rnochromogen, but situated nearer the violet end of the spectrum. The conclusions drawn from the above spectroscopic facts have, been the subject of some controversy and adverse criticism, the appearances being regarded as due not to a specific pigment, but rather to haBmochromogen or mixtures of other products of the decomposition of haemoglobin.2 11. Haemin. C^Hu^FeO, . HC1. (Haiinatin-hydrochloride, or Teichmann's crystals.) These crystals may be readily obtained for microscopic ex- amination by heating a drop of fresh blood on a glass-slide under FlO. 38. H.EM IN CRYSTALS FROM A DROP OF BLOOD. (Kuhn«.) a cover-slip with a little glacial acetic arid.3 In the case of blood which has been dried, as in an old blood-clot or stain, the i MacMunn, Phil. Tram. It. i. 1886, p. 267, .rt. of Pkytiol. Vol. rill. (1887), i. :.i VT. '/A. f. i.f»,*nJ. ('/»<» 15.1 xiii (!--''). S lin II, ,,,,„- /. Bd. Xiv. (is'.in) S UK, K,-r fi.lv »oe MacMunn. /'•/./. MII S »••:. \n :»28. » Tei.liiniu.n. Xt. f. rat. Kd. IM. in ( l«:i). S. 375, Bd. Till. S. 141. 236 residue should be powdered as finely as possible with a minute quantity (trace) of sodium chloride. A little of the powder is then placed on a slide and covered with a slip under which some glacial acetic acid is now run in. It is then warmed carefully to a temperature just short of that which would cause the acid to boil. If the operation has been successful, on cooling crystals of haemin will be seen under a microscope, mixed in either case as in Fig. 38 with a granular ddbris. If they are absent, warm again, adding more acid if necessary. The crystals are dark-brown, fre- quently almost black, elongated rhombic plates and prisms be- longing to the triclinic system.1 In a purified specimen they are FIG. 39. H.EMIN CRYSTALS. (After Preyer.) arranged singly or in groups as shown in Fig. 39, and apart from their form are characterised by being strongly doubly-refracting : when examined under the microscope between crossed Nicol prisms those crystals whose axes are suitably inclined to the in- cident light stand out bright yellow or orange on the dark field.2 They are quite insoluble in either water, alcohol, ether, chloro- form, or dilute acids : they may however be dissolved to some extent in glacial acetic or hydrochloric acids, especially if warmed, and are readily soluble in alkaline carbonates or dilute caustic alkalis, being at the same time decomposed by the latter solvent into haematin and a chloride of the alkali. This fact pro- vides the best means for obtaining pure haematin (see above). Although it is quite easy to obtain typical crystals under the microscope from minute amounts of haemoglobin or haematin, their preparation on a large scale is somewhat tedious ; several methods 1 Lahorio. Quoted by Schalfejew, Jn. d. rttss. phys.-chem. Gesell. 1885, S. 30. See Abstr. in Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. xvni. Ref., S. 232. Cf. Hogyes, Centralb. /. d. med. Wiss. 1880, No. 16. 2 A. Ewald, Zt.f. Biol Bd. xxir. (1886), S. 474. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL lioDV. have been t-iiiployed,1 of which the most recent, said to \ j. M of crystals from ea'-h 1 litre of blood, is as follows.2 T.< volume lit' defihrinat'-d ami -trained blood add f«uir volumes of glacial acetic acid previously warmed to 80°. As soon as the temperature of tin- mixture has fallen to 55 — 60°, it must be auain warmed to 80°. On cooling ami standing for 1U — ll' hours ils separate out; the supernatant liquid is then removed l.y a syphon. the crystals are washed with water repeatedly i,v d-- cantation in a tall glass cylinder and are finally n.lleeted oil a filter and washed with water, alcohol, and ether. Tim successful preparation of hainin crystals from minute quantities of ha-imi^lobiu or metlia-moglohin is of the gr- importance for medico-legal purposes, since they suffice, even in the absence of all other confirmatory evidence, to establish the nature of the material used in their preparation. In the detection of 1)1« md-stains it is usual first to examine with a spectroscope an aqueous solution of the colouring matter if it can lie obtained, for the characteristic absorption bands of oxy-memoglohin or nietli;em.i- globin. In old stains the hemoglobin is frequently decomposed, in which case it is insoluble in water, and alkaline extracts must be made and examined for the spectra characteristic of ha-matin The residues from the spectroscopic examination are lastly u-ed to prepare hsemin crystals, in final confirmation of the evidence previously obtained.3 has already been made (see p. 234) to some work on liii'inin and huMiiatin which assigns to these substances a eompo>it imi and relationship very different from those usually accepted, and further puts the relationship of the colouring matter of blond to the hile- pigmentfl in a new light.4 "With the preliminary rautinii that the>r \ii-\vs are not as yet generally aecfjited and reijuire continuation, tln-y may be briefly dealt with here. Using aniyl-ulcohol in the pri-para- tioii of h.-emiii rrv>t;ds it is stated that the crystals have the following .•onipo>iti.,n (CMH,oN4FeO, . HC1)«C6H,. OH. Th.- gr..uj. « II N, it regarded as the true ha-min. Teiohnuuui^ oryttala ooniuting of C88H$0N4Fe08. HC1. When thr crystals thus pivpaiv,! are d.-.-oin- [...-. d by caustic alkalis as in the ordinary method for |.iv]iariiiKr h:«-ina tin from tin-in, the heemin is Hii|.p.i>ed to take up one m-.b-i-uli- of watrr and yi.'M ba-matin C,,HMN4FeOv I'.y treating this li:ematin with strong sulphuric acid, it loses its iron and uniting with OS yield- li:ematoj>or]iliyrin or iron-free luematin, Ca,HMN4Oj, \\lncli i- M Gamgee, Physiol. Chun. Vol. i. p. 116, or H..p|M-Scyler, Pkytiol. 1 Anil :. I*-:?. S. -JH. •:;ilfi-j.-w. .In. ,1. runs. ,>h Ht.-chftn. Getfll. 1885. See Ah«tr. in Her. d d ,h.m. H.srll. xvni. M.l (ls".-.i. K'.-f. S. 232. •For detail* see Hoppe-Seyler. lor. fit. S. 529. Gamgee, /<*. c,t j. i'l.. \Iiiini, The gnectroscoiH! in medectne, 1883. pp. l:w— U- ndd ii Sieber, Btr. ,,th. „. I'lm.m. IM. win (1884), & 4«>l. IM. XX. (1886), 8. Bd. x\n (1888), S 4.'!0 NViu-ki n. l{..t-!i\ .'/ ">n. The colour of the fresh bile is as a general rale i The litoratnre of this «ul>.«tance is very fully quoted in Hermann1! lldbch. d. fully closrril.o.1 it -TS ol.taino.l frmn tins ..ource. ai hamatoidin t.. indirat.- iti iind..nl.t«-d .lrriv.iti..n fr-.m the colouring matter o \'in-h..w^ .I-/,. l',.| ii ..;.;.. Eteyter, I'fln^or's .l/w,. B«i. \ -Mi. i I :,i> Cf Hilger, Artk. ]nTt's method from other colouring matters which inti-rtn. with tin- test. The tluiil is precipitated by lime-water and carbon dioxide. Tin- compound ..i" lime and liilirnl.in is then collected .,n a tiller, \\a-hed and te-t,-d in situ by the addition of fuming nitric acid; ,,r it may !>«• boiled in a te>t-tube with a little alcohol acidulated with sulphuric acid; the pre- cipitate l,.-.-- its colour and the •apernatant alcohol turns to a brilliant -,'i-een. The following i- al-o a relialde tot as applied to urine.1 To I'll ,.r .'!(» c.c. of urine add ."» to 1(1 c.c. of a •Oration ol xinr a (!:.">). Tin- can-.-- a \ oliiminous precipitate of \, ile-pi. espe- cially if the acid reaction he >ome\\hat redu.-ed l>y tin- simultaneous addition of a little sodium carbonate. The precipitate is co] ; (.n a filter, washed with water, and dissolved in a little ammonia. If bile-pigments are present tbe solution i- u-ually tliior.--c.-nt, and on standing, if not at once, shows the absorption hands characteristic of bilicyanin. (See below.) For further details (.f other methods con-ult some special work.9 The accurate quantitative determination of bilirubin. as of other bile. and also of urinary-pigments is only possible l.y spectrophotometrio methods. These have l)ecn already brietly described on p. 224. The requisite constants for the application of the method in the case of each pigment are given in tin- litera- tim • 1 1 noted below.3 r.ilirubin, while it exhibits no distinct absorption bands, is < hara< tdisrd by u powerful absorption of the violet end of the spectrum. 1'. Biliverdin. ('...H.^A- This is, as aln-ady stated, the first product of the oxidation of bilirubin. It gives the characteristic colour t<> tin- bile of lu-rbi- vma. probably accounts for tbe colour of biliary vomit in caini- \..ni iinaii), i- p<.--il>ly found in tin- urine in icterus, has l>een stated to occur in the edges of the placenta in pregnant animals * hitches , while on the other hand it occur- in m.-iv trace- in gall- stones whether of man or other animals. It 1ms also M8D •:l>ed as occurring in egg-shells6 and the integuinciits of M invertebrates.0 Preparation. An impure product may be obtained a- follows from herbivorous bile. After the removal of mucin (p. 76). barium See Abst. in Malr's Jahretb. 1992, S. 226. - N.-ul.aii.T ti. V. >£,.]. Amtl. <1. //>>• i/n"nt. SftetnUutalyM u. t. w. Tubingen, 1876, 8. 76. '/J. f. 13), S. |t,o. |M v (1S74). S. 21, 399. V s'.. 1871,8 MS, • •'• l.i.-K.-rmaim. /'»-•. //. J. <•!„,„. '/.«//. I'.-l M. (l">l. S. f.Ol. Vtrhnndi. ,1. /,/, i/.vil.-w. ,1. (1. It '>'. tu U .. \MI. (1883), a 109. « Krukenbefg, Ctnlralb./. •!. »<"/ H'i«. 1883, 8. 785. 244 BILIVERDIN. chloride is added ; this precipitates the pigment as a compound with barium (?). The precipitate is then collected on a filter, washed with water and alcohol, and decomposed with dilute hydrochloric acid ; this liberates the biliverdin which is simultan- eously precipitated as a fiocculent mass, and is then washed with ether to remove all fat and dissolved in alcohol. The alcoholic solution is finally filtered and by spontaneous evaporation yields a dark-green glittering residue of impure biliverdin. To obtain the pigment pure it must be prepared from bilirubiu. The con- version may be effected in several ways.1 (i) Bilirubin is dissolved in a dilute alkali and exposed for some time to the air in thin layers, 'whereby it is slowly oxidised into biliverdin. When the conversion is complete, the pigment is precipitated by the addition of hydrochloric acid, thoroughly washed with water, dissolved in absolute alcohol, and precipitated by an excess of water or by spontaneous evaporation of the alcoholic solution, (ii) By en- closing bilirubin solutions in tubes with glacial acetic acid and heating to 100°. (iii) By the action of monochloracetic acid and gentle heating at intervals for one or two days, (iv) Also by the action of caustic potash on tribromobilirubiu.2 Apart from its colour biliverdin differs most characteristically from bilirubin in its solubilities. It is (like bilirubin) soluble in alkalis but insoluble in water and ether, whereas (unlike bilirubin) it is insoluble in either chloroform, carbon bisulphide or benzol, but readily soluble in alcohol and in glacial acetic acid. It has further never been obtained in a crystalline form, and like bili- rubin it shows no absorption bands but a somewhat strong absorp- tion of the violet end of the spectrum. Treated with fuming (yellow) nitric acid it gives Gmelin's reaction, starting now witli a blue colour as a product of the first stage of its oxidation. It also yields Huppert's reaction. (See above sub bilirubin.) Like bilirubin the quantitative determination of biliverdin is dependent upon spectrophotometric methods.3 The formula assigned above to biliverdin represents its forma- tion from bilirubin by simple oxidation.4 This is undoubtedly correct as against the older view of Staedeler that the change consists not only in the assumption of oxygen but also of a mole- cule of water. Bilifuscin, bilihumin, and biliprasin ars the names given by Staede- ler to ill-defined and probably impure products obtained during his investigations on bile-pigments as obtained from gall-stones. Bili- prasiu is apparently only impure biliverdin (Maly). 1 Maly, Sitzb. d. k. Akad. Wien, Bd. LXX. 3 Abth. 1874. Juli-Hft. 2 Maly, Ibid. Bd. LXXII. 3 Abth. 1875. Oct.-Hft. 3 See references sub bilirnbin. 4 Maly, loc. cit. Thudichum, Jl. Chem. Soc. July, 1876. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL i;«»DV. 245 3. Bilicyanin.1 (Cholecyanin, Choleverdin.) Tliis is tin- sul istance which results from the oxidation of bili- verdin and is the cause of the blue colour ..li-ened \vh.n l.jl<- is treated with fuming (yellow) nitric acid as in (Imdin's n-u. -lion. It has not as yet been isolated either in sufficient quantity, and still less in a condition of suflieieiit purity, tn admit of such a chemical investigation as would lead to the determination . composition. But by analogy with the known relationship of liiliverdin to bilirubin, and from the evidence afforded by the composition of choletelin (see below ) into which hilicyanin may idily converted by further oxidation, hilicyanin will probably be found to differ from biliverdin -imply by the addition of oxygen to the molecule of the latter. Preparation. Bilirubin is dissolved in chloroform or suspended in alcohol and slowly oxidised either by gradual addition (,f l.p.