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COUNCIL 1 984- 1985 President : Professor C. Downie, Department of Geology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield SI 3JD Vice-Presidents'. Dr. J. C. W. Cope, Department of Geology, University College, Swansea SA2 8PP Dr. R. Riding, Department of Geology, University College, Cardiff CF1 1XL Treasurer. Dr. M. Romano, Department of Geology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield SI 3JD Membership Treasurer: Dr. A. T. Thomas, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Aston, Birmingham B4 7ET Institutional Membership Treasurer: Dr. A. R. Lord, Department of Geology, University College, London WC1E 6BT Secretary: Dr. P. W. Skelton, Department of Earth Sciences, Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA Circular Reporter: Dr. D. J. Siveter, Department of Geology, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX Marketing Manager: Dr. R. J. Aldridge, Department of Geology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD Editors Dr. D. E. G. Briggs, Department of Geology, Goldsmiths’ College, London SE8 3BU Dr. P. 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On first applying for membership, an application form should be obtained from the Membership Treasurer, Dr. A. T. Thomas, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Aston, Gosta Green, Birmingham B4 7ET. Subscriptions cover one calendar year and are due each January; they should be sent to the Membership Treasurer. All members who join for 1985 will receive Palaeontology , Volume 28, Parts 1-4. All back numbers are still in print and may be ordered from Marston Book Services, P.O. Box 87, Oxford OX4 1LB, England, at £21-50 (U.S. $33) per part (post free). Cover: The dinoflagellate cyst Impagidinium patulum (Wall) Stover and Evitt, from bottom sediments in the North Atlantic Ocean. British Geological Survey specimen M.P.K. 4234. x 2500. PALAEONTOLOG Y REVIEW THE ORIGINS AND AERODYNAMICS OF FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES by KEVIN PADIAN Abstract. Active (flapping, powered) flight has evolved in only three groups of vertebrates: pterosaurs (late Triassic), birds (late Jurassic), and bats (early Tertiary). Gliding has arisen many times in vertebrates, is a separate adaptation from flying, and does not appear to be a prerequisite for active flight. Skeletal features that distinguish flyers from gliders include modifications of the pectoral and forelimb apparati, elongation of the distal part of the wing skeleton for thrust, and certain physiological modifications that often leave clues in the skeleton. Soaring evolved in birds and pterosaurs secondarily, after powered flight was well established in both groups: it is a necessary result of phyletic size increase outstripping the ability to meet power requirements for sustained flapping. The origin of flight can be approached through a combination of phylogenetic, functional, and aerodynamic evidence. A basic question is whether flight evolved in the trees or on the ground. Of the three groups of active flyers, two (pterosaurs and birds) show no trace of gliding antecedents and appear to have evolved flight directly from the ground. Bats show many morphological and phylogenetic indications of an arboreal, gliding ancestry and are very different in all such respects from pterosaurs and birds. The theory of an arboreal origin of flight in birds so far lacks support from phylogenetic and functional-morphologic evidence; arguments in favour of this theory have invoked hypothetical selective advantages of features that either cannot be tested or apply equally to a terrestrial origin. Most of these features were already present in the coelurosaurian dinosaur ancestors of birds. Pterosaurs were structurally and functionally convergent on birds in many locomotory respects, and show prima-facie evidence of a cursorial, non-gliding origin of flight. Aerodynamic considerations of extinct vertebrates have mainly focused on two animals: Archaeopteryx (the first known bird) and Pteranodon (a specialized Cretaceous pterosaur). Functional inferences from skeletal evidence imply that Archaeopteryx was capable of flapping flight, though most 'modern' avian flight features were not developed; it does not seem well built for gliding. Pteranodon (a soarer, not a glider), like many large birds, was capable of active flight but probably only used it to take off, gain altitude, and avert danger. All pterosaurs were strong, active fliers and only large size constrained this ability. Aerodynamics of Pteranodon have commanded much productive interest, but nearly all models have been based either on ( 1 ) a morphologic analogy to bats, which is structurally incorrect, or (2) an aerodynamic analogy to certain low-speed aircraft or hang-gliders, which is both structurally and aerodynamically incorrect. Reappraisal of the anatomy and aerodynamic parameters indicate that Pteranodon s flight range was higher and that it was more active and manoeuverable than previous studies have suggested, and so more comparable to modern soaring birds. Studies of flight in extinct organisms cannot rely solely on engineering models or presumed selective advantages or pressures; they must take into consideration all aspects of phylogeny, function, and aerodynamics. Powered flight is a difficult and complex adaptation which commands attention as a truly 'major feature’ of adaptive evolution. Aerodynamic requirements are severe, and they constrain the kinematics of the flight stroke (the defining feature of powered flight) and the morphology of the wing into adaptive channels that have converged in several vertebrate lineages. For this reason the problem of the origin of flight is especially approachable in macroevolutionary terms (Padian 1982). By comparing the morphology, phylogeny, and ecology of various kinds of flying verte- brates the evolutionary origins of flight may be studied. This approach shows that, although many features of vertebrate flight are common to all flyers, the differences in morphology and | Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 3, 1985, pp. 413-433.) 414 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 ecology suggest different evolutionary pathways to the same ends (Pennycuick 1972; Rayner 1981; Padian 1983/ff. The purpose of this work is to assess the flying abilities of extinct animals. The first step is to review briefly the several modes of air travel, and to show how skeletal indicators of these modes may appear in the fossil record. A basic introduction to the known fossil flyers is followed by a consideration of the origins of flight in birds, pterosaurs, and bats. Finally, treatments of the aerodynamics of extinct vertebrates are reviewed, and new interpretations suggested. It should be noted that in the present context ‘flight’ denotes active, powered, flapping flight only. Other modes of air travel that are not self-powered (gliding, parachuting, and soaring) are thereby differentiated; unfortunately space does not permit extensive treatment of the latter. The scope of this review is by no means exhaustive, but is an introduction to current issues. Important problems such as energetics, neurology, and migration must be largely omitted, as there is little direct evidence of them from the fossil record. TYPES OF VERTEBRATE FLIGHT Air travel in living vertebrates has often been divided into four modes: parachuting, gliding, flapping, and soaring (Lull 1906; Savile 1962; Hildebrand 1982). These have recently been defined and contrasted by Rayner (1981) in an excellent review of flight adaptations in living vertebrates. Parachuting is usually distinguished from gliding in two ways: the force responsible for the majority of aeronautic support (lift for gliding, drag for parachuting), and the angle of descent (shallower than 45° for gliding, steeper than 45° for parachuting). This can be reduced to a consideration of lift/drag ratio. In evolutionary terms, parachuting may require less morphologic modification, for it is merely a way of slowing a fall; gliding implies a greater horizontal component and a longer time in the air, often with a relatively precise pre-selected landing point. Some authors believe that only radially symmetrical organisms can really qualify as parachuters, though others define parachuting as drag force exceeding lift force. Flapping flight, as its name implies, is defined by the flight stroke, which imparts power in the form of forward thrust. When the resulting increase in air speed from the flight stroke is applied over the surfaces of an aerodynamically efficient airfoil, a pressure differential creates thrust, enabling the animal to gain altitude regardless of assistance from winds or a high starting point. Soaring is a secondary adaptation in large birds and (apparently) large pterosaurs that evolved from flappers and still retain some capacity to flap. Soaring, which has often been likened to falling down an up escalator, allows the animal to make use of thermals (convection rings of rising air) to gain energy that offsets the animal’s weight. Such energy may also be gained from winds, as well as from wind speeds that vary with altitude (Pennycuick 1972; Brower 1983). Soaring is both energetically inexpensive and advantageous to predators with acute long-distance vision; the low energetic cost appears to have enabled many soaring birds and pterosaurs to grow phyletically to a size at which flapping for extended periods is energetically impossible. One would think that there is no reason why gliding animals, incapable of powered flight, could not directly evolve a soaring habit. However, gliders have a wing of poor aspect ratio for optimal soaring performance, they cannot easily avoid various kinds of aeronautical hazards, and there are few ecological advantages of soaring to them because they are not visually oriented predators. Rayner (1981) has pointed out that bats do not soar because there are no convective air currents at night. In the absence of selective pressure to become diurnal, seek large prey, and develop acute vision, soaring probably would not be useful for bats. Gliding animals, by virtue of their ecology and diets, also have no reason to soar and it is not surprising that this mode of air travel is largely restricted to a secondary adaptation in groups of predatory and scavenging flappers. Skeletal correlates of aerial adaptations can provide insight into the aerodynamic abilities of extinct vertebrates. Gliding adaptations are difficult to recognize in the fossil record because they often leave no skeletal clues, and airfoils are seldom preserved. In the absence of an airfoil, adaptations to some form of air travel may be recognized by analogy to modern forms (text-fig. 1). For example, the hyperelongated ribs of the lizard-like Kuehneosaurus (upper Triassic, Bristol PADIAN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 415 Channel: Robinson 1962) and the closely related Icarosaurus (upper Triassic, New Jersey: Colbert 1966, 1970) are quite similar to those of the modern agamid lizard Draco , which uses its ribs to support a gliding membrane (Colbert 1967). Morphologic features can also indicate functional, aerodynamic, and even physiological abilities and limitations in fossil forms. Several such criteria are available to distinguish active flyers from passive gliders (Padian 19836). text-fig. 1 . Three reptiles that modified their ribs as gliding organs, a, Weigeltosaurus , upper Permian (after Evans); b, Icarosaurus , upper Triassic; c, the living agamid lizard Draco. Scale bars represent 2 cm. 1. The defining feature of a flying vertebrate is its flight stroke. Adaptations related to the generation of the power stroke include an expanded bony sternum or breastbone (including a pronounced median keel) for anchoring the flight muscles, a shoulder girdle that is braced to the sternum, an enlarged deltopectoral crest on the humerus for the insertion of flight muscles, and a shoulder articulation that limits forearm movement to activities compatible with the flight stroke (text-fig. 2). Flying vertebrates have developed these features to a relatively greater or lesser degree (bats rather less than birds and pterosaurs in some respects), but such features are never found in the skeletons of gliders. 2. The forelimb proportions in aerial vertebrates are often greater than in non-aerial relatives. Flying squirrels, for instance, have humerus and forearm segments significantly elongated over those of other squirrels (Bryant 1945; Thorington and Fleaney 1981). True flyers take this a step further in that the outermost segment of the wing, comprising the wrist (birds), hand (bats), or one finger (pterosaurs), is hypertrophied, which never happens in gliders (text-fig. 2). This is the area that provides thrust (forward motion) in active flight, whereas the inner two wing segments provide lift (on which a glide depends for aerial support: see Rayner 1981). 3. The airfoil in gliders is normally a simple extension of skin and superficial muscle, stretched by bony elements (limbs and bone spars in most gliders, but ribs in others), and without any (or with only rudimentary) internal support structures (Jepsen 1970; Thorington and Fleaney 1981; Novacek 1982). In flyers the airfoil is always stiffened by anteroposteriorly oriented structural elements. These are the feather shafts of birds, the fingers of bats, and the intercalated wing fibres of pterosaurs (Zittel 1882; Wellnhofer 1975; Padian 19836). These may reduce spanwise tension in the wing membrane, a problem noted by Bramwell and Whitfield (1974) for pterosaurs, and equally applicable to bats. Such structural elements certainly act in all flyers to give camber to the wing and to provide competence of the airfoil during the flight stroke. 4. Gliders, which are all arboreal, retain most locomolory abilities of their non-gliding relatives. This is not true for flyers, whose limb structures have been modified to accommodate the kinematics of the flight stroke by reducing unrelated mobility at certain joints, lightening and strengthening 416 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 bones, and eliminating unnecessary muscle weight from the wings. Limitations of normal mam- malian locomotion are obvious in the bats (except Desmodus , the vampire bat, which is secondarily modified for walking and jumping: Altenbach 1979). Ostrom (19766) demonstrated the restrictions of certain wrist and hand movements in post -Archaeopteryx birds, compared to their coelurosaurian dinosaur ancestors. And the limitations on the motion of pterosaur forelimbs, documented by Hankin and Watson (1914), Bramwell and Whitfield (1974), Wellnhofer (1978), and others, have been shown to be modifications related to the down-and-forward flight stroke common to birds and bats (Padian 1983a, 6). This stroke and its aerodynamic effects are well understood in living forms (Pennycuick 1972; Rayner 1979). 