1 FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY _ r' Bound at; COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 ^f. ?^; 0 (oijCf.uA A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY BY "^' JOSEPH GRINNELL A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE MUSEUM OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PUBLISHT BY THE CLUB May 15, 1909 Uoj-^A IS bbo^/fHa^n NOTE Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 5 is the fifth of a series of pubHcations issued b}' the Cooper Ornithological Club of California for the accomodation of papers whose length prohibits their appearance in The Condor. The publications of the Cooper Ornithological Club consist of two series — The Condor, which is the bi-monthly official organ, and the Pacific Co.\st Avifauna. Both sets of publications are sent free to honorary members, and to active members in good standing. For information as to either of the above series, address the Club Business Managers, either J. Eugene Eaw, Hollywood, California, or W. Lee Chambers. Santa Monica, California. CONTENTS Pages Introduction 5, 6 Bibliography of California Ornithology 7-149 Index to Authors 150-15, i Index to Local Usts 154,155 List of Serial Publications 156 Index to Bird Names 157-166 INTRODUCTION I began the collection of titles for a bibliography of California ornithology in 1900, while a student at Stanford University. Since then I have taken every opportunity to secure additions to my list, while from year to year I have tried to keep it up to date. Nothing becomes more apparent to one engaged in this kind of an undertaking than the impossibility of ever attaining ideal accuracy or completeness. Three years ago I thought I had a fairly comprehensive bibliography up to that time. But only within a few months have I run across several important titles of early date which had been previously unknown to me. As I could not but suffer continued uncertainty, no matter how long I should withhold this contribution from publication, I present the results of my work as they are now, believing that they will prove of value to every other working bird student, as they already have to me. The criterion for inclusion in this bibliography is the pertaining of the article or book, either as a whole or in any part, to the birds of California. I have adhered strictly to the faunal idea. Reference to a species bearing the name ''cali- forntctis" or '' calif ornianus,'' unless accompanied by a definite indication of its occurrence in California as the State is now restricted geographically, does not make the article worthy of inclusion in this list. Mere mention of "birds", or "water- fowl", or "ducks", or "songbirds", is ignored. After accumulating a good-sized sheaf of titles from popular literary and fiction magazines and books, I came to the conclusion that this source is unworthy of cita- tion. Such bird articles are either altogether untrustworthy (often mere frbrica- tions or imaginative productions, of questionable value, even from the literary standpoint), or, if possessing scientific value, popularized modifications or verbatim copies of articles appearing before or afterwards in scientific periodicals, where they are accessible to the ornithologist anyway. I have, therefore, included no titles from newspapers, literary magazines, or sportsman's journals, with the single exception to the latter category, of the earlier volumes of Fotrsl and Stream, and to the former of Hutchings" California Magazine. A list of the serial publica- tions from which I have taken titles is appended to the present paper. It may be asked why I have quoted from the "minor ornithological" period- icals, many of which were ephemeral and consisted largely of accounts of boys' egg-hunts. My reason is that incidentally these relatively insignificant and some- what illiterate journals contain records of the former distribution of species, and other valuable data, nowhere else obtainable. All such periodicals aspired to scien- 6 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 tific accuracy, even tho obviously failing in many instances; but so have the most pretentious of our ornithological journals often unknowingly given publication to unreliable articles. It must be borne in mind that I have tried to be consistent in citing all appropriate titles from every serial recognized at all, whether of evident value or not. In but two or three cases and, then so stated in the annotation, have I intro- duced titles second-hand. In other words, every title, except the two or three, has been copied by me personally. Titles have been transcribed with constant regard to preserving precise wording, spelling and punctuation. In making annotations under each title I have kept two objects in view: to amplify the title where it is insufficient in itself to conve3^ an idea of the nature of the article, particularly as regards locality; and to give briefly any knowledge I may have as to the authenticity of the article. Question marks in the annotations show my doubt as to the identity of the species named. In the case of a name not now in use, and where I know what species is meant, the current name is given in par- enthesis. In a few cases I have given a short analysis of the article. In gathering the 1785 titles listed in this bibliography I have had free access to the library of Stanford University, to the former library of the California Academy of Sciences, to the private libraries of Mr. W. Lee Chambers, Mr. John Lewis Childs and myself, and, during a visit to Philadelphia in January, 1908, to the library of the Academy of Natural Sciences there. I have also obtained help from time to time in regard to certain points, from Mr. W. Lee Chambers, Dr. Walter K. Fisher, Dr. Chas. W. Richmond and Mr. Witmer Stone. Pasadena, Califo7-)iia, Joseph Grinnelt March 12, igo8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY NOTK. — In this Biblioj^raphy titles are groupt according to the year of publication, from 1797 to l''()7. Ihe titles for each year are arranged alphabetically by authors. Under eacli author, if he publisht more than one article during that year, titles are arranged chronologically by months. Xames of periodicals are usually abbreviated; their full names are to be found in the List at the end of this work. 1797. Milet-Mtireati, M. L- A. Vos-a^^e | de la Perotise | atitotir du Monde, | piiblie I conformement au decret dtt 22 avril 1791, | et redige | par M. L. A. Milet-Miireati, | General [etc., two lines]. | Tome Second. | — | A Paris, | de ITmprimerie de la Republique. | a n \\ (1797). 4to, pp. 1-398. > Chap. XI (pertains to Monterey). > Pp. 254-255 (mention in the vernacular of several species of birds, mostl_v water-fowl). Also folio Atlas du Voyage de La Perouse, plates 36 (of $ and ? of California Quail) and 37 (of California Thrasher) . The "Perdrix de la Californie" is very plainly Lophortyx calif ornicus, and the "Prome- rops de la Californie Septentrionale" is \^\W\\\\X\^ ^ou\>\.oviX: Toxostovia redivivum. The latter was thus figured nearly fifty years before it was formally described by Gambel from the same locality. I examined the copy of this work in the Academy of Xatural Sciences, Philadelphia. 1797. Shaw, G., and Nodder, F. P. \^ivarium Naturce or Naturalist's Miscellany. By G. Shaw M. D. F. R. S. the Figures by F. P. Nodder, Botanic Painter to Her IMajesty. [This on first volume but not in full on subsequent volumes.] Vol. IX, 1797, 8vo, unpaged, pll. 301-348, text and index. Vultur Californianiis, pi. 301 {■=^Gymno()7) as new from "California"; ^vnS. Fringilla IMortonii, a South American sparrow, is described (p. 312) as new, and alleged to have been procured in "Upper California" by Townsend. The specimen of Sylvia niontana, said (p. 295, pi. 434 of the elephant folio) to have "come from California", seems to have been an immature example of Dendroica townscndi. 1831. Swainson, W., and Richardson, J. Fauna Boreali-Americana. Part Sec- ond, containing The Birds. London: MDCCCXXXI. 4to, pp. i-lxvi, 1-523, pll. 24-73, and many cuts. In a table of distribution included in the Introduction, several species are said to occur in "California" in winter. This Table is stated to have been compiled from the work of "the Prince of IMi:signano, Wilson, Audubon, and some others." 1833. Vigors, N, A. [On a Collection of Skins of Birds from California] < Proc. Zool. Soc. I, 1833, p. 65. Brief general remarks. 1837. Gould, J. On a New Species of Ortyx. Ornithology; by N. A. Vigors, Esq., A. M., F. R. S., &c. Pp. 13-40, pll. III-XIV. Of the 100 species briefly described or commented upon, the greater part were evidently obtained on the coast of California. But unfortunately in many cases the locality of capture is omitted. Only the following are definitely stated to have been oljtained at San Francisco or Monterey: Falco sparverius, Bubo Virginianus (=subs. ?), Alcedo Alcyon {^^Ceryle alcyon), Turdus migratorius {^=Planesticus migratorius propinquiis), Fringilla Canadensis ? {■^Zonotricliia Iciicophrys nuttalli ?), Fringilla hyemalis {--=Junco hyeinalis pinosiis), Fringilla Dieruloides n. s. {^Passerella iliaca tneriiloides) , Agelaius phoeniceus { = A. gubernator calif orniciis), Garrulus Californicus n. s. PI. V [^^Aphelocoina californica), Picus villosus {=Dryobates villosns hyloscopus) , Picus ruber {^=Sphyrapicus varius ruber), Picus formicivorus {^Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi), Colaptes collaris n. s. PI. IX { = Colaples cafer collaris), Sitta pygincra n. s. PI. IV, Columba monilis n. s. PL X (-"=C fasciata), Ardea exillis {^=Ardetta exilis), Recurvirostra occidentalis \\. s. PL XII {=^R. americana), Clangula albeola {^-Charitonetta albeola) , Larus Sabini {=Xema sabini) , and Diomedea fuliginosa (=Z? nigripes). Besides these, Charadrius melodus {=^F:gialiiis meloda?) and Orlyx Douglasii n. s. PL XI {=Lophortyx douglasii) are accredited to San I'rancisco and Monterey, respectively. But it seems likely that the latter anyway was ob- tained on the Mexican coast. Either vSan Francisco or Monterey has been subsequently fixed by elimination, for certain of the species described by Vigors but with no locality in- dicated. These include Miiscicapa seiiiiaira n. s. {^Sayornis nigricans). Troglodytes spi- lurus n. s. PL IV {--Tliryoinanes bcTcickii spiliiriis) , and Fringilla rrissalisn. s. {^=Pipilo rrissalis). vSeveral of the forms marked as n (ew) s(pecies) hatl been previously described in the Zoological Journal. 1840-1844. Audubon, J.J. The | Birds of America, | from | Drawings Made in the United States | and their Territories. | By John James Audubon, F. R. SS. L. & E. I Fellow [etc., 11 lines] | — | Vol. I [-VII] | — | New York: | 10 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 Published by J. J. Audubon. | Philadelphia: | J. B. Chevalier. | 1840 [-1844]. [The seven-volume octavo edition.] Thirty-three species are definitely accredited to California, mostly upon the avithor- ity of Nuttall. 1840. Nuttall, T. A | Manual | of the | Ornithology | of the | ITnited States and of Canada. | By | Thomas Nuttall, A. M., F. L. S. 6cc. | Second Edition, with Additions. | | The Land Birds | | | Boston: | HilUard, Gray, and Company. | | MDCCCXL. 12mo, pp. i-viii, 1-832; many figg. Contains short notes on several species personally observed by the author at San Diego, vSanta Barbara or :\Ionterey; also descriptions of two alleged new species from Santa Barbara, Trochihis icferoccp/ialiis {=^-Calyptc anna) and Troi^lodytes maculosa (=?). Other species are accreilited to California on authority of Audubon, Vigors or Lesson, some erroneously. 1843. Gambel, W. Descriptions of some new and rare Birds of the Rocky Mountains and California. iopicus albolarvatus) from "near vSutter's mill". 1850. Ganibel, \\\ Description of a new species of Mcrgiilus, Ray, from the coast of California. Appendix C.— Birds. By Spencer F. Baird. Pp. 314-335. Many references to "California" birds upon authority of previous writers. 1853-1854. Bonaparte, C. L. Notes sur les collections rapportees en 1853, par M. A. Delattre, de son voyage en Californie et dans le Nicaragua. iodyoiita) nielania from "Cali- fornia," probably near vSan Diego; also critical notices of numerous other species "de Cali- fornie. " 1853. Cassin, J. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Mclanerpes Swainson, and Lanius Linnaeus. Birds. By S. W. Woodhouse, M. D. Pp. 58-105; pll. I. III-VI. Many species accredited to California upon personal observation. 1S54. Heermann, A. L. Additions to North American Ornithology, with descrip- tion of new species of the genera Actidurus, Podiceps and Podylymbus. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Pliil. \'II, October 1S54, jip. 177-1S(\ Includes the original descriptions of Podiceps Cali/oniicns (=Coly>/ib!(S riigricollis cali- fornicus) and another supposed new species, Podylymbus lincatus (—young of Podilymbus podiceps) . 14 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1854. Lawrence, G. N. Description of a New Species of Bird of the Genus Larus Linn. < Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New^ York VL March 1854, pp. 79-80. Larus Californiciis; type from "San Joachin River, near Stockton." 1855. Cassin, J. Notes on North American Falconidse, with descriptions of new Species. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. VII, February 1855, pp. 277-284. Includes the original description of Buieo elegatts {^Biiteo lineatus elegans) from "Cali- fornia", and accredits to the vState several other species. 1855. Prevost, FL, et Des Murs, O. Oiseaux [pp. 177-279] < Voyage | autour du Monde | Sur la Fregate | La Venus | Commandee | Par Abel du Petit- Thouars | Capitaine de Vaisseau, Commandetir de la Legion d'honneur. | — | Zoologie I Mammiferes, Oiseaux, Reptiles etPoissons | Paris | Gide et J.Baudry, Editeurs | Rue Bonaparte, 5 | — | 1855; 8vo, pp. 1-351. The birds upon which this article is based are said to have been obtained by Dr. N^bonx, surgeon of the "Venus". Among the localities mentioned are the coast of Peru, Chili, the Galapagos Islands, San Bias, and ^lonterey in Upper California. lileven species are ac- credited to the latter place. But no less than six of these are tropical species, unknown as birds of our State. So that it seems very probable that localities were confused. I have no confidence in any of these Monterey records, therefore, no more in that of Larus furcatus (p. 277, PI. X of Atlas) than in any of the others, such as ''SturneUa fnilitaris" or the "Caracara". Larus {^Creagrus) furcatus \\a.?,he:en inc\nde:d as a. North American species on the basis of the "Venus" record, now with little doubt to be considered erroneous. I examined the above work in the library of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, January 10, 1908. 1855. Taylor, A. S. Note on the Great Vulture of California (Cathartes vcl Sar- coramphus Californianus). < Zoologist XIII, 1855, pp. 4632-4635. Account of its capture "on the beach" at IMonterey, and habits, mostly on hearsay. 1856. Brewer, T. M. [Red-tailed Hawks of California] CAI.II'OKXIA ORXITIK )r,()(;v 15 idt-iis, p. 201, pi. .i2 (^Sp/iyrapiciis thvroideus) ; .■biniindramns ros/ratits, p. 226, pi. 38; Toxosto))ia rediviva, p. 2(>(), pi. 42 (evidently of the dark brownish coast bird T. redivivum redivivmn). The biographies of many species are qnoted from previous writers, and also from heretofore vmpublished statements l)y INIcCall, Ileermann and others. There is thus considerable original information. Two supposed new species are described, from Califor- nia specimens: /v?/r() ;//«77Vv/>.9 and /vz/r(?/>c»/Ta^;-//5 (part containing these, issued in De- cember, ISSo); liotli names have proven synonyms of I^'alco pcicgi-iiiits aiia/iiin. 1856. Cassin, J. Descriptions and Notes on Birds in the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and in the National Museum, Washington. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. VIII, October 1856, pp. 253-255. Includes the original descriptions of ^V/^rt ar/^/t'ii'Ar (=Sitia carolinensis aculeata) from "California"', and Ihtico coopcri, the validity of which latter is now questioned. 1856. Grayson, A. J. The "Road-runner". Part IV, No. 2. Report upon the Zoology of the Route. By J. S. Newberry, M. D. > Chapter II. Report upon the Birds, pp. 73-110, 2 pll. Includes field-notes on birds observed from JSan Francisco thru the Sacramento Valley and northeastern California into Oregon. 1857. Sclater, P. L. Notes on the Birds in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and other Collections in the United States of America. < Proc. Zool. Soc. XXV, 1857, pp. 1-8. Includes the original description (p. 4) of Glaucidiuni californicuui from "California". 1857. Sclater, P. L. List of Birds collected by Mr. Thomas Bridges, Correspond- ing Member of the Society, in the Vallej^ of San Jose, in the State of Cali- fornia. < Proc. Zool. Soc. XXV, 1857, pp. 125-127. A technically annotated list of 3.3 species. 1857. Wiepken, C. F. Ein briitendes Mannchen von Callipepla californica. < Naumannia, 1857, pp. 264-266. 1858. Baird, S. F., Cassin, J., and Lawrence, G. N. Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. IX, 1858. -~ [sub-title] Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. | War Department. | = I Birds: | By Spencer F. Baird. | Assistant Secretary Smithsonian Institu- tion. I With the co-operation of | John Cassin and George N. Lawrence. I I Washington, D. C. | 1858. 4to, pp. i-lvi, 1-1005. Contains a great amount of technical matter relating to California birds, including origi- nal descriptions of Empidonax difficilis baird (specimens listed from Washington as well as California), Carpodaciis califorinciis bw^T), Mclospiza heennanni baird (from Tejon Pass), M. goiildi baird (locality of type not known), Passerella megarhynchus baird (Fort Tejon), Pipilo megalony.x- (Fort Tejon), Herodias egretta, var. californica baird (San Diego) , Aegialitis niz'osa cassin (vSan Francisco) , Pelionetta troivbridgii baird {San Diego) , Podiceps clarkii lawrence, and perhaps others. 1858. Baird, S. F. [New Sparrow Collected by Mr. Samuels in California] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VI, October 1858, pp. 379-380. Auiinodrouuis Sajiiuclis {j^Melospiza melodia saiiinelis) from Petaluma. 1858. Cassin, J. United States | Exploring Expedition. | During the years | 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. | Under the Command of | Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. I — I Mammalogy | and | Ornithology. | By | John Cassin, | Member [etc., 5 lines]. | With a Folio Atlas [of 42 plates]. | — | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott & Co. | 1858. 4to, pp. i-viii, 1-466. Includes considerable mention of certain birds of California, some of the information being previously unpublisht. 1858. Sclater, P. L- Notes on California Birds. By Thomas Bridges, Corres- ponding Member. Communicated, with Remarks, by Philip Lutley Sclater. < Proc. Zool. Soc. XXVI, 1858, pp. 1-3; pi. CXXXI (Aves). BI BLIOGRAPHV OF CALIFORNIA ORXITIIOLOGY Eleven species, of which ISIelanerpcx riihriiii Part IV. Routes in California, to connect with the Routes near the thirty-fifth and thirty-second parallels [etc.] in 1853. > No. 2. Report upon the Birds Col- lected on the Survey. By A. L. Heermann, M. D. Pp. 29-80, 7 pll. This list, with more or less extensive annotations, is the result of observations made by the author during the surveys from Fort Yuma to San Francisco. It yet remains one of the best local lists we have. Many species from the desert region are for the first time re- corded from the vState. 1859. Kennerly, C. B. R. Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. X, 1859. > Part VI. Route near the thirty-fifth parallel, explored by Lieutenant A. W. Whipple, topographical engineers, in 1853 and 1854. > No. 3. Report on Birds col- lected on the Route. Pp. 19-35, 11 pll. A briefly-annotated list, of which a number of species are accredited to southern Cali- fornia or vicinity of San Francisco. 1859. Sclater, P. L. A Synopsis of the Thrushes (Turdidcc) of the New World. < Proc. Zool. Soc. XX\'n, 1859, pp. 321-347. Some from "California." 18 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 3 1859. Suckley, G. [See Cooper and Suckley.] 1859. Taylor, A. S. The Egg and Young of the Cahfornia Condor. < Hutch- ings' Cahfornia Magazine III, June 1859, pp. 537-540; with 3 figg. (of egg, young and adult). From the Santa Lucia Mountains. 1859. Taylor. A. S. The Great Condor of California. < Hutchings' California Magazine III, June 1859, pp. 540-543; IV, July 1859, pp. 17-22; August 1859, pp. 61-64; fig. An extended general account. 1859. [Taylor, A. S.] [Notice of the Discovery of the Egg of the California Wdture] < Ibis I, October 1S59, pp. 469-470. I^xtract from article by A. S. Taylor. 1859. Xantus, J. Catalogue of Birds collected in the vicinity of Fort Tejon, Cali- fornia, with a description of a new species of Syrnium. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XI, July 1859, pp. 189-193. A nominal list of 144 species actually obtained at Fort Tejon. Includes the original description of Syrnium occidentale, one specimen having been secured at Fort Tejon. 1860. Cooper, J. G., and Suckley, G. Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. XII, Book II, 1860. > Part III. Route near the forty-seventh and forty-ninth paral- lels, explored by I. I. Stephens, Governor of Washington Territory, in 1853- '55. > No. 3. Report upon the Birds collected on the Survey. Chapter I. Land Birds, by J. G. Cooper, M. D. Chapter II. Water Birds, by Dr. G. Suckley, U. S. A. Pp. 140-291, 8 pll. This is primarily based on observations in Washington and Oregcm, but numerous Cali- fornia references are included. Here is Cooper's account (p. 148) of the capture of the uni- qiie specimen of Buteo cooperi cassin at Mountain View, Santa Clara County. 1860. [Gruber, F.] The Birds of the Farallone Islands. RXITII()I,()C,V 19 By Order of the | Secretary of War. | | Washington: | Government Print- ing Oflfice, I 1861. 4to. > Part V. Zoology. By Professor S. V. Baird. Pp. 1-6. > List of Birds Collected on the Colorado Expedition. Pp. 5-6. A hare list of 55 species with localities only; 26 species from "Fort Ymna" which is on the California side; others indefinitely from the "Colorado Valley" or "Colorado River". 1861. Bryant, H. Monograph of the Genus Catarractes, Moehring. < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. VIII, July 1861, pp. 134-143; 12 figg. (of beaks). Includes original description of Calai>-acli's (ali/oriiiais ( = Ur:a troilc califoynica) from "F'arrellones Islands." 1861. Cooper, J. G. New California Animals. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sc. II, July 1861, pp. 118-123. Records from southeastern California: Paiiyplila niehDwIeiica [^.leronantes Dielauo- IcHcns), C/iordeilrs fe.veiisis, 'jy>an?i!is I'ociferai/s, l^irco belli (--V. b. pitsil/us), Harpo- rhyiicfiiis lecoiifii, hicriis ciicnllahis, and Hydroc/ie/ida plniiibca {' }{. n. si(yi>iai>icnsis) . 1861. Malherbe, A. Monographie des Picidees [etc.]. Folio, Vol. I, 1861, pp. 1-213; Vol. II, 1862, pp. 1-325; Vols. Ill and IV, pll. 1-121. Picus Tiiraii, Vol. I, p. 125, pi. 29, described from two specimens killetl near Monterey. {^--Dyyobates pubescens tiirati) . 1862. Cassin, J. Catalogue of Birds collected by the United States North Pacific Surveying and Exploring Expedition, in command of Capt. John Rodgers, United States Navy, with notes and descriptions of new species. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XIV, June 1862, pp. 312-328. Includes the records of numerous species, mostly water-birds, taken in the \icinity of vSan Francisco. 1862. Coues, E. Revision of the c;ui.i.s of North America; based upon species in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XIV, June 1862, pp. 291-312. A systematic treatise on all the species of gulls of North America. Includes original description oi Lar/ts Sinil/isoniaft US ( = /,. argentatiis) mentioning t3'pical specimens from San Francisco Bay. 1862. Coues, E. Supplementary note to a "Synopsis of the North American Forms of the COLVMBID^ and podicepid^." < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XIV, September 1862, p. 404. Remarks on ''^'Jichmoplwrns C/arkii" from ,San Francisco. 1862. Coues, Iv A Review of the terns of North America. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XIV, December 1862, pp. 535-559. Critical treatise: ''Sterna Pikei,'' etc. 1862. [Sclater, P. L.] [Cooper on new Californian Birds] < Ibis, 1st Ser. IV, April 1862, pp. 187-188. Brief review. 1862. Sclater, P. L- Catalogue | of | a Collection | of | American Birds | Belong- ing to I Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A., Ph. 1)., V. R. S.. | Fellow [etc., 3 lines]. I [\'ignette] | [Quotation] | London: | X. Trubner and Co.. Paternoster Row. I 1862. Svo, pp. i-xvi, 1-338, pll. I-XX. A few specimens listed from "California", usually without precise locality. 20 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1863. Cassin, J. Notes on the picid^, with descriptions of new and Httle known species. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XV, July 1863, pp. 194-204. Includes descriptions of plumages of several Californian woodpeckers. 1863. Cassin, J. Notes on the picmae. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XV, No- vember 1863, pp. 322-32S. Plumages of certain Californian species. 1864-1866. Baird, S. F. Review of American Birds, in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part I. =Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 181. 8vo, pp. i-vi, 1-478; figg. Includes lists of specimens, with critical remarks, of numerous Californian species. 1864. Coues, E. A critical Review of the Family proceixarid.^: Parti., em- bracing the PROCELLARiE^, or Stormy Petrels. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XVI, March 1864, pp. 72-91. Includes original description of Cyniochorea {^Oceajiodrovia) homochroa from the Far- allone Islands. 1864. Coues, E. A Critical Review of the Family procellarid^: — Part II; em- bracing the PUFFiNE^. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XVI, April 1864, pp. 116-144. Includes the original description of Puffiuus creatopus from San Nicolas Island, and quotes the record of Adamastor {^Priojinus) ciiiereus from "off IMonterey. " 1864. Eawrence, G. N. Descriptions of New Species of Birds of the Families c^REBiD/E, TANAGRiD^, icTERiD^, and SCOLOPACID^. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XVI, April 1864, pp. 106-108. Includes the original description of i:;r//?/r/r.y occidentalis {^E. maiiri); "Habitat. — Pacific coast; California, Oregon." 1865. Cassin, J. An examination of the Birds of the genus chrysomitris, in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XVII, May 1865, pp. 89-94. 1865. Cooper, J. G. On a new cormorant from the Farallone Islands, Cali- fornia. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XVII, January 1865, pp. 5-6. Graculus Bairdii { = P/ialacrocorax pelagiciis resplcndens). 1865. Feilner, J. Exploration in Upper California in 1860, under the Auspices of the Smithsonian Institution. < Annual Report of the Smithsonian Insti- tution for 1864. 1865; pp. 421-430. Accounts of about 20 species of birds observed between Fort Crook and Klammath Lakes. 1866. Coues, E. lyist of the birds of Fort Whipple, Arizona: with which are in- corporated all other species ascertained to inhabit the Territory; with brief critical and field notes, descriptions of new species, etc. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XVIII, March 1866, pp. 39-100. Several species, for the first time recorded from the State, found at Fort Vuma on the California side of the Colorado River. lUIlLloC.RAl'IIV (II- CAI.II-OK.XIA oKXITIIoIJ »C. V 21 isr.f). Coues, Iv From Arizona to the Pacific. < Il)is, Jnd vSer. II, July 1X66, pp. J5')-i75. A runniii};- account uf se\ent}-five sjiecies of birds ol)ser\e(l aloiij.; tlie Colorado River, the .M()ja\e Ri\er, and at San I'edro. 1S()(). Jackson, C. T. [Account of a vScientific Journey tln'ouKli California and Nevada] < Proc. Host. vSoc. Nat. Hist. X, April lSf,(,, pp. 224-22'). Includes a tliscnssicjn of the acorn-storing- habit of the California Wcjodjiecker. ISCiS. [Cooper, J. Ci.] The | Natural Wealth | of | California | conii)risins | Early History; Geography, Topography, and Scenery; Climate; Agriculture and Commercial | Products; Geologj^ Zoology, and Botany; [etc., ') lines]. I By I Titus Fe>- Cronise. | San Francisco: | H. H. Bancroft (S: Company. I ISr.S. Large Svo, pi). i-xvi, 1-C)')r,. > Chapter \'II. Zoology. Vp. 434-501. > Birds. Pp. 448-480. A running account of .553 species of birds, giving Ijrieflj- their distribution and most notable characteristics. Ur. Cooper's name appears only in the preface where his "valuable assistance rendered" in the department of zoology is acknowleilged. 186S. Cooper, J. G. Some Recent Additions to the Fauna of California. <; Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc. I\', November 1868, pp. 3-13. Mention of Art species, some of them for the first time recorded from the State: critical re- marks. 1868. Coues, E. A Monograph of the alcid.^. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XX, January 1868, pp. 2-81. vSeveral California references. 1868. [Jackson, C. T.] [Habits of Melaiierpes foniiirironts^ < Ibis, 2nd Ser. I^^ January 1868, pp. 116-117. Extract from article in I'roc. Bosl. vSoc. 1869. Canfield, C. S. Habits of the Burrowing Owl of California. < Am. Nat- uralist II, January 1869, pp. 583-586. 1869. Cooper, J. G. The Naturalist in California. Am. Naturalist III, June 1869, pp. 182-189. iMeld notes on man> birds oljserved on the Lcjs Angeles Plains, Cajon Pass and ^lojave Ri\er. 1869. Cooper, J. G. The Naturalist in California. < Am. Naturalist III, No- vember 1869, ])p. 470-481. l-'ield observations made at l-ort .Mojave, which, however, is on the Arizona side of the Colorado Riser. Includes numerous references to the birds of C (lUornia. 1869. Ridgwa\-, R. Notices of certain obscurely known sjjecies of American Birds. < Proc. Ac. Nat. vSc. Phil., June 1869, pp. 125-135. .Votes on thrushes, etc.: technical. 1870. Baird, S. 1'. The Birds I of 1 North America: | The I)e.scrii)tions of Species Based Chielly on the Collections | in the | Mtiseum of the Smithsonian Institution. | By | Spencer P\ Baird, | Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, | with the Co-oiieration of | John Cassin, | of the Academy of Nat- ural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1 and | George N. Lawrence, | of the Lyceum of 22 • PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUXA Xo. 5 Natural History of New York. | With an Atlas of One Hundred Plates. 1 Text. I I Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. | 1860. | Salem: Nat- uralist's Book Agency. | 1870. 4to, pp. i-lvi, 1-1005. Atlas, 4to, 100 pll. This is practically the same as Vol. IX, Pac. R. R. Report, 1858, which see. The Atlas, however, contains many new plates besides those previously appearing in the Pac. R. R. Reports and the Mex. Boundary Survey. 1870. Cooper, J. G. The Fauna of California and its Geographical Distribution. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc. I\', Fel^ruary 1870, pp. 61-81. Contains separate lists of birds for difTerent regions, including those observed on several of the Santa Barbara Islands. 1870. Cooper, J. G. Geological Survey of California. | J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. I I Ornithology. | A'olunie I. | Land Birds. | Edited by S. F. Baird, | from the Manuscript and Notes of | J. G. Cooper. | | Pub- lished by Authority of the Legislature. | 1870. Large 8vo, pp. i-xi, 1-592; figg- Includes birds of all the region west of the Rock}' ^Mountains. Man}' species are given as occurring "undoubtedly" in California but of which no specific instances are known. These, of course, cannot be considered as definite records of the species for California. Also the "Habitat" of several southwestern species is stated to be "Colorado Valley, California." But Cooper's observations are in most cases expressly stated as having been made in that region at Fort ]\Iojave, which is on the Arizona side. (See Auk VII, April 1890, 214.) The biographical accounts of the species entered in this work are mostly meager, and there is reall)' very little new information of any sort. The technical parts were prepared by Baird. 1870. Ridgway, R. A New Classification of the North American FALCONID^, with Descriptions of Three New Species. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil., De- cember 1870, pp. 13S-150. Includes original description of Oz/n/io/fs ^/'/tdt'i'i, said to have come from "California." 1871. Allen, J. A. On the Mammals and Winter Birds of East Florida, with an Examination of certain assumed Specific Characters in Birds, and a Sketch of the Bird-Faunae of Eastern North America. <[ Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. II, 1871, pp. 161-450, pll. IV-VIII. Includes critical notes on Shrikes, Hermit Thrushes, .Savanna .Sparrows, Red-winged Blackbirds, etc., from California. LS71. Cooper, J. G. Monterey in the Dry vSeason. < Am. Naturalist 1\', Feb- ruary 1871, pp. 756-758. Brief mention of 30 species observed in the vicinity of Monterey. Among those of especial note is Ossifraga gigautea (?). 1871. [Kneeland, S.] [Observations made on voyage from Panama to California] < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XI\\ March 1871, pp. 137-139. Piiffinus cinereus (?), on second day from San Francisco. 1871. [Kneeland, S.] A Zoologist on the Pacific Coast. < Am. Naturalist V, July 1871, pp. 312-313. Piiffinus cinereits (?) off California. 1871. V[errill, A. Iv] (^coloirical Survey of California: Ornithology, Vol. I. < Am. Journ. Sc, 3rd Ser. I, January 1871, p. 70. Review. RIHLI()(Uilt'olata i -ll'ilsonia pusilla pilcolata) ; from San F^rancisco. 1873. Ridgway, R. The Grouse and Quails of North America. Discu.ssed in Relation to their \'ariation with Habitat. <1 Forest & Stream I, December 1873, pp. 289-290. Includes reference to the races of (>rt'o> ty.v pirtns in California. 1874. Baird, S. F., Brewer, T. M., and Ridgway. R. A | History | of | North American Birds | by | S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway | Land Birds I Illustrated by 64 Plates and 593 Woodcuts | \'olume I [-HI]. | [vignette] | Boston | Little, Brown, and Company | 1874. Small 4to; Vol. I, pp. i-xxviii, 1-596, i-vi, cuts. pll. I-XXVI; Vol. II, pp. 1-590, i-vi, cuts. pll. XXVII-L\'I; Vol. Ill, pp. 1-560, i-xxviii, cuts, pll. LVII-LXIV. The biographical accounts relative to California Ijirds contained in this great work, altho quite extensive, are based almost entirely on previously publisht material of the various explorers. The .\ppendix at the end of \'olume III, however, inchides a number of Cooper's field observations made after the publication of his "( irnithology of California"; antl some of these are of especial importance. 1874. Brewer, T. M. [See Baird, Brewer and Ridgway.] 1874. Cooper, J. G. Animal Life of the Cuyamaca Mountains. < Am. Natur- alist VIII, January 1874, pp. 14-18. Brief mention of 84 species of birds observed in the \ icinity of the Cuyamaca Mountains, San Diego County. 24 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1874. Cooper, J. G. "\'erbal Remarks." < Proc. Cal. Ac. So. V, December 1874, pp. 414-415. Specimens of I 'n'a /oDii'ia ( yowng oi Uria troilc califoniica) and Stcrcorarius parasi- ticus from the coast of California. 1874. Coues, E. Field | Ornitholog}'. | Comprising a | Manual of Instruction | for I Procuring, Preparing and Preserving Birds | and a | Check List of North American Birds. | By | Dr. P:iliott Coues, U. S. A. | [vignette] | Salem: | Naturalists' Agency. | Boston: I{stes & Lauriat. | New York: Dodd & Mead. | 1S74. 8vo, pp. i-iv, 1-116, 1-137. In the "Appendix to Check List", pp. 12.vl,v, the status of several California species is noted. 