- mine or fuming nitric acid; as soon as the mixture is of a bright Line colour, the bilicyanin is precipitated by an BXCen ot' v As thus ohtained it is insoluble in water, almost in.-oluhle in either ether or chloroform, but soluble in alcohol and alkalis. In ence of alkalis it is still almost insoluble in either ether or chloro- form ; in presence of acids it is now scarcely soluble in water, but soluble in ether and chloroform. r.ilicyanin i- for practical purposes characterised solely by its marked absorption spectrum. This consists of three Lands.— one on cadi side of J), that to the red side of D liein^ the darkest, and one between /< and /•'. The latter is probably identical with tin- band seen in acid solutions of choletelin and due to the produc- tion of this substance in small quantity during the oxidation of bilirubin. The position of the hands varies somewhat according to the solvent employed and as to whether the solution is acid or alkaline. Durinu' the application ..f Cm.-lin's test f..r l.ile-pi^ ..... nts tin- Mm- due t.» liiliryuiiin is L.rdered l.y a \ i a definite pi^uieiit s. mi. •linn- called l»ilipur|iurin. ..I' which li«. \ve\er IK. tiling definite i- a> yet kimwn. 'I'll.' yell-.w iiiarks the final t'»nnat inn <>f cli.det.din. I CholeteHn. (V.H.-NW This is the final product ..f the oxidation of bile-pi^ment- dily obtained l.y siis]M-ndinur l-iliruhin in alcohol .:: 1 Hoynsins n. C.iin|.l.o]1, I'H.i-. :>26. x. lt«75, 3. «4«. gives lilrraturv «.f this ami ..tlicr l.ili- ]>i-4iiients. 246 HYDROBILIRUBIN. ing it by passing the fumes of nitrous acid into the mixture. As soon as the play of colours is complete and the solution is of a pure yellow colour, it is poured into a large excess of water, from which on more or less prolonged standing choletelin separates out as a flocculent mass, which if washed and dried yields a brown powder.1 It is readily soluble in alkalis, as also in either alcohol, chloroform, or ether, but least so in the two last solvents. None of the solutions exhibit any fluorescence even after the addition of zinc chloride. In this it differs markedly from urobilin, a well- known yellow urinary pigment. The above statements scarcely provide any certain means of identifying choletelin as a chemical substance, and no specific test for it has as yet been described. Neither is it quite certainly characterised by its absorption spec- trum, so far at least as any specific bauds are concerned. Indeed there has been very great difference of opinion as to whether it ever gives any band at all, and if it does, where this baud is situ- ated. With our existing knowledge it seems safe to say that in alkaline solutions choletelin shows no absorption band, and that in acid solutions a band may be, and frequently is seen, lying be- tween b and F. The uncertainty as to its spectroscopic properties led some of the older observers 2 to regard choletelin as identical with hydrobilirubin (urobilin). This view is however quite un- tenable both as the result of purely chemical investigations 3 and of spectrophotometric determinations of the optical properties of the two substances.4 5. Hydrobilirubin. C32H40N407. When bilirubiu is dissolved in dilute caustic potash or soda or suspended in water and treated with sodium-amalgam in succes- sive portions, air being at the same time carefully excluded, it is observed that at first no hydrogen is evolved ; the dark-coloured solution becomes gradually lighter in colour and more transparent, until at the end of two or three days it is bright yellow or brown- ish-yellow, and now hydrogen begins to come off from the mixture. At this stage the supernatant fluid should be poured off from the metallic mercury which has accumulated, and if it is now acidu- lated strongly with either hydrochloric or acetic acid, it yields a more or less copious flocculent precipitate of a dark reddish-brown colour. This precipitate is impure hydrobilirubin. It is purified by being redissolved in ammonia, reprecipitated from this solution by the addition of acid, and finally washed with water. At first 1 Maly, Siiz. d. L Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, Bd. LVII. (1868), 2 Abth. Feb.-Hft. LIX. (1869), 2 Abth. Ap.-Hft. 2 Heynsius u. Campbell, foe. cit. Stokvis, Centralb.f. d. med. Wiss. 1873, S. 211, 449. 3 Maly, Ibid. S. 321, and more particularly Liebermann, Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. XI. (1875), S. 181. * Vierordt, Zt.f. Biol. Bd. x. (1874), S. 399. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL liom during the washing a considerable amount of the sub-tan' e passes into solution. Inn as tin- merely adherent salt- it becomes !.--> and less soluble in water until at la-t it is almost insoluble When dried it takes tin- form of a dark ivddish-bro\vn amorphous j.owdt-r, which is ivadily >'«lublc in alcohol andchl«>i" form, and but sparingly soluble in pun- ether. It is also soluble in alkaline solutions, to which it impart- a yellow colour a- .. Unions turn red.1 The acid solutions of hydrobilirubin show a marked absorption band between // and /-'which becomes fainter if ammonia i- added until the reaction is alkaline. But on the subsequent addition of a few drops of a solution of zinc chloride, the band reappear- with usually increased intensity, though shifted slightly towards the violet end of the spectrum.2 This alkaline solution to which the /inc salt has been added also shows, in marked distinction to the acid solutions, a brilliant fluorescence which is most ob teristic of the substance, being of a bright rosy-red colour by transmitted, and bright ureeii by reflected light. Previously to the discovery of hydrobilirubin by Maly, a well- cliaracterised urinary pigment had been isolated and described by under the name of urobilin (see below), while about the same time that Maly's work was carried on, a pigment had obtained from teces and described, under the name of stercobilin, as identical with urobilin.3 Careful comparison by Maly of his hydrobilirubin with urobilin led him to assert the complete iden- tity of the two substances. This view has been n rally adopted, and is probably correct as a broad statement There are on the other hand several observers who have expi themselves against the exact identity of these subsln Their views are however based on comparatively slight and inooodnUTQ spectroscopic differences between the natural and artiticialh pared substances and on other differences, such as of the intensity of their fluorescent activity, which are still less conclusive. For the :it the evidence of close relationship if not of absolute iden- tity sullices fully as a basis for our belief in the genetic relation- ship of the bile and urinary pigments and of the ultimata derivation of these from the colouring-matter of the blood I Miring his earlier researches on the pigments of bl«" : Seyler described a product resulting fn-m the reduction of li tin in acid solution by the action of zinc and hydrochl.>ri ' Maly, Cntralb.f. d. med. Wiu. 1871, 8. 849. A**al. d. rh,m IM 163 (187*) - Vi,.r..r.Jt. /.! t\ /Hoi. Bd. ix. (1873), S. 160. Sec lator 'Quantitative Spectral- aiialv.-e.' ls;r,, S. 99. 3 Vanlair a. Maria*, Centralb.f d. mrd. \\'i»». 1871, 8. 369. Cf. J»ff!' the horse, bile-pigments ate « Mpmi-ly found in it- tissues and transudations. accompanied by blood-pigments. and that solutions of hamoMlohiu when injected into the snh- eutanei.us tissue of this animal become after a t> \\ tially <•. ni verted in situ into granules and flakes whirl i are of a yellow jange colour and yield an intense (imelin's reaction." Finally by the action of phenylhydra/.in on ha matin and on bilirnbin products are obtained which in each case exhibit a similar and marked play of colours under the action of fuming (yellow) nitric acid.8 1 Froriclis n. Stno.lHrr, Miillor'* Ardi. .lahrir 1- - Vir.-i...w's Arck. r. • • 1 •,. f. Annt. u. Pkfltiol. .!:.!. • S. ir.O. Contain full rff.-n-iK-i-s tu all tli"ii i-xi-tiiiL' literatim- « 1 Id. IX. (!-:»). Sn. -VI, 329. | \..MitU. AT*. ''l,,,rm (ao given portion of the spectrum of the several thuds d.. n..t 1 constant ratio each to the other. If the urines contained duly one colouriiig-suKstance, then no matter how much -lute value of the extinction coefficients varied for diilm-m regions of tin- spectrum, their ratios would be constant for any given region. From this it appears probable at the outset that even n. urine is coloured by at least two if not more pigment-.- < MM knowledge of these pigments is at present impeiteet and n! limited to that of one substance, namely urobilin, and even with respect to this one, considerable difference of opinion exists as to its nature and relationships to the other laments of the body fr<>m which it is supposed to be ultimately derived. The reasons for this are simple. It is extremely probable that normal urine is often coloured by some chromogenic mother-substance (cf. /.y- mogens) rather than by the fully formed pigment. In the n.-\t place, since the colouring-matters are normally present in but very small amount, and since they are not known to In- eiy-t.il- lisahle or to form definite compounds with well-known precipi- tant s. they have not as yet, with the exception perhai uroliilin, been obtained either with any guarantee of their purity or in quantities sufficient to admit of ultimate analy-i II our knowledge of them is chiefly based upon their spectrose«j 'it- properties. They are further most probably far from stable sub- stances, so that they may undergo some considerable < 1 either by mere exposure to the air (oxygen) or as the result of the various and often different methods of extraction and pi. tinn employed by various authors. This, together with the fact that the position of the absorption band ..mewhat with the reaction of the solution and the nature of the solvent, counts with but little doubt not only for th- extremely nu- merous and insufficiently characterised pigments which h.- one tini" or another been obtained from urine, but also for much of the rontliet and confusion of opinion which exists as to t; ture and relationships of those pigments of which we with most confidence. 1. Urobilin. CMH40N407. (?) This, the best known and most definitely characterised ot urinary pigments, was first described by Jaffa* who regarded it as r rffi-ronc-os to tlm |.rinci|i.il earlier works on urinary pigment* we TMn< ,7/vM"/. C/i'm. H.I. xi. (I**7).S. 537, and for all detail* ..>n«itlt N,-n> \nt1 i \ l«90. ii-rordt, Die i/unntit. $i»rtmlanalytc, 1876, 8. 78. 252 UKOBILIN. the chief colouring-substance of normal urine, while present in much larger amounts in the urine of fever.1 He also obtained it occasionally from bile, the name urobilin thus indicating its double source. In fresh normal urine the amount was frequently ex- tremely small, but was observed to increase on standing exposed to the air (oxygen), a result due to the probable presence in the urine of some chromogen or mother-substance (urobilinogen)2 of the urobilin. The amount of this pigment in urine is too small to provide adequate material for an elementary analysis, so that it was at first characterised by its solubilities in various fluids, by the strongly-marked fluorescence of certain of these solutions and more particularly by the absorption-spectrum it exhibited. The subsequent preparation of hydrobilirubin from bilirubin, and the establishment of its identity with urobilin (p. 246) provided for the first time a mass of the substance sufficient to admit of analysis, and upon this the formula given above for urobilin is based. It must not however be forgotten that the identity of the two pigments is disputed by several observers, although the balance of belief seems as yet to support it. It will conduce to clearness if we incline for the present to this belief and describe the preparation and properties of urobilin as given by Jaff'^, on the assumption that it is identical with hydrobilirubin, and then subsequently give a short account of the opposing views. Preparation from urine. Several methods may be adopted ; of these only the broader facts can here be given, but they suffice to provide solutions which exhibit the characteristic spectra, (i) When urine contained much urobilin Jaffe' precipitated it by the addition of chloride of zinc in presence of an excess of am- monia ; if but little, then by the addition of basic lead acetate. These precipitates were then worked up by processes which do not admit of a suitably brief description.3 (ii) Precipitate the urine completely by the addition first of normal lead acetate, then of the basic acetate. Wash the precipitates, dry at low tempera- ture, and extract with absolute alcohol (not methylated spirit) acidulated with 1 — 2 p.c. of sulphuric acid. This extract may be then diluted with water and the pigment extracted by shaking up with chloroform, in which it is readily soluble.4 (iii) The urine is acidulated with 0*2 p.c. of sulphuric acid and then satu- rated with neutral ammonium sulphate. The precipitate thus obtained is then collected on a filter, washed with an acidulated saturated solution of the ammonium salt, freed by pressure from adhering fluid, and dissolved by gentle warming in absolute alcohol 1 Centralb. f. d. med. Wiss. 1868, S. 243; 1869, S. 177. Virchow's Arch. Bd. XLVII. (1869), S. 405. 