5. Pneumatic foramina (holes in the skeleton for expansion of respiratory surface into the bone cavities, used to cool the blood), and thermoinsulatory coverings such as feathers and fur, indicate a level of metabolism necessary to sustain active flight. Bats lack pneumatic foramina, though birds and pterosaurs have them. Therefore, whereas such foramina are not necessary for flight, their presence leads to only one inference (Seeley 1870). Pterosaurs and birds, unlike other known diapsids (crocodiles, squamates, and Sphenodori), evolved a thermoinsulatory covering. Bats, of course, are furred, but so are other mammals, so this feature by itself does not relate to flight. Indeed, it is not even clear that these features evolved strictly in the context of flight in the other two groups, but knowledge of such fossilized structures is poor. TRUE VERTEBRATE FLYERS Pterosaurs have their earliest records in the Norian (upper Triassic) of Italy (Wild 1978), birds in the upper Jurassic of Germany (with apparent occurrences in France and Utah [Jensen 1981]), and bats in the Eocene of North America (Jepsen 1970) and Germany. Pterosaurs died out at the close of the Cretaceous Period, along with all the dinosaurs except birds, which by their coelurosaurian ancestry are properly considered theropod dinosaurs (see below). Pterosaurs coexisted with birds, and have a more extensive and diverse fossil record than birds, throughout the Cretaceous. During this time the record of birds is virtually restricted to open-water forms such as the ternlike Ichthyor- nis , the diving, flightless Hesperornis, and its relative Baptornis (Marsh 1880). At the close of the Cretaceous some other forms appear, but these are only poorly known (Brodkorb 1963) and only tenuously linked to living orders. Cretaceous pterosaurs are also almost entirely found in marine facies, and have commonly been presumed pelican- or gull-like in their habits. Because the known Cretaceous representatives of these groups evidently had similar ecologies, on face value it may be inferred that pterosaurs did not die out from competition with the birds, but rather from a failure to keep diversifying and replacing taxa, a necessary component of evolutionary persistence. Bats seem to have occupied a nocturnal, originally insectivorous adaptive zone since sometime in the early Tertiary, after the pterosaurs were gone and the birds already well established. Pterosaurs. Pterosaurs have recently been reviewed and revised by Wellnhofer (1970, 1974-1975, 1978: anatomy and diversity) and Padian (1979, 1980, 1983a, b\ locomotion and flight). In light of recent work a summary of salient features of pterosaurs may be given. They were active flyers with a shoulder girdle strongly buttressed to the sternum, which was widely expanded over the ventral thorax and keeled in the midline (Wellnhofer 1978). The sternum anchored the flight muscles, and as in birds the recovery stroke of flight, powered by the M. supracoracoideus equivalent, was effected by a pulley mechanism involving the acrocoracoid process of the coracoid, which changed the primitive action of the muscle from an adductor to an elevator (Padian 19836). The wing could be folded, but the joint separating the second and third of the three major functional units of the wing was between the fourth metacarpal and its phalanx, not at the wrist as in birds (text-fig. 2). The wing was a membrane of skin with a network of closely intercalated ‘fibres’ that provided strength and camber; these ‘fibres’ are never found folded but are always gathered, so their structural in- tegrity is evident (Zittel 1882; Wellnhofer 1975; Padian 19836). They may have been modified scales, and were presumably keratinous. The wing was brought forward through a down-and-forward path PADIAN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 417 bird pterosaur bat c a text-fig. 2. Diagrammatic comparisons of the thoracic regions and forelimbs of the three groups of vertebrate flyers. Thoracic regions (above) are seen from the front; right forelimbs (below) in dorsal view. Structurally, the coracoids of pterosaurs and birds and the clavicles of bats appear to be analogous, as do the bird’s furcula, the cristospine of pterosaurs, and the manubrium of bats; the last two structures are situated at the anterior extreme of the sternum. Abbreviations: c, carpus; ca, calcar; clav , clavicle; cor, coracoid; furc, furcula; hum, humerus; me, metacarpus; pt, pteroid; r, radius; sc, scapula; ster, sternum; u, ulna; I-V, numbered digits. Not to scale. 418 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 during the flight stroke, and retracted by an up-and-backward motion, as in birds and bats (Padian 1983/;). The hindlimbs were sufficient for bipedality to be the only means of terrestrial locomotion; pterosaurs could not walk on all fours because the forelimbs could not rotate past the limit of the forward flight stroke (Padian and Olsen 1984; Padian 1983/;). The femur was held in a diagonal to horizontal position nearly parallel to the body midline, as in birds and most dinosaurs, and the gait was parasagittal and digitigrade (Padian 1983r/, b ). The Pterosauria comprise some forty genera, traditionally divided between the paraphyletic Rhamphorhynchoidea and their monophyletic descendants, the Pterodactyloidea; diagnostic differences are reviewed in Wellnhofer (1978) and Padian (1980). Pterosaurs, though not dinosaurs, were very closely related to them and share with them many synapomorphies (Gauthier 1984); their closest known sister taxon appears to be the small ornithosuchian archosaur Scleromochlus (von Huene 1914;Padian 1980, 1984; Gauthier 1984). Birds. The fossil record of birds begins with Archaeopteryx, from the upper Jurassic Solnhofen limestones of Bavaria. The history of the five known specimens (plus the original feather) has often been reviewed (see e.g. Ostroin 1979 and references therein). Even more frequently repeated is the concept of the mosaic ‘half-reptile, half-bird’ morphology of Archaeopteryx , although until recent years there was no convincing picture of which ‘reptiles’ included the direct ancestors of birds. Ostrom, in a series of papers (1973-1979), established that birds were descended from small co- elurosaurian theropod dinosaurs, on the basis of a series of unusual and generally overlooked characters that were unique to these dinosaurs and birds (represented by Archaeopteryx). Padian (1982) formalized Ostrom’s evidence and arguments, along with additional evidence, into a testable cladistic framework in which some fifty synapomorphies of Archaeopteryx and coelurosaurs were recognized; Gauthier (1984) has expanded this list to over 120 (Gauthier and Padian, in press). Critics of Ostrom’s theory (e.g. Walker 1977; Tarsitano and Hecht 1980; Martin et at. 1980; Martin 1983) have quarrelled with interpretations of individual characters or have argued that some proposed synapomorphic features are ‘not similar’, and have pointed out resemblances of either Archaeopteryx or modern birds to other selected fossil archosaurs. However, these critics have not recognized or addressed the structure of cladistic methodology, which is a valuable tool for reconstructing phylogeny precisely because it transforms mere lists of characters (e.g. Martin 1983) into hierarchical distributions of nested sets of characters, thereby forming a more robust logical structure than a list. In this context, non-hierarchical claims of ‘similarity’ or ‘dissimilarity’ have no objective meaning. Statements about sister-group relationships between two taxa must be gauged against a third in order to establish phylogenetic homology; the latter is deductive, not declarative, and so, logically, are statements about ‘dissimilarity’ (non-homology at a given phylogenetic level). As Martin (1983) and others have pointed out the coelurosaurian hypothesis is based almost exclusively on an extensive series of post-cranial characters (though the skull of Archaeopteryx is in all recognizable respects coelurosaurian), which ostensibly evolved independent of the others. Ostrom compared these across a wide range of coelurosaurs and other archosaurs. Walker (1973) and Martin el al. (1980), who advocate a common origin of crocodiles and birds (among as yet unspecified ‘thecodonts’), have mainly relied upon certain features of the ear region which are unfortunately not preserved in the crucial coelurosaurs. Because two-thirds of a comparison cannot establish anything with respect to the other third, at present the evidence of the ear region is only tantalizing, though potentially quite valuable. Critics of Ostrom’s post-cranial theory though have yet to demonstrate or even propose that any other specified taxon is closer in these respects to Archaeopteryx', consequently, it must be provisionally accepted that birds are descended from theropod dinosaurs— in fact, they are the closest sister-group of deinonychosaurian coelurosaurs ( senso Colbert and Russell 1969; see Padian 1982, and Gauthier and Padian, in press). This phylogenetic premise is necessary to understand which skeletal features conventionally regarded as ‘avian’ are really avian and not simply dinosaurian, theropodan, or coelurosaurian. The typical textbook litanies of ‘avian’ characters include hollow bones, a lightly built skeleton, long forelimbs, fused clavicles, and a keeled sternum; yet all these features are already synapomorphies of coelurosaurian dinosaurs, and the last is not preserved in Archaeopteryx (Gauthier and Padian, in PADIAN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 419 press). At present the only known character distinguishing Archaeopteryx as a bird is the flight feathers, which demonstrates that Archaeopteryx was an active flier (Feduccia and Tordoff 1979). Later birds are distinguished from Archaeopteryx by the fused and reduced wrist and fingers, and the ossified contact of the coracoid with the expanded sternum, both modifications for flight; and by the fusion of pelvic elements, reduction of teeth, and various cranial features. These, however, must be regarded as ancillary to the origin of birds; in an adaptive sense they can be viewed as fine-tuning the flight mechanism and the avian life-style. Bats. Evidence for the origin of bats is indirect. The earliest fossil bat is Icaronycteris, from the Green River (Bridgerian: middle Eocene) of Wyoming (Jepsen 1970). Its complete skeleton, magnificently preserved, has been subjected to some phylogenetic debate, but most workers prefer to assign it, with some reservations, to the Microchiroptera. It has a long tail and many other primitive features, but it is in all respects a flying bat, with fully developed wings. Possible dental records of bats from the early Eocene are provocative but shed no light on the question of bat origins; spectacular skeletal fossils from the Middle Eocene (Lutetian) Messel pits of the Darmstadt region of Germany represent several species of primitive bats. Recent re-evaluation of several ancient, generalized, closely related placental groups (including the Scandentia or tree shrews, bats, primates, and lipotyphlan insectivores) suggest that dermopterans and bats are sister groups (Novacek 1982). If this view prevails the understanding of plesiomorphic characters and ecological factors in the origin of bat flight may fit a cohesive evolutionary pattern (see below). ORIGINS OF FLIGHT ‘Origins’ has been left plural because mounting evidence suggests that pathways to vertebrate flight have differed, depending as much on phylogenetic constraints as on aerodynamic ones. Powered flight is defined here by the common use in all flyers of the down-and-forward flight stroke of the wings. The wing produces both lift (inner segment) and thrust (outer segment). How such wings evolve is not so clear-cut. In order to be convincing, explanations of the evolution of flight must be consistent with empirical knowledge. Evolutionary theory can support many kinds of adaptive explanations, but only a fusion of many independent lines of evidence can suggest which historical explanations are more appropriate in a given case (Padian 1982). Bird flight. Far more attention has been paid to birds than to bats and pterosaurs with regard to the origin of flight. Ostrom (1974, 1979) reviewed the old dichotomy between the terrestrial, cursorial origin (‘from the ground up’: Williston 1879; Nopcsa 1907, 1923)— obscure and unsupported by evidence for nearly a century— and the arboreal, gliding origin (Marsh 1880; Bock 1965), which has predominated in evolutionary thought. The latter is intuitively more convincing, perhaps because the images of climbing, leaping, parachuting, gliding, and finally flapping sail past our eyes like cartoons in a flipbook. The question is not whether this theory is possible; I will argue later that it is, at least for bats. The question is really whether it is supported by evidence; and so far the answer is surprisingly negative, at least for birds. This is odd considering the reliance most modern birds place on arboreal life; however, to study the origin of flight is not to deal with why modern birds live in trees, but how ancient birds got into the air. Post hoc arguments are not applicable. Bock (1965) championed the arboreal theory by showing that it was consistent with the neo- Darwinian Modern Synthesis of evolution — invoking no teleology and no inadaplive stages, with each adaptive level self-sufficient and derivable from the previous one by small steps. Selective advantages of each intergrading stage were self-evident, on the basis of their survival and success in modern forms. But as valid as these assumptions may be, they hold true regardless of any empirical evidence that may be brought to bear on the origin of birds and their flight. Bock's theory, in the absence of evidence, reduces to a statement of belief that flight evolved in accordance with the Modern Synthesis; but many possible explanations can be accommodated by the Synthesis. The point at issue is to discover which factors could discriminate between alternate theories. There are at least three kinds of factors at work; phylogenetic, functional, and aerodynamic 420 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 B traditional model 'streamlined' model PADIAN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 421 (Padian 1982). Phylogenetically the most robust hypothesis is that birds began from small, active, carnivorous, bipedal theropod dinosaurs. As Ostrom (1974) realized, any satisfactory theory of bird origins has to begin with Archaeopteryx ; and any satisfactory theory of Archaeopteryx must consider the habits of its closest sister-group. This, the predatory Deinonychosauria, included agile, terres- trial, cursorial bipeds with long arms, large brains, and stereoscopic vision (Hopson 1980; Russell 1980; Ostrom 1980). Trends toward these features in the evolution of coelurosaurs is clear (Padian 1982; Gauthier 1984; Gauthier and Padian, in press). Though perhaps nothing about the skeletons of these animals, including Archaeopteryx , precludes at least the smaller forms from climbing trees, no evidence favours it (Ostrom 1979)— despite a wealth of skeletal correlates in modern birds for scansorial and arboreal adaptations (Feduccia 1973; Bock and Miller 1959). Therefore, unless compelling arguments can be adduced for an arboreal stage in the evolution of flight, it seems to me that the phylogenetic and palaeoecological evidence of terrestrial ancestry must be taken at face value. Coelurosaurs had many structural features that later figured in the evolution of flight. These attributes may be adduced from the extensive skeletal comparisons of coelurosaurs and other archosaurs by Ostrom ( 1 974- 1 976). Some of these have a direct relationship to the later development of the flight stroke in birds. In addition to the anatomical features mentioned above, Ostrom (1969) noted the semilunate wrist joint in deinonychosaurs (text-fig. 3a), which allowed them to flex their long hands laterally against the forearm— in fact, to fold them exactly as a bird folds its wing (Ostrom 19766). Archaeopteryx shows no specialization of the forelimb bones beyond those of other deinonychosaurs, and the bones themselves