1874. Coues, E. Birds of the Northwest: A Hand-book of the Ornithology of the Region Drained by the Missouri River and its Tributaries. =^Miscel- laneous Publications No. 3. U. S. Geol. Sur\-. of the Terr. W^ashington: 1874. 8vo, pp. i-xi, 1-791. The greater part of the California matter in this work is (luoted from previous writers. The accounts of a few species, however, are from Coues' personal observations at Fort Yuma, Mojave River and San Pedro. 1874. Pioneer. [Albino Robin at Nicasio] •< Forest & Stream II, April 1874, p. 123. 1874. Pioneer. The Scent Question. < Forest & Stream II, August 1874, p. 405. Relates to the California tjuail. 1874. Ridgway, R. Notes \\\)o\\ American Water Birds. < Am. Naturalist VIII, February 1874, pp. 108-111. ^^ialilis niicrorhynchus, "new species", from San Francisco {-^^"E. duhia); also origi- nal description of ''Rallus elegans, var. obsoletus" (—A', obsoletus) from San Francisco; and Pofcana Jaif/aircfisis, var. cotuyiiiciihis ( ^Creciscus coturnicKliis) from the Farallone Islands. 1874. Ridgway, R. On Local Variations in the Notes and Nesting Habits of Birds. < Am. Naturalist VIII, April 1874, pp. 197-201. Reference to certain California species. 1874. Ridgway, R. [See Baird, Brewer and Ridgway.] 1874. Ridgway, R. Two Rare Owls frotii Arizona. < Am. Naturalist \'III, April 1874, pp. 239-240. With California references. 1874-1875. Ridgway, R. Lists of Birds Observed at \'arious Localities Contigu- ous to the Central Pacific Railroad, from Sacramento City, California, to vSalt Lake City, Utah. < Bull. Essex Inst. VI, October 1874, pp. 169-174; VII, January 1875, pp. 10-24; February 1875, pp. 30-40. Includes nominal lists of .50 species found at vSacramento; IS species of the plains be- tween Sacramento and the western foothills of the Sierras; ') species of the foothills; 1.? species of the pine forests of the west slope; and I species found at the summit. This paper is merely a preliminary abstract of the complete report of 1877. lillil.loC.RAI'IIV OF CAIJFORXIA ( )RX ITIK )I,( )nv 25 1874. Sharpe, R. B. Cataloj^ne of tlie Accipitres, or Diurnal Birds of Prey, in the Collection of the British Museum. - Cat. Bds. I, lcS74, Svo, pp. i-xiii, 1-479: pll. I-XIV, figR. ?ilaiiy specimens listed Iroin California. 1875. Allen, C. A. Abnormal Plumage of the California Quail. < Forest & vStream \', I)ecend:)er 1875, p. 308. 1875. Cooper, J. (j. Notes on Californian Thrushes. <. Am. Naturalist IX, February 1875, pp. 114-116. Corrections: 7'uidiis Ks/ii/atiis ixwiX " /" nan its". 1875. Cooper, J. d. New Facts relating to California Ornithology — No. 1. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc. \'I, December 1875, pp. 189-202. ICxtended critical and ])iographical notes on a nnnd)er of the less known species. 1875. I{[stey], T. H. [Note on weights of California Ouail] < Forest & Stream III, January 1875, p. 391. 1875. h:st[e]y. T. H. White California (Juail. < Forest & vStream l\\ Feb- ruar\- 1875, p. 5. Partial albino from Xicasio. 1875. [Plstey, T. H.] Habits of the White Pelican. < Forest & Stream \', December 1875, p. 260. Near Sacramento. 1875. Henshaw, H. W. Appendix I 2. Annotated List of the Birds of Arizona, by H. W. Henshaw, Ornithological Assistant. < Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. West 100th Mer. by George M. Wheeler = App. LL of the Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers for 1875. Pp. 153-166. Unimportant references to California, mostly quoted from Cones and Cooper. 1875. Hinckley, W. M. Flora and P\atina of California. ^ Forest «S: Stream \', October 1875, p. 146. Hrief mention of a few wild fowl in \'entura County. 1875. Nelson, Iv W. Notes on Birds observed in portions of Utah, Nevada, and California. ^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. X\'II, January 1S75, pp. 338-365. Includes a brieny-annotatetl list of 72 species "observed in the vicinity of Nevada City. Cab, between Aujjust 15th and December l.Sth, 1S72. " 1875. Ridgway, R. On Nisus Cooperi i Bonaparte >, and N. (lUndlachi (Lawrence). < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil.. March 1S75, pp. 78-85. Specimens of \isns ( .Aicipitcr) cooperi from California; technical. 1875. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Striges, or Nocturnal Birds of Prey, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cat. Bds. 11, 1875, S\-o, ])p. i-xi, 1-325; pll. I-XIV. figg. Si)ecimcns lisleil from California. 1876. Allen, Mrs. C. A. [Note] < Forest and Stream \', h'ebruary ls76, p. 404. Se\eral species of birds nesting in one tree. 26 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1(S76. Allen, C. A. Notes from California. < Forest & Stream VII. August 1S76, p. 4. Nesting of several birds at Nicasio. 1S76. Allen, J. A. Anser Rossii in Oregon. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club I, July 1S76, p. 52. Refers to Cones' record for California. 1876. Chambers, Y. T. The Chaparral Cock. < Am. Naturalist X, June 1S76, p. 373. Food habits. 1876. Cooper, J. G. Early Nesting of the Anna Humming-Bird. < Am. Nat- uralist X, January 1876, pp. 48-50. In vicinity of liaywards. 1876. Cooper, J. G. California Garden Birds. < Am. Naturalist X, February 1876, pp. 90-96. Running account of aboiU 40 species nesting in the \icinity of Hayvvards. 1876. Cooper, J. Gx. Nesting Habits of the California House Wren ( Troglodytes ac(h))i var. piirkiiiuiui/) < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club I, November 1876, pp. 79-81. 1876. p:stey, T. H. Hybrid Ducks. < Forest & Stream V, January 1876, p. 388. 1876. Henshaw, H. \V. On Two I{mpidonaces, Traillii and Acadicus. *< Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club I, April 1876. p. 15. Refers to "/:". traillii var. pitsilliis" as occurring in southern California. 1876. Henshaw, H. W. Report on the Ornithology of the Portions of California Visited During the Field-Season of 1875 by H. W. Henshaw. < Ann. Rep. Geog. Surv. West 100th Mer. by George M. Wheeler = App. JJ of the Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers for 1876. Pp. 224-278. This important paper consists of an extensively annotated list of 204 species. These were observed from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara, on vSanta Cruz Island, about Fort Tejon, Kernville and Walker Basin, and in the vicinity of Alt. Whitney. 1876. Hoffman, W. J. Habits of Western Birds. < Am. Naturalist X, April 1876, pp. 238-239. Nesting of Stcttiila calliope in r)\vens \'alley. 1876. Ridgway, R. Studies of the American Falconidae. < Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II, 1876, pp. 91-182. Critical: 0)iy('fiotcs ffrubeti, etc. 1876. Stearns, R. E. C. Pelicans in San Francisco Bay. < Am. Naturalist X, March 1876, p. 177. Pelecaiiiis/nscHS ( cati/oriiicKs) and /'. crytluofliynclios. 1877. A[llen], J. A. Californian Ornithology. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club II, Jtily 1877, p. 76. Remarks concerning Cooper's paper on "New Facts relating to Californian Ornithology —No. 1." BIBLKlC.RArilV OF CAIJFORXIA ORXITHOLorA" 27 1877. Brewster, \V. Two Undcscribed Nests of California Birds. < Bull. Xutt. Orn. Club II, April 1S77, p]). 37-3S. CarpodacH^ pnypiiyfus var. cali/oi niciis (?) and Peuctra riifueps at Nicasio. 1.S77. Cooper, J. G. On vSeventy-five Doubtful West-coast Birds. < Bull. Xutt. Orn. Club II, October 1S77, pp. SS-97. Remarks concerning"; nnnierou.s species attributed to California by early writers, but the occurrence of which is now doubtful. 1877. Coues, K. Note on Podiceps dominicus. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club II, January 1877, p. 26. Refers to (".aiubel's record as "perhaps erroneous". 1877. Coues, E. Eastward Range of the Ferruginous Buzzard ( Arcliihutco fcr- riigmeiis). < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club II, January 1S77, p. 26. Also southern California. 1877. Elliot, D. G. Remarks on Sclasp]ionis allou , Henshaw. < Bull. N^utt. Orn. Club II, October 1877, pp. 97-102; 2 figg. Xonienclatural technicpie: 'froc/iiliis rn/iis of (ruielin is argued to apply to the recently described .S". alloii, while a new name, .S'. heiis/iawi, is proposed for the rufous-backed species. 1877. Henshaw, H. W. Description of a New Species of Humming-bird from California. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club II, July 1S77, pp. 53-5S; 2 figg. The original description of Selasp/iori(s alleiii; type localit}-, Xicasio. 1877. Henshaw, H. W. Report on the Ornithology of Portions of Nevada and California, by Mr. H. W. Henshaw < Ann. Rep. Geog. Surv. West 100th Mer. by George M. Wheeler=App. N N of the Ami. Rep. Chief of Engineers for 1877. Pp. 1303-1322. Includes a briefly-annotated list of W) species observed on the east slope of the Sierras in the vicinity of Lake Tahoe. 1877. Ridgway, R. United States Geological I^xploration of the Fortieth Paral- lel I Clarence King, Geologist-in-charge | — | Part III. | Ornithology. I By I Robert Ridgway. [is77] 4to, pp. 303-669. The California bird matter relates to the vicinity of Sacramento and the Sierras and foothills immediately to the eastward. The nominal list of species had been previous!)- piiblisht in the Proceedings of the Essex Institute for 1S7I-7.S. Rut in the present report more extended accounts are given together with lists of specimens and notes on them. 1877. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. ColiomorphcC, Containing the Families Corvidse, Paradiseidie, Oriolidie, Dicruridie, and Prionopidiu. Cat. Bds. Ill, 1877, pp. i-xiii, 1-343; pll. I-XI\', figg. 1878. Allen, C. A. An Albino Anna Hununing-Hird. -^ Bull. Xutt. Orn. Club III, October 1S7S, jip. 192-193. 1878. Allen, C. A. The Pygm\- Owl i ( ilaitridiio)! ra/i Joniirmii ^ <. Bull. XiUt. Orn. Club III, October 1878, p. 193. Xicasio: habits. 28 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1878. Allen, J. A. Rnfous-headed Sparrow (Pcucica ;7/AVr/5) in Texas. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, October 1878, pp. 188-189. Reference to its occurrence in California. 1878. Bailey, H. B. vSonie new Traits for the Red-headed Woodpecker < Melmi- crf^cs crythroccphalus^. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, x\pril 1878, p. 97. Reference to Melaiwypcs foriiiicivonis bairdi in California. 1878. Belding, L. Nesting-Habits of Parus niontanus. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, April 1878, pp. 102-103. 1878. Brewer, T. M. Nest and Eggs of Zonotrichia coronata. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, January 1878, p]). 42-43. Rreediny in Shasta Co. (?) 1878. Brewster, W. Note. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Clul) III, January 1878, p. 10. Xote in re 40. CTCotlilypis niacgillivrayi. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, April 1S78, p. 62. 1878. B[rewster], \V. Ornithology of the Wheeler Expeditions of 1876 and 1877. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, July 187S, pp. 136-138. An extendeil review of Ilenshaw's rejiorts upon the ornithology of California and Xevada. 1878. Brewster, W. Descriptions of the First Plumage in \'arious vSpecies of North American Birds. > 93. Picus villosus harrisi. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, October 1878, p. 179. l''roui Xicasio. 1878. Cooper, J. G. California Prairie Chickens. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, April 1878, p. 96. ( )n the status in California of '/'tiraoioluiiihitDius (=~Pedi(rccfes phasiaiie/liisio/ianhiauus) . 1878. Cooper, W. A. Notes on the Breeding Habits of Carpodanis piirpiircus var. rali/oniiriis, with a Description of its Nest and Eggs. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, January 1878, pp. 8-10. 1878. Cooper, W. A. Notes on the Breeding Habits of Hutton's Vireo ( \~/rco hiitioiii) and the Gray Titmouse ( Lop/iop/nnirs iiionia/us) with a Description of their Nestsand Eggs. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club III, April 187S, pp. 68-69. In the vicinity of Santa Cruz. 1878. [Coues, IC] Ridgway's Ornithology of the Fortieth Parallel. < Am. Naturali.st XII, July 187S, p. 469. Review. 1878. Coues, E. Birds of the Colorado Valley a repository of Scientific and Popular Information concerning North American Ornithology = Miscellaneous Publications — No. 11. U.S. Geol. Surv. of the Terr. Washington: 1878. Svo, pp. i-x\'i, 1-807; figg. California matter nearly all quoted from previous publications. A "Bibliographical Ap- pendix", pp. .%fj-78l, includes many titles relating entirely or in part to California Orni- thology. I'liis "list of faunal publications '" was nearly com])lete up to date. iui;i.I()(;r.\i'ii\- of califorxia nRxrriH)i,()(TV 29 1878. Grant, G. H. 0()log:y from California. < Oolo^ist IV, April 1878, pp. 9-10. 1878. Hcnshaw, H. \V. On the vSpecie.s of the Genus /Vs-.sr/r/A/. < Bull. Xutt. Orn. Clul) III, January 1878, ])p. ,^-7. All accurate (It'iiionstration of j>;-e()j.jraphical xarialion in /\issci'ella. showinjj that the four then recognized forms are but races of one species. 1878. Henshaw, H. \V. Additional Remarks on Sela.sphorus Alleni. < Bull. Xutt. Orn. Ckil). Ill, January 1878, pp. 11-15. Further discussion of nomenclature. 1878. Henshaw, H. W. Preliminar\- report on the Ornithology of Portions of California and N'evada, by II. \V. Henshaw. Field vSeason of 1877. < Ann. Rep. Geog. Surv. W. looth Mer. by G. M. Wheeler. ^ - App. XX Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers for 1878. Pp. 185-186. Brief mention of a few si)ecies along the eastern border of California: Rarn ()\vl, White- crowned Sparrow, and Varied Thrush. 1878. Jasper, T. vStuder's Popular Ornithology. | | The | Birds of Xorth America: \ Drawn and Colored from Life by | Theodore Jasper, A. M., M. D. I One Hundred and Xineteen Colored Plates, | representing upwards of seven hundred different species and | varieties of Xorth American birds, in- cluding a i)opular | account of their habits and characteristics. | | Columbus, Ohio: | Published by Jacob H. Studer & Co., | 1878. Large 4to (is.sued in 4() parts), pp. 182+8 + ^. Western material wholly (juoted from previousl}- pnblisht accounts. 1878. Lockington, \V. X. Rambles Round San Francisco. < Am. X'^aturalist XII, June 1878, pp. 347-3.54. r^Iention of a few birds. 1878. Mitchell, H. M. California Mountain Quail. < Poorest & Stream IX, January 1878, p. 413. Adaptability to introduction into eastern states. 1S7S. Ridgway, R. X'otes on Some of the Birds of Calaveras County, California, and Adjoining Localities. < Bull. X'litt. Orn. Club III, April 1878, pp. 64-68. A list of 17 birds collected by ILddinL,"^ chiellv in Calaveras County: brief notes on the sjiecimens. 1878. Ridgway, R. Review of the American vSpeciesof the Cyenus Scops, Savigny. < Proc. i;. S. X. M. I, August 1878, pp. 85-117. Including the Screech < »wl from California. 1878. Ridgway, R. Studies of the American Herodiones. <1 Bull. V . S. Geol. 6c Geog. Surv. Terr. I\', 1S7S, i)p. 219-251. Critical: .Irdra /uTot/ias. 187.S. Stearns, R. \\. C. The Prairie Chicken in California. Belding and Ridgway's Birds of Central California. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, July 1879, pp. 167-171. Fvxtended review. 1879. [Anonymous] The California Quail. < Forest & Stream XIII, December 1879, p. 894. Popular account from sportsman's standpoint. 1879. Belding, L. A partial list of the Birds of Central California. < Proc. U. S. N. M. I, March 1879, pp. 388-449. An extensively annotated list of 220 sjjecies, from ol)servations made chiefly in the vSierras of Calaveras County, and at Stockton and Marysville. Technical remarks by Ridgway. 1879. Brewer, T. M. Notes on the Nests and L^ggs of the Eight North Amer- ican Species of Empidonaces. < Proc. U. S. N. M. II, April 1879, pp. 1-10. /i. difficilis and A", trail/i from California. 1879. Brewster, W. Description of the P'irst Plumage in X'arious Species of North American Birds. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club I\', January 1879, pp. 39-46. Several species from California. 1879. Brewster. W. Notes on the Habits and Distribution of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow (/V//rs). < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, January 1879, pp. 47-48. From Marin County. 1879. Cooper, \V. A. Notes on the Breeding Habits of the California Pigmy 0\\\ ( (ihni (•/'(/ ii(»i (-(i/it'oni/ndii), with a Description of its P^ggs. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, April 1879, pp. 86-87. Near .Santa Cruz. 1879. Coues, E. History of the Evening Gro.sbeak. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, April 1879, pp. 65-75. An extended article on the life-history of Coccot/iyausies z^cspi-t /inns, including refer- ences to its occurrence in California. 1879. Coues, E. Note on Dendrceca townsendi. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, April 1879, p. 117. Wintering at Santa Cruz. 1879. Deane, R. Additional Cases of Albinism and Melanism in North American Birds. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, January 1879, pp. 27-30. California albinos of Audubon Warbler, Brewer Blackbird, Anna Hummingbird, Ileer- niann Gull and I'ulvous Tree Duck. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 31 1879. Deane, R. Capture of a Third Specimen of the P'lamnuilated Owl ( Srops flaiiniicola) in the United States, and first Discovery of its Nest. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, July 1879, p. 188. Reference to the I-'orl Crook record. 1879. Klliot, D. (i. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. | — 317 — | A | Classification | and | vSynopsis of the Trochilidct. | By | Daniel Giraud Elliot, F. R. S. K., I{tc. I ["Accepted for Publication, January, 1878," but did not appear till March, 1879.] 4to, pp. i-xii, 1-277; 127 figg. Inchiding the species from California. 1879. Henshaw, H. W. Occurrence of Ross's Ooose ^ A)iscr rossi/) on the Pacific Coast and Inland. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club I\', April 1879, p. 126. At Nicasio and Stockton. 1879. Henshaw, H. W. Melospiza meloda and its Allies. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, July 1879, pp. 155-160. An essay on geographical variation among the Song .Sparrows; designates the Califor- nian forms as then recognized. 1879. Henshaw% H. W. Nest and Eggs of the Gray Titmouse < Lophophanes in- oniatus). < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, July 1S79, pp. 1S2-1S3. At Oakland. 1879. Ingersoll, I{. Breeding Habits of the Hooded Oriole. < Oologist IX , February 1879, pp. 49-50. L'nimportant references to California. 1879. Miller, F. Strange vStory of a California Bird. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, April 1S79, pp. 109-110. (reococcy.y ca lifoyn ia tins. 1879. Ridgway, R. Description of New Species and Races of American Birds, including a Synopsis of the Genus Tyrannus, Cuvier. < Proc. U. S. N. M. I, May 1S79, pp. 466-486. Includes the original description of /'ar//.? /'w/i'jav/j ncglectus; type locality not stated, but later determined to be Nicasio. 1879. Stephens, F. Nesting of Buteo zonocercus in New Mexico. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club IV, July 1S79, p. 1S9. Includes mention of Ihiico sr^'ainsoiii at Wilmington, Calif. 1880. Allen, C. A. Habits of Vau.x's Swift. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club \', Janu- uary 1880, pp. 55-56. In Marin County. 1880. A[llen], J. A. Ri(lgwa\- on the vSpecies of the Genera Scops and Tyranntis, etc. < Recent Literature. < Bull. Nutt. ()rn. Club \\ January ISSO, jip. 41-42. Reference to Ridgway's description of /'ai us rufcscens ncf^^lcilus. 1880. Allen, J. A. On Recent Additions to the Ornithological Fauna of North America. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club V, April 1880, pp. 85-95. 52 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1880. A[llen],J.A. Recent Literature. > Henshaw's Report on Collections made in California, Nevada, and Oregon in 1S77-7M. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club V, April ISSO, pp. 105-107. 1880. A[llen], J. A. Recent Literature. > Cooper on the Migrations and Nest- ing Habits of \Ve.st-Coast Birds. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club V, October 1880, p. z:-'!. 1880. Brewer, T. M. Nest and Eggs of Parus montanus. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club V. January 1880, p. 47. From Placer County. 1880. Brewer, T. ^L Eggs of Picus albolarvatus. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club V, January 1S8i//s) on the Cali- fornian Coa.st. ' Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club V, July 18S(), p. 189. Specimen taken at .San I'Vancisco; first for California. 1880. Ingersoll, E. The Flammulated Owl ( Srops flaniDJCola) in Colorado. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cltib V, April 1S80, pp. 121-122. Reference to the Fort Crook record. 1880. Ridgway, R. On Current Objectionable Names of North American Birds. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club \', January 1880, pp. 36-38. Inappropriateness of the specific name /'rt.?r/rtA/ (which means "banded") for the Wren- Tit. 1880. Ridgway, R. Notes on the American \"ultures i Sarcorhamphidir) , with Special Reference to their Generic Nomenclature. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club \', April 1S80, pp. 77-S4. Pseiidoiryyt'hn v la/ij'oriiiaiitts, Kir.I.IoC.RAI'IIV ()!■ CAI.II'OkXlA ( )R\" III K )I.()C,V 33 ISSO. Ridgway, R. On /\u////s /o//,^-/ros/ris, l^odd., and its (ie()grai)hical Races. < Bull. Nutt. Oru. Clul) \', Jul\- Isso, itp. 13,s-l4(). Including- A'a/Z/is o/'sulr/iis. 1880, Ridgway, R. A Catalogue of the Birds of North America. Apjjendix. < Proc. r. S. X. M. Ill, vSept. ISSO, pp. 213-246. 1550. Ridgway, R. Catalogue of Trochilid;e in the Collection of the Ignited States National Museum. < Proc. U. vS. N. M. Ill, September ISSij, pp. 308-320. 1881. Allen, C. A. Collecting on the Pacific Coast. < Orn. & Ool. \'I, May 1881, pp. IS-p). Running- account oi tlie water birds found al I'oint Reyes. 1881. A[llen], J. A. Holterhoff's Notes on Western Birds. < Recent Liter- ature. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VI, July ISSl, p. 173. Notice of the article in ".\niericaii Naturalist." 1881. Brewster, \V. Notes on Some Birds from Arizona and New Mexico, with a Description of a Supposed New Whip-poor-will. -porfiyii(-/iits leanitei and //. }-ediviviis, compared. 1881. Brewster, W. On the Affinities of Certain Polioptihc , with a Description of a New Species. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club \'I, April ISSl, pp. 101-107. Includes original description of Polioptila cali/o>'i:ua\ type locality, Riverside. 1881. Crowell, C. M. California Quail Breeding in the Garden. < Orn. & Ool. \'I, Deceml)er ISSl, i)p. 74-75. At Ilaywards. 1881. Emenson, W. O. Black-capped Yellow Warljler. Its Nesting Habits. < Orn. cS: Ool. \'I, October ISSl, pp. 62-63. 1881. Evermann, B. W. California Bird Notes. < Orn. & Ool. \l, March 1881, p. 7. Nesting;' of Roadrunner, Western Red-tailed llauk, etc., near Santa I'aula. 1551. I^vermann, B. W. Least Titmouse. < Orn. ^: Ool. \'I, May ISSl, p. 19. Nesting of J'sal/riparHs )ni>iiiinis ^ra/i/'oniicus) at .Santa I'aula. 1881. Henshaw, H. W. On /'(ni/rep> occidcutalis and I\ clarkii. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club \'I. October Issi, pp. 214-218. Discussion to i)ro\e alleged distinctness. is.si. Hoffman, W. J. Annotated List of the Birds of Xc-vada. -^Bull. I'. S. (ieol. cS: (ieog. Surv. Terr. \'I, Xo. 2, September ISSi, pp. 203-256; 2pll. and map. Contains a few records of species from ( )\vens \alky; also many cjuotations from Cooper. ISSl. Holterhoflf, E[=^- G]., Jr. A Collector's Xotes on the Breeding of a Few We.stern Birds. < Am. Naturalist X\', March Issi, jip. 2()S-219. Accounts of 13 species from the vicinity of Los Angeles an.l the Colorado Desert. 34 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1881. Holterhoff, G., Jr. Cactus Wren. < Orn. & Ool. VI, April 1881, p. 11. Nesting habits on Coloratlo Desert. 1881. Holterhoff, G., Jr. \>rdin or Yellow Headed Titmouse. < Orn. & Ool. VI, June 1881, p. 27. On the Colorado Desert. 1881. Mailliard, J. Remarkable Persistency in Nesting of the Western Yellow- bellied Flycatcher. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VI, April 1881, p. 119. Einpiiionax difficilis and Sayornis niotidDis at Nicasio. 1881. Ridgway, R. The Caspian Tern in California. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VI, April 1881, p. 124. Stockton and San Francisco in winter. 1881. Ridgway, R. Nomenclature | of | North American Birds | Chiefly Con- tained in the | United States National Museum. | By | Robert Ridgway. | — I Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1881. | 8vo, pp. 1-94. ( ==Bulletin No. 21, IT. S. National Museum.) The Appendix, pp. .S9-S,S, inchides citations of many California records. 1881. Ridgway, R. A Review of the Genus Centurus, Swainson. < Proc. U. S. N. M. IV, June 1881, pp. 93-119. Centurus uropy^ialis from Ft. Yuma. 1881. Seebohm, H. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphse: Part II. Containing the Family Turdidte (Warblers and Thrushes). --Cat. Bds. V, 1881, 8vo. pp. i-xvi, 1-426; pll. I-XVIII, figg. 1881. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorpha: Part III. Containing the First Portion of the Family Timeliidae ( Babbling-Thrushes ). = Cat. Bds. VI, 1881, 8vo, pp. i-xiii, 1-420; pll. I-XVIII, figg. 1881. Wood, W. California Pygmy Owl. < Orn. & Ool. VI, July 1881, pp. 33-35; August 1881, pp. 47-48; fig. General account of habits, etc. 1882. Allen, C. A. Golden Eagle's Nest. < Orn. &. Ool. VII, August 1882, p. 148. 1882. [Anonymous] Hummer's Nest and Eggs. < Orn. & Ool. \'II, Septem- ber 1882, p. 155. From Santa Paula. 1882. Bean, T. H. Notes on Birds Collected during the Summer of 1880 in Alaska and Siberia. < Proc. U. S. N. M. V., July 1882, pp. 144-173. Dtomedea tne/a /I op/irys is recorded (pp. 144, 170) as having been "seen within 1,060 miles west of Cape Mendocino, California." This seems to me rather too remote to come within even our pelagic fauna. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CAMI'ORXIA ORNITHOLOGY 35 1882. Brewster, \V. On Keiinicott's Owl and vSoiiie of its iMlies, with a Descrip- tion of a Proposed New Race. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VII, January 1882, pp. 27-33. Includes ()ri)^inal description ui Si(>/>.s ( O/ks) asio hfudtTt'i; type locality, Xicasio. 1882-1883. Brewster, W. On a Collection of Birds Irately Made by Mr. F. Stephens in Arizona. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VII, April 1882, pp. 65-86; July 1882, pp. 135-147; October 1S82, pp. 193-212; VIII, January 1883, pp. 21-36. References to se\eral California species. 1882. Crowell, C. M. Hummingbirds in Confinement. < Orn. ct Ool. VII, May 1882, pp. 126-128. 18S2. [Emerson, W. O,] Cape Cardinal. < Orn. & Ool. \'II, May 1882, p. 119. ''Cardinalis ignens" taken at Ilaywards. Mr. ICnierson tells me this proved to have been an escaped cage-bird. 1882. Emerson, W. O. Notes from California. < Orn. & Ool. VIII, July 1882, p. 139. Nesting of the Anna Huinniingbird. 1882. Emer.son, \V. O. California Winter Songsters. < Orn. & Ool. VII, October 1SS2, pp. 165-166. Notes on « species at Haywards. 1882. Evermann, B. W. Road-runner. < Orn & Ool. \"I, January 1882, p. 85. Nesting and L)ggs at -Santa Paula. 1882. Evermann, B. W. American Barn Owl. < Orn. cS: Ool. Xll, March 1882, pp. 97-98; April 1882, pp. 109-110. General account of nesting habits in Ventura County. 1882. Evermann, B. W. Black-Crested Flycatcher. < Orn. & Ool. \'II, No- vember 1882, pp. 169-170; December, 1882, pp. 177-179. Cieneral account of Phainopepla nitetis at Santa Paula. 1882. Gentry, T. G. Nests and Eggs | of | Birds of the United States. | Illus- trated. I By Thomas G. Gentry, | Author of [etc.. 5 lines]. | Philadelphia. — Published by J. A. Wagenseller. [1882] 4to, pp. i-x, 1-3(K), j)!!. I-L. Includes plate (X\') and text (p. .S.S) relating to the Valley (Juail. 1882. Ridgway, R. Description of vSeveral New Races of American Birds. < Proc. U. S. X. M. \', June 1S82, pp. 9-15. Original description of C luuiura fasciaia /it'/is/uuci; type locality, Walker's Basin. 1882. Ridgway, R. Critical Remarks on tlu- Tree-creepers iCerthia) of Europe and North America. < Proc. V. S. N. M. X, July 1882, pp. 111-116. Original description of (Othia faiiii/iniis im idriifiilis; "Southern California to British Colinnbia. " 1882. Ridgway, R. Descriptions of some New Nortli American Birds. < Proc. I'. S. N. M. \', Seiitembt-r ISSJ, pp. 343-346. Original description of Cat/itrpt's »u:vuaiiiis puiulii/ittus: type from Forest Hill, Placer Co. 36 PACII^IC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1882. Ridgway, R. List of Additions to the Catalogue of North American Birds. Bean's Notes on Birds collected in Alaska and Siberia. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VIII, October 1883, p. 231. Reference to the record of Diomedea ))ielanophr\'s. 1883. Belding, L. [and Ridgway, R.] Catalogue of a Collection of Birds made near the Southern Extremity of the Peninsula of Lower California. < Proc. U. S. N. M. V, March 1883, pp. 532-550. The foot-notes by Ridgway, include the original description of Polioptila ccz-rulea ob- scura from "Calaveras County", as well as other references to the State avifauna. 1883. Brewster, W. [See Allen and Brewster.] 1883. Butterfield, A. D. California Long-billed Marsh Wren. < Orn. & Ool. VIII, August 1S83, p. 64. Nesting near San Felipe. 1883. Emerson, W. O. Ash-throated Flycatcher ( v'//v/a/r////5 cinerascens.) < Orn. & Ool. VIII, May 1883, pp. 36-37. Nesting at Haywards. 1883. Emerson, W. O. Notes from California. < Orn. & Ool. VIII, Sep- tember 1SS3, p. 70. \'ery brief, on a number of species. 1883. Gadow, H. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, on Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphae: Part \ . Containing the Families Paridae and Laniidae (Titmice and Shrikes), and Certhimorphse (Creepers and Nuthatches). ^Cat. Bds. VIII, 1883, 8vo, pp. i-xiii, 1-385; pU. MX, figg. 1883. Goss, N. S. Occurrence of the Northern Phalarope and Audubon's Warbler, and Nesting of the Mocking Bird in Western Kansas. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VIII, July 1883, pp. 186-1S8. Reference to De)idyoica andiibo)ii at San Diego. 1883. Henshaw, H. W. Instance of Semidomestication of California Quail. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VIII, July 1883, pp. 184-185. BIBUOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOOV 37 1883. Holterhoff, G., Jr. Nest and Eggs of Leconte's Thrasher K Harporhynchus redivivus /ccoiifii). < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VIII, January 1883, pp. 48-49. At Flowing Wells. 1883. Holterhoff, G., Jr. Geococcyx as a Vocalist. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VIII, July 1883, pp. 1S2-183. San Diego. 1883. Parkhurst, A. L. Notes from San Jose, Cal. < Orn. & Ool. VIII, October 1883, p. 79. Breeding of several Ijirds. 18S3. Ridgway, R. [See Belding and Ridgwa}'.] 1S83. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphte: Part I\'. Containing the Concluding Portion of the Family Timeliidse ( Babbling Thrushes ) . = Cat. Bds. VII, 1883, 8vo., pp. i-xvi, 1-698; pll. I-XV, figg. 1883. Steinbeck, W. Golden liagle's Nest and Eggs. < Orn. & Ool. VIII, May 1883, p 36. Near Hollister. 1883. Stephens, F. A California Bird-wave. < Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club VIII, July 1883, p. 188. At Campo, San Diego County. 1884. Baird, S. F., Brewer, T. M., and Ridgway, R. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology | at Harvard College. | Vol. XII [-XIII]. | | The I Water Birds | of | North America. | By | S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, | and I R. Ridgway. | Issued in Continuation of the | Publications of the Geo- logical Survey of California. | J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. | Volume I [-II]. I Boston: | Little, Brown, and Company. | 1884. Small 4to; Vol. I, pp, i-xi, 1-537, cuts; Vol. II, pp. 1-552, cuts. These two volumes are of particular value in California ornithology as containing Dr. J. G. Cooper's manuscript notes originally intended for Volume II of the "Ornithology of California, " which volume never was publisht. There are thus more or less extended biographies pertaining strictly to this State, and probably including nearly all records up to the date of compilation. Here is the original description by Ridgway of Pelecanus califor- niciis, and various other technical matter relating to western species. 1884. Brewer, T. M. [See Baird, Brewer and Ridgway.] 1884. Bryant, W. E. Nest and Eggs of JAvV^c/t'^/r.s- iozciiscncli. iibciis; type from Stockton. 1884. Holterhoff, G. Calamospiza bicolor in Southern California. < Auk I, July 1884, p. 293. At vSan Diego. 1884. Holterhoff, G. Occurrence of the Least Tern at San Diego, Cal. < Auk I, July 1884, p. 294. 1884. Holterhoff, G. Eskimo Curlew at San Diego, Cal. < Auk I, October 1884, p. 393. Specimen of "A7^;;/r;////5^ /wyrrt//^' ' taken in September, 188.3. (See BEI.DING, Zoe III, Oct. 1892, 257.) BIBIJorTRAPIIV OF CALIFORXIA ORXITlIOLOav 39 1884. Iiigersoll, A. M. The Ruddy Dnck and Its Nests. < Orn. & Ool. IX, February 18S4, i)p. 15-1(>. Near Santa Cruz. 1884. Orcutt, C. R. vStones placed in pine-trees by birds. < Science III, March 14, 1884, p. 305. Aconi-storiiig habits of woodpeckers. 1884. Ridgway, R. Descriptions of Some New North x\merican Birds. < Proc. liiol. vSoc. Wasli. II, April 1884, pp. 89-95. Incluiles original descriptions of /'sal/i iftaiiis uiiiiimiis califoriiiciis, Lophortvx califor- niciix bninnesccus ( L. c. californiciis) and Plialacrocorax diloplms alhocilialus. 1884. Ridgway, R. [See Eaird, Brewer and Ridgway.] 1.SS4. Ridgway, R. A Review of the American Crossbills (Loxia) of the L. curvirostra Type. < Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. II, April 1SS4, pp. 101-107. Original description of Loxia curvirostra bendirei from Fort Klamath, Oregon; also California. 1.SS4. Ridgway, R. On the Possible Specific Identity of B/ttco Coofcri Cass, with //. Harhiiii (Aud.). < Auk I, July 1884, pp. 253-254. 1SS4. Shields, A. M. The Black Stilt. < Young Oologist I, July 1884, p. 41. Nesting near Los Angeles. 18S4. Shields, A. M. Egging in a California Swamp. < Young Oologist I, October 1SS4, p. 90. In Los Angeles County. 18S4. Skirm, J. Bird Nesting on "Bird Island," Cal. Orn. & Ool. IX, November 1SS4, pp. 131-132. Sea-birds at Toniales Point, Marin County. 1SS4. Skirm, J. List of Birds of Santa Cruz, Cal. ' Orn. & Ool. IX, Decem- ber 1SS4, pp. 14*M50. Briefly annotated list of 9S species; refreshingly accurate. 1884. Steinbeck, W. The Golden Eagle ^ Aqitila chrysactiis.) < Orn. & Ool. IX, May 1SS4, p. 58. Nesting in ,San Benito \'alle3'. l.s,S4. Stephens, V. Collecting in the Colorado Desert — I.ccoiitcs 77iras/icr. < Auk I, October 18S4, pp. 353-358. Habits of Harporhyinhiis leconlei. 1.S84. T[aylor], H. R. California Mottled Owl. Young Oologist I, June 1S84, p. li. Nesting at .\lameda. 1SS4. Taylor, H. R. Si)urred Towhec; Least Tit. Young Oologist I, No- veml)er 1SS4, j). loo. .Nesting habits at Alanicila. 18,S4. Taylor, II. R. Ilununing-birds in California. Young Oologi.st I, December 1884, pp. 112-113. 40 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1S84. Toppan, G. I.. Fork-tailed Flycatcher. < Orn. & Ool. IX, April 1S84, p. 4S. Record of a specimen of JMilvuIus tyranmis said to have been shot near Santa Monica. 1884. Wright, W. G. An Experiment in Bird-Taming. < Orn. & Ool. IX, February 1884, pp. 13-14. With Phainopepla nitens. 1885. A[llen], J. A. Ridgway on Various American Birds. < Auk II, April 1885, pp. 207-208. Brief review. 1885. A[llen], J. A. Ridgway on New Species and Subspecies of American Birds, and on the Nomenclature of other Species. < Auk II, July 1885, pp. 290-293. Review of several papers. 1885. Ball, F. Colaptes auratus in California. < Auk II, October 1885, p. 383. At San Bernardino. 1885. Bryant, W. E. The Relationship of Podiceps occidentals and P. clarkii. < Auk II, July 1885, pp. 313-314. Probable specific identity. 