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UJ Z _JI Z -I z THSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHIIIAIS S3iyvy9l1 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INS z r- z •“ 2; r- ✓c^^^ovTX O . o >- 33 m '< M ..... ■ i ;.*:*■ ’ #: ' I I" ■? o “ 1 ^ J> . V ■'' \ r.'i U- K.?!. LOWER CARBONIFEROUS CONODONT FAUNAS FROM THE EASTERN MENDIPS, ENGLAND by MALCOLM BUTLER Abstract. In the Mendip Hills, the lower part of the Carboniferous Limestone succession (the Lower Limestone Shale and Black Rock Groups) extends to greater thickness than is found in the Avon Gorge at Bristol. Conodont faunas from this range of the Mendip succession are described here. A distinctive lag-type deposit occurs low in the Lower Limestone Shale Group. Faunas below this lag (with Patrognathus, Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus. Polygnathus symmetricus) cannot yet be dated precisely. Above, faunas with Siphonodella, Elictognathus, and Gnathodus correlate with those known from the late Kinderhookian of the U.S.A. and probably represent the range of the upper Siphonodella crenulata-Zone of Germany. Higher, in the middle part of the Black Rock Group, faunas typical of the German anchoralis-Zone appear. Particular interest attaches to the occurrence of Scaliognathus anchor- alis, Dollymae bouckaerti, Pelekysgnathus bultyncki, and related forms. These compare closely with faunas recently described from Tn 3c in Belgium. None of the anchoralis-Zone species are known from the Avon Gorge succession, which is considered to be incomplete. The Carboniferous Limestone of the Bristol area provided the evidence on which Vaughan (1905) based his scheme of coral-brachiopod zones. More recently Kella- way and Welch (1955) have erected a series of lithological units for the Carboniferous Limestone of this area, intended to supersede Vaughan’s zones. Neither of these schemes enables correlation to be made on anything more than a local scale. In an attempt to correlate on an international scale, Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (1969) studied the conodont faunas of the Avon Gorge section. However, these authors failed to recover certain important species of conodont, in particular the indices of the anchoralis-Zone (Bischoff 1957; Voges 1959, 1960). Workers using both Vaughan’s (1905) zones (e.g. Welch 1932) and the litho- logical units of Kellaway and Welch (1955) have noted that the strata near the top of the Black Rock Group (Z to CJ thicken southwards from Bristol into the Mendips (see Kellaway and Welch 1955, pi. 1). It was decided to sample the Lower Limestone Shale and Black Rock Groups in the eastern Mendips to test the possi- bility that since the succession is thicker there, it might also be more complete, and might therefore produce conodont faunas which are not available in the Avon Gorge. The sedimentary petrology of the sections sampled for conodonts has been studied in detail, and in addition a brief study has been made of the nature of equi- valent levels in the Avon Gorge. The results of these investigations are considered elsewhere (Butler 1972). The sections were divided into sedimentological units, a brief description of each being given in text-figs. 3 to 10, along with details of sampling localities and sample numbers. In the eastern Mendips the best section in the Lower Limestone Shale Group is that seen in the disused railway cutting at Maesbury (ST 606 475). Here the upper two-thirds of the Group are exposed, together with the transition to the overlying Black Rock Group (Green and Welch 1965). The lower and middle parts of the [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 477-517, pis. 56-59.] 478 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TEXT-FIG. 1. Locality map, showing outcrop of the Carboniferous Limestone in the Bristol- Mendip area. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 479 Black Rock Group are seen in disused quarries at Windsor Hill and Ham Woods (ST 615 452) and the middle and upper parts of this group are well exposed in a working quarry at Halecombe (ST 702 475). These sections were sampled syste- matically for conodonts, 2-kg samples being taken at 3-metre intervals. In addition a number of samples were taken from the middle and upper parts of the Black Rock Group in Vallis Vale (ST 755 490). This section is likely to provide a more per- manent record than Halecombe Quarry, which is being actively worked. Isolated samples were also taken from Lower Limestone Shale Group exposures at Portis- head (ST 465 775), Clevedon (ST 402 718), and Asham (ST 717 463) and from the Palate Bed in the Avon Gorge (ST 555 746). Faunal lists for these samples are given in an appendix, and the forms recovered are not treated systematically. Conodont occurrence charts are given in text-figs. 3 to 10. 167 samples were pro- cessed and yielded 5324 identifiable specimens. 2491 of these are ‘bar’ forms. Yields per sample averaged 36 specimens in the Lower Limestone Shale Group and the lower and middle parts of the Black Rock Group. Certain samples gave relatively high yields, over 500 in one case (HW 18). Yields were especially poor in the upper part of the Black Rock Group (unit br 4), only three samples producing conodonts, and in this part of the succession samples were processed from 6-metre intervals only. Samples whose number bears a suffix ‘a’ come, in each case, from a level Ij metres above the preceding sample (e.g. HW 18a came from 1^ metres above HW18). Duplicate samples were processed in a number of cases. None showed any marked differences from what was found in the first sample. Acetate peels were made of all rocks sampled for conodonts. The peels, bearing sample numbers, are stored in the Geology Museum, University of Bristol. There is no clear evidence of any link between conodont abundances and particular lithologies. Samples were digested in 10% acetic acid and residues collected by sieving to 125-mesh sieve. Heavy liquid separation was carried out on the dried residues, using the methods described by Collinson (1963). CONODONT OCCURRENCES IN THE EASTERN MENDIPS Details of the occurrences of conodonts discussed here are available in text- figs. 3-10. The Lower Limestone Shale Group. Conodont faunas recovered from the lowest part of the Lower Limestone Shale Group at Maesbury include Polygnathus sym- metricus Branson and Pseudopoly gnathus dentilineatus Branson. In addition, two specimens of Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce were recovered from sample Ma 4. At the base of unit m 2 coarse limestones with phosphatic nodules occur, forming a lag-type deposit, and an abrupt change in fauna takes place. The genera Siphono- della, Elictognathus, and Gnathodus first appear here (in sample Ma 7). The interval Ma 7 to Ma 19a is characterized by the presence of Siphonodella obsoleta Hass, S', isosticha (Cooper), S. cf. S. isosticha (Cooper), S. cooperi Hass, and S. cf. crenu- lata (Cooper). Two specimens of Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper) were recovered from sample Ma 7 and two specimens of G. delicatus Branson and Mehl were found in sample Ma 9. Polygnathus inornatus Branson ranges from Ma 7 to Ma 19a, and 480 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Lower Limestone Shale Group Block Rock Group to D o I-’ O =i, ' o 5 3 ; ► *■ »■ ► |3 ‘n Patrognothus vonobilis Siphonodella spp. ■ Elictognothus lacerotus Gnathodus punctatus Grothodus delicatus ■■ Pseudopolygnothus multistnatus Polygnathus communis carina Pelekysgnothus bultyncki Dollymoe bouckoerti Polygnothus cf P symmetricus Gnothodus bulbosus ■ Pseudopolygnothus tnongulus pinnotus ■ Scoliognothus anchorolis G texonus pseudosemiglober G. texonus texonus ■ M beckmonni TEXT-FIG. 2. Chart to show the ranges of selected conodont species in the Carboniferous Limestone of the eastern Mendips. See text-figs. 3 to 10 for full information. Firm lines represent proven ranges, broken lines are extrapolations. Elictognathus laceratus (Branson and Mehl) ranges from Ma 7 to Ma 19 but appears in only three samples. Sample Ma 20 marks another abrupt change in the conodont faunas, siphono- dellids and associated forms disappearing. The fauna in this uppermost part of the Lower Limestone Shale Group includes Polygnathus communis communis Branson and Mehl and Spathognathodus stobilis (Branson and Mehl), and also includes poorly preserved specimens of Spathognathodus aculeatus (Branson and Mehl). The Black Rock Group. The faunal assemblage seen in the uppermost part of the Lower Limestone Shale Group continues into the Black Rock Group. However, Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Mehl and Thomas appears in sample WH 5, im- mediately above a minor chert development at the base of unit br 2, and Sp. aculeatus BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 481 is no longer seen. Gnathodus delicatm Branson and Mehl occurs in sample WH 12, but is not seen again until sample HW 2, where it becomes abundant. Pseudo- polygnathus primus Branson and Mehl occurs in unit br 2. Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groessens) first appears in sample HW 3 and occurs along with Polygnathus com- munis Carina Hass in samples HW 8 and HQ 1. In the lower part of the Main Chert (unit br 3) at Ham Woods Quarry (samples HW 18 and HW 18a) there is an occurrence of abundant representatives of Dollymae bouckaerti Groessens. This genus was not recovered from any other section. Associ- ated with D. bouckaerti in these samples are Pe. bultyncki, Ps. multistriatus, and Gnathodus delicatus. In addition, a single specimen referable to Doliognathus sp. was recovered from HW 18. Near the upper limit of the range of P. communis carina, Gnathodus bulbosus Thompson first appears (samples HW 20, HQ 12, and Va 2). G. bulbosus rapidly takes over from G. delicatus as the dominant gnathodid. At this level in both Ham Woods and Halecombe Quarries specimens referred to Bactrognathus cf. B. 2kg. Samples taken at 3 metre intervals, except those from unit m2, which were taken where limestone bands were available. 25 Metres Dork and light grey pockstones ond groinstones. Lenticular pockstones and groinstones, with mud flasers Channel and mego- ripple shaped limestone bodies within fissile sil tstones Fissile siltstones with rare stringers of skeletal debris Limestones with phosphatic nodules neor base Lo m mat ed f me- g ra ined limestones. with coorse lenses, in fissile siltstones TEXT-FIG. 3. Location of sampled section in Maesbury railway cutting (ST 606 475) and notes on lithologies. 482 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 MAESBURY Samples Ma 1 la 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19; 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 F^eudopolygnathus dentilineatus Polygnathus symmetricus Fbtrognathus voriobilis Spathognathodus crossidentatus P communis communis 1 6 3 15 4 25 21 2 1 4 2 2 11 2 19 1 1 Elictognothus lacerotus Siphonodello isosticha Scf.S.isosticha S obsolete Polygnathus inornatus 2 3 5 7 5 1 1 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 11 68 3 40 3 10 3 11 11 2 Spathognathodus sto bills Gnathodus punctatus G. delicatus Siphonodello cf. crenuloto Spathognothodus oculeotus 2 5 4 1 2 3 2 1 3 Siphonodello cooper! Polygnathus sp, Gnathodus sp indet, Siphonodello sp.indet. 2 1 2 8 2 3 3 6 1 3 21 2 Spathognathodus sp.indet. BARS 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 8 6 4 9 6 6 39 8 28 7 14 5 5 5 85 7 13 2 30 1 2 1 TOTAL - 4 27 8 42 28 8 134 13 98 18 36 6 - - 13 23 - 1 173 18 4 18 3 40 - 1 2 1 - TEXT-FIG. 4. Chart to show conodont occurrences in samples from Maesbury railway cutting. (Sample prefix Ma.) distortus Branson and Mehl occur (samples HW 21, 22, and HQ 14a). At Halecombe these are followed by the first occurrence of Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl (in sample HQ 15). Pseudopoly gnat hus triangulus phmatus Voges first appears in samples HW 23, HQ 16, and Va 1, and is an important constituent of the fauna in the middle part of unit br 3. Pseudopoly gnathus triangulus triangulus Voges is present in samples throughout the range of Ps. triangulus pinnatus, although speci- mens possibly attributable to this subspecies also occur in samples HW 14 and HQ 14a. Ps. multistriatus dies out near the beginning of the range of Ps. triangulus pinnatus (sample HQ 19). Near the top of the range of Ps. multistriatus. Polygnathus nodo- marginatus Branson makes a brief appearance. Polygnathus cf. P. symmetricus Branson first occurs here and ranges up into the top of unit br 3, where conodonts become rare. In the middle part of unit br 3 both at Halecombe and in Vallis Vale (samples HQ 22 and Va 9) G. bulbosus disappears and Gnathodus texanus pseudosemiglaber Thompson and Fellows first appears. Towards the top of unit br 3 (samples HQ 32 and Va 13) Gnathodus texanus texanus Roundy first appears and Ps. triangulus pin- natus disappears. Scaliognathus anchoralis occurs in sample HQ 33, but is not seen again until HQ 46, where it is present together with Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff. A single specimen of Pelekysgnathus sp. A Voges was recovered from sample Va 13, and additional specimens of H. segaformis were also found in this sample. Associated with G. texanus texanus and P. cf. P. symmetricus in the upper part of unit br 3 are common apatognathids and Spathognathodus scitulus (Hinde). BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 483 Dark grey, muddy crinoidal packstones and wackestones Dark and light grey packstones and grainstones. Cross - bedding occasionally visible Lenticular limestone bodies , with mud flasers. r Metres -L 0 2 kg. Samples taken at intervals of approximately 3 Metres TEXT-FIG. 5. Location of sampled sections in Windsor Hill and Ham Woods Quarries (ST 615 452) and notes on lithologies. 484 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 WINDSOR HILL Qv. Samples WH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Polygnathus communis communis 1 5 2 1 6 7 1 2 3 4 2 Pseudopolygnothus multistriotus 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 5 13 1 1 Spothognothodus cross identotus 1 1 1 1 Sp. stobilis 1 1 1 Ps. primus 1 1 4 Gnothodus delicotus 1 Spothognothodus sp.indet. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 BARS 3 5 3 25 1 5 4 4 10 1 24 3 1 11 17 20 7 3 2 TOTAL 3 6 - 4 32 2 5 10 9 19 3 40 4 - 1 12 26 44 16 6 3 TEXT-FIG. 6. Chart to show conodont occurrences in samples from Windsor Hill Quarry. (Sample prefix WH.) HAM WOODS Qv. Samples HW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18a 19 20 21 22 23 Spothognothodus crossidentotus Sp. stobilis Pseudopolygnothus multistriotus Ps. postinodosus Gnothodus delicotus 1 2 1 3 6 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 18 5 1 10 4 3 6 2 2 1 5 8 1 2 3 17 8 3 7 9 6 6 116 31 10 1 5 Pelekysgnothus bultyncki Polygnothus communis communis P.communis corino Gnothodus cf. delicotus Ps.trionquius cf. trionqulus 1 2 12 10 6 1 1 20 2 8 1 3 4 4 20 45 9 1 4 1 2 5 6 8 11 12 7 68 1 2 1 1 1 1 Polygnathus cf. P symmetricus Dollymoe bouckoerti Doliognothus sp. P nodomorginotus Gnothodus n.sp. B, THOMPSON 1967 2 16 3 6 57 6 1 1 1 2 2 G. bulbosus Boctrognothus cf. B.distortus Ps. triongulus triongulus Ps. triongulus pinnofus Dollymoe sp. 19 11 28 33 1 1 1 23 1 Gnothodus sp.indet, Pseudopolygnothus sp indet. 1 11 6 2 1 1 3 Spothognothodus sp.indet. BARS 3 4 6 9 2 4 3 32 12 5 19 1 4 60 27 3 34 20 1 19 15 2 1 13 20 11 154 31 17 28 24 24 72 TOTAL 5 84 43 1 4 71 - 38 4 57 1 40 16 27 38 43 51 519 97 33 104 51 55 145 TEXT-FIG. 7. Chart to show conodont occurrences in samples from Ham Woods Quarry. (Sample prefix HW.) BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 485 Light grey pelletal grainstone , with micritic intraclasts. Light grey cnnoid - foraminifer grainstone. 2 kg. Samples taken at intervals of approximately 3 metres. TEXT-FIG. 8. Location of sampled sections in Halecombe Quarry (ST 702 475) and notes on lithologies. HALECOMBE Qy. Samples H Q 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14a 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pelekysgnathus bultyncki 2 Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus 2 1 1 1 Polygnathus communis communis 6 6 4 3 2 9 11 4 1 34 1 86 34 3 6 Pcommunis corina 6 13 4 1 5 Gnathodus dellcatus 1 1 1 6 6 2 7 1 G. cl delicatus 1 1 Spathognathodus stabllis 1 3 1 2 1 7 1 1 11 1 2 Sp. crassidentatus 1 1 4 5 1 Polygnathus cf.P. symmetric us 1 2 3 1 1 8 3 11 1 6 1 Gnathodus bulbosus 1 18 124 11 26 55 25 Gnathodus n.sp.B, THOMPSON 1967 1 1 2 1 5 Bactrognathus cf. B distortus 1 Ps.triangulus cf triangulus 1 Scaliognathus anchoralis 3 1 1 Ps, triangulus pinnatus 1 4 5 11 5 Polygnathus nodomarginatus 1 Ps.triangulus triangulus 1 G.texonus pseudosemiglaber 5 1 Gnathodus sp. indet. 1 1 1 5 10 17 3 1 Pseudopolygnathus sp. indet. 1 1 1 1 1 Spathognathodus sp. indet. 1 1 1 5 1 19 1 22 2 2 BARS 29 6 5 2 5 7 4 2 33 9 31 6 32 44 5 21 116 25 1 5 90 31 4 20 TOTAL 49 7 12 3 13 30 19 10 65 13 78 1 6 67 191 18 60 186 103 2 10 239 73 10 30 HALECOMBE Qy. Samples HQ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 G.texonus pseudosemiglaber Ps.triangulus pinnatus Ps.triangulus triangulus Spathognathodus stabilis Sp. crassidentatus 1 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 G.texonus texanus Polygnathus cl Psymmetricus Scaliognathus anchoralis Hindeodella segaformis Spathognathodus scitulus 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 8 9 2 2 1 22 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 opatognathids Gnathodus sp. indet. Spathognathodus sp. indet. BARS 5 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 2 7 36 24 3 17 4 3 30 6 8 14 2 2 77 8 1 3 17 6 3 TOTAL 4 7 50 31 4 19 5 8 3 49 20 12 2 19 3 3 109 15 3 6 25 15 7 - - HALECOMBE Qy. Samples HQ 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 78 80 82 Mestognathus beckmanni Spathognathodus sp. indet. BARS 2 1 1 3 TOTAL 1 1 5 - - - TEXT-FIG. 9. Chart to show conodont occurrences in samples from Halecombe Quarry. (Sample prefix HQ.) occurrences. (Sample prefix Va.) r o o D O ■-t. c/3 3 o 3 < < C/3 H 4:^ so O P 3 a o 3* P O 3 O a o 3 NJ ID if) fb 3 x T> in 3 1 TOTAL 1 1 BARS Spathognathodus sp. indet. Pseudopolygnathus sp indet. Gnothodus sp indet. Spathognathodus scitulus apatognathids Hindeodella segaformis 1 Pelekysgnathus sp.A,VOGES 1959 1 G.texanus texanus G.texanus pseudosemiglaber Polygnathus cf, P symmetricus Bactrognathus sp 1 Gnothodus nsp.B, THOMPSON 1967 j Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus | Gnothodus bulbosus Polygnathus nodomarginatus Ps. triangulus pinnatus 1 Sp.crassidentatus 1 Spathognathodus stabilis | G. cf. delicatus Gnothodus delicatus P comm unis carina 1 Polygnathus communis communis I 1 VALLIS VALE Samples Va | OJ NJ NO CO NO - ro 'sj - •vj CD NJ CO CO CD NJ ''O - NJ o 03 NO U1 4> - GO ' JN OD CD cn GO NO - - CO CO OJ CJ cn Fo CD - NJ - CD 4>- NJ - CD U) O cn cn CO 00 - - G) CD CO cn OD CO CO - O o GO (D NO NJ - NJ 'vj CD M CD CD 03 - Fo nJ CD NJ -- NO NO cn UD cn NJ oo 00 NJ cx> NJ NO - - NO - C71 CO -sj NJ io - cn CO CD NJ NO NJ 00 NJ OJ cn ■'j NJ CO cD - CD UD NJ •o CO Co OD O CO - NO NO cn CD 00 1 NO NJ NO O 488 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Faunas from unit br 4 are particularly poor, only three samples producing any conodonts at all, and samples were processed from 6-metre intervals after HQ 50 (see text-fig. 11). Sample HQ 76 (at the base of the Vallis Limestone) produced two specimens of Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff. COMPARISONS AND CORRELATIONS WITH NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE Conodonts recovered during the course of this study are all referable to the Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian). The first definitive studies of conodonts of this age were carried out in Germany by Bischoff (1957) and Voges (1959). These authors erected a series of conodont zones for this part of the Carboniferous. In recent years it has become clear that although the German sections offer good information on the lowest Carboniferous and also on the anchoralis-Zonc and higher levels, there is a paucity of information on the intermediate parts of the succession. The reason for this is that the rocks which include the Siphonodella crenulata-Zone of Voges (1959), that is the Liegende Alaunschiefer, have not produced good conodont faunas. In Belgium, conodonts from that part of the succession characterized by the genus Siphonodella are still little known, although here again both lower and higher levels are better documented (for example, Conil et al. 1964; Conil et al. 1969; Austin et al. 1970). Groessens (1971) has recently described faunas of anchoralis- Zone age from Belgium. These latter faunas compare closely with some recovered during the present study. In North America Collinson et al. (1962) erected a series of conodont zones for the Mississippian, based on evidence from the upper Mississippi Valley. These zones have been recently revised by Collinson et al. 0971). Recent work by Thomp- son (1967) and Thompson and Fellows (1970) has indicated that the upper Missis- sippi Valley sections are incomplete (see Collinson et al. 1971, fig. 2). It is with their more complete sequence of Mississippian rocks from south-western Missouri and Arkansas that the Mendip faunas best compare. Lowest part of the Lower Limestone Shale Group at Maesbury. The conodonts from this part of the succession do not readily provide for detailed comparison with information from either German or North American sections. Voges (1959) found that Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus has a range from the uppermost Devonian to the base of the Siphonodella erenulata-Zone, and possibly into that zone. This species has been reported from North America by several authors (for example Branson 1934; Collinson et al. 1962; Klapper 1966; Canis 1968) and has a range from basal Carboniferous, and possibly Upper Devonian, into the Siphonodella quadruplicata-S. crenulata Zone of Collinson et al. (1962). Thompson and Fellows (1970) reported Ps. dentilineatus ranging up into their Gnathodus delicatus- Siphonodella cooperi cooperi Zone. The genus Patrognathus has been recorded from the lowest Carboniferous of Belgium by Austin et al. (1970), but from an upper part of the Kinderhookian of North America by Klapper (1971). Klapper (1971) re- covered the genus from within a range of stratigraphy which also yielded Siphono- della isosticha and S. eooperi, although siphonodellids and patrognathids were found together in only one sample. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 489 It seems clear that the conodonts recovered from this part of the stratigraphy at Maesbury do not, at present, offer any possibility of precise correlation with other areas. Faunas with Siphonodella. Siphonodellids first appear at Maesbury in beds which include phosphatic nodules and which are interpreted as lag concentrates. The species of Siphonodella present are advanced, in terms of the North American pro- gression of forms (see Collinson et al. 1971), and their association with Gnathodus punctatus enables comparison to be made with what Thompson and Fellows (1970) regard as the uppermost Kinderhookian faunas. However, the ranges of Gnathodus punctatus, G. delicatus, Siphonodella isosticha, S. obsoleta, and Elictognathus laceratus are not shown to coincide on table 1 of Thompson and Fellows (1970). Their zonal scheme is not consistent with their own recorded results. An examination of the stratigraphic logs and conodont occurrence charts of these authors reveals that in the Baird Mountain Quarry section (Thompson and Fellows 1970, p. 149) several samples included this association of forms. Their samples 6 to 8 included Gnathodus punctatus, G. delicatus, Siphonodella cooperi hassi ( = 5. isosticha, fide Klapper, see systematic part), and Elictognathus laceratus, even though these forms do not have corresponding ranges in their table 1. Since these Baird Mountain Quarry samples are placed within the Siphonodella cooperi hassi-Gnathodus punctatus Zone, it would seem reasonable to correlate samples Ma 7 to Ma 19 with a part of this zone. This zone of Thompson and Fellows (1970) represents a part of the stratigraphy which is not seen in the upper Mississippi Valley (Collinson et al. 1971, fig. 2). The uppermost Kinderhookian of the upper Mississippi Valley was correlated with the Belgian Tn 2b by Sando et al. (1969) on the basis of foraminiferids. Groessens (1971) gives an upper limit to the range of Siphonodella at the top of Tn 2c in Belgium. In Germany the range of the genus extends into the anchoralis-Zone (Voges 1959; Meischner 1971), and a similar situation has been noted in south-west England by Matthews (1969a, b). Matthews et al. (1972) report the occurrence of siphono- dellids in a fauna including Gnathodus punctatus, Dollymae hassi, and Polygnathus communis carina from Devon. A tentative correlation is here suggested between samples Ma 7 to Ma 19 and some part of the interval Tn 2b to Tn 2c in Belgium. Uppermost Lower Limestone Shale Group and the lower part of the Black Rock Group. The lowest part of this interval is characterized by the dominance of Pseudopoly- gnathus multistriatus and Polygnathus communis communis. This association of forms conforms to faunas lying immediately above the range of Siphonodella in North America (for example Rexroad and Scott 1964) with the exception that there they include abundant gnathodids. There appears to be a scarcity of gnathodids throughout the Mendip sections at this time, these forms appearing in only two samples at Maesbury. Two possibilities emerge here: first, the lack of gnathodids at this level in the eastern Mendips could be due to some facies control ; or secondly, this association of forms could be present in North America also, but has not been recognized since the successions there are thinner at this level. Further study of this problem is necessary. Whatever the cause of this absence, gnathodids reappear in the middle part of the Black Rock Group. E 490 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 The first occurrence of Polygnathus communis carina is taken by Thompson and Fellows (1970) to define the lower limit of their Gnathodus semiglaber-P. communis carina Zone. This form first appears in sample HW 8 and is present in sample HQ 1. The first appearance of Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus is taken by Thompson and Fellows (1970) to mark the base of the overlying Bactrognathus~Ps. multistriatus Zone. This form appears earlier than P. communis carina in the Mendip successions (in sample WH 5). There does not appear to be any distinction to be made in the Mendip succession of conodonts between assemblages characteristic of the Gnathodus semiglaber-P. communis carina Zone and those of the Bactrognathus-Ps. multi- striatus Zone of Thompson and Fellows (1970). Nor is it clear where the equivalent of the boundary between the G. semiglaber-P. communis carina Zone and the under- lying G. punctatus-Siphonodella cooperi hassi Zone should be taken in the Mendips. Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groessens) first appears in sample HW 3, but is present with P. communis carina in samples HW 8 and HQ 1. Groessens (1971) shows two maxima in the occurrence of P. communis carina, one of which coincides with the first appearance of Pe. bultyncki. It would seem reasonable to correlate sample HW 8 with a point near the beginning of the second maximum of P. communis carina, that is with the base of Tn 3c of Groessens (1971). In Belgium Groessens has shown that a level characterized by abundant Dollymae bouckaerti lies at the top of the range of Pe. bultyncki. Above this level Doliognathus latus makes a brief appearance and the range of Scaliognathus anchoralis begins. This progression of forms compares with that recognized in the Mendip successions. It is possible there- fore to correlate with a fair degree of certainty between the eastern Mendips and Groessens’s Belgian successions at these levels. Faunas comparable with the German anchoralis-Zonc. The anchoralis-Zone was established in Germany by Bischoff (1957). Voges (1959, 1960) revised the zone and selected Scaliognathus anchoralis, Hindeodella segaformis, and Doliognathus latus as indices. Although Scaliognathus anchoralis was first described from North America by Branson and Mehl (1941), the anchoralis-ZonQ has not been widely recognized there. It is now clear that discontinuities within the Upper Mississippi Valley sections are in part responsible for this. The recognition of a line of development leading to Scaliognathus anchoralis suggests that the first occurrence of this form at Halecombe Quarry must be at least as early as any occurrence elsewhere. Correlation is possible with Groessens’s (1971) sections and with the base of the anchoralis-Zone in Germany. Again it is necessary to point out some differences in the record of conodont occurrences between the eastern Mendip sections and those of Thompson and Fellows (1970). According to these authors the ranges of Scaliognathus anchoralis and Pseudopolygnathus triangulus pinnatus do not coincide with that of Gnathodus bul- bosus. In the eastern Mendips, Ps. triangulus pinnatus ^ndj or Scaliognathus anchoralis occur together with G. bulbosus in certain samples between HQ 15 and HQ 21 and with G. texanus subspp. in certain samples within the range HQ 22 to HQ 46. For the reasons given above, it seems unlikely that Scaliognathus would appear earlier in Thompson and Fellows’s sections than it does in the eastern Mendips. The two first occurrences are therefore tentatively correlated, suggesting an equivalence BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 491 between sample HQ 15 and the base of the Bactrognathus distortus-Gnathodus cuneifonnis Zone of Thompson and Fellows (1970). The sequence of development from G. bulhosus to G. texanus pseudosemiglaber and G. texanus texanus, recognized by Thompson and Fellows (1970, p. 89) can also be seen in the Mendip faunas. The recognition of this sequence enables correla- tion to be made between sample HQ 22 and the base of the Gnathodus texanus- Taphrognathus Zone of Thompson and Fellows (1970), although it should be noted that no Taphrognathus has been recovered from the eastern Mendips. Below this zone in Thompson and Fellows’s scheme lies the Gnathodus bulbosus Zone, which must fall within the interval HQ 15 to HQ 22 along with the B. distortus-G. cuneiformis Zone. As already stated, there seems to be no real distinction in the Mendips be- tween the G. semiglaber-P. communis carina Zone and the Bactrognathus- Ps. multi- striatus Zone. In addition it does not seem to be possible to separate a B. distortus- G. cuneiformis Zone from a G. bulbosus Zone here. It appears therefore that the four zones suggested by Thompson and Fellows (1970) for this part of the stratigraphy in Missouri and Arkansas resolve themselves into only two distinct divisions in the Mendips. Groessens (1971) reported Mestognathus beckmanni from the uppermost part of Tn 3c and ranging up into the Visean. Two specimens of M. beckmanni were re- covered during the present study from a single sample (HQ 76) near the base of the Vallis Limestone. Voges (1959) reported M. beckmanni from the anchoralis-Zone, W.GERMANY BELGIUM E. MENDIPS MISSOURI.USA (Voges ,1959 ) (Groessens ,1971 ) (This paper) (Thompson and V la Vallis Lst HO 76 Fellows 1970 ) Unit G. texanus - br4 Taphrognathus Zone HQ_50 anchoralis - Tn 3c CL D O O Unit HQ o a: br3 22 HQ 15 - G.bulbosus 8. B.dist- ortus -G.cun. Zones JC S M “S Bactrognathus - Ps.multistnatus & Siphonodella m z o HW 8 Gsemiglaber - Pcomm carina Zones crenulata - Zone Tn 3b Unit br2 Tn 3a Mo27WH4 Unit brl (b O 0- Mo20 ■ Unit m3 S-Cooperi hassi - £ 2 — G punctalus Tn 2c <_ .3; Oi ro Unit m2 Ma7 - Zone o 1/1 Unit ml 7 TEXT-FIG. 11. Chart showing suggested correlations between the eastern Mendip composite section and sections in Europe and North America. Eastern Mendip column is drawn to scale, the others are not. 492 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 and it is therefore not possible to recognize an equivalent of zones higher than this in the sections studied. Text-fig. 11 sets out the suggestions made here on correlation with sections in Europe and North America. COMPARISONS AND CORRELATIONS WITH THE AVON GORGE Rhodes et al. (1969) sampled the Lower Carboniferous succession in the Avon Gorge and compared it with a composite section from the North Crop of the South Wales Coalfield and with scattered sections in northern England and Scotland. They erected a zonal scheme, and suggested that facies-control might explain the absence of certain forms used as zonal indices in Germany and North America. This work has been criticized by Ziegler (1971) on methodological and other grounds. Among other points, Ziegler observes that it is difficult to extract from Rhodes et al. (1969) information on the exact occurrences and ranges of species and on the composition of faunas. This being the case, it will be understood that proposals on correlation between the Mendips and the Avon Gorge must be tentative at the present time. The proposals made here are set out in text-fig. 12, and discussed below. TEXT-FIG. 1 2. Chart to show suggested correlations between the eastern Mendips composite section and the section exposed in the Avon Gorge. The two stratigraphic columns are drawn to the same scale. AVON GORGE CONODONT ZONES (after RHODES , AUSTIN aORUCE, 1969 ) 200 -n 100 -■ 0— ^ # = S. cf. S.robustus - S. tridentatus Zone (one isolated sample). * * = Placinatus - Ps.cf.Ps longiposticus Zone. B.R.D. = Black Rock Dolomite. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 493 Faunas from the lowest parts of the Lower Limestone Shale Group {Samples K 1 to K 11 of Rhodes et al.; samples Ma 1 to Ma 6 of this paper). Faunas recovered from this part of the succession by Rhodes et al. (1969) include Patrognathus, Pseudo- polygnathus vogesi ( = Ps. dentilineatus, see systematic part), and also Clydagnathus and clydagnathid-like spathognathodids. This association compares in some re- spects with the Maesbury faunas, where Patrognathus was recovered from one sample and Ps. dentilineatus occurs in several samples. It is possible that the absence of the clydagnathid group of conodonts at Maesbury may be explained by restriction of these conodonts to a narrow range of facies. They occur both at Portishead and Clevedon (see Appendix) in facies different from that of the Shirehampton Beds in the Avon Gorge, but it may be worth while to note that in the North Crop, where stromatolitic and oolitic rocks predominate (George 1 954), this group of conodonts extends into the Z zone (Black Rock Group) (Rhodes et al. 1969). The Palate Bed in the Avon Gorge (which lies between samples K 11 and K 12 of Rhodes et al. 1969) contains a large conodont fauna, including abraded speci- mens (see Appendix). Siphonodella duplieata appears in this bed, but has not been reported from elsewhere in the Bristol district. A discontinuity is present below the Palate Bed in the Avon Gorge. Caliche formation occurred within the underlying Bryozoa Bed, and pebbles of Bryozoa Bed material occur within the Palate Bed. The possibility cannot therefore be ruled out that the lower part of the Maesbury section (unit m 1) might include faunas which have no representation in the dis- continuous Avon Gorge stratigraphy. Faunas with Siphonodella {Samples K 12 and K 17 of Rhodes et al.; Samples Ma 7 to Ma 19a of this paper). Rhodes et al. (1969) recovered two specimens of Siphono- della from the Avon Gorge. Both were broken, but were identified as advanced forms on the basis of the rostral ridge development (Rhodes et al. 1969, p. 55). Patrognathids occur with these siphonodellids in the Avon Gorge. Both at Maes- bury and in the Avon Gorge the incoming of siphonodellids is associated with a phosphatic lag deposit. At this level a comparison is therefore possible both in faunal and sedimentological terms. The presence of patrognathids along with the siphonodellids in the Avon Gorge section could be due entirely to reworking associated with the Palate Bed, which (see Appendix) certainly includes reworked patrognathids. It is also possible that facies differences play some part in this. This problem may become clearer when the full distribution of Patrognathus is known. It should be noted that in a later paper, Austin et al. (1971, text-fig. 2) extend the range of Siphonodella below the Bryozoa Bed. There is no justification for this on the basis of any published information. In the Avon Gorge a covered interval is present above sample K 17 of Rhodes et al. (1969). In their paper these authors give this interval as 25 ft (7-5 m) (Rhodes et al. 1969, fig. 59). This gap has been recog- nized by other workers and is usually given a value of some 200 ft (60 m). Thus, Kellaway (1971) gives the total thickness of the Lower Limestone Shale Group in the Avon Gorge as 350 ft (107 m) compared with the 175 ft (53-5 m) given by Rhodes et al. (1969). This covered interval may, in part, explain the rarity of siphonodellids in the Avon Gorge reported by Rhodes et al. (1969). 494 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Faunas from the uppermost part of the Lower Limestone Shale Group and those from the lower part of the Black Rock Group {Samples K2I to Z 37 of Rhodes et al. ; Samples Ma 20 to Ma 28; WH 1 to WH 21 ; HW 1 to HW22; HQ 1 to HQ 14a; Va 1 to Va 2 of this paper). Faunas recovered from this part of the succession by Rhodes et al. ( 1 969) compare well with those from the Mendips. In the lower part of this interval the faunas are dominated by Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus (see systematic description for synonymy) and Polygnathus communis communis. Gnathodus delicatus appears some way above the base of the Black Rock Limestone (Z zone). It should be noted here that Rhodes et al. (1969) did not in fact recover Gnathodus delicatus from their Spathognathodus costatus costatus-Gnathodus delicatus Zone in the Avon Gorge. The first occurrence of G. delicatus there is given by Rhodes et al. (1969, p. 97) as sample Z 28, and this may tentatively be correlated with the point where gnathodids become abundant in the Mendips, that is sample HW 2 at Ham Woods Quarry. The lower chert horizon noted in the Mendips is represented in the Avon Gorge (sample Z 13 of Rhodes et al. 1969, fig. 60). However, the Main Chert is not present there, nor are any of the conodonts found at this level in the Mendip succession. Polygnathus communis carina was not reported from the Avon Gorge and no cono- donts of the kind of Pelekysgnathus bultyncki or Dollymae bouckaerti were recorded. Since P. communis carina first appears in sample HW 8 in the Mendips, it seems likely that the interval Z 28 (the first appearance of G. delicatus) to Z 37 (first appear- ance of G. bulbosus in Z 38, see below) in the Avon Gorge lies below the level of HW 8 in the Mendips, but above that of HW 2. An equivalence appears therefore to have been established between the upper- most part of the Black Rock Limestone (Z zone) in the Avon Gorge and a level less than half-way up this division in the Mendips. It seems that a considerable discontinuity may exist at the top of the Black Rock Limestone in the Avon Gorge, as has already been suggested by Mitchell (1971, 1972) on the basis of coral faunas. Faunas comparable with the German anchoralis-Zonc {Samples Z 38 to C 14 of Rhodes et al. ; Samples HW 23 ; HQ 15 to HQ 82; Va 3 to Va 20 of this paper). Rhodes et al. (1969) did not record any trace of anchor alis-Zont faunas (with the exception of one specimen of Pseudopolygnathus triangulus cf. pinnatus, which is removed from this species altogether in the systematic part of this paper, see below). However, an examination of their faunas from the Black Rock Dolomite in the Avon Gorge has revealed that certain gnathodids characteristic of the anchoralis-Zone equivalents in the Mendips do in fact occur here. Thus, G. bulbosus occurs in sample Z 38 and G. texanus pseudosemiglaber occurs in sample C 4. S. C. Matthews (pers. comm.) has recovered Ps. triangulus pinnatus from the Black Rock Dolomite in the Avon Gorge. It appears therefore that although the Mendip succession is much the thicker at this level, and the Avon Gorge succession broken, there might nevertheless be some isolated remnants of the fuller succession of faunas to be found in the Black Rock Dolomite at Bristol. All of this question will be clearer when the conodont faunas of the Black Rock Dolomite have been restudied. Sparse faunas with Mestognathus beckmanni were recorded from the Gully Oolite of the Clifton Down Group in the Avon Gorge by Rhodes et al. (1969), and BUTLER; CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 495 they may perhaps be compared with those recovered from sample HQ 76 in the Mendips. This would indicate that the base of the Gully Oolite in the Avon Gorge is no lower than the top of the Black Rock Group in the eastern Mendips, which is consistent with the proposals advanced by Kellaway and Welch (1955). Mitchell (1972) has recently suggested that the Tournaisian-Visean boundary should lie at, or below, the base of the Gully Oolite in the Avon Gorge. The conodont faunas recovered from the eastern Mendips during this study do not contradict this sug- gestion when compared with those recovered from Belgium by Groessens (1971). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY The entire conodont collection has been deposited in the Leeds Office of the Institute of Geological Sciences. Four-figure numbers prefixed LZA identity 32- cavity slides in the collection. Individual cavities are identified by a suffix to the four-figure number. Each figured specimen occupies its own cavity. Bar-type cono- donts are included in the collection, but since they have in almost every case no stratigraphic significance, they are not treated in the systematics. The sole exception is Hindeodella segaformis. The synonymy lists carry annotations according to the system proposed by Richter (1948). Genus bactrognathus Branson and Mehl 1941 Bactrognathus cf. B. distortus Branson and Mehl 1941 Plate 58, figs. 11-13 Remarks. This form possesses a posterior lateral process, suggesting comparison with the genus Bactrognathus. The prominent hornlike denticle is similar to that described for B. distortus Branson and Mehl by Rexroad and Scott (1964). These authors figure a lateral view of B. distortus which is similar to that of the present specimens (cf. Rexroad and Scott 1964, pi. 3, fig. 9). The distal part of the posterior lateral process of B. distortus is, however, normally redirected towards the posterior, giving a Z-shaped appearance in oral view. In lateral view the main bar resembles that of Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groes- sens) and in oral view the species has much in common with immature forms of Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl, which, however, have two posterior lateral processes (cf. PI. 58, figs. 12, 13, and figs. 21, 22). Material. 3 specimens, from 3 samples. Genus doliognathus Branson and Mehl 1941 Doliognathus sp. Plate 58, figs. 17, 18 Remarks. A single specimen referable to this genus was recovered in association with Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groessens) and D. bouckaerti Groessens. It re- sembles early forms of Pe. bultyncki, displaying a short posterior bar behind the prominent hornlike denticle, but has a small node on the inner side of this denticle. 496 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 The basal cavity has a corresponding lobe underneath this lateral node. Although this specimen is an immature form, it is considered to resemble the genus Dolio- gnathus Branson and Mehl. The lateral view of a specimen assigned to D. latus Branson and Mehl by Groessens (1971, pi. 2, fig. 1) is similar in appearance. Material. 1 specimen. Genus dollymae Hass 1959 Dollymae bouckaerti Groessens 1971 Plate 58, figs. 19, 20, 25, 26 1959 Dollymae sp. B Voges, p. 276, pi. 33, figs. 15-17. *1971 Dollymae bouckaerti Groessens, p. 14, pi. 1, figs. 6-8. Remarks. Specimens found during the present study demonstrate similar morpho- logical variations to those described by Groessens (1971). The diagnosis given by Groessens (1971, p. 14) runs as follows: ‘A species of the genus Dollymae with a straight blade and two lateral processes, each ornamented by a single node or row of nodes. The basal cavity occupies the whole of the aboral surface of the platform and includes a median groove.’. In agreement with Groessens (1971, p. 15) this species is considered to have been derived from his own Spathognatliodus bultyncki (referred to Pelekysgnathus below) by an expansion of the basal cavity and the development of nodes on the resulting lateral processes. Material. 63 specimens, from 2 samples. Dollymae sp. Remarks. A single specimen referable to the genus Dollymae Hass was recovered from sample HW 20. This specimen was broken, only part of the platform and lateral process from one side being found. The specimen shows the development of a broad basal cavity, with a platform ornamented by a laterally directed arc-shaped row of denticles. The platform ornamentation does not fall within the range of variation of that of D. bouckaerti Groessens. Material. 1 specimen. Genus elictognathus Cooper 1939 Elictognathus laceratus (Branson and Mehl 1934) Plate 59, figs. 25, 28 *1934 Solenognathus lacerata Branson and Mehl, p. 271, pi. 22, figs. 5, 6. 1970 Elictognathus laceratus (Branson and Mehl); Thompson and Fellows, p. 81, pi. 5, figs. 20, 21 (with synonymy). Remarks. Klapper (1966) and Thompson and Fellows (1970) have discussed the range of variation in ornament exhibited by this species. Specimens recovered from Maesbury are simple forms, similar to Branson and Mehl’s holotype. Material. 10 specimens, from 3 samples. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 497 Genus gnathodus Pander 1856 Remarks. In recent years much confusion has arisen in the classification of gnatho- dids, particularly in that of G. texanus Roundy. It is now becoming clear that part of the reason for this is that the record of gnathodids from the upper Mississippi Valley is not complete (compare Rexroad and Scott 1964 and Thompson and Fellows 1970). In addition, the stratigraphy immediately below the anchoralis-Zone in Germany has not produced many conodonts. It now appears that the gnathodids referred to as G. antetexanus Rexroad and Scott lie below the anchoralis-Zone and that the German anchoralis-Zone gnathodids (including the G. texanus group of Voges 1959) are not represented in the upper Mississippi Valley sections. In the eastern Mendips, G. delicatus Branson and Mehl dominates faunas imme- diately below the anchoralis-Zone and faunas in the lower part of this zone are dominated by G. bulbosus Thompson. Gnathodus bulbosus Thompson 1967 Plate 56, figs. 12, 15, 16, 19-24, 27 *1967 Gnathodus bulbosus Thompson, p. 37, pi. 3, figs. 7, 1 1, 14, 15, 18-21 ; pi. 6, figs. 2, 7. vl969 Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper); Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 105, pi. 18, figs. 1, 10, 11. vl969 Gnathodus punctatus-Gnathodus semiglaber transition; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, pi. 30, figs. 2, 8. 1970 Gnathodus bulbosus Thompson; Thompson and Fellows, p. 84, pi. 1, figs. 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13. Remarks. Thompson (1967, p. 37) restricted this species to those forms whose carina is bulbous where it protrudes beyond the posterior end of the platform. Specimens he illustrated are characterized by high peg-like nodes at the anterior end of the platform, appearing almost to ‘pinch’ the carina. In the present study, many speci- mens possess further nodes lying in rows parallel to the carina in the posterior part of the platform. These are considered to lie within the range of variation of G. bulbosus. As suggested by Thompson and Fellows (1970, p. 89) G. texanus Roundy appears to have developed from G. bulbosus by a reduction of the platform and the expan- sion of the peg-like inner node into a short parapet. Material. 417 specimens, from 15 samples. Gnathodus delicatus Branson and Mehl 1938 Plate 56, figs. 3-5, 7-11, 13, 14 *1938 Gnathodus delicatus Branson and Mehl, pi. 34, p. 145, figs. 25-37. 1967 Gnathodus sp. cf. bilineatus (Roundy); Thompson, p. 37, pi. 3, figs. 8, 10, 12, 17. vl969 Gnathodus semiglaber Bischoff; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 106, pi. 30, fig. 1. 1970 Gnathodus sp. cf. bilineatus (Roundy); Thompson and Fellows, p. 84, pi. 1, figs. 5, 10. vl972 Gnathodus delicatus Branson and Mehl; Matthews, Sadler, and Selwood, pp. 559-560, pi. 110, figs. 5, 7-9 (with synonymy). Remarks. This species is considered to include all those gnathodids which possess platforms ornamented by rows of nodes sub-parallel to the carina, but without the low broad outer platform characteristic of G. bilineatus (Roundy). Forms towards 498 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 the top of the range of the species show the development of a distinct parapet, situated anteriorly on the inner side, the rows of nodes posterior to it being less well developed. These forms resemble those called G. antetexanus Rexroad and Scott and G. typicus Cooper but are here considered to lie within the range of variation of G. delicatus. A transition exists between G. delicatus and forms with a bulbous platform on the inner side, referable to G. semiglaber Bischolf. Matthews et al. 0972) have drawn attention to forms of G. delicatus which resemble G. punctatus (Cooper). The specimen illustrated here in Plate 56, figs. 10, 11 is of this type. Material. 275 specimens, including 8 cf. determinations, from 27 samples. Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper 1939) Plate 56, figs. 1, 2 *1939 Dryphenotus punctatus Cooper, p. 386, pi. 41, figs. 42, 43; pi. 42, figs. 10, 11. vl972 Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper); Matthews, Sadler, and Selwood, pp. 560-562, pi. 109, figs. 5, 13; pi. 110, figs. 1-4, 11-15 (with synonymy). Remarks. Matthews et al. (1972) have described several variants of this species. The two specimens recovered during the present study both lie within variant 5 of these authors. A specimen illustrated by Rhodes et al. (1969) as G. delicatus is con- sidered here to lie within the range of variation of G. punctatus (variant 1 of Matthews et al. 1972, and cf. Plate 56, figs. 10, 11 of this paper). Specimens referred to G. punctatus by Rhodes et al. (1969) are placed in G. bulbosus (see above). G. punctatus has a curved inner parapet, convex to the carina, and is therefore distinguished from G. bulbosus, which has a peg-like node on the inner side. Material. 2 specimens, from 1 sample. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 56 Specimens dusted with ammonium chloride. All x 30. Figs. 1, 2. Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper). Aboral and oral views of LZA 6008/1 (sample Ma 7). Figs. 3-5, 7-11, 13, 14. Gnathodus delicatus Branson and Mehl. 3, 4, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6060/1 (HW 10). 5, LZA 6010/1 (Ma 9). 7, 8, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6086/1 (HQ 10). 9, LZA 6080/1 (HQ 3). 10, 11, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6063/1 (HW 13). 13, 14, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6068/10 (HW 18). Figs. 6, 25, 26. Gnathodus n. sp. B Thompson, 1967. 6, LZA 6011 jA (HW 23). 25, 26, Lateral and oral views of LZA 6093/4 (HQ 15). Figs. 12, 15, 16, 19-24, 27. Gnathodus bulbosus Thompson. 12, LZA 6093/6 (HQ 15): specimen transi- tional from G. delicatus. 15, 16, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6093/1 (HQ 15). 19, LZA 6093/9 (HQ 15). 20, 21, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6100/1 (HQ 19). 22, LZA 6093/2 (HQ 15). 23, LZA 6093/5 (HQ 15). 24, LZA 6093/3 (HQ 15). 27, LZA 6098/1 (HQ 18). Figs. 17, 18. Gnathodus sp. (juv?). 17, LZA 6093/7 (HQ 15). 18, LZA 6093/8 (HQ 15). Figs. 28, 29, 36. Gnathodus texanus pseudosemiglaber Thompson and Fellows. 28, 29, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6112/3 (HQ 29). 36, LZA 6150/1 ( Va 1 3). Figs. 30-35. Gnathodus texanus texanus Roundy. 30, LZA 6118/5 (HQ 35). 31-33, Lateral, oral, and aboral views of LZA 61 18/1 (HQ 35). 34, 35, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6155/1 (Va 17). PLATE 56 BUTLER, Carboniferous conodonts 500 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Gnathodus texanus Roundy 1926 Remarks. Thompson and Fellows (1970) have recognized two subspecies of G. texanus Roundy. Both have been recovered from the eastern Mendips. Gnathodus texanus pseudosemiglaber Thompson and Fellows 1970 Plate 56, figs. 28, 29, 36 71967 Gnathodus texanus Roundy; Wirth, p. 213, pi. 23, fig. 18 (only). V . 1969 Gnathodus antetexanus Rexroad and Scott; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, pi. 18, fig. 13 (only). *1970 Gnathodus texanus pseudosemiglaber Thompson and Fellows, p. 88, pi. 2, figs. 6, 8, 9, 11-13 (with synonymy). 71970 Gnathodus typicus Cooper; Marks and Wensink, p. 264, pi. 4, figs. 1, 4 (only). Remarks. Thompson and Fellows (1970, p. 89) suggest that this form arises from G. bulbosus and in turn gives rise to G. texanus texanus Roundy. This view is sup- ported by evidence from the eastern Mendips. Specimens recovered are similar to those illustrated by Thompson and Fellows (1970). Material. 62 specimens, from 1 1 samples. Gnathodus texanus texanus Roundy 1926 Plate 56, figs. 30-35 *1926 Gnathodus texanus Roundy, in Roundy, Girty, and Goldman, p. 12, pi. 2, figs. 7, 8. 1970 Gnathodus texanus texanus Roundy; Thompson and Fellows, p. 89, pi. 2, figs. 15, 16 (with synonymy). 71970 Gnathodus typicus Cooper; Marks and Wensink, p. 264, pi. 4, figs. 2, 3 (only). Remarks. Specimens recovered from the eastern Mendips conform to the descrip- tion given by Thompson and Fellows (1970, p. 89). As these authors suggest, the subspecies seems to develop from G. texanus pseudosemiglaber by a reduction of the outer platform. Material. 31 specimens, from 12 samples. Gnathodus n. sp. B Thompson 1967 Plate 56, figs. 6, 25, 26 1967 Gnathodus n. sp. B Thompson, p. 43, pi. 4, figs. 14. Remarks. This species is characterized by a platform ornamented by scattered low nodes or rows of nodes. It may deserve to be included within the range of variation of G. delicatus. Material. 16 specimens, from 9 samples. Genus hindeodella Ulrich and Bassler 1926 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff 1957 Plate 58, fig. 29 *1957 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff, p. 28, pi. 5, figs. 40, 41, 43. 1959 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff; Voges, p. 285. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 50] 1964 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff; Burton, range chart, facing p. 74. 1965 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff; Budinger, p. 66, pi. 5, figs. 19-21 (with synonymy). 1967 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff; Zikmundova, pi. 2, fig. 3; pi. 3, figs. 2a, 2b. 1969a Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff; Matthews, pi. 47, figs. 10, 11. 1970 Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff; Marks and Wensink, p. 265, pi. 1, fig. 2. Material. 3 specimens, from 2 samples. Genus mestognathus Bischoff 1957 Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff 1957 Plate 58, figs. 1, 2 *1957 Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff, p. 37, pi. 2, figs. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. 1960 Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff; Ziegler in Kronberg, Pilger, Scherp, and Ziegler, p. 14, pi. 3, fig. 1. vl969 Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 150, pi. 15, fig. 7. 1971 Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff; Groessens, pi. 2, fig. 8. Material. 2 specimens, from 1 sample. Genus patrognathus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce 1969 Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce 1969 Plate 59, figs. 1, 2 v*1969 Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 179, pi. 2, figs. 8-11. 1970 Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce; Austin, Conil, Rhodes, and Streel, pi. 1, fig. 7. Remarks. Klapper (1971) has distinguished two species of Patrognathus, based on the size of the basal cavity. The two specimens recovered from the Maesbury sec- tion have widely-flared basal cavities and can therefore be included in P. variabilis. Material. 2 specimens, from 1 sample. Genus pelekysgnathus Thomas 1949 Remarks. This genus was originally described from Upper Devonian rocks. Voges (1959) reported its occurrence in rocks of anchoralis-Zone age, and further records from Carboniferous rocks of this age have come from New Mexico (Burton 1964) and Belgium (Groessens 1971). Klapper (1966) has discussed the difficulty of dis- tinguishing Pelekysgnathus from Icriodus in the Upper Devonian. Forms recovered from the eastern Mendips are here referred to as Pelekysgnathus, following the lead of Voges (1959). The relationship of these to any Devonian forms, whether Pelekys- gnathus or Icriodus, is not understood. Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groessens 1971) Plate 58, figs. 8-10, 14-16 *1971 Spathognathodus bultyncki Groessens, p. 115, pi. 1, figs. 2-5. Remarks. Groessens’s diagnosis (1971, p. 15) runs as follows: ‘A species of Spatho- gnathodus with a straight, or slightly arched, blade. The denticles are upright in the anterior part, and progressively show more posteriorward inclination towards the 502 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 posterior end of the blade. A prominent posteriorly pointing denticle is present in the posterior part of the blade. The basal cavity is situated at the posterior end of the blade and is rounded posteriorly and pointed anteriorly.’ It is considered here that the features described by Groessens are more consistent with the genus Pelekysgnathus than with Spathognathodus. Early forms possess denticles behind the main cusp, but these are not present in later specimens (cf. Groessens 1971, pi. 1, figs. 2-4). The origin of the species is not clear. Pe. bultyncki appears to have formed the stock from which both Dollymae bou- ckaerti and Scaliognathus developed. Expansion of the basal cavity and the develop- ment of nodes on the oral surface of the expansion seem to have led to D. bouckaerti. A range of forms showing this transition is available in sample HW 18 (slide LZA 6070). Scaliognathus anchoralis appears to have been derived by the develop- ment of lateral processes, the basal cavity remaining relatively restricted. Bactro- gnathus cf. B. distortus is considered to be a transitional form, with only one lateral process. In addition, the specimen of Doliognathus sp. (PI. 58, figs. 17, 18) is close to Pe. bultyncki but has a single rudimentary lateral bar. Material. 17 specimens, from 4 samples. Pelekysgnathus sp. A Voges 1959 Plate 58, figs. 3-5 1959 Pelekysgnathus sp. A Voges, p. 287, pi. 33, fig. 44. 1971 1 Pelekysgnathus sp. A Voges; Groessens, pi. 2, fig. 3. Remarks. Klapper (1966) has stated that this form, because of its double row of nodes, should be placed in the genus Icriodus. It has been retained in Pelekysgnathus for the present, however, until its relationship to other forms is understood. It appears to be related to Pe. bultyncki. In lateral view the two species are almost identical (see PI. 58). Material. 1 specimen. Genus polygnathus Hinde 1879 Polygnathus communis Branson and Mehl 1934 Remarks. Hass (1959) subdivided P. communis on the basis of platform ornament. In the eastern Mendips the zonally important form P. communis carina Hass has been recovered, in addition to the long-ranging P. communis communis Branson and Mehl. Immature specimens of this species have relatively large basal cavities and larger forms have relatively small cavities. The actual size of the basal cavity appears to remain constant throughout growth. Polygnathus communis carina Hass 1959 Plate 59, figs. 10-13, 26 *1959 Polygnathus communis var. carina Hass, p. 391, pi. 47, figs. 8, 9. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 503 1969 Polygnathus communis dentatus Druce, p. 95, pi. 18, figs. 13, 14. vl972 Polygnathus communis carina Hass; Matthews, Sadler, and Selwood, pp. 563-564, pi. Ill, figs. 6, 7, 13 (with synonymy). Remarks. Variants of P. communis showing the development of nodes or ridges on the anterior part of the platform or platform margin are placed within this subspecies. Material. 162 specimens, from 16 samples. Polygnathus communis communis Branson and Mehl 1934 Plate 59, figs. 8, 9, 15-17 *1934 Polygnathus communis Branson and Mehl, p. 293, pi. 24, figs. 1-4. Remarks. Some members of this subspecies have exceptionally long blades and abbreviated platforms. In these specimens the basal cavity often lies on the aboral surface in a position anterior to the blade-platform junction. These forms resemble P. varcus Stauffer. Material. 455 specimens, from 55 samples. Polygnathus inornatus Branson 1934 Plate 59, figs. 6, 7, 19, 20 *1934 Polygnathus inornata Branson, p. 309, pi. 25, figs. 8, 26. 1971 Polygnathus inornatus Branson; Klapper, p. 6 (with synonymy). Remarks. Klapper (1971, p. 7) discussed the distinction between this species and P. inornatus sensu Branson and Mehl 1934. All specimens recovered from the Men- dips lie within the range of variation of P. inornatus Branson, including forms which might previously have been called P. lobatus Branson and Mehl. The species is distinguished from P. symnietricus Branson by its well-defined subcircular basal cavity. In juvenile forms, the basal cavity resembles that of P. communis. A short free blade is common in this species. Material. 151 specimens, from 9 samples. The Polygnathus symmetricus Branson Group Remarks. A number of polygnathids figured by other workers resemble P. inornatus in their platform development but differ in that they possess an elongate basal cavity. Klapper (1966) placed specimens with this type of cavity in P. symmetricus Branson, and his lead is followed here. Within this group of polygnathids are recognized two subgroups. The first has been recovered from the lowest part of the Lower Limestone Shale Group seen at Maesbury and has been found in the Shirehampton Beds at Stoke Bishop (Bristol) by S. C. Matthews (pers. comm.). This subgroup closely resembles the specimens of P. symmetricus recovered from the Hannibal Shale by Branson and Mehl (1934) and is included within that species. The second subgroup includes a broader range of polygnathids found higher up the stratigraphy, around the equivalent of the base of the anchor alis-Zont. These 504 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 were reported from Missouri by Thompson (1967) and Thompson and Fellows (1970). Some representatives are also available in the Avon Gorge (see Rhodes et al. 1969). These forms are included here as P. cf. P. symmetricus, since they have the characteristic basal cavity but are generally asymmetrical. This subgroup appears to develop from Pseudopoly gnathus multistriatus by reduction of the size of the basal cavity and a change in the platform ornament. Polygnathus nodomarginatus Branson is considered to be a transitional form. Members of this subgroup show characteristic pseudopolygnathid asymmetry in juveniles, the platform on the right- hand side tending to be better developed than that on the left. Juvenile forms of both subgroups have basal cavities which are deep and widely excavated along the underside of the platform, resembling those of spathognathodids. Polygnathus nodomarginatus Branson 1934 Plate 57, figs. 2, 3 *1934 Polygnathus nodomarginata Branson, p. 310, pi. 25, fig. 10. 1956 Polygnathus nodomarginata Branson; Bischoff and Ziegler, p. 156, pi. 12, fig. 6. 1956 Polygnathus inornata Branson; Bischoff and Ziegler, p. 157, pi. 12, fig. 5. vl969 Pseudopolygnathus nodomarginatus (Branson); Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 212, pi. 9, figs. 1-4; pi. 12, figs. 6-8, 10. V. 1969 Pseudopolygnathus cf. longiposticus Branson and Mehl; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 210, pi. 30, figs. 11-16 (only). V. 1969 Pseudopolygnathus triangulus cf. pinnatus Voges; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 216, pi. 30, fig. 19. Remarks. This species is considered to be closely related to Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Mehl and Thomas. The form appears briefly near the top of the range of Ps. multistriatus and some specimens have basal cavities similar to that of this pseudopolygnathid. The platform ornament is coarse, but polygnathid-like. Members of this species show a characteristic asymmetry, the right-hand side of the platform often extending farther anteriorly than the left. Material. 3 specimens, from 3 samples. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 57 Specimens dusted with ammonium chloride. All x 30. Fig. 1. Pseudopolygnathus postinodosus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce. LZA 6052/1 (sample HW 2). Figs. 2, 3. Polygnathus nodomarginatus Branson. Oral and aboral views of LZA 6093/12 (HQ 15). Figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19, 20. Polygnathus cf P. symmetricus Branson. 4, 5, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6098/1 1 (HQ 18). 7, 8, Aboral and oral views of LZA 61 19/1 (HQ 36). 11,12, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6118/6 (HQ 35). 19, 20, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6077/3 (HW 23). Figs. 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23-25. Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Mehl and Thomas. 6, LZA 6046/9 (WH 17). 9, 10, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6100/2 (HQ 19). 15, 16, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6078/1 (HQ 1). 23, 24, 25, Oral, aboral, and lateral views of LZA 6047/2 (WH 18). Figs. 13, 14, 17, 18. Pseudopolygnathus primus Branson and Mehl. 13, 14, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6047/1 (WH 18). 17, 18, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6046/1 (WH 17). Figs. 21, 22. Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson. Oral and aboral views of LZA 6003/1 (Ma 2). PLATE 57 BUTLER, Carboniferous conodonts 506 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Polygnathus symmetricus Branson 1934 Plate 59, figs. 22, 23 *1934 Polygnathus symmetrica Branson, p. 310, pi. 25, fig. 11. 1966 Polygnathus symmetrica Branson; Klapper, p. 21, pi. 4, figs. 7, 9; pi. 6, figs. 1, 5 (with synonymy). 1968 Polygnathus symmetrica Branson; Straka, p. 35, pi. 1, figs. 6, 9 (only). Remarks. This species is common at the base of the Lower Limestone Shale Group in the Mendips. Immature forms have a basal cavity which is spathognathodid-like, underlying the entire platform, and a symmetrical platform. Material. 68 specimens, from 5 samples. Polygnathus cf. P. symmetricus Branson 1934 Plate 57, figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19, 20 The following are regarded as falling within this subgroup : 1967 Polygnathus mehli Thompson, p. 47, pi. 2, figs. 1-6. 1969 Polygnathus bischoffi Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 184, pi. 13, figs. 8-11. 1969 Polygnathus lacinatus asymmetricus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 188, pi. 11, figs. 1-4. 1969 Polygnathus lacinatus circaperipherus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 189, pi. 11, figs. 12-15. 1969 Polygnathus lacinatus lacinatus Huddle; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 189, pi. 11, figs. 8-10. 1969 Polygnathus lacinatus prelobatus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 190, pi. 11, figs. 5-7, 11. 1970 Polygnathus bischoffi Rhodes, Austin, and Druce; Marks and Wensink, p. 268, pi. 1, fig. 18. Remarks. Included in this subgroup are all those ‘late’ polygnathids having a narrow platform and elongate basal cavity. Immature members of this species have spathognathodid-like basal cavities, similar to those seen in P. symmetricus. The platform in immature forms is, however, often asymmetrical, with the right-hand side consistently better developed than the left (see PI. 57, fig. 12). The subgroup appears to develop from Pseudopoly gnat hus multistriatus, and forms with basal cavities resembling those of this pseudopolygnathid are found. Material. 217 specimens, from 39 samples. Genus pseudopolygnathus Branson and Mehl 1934 Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson 1934 Plate 57, figs. 21, 22 *1934 Pseudopolygnathus dentilineata Branson, p. 317, pi. 26, fig. 22. 1966 Pseudopolygnathus dentilineata Branson; Klapper, p. 14, pi. 5, figs. 10, 11 (with synonymy). V. 1969 Pseudopolygnathus expansus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 209, pi. 5, figs. 2, 4. V. 1969 Pseudopolygnathus vogesi Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 216, pi. 5, figs. 1, 3, 5-8. 1970 Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson; Thompson and Fellows, p. 99, pi. 5, figs. 1, 5. Remarks. As suggested by Klapper (1966, p. 15), Ps. dentilineatus is characterized by a basal cavity which, in mature specimens, is as wide as the platform. The basal cavity tends to be subcircular and widely flared, and is therefore distinct from that of Ps. multistriatus, which is narrow and attenuate posteriorly. Material. 1 specimens, from 2 samples. BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 507 Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Mehl and Thomas 1947 Plate 57, figs. 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 23-25 *1947 Pseudopolygnathus multisthata Mehl and Thomas, p. 16, pi. 1, fig. 36. 1967 Pseudopolygnathus multistriata Mehl and Thomas; Thompson, p. 49, pi. 4, figs. 15, 16, 19, 20 (with synonymy). 1968 Pseudopolygnathus multistriata Mehl and Thomas; Canis, p. 547, pi. 73, figs. 13, 16. vl969 Pseudopolygnathus multistriatus Mehl and Thomas; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 211, pi. 5, figs. 14-16; pi. 6, fig. 2. V.1969 Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 208, pi. 5, figs. 9-13; pi. 6, fig. 8. v.1969 Pseudopolygnathus primus Branson and Mehl; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 214, pi. 6, figs. 4, 5, 7, 11, 12 (only). Remarks. Mature specimens of this form possess an elongate basal cavity which is not as wide as the platform. Late forms may have a much-reduced basal cavity. Hass (1959, pi. 47) figured an ontogenetic series of Ps. lanceolata (now placed in synonymy with Ps. multistriatus). Specimens found during the present study con- form to this series, certain immature forms having nodes on the right-hand side only, and resembling Spathognathodus aculeatus (Branson and Mehl). Members of this species are again more fully developed on the right-hand side. The basal cavity may be relatively large in immature specimens. In certain forms the blade does not continue into the carina on the platform, but tends towards the nodes on the right- hand side of the platform (see PI. 57, fig. 23). These forms bear some resemblance to the genus Clydagnathus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce. Material. 73 specimens, from 25 samples. Pseudopolygnathus postinodosus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce 1969 Plate 57, fig. 1 v*1969 Pseudopolygnathus postinodosus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 213, pi. 6, fig. 6. Remarks. This form lacks a platform, but the lateral view is similar to that of Ps. multistriatus (compare PI. 57, fig. 1 with PI. 57, fig. 25). Material. 1 specimen. Pseudopolygnathus primus Branson and Mehl 1934 Plate 57, figs. 13, 14, 17, 18 *1934 Pseudopolygnathus prima Branson and Mehl, p. 298, pi. 24, figs. 24, 25. vl969 Pseudopolygnathus primus Branson and Mehl; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 214, pi. 6, fig. 10 (only). 1970 Pseudopolygnathus primus Branson and Mehl; Thompson and Fellows, p. 101, pi. 5, figs. 15, 16, 18, 19 (with synonymy). Remarks. The characteristics of this species are taken as follows: The platform possesses a pronounced lateral lobe on either the inner or outer side, separated from the carina by a depression. The basal cavity is not as wide as the platform in mature forms. Immature forms again show a more fully developed right-hand side, irrespective of whether this is the inner or outer side. As Klapper (1966, p. 14) has 508 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 pointed out, some specimens of Ps. primus resemble Ps. triangulus pinnatus Voges (see PL 57, fig. 18). This latter species possesses a smaller basal cavity, and tends to have a broad, flat platform. Material. 6 specimens, from 3 samples. Pseudopoly gnat hus triangulus Voges 1959 Pseudopoly gnat hus triangulus pinnatus Voges 1959 Plate 58, figs. 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34 *1959 Pseudopoly gnathus triangula pinnata Voges, p. 302, pi. 34, figs. 59-66. 1964 Pseudopolygnathus triangula pinnata Voges; Higgins, Wagner-Gentis, and Wagner, pi. 4, fig. 16. 1967 Pseudopolygnathus triangula pinnata Voges ; Boogaert, p. 285, pi. 3, figs. 9, 10 (with synonymy). 1969 Pseudopolygnathus triangula pinnata Voges; Matthews (1969a), p. 271, pi. 48, figs. 3, 4, 8, 10, 11. 1969 Pseudopolygnathus triangula pinnata Voges; Matthews (19696), pi. 51, fig. 8. non vl969 Pseudopolygnathus triangulus cf. pinnatus Voges; Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 216, pi. 30, fig. 19 (= Polygnathus nodomarginatus Branson). 1970 Pseudopolygnathus triangulus pinnatus Voges; Marks and Wensink, p. 269, pi. 1, fig. 17. 1970 Pseudopolygnathus triangulus pinnatus Voges; Thompson and Fellows, p. 102, pi. 6, figs. 6, 11, 12. Remarks. Specimens found during the present study show a similar range of varia- tion to that illustrated by Voges (1959). Members of this subspecies again show the tendency for the right-hand side to be more fully developed than the left. A row of platform denticles is often present extending along the blade towards the anterior on the right-hand side, regardless of which side includes the pinnation (compare PI. 58, fig. 30 with PI. 58, fig. 34). Material. 65 specimens, from 14 samples. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 58 Specimens dusted with ammonium chloride. All x 30. Figs. 1, 2. Mestognathus beckmanni Bischoff. Aboral and oral views of LZA 6135/1 (sample HQ 76). Figs. 3-5. Pelekysgnathus sp. A Voges 1959. Lateral, oral, and aboral views of LZA 6150/2 (Va 13). Figs. 6, 7, 21, 22. Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl. 6, 7, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6104/2 (HQ 22). 21, 22, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6093/1 1 (HQ 15). Figs. 8-10, 14-16. Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groessens). 8-10, Lateral, aboral, and oral views of LZA 6078/2 (HQ 1). 14-16, Lateral, aboral, and oral views of LZA 6068/6 (HW 18). Figs. 11-13. Bactrognathus cf. B. distortus Branson and Mehl. 1 1, LZA 6092/1 (HQ 14a): specimen later accidentally destroyed. 12, 13, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6075/1 (HW 21). Figs. 17, 18. Doliognathus sp. Aboral and oblique lateral/oral views of LZA 6068/3 (HW 18). Figs. 19, 20, 25, 26. Dollymae bouckaerti Groessens. 19, 20, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6068/1 1 (HW 18). 25, 26, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6068/8 (HW 18). Figs. 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34. Pseudopolygnathus triangulus pinnatus Voges. 23, 24, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6077/2 (HW 23). 27, LZA 6104/1 (HQ 22). 28, LZA 6106/1 (HQ 23). 30, 31, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6077/1 (HW 23). 33, 34, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6098/2 (HQ 18). Fig. 29. Hindeodella segaformis Bischoff. LZA 6129/1 (HQ 46). Fig. 32. Pseudopolygnathus triangulus triangulus Voges. LZA 6111/1 (HQ 28). PLATE 58 BUTLER, Carboniferous conodonts 510 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Pseudopolygnathus triangulus triangulus Voges 1959 Plate 58, fig. 32 *1959 Pseudopolygnathus triangula triangula Voges, p. 304, pi. 35, figs. 7-13. 1969 Pseudopolygnathus triangula triangula Voges; Matthews (1969a), p. 271, pi. 48, figs. 2, 7. 1970 Pseudopolygnathus triangulus triangulus Voges; Thompson and Fellows, p. 103, pi. 7, figs. 6, 7 (with synonymy). Remarks. Specimens recovered are similar to those figured by Voges (1959, pi. 35). Voges (1959, table 1) gave this subspecies a lower range than that of Ps. triangulus pinnatus. In the eastern Mendips the two forms have almost identical ranges. Material. 8 specimens (including 2 cf. determinations), from 6 samples. Genus scaliognathus Branson and Mehl 1941 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl 1941 Plate 58, figs. 6, 7, 21, 22 *1941 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl, p. 102, pi. 19, figs. 29-32. 1964 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Burton, range-chart, facing p. 74. 1967 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Zikmundova, pi. 1, figs. 1, 2, 4. 1968 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Schulze, p. 220, pi. 20, fig. 32 (with synonymy). 1969 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Matthews (1969a), p. 272, pi. 49, figs. 1-10. 1969 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Matthews (19696), pi. 51, figs. 1, 2. 1970 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Marks and Wensink, p. 269, pi. 4, fig. 12. 1970 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl ; Thompson and Fellows, p. 103 (with additional synonymy). 1971 Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl; Groessens, pi. 1, figs. 9, 10. Remarks. The species is one of the indices of the German anchor alis-Zone. It has, in the past, been reported mainly from ‘basinal’ sequences, and there have been sugges- tions (e.g. Rhodes et al. 1969, p. 65) that facies-control resulted in virtual exclusion of this species from the ‘shelf’ limestone successions. It now seems clear that the species is present in the limestone sequences and that its absence at many places is due in part to discontinuities within the successions. The species appears to have developed from Pelekysgnathus bultyncki (Groessens) by the development of lateral processes at the posterior end (see discussion under Pe. bultyncki, above). Material. 7 specimens, from 5 samples. Genus siphonodella Branson and Mehl 1944 Remarks. The suggestions put forward by Klapper (1971) on the systematic palae- ontology of this genus are accepted here. Siphonodella cooper i Hass 1959 Plate 59, figs. 39, 40 *1959 Siphonodella cooperi Hass, p. 392, pi. 49, figs. 35, 36. 1971 Siphonodella cooperi Hass; Klapper, p. 10, pi. 1, figs. 13-15; pi. 2, figs. 1-3 (with synonymy). BUTLER: CARBONIFEROUS CONODONTS 511 Remarks. This species is distinguished from S. isosticha (Cooper) by the ornament of transverse ridges on the outer side of the platform. Most specimens of S. isosticha also show faint ridges on the outer side, but some are considered to be sufficiently well developed in this respect to justify inclusion within S. cooperi. Material. 3 specimens, from 2 samples. Siphonodella cf. erenulata (Cooper 1939) Plate 59, figs. 36, 37 Remarks. Matthews and Butler (in press) discuss occurrences of siphonodellids with platform outlines resembling those of S. erenulata (Cooper), but without the characteristic ornament of this species. Material. 2 specimens, from 1 sample. Siphonodella isostieha (Cooper 1939) Plate 59, figs. 21, 30, 31 *1939 Siphonognathus isosticha Cooper, p. 409, pi. 41, figs. 9, 10. 1971 Siphonodella isosticha (Cooper); Klapper, p. 10, pi. 1, fig. 16 (with synonymy). Remarks. Klapper (1971, p. 10) made clear the definition of Siphonodella isosticha and reillustrated Cooper’s holotype. In this species the longest rostral ridge ter- minates at the outer margin. The inner platform is weakly nodose and the outer margin may be unornamented or have weak transverse ridges. This redefinition makes it clear that Siphonodella cooperi hassi Thompson and Fellows is synonymous with S. isosticha. Material. 21 specimens, from 6 samples. Siphonodella cf. S. isosticha (Cooper 1939) Plate 59, fig. 38 1971 Siphonodella cf. S. isosticha (Cooper); Klapper, p. 12, pi. 1, figs. 17-20 (with synonymy). Remarks. Klapper (1971, p. 12) applied this name to those siphonodellids with weak ornament but with rostral ridges terminating on the platform without reaching the margin. Material. 5 specimens, from 3 samples. Siphonodella obsoleta Hass 1959 Plate 59, figs. 33, 34 *1959 Siphonodella obsoleta Hass, p. 392, pi. 47, figs. 1, 2. 1971 Siphonodella obsoleta Hass; Klapper, p. 12, pi. 1, fig. 25 (with synonymy). vl972 Siphonodella obsoleta Hass; Matthews, Sadler, and Selwood, p. 565, pi. Ill, figs. 4, 5 (with additional synonymy). Remarks. This species is characterized by the presence of a long outer rostral ridge, extending to the posterior part of the platform before meeting the margin. The 512 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 platform is relatively long and narrow. As Klapper (1971, p. 12) has pointed out, the species may have more than two rostral ridges. Certain specimens here have an additional ridge (see PI. 59, fig. 33). Material. 15 specimens, from 5 samples. Genus spathognathodus Branson and Mehl 1941 Spathognathodus aculeatus (Branson and Mehl 1934) *1934 Spathodus aculeatus Branson and Mehl, p. 186, pi. 17, figs. 11, 14. Remarks. Matthews (in Matthews and Naylor 1973) gives full systematic treatment to this species. Specimens recovered during the present study are not well enough preserved or numerous enough to justify lengthy discussion. Material. 4 specimens, from 2 samples. Spathognathodus crassidentatus (Branson and Mehl 1934) Plate 59, figs. 18, 24, 29 *1934 Spathodus crassidentatus Branson and Mehl, p. 276, pi. 22, fig. 17. 1966 Spathognathodus crassidentatus (Branson and Mehl); Klapper, p. 23, pi. 5, figs. 15-17 (with synonymy). 1970 Spathognathodus crassidentatus (Branson and Mehl); Thompson and Fellows, p. Ill, pi. 7, figs. 8, 14. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 59 Specimens dusted with ammonium chloride. All x 30. Figs. 1, 2. Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce. Lateral and oral views of LZA 6005/2 (sample Ma 4). Figs. 3, 14, 32. Spathognathodus stabilis (Branson and Mehl). 3, LZA 6150/3 (Va 13). 14, LZA 6104/3 (HQ 22). 32, LZA 6118/3 (HQ 35): variant approaching 5. crassidentatus. Figs. 4, 5. Spathognathodus scitulus (Hinde). Aboral and lateral views of LZA 6129/2 (HQ 46). Figs. 6, 7, 19, 20. Polygnathus inornatus Branson. 6, 7, Aboral and oral views of LZA 6019/8 (Ma 19). 19, 20, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6012/2 (Ma 11). Figs. 8, 9, 15-17. Polygnathus communis communis Branson and Mehl. 8, 9, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6019/1 1 (Ma 19). 15-17, Lateral, aboral, and oral views of LZA 6100/3 (HQ 19). Figs. 10-13, 26. Polygnathus communis carina Hass. 10, 11, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6083/4 (HQ 7). 12, 13, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6083/3 (HQ 7). 26, LZA 6083/1 (HQ 7). Figs. 18, 24, 29. Spathognathodus crassidentatus (Branson and Mehl). 18, LZA 6098/3 (HQ 18). 24, 29, Oral and lateral views of LZA 6086/2 (HQ 10). Figs. 21, 30, 31. Siphonodella isosticha (Cooper). 21, LZA 6019/3 (Ma 19). 30, 31, Oral and aboral views of LZA 6019/1 (Ma 19). Figs. 22, 23. Polygnathus symmetricus Branson. Aboral and oral views of LZA 6005/1 (Ma 4). Figs. 25, 28. Elictognathus laceratus (Branson and Mehl). 25, LZA 6019/12 (Ma 19). 28, LZA 6019/13 (Ma 19). Figs. 27, 35. Siphonodella sp. (juv?). 27, LZA 6019/7 (Ma 19). 35, LZA 6019/4 (Ma 19). Figs. 33, 34. Siphonodella obsoleta Hass. 33, LZA 6019/2 (Ma 19). 34, LZA 6014/1 (Ma 15). Figs. 36, 37. Siphonodella cf. crenulata. Aboral and oral views of LZA 6012/1 (Ma 11). Fig. 38. Siphonodella cf. S. isosticha. LZA 6019/5 (Ma 19). Figs. 39, 40. Siphonodella cooperi Hass. Oral and aboral views of LZA 6019/6 (Ma 19). PLATE 59 jWJ BUTLER, Carboniferous conodonts 514 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Remarks. This species was restricted by Klapper (1966, p. 23) to those forms having two main denticles at the anterior end of the blade and a slightly arched profile. Specimens with a similar profile but a single major anterior denticle are also in- cluded in the species here (see PI. 59, fig. 18). A fuller synonymy list is available in Matthews (in Matthews and Naylor 1973). Material. 40 specimens, from 20 samples. Spathognathodus sci talus (Hinde 1900) Plate 59, figs. 4, 5 *1900 Polygnathus scitulus Hinde, p. 343, pi. 9, figs. 9-11 (only). 1963 Spathognathodus scitulus (Hinde); Rexroad and Collinson, p. 20, pi. 2, figs. 14, 19, 29-31 (with synonymy). vl969 Spathognathodus scitulus (Hinde); Rhodes, Austin, and Druce, p. 232, pi. 8, figs. 9-11. Remarks. This spathognathodid has a distinctively flared basal cavity on the outer side. Few denticles are present and these expand rapidly in size from the posterior end to the anterior. In some specimens one or two ridges develop on the oral surface of the flared cavity. Material. 1 1 specimens, from 6 samples. Spathognathodus stabilis (Branson and Mehl 1934) Plate 59, figs. 3, 14, 32 *1934 Spathodus stabilis Branson and Mehl, p. 188, pi. 17, fig. 20. Remarks. Matthews (in Matthews and Naylor 1973) supplies a full description and synonymy list for this species, and no attempt will be made to duplicate this here. Specimens similar to that illustrated as Spathognathodus sp. A by Groessens (1971, pi. 2, fig. 7) occur in many samples from anchoralis-Zone levels in the Mendips. They are considered to lie within the range of variation of Sp. stabilis. Material. 174 specimens, from 49 samples. Acknowledgements. This paper embodies work carried out while the author was in receipt of a University of Bristol Postgraduate Scholarship. The facilities provided by the Department of Geology at Bristol are acknowledged. Special thanks are due to S. C. Matthews, who supervised the project, for his advice and assistance and to E. W. Seavill and R. Godwin for their photographic work. REFERENCES AUSTIN, R. 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Konodontova zona Scaliognathus anchoralis Branson and Mehl v ponikevskych bfidlicich Nizkeho Jeseniku. Vest, ustfed. Ust. geol. 42, 449-452, pis. 1-4. MALCOLM BUTLER Texaco Limited 1 Knightsbridge Green Typescript received 8 September 1972 London SWIX 7QJ APPENDIX List of conodont faunas from isolated Lower Limestone Shale Group samples, (y-kg samples processed.) 1. The Palate Bed, from the Avon Gorge (ST 555 746): lElictognathus sp. (3 specimens), Clydagnathus spp. (10), Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (3), Polygnathus inornatus Branson (33), P. scobiniformis Branson (4), Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson (7), Siphonodella duplicata (Branson and Mehl) (3), Spathognathodus plumulus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (11), Sp. stabilis Branson and Mehl (1), Bars (24). Slide LZA 6161. 2. Phosphatic lag deposit on Clevedon Foreshore (ST 402 718): Clydagnathus sp. (2), Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (1), Polygnathus inornatus Branson (8), Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson (1), Spathognathodus plumulus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (1), Bars (10). Slide LZA 6164. 3. Bed with Vaughania on Portishead Foreshore (ST 465 775): Spathognathodus plumulus Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (3). Slide LZA 6165. 4. Small quarry north of road at Asham (ST 717 463). Oolite: Patrognathus variabilis Rhodes, Austin, and Druce (2), Polygnathus symmetricus Branson (20), Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson (4), Spathognathodus stabilis Branson and Mehl (1), Bars (15). Slide LZA 6162. 5. Sample from stream section at Asham (ST 717 464): Pseudopolygnathus dentilineatus Branson (2), Bars (2). Slide LZA 6163. THE STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL by JOHN D. TAYLOR Abstract. Direct study of the course of evolution of bivalve shell structures has been prevented by the lack of well-preserved lower Palaeozoic material. The ‘primitive’ molluscan shell structure probably consisted of an outer aragonitic prismatic layer, the prisms being polygonal in transverse and columnar in longitudinal sections. The middle and inner shell layers consisted of nacreous structures. Morphologically similar structures are produced inorganically from the solidification of metals containing impurities. It is suggested that the prism/nacre combina- tion originally arose spontaneously as a result of the precipitation of calcium carbonate with protein (impurity). The subsequent elaboration of the shell structure combinations took place along seven major morphological trends. The main structural changes have been: the modification and loss of the outer prismatic layer; the elaboration of the middle layer from nacre into various other types of dendritic growth such as calcitic foliated or aragonitic crossed-lamellar structures; and the loss of organized structure to produce a homogeneous granular structure. In all the series there has been a progressive loss of layers from the ‘primitive’ three to a more ‘advanced’ two or even one. In recent years there has been considerable interest in the calcified structures of invertebrates and the structure of the molluscan shell, particularly that of the Bivalvia, has received much attention (B^ggild 1930; Taylor et al. 1969, 1973; Wise 1970, 1971). It is now known that the shells consist of a number of distinct structures and the micro-morphology and distribution of these structures amongst the various taxa is becoming well known. Although the arrangement of the structures in each of the bivalve superfamilies is obviously related to their phylogenetic history, it is difficult to see how the various structures are related to each other and how they might have evolved. Whilst it has been possible to study the shell structure of some fossil bivalves, the preservation problems caused by the usually aragonitic shells have meant that except in very few cases it has not been possible to extend these studies very far back into the Palaeozoic. This is in contrast to the Brachiopoda, where the frequently good preservation of the calcitic shell has enabled the shell structure of Cambrian forms to be examined (Williams 1968). This lack of informa- tion from the lower Palaeozoic is particularly unfortunate because many bivalve lineages are of considerable antiquity and it seems that most of the major radiation of shell structure types took place in the Ordovician (Pojeta 1971). If it is accepted that the Bivalvia are a monophyletic group, then all of the shell structure types observed in Recent bivalves must have evolved from a single shell structure combination. A study of the distribution of shell structures in all living superfamilies (Taylor et al. 1969, 1973) included the discovery of some transitional combinations, which, together with evidence of relationships derived from other available characters makes possible the tentative presentation of an attempt to demonstrate the course of evolution of bivalve shell structures. The original stimu- lus for this idea was the discovery of a metallurgical analogy (described below) which even if not directly applicable to calcification in bivalves, at least provides a model which (to the author at least) has made the relationships of the various shell structures comprehensible. [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 519-534, pi. 60.] 520 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 THE SHELL STRUCTURES The various bivalve shell structures have been described in detail by Taylor et al. 1969, Wise 1970, 1971, and only the main points relevant to this paper are dis- cussed below. Prismatic structures Simple prismatic structures, whether calcite or aragonite have been shown by various workers (Taylor et al. 1969) to resemble the group growth of spherulites seen in inorganic samples (Grigor’ev 1965). Recent further work has shown the spherulitic nature of the first calcification on the periostracum surface (PI. 60, figs. 1 and 2). Although the crystallographic c axis is generally parallel to the long axis of the prisms, the alignment is not always exact and each of the small crystallites making up the prism has a slightly different orientation, usually divergent from the morphological long axis. In some species the arrangement of the crystallites may be fanlike. The composite prismatic structure has the longest morphological and the crystal- lographic c axes aligned more or less parallel to the outside of the shell, but in many respects closely resembles the simple prismatic structure. Nacreous structures Sheet nacre consists of tablet-shaped crystallites laid down in laminae; the crystal- lographic b axis of the tablets is generally oriented in the growth direction of the shell and the c axis is normal to the plane of the tablet. Areas of nacre appear to behave as a single crystal and the crystallites link up to produce large dendritic growth patterns (text-fig. 1). Often large growth spirals are formed arising from screw dislocations (Wada 1961). In columnar or lenticular nacre (Taylor et al. 1969; Wise 1970) the tablets are arranged into columns, the growth axis of the columns corresponding to the c axis of the aragonite. These columns apparently arise by screw dislocations at the growing tip (see Erben 1971, p. 59, pi. 2, fig. 5) and are another form of dendritic growth. Foliated structure This structure is always composed of calcite and consists of long lath-like crystal- lites arranged in side-to-side contact and into overlapping sheets. In general the crystallographic c axis is aligned in the growth direction but local differences in alignment of areas of crystallites are common. This structure has long been con- sidered as dendritic growth (Watabe and Wilbur 1961) and as shown in PI. 60, fig. 4, this interpretation is reasonable. Crossed-lamellar structure This is one of the most common shell structures. It consists of elongate needle- like crystallites which are arranged into lamellae. In adjacent lamellae the morpho- logical alignment of the crystallites differs by about 98°. The crystallographic c axis lies within the plane of each lamella, but the orientation of the c axis varies by approxi- mately 8-10° between adjacent lamellae. Although the structure shows strong TAYLOR: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL 521 TEXT-FIG. 1 . Dendritic growth pattern of aragonite nacre crystallites on the inner surface of the inner layer of Neotrigonia dubia. Traced from electron-micrographs, x 9000. superficial resemblance to twinning there is no evidence of any twin relationship between the lamellae. Each of the two orientations shown by crystallites in the lamellae show complex branching patterns (text-fig. 2) and it is possible that some sort of dendritic growth mechanism is operative. Much work on the mode of secre- tion of this structure, similar to that on prisms by Nakahara and Bevelander (1971) is needed. Complex crossed-lamellar structure This structure appears genetically related to crossed-lamellar structure and can probably be best thought of as being the intergrowth pattern resulting from crossed-lamellar structure in two alignments at right angles to each other. As a result there are four orientations of crystallites. Occasionally the texture resembles that of the patellacean gastropods, interpreted as spheru- litic by McClintock (1967). Homogeneous structure This is a name given to a fine-grained struc- ture with no particular crystal form; it can be G TEXT-FIG. 2. Tangential section of the outer crossed-lamellar layer of Hippopus hippopus showing the dendritic nature of each of the lamellar orientations. Traced from photomicrographs. 