2 For further references see Xeubauer u. Vogel, Anal. d. Harris. 1890, Sn. 331, 336. 3 For details see Neubauer u. Vogel, he. cit. S. 334. 4 Mac Munn, Proc. Roy. Soc. pp. 26, 206. Jl. ofPhysiol. Vol. x. (1889), p. 71. ( 11L.MICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL BODY. t<> which if nei.'e»>ary ;i few drops of ammonia have been ad (iv Kiv4iiriit.lv from normal urine, the in- ly if that he highly coloured. a solution of urobilin may In- obtained by -imple agitation with chloroform, or by gently shaking it up with half its volume <>f fare ether free from all traces of alcohol. Th«- »-th«-r is then removed l.y a separating I'mimd. «-\ ;ip,, rated at ordinary temperatures, and the residue dissolved in a small quanti1 absolute alcohol.3 If the alcoholic or chloroformic solutions above descril»-erature, the urobilin remain* as a yellowish-brown amorphous pigment, which i- pra« tieally insolulde in water except in presence of small amounts of neutral salts, very slightly soluble in either ether or ben/ol. readily soluble in alcohol and in chloroform. The neutral alcoholic solutions if dilute are yellow with a rosy tint, and if strong show a ;_ tluore>crnee. The acid solutions are reddi>h-yello\v, or if dilute bright rose-coloured and do not fluoresce. Alkaline (alcoholic) solutions are yellow or yellowish green according to the concen- tration and usually show a marked fluorescence, which is much increa>rd on tin- addition of a solution of x.inc chloride, ap|*-ai- ing now rose-coloured by transmitted light and brilliant green by reflected. S/»rf,-" of urobilin. Neutral or alkaline alcoholic solutions show one absorption band between b and /'. In alkaline solution the band i< frequently very faint, but is more strongly m after the addition of zinc chloride, so much so that it can only hi- distinctly seen after the addition of this salt In solutions a similar band is seen, situated however in this case iitly more toward-* the violet end of tin- spectrum. The methods given above for the preparation of urobilin, indi- mfficiently the procedure requisite f,,r its d.-tection in sol u- tioii*. A^ already stated (p. 246) the ].ositi«m «»f the abeorption band of urobilin is very similarly situated to that of choletelin un.l.-r d-rtain i-omliti.ins. The conflict of opinion as to the identity of the two substances has been dealt with above. It now remains to -jive a short account of the more recent views on urobilin and its relationship to other pigmentary substances to which ivferenee has already been made.8 Mac Miinn dil' rhim. T. xsvm 159. ThU method b goel\- resembling the band of urobilin. There is also occa- sionally a fourth very faint band between the first two bands described above. In alcoholic solution made alkaline by ammonia it yields a spectrum closely resembling that of ha>matoporphyrin (see above p. 238). But unlike the latter substance its solutions show a very faint green fluorescence on the addition of xine chloride and ammonia. The oeeurrence. of ha-matoporjihyrin in urine has been frequently recorded4 and from the >].ectro>c.ipie appearances described above, some observers are inclined to the view that urohrematoporphyrin is not a single substance but a mixture of luematoporplm in with some pigment closely resem- bling urobilin. Uroh»matoporphyriD is perhaps closely rrlat<-,l t.» t\\.» ; known as m-Mn!l.r..lia-m:itin and urofusc'>ha-mat in obtained from a case of leprosy* (Mac Munn). ' Hi-IW. ill Ins .\rrhlv. (2) K.I. If] - M:i.- Mum.. / •! UXT. (1883), pp. 13S, 870. » .//. ../ /'/,,/>"-''. V..N. N i. (1HH4), p. 3fi ; X. (IH- • Sdkowdd, Zt. /: /./,.,>„.:. <•/„„, \\,\ xv. (1M1).& 2M. in tin- caaea examined some evidence tli..i tin- ... .ur- <-rn»U>- in tho urine was perhaps not unconnected with tin* a74). S. 568. Cf. Hoppe-Seyler, Phytiol. Ckem. 1879, 8. 875. 256 HUMUS PIGMENTS. UKINAKY MELANIN. 4. Humus pigments. When carbohydrates are treated with acids or alkalis, among the numerous products which arise are certain pigmentary bodies of a more or less dark -brown colour. A similar colouration is well known as occurring in fruits when bruised or exposed to the air,1 and generally in decaying vegetable tissues. These sub- stances are known under the name of ' humus.' When urine is treated with acids in presence of oxygen it acquires a markedly darker colour, and since carbohydrates in small amount are prob- ably present in all urines,2 there is at once a possibility that some at least of the observed colouration is due to the production of humus-pigmented substances by the action of the acids on the carbohydrates. In accordance with this view certain so-called humus pigments have been prepared from urine, but our knowl- edge of them is as yet very incomplete. They are stated to be practically insoluble in any solvents other than amyl-alcohol, strong ammonia, and caustic alkalis : the solutions show no absorption bands when examined spectroscopically. They are further said to account for the usually dark colour of normal herbivorous urine and of urine after the cutaneous absorption of carbolic acid and several other aromatic compounds.3 It is very probable that several dark-coloured pigments such as the uromelanius of Flosz and Thudichum obtained by the action of acids on urinary pigments or chromogens are allied to if not identical with these humus substances. 5. Urinary melanin.4 Certain tumours are not infrequently observed which from their extremely dark pigmentation are spoken of as ' melanotic,' the colouring-substance being known as melanin.5 The urine of patients suffering from these tumours is either dark-brown or black when voided, or speedily assumes this colour after brief exposure to the air or by the action of nitric acid or other oxidis- ing agents, the pigment to which the colour is due being ap- parently identical with that present in the tumour. This action of oxidising agents indicates that here also, as in the case of other urinary pigments, there is primarily some chromogenic forerunner (melanogen) of the actual pigment. This chromogen 1 Hoppe-Seyler, Zt. f. phi/siol. Chem. Bd. xin. (1889), S. 66. 2 SeeWedenski, Ibid. S/122. E. Salkowski, Ibid. S. 270. 8 Udranszky, Ibid. Bde. xi. (1887), S. 537, xn. (1888), S. 33. Contains very full references to other works. * Morner, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bde. xr. (1887), S. 66, xn. (1888), S. 229. Gives list of literature to date. See also Zeller, Langenbeck's Arch. Bd. xxix. (1884), S. 2, and later Brandl u. Pfeiffer, Zeitsch.f. Biol. Bd. xxvi. (1890), S. 348. 5 The name melanin is more usually applied as a generic title for the dark- brown or black pigments such as occur in the hair, epidermis, retinal epithelium, choroid, &c. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THE ANIMAL l,«»I)i may be partially precipitated from the urine by baryta water ;uul completely by normal lead acetate. When tin- latter pre< ipitate •j. ended in water and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, •Ids a colourless solution \vhii-h when evaporated to di\ 9 a dark amorphous residue insoluble in water, ether, cold alcohol. acetic acid, and dilute mineral acids. The fully formed pigment may, like its chromogenic forerunner, be partially pre- cipitated by baryta water, the remainder being pivcipitable by tin* subsequent addition of normal lead acetate. The baryta precipi- tate contains the larger amount of the pigment, and bom it the colouring-matter may be more easily obtained than from the precipitate with the lead salt, since the latter carries down other urinary pigments at the same time. The isolation of the urinary melanin in a pure form from the baryta compound admits nf no suitably concise description ; it must suffice here to state that an impure product is obtained by decomposing the compound with sodium carbonate assisted by gentle warmth and precipitating the pigment from the resulting solution by a slight excess of sul- phuric acid. The product when purified is partly insoluble, partly soluble in acetic acid of 50 — 75 p. c. Of these portions the former when dried is a brownish-black amorphous powder, insoluble in either water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, or dilute (mineral) acids, but readily soluble in alkalis. The lattei obtained in too small amounts to admit of complete investigation. (in analyst the pigment was found to contain iron (*2 p. <•.) and a considerable amount of sulphur (9 p. c.) and not to show any absorption bands when its solutions were examined spectroscopically. Tliis pigment appears to be identical with one previously il.-rribed under tin- name of phymatorhusin as obtained from nu-laiiotic tum-.ui>, and el.'>ely allied to hyppoiuelauin obtained from similar tumours of tin- horse'.1 When melanotic urines are treated with solutions of ferric chloride, they yield, according to the concentration of t! agent, either a dark-brown cloudiness or else a black precipitate soluble in excess of the precipitant: this test is both delicate and characteristic. Further when to these urines a dilute solution of sodium nitroprusside and some caustic potash is added tli° (pientlx show a pink or red colouration which turns blue on tin- addition of acids, owing to the formation of Prussian him-. The latter reaction is not due to the melanotic pigment but to some other substance simultaneously excreted.* 1 IS.-r.l.-/. n. NVn.-ki. Arch. f. crf>. I'.ith.J. u. rharmaicol. B.I. xx. (l*«6), S. 346. \«MI< -ki u. si, !„ r. II,!,!. H.I. xxiv. (1888), 8. 17. See alao Minra, Virchow'i Arck. H.I. < vii (\^i\. s. -.'50. - v. Jaks. h, /A. f. i>hvsiol. Chem. Bd. xm. (1889), S. 385. 17 258 INDOXYL-PIGMENTS. SKATOXYL-PIGME^TS. 6. Indoxyl-pigments. Of the total indol formed in the alimentary canal, a portion is excreted with the faces, while the remainder is absorbed and re- appears in the urine united with potassium as ethereal compounds of indoxyl with either glycuronic acid (p. 107) or sulphuric acid (p. 199), the latter being known as urinary indican. When warmed with hydrochloric acid these compounds are decomposed, yielding indoxyl and the potassium salt of the corresponding acid. If the decomposition is effected in the absence of oxygen, the in- doxyl may be in part gradually changed into an amorphous red- dish substance, indigo-red, which is insoluble in water, but yields a red solution when dissolved in alcohol, ether, or chloroform.1 These solutions show no certainly characteristic absorption bands. In presence of oxygen and with most certainty by the action of an oxidising agent, the indoxyl is readily converted into indigo- blue, whose properties and solubilities have been already suffi- ciently described. Dilute solutions of indigo-blue exhibit in thin layers one absorption band in the red lying between a and B 25 C ; if the thickness of the solution be increased this band widens out towards D and at the same time a second faint band makes its appearance in the green lying between D 50 E and D 77 E? The numbers just given refer to the method (Vierordt's) frequently used for indicating the position of an absorption band. In this the distance between any two of the fixed lines of the solar spectrum is re- garded as being divided into 100 equal parts and the extent of the band is given by reference to these divisions. Thus if a band is de- scribed as lying between D 50 E and D 77 E it implies that the band begins half way (-fifa of the distance) between D and E and extends to -j7^ of the distance between the same two lines.8 (See also above, note I, p. 228.) Variable accounts of the above pigments may be obtained from urines during their spontaneous decomposition or when treated with hydrochloric acid or oxidising agents, the amount being greatest in herbivorous urine and especially great in certain pathological urines (see p. 199). They have also been met with in urinary sediments and calculi.4 7. Skatoxyl-pigments. The skatol formed in the alimentary canal gives rise, like in- dol, to compounds of skatoxyl with either sulphuric acid or glycu- 1 Cf. Nencki, Ber. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. ix. (1876), S. 299, and see MacMunn, Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxxv. (1883), p. 370. 2 Vierordt, Zt.f. Biol. Bde x. (1874), S. 27, xi. (1875), S. 192. 8 A table for the conversion of these data into wave-length limits is given by G. n. H. Kriiss, Kolorimetrie u. quant. Spe.ktra/ana/yse, 1891, S. 290. * Ord, Berl. klin. Wochensch. 1878, S. 365. Chiari, Prager med. Wochensch. 1888, S. 541. CHEMICAL HAMS oF THK ANIMAL BOD1 ronic acid (see p. 202). These compounds when d- 1 by hydrochloric acid or oxidising agei:- . ;i eolou: ter which is more or less red and may exlui um-t and strong purple tint.1 Tin- pigment is inaolnbk in water, I. ut solu- ble in either alcohol or chloroform, also when freshly prepai ether 1'iit less so if it has been kept some time. A'lcoholi, lions are ut' a reddish-violet colour ; etheieal solutions may a x1"''*'1' fluorescence, which on exposure to tin- air takes on a reddish tinge. It is also soluble in hydro* -hlori, • ;in,l sulphuric BCidB, giving bright iv.l or pink solutions, and in alkalis \ield- ing yellow solutions. No absorption band* for this have as yet been described and the whole subjeet n-.juii investigation. A considerable number of red or reddish-purple pigment.- have at different times been obtained and described urnl* names as derived either from pathological urines when voided, or from the spontaneous decompositions of or action of mineral acids on different urines. The remarks which hav- made on the indoxyl and skatoxyl pigments indicate a possibility that they may all have a common origin and thus be closely re- lated it' nut in many cases identical. In the absence of any antee of the purity of the several coloured product their not having undergone some change during the operations in- volved in their preparation, no authoritative statement »\\ this point can as yet be made. Indeed the whole subject of the origin, nature, and relationships of urinary pigments is at pres- ent in a state of considerable confu-imi and uncertaii.- The urinary pigments so far dealt with may be regarded as either normal or pathological, or as resulting from the spontaneous or artificial decomposition of urinary constituents which an- at the outset colourless. In addition to these, other colouring substances are not. infrequently observed, or colour-reactions obtained, in urines passed after the admini.-tration of certain drugs or the consumption of certain vegetable tissues. They are in many cases not unimportant as leading at first sight to possibly • conclusions as to the presence in urine of pathologically iin]K»rtant pigments, e.g. of bile or blood. After the administration of rhu- barb or senna, the urine may be yellow :i-h-\.-llo\v. d the presence of chrysophanic acid [<',,!! ( II I (OH) similarly after the use of santonin « ',.11,. <>.,). In such ( uses if the urine is strongly alkaline it may be of a red colour; tl changed to yellow on the addition of hydrochloric acid, and if it 1 ntt,,, pfliignr's Arch, Bel. xxxili. (1884), S. f.l f, '/J. f. pkyiiol. H.I. MI (1888), s i.-in r further litorature of these rod pigment* Me Mmtr Abo lifrl. «&• / klin. Meil. ISXH, -tokvis (Piit.-M. .\i~' in Maly'i litrlcht. 1W»9. 8. 468. 260 KETINAL PIGMENTS. is initially acid, it turns red on the addition of an excess of alkali.1 After the internal administration of copaiba, the urine turns pink or rose-coloured on the addition of hydrochloric acid and shows three absorption bands, one (narrow) in the orange to the red side of D, one broad band in the green between D and E, similar to that of fuchsin, and one in the blue.2 Tannin leads to the appearance in urine of gallic acid [C6H2. (OH)8 . COOH], which is hence sometimes found normally in the urine of herbivora (horse).3 In such cases the urine if made alkaline with caustic potash turns brown, and bluish-black on the addition of ferric chloride. It also yields a pink colouration with Millon's reagent, similar to that given by proteids or tyrosin. After doses of anti- pyrin [C9H6N20 (CH3)2] the urine may be dark-coloured and gives a brownish-red colour on the addition of ferric chloride.4 Fuchsin (hydrochloride of rosaniline C20H19N3 . HC1) reappears partly un- changed in the urine, to which it imparts a reddish tinge. It is detected by making the urine alkaline with ammonia and shaking with an equal volume of ether : the latter extracts the colouring matter and into the solution thus obtained a thread of white wool is dipped and allowed to dry spontaneously. If fuchsin is present the wool is stained red. Salicylic acid (ortho-oxybenzoic acid, OH . C6H4 . COOH) is excreted partly in an unaltered form, partly as salicyluric acid, OH . C6H4 . CONH . CH2 . COOH. These may be detected by the intense violet colour they yield on the addition of ferric chloride. Finally after the absorption of carbolic acid (phenol) and many other aromatic compounds such as pyrocate- chin, hydrochinon, &c., the urine turns greenish-brown and finally dark-brown on exposure to air. KETINAL PIGMENTS.5 The pigments which have to be considered under this heading are numerous. There is in the first place the extremely stable dark-brown colouring-matter of the retinal epithelium, belonging to that general class of pigments known as melanins (see p. 256) and called in this case fuscin. In addition to this the retinal epithelium of some animals contains a not inconsiderable amount of fat globules whose yellow colour is due to lipochrin, a pigment 1 For discrimination of these see Munk, Virchow's Arch. Bd. LXXII. (1878), S. 136. 2 Quincke, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. xvn. (1883), S. 273. 3 Baumann, Zt. f. physiol. Chem. Bd. vi. (1882), S. 193. * Umbach, Arch.f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. xxi. (1886), S. 161. 6 The following account of these pigments is based upon Kiihne's article in Hermann's Hdbch. d. Physiol. Bd. in. Thl. 1. 1879, and on the original papers in Kiihne's Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Inst. zu Heidelberg, 1878 — 1882, in which the literature is fully quoted. CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL I:<>1>\ closely allied to that of other fata of the body ami ku<>\vn under tin- ^eiienc name of lipochromes or luteins. Pas- the epithelium tn tin- ivtina proper we lind in tin- outer end of the inner liiul> iif the cones highly coloured fat globules from \vlii«-h three distinct pigments known as chroniophanes. also belon^in^' to the u'eneral class of lipochromes, may be obtained names rli'H/ojifniiif, chlorophanf,;(\\<\ •'• nthujihn," in correspondence with their ivsp«-ctive red, ^n-i-n. ami yellow colours. In addition to the above the outer limits ot tin the inner limbs or either the inner or outer limits of the . after the retina has lieen shielded for some time from the ;i< tion of liidit, are found to present a distinct reddish-purple colour which is very marked when the retina is examined as a \\li.-le. This colour1 is due to an exceedingly unstable- pigment <-alled by Kuhne ' visual-jturple' or rhodopsin. The staltility of the. piiMuents other than visual-purple is merely relative not al. solute, since they are all sooner or later destroyed 1. leached l.y suffi- ciently prolonged exposure to li^'ht. The powibilitii sted of a photochemical exjtlanation of retinal excil have however as yet thrown no real lij:ht on the nature of the process. It may be that the impulses result from the changes which these pigments undergo, and it is p»silile that the col ^loltules of the cones play a part in the whole proce-«. not merely I iy the instability of their colours but also l.y acting as eoloun-d tlioui.'li traiisj.arent screens, and thus at the same time determin- ing the advent to the photochemical apparatu- leii-th only. Such speculations are interesting luit f«ir the devoid of any decisive exjK-rimental Mipport >; 7 1. Fuscin (Retinal melanin).3 This- ].iLriiient is found as minute granules iml.edded in the cell- sulistance and jirocesses of the retinal epithelium (see § Th'--e -ninnies niav lie either irr.-i.Mi la r. as they always are in the ehoroid, or may, especially as in turds, possess an elongated form with sharply pointed ends distinctly su^'u'«->-tiv • illine structure. It is obtained by «-\t ra.-t in-j l! • vsith boiling alcohol, eth.-r, and water, and then di- MIC time with tryp-in. The residue is fr ..... 1 from nin-I.-iiis by di--o Ivin^ the latter in caugtk alkalis. and from neiiiokerat in (p. S7i bv tion an'.'1- : < t«*od l>v I.i-\ <\\£ in I - iiiM.-it.ili! . IN t.. liiilif w:v« t: 8 The- j.i.i:iii.-:it-; ..f :!,. i- :n.:il r|iitli«-limn :nnl <-tioroid «r« mppamitly ulontlcal. 262 LIPOCHRIN. nitric acid it becomes soluble in alkalis, yielding yellow solutions. It becomes similarly soluble by prolonged exposure to light with free access of air (oxygen) and may be again precipitated from these solutions by the addition of an acid. It is remarkable that notwithstanding its extreme insolubility and resistance to the action of most reagents fuscin is gradually bleached by exposure to light, a result due to some oxidational change since it only occurs in presence of oxygen. The product to which the above description refers contains much nitrogen, and leaves on incinera- tion a slight ash-residue containing traces of iron. Later investigations of the pigment (from the choroid and iris) con- firm the above statements of its insolubility in most reagents, and further show that it contains neither sulphur nor iron. The black pigment from hairs is stated to contain less nitrogen and a not incon- siderable amount of sulphur but no iron, and to be readily soluble in alkalis.1 When the several substances described under the general term melanins are compared each with the other it is found that they are by no means identical, but in the absence of any guarantee of the purity of each product or of the absence of change during its prepara- tion, all specific statements of differences must be received with caution. Possibly they are all closely allied and probably in some cases, as in the melamemia of the malarial fever 2 or the melanuria (and melanotic pigmentation) accompanying certain kinds of tumours (p. 256), they are derived from the colouring-matter of the blood. The divergence in views as to their derivation from haemoglobin has apparently turned in many cases on the presence or absence of iron in the pigments un- der examination. Some of the melanins may contain iron, some none, but whether they do or do not is not a decisive test of their derivation. If they do it makes the connection more probable, if they do not they may still take their origin from blood-pigments, as in the case of the highly coloured but iron-free haematoporphyrin. 2. Lipochrin. The fat globules in the retinal epithelium from which this pig- ment is obtained are more especially abundant in the frog. It is soluble in chloroform, ether, benzol, carbon bisulphide, &c. When dissolved in ether it gives two absorption bands between F and G ; in carbon bisulphide two bands, one each side of F? The pigment of the body-fat of frogs gives similar absorption spectra when dissolved in the same solvents. Solutions of lipochrin are slowly bleached by exposure to a strong light. The pigment is probably closely allied to the yellow colouring-matter of many other animal fats. (See below sublutein.) 1 Sieber, Arch.f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. Bd. xx. (1886), S. 362. 2 For references see Gamgee, Physiol. Chem. Vol. i. (1880), p. 162. 3 See Kiihne and Ayres, Jl. of Physiol. Vol. i. (1878), p. 109. CHKM;< LSIfl <»F THK ANIMAL i;<>; 3. Chromophanes. Tli-- •'•«! above, tin- colou! M of th- »lohule> which iM-eiir betwern the outer and inner limbs of th,. r-tinal conea They are prepa: . .-t chiefly from tin- e\ l.inl>, a> follow. The retinas an- dehydrated with al... li.il and extracted with ether. The ethereal -olution of the f:,ts is then evaporated tit dryness. tin- residue dissolved in hut alcohol :,iid saponified witli raustir soda. Tlu- haul ,.ij,> thus ol,tain.