1885. "C. N. C." Collecting among the Calaveras Group of Big Trees. < Young Oologist I, March 1885, p. 149. 1885. Davie, O. An | Egg Check List | of | North American Birds | Giving Ac- curate Descriptions of the Color and Size of the Eggs, | and Locations of the Nests of the Land and Water | Birds of North America. | By Oliver Davie. I I First Edition. | — | Columbus, O. | Hann & Adair, | 1885. 8vo, pp. 1-77. Under the heading of "Notes," pp. 5.5-73, are given many nesting accounts from Ven- tura County, and elsewhere in California, mostly new. 1885. Edmiston, J. L. The Barn Owl in Southern California. < Young Oolo- gist I, January 1885, p. 125. Nesting at Riverside. 1885. Emerson, W. O. Californian Clapper Rail. < Orn. & Ool. X, September 1885, pp. 142-143. Nesting and eggs near Ilaywards. 1885. Emerson, W. O. California Song Sparrow. < Orn. & Ool. X, September 1885, p. 143. Two forms nesting at Haywards, one on salt marsh {—Melospiza Jiielodia piisilliila) and the other among the hills and canyons {^M. in. sanicrcrucis). 1885. Emerson, W. O. California Mottled Owl. < Orn. and Ool. X, Novem- ber 1885, pp. 173-174. {^Otiis asio beudirei) ; habits and nesting at Haywards. 1885. Fiske, E. H. Notes from California. < Young Oologist II, June 1885, pp. 29-30. Nesting of several species near vSanta Cruz and Berkeley. BIBUOORAPIIY OF CALIFORXIA ORNITHOLOGY 41 1S,S5. Gault, B. T. Nest and Eggs of Calypte costae. < Auk II, July 1885, pp. 309-311. In San Bernardino Count)-. 1885. Goss, N. S. Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis Nesting in Holes in Trees. < Auk II, April 1885, p. 217. At Julian. 1885. Gunn, C. W. On Six Species of Hummingbirds of the Pacific Slope. < Orn. & Ool. X, February 1885, p. 26. Obtained at Colton. 1885. Gunn, C. W. Black-chinned Sparrow, iSpizella atriiitilaris) . < Orn. & Ool. X, February 1885, p. 30. Taken near Colton. 1885. Henshaw, H. W. The Gulls of the Californian Coast. < Auk II, July 1885, pp. 231-232. Record of eight species taken between San Diego and Santa Barbara. 1885. Henshaw, H. W. Hybrid Quail {Lopko?iyx gambeli X L. cahfornictis) . < Auk II, July 1885, pp. 247-249. From San Gorgon io Pass. 1885. Henshaw, H. W. The Bill of the Horned Pufhn ( CcratoHiina mono- cerata). < Auk II, October 1885, pp. 387-388. California reference. 1885. Holterhoff, G. The Glossy Ibis and Avocet at San Diego, Cal. < Auk II, July 1885, pp. 311-312. 1885. [Kent, P. E.] Earge Set of Barn Owl's Eggs. < Orn. & Ool. X, June 1885, p. 96. Of eleven, taken at Poway. 1885. Eillie, H. C. Mourning Dove; Burrowing Owl. < Young Oologist II, June 1885, pp. 39-40. Nesting in "Southern California." 1885. Marr, C. White-rumped Shrike. < Young Oologist I, March 1885, p. 157. Habits of /.. /. gainbcli. 1885. Parkhurst, A. E. Some Californian Raptores. < Orn. & Ool. X, January 1885, p. 7; February 1885, pp. 25-26. Nesting of several species near San Jose. 1885. Ridgway, R. On Two Hitherto Unnamed Sparrows from the Coast of California. - ' Proc. U. S. N. M. \TI, Jan. 1885, pp. 516-518. The original description of rassctru/iis bc/diiiffi, from San Diego; and Passo cuius sa/id- ivichetisis bryanti from Oakland. 1885. Ridgway, R. On Butco harlani (Xwd.) and B. coopcri Q^iss. < Auk II, April 1885, pp. 165-166, 42 PACIFIC COAvST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1885. Ridgway, R. Remarks on the Californian Vulture {Pscicdogryphiis cali- foniiauus). < Auk II, April 1885, pp. 167-169. 1885. Ridgway, R. Icterus cucullatus, Swainson, and its Geographical Varia- tions. < Proc. U. S. N. M. VIII, April 1885, pp. 18-19. Including original description of /. c. nehoni. 1885. Ridgway, R. Note on the Anser leucopareius of Brandt. 1 Proc. U. S. N. M. VIII, April 1885, pp. 21-22. Original description of Branta canadensis iiiiniina. 1885. Ridgway, R. On Onychotes gruberi. < Proc. U. S. N. M. VIII, April 1885, pp. 36-38. Probably from the Sandwich Islands. 1885. Ridgway R. Some Emended Names of North American Birds. < Proc. U. S. N. M. VIII, September 1885, pp. 354-356. Includes original description of CalUpepla califoruica vallicola from "interior valleys of California. ' ' 1885. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes: Part I. Containing the Families Dicceidae, Hirundinidge, Ampelidae, Mniotiltidae, and Motacillidae. ==Cat. Bds. X, 1885, 8vo, pp. i-xiii, 1-682; pll. I-XII, figg. 1885. Shields, A. M. Duck-hunting at Gospel Swamp. Young Oologist I, February 1885, pp. 134-136. 1885. Shields, A. M. The Redhead. Young Oologist II, June 1885, pp. 32-33. Nesting in Los Angeles County. 1885. Southwick & Jencks. Southern Range of Rissa tridactyla Kotzbuei. < Auk II, July 1885, p. 313. Taken at Nicasio. ( ^A". t. pollicaris.) 1885. Stejneger, L. Remarks on Lanius Robustus (Baird), based upon an Ex- amination of the Type Specimen. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil., March 1885, pp. 91-96. The specimen said to have been obtained by (Vambel in "California", probably not even from North America; possibly Asiatic. 1885. T[aylor], H. R. Hummingbirds. Unfinished nests — early nesting. < Young Oologist I, March 1885, p. 150. 1885. Taylor, H. R. Californian Oological Notes. < Orn. & Ool. X, Septem- ber 1885, pp. 141-142. Nesting of several species near Alameda. 1885. Townsend, C. H. The Occurrence of the Catbird {Mimus carolhicusis) on the Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean. < Auk II, April 1885, pp. 215-216. 1886. [Anonymous] Eggs of the White-tailed Kite. Orn. & Ool. XI, Octo- ber 1886, pp. 152-153. Taken at Santa Barbara. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 43 1886. A. O. V. Committee. The Code of Nomenclature | and | Check-List | of | North American Birds | Adopted by the American Ornithologists' Union | Being the Report of the Committee of the | I'nion on Classification and | No- menclature I I Zoological Nomenclature is a means, not an end, of Zoo- logical Science | | New York | American Ornithologists' Union | 1886 8vo, pp. i-viii, 1-392. 1886. Blaisdell, F. E. Notes on Birds Injurious to Fruit. < West Am. Scien- tist II, September 1886, pp. 69-70. On nine species in San Diego County. 1886. Bryant, W. E. Additions to California Avifauna. < Forest & Stream XXVI, June 1886, p. 426. Porzana noveboracciisis ( $ Alvarado, Dec. 28, 'S3) ; .bias pcnclopc ( 5 S. F. market, Feb. 17, '82); Porzana Carolina (Gilroy, Jan. 30); Sclasphorus florcssii (specimen "shot by a boy" near San Francisco in May, 1885). 1886. C[halker], J. R. Nesting of the Golden Eagle. < Orn. & Ool. XI, June 1886, p. 85. In San Benito County. 1886. Cooper, J. G. The 'Water Birds of North America' — A Few Corrections. < Auk III, January 1886, pp. 124-126. Relating to the notes on California Birds. 1886. Cooper, J. G., and Ridgway, R. The 'Water Birds of North America' — Explanations. < Auk III, July 1886, pp. 401-404. 1886. [Editor] Blue-fronted Jay. < Sunny South Oologist, April 1886, p. 20. Quoted from Davie. 1886. Emerson, W. O. Ivarly Breeding of Anna's Hummingbird. < Orn. & Ool. XI, March 1886, p. 37. At Ilaywards; also Selasp/ioiiis allcni. 1886. Emerson, W. O. Early Breeding of Anna's Hummingbird. — The Sequel. < Orn. & Ool. XI, May 1886, p. 70. 1886. Emerson, W. O. Nesting of the Rufous Hummingbird in California. < Orn. & Ool. XI, June 1886, pp. 86-87. At Ilaywards. ( Sclaspliortts allcni.) 1886. Evermann, B. W. A Eist of the Birds Observed in Ventura County, Cali- fornia. < Auk III, January 1886, pp. 86-94; April 1886, pp. 179-186. A l)riefly annotated list of 200 species. (See Cooper, Auk IV, April 1887, 88; Belding, Land Bds. Pac. Dist., Sept. 1890, 267.) 1886. livermann, B. W. The Yellow-billed Magpie. < Am. Naturalist XX, July 1886, pp. 607-611. Nesting habits near Santa Paula; also mention of several other species. 1886. Henshaw, H. W. Description of a New Jay from California. < Auk III, October 1886, pp. 452-453. Apheloconia insnlaris from Santa Cruz Island. Also mention of five other species from the same Island. 44 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1886. Ingersoll, A. M. Nesting Habits and Egg of Ashy Petrel. < Orn. & Ool. XI, February 1886, p. 21. On the Farallones. 1886. Mearns, E. A. Some Birds of Arizona. < Auk III, July 1886, pp. 289- 307. Includes synonymy and biography of Ilarpor/iyiichiis Iccontei. 1886. N[orris], J. P. Nesting of the Spotted Owl. < Orn. & Ool. XI, Sep- tember 1886, p. 142. At Riverside. 1886. Parker, H. G. Some Notes on the Eggs of Eeconte's Thrasher. < Orn. and Ool. XI, December 1886, pp. 185-187. Taken at Cabazon and Agua Caliente. 1886. Ridgway, R. 'Water Birds of North America' — 'A Few Corrections' Rec- tified. < Auk III, April 1886, pp. 266-268. Answer to Cooper's criticisms. , 1886. Ridgway, R. [See Cooper and Ridgway.] 1886. Ridgway, R. On a probable Hybrid between Dryobates nuttallii (Gamb.) and D. pubescens gairdnerii (And.). <" Proc. U. S. N. M. IX, November 1886, pp. 521-522. 1886. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes: Part II. Containing the Families Coerebidae, Tanagridfe, and Icteridse. =Cat. Bds. XI, 1886, 8vo, pp. i-xvii, 1-431; pll. I-XVIII, figg. 1886. Shields, A. M. Notes from Southern California. < Sunny South Oolo- gist, April 1886, pp. 13-14. Unimportant popular account from vicinity of Los Angeles. 1886. Stejneger, L. On the Status of Synthliboramphus wumizusume as a North American Bird. < Proc. U. S. N. M. IX, November 1886, p. 524. From off Monterey. {—Synlliliboraiiiphus antiquus.) 1886. Streator, C. P. List of Birds Observed in the \'icinity of Santa Barbara, Cal., During the year 1885. < Orn. cSi Ool. XI, April 1886, pp. 51-52; May 1886, pp. 66-67; June 1886, pp. 89-90; July 1886, p. 107. A briefly-annotated list of 190 species. A few of these were evidently misidentified; prob- ably "Hylocichla iistulata Scvainsoni"=^H. gutatta nana, ''Polioptila plumbed" ^P. ccerulea obscura, "Chordeiles popetue henryV'~-C. acutipennis texensis, etc. ''Pyranga crstiva cooperi' ' is recorded, biit I have not been able to locate the specimen said to have been obtained. 1886. Townsend, C. H. Four Rare Birds in Northern California: Yellow Rail, Emperor Goose, European Widgeon, and Sabine's Ruffed Grouse. < Auk III, October 1886, pp. 490-491. From the vicinity of Humboldt Bay. 1886. Van Dyke, T. S. Southern California: | Its Valleys, Hills, Streams; | Its Animals, Birds, and Fishes; | Its Gardens, Farms, and Climate. | By | Theg- BTBIJOORAPHY OF CAIJFORXIA ORXITHOLOGY 45 dore S. \'an Dyke, | Author of [etc., 2 lines]. | New York: | Fords, Howard, & Hulbert. | lS8f). Large 12mo, pp. i-xii, 13-233. Includes popular running account of certain birds. 1887. A[llen], J. A. Ridgway's 'Manual of North American Birds'. < Auk IV, October 1887, pp. 333-336. Critical review, with remarks pertaining to certain California forms. 1887. [Anonymous] Ornithological Observations in San Diego County. na calif or uicum. 1888. Bryant, W. E. Birds and Eggs from the Farallon Islands. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. I, January 1888, pp. 25-50. An annotated list of SI species, mostly from the observations of W. O. Emerson. Here occur the original records of Deudroica ccsrulescens and Mniotilta varia. 1888. Chalker, J. R. A Trip to San Benito County After Golden Eagle's Eggs. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, August 1888, pp. 119-121. 1888. Chapman, F. M. List of Additions to the North American Avifauna and of Eliminations and Changes in Nomenclature Proposed since the Publication of the A. O. U. Check-List. < Auk V, October 1888, pp. 393-402. 1888. "J. V. D." Two Earge Sets of Quail Eggs. < Oologist V, November 1888, p. 156. 1888. Emerson, W. O. Albinos. < Orn. cS^ Ool. XIII, June 1888, pp. 82-83. Taken in California. 1888. Evans, S. C. Nest of the Golden Eagle. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, June 1888, pp. 90-91. In Santa Clara County. 1888. "C. T. H." Western House Wren. < Oologist V, November 1888, p. 159. 1888. Hurd, T. D. Phainopeplas and Humming Birds at Riverside, Cal. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, August 1888, p. 118. Unusual numbers. 1888. Jeffries, J. A. A Description of an Apparently New Species of Trochilus from California. < Auk V, April 1888, pp. 168-169. T. violajugulum from Santa Barbara. 1888. E[illie], H. C. The Red-shafted Flicker. < Oologist V, January 1888, p. 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 49 188S. L[illie], H. C. The Bullock's Oriole. < Oologist V, January 1888, p. 12. 1888. L[illie], H. C. RoadRunner. < Oologist V, June 1888, p. 91. 1888. A[ Lillie], H. C. The Cactus Wren. < Oologist V, November 1888, p. 152. 1888. L[illie], H. C. Yellow-billed Magpie. < Oologist V, December 1888, p. 177. In TuLire County. 1888. "T. I^." Notes from California. < Oologist V, December 1888, pp. 172-173. Eggs of many species from Oakland and Niles. 1888. N [orris], J. P. A Series of Eggs of Tinnunculus sparverius. < Orn. & Ool. XIII. May 1888, pp. 75-77. Some from California. (/. e., Falco s. sparverius). 1888. Price, W. W. Occurrence of Vireo flavoviridis at Riverside, California. < Auk V, April 1888, p. 210. Specimen secured Oct. 1, 1887. 1888. Price, W. W. Occurrence of Vireo flavoviridis at Riverside, California. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, July 1888, p. 110. 1888. Sclater, P. L. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Oligomyodae, or the Families Tyrannidae, Oxyrhamphidae, Pipridae, Cotingidae, Phytotomidae, Philepittidae, Pittidae, Xenicidae, and Eurylaemida;. ^Cat. Bds. XIV, 1888, 8vo, pp. i-xix, 1-494; pll. I-XXVI, figg. 1888. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes: Part III. Containing the Family Fringillidae. --=Cat. Bds. XII, 1888, 8vo, pp. i-xv, 1-871; pll. I-XVI, figg. 1888. Shields, A. M. The Long-billed Curlew in California. < Bay State Oolo- gist, February 1888, p. 16. Said to have nested in vicinity of Los Angeles. 1888. vStreator, C. P. Notes on the California Condor. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, February 1888, p. 30. 1888. Streator, C. P. Notes on the Birds of the vSanta Barbara Islands. : Orn. & Ool. XIII, April 1888, pp. 52-54. Running account of species observed on Santa Cruz, San Miguel and San Nicolas Islands. 1888. Streator, C. P. The Barn Owl in California. ' Orn. & Ool. XIII, July 1S88, p. 109. On feeding habits, etc. 1888. Taylor, H. R. Do Birds Change Their Habits. - Orn. & Ool. XIII, February 1888, p. 32. ScolecophagHS cyanocepliahis on the beach at .Monterey, etc. 50 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1888. Taylor, H. R. Estray Notes. ^ Orn. & Ool. XIII, June 1888, pp. 92-93. On woodpeckers and Barn Swallow. 1888. Taylor, H. R. Nesting of the Nuttall's Woodpecker. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, June 1888, pp. 93-94. At Sargents. 1888. Taylor, H. R. Curious Nesting Place of the Sparrow Hawk. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, June 1888, p. 95. In old :\Iagpies' nests. 1888. Taylor, H. R. Unmarked Eggs of the Turkey Vulture. < Orn. & Ool. XIII, July 1888, p. 102. Taken in Santa Clara County. 1888. Taylor, H. R. Nesting of the Golden Eagle. Orn. & Ool. XIII, No- vember 1888, pp. 172-173. In Santa Clara County. 1888. Taylor, H. R. Nesting of the Pigeon Hawk. Orn. & Ool. XIII, De- cember 1888, p. 185. In .Santa Clara County. 1889. "L. C. A." The Burrowing Owl. < Oologist VI, August 1889, p. 156. 1889. Anthony, A. \V. New Birds from Lower California, Mexico. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. II, October 1889, pp. 73-82. Specimen of ''Sia/ia Dicxkana anahelcf^' from Mt. Lassen. 1889. A. O. U. Comtnittee. Supplement | to the | Code of Nomenclature and Check- lyist | of | North American Birds | Adopted by the American Ornith- ologists' Union | Prepared by | a Committee of the Union | | New York | American Ornithologists' Union | 1889. 8vo, pp. i-iv, 1-23. 1889. Barrows, W. B. The English Sparrow (Passer domestictis) in North America, Especially in its Relations to Agriculture. =U. S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy. Bulletin 1. 1889. 8vo, pp. 1-405, map. Gives the status (p. 201) of the Ivnylish Sparrow in California in 1886. 1889. Batchelder, C. F. An Undescribed Subspecies of Drvohatcs pnhcsrois. < Auk VI, July 1889, pp. 253-255. Critical remarks on the "/J", p. ^aiydnerV' in California. 1889. Belding, L. Description of a New Thrush from Calaveras County, Cali- fornia. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. II, June 1889, pp. 18-19. Original description of Turdus scqiioiensis ( —Hylociclda ffiitfala seqiioioisis) ; type locality, Big Trees. 1889. Belding, E- The Hummingbirds of the Pacific Coast North of Cape St. Lucas. : West Am. Scientist \T, September 1889, pp. 109-110. Brief notes on six species. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 51 1889. Belding, L. The Small Thrushes of California. • :, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. II, October 1889, pp. 57-69. Extended biographical accounts of the California llylocichlcc. 1889. Bendire, C. E. Notes on the General Habits, Nests and Eggs of the Genus Passcrella. < Auk \T, April 1889, pp. 107-116. Includes California notes. 1889. Brewster, W. Descriptions of Supposed New Birds from Western North America and Mexico. < Auk VI, April 1889, pp. 85-98. Contains orij^inal description of Progne subis hesperia. 1889. Bryant, W. E. Notes [on the Small Thrushes of California]. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. II, October 1889, pp. 69-72. Of importance in regard to Turdus aonalaschko' sequoiensis ( Hylocichla guttata sequoiensis) . 1889. Bryant, W. E. Puffinits griseus (Gmel.), Puffiniis gavia (Forst.) and Stcrcorarins poniarinns (Temni.) on the Coast of California. ('ca)iodroma furcata on the Coast of Northern California. < Proc. Cal. Ac. vSc, 2nd Ser. II, October 1889, pp. 87-88. 52 PACIFIC COAST AViFAUXA No. 5 1889. RCichardson], W. Odd Eggs of the Cala. Towhee. < Oologist VI, December 1889, p. 235. 1889. "A. L. S." The Burrowing Owl. < Oologist VI, July 1889, p. 131. Habits near Anaheim. 1889. Taylor, H. R. Songs in the Night. < Orn. cS: Ool. XIV, May 1889, p. 69. Of Gambel Sparrow, etc. 1889. Taylor, H. R. Nesting of the White-tailed Kite. .< Orn. & Ool. XIV, June 1889, p. 90. Near San Jose. 1889. Taylor, H. R. Is it the California Bob-white, A. O. U. 289c ? < Orn. & Ool. XIV, June 1889, p. 93. Bob-white introihiced near Gilroy. 1889. Taylor, H. R. [Nests of Bullock Oriole] < Orn. & Ool. XIV, Septem- ber 1889, p. 144. 1889. Taylor, H. R. The Identification of Californian Nests and Eggs of the Genus Empidonax. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. II, October 1889, pp. 88-89. E. pHsillus i — trailli) and E. difficilis. 1890. [Anonymous]. Recent Literature. < Zoe I, July 1890, pp. 154-155. Review of Auk, VII, No. .3. Notice of Stephens' "Birds Observed in the Colorado Desert in Winter." 1890. Anthony, A. W. A New Junco from California, ijioiro hyenialis thur- heri. ) < Zoe I, October 1890, pp. 238-239. Original description oi Jidico hvcuialis thiirberi; type locality, Wilson's Peak, Los Angeles County. 1890. Anthony, A. W. Notice of a Supposed New Vireo from Oregon. < Zoe I, December 1890, pp. 307-308. Original description of Vireo huttoni obsciirus; type locality, Beaverton, Oregon. Re- lationship with Vireo huttoni of California. 1890. A. O. U. Committee. Second Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. < Auk VII, January 1890, pp. 60-66. 1890. Belding, L. Eand Birds of the Pacific District = Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences II. San Francesco: September 1890; 8vo, pp. 1-274. This important publication consists of a compilation of previously recorded observa- tions, together with a considerable proportion of entirely new matter. These notes pertain mainly to migration and distribution. About 2.50 species are definitely accredited to California. 1890. Bell, H. W. Brewer's Blackbird. < Oologist VII, November 1890, p. 222. Nesting near San Jose. BlRrjO(',RAriIV OF CAIJFORXIA ORXITIIOLOnY 53 1800. Bryant, W. K. Ornithological Observations during the Total Solar Eclipse of January, 18S0. Zoe I, March 1890, pp. 21-24. Records the peculiar behavior of certain species of birds watched at Ileahlsburg, Sonoma County, during the total solar eclipse of January 1, 1S89. 1890. B[ryant], W. E. [Note] < Zoe I, April 1890, p. 46. White-throated -Sparrow taken at San Francisco. 1890. B[ryant], W. Iv. Recent Literature. Zoology. < Zoe I, April 1890, p. 61. Review of April, ISMO, .Ink. Remarks concerning I'ireo viciuior cali/ortiicns S\&Y>h^r\s. 1890. Bryant, W. E. Notices of Supposed New Birds. -^ Zoe I, July 1890, pp. 148-150. Remarks on 7'iodiis scquoioisis ( Hylocichla o^iittata scquoiensis) and a similar form, suggested but not named, based on specimens from Monterey County {^ H. g. slevini). Also a "pale western" race of the Verdin is described and named Aiiripartts Jlaviceps orna- fiis, with type locality apparently "Los Angeles County." 1890. B[ryant], W. E. Recent Literature. < Zoe I, October 1890, p. 252. Review of Townsend's "Birds from the Coasts of Western North America and adjacent islands, collected in 1888-89, with Descriptions of New Species." 1890. B[ryant], W. E. [Note] < Zoe I, November 1890, pp. 211-219,. Remarks concerning HeUling's "Land Birds of the Pacific District." Corrections. 1890. Bryant, W. E. Found Dead on the Beach. ^ Zoe I, November 1890, pp. 282-283. Nineteen species of sea-birds found along beaches after severe storms at sea. 1890. Bryant, W. E. An Ornithological Retrospect. <" Zoe I, December 1890, pp. 289-293. Recent decrease in the numbers of certain l)ir(ls, and increased shyness of others. 1890. Chamberlin, G. D. A Walk to Mt. Hamilton. < Oologist VII, Novem- ber 1890, pp. 219-220. And nests observed along the road. 1890. Cooper, J. G. Note on Pacific Coa.st Birds. -^ Auk \'II, April 1890, pp. 214-216. Ivxplanations with reference to the "Ornithology of California." 1890. Cooper, J. G. A Doomed Bird. ' Zoe I, October 1890, pp. 248-249. California X'ulture. 1890. D wight, J., Jr. The Horned Larks of North America. ' Auk \TI, April 1890, jjp. 138-15S; map. Critical treatment of the California races of Otocoris a/pcstris. 1S90. Emerson, W. O. P^irds New or Rare in California. " Zoe I, April 1890, pp. 44-46. Spinits psal/ria arirjoncc, .luunodranius sandtcichensis savanna (?), Zonotrkhia alhi- collis, Jiinco hyniialis. Mchspiza fasciafa riijina, Sclophaga ru/icilla, and Mernla confinis. ,"54 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1890. Emerson, W. O. Migratory Instinct in Caged Wild Birds. < Zoe I, May 1890, pp. 80-82. A very interesting account of the actions of caged imlividnals of Habia vielano- cephala{=^Zamelodia melanocephala) at the seasons when they would normally migrate. 1890. Hall, H. M. The Owls of the San Bernardino Valley. < Oologist VII, October 1890, p. 202. 1890. Hargitt, E. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores, containing the Family Picidae. — Cat. Bds. XVIII, 18W, 8vo, pp. i-xv, 1-597; pll. I-XV, figg. 1890. Hurd, T. D. Nesting of the Arizona Hooded Oriole at Riverside, Cal. < Orn. & Ool. XV, January 1890, pp. 13-14. 1890. Keeler, C. A. Floating Feathers From the West. < Orn. & Ool. Semi- Annual II, January 1890, pp. 3-5. Running account of birds from vicinity of Berkeley. 1890. Keeler, C. A. Songs of Some Californian Zonotrichise. < Zoe I, May 1890, pp. 72-74. Z. corouata and Z. leucophrys gambeli ( Z. I. luitlalliY). 1890. Keeler, C. A. Song Birds about San Francisco Bay. < Zoe I, June 1890, pp. 116-120. An account of the songs and song-seasons of a number of the commoner species. 1890. Keeler, C. A. A Nest of the California Bush Tit. < Zoe I, July 1890, p. 151. A nest with an attached structure said to be a roosting place for the male. 1890. K[eeler], C. A. Recent Uterattire. < Zoe I, July 1890, pp. 152-153. Review of Dwight's "Horned Larks of North America", with remarks on the California forms. 1890. Keeler, C. A. Observations on the Life History of the House Finch ( Car- podacus mexicanus frontalis). < Zoe I, August 1890, pp. 172-176; pi. VI. With a plate illustrating the growth of young and development of feathers. 1890. Keeler, C. A. The Geographical Distribution of Land Birds in California. < Zoe I, October 1890, pp. 225-230. This and the succeeding four papers on the same subject, while following paths of thought almost new at the time, hardly express the opinions as held nowadays concerning the position of life zones in California. This may be partly explained by the fact that available data on which to base such a study is far more extensive now than then. 1890. K[eeler], C. A. Recent Literature. < Zoe I, October 1890, pp. 249-251. Review and criticism of Belding's "Land Birds of the Pacific District." 1890. Keeler, C. A. The Geographical Distribution of Land Birds in California. II. The Boreal Province. < Zoe I, November 1890, pp. 257-260; pi. IX, a colored map. The map shows the "Avifaunal Areas" of California. 1890. Keeler, C. A. The Geographical Distribution of Land Birds in California. III. The Sonoran Province and Transition Region. < Zoe I, December 1890, pp. 295-299. BIHI.IOCRAPIIV OF CALIPORXIA ()RXITIIOI.O(-,V 55 1890. Maynard, C. J. Eggs | of | North American Birds | By | Chas. J. Maynard. I Illustrated | with ten hand-colored plates. | | Boston: | De Wolfe, Fiske c^ Co. | 1890. 8vo, pp. i-iv, 1-159, pll. I-X. Descriptions are brief and general; "California" in breeding ranges of many species. 1890. Maynard, C. J. Notes on the Small Spotted Woodpeckers from the West. < Orn. & Ool. XV, January 1890, p. 14. On the snl)species of Di-yohatcs p!(h(\sct'>is. 1890. Mearns, E. A. Descriptions of a New Species and Three New Subspecies of Birds from Arizona. < Auk \'II, July 1890, pp. 24,V251. References to California. 1890. N[orris], J. P. A Series of Eggs of the Golden Eagle. < Orn. & Ool. XV, February 1890, pp. 17- IS. Taken mostly in San Benito Connty. 1890. N[orris], J. P. A Series of Eggs of the Prairie Falcon. < Orn. & Ool. XV, February 1890, pp. 19-20. Some from Sargents and ]\It. Dial)lo. 1890. N [orris], J. P. A Series of F:ggs of the Rock Wren. < Orn. & Ool. XV, February 1890, p. 21. Some from the F'arallones. 1890. N[orris], J. P. A Series of Eggs of the Marsh Hawk. < Orn. & Ool. XV, May 1890, p. 72. A set from Riverside. 1890. N[orris], J. P. Seven Eggs of the Arizona Hooded Oriole in One Nest. < Orn. & Ool. XV, June 1890, p. 94. At Riverside. 1890. Richardson, W. The Cactus Wren. < Oologist VII, March 1890, pp. 54-55. Nesting in Los -Angeles Connty. 1890. Ridgway, R. Observations on the Farallon Rail ( Porzana jamaicensis co- turniculus Baird). < Proc. U. S. N. M. XIII, 1S90, pp. 309-311. 1890. vSchneider, F. A. The Plain Titmouse. < Oologist VII, September 1S')0, p. 179. Nesting in Santa Clara Ci^nntj'. 1890. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Pa.sseri formes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Mu.seuni. Sturniformes, Containing the Families ArtamidcC, vSturnidte. PloceicUc, Alaudidoc. Also the r'amilies Atrichiidx and MenuridcC. Cat. Bds. XIII, 1890, 8vo, pp. i-xvi, 1-701: pll. I-X\\ figg. 1890. Stephens, V. A New \'irco from California. < .\uk \TI, April 1890, pp. 159-160. I'ireo vicinior laliforuiciis; types apparently from near Riverside. 56 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1890. Stephens, F. Notes on Birds Observed in the Colorado Desert in Winter. < Auk VII, July 1890, pp. 296-297. jNIention of 38 species. 1890. Stone, W. Catalogue of the Owls in the Collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil., March 1890, pp. 124-131. Some from California. 1890. Taylor, H. R. Nomenclature Impromptu. < Orn. & Ool. XV, March 1890, pp. 34-35. Local names of some California species. 1890. Taylor, H. R. Nesting Habits of the Golden Eagle. < Zoe I, April 1890, pp. 42-44. In Santa Clara County. Also a note on the liald Ivagle. 1890. Taylor, H. R. Nesting of Anna's Hummingbird. < Orn. & Ool. XV, May 1890, p. 73. 1890. Taylor, H. R. An Abnormal Ne.st of Vigors 's Wren. < Zoe I, November 1890, pp. 276-277. 1890. Townsend, C. H. Scientific Results of Explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. No. XIV. — Birds from the Coasts of West- ern North America and Adjacent Islands, Collected in 1888- '89, with Descrip- tions of New Species. < Proc. U. S. N. M. XIII, 1890, pp. 131-142. Inch;des original descriptions of Melospiza fasciata graminea from Santa Barbara Island; Helminthophila celata sordida, Melospiza fasciata elemented and Otocoris alpestris insular is from San Clemente Island. 1890. Wicks, M. E-, Jr. A Half Day's Egging in Eos Angeles Co. < Oologist VII, April 1890, p. 70. 1890. Wilbur, R. E. "The California Partridge or \'alley Quail." < Oologist VII, December 1890, p. 252. 1891. A[llen], J. A. Townsend on the Birds of the Coast and Islands of Upper and Eower California. < Auk VIII, July 1891, p. 305. Review. 1891. [Anonymous] The Farallon Rookeries, — The Breeding Place of Thou- sands of Sea Birds off San Francisco. < Orn. & Ool. XVI, August 1891, pp. 127-128. Copied from a newspaper. 1891. Anthony, A. W. Notes on the Cactus Wren. < Zoe 11, July 1891, pp. 133-134. Nesting in Arizona and California. 1891. A. O. U. Committee. Third Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. < Auk VIII, January 1891, pp. 83-90. TUBLTOGRAPIIV OV CAI.II'ORXIA ORXITIIOLOGV 57 1891. B[atchelder], C. F. Belding's 'Land Birds of the Pacific District.' < Auk \'III, January 18*n, p. 104. Brief critical re\ie\v. 1891. Belding, L. Notices of Some California Birds. < Zoe II, July 1891, pp. 97-100. Ajias discors, /^/isfrioniciis histrioniats, (hus aniericana, Chordeiles texensis, Tiitdus sequoiensis, etc. 1891. Browne, F. C. Scott's Oriole in California. < Auk VIII, April 1891, p. 238. Nesting near San Diego. 1891. Bryant, W. E. Andrew Jackson Grayson. <" Zoe II, April 1891, pp. 34-68. Biography of an early Western naturalist, followed by extracts from IMS accounts of cer- tain birds, including the California Vulture and Roadrunner, as observed in California in the forties. 1891. B[ryant], W. E. Recent Literature. < Zoe II, April 1891, p. 86. Review of article in Forest & Stream on nesting of doves in trees. Remarks on the arboreal nesting of the ^lourning Dove and California Partridge in California. 1891. B[ryant], W. E. Recent Literature. < Zoe II, April 1891, p. 87. Notice of Ridgway's "C)l)servations on the Farallon Rail." 1891. Bryant, \V. E. Notices of Certain Californian Birds. < Zoe II, July 1891, p. 128. Cypseloides )iiger and .luas discors. 1891. Bryant, W. E. The "Reed Birds" of the San Francisco Markets. < Zoe II, July 1891, pp. 142-145. The slaughter of ni:merous species of small birds for the market. 1891. Cooper, J. G. Unusual Nesting Place of Enipidona.x Jianinioiidi. tsts (!) I\ i. mega- rhyncha. 1892. Allen, J. A. The North American Species of the Genus Colaptes, Consid- ered with Special Reference to the Relationships of C. auratus and C. cafer. < Bull. Am. Mtis. Nat. Hist. IV, February 1892, pp. 21-44. Extended discussion of Californian Flickers. 1892. A[llen],J. A. Ridgway's 'The Hummingbirds'. < Auk IX, October 1892, pp. 376-377. A review inclmling references to the Trochiliis violajugnlum and Selasphorus fioresii from California. 1892 (?). Anderson, C. L. Our Feathered Songsters. < The Natural History of Santa Cruz County [about 1892], pp. 61-66. 1S92. A. O. U. Committee. Fourth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. < Auk IX, January 1892, pp. 105-108. 1S92. Barlow, C. The Ashy Petrel y Occaiwdroma houiochroa) on the Faral- lones. < Oologist IX, August 1892, pp. 193-194. 1892. Barlow, C. Professional Egging; or the Collecting of Murre's Eggs in California. < Oologist IX, December 1892, pp. 255-257. 1S92. B[atchelder], C. F. Allen on the North American Colaptes. < Auk IX, April 1892, pp. 177-179. A critical review. 1892. Belding, E. Geese Which Occur in California. < Zoe III, July 1892, pp. 96-101. More or less extended notes on Chen hyperhorea, Chen ccrrulescens, Chen rossii, Anser albifrons gatnbeli, Branta canadensis, Branta canadensis hiitchinsii, Branta canadensis occidentalism Branta canadensis uiinima, Bya)ita nigricans, and Philacte ca?iagica. 1892. Belding, L. Zonotrichia Albicollis in California. < Zoe III, July 1892, p. 117. 1892. Belding, L. Food of the Grouse and Mountain Quail of Central Califor- nia. < Zoe III, October 1892, pp. 232-234. An account of the food and habits of Dendragapiis ohscitrus f'liliginosus ( P. o. sierrtc) and Oreortyx pictus plnmi/erns in the Sierra Xevatla. 60 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1892. Belding, L. On Numenius Borealis in California. < Zoe III. October 1892, p. 257. The record of Xu))ieniiis borealis from San Diego by Ilolterhoff (Auk I, Oct. 1S84, 393) is considered to be erroneoiis, the evidence being that, upon inquiry, a specimen of N. hud- son icus was produced. 1892. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds with special reference to Their Breeding Habits and Eggs, with Twelve Lithographic Plates. = Special Bulletin No. I. U. S. Nat. Miis. Washington: 1892. Royal 4to, pp. i-viii, 1-446. Contains extended descriptions of the nesting of many species in California, mostly compiled from previously publisht accounts. 1892. Bryant, W. E. A Check-list of the Water Birds of California. < Zoe in. July 1892, pp. 13.5-140. A nominal list of 150 species, of which several are entered on insufficient data. 1892. B[ryant]. W. E. Note. < Zoe III, July 1892, p. 165. .\'u}>ienius borealis [}) and Xei>ia sabiiiii in California. 1892. B[ryant], W. E. Recent Literature. < Zoe III, July 1892. pp. 179-180. Review of Auk for July, 1892. Notice of Mearns' "Study of the vSparrow Hawks". 1892. Dodge, H. H. A Day's Collecting in California. < Oologist IX, June 1892, pp. 161-162. Near Santa Barbara. 1892. Eiske, E. H. [See McGregor and Fiske] 1892. Hall, H. M. A California Collecting Cxround. < Oologist IX, September 1892, pp. 215-216. 1892. Hall, H. M. Two Western Birds. < Oologist IX, December 1892, p. 262. Contopus riehardsoni and Geothlypis trichas occidentalis nesting near Riverside. 1892. Hartert, E. [See Salvin and Hartert] 1892. Johnson, F. O. Bird Notes from Alameda County. < Zoe III, July 1892, pp. 115-117. On Merula migratoria propinqua (melanistic specimen), Certhia fainiliaris occidefiialis, Sitta canadensis, Dendroica nigrescens, and Dendroica iozutisendi. 1892. Keeler, C. A. On the Natural History of the Farallon Islands. > Birds. < Zoe III, July 1892, pp. 154-165; pll. XVIII-XXI. General account of nesting habits, etc. 1892. Koch, F. W. Nesting of Junco hyemalis thurberi. < Orn. & Ool. XVH, June 1892, p. 94. In the "high Sierras. " 1892. Lillie, H. C. Phainopepla, or Black-crested Flycatcher. > Oologist IX, May 1892, pp. 132-134. Nesting near Santa Barbara. BIBLIOCtRAPIIV of CALIFORNIA ORXITIir)I,or, V 61 1892. Lillie, H. C. California Bush-Tit. < Oologist IX, July 1892, p. 181. Nesting- at Santa Harl)ara. 1892. Lillie, H. C. Among the Hummingbirds. < Oologist IX, October 1892, pp. 230-232. Near Santa Harhara. 1892(?) McGregor. R. C, and Fiske, K. H. Annotated List of the Land and Water Birds of Santa Cruz County, California. < The Natural History of vSanta Cruz County [about 1892], pp. 53-60. Enumerates 154 species. [vSee Mc(>REGOR, Pac. Coast Avifauna No. 2, 1901.] 1892. Mearns, E. A. A Stud}^ of the Sparrow Hawks (Subgenus Tinntincuhts) of America, with especial reference to the Continental Species (Falco spcw- verius Linn.). < Auk IX, July 1892, pp. 252-270. Contains original description of Falco sparverius deserticolus. 1892. Ogilvie Cirant, W. R. [See Sharpe and Ogilvie Grant] 1892. Osgood, W. H. After Golden Eagles. < Oologist IX, May 1892, pp. 134-135. 1892. Osgood, \V. H. The California Bu.sh-Tit. < Oologist IX, October 1892, pp. 227-228. Nesting habits near San Jose. 1892. Ridgway, R. Zonotrichia albicollis in California. < Auk IX, July 1892, p. 302. Specimen taken by fielding at .Stockton. Same specimen as recorded in Zoe. 1892. Ridgway, R. The Humming Birds. -^ Report of the U. S. National Museum for 1890; 8vo, pp. 253-383, pll. xliii, and 47 figg. [July, 1892] An exhaustive general account, including many specific references to the Californian forms. 