522 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 derived from any of the other shell structures by a diminution in grain size and a breakdown of structural arrangements. Further detailed study will probably reveal different types of homogeneous structures but these are not yet apparent. Homologies between layers Although homologies between shell layers from various taxa should be made with caution (Taylor et al. 1969) it is reasonable in most cases to use the trace of the pallial myostracum as a marker horizon. This separates the inner from the middle and outer layers or just the outer layer, depending on how many layers are present. In some Pteriomorphia the pallial myostracum is absent and in others it represents secondary pallial attachment and thus great care must be taken if homologies are attempted between this group and the rest of the bivalves. The ''primitive' shell structure Before discussing the evolution of the bivalve shell structure it is necessary to attempt to establish the nature of the ‘primitive’ shell structure. McAlester (1965, 1966) has demonstrated, mainly through the evidence of pedal muscle scars, how the bivalve Babinka may be derived from a monoplacophoran ancestor. At the time, McAlester thought that this may have been a special character of the Lucinacea and he suggested a polyphyletic origin for the bivalves. However, it is now known that several other bivalve groups may be similarly derived from a monoplacophoran ancestor (N. J. Morris, pers. comm.) and the monophyletic derivation of all bivalves from this source is a reasonable proposition. It would thus seem reasonable to regard the structure of the Monoplacophora as being the ancestral structure to that of the Bivalvia. The work of Schmidt (1959) and Erben et al. (1968) has shown that, with the exception of Tryblidium, the shell structure of Monoplacophora is, and was, aragonitic and consisted of an outer simple prismatic layer and nacreous inner layers (text-fig. 3). The prisms of the outer layer lie with their long axes normal to the outer shell surface, are polygonal in horizontal section, and bounded by a sheath of protein matrix (see also figs. 1-8 in Menzies 1968). The inner nacreous layer is divided by a thin sheet of blocky prisms such as are normally secreted beneath muscle attachment areas. Another sheet of these prisms occurs on the innermost part of the shell. Similar sheets of myostracal prisms have been described from the inner shell layer of some Mytilacea (Taylor et al. 1969, pi. 25, fig. 2) and it was suggested that they were formed during times of temporary attachment of the mantle to the shell. Several bivalve superfamilies have a structural combination of aragonite simple prisms with inner and middle nacreous layers. Although the number of living super- families having this combination is only five out of thirty-nine, they usually belong to lineages which extend far back into the Palaeozoic, whereas many of the other superfamilies not having this structure have arisen in the late Palaeozoic or Meso- zoic. The superfamilies having this ‘ancestral’ condition are the Pholomyadacea, Pandoracea, Poromyacea, Unionacea, and Trigonacea. Moreover the combination of calcite prisms and nacre, as found in the Pteriacea, Pinnacea, Mytilacea, and Ambonychiacea (extinct) which all originated in the Palaeozoic, is not very dif- ferent. It has often been stated that the Nuculacea show the most ‘primitive’ struc- ture (Oberling 1964), but it will be shown later in this paper that it represents an early modification. TAYLOR: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL 523 TEXT-FIG. 3. Section through shell of Neopilina galalheae Lemche. Traced from Erben et al. (1968, pi. 3). 1 = simple prisms; 2 = nacre; 3 = myostracal prisms. Other evidence of the ‘primitive’ nature of the simple prisms and nacre combina- tion is seen in its occurrence in the Archaeogastropoda (Wise 1970; Erben 1971; Taylor unpub.) in Nautilus and ammonites (Gregoire 1962; Mutvei 1964; Erben et al. 1969). In these groups the simple prisms are not as well defined as in the Bivalvia but their spherulitic nature is clear. The nacreous layers usually consist of columnar nacre. The ‘primitive’ shell structure may thus be fairly reasonably defined. Assuming a monophyletic origin for the Bivalvia, the problem is how have all the other shell structure combinations arisen from this ‘primitive’ combination? There is appar- ently little similarity between the more advanced crossed-lamellar and complex 524 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 crossed-lamellar shells and the primitive nacreo-prismatic forms and after some years’ consideration of the problem no link could be seen. The situation was changed by the discovery of a metallurgical analogy which caused a reorientation of thought resulting in the present tentative proposal of an evolutionary series of shell structure combinations. This does not mean that the metallurgical analogy is suggested as the mechanism for calcification in bivalves but merely that its consideration has been instructive. A model need not be correct to be useful. THE CELL-DENDRITE ANALOGY During the solidification of impure melts in quiescent conditions microsegrega- tions of the impurity may occur. A microstructure which often arises is that of cellular structure, where at the growth surface most of the impurity segregates into the walls of a polygonal cell structure (text-fig. 4) (Chalmers 1958). In section the cells are columnar and the impurity appears as a thin line separating adja- cent cells (Chadwick 1 967). This micro- structure may arise if there is a zone of constitutional supercooling (i.e. super- cooling developed as a result of com- positional changes in the liquid during freezing) at the solid/liquid interface. The usual explanation of the develop- ment of the cellular structure (Chal- mers 1958; Tiller 1963; Chadwick 1967) is that small irregularities of the solid protruding into the supercooled liquid grow faster than the surrounding solid; the protuberances reject impuri- ties in directions both normal to the tip and laterally. If this process occurs over the entire solid/liquid interface then eventually a hexagonal structure will be produced. The stages in the development of the cell structure show a progression from a planar interface to a ‘pox’ structure, then elongate cells and finally regular polygonal cells (Tiller 1963). If the speed of crystal growth is increased, the temperature gradient decreased (Chalmers 1958) or the degree of constitutional supercooling increased (Chadwick 1967), then the cellular structure may break down into dendritic growth. The criteria for dendritic growth are that the crystals should be branched or that the axis of the growing domain should coincide with a crystallographic axis (Chalmers 1958). It is uncertain how far this analogy can be taken with reference to shell micro- structure, but there are obvious resemblances between this metallurgical example and the microstructure of simple prisms (cells) and nacre (dendrites). There does TEXT-FIG. 4. Cellular impurity structure as found in metals. Traced from Chadwick (1967, figs. 4-6(d)). TAYLOR: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL 525 not seem to be any reason why the precipitation of calcium carbonate with an impurity (organic matrix) should not produce similar structures, perhaps for similar reasons. The hypothesis put forward here is that the microstructure of simple prisms and nacre corresponding to cells and dendrites originally arose spontaneously as a consequence of the precipitation of calcium carbonate contemporaneously with organic matrix under a certain set of physico-chemical conditions. Subsequently, because of some selective advantage in this structural combination, perhaps strength (Taylor and Layman 1972), this arrangement became stabilized. Further elabora- tion of the depositional conditions resulted in the formation of the other shell structures, such as foliated or crossed-lamellar structures, both of which appear to have dendritic growth patterns. These are both in a position homologous with the middle nacreous layers and could arise by changes in the dendritic growth patterns of the nacreous structure. The elaboration of shell structures took place at different rates and in different ways in various groups of bivalves. The details of these changes are discussed below. EVOLUTIONARY TRENDS IN SHELL STRUCTURE COMBINATIONS The evidence for the evolution of the various shell layer combinations was obtained by superimposing shell structure data upon a phylogeny derived from all available characters and geological history (Taylor et al. 1973, fig. 33). It has been possible in this way to demonstrate seven separate trends in shell structure evolution ; these are shown in text-fig. 5. Examples of living taxa having a particular structural com- bination in each series are indicated. The trends and examples are not phylogenetic lineages but represent possible morphological grades arranged in order of increasing advancement. As previously stated some superfamilies are relatively little altered from the ancestral condition; these include the Pholadomyacea, Unionacea, Trigonacea, some Pandoracea, some Poromyacea, and the early shell of the Clavagellacea. Trend 1 The first step in this sequence (text-fig. 5) was that the outer, simple prismatic layer, aragonite in the ancestral condition, became calcite; this state is found today in the superfamilies Pinnacea, Pteriacea, and in the extinct Ambonychiacea. Although there has been much research into the calcite-aragonite problem in molluscs (Lowen- stam 1954, 1964; Dodd 1963; Hall and Kennedy 1967; Kennedy et al. 1969) we still know very little about how and why an organism can produce aragonite, or calcite, or both, in the same shell. The temperature effect originally proposed by Lowen- stam (1954) has so far only been successfully demonstrated in Mytilus (Dodd 1963); other examples are of doubtful validity (Kennedy et al. 1969; Taylor et al. 1969). The only generalizations one can make are that bivalves which normally employ a calcitic outer layer are all epifaunal and the slightly lower solubility of calcite may have some advantage in this situation. This is not to say that a temperature effect does not exist but that it is non proven in most cases. An early divergence of this trend may have been to the Mytilacea where the outer calcitic prisms are very fine, needle-like, and inclined towards the shell margin. 526 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 A possible mode of formation of similar structures in mammalian enamel has been proposed by Osborn (1970). A further development in this series was the loss of the outer calcitic prismatic layer to leave the two underlying nacreous layers. This condition is found in some tropical Mytilacea (Hudson 1968; Taylor et al. 1969) and has been related to a temperature effect. Another offshoot from the calcite prisms/nacre combination gave rise to the sequence which includes the Pectinacea and Ostreacea. The probable first stage in evolution was the transformation of the middle nacreous layer to foliated structure which is calcite, i.e. one type of dendritic growth to another. The changes in micro- structure accompanying this transformation may merely be a result of the minera- logical change rather than any direct genetic effect upon shell structure. Although the initial causes of the change are unknown, there are some mechanical properties of the foliated shell, such as the resistance to fracture under impact, which may have some selective advantage (Taylor and Layman 1972). It is uncertain whether the condition found in oysters of calcite prisms (right valve only) and foliated struc- ture, is more ‘primitive’ or ‘advanced’ than the combination found today in Pro- peamussium of calcite prisms, foliated structure and a thin crossed-lamellar layer. However, the combination found today in the Pectinacea, Limacea, and Anomiacea of foliated structure and crossed-lamellar structure is a further development from [ 1 ' f J 1 imiiiii/ii IxljLiXi most heterodon families 1 jj:;;;''"' rf bypotheficol Unionoceo Trigonacea Pholadomyaceo Pandorocea ( port) nocre □ foliated simple prisms composite cros^- complex homoqetseoos prisms lamellar crossed-lorrvellar myfilid prisms Mya granules TEXT-FIG. 5. Diagram showing the postulated evolutionary radiation of shell layers into seven major trends from the ancestral ‘primitive’ condition. The names in the trends represent living taxa having the particular shell structure combination. The series do not necessarily imply a phylogeny. TAYLOR: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL 527 the ' Propeamussium' condition involving the complete loss of the outer prismatic layer. In most of the Ostreacea the outer prismatic layer is found only as a very thin layer on the upper valve; in the Pycnodontidae it is absent altogether. It seems more likely that the oyster structure is a development from the ' Propeamussium’’ condition by the loss of the inner crossed-lamellar layer. Trend 2 This is a simple case merely involving the loss of the aragonitic, outer, simple prismatic layer, leaving nacreous structure as the outer layer. This condition is found today in the oyster-like unionacean Etheria. Trend 3 This sequence is again little changed from the ancestral condition and is found today only in Solemya, in which the outer layer consists of simple aragonite prisms and the inner of a very thin homogeneous layer. The prisms of the outer layer are very irregular and have thick interprismatic walls. The prism outlines at the growth surface are frequently elongate and irregular. The inner homogeneous layer is very thin and is probably derived from the structural breakdown of nacreous structure. Trend 4 In this series the end members are represented today by the Cuspidaridae and the Thracidae; in both of these families the shell consists almost entirely of homo- geneous layers. It is fairly certain that both of these groups have descended from a prismato-nacreous ancestor and certainly in the Cretaceous some ThraciaAxkc bivalves have a prismato-nacreous shell. A possible transitional stage is seen in the Recent Poromya granulata in which the outer layer is now homogeneous, but the two inner layers are nacreous. Perhaps a last vestige of prismatic structure is seen in Recent Thracia, where although most of the shell is homogeneous, the very outer- most part of the outer layer shows spherulitic structures resembling the initial stages of a prismatic layer (PI. 60, fig. 3). Trend 5 In this sequence the simple prismatic layer changes to the composite prismatic layer such as found in the Nuculacea. This change is apparently a fairly simple one involving merely the development of a reflected mantle margin, causing the prisms to become aligned parallel with the outside of the shell rather than normal to it (text-fig. 5). This may have happened as a result of the development of the marginal denticles characteristic of the Nuculacea, which probably allow better value closure against predators. The Nuculanacea were probably derived from a Nucula-Wkt ancestor, but at the present day they have a two-layered shell, both layers consisting of homogeneous structure. However, a Jurassic nuculanid Ryderia graphiea has a shell structure of eomposite prisms and nacreous structure similar to that of the Nuculacea (Cox 1959; Taylor el al. 1969). The change probably consisted of the loss of the outer layer and the breakdown of the two nacreous layers to homogeneous structure. 528 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Trend 6 In this sequence the first stage we see is that represented today by Panopea and the evidence from this genus has been of key importance in the interpretation of the evolution of shell layers. Panopea has an outer aragonitic simple prismatic layer (albeit irregular), a middle homogeneous layer, and, within the pallial line, an inner layer which is sometimes homogeneous but at other times may be built from spherulite-like structures, resembling complex crossed-lamellar structure. A further modification of this series along one offshoot is the loss of the outer prismatic layer leaving a shell consisting of two homogeneous layers as in Hiatella and Panomya. Another divergent trend resulted in the development of a middle crossed-lamellar layer with the retention of the outer, simple prismatic layer; this condition is found in some Pholadacea. The inner layer may consist of homogeneous or complex crossed- lamellar structure. In other Pholadacea and the Gastrochaenacea, the outer simple prismatic layer has been lost and the shell consists of crossed-lamellar and complex crossed-lamellar layers. In Mya, Platydon, and Zirfaea the outer layer consists of a grey, granular structure which may be derived from a modification of the outer simple prismatic layer but this is not certain. The other layers are as in the Pholadacea. Trend 7 This sequence contains, with the exception of the Myoida, all of the rest of the heterodont bivalves, which are by far the most numerous of Recent bivalves. How- ever, more problems are posed in this sequence than in any other, the main difficulty being that no transitional structures such as those of trend 6 have been found. Thus, we are left with rather a large discontinuity between the ancestral structures and what is considered the most ‘primitive’ structural combination in the sequence. However, as possibly similar changes have taken place in trend 6, there is no reason to suppose that they may not have taken place in this one. In accordance with the sequence of events in trends 5 and 6 we may suppose that the three-layered shell consisting of composite prisms, crossed-lamellar, and complex crossed-lamellar structures might be the most ‘primitive’ condition now seen in this sequence. This particular combination is found today in the Lucinacea, Tellinacea, and some Venera- cea; of these the Lucinacea are an ancient superfamily and can be followed through the Babinkacea back to the lower Ordovician (McAlester 1965). Included at this EXPLANATION OF PLATE 60 Fig. 1 . Inner surface of the periostracum and edge of prismatic layer in Anodonta cygnea showing the initial spherulites (arrowed) on the periostracum surface. The spherulites increase in size and eventually im- pinge to form the polygonal outlines of prismatic structure. Scanning electron-micrograph, x 550. Fig. 2. As Fig. 1, but detail of an individual spherulite showing the structure of fine radiating needles. X 1300. Fig. 3. Initial spherulites in the outermost part of the outer layer of Thracia phaseolina. This is all that remains of prismatic structure in this family. Scanning electron-micrograph, x 1100. Fig. 4. Polished, etched section of foliated structure of Pecten maximus, showing the dendritic nature of the folia growth. Acetate peel, x 150. PLATE 60 TAYLOR, structure of bivalve shell 530 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 level is a hypothetical structural combination similar to that described above, but with an aragonite simple prismatic outer layer rather than a composite prismatic one. This has never been found in any fossil or living bivalve, but the evidence from trend 6 suggests that it may once have occurred in trend 7. In trend 5 the derivation of composite prisms from simple prisms by changes in the shape of the shell margin has been discussed. As in the other trends the next stage in the evolutionary sequence from the most primitive observed is the loss of the outer prismatic layer, whether it be composite or simple, to form a two-layered shell consisting of crossed-lamellar and complex crossed-lamellar structures. This structural combination is found in many hetero- dont bivalve superfamilies such as the Carditacea, Crassatellacea, Chamacea, Cardiacea, Mactracea, etc., and also in the Arcacea and the Limopsacea, both at present classified in the Pteriomorphia. A further development is the breakdown of the crossed-lamellar and complex crossed-lamellar structures to form homogeneous structure. This may occur in one or both layers and many minor variations (not illustrated here) are found, particularly in the Veneracea (Taylor et al. 1973, text- fig. 18). A totally homogeneous shell is found in the Gaimardiacea and some Arctica- cea {Arctica and Calyptogena). DISCUSSION In the evolution of the various structural series three main types of structural change have probably taken place. These may be: (a) loss of layers, (b) orientation changes, (c) complete structural changes. (a) Loss of layers. This is the most commonly occurring of the structural trends and occurs in all of the recognized sequences, the main consequences being the reduc- tion in the number of shell layers from a ‘primitive’ three to a more ‘advanced’ two. This usually involves the loss of the outer prismatic layer, whether formed from composite or simple prisms. In some sequences inner layers may be lost, for example in trend 1, but this is apparently associated with changes in the position of pallial attachment to the shell. {h) Orientation changes. The only major example of this type of change is the forma- tion of composite prisms from simple prisms by changes in the shape of the shell margin as discussed above. (c) Complete structural changes. Other more major changes may arise as a result of mineralogical transformation such as the change from aragonitic nacre to calcitic foliated structure, as seen in trend 1. The differences in structure observed may be merely a result of the fact that trigonal calcite will not produce the same crystalliza- tion structures as orthorhombic aragonite, rather than there being a major change in the secretory regimes. Both nacre and foliated structure are regarded as types of dendritic growth form. The origin of crossed-lamellar and complex crossed-lamellar structures and their appearance in the various morphological trends is much more difficult and no sen- sible explanation can be provided with present knowledge. What is certain is that crossed-lamellar structure arose in a position homologous with the middle nacreous layer of the ‘primitive’ condition. We have no surviving intermediate stages in the TAYLOR: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL 531 transformation, but crossed-lamellar structure appears to be a form of dendritic growth and might be derived by an elaboration of nacre dendrites. Similarly, the formation of complex crossed-lamellar structure is also not understood, but it has evolved in a position homologous with the inner nacreous layer of primitive forms. (Dr. Donald Boyd (University of Wyoming) has recently found what appear to be transitional stages in Schizodus, in which a crossed-lamellar layer is present in the middle of an otherwise prismato-nacreous shell.) Various mechanisms could be invoked to explain the formation of crossed-lamellar structure including: type and composition of the organic matrix, physico-chemical conditions in the extra-pallial fluid, piezo-electric effects, or an alternating electric charge at the valve margins. None of these suggestions has, as yet, any experimental support. Workers adhering to the template theory of calcification would stress the importance of compositional differences in the shell matrix as evidence. One of the most widely recurring of the morphological changes is the apparent breakdown of distinct crystalline morphology to form homogeneous structure. This structure can arise from simple prisms, composite prisms, crossed-lamellar, complex crossed-lamellar, and nacreous structures, with, in each case, a morphologically similar result, that is a fine-grained, irregularly granular structure. The reasons for this structural change are again not readily apparent, but speed of crystallization may be responsible; growth may be more rapid in homogeneous shells. One feature obvious from text-fig. 5 is the independent origin of crossed-lamellar structure in several unrelated groups of bivalves ; it occurs in the Pectinacea-Limacea- Anomiacea, the Myacea-Pholadacea-Gastrochaenacea, and thirdly in trend 7 where it occurs in the Arcoida and nearly all families of Heterodonta. The independent occurrence of this structure presumably arose by the evolution of similar depositional conditions at the shell-mantle interface, resulting in convergence of depositional morphologies. This convergence is not really all that surprising, for crossed- lamellar structure has also been independently evolved in both the Gastropoda and Scaphopoda. In a study of various types of nacre, Wise (1970) has attempted to demonstrate an evolutionary significance in his categories " Vertikalschichtung' , "Treppen, and ' Backsleinbau . The amount of vertical component in the nacreous structure of the middle shell layers seems to be more closely related to the geometry of the shell, rather than the antiquity of the lineage. Thus bivalves with a low expansion rate (high convexity) will have better developed columnar nacre than forms with a higher expansion rate. Although this discussion has largely been concerned with the carbonate part of the shell, the shell is of course a two-phased material, the other phase being the organic matrix and both phases have evolved together. Ghiselin et al. (1967) and Degens et al. (1967) have discussed the phylogeny of the amino-acid composition of the shell matrix proteins in bivalves. Although their conclusions are based upon very limited sampling of taxa, their groupings are generally similar to the shell structure trends recognized here. Many workers consider the shell matrix to have a very active role in molluscan calcification but, although extensively studied (see Wilbur and Simkiss 1968), the evidence is extremely ambiguous and often based upon preconceived ideas taken 532 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 from work on calcification in bone (Glimcher 1960). Recent ideas on the role of the matrix have been well reviewed by Towe (1972). It may be that the matrix has a more passive role in calcification, such as providing a quiet environment, free of Brownian movement, in which crystal nucleation and growth can easily occur. It has been argued that there is a correlation between shell structure type and the composition of the matrix, thereby suggesting a direct control by the matrix on structure (see review, Wilbur and Simkiss 1968). Although to some extent this corre- lation is true, there are important exeeptions. For example, it has been shown by Degens et al. (1967), that the shell matrix composition of the Arcaeea and Limo- psacea which have crossed-lamellar shells is more closely similar to that of the Pteriomorphia having foliated and prismato-nacreous shells, than to other taxa having erossed-lamellar shells. Although it might be argued that different types of matrix can produce the same result, the control would seem to lie in other factors. The evolution of shell matrix composition could possibly be correlated with other factors such as shell strength and thus have a relation with the mode of life and shell structure. HISTORY OF CALCIFICATION IN BIVALVES Possibly the first calcification in the ancestral molluscs arose as a result of spon- taneous precipitation into a mucoid coating lying between the mantle and an outer tanned protein sheet, the periostracum. It is conceivable that those forms with a thicker, more rigid calcified shell were selectively favoured, with a resultant evolu- tion towards a much more heavily calcified shell. In this early state, it is probable that the shell would show no organized structure but consist of an intergrowth of crystals with no particular orientation. Structures such as this are formed by spon- taneous precipitation in pulmonate egg shells (into a mucopolysaccharide matrix) (Taylor, unpub.) and in some foraminifera (Towe and Cifelli 1967, pi. 98). Structures almost identical to these can be produced inorganically by growing crystals in gels, by methods similar to those of Henisch (1970). From this early state, how might the most ‘primitive’ structure we have recognized, simple prisms and nacre in the Monoplacophora, have arisen? By analogy with the metallurgical example described above it is suggested that an increase in calcium carbonate saturation, an increase in crystallization rate, or an increase in impurity (protein) could have collectively or singly produced the spontaneous precipitation of the cellular, polygonal structure of simple prisms. Further from the mantle margin an increased crystallization rate or an increased saturation resulted in the breakdown of the eellular structure to form laminar dendrites (nacre). This cell/dendrite combination may have originally appeared spontaneously, but possibly because of some selective advantage conferred upon the animal became fixed in the population as prisms and nacre. Further elabora- tion of shell structures mainly concerned the modifications of dendritic growth in the middle layer and the loss of the outer prisms. Thus both foliated and crossed- lamellar structures are regarded as varieties of dendritic growth which have been elaborated from nacreous structure. The mechanisms by which they have arisen are, however, unknown. The modifications of shell structure could have arisen spontaneously in a section TAYLOR: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE BIVALVE SHELL 533 of the population and subsequently become fixed in a lineage as a result of some selective advantage. This advantage could be a more efficient calcification mechan- ism involving closer control by the animal. The change from aragonitic to calcitic prisms and from aragonitic nacre to calcitic foliated structure could have originally arisen as a result of colder environmental temperatures, calcite being easier to precipitate in colder water. Or perhaps slight biochemical differences in the extra- pallial fluid may be sufficient to cause the precipitation of the more stable polymorph (Wilbur and Simkiss 1968). Although a relation of shell structure with phylogeny is evident, it has been shown (Taylor and Layman 1972) that there is a strong correlation between structure and the mode of life of the animal concerned. It can thus be argued that the shell struc- ture combinations have been evolved in response to functional demands, although the selective advantages conferred are in most cases unknown. In common with other anatomical characters of the Bivalvia, shell structures exhibit a mosaic evolu- tion. In different phylogentic lineages various shell structural combinations are evolved at different rates presumably in response to increasing specialization to various diverse modes of life. Many of the conclusions reached in this paper are speculative, but in view of the paucity of well-preserved shell structure material in the lower Palaeozoic we must rely upon circumstantial or indirect evidence to reconstruct the original radiation pattern of the shell structure combinations. Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Dr. N. J. Morris for much useful discussion and critically reading the manuscript. Dr. J. Milledge and Mr. P. Giles of the Department of Chemistry, University College London, provided important information and discussion on crystal growth in gels and its application to biological materials. Thanks are also due to Dr. W. J. Kennedy and Dr. A. C. Bishop for discussion. REFERENCES B0GGILD, o. B. 1930. The shell structure of the molluscs. K. danske. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Copenhagen, 2, 232-325. CHADWICK, G. A. 1967. Constitutional supercooling and microsegregation. In zief, m. and wilcox, w. r. (eds,.). Fractional solidification, 1, pp. 113-136. London. 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A history of skeletal secretion among articulate brachiopods. Lethaia, 1, 268-287. WISE, s. w. 1970. Microarchitecture and mode of formation of nacre (mother of pearl) in pelecypods, gastropods and cephalopods. Eclog. geol. Helv. 63, 775-797. 1971. Shell ultrastructure of the taxodont pelecypod Anadara notabilis (Roding). Eclog. geol. Helv. 64, 1-12. J. D. TAYLOR Dept, of Zoology Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) London SW7 5BD Revised typescript received 30 August 1972 THE PROBLEMATICAL PRECAMBRIAN FOSSIL CHUARIA by TREVOR D. FORD and william j. breed Abstract. Chuaria circularis from the late Precambrian of the Grand Canyon was regarded by Walcott as a pri- mitive brachiopod. It has subsequently been referred to as an alga, a chitinous foraminiferid, a gastropod, a hyo- lithid operculum, a trilobite egg, and an acritarch. It is here suggested that Chuaria is a compressed, unusually large planktonic organism (generally 2 to 5 mm diameter). Chuaria wimani, Fermoria, and unnamed material from Canada, Sweden, France, Siberia, India, Iran, and Australia show no systematic differences from C, circularis and are con- sidered synonymous, Chuaria is compared with Leiosphaeridia and classified with this as an sphaeromorphid acritarch. All recorded occurrences of Chuaria are in late Precambrian strata, less than 1000 m.y. old: it may be regarded as a new stratigraphic index fossil. Chuaria is a small carbonaceous disc-like fossil which has been found in a number of regions of late Precambrian rocks. It has been assigned to both plant and animal kingdoms and at different times to several phyla of the latter. Recent collections from the type-locality in the Grand Canyon allow a more detailed examination and have resulted in a more definite conclusion regarding its nature. Chuaria appears to have first been noted in the Kwagunt Valley of the Grand Canyon by White (in Powell’s 1876 monograph on the Uinta Mountains). Powell regarded it as a primordial fossil like Lingulella and Obolella, and assigned the sediments in the floor of the Grand Canyon and some of its tributary canyons to the Silurian, doubtless using Silurian in the old Murchison sense as pre-Devonian sediments. No name for the fossil was proposed by Powell at that time. During the winter of 1882-1883, Walcott investigated what later became known as the Chuar and Unkar Groups of Powell’s Grand Canyon Series (Walcott 1895). He spent a considerable part of his time in a search for fossils from these rocks, and ‘but for the discovery of a small Discinoid shell, a couple of specimens of a Pteropod allied to Hyolithes triangularis, and an obscure Stromatopora-like group of forms, the two and one-half month’s search for fossils in these groups would have been without result’ (Walcott 1883, p. 441). These same fossils were later noted by Walcott (1886, p. 43) who wrote that in the ‘. . . Chuar strata the presence of a fauna is shown by a minute Discinoid or Patelloid shell, a small Lingula-like shell, a species of Hyolithes and a fragment of what appears to have been the pleural lobe of the seg- ment of a trilobite belonging to a genus allied to the genera Olenellus, Olenoides, or Paradoxides\ In a more definitive study of Precambrian life, Walcott described and figured the shell-like fossil as Chuaria circularis (Walcott 1899, pp. 234-235, pi. 27, figs. 12 and 13; cf. PI. 61, fig. 1 herein) and referred it to the discinoid type of brachiopod. His figures were drawings, not photographs, and whilst they could be interpreted as horny brachiopods there is nothing in them diagnostic of this phylum. He also sug- gested that they might be opercula of hyolithids. At the same time Walcott also decided that the Hyolithes of 1 883 and the trilobite fragment of 1 886 were of inorganic origin though he figured them, again by drawings. The Lingula-like shell of 1886 [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 535-550, pis. 61-63.] 536 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 was not mentioned and so presumably was included within the specimens referred to C. circularis. Walcott (1899, p. 235, pi. 27, fig. 9) also noted an enigmatic object showing some similarity to the brachiopod Acrothele in a limestone 150 ft above the shale containing Chuaria. The specimen (USNM 33801) has been re-examined and could be a Chuaria, but it provides too little information to make any further inquiry profitable. No further specimens have been found. It could just as easily be a fragment of an oolith in the highly recrystallized and dolomitized oolitic lime- stone. Walcott’s type was listed in a catalogue of the U.S. National Museum type fossils (Schuchert 1905). However, the taxon was not noted in most standard works of fossils: it was not listed in the Zoological Record, nor mentioned in Zittel or in the summaries of American fossils by Grabau and Shimer, or Shimer and Schrock. The name does not appear in Walcott’s classic work on the Cambrian brachiopods. Neave (1939) listed Chuaria and noted an assignment to Problematica. In view of the above it is surprising to find that Wenz (1938, pp. 85-86) placed Chuaria in a new family Chuariidae which was assigned, with some doubt, to the superfamily Tryblidiacea (Gastropoda), specifically rejecting the possibility that it might be an orbiculoid brachiopod. Later, Schindewolf (1956, p. 463) dismissed Chuaria as inorganic, probably a concretion. Chuaria has been mentioned in several volumes of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology but in each case only to mention that the genus did not belong to the group concerned in that volume. In the Gastropoda volume (Knight et al. 1960, p. I 324) Chuaria was listed as a generic name improperly regarded as Gastropoda and Monoplacophora and was considered to be a ‘carbon scale’. In the Miscellanea volume, Hantzschel (1962, p. W 232) followed Schindewolf’s view of 1956 and classed Chuaria with ‘Fossils probably of inorganic origin’ and claimed it, without citing supporting evidence, as ‘certainly inorganic’. The Brachiopoda volume (Williams et al. 1965) surprisingly made no mention of Chuaria but listed the prob- ably identical fossil Fermoria as a synonym of Protobolella, though this in turn was regarded as a ‘generic name erroneously attributed to Brachiopoda’. In the Fora- minifera volume (Loeblich and Tappan 1964, p. C 786) Chuaria was listed as a ‘generic name erroneously applied to Foraminiferida’. In palaeobotanical literature, David White suggested (1928u, p. 389) that the genus represented some sort of alga ‘named, though apparently not published, by Doctor Walcott, Chuaria'. White had evidently missed the 1899 paper and as a result Andrews (1955, p. 131) listed the genus with the wrong date. White (1928Z?) also reported finding additional specimens in the upper division of the Chuar Group, and he was the first to suggest that they were algae or at least alga-like. White’s specimens have not been located. White also referred to a specimen from the Bass Limestone (at the base of the underlying Unkar Group) but this has apparently not been preserved and no further information is available. Recently both Glaessner (1966) and Cloud (1968) noted Chuaria as an alga. Rowell (1971) did not mention Chuaria in his recent review of Precambrian brachiopods, but Hofmann (1971) referred Precambrian fossils from Canada to Walcott’s genus. In a preliminary review of the situation Ford and Breed (1969, pp. 119-120) left it uncertain whether Chuaria was ‘Chitinous Foraminifera or algal in nature’ and FORD AND BREED: CHUARIA 537 required larger samples for further study. These samples have since been collected. Ford and Breed (1972a) have described the stratigraphy of the Chuar Group, and together with Mitchell (1972) have demonstrated a probable age of less than 1000 m.y. COMPARATIVE FOSSILS 1. Chuar ia wimani Brotzen 1941 Wiman (1894) found discs similar to Chuaria circularis in the Late Precambrian Visingso Formation of Sweden. These were figured but neither described nor named by Wiman, and it was not until 1941 that Brotzen referred them to Walcott’s genus, but, on account of their smaller size, erected a new species C. wimani. He regarded them as chitinous foraminiferids. Eisenack (1951, p. 192), however, referred them to Leiosphaera, a well-known early acritarch. {Leiosphaera was later emended to Leiosphaeridia by Eisenack.) Subsequently Eisenack (1966) revised this opinion on the basis of chemical tests and supported Brotzen’s interpretation. On the basis of colour, composition, and wall-thickness Eisenack compared C. wimani with the chitinous foraminiferid Archeochitina gotlandica from the Silurian Visby Marl of Gotland. Meanwhile Timofeev (1960) had examined the type material by crushing and dissolving it for a study of nanno-plankton, and later (1966) compared some of the smaller ‘sporomorphs’ to those described from the Brioverian of France (Roblot 1964). Some of the fragments of pellicles of Laminarites described by Timofeev (1960) could well be pieces of Chuaria, as noted by Eisenack (1966). Eisenack hinted that the smaller objects might well be young C. wimani. Both Wiman and later Regnell (1955, p. 555) considered a possibility that the fossils might be trilobite eggs but this suggestion seems to have found little favour. One of us (T. D. F.) has been able to study the remaining specimens of the type C. wimani, mounted on three glass slides (PI. 62, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6). One of these is a serially sectioned specimen which may be that prepared for Eisenack (1966, p. 52). The findings are reported below in the description of Chuaria. Timofeev (1970) has drawn attention to the existence of giant sphaeromorphid microplankton, similar to C. wimani, which he has found whilst dissolving rock samples from the Riphean (Upper Precambrian) of Siberia. No description has been published, but he included photographs of two specimens of C. wimani from Sweden renamed Kildinella magna. Timofeev (1969, pi. 6, fig. 3) also figured and briefly described a further rather indeterminate specimen from the Visingso Series as Trachysphaeridium vetterni sp. nov., though Eisenack (1966, p. 53, fig. 1) had previously figured it as C. wimani. 2. Chuaria sp. Hofmann 1971 Small round to oval ‘brachiopod-like shells’ were found by Allan (1913, pp. 174, 192) in a 50 cm shale layer 16 m below the top of the Hector Formation (Late Pre- cambrian) of Banff National Park in Canada. These show, very poorly, irregular creases in the centre and more strongly developed concentric wrinkles around the margin. Hofmann (1971, p. 24, pi. 11, figs. 5-7) briefly described topotype material (GSC types 24409, 24410) and referred them to Chuaria, though remaining uncommitted H 538 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 as to their nature, ‘perhaps compressed planktonic spheroids, Foraminifera ... or small medusoids similar to ones illustrated by Wade (1969)’. Further specimens have been collected from the type locality and the present writers support Hofmann’s assignment to Chuaria. 3. Fermoria Chapman 1935 The only other named fossil which seems to be comparable to Chuaria is Fermoria, first described from the late Precambrian of India and more recently from Iran (PI. 63, figs. 1,2). Small carbonaceous disc-like fossils were found in the Suket Shales of the Vind- hyan System of India by Jones (in Holland 1909, p. 66), who commented that they might be compared with either Obolella or C. circularis. Other suggestions (see Pascoe, 1959, p. 498) were that they belonged to Acrothele, known to occur in the Cambrian of the Salt Ranges. However, Chapman (1935) assigned the specimens to two new genera and four new species, Protoholella jonesi, Fermoria minima, F. granulosa, and F. capsella. Sahni (1936) thought that there was insufficient evidence for the separation of these and placed them all in the synonymy of F. minima, though at the same time erecting a new generic name Vindhyanella for one of the specimens figured as Proto- bolella jonesi by Chapman (1935, pi. 2, fig. 1), though he admitted that the specimen was lost! In 1954 Sahni and Shrivastava briefly described and named a single, larger, new fossil found with Fermoria as Krisimania acuminata. Their illustration (1954, fig. 4) is entirely unconvincing regarding the filaments they claim to be attached, and the writers support Glaessner (1962) in regarding it simply as a large Fermoria. Misra and Dube (1952) recorded new material with Fermoria which they regarded as mostly inorganic pellets. Misra (1957) restated this, noting that some alleged Fermoria were chlorite aggregates in schist, and others were haematite spots in sandstone. Misra’s plate 7, however, shows forms which could easily be badly pre- served algal bodies like Chuaria. Pascoe (1959, facing p. 498) figured specimens up to 4 mm diameter. He also commented that Fermoria left a white ash when incinerated and was therefore a plant, but at the same time he felt it possible that Fermoria could be an archaic form of brachiopod though with ‘no reliable feature definitely attributable to this class’. A few specimens of Fermoria from the Geological Survey of India collections have been examined. They are from Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh (24° 24' north, 74° 54' east), in the Vindhyan System. They occur either isolated or as small clusters of smooth carbonaceous discs on fissile olive-coloured shale. Taking these in con- junction with the various descriptions of other specimens, the writers have no doubt that Fermoria should be regarded as synonymous with Chuaria. Fermoria has also been found in Iran, apparently in large numbers at several localities (PI. 63, figs. 1, 2). Assereto (1963, pp. 507-508, fig. 2) and Stocklin et al. (1964, p. 14, pi. 1, figs. 3-5) have recorded Fermoria in the Chapoghlu Shales (late Precambrian) of northern Iran. They figured specimens up to 3 mm diameter crowded together. A few specimens of Fermoria from Iran have been examined, and a number of FORD AND BREED: CHUARIA 539 unpublished photographs by R. Assereto of other specimens have been available for comparison. Though mostly lacking in carbonaceous matter, the impressions on fine-grained olive-grey shale are so close to Chuaria as to leave no doubt that here again, organisms identical to Chuaria were present. Whole surfaces of chips of shale are covered with impressions, and clusters of at least fifty are indicated. They are commonly 2-3 mm in diameter. There is little indication of overlap, but concentric wrinkles are frequent particularly near the margins. Recent interpretations of Fermoria have either been non-committal or that it is algal. In the Treatise volume on Brachiopoda (Williams et al. 1965, p. H 864) Fermoria is noted only as a synonym of Protobolella, which in turn is listed among the generic names erroneously ascribed to Brachiopoda. Hantzschel (1962, p. W 240) listed Fermoria amongst unrecognizable genera. Glaessner (1966, p. 41) was non-committal and noted both Fermoria and Chuaria under the heading of ‘other algae’, thus supporting Howell (1956, p. 1 10), who also included Corycium enigmaticum in this group of uncertain algae. Ohlson (1961), though, regarded the latter as mud-pellets armoured with aegagropilous algal debris. Cloud (1968) also listed Fermoria as ‘possibly algal but needs restudy’. 4. Unnamed fossils In describing medusoids from the Central Mt. Stuart Beds of the Central Aus- tralian Late Precambrian, Wade (1969, p. 356, pi. 69, figs. 5-7) noted ‘numerous minute unidentifiable organisms’ in maroon sandstones with minor shales. Latex casts have been examined (PI. 63, fig. 3) and the impressions clearly show the con- centric wrinkles characteristic of Chuaria, though they are somewhat larger, ranging between 5 and 8 mm. As noted above, Hofmann (1971, p. 24) compared them with the Canadian specimens of Chuaria. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Group ACRiTARCHA Evitt 1963 Subgroup SPHAEROMORPHITAE Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 ‘group’ MEGASPHAEROMORPHiDA Timofeev 1969 Family leiosphaeridae Eisenack 1959 Genus chuaria Walcott 1899 Diagnosis. Flattened carbonaceous spheroids, now discs, from 0-5 mm to 5 mm in diameter, commonly 2-2-5 mm, showing wrinkles and cracks irregularly or con- centrically arranged owing to crushing; no surface ornament; no pores; openings restricted to gaps where spheroid burst open in a few specimens; translucent resinous yellow in prepared specimens. Chuaria cireularis Walcott 1899 Plates 61-63 1899 Chuaria circularia Walcott, pp. 234-235, pi. 27, figs. 12, 13. 1932 Neobolus minima Chapman, p. 29 (nom. nud.). 1933 Obolella jonesi Chapman, p. 20 (nom. nud.). 1933 Fermoria minima (Chapman), p. 20 (nom. nud.). 540 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 1933 Fermoria granulosa Chapman, p. 20 (nom. nud.). 1933 Fermoria tripartita Chapman, p. 20 (nom. nud.). 1935 Fermoria minima Chapman, pp. 114-116, pi. 1, figs. 1, 3. 1935 Fermoria granulosa Chapman, p. 116, pi. 1, figs. 2, 4; pi. 2, fig. 5. 1935 Fermoria capsella Chapman, p. 117, pi. 2, figs. 3, 4. 1935 Protobolella Jonesi Chapman, pp. 117-118, pi. 1, figs. 5, 6; pi. 2, fig. 1. 1936 Vindhyanella jonesi (Sahni), p. 467. 1941 Chuaria wimani Brotzen, p. 260. 1954 Krishnania acuminata Sahni and Shrivastava, p. 40, fig. 4. 1963 Problematica Assereto, pp. 502-503, fig. 2. 1969 minute unidentifiable organisms, Wade, p. 356, pi. 69, fig. 7. 1969 Kildinella magna Timofeev, p. 14, pi. 6, figs. 4, 5. 1970 Kildinella magna Timofeev, pi. 1, figs. A, B, D. 1971 Chuaria sp. Hofmann, p. 24, pi. 11, figs. 5-7. Nomenclatorial notes. The name C. circularis was published by Walcott in 1899 and thus has Linnean priority. All remaining names have been placed in synonymy as the present writers do not feel that the known fossils show sufficient features for consistent diagnosis of separate species, let alone genera. Further- more, there has been an element of doubt in that most writers have compared their material with C. circularis and have distinguished it only on the basis of either size or on features which are mostly diagenetic. Rowell (1971, pp. 72-73) has discussed the confused nomenclatorial history of Fermoria, and it need not be re- peated except to note that he overlooked the fact that Chapman had introduced the names without diag- noses in 1933, two years before the formal descriptions (Chapman 1935). Species diagnosis. As for genus. Type specimens. Walcott’s (1899) type material was catalogued under U.S. National Museum no. 33800 and consists of six flakes of shale, each with one or more specimens. One flake is unfossiliferous, and there is also one small bottle that contains indeterminate fragments, again without any observable fossil. The original of Walcott’s figure 13 cannot be identified in the collection. The original of his figure 12 is prob- ably the specimen illustrated here as PI. 61, fig. 1; this specimen is now designated lectotype and is still catalogued under USNM 33800. A number of specimens have been selected from the collections made by Ford and Breed (1969, 1972) and these have been added to the U.S. National Museum reference col- lection and are catalogued under USNM catalogue 36, no. 181859. Type locality. See under Stratigraphic Occurrence below. Dimensions. Individuals are commonly 2 to 2-5 mm in diameter. Walcott (1899, p. 234) recorded speci- mens ranging from 2 to 5 mm diameter though the largest illustrated (pi. 27, fig. 12) is barely 3 mm. The Indian specimens of "Fermoria’’ seen by the authors range between 2 and 3 mm though Chapman (1935, p. 115) noted the largest as 4-5 mm diameter. The Iranian specimens oi ""I Fermoria' according to Stocklin et al. (1964) ranged from 1 mm to ‘several mm’, but the specimens seen by the authors range only between 2 and 3 mm. Assereto’s unpublished photographs indicate specimens up to 6 mm being common though the scale on the photos raises some doubts. Wade’s specimens from Central Australia range up to 8 mm whilst those from the Hector Forma- tion only reach 4 mm. Brotzen (1941), Eisenack (1966), and Timofeev (1969) noted a size range from 0-5 mm upwards to about 2-5 mm and the last two have indicated that there is a continuous range down- wards to much smaller sizes. Eisenack noted his smallest specimens as being only 62 p.m but expressed the feeling that there should be still smaller juveniles. This extreme range down into the sizes normally EXPLANATION OF PLATE 61 Figs. 1-7. Chuaria circularis from Awatubi Member, Kwagunt Formation, Chuar Group, late Precambrian, of Nankoweap Butte, Grand Canyon, Arizona. 1, Lectotype, X 10, U.S. Nat. Museum, 33800. 2, x 25, Univ. Leic. 49398b. 3, x25, Univ. Leic. 49375. 4, x25, Univ. Leic. 49495. 5, Small cluster, x25, Univ. Leic. 49392. 6, Peel of small cluster, x40, Univ. Leic. 56744. 7, Peel showing infolded margins, x25, Univ. Leic. 56743a. PLATE 61 FORD and BREED, Chuaria 542 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 expected for nanno-plankton raises considerable difficulties both of nomenclature and definition, since nanno-plankton of this general nature have been placed in a number of genera and species by palynolo- gists, chiefly in Russia (see Downie 1967; Timofeev 1965, 1969, 1970). Surface ornament and textures present in juveniles are not necessarily present in the mature forms, so that Chuaria may include adults of several smaller species. The definition of Chuaria is thus arbitrarily restricted to forms larger than 0-5 mm. Roblot (1964) figured a ‘sporomorph’ 256 jiim in diameter from the Brioverian of Normandy which could well be a small Chuaria. Remarks. Topotype specimens of C. circularis occur as black carbonaceous discs on the bedding laminae of dark blue-black shale. The discs may be solitary or in clusters, of which the largest so far seen numbered twenty-three. Individuals in the clusters never show overlap, though some lateral crushing may be seen. This is taken to indicate that the individuals were spheroidal, or at least inflated discoidal, when deposited, since spheroids do not normally pile up on top of one another. The clusters do not suggest that there was any direct connection between individuals but rather that they came to rest washed together in random fashion. The same observation can be made regarding the specimens from Iran, where clusters of fifty or more have been seen. Chuaria shows no surface ornament, except wrinkles and cracks due to crushing. Examination with the scanning electron microscope simply shows the grain size of the enclosing sediments impressed on the fossil. Frequent mud-cracked and ripple-marked surfaces indicate intermittent desiccation, and the wrinkles are thus probably due to shrinkage on drying. They show no regular behaviour except for the concentric wrinkle or wrinkles near the margin of many specimens. This is par- ticularly well seen in the Iranian specimens. Serial sections of C. ‘‘wimanV show, as Eisenack (1966) noted, two simple walls with a thickness of 50 to 70 |U,m. The pre- servation of C. circularis from the Grand Canyon has not permitted successful serial sections as yet. The walls of C. "wimanV meet about 0-25 mm from the margin, giving the false impression of a narrow marginal flange. A number of diagenetic effects have been observed on both C. circularis and C. 'wimani', and they appear to have counterparts in some descriptions and photo- graphs of 'Fermoria'. Most obvious is the effect of minute cubes of pyrite in the shale, which give a granulose effect, presumably the cause of Chapman distinguish- ing F. granulosa as a separate species. A solitary cube can be seen in some photo- graphs of C. 'wimanV . Otherwise cracking and distortion seem to be the main effects. Many C. circularis show radial cracks in the margin, commonly three or four but sometimes many more. This may be the reason why Chapman distinguished F. tripartita. Some specimens show openings in the young stages according to Eisenack, EXPLANATION OF PLATE 62 Figs. 1-6. Chuaria circularis from the late Precambrian of the Grand Canyon and Sweden. 1, Peel with marginal crushing simulating a flange, X 25, from Grand Canyon, Univ. Leic. 56745. 2, C. 'wimani', separated and mounted, showing wrinkling of flanks, x 30, Visingso Series, Sweden. Univ. Uppsala Visingso Colin. 3, C. "wimanP, separated and mounted, showing burst open appearance, x 30, Visingso Series, Sweden ( Wiman 1894, pi. 5, fig. 2). Univ. Uppsala Visingso Colin. 1-9. 4, Peel, x25, from the Grand Canyon. Univ. Leic. 56743b. 5, 6, C. 'wimani', two serial sections, showing thickened or duplicated flange on one side, x 35, Visingso Series, Sweden. Univ. Uppsala Visingso Colin. 1-9. PLATE 62 FORD and BREED, Chuuria 544 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 but the only one observed in the ‘mature’ specimens is quite clearly where the spheroid burst open, either on initial crushing or perhaps during life (PI. 62, fig. 3). The specimens from the Hector Formation show more relief than any of the others, but this is also thought to be a diagenetic effect in the rather more indurated argillite matrix. Small round slickensided marks are probably crushed gas bubbles and indicate considerable compaction. Some Chuaria from the Hector are convex and others concave on the same lamina and both show wrinkles due to shrinkage or compaction. The impressions in the Australian material are sufficiently strongly developed in fine-grained sandstone to indicate that the globular bodies were not fully compressed when the sandstone was indurated. Chemical composition. As Eisenack (1966) observed, the fossils are easily incinerated and leave a white ash. Eisenack found this was silica in his specimens, but some clay minerals and pyrite appear to be present in others. He regarded the silica, clay, and pyrite as of diagenetic origin. The substance is insoluble in KOH, concentrated HCl, HE, and H2SO4 even after heating. Cold concentrated HNO3 has no effect, but boiling HNO3 bleaches the substance. Schulze solution bleaches the substance more quickly, but can be completely destructive. Eisenack examined some specimens of C. ‘‘wimanf for phosphate by chemical means, with negative results. Examination of C. circularis from the Grand Canyon by electron microprobe by Mr. Jarosewich in the Smithsonian Institution also failed to reveal phosphorus. The last test indicates that Chuaria is not of brachiopod nature, whilst the remainder suggest only that it is organic, largely carbon. Eisenack also noted pronounced shrinkage on treatment with KOCl which, he claimed, distinguished Chuaria from pollen, spores, and hystrichospheres (and acritarchs presumably), as it was a characteristic reaction of fossil chitinous foraminiferids. However, this test is not considered valid by all paly- nologists. Further tests by electron microprobe are thought to be pointless as they would only determine elements that were likely to be present in the enclosing shale. Biological affinities. As Eisenack (1966) and Timofeev (1970) have noted, there is a size range from nanno-plankton up to 2 mm. Timofeev has applied the name Kildinella (a sphaeromorphid acritarch) with a new trivial name magna (1969, 1970) to a specimen previously named C. 'wimanf by Brotzen, without discussion of reasons for so doing. He has further placed this genus in two separate ‘groups’ of acritarchs, Sphaeromorphida and Megasphaeromorphida, without making it clear what status his ‘groups’ have in relation to the Group Acritarcha of Evitt (1963) and the Subgroup Sphaeromorphitae of Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant (1963). Assignment to higher taxa also presents problems. The ‘group’ Megasphaero- morphida erected by Timofeev (1969) is little more than a convenient grouping for large planktonic organisms, and seems to be broadly equivalent to superfamily status. Alternatively the present authors feel that there is some merit in placing EXPLANATION OF PLATE 63 Figs. 1-4. Chuaria circulari.s from the late Precambrian of Iran, Australia, and Grand Canyon. 1, 2, From the Chapoghlu Shale, W. Elburz, Iran, x 10, Univ. Leic. 58123. 3, From Central Australia, X 10, latex cast of University of Adelaide, Geology Department spec. F16472. 4, Cluster from the Grand Canyon, x 10, Univ. Leic. 49398a. PLATE 63 FORD and BREED, Chuaria 546 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Chuaria with Leiosphaeridia in the family Leiosphaeridae. Comparison with the descriptions of Leiosphaeridia and Tasmanites provided by Wall (1962) and by Schopf (in Tschudy and Scott 1969) shows that Chuaria is similar to both but much larger. Tasmanites, however, has a punctate wall and has been compared with the modern Pachysphaera pelagica and Halosphaera minor of the Class Prasinophyceae, Phylum Chlorophyta. Chuaria has no visible punctation, so that it is more appro- priately referred to the family Leiosphaeridae of the Acritarcha. All current writers (e.g. Glaessner 1966; Cloud 1969; Timofeev 1970) have noted Chuaria as a fossil alga. The writers support this assignment and, following Glaessner (1966) and Timofeev (1970), regard Chuaria as an unusually large acritarch-like organism, or organisms, comparable with Leiosphaeridia. It may be noted that many late Precambrian and Cambrian micro-plankton with diameters from 0-1 to 0-25 mm have been recorded (e.g. Roblot 1964; Timofeev 1965, 1969, 1970). Perhaps only a few of these forms grew to the size of Chuaria. Obviously more palaeopalynological research needs to be done on these rocks to extract the full range of nanno-plankton as well as the larger forms. Downie (in Ford and Breed 1969) provided preliminary notes on the nanno-plankton. In spite of Chuaria being placed in a group separate from Pachysphaera, the observation by Parke (in Wall 1962, p. 359) that the latter releases a flagellated stage raises the possibility that Chuaria may have done so. Few specimens show any sign of an opening but they may either have split equatorially and so show no opening whilst lying in this plane, or they may have been immature when fossilized. One specimen of C. "wimanV (PI. 62, fig. 3) has obviously split open but this may have been during burial or extraction. STRATIGRAPHIC OCCURRENCE Walcott (1899, p. 234) noted that his specimens were collected 730 ft (219 m) beneath the summit of the Chuar terrane in the Kwagunt Valley of Grand Canyon. On referring to his measured section of the Chuar (1894, pp. 508-512) this appears to be close to the Cherty Pisolite in the Walcott Member of the Kwagunt Formation as defined by Ford and Breed (1972a, 1973), but Walcott was ambiguous in that the measurement of 730 ft (219 m) could have been either by altitude or by stratigraphic thickness. However, Ford and Breed (1969, 1972a, 1973) found Chuaria in shales over a thickness of about 100 ft (30 m) on Nankoweap Butte, overlooking Kwagunt Canyon, with the greatest abundance in two beds about 30 and 80 ft (9 and 24 m) below the Flaky Dolomite, a horizon at the base of the Walcott Member and the top of the Awatubi Member. Rare specimens were also found some 5000 ft (1500 m) lower in the Chuar Group, in shales about 100 ft (30 m) below the top of the Tanner Member. The cherty pisolite near the base of the Walcott Member has recently yielded a flora of microscopic filamentous and spheroidal algae (Schopf, Ford, and Breed 1973). The age of the Chuar Group has been discussed by Ford et al. (1972) and by Ford and Breed (1972a, 1973) and appears to be less than 1000 m.y., but definitely Precambrian, i.e. Upper Riphean. The Swedish Visingso Formation containing C. 'wimanC is now regarded as FORD AND BREED: CHUARIA 547 belonging to the Varegian Formation, which is the younger part of the Eocambrian, deposited less than 950 m.y. ago (Magnusson 1965). The Iranian specimens come from the Chapoghlu Shale regarded by Stocklin et al. ( 1 964) as in the lower part of a series of Upper Precambrian to ? Lower Cambrian age. The Hector Formation of Canada is unconformably covered by Cambrian and rests unconformably on Beltian, and is thus part of the Windermere Series, recently dated by Harrison and Peterman (1971) as between 570 and 850 m.y. Licari and Cloud (1968) reported the discovery of nanno-plankton resembling the modern green algal family Oocystaceae in these beds. Timofeev (1970) noted that Megasphaeromorphida occurred in the Upper Riphean of Eastern Siberia, and Shatsky (1952) also recorded Chuaria in the Upper Riphean, though he gave no details. The occurrences of Fermoria are more difficult to place owing to the confusion of records of truly organic remains with those of inorganic substances. It must suffice to say that the Vindhyan rocks are regarded by most writers on India as being of late Precambrian age (Howell 1956; Pascoe 1959). The Central Australian occurrence is in beds assigned to the topmost division of the Upper Precambrian. The presence of numerous medusoids suggests a correla- tion with the Ediacaran of South Australia, but none of the medusoids is common to both localities and the Ediacaran fauna has not been found in association with Chuaria elsewhere. Sporomorphs up to 256 /xm diameter have been recorded from the Brioverian of Normandy by Roblot (1964, pi. 11, fig. 12) which could well be a small Chuaria. The Brioverian is generally regarded as late Precambrian. Thus all known occurrences of Chuaria and fossils here regarded as synonymous, are in late Precambrian rocks, broadly falling within the Upper Riphean division of Precambrian time, though the lack of radiometric age data on most of the sedi- ments concerned allows no placing more accurate than between 1 000 and 570 m.y. ago. CONCLUSIONS It is concluded that Chuaria is of plant origin, most probably being a large leio- sphaerid acritarch. An arbitrary lower size limit is adopted of forms larger than 0-5 mm. They are generally preserved as flattened hollow spheroids, with cracks and wrinkles owing to crushing and diagenesis. Forms previously named C. wimani, Kildinella magna, and Fermoria minima are thought to be at present indistinguishable from C. circularis. The stratigraphic range seems to be limited to the Upper Riphean, roughly from 1000 m.y. ago to the beginning of the Cambrian. Occurrences are now known in Arizona, Canada, Sweden, France, Siberia, Iran, India, and Australia, and it seems clear that these carbonaceous spheroids provide a stratigraphic index fossil for late Precambrian rocks. Acknowledgements. Thanks are due to the Grand Canyon National Park authorities for their assistance in many ways, and to Hatch River Expeditions and Arizona Helicopters Inc. for assistance in reaching the field area. A grant from the Grand Canyon Natural History Association facilitated field work, and one of us (T. D, F.) received a Fulbright Travel Grant and help from the University of Leicester Research Board. 548 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Thanks are also due to the following for their assistance in procuring specimens and photographs: Dr. Ellis Yochelson (U.S. Geological Survey) for loan of specimens and supplying notes and photos of type specimens; Professor Preston Cloud (University of California) for the gift of specimens from the Hector Formation and for copies of Assereto’s photographs of Iranian material; Professor Martinsson (University of Uppsala) for loan of Wiman’s specimens; the Director-General of the Geological Survey of India in Calcutta for the gift of specimens of Fermoria \ Dr. Khadem, Managing Director of the Geo- logical Survey of Iran, for the gift of Iranian Fermoria; to Professor Glaessner (University of Adelaide) for supplying latex casts of Dr. M. Wade’s Australian material; and to Dr. W. S. Gussow for assistance with details of the Hector Formation locality. 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Univ. Uppsala, 2, 109-117. T. D. FORD Department of Geology University of Leicester Leicester LEI 7RH W. J. BREED Museum of Northern Arizona Revised typescript received 6 December 1972 Flagstafif, Arizona, U.S.A. Addendum. Since writing the above, the authors have heard that Dr. W. C. Gussow has prepared a note on Chuaria from the Hector Formation, of Banff National Park, Canada. This will be published in Journal of Palaeontology, 1973, 47, no. 6. VISEAN TRILOBITES FROM HOLWELL, SOMERSET by GERHARD and renate hahn Abstract. Three species of trilobites from the Clifton Down Limestone (Visean) at Holwell Quarry in the Mendip Hills (Somerset) are described: Linguaphillipsia matthewsi sp. nov., Phillipsia (Phillipsia) holwellensis sp. nov., and Cummingella jonesi jonesi (Portlock 1843). This is the first record of the genus Linguaphillipsia Stubblefield 1948 from the Carboniferous Limestone of western Europe. The stratigraphical relationships and age of trilobites from the Carboniferous Limestone facies of the Lower Carboniferous are still poorly known, certainly so when compared with what is known about trilobites in the Culm facies (G. and R. Hahn 1971). A recently discovered fauna from low in the Clifton Down Limestone (Visean) at Holwell Quarry, Somerset (ST 727 452), includes three species of trilobite, the subject of this paper. Dr. S. C. Matthews (University of Bristol) is working on other aspects of the rich fauna. The thirty trilobite specimens are well preserved and partly silicified. They belong to three species: Linguaphillipsia matthewsi sp. nov., Phillipsia (Phillipsia) holwellensis sp. nov., and Cummingella jonesi jonesi (Portlock 1843). The majority of the specimens belong to L. matthewsi, five (pygidia only) to P. (P.) holwellensis, one (a pygidium) to P. (P.) cf. holwellensis, and two (one pygidium, one fragment of a free cheek) to C. jonesi jonesi. The specific composition of the trilobite fauna is surprising as only one of the three species, C. jonesi jonesi, belongs to a characteristic western European genus. L. matthewsi is the first record of this genus in western Europe and specifically is closest to L. ohmorensis (Ohkubo 1951) from Japan. Although Phillipsia (Phillipsia) is a common subgenus in the Lower Carboniferous of western Europe P. (P.) holwellensis is closest to P. (P.) conserrata Weber 1937 from the ? Visean of the southern Urals. Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Dr. S. C. Matthews (University of Bristol) for making available to us material originally discovered by Dr. N. H. Trewin (University of Aberdeen) and to Mr. R. G. Godwin for the excellent photographs. Repository. The material is deposited in the Geology Museum, University of Bristol, and bears the numbers BU 21000-21030. Indeterminable fragments are unnumbered. DESCRIPTIONS Family proetidae Hawle and Corda 1847 Subfamily linguaphillipsiinae G. and R. Hahn 1972 Genus linguaphillipsia Stubblefield 1948 Type species. Linguaphillipsia terapaiensis SX.\xhh\efit\d 1948. Diagnosis. Treatise, p. 401, and G. and R. Hahn 1972, p. 360 (‘Beziehungen’)- [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 551-561, pi. 64.] 552 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Linguaphillipsia matthewsi sp. nov. Plate 64, figs. 1-6; text-figs. 1-2 Derivation of name. After Dr. S. C. Matthews. Holotype. Cephalon BU 21000; PI. 64, fig. 1 ; text-fig. 1. Type locality. Holwell Quarry, Somerset, England (National Grid Reference ST 727 452). Type horizon. Clifton Down Limestone, Visean. Distribution. Known only from type locality and type horizon. Paratypes. Four fragments of cranidia (BU 21001-21004), four free cheeks (BU 21005-21008), 2 frag- mentary free cheeks (BU 21009-21010), 4 pygidia (BU 21019-21022), 7 thoracic segments, complete or broken (BU 2101 1-21018). Diagnosis. A species of Linguaphillipsia with the following characteristics. Glabella long, partially overhanging the anterior border, markedly constricted between y-y, between S-S only slightly broader than between )3-/S. Palpebral lobes situated pos- teriorly, long facial suture without a straight portion between e-^. Eyes large, genal spines medium in length. Pygidium slightly triangular in outline, with 17-18 rings and 10-12 ribs on each pleura. Border of medium breadth, separated by a well- impressed border furrow. Relief and sculpture (nodes) on the cephalon and pygidium well marked. Description. Cephalon (holotype, external mould, BU 21000). Lateral view (text-fig. Ifi). Glabella rising above anterior border, continuously curved to a point near occipital furrow; occipital furrow well incised. Occipital ring somewhat higher than glabella, reaching highest point in occipital node, situated near pos- terior margin. Border vertical on cranidium, overlapped by glabella, ornamented along its total length by 7-8 parallel lines which extend on to genal spine. Free cheek strongly vaulted, eye large, rising some- what posteriorly. Dorsal view (PI. 64, fig. 1 ; text-fig. la). Outline oval, only slightly broader than long (without genal spines). Glabella long, tongue-like in shape, extending forward almost to anterior margin, markedly constricted at y. Anterior part well rounded and arched, posterior part flatter and broader than anterior part, greatest breadth between S-8. Glabellar furrows (lp-3p) deeply incised. Ip strongly curved backward, cutting preoccipital lobes (LI) out of glabella, and extending to occipital furrow. 2p-3p short; 2p directed slightly backward, but 3p directed slightly forward. Occipital furrow nearly straight (tr.), with only slight back- ward curvature behind LI on each side. Occipital ring heavily arched in its centre, but immersed on each side behind LI. Dorsal furrows deeply incised. Fixed cheek with very long, moderately diverging anterior EXPLANATION OF PLATE 64 Figs. 1-6. Linguaphillipsia matthewsi sp. nov. 1, Cephalon, holotype, x5-9 (BU 21000). 2, Cranidium, (broken during transport after photographing, therefore without number and scale). 3, Large pygidium, x7-7 (BU 21020). 4, Free cheek, x6 0 (BU 21005). 4a, Dorsal view; 4b, Lateral view. 5, Large pygidium, X 5-5 (BU 21021). 6, Medium sized pygidium, x4-8 (BU 21019). Fig. 7. Cummingella jonesi jonesi (Portlock 1843). Pygidium, right pleural lobe (broken during transport after photographing), x 5-2 (BU 21029). Figs. 8-9. Phillipsia (Phillipsia) holwellensis sp. nov. 8, Pygidium, x2-9 (BU 21024). 9, Pygidium, right pleural lobe (broken during transport after photographing), x 3-2 (BU 21025). Fig. 10. Phillipsia {Phillipsia) cf holwellensis sp. nov. Pygidium, left pleural lobe (broken during transport after photographing), x6-8 (BU 21028). All specimens from Visean at Holwell, Somerset. PLATE 64 HAHN, trilobites from Holwell 554 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 part (y-|3), long palpebral lobe, and short posterior part. |3 situated anteriorly, rounded; y, S, and e also gently rounded, no straight portion evolved. Posterior part of fixed cheek short (exsag.), medium in length (tr.). |S situated slightly inward of S. Border of the free cheek relatively broad, limited by a distinct border furrow. Striations of the border only partly visible. Free cheek ascending rapidly from inner side of border to eye; eye socket separated by a well-marked eye furrow. Eye large, strongly curved, lenses not preserved. Posterior border of free cheek separated by deeply incised border furrow, which extends later- ally to meet outer border furrow, then curves backwards into shallow spinal furrow. Genal spine of medium length, sharply pointed, ornamented with some striations, divided longitudinally by spinal furrow into two portions. Internal portion rounded, larger and more elevated than external portion, which diminishes towards tip of spine. Surface of glabella covered by coarse nodes; nodes on occipital ring finer; only few nodes on cheek region. Doublure as wide as border on free cheek; narrowed on the genal spine, slightly broadened anteriorly. Front part occupied by rostral plate which lies exactly beneath the glabella. Doublure covered with striations similar to those seen on the border in lateral view and dorsal view. Doublure of occipital ring not preserved. Measurements (in mm). Lengths: cephalon (without genal spine) 8 0, cephalon (with genal spines) 11-7, glabella 6-5, |3-y 2-75, palpebral lobe (y-e) 2-9, e-w 1-25, eye 3-3; breadths: cephalon (at the base of the genal spines) 11-2, cranidium between /3-|3 51, cranidium between 8-S 5-8, glabella between S-S 4-6. Thoracic segment (BU 21011). Dorsal view (text-fig. 2a). Axis broad (tr.) and narrow (sag.), subdivided into a short (sag.) anterior part that disappears laterally, and a longer (sag. and exsag.) posterior part, which is separated from anterior part by distinct furrow; anterior part situated somewhat lower than posterior portion. Articulating half-ring short, not as long (sag.) as anterior part of axis; axial furrow well pronounced, extending laterally to meet furrow that divides axis. Dorsal furrows slightly incised. Inner (adaxial) part of each pleuron situated horizontally, outer (abaxial) part bent downward (broken on BU 21011, but visible on BU 21012). Pleural furrow beginning at dorsal furrow, extending nearly to outer border. Anterior flange well pronounced, axial process small, fulcral process not differentiated; posterior flange not well separated from the pleura, axial socket and fulcral socket indistinct. Exact shape of lateral pleural border not preserved in any of specimens at hand. Ventral view (text-fig. 2b). Posterior doublure very prominent, covering nearly whole axis (sag.). Apodemata well evolved, node-like. No vertical rim between inner and outer part of pleura as seen in Treatise, figs. 49b, 50. Anterior view (text-fig. 2c). Axis strongly arched; apodemata relatively short, situated beneath the dorsal furrow on each side. Inner part of pleuron horizontally disposed, outer part bent downward at an angle of about 45°. Axial process on each side visible as a little node. Posterior view (text-fig. 2d). Arching of axis as in anterior view. Posterior wall of the segment slightly grooved above the apodemata, grooves continuing on each side of posterior wall of pleuron, visible ventrally also (see text-fig. 2b). Dorsal furrows distinct, but nearly obsolete in anterior view. (As a whole the thoracic segments are similar to those of Paladin (Paladin) helmsensis (Whittington 1954, pi. 3, figs. 7-16).) Number of thoracic segments in L. matthewsi unknown (only isolated segments are present), but presumably totalling nine as in nearly all Carboniferous Proetidae. Affiliation of the described thoracic segments to L. matthewsi not proven, but probable because of rarity of all other trilobite species in the Holwell fauna in comparison with L. matthewsi. Pygidium (BU 21019). Side view. Rhachis nearly as high as pleural lobe, curving gently back to last ring, then falling down vertically to short, convex postaxial portion which is part of pygidial border. Rings prominent, strongly arched, with steep posterior slopes. Pleural ribs also prominent, well separated by pleural furrows. Anterior part more nearly horizontally disposed than behind rhachis. Posterior view. Rhachis well arched, curved semicircularly. Inner half of pleura directed horizontally, outer half steeply sloping downward. Anterior part of border sloping parallel to outer half of pleura. Dorsal view (PI. 64, figs. 3, 5-6). Outline slightly triangular in shape, somewhat broader than long. Rhachis long, nearly as broad as a pleural lobe, gently tapering posteriorly, with termination well rounded. 17-18 rings; rings 1-10 very prominent, last rings indistinct. Each ring divided (trans.) into a spinous central portion and on each side a smooth portion (which covers the region where the nearly invisible impressions of the pygidial muscles are situated). Central part ornamented with 5-7, slightly backwards directed, short spines, one of which covers sagittal line. Axial furrows directed straight (tr.) centrally, showing slight HAHN AND HAHN; VISEAN TRILOBITES 555 r': ' ‘ \ "iSi \ 1 pi axs ar 1b TEXT-FIGS. 1-2. Linguaphillipsia matthewsi sp. nov. Visean, Holwell, Somerset, England. 1. Cephalon, holotype, BU 21000 (see PI. 64, fig. 1). a. Dorsal view; b. Lateral view. 2. Thoracic segment, BU 21011. a. Dorsal view; b, Ventral view; c. Anterior view; d. Posterior view. Abbreviations, afl anterior flange; ahr articulating half-ring; ap apodeme; ar axial ring; axp axial process; axs axial socket; db doublure; df dorsal furrow; af axial furrow; p pleura; pf pleural furrow; ts transversal furrow, dividing axial ring in an anterior and a posterior portion. backward curvature against dorsal furrow; anterior axial furrows well incised, posterior furrows only slightly incised. Dorsal furrows distinct. Pleural lobe with 10 ribs and place for one more. Ribs well sepa- rated by narrow, deeply incised pleural furrows. Rib furrows vestigial, visible as weak line on anterior ribs only: on first rib grooved against border, separating clearly anterior and posterior branch of rib. Anterior branch of ribs distinctly broader (exsag.) than posterior branch; ribs rounded in cross-section, ornamented with small node at half-length (tr.). Ribs terminating at well-incised border furrow which separates rela- tively narrow, convex curved border from remaining part of pleural regions. First rib furrow continuing on to border. Terminal part of border in contact with posterior slope of rhachis. Connecting half-ring and connecting half-ribs (sag., exsag.) narrow; connecting half-ribs marked by slight process which is directed anteriorly and is situated somewhat inward of rib nodes. Doublure (visible in cross-section on left pleura) as wide as border, pressed against it, ornamented with striations. 556 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Measurements. See Table 1. TABLE 1 . Measurements (in mm) of three pygidia of Linguaphillipsia matthewsi sp. nov. Pygidium Rhachis Number Number Length Breadth Length Breadth of rings of ribs BU 21019 7-9 100 7-0 3-5 17 10( + 1) BU 21020 5-75 6-75 5-2 2-6 16( + 1) 9(+l) BU 21021 9-3 11-3 8-5 40 18 12 Variations. Among the free cheeks significant variation is found only in the structure of the border region. In BU 21005 the border furrow is relatively shallow and the border itself only slightly arched (PI. 64, fig. 4), but in BU 21007 and BU 21008 the border furrow is more deeply incised and the border well arched. These two latter free cheeks are both smaller than BU 21005 (approximately half as long as BU 21005), so that these differences of the border regions may be interpreted as having arisen during postlarval ontogeny. Among the pygidia the number of rings and ribs differs only slightly (see Table 1^ The rib furrows are somewhat better expressed in BU 21020 (PI. 64, fig. 3) and BU 21021 (PI. 64, fig. 5) than in BU 21019 (PI. 64, fig. 6). In all other respects the available pygidia are very similar, accentuating the specific charac- teristics of L. matthewsi. Discussion. Among the characteristic features of L. matthewsi the most important one is the way in which the glabella encroaches on the anterior cephalic border. In L. terapaiensis Stubblefield 1948, L. paczoltovicensis (Jarosz 1914) and related species the glabella is separated from the anterior border by a deeply incised, prominent border furrow; in L. silesiaca (Scupin 1900), which is closely related to L. tera- paiensis, the glabella is lengthened anteriorly and presses against the anterior border, but does not encroach on it. In L. longicornuta (Leyh 1897) and its allies the anterior border is broad (sag.) and plane, not arched, and the border furrow is vestigial. In these species the glabella also terminates at the border, and does not encroach on it. Only in L. ohmorensis (Ohkubo 1951) from the lowermost Carboniferous of Japan does the glabella encroach on the posterior part of the border in the manner seen in L. matthewsi. As both these species are similar in most of their other features, it seems probable that L. matthewsi might have descended from the older Japanese species. The main differences between L. matthewsi and L. ohmorensis are found in the structure of the pygidia ; in L. ohmorensis the pygidium is more elongate and its border is broader. The number of rings and ribs is similar in the two species (17-18 rings and 10-12 ribs in L. matthewsi, 17 rings and 11 ribs in L. ohmorensis). Other differences between the two species are of minor interest; they involve the more slender glabella, the rather lesser arching of the cephalic border, the smoother surface, lacking granulation, of L. ohmorensis. It is possible that some of these differences are simply due to post-mortem influences, because in L. ohmorensis it is the inner mould that is known and in L. matthewsi the outer. The geographical distribution of L. ohmorensis and L. matthewsi is perplexing, the one being found in Japan, the other in England. But Linguaphillipsia was a genus typical of the Tethys region during the Lower Carboniferous and has been found in nearly all parts of the Eurasiatic Tethys; in Austria, Turkey, Central Asia, SE. Asia, Japan, and Australia. From this central pool it seems that species occasionally invaded the border regions of Tethys: Germany, Poland, the Moscow Basin, and the Urals. It may be merely an accident of preservation that one of the two related species is found in the eastern part of the Tethys region, in Japan, and the other HAHN AND HAHN: VISEAN TRILOBITES 557 near its western end, in England. Probably species closely related to L. ohmoremis and L. matthewsi would have spread out through most parts of the Tethys, as was the case with the L. terapaiensis-gvonp, whose distribution is known from Poland to SE. Asia. Subfamily phillipsiinae Oehlert 1886 Subgenus phillipsia (phillipsia) Portlock 1843 Type species. Phillipsia kellyi Portlock 1843. Diagnosis. Osmolska 1970, p. 79, and G. and R. Hahn 1972, p. 391 (‘Beziehungen’). Phillipsia {Phillipsia) holwellensis sp. nov. Plate 64, figs. 8-9; text-fig. 3 Derivation of name. After Holwell Quarry, Mendip Hills, England. Holotype. Pygidium BU 21023i; text-fig. 3. Type locality. Holwell Quarry, in the Mendip Hills, Somerset, England. Type horizon. Clifton Down Eimestone, Visean. Distribution. Known only from the type locality and the type horizon. Paratypes. 6 pygidia, partly broken, BU 210232 3, 21024-21027. Diagnosis. A species of Phillipsia {Phillipsia) with the following characteristics: pygidium with 13-14 rings and 11-12 ribs. Posterior ribs sharply curving backwards. Posterior branches of the ribs suppressed, forming only the vertically directed posterior slope of each rib. Border very narrow, covered by the terminal portions of the ribs. End of rhachis peculiarly constructed (see below). Description (holotype, BU 21023i). Side view (text-fig. hb). Rhachis not nearly as high as pleural lobes, curving down gently in its posterior half; postaxial portion inclined at about 45°. Rings prominent, rhachis furrows deeply incised. Pleural ribs also prominent, well separated by pleural furrows. Border horizontally disposed. Posterior view. Rhachis well arched in a nearly semicircular curve. Dorsal furrows deeply incised. Pleural lobes transversely arranged where they first arise from dorsal furrow, then curving downwards very 2mm TEXT-FIG. 3. Phillipsia {Phillipsia) holwellensis sp. nov. Visean, Holwell, Somerset, England. Holotype pygidium, BU 21023i. a. Dorsal view; b. Lateral view. 558 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 steeply in their outer parts but returning to horizontal disposition at border; anterior ribs sloping nearly vertically. Dorsal view (text-fig. 3a). Outline oval, nearly as broad as long. Rhachis long, relatively narrow, clearly divided laterally into well-arched central portion and less well-arched lateral portions which cover region of impressions of pygidial muscles. Number of rings 13; rings prominent, separated by deeply incised, relatively broad (sag.) rhachis furrows; posterior rings also well differentiated. Terminal part of rhachis blunt, peculiar in its construction: behind the last ring there follows a very broad and shallow furrow that changes into a slight elevated rim at the very end of the rhachis. Postaxial portion separated from the rhachis by a distinct step. Dorsal furrows well incised. Pleural lobes sub-divided by 12 ribs on each side. Anterior ribs nearly transverse; in their direction posterior ribs directed clearly backwards. Rib furrows suppressed, visible only on the anterior ribs, rather more clearly seen on BU 21024 and BU 21025 (PI. 64, figs. 8-9). Posterior branches of ribs confined to the vertically orientated posterior slope of each rib. Pleural furrows deeply incised, broad (exsag.). Ribs continuing on very narrow border, which is distinct from rest of pleural lobes only by its curving back into a horizontal position. Connecting half- ring (broken medially in holotype) and connecting half-ribs narrow (sag., exsag.), projecting only slightly. Surface of holotype nearly smooth, but on BU 21024 and BU 21025 with a row of very small nodules on each ring and rib (PI. 64, figs. 8-9). Doublure (visible on BU 2\023^ narrow, with 7-8 soft striations. Measurements (in mm). Length of pygidium 9-7, length of rhachis 8-5, breadth of pygidium 10 0, breadth of rhachis 4 0. Variations. See under Phillipsia (Phillipsia) sp., below. TABLE 2. Comparison of pygidia of best-known species of Phillipsia (Phillipsia) Portlock 1843 Ph. (Ph.) gemmulifera (Phillips 1836) Rings 17 Ribs 13 Post, branches of ribs Not suppressed Extension of ribs Not on border Ph. (Ph.) ornata Portlock 1843 19-21 16-18 ,, On border Ph. (Ph.) truncatula (Phillips 1836) 18 16 Not on border Ph. (Ph.) magnoculata Osmolska 1970 16 13 ,, ,, Ph. (Ph.) kellyi Portlock 1843 17 13 Suppressed ,, Ph. (Ph.) moelleri Osmolska 1970 20 15 Ph. (Ph.) conserrata Weber 1937 16 10 On border Ph. (Ph.) holwellensis sp. nov. 14 11-12 ,, Discussion. As shown by Table 2, Ph. {Ph.) holwellensis has a peculiar combination of morphological features such as is not seen in any other species of Phillipsia {Phil- lipsia). These features are: 1, the low number of rings and ribs; 2, the fully posteri- orly directed posterior ribs; 3, the suppression of the posterior branches of the ribs; 4, the prolongation of the ribs on the border; and 5, the very weak sculpture. A similar number of rings and ribs is seen only in certain Russian and Australian species, e.g. Ph. {Ph.) conserrata Weber 1937 (16 rings, 10 ribs), Ph.l {Ph.l) dungo- gensis Mitchell 1918 (14 rings, 12 ribs), and Ph. {Ph.l) rockhamptonensis Mitchell 1918 (12 rings, 8 ribs). The latter two Australian species differ markedly from Ph. {Ph.) holwellensis in that the posterior branches of their ribs are not suppressed and by the lesser backward curvature of their posterior ribs (as far as can be judged from the photographs given by Mitchell). Rather more closely similar to Ph. {Ph.) holwel- lensis is Ph. {Ph.) conserrata from the ?Visean of the southern Urals, which never- theless differs in two characteristics: there are more rings, but fewer ribs, and the surface is ornamented by a coarse granulation (see Osmolska 1970 and G. and R. Hahn 1972). HAHN AND HAHN: VISEAN TRILOBITES 559 Ph. (Ph.) holwellensis differs from all described species of Phillipsia (Phillipsia) so far known in western Europe not only by its lesser number of rings and ribs and its soft ornamentation, but also in its combination of suppressions of the posterior branches of the ribs and prolongation of the ribs on to the border. Suppression of the posterior branches of the ribs occurs in Ph. {Ph.) kellyi Portlock 1843 and Ph. (Ph.) moelleri Osmolska 1970, but in neither of these species do the ribs invade the border. On the other hand, Ph. (Ph.) ornata Portlock 1843, the ribs continue on to the border, but the posterior branches of the ribs are not suppressed. Finally, in Ph. (Ph.) gemmulifera (Phillips 1836), Ph. (Ph.) truncatula (Phillips 1836), and Ph. (Ph.) magnoculata Osmolska 1970 the posterior branches of the ribs are not sup- pressed, nor do the ribs invade the border. In both these respects they differ from Ph. (Ph.) holwellensis. Ph. (Ph.) holwellensis appears as an isolated occurrence in the Visean of England, and is most nearly related to Ph. (Ph.) consenata from the southern Urals. Phillipsia (Phillipsia) cf. holwellensis sp. nov. Plate 64, fig. 10 Among the collection from Holwell there is one pygidium (BU 21028) which is similar to Ph. (Ph.) holwellensis in many features, especially in its low number of rings (13) and ribs (1 1) and in the peculiar structure of the terminal part of its rhachis, but which differs in three respects: its outline is more rounded, its last ribs have a lesser backward inclination, and (the most important) its border is somewhat ele- vated and is not invaded by the ribs (see PI. 64, figs. 8-10). Although this pygidium looks rather different from that of Ph. (Ph.) holwellensis, it is probable that it belongs to this species. The elevation of the border may have been due to post-mortem factors; it has developed to a relatively high degree on the right pleural lobe but is not seen in the anterior part of the left pleural lobe. The other differences may be interpreted as due to biological variation. Subfamily cummingellinae G. and R. Hahn 1967 Genus cummingella Reed 1942 Type species. Phillipsia jonesii Portlock 1843. Diagnosis. Treatise, p. 401, and G. and R. Hahn 1972, pp. 341-342 (‘Beziehungen’). Cummingella jonesi jonesi (Portlock 1843) Plate 64, fig. 7 *1843 Phillipsia jonesii Portlock, 308, pi. 11, figs. ha d. 1970 Cummingella jonesi jonesi, Osmolska, 55-56, pi. 5, figs. 3-4, text-figs. 5a, g, p, s. 1972 Cummingella jonesi jonesi, G. and R. Hahn, 348-351, 351 (with full synonymy). Type, type locality, type horizon, distribution. See G. and R. Hahn 1972, pp. 350, 351. Remarks. Among the Holwell trilobites are two specimens which can be referred to Cummingella jonesi jonesi. One is a pygidium (BU 21029, PI. 64, fig. 7), originally complete, now broken along the fracture visible on the rhachis in the photograph, the other is the posterior part of a left free cheek, BU 21030. 560 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Specimen BU 21029 compares very well with the pygidium of the lectotype figured by Stubblefield (1952, pi. 1, figs, la-c) in the shape of the pygidium, the shape of the rhachis, the number of rings (12 + ) and ribs (9), the breadth of the border and its arching. As in C. jonesi jonesi only the four anterior rib furrows continue dis- tinctly on the border, whereas in C. jonesi laticaudata (Woodward 1 884) (see Osmolska 1970, pi. 5, figs. 8-9) and in C. jonesi orleiensis Osmolska 1970 (see Osmolska 1970, pi. 5, fig. 1) the posterior rib furrows also encroach on the border. This feature determines the subspecific identity of the pygidium found at Holwell. BU 21030 shows the posterior part of a free cheek, with an elevated lateral and posterior border, both of which are separated from the rest of the cheek by well- incised furrows. A genal spine is not present. The character of the free cheek is therefore as is found in C. jonesi jonesi. These specimens of C. jonesi jonesi, although they add no new morphological information, do nevertheless contribute something to our stratigraphical know- ledge of the subspecies. In all earlier recorded occurrences (including the type speci- mens) the exact stratigraphical location has been unclear. Stubblefield (1952) cites only ‘Carboniferous Limestone’, and Osmolska (1970, p. 55) states ‘(?Middle) Visean’ without more precise information. The first indication of a more exact stratigraphical attribution was given in G. and R. Hahn (1968), where specimens from Heiligenhaus (Germany) were reported to be confined to cuIIS, Lower Visean. The Holwell specimens seem to occur at a comparable stratigraphical horizon. It is possible that C. jonesi jonesi was already extant in cullj8-y (see the discussion in G. and R. Hahn 1968, pp. 441-442), but this is not yet confirmed, neither morpho- logically nor stratigraphically. Occurrences younger than the cull/culll boundary and genuinely referring to C. jonesi jonesi are not known to us. REFERENCES ENDO, R. and MATSUMOTO, E. 1962. Permo-Carboniferous trilobites from Japan. Sci. Rep. Saitama Univ. Ser. B,4(2), 149-172, pis. 8-10. HAHN, G. and R. 1968. Cummingella (Tril.) im mittel-europaischen Unter-Karbon. Senckenberg. leth. 49 (5-6), 439-463, 1 pi. 1971. Trilobiten. In Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Dinant-Stratigraphie. Die stratigraphische Gliederung des Dinantiums und seiner Ablagerungen in Deutschland. News!. Stratigr. 1 (4), 7-18, 1 pi. 1972. Trilobitae carbonic! et permici III. Fossilium Catalogus. I. Animalia, 120, 335-531. 1973. Zur Evolution von Linquaphillipsia (Trilobita, Unter-Karbon). Senck. leth. 53, 479-514, 2 pis. MITCHELL, J. 1918. The Carboniferous trilobites of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43, 437-494, pis. 46-53. MOORE, R. c. (ed.). Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part O, Arthropoda 1 (Trilobitomorpha) 1959, i-xix, 1-560. Geol. Soc. Amer. Univ. Kansas Press. osmPlska, h. 1970. Revision of non-cyrtosymbolinid trilobites from the Tournaisian-Namurian of Eurasia. Palaeont. Polon. 23, 1-165, pis. 1-22. PORTLOCK, j. E. 1843. Report on the geology of the county of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, i-xxxi, 1-784, pis. 1-38. Dublin. STUBBLEFIELD, c. J. 1948. Carboniferous trilobites from Malaya. In muir-wood, h. m., Malayan Lower Carboniferous fossils and their bearing on the Visean palaeogeography of Asia. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. //lit. ), 97-102, pis. 13 14. HAHN AND HAHN; VISEAN TRILOBITES 561 STUBBLEFIELD, c. J. 1952. Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to vary the Type Species of the genus "Cum- mingella Reed 1942 (class Trilobita) (Carboniferous). Bull. zool. Nomencl. 6, 150-154, 1 pi. WEBER, V. N. 1937. Trilobites of the Carboniferous and Permian system of the U.S.S.R. 1. Carboniferous trilobites. Monogr. Paleont. S.S.S.R. 71 (1), 1-159, 11 pis. WHITTINGTON, H. B. 1954. Two silicified Carboniferous trilobites from West Texas. Smithson. Misc. Coll. 122(10), 1-16, pis. 1-3. GERHARD and RENATE HAHN Freie Universitat Berlin 1 Berlin 33 Altensteinstr. 34a Revised typescript received 18 October 1972 Germany Cl < Ci 1 i c Jk SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ECTOPROCTS AND GASTROPODS, AND ECTOPROCTS AND HERMIT CRABS IN THE FRENCH JURASSIC by T. j. PALMER and c. d. Hancock Abstract. Certain gastropods from the Pierre Blanche de Langrune (Upper Bathonian) at Lion-sur-Mer, Calvados, France, have been encrusted by a succession of ectoproct zoaria. After the death of the gastropods, the vacated shells, with their encrustations, have been occupied by hermit crabs. Abrasion of the shell during locomotion of the crabs produces flat areas near the shell aperture, and discontinuities in the ectoproct colony growth. The rela- tionship between the ectoproct and the inhabitant of the shell is considered to be one of true symbiosis. In the course of work by one of us (T.J.P.) on the palaeoecology of Upper Bathonian faunas in England and northern France, collections were made from the upper caillasse (= shell bed) within the Pierre Blanche de Langrune (Clydoniceras discus Zone), exposed on the foreshore at Lion-sur-Mer, Calvados. The caillasse rests on a hardground 9 m beneath the top of the Pierre Blanche. Among the more striking objects to be found in this bed are colonies of encrusting ectoprocta, whose over-all shapes approximate to that of a trochiform gastropod. These colonies are relatively common, and it is a feature of all of them that part of the colony, usually next to the aperture, is worn flat (PI. 65, fig. 1). A section through the colony confirms the opinion that it has been built up by successive layers of ectoproct, of the genus Berenicea, growing on a gastropod shell (probably Ataphrus sp.) (PI. 65, figs. 2, 3). We postulate that the following sequence of events has given rise to the objects as we find them in the caillasse; 1. In certain, but not all, of the colonies, colonization by the ectoproct has started before the completion of growth of the gastropod. In these cases, the outer whorl of the shell may be seen to enclose a layer or two of the ectoproct zoaria between itself and the adjacent inner whorl (PI. 65, fig. 4). Whilst the gastropod is alive, the shell is supported by the foot during locomotion. In this event, the whole of the upper surface of the shell is available for colonization by the ectoproct, and none of the shell is being dragged along the substrate and abraded. The first few layers of zoaria thus cover the shell uniformly (PI. 65, fig. 3). 