-.l a iv tlii-ii extract. -d in sii.-.-.->sion with j^tml.-uin (see note p. 156), ether, and henxol. of these solv.-nt^ th- out the vellowish-«;reen chloroj.hane. th i tlie yellow xanthoi.hane, and the third the ivd-eolouivd (i) ('lil<>f'i>li'iif Solul.lr in jM-tri.lelllii ether, ether, hisulphide. and in alcohol. When dissolved in tin- tii th'--e solvents it shows t\\o al.soijition hands K-tween /'and C , in solution in tin- latter, tin- t\\o band> lie one each sidr of /' (ii) A'<'iit/t'>/i/i»M. Soluble in ether, carbon bisulphide, and in alcohol. In ethereal solution it shows only on,- absorption band. near /•', towards the blue end of the s]>ectruin. In carbon bi- sulphide it shows similarly one band near, and to the blur, side It is thus distinguished from the yellow pigment (lipochrin) of the retinal epithelium previously deserihed. iii Ji'liiiliti,ii\ Soluble in turpentine, beniol, and in •lodfaol, In ben/olic solution it shows one band close to, but on the red side of./'; in solution in turpentine the band i- similarly but now on the blue side of. /•' Solutions of tbe chmniophanes ;nv slowly bleached by the ac- tion of liu'ht. - chlorophane losing its colour fairly rapidly, xantho- phane inoi-e slowly, and rhodojthane only alter prolonged exp> In the. 1«.-^ pure form in which the chroniopli t ob- tained by Kuhne, they ^ave the reactions which characterise the lil'ochroines or lutein. \\/,. : (i) A tran-ient violet, foil- bright blue, when treated with »••.//.-.////•///.'/ sulj-huric acid . tran-ient bluMi-^n-eii under the intluei; •n^ (yell. .\\ i nitric arid, (iii) An initial uieen colour, passing into bluisli-^r«-«-u. by the action of a dilute iT. p. c. solution of iodine in dibit. iodide of pota.-siuni.'-' In the jmrei form in which they \\ere sub- sequently prejtared, Kiihiie found that they all t: • th«- tir>t of the abo\e ivartions, while Hone of then; I'.uied by the iotline solution, and in the cast- of rhodophane the second reaction with nitric acid was scarcely marked ......... \vrr-i. ' ' ' aii'l views a* to the i.l.-ntitv ..f thf-n- fattv ].i^ni.'iits \Mth Intcin. j.ir > thu H K , -.:.. / -. ,-. ,/. h>i»ii>l. Imttt. Hfxlrlf,. \M. iv. (1H«2). S. 169. 264 VISUAL-PURPLE. 4. Visual-purple (Rhodopsin). This extremely unstable pigment may be stated to occur gen- erally (some few exceptions have been observed) in the retinae of all vertebrates. It does not appear as yet to have been found in the eye of invertebrates.1 It is confined entirely to the outer limbs of the rods, but while occurring in the majority of the rods it is not found in all of them ; thus, it is absent in those situated in the immediate neighbourhood of the ora serrata, and (in man at least) it is wanting in the scantily disposed rods in the imme- diate neighbourhood of the fovea centralis. It is entirely absent from the cones, and hence is not found either in the fovea cen- tralis of the human retina, or in the rod-free retina of reptiles. Preparation in solution. The most suitable material is afforded by the retinae of frogs which have been kept in the dark for two or three hours ; since in these animals not only is the visual-pur- ple very marked and somewhat persistent under the action of light, but further, the retina can be separated from the adjacent epithelium with great ease and is free from blood. The necessary operation for the removal of the retinse, as also all subsequent manipula- tions, must be carried on in a feeble light from a sodium flame to avoid bleaching. The retinas (20 — 30 suffice) are then extracted for an hour in the dark with about 1 c.c. of a freshly prepared 2 — 5 p. c. solution of bile salts from ox-bile, which is finally fil- tered. If brought into daylight and examined, the solution is seen to possess a brilliant pinkish-purple colour, which rapidly becomes red, yellow, and finally colourless, under the action of light. A similar initial colour is observed in the retina in situ, followed by the same change of colour when exposed to light, the yellow being regarded as due to a ' visual-yellow ' (xanthopsin) and perhaps the final colourless stage, since it admits of regenera- tion in the dark into visual-purple if the retina is fresh and in contact with its epithelium (see § 773), may be spoken of as a ' visual-white ' (leukopsin). Spectroscopic properties. Neither visual-purple nor visual-yel- low gives any distinct absorption band ; there is a general absorp- tion of the central parts of the spectrum easily seen between E and G in the case of visual-purple, which changes into a general absorp- tion of the violet end of the spectrum from F onwards as the purple changes into yellow and finally disappears altogether. Action of light. White light, as also that from an electric lamp or magnesium flame, bleaches visual-purple with extreme rapidity, dependency upon the intensity of the illumination: direct sunlight destroys the colour almost instantaneously. is dne 1 The red colour of the retina of Cephalopods, first described by Krohn ill 1 839,, lue to other pigments which are very resistent to the action of light. CHEMICAL BASIS 01 1111. ANIMAL BODY When monochromatic light (of the spe< •trum) is used, found that tin- yellowish-green, i. e. the region most str absorbed by the pigment, is most, active, followed seriati:. ., blue, greenish-yellow, yellow, violet, orange, and red: the ultra-iv.l r.iys have no such bleaching power. At low tem- peratures the effect of light is less, increases with rise of ature. and at 75° the colour is destroyed even without to light. A' fun i of reagents. The colour is at once destroy, -d by tin- action of caustic alkalis, most acids, alcohols, chloroform, and ether: it is on the other hand persistent in presence of ami: solutions of ordinary alum, of sodium chloride, carbonates of the alkalis, and a large number of other salts. One of the most im- portant factors in determining the bleachii ual-purple l»y either light or heat is the presence or absence «,f water. If the entire retina be dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid, or if a solution of the lenient be similarly evaporated to d: he visual jairple is comparatively resistent to the action of light, although bleached by a sufficiently prolonged exposure. LIPOCHROMES OR LI I KINS r the rupture of the ovarian follicle which accompanies the discharge "f nu ovum, the cavity of the follicle becomes tilled with a" mass of cells, traversed by ingrowth- of connecti\e \ from tbe neighboring stroma. and frequently contains re-lilting from ha-morrhage at the time of rupture $ '.'.".4 Thi- is followed, most strikingly if impregnation of tl ovum takes place, by a fatty degeneration of the contained resulting in the formation «-f a bright jugmentrd n. bril- liant yell..w or orange colour, while at the same time the coluur- inu'-matter ,if the blood may be converted into tl; linn- substance already described under the name ha matoidin (p. 'J being identical with bilirubin The structure which i from the al.ove rhaiii."-- i< km-wn as a 'mrpus biteiim. I (1868) examination o! n.i..nred extract* of tl l.-d to erroneous -tateni.-iit- of the identity of the pi-mei/ t. ,ined from them with h;i-mat..idin. a \ie\v \\hi.-h \\a- ilfflOl immediately mntrM-d, — while the cul.iuring matt- • •! the nan f ha molutcin. A renewed inve-tigat imi of tl. Thudichum ' to charactefwe n u highly coloured fatty COnatitttenti as of butter and of some vegetable tissues, and to give it the name lutcin. under t Centralb.f. d. med. W>tt 18*9,B. I. 266 LUTEINS. which designation as a class-name these fatty pigments have usually been known. Since, however, as we have already seen in the case of the chromophanes, and as will appear subsequently in the case of the pigments of egg -yolk, and of the substance tetronerythrin, we have to deal with pigments which, while they give the reactions characteristic of the group, exhibit colours other than yellow, it is perhaps advisable now to use the term ' lipochrome ' as generic, and to retain lutein as specific for certain yellow pigments only. The lipochromes are characterised by exhibiting absorption bands which, though varying somewhat in position according to the solvent employed, are usually situated towards the violet end of the spectrum. From a chemical point of view the reactions already described on p. 263 may be regarded as characteristic of the whole class. 1. Lutein.1 This pigment may be obtained from corpora lutea by extraction with chloroform. If the orange-coloured solution thus obtained be allowed to evaporate spontaneously, a fatty residue is left in which the lutein is found in a crystalline form, as minute either rhombic prisms or plates, which are pleochromatic (see p. 216). They are insoluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and benzol. These exhibit two absorption bands, one inclosing F, the other about half way between F and G. If egg-yolk be extracted with a little alcohol and much ether, the solution shows two bands similar to those already described for lipochrin or frog's fat (p. 262), while sometimes a third faint band near G may be seen, especially if the residue from the ethereal extract be dissolved in carbon bisulphide and examined. If the residues from the ethereal extracts of egg-yolk and corpora lutea be saponified and extracted with carbon bisulphide, the solutions yield identical absorption spectra.2 Maly,3 operating on the bright red eggs of a sea-spider (Maja Squinado) considered that lutein (assuming its identity in this case with that from ordinary egg-yolk) consists of two pigments, vitellolutein (yellow) and vitellorubin (red). For further details see the original paper. Lutein is more or less rapidly bleached by the action of light. 2. Serum lutein. The serum from the blood of almost all animals is usually of a more or less yellow colour ; it is specially marked in the case of the horse and ox, is also marked in the case of sheep and man, and is but slightly present under normal conditions in the serum 1 See Capranica, loc. cit. on p. 263. 2 Kiihne and Ayres, Jl. qfPhi/siol. Vol. i. (1878), p. 127. Gives spectra. 3 Monatshefle f. Chem. Bd. n. (1881), S. 18. Gives literature to date. See recently Bein," Be'r. d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. xxm. (1890), S. 421 CHEMICAL BASIS OF THK ANIMAL l:«»i»\ of the doe/, rabbit. «>r rat. Tin- colour has l.y ditier.-nt "b- | been ascribed to different pigments. In -onie cases it in iluc. at lea-t partl\. to tin- presence of bile-pigmentfl or their derivatives,1 tin-si- bein,u much increased in en tain d as: jaundice. I'.ut in addition to these it appears that tin- colour of all pi-jmcnted scrums is due to a specitic pigment. \\ln. h. while it may differ (?) slightly as obtained from the l.li.nd o| dit: animals, belongs in each case to the general class . known as lipochromes. This view was originally put forward b\ Thudichum.- who ascribed the colour to the pigment lutein, \\hi the <• lass of lipoohromet, as judged liy tin- fact that it is soluble in alcohol, ether. < hloio- t'orm, ben/ol, carbon bisulphide, &c., shows the two ,in t: birds only one) bands in the blue part of the sjn'ctruin, and the chemical reactions (p. 263) with nitric acid and sulphuri< eharacteri>tic of these substances. It is in many cases identical with the pigment which can be extracted from the fat of the animal from whose blood the serum was obtained. Serum-lutein is bleached by the action of light. 3. Tetronerythrin This name wa> liist given to a substance ;loro- form from the red exCTOSCencefl over the . :n biid.-4 It was siibsiMjuently investigated by H<>pp< - • Horn tin- same source), and described later as occurring in some -j-nnges* fishes,6 and feathci-.-.7 More recently it ha> been f"iiiid M a pig- mentary constituent of the blood of crusta. , a .s The pigment is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, ben/ol. and . ail.oii bisulj.hide. i> readily bli-ached by li-ht. \iel.U the chemical reac- tions with siil]ihuri'- acid, nitric acid, and iodine, \\hi--l. itic of the lipochioines (see p. :.'»'•."•). like theM shot) al»orption band near F somewhat similar to that of \anthoj.hanc i Flai.ni,:, > !-''» (Hilinil.in in senini ..f li..i>.- Imt n..t .-f ..x ..r m;r (IIy.lr..».ilinil.in). M:i.- Mm. Soc V..1 \\\i. (1880). p. 331 (Choletdia). fro/6. /: '/. ///../. M'/». ,/. ./,„„. • Nahmeiu. 1RM Hnllit.urton. 1 \Vur.n, ZLf.vii X'-i IM \\M R Krnk« nix rsr, 1 >'""/• l H"ihn. Al.ih. 4. l^1*!. v • Knik.