1892. Salvin, O., and Hartert, E. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum, l^pupc^ and Trochili by Osbert Salvin. Coraciae, of the Families Cypselidae, Caprimulgidae, Podargidae, and Steatornithidae, by Ernst Hartert. = Cat. Bds. XVI, 1892, 8vo, pp. i-xvi, 1-703; pll. I-XIV. 1892. Schneider, F. A. Collecting on the Farallone Islands. < Oologist IX, P'ebruary 1892, pp. 42-44. Nesting and eggs of the sea-birds. 1892. Schneider, F. A. After the Vellow-billed Magpie. < Oologist IX, Au- gust 1892, pp. 194-196. 1892. Sharpe, R. B., and Ogilvie (irant, W. R. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Coraciae (contin.) and Halcyones, with the Families Leptosomatidae, Coraciidcc, Meropidae, Alcedinidae, Momotidce, TodidcC, and Coliidce, by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Bucerotes and Trogones, by W. R. Ogilvie Grant. ^ Cat. Bds. X\TI, 1S92, 8vo, pp. i-xi, 1-522; pll. i-x\-ii. 62 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1892. Stephens, F. Notes on Syrnium occidentale. < Auk IX, October 1892, pp. 392-393. On vSmith Aloiintain, vSan Diego County. 1893. A [lien], J. A. Ornithology of the Death Valley Expedition. < Auk X, July 1893, pp. 285-288. A critical review. 1893. [Anonymous] Recent Literature. < Zoe III, January 1893, p. 364. Refers to notices of certain California birds in the .\jik for January, 1893. 1893. Anthony, A. W. Leconte's Thrasher { Harporhynchus Iccontci) West of the Sierra Nevada. < Zoe IV, October 1893, pp. 223-224. In Kern River Valley. 1893. Anthony, A. W. Birds of San Pedro Martir, Lower California. < Zoe IV, October 1893, pp. 232, 239, 240. Oreortyx pictiis confinis, Apheloconia califoriiica obscnra, and Aiinnodrainus rostratus are attributed to San Diego County. 1893. A. O. U. Committee. Fifth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. < Auk X, January 1893, pp. 59-63. 1893. Barlow, C. A Day With the Creek Birds. < Am. Mag. of Natural Sci- ence I, May 1893, pp. 77-78. Running account of several species at Santa Clara. 1893. Barlow, C. The White-tailed Kite and Prairie Falcon in California. < Oologist X, September 1893, pp. 258-260. In Santa Clara County. 1893. Barlow, C. Nesting of the Mallard Duck. < Nidiologist I, November 1893, p. 38; 2 hftt. Near San Jose. 1893. Barlow, C. The Pileolated and Yellow Warblers. < Nidiologist I, No- vember 1893, pp. 44-45. Nesting habits in Santa Clara County. 1893. Barlow, C. Nesting Habits of the Brandt's, Baird's and Farallone Cor- morants. < Am. Mag. of Natural Science II, November 1893, pp. 53-54. 1893. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, December 1893, pp. 60-61. vSecretary's Report, including notes on HcUninilwphila celata lutcsccna, etc. 1893. Beck, R. H. Notes from Berressa, Cal. < Orn. & Ool. XVIII, Septem- ber 1893, p. 131. On the Black and Yellow Rails, etc., from Berryessa. 1893. Belding, L- The Effect of Climate upon Pacific Coast Birds. < Zoe III, January 1893, p. 331. A brief generalization, BIHI.inCRAI'IIV OP CAI.II-^ORXIA ORXITIIOI.onv 63 1893. Rlaisdell, F. E. Biological Notes on Phaiiiopepla Nitens. ^ Zoe III, January 1893, pp. 312-314. Habits, etc., in Powa)- Valley, San Die^o County. 1893. Bliss, W. D. Wilson's Phalarope Breeding in California. < Zoe IV, October 1893, p. 226. At Lake Tahoe. 1893. Brokaw, L. W. The Pygmy Nuthatch. -^ Nidiologist I, November 1893, pp. 47-48. Nesting haljits near Monterey. 1893. Bryant, \V. Iv. Occurrence of Clangula Hyeinalis in California. --" Zoe III, January 1893, p. ZU2>. 1893. Bryant, W. K. Second Occurrence of Fox Sparrow in California. < Zoe III, January 1893, p. 363. A specimen obtained in Oakland, Dec. 2, 18'>2. 1893. B[ryant], W. E. Notes on Game Laws, etc. < Zoe III, January 1893, p. 377. Includes note on early nesting of Anna Iluniniingbird. 1893. Bryant, W. E. Notes on the Food of Birds. I. < Zoe IV, April 1893, pp. 54-58. 1893. Bryant, W. P:. Waux's Swift at Redwood City. C Zoe IV, October 1893, p. 224. 1893. B[ryant], W. E. [Note]. < Zoe IV, October 1893, p. 224. Concerning Leconte's Thrasher. 1893. Bryant, W. E. The Bohemian Waxwing in California. < Zoe I\', Octo- ber 1893, p. 226. At vSusanville. 1893. [Burres, W. A.] Wild Cat and Falcon. < Nidiologist I, September 1893, p. 7. 1893. Chalker, J. R. A Migration of Bonaparte's Gull. -^ Zoe I\'. October 1893, p. 225. Lams Philadelphia in Pajaro Valley. 1893. Chamberlin, C. Another California Trip. <" Oologist X, April 1893, pp. 116-119. "Egging" near Los (ratos. 1893. Cohen, D. A. Nocturnal Disturbances. < Nidiologist I, vSeptember 1893, p. 8. About Harn ( )\\is. 1893. C[ohen], D. A. (Juail's p:ggs in a Turkey's Xest. < Nidiologist I, Sep- tember 1893, p. 14. 1893. Cohen, D. A. The Golden ]{agle in Captivity. < Nidiologist I, October 1893, p. 28. 64 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1893. Cohen, D. A. A Combat Between Quail. < Nidiologist I, November 1893, pp. 41-42. 1893. C[ohen],D. A. White Eggs of the California Quail. < Nidiologist I, November 1893, p. 48. 1893. C[ohen], D. A. A Labor-saving Bird. < Nidiologist I, December 1893, Nesting of Empidonax difficilis. 1893. Dodge, H. H. Another Day with the Birds of Southern California. < Oologist X, March 1893, pp. 77-79. Near Santa Barbara. 1893. Emerson, W. O. Random Bird-notes from Merced Big Trees and Yosemite Valley. < Zoe IV, July 1893, pp. 176-182. A briefly annotated list of birds observed in June. 1893. Emerson, O. A Rookery of the Great Blue Herons. < Nidiologist I, October 1893, pp. 23-24. 1893. Emerson, O. Albino Western Red-tail. -^ Nidiologist I, November 1893, p. 43. 1893. Emerson, O. Habits of Young Gulls in Confinement. < Nidiologist I, December 1893, pp. .S2-.S3. Larus occidentalis. 1893. Fisher, A. K. The Hawks and Owls of the United States in Their Rela- tion to Agriculture. == U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Orni- thology and Mammalogy, Bulletin No. 3. 8vo, pp. 1-210; pll. 1-26. Several species from California. 1893. Fisher, A. K. Report on the Ornithology of the Death Valley Expedition of 1891, comprising Notes on the Birds Observed in Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Parts of Arizona and Utah. < North American Fauna No. 7, May 1893, pp. 7-158. This valuable report contains extended field-notes on many of the previously little known birds of the desert portions of southeastern California. The known range of the Leconte Thrasher is greatly extended. 1893. Grinnell, J. Virginia Rail in California. < Oologist X, April 1893, p. 121. At Pasadena. 1893. H[all], H. M. Early Nesting of the California Thrasher. < Orn. & Ool. XVIII, January 1893, p. 12. At Riverside: leggs, January 6. 1893. Hall, H. M. Are Spotted Eggs of the Native Goldfinches Common ? < Orn. & Ool. XVIII, February 1893, p. 28. Nesting of the Arkansas Goldfinch at Riverside. 1893. Hasbrouck, E. M. The Geographical Distribution of the Genus J/(f^fl5c^;^s in North America. < Auk X, July 1893, pp. 250-264; pi. VI, a, b, distribu- tion maps. Megascops asio bcndirei and Mcgascops flamuieolus as found in California. BIBLTOaRAPHV OF CALIFORXIA ORXITIIOLOGY 63 18')3. Heller, E. A Tricolored Blackbird. < Oologist X, April 1893, pp. 115- 116. Nesting of AffcIaiKS tricolor. 1893. Heller, E. [Nesting of Spotted Owl] < Oologist X, August 1893, p. 236. 1893. Keeler, C. A. Evolution of the Colors | of | North American Land Birds I by I Charles A. Keeler. | San Francisco: | California Academy of Sciences, I January, 1893. (= Occasional Papers HI, Cal. Acad. Sc. ) 8vo, pp. i-xii, 1-361. pll. I-XIX. I'Vecineiit reference to California species. 1893. Koch, F. W. Nesting of Gambel's Quail in the Colorado Desert. < Orn. & Ool. XVni, June 1893, pp. 90-91. 1893. Lawrence, R. H. Pseudogryphus californianus. Auk X, July 1893, pp. 300-301. Several taken in Los Angeles Coiinty. 1893. Lawrence, R. H. Fregata aquila in California. < Auk X, October 1893, p. 362. Specimen shot at North Pasadena. 1893. Leach, F. A., Jr. An April Outing. < Nidiologist I, October 1893, p. 27. 18'),v Lillie, H. C. California Wilture. < Oologist X, February 1893, pp. 49-51. (General account of ha1)its, etc. 18')3. Littlejohn, C. The Mocking Bird at Redwood City, California. < Zoe HL January 1893, pp. 362-363. 18'J3. Littlejohn C. Note on the Nesting of Samuel's Song Sparrow. C Zoe IV, October 1893, pp. 224-225. 1893. Loomis, L. M. Description of a New Junco from California. < Auk X, January 1893, pp. 47-48. Original description of Junco piiiosits; tj-pe locality, Monterey. 1893. Miller, L. Notes from Riverside, Cal. Orn. & Ool. X\'nL July 1893, p. 104. On Porzana jamaiccnsis, etc. 1893. Nahl, P. W. One Way to Get an Egg. < Nidiologist T, September 1893, pp. 8-9, fig. Nesting of Lewis Woodpecker. 1 893-1896. Nehrling, H. Our Native Birds i — of — 1 Song and Beauty, | being I a Complete History of all the Songbirds, I'lNcatchers, Htimmingbirds, Swifts, I Goatsuckers, Woodpeckers, Kingfishers, Trogons, Cuckoos, | and Parrots, of North America. | | By | Henry Nehrling, | Custodian [etc., 3 lines]. | ] With Thirty-six Colored Plates after Water-color Paintings | By Prof. Robert Ridgway, [etc., 2 lines]. | \'olume l[-n]. | Milwaukee: | r,6 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 George Brumder. | 1893[-18%]. 4to, Vol. I, pp. i-1, 1-371, pll. I-XVIII; Vol. II, pp. 1-452, pll. XIX-XXXVI. California material quoted, and relatively scanty. 1893. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Catalogue of the Game Birds ( Pterocletes, Gallinae, Opisthocomi, Hetnipodii ) in the Collection of the British Museum. ^ Cat. Bds. XXII, 1S93, 8vo, pp. i-xvi, 1-585; pll. I-\'III. 18^)3. Osgood, W. H. Queer places for Quails' Eggs. < Nidiologist I, Novem- ber IS^J.i, p. 45. 1S93. Rhoads, S. N. The Virco kutfoni Gron^p. with Description of a New Race from \'ancouver Island. <" Auk X, July 1893, pp. 238-241. Distribution in California. 1893. Salvadori, T. Catalogue of the Columbse, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. = Cat. Bds. XXI, 1893, 8vo, pp. i-xvii, 1-676; pll. I-XV. 1893. Schneider, F. A. Twice I'sed Humming Birds' Nests. < Oologist X, August 1893, pp. 2ZZ-22A. 189,V Schneider, F. A. Nesting of the Cinnamon Teal. ' Nidiologist I, Octo- ber 1893, pp. 20-22. In Santa Clara County. 1893. Snodgrass, R. E. Bluebirds of California. < Oologist X, November 1893, p. 301. At Ontario. 1893. Stephens, F. Notes on Cassin's Auklet. < Auk X, July 1893, pp. 298- MM). At Santa Calalina Island. 1893. TLavlor, H. R.] A Butcher Bird's Work. < Nidiologist I, Septem- ber 1893, p. 6. 1893. T[aylor, H. R.] Killed with Small Shot. ': Nidiologist I, September 1893, p. 6. A California Vulture. 1893. [Taylor, H. R.] Pugnaciotis Turkey Buzzards. < Nidiologist I, Septem- ber 1893, p. 6. 1893. T[aylor], H. R. Nesting of Nuttall's Woodpecker. < Nidiologist I. September 1893, p. 7, fig. 1893. T[aylor, H. R.] An Owl Story. < Nidiologist I, September 1893, p. 9. 1893. T[aylor], H. R. A Deceptive Bird. < Nidiologist I, September 1893, p. 13. Macgillivray Warbler. 1893. T[aylor], H. R. A Chat about Chats. < Nidiologi.st I, September 1893, p. 15. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORXITIIOLOGY 67 1893. Taylor, H. R. A Trip to the P\arallones. < Nidiologist I, October 1893, pp. 17-1'L 1893. T[aylor], H. R. Birds Affected by Heat. < Nidiologist I, October 1893, p. 26. 1893. [Taylor, H. R.] A Nest on a Stake. < Nidiologist I, October 1893, p. 27. Anna tluninier. 1893. Taylor, H. R. Observations on the California Brown Pelican. < Nidi- ologist I, November 1S93, p. 37. At Monterey Bay. 1893. [Taylor, H. R.] \'aiix's Swift in Chimneys. < Nidiologist I, December 1893, p. 51. 1893. [Taylor, H. R.] A Richly-colored Nest. < Nidiologi.st I, December 1893. p. 56. of Spurred I'owhee. 1893. Taylor, H. R. An Odd Nest of the California Bush Tit. Nidiologist I, December 1893, p. 57, fig. 1893. [Taylor, H. R.] Accidental Deaths of Birds. < Nidiologist I, December 1893, pp. 63-64. 1893. Wall, E. Gambel's Partridge at San Bernardino, California. Auk X, January 1893, p. 204. 1893. Wall, P:. The Plumed Partridge. < Oologi.st X. August 1893, p. 232. In San Bernardino Mountains. 1893. Weeks [= Wicks], M. h. An Albatross at Long Beach, Cala. ' Oologist X, March 1893, p. 88. 1593. Wicks, M. L., Jr. Nesting of the Florida Gallinule ( (•al'niula i^alcata) near Los Angeles, Cal. < Zoe IIL Januar\- 1893, p. 363. 1893. Williams, L. P. Unusual Nesting of the Sparrow Hawk. < Oologist X, November 1893, p. 306. At Redlands. 1594. Anthony, A. W. Tar and P'eathers. < Zoe I\'. January 1894, pp. 364- 3f>.5. .\si)haltuui adherinj,^ to phunaj^e of sea ])irds along- the southern California coast. 1894. Anthony, A. W. Notes on the Oenus Ilclcodylc^, with a Description of a New Subspecies. • Auk XL July 1S94, pp. 210-214. vSpecimens from southwestern San Diego County referahle to llclcodytcs bnntiieica- pilliis hryanli here descril)ed as new. 1S94. Anthony, A. W. Oceanodroma townsendi off San Diego, California. < Auk XL October 1S94. pp. 321-322. ( I.K iii(iaiiia). ,,8 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1894. Anthony, A. W. Icterus parisorum in western San Diego County, Cali- fornia. < Auk XI. October 1894, pp. 327-328. 1S94. Anthony, A. W. Albino Towhees. < Nidiologist II, December 1894, pp. 55-56. 1894. A. O. U. Committee. Sixth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. < Auk XI, January 1894, pp. 46-51. 1894. Atkinson, W. L. Some Notes on the Habits of the Arkansas Goldfinch. < Oologist XI, July 1894, pp. 240-241. At Santa Clara. 1894. Badger, G. B. Nidification of the California Poor- will. < Nidiologist I, May 1894, pp. 134-135. In the -Santa Cruz Mountains. 1894. Bagg, S. A Beautiful Hummingbird's Nest. < Oologist XI, September 1894, p. 280. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, January 1894, p. 74. vSecretary's report, including various bird notes. 1894. Barlow, C. Collecting on the Farallone Islands. < Naturalist I, Janu- ary 1894, pp. 7-8. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, February 1894. pp. 95-96. Secretary's report, inchiding notes on Varied Thrush, Snowy Plover, etc. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, March 1894, p. 111. .Secretary's report, including notes on Pica tndtalli 3.r\([ Oreortyx pictus plnmiferus. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, April 1894, pp. 122-123. Secretary's report, including notes on California Clapper Rail, Pygmy Owl, etc. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, May 1894, p. 143. Secretary's report, including notes on Least Vireo, Cabanis Woodpecker, etc. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist I, July 1894, pp. 159-160. Secretary's report, inchiding notes on FJanus leitcuyits and Falco sparverius deserticolus. 1894. Barlow, C. The Golden Eagle. < Nattiralist I, Jtily 1894, pp. 75-77; hft. Nesting in Santa Clara County. 1894. Barlow, C. Nesting of the Ashy Petrel. < Nidiologist I, August 1894, pp. 171-173; 3 hftt. Nesting habits of OceaiiodrojHa houiochroa on the Farallones. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORXIA ORN'lTHOLOGV 69 1894. Barlow, C. Some Notes on the Western Gull. < Nidiologist II, Septem- ber 1894, p. 7. From the Faralloiies. 1894. Barlow, C. Cooper Ornithological Club. " Nidiologist II, October 1894, pp. 28-29. Secretarj-'s report, inclmliiij^ accounts of the nesting of the Pyg^my Owl and I'ileolated Warbler. 1894. [Barlow, C] Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist II, November 1894, p. 43. Secretary's report, including various bird notes. 1894. [Barlow, C] Cooper Ornithological Club. < Nidiologist II, December 1894, pp. 56-57. Secretary's report, including notes on American Coot and other species. 1894. Barlow, C. An Ornithological Paradise. | Some Observations Gleaned from a Sojourn on the Famous Farallone Islands. < Museum I, December 1894, pp. 37-44, 4 hftt. 1894. Bryant, W. E. Eggs of the White-throated Swift. < Nidiologist II, September 1894, pp. 7-8. Taken in Contra Costa County. 1894. Chamberlin, C. The Water Ouzel at Home. < Nidiologist I, July 1894, pp. 163-165. Nesting in Alameda County. 1894. Cohen, D. A. Do Wading Birds Swim ? < Nidiologist I, January 1894, p. 77. 1894. C[ohen], D. A. Arrival of the Russet-back. < Nidiologist I, May 1894, p. 141. At Alameda. 1894. Cohen, D. A. Titmice in a Woodpecker's Nest. ' Nidiologist I, July 1894, p. 152. 1894. Cohen, D. A. Prolific Breeding of the Rufous Hummingbird. < Nidi- ologist II, September 1894, p. 8. At Alameda. [Probal)ly the Allen Hummer.] 1894. Cohen, D. A. A Wasp Diet. < Nidiologist II, vSeptember 18')4, p. 15. Wasps eaten by Louisiana Tanager. 1894. Davis, I{. Late Nesting of the Cliff Swallow. " Nidiologist II, October 1894, p. 30. 1894. Emerson, O. Cuckoo and I'M\-catcher Notes. • Nidiologist II, September 1894, p. 8. California Cuckoo at I lay wards. 1894. Ford, F. The Humming Bird "At Home." < Am. Mag. of Natural Science II, Januar\- IS'^1, i)]). 7S-7*^ Brief; popular. 70 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1894. Oilman. P. K. A Day's Outing in Butte Co., California. < Naturalist I, June 1894, pp. 61-63. Nesting of common birds. 1894. Orinnell, J. The haznli Bunting. (Passfn/uf (/?Hof//(/.) < Nidiologist I, January 1894, p. 80. Nesting at Pasadena. 1894. Hall, H. M. Nesting of the Western Yellow-Throat ((,'cotlilyp/s trichas occidcntalis). < Nidiologist I, May 1894, p. 137. In vicinity of Riverside. 1894. Henshaw, H. W. An Ingenious Pair of House Finches {Carpodacus froutalis). < Auk XI, July 1894, pp. 255-256. Account of nesting habits. 1894. Judson, W. B. The Wren-Tit or Ground-Tit. < Oologist XI, June 1894, p. 213. 1894. Lawrence, R. H. The California Vulture in the vSan Oabriel Range, Cali- fornia. < Auk XI, January 1894, pp. 76-77. 1894. Lawrence, R. H. The Western Winter Wren in vSouthern California. < Auk XI, April 1894, p. ISl. \a>/>nis hieiiialis pacificus. on Ml. Wilson. 1894. Lillie, H. C. The Thra.sher's Song. < Oologist XI, August 1894, pp. 2.S9-260. 1894. Loomis, L- M. A Further Review of the Avian Fauna of Chester County, South Carolina. < Auk XI, January 1894, pp. 26-39; April 1894, pp. 94-117. Includes observations on the migration of water-birds off Monterey. 1894. Loomis, L. M. Point Pinos Junco ijiiiico /lycDialis piiiosus). < Auk XI, October 1894, pp. 265-266, pi. VII. Remarks on distribution. 1894. Merriam, C. H. The Water Ouzel in the Coast Range south of Monterey, California. < Auk XI, July 1894, p. 258. 1894. Miller, G. S., Jr. Dryobates scalaris lucasanus in San Diego County, Cali- fornia. < Auk XI, April 1894, p. 178. Specimen taken at Whitewater, April 29, 1889. 1894. Moran, N. M. Nesting of the Western Gull. < Oologist XI, August 1894, pp. 253-254. On coast near San Luis Obispo. 1894. Nettleton, C. P. Queer Actions of a Jay. < Nidiologist I, March 1894, p. 110. 1894. Osgood, W. H. The Rock Wren. < Nidiologist II, December 1894, pp. 52-53, hft. Habits on the Farallones. 1894. Painton, H. R. An Early Find. < Oologist XI, May 1894, p. 18+. Nest of Anna Hummer. RIIH.loCRAPIIV OF CAI.II'ORXIA ORXITIIOLOGV 71 18')4. Palmer, Iv D. Capture of Another Flannnulated Owl in California. < Auk XI, January 1S<)4, p. 7S. Mej^ascops flanimt-ola \icia/i()cnsis] from the -San Henianliiio Mountains. 1S')4. Palmer, Iv DeL. Late Nesting. Oologist XI, May 18'M, pj). 1S3-184. Of (■.oldfniches at San Hernanlino. 1S94. Ridgway, R. On Geographical \'ariation in Sia/in mcxicami Svvainson. < Auk XI, April 18'H, pp. 145-160. Critical; Sialia iiu:vnaiui iHiiL/t'ii/a/is tliruout California. 1S94. Ridgway, R. Oeographical, versus Sexual, \'ariation in Orcor/yx p/rt/is. < Auk XI, July 1894. pp. 193-197; pi. Yl. Distribution of O. pictiis and O. pictiis plitmiferus\ critical. 1S94. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Fulicarite ( Rallidae and Heliornithid^) and Alectorides ( AramidcC, Eurypygidae, Mesitidcc, Rhinochetidre, Gruidse, Psophiidcc, and Otididao in the Collection of the British Museum. -- Cat. Bds. XXIII, 1894, 8vo, pp. i-xiii, l-35.^i; pll. MX. 1894. Sharpe, R. B., and Wyatt, C. \V. A Monograph | of the | Hirundinidce | or I Family of Swallows. | By | R. Bowdler Sharpe, L.L.D., F.L.S., F\Z.S., I{tc., I Department [etc., 7 lines]: | and | Claude W. Wyatt, | Member [etc., 1 line]. I — I Volume I. [-II.] | — | London: | Printed for the Authors. | 1885-1894. 4to, pp. 67.1, pll. 129. Much (nioted matter as regards our species. 1894. Shields, A. M. Nesting of the White-faced Glo.ssy Ibis. < Nidiologist I, March 1894, pp. 108-109. In San Diego County. 1894. Smith, J. B. "High Jinks" of the Great Blue Heron. < Nidiologist II. September 1894. pp. 10-11. Courting habits. 1894. Taylor, H. R. A Remarkable Nesting vSite. < Nidiologist I, January 1894, p. 66. of -Sparrow Hawk. 1894. [Taylor, H. R.] Ivarly Finds. < Nidiologist I, February 1894, p. 8,"^. IvKRs of f-\^lco spaii'etins, etc. 1894. Taylor, H. R. Notes on the Grolden I{agle. < Nidiologist I, March 1894, p. 9S, hft. 18')4. Taylor, H. R. A Cormorant Rookery. < Nidiologist I, July 1894, pp. 1.50-1.51, hft. 1894. Taylor, H. R. Among the California Clapper Rail. < Nidiologist I, July 1894, PI). 153-155; fig. 1894. Taylor, H. R. A l);iy with the Raptores. < Nidiologist II, September 1894, p. 4. Xear Sargents. 72 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1894. [Taylor, H. R.] [Note] < Nidiologist II, September 1894, p. 10. Spizella atrigularis in Monterey County. 1894. [Taylor. H. R.] Nesting of the White-tailed Kite. < Nidiologist II, November 1894, p. 32. With colored plate of set of eggs. 1894. Williams, L. P. The Western Gnatcatcher. < Nidiologist I, May 1894, p. 141. Nesting at Redlands. 1894. Wyatt, C. W. [See Sharpe and Wyatt] 1895. [Anonymous] The Murres on the Farallones. < Oregon Naturalist II, October 1895, pp. 127-128. 1895. Anthony, A. W. A new Species of Thryot/iorus from the Pacific Coast. < Auk XII, January 1895, pp. 51-52. Thryothorus leucop/irys (— Thryomanes beivicki leucophryx)\ type locality, San Cleni- ente Islanening Grosbeak. < Nidiolo- gist II, August 1895, p. 167. [Those taken in Volo County probably misidentified.] 1895. Brokaw, L- W. Worth While. < Nidiologist II, July 1895, pp. 151- 152; hft. Nesting of Oolden Eagle, etc, hii?i,I()(;rapiiv ok California okxithology 75 IS'J.S. Brokaw, L. W. A Collecting Trip Near Monterey, Cala. < Oologist XII, August 1895, pp. 127-129. Nesting of Pyginy Nuthatch, etc. 18V5. Burns, F. L. The American Crow, i Corrus miicn'rcnins. ) With Special Reference to its Nest and Eggs. ^= Wilson Bulletin No. 5, March 1895, pp. 1-41. Iiichides nesting notes from vSononia Co. 1895. Carriger, H. W. The California P3'gniy Owl. < Nidiologist II, August 1895, pp. 172-173. Account of nesting in vSononia County. 1895. Chaniberlin, C. An Inland Rookery of Phalacrocorax d. albociliatus. < Nidiologist III, November 1895, pp. 29-30, fig. At Clear Lake, Lake County. 1895. Chambers, L. A Double Nest. < Avifauna I, October 1895, p. 19; hft. Of Bullock Oriole. 1895. C[hapman], F. M. Loomis on California Water Birds. < Auk XII, October 1895, pp. 378-379. A review of "California Water Birds. No. 1." 1895. Cohen, D. A. Nesting of the Water Ouzel. < Nidiologist II, April 1895, pp. 109-110. In Santa Clara County. 1895. Cohen, D. A. Random Notes on the Birds of Alameda County, Cal. < Nidiologist II, July 1895, pp. 156-157. 1895. Cohen, D. A. Random Notes on the Birds of Alameda County, Cal. < Nidiologist II, August 1895, p. 168. 1895. Cohen, D. A. Random Notes on the Birds of Alameda County, Cal. < Nidiologist III, October 1895, pp. 18-19. 1895. Cohen, D. A. The California Partridge. < Avifauna I, October 1895, pp. 22-23. Nesting hal)its in Alameda County. 1895. Cohen, D. A. Random Notes on the Birds of Alameda County, Cal. < Nidiologist III, December 1895, p. 52. 1895. Cohen, D. A. The California Clapper Rail. C Oologist XII, December 1895, pp. 171-173. Habits as observed in the .Xlameda marshes. 1S95. [Cooper Club] Report on the \'ireos. < Nidiologist II. March 1895, pp. 96-97. Nesting habits of Cassin, Ilulton, \Vart)ling and Least X'ireos in California. 1895. b'lliot, D. G. North American vShore Birds | A History of the | Snipes, [etc., 11 lines] | By | Daniel (^raud l-lliot, I*. R. S. I-:., I-.tc. | [4 lines] | 76 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. n With Seventy-four Plates | New York | Francis P. Harper | 1895. 8vo, pp. i-xvi, 17-268, chart, pll. 1-73. Frequent mention of occurrences in California. 1895. Emerson, O. Notes from Haywards, Cal. < Nidiologist II, June 1895, p. I,i5. On Vigors Wren and California Murre. 1895. Emerson, O. Outing of California Blue Jays. < Nidiologist III, No- vember 1895, p. 32. 1895. Fyfe, C. A Thief. : Nidiologist III, October 1895, p. 19. Russet-ljacked Thrush destroying quail's eggs. 1895. Gaylord, H. A. Owls of Pasadena and \'icinity. < Avifauna I, Septem- ber 1895, pp. 1-3; 2 figg. Hrief accounts of eight species. 1895. Gaylord, H. A. Hutton's Vireo in Eos Angeles [County], Cal. iVit'eo hiittoni.) < Avifauna I, October 1895, pp. 26-27; 2 hftt. (of nests and eggs). Nesting habits and eggs. 1895. Grinnell, J. History of Pasadena, etc. By Hiram A. Reid, A.M., M.D. Illustrated. Pasadena History Company, Publishers. Pasadena, Cal. 1895. Large 8vo. > Our Native Birds. Pp. 587-599. Includes a nominal list of 1.58 species of land birds, all of which, except Biiteo abbrevi- atus, probably wrongly identified, are included in the later publication, "Birds of the Pacific Slope of Los Angeles County, " 1898. 1895. Grinnell, J. The Red-breasted Sapsucker. ^ Sp/iyrapicus ruber.) < Avifauna I, September 1895, p. 8. At Pasadena and Bear Valley. 1895. Harvey, G. W. How They Bathe. -" Oregon Naturalist II, July 1895, p. 89. Hummingbirds (not "Trochilns colubris'' ! ) in the vSanta Barbara Mountains. 1895. Hoffman, W. H. Notes on California Condors. < Avifauna I, October 1895, pp. 18-19; 2 hftt. and colored plate of egg. 1895. Howard, O. W. An Off Season. < Avifauna I, September 1895, p. 6. Pertains to birds' eggs. 1895. IngersoU, A. M. Wilson's Plover in California. < Nidiologist II, Feb- ruary 1895, p. 87. A $, taken at Pacific Beach, .San Diego Co., June 29, 1891. 1895. Jones, L. Record of the Work of the Wilson Chapter, for 1893 and 1894, on the Mniotiltidae. =^ Wilson Bulletin No. 4 (Warbler Report), January 1895, pp. 1-22. Notes on several species from San Bernardino. 1895. Judson, W. B. Black-throated Gray Warbler. < Avifauna I, September 1895, pp. 8-9. Nesting on ]\It. Wilson, BIBLI0(;RAPIIV of CALIFORXIA ()RXITII()L()(;v 77 1895. Kaeding. G. L. Notes on the Nesting of the Ash-throated Flycatcher. < Oologist XII, Septenil)er 1895, pp. 141-142. Near Dry town. 1895. Lefler, C. H. Large Sets of California Thrasher. < Nidiologist III, September 1895, p. 2. 1895. Lillie, H. C. The Bathing of Humming Birds. < Oregon Naturali.st II, August 1895, pp. 101-102. Xotes from Santa Barbara. 1895. Loomis, L. M. California Water Birds. No. I. — Monterey and \'icinity from the Middle of June to the End of August. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 2nd Ser. V, June 1895, pp. 177-224. Includes a, list of 44 species of water Ijirds actually obtained; preceded l)y a detailed record of daily observations. 1895. McCormick, A. I. The Lazuli lUmting. < Avifauna I, September 1895, p. 5. Xesting habits, etc., near Los .\ngeles. 1895. McGregor, R. C. Two Runts. " Nidiologist II, May 1895, p. 119; hft. Hawk's eggs. 1895. Mearns, E. A. Description of a New Heron { Ardca vircsccns aiithouyi) from the Arid Region of the Interior of North America. < Auk XII, July 1895, pp. 257-259. 1895. Merriam, C. H. The Leconte Thrasher, J/arpoiiiyiir/ius Iccontei. < Auk XII, January 1895, pp. 54-60; pi. I, fig., map. Distribution, habits, nesting, etc. 1895. Redington, A. P. Oriole Lost at Sea. < Nidiologist 11, July 1S95, p. 150. ( )ff San Francisco. 1895. Salvadori, T. Catalogue of the Chenomorphte ( Palamedecc, Phoenicopteri, Anseres), Crypturi, and Ratitcc in the Collection of the British Museum. = Cat. Bds. XXVII, 1895, 8vo, pp. i-xv, 1-636; pll. I-XIX. 1895. Schwarz, E. A. [See Barrows and Schwarz] 1895. Shields, A. M. Nesting of the California \'ulture. C Nidiologist II. July 1895, pp. 148-150. Egg taken in San Luis Obispo County. 1895. Shields, A. M. The X'alley Partridge. Avifauna I, September 1895, p. 12; 2 hftt. Habits and nesting in .Southern California. 1895. Shufcldt, R. W. California Water Birds. < Nidiologist II. August 1895, p. 172. Review of Loouiis's "California Water Birds. .Xo. I." 1895. Stephens, F. Notes on the California \'ulture. < Auk XII, Jainiary 1895, pp. 81-82. Twenty-si.K Condors seen at one time near Walker's Basin. 78 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1895. Stephens, F. Hummingbirds Alight to Feed. < Nidiologist II, August 1895, pp. 167-168. 1895. Stephens, F. Descriptions of Two New Subspecies of California Birds. < Auk XII, October 1895, pp. 371-372. Callipepla {— Lophortyx) gavibeli deserticola from Palm vSprings, Riverside Co. ; ami Speotyto cunicularia obscura from Upper Lake, Lake Co. 1895. Taylor, H. R. The Farallons in 1856. < Nidiologist II, January 1895, pp. 60-62, 3 hftt. Ouotations from an article in "Ilntching's California Magazine." 1895. Taylor, H. R. Habits of the California Condor. < Nidiologist II, Feb- ruary 1895, pp. 74-79; 3 figg. Extended general account. 1895. [Taylor, H. R.] Collecting a Condor's Egg. < Nidiologist II, March 1895, p. 88; hft. In the vSanta Lucia Mountains. 1895. [Taylor, H. R.] A Curious Hummingbird's Nest. < Nidiologi.st II, July 1895, p. 153; hft. Of Anna Hummer at Alameda. 1895. Taylor, H. R. The Killdeer— A Bird of Deceits. < Nidiologist III, Sep- tember 1895, pp. 1-2; hft. 1895. Ward, H. Nesting of the White-tailed Kite. < Mtiseum I, February 1895, p. 112. In San Benito County. 1895. Wicks, M. L., Jr. Hawk Notes From California. : Oologi.st XII, June 1895, pp. 101-105. Egg-collecting near Los Angeles. 1895. Wicks, M. I.., Jr. The Spotted Owl. C Avifauna I, September 1895, p. 4; hft. (of eggs). Alleged nesting at Santa F^e vSprings. 1895. Wicks, M. L,., Jr. Bryant's Marsh Sparrow, i Auntiodnuiius sandicich- ensis bryanti) < Avifauna I, October 1895, p. 27. Nesting at San Francisco. 1895. Willett, G., Jr. The Mexican Raven in California. < Oologist XII, June 1895, pp. 110-111. Nesting on the Puente Hills, Los Angeles County. 1895. Zahn, O. J. The Mexican Raven on Catalina Island. < Avifauna I, October 1895, pp. 24-25; hft. Cofvus cora.v siuiiatus. 1896. A [lien], J. A. I^oomis on California Water Birds. < Auk XIII, April 1896, pp. 168-169. Review of "California Water Birds. No. II." BIRLIOGRAPIIV OF CAl,IIlue Herons, etc. 1897. Cohen, D. A. California Department. Osprey II, October 1897, pp. 26-27. Various notes on Texas Nighthawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, etc. 1897. C[ohen], D. A. Recent Literature. < Osprey II, November 1897, p. 39. Brief review of (xrinnell's "Report on the Birds Recorded during a visit to the Islands of Santa Barbara, .San Nicolas and San Clemente, in the Spring of 1S'>7. " 1897. Cohen, D. A. Erratic Nesting of the Quail. Osprey II, December 1897, p. 56. 1897. Davis, E. Nesting of the Bald Eagle in Orange Co., Cal. < Nidologist IV, March 1897, pp. 78-79. 1897. Dodge, M. L. A Peculiar vSite for an Oriole's Nest. < Oologist XIV, January 1897, pp. 17-18. lender a banana leaf: Arizona Hooded Oriole. 1897. Dougherty & Grinnell. O.sprey I, May 1897, pp. 116, 126; 3 hftt. [of Anna Hummer and young] . HII'.IJOC.RAPIIV OF CALIFORNIA ORXITIIOI.OGV 85 18'^7. Dunn, H. H. Notes on a Few Southern California Birds. <" Oologist XIV, July 18'^7, pp. 67-6S. Nesting of Arizona Hooded Oriole, .Sage Thrasher (?), etc., near Inillerton. 1897. Elliot, D. G. The 1 Gallinaceous | Game Birds | of | North America | [8 lines] I By | Daniel Giraud Elliot, F. R. vS. U., etc. | [5 lines] | With Forty-six Plates I Second Edition | New York | Francis P. Harper | 1897. 8vo, pp. i-xviii, 19-220, pll. 1-46, chart. Includes concise accounts of our California species. 1897. Emerson, O. An Albino Western Red-tail. Nidologist IV, April 1897, p. 98. 1897. Ford, H. C. The Burrowing Owl. < Avifauna I, vSeptember 1897, pp. 42-45. lixtended account of haliits. 1897. F[yfe], A. C. Birds of Golden Gate Park. < Nidologist IV, January 1897, p. 48. Nesting of the Wren-tit. 1897. Fyfe, C. A Hawk's Raid in a City. < Nidologist IV, February 1897, p. 66. 1897. Grinnell, J. First Egg for '97. < Osprey I, February 1897, p. 81. Anna Iluunner, January 1st. 1897. Grinnell, J. Description of a New Towhee from California. < Auk XIV, July 1897, pp. 294-296. Pipilo clenie7itcr from San Cleniente Island. 1897. Grinnell, J. Disgorgement among Song birds. < Auk XI\^ July 1897, pp. 318-319. In southern California. 1897. Grinnell, J. Report on the Birds Recorded during a \'isit to the Islands of Santa Barbara, San Nicolas and San Cleniente, in the Spring of 1897. = Pub- lication No. I. Pasadena Academy of Sciences; August, 1897, pp. 1-26. An annotated list; the nesting, eggs, and habits of several of the insular races are des- cril)ed in more or less detail. 1897. Grinnell, J. < Osprey I, August 1897, p. 144; hft. [of Osprey's nest on Sail Clemente Island]. 1897. Grinnell, J. < Osprey II, September 1897, p. 6; hft. [of Osprey's nest on San Clemente Id] . 1897. Grinnell, J. New Race of Spiiius Iristis from the Pacific Coast. ■ ^ Auk XIV, October 1897, pp. 397-399. Original description of Spiiiiis ( Aslraiialiuus) tn's/is sa/icaiiiaus; tjpe locality, Pasadena. 1897. Hartert, Iv Das Tierreich. >!. Lief. Aves. Podargidae, Caprimul- gidae und Macropterygidae. 1897. 8vo, pp. i-viii, 1-98, 16 text figures. 86 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1897. Hatch, J. M. The Mexican Horned I^ark. < Nidologist IV, May 1897, p. 104. Nesting at Escondido. 1897. Hatch, P. L. Notes on the Mocking-Bird. < Avifauna I, September 1897, p. 41. 1897. Holmes, F. H. A Pet Condor. < Nidologist IV, February 1897, p. 58; 3 hftt. 1897. Hurd, T. D. < Osprey II, November 1897, p. 36; hft. [of Cactus Wren's nest] . 1897. Illingworth, F. J. Birds of the San Bernardino Mountains. < Osprey II, November 1897, pp. 36-37. Running account of a number of species. 1897. [Johnson, W. A.] Hummingbirds at Sea. < Osprey I, May 1897, p. 121. 1897. [Johnson, W. A.] A Story of the Farallones. < Osprey I, May 1897, p. 123. Brief review of Barlow's booklet. 1897. Judson, W. B. The White-Throated Swift. < Nidologist IV, April 1897, pp. 91-92. Nesting near Los Angeles. 1897. Kaeding, H. B. Correspondence. < Osprey I, January 1897, p. 69. Note on robins and swallows. 1897. Kaeding, H. B. Notes on the Yellow-billed Magpie. < Oologist XIV, January 1897, pp. 15-17. Nesting habits in Amador County. 1897. Lillie, H. C. The Birds of My Window Tree. < Oologist XIV, Septem- ber 1897, pp. 83-84. General notes from Visalia. 1897. McCormick, A. I. The Black-throated Sparrow. < Nidologist IV, May 1897, pp. 102-103. Nesting at Randsburg. 1897. McGregor, R. C. Broad-tailed Hummingbird in California. < Auk XIV, January 1897, pp. 91-92. Selasphorus platycerciis (later proved to be a hj-brid), Calypte coske and Stellula calliope at Oakland. 1897. McGregor, R. C. [Nest of Costa's Hummingbird] < Osprey I, January 1897, p. 71; hft. 1897. McGregor, R. C. A Roost of Blackbirds. < Osprey I, April 1897, pp. 103-105. Interesting accoi:nt of habits; near Stanford University. 1897. Moran, N. M. Nesting of the White-throated Swift. < Nidologist IV, February 1897, pp. 63-64. Near San Luis Obispo. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 87 1897. Nelson, E. W. Preliminary Descriptions of New Birds from Mexico and Guatemala in the Collection of the United States Department of Agriculture. < Auk XIV, January 1897, pp. 42-76. Inchides the original description of .liiclaiiis gubct >iator cali/or?iiciis\ type locality, Stockton. 1897. Oberholser, H. C. Descrii^tion of a New Subspecies of Doidroica. itlvcyius from San Nicolas Island. 1898. Howard, O. W. Notes on the Snowy Plover. < Three Kingdoms, May 1898, pp. 14-15. • Habits on coast of Los Angeles County. 