are only slightly longer proportionally than in its larger, non-volant relatives. Direct palaeontologic evidence indicates that deinonychosaurs used the forelimbs to grasp prey while attacking it with the teeth and clawed feet (Kielan-Jaworowska 1975)— just as Ostrom (1969) had predicted. To seize prey from a retracted position the humerus must be protracted and adducted, the forearm extended, and the hand extended by swinging forward and mediad, pushed in part by differential movement of the radius relative to the ulna (text-fig. 3a). (When the elbow is flexed the radius slides forward over the ulna and flexes the long hand against the forearm, as in birds.) The shoulder joint is a ball and socket with only partial restriction of movement, the elbow is a hinge, and the wrist another hinge; the mobility of these joints is equivalent to or greater than those of birds, and restricted in similar ways. Therefore only the smallest conceivable modification is necessary to change the functional repertoire of the deinonychosaurian forelimb to accommodate the down-and-forward motion of flight. Because these structures and functions were useful in a very different context for terrestrial predators, it cannot be argued that they evolved specifically for flight. They were co-opted from a predatory function, and this would only have been possible in a terrestrial setting, as Ostrom (1974) explained: Climbing and flying involve different sets of muscles and require very different movements of the various forelimb components. In all probability, selective forces that tended to perfect one activity would not have been optimal for the other. And while we can rationalize the advantages of climbing into trees as a necessary precursor to the earliest stages of the evolution of flight, from a functional anatomical aspect the two activities are unrelated. text-fig. 3. a, left pectoral girdle and forelimb of the coelurosaurian dinosaur Deinonychus, in lateral view: left , with arm folded, right, with arm extended. The semilunate carpal synapomorphic of deinonychosaurs and birds is at the base of the three digits, b, right hindlimbs in lateral view: the fruit bat Pteropus , the pterosaur Dimorphodon , the small theropod dinosaur Compsognathus , the first known bird Archaeopteryx, and the pigeon Columba. Note the differences in orientation, femoral head, fibular location, and metatarsal- phalangeal structure between the bat and the four archosaurs; the former hangs upside-down in trees, whereas the latter are and were presumably active terrestrial bipeds, c, dorsal view of the Cretaceous pterosaur Pteranodon in flight: left side, the traditional ‘wide-winged’ model, after Bramwell and Whitfield 1974; right side, the revised ‘streamlined’ model based on new analysis of the forelimb and hindlimb articulations (Padian 19836), and on wing impressions preserved in the genus Rhamphorhynchus. 422 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 What of the role of feathers? Most workers have accepted Regal's (1975) contention that feathers evolved initially as modified scales to enhance thermoregulation, though whether to shed heat, retain it, or both, depends on answers to palaeoenvironmental and palaeophysiological questions that may never be resolved. In any case. Regal’s thoughtful analysis applies only to body feathers (down and contour); flight feathers are clearly specially modified contour feathers, and their in- sulatory function when folded is almost certainly secondary in an evolutionary sense to their development as a flight organ. Ostrom (1975a, b) proposed, following the predatory ecology of the coelurosaurs, that hypertrophied feathers on the forelimbs were selected as an aid to batting down flying insects. Although this use is consistent with generally distributed predatory traits in theropods, it is difficult to see how the improvement of a predatory function such as this would have paved the way for the development of flight, a locomotory function (Padian 1982). (Ostrom produced a parallel argument, quoted above, to dispel the arboreal theory’s putative connection between climbing and flying.) Martin (1983) commented that a solid mesh of feathers was a poorly designed 'net' that probably would have only blown the insect prey farther away. Caple et al. (1983) showed that the 'insect nets’ would have generated severe instability and loss of balance. They proposed instead that if the earliest birds and their immediate forerunners caught prey with their teeth instead of their hands, the arms would have been very effective bilateral stabilizers during a jump into the air. Even a forelimb surface expansion capable of lifting 1% of the animal’s body weight would have had a significant effect on stability. A greater surface area would result in even greater stability, which, combined with faster takeoff speed, would result in increased lift, a longer time in the air, and presumably a more successful insect forage. Ostrom and most workers have since conceded the advantages of this model (Lewin 1983). Caple et al. (1983) made the terrestrial flight model a strong contender by overcoming the objection that when the winged proto-bird leapt into the air it would immediately lose speed from its only source of power (the legs). The authors set up the basic requirements for the evolution of the flight stroke itself, but did not pursue it to the specific case of birds; I have shown that this stroke is almost fully evolved already in deinonychosaurs, though nearly inconceivable in any other contemporary animals. Any protraction and extension of an airworthy, feathered forelimb would have increased lift and time in the air — whether useful for pursuit of prey (Ostrom 1975a, b ), escape from predators (Harrison 1976), or simply more agile running over broken ground (Padian 1982), is not important. Any repetition of such a stroke sustains the animal in flight even longer. From these modest beginnings the flight of birds evolved by steps no less adaptive, incremental, or self-sufficient than those of the arboreal scenario. The difference is that ecological stages for which no evidence exists are not invoked. (See Harrison 1976 for several perceptive comments on this issue.) The fossil record indicates that the immediate ancestors of birds were terrestrial, agile, bipedal, cursorial, and predatory. It does not indicate that they were arboreal, climbers, parachuters, or gliders. Bock (1983) suggested that feathers would have evolved to advantage in treetops, where heat loss is allegedly greater than on the ground; that stereoscopic vision would have been useful for proto-birds clambering through branches; and that long feathers would have helped break an accidental fall from the trees. These hypothetical advantages have yet to be supported by evidence for arboreality. Martin (1983) asserted that Archaeopteryx 'was more adapted for moving about in the trees than for a life in the open plain’, based on an analogy to primates. His contention that Archaeopteryx could not run or even stand fully erect hinges on an interpretation that the proximal femur is obliquely oriented in the acetabulum; however, this orientation applies to dinosaurs, modern birds, pterosaurs, and most mammals, all of which walk parasagittally (text-fig. 3b). This advanced condition is sharply contrasted with the ‘semi-erect’ condition in 'thecodonts’ and croco- diles, all of which have a primitive sigmoid femur with a head that is continuous with the shaft, not set off by a distinct neck. The mobility and anatomy of every joint in the hindlimb of Archaeopteryx must be considered; Martin (1983) dealt only with the long proportions of the hindlimb, which he suggested was an adaptation to jumping. He did not detail his scenario in which 'a small arboreal reptile with a tendency toward bipedality . . . [which] was improved by vertical climbing PAD1AN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 423 and leaping’, developed flight, nor how fully terrestrial abilities might have re-evolved. It seems, on balance, that many unnecessary steps must be invoked only to get the trees in there somehow. Though both hypotheses demand further work, most workers in the recent literature seem to have accepted Ostrom’s ideas on the anatomy, phylogenetic relationships, and functional morpho- logy of Archaeopteryx (e.g. Bakker and Galton 1974; Wellnhofer 1974; Desmond 1975; Padian 1983rt, b; Thulborn and Hanley 1982; Gauthier 1984; Cracraft 1977; Colbert 1980; Russell 1980; Hotton 1980; Bakker 1980; Halstead and Halstead 1981; McGowan 1980; Caple et al. 1983; etc.). The aerodynamic model of Caple et al. (1983) promises to be highly productive in further in- vestigations of the evolution of bird flight (Lewin 1983). Bat flight. The question of the origin of bat flight is in some ways at about the same stage as the question of bird flight was a decade ago, perhaps because so little is known about the ancestry of bats. Once Ostrom proposed a specific origin of birds the question of the origin of their flight assumed a whole new dimension, because models could be constructed on actual taxa. This was particularly important with birds because they have no living relatives that are the least bit like them ecologically. Though the fossil record does not reveal much about the origin of bats, they share a close common ancestry with other orders of small mammals of nocturnal, arboreal, insectivorous, or omnivorous habits (lipotyphlan insectivores, Dermoptera, and Scandentia). Dermopterans are at least as ancient as bats, if the fossil record gives any indication. However, no one would propose that the modern dermopteran is a plausible Urtyp for the earliest bat: for reasons laid out by Jepsen (1970) the colugo is highly specialized for its inverted, fruit-eating lifestyle. But the forests in which the colugo now lives were certainly not always of their present compositions, and therefore it is reasonable to assume that dermopterans have changed with their environment, as bats have. It is highly probable that in the early Eocene or Palaeocene the members of the two groups looked more like each other than their modern representatives do. Perhaps from these considerations a general idea of proto-bat ecology may be extrapolated. Let ns assume, as nearly all workers on the problem have, that the ancestors of bats had the ecological characteristics noted above. As in many primitive mammals, there may also have been a rudimentary sense of echolocation, though perhaps the mechanism was not homologous to the organs used in chiropteran echolocation. Because these features are generally distributed among the sister-groups of bats, no special explanation of the adaptive value of these characters to bats is necessary. At this point, to go further in the investigation of the origin of bat flight requires a more specific statement about the closest sister-taxon of bats. If, for example, the Dermoptera were so established (Novacek 1982) the investigation is reduced to three alternatives: (1) bats did not go through a gliding stage, and evolved powered flight completely independently of the dermopterans’ evolution of gliding; (2) the common ancestors of bats and dermopterans went through a gliding stage, and the two lineages subsequently diverged; (3) bats and dermopterans independently evolved a gliding stage, and the bats went on from there to evolve powered flight. The phylogenetic milieu is a powerful source of information about the context of functional evolution. Without a better fossil record of the earliest bats and proto-bats the most promising line of evidence for the origin of bat flight would seem to be analysis of the interrelationships of known orders and the trends that mark their histories. However, some interesting ideas and approaches of previous workers suggest that even in the absence of phylogenetic information, the functional problem can be explored. Jepsen (1970) proposed three stages in the evolution of bat flight. Stage 1, the pre-bat, was much like the animals described above, except that Jepsen postulated ’large (and, possibly, webbed) front feet’ useful in leaping after prey, with hind legs and feet that ‘could be extended outward (laterally) from the body when it moved around in crevices’. It also could hang by its hind feet, as flying squirrels can, and could leap from this posture to a nearby target. Stage 2, the sub-bat, had ‘webbed large hands (or small wings) which were used principally in catching flying prey’, and the proto-wings of skin ‘enabled the sub-bat to be very briefly sustained in the air by rapid flapping’ after prey. The legs were now fixed laterally. Stage 3 is the essentially modern bat, with fully grown wings and 424 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 refined skeletomuscular adaptations. It is important to note that Jepsen did not believe that bats ever passed through a gliding stage: he regarded gliding as a separate evolutionary plateau (or dead end). Instead, like Ostrom, he placed great reliance on the hypertrophy of the hands as prey-catchers. Two problems with this are: (1) how did a (normally) quadrupedal mammal get around in trees with these large webbed hands, and (2) once again, why should the improvement of a predatory function pave the way for a locomotory function? The evolution of inverted posture is indeed very important, and (as Sam McLeod once suggested to me) may have evolved well before the other features: otherwise, how would the forelimbs be freed for flight? Once suspended upside down, it is easier to drop to a lower target than to climb up, so presumably the advantage of a gliding ability is not eliminated (see below). Smith (1977), working from the model of a typical gliding proto-bat, regarded the expansion of the wrist and hand membranes almost as a developmental by-product of elongating the digits along with the other forelimb bones. (Fair enough, but why then do not other mammalian gliders have hypertrophied hands?) He suggested that ‘the continued development of the wing, in this manner, eventually would have produced an ungainly and clumsy structure that necessitated movement as a wing rather than a fixed gliding device’. The theory stresses the random nature of raw materials upon which selection may act, but the development of the flight stroke and the form-function complexes of bat limbs and girdles is left unexplained. Smith, however, concluded that bats passed through a gliding stage. His view contrasts with that of Pirlot (1977), who suggested that bat flight began as brief periods of hovering while jumping at insects from the ground, again without a gliding stage. Clark (1977) argued against this because the curve of power requirements for increasing flight speed is U-shaped; therefore it would have been far less costly for bats to begin with medium-speed flight, because hovering is as expensive as high-speed flight. Clark concluded that ‘it is more reasonable to suggest that bat ancestors were gliders which gradually evolved the capacity for sustained (and controlled) flight at speeds where power requirements were minimal'. One argument in favour of a gliding origin for bats is that, if their ancestors were indeed arboreal, they would almost have had to have been gliders first: an animal that experiments with powered flight in the treetops risks mortal danger at each outing without some kind of airfoil to break the fall. Evidence for such a glider-type design is found in the configuration of the wing in bats, the only flyers to incorporate the hindlimbs into the airfoil, as all mammalian gliders do (Padian 1982). Without a gliding stage, it