-nlH.rj;, Ibid. Al.tli. :.. S ST. I M 8« •**> ^ ,./ T \. in. (IH81). j>. loan. Mn< Min.n. Proe. Roy. S- \\\\ (1888), IM. I .-.-'. -iro - Ilallihurtun../. ../ ' Phytinl Vol. VI. (1884). p. 324. LV>8 PYOCYAXIX. and rhodophane (p. 263), and is slowly bleached by the action of light. The pigments of the animal body which have been so far dealt with admit of a certain amount of classification with reference either to the secretions or organs in which they occur, to their genetic relationships each with the other, or in some cases (lipo- chromes) to their probable chemical similarities. But in addition to these an extremely numerous mass of pigments has been at dif- ferent times described under various names, as obtained from the brightly -coloured parts of invertebrates and of vertebrates, such as the feathers, &c. Our knowledge of them is quite incomplete and limited in most cases to statements of their solubilities and the absorption spectra which some of them yield. In most cases nothing is known of their chemical nature or their relationships (if any) to each other, and any description of them even if it were profit- able, is impossible within any reasonable limits. For details and references to the literature of the several pigments see Gamgee, Physiological Chemistry, Vol. i. 1880, p. 305, and parti- cularly Krukenberg, Vergleichend-physiol. Studien, Heidelberg, 1881- 1888 and Vergleich. physiol. Vortrage, Bd. i. 1886, Nr. 3. In conclusion it must suffice to describe two pigments which do not naturally fall under any of the above groups into which these substances have been divided. Pyocyanin.1 Pus, which ordinarily presents a more or less bright yellow colour, is frequently greenish and sometimes blue. The blue colour is due to a pigment (pyocyanin) which is ap- parently formed in the pus by the action of specific organisms. It is obtained either from pus or the bandages into which it has been absorbed by extraction with dilute alcohol or with water to which a trace of ammonia has been added. The alcoholic extract is then evaporated to a small bulk and the residue extracted with chloroform, or it may be extracted at once from the aqueous solu- tion by shaking with chloroform. It may be obtained in a crys- talline form by slow evaporation of the chloroformic solutions, the crystals being readily soluble in water and alcohol, but only slightly in ether. Acids change the blue colour to red, and alkalis restore the original blue. None of the solutions show any distinct ab- sorption bands. When kept the crystals turn greenish, due to a decomposition which takes place most readily in alkaline solu- tions exposed to the air and light, and results in the formation of a yellow pigment, pyoxanthose. The latter is, unlike pyocyanin, 1 Fordos, Compt. Rend. T. LI. (1860), p. 215; Ibid. LVI. (1863), p. 1128. Liicke, Arch. f. Uin. Chirurg. Bd. in. (1863), S. 135. Girard, Deutsch. Zeit. f. Chirurg. Bd. vii. (1876), S. 389. Fitz, Ber.d. d. chem. Gesell. Bd. xi. (1878), Sn. 54, 1893. Kunz, Monatsh.f. Chem. Bd. ix. (1888), S. 361. rilKMK AL BASIS OF THF. ANIMAL BOO only .slightly soluble. in water, but readily soluble in . which property tin- two pigments ailiuit of being sepai uithose is crystalline, soluble in alcohol ami oEloxofonil, is coloured red l»y acids and violet liy alkalis. Since pyoxan; appears to In- a product of tin- decomposition of pyocyanin, both pigments may oceur simultaneously in pus. in which cast- the fluid is green. According to some more r.-c.-nt dboen eyanin, as judged of by its reactions with tin- chlorides ot jilatiniun and with other alkaloidal jin-i-ijiitants, as also from tin- t'onnatioii of crystalline compounds with acids, is closely ivhu tin- alkaloids. Sweat is also occasionally coloured blue, in some cases by in- dii:<>-blue (p. 200) as in urine, and it may be (?) by a pigment similar to pyocyanin. i if (I,,- suprarenal bodies. A suprarenal body when a 11 is made through it is found to consist of an outer »i eal portion, of a yellow colour, which constitutes the chief jKirt »i : rnetuiv, and an inner, medullary part of a darker colour. When the latter is acted upon by ferric chloride it assuu dark bluish- or greenish-black colour, and if an aqueous ev ot' its substance (or the tissue itself) be treated with an o\idi>ing a-ent it turns red (§ 498). It appears therefore that the >upru- ivnals contain some form of chromogen or pigment-forerunner which gives rise under appropriate conditions to a pigment cording to some observers extracts of the cortex show a spectrum similar to that of the histohaematins (p. 234) while the medulla gives one resembling hivmochromogen.2 The pigment obtainable from the suprarenals has been investigated by Erokenbeig.1 By a method for which the original paper must be consulted. 1 lated a brownish-red substance with an acid reaction, soluble in water and alcohol, whose reactions were the same as those oi s of the suprareuals. None of the solutions showed any dis- tinct absorption bands. The whole subject requires fuither -libation, which mi.uht be of interest in connection with the origin and causation of the incivacsd pigmentation of the skin ob- •d when the suprarenals are diseased. -«ard, Comitt. fond. T. xnv. (1882), j. 1C MIIIIII. /' / IH84 (Jl. ofPftyiiol. Vol. T. p. \ Artk. IM. < i (1886), > 54a. INDEX. ' Absorption ratio, ' 225, notf Acetamid'-, formation of, 160 . 116 ,117 \ Irxtrin, preparation of, 93 Munido-capnic, 147 ac..ti.-, 116, 124 allauturic, 170 amiilo-acetic, 140 amido-caprnic, 1 17 aiiiMo-t-tliylsiilphonic, HI amido-lonim-, 139 •mido-pjro-tertuie, 152 ainid'i-Micciiiaiiiic, 153 ainMo-succinic, 1.02 ainidn-siilpliolactic (cystin), 150 ainido.vali-rijiim-, 85 -puragiiiic, 152 , 186 hutyri.-. 11-, 121 capric, 118 , 118 caprylic, 118 •:iii'-, !."•! carbolic or phi-nvlir, 193 diolalic .>r rlmli. . flmli'i ctliylt-ii.-la.'tii', 129 Bthylidene-Uctic, !-."• fdlir. iir, 11.;, i-j.j , erinphoephorie, 135 glycocholic, -jlo Mtii"1. 107 liil'l'iui.-, 186 livl .uitoi.', 170 liloric, percentage of in gas- tri.' juice, 61 livilnixy-liutyrir. 130 liyilr<>\y-|ir«'pi»nir, 121 ! -sulphuric, 199 ii-, 141 rii', 118 ric, 195 kynurenic, 192 Acid, Inctic, 124 lauri.- or lauttwtemric, 119 ' lithii-,1 166 margaric, 119 nirthyl-^uaiiiiliii .1 iiiftliyl-liy.lantoii-, 141 niyri>tii-. 119 oteie, oxalic, 130 oxaluri. , 171 n.xyi liiii..liii.<-arboxylic, 192 palmitic, 119 para ban ic, 169 paralartic, 126 phi-nylic, !'.':( ]'licii\ 1-siilphuric, 194 propioiiii-. 1 17, 121 sacch.i:i . 1"7 sarcoliK tic, i •_'.;. 128 skatoxyl-sulplmn . 11:' succiii! Milpho-i vaiiic, 163 Milp)iuii<-, 53 tuurn-rarlmtiiic, 143 Uurwliolic, 211 uric, 164 valeric or vulcrianic, 118 \ilnitiiin. !:• ., its I.IUMH to alkali-albumin. 18 Acids of the acetic wrif». 115 ,, aromatic arrie*, 185 glycolic wriea, 124 !ir) •rriec, 120 • • \alic wric*, 130 115 n, 121 the, 120 rotfidj, 8 . 119 cutii. 4 in, 95-90 Albumin, iu decompodtioo by add* and enzymes, 40 272 INDEX. Albumins, derived and native, 9 ,, chemistry of, 11, 15 ,, preparation of, 12, 16 Albuminates, 15 ' Allmminose,' 37 Albumoses and peptones, 10 ,, ,, chemistry of, 36 ,, ,, preparation of, 42 Alcohols of the human body, 116 Aldehydes, their possible presence in plants, 52, 115, note ,, their relations to the ketones, 117 Aleurone-grains of plants, 26, 36 Alkali-albumin, 9, 18 ,, chemistry of, 18 ,, preparation of, 19 ,, rotatory power of, 19 ,, its relations to casein, 22 Alkaloids, certain vegetable, their rela- tion to the xanthins, 173, 174 vegetable, their resemblance to ptomaines, 204, 205 Allantoin series, 170 ,, sources of, 172 ,, preparation, 173 Allanturic acid, 170 Alloxau series, 169 Amides and amido-acids, 139 Amido-acids of the acetic series, 139 „ ,, lactic series, 150 ,, ,, oxalic series, 151 Amido-acetic acid, 140 a-amido-caproic acid, 147 Amido-ethylsulphonic acid, 141 Amido-formic acid, 139 Amido-pyro-tartaric acid, 152 Amido-succinamic acid, 153 Amido-succinic acid, 152 Amido-sulpholactic acid (cystin) 150 Aniido-valerianic acid, 85 Amines, composition of, 204, note Ammonium carbonate, its relations to urea, 161, 163 Amphikreatinin, 207 Amphopeptoue, 46 Amylodextrin, 92 Animal body, chemical basis of the, 3 ' Animal gum,' Landwehr's, 79, 84, 95 Antialbumate, 40 ,, characters of, 41 Antialbumose, 40 „ characters of, 42 Antipeptone, 39 and note, 40 ,, preparation of, 45 Apoglutin, 82, note Aromatic series, the, 185 Ascidians, tunicin prepared from mantle of, 101 Ash of egg-albumin, 5 ,, of proteids, 6 ,, of casein, 20-21 ,, of fibrin, 34 Asparagin, 153 Asparagin, its function in vegetable me- tabolism, 52-53, 153, 154 Aspartic or asparaginic acid, 152 Bananas, presence of isobutyric acid in, 118 Barfoed's reagent, composition of, 112, note Beans, preparation of inosit from, 108 Benzoic acid, 186 „ its relations to hippuric acid, 186 ,, vegetable sources of, 188 Benzol-glycin, 186 Bile-acids, the, 207 ,, variations in, according to source, 209 ,, Pettenkofer's reaction for, 213 Bile, the inucin of, 77 ,, and tree fatty acids, emulsifying power of, 123 Bile-pigments and their derivatives, 239 ,, their relation to blood- pigments, 248, 249 Bilicyanin, 245 Bilirubin, its identity with hsematoidin, 239 ,, sources of, 240 ,, preparation of, 241 Biliverdin, 243 ,, preparation of, 243 Blood and bile, relationship between col- ouring matters of, 237, 247, 249 ,, dextrose a constituent of, 102 ,, presence of sarcolactic acid in, 126 Blood-corpuscles, red, proteid constituent of, 28 ,, ,, „ colouring matter of, 215 ,, ,, white, their connection with fibrin for- mation, 67-69 ,, ,, ,, glycogen present in, 96 ,, ,, nucleated, nuclein pre- pared from, 88 Blood-plasma, fibrinogen a constituent of, 29 ,, paraglobulin a constitu- ent of, 27 Blood-stains, detection of, 237 Body, colouring matters of the, 215 Brain-substance, neurokeratin obtained from, 87 ,, ethyl-alcohol obtained from, 116 ,, inosit present in, 108 ,, a sugar obtained from, 106-107 ,, preparation of cerebrin from, 138 „ pro tngon obtained from, 137 m> Briicke's reagent for proteida, 8 Bunsen method, the, of estimating urea, 158 Bush-tea, alkaloid il juin -iple of, 185 Buttt-r, t'uts ]>!« .-,,'iit in, IL"_' Butyric acid, 1 1s ,, fermentation, 105 Cadaverin, 206 1 at ions to xanthiu, 173, 174, 184-185 ,, an excretionary product of plants, 185 Calcium lactate, 126 ,, oxalate, 130 ,, salts, their action in clotting of casein, 22 ,, sarcolactate, 126, 127 Calculi, cystic, 150 ,, niullvrry, 130 ••-sugar, digestive changes in, 59, 110 ,, <>se formed from, 105 N ' inversion ' of, 106, 110 Cane-sugar group, the, 110 Capric (rutic) add, 118 Capmii' arid, 118 vlic arid, 118 miic acid, 151 Carbamide, 1."..'. Carbohydrates, 91-115 ,, in what form assimilated, 59, 98, 103, 111, 114-115 >lic acid, 193 ii-dioxidi- h.rinoglobin, 222 >n -monoxide haemoglobin, 221 Carica Papaya, peptoni/ing enzyme. in the juice of, 61 Carnin, preparation of, 178 nature of bile-acid of, 210 n, 9 ,, cheinUti-y and preparation of, 20 ,, action of rcniiiu on, -J-J ,, its relations to nucluin, 90 Caseinogen, 20 " I ii liars, formic acid in the secretion of certain, 116 ence of vitellin in, 26 (Vll-gl.ilMilins, 28 Cell-protoplasm, presence of nucleo- alliuiiiin in, 90 Cell-walls, vegetable, lignification of, 99 Cells, chemical composition of nuclei of, 88 ,, hepatic, their glycogen-con verting action, 98 rvilulose of starch grains, 91 ,, chemistry of, 99 „ digestion of, 99, 100 ti.-ulosa, presence of skatol in, 203 Oerebrin, 138 Cerebrose, 106 Cetyl alcohol, 116 Cbarcot's crystals, 139 Cheese, curxi of, produced only by reman 65 Chitin, preparation of, 87 Chloroform, discrimination between en. ••nts by means of, 56 Chloi i, 263 Chlorophyll, starch formed under the influence . Cholalic or cholic add. Cholec van in or choleverdiu, 246 Choleic acid, 209 Cholesteru, „ -us of, 133 Choletdii, Choliu, 135 Cholo-hwuiatin, 250 Chondrigen, 83 Choudrin, preparation and reactions of, 83 Chondromucoid, 85 Chromogeus, 251, 25' : Chromophanes of the letiua, 261, 263 ,, 'ii of light on the, 26» Chrysokreatinin. Chyle, presence of globulins in, 28, 29 „ dextrose a constituent of, 102 Clotting of caaei: of blood, 29. 67, 69 ,, of muscle plasma, 30, 70 ,, of milk, heat phenomena of, 75 Collagen, 80 ,, its in to gelatin, 80 Copper, its presence in animal pigments, •JO is hit. inn, pigment of the, 266 Corpuscles, see Blood-corpuscles lin, chemistry and preparation of, 25 Crystals, Charcot's, 139 :ig, 6 ,, Teiehniaiin's, 286 Cyanogen c<>m|><>iiiids, t!n-ir possible "film -tinii in metabolism, 62, 162 Cyst in, 150 DeuteroalbnmoK- Deuterogelatose, 82 us, i!i.-. preparation of, 93 Dextrose (glucose, grape-sugar), 102-106 ,, ,, discrimination of from BsJtOM, 111 Diabetes, chemical clung™ in. 117. 