1898. Hurd, T. D. A Hummingbird's Nest on a Wire. Osprey II, June 1898, p. 133; hft. 1898. jEohnson], W. A. Birds of the Pacific vSlope of Los Angeles County. < Osprey II, June 1898, p. 138. Brief review of (jrinnell's "List." 1898. Kaeding, H. B. A Summer in the Sierra Nevadas. < Osprey II, March 1898, pp. 77-79. Account of the nesting of several species. 1898. Low, G. P. Electrocuted Eagles. < Osprey II, June 1898, p. 124. 1898. Mailliard, J. Baird's Sandpiper {Triuga hairdii) on the California Coa.st. < Auk XV, January 1898, p. 51. 1898. Mailliard, J. Occasional Visitants at San Geronimo ( Nicasio Township), Marin Co., California. < Atik XV, April 1898, pp. 196-197. Sphvrapicus varius nuchal is, 3/imus polyglottos, etc. 1898. Mailliard, J. California Bird Notes. < Auk X\\ April 1898, pp. 197-198. On Puffinus (eniiirostris, Lams caiiiis, etc. 1898. McCormick, A. I. Notes on the Heerman's Song Sparrow. Three Kingdoms, March 1898, [pp. 7-8] . A good account of the San Diego vSong Sparrow mostly from vicinity of Los Angeles. 1898. McGregor, R. C. Phalaropes. Notes on the Occurrence of the Red and Northern Phalaropes at Santa Cruz, Cal. < 0.sprey II, March 1898, pp. 87- 88; 4 figg. 1898. McGregor, R. C. Note on Speotyto cunicularia obscura Stephens. < Auk XV, April 1898, p. 187. Critical. 1898. McLain, R. B. The California \'ulture in vSanta Barbara Co., Cal. < Auk XV, April 1898, p. 185. 1898. McEain, R. B. The Rose-breasted Grosbeak in California. < Auk X\', April 1898, pp. 190-191. Zamelodia liidoviciana found at Meyer's, Humboldt County, July L 1S97. 1898. McEain, R. B. Capture of the Short-tailed Albatross on the Coast of Southern California. < Auk X\', July 1898, p. 2(.7. Diomcdea albalrus at San Pedro. 92 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1898. Mearns, E. A. Descriptions of Two New Birds from the Santa Barbara Islands, Southern California. < Auk XV, July 1898, pp. 258-264. Carpodacus cleiueiitis, type from San Cleiuente Island; and Lauiiis ludovicianus an- i/ioiiyi, type from .Santa Cruz Island. 1898. Oberholser, H. C. A Revision of the Wrens of the Genus Thryomanes Sclater. < Proc. U. S. N. M. XXI, November 1898, pp. 421-449. Includes the original descriptions of Thryomanes beivickii eremophilus; T. h. charien- tiiriis\ T. b. drymcecus (type locality, Baird) ; and T. b. nesophilus (type locality, Santa Cruz Island). 1898. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. [See Sharpe and Ogilvie-Grant.] 1898. Ray, M. S. A Summer Trip to Yosemite. < Osprey III, December 1898, p. 55.' Running accoiint of several species. 1898. Ridgway, R. Descriptions of Supposed New Genera, Species, and Sub- species of American Birds. I. Fringillidse. < Auk XV, July 1898, pp. 223-230. Aviphispiza belli cleineiitcc described from vSan Cleniente Island. Subsequently con- ceded to be imtenable. 1898. Sharpe, R. B., and Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Catalogue of the Plataleae, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alca?, and Impennes in the Collection of the British Museum. Platalete (Ibises and Spoonbills) and Herodiones (Herons and Storks), by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Steganopodes (Cormorants, Gannets, Frigate-Birds, Tropic-Birds, and Pelicans), Pygopodes (Divers and Grebes), Alcae (Auks), and Impennes (Penguins), by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant. = Cat. Bds. XXVI, 1898, 8vo, pp. i-xvii, 1-687; pll. I-VIII. 1898. Taylor, H. R. The Black Rail in Captivity. < Osprey II, March 1898, pp. 79-80. Taken in San Mateo County. 1898. Taylor, H. R. Eariy Nidification of the California Vulture. < Osprey III, October 1898, p. 29. 1898. Thompson, C. S. A 'White-winged' Eagle. < Osprey II, May 1898, p. 119. (= California Condor ?) 1898. Van Denburgh, J. Birds Observed in Central California in the Summer of 1893. < Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil., April 1898, pp. 206-218. A briefly-annotated list of 101 species. 1898. Ward, H. C. Nesting of the White-throated Swift. < Osprey III, No- vember 1898, pp. 41-42; lift. On coast of ^Monterey County. 1898. W[atkins], L. W. Gleanings from Date Periodicals. < Bull. Mich. Orn. Club II, January 1898, p. 10. A review of Grinnell's "Report on the Birds Recorded during a Visit to the Islands of vSanta Barbara, San Nicolas and San Clemente in the Spring of 1897." BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 93 1899. x-\danis, E. A Day With the Raptores. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 21-22. 1899. Adams, E. House Einches Again. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 24. Strange nesting places. 1899. Adams, E. Persistent Nesting of the Anna's Hummingbird. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Clulj I, March 1899, p. 28. 1899. Adams, li. Western Evening Grosbeak in Santa Clara Co., Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 31. 1899. A[llen], J. A. Oberholser on the Wrens of the Genus Thryomanes. < Auk X\'E January 1899, pp. 89-90. A critical review. 1899. A[llen], J. A. New North American Birds. < Auk XVI, July 1899, p. 291. Notices of Bangs' ".V New Rail from .Southern California," and Osgood's ''Chamcra fascia/a and its Subspecies." 1899. Allen, J. A. Republication of Descriptions of New Species and Subspecies of North American Birds. < Auk XVI, October 1899, pp. 338-350. 1899. Anthony, A. W. A Night at Sea. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, Novem- ber 1899, pp. 101-102. Sea-birds off San Diego. 1899. A. O. U. Committee. Ninth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. < Auk X\'I, January 1899, pp. 97-133. 1899. Atkinson, W. E. Nesting Habits of Two California Birds. C Oologist XVI, February 1899, pp. 29-30. Pileolated Warbler and Spurred Towhee in Santa Clara County. 1899. Atkinson, W. E. Notes on Audubon's Warbler and the Individuality of Eggs. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 29. 1899. Atkinson, W. E- An Ornithological Mixture. -^ Oologist X\'I, May 1899, pp. 79-80. Notes on Cuckoo, Goldfinch, Shrike, etc. 1899. Atkinson, W. L. Capture of a Rabbit by a Golden Eagle. ' Btill. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, pp. 50-51; illust. 1899. Atkinson, W. E- Band-tailed Pigeon Nesting in Santa Clara County, Cal. <^. Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, p. 57. 1899. Atkinson, W. L. Nesting of the California Cuckoo. Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 95. Near San Jose. 1899. Atkinson, W. E- The Russet-backed Thrush. ( Tardus u^tulatiis.^ < Oologist XVI, November 1899, pp. 180-1 SI. Nesting near Santa Clara, 94 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1899. Bangs, O. A New Rail from Southern California. < Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club I, June 1899, pp. 45-46. Rallus levipes\ type from Newport Landing, Los Angeles County. 1899. Barlow, C. Nesting of the Hermit Warbler. < Osprey III, March 1899, p. 109. Correction of a publisht niisidentification. 1899. Barlow, C. Early Hummingbirds' Nesting. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 24. Calypte anna in vSanta Clara Co. 1899. Barlow, C. Nesting of the Hermit Warbler in the Sierra Nevada Moun- tains, California. < Auk XVI, April 1899, pp. 156-161. 1899. Barlow, C. Another Chapter on the Nesting of Dcndroica occidentalism and Other Sierra Notes. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, pp. 59-60; lift, (of Plumed Quail's nest). 1899. Barlow, C. The Nesting Haunts of the Black-throated Gray Warbler. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 96; hft. 1899. Beck, R. H. Nesting of the Santa Cruz Jay. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, January 1899, p. 6. Aphelocoma insular is on Santa Cruz Island. 1899. Beck, R. H. Additional Notes on the Birds of Santa Cruz Island, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, pp. 85-86. 1899. Beck, R. H. Notes on the Black Swift in Monterey Co., Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 94. 1899. Belding, L. Nesting of HyJocichIa aojialaschkcc andtihoni in the Sierra Nevadas. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 21. (= H. g. seqiioiensis) . 1899. Belding, E. Hylocichla Ustulata Oedica in the Sierra Nevadas. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 29. 1899. Breninger, G. F. Bobolink at Monterey and White-throated Sparrow at Santa Cruz, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 93. Records of Dolichonyx oryzivoriis and Zofiotrichia albicollis. 1899. Carriger, H. W. Thurber's Junco. < Osprey III, May 1899, pp. 129- 130; 2 hftt. Extended account of habits. 1899. Carriger, H. W. Unusual Eining of a Red Bellied Hawk's Nest and So- noma County Notes. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, pp. 51-52. 1899. Carriger, H. W. Elevated Nest of the Eutescent Warbler. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, p. 72. 1899. Carriger, H. W. The Yellow Rail and Saw-Whet Owl in Sonoma Co., Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, pp. 72-73. Porzana noveboracensis and Nyctala acadica. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORXITIIOLOGY 95 1899. Carriger, H. W. Notes on the Nesting of the Slender-billed Nuthatch. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 83. In Sonoma County. 1899. Cohen, D. A. Habits of tlie P.arn Owl in Captivity. < Osprey III, Janu- ary 1899, pp. 68-69. 1899. Cohen, D. A. Pet California Condor. < Osprey III, January 1899, p. 78; hft. 1899. Cohen, D. A. California Clapper Rail in Alameda Co. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 31. 1899. [Cohen, D. A.] Notes from Alameda, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, pp. 52-53. 1899. Cohen, D. A. Nesting and Other Habits of the Oregon To\Yhee. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, pp. 61-63. Extended account of Pipilo )nacnlatics falci/er in Alameda County. 1899. Cohen, D. A. McGillivray's Warbler in Alameda Co., Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, pp. 82-83. 1899. Cohen, D. A. Notes from Alameda, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, pp. 95-96. On Western Winter Wren, Thrasher, Pipit, etc. 1899. Cohen, D. A. A Northern Record for the Black-chinned Sparrow. iSpiz- ella atrigularis. ) < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, November 1899, pp. 107-108. In Alameda County. 1899. Daggett, F. S. A Record for I.os Angeles County, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, p. 51. Lo.via ciirvirostra iiiinor at Pasadena. 1899. Daggett, F. S. Gray-crowned Leucosticte on Mt. Whitney, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, November 1899, p. 119. An accoimt of Leucosticte tephrocotis. 1899. D[unn],H. H. The Pacific Horned Owl. Bubo zirgi)iianiis pacifycus, (Ca.ssin). < Oologist XVI, August 1899, pp. 116-118. In vicinity of F^ullerton. 1899. Dunn, H. H. The Kingbirds of vSouthern California. -^ Museum V, Au- gust 1899, pp. 154-155. Relates to the nesting of Vyrannus verticalis and 'J\ z'ociffra?is, the latter of (luestion- able authenticity. 1899. Dunn, H. H. The Jays and Crows of Southern California. < Museum V, September 1899, pp. 163-164. Relates to nesting of California Jay and Raven. 1899. Emerson, W. O. Coming of the Mockingbird. C Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 27. Miniiis polyglottos at I lay wards. 96 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1899. Emerson, W. O. Fall Notes from Haywards, Cal. Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 28. Sitfa canadensis, Chordcilcs virp;inianns hetiryi (^= Cli. virffinianiis hesperis), etc. 1S99. Emerson, W. O. American Crossbills in Alameda Co., Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 30. 1899. Emerson, W. O. Albino Dwarf Hermit Thrush and Western Robin. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 30-31. 1899. Emerson, W. O. Winter Observations on Anna's Hummingbird. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, p. 71. 1899. Gaylord, H. A. Spring Migration of 1896 in the San Gabriel Valley. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, January 1899, pp. 7-8. 1899. Grinnell, J. The Rhinoceros Auklet at Catalina Island. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 17-19. Habits of Ceror/iinca )no)ioferata, with remarks on other species at Catalina Island. 1899. Harvey, E. A. Birds Deceived by Glass. < Wilson Bulletin No. 28, September 1899, p. 76. Flying againvSt large windows reflecting the landscape. 1899. Holder, C. F. A Great Pelican Rookery. < Museum V, March 1899, pp. 71-72. A colony of California Brown Pelicans said to nest on Ana Capa Island, hut exact data apparently wanting. 1899. Holmes, F. H. The Old-Squaw and Fulvous Tree Ducks at Alviso, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, p. 51. 1899. Hoover, T. J. The Gopher Snake as a Despoiler of Quails' Nests. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, p. 75. 1899. [Hurd, T. D.] Nest and Eggs of California Valley Quail. < Osprey IV, November 1899, p. 45; hft. 1899. Jewett, F. B. Nesting Observations on the Black Phoebe. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, January 1899, p. 13. 1899. Kaeding, H. B. The Genus Junco in California. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, pp. 79-81. 1899. Keeler, C. A. A First Glance | at the Birds 1 Being an introductory part | to "Bird Notes Afield" | by I Charles A. Keeler | [vignette] | D. P. Elder & Morgan Shepard | San Francisco | 1899. 12mo, pp. 1-52. 1899. Keeler, C. A. Bird Notes | Afield | A Series of Essays on | the Birds of California | by | Charles A. Keeler | [design] | D. P. Elder c^ Morgan Shep- ard I San Francisco | 1899. 12mo, pp. i-viii, 1-351. Includes "a descriptive list of California land birds with key," pp. 237-3.51. 1899. Eeland, H. J. Nesting of the Western Flycatcher in San Gabriel Canon. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 82. BIBLTOGRAPIIV (W CAIJFORXTA ORXITIIOLOGY 97 1899. L,inton, C. B. Observations on the American Raven in Southern Califor- nia. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, pp. 68-C)9. 1899. Littlejohn, C. Three Records for San Mateo Co., Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899. p. 73. Dolic/iotiy.v ory~h'orns at Redwood City; "Leache'.^ Petrel" (= Oceanodrouia Iciicorhoa) at Pescadero; and "Mexican (Vround Dove" ( Coliiiiibi^aniiia passerina pallesceiis) at Pescadero. 1899. Magness, K. Some Spring Nests. < Osprey IV, September 1899, p. 4. Notes from Redlands on ''icterus biillocki" (=- /. cucuUatus nelsonil), etc. 1899. Mailliard, J. Nest of the Blue-fronted Jay. < Osprey III, January 1899, p. 76. 1899. Mailliard, J. Spring Notes on the Birds of Santa Cruz Island, Cal., April, 1898. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, pp. 41-45. Notes on 42 species. 1899. Mailliard, J. Notes from Marin and San Benito Counties, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, pp. 53-54. 1899. McCormick, A. I. Breeding Habits of the Least Tern in Los Angeles County, California. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, pp. 49-50. 1899. McGregor, R. C. Pica pica hudsonica in California. < Auk X\T, Janu- ary 1899, pp. 78-79. At Alturas, Modoc Co. 1899. McGregor, R. C. A New Race of the Brown Towhee. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Cltib I, January 1899, p. 11. Pipilo fuscus carohr\ tj'pe from Battle Creek. 1899. McGregor, R. C. The Myrtle Warbler in California and Description of a New Race. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 31-33. Original description of Dendroica coroiiata hooveri; type locality, Palo Alto. 1899. McGregor, R. C. Description of a New California Song Sparrow. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 35. Melospiza fasciala ingersolli\ type from Battle Creek. 1899. McGregor, R. C. Eastern Junco and White-throated Sparrow in Califor- nia. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, p. 52. 1899. McGregor, R. C. Some Summer Birds of Palamar Mountains, from the Notes of J. Maurice Hatch. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1S^J9, pp. 67-68. A briefly-annotated list of 4() species. 1899. McGregor, R. C. Notes on California Song Sparrows. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, pp. 87-88. Inchides original description of I\felospiza mclodia ch'oiicnsis: type from Westport. 1899. McGregor, R. C. A Day on the Marsh. Oologist X\'I, October 1899. pp. 154-155. Notes on birds near Palo Alto. 98 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1899. McLain, R. B. A Protest. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 99. Remarks on Trochilus violajiif^uluiu and Porzana coturnkulus. 1899. Merriam, C. H. Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, Califor- nia. = North American Fauna No. 16, October 1899, pp. 1-179. Birds of Shasta and Vicinity, pp. 109-134; 8 hftt. An annotated list of 136 species. On previous pages these species are separately listed for the life-zones which they occupy. 1899. Oberholser, H. C. Description of a New Hylocichla. < Auk XVI, Janu- ary 1899, pp. 23-25. Hylocichla ustulaia crdica; type from Santa Barl)ara. 1899. Oberholser, H. C. Description of a New Gcothlypis. < Auk XVI, July 1899, pp. 256-258. iieothlypis trichas arhcla. 1899. Oberholser, H. C. The Flammulated Screech Owls Megascops flammcolus (Kaup) and Mcgascops jiammcolus idahocnsis Merriam. < Ornis X, Dec- ember 1899, [separate, repaged] pp. 1-16. General biography of the two forms; I\I. J. idahoeyisis is recorded from the San Bernar- dino Mountains. 1899. Osgood, W. H. Cham era fascial a and Its Subspecies. < Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. XIII, May 1899, pp. 41-42. Critical: Chamcra fasciata phcra ■a.^.xw^Oi. from Newport, Oregon; Chamcsa f. hcnshawi shown to be a synonym of C/ianura f. fasciala. 1899. Ray, M. S. Peculiar Eggs of California Shrike and Other Notes. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, May 1899, p. 53. 1899. Ray, M. S. Notes from Northern Counties of California. < Osprey IV, December 1899, pp. 49-51. 1899. Redington, A. P. Taking of a Condor's Egg. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, p. 75. 1899. Ridgway, R. New Species, etc., of American Birds. — III. Fringillidae (continued). < Auk XVI, January 1899, pp. 35-37. Melospiza fasciata cooper i, type from San Diego; IM. f. pusillula, type from "Alameda Co.", etc. 1899. Ridgway, R. New Species, etc., of American Birds. — W . Fringillidae (Concluded); Corvidse (Part). < Auk XVI, July 1899, pp. 254-256. Pipilo niaculatus atratus\ type from Pasadena. 1899. Rising, H. G. Capture of a Cahfornia Condor. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 25-26. In the vSanta Monica Mountains. 1899. Robertson, H. Nesting of Belding's Sparrow. { Animodrauius bcldingi.) < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, p. 73. At Santa Monica. BIBIJOGRAPHY OF CAI.IFORXIA ORNITHOLOGY 99 1899. Robertson, H. Nesting Notes from Los Angeles, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 94. Circns hudsoiiius, Botaurus lentiginostis, etc. ^ 1899-1903. Sharpe, R. B. A Hand-List of the Genera and Species of Birds. 8vo, vols. I-IV, 1899-1903. London. 1899. Shields, A. M. Nesting of the Fulvous Tree Duck. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, January 1899, pp. 9-11. Extended account of nesting habits in central California. 1899. Shufeldt, R. W. Notes on the Mountain Partridge (Orcortyx pictus) in Captivity. < Ornis [November and December, 1899], pp. 71-76; pi. 1. 1899. Slevin, T. E. Early Bird Arrivals for 1899. C Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 29-30. 1899. Slevin, T. E. Violet-green Swallow in Marin Co; Two Unrecorded Cap- tures. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, July 1899, p. 73. Junco hyemalis at Berkeley and Spinus psaltria arizonce at Santa Clara. 1899. Stephens, F. Lassoing a California Vulture. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 88. 1899. Swarth, H. S. Two Albinos from Los Angeles, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, January 1899, p. 6. 1899. Swarth, H. S. Black Oystercatcher on Anacapa Islands. < Bull. Coop, Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 85. 1899. Swarth, H. S. Notes from Los Angeles, Cal. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, pp. 94-95. On Spizella brerveri, Zonotrichia leucophrys, Jidico hyemalis, etc. 1899. Taylor, H. R. The Individuality of Eggs. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, September 1899, p. 99. Golden Eagles' Eggs. 1899. Van Denburgh, J. Notes on Some Birds of Santa Clara County, California. < Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. XXXVIII, November 1899, pp. 157-180. More or less extended biographical accounts of 110 species, mostly from observations made at Los Gatos and Palo Alto. 1899. Welch, J. M. Notes on Lewis' Woodpecker. " Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 29. 1899. W[elch], J. M. Echoes From An Outing. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, November 1899, pp. 108-111, hft. Birds in the Sierras. 1899. Willard, J. M. Nesting of the Water Ouzel. < Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, pp. 23-24. 1899. Willard, J. M. Oregon Vesper Sparrow in Alameda Co. <" Bull. Coop. Orn. Club I, March 1899, p. 30. 100 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1900. Adams, E. Notes on the California Clapper Rail. < Condor 11, March 1900, pp. 31-32; hft. (of nest and eggs). 1900. Allen, J. A. The Little Black Rail. < Auk XVII, January 1900, pp. 1-8. Refers to Porzaiia jamakensis as occurring in California. 1900. A[llen], J. A. Merriam's Biological Survey of Mount Shasta. < Auk XVII, January 1900, pp. 73-74. A review. 1900. A[llen], J. A. Keeler's Bird Notes Afield. < Auk XVII, April 1900, pp. 180-181. A review. 1900. A[llen], J. A. Loomis on California Water Birds. < Auk XVII, April 1900, pp. 182-183. A review of "California Water Birds, No. IV." 1900. A[llen], J. A. Oberholser on the Flammulated Screech Owls. < Auk XVII, April 1900, p. 186. A brief review. 1900. A[llen], J. A. Oberholser on Birds from Santa Barbara Islands, Califor- nia. < Auk XVII, July 1900, pp. 304-305. x\ brief review. 1900. A[llen], J. A. \^an Denburg's Notes on Birds of Santa Clara County, California. < Auk XVII, July 1900, p. 305. A brief notice. 1900. Anthony, A. W. Notes on the Genus Micruria. < Auk XVII, April 1900, pp. 168-169. ''JMicruria'' hypoleuca from the .Santa Barbara Islands. 1900. Anthony, A. \V. Nesting Habits of the Pacific Coast Species of the Genus Puffimis. < Auk XVII, July 1900, pp. 247-252. P. opisthonielas said to nest on vSanta Barbara Islands. 1900. Atkinson, W. L. Queer Antics of a Western Redtail. < Condor II, Jan- uary 1900, p. 18. 1900. [Atkinson, W. L.] Odd Nesting Sites of Samuel's Song Sparrow. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 18. 1900. Atkinson, W. L. Our Western Blackbirds. ' Oologist XVII, May 1900, pp. 74-76. On the Bicolored, Tricolored and Brewer Blackbirds in vSanta Clara County. 1900. Atkinson, W. L,. A Story of My Life; By Chondestes grammacus striga- tiis. < Oologist XVII, July-August 1900, pp. 105-107. 1900. Bailey, V. Where the Grebe Skins Come From. < Bird-Lore II, Febru- ary 1900, p. 34. For millinery purposes. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 101 1900. Bangs, O. A Review of the Three-toed Woodpeckers of North America. < Auk XVII, April 1900, pp. 126-142; 2 figg. Picoides arcticus teuuirostris from California. 1900. Barlow, C. Brewer's Blackbird Nesting in Cavities. < Condor II, Janu- ary 1900, p. 18. 1900. Barlow, C. Sierran Crossbill in Kl Dorado Co., Cal. C Condor II, Janu- ary 1900, pp. 18-19. 1900. Barlow, C. Nest and Eggs of the Hermit Warbler, i Dcndroica occi- dentalis.) < Condor II, March 1900, p. 45; hft. 1900. B[arlow], C. [Keeler's] Bird Notes Afield. < Condor II, March 1900, p. 47. A review. 1900. Barlow, C. Nest and Eggs of the California Creeper. < Condor II, May 1900, p. 59. In El Dorado County. 1900. [Barlow, C] Two More Eggs of California Condor. < Condor II, May 1900, p. 60. 1900. Barlow, C. An Outing Into the Pyramid Peak Region of California. < Condor II, September 1900, pp. 103-110; 3 hftt. Extended notes on 2.S species. 1900. B[arlow], C. Notes on Some Birds of Santa Clara County, California, [etc.] < Condor II, September 1900, p. 120. A brief review of Yan Denbiirgh's paper. 1900. Barlow, C. Some Additions to Van Denburgh's List of Land Birds of Santa Clara Co., Cal. < Condor II, November 1900, pp. 131-133. F^nmneration of 39 species. 1900. B[artch, P.] Bird Notes Afield. < Osprey IV, March 1900, p. 112. A brief review of Keeler's book. 1900. Beal, F. E. L- Food of the Bobolink, Blackbirds, and Crackles. = Bulle- tin No. 13 U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Biological Survey 1900. Pp. 1-77, frontispiece (map), 6 figg. The Red-winged and Brewer Blackbirds from California. 1900. Beck, R. H. An Unusually High Nest of Audubon's Hermit Thrush. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 19. Nesting of Hylocichla aonalaschkcr sequoiensis. 1900. Belding, L. Early Migration at Stockton, Cal. Condor II, July 1900, p. 89. 1900. Belding, L. Tape Worm in Young Mountain Quail. <' Condor II, July 1900, p. 91. 1900. Belding, L. The White-crowned vSparrow. C Condor II, November 1900, p. 134. Range of Zonotrichia leitcophrys. 102 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1900. Belding, L. Are Blackbirds Injurious or Beneficial ? < Condor II, No- vember 1900, pp. 139-140. 1900. Bishop, L. B. Descriptions of Three New Birds from Alaska. < Auk XVII, April 1900, pp. 113-120. vSpecimen of "Coutopus ric/iardso}ii satiuatus" from Riverside. 1900. Bruce, R. E. Western Winter Wren in Santa Clara Co., Cal. < Condor II, July 1900, p. 92. 1900. Bryan, M. The Little Widow A True Chapter in the Life History of a Pair of Mockingbirds. < Condor II, July 1900, pp. S2-84. 1900. Burns, F. L. A Monograph of the Flicker. ( Co/aptcs aui'atus.. ) ^^ Wil- son Bulletin No. 31, April 1900, pp. 1-82; 12 figg. Including its status in California. 1900. Burton, E. C. The Evening Grosbeak as a Pet. < Condor 11, September 1900, pp. 111-112. 1900. CEhapman], F. M. Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, Cah- fornia. < Bird-Lore II, February 1900, p. 28. Brief review of North American Fauna No. 16. 1900. C[hapman], F. M. Bird-Notes Afield, a Series of Essays on the Birds of California. < Bird-Lore II, February 1900, pp. 28-29. Brief review of Keeler's 1)ook. 1900. CEhapman], F. M. California Water Birds.— No. IV. < Bird-Lore II, June 1900, p. 92. Brief review of Loomis's paper. 1900. Chapman, F. M. A Study of the Genus Sturnella. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. XIII, December 1900, pp. 297-320; 8 hftt., figg. Including the Meadowlark of California. 1900. Cohen, D. A. Casual Observations on a Colony of Black-crowned Night Herons. < Condor II, January 1900, pp. 10-12. At Alameda. 1900. Cohen, D. A. Notes from Alameda, Cal. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 17. 1900. Cohen, D. A. Notes From Alameda, Cal. < Condor II, July 1900, pp. 90-91. On predominance in winter of sex, etc. 1900. Daggett, F. S. Occurrence of the American Scaup Duck in Los Angeles Co., Cal. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 19. 1900. Daggett, F. S. A Protest Against the Indiscriminate Use of Poison by Orchardists. < Condor II, November 1900, p. I.i9. 1900. Daniel, J. W., Jr. A Day in Rubio Canyon, California. < Wilson Bulle- tin No. 32, July 1900, pp. 2-4. Running account of birds observed in the foothills near Pasadena. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 10,3 1900. Dawson, W. L,. [See Jones and Dawson] 1900. Dunn, H. H. A Correction. < Museum VI, January 1900, p. 46. The "Cassin" and "California Purple Finches", previousl}' recorded as nesting in ( )ranj,'^e County, were all probably Linnets! 1900. Dunn, H. H. A Pair of Cactus Wrens. < Oologist X\'II, Xoveniber 1900, pp. lo8-l.i9. Nesting habits near Fullerton. 1900. Dwight, J., Jr. The Moult of the North American TctraonidiC (Quails, Partridges and Grouse). Auk XVII, January 1900, pp. .H-51. Including Oreortyx pictns plumifertis ami Callipepla californica vallicola. 1900. Emerson, W. O. Notes from Haywards, Cal. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 19. On Warblers, Creeper and Chickadee. 1900. Emerson, W. O. Junco Hyemalis at Haywards, Cal. < Condor II, March 1900, p. 33. 1900. I^merson, W. O. Occurrence of American White Pelican and the Ameri- can Avocet at Haywards, Cal. < Condor II, March 1900, p. 34. 1900. Emerson, W. O. Occurrence in California of Harris's Sparrow. < Con- dor II, November 1900, p. 145. A ^ Zonotrichia querula taken at Haywards, October 21 , 1900. 1900. Emerson, W. O. Birds as Benefactors to the Farmer and Fruit-Grower. < Rep. 24th State Fruit-Growers' Convention of Calif., 1000, pp. 86-90. 1900. Fisher, W. K. A List of Birds Observed on Mt. St. Helena, California. < Condor II, November 1900, pp. 135-138. .^7 species with brief annotations. 1900. Gedney, P. L. Nesting of the Condor on the Slope of the Cuyamacas, San Diego Co.. Cal. C Condor II, November 1900, pp. 124-126, 2 hftt. (of nesting site ). 1900. Grinnell, J. Early Nesting of the Pasadena Thrasher. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 19. 1900. G[rinnell], J. Looniis.— California Water Birds, No. I\'. < Condor II, March T^X), pp. 47-4S. A review. 1900. (Grinnell, J. The Intermediate Wren-tit. " Condor II, July 1900, pp. 85-S6. ( )riginal description of Chaincra fasciaia intermedia; type from Palo .Vlto. 1900. Crrinnell, J. Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska. =^ Pac. Coast Avifauna No. 1, November 1900, pp. l-So, 1 map. /.luiiiis borealis ini'ictus recorded (p. .S4) from (Juincy. 104 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1900. Grinnell, J. New Races of Birds from the Pacific Coast. < Condor II, November 1900, pp. 127-129; 4 figg. (of bills of grosbeaks). Parus rufesceus barlon'i; type from vStevens' Creek Canyon, Santa Clara Co. Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea\ type locality, the same. Zamelodia melanocephala niicrorhyncha {-= Z. in. capitalis) ; type from Sierra San Galjriel, Los Angeles Co. 1900. Hartert, E. Das Tierreich. < 9. Lief. Aves. Trochilidae. 1900, Feb- ruary. 8vo, pp. i-ix, 1-254, 34 text figures. 1900. Henshaw, H. W. Occurrence of Lants ^Silauccsccns and Other American Birds in Hawaii. < Auk XVII, July 1900, pp. 201-206. Diomedea cJdnensis, "off San Francisco. "' 1900. Jones, L. Warbler Songs. ( Mniotiltidae.) == Wilson Bulletin No. 30, January 1900, pp. l-.=^7. 1900. j[ones], L. California Water Birds. No. W. < Wilson Bulletin No. 32, July 1900, pp. 17-18. Brief review of Loomis's paper. 1900. Jones, L., and Dawson, W. L- A Summer Reconnois.sance in the West. -= Wilson Bulletin No. ZZ, October 1900, pp. 1-39. Inchules lists, in the vernacular, of birds seen in Los Angeles County, from Mojave to San Francisco, and elsewhere. The accuracy of these "horizons" has been questioned. 1900. Keeler, C. December and January Bird-life on Eastern Side of San Fran- cisco Bay. < Bird-Lore II, December 1900, pp. 188-190. 1900. Lee, R. Mockingbird in California. Oologist XVII, March 1900, pp. 41-42. Nesting at Tulare. 1900. Linton, C. B. Nesting of Say's Phoebe in California. < Condor II, July 1900, p. 90. Near Whittier. 1900. Loomis, L. M. California Water Birds. — No. IV. Vicinity of Monterey in Autumn. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 3rd Ser., Zool. II, February 1900, pp. 277- 322; map. Includes a "Calendar" of daily observations, together with a briefly annotated list of the species observed. Puffinus bulleri, taken Nov. 6, 1896, is for the first time recorded from California waters. 1900. Loomis, L. M. California Water Birds. No. V. Vicinity of Monterey in May and Early June. < Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc, 3rd Ser., Zool. II, December 1900, pp. 349-363. Migration notes on about 3.S species. 1900. Mailliard, J. A Neglected Point Concerning the Picidae. < Condor II, January 1900, p. 13. Immature plumages. 1900. Mailliard, J. Measurements of the Santa Cruz Jay. < Condor II, March 1900, p. 42. BIHl.KXrRAI'IIV OF CALIFORXIA ORXITIIOLOGY 105 1900. Mailliard, J. California Jay Again. -C Condor II, May 1900, pp. 58-59. Habits. 1900. Mailliard, J. I^and Hirds of Marin County, Cal. < Condor II, May 1900, pp. ()2-f)8. A briefly-annotateiis niffricans sciniatra. 1900. Oberholser, H. C. Notes on Some Birds from the Santa Barbara Islands, California. < Proc. U. S. N. M. XXII, April 1900, pp. 229-2,U. A technically annotated list of 26 species. 1900. Palmer, F. M. Nesting of the Dusky Poor-will. : Condor II, Novem- ber 1900, pp. l.^iO-l.^^l; hft. In Los Angeles County. 1900. Palmer, W. Ecology of the Maryland Yellow-throat, and its Relatives. < Auk X\'II, July 1900, pp. 216-242. "(icothlypis tiiclias ociidcutati^" from California. 1900. Ray, M. S. Idle Hours at Idlewild or Observations in Central Monterey County. < Osprey \\ October 1900, pp. 6-7. Formal mention of 12 species, of which "( >rosioptt's montauits" is probably an error. 106 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1900. Ray, M. S. Notes on Some Unusual Sets of Eggs. < Condor II, No- vember 1900, p. 126. llreo s. cassi)!!, etc. 1900. Schneider, J. J. Nesting of the Pileolated Warbler in Los Angeles Co. < Condor II, March 1900, p. .33. 1900. Schneider, J. J. Nesting of the California Cuckoo in Los Angeles Co., Cal. < Condor II, March 1900, p. 34. 1900. Swarth, H. S. Avifauna of a 100-acre Ranch. < Condor II, January 1900, pp. 14-16; [continued] idem, March 1900, pp. 37-41. A briefly-annotated list of 17.5 species observed at Los Angeles. 1900. Swarth, H. S. Sage Thrasher in Los Angeles Co., Cal. < Condor II, July 1900, p. 89. 1900. Swarth, H. S. Notes From Los Angeles, Cal. < Condor II, July 1900, p. 91- On Spizella b>-e7veri, warblers, etc. 1900. Swarth, H. S. The American Titlark in Spring Plumage in Los Angeles Co., Cal. < Condor II, September 1900, pp. 110-111. 1900. Taylor, H. R. A Provident Bluejay. < Condor II, March 1900, p. 45. 1900. Thompson, C. S. The Woodpeckers of the Upper Salinas Valley. < Condor II, May 1900, pp. 52-.55. 1900. Thompson, C. S. Notes From San Luis Obispo County, Cal. < Condor II, July 1900, pp. 89-90. On Mimus polyglottos, etc. 1900. Welch, J. M. Lewis' Woodpecker as a Flycatcher. < Condor II, July 1900, p. 89. 1900. Williams, J.J. Probable Causes of Bird Scarcity in Parts of the Sierras An Arraignment of the Chipmunk. CALII'ORXIA ORXITIK )I.()('.Y Ul7 1901. A[lleii], J. A. Ridgway on 'New Birds of the Families Tanagridie and Icteridcx.' Auk XVIII, July 1901, p. 280. Brief review. 1901. A[llen], J. A. Grinnell on New California Birds. < Auk XVIII, Octo- ber 1901, pp. 407-408. Brief notice of articles in "Condor" for ]\Iay and July. 1901. A. O. U. Committee. Tenth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. C Auk XVIII, July 1901, pp. 295-320. 1901. Atkinson, W. L. Nesting Habits of the California Shrike Lanius ludovici- (Hn/s ,i^a?}i/)e// R\dg\y. Condor III, January 1901, pp. 9-11. 1901. Atkinson, W. L. Notes on the Dwarf Hermit Thrush and Other Notes. < Condor III, January 1901, pp. 17-18. 1901. Atkinson, W. I^. Winter Bird Notes From California. < Oologist XVIII, January 1901, pp. 10-11. General notes on a dozen species. 1901. Atkinson, W. L. The California Towhee. " Petrel I, January 1901, pp. 7-8. Habits and nesting near Santa Clara. 1901. [Barlow, C] Pacific Coast Changes in the Check-List. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 106. 1901. Barlow, C. Some Characteristics of the Mountain Chickadee. Condor III, September 1901, pp. 111-114; hft. (of nest). As observed in the vSierras of El Dorado County. 1901. Barlow, C. \'ireo Traits. < Condor III, September 1901, p. 119; hft. (of Cassin Vireo on nest). l\ solitariits cassi>ii nesting at Fyffe. 1901. Barlow, C. Falco columbarius at Santa Clara, Cal. "Condor III, Sep- tember 1901, p. 133. 1901. Barlow, C.,and Price, W. W. A List of the Land Birds of Placerville- Lake Tahoe Stage Road. | Central Sierra Nevada Mountains, Cal. | By Chester Barlow | with Supplementary Notes by W. W. Price. < Condor III, November 1901, pp. 151-184; 11 hftt. (of scenery and birds' nests). 