2. After the death of the gastropod, the shell is occupied by a hermit crab. No longer being supported by a fleshy foot, it is dragged along the substrate. Any zoaria cover- ing the area of contact with the substrate are worn off, whilst growing zoaria are prevented from expanding to cover this area. Therefore the subsequent layers grow asymmetrically around the shell, and the area in contact with the substrate remains flat (PI. 65, figs. 3, 5). Even when the crab retracts into the shell, the shell rests on the flat area, and is therefore not available as substrate to the spreading ectoproct. 3. The layers of zoaria continue to accrue whilst the shell is inhabited by the hermit crab, or, more likely, a succession of hermit crabs. The crabs have therefore to main- [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 563-566, pi. 65.] 564 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 tain for themselves an opening from the shell to the outside. The genetic programme for the shell aperture to be laid down in a trochospiral arrangement has been lost with the death of the gastropod. Therefore the aperture maintained by the pagurid leads straight to the outside (PI. 65, fig. 5), rather than spirally, as when the gastropod was alive. 4. The colony now grows only by addition of successive layers of ectoproct zoaria over the surface, and not according to a trochospiral pattern as when the gastropod was alive. These zoaria tend to round off the angulations of the trochiform shell, and the shape of the colony changes from being dominantly conical to dominantly ovoid. This effect is enhanced by the continued abrasion on one side (compare the over-all shape of the colony in PI. 65, fig. 5 with that of the original gastropod). This change in shape results in a change in the location of the area which is dragged along the substrate, and consequently in the stable resting position of the colony when the crab is withdrawn into the shell, from the base of the trochospire to the long side of the ovoid, where the convexity is least. A section through the colony shows how the flattened area migrates with successive layers of zoaria as the over-all shape of the colony changes from coniform to ovoid (PI. 65, fig. 6). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Of the twenty-six examples of the encrusted gastropods collected by the authors from this bed (Oxford University Museum catalogue numbers J. 40001-40026), all but one show the pagurid wear marks, and in none is the hole which allowed emergence of the crab overgrown by ectoprocts. It would seem, then, that demand for housing by pagurids was high, and that only very seldom did a dwelling remain vacant for any significant period of time. Such a conclusion is in keeping with observa- tions made independently by the two authors, in the Canary Islands (C.D.H.), and off the Florida Keys (T.J.P.), that empty gastropod shells are virtually never found on the sea bottom. Either they contain a gastropod, or they contain a hermit crab. Considering that the crabs rely on being able to change their shells each time that EXPLANATION OF PLATE 65 Fig. 1 . Colony of ectoproct zoaria encrusting a trochiform gastropod. The lower left comer of the colony has been worn away (arrowed) due to abrasion against the substrate during locomotion of the hermit crab which occupied the shell, OUM, J. 40001, x 2-2. Fig. 2. Section through colony along plane sub-parallel to worn area, showing successive layers of ecto- proct zoaria, OUM, J. 40002a, x 3 0. Fig. 3. Section through colony cutting across worn area (arrowed). Encrustation of this specimen started before death of the gastropod (see fig. 4). Consequently, the first few layers of zoaria at the point of wear, are unabraded, OUM, J. 40003a, x2-8. Fig. 4. Part of fig. 3 showing four layers of zoaria (arrowed) enclosed between the last whorl of the gastro- pod and the preceding whorl. This indicates that colonization by the ectoproct started whilst the gastro- pod was still alive, x 8 0. Fig. 5. Section through colony showing the aperture (arrowed) maintained by the hermit crab. It leads to the outside in a straight line, OUM, J. 40004a, x 3 0. Fig. 6. Details of the change in location of the area of abrasion: the arrows point along the planes of con- tact with the substratum, for successive growth stages of the colony. These planes of contact, where abrasion occurred, change location as the over-all shape of the colony becomes less trochospiral, and more ovoid, OUM, J. 40004b, x4-6. PLATE 65 PALMER and HANCOCK, symbiotic relationships 566 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 they outgrow their previous one, it seems not unlikely that any change by a larger indi- vidual is rapidly followed by the reoccupation of the recently vacated shell by a slightly smaller individual, and so on until one very small shell is vacated and left vacant. Associations between gastropods, encrusting organisms, and hermit crabs are known from periods other than the Jurassic. Wear marks ascribed to hermit crabs have been described on Recent gastropods encrusted by hydractinians (Schafer 1962). Similarly worn, but unencrusted, gastropods have been described from the Pliocene of Belgium by Boekschoten (1967), and an unworn example encrusted by the ectoproct Cellepora sp., from the Pliocene of Britain, has been figured by Pinna (1972, p. 33). Busk (1857, pi. 9, fig. 6c) also figures Cellepora edax Busk encrusting a gastro- pod, and Wood (1872, p. 55) discusses the encrustation of Turritella crassicostata by Edax. The Oxford University Museum Pleistocene collection contains five specimens showing wear marks on gastropod shells encrusted by hydractinians (OUM, Q. 1512-1516); there is also a Natiea sp. from the Coralline Crag (Pliocene), which is encrusted by Cellepora edax and similarly worn. Busk (loc. cit.) considers that Cellepora was parasitic upon the gastropod shell, since it frequently appears, both in Pliocene and Recent examples, to have effected the solution of the underlying shell. However, in these examples there is no evidence that there was any occupant of the shell at the time during which the solution occurred, and the inference of a parasitic relationship is not justified. In the Bathonian speci- mens, the ectoproct colony was both active and growing during the life of the gastro- pod, as well as during the subsequent occupation of the shell by the hermit crab. In this case, there was no destruction of the shell by the ectoproct, and the relationship between gastropod and ectoproct would appear to have been one of true symbiosis. The shell provides a stable substrate, and the behaviour of the gastropod prevents it constantly being rolled around and abraded by current activity. In turn, the ectoproct offers the gastropod protection by disguise, and it also strengthens the shell against attack by mollusc-eating vertebrates and predatory decapods. This reasoning applies equally if the shell is occupied by a hermit crab; in this case, however, the ectoproct probably gains further by gathering food particles released by the scavenging be- haviour of the crab, as well as those suspended in the crab’s respiratory currents. Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank W. J. Kennedy, A. Hallam, and F. Fiirsich for their useful comments, and J. R. McAvoy, S. M. Baker, and Miss Helen Birch for technical assistance. REFERENCES BOEKSCHOTEN, G. J. 1967. Palaeoecology of some Mollusca from the Tielrode Sands (Pliocene, Belgium). Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 3, 311-362. BUSK, G. 1857. A Monograph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. Palaeontogr. Soc. [Monogr.]. PINNA, G. 1972. The Dawn of Life. London. SCHAFER, w. 1962. Aktuopaldontologie nach Studien in der Nordsee. Frankfurt, Kramer. WOOD, s. V. 1872. Supplement to the Mollusca from the Crag. Palaeontogr. Soc. [Monogr.]. T. J. PALMER C. D. HANCOCK Department of Geology and Mineralogy University of Oxford, Parks Road Typescript received 1 December 1972 Oxford 0X1 3PR Note added in press. Further discussion, particularly on the identity of the ectoproct, may be found in: Fischer, J.-C. and Buge, E. 1970. Atractosoecia incrustans (d’Orbigny) (Bryozoa Cyclostomata) espece bathonienne symbiotique d’un Pagure. Bull. Soc. geol. France, 12, 126-133. PALYNOLOGIC CORRELATION OF THE DORSET ‘WEALDEN’ by N. F. HUGHES and c. a. croxton Abstract. Using the Cicatricosisporites group of palynomorphs, events raised from ten selected samples from the ‘Wealden’ of Worbarrow Bay, Dorset, are bracket-correlated with events of similar nature from the Warlingham Borehole, Surrey. Although sedimentation rates appear to have differed, deposition at Worbarrow seems to have continued throughout much of Berriasian to Aptian time as at Warlingham. The constituent data of the events comprised graded comparison records with the use of twelve new biorecords and some of those published by Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1969). In this paper we attempt to correlate by means of a selection of palynologic data, a section of about 1400 ft (425 m) of ‘Wealden’ strata exposed in the cliffs of Wor- barrow Bay, Dorset. These beds overlie conformably some slightly dubious ‘Upper Purbeck’ beds north of Worbarrow Tout (Arkell 1947, and earlier authors) pre- sumably of Berriasian age; they are overlain more or less conformably by ‘Lower Greensand’, with marine bivalves, which is presumably of Aptian age. These ‘Weal- den’ strata may therefore be of any age from Early Berriasian to Late Aptian. The attempted correlations are with the Wealden section of the Warlingham Borehole, Surrey, which is itself not yet firmly correlated with an international scale. The correlations are therefore not scale-dated as it would be premature to do this; it should, however, be possible to date Worbarrow automatically as soon as dates for parts of the Warlingham reference are agreed. The appropriate rock samples and preparations have been deposited in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. Method. The method is explained in Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1969, pp. 86-87) and correlation is based on palynologic events raised from rock samples, in this case restricted to palynomorphs of the Cicatricosisporites group. The events are composed of graded comparison records (Hughes and Moody-Stuart 1967), based on taxa described as biorecords which in this case all come from Warlingham or Worbarrow rocks. Some previously described events and biorecords are taken from Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1969); the numerous new events and their constituent comparison records, plus twelve new biorecords, are presented systematically in a condensed tabular form. All these taxa are fully employed in the stratigraphic correlation; those not so required are omitted from the paper. The handling of taxa is as described in Hughes (1971). No comparison is made with published Linnean taxa as there is no stratigraphic purpose in doing so. Com- parison records and biorecords may be reassembled subsequently into taxa under the Rules of Botanical Nomenclature (Stafleu et al. 1972) if required for some gross palaeoecologic synthesis. Notation. Each biorecord bears a unique number which may be quoted with author initials and date if referred to outside the paper. The accompanying letter and num- ber in italics is the observer’s working identifier but is subsequently a non-search item. [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 567-601, pis. 66-77.] 568 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Each event is numbered in a similar way with the working sample (field) number in italics as a non-search item; several events of different taxal origin may be raised from one sample. Comparison records may be uniquely referred to either as 105 event W128 cf. 6 B5, or as 105 event cf. 6 cicatr. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS OF BIORECORDS \ Description common to all biorecords below. All trilete miospores; amb shape, equatorial shape, general distribution of muri, and mural profile may be taken from photographs. Measurements and other data are given on Tables 1 and 2, diagram- matic mural profiles to scale on text-fig. 1. Lips are simple, low, membranous unless otherwise stated. The ratio of radial to interradial exine thickness is given on Table 2, and no further reference is made to it in descriptions. On Table 2 measurements of exine include the murus in spores of negative sculpture, and exclude it in those of positive sculpture unless otherwise stated. No comment is made under preservation concerning the frequent folding of thin- walled spores. For preparation details see the appropriate event preparation Table 5, and for sample sediment details see Appendix. 17 CICATR B20 Plate 66; text-fig. 1 Description. Laesura may be sinuous. Proximal face sometimes shows a small smooth triangle or reduced muri (figs. 1, 3, 5). Proximal muri: three interradial sets of approximately 4. Polar view: 0-4 muri (in profile) cross radial margin (figs. 1, 4). Distally three sets of 4-12 muri form an asymmetrical pattern (fig. 9). Preservation. 21% torn, often radially (figs. 6, 7). Local distinction. 25 cicatr B21 is larger and has more and narrower muri which are more closely spaced and have the characteristic ‘swirling’ pattern. 28 cicatr DG is larger with a thicker exine and negative sculpture. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 66 Magnification, x 1000. Figs. 1 12. Biorecord 17 CICATR Slide KOI 8/7. 1, Proximal aspect; OR 28-7 1 17-8. 2, Distal aspect, low focus; OR 291 117-9. 3, Proximal aspect; OR 35 0 125-3. 4, Proximal aspect; OR 49-7 110-0. 5, Proximal aspect; OR 54-4 1 18-0. 6, Distal aspect, low focus; OR 37-4 1 10-6. 7, Distal aspect, low focus; OR 53-4 123-6. 8, Oblique aspect; OR 30-0 121-3. 9, Proximal aspect, low focus; OR 41-1 127-3. 10, Equatorial aspect; OR 35-0 119-0. 11, Equatorial aspect; OR 38-3 116-4. 12, Oblique aspect; OR 39-6 126-4. PLATE 66 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 17 CICATR B20 570 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TABLE 1 . Sample, preparation, and diameter information for twelve biorecords. CICATR Biorecord Record Sample Preparations Diameter 100 specs. /Um Factors possibly influencing measurem’ts Aspect % Fern spore size index Limits8iMean O’ Pol. Equ.Obl <30 30-50 >50 17. B20 WM 1655 KOI8/2,3,5,6,7 (22) 31-4 (44) 4-5 54 22 24 13 67 20 18. C3 WM 1749/8 V 411/6,7,8,9 (30)43-0(61) 5-8 84 10 6 26 47 27 19. A6 WM 1681/6 V 500/4,5,6,7 (27)43-9(63) 6-6 45 30 25 10 61 29 20. DD WM 1415/3 V 963/4 (39)60-8 (92) 10-6 58 23 19 18 51 31 21. C4 WM 1415/3 V963/2-4.WI03/I-3 (32)45-9(58) 5-3 77 18 5 18 51 31 22.DB WM 1415/3 (36) 59-0 (80) 10-5 72 19 9 18 51 31 23.DCE WM 1415/3 V 963/2-4. W 103^3 (47)70-1 (95) 10-4 75 13 12 18 51 31 24. C 5 W III W 190/1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (28)43-1 (58) 63 73 21 6 29 61 10 25.B2I Will W 190/1,2,3,4,5,6 (25) 38-4(55) 7-1 49 34 17 29 61 10 26. AST W 9 W 197/4,5,6 (31) 40-5(55) 5-3 56 26 18 16 63 21 27. C6 W 14 V 198/1-4. W262/1, 3 (28) 42- 1 (63) 6-2 54 39 7 19 43 38 28. DG WM 1217/6 W058/l,2,3,8,7 (28) 37-2(50) 4-6 66 22 12 23 51 26 18 CICATR O Plate 67 ; text-fig. 1 Description. Width of one lumen (0-8) 1-7 /xm (4-5) (86). Proximal muri: three inter- radial sets of 1 or 2. Distal mural pattern either three sets of 2 (occasionally 3) muri forming a central tri-radiate lumen (figs. 4, 6) or a set of sub-parallel muri (fig. 7). Radial equatorial features are extensions of the coalesced outer muri from adjacent interradial sets ; ratio length/width at half-length : (0-6) 1 -2 (2-7) (82) ; some are parallel- sided and others cone-shaped. These features may not extend beyond the periphery of the amb (fig. 6). Preservation. Characteristically split immediately adjacent to the radial equatorial feature. Corrosion of muri takes the form of cross striations (fig. 9). Local distinction. 1 cicatr Cl has narrower and more numerous muri, a thinner exine, and positive sculp- ture. 20 CICATR DD is larger and has a radial lumen. 27 cicatr C6 has narrower muri with a different mural profile and variable radial equatorial extensions. explanation of plate 67 Magnification of figs. 1-9, x 1000; fig. 10, x2000. Figs. 1-10. Biorecord 18 cicatr C3. 1, Proximal aspect; V411/6, OR 56-5 117 0. 2, Proximal aspect; V411/6, OR 50 0 119-5. 3, 4, Distal aspect, low and high focus; V411/6, OR 35-0 1210. 5, Proximal aspect; V411/7, OR 28-8 123-5. 6, Distal aspect, low focus; V411/6, OR 25-0 124-0. 7, Distal aspect; V41 1/8, OR 26-5 126-0. 8, Equatorial aspect; V411/7, OR 43-1 109-9. 9, Distal aspect; V411/8, OR 24-7 1 19-9. 10, Part of oblique aspect, showing mural profile; V41 1/7, OR 25-3 129-4. PLATE 67 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 18 CICATR C3 572 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 17 CICATR B20 1 18 CICATR C3 I 19 CICATR A6| 20CICATR DD L U U U U U U ^ 21 CICATR C4 I [~nj~n-r~Lr~ij — I 22 CICATR DB U 23CICATR DCE V V ■V 24CICATR C5 25CICATR B21 1 n^j-iTLh ' ^ 26CICATR A j 5T 1 W V/ V V 1 27CICATR C6 ^_r~L_rn_j 28CICATR DG prun-Tir TEXT-FIG. 1 . Mural profile diagrams of twelve biorecords, all to same scale. Left, four muri and lumina constructed from measurements made on spores, x 2000. Right, some sketched profiles. TABLE 2. Exine and sculpture measurements for twelve biorecords. Certain measurements are omitted from the table when they are believed to lack significance, e.g. for four adjacent muri when the mean would exceed the spore radius; other comments in text. Sculpture Aim Height of muri 6 z 62 1 50 19 2 9 21 3 28 35 7 4 LimitsSMean (0-4) 07 (1-3) - 2-5 - (07) f2 (2 0) (1-5) 2 6 (3-5) - 10 - (10) 1-5 (2 0) (10) 1-3 (2 0) - 10 - (0-4) 07 (10) (0-5) N (1-5) (15) 2-4 (35) (07) 0-9 (10) 4 adjacent muri and lumina d z 93 98 58 79 55 100 58 99 96 88 b O, _0 — m— m — ro 1 O — cUin — if)c\j — — — 1 — Limits 8i Mean (48) 76(100) (70) 11-9(200) (16 0)27 1(400 (7-0) 9-9 (130) (200)30-5 (43-0) (9-0) 12-5(200) (8 0) 10-7 (150) (4 0) 5-7 (9-0) (8-0) 10-8 (15-0) (4-0) 6-2 (9 0) Width of muri LimitsSMean No. 95 97 100 100 100 100 100 93 99 100 98 100 (0-5) 0-9 (1-5) (20) 4-4 (6-5) (1-0) 1-6 (2-7) (3-0) 5-6 (9-0) (10) 1-8 (3-0) (4-0) 7-0 (ll-O) (1-5) 2-4 (4-0) (1-3) 1-9 (3-0) (0-3) 0-6 (1-0) (1-3) 1-9 (2-5) (1-0) 3-2 (70) (0-5) 1-0 (1-7) +ve or -ve ■f 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 _^o 1 Laesura Long or Short Long Long Long Long Long Short Short Long Long Short Long Long e (U c X LU Ratio Radial/ Interradial d z 48 41 51 71 71 72 33 31 75 LimitsSMean (1-0) 1-9 (2-0) (1-0) 1-5 (2-2) (10) 1-4 (2-7) (1-3) 2-3 (4-3) (1-0) 1-5 (3-3) (1-0) 1-3 (2-3) (10) 1-1 (1-5) - 1-0 - (1-0) 1-3 (2-2) Radial or Equatorial Extens. d z 49 82 41 54 77 71 72 90 33 56 75 LimitsSMean (0-6) 1-5 (2-5) incM (2-5) 5-6(8 0) (1-5) 2-3 (3-5) exM (3-0) 5-6 (9 0) (2-0) 4-3 (6-5) (3-0) 6-0(12-0) (3-0) 6-4(13-0) (3-5) 7-4(15-0) (1-0) 1-7(20) incM 2-5 (4-4) &0 2 0 (3-6) 5-5 Interradial d z 58 82 41 68 71 71 96 72 96 87 77 97 LimitsSMean (0-6) 1-0 (2-Q) incM (15) 39 (5-5) (1-0) 1-5 (2-0) (20)4-1 (60) (1-0) 1-9(30) (2-0) 4 0 (8 0) (3 0) 4-6 (8-0) (1-0) 2-1 (40) (10) 1-6 (2-0) incM (1-0) 2-0(30) (1-5) 2-8 (5 5) incM (2-0) 2-8 (4-5) CICATR Biorecord 17. B20 18. C3 19. A6 20. DD 21. C4 22. DB 23. DCE 24. C 5 25. B2I 26. AST 27. C 6 28. DG 574 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 19 CICATR A6 Plate 68 ; text-fig. 1 Description. Prominent lips (figs. 1, 2, 3). Proximal face: some specimens have a small smooth contact area. Proximal muri: three interradial sets of 3-5. Polar view: (0) 3 (5) muri (in profile) cross the radial margin (figs. 1, 3). Distal muri form an asymmetrical pattern of three sets of 1-15 muri (figs. 6, 7). Sub-parallel distal muri rare. Muri are sinuous and often bifurcate (fig. 7). Local distinction. 1 cicatr AT has more muri which are straight not sinuous and a thicker exine. 20 CICATR DD Plate 69; text-fig. 1 Description. Contact area smooth and often encompasses all of the laesura (figs. 1, 2). Lips thick (fig. 2). Proximal muri: three interradial sets of (1) 2 (3). The distal mural pattern, of three sets of 1-5 (fig. 6) or a sub-parallel set of 4-9 muri (fig. 8), is distinguished by radial lumina each flanked by two muri which project beyond the radial margin (figs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9). Local distinction. 18 cicatr C3 is smaller with no radial lumen. 5 cicatr A2 is smaller with thicker posi- tive muri. 22 cicatr DB has no radial lumen. 21 CICATR C4 Plate 70; text-fig. 1 Description. Convexity of amb shape distinctive. Small smooth contact area (figs. 3, 5). Proximal muri : three interradial sets of commonly 3-4. Distal mural pattern norm- ally 12-20 sub-parallel muri (fig. 9), rarely three sets. Radial equatorial extensions conical in shape, ratio length/width at half-length: (0-5) 0-9 (1-7) (74). Proximally the extensions are unsculptured but on the distal side the muri extend across the extensions (figs. 1, 7). Local distinction. 24 cicatr C5 has denser and more elongate extensions. The amb has straighter sides and there are a lower number of muri. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 68 Magnification of figs. 1-9, X 1000; fig. 10, x2000. Figs. 1-10. Biorecord 19 cicatr A6. 1, Proximal aspect; V500/6, OR 33-7 113-5. 2, Proximal aspect; V500/6, OR 34-5 124-5. 3, Proximal aspect; V500/5, OR 63-6 127-2. 4, Proximal aspect; V500/6, OR 24-4 120-4. 5, Distal aspect, low focus; V500/6, OR 41-9 112-3. 6, Distal aspect; V500/5, OR 36-0 115-0. 7, Distal aspect; V500/5, OR 49-8 113-3. 8, Equatorial aspect; V500/5, OR 53-5 1 17-8. 9, Equa- torial aspect; V500/5, OR 52-5 114-0. 10, Part of oblique aspect, showing mural profile; V500/6, OR 35-4 110-7. PLATE 68 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 19 CICATR A6 576 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 69 Magnification of figs. 1-9, x 1000; fig. 10, x2000. Figs. 1-10. Biorecord 20 cicatr DD, Slide V963/4. 1, Proximal aspect; OR 40-3 1210. 2, Distal aspect, low focus; OR 27-5 108-5. 3, Distal aspect; OR 37-6 110-3. 4, Equatorial aspect; OR 30-2 120-1. 5, Proximal aspect; OR 38-7 127-8. 6, Distal aspect; OR 39-6 124-0. 7, 8, Proximal aspect, high and low focus; OR 38-8 1 19-3. 9, Distal aspect; OR 37-6 110-1. 10, Part of equatorial view, showing mural profile; OR 38-0 1 12-0. PLATE 69 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 20 CICATR DD 578 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 70 Magnification, x 1000. Figs. 1-10. Biorecord 21 cicatr C4. 1, Distal aspect, low focus; V963/2, OR 24 0 108-4. 2, Distal aspect, low focus; V963/3, OR 42-2 117-5. 3, Proximal aspect; V963/4, OR 52-7 123-2. 4, Proximal aspect; V963/2, OR 33-6 129-2. 5, Distal aspect, low focus; V963/4, OR 50-8 122-7. 6, Distal aspect, low focus; V103/1, OR 38-4 113-3. 7, Proximal aspect, low focus; V963/4, OR 51-5 115-5. 8, Distal aspect; V963/4, OR 28-6 111-0. 9, Distal aspect; V963/4, OR 53-0 124-1. 10, Equatorial aspect; V963/4, OR 34-6 127-4. PLATE 70 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 21 CICATR C4 580 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 22 CICATR DB Plate 71 ; text-fig. 1 Description. Proximal muri: three interradial sets of 2-4. Distal muri: 4-8 sub- parallel muri or three sets of muri in an asymmetrical pattern (figs. 4, 7). This taxon includes specimens with conical radial equatorial extensions grading into those with no extension (figs. 2, 7). All specimens in this case have drillings in the muri and they are therefore thought to be primary. Local distinction. 9 ciCATR A Pis a similar size but the muri are narrower and more numerous. 20 cicatr DD differs in mural profile and the distinctive radial lumen. 23 CICATR DCE Plate 72; text-fig. 1 Description. No lips have been distinguished. No unsculptured area. Proximal muri: three interradial sets of 3-15. In the radial equatorial area the lumina are discontinu- ous forming an interlocking pattern beyond the laesura (fig. 7). Distal face strongly convex and (13) 20 (30) muri bifurcate to accommodate this (figs. 3, 8. 9). Local distinction. 10 CICATR ASS is smaller with fewer muri and a different radial equatorial and distal mural pattern. 24 CICATR C5 Plate 73; text-fig. 1 Description. Prominent lips (fig. 2). Proximal muri : three interradial sets of approxi- mately 3. Distal mural pattern normally three sets of up to 14 muri (fig. 7). Radial equatorial extensions are unsculptured and are long, narrow, and tapering. Ratio length/width at half-length: (IT) 1-8 (4 0) (78). Preservation. Some specimens have ‘drillings’ that appear to be corrosion (fig. 9). Local distinction. 8 cicatr C2 has ‘knob-like’ rather than tapering extensions and is smaller. 21 cicatr C4 has shorter, more conical extensions which are sculptured distally; the amb is more convex-sided and there are more muri. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 71 Magnification of figs. 1-6, X 1000; fig. 7, x500. Figs. 1-7. Biorecord 22 cicatr DB. 1, Proximal aspect; J035/3, OR 49-6 11 5 0. 2, Proximal aspect; V963/1, OR 401 116-8. 3, Distal aspect, low focus; V103/1, OR 40-5 112-2. 4, Distal aspect; V103/3, OR 36-7 113-8. 5, Equatorial aspect; V963/3, OR 55-8 110-6. 6, Oblique aspect; V963/2, OR 33-3 117-1. 7, Distal aspect; V963/2, OR 37-4 117-7. PLATE 71 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 22 CICATR DB 582 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 72 Magnification of figs. 1-4, x 1000; figs. 5-10, x500. Figs. 1-10. Biorecord 23 cicatr DCE. 1, Proximal aspect; W103/2, OR 32-5 106-8. 2, Proximal aspect; V963/2, OR 26-6 125-7. 3, Distal aspect; V963/3, OR 47-9 124-9. 4, Equatorial aspect; V963/3, OR 55-0 124-8. 5, Proximal aspect; V963/4, OR 49-8 118-9. 6, Proximal aspect; V963/4, OR 43-7 120-3. 7, Proximal aspect; W103/1, OR 31-7 111-6. 8, Distal aspect; V963/3, OR 40-3 129-0. 9, Distal aspect ; V963/3, OR 47-4 121-2. 10, Oblique aspect; V963/3, OR 30-2 129-2. PLATE 72 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 23 CICATR DCE 584 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 73 Magnification, x 1000. Figs. 1-11. Biorecord 24 cicatr C5. 1, Proximal aspect; W190/3, OR 35-2 123-6. 2, Proximal aspect; W190/4, OR 48-2 116 0. 3, Distal aspect, low focus; W190/2, OR 52-2 104-5. 4, Distal aspect, low focus; W190/5, OR 38-7 119-6. 5, Distal aspect, low focus; W190/6, OR 44-6 122-6. 6, Distal aspect, low focus; W190/2, OR 25-1 116-9. 7, Distal aspect; W190/5, OR 38-7 1 19-6. 8, Distal aspect; W190/5, OR 40-0 111-8. 9, Distal aspect; W190/5, OR 42-1 122-5. 10, Distal aspect; W190/6, OR 29-4 122-7. 1 1, Equatorial aspect; W190/6, OR 30-7 109-4. PLATE 73 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 24 CICATR C5 586 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 25 CICATR B21 Plate 74 ; text-fig. 1 Description. Proximal face has a small smooth apical area (figs. 2, 3). Proximal muri (12-16) are in three sets oblique to the edge of the amb and meet the laesura at an angle (anticlockwise swirl) (figs. 1, 3, 6). Distal mural pattern is three asymmetrical sets of 8-12 muri or 20-25 sub-parallel bifurcating muri. Distal muri may also show clockwise swirl. Local distinction. 17 cicatr B20 is smaller, has larger and fewer muri. 28 cicatr DG has wider negative muri and a thicker exine. In neither of the above have ‘swirling’ proximal muri been observed. 26 CICATR A5T Plate 75; text-fig. 1 Description. Some specimens have a smooth contact area (figs. 2, 3). Proximal muri: three interradial sets of 3-7. Outer proximal muri continuous round ends of laesura (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4). Distal muri: 12-20 in a sweeping ‘parabolic’ pattern (figs. 8, 9). Local distinction. 10 cicatr A5S is smaller, has narrower lumina, rectangular mural profile, thicker exine, and circular lumina occur in the distal mural pattern. 27 CICATR C6 Plate 76; text-fig. 1 Description. Interradial exine thickness may vary in the same specimen (fig. 6). Smooth contact area covering most of the proximal face (fig. 3). Sculpture may be positive or negative, width of one lumen: (1-0) 2-9 fxm (8 0) (92). Distal muri: three asymmetrical sets of 1-7. Radial equatorial extensions variable: conical, tapering, or ‘flattened’; in some specimens they are not very prominent. Ratio length/width at half-length: (0-6) 1-0 (1-7) (48). Local distinction. 18 cicatr C3 has wider negative muri with a rectangular mural profile and more pro- minent and uniform radial extensions. 7 cicatr Cl has more numerous narrower muri. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 74 Magnification of figs. 1-11, x 1000; fig. 12, x2000. Figs. 1-12. Biorecord 25 cicatr B21. 1, Proximal aspect; W190/4, OR 26-2 116-3. 2, Distal aspect, low focus; W190/4, OR 35-5 116-7. 3, Proximal aspect; W190/2, OR 53-1 115-2. 4, Proximal aspect; W190/6, OR 30-3 109-3. 5, Proximal aspect; W190/1, OR 59-6 124-4. 6, Proximal aspect; W190/5, OR 33-5 123-9. 7, Distal aspect; W190/6, OR 53-9 118-0. 8, Equatorial aspect; W190/2, OR 27-1 123-3. 9, Equatorial aspect; W190/4, OR 36-6 125-3. 10, Equatorial aspect; W190/4, OR 51-6 123-1. 11, Oblique aspect; W 190/4, OR 29-0 125-1. 12, Part of oblique aspect, showing mural profile; W190/4, OR 33-2 121-8. PLATE 74 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 25 CICATR B21 588 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 75 Magnification, x 1000. Figs. 112. Biorecord 26 cicatr AST. 1, Proximal aspect; V197/5, OR 29T 1210. 2, Distal aspect, low focus; V197/5, OR 41-9 125-3. 3, Proximal aspect; V197/4, OR 32-6 117-7. 4, Proximal aspect; V197/6, OR 55-0 113-2. 5, Distal aspect; V197/7, OR 37-9 117-0. 6, Proximal aspect, low focus; V197/4, OR 58-4 104-5. 7, Distal aspect; VI 97/4, OR 33-1 112-6. 8, Distal aspect; V197/4, OR 26-8 122-3. 9, Distal aspect; VI 97/4, OR 54-7 112-3. 10, Equatorial aspect; VI 97/6, OR 26-0 123-0. 1 1, Equatorial aspect; V197/6, OR 28-2 105-7. 12, Oblique aspect; V197/4, OR 57-3 127-0. PLATE 75 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 26 CICATR AST 590 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 76 Magnification of figs. 1-11, x 1000; fig. 12, x2000. Figs. 1-12. Biorecord 27 cicatr C6. 1, Proximal aspect; V198/3, OR 30-2 109-8. 2, Proximal aspect; V198/2,OR421 117-4. 3, Proximal aspect; V198/2, OR 37-1 121-0. 4, Distal aspect; W262/1, OR 28-6 110-8. 5, Proximal aspect, low focus; V198/2, OR 14-8 1 10-5. 6, Distal aspect; V198/3, OR 57-1 108-9. 7, Distal aspect; V198/4, OR 51-3 126-6. 8, Distal aspect; V198/2, OR 37-5 112-3. 9, Oblique aspect; W262/3, OR 60-7 125-7. 10, Distal aspect; V198/1, OR 43-3 125-3. 1 1, Equatorial aspect; V198/1, OR 33-1 122-0. 12, Part of oblique aspect, showing mural profile; VI 98/4, OR 48-0 115-1. PLATE 76 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 27 CICATR C6 592 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 77 Magnification, x 1000. Figs. 1-12. Biorecord 28 cicatr DG. 1, Proximal aspect; W058/2, OR 56-6 1191. 2, Proximal aspect; W058/7, OR 45-5 113 0. 3, Proximal aspect; W058/1, OR 31-4 115-2. 4, Distal aspect, low focus; W058/2, OR 46-9 114-5. 5, Distal aspect, low focus; W058/1, OR 35-8 102-4. 6, Distal aspect, low focus; W058/1, OR 51-6 106-9. 7, Distal aspect; W058/3, OR 54-3 107-2. 8, Distal aspect; W058/7, OR 51-6 123-9. 9, Equatorial aspect; W058/8, OR 34-7 112-2. 10, Equatorial aspect; W058/7, OR 41-6 117-3. 11, Equatorial aspect; W058/8, OR 39-3 121-9. 12, Oblique aspect; W058/2, OR 40-6 110-6. PLATE 77 HUGHES and CROXTON, biorecord 28 CICATR DG 594 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 28 CICATR DG Plate 77 ; text-fig. 1 Description. Laesura may be sinuous (fig. 1). No smooth contact area distinguished. Proximal muri: three interradial sets of 15-16. Distal mural pattern: 18-25 sub- parallel muri. Local distinction. 17 cicatr B20 is smaller with a thinner exine and positive sculpture. 25 cicatr B21 has narrower positive muri and a thinner exine, also ‘swirling’ proximal muri. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS The palynologic events are composed of comparison records graded A and B, or ungraded either if the number of specimens used was below twenty-five or if preservation was imperfect. The details are given in Tables 3-5. Revised event. In the case of sample WM 174016 from which Event 53 was raised (Hughes and Moody-Stuart 1969), further preparations have been studied and the constituent taxa reviewed; a new event number (81), which in effect bears the date 1972, has therefore been allotted for the new information although it has been taken from the same rock sample. In contrast the Events 43 ( WM1819j5) and ?>6{WM1843) have been used again; the details of these two have been presented in Table 3 for convenience of use with new events. Unworked taxa. The column headed ‘others’ on the right of Tables 3 and 4 contains records, in addition to those of rare unplaceable specimens, of spores which we would previously have placed in comparison cfC. to an existing biorecord. Such records implied presumed new taxa which were not, however, made into biorecords as they were not needed for comparison in the present project, thus saving consider- able time. Percentages in this category are occasionally high as in Event 100 (Table 3) or 112 (Table 4) in which in each case there were high numbers of forms not sub- sequently seen elsewhere. Unpublished details are filed. We feel that this principle could be applied with saving elsewhere in palynologic publication. EVENT CORRELATION The selected Worbarrow events are correlated individually with the reference scale section at Warlingham (text-fig. 2) by means of a bracket in each case; the bracket consists of the two statements ‘After reference event X’ and ‘Before ref- erence event Y’. In theory such a statement may be refined subsequently up to the limits of rock sampling. No attempt is made to equate a Worbarrow event with a reference event as this is logically impossible. The points considered to be critical in each correlation are set out below but the list should be read in conjunction with Tables 3-5. 105 EVENT W128: between events 36 WM1843 and 72 WM1795; occurrence of both cf. 6 B5 and ef. 8 C2 (suggesting proximity to event 43 WM1819I5); high percentages cfA. 1 AT, cfA. 4 AW, and cfA. 7 Cl ; absence of cf. 10 A5S and cf. 17 B20. TABLE 3. Event composition data for Warlingham Borehole reference scale. In comparison tabulation, larger numerals indicate biorecord from that sample. CON = ‘Contignisporites' . SJ3MI0 = so in 20 o ro to o in - rO ro 7 C ) — — — O ODO 6 cf _ o< PJ Q U fv- iD OJO 7 cf u VP 01 as oo2 “o rot3 5 cf. 2 cf. ~ u 26 AST o< t£)0 o ro*^ 17 CfB. ioT3 9 CfB 9 CfB CDh- M-T3 o£ lOo -o2 ro'^ cmT3 - CD o c 0> rT m (D (/) c toy M’o o O Q. (O CVJ CD .. • a. o CM Q *“ o “ o fO o *“ u — u 3 o Q. E _ ^ CMO ro CM O to , (D 0) 19 A6 2 cf. 7 cf. 4 . cf- .n£ ~ o 8 cf II CfB. (Do to O CL (/> to o 18 C3 8 cf 3 cf. “■*o 3 cf cf. ro o o ■O “*o “*0 roT) 7 cf ro cf ■^O u ■ — o o o 0) 8 C2 '«o 4 cf roT3 2 cf 5 cf. M-o cf. 6 cf >«b p 9 3 cf. O m'o ro^ u o CD 7 Cl 4 cf in^ 2 cf. ro'^ cmTS 25 cfA. 18 cfA. O pjb O.S o o< “ o 99 9 piS u tn~ ■O'C OOo “TS t^TS cmTj roT3 < “ o Cf “o U 20 CfA. \£y 3 cf. (M< o o 17 cf A. -< CMh- u P 6 ro^ ro"^ >P>0 46 CfA. 47 .CfA. 3 AR ■”^3 (M^j 2 cf. oS a _< 'o 1 1 AT II cf A 2 cf. II cf A. 7 CfA. < 2>t3 7 cf. 9 cf. coS o tos “ o in 0) a to X M ro O r- to 00 00 to ro 00 ro o to to to m CM u. Li_ (/) rO ro CM CM CM CM ro CM CM CM ro ro u 20 28 20 CM 50 o3 26 (T> ro M" 20 eg 34 CJ* o S!i|odossD|0 CM 1 - to - CM 00 O in ro ro OO m in m iD in o c >> Sd(DDDDSj9 CO 25 25 28 45 23 CM = ro 'tr r«- o 23 ro 30 37 30 \£ CM CM o CL SUJ8J 47 in 34 33 34 36 32 54 32 55 'd- 37 45 00 49 38 22 43 47 24 S0|3 m o CM C2 00 CM CM r-- o - - - CM cn (D CM '£ 1 Q o; c ■ O CM^ in ro CM \ m tD CM 'V. CO m \ o r-- ro \ r- o CM \ m in M* \ ro to fO \ 00 in CM^ ~ ro \ ro ro \ rO M- v, O CO \ 00 5; o o to in \ O CO lO \ m ro CM^ \ ro ro ro 'v to CL O CM O o o 0^ (D (T> in C7> m o m ro in in o O s 5 $ s 5 > > > > > > > > > >- > > > LU 5 5 5 5 5 s 5 s 5 5 5 g $ 5 S $ 5 5 5 d ro O O (T> (T) 1^ (D O cn 00 1^ CO ro cn CM ro CD o o CD CD (T> (T> 00 CO CO CO CO CD 1^ p ro SJ8MJ0 H c "5 c cd ■s. X PQ O o .2 CQ '5 XJ c o o a S o > u .J 50 CM CD Cl E o -o o o Q) O (D ^ O r-cvj ”CD o!n < ^Cl CT^< ^CM ®L CD 29 g - 23 20 - 00 CM CM M- ro 3 cf. cdTS II CfA, <£ 9 cfA. *^0 co< o VP II 14 CfA, 2 cf ro 4 cf 6 cf cSo 2 cf 3 cf *(3 i-£ O 4 cf «>< o m*t3 3 cf >"o ~ u ”73 cf. 2 cf 6 cf 5 cf o< ”o 10*0 “*0 8 cf ’^73 “"o oj73 7 cf C£>o cf in29 o ^OD ■^O 3 cf o£ O II cfB < fO< »^73 C£)73 9 CfB 75 2 cf M-73 II CfA 7 cf. 18 CfA. m-73 47 cfA. ro2 o II CfA 'J-s o •«o 18 CfA 13 cfA 14 CfA O CM 29 CO ro 27 29 CM 38 34 43 5 63 53 43 54 56 64 00 in m 42 29 C£> 00 CJ^ cn IT) If) - in 44 33 22 r- 00 CM 27 1 - M- - CM 64 1 68 24 ro 40 ro g 30 ro fO 38 CM fO 38 35 36 39 ro M* rO 44 23 38 lO o fO - ro CD - CD in CO CM \ o CM CD O ro \ 00 CM \ CM \ rO CM \ CM \ O o CM > to •s. O 00 CM > > > 5 5 5 CD CM CM IT) CM oo CM 00 CM i 5 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 lO 2 — o 601 108 107 106 105 js jaijio S!||odossD|3 saiDOODSig suiej J9LH0 so|o <^o 0) .— i O TABLE 5. Preparation data for events. It COO c d. Q> 2(0 ^ I ^ ^ ^ OX '•*- c. o o T3 U o o o £E — ^E — EE e E E G E e E E OgOOgOgg E E E E E O O O o g — — — to rO &.9 CL o ii-' — CM s s > oi CM — — : 5 5 )±L 5 $ $ 5 5 o o 1 1 l o coo "S Q Min Sep >> >> % % % c o o ' — cZ «o CO tn (ft t/i o C c c c c c c C c c c c C — c E E E E E G E E E E E E E E E E E CL o O O o in O O o in o in in in O m in o O o in cn in O in ro in in O o 5 > :5 ■:> > > > > > > > > > > > > LiJ o 8 o m o o CM CM CM CO ro d" m GD < O o CD o o' CM Q CM CM S oS go c CO O m 00 CO ro r- CM ro CD > o> CJ> o cr> CO CO CO CD 00 00 r- N ro UJ rO in CD CD CD 00 in 0) Q. M" (T> \ in CO m r- ro CO \ o m M- in m \ o5 o M" r- in m \ o> ro M* E fO m m CO CO CO CO 1^ r-- r- 00 00 o (T) 5 5 s s s s s 5 $ 5 5 5 5 5 5 s s 5 5 5 5 5 (S)= Schulze’s solution 598 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 106 EVENT W124 and 107 event W18\ technically also between events 36 WM1843 and 72 WM1795, but probably after event 43 WM 18 191 5 on superposition and on absence of cf. 6 B5 in spite of comparable ‘fern spore size index’ with event 105 W^72<^ (see above). 108 EVENT W121\ between events 72 WM1795 and 83 WM1681I6; occurrence of cf. 18 C3, but not of cf. 19 ^<5; high percentages of cfA. 10 A5S and cfA. 4 AW. 109 EVENT W15: between events 81 WM 174016 and 87 WM1645; occurrence of cfA. 19 A6, but not cf. 24 C5, cf. 25 B21, or cf. 26 AST; high percentages of cfA. 10 ASS, and cfA. 17 B20. 110 EVENT W2: between events 86 WM16SS and 90 WM1S37; occurrence of cf. 24 C5, cf. 25 B21, and cf. 26 AST, but not of cf. 20 DD and cf. 23 DCE; last occur- rence of cf. S A2. 1 1 1 EVENT W14 : between events 89 WM1S69 and 97 WM 139411 ; occurrence of cf. 22 DB, cf. 23 DCE, and cf. 27 C6. 112 EVENT W12B: between events 89 WM1S69 and 97 WM 139411; occurrence of cf. 20 DD, cf. 22 DB, cf. 23 DCE, and cf. 27 C6 ; last occurrence of cf. 9 AP. 114 EVENT W9: between events 96 WM141SI3 and 99 WM121Sj6; high percentage of cfA. 26 AST; occurrence of cf. 24 CS and cf. 27 C6; no record of cf. 20 DD, cf. 22 DB, or cfA. 28 DG. 115 EVENT Will : between events 98 WM 13 1912 and 103 WM1060j9; occurrence of cf. 28 DG, cfA. 26 AST; relatively high percentage of biorecord 24 CS. In several cases above, we could guess at a narrower bracket but the proof could not be satisfactorily expressed at this stage, e.g. 105 Event correlation 42/44, 108 Event correlation 77/81, 109 Event correlation 83/86, 112 Event correlation 96/97, 114 Event correlation 97/98, and 115 Event correlation 99/101. It is to be expected that the application of further data from other spores would supply proof, and this process would comprise the progressive refinement or narrowing of the brackets for which we intend to provide. As will be seen from the event numbering system there are many intermediate events in the reference scale but they are not quoted because they are not rich enough in Cicatricosisporites group spores to bear on the current problem ; in most of these cases the fern spore size index shows low percentages of spores over 50 ^Ltm diameter. STRATIGRAPHIC CONCLUSIONS The ‘Coarse Quartz Grit’ of Worbarrow Bay (Arkell 1947, Bed 14) appears to fall between events 81 and 83 on the Warlingham scale approximately around 1700 ft depth in the borehole. Worssam and Ivimey-Cook (1971) of the Institute of Geological Sciences consider this depth to lie in the Upper Tunbridge Wells Sand- stone, based on general lithologic grounds and partly on ostracod correlations. Hughes and Moody-Stuart (1969) made palynologic correlations that suggested that the 1700 ft depth correlated with rocks rather lower in the outcrop succession of the Hastings Beds. Further work will be necessary to reconcile these views, but we sug- gest that it may not be entirely valid to identify outcrop formations such as the Wad- hurst Clay at such a distance from the Central Weald, and near to the basin margin. The age of the ‘Coarse Quartz Grit’ is still not better known than late Valanginian/ WARLIN6HAM BOREHOLE Depth in feet 1100 - 1200- 1300- 1400- 1500- 1600- 1700- 1800- 1900- 2000- LGS -1060/9 1153/2-8 -1217/6 1275/6 1319/2 1394/1 1415/3 - 1456/5 ■1537 1569 - 1610/6 1645 1655 -1681/6 .1740/6 ; 1749/8 1757 1795 ■1819/5 ■1843 Reference Events Correlation Brackets WORBARROW BAY SECTION (DORSET) Events 115 114 112 108 107 106 105 Will W9 WI2B- 17 Ill WI4 - no WI2 - 15 109 WI5 - W2I WI8- W24 WI28- 32 Height in feet above Marble Bed 1-1300 30 28 ■1200 -1100 -1000 26 23 -900 10 Bed Arkell 1947 800 -700 -COG -600 -500 ■400 300 -200 -100 Purbeck Marble I Bed I TEXT-FIG. 2. Diagram to show correlation brackets of ten Worbarrow Bay Cicatricosisporites events, on a reference scale of events of similar origin from Warlingham Borehole. CQG = the prominent ‘Coarse Quartz Grit’. 600 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 early Hauterivian (Hughes 1958). Although this bed is only 20 ft (6 m) thick, it presumably represents some distinct tectonic event in south-west England or perhaps in the then adjacent Iberia (Allen 1972). COMMENTS ON METHOD Starting work in a new section. We found it advisable to make provisional biorecords of twenty-five specimens and brief comparison records in the first place, so that the considerable time and effort necessary to make 100 specimen biorecords, etc., could be saved when these were not required for any specific correlation. Observer-time is the only real bottleneck in the procedure. Assemblage-types (Batten 1973). Samples have not yet been fully analysed in this way, and no mathematical expression has been devised to allow for the effect of the ‘Fern Spore Size Index’, both on biorecords and on events. Future work. Supplementation of the present work by use of several other promising groups of palynomorphs in the same way will strengthen and refine these correlation brackets. REFERENCES ALLEN, p. 1972. Wealden detrital tourmaline; implications for north-western Europe. Jl geol. Soc. Land. 128, 273-294. ARKELL, w. J. 1947. Geology of the country round Weymouth, Swanage, Corfe and Lulworth. Mem. Geol. Surv. Engl, and Wales. BATTEN, D. J. 1973. Usc of palynologic assemblage-types in Wealden correlation. Palaeontology, 16, 1-40, 2 pis. HUGHES, N. F. 1958. Palaeontological evidence for the age of the English Wealden. Geol. Mag. 95, 41-49. 1971. Remedy for the general data-handling failure of palaeontology. In cutbill, j. l. (ed.). Data processing in biology and geology. Syst. Assoc. Spec. Vol. 3, 321-330. 1973 (in press). Towards effective data-handling in palaeopalynology. Proc. 3 Internal. Palynol. Conference, Novosibirsk {1971), Sec. 2. and MOODY-STUART, J. c. 1967. Proposed method of recording pre-Quatemary palynological data. Rev. Palaeobotan. Palynol. 3, 347-358, 1 pi. 1969. A method of stratigraphic correlation using early Cretaceous miospores. Palaeontology, 12, 84-111, 10 pis. STAFLEU, F. A. ct al. 1972. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature as adopted by the XI International Botanical Congress, Seattle 1969. Internal. Assoc. Plant Taxonomy, Regntm Vegetabile, 82, 426 pp. WORSSAM, B. c. and ivimey-cook, h. c. 1971. The stratigraphy of the Geological Survey borehole at Warl- ingham, Surrey. Bull. Geol. Surv. G.B. 36, 178 pp. N. F. HUGHES C. A. CROXTON Department of Geology Sedgwick Museum Downing Street Typescript received 27 July 1972 Cambridge HUGHES AND CROXTON: CORRELATION OF WEALDEN 601 APPENDIX OF SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS WARLINGHAM BOREHOLE Unregistered samples, by courtesy of the Geological Survey in 1956, WM 1060/9 WMl 153/2-8 WM1217/6 Mudstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1); mica. Plant fragments present. Mudstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1), laminated; mica. Plant fragments abundant. Siltstone, mottled light olive grey (5 Y 6/1) and yellowish grey (5 Y 7/2), unsorted; mica. Plant fragments common. WM1275/6 WM1319/2 WM1394/1 Mudstone, greenish grey (5 GY 6/1), laminated; mica. Plant fragments present. Mudstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1); mica. Plant fragments present. Siltstone, yellowish grey (5 Y 7/2), wavy laminations. Plant fragments common. Pyritized plant fragments. WM1415/3 Siltstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1) and pale yellowish brown (10 YR 6/2), laminated; carbonate ; mica. Plant fragments present. WM1456/5 WM1537 WMl 569 WM1610/6 WMl 645 WM1655 WM1681/6 WMl 740/6 Banded medium grey (N5) mudstone and yellowish grey (5 Y 7/2) siltstone; mica. Siltstone, greenish grey (5 GY 6/1), wavy laminations; mica. Mudstone, yellowish grey (5 Y 8/1); mica. Mudstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1); mica. Plant fragments common. Mudstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1); mica. Plant fragments common. Siltstone, banded very light grey (N8) and light grey (N7), wavy laminations; mica. Siltstone, pinkish grey (5 YR 8/1), laminated; mica. Plant fragments present. Siltstone, banded yellowish grey (5 Y 8/1) and medium light grey (N6); mica. Plant fragments present. WMl 749/8 Mudstone, banded light olive grey (5 Y 6/1) and very light grey (N7); mica. Plant frag- ments present. Ostracods abundant. WMl 757 Siltstone, yellowish grey (5 Y 8/1), wavy laminations; mica. Ferruginous staining, grey- ish orange (10 YR 7/4). WMl 795 Mudstone, medium light grey (N6), laminated; calcareous; mica. Plant fragments present. Ostracods abundant. WM1819/5 WMl 843 Shale, banded light grey (N7) and medium grey (N5); mica. Siltstone, light olive grey (5 Y 6/1), wavy laminations; mica. Plant fragments common. WORB ARROW BAY Will Fine sandstone, light olive grey (5 Y 5/2), unsorted; semi-consolidated. Abundant plant W9 fragments. Unsorted siltstone with larger pebbles, light brownish grey (5 YR 6/1). Abundant plant fragments. W12B Banded fine sandstone and siltstone, pale yellowish brown (10 YR 6/2); semi-consoli- dated. Plant fragments present. W14 W2 W15 W121 Mudstone, medium light grey (N6). Plant fragments abundant. Ostracods. Medium sandstone, light brownish grey (5 YR 6/1), unsorted. Plant fragments common. Medium sandstone, pale yellowish brown (10 YR 6/2), unsorted. Plant fragments common. Siltstone, dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/2), unsorted. Large plant fragments abundant. Ferruginous stains, light brown (5 YR 5/6). W18 W124 Mudstone, medium light grey (N6). Plant fragments present. Banded siltstone, greyish olive (10 Y 4/2) and greyish yellow (5 Y 7/2), unsorted. Small plant fragments present. Ferruginous staining, dark yellowish orange (10 YR 6/6). W128 Fine sandstone, dark greenish grey (5 GY 4/1), unsorted. Large plant fragments. Fer- ruginous stains. M [Owing to Authors" revision there are no pages 602-606] ^-":r '■" -" ■» '■■ ■^. ■'■ ‘v^i- ■„ ■ < ; « ,.■•?.■ '’>ri(V •f."' .rs "'^ ■■ •■ ■ U ■ ■•'■'"■ V . V . , t ,- ,!'• • M» J ■ M SH!.'''** >‘'H>:> i4^.1 ^ • ‘ A'..' t ■ • *i%' •’• i*.- t. . « : K. "'^'■;> •:.• ;|ii' ,,.**1V .1 » * V.! % ' ■ '’.V^'^vW .V »;'{■ 'kt >'•'., S' *'’” ■ > ' ' '■' . ■’S'’";'' '' ' ■'. , - , *.*■(%'* '\'J^ ;'t ,". -' ;;i' '>■■'•’ V'' ■ '”■ ’.' '*.’ V m " " ,Wv/ . ' ^^'''' '.f ' ' ' r ', ‘fM# ij' » *• ’ ,.;■ !•■■ _ ' . *f -. '- i.-fM _' , t >,n< ‘ '.';ii','f-' tf -. '■ ■ ■ i ••-, ■‘V5_ri*!; i'jli-V"' f,K V/. : V ir-’ ,irr-*wj*iW, .; 'C ai ■ '*'. ...'iJ!. -:^. ,i'' /..Mfriu;) ■'' ■ ' '•;»■ '-'a/.. '■ !' v'ift' ■' '■ YW ■ i i **••“• '\ fi'v" 'i-i.*., *.t ■<■' ^ >(i'iv.':''*'^j*^ ■'. ,' '''.li) 'h' -. ♦ . '• i< '■'■ a'! w ^ ^ ^ i a‘ . ■» ■It: 1-1 .1 I ' '• - , f .1 V \.v'*‘ :■... T; »«-’t!S'4»''.4|S« ■■ ■ ,^. nv. > i,- I M , 4* " I ; ' • ■=^'!«Tli^.||^ -f .J (,■ HM( ”. . ft -' '■ " L’jUlt‘ " ..j,#;. ■ r''j4 , .' '■ . .,t:'t 1, »T r i.'iii'i V ' I- ■,'r.lM • — 27oo) and ‘freshwater’ (S^^C < — 2%o)? with some overlap across the arbitrary boundary. An ‘ideal’ sample (not easily obtained or recognized in practice) would consist of unrecrystal- lized carbonate formed in isotopic equilibrium with the environment to be deter- mined and still retaining the original population of carbon (and oxygen) atoms. Complications arise mainly because other kinds of carbonate may be associated, including (a) clastic carbonates from limestones, {b) biogenic carbonates with vari- able or non-equilibrium carbon isotopic compositions due to vital effects (e.g. of corals, echinoids) or to localized concentrations of decomposing organic matter, (c) carbonates formed in other environments and transported to the site of deposi- tion, or intermixed following environmental change at the depositional site, {d) carbonates formed by diagenetic recrystallization or cementation in pore-waters of variable salinity. Any of these complications can be troublesome in samples from marginal variable- salinity environments (Keith and Parker 1965; Lloyd 1969). The present investiga- tion relates particularly to (c) and {d). We emphasize, as did Tan and Hudson (1971), the importance of using well-preserved skeletal carbonates wherever possible, rather than whole-rock samples. Extraneous CaCO^. In so far as the Weald Basin was bordered by Jurassic and Lower Carboniferous limestones (Allen 1961, 1967a), complication (a) is always possible, though no actual clasts of limestone have been confirmed in the Wealden of the Weald. The misleading influence of biogenic carbonates (allochems) transported from other environments in the same basin is illustrated by sample S8126 of Allen and Keith (1965, fig. 1 and table 1). This sample contains, among the presumably indigenous oysters, reworked bioclastic materials, both marine and non-marine (echinoid plates and spines, Viviparus shells, ostracod carapaces). Any salinity estimate based on the ratio of the whole rock (— 4-37oo) is clearly invalid. Sediments deposited during marine transgressions across less saline environments must generally be suspect for this reason. The complicating effects of interstitial materials and recrystallization were in- vestigated by analysing materials from the I.G.S. borehole No. 1 at Wadhurst Park, Sussex (Anderson et al. 1967). Eight Neomiodon medius beds in the Wadhurst Clay, with shells preserved wholly or partly as aragonite, were sampled from 14-20 m to 30-25 m depth. All the shell samples gave carbon isotopic compositions in the marine range S^^C > — 27oo (Table 1). All the matrices, substantially calcite, gave lower 8^^C values than the shells (text-fig. 1). varied in the same way. Thus the matrix carbonates may have originated or recrystallized in less saline environments than those of Neomiodon, or possibly came from organisms whose calcification processes involved different degrees of isotopic fractionation (see below). Never- theless the matrix samples, as well as the embedded shells, seem to be marine rather than freshwater. There is only one borderline analysis (Bw 7173 matrix) with 8‘^C less than — 27oo- Indigenous CaCOy Even carbonates demonstrably formed in the same environment TABLE 1 . Wadhurst Clay of Wadhurst Park : isotopic comparisons between aragonitic Neomiodon medius shells and their more calcitic matrices (I.G.S. borehole No. 1, Grid reference TQ 6325 291 1). Specimen Nos. Depth (m) in borehole Components Mineral (X-ray) Isotopic analysis I.G.S. Reading Univ.j Penn. St. Univ. 8^^C(7oo) 8‘*0(7, )o) Bw 7113 S8129 68-426 14 20* Shells Matrix Aragonite Calcite -|-3^95 -TT78 -T79 -3^26 Bw 7138 S8131 68-428 1704 Shells Matrix Aragonite Calc, and arag. + 210{ -105 -f2^11t -h2^09t -2-35 {“ -3 30 ^ 2^30f 2 39t Bw 7154 S8132 68-429 1991 Shells Matrix Arag. » calc, (tr.) Calcite + 2^78 -0^27 -2-12 -550 Bw7173 S8133 68-430 20^42 Shells Matrix Arag. = calc. Calcite + 1-35 -219 -300 -5-31 Bw 7194 S8134 68-431 2T79 Shells Matrix Aragonite Calcite + 1-61 -0 78 1 -0 65t -090t -2-24 -5 80| 5^50t 6 09t Bw 7274 S8135 68-432 26-11 Shells Aragonite -h2-28 -3^53 Bw 7284 S8136 68-433 29-26 Shells Matrix Arag. = calc. Calcite + 2^21 + T46 -265 -5^98 Bw 7287 S8137 68-434 30 25t Shells Matrix Calc, -h arag. Calcite + 2^05 +0^31 -3-'&l -+16 The total thickness of Wadhurst Clay is about 67 m. t Duplicate analyses. * Horizon c. 47 m below Lower Tunbridge Wells Sand. I Horizon c. 4 m above Top Ashdown Pebble Bed. -3 -2 + 2 + 3 20 CL LlI Q 30- •b 1 1 1 • -50 \ -60 \ \ \ *.■.■;■■■■ ■ __ __ A A— — -70 \ \ \ Neomiodon shell - CaC03 \ -80 matrix -CaCOj \ \ \ -90 1 1 A / -3 -2 -1 0 ■H S '^C(7oo) + Z +3 ■rC A-Bw 7113 ■Bw 7138 P -Bw 7154 CO •Bw 7173 CO > ■Bw 7194 "D 1“ m ■Bw 7274 -Bw 7284 Bw 7287 TEXT-FIG. 1 . Wadhurst Clay of Wadhurst Park. Carbon isotopic ratios (S^^C) from Table 1 of separated Neomiodon medius ( a ) and matrix CaCOj ( • ). I.G.S. bore- hole No. 1. 610 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 are not necessarily straightforward to interpret isotopically. Some organisms, though living under similar conditions of salinity, temperature, etc., show different abilities to fractionate carbon and oxygen isotopes when depositing CaCOj (Keith and Weber 1965). Decomposing organic matter adds another complication, generat- ing CO2 with variable depending partly upon the origin of the organic matter. A further source of variation, in some cases, is isotopic fractionation between CO2 and CH4. Nevertheless, we show below that the ^^C-palaeosalinities derived from Wealden carbonates are significant when considered in terms of the broad categories of ‘marine’ and ‘freshwater’ as defined on p. 608. But the transitional environments of the Wealden, with waters of highly variable ^®0-content and salinity, offer little hope of yielding useful palaeotemperatures ; the temperature effect is small compared with those of mixing and evaporation. CaCO^ recrystallization and cementation. Diagenetic crystallization of aragonite and calcite can modify pre-existing isotopic ratios (Gross 1964; Hodgson 1966; Stahl and Jordan 1969; Tan and Hudson 1971, and their refs.). The necessary con- ditions include interstitial waters with different compositions from those of the depositional environment. Recrystallization may occur soon after deposition, for example during evaporation from closed basins (Keith and Parker 1965), or on tidal flats such as sabkhas, where diagenesis occurs in the presence of supersaline porewaters. At the other extreme, transitional carbonate sediments may undergo diagenesis in the presence of low-salinity groundwater. This was apparently impor- tant in several of the samples described here. Diagenesis affected the matrices of most of the samples from Wadhurst Park No. 1. It certainly changed all three from borehole No. 2, 200 m away (Table 2). The Neomiodon medius shells from this core are almost entirely calcite and there is either a little or no matrix carbonate. They give lower values of than any in borehole No. 1. This is a good example of analyses yielding no useful information TABLE 2. Wadhurst Clay of Wadhurst Park ; isotopic ratios of dominantly calcitic Neomiodon medius shells and matrices (I.G.S. borehole No. 2, Grid reference TQ 6308 2920 about 200 m from No. 1 ; horizon of top about 18-64 m above top of No. 1). Specimen Nos. Depth (m) in borehole I.G.S. Reading Univ./ Penn. St. Univ. Bw 7353 S8138 68-435 1615 Bw 7377 S8139 68-436 16-36 Bw 7385 S8140 68-437 16-43* Components Mineral (X-ray) Isotopic analysis S”C(%„) 8'^0(“/o„ ) Shells Calc. > arag. -5-17 -7-87 Shells Matrix Shells Calcite Calcite Calc. > arag. -2-29 -0-39 -3-37 ^ ■ -3-42f . -3-25t -3-46 -4-68 -5-79 1 “ 5-89t ■5-70t Matrix Calcite -0-81 ^ ' -0-91f . -0-72t -2-78 1“ •2-79t -2-77t * Horizon c. 30-6 m below Lower Tunbridge Wells Sand and c. 36-4 m above Top Ashdown Pebble Bed. t Duplicate analyses. ALLEN ET AL.: WEALDEN ENVIRONMENTS 611 about an original depositional environment. The shells are recrystallized, they give lower ratios than their matrices (cf. borehole No. 1) and they straddle the arbitrary division ( 2%o) between marine and freshwater shells. Four analyses of Neomiodon-r ock previously published (Allen and Keith 1965, table 1) probably reflect the combined influences of calcite cementation and the diagenetic change of aragonite to calcite. The rocks are shelly calcareous sandstones (Tilgate stone’), comprising quartz clasts and calcite valves cemented with clear calcite (S8112, S8113, S8115, S8118). All give low (-8-3 to -A-Tjoo)- Three other samples (S8109-S81 1 1) are quartz-free, virtually uncemented, and their Neomiodon medius shells retain some aragonite. All yield substantially higher values ( — 1-3 to +0-2°/oo)- Apparently some of the variation previously attri- buted to a wide salinity tolerance in Neomiodon arises from the postdepositional production of calcite through the action of groundwater. In general, therefore, cementation or recrystallization reduced the and 180/160 ratios of the Wadhurst sediments. The same is true of the Weald Clay. Prentice (1969, pp. 3-4) describes Weald Clay cycles and concludes that they record upward-decreasing salinities which are parts of a general salinity series Cassiope—> 'Cyrena [presumably Filosina]^' Paludina [presumably K/vzpurw^] ^ ostracods ^ Equisetites. This series has been largely confirmed. During the course of our work a small cycle at Ewhurst, high in the Weald Clay (Table 3), showed how effectively recrystallization of shell aragonite could destroy original isotopic evidence. Shells of Wealden age from Germany show the same kind of variation. Marine Cucullaea, collected (with the ammonite Platylenticeras) from the basal Valanginian of Sachsenhagen (1 m above the Wealden), are entirely calcite, though originally aragonite (Hall and Kennedy 1967). Their S^^C- and S^^O-values are low ( — 2-3 and — 8-5%o)? i e- spuriously ‘freshwater’ (samples S8 128/68-444). On the other hand Neomiodon (S8161) and Paraglauconia (S8162) from the underlying Wealden, though similarly recrystallized to calcite, have carbon ratios (S^^C = —1-32 and — T667oo respectively) in the arbitrary marine range. HASTINGS BEDS Salinity. Palaeontological evidence suggests that, of the two major Wealden sub- divisions, the lower (or Hastings Beds) records a generally narrower range of salinities. Prior to our isotopic work, no macrofossils of near-marine aspect were known, nor any microfossils, though foraminifera had been alluded to in general terms (Ander- son et al. 1967, p. 175). Salinity variations had, however, long been suspected and sought (e.g. Allen 1962, p. 226). The basis was the observed antipathy, on single lami- nation surfaces, between swarms of Neomiodon (Casey 1955/)) and the other fossil assemblages. The latter, hinting at rather fresher water, include stoneworts (one species of Circonitella: Watson 1969), liverworts (two species of Hepaticites: op. cit.), probable liverworts preserved in situ (op. cit., fig. 13), horsetails in situ (two or three species of Equisetites), and dominant Viviparus, Physa, Unio, or Cypridea spp. (Anderson et al. 1967). Neomiodon was thought to have lived in more brackish con- ditions. Its German contemporaries were already known to consort with unequivo- cally brackish fossils (Allen 1967a, p. 60). The new isotopic evidence places Neomiodon 612 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 3 on 3 43 CJ 43 o a H u 3 43 w o ? ?! Q 0-, oj 43 'M S “ I cS > u CQ w w e £• ^ § £. !3.-0 s § ^ § bo CD — C s s -C X) H >, U-. a O cb X £ X o U 2 2 OQ C<0 G C.<5 cn 0 — CO 13 ?u 3 g = ^ 0 0 0 0 ^ 0 q c T3 (U Lh ti X ^ 25 . 0 • .$e 1 u (L> U c/5 •3 c to 3 -2 ^ ^ T3 X Q .ex 0 Z ^ • 0 : X 1 * lU c/5 ^ Si) c 0 0> 'o I>-| c/5 o> b a2 u cf2 ex ex p G o >% o Cl ^ ?l 00 ^ b ^ 00 ^ o .£ o .y 6 -J CL o y c 0 „ 3 ^ 1 § 00 o? '“' ^■5 ’~X c *£ «J X c/5 O “ S c/5 U CO 3 C 3 >) »C5 3 CO ALLEN ET AL.\ WEALDEN ENVIRONMENTS 613 medius squarely in our ‘marine’ category. This recalls Tan and Hudson’s work (1971) showing that well-preserved aragonitic shells of Neomiodon from the Hebridean Middle Jurassic have a ‘marine’ range of The notion that salinity exerted a major control arose from the theory that the Hastings clays were broadly transgressive and the sandstones regressive (Allen 1959) . Accepting that these movements were caused by the sea and physically con- nected with it, the basal strata of each clay formation should record rising salinities (Allen 1959, p. 342) and the top sands of each arenaceous formation falling salinities. This could explain the marked antipathy between basal reedswamp and burrowed beds (Allen 1962) and the absence from the Wealden of strictly freshwater ostracod genera. If the lowest salinities were normally achieved during deposition of the regressive sands then such ostracods are the least likely to have been preserved (Anderson 1967, in lift.)- Salinities from Wadhurst Clay. Previous isotopic analyses of aragonite-bearing Neomiodon medius from the ? transgressive basal Wadhurst (S8109-S81 1 1, in Allen and Keith 1965) strengthened the idea that, as the waters rose, their salinities rose too (Si^C= - 1-3 to +0-27oo)- Salinity fluctuations in the type-area of Wadhurst Park (I.G.S. boreholes Nos. 1-3) were independently investigated by Anderson, using ostracods (in Anderson et al. 1967). Less saline and more saline episodes were recognized, assuming that the former are recorded by CvpnV/ca-dominated faunas and the latter by ‘non- Cypridea" faunas {Theriosynoecum, Mantelliana, Rhinocypris, Darwinulids, Dicro- rygma). We attempted to test the distinction by analysing C. laevigata carapaces (‘the nearest to a freshwater ostracod we have in the Purbeck-Wealden’) and T. alleni (‘strongly brackish to marine’), kindly prepared and so interpreted by Professor F. W. Anderson from the Westfield I.G.S. borehole (TQ 8204 1614, Shephard-Thorn 1971). C. laevigata gave a freshwater ratio (S^^C = — 4-47oo) but its carapaces en- closed much secondary calcite. Those of T. alleni were too few for analysis ; associated aragonitic fragments (molluscan?) gave a marine ratio (S^^C = +0-48%o)- Our new analyses of well-preserved Neomiodon medius (Table 1) support the contention that the Wadhurst waters became saline at times. Rejecting isotopic ratios based on subordinate or no aragonite, we have eight horizons scattered over 16 m of the local 67-m succession. All their values range from + T4%o (shell carbonate half-aragonite) to +4 0%o (carbonate wholly aragonite) and thus fall into the ‘marine’ category. Salinities from Gr instead Clay. Comparison of the base (? transgressive) of this forma- tion with that of the Wadhurst Clay raises an interesting ecological question. Strik- ingly similar in physical sedimentology, they differ in that the Grinstead base was not colonized widely (if at all*) by aquatic horsetails (Allen 1962, p. 236-7). Prob- ably it also contains a richer and more abundant ostracod fauna. Perhaps more saline water explains both features. * Rootlets (i.e. downward-branching tubules with carbonaceous linings) are found rarely and locally, but not as commonly as previously supposed, when animal burrows were mistaken for them (Allen 1959, 1960) . The few true rootlets do not visibly originate at this level, but probably from rhizomes higher up, e.g. the mid-Grinstead Equisetites soil bed (Gallois 1963) 6-7 m above. 614 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TABLE 4. Palaeontological and isotopic analyses of ostracod carapaces (calcite) near base of Grinstead Clay at Philpots Quarry, West Hoathly, Sussex (TQ 355 322). Source of Palaeontological analysis material Microfauna Salinity Height Lamina above TLTWPBj^ 2-90 m 1-43 m to 1-32 m B I A 101 m Mantelliana phillipsiana domi- nant Cypridea recta tillsdenensis and C. bispinosa suttin- gensis predominantly (S8145/7U151C) M. phillipsiana, Cypridea recta tillsdenensis, C. bi- spinosa suttingensis (S8144) Mantelliana phillipsiana mainly (S8143/71-151S) Theriosynoecum alleni domi- nant (S8146) Relatively high Relatively low Intermediate Relatively high Relatively high Isotopic analysis S'®0 Environmental (7oo) (7oo) category Not analysed -HO-58* -2-39* Marine? -013t -2-46t Not analysed -I-0 05 —2-86 Marine? Not analysed Sample nos. given in microfauna column (Reading Univ./Penn. State Univ.) * Treated 3 days in H2O2 to remove organic matter, t Treated 3 days in sodium hypochlorite (5% solution). 4 Top Lower Tunbridge Wells Pebble Bed. Our new isotopic results are compared with Professor Anderson’s palaeontological analyses in Table 4. Laminae A, B, and C were half-millimetre partings of closely packed ostracod carapaces, many articulated, separated by black clay (1-5 mm) with sparse carapaces. The higher salinities predicted by the transgressive model seem confirmed. However, the technique cannot apparently resolve all the palaeontological diflferences recognized by Professor Anderson and for the isotopic interpretation we assume that the ostracod calcite was primary. We have been unable to confirm the last assumption. But it appears to be strengthened, as Dr. J. D. Hudson points out, by our Hastings ostracods generally giving ratios that could be depositional (see below), like the aragonitic but unlike the recrystallized shells. Shells of 'Tornafe//a\ Neomiodon, Unio, Viviparus, etc., from the succeeding clays prove to contain little or no aragonite. We therefore have no Grinstead samples of primary molluscan carbonate, and isotopic analysis does not provide reliable esti- mates of salinity. A new analysis of Unio subtruncalus shell (subsample 71-161 from Philpots Quarry, West Hoathly, Sussex) gave no aragonite, = — 7 087oo and - ~8-30%o- Temperature. No reliable temperatures can be calculated because the oxygen iso- topic compositions of the marginal waters are unknown and the temperature efifect is small relative to those of mixing and evaporation (Keith and Parker 1965; Lloyd 1969). Nevertheless, the variation of aragonitic Neomiodon ( — 3-9 to - l-87oo) ALLEN ET AL.\ WEALDEN ENVIRONMENTS 615 is generally within the range of modern marine mollusc shells from warm tempera- ture waters (Keith et al. 1964). This agrees well with recent opinions concerning the English Purbeck-Wealden ostracods (‘water temperatures . . . suggest a Mediter- ranean type climate’: Professor F. W. Anderson 1970, in lift.), molluscs (‘warm tem- perate’: late W. J. Arkell), land reptiles (‘subtropical’: Dr. W. E. Swinton 1970, in Hit.), reptiles generally (‘warm temperate’ : Dr. K. A. Kermack 1970, in litt.), and flora (‘warm temperate . . . alternations of wet and dry periods . . . drought over some months . . . normal’: Professor T. M. Elarris 1970, in litt.). Bowen (1966), on the basis of values from marine sediments, quoted temperatures of 17-4 °C to 22T °C for the contemporary Neocomian seas of the Hautes Alpes, 800 km SSE. of the Weald. WEALD CLAY Salinity. More drastic variations in environment are indicated by the Weald Clay fossils above the Horsham Stone. Palaeontologically, freshwater is suggested by numerous beds with Chara, Equisetites, Cypridea, Viviparus, and Unio, often as largely separate associations. Marine or near-marine conditions are recorded by at least three thin bands variously containing Ostrea, Nemocardium, Mytilus, Gervillky Corbula, Filosina, Melanopsis, Cassiope, Paraglauconia, echinoids, cirripedes, fora- minifera, Ophiomorpha, etc. (see references on p. 607). Other horizons are domi- nated by only one or two of these genera (Kennedy and MacDougall 1969) or by non-Cypridea ostracods (Anderson 1963, 1968), suggesting less stable environments. Of the ecological factors, fluctuating salinity may have been important, perhaps limiting. Our previous isotopic reconnaissance (Allen and Keith 1965) did little more than support the broad picture. Theriosynoecum fittoni (identified subsequently by Professor F. W. Anderson as dominant in sample S8127) may have lived in fresh- water, as deduced by Kilenyi and N. W. Allen (1968, pp. 158, 162). If confirmed, this might contrast with the Wadhurst species of the same genus, for which brackish to marine conditions are possible (cf. Tan and Hudson 1971, table 3). Unfortunately our carapaces of T. fittoni contained some secondary calcite; and the evidence con- cerning T. alleni is indirect, being based on associated ‘marine’ shell fragments. Near the arbitrary freshwater/marine boundary our original results (1965) were suspect owing to the recrystallization of T//o5'mn-aragonite to calcite (S8120) and to the choice of whole-rock analysis for the oyster bed (S8126). Subsequent deter- minations of for the oyster-carbonate alone gave == +T167oo (Table 5). Skeletal CaCOy Like their predecessors, the Weald Clay fossil carbonates were commonly recrystallized after deposition (Table 5 and text-fig. 2). For originally aragonitic shells, and assuming that recrystallization of aragonite generally yielded calcite, the proportion of aragonite may be used to judge whether the original isotopic ratios may have been retained. Unfortunately, we were unable to establish any independent non-isotopic criteria for identifying the primary, un- recrystallized calcite of ostracods, oysters, etc. Such criteria may eventually be developed. Thus preliminary studies show differences in the cathodoluminescence of organic and diagenetic carbonates, and most ostracod valves have a three-layered structure (formed by the calcitization of a chitinous envelope) which is frequently 616 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 c ^ jj 3 ■S c cx C c« o ^ ,u! w) ^ a O ^ Cj cd U x> P3 X) 2 2 (U Xi c/5 .5 2 a a U ' 5 s V I I — r- + I 2 2 c3 c3 u u P XJ , V-« .M I 1 I _u _o _o U U U s J= cd U t£; ^ dj .Si a o Q c: ^ Si .C d) ^ ?3 j- S 15, ci S: 55- 5s S; a k; O Cj Q I I wm OO O I I u c3 < u u o a U U CJ) O 2 G o (D 03 2 X "O G a % § § O ^ § ^ CO 3 S w c o *0 : . * OO 00 C/D !> w CO c/5 arag. S8149 68-348B Capel, Surrey Cassiope br Arag. > calc. —1-20 —4-63 Marine S8148 68-348A „ Cassiope br Calc. > arag. —2-85 —6-46 ALLEN ET AL.\ WEALDEN ENVIRONMENTS 617 destroyed by recrystallization. Our Weald Clay ostracods, moreover, show ratios that could be depositional, as in the Hastings Beds (pp. 614-15). As for the Hastings Beds, semiquantitative estimates of aragonite : calcite ratios were made from X-ray diffraction patterns. Samples in which aragonite is dominant are depicted as black rectangles in text-fig. 2. The two genera represented (Filosinal, Cassiope) deserve particular attention as potential indicators of the environment of deposition. Both appear, like Neomiodon, to have been ‘marine’. Shells of the freshwater mollusc Viviparus, presumably originally aragonite, are now calcite, and do not provide a basis for judging whether their present isotopic composition is due mainly to conditions of deposition or diagenesis. As pointed out above, calcite shells of Filosina (subsamples 71-152 and 71-155 belong to another species) are sometimes deficient in and thereby isotopically indistinguishable from recrystallized freshwater shells such as Viviparus (71-153). Because of the non-preservation of aragonitic Viviparus shells (including those of Allen and Keith 1965) it is still not possible either to support or refute KEY TO TABLE 5 * Identified, counted, and interpreted by Professor F. W. Anderson (some carapaces 2- or 3-layered, many in- filled micrite or drusy calcite). t Provisionally identified by Dr. R. Casey (life assemblage of articulated shells, young and old), ij; Early post-mortem cement? / = freshwater, br = brackish water, m = marine. Bold type indicates samples in which the analysed carbonate was mostly aragonite (primary?). Details of localities colc^ I Seacliff,Sandown, Isle of Wight (SZ 620 853). So1j7 ) cols^ i ESE. parish church, Ewhurst, Surrey (TQ 101 401). So 154 ) 58151 Vann Lane Brickworks, Hambledon, Surrey (SU 974 374). 58152 Bunce Common, Leigh, Surrey (TQ 205 466). S8156/W1423-3 I.G.S. Warlingham boring No. 1, Surrey (TQ 349 571). 58150 Clock House Brickworks, Capel, Surrey (TQ 176 384). 58147 Graylands Brickworks, Warnham, Sussex (TQ 173 345). S814Q T 58148 ) Clock House Brickworks, Capel, Surrey (TQ 176 384). Stratigraphical horizons S8157 } of Bristow 1889, 15, top line. coi 1 1 ™ below I.G.S. Bed 8b, c. 90 m (300 ft) below top of Weald Clay (Thurrell et al. 1968). So1j4 ) 58151 I.G.S. Bed 7g?, c. 120 m (400 ft) below top of Weald Clay (Thurrell et al. 1968; Kennedy and MacDougall 1968). 58152 180 m (600 ft) below top of Weald Clay (Professor F. W. Anderson in litt.). S8156/W1423-4 Subjacent to I.G.S. Bed 5, c. 115 m (377 ft) below top of Weald Clay (Worssam and Ivimey- Cook 1972, pp. 22, 30, 64). S8150 c. 10-7 m (35 ft) above Cassiope Bed (S8148-9), beneath Upper Rootlet Bed (Mr. J. D. S. MacDougall). 58147 c. 4-9 m ( 16 ft) above Gossops Green Pebble Bed, c. 91 m (300 ft) above Horsham Stone (c. 150 m (500 ft) above Weald Clay base). 58149 I Just above Gossops Green Pebble Bed, c. 82 m (270 ft) above Horsham Stone (c. 146 m (480 ft) above 58148 / Weald Clay base (Mr. J. D. S. MacDougall in litt.)). 618 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 GENUS / SPECIES Liostrea ^disforta Ftlosina membronaceo Filosino gregona Neomiodon ? medius Neormodon sp Cassiope sp Poroglauconio sp. Montelhona phillipsiana momiy Cyprideo bispinosd suttingensis / | Cypridea recta tillsdenensis \ « Theriosynoecum aUeru 5'X(%o) -8 -6 -4 V D D I I \k Unio subtrur)catus corbulid Viviporus susseKensis Cyprideo rolundala Cypridea valderisis Damonello pygmaeo Cyprideo laevigata Theriosynoecum fittoni Equisetites "^burchardti Equisetites lyelh 567o 21% 23% D D -U- -V- A -23 -15 -10 -8 Molluscs I >50% 'original' aragonite g < 50% original' oragonite (1 bar = trace) U >50%> skeletal (originol?) calcite Ostrocods [J >507o skeletol (original?) calcite 0 < 50% skeletal calcite (>50% drusy spar) Horsetoils [J calcite cement (early"?) Q 0% 'original' oragonite (G=German) [?] ossocioted orogonitic frogments (moliuscon?) TEXT-FIG. 2. Wealden as a whole. Provisional environmental classification of fossils based on of separated shells and carapaces. (Estimated relative frequencies of species in the ostracod faunas were supplied, with samples, by Professor F. W. Anderson. Two molluscan samples, labelled ‘G’, came from N. Germany.) suggestions that some viviparids tolerated brackish or marine conditions in the Purbeck- Wealden. Temperature. As concluded for the Hastings Beds, the variation of the aragonite shells lies in the range of modern warm temperate molluscs and this is consistent with recent opinion based on other palaeontological evidence. CONCLUSIONS (1) Whole-rock isotopic analyses are unsatisfactory for environmental studies of marginal (transitional) sediments. Primary, skeletal, untransported carbonates only should be used. This means in practice only unfragmented articulated aragonitic material. (2) One species each of Filosinal and Cassiope (from the Weald Clay) and of Neomiodon (Hastings Beds) are confirmed as ‘marine’. (3) Conversion to, and/or cementation with, calcite commonly reduces the S*^C and values of Wealden molluscan shells. ‘Marine’ molluscs can therefore ALLEN ET AL.: WEALDEN ENVIRONMENTS 619 appear as ‘freshwater’, isotopically indistinguishable from truly freshwater shells. This was examined closely for Neomiodon medius, having been misinterpreted earlier (Allen and Keith 1965) as resulting from the organisms’ wide salinity tolerance. (4) Wealden skeletal carbonates giving high are therefore likely to be ‘marine’, even if secondary (e.g. German Neomiodon and Paraglauconia). (5) Skeletal carbonates yielding low cannot be attributed to any environment unless shown to be primary. Freshwater molluscs now recrystallized to calcite {Unio, Viviparus) are unrecognizable as such on an isotopic basis alone. (6) Skeletal carbonate which was originally all, or nearly all, calcite (e.g. ostracod carapaces, oyster shells) should be treated with caution. Recrystallization may or may not have occurred. At present there are no certain criteria for recognizing primary calcite or for distinguishing it from secondary calcite, though there are petrological and isotopic grounds for optimism with the ostracods. (7) Ignoring this, and assuming that any recrystallization would have reduced their ^^C-ratios ((3) above), one species of the ostracod Mantelliana and two species of Cypridea might be marine. Other species of Cypridea may be freshwater, but this cannot be confirmed isotopically until their calcite is proved to be primary. (8) Areal distributions of horsetail-reedswamp growing in similar substrates and water-depths were possibly controlled by salinity. But the source of the ^^C-deficient calcite cementing the plants in their growing positions is not known, nor when it was precipitated. Where plants are absent, the ^^C-rich ostracod carapaces appear. (9) New evidence supports the transgressive models for the major Hastings clay formations (Allen 1967^, fig. 1) in that the Wadhurst and Grinstead Clays are there seen as deposited in waters more liable to saline influxes than the intervening sands. Later, during Weald Clay times, the salty invasions became more frequent and extensive, so that not only many muds but also some sands were laid down in con- ditions more saline than any of the Hastings Beds. (10) Unequivocal palaeotemperatures cannot be deduced from Wealden carbon- ates. Nevertheless the aragonitic shells yield ^®0-‘palaeotemperatures’ broadly consistent with warm temperate-subtropical conditions, as deduced from the palaeobotanical and palaeozoological evidence. Acknowledgements. We thank the following for specimens and advice: Professor F. W. Anderson, Dr. R. Casey, f.r.s., Mr. R. V. Melville, Dr. E. R. Shephard-Thorn, and Dr. B. C. Worssam of the Institute of Geological Sciences; Dr. N. W. Allen, Dr. J. M. Hancock, Dr. J. D. Hudson, Dr. W. J. Kennedy, Mr. J. MacDougall, and Dr. D. H. Rayner. We are grateful to Professor F. W. Anderson, Dr. K. A. Kermack, Professor T. M. Harris, f.r.s., and Dr. W. E. Swinton for permission to quote their current views on the Purbeck-Wealden climate. REFERENCES ALLEN, p. 1959. The Wealden environment: Anglo-Paris basin. Phil. Trans, roy. Soc., B, 242, 283-346. 1960. Geology of the Central Weald: a study of the Hastings Beds. Geol. Assoc. Centenary Guide, No. 24. 1961. Strand-line pebbles in the mid-Hastings Beds and the geology of the London uplands. Car- boniferous pebbles. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 72, 271-285. 1962. The Hastings deltas: recent progress and Easter field meeting report. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 73, 219-243. 620 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 ALLEN, p. 1967a. Origin of the Hastings facies in northwestern Europe. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 78, 27-106. 19676. Strand-line pebbles in the mid-Hastings Beds and the geology of the London uplands. Old Red Sandstone, New Red Sandstone and other pebbles. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 78, 241-276. and KEITH, M. L. 1965. Carbon isotope ratios and palaeosalinities of Purbeck-Wealden carbonates. Nature, 1278-1280. ANDERSON, F. W. 1963. In WORSSAM, B. c. 1963, 16-19. 1966o. In SHEPHARD-THORN, E. R. et ol. 1966, 82-88. 19666. New genera of Purbeck and Wealden Ostracoda. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Geol. 11 (9), 435-446. 1967. Ostracods from the Weald Clay of England. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., No. 27, 237-269. 1968. In THURRELL, R. G. et al. 1968, 27-30. BAZLEY, R. A. B. and SHEPHARD-THORN, E. R. 1967. The Sedimentary and faunal sequence of the Wad- hurst Clay (Wealden) in boreholes at Wadhurst Park, Sussex. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., No. 27, 171-235. ARKELL, w. J. 1947. The geology of the country around Weymouth, Swanage, Corfe, and Lulworth. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. BATTEN, D. J. 1969. Some British Wealden megaspores and their facies distribution. Palaeontology, 12, 62-67. BOWEN, R. 1966. Palaeotemperature Analysis. 265 pp. Amsterdam. BRISTOW, H. w. 1889. The geology of the Isle of Wight (2nd edition, revised and enlarged by reid, c. and STRAHAN, A.). Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. CASEY, R. 1955a. The pelecypod family Corbiculidae in the Mesozoic of Europe and the Near East. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 45, 366-372. 19556. The Neomiodontidae, a new Family of the Arcticacea (Pelecypoda). Proc. mal. Soc. Lond. 31, 208-222. DINES, H. G., BUCHAN, s., HOLMES, s. c. A. and BRISTOW, c. R. 1969. Geology of the country around Seven- oaks and Tonbridge. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. GALLOis, R. w. 1963. In Sum. Progr. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit, for 1962, 39. GROSS, M. G. 1964. Variations in and C^^/C^^ ratios of diagenetically altered limestones in the Bermuda Island's. J. Geol. 72, 170-194. HALL, A. and KENNEDY, w. J. 1967. Aragonite in fossils. Proc. roy. Soc., B, 168, 377-412. HODGSON, w. A. 1966. Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in diagenetic carbonates from marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 30, 1223-1233. KEITH, M. L., ANDERSON, G. M. and EiCHLER, R. 1964. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells from marine and fresh water environments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 28, 1757-1786. and PARKER, R. H. 1965. Local variation in ^^C and content of mollusk shells and the relatively minor temperature effect in marginal marine environments. Marine Geol. 3, 1 15-129. and WEBER, J. N. 1965. Systematic relationships between carbon and oxygen isotopes in carbonates deposited by modern corals and algae. Science, 150, 498-501. KENNEDY, w. J. and MACDOUGALL, J. D. s. 1969. Crustacean burrows in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of south-eastern England and their environmental significance. Palaeontology, 12, 459-471. KiLENYi, T. I. and ALLEN, N. w. 1968. Marine brackish bands and their microfauna from the lower part of the Weald Clay of Surrey and Sussex. Palaeontology, 11, 141-162. LLOYD, R. M. 1969. A palaeoecological interpretation of the Caloosahatchee Formation, using stable iso- tope methods. J. Geol. 77, 1-25. MACDOUGALL, J. D. s. and PRENTICE, J. E. 1964. Sedimentary environments of the Weald Clay of south- western England. In van straaten, l. m. j. u. (ed.). Developments in Sedimentology, 1 : Deltaic and shallow marine deposits, 257-263. Amsterdam. PRENTICE, J. E. 1969. Sediments: past, present and future. Inaugural Lecture, University of London, King's College, 1-8. SHEPHARD-THORN, E. R., SMART, J. G. o., BISSON, G. and EDMONDS, E. A. 1966. Geology of the country around Tenterden. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. 1971. In I.G.S. Annual Report for 1969, 20. SMART, J. G. o., BISSON, G. and WORSSAM, B. c. 1966. Geology of the country around Canterbury and Folke- stone. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. ALLEN ET AL.\ WEALDEN ENVIRONMENTS 621 STAHL, w. and Jordan, r. 1969. General considerations on isotopic palaeotemperature determinations and analyses on Jurassic ammonites. Earth planet. Sci. Lett. 6, 173-178. TAN, F. c. and HUDSON, J. D. 1971. Isotopic composition of carbonates in a marginal marine formation. Nature phys. Sci. 232, 87-88. THURRELL, R. G., woRSSAM, B. c. and EDMONDS, E. A. 1968. Gcology of the country around Haslemere. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. WATSON, j. 1969. A revision of the English Wealden flora, I. Charales-Ginkgoales. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.). 17, No. 5. WORSSAM, B. c. 1963. Geology of the country around Maidstone. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. 1965. In Summ. Progr. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit, for 1964, 46-47. and iviMEY-cooK, h. c. 1972. The stratigraphy of the Geological Survey borehole at Warlingham, Surrey. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., No. 36, 1-146. and THURRELL, R. G. 1967. Field meeting to an area north of Horsham, Sussex. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 67, 263-272. P. ALLEN Department of Geology, University of Reading Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AB, U.K. M. L. KEITH, F. C. TAN,* P. DEINES Department of Geochemistry and Mineralogy Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, U.S.A. * Present address: Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratory Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth Final typescript received 11 October 1972 Nova Scotia, Canada N BUOYANCY CONTROL AND SIPHUNCLE FUNCTION IN AMMONOIDS by H. MUTVEi and r. a. reyment Abstract. The question of buoyancy control of ammonoids in relation to the function of the siphuncle is analysed in the light of flotational experiments on exact models of moderately evolute and highly evolute shell types, and the structure of the siphuncle. It is demonstrated that, if the mode of life of the ammonoid animal were analogous to that of living Nautilus, the relatively more buoyant shell of most ammonoids would have needed considerably more liquid in its chambers than Nautilus, with many of the chambers completely filled. The structure of the siphuncle, and its location in the last chambers of the majority of coiled ammonoids, is such that it may have been non-functional in these chambers so that the animal did not vary the quantity of liquid in them. We believe that most ammonoids were fairly efficient at moving themselves vertically but less efficient as swimmers. Speculation about the function of the chambered cephalopod shell has pro- vided one of the more fruitful sources of research topics in palaeontology for more than a hundred years. Starting with Moseley’s (1838) mathematical treatise, recently updated by Raup and Chamberlain (1967), numerous papers on the subject have appeared. A review of earlier work is given by Westermann (1971). However, as far as we are aware, the line of reasoning we use, and the data upon which it is founded, are new. Apart from attempts at finding a purely mathematical solution for the problem (an attractive one because the shell approximates a logarithmic spiral), by deter- mining the location of the centre of gravity and the volume of idealized and, of necessity, unornamented shells, there have been attempts to derive conclusions by a combination of deduction and direct observation on particular shell types. The most noteworthy of these trials was made by Trueman (1941). The conclusions drawn in this study have had a remarkably strong and persistent influence on workers in the field, despite the fact that some of his suppositions, such as the asserted posi- tive correlation between the dimensions of the body chamber and those of the chambered portion of the test, are no longer possible to maintain (Reyment 1973). Reyment (1958) made an experimental study of the post-mortal fate of chambered cephalopod shells. No attempts at reconstructing the mode of life of fossil cephalo- pods were made in this work, and all experiments were carried out on models of straight and coiled nautiloids, as well as the shells of two living species of Nautilus. In so far as the results of this work could be applied to buoyancy control inter- pretations of fossil chambered cephalopods, they did not suggest anything other than that the empty Nautilus shell can be brought into hydrostatic equilibrium with seawater by a slight increase in the load of the shell. The work of Bidder (1962) and Denton and Gilpin-Brown (1966) demonstrated that weight adjustments in the shell of Nautilus, for compensating for shifts in the hydrostatic conditions, are made by the secretion or transfer of relatively small quantities of liquid via the siphuncle into the final chambers. The last chamber is normally full or almost full of this liquid and earlier chambers contain progressively less and less of it. The majority of the chambers are gas-filled and empty of liquid. [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 623-636.] 624 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Until we compared notes on our recent research on the ammonoid shell, there did not seem to be any reason to doubt that the ammonite animal functioned in the same way as the living Nautilus, both with respect to the operation of the siphun- cular mechanism and to the approximate number of chambers containing cameral liquid. The results of our studies, Mutvei on the structure and interpretation of the ammonoid siphuncle, and Reyment on the post-mortal properties of ammonoid shells based on experiments on models, have shown that the currently accepted interpretation of the hydrostatic behaviour of the ammonoid shell cannot be sustained without modification and clarification. Acknowledgements. The research accounted for in this paper was supported by Grant 2320-45 of the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. The ammonoid models were made by Mr. Eric Stahl and the illustrations were prepared by Mr. C. G. Andersson and Mrs. Dagmar Engstrom, Uppsala, and Mr. B. Bliicher, Stockholm. BUOYANCY OE EMPTY AMMONOID SHELLS There are two approaches open for the study of the buoyancy of empty ammonoid shells. One is by means of accurately constructed models of shells. The other is by calculations of the buoyancy properties of various kinds of shells, the basic assump- tion being that the growth of the shells has taken place in accordance with the logarithmic spiral. The second approach has an appeal in this day of the computer, but it has the obvious limitation that it can only give an indication of the floating orientation of a particular shell type. At the present stage of its development, it cannot be used to find the proportion of the empty shell that floats above water, nor is it suited for investigations of the critical sinking loads of particular shell types. Study by accurately constructed models of key morphological types is the only really satisfactory means of testing hypotheses on the relative buoyancy properties of chambered shells and their application to palaeoecological reconstructions. However, such models are expensive to make, requiring the assistance of a highly skilled technician with an ability to sculpture, and suitable specimens upon which to base the models are hard to come by. A detailed account of the way in which our models were built is being presented elsewhere (Reyment 1973). They were made from plastic by the method of vacuum-moulding so as to conform exactly to the structure of the actual ammonoid shells upon which they were based. The correct specific weight (Reyment 1958) was obtained by electroplating the model, internally and externally, with a suitable metal. The shell categories here studied by this method are of the ceratitic type, being based on Ceratites nodosus (von Buch), Discoceratites intermedius (Philippi), and Ceratites {Acanthoceratites) spinosus Philippi, selected from the extensive collec- tions in the Paleontologiska Institution. All three possess the same basic shell structure, namely, high whorls, moderately evolute coiling, and moderately strong ventrolateral tuberculation : they differ from each other only in the degree of inflation of the shell. Thus, the Discoceratites is sub-oxynote and the Acanthoceratites is sub-cadicone. MUTVEI AND REYMENT: BUOYANCY OF AMMONOIDS 625 TEXT-FIG. 1. Floating position of Nautilus text-fig. 2. Floating position for model pompilius. Fresh shell obtained from the of Discoceratites. Scale in cm. Solomon Islands. Scale in cm. The important class of highly evolute shells was studied with models based on dactylioceratids. No particular species was used as basis for construction. Flotational experiments. The weight increase required to cause the models of ceratitids to just attain the point of sinking was determined. This may be done in two ways: either by filling larger chambers with water, or by merely weighting the shell with lead shot in the body chamber. The former method is biologically more realistic, while the latter is more expedient and does not damage the models; it has the draw- back that it is accompanied by an unrealistic displacement of the centre of gravity. Although the difference in loads yielded by the two procedures is slight (they cannot be the same because of the load to air volume ratios), the chamber-filling alternative was selected for the present work. Firstly we draw attention to text-fig. 1, which illustrates the floating position of a fresh Nautilus pompilius from the Solomon Islands. This shell, which floats rela- tively low in the water, required no more than an increase of 13% in weight in order to sink. Text-fig. 2 shows the floating position adopted by a model of Discoceratites. It floats very much higher in the water than the Nautilus, 27% of the shell being above water as compared with 10%. Approximate determinations of the buoyancy of the empty shells show that the ceratites require weight increases of from 35% to 45% in order to sink. They are, therefore, when empty about three times more buoyant than the Nautilus. Text-fig. 3 compares, schematically, the load-to-sinking-point relationships for Discoceratites and Acanthoceratites; this is linear as to be expected. As is also to be expected, the more depressed and spacious shell requires a greater load to make it sink than does the compressed shell. Why these substantial differences between the nautiloid and the ammonoids? There 626 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 SHELL PROPORTION ABOVE WATER TEXT-FIG. 3. Load-to-sinking curve for the models of Discoceratites and Acanthoceratites. are several reasons. Firstly, N. pompilius is highly involute and only the chambered part of the last whorl contributes to the uplift (Reyment 1958). The more evolute ceratites have a significantly greater chambered surface area available for uplift involving part of the inner whorls. Secondly, the ceratites have a greater relative cameral volume, owing to their higher whorl sections. Thirdly, ammonoids tend to contain relatively less shell substance for a given conch volume than nautiloids, owing to their mostly thinner walls : this is a well-known fact, most recently studied by Westermann (1971). Fourthly, the ammonites studied in the present connection have a smaller apical angle than the nautiloids, the body chamber does not ‘flare’ pronouncedly in the manner characteristic of N. pompilius and N. scrobiculatus, for example (cf. Reyment 1958, pi. 2). In consequence, the dead weight of the body chamber is less in the ammonoids studied than in the Nautilus species. The differences between the buoyancies of the Nautilus shell and the ceratite models are so great that they exceed any reasonable limits of experimental error. It was ascertained experimentally that even with a construction error of 25% in the shell weight, the buoyancy differences are such as would require special explanation and interpretation. Highly evolute shells. Two models of shells of dactylioceratid type were made. There were two categories considered in this part of the work: those with a body chamber occupying seven-eighths of a whorl, and those with a body chamber occupying one-and-a-third whorls. The floating position taken up by the highly evolute shells was shown to be highly MUTVEI AND REYMENT: BUOYANCY OF AMMONOIDS 627 TEXT-FIG. 4. Floating position for model of dactylio- ceroid shell with a body chamber length of one-and- one-third whorls. Scale in cm. TEXT-FIG. 5. Floating position for model of dactylioceroid shell with a body chamber length of seven-eighths of a whorl. Scale in cm. dependent on the length of the body chamber. The model shown in text-fig. 4 has the greater body chamber. It floats as low in the water as the Nautilus depicted in text-fig. 1. The liquid in the chambers of the living animal would not need to have occupied more than a few of the chambers. The model shown in text-fig. 5 has the smaller body chamber. In order for the ammonite to have been oriented vertically during life, numerous chambers would have had to have been permanently flooded. IMPLICATIONS OF THE BUOYANCY EXCESS OF AMMONOID SHELLS The relative buoyancy of the ammonoid shell becomes greater with increasingly evolute shells; this may in part be offset by an increase in the length of the body chamber. This is a logical outcome of the increase in ‘effective volume’ of the shell in relation to its weight. Thus, the more completely evolute the shell is, the greater is the uplift on it, and the lesser is the downward force due to the shell weight. If the ammonoid animal had the same mode of life as the living Nautilus, certain con- clusions concerning the function of the hydrostatic mechanism of its shell are in- escapable. Empty ammonoid shells more evolute than Nautilus, with the same length of body chamber, must have floated considerably higher in the water. We note in passing that there is a differentiation within the species of living Nautilus', the slightly more evolute N. scrobiculatus floats higher out of the water than does N. pompilius, although there is a slight difference in the apical angles of the whorls of these shells (Reyment 1958). 