130 Diastase, formation of maltose by, 1 1 1 DigsstkM • •! protd i-. prodn, i •. • „ 1. 68-59, 63, 64 gastric, 60 of cellulose. 99, 100 Diseasea. ptomainr-formation by , !. .,'.,.. .;;:•..:. Dysalbumose, 44 1- 274 INDEX. Dyslysin, 210 Dyspeptone, Meissner's, 37, 42 Egg-albumin, chemistry of, 11, 89 ,, preparation, 12 ,, crystalline form of, 12 Egg-yolk, the proteid constituents of, 26 „ nuclein of, 88, 90 ,, pigment of, 265, 266 Elastin, preparation of, 85 Elastoses, 86 Embryo, presence of glycogen in tissues of, 96 Enzymes, 53-76 characteristics of, 53-56 discrimination of from organ- ized ferments, 56 of the pancreas, 57 of gastric juice, 59 of muscle tissue, 70 mode of action, 72-74 heat phenomena accompany- ing their action, 75 ,, their products inhibitory to their action, 94 ,, their action on cane-sugar, 110, 111 Epidermal structures, keratin the chief constituent of, 86 Erythrodextrin, 93 Ethane, 124 Ethyl, 124 Ethyl-alcohol, presence of, in animal tissues, 116 Ethyl-glycol, 124 Ethylene-lactic acid, 129 Ethylidene-lactic acid, 125 Extract of meat, preparation of sarcolactic acid from, 126-127 ,, ,, preparation of carnin from, 178 ,, ,, presence of hypoxanthin in, 179 Fats, their derivatives and allies, 115 „ the neutral, 120 ,, complex nitrogenous, 133 Fattening, sources of fat deposited dur- ing, 122 Fehling's fluid, composition of, 112, note Fellic acid, 209 Ferment, restriction of the term, 53, note Ferments, their probable mode of action, 72, 73 „ organized, discrimination of from enzymes, 56 Fermentations of dextrose, 105 „ lactic, of souring milk, 114 Fibrin, 32 ,, varying forms of, 33 „ ash of, 33 Fibrin, its action on hydrogen dioxide, 35 Fibrin-ferment, 67, 68 Fibrinogen, 29, 30, 69 Fibrino-plastin, 27, note Fishes, presence of kreatinin in muscles of, 145 Food, the three classes of, 4 Foot-mucin of Helix pomatia, 78 Formic acid, secreted by ants and certain caterpillars, 116 Formica rufa, formic acid excreted by, 116 Fruits, presence of laevulose in, 106 Fuscin, 261, 262 Galactose, or cerebrose, reactions of, 106 ,, a product of lactose, 113 Gall-stones, cholesterin a constituent of, 132 „ bilirubin prepared from, 240, 241 Gallois' test for inosit, 109 Gastric glands, pepsinogen in the cells of, 61 Gastric juice, earlier experiments with, 37 ,, the proteolytic enzyme of, 59 ,, percentage of hydrochloric acid in, 61 Gelatin or glutin, 80 ,, liquefaction of, by growth of micro-organisms, 82 Gelatin-peptones, preparation of, 81, 82 Gelatoses, the, 82 Gland, submaxillary, mucin of, 77 Globin, 32 Globulin of the crystalline lens, 25 „ as compared with myosin and h'brin, 35 Globulins, the, 25-32 ,, their conversion into acid- albumin, 16 ,, their relations to fibrin, 34 Glucose, 102 Glue, 80, note Glutamic or glutaminic acid, 152 Glutin, or gelatin, 80 Glutoses, the, 82 Glycerin (glycerol), the chemistry of, 123 Glycerin phosphoric acid, 135 Glycin, glycocoll, or glycociue, 140 ,, preparation of, 140 ,, a product of gelatin decomposi- tion, 81 Glycocholic acid, preparation of, 210 Glycogen, hepatic, its conversion into sugar, 58, 98 , , the animal analogue of starch, 95 ,, its presence in various tissues, and in molluscs, 95-96 ,, preparation of, 96 „ reactions of, 97, 98 END •uiuution of, in muscles dur- Glyculi Glycuronic iu-iJ, ih«-nii>try • (lin'-liii'.-. r--actii.il tor l>ilr pijjmi'ir. '..•cumulation of uri<- acid salts in, 164 -sugar, chemistry of, 102 Guanidin in "ii «( \>i«: ,, its cnniiection with krcutin, l-» ,, ., ,, with urea, 17 1 chemistry of, 184 s of, 184 Guuiiiu, connexions of, with uric acid, 171 ,, preparation of, 182 ,, its ccniver-ion into xanthin, 183 mica's rractiniis for, 183 : ition nf u : . bom, ,, prciiaratii.il of guami! from, 182 :i.i, alkaloidal principle of, 184-185 ..it in, preparation of, _ troscopy of, 233 •-••porphyrm (iron-free ha;matin), Haemin (hematin-hydrochloride), '235 -l'i, 231 Haemoey.ini; ,, in the plasma of inverte- brates, 217 II voloM piv»ent in, 104 ,, nitric-oxi-l. ,, carljon-di 1 !• i nun. i* inn ol, Helix pomatia, nmcin in excretion of, 76 ,, the twi ii mcinit of, 78 buinose, 39, 40 ,, characters of, 42 prepiiratimi c,f, 43 ,, :n> of, 43 . 40 ,, how ohtainc.l, 46 •'•', 41 >n iif ci-lluliise by the, 99, 100 „ prc.l'.MiiM MI •(• of stearin in fat of, 1-J2 ,, sources of hippuric acid in the, 188 pi^'in-nt of the bile of th> . 1 1 Heteroxanthin, 171, 177 Hi[' 186 reactions 186-187 sources of, in the hcrbirora, 188 t r » ilh _ Hydrochinn: • um of, in ISO i 1 inuiin, 174 :m. nation of from xanthin. sour • .a to carnin, 178 ,, 180, 181 Ichthin an.l ichthidin. Ilex 1'ai. i'_'u in UM lea-. 185 In. li.-. in, urinary, 199, 258 Indigo seri,-s, tli. , Inilii;o-blne, foi : 'J(X) Imlixo-cannine. 200 Indol, its c i.niMination with glycuronic . Io7 . '. 198 •t', in til- body, 258 yl I'lL'in. n:,, 258 Indoxyl-Milphuric acid, 199 . pre|nration of, 108 ., i 11. ill, li\.i M'«r of variable f iu con- , 63 .1 '! ,110 Inversion • .106 : <-jine-augar, 11" Invertebrate, chit in in th< cxnOceletoiu tiini' in in the tzoakeletooa 101 ,. hcmoglnbin in blood-pU*- I. raw uiiti in blood* : • «wnc« in hemoglobin, SSI Isethionio acid. 141 •law. 80, not* MU.ua IsooMnam, pbytical or Itopbeayl-ethylamiD, 209 276 INDEX. Jaffe's test for indican, 200 ,, ,, skatoxyl, 203 Jellies, their use in train ing diets, 83 Kephir, preparation of from mare's milk, 114 Keratin, composition of, 86 Keratinose, 86 Ketones, characteristics of the, 117 Kola-nuts, alkaloid principle of, 185 Kreatin, 143 ,, its relation to kreatinin, 143 ,, preparation of, 144 ,, its relation to urea, 162 Kreatinin, 145 ,, preparation of, 146 ,, reactions of, 146-147 Kresol, 195 „ reactions of, 196 Kresylsulphuric acid, 195 Kumys, preparation of from mare's milk, 114 Kynureuic acid, 192 Lactalbumin, 23 Lactic acid series, the, 124-130 Lactic (hydroxypropionic) acid, 124 ,, its presence in the body, 125 Lactic fermentation of dextrose, 105 Lactide, how formed, 128 Lactoprotein, 24 Lactose, preparation and reactions of, 113 ,, lactic fermentation of, 114 ,, its incapability of assimilation, 114 Lsevulose, synthesis of, 101-102 ,, chemistry of, 106 Lardacein, or amyloid substance, 10 ,, chemistry of, 48 ,, preparation of, 49 Laurie or laurostearic acid, 1 19 Lecithin, 133 ,, a constituent of egg-yolk, 26 ,, preparation of, 134 ,, constitution of, 135 Lens, crystalline, globulin of the, 25 Leprosy, pigments occurring in, 255 Leucin, 147 „ preparation of, 148 ,, a result of decomposition of pro- teids, 40, 50, 79, 81, 84, 85, 86, 147 I/eucomaines, 207 Leukopsin, 264 Liebig's Extract of meat, 127, 178, 179 Light, its bleaching action on chloro- phanes, 262, 264 Lignin, 99 Ligroin, 156, note Lipochrin in certain retinal epithelia, 260, 262 Lipochromes or luteins, 265 ' Liquor pancreaticus,' its amylolytic power, 58 ' Lithates,' 166 'Lithic acid,' 166 Liver, formation of glycogen in the, 59 " conversion of glycogeii into sugar in the, 98 ,, its work in the formation of urea, 163, 171 ,, ,, in the formation of bile- pigments, 249 Liver-sugar, its apparent identity with dextrose, 98 Lobster, chitin obtained from the exo- skeleton of, 87 Lupins, xanthin found in, 175 Lutein, source of, 266 Luteins, the, 265 Lymph, dextrose a constituent of, 102 ' Lysatin,' 51, 161 Malt-seedlings, xanthin present in, 175 Maltodextiiu, 94 Maltose, its conversion into dextrose, 57, 59, 112 ,, formation of, 111 Mantle of Tunicata, tunicin prepared from, 101 Mantle-mucin of Helix pomatia, 78 Margaric acid, 119 Marrow of bones, hemialbumin in, 43 Marsh -gas fermentation of cellulose, 100 Mate, alkaloidal principle of, 184-185 Meissner, ' parapeptone ' of, 36 ,, his researches on the products of digestion, 37, 38 Melanin, urinary, 256 Melanins, probable differences of, 262 Melanogen, 256 Metalbumin, 14 Metapeptone, Meissner's, 37 Methffimoglobin, preparation of, 22G ,, spectroscopy of, 227 ,, its relation to oxyhsemoglobin, 229 Methyl-glycin, 141 Methyl-guanidinacetic acid, 143 Methyl-hydantoic acid, 141 Methyl-indol, 201 Methylphenol, 196 Micrococcus urese, 158 Micro-organisms, their appearance in urine, 70, 71, 158 ,, conversion of dextrose by means of, 105 ,, hydration of urea by, 158 Milk, preparation of casein from, 20 clotting of, 23 human, and of cows compared, 24 conversion of lactose into lactic acid in, 105 varying amounts of lactose in, 113 alcoholic fermentation of, 114 Milk-sugar, 113 Millon's reagent for proteids, 7, 76 Mucin, reactions of, 76 „ chief sources of, 77 I.M. Murexid test for uric acid, 167 Muscle, ethyl-ul.-oliol obtained from, 116 It-ad, cause of acid reaction of, 128 living, causes of acidi: Mu.-elt-s, I'l.-Mcuce. of glycojjen in thi-, 95-96 ,, ,, of inosit in the, 108 icid in the, 125 ,, ,, of sarcolactic acid in the, 1.-; ,, „ of hypoxanthin, 1 79 le-enzyme, 70 -plasma, clotting of, 80, 70 • Myeliu forms' of lecithin, 134 . .bulin, 31 ::i.itin, 235 in, chemistry of, 30 ,, preparation of, 31 :il-fermrlit, 70 uogen, 31 Myristic acid, 119 , meilullated, neurokeratin ob- tained from, 87 Nvmin, 136 Xeurukeratin, 87 ,, mor|>hological interest of, 87 . I'.'u ixide haemoglobin, --2-1 Nitrogen, its forms in proteid matter, 52 ,, its presence in chomlrin, 84 ,, in the Inhly, asparagin a pos- sible source of, 1 ."• t ,, inurin.-, in.-tho.l of di-termina- lion, 159 „ its moile of exit from the muscles, 160 Nitrogenous bo.li.-s allied to proteids, 76 ,, holism lessened by gel- atin as food, 82-83 Xn.-lein, ]>n-fi.u.i!ion anerties of, 88 Xu.-l.-o-alhumins, reactions of, 89 Olctinc.s, relation of nl,-j,- :i.-j.i, t., • Oleic acid, a constituent of human fat, rjn (tri-o].-in), preparation of, 1'22 < >rthoilioxylx-n/i)l, 196 Osazones, !:.••, lui „ formation of the, 102 i, 80 M-ries, the, 130 ,, allliilo-ari.ls of the, 151 "\iluric acid, 169, 171 • xilic ai-i-l, • •nioglobin. ]in-|Niratioh, 217 • • in .-ryst:iK "f from iliU'.-r. II- -onrce«, 218 „ spectra of, 21'.' Oyster, presence of glycngon in the, 96 Palm-oil, palmitin obtained from, 121 Palmitic acid. 11 Palmitin (tri-palmitm), 1 Jl Pancreas, the *in> lolytic - uzyme of the, 57, 61 Pancreatic juice, its action oo starch. Ill, ii-j Papaiu, 61 ,, elastiu -|xir.itinn of, 112 I'lu -nyl-sulphuric acid, 194 I'i;" i icsrnre in casein, SO .. .. PhyrnatorhiiMii. its issible development of nines in, 205 Tomla urea, enzyme developed by, 70 ), presence of copper in plumage . • iivl vinyl -ammonium hydroxide, }:;<; TrojKeolins, classification of acid- and alkali-albumin by means of the, 18 .11 on lil>i in, 34 ,, its action on proteids, 36, 38 preparations oi. logcn. tin- zymogen of trypsin, 64 Tanldn, 101 Tnracin Tvr.-in, formation of, in clot ting of casein, result of decomposition of proteids, 40 ,, a product of decomposition of mucin, 79 ,, constitution of, 189 ,, preparation of, 190 II >lfinann'8 traction for, 191 rmhili.-.tl r,,r.|, mucin ..f the, 79 Urea, 155-164 average daily excretion of, 165 ;i of, 158 synthe*M of. }'.<• n'itrat- <>f. I.".-: oxalatc of, l.'-7 l&S Urea, det< „ it-s proba 180-162 „ its relation !'!• '.-:• nnsnt, h I'rcas, sub.-,::- .- Uric acid, 164-169 „ salts of, 188 lietnical constitution of. 188 „ synthesis of, 169 „ its relations to urea, 169-171 Urinary in Urine, fermentative changes i „ i«athological changVs in, 71, 10J, 108, 130, 208, note, 206, 268. „ presence of kn-atinin in, 143 ,, urea the chief nitrogenous con* stitiient of, 155 ,, deterinim: ^n in. 159 ,, sulpho-cyanates present in, 183 phi-nyl-sulphuric n.-i.i in, 194 ,, pyrocatechm in, 198 ,, pistil- n!- oi, -j;,i- Urobilin, it-, identity with li\dn>l>iliru- bin, ,, prejNiration of, s|».-.-tra of, 253 n." „ ..iv mMatt • t Urochromi. Uroerythrin. Uroha-matin, 255 Uroha»mato|Mirpliyrin, 255 Val» i 118 Van't Hoff-Le Bel hypothesis of ism. Vegetable alkaloids, their analogy Mitli ptomaines, 204, 205 tissues, ai: ud in. 172 -.11 found in. ,, ,. occurrence of jru» n in : , . urr. :i .'...• Visual.purple.2til action of light and rrsgrnts . Vitrllin, chemistry and preparation of, 28 \Y • • ; • •.'•-• tiofsolabl* r'.»r xsntluti rkr.-atii.il.. 117 •i pnnip. thr. 173-186 i>80 INDEX. Xanthin, preparatior of, 175 Yeast-cells, nuclein prepared from, 88 „ reactions for, 176 „ derivatives of, 184 Zinc lactate, 126 ,, physiological action of, 185 ,, sarcolactate, 127 Xanthokreatinin, 207 Zymogen, an antecedent of the enzymes, Xanthophane, 261, 263 56 Xauthoproteic reaction for proteids, 7 ,, of pepsin, 61 Xanthopsin, 264 ,, of trypsin, 64 Zymolysis, 53, note Yeast-cells, early observations on, 72, „ phenomena of, 75 73 ,, heat phenomena of, 75 LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Those mentioned in the text are distinguished by an asterisk. Abel, Ladenburgu., 139 Aliiu'-n, 195 Aii-ln-, Berthelot et, 76 :., v-.ii, \V«-yl u., 222 Araki, 228 Argutinsky, 155 Astaschewsky, 129 Ayres, Kiihne and, 263, 266 Baas, 189 i, 136, 201 Bagin>ky, 117, 179, 181 Barbieri, Schulze u., 131, 154, 172, 188 •I'.nth, 55 Murth, 71 i-, 81, 84 , 187 •IJ.uiiiiann, 53, 194, 199 Bumnaiin, 141. i:.o. 151, 189, 191, 193, I'.'J, 196, 197, 198, 260 Ramiiiinn u. Brii-x«T. 196, 198, 200, 202 MIHIIII, Cliristiani u., 195 Baiuiiiuni, Gol-lm.