1 he list proper is preceded by a general description of the region and its fannal aspects; 1.5U species are dealt with at more or less length, chiefly in a biographical vein. 1901. Barnhart, F. S. Evolution in the Breeding Habits of the Fulvous Tree Duck. < Condor III, May 1901, pp. 67-68. 1901. Beck, R. H. A Sea.son With the Golden Eagles of Santa Clara Co., Cal. < Condor III, May 1901, pp. 59-64; 3 hftt. pll. 1901. Bclding, L. Chipmunks. Condor III, January 1901, p. 3. As enemies of birds. 108 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1901. Belding, L. May in the High Sierras. < Condor III, March 1901, pp. 31-32. Mention of 17 species. 1901. Belding, h. April and May Bird-hfe at Stockton, California. < Bird- Lore III, April 1901, p. 67. Vernacular list. 1901. Belding h- Summer Birds of Stockton, California. < Bird-Lore III, June 1901, pp. 104-lO.S. A nominal list in the vernacular. 1901. Belding, L. Parasites in Birds. < Condor III, July 1901, pp. 104-10.=). 1901. Belding, L. Birds of Stockton and Vicinity. < Bird-Lore III, August 1901, pp. 137-l,vS. Vernacular mention of a number of late summer species. 1901. Belding, L. An Additional Specimen of Nyctale From Lake Tahoe. < Condor III, November 1901, pp. 144-14.5. 1901. Bryan, M. A Study of the Birds of Santiago Canyon. < Condor III, May 1901, pp. Sl-82; July 1901, pp. 103-104. A popular account of habits, songs, etc. 1901. Carpenter, N. Early Nesting of the Red-bellied Hawk. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 104. At Escondido. 1901. Chamberlin, C. Some Architectural Traits of the Western Gnatcatcher {Polioptila Civrulca ohscura.) < Condor III, March 1901, pp. 33-.i6; 3 figg. 1901. Chambers, W. L. Curious Nest of Anna's Hummingbird. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 10.5. Also note on ^^Egialitis vocifera. 1901. C[hapman], F. M. California Water Birds. — No. V. < Bird-Lore III, December 1901, pp. 212-213. Brief review of Loomis's paper. 1901. C[hapman], F. M. A List of the Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, Cali- fornia. < Bird-Lore III, December 1901, p. 213. Brief reviewr of McOregor's paper. 1901. Clark, F. C. A Hawking Expedition. < Condor III, March 1901, pp. 43-44; hft. Nesting of Butco borealis caluriis. 1901. [Clark, F. C] California Bushtit. < Am. Ornithology I, May 1901, pp. 87-89; hft., fig. Habits near Napa. 1901. Clark, F. C. Western Evening Grosbeak Again. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 104. At Saint Helena, BIHLIOC.RAPIIV OK CAIJl San Francisco. 1901. Hottel, L. A Visit to the Herons. < Condor III, September 1901, p. lU,. yln/ra /lerodias nesting near Xapa. 112 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1901. Illingworth, J. F. The Bullock's and Arizona Hooded Orioles. < Condor III, July 1901, pp. 98-100. Nesting habits in Los Angeles County. 1901. Johnson, A. W. Breeding of the Western Robin in Lake Co., Cal. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 105. 1901. Jones, L. A Criticism. < Wilson Bulletin No. 30, August 1901, pp. 76-78. Answer to Daggett's review of "A Summer Reconnoissance in the West." 1901. J [ones], L. Pacific Coast Avifauna, No. 2. < Wilson Bulletin No. 36, August 1901, pp. 78-79. Review of McGregor's "List of the Land Birds of Santa Cruz County." 1901. Judd, S. D. The Relation of Sparrows to Agriculture. = Bulletin No. 15 U. S. Department of Agriculture Division of Biological Survey 1901, pp. 1-98, pll. I-IV, 19 figg. Several species from California. 1901. Judson, W. B. Getting a Late Supper. < Condor III, November 1901, p. 186. Black Phoebe catching moths around an electric light. 1901. Kobbe, W. H. Holbcell's Grebe on San Francisco Bay. < Auk XVIII, July 1901, p. 270. 1901. Law, J. E. Notes on Say's Phoebe. < Condor III, November 1901, p. 186. Nesting near Elsinore. 1901. Leland, H. J. Notes on the Nesting of the Western Yellowthroat. < Condor III, September 1901, p. 131. Near Pasadena. 1901. Littlejohn, C. Two Albinos from San Mateo Co., Cal. < Condor III, January 1901, pp. 16-17. 1901. Loomis, L- M. The Paroquet Auklet in California. < Auk XVIII, Janu- ary 1901, p. 104. Cyclorrhynchus psittaciilus in December and January near San FVancisco. 1901. Loomis, L. M. The Old Squaw at San Francisco. < Auk XVIII, Janu- ary 1901, p. 105. 1901. Loomis, L. M. The Emperor Goose in the Interior of California. aga colujiibiatia and Cflcco/hraiistt's v. i/iofi/a/ins. 1901. Mailliard, J. Some Winter Notes From Marin County, Cal. < Condor III, May 1901, pp. 71-72. On Otocoris alpestris rubra, etc. 1901. Mailliard, J. Song of Zonotrichia coronata. < Condor III, May 1901, pp. 78-79. 1901. Mailliard, J. and J. W. Birds Recorded at Paicines, San Benito Co., Cali- fornia. Condor III, September 19(il, pp. 120-127. A brief!)- -annotated list of 16.S species. 1901. McCormick, A. I. Two Amusing Incidents. < Condor III, July 1901, pp. 101-102. Pertaininjf to Calypte anna and Megascops asio beudirei. 1901. McGregor, R. C. Dichromatism in the Genus Carpodacus. < Condor III, January 1901, pp. 13-14. 1901. McGregor, R. C. Note on the Name of the Black-headed Grosbeak. < Condor III, March 1901, p. 41. Critical. 1901. McGregor, R. C. Evening Grosbeak Near Palo Alto- < Condor III, March 19oi, p. 47. 1901. McGregor, R. C. A List of the I^and Birds of Santa Cruz County, Cali- fornia. = Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 2, May 1901, pp. 1-22. A briefly-annotated list of 139 species. 1901. McGregor, R. C. Notes on the Loon, Evening Grosbeak and Broad-tailed Hummingbird. < Condor HI, July 1901, p. 105. 1901. Moody, Mrs. C. A. Some Winter Bird Notes. < Condor III, November 1901, pp. 139-141. From near Los Angeles. 1901. Osgood, W. H. Questions of the Day. < Condor III, March 1901, pp. 50-51. Relative to the status of certain bird races. 1901. Osgood, W. H. New Subspecies of North American Birds. < Auk XVIII, April 1901, pp. 179-185. Cerihia familiat is zeloies, type from Battle Creek; Hylocichla aoualaschkir verccmtda, described from Alaska, said to occur in California in winter. 1901. P[almer], T. S. The Condor. [Review of \'ol. Ill, No. I] < Bird- Lore III, April 1901, pp. 76-77. 1901. P[almer]. T. S. [Review of] The Condor, ^Larch-April, 1901. < Bird- Lore III, June 1901, p. 112. 114 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1901. P[almer], T. S. The Condor. [Review of Vol. Ill, No. 3] < Bird- Lore III, August 1901, p. 144. 1901. P[almer], T. S. The Condor. [Review of Vol. Ill, No. 5] < Bird- Lore III, December, 1901, pp. 213-214. 1901. Price, W. W. [See Barlow and Price] 1901. Ray, M. S. Birds About Lake Tahoe. < Osprey V, August 1901, pp. 115-117, 3 hftt. A running account of about 30 species; nesting of the Black and Forster Terns. 1901. Ridgw^ay, R. New Birds of the Families Tanagridse and Icteridae. < Proc. Wash. Ac. Sc. Ill, April 1901, pp. 149-155. Original description of Agelaiiis phorniceus neiitralis\ type from Jacuniba, San Diego Co., California. 1901. Ridgway, R. The Birds | of | North and Middle America: | A Descriptive Catalogue | of the | Higher Groups, Genera, Species, and Subspecies of Birds 1 Known to Occur in North America, from the | Arctic Lands to the Isthmus of Panama, | the West Indies and Other Islands | of the Caribbean Sea, and the I Galapagos Archipelago. | By 1 Robert Ridgway, | Curator, Division of Birds. I — I Part I. | Family Fringillidct — The Finches. | — | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1901. = Bull. U. S. N. M. No. 50, Part I. 8vo, pp. i-xxx, 1-715; pll. I-XX (outline figures to show generic characters). The most important systematic treatise on American birds ever publisht, including, of course, exclusively Californian species as well as the rest. 1901. Rising, H. G. Nesting Habits of the Desert Sparrow Hawk Near Santa Monica, Cal. < Condor III, September 1901, pp. 129-130. 1901. Sampson, W. B. Rare and Unusual Occurrences at Stockton, Cal. '< Con- dor III, March 1901, p. 37. Blue-fronted Jay, Western Evening Grosbeak, etc. 1901. Sampson, W. B. An Exceptional Set of Eggs of the Wood Duck. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 95. Taken at Forest Lake, San Joaciuin County. 1901. Stephens, F. Scott's Oriole at San Diego, Cal. < Condor III, July 1901, p. 94. 1901. Strong, R. M. A Quantitative Study of Variation in the Smaller North- American Shrikes. < Am. Nat. XXXV, April 1901, pp. 271-298; 8 figg. Includes critical remarks concerning Laniiis liidovicianus ga)nbeli. 1901. Swarth, H. S. Notes from Los Angeles Co., Cal. < Condor III, January 1901, p. 17. On Uria froile californica, HelniinthopJnla celata, Junco hyeinalis, etc. 1901. Swarth, H. S. Some Rare Birds in Los Angeles Co., Cal. < Condor III, May 1901, p. 66. Sayoriiis pfuvbe, Passerella i. sc/iishicea, Co/aptcs auratiis, etc. HIBIJCHM^APIIY OF CAIJI-ORXIA ORNITHOLOGY 115 1901. Swarth, H. S. Warbler Notes from I.os Angeles, Cal. < Condor III, November 1901, pp. 145-146. Dendroica maculosa $, October 5, I'JOl; I lelniintliophila celata, several captures. 1901. Thompson, C. S. Further Tape Worm Observations. < Condor III, January 1901, p. 1,S. 1901. Thompson, C. S. Notes from San Luis Obispo Co., Cal. < Condor III, January 1901, p. 17. On ^^gialilis nivosa, etc. 1901. Thompson, C. S. Two Additions to the Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, and Additional Notes on Two Other Species. < Condor III, November 1901, p. 141. Includes record of Xyclea nyctca taken near Santa Cruz. 1901. Thompson, C. S. Notes on San Luis Obispo County Birds. < Condor III, November 1901, p. 187. A'issa tridaclyla pollica) is captured near Paso Robles; etc. 1901. Van Bargen, O. (lulls in San Francisco Bay. [Two halftones of photo- graphs of birds in full flight.] < Condor III, November 1901, p. 142. 1901. \'rooman, A. G. Discovery of the Egg of the Black Swift {Cypscloides )ii.iicr boreal/s). < Auk XVIII, October 1901, pp. 394-395. Near vSanta Cruz. 1901. Wilcox, A. California Vulture. < Am. Ornithology I, September 1901, pp. 164-168; 5 hftt. (of egg, nesting-site, etc.). Nesting and habits. 1901. Willard, J. M. Notes From Oakland and Vicinity. < Condor III, March 1901, p. 47. On Dendroica toivtisendi, Sitta canadensis, etc. 1901. Willard, J. M. Capture of Another White-throated Sparrow. < Condor III, March 1901, pp. 47-48. At Pescadero. 1901. Willard, J. M. Some Observations on Voung Snowy Plover. < Condor III, November 1901, pp. 143-144. On the sea-coast near Pescadero. 1901. Williams, J. J. A Trait of the Western Robin. < Condor IH, March 1901, p. 42. 1901. Williams, J. J. Bird Notes from Placer County, Cal. ' Condor III, May 1901, J). 6'). On I Icspo'ocichla ncri'ia, Ilarporliynchus > cdiiivus tkwX .Iniluis pcnsili aniens. 1902. A[llen], J. A. Barlow's List of the Land Birds of Placerville, California. < Auk XIX, January 1902, pp. l(i4-10S. Review. 116 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1902. A [lien], J. A. Oberholser's Review of the Horned I.arks. < Auk XIX, July 1902, pp. 308-309. Critical review of Oberholser's paper on the genus Otocoris. 1902. A[llen], J. A. Grinnell's 'Check-List of California Birds.' < Auk XIX, October 1902, pp. 405-407. Critical review. 1902. A. O. U. Committee. Eleventh Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds. < Auk XIX, July 1902, pp. 315-342. 1902. Bailey, Mrs. F. M. Handbook of Birds | of the | Western United States | including | the Great Plains, Great Basin, Pacific Slope, | and Lower Rio Grande Valley | by | Florence Merriam Bailey | with thirty-three full-page plates by Louis | Agassiz Fuertes, and over six | hundred cuts in the text | [vignette] | Boston and New York | Houghton, Mifflin and Company | The Riverside Press, Cambridge | 1902 (November). 12mo, pp. i-xcii, 1-512, figg. 1-601, 33 pll. Our best text-book of California birds short of Coues' A?r. 1902. Bailey, H. F. Nesting of Pine Siskin in Santa Cruz Co., Cal. < Condor IV, July 1902, p. 94. 1902. Bailey, V. Unprotected Breeding Grounds. < Condor IV, May 1902, pp. 62-64; 3 hftt. .^chmophoriis oiridcn talis, etc., nesting at Tule (= Rhett) Lake. 1902. Barlow, C. Some Echoes from the Sierras. < Condor IV, July 1902, pp. 79-81; hft. (of nest of White-headed Woodpecker). Nesting of llylocichla guttata scijHoicnsis, etc. 1902. Barlow, C. Some Observations on the Rufous-crowned Sparrow. < Con- dor I\', September 1902, pp. 107-111; 2 hftt. (of breeding locality and nest), l^xtended account of eggs, nesting habits and food so far as known (almost a mono- graph) of Ai)iiop/i!la ritficcps. 1902. Brewster, W. Birds of the Cape Region of Lower California. < Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. XLI, September 1902, pp. 1-241; map. This paper contains numerous Upper California references of a general nature. Den- droica crstiva sonorana is for the first time accredited to the State on the strength of a 9 , taken at Riverside, September 14, 1881. 1902. Bryan, M. Hummingbird Experiences from my Note Book. < Condor IV, March 1902, pp. 35-36. Nesting habits of Calyptc ainia. 1902. Carpenter, N. Vermillion Flycatcher at Escondido. < Condor IX , July 1902, p. 94. 1902. Chamberlin, C. Incubation Advanced. < Condor l\\ July 1902, p. 77; 1 cut. Nesting of the Ilutton \'ireo. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CAl.IFORXIA ORXITlIOI.Or.V 117 1902. [Chambers], W. L. The Passing of the Great Blue Heron at Santa Mon- ica. < Condor IV , March 1902, p. 47. 1902. CEhapman], F. M. [Critical Review of Grinnell's "Check-Ust of Cali- fornia Birds"]. < Bird-Lore IV, October 1902, p. 163. 1902. Cohen, D. A. The California Jay iAphelocoma calif arnica); Some of its Habits and Characteristics. < Osprey VI, January 1902, pp. 1-6; hft. As observed in the vicinity of Alameda. 1902. Daggett, F. S. Winter Observ^ations on the Colorado Desert. < Condor IV, March 1902, pp. o7-39. Running account of about twenty species from near Ogilby and below Vunia on the Cali- fornia side. 1902. Dixon, J. B. Early Nesting of the Western Redtail. < Condor IV, March 1902, p. 46. Near Escondido. 1902. Dunn, H. H. Vigor's Wren. < Oologist XIX, March 1902, pp. 33-34. Nesting in Orange County. 1902. Dunn, H. H. The Barn Owl in Orange County. < Oologist XIX, June 1902, pp. 81-83. Nesting habits. 1902. Dunn, H. H. The Birds of Death Valley. < Oologist XIX, September 1902, pp. 129-132. Running popular account. 1902. Duprey, H. F. "Foiled." < Oologist XIX, November 1902, p. 165. Relates to the Lazuli Bunting. 1902. Dwight, J., Jr. Individual, Seasonal, and Geographical Variations of the American Goldfinch {Asirag-aliiius /ris/is). < Auk XIX, April 1902, pp. 149-164. Includes critical study of . /. A saliccDnatts. 1902. Emerson, W. O. A Partial Albino. < Condor I\', March 1902, p. 46. Affelaius guheriiator californicus. 1902. Fisher, W. K. A Trip to Mono Lake, Ornithological and Otherwise. < Condor IV, January 1902, pp. 1-11; 10 ills. Running account of birds, with a subjoined list of 72 species observed in the vicinity of Mono Lake. 1902. Fisher, W. K. The Oregon Song Sparrow. < Condor I\', March 1902, pp. 36-37. Original description of IMclospiza cinerca ph(ca\ type from Gardiner, Oregon; specimens also from Crescent City, California. 1902. Fisher, W. K. Status of Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea Grinnell. < Con- dor IV, March 1902, pp. 41-44 (with cut of distribution areas). 1902. Fisher, W. K. A Correction. < Condor I\', March 1902, p. 47. Pertains to Colyinbiis au> itiis (?) . 118 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xc. 5 1902. Fisher, \V. K. The Downy Woodpeckers of CaHfornia. < Condor IV, May 1902, pp. 6S-70. Characterizations of Dryohates pubescens turati (Malherbe) and D. p. leucurus {Yi2X\- laiib). 1902. F[isher], \V. K. [Critical Review of] Pacific Coast Avifauna | Xo. 3 | Check-list of California Birds | by | Joseph Grinnell [etc.]. < Condor IV, July 1902, pp. 96-97. 1902. Fisher, \V. K. The Redwood Belt of Northwestern California. I. Faunal Peculiarities of the Region. "^ Condor l\\ September 1902, pp. 111-114; II. Land Birds; idem, November 1902, pp. 131-135. The important philosophical considerations are followed by a briefly-annotated list of 63 species. 1902. Fisher, W. K. List of Birds of Santa Clara \'alley and vSanta Cruz Moun- tains, Exclusive of Water Birds. < Bailey's "Handbook of Western Birds", (November) 1902, pp. li-lvi. 1902. Gilman, M. F. The Crissal Thrasher in California. < Condor I\', January 1902, pp. 15-10. Nesting of Harporhynchns crissalis in the vicinity of Palm Springs and Salton. 1902. Gilman, M. F. Nesting of the Little Flammulated Screech Owl on San Gorgonio Mountain. < Condor \\\ July 1902, pp. 85-S6. 1902. Gilman, M. F. Notes on the \'erdin. < Condor I\', July 1902, pp. 88-89. Nesting habits on the Colorado Desert. 1902. Grinnell, J. Correction of P>rors in Identification. < Condor \\ , Janu- ary 1902, p. 17. Pertains to Hylociclila aonalasclikcc and Otocoris alpestris inerrilli. 1902. Grinnell, J. Common Loon at Palo Alto, Cal. < Condor I\', January 1902, p. 19. 1902. Grinnell, J. Ridgway's "Birds of North and Middle Aiuerica." < Con- dor I\', January 1902, pp. 11-11. Critical review: notes on the California subspecies of Pipilu inaciilatits. 1902. Grinnell, J. The Monterey Fox Sparrow. < Condor I\', March 1902, pp. 44-45. Characterization of Passerclla iliaca meruloides (Vigors). 1902. Grinnell, J. Geographical \'ariation in Abrasion. < Auk XIX, April 1902, pp. 128-131. Critical remarks on HylocicJila Ksfulafa from California. 1902. Grinnell, J. The Wilson Plover in California. < Auk XIX, April 1902, p. 197. \ Specimen taken by A. ^I. Ingersoll near San Diego. 1902. Grinnell, J. The Western Barn Swallow. < Condor IV, May 1902. p. 71. Characterization of Hirundo eiyt/irogas/ra pahiicri. BIHIJOCRAI'in" OI'^ CALII-OUNIA ORXITIK )LOGY 119 1902. Grinnell, J. Check-List of California Birds. --= Pac. Coast Avifauna No. 3, June 1902, pp. 1-9S; 2 colored maps (of Life Zones and Fauna! Areas). Definitely accredits to California I'H species and subspecies, giving briefly their range, comparative abundance and season of occurrence. Also includes a "Hypothetical I^ist" of 3,3 species. l')()2. C.rinncll, J. The vSoutliern Wliiteheaded Woodpecker. Condor I\', July 1902, pp. 89-90; 4 cuts (of bills). Original description of Xt-iiopinis ^lariros/i is\ type from the Sierra San (ialjriel, Los Angeles Count}'. 1902. G[rinncll], J. Oberholser's Review of the Horned Larks. < Condor l\\ July 1902. p. 97. Critical review, referring especially to the California forms. 1902. Grinnell, J. The Ornithological Writings of Dr. J. G. Cooper. ' Con- dor I\', September 1902, pp. 10,vl05. Lists 2() titles, with brief connnents. Critical note on Tachvciiieta hicolur vespcrtimx (Cooper). 1902. Grinnell, J. Status of the "Arizona Goldfinch" ' in California. Condor IV, September 1902, pp. 115-1 10. Astrao^aliuiiS psaltria '\irizonae" shown to be only an individual variety of .7. psaltria. 1902. Grinnell, J. Birds of the Little vSur River, Monterey County. < Condor IV. November 1902, pp. 125-128. Running popular account of a number of species.. 1902. G[rinnell], J. Brewster on Lower California Birds. < Condor I"\a No- vember 1902, pp. 147-148. Review. 1902. Grinnell, J. List of Birds to be Looked For in the Vicinity of Pasadena. < Bailey's "Handbook of Western Birds", (November) 1902, pp. Ivi-lxiv. 1902. Hanna, W. C. Large Set of Cactus Wren. < Condor \\\ July 1902, p. 'H. Taken near Colton. 1902. Head, A. Odd Gyrations of Hummingbirds. < Condor IV, July 1902. p. 94. 1902. Head, A. Nightingales in California; A Query. < Condor I\', July 1902, pp. *H-95. Perhaps introduced. 1902. Head. A. A Study of the Black-headed Grosbeak. Condor \\\ Sep- tember rK)2, pp. 119-121. I'"si)ecially its song. 1902. Heller, It. An Hxtension of the vSouthern Range of Perisoreus obscurus. < Condor IV, March 1902, p. 40. Into sotithern Mendocino County. r)()2. Holstein, (). Birds Destroyed b.\- Pools of Petroleum AU)ng Railroads. < Condor W , NLirch 1902, p. 46. 120 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1902. Johnson, A. W. California Pygmy Owl in Lake Co., Cal. < Condor IV, January 1902, p. 18. 1902. [Jones, LJ [Review of] Pacific Coast Avifauna, No. 3. [etc.] < Wil- son Bulletin XIV, September 1902, pp. 110-111. 1902. Kelsey, F. W. The Least Tern at San Diego. < Condor IV, November 1902, pp. 144-145; hft. Cof eggs). Nesting habits. 1902. Kobbe, W. H. The Status of Certain Supposed Species of the Genus Larus. < Auk XIX, January 1902, pp. 19-24. Larus vegce shown to be not different from L. argentatus; the study based on San Fran- cisco Bay specimens. 1902. Kobbe, W. H. List of Water Birds of San Francisco Bay. < Bailey's "Handbook of W^estern Birds", (November) 1902, pp. xlviii-1. Ninety-one species, briefly annotated. 1902. Leland, H. J. A Day on the West Fork of the San Gabriel. < Condor IV, January 1902, p. 21. Pygmy Owl nesting in the Sierra ]\Iadre Mountains of Los Angeles County. 1902. Loomis, L- M. The Elf Owl as a California Bird. < Auk XIX, Janu- ary 1902, p. 80. yJ/zVr^/>fl//fl5 rcZ/zV/zri'/ from near .San Bernardino (?). (See Stephens, Condor IV, ;\Iarch 1902, p. 45.) 1902. Loomis, L. M. The Rivoli Hummingbird in Southern California. < Auk XIX, January 1902, p. 83. A male of Eugenes fulgens taken in vSan Gorgonio Pass, July 15, 1899 (?). 1902. Mailliard, J. Two Specimens of Nyctala From Marin County, California. < Condor IV, January 1902, p. 18. Cryptoglaux acadica at Point Reyes Station. 1902. Mailliard, J. The Parasite Question Again. < Condor IV, January 1902, p. 19. Parasites on Lophortyx. 1902. Mailliard, J. Additions to the List of Paicines Birds. < Condor IV, March 1902, p. 46. 1902. Mailliard, J. Clangula hiemalis in Marin County, Cal. < Condor IV, March 1902, p. 46. 1902. Mailliard, J. Fall Distribution of the Western Robin. < Condor IV, March 1902, p. 47. 1902. Mailliard, J. Wren-Tit Building in a Tree. < Condor IV, July 1902, p. 95. Near Santa Barbara. 1902. Mailliard, J. An Unusual Sight. < Condor IV, July 1902, p. 95. Swifts and Swallows congregated about a grass-fire. HIHIJOCTRArilV OF CAI.I I;'rrt.'/^/ extended to include the whole San Diegan district. 1902. Mearns, E. A. Descriptions of Three New Birds from the Southern United States. < Proc. U. S. N. M. XXIV, June 1902, pp. 915-926. Includes critical references to California birds: Progne siibis hesperia and Silta caro- lineusis acaleata. 1902. Moody, Mrs. C. A. Bird Studies in Strawberry Valley, Aug. 25 — Oct. 25, 1902. < Condor IV, July 1902, pp. 91-92. 1902. Noack, H. R. \'ocal Powers of the Yellow-billed Magpie. < Condor IV, July 1902, pp. 78-79. 1902. NordhofT, C. B. February Water Birds of Elsinore Eake, California. < Auk XIX, April 1902, pp. 212-214. Notes on 22 species, including Colyinbus holbirlli. 1902. Oberholser, H. C. A Review of the Larks of the Genus Otocoris. < Proc. U. S. N. M. XXIV, June 1902, pp. 801-883, pll. XLHI-XLV, maps I-IV. Critically treats of the California forms, two of which are newly named: Otocoris alpes- tris actia, type from Jacumba, San Diego County (= O. a. chrysolcnna of most previous writers); Otocoris alpestris ammophila, type from Coso Vallej^ (= O. a. arenicola of recent writers) . 1902. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor [for November, 1901]. < Bird-Lore I\', February 1902, p. 35. 1902. [Palmer, T. S.] [Review of] The Condor [for January, 1902]. < Bird- Lore IV, June 1902, p. 100. 1902. P[almer], T. S. [Review of Condor for March, 1902] . < Bird-Lore IV, August 1902, p. 133. 1902. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor [for July, 1902]. < Bird-Lore IV, October 1902, p. 165. 1902. Pemberton, J. R. Notes From About San Francisco. < Condor I\', March 1902, p. 46. On Silta canadensis, etc. 1902. Ray, M. S. Rambles About My Old Home. < Osprey \T. February 1902, pp. 23-26. Running account of the nesting of several species in the vicinity of San .Mateo. 122 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1902. Ridgway, R. The Klf Owl in California. < Condor IV, January 1902, pp. 18-19. Female taken in Kern County, May 10, 1S82. 1902. Ridgway, R. The lairds | of | North and Middle America: | A Descriptive Catalogue | of the 1 Higher Groups, [etc., 6 lines] | by Robert Ridgway, | Curator, Division of Birds. | — | Part II. | Family Tanagridae — The Tanagers. I Family Icteridae — TheTroupials. | Family Ccerebidae— The Honey Creepers. I Family Mniotiltidae — The Wood Warblers. | | Washington: | Govern- ment Printing Oflfice. | 1902. - Bull. U. S. N. M. No. 50, Part II. 8vo, pp. i-xx, 1-834; pll. I-XXII (outline figures to show generic characters). 1902. Seebohm, H. A | Monograph of the Turdidne. | or | Family of Thrushes. I By the Late | Henry Seebohm, | Author [etc., 4 lines]. | F^dited and Com- pleted I (after the Author's De.ith) | By | R. Bowdler Sharpe, L.L.D., F.L.S., Etc. I Assistant-Keeper [etc.. 1 line]. | | \'olume I [-II]. | | Lon- don: I Henry Sotheran c\: Co., | 37 Piccadilly, W., and 140 Strand, W. C. | I 1902. Large 4to, pp. i-xi, 1-337 (i-ix, 1-250), pll. LLXXVUI (LXXIX- CXLIX). Includes nmch ciuoted matter in relation to our thrushes. 1902. Sharp, C. S. Nesting of Swainson Hawk. Condor IV, September 1902, pp. 116-118. Habits in the vicinity of EscondicUj, vSan Diego County. 1902. Stephens, F. Owl Notes from Southern California. '" Condor IV, March 1902, p. 40. Nvctala (^ Crvp/o^i^'/au.v) aradica from the ,San Jacinto Mountains, etc. 1902. Stephens, F. A Criticism of Two Recent Records. < Condor IV, March 1902, p. 45. Ouestions the aiUhenticity of Loomis's records of Eii,^'r>!es fnlociis and Dficropallas li'hiineyi. 1902. Stephens, F. Hummingbirds. West Am. Scientist XII, March 1902, pp. 145-149. General popular account of the eight species occurring in California. 1902. Swarth, H. S. Winter Plumage of the Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. < Con- dor IV, July 1902, pp. 86-S7. 1902. Swarth, H. S. Arizona Goldfinch in Los Angeles County. < Condor IV, July 1902, p. 94. 1902. Swarth, H. S. Stragglers in Los Angeles County. Condor IV, July 1902, p. 95. Calainospiza ineluiiocorvs in vSan Fernando \'alley in midwinter. 1902. Willard, J. M. Notes from Oakland and Pescadero. < Condor IV, Janu- ary 1902, p. 19. On Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Creeper, etc. BIIU.KXU^AI'IIV OF CALIFORNIA ()KXITIK)I,0(;y 123 1902. W'illard, J. M. Occurrence of the Redpoll in California. < Condor I\', March 1902, pp. 4.S-46. Acaiiihis linaria t-oinmon in winter near I^aj2:le Lake, Lassen County. 1irds. , Auk XX, jul\- PH).i, pp. 331-308. 1903. Bailey, Mrs. F. M. A Sierra Xighthawk I^unily. <. Bird-Lore \', April 1903, pp. 43-45, 1 hft. 124 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1903. Belding, L- The Fall Migration of Oreortyx pictus plumiferus. < Con- dor V, January 1903, p. 18. On the Sierra Nevada. 1903. Belding, L. The Snowflake and Other l^nusual Birds at Marysville. < Condor V, January 1903, p. 19. Passeritia nivalis and Laniiis borealis at Alarysville. 1903. Belding, L. Curious Trait of Thick-billed Sparrow. < Condor V, May 1903, p. 79. 1903. Breninger, G. F. Sabine's Gull at Monterey, California. < Auk XX, October 1903, p. 433. 1903. Carpenter, N. The Hummingbirds of Escondido and Vicinity. < Condor V, January 1903, p. 20. Notes on nesting, etc. 1903. [Chambers, W. L.] A Strange Nesting Site of Calypte anna. < Condor V, May 1903, p. 78, 2 hftt. 1903. Chambers, W. L. Early Nesting of Calypte anna in the Vicinity of Santa Monica, California. < Condor V, September 1903, p. 133. 1903. Chapman, F. M. Color Key to I North American Birds | By | Frank M. Chapman | Associate Curator [etc., 4 lines] 1 With Upward of 800 Drawings | By 1 Chester A. Reed, B. S. | New York | Doubleday, Page & Company | 1903. 8vo, pp. i-vi, 1-312, colored frontispiece, and drawings as above. 1903. [Chapman, F. M.] The A. O. U. Trip to California. < Bird-Lore V, June 1903, pp. 99-100. 1903. Clark, F. C. Food of Anna Hummingbird. < Condor V, January 1903, p. 18. 1903. Cohen, D. A. Some Observations on the Nesting Habits of the Prairie Falcon. < Condor V, September 1903, pp. 117-121. In vicinity of Mt. Diablo. 1903. Coues, E. Key | to | North American Birds. | Containing [etc., 10 lines]. I The Fifth Edition, (entirely revised) 1 exhibiting the nomenclature of the American Ornithologists' Union, and including | descriptions of additional species | In Two Volumes. | Volume I[-n]. | By Elliott Coues, A.M., M.D., Ph.D., I Date Captain [etc., 5 lines]. | Profusely Illustrated. | [Monogram] I Boston: | Dana Estes and Company. | 1903 [about December]. Royal 8vo., Vol. I, colored frontispiece, portrait of author, pp. i-xli, 1-535, figg. 1-353; Vol. II, colored frontispiece, pp. i-vi, 537-1152, figg. 354-747. The best text-book on North American birds. Inchules many technical comments on Pacific Coast birds. For a general review of this work see Aidoruii!, from Santa Cruz Island, California. 1903. Head, A. L^ouisiana Tanager. < Am. Ornithology III, January 1903, pp. 10-14, 2 drawings. Nesting hal)its near Lake Tahoe. 1903. Head, A. [Christmas Bird Census at Santa Barbara] < Bird-IyOre V, February 1903, p. 20. 1903. Head, A. Nesting of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. < Bird-Lore V, April 1903, pp. 52-55. Near Lake Tahoe. 1903. Head, A. Dwellers on the Ground Floor. | (Winter Notes from a Santa Barbara Canon, j < Am. Ornithology III, April 1903, pp. 132-136, 2 figg. Running account of several birds. 1903. Head, A. Nesting Habits of Two Flycatchers at Lake Tahoe. < Bird- Lore V, October 1903, pp. 153-155. The Olive-sided Flycatcher and Western Wood Pewee. BIIJIJOGRAI'IIV OF CALIFORNIA ( )R.\niIOI/)OV 127 10(),>. Hellmayr, C. E. Das Tierreich. 18. On Alameda marshes. 1904. Emerson, W. O. The Farallone Islands Revisited, 1887-1903 < Condor VI, May 1904, pp. 61-68, 9 hftt. 1904. Emerson, W. O. Icterus bullocki as a Honey-eater. < Condor VI, May 1904, p. 78. 1904. Emerson, W. O. Melanism in Buteo borealis calurus. < Condor VI, July 1^)04, p. 110. 1904. Ivmerson, W. O. Bird Surgeons < Condor VI, September 1904, pp. l.V.-l.U. 1904. Fisher, W. K. Aythya collaris in San Mateo Co., California. < Condor VI, January 1W4, p. 25. 1904. Fisher, W. K. California X'ulture in San Mateo Co., California. Con- dor VI, March 1904, p. 50. 1904. Fisher, W. K. Notes on the Birds of Hoopa \^alley, California. < Con- dor VI, March 1904, pp. 50-51. Knumerates 35 species. 1904. Fisher, W. K. A Revision of the American Great Horned Owls. < Con- dor VI, March 1004, pp. 52-53. Review of Oberholser's paper. 1904. Fisher, W. K. The Albatross Dance at Sea. < Condor VI, May 1904, p. 78. 1904. Fisher, W. K. Road-runners Eat Voung Mockingbirds. < Condor VI, May 1904, p. 80. 1904. Fisher, W. K. [Review of Chapman's] A New Grouse from California. < Condor VI, May 1904, p. 82. BIHLIOCRAI'IIV ()I< CALIFORNIA ORXITIIOLOOY 131 1904. Fisher, W. K. Two Unusual Birds at Stanford University, Cal. < Con- dor VI, July 1904, pp. 108-109. Jhhco /lyeiiialis Ihurheri and Contopits /torra/is. 1904. Fisher, W. K. Northern Flicker at /Vuburn, California. < Condor VI, November 1904, p. 172. 1904. Oilman, M. F. The Leconte Thrasher < Condor \T, July 1904, pp. 9S-98. Account of h;i])its and nestinj; in the vicinity of Kanninj^- and Wliitewater, Riverside County. 1904. Grinnell, E. A Large [Black] Phoebe's Nest < Bird-Lore \T, April 1904, p. 68. 1904. Grinnell, J. The Ashy Kinglet < Condor \T, January 1904, p. 2.S. Original descrijjtion of /\t\o-nlns calendula cincraccui; type from .Mt. Wilson, Los An- geles County. 1904. Grinnell, J. Midwinter Birds at Palm Springs, California < Condor \T, March 1904, pp. 40-45. An annotated list of 49 species. 1904. Grinnell, J. Dusky Horned Lark in Lake County. < Condor \T, March 1904, p. 52. 1904. Grinnell, J. The Status of Mclosp/za liiiroliii s/r/a/a Brewster. < Auk XXI, April 1904, pp. 274-276. Range in California. 1904. Grinnell, J. [Review of Wheelock's] Birds of California - Condor \T, May 1904, p. 81. 1904. Grinnell, J. The Origin and Distribution of the Chestiuit-backed Chicka- dee. < Auk XXI, July 1904, pp. 364-382, maps I-III. Including its races in California: Descriptions, localities, and synonymy. 1904. Grinnell, J. European Widgeon in Sotithern California. ^ Auk XXI, July 1904, pp. 383-384. 5 adult, Bixby, Los Angeles County, February 16, V)M. 1904. Head, A. Green-tailed Towhee. < Am. Ornithology l\\ February 19(»4, pp. 4,^-40, 3 figg. irat)its in the Sierras. 1904. Head, A. Nesting Habits of the Black-headed Grosbeak < Condor VI, March 1904, pp. 35-37. In Mendocino County. 1904. Hunter, J. S. Records from the \'icinity of Watsonville, California. < Condor \T, January 1904, pp. 24-25. Including fourth State record of Miiiolilta varia. 1904. Hunter, J. .S. An Ornithological Comparison of the Pajaro \'alley in Cali- fornia with .Sioux Count\ in Nebraska < Condor \'I, November 1904, pp. 168-171. 132 PACIFIC COAST AVII^AUNA No. 5 1904. Jackson, W. H. The Western Evening Grosbeaks at Pescadero, San Mateo Co., Cal. < Condor VI, May 1904, p. 78. 1904. Jenkins, H. O. Record of the Monterey Hermit Thrush ( Hylocichla guttata slevini). < Condor VI, January 1904, p. 25. From San IMateo County. 1904. Jenkins, H. O. Bell Sparrow (Amphispiza belli ' in Santa Clara Co., Cali- fornia < Condor VI, July 1904, p. 109. 1904. Johnson, A. W. Notes on Unusual Nesting Sites of the Pacific Yellow- throat < Condor VI, September 1904, pp. 129-131. At Clear Lake, Lake County. 1904. Kelsey, F. W. A Visit to Torrey Pines. < Condor VI, September 1904, pp. 138-1.^/;, hft. Ornithological notes from Sorrento, San Diego County. 1904. Mailliard, J. A Few Records Supplementary to Grinnell's Check-list of California Birds < Condor VI, January 1904, pp. 14-16. Includes first California record of Scolecophagus carolinus. 1904. Mailliard, J. California Jays and Cats < Condor \T, July 1904, pp. 94-95. 1904. Myers, H. \V. Bird Notes from Southern California. < Am. Ornithology VI, May 1904, pp. 1.51-154. Brief, popular. 1904. Nelson, E. W. Empidonax griseus Brewst. = E. canescens Salv. & Godm. < Auk XXI, January 1904, p. 80. 1904. Oberholser, H. C. A Revision of the American Great Horned Owds. < Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XXVII, January 1904, pp. 177-192. Includes original description of Asio iiiagellanicus icelus, type from San Luis Obispo. 1904. Oberholser, H. C. A Review of the Wrens of the Genus Troglodytes. < Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XXVII, January 1904, pp. 197-210, pi. V. Including T. aedon parkmani. 1904. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. V, No. 6] < Bird- Eore VI, February 1904, p. 31. 1904. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [\'ol. \T, No. l] < Bird- Tore VI, April 1904, pp. 70-71. 1904. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VI, No. 2] < Bird- Lore VI, June 1904, pp. 101-102. 1904. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VI, No. 3] < Bird- Lore VI, August 1904, pp. 136-137. 1904. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VI, Nos. 4 and 5] < Bird-Lore VI, November 1904, pp. 207-208. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 133 1904. Peck, G. D. Tlie Cal. Vulture in Douglas Co., Oregon. < Oologist XXI, April 1904, p. 55. Also mention of occurrence in Los Angeles Connty, California. 1904. Pierce, W. M. Nesting of the Dotted Canon Wren. < Oologist XXI, September 1904, p. 155. In Los Angeles County. 1904. Price, W. W. Some Winter Birds of the High Sierras < Condor VI, May 1904, pp. 70-76, 3 hftt. 1904. Ray, M. S. Spring Notes From Bay Counties. < Condor VI, September 1904, p. i;i9. Nesting of Ela?nis /nw/in/s, etc. 1904. Ray, M. S. A Fortnight on the Farallones. < Auk XXI, October 1904, pp. 425-442, pll. XXIII-XXVIII. Account of the habits and nests of the birds breeding on the Islands. 1904. Reed, C. A. North American | Birds Eggs | By | Chester A. Reed, B. S. I Author [etc., 2 lines] | Illustrating the Eggs of Nearly Every | Species of North American Birds | [design] | New York I Doubleday, Page & Company I 1904. 8vo, pp. 12-|- 1-356, numerous half-tones of eggs and nests. Includes brief original data on certain Californian species. 1904. Richardson, C. H., Jr. A Eist of Summer Birds of the Piute Mountains, California < Condor VI, September 1904, pp. 134-137. 