must be postulated that the legs became incorporated into the wing only after flapping flight evolved, which did not happen in birds or pterosaurs. An alternative is that enlargement of the hand, and evolution of the flight stroke, occurred in bats after the gliding habit was established. The gliding membrane could have been the ‘safety net' for the evolution of flight in an arboreal setting. Pterosaur flight. The section is quite brief because there is almost no discussion of the origin of pterosaur flight in the literature. This is hardly surprising, as most writers have considered pterosaurs mere gliders, and their exact phyletic origins have not been well understood. Von Huene (1914) suggested that pterosaurs evolved from small arboreal ‘thecodonts’ like Scleromochlus , which jumped from branch to branch, then developed parachuting, gliding, and flapping flight. Romer repeated von Huene’s origin of flight theory nearly verbatim in all editions of his Vertebrate Paleontology , but leaving out mention of Scleromochlus , which he considered a dinosaur. Elsewhere I argue the opposite (Padian 1984): that von Huene got the phylogeny right, but the scenario wrong. Scleromochlus is the closest known sister-group to pterosaurs, as von Huene thought (Padian 1980; Gauthier 1984). But in locomotory adaptations it was a small, light, bipedal runner, and so were pterosaurs for nearly the first hundred million years of their existence (upper Triassic-upper Cretaceous). Pterosaurs parallel birds in so many adaptive respects that every argument applicable to the terrestrial theory given above for birds also applies to pterosaurs (Padian 1983/?). They stood, held their limbs, and moved their joints in almost exactly the same ways (text-fig. 3b), and such adaptations as the acrocoracoid process of the shoulder girdle, the restricted glenoid fossa, the PADIAN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 425 coracoids buttressed to the sternum, the narrow wings unconnected to the feet, the pelvic con- figuration, the reduced fibula, and the mesotarsal ankle suggest, even with the regrettable paucity of supporting fossils, that pterosaurs evolved flight in a cursorial, terrestrial context, without a gliding stage. They never developed an avian-style perching foot, their hind claws were never sharply curved (unlike their fore claws), and they always kept a low femur/tibia ratio and a high metatarsal/tibia ratio characteristic of lightly built, active animals (Coombs 1978), and un- characteristic of non-avian arboreal forms. Perhaps they could climb trees; but as in the earliest birds, no evidence currently supports this point, whereas ample evidence indicates high proficiency as terrestrial bipeds. The origin of the first group of vertebrate flyers, unfortunately, is far more poorly known than the origins of flight in the other two groups, and their comparative biology far more difficult to approach. AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE OF FOSSIL VERTEBRATES Apart from calculations made by Colbert (1966, 1967, 1970), Evans (1982), Thorington and Heaney (1981), and others of the weight, wing area, and wing loadings of various gliders, studies of aerodynamic performance in fossil vertebrates have centred on two animals: Archaeopteryx and Pteranodon. In both, estimates have been made of gliding performance, with some consideration of minimal power requirements for flapping flight. Archaeopteryx. It is important to remember that most work on the aerodynamics of Archaeopteryx preceded Ostrom's hypotheses of theropod ancestry and terrestrial origin of flight. In this aero- dynamic work it was assumed that Archaeopteryx was arboreal and mainly a glider, which flew weakly if at all. If Ostrom’s ideas (later modified and developed mathematically by Caple et al. 1983) are correct, a gliding stage would have been aerodynamically obviated, because gliding from the ground up is so ineffective. There is no way to tell how much, if any, gliding Archaeopteryx did, but there is certainly value in estimating its gliding performance, as well as its power requirements. Flying animals can glide at a range of speeds, merely by varying the incidence of the glide. They also flex the wings at high speeds in order to obtain a range of glide performance (J. M. V. Rayner, pers. comm.). Gliding performance is maximized when the gliding angle (proportional to the sinking speed) is low, because the lift is high relative to drag. But if the lift is too high, the animal slows until it stalls. The minimum flying speed (F min ) is achieved when lift is maximized (C L max: just before stalling) and is inversely correlated with it. This is expressed by the formula V 2 = 2 WlpSC L in which W, the weight (mass x gravity), approximates the lift ( L ) in a steady glide, p is the density of air, and 5 the area of the airfoil. Cz, max is best calculated empirically, and ranges from 1-3 to 1-6 in modern birds and bats (Pennycuick 1972). Because p is usually assumed, the critical biologic variables are the weight and wing area, the quotient of which is called the wing loading, and is roughly proportional to gliding speed. The aerodynamic analysis, then, begins with calculations of weight and wing area. Heptonstall (1970) confirmed Jerison’s (1968) estimate of the former at 500 g, and calculated the wing area at 373 cm 2 , exclusive of body and tail surfaces. Bramwell (1971) and Yalden (1971a) argued for lower weights (200-250 g) and larger lift areas (479 cm 2 , including 91 cm 2 on the body between the wings). Yalden (19716) compared Archaeopteryx to birds of similar wing span (58 cm) and found a weight range of 170-300 g; the same range was found for mammals of similar head-body length (21-8 cm). Yalden used estimates of 150, 200, and 250 g in his calculations, favouring the intermediate value. Heptonstall (1970) used the formula given above to calculate what he believed to be the maximum flying speed of Archaeopteryx at 20-9 m/s. Heptonstall calculated L by estimating maximum bending moments possible on a humerus with a tensile strength commensurate with experimental results, thus deriving the maximum lift possible. In his formula the expression L was equated with W. a common practice when calculating performance in a steady glide, in which maximum lift is generated 426 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 (Pennycuick 1972). However, Bramwell (1971) argued that the formula only works for minimum speed (Fmi„): maximum lift is not generated with maximum speed, and vice versa. Yalden (1971/?), using a similar formula from Pennycuick (1969), calculated the minimum power speed at 6-9, 7-6, and 8-2 m/s, depending on the weights listed above. Because in modern birds some 15% of body weight is pectoral muscle, Yalden took 30 g as the available weight for the power stroke, and derived a power requirement of 105-140 watts/kg. All these figures are well within avian range, but Yalden noted that this is not surprising, as he based all estimated values on those observed in modern birds. He concluded that if Archaeopteryx approached modern birds in muscle physiology, it probably could have flown. The important point to be made about all the work discussed above is that the calculated values are within the ranges of modern birds. Despite differences in estimates and derivations the results agree to within a factor of two, and usually much closer, and are therefore reliable if not precise. In this context it is interesting to consider Yalden’s estimates of minimum power speed, the speed at which the least work has to be done. Once again, the U-shaped curve relating power requirements to flight speed shows that very low and very high speeds are most expensive. Starting flight from a standing position, then, requires a lot of energy to be expended initially, before getting up to an economical speed. A running takeoff can minimize the effort required by the wings to build up this speed, and if the wings are merely spread significant lift can be generated. Caple et al. (1983) based calculations on a cursorial model of 100 g, shaped as a cylinder 15 cm long and 3 cm diameter, and applied a ground speed of 3-4 m/s derived from empirical observations by Taylor (1973). Because maximum running speed is observed to vary proportionally with mass, it is clear that an animal the size of Archaeopteryx , endowed with the cursorial skeletal adaptations of coelurosaurs, would have had no trouble bringing its ground speed up to minimum flying speed. Once in the air, the flapping performance can be estimated only if the physiology is known or assumed. The gliding performance depends on wing loading and aspect ratio (the shape of the wing: wingspan squared divided by wing area). Of great importance is the ability of a flying animal to land. To land slowly and easily, most animals reorient the body and beat the wings vigorously to achieve minimum speed flight. (This discussion applies only to landing on the ground, as Caple et al. ( 1983) have shown the difficulty of landing on a branch to an animal that is not already extremely sophisticated in its flight. ) Heptonstall ( 1 970) reckoned that the high wing loading and sinking speed of Archaeopteryx would have made landing very rough, though Bramwell (1971) figured that the tail would have reduced the stalling speed; Yalden (19716) and Bramwell (1971) both calculated lower wing loadings. In view of the cursorial adaptations of Archaeopteryx , it may be surmised that a running landing was possible, so that the airspeed need only have been reduced to the minimum flying speed in order for the legs to take over. Heptonstall (1970) calculated optimal gliding speeds at 10-15 m/s, but the lower wing loading suggested by other authors would have reduced this figure considerably. By my calculations, stalling speed for Archaeopteryx would have been on the order of 5-6 m/s, and a short burst of flapping (generating enough lift to slow airspeed) would have enabled a running landing at a speed of 3-4 m/s. (Use of the alula in landing was probably not available to Archaeopteryx.) Pterosaurs. Fascination with the aerodynamics of these extinct archosaurs began well before man invented powered flight. Early work particularly reflected the hope that pterosaurs would reveal possibilities for human flight, though as soon as workable aircraft were invented interest in ptero- saurs quickly cooled. In the past decade it has been rekindled by the opposite hope, that modern advances in aviation might reveal how pterosaurs flew. Most attention by far has centred on the crested pterodactyloid, Pteranodon. Rhamphorhynchus, an earlier, smaller, long-tailed form, was studied by von Kripp (1943) and a flapping model built and flown by von Holst (1957); however, the model would work properly only when the leaf-shaped vane at the end of the tail, preserved in several fossil specimens, was oriented horizontally, whereas its true orientation is vertical. Apart from these studies, modern work has been almost entirely devoted to Pteranodon, and a general overview of this work will now be given. PADIAN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 427 The problem initially faced was to determine the upper size limit of Pteranodon , because until 1975 it was believed to be the largest flying creature of all time. Most studies drew material from the worn and broken bone ends of the Pteranodon- like Ornithocheirus in the Cambridge University collection, or from the more complete but thoroughly crushed material of Pteranodon itself in the Yale University collections (described by Eaton 1910). A typical wing span used in the modern aerodynamic work is about 7 m (Heptonstall 1971; Bramwell 1971; Bramwell and Whitfield 1974; Brower 1983; etc.), though Eaton described a partial radius and ulna that, if projected isometrically, would have yielded a wing span of 816 m (Heptonstall 1971 ). My study of the Yale collections and Eaton’s work reveal that the largest size for which complete wings exist is about 5 m. Even at this size, measurements from many incomplete specimens must be pooled in order to arrive at a mean figure. The exact size of the largest Pteranodon , however, matters little because in 1975 Lawson described remains of a pterodactyloid he later named Quetzalcoatlus northropi , which had a wing- span initially projected at 15-5 m. This estimate proved to be too high, and a figure of about 12 m (35-40 ft), based on additional material and further proportional comparisons, is now generally accepted (Langston 1981). Numerous remains of apparent juveniles of this species, almost exactly half the length of the larger form in all dimensions, have a wing span of approximately 5.8 m (19 ft). An up-to-date review of aerodynamic assessments of Pteranodon and its relative Nyctosaurus was given by Brower (1983), which obviates long discussion here; I will summarize only the major outlines and conclusions of other authors (Table 1), and point out possible directions for future research. The most influential work, of course, is the classic monograph by Bramwell and Whitfield (1974) on the biomechanics of Pteranodon , which wedded the early functional-morphologic work of Hankin and Watson (1914) to modern concepts of aerodynamics in a beautifully written and lucid paper. According to their findings, echoed by Heptonstall (1971), Stein (1975), Sneyd et al. (1982), Brower (1983), and others, Pteranodon was a superb low-speed soaring animal that had difficulty flying in high winds and landing, but had a low sinking speed, an excellent lift/drag pro- file, a light wing loading, low turning radius, high manoeuvrability, and optimal performance at 7 10 m/s. It was presumed to spend most of its time gliding at sea, trapping fish at the surface in its great beak. However, its existence must have been marginal, because it was so large that table 1. Calculated aerodynamic performance of the cretaceous pterosaur pteranodon Author W Weight (kg) S Wing area (m 2 ) Wing Loading (kg/m 2 ) B Wingspan (m) X Mean Chord (m) AR Aspect ratio V Speed (m/s) von Kripp 1943* 30 3-5 8-5 7 1 14 15 15 2-25 6-6 6 0-75 16 13-27 Heptonstall 1971 22-7 3-44 6-6 6-8 [0-51] 13 7 Bramwell 1971 Bramwell and Whitfield 18 5-8 3-1 8-2 [0 70] 11-7 6-7 1974t 16-6 4-62 3-6 6-95 [0 66] 10 5 7-7-8-0 Brower 1 983$ 14-94 2-53 5-9 6-95 [0-36] 19-1 9-5 Values I calculated from data in other works are in brackets. * Two configurations were given, based on different aerodynamic performance models. t Bramwell and Whitfield (1970) considered three weight estimates (11-36, 18, and 25 kg) and used 18; in 1974 they considered 12-8, 16-6, and 23-8, accepting the intermediate value. This is very close to Brower’s (1983) estimate, and reflects a range comparable to those of large modern birds. | Brower calculated that Pteranodon could fly as fast as 17 m/s under certain conditions. 