-uin u., 150 :i;uin u. Herter, 194, 196 Bamiianu u. Boppe-Seyler, 141 '•',• riiiu'. 1 II i .inn u. Preusse, 196, 197 : lilll, 200 11:11111, r-li.ni/-ky U., 204 ./sky u., 150, 209, 207 Baumstark, 137, 255 •Beaumont, 37 • Mip, 26, 51, 161 ml u. Roosen, 168 K- in, 266 •-Jones, 39, 43 r.'iisch, 105 I, Turin and, 1 1 B.'ilin.-rlilaii, 136 "l!.Ti,:ii.l, 59, 65, 95 . ir-1. 1M. 111 -l-.t. Ml lot. 73, 88 : lii-lot i-t Andiv. 78 Berzelius, 74 Beran, CTOM and, 09. 100 Bidder u. Schmidt, 61 Biedert, J4 Biel, 24, 114 Bimmerroaun, 59, 112 Bizio, 96 Bizzozero, 69 •Blnnkt.-iihorn, 1:17 Hli-ii : Frerichs u. Staedeler, 249 Iberg, 66 u. K'-kule, 48 Fri'-nd, H;illi'>nrtoii ami, 90 Ful'ini, Mul.^.-hott u., 88 Fudakow>ki, 106 Fuhry-Sii«-thlage, 28 Funke, 133, 164 !, I'J tgens, 81 Gagli. -ee, 67, 86, 137, 270 »,«7, 117.127, 133,138, t, 237, 262 •Kautliii-r, v., 13 •Gautier, A., 11, 204, 205, 207 :. A.. 17.'. Ge.s •(JilK-rt, I .awes and, ll'2 . l:U i, 268 «i;ni.-lin, -Jos, 210 :n, 5 (iiii.-lin, Tifdemann u., 242 ::;i.i,ni. 150 Onodwin, Chittrndrn and, 312 :.'.'Z, V., 113, 189 - -. 68 Green, Lea and, 68 •Grimaux, .''1 (liiin.mx, 17'. i HIM, 69 <:r;. ilu» U., 58, 111 I •/IHT, 65 in u., 61 • . 163 . 117 *Giu ! ,*8O, 204 ^'en, 193 ' rniaiiii, Hlasuvt't/ U., 149, 190 enrorden, •H:illi).in-t.)ii, i:». 11, 20, 28, 68 li 7, 218, 228, •J67 Halliborton and Frii-nd, 90 •Haniliiir^T, 44 Hiuiiburijer, 43 •Ha.mnu-.t-,,. II. 2 1 . 23, 28, 29, 80, $8, •:•!, 69, 78 -'4. 27, 29, 80, 33. 42, «5, «5, 6«, 77, 81, 90, 13,218, 2- TK u. IM >ud, 85, M itden and, 0, 26, 52 1 1 . : N . . ' • I H»ycrafi Hay craft and Doggan, 1 1 ;. 64 II :i, M, 61, 63, 64, 129 1.65, 119 ••«, 61, 66 >tobnunn, 101 •HI i. n, 95 aaliri, 83, 129 Bl -cher, 83 •Heron, Brown and, 112 Heron, Brown and, 58, 60, 91, 111 Herrmann. 34, 71 Herter, Bauiuann u., 194, 196 ,, 44, 45 I! . Ill ,1, 48 Hesse, 131, 195 :. 68 1! u. Campbell, 239, 245, 24« : , 86 r. II, inn. -'U . 46 •Hlasiwrti, 50 .«••:.- u. ilabermann, 149, 190 1 1 ,-yes, 2S6 189 48 inn u., 97 . ll<>. Inn ii., M K. H., Ultzmann u.. 133. 164 Hot, IS, 46,60, 80, 81, 100. in. i.M. i :.-.'. 192 Hohl ,. 137. 234. -Srylrr. 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21. 24, 2«. 96, 1 •'.. HI. 137 ItS, I .. . 11, IM HoPr*-Srrlrr, O., 194, 199, «OJ .iimann u.. 1 U 1. 84. 85, 86, 14 168. 171 r. 65. 68. 2M 284 INDEX. Hufner, 54, 71, 149, 217, 218, 220, 226, 229 Hufner u. Kiilz, 230 Hufner u. Otto, 228 Hundeshagen, 134 Hiippe, 54 Huppert, 143, 241 Husemann, 205 Jaarsveld u. Stockvis, 189 Jacquemiu, 196 Jaderholm, 222, 226, 228, 229, 231 •Jatfe, 200, 247, 252 Jafle, 189, 192, 193, 199, 200 Jatie, Meyer u., 163 Jaksch, von, 70, 117, 158, 196, 257 Jaquet, 7 Jeanneret, 81 Jernstrom, 79 Johusou, 16 Johnston and Church, 185 Jolin, 220, 222 Jong, S. de, 114 Jonge, D. de, 116 Katayama, 222 Rekule, Friedreich u., 48 Rieseritzky, 18 Ristiakowsky, 34 *Rjeldahl, 159 Kjeldahl, 71 Klemptner, 70 Rlug, 47, 82 Knieriem, v., 153, 154 Robert, 185 Kochs, 195 Roebner, 111 Ronig, 113, 131 Roster, 22 *Rossel, 45, 89, 178, 181, 182 Rossel, 88, 89, 90, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 184 Rostjurin, 49 Roukol-Yasnopolsky, 198 Rrannhals, 114 Rratschmer, Seegen u., 59 Rratter, 120 Rrause, 180 Rrawkow, 55, 57 Rretschy, 193 Kreusler, Ritthausen u., 153 Rrohn, 264 Kriiger, A., 6, 68 Kniger, M., 181 *Rrukenberg, 4, 48, 147, 268, 269 Rrukenberg, 7, 84, 86, 87, 145, 147, 195, 230, 243, 267 Krukenberg, Ewald u., 182 Rvnkenberg u. Wagner, 178 Rriiss, G. u. H., 224, 226, 258 Rugler, 70 *Riihne, 17, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 55, 62, 86, 109, 217, 232, 249, 261, 263 Riihne, 8, 17, 21, 27, 28, 30, 34, 36, 39 44, 45, 47, 53, 55, 57, 63, 64, 74, 96, 198, 215, 262, 263 Riihne and Ayres, 263, 266 *Ruhue u. Chittenden, 5, 32, 44, 46 Riihne u. Chittenden, 39, 42, 44, 47, 60, 87 Riihne u. Eichwald, 12 Riihne u. Ewald, 80, 87 Riihne u. Rudneff, 49 Ruhne u. Sewall, 182 *Rulz, 97, 130 Ruiz, 59, 97, 98, 108, 111, 150, 218, 221 Ruiz u. Borntrager, 98 Ruiz, Hufner u., 230 Riissner, 191 Runkel, 75, 222 Runz, 268 Ladenburg, 206 Ladenburg u. Abel, 139 Lahorio, 236 Lailler, 71 Laker, 69 Lambling, 224 Landolt, 103, 195 •Landwehr, 79, 95, 97 Landwehr, 14, 30, 77, 95, 97 Langendorff, 98 Langgaard, 24 Langley, 57, 61, 66, 76 Langley and Edkins, 61 Langley and Eves, 57, 63 Laptschinsky, 11, 25 Latchenberger, 249 Latschinoff, 209 *Latour, Cagniard de, 72 *Lawes and Gilbert, 122 Lea, 63, 71, 95, 148, 153, 158 Lea and Green, 68 Le Bel, 128 Ledderhose, 87 Legal, 198 Lehmann, 28, 36, 37, 83, 120 Lepine, 75 *Leube, 127 Leube, 70, 110, 111 Leube, Salkowski u., 43, 155, 171, 188, 194, 240 *Leuwenhoek, 72 Levy, 235 Lewkowitsch, 129, 149 Leydig, 261 *Lieberkiihn, 19 Liebermann, 79, 89, 243, 248 *Liebig, 16, 72, 73, 75, 128, 129, 159, 192 Liebig, 73, 127, 131 *Liebreich, 137 Liebreich, 137 Lirubourg, 34 Limpricht, 98 *Lindberger, 64 Lindberger, 63, 213 Lindet, 94 1M' 880 •Liudwall, 87 Limlwall, 86 Lipp, Lij.p, Kil'-nmfvr u., 189 I,ipj>in;uiii. 1 1'.', I'.'l Li\ ive et, 70 LobUrli, 78 •l.-.w, 45, 51, 55 1-nw, . 71,88, 161, 181 •i. r.okoii. i. i'>..k"Mr. *L>\\ L6wil ', von, 131, 154 si. .">! Lessen, 161 •litxer, 58 *Lub.ivin. Lubavin, 90 -"J, 69, 152, 167, 171 Ltteki Lundberg, 2'2, 23 M Kendrick, 134 . von, 181 Miinn, 2/iO, 253, 255 .Mt.M:in:; ;7, 238, 247, •267, 269 M.ij.-rt u. Schmidt, 139 M.ikris, 25 ^••/, -J-JI •M.ily, 45, 61, 75, 125, 126, 240, 244, ••"., 211, 239, 240, 244, nii.'h. '213 , , 68 •M.I IU-IHII-, IDS Mi: 1 63 M .HIM'. •/ i , 135 M. u in.'-. 108 M ii p-ii HIM. 105 -'26 •>, ';1 M IMU-, Viinlair u., 247 ii-u et Urbain, 133 khner, ir.», I'.l, 191 i'l.i, 140 ., 9S r, A. I., 7J , A. I., ''-I, 66, 71, 75 M VJ17 •Medico*, 168 M.-llM. :. lor;, in MIT. 122 7, 88, 39, 41, 42, 43 shopard, 189 M.T-jkow>' •M'-ritii;, vnii, >• \ M-: •*, 84, 107, 111, 115 M'-ring, von, Baumann u., 141 Menng, TOO. Miuculus a., M, 59. 96, 98, 111. 11- . ' Meyer u. Jafle, 163 M^.:. M . -•..-.. , : -. 107 •Mnli,.. ::. :,, M ..•her, 88 Miller, VI, 103. 115, 128 Millon u. • Minkowski, 126, 163 Mink in) u, 250 Mi u: *M..ni.-r, Mtirii.-r. 17. 1». -•, 256 • u. Fiibini, 83 howetz, 84 Morris, Brown and, 92, 93, 94, 99, 107 Mo- .-ianti aod, 124 Mono, Goareachi e, 204 •MuM.-r, 19, 37 MullT. H •Mull. i. \V.. 108, 138 Mull.-r. \V Miill.-r, Fr., 199 Mull.-r. KUt.-ii, u.. 196 Munk. 1 •_".'. 163, 260 MunU, 56 ulus. 71 Mnaculnx, 158 Miuoulua u. CrulH-t. ."-. Ill . 106 MutwuliiH .„« 58, 59, 90, 99, 111, 11-J ' Mylin-.. •-'"•• •Naaae, 32 Naaw, 50, 59, 96, 97 •Naunyn. 249 Naunyn, 96, 249 u. Minkowaki u., 250 18, 199. 201,258 oaa, 196 M-hjr, 237 Ncncki. S. hult/rn u.. 191 . 234. »;. *£7 Newler. 66 &], 159 286 INDEX. Ni-ubauer u. Vogel, 104, 107, 113, 117, 130, 146, 155, 171, 172, 173, 194, 200, 206, 215, 226, 243, 251, 252 Neumann, 69 *Neumeister, 26 Ncuineister, 24, 34, 44, 47 Niggeler, 193 Nikoljukin, 25 Noorden, von, 226 Nussbaum, 223 Obolensky, 14, 77 ( Ideraatt, 193 • >rd, 258 Ortweiler, 199 *O'Sullivan, 94, 111 Otto, 34, 46, 47, 203, 205, 206, 217, •J-Jti, 229, 259 Otto, Hiifner u., 228 *Paijkull, 77 Paijkull, 77, 90 *Painter, Chittenden and, 25 Palm, 24 Panormow, 97, 98 •Panum, 206 Panum, 27 Parcus, 138 Parke, 212 *Paschutiu, 58, 65 Paschutin, 111 Passmore, Fischer u., 102 *Pasteur, 72 Pasteur, 70, 123, 158 Pecile, 182 Pekelharing, 47 Pelouze, 224 Petit, 61 Petri, 84 *Pettenkofer, 214 Pteiffer, 20 Pteiffer, Brandl u., 256 •PHiiger, 52, 159, 162 Philips, 59, 112 Piloty, Fischer u., 107, 108 Piria, 154 Piutti, 154 *P16sz, 256 Plosz, 14, 32, 34, 88, 90 Plugge, 195 Podolinski, 64 Podwyssozky, 61 Poehl, 139 Poggiale, 29 Pohl, 89 Polak, 61 Pollitzer, 47 Popoff, 100 Pouchet, 178 Poulton, 116 Preusse, 196, 197 Preusse, Baumann u., 196, 197 *Preyer, 32 Preyer, 96, 221, 234 Quincke, 260 Quinquaud, 224 Radenhausen, Danilewski u., 21 Radziejewski, 197 Radziejewski u. Salkowski, 152 Rajewski, 116 Kauke, 129 *Raoult, 92 *Rauschenbach, 68 Rauschenbach, 69 *Reaunmr, 37 Rechenberg, 76 *Reinke, 4 Reissert, 157 Reymond, Du Bois, 128 Rindfleisch, 69 Ringer, 22, 66 Risler, Schlitzenberger et, 224 *Ritter, 51, 161 Ritter, Feltz et, 249 Ritthausen u. Kreusler, 153 *Roberts, 58, 66 Robin, 135 Rodewald u. Tollens, 113 Rohmann, 44, 154, 191 *Rollett, 14 Rollett, 15 *Roosen, Behrend u., 168 Roscoe, Bunsen and, 225 Rosenberg, 18 Rossbuch, 185 Roster, 163 Rotschy, Nencki u., 237 Rubner, 76, 122 Rudneff, Kiihne u., 49 Sachsse, 92 *Salkowski, E., 43, 127, 162 Salkowski, E., 34, 42, 54, 71, 131, 141, 143, 145, 147, 148, 171, 172, 179, 188, 194, 195, 198, 203, 222, 238, 239, 253, 256 Salkowski, E. u. H., 188, 191, 201, 203 Salkowski u. Leube, 43, 155, 171, 188, 194, 240 Salkowski, Radziejewski u., 152 Salomon, G., 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182 Salomon, W., 163, 189 Samson-Himmelstjerna, 68 Sander, 17 *Schafer, 14 Schafer, 101, 250 Schalfejew, 236, 237 Schefier, 61 Schenk, 213 *Scherer, 14, 108 *Schiff, 38 Schiff, 158 Schiffer, 141 Schimmelbusch, 69 Schindler, 89, 181 Schmidt, Albr., Majert u., 139 IM' : It, Alexander, 14, 28, 30, 34, 67, 6S. Schmidt, Alexander, U 133 .i.lt, Aug., 55 St-liiiii.lt, I'., 48 Srlin i.ler u., 61 3chmidt-Mulheinj, 36, 4-2, 46, 47, 63, !>.-r^, 1 'I-', 189 Schiiii.-.l.-U-ix, IS1.', I'.'O, 197, 204 S.-!K. .. ll:irn;iuk, 136 • rg u. Sdi'. Solun: r, 107 .., 85 191, 209 HIT, 139 163 von, 171 S.-hnl . 204 . 149, 154, 190, 191 Srhiil/.' u. Karhi.-ri, 131, 154, K i.ard, 149, 154, 172, 182 hsig, 101 •/.•ii, 1 II . 141 i. Xencki, 191 S.-luilt/'-n, Si-hiuu-.leberg u., 192 39, 41, 50 . 51 : et Bourgeois, si, 84 Schutzenlwrger et Risler, . 72 , 82 Sczelkow. J01 . Seegen, 8, 59, 98 Seegen u. Kratachmer, 59 ., -il • S.-lini, -Jl . 200 "Setschenow. •nil, n-J . KuliiH- u., 182 Sin-] -T u., 189 ki u.t 248 Sieber, N\-n. ki »., J16, 234, 287. Siegfried, 51, 129 Smith, H. K.. 87 i-n and, 47, 82 Si.tnit- h.'xvsky, 135 •Sox hi. Soxhht, 19, ''.6, 103, 10«, 111, 111', 113 Soyka, 16. 18. 19 .11 tin i, 37 i«*nn, 130 Imann, 61. 168, S49 181 >' • I' :. - .' 240 , u, r.'. la. H •nigge, 87 Jl» iiann, 76 ucU-rg u., 101 ..ir>vi-ld u., 189 -i», 228 '-, 44 135, 208 Strecker, 1 u., 122 Struv.-. •_•!, 114 Sui.lii, Mauthuer u., 140 •Sun.n--rK', 60 Siin.Uik, 87 Szabu, 63 Tap|*in.r, :,|, 100, 161, 188 •Tarchanotf, 249 TaUrinotr, • :.-l«li-r, 107 . 181 •Thu.li.-hum, 106, 254, 2M Thu.lirhuin, 17; Tieghem, ran, 70, 100, 158 Tiemann, Bauroann u., 200 :«. 91, 104 Tollrn*. Kodewald u , 118 Tolm.itH.hnr. 132, 188 Torup, 238 Tonip, Bohr u., 220 Trauba, 74 Traubr. Ikxllandrr a., 9 IM • 191,195, 196, 198,21 •r . : . Uilraniiky u. IWumano, 160, 206, 207 UlUmann <• K II II .ftn.nn. 188. 161 1'SS INDEX. Umbach, 260 Urbain, Mathieu et, 133 •Valenciennes, 26 Vanlair n. Masius, 247 *Vairt Hotr, 128 Van't Hotf-Le Bel, 128 Velden, v. d., 63 V.-lla, 59, 111 »Vierordt, 225 Vierordt, 225, 226, 243, 246, 247, 251, 254, 258 Vines, 6, 36, 153 •Virchow, 248 Virchow, 36, 48, 151, 182, 239 *Vogel, Neubauer u., 159 Vogel, Neubauer u., 104, 107, 113, 117, 130, 146, 155, 171, 172, 173, 194, 200, 206, 215, 226, 243, 251, 252 Vohl, 108, 109 *Voit, 83, 122, 154 Voit, 83, 122, 143, 145, 154, 185 Volhard, 143, 168 Vossius, 243, 249 Walcbli, 79, 85, 199 Wagner, Krukenberg u., 178 Warren, 129 Wasilewski, 61 Wedenski, 95, 256 Weidel, 178 Weiske, 80, 81, 101, 154, 188 *\Veiske and Wildt, 154 Weiss, 64 Welzel, 222 Wenz, 8, 45 Werigo, 14 Werther, 129 Weyl, 6, 26, 31, 32, 48, 81, 154, 191, 198, 199 Weyl u. von Anrep, 222 Weyl u. Zeitler, 129 Whitehouse, Chittenden and, 7 * Wildt, Weiske and, 154 Wislicenus, 127, 129 •Wittich, von, 58 Wittich, von, 55, 74 *Wohler, 156, 186 Wohl, 95, 110 Woltfberg, 223 Wooldridge, 28, 29 *Wooldridge, 69 Womi-Miiller, 88, 89, 147 Wurm, 267 Wurster, 191 *Wurtz, 55, 136 Wurtz, 61, 75 Wurtz et Bouchut, 61 Zahn, 23 Zaleski, 223, 250 Zeitler, Weyl u., 129 Zeller, 256 Zenker, 138 Zillner, 120 Ziuoffsky, 217, 218 Zuntz, 133, 221 Zweifel, 66 TEXT-BOOK OF EMBRYOLOGY: MAN AND MAMMALS. ^H^M^^^^^H^^^^^MM^B^W^^^B^^I^^^^L^H^^^^SvSSS^SS&^^HI liv in:. OEM \i: BBBTWIG, Moi > AT1VK AXAKiMY. IMRKCItMl Or II. ANAL. Ml" \l. IN-1 1 ii:\ • i.nni.h I K"M nil. llllM' BT !.!>\v \KI> I.AI RBN8 M \I;K p., I... REBUT PKOPEMOR UK A.NAToMV. 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