1904. Ridgway, R. The Birds 1 of | North and Middle America: | A Descriptive Catalogue | of the | Higher Groups, [etc., 6 lines]. | By | Robert Ridgway, | Curator, Division of Birds. | — I Part III. | Family Motacillidse— The Wag- tails and Pipits. Family Corvida — The Crows and Jays. | Family Hirun- dinidae— The Swallows. Family Paridae — The Titmice. | Family Ampelid^ — The Wax wings. P'amily Sittidae — The Nuthatches. | Family Ptilogonatidae — The Silky Flycatchers. Family Certhiidae — The Creepers. | Family Dulidse — The Palm Chats. Family Troglodytidae— The Wrens. | Family Vireonidse— The Vireos. Family Cinclidee — The Dippers. | Family Eaniidae — The Shrikes. I Family Chamaeidae— The Wren-Tits. | Family Sylviidte— The Warblers. | I Washington: I Government Printing Office. 1904 [December] . == Bul- letin U. S. N. M., No. 50, Part III; 8vo, pp. i-xx, 1-SOl, pll. I-XIX. 1904. vSliarp, C. S. A Set of Abnormally Large Eggs of the Golden Eagle < Condor VI, November 1904, pp. 165-168, hft. 1904. Stephens, F. Cactus Wrens. < Condor "^T, March 1904, pp. 51-52. Of southern California: critical. 1904. Stephens, F. The Roseate Spoonbill in California < Condor \T, Septem- ber 1904, p. 139. Individual seen near San Bernardino. 134 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1904. Stone, W. On a Collection of Birds and Mammals from Mount Sanhedrin, California. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., July (^ October) 1904, pp. 576- 585; Birds, pp. 580-585. "With Field Notes by A. S. Bunnell." A scantily-annotated list of 89 birds, observed (many secured) in summer. 1904. Swarth, H. S.' The Status of the Southern California Cactus Wren < Condor VI, January 1904, pp. 17-19. 1904. Swarth, H. S. Occurrence of Scott Oriole (Icterus parisorum) in Los Angeles Co. < Condor VI, January 1904, p. 25. 1904. Towne, G. S. A Water Ouzel's Nest. [With Photo] < Condor VI, July 1904, p. 109. 1904. Wheelock, I. G. Birds of California | An Introduction | to more than Three Hundred Common | Birds of the State and Adjacent | Islands | With a Supplementary List of Rare Migrants, Accidental | Visitants, and Hypo- thetical Subspecies | By | Irene Grosvenor Wheelock | Author of "Nestlings of Forest and Marsh" | with Ten Full-page Plates and Seventy-eight Draw- ings I in the Text by Bruce Horsfall | [vignette] | Chicago | A. C. McClurg & Co. I 1904 (Published February 20, 1904); small 8vo, pp. i-xxviii, 1-578, pll. and figg. (as above). Popular biographical accounts of many species at some length. The accuracy of the book has been questioned (see Condor VI, May 1904, p. 81). 1904. Widmann, O. Yosemite Valley Birds. < Auk XXI, January 1904, pp. 66-73. Includes lists from the Yosemite, Wawona and Mariposa Grove. 1905. A[llen], J. A. Stone on Birds and Mammals from Mt. Sanhedrin, Cali- fornia. < Auk XXII, January 1905, p. 100. A brief review. 1905. A [lien], J. A. Nelson on the Names of Certain North American Birds, etc. < Auk XXII, Jtily 1905, pp. 330-331. Includes remarks on a possible Pacific Coast race of Accipiter velox. 1905. A[llen], J. A. Stephens's 'Life Areas of California.' < Auk XXII, October 1905, pp. 424-426. Extended review. 1905. Belding, L. Snow-bound. < Condor VII, May 1905, p. 82. Rallies virginianus at Summit. 1905. Belding, L. The Irrepressible Oregon Chickadee. < Condor VII, May 1905, pp. 82-83. Records of ''Parns a. occidentalism' from California probably all based on P. gambeli. 1905. Belding, L. Corrections [in regard to Za«m5 /;c;ra//5 in Cahfornia] . < Condor VII, May 1905, p. 83. 1905. Belding, L- Plegadis guarana at Stockton, Cal. < Condor VII, July 1905, p. 112. BTBLIOGRAPHY OF CAIJFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 135 1905. Belding, L. Date of Arrival of Purple Martin at vStockton, Cal. < Con- dor VII, July 1905, p. ll.v 1905. Bickford, E. h. [Christmas Bird Census at Napa] < Bird-Lore VII, February 1905,' p. 31. 1905. Bishop, L. B. Notes on a Small Collection of California Birds with De- scription of an Apparently Unrecog-nized Race of Hutton's Vireo < Condor VII, September 1905, pp. 141-143. Includes original description of I'ireo hutloni ohcrhohcyi; type from Witch Creek, .San Diego Co. Also records of Falco ric/iardsoni, Sterna hi) undo, Actodrotnas bairdi, etc. 1905. Burt, H. C. Western Red-tails. < Oologist XXII, November 1905, p. 168. Nesting near Santa Panla. 1905. Chambers, W. L. Costa Hummingbird in the Vicinity of Santa Monica. < Am. Ornithology V. May 1905, pp. 100-101, 1 hft. (of nest and eggs). 1905. Chapman. F. M. The Feeding Habits of the Northern Phalarope < Bird- Lore VII, December 1905, pp. 273-274, 2 hftt. At ]\Ionterey. 1905. Childs, J. L. California Notes < Warbler I, June 1905, pp. 43-46, 1 hft. On Golden Eagle, etc. 1905. [Childs, J. L,.] Eggs of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow {Aimophila riiji- cefs) < Warbler I, September 1905, p. 81, plate VI. The set taken by Barlow in 1902. 1905. Daggett, F. S. Falco richardsoni in Southern California. < Condor VII, May 1905, p. 82. 1905. Dean, W- F. Note on Food of Gray-crowned Eeucosticte. < Condor VII, July 1905, p. 112. 1905. Dixon, J. Dry Notes from Dry Lake < Condor \^II, September 1905, pp. 139-140. Running account of some birds in the San Bernardino Mountains. 1905. Dunn, H. H. Some Hawking Trips. < Oologist XXII, April 1905, pp. 53-56; June 1905, pp. 88-89; September 1905, pp. 138-139; November 1905, pp. 165-166. Relates to the nesting of the Western Red-tailed, Swainson, Cooper, and Desert Sparrow Hawks. 1905. Dunn. H. H. A Strange \'isitor. •< Am. Ornithology V, May 1905, pp. 101-102. Pertains to the California Bnshtit. 1905. Dunn, H. H. The California \^ilture. < Oologist XXII, August 1905, p. 118, hft. "Photo from Life." 1905. Dunn, H. H. A Query [relating to feeding habits of hummingbirds]. < Oologist XXII, September 1905, p. 140. 136 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1905. Dunn, H. H. The California Cuckoo. < Oologist XXII, November 1905, pp. 169-170. Nesting notes, probably from Los Angeles County. 1905. Dunn, H. H. The California Vulture. < Am. Ornithology V, December 1905, pp. 289-292. General popular account. 1905. Duprey, H. F. A Day in the Field with Walter E. Bryant. < Oologist XXII, September 1905, pp. 135-137. Near Santa Rosa, with mention of birds seen. 1905. Dwight, J., Jr. Plumage Wear in Its Relation to Pallid Subspecies. < Auk XXII, January 1905, pp. 34-38. Reference to certain Californian races. 1905. Emerson, W. O. Helminthophila sordida at Haywards, Cal. < Condor VII, July 1905, p. 112. 1905. Emerson, W. O. Dendroica aestiva rubiginosa at Haywards, Cal. < Con- dor VII, July 1905, p. 113. 1905. Emerson, W. O. Ctirious Situation for Nest of Ash-throated Flycatcher. < Condor VII, July 1905, p. 113. 1905. Emerson, W. O. A Bird's Roost. < Condor VII, July 1905, p. 113. 1905. Emerson, W. O. Nesting of a Hummingbird in a Barn. < Condor VII, September 1905, p. 144. 1905. Emerson, W. O. Curious Nesting Sites of Western House Wren. < Condor VII, September 1905, p. 144. 1905. Fisher, W. K. The Mockingbird at Stanford University, Cal. < Condor VII, March 1905, p. 55. 1905. Fisher, W. K. In Memoriam: Walter E. Bryant < Condor VII, Sep- tember 1905, pp. 129-131, hft. 1905. Fisher, W. K. [Reviews of Stone's paper "On a Collection of Birds and Mammals from Mount Sanhedrin, California," and Ridgway's "Birds of North and Middle America, etc. Part III."] < Condor VII, September 1905, p. 147. 1905. Gifford, E. W. Fregata aquila at San Pablo Bay, California. < Auk XXII, October 1905, p. 408. 1905. Grinnell, J. Where Does the Large-billed Sparrow Spend the Summer? < Auk XXII, January 1905, pp. 16-21. On the known range of Passerculus rostratus. 1905. Grinnell, J. Old Fort Tejon < Condor VII, January 1905, pp. 9-13. Running account of birds found there in July, 1904, followed by a nominal list of .'54 species. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 137 1905. Grinnell, J. The California Sage Sparrow < Condor VII, January 1905, pp. 18-19. Original description of .Imphispiza belli canescens, from Mount Pinos. 1905. Grinnell, J. The Flycatcher from the vSanta Barbara Islands. < Condor VII, March 1905, pp. 51-52. Contention that '' liinpidonax insulicola" is not distinguishable from Ejiipidonax difficilis. 1905. Grinnell, J. Status of the Townsend Warbler in California. < Condor VII, March 1905, pp. 52-53. 1905. Grinnell, J. Rufous-crowned Sparrow near Stanford University. < Con- der VII, March 1905, p. 53. 1905. Grinnell, J. [See Mailliard and Grinnell] 1905. Grinnell, J. The Ornithological Writings of Walter E. Bryant < Con- dor VII, September 1905, pp. 131-132. 1905. Grinnell, J. Summer Birds of Mount Pinos, California. < Auk XXII, October 1905, pp. 378-391. Seventy-three species listed, with notes on local distribution and haljits; critical remarks on Passerella stephensi. 1905. Grinnell, J. The Pacific Nighthawk < Condor VII, November 1905, p. 170. Original description of Chordeiles virginianiis hesperis; type from the San Bernardino Mountains. 1905. Howard, O. W. [Photo of Nest and Eggs of Western Gull, taken on Santa Barbara Island] < Warbler I, December 1905, p. 126. 1905. Hunter, J. S. Double Nest of Arkansas Kingbird. < Condor \TI, March 1905, p. 53. 1905. Jewett, S. G. Nesting of the Dotted Canon Wren in Alameda County, California. < Oologist XXII, August 1905, pp. 122-123. 1905. Judd, S. D. The Bobwhite and Other Quails of the United States in their Economic Relations ^= U. S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Biologi- cal Survey — Bulletin No. 21 1905; pp. l-()6, colored frontispiece, 1 pi., 10 figg. Includes a study of the food habits of Lophorly.v californicus and Oreorty.v pictiis. 1905. Jtidd, S. D. The Grouse and Wild Turkeys of the United States, and their Economic Value = U. S. Department of Agriculture Biological Survey — Bulletin No. 24 1905; pp. 1-55, 2 pll. The grouse inhabiting California are given scarcely more than nominal mention. 1905. Keyes, C. R. Some Bird Notes from the Central Sierras < Condor \\\, January 1905, pp. 13-17; March 1905, pp. 42-43. Extended accounts of the nesting habits of several species. 1905. Lewis, J. B. Co-operative Nest Building. < Oologist XXII, November 1905, p. 168. Relates to English Sparrow. 138 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1905. Mailliard, J. Orange-crowned Warbler taken at San Luis Obispo, Cal. < Condor VII, March 1905, p. 55. 1905. Mailliard, J., and Grinnell, J. Midwinter Birds on the Mojave Desert < Condor VII, May 1905, pp. 71-77, 2 hftt.; July 1905, pp. 101-102. Results of ten days' collecting on the jMojave River near Victorville; annotated list of 72 species, among which records of .-^w/^fe^arrw/z/^ and Helininthophila c. celaia are oi particular note. 1905. Mailliard, J. San Geronimo Notes. < Condor VII, May 1905, p. 82. 1905. Mailliard, J. Calamospiza melanocorys Seen in Santa Barbara. < Condor VII, September 1905, pp. 143-144. 1905. Mailliard, J. Birds Drinking. < Condor VII, November 1905, pp. 179- 180, 1 hft. 1905. Marsden, H. W. Aerial Battle of Red-tailed Hawks, Buteo borealis cal- urus. < Condor VII, March 1905, p. 53. 1905. McAtee, W. L. The Horned Larks and their Relation to Agriculture =^ U. S. Department of Agriculture Biological Survey — Bulletin No. 23 1905; pp. 1-37, 2 pll., 13 figg. Food habits of Otocoris alpestris actia (p. 30). 1905. Myers, H. W. Los Angeles Bird Visitors < Bird-Lore VII, December 1905, pp. 281-282. 1905. Oberholser, H. C. The Forms of rtwy/Zrvvw rrA//^M Say). < Auk XXII, July 1905, pp. 242-247. Critical: Helminthophila celata and races. 1905. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VI, No. 6] < Bird- Lore VII, April 1905, p. 146. 1905. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VII, Nos. 1 and 2] < Bird-Lore VII, June 1905, p. 180. 1905. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VII, Nos. 3 and 4] < Bird-Lore VII, October 1905, pp. 246-247. 1905. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VII, No. 5] < Bird- Lore VII, December 1905, pp. 284-285. 1905. Ray, M. S. A Third Trip to the High Sierras. < Auk XXII, October 1905, pp. 363-371. Pertains in particular to the nesting of several species, and local distribution. 1905. Richardson, C. H., Jr. Colaptes aurattis luteus in Los Angeles County, Cal. < Condor VII, March 1905, p. 53. 1905. Rooney, R. F. [et al.] Robin Notes. < Condor VII, May 1905, p. 83. Winter occurrence at several localities. 1905. Sharp, C. S. More Green Leaves in Nests. < Oologist XXII, March 1905, pp. 43-44. Relates to nests of Red-bellied Hawk. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORMTIIOLOGY 139 1905. Snyder, W. E. Another Deformed Bill. < Auk XXII, January 1905, p. 83. Of Passer dowesiicus taken at San Jose. 1905. Swarth, H. S. Atratus versus Megalonyx < Condor VII, November 1905, pp. 171-174, 1 text fig. (a map). Critical: Pipilo macula/ us atratus is decided to be not separable from P. >n. megalonyx. 1905. Stephens, F. L,ife Areas of California - Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. I, 1905, pp. 1-8, map. A discussion of life zones and faunal areas. Seventeen of the latter are characterized ac- cording to their birds (named in the vernacular) as well as their mammals and trees. 1905. Taylor, H. R. The Alameda Song Sparrow < Warbler I, March 1905 p. 19, 1 hft. Nesting near Alameda. 1905. Taylor, H. R. The Nest and Eggs of the Vaux Swift. < Condor VII, November 1905, pp. 177, 179, fig. From Humboldt County. 1905. Vrooman, A. G. Discovery of a Second Egg of the Black Swift. < Con- dor VII, November 1905, pp. 176-177. Nesting of Cypseloides niger borealis near Santa Cruz. 1905. Wayne, A. T. The California Partridge 'yCallipcpla califoniica) in Eos Angeles County, California. < Auk XXII, October 1905, p. 410. Misidentification of the ordinary Valley Partridge {Lophortyx c. vallicola) . 1905. Wayne, A. T. The Black-fronted Warbler {Deudroica aiidiihoni nig- rifrons) in Southern California. < Auk XXII, October 1905, p. 419. Misidentification of the ordinary Dendroica auduboui auduboni. 1905. Wheelock, Irene G. Regurgitative Feeding of Nestlings. < Auk XXII, January 1905, pp. 54-71. Several instances from California. 1905. Williams, J. J. Notes on the Eewis Woodpecker. < Condor \"II, March 1905, p. 56. 1906. Anthony, A. W. Random Notes on Pacific Coast Gulls. < Auk XXIII, April 1906, pp. 129-137. Narrative of habits and behavior of many species. 1906. Anthony, A. W. Where Does the Earge-billed Sparrow Spend the Sum- mer ? < Atik XXIII, April 1906, pp. 149-152. Comes to no definite conclusion, tho possibilities are discust. 1906. Bishop, E. B. Notes on Some California Birds. < Condor \'III, January 1906, p. 29. Puffinus griseus, etc. 1906. Bishop, E. B. Results of a Gale at Pacific Beach. < Condor \'III, May 1906, p. 75. Includes record of I.arus canus, ^, November 30, 190.5. 140 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1906. Bolander, I^. The Nuttall Sparrow Around San Francisco < Condor VIII, May 1906, pp. 73-74. 1906. Bolander, h- Whistling Swans. < Condor VIII, May 1906, p. 75. In Sonoma County. 1906. Brown, H. The Water Turkey and Tree Ducks near Tucson, Arizona. < Auk XXIII, April 1906, pp. 217-218. Fulvous Tree Duck noted from "the California ilesert. " 1906. Carpenter, N. A small egg. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 57. Of Calypte coster. 1906. Chamberlin, W. J. [Coiumunication in regard to nesting time of Killdeer] < Oologist XXIII, April 1906, p. 58. 1906. Chamberlin, W. J. Western Black Phoebe. < Oologist XXIII, August 1906, p. 124. Nesting habits. 1906. C[hilds], J. L- Eggs of the Santa Barbara Flycatcher {Empido)iax in- sulicola) < Warbler II, June 1906, p. 3.3, (colored) plate II, fig. 1. From Catalina Island: ^= Empidoiiax difficilis. 1906. [Childs, J. L.] Eggs of the Salt Marsh Yellow-Throat { Gcothlypis trichas siuiiosa) < W^arbler II, September 1906, p. 49, plate (colored) III, fig. 2. 1906. [Childs, J. I^.] Ornithological Collection of John Lewis Childs, Floral Park, N. Y. < Warbler II, December 1906, pp. 66-106. Many birds' skins and eggs from "Cal. " 1906. Cooke, W. W. Distribution and Migration of North American Ducks, Geese, and Swans = U. S. Department of Agrictilture Biological Survey — Bulletin No. 26 1906, pp. 1-90. Brief references to occurrence of certain species in California. 1906. Craigmile, E. Augtist at Lake Tahoe. < Wilson Bulletin XVIII, March 1906, pp. 11-12. Includes list in the vernacular of birds noted. 1906. Craigmile, E. Common Birds of Whittier, California. < Wilson Bulletin XVIII, September 1906, pp. 83-87. Includes an extended list, the authenticity of which has been questioned. (See review in Condor WW, November 1906, p. 1,56.) 1906. Dixon, J. Land Birds of San Onofre, California < Condor VIII, July 1906, pp. 91-98. Includes an extended account of the nesting of the Western Red-tailed Hawk, and ends with a list of 63 species of birds. 1906. Dunn, H. H. Some Interesting Homes. < Am. Ornithology VI, January 1906, pp. 17-20, 3 hftt. Nesting places of Valley Partridge, Pacific Horned Owl and Short-eared Owl near Los Angeles, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 141 1906. Dunn, H. H. The Mexican Horned I^ark. < Oologist XXIII, February 1906, pp. 22-23. Habits in southern California. 1906. Dunn, H. H. The Cahfornia Bush-Tit ( Fhaltripanis minimus califor- nicHs) < Warbler 11, March 1906, pp. 29-32. Habits, etc. 1906. Dunn, H. H. Among the Hills of California. < Oologist XXIII, May 1906, pp. 69-73. Cursory account of a bird-nesting ramble. 1906. Dunn, H. H. California's Two Orioles. < Oologist XXIII, June 1906, pp. 85-86. The Bullock and Arizona Hooded Orioles near Los Angeles. 1906. Dunn, H. H. The House Finch. < Oologist XXIII, July 1906, pp. 105-106. Habits in southern California. 1906. Dunn, H. H. The Gnatcatchers of Southern California < Warbler II, September 1906, pp. 60-61. Brief general account. 1906. Dunn, H. H. Western Lark Sparrow. < Oologist XXIII, November 1906, pp. 169-170. Nesting habits near Los Angeles. 1906. Duprey, H. F. Brandt's Cormorant. < OologLst XXIII, January 1906, pp. 9-12. Nesting at Bodega Bay. 1906. Duprey, H. F. [Bird Notes] From Santa Rosa. < Oologist XXIII, July 1906, pp. 101-103. 1906. Emerson, W. O. Red Phase of the California Screech Owl? < Condor Vni, January 1906, p. 29. (5, Haywards, Dec. 15, 1882: possibly an example of Oli/s asio kennicotti. 1906. Emerson, W. O. The Habits of a Mockingbird < Condor VIII, March 1906, pp. 51-52, 1 hft. At Haywards in winter. 1906. Emerson, W. O. Oceanodroma leucorhoa and Its Relatives on the Pacific Coast < Condor \TII, March 1906, pp. 53-55. Critical. 1906. Finley, W. L- The Golden Eagle < Condor VIII, January 1906, pp. 5- 11, 6 hftt. (by H. T. Bohlman). Nesting habits in Santa Clara County. 1906. Finley, W. L. Herons at Home < Condor \'III, March 1906, pp. 35-40, 4 hftt. (by H. T. Bohlman). Habits of Great Blue and Hlack-crowned -Night Herons, as nesting south of San Fran- cisco Bay. 142 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1906. Finley, W. h- The Barn Owl and Its Economic Value < Condor VIII. July 1906, pp. 82-88, 6 hftt. From observations made in the San Francisco Bay region. 1906. Finley, W. I^. Life History of the California Condor. Part I.— Finding a Condor's Nest < Condor VIII, November 1906, pp. 134-142, 9 hftt. (by H. T. Bohlman). 1906. Fisher, A. K. and W. K. [Christmas Bird Census at Palo Alto] < Bird- Lore VIII, February 1906, p. 24. 1906. Fisher, W. K. An Acorn Store-house of the California Woodpecker < Condor VIII, September 1906, p. 107, hft. (frontispiece, p. 106). At Stanford University, California. 1906. Fisher, \V. K. Tame Wild Geese < Bird-Lore VIII, December 1906, pp. 193-195, 5 hftt. In Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. 1906. Gallaher, W. A Novel Find. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 57. A Condor's egg in Ventura County. 1906. Grinnell, J. The Wood Duck in Southern California. < Condor VIII, January 1906, p. 29. 5 taken at Oxnard, Ventura County. 1906. Grinnell, J. Pacific Kittiwake in Southern California. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 57. 1906. Grinnell, J. Foolish Introduction of P'oreign Birds. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 58. A Chaffinch {Fringilla arlebs) taken at Monterey. 1906. Grinnell, J. The Status of the "San Francisco Titmouse." < Auk XXIII, April 1906, pp. 186-188. Bcsolophus inornatus ''restrictus" argued to be not distinct from B. i. inornatus. 1906. Grinnell, J. Questionable Records. < Auk XXIII, April 1906, pp. 229- 231. In regard to Wayne's records of California Partridge and Black-fronted Warbler in Los Angeles County. 1906. Grinnell, J. The Empidonax From Santa Catalina Island. < Condor VIII, May 1906, p. 74. Evidence as to the untenability of E. "'insulicola" as distinct from E. difficilis. 1906. G[rinnell]., J. Stone and Rhoads "On a Collection of Birds and Mam- mals from the Colorado Delta, Lower California." < Condor VIII, May 1906, p. 78. Brief review^. 1906. Grinnell, J. Nesting of the Gray Flycatcher in California < Warbler II June 1906, pp. 34-39, 1 hft., (colored) plate II, fig. II. Empidonax griseus in the San Bernardino Mountains. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORXITHOLOGY 143 1906. Grinnell, J. The Catalina Island Quail. < Auk XXIII, July 1906, pp. 262-265. Original description of Lophortyx catalinensis. 1906. Grinnell, J. The Oberholser Vireo < Condor VIII, November 1906, pp. 148-149. Status and neslinj;-, in San Diego County, of / 'irco huttoni oberholseri Bishop. 1906. GErinnell]., J. Why Should It Have Been Printed? < Condor VIII, No- vember 1906, pp. 156-157. Review of "Common Birds of Whittier, California." 1906. Head, A. The Note of the Golden-crowned Sparrow. < Condor VIII, September 1906, p. 130, 2 bans music. 1906. Head, A. Observations on the Notes and Ways of Two Western Vireos < Condor VIII, November 1906, pp. 149-150. Vireo gilvus sivainsoni and Vireo solitarius cassini. 1906. Howard, O. W. Nesting of the Dusky Warbler {Helminthophila celata sordida) < Warbler II, March 1906, pp. 8-10, (colored) plate I, fig. II (eggs). On San Clemente Island. 1906. Howard, O. W. The English Sparrow in the Southwest < Condor VIII, May 1906, pp. 67-68. As far south as Tehachapi in 1903. 1906. Jenkins, H. O. Variation in the Hairy Woodpecker {Dryohaies rillosiis and Subspecies ) . < Auk XXIII, April 1906, pp. 161-171, map and figures. Includes the California forms. 1906. Jenkins, H. O. A List of Birds Collected Between Monterey and San Simeon in the Coast Range of California < Condor VIII, September 1906, pp. 122-l,'iO, 1 map. A faunal list of 67 species with technical annotations. 1906. Kaeding, G. ly. New Bird for Amador County. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 57. Roadrunner. 1906. Law, J. E. [Secretary's Report, So. Div. Cooper Club.] < Condor VIII, November 1906, p. 157. jNIention of birds seen at Newhall. 1906. Mailliard, J. Buteo albicaudatus sennetti seen in San Francisco, Cal. < Condor \TII, January 1906, p. 29. The author has orally exprest to me his doubt as to this identity. 1906. Mailliard, J. Summer Notes From a Santa Barbara ' Garden < Condor VIII, March 1906, pp. 45-50, 5 hftt. Running popular account, with photos of several species. 144 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1906. Oberholser, H. C. The North American Eagles and their Economic Rela- tions = U. S. Department of iVgriculture Biological Survey — Bulletin No. 27, pp. 1-31, 2 pll., 2 figg. Includes the Golden and Bald Eagles as occurring in California. 1906. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VII, No. 6] < Bird- Lore VIII, February 1906, p. 31. 1906. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VIII, Nos. 1 and 2] < Bird-Lore VIII, June 1906, p. 106. 1906. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VIII, No. 3] < Bird- Lore VIII, August 1906, p. 140. 1906. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VIII, No. 4] < Bird- Lore VIII, October 1906, pp. 176-177. 1906. P[almer], T. S. [Review of] The Condor. [Vol. VIII, No. 5] < Bird- Lore VIII, December 1906, p. 215. 1906. Pierce, W. M. The Bell Sparrow < Condor VIII, November 1906, pp. 152-153. Nesting at Claremont. 1906. Ray, M. S. Summer Birds of San Francisco County, California < Con- dor VIII, March 1906, pp. 42-44. Annotated list of 44 species. 1906. Ray, M. S. A-Birding in an Auto. < Auk XXIII, October 1906, pp. 400-418. Includes an annotated list of 111 species observed in the vicinity of iMonterey, thru the vSan Joaquin Valley and south to Los Angeles. 1906. Richardson, C. H., Jr. Birds Whose Notes Are Imitated by the Western Mockingbird. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 56. 1906. Richardson, C. H., Jr. Cannibalism in Owls. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 57. 1906. Richardson, C. H., Jr. A Correction. < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 57. In regard to Oreospiza chloriira. 1906. Ridgway, R. "Atratus versus Megalonyx" < Condor VIII, March 1906, p. 53. Critical: Pipilo »iaculatus tiiegalonyx. 1906. Ridgway, R. "Atratus versus Megalonyx" < Condor VIII, July 1906, p. 100. Critical: Concedes that Pipilo in. atratus is a synonym of P. in. megalonyx. 1906. Sharp, C. S. Unusual Breeding Records at Escondido. < Condor VIII, May 1906, p. 75. Wilsonia pusilla chryseola, Ainphispiza belli, and Empido7ia.\- trailli\ also Aix sponsa from Ramona BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 145 1906. Sharp, C. S. Nesting of the Red-bellied Hawk < Condor VIII, Novem- ber 1906, pp. 144-148, 2 hftt. At Kscondido. 1906. Stephens, K. Scott Orioles at San Diego. < Condor VIII, Septem- ber 1906, p. loO. 1906. Stephens, K. Some Items in the Diet of California Shrikes. < Con- dor VIII, September 1906, p. 130. 1906. Triiesdale, F. The Prairie Falcon in California. < Oologist XXIII, May 1906, pp. 73-74. Nesting. 1006. Willett, G. The Southern California Clapper Rail Breeding on Fresh Water < Condor VIII, November 1906, p. 151. Rallus levipes at Nigger Sloiigh, Los Angeles County. 1907. Adams, E. Notes from Placer County, California. < Condor IX, Janu- ary 1907, pp. 27, 28. On Robins, Quail, etc. 1907. Bailey, Florence M. White-throated Swifts at Capistrano < Condor IX, November 1907, pp. 169-172, 2 hftt. 1907. Bangs, O. [See Thayer and Bangs] 1907. Beal, F. E. L. Birds of California | in Relation to the | Fruit Industry | Part I (= U. S. Department of Agriculture, Biological Survey— Bulletin No. 30). November 1907, pp. 1-100, pll. I-V. This is the most important economic treatis on California birds yet publisht. The fol- lowing species are dealt with: House Finch, Western Tanager, three species of Swallows, California Shrike, three species of Vireos, seven of Warblers, Western Mockingbird, Cali- fornia Thrasher, five species of Wrens, California Creeper, five species of Nuthatches and Titmice, two of Kinglets, Gnatcatchers and Thrushes, Western Robin and Western Blue- bird. 1907. Beck, R. H. Monterey Bay Notes. < Condor IX, March 1907, p. 58. On certain seabirds. 1907. Bolander, Eouis. Birds Observed from Marysville to Grass \'alley < Con- dor IX, January 1907, pp. 22-27. A running account of manj- species with particular regard to nesting. 1907. Brewster, W. Notes on the Black Rail of California. < Auk XXI\', April 1907, pp. 205-210. The name Porzana Jamaicensis cotiirniculiis applied to all Black Rails of the west coast. 1907. Brown, H. Where Does the Western Boundary Line Run for the Arizona Quail? < Condor IX, July 1907, p. 109. 1907. Carpenter, N. A Season with the Pacific Horned Owl < Condor IX January 1907, pp. 20-22. Nesting habits in San Diego County. 146 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. 5 1907. Carpenter, N. K. The Rufous-crowned Sparrow in San Diego County, California < Condor IX, September 1907, pp. 158-159, 1 lift. Nesting near Escondido. 1907. Carpenter, N. K. Concerning a Few Abnormally Marked Eggs. < Condor IX, November 1907, pp. 198-199. 1907. Carriger, H. W., and Pemberton, J. R. Nesting of the Pine Siskin in California < Condor IX, January 1907, pp. 18, 19, 2 hftt. In San jMateo and San Francisco Counties. 1907. Chapman, F. M. The Warblers | of | North America | By | Frank M. Chapman I with the Cooperation of Other Ornithologists | with twenty-four full-page colored plates, illustrating | every species, from drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes | and Bruce Horsfall, and half-tones | of nests and eggs | [vignette] 1 New York | D. Appleton & Company | 1907. 8vo, pp. i-ix, 1- 306, 24 colored plates, 12 half-tone plates. (Our copy received April 5, 1907.) Includes original biographical accounts of California species as contributed by W. K. Fisher. 1907. [Childs, J. L.] Eggs of the Santa Catalina Partridge {Lophortyx cata- linensis Grinnell) < Warbler III, [November] 1907, p. 1, colored plate. 1907. D'Evelyn, F. W. Slaughter of Blue Jays < Condor IX, March 1907, pp. 62-63. By sportsmen. 1907. D'Evelyn, F. W. A Prize Bird Diary < Condor IX, September 1907, p. 166. Relates to observ^ations of school children. 1907. Dixon, J. B. "A Day's Collecting" [near Escondido]. < Oologist XXIV, April 1907, pp. 58-60. Accounts of nesting of many species. 1907. Dunn, H. H. Brewer's Blackbird. < Oologist XXIV, April 1907, pp. 55-57. Nesting habits in Los Angeles County. 1907. Duprey, H. F. Nesting of the Bi-Colored Blackbird < Condor IX, Sep- tember 1907, pp. 149-151, 1 hft. Near vSanta Rosa. 1907. Duprey, H. F. Passer domesticus. < Condor IX, November 1907, p. 199. Habits at Santa Rosa. 1907. Emerson, W. O. Pufhnus creatopus in Alameda County, California. < Condor IX, March 1907, p. 60. 1907. Finley, W. L. Among the Pelicans < Condor IX, March 1907, pp. 35- 41, 8 hftt. Pelecanus californicus at Santa Monica, and the habits of P. erythrorhynchos on Tule Lake. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY 147 1907. Finley, W. L. English Sparrow Notes < Condor IX, July 1907, pp. 108-109, 1 hft. 1907. Fisher, W. K. A Forgotten Reference to the Natural History of California < Condor IX, March 1907, pp. 57-58. Cites Farnum, 1852. 1907. Fisher, W. K. Gulls as Scavengers < Condor IX, May 1907, pp. 91-92, 1 hft. At Monterey. 1907. Oilman, M. F. Migration and Nesting of the Sage Thrasher < Condor IX, March 1907, pp. 42-44. Notes on distribution in southeastern California. 1907. Gilman, M. F. Measuring a Condor < Condor IX, July 1907, pp. 106- 108. Former distribvition of Gyninogyps in southern California. 1907. Gilman, M. F. The Gambel Partridge in California < Condor IX, Sep- tember 1907, pp. 148-149. Account of its range. 1907. Godman, F. duC. A | Monograph | of the | Petrels | (Order Tubinares) | By I F. du Cane Godman |D.C.L. F. R. S. President of the British | Ornithologists' Union etc. etc. | With Hand-coloured Plates | by J. G. Keule- mans | In Five Parts | Part I. | Witherby & Co. | 326 High Holborn London | December 1907. Large 4to, pp. 1-68, pll. 1-19+5 a ( = 20). Treats technically of our species of Oceanodroma, quoting also much biographical matter. 1907. Grinnell, J. The Alaska Water-thrush in California. < Condor IX, Janu- ary 1907, p. 28. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis in the San Bernardino Mountains as a migrant. 1907. Grinnell, J. The California Distribution of the Roadrunner {Geococcyx californiauus) < Condor IX, March 1907, pp. 51-53, map, 1 cut. 1907. Grinnell, J. Nesting of the Sierra Creeper. < Condor IX, March 1907, p. 59. In the San Bernardino Mountains. 1907. G[rinnell], J. [Review of The Warbler, Vols. I and II, 1905 and 1906, with special attention to its western articles] < Condor IX, July 1907, pp. 115-116. 1907. Hanna, W. C. Notes From Colton, California. < Condor IX, Novem- ber 1907, p. 198. On Quail's nest, etc. 1907. Keeler, C. Bird Notes Afield | Essays on the Birds | of the Pacific Coast with a I Field Check List | By | Charles Keeler | Illustrated with | Reproduc- tions I of Photographs | [vignette] | Paul Elder and Company | San Francisco and New York [April, 1907]; 12 mo, frontispiece, pp. i-ix, 1-226, 16 hft. pll. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with photos by Finley and Hohlman. 148 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 1907. Law, J. E. The English Sparrow in I^os Angeles County. < Condor IX, January 1907, p. 28. At Newhall. 1907. Linton, C. B. Another Record of the Alaska Water-thrush in California. < Condor IX, March 1907, p. 60. 1907. Linton, C. B. The Horned Grebe in Southern California. < Condor IX, July 1907, p. 110. 1907. Linton, C. B. The Mew Gull in Southern California. < Condor IX, July 1907, p. 110. Not Lams canus, but Rissa tridactyla pollicaris (see Condor IX, Nov. 1907, 199) . 1907. Linton, C. B. Mexican Black Hawk in California. < Condor IX, July 1907, p. 110. Error: not L 'rubiiinga aiitliyixcina but Buteo abbreviatiis (See Condor X, July 1908, 181) . 1907. Linton, C. B. Correction. < Condor IX, November 1907, p. 199. "IMew Gull" = Rissa tridactyla pollicaris. 1907. Mailliard, J. Another New Record for Marin County, California. < Con- dor IX, January 1907, p. 28. Xanthoccphalus xanthocephalus. 1907. Marsden, H. W. Feeding Habits of the Lewis Woodpecker. < Condor IX, January 1907, p. 27. In vSan Diego Count}'. 1907. Mearns, E. A. Mammals of the Mexican Boundary | of the United States | A Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Mam- | mals Occurring in that Re- gion; with a I General Summary of the Natural | History, and a List of Trees | By I Edgar Alexander Mearns, M. D. | Major and Surgeon, U. S. Army | I Part I I Families Didelphiidse to Muridae | [vignette] | Washington | Gov- ernment Printing Office | 1907 = Smithsonian Institution | United States National Museum | Bulletin 56 (published April 13, 1907 ); 8vo, pp. i-xv, 1-530, pll. I-XIII, 126 text figg. On pages 141 to 142 are lists of birds from San Cleniente Island. 1907. Myers, H. W. Nesting Ways of the Western Gnatcatcher < Condor IX, March 1907, pp. 48-51. As observed in Los Angeles Count}'. 1907. Myers, H. W. Nesting Habits of Phainopepla nitens < Condor IX, July 1907, pp. 101-103. Near Los Angeles. 1907. Pierce, W. M. Experiences with the Dotted Canyon Wren < Condor IX, January 1907, pp. 16-17. In the San Gabriel Moimtains near Clareniont, California. 1907. Pierce, W. M. Notes on the Pallid Wren-Tit < Condor IX, Septem- ber 1907, pp. 151-152. Near Clareniont. r.IP.I.loC.RAPIlV ()!■ CAl.II-ORXIA ()R.\ ITIIOI.OC, V 149 1907. Ray, M. S. From Boulder to the Sea < Condor IX, November 1907, pp. 173-176, 3 hftt. Accounts of several birds in vSanta Cruz County. 1907. Ridgway, R. The Birds | of | North and Middle America: | A Descriptive Catalogue | of the | Higher Groups, [etc., 6 lines]. | By Robert Ridgway | Curator, Division of Birds. | — | Part IV. | Family Turdidie— Thrushes. Family Alaudid^ie — Larks. | Family Zeledoniidae — Wren-Thrushes. Family Oxyruncidae — Sharp-bills. | Family Mimidae — Mockingbirds. Family Tyran- nidae — Tyrant Flycatchers. | Family Sturnid^e — Starlings. Family Pipridae — Manakins. | Family Ploceidae — Weaver Birds. Family Cotingidae — Chatterers. I I Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1907 [copy received August 24]. = Bulletin U. S. N. M., No. 50, Part IV, 8vo, pp. i-xxii, 1-974, pll. I-XXXIV. 1907. Rogers, -R. Band-tailed Pigeons at Santa Barbara. < Condor IX, Janu- ary 1907, p. 28. 1907. Sharp, C. S. The Breeding Birds of Escondido < Condor IX, May 1907, pp. 84-91. An annotated list of 96 species. 1907. Sharp, C. S. The Condor Fifty Years Ago < Condor IX, September 1907, pp. 160-161. Ouotation from Brewer's "North American Oology. " 1907. Sheldon, H. H. A Bit Too Previous. < Condor IX, July 1907, p. 111. Relates to nesting of Calypte anna in Marin County. 1907. Sheldon, H. H. A Collecting Trip by Wagon to F:agle Lake, Sierra Nevada Mountains < Condor IX, November 1907, pp. 185-191. Includes a briefly-annotated list of 91 species of birds. 1907. Smith, A. P. Gray-headed Junco in the Cuyamaca Mountains, California. < Condor IX, November 1907, p. 199. Junco caniceps at Julian. 1907. Taylor, H. R. A Notable Sparrow's Nest. < Condor IX, January 1907, p. 28. Passer domes/icns at Alameda. 