428 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 it was only barely capable of level flight; how it managed to catch fish, recover from the weight of the prey, and overcome the sudden strain on the neck to rise above the water’s surface was not clear. These studies have been very constructive in their efforts to determine parameters of flight mode, and they continue to be productive. It is worth noting, however, that most recent work on the palaeobiology of pterosaurs post-dated the aerodynamic work, and the former has important implications for the latter. Far from suggesting that aerodynamic approaches should be abandoned, I would like to provoke further discussion and investigation into the basis of understanding the aerodynamics of extinct vertebrates by raising the following questions and alternate interpretations to previous work. For some of these interpretations there is good evidence; others require only a change of attitude or modification of assumptions which are, I believe, as plausible as those of other authors. Many palaeobiological problems, usually overlooked, relate to the structure, function, and ecol- ogy of Pteranodon , which was phylogenetically only a bizarre sideline of 140 million years of pterosaur evolution. Its smaller forerunners were active fliers; and Pteranodon, though neither the last nor the largest of pterosaurs, and not a sustained flapper, retained both limited flapping ability and full bipedal terrestrial locomotion. Any trade off of flapping ability for increased size in this lineage must have been conditional on great advantages to that way of life, and it is unlikely that millions of years of biological and aerodynamic fine-tuning would have been sacrificed in the process. Analyses of Pteranodon s flight have so far ignored this legacy and have overlooked or misinterpreted many important morphological factors. For example, Bramwell and Whitfield (1974) described a ‘locking mechanism’ in the shoulder joint of Pteranodon that, they argued, would have enabled the wing to be fixed in gliding position without expending much energy. This idea has been picked up by many later authors. The form of the glenoid facet, however, is not especially modified as they claim; it merely reflects the suture of the scapula and coracoid, which are fused in most adult diapsids. The corresponding ‘ridge’ they identify on the head of the humerus is not present on the articular surface but at its margin; this ridge is formed where the surficial laminar bone of the shaft gives way to the porous epiphyseal surface which was covered by cartilage, as was the glenoid. Therefore the ‘locking joint’ is very questionable. Also, the glenoid fossa faces postero- laterally, not anterolaterally as their Figure 22 shows. These factors greatly influence inter- pretation of the articulation and movement of the wing, which in reconstructions is almost always swept too far forward. The structure of the wing membrane is also very important. Most aerodynamic treatments have overlooked palaeobiological considerations of the fine, stiff, intercalated ‘fibres’ that permeate the wing membrane (Zittel 1882; Wellnhofer 1975; Padian 1979, 1980, 19836). Brower (1983) notes that they are ‘approximately parallel to the wingspan [and to] the major direction of tensioning of the membrane’, which is incorrect. These strong, rodlike ‘fibres’ of keratin or perhaps collagen are never found bent or folded, and their orientation parallels that of the feather shafts of birds and the fingers of bats (text-figs. 2, 3c). Hence they are precisely perpendicular to the direction of spanwise tension at any point along the wing, not parallel to it. Brower, like most other analysts, concluded that pterosaur wings, lacking internal structure, could not have been as manoeuvrable as those of bats and could not have flapped at low speeds. But it is precisely the overlooked internal structure of the wing that suggests the opposite: because the spanwise tension would have been resisted by the network of ‘fibres’, the wing could have been collapsed much more than in bats without loss of aerodynamic competence. Ability to draw in the wing (that is, to reduce its surface area, thereby increasing wing loading) without losing the aerodynamic competence has been denied by most authors, and so most aspects of flight performance observed in modern soaring birds have not been applied to pterosaurs. The flight of Pteranodon at all speeds and under all conditions has therefore been modelled as if the animal needed to keep its wings fully outstretched, which is unrealistic in view of the animal’s biology. The configuration of the pterosaur wing, as discussed earlier, was narrow and the aspect ratio high, as in a gull or albatross (Zittel 1882). Most aerodynamic analyses of the flight of Pteranodon P ADI AN: FLIGHT IN EXTINCT VERTEBRATES 429 (Bramwell and Whitfield 1974; Stein 1975; McMasters 1975; Sneyd et al. 1982) have used a model in which the comparatively broad wings were attached to the feet, as in bats, and most of these authors have agreed that a strong tendon along the trailing edge of the wing, anchored to the feet, would have been necessary to control the membrane (text-fig. 3c, left). In fact, preserved wings of pterosaurs show inconlrovertibly both that the hindlimbs were free of the wing and that no trailing wing tendon existed: further evidence for the structural integrity of the ‘fibres’. Without these fibres, a strong trailing tendon would have been necessary, and in that case it would indeed, as aerodynamicists have argued, been very difficult for Pteranodon to draw in the wing at all without collapsing it. Furthermore, the extreme forward sweep of the wings commonly pictured (e.g. Bramwell and Whitfield 1974; Brower 1983; Sneyd et al. 1982) was impossible, being based on incorrect anatomical interpretations and the assumption of a wide wing. With a narrow wing and correct articulations, the centre of lift is further back, and the wing profile slimmer and more laterally directed (text-fig. 3c, right). What are the aerodynamic consequences of these considerations? Only Brower (1983) has used a narrow wing configuration in aerodynamic calculations, and his calculated wing area is 55% of that used by Bramwell and Whitfield and others. (My own estimate is closer to 45%. ) The wing loading is then effectively doubled, which has a significant effect on calculated flying and sinking speeds, polar curves, turning radius, mass distribution, and flapping performance. These will be considered in detail elsewhere, but it may be noted for instance that the wing chord and induced drag are halved, and wing profile drag is probably no longer comparable to that of the Gottingen 417a airplane, which lacks the large leading spar of the pterosaur’s wing and is very dissimilar to it in aspect and cross-section. Accepting that the wing did not lose its shape (i.e. its aerodynamic competence) when partially drawn in, Pteranodon need no longer be considered only in fully extended position. The larger wing loadings, higher flying speeds, and lower sinking speeds that result are characteristic of the performances of modern soaring birds. For instance, Bramwell (1971) calculated that in a typical thermal Pteranodon would gain half a mile in altitude in five minutes. But what if Pteranodon wished to use the thermal to search for food without gaining altitude? One can now see that it had only to flex the wings to achieve lower wing area, higher wing loading, greater airspeed, and even lower sinking speed. Using Bramwell’s configurations and calculations, a thermal rising at 4T m/s would have carried Pteranodon up at a rate of about 3-45 m/s. This value is also her calculated sinking speed at a flying speed of 16-5 m/s. Therefore Pteranodon could have flown level in a thermal at 16-5 m/s. This is more than twice the calculated ‘optimal’ flying speed in still air, and the wings are fully outstretched. How would Pteranodon s performance improve if the ability to flex the wings to control flight were considered? In general, a palaeobiological view of Pteranodon s flight appears to give greater ranges for most calculated flight variables: higher speeds, more manoeuvrability, and better take off and landing performance. The typical calculated polar curve of Pteranodon (e.g. Bramwell and Whitfield 1974; Brower 1983) is much more attenuated compared to those of birds and aircraft; but of course, the latter curves were discerned by empirical observation, not by calculation. What would happen if values for albatrosses and falcons were calculated based on the kinds of data estimates used for Pteranodon , and then compared with empirical results? Until this is done there is no way to judge the accuracy of approaches that have so far been taken to pterosaur flight. Pterosaurs were not aircraft, and their wings were in no way comparable to those of hang-gliders ( contra Brower 1983 and McMasters 1975) or sailplanes ( contra Bramwell and Whitfield 1974); nor were their wing skeletons inflexible spars with the membranes under con- siderable spanwise tension ( contra these authors and Sneyd et al. 1 982). Their wings were comparable in biological and aerodynamic respects to the wings of birds and bats, with a design inherited from their ancestors, shaped by natural selection, and fine-tuned by evolutionary constraints and opportunities. Until these factors are considered in engineering approaches, we shall probably lack a realistic view of the flight performance of pterosaurs, and continue to view them as inferior precursors to birds and bats. 430 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 CONCLUSION Over the past two decades knowledge of animal flight has deepened considerably. Much more is known of the mechanics of flight, and the ability to calculate flight energetics accurately (see Pennycuick 1972) augurs well for the understanding of the evolution of flight and for the significance of the differences among modern flyers in the physiology of flight. Preliminary results of the attempts to fuse engineering with palaeontology to arrive at realistic appraisals of the flight performances of extinct taxa have been pioneering in their approaches. Yet most of this work has yet to take advantage of recent palaeobiological advances in the phylogenetic and functional understanding of these animals. If, as current research indicates, birds evolved from small theropod dinosaurs and developed flight from the ground up, the utility of studying gliding performance in Archaeopteryx is uncertain; the earliest birds may seldom, if ever, have glided. The main problem is still getting up in the air and staying up, which requires a realistic analysis of the evolution of flapping. In pterosaurs the efficiency of the wings as flying organs seems to have been underestimated, because considerations of the aerodynamics and functional morphology of the large soaring form Pter- anodon have neglected the functional and phylogenetic evolution of pterosaurs. Bats, unfortunately, remain largely shrouded in mystery with respect to the means by which they evolved flight; it can be hoped that as their phylogenetic relationship with other mammals is clarified, the characteristics clearly distinguishing bats from these groups may shed light on the evolution of flight in these most unusual of flying vertebrates. Acknowledgements. I am most grateful to G. R. Caple, W. A. Clemens, D. Yalden, J. A. Gauthier, E. J. Laitone, S. McLeod, M. J. Novacek, J. H. Ostrom, C. Pennycuick, J. M. V. Rayner, M. K. Smith, P. Wellnhofer, and R. Wild for helpful discussions of their work and comments on my own. Their concordance with my views is, of course, not implied, and any errors or misinterpretations are purely mine. REFERENCES altenbach, j. s. 1979. Locomotor morphology of the vampire bat, Desmodus rotundas. Amer. Soc. Mamm. Special Publ. 6, I 137. barker, r. t. 1980. 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FOSSE, Z. KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA and S. G. SKAALE Abstract. The enamel microstructure of single teeth and teeth in situ in whole jaws of late Jurassic, late Cretaceous, and Palaeocene multituberculates belonging to the Plagiaulacoidea, Taeniolabidoidea, Ptilo- dontoidea, and Meniscoessus (Cimolomyidae, suborder indet.) is examined by incident light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and polarized light microscopy. For comparison one docodont tooth and some single late Cretaceous and Recent eutherian teeth are included. The enamel of the Plagiaulacoidea like that of the docodont tooth is not prismatic, but consists of radially arranged, closely packed 5 pm thick columns of crystals, which diverge from the central axis of each column towards the outer enamel surface. The Asian as well as the North American Taeniolabidoidea have gigantoprismatic enamel, the numerical density of prisms per unit area being four to five times lower than in the Ptilodontoidea and Eutheria. In most taeniolabidoid jaws the prism density is somewhat higher in the molars than in the incisors. The oldest gigantoprismatic enamel was found in some undescribed multituberculate teeth from the early Cretaceous of Asia. As Meniscoessus (suborder indet.) has gigantoprismatic enamel, it is suggested that this feature may be useful in establishing the taxonomic position of some multituberculate groups. This paper examines the tooth enamel of multituberculate mammals from the upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian to the late Palaeocene, in order to discover differences in enamel microstructure among the suborders Plagiaulacoidea, Ptilodontoidea, and Taeniolabidoidea, to elucidate their relationships. Moss (1969) found that multituberculate enamel was a non-prismatic, continuous structure, and that it contained tubules which followed a zigzag course. Fosse et al. (1973) confirmed the presence of these zigzag tubules but challenged Moss’ view on the non-prismatic enamel structure on the basis of six unidentified multituberculate teeth from the late Cretaceous in which the enamel was discontinuous and prismatic, the prisms being extremely large in comparison with those of other mammals. Subsequently Fosse et al. (1978) investigated the teeth of four identified multituberculate species, Catopsalis joyneri and Stygimys kuszmauli (Taeniolabidoidea) and Mesodma thompsoni and M. formosa (Ptilodontoidea). The number of prisms per mm 2 ranged from 3650 to 5860 in the members of the Taeniolabidoidea and from 26 600 to 27 200 in the Ptilodontoidea. The taeniolabidoid prism density was the lowest observed in any group of mammals. Sahni (1979) studied the enamel microstructure in several late Cretaceous North American Ptilodontoidea and Taeniolabidoidea, as well as Eutheria (from the Hell Creek Formation of Montana, Sloan and Van Valen (1965)) and found large prisms in all the multituberculate genera. According to Sahni the prism density per mm 2 in Mesodma and Meniscoessus (suborder indet. - see Hahn and Hahn 1983) was 9000 and 7400 respectively, while in Catopsalis and Stygimys it was 8700 and 4500. The data for Mesodma differ considerably from those obtained by Fosse et al. (1978). Using the scales given on the Mesodma micrographs in Sahni’s paper we calculated a mean prism density of 21 400 per mm 2 . In view of the differences between the results obtained by Fosse et al. (1978), by Sahni (1979, Table 1), and by us on Sahni's micrographs, concerning Mesodma, we decided to examine once more isolated teeth of Mesodma sp. and to compare them with a molar of Meniscoessus sp. (Cimolomyidae, suborder indet.), all from the late Cretaceous of North America, and with various taeniolabidoid teeth from the late Cretaceous of Asia (Kielan-Jaworowska 1970, 1974a), the Late Palaeocene of Asia (Matthew and Granger 1925), and the late Cretaceous of North America (Sloan IPalaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 3, 1985, pp. 435-449, pis. 48-50.