628 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 It is unfortunate that the surviving genus of chambered cephalopods comprises species whose shell morphologies are not typical of most members of the class, and in particular the ammonoid branch. In fact the atypical nature of the Nautilus shell, with its highly involute shape and large body chamber diameter, may be responsible for obscuring the probable function of the ammonoid shell for so long. For shells of the ceratitid type, with high, subrectangular whorls and moderately evolute shape, more than half of the chambers of the last whorl, and probably all the lower chambers of the second last whorl, must have been entirely filled with cameral liquid if the shell functioned hydrostatically in the same manner as poised shells of living Nautilus. This has certain, albeit minor, consequences for the floating position adopted by the animal in life. Buoyancy adjustments must have been made in the chambers located in the uppermost third of the vertically poised shell, and at least in the last two to three whorls, depending on the nature of the coiling, and the amount of cameral liquid. THE STRUCTURE AND INFERRED FUNCTION OF THE SIPHUNCLE The structure of the wall of the siphonal tube. The position of the siphonal tube in most ammonoids tends to be constant. Except for the ontogenetically oldest part of the shell, it is situated close to the ventral (anatomically posterior, outer) side of the whorls. Its diameter is usually small. Characteristic for the majority of Mesozoic ammonoids, as well as several Palaeozoic ammonoids, is that the septal necks change their direction during the ontogenetic growth of the shell. Thus, in the early stages they are directed towards the shell apex; in the later stages they point towards the body chamber. On the basis of their direction, the septal necks are said to be retro- siphonate and prosiphonate, respectively. The direction of the septal necks is intimately related to the structure and origin of the connecting rings. In Nautilus, which has retrosiphonate septal necks, each connecting ring is composed of an outer spherulitic-prismatic layer and an inner conchiolin layer. The spherulitic-prismatic layer is a direct continuation of that layer in the outer part of the septal neck, whereas the conchiolin layer originates from the nacreous layer of the septal neck (Mutvei 1964u, 1972). On the other hand, the ammonoids with prosiphonate septal necks have connecting rings which seem to be composed solely of a conchiolin layer (Mutvei 1967 ; Erben and Reid 1971). The calcareous prisms and the carbonate fluorapatite in the connecting rings, reported by Birkelund and Hansen (1968) and Andalib (1972), respectively, are probably of secondary origin. As pointed out in a previous paper (Mutvei 1967), the conchiolin layer of the connecting rings does not originate from the nacreous layer of the septal neck, but constitutes a separate shell unit which is secreted after the adjacent septal necks have completed their growth. The latter condition is obvious when we consider the growth of the septal neck. It must have projected into a circular invagination of the body proper (text-figs. 6a, b). The epithelium which lined the outer (peripheral) face of this invagination must have secreted the septal neck, whereas in Nautilus the septal neck is secreted by the epithelium on the proxi- mal portion of the siphonal cord (Mutvei 1964u). Under these circumstances, the conchiolin layer of the connecting ring in prosiphonate ammonoids cannot be a MUTVEI AND REYMENT: BUOYANCY OF AMMONOIDS 629 B TEXT-FIG. 6. A. Reconstruction to show the relationship between the soft body and the shell in a prosiphonate ammonoid. b. Detail of fig. A in a higher magnification to show the ontogenetically youngest, prosiphonate septal neck immediately after its forma- tion. c. Similar reconstruction as in fig. b, but at a somewhat later growth stage, showing the formation of the primary conchiolin membrane of the siphonal tube. In all figures the soft body is dotted and the cameral liquid stippled, e. inv., circular invagina- tion of the soft body; p.m., primary conchiolin membrane of the siphonal tube. continuation of the nacreous layer of the septal neck, as it is in Nautilus (cf. Mutvei 1964fl, 1972). There is, however, a thin conchiolin membrane, here termed the ‘primary membrane’, which covers the outer face of the septal neck and continues as a thin tube to the succeeding septum, where it is fused to the conchiolin layer covering the dorsal (adapical) face of that septum (Mutvei 1967, and unpublished 630 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 scanning electron microscope observations). The primary membrane was probably successively secreted by the epithelium which lined the bottom of the circular in- vagination of the soft body (p.m., text-fig. 6c). The wall of the siphonal tube in the newly formed chamber was consequently very thin in that it consisted only of the septal neck and the primary membrane (text-fig. 7a). This is in sharp contrast with the condition found in Nautilus, where the distal portion of the septal neck and the contiguous connecting ring reach their maximum thickness when only about one- third of the total thickness of the last septum has been attained (Denton and Gilpin- Brown 1966; Mutvei 1972). TEXT-FIG. 7. A. Reconstruction of an early growth stage in a pro- siphonate ammonoid when the wall of the siphonal tube was composed of the septal necks and primary conchiolin membrane only. B. Fully developed wall of the siphonal tube. Inferred function. The above-mentioned differences in the growth of the wall of the siphonal tube between the retrosiphonate Nautilus and the prosiphonate ammonoids have an important functional significance. As demonstrated by Denton and Gilpin- Brown (1966), the new chamber is always completely filled by liquid. This liquid can be pumped osmotically into the siphonal cord through the permeable connecting ring. In Nautilus, with its heavy shell, the removal of the liquid from the new chamber MUTVEI AND REYMENT: BUOYANCY OF AMMONOIDS 631 is accomplished at the fastest possible rate, in order to maintain the buoyancy of the animal, because, as the soft body and the shell continue to grow, they increase in weight. However, this cannot take place before the septal neck, and particularly the contiguous, permeable connecting ring have reached their full thickness and strength to withstand the hydrostatic pressure of the sea. Therefore, the wall of the siphonal tube is required to grow faster than the last septum. On the other hand, as just shown, the shell of most ammonoids was considerably more buoyant than that of Nautilus, and must consequently have contained much more cameral liquid during life in order to have been in hydrostatic equilibrium with seawater. As a result, there was not the same pressing need for the removal of liquid from the shell chambers and the growth of the connecting rings was retarded (Mutvei 1967). Evidence for the latter condition is that the connecting ring in each chamber was deposited on the inner faces of the two successive septal necks, and consequently secreted by the epithelium of the siphonal cord after the formation of these septal necks and the primary membrane was completed (text-fig. 7b). Both ends of the connecting ring are fused to the adjacent septal necks by a calcareous structure, the auxiliary ridge (text-fig. 7b). The auxiliary ridge is also present in Nautilus, but here it only effects the fusion of the distal end of the succeeding connecting ring to the preceding septal neck (Mutvei 1972). As in Nautilus, the emptying of cameral liquid in the ammonoids could have taken place only after the connecting rings had reached their full strength. At which stage this has occurred is still obscure. How- ever, the connecting ring of varying numbers of ontogenetically youngest chambers (up to one whorl) are often absent (Trueman 1920; Westermann 1971), which might indicate that there they were not fully developed and were therefore easily destroyed during diagenesis. Denton and Gilpin-Brown (1966, 1971) have shown that Sepia and Spirula are capable of regulating the volumes of the liquid in their chambers. This is probably also true for Nautilus. For such regulation of the cameral liquid in the ammonoids, a ventral position of the siphonal tube would have been the most advantageous arrangement, and this is supported by the experimental work. FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY A comparison between certain shell characters of Nautilus and ammonoids allows the following conclusions on the functional anatomy of the latter. The body chamber of many ammonoids is much longer than that of Nautilus. The soft body in these ammonoids must therefore also have been correspondingly longer, and in some forms worm-like (text-figs. 8a and b). The short-bodied Nautilus is well adapted for swimming by jet-propulsion. The mantle fold in Nautilus is attached to the shell aperture by the periostracum (Mutvei 1964fl). This is a general feature for all molluscs which secrete an external shell. Unlike the dibranchiate cephalopods with internal shells, the mantle fold of Nautilus therefore contains only a thin muscular layer, the contractions of which are in- sufficient to drive out the water from the mantle cavity. The ammonoids certainly had the same relationship between the mantle fold and the shell aperture as Nautilus. The swimming mechanism in Nautilus has not yet been fully explained. For an 632 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TEXT-FIG. 8. A. Diagrammatic representation of the anatomy in the recent Nautilus, b. Reconstruction of the anatomy in an ammonoid. c.c., cephalic cartilage; ct., ctenidia; /., funnel; m.c., mantle cavity; r.m., paired retractor muscles; r.m.ct., an unpaired muscle, probably representing the retractor muscle of ctenidia. understanding of this mechanism, the following anatomical features must be taken into consideration. The roof above the spacious mantle cavity is formed by a pair of powerful retractor muscles, which originate from the lateral, inner faces of the shell wall {r.m., text-fig. 8a). These muscles extend to the head, where they are rigidly inserted into the cephalic cartilage (c.c., text-fig. 8a). The function of these muscles is not only to attach the soft body to the shell, and withdraw it into the body chamber, as with the columellar muscles in the gastropods. They are also an im- portant part of the swimming equipment of the animal (Griffin 1900; Mutvei 1964/)). In order to test the latter assumption, experiments with anaesthetized animals MUTVEI AND REYMENT: BUOYANCY OF AMMONOIDS 633 of the dibranchiates, Sepia and Loligo, were carried out by H. M. in the summer of 1965 at the Marine Biological Station (ARAGO) at Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. Like other dibranchiate cephalopods, Sepia and Loligo have a highly muscular mantle, the contractions of which are sufficient to produce a powerful water jet. In order to study the action of the mantle musculature, and the retractor muscles of the head and funnel, the mantle of the anaesthetized animals was cut apart so that the mantle cavity was exposed. On touching the hypobranchial ganglia with a needle, rhythmic, simultaneous contractions of all these muscles take place. In all likelihood, similar simultaneous contractions of the muscles in question occur when the animals swim rapidly, as when escaping from an enemy. These experiments make it reasonable to conclude that when Nautilus swims rapidly, the retractor muscles do not remain inactive, but by their contractions create the main force for jet- propulsion. This conclusion is in agreement with the above-mentioned ‘roof-position’ of these muscles above the mantle cavity. During the muscular contractions, the head of the animal is probably slightly withdrawn into the shell, and the roof of the mantle cavity lowered. This would cause a considerable decrease in the volume of the mantle cavity, as a result of which the water is forced out through the funnel (cf. Griffin 1900; Mutvei 19646). For slow swimming movements, and for respiration, the water is expelled from the mantle cavity by contractions of the funnel (Bidder 1962). The myo-adhesive scars for the attachment of the paired retractor muscles to the shell wall have been described in several Mesozoic ammonoids by Crick (1898), Jones (1961), and Jordan (1968). These scars have a constant position, in that they are always situated on the dorsal (anatomically anterior) face of the body chamber, irrespective of the shape of the shell. Contrary to this, the scars of the retractor muscles in the fossil ‘nautiloids’ have a different number and position in different groups (Mutvei 1957, 19646). As in Nautilus, the paired retractor muscles of the ammonoids quite probably extended to the head, where they were inserted into the cephalic cartilage (r.m., c.c., text-fig. 8b; see also Mutvei 19646, fig. 8). Owing to their dorsal position, and to the curvature of the soft body, these muscles must have been situated in the dorsalmost portion of the body over most of their extension, close to the dorsal (anatomically anterior) wall of the body chamber (text-fig. 8b). One may therefore conclude that their topographic relationship to the main mantle cavity was different from that in Nautilus, and this being so, they could not have formed a roof above this cavity (text-fig. 8b; see also Mutvei 19646, fig. 8e). To judge from the probable worm-like body shape of many ammonite species, the main mantle cavity in the ammonoids must also have been long and comparatively narrow {m.c., text-fig. 8b), and thus different from the short and broad mantle cavity in Nautilus {m.c., text-fig. 8a). The number of the ctenidia is still unknown in the ammonoids, but if they were present, their length would probably have been positively correlated with the length of the mantle cavity. Thus, instead of the rather short ctenidia of Nautilus {ct., text-fig. 8a), the ctenidia in the ammonoids may have been long {ct., text-fig. 8b). Taking into account the shape of the mantle cavity, and the topographic relation- ship between this cavity and the paired retractor muscles, one may conclude that most ammonoids would have been incapable of efficient swimming by jet-propulsion. Also, the presence of a funnel, necessary for jet-propulsion and steering, is doubtful 634 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 for certain ammonoids, which in the adult develop an unpaired, ventral, keel-like projection of the apertural margin. On the other hand, the fossil ‘nautiloids’ are always provided with an opening for the funnel. The ammonoids were naturally capable of vertical movement in the sea by means of regulation of the volume of the liquid in the shell chambers. In addition to the paired retractor muscles, the Mesozoic ammonoids also had a small, unpaired muscle in the ventral (anatomically posterior) portion of the body (Jones 1961; Jordan 1968). The myo-adhesive scar for the latter muscle has not yet been found in the Palaeozoic ammonoids (Crick 1898; unpublished observa- tions of H. M.). The extension and function of this unpaired muscle are unknown, but judging from its general position, it may have been homologous with the retractor muscles of the ctenidia in dibranchiate cephalopods {r.m.ct., text-fig. 8b). POST-MORTAL FATE OF AMMONOID SHELLS It is now well known that even recently dead Nautilus shells do not contain any cameral liquid (Bidder 1962; Denton and Gilpin-Brown 1966). How the post- mortal assimilation and loss of this liquid takes place is still a mystery. After the death of the animal, the gases deriving from the processes of decomposi- tion of the carcass soon expel water from the body chamber and inflate the decaying soft parts; the dead animal is driven to the surface. The time taken for this is rela- tively short, usually some few hours. It is therefore clear that at this stage, in the immediate post-mortal phase, the liquid in the chambers remains unaltered in volume. Within a few days at the most, the body parts company with the shell and each passes to its separate fate. Significant conclusions arising here are that : (1) The ammonoid shell with cameral liquid must have been slightly lighter than water (by analogy with living shell- bearing cephalopods); (2) The density of the body of the ammonoid animal must have been higher than that of water (by analogy with living cephalopods); (3) Irre- spective of its structure, the shell and carcass would normally have been forced to the surface shortly after death. Whether or not the ammonoid lost its cameral liquid during the initial post- mortal phase is a matter for conjecture. There is a reasonable likelihood that at least part of the liquid may have been dissipated during this phase, if the observations made on Nautilus have any generality. There is ample evidence for the vertical embedding of fossil cephalopod shells in sediments (Reyment 1970), and there is little doubt that many shells stranded in semifluid sediment or ooze in their vertical floating positions. In view of the com- parative lightness of many ammonoid shells, their relatively high buoyancy, and the necessary requirement of their being lighter than water during life, it is difficult to envisage a situation in which the shell would sink post-mortally without dis- playing evidence for implosion. CONCLUDING REMARKS The structure of the ammonoid siphuncle suggests that it functioned in the same manner as that of living Nautilus, albeit with some modification. The development MUTVEI AND REYMENT: BUOYANCY OF AMMONOIDS 635 from retrosiphonate to prosiphonate septal necks tends to be associated with in- creasing complication of the septa. Secondary simplification of the connecting rings and their retarded growth appears to have been a part of this change. This structural shift could have hardly come about if the ammonoid shell had not evolved in the direc- tion of a buoyancy excess, offset by an increase in the volume of permanent cameral fluid in the living animal. The buoyancy regulation of ammonoid shells probably took place only in those chambers in which the siphuncle had a ventral location, and the cameral liquid, therefore, was in continual contact with the siphuncle. This could be the reason why the majority of the ammonoids had a ventrally located siphuncular tube and why the porous calcareous layers of the siphuncles of many nautiloids, which in living Nautilus function in the manner of a ‘wick’, are absent in ammonoids. The situation just described is applicable to a large number of ammonoid types. However, extremely evolute shells sometimes have body chambers in excess of one whorl length (Reyment 1973). The effect of this is to offset the uplift of the chambered whorls. It is, we believe, certain that this type of shell must have contained consider- ably less cameral liquid than other ammonoids, and could therefore have had a specialized mode of life. Some of our work may cast light on the reason why ammonoids tended to develop complicated cameral sutures with the shell wall. It is no new idea that sutural com- plications evolved as a means of withstanding water pressure while retaining an optimal thinness of the shell wall. The present study has indicated the strong possi- bility of the ammonoids having been poorly suited for swimming and more adapted for vertical movement, perhaps connected with a mode of life related to following the diurnal migration of plankton upon which they may have fed. Small size of the prey is indicated by the shape of the jaws (Kaiser and Lehmann 1971). It might therefore be possible that the primary mode of life of the ammonoids involved the need for continual adjustments to a pressure gradient. There is some indirect evi- dence in support of this interpretation. We know that some ammonites definitely inhabited a shallow-water environment throughout their lives and that they could not have been confronted with the need to adjust to important differences in water pressure. Is this relaxation in the suggested primary mode of life of ammonoids reflected in the suture line? There are several groups of Cretaceous ammonites that inhabited, permanently, shallow seas. The best known of these is the group of the vascoceratids, the main development of which took place in north-western Africa and the Iberian Peninsula during the Lower Turonian. The vascoceratids have often been said to possess a ‘degenerated acanthoceratid suture’. The suture of almost all vascoceratids is indeed greatly simplified in comparison with that of its antecedents and it is not inconceiv- able that this could have resulted as a genetical response to the pressure-independent mode of life followed by these ammonites in the shallow, epeiric, trans-Saharan sea of the Lower Turonian. This vast inland sea began to develop during the late Ceno- manian. At that time it contained the genus Neolobites, characterized by a ‘pseudo- goniatitic’ suture. It reached its maximum extension during the Lower Turonian, during which time it stretched from North Africa, across the Saharan region, to Nigeria. The major part of this transcontinental ocean was extremely shallow: its average depth can hardly have exceeded 10 metres, as indicated by the spread of 636 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 the sediments in relation to the Upper Cretaceous topography. The shells of most vascoceratid species are more stoutly built than is usual in ammonoids and this would suggest that they were adapted to withstand mechanical damage, resulting from wave action in a shallow environment, rather than the force of water pressure. REFERENCES ANDALiB, F. 1972. Mineralogy and preservation of siphuncles in Jurassic cephalopods. N. Jb. Geol. Paldont., Abh. 140, 33-48. BIDDER, A. M. 1962. Use of the tentacles, swimming and buoyancy control in the pearly Nautilus. Nature, 196, 451-454. BIRKELUND, T. and HANSEN, H. J. 1968. Early shell growth and structures of the septa and the siphuncular tube in some Maastrichtian ammonites. Medd. Dansk Geol. Foren. 18, 71-78. CRICK, G. c. 1898. On the muscular attachment of the animal to its shell in some fossil Cephalopoda (Am- monoidea). Trans. Linnean Soc. 7, 71 113. DENTON, E. J. and GILPIN-BROWN, J. B. 1966. On the buoyancy of the pearly Nautilus. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 46, 723-759. 1971. Further observations on the buoyancy of Spirula. Ibid. 51, 362-373. ERBEN, H. K. and REID, E. H. 1971. Ultrastructurc of shell, origin of conellae and siphuncular membranes in an ammonite. Biomineralisation, 3, 22-31. GRIFFIN, L. E. 1900. The anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. Mem. nat. Acad. Sci. 8, 103-197. JONES, D. L. 1961. Muscle attachment impressions in a Cretaceous ammonite. J. Paleont. 35, 502-504. JORDAN, R. 1968. Zur Anatomic mesozoischer Ammoniten nach den Strukturelementen der Gehause- Innenwand. Beih. geol. Jb. 77, 1-64. KAISER, p. and LEHMANN, u. 1971. Vergleichcnde Studien zur Evolution des Kieferapparates rezenter und fossiler Cephalopoden, Paldont. Z. 45, 18-32. MOSELEY, H. 1838. On the geometrical forms of turbinated and discoid shells. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. for 1838, 351-370. MUTVEi, H. 1957. On the relations of the principal muscles to the shell in Nautilus and in some fossil nauti- loids. Ark. Miner. Geol. 2,219-254. 1964a. On the shells of Nautilus and Spirula with notes on the shell secretion in non-cephalopod molluscs. Ark. Zool. 16, 221-278. 19646. Remarks on the anatomy of recent and fossil Cephalopoda. Stockh. Contr. Geol. 11, 79-112. 1967. On the microscopic shell structure in some Jurassic ammonoids. N. Jb. Geol. Paldont., Abh. 129, 157-166. 1972. Ultrastructural studies on cephalopod shells. Part I, The septa and siphonal tube in Nautilus. Bull. geol. Instn. Univ. Uppsala, N.s. 3, 237-261. RAUP, D. M. and CHAMBERLAIN, J. A. 1967. Equations for volume and center of gravity in ammonoid shells. J. Paleont. 41, 566-574. REYMENT, R. A. 1958. Factors in the distribution of fossil cephalopods. Stockh. Contr. Geol. 1, 91-184. 1970. Factors in the distribution of fossil cephalopods, II. Vertically imbedded cephalopod shells. Palaeoec. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. 7, 103-111. 1973. Factors in the distribution of fossil cephalopods: Part 3. Bull. geol. Instn Univ. Uppsala, N.s. 4, 7-41. TRUEMAN, A. E. 1920. The ammonite siphuncle. Geol. Mag. 57, 26-32. 1941. The ammonite body chamber with special reference to the buoyancy and mode of life of the living ammonite. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond., 96, 339-383. WESTERMANN, G. E. G. 1971. Form, structure and function of shell and siphuncle in coiled Mesozoic am- monoids. Life Sci. Contr. R. Ontario Mus., 78, 1-39. H. MUTVEI R. A. REYMENT Paleontologiska Institutionen Uppsala Universitet Box 558 S-75122 Uppsala Typescript received 10 July 1972 Sweden AN UNUSUAL AGGLUTINATING FORAMINIFER FROM THE UPPER CRETACEOUS OF ENGLAND by C. G. ADAMS, R. H. KNIGHT, and R. L. HODGKINSON Abstract. Labyrinthidoma dumptonensis gen. et sp. nov., belonging to the Superfamily Lituolacea, is described from the Chalk of southern England. It has a distinctive mode of growth, chambers with labyrinthic interiors, and cannot be fitted into any of the existing families of the Lituolacea as presently defined. The species described in this paper was first found by one of us (R. H. K.) in the Chalk of Dumpton Bay, Broadstairs, Kent. An intensive search subsequently led to the discovery of numerous additional specimens within the Micraster coranguinum Zone in the coastal sections between the Western Undercliff, Ramsgate, and Kings- gate Bay, Broadstairs (text-fig. 1). For details of the local stratigraphy see Peake (1967a, b). The morphological characters of this species do not conform with those of any previously described genus, and the generic characters are such that the species cannot be fitted readily into the subfamilies of the Lituolidae as presently defined. However, since this merely reflects the imperfection of the existing classification, which is based on genera and species described mainly on their external form, a new family or subfamily is not erected here. It may, perhaps, be thought curious that this relatively large foraminifer should have passed unnoticed in Europe where so much attention has been paid to faunas of Senonian age. However, it has been found in old, undescribed collections in the British Museum (Natural History) under the name Lituola nautiloidea (Lamarck), a species to which it bears a superficial resemblance, and we have no doubt that it will also be found in similar collections elsewhere. All type, described and figured specimens (except PI. 78, fig. 8) are deposited in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History). Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Dr. F. T. Banner (Swansea University) and Mr. D. J. Carter (Imperial College) for examining and eommenting helpfully on some of the material. Thanks are also due to Dr. H. Malz, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main, for facilitating the loan of compara- tive material. One of us (R. H. K.) is grateful for permission to undertake part of this work at Thanet Technical College. Superfamily lituolacea de Blainville 1825 Genus labyrinthidoma nov. Type species. Labyrinthidoma dumptonensis nov. Derivation of name. From the Greek, meaning a labyrinthic house. Diagnosis. Test free, agglutinating. Initially coiled streptospirally in the megalospheric form, later becoming uncoiled. Microspheric form similar, but with a trochospiral [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 637-643, pi. 78.] O 638 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 and/or biserial stage prior to becoming streptospiral. Most chambers labyrinthic; wall canaliculate but non-labyrinthic, not composed of a distinct epidermis and hypodermis. Aperture cribrate. Remarks. The labyrinthic interior, ‘non-labyrinthic walls’ (see below), strepto- spiral coil, and non-adherent habit distinguish this genus from all other described lituolaceans. Labyrinthidoma dumptonensis sp. nov. Plate 78, figs. 1-12; text-figs. 2 and 3 Material. More than 300 specimens, of which three are known to be microspheric. Diagno.sis. As for the genus. Holotype. P. 48623 (PI. 78, fig. 3); a megalospheric form. ADAMS ET AL.\ AGGLUTINATING FORAMINIFER 639 Horizon. Senonian (Upper Coniacian or Lower Santonian: see Barr 1966). Upper Micraster coranguinum Zone, Bedwell’s Columnar Band (see Peake 1967a). Locality. North of Dumpton Gap, Dumpton Bay, Isle of Thanet, Kent (exact position unknown). Description. Megalospheric form. Test finely agglutinating, with a prominent involute streptospiral initial coil com- prising numerous chambers, and a rectilinear portion with up to fifteen chambers; all chambers much wider than high, chambers of uncoiled portion usually subcircular in cross-section. Sutures slightly de- pressed. Chamber walls thick, composed of agglutinated chalk grains, shell debris and other microfossils. TEXT-FIG. 2. Typical external appearance of Labyrinthidoma dumptonensis gen. et sp. nov. and characterized by the presence of numerous randomly arranged cytoplasmic canals. These do not open to the exterior except in slightly abraded specimens. Proloculus followed by up to eight simple cham- bers; all later chambers have labyrinthic interiors. In the rectilinear part of the test, short, stout, irregular vertical partitions project inwards from the wall. The lumen of each chamber is partly occluded with pillars and sinuous partitions of irregular width (PI. 78, fig. 8). Both pillars and partitions are often per- forated by coarse pores. Coil streptospiral, very difficult to see clearly owing to the labyrinthic nature of the chambers. Aperture cribrate with numerous circular or elongate pores, usually on a slightly convex apertural face. Dimensions of holotype. Length 4 0 mm. Width of rectilinear portion 2-2 x 2-8 mm. Width of coiled portion 2-7 x 2 0 mm. Height of chambers in rectilinear portion up to 0-50 mm. 640 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TEXT-FIG. 3. Semi-diagrammatic representations of the initial stages of three microspheric individuals, (a) Speci- men with a clear trochospiral or biserial stage; (b and c) Two dissected specimens showing some of the early cham- bers. The uniserial appearance is believed to be an accident of dissection. Microspheric form. Externally similar to the megalospheric form. Proloculus followed by a high trocho- spiral coil or biserial stage (up to 0-53 mm in length) comprising at least 1 1 chambers. This is followed by a streptospiral coil in which the chambers quickly become labyrinthic. The last few chambers are recti- linear as in the megalospheric generation. The earliest stage of growth is difficult to describe accurately from the three specimens presently avail- able. The best individual (PI. 78, figs. 4 and 5; text -fig. 3u) starts with a high trochospiral or biserial stage while the other two appear to be uniserial— a condition probably resulting from damage during dissection. Variation. Proloculus. Sectioned and dissected specimens show that the megalospheric form has a large subglobular proloculus. Although accurate measurements have not been possible, the internal diameter appears to be over 0-4 mm in the five specimens in which it is visible. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 78 Figs. 1-12. Labyrinthidoma dumptonensis sp. nov. 1, Dissection of megalospheric form showing strepto- spiral coil and several uncoiled chambers, x 12. P.48627. Bedwell’s Columnar Band, Western Under- cliff Promenade, Ramsgate, Kent. 2, External view of large specimen, x 10. P.48628. South of Joss Bay, Broadstairs, Kent. See also fig. 12. 3, Holotype, x 10. P.48623. The partially dissected initial coil shows a cavity which may mark the position of the proloculus. Cf. fig. 1 . North of Dumpton Gap, Kent. 4, Thin section of microspheric form showing three phases of growth beginning with a high trochoid spire orbiserial stage, xll-5. P.48638. South of Dumpton Gap, Kent. 5, Enlargement of initial stage of fig. 4, x33. 6, Branched specimen with partly abraded surface, x9-5. P.48630. In flint pebble from beach at Pegwell Bay, Kent. 7, Thin section through uncoiled chambers showing internal partitions and wall structure, x 12. P.48639. 8, Transverse cut through an uncoiled chamber showing vertical internal pillars and short radial plates, x 10. Specimen destroyed during serial sectioning. 9, In- ternal cast of the uncoiled portion of a test after removal of the wall with dilute acid, x 10-5. P. 48625. 10, Typical apertural view, x 12. P.48626. 1 1, Part of a septal face showing canals and spongy texture, X 1 30. P.48947. 12, Apertural face of specimen shown in fig. 2, x 10. P.48628. Note incipient branching. All in situ specimens from the Upper Chalk, Micraster coranguinum Zone, Kent. PLATE 78 ADAMS, KNIGHT, and HODGKINSON, Labyrinthidoma 642 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Spire. The initial coil is always tight in the megalospheric form and usually comprises 2-3 streptospiral whorls. However, the plane of coiling appeared to change abruptly by 90° in one specimen, while in another a reversal of coiling was observed. The high trochospiral or biserial stage of the microspheric form has been seen in three individuals and is not the result of fortuitous sections through specimens which happen to have incorporated the shell of another species in the wall. Bartenstein (1952) illustrated a specimen of Lituola irregularis irregularis (Roemer) from the Campanian of Hannover which seemed to have grown round a Heterohelix globulosa seen in the centre of the spire. He noted that this was quite a common phenomenon, but did not indicate whether the individuals concerned were microspheric or megalospheric. Kaever (1971) described specimens which undoubtedly include a biserial stage in microspheric forms from the Santonian of Dortmund-Eving. The present specimens resemble those described by Kaever in their mode of growth, but not in their internal structure. Uncoiled portion. This varies considerably in length and may comprise up to eighteen chambers. Some broken specimens, believed to belong to this species but lacking an initial coil, possess up to 26 rectilinear chambers. A few of the larger specimens either branch or show a tendency to branch (PI. 78, figs. 6 and 12). Branched individuals have the same wall structure and labyrinthic interior as unbranched specimens. Apertures. Up to 31 (normally 16-18) circular, subcircular or elongate pores have been observed in some of the larger specimens. They are usually irregularly disposed over the apertural face (PI. 78, fig. 10) which is often slightly convex. Wall. Finely granular, incorporating shell fragments, spicules, small foraminifera (miliolids, bolivinids, and globigerinids), and chalk grains. Abraded or broken surfaces reveal large numbers of fine cytoplasmic canals from 10-40 /j.m in diameter. They are randomly oriented and are particularly well seen on broken septal faces. The wall is non-labyrinthic in the sense of Loeblich and Tappan (1964, C61), since it does not contain interlaced dendritic channels perpendicular to the surface. It is, nevertheless, spongy, albeit on a finer scale than in species with typical labyrinthic walls. Labyrinthic interior. The chamber roofs are supported peripherally by short, stout, radial plates, and centrally by vertical, thick, smoothly finished, sinuous, irregular partitions and pillars. These partially occlude the lumen of each chamber, but leave intercommunicating spaces of irregular size and shape into which the apertures open. Size. Length 1-9 10 0 mm (mean 4-7 mm). Length (uncoiled portion) up to 7-2 mm (mean 2-5 mm). Width (coil) T5-4-6 mm (mean 2-8 mm). Width (uncoiled portion) up to 3-6 mm. Number of chambers visible in coil 8-22 (mean 15). Number of chambers visible in uncoiled portion up to 18 (mean 7). Measurements made on forty well-preserved specimens. Broken individuals suggest that some may have been larger than these measurements indicate. Affinities. Labyrintliidoma clearly belongs to the Superfamily Lituolacea, but does not fit readily into any of the families or subfamilies as presently defined. Pokorny (1958) appears to be the only person to have figured specimens which may be conspecific with those described here. He referred his material to Coscino- phragma cribrosa (Reuss). However, although there is some doubt about the accuracy of Reuss’s original description, Coscinophragma is believed to be an adherent genus lacking an initial coil and possessing labyrinthic walls (Loeblich and Tappan 1964). It gives its name to the subfamily Coscinophragmatinae (family Lituolidae). The types of C. cribrosa are from the Upper Cretaceous of Czechoslovakia. Secondary transverse septa occur in some members of the family Lituolidae, e.g. Labyrinthina Weynschenk, while at least one genus, Navarella Ciry and Rat, has a ADAMS ET AL.\ AGGLUTINATING FORAMINIFER 643 fully streptospiral initial coil. On the other hand, no known member of this family has a biserial or trochospiral initial stage. The family Ataxophragmiidae includes Coprolithina Marie, a genus with radial partitions and a trochospiral coil but lacking internal pillars. Only in the Pavoni- tinidae is the complexity of the internal structure similar to that of Labyrinthidoma, but the mode of growth of the present specimens, particularly in the initial and adult stages, is rather different from anything known in this family. The fact that the microspheric form of Labyrinthidoma combines characters best seen in three different families of the Lituolacea reflects our ignorance of the mode of growth of this generation throughout the superfamily and indicates that the classification is defective. For this reason no attempt is made to assign Labyrinthidoma to a family. The existence of a biserial stage in Lituola irregularis prompted Kaever (1971) to speculate that it might represent a planktonic phase in the life cycle. While this is possible, it is more likely to indicate that the ancestral form is to be found amongst the numerous small biserial and triserial agglutinating benthic species known from the Mesozoic. REFERENCES BARR, F. T. 1966. The foraminiferal genus Bolivinoides from the Upper Cretaceous of the British Isles. Palaeontology, 9, 220-243, pis. 34-38. BARTENSTEiN, H. 1952. Taxonomische Bemerkungen zu den Ammobaculites, Haplophragmium, Lituola und venvandten Gattungen. (For.). Senckenbergiana, 33, 313-342, pis. 1-7. KAEVER, M. 1971. Recherches sur le Foraminifere Lituola irregularis (Roemer). C.r. somm. Seance. Soc. geol. Fr., 35-37. LOEBLiCH, A. R. and TAPP AN, H. 1964. Sarcodina chiefly Thecamoebians’ and Foraminiferida. In moore, R. c. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part C, Protista 2. Kansas. PEAKE, N. B. 1967a. The Coastal Chalk of North-east Thanet. Itinerary 2, Geol. /I55. Guides No. 30B; The London Region (South of the Thames), 14-19. 1967Z). North Kent Coast— Pegwell Bay. 2. The Chalk in Pegwell Bay. Itinerary 8, Ibid. 30-31. POKORNY, V. 1958. Grundzuge der zoologischen Mikropaldontologie, Bd. 1, v-xii-|-582 pp., figs. 1-549. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin. C. G. ADAMS and r. l. hodgkinson Department of Palaeontology British Museum (Natural History) London SW7 5BD R. H. KNIGHT 34 Foads Lane Cliffsend Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5JP Typescript received 14 July 1972 ^■Y' •Vt>". -v’'- i ui .• > SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OE LATEX CASTS OF FOSSIL PLANT IMPRESSIONS by W. G. CHALONER and M. M. GAY Abstract. Rubber latex casts of fossil lycopod stem impressions in fine-grained matrices may be subjected to scanning electron microscopy to reveal details of the original epidermal structure. This technique offers the potential of obtaining microscopic detail from plant impression fossils even if the cuticle is not preserved. Impressions of plant surfaces on a rock matrix are generally regarded as a rather poor and uninformative type of fossil. Where some of the coalified plant material has survived, from which a cuticle may be prepared by maceration (a ‘compression fossil’), then this may be subjected to microscopic examination, and the value of the fossil to a palaeobotanist is proportionately greater. In reviews of methods of investigating fossil plants, it is generally suggested that impression fossils will reveal only the outline of the plant material, and perhaps in the case of leaf impressions, the venation pattern. This paper is an account of a method of further investigating such impression fossils by preparing a rubber latex cast of the surface, and photo- graphing the microtopography of the cast by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Latex replicas have been in use in palaeontology for some years, for preparing casts and moulds of fossils (Rigby and Clark 1965). The application of SEM to such replicas appears to have considerable potential for revealing epidermal features— cell outlines, position and orientation of stomata, hairs, etc., in a class of plant fossils which is not generally rated as susceptible to microscopic examination. The use of SEM in palaeobotany has recently been thoroughly reviewed by Taylor (1968), Muir (1970fl, b), and Snigirevskaya (1971). These and other authors have empha- sized the value of SEM in studies of spores (Leffingwell and Hodgkin 1971; Reyre 1971), of wood (Alvin and Muir 1969), and of cuticles (Boulter 1971), but its applica- tion to plant impression fossils does not seem to have been exploited. MATERIAL AND METHOD A typical plant ‘impression fossil’ shows on the rock surface a mould of the outer surface of the organ, with a microtopography which is ‘negative’ with respect to the original surface, so that stomatal cavities appear as small protrusions, and so on. A rubber latex cast of such an impression or mould gives a replica of the original plant surface. The quality of such a plant impression fossil appears to depend largely on : 1. The extent to which the original plant tissue surface showed a topography reflecting underlying epidermal or subepidermal features. In some cases, as cell contents collapsed post-mortem, the outer surface of the cell walls may even show more of the underlying cell arrangement than was the case in life. 2. The rapidity with which the plant material became incorporated and the accruing [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 3, 1973, pp. 645-649, pi. 79.] 646 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 sediment formed a mould in juxtaposition to it, before microbial activity or diagenesis caused collapse and loss of structure of the outer surface of the plant tissue. 3. The particle size of the matrix (whether clastic, or more or less syngenetic in character); the smaller the effective particle size, obviously the greater the fidelity of the mould to the minutiae of the original microtopography. In the latex replicas of plant impression fossils in fine-grained matrices that we have examined, the SEM even at magnifications of up to 10 000 times has revealed surprisingly little detail of the particulate nature of the matrix, and does not resolve any texture induced by the character of the latex itself. The latex, once dried at room temperature for 24 hours, withstands both the exposure to vacuum involved in specimen coating and the electron beam itself. Shrinkage of the latex cast appears to be insignificant ; specimens up to 6 months old showed a linear shrinkage of less than 3%. No special study of the possibilities of differential contraction was attempted, but clearly if size or shape dif- ferences of this order were consequential, this aspect would need further consideration. In a preliminary investigation, we have found that Carboniferous argillaceous sediments may retain a high degree of epidermal detail of lycopod stems, capable of being picked up on a latex replica. The most satisfactory results have been obtained from specimens from which the coaly plant material has either been burnt off or removed from the mineral matrix by weathering. Either of these processes reveals a surface of matrix with the highest possible fidelity to the original plant surface microtopography. A less satisfactory result is obtained where the impression has been exposed by a fracture plane running more or less along the interface between matrix and coaly material. The advantages of the method of SEM examination of latex replicas are: 1. The method reveals epidermal characters on specimens which, lacking a cuticle, would not previously have been rated capable of yielding such detail. 2. In addition, this procedure may reveal cellular character on surfaces which have never had a cuticle (e.g. lycopod leaf abscission scars) — see PI. 79, fig. 2. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 79 Replicas in latex of leaf cushions of Lepidodendron (fig. 6), showing epidermal detail under the scanning electron microscope (figs. 1-5). Figs. 1-4, 6. Lepidodendron subdichotomum Sterzel, sensu Thomas, from old tip heap, Radstock Colliery (Nat. Grid. ref. 696 554), British Museum (Natural History) V 67053. Specimen probably from Radstock Group (Westphalian D) or possibly from the underlying Farrington Group. Fig. 1. Leaf cushion with scar, x28. Fig. 2. Detail of leaf scar surface, with vascular scar, and on either side the two parichnos, x68. Fig. 3. Detail of ligule pit, the fissure abutting obliquely on upper edge of leaf scar. (Hole to right of ligule pit is artifact caused by an air bubble in the matrix), x 205. Fig. 4. Stomata on lower field of the leaf cushion : note clarity with which surrounding epidermal cell walls appear on the latex surface, and the stomatal apertures within the two stomatal depressions, X 900. Fig. 5. Single stoma from the leaf cushion just above the leaf scar on a specimen of Lepidodendron vel- theimii Sternberg (I.G.S., Kidston Collection No. 5115) from the Edge Coal Group, Stirling, Scotland, x600. Fig. 6. A photograph, with oblique illumination, of a white latex rubber cast (‘positive’) prepared from the same specimen of Lepidodendron subdichotomum as figs. 1-4, X 10. Figs. 1, 4, and 5 were taken on a Cambridge S600; Figs. 2 and 3, on a Cambridge Stereoscan. PLATE 79 CHALONER and GAY, latex casts of fossil plants 648 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 3. The fossil is left completely intact, which is an obvious advantage in a figured or type specimen. 4. A latex cast may be prepared from a relatively large specimen (e.g. in a museum), which could never itself be subjected directly to scanning microscopy by any other means. The resulting cast may readily be removed, or sent through the post, without needing to move the original specimen. 5. An incidental advantage is the homogeneity of the latex cast, in terms of its secondary electron emission (forming the SEM image). This contrasts with a clastic matrix which, if of petrologically heterogeneous nature, will give a varied secondary emission under the SEM unrelated to the microtopography. TECHNICAL DETAILS Casting. We have prepared casts from a number of Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian plants. The surface of Lepidodendrid stems shows a surprising amount of detail; this is evidently because partial collapse of the original epidermal cells of the leaf cushion of these plants produces a surface topography reflecting their underlying structure. General information on the preparation of rubber latex casts is given in Rigby and Clark (1965). We have found that the product marketed as ‘Revultex’ (Bellman, Ivey, and Carter Ltd., 385b Grand Drive, London, S.W. 20) gives satisfactory results. A first coat is applied using the liquid diluted with an equal volume of water, and is worked into the surface of the fossil with a fine brush to ensure contact with depressions in the surface. Subsequent layers should be applied only after each coat has dried completely. The setting of the latex may be accelerated by placing a table lamp immediately above the latex-covered fossil. For a large surface (greater than 10 x 10 cm) the latex may be strengthened with gauze bandage or other textile applied to the wet surface of the third or subsequent layer of latex. In some cases (especially with museum specimens) it was found that the first cast carried a good deal of air-bome dust and other extraneous matter, and a second or even third cast gave a cleaner subject for SEM study. However, it was also found that once dry, a latex cast could be washed free of much of this debris with soap and water without loss of cellular detail. Coating. We found that latex with white pigment (supplied by the manufacturer) gave particularly good results; the white surface is more satisfactory for examination by light microscopy prior to SEM study. Suitable pieces of the latex replica were cut out and mounted on stubs with ‘Durofix’ cement, painted around the margin with ‘silver dag’, and coated using carbon-paladium rods in an arc in an Edwards ‘Speedivac’ 12E6 high vacuum coating unit. Multi-directional coating was achieved by rotating the stubs on an improvised disc mounted eccentrically on the rotating spindle of the unit, set at 6 cm from the arcing source. The stubs were given two coatings in this way, being rotated through about 45° individually (with respect to the rotating disc) between each coating operation. Fifteen 1 -second bursts of arcing were found to give an adequate coating under these conditions. RESULTS We have used this method successfully on a number of Palaeozoic lycopod stem impressions {Lepidodendron, Sigillaria, Lepidodendropsis, and Lycopodiopsis). The type of detail revealed is shown for two species of Lepidodendron in PI. 79, figs. 1-6. The depressed stomata characteristic of the Lepidodendrids (Thomas 1966, 1970) show as a particularly clear feature of microtopography on these specimens— probably rather more so than would be the case with other plant groups. A specimen of Lepidodendron subdichotomum from the Westphalian C or D of Radstock forms the basis of figs. 1-4 and fig. 6. This specimen had evidently been burnt off, probably by combustion of the tip heap on which it was collected. A white latex cast of part of the stem surface showing leaf scars and cushions is shown in fig. 6, taken with CHALONER AND GAY: MICROSCOPY OF PLANTS 649 oblique illumination. Figs. 1-3 show the leaf cushion, the leaf scar, and part of the adjoining cushion surface under SEM at successively higher magnification: these show detail of the cellular pattern on the abscission surface (fig. 2) in addition to the parichnos and vascular cicatricule; the ligule pit is seen as a small fissure abutting on the upper edge of the leaf scar (fig. 3). Stomata show clearly among the epidermal cells on the leaf cushion surface : the orientation of their long axes is evident, and in some cases the stomatal aperture appears in the cast (fig. 4). A single stoma from another species, L. veltheimii is shown in fig. 5 for comparison. (This specimen, in the Kidston Collection, No. 5115, is cited in Crookall 1964, p. 302). While this technique has proved successful with a limited number of Palaeozoic plant fossils, it could equally be applied to many types of animal fossils where microtopography is likely to be preserved, such as the chitinous covering of arthropods and the cal- careous shells and tests of other invertebrates. No doubt other means of preparing replicas of the surface may give equally good results, but latex has the ability to accommodate to large re-entrant features in the topography, while picking up with equally high precision the microscopic details of the surface. Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a grant made to one of us (W. G. C.) by the Royal Society towards the purchase of a scanning electron microscope, S600, and to Professor C. H. Carlisle and Mr. N. Moore of Birkbeck College for help with microscopy on the ‘Stereoscan’ instrument in their charge. REFERENCES ALVIN, K. L. and MUIR, M. D. 1969. Scanning Electron Microscopy— a new method of studying lignite. Rev. Palaeobotan. Palynol. 9, 115-118. BOULTER, M. c. 1971. Fine details of some fossil and recent conifer leaf cuticles. In heywood, v. h. (ed.). Scanning Electron Microscopy, Systematic and Evolutionary Applications. Systematics /I55. Spec. Vol. No. 4, 211-235. CROOKALL, R. 1964. Fossil plants of the Carboniferous rocks of Great Britain. Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. 4(3), 217-354. LEFFiNGWELL, H. A. and HODGKIN, N. 1971. Techniques for preparing fossil palynomorphs for study with the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Rev. Palaeobotan. Palynol. 11, 177-199. MUIR, M. 1970fl. A new approach to the study of fossil wood. Proc. 3rd Annual Electron Micr. Symp. 129- 136. 19706. Scanning electron microscopy in palynology. Rev. Palaeobotan. Palynol. 10, 85-97. REYRE, Y. 1971. Interpretation Botanique des Pollens Inapertures du Mesozoique Saharien. Essai de Classification d’apres I’Observation en Microscopic Electronique a Balayage. In heywood, v. h. (ed.). Scanning Electron Microscopy, Systematic and Evolutionary Applications. Systematics .4^5. Spec. Vol. No. 4, 145-154. RIGBY, j. K. and CLARK, D. L. 1965. Casting and Moulding. In kummel, b. and raup, d. (eds.). Handbook of Paleontological Techniques, 389-413. San Francisco and London, Freeman & Co. SNiGiREVSKAYA, N. s. 1971. Application of the Scanning Electron Microscope in Botany. Botanicheski Zhurnal, 56, 549-558. (In Russian.) TAYLOR, T. N. 1968. Application of the scanning electron microscope in paleobotany. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 87, 510-515. THOMAS, B. A. 1966. The cuticle of the Lepidodendroid stem. New Phyt. 65, 296-303. 1970. Epidermal studies in the interpretation of Lepidodendron species. Palaeontology, 13, 145-173. W. G. CHALONER M. M. GAY Botany Department Department of Botany and Microbiology Birkbeck College University College Malet Street Gower Street Typescript received 7 August 1972 London, W.C. 1 London, W.C. 1 k kr.k 't.r ' ' %. ■ . :'i V- •f ' THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The Association was founded in 1957 to further the study of palaeontology. It holds meetings and demonstrations as well as publishing Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology. Membership is open to individuals, institutions, libraries, etc. on payment of the appropriate annual subscription ; Institutional membership .... £10 00 (U.S. $26.00) Ordinary membership .... £5 00 (U.S. $13.00) Student membership .... £3-00 (U.S. $8.00) There is no admission fee. Institute membership is only available by direct application, not through agents. 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HAHN 551 Symbiotic relationships between ectoprocts and gastropods, and ectoprocts and hermit crabs in the French Jurassic T. J. PALMER and C. D. HANCOCK 563 Palynologic correlation of the Dorset ‘Wealden’ N. F. HUGHES and C. A. CROXTON 567 Isotopic ratios and Wealden environments P. ALLEN, M. L. KEITH, F. C. TAN, and P. DEINES 607 Buoyancy control and siphuncle function in ammonoids H. MUTVEi and R. a. reyment 623 An unusual agglutinating foraminifer from the Upper Cretaceous of England C. G. ADAMS, R. H. KNIGHT, and R. L. HODGKINSON 637 Scanning electron microscopy of latex casts of fossil plant impressions W. G. CHALONER and M. M. GAY 645 Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford by Vivian Ridler, Printer to the University Palaeontology VOLUME 16 ■ PART 4 NOVEMBER 1973 Published by The Palaeontological Association • London Price C5 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The Association publishes Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology. 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(for 1971): Fish from the Freshwater Lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, with Comments on the Palaeo-environment, by m. waldman. 130 pp., 37 text-figs., \% plates. Price £5 (U.S. $13.00). 10. (for 1971): Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia, by r. h. bate. 148 pp., 43 text-figs., 27 plates. Price £5 (U.S. $13.00). 1 1. (for 1972): Stromatolites and the Biostratigraphy of the Australian Precambrian and Cambrian, by m. r. WALTER. 268 pp., 55 text-figs., 34 plates. Price £10 (U.S. $26.00). 12. (for 1973); Organisms and Continents through Time. A Symposium Volume of 23 papers edited by N. F. HUGHES. 340 pp., 132 text-figs. Price £10 (U.S. $26.00) (published with the Systematics Asso- ciation). SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Typescripts on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigraphical palaeontology are invited. They should conform in style to those already published in this journal, and should be sent to The Secretary, P.A. Publications Committee, Department of Geology, Sedgwick Museum, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, England, who will supply detailed instructions for authors on request (these are published in Palaeontology, 15, pp. 676-681). © The Palaeontological Association, 1973 Cover illustration: Ancyrodelta element (Conodont), Cashaqua Shale, Upper Devonian, New York State, x70. A NEW SILURIAN ECHINOID GENUS FROM SCOTLAND by PORTER M. KIER Abstract. A new genus and species of echinoid, Aptilechinus caledonensis, is described from the Silurian (Llandovery) of Scotland. This species, the sixth known from the Silurian, is a flexible echinoid belonging to the family Lepido- centridae. It is unusual in having its largest spines attached to the ambulacra. A NEW Silurian echinoid is described from the Pentland Hills of Scotland. This discovery is of great importance because of the rarity of echinoids of this age, and the sweeping evolutionary changes which were occurring in echinoids during this time. Only five Silurian echinoids are known : Echinocystites pomum Thomson, Myriastiches gigas Sollas, and Palaeodiscus ferox Salter from Great Britain, Gotlandechinus balticus Regnell from Sweden, and Koninckocidaris sUurica Jackson from the United States. The addition of the sixth adds considerably to our understanding of the evolu- tion of these primitive species. Although the specimens are preserved as moulds and are flattened, many minute details of their tests are visible. The most unusual morphological feature, one that would have given it a most ‘peculiar’ appearance in life, as reconstructed on text- fig. 4, is the presence of the largest spines on the ambulacra, and their absence on most of the interambulacral plates. One of these spines occurs beside each porepair; with presumably a function of protecting the tubefeet from predators. A few of the more adoral of these spines could have been used for locomotion, but probably the echinoid ‘walked’ mainly on the numerous peristomial spines. Structurally, Aptilechinus possesses many of the characters which would be expected in a Silurian echinoid according to the evolutionary trends described by Kier (1965) for these flexible echinoids. The ambulacra are not expanded adorally, and the pore- pairs are near the perradial suture as typical in Silurian flexible echinoids. The radial water vessel is covered, as in many early Paleozoic echinoids, but it lacks the groove on the exterior along the perradial suture found in most of the other Silurian echinoids. The regularity of the shape of its plates coincides with that found in some other Silurian echinoids such as Koninckocidaris and Myriastiches, and its small, high test with few plates is typically primitive. There appears to be in this genus only a single genital plate lacking genital pores. Although the apical area is not well preserved in any of the specimens, enough of the area is visible on several specimens to convince me that only one genital plate was present. Thus the absence of the other four genital plates and the lack of genital pores in the single madreporitic-genital plate is to be expected in echinoids from the Ordovician and Silurian. The Ordovician genera Aulechinus, Ectinechinus, and Eothuria have only one genital plate with no genital pore as does the Silurian Echino- cystites. The apical system is not known in the Silurian Myriastiches, and the apical system is not clear in Palaeodiscus. According to Jackson (1912, p. 286, pi. 20, fig. 5) [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 1973, pp. 651-663, pis. 80-83.] 652 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 there is more than one genital plate in the Silurian Koninckocidaris silurica Jaekson, but this figure shows no genital pores. However, this speeies is based on only a frag- ment showing the interior, and until this specimen has been found and re-examined, the presence and character of these genital plates is not certain. The earliest echinoid which definitely has more than one genital plate is the Devonian Lepidechinoides whitnalli in which Cooper (1931, p. 138) found a genital plate at the head of each interambulacrum, and each genital plate had numerous genital pores. This is also the earliest known Paleozoic echinoid that has genital pores. Therefore, it is apparent that the development of genital pores and more than one genital plate in the Paleozoic echinoids occurred at some time in the Silurian or Devonian. Stratigraphical and geographical occurrence of echinoids. These specimens were collected by Mr. David Hardie from Silurian rocks of the Pentland Hills, Midlothian, Scotland and purchased by the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh in 1897. They are labelled ‘Starfish Bed’, Gutterbom Bum, Pentland Hills. Dr. Robin Cocks of the British Museum (Natural History) has examined the material and believes that the locality data are correct, and states that these beds belong to the crenulata Zone, which is latest Llandovery (Cocks, Holland, Rickards, and Strachan, 1971, fig. 9). The beds and their fauna have been described by Lamont (1947, pp. 193-208, 289-303), who later (1952, p. 27) proposed that they be referred to a new division of the Silurian System called ‘Pentlandian’. He also considered them to be Gala-Tarannon (equivalent to latest Llandovery) in age. Order echinocystitoida Jackson Family lepidocentridae Loven APTiLECHiNUS gen. nov. The test is flexible, composed of regularly shaped plates with the interambulacral plates imbricating adapically and laterally, and the ambulacral plates imbricating adorally and under the interambulacra. The apical system has one genital plate lack- ing genital pores and there are five ocular plates. The ambulacra are composed of two columns of plates in each area, and do not broaden adorally. The porepairs are situated near the perradial suture in well-developed peripodia. On the interior, each ambulacral plate has an elevated process forming an arched covering for the radial water vessel. The interambulacra are composed of four columns of regularly shaped plates. One large spine is attached to each ambulacral plate and to a few of the most adorally situated interambulacral plates. Small spines occur on the ambulacral and interambulacral plates, and pedicellariae were probably present. The surface of the plates are deeply pitted. The peristome is covered with many low, strongly imbricate EXPLANATION OF PLATE 80 Ligs. 1-3. Aplilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. 1, Adoral view of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.537A showing portion of two interambulacra and three ambulacra. Note small spines on some of the interambulacral plates, and larger spines on ambulacral plates, x 5. A drawing of the plate arrangement of this specimen is on text-fig. 3. 2, Side view of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.537B (holotype) showing presence of four columns of plates in each interambulacrum with the median column overlapping laterally the others, and the long ambulacral spines, x 5. A drawing of the plate arrangement of this specimen is on text- fig. 2. 3, Interambulacral plates of latex pull in fig. 2 showing the pitted surface of the plates, and the single protuberance or peg on each plate which probably served for attachment of a spine or pedicellaria, X 15. PLATE 80 KIER, Silurian echinoid 654 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 ambulacral plates and a few interambulacral plates. Jaws, braces, and longitudinally ridged grooved teeth have been found. Type species. Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. Comparison with other genera. This genus clearly belongs in the order Echinocystitoida because of its strongly imbricate plates with the ambulacral plates bevelling under the interambulacra and adorally over each other, and the interambulacral plates imbrica- ting adapically. It is referred to the family Lepidocentridae because it has only two columns in each ambulacrum. Aptilechinus is easily distinguished from the Silurian genera of this family, Palaeodiscus, Myriastiches, and Koninckocidaris. Myriastiches has many more plates, lacks larger spines on the ambulacra, and has a much less developed covering over its radial water vessel. Palaeodiscus is easily distinguished by the external groove in its ambulacra, lack of covering over the radial water vessel, and wider ambulacra with lower plates, lacking larger spines. Too little is known of the Silurian species of Koninckocidaris to compare it with Aptilechinus. The holotype and only known specimen of K. silurica Jackson is a fragment showing only part of the interior of the test, and it is not possible from Jackson’s figures to discern the character of the interior of the ambulacral plate. Unfortunately, this holotype is not at the University of Rochester, as reported by Jackson, and is presumably lost. Aptilechinus differs from the Ordovician genera Aulechinus, Ectinechinus, and Eothuria in having more regularly arranged interambulacral plates, its porepairs more distant from the median suture, its pores completely divided from each other, and well-developed spines. It differs from the Devonian Lepidechinoides in having its radial water vessel covered, its porepairs much nearer the perradial suture, larger ambulacral spines, and smaller interambulacral spines. The Devonian Albertechinus and Lepidocentrus have primary tubercles on the interambulacra, and Porechinus is easily distinguished by its ambulacral plates which have the inner pore of each pair open. Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. Material. The specimens are preserved as impressions in a silty shale whose grains are small enough to preserve minute details of the test. All the specimens are flattened, with the plates somewhat shifted but not disassociated. There are impressions of twenty-one specimens, six of which have been collected with their counterparts. Both the interior and exterior of portions of the echinoids are visible, but none of the calcite of the tests is preserved. Presumably, the echinoids were covered and killed by the sediment in which they now occur. Although EXPLANATION OF PLATE 81 Figs. 1-3. Aptilechinus caledonensis s,p. nov. 1, Adapical view of latex pull of RSM 1 897. 32. 538B showing the small apical system. Several of the ocular plates are visible; the single large plate is probably the madreporite, x 5. 2, A brace on specimen in fig. 1, x 10. 3, View of portion of ambulacrum of specimen in fig. 1 showing position of porepairs near perradial suture, and greater height adradially of each plate when not overlapped by adjacent plates. Note long striated spines with deep concavity at their bases. These spines were evidently attached to the single nodes occurring on each ambulacral plate visible slightly adradial and adapical to the outside pore of each porepair, x 10. 4, Side view of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.551 showing two interambulacra and three ambulacra, x5. PLATE 81 KIER, Silurian echinoid 656 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 the spines have shifted slightly, they are still very near to where they were attached to the individual echinoid. Most of the ambulacral spines extend vertically from the ambulacra, showing that the echinoids were not disturbed after death by predators or currents. Size. It is difficult to estimate the original size of the specimens because many are only partially preserved, and all are flattened. A rough estimate was possible on twelve of the twenty-one specimens, with the smallest estimated to have been 14 mm high, the largest 30 mm and the average 20 mm. These estimates are probably accurate to within 20%. Shape. Three specimens are flattened sideways with little oblique distortion, therefore preserving what appears to be the original profile (PI. 80, fig. 2; PI. 82, figs. 1, 2). The test is higher than wide with a width approximately 80% of the height. A reconstruction of the original shape of the test is given on text-fig. 4. Apical system. In none of the specimens is the apical system well preserved, but on three specimens portions of it are present. The system was very small, with a diameter equal to approximately 25% of the diameter of the test. There were five ocular plates but probably only one genital plate. Four ocular plates are preserved on specimen RSM 1897.32.5388 (PI. 81, fig. 1). These plates are wider than high, approximately IT mm wide, and have a smoothly curved dorsal margin, and a straight ventral margin. The dorsal part of the plate is thin with coarse-lattice structure, whereas the ventral part is thickened, prominently elevated, and lacks this coarse-lattice structure. A single indentation on the ventral portion of each plate may be the ocular pore. There is a single larger plate, 1-5 mm wide, on this specimen which is probably a genital plate and may be the madreporite. The indentations on the surface of this plate are smaller than the coarse-lattice structure on the interambulacral plates and are probably madreporic pores. No genital pores are visible. No similar plates are preserved on this specimen and probably this species, like the Silurian Echinocystites pomum Thomson, had only a single genital plate. Many small narrow angular plates occur in the centre of the apical system, and presumably they are the periproctal plates. Ambulacra. The greatest width of each ambulacrum in specimens in which the plates are in position is 37-45% of the width of the interambulacrum. Each ambulacrum is approximately the same width above and below the midzone until near the apical system (PI. 83, fig. 2) and peristome where they narrow gradually. Each has two columns of low plates (PI. 82, fig. 3; text-fig. 2) which strongly imbricate adorally over each other, but are overlapped by the interambulacra. The height of each plate is approximately 40% of the width when the plates in proper position; the transverse EXPLANATION OF PLATE 82 Figs. 1-5. Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. 1, 2, Side views of latex pulls of RSM 1897.32.540B and 1897.32.540A in which most of exterior of the specimen is preserved, x 5. 3, Portion of ambulacrum of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.537A showing the well-developed peripodia, position of porepairs near perradial suture, imbrication of plates, and node for attachment of large spine, x 15. 4, View of interior of portion of test of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.552 showing the lack of pits on the inner surfaces of the plates and the interior structure of the ambulacrum, X 5. A more enlarged view of this ambulacrum is on fig. 5. 5, Interior of ambulacrum of specimen in fig. 4 showing arched covering over radial water vessel, X 1 5. A reconstruction of this structure is on text-fig. 1 . PLATE 82 KIER, Silurian echinoid 658 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 sutures are parallel. However, on specimens in which some of the ambulacral plates are isolated by post-mortem distortion and not overlapped by the adjacent inter- ambulacra (PI. 81, fig. 3), it can be seen that the ambulacral plates expand greatly in height adradially. When in proper position approximately 40% of the surface area of each ambulacral plate is covered by the overlapping interambulacral plate and adapical ambulacral plate. Due to the nature of the preservation, it is not possible to count the number of ambulacral plates in a full column on most of the specimens, but on two specimens a fairly accurate estimate can be made. One specimen, approximately 20 mm high has at least fifty plates in an ambulacrum (excluding the peristomial ambulacral plates), and another with a height estimated at 24 mm has sixty plates in an ambulacrum, plus another sixteen to twenty extending on to the peristome. The peristomial ambulacral plates are lower (PI. 83, fig. 3) than the other ambulacral plates, more imbricate, and have peripodia approximately one- half as large. Approximately three ambulacral plates occur opposite each adjacent interambulacral plate. The porepairs are situated near the perradial suture (PI. 82, fig. 3) approximately one-third the distance from the perradial to the adradial suture. The pores of a pair are oblique with the outer pore more adapical. This outer pore is narrower than its partner on some of the plates, but the same width on others, but this narrowing may be due to post-mortem distortion. The porepairs occur in well-developed peripodia (PI. 82, fig. 3) with a high ridge separating the pores, and with a rim surrounding the porepair. This rim is absent on the adradial side of each outer pore but is well developed curving around the inner pore. Interior. The interior of each ambulacral plate has a prominent elevated process forming an arched cover- ing extending along the perradial suture, and no doubt serving as a passageway for the radial water vessel (PI. 82, fig. 5; text-fig. 1). A ridge extends trans- versely on each plate from this passageway and forms a high rim along the adapical edge of each porepair. This ridge extends approximately one-half the width of each plate. A deep depression occurs between this ridge and the adjacent porepair with a small gap extending from the inner pore and leading into the covered passage- way presumably for the entrance of the side branch joining the tubefoot to the radial water vessel. Interambulacra. Four columns of thin plates are present in each interambulacrum. They strongly imbricate adapically and laterally and are more or less regularly shaped. The median column (text-figs. 2, 3) is composed of narrower plates than in the other columns with a width equal to approximately only one-half the height. These plates are hexagonal with their greatest width adapical, and they imbricate laterally over the columns on their right and left. This median column varies in position on the same specimen and between different specimens. On some specimens (PI. 81, fig. 1) all the median columns (as viewed from above) have two columns on the left of the TEXT-FIG. 1. Aptilechinus caledoneti- sis sp. nov. A reconstruction of the interior of part of an ambulacrum showing the arched covering which extends along the perradial suture, and served as a passageway for the radial water vessel. KIER: NEW SILURIAN ECHINOID 659 TEXT-FIG. 2. Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. Plate arrangement of a latex pull of the holotype, RSM 1897.32.537B, showing four columns in each interambulacrum, two in each ambulacrum. The dotted circles on the ambulacral plates and a few of the adoral interambulacral plates mark the location of nodes where probably were attached the larger spines, x 5. A photograph of this specimen is on PI. 80, figs. 2, 3. TEXT-FIG. 3. Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. Plate arrangement of a latex pull of RSM 1897.32.537A showing adoral plate arrangement. Note the fragmental remains of the large spines which were attached to the ambulacral plates and a few of the adoral interambulacral plates. The dotted circles mark the loca- tion of nodes where these spines were probably attached, x 5. A photograph of this specimen is on PI. 80, fig. 1. median column and one on the right, whereas in other specimens (PI. 80, fig. 1) one interambulacrum has two columns on the right but another interambulacrum has one on the right. The plates of the columns which border the ambulacra are less angular in outline and the edge of the plate which overlaps the ambulacra and adapical interambulacral plate is curved. Adorally, the first interambulacral plate is a single plate of the median column (PI. 80, fig. 1 ; text-fig. 3), followed by two in the second row, three in the third, and four in the fourth. Approximately thirty-five plates are present in each interambulacrum with approximately ten plates in each column bordering the ambulacra. It is not clear how many interambulacral plates occur on the peristome. Spines and tuberculation. One of the most unusual features of this echinoid is the presence of large spines on the ambulacra and their absence on the interambulacra, except on a few adoral plates. Two sizes of spines occur on the ambulacra. The largest are up to 3-4 mm long, gently tapering to a sharp point which is not preserved on most of the specimens. They are expanded near their bases where a deep concavity (PI. 81, fig. 3) is present presumably for the insertion of muscle or ligament. These spines are longitudinally striated with approximately fifteen striations on each spine. One of the spines is attached to each ambulacral plate as indicated by the fact that the number of spines found on any specimen approximates but never exceeds the number of ambulacral plates. These spines were evidently attached to a single node that occurs on each plate slightly adradial and adapical to the outside pore of the porepair (PI. 81, fig. 3; PI. 82, fig. 3; text-figs. 2, 3). These nodes lack the coarse meshwork found on 660 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 most of the surfaces of the ambulacral plates, and are simple protuberances lacking mamelons. The smaller spines are approximately one-third the size of the larger, are also striated and expanded at their bases, but the presence or absence of the basal concavity cannot be determined. The number of these smaller spines is not clear as most of them were removed during post-mortem sorting. However, they appear to have been attached to a single smaller node that occurs near the median suture adapical to the inner pore of each porepair (PI. 82, fig. 3). No large spines were attached to the interambulacra except adorally where a single large node similar to those found on the ambulacra is present on the first three plates of some specimens (PI. 80, fig. 1 ; text-fig. 3) indicating that a large spine was attached there. Small spines approximately 0-9 mm long appear to have been attached to most of the interambulacral plates. They are slender, tapering to a sharp point, striated, and have expanded bases. I have not been able to find any nodes or tubercles for the attachment for these spines. Many of the interambulacral plates bear a single protuberance with sharp sides and a flat upper surface. These pegs occur on the outer adapical corner (PI. 80, fig. 3; text-fig. 2) of each plate except on the narrow median column where they occur on the middle of the adapical surface. They are approximately 0-2 mm in diameter. Similar but smaller pegs occur on the ambulacral plates (PI. 82, fig. 3) with two to three on each plate, one between the porepairs and the adradial suture and two be- tween the porepair and the median suture. Perhaps pedicellariae were attached to these pegs: several structures are present which appear to have been pedicellariae but they are too poorly preserved to be certain. The peristomial region was covered with many small spines (text-fig. 3) which were attached to the narrow ambulacral plates which formed a very flexible surface extending between the end of the interambulacra and the mouth opening. These spines were attached to five or more nodes on each ambulacral plate. Lantern. The lantern is not well preserved on any specimen, but enough of parts of it are visible on several specimens to show that the pyramids, braces, and teeth were well-developed. Although not enough of a pyramid is preserved on any specimen to be able to determine the depth of the foramen magnum, the height of the pyramid is estimated to have been approximately 2-7 mm. The pyramid appears to be small relative to a tooth which is at least 3 mm long and 0-7 mm wide. The tooth is grooved, and is typical of those found in Paleozoic echinoids. It has four to five longitudinal ridges (PI. 83, fig. 3). The brace is likewise similar to those found in other Paleozoic echinoids, and is approximately 2-5 mm long, 0-9 mm wide, and expanded at its ends (PI. 81, fig. 2). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 83 Figs. 13. Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. 1, Side view of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.543 showing most of length of two ambulacra with their long spines and part of the interior surface of the other side of the test showing the lack of pits on the interior surface of the plates, X 5. 2, Adapical region of latex pull of RSM 1 897.32.541 B, x5. 3, Oral region of latex pull of RSM 1897.32.538A showing portions of pyramids, part of a striated tooth, and several peristomial ambulacral plates, x 10. PLATE 83 KIER, Silurian echinoid EXPLANATION OF TEXT-FIG. 4. A reconstruction of Aptilechinus caledonensis sp. nov. as it may have appeared in life. KIER: NEW SILURIAN ECHINOID 663 Surface ornamentation. All of the exterior surface of the interambulacral plates and most of the exterior of the ambulacral plates is deeply pitted (PI. 80, fig. 3). The largest of these pits are 0-8 mm in diameter, and they are irregularly arranged. At first appearance they appear to be the meshwork structure of the plates themselves but on some specimens parts of the interior of the plates are visible, and it can be seen that the true meshwork is much finer and is regularly structured in a latticework typical of echinoderms (PI. 83, fig. 1). This pitted surface is absent on the ambulacral plates on the peripodia and on the nodes. Evidently, these pits served no exterior function for they are present on that part of a plate that is covered in life by adjacent plates (PI. 81, fig. 3). Type-specimens. Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, Scotland. Holotype RSM 1897.32.537b, figured paratypes RSM 1897.32.537a, 1897.32.538a, b, 1897.32.540a, b, 1897.32.541b, 1897.32.543, 1897.32.551, 1897.32.552. Acknowledgments. 1 thank Euan Clarkson who told me of these specimens, and Charles Waterston, the Keeper of the Royal Scottish Museum, who kindly lent them for study. Both Ivor Henrichsen and William James Baird of the Royal Scottish Museum provided me with data on the specimens, and Robin Cocks examined the material and gave me his opinion on their occurrence and age. Larry B. Isham, scientific illustrator, made the excellent reconstruction of the echinoids on text-figs. 1 and 4, and Thomas F. Phelan, museum specialist, did the photography, made the latex pulls and gave me his valuable opinions on the morphology. J. Wyatt Durham and David L. Pawson critically read the manuscript. Robert W. Lamond prepared and studied this material and recognized that it represented a new genus, but was unable to complete his study because of subsequent commitments. REFERENCES COCKS, L. R. M., HOLLAND, c. H., RICKARDS, R. B. and STRACHAN, I. 1971. A Correlation of Silurian Rocks in the British Isles. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 127, 103-136. COOPER, G. A. 1931. Lepidechinoides Olsson, a genus of Devonian echinoids. J. Paleont. 5, 127-142, pis. 18-19. JACKSON, R. T. 1912. Phylogeny of the Echini, with a revision of Paleozoic species. Mem. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 7, 443 pp., 76 pis. KIER, p. M. 1965. Evolutionary trends in Paleozoic echinoids. J. Paleont. 39, 436-465, pis. 55-60. LAMONT, A. 1947. Gala-Tarannon Beds in the Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh. Geol. Mag. 84, 193-208, 289-303. 1952. Ecology and correlation of the Pentlandian — a new division of the Silurian system in Scotland. Rep. 18th Geol. Congr., London, 10, 27-32. PORTER M. KIER Department of Paleobiology Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 U.S.A. Typescript received 27 October 1972 I ■ '■ ' .■ ;Cl ^ 1 ■'.•■■ ' '' ' yf'r 'i? J "■>!•■. fi ■•■ ' -f '■ !. ", , '^.'V .;rw . '; - . ^ .'.^ ' ■ ’. ' •'. "'V •P’*' • ' ; ..-I.' ' .r u;.-". . ■• , . .: f'^'. 4.' '•'■'* . W‘" ' ' ' ; .. ■ . ■ ,,■ '" :' ,: ■ ■ ' ■ '■ ■'- •■ • ""'....a;.'.,; "!*'■' j^, ■'". ■ .'*" " ' ■ ' ' V ;;,/ ■ i»V'!?ta!.,.6'j»»ai ’'aGfTv'S'.' 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These include Diconodinium firmum sp. nov., Lejeunia parva sp. nov., L. ampla sp. nov., Spinidinium clavum sp. nov. and Hystrichosphaeridium dowlingii sp. nov. The Bearpaw Formation is divided into three informal assemblage zones. A parameter called the gonyaulacacean ratio is used as a possible guide to the salinity of the Bearpaw sea or to the proximity of the coastline. Three periods of open marine conditions are postulated. These open marine conditions are intimately connected with the assemblage zones erected for the formation. Comparisons are made with Campanian assemblages of other areas. The Campanian Bearpaw Formation is unique in being firmly placed in the geological time-scale by virtue of its ammonite faunas and its radiometric dating. Since there is a lack of knowledge of Campanian organic-walled microplankton, the Bearpaw was an ideal body of rock on which to study these microfossils. Such a reliably dated assemblage should be valuable in any further work on Campanian or suspected Campanian strata from other areas. The Bearpaw Formation is best known from southern Alberta, so this area was chosen for the study. TEXT-FIG. 1. Sketch map of southern Alberta showing the approximate positions of the sample localities and the extent of the Cypress Hills (above 2500'). [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197.3, pp. 665-706, pis. 84-88.] B 666 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BEARPAW FORMATION The Bearpaw Formation was named by J. B. Hatcher and T. W. Stanton (1903) from localities in the vicinity of the Bearpaw Mountains, north-central Montana. The first biostratigraphic zonation was that of Russell and Landes (1940), and Loranger and Gleddie (1953) were the first to attempt a micropalaeontological zona- tion. Potassium-argon radiometric dates are available for the Bearpaw Formation R-23. R22. R21. 0 4 8 TEXT-FIG. 2. Detailed map of the Lethbridge area with the approximate outcrop pattern of the Bearpaw Eormation and the positions of the sample localities. (Geology after GSC Calgary Sheet, 1928.) 0 8 16 I t H TEXT-FIG. 3. Detailed map of the Cypress Hills area with the approximate outcrop pattern of the Bearpaw Formation and the positions of the sample localities. (Geology after GSC Calgary Sheet, 1928.) The cross-hatched area indicates the Cypress Hills Provincial Park. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 667 at 75 ±4 million years from a thin bentonite 65 feet above the base of the formation at Lethbridge (Folinsbee et al. 1960, 1961). The Bearpaw Formation is for the most part a sub-horizontal unit except where it has been affected by the Sweetgrass Arch uplift. A maximum thickness of 1 170 feet has been recorded in the Cypress Hills (Lines 1947, in lift. 1963), but at Lethbridge it is only 726 feet thick (Link and Childerhose 1931). The lithology of the formation is predominantly one of shales with intercalated sandstones, minor bentonites, carbonate bands, and ironstone nodule horizons. Detailed lithological descriptions TEXT-FIG. 4. Composite stratigraphical section text-fig. 5. Composite stratigraphical section for the Bear- for the Bearpaw Formation of the Lethbridge paw Formation of the Cypress Hills area showing sample area showing sample distribution and coding. distribution and coding. (After Lines 1963.) (After Link and Childerhose 1931.) 668 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 are given by Williams and Dyer (1930); Link and Childerhose (1931); Russell and Landes (1940); Furnival (1950); and Caldwell (1968). The base of the formation in southern Alberta is generally regarded as being isochronous (Lines 1947, in lift. 1963) but it becomes diachronous to the east (Caldwell 1968). The upper boundary is markedly diachronous (Russell 1950). The age of the formation in southern Alberta is upper Campanian, for the most part lying within the zones of Baculites compressus sensu stricto, B. cuneatus, B. reesidei, B.jenseni and B. eliasi (Caldwell 1968). The fauna consists mainly of molluscs and foraminiferans, but full descriptions are given in Warren (in Fraser et al. 1935); Dowling (1917); Williams and Dyer (1930); Russell and Landes (1940); Warren (1931, ,1934, 1937); Douglas (1942); and Caldwell (1968). The deposition of the Bearpaw Formation was accomplished during the last major marine transgression in western Canadian geological history (Warren and Stelck 1958). A connection with the Arctic is indicated by the work of Martin (1960) in addition to a link with the Gulf of Mexico (Reeside 1957). Bearpaw Formation of southern Alberta. The Bearpaw Formation of the Lethbridge area has been described by Link and Childerhose (1931) and is exposed in the valley of the St. Mary River (fig. 2), especially in the cut bank sides of meanders. The regional dip of the formation is less than 10 degrees in a westerly direction. Locally, however, there are normal faults and open folds. The Cypress Hills, a plateau rem- nant, is capped by the Cypress Hills Formation of Oligocene age and is ringed by successively older strata including the Bearpaw Formation. The latter is essentially flat-lying and no complete section of the formation is exposed here. Lines (1947, in litt., 1963) gives the most complete description (see fig. 5). The regional dip is less than 10 degrees in an easterly direction, little faulting has occurred, but there is much slumping and deep weathering. Treatment. The distribution and type of sampling of the two sections is illustrated in figs. 4 and 5. The samples are stored at the Research Council of Alberta, at Edmonton. A standard palynological preparation technique was used but beyond the hydrofluoric acid stage all the samples were handled using the filtration system of Neves and Dale (1963). A Leitz Laborlux microscope 595949 was used with the slide label to the right of the observer. A reference co-ordinate for the upper left comer of the slide is given on the slide labels, following Pierce (1959). A set of slides is in the Department of Geology, University of Alberta. Specimens were photographed under Leitz Ortholux microscope 594209, equipped with an Orthomat camera attachment. Adox KB 14 film was used. All holotypes and figured specimens are in the Palynological Collections of the Research Council of Alberta at Edmonton. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS The abbreviations O.D. and S.D. are used to indicate original and subsequent designation. In the dimension sections the figure in parenthesis is the arithmetic mean of the measured morphological parameters. The geological ranges given for the species and genera are after Sarjeant (1967) unless otherwise stated, and the affinities are after Wall and Dale (1968). HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 669 Division pyrrhophyta Pascher Class DiNOPHYCEAE Paschcr Order peridiniales (Schutt) Lindemann Cyst-Family gonyaulacystaceae Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus apteodinium Eisenack 1958 Type species. Apteodinium granulatum Eisenack 1958; O.D. Apteodinium sp. A Plate 84, fig. 2 The specimens compare quite favourably with /i . maculatum Eisenack and Cookson (1960), except in the possession of a large prominent apical horn and in the style of ‘ornamentation’; and with A. tamboviensis Vozzhennikova (1967), except in lacking a sulcus. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the apteodinioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 11,7 (2) at 104 0-40-6. The last two figures refer to the sample number at the locality and the slide on which the specimen is to be found. Dimensions. Range: Length 98 0 (112-5) 127-0 breadth 98-0 (99-0) 100-0 p.. Two specimens observed. Cyst-Family Uncertain Genus diconodinium Eisenack and Cookson 1960 Type species. Diconodinium multispinum (Deflandre and Cookson) Eisenack and Cookson (1960); O.D. Wall and Dale (1968) regard the genus as having a precingular archeopyle and affinities with the Gonyaulacaceae, whereas Davey (19696) prefers to include it with the Cyst-Family Deflandreaceae (of peridiniacean affinities). A precingular archeopyle is demonstrated here. Diconodinium fir mum sp. nov. Plate 84, figs. 8, 9, 15, text-fig. 6 Derivation of name. Latin firmum — meaning solid, with reference to the structure of the distal extremity of the apical horn. Diagnosis. Proximate cyst, commonly fusiform in shape, consisting of autophragm or two wall layers very closely adpressed. Test finely granulate. Epitract extends into an apical horn having a solid distal tip which may be oblate, acuminate, or bifurcate. The antapical horn always acuminate, and hollow throughout. The cingulum con- spicuous and takes the form of a slight laevorotatory helicoid. Tabulation not usually seen. Archeopyle precingular of the P type (Evitt 1 967), and rounded polygonal in shape. (PI. 84, figs. 5, 6.) Description. The granules on the walls are of variable size, usually fairly fine, but always conspicuous. The solid apical tip appears to have a definite structure (PI. 84, fig. 15). It was often seen to be banded but its exact nature must await further study. 670 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 The cingulum is displaced by less than one-quarter of its width. Very little variation was seen in this cyst species except as documented in dimensions and in the nature of the apical tip. TEXT-FIG. 6. Diconodinium firmum sp, nov. Semidiagrammatic sketch of the holotype. xc. 1000. Figured material. Holotype: Loc. 3, 7 (2) at 98 0-32-9; Bearpaw Formation, Cam- panian, southern Alberta. Loc. 2, 39 (1) at 108-(C30-3. Dimensions. Holotype: Length 42 0 breadth 29 0 gi. Range: Length 36 0 (42-7) 50 0 ix; breadth 18 0 (29-3) 32 0 fx. Fifty specimens measured, out of a studied popula- tion of sixty-four. Remarks. This species is characterized by its shape and the solid structure at the distal extremity of the apical horn. It appears close to Diconodinium rhombiformis Vozzhennikova 1967 but is different in its lack of a distinct tabulation and the lack of small gonal processes in the cingular region. Although the archeopyle was rarely observed the conspicuous nature of plate 3" also suggests that the archeopyle is formed by the loss of this plate. The species has gonyaulacacean affinities with apteodinioid lineage. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 84 All figures at a magnification of x 600 unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1. Lejeunia ampla sp. nov., holotype, dorsal view. Fig. 2. Apteodinium sp. A, oblique dorsal view, showing the archeopyle and surface ornamentation. Fig. 3. Lejeunia parva sp. nov., detail of specimen with the tabulation, xc. 1800. Fig. 4. Lejeunia tricuspis (Wetzel) comb, nov., dorsal view. Fig. 5. Spinidinium clavum sp. nov., dorsal view. Fig. 6. Spinidinium clavum sp. nov., holotype, dorsal view. Fig. 7, Lejeunia ampla sp. nov., holotype, detail of apex with the ?apical archeopyle. xc. 1800. Fig. 8. Diconodinium firmum sp. nov., holotype, dorsal view. Fig. 9. Diconodinium firmum sp. nov., dorsal view showing the archeopyle. Fig. 10. Spinidinium clavum sp. nov., a specimen with two well-developed antapical horns. Fig. 1 1. Diconodinium arcticum Manum and Cookson, dorsal view. Fig. 12. Lejeunia parva sp. nov., lateral view showing a lack of an antapical horn. Fig. 13. Lejeunia parva sp. nov., dorsal view of specimen showing tabulation. Fig. 14. Lejeunia parva sp. nov., holotype, ventral view. Fig. 15. Diconodinium firmum sp. nov., holotype, detail of the apex. xc. 1800. PLATE 84 HARLAND, Campanian microfossils 672 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Diconodinium arcticum Manum and Cookson 1964 Plate 84, fig. 1 1 1964 Diconodinium arcticum Manum and Cookson; 18-19, pi. 6, figs. 1-4. The granulation on the surface of the test varied from coarse to fine in the specimens observed. It was also noted that they are smaller than those described by Manum and Cookson (1964). They cannot be compared to D. glabrum Eisenack and Cookson (1960) because they lack a clearly defined sulcus and differ in the nature of the ‘ornamentation’. D. arcticum has an Upper Cretaceous range. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the apteodinioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 3, 1 (2) at 103-6-37T. Dimensions. Range: Length 300 (41T) 57 0 breadth 200 (26-3) 37 0 fx. Fifty specimens measured, out of a studied population of seventy-three. Genus lejeunia Gerlach 1961 Type species. Lejeunia hyalina Gerlach 1961; O.D. Lejeunia parva sp. nov. Plate 84, figs. 3, 12-14, text-fig. 7 Derivation of name. Latin parva — meaning small, with reference to the size of the cyst. Diagnosis. Proximate cyst, elongate to rhomboidal, made up of autophragm. Test granulate. Epitract elongated into an apical horn which is distally oblate or indented. TEXT-FIG. 7. Lejeunia parva sp. nov. Semidiagrammatic sketch of the holotype. xc. 1200. Hypotract carries two antapical horns, one of which larger than the other; both distally acuminate. Cingulum, delimited by raised sutures, is planar to a slightly laevo rotatory helicoid. Tabulation ?4', la, ?7", 4-?"', 2'"' . Archeopyle not observed. Figured material. Holotype: Loc. 3, 3 (2) at 99 0-3 1-9; Bearpaw Formation, Cam- panian, southern Alberta. Loc. 3, 3 (1) at 97 0-49-2. Loc. 3, 1 (1) at 103 0-36-7. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 673 Dimensions. Holotype: Length 45 0 /x; breadth 30 0 jx. Range: Length 34 0 (44-4) 57 0 ix; breadth 25 0 (35-5) 41 0 /n. Twenty specimens measured, the number of specimens studied. Description. Apical horn has a thickened structure which may or may not be solid, but invariably shows a suture apparently bisecting the horn. The antapical horns may be well developed or one may appear as a swelling. The tabulation variously developed and where present is delimited by raised sutures. One specimen seen with a complete tabulation. The cingulum, usually conspicuous and approximately three microns wide, may contain granular elements that appear aligned parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cyst. Plate 3" of the tabulation large and conspicuous. Range of variation within this species is not great. The specimen with the tabulation not typical for this species and so not chosen as the holotype. Remarks. This species is similar to that of L. tenella Morgenroth 1966. His specimens, however, lack all trace of tabulation and are larger and more rhomboidal in shape. It is also similar to Palaeoperidinium cretaceum Pocock but differs in being smaller and in not having an endoblast. It has possible peridiniacean affinities. Lejeunia tricuspis (Wetzel) comb. nov. Plate 84, fig. 4 1933 Peridinium tricuspis Wetzel; 166, pi. 2, fig. 14. The Bearpaw specimens compare well with those of Wetzel (1933). The author considers that Lejeunia kozlowskii Gorka 1963 is a junior synonym. Gorka (1963) figures both L. kozlowskii and L. cf. tricuspis. It appears that any difference between the two can be accommodated by specific variation. L. tricuspis has a geological range of Santonian-Maestrichtian, and its affinities may be peridiniacean. Figured material. Loc. 13, 13 (1) at 99 0-29-9. Dimensions. Range: Length 80 0 (104-3) 135-0 jj,; breadth 52-0 (73-8) 95-0 p.. Sixteen specimens measured, the number of specimens studied. Lejeunia amp la sp. nov. Plate 84, figs. 1, 7, text-fig. 8 Derivation of name. Latin am/t/a— meaning large, with reference to the overall size of this species. Diagnosis. Proximate cyst, rhomboidal in shape, probably made up of autophragm only. Test granulate, scabrate and/or reticulate. No tabulation visible. Cingulum usually conspicuous, planar, approximately 5 microns wide, delimited by raised sutures. Single apical horn, distally oblate ; two antapical horns one of which generally larger than the other. Archeopyle apical. Figured material. Holotype: Loc. 3, 13 (1) at 95-8-37-0; Bearpaw Formation, Cam- panian, southern Alberta. 674 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TEXT-FIG. 8. Lejeimia ampla sp. nov. Semidiagrammatic sketch of the holotype. X c. 300. Dimensions. Holotype: Length 149 0 ju; breadth 108 0 p.. Range: Length 70 0 (116-3) 154-0 p\ breadth 68-0 (97-0) 108-0 p. Fifty specimens measured out of a studied population of eighty-nine. Description. It is possible that a second wall layer, closely adpressed, is present. Only one or two specimens show an apical archeopyle. Norris (pers. comm.) has observed transapical archeopyles in specimens with the same gross morphology. The Bearpaw specimens appear to have had one or two antapical plates making up the operculum. The antapical horns distally evexate and one was seen to carry small spinules. Remarks. This species differs from L. tricuspis in lacking the vertical striations, the acuminate antapical horns, and the coarse ‘ornamentation’. Doubt is expressed in the generic assignment because of uncertainties in the nature of the archeopyle in this species and in the genus. The archeopyle as seen in the holotype is perfectly clear and does not appear to be of accidental origin. Evitt {pers. comm.) has commented on the resemblance of the small folds, often observed on the test of these cysts, to growth lines such as those exhibited by Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum (Ehrenberg). Its affinities are unknown. Genus spinidinium Cookson and Eisenack 1962/) Type species. Spinidinium styloniferum Cookson and Eisenack 1962ft; O.D. Spinidinium is characterized by the possession of ‘spines’. It is, however, morpho- logically similar to Deflandrea in that the genus is cavate and possesses an intercalary archeopyle. Wilson (1967) has placed certain spiny specimens in the genus Deflandrea and certainly a review of the situation is indicated as Deflandrea is presently defined to include only forms with smooth or granulate tests. Spinidinium clavum sp. nov. Plate 84, figs. 5, 6, 10, text-fig. 9 Derivation of name. Latin clavum — meaning spike, with reference to the development of short, acuminate processes along the sutural crests. Diagnosis. Cavate cyst, fusiform in shape, made up of two wall layers closely adpressed except at the apex and antapex where pericoels may be evident. Test usually smooth with the presence of occasional discrete granules. Epitract slightly more conical than HARLAND: CAMPANIAN M I C ROPL AN KTON 675 the hypotract. Prominent apical horn, tapering with a bifid tip; antapical horns acuminate. Sutural ridges, up to 5 ju. tall, carry short oblate and acuminate processes. Certain plate areas of the tabulation may be delimited due to sutural development. A tabulation 74', la, 71", ?4c, 5-6'", 72"" indicated. Cingulum planar, sulcus con- spicuous extending on to both the epitract and hypotract. Archeopyle indeterminate, but it is almost certain that loss of the conspicuous intercalary plate forms the archeopyle. Description. Cavate cyst often appears proximate because of poor pericoel development. The apex appears to be made up of four apical plates which are separated by large sutural ridges, characteristic of this species. These ridges add to the prominence of the apex. The crests of the ridges carry small oblate and acuminate processes. The precingular plate series appears to consist of five to seven plates, of which plate 4" is conspicuous and polygonal in shape; directly above this plate there is a single rectangular anterior intercalary plate. The cingulum is often the focus for folding and crumpling of the cyst. The post-cingular plate series appears to comprise five or six plates but only certain indeterminate plate boundaries were seen. The hypotract is more rounded than the epitract. The sutural crests are better developed on the epitract than on the hypotract. The range of variation of this species is seen in Plate 84. The most variable feature is the size of the endo- blast in relation to periblast. Figured material. Holotype: Loc. 11, 1 (1) at 95 0-40T ; Bearpaw Formation, Cam- panian, southern Alberta. Loc. 5, 1 (2) at 94-7-38 0. Loc. 5, 1 (1) at 104 0-32 0. Dimensions. Holotype: Length 5 10 /x; breadth 29 0 fx. Range: Length 40 0 (45-3) 60 0 fx; breadth 20 0 (26 0) 35 0 fx. Seventeen specimens observed. Remarks. This species is characterized by the nature of the large sutural ridges. It is similar to Palaeoperidinium caulleryi Deflandre 1934 which Deflandre (1966) con- siders to be a member of the genus Diconodinium. It was not, however, formally com- bined (re Article 33 of I.C.B.N.). It has peridiniacean affinities with the deffandreoid lineage. Cyst-Family microdiniaceae Eisenack emend. Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus microdinium Cookson and Eisenack emend. Sarjeant 1966 Type species. Microdinium ornatum Cookson and Eisenack 1960; O.D. Microdinium cf. irregular e Clarke and Verdier 1967 Plate 85, figs. 15, 16 1967 1 Microdinium irregulare Clarke and Verdier; 65-66, pi. 7, figs. 5-8, text-fig. 27. Description. Proximate cyst, spheroidal to ovoidal in shape, composed of periphragm and endophragm. The periphragm makes up the large and conspicuous sutural crests. TEXT-FIG. 9. Spinidinium clavum sp. nov. Semi- diagrammatic sketch of the holotype. xc. 1000. 676 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Cyst microgranulate to granulate except for the crests which are smooth. Tabulation present. Cingulum 3-4 microns wide, planar or weakly helicoidal in nature. Epitract small in comparison to the hypotract, the tabulation difficult to decipher because of the granules and crests but plates 6"', Ip, V"' were observed. Epitractal details are especially difficult to see. The archeopyle apical of A type, and probably formed by the loss of three or four apical plates (Evitt, pers. comm.). Figured material. Loc. 11, 1 (2) at 100 0-43-3. Loc. 10, 4 (2) at 94 0-32-6. Dimensions. Range: Length 24 0 (34-5) 39 0 ju,; breadth 26 0 (32-6) 38-0 w Thirty-six specimens observed. Remarks. These specimens compare well with those described by Clarke and Verdier (1967). This species has a geological range Cenomanian-Santonian. It has gonyaula- cacean affinities with the lithodinioid lineage. Cyst-Eamily Uncertain Genus dinogymnium Evitt, Clarke and Verdier 1967 Type species. Dinogymnium acuminatum Evitt, Clarke and Verdier 1967; O.D. Dinogymnium cf. albertii Clarke and Verdier 1967 Plate 85, fig. 18 1967 IDinogymnium albertii Clarke and Verdier; 33, pi. 17, figs. 3, 4, text-fig. 13. Description. Proximate cyst, subspheroidal to ovoidal in shape, the epitract more conical than the hypotract, made up of two wall layers closely adpressed. Test carries a number of longitudinal grooves, that are commoner on the epitract than on the hypotract. In addition, the test perforated by many punctae (wall canals). Tabulation not present except for a very conspicuous deep cingulum which is 4 microns wide. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 85 All figures at a magnification of x 600 unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1. Hystrichosphaeridium dowlingii sp. nov., ventral view, holotype, showing the archeopyle and the nature of the processes. Fig. 2. Dinogymnium longicornis (Vozzhennikova) comb, nov., detail of the apex. xc. 1800. Fig. 3. Dinogymnium longicornis (Vozzhennikova) comb, nov., ventral view of a specimen with a low cingulum index. Fig. 4. Dinogymnium longicornis (Vozzhennikova) comb, nov., lateral view of a specimen with a high cingulum index. Fig. 5. Canningia senonica Clarke and Verdier, dorsal view. Fig. 6. Hystrichosphaeridium cf arborispinum Davey and Williams, lateral view. Fig. 7. VJvatodinium cf nasutum Vozzhennikova, dorsal view. Fig. 8. Canningia senonica Clarke and Verdier, lateral view. Fig. 9. Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum (Deflandre) emend. Davey and Williams, lateral view. Fig. 10. Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum var. brevispinum Davey and Williams, lateral view. Fig. 11. Hystrichosphaeridium cf arborispinum Davey and Williams, ventral view. Fig. 12. Hystricho- sphaeridium salpingophorum (Deflandre) emend. Davey and Williams, lateral view. Fig. 13. ICoronifera oceanica Cookson and Eisenack, lateral view. Fig. 14. 'IMembranosphaera cf maastrichtica Samoylovich ex. Norris and Sarjeant emend. Drugg, lateral view. Fig. 15. Microdinium cf irregulare Clarke and Verdier, lateral view. Fig. 16. Microdinium cf irregulare Clarke and Verdier, lateral view showing well- developed smooth sutural crests. Fig. 17. sp. A, lateral view. Fig. 18. Dinogymnium cf albertii Clarke and Verdier, lateral view. PLATE 85 HARLAND, Campanian microfossils 678 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 and takes the form of a laevorotatory helicoid. The test is often crumpled along this feature. Displacement approximately equal to half the width of the cingulum. Sulcus also present but only on the hypotract. Archeopyle apical, regarded as miscellaneous by Evitt (1967), formed by loss of a ? single plate at the very tip of the epitract. Figured specimen. Loc. 9, 37 (1) at 105-7-42 0. Dimensions. Range: Length 40 0 (41-3) 42 0 jx; breadth 20 0 (22 0) 25 0 fx, cingulum index 50 0 (52-3) 55 0. Three specimens observed. Remarks. This species is compared to D. albertii Clarke and Verdier 1967 by virtue of the presence of punctae and in its general form, but it is smaller in size. It was pre- viously recorded from the Santonian by Clarke and Verdier 1967. In general morpho- logy the genus closely resembles the modern genus Gymnodinium, with which it has often been confused. The affinities of this cyst are as yet unknown. Dinogymnium longicornis (Vozzhennikova) nov. comb. Plate 85, figs. 2-4 1967 Gymnodinium longicornis Vozzhennikova; 46, pi. 1, fig. 8, pi. 3, fig. 6, pi. 4, figs. 6a, 6b, 1. Description. Proximate cyst, ovoidal to markedly elongate, made up of two closely adpressed wall layers. Test carries some longitudinal grooves and a fine micro- punctation which is better developed in some specimens than others. The epitract conical to very elongate, drawn out into a long apical horn. The hypotract always hemispheroidal. A conspicuous cingulum always present, approximately 2 microns wide, in the form of a laevorotatory helicoid which is displaced by up to twice its width. A sulcus is present on the hypotract only. Faint sutural ridges are sometimes present, delimiting a possible tabulation; a possible reflected plate Ip was observed in one specimen. Archeopyle apical, typical for the genus. Figured material. Loc. 9, 20 (3) at 102 0-29-3. Loc. 9, 24 (3) at 107-9-36-3. Dimensions. Range: Length 39 0 (49-4) 59 0 ju,; breadth 19 0 (27-3) 33 0 fx, cingulum index 58 0 (65-75) 75-0. Eleven specimens studied. Remarks. This species is very similar to that figured by Vozzhennikova (1967); there can be no doubt that the species belongs to the genus Dinogymnium as in Vozzhenni- kova’s figures the archeopyle is perfectly evident. The specimens from the Bearpaw Formation seem more variable than those of Vozzhennikova (1967) and are generally smaller. The Russian specimens are Senonian in age and were recovered from western Siberia. Its affinities are unknown. Cyst-Family fromeaceae Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus membranosphaera Samoylovich ex. Norris and Sarjeant emend. Drugg 1967 Type species. Membranosphaera maasirichtica Samoylovich ex. Norris and Sarjeant, 1965; S.D. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 679 1 Membranosphaera cf. maastrichtica Samoylovich ex. Norris and Sarjeant emend. Dmgg 1967 Plate 85, fig. 14 1961 1 Membranosphaera maastrichtica Samoylovich (in Samoylovich et al. 252, pi. 83, figs. 1, 2. 1965 ‘I Membranosphaera maastrichtica Samoylovich ex. Norris and Sarjeant; 40. 1967 1 Membranosphaera maastrichtica Samoylovich ex. Norris and Sarjeant emend. Drugg; 29-30, pi. 5, figs. 12, 13. Description. Proximate cyst, spheroidal to ovoidal in shape, composed of endophragm and periphragm. The endophragm makes up small cylindrical capitate processes that appear to support an outer membraneous periphragm. A faint trace of the cingulum observed; it appears planar, approximately three microns in width and is delimited by areas devoid of endophragmal processes. No other tabulation discernible. The archeopyle apical, possibly of a type formed by loss of a single apical plate; the sulcal notch was observed. Figured material. Loc. 10, 5 (3) at 103 0-34-4. Dimensions. Range: Length 28 0 (30 0) 32 0 pt; breadth 27 0 (27-5) 28 0 pt. Two specimens observed. Remarks. The Bearpaw specimens differ from those of Drugg (1967) in possessing a faint cingulum and a smaller apical archeopyle. This species had a previous geo- logical range of Maestrichtian-Danian (Drugg 1967). Its affinities are unknown. Cyst-Family canningiaceae Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus canningia Cookson and Eisenack 1960 Type species. Canningia reticulata Cookson and Eisenack 1960; O.D. Canningia senonica Clarke and Verdier 1967 Plate 85, figs. 5, 8 1967 Canningia senonica Clarke and Verdier; 20, 21, pi. 1, figs. 12-14, text-fig. 7. It was noticed in the specimens attributed to this species that there was consider- able variation with regard to process development and the apparent reticulation. This species was previously reported from the Senonian of the Isle of Wight, England, by Clarke and Verdier (1967). It has gonyaulacacean affinities with the lithodinioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 11, 7 (3) at 103-0-30 0. Loc. 9, 39 (1) at 109 0-28-2. Dimensions. Range: Length 36 0 (48 0) 67 0 /a.; breadth 40 0 (51-5) 63 0 ju, the pro- cesses range in length from 2 0-8 0 pi. Four specimens observed. Cyst-Family pyxidiellaceae Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus uvatodinium Vozzhennikova 1963 Type species. Uvatodinium nasutum Vozzhennikova 1963; O.D. 680 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 lUvatodinium cf. nasutum Vozzhennikova 1963 Plate 85, fig. 7 1963 lUvatodinium nasutum Nozzh&nmV.ova.', 182, figs. 13a, 13Z?. Description. Proximate cyst, subspheroidal in shape, composed of periphragm and endophragm closely adpressed; the former makes up the ‘ornamentation’. Test granulate. Epitract bears an apical horn, which is distally evexate, and a distinct ‘shoulder’. The hypotract carries a slight antapical boss. The cingulum conspicuous, delimited by raised sutures, takes the form of a laevorotatory helicoid and displaced by half the width of the cingulum which is four to five microns wide. A sulcus present, delimited by raised sutures, and confined to the hypotract. No other tabulation present. Archeopyle intercalary of the I type. Figured material. Loc. 11, 7 (1) at 99 0-29-6. Dimensions. Range: Length 61 0 (68 0) 75 0 ij.; breadth 540 (57-6) 60 0 jx. Three specimens observed. Remarks. These specimens compare quite well with those illustrated by Vozzhenni- kova (1967) but lack the coarse reticulation; although in pi. 8, fig. 4 of Vozzhennikova (1967) the reticulation is not at all obvious. This species has previously been recorded from the Palaeocene (Vozzhennikova 1967). Its affinities are unknown. Cyst-Family hystrichosphaeridiaceae Evitt emend. Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus hystrichosphaeridium Deflandre emend. Davey and Williams 19666 Type species. Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum (Ehrenberg) Deflandre 1937; O.D. Hystrichosphaeridium cf. arborispinum Davey and Williams 19666 Plate 85, figs. 6, 1 1 19666 '] Hystrichosphaeridium arborispinum Davey and Williams; 61, pi. 9, figs. 5, 10. Description. Chorale cyst, subspheroidal to ovoidal in shape, made up of both periphragm and endophragm, the former making up the processes. Cyst smooth to microgranulate. The processes intratabular and reflect the tabulation 6", 6c, 5'", they are hollow, slender to latispinous, erect, cylindrical, and distally flared. The distal extremities recurved, digitate to serrate. In many specimens the processes appear fibrous. Additional cylindrical recurved and digitate sutural processes present in many specimens. The archeopyle apical of the A type. Figured material. Loc. 11, 1 (3) at 93 0-30-5. Loc. 9, 39 (2) at 107 0-33-8. Dimensions. Range: Long axis of cyst 29 0 (40 0) 52 0 /u; short axis of cyst 30 0 (38-35) 55-0 /X, processes range in length from 1 1 to 25 p.. Twenty specimens observed. Remarks. This species is fairly common in the Bearpaw assemblages and may be recognized by the character of its processes. It had a geological range Lower Barremian -Middle Barremian. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean in the hyslricho- sphaeridioid lineage. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 681 Hystrichosphaeridium dowlingii sp. nov. Plate 85, fig. I, text-fig. 10 Derivation of name. Named in honour of D. B. Dowling, one of the first geologists to work in southern Alberta. Diagnosis. Chorate cyst, spheroidal in shape, made up of periphragm and endo- phragm. Test microgranulate. Tabulation 6", 6c, 6"', l-2p, I"". Processes hollow slender to latispinous, erect to curved, cylindrical, distally flared and fenestrate. Archeopyle of the A type. TEXT-FIG. 10. Hystrichosphaeridiimi dowlingii nov. Semidiagrammatic sketch of the holotype. x c. 1300. Figured material. Holotype: Loc. 9, 39 (2), at 106 0-33-9; Bearpaw Formation, Campanian, southern Alberta. Dimensions. Holotype: Long axis of cyst 44 0 \ short axis of cyst 38 0 ju., processes range in length from 15 to 24 p,. Range: Long axis of cyst 25 0 (34-4) 46 0 p; short axis of cyst 29 0 (34 0) 54 0 p, processes range in length from 10 to 28 p. Twelve specimens measured, the number of specimens studied. Description. The periphragm makes up the processes which do not appear to connect to the interior of the cyst. Test ‘ornament’ does not extend on to the process shafts. The sulcal area devoid of all processes except for a group of two sulcal processes. A sulcal notch may also be seen in some specimens. Remarks. This species is easily distinguishable from H. cf. arborispinum by the nature of the processes, i.e. fenestrate nature and lack of ‘ornamentation’ on the processes shafts. The test ‘ornamentation’ is also much coarser than that of H. cf. arborispinum. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the hystrichosphaeridioid lineage. c 682 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum var. brevispinum Davey and Williams 1966^ Plate 85, fig. 10 \966b Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum var. brevispinum Davey and Williams; 58, pi. 10, fig. 10. This variety compares well with those specimens described by Davey and Williams (1966Z?). The Bearpaw specimens were, however, smaller in size with a slightly more variable process habit. The variety is characterized by process length, and had a range of Eocene (Davey and Williams 1966/)). Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the hystrichosphaeridioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 9, 39 (1) at 10T0-3T3. Dimensions. Range: Long axis of cyst 25-0 (31-2) 38 0 /u,; short axis of cyst 25-0 (30-6) 38 0 /X, processes range in length 6 to \5 p.. Twenty specimens observed. Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum (Deflandre) Davey and Williams 1966b Plate 85, figs. 9, 12 1935 Hystrichosphaera salpingophora Deflandre; 232, pi. 9, fig. 1. \966b Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum (Deflandre) emend. Davey and Williams; 61, 62, pi. 10, fig. 6. This species compares well with those specimens figured by Davey and Williams (1966/)). There is an obvious morphological overlap with H. tubiferum var. brevi- spinum but usually the two species can be recognized. The species has a geological range of Upper Jurassic-Lower Eocene. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the hystrichosphaeridioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 9, 39 (2) at 99-0-36 0. Loc. 13, 5 (3) at 92-0-40-6. Dimensions. Range; Length of long axis 31 0 (38-8) 44 0 p; length of short axis 29-0 (35-75) 48 0 p, processes range in length from 10 to 18 p. Nine specimens observed. Genus cleistosphaeridium Davey, Downie, Sarjeant and Williams 1966 Type species. Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Davey, Downie, Sarjeant and Williams 1966; O.D. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 86 All figures at a magnification of x 600 unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1. Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Davey et al., lateral view. Fig. 2. Forma A, lateral view, show- ing nature of the archeopyle. Fig. 3. Polysphaeridium subtile Davey and Williams, orientation unknown. Fig. 4. Exochosphaeridium pseudohystrichodinium (Deflandre) emend. Davey, lateral view. Fig. 5. Forma A, lateral view, showing globular central body. Fig. 6. Polysphaeridium subtile Davey and Williams, ?lateral view showing apical boss. Fig. 7. Oligosphaeridium anthophorum (Cookson and Eisenack) Davey, lateral view. Fig. 8. Oligosphaeridium anthophorum (Cookson and Eisenack) Davey, ventral view. Fig. 9. Exochosphaeridium sp. A, lateral view. Fig. 10. Exochosphaeridium cf phragmites Davey et al., dorsal view. Fig. 11. Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey and Williams, lateral view. Fig. 12. Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey and Williams, lateral view. Fig. 13. Tanyosphaeridium variecalamwn Davey and Williams, lateral view of specimen with many processes per plate area. Fig. 14. Tanyosphaeridium variecalamwn Davey and Williams, lateral view of specimen with few processes per plate area. PLATE 86 HARLAND, Campanian microfossils 684 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Cleistosphaeridium diver sispinosum Davey, Downie, Sarjeant, and Williams 1966 Plate 86, fig. 1 1966 Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Davey et al. ', 167, pi. 10, fig. 7. Considerably more specific variation than that observed by Davey et al. (1966) is present within this species. The processes are variable in thickness, sinuosity, length, and in the structural diversity of their extremities. This species was previously recorded from the Eocene. Its affinities are unknown. Figured material. Loc. 10, 5 (1) at 95 0-43-4. Dimensions. Range: Length 35-0 (48-75) 57-0 ju.; breadth 43-0 (52-25) 67-0 /x, processes range in length from 5 to \9 p. Nine specimens observed. Cleistosphaeridium sp. A Plate 85, fig. 17 Description. Chorate cyst, subspheroidal in shape, made up of two wall layers; the periphragm makes up the processes. The test carries granules but no trace of tabula- tion could be discerned, as the processes appear randomly dispersed. The processes slender to latispinous, curved to sinuous, cylindrical to tapering. Most processes end in an equal distal bifurcation but others are acuminate and oblate. Archeopyle apical, of the A type. Figured material. Loc. 3, 3 (1) at 98-0-46-5. Dimensions. Range: Length 35-0 (39-0) 43-0 p.; breadth 39-0 (40-5) 42-0 p, processes range in length from S to \ \ p. Two specimens observed. Remarks. This species is similar to 1 Cleistosphaeridium flexuosum Davey et al. 1966 but differs in process length and in the nature of the process extremities. Its affinities are unknown. Genus coronifera Cookson and Eisenack emend. Davey 1969u Type species. Coronifera oceanica Cookson and Eisenack 1958; O.D. ICoronifera oceanica Cookson and Eisenack f958 Plate 85, fig. 13 1958 ICoronifera oceanica Cookson and Eisenack; 45, pi. 12, figs. 5, 6. Description. Proximate cyst, spheroidal in shape. Test composed of two wall layers closely adpressed of which the periphragm alone makes up the processes. Cyst wall microgranulate and covered by numerous processes, seemingly at random. The processes do not connect to the interior of the cyst and are slender, curved, cylindrical to tapering, and distally acuminate. No tabulation could be discerned. The cyst carries a single large antapical process which is latispinous, erect, distally open with HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 685 an entire or denticulate margin. This process is very characteristic of the species and genus. No archeopyle observed. Figured material. Loc. 1, 28 (1) at 106-7-46 0. Dimensions. Range: Length 33 0 (37-5) 42 0 /j,; breadth 3 1 0 (40-5) 50-0 ju, the pro- cesses range in length from 4-10 /x. Two specimens observed. Remarks. The specimens under consideration differ from those of Davey (1969fl) in lacking any kind of sutural ridges or clear apical processes. This is probably a conse- quence of specific variation. Lack of the presence of an archeopyle casts some doubt on the identification of this species. The presence of an A archeopyle would suggest that these specimens be placed in the genus Diphyes Cookson 1965. C. oceanica had a geological range Albian-Cenomanian. It probably has gonyaulacacean affinities by virtue of the single antapical process, suggesting the possession of a single antapical plate. Millioud (1969) reported the presence of a precingular archeopyle in a new species of Coronifera from the Upper Hauterivian of Angles, SE. France, indicating that Coronifera should be attributed to the hystrichodinioid lineage. Forma A Plate 86, figs. 2, 5, text-fig. 1 1 Deseription. Chorate cyst, ovoidal to elongate in shape. Test consists of a thick (LO- TS microns) endophragm and a thin periphragm. Test smooth to microgranulate. Endoblast appears made up of discrete chambers giving the cyst a globate appearance. Two whorls of lobes present separated by a cingular groove in the form of a laevo- rotatory helicoid. Processes intratabular, reflecting a possible tabulation of ?7" and 5 or 6"'. They do not connect to the interior of the cyst and are constructed of periphragm. No antapical processes present. Archeopyle apical with an attached operculum, possibly of the Aa type. Figured material. Loc. 1, 36 (3) at 107-2-35-9. Dimensions. Range: Length 32 0 (37-5) 43 0 [x; breadth 25-0 (29-5) 34 0 p, processes range in length from 20 to 25 p. Two specimens observed. Remarks. These cysts are peculiar in the struc- ture of the central body which appears to be made up of discrete chambers. Two whorls are present, one at either side of the cingulum. A single chamber is centrally placed on the ventral surface of the cyst and it may be equi- valent to reflected plate 1" . The laevorotatory helicoidal cingulum divides the two whorls. It is of interest to note that no antapical process is present. TEXT-FIG. 1 1. Forma A. Semidiagrammatic sketch, xc. 1200. 686 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 There is, however, a possible accessory sulcul process. Also of interest is the opening in reflected plate T" . It appears that the archeopyle has been formed by partial loss of the apical plate series with a single opercular piece remaining. It was difficult to observe the exact relationship of this operculum ? to the archeopyle. Evitt {^pers. comm.) considers that the lobate nature of this cyst is due to deformation as the result of the growth of pyrite sphaerules. Its affinities are unknown. Genus oligosphaeridium Davey and Williams \966b Type species. Oligosphaeridium complex (White) Davey and Williams 1966ft; O.D. Oligosphaeridium anthophorum (Cookson and Eisenack) Davey 1969u Plate 86, figs. 7, 8 1958 Hystrichosphaeridium anthophorum Cookson and Eisenack; 43, 44, pi. 11, figs. 12, 13. 1969a Oligosphaeridium anthophorum (Cookson and Eisenack) Davey; 147, 148, pi. 5, figs. 1-3. These specimens compare well with those of Cookson and Eisenack (1958) except that they are smaller and the processes appear to be a little more slender. The species had a previously described geological range Oxfordian-Albian, and has gonyaula- cacean affinities with the hystrichosphaeridioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 3, 7 (3) at 105-7-39-7. Loc. 9, 37 (1) at 92-0-28-2. Dimensions. Range: Length of long axis 24 0 (33-3) 45-0 p.; length of short axis 2T0 (31-8) 43-0 p, the processes range in length from 12 to 34 p. Sixteen specimens observed. Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey and Williams \966b Plate 86, figs. 11, 12 1955 Hystrichosphaeridium pulcherrimum Deflandre and Cookson; 270, 271, pi. 1, fig. 8, text- figs. 21, 22. 1966ft Oligosphaeridium pulcherrimum (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey and Williams; 75, 76, pi. 10, fig. 9, pi. 1 1, fig. 5. These specimens agree closely to those of Deflandre and Cookson (1955) except in size; the Bearpaw material being smaller. The geological range of this species is Valanginian-Lower Eocene. It has gonyaulacacean affinities with the hystricho- sphaeridioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 11, 9 (1) at 103 0-44-6. Loc. 9, 39 (2) at 101-3T9. Dimensions. Range; Length of long axis 20-0 (34-9) 43-0 p', length of short axis 23-0 (32-9) 40 0 p, processes range in length from 9 to 37 p. Eifty specimens measured, from a studied population of seventy-four. Genus polysphaeridium Davey and Williams 1966/t Type species. Polysphaeridium subtile Davey and Williams 1966ft; O.D. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 687 Polysphaeridium subtile Davey and Williams 19666 Plate 86, figs. 3, 6 I966^> Polysphaeridium subtile Davey and Williams; 92, pi. 11, fig. 1. These specimens compare well with those of Davey and Williams (19666) except in the morphology of the distal tip of the processes; those of Davey and Williams (19666) are more serrate. There is, however, a certain amount of variability in the Bearpaw specimens suggesting that these morphological variations may all be encompassed in the concept of this species. P. subtile has a geological range of Coniacian-Middle Miocene, and has gonyaulacacean affinities probably with the hystrichosphaeridioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 3, 7 (2) at 107-2-42-6. Loc. 9, 39 (2) at 97 0-32-3. Dimensions. Range: Length of long axis 22 0 (38-5) 50 0 p,', length of short axis 30 0 (35-9) 47 0 ju,, processes range in length from 5 to 14 p. Twenty specimens observed. Genus tanyosphaeridium Davey and Williams 19666 Type species. Tanyosphaeridium variecalamum Davey and Williams \966b~, O.D. Tanyosphaeridium variecalamum Davey and Williams 19666 Plate 86, figs. 13, 14 19666 Tanyosphaeridium variecalamum Davey and Williams; 98, 99, pi. 6, fig. 7, text-fig. 20. A tentative tabulation from specimens where the processes appear to be restricted to one per plate area is 6" , 6c, 6-7'", Ip, These specimens compare well in all respects to those figured by Davey and Williams ( 1 9666). This species had a previously recorded geological range of Albian-Cenomanian. The possession of a single reflected antapical plate suggests a gonyaulacacean affinity for this cyst, probably with the hystrichosphaeridioid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 9, 39 (3) at 106 0-38 0, and 109 0-40-9. Dimensions. Range: Length 25 0 (3T4) 37 0 p; breadth 15 0 (22-3) 42 0 p, length of processes ranges from 6 to \3 p. Seven specimens observed. Cyst-Family exochosphaeridiaceae Sarjeant and Downie emend. Davey 1969c Genus exochosphaeridium Davey, Downie, Sarjeant and Williams 1966 Type species. Exochosphaeridium phragmites Davey, Downie, Sarjeant, and Williams 1966; O.D. Exochosphaeridium cf. phragmites Davey, Downie, Sarjeant, and Williams 1966 Plate 86, fig. 10 1966 Exochosphaeridium phragmites Davey, Downie, Sarjeant, and Williams; 165, 166, pi. 2, figs. 8-10. Description. Chorate cyst, subspheroidal in shape, made up of periphragm and endophragm closely adpressed; the former makes up the processes. Test granulate. 688 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 A large apical process present and is one-sixth to one-fifth the length of the cyst, carries granules, branched, and distally acuminate. The other processes appear randomly distributed on the test and are slender, solid, tapering, and distally acuminate. No tabulation seen. The archeopyle precingular of the P or 2P type. Figured material Loc. 9, 39 (3) at 106 0-35-5. Dimensions. Range: Length 52 0 (62 0) 84 0 breadth 43 0 (50-3) 63 0 fx, processes vary in length from 2 to 8 |Li. Six specimens observed. Remarks. Except in lacking the pitted nature of the central body and possessing smaller processes, the Bearpaw specimens compare favourably with those of Davey et ai (1966). This species had a previously recorded range of Albian-Cenomanian and has possibly gonyaulacacean affinities in the apteodinioid lineage. Exochosphaeridium pseudohystrichodinium (Deflandre) emend. Davey 1969u Plate 86, fig. 4 1937 Hystrichosphaeridium pseudohystrichodinium Deflandre; 73, pi. 15, figs. 3, 4. 1969fl Exochosphaeridium pseudohystrichodinium (Deflandre) emend. Davey; 163, 164, pi. 11, figs. 4, 5. These specimens compare well with those of Davey (1969u) except for the detail of the pitted test. All specimens attributed to this species were granulate. The posses- sion of a slight cingulum in some suggests that this species should be transferred to Trichodinium Eisenack and Cookson 1960 but as this is the exception rather than the rule it is assigned as above. It may, however, prove necessary in the future to treat Exochosphaeridium as a junior synonym of Trichodinium. This species has a geological range of Cenomanian-Eocene, and has possibly gonyaulacacean affinities with the apteodinioid lineage. Figured material Loc. 11,5 (2) at 110 0-3L7. Dimensions. Range: Length 53 0 (60T) 710 /li; breadth 44 0 (53-3) 69 0 p., processes range in length from 10 to 20 /x. Six specimens observed. Exochosphaeridium sp. A Plate 86, fig. 9 Description. Chorate cyst, subspheroidal in shape, made up of periphragm and endophragm closely adpressed; the former making up the processes. Test smooth. The apical process large, up to one-fifth of the cyst length and branched. The processes solid to membranous, cylindrical, erect to curved and distally oblate to bifurcate. In plan the membranous processes give a reticulate pattern to the cyst surface. Tabulation not observed nor the archeopyle. Eigured material Loc. 5, 2 (1) at 1010-33-6. Dimensions. Range: Length 50 0 (62-8) 98 0 /x; breadth 43 0 (49-8) 60 0 p., processes range in length from 5 to 10 /x. Five specimens observed. Remarks. These specimens are unlike all other previously described species of Exochosphaeridium but the scarcity of specimens precludes the erection of a new HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 689 species. The distinguishing feature is the apparent reticulate pattern on the cyst surface. It has possibly gonyaulacacean affinities with the apteodinioid lineage. Cyst-Family areoligeraceae Evitt emend. Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus cyclonephelium Deflandre and Cookson emend. Cookson and Eisenack 1962 Type species. Cyclonephelium compactum Deflandre and Cookson 1955; O.D. The original diagnosis of this genus was emended by Cookson and Eisenack (1962) and later by Williams and Downie (1966) to correct the interpretation of cyst orientation and to describe fully the range of process structure. The later emendation of Williams and Downie (1966) is nearly word for word the same as that of Cookson and Eisenack (1962). Cyclonephelium distinctum Deflandre and Cookson 1955 Plate 87, figs. 1, 4 1955 Cyclonephelium distinctum Deflandre and Cookson; 285, 286, pi. 2, fig. 14, text-figs. 47, 48. This species is recorded for the first time from Campanian rocks. Its previously recorded range being Hauterivian-Santonian. A large degree of process variation is observed for this species. C. distinctum is characterized by the isolated nature of the process. C. compactum Deflandre and Cookson 1955 is very similar except the pro- cesses are lamella-like. C. distinctum has gonyaulacacean affinities with the areo- ligeroid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 13, 5 (1) at 97 0-43-3. Loc. 10, 3 (1) at 108 0-34-6. Dimensions. Range: Length 37 0 (48-9) 84 0 jx\ breadth 39 0 (5 T9) 87 0 jj,, processes range in length from 2 to 18 |U. Thirty-eight specimens observed. Cyst-Family spiniferitaceae Sarjeant 1970 Genus spiniferites Mantell ex Loeblich and Loeblich 1966 Type species. Spiniferites ramosus (Ehrenberg) Mantell 1854; S.D. Spiniferites ramosus var. ramosus (Davey and Williams) Sarjeant 1970 Plate 87, fig. 7 1966fl Hystrichosphaera ramosa var. ramosa Davey and Williams; 33, 34, pi. 1, figs. 1, 6, pi. 3, fig. 1, text-fig. 8. This variety has a known geological range of Middle Barremian-Ypresian. It has gonyaulaeacean affinities with the gonyaulacoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 9, 39 (1) at 99 0-38-2. Dimensions. Range: Length 33 0 (39-2) 46 0 ju.; breadth 22 0 (30-3) 35-0 p., processes range in length from 6 to p. Thirteen specimens observed. 690 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Spiniferites ramosus var. multibrevis (Davey and Williams) Sarjeant 1970 Plate 87, fig. 3 1966a Hystrichosphaera ramosa var. multibrevis Davey and Williams; 35-37, pi. 1, fig. 4, pi. 4, fig. 6, text-fig. 9. This variety compares well with those figured by Davey and Williams (1966a). It is characterized by its short gonal and sutural processes; it has a geological range from Hauterivian-Eocene. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the gonyaulacoid lineage. Figured specimen. Loc. 11, 1 (1) at 103 0-32-4. Dimensions. Range: Length 20 0 (33-9) 42 0 jli; breadth 18 0 (26-75) 35-0 /x, processes range in length from 3 to 12 /x. Twenty specimens observed. Spiniferites ramosus var. granosus (Davey and Williams) Sarjeant 1970 Plate 87, fig. 8 1966a Hystrichosphaera ramosa var. granosa Davey and Williams; 35, pi. 4, fig. 9. These specimens compare well with those of Davey and Williams (1966a) except in differences of process morphology probably due to specific variability. This variety had previously been recorded only from the Eocene. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the gonyaulacoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 3, 3 (3) at 96-S-53-5. Dimensions. Range: Length 39-0 (43-25) 46-0 p.; breadth 32-0 (34-5) 38-0 p, processes range in length from 9 to 19 |ix. Five specimens observed. Spiniferites cf. porosus (Manum and Cookson) comb. nov. Plate 87, fig. 5 1964 Hystrichosphaera poro.sa Manum and Cookson; 11, 12, pi. 2, figs. 1-5, text-fig. 2. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 87 All figures at a magnification of x 600 unless otherwise stated. Fig. 1. Cyclonephelium distinctum Deflandre and Cookson, lateral view. Fig. 2. Defiandrea tripartita Cookson and Eisenack emend, Cookson and Manum, dorsal view. Fig. 3. Spiniferites ramosus var. multibrevis (Davey and Williams), lateral view. Fig. 4. Cyclonephelium distinctum Deflandre and Cookson, lateral view, showing the operculum. Fig. 5. Spiniferites cf. porosus (Manum and Cookson), lateral view. Fig. 6. Defiandrea korojonensis Cookson and Eisenack, dorsal view. Eig. 7. Spiniferites ramosus var. ramosus (Davey and Williams), lateral view. Fig. 8. Spiniferites ramosus var. granosus (Davey and Williams), lateral view. Fig. 9. Defiandrea spectabilis Alberti, lateral view of specimen with a conical epitract. Fig. 10. Defiandrea echinoidea Cookson and Eisenack, ventral view. Eig. 1 1. Spini- ferites ramosus var. membranaceus (Rossignol), lateral view. Eig. 12. Achomosphaera cf hyperacantha (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey et al., lateral view. Fig. 13. Spiniferites ramosus var. gracilis (Davey and Williams), lateral view. Fig. 14. Defiandrea macrocysta Cookson and Eisenack, lateral view. Fig. 15. Defandrea spectabilis Alberti, dorsal view of specimen with a bell-shaped epitract. PLATE 87 12 HARLAND, Campanian microfossils 15 692 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Description. Proximo-chorate cyst, spheroidal to ovoidal in shape, made up of periphragm and endophragm closely adpressed. The endophragm may be thickened; the periphragm makes up the processes. Cyst smooth. Tabulation present with the fields delimited by sutural ridges; no specimen, however, seen in which the tabulation could be deciphered. Processes hollow, latispinous, erect, buccinate, open distally, fenestrate, and digitate. One or two specimens observed in which the cylindrieal sutural processes were present. Archeopyle precingular of type P, formed by the loss of plate 3". Figured material. Loc. 3, 10 (2) at 109-4-44-8. Dimensions. Range: Length 33 0 (38-8) 46 0 jx', breadth 22-0 (32-5) 40 0 /u,, processes range in length from 8 to 18 |U. Seventeen specimens observed. Remarks. This species is morphologically similar to H. porosa Manum and Cookson 1964 but in certain specimens a similarity with H. perforata Davey and Williams 1966 was apparent. It may be that there is a complete morphological range between these two species. H. porosa had a recorded geological range of Aptian-Turonian. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the gonyaulacoid lineage. Spiniferites ramosus var. gracilis (Davey and Williams) Sarjeant 1970 Plate 87, fig. 13 1966a Hystrichosphaera ramosa var. gracilis Davey and Williams; 34, 35, pi. 1, fig. 5, pi. 5, fig. 6. These specimens compare well with those of Davey and Williams (1966fl) except that in the Bearpaw assemblages there is more variability in process length; this may be an indication of a morphological trend from the ramosus type to the gracilis type. The geological range of this variety is Cenomanian-Miocene. Its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the gonyaulacoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 3, 3 (1) at 94-0-47-3. Dimensions. Range: Length 28 0 (34-5) 49 0 fi; breadth 21-0 (30-5) 38 0 p., processes range in length from 7 to 18 /x. Thirteen specimens observed. Spiniferites cf. membranaceus (Rossignol) Sarjeant 1970 Plate 87, fig. 1 1 1964 Hystrichosphaera furcata var. membranacea Rossignol; 86, pi. 1, figs. 4, 9, 10, pi. 3, figs. 7, 12. 1966a Hystrichosphaera ramosa var. membranacea (Rossignol) Davy and Williams; 37, pi. 4, figs. 8, 12. 1967 Hystrichosphaera membranacea (Rossignol) Wall; 102, 103, pi. 14, figs. 14, 15, text-fig. 2. 1970 Spiniferites membranaceus (Rossignol) Sarjeant; 76. These specimens compare well with those of Davey and Williams (1966u) but differ from those of Rossignol (1964) in lacking the two large dorsal antapical pro- cesses. S. ramosus var. membranaceus had a previously recorded geological range of Eocene-Recent, and its affinities are gonyaulacacean with the gonyaulacoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 11, 1 (1) at 96 0-29-3. Dimensions. Range: Length 30 0 (35-6) 40 0 p; breadth 22 0 (27-8) 38 0 p, processes range in length from 8 to 18 /x. Ten specimens observed. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 693 Genus achomosphaera Evitt 1963 Type species. Achomosphaera ramulifera (Deflandre) Evitt 1963; O.D. Achomosphaera cf. hyperacantha (Deflandre & Cookson) Davey and Williams 1969 Plate 87, fig. 12 1955 Hystrichosphaera hyperacantha Deflandre and Cookson; 264, 265, pi. 6, fig. 7. 1967 Hystrichosphaera hyperacantha (Deflandre and Cookson) Wall; 100, pi. 14, fig. 3. 1969 Achomosphaera hyperacantha (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey and Williams; 4. Description. Proximo-chorate cyst, spheroidal to ovoidal, consisting of two closely adpressed wall layers. Cyst surfaces smooth. Periphragm alone makes up the hollow processes, which do not connect to the interior of the cyst. They are slender and taeniate, erect, cylindrical to tapering; generally trifurcate with bifid tips. The processes are, like the test, smooth. Sutural ridges absent in general although one or two faint lines may be seen in some specimens. Archeopyle not observed. Figured material. Loc. 13, 13 (2) at 94 0-32-6. Dimensions. Range: Length 37-0 (38 0) 39-0 pt; breadth 32 0 (32-5) 33 0 /n, length of processes 6 to \5 fx. Two specimens observed. Remarks. This species has recently been formally transferred to the genus Achomo- sphaera by Davey et al. (1969). The observed specimens were smaller than the original specimens of Deflandre and Cookson (1955). Wall (1967) considers this species as being a robust variety of H.furcata (Ehrenberg) Wetzel. It is, however, probably best regarded as a morphotype within the ' Spiniferites complex’. Aehomosphaera hypera- cantha has a recorded geological range of Lower Miocene?-Holocene. The geological range should only be extended with some reserve on the evidence of only two specimens. It is characterized, in particular, by the nature of its trifurcate processes. It is almost certainly a gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate of the gonyaulacoid lineage. Cyst-Family deflandreaceae Eisenack emend. Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus deflandrea Eisenack emend. Williams and Downie 1966 Type species. Deflandrea phosphoritica Eisenack 1938; O.D. Williams and Downie (1966) state that this genus is represented by many species that clearly overlap with regard to their morphology. It is probably best to regard this genus as embracing a complex of morphotypes that show geographical and evolutionary intergradation ; but at any one level in the stratigraphic column, a num- ber of morphotypes may be recognized. The species described below are regarded in this light. Vozzhennikova (1967) created two new genera, Chatangiella and Australiella, and emended the genus Deflandrea in her treatment of Deflandrea-Mke. cysts. The present author is reluctant to follow this scheme at the present time. Deflandrea spectabilis Alberti 1959 Plate 87, figs. 9. 15 1959 Deflandrea spectabilis Alberti; 99, pi. 9, figs. 7, 8. This species is common in the Bearpaw Formation, it has a large specific variation 694 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 as interpreted from the assemblages studied, and it is not difficult to visualize that with more of a conical epitract it would appear very similar to D. cooksoui as figured by Clarke and Verdier (1967); but with a bell-shaped epitract it is closer to the holo- type of D. cooksoni Alberti (1959). Vozzhennikova (1967) regards this species as a member of the genus Australiella. D. spectabilis has a geological range of Santonian- Campanian. Manum (1963) reported a peridiniacean tabulation for certain species of Deflandrea, and Wall and Dale (1968) place it in the deflandreoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 5, 1 (3) at 103 0-44-3. Loc. 11, 1 (1) at 95-0-35-9. Dimensions. Range: Length 58 0 (65-5) 87-0 jn; breadth 32-0 (41-7) 50 0 ju,. Fifty specimens measured, out of a studied population of seventy-four. Deflandrea korojonensis Cookson and Eisenack 1958 Plate 87, fig. 6 1958 Deflandrea korojonensis Cookson and Eisenack; 27, pi. 4, figs. 10, 11. This species may be distinguished from D. spectabilis by its over-all shape and the absence of any type of tabulation. It forms a distinct morphotype within these assemblages. It is, however, close to D. bakeri, Deflandre and Cookson 1955, the major difference being the nature of ‘ornamentation’, D. bakeri having a punctate test. Vozzhennikova (1967) regards this species as a member of the genus Australiella. D. korojonensis has a geological range of Campanian-Maestrichtian. It has peri- diniacean affinities with the deflandreoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 13, 5 (1) at 93 0-44-2. Dimensions. Range; Length 70 0 (97-4) 132 0 /u,; breadth 40 0 (56-6) 82 0 Thirteen specimens observed and measured. Deflandrea echinoidea Cookson and Eisenack 1960 Plate 87, fig. 10 1960 Deflandrea echinoidea Cookson and Eisenack; 2, pi. 1, figs. 5, 6. This species forms a distinct morphotype within the Bearpaw Formation by virtue of its ‘ornamentation’, but it is otherwise morphologically similar to D. spectabilis. D. echinoidea has a geological range of Albian-Campanian. It has peridiniacean affinities with the deflandreoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 1 1, 7 (2) at 102 0-47-7. Dimensions. Range: Length 60 0 (67 0) 71 0 ju.; breadth 45 0 (48-3) 50 0 fx. Two speci- mens observed. Deflandrea tripartita Cookson and Eisenack emend. Cookson and Manum 1964 Plate 87, fig. 2 1960 Deflandrea tripartita Cookson and Eisenack; 2, pi. 1, fig. 10. This species is similar to D. victoriensis but differs in that it lacks all traces of tabulation. Vozzhennikova (1967) regards this species as a member of the genus HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 695 Australiella. D. tripartita has a geological range of Turonian-Campanian. It has peridiniacean affinities with the deflandreoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 4, 13 (2) at 107-8-30-9. Dimensions. Range; Length 75 0 (940) 105 0 /it; breadth 35 0 (48-6) 620 fx. Six specimens observed and measured. Deflandrea macrocysta Cookson and Eisenack 1960 Plate 87, fig. 14 1960 Deflandrea macrocysta Cookson and Eisenack; 3, pi. 1, figs. 7, 8. This species forms a distinct morphological type in Bearpaw assemblages. In general it appears quite close to Trithyrodinium evittii Drugg 1967 but differs in possessing an intercalary archeopyle formed by the loss of a single plate. It has peridiniacean affinities with the deflandreoid lineage. Figured material. Loc. 1, 13 (2) at 99-2-39 0. Dimensions. Range; Length 440 (67-6) 78 0 fx; breadth 360 (47-6) 540 fx. Ten specimens observed and measured. Cyst-Family pseudoceratiaceae Eisenack emend. Sarjeant and Downie 1966 Genus odontochitina Deflandre 1935 Type species. Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel) Deflandre 1946 = Odontochitina silicorum Deflandre 1935; O.D. Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel) Deflandre 1946 Plate 88, fig. 1 1933 Ceratium (Euceratium) operculatum Wetzel; 170, pi. 2, tigs. 21, 22. 1946 Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel) Deflandre; 238, figs. 1016-19. This was the only species of Odontochitina observed in the Bearpaw assemblages. It is distinguished from O. costata Alberti emend. Clarke and Verdier 1967, which in many respects it closely resembles, by lack of striations on the horns. It is uncertain whether the horns of Odontochitina are equivalent to horns as seen in many modern species of Ceratium or whether they should be more correctly termed processes. Its affinities are unknown. Figured material. Loc. 9, 39 (2) at 99 0-32-9. Dimensions. Range; Endoblast; length of long axis 42 0 (53-9) 7T0 /x, length of short axis 39 0 (49-9) 68 0 fx. The horns range in length from 54 0-200 0 [x. Thirty-one specimens observed. In addition to these species the following were noted, but were only represented by single specimens. They are, therefore, not herein described or figured but are included in the primary data and in the range charts. Cribroperidinium sp. Pareodinia sp. 696 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Komewuia cf. glabra Cookson and Eisenack 1960 Canningia cf. rotundata Cookson and Eisenack 1961 Exochosphaeridium bifidum (Clarke and Verdier) Clarke et al. 1968 Cyclonephelium cf. paucispimmi Davey 1 969 Spiniferites cornutus (Gerlach) var. A Deflaudrea gramdifera Manum 1963 D. sp. Hexagoiiifera chlamydata Cookson and Eisenack \962b INCERTAE SEDIS Group ACRITARCHA Evitt 1963 Subgroup ACANTHOMORPHiTAE Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 Genus baltisphaeridium Eisenack emend. Downie and Sarjeant 1963 Baltisphaeridium sp. A. (PI. 88, fig. 5.) Loc. 11, 9 (1) at 105 0-38-0. Thirty-one specimens. Genus Micrhystridium Deflandre emend. Downie and Sarjeant 1963 Micrhystridium sp. A. (PI. 88, figs. 2, 3.) Loc. 2, 1 (1) at 93-0-45-4 and Loc. 3, 13 (2) at 108 0-35-6. Twenty-three specimens. Micrhystridium sp. B. (PI. 88, fig. 7.) Loc. 3, 13 (2) at 109 0-39-4. Twenty-seven specimens. Micrhystridium sp. C. (PI. 88, fig. 4.) Loc. 3, 10 (3) at 93-5-38T. Seven specimens. Micrhystridium sp. D. (PI. 88, fig. 6.) Loc. 3, 10 (2) at 94-6-43-2. Nine specimens. Subgroup HERKOMORPHiTAE Downie, Evitt and Sarjeant 1963 Genus cymatiosphaera Wetzel emend. Deflandre 1954 Cymatiosphaera sp. A. (PI. 88, fig. 8.) Loc. 3, 1 (1) at 106-0^7-L Ten specimens. INTERPRETATION OF THE BEARPAW PHYTOPLANKTONIC RECORD The Bear paw assemblage. The Bearpaw Formation contains a distinct assemblage of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs. In particular it is characterized by the presence of the genera Defiandrea, Diconodinium, and Lejeunia. To characterize the assemblage further it is necessary, though diffieult, to give some idea of the relative proportions of certain of the cysts present. In a qualitative sense, therefore, the following three categories are used: ‘common’, ‘occasionally common’, and ‘rare’. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 88 All figures at a magnification of x600 unless otherwise stated. Fig. I . Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel) Deflandre, lateral view, showing the archeopyle and the nature of the horns. Fig. 2. Micrhystridium sp. A, general view to show the cyst habit. Fig. 3. Micrhystridium sp. A, general view, showing the nature of the processes. Fig. 4. Micrhystridium sp. C, general view, showing the nature of the processes. Fig. 5. Baltisphaeridium sp. A, general view, showing the cyst habit. Fig. 6. Micrhystridium sp. D, general view, showing the nature of the processes. Fig. 7. Micrhy- stridium sp. B, general view, showing the cyst habit. Fig. 8. Cymatiosphaera sp. A, general view, show- ing the polygonal fields on the central body and the nature of the processes. PLATE 88 HARLAND, Campanian microfossils 698 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 The Bearpaw assemblages studied always had high proportions of the following cysts: Defiandrea spectabUis Alberti, Diconodinium firmum sp. nov., and Oligo- sphaeridium pulcherrimum (Deflandre and Cookson) Davey and Williams. These species are regarded as being ‘common’. Some of the assemblages, in addition to those mentioned above, contain high proportions of Canningia senonica Clarke and Verdier, Microdinium irregulare Clarke and Verdier, Lejeunia ampla sp. nov., L. tricuspis (Wetzel), Odontochitina operculata (Wetzel) Deflandre, Cyclonephelium distinctum Deflandre and Cookson, Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum var. brevispinum Davey and Williams and Defiandrea korojonensis Cookson and Eisenack. These species are regarded as ‘occasionally common’. All other species recovered from the Bearpaw Formation are ‘rare’. Comparisons with other assemblages are diflicult to make as little work has been published with respect to Campanian microplankton. Cookson and Eisenack (1960) described some types from Western Australia with some similar Defiandrea species to those from the Bearpaw Formation. In addition they recorded a unique collection of species. Clarke and Verdier (1967) recorded very few species of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Campanian of the Isle of Wight. Species common to their assemblage and the present assemblage are Exochosphaeridium bifidum (Clarke and Verdier) Clarke et ai. 1968, Cycionepheiiwn distinctum, and Odontochitina opercuiata. Vozzhennikova (1967), in her tables of diagnostic species, lists the following for the Campanian of Kazakhstan: Gymnodinium kasachstanium Vozzhennikova, Austraiieiia cooksoni (Alberti) Vozzhennikova, A. granuiifera (Manum) Vozzhenni- kova, Aibertia curvicornis Vozzhennikova and Cooksonieiia manumi Vozzhennikova. Similarities exist to the Bearpaw assemblages especially with regard to the Defiandrea species. Oltz (1969) recorded the presence of Defiandrea ah', microgranuiata Stanley, Defiandrea sp., Hystrichosphaeridium aff. tubiferum (Ehr.) Deflandre, Hystricho- sphaeridium, cf. Gonyauiacysta, Forma ‘A’, Forma ‘B’, Forma ‘C’, and Paieo- tetradinium sp. from the Bearpaw Formation of east central Montana. His assemblage appears similar to that described in this work but a full comparison is not possible as he failed to place his specimens in formal taxa. Recently Davey {\969b, 1969c) described dinoflagellate cysts from the Campanian of South Africa. His assemblages do not appear comparable except for the presence of Diconodinium spp. and Exocho- sphaeridium bifidum. Locai biostratigraphy. The Bearpaw Formation is interpreted as containing a number of informal microplankton assemblage zones. At Fethbridge three informal assemblage zones are recognized from the distribution of the contained micro- plankton. These have been labelled I to III on fig. 12. The primary data, i.e. number of specimens of each organic-walled microplankton species per assemblage, on which figs. 12 and 13 are based may be obtained from the author on request. The first assemblage zone encompasses a body of rock contained between 10 feet above the base of the Bearpaw to approximately 160 feet above the base of the formation. The second informal assemblage zone consists of a body of rock 190 feet above the base of the formation to approximately 260 feet above the base of the formation. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 699 The third assemblage zone consists of a body of rock from 305 feet above the base of the Bearpaw to approximately 540 feet above the base of the formation. In the Cypress Hills sections only two informal assemblage zones were initially recognized, as part of the Manyberries Member could not be sampled because of poor exposure and lack of stratigraphic control. A lower assemblage zone was recog- nized (see fig. 13), and an upper assemblage zone was also present although its full limits could not be ascertained. Recently the author, through the courtesy of Dr. J. H. Wall of the Research Council of Alberta, has examined a part of the core of water borehole RCA Thelma (Lsd 14, Sec. 31, Tp. 6, R. 2, W 4th Mer) to complete that part of the Cypress Hills sections not originally studied. The additional data has been added to all the relevant diagrams and the samples and slides have been deposited in the Palynological Col- lections at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Leeds, and registered as SAL 1720- SAL 1726. The samples from RCA Thelma confirm the presence of informal assem- blage zone II in the Cypress Hills based on the use of the semi-quantitative procedures, i.e. percentages of dinoflagellates and acritarchs, the number of dinoflagellate cyst species and on the gonyaulacacean ratio discussed below, but not on the ranges of the organic-walled microplankton (see fig. 13). The recognition of the majority of these informal microplankton assemblage zones rests on the vertical distribution of the microplankton in the Bearpaw Formation. A clear correlation by species inspection between these two areas is not possible but both areas do reflect, in the distribution of the dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs, the transgression and various environmental changes of the Bearpaw sea. Palaeoemironment of the Bearpaw. The Lethbridge section of the Bearpaw Formation was examined for its foraminiferan content by Anan-Yorke (1969). He recognized six cycles of water-depth fluctuations and it was suggested that salinity changes accompanied these fluctuations. An attempt has been made to recognize these fluctuations using dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs. A record was kept of the percentage of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs present in the total palynomorph population in each sample examined. This information is shown in column A of figs. 12 and 13. In addition, in those samples that were studied in detail, i.e. those where the percentage of dinoflagellates and acritarchs rose to 10% or more, a record of the number of dinoflagellate species was kept, and this is shown in column B of the two range charts. Column C records the gonyaulacacean ratio, for each of the samples studied in detail. The gonyaulacacean ratio is simply the number of species that have a gonyaulacacean affinity divided by the number of species having a peridiniacean affinity. If we assume that conditions have not radi- cally altered from today, then it appears that in an open marine environment the number of gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate species is relatively higher than the number of peridiniacean dinoflagellate species (Schiller 1937). We must assume that this is reflected in the cyst populations. In Wall (1967) the calculated gonyaulacacean ratio is 18 0 for cysts collected from deep-sea cores in the Caribbean, and Wall and Dale (1968) has a calculated gonyaulacacean ratio of 0-44 for a near-shore cyst population at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Freshwater assemblages have high proportions of peridiniacean dinoflagellates and low proportions of gonyaulacacean dinoflagellates K Diconodinium arcticum Oligosphaeridiun' pulcherrimum Lejeunia parva Oeflandrea koro)onensis Baltisphaeridium sp. A Diconodinium firmum Hyslrichosphaendium tubiferum var. brevispinum Cyclonephelium distinctum Oeflandrea macrocysta Hystnchosphaeridium cf arbori&pinum Polyspbaeridium subtile Eiochosphaeridium sp. A Spiniferites ramosus var. membranaceus Spiniferites ramosus var. gracilis Micrhystridium sp. A Spiniferites ramosus var. granosus Tanyosphaeridium variecalamum Oeflandrea spectabilis Cymatiosphaera sp. A Dinogymnium longicornis Lejeunia ampla Spiniferites ramosus var. multibrevis Spiniferites cf. porosus Micrbysiridium sp. B Cleistosphaeridium divers ispinosum ^ Coronifera oceanica Spiniferites cornutus var. A Odontochitina operculata Micrhystridium sp. C Hystnchosphaeridium dowlingii Oligosphaeridium anthophorum Spiniferites ramosus var. ramosus Lejeunia tricuspis Micrhystridium sp. 0 Exochosphaeridium cf. phragmites Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum Microdinium cf. irregulare Cleistophaeridium sp. A ^ Membranosphaera cf. maastrichtica Spinidinium clavum Hexagonifcra chlamydata Oeflandrea tripartita Exochosphacndium cf. bifidum TEXT-FIG. 12. Vertical ranges of the dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs recovered from the Lethbridge sections of the Bearpaw Formation together with the proposed informal biostratigraphical zonation. Column A— Percentages of phytoplankton per sample. Column B— Number of dinoflagellate cyst species per sample. Column C— Gonyaulacacean ratio. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 701 as may be seen in Eddy (1930) and Thompson (1947, 1950). The gonyaulacacean ratio was calculated for each of the samples studied in detail, using cysts for which their natural affinities are known or reasonably assured. The results are shown in column C of the range charts. An inspection of these three columns (A-C) from the Lethbridge section reveals that an increase in the percentages of the dinoflagellates and acritarchs is accompanied by an increase in the number of species and by an increase in the gonyaulacacean ratio. This relationship may be used to pinpoint the appearance of possible open marine conditions. The author has no justification in setting definite limits on this environment, in terms of salinity, temperature, etc., so the term open marine is used only in a relative sense. These open marine conditions may be indicative of periods of maximum extent of the Bearpaw sea such that the shoreline is distant with the accompanying normal salinity for ocean waters. It might, however, indicate periods when the nutrient content of the sea was optimum for the phytoplankton. Using this information it may be interpreted that an initial flooding or transgression in the Lethbridge area is represented by the lowermost 150 feet of the formation with optimum open marine conditions between 60 and 100 feet above the base of the formation. A second period of open marine conditions is represented from approxi- mately 180-240 feet above the base of the formation and a third period is represented from approximately 310-350 feet above the base of the formation. Many more minor fluctuations are apparent in column A, but on an individual basis these are difficult to explain and may indeed be entirely spurious. In comparing the results from the dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs with those from the foraminiferans a close similarity is evident. Anan-Yorke (1969) categorizes his zones as follows: (5) 450 feet to Ryegrass Member — lagoonal. (4) 200^50 feet — deeper water but not as deep as in 2. (3) 115-200 feet— lagoonal, brackish. (2) 56- 115 feet— open marine. (1) Basal 56 feet— lagoonal, brackish. Anan-Yorke’s zone 2 corresponds quite well with the time of optimum conditions for the initial flooding of the Bearpaw sea as documented by the dinoflagellates and acritarchs. These fossils also pick out a second period of optimum conditions at the level of the Magrath Member which Anan-Yorke unfortunately failed to examine for foraminiferans because of lack of samples. Dinoflagellate and acritarch evidence suggests fluctuating conditions for zone 5 of Anan-Yorke. In the Cypress Hills the period of initial flooding can be recognized together with the other open marine periods. A correla- tion of the marine palaeoenvironments is thus achieved. Although the use of the gonyaulacacean ratio appears to be a useful technique it may, in this case, more precisely indicate that the Deflandrea spp. prefer a near-shore reduced salinity situation; as the majority of the peridiniacean cysts studied were species of the genus Deflandrea. Certain over-all limitations do exist. The palyno- logist, in studying microplankton, is looking at the cyst and not the motile stage of the life cycle. To what extent does the cyst population reflect the true population of these organisms in their natural habitat? Under what conditions do cysts form and what factors have affected their distributions in the sediments from which they are extracted? These two largely unanswered questions clearly point out the present limitations of all dinoflagellate and acritarch research. 10 20 30 Deflandrea spectabilis Diconodinium arcdcum Odontochitina operculata Oligosphaendium pulcherrimum Cyclonephelium distinctum Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum Spiniferites ramosus var. ramosus Deflandrea korojonensis Deflandrea macrocysta Diconodinium firmum Micrhystndium sp. B Dinogymnium longicornis Hystrichosphaeridium cf. arbonspinum Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum var. brevispinum Lejeunia tricuspis Cleistosphaendium diversispinosum Leieunia ampla Eiochosphacndium cf. phragmites Spiniferites cf. porosus Microdinium cf. irregulare Spinidinium clavum Canningia cf. rotundata Exochosphaendium pseudohystrichodinium Baltisphaeridium sp. A Hystrichosphaeridium dowlingii Dinogymnium cf. albertii Komewuia cf. glabra Micrhystridium sp. D Achomosphacra hypcracantha Polysphaeridium subtile Spiniferites ramosus var. gracilis Oligosphaeridium anthophorum Tanyosphaeridium variecalamum Deflandrea granulifcra Micrhystridium sp. A Deflandrea tripartita Spiniferites ramosus var. multibrevis Canningia senonica ’ Coronifera oceanica Cleistosphaendium sp. A Cribroperidinium sp. A Spiniferites ramosus var. membranaccus Deflandrea cchinoidca Micrhystridium sp. C ’ Uvatodinium cf. nasalum Cymatiosphacra sp. A ?Membranosphaera cf. maasirichlica Aptcodinium sp. A Cyctonephclium cf. paucispinuni TEXT-i iG. 13. Vertical ranges of the dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs recovered from the Cypress Hills sections of the Bearpaw Formation together with the possible equivalent informal biostratigraphical units to those proposed for the Lethbridge area. Column explanations the same as those given for text-fig. 12. HARLAND: CAMPANIAN MICROPLANKTON 703 Acknowledgements. This work forms part of a doctoral thesis presented to the University of Alberta. 1 acknowledge the advice given to me by Drs. C. R. Stelck, G. Playford, and W. R. Evitt. Special thanks are due to Dr. J. H. Wall of the Research Council of Alberta for introducing the author to the Bearpaw Formation and for supplying many samples. Mr. R. Anan-Yorke kindly allowed the use of his unpublished results. Financial aid was provided by the University of Alberta, by the National Research Council of Canada, and by the Geological Survey of Canada. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Patricia, for her encouragement and patient assistance through all the stages of this work. REFERENCES ALBERTI, G. 1959. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Deflandrea Eisenack (Dinoflag.) in der Kreide und im Alltertiar Nord- und Mitteldeutschlands. Geol. Staatsinst. Hamburg, Mitt. 28, 93-105. 1961. Zur Kenntnis Mesozoischer und Alltertiaren Dinoflagellaten und Hystrichosphaerideen von Nord und Mitteldeutschland sowie einigen Anderen Europaischen Gebieten. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 116, 1-58. ANAN-YORKE, R. 1969. A microfaunal study of the Bearpaw Formation, Lethbridge area, Alberta. Unpubl. M.Sc. thesis, Univ. of Alberta, 1-126. CALDWELL, w. G. E. 1968. The late Cretaceous Bearpaw Formation in the South Saskatchewan river valley. Sask. Research Council, Geology Div. Kept., 8, 1-89. CLARKE, R. F. A. and VERDIER, J. p. 1967. An investigation of microplankton assemblages from the Chalk of the Isle of Wight, England. Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 24, 1-96. 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Loc. 7: Lsd. 1-2, Sec. 32, Tp. 9, R. 23, W.4th Mer. Cypress Hills Area. Loc. 8: Lsd. 6, Sec. 31, Tp. 11, R- 2, W.4th Mer. Loc. 9: Lsd. 12, Sec. 14, Tp. 11, R. 3, W.4th Mer. Loc. 10: Lsd. 6, Sec. 32, Tp. 5, R. 4, W.4th Mer. Loc. 1 1 ; Lsd. 7, Sec. 32, Tp. 5, R. 2, W.4th Mer. Loc. 12: Lsd. 12, Sec. 5, Tp. 6, R. 2, W.4th Mer. Loc. 13: Lsd. 5, Sec. 25, Tp. 6, R. 3, W.4th Mer. Loc. 14: Lsd. 1-2, Sec. 7, Tp. 8, R. 3, W.4th Mer. REX HARLAND Institute of Geological Sciences Ring Road, Halton Leeds, LSI 5 8TQ Typescript submitted 10 July 1972 ON THE MODE OF BRANCHING IN A NEW SPECIES OF CLONOGRAPTUS by D. E. JACKSON Abstract. The precise nature of dichotomous branching in pyritized specimens of Clonograptus aureus sp. nov. of Tremadocian age is described and is compared with Arenigian species of Loganograptus and Goniograptus from Scandinavia. The manner whereby new branches are generated is analogous to the proximal end development of Didymograptus minutus. Although the mode of development of first-order stipes has been worked out in considerable detail for several multiramous and pauciramous graptolites, little is known about the precise way in which higher order stipes branch laterally or dichoto- mously. This new material from the Road River Formation in Yukon Territory is therefore of great interest because its exquisitely pyritized rhabdosome indicates how second-, third-, and fourth-order branches are generated. The absence of bithecae in this species indicates that at least one line of clonograptids lost this dendroid characteristic before the close of the Tremadocian. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Family anisograptidae Bulman 1950 Genus clonograptus Hall and Nicholson 1873 Clonograptus aureus sp. nov. Text-figs. 1 A-c, 2a, 3 a-c Material. Three incomplete rhabdosomes are available preserved in full relief in pyrite. Illustrated specimens comprising GSC 27096 (Holotype) and 27098 as well as 27097 and 27099 come from the Road River Formation in the Upper Canyon on Peel River, Yukon Territory (65° 56' N., 134° 51' W.). Horizon. Upper part of Tremadocian Bryograptus-Clonograptus Zone of Jackson and Lenz (1962, p. 33). The approximate stratigraphic relationship is known to be 60 metres below the base of Tetragraptus approximatus Zone and 120-150 metres above the top of the Staurograptus Zone. In 1969 the writer recol- lected at this stratigraphic level and found Adelograptus cf. victoriae (T. S. Hall), Adelograptus{l) antiquus (T. S. Hall), Dictyonema pulchellum T. S. Hall, and 1 Tetragraptus decipiens T. S. Hall. Such a fauna is clearly indicative of an La 2 age in Australia. Derivation of name. From Latin aureus = golden : referring to colour of pyritized rhabdosome. Description. Rhabdosome not seen to exceed 25 mm across with dichotomous branching to 5th-order. The funicle is 2-5-2-9 mm long, details of proximal end development not seen. Second-order branches 2-3 mm long diverge so that distally they enclose angles of 110 to 120°; each branch probably composed of 3-4 thecae (see text-fig. 1b). Third and fourth-order branches 3 mm-5-5 mm long and 0-3 mm wide in dorsal view; one fourth-order branch (Text-fig. Ic) preserved in profile is 0-6 mm across thecal aperture, free ventral wall of thecae 10 mm long, concave, and inclined at 20°-30°. The thecal rate on third-order stipes is 4 in 4 mm. Associated [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197.3, pp. 707-711.] (n-f4f (n+3)'’ (n+2)‘’"' (n+lf dlchotomy(2) TEXT-FIG. 1a-c. Clonograptus aureus sp. nov. from beds of Tremadocian age in the Road River Formation on Peel River, Yukon Territory, a, dorsal view of rhabdosome of GSC 27096 and location of dichotomies illustrated in Text-figs. 1 b, c. S = sicula. B, dorsal view of dichotomies 2, 3, and 4, xl5. c, dorsal and lateral views of dichotomy I, X 15. Note: two small dots on diagrams repre- sent 1 mm. B JACKSON: BRANCHING IN CLONOGRAPTUS 709 TEXT-FIG. 2a. Pyritized sicula GSC 27098 associated and possibly conspecific with Clonograptus aureus sp. nov. ; X 33. b, Schematic thecal diagram illustrating dicalycal nature of th (n-|- 1)**; c, proximal end of Loganograptus kjerulfi Herrmann from Galgeberg, paratype 73123, Palaeontological Museum Oslo, x 13. fragmented stipes on same bedding plane believed to belong to this species have a profile width of 0-8 mm across thecal apertures and 1 1 thecae in 10 mm. Bithecae are apparently absent in all specimens. The details of the sicula are somewhat un- certain. Specimen GSC 27098 may represent the sicula of this species (Text-fig. 2a) in which case it is typically dendroid, consisting of a parallel-sided tube with thl* originating near apex presumably in the prosicula. 710 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Mode of branching. The precise way in which stipes undergo dichotomous division is best illustrated at points 1, 2, and 3 of text-fig. 1a. Text-figs. 1 b, c are enlarged sketches of these branching points and the process is perhaps most clearly shown in dichotomy 2. The third theca on this second-order stipe which is here labelled ‘n’ (analogous to Jaanusson’s ‘accessory theca’ in Goniograptus) is slightly fatter than the preceding theca and in mid-length curves to the right through about 40°. About one-third of the way along the convex side of theca n arises theca («+!)*’ which immediately diverges from theca n to form an angle of about 60° with it. Theca (n-\~2f is derived from the base of theca (n + 1)^ and in nearly all cases the junction is marked by a constriction (see text-fig. 1b). Theca (n+l)^’ also gives rise to (n + 2)” and is therefore dicalycal. Recognition of dicalycal thecae elsewhere on the rhabdo- some is facilitated by the fact that theca (n + 2)’^ lies considerably closer to the point of dichotomy than does theca {n^3y and also by the tendency for the (n-{- 1)^ bear- ing stipe to diverge at a slightly greater angle from the parent stipe. The paired stipes arising from theca n are of unequal length due to their thecal composition. For example the left stipe which develops from theca (/?+!)'’ is composed of (/?T 1)^ + (n + 2)*’ + (n + 3)^ + (n + 4)*’ + ^ (n“) = 4^ thecae, whereas the right stipe is composed of (n + 2)^ + (A7 + 3)‘^ + (n + 4)=^+^ (rd) = 3^ thecae (excluding the metathecal portion of theca n). The position of the dicalycal theca in each dichotomy can be on either the left or right side of thecae n, id, etc. The dispositions of these dicalycal thecae on indivi- dual specimens are plotted in text-fig. 3. ABC TEXT-FIG. 3a-c. Dispositions of dicalycal thecae in specimens of Clonograptm aureus sp. nov. a-c are GSC 27096, 27097, and 27099 respectively. S = sicula, L — left-handed, R ^ right-handed. Although GSC 27096 indicated a highly organized pattern in the direction the dicalycal thecae were distributed in each of the four quadrants of the colony it does not apparently hold true for GSC 27099. Comparisons. The mode of branching observed by the writer in Loganograptus kjerulfi Herrmann from the Arenigian at Galgeberg, Norway (see text-fig. 2b) is of identical type. However, the pattern of the positioning of the dicalycal thecae in PMO Paratype 73123 can be seen to be left-handed for second-order stipes and left- handed for one-third-order stipe. This is comparable to GSC 27097 but not to GSC 27096 or 27099. The described mode of dichotomous branching also closely resembles that sug- gested by Jaanusson (1965) for Goniograptus sp. from Jamtland. However, two JACKSON: BRANCHING OF CLONOGRAPTUS 71 1 important differences in stipe anatomy exist. Firstly, in Goniograptus the positions of the dicalycal thecae are alternately right-handed and left-handed along each main stipe whereas in Clonograptus the pattern is not regular. A second difference is that whereas in Clonograptus aureus sp. nov. the prothecal segment of {n-\-2)'"^ (see text- fig. 1b) is abnormally long by comparison to (u+ 1)*’ the relationship in Goniograptus sp. is reversed. In summary, the manner of stipe dichotomy in Clonograptus, Loganograptus, and Goniograptus and perhaps many other multiramous genera can be compared with proximal end development in dichograptids. When theca n is made analogous to theca F then the development is of isograptid type in which the dicalycal theca (u+l)*^ = thF and theca n, like thF, forms from the first theca of the other stipe. Among the three subtypes of development discussed by Bulman (1955), Didymo- graptus rninutus with its single crossing canal seems to afford the best comparison. Acknowledgements. I gratefully acknowledge the facilities provided by Dr. G. Henningsmoen during his visit to the Palaeontological Museum, Oslo, in 1971. Also I am indebted to Professor O. M. B. Bulman for helpful discussions and comments on the draft of the manuscript. The work was supported by a travel grant from the Open University. Specimens described in this paper have been deposited with the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. REFERENCES BULMAN, o. M. B. 1955. Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology. Part V, Graptolithina. Univ. Kansas Press. JAANUSSON, V. 1965. Two multiramous graptoloids from the Lower Didymograptus Shale of Scandinavia. Geol. For. Stockh. Fork. 86, 413-432. JACKSON, D. E. and LENZ, A. c. 1962. Zonation of Ordovician and Silurian Graptolites of Northern Yukon, Canada. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 46, 30-45. DENNIS E. JACKSON Department of Earth Sciences The Open University Bletchley Revised typescript received 2 January 1973 Bucks. ■V ^•v VV' <1 ii , h '. ^ ‘ ' '.’H Vie- -■ ' ' * ^ tAiiJii'.iwiJi.' ' • frit' . •“ I * ■'■'>■ , ■•i ; win ' <• ■i'- . r (• ^•>- „■,. --fv ^ W|^ '.1^ • ^ i -u.- -> .yii'/, ■ '•'1 .-.^ ■ -1 .« ' */i~ ,., ■ i ,vn^i ' ■ti. ■ # ■>• -"TV * ■in*j&if*W'*'yifiH-' ■li.r \i\ NOTES ON OPEN NOMENCLATURE AND ON SYNONYMY LISTS by S. C. MATTHEWS Abstract. Rudolf Richter’s proposals on practice in open nomenclature and on annotated synonymy lists are described and briefly criticized. Plus quam leges valent boni mores Tacitus, quoted by Richter in 1930 Authors of palaeontological papers can discover a great deal of instruction in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Stoll and others 1961). But the Code sets a limit on its provisions ; it does not intend in any way to impinge on the individual taxonomist’s exercise of his judgement (see the ‘Preamble’ to the Code). It is therefore necessary to seek elsewhere for guidance on matters such as open nomenclature (a device whereby an author expresses his judgement of his own material) and synonymy lists (the means by which an author concisely expresses his judgements of earlier opinions on the taxonomic problem he is handling). A highly explicit set of recommendations on these matters is available in Rudolf Richter’s (1948) ‘Einfiihrung in die Zoologische Nomenklatur’. His proposals have never been as well known as they deserve among English-speaking palaeontologists. A French translation, it may be noted, is available as Traduction no. 1448, prepared by Departe- ment Documentation du B.R.G.M., B.P. 6009, 45 — Orleans — 02, France. This present article, intended to bring Richter’s views to a wider public, draws freely on what Richter wrote in 1948 (especially pp. 45-56). It is not a direct translation (some things are deleted, and there are certain interpolations) and it makes no claim to carry anything of the authority of Richter’s original. It is offered in order to promote discussion of two points of nomenclatural technique, in the hope that authors might become more familiar with the nature of certain devices they commonly employ, and hoping too that greater consistency of practice might emerge. Richter’s proposals are recommended by the fact that they have to a large extent become standard in the German palaeontological literature— this article may have some incidental useful- ness in explaining the meaning of a system of annotation which regularly appears in papers published in the major German palaeontological journals, but whose signi- ficance is not widely understood in other countries. Those who are entirely unfamiliar with Richter’s work may find it useful to read Stubblefield (1957). OPEN NOMENCLATURE Richter introduced his discussion of open nomenclature by considering the problem of dealing with a specimen whose identity cannot exactly be determined. If it is too hastily referred to a known species or genus, a previously clear taxonomic [[’alaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197.4, pp. 713-719.] E 714 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 concept may be diminished. If one refuses altogether to identify it, potentially useful information may be left unemployed. If one decides to propose a new species or genus to contain the specimen (a lesser error, in Richter’s view, than would arise by referring the specimen to a previously well-established taxon— Richter, epigrammatic here as elsewhere in his writings, observed that though spoiling the work, this pro- cedure would not damage the tool, the standard form) a feeble name might result, and proposals of feeble new names should not be encouraged. Open nomenclature was developed as a remedy against such weaknesses of the taxonomic method. It operates by attaching to known species or genera those specimens whose identity is uncertain. The method offers a clear expression of the fact of uncertainty, and also some indication of the degree of uncertainty involved. This is not a matter of abdicating taxonomic responsibilities. It is instead an especially perspicacious form of nomenclature that is involved. In contrast to closed nomen- clature, with its firmly established and strictly defined names, it remains open to whatever possibility of improvement future findings might bring. By giving taxonomy a means of stretching (in an entirely honest and proper way) the limits of existing knowledge, it by itself indicates where improvements are needed and in which direction they might be sought. It permits us to build any such improvements into nomenclature left open for that purpose, and this without any upset of established names. The signs. The signs employed in open nomenclature are in essence nomenclatural and make up an integral part of the name. It should therefore be understood that they are fundamentally different from signs attached to synonymy lists (see below). 1 . Signs for uncertainty at family or higher level. The highest category touched by uncertainty, and above which certainty begins, has the designation ‘incerta’. Examples: Incertae familiae: Incerti subordinis: Incerti ordinis: Incertae sedis : Family uncertain Suborder uncertain (order known) Order uncertain (class known) Class uncertain The requirements at other levels are handled in the same way: Incertae subfamiliae; Incertae superfamiliae. 2. Signs for uncertainty at genus or subgenus level. If the attribution to an established genus is uncertain a ? is placed behind the name of the genus. Examples: Agenusl album Anton (? Anton) Agenusl album (Anton) (?Anton) Agenusl album (Anton) (?Bruno) In the first case it was Anton himself who, at the time of the establishment of the species album, attributed it with a question mark to the genus Agenus; for behind the species-name, the name of the author is not in parentheses, and this, according to ICZN Article 1 1 , signifies that the original generic assignment has remained unaltered. In the second and third cases Anton had originally assigned the species without MATTHEWS: OPEN NOMENCLATURE 715 question to the genus Agenus, and it was in later publications that the assignment came into doubt. In the second case it was Anton himself who expressed this doubt, and so added to his authorship of the name album also the authorship of the open nomenclature. In the third case it was Bruno who was responsible, and he is the author of the open nomenclature. Because in these latter two cases the generic assign- ment is no longer unequivocally the one proposed by Anton when he established the species, the name of the author of the species-name appears in parentheses (Article 11). Uncertainty surrounding the subgenus can be dealt with in a corresponding way. Example : Agenus (Agenusl) album (Anton) (?Bruno) 3. Signs for uncertainty at species or subspecies level. (i) When attribution to an established species is possible, but cannot be thought certain, a ? is placed behind the name of the author of the species. In a subsequent citation, the author of the open nomenclature, with the sign he introduced (here : ?), is added in parentheses. Examples: Agenus album Anton? (?Anton) Agenus album Anton? (?Bruno) In the first case, Anton himself had assigned a specimen, with some question, to his species album, and in the second case it was Bruno who did this. There are no circumstances in which it would be correct to place a ? between a species-name and the name of its author. These two names (species + author) make up a nomenclatural entity, which nothing should be allowed to divide. Year of publication is also relevant, e.g. in the case where a certain author has at different times made distinctions between forms but has given them all the same name, assigning each of them, with a ?, to some particular species. These forms, which could of course eventually prove to be specifically different from one another and must be cited individually, may be distinguished for one another by the year. The corresponding treatment can be given where it is attachment not to the species but to a subspecies that is to be shown to be uncertain. Example: Agenus album striatum Caesar? (?Bruno) It also happens (especially in ornithology and herpetology) that the subspecies can be firmly fixed even although the attribution to a species remains under question (in most cases lateral replacement of species is involved). Examples: Agenus albuml striatum Caesar (?Caesar) Agenus albuml striatum Caesar (?Bruno) (ii) If instead of attribution to an established species, only a possibility of com- parison with that species should be indicated, cf. (abbreviation of the Latin word confer) is placed in front of the species-name. Authors’ names, repetition of the sign introduced (here: cf.), year, and distinction between several forms can be inserted as in (i). Example: Agenus cf. album Anton (cf. Bruno) 716 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 The corresponding treatment may be given to a subspecies where this is the subject of a comparison only, as compared with the species attribution, which is firm. Example : Agenus album cf. striatum Caesar (cf. Bruno) (iii) If a specimen shows itself to represent a new species, whose formal establish- ment is, however, not yet justifiable, one can, in the interim, associate it with some related, known species, before whose name n. sp., aff. (abbreviation of nova species, affinis) will be inserted. Authors’ names, restatement of the sign inserted (here; n. sp., aff.), and distinction of several forms can be introduced as in (i). Example; Agenus n. sp., aff. album Anton (n. sp., aflf. Bruno). Association with a known subspecies can be done in the same way. Example ; Agenus album n. subsp., aff. striatum Caesar (n. subsp., aff. Bruno). If any author has several different forms to compare with a known species in this way, it is useful practice to identify each of them by a lower-case letter. These letters have an advantage over names in that they introduce no question of priority and so impose no burden. They can be used, with just as much exactitude as resides in a species-name, for temporary characterization of a particular form. They are placed, together with n. sp., behind the genus-name, or in the case of subspecies, together with n. subsp., behind the species-name. Examples; Agenus n. sp. a, aff. album Anton (n. sp. a, aff. Bruno) Agenus n. sp. b, aff. album (n. sp. b, aff. Bruno) Agenus album n. subsp. a, aff. striatum Caesar (n. subsp. a, aff. Bruno) If the form is to be treated as a new species, not yet to be defined, and incapable of being associated with any established species, then one writes simply n. sp., or if several forms are involved, n. sp. a and n. sp. b (there are, quite possibly, many people to whom ‘open nomenclature’ means no more than this particular provision). (iv) If, again, the question of a relationship with some established species is unclear, and yet an indication of the possibility of such a relationship is desirable (on taxo- nomic, geographic, or stratigraphic grounds) then n. sp. aff.? is placed in front of the name of the established species. Example; Agenus n. sp. aff.? album Anton (n. sp. aff. ?Bruno) An unclear relationship with a subspecies can be treated likewise. Example; Agenus album n. subsp., aff. ? striatum Caesar (n. subsp., aff. ?Bruno) (v) If the form might equally well belong to a known as to a new species, sp. (or more fully, sp. inc., or sp. indet.— abbreviations of; species incerta, indeterminabilis) [Editorial note; it is the practice in Palaeontology to put the noun before the adjective, e.g. sp. nov., subsp. nov.] MATTHEWS: OPEN NOMENCLATURE 717 is placed behind the genus-name. The corresponding practice at subspecies level is to place subsp. inc. behind the species name. Examples : Agenus sp. Anton, or Agenus sp. inc. Anton Agenus album Anton subsp. inc. Bruno 4. Signs for uncertainty of both genus and species. If both the genus and the species are uncertain, the appropriate signs all appear. Examples : Agenusl cf. album Anton (cf. Bruno) Agenusl album Anton? (?spec. Bruno) Agenusl n. sp., alf. album Anton (n. sp., aff. Bruno) Agenusl n. sp., aff. ? album Anton (n. sp., aff. ?Bruno) Agenusl sp. inc. Bruno SYNONYMY LISTS Non-nomenclatural signs. The signs attached to entries in a faunal list or synonymy list are not integral parts of the zoological names and have nothing to do with formal nomenclature. They stand to the left of the name and belong neither to the name itself nor to the author of the name. Nor do they belong among the signs that stand within or to the right of the name. They express the judgements of the author of the list. Signs attached to the synonymy list. The author of a synonymy list uses his signs to make qualifying comments on these cases he cites in his list as synonyma of the species whose name appears at the head of the list. Anyone who wishes to carry forward a piece of research must check the existing information. He needs the whole literature on the subject. In order to assist such an inquirer one must strive to make the synonymy lists as near complete as possible, and yet at the same time try to find means of making them as serviceable and as readable as possible. By such means one can rid one’s text of pointless information and dis- cussion. The following signs, first proposed in 1924, have subsequently had much use. 1 . Signs which should obviate needless searches. 1881 Year in italics : this work has a mention of the species, but without description or illustration. It may be ignored by anyone who wishes to check merely the morphological information, rather than the total data arising out of the occurrence. 1881 Year in roman: the work contributes to our knowledge of the species. If such a reference includes an illustration, it may help a later inquirer to give an indication of the anatomical parts figured, e.g. in arthropods S = illustration of the whole carapace, ^ = cephalon, = abdomen. [cop. Anton 1856] : the illustration is not a new one, merely a repetition of one already produced by Anton in 1856. Someone who is familiar with the figure in the earlier work need not feel obliged to examine the repeat. 718 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 2. Signs which indicate the degree of confidence with which particular items in the list are referred to the species under discussion : *1881 * in front of the year : with publication of this work the species can be regarded as valid under the terms of Article 1 1 of the ICZN (earlier mentions of this name are to be regarded as nomina nuda). .1881 .in front of the year: we accept responsibility for attaching this reference to the species under discussion. 1881 No sign in front of the year: we have no right expressly to accept responsi- bility for attaching this reference to the species under discussion; but at the same time we have no cause to doubt such an allocation. 