1907. Thayer, J. E., and Bangs, O. Another Hybrid Hummingbird — Sc/as- phonis nifiis + Att/iis calliope — from California. < Auk XXI\\ July 1907, pp. .M 2-313. .Vlso remarks on "Selasphorus Jloresii" and "Trochilus violajugiiliDii. " 191)7. Torrey, B. The \'ermilion Flycatcher at Santa Barbara. < Condor IX, July 1907, p. 109. 1907. Truesdale, F. A Triji to Cholame, California. ^. Oologist XXI\', June l'^()7, pp. S9-90. Notes on eggs of certain species. 1907. Tyler, J. G. A Colony of Tri-colored Blackbirds < Condor IX, Novem- ber 1907, pp. 177-17.S. Nesting near Fresno. 150 INDEX TO AUTHORS XoTE. By the use of this Index the year or years of publication of the writings of any author may be ascertained. A bibliography of each author, as far as California is concerned, is thus easily shown by referring to the specified years in the main Bibliography, where authors are listed alphabetically under each year. 1.S7S, -V'OO, Adams, Ernest, 1897-1900, 1903, 1907 Allen, Charles Andrew, 1S75, 1876, 1880-1882 Allen, Joel Asaph, 1871, 1876-1881, 188,3, 1887, 1888, 1891-189.S, 1S9(,-190,t Anderson, C. L., 1892 Anderson, Malcolm Playfair, 190,3 Anthony, Alfred Webster, 1889-1891, 189.3 1906 American Ornithologists' Union Committee (on Nomenclature), 1889-189.5, 1897, 1899, 1901-1903 Arnold, Ralph, 1895, 1898 Atherton, Frank I., 1895 Atkinson, William Leroy, 18'M, 18')5, 1S9')- 1901 Audubon, John James, 1831- 1844 Badger, George Bergen, 1894 Bagg, S., 1894 Bailey, Florence Merriam, 1902-1904, 1907 Bailey, Harry Balch, 1878 Bailey, Henry French, 1902 Bailey, Vernon, 1900, 1902 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 185,3, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1864, 1870, 1874, 1884 Ball, Forrest, 1885 Bangs, Outran!, 1899, 1900, 1907 Barlow, Chester, 1892-1902 Barlow, T. E., 1888 Barnhart, F. S., 1901 Barrows, Walter Bradford, 1889, 1895 Bartch, Paul, 1900 Batchelder, Charles Foster, 1889, 1891, 1892 Beal, Foster F^llenborough Lascelles, 18'>7, 1900, 1904, 1907 Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, 1882 Beck, Rollo Howard, 1893, 189,5-1901, 1907 Belding, Lyman, 1878, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1889- 1893, 1896, 1898-1901, 1903-1905 Bell, H. W., 1890 Bendire, Charles Emil, 1887-1889, 1892, 1895 Bickford, E. L., 1904, 1905 Bishop, Louis Bennett, 1900, 1905, 1906 Blaisdell, Frank Ellsworth, 1886, 1893 Blake, Eli Whitney, Jr., 1887, 1897 Bliss, W. D., 1893 Bolander, Louis, 1906, 1907 Bolle, C, 1857 Bonaparte, Charles Lucian, 1850, 1853 Breninger, (ieorge Frank, 1895, 1898, 1899, 1903, 1904 Brewer, Thomas Mayo, 18,56, 18,57, 1874, 1878- 1880, 1884 Brewster, William, 1877-1879, 18S1-1883, 1887, 1889, 1902, 1907 Brokaw, Louis W., 1893, 1895, 1898 Browne, Francis Charles, 1891 Brown, Herbert, l'H>4, 1906, 1907 Bruce, Robert E., 1900 Bryan, Mollie, 1900-1902 Bryant, Henry, 1861 Bryant, Walter M ( ^Pierce), 1880, 1884-1894 Burns, Franklin Lorenzo, 1895, 1900 Burres, W. A. , 1893 Burt, H. C. , 1905 Burton, Estelle B., 1900 Butterfield, A. I)., 1883, 1884 Calderwood, A., Jr., 1889 Canfield, C. S., 1869 Carpenter, Xelson, 1901-190,3, 1906, 1907 Carriger, Henry Ward, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1907 Cassin, John, 18,50-1853, 1855, 1856, 1858, 1862, 1863, 1865 Chalker, J. R., l.S,S6-1888, 1893 Chamberlin, Corydon, 1893-1895, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902 Chamberlin, George D., 1890 Chamberlin, Willard Joseph, 1906 Chambers, V. T., 1876 Chambers, William Lee, 1895, 1901-1905 Chandler, R. P., 1884 Chapman, Frank Michler, 1888, 1895-1898, 1900-1905, 1907 Childs, John Lewis, 1905-1907 Clark, Frank Charles, 1901, 1903 Coale, Henry Kelso, 1887 Cohen, Donald Atherton, 189,3-1903 Cook, Albert John, 1896 Cooke, Wells Woodbridge, 1904, 1906 Cooper, James Graham, 1859-1861, 1865, 1868- 1871, 1874-1878, 1880, 1886, 1887, 1890, 1891 Cooper, William A., 1878, 1879 Coues, Elliott, 1862, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1872, 1874, 1877-1879, 1887, 1903 Craigmile, Esther, 1906 Crowell, Cora Malvina, 1881, 1882 Cummings, Claude, 1898 IXDEX TO AUTHORS 151 Daggett, Frank Slater, 1S98-1905 Daniel, John Warwick, Jr., 1900 Davie, Oliver, 1885, 1889, 1898 Davis, Evan, 1894, 1897 Dawson, William Leon, 1900 Dean, William Franklin, 1904, 1905 Deane, Rutliven, 1S79, 1880 Denton, S. W., 1884 Des ]\Iurs, O., 1855 D'Evelyn, Frederick William, 1907 Dixon, James Benjamin, 1902, l')()7 Dixon, Joseph, 1905, 190G Dodge, II. H., 1892, 189.? Dodge, IM. L., 1897 Douglas, David, 1829, 1830 Dunn, Harry H., 1897-1907 Duprey, Henry Frederick, 1902, 1905-1907 Dwight, Jonathan, Jr., 1890, 1896, 1900, 1902, r»04, 1905 Eckstonn, Fanny Hardy, 1901 Edmiston, J. L., 1885 Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 1877, 1879, 1895, 1897, 1898 Emerson, William Otto, 1881-1891, 189.M'»07 Estey, Thomas H., 1875, 1876 Evans, Sauuiel C, 1887, 18SS Evermann, Barton Warren, 1881, 1882, 1886 Farnham, T. J., 1852 Feilner, John, 1865 Feudge, John B., 190.5 Finley, William Lovell, 1906, 1907 Fisher, Albert Kenrick, 1893, 1898, 1901, 1906 Fisher, Walter Kenrick, 1900-1907 Fiske, E. H., 1884, 188.5, 1891, 1892 Flint, William C, 1884 Ford, F., 1894 Ford, H. C, 1897 Fyfe, Claude, 1895-1897 Gadow, Hans, 1883 Gallaher, William, 1906 Gambel, William, 1S13, 1845-1847, 1850 Gault, Benjamin True. 1885, 1.S87 Gaylord, Horace Amidon, 1895, 1896, 189.S, ls'/> Gedney, P. L., 1900 Gentry, Thomas George, 1882 Gifford, Edward Winslow, 19o5 Gilman, Marshall French, 1902-1904, 19o7 (iilman, Philip Kingsworth, 1894 Godman, Frederick du Cane, 1907 Goss, Nathaniel Stickney, 188.i-18,s5 Gould. John, 18,57 Grant, G. H., 1878 Grayson, Andrew Jackson, 1.S56, 1S57 (Vrinnell, Elizabeth, 1903, l'«)4 Grinnell, Joseph, 189.3-1895, 18<)7-1907 Gruber, Ferdinand, 1860 Gunn, Charles W., 1885 Gurney, John Henry, 1851 Hall, Harvey Monroe, 1890, 1892-1894 Hanna, Wilson Creal, 1902, 1907 Hargitt, Edward, 1890 Hartert, Ernst, 1892, 1897, 1900 Harvey, E. A., 1899 Harvey, G. W., 1895 Hasbrouck, Edwin Marble, 1893 Hatch, Jesse Maurice, 1896, 1897 Hatch, Philo L., 1897 Head, Anna, 1902-1904, 1906 Heermann, Adolphus L., 1853, 1854, 1859 Heller, Edmund, 1893, 1896, 1901, 1902 Hellmayr, Carl Eduard, 1903 Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee, 1875-1881, 1883- 1886, 1894, 1900, 1901 Hinckley, W. M., 1875 Hoffman, W. H., 1895 Hoffman, Walter James, 1876, 1881 Holder, Charles Frederick, 1899 Holmes, Frank H., 1897, 1899 Holstein, Otto, 1902 Holterhoff, Godfrey, Jr., 1881, 1883-1885 Holzner, P'rank Xavier, 1896 Hoover, Theodore Jesse, 1899 Hottel, Leon, 1901 Howard, Ozra William, 1895, 1898, 1905, 1906 Hunter, Joseph Slayton, 1904, 1905 Hurd, Theodore D., 1888-1890, 1897-1899 Hutchings, J. M., 18.56 Illingworth, Franklin James, 1897, 1901 Ingersoll, Albert Mills, 1884, 1886, 1895 Ingersoll, Ernest, 1879, 1880 Jackson, C. T., 1866, 1868 Jackson, Willis H., 1904 Jasper, Theodore, 1878 Jeffries, John Armory, 1888 Jeffries, William Augustus, 1889 Jencks, PVederick Tingle}', 1885 Jenkins, Hubert Oliver, 1903, 1904, 1906 Jewett, Frank Baldwin, 1899 Jewett, vStanley G., 1905 Johnson, A. W., IWl, P>o2, 1904 Johnson, Fred O., l.ss'>, 1,S91, 1892 Johnson, W'alter Adams, 1896-1898 Jones, J. M., 18.50 Jones, Eynds, 1895, l'«to-l'«)2 Judd, Sylvester Dwight. P'Ol. l')05 Jndson, William Bonghton. 1S"M, 1S95, 1897, l'M)l Kaeding, George Ladd, IS'^.S, I'^or, Kaeding, Henry Barroilhet, 18')6-18<)<>, 1903 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 Keeler, Charles Au^stus, 1890-1893, 1899, 1900, 1907 Kelsey, Frederick Willis, 1902-1904 Kennerly, C. B. R., 1859 Keyes, Charles Rollin, 1905 Kimball, E. D., 1891 Kneeland, S., 1871 Kobb^, William H., 1901, 1902 Koch, F. W., 1892, 1893 Law, John Eugene, 1901, 1906, 1907 Lawrence, George Newbold, 1852-1854, 1856, 1858, 1864 Lawrence, Robert Hoe, 1893, 1894 Leach, F. A., Jr., 1893 Lee, R., 1900 Lefler, C. H., 1895 Lelande, Harry Jason, 1899, 1901, 1902 Lesson, Ren^ Primivere, 1830 Lewis, J. B., 1905 Lichtenstein, Martin Hinrich Carl, 1838 Lillie, Harry C, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1891-1895, 1S97 Linton, Clarence Brockman, 1899, 1900, 1907 Littlejohn, Chase, 1893, 1899, 1901, 1903 Lockington, W. N., 1878 Loomis, Leverett Mills, 1893-1896, 1900-1902 Low, G. P., 1898 Magness, Edgar, 1899 Mailliard, John Ward, 1901 Mailliard, Joseph, 1881, 1898-1907 Malherbe, Alfred, 1861 Marr, C. ,1885 Marsden, Henry Warden, 1905, 1907 Maynard, Charles Johnson, 1890 McAtee, Waldo Lee, 1905 McCormick, Aloysius Ignatius, 1895, 1897-1899, 1901 McGregor, Richard Crittenden, 18<>2, 1895-1901 McLain, Robert Baird, 1898, 1899 Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 1886, 1890, 1892, 1895, 1898, 1902, 1907 Merriam, Clinton Hart, 1894, 1895, 1899 :Merriam, Florence Augusta, 1896 Milet-Mureau, M. L. A., 1797 Miller, Fanny, 1879 Miller, Gerritt Smith, Jr., 1894 Miller, John M., 1903 Miller, Loye Holmes, 1893 Millikan, Catharine, 1900 Mitchell, II. M., 1878 Moody, Mrs. Charles Amadon, 1901, 1902 Moran, Nathan Montgomery, 1894, 1896, 1897 Morcom, George Frean, 1887 Myers, Harriet Williams, 1904, 1905, 1907 Nahl, Perham Wilhelm, 1893 Nehrling, Henry, 1893 Nelson, Edward William, 1875, 1897, 1900, 1904 Nettleton, C. P.. 1894 Newberry, John Strong, 1857 Noack, H. R., 1902 Nodder, Francis P., 1797 Nolle, A. W., 1891 Nordhoff, C. B., 1902 Norris, J. Parker, 1886-1888, 1890, 1891 Nuttall, Thomas, 1840 Oberholser, Harry Church, 1897-1900, 1902-1906 Ogilvie-Grant, William Robert, 1892, 1893, 1898 Orcutt, Charles Russell, 1884 Osgood, Wilfred Hudson, 1892-1894, 1896, 1897, 1899, 1901 Painton, Harry R., 1894 Palmer, E. DeL., 1894 Palmer, Francis Marion, 1900 Palmer, Theodore Sherman, 1889, 1901-1906 Palmer, William, 1900 Parker, Harry G., 1886 Parkhurst, A. L., 1883, 1885 Peale, Titian Ramsay, 1848 Peck, George D., 1904 Pemberton, John Rothwell, 1902, 1907 Pierce, Wright Mcliwen, 1904, 1906, 1907 Prevost, Florent, 1855 Price, William Wightman, 1888, 1897, 1901, 1904 Ray, Milton Smith, 1898-1907 Redington, Alfred Poett, 1895, 1897, 1899 Reed, Chester A., 1904 Rhoads, Samuel Nicholson, 1893 Richardson, Charles Ploward, Jr., 1904-1906 Richardson, John, 1831 Richardson, Walter, 1889, 1890 Ridgway, Robert, 1869, 1870, 1872-1878, 1880- 1887, 1890-1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1903, 1906, 1907 Rising, Harry George, 1899, 1901 Robertson, Howard, 1899, 1903 Rogers, Reginald, 1907 Rooney, Robert Fleming, 1905 Rowley, John, 1903 Salvadori, Tommaso, 1893, 1895 Salvin, Osbert, 1892, 1896 vSampson, Walter Behrnard, 1901 vSaunders, Howard, 1896 Schneider, Frederick Alexander, Jr., 1890-1893 Schneider, Julius Jacob, 1900 Schwarz, Eugene Amandus, 1895 Sclater, Philip Lutley, 1857-1860, 1862, 1886, 1888, 1891 Seebohm, Henry, 1881, 1887, 1902 Sharp, Clarence Sawyer, 1902-1907 IXDKX TO AUTHORS Sharpe, Richard Bowdler, 1.S74, 1.S75, 1877, 1881, 188.3, 1885, 1888, 1890, IS<)2, 1894, 1896,1898 1899 Sharpies, Robert Pennell, 1.S97 Shaw, George, 1797 vSheldon, Harry Margrave, 1907 Shelley, George Krnest, 1891 Shields, Alexander M., 1884-1886, 1888, 1894, 1895, 1899 Shufeldt, Robert Wilson, 1895, 1899 Simmons, Edward, 1897 Skirm, Joseph, 1884 Slevin, Thomas E., 104 San Francisco: Cassin, \S(,2: lunerson, lSS-1; Ray, rJOr, San Francisco Bay: Kolibe, T'nJ Sanhedrin (Mt.): vStone, I'XVl San Joaquin Valley: Ray, l''(W, San Jose: Sclater, lS.=i7; Parkhurst, 1S8,3 San IMateo: Ray, V>o2 San Nicolas Island: (".rinnell, 1S97 San Onofre: Dixon, 1906 San Pedro: Coues, lS6r,; Cooper, 1S69 Santa Barbara: Henshaw, 187'); Streator, 1S microrhyncha, 24 nivosa, 16, 115 vocifera, 108 Aeronautes melanoleucus, V>, (So Agelaius gubernator californicus, 9, 87, 11/ phoeniceus, 9 neutralis, 114 sonoriensis, 47 tricolor 8, 6,5, 105 Aimophila ruficeps, II Aix sponsa, 144 Albatross, Black-foote( Short-tailed, 91 Alcedo alcyon, 9 Ammodramiis beldingi, 46, 98 caudacutus, 80 becki, .58 nelsoni, 80 nelson i, 58 rostratus, 15, 62 ruficeps, 12, 1 1 samuelis, 16 sandwichensis, 105 bryanti, 78 savanna, 5,3 .\mpelis garrulus. in.=i, l,5s .\mphispiza belli, 11, 57, ''(i, 1.52, 114 canescens, 1.57 clement;e, '>2 nevadensis, 57, 90 nevadensis canescens, 90 Anas discors, 57 penelope, 4.5 4, 116, 1. 1,50 Anser albifrons gambeli, 59 leucopareius, 42 rossii, 26, ,31 Anthus pensilvanicus, 115 Aphelocoma californica, '', 1 obscura, 62 insularis, 4.3, 94 Aquila chrysaetos, ,39, 8.3 Archibuteo ferrugineus, '', 1 Ardea egretta, so exilis, 9 herodias, 29, «(), ,S7, 111 virescens anthonyi, 77, Ardetta exilis, 9 Arenaria melanocephala, 7 Asio accipitrinus, 88 magellanicus icelus, 1.52 Astragalinus lawrencei, 1 1 psaltria, 119, 125, 127 arizonie, 119 hesperophilus, 127 tristis, 117 salicamans, 85, 117 Atthis calliope, 149 Auklet, Cassin, 66, 128 Paroquet, 112 Rhinoceros, 96 Auriparus flaviceps, 87 ornatus, .5.3 Avocet, American, 41, 10.3 Aythya collaris, 1.30 Ha-olophus iiiornatus, 142 uuirinus, 12s restrictus, 12S, 1 12 Blackbird, Bicolored, loo, 12 Brewer, .50, 52. loo, loi, Red-winged, 101 Tricolored, 65, loo, 14'' Bluebird, .Mountain, 45 Western, 145 Bobolink, 'M, 101 Bob-white, 52, 1.57 Bonasa umbellus sabini, 7 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Botaurus lentiginosus, '/> Brachyrainphus liypoleuci;s, 38 Brant, Black, 10'^ Branta canadensis, 5'> hiitchinsi, 5') minima, 42, F>'> occidentalis, 21, 5'> nigricans, 59 Bubo virginianus, 'J pacificus, 82, 95 Bunting, Lazuli, 70, 77, 117 Bush-tit, California, 54, 60, M, (.7, 89, 108, 126 130, 135, 141 Buteo abbreviatus, 76, 1-18 albicaudatus sennelti, 143 boreal is, 12 calurus, 14, 108, 109, 130, 138 californica, 16 cooperi, 15, 18, 39, 41 elegans, 14 ferrugineus, 9 harlani, 12, 39, 41 lineatus elegans, 14 montanus, 14 solitarius, 111 swainsoni, 31, 105 zonocercus, 31 Buzzard, Ferruginous, 27 Turkey, 66 Calamospiza bicolor, 38 melanocoris, 122, 138 Callipepla californica, 16, 59, 139 vallicola, 42, 103 gambeli deserticola, 78 Calypteanna, 8, 10, 94, 11,3, 116, 124, 149 costse, 41, 86, 140 Caracara, 14 Cardinal, Cape, 35 Cardinalis igneus, 35 Carduelis lawrencei, 11 Carpodacus californicus, 16 cassini, 90 dementis, 92 frontalis, 70 mexicanus frontalis, 54 purpureus californicus, 27, 28, 90 Catarractes californicus, 19 Catbird, 42 Cathartes aura, 109 californianus, 14 Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus, 14, 35 Centrocercus urophasianus, 7 Centurus uropygialis, 34 Ceratorhina monocerata, 41 Cerorhinca monocerata, 18, 96 Certhia familiaris occidentalis, 35, 60 zelotes, 113 Ceryle alcyon, 9 americana cabanisi, 38 Chaffinch, 142 Chanic-ea fasciata, 10, 12, 14, 93, 98 henshawi, 35, 98 intermedia, 103 phaea, 98 rufula, 12, 14, 128 Charadrius melodus, 9 Charitonetta albeola, 9 Chat, Long-tailed, 88 Chen cserulescens, 59 hyperborea, 59 rossii, 59, 109 Chickadee, Chestnut-backed, 131 Mountain, 107 Oregon, 134 Chicken, California Prairie, 28, 29 Chondestes grammacus, 46 strigatus, 46, 100 Chordeiles acvitipennis texensis. 44 popetue henryi, 44 texensis, 19, 57 virginianus henryi, 96 hesperis, 96, 137 Circus hudsonius, 99 Cistothorus palustris, 87 paludicola. 87 plesius, 87 Clangula albeola, 9, hyemalis, 51, 63, 79, 120 Coccothraustes vespertinus, 30, 45 montanus, 79, 113 Coccyzus americanus occidentalis, 47 Cock, Chaparral, 26 Colaptes auratus, 40, 59, 102, 114 luteus, 138 cafer, 59 collaris, 7, 9, 105 collaris, 7, 9 Columba fasciata, 9, 125 monilis, 9 Columbigallina passerina pallescens, 97 Colymbus auritus, 117 holboelli, 121 nigricollis californicus, 13 Condor, California, 15, 18, 49, 76, 77, 78, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 95, 98, 101, 105, 109, 142, 147, 149 Contopus borealis, 131 richardsoni, 60 saturatus, 102 Coot, American, 69 INDEX TO BIRD NAMES Cormorant, Baird, G2 Brandt, 62, 74, 141 I<'arallone, (>2 Corvus atnericanus, 7.S hesperis, 47 corax sinuatns, 74, 7s nultalli, .S Creajjrus fnrcatns, 14, 72 Creciscns cotnrnicuhis, 24 Creeper, California, 1(»1, 145 Sierra, 147 Crossbill, American, .i'*, ')(, Sierra, 101 Crow, American, 7.^ California, 74 Cryptoglanx acadica, '), 120, 122, 12. i Cuckoo, California, 69, SO, '»,>, 106, \M, Curlew, Eskimo, 38 Long-billed, 4'' C3anocitta stelleri carbonacea, KM, 105, 117 frontalis, 2.S, 41 Cyanura stelleri, var. frontalis, 2S Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus, 112 Cymochorea homochroa, 20 Cypseloides niger, 57 boreal is, 115, 1,39 Daption capensis, 13 Dendragapus obscuriis fi;liginosus, 59 sierrpe, 59, 129 Dendroica itstiva brewsteri, 126 rubiginosa, 87, 110, 136 sonorana, 116 auduboni, 36, 112, 128, 1,39 nigrifrons, 139 ccerulescens, 48 coronata hooveri, 97 maculosa, 115 nigrescens, 60 occidentalis, 45, 94, 101 palmannn, 9o townsendi, 8, 30, 60, 115, 129 Diomedea albatriis, 91 chinensis, 104 fuliginosa, 9 melanophrys, ,34, .36 nigripes, 9 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 94, 97 Dove, Mexican (rround, 97 Mourning, 41, 57 Duck, I'ulvous Tree, 30, 96, 99, 107, 109, 110 Ruddy, 39 Scaup, 102 Wood, 110, 114, 142 Dryobates nuttalli, 10, 44, 46 pubescens, .5o, 55 gairdnerii, 44, .50 leuciirus, 118 turati, 19, 118 scalaris lucasanus, 70, 111 villosus, 143 harrisi, 79 hyloscopus, 9, 79 I<:agle, Bald, 56, 84, 144 (lolden, ,34, ,37, ,38, ,39, 43, 45, -18, .50, 55, .56, 59, 61, 63, 68, 71, 74, 83, 89, 9.3, 99, 107, \A.l 111, H4 Eider, King, .52 Elanus leucurus, 68, 82, 1.53 Emberiza belli, 1 1 rostra ta, 12 Empidonax acadicus, 26 cineritius, 72 canescens, 132 difficilis, 16, .50, ,51, 46, 52, 57, 64, f^7, 137, 140, 142 griseus, 132, 142 hammondi, 17, 57 insulicola, 83, 87, 137, 140, 142 pusilhis, 52, 57 traillii, .30, 52, 144 var. pusillus, 26 Ephialtes choliba, 13 Ereunetes mauri, 20 occidentalis, 20 Eugenes fulgens, 120, 122 Falco columbarius, 107 ferriiginei:s, 9 nigriceps, 15 peregrinus anatum, 15 polyagrus, 15 richardsoni, 135 sparverius, 9, 38, 49, 61 deserticolus, 61, 68 Falcon, Prairie, 55, 62, 124, 145 Finch, California Purple, 28, 103 Cassin Purple, 73, 103 House, .54, .58, 70, 93, 141, 145 Flicker, 102 Northern, 1.51 Red-shafted, 48, 123 Flycatcher, Ash-throated, 36. 77, 1,36 I51ack-crested, ,35, 60 Fork-tailed. 40 (^.ray, 142 Hammond, 83 Olive-sided, 81, S3, 12(. .Saint Lucas, 72 Santa Barbara, 110 Vermilion, 51, 116, 149 Western, 84, 89, 96 Western VeHow-bellied. .31 Wright. 71 Vellow-breasted, 1'. PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Fregata atiuila, 51, 05, 136 Fringilla canadensis, 9 coelebs, 142 crissalis, 9 huclsonia, '> hyenialis, ') nieruloides, ') mortonii, 8 Fulmarus glacialis columba, 72 Gallinula galeata, 67 Gallinvile, Florida, 67 Garrulus californicxis, 9 Geococcyx californianus, 31, 37, 147 Geothlypis macgillivrayi, 28 trichas arizela, 8, 98 occidentalis, 60, 70, 105 scirpicola. 111 sinnosa. 111, 140 Glaucidium californicuni, 16, 27, 30 gnoma californicuni, 48, 90 Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed, 122 California Black-capped, 45 Western, 72, 108, 148 Golden-eye, American, 109 Goldfinch, American, 117 Arizona, 109, 119, 122 Arkansas, 64, 68, 88, 127 Goose, Emperor, 44, 112 Ross Snow, 31 Gracuhis bairdii, 20 Grebe, American Feared, 79 Holboell, 112 Horned, 148 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 45, 89, 113, 11'*, 131 California Pine, 87 Rose-breasted, 91 Western Evening, 30, 45, 46, 73, 74, 79, 93, 102, 108, 110, 113, 114, 132 Grouse, Sabine Ruffed, 44 Gn:s americana, 57 Gull, Bonaparte, ()3 Heermann, 30 Mew, 148 Sabine, 124 Western, 69, 70, 137 Gymnogyps californianus, 7, 9 Habia melanocephala, 54 Harelda hyemalis, 109 Harpes rediviva, 10 Harporhynchus bendirei. 111 crissalis, 118 lecontei, 19, AA, 3V, 44, 62, 77 redivivus, m, 91, 115 pasadenensis, 91 lecontei, 37 Hawk, Cooper, 130, 135 Desert Sparrow, 89, 114, 135 Duck, 37, 79 Marsh, 37, 55 INIexican Black, 148 Pigeon, 50 Red-bellied, 83, 94, 108, 138, 145 Red-tailed, 14 Sharp-shinned, 84 Sparrow, 47, ,50, 61, 67, 71, 88 Swainson, 122, 135 Western Red-tailed, 33, 64, 85, 100, 109, 117, 135, 138, 140 Heleodytes affinis, 72 brimneicapillus, 72 anthonyi, 121 bryanti, 67, 121 Helminthophila celata, 114, 115, l.vS lutescens, 62 sordida, 56, 143 ruficapilla gutturalis, 81 sordida, 136 Herodias egretta var. californica, 16 Heron, Black-crowned Night, 102, 141 Great Blue, 47, 64, 71, 84, 117, 141 Great White, 80 Hesperocichla naevia, 110, 111, 115 nieruloides. 111 Hirundo ergythrogastra palmeri, 118 Histrionicus histrionicus, 57 Hummingbird, Allen, 69, 111 Anna, 2(., 27, 30, 35, 43, 46, 56, 58, 63, 67 70, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 93, 96, 108, 124 Broad-tailed, 86, 113 Costa, 86, 135 Floresi, 110 Rivoli, 120 Rufous, 43, 69, 111 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 19 plumbea, 19 Hylocichla aonalaschka?, 118 auduboni, 94 sequoiensis, 101 slevini, 111 verecunda, 113 guttata nana, 44 sequoiensis, 50, 51, 53, 94, 116 slevini, 53, 132 ustulata, 118 oedica, 94, 98 swainsoni, 44 Ibis, White-faced Glossy, 41, 71, 130 Wood, 125 Icteria virens longicauda, 13 longicauda, 13 INDI'lX TO IlIRl) XA.M1-:S Icterus bullocki, *'7, 1.5() cucullalus, 1'^, 42 nelsoni, -42, ''7 parisoruin, 6.S, S2, l,i4 tricolor, s Jay, California, 7o, '>5, luS, 117, Blue-fronted, 4,1 74, '>7, 114 Santa Cruz Island, 'M, 104 Jnnco caniceps, 140 hyemalis, n.i, '»'), lo.i, 114 oregonns, 4() pinosis, '', 70 thnrberi, '), 46, .S2, r.O, 1, pinosus, (),S Jnnco, Ivastern, ''7 Gray-headed, 14'> Point Pin OS, 7<) Thnrber, 7,3, 89, 'M Killdeer, 78, 140 Kinjjbird, Arkansas, l.i7 Kinglet, Ashy, 1.31 Ruby-crowned, 72, 7.3, 122, 1 Sitka, 110 Kite, White-taile.l, 42, 4f., 47, 78, 82 Kittiwake, Pacific, 72, 88, 142 Knot, 1.30 Lanius borealis, 124, 1.34 invictns, lO.i elegans, 1.5 ludovicianus anthonyi, ')2 excubitorides, 110 gambeli, 41, 47, 107, llC niearnsi, 128 robustus, 42 Lanivireo solitarins cassini, 17 Lark, Horned, .5.3, .54, \\(>, 11'*, 1 Dusky Horned, 1.31 Mexican Horned, 86, 141 Larus argentatus, 10, 120 californicus, 14 canus, 91, 1.30, 148 furcatus, 14 glaucescens, 104 heernianni, 12, 14 occidentalis, <)4 philatlelphia, 0,? sabini, 9 smithsonianus, 10 vegae, 120 Leuconerpes albolarvatus, 1 1 I.eucosticte, Grey-crowned, 05, ! Leucosticte tephrocotis, 05 Linnet, 10.3 29, 1,38 Loon, Common, ll.i, 118 Lophophanes inornatus, 28, .31 Lophortyx californicus, 7, 39, 41, 137 brunnescens, 39 vallicolus, 123, 139 catalinensis, 143, 146 douglasii, 9 gambeli, 41 deserticola, 78 Loxia curvirostra bendirei, .39 minor, 95 Magpie, Vellow-billed, 10, 4.3, 49, 61, 7.3, 74,86, 89, 121 Mallard, 62 Martin, Western, 80, 135 Meadowlark, Western, .58, 79, 89, 102 Megalestris skua, 13 Megascops asio bendirei, 13, 64, 113 cineraceus, 128 flammeolus, 64, 98 idahoensis, 71, 98 Melanerpes albolarvatus, 13 erythrocephaliTS, 28 formicivorus, 12, 14, 18, 21 bairdi, 9, 12, 14, 28 rubrigularis, 17 thyroideus, 14 Meleagris gallopavo, 105 Melopelia leucoptera. 111, 128 Melospiza cinerea phtea, 117 fasciata clementse, 56 cooperi, 98 graminea, 56 ingersolli, 97 pusillula, 98 rvifina, .53 gouldi, 16 heermanni, 16 lincolni striata, 105, 1.31 meloda, 31 melodia cleonensis, 97 pusillula, 40 samuelis, 16 santaecrucis, 40, 111 Mergulus cassinii, 10, 11 Merula confinis, 53 niigratoria propinciua, 60 ]\Iicropallas wliitne\i, 12o, 122 Micruria hypoleuca, 100 Milvulns tyrannns, 4(t Mimus carol inensis, 42 l)<)lygl()ttos, OL 0,=i, 106 leuc()i)terus, 121 Mniotilta varia, 48, 80, 110, 120, i.^i Mockingbird, 46, 65, 86, o.s, 102, 104, 121, 1.3(., 141, 144. 145 162 PACIFIC COAvST AVIFAUNA ^lurre, California, .^9, 72, 76, 126 Muscicapa semiatra, V Myadestes townsendi, 37 Myiarchus cinerascens, 23, .36 Myioilioctes piisilhis var. pileolatus, 23 Nannus hiemalis pacificxis, 70 Nighthawk, Pacific, 137 Sierra, 123 Texas, 84 Nightingale, 119 Nisus cooperi, 25 Nucifraga Columbiana, 113 Numeniiis borealis, 38, 60 hudsonicus, 7, 60 rufiventris, 7 Nuthatch, Pygmy, 63, 75 Slender-billed, 95 Nyctala acadica, 94, 122 Nyctea nyctea, 109, 115 Oceanodroma furcata, 51 homochroa, 20, 59, 68 kaedingi, 88 leucorhoa, 97, 141 melania, 13, 67, 88 socorroensis, 72, 88 townsendi, 67 Old-squaw, 96, 112 Onychotes gruberi, 22, 26, 42, 111 Oreortyx pictus, 7, 8, 23, 71. 99, 1.37 confinis, 62 plumiferus, 8, 59, 68, 71. 10,3, 124 Oreospiza chlorura, 144 Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 31, ,5-4, .55, .84, .S5, 1 141 Bullock, 49, 52. 7.5, 112, 128. 141 Scott, .=i7, 114, 1.34. 145 Ornismya anna, 8 Oroscoptes montanus, 105 Ortyx douglasii, 7, 9 picta, 7, 8 plumifera, 8 Osprey, American, S5 Ossifraga gigantea, 22 Otocoris alpestris, 5,i actia, 121, 1.38 ammophila, 121 arenicola, 121 chrysolaema, 73, 121 insularis, 56 merrilli, 118 rubeus, .38, 113 Otus asio bendirei, 35, 40 kennicotti, 141 Ouzel, Water, 69, 70, 75, 99, 134 Owl, American Barn, 29, .35, 40, 41, 49, 57, 63, 73, 9.5, 109, 117, 142 Burrowing, 21, 41, .50, .52, 57, 85 California Mottled, 39, 40 California Pygmy, .30, 34, 75, 90, 120 California Screech, 29, 141 Elf, 120, 122, 129 Flammulated Screech, 31, 32, 71, 98, 100, 118 Great Horned, 129, 130, 132 Kennicott Screech, 35 Mexican Screech, 129 Pacific Horned, 95, 140, 145 Pygmy, 27, 51, 68, 69, 120 Saw-whet, 94 Short-eared, 88, 140 Snowy, 84, 88 Spotted, 44, 65, 78, 109 Oyster-catcher, Black, 99 Panyptila melanoleuca, 19 Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi, 128 Partridge, California, 45, 56, 57, 59, 75, 139, 142 Gambel, 67, 147 Mountain, 99 Plumed, 67 Santa Catalina, 146 Valley, 77, 80, 88, 139, 140 Parus atricapillus occidentalis, 134 fasciatus, 10 gambel i, 1.34 inornatus, 10, 73 montanus, 28, 32 rufescens barlowi, 104 neglectus, 31 Passer domesticus. 50, 1.39, 146, 149 Passerculus alaudinus, 13 beldingi, 41 roslratus, 12, l.V, sandwichensis alaudinus, 13 bryanti, 41 Passerella iliaca, 51 megarhyncha, 59 meruloides, 9, 118 schistacea, llA stephensi, 72 unalaschcensis, 59 megarhynchus, 16 stephensi, 137 Passerina amoena, 70 nivalis, 12-4 PedicEcetes phasianellus columbianus, 28, 29 Pelecanus californicus, 26, 37, 146 erythrorhynchos, 9, 26, 146 fuscus, 26 trachyrhynchus, 9 INDEX TO BIRD XAMES 16.3 Pelican, American White, 25, 103 California Brown, 67, % Pelionetta trowbridgii, 16 Perdrix de la Californie, 7 Perisoreiis obscnrus, 119 Petrel, Ashy, 44, 59, (,S, SO Leach, 80, 97 Peuc£ea nificeps, 27, 2S, ,30 Pewee, Western Wood, 126 Phainopepla, 4.S, ,58, 60, 125 Phainopepla nitens, 14, 35, 40, 63, SI, 14S Phalacrocorax dilophus albociliatus, 39, 75 pelajj^iciis resplendens, 20 Phalaenoptilns nnttalli californiciis, 47 Phalarope, Northern, 30, 91, 135 Red, 79, 91 Wilson, 63 Pliilacte canagica, 59, 112 Pluebe Black, 9(,, llJ, 123, 131, 140 vSay, 104, 112 Pica nnttalli, 8, 68, 74 pica hndsonica, 97 Picoides arcticus tennirostris, 101 Picns albolarvatns, .^2 forniicivorus, 9 nnttalli, 10 ruber, 9 thyroideus, 1 1 turati, 19 villosus, 9 harrisi, 28 Pigeon, Band-tailed, 93, 125, 128, 149 Pinicola enucleator californica, 87 Pipilo chlorunis, 3S clementae, 85 crissalis, 9 fnscus carolae, 97 senicula, 72 niaculatiis, 118 atratus, 98, 139, 144 falcifer, 95, 105 niegalonyx, 139, 144 niegalonyx, 16 Pipit, American, 95 Piranga testiva cooperi, 44 rubra cooperi, 12s rnbriceps, 45 Planesticus niigratorius propintpuis, 9 Plegadis guarauna, 131 Plover, Snowy, 68, 91, 115, 129 Wilson, 76, 118 Podiceps clarkii, 16, ,33, 40 dominicus, 27 occidentalis, 33, 40 Podicipes californiciis, 13 Podilymbiis lineatus, 13 podiceps, 13 Polioptila ca'rulea ol)scura, M,, 44, 108 californica, .^3, 15 melanura, 15 plumbea, 15, 44, 51 Poor-will, 73, 83 California, 68 Dusky, 87, 105 Porzana Carolina, 43 coturnicnlus, 98 janiaicensis, 65, 100 coturnicnlus, 24, 55, 145 noveboracensis, 43, 94 Priofinus cinereus, 13, 20 Procellaria capensis, 13 haesitata, 13 melania, 13 Progne subis hesperia, 51, 121 Promerops de la Californie Septentrionale, 7 Psaltriparus minimus californiciis, SS, 39, 141 Pseudogryphus califoruianus, .^2, 42, 65 Pterocyanea caeruleata, 12 Ptilogonys nitens, 14 Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 10, 11, 128 Puffinus bulleri, 104 cinereus, 22 creatopus, 20, 146 gavia, 51 griseus, 51, 139 opisthomelas, 79, 100 tennirostris, 79, 91 Puffin, Horned, 41 Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus, 80 Ouail, Arizona, 145 California, 15, 24, 25, 30, m, 64 Catalina Island, 143 Ganibel, 65 Hybrid, 41 :\Iountain, 29, 59, 101 Valley, 35, 56, 83, 96, 128 Ouerquedula cyanoptera, 12 Ouiscalus major, 10 Rail, Black, 62, 92, 100, 145 California Clapper, 40, OS, 71, 75, 95, 100, 145 Farallone, 55, 57 Virginia, 64 Vellow, 44, 62, 89, 94 Rallus clegans var. obsoletiis, 24 levipes, 94, 145 longirostris, 3,i obsoletiis, 24, 32, 33 Virginian us, 64, 134 Raven, American, 10, 95, 97 Mexican, 78 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Reciirvirostra americana, 7, 9 occidentalis, 7, '' Redhead, 42 Redpoll, 123 Regulus calendula cineraceus, lol grinnelli, 110 Rissa tridactyla kotzelniei, 42 pollicaris, 42, 72, .SS, 115, 148 Road-runner, 15, o,i, ,15, 49, .57, 79, 82, 88, 12: 1,30, 14.3, 1-17 Robin, Western, 8'», 9(,, 112, 115, 120, 1,38, 1-15 Salpinctes obsoletns pnlverins, '>! Sandpiper, Baird, 91 Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 76, 106, 110 Sarcoramphus californianns, 9, 14, 15 vSayornis nigricans, 9, 34 seniiatra, 105 phoebe, 114 Scolecophagus carolinns, 132 cyanocephalus, 49 Scops asio bendirei, .35 flammeola, 31, .^2 Seiurvis noveboracensis notabilis, 147 Selasphorus alleni, 27, 29, 43, 8(. floresii,4,3, ,59, UO, 149 henshawi, 27 rufus, 110, 149 Setophaga ruticilla, .53 Shearwater, Black-vented, 79 Shoveller, UO Shrike, California, ''S, 107, 145 White-rum ped, U Sialia mexicana, 71 anabeUe 50 occidentalis, 71 vSiskin, Pine, IK., 14f. vSitta aculeata, 15 canadensis, 60,- 9(., 115, 121 carolinensis aculeata, 15, 121 pygmaea, 9 Snowflake, 124 Somateria spectabilis, .^2 Song Sparrow, Alameda, 139 Heermann, ''1 Oregon, 117 Salt Marsh, 111 Samuels, (.5, 100 vSan Diego, '>1 Santa Cruz, 111 Sparrow, Belding Marsh, 46, 73, ''N Bell, 57, 1.32, 144 Black-chinned, 41, 'in Black-throated, 82, 8(., 129 Bryant Marsh, 78 California vSage, 1.37 English, .50, 137, 143, 1-17, 148 Fox, 63 Gambel, 52 Golden-crowned, 14.3 Harris, 103 Large-billed, 13o, 1.3'^ Monterey Fox, ILS Xuttall, 140 Oregon Vesper, 99 Rufous-crowned, .30, 88, 116, 1,3,5, 1.37, 146 Rufous-headed, 28 vSage, 57, 90 Sharp-tailed, 58, 80 Song, .51, 40, 97, Thick-billed, ,59, 124 Western Grasshopper, 126 Western Lark, 141 White-crowned, 29, 101 White-throated, 53, 94, 97, 115 Spatula clypeata, UO Speotyto cunicularia obscura, 78, 91 .Sphj'rapicus ruber, 48, 76, 89 thyroideus, 11, 15, 17, 47, 48 varius daggetti, 110 nuchalis, 91 ruber, '> Spinus psaltria, .50 arizonae, 5.3, 99 tristis, 85 salicamans, 85 Spizella atrigularis, 41, 72, 80, 95 breweri, 14, 99, lOr, pallida, 14 Spoonbill, Roseate, 1.33 Stellula calliope, 26, 8() vStercorarius catarractes, 13 parasiticus, 24 pomarinus, 51 Sterna forsteri, 12 hirundo, 127, 1.35 paradisiea, l.i, 12-1 pikei, 13, 19 Stilt, Black-necked, 39 Strepsilas melanocephalus, 7 Strix frontalis, 9 vSturnella militaris, H Swallow, Barn, 45, 50, 118 Cliff, 69, 82 \'iolet-green, '>'> Swan, Whistling, 140 Swift, Black, 94, 11.5, l.?9 Vaux, 31, 63, 67, 1.39 White-throated, (,'>, 7.5, 81, 80, 92, 145 Sylvia delafieldii, N montana, 8 Synthliboramphus anti(iuus, 14 wuuiizTisume, 44 INDEX TO BIRD XAMES Syrninin occidentale, 18, 62, S2, 109 Tachycinela bicolor vespertina, 11'* lepida, 121 Tanager, Louisiana, 69, 7.3, 79, SO, 125, 126 Western, 145 Teal, Cinnamon, 66 Tern, Black, 83, 114 Caspian, .34 Forster, 114 Least, .38, 97, 120 Tetrao calif orniciis, 7 colunibianus, 28 sabini, 7 uropliasianus, 7 Thrasher, California, .38, .58, 64, 77, 84, 145 Crissal, 118 Leconte, .37, 39, 44, 62, 63, 64, 77, 82, 131 Pasadena, 103 Sage, 85, 106, 147 Thrush, Audubon Hermit, lol Coast Hermit, 109 Dwarf Hermit, 82, 96, 107 IMonterey Hermit, 109, 111, 132 Riisset-backed, 76, 9.i Sickle-billed, .i8 Varied, 29, 68, 111 Thryomanes bewicki charientunis, 92 drj'moecus, 92 eremophilus, 92 leucophrys, 72 nesophilus, 92 spilurus, 9, 38 Tliryothorus leucophrys, 72 Tinnunculus sparveroides, .38 sparverius, 49 Titlark, American, 106 Titmouse, Gray, 28, 31 Least, 33, 39 Plain, 55, 88 San Francisco, 142 Yellow-headed, ,34 Towhee, Abert, 125 Anthony, 125 California, 52, 84,107 Green-tailed, 131 (Jregon, 95 Spurred, 39, 67, 93 Toxostoma lecontei, 12 redivivum, 7, 10, 15 Tringa bairdi, 91 canutus, 1.30 fuscicollis, 45 Trochilus alexamlri, 123 colubris, 76 icterocephahis, In rufus, 27 violajugulum, 48, .59, 98, 149 Troglodytes aedon parkmani, 26, 132 maculosa, 10 mexicanus, 14 spilurus, 9 Turdus aonalascliktu' sequoiensis, 51 migratorius, 9 nanus, 25 sequoiensis, .50, .53, 57 ustulatus, 2.5, 93 Tyrannula hammondi, 17 Tyrannus verticalis, 95 vociferans, 19, 95 Uria lomvia, 24 occidentalis, 18 troile californica, 19, 2-1, 114 L'rubitinga anthracina, 1-18 Verdin, ,34, 53, 118 Vermivora celata, 138 Vireo, California Least, 111 Cassin, 7.5, 79, 107 Hutton, 28, 73, 75, 76, 90, [\(,, 1.55 Least, 68, 75 Oberholser, 143 vSanta Cruz Island, 126 Western Warbling, 75 Vireo belli, 19 pusillus, 19 cassinii, 17 flavoviridis, 49 gilvus swainsoni, 143 huttoni, 11, 28, 52, 66, 7(, oberholseri, 1.55, 14.5 obscurus, 52 mailliardorum, 126 pusillus albatus. 111 solitarius cassini, 89, lor,, 107, 14.] vicinior, 30 californicus, 53, ,55 Vulture, California, 10, 14, 18, 70, 77, 89, 91, 1.36 Turkey, 50, 109 Vultur californianus, 7 Warbler, Alaska Pileolated, 126 Alaska Yellow, 110 Audubon, .30, .36, 9.? Hlack-capped Yellow. 33 Black-fronted, \3'), H2 Black-throated Gray, 74, 7h, 94 Calaveras, 81 California Yellow, 12() Dusky, 14,5 Hermit, s.i, 91, loi 5.5, .-)/, 65, 66, 99, 115, 1,50, 133, 1.55. PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 Liitescent, 94 Macgillivray, 66, 79, S9, 9,=i Myrtle, 83, 97 Orange-crowned, 138 Palm, 90 Pileolated, 62, 69, 93, 106 Town send, 137 Western, 45 Western Yellow, 47, 62 Water-Thrush, Alaska, 147, 148 Waxwing, Bohemian, 63 Cedar, 111 Widgeon, European, 44, 131 Wilsonia pusilla chryseola, 144 pileolata, 23 Woodpecker, Cabanis, 68 California, 21, 36, 58, 87, 109, 142 Downy, 118 Gairdner, 79 Hairy, 143 Lewis, 65, 99, 106, 139, 148 Nuttall, 46, 50, 66, 79 Red-headed, 28 vSouthern White-headed, 119 Three-toed, 101 White-headed, 32, 116 Wren, Cactus, 34, 49, 55, 56, 86, 90, 103, 11< 130, 133, 134 California House, 26 California Bewick, 38 Dotted Canyon, 74, 133, 137, 148 Long-billed Marsh, 36, 37 Parkman, 130 Rock, 55, 70 San Nicolas Rock, 91 Vigors, 56, 76, 83, 117 W^estern House, 48, 136 Western Marsh, 126 Western Winter, 70, 74, 95, 101 Wren-tit, 32, 70, 85, 120 Intermediate, 103 Northern, 71 Palli.l, 148 Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 148 Xema sabinii, 9, 60 Xenopicus albolarvatus, 11 gravirostris, 119 Yellow-throat, Maryland, 105 Pacific, 111, 132 Salt Marsh, 140 Western, 70, 112 Zamelodia ludoviciana, 91 melanocephala, 54 capitalis, 104, 110 microrhyncha, 104 Zonotrichia albicollis, 53, ,59, 61, 80, 82, 94 coronata, 28, 54, 110, 113 leucophrys, 99, 101 gambeli, 54 nuttall i, 9, .54 ([uerula, 103 COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB OF CALIFORNIA PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 5 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA ORNITHOLOGY BY JOSEPH GRINNELL A CONTRIBUTION FROM THE MUSEUM OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PUBLISHT BY THE CLUB May 15, 1909 COOPER CLUB PUBLICATIONS THE CONDOR Vol. 1—1899 Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club No complete volimie on hand Vol. 11—1900 Complete - - - $3 GO Vol. Ill— 1901 Vol. 1^^-1902 Vol. V— 1903 Vol. \'I— 1904 Vol. VII— 1905 Vol. VIII— 1906 Vol. IX— 1907 Vol. X— 1908 3 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Yo). XI— 1909 <^ubscription - - 1 50 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA Xo. I — Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska; 80 pp. and map 75c By J. Grinnei.1. Xo. II — Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, California; 22 pp. - 25c By R. C. McGregor Xo. Ill — Checklist of California Birds; 100 pp. and 2 maps - 75c By J. Grinnei,!. Xo. IV-^Birds of the Huachuca Mts., Arizona; 75 pp. - - 50c By H. vS. SwARTH Xo. V — A Bibliography of California Ornithology; 166 pp. - $1 50 By J. Grinnell Xo. VI — Ten-Year Index to- The Condor (in press) - - 1 00 By H. B. Keading Address J. EUGENE LAW, Business Manager HOLLYWOOD, CAL. Or, W. LEE CHAMBERS. Ass't Manager SANTA MONICA, CAL. o