| 436 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 and Van Valen 1965). All the North American late Cretaceous material comes from the Hell Creek Formation of Montana (Clemens et al. 1979). The late Cretaceous Asian material which forms the bulk of the material comes from the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot formations, or the stratigraphic equivalent of the latter: the red beds of Khermeen Tsav. We tentatively accept, after Gradzinski et al. ( 1977) that the Djadokhta Formation belongs to the upper Santonian and/or lower Campanian Stage, while the Barun Goyot Formation (and the red beds of Khermeen Tsav) belong to the middle Campanian Stage. We also examined the enamel microstructure of isolated teeth from the early Cretaceous of Asia, which are at present being studied by Kielan-Jaworowska, Dashzeveg, and Trofimov. Some of these teeth (genus Arginbaatar) were assigned to the Taeniolabididae by Trofimov (1980), while Hahn and Hahn (1983) erected the family Arginbaataridae within the Plagiaulacoidea. Consequently at present we assign all the early Cretaceous Mongolian multituberculates to a suborder indet. The earliest multituberculate teeth examined by us belong to the suborder Plagiaulacoidea and come from the late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian, of Portugal (Hahn 1969, 1971, 1978). From the same location we also included an unidentified docodont tooth for comparison, as well as teeth of late Cretaceous and Recent eutherian mammals. ABBREVIATIONS GI Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Mongolian People’s Republic, Ulan Bator. IAUB Institute of Anatomy, University of Bergen, Bergen. PIFU Palaeontologishes Institut, Freie Universitat, Berlin. UM University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A. ZPAL Institute of Palaeobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. I incisor dp deciduous premolar P permanent premolar M molar. MATERIAL Docodonta Docodontidae gen. et sp. indet., Kimmeridgian, Portugal, Leiria, Guimarota: PIFU no number (a molar) Multituberculata Plagiaulacoidea Family, gen. et sp. indet., Kimmeridgian, Portugal Leiria, Guimarota: PIFU no number (a molar) Paulchoffatidae (all from the Kimmeridgian of Portugal, Leiria, Guimarota): Paulchoffatia sp.: PIFU VJ 270-155 (dp 1 ); PIFU VJ 272-155 (P 1 ); PIFU VJ 273-155 (P 1 ) Kuehneodon sp.: PIFU VJ 303-155 (P s ); PIFU VJ 308-155 (P 5 ) Suborder indet. (all from the ?Aptian or Albian Guchin beds of Mongolia, Guchin Us): Arginbaataridae Arginbaatar dimitrievae Trofimov: GI PST 10/11 (P 4 ); GI PST 1 0/ 1 3(P 4 ) Family, gen. et sp. indet.: GI PST 10/29 (I 1 ); GI PST 10/23 (P 4 ) Taeniolabidoidea Eucosmodontidae ( Chulsanbaatar , Nemegtbaatar , and Kryptobaatar are from the upper Cretaceous of Asia, Gobi Desert, Stygimys from the upper Cretaceous, Hell Creek Formation, North America, Montana, Bug Creek): Chulsanbaatar vulgaris Kielan-Jaworowska, Barun Goyot Formation, Khulsan: ZPAL MgM-I/62 (U, M,); ZPAL MgM-I/157 (I,, P 4 , Md; Barun Goyot Formation, Nemegt: ZPAL MgM-I/111 (U); red beds of Khermeen Tsav, Khermeen Tsav II: ZPAL MgM-I/108 (U); ZPAL MgM-I/109 (U, P 4 ) Nemegtbaatar gobiensis Kielan-Jaworowska, red beds of Khermen Tsav, Khermen Tsav II: ZPAL MgM-I/81 (U, M,); ZPAL MgM-I/82 (U, P 4 , MU Kryptobaatar dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska, Djadokhta Formation, Bayn Dzak: ZPAL MgM-1/7 (P 4 ); ZPAL MgM-I/9) (P 4 , MU; ZPAL MgM-I/37 (I,, MU; ZPAL MgM-I/53 (U, P 4 , M,) Stygimys kuszmauli Sloan and Van Valen, Hell Creek Formation, Bug Creek: UM no. 5 (U, M 2 ) FOSSE ET AL.: M U LTIT U BE RCLI L ATE ENAMEL 437 Taeniolabididae (all from Asia, Gobi Desert): Kamptobaatar and Catopsalis are from the upper Cretaceous, Prionessus from the Upper Palaeocene Kamptobaatar kuczynskii Kielan-Jaworowska, Djadokhta Formation, Bayn Dzak: ZPAL MgM-I/38 (P 4 ) Catopsalis catopsaloides (Kielan-Jaworowska), red beds of Khermeen Tsav, Khermeen Tsav II: ZPAL MgM-I/78 (L, M t ); ZPAL MgM-1/80 (MU Prionessus lucifer Matthew and Granger, Naran Bulak: ZPAL MgM-II/67 (L, M,, M 2 ) Ptilodontoidea Neoplagiaulacidae (all from the upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation, North America, Montana, Bug Creek): Mesodma thompsoni Clemens: UM no. 3 (P 4 ) Mesodma sp.: ZPAL MK-I/7 (P 4 ); ZPAL MK-I/8 (P 4 ); ZPAL MK-I/3 (M 1 ); ZPAL MK-1/6 (M 1 ) Suborder indet. Cimolomyidae, Bug Creek, Montana, Hell Creek formation: Meniscoessus sp.: ZPAL MK-I/9 ( M 0 Eutheria Proteutheria Kennalestidae, Djadokhta Formation, Gobi Desert, Bayn Dzak: Kennalestes gobiensis Kielan-Jaworowska: ZPAL MgM-I/3 (P 3 ) Rodentia Muridae, Recent, Europe: Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout): IAUB no number (L, MU Primates Hominidae, Recent, Europe: Homo sapiens L.: IAUB no number (P 2 ). METHODS The Asian multituberculate material investigated in Warsaw consisted of whole mandibles with teeth in situ. The right or left mandible was positioned in plasticine on a microscope slide under a dissection microscope in such a way that a selected region of enamel on the tooth to be studied was the highest point of the whole dentition. This region was then carefully planed horizontally by hand using 0/2 and then 0/4 grit emery paper (Buehler Ltd., Evanston, 111., U.S.A.), each grade having been glued and trimmed to either of the two long, narrow sides of a 10x2x03 cm rectangular, planed wood stick. The horizontal, tiny but relatively ilat enamel surface, less than 1 mm in diameter formed in this way was then etched with a very small amount of 0-37 N HN0 3 applied by a line-pointed brush. The etching was interupted after 5 sec with plain water, using a similar brush. Next, to micrograph the etched surface, the microscope slide with the specimen still in the original position on it was transferred to a Leitz Laborlux microscope equipped with camera, an Ultropak incident light condensor and a U-O-l 1 objective. A Leitz microscale with 10 pm divisions was micrographed with the same magnification. At IAUB the films of the etched surfaces with cross-cut enamel prisms were copied on 23 x 30 cm film sheets with a standard magnification. The smallest unit that describes the number of cross-sectioned prisms per mm 2 (numerical prism density) is a triangle consisting of central distances between three adjacent prisms. Determining the prism density in the enamels consisted of measuring the distances between centres of adjacent prisms in several such triangular units within each micrographed enamel area (Fosse, 1968a). Table 1 presents prism densities (a), mean central distances between adjacent prisms (D), and the new parameter A which signifies the theoretical mean cross-sectional area in pm 2 of the enamel producing end of the ameloblasts (Fosse 1968 d\ Fosse et al. 1973, et al. 1978). The prism density values presented were calculated from incident light micrographs of superficially planed and etched natural outer enamel surfaces which are nearly planoparallel with an original layer of ameloblasts (Fosse et al. 1973). As it is still generally believed that each prism rod is produced by one ameloblast (Fosse et al. 1978), the number of prisms per mm 2 in such planes should reflect the number of original enamel producing ameloblasts per mm 2 in that plane, irrespective of its angle with the prism rods underneath (Fosse 1968c). Two multituberculate lower jaws, Chulsanbaatar vulgaris Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/62, and Kryp- tobaatar dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/53, as well as docodont and plagiaulacoid single teeth 438 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 (gen. et sp. indet.), and five plagiaulacoid single teeth determined at generic level, all from the Kimmeridgian, Leiria, Guimarota, Portugal, were sectioned by a wire string saw (Fosse et al. 1974) to obtain cut surfaces or thin sections for transmitted light microscopy. For the SEM micrographs a Jeol T-200 instrument was used. The specimens were covered by gold-palladium before SEM micrography. A Leitz Ortholux Pol microscope was used for transmitted light micrographs of thin tooth sections. RESULTS In the material in Warsaw, clusters of prisms were usually quickly recognized in the planed and etched enamel surfaces. Text-fig. 1 a represents P 4 of K. dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/7. With the same magnification text-fig. 1 b, c, and d respectively show the prism densities in Mesodma sp. (P 4 ), Stygimys kuszmauli (Ii), and Meniscoessus sp. (M 2 ) enamels, all three from the late Cretaceous, Lancian (Maastrichtian), North America, Montana, Bug Creek. In incident light planed and etched enamel surfaces of Kimmeridgian plagiaulacoid and docodont teeth showed regularly packed structures in a pattern resembling cross-cut prism rods, (text-fig. \e, f). Their numerical density and mean interproximate central distance were of a magnitude between those of the eutherians: late Cretaceous Kennalestes gobiensis and Recent Rattus norvegicus , (text-fig. 1 g; Table 1 ). Human enamel had considerably larger prisms than R. norvegicus. The prism density near the cusp on the outer surface of a human premolar was about the same as that of Mesodma sp., text-fig. 1. Incident light micrographs of planed and etched surfaces of various enamels reproduced with the same magnification, x 250. a represents the enamel surface of a tooth micrographed in situ , c and / represent the cut and etched enamels of sectioned teeth, all the others represent superficially planed and etched outer enamel surfaces of teeth embedded in plastic blocks, a, Kryptobaatar dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/7, P 4 , occlusal edge above, b, Mesodma sp., ZPAL MK-I/8, P 4 , occlusal edge above, c. Stygimys kuszmauli Sloan and Van Valen, UM no. 5, T, showing longitudinal section through medial enamel facet seen in the lingual direction, dentine below. d , Meniscoessus sp.. ZPAL MK-I/9, M 2 , occlusal surface above, e, Paulchoffatia sp., PILU VJ 273-1 55, P 1 , showing prism-like pattern of structures without distinct borders, occlusal surface to right. /, docodont molar (gen. et sp. indet.), PILU no number, obliquely cut through one of the cusps, showing prism-like pattern, montage, g. Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout), IAUB no number, Mi, occlusal surface above. It. Homo sapiens L., IAUB no number, P 2 , occlusal surface above. FOSSE ET A L.\ MULTITUBERCULATE ENAMEL 439 table 1. The number of prisms per mm 2 (a), the mean central distance in microns between adjacent prisms (D), and the theoretical mean cross-sectional area in /nn 2 of the enamel producing cells (A) (see Methods) in the enamel of some specimens of European, Asian, and North American multituberculates from different ages, of one undetermined docodont molar, one Cretaceous, and two recent eutherian species. The ZPAL specimens were represented by whole jaws from which the enamel parameters of more than one tooth were usually available, see Material. Species/specimen a D A Docodont, gen. & sp. indet. PIFU no number 34 514 5-78 28-9 M Paulchoffatia sp. PIFU VJ 273-155 43 080 5-17 23-2 P i PIFU VJ 272-155 59 987 4-38 16 6 pi Kuehneodon sp. PIFU VJ 303-155 50 983 4-75 19-6 P 5 Arginbaatar dimitrievae Trofimov GI PST 10/11 7123 12-73 140-3 P 4 GI PST 10/13 5426 14-58 184-2 P 4 Multituberculata subord. fam. gen. and sp. indet. GI PST 10/29 4891 15-36 204-4 I 1 GI PST 10/23 11 365 10-07 87-9 P 4 Chulsanbaatar vulgaris Kielan-Jaworowska ZPAF MgM-I/62 5812 14-09 172-0 I 1 10 001 10-74 99-9 M ZPAF MgM-I/157 4960 15-25 201-5 I, 5734 14-18 174-3 P 4 11 623 9-96 86-0 M ZPAL MgM-I/1 1 1 6519 13-30 153-4 I, ZPAL MgM-I/108 7219 12-64 138-5 Ii ZPAL MgM-I/109 6258 13-58 159-7 I. 9520 11-01 105-0 P 4 Nemegtbaatar gobiensis Kielan-Jaworowska ZPAL MgM-I/81 5399 14-62 185-1 I, 12 133 9-75 82-4 M ZPAL MgM-I/82 5435 14-57 183-9 I, 4241 16-49 235-7 P 4 8271 11-81 120-9 M Kryptobaatar daszevegi Kielan-Jaworowska ZPAL MgM-I/7 6314 13-52 158-3 P 4 ZPAL MgM-I/9 3379 18-48 295-9 I. 6349 13-48 157-4 P 4 ZPAL MgM-I/10 4464 16-08 223-9 Ii 5271 14-79 189-6 P 4 ZPAL MgM-I/21 3705 17-65 269-8 Ii 4908 15-33 203-7 P 4 3980 17-03 251-2 M, ZPAL MgM-I/37 4292 16-40 232-9 I, 3753 17-53 2664 M, ZPAL MgM-I/53 3415 18-38 292-7 I, 5812 14-09 172-0 P 4 6039 13-82 165-5 M, Stygimys kuszmauli Sloan and Van Valen UM no. 5 3860 17-29 259-0 I, Kamptobaatar kuczynskii Kielan-Jaworowska ZPAL MgM-I/38 6776 13-05 147-5 P 4 440 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Table 1 ( cont .) Species/specimen a D A Catopsalis catopsaloides (Kielan-Jaworowska) ZPAL MgM-I/78 4740 1 5 60 210-9 Ii 6650 1317 150-3 Mj ZPAL MgM-I/80 6063 13-79 164-9 M t Prionessus lucifer Matthew and Granger ZPAL MgM-II/67 6440 13-38 155-2 u 5776 14-13 173-1 M, 6138 13-71 162-9 M, Mesodma sp. ZPAL MK-I/7 28 627 6-35 34-9 P 4 ZPAL MK-I/8 26 321 6-62 37-9 P 4 ZPAL MK-I/3 26 694 6-58 37-5 M 1 ZPAL MK-I/6 21 557 7-32 46-4 M 1 Meniscoessus sp. ZPAL MK-I/9 4088 16-80 244-5 m 2 Kennalestes gobiensis Kielan-Jaworowska ZPAL MgM-I/3 31 599 6-04 31-6 P 3 Rat tits norvegicus (Berkenhout) IAUB no number 65 703 4-19 15-2 Ii 67 095 4-14 14 9 M| Homo sapiens L. IAUB no number 25 335 6-75 39 5 P 2 (text-fig. 1 b, h: Table 1 ). In most ZPAL taeniolabidoid jaws with more than one tooth micrographed, the prism density of the incisor was lower than that of P 4 or Mi, see Table 1. The higher density in the molars apparently is caused not so much by smaller prisms as by less interprismatic enamel (PI. 48, figs. 1 and 2). The great difference between the microstructure of taeniolabidoid and Mesodma enamels is demonstrated in Plate 48, figs. 1-4, where it is also seen that the crystal structure of the Kryptobaatar enamels was coarser than that of the Mesodma enamels. Near the outer surface of human enamel there is very little interprismatic substance (PI. 48, fig. 5). The human prism diameters EXPLANATION OF PLATE 48 Figs. 1-5. SEM micrographs of superficially planed and etched outer enamel surfaces reproduced with the same magnification, x 2900, documented by the automatically recorded scale divisions of 10 /mi having been retained in the micrographs. 1, Kryptobaatar dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/53, I t , showing that the prisms are widely separated by interprismatic enamel consisting of crystals being normal to the surface and that the crystals of the prism cores are obliquely orientated relative to the surface and inclined in an incisal direction above. 2, M, from the same dentition as I, in fig. 1, showing that the spatial arrangement of the crystals in the prisms and interprismatic enamel is less distinct and that the prisms are nearly of the same size but more closely packed than in L. 3, Mesodma sp., ZPAL MK-I/8, P 4 , showing that the prisms are smaller and their numerical density per unit area considerably lower than in Kryptobaatar enamel, also that the crystals are more delicate and densely packed. In the interprismatic enamel the crystals are normal to the surface, while those of the prism cores are inclined in a cuspal direction to the left. 4, Mesodma sp., ZPAL MK-I/3, M 1 , not belonging to the same individual as P 4 in fig. 3, but showing similar prism size, numerical density of prisms, and crystal orientation. Cuspal direction is to the left. In the upper half are some openings of enamel tubules. 