71881 ? in front of the year : the allocation of this reference must be subject to some doubt because of the way in which it was presented (e.g. if the species-name concerned included at that time several forms now treated as separate species). vl881 V in front of the year: vidimus! We have checked the deposited specimens that relate to the work cited, and on their evidence we have chosen the addi- tional sign used. v*1881: we have seen the type of the species, v.1881: because of the evidence of the deposited specimens we are able to take responsibility for this assignment, or vl881 : we do not accept responsibility. v?1881 : the condition of the original specimens is such that no clear decision is possible. (1881) year in parentheses: the year of publication is uncertain. An example of a synonymy list : Agenus album Anton, 1900. Agenus viride Aulus. — Bruno, Monogr. Agenidae, S. 12 Taf. 3 Fig. 2. Agenus nigrum Anna. — Berta, Bibl. Ind., S. 20. Agenus album n. sp. — Anton, Fauna Bras., S. 35 Taf. 2 Figs. 1-4 ^ ^ . Begenus cf. cinereum Aulus. — Caesar, Reiseber., S. 10 [vix S. 12], Agenus album Anton. — Anton, Neue Beob., S. 25, Tabelle 4. Agenus? album Anton (?Bruno). — David, Orientierung, S. 30 Taf. 9 Fig. 3 ^ [kop. Anton 1900 Fig. 1]. Agenus caeruleum n. sp. — Emil, Ubersicht, S. 6 Taf. 5, Fig. 2 w . [non Fig. 1 = Agenus fuscum Felix.] A critical synonymy list like this one, Richter observed, may be in itself a piece of scientific work, approaching the state of a detailed monograph in its critical complete- ness as well as in the range of information on which it draws. A compilatory synonymy list, which brings together every mention of a zoological name available in the litera- ture, but involves no expense of effort on deposited material nor any exercise of Judgement, is not a scientific work, although it could usefully supply raw material for one. A transcriptive synonymy list, which does nothing other than repeat earlier lists, serves merely to put a surface gloss, easily penetrated, on something that is quasi- scientific, and in effect no more than a waste of paper. Once a dependable list has been published, it is sufficient at a later date simply to make a reference to it, adding any necessary supplementary material. The supplementary entries will then serve toward preparation of a revised synonymy list. V . 1895 ? 1907 V* 1900 V 1902 1908 V . 1910 V ? 1914 MATTHEWS: OPEN NOMENCLATURE 719 Concluding comment. It is now twenty-five years since the second edition of Richter’s ‘Einfiihrung’ appeared. Much of what he suggested then has become firmly estab- lished in Germany. One or two of his proposals have faltered. His practice of citing the name of the author of a piece of open nomenclature, for example, is not often seen in the literature. His method of recording anatomical parts figured in references (see ‘synonymy lists’ above) could be applied in a simple way in the case of arthropods, but it would be difficult to contrive similar schemes for other groups— it would certainly be difficult to think of anything that could conveniently be rendered in type. The annotations he proposed for synonymy lists have otherwise proved acceptable and practicable. Rabien (1954) has proposed two additional signs. These are (?)1881 (?) before the year: it is probable that the reference applies to the species under discussion, but this cannot be established with certainty (e.g. in a case in which the originals could not be checked, and the illustrations and descriptions were insufficient to justify firm identification, yet in which the identification could be considered probable for reasons stated in detail in remarks which would follow). p.l881 p before the year: partim: the reference applies only in part to the species under discussion. If attached to any of the other signs of the synonymy list, p would indicate that the sign applies only up to a certain limit to the work cited. Example: vp before the year: the deposited specimens have been checked, and some only of them belong to the species under discussion. Struve (1966, p. 125) too has made some supplementary proposals. These have not achieved any great currency, but they may, like Rabien’s, be found useful in cases where it is necessary to make more specific comment than is provided for in Richter’s own system. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Professor Dr. D. Meischner (Gottingen), Professor Dr. K. Krommelbein (Kiel), and Professor S. Simpson (Exeter) for their comments on a draft of the paper. P. M. Sadler has kindly joined in discussions of many of the points involved. REFERENCES RABIEN, A. 1954. Zur Taxionomie und Chronologic der oberdevonischer Ostracoden. Abh. hess. Landesamt. Bodenforsch. 9, 268 pp. RICHTER, R. 1948. Einfiihrung in die Zoologische Nomenklatur. Kramer, Frankfurt a. M., 252 pp. (2nd edition). STOLL, N. and others (eds.). 1961. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 176 pp. STRUVE, w. 1 966. Beitrage zur Kenntnis devonischer Brachiopoden, 1 5 : Einige Atrypinae aus dem Silurium und Devon. Senckenberg. leth. 47, 123-163. STUBBLEFIELD, c. J. 1957. Profcssor Rudolf Richter. Bull. zool. Nom. 13, 139-141, 1 pi. S. C. MATTHEWS Department of Geology University of Bristol Queen’s Building University Walk Bristol, BS8 ITR Manuscript received 14 September 1972 . ’m > ' ft f'ipi»M 'io'4.-j/?T<*' i’#'- ■ ' _— . \ ,*■ ' * r> .i. "f ^ •? ‘M : . rttif 1. '■ V V, :/•,,# yj . ,J ,^. ■.,. ; (.iyrr.k'* V, W'j^'v.fi'i,’,), 4^5 1 i M t- ■ vi-»‘» " ’" ■ ■ ■ \ V ^-i)v ■ ' . ■ f . = „ ' v'. .:' , , . • •.'» V'> ,^. .'‘ ' i^-- ; I I ' j' ■ '"■'* ' >■ ’ ‘ 'v;.- I'j.*- r:J-| ■■ . WS !r»: '. >. " '■H VittCj. .' ’ "jS 'fKU.ii n'fdhii^j‘1 hi !«<.• i - V ‘I'i '■' ' H-=ki i ‘> <■•," MTUl--’ •i. :,I>\ ■ i?',* ( oil * !. ?'f.l» -'V;. , J<\. ' ■'^i ■ ^ ■" ^ ' r^W^4riii-< :f.; .,, '-W<- - ■ :, “'O. ■'tv.'', 'V-. ■( , t ■ ;■ »‘ • • ij"/ ■ ;■■■:'» t- 1 ri/, i-' '• WYLEYIA: A NEW BIRD HUMERUS FROM THE EOWER CRETACEOUS OF ENGLAND by c. j. o. HARRISON and c. a. walker Abstract. An imperfect humerus found in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Henfield, Sussex, represents the earliest British bird known, Wyleyia valdensis gen. et sp. nov. It is compared with other reptile and bird humeri from the Jurassic and Cretaceous. In July 1964 Mr. J. F. Wyley found an imperfect humerus in the Weald Clay (Lower Cretaceous) at Henfield, Sussex. It is reminiscent of certain advanced archosaur humeri; but, having compared it with the humeri of pterosaurs (from which it is completely distinct) and of small dinosaurs such as Hypsilophodon Huxley 1869 and Deinonychus Ostrom 1969, we are confident that it represents a bird. The particular bird-like characters which it shows are as follows : 1. There is a transverse ligamental furrow on the palmar surface just below the articulating area of the proximal end. 2. The deltoid crest is blade-like, large, and very thin. 3. There is some indication of a capital groove on the anconal surface. 4. The shaft is slender, hollow, and thin-walled. 5. There is a distinct groove (brachial depression) for the insertion of the brachialis anticus muscle. The only other Lower Cretaceous bird remains known are Gallornis straeleni Lambrecht 1931 from France (assigned by Brodkorb in 1963 to the Phoenicopteridae), the gaviiform Enaliornis Seeley 1876 from the Cambridge Greensand of England, and indeterminate feathers from Australia. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Wyleyia valdensis gen. et sp. nov. Plate 89; text-figs. 1-2 Holotype. Unique specimen in British Museum (Nat. Hist.) No. A 3658: an imperfect right humerus. Diagnosis. Humerus similar in character to both Archaeopteryx von Mayer and Ichthyornis Marsh, but smaller. Proximal end of humerus relatively smooth and flattened. Deltoid crest extending for nearly one-third of length of humerus apparently making only slight angle with plane of the proximal palmar surface ; palmar surface of crest itself with small longitudinal ridge on distal half and a very small curved depression at distal end; lower profile of crest forming angle of about 45° with external profile of shaft. No evidence of prominent bicipital surface. Bicipital crest large, relatively thick, and rounded along internal edge. Ligamental furrow present just below head on palmar surface. Shaft curved with some torsion (may be due to [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 1973, pp. 721-728, pi. 89.] E TEXT-FIG. I. Wyleyia valdenis gen. et sp. nov. Holotype: right humerus (BMNH A 3658). x2. A, palmar aspect; b, anconal aspect; c, internal aspect; d, external aspect; e, proximal aspect. crushing), widening distally. Impression for brachialis anticus muscle nearer external side of shaft, fairly deep, broad (half as wide as shaft), and elongated. Description. The specimen is a damaged right humerus, with the distal end missing altogether. The proximal end also is eroded and the outer part of the deltoid crest and the proximal part of the bicipital crest have been broken away. The head itself is damaged, but appears to have been prominent and rounded; there is some indica- tion of a capital groove. Just below the head, on the palmar surface, there is a broad, shallow, transverse depression which is probably the remains of the ligamental furrow. The palmar surface is relatively smooth and slightly concave; the anaconal surface is rounded, especially towards the internal side, but tapers down on the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 89 Wyleyia valdemis gen. et sp. nov. Holotype: right humerus (BMNH A 3658). Stereopairs, x2. a, palmar aspect; b, anconal espect; c, internal aspect; d, external aspect; e, proximal aspect. PLATE 89 HARRISON and WALKER, Wyleyia 724 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 external side into the thin flange of the deltoid crest. The deltoid crest is long, about a third of the probable total length of the bone, and distally curves in rather abruptly to the shaft; its outer edge is broken, but on the palmar surface a small longitudinal ridge is apparent distally, running near and parallel to the edge. There is also a very small curved depression at the distal end of the crest, just next to the shaft. On the internal side the bone curves out evenly to form a bicipital crest, but lacks any prominent bicipital surface. The bicipital crest is thick and is curved on the anconal surface with no suggestion of a narrow flange indicated in the illustrations of the humeri of Ichthyornis. There is a small ridge where a median crest would be expected to occur, but no suggestion of a pneumatic fossa or foramen. The centre of the shaft is slightly crushed, but allowing for this, its anconal profile is still slightly convex in lateral view; the shaft begins to widen towards the distal break. Also visible in this area, near the external side of the shaft, is the scar of the brachialis anticus muscle. It is fairly deep, broad (half as wide as the shaft), and elongated; its edges are relatively steep and the impression tapers proximally, appear- ing to terminate in a smaller and slightly deeper pit. There is some torsion in the shaft, so that the two ends of the bone were inclined to each other at a considerable angle (text-fig. 2c); some of it might be due to crushing, but it was in any case much greater than in a modern bird (text-fig. 3c). A B TEXT-FIG. 2. Wyleyia valdensis gen. et sp. nov. Holo- type: right humerus, a, reconstruction of proximal aspect; B, reconstruction of palmar aspect, xlf; c, diagram showing approximate angle between proximal (1) and distal (2) articulations. Abbrevia- tions used in this and other text-figures : as, anconal ; be, bicipital crest ; brdp, brachial depression ; dc, del- toid crest ; dpc, deltopectoral crest ; h, humeral head ; it, internal tuberosity; If, ligamental furrow. C Measurements (in millimetres); Total length as preserved 42-4 Length of deltoid crest 17-4 Length of bicipital crest 10-3 Width of shaft just distal to deltoid crest (internal-external) 4-5 Width of shaft just distal to deltoid crest (palmar-anconal) 3-3 Greatest width preserved at distal end 5-3 HARRISON AND WALKER; NEW BIRD HUMERUS 725 A B TEXT-FIG. 4. lOniitlwcheirus clifti. Proximal part of left humerus (BMNH 2353). a, proximal aspect; B, palmar aspect, xf. Abbreviations: see legend to text-fig. 2. TEXT-FIG. 3. Cathartes aura (Turkey Vulture). Left humerus, a, proximal aspect; b, palmar aspect, X approx. 3; c, diagram showing approximate angle between proximal (1) and distal (2) articulations. Abbreviations: see legend to text-fig. 2. TEXT-FIG. 5. Hypsilophodon foxii. Right humerus (BMNH R 196). a, proximal aspect; B, palmar aspect, X f ; c, diagram showing approximate angle between proximal (1) and distal (2) articulations. Abbreviations: see legend to text-fig. 2. 726 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Occurrence. Weald Clay, Lower Cretaceous, Henfield, Sussex. The ostracods in the Henfield deposits indicate that they lie about 500-600 feet below the top of the Weald Clay. This would establish the horizon as being in the middle of the Reeves Group II, in the Barremian Substage of the Neocomian Stage. COMPARISONS Because of the early Cretaceous age of Wyleyia it was felt necessary to compare it with humeri of certain archosaurs and early birds. lOrnithocheirus clifti (Mantell). The humerus compared (BMNH 2353 and 2353a; text-fig. 4) is from the Wealden of Sussex. It resembles a bird humerus in having a thin wall and a hollow interior, but differs considerably in its general anatomy. The shaft is shorter and more massive with a large distal articulation. The articular head is fundamentally different in being saddle-shaped and concave in lateral view. The deltopectoral crest (deltoid crest in birds) also differs in being a thick projection rather than a thin blade, projecting at a much more acute angle to the plane of the proximal end. Hypsilophodon foxii Hulke. The humerus of this Wealden ornithopod from the Isle of Wight belonged to a small specimen (BMNH R 196; text-fig. 5). It differs from Wyleyia in several characters. Seen from above, the articulating area of the humeral head is more massive and triangular and not crescentic in shape. The bone lacks the transverse ligamental furrow on the palmar surface, the capital groove on the anconal surface, and the well-marked brachial depression at the distal end. The shaft is rather short and stout and has undergone a considerable amount of torsion, rather more than in Wyleyia, so that the two ends of the humerus are almost at right angles to each other. The deltopectoral crest is not blade-like but thick and blunt. Although there is some torsion present in Wyleyia which is certainly more than is found in modern birds, it is much less than is found in the majority of archosaurs. Some of the torsion present in the shaft of Wyleyia could be due to crushing. Deinonychus antirrhopus Ostrom. Comparison was made with a cast of a humerus (AMNH 3015; text-fig. 6) of this Lower Cretaceous theropod from Montana. Like Hypsilophodon, it lacks the ligamental furrow of Wyleyia and the well-marked brachial depression; indeed, the brachialis anticus muscle has left no indication of its presence. Further, the deltopectoral crest lies in a different plane. Archaeopteryx lithographica von Meyer. Comparison was made with the holotype (BMNH 37001; text-fig. 7) from the Upper Jurassic of Bavaria. Like Wyleyia, Archaeopteryx lacks most of the distinct prominences and ridges generally found in modern flying forms. The whole bone is slender and shows about the same amount of torsion in the shaft. The proximal end bears a simple head, slightly swollen and laterally elongated with a rounded articulation surface. The deltoid crest, however, diverges less abruptly from the shaft and is set almost at right angles to the palmar surface. B HARRISON AND WALKER: NEW BIRD HUMERUS 727 B TEXT-FIG. 7. Archaeopteryx lithographica. Right humerus (BMNH 37001). a, proximal aspect; B, palmar aspect, x 1 ; c, diagram showing approximate angle between proximal (1) and distal (2) articulations. Abbreviations: see legend to text-fig. 2. TEXT-FIG. 6. Deinonychus antirrhopus. Right humerus (AMNH 3015). A, proximal aspect; B, palmar aspect, x^; c, diagram showing approximate angle between proximal ( I ) and distal (2) articulations. Abbreviations: see legend to text-fig. 2. A C TEXT-FIG. 8. Ichthyornis dispar. Right humerus (after ? Marsh, 1880). a, proximal aspect; b, palmar aspect, i — X 1^; c, diagram showing approximate angle between 2 proximal ( 1 ) and distal (2) articulations. Abbreviations : see legend to text-fig. 2. be a s 728 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Hesperornis Marsh and Enaliornis Seeley. These flightless birds had very reduced wings. The humerus of Hesperornis, from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas, is long and slender with few prominent features ; the humerus of Enaliornis (Lower Cretaceous of England) is unknown. Ichthyornis Marsh. Plates in Marsh (1880; text-fig. 8) and a specimen in the BMNH A 905 were used for this comparison, although humeri of I. victor Marsh were dis- torted by crushing. The humeri of this Upper Cretaceous bird from Kansas resemble Wyleyia in the proportions of the various parts (including the length of the deltoid crest), the large deltoid crest projecting in approximately the same plane as the palmar surface, and the relatively flat nature of the proximal portion. They differ, however, in that (a) the bicipital crest does not project so far and is reduced in thickness, (b) the impression of the branchialis anticus muscle is shallow proximally and lies nearer the internal side of the shaft than the external. Comparison with other Mesozoic material and Recent birds suggests that the new humerus is also that of a bird, showing the greatest resemblances to Archaeopteryx and Ichthyornis. The fact that the humeri of Archaeopteryx, Ichthyornis, and Wyleyia are similar would not, however, seem sufficient reason to place Wyleyia in either the Archaeo- pterygiformes or Ichthyornithiformes, which would imply an affinity with the corre- sponding Jurassic or Cretaceous forms. It therefore seems advisable to consider the new genus incertae sedis until further evidence of affinity is forthcoming. Acknowledgements. We wish to thank Mr. J. F. Wyley for making this specimen available for description; Dr. A. J. Charig (British Museum (Natural History)) for criticizing the manuscript; Miss M. L. Holloway for the line drawings; and Messrs. T. Parmenter and C. Keates for taking the photographs. Abbreviations. BMNH— British Museum (Natural History); AMNH — American Museum of Natural History. BRODKORB, p. 1963. Catalogue of fossil birds. Bull. Fla. St. Mas. biol. Sci. 7, 179-273. HUXLEY, T. H. 1870. On Hypsilophodon foxii, a new dinosaurian from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Lond. 26, 3-12, pis. 1-3. MARSH, o. c. 1880. Odontornithes: Monographs on the extinct toothed birds of North America. United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, 7, xv-201, pis. 1-34. MANTELL, G. A. 1844. Medals of creation. London. MEYER, H. VON 1861. Archaeopteryx lithographica (Vogel-Feder) und Pterodactylus von Solenhofen. Neues Jb. Miner. Geol. Paldont. 678-679. OSTROM, J. H. 1969. Osteology of Deinonychus antirrhopus, an unusual theropod from the Lower Cretaceous of Montana. Bull. Peabody Mus. nat. Hist. 30, 1-165, figs. 1-83. SEELEY, H. G. 1876. On the British fossil Cretaceous birds. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Lond. 32, 496-512, 2 pis. LAMBRECHT, K. 1931. Gallornis straeleni n. g. n. sp., ein Kreidevogel aus Frankreich. Bull. Mus. r. Hist, nat. Belg. 1 (30), 1-6, figs. 1-3. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES C. J. O. HARRISON C. A. WALKER Sub-Department of Ornithology Department of Palaeontology Typescript received 13 November 1972 British Museum (N.H.) Tring, Herts. British Museum (N.H.) London, S.W. 7 A PROBLEMATICAL DINOFLAGELLATE FROM THE TERTIARY OF VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND by DEWEY M. MCLEAN Abstract. Inversidinium exilimurum, gen. et sp. nov., a problematical dinoflagellate recovered from the Aquia Formation (Upper Paleocene) of the Virginia-Maryland Coastal Plain, displays an atypical peridinioid outline characterized by a truncated antapex which ruptures to form a hitherto unreported type of antapical excystment apparatus; antapical archeopyles are exceedingly rare among the dinoflagellates. In the Cretaceous and Tertiary dinoflagellate and acritarch assemblages of the Virginia-Maryland Coastal Plain are problematical palynomorphs of which the morphological interpretation and taxonomic treatment cannot be unequivocally assessed. A cyst recovered from the marine Aquia Formation (Upper Paleocene), displays characteristics which suggest affinities with the Pyrrhophyta ; however, inter- pretation of these characters is subjective. Its outline compares most closely with that of a peridinioid but is atypical by having a truncated antapex which lacks antapical horns; the excystment apparatus (= archeopyle?) does not conform in shape or position with any thecal plate, or combination of plates, known to the author; and features of the periphragm which seemingly correspond in position to a cingulum and sulcus are reflected not by indentations, but by convex-outward folds. Orientation of the cyst is subjective. By comparison with a general peridinioid outline, the pointed tip of the periblast is considered apical and the truncated end showing the excystment feature, antapical. In addition, convex-outward folds of the periphragm which corre- spond in position to a cingulum and sulcus seemingly reflect dorsal and ventral surfaces, respectively. Following this orientation, the cyst is interpreted to have a hitherto unreported type of antapical excystment apparatus. Antapical archeopyles are exceedingly rare among dinoflagellates. All samples are from the Aquia Formation (Upper Paleocene) of the Virginia- Maryland Coastal Plain from outcrop localities along the Potomac River south of Washington, D.C. They are; Locality 1. Prince Georges County, Maryland. Reference: U.S. Geol. Svy. Anacostia, Md.-D.C. quad., 7-5 minute series; geog. coords. 38° 45' 10" N. Lat., 76° 59' 15" W. Long. Approx. 45 feet (14 m) of lower- most Aquia glauconitic quartz sands are exposed about 0-5 mile (0-80 km) west of Friendly, Maryland, along the stream occurring immediately south of, and paralleling, the Old Fort Road. Locality 2. Stafford County, Virginia. Reference: U.S. Geol. Svy. Passapatanzy, Va.-Md., quad., 7-5 minute series; geog. coords. 38° 22' 15" N. Lat., 77° 17' 50" W. Long. This is the type locality of the Aquia Formation. Approximately 70 feet (21 m) of Aquia glauconitic quartz sands are exposed in the bluffs along the south bank of Aquia Creek, about 0-5 mile south-east of the Maryland-Virginia Monu- ment No. 37. Locality 3. Stafford County, Virginia. Reference; U.S. Geol. Svy. Passapatanzy, Va.-Md., quad., 7-5 minute series; geog. coords. 38° 20' 35" N. Lat., Long, 77° 17' 17" W. Long. Approximately 35 feet ( 10 m) of Aquia glauconitic quartz sands are exposed in the bluffs along the south bank of Potomac Creek, from 0-5 and 0T5 mile west of the Maryland-Virginia Monument No. 35. [Palaeontology, Vol. 16. Part 4, 197.4, pp. 729-7.42, pi. 90.] F 730 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Standard acid maceration techniques were utilized for all samples. Palynomorphs were concentrated by use of ZnBr (sp. gr. = 2 0), and were darkened for study and photomicrography by acetolysis. Slides are stored at Stanford University and are assigned Stanford University Paleontological Type Collection ( = SUPTC) numbers. Coordinates are measurements in millimetres to the right (R) or left (L) and toward the top ( + ) or bottom (— ) of the slide from an index cross engraved on the coverslip near its lower left corner. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Division pyrrhophyta Pascher Class DiNOPHYCEAE Paschcr Genus inversidinium nov. Derivation of name. Latin, inversus, inverted, with reference to the antapically oriented archeopyle. Type species. Inversidinium exilimurum sp. nov. Diagnosis. Bi-layered cyst; periblast outline peridinioid with pointed apex and truncated antapex; lacks indications of tabulation; endoblast outline variable. Convex-outward folds of the periblast reflect cingulum and sulcus. Excystment apparatus (= archeopyle?) antapical; forms by rupture of anatapical tips of peri- blast and endoblast. Periphragm and endophragm externally smooth to granulose. Remarks. Inversidinium exilimurum, gen. et sp. nov., is assigned to the Pyrrhophyta on the basis of its generalized peridinioid shape, excystment apparatus, and features of the periphragm that seemingly reflect a cingulum and sulcus. Inversidinium exilimurum sp. nov. Plate 90 Derivation of name. Latin, exilis, thin or meagre; mums, wall-in reference to the thin, transparent nature of the periphragm and endophragm. Holotype. PI. 90, figs. 1-2. Loc. 2, sample 3384, SUPTC 10079 (R26 0, +12-5). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 90 Inversidinium exilimurum, gen. et sp. nov. ; all specimens are from the Aquia Lormation (Upper Paleocene) of the Virginia-Maryland Coastal Plain. Pigs. 1-2. Holotype, x920. 1, Shows details of ventral longitudinal ridge; dorsal transverse ridge is shown in optical section on left side of specimen. 2, Shows general peridinioid outline of periblast and triangular outline of endoblast; note truncated antapex of periblast and complete absence of antapical horns. Dimensions: LxW = 50x40 /xm. Loc. 2, sample 3384, SUPTC 10079 (R26 0, -I-12-5). Pigs. 3, 6. Two focus levels of one specimen oriented with antapex facing the observer and ventral surface facing up. 3, Transverse optical section at level of dorsal transverse ridge, x 1340. The bulge facing up in the photograph shows in cross section the ventral longitudinal ridge. 6, Antapical tip of periblast, X 1710. Maximum width of specimen 35 /xm. Loc. 1, sample 3370, SUPTC 10080 (R14-2, +4-3). Pigs. 4-5. Two views of one specimen, x925. 4, Shows optical section of triangular endoblast; note ruptured antapex of both periblast and endoblast. 5, Phase contrast, shows details of ruptured antapex of both periblast and endoblast. Dimensions: LxW .= 54 x 45 /xm. Loc. 2, sample 3390, SUPTC 10081 (R190, fl20). Pigs. 7-9. Several focus levels of one specimen oriented with antapex facing observer and ventral surface facing up, x2000. 7, Transverse optical section at level of dorsal transverse ridge showing optical section of ventral longitudinal ridge. 8, Pocused on extreme antapical tip of periblast. 9, Antapical view of periblast focused slightly deeper into specimen than in fig. 8, showing what is interpreted to be a circular excystment aperture ( archeopyle?). Maximum width of specimen 40 /xm. Loc. 2, sample 3392, SUPTC 10082 (R24-3, + 1-5). PLATE 90 McLEAN, Inversidinium 732 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Diagnosis. As for genus. Description. Periphragm transverse section elliptical at widest part and triangular at antapex. Endoblast dorso-ventral outline roundly triangular with elliptical transverse section at widest part and triangular cross section at antapex; endoblast occupies hypotractal portion of periblast. A narrow convex-outward fold 1-3 (xm wide traverses periblast dorsal surface at its widest part ; a similar fold extends longitudinally along the periblast ventral midline from the antapex to about midway between the widest part of the periblast and the apex. Excystment apparatus (= archeopyle?) forms by posterior tip of endophragm breaking away and posterior tip of periphragm ruptur- ing irregularly. Periphragm and endophragm less than 1 ^m thick, transparent, and externally smooth to granulose. Dimensions. Holotype L X W = 50 x 40 /^m. Observed range (eleven specimens measured) : length 45-60 fj.m (mean 51 /xm); width 32-52 ;u,m (mean 41 ju.m). Remarks. The narrow convex-outward folds on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the periblast are commonly folded secondarily such that the resultant deformed folds have the appearance of furrows. Rotation of such specimens into both lateral and polar views, so that the features could be examined in cross section, confirmed that they are convex-outward folds that had been folded secondarily and are not furrows. Rupture of the periphragm along the crests of the folds has not been observed. Comparison with similar species. Inversidinium exilimurum, gen. et sp. nov., is unique among the Pyrrhophyta with the possible exception of Wetzeliella {Rhomb odiniuml) minuscula Alberti, 1961, which resembles the new species in appearance. They differ in details concerning the antapex and shape of the endoblast. According to Alberti’s description, W. {R7) minuscula exhibits two antapical protrusions separated from one another by means of a longitudinal split; I. exilimurum, on the other hand, has a sharply truncated antapex that lacks any vestige of protrusions (horns) and has an outward-convex fold along its ventral midline instead of a split. The endoblast of W. (R?) minuscula is rhombohedral in outline and nearly fills the periblast whereas that of /. exilimurum is triangular in dorso-ventral outline and occupies the hypo- tractal portion of the periblast. W. {Rhombodiniuml) minuscula lacks the intercalary type archeopyle typical of Wetzeliella, thereby raising questions concerning its assignment to Wetzeliella. Should later investigations show it to have an antapical excystment apparatus, it should then be transferred to Inversidinium. Occurrence. Loc. 1, less than 1% of the phytoplankton content through all but the upper 20 feet of the section; Loc. 2, less than 1% of the phytoplankton content throughout the section; Loc. 3, less than 1% of the phytoplankton content of one sample taken 20 feet above the base of the section. Acknowledgements. It is a pleasure to express my thanks to Dr. W. R. Evitt of Stanford University who offered many helpful suggestions during this study which was made possible by National Science Founda- tion Grants GB 4702 and GB 471 1 (to Evitt). REFERENCES ALBERTI, G. 1961. Zur Kenntnis mesozoischer and alttertiarer Dinoflagellaten und Hystrichosphaerideen von Nord- und Mitteldeutschland sowie einigen anderen europiiischen Gebieten. Palaeontographica, 116 (A), 1-58, 12 pis. DEWEY M. MCLEAN Department of Geological Sciences Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg Virginia, 24061 U.S.A. Typescript received 14 December 1972 THE APPLICATION OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY TO PALAEONTOLOGY by M. D. MUIR and w. l. diver The Palaeontological Association and British Micropalaeontological Group were joint sponsors of the Symposium ‘The Application of Electron Microscopy to Palaeontology’ held on 11 September 1972, as a part of the 5th European Electron Microscope Congress, EMCON 72. The following four papers form part of the proceedings of the Symposium and illustrate how both the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) can be used in a wide range of palaeontological applications to give information on a variety of specimens that would be unobtainable by any other means. Most speakers emphasized that the reliable interpretation of electron micrographs requires supporting evidence from a thorough light optical microscope investigation. In the general discussion that followed the meeting, it became clear that combined studies using all available techniques on a limited amount of material offered much greater returns in terms of understanding than large numbers of ‘pretty pictures’ produced using only one technique. Several novel preparation techniques were presented, all of them giving significantly better results than conventional methods. The short discussions printed here illustrate some of the interesting points raised at the meeting. It was evident at the meeting that applications of electron microscopy (both TEM and SEM) will increase rapidly in all branches of palaeontology as access to equip- ment becomes possible for more and more palaeontologists. It is to be hoped that all new palaeontological electron microscopists will show such care in specimen pre- paration, instrument operation, and interpretation of results as was evident in the papers presented by the contributors to the EMCON 72 Symposium. Department of Geology Royal School of Mines Imperial College Prince Consort Road London, SW7 2BP [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197,t, p. 733.] "MS' «■.. ■ ■ -.. ■ V"'"„. ^'' y'::n%-i.v Ha;, ^ - '• n\ I - . , V ■ : '',■ h' ify ’ I ■' K ■’ ’-■ . VI X W«- '•:•/ .j: ^'ib j' 'W-Jlf I f(.1 ‘♦‘Jjiif^ gi . •••{.4>m'. 'j ■ ■ , ’ t- y , ; ^ ^'v /■. yH^arx ' , •' ..♦ t \w. .M ■ ■■■ ‘ • ' : 'V ' .?r»i |XI» n'fkiWi J - •■ ^' t '■■•■*'•• 't ■ . -n if 'w':' ■ V . jf ■ -M- ^ MORPHOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF THE EYE IN UPPER CAMBRIAN OLENIDAE (TRILOBITA) by E. N. K. CLARKSON Abstract. The eyes of selected olenid species from Scandinavian concretionary shales were examined with the scanning electron microscope. Though these eyes are small, many previously unknown details were visible, including the ‘peripheral zone’ of Olenus wahlenhergi and other genera. Reconstructions, prepared by camera-lucida techniques, show the eye and the whole cephalon of certain species. In early olenids the visual surface was dehiscent in the adults and is preserved only in meraspids; in later genera the ocular suture became fused and the visual surface was retained. Details of lens distribution and manner of emplace- ment are described in Peltura minor, P. scarabaeoides, and Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) similis. Evolutionary changes in the structure and shape of the eye are clear in different lines of descent. Some of the observed modifications are thought to be due to paedomorphosis. Some comments on the mode of life of olenids are also given. THE EYES OF CAMBRIAN TRILOBITES At the end of the Cambrian there was a major crisis in the history of the trilobites. Most of the rather undifferentiated Upper Cambrian stocks became extinct and were replaced, first by a number of short-lived Tremadoc groups, and then soon after- wards by several very distinct suborders which came to dominate the Ordovician trilobite fauna (Whittington 1966). This late Cambrian crisis had far-reaching effects on the evolution of trilobites. Certain morphological features which had remained rather conservative during Cambrian times became much more diversified and novel kinds of functional organization came into being. Amongst the characters affected was the visual system, and the new trilobite stocks of the early Ordovician evolved eyes exhibiting greater variety than those possessed by their Cambrian forebears. Not only did the primitive holochroal organization, which was already established in the earliest Cambrian trilobites, become modified in many different ways, but there first appeared an entirely new kind of visual organ, the schizochroal eye (which may have been derived from a holochroal ancestral pattern by paedomorphosis according to Clarkson (1971). This kind of eye is probably confined to the suborder Phacopina, which per- sisted from Arenig to Famennian times. Though some of the many different kinds of eye in Ordovician and later trilobites have been quite extensively studied there is at present so little information on the eyes of Cambrian genera that we do not have a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the eye in trilobites. One good reason for this is that the eyes in adult specimens of Cambrian trilobites are not very often preserved, though in a few cases intact lenti- ferous surfaces have been reported. Thus Walcott (1910) noted lenses in the eyes of meraspids of the Lower Cambrian Olenellus gilbert i Meek and Opik (1961, p. 57) and later Jell (1970, p. 306) and Jago (1972, p. 230) discussed the presence of lenti- ferous surfaces in Cambrian pagetiids, where the eye has a ‘schizochroal’ appearance. [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 1973, pp. 735-763, pis. 91-95.] 736 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 I am not aware that any visual surfaces are known to be preserved in Middle Cambrian trilobites, but amongst the Upper Cambrian fauna certain genera with intact eyes occur sporadically, and different kinds of eyes may be preserved within particular groups such as the family Olenidae, which are the subject of the present study. Lindstrom (1901, p. 29, pi. Ill) in his monograph on trilobite eyes figured the visual surfaces of the olenid genera Peltura, Sphaerophthalmus, and Ctenopyge, illustrating highly magnified lenses, thin sections, and the librigenae in position on the cranidium. As a matter of historical interest, he regarded the olenids as the oldest known ‘oculate genera’, and did not think that earlier trilobites had functional eyes. Upper Cambrian trilobite eyes were also described by Opik (1967) in his monograph of the Mindyallan fauna of Queensland, where, amongst others, the large and well- preserved eyes of Blountia mindycrusta Opik were illustrated. Opik (1967, p. 54) discussed the question of the preservation of the eye in Cambrian trilobites very thoroughly. Noting that the visual surface is rarely preserved, he sug- gested that in life the visual surface had been bounded by a peripheral circumocular suture, and that during ecdysis or after death the whole lentiferous area would fall out and not be preserved. This suture comprised the palpebral suture and the ocular suture (text-fig. 2a), which ran along the upper and lower borders of the visual surface respectively, meeting at the front and rear. He pointed out that in post-Cambrian trilobites, the lower part of the circumocular suture or ocular suture became fused, so that during ecdysis, the visual surface separated only along its contact with the palpebral lobe. The visual surface adhered to the librigena and thus stood a much higher chance of preservation. Some of the Upper Cambrian trilobites also had non- functional ocular sutures and, as Opik pointed out, fusion of the visual surface with the librigena became reasonably common in Upper Cambrian times in unrelated groups, and is not a character of phylogenetic significance. The only alternative possi- bility is that in many Cambrian trilobites the visual surface was so delicate that its preservation in any case would be unlikely; but then one would expect there to be a ragged edge to the eye-socle, to which the visual surface was attached, and this is not so. I therefore agree entirely with Opik’s suggestions, adding that there is some evidence of the ocular suture having been functional only in adult trilobites. The meraspids of O. gilbert i Meek described by Walcott (text-fig. la) and sometimes very small holaspids of Ordovician Flexicalymene species from the Waynesville forma- tion, Ohio, have intact visual surfaces with visible lenses. Adult individuals of these species, however, never have visual surfaces preserved, although in mature Flexi- calymene the lower surface of the palpebral lobe, along the line of the palpebral suture, may be denticulate as if elongate prisms or ienses’ had originally rested there. In the course of the present study, I found some small but complete visual surfaces in meraspids of Olenus wahlenbergi Westergard. The retention of the visual surface in Parabolina and other derivatives of Olenus may be seen as an example of paedo- morphic development, in which the ocular suture, which had been functional only in the adult, was even there dispensed with. The role of paedomorphosis in the evolu- tion of olenid and other eyes is discussed later. CLARKSON: OLENID EYES 737 TEXT-FIG. 1. a. Olenellus gilberti Meek. Meraspid figured by Walcott (1910, pi. 36, fig. 4c; pi. 43, fig. 5, 6) in oblique lateral view with the individual lenses visible. Where the visual surface has been broken away at X, impressions of the lenses are left on the underlying matrix. Lower Cambrian, Ptarmigan Pass, Alberta. Smithsonian Institution Catalogue number 56828L b. Olenus wahlenbergi. Lateral view of cephalon reconstructed, showing the ‘eye-indices’ of Struve (1958). A = length of visual surface. H = Distance from posterior edge of eye to posterior border furrow. G = preglabellar to occipital furrow. Cn = preglabellar furrow to rear edge of occipital ring. THE OLENIDS Because so many Cambrian trilobites had functional ocular sutures, it is unlikely that we shall ever obtain a good record of the evolution of the most ancient trilobite eyes. Studies of the detailed morphology of the eyes of single species can, however, contribute towards this end, and when the phylogeny of Cambrian trilobites becomes better known these may be seen more clearly in an evolutionary perspective. In addition, it is fortunate that there is one family at least, the Olenidae, where the phylogeny is well known and in which material for study is so well preserved and abundant that at least some features of the evolutionary history of the visual system within this family can be elucidated. The Olenidae are a geographically widespread family, which arose early in Upper Cambrian times and abounded to the end of the. Tremadoc. A few genera persisted into the Ordovician, and Triarthrus until the close of the Middle Ordovician. Olenid faunas are best known in Scandinavia where they have been the subject of many studies culminating in the major monographs of Westergard (1922) and Hennings- moen (1957); they are common throughout the Acado-Baltic province and in the Tremadoc of South America (Harrington and Leanza 1957), and there are isolated occurrences elsewhere. In the alum shales of the Oslo region and the old quarries of Andrarum, in Scania, there occur stinkstone concretions with vast numbers of disarticulated olenid frag- ments, frequently with very fine structure preserved, and in full relief with no trace of flattening. In the early genera, Olenus, Leptoplastus, Eurycare, and others, the lenses are preserved only in small meraspids. The visual surface in adults is unknown, but even so there remains, at least in the best-preserved adults of Olenus, a wealth of interesting detail on the palpebral lobe and the lower rim or eye-socle, which sug- gests that the whole region peripheral to the visual surface may have been a highly sensory zone. Later genera, which include Sphaerophthalmus, Ctenopyge s.l., Peltura, 738 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 and Parabolina, retained the visual surface, often with excellent details of the lenses and peripheral zones. Though no details of subsurface layers in the eye are preserved, but only the lenses, it is hoped that the present study will be a useful contribution to olenid morphology in general, and to the understanding of the evolution of trilobite visual systems. Because the olenid faunas of Scandinavia are so well known I have made extensive reference to Westergard (1922) and Henningsmoen (1957) in which full accounts of morphology and complete synonymies are given. Following Henningsmoen both proposed international and local Norwegian zones are given, e.g. Olenus wahlenbergi occurs in Zone II (2a/3). METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Since all the material available to me consisted of disarticulated fragments the work on olenid eyes fell naturally into two parts. The first task was to reconstruct the cephalon with the cranidium and librigenae fitting together as they were originally assembled in the living animal. This was to show the visual surface (where present) in its original relationship to the palpebral lobe, and the eye in its true relationship to the cephalon. The second phase of the work was the detailed study of the visual surface and the bordering regions (palpebral lobe and eye-socle) with the scanning electron microscope (SEM). With this information, certain inferences could be made about the evolution of the eye in the family, though it was not possible to study all the genera. Technique of reconstruction. The reconstructions were made from cranidia and librigenae, accurately drawn with a Wild-Heerbrugg microscope with an M5 draw- ing tube or ‘camera-lucida’. For each species several undamaged or nearly complete cranidia were drawn in dorsal, lateral, and frontal views; the plane of the palpebral lobe being normally taken as horizontal. High magnification drawings were also made in oblique lateral view. Where the specimen was slightly damaged appropriate details could be filled in with reference to other cranidia. Librigenae of equivalent size were also selected. Each was drawn in an orientation where its camera-lucida image fitted the drawing of the reconstructed cranidium, with the slope of the cheek region, and the edges of the librigena and fixigena match- ing all the way along the suture. In the final drawing the dimensions of the parts of the reconstructed cephalon were the same in all the different views. Scanning electron microscopy. Both gold-palladium and aluminium coatings were used; the latter were found to be equal to the former in conducting properties. Visual surfaces, palpebral lobes, and eye-socles were all examined in different orientations, to build up a complete picture of the eye. Where the lenses had become detached from the eye in some areas, their total thickness was apparent. Unexpected features visible with the SEM were the remarkable peripheral zones in the eye of Olenus wahlenbergi, which are recorded in detail below. Deposition of specimens. AH olenid specimens used in this study are in the collections of the following institutes; Palaeontologisk Museum, Oslo (P.M.O.); Geology Department, University of Lund (LO); British Museum (Natural History), London (BMNH); Grant Institute of Geology, Edinburgh (Gr. I.). CLARKSON: OLENID EYES 739 OLENID EYE MORPHOLOGY Subfamily oleninae Olenus s.s. is the earliest olenid genus and seems to have been the rootstock of the whole family. The eye of O. wahlenbergi, described below from exceptionally well- preserved material, is representative of early olenids as a whole and eyes of this kind were retained by various later genera which include Leptoplastus and Eurycare. Later leptoplastines, however, had eyes of modified form. In adults of Olenus the visual surface has not been found, but small meraspids have been found with the visual surfaces still intact, so that some details of their structure can be determined. In the adults, fine details of the palpebral lobes and eye- socles remain, and these can be reconstructed in their original relationship. Only two genera of the Oleninae, Olenus and Parabolina, have been studied. Parabolina is probably a derivative of Olenus (see p. 744) in which the adult has a visual surface of similar kind to that in the meraspids of Olenus. The palpebral lobe, moreover, though inflated and of peculiar form, is confluent with the ocular ridge, again as in immature specimens of Olenus. These two factors amongst others are suggestive of a paedomorphic origin for the eye of Parabolina, a situation paralleled by Peltura and more distantly by other olenids. Olenus wahlenbergi Westergard, 1922 1922 Olenus Wahlenbergi n. sp; Westergard, p. 128, pi. IV, figs. 5-14. 1 957 Olenus wahlenbergi Westergard 1 922 ; Henningsmoen, p. 1 1 0, pi. 3 (with complete synonymy). Plates 9 1 , figs. 1 -6 ; 92, figs. 1 -4 ; text-fig. 2 a-j Material. Twenty-two blocks of topotype material from Andrarum, Zone II (2a^). Gr I 5514-5536. Remarks. The gross morphology described by Westergard is supplemented by my reconstruction which shows the librigenae in place (text-fig. 2, c-e). Both lateral and frontal views show how the genal spines were in life directed horizontally and may be interpreted as props for supporting the cephalon on the sea floor. The anterior arch (Clarkson 19666) is well developed, though it might have been partially blocked by the hypostome. Development. Though the ontogenetic development of O. wahlenbergi has not been documented in detail. Strand’s (1927) description of ontogeny in O. gibbosus show a broadly comparable mode of development. Many larval stages of O. wahlenbergi are present in the material which I studied, those figured in text- fig. 1 g, h, and j being close in morphology to Strand’s stages 8 or 9 (length 0-70. —0-71 mm) and 1 1 (length 1 mm). Strand remarks upon the presence of continuous eye-ridges from the earliest stages, though the severance of these from the palpebral lobe in later development was not noted. The equivalent stages to Strand’s stages 8 and 9 are here referred to as meraspids, following Whitworth (1970). Structure of the cuticle. At high magnifications (over x 1000), the external surface of the palpebral lobe, eye-socle, and other parts of the exoskeleton can be resolved into raised polygons, all of the same general size and of semi-regular form (PI. 91, fig. 3). Such polygons also underlie the ridges of the alimentary prosopon. They are found only on the external surface and have no internal expression. They seem to be similar to the ‘cell polygons’ of modem arthropod cuticles (Dalingwater, in press); each of the under- lying cells which secretes the cuticle contributes a single ‘tile’ to the mosaic which forms the whole cuticle, and its form is retained on the outside of the cuticle. Though cell-polygons are present in other olenids they have not been found so clearly preserved as in O. wahlenbergi. Fractured cuticular surfaces show radial structures though these have not been investigated further. Eye-morphology : Meraspid eyes. The visual surface is present in meraspids where the length of the eye CLARKSON; OLENID EYES 741 does not exceed 0-45 mm. In these the external surface of the lentiferous area is smooth, though exami- nation of internal surfaces shows the undersides of the lenses, which are small and weakly convex. Pre- servation of these small structures is not particularly good, and therefore details of their structure and arrangement are indeterminate. The eye-socle is distinct from the visual surface, though at this stage in development does not exhibit the vertical ridges of the adult (Plate 91, fig. 2). In meraspids the palpebral lobe is at first very narrow, and is connected to the ocular ridge (text-fig. Ig). Later it widens and eventually, when the eye has attained a length of more than 0-75 mm, it becomes separate from the ocular ridge. The specimen illustrated in text-fig. 2j, in which the ornament of the fixigena is still pustulose, shows the beginnings of separation of the palpebral lobe from the ocular ridge. In adult specimens, the pustulose ornament is replaced by the ridges of the prosopon (Opik, 1961), and the ocular ridge does not connect with the palpebral lobe, but is separated from it by a pronounced channel. It is noteworthy that the visual surface in juveniles is first of all directed more anteriorly, and only later com- mands a more lateral field of view. Adult eyes. Sometime after the meraspid stages illustrated in text-fig. 2 h, j, the ocular suture must have been effective, for there is never any trace of the visual surface thereafter. The visual surface must have been reniform and of moderate height, though not spherical or globular. It was set opposite S2 with its posterior edge set slightly further from the mid-line so that the long axis of the eye (line joining the anterior and posterior edges) made an angle of about 10° with the exsagittal plane. This contrasts with the situation in meraspids where the equivalent angle may be up to 45°. Eye-indices (Struve 1958): A/G 37%, A/Gn 30%, H/A 108% (text-fig. \b). The palpebral lobe is reniform, separated from the fixigena by a distinct palpebral furrow, depressed centrally, and rising anteriorly and posteriorly to low elevations (the rear elevation is the more prominent). From these elevations the surface plunges very steeply and the palpebral lobe narrows as it joins the eye-socle. The surface of the palpebral lobe is rather smooth but becomes highly ornamented in the outer region near the facial suture. Two separate elements can be distinguished. The first kind of structure (PI. 92, figs. 1 -4) consists of thin elongated ridges, nearly normal to the outer edge of the palpebral lobe and especially prominent on its anterior and posterior elevations. On these raised areas the ridges resemble alimentary prospon and bifurcate as they approach the edge. In the outer central part of the lobe, which lies between the two elevations, the ridges are less prominent and anastomose, forming an area of irregular polygons (PI. 92, fig. 2), again confined to the outer part of the lobe. Secondly, there are a number of peculiar swellings, usually elongate, situated along, or sometimes be- tween, some of the ridges. They sometimes show a well-developed crystalline structure (PI. 92, fig. 2), but are otherwise of indeterminate morphology. These alone have some similarity of appearance to the much more highly developed corrugated surface of the eye-socle, and might have had a similar function. They might have been the sites of glands or sensory organs. In addition, the surface of the palpebral lobe, like that of the rest of the cuticle, has many round pits, possibly the openings of perpendicular canals in the cuticle (Dalingwater, in press). The eye-socle is a prominent band, which could on superficial inspection be taken for the visual surface itself. The true shape of the eye-socle was determined by excavating inverted librigenae, which retained their upper edges within the rock matrix and were more likely to possess intact anterior and posterior edges than specimens with the dorsal surface uppermost. From librigenae such as that figured in text-fig. 1l\ it was TEXT-FIG. 2. Olenus wahlenbergi (Westergard 1922). Zone II, Andrarum, Scania. a, b. Reconstructions of the eye region of a medium-sized adult in antero-lateral and dorsal views show- ing the visual surface missing because of the functional ocular-suture, ‘s’ marks the position of peripheral (possibly sensory) zones on the palpebral lobe and eye-socle. Mainly from Gr. I. 5521. c. Part of specimen showing undamaged anterior horn of the eye-socle, lying ventral side uppermost and excavated from above. Gr. I. 5526. d, e,f. Reconstructions of complete cephalon in dorsal, frontal, and lateral views from Gr. I. 5521 and 5522. g. Early meraspid, slightly damaged anteriorly, approximating Strand’s (1927) stages 8 or 9. Gr. I. 5523. h. Librigena of meraspid still retaining the visual surface. Gr. I. 5524. j. Cranidium of meraspid of about the same size, approximating Strand’s stage II. Gr. I. 5525. 742 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 seen that these edges curved upwards sharply to meet the descending edges of the palpebral lobe, which are slightly recessed where they meet the eye-socle. Text-fig. 2 {a, b), showing the reconstructed eye, was con- structed from camera-lucida drawings of a perfectly preserved palpebral lobe, and a nearly perfect librigena of a similar-sized specimen. The vertical ridges on the eye-socle are confined to a median horizontal band, above which the socle thins abruptly (PI. 91, figs. 4-6). These ridges are more or less vertical and parallel, but sometimes lie obliquely and anastomose with neighbours. The ridges of the palpebral lobe and eye-socle, though not really similar in appearance, form a continuous zone peripheral to the visual surface and may have been the sites of accessory sensory organs; a concept discussed in more detail later on. Since their function is not proved, it is convenient to refer to the whole complex of ridges and grooves as the ‘peripheral zone’, and this term is used hereafter. Many other trilobites have a similar peripheral zone, sometimes in the form of ridges and grooves, sometimes as tubercles, and sometimes as funnel-shaped pits. The existence of such a zone in Olenus is the earliest recorded occurrence, and it is of interest that it should apparently be much less well developed, at least in external expression, in later olenid derivatives. Parabolina spinulosa (Wahlenberg 1821) 1821 Entomostracites spinulosus; Wahlenberg, p. 38, pi. 1, fig. 3. 1854 Parabolina spinulosa Wahl.; Angelin, p. 46, pi. XXV, fig. 9; pi. XXVII, fig. 3. 1922 Parabolina spinulosa (Wahlenberg); Westergard, p. 134, pi. VI, figs. 14-20. 1957 Parabolina spinulosa (Wahlenberg); Henningsmoen, p. 126, pi. 1, fig. 2; pi. 3, fig. 12 (with complete synonymy). Plate 92, figs. 5, 6; text-fig. 3 a, b Material. Five blocks from Westergard’s collection. University of Lund, Andrarum. Zone iii {2b). LO 4527-31. Remarks. The morphology of this species is very well known and I have not attempted complete restora- tions, but only antero-lateral views primarily to show the eye and the alimentary prosopon, drawn with a camera-lucida. Eye-morphology. As no juveniles were available for examination this description is based upon adults. The eye is small, and set relatively close to the anterior border. It lies obliquely, and the long axis (line connecting the anterior and posterior edges) makes an angle of some 20° to the exsagittal plane. Eye- indices; A/G 25%, A/Gn 19%, H/A 270%. By contrast with an adult Olenus, the ocular ridge contacts the glabella and runs laterally and slightly backwards, expanding to become confluent with the swollen pal- pebral lobe. The palpebral lobe which is defined by a shallow palpebral furrow, is smooth with no evidence of a peripheral zone, nor is there any indication of such a zone on the (very narrow) eye-socle. The visual surface is reniform and not strongly curved, so that it subtends a rather restricted field of view directed antero-laterally. The external corneal surface is smooth and structureless (PI. 92, figs. 5, 6), and the lenses below, which seem to be welded to the lower corneal surface, are poorly preserved, but their lower surfaces are weakly convex as in the case of meraspids of Olenus. Ridges of the alimentary prospon radiate from near the base of the eye, branching towards the cephalic border and anastomosing towards the rear of the librigena. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 91 Figs. 1-6. Olenus wahlenbergi (Westergfird 1922). Zone II. Andrarum, Scania. 1, Meraspid cephalon showing confluence of palpebral lobe and ocular ridge. Gr. I. 5514, x90. 2, Meraspid. External mould of visual surface with some parts of the cornea and underlying lenses still adherent. Gr. I. 5515, x 175. 3, External mould of the surface of an adult cephalon, with cell-polygons and tubercles. The full thick- ness of the cuticle is seen on the left. Gr. I. 5516, x 220. 4, External mould of eye-socle (inverted) showing faint striations of the sensory zone and undamaged upper rim. Gr. I. 5517, x65. 5, Outer surface of eye-socle, with prominent striations. Upper rim damaged. Gr. I. 5518, xl20. 6, Same, showing striations highly magnified, x 2400. Bar 5 (u.m. PLATE 91 CLARKSON, Olenus eyes 744 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TEXT-FIG. 3. Parabolina spinulosa (Wahlenberg 1821). Zone III, Andrarum, Scania. a. Eye region reconstructed from cranidium and librigena with a near-perfect visual surface, b. Whole cephalon restored. From LO 4259, 60. Features of the eye of Parabolina which bear resemblance to the eyes of meraspids of Olenus suggest that the Parabolina eye was derived from the eye of Olenus by paedomorphosis. These include: (i) The retention of the visual surface and obsolescence of the ocular suture; (ii) Confluence of the palpebral lobe with the ocular ridge; (iii) The anterior position of the eye and its high inclination to the exsagittal plane, and pos- sibly (iv) the absence of surface features of the peripheral zone. Other features, such as the inflation of the palpebral lobe, are not paedomorphic and have a separate origin. Subfamily pelturinae As far as is known, all Pelturinae have eyes of the same general kind. They are small, placed far forward, shaped so as to cover only the anterior hemisphere of vision, and are normally preserved with the visual surface intact. The palpebral lobe is swollen and connected to the glabella by an unbroken ocular ridge, though this may become indistinct near the glabella. In such material of Protopeltura as was avail- able for study, the eye was not well preserved, and there is less certainty about ocular morphology. Some of Westergard’s figures of various species of Protopeltura (1922, Taf. XIV, figs. 4, 27), suggest that the visual surface is absent whereas others (Taf. XIV, fig. 20; Taf. XV, fig. 1) seem to indicate its presence; but as he also figured species of Peltura both with and without the visual surface, its absence in some EXPLANATION OF PLATE 92 Figs. 1-4. Olenus wahlenbergU’WestergkTd \922). Zone II. Andrarum, Scania. 1 , Palpebral lobe, anterior region with structures of sensory zone. Gr. I. 5519, x 190. 2, The same showing ‘prosopon’ and ‘sensory nodes’, x 935. Bar = 5 /nm. 3, Palpebral lobe of another specimen, anterior region with structures of ‘sensory’ zone. Gr. I. 5520, x 130. 4, The same, magnified x500. Figs. 5, 6. Parabolina spinulosa (Vl'dUenhcTg \S2\). Zone III. Andrarum, Scania. 5, Librigena with eye. LO 4527, x46. 6, The same, magnified xl25. PLATE 92 CLARKSON, Olenus and Parabolina eyes 746 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 specimens of both genera suggest breakage rather than the presence of an ocular suture. Indeed, it seems fairly certain that Protopeltura had an eye similar to that of Peltura. Certain morphological characters of the eyes of Pelturinae can be interpreted, as with Parabolina, as being paedomorphic in origin. Into this category fall the small size, forward position and inclination of the long axis of the eye, the unbroken ocular ridge, the retention of the visual surface in the adult, and the over-all similarity of structure to the eyes of meraspids of Olenus. Henningsmoen (1957, p. 1 14) pointed out the resemblance between the earliest Parabolina species, P. brevispina and Protopeltura, suggesting that the two are closely related descendants of Olenus. The similarity of eye structure in Peltura and Parabolina accords with this relationship; presumably this kind of eye arose once only. The two species discussed below were selected as having eyes representative of Pelturinae, and both of them displayed excellent structural details showing the arrangement of lenses on the visual surface. Peltura scarabaeoides scarabaeoides (Wahlenberg 1821) 1821 Entomostracites scarabaeoides ', Wahlenberg, p. 41, pi. 1, fig. 2. 1854 Peltura scarabaeoides Wahl.; Angelin, p. 45, pi. XXV, fig. 8. 1922 Peltura scarabaeoides (Wahlenberg); Westergard, p. 173, pi. XV, figs. 12, 13, 18. 1957 Peltura scarabaeoides scarabaeoides (Wahlenberg 1821); Henningsmoen, p. 237, pi. 2, fig. 1 ; pi. 6; pi. 25, figs. 6, 13, 14; pi. 26, figs. 1, 2. 1958 Peltura scarabaeoides (Wahlenberg 1821); Whittington, p. 200, pi. 38, figs. 1-18. Text-fig. 4 a, c Material. Three blocks from Slemmestad, Norway Zone Vc (2dy) P.M.O. 29268, 29270, 29272. Also ontogenetic series BM It. 5516-9. One block from Andrarum, Scania associated with Ctenopyge lin- narssoni, and Sphaerophthalmus humilis. Zone Vc Gr. I. 20803. Remarks. Of all the cephalic reconstructions made to show the true position of the eye that presented here for P. scarabaeoides is the most tentative. Though the restoration of the cranidium posed no problems, it is very much more difficult to be certain as to how the cranidium and librigena fit together. Several camera- lucida drawings were made of the cranidium in different orientations. Various librigenae were then succes- sively examined under the camera lucida microscope so that the image of the librigena could be seen adjacent to the previously drawn cranidium. Each librigena in turn was then manoeuvred into an orientation such that the image of the whole cheek region showed a smooth unbroken curve; this was then taken as the most lifelike construction. Such a reconstruction shows that the librigenae slope down quite steeply at about 45° and that there is a moderately well-developed anterior arch, though this was probably partially blocked by the hypostoma. Eye-morphology. The eye is small, placed far forward on the cephalon and quite near the glabella. Its long axis is inclined at 45° to the exsagittal plane. Eye-indices: A/G 20%, A/Gn 15%, H/A 350%. Whittington (1958) showed that the palpebral lobe is poorly defined, though present early in ontogeny. Thereafter it becomes more distinct and the visual surface is present in the smallest known librigenae (ibid., PI. 38, figs. 12, 13). The material of P. scarabaeoides is not particularly good, and did not photograph well, hence the drawing (text-fig. 4c); lens arrangement in the early stages is better shown in P. minor. The palpebral lobe of adult specimens is entirely smooth, swollen near the facial suture, and confluent with the short ocular ridge which connects with the glabella, though in some specimens the ocular ridge becomes faint and ill defined towards the glabella. The lenses themselves are not preserved, and the material is found as internal and external moulds. External moulds show that the cornea must have been entirely smooth and without any distinct structure, whereas impressions of the lower surfaces of the lenses appear distinctly on internal moulds. Lindstrom (1901, p. 29, PI. Ill, figs. 35-42) illustrated the fine structure of the eye of CLARKSON: OLENID EYES 747 TEXT-FIG. 4. a, Peltura scambaeoides scarabaeoides. (Wahlenberg 1821.) Zone Vc, Slemmestad. Norway. Cephalon in oblique lateral view, restored from Gr. I. 20803. b, Peltura minor (Brogger 1882). Diagram exhibiting the spatial relationships of the lenses. From P.M.O. 87558 (vide PI. 93, fig. 1). c. Peltura scarabaeoides scarabaeoides (Wahlenberg 1821). Right eye of a large specimen drawn from photographs and camera-lucida. From BM It. 5519. d. Idealized hexagonal close- packing system showing geometrical relationships between lens centres typical of peltiirines. Based on 4c. P. scarabaeoides from material with the lenses preserved. He showed that the lenses are plano-convex with a smooth upper surface. As Lindstrom saw no trace of an organic junction between the lenses and the cornea, he regarded them, not as ‘free lenses’, but as inwardly bulging extensions of the cornea like those of Limulus. My present study has given no evidence for or against this suggestion, neither in Peltura nor in the similar Olenus meraspids, where the lenses and cornea apparently can only be detached together. It seems more likely, considering that the olenids are a close-knit group, that the lenses are in fact free structures of plano- convex form, closely welded to the lower surface of a very thin cornea, which did not show in Lindstrom’s 748 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 sections because of recrystallization. Nevertheless, the extraordinarily wide spacing of the upper lenses in P. minor, and their curious distribution could accord with either hypothesis, and Lindstrom’s suggestion should not be discounted. Peltura minor (Brogger 1882) 1882 Cyclognathus costatus n. sp. var minor -, Brogger, p. 1 10, pi. II, figs. lO-l 1. 1922 Peltura minor (Brogger); Westergard, p. 175, pi. XV, figs. 3-1 1. 1957 Peltura minor (Brogger, 1882); Henningsmoen, p. 235, pi. 6, pi. 25, figs. 2-5. Plate 93, figs. 1,2; text-fig. 4b Material. One specimen from Gamlebyen, Oslo, associated with Sphaerophthalmus alatus. Zone Vb (2d|3). P.M.O. 87558. Eye-morphology. Only the visual surface is present, preserved as an internal mould. There appears to be little difference in eye structure between this species and P. scarabaeoides. The lenses are represented by the impressions of their lower surfaces. There is considerable variation in the spacing of these lenses; those near the facial suture being very widely spaced, and almost certainly disjunct, whereas those near the lower margin are somewhat smaller and much closer together, probably being contiguous. Development oj the eye in pelturines. In young pelturines the lenses have an unusual pattern of arrangement, unlike that of leptoplastines or indeed of other Cambrian trilobites. There may have been a similar system in the Oleninae, but the preservation is not good enough to determine this. This basic pattern is retained, though modified by the addition of many more lenses in fully grown pelturines. The beautifully pre- served eye of P. minor, figured in PI. 93, figs. 1, 2, serves as a model showing an early stage of development ; young P. scarabaeoides eyes are very similar though less well preserved. Here the pattern is a form of hexagonal close packing, but the dorso-ventral files radiate dorsally, diverging in a fan-like manner. The uppermost lenses are the most widely spaced; they are also somewhat larger than the others. By analogy with other trilobites these were presumably the first-formed lenses. This odd pattern, with the files converging as they plunge downwards seems to be adapted to accommodate more lenses in the lower central part of the visual field, whilst giving wide-ranging though less intensive coverage elsewhere. The approximate maximum visual range for this eye, which has fifty lenses, is 0° to 90° (long.) and —20° to 50° (lat.). Vision is thus entirely confined to the anterior hemisphere, with the main clustering of lens EXPLANATION OF PLATE 93 Figs. 1,2. /’e/mra (Brogger, 1882). Gamlebyen. Oslo. Zone Vb. (2dj8). 1, Internal mould of visual surface (right edge = anterior). P.M.O. 87558, x 135 (vide text-fig. 4b). 2, Same, upper part of visual surface, x 500. Bar = 10 /urn. Figs. 3-6. C tenopyge {Mesoctenopyge) similis Wennmg^moen \9S1 . SarsGate. Oslo. Zone Vb (2d)3 sim.). 3, Palpebral lobe showing nearly structureless surface (top right = anterior). P.M.O. 87567, xl20. 4, Adult visual surface in lateral view showing dorso-ventral files and eye-socle with faint vertical stria- tions. P.M.O. 87566, x85. 5, Oblique dorsal view of adult visual surface. P.M.O. 87565, x65. 6, Oblique dorsal view of visual surface of a young specimen (right edge = anterior), (see also text-fig. 5e), (enlargement of left-hand specimen in PI. 94, fig. 5). P.M.O. 87564, x 120. (Figs. 5 and 6 are illuminated from the south). PLATE 93 CLARKSON, Peltura and Ctenopyge eyes 750 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 axes centred on an axis 45° from the sagittal plane, and directed downwards at 10-20° below the ‘equator’, towards the sea floor. Though no large adults of P. minor were available for study, the fully developed pelturine system of lens arrangement was seen in mature specimens of P. scara- baeoides scarabaeoides. Here there are some 180 lenses, arranged in a pattern like that of P. minor, though modified through growth. Most specimens have some fortuitous irregularities, like those figured in text-fig. 4c, but apart from these the lens centres are arranged in a regular geometric sequence, idealized in text-fig. Ad. This is clearly a hexagonal close-packing scheme, but one in which the distances between lens-centres decrease arithmetically towards the base of the eye. Three intersecting component rows are evident, as follows: (a) arching latitudinal rows, becoming closer together ventrally, {b) a set of files converging ventrally towards the anterior ventral edge of the eye, vertical near the anterior edge and curving more and more obliquely towards the posterior edge, (c) an identical set, vertical near the posterior edge and curving towards the anterior. The lenses are largest at the top and decrease in size ventrally and it is probable that their growth is inhibited by the proximity of neighbouring lens-centres, as sug- gested in my analysis of the eye of Ormathops (Clarkson 1971). One advantage of having lenses graduated in size is that irregularities in distribution are avoided. When the lenses are all the same size, as in Ormathops or Ctenopyge, irregularities are inevitable. The eyes of Ctenopyge are similar to those of the pelturines in that the dominant files, which are diagonal near the top of the eye, swing into a more nearly vertical position towards the base but these do not converge in Ctenopyge, and identical-sized lenses with inevitable irregularities in distribution result (see p. 737). A full analysis of different systems of lens-packing in trilobites is beyond the scope of this paper, but it is worth noting that the system exhibited by pelturines is found also in certain post-Cambrian trilobite groups and is especially distinct in cyclo- pygids, though here the decrease in spacing may be logarithmic. Subfamily leptoplastinae The eye of Leptoplastus stenotus Angelin was less well preserved than that of O. wahlenbergi in the material studied. Basically, it is of the same general type, though relatively smaller. The visual surface is absent, and none of the small mera- spids were preserved showing the visual surface. No detailed structure was visible on the palpebral lobe or the eye-socle, due to poorer preservation. Eurycare again has an eye of similar type, with the visual surface missing. Though the similarities between the eyes of early Leptoplastinae are clear, there was a great change with the incoming of Ctenopyge and Sphaerophthamus. Not only was the visual surface retained but there were substantial modifications in the palpebral lobe and associated regions. The visual surface furthermore departed from the primeval reniform shape and became larger, and elliptical or nearly spherical, often projecting laterally from the head. Though the peripheral zone is less clearly marked than in Olenus, ridges and grooves are still detectable in some cases on the palpebral lobe and the eye-socle. Preservation of the eyes in the later Leptoplastinae was good, though less perfect than in O. wahlenbergi. The granular structure seen at high magnification implies at least some diagenetic alteration. CLARKSON: OLENID EYES 751 Ctenopyge (Eoctenopyge) modesta Henningsmoen 1957 1922 Ctenopyge flagellifera angusta n. var. (partim); Westergard, p. 185, pi. XI, fig. 6-7. 1957 Ctenopyge (Eoctenopyge) modesta\ Henningsmoen, p. 191, pi. 5; pi. 19, figs. 1-10. Plate 94, fig. 5; text-fig. 5 a-d Material. Four blocks from Sars Gate, Oslo, associated with Ct. similis, Protopeltura bidentata, Parabolina mobergi. Zone Vb (2dj8 sim.) P.M.O. nos. 87564-7. Remarks. The reconstructions, made from camera-lucida drawings, show how the slender genal spines emerge on the librigenae opposite the eye, and thence springing away at right angles to the cephalon curve TEXT-FIG. 5. a-d. Ctenopyge (Eoctenopyge) modesta. Henningsmoen 1957. u, b, c. Restoration of the cephalon in frontal, dorsal and lateral views, from P.M.O. 87564-7. d. Same, enlarged, in antero-lateral view. e. Ctenopyge (Mesoetenopyge) similis eye drawn from stereoscan photograph (vide P1. 93, fig. 6) showing relationships of the lenses, the different zones, and the development of the dorso-ventral files. Arrows represent the directions of the emergent dorso-ventral files. P.M.O. 87564. 752 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 backwards and downwards coming to lie in the same plane as the antero-lateral border of the cephalon. Such a cephalon could be given support to rest upon the sea floor by these spines, and as with many other trilobites (Clarkson \966b) the base of the eye would then be horizontal. Eye-morphology. The eye is one-third the total length (sag) of the cephalon, and set opposite SI, high on the cheek towards the rear. Eye-indices are A/G 44%, A/Gn 34%, H/A 36%. The palpebral lobe, relatively large and defined by a pronounced palpebral furrow, rises outwards and in some specimens carries pro- minent radial ridges, all the way round, and normal with the facial suture. A thin ocular ridge connects the palpebral lobe to the anterior region of the glabella. The visual surface, of elliptical form, is set upon a vertical eye-socle, about one-fifth the height of the whole eye. In the material to hand there are no vertical ridges on the socle. Some specimens have an eye of symmetrical form : a regular oblate spheroid truncated below by the upper edge of the eye-socle, in others the anterior part of the spheroid is depressed, and the highest curvature is posterior. This may, however, be a preservational feature. The visual field commanded by such an eye is panoramic, and the visual fields of the two eyes meet, though hardly overlap, in front, above and behind. Laterally, the limit of vision is directed a few degrees below the equatorial or horizontal plane. Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) similis Henningsmoen 1957 1922 Ctenopyge erecta n. sp. (partim); Westergard, p. 156, pi. XI, figs. 26-21 . 1957 Ctenopyge {Mesoctenopyge) similis n. sp. ; Henningsmoen, p. 195, pi. 5; pi. 20, figs. 10-14. Plate 93, figs. 3-6; text-figs. 5e, 6 a-c, e Material. Four blocks from Sars Gate, Oslo, associated with E. modesta, Protopeltura bidentata, and Parabolina mobergi. Zone Vb (2d|S sim.) P.M.O. nos. 87564-7. Remarks. The most striking feature of the reconstructed cephalon is the pair of large genal spines, which project forwards and curve round to the rear, terminating behind the body. Though such long spines have sometimes been used in inferring a planktonic mode of life through frictional retardation of sinking, their orientation, as the front and side views show, is much more suggestive of an adaptation for supporting not just the cephalon, but also the whole body upon the sea floor. The flattening of these massive spines suggests their functioning as a gigantic snowshoe giving support to the body when resting on a muddy sea-floor. Eye-morphology. The eye is one-fifth the total length (sag.) of the cephalon, and set high on the cheek opposite S2 with its anterior edge about midway between the anterior and posterior borders. Eye-indices: A/G 33%, A/Gn 38%, H/A 125%. The palpebral lobe is relatively small and narrow, with distinct ridges, though these are not so deeply impressed as in O. wahlenbergi or E. modesta. The visual surface is very similar to that of E. modesta though the lenses are relatively smaller, and it commands a similar visual field. Some specimens have faint vertical ridges on the eye-socle. Ctenopyge (Mesoctenpyge) tumida Westergard 1922 1922 Ctenopyge tumida n. sp. (partim.); Westergard, p. 155, pi. XI, figs. 15-18. 1957 Ctenopyge {Mesoctenopyge) tumida Westergard 1922; Henningsmoen, p. 198, pi. 5; pi. 20, fig. 16. Plate 94. figs. 1^; text-fig. 6d Material. Five blocks from Naersnes, R^yken, associated with Peltura acutidens. P.M.O. no. 87551-5. Also two blocks from Sars Gate, Oslo of C. cf. tumida associated with C. angusta. Zone Vb (2d/S). P.M.O. nos. 29751, 29757. Remarks. Though the genal spines are less massive, less flattened, and jut out laterally rather than first being directed anteriorly, they could still have been used for the support of the cephalon and body on the sea floor. The morphology of this species does, however, seem to be less ideally adapted for that purpose than does that of M. similis. Eye-morphology. The eye is of almost identical morphology to that of M. similis, except in position. It is set further forward and lower down, so that the posterior edge of the eye lies about midway between the anterior and posterior borders of the cephalon, and the orientation of the ocular ridge and other structures is correspondingly altered. Palpebral lobes lie opposite S2. Eye-indices: A/G 28%, A/Gn 35%, H/A 150%. CLARKSON; OLENID EYES 753 TEXT-nG. 6a-c, e. Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) similis Henningsmoen 1957. Zone Vb. Sars Gate, Oslo. Restoration of the cephalon in dorsal, frontal, and lateral aspects, and (c) in enlarged antero-lateral view from P.M.O. 87564-87567. d. Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) tumida. Westergard 1922. Zone Vb. Royken. Cephalon in antero-lateral view restored from P.M.O. 87551-87555. 754 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Sphaerophthalmus alatus (Boeck 1838) 1838 Trilobites alatus mh.; Boeck, p. 143. 1857 Sphaerophthalmus alatus Boeck; Kjerulf, p. 92. 1922 Sphaerophthalmus major Lake; Westerg&rd, p. 163, pi. XIII, figs. 9-19. 1957 Sphaerophthalmus alatus (Boeck); Henningsmoen, p. 212, pi. 2, fig. 15; pi. 5; pi. 22, figs. 18-26. 1968 Sphaerophthalmus alatus (Boeck): Rushton, p. 414. Plate 95, figs. 1,2; text-fig. la-d Material. Three blocks from Gamlebyen, Oslo, labelled S. major, and associated with Peltura minor. Zone Vb (2d/3). P.M.O. 87556-8. Also two blocks from Andrarum (old collection) associated with Peltural acutidens. Zone Vb (2d/3) Gr. I. 20775-6. Remarks. Three-dimensional material shows that the genal spines of S. alatus (in standard orientation) spring out laterally from the librigenae and are not bent downwards below the cephalon as in S. humilis. Even in the best specimens studied, the tip of the genal spine was always broken, but can be restored from the illustrations of previous authors, especially Henningsmoen and Rushton. The anterior arch is of moderate height, and the postero-lateral border rises from the genal spine obliquely. Thus the cephalon could rest upon the sea floor upon the antero-lateral border and the genal spines ; a position impossible for the related S. humilis. Eye-morphology. Eye one-quarter the total length of the cephalon, and set high on the cheek, opposite SI. Eye-indices : A/G 35%, A/Gn 27%, H/A 108%. The palpebral lobe is relatively narrow with a curving outer edge, and is confluent with the long narrow and backwardly curving ocular ridge. In side view it forms a nearly semi-circular arch, with a slightly flattened top, where it is widest. The upper surface of the palpe- bral lobe flares outwards and upwards from the deeply incised palpebral furrow at about 45°. There is little trace of surface ornament apart from scattered indistinct tubercles, but the granular surface seen at high magnifications implies that some recrystallization has taken place. The visual surface is closely similar to that of typical representatives of Ctenopyge, and is a nearly perfect oblate spheroid in form with irregu- larities in lens distribution typical of all later leptoplastines. The eye-socle is extremely narrow, more so than in any species previously discussed, though faint vertical striations are visible. Sphaerophthalmus humilis (Phillips 1848) 1848 Olenus humilis n.s.; Phillips, p. 55, figs. 4-5, p. 347. 1901 Sphaerophthalmus alatus Angelin {sic)\ Lindstrom, p. 29, pi. Ill, figs. 31-34. 1913 Sphaerophthalmus alatus (Boeck sp.); Lake, p. 74, pi. VIII, fig. 1-5. 1957 Sphaerophthalmus humilis (Phillips 1848); Henningsmoen, p. 215, pi. 5; pi. 22, figs. 7, 1 1-15. 1968 Sphaerophthalmus humilis (Phillips); Rushton, p. 415, text-fig. 2, 3a, pi. 78, figs. 11-15. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 94 Figs. 1-4. Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) tumida Westergird 1922. Naersnes, Royken. Zone Vb (2d/3). 1, Anterior region of small adult eye with some lenses missing. P.M.O. 87552, x 105. 2, Lowermost lenses and eye-socle of large adult eye; faint vertical striations visible on eye-socle. P.M.O. 87554, x 135. 3, Palpebral lobe, outer central region with striations nearly normal to the outer edge. P.M.O. 87552, x250. 4, Adult eye in lateral view showing eye-socle. Visual surface damaged. P.M.O. 87553, x75. Fig. 5. Block with librigenae and eyes of Ctenopyge (Mesoctenopyge) similis Henningsmoen 1957 (left), and Ctenopyge (Eoctenopyge) modesta Henningsmoen 1957 (centre and right). Sars Gate, Oslo. Zone Vb (2d sim.). P.M.O. 87564, x26. Fig. 6. Sphaerophthalmus humilis Phillips 1848. Andrarum, Scania. Zone Vc. Lower central part of eye; external surface of cornea and internal moulds of lenses. Gr. I. 20706, x 180. PLATE 94 CLARKSON, Ctenopyge and Sphaerophthalmus eyes 756 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 TEXT-FIG. 7. a-d. Sphaerophthalmns alatus (Boeck 1838). Zone Vb. Gamlebyen, Oslo. Restoration of the cephalon in dorsal, frontal, and lateral aspects and (d) enlarged in antero-lateral view from P.M.O. 87556- 87558. Plate 94, fig. 6; Plate 95, figs. 3-6; text-fig. 8a- J Material. Three blocks from Andrarum, associated with P. scarabaeoides scarabaeoides, Ct. linnarssoni, and Ct. teretifrons. Zone Vc (2dy). Old collection, Gr. I. 20706, 20803, 5537. Remarks. S. humilis is an extremely convex trilobite with a very pronounced anterior arch and almost vertical librigenae. The peculiar attitude of the genal spines in this species was first noted by Rushton (1968, p. 41 5). He reconstructed the cephalon with steeply sloping librigenae, and ventrally projecting genal spines, curving in under the cephalon. I have been able to confirm that the genal spines do plunge down- wards as Rushton described, so that the cephalon could not rest upon the sea floor. In my restoration, these spines do not curve inwards quite so strikingly, but in all other respects I agree with Rushton. Eye-morphology. This species is unusual because of the relatively enormous size of the eye, and its very far posterior position. It is one-third the total length of the cephalon, with its anterior edge opposite SI. Eye- indices: A/G 38%, A/Gn 30%, H/A 335%. The palpebral lobe, which is jointed to the ocular ridge, is similar in form to that of S. alatus, though narrower. No surface ornament has been detected in the material examined. Since the palpebral lobe is placed slightly behind the widest part of the cranidium, the anterior edge of the visual surface appears to be slightly recessed. The visual surface forms about a third to a half of a slightly oblate spheroid, with the long axis horizontal. Its edge lies in an exsagittal plane, inclined at some 1 0° from the vertical. In side view the eye appears nearly globular. Each eye subtended a visual field whose lower limits are 70° to 80° below the equator, and which just overlap at the front, rear, and above so as to give an almost entirely panoramic range not found in other olenids, and, indeed, in few other trilo- bites. Juvenile eyes are of similar form, but have fewer lenses (c. 70 as compared with c. 200). Both in juvenile and adult eyes the eye-socle is very narrow and shows no definite structure. In the material to hand the thin biconvex lenses are easily detached. Where they are partially removed from the matrix each is preserved as a single calcite crystal with a very slightly convex upper surface and a more strongly convex inner face. Distinct cleavages are visible, from which it can be deduced that the c-axis of each crystal is normal to the surface. Sometimes the finer detail has been destroyed by recrystalliza- tion, but the impressions left by the lower surfaces of the lenses show their arrangement very clearly (PI. 95, figs. 3-4). CLARKSON: OLENID EYES 757 Development of the eye in later leptoplastines. In most trilobites the first-formed lenses are emplaced in an initial horizontal row parallel with the facial suture. New lenses are added below these, in parallel horizontal rows. The new lenses are offset relative to those above so that there develops an array of lenses arranged in a regular system of hexagonal close packing. This pattern is most clearly shown in the phacopids, where the lenses are large and separate; dorso-ventral files can be seen intersecting with ascending and descending diagonal files (Clarkson I966u). In some phacopid eyes new small lenses may actually develop in an accessory row above the initial horizontal row, but this seems to be confined to certain genera only (Beckmann 1951 ; Clarkson 1966/?). The eyes of Ct. (E.) modesta, Ct. (M.) similis, and Ct. (M.) tuniida are closely similar to one another, and though there are differences in size and posi- tion the resemblance in detailed structure is such that though most of the comments given here are based upon Ct. (M.) similis (PI. 94, fig. 2, text-fig. 5e) they are appro- priate also to the others. In most respects they apply also to Sphaerophthalmus eyes, though the latter have more lenses. All these olenid eyes begin their development in much the same way as phacopids, though being holochroal the lenses are contiguous and they are all much the same size. The first-formed lenses lie in a horizontal row following the curve of the facial suture. When seen from above this row and subsequent rows appear to be concentric and curving outwards like parallel strings of beads. In the upper (i.e. the oldest) part of the eye the close-packing system is regular and arranged with respect to the dominant elements— the horizontal rows. But some distance below the facial suture, usually after the first half-dozen rows, irregularities are encountered which break up this clearly defined pattern. Why do these develop? TEXT-FIG. 8. a-d. Sphaerophthalmus humilis (Phillips 1848). Zone Vc. Andrarum, Scania. Restoration of the cephalon in (a) dorsal, (b) frontal, and (c) lateral aspects and {d) enlarged in antero-lateral view, from Gr. I. 20706. 758 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 It has long been established that in trilobites generally new lenses are usually added only along the lower margin of the visual surface, and that each normally arises below and directly between two existing lenses of the preceding horizontal row. Irregularities come into being when extra lenses are intercalated into this system, in other words when at a few loci two new lenses are emplaced instead of one. If, as I discussed previously in the phacopid Ormathops (Clarkson 1971), the developmental system is ‘programmed’ to produce new lenses when a particular spatial threshold has been reached, then such new intercalated lenses will necessarily be emplaced to fill the ‘extra space’ as the visual surface expands in circumference. Each of the new intercalated lenses will in turn act as a focus for lens-initiation in successive horizontal rows, and the effects of these small, though inevitable irregularities are clearly visible. Had these olenids possessed lenses graduated in size such irregularities would never have arisen, but since they are all much the same size, disruptions of the regular pack- ing system are, as in Ormathops, a geometrical requirement. The lower third of the eye lies below the ambitus (this term used as in an echinoid) where the eye has reached its greatest horizontal circumference and thereafter decreases slightly in diameter. Since the visual surface is no longer increasing no new lenses are added by intercalation and it is hardly surprising to find another change in the manner of lens emplacement. What usually happens is that one of the two original sets of diagonal rows swings into a vertieal orientation, these becoming the vertical files characteristic of the lower part of the eye, though they are not homologous with the dorso-ventral files of the phacopids. The lenses in this region are slightly smaller than the upper ones, accommodating the slight decrease in the diameter of the eye. Thus the eyes of olenids of this type have three horizontal zones, an upper regular zone where the horizontal rows are the dominant elements, a zone of intercalation, where the horizontal rows are still dominant though there are notable irregularities, and a lower zone of dorso-ventral files where the system of hexagonal close packing is based upon one set of diagonal rows which has now become vertical in response to packing requirements. This system resembles that of the pelturines only in so far as the diagonal rows change direction and become more vertical. But the pelturine system is based upon arithmetical change in distances between lens-centres, whereas in later leptoplastines, distances between lens-centres remain constant, except where the increasing girth of the eye promotes hiatoses. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 95 Figs. 1, 2. Sphaerophthalmus alatus (Boeck 1838). Andrarum, Scania. Zone Vb (2d/3). 1, Dorso-lateral and 2, anterior view of young eye. Gr. I. 20775, x 140. In 1 right edge is anterior. Figs. 3-6. Sphaerophthalmus humilis {VYi\W\p?, 1848). Andrarum, Scania. Zone Vc. 3, Single lens, partially detached from matrix, and internal moulds of missing lenses. Gr. I. 20803, x 1200. Bar = 10 ^xm. 4, Internal mould of adult eye with a few lenses still adherent. Left edge anterior. Gr. I. 20803, x60. 5, Very young eye; outer surface Gr. I. 5537, x 200. 6, Internal mould of lenses near base of eye. Gr. I. 20803, x500. Bar = 10 ^m. PLATE 95 CLARKSON, Sphaerophthalmus eyes 760 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Evolution of the eye in the Olenidae. In this summary of observations I have largely followed the phylogenetic scheme of Henningsmoen (1957, Chart 6), and though this will certainly need to be modified in the light of recent and future observations, it still forms a useful provisional basis for discussion of phylogeny. According to Henningsmoen, Olenus, which was the earliest Upper Cambrian genus, persisting through Zones I and II only, gave rise to three lines of descent. The most conservative line led to Parabolina (Zone III to Lower Tremadoc), and to other Olenidae. At about the same time (Zone III), the first pelturine genus Protopeltura appeared, and was followed later (Zone Vb), by Peltura and other Pelturinae. From Olenus also descended a third group, the Leptoplastinae, which began with Lepto- plastus in Zone IV, a genus which gave rise to the elaborate leptoplastines Ctenopyge and Sphaerophthalmus which flourished in the time of Zone V. Though the Triarthrinae and various other genera of the established families appeared and evolved in Tremadoc and later times, none of these have been studied in detail in my present work : in most of them the eye is small and rarely well preserved, though some of the Argentinian olenid species, e.g. Parabolina argentina, Saltaspis steinmanni, have relatively large eyes (Harrington and Leanza 1957, pp. 83, 95). Opik (1963) included the monogeneric Australian subfamily Rhodonaspidinae Opik in the Olenidae. Because of the marked similarity of the pygidium of Rhodonaspis to that of Parabolina, he suggested a close relationship between these two genera, and noted that Parabolina may not have been derived from Olenus, but was part of another complex (including Rhodonaspis), which had persisted from the early Upper Cambrian. The evidence for this rests on the pygidial resemblance alone. Study of the eye-morphology of Scandinavian genera, however, supports the other criteria used by Henningsmoen in erecting his phylogenetic scheme; the similarity of the eyes of Olenus meraspids and adult Parabolina has already been pointed out. Rhodonaspis has very large eyes of unusual form, having the palpebral lobe and prob- ably the ocular ridge also as double structures, divided by an ocular striga. The ocular ridge is separated from the glabella, as in adult Olenus. Further descriptions and discussions of new olenid material may help to resolve conflicting suggestions as to olenid phylogeny, and it is to be hoped that the rich Cambrian successions of Queensland may furnish yet more material of olenids and related trilobite families. For the moment, however, I have preferred to take a con- servative view of olenid phylogeny. The principal conclusions which have emerged from the present studies are as follows: (a) The ‘primeval’ olenid eye from which all other kinds ultimately derived is exhibited by Olenus. Here the ocular suture is functional in the adult, so that the visual surface is found only in meraspids. Large adults have a highly structured and possibly sensory zone surrounding the visual surface, well supplied with alimentary prosopon. This peripheral zone is, however, weakly developed in meraspids. In the latter the lenses are plano-convex, and are probably welded to the inner surface of the cornea, sometimes being quite widely spaced. {b) In both the later Oleninae and in all the Pelturinae, the eyes have many features CLARKSON; OLENID EYES 761 very similar to those of meraspids of Olenus. These include their small size and forward position, the inclination of the long axis to the exsagittal plane, the non-functional ocular suture, structure of the visual surface, poorly developed peripheral zone, and the confluence of the palpebral lobe with the ocular ridge. All these are suggestive of a paedomorphic origin for these adult eyes. Pelturine eyes have lenses decreasing in size ventrally, arranged in a geometrically regular system with logarithmic diminu- tion of distances between lens-centres. It is probable that the eyes of most Tremadoc and later olenids are also of this type. (c) Early Leptoplastinae had eyes like those of Olenus, though their generally poorer preservation precludes very detailed comparison. The later leptoplastines Ctenopyge and Sphaerophthalmus retained the visual surface in the adult, and the eye is often strikingly well developed, though the peripheral zone is not greatly in evidence. Some features of these eyes may likewise be regarded as paedomorphic. Eyes of this kind are usually spheroidal, and have thin biconvex lenses underlying a very thin cornea. They are variable in size, position, and in the shape of the palpebral lobe and the range of the visual field (the most extreme form being S. humilis). The visual surface has a peculiar pattern of development, which is very clear in Ct. (M.) similis, but seems to be constant throughout the group. In this the lenses are all of the same size, and have a distinct zone of irregularities. Eollowing the extinction of the last species of Ctenopyge and Sphaerophthalmus before the close of the Upper Cambrian, no other olenids evolved such remarkably developed visual organs. Adaptations of the olenid cephalon. Henningsmoen (1957, pp. 70-82) has written exten- sively about the mode of life and environment of the olenids. He suggested that although most olenids were capable of swimming above the sea floor, they could also sojourn for certain periods on the floor of the stagnant Olenid Sea, and were probably adapted for life in waters with a restricted oxygen content. Further evidence of bottom- dwelling habits in some olenids is provided by recent trace-fossil analysis (Orlowski, Radwahski, and Roniewicz 1970; Birkenmajer and Bruton 1971). The cephalic reconstructions presented here, which were made to show the eye in its correct relationship to the rest of the cephalon, also seem to indicate, in some cases, functional adaptations for a benthonic mode of life. Most olenid cephala (with the notable exception of S. humilis), seem to be well adapted for resting upon the sea floor. The short genal spines of most species of Olenus, Parabolina, and Leptoplastus, together with S. alatus, project horizontally from the cephalon, so that the trilobite could lie on the sea floor, with its cephalon propped in a stable position and having its anterior arch open. Such support is even more evident in genera with long genal spines. Thus the genal spines of E. modesta are long and elegantly curved, in such a manner that the cephalon could be supported on four points; the lowest parts of the two antero-lateral borders, and the lower surfaces of the genal spines just in front of their tips. Ct. similis and Ct. tumida have very long flattened and horizontal genal spines, which would give support over their whole length. In these the height of the occipital ring above the base level, and the oblique appearance of the postero-lateral border, when seen from the side suggest that the body was carried high above the sea floor, a habit which no doubt carried real functional implications. I have else- where contended (Clarkson 1969) that long spines in the odontopleurid trilobites are H 762 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 support structures rather than being used to prevent sinking through frictional retardation. Judging by the structure of the cephalon in the long-spined olenids, the same principle seems to apply, but it will be necessary to prepare complete lateral reconstructions with the thorax and pygidium in place before these suggestions can be fully worked out. The immensely long thoracic spines of Ctenopyge, and their relationship to the rest of the body still pose intriguing problems. Clearly 5. humilis was very differently modified, as witness the nearly vertical genal spines and the very large eye with its greatly expanded visual field. Though the pur- pose of such adaptations is far from certain, it is evident that even within the confines of the organization of such a close-knit family as the Olenidae, there was still a sub- stantial degree of evolutionary plasticity, and the possibility of individual functional differentiation. Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Dr. D. L. Bruton (Paleontologisk Museum, Oslo), Mr. S. F. Morris (British Museum, Natural History), and Mr. F. J. Collier (Smithsonian Institution, Washington), for the loan of specimens. I am also glad to record the assistance of Dr. Jan Bergstrom of the University of Lund for loan of specimens and for much helpful discussion in the early stages of the work. I particularly appreciate the generosity of the Trustees of the Moray Fund of the University of Edinburgh, who con- tributed towards the cost of a Wild-Heerbrugg camera-lucida microscope. All the SEM photographs were taken using a Cambridge ‘Stereoscan’ by Mr. J. Goodall of the Depart- ment of Engineering, Edinburgh University, to whom I am greatly indebted for his continued skill and patience. I gratefully acknowledge a grant towards plate cost from the Carnegie Trust for the Scottish Universities. REFERENCES ANGELIN, N. p. 1854. Palaeontologio scandinavica. Pars 1. Crustacea formationis transitionis. Fasc. II. I-ix, 21-92, pis. XXV-XLI. Holmiae (Stockholm). BECKMANN, H. 1951 . Zur Ontogenie der Sehflache grossaugiger Phacopiden. Paldont. Z. 24, 126-141, pi. 10. BiRKENMAJER, K. and BRUTON, D. L. 1971. Some trilobite resting and crawling traces. Lethaia, 4, 303-319, figs. 1-14. BOECK, c. 1838. Uebersicht der bisher in Norwegen gefundenen Formen der Trilobiten-Familie. 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Regiae Sci. 8, 1-116, pis. 1-4. WALCOTT, c. D. 1910. Cambrian geology and palaeontology, 6; Olenellus and other genera of the Meson- acidae. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 53, 231-422, pis. 23-44. WESTERGARD, A. H. 1922. Sveriges Olenidskiffer. Sveriges Geol. Undersok. Ser. Ca, 18, 1-205, pis. 1-16. WHITTINGTON, H. B. 1958. Ontogeny of the trilobite Peltura scarabaeoides from the Upper Cambrian, Denmark. Palaeontology, 1, 200-206, pi. 38. 1966. Phylogeny and distribution of Ordovician trilobites. Journ. Paleont. 40, 696-737, figs. 1 16. WHITWORTH, p. H. 1970. Ontogeny of the Upper Cambrian trilobite Leptoplastus crassicornis (Westergard) from Sweden. Palaeontology, 13, 100-111, pis. 22-24. E. N. K. CLARKSON Grant Institute of Geology University of Edinburgh West Mains Road Typescript received 25 October 1972 Edinburgh, EH9 3JW Discussion on Dr. Clarkson’s paper: Chaloner; Did you clean the surface in any way prior to examination? Clarkson: Yes. I used a Directional Ultrasonic Cleaner, which is a gun device manufactured by the Simms Group R. & D. Ltd. The specimen is placed under water and ‘blasted’ for two or three seconds by a stream of high-velocity bubbles from the gun. This suffices to remove all the loose dirt and dust; but if the gun is operated for longer than a few seconds the surface of the specimen may be damaged by abrasion. COMBINED TRANSMISSION AND SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF IN SITU PALAEOZOIC SPORES by T. N. TAYLOR Abstract. This paper discusses pollen and spores isolated from Carboniferous reproductive organs, including fructifications belonging to lycopods, cordaites, and seed ferns. Microspores of the monosaccate genus Endosporites were macerated from sporangia of a single cone. Morphological variability ranges from grains still within the tetra- hedral arrangement to solitary spores. Information is provided concerning saccus-corpus organization and exine ultrastructure, ornamentation, and stages of saccus ontogeny. Pollen grains included within the genus Florinites were examined in cordaitalean pollen sacs from different localities and stratigraphic levels. Both proximal and distal attachments between saccus and corpus are demonstrated. Spores of a new Pennsylvanian reproductive structure are described as consisting of a complex tectate exine supporting a verrucate ornamentation. Prepollen grains of the Schopfipollinites-type were isolated from a number of medullosan pteridosperm reproductive structures including the genera Dolerotheca, Rhetinotheca, Aulacotheca, Whittleseya, and Halletheca. Comparative studies of the spore exines suggest the occurrence of fundamental ultrastructural differences among the grains. Information is presented concerning the possible site of gamete emission from Schopfipollinites prepollen grains. The successful application of transmission electron microscopy to the study of fossil pollen exines by Ehrlich and Hall (1959) initiated a new era of palaeobotanical inquiry. With the subsequent availability of the scanning electron microscope and its ease of application in palaeontological research problems, researchers today are examining evidences of biological activity extending from the Precambrian to Recent, and includ- ing all levels of biological organization. While dispersed spores and pollen grains found in rocks of Palaeozoic age have received a great deal of attention both for palaeontological and geological purposes, spores and pollen found in fructifications of known biological affinities have received little attention. It is the intent of the present paper to discuss the application of com- bined transmission and scanning electron microscopy to the study of in situ pollen, prepollen, and spores of Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) age, and to demonstrate some of the types of information which have been made available utilizing these methods. Studies of in situ pollen grains and spores are of particular importance because in most instances grains are present in sufficient numbers that ontogenetic differences may be separated from those which are truly taxonomic. This developmental approach may be undertaken with certain types of reproductive structures which mature in a sequential manner. The opportunity of sampling almost pure popula- tions of spores, differing developmentally, from varying positions within a single cone provides an ideal means of studying spore wall ontogeny. Because of the nature of this symposium the number of light photomicrographs used has been greatly reduced. It must be pointed out, however, that the use of light microscopy constitutes a valuable and indispensable aspect of any study in which the maximum number of pollen grain or spore features are to be elucidated. [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 1973, pp. 765-776, pis. 96-98.] 766 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Technique. Pollen grains and spores were macerated from sporangia using dilute hydrochloric acid (2%), soaked in 12% hydrofluoric acid for 12 hours, and subse- quently divided into three fractions. Grains to be examined by transmission electron microscopy were dehydrated to propylene oxide and embedded in Spurr low viscosity media. Sections cut at approximately 20 nm were poststained in a 5% aqueous solu- tion of uranyl acetate for 20 minutes, followed by lead citrate. Grains to be examined with the scanning electron microscope were washed in two changes of distilled water, spread on standard SEM specimen stubs coated, while in suspension, with a thin film of dried silver conductive paint, and allowed to dry in air. The grains were then vapour coated with a thin film of gold and examined with a Cambridge Mark IIA instrument. Grains of the final sample were dehydrated to xylene and embedded in Harleco Synthetic Resin for examination by light microscopy. In the case of very large grains, several hundred microns in diameter, such as specimens of SchopfipoUinites, very satisfactory results have been obtained using the transmission-scanning operational mode (Swift and Brown, 1970). This technique enables entire sections to be examined in a single field of view. It consequently eliminates the necessity of constructing elaborate montages which are otherwise necessary for large grains because the minimum magnifications available with the transmission electron microscope are too high to record cell and wall component interrelationships. Sections ranging from 50 nm-1 were cut and mounted on single-hole slot grids covered with a thin collodion/carbon support film. Grids were subsequently stained with aqueous uranyl acetate followed by lead citrate and fitted into a special device mounted in the instrument stub holder. The following is a discussion of four different spore types and the kind of informa- tion which has been assembled on their organization, morphology, and ultrastructure. ENDOSPORITES Endosporites Wilson and Coe 1940 is a monosaccate, trilete, microspore now known to be biologically related to some heterosporous members of the Lycophytina. The source of Endosporites specimens in previous studies has been from compressed, structureless cones, or from sporae dispersae assemblages. The material presented here comes from calcium carbonate petrifactions collected from probable lower Pennsylvanian sediments in eastern Kentucky (Good and Taylor 1970). Of particular EXPLANATION OF PLATE 96 Fig. 1. Transmission electron micrograph. Composite reconstruction of three spores of Endosporites tetrad. Arrows indicate positions of apical papillae, x 510. Fig. 2. Partial lateral view of monosaccate spore showing thickened corpus wall (left) with external orna- mentation, and internal saccus reticulations, x 2700. Fig. 3. Three spores of Endosporites tetrad showing relationship between corpus and saccus wall, x 2100. Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrograph of Endosporites tetrad showing three spores, with the fourth repre- sented by the corpus and a remnant of the saccus. x 500. Fig. 5. Lateral view of Florinites grain showing proximal and distal saccus attachment, and internal saccus reticulations. xlOOO. Fig. 6. Limbus and proximal surface of Endosporites spore, x 4750. Fig. 7. Immature Endosporites spore prior to saccus enlargement. X 3300. PLATE 96 TAYLOR, Palaeozoic spores 768 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 importance with this material is the fact that within certain sporangia various stages of spore ontogeny are represented, including spores still within the tetrahedral arrangement (PI. 96, fig. 1). One of the most obvious advantages of transmission and scanning electron micro- scopy in the study of pollen grains and spores lies in the ability to discern more accurately and interpret correctly, complex ornamentation patterns which may be present on both the internal and external exine surfaces. PI. 96, fig. 6 shows the distal surface of a spore ornamented by closely spaced, blunt-tipped spinules which are basally fused to form a reticulum. Along the equatorial rim of the spore, where the proximal and distal faces of the saccus become continuous, the spinous projections are fused, and together with the loosely arranged exinous strands, provide a thickness to the limbus. The proximal surface of Endosporites is uniformly smooth, interrupted only by irregularly shaped and randomly disposed pits (PI. 96, fig. 6). Such features are too small to be resolvable with light microscopy, and are extremely difficult to characterize by transmission electron microscopy. PI. 96, fig. 4 shows three complete spores of a tetrad and the fourth represented by the corpus and a small remnant of the saccus wall. Spores with the saccus fragmented and torn allow observations to be made of the internal saccus surface and show irregular reticulations of the wall, as well as ornamentation of the corpus. One of the conspicuous features of Endosporites microspores from the Kentucky locality when examined by light microscopy is the occurrence of three apical papillae (= interradial papillae) that appear as small dark crescent-shaped objects close to the spore centre; one between each of the laesurae. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy define the nature and relationship of these structures to the saccus and corpus walls. The lowest spore in PI. 96, fig. 1 shows two of the apical papillae separated by a shallow depression and occurring on the inner surface of the corpus wall; but not arising from the outer saccus wall as has been previously thought. Ultrastructure and exine stratification of Endosporites are best illustrated in PI. 96, fig. 1 where the relationship between the wall of the corpus and saccus is apparent. The exine is constructed of two layers, with units comparable to the topo- graphic equivalents ‘nexine’ and ‘sexine’. In Endosporites, corpus-saccus attachment occurs only at the proximal pole (PI. 96, figs. 1, 7). In the region where the corpus and saccus are fused on the proximal surface the wall is quite thick (3 /xm) and consists of a series of anastomosing exinous strands. PI. 96, figs. 1, 3 illustrates the proximal continuity provided between saccus and corpus by these delicate strands as viewed in both the transmission and scanning modes. The spores macerated from the sporangia range from 73 to 121 /xm in diameter; however, some of the microspores are appreciably smaller (21 /xm). A large number of these smaller spores lack trilete scars and it has been suggested that these may represent isolated central bodies. Other small spores of a similar diameter, but possessing a well-defined trilete mark and in some instances apical papillae, are further distinguished from the more typical Endosporites grains by a more highly ornamented distal surface and the absence of a clearly defined saccus (PI. 96, fig. 7). Transmission micrographs of this latter spore type show apical papillae and a reduced saccus surrounding the central body. These two features suggest a level of spore ontogeny in which the saccus is just beginning to differentiate through the TAYLOR: ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF SPORES 769 separation of the two wall layers. A fully developed saccus in Endosporites appears like the configuration of the spores in PI. 96, fig. 1. FLORINITES AND FLO RINITES-TYPE POLLEN The genus Florinites Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall 1944 was instituted for dispersed monosaccate pollen grains of presumed cordaitalean affinity. The generic diagnosis has been difficult to apply, principally because of the confusion regarding grain morpho- logy and structural organization. With the improved techniques now available, new information has been obtained on the morphology of this type of grain. Specimens used were macerated from Cordaianthus pollen sacs found in coal balls collected near West Mineral, Kansas (middle Pennsylvanian), and in eastern Kentucky. Florinites grains are monosaccate, and consist of a spherical central body (= corpus) surrounded laterally by a large, internally reticulate, air bladder (= saccus). In polar view the saccus appears circular-elliptical, with the corpus typically circular in out- line. In several morphological studies of cordaite pollen the grains are described as consisting of a large air sac which completely encircles the internal corpus. In these studies body-bladder attachment has been described as occurring only at the distal pole. Combined transmission and scanning electron microscopy demonstrate that the attachment between the body and the bladder occurs at both the proximal and distal poles (PI. 96, fig. 5). On the proximal surface body-bladder attachment is approxi- mately equal to the maximum body diameter, whereas distally this attachment is typically less than body diameter. Distally the body-bladder attachment may assume a variety of configurations, varying from small and irregular to large and highly angular. In some instances attachment may approach a configuration which super- ficially resembles a sulcus. On the proximal surface of the grain attachment appears to be more regular and conforms to the symmetry of the central body. Thus in the case of the monosaccate grain Florinites the structure consists of a central body totally enclosed by a bladder and fused to it on both the proximal and distal surface. External bladder ornamentation is best described as laevigate when viewed with the light microscope. When examined with the SEM, the bladder appears as a series of irregular depressions corresponding to the outlines of the internal bladder reticula- tions (PI. 96, fig. 5). The ability to examine a fractured internal or enclosed grain component, in this instance the external surface of the corpus, provides information which would be impossible to discern with light microscopy (PI. 97, fig. 5). Florinites grains demonstrate the same apparent bladder ontogeny characteristic of extant saccate pollen in which the bladder arises by a separation between the sexine and nexine. Small ridges which characterize the external surface of the central body on the lateral walls represent former regions of exine attachment prior to saccus inflation (PI. 96, fig. 5). The nexine, which is typically lamellated in extant saccate pollen, shows no observable ultrastructural layering in the Florinites specimens. Another monosaccate pollen grain resembling Florinites in many morphological features was also recovered from Cordaianthus pollen sacs collected at the eastern Kentucky locality. The grains are larger than the Florinites specimens, ranging in size from 115 to 180 /urn. Both radially symmetrical and bilaterally symmetrical specimens were found. Grains which show a radial organization are exclusively 770 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 trilete, while the bilateral specimens have a suture organization of the monolete type. Most grains show varying degrees of suture expression between these two types. In this grain saccus-corpus attachment also occurs at both the proximal and distal poles. Externally the saccus is psilate except in the region of the proximal pole. PI. 97, fig. 6 indicates that the region of the trilete mark is complex, consisting of a series of uneven muri which are most prominent closest to the suture, decreasing in size away from the laesurae. The trilete mark consists of a narrow Y-shaped depression support- ing a median, elevated ridge. The central ridge appears to arise from the base of the depression, and is supported by delicate ribs which are uniformly situated at right angles to the long axis of the laesura. Internally, the saccus of this grain is ornamented by a network of inwardly project- ing wall thickenings which form a reticulate pattern, and appear similar to the orna- mentation of Florinites. The external corpus wall is ornamented by a delicate reti- culum (PI. 96, fig. 2). In section view the projections of the reticulum appear as finely spaced, uniformly developed processes which at some levels appear to bifurcate at their tips (PI. 96, fig. 2). These processes appear continuous with the saccus reticulum and constitute an ontogenetic feature resulting from the separation of the sexine early in the formation of the saccus. The corpus wall is quite thick, measuring approxi- mately 2 |u,m (PI. 96, fig. 2). Ultrastructurally, this layer is composed of a series of irregularly thickened lamellations which may be up to 0-2 /xm thick (PI. 97, fig. 4). TECTATE GRAIN The grain illustrated in PI. 97, fig. 1 was extracted from a reproductive organ consisting of numerous thick-walled sporangia which are attached to vascularized bract-like structures by elongate pedicels (Taylor 1972). The spores are trilete and circular— subcircular in outline. They range from 38 to 55 ;um in diameter and are characterized by trilete rays which extend approximately three-quarters of the spore radius. The spore illustrated in PI. 97, fig. 1 shows the elevated and pro- minent nature of the trilete mark. Ornamentation consists of a series of irregular verrucae which extend up to 1-4 [xm high (PI. 97, figs. 1, 2). When examined by light microscopy the surface of the verrucae appear to bear slight depressions. Ultrathin sections of the spores indicate, however, that this pattern is the result of EXPLANATION OF PLATE 97 Fig. 1 . Proximal surface of Pennsylvanian spore showing verrucate ornamentation and trilete mark, x 1 200. Fig. 2. Fractured surface of spore in Fig. 1 showing level of exine organization and relationship of wall layer components, x 6000. Fig. 3. Transmission electron micrograph of Fig. 1 spore exine. x 8500. Fig. 4. Transmission electron micrograph of corpus wall of monosaccate spore in PI. 96, fig. 2, showing nexine lamellations. x 15000. Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrograph of Florinites grain showing ruptured saccus and ornamentation of corpus. X 5900. Fig. 6. Proximal region of monosaccate grain showing complex organization of trilete mark, x 900. Fig. 7. Transmission electron micrograph of spore in Fig. 1 showing wall stratification. Interruptions in the nexine indicate the position of two laesurae of the trilete mark, x 1400. PLATE 97 TAYLOR, Palaeozoic spores Ill PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 exine organization rather than surface features of the verrucae (PI. 97, figs. 3, 7). The section of the spore illustrated in PI. 97, fig. 7 is slightly oblique in the proximal- distal plane so that two of the laesurae appear as interruptions in the inner component of the wall. The exine of the grain consists of four easily delimited layers. Using the terms commonly applied in pollen exine organization, these may be called tectum, colu- mellae, pedium; and some level of nexine development (PI. 97, figs. 3, 7). The colu- mellae extend from the foot layer or pedium, but are not in contact with the tectum at their distal ends. The tectum appears to be attached along the sides of the columellae, rather than at the distal end of each structure (P. 97, fig. 1). The broken surface of the spore wall illustrated in PI. 97, fig. 2 clearly shows the relationships of the exine components, and further clarifies that the tectum is not fused with the pedium between the columellae. The nexine, or inner preserved layer of the spore wall, is uniform in thickness except in the region of the trilete mark where some thickening is present (PI. 97, fig. 7). SCHOPFIPOLLINITES The genus Schopfipollinites Potonie and Kremp 1954 (= Monoletes) has been used for large (100-500 /Ltm) bilaterally symmetrical pollen grains of the prepollen type, thought to be produced by medullosan pteridosperms. The grains are typically characterized by a single proximal suture having a slight angular deflection (PI. 98, fig. 2). On the distal surface two longitudinal grooves separated by a median ridge (umbo) are occasionally present; however, the occurrence of this ridge does not appear to be a constant feature of the taxon. Exine ornamentation as examined by transmitted light is typically described as minutely granulose-reticulate, or smooth. PI. 98, fig. 6 is a light photomicrograph of what appears to be the external orna- mentation pattern of a grain extracted from the microsporangiate organ Halletheca (Taylor 1971). The scanning electron micrograph of a Halletheca grain (PI. 98, fig. 3) shows that the surface is highly variable in ornament, and that the apparent reticulate appearance of the wall in PI. 98, fig. 6 is a feature of the internal organiza- tion of the wall rather than of surface topography. In some grains, especially in the region of the suture, exine deposition was not complete at the time of fossilization EXPLANATION OF PLATE 98 Figs. 1-8. Schopfipollinites grams. Fig. 1. Distal view of grain macerated from Dolerotheca fructification. x204. Fig. 2. Proximal view showing suture with median deflection. x216. Fig. 3. Portion of Halletheca grain showing internal lumina. Compare with organization illustrated in Fig. 6 obtained with light microscopy. X 4950. Fig. 4. Internal organization of exine of grain macerated from Schopfitheca reproductive organ, x 5600. Fig. 5. Transmission scanning micrograph of grain showing region of proximal suture and distal umbo. Note thickened wall in proximal suture region. x4000. Fig. 6. Light photomicrograph of grain macerated from Halletheca sporangium, x 2500. Fig. 7. Proximal surface of grain showing incomplete deposition of exine. x 965. Fig. 8. Electron micrograph of grain macerated from Schopfitheca reproductive structure showing internal exine organization. Compare with organization of grain in Fig. 5. x 5500. PLATE 98 TAYLOR, Palaeozoic spores 774 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 SO that internal exine organization is easily visible without fracturing or sectioning the spore wall (PI. 98, fig. 7). Grains of this type further point out the necessity of a combined approach to the elucidation of spore wall features. To determine the constancy of this form of exine organization and its potential use as a taxonomic feature in dispersed spores, specimens of Schopfipollinites were extracted from a number of medullosan pollen organs (Dolewtheca, Rhetinotheca, Aulacotheca, Whittleseya) and compared with the organization found in Halletheca. While a number of SchopfipoUinites-contain'mg reproductive organs have been described, only very few are known from structurally preserved specimens. Conse- quently, the opportunity accurately to delimit reproductive organs differing in pre- servational mode by the identification of their spores is of considerable importance to palaeobotanical systematics. One such structureless reproductive organ containing Schopfipollinites grains is the genus Schopfitheca (Delevoryas 1964). The specimen consists of a stalked, clavate- pyriform microsporangiate structure approximately 20 mm long. Ultrastructurally, the wall of the prepollen grain consists of a thickened foot layer from which arise a series of anastomosing baculae (PI. 98, fig. 8). At some levels these units are fused and demonstrate an organization similar to that in Halletheca or Dolerotheca grains (PI. 98, fig. 5). The scanning electron micrograph of the fractured surface of one of these Schopfitheca grains (PI. 98, fig. 4) indicates clearly a distinct difference in internal exine organization from the Halletheca grain. One approach to the problem of identifying stages in exine development is the use of stereomicrography and photogrammetric analysis (Boyde 1970), which enables one to view and accurately measure structural components of the wall. The capa- bility of making stereo pictures with the scanning electron microscope not only provides for an accurate three dimensional representation of the exine organization, but provides a means of making precise parallax measurements of these three dimensional structures. It has already been possible to correlate changes in exine thickness with distinct differences in structural configuration, and to correlate these in turn with grain maturity as determined by such additional features as level of sporangium ontogeny. Preliminary information on the internal wall organization of Schopfipollinites prepollen grains extracted from different reproductive organs, as well as on those of differing preservational modes, appears to show that structural differences in exine organization exist. Whether these differences represent stages in wall ontogeny or are solely taxonomic must await continued investigation. The internal organization of fossil pollen and spores may also provide important information on other aspects of the plants that produced them ; for instance, the mode of gamete emission in prepollen grains of the Schopfipollinites-type. Germinal exit in such grains has generally been regarded as occurring from the proximal suture (see Chaloner 1970 for an excellent review of this problem), although Renault (1896) suggested evidence of distal germination in grains produced by Dolerotheca fertilis. An examination of the proximal suture of a Dolerotheca grain (PI. 98, fig. 5) indicates that although the total thickness of the grain wall is reduced by approximately one- third, the floor and wall adjacent to the suture are distinctly thickened. The suture would therefore seem an unlikely site for gamete emission. On the distal surface, how- ever, the exine is appreciably thinner beneath each of the distal grooves, and super- TAYLOR: ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF SPORES 775 ficially appears a more probable exit site. Relative exine thickness, when compared in a large number of Palaeozoic prepollen and pollen types, may provide cumulative information on germination mode and evolutionary trends associated with the process of fertilization. CONCLUSION The examples included in this paper illustrate the value of combined transmission and scanning electron microscopy to the study of pollen grains and spores present in reproductive organs. The SEM thoroughly delineates features of the internal and external exine surfaces, and also provides a means whereby developmental features may be critically studied. Transmission electron microscopy provides information about the ultrastructural organization of the wall, as well as supplementing informa- tion obtained by the SEM. There is little doubt that basic structural and functional differences are present in the walls of spores and pollen grains produced by various types of Palaeozoic vascular plants. Such differences may be correlated to provide information on the evolutionary relationships between seemingly diverse taxa, as well as providing a means of determining the biological origin of various dispersed spores and pollen grains. Acknowledgements. The author is indebted to Sheila D, Brack, Department of Botany, Ohio University, and Michael A. Millay, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, and to the American Philosophical Society and National Science Foundation (GB-35958) for financial assistance. REFERENCES BOYDE, A. 1970. Practical problems and methods in the three-dimensional analysis of scanning electron microscope images. Proc. 3rd Annual Scanning Electron Microscope Symposium, IITRI, 105-112. CHALONER, w. G. 1970. The evolution of miospore polarity. Geoscience and Man, 1, 47-56. DELEVORYAS, T. 1964. A probable pteridosperm microsporangiate fructification from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Palaeontology, 7, 60-63. EHRLICH, H. G. and HALL, j. w. 1959. The ultrastructure of Eocene pollen. Grana Palynologica, 2, 32-35. GOOD, c. w. and taylor, t. n. 1970. On the structure of Cordaites felicis Benson from the lower Pennsyl- vanian of North America. Palaeontology, 13, 29-39. POTONiE, R. and g. o. w. kremp. 1954. Die Gattungen der palaozoischen Sporae dispersae und ihre Strati- graphie. Geol. Jb. 69, 111-1 94. RENAULT, B. 1896. Bassin Houiller d’Autun et d’Epinac. Etudes des Gites Mineraux de la France, fasc. IV, text 578 pp. (Atlas published 1893). SCHOPF, j. M., WILSON, L. R. and BENTALL, R. 1944. An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups. III. Geol. Survey Kept. Invest. 91. SWIFT, J. A. and brown, a. c. 1970. Transmission scanning electron microscopy of biological materials. Proc. 3rd Annual Scanning Electron Microscopy Symposium, IITRI, 115-120. TAYLOR, T. N. 1971. Halletheca reticulatus gen. et sp. n.: a synangiate Pennsylvanian pteridosperm pollen organ. Amer. J. Bot. 58, 300-308. 1972. A new Carboniferous sporangial aggregation. Rev. Palaeo. Palyn. 14, 309-318. WILSON, L. R. and coe, e. a. 1940. Descriptions of some unassigned plant microfossils from the Des Moines series of Iowa. Amer. Mid. Nat. 23, 182-196. T. N. TAYLOR Department of Botany Ohio University Athens, Ohio, 45701 U.S.A. Typescript received 25 October 1972 776 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Discussion on Dr. Taylor’s paper: Kempf: Dr. Taylor has extremely fine material from the Palaeozoic. In some of the spores it was quite obvious that two layers have been preserved, a thin inner layer and a thicker outer layer, which occasionally showed zonations. I would regard these layers as exine and perine. The saccus was always derived from the outer layer — it was not between the two layers, but within the outer layer the perine. Did you also section Equisetuml What is the fine structure of the wall? Taylor: The wall of Equisetum is very nondescript with really no fine structure at all. Kempf : You know the work of Gullvag, who is studying Equisetum. She has shown a tubular fine structure (which may be artefactual). Perhaps there is some fine structure of this kind? Taylor: I don’t know. I would like to comment on this perine problem. I’m not too concerned with what we call the layers of the walls, because in the Palaeozoic we have very little to compare the structures with. If we could compare with living plants, and show that the perine was present on the living form, then that would be a different matter. The other point is, the perine is the layer that is put on last. It is a develop- mental term really, and again, working with Palaeozoic material, we are not really in a position to put names to the different layers. If one is to make such distinctions, they must be made at the biochemical level, but at our present state of knowledge we are in no position to do this kind of work. Kempf: At one time you were describing a wall with four layers; but there should be only two layers, and three of these layers are zonations of the outer layer. Also the perine is not formed last, it is a primary layer, and it is formed first, then the exine and then the intine. You can observe this optically, and some- times you find spores with only the perine and the exine present and no intine. Taylor: But how can you demonstrate that what you are calling the intine is not just another layer of the exine without doing biochemical tests? It seems to me rather a matter of semantics. Skelton: Have you carried your research back to Silurian plants— prespore plants— to see if you can get any structure from them? Taylor: No, I have restricted my work to the Upper Palaeozoic. WALL STRUCTURE OF SOME AGGLUTINATED FORAMINIFERIDA by J. W. MURRAY Abstract. Present knowledge of agglutinated wall structure and composition is briefly reviewed. Examination of 19 recent species shows the existence of three wall types: simple imperforate wall with an organic cement; complex alveolar imperforate wall with an organic cement ; ‘perforate’ wall with a calcareous cement. It is concluded that more attention should be paid to wall structure and composition in descriptions of species and in taxonomy. Forms with a calcareous cement seem to be stenohaline marine or hypersaline and therefore useful indicators of environment. Williamson (1858, p. xi) recognized and named the three main wall types seen in recent foraminiferids : agglutinated, porcellaneous, and hyaline. Then followed the classification by Carpenter, Parker, and Jones (1862) partly based on these characters, together with the presence or absence of pores. Since that time wall structure has held an important position in taxonomy. Although there are many observations on agglutinated wall structure scattered through the literature, there have been no recent detailed studies (see Lindenberg 1967 for a review). Investigations using electron microscopy have been concentrated mainly on the porcellaneous and calcareous lamellar wall types. However, Jahn (1953) and Towe (1967) published micrographs taken with transmission electron microscopes and Murray (1971) has illustrated the surface texture of twenty-five species in seventeen plates of scanning electron micrographs. The purpose of this paper is to present a brief review of the present state of know- ledge of agglutinated wall structure and to compare with this the results obtained during the examination of nineteen recent species. The present state of knowledge of agglutinated wall structure may be summarized as follows: 1 . The wall consists of detrital particles held together by a cement secreted by the animal. 2. Many different kinds of detrital particles including organic debris (see Thalmann 1948) are used by different species. Some seem to show no selectivity (e.g. Reophax curtus. Smith and Kaesler 1970) while others are highly selective (see Hedley 1964). However, it is not uncommon for the grain size to vary from one part of the test to another or within the thickness of the wall (Lacroix 1931). 3. The cement may be entirely organic or it may be mineralized. Hedley (1963) found the organic material to be ‘. . . an acid mucopolysaccharide (protein linked with carbohydrate), with organically bound iron and, most probably, organically bound calcium’. Mineralization may involve calcareous or ferruginous deposits or both. 4. Cements mineralized with ferruginous material are known to contain the iron as ferric oxide (Hedley 1963 ; Towe 1967) in a fine-grained amorphous condition (Towe 1967). [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 1973, pp. 777-786, pis. 99-100.] 1 778 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 5. Cements mineralized with calcareous material contain microgranular calcite 5 to 10 ixm in diameter (Wood 1949). 6. Pores, tubes, and alveolae have been recognized in some walls and these are lined with a thin organic layer (Moebius 1880; N^rvang 1966). In most described examples the pore tubes do not penetrate to the outer surface of the wall. The pore tubes commonly branch (Lacroix 1939). 7. Thin organic membranes around the detrital particles have been recognized by N^rvang (1966). 8. The ratio of detrital particles to cement is highly variable (Cushman 1929). 9. Some walls contain inter-grain spaces due to incomplete cementation (Barten- stein 1952, p. 315). Well-preserved specimens from Recent sediment were selected for study. Some were examined whole, others broken to reveal internal structures and still others were sectioned using the following method: The specimens were placed on a metal stub (for use in the scanning microscope) together with a small piece of ‘Lakeside’ thermoplastic cement. The stub was then gently heated in a Bunsen flame to melt the Lakeside and allow it to penetrate into and around the specimens. After cooling individual specimens were manipulated into the desired orientation using a hot needle. Then they were carefully ground away (under a stereoscopic microscope) using a finely ground glass slide lubricated with water. The sections were then etched in 5% EDTA for periods ranging from j to 10 minutes. All specimens were prepared for examination in the scanning electron microscope by coating them with a 40/60 mixture of gold/palladium in a vacuum coating unit. The X-ray diffraction traces were made from bulk assemblages of each species. The presence of ferric iron was inferred from the development of a prussian blue colour in specimens treated with a solution of potassium ferrocyanide in hydrochloric acid (2 gm in 100 mis of 1-75% HCl). METHODS MATERIAL Species Saccammina atlantica (Cushman) Miliantmina fusca (Brady) Cribrostomoides columbiense (Cushman) Cribrostomoides crassimargo (Norman) Cribrostomoides jejfreysii (Williamson) Cyclammina cancellata (Brady) Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis (Williamson) Textularia earlandi (Parker) Textularia sagittula (Defrance) Textularia sp. Siphotextularia flintii (Cushman) Trochammina inflata (Montagu) Trochammina lobata (Cushman) Jadanunina macrescens (Brady) Locality Shelf off Long Island, U.S.A. Christchurch Harbour, England. Van Damme Beach, California. Shelf off Long Island, U.S.A. Western Approaches to English Channel. Continental slope W. of English Channel. Kattegat. Celtic Sea. Western Approaches to English Channel. Shelf ofTTrucial Coast, Persian Gulf. Celtic Sea. Christchurch Harbour, England. East coast, U.S.A. Christchurch Harbour, England. MURRAY; AGGLUTINATED FORAMINIFERIDA 779 Species Gaudryina rudis (Wright) Eggerella advena (Cushman) Eggerella scabra (Williamson) Clavulina pacifica (Cushman) Martinottiella communis (D’Orbigny) Locality Western Approaches to England Channel. Shelf off Long Island, U.S.A. Western Approaches to English Channel. Off Jeddah, Red Sea. Western Approaches to English Channel. RESULTS Space limitations prevent a full description of each of the species studied so only a few species will be described in detail. Eorms having an organic cement. Saccammina atlantica has a unilocular test of variable form although it is commonly pyriform with an aperture at the narrow end. The wall is made up of a detrital quartz grains of variable size and shape (PI. 99, fig. 1). Much of the wall is built of larger grains which span the entire thickness. These grains are closely fitted together with a separation of less than 1 jam along most of their edges (PI. 99, fig. 2). However, complete fitting is not possible and the spaces are filled with a mosaic of progressively smaller grains (PI. 99, figs. 4, 5). In these areas the wall is several grains thick. The surface of the wall is rough both on the outside (PI. 99, figs. 1, 6) and on the inside (PI. 99, fig. 5). There are no wall pores. Specimens placed in 5% EDTA or 1-75% HCl showed no reaction and it is concluded that the cement contains no CaCOj. Other species found to have a simple structure include Eggerella advena, E. scabra, Cribrostomoides columbiense, C. crassimargo, C. jeffreysii, Textularia earlandi, Martinottiella communis, Trochammina lobata and Miliammina fusca. In Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis there is a clearly visible organic lining in the chambers (PI. 99, fig. 7). This can also be seen in Trochammina inflata. In many of these forms economy of cementation leads to small inter-grain spaces in the wall (first noted by Bartenstein, 1952) but no evidence has so far been seen to suggest that these are in any way pores. Cyclammina cancellata has a complex labyrinthic wall structure (see Banner 1970, for the most recent description). The outer wall (epidermis) is imperforate and smoothly finished. The inner wall (hypodermis) is coarsely alveolar. It is known from previous studies that the cement is organic, with iron mineralization (Hedley 1963). In the present study it was found that the outer and inner wall surfaces and the linings of the alveolae are all completely bound with cement. Within the thickness of the wall the grains are only loosely cemented at their points of contact. No differences could be observed in specimens treated with acid so it is concluded that there is no calcite cement. However, some specimens have coccoliths among their detrital grains and the presence of such calcareous material may account for the calcium recorded in analyses by Brady (1884), Faure-Fremiet (1911), and Vinogradov (1953). Hedley (1963) published an analysis of care- fully cleaned specimens in which CaO was absent. Forms having a calcareous cement. Clavulina pacifica starts with a triserial juvenile portion and then becomes uniserial (PI. 100, fig. 1). The outer surface of the wall shows the presence of larger detrital grains, including quartz, amphibole, and sponge spicules, and smoother areas of cement and fine detrital grains (PI. 100, fig. 2). There are no pores penetrating the outer surface. By contrast the inner surface is smoothly finished and shows many pores generally 2 to 3 pm in diameter and closed with an organic membrane (PI. 100, fig. 3). Broken sections reveal that the pores extend almost through the wall but end blindly just beneath the outer surface (PI. 100, fig. 4). Specimens impregnated with ‘Lakeside’, sectioned and etched with 5% EDTA reveal the complexity of the pores. The latter, now filled with ‘Lakeside’, are seen to be cylindrical tubes through much of the wall but they branch just beneath the outer surface (PI. 100, fig. 5). Moreover, they appear to be lined with an organic layer which also extends between the pores as vertical partitions (PI. 100, fig. 6). Pores also extend into the septa but do not penetrate to the apertural side. Apart from the organic material observed in the wall, the cement consists of calcite (confirmed by X-ray diffraction). It occurs as small units commonly less than 0-5 ^m in size (PI. 100, fig. 7) and sometimes as elongate rods on the outer surface (PI. 100, fig. 8). Much of the inner part of the wall seems to consist of calcite cement, the detrital grains being mainly in the outer part. Brief etching with acid causes removal of some of the cement from the outer surface thus allowing the ends of the pore-tubes to be seen. A similar perforate appearance of the test results from gentle abrasion. 780 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Textularia sagittula shows similarities with Clavulina pacifica particularly in having a calcite cement and blindly ending pore tubes. The detrital grains are mainly quartz and they are only loosely fitted together on the outer surface, the intervening spaces being occupied with calcite cement (confirmed by X-ray diffrac- tion). Sections impregnated with ‘Lakeside’ and etched in acid reveal an anastomosing network of pore tubes which end blindly beneath the outer surface of the wall (PI. 99, fig. 8). The calcite cement occurs as more or less equigranular grains 0-5 to 0-7 ;ixm in size. Gaudryina rudis likewise has an agglutinated wall with a calcareous cement. The outer surface is rough, due to detrital shell debris incorporated on the sides of the test, although the apertural face is smooth (see Murray, 1971, pi. 14). The inner surface of the chamber side wall is perforated by pores 7 to 8 jum in diameter. These tubular pores end blindly beneath the outer surface of the wall although etched and abraded specimens give the appearance of being perforate. The septa and apertural face lack pores and tubes. Other species having this type of wall with blindly ending pores are Textularia sp. from the Persian Gulf and Siphotextularia flintii. Ferric iron. With the exception of Cribrostomoides columbiense, Cyclammina cancellata, and Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, all the species were tested for ferric iron and all reacted positively although with different intensities. In the case of the forms with calcareous cements the test was destroyed by the acid solution and the colouration was developed in the residual organic framework. DISCUSSION The results presented here agree, in general, with those of previous workers, but there are some differences. The presence of pores in Textularia was first described by Carpenter, Parker, and Jones (1862, p. 191). A more complete description by Moebius (1880) recorded the presence of a ‘chitinous’ lining in the chambers and in the pore tubes. He also noted that the pores reached the surface only in the younger chambers. Lacroix (1931) studied the same species as Moebius, T. agglutinans d’Orbigny. He observed that the pore tubes bifurcate close to the outer surface and stated that they opened on to the surface through very small pores. He also noticed that the inner organic lining covered the pores as well as the chamber wall. Reyment (1969) recognized ‘ultrapores’ in Textilina mexicana (Cushman) but he gave no information about the passage of these pores through the wall. In the present study no evidence could be found of pore openings at the outer surface except where the test had clearly suffered abrasion or etching with acid. In Clavulina pacifica and Gaudryina rudis the pore-bifurcations beneath the wall surface have a diameter of approximately 1 p.m and if they opened on the surface they should be clearly visible. It seems certain that they are closed either by an organic membrane or by calcite cement. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 99 Figs. 1-6. Saccammina atlantica (Cushman) 1, General view, x 120. 2, close fit of two quartz grains, X 1150. 3, The aperture, showing large and small quartz grains, x750. 4, Close fit of small grains between large detrital grains, x 1500. 5, Detail of inner side of wall showing small grains filling the gaps between the larger grains, x650. 6, Broken section of wall, X 1270. Fig. 7. Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis (Williamson) showing organic lining (o) on inside of wall, X 1300. Fig. 8. Textularia sagittula Defrance. Impregnated and etched section of wall showing anastomosing pore tubes (p) and quartz grains (q) on the outer side, x 1400. PLATE 99 MURRAY, agglutinated foraminifera 782 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 N0rvang (1966) studied Textularia sagittula Defrance and found the walls to be imperforate. Lacroix (1931) studied what he called the same species and found the pores to be present but small (1 /nm in diameter). The data on pores in agglutinated walls with a calcareous cement is summarized below : 1 . They may be tubular with bifurcations near the outer wall surface or they may form an anastomosing network throughout the wall. 2. They end blindly just beneath the outer wall ; no definite pore openings have been observed on the outer surface in the present study. 3. The pores are lined with a thin organic membrane. 4. They are closed with an organic membrane on the inside of the chamber and possibly also at the outer ends. 5. They are normally developed mainly in the chamber walls on the sides of the test. They are less well developed or are absent in the apertural face and in the septa. 6. In Clavulina pacifica the pores form 25% of the volume of the wall. The pores of agglutinated walls were considered by Reiss (1963) to be different from those of calcareous lamellar foraminiferids because they are curved. Perhaps the most distinctive features are that they commonly branch and sometimes anasto- mose. In calcareous lamellar foraminiferids the pores are maintained even during the addition of further wall layers (see Hansen and Reiss 1971 for illustrations). By contrast, in agglutinated foraminiferids the wall is non-lamellar and each chamber wall is secreted as a single event. All the forms with pores seem to be stenohaline marine or hypersaline species which are presumably in osmotic equilibrium with their environment. The forms with an organic cement not mineralized with calcareous material lack pores. Marszalek, Wright, and Hay (1969) have suggested such a test ‘. . . offers good refuge to the foraminifer under times of stress, and allows time for osmoregulatory adjust- ment to the new conditions’. This could account for the presence of such forms in hyposaline environments. The wall of Cyclammina cancellata presents a special case. Although the hypo- dermis contains alveolae these are in complete communication with the chamber lumen and they are not crossed by an organic membrane at the inner ends. They do not therefore compare with the pores discussed above and the wall of Cyclammina must be regarded as imperforate. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 100 Figs. 1-8. Clavulina pacifica Cushman. 1 , General view, X 70. 2, Detail of wall texture showing detrital grains (g), x220. 3, Inner side of wall with pores covered by an organic membrane, x4000. 4, Broken section of wall showing the pore tubes ending blindly at the outer side, x 1350. 5, 6, Impregnated and etched section of wall showing the pore tubes bifurcating and ending blindly below the outer surface, X 1400, in 5 and transverse sections of the pore tubes and associated organic membranes, x670, in 6. 7, Broken section of wall showing closely packed pore tubes built mainly of cement, X 3400. 8, Detail of outer wall surface showing elongate cement crystals between detrital grains, x 3400. PLATE 100 MURRAY, agglutinated foraminifera 784 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 WALL STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION In the classification adopted in the Treatise (Loeblich and Tappan 1964) nearly all agglutinated forms are placed in the suborder Textulariina. This includes the super- family Ammodiscacea, in which the wall is said to be ‘agglutinated, simple, or labyrinthic’, and the superfamily Lituolacea, ‘wall siliceous or agglutinated, with calcareous, siliceous, or ferruginous cement’. At lower taxonomic levels the information is often lacking in detail or at variance with the present observations. For the Saccamminidae the wall is not mentioned. The family Lituolidae has ‘wall agglutinated, with calcareous cement or microgranular calcite, interior simple to labyrinthic, epidermal layer imperforate’. Genera of this family which have been found in the present study not to have a calcareous cement include Cribrostomoides, Cyclammina, and Ammoscalaria. The family Textulariidae has ‘wall agglutinated’. For Textularia it is said to be ‘simple’. The wall of Sipho- textularia is not described. The family Trochamminidae just has ‘wall agglutinated’. The same is true of the Ataxophragmiidae. Gaudryina has no wall description, Eggerella has ‘wall finely agglutinated on pseudochitinous base, may be of calcareous particles in calcareous cement’. This disagrees with the results presented here. Clavulina has ‘wall agglutinated with much calcareous cement’. Clavulina pacifica agrees with this. Martinottiella has ‘wall finely agglutinated’. Thus, of the four Ataxophragmiidae examined two have an organic cement and no pores {Eggerella and Martinottiella) and two have a calcareous cement and pores {Gaudryina and Clavulina). This raises the question of the value of the wall structure and cement composition as taxonomic features. In a general sense the agglutinated wall structure is clearly useful. However, should more notice be taken of the detailed structure? Since the cement is secreted by the foraminiferid it must surely be of greater taxonomic value than the nature of the detrital particles gathered from the sediment. The kind of cement is a reflection of the physiology of the animal. This must be at least of equi- valent importance to the nature of coiling or the arrangement of the chambers. Unfortunately, in the majority of descriptions of agglutinated species a full descrip- tion of the wall structure and composition is omitted. ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE Foraminiferids with agglutinated walls are known to be particularly common in the deep sea, in cold shelf seas, and in shallow and intertidal hyposaline waters. There is now clear evidence that the nature of the cement is of ecological significance. Pokorny (1958) suggested that forms with an organic cement characterize cold water. Lindenberg (1966) inferred that in the Dogger (Jurassic) of south west Ger- many the forms with a calcareous cement lived in more marine waters than those with an organic cement. The results of the present study support Lindenberg’s view. All the examined species having a calcareous cement come from normal marine or hypersaline environ- ments (Western Approaches to the English Channel, Celtic Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea). Those with a simple wall and an organic cement are found in hyposaline marshes and lagoons {Trochammina inflata, Jadammina macrescens, Miliammina fu.sca). MURRAY: AGGLUTINATED FORAMINIFERIDA 785 hyposaline shelf seas {Saccammina atlantica, Cribrostomoides crassimargo, Eggerella advena), and normal marine shelf seas {Martinottiella communis, Textularia earlandi, Eggerella scabra). Thus they occur in many different environments. The only form with a complex alveolar wall studied here is characteristic of the continental slope with sigma-t values of 27-7 (see Banner 1970, p. 244). The restriction of forms with a calcareous cement to normal marine and hyper- saline shelf seas should prove useful in helping to interpret the palaeoecology of fossil assemblages. CONCLUSIONS The nineteen species discussed here are hardly representative of the hundreds of agglutinated species but the results nevertheless have some interest. Clearly there are more types of agglutinated wall structure to be discovered. At the taxonomic level many more species need to be investigated in detail and then it will be possible to emend generic and family descriptions and groupings. From the ecological point of view the nature of the cement appears to be important and controlled laboratory experiments should be carried out to gain further knowledge. Acknowledgements. I am grateful to N.E.R.C. for a research grant to cover the cost of using the scanning microscope and to Professor H. Hinton for kindly allowing access to the microscope. Thanks are due to R. Godwin for printing the photographs from negatives taken by myself, and to G. Day for carrying out the X-ray analyses. Dr. H. J. Hansen kindly read the manuscript. REFERENCES BANNER, F. T. 1970. A synopsis of the Spirocyclinidae. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, 2, 243-290, pis. 1-14. BARTENSTEiN, H. 1952. Taxonomischc Bemerkungen zu den Ammobaculites, Haplophragmium, Lituola und verwandten Gattungen (For.) Senckenbergiana, 33, 313-342, pis. 1-7. BRADY, H. B. 1884. Report on the foraminifera dredged by HMS ^Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Challenger Exped., 1873-76, Rept., London, 9, 1-814, pis. 1-115. CARPENTER, w. B., PARKER, w. K. and JONES, T. R. 1862. Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. 319 pp., 22 pis. Ray Soc., London. CUSHMAN, J. A. 1929. The term ‘arenaceous Foraminifera’ and its meaning. Contr. Cushman Lab. foramin. Res. 5, 25-27. FAURE-FREMiET, E. 191 1. La Constitution du test chez les foraminiferes arenaces. Bull. Inst, oceanogr. Monaco, 216, 1-7. ELANSEN, H. J. and REISS, z. 1971 . Electron microscopy of rotaliacean wall structures. Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark, 20, 329-346, pis. 1-21. HEDLEY, R. H. 1963. Cement and iron in the arenaceous Foraminifera. Micropaleontology, 9, 433-441, pi. 1. 1964. The biology of Foraminifera. Int. Rev. Gen. Exper. Zool. 1, 1 45. JAHN, B. 1953. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Foraminiferenschalen. Z. Wiss. Mikrosk. 61, 294-297. LACROIX, E. 1931. Microstructure du test des Textulariidae. Bull. Inst, oceanogr. Monaco, 582, 1 18. LINDENBERG, H. G. 1966. Untersuchungen an lituoliden Foraminiferen aus dem SW-deutschen Dogger, 1. Ammopalmula n.g. und Ammobaculites Cushman 1910. Senckenberg. leth. 4,1, 461-78. 1967. Gehause aus Sand bei einzelligen Tieren. Natur Mus., Frankf. 97, 244-258. LOEBLICH, A. R., JR. and TAPPAN, H. 1964. Sarcodina chiefly ‘Thecamoebians’ and Foraminiferida, in MOORE, R. c., ed.. Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. New York, Geol. Soc. Amer. and Univ. Kansas Press, pt. C, Prostista 2, 1, Cl -501a. MARSZALEK, D. s., WRIGHT, R. c. and HAY, w. w. 1969. Function of the test in Foraminifera. Trans. Gulf Coast Ass. geol. Socs. 19, 341- 352. 786 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 MOEBius, K. 1880. Foraminiferen von Mauritius. In moebius, k., richter, f. and von martens, e. Beitrdge zur meeres Fauna der Inseln Mauritius und der Seychellan. 65-112, pis. 1-14. Berlin. MURRAY, J. w. 1971. An atlas of British recent foraminiferids. 244 pp., 96 pis. Heinemann, London. N0RVANG, A. 1966. TextUma nov. gen., Textularia Defrance and Spiroplectammina Cushman (Foraminifera). Biol. Skr. 15, 1-16, pis. 1-2. POKORNY, v. 1958. Principles of Zoological Micropaleontology. (Transl. allen, k. a., 1963, 652 pp. Pergamon.) REISS, z. 1963. Reclassification of perforate Foraminifera. Bull. Israel geol. Surv. 35, 111 pp., 8 pis. reyment, r. a. 1969. Textilina mexicana (Cushman) from the western Niger Delta. Bull. Geol. Instn Univ. Uppsala, N.S., 1, 75-81, pis. 1-4. SMITH, M. A. and KAESLER, R. L. 1970. Selection of adventitious test material by Reophax curtus (Foramini- ferida). J. Paleont. 44, 953-957. THALMANN, H. E. 1948. Mitteilungen fiber Foraminiferen VII. 30. Organisches Baumaterial der sands- chaligen Foraminiferen. Eclog. geol. Helv. 41, 366-368. TOWE, K. M. 1967. Wall structure and cementation in Haplophragmoides canariensis. Contr. Cushman Fdn foramin. Res. 18, 147-151. VINOGRADOV, A. p. 1953. The elementary composition of marine organisms. Mem. Sears Fdn mar. Res. 2, 1-647. WILLIAMSON, w. c. 1858. On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. 107 pp., 7 pis. Ray. Soc., London. WOOD, A. 1949. The structure of the wall of the test in the Foraminifera; its value in classification. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 104, 229-255, pis. 13-15. J. W. MURRAY Department of Geology The University Typescript received 25 October 1972 Bristol, BS8 ITR DisciLssion on Dr. Murray’s paper: Green; Is there any organic membrane lining the pores? Murray : Yes. This is something which I omitted to mention in the talk. I have some additional micrographs which show organic walls running between the pores perpendicular to the chamber surface, so the whole of the inside of the wall has a mesh-work of organic material, and this presumably replaces the calcitic cement. Green: Filling the gaps in? Murray: Or else the opposite; it is trying to reduce the density of the wall, because the density of calcite is great with respect to sea water. Rood : Is the cement of such a nature that it could conduct an ion flow through the cement into the inner structures? Murray: I do not think that any of the work I have done so far could prove this, but it seems strange if the animal felt the need to transport material through the cement, when it has tubular pores in the wall. The odd thing about these pores is that they only occur in the sideways facing parts of the test— they don’t occur in the final face of the test, the one that is held down to the sea floor where the animal is living. Daniels: Perhaps in life the grains over the ends of the pores are loose, and the animal can create some sort of exit. Murray: I have taken many pictures of the outer surface, and the cement always comes round the grains holding them in place very firmly. Sylvester Bradley: How do you think the cement got there? Murray: When the animal secretes its skeleton, there would have to be places where the pseudopodia came out. Sylvester Bradley; You don’t think that these pores were where the pseudopods came out? Murray: I must admit that that is a good point. But one has to ask why the pseudopods covered the ends of the pores with a membrane after withdrawing into the chamber. TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OF FOSSIL SPORES by E. K. KEMPF Abstract. Transmission electron microscopy of fossil spores presents special difficulties. A major problem in megaspores is obtaining low power pictures of whole spores; this is overcome by using single-hole discs instead of grids. Care is needed to avoid damaging sporoderm ultrastructure by oxidation during preparation. Results achieved since 1965 are reviewed, and the sporoderm fine structures of Setosisporites (Carboniferous) as well as Salvinia and Alms (both Tertiary) are illustrated and interpreted. Seven years ago, in May 1965, the Department of Geology at the University of Cologne was provided with a transmission electron microscope, and a program was started to investigate the stratification and fine structure of fossil sporoderms in ultra-thin sections. At that time there were only two papers published on this subject. Ehrlich and Hall (1959) studied some Eocene pollen grains without knowing, however, to what genera the material belonged. Pettitt and Chaloner (1964) tried to elucidate the fine structure of Mesozoic microspores from pollen sacs of Cheirolepidium muensteri, which are of the Classopollis type. Both publications demonstrated that it is possible and worth while to study fossil material in this manner. TECHNICAL PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Our investigations were carried out step by step. The first task was to ascertain that the fine structure of sporoderms had been preserved in the fossil state without any change during fossilization. For this, comparison was necessary between the fine structural details of Recent and fossil sporoderms of the same species, and selection of suitable material turned out to be quite difficult. Most of the papers published since 1952 on transmission electron microscopy of Recent sporoderms dealt with microspores, and especially with pollen grains. In preparing the material for such investigations, anthers from living or herbarium plants were reduced to small pieces, fixed, dehydrated, embedded in epoxy resins, and ultra-thin sectioned. There are, in comparison, only a few cases where fossil anthers, or parts of them, are found that may be treated in this way; for example Classopollis (Pettitt and Chaloner 1964) or Alnus (this paper). Most fossil microspores, however, occur dispersed and because of their extremely small size are not easy to handle. While the latter problem can be mastered using a micromanipulator, the main diffi- culty still remains: to determine the plant species in which the single microspore originated. In consequence of this uncertainty and as fine structural details are not very numerous in sporoderms of microspores, we decided to turn towards megaspores. Cenozoic megaspores, which had been collected for biostratigraphical reasons, as well as Recent megaspores to serve as comparative material, were at hand. For the task in question Recent and Pleistocene megaspores of Salvinia natans seemed to be [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197.3, pp. 787-797, pis. 101-103.] 788 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 most suitable. They were subjected to the usual sample preparation techniques and ultra-thin sectioned. The transmission electron micrographs gave a positive answer to our question. Sporoderm fine structure was preserved, and apart from some dif- ferences in electron density there was no change observable which could have been caused by fossilization. Other megaspores from Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Palaeozoic strata were subsequently studied and corroborated the result. The illustration of the findings for publication posed new difficulties. Because of the formvar film coated copper grids, which were used to support the ultra-thin sections, up to 50% of the large megaspore sections (about 0-5 mm in diameter) were hidden. In many of the ultra-thin sections it was possible to reveal the stratification and fine structure of a megaspore sporoderm, but the photographs are not suitable for publication. The paper of Pettitt (1966), which had been published in the mean- time, also suffered from this difficulty. Indeed in most papers that dealt with trans- mission electron microscopy of sporoderms very tiny areas were figured at large magnifications, while figures at low magnifications giving a general view were miss- ing or presented only as non-equivalent photo micrographs. To give the maximum amount of information, best presentation and interpretation of sporoderm stratification and fine structure it seemed absolutely necessary to cover the whole field from very low up to the highest magnifications with transmission electron micrographs. Therefore we changed from copper grids to copper discs with one single hole of 400, 800, or even 1000 ju.m in diameter. To support the large ultra- thin sections it is necessary to reinforce the thin formvar films with which the holes were covered. It is then possible due to this method to get transmission electron micrographs at a magnification of about x90 with moderate resolving power, at magnifications of about x450 and x 1700 with better resolving power, and above X 6000 with high resolving power. Thus micrographs of single megaspore specimens in transmission electron microscopy can be produced, which nowadays, of course, should be supplemented by scanning electron micrographs. Another difficulty is to find the best embedding medium for fossil spores. Because of the hardness of fossil sporopollenin and the necessity of good impregnation we use traditional methacrylate, in the formulation given below. A further question is whether to stain the specimens or not. Until now we have avoided staining apart from some trials in order not to complicate our studies. In the future it will be necessary perhaps to use different stains, especially in micro- spores. Unstained specimens, should, however, always be studied for comparison. We consider the demonstration that fossil sporoderms are often preserved in an excellent state as a main result of our studies. If however, one follows standard micro- palaeontological or palynological techniques in which oxidizing chemicals are used, a certain amount of damage may occur. A most careful separation of the fossils from the embedding sediments is therefore required. In order to clean the specimens selected for study by the transmission electron microscope cold hydrofluoric acid (40%) is used, followed by washing with hot hydrochloric acid (25%) and distilled water. Recapitulating, one can say that transmission electron microscopy of fossil spores at least requires the following treatment: 1. Careful separation from the embedding sediments, if possible without making use of oxidizing chemicals, in order to prevent damage. KEMPF; TRANSMISSION MICROSCOPY OF SPORES 789 2. Cleaning of the selected specimens by using cold hydrofluoric acid (40%), followed by washing with hot hydrochloric acid (25%) and distilled water. 3. Dehydration in a graded ethanol series followed by embedding in a 1 : 9 mixture of butyl/methyl methacrylate, containing 1% benzoyl peroxide. If different resins are used as embedding media, another kind of dehydration might be necessary. 4. After polymerization, cutting of ultra-thin sections on an ultra-microtome using glass and diamond knives. For magnifications up to x 10 000 mounting of ultra-thin sections should be done on formvar-film coated single-hole copper discs; for larger magnifications copper grids with or without film coating may result in higher resolving power. STRATIFICATION AND FINE STRUCTURE OF FOSSIL SPORODERMS Most of the results have been obtained from fossil megaspores, but some charac- teristic features of microspores are also presented. For the interpretation of sporoderm stratification and fine structure it is neces- sary to make comparative studies of Recent spores in ultra-thin sections. Until now the resulting transmission electron micrographs never revealed more than three layers, which in my papers are named intine, exine, and perine, from inside to out- side. It should be mentioned here that my terms exine and perine do not correspond with such terms of some other authors. Cenozoic filicopsid megaspores and microspores. Most of the megaspores which have been found in Cenozoic strata belong to genera of the heterosporous ferns. Many species have been studied in ultra-thin sections, such as Azolla (Kempf 1969 a, b) and Salvinia (Kempf \91\b). In fossil Azolla megaspores, two layers are preserved. The inner one, the exine, is quite thick, electron dense, and restricted to the rounded distal half of the mega- spore. The outer layer, the perine, surrounds the exine. At the proximal pole it forms a large gula, to which the floats adhere via threads. The number of floats differs from subgenus to subgenus. When, at larger magnifications, megaspore sporoderms of different species are compared with each other, the exines look quite similar. The fine structure of the perine, however, is heterogeneous and changes from species to species. It is there- fore very useful for identifications on the species level. Within one species, the perine fine structure changes according to a zonation. In Miocene Azolla nana the structure resembles the differentiation into foot layer, bacula, and tectum of certain pollen grains. Furthermore there are fine structural differences between the distal and the proximal part, so that around the gula, the perine is quite different from that in the distal part of the megaspore. In Azolla, the intine is not preserved in the fossil state because it consists mainly of cellulosic material. Hitherto, fossil intine has only been found in the megaspores of some species of Salvinia, e.g. Salvinia natans. The electron density of this material suggests that its preservation was made possible by a certain content of sporopollenin. The exine fine structure, as in Azolla, does not vary very much from species to species. The perine is again characterized by its zonation and great variability of fine structure. 790 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Sometimes even the remains of the sporangioderm, which enveloped the megaspore, are preserved. From Salvinia rhenana megaspores, we learned that the sporoderms can be damaged where oxidizing chemicals are used in the laboratory. Where H2O2 had been used to disintegrate the sample, the intine had disappeared and the exine revealed initial signs of corrosion. New samples, treated without oxidizing chemicals, released megaspores in which the exine and intine were very well preserved. The Miocene Salvinia cerehrata was preserved as complete sori, which, after break- ing open, yielded megaspores and microsporangia. A longitudinal section of a mega- spore shows the dense exine and the general arrangement of the perine fine structure, which is most complicated at the proximal pole (PI. 101, fig. 3). There the delicate gula is hidden by three large germinal valves. The scanning electron micrograph gives a three-dimensional impression of this region (PI. 101, fig. 4). The perine fine struc- ture resembles that of Halletheca from the Carboniferous (Taylor 1971). Ultra-thin sections of complete microsporangia disclosed the characteristics of the microspores. In Salvinia all microspore exines of a microsporangium share a common perine, which in its fine structure resembles that of the corresponding mega- spore. Within the perine mass the exines are arranged in large cavities near the surface, each of which is provided with a triradiate germination mark. The exines are very homogeneous, electron dense and therefore poor in fine structure. With the excep- tion of a slight thickening towards the germinal suture, there is no sculpture on the exine surface. Cenozoic angiosperm pollen grains. As an example of fossil angiosperm pollen grains, pollen sacs of Alnus were embedded and ultra-thin sectioned. The material was col- lected from a clay lens within the lower-most part of the main seam of the Rhenish brown coal (Kempf \91\b), where it was found together with Salvinia cerebrata, amongst other plant fossils. The scanning electron micrograph of a piece of a pollen sac (PI. 103, fig. 1) clearly demonstrates that these pollen grains represent the genus Alnus. As a dispersed spore, this type is known as AlnipoUenites metaplasmus (Potonie 1931) Potonie 1960. The transmission electron micrographs of ultra-thin sections (PI. 103, figs. 2-4) EXPLANATION OF PLATE 101 Megaspores of Salvinia cerebrata. Lower Miocene, W. Germany. Figs. 1, 2, 4: scanning electron micro- graphs; fig. 3: transmission electron micrograph. 1. Distal view; spore surface irregularly corrugated (cerebral sculpture), x 100. 2. Proximal view; triradiate gula with germination mark largely hidden by the three germinal valves, xlOO. 3. Ultra-thin longitudinal section of proximal part showing two germinal valves and one ray of gula with germinal suture; exine (EX) relatively thin and quite dense; perine (PE) very thick and structurally subdivided in three zones (inner, middle, and outer zone); outer zone consisting of large, middle zone of small cavities ; felt-like inner zone somewhat stretched because of laboratory treatment ; x 675 (E 1 0009 10012, B 661, S 36393-2). 4. Proximal part of longitudinal half seen from inside; thin, dense exine showing triradiate germination mark on inner side; perine presenting two germinal valves and one ray of gula; spongy fine structure zonally differentiated, x675. PLATE 101 KEMPF, Miocene megaspores 792 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 resemble those of Recent pollen grains of Alnus (Takeoka and Stix 1963). The sporo- derm consists of two layers. The inner layer, the exine (= secondary exine, endexine, or nexine of other authors), is quite thin and electron dense. It is doubled in thickness over the arci, but looks like a porous membrane below the apertures. The perine (= primary exine, ektexine, or sexine of other authors) is formed by bacula and tectum. The bacula arise from the exine at irregular intervals, but are most numerous in the range of the arci. The coherent tectum is equatorially penetrated by the four large germinative pores and elsewhere by a great number of minute tubes (perpendi- cular bright lines). At each pore a vestibulum is formed by an arching upwards of the tectum. At the base of the bacula, exine and perine are fused together. There seems to be no foot layer; a condition recently described also for the Upper Cretaceous pollen grain Wodehouseia spinata (Leffingwell et al. 1970). Mesozoic lycopsid megaspores and microspores. In Mesozoic nonmarine sediments, lycopsid megaspores are rather common microfossils. One of the first form species to be studied by us in ultra-thin sections was ' Horstisporites’’ semireticulatus (Kempf \91\a). In this megaspore the sporoderm consists of a very heavy outer layer com- posed of ramifying sporopollenin threads — which was named perine, and a very thin laminated inner layer— which was named exine. Compared with the information at that time available about the sporoderm fine structure of Recent Selaginella mega- spores (Martens 1960; Stainier 1965, 1967), this nomenclature seemed to be wrong. It was necessary therefore to study some more Recent Selaginella megaspores (Kempf 1970), and this indicated that the naming of the layers in the fossil mega- spore had been correct. In Selaginella the perine in fact is a very heavy layer with a variety of fine structure of different kinds, which mostly is arranged in concentric zones. The exine on the other hand is represented by a quite thin and laminated layer. The intine cannot be expected to be found in the fossil state since it is mainly com- posed of cellulosic substances. Subsequently other Mesozoic megaspore species were examined in ultra-thin sections (Kempf 1972). A very thin laminated exine and a quite heavy perine, with EXPLANATION OF PLATE 102 Figs. 1, 2. Megaspore Setosisporites brevispinosus, Namurian, Poland. Fig. 3. Megaspore Setosisporites hirsutus, Westphalian B, W. Germany. All transmission electron micro- graphs. 1. Ultra-thin longitudinal section of compressed specimen; proximal part with one ray of germinal suture (GS) and very thin exine which has loosened from inner side of perine; distal part with short spines rising from outer surface; inner third of perine more dense than outer two-thirds, indicating some kind of zonal differentiation in fine structure, x 340 (E 9329, B 740, S 36398-P 5). 2. Distal part of sporoderm in ultra-thin section; exine very thin and dense; it is doubled in this place as the exine cavity has collapsed; perine very thick with a fine structure formed by sporopollenin threads; a certain zonation in fine structure caused by variations in diameter or in main orientation; the spine regularly arises from the outer zone, x 6300 (E 9348, B 740, S 36398-Q 1 ). 3. Ultra-thin section of sporoderm; exine extremely thin; perine thicker by far with a zonal fine structure formed by sporopollenin threads; within inner and middle zone the threads are concentrically arranged but differing in diameter; within the large outer zone the threads form an irregular network the free space of which has partly been filled with an unknown substance during fossilization or laboratory treat- ment, X 5780 (E 8857, B 621, S 36397-G 4). PLATE 102 KEMPF, Carboniferous megaspores 794 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 fine structure formed by ramifying sporo-pollenin threads, were found in nearly all of these sporoderms. Microspores were adhering to the surface of some of these megaspores and thus were sectioned by chance. They also consist of two layers— exine and perine— but it is not possible to detect any relationships to the most likely corresponding mega- spore. Pettitt (1966) made the same observation when he compared the fine structures of Recent Selaginella pulcherrima megaspores and microspores. In one type of megaspore a single thick layer only was encountered (Jux and Kempf 1971). Because the fine structure, which consists of radial tubes, differs from that of all other previously known megaspore sporoderms, a new form genus was created. This type of megaspore may perhaps represent some kind of Calamitacean plant. Palaeozoic megaspores. The number of megaspore forms known from Palaeozoic deposits is very large. At the moment, however, it is quite difficult to find megaspores which are in such a good state of preservation that they are really suitable for ultra- thin section studies. We have attempted this with megaspores of Setosisporites hirsutus (PI. 102, fig. 3) and Setosisporites brevispinosus (PI. 102, figs. 1, 2). In fine structure they are similar to some of the Mesozoic megaspores, but it is obvious that the exine is extremely thin, while the perine shows an enormous thickness. GENERAL TRENDS AND FUTURE WORK It can be demonstrated that transmission electron microscopy of fossil spores provides us with a large amount of new and valuable information. Details, previously unknown or misinterpreted because of the limitations of optical microscopy, are revealed. Of course most of the new information is relevant only to a single genus or species. There are, however, also general trends. One of these is the observation that in mega- spores there is an obvious decrease in the ratio of perine to exine thickness, which is related to the state of evolutionary development of the megaspore (Kempf 1972). EXPLANATI06J OF PLATE 103 Pollen grains of Alnus ("AlmpoUenites metaplasmus'). Lower Miocene, W. Germany. Fig. 1. scanning electron micrograph; figs. 2-4: transmission electron micrographs. 1. Part of pollen sac; all pollen grains with four equatorial apertures, which are connected with each other by two quite distinct arci; sporoderm surface provided with tiny spines, x2000. 2. Ultra-thin section of pollen grain; sporoderm consists of exine and perine; exine very thin, dense and doubled in thickness in the area of the arci (AR), but like a porous membrane below the apertures; perine is formed by bacula and tectum; bacula rising from the exine at irregular intervals, most numerous in the range of the arci; the otherwise coherent tectum is penetrated only by the four large pores and by a great number of minute tubes (perpendicular bright lines); at each major pore a vestibulum is formed by arching upwards of the tectum, x 5500 (E 9899, B 771, S 6238 1-J 5). 3. Ultra-thin section of pollen grain, in which two pores and four arci were met with; x3360 (E 9871, B77LS62381-J 2). 4. Ultra-thin section of pollen grain; sporoderm consists of exine and perine which at the base of the baculae are fused together; foot layer seems to be missing; perine is penetrated by minute tubes (per- pendicular bright lines); x28 000 (E 9897, B 771, S 62381 J 5). PLATE 103 KEMPF, Miocene megaspores 796 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 One of the most important general results is a better knowledge of sporoderm stratification. It becomes apparent that all sporoderms comprise three layers : intine, exine, and perine. In the fossil state normally only two of them are preserved; exine and perine, with Salvinia as the single known exception. The fossilization of sporo- derm layers depends on their content of sporopollenin. Where this is lacking the layer will also be missing in the fossil record. The knowledge of sporoderm stratification, mainly obtained from megaspores, also can be applied to pollen grain sporoderms. There the exine has hitherto been named endexine, nexine, or secondary exine, while the perine was described as ektexine, sexine, or primary exine. In pollen grains it is sometimes not easy to recog- nize where the exine ends and the perine begins, as these two layers are often fused together as in Alnus (PI. 103, fig. 4). There are, however, differences depending on function, which become most distinct in the range of the germinal openings. Apparently sporoderm stratification and fine structure are mainly subject to func- tional requirements. Biologically, there are great differences between pteridophyte and spermatophyte megaspores, as well as pteridophyte microspores and spermatophyte pollen grains. However, if one considers the sporoderms alone these differences are less serious. Future work therefore should also consider the megaspore membranes of seed plants, as has been shown for Palaeozoic material by Zimmerman and Taylor (1971). In general, it is demonstrable that in palynology and in other branches of palaeo- botany a vast field is opened up by the use of the transmission electron microscope. Such studies nowadays should be completed by scanning electron microscopy, although due to its poor resolving power this method is incapable of providing suffi- cient detail. Acknowledgements. The transmission electron microscope (Zeiss EM 9 A) and the instruments for pre- parative work (Leitz ultramicrotome, Leitz micromanipulator, etc.) were provided by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Mr. W. Mackowiak carried out the preparative work, as well as the analysis of ultra-thin sections in the electron microscope, with great skill. Megaspores of Setosisporites hirsutus and Setosisporites brevispinosus were presented by Dr. H. Grebe (Geological Survey, Krefeld) and Dr. A. Jachowicz (Geological Institute, Sosnowiec). The scanning electron micrographs were taken on a JEOL U 3 SEM (Kontron, LWU, Munich: operator Mrs. Liebel) by courtesy of Mr. G. Cichy (Kontron, Diisseldorf). REFERENCES EHRLICH, H. G. and HALL, J. w. 1959. The ultrastructure of Eocene pollen. Grana palynologica, 2, 32-35, 2 pis. jux, u. and kempf, e. k. 1971. Microstructures of the Mesozoic megaspore Tasmanitriletes n. g. Grana, 11, 95-100, 1 pi. KEMPF, E. K. 1969r/. ElektronenmikroskopiederSporodermis von kiinozoischen Megasporender Wasserfarn- Gattung Azolla. Paldont. Z. 43, 95-108, 3 pis. 1969/>. Elektronenmikroskopie der Megasporen von Azolla tegeliensis aus dem Altpleistozan der Niederlande. Palaeontographica, 128 B, 167-179, 8 pis. 1970. Elektronenmikroskopie der Sporodermis von Megasporen der Gattung Selaginella (Pteri- dophyta). Rev. Palaeobotan. Palynol. 10, 99-116, 3 pis. 1971a. Electron microscopy of the megaspore Horstisporites semireticulatus from Liassic strata of Germany. Grana, 11, 18-22, 1 pi. 19716. Elektronenmikroskopie der Sporodermis von Mega- und Mikrosporen der Pteridophyten- Gattung Salvinia aus dem Tertiiir und Quartar Deutschlands. Palaeontographica, 136 B, 47-70, 13 pis. 1972. Electron microscopy of Mesozoic megaspores from Denmark. Grana, 11, 151-163, 5 pis. KEMPF: TRANSMISSION MICROSCOPY OF SPORFS 797 LEFFINGWELL, H. A. et ol. 1970. A Study of the fossil pollen Wodehouseia spinata. Bull. Canad. Petrol. Geol. 18, 238-262, 7 pis. MARTENS, p. 1960. Sur une structure microscopique orientee dans la paroi megasporale d’une selaginelle. Nouvelles observations sur la structure des parois megasporales de Selaginella myosurus (Sow.) Alston. Compt. Rend., Paris, 250, 1599-1602, 1774-1775, 2 pis. PETTiTT, j. M. 1966. Exine structure in some fossil and recent spores and pollen as revealed by light and electron microscopy. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Geol. 13, 221-257, 21 pis. and CHALONER, w. G. 1964. The ultrastructure of the Mesozoic pollen Classopollis. Pollen et Spores, 6, 611-620, 1 pi. STAiNiER, F. 1965. Structure et infrastructure des parois sporales chez deux selaginelles (Selaginella myosurus et S. kraussiana). Cellule, 65, 220-244, 5 pis. 1967. Morphological study of the walls of the mega- and microspores of Selaginella myosurus (Sw.) Alston. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 3, 47-50, 1 pi. TAKEOKA, M. and STix, E. 1963. On the fine structure of the pollen walls in some Scandinavian Betulaceae. Grana palynologica, 4, 161-188, 14 pis. TAYLOR, T. N. 1971. Halletheca reticulatus gen. et sp. n.: a synangiate Pennsylvanian pteridosperm pollen organ. Amer. Jl. Bot. 58, 300-308. ZIMMERMAN, R. p. and TAYLOR, T. N. 1971. The ultrastructure of Paleozoic megaspores membranes. Pollen et Spores, 12, 451-468, 6 pis. Revised typescript received 1 February 1973 E. K. KEMPF Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut Universitat Koln D-5 Koln 1 Zulpicher Strasse 49 W. Germany Discussion on Dr. Kempf’s paper: Chaloner: In spores of fossil plants that you cannot immediately attribute to any group of living plants, e.g. to ferns or lycopods, how do you decide what is perine and what is exine? Kempf : By analogy with spores of modem plants. There the exine plays no part in the ornamentation of the sporoderm surface. The ornamentation of the surface of a megaspore, for instance, is always made up by the perine. If the perine is composed of several zones, each zone follows the ornament observed at the surface. The exine, however, is unaffected. Further, the perine has a functional morphology; it has to protect the spore from the environment, and also it can fill its interstices with gas so that it can float on water. Chaloner: It is a pity that we do not have ‘types’ in our terminology as well as in taxonomy. If we had a ‘type’ for the perine, it would surely be in the fem family Polypodiaceae. For most people, the term perine is more or less confined to this family. Other ferns, Osmunda, for example, do not have a perine. So that in Osmunda spores the exine must be forming the sculpture. Kempf : I know of no instance where— according to transmission electron micrographs— the exine forms the sculpture. Chaloner: How do you define exine then? Kempf : It is the middle layer of a three-layered sporoderm. ^ . \>/i- ’ •'^■1 ’’■^'*- i'tS4ll:k- "^'K)6?.i. ■m I'jrv Pr ''■•■T i ,.' ;f-, ft.,>a!<}® '*;■ ' # ‘ !»• iSsWi .MA'i'li!^'- ;^i ..■miirrst <«■ -ji:; !V» i •’ ( 4 ■<#*'■ ■' ■ JSi OC o '■:•• ,.U' (.'.i'l^v7i .»■*'? ■ . r ■ W=|l ,.: ^ . • ■' .<«y (' <,. un ■ l /i ; ■ '<,i; •>-‘'' f7ii» u':4jfi^>A.ii^FW♦A^PM^51^|fi(^I^^^^W^ , ' : ■ : ' '.«s,s'iM;i •>- '^M^f .<-. K.V”* ■» /• V'if'i ••'•m:T««».' Jj!-.? M 'r'lt'pi-’* ff'' (.- . • ” V ...-aV^ .■•«’•• ■ ■*-■ ' ■■ • ' ■» T-Mv •'‘I A ,-m -, «.«•* ^ '. •'^'J . ; . - W)f s.M',..»'. .v *hIi w wiHP‘V' ««>i ^ ' y?i;y'y ^7;i;'v>>f^^l^v4%•/!ii^ tc^^" <’-i " *^'^'. V* ■ •’•''■■■’■'■' d: » ' ? U I J v'ti,'* '■ I', I '■ ,'C^''til-i%.'' . 'Vr •< 1 ACRITARCHS OF THE MIDDLE SILURIAN ROCHESTER FORMATION OF SOUTHERN ONTARIO by BINDRA THUSU Abstract. The Rochester Formation yields an acritarch microfiora containing 24 genera and 46 species and varieties. Genus Hemideun ffia ; Species Domasia canadensis, D. rochesterensis, Hemideunffia trifurcala, Elektoriskos simplex, Filisphaeridium bifurcatum, Gorgonisphaeridium wenlockium, Lophosphaeridium rugosum and L. microgranulosum', varieties; Deunjfia furcata var. niagarensis, D. monospinosa var. tonowandensis, and D. ramuscidosa var. rochesterensis are proposed as new. The Rochester netromorph assemblage, in particular the Deunjfia and Domasia complex, shows a close resemblance to those from the Ilion Shale in Utica, New York, the Rochester Formation in West Virginia, and the Buildwas Beds in Shropshire, Britain. The stratigraphically restricted genus Deunjfia, in particular D. ramusculosa and D. furcata which probably made their first appearance during the Lower Wenlockian times, is present in all four areas. However, the absence of Deunjfia and the presence of Domasia complex in the Wenlockian assemblages from Visby and Belgium suggest some connections with the Rochester assemblage ; but the absence of Deunjfia- Domasia complex in the Wenlockian assemblages from Spain and Sahara suggests fewer connections with the Rochester assemblage. This paper contains results of acritarch studies on the Rochester Formation in southern Ontario (text-fig. 1). This region lies south-east of the Canadian shield and forms the marginal areas of the Michigan Basin and the Allegheny Trough. The Rochester Formation is Tonawandian (Middle Silurian) in age and consists of calcareous shale with interbeds of argillaceous micrite or biomicrite. It is exposed at numerous localities along the Niagara Escarpment in New York and southern Ontario. It has a maximum thickness of 150 feet east of Walcott, New York. To the east the formation grades into the Herkimer Sandstone. To the west it thins succes- sively to 60 feet near Niagara Gorge, 56 to 35 feet in the St. Catherines and Grimsby region, 14 feet at Hamilton, and 2-4 feet in the most northerly exposure at Clappison road cut, near Hamilton, Ontario (text-fig. 1). Well log data (Caley, 1940) indicate a general thinning of the formation from south-east to north-west Ontario without any lithological change. South-easterly the Rochester Formation extends into Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia and varies from 20 to 40 feet in thickness, and maintains the same lithic character (Folk 1962)-. Investigation by Thusu (1972) shows that the Rochester deposition in southern Ontario took place in a calm, subtidal, inner neritic, low-energy environment with good circulation, interrupted by occasional storms, which extended agitation into the subtidal zone. However, conditions were not uniform within the Rochester sea and the several resulting environments undoubtedly influenced the distribution of fossils (Thusu 1972). For example, in southern Ontario and western New York bryozoans are present in large numbers, but to the east their number and diversity are greatly reduced. In Pennsylvania and West Virginia a normal marine fauna is absent. Folk (1962) postulates that parts of the Rochester Sea were protected by barrier-bars [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197.1, pp. 799-826, pis. 104-106.] Niagara falls access road ; Sir Adam Beck- Niagara generating station. mUKOT IHE FffgWrol — 2-Decew falls Generating station. St. Catherines. 3. Rockway , Fifteen mile Creek . 4. Glendridge road-cut. 5.6.7. Grimsby road, Beach road. 8.9- Grimsby Gorge. Grimsby 10. Grimsby road-cut west 11. Fruitland Road cliff. 12.13 Stoney Creek road-cut and gorge. 14 Highway 20..5toney creek 15. Albion Falls. 16,17 Wentworth Street-Sherman Avenue. Hamilton, 18 Ancaster highway 2. 19,20, Dundas quarry. Sydenham road-cut. 21 Clappison Corners road-cut. o m o 00 THXT-MG. 1. Columnar sections of the Rochester and adjacent formations exposed along the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario. THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 801 which cut off wave action and resulted in lagoonal eonditions in eastern West Virginia, while the presence of rich marine fauna in other parts of West Virginia and Pennsyl- vania suggest the temporary removal of barriers and hence open marine conditions. PREVIOUS WORK ON PALAEOZOIC ACRITARCHS OF SOUTH-WESTERN ONTARIO AND WESTERN NEW YORK White (1862, p. 385) reported a variety of acritarchs from Silurian nodules in eentral and western New York. He identified these as Zanthidia, the sporangia of desmids and gemmules of sponges. However, they were neglected and forgotten in North Ameriea for 73 years, until Laird (1935, p. 256) again discovered Xanthidia in the Loekport Formation (Middle Silurian) of Ontario. Basehnagel (1942, p. 1) reported acritarchs from the Onondaga Chert (Devonian) of eentral New York. He assigned them to genera and families of freshwater algae. Fisher (1953, p. 13) reported a number of acritarchs from thin-sections of the Neagha and Maplewood Shale in New York. He regarded them to be zygospores of brown algae and compared some of his forms with those reported by Deflandre (1946) from the Silurian of France. The first major contribution was made by the French palynologist Deunff (1954u, 1955, 1957). He made the first taxonomic studies on some of the Devonian acritarehs of Canada. Recent studies by Staplin el al. (1965) and Loeblich (1970) are mainly of taxonomie importance. But Cramer (1968, 1970, 19706) made the first attempt to use acritarchs in Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and correlation. MATERIAL AND METHODS Channel samples from the Rochester Formation used in the present investigation consist of dark grey to black fissile calcareous shale, in part dolomitic, and argillaceous grey limestone. Localities are designated according to the Silurian section numbers (see Map I) given by Bolton (1957). Maximum thickness of the Rochester Formation is given at the end of each locality name. Locality 1. ROC.l ROC.2692 ROC.2 ROC.2691 ROC.7 ROC.2690 Niagara Falls, access road. Sir Adam Beck-Niagara generating station, 60 feet. Basal part of the section, Calcareous Shale, 20 feet. Basal part of the section. Calcareous Shale on the American side of the Niagara generating station (sample provided by Geology Department, Sheffield University). Middle part of the section. Calcareous Shale, 20 feet. Middle part of the section, Calcareous Shale, location same as ROC.2692. Upper part of the section. Calcareous Shale, 20 feet. Upper part of the section. Calcareous Shale, location same as ROC.2692. Locality 2. ROC. 15 ROC. 16 ROC. 17 Locality 14. ROC.8 ROC.9 Locality 16. ROC. 11 ROC. 10 DeCew Falls Generating station, St. Catherines, 56 feet (locality 1 of Bolton, 1957). Basal part of the section, Calcareous Shale thin limestone, 20 feet. Middle part of the section, thin bedded limestone and Calcareous Shale, 20 feet. Upper part, Calcareous Shale, massive limestone, 16 feet. Highway 20, Stoney Creek, 24 feet. Basal part limestone. Calcareous Shale, 12 feet. Upper part, Calcareous Shale with gypsum, 12 feet. Jolly Cut, Hamilton, 13 feet. Basal part, Calcareous Shale, 7 feet. Upper part. Calcareous Shale, 6 feet. 802 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Locality 18. Ancaster, Highway 2, 9 feet. ROC. 5 Basal part, Calcareous Shale, 4-5 feet. ROC.4 Upper part. Calcareous Shale, 4-5 feet. Locality 19, 20. Dundas Quarry, Sydenham road-cut, 5 feet. ROC.43007 Calcareous Shale 4 to 4-5 feet. Locality 21. Clappison Comers road-cut, 2-4 feet. ROC.6 Calcareous Shale, 2-4 feet. ROC. 12 Calcareous Shale, 2 feet (250 feet east of sample ROC.6). Apart from those from the Rochester Formation, additional samples studied and reported in the present study are as follows: (i) Ilion Shale (Wenlockian) Utica, New York. Three samples collected from the type area are from south branch of Moyer Creek, Utica, New York. The reader is referred to Zenger (1965, p. 191, section 166) for stratigraphic details of this section. All shale samples yield an abundant microplankton flora characterized by an excel- lent state of preservation. (ii) Hogklint Shale (Wenlockian) Snackgardsbaden, Visby, Sweden. One pro- ductive sample used is from a Korpklint Bay on the north side of Snackgardsbaden, five kilometres along the coast north of Visby. The sample comes from behind a small marine swimming pool (material and stratigraphic information provided by Dr. D. Owen of the Manchester University Museum, England). Standard chemical techniques were employed, similar to those described by Cramer (1970) for the extraction of organic-walled micro-fossils. Most of the speci- mens were examined at x400 magnification. All acritarch figures are housed in the micropalaeontological collection of the Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa. Each specimen is recorded with east-west and north-south mechanical-stage read- ings of Vickers Photomicroscope M-15. Acknowledgements. For help and encouragement during the course of this work, the writer is grateful to Professor D. L. Dineley, Dr. O. Dixon, Dr. M. J. Copeland, Dr. David Owen, Dr. C. Downie, Fritz Cramer and Carmina Cramer, Dr. D. Fisher, and Dr. D. Zenger. Dr. D. Broad, and Dr. J. Murray helped during the preparation of the manuscript and made many linguistic corrections, Mr. R. Godwin and Mr. E. Seavill photographed and reproduced plates, and Mr. P. Shepherd helped in laboratory techniques. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY The following list of all acritarch species identified follows the morphographic classification of Downie et al. (1963). Most of the species are illustrated in the plates but only those asterisked are described below. All the new taxa are based on a minimum of 25 specimens. Table 1 shows the number of specimens counted in each sample. All slides are deposited with the Palaeontological Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. Group ACRiTARCHA Evitt 1963 Subgroup NETROMORPHITAE Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 Deunffia furcata (pi. 104, fig. 20). * D. furcata var. niagarensis new var. (pi. 104, fig. 14). D. monospiuosa Downie 1960 (pi. 104, fig. 8). THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 803 *D. monospinosa var. tonawandensis new var. (pi. 104, figs. 4, 24). D. ramusculosa Downie, 1960 (pi. 104, figs. 7, 15, 22). *D. ramusculosa var. rochesterensis new var. (pi. 104, fig. 18). Domasia amphora Martin 1969 (pi. 104, figs. 9, 19). D. bispinosa Downie 1960 (pi. 104, fig. 11). *D. canadensis sp. nov. (pi. 104, figs. 6, 12, 21). D. elongata Downie 1960 (pi. 104, figs. 23, 25). *D. rochesterensis sp. nov. (pi. 104, figs. 2, 5). D. trispinosa Downie, 1960 (pi. 104, fig. 1). * Hemideunffia trifurcata sp. nov. (pi. 104, figs. 10, 16). Leiofusa algerensis Cramer 1970 (pi. 104, fig. 17). L. fusiformis Eisenack 1938 (pi. 104, figs. 3, 13). Eupoikilofusa stratifera Cramer 1964 (pi. 105, fig. 1). Subgroup ACANTHOMORPHiTAE Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 Ammonidium cf. A. microladum (Downie) Lister 1970 (pi. 105, fig. 5). Baltisphaeridium longispinosum (Eisenack) Downie 1963 (pi. 105, fig. 19). *B. pilaris Cramer, 1964 (pi. 105, figs. 6, 18). * Diexallophasis denticulata (Stockmans and Williere) Loeblich 1970 (pi. 105, fig. 3). Elektoriskos pogonius Loeblich 1970 (pi. 105, fig. 10). *E. simplex sp. nov. (pi. 105, fig. 9). * Eilisphaeridium bifureatum sp. nov. (pi. 105, figs. 8, 12). *Gorgonisphaeridium wenloekium sp. nov. (pi. 105, fig. 11). Helosphaeridium latispinosum Lister 1970 (pi. 105, fig. 16). Micrystridium stellatum Deflandre 1945 (pi. 105, fig. 7). Multiplicisphaeridium arbuseuliferum Downie 1963 (pi. 105, figs. 4, 15). M. eoplanktonieum (Eisenack) Lister 1970 (pi. 105, figs. 2, 14). M.fisherii (Cramer) Lister 1970 (pi. 105, fig. 17). Quadraditum fantastieum Cramer 1964 (pi. 105, fig. 13). Tunisphaeridium tentaeuliferum (Martin) Cramer 1970 (pi. 105, fig. 20). Visbysphaera dilatispinosa (Downie) Lister 1970 (pi. 106, fig. 1). Subgroup POLYGONOMORPHiTAE Downic, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 *Evittia monterrosa (Cramer) new comb. (pi. 106, figs. 2, 7). E. remota (Deunlf) Lister 1970 (pi. 106, fig. 4). *Veryhachium lairdi (Deflandare) ex-Deunlf 1954 (pi. 106, figs. 5, 6). *V. limaciforme Stockmans and Williere 1963 (pi. 106, figs. 8, 10). V. trispinosum Eisenack 1931 (pi. 106, fig. 9). V. wenloekium (Downie) Downie and Sarjeant 1964 (pi. 106, fig. 3). Subgroup HERKOMORPHiTAE Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 Cymatiosphaera octoplana Downie 1959 (pi. 106, figs. 11, 14). C. wenlockia Downie 1959 (pi. 106, fig. 19). Dictyotidium dictyotum (Eisenack) 1955 (pi. 106, fig. 12). 804 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Subgroup PTEROSPERMORPHiTAE Dowuie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 Pterospermopsis cf. P. martinii Cramer and Cramer 1968 (pi. 106, fig. 15). P. onondagaensis Deunff 1955 (pi. 106, figs. 16, 20). Duvemaysphaera aranaides (Cramer) 1970 (pi. 106, fig. 18). Subgroup SPHAEOMORPHiTAE Downie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 * Loplwsphaeridium rugosum sp. nov. (pi. 106, fig. 13). *L. microgrcmuJosum sp. nov. (pi. 106, fig. 17). Leiospheridia spp. Spores Pimctatisporites sp. rare. TABLE 1. Numbers of specimens recorded in sample from localities 1, 14, 18, and 21 out of approximately 250 specimens counted in each sample. Loc. 1 Loc. 14 Loc. 18 Loc. 21 ROC. 2692 ROC. 2691 ROC. 2690 ROC.8 ROC.9 ROC.5 ROC.4 ROC.6 Deunffia furcata 2 6 4 6 6 5 D. furcata var. niagarensis 1 2 3 4 3 2 D. monospinosa 5 5 5 8 6 2 D. monospinosa var. tonawandensis 1 2 3 4 1 4 6 D. ramusculosa 30 35 30 28 4 18 14 10 D. ramusculosa var. rochesterensis 11 3 9 12 4 4 10 2 Domasia amphora 10 7 3 2 2 14 D. bispinosa 6 4 2 6 5 6 4 D. canadensis 23 15 10 3 8 14 18 D. elongata 15 16 22 22 26 10 12 25 D. rochesterensis 12 7 5 6 4 4 D. trispinosa 21 18 16 16 17 12 8 12 Hemideunffia trifurcata 3 1 1 4 3 Leiofusa algerensis 9 5 3 2 4 6 5 L. fusiformis 6 6 4 2 7 4 4 2 E. stratifera 1 2 1 Ammonidium cf. A. microcladum 4 5 3 6 2 2 6 14 Baltisphaeridium longispinosum 15 7 6 4 8 6 6 16 B. pilaris 7 3 3 2 4 10 2 15 Diexallophasis denticulata 12 12 11 6 14 14 8 20 Elektoriskos pogonius 2 1 2 4 4 3 E. simplex 4 4 6 3 4 4 8 Filisphaeridium hifurcatum 1 2 2 2 6 4 Gorgonisphaeridium wenlockium 2 1 2 1 2 Hel osphaeridium lat isp i nosum 12 2 18 10 13 10 10 15 Micrhvstridium Stella turn 11 3 9 6 15 6 4 10 M ultiplicisphaeridiiim arhusculiferum 4 5 4 2 3 8 4 8 M. eoplanktonicum 5 2 2 8 1 4 4 3 M. fisher a 6 3 4 2 727 6 2 6 Quadraditum fantasticum 1 1 Tunisphaeridium tentaculiferum 1 2 4 Vishysphaera dilutispinosa 1 1 THUSU; SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 805 Loc. 1 Loc. 14 Loc. 18 Loc. 21 ROC, 2692 ROC. 2691 ROC. 2690 ROC.8 ROC.9 ROC.5 ROC.4 ROC.6 Evittia monterrosa 5 2 2 6 2 Evittia remota 2 2 2 4 2 5 V. lairdi 4 4 7 4 2 4 6 3 V. limaciforme 6 1 7 2 21 4 2 3 V. trispinosum 11 12 14 6 11 2 6 8 V. wenlockiwn 10 3 2 6 12 2 6 12 Cymatiosphaera octoplana 1 5 3 6 2 2 2 C. Wenlockia 3 3 1 4 4 2 Dictyotidium dictyotum 2 2 11 12 11 8 4 7 Pterospermopsis cf. P. martinii 2 1 2 P. onodagaensis Duvernaysphaera aranaides 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 Lophosphaeridium rugosum 2 2 5 6 4 18 16 L. microgranulosum 2 1 2 1 Subgroup NETROMORPHiTAE Dowuie, Evitt, and Sarjeant 1963 Diagnosis. Acritarchs having an elongate to fusiform test without an inner body. Surface smooth, granular, striate, spines or with large ornament. One or more spines closed distally may be present at one or both poles. Questionable openings observed in a few species. Remarks. Well-known genera include: Deunffia Downie 1960; Domasia Downie 1960: Leiofusa Eisenack 1938: Dactylofusa Brito and Santos 1965 and Poikilofusa Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock 1965. These have a wide geographical distribution and are characteristic of the Silurian strata. Other genera include Anthatractus Deunff 1954: Baiomeniscus Loeblich 1970: Disparifusa Leoblich 1970: Limulidia Eisenack 1958: Pseudolwmlidia Brito and Santos 1965; Leiovalia Eisenack 1965: Lunulidia, Leiovalia and Pseudolwmlidia are forms with close morphological relationship with Leiofusa. In fact the genotypes of Lunulidia and Leiovalia were originally described under Leiofusa (Eisenack 1938, 1951). These are relatively lesser known genera and range from the Upper Ordovician to the Lower Devonian. Some of the netromorphs, e.g. Domasia, show a close morphological similarity with the polygonomorphs, for example Veryhachium. Downie (1963, p. 637) observed V. elongatum and found forms with intermediate morphology between Veryhachium of the V. trispinosum — V. trisulcum group, and Domasia of the D. trispinosa — D. elongata group. However, Downie (1963, 633-634) recognized close relationship of Leiofusa, Deunffia, and Domasia. Deflandre and Deflandre (1964) removed Deunffia and Domasia from Netro- morphitae, considering them simplified Polygonomorphitae. However, Brito (1967) rejected the views of Deflandre and Deflandre and suggested a close relationship of Deunffia, Domasia, and Leiofusa. 806 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Leiofusa tumido (small forms) Subgroup Nelromorphitae Subgroup Poly- gonomorphitae V. Hmaciforme Veryhachium e/ongotum TEXT-FIG. 2. Hypothetical relationship between Leiofusa, Eupoikilofusa, Deunffia, and Domasia of sub- group Netromorphitae and distinction between Domasia and Veryhachium (subgroup Polygonomorphitae). This writer shares the views of Downie (1963) and Brito (1967) on possible relation- ship of some Netromorphs. Some of the Rochester acritarchs seem critical to demon- strate a relationship between Leiofusa, Deunffia, Domasia and Eupoikilofusa (text-fig. 2). Further, this writer believes that Lunulidia, Leiovalia are forms with close morphological relationship with Leiofusa. Undoubtedly some of the Netromorphs, in particular species of Domasia are intermediate in morphology with Polygonomorphs, for example Veryhachium elongatum. However, examination of hundreds of specimens show two fundamental characters on which species of Domasia and Veryhachium can be separated. 1. Veryhachium spp. are distinctly polygonal, and processes always leave the vesicle from the corners. Domasia spp. have an elongate to fusiform vesicle and processes are generally located near the poles of the vesicle. 2. Domasia spp. are always with septate processes; in Veryhachium this feature is extremely rare. Genus deunfeia Downie 1960 emend. Type species. Deunffia monospinosa Downie 1960. Middle Silurian, England. Original diagnosis. Vesicle hollow, elongate ellipsoidal, more or less smooth, less than 100 |u in length. Body composed of thin, pale yellow to brown, organic mem- brane. Ornament consisting of a single hollow spine situated at one end. Spine terminates in a point or branches in various ways. THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 807 The above-mentioned diagnosis is emended to include: 1 . Ornament consisting of one or two hollow processes situated at opposite ends. The long process terminates in a point or branches in various ways, other process is short and terminates in a point and does not exceed more than a few microns. 2. The 100 |U, length limit is removed to include larger forms. Deunffia furcata var. niagarensis new var. Plate 104, fig. 14 Holotype. GSC No. 31615, locality 14, sample ROC.9, Slide No. 9/C. Remarks. D. furcata var. niagarensis differs from D. furcata by the presence of a small spine at the opposite end of the main shaft. Dimensions. Size of the vesicle 18 p. (range, 16-18 (u); width of the vesicle 12 /x (range, 10-13 ju); length of the main shaft 1 6 /x (range, 14-16 /u.); length of the small process 1 fu. (range, 1-2 ^x). Deunffia monospinosa var. tonowadensis new var. Plate 104, figs. 4, 24 Type specimens. Holotype GSC No. 31609, locality 21, sample ROC. 12, Slide No. 12/a; paratype GSC No. 31609a, locality 18, sample ROC.4, Slide No. 4/A. Remarks. This variety differs from D. monospinosa by the presence of a small spine at the opposite end of the main shaft, and from L. alegerensis by a much smaller spine. Dimensions. Size of the vesicle 18 fx (range, 16-24 jx); width of the vesicle 9 fx (range, 7-11 j(x); length of the main shaft 60 p (range, 50-75 p); length of the small process 8 /x (range, 6-8 p). Deunffia ramusculosa var. rochesterensis new var. Plate 104. fig. 18 Holotype. GSC No. 31618, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/B. Remarks. This species differs from D. ramusculosa by the presence of a small process (3-4 p) opposite to the end of the long shaft. Where the process is broken, a small hole or an opening is observed. However, where the vesicle is squashed or folded, D. ramusculosa may be confined with D. ramusculosa var. rochesterensis. Genus domasia Downie 1960 Type species. Domasia trispinosa Downie 1960. Middle Silurian, England. Diagnosis. Vesicle hollow, elongate, ellipsoidal more or less smooth, about 20 p in length. Body composed of pale yellow to brown organic membrane. Ornament consisting of two relatively long hollow spines arising near one pole and a single spine of variable length at the opposite end. 808 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Remarks. The two processes arising near one pole may bifurcate at the tips, or a thin hairy process may arise from the middle of the spine. D. elongata, D. trispinosa, D. hispinosa, and D. amphora are morphologically very closely related species. How- ever, the nature of the entrance of the processes into the vesicle seems to differentiate these species. D. elongata and D. amphora have processes merging before entering the vesicle, while D. trispinosa and D. hispinosa have processes entering the vesicle separately. The Rochester acritarchs show a wide variety of transional forms between D. elongata and D. amphora: Downie (1963, p. 637) records a transition between D. elongata and D. trispinosa. Domasia canadensis sp. nov. Plate 104, figs. 6, 12, 21 Type specimens. Holotype GSC No. 31610, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/B; Paratypes GSC No. 31610a-b, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/A, 1/E. Description. Vesicle fusiform, pale, smooth or faintly granulose. One pole tapering at first into a stretched, unseptate neck, which is drawn out into two processes. Other pole tapers and terminates into one short process. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 104 All figures x 500 and from unretouched negatives. Fig. 1. Domasia trispinosa Downie 1960, GSC No. 31606, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, slide number 8/E. Figs. 2, 5. D. rochesterensis sp. nov. 2, holotype GSC No. 31607, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/C. 5, paratype GSC No. 31607a, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/B. Figs. 3, 13. Leiofusa fusiformis Eisenack 1938, GSC Nos. 31608 a-b, 3, locality 1, sample ROC.l^slide number 1/A. 13, locality 21, sample ROC. 12, slide number 12/A. Figs. 4, 24. Deiinffia monospinosa var. tonawandensis new var. 4, holotype GSC No. 31609, locality 21, sample ROC. 12, slide number 12/A. 24, paratype GSC No. 31609a, locality 18, sample ROC.4, slide number 4/A. Figs. 6, 12, 21. D. canadensis sp. nov. 6, holotype GSC No. 31610, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/B. 12, 21, paratypes GSC No. 31610 a-b, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide numbers 1/A, 1/E. Figs. 7, 15, 22. Deunffia ramusculosa Downie 1960, GSC Nos. 31611 a-c. 7, locality 21, sample ROC.12, slide number 12/A. 15, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, slide number 8/A. 22, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1 /A. Fig. 8. D. monospinosa Downie 1960, GSC No. 31612, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/C. Figs. 9, 19. Domasia amphora Martin 1969, GSC No. 31613. 9, locality 18, sample ROC.5, slide number 5/A. 19, locality 1, sample number ROC.l, slide number 1/B. Figs. 10, 16. Hemideunffia trifurcata sp. nov. 10, holotype GSC No. 31614, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/C. 16, paratype GSC No. 31614a, locality 1, sample number ROC.2691, slide number 2691 /A. Fig. 1 1. Domasia hispinosa Downie 1960, holotype 31615, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, slide number 8/E. Fig. 14. Deunffia furcata var. niagarensis new var., holotype GSC No. 31615, locality 14, sample ROC. 9, slide number 9/C. Fig. 17. Leiofma algerensis Cramer 1970, GSC No. 31617, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/F. Fig. 18. Deunffia ramusculo.sa var. rochesterensis new var. Holotype GSC No. 31618, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/C. Fig. 20. D. furcata Downie 1960, GSC No. 31619, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/E. Figs. 23, 25. D. elongata Downie 1960, GSC No. 31620 a-b, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/B. PLATE 104 THUSU, Silurian acritarchs 810 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Remarks. D. candensis sp. nov. differs from D. amphora by the presence of a distinct unseptate and stretched neck. In D. amphora, the vesicle terminates into a small neck, but a sharp break is present between the neck and the vesicle. Dimensions. Length of the vesicle 36 fx (range, 32-40 /x); width of the vesicle 7 fj. (range, 6-10 /u); length of the long processes 41 fj, (range, 39-45 /x); length of the short process 13 jj, (range, 9-15 |Lx); length of the neck 3-4 /x (range, 3-7 fx). Domasia roehesterensis sp. nov. Plate 104, figs. 2, 5 Type specimens. Holotype GSC No. 31607, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/C, Paratype GSC No. 31607a, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/8. Description. Vesicle hollow, fusiform, pale yellow, smooth. Two long processes arise near one pole. Each process gives rise to a short secondary process at about the mid- length. A single short process present at the opposite end. Processes septate. Remarks. The presence of a short secondary process arising from the long processes differentiates this species from Domasia elongata. Dimensions. Size of the vesicle 24-34 ix (range, 20-38 /x); width of the vesicle 8-10 ju, (range, 7-12 fx); length of the long processes 33 fx (range, 30-45 jx); length of the secondary processes 5-7 jx (range, 4-7 fx); length of the short process 15-17 ix (range, 12-20 /x). Genus hemideunffia gen. nov. Type species. Hemideunffia trifurcata sp. nov. Diagnosis. Vesicle highly elongate, tapering, pale yellow, thin, smooth walled; one pole simple; opposite pole terminates into three processes, processes may be closed or open at the distal end, septate processes may be present. Remarks. This genus differs from Leiofusa by the presence of a trifurcate process at one pole, and from Deun ffia by the presence of a long, tapering vesicle. Indeed, this genus is intermediate between Leiofusa and Deunffia. Hemideunffia trifurcata sp. nov. Plate 104, figs. 10, 16 Type specimens. Holotype GSC No. 31614, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/C; Paratype GSC No. 31614a, locality 1, sample ROC.2691, Slide No. 2691 /A. Description. Visicle highly elongate, fusiform, tapering, smooth thin walled, pale transparent, fragile often compressed, twisted or folded; one pole simple; opposite pole terminates into a trifurcate process, processes generally closed at the tips, non-septate. Dimensions. Length of the vesicle 70 p. (range, 65-85 pi); width of the vesicle 4-8 p, (range, 4-10 /x); length of the processes 9 p. (range, 6-10 p.). THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 811 Genus baltisphaeridium (Eisenack 1958), emend, Downie and Sarjeant 1963, emend. Type species. Ovum hispidium longispinosum Eisenack 1931, Baltic, Ordovician. Remarks. In this work Baltisphaeridium is accepted in a broad sense as amended by Downie and Sarjeant (1963) but is restricted to include forms with predominantly homomorphic, unbranched processes, closed or open to the vesicle cavity. Forms with hetromorphic nature of the process termination, and free communication of the process with vesicle, are transferred to Multiplicisphaeridium. Processes with equi- furcate termination at the tips is transferred to Ammonidium. Forms in which pro- cesses communicate freely with the vesicle and without any tendency for the processes to close off at its junction with the central body are transferred to Diexallophasis. Forms in which the central body is ornamented by numerous prominent pila, rather being smooth or with minor ornamentation are considered to belong to Pilifero- sphaera, and forms in which processes are very short and terminate in a point or in short bifurcations with a feather or rosette of small spines, just below their distal end are considered to belong to Tylotopalla. Baltisphaeridium pilaris Cramer 1964 Plate 104, figs. 6, 18 1970 Baltisphaeridium pilaris var. typicum Cramer, p. 166. pi. 18. figs. 55d-h (gives detailed synonymy). 1970 Cymhosphaeridium pilar (Cramer) Lister, p. 63, figs. 256-266. Remarks. The branching of B. pilaris is very complex and considerable variation exists within a species. However, in B. pilaris var. typicum, the cauliflorate termina- tions of the processes is seen in most of the specimens studied. B. pilaris was trans- ferred by Fister (1970, p. 64) to a new genus Cymbosphaeridium. This genus is primarily based on the ‘reflected plate formula’ proposed by Fister (1970, p. 63-65). This writer does not believe in creating new form-genera on hypothetical characteristics, drawn from the reconstruction of hypothetical thecae of acritarchs. Indeed, such study is important to understand the phylogenetic relationship of acritarchs, but not for creating new genera in a morphographic system of classification. Diexallophasis denticulata (Stockmans and Williere) Foeblich 1970 Plate 105, fig. 3 1963 Diexallophasia denticulata (Stockmans and Williere) Loeblich, p. 715, figs. 8 a-e, 9 a-c. 1963 Baltisphaeridium denticulatum Stockmans and Williere, p. 458, pi. 1, fig. 4. 1970 Baltisphaeridium denticulatum Cramer, pp. 136-138. 1965 Baltisphaeridium denticulatum Martin, p. 5, pi. 1, figs. 5, 6, text-figs. 5, 6. 1966 Baltisphaeridium denticulatum Martin, p. 309. 1968 Baltisphaeridium denticulatum Jardine and Yapoudjian, pi. 3, fig. 26. 1963 Baltisphaeridium granulatispinosum Downie, p. 640, pi. 9, figs. 1, 7. 1966 Baltisphaeridium granulatispinosum Martin, p. 310, pi. 1, fig. 24. 1968 Baltisphaeridium granulatispinosum Martin, p. 48, pi. 3, fig. 127, pi. 4, fig. 186, pi. 7, fig. 310, pi. 8, figs. 360, 362. 1970 Evittia granulatispinosa Lister, p. 67, pi. 4, figs. 2, 3, 5-9, 12, pi. 5, fig. 2: text-figs. 170, 20b. 812 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Remarks. Cramer (1970, pp. 138-140) describes five varieties of D. denticulata {B. dent iculat urn). However, Lister (1970, p. 68) and the present writer recognize extreme variability in this group. The character of spines and ornament is con- tinuously variable, thus encouraging the use of this species in a broad sense. Diexallophasis granulatispinosum {= Baltisphaeridiurn granulatispinosum) is regarded as a junior synonym of D. denit culata (= Baltisphaeridiurn denticulatum). However, Lister (1970, p. 68) recognized Evittia granulatispinosa (B. granulati- spinosum) as a valid taxon, and states ‘in view of the fact that the process tips of the holotype of denticulatum are missing and the character of the process tips is essential to the diagnosis of any species of Evittia, the specific name denticulatum is considered to be nomen dubiurn. But the present author rejects the transfer of denticulatum to genus Evittia for the reasons stated on p. 815, and recognizes the transfer of denti- culatum in Diexallophasis. The diagnosis of Diexallophasis broadly defines the character of tips, and hence would not warrant the rejection of the holotype of denticulatum because of the missing tips. Genus elektoriskos Loeblich 1970 Type species. Elektoriskos auora Loeblich 1970, Middle Silurian Maplewood Shale, New York. Diagnosis. Circular to subcircular central body, wall apparently single layered. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 105 All hgures x 500 and from unretouched negatives. Fig. 1. Eupoikilofusa stratifera Cramer 1964, GSC No. 31621, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, slide number 8/B. Figs. 2, 14. Multiplicisphaeridium eoplanktonicum Downie 1963, GSC Nos. 31622 a-b. 2, locality 1, sample ROC. 1, slide number 1/A. 14, locality 18, sample ROC.5, slide number 5/A. Fig. 3. Diexallophasis denticulata (Stockmans and Williere) Loeblich 1970. GSC No. 31623, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. Figs. 4, 15. M. arbusculiferum Downie 1963, GSC Nos. 31624 a-b. 4, locality 16, sample ROC.l 1, slide number 11/B. 15, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/A. Fig. 5. Ammonidium cf. A. rnicrocladum (Downie) Lister 1970, GSC No. 31626. Figs. 6, 18. Baltisphaeridiurn pilaris Cramer 1964, GSC Nos. 31626. 6, locality 1, sample ROC.2690, slide number 2690/A. 18, locality 21, sample ROC. 12, slide number 12/A. Fig. 7. Micrhystridium stellatum Deflandre 1945, GSC No. 31627, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/B. Figs. 8, 12. Eilisphaeridium hifurcatum sp. nov. 8, holotype GSC No. 31628, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/C. 12, paratype GSC No. 31628a, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/A. Fig. 9. Elektoriskos simplex sp. nov., holotype GSC No. 31629, locality 18, sample ROC.5, slide number 5/A. Fig. 10. E. pogonius Leoblich 1970, GSC No. 31630, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. Fig. 11. Gorgonisphaeridium wenlockium sp. nov., holotype GSC No. 31631, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/A. Fig. 13. Quadraditum fantisticum Cramer 1964, GSC No. 31632, locality 1, sample ROC. 2691, slide number 2691 /A. Fig. 16. Helosphaeridium latispinosum Lister 1970, GSC No. 31633, locality 21, sample ROC. 12, slide number 12/A. Fig. 17. M.fisherii (Cramer) Lister 1970, GSC No. 31634, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/A. Fig. 19. B. longispinosum Downie 1963, GSC No. 31635, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. Fig. 20. Tunisphaeridium tenlaculiferum (Martin) Cramer 1970, GSC No. 31636, locality 6, sample ROC. 12, slide number 12/A. PLATE 105 V?', •*>■ THUSU, Silurian acritarchs 814 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 psilate, chagrenate to granulate with numerous slender, flexible but solid processes which do not communicate with the interior of the central body. Remarks. This genus diflfers from Comasphaeridium in lacking the densely crowded hair-like processes and from Filispfiaeridium in lacking the distal differentiation of the processes. Elektoriskos simplex sp. nov. Plate 105, fig. 9 1970 Elektoriskos sp. Loeblich, p. 719, fig. 13c. Holotype. GSC No. 31629, locality 18, sample ROC. 5, Slide No. 5/A. Description. Vesicle rounded to spherical, thin, smooth, numerous (30-40) short, solid processes, without communicating with vesicle. Remarks. E. simplex sp. nov. differs from E. sequestratus Loeblich by the absence of small grana on the vesicle. Genus filisphaeridium Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock 1965 Type species. Micrhystridium setasessitante Jansonius 1962, Lower Triassic, Alberta, Canada. Eilisphaeridium bifurcatum sp. nov. Plate 105, figs. 8, 12 Type specimens. Holotype GSC No. 31628, locality 1, sample ROC.l, Slide No. 1/C; Paratype GSC No. 31628a, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, Slide No. 8/A. Description. Vesicle ellipsoidal to subspherical, smooth, processes 30 or more short tapering about 10% of the vesicle, bifurcating at the tips, process communicate freely with the vesicle. Remarks. E. bifurcatum sp. nov. differs from E. brevispinosum Lister by the presence of bifurcating tips. Dimensions. Size of the vesicle 27-36 /n (range, 25-38 /ti); length of the process 3-5 p. (range, 3-5 p). Genus gorgonisphaeridium Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock 1965 Type species. Gorgonisphaeridium winslowii Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock 1965, Lower Carboniferous, Southern Alberta, Canada. Gorgonisphaeridium wenlockium sp. nov. Plate 105, fig. 11 Holotype. GSC No. 31632, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, Slide No. 8/A. Description. Vesical spherical, wall firm and thick, brownish, numerous short spines (30-40) with bulbous base and pointed tip, processes communicate freely with vesicle. THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 815 Remarks. This species differs from G. spicatum (Staplin) by its larger size, and pointed tips. Dimensions. Size of the vesicle 80 fx (range, 70-82 /x); length of the spines 6-16 jx (range, 5-lS fx); width of the spines at the base 5-6 fx (range, 5-6 fx); distance between the spines 9-13 /u (range, 9-13 fx). Genus evittia Brito 1967 Type species. Evittia sommeri Brito 1967. Lower Devonian, Brazil. Restricted diagnosis. Vesicle triangular to polygonal like Veryhachium but with the processes typically ramified, vesicle wall and processes sculptured. Remarks. Cramer (1970, p. 47) considered Evittia a partial junior synonym of Baltisphaeridium on the grounds that the basal portion of the processes and their number strongly influence the shape of the vesicle. This is possible if Evitta possessed many processes. But Brito’s generic diagnosis mentions ‘. . . having a general struc- ture of Veryhachium . . .’ which in addition to a triangular or polygonal vesicle shape also puts a limit on the number of the processes. In fact the Subgroup Polygono- morphitae to which Evittia belongs is characterized by a low-number of processes. Lister (1970, p. 66) emended Evittia, and broadened the genus to include sub- spherical acanthomorph species of Baltisphaeridium thus greatly departing from Brito’s original intentions. It should be noted that Evittia like Veryhachium is defined on subgroup basis by a combination of shell shape and low spine number. Thus introducing within this genus subspherical species regardless of spine number is rejected as contrary to the original intention of Brito. Evittia monterrosa (Cramer) nov. comb. Plate 106, figs. 2, 7 1969 Baltisphaeridium monterrosae Cramer, p. 490, pi. 1, figs. 5-7. 1970 Baltisphaeridium monterrosae Cramer, p. 129, pi. 8, figs. 127-135. Remarks. The basis for the transfer of this species to Evittia is the presence of a poly- gonal vesicle with a small number of processes (2-5), bifurcating or trifurcating at the distal end. Genus veryhachium Deunff 1954, emend. Downie and Sarjeant 1963 Veryhachium lairdi (Deflandre) Deunff 1954 Plate 106, figs. 5, 6 1946 Hystrichosphaeridium lairdi Deflandre, card 1112. 1954 Veryhachium lairdi Deunff, p. 306. 1963 Veryhachium lairdi Stockmans and Williere, p. 454, pi. 4, fig. 5. 1964 Veryhachium lairdi Cramer, p. 309, pi. 11, fig. 16. 1965 Veryhachium lairdi Martin, pp. 13-14, figs. 14-15. 1969 Veryhachium lairdi Martin, p. 95, pi. 2, figs. 75-83. 1970 Veryhachium lairdi Loeblich, p. 741. 816 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Remarks. V. lairdi has a maximum of five processes. However a single specimen shown on Plate 106, figs. 5-6 contains six processes and is provisionally placed with the specimens of V. lairdi. Veryhachium limaciforme Stockmans and Williere 1963 Plate 106, figs. 8, 10 1963 Veryhachium limaciforme Stockmans and Williere, p. 433, pi. 1, figs. 12, 14, 15, 19. 1965 Veryhachium limaciforme Martin, p. 22, fig. 21. 1969 Veryhachium limaciforme Martin, p. 96, pis. 7, 8, figs. 354, 402. 1963 Veryhachium elongatum Downie, p. 637, pi. 92, fig. 10. 1963 Veryhachium delmeri Stockmans and Williere, p. 453, pi. 1, fig. 17. 1965 Veryhachium delmeri Martin, p. 22, fig. 22. 1966 Veryhachium delmeri Martin, p. 316. 1969 Veryhachium delmeri Martin, p. 90, pis. 4, 6, figs. 176, 346-347. 1970 Domasia limaciforme (Stockmans and Williere) Cramer, p. 68, pi. 1, figs. 16, 27, 28. Remarks. This species is retained in the genus Veryhachium on three counts: 1. A highly elongate, triangular vesicle. 2. The attachment of the processes to the corners of the vesicle. 3. Absence or very rare septate processes, unlike the species of Domasia. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 106 All figures x 500 and from unretouched negatives. Fig. 1. Visbysphaera dilatispinosa (Downie) Lister 1970, holotype GSC No. 31637, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, slide number 8/A. Figs. 2, 7. Evittia monterrosa (Cramer) new comb. GSC Nos. 31638 a-b. 2, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. 7, locality 14, sample ROC. 8, slide number 8/A. Fig. 3. Veryhachium wenlockium (Downie) Downie and Sarjeant 1964, GSC No. 31639, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/B. Fig. 4. E. romota (Deunff) Lister 1970, GSC No. 31640, locality 18, sample ROC.5, slide number 5/A. Figs. 5, 6. V. lairdi (Deflandare) ex-Deunlf 1954, GSC Nos. 31641 a-b. 5, locality 14, sample ROC.9, slide number 9/A. 6, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. Figs. 8, 10. V. limaciforme Stockmans and Williers 1963, GSC Nos. 31642 a-b. 8, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/E. 10, slide number 8/A. Fig. 9. V. trispinosum Eisenack 1931, GSC No. 31643, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. Figs. 11, 14. Cymatiosphaera octoplana Downie 1959, GSC Nos. 31644 a-b. 1 1, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/B. 14, slide number 8/A. Fig. 12. Dictyotidium dictyotum (Eisenack) 1955, GSC No. 31645, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/G. Fig. 13. Lophosphaeridium rugosum sp. nov., holotype GSC No. 31646, locality 18, sample ROC.5, slide number 5/A. Fig. 15. Pterospermopsis cf. P. martinii Cramer & Cramer 1968, GSC No. 31647, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/C. Figs. 16, 20. P. onondagaensis DeunfiT 1955, GSC Nos. 31648 a-b. 16, locality 8, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/A. 20, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/A. Fig. 17. L. microgranulo.mm sp. nov., holotype GSC No. 31649, locality 14, sample ROC.8, slide number 8/A. Fig. 18. Duvernaysphaera aranaides (Cramer) 1970, GSC No. 31650, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1 /C. Fig. 19. C. wenlockia Downie 1969, GSC No. 31651, locality 1, sample ROC.l, slide number 1/E. PLATE 106 THUSU, Silurian acritarchs 818 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Genus lophosphaeridium Timofeyev 1959 Type species. Lophosphaeridium rarum Timofeyev, designated by Downie (1963), Ordovician, Russia. Lophosphaeridium rugosum sp. nov. Plate 106, fig. 13 Holotype. GSC No. 31646, locality 18, sample ROC. 5, Slide No. 1/G. Description. Vesicle rounded, orange yellow, thick walled, verrucose ornament, often in crescentric pattern. Remarks. This species could be an alete spore. Dimension. 120-130 ju. Lophosphaeridium microgranulosum sp. nov. Plate 106, fig. 17 Holotype. GSC No. 31649, locality 14, Sample ROC.8, Slide No. 8/A. Description. Vesicle rounded, orange yellow, wall thick, finely granulose, granules closely packed, giving the appearance of a finely meshed network. Dimensions. 160 fx. DISCUSSION OF THE MICROFLORA Age of the Rochester Microflora. The presence of highly evolved netromorphs of the Deunjfia complex {Deunffia ramusculosa, D. furcata) in the Rochester Formation allows correlation with the Buildwas Beds in Shropshire (Downie 1963). On this basis the Rochester microflora is assigned a Lower Wenlockian age. Intracontinental comparisons Power Glen Formation {Lower Llandovery), Niagara Gorge, southern Ontario and New York State. The Rochester acritarchs reported from the Power Glen Formation (Cramer and Cramer 1970) belong to the Diexallophasis denticulata and Very- hachium trispinosum complex (Table 2). These are forms ranging from the Upper Llandovery to the Emsian. Neagha and Maplewood Shales {Upper Llandovery) of New York State. The Rochester acritarchs present in these shales (Table 2) are dominantly long-ranging species (Llandovery/Ludlow) also. However, Baltisphaeridium neagha, Dactylofusa neagha, Neoveryhachium carminae, and Carminella maplewoodensis reported by Cramer and Cramer (1970, p. 713) and Elektoriskos aurora, Holothuriadeigma heterakanium, and Multiplicisphaeridium mergaeferum reported by Loeblich (1970) in the Neagha Shale were not found in the Rochester Formation. Loeblich (1970) reported a number of species from the Maplewood Shale, in parti- cular Baimeniscus granulatus, Diexallophasis caperoradiola, Estiastra stellata, and species of Elektoriskos and Leiofusa. Furthermore, both Cramer and Cramer (1970) and Loeblich (1970) record the presence of Neoveryhachium carminae and Carminella THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 819 TABLE 2. Selected acritarch species in the Rochester Formation and their reported occurrence in the Middle Silurian strata in North America. Lower Upper Llandovery Age Llandovery Llandovery Wenlock Wenlock Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Deunffia furcata X X D. monospinosa * 9 D. ramusculosa X X D. ramusculosa var. rochesterensis Domasia amphora X ? ? D. bispinosa X X D. canadensis D. canadensis var. A. D. elongata X X X X X D. rochesterensis X D. trispinosa X X Leiofusa algerensis X Eupokilofusa striatifera X X X X X X X Ammonidium microcladum X X X Baltisphaeridium pilaris X X Diexallophasis denticulata X X X X X X X X Elektroiskos pogonius X X X X X X X Helosphaerisphaeridium latispinosum ?x X Multiplicisphaeridium arbusculiferum X X M. eoplanktonicum X M. fisherii X X X X X X Quadraditum fantasticum X Tunisphaeridium tentaculiferum X X X X X Visbysphaera dilatispinosa X Evittia monterrosa X X X Cymatiosphaera wenlockia X X X X X Dictyotidium dictyotum X X Duvernaysphaera aranaides X X X *? D. monocantha. Legends for locations: 1. Power Glen Fm., S. Ontario (Cramer & Cramer 1970). 2. Maplewood Shale, New York (Cramer 1968, 19706). 3. Neagha Shale, New York, S. Ontario (Cramer 1970, Loeblich 1970). 4. Ross Brook Fm., Nova Scotia (Cramer 19706, Loeblich 1970). 5. Gun River Fm., Anticosti Is. (Cramer 1970). 6. Jupiter Fm., Anticosti Is. (Cramer 1970). 7. Rose Hill Fm., Pennsylvania (Cramer 1969). 8. Tuscarora Fm., Pennsylvania (Cramer 1969). 9. Rochester Fm.. Maryland-W. Virginia. Reaugh (pers. comm.). 10. Ilion Shale, New York. This work. maplewoodensis. These species were not found in the Rochester Formation with the exception of Elektoriskos pogonius. Deunffia furcata, D. ramusculosa, D. ramuscolusa var. rochesterensis and Domasia spp. are present in the Rochester assemblage and their absence in the Maplewood and Neagha assemblages is the most distinguishing feature. According to Cramer and Cramer (1970, p. 1080) these differences in the acritarch assemblage are due to the existence of two distinct acritarch biofaces. In other words, Maplewood and Neagha assemblage at one end and the Rochester assemblage at the other, contain two distinct ‘biofacies’, the Neoveryhachium carminae facies and Deunffia furcata and Domasia facies. Furthermore, Cramer and Cramer do not 820 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 believe that this difference between the biofacies was caused by the difference in age. However, although in NW. Spain the N. carminae biofacies ranges from Llandovery to Ludlow (Cramer 1970), in eastern North America the N. carminae facies is restricted to the Zygobolba excavata ostracode Zone, of Late Llandovery age; while the Deunffia furcata and Domasia facies appear in the Paraechmina spinosa ostracode Zone of Basal Wenlock age. Upper Member of Ross Brook Formation of Nova Scotia. Many Rochester Formation acritarchs occur in the Ross Brook assemblage. The stratigraphically restricted (Upper Llandovery to Wenlock) but geographically well-distributed netromorphs Domasia amphora, D. bispinosa, D. elongata, Leiofusa algerensis, Duvernaysphaera aranaides are common to both formations (Table 2). However, Deunffia spp. present in the Rochester assemblage are absent in the Ross Brook assemblage (Cramer 1970Z), p. 747), indicating the younger age of the Rochester assemblage. Cramer (19706) regards this difference as a function of palaeolatitudes. Gun River and Jupiter Formations {Upper Llandovery), Anticosti Island, Quebec. There is little in common between the acritarchs of the Rochester Formation and the Gun River and Jupiter Formations (Table 2). However, a number of species abundant in the Gun River and Jupiter assemblages (Cramer 19706, p. 749) are present in the Wenlock strata of England and Visby, Baltic (see Downie 1963, pp. 646-647). The Ilion Shale {Wenlock), Utica, New York. The Rochester acritarchs are similar to the Ilion acritarchs (Table 2). The stratigraphically restricted taxa like Deunffia ramusculosa, D. furcata, Domasia elongata, D. rochesterensis are common to both the formations, although quantitative differences occur. For example, Deunffia and Domasia spp, are abundant in the Rochester Formation but rare in the Ilion Shale. The Rose Hill and Tuscarora Formations {Upper Llandovery), Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, the Rose Hill and Tuscarora formations underlie the Rochester Formation. Many long-ranging taxa in the Rochester assemblage in southern Ontario are well represented in Rose Hill and Tuscarora assemblages in Pennsylvania (Cramer 1969, p. 486) (Table 2). However, the presence of Domasia and the absence of Deunffia spp. in the Rose Hill and Tuscarora assemblages supports the present writer’s contention that Deunffia ramusculosa appears first in the Rochester assem- blage (Lower Wenlock) in the Appalachian region. The Rochester Formation in West Virginia. The Rochester acritarch assemblage in southern Ontario has many netromorph species in common with the Rochester assemblage in West Virginia (Reaugh, personal communication; Table 2). Domasia elongata, D. bispinosa and D. trispinosa are especially common in the two areas. However, only a few Deunffia ramusculosa occur in the Rochester assemblage in West Virginia. This is attributed to its lagoonal conditions (Reaugh, personal com- munication). Intercontinental comparison The Buildwas Beds {Based Wenlock) in Shropshire, England. The Rochester netro- morphs show their greatest similarity with the Downie’s assemblage type 1, which is restricted in the Buildwas Beds (Downie 1963, pp. 646-648). Deunffia and Domasia are locally abundant in both the Rochester and the Buildwas assemblage (Table 3). TABLE 3. Selected acritarch species in the Rochester Formation and their reported occurrence in the Middle Silurian strata (Wenlock) in Britain, Europe and North Africa. TABLE 3. Selected acritarch species in the Rochester Formation and their reported occurrence in the Middle Silurian strata (Wenlock) in Britain, Europe and North Africa. 822 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 However, the Buildwas acanthomorphs, in particular the Visbysphaera meson complex (V. oliogofurcatum, V. meson, V. brevifurcata), were not recorded in the Rochester assemblage. These taxa plus V. dilatispinosa (present in both areas) are now known to range from Upper Llandovery to Upper Ludlow (Lister, 1970, pp. 98- 100) and their absence or scarcity in the Rochester Assemblage may be attributed to local environmental conditions. The Hogklint Group ( Wenlock), Visby, Baltic. The Rochester acanthomorphs show some similarity with those reported by Eisenack (1954, 1955, 1959) in the Middle Silurian of the Baltic region. Of note is the absence in the Rochester assemblage of Visbysphaera meson complex with the exception of single specimens of Baltisphaeridium digitatum and B. corallanium. However, Cramer (1970) reports many Middle Silurian acanthomorph species in the Rochester Formation. Eisenack obtained acritarchs by hand-picking from aqueous slurry, thus exclud- ing netromorphs from his assemblages. The writer studied an excellently preserved acritarch assemblage from the Hogklint Group, Snackgardsbaden, Visby, and recorded the netromorphs Domasia amphora, D. bispinosa, D. elongata, D. trispinosa, and Eupoikilofusa stratifera. Cramer (1970, p. 67) recorded D. elongata in the upper- most portion of the upper Visby Marl, in Gotland. In addition, numerous species of Baltisphaeridium, Micrhystridium, Veryhachium, Lophosphaeridium, and Leio- sphaeridia were recorded. The Hogklint netromorph assemblage is comparable with that of the Rochester assemblage (Table 3) with the exception of the absence of Deunffia spp. in the Hogklint assemblage. Further detailed investigation of the netromorph distribution in Hogklint group is needed for a more precise correlation. The Wenlock Assemblage from the Montague Noire, France. The Rochester acritarchs have little in common with the Wenlock assemblage from France. Micrystridium, Veryhachium, and Baltisphaeridium species common to two areas are long ranging (Llandovery to Emsian). Of the 16 species in France (Deflandre, 1942), 10 were identified in Coalbrookdale Beds (i.e. post-Buildwas Beds) in England (Downie 1963, p. 646). All these taxa are now known to be long-ranging. The Wenlock Assemblage from Belgium. Of the 21 species in the Rochester Formation 9 occur in the Wenlock of Belgium (Table 3). The Belgian assemblage like the Hogklint assemblage shows the presence of Domasia and the absence of Deunffia (except the rare occurrence of D. monocantha in pre-Wenlock strata). The absence of Deunffia complex from the Wenlockian of Baltic and Belgium, and its abundance in the Buildwas Beds and the Rochester Formation is worthy of note. However, Neovery- hachium carminae present in the Belgian assemblage does not occur in either the Buildwas or the Rochester assemblage. The San Pedro and Furada Formations in North-West Spain. A small number of Rochester taxa present in the Spanish assemblage range in age from Upper Llando- very to Gedinnian (Table 3). There seems to be a provincial differentiation between the two assemblages. The Spanish are dominated by Neoveryhachium carminae and numerous local species of Veryhachium and Baltisphaeridium. In contrast the Rochester is generally dominated by the Deunffia and Domasia complex, micrhystrids and leiospherids. This striking difference suggests the existence of different micro- THUSU: SILURIAN ACRITARCHS 823 plankton provinces. Cramer (1970) believes such differences to be climatically controlled. Wenlock Assemblages from the Sahara, Algeria. Little similarity exists between the Rochester taxa and the Wenlockian taxa in the Sahara (Table 3). Long-ranging (Upper Llandovery/Ludlow) species common to both areas are Diexallophasis dentieulata, Multiplicisphaeridium fisherri {Baltisphaeridium sp. 5 of Jardine and Yapaudjian 1968), Evittia remota (Veryhachium sp. 2 of Jardine and Yapaudjian 1968), and Duvernaysphaera aranaides [Pterospermopsis cf. Helios of Jardine and Yapaudjian 1968). Netromorphs (Deimffia and Domasia) are not reported from the Sahara. The closer link of Saharan and Spanish assemblages is notable, in particular the presence of Neoveryhachium carminae. Palaeobiogeographic and palaeoelimatic considerations Several palaeontologists, especially Bassler (1906, p. 8, 1911) and recently Owen (1969, p. 621), have showed interest in possible links of the Wenlockian Appalachian, Welsh Borderland, and Baltic faunas. It is therefore appropriate to discuss the relationship of the microflora in these regions. Comparative Microflora. In order to do this, only stratigraphically restricted netro- morphs are considered. The species common to more than one locality are as follows : Species America Britain Gotland (Rochester Fm.) (Buildwas Beds) (Hogklint Gp.) Deunffia furcata Present Present Missing D. monospinosa Present Present Missing D. ramusculosa Present Present Missing Domasia amphora Present ? Present D. bispinosa Present Present Present D. elongata Present Present Present D. trispinosa Present Present Present This comparison suggests that the Rochester microflora had more links with the British than with the Baltic area. Cramer (1970) suggested that acritarch ‘biofaces’ are due mainly to climatic factors. He proposed three biofacies : ( 1) Neoveryhachium carminae, (ii) Domasia and Deunffia, and (iii) Baltisphaeridium corallinum. The last biofacies partially coincides with the Domasia and Deunffia biofacies. In North America and western Europe, Cramer (1970) found the distribution of these biofacies roughly paralleled palaeolatititudes (Cramer 1970, text-fig. 6). The N. carminae biofacies occurred in south-east U.S.A. and the Iberian Peninsula and, the Domasia and Deunffia biofacies in the Central Appalachian region and the Welsh Borderland. The Rochester acritarch assemblage belongs to the Domasia and Deunffia biofaces and is similar to the Buildwas assemblage in England. However, the Baltic assemblage (Hogklint Beds), although similar, shows the absence of the Deunffia complex. The Deunffia complex in the Rochester and Buildwas assemblages may represent a local climatic zone, separated by a narrower Atlantic ocean. This independently supports Owen (1969), who on the basis of bryozoa study, suggests similar climatic zones and a narrower Atlantic ocean for the similarity of Wenlockian bryozoa faunas of the 824 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 Appalachian and Welsh Borderland. A marked difference between these and the Baltic faunas is attributed to a different climate. However, these suggestions are at variance with those of other workers. Cramer (1970) considers the Domasia and Deun ffia biofacies in the Rochester and Buildwas strata and the Domasia biofacies in Hogklint strata to be indicative of a similar climate. St^rmer (1967, p. 209) considered the Silurian fossiliferous reefs of Gotland to be facies of the eastern European Plat- form, having little connection with the Caledonian geosyncline. This would explain the similarity of the Appalachian and Welsh Borderland biota and their differences from those of Gotland. But Paul’s (1967) investigations of Silurian cystids suggest that Echinoencrinitidae and Callocystitidae present in Britain originated from the Baltic and North America respectively. This would call for connections between these areas, a suggestion made earlier by Owen (1969). REFERENCES BASCHNAGEL, R. A. 1942. Some microfossils from the Onondaga Chert of central New York. Bull. Bujfalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 17, 1-8. BASSLER, R. s. 1906. The bryozoan fauna of the Rochester Shale. Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. 292, 1-137. BOLTON, T. E. 1957. Silurian stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Niagara escarpment in Ontario. Mem. Geol. Survey. Can. 289. BRITO, I. M. 1967. Silurian and Devonian acritarcha from the Maranhao Basin, Brazil. Micropaleontology, 13, 373-482. BRITO, I. and SANTOS, A. 1965. 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L., JANSONIUS, J. and POCOCK, s. 1965. Evaluation of some acritarch and hystrichosphere genera. N. Jb. Geol. Palaon. Abh. 123, 167-201. STOCKMANS, F. and wiLLiERE, Y. 1963. Lcs hystrichospheres ou mieux les acritarches du Silurien beige. Sondage de la Brasserie Lust a Courtrai (Kortrijk). Bull. Soc. belge-Geol. 71, 450-481. ST0RMER, L. 1967. Some aspects of the Caledonian geosyncline and foreland west of the Baltic Shield. Quart. Jl. geol. Soc. London, 123, 182-204. M 826 PALAEONTOLOGY vqlUME 16 TIMOFEYEV, B. V. 1959. The ancient flora of the Baltic regions and its stratigraphic significance. Trudy Vses. neft. nauchno-issled. Geol. razv. Inst. (VNIGRI). 129, 350 pp. (In Russian.) THUSU, B. 1972. Depositional environments of the Rochester Formation in southern Ontario, Canada. Jour. Sedim. Petrol. 42, 930-934. WHITE, M. F. 1862. Discovery of microscopic organisms in the Silurian nodules of the Paleozoic rocks of New York. Amer. Jour. Sci. ser. 2, 33, 385-386. ZENGER, D. M. 1965. Stratigraphy of the Lockport Formation (Middle Silurian) in New York State. New York State Museum and Sci. Service Bull. 404, 1-2106. Bindra Thusu Institutt for Geologi Universitetet i Oslo Revised typescript received 24 January 1973 Oslo 3, Norway TRILOBITE CUTICLE MICROSTRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION by J. E. DALINGWATER Abstract, Previous literature on the microstructure and composition of the trilobite cuticle is reviewed. The micro- structure of the cuticle of Asaphus raniceps Dalman sensu Angelin (1854) is described in detail, and a table outlining the major features of the cuticles of fourteen other trilobite species is included. In Asaphus raniceps and some other species, two main regions of the cuticle are consistently present: an outer layer characterized by perpendicular prisms, representing about one-fifteenth of the total thickness of the cuticle and an inner area forming the bulk of the cuticle. In the inner area of many cuticles, characteristic primary microstructures are fine perpendicular canals, a variety of wider canals, and horizontal laminae. Three types of tubercle are distinguished from thin-sections. Inorganic analyses of Asaphus raniceps show that the cuticle consists largely of calcite. Decalcification of this cuticle with E.D.T.A. left organic residues. A LARGE number of incidental observations has been made on the trilobite cuticle, usually during the course of systematic descriptions. However, no author has studied the cuticle of a wide range of trilobite species in the thorough way that Lindstrom (1901) and latterly Clarkson (1967, 1969) have examined visual organs. Attempts at comparing trilobite cuticles with arachnid or crustacean cuticles have therefore often been based on inadequate evidence, and in some cases recent work on extant arthropod cuticles has been totally disregarded. PREVIOUS LITERATURE Subdivisions of the trilobite cuticle. The terms ‘chitinous’ and ‘integument’ have frequently been used in descriptions of trilobite exoskeletons. Although chitin is the most characteristic organic component of arthropod cuticles, it comprises only a small fraction of the dry weight of calcified cuticles. The use of the term chitinous to describe dark hard fossil material is particularly inappropriate: pure chitin is colour- less, soft, and flexible. The term integument includes the cuticle, the underlying epidermal cells which secrete it, and the basement membrane. In trilobite exoskeletons, therefore, only the cuticle is found preserved. Harley (1861) was probably the first to examine the trilobite cuticle critically, while attempting to establish the systematic position of various ‘Astacoderma’ from the Ludlow Bone Bed. Thin-sections through the cuticle of Calymene (L. Ludlow) showed that it consisted of an outer fibrous layer and an inner prismatic layer, both pierced by canals. However, Harley doubted whether this was the original structural appearance. In his monograph on the visual organs of trilobites, Lindstrom (1901) figured sections of the cuticles of many species but made very few comments on their structure. Cayeux (1916) compared the structure of trilobite and crustacean cuticles, and St^rmer (1930), who gave a detailed account of the ‘shell’ structure of some Trinucleidae, recognized four main layers in the cuticle of Tretaspis and compared these with the four layers in the cuticle of Homarus. The microstructure of the cuticle of Phacops accipitrinus maretiolensis R. and E. Richter was described by Rome [Palaeontology, Vol. 16, Part 4, 197.^, pp. 827-8.59, pis. 107-109.] 828 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 (1936) who distinguished three main regions of the cuticle besides observing many other features. Hupe (1953) considered that three layers in the cuticle might corre- spond to the epicuticle, pre- and post-exuvial layers of modern cuticles. Harrington (1959) reviewed the work of St<3rmer (1930), Hupe (1953), and Kielan (1954) and interpreted the three main layers of St^rmer and Kielan as corresponding to those of the modern arthropod endocuticle. However, Rolfe (1962) considered that many of the subdivisions apparent in fossil cuticles were due to diagenetic replacement. More recently, Majewske (1969) and Horowitz and Potter (1971) reviewed some of the previous literature on trilobite cuticles, figured some photomicrographs of thin- sections, but made few observations. Bathurst (1971) has given a more comprehensive account of previous work. Primary microstructures. The term ‘primary microstructures’ was introduced by Rolfe (1962) to describe all structures found in fossil cuticles comparable with those in modern arthropod cuticles. A brief review of characteristic structures in extant cuticles has been given by Dalingwater (1973). Pore-canals: Rolfe (1962) reviewed descriptions of structures from fossil cuticles resembling the pore-canals of extant cuticles, and concluded that the various small canals described by St0rmer (1930), Rome (1936), and Evitt and Whittington (1953) were perhaps too large and too sparsely distributed to be true pore-canals. However, Harley (1861) had observed that the cuticle of Calymene was traversed by many straight tubes 0-5-1-8 ij. in diameter, Lindstrom (1901) figured many sections of cuticles perforated by numerous minute canals, and Balashova (1948) clearly dis- tinguished very fine ‘canalicules’ from larger canals perforating the carapace of the Asaphidae. Larger canals: Rolfe (1962) suggested that many of the larger canals in fossil cuticles should be termed gland or setal ducts. In extant arthropods such ducts are generally larger, are more irregularly placed, and occur less frequently than pore- canals. Larger apertures through trilobite cuticles have been described by Lindstrom (1901), Richter (1914), Cayeux (1916), Raymond (1920), St^rmer (1930, 1931), Whittington (1941, 1956, 1962), Ross (1951), Evitt and Whittington 0953), Hupe (1953), Whittington and Evitt (1954), Richter and Richter (1954), and Harrington (1959). Laminae: Nearly all extant arthropod cuticles are horizontally laminated and individual laminae are 0-2-10 fi thick. Rolfe (1962) reviewed some of the earlier litera- ture on laminae in trilobite cuticles, commenting on the work of Zittel ( 1 900), Cayeux (1916), St^rmer (1930), and Rome (1936). However, Harley (1861) had observed obscure indications of a finely laminated structure in the cuticle of Calymene, Sorby’s (1879) ‘lines of growth’ are presumably laminae, and Lindstrom (1901) also figured many finely laminated cuticles. Tubercles: Tubercles are defined by Harrington, Moore, and Stubblefield (1959) as small knob-like prominences on any part of the exoskeleton, whereas smaller structures are termed granules. However, the term tubercle has been used imprecisely to describe : (i) Structures involving thinning and doming of the cuticle (Raymond, 1920; St^rmer, 1930; Kielan, 1954). DALINGWATER: TRILOBITE CUTICLE 829 (ii) Domed thickenings differentiated to some extent from the main part of the cuticle (Rome, 1936). (hi) Discrete structures embedded in cuticle surfaces (Lindstrom, 1901; Walcott, 1921). Prisms: The surfaces of many arthropod cuticles are covered by a close polygonal network. Each polygon possibly represents the area of activity of an underlying epidermal cell and is formed by inward extensions of epicuticlar material at the inter- faces between adjacent areas of influence (Dennell 1960). Larger, less regular poly- gonal areas seen in perpendicular sections of calcified cuticles may represent areas of activity of crystallization centres. Cayeux (1916) figured some relatively large poly- gonal areas from the cuticles of ' Trinucleus goldfussf and Hupe (1953) mentioned ‘un fin reseau a mailles polygonales’ in his account of the trilobite cuticle. Inorganic chemistry and mineralogy. It has often been stated, without critical examina- tion of the cuticle itself or of the results of previous research, that the trilobite cuticle contains significant amounts of phosphate. For example, Zittel (1887) described alternate thin layers of calcium carbonate and phosphate, but Cayeux (1916) found no trace of these layers and neither did B^ggild (1930) who clearly thought Zittel was mistaken. Richter (1933) estimated that the trilobite exoskeleton contained up to 30% phosphate, whereas Cayeux’s (1933) detailed analyses indicated that phosphates were present only in limited quantities. Only Raw (1952) considered that the cuticle was originally aragonitic, subsequently becoming silicified or coarsely crystallized to calcite. Probably the most significant contribution to a study of the original inorganic composition of the trilobite cuticle was made by Stehli (1955). Although he analysed only one trilobite pygidium, the specimen came from the Middle Permian Buckhorn asphalt deposit in which original shell mineralogies seem to have been preserved. X-ray analysis showed that this pygidium was composed entirely of calcite. Organic chemistry. Abelson (1954) referred to the presence of three amino-acids in an Ordovician Calymene, whereas Fujiwara (1963) found no amino-acids in another species of the same genus. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thin-sections provided most of the information for this study but material was also prepared by E.D.T.A. decalcification and acetate-peel preparation. A pre- liminary study, using the Scanning Electron Microscope (S.E.M.), was made on surfaces as well as on broken and etched material. A wide range of trilobites in vary- ing modes of preservation was examined. The most satisfactory specimens for thin- sectioning were those preserved in fine-grained limestones, with part of the exo- skeleton enclosed in matrix. The identity and orientation of these specimens could thus be determined, while the matrix formed a most satisfactory natural embedding medium. Where possible, serial sections were made from a single specimen. Random section series were also made from samples crowded with trilobite remains. Sections were finished by hand using 1200 mesh carborundum and then left relatively thick (20-30 fx). Such thick slices offered much detail, but were unfortunately somewhat 830 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 difficult to photograph satisfactorily. All preparations are stored in the Department of Zoology, University of Manchester, England. The cuticle of Asaphus raniceps was in addition analysed in a Phillips X-ray diffractometer, and by X-ray powder photography. THE CUTICLE OF ASAPHUS RANICEPS Specimens of Asaphus raniceps Dalman sensu Angelin (1854) were collected from the lower ‘Raniceps’ Limestone, Haget, Oland, Sweden. About 100 longitudinal, transverse, and tangential perpendicular sections were made across all the calcified areas of the exoskeleton. In addition, a preliminary study of the cuticle of this species was made using the S.E.M. The cuticle of this species is the best documented here and serves as a model for detailed description. The cuticle is relatively thick compared with that of modern arthropods of com- parable size but varies considerably from one area of exoskeleton to another. In a ten-slide series made from block 01.0.1 the following ranges of thickness were measured; cephalon 180-450 fx, hypostome 120-560 fx, thorax 100-300 fx, pygidium 160-300 ,x. Surfaces of the cuticle examined with the S.E.M. show a matrix of calcite prisms with morphological indications of c-axes orientated perpendicular to the cuticle surface (PI. 107, fig. 1). In thin-sections an outer layer comprising one-tenth to one- fifteenth of the total cuticle thickness is seen, composed of fairly regular perpendicular prisms (PI. 107, fig. 5). However, under crossed-nicols this layer does not extinguish uniformly (PI. 107, fig. 6) suggesting that although prisms may be orientated with their c-axes normal to the surface, this orientation is not totally uniform. Broken sections of cuticle examined with the S.E.M. confirm light microscope observations that the outer layer is distinct (PI. 107, fig. 2) from the main part of the cuticle (hereafter termed the inner area). No individual prisms can be seen in the inner area even when it is examined at a magnification of about x 1,000 with the light microscope. Again, total extinction does not occur when particular areas of the cuticle become aligned with the planes of polarization. Under the S.E.M., broken sections of the inner area suggest fibrous crystallites running tangentially to the surface (PI. 107, fig. 3) but this impression is not confirmed by etched sections (PI. 107, fig. 4). The inner area of the cuticle includes fine perpendicular canals approximately OT ju. in diameter, and occasionally fine parallel horizontal laminae approximately 1 ^ apart can be seen. The cuticle is thicker at the anterior margin of the cephalon, where fine vertical canals are often emphasized by impregnation with pyrite. Wider canals EXPLANATION OF PLATE 107 Figs. 1-4. Scanning electron micrographs of librigenal cuticle of Asaphus raniceps Dalman. 1 Upper surface of cuticle, showing fairly regular calcite prisms, x 1950. 2 Broken perpendicular section of cuticle, showing discrete outer layer, x 1730. 3 Broken perpendicular section, showing apparent fibrous crystallites tangential to surface. x420. 4 Etched perpendicular section of cuticle, x 545. Figs. 5-6. Longitudinal perpendicular section (L.P.S.) of glabella of Asaphus raniceps Dalman showing outer layer and inner area of cuticle. Slice 01.98.1. 5 Plane-polarized light. 6 Crossed nicols. Xl25. PLATE 107 DALINGWATER, trilobite cuticle 832 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 approx. 4 ^ in diameter extend to thorn-like projections representing sections through ridges on the anterior part of the cephalon (PI. 108, fig. 1). This sculpture is even more pronounced on the cephalic doublure, the forward projecting ‘thorns’ (= sections of terrace lines) becoming flattened and scale-like with canals opening at their bases. The terrace lines on the pygidium are seen in thin-section as thickened ridges of cuticle, but the outer edge of the pygidial doublure is distinctly corrugated. Sculp- tured ridges on the hypostome are seen in section to be penetrated by canals approxi- mately 4 /X in diameter. Several sections were made through the hypostomal maculae where the cuticle is slightly thicker. Here, in contrast to other areas of the hypostomal cuticle, fine per- pendicular structures are accentuated by pyrite. The outer surface of the thoracic cuticle is generally smooth but cuticular sculp- turing on the pleural doublure is reflected in thin-sections. Where the cuticle deflects to form the narrow posterior ventral doublure of the thoracic axial rings, the angle is characterized by an area of darker cuticle. This area may represent differentiation of the cuticle to permit flexibility between segments additional to that provided by the soft intersegmental membrane. Well-preserved material, particularly when freshly broken from the matrix, exhibits a glossy lustre. This possibly represents an extremely thin outermost layer not visible in thin-sections. Isolation of this layer proved difficult but decalcification with a 5% solution of E.D.T.A. (disodium salt) left a residue of brown material with a clear surface layer. In several specimens this surface layer is regularly prismatic in some areas, each prism being 6-7 jx across (PI. 108, fig. 2). The brown residue is usually amorphous but sometimes contains small twisted tubules about 1 jx in diameter. X-ray analyses of cuticle from the cephalon, thorax, and pygidium indicated a composition entirely of calcite. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 108 Figs. 1-2. Asaphus raniceps Dalman. 1 L.P.S. anterior of cephalon. Slice 01.96.1. x27. 2 E.D.T.A. preparation, showing prismatic surface layer. E.D.T.A. prep. 19. x360. Figs. 3-4. lUaenus aduncus Jaanusson. Slice Ol.I.la.2. 3 Tangential perpendicular section (Tan. P.S.) librigena, perforated by large perpendicular canals. These canals are regularly spaced (50-150 p.) and were observed in all areas of the exoskeleton examined, x 100. 4 Tan. P.S. edge of thoracic pleura, cuticular sculpturing perforated by ‘hair-like’ structures, x 90. Fig. 5. Bumastus barriensis (Murchison). L.P.S. pygidial doublure, showing tightly helically coiled fine perpendicular canals accentuated by pyrite. Slice Dy.B. lb.2. x 100. Fig. 6. Paladin eichwaldi shunnerensis (King). Transverse perpendicular section (T.P.S.) pygidial margin, showing larger perpendicular canals which are particularly prominent in this region of the cuticle. Slice W.s.la.l. x90. Fig. 7. Cyrtometopus sp. L.P.S. glabella lobe, showing irregular undulating laminae which give the cuticle of this genus its characteristic ‘cloudy’ appearance. Slice C.(FMB)L2. x90. Fig. 8. Encrinurus pimctatus (Wahlenberg). L.P.S. glabella, showing large tubercles~the cuticle domes and thins. Tubercles of this type are also present in axial regions of the thorax. Small discrete tubercles are present on lateral areas of the cephalon. Slice Dy.E.7.1. x24. PLATE 108 DALINGWATER, trilobite cuticle 834 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 THE CUTICLES OF OTHER TRILOBITE SPECIES Brief descriptions of the cuticles of fourteen trilobite species are deposited with the British Library, Lending Division, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, reference number SUP 14001. These are illustrated in Plates 108 and 109, and Table 1 summarizes their characteristic features. TABLE I . Synopsis of the characteristic features of the cuticles of fourteen trilobite species. Material examined Cuticle thickness (»*) Outer layer Larger perpendicular canals Fine perpendicular canals Laminae Special feacures Agnostus pisiformis (Linnaeus) Middle Cambrian, Gland. c.,p. 7-30 - + - + - Nileus armadillo Dalman *Raniceps' Limestone, Gland. c./s. 100-200 - - + . + Illaenus aduncus Jaanusson 'Raniceps' Limestone, Gland. c./s. 180-700 + +* + + +* Bumastus barriensis (Murchison) Wenlock Limestone, Dudley. c.,p. 300-500 - + + + - Cyrtosymbole pusilla (Giirich) Famennian Limestone, Poland. s. 30-100 + + - . + Paladin eichwaldi shunnerensis (King) Shunner Fell Limestone, Yorkshire. p- 150-200 + * + + + - Ampvx nasutus Dalman Expansus 6. 'Raniceps* Limestones, Gland . c. 100-200 + - + + + Cyrtometopus clavifrons (Dalman) 'Raniceps* Limestone, Gland. c. 200-340 - + - + + Encrinurus punctatus (Wahlenberg) Wenlock Limestone, Dudley. c./s. o o o + + + + * + Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart Wenlock Limestone, Dudley. c./s. 200-400 + + + + - Phacops granulatus (Munster) Famennian Limestone, Poland. s . 100-600 - + - . * + Trimerocephalus caecus (Giirich) Famennian Limestone, Poland. s. 120-270 - + _ . * + Acaste downingiae (Murchison) Wenlock Limestone, Dudley. c . 160-300 + + - - + Boedaspis ensifer Whittington & Bohlin Expansus Limestone, Gland. p- 200-250 + - + - * + KEY c. = cephalon, + = present. p. = pygidium, c. - = not observed. ./s. « = complete spec f Igured. imens, s . = slides, EXPLANATION OF PLATE 109 Fig. 1. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart. L.P.S. glabella lobe, showing a range of perpendicular canals accentuated by pyrite, some of which are similar to the fine canals of other trilobite cuticles. Slice Dy.C.1.2. xl60. Fig. 2. Phacops granulatus (Munster). T.P.S. edge of pygidial axis, showing large tubercle; the cuticle domes and thickens. Slice P.g.(0)l. x92. Fig. 3. Trimerocephalus caecus (Gunch). T.P.S. large tubercle on edge of librigena. Slice T.c.(0)3. x92. Fig. 4. Acaste downingiae (Murchison). L.P.S. discrete tubercles on cephalon. Note spine-like structure arising from one tubercle, also canals which may serve the tubercles. Slice Dy.A.d.1.3. X 135. Figs. 5-8. Boedaspis ensifer Whittington and Bohlin. Figs. 5-7. Tan. P.S. edge of pygidium, showing three types (or aspects?) of tubercle involving doming and thinning of the cuticle. Slice Ol.B.e.lb.2. All x85. Fig. 8. Tan. P.S. edge of pygidium, showing discrete tubercle. Slice Ol.B.e. la. 1. xl35. PLATE 109 DALINGWATER, trilobite cuticle 836 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 DISCUSSION Subdivisions. The calcitic composition of A. raniceps cuticle agrees with the observa- tions of B^ggild (1930), the detailed analyses of Cayeux (1933), and Stehli’s (1956) analysis of a pygidium composed entirely of primary calcite. In most trilobite cuticles, replacement and infiltration of the original inorganic material has probably taken place ; this may have been partly inhibited by the organic component. Diagenesis of the calcite in the eye-lenses of A. raniceps has been described in detail by Clarkson (1973). Many previous authors including Sorby (1879), Cayeux (1916), and Majewske (1969) have stated that thin-sections of trilobite cuticle extinguish uniformly when viewed with crossed-nicols, but here it is shown that in A. raniceps cuticle (and in most other cuticles examined) extinction is not totally uniform. Moreover, examina- tion of thin-sections of cuticle with the light microscope, and broken sections with the S.E.M. indicates that calcite prisms with any definite orientation occur only in the thin outer layer. St0rmer (1930) suggested that the four cuticular layers of Tretaspis were directly comparable with the major structural subdivisions in Homarus. However, it is diffi- cult to envisage how an inner uncalcified area of endocuticle (equivalent to the inner layer in Homarus) might be preserved when the ventral trilobite cuticle is so rarely encountered. Moreover, an outer epicuticle, if present, is unlikely to be seen in thin- sections of trilobite cuticles prepared by conventional petrological methods. Further- more, Styirmer’s ‘pigmented layer’ is a dense micritic envelope (J. Miller, pers. comm.). Although Richards (1951) established that the subdivision of any arthropod cuticle must be based mainly on histochemical distinctions, Hupe (1953) and Harring- ton (1959) compared the various layers described by previous authors directly with those of extant arthropod cuticles. Harrington’s statement that: ‘the exoskeleton of trilobites consists of a thin integument that is directly comparable to the chitinous cuticle of other Arthropoda’, seems particularly inappropriate. In contrast, Rolfe’s (1962) comment that many subdivisions in fossil cuticles are the result of replacement, may be pessimistic. In the present study the only consistent divisions of the trilobite cuticle seen in thin-section are a thin outer prismatic layer and an inner area. The outer layer, comprising one-tenth to one-thirtieth of the total thickness, was not observed in all cuticles studied, possibly because it is easily eroded and the boundary between it and the inner area seems to be a natural plane of weakness. In broken sections of cuticle examined with the S.E.M., the outer layer appears superficially similar to the tanned calcified exocuticle of Carcinus niaenas, where the prominent perpendicular elements are pore-canals. Clarkson (1973) has described how the outer layer of the trilobite cuticle corresponds with the cornea ; in some modern decapods, the tanned calcified exocuticle also laterally merges with the cornea. The appearance of the prismatic network of thin transparent material obtained on decalcification of A. raniceps cuticle resembles that of the epicuticle of some extant arthropods. In the latter, the walls of the regular prisms probably reflect the boundaries of the hypo- dermal cells responsible for secretion of the cuticle (Dennell 1960). Thus, although there is some evidence for correlating the subdivisions seen in some trilobite cuticles with those of extant decapod cuticles, no precise comparisons can be made in the absence of histochemical data. DALINGWATER; TRILOBITE CUTICLE 837 The cuticles of some trilobites (e.g. Agnostus) are thin, but most species studied have thick cuticles compared with modern arthropods. Although the general cuticle thickness is rarely greater than 500 the cephalic cuticle of some large trilobites sometimes exceeds 1 mm. Canals. Fine perpendicular canals, usually less than 1 /x in diameter, occur in the majority of cuticles studied. They are a characteristic feature of the cuticle and occur in large numbers closely packed together. In some cuticles, they appear to be helically coiled. Previous workers, notably Cayeux (1916), have compared these fine canals in the trilobite cuticle with those in modern arthropod cuticles. They are more evident in some species or only locally prominent. Larger canals appear to be more prone to pyrite impregnation and are thus accentuated. The prominence of fine canals in certain areas may also be due to preferential pyrite impregnation. However, it is more difficult to understand why canal-like structures are accentuated in specialized areas of cuticle such as the hypostomal maculae, dark spots, the cuticle surrounding the eyes, and the anterior margin of the cephalon. Raymond (1920) suggested that the maculae and dark spots represent muscle-attachment sites. In contrast, Lindstrom (1901) thought that the hypostomal maculae were rudimentary optic organs because in many species the marginal areas of the eyes and the maculae have a similar aspect. Furthermore, he observed that small, closely spaced ‘lenses’ were present on the maculae of some trilobites. Balashova (1948) also noted the similarity of the eye-margins and maculae in the Asaphidae, but disagreed with Lindstrom’s conclusions and suggested instead that both areas were characterized in life by dense concentrations of sensory setae. Harrington (1959) also thought it unlikely that the hypostomal maculae represented areas of muscle-attachment, partly because he supposed that the ‘mineralized integument’ was thinner at the maculae. In fact, the cuticle thickens at the maculae in the Asaphidae, where per- pendicular elements are most prominent in this area. It is suggested here that all these areas were sites of muscle-attachment, and that some of the perpendicular elements may represent tonofibrillae (cuticularized muscle fibres). Their frequent occurrence in multiple units may explain the rudimentary lens-like structure inferred by Lind- strom (1901). In recent arthropod cuticles it is often difficult to distinguish tono- fibrillae from pore-canals (Dr. J. H. Kennaugh, pers. comm.). A variety of wider canals was observed in the trilobite cuticles studied, some of which are remarkably similar to canals in modern cuticles. However, because con- clusive evidence such as the remains of sensory hairs is rare, it is difficult to assess whether these wider canals represent tegumentary or setal ducts. Wide canals are often prominent at the extremities of the exoskeleton. In extant decapods similar regions are plentifully supplied with tegumental glands (Dennell 1960), but in trilo- bites these canals were probably sensory rather than associated with extensive phenolic tanning. Contrary to Evitt and Whittington (1953), wide canals are present even in ‘smooth-shelled trilobites’. Laminae. The fine parallel laminae described from a few trilobite cuticles are possibly comparable with those in extant decapod cuticles. However, microfibrils were not seen even in the best-preserved material, and it seems more likely that examination 838 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 16 of well-preserved eurypterid cuticles will extend studies of cuticle architecture back into the Palaeozoic. Tubercles. The various types of tubercles described by previous authors have been recognized in the cuticles studied. Although the term ‘tubercle’ has been used indis- criminately to describe various structures in modern arthropod cuticles, several authors, notably Kennaugh (1968), have used the term more precisely to describe discrete structures embedded in the cuticle of arachnids. However, as it is difficult to determine which type of tubercle is present without sectioning the cuticle, it seems premature to introduce terminology to distinguish these various structures. Rome (1936) indicated that Phacops accipitrinus maretiolensis was immediately identifiable in thin-section but doubted whether other trilobites could be distinguished so satisfactorily. However, certain species have characteristic, perhaps unique, cuticles which might enable specific identification to be made from a small fragment. When the cuticles of many trilobite species have been described in detail (including variations in structure due to different modes of preservation) this information may prove useful, particularly in borehole work. Acknowledgements. I wish to thank Professor R. Dennell for originally suggesting this area of research; Mr. J. Miller and Mr. M. Downes for help during the later stages of the work; Drs. F. Broadhurst, E. Clark- son, and H. Osmolska for kindly donating material; and Drs. E. Clarkson and B. Taylor for helpful criticism of the manuscript. My thanks are also due to the staff of the S.E.M. Unit, Dept, of Textile Techno- logy, U.M.I.S.T., and to Messrs. L. Lockey and B. Atherton for photographic work. Some of this work was completed during the tenure of an S.R.C. Studentship, which is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES ABELSON, p. H. 1954. Amino acids in fossils. Science, 119, 576. BALASHOVA, E. A. 1948. On the tactile organs of trilobites. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 61, 509-11. (In Russian) BATHURST, R. G. c. 1971. Carbonate Sediments and Their Diagenesis, 620 pp. Elsevier. B0GGILD, o. B. 1930. The shell structure of the mollusks. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 9, 231-326. CAYEUX, L. 1916. Introduction a Tetude petrographique des roches sedimentaires, 524 pp. Imprimerie nationale: Paris. 1933. Role des trilobites dans la genese des gisements de phosphate de chaux paleozoiques. C.r. hehd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, 196, 1179-1182. CLARKSON, E. N. K. 1967. Fine structure of the eye in two species of Phacops (Trilobita). Palaeontology, 10, 603-16. 1969. On the schizochroal eyes of three species of Reedops (Trilobita: Phacopidae) from the Lower Devonian of Bohemia. Trans. R. Soc. Edinh. 68, 183-205. 1973. The eyes oi' Asaphus raniceps Dalman (Trilobita). Palaeontology, 16, 425-444. DALiNGWATER, J. E. 1973. The culiclc of a eurypterid. Lethaia, 6, 179-186. DENNELL, R. 1960. Integument and exoskeleton. In waterman, t. h. (ed.). The Physiology of Crustacea, 1, 449-472. Academic Press. EViTT, w. R. and Whittington, h. b. 1953. The exoskeleton of Flexicalymene (Trilobita). J. Paleont. 27, 49-55. FUJiWARA, T. 1963. Palaeochemical studies on the organic substance remaining in various sorts of fossils. A/ Ac. Rep. Res. Inst. nat. Resourc., Tokyo, 58-59, 139-149. HARLEY, J. 1861. On the Ludlow Bone-Bed and its crustacean remains. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Fond. 17, 542-552. HARRINGTON, H. J. 1959. Microstructure of exoskeleton. In moore, r. c. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology O, Arthropoda, 1, 085-7. University of Kansas Press. DALINGWATER: TRILOBITE CUTICLE 839 HARRINGTON, H. j., MOORE, R. c. and STUBBLEFIELD, c. J. 1959, Morphological terms applied to Trilobita. In MOORE, R. c. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology O, Arthropoda 7, 0117-126. University of Kansas Press. HOROWITZ, A. s. and potter, p. e. 1971. Introductory Petrography of Fossils, 302 pp. Springer-Verlag. HUPE, p. 1953. Classes des Trilobites. In piveteau, j. (ed.), Traite de Paleontologie, 3, 44-246. Masson: Paris. KENNAUGH, J. H. 1968. An examination of the cuticle of three species of Ricinulei (Arachnida). J. ZooL, London, 156, 393-404. KiELAN, z. 1954. Les Trilobites mesodevoniens des Montes de Sainte-Croix. Palaeont. pol. 6, 1-50. LiNDSTROM, G. 1901. Researches on the visual organs of trilobites. K. svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl. 34, 1 -89. MAJEWSKE, o. p. 1969. Recognition of Invertebrate Fossil Fragments in Rocks and Thin Sections, 101 pp. E. J. Brill; Leiden. RAW, R. 1952. A note on Ross. ‘Ontogenies of three Garden City Trilobites’. J. Paleont. 26, 854-857. RAYMOND, p. E. 1920, The appendages, anatomy, and relationships of trilobites. Mem. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 7, 1-170. RICHARDS, A. G. 1951. The Integument of Arthropods, 41 1 pp. University of Minnesota Press; Minneapolis. RICHTER, R. 1914. Neue Beobachtungen iiber den Bau der Trilobitengattung Harpes. Zool. Anz. 45, 146-152. 1933. Crustacea (Palaontologie). In dittler, r. et al. (eds.), Handworterbuch der Naturwissen-schaften, 2nd edn., 2, 840-864. Gustav Fischer: Jena. and RICHTER, E. 1954. Die Trilobiten des Ebbe-Sattels und zu vergleischende Arten. Abh. senckenb. naturforsch. Ges. 488, 1-76. ROLFE, w. D. I. 1962. The cuticle of some Middle Silurian Ceratiocaridid Crustacea from Scotland. Palaeontology, 5, 30-51. ROME, D. R. 1936. Note sur la microstructure de Fappareil tegumentaire de Phacops (Ph.) accipitrinus maretiolensis R. and E. Richter. Bull. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 12, 1-7. ROSS, R. J. 1951. Stratigraphy of the Garden City formation in North East Utah, and its trilobite fauna. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., Yale Univ., Bulletin, 6, 1-161. SORBY, H. c. 1879. Anniversary address of the President. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Land. 35, 56-93. STEHLi, F. G. 1956. Shell mineralogy in Palaeozoic invertebrates. Science, 123, 1031-1032. ST0RMER, L. 1930. Scandinavian Trinucleidae with special reference to Norwegian species and varieties. Skr. norske Vidensk Akad. Mat.-naturv. Kl. 4, 1-111. 1931. Boring organisms in trilobite shells. Norske geol. Tidsskr. 12, 533-539. WALCOTT, c. D. 1921. Notes on the structure of Neolenus. Smithson, misc. Colins. 67, 365-456. WHITTINGTON, H. B. 1941. Silicified Trenton trilobites. J. Paleont. 15, 492-522. 1950. Sixteen Ordovician genotype trilobites. Ibid. 24, 531-565. 1956. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites; the Odontopleuridae. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 114, 155-288. 1962. A natural history of trilobites. Rep. Smithson. Instn. for 1961, 405-414. and EViTT, w. r. 1954. Silicified Middle Ordovician trilobites. Mem. geol. Soc. Am. 59, 1-137. ziTTEL, K. A. 1887. Traite de Paleontologie (transl. C. Barrois). 2, 897. Doin: Paris. 1900. A Textbook of Palaeontology (transl. and ed. C. R. Eastman). 1, 706. Macmillan: London. JOHN E. DALINGWATER Department of Zoology The University Manchester M13 9PL Revised typescript received 2 March 1973 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Annual Report of the Council for 1972 Membership. Over the past two years the ordinary membership has shown a significant rise to c. 760 members from the previous plateau of c. 710 members reached in 1966. This improvement may in part be due to the enlarged circulars with their more informative contents. On 31 December 1972 there were 1321 members (771 Ordinary, 138 Student, and 412 Institutional), a net increase of 85 members during the year. Finance. During 1972 the Association published Volume 15 of Palaeontology at a cost of £13,221 and Special Papers 10 and 11 which are expected to cost £4,758. This printing bill of £17,979 is once again the highest in the Association’s history, a reflection of continual price increases in the printing trade. Total expenditure was £19,038, a decrease over the previous year since we reprinted no back numbers of Palaeontology or an Index. An excess provision of £895 for 1971 artificially decreased this year’s figure. General income was satisfactory, but the high level of subscription income is partly the effect of the postal strike in early 1971, and represents subscriptions held over for a year. Sales of Palaeontology were encourag- ing at £7,452, an increase of over £3,000 from 1971, although the latter figure was also adversely affected by the postal strike. The Association is very grateful to those universities and other institutions who gave funds to support individual papers, and in particular to the Royal Society for providing a gift of £400 and a loan of £600 in support of Special Paper 11. The more direct grants that papers receive the more the Association can publish. Although there was a welcome excess of income over expenditure during 1972, our publication reserves were still lower than two years previously. Indeed the reserve of £ 1 2,47 1 , although at first sight a high figure, is still well below our aim of being one year’s printing costs of Palaeontology alone. In particular more subscribers, both institutional and private, are needed to Special Papers before that series can become self- financing. Publications. Four parts of Palaeontology were published during 1972; they contained 47 papers and consisted of 693 pages and 132 plates. The cover of Palaeontology was redesigned ruring the year at Oxford University Press, and was issued from Volume 16 part 1. Special Papers in Palaeontology 11 (for 1972) was published, and Special Paper 12 (for 1973), the Cambridge symposium volume ’Organisms and con- tinents through time’, early in 1973. Advance publicity matter for this Special Paper, widely distributed in N. America through the good offices of Dr. Ellis Yochelson, the S.E.P.M., and the Paleontological Society, resulted in many orders. A sales campaign to promote the Special Papers generally was mounted during the year, most of the work being undertaken by Dr. W. J. Kennedy. It is hoped that members will encourage subscription to this series. The List of British Palaeontologists referred to in the last annual report was issued to Ordinary and Student Members during the year. All the work entailed in the compilation of the volume, and the costs of production, were borne by Robertson Research International Limited, and the Association is greatly indebted to Dr. R. H. Cummings and his staff for their efforts so generously given. Meetings. Six meetings were held during 1972-3. The Association is greatly indebted to Professor P. C. Sylvester-Bradley (Leicester University), Dr. R. H. Cummings (Robertson Research International Limited), and Professor E. A. Vincent (Oxford University) for granting facilities for meetings, to Dr. C. T. Scrutton for leading the field meeting and to the local secretaries for their efficient services. a. The Fifteenth Annual General Meeting was held in the rooms of The Geological Society of London on Wednesday, 1 March 1972. The Annual Report of the Council for 1971-2 was accepted and the Council for 1972-3 elected. Dr. C. Downie of Sheffield University delivered the Fifteenth Annual Address on The Palaeozoic acritarchs’. h. A Field Demonstration Meeting on ‘Devonian corals and stromatoporoids of the Torbay area’ was led by Dr. C. T. Scrutton on 6 May 1972. c. A most successful innovation during the year was a Teach-in ‘Analysis of processes in carbonate environments’, organized by Dr. Julia A. E. B. Hubbard and led by Dr. R. G. C. Bathurst. Numbers N 842 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION were restricted to 40 (including the 1 1 speakers), but were drawn from a wide sector of interests, and from a wide geographic area. This cross-cutting meeting gained many new friends for the Association from neighbouring disciplines. d. A Symposium on The application of electron microscopy to palaeontology’ was held at EMCON 72— the 5th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, at Manchester University on 1 1 September 1972. About 60 people attended, 12 papers were presented, some of which will appear in ‘Palaeontology’. The meeting was organized by Dr. Marjorie D. Muir. e. A Join! Demonstration Meeting on ‘The electron microscope in micropalaeontology’ was held with the British Micropalaeontological Group at Eeicester University on 25 October 1972. This was a sequel to the above meeting, and 22 demonstrations were provided. The local secretary was Mr. R. Clements. f. An Open Discussion Meeting was held at Oxford University on 17-20 December 1972. Over 120 people attended to hear 24 papers, to see the remarkable film of echinoid behaviour brought along by Dr. Porter Kier (arrangements are in hand to obtain a hire copy for the British Eilm Institute), and to view the 20 demonstrations. This was the first of a new style of open meeting organized by the Associa- tion; its undoubted success will encourage the adoption of this pattern for future annual meetings. A welcome feature of this year’s meeting was a choice of two field excursions, run jointly with the British Sedimentological Research Group. The local secretary was Dr. W. J. Kennedy. Council. The following were elected members of Council of the Association for 1972-3 at the Annual General Meeting on 1 March 1972: President: Professor M. R. House. Vice-Presidents: Dr. Gwyn Thomas, Mr. N. E. Hughes. Treasurer: Dr. J. M. Hancock (Deputy Treasurer during Treasurer’s absence abroad: Dr. E. R. M. Cocks). Membership Treasurer: Dr. A. J. Lloyd. Secretary: Dr. W. D. I. Rolfe. Editors: Dr. I. Strachan, Dr. R. Goldring, Dr. J. D. Hudson, Dr. D. J. Gobbett, Dr. L. R. M. Cocks. Other members: Dr. M. G. Bassett, Dr. E. N. K. Clarkson, Dr. R. H. Cummings, Professor D. L. Dineley, Dr. Julia A. E. B. Hubbard (Circular Reporter), Dr. J. K. Ingham, Mr. M. Mitchell, Dr. Marjorie D. Muir, Dr. B. Owens, Dr. W. H. C. Ramsbottom, Dr. P. Rawson, Dr. P. L. Robinson, Dr. A. D. Wright. Circulars. These continued in the enlarged form instituted last year, and there was evidence that the fuller information provided was welcomed; as a result of the Circular Reporter’s initiative, copies were now sent to 99 Institutional Members and interested bodies. Pour Circulars (nos. 69-72) were distributed during the year. Council activities. Besides continuing the planning of the meetings throughout the year. Council has given thought to the following new ventures. On the suggestion of the Stimulus Committee it was agreed that an International Symposium on ‘The Ordovician System’ should be held at Birmingham in 1974. Plans for the meeting and publications have been made by the sub-committee appointed for this task (convener Dr. A. D. Wright) and advance publicity circulated. It was decided to institute a series of hand- books of fossils of various formations, under the general editorship of Dr. J. D. Hudson. The first volume will be ‘Fossils of Wren’s Nest, Dudley’ by Dr. I. Strachan. Besides being represented on the British National Committee for Geology, the Association is now repre- sented on the Botany and Zoology subcommittees of the National Committee for Biology by Professor W. G. Chaloner and Professor M. R. House respectively. During the year, the Association applied for and was recognized by The Geological Society of London as a society, ten years’ membership of which entitles new Fellows to exemption from the usual Admission Fee. BALANCE SHEET AND ACCOUNTS EOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 1972 o o rn 'O r-1 ob o o o o o C 4 'sO o o wb rC o rC ON ro O ^ ^ ON ^ cr b W S (U (1) O ,5- e ^ o Os • ON . cS^ ' <73 0^ £> 5.^1 ! o Si : t. 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