5, Homo sapiens L., IAUB no number, P 2 , showing that prisms are nearly as large as in Kryptobaatar enamel (fig. 1), but that their numerical density approximates that of the Mesodma enamels (figs. 3 and 4). Cuspal direction is to the right. PLATE 48 FOSSE, KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA and SK.AALE, multituberculate enamel 442 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 are about as large as those of the Kryptobaatar (PI. 48, figs. 1 and 2) and Chulsanbaatar enamels (PI. 49, fig. 3), whereas the distances between centres of adjacent prisms equal those of the Mesodma enamels (PI. 48, figs. 3 and 4; Table 1). Thus there is no interdependence between prism diameters and number of prisms per unit area. Longitudinal and transverse sections of taeniolabidoid incisors showed cross-cut prisms; in longi- tudinal sections when they passed through the medial enamel facets where the prism rods were inclined in a dorsomedial (mesiolingual) direction in a transversal plane relative to the incisors, in transversal sections in the ventrolateral facets where the prism rods were inclined in an anterior (incisal) direction in a sagittal plane relative to the tooth. Regardless of the orientation of the enamel surfaces represented by Plate 48, figs. 1-4 and Plate 49, figs. 1 and 3, they all demonstrate that the crystals in the interprismatic enamel are orientated with their long axis nearly normal to the natural outer enamel surface. The crystals of the prism cores are parallel with the prism rods, and the apices of the arcades are pointing in the direction of the acute angle between prism rods and the dentine enamel junctional surface. In the SEM discrete enamel prisms in the Kimmeridgian enamels could not be discerned. Plate 49, figs. 2 and 5 show plagiaulacoid and docodont enamels at the same magnification. A certain regular pattern in the crystal orientation may be observed. This pattern seemed to consist of 5 pm thick, closely packed columns of crystals, the latter diverging from the central axis of each column towards the external enamel surface. In Table 1 are given the values for three plagiaulacoid teeth and one docodont molar from the Kimmeridgian, Portugal, based on measurements in incident light micrographs. Longitudinal sections, about 80 pm thick, were prepared from three plagiaulacoid teeth of which two were determined on the generic level, and one docodont molar (gen. et sp. indet.) from the Kimmeridgian. In the microscope one of the plagiaulacoid enamels (gen. et sp. indet.) showed large black spots along lines that might correspond to the course of growth lines (striae of Retzius, PI. 50, fig. 1). In polarized transmitted light with crossed polars and the dentine enamel junction at EXPLANATION OF PLATE 49 Figs. 1-5. SEM micrographs of various multituberculate enamels reproduced with the same magnification, x 2900, documented by the automatically recorded scale divisions of 10 pm having been retained along the right margins of the micrographs. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 represent sectioned and etched enamel surfaces, figs. 4 and 5 superficially planed and etched outer enamel surfaces. I, Stygimys kuszmauli Sloan and Van Valen, UM no. 5, L, enlargement of the same enamel surface as figured in text-fig. lc, but rotated 90°, dentine enamel border at right. The prisms are large and widely separated by interprismatic enamel where the crystals are orientated with their long axes in the figured plane, from left to right, e.g. perpendicularly to the outer enamel surface, while the crystals of the prisms are normal to the figured surface. Towards the dentine at right the borders of two prisms consist of an amorphous material. 2, Paulchojfatia sp., PIFU VJ 270-155, dp 1 , showing oblique section through cusp where the enamel consists of crystals without pre- ferential orientations in prisms and interprismatic material. In some places it may be seen that the crystals are arranged in fan-shaped clusters. Dentine in lower left corner. 3, Chulsanbaatar vulgaris Kielan- Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/62, I,, showing transversal section through ventrolateral enamel facet. The prisms are somewhat smaller and their numerical density higher than in Kryptobaatar (PI. 48, fig. 1) and Stygimys (fig. 1 ) enamels. The interprismatic enamel consists of crystals orientated with their long axes in the figured plane from top to bottom, e.g. normal to the outer enamel surface while the crystals of the prism cores are nearly normal to the figured plane. Arcade shaped grooves surround the prisms, the apices of which point towards the dentine at top. 4, Meniscoessus sp., ZPAL MK-I/9, M 2 , showing arcade shaped grooves surrounding the large prisms, the apices of which point in the cuspal direction at left. Crystals of interprismatic enamel are generally normal to the figured surface, while the crystals of the prisms are inclined to the left. 5, docodont molar (gen. et sp. indet.), PIFU no number. There is no organization of crystals in prisms and interprismatic enamel, but the uneven appearance of the etched surface indicates the presence of crystal clusters about 5 pm wide. PLATE 49 FOSSE, KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA and SKAALE, multituberculate enamel 444 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 a small angle with the polarizer axis, poorly defined band-like 5-6 /an thick structures could be seen in plagiaulacoid as well as docodont enamels, running radially from the inner to the outer surface (PI. 50, figs. 2-5). Enamel tubules were very scarce. In polarized light the longitudinally cut Cluil- sanbaatcir , Kryptobaatar , and Stygimys enamels showed discrete broad and straight bands of a regular width, running at an angle of approximately 45° to the outer enamel surface. Enamel tubules were abundant, coursing from the dentine enamel junction along the bands for short distances, but mostly crossing them, running mainly in a radial direction (PI. 50, figs. 6-8). Longitudinally sec- tioned Mesodma premolar enamel like that of the taeniolabidoid enamels showed discrete bands of a regular but much narrower width. A few enamel tubules were seen (PI. 50 fig. 9). Black spots like those seen in the plagiaulacoid enamel, but irregularly arranged, were observed in some sections of taeniolabidoid enamels. The bands of the docodont and plagiaulacoid enamels were most distinctly seen when their long axes were parallel with one of the polarizer planes. They were negatively birefringent when positioned with their long axes diagonally in the field of vision; in this position these enamels seemed structureless. The bands of the taeniolabidoid and Mesodma enamels shown in Plate 50, figs. 6-9, were also negatively birefringent with respect to their length, and most distinctly seen by maximum prism extinction which occurred when they were inclined a little, relative to one of the polarizer planes; from 0° to 20° for the different sections and different enamel areas within each section. This maximum extinction was obtained by rotating the stage with the section in the direction of the prism inclination towards the cusp from the position where the prisms were parallel with one of the polarizer planes. DISCUSSION Poole (1956) found that tooth enamel in synapsid reptiles was non-prismatic as the crystals were arranged in closely packed cylindrical groups that were normal to the enamel surface. They were called pseudo-prisms. Poole (1957) stated that prismatic enamel generally originated in primitive mammals. Moss (1969) studied fossil therapsid, non-therian and therian enamels, including the enamel of fossil marsupials and placentals, and concluded that therapsid and all non-therian enamels are continuous, but with a banded appearance in longitudinal thin sections when viewed in the polarizing microscope. According to the same author true prismatic enamel which is characteristic EXPLANATION OF PLATE 50 Figs. 1-9. Thin sections of enamel of longitudinally sectioned teeth micrographed in transmitted light with the same magnification, x 875. Excepting fig. 1 where normal light was used, the sections were micrographed in polarized light with crossed filters. The incisal/cuspal direction is to the left, dentine below. 1, late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian plagiaulacoid molar (gen. et sp. indet.). Black spots within the enamel lie in rows probably along growth lines (striae of Retzius). A few enamel tubules are seen, section thickness 60 pm. 2, the same section showing indistinct band-like structures of irregular width normal to the dentine where hair-pin bends of dentinal tubules are seen. 3, late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian docodont molar (gen. et sp. indet.), showing band-like structures normal to the dentine enamel junction, section thickness 55 pm. 4, Paulchoffatia sp., PIFU VJ 273-155, P 1 2 * 4 , showing band-like structures nearly normal to the dentine, section thickness 90 pm. 5, Kuehneodon sp., PIFU VJ 308-155, P 5 * * 8 , showing band-like structures normal to the dentine, section thickness 90 pm. 6, Chulsanbaatar vulgaris Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/62, U, showing distinct, broad bands of regular width inclined about 45° to the dentine enamel junction, enamel tubules cross the bands, section thickness 80 pm. 7, Kryptobaatar dashzevegi Kielan-Jaworowska, ZPAL MgM-I/53, P 4 , showing distinct bands of similar width and orientation as in fig. 6, section thickness 90 pm. 8, Stygimys kuszmauU Sloan and Van Valen, UM no. 5, M 2 , showing slightly broader bands but of similar orientation as in figs. 6 and 7, enamel tubules crossing bands, section thickness 60 pm. 9, Mesodma thompsoni Clemens, UM no. 3, P 4 , showing distinct curved bands, but of a narrower width than in figs. 6, 7, and 8, a few enamel tubules are seen, section thickness 50 pm. PLATE 50 FOSSE, KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA and SKAALE, multituberculate enamel 446 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 only for Theria first appeared in the early Cretaceous (Albian) forms. Poole (1971) studying Jurassic dryolestids, suggested that prismatic enamel originated in Theria. Poole and Cooper (1971) found prismatic enamel in the extant agarnid Uromastix however, and concluded that enamel prisms are not confined to mammals. Osborn and Hillman (1979) studied by polarizing microscopy the enamel of the pelycosaur Dimetrodon , the therapsids Thrinaxodon , Probainognathus , Probelesodon , Dia- demodon, and Massetognathus , the early Jurassic primitive triconodont Eozostrodon (? = Mor- ganucodon ), a late Cretaceous dryolestid, and therian mammals. They found that prismatic enamel only appeared in the Cretaceous non-therian and therian mammals. In the Permian Dimetrodon the enamel was micromorphologically homogeneous with regard to crystal orientation, whereas all Triassic-early Jurassic enamels are characterized by ‘an arrangement of close-packed hexagonal columns of crystals (Osborn and Hillman 1979, p. 58). In a longitudinal section of Diademodon enamel a column of crystals was about 5 / METERS SAMPLE HORIZONS • F-2200 O ® F-1605 9 F-1450 9 9 _ F-9 4 4 • * F-8 56 • ? F-575 • w F-346 9 F-l 5 F-1777 F-l 3 45 F-8 95 F-7 I 2 F-500 F- 160 • ? F2-32 • A F2-27 9 W F 2-25 F2-33 F2-29 F2-26 F2-22 F2-I 8 F 2-1 6 F2-23 F2-I7 O F 2- I 3 O F2-I O F2-4 O F2-5 • F2-9 9 F2-II 9 F2-I2 O F2-40 F2-4 2 F2-35 F 2 39 to 38 text-fig. 3. Stratigraphic column of the Veteranen Group at Faksevagen, based on Wilson (1958) and our own measurements. Palynological sample horizons (with sample numbers) are indicated by circles. Filled circles indicate well-preserved microfossil assemblages; half-filled circles indicate poorly preserved assemblages; samples marked by open circles are barren. In the column, dashed lines indicate shales and siltstones; dotted lines signify sandstones; and rectangles and rhombic patterns indicate limestones and dolostones, respectively. Circles indicate ooids and concave downward arcs signify stromatolitic carbonates. KNOLL AND SWETT: LATE PROTEROZOIC MICROFOSSILS 455 basin setting to a passive margin continental shelf. Bedding surfaces of the lower Galoistoppen sequence contain textural lineations that indicate unidirectional flow. In the upper portion of the Galoistoppen Member, quartzose sandstone interbeds become increasingly common, and the dominant character of the sequence shifts to quartzarenites and interbedded black shales, with conspicuous calcareous units that contain low angle cross-beds, shallow channels, and intraformational conglomerates. The section at Cavendishryggen is more conspicuously calcareous than the correlative beds at Faksevagen, where variegated and often mudcracked shales and dolomitic shales are the dominant lithologies. The overlying Bogen Limestone Member contains frequent oolite and microphytolite-bearing limestones, as well as cross-bedded (including herringbone cross-beds) calcarenites and intercalated siliciclastic units. The uppermost Cavendishryggen Quartzite Member contains massive, cross- bedded quartzarenites with thinner interbedded units of sandy and silty flagstones and shale. The Kingbreen Formation is conformably overlain by the Glasgowbreen Formation, a 900 m unit that bears many similarities to the underlying Cavendishryggen sequence. This formation contains massive thicknesses of pink, green, and buff quartzarenites. Like those near the base of the Veteranen Group, the Glasgowbreen sandstones are generally compositionally mature, well rounded quartz- arenites, marked by conspicuous ripple marks, interference ripples, megaripples, and cross-bedding (including herringbone cross-beds). Interbedded carbonaceous shales are common in some horizons within the formation. Wilson ( 1 958) referred to these carbonaceous units as greywackes, but it is clear that they are discrete shales and sandy shales environmentally related to the tidal sandstones with which they are intercalated. The succeeding Oxfordbreen Formation contains proportionally fewer sandstones and more shales, and is distinguishable by the presence of carbonate interbeds (including oolitic and stromatolitic units). The stromatolites are low profile, laterally linked hemispheres up to I m high and 1 -7 m across. Maximum synoptic relief developed during deposition was about half this height. Red shales are common in the upper part of the formation; these are generally flat-laminated, but can contain ripples, cross-laminations (in intercalated sandstones), mudcracks, and ripped-up mud flake clasts. These sedimentary features are particularly conspicuous at a locality along the north face of Polarisbreen Glacier (text-fig. 2). The top of the formation is fixed at the base of the massive dolomites and limestones that characterize the Akademikerbreen Group. It can be seen from the foregoing summary that the rocks of the Veteranen Group document a variety of sedimentary environments, but that variation occurs within fairly strict limits. Almost the entire sequence records shallow marine depositional environments, ranging from below wave base to tidally influenced conditions and quiet lagoons marked by occasional subaerial exposure and storms. Available radiometric dates from Precambrian rocks of north-eastern Spitsbergen reflect Caledonian overprints of isotopic systems. On the basis of stromatolite and microphytolite distributions, Milstein and Golovanov (1979) have suggested that the Veteranen Group is late Riphean (950-670 Ma) in age. Acritarchs in this group, coupled with those in the correlative Franklinsundet and Celsiusberget groups of Nordaustlandet (Knoll 1 982c/) and those found in overlying units, indicate that the group as a whole probably exceeds 800 Ma in age, but is unlikely to be much older than 900 Ma (see discussion below). MICROFOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES Extensive collections of Veteranen Group samples were made from both the Cavendishryggen and Faksevagen sections. The Cavendishryggen area is characterized by more severe diagenetic alteration, approaching chlorite grade metamorphism. Strata are more highly indurated; they commonly develop a platy aspect, and a weak slaty cleavage is developed in the lower units. As a consequence the organic matter in Cavendishryggen rocks is black and fossil preservation is poor. In contrast, twenty-eight of the thirty-six samples taken from an approximately 3500 m section at Faksevagen contained identifiable fossils. Preservation at this locality is poorest in the youngest formation examined, the Oxfordbreen Formation, despite the abundance of reddish-brown organic matter in dark green to black shales. Preservation is much better in the Glasgowbreen and Kingbreen 456 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 formations, where microfossils are often abundant and relatively diverse. The colour of microfossil walls changes systematically as one descends the local stratigraphic column, but identifiable microfossils can still be seen in the dark grey to black organic residues isolated from grey shales within the carbonates at the base of the Kortbreen Formation. Small (< 25 pm)coccoidal unicells are the most abundant fossils in every sample examined (PI. 51, figs. 8, 11-18). Variation in wall thickness, wall ornamentation, and clustering patterns suggests that these unicell populations are taxonomically heterogeneous, an inference that can also be drawn from the size frequency distributions of sample populations (text-fig. 4a, b). Many taxonomic names have been applied to previously described fossils of similar aspect (e.g. Timofeev 1969) but, because diagnoses have often been based on characters likely to be diagenetic in origin and because published illustrations are often difficult to interpret, it would be hazardous to apply names without first making a careful study of the type materials. In so far as many of the observable differences between these small unicells may be related to intraspecific and/or diagenetically introduced variation, the formal recognition of each discernible morphotype would lead to an overestimate of species diversity. On the other hand the simple morphology of these fossils and the inevitable loss of taxonomically important characters (such as pigment complements) during post-mortem degrada- tion must lead to an underestimate of original species diversity (Knoll and Golubic 1979). We have for these reasons not attempted to quantify the preserved diversity within this size class, preferring instead to treat these fossils as a unit, while acknowledging their probable biological heterogeneity. (F-712) 5 10 15 20 25 30 >30 [f/m) DIAMETER (F2-27) 5 10 15 20 25 30 >30 (pm) DIAMETER text-fig. 4. Size frequency distribution of small coccoidal unicells from samples F-712, Glasgowbreen Formation (a), and ¥2-21 , Kingbreen Formation (b). For both a and b, N — 500. Among larger spheroidal microfossils, Leiosphaeridia asperata (Naumova) Lindgren, 1982 ( = Kildinella hyperboreica Lindgren, 1982) is easily the most abundant acritarch (PI. 52, figs. 4-8, 10, 1 1 ). It is found in all samples analysed and is common in most. L. asperata is morphologically simple, consisting of flexible, smooth-walled vesicles approximately 15-80 pm in diameter (usually 25- 45 pm) that apparently dehisced by means of a median split mechanism. It is likely that these fossils are the remains of algal cysts (e.g. Lindgren 1981; Vidal and Knoll 1983) but, as Lindgren (1981, 1982) has pointed out, a variety of taxonomically and functionally different algal remains could be lumped within this form species. Other common microfossils include Kildinosphaera chagrinata Vidal in Vidal and Siedlecka, 1983 ( = in part Kildinella sinica , according to Vidal and Siedlecka 1983), Synsphaeridium sp., and cf. Stictospheridium spp. ( sensu Vidal 1976). More complex acritarchs are rare; these include Kildinosphaera granulataWded in Vidal and Siedlecka, 1983, Tasmanites riphejicus Jankauskas, 1978, Satka colonialica Jankauskas, 1979n, Bavlinella faveolata (Schepeleva) Vidal, 1976, Favoso- KNOLL AND SWETT: LATE PROTEROZOIC MICROFOSSILS 457 sphaeridium sp., and fragmentary remains of very large acritarchs, probably Chuaria circularis Walcott, 1899 (PI. 51, figs. 1, 2). Tubular microfossils, the probable extracellular sheaths of filamentous cyanobacteria, occur in many samples (PI. 51 , fig. 19; PI. 52, figs. 13, 12), and small rod- shaped remains are common in sample F-712 (PI. 51, figs. 5, 6, 9, 10). Within any one sample, morphological diversity is low (text-fig. 5), a characteristic of late Riphean acritarch assemblages previously noted by Vidal and Siedlecka (1983). ' SAMPLE HORIZON TAXON ~ " — KO KI GL ox ~n r 3 kb ~n no s ~n ro ~nI ~n r\> ro GJ ~n ro ro ~Nl ~n ro GJ ro ~n GJ CD ~n cn O O ~n CJl -nI cn ~n ~n) ro ~n CD cn CD T1 OJ 4- ~n ro ro O O Bavlmella foveolata (Schepeleva) Vidal R R Eosynechococcus sp. R R R c Tasmamtes rifejicus Jankauskas R R R R ? Chuaria circularis Walcott R R R R R R R Favosophaeridium sp. R KUdmosphaera chagrinata Vidal R R R C R R C R K Udinosph aera granule ta Vidal R R C R Leiosphaeridia asperata (Naumova) Lmdgren C C R C R R c C C R c C C Sotko colonialica Jankauskas R R R R R R cf. Stlctosphoeridium sp. ( sensu Vidal) C c C R c Synsphoeridium sp. R R c R R R R R R Small Unicells c C A A A C A A A A A C C Filaments c R A A A c R R R C C R R Number of taxa 4 4 4 6 7 5 7 11 11 7 11 4 8 text-fig. 5. Chart showing the distribution of microfossil taxa within selected samples of the Veteranen Group. Samples are arranged stratigraphically, with the oldest sample on the left. KO, Kortbreen Formation; KI, Kingbreen Formation; GL, Glasgowbreen Formation; OX, Oxfordbreen Formation. R, rare; C, common; A, abundant. Despite the thickness of the Veteranen Group, there is no evidence for stratigraphically significant changes in assemblage composition within the sequence. This is not to say that all recovered assemblages are identical; certainly, they are not. Gray and Boucot (1975) have noted, however, that variation in assemblage composition can reflect taphonomic and/or palaeoecological, as well as stratigraphic differences. Relatively poor preservation through much of the Oxfordbreen Formation may mask evolutionary changes in the plankton biota: fossils in the overlying Akademikerbreen Group do differ in ways that are most likely a consequence of evolutionary turnover. On the other hand, one well-preserved assemblage from the Oxfordbreen Formation (sample F-2200) is indis- tinguishable from assemblages found in the lower formations of the group. Much of the variation evident in the relative abundance of microfossii groups represented is thought to reflect palaeoenvironmental variation within the coastal marine sedimentary deposits. Filamentous sheaths provide a case in point. In several samples (e.g. F2-27), filaments are conspicuously abundant, comprising some 40% or more of all preserved specimens. The filaments are long (often more than 100 /urn in length) and not infrequently intertwined with one another. Large acritarchs ( > 30 /urn diameter) comprise only 3-5% of the assemblage, and biostratigraphically significant taxa are generally rare or absent. Filament rich assemblages are found in thin, black to greenish shale interbeds within predominantly cross-bedded and rippled quartz sandstones or oolitic and cross-bedded calcarenites. We interpret these assemblages as the remnants of very near-shore 458 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 coastal to lagoonal communities. The filaments are thought to represent autochthonous or nearly autochthonous, probably benthic, cyanobacterial populations. At the other end of the spectrum are assemblages in which filaments occur only as rare, fragmented and probably allochthonous individuals. In these assemblages, large acritarchs are relatively common (10-15% of all individuals in sample populations from sample F-575) and diverse. Such assemblages tend to occur within thicker, green to black siltstone and shale units, with only minor sandstone intercalations. We interpret these biological and sedimentary assemblages as representing the most off-shore or ‘normal marine’ setting within the Veteranen Group. Most if not all of the spheroidal microfossils found in these assemblages are thought to have been planktic. DISCUSSION Biostratigraphy The Veteranen biota contains several taxa that have long stratigraphic ranges and hence limited bio- stratigraphic utility. Among these fossils are: Leiosphaeridia asperata, cf. Stictosphaeridium sp., Synsphaeridium sp., and the small unicells, filaments, and rods. More useful are Kildinosphaera granulata, Tasmanites riphejicus , and Satka colonialica which to date are known only from Upper Riphean rocks. Along with co-occurring L. asperata, K. chagrinata , and probable Clmaria, these fossils form an assemblage similar to previously described assemblages from Upper but not uppermost (Kudashian, possibly equivalent to Vidal’s (1976) Lower Vendian) Riphean rocks elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Two forms, Favososphaeridium sp. and Bavlinella faveolata, are morphologically similar to taxa best known from uppermost Riphean to Cambrian rocks. The occurrence of Bavlinella is particularly interesting because this distinctive fossil has sometimes been considered an index fossil for Vendian rocks. Its actual range is now known to extend from the latest Riphean to the Cambrian, and this new population confirms earlier reports of its questionable occurrence in Upper Riphean rocks (see discussion in Vidal 1976). Bavlinella is often an abundant constituent of Vendian assemblages associated with glaciogenic rocks and has been interpreted as an opportunistic taxon by Knoll et al. (1981). Such an interpretation carries with it the prediction that B. faveolata should occur as a minor component of earlier and later microfloras, and this seems to be the case. The apparent stratigraphic homogeneity of the Veteranen assemblages may reflect a slower rate of morphological evolution among early algae, a rapid rate of deposition for the Veteranen Group, or both. Comparable thicknesses of miogeosynclinal sediments are known to have accumulated during the approximately 70 million year long Cambrian Period along the eastern and western margins of North America (Bond et al. 1983; Cook and Bally 1975). The relatively rapid subsidence required for such accumulation is thought to be related to the cooling of the lithosphere following rifting (McKenzie 1978; Bond et al. 1983; Armin and Mayer 1983). It is also true, however, that our present understanding of late Riphean palaeontology is such that it is only possible to divide the period into a handful of assemblage zones, each the same order of length as the Cambrian (Vidal and Knoll 1 983). This may reflect slow rates of morphological (but not necessarily physiological) evolution. Thus, the stratigraphic indivisibility of the Veteranen Group may well be a consequence of both rapid deposi- tion and slow morphological change. Absolute age estimates for the Veteranen assemblages must be inferred from radiometric dates assigned to comparable microbiotas from other areas. Biotas containing the distinctive elements that characterize the Veteranen Group are found in the Klubbnes and Andersby formations of the Vads m Group, East Finnmark (Vidal 1981); the lower Batsfjord Formation of the upper Barents Sea Group, also in East Finnmark (Vidal and Siedlecka 1983); the Chuar Group, Arizona (Vidal and Ford 1985); the Red Pine Shale of the Uinta Mountain Group, Utah (Vidal and Ford 1985); the ‘type’ Upper Riphean beds of the southern Urals (Jankauskas 1982); and the lower part of the Upper Visingso Beds, Sweden (Vidal 1976; Vidal and Ford 1985). With the exception of a K-Ar determination recalculated as approximately 640 Ma for dolerite dykes that cut the Barents Sea Group in northern Norway (Beckinsale et al. 1975), available radio- KNOLL AND SWETT: LATE PROTEROZOIC MICROFOSSILS 459 metric dates on Upper Proterozoic sequences in Scandinavia are largely Rb-Sr whole rock analyses of shales (reviewed in Vidal and Knoll 1983). Klubbnes Formation shales have yielded dates of 807 + 19 Ma (recalculated by Vidal from Sturt et al. 1975), while Visingso occurrences are overlain by shales dated at 707 + 37 Ma (Vidal 1981). Western North American assemblages antedate a structural disturbance bracketed at 820-770 Ma (reset K-Ar dates on basalts) and postdate an episode of basaltic extrusion dated at 1070 + 70 Ma by Rb-Sr whole rock analyses (Elston and McKee 1982). Rb-Sr whole rock determinations of Red Pine Shale specimens yield an age of 950-925 Ma for that formation (Crittenden and Peterman 1975; Chaudhuri and Hanson 1980). K-Ar dates for Upper Riphean sedimentary rocks in the Urals suggest a depositional age of 850-940 Ma (Keller 1982). Whole rock chronometric analyses of detrital sedimentary rocks have been the subject of much debate, as have many K-Ar determinations of presumably early diagenetic glauconites from Precambrian sediments. None the less, available radiometric data, coupled with corroborative tectonic and palaeomagnetic considerations (Elston, pers. comm. 1984) suggest that assemblages of the type found in the Veteranen Group very likely fall in the 800-900 Ma range. While it is clear that planktic microfossils are of demonstrated value in Proterozoic biostratigraphy (e.g. Vidal and Knoll 1983), it is also apparent that the full stratigraphic potential of early plankton will be realized only when better radiometric, palaeoecological, and biogeographic control is available. Palaeoecology The palaeoenvironmental variability of late Proterozoic microfossil assemblages has frequently been discussed in the literature (Vidal 1976, 1981; Knoll 1981, 19826, 1984; Knoll and Calder 1983; Vidal and Knoll 1983). Recognition of palaeoecological patterns of distribution is important for both biological and geological reasons: biological because ‘lateral’ variation must be taken into account in any evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record (e.g. Strother et al. 1983); and geological in that Proterozoic fossils, like their Phanerozoic counterparts, are potentially valuable as indicators of sedimentary environment. In the Veteranen Group, both the diversity and the relative abundance of large ( > 30 jum) acritarchs increase along a gradient from inshore, often lagoonal deposits to more open coastal siltstones and shales. As noted above, the abundance and preservational quality of filament populations decreases along the same gradient. (Environments are established on the basis of sedimentary structures, textures, and bedding sequences.) Similar distributions have been recognized in other Upper Proterozoic sequences, both carbonate and siliciclastic (reviewed by Vidal and Knoll 1983); the Veteranen observation serves to increase one’s faith in the generality of the pattern. Palaeoecological and biogeographic distributions are also relevant to biostratigraphic determina- tions. For example, Trachysphaeridium laminaritum Timofeev, 1966 is an important constituent of many late Riphean microfloras but has not been found in the Veteranen Group. Vidal and Ford (1985) have observed that in rocks of the Grand Canyon and elsewhere this species and Kildinosphaera chagrinata have mutually exclusive distributions. K. chagrinata is relatively common in the Veteranen Group, so perhaps some poorly defined environmental parameter excluded T. laminaritum from the Veteranen sea. A more problematic example concerns the distinctive micro- fossil K. lophostriata (Jankauskas) Vidal in Vidal and Siedlecka, 1983 which occurs in late Riphean assemblages from the Soviet Union, Scandinavia, and North America, but which has not been recognized in Veteranen assemblages. Does this absence indicate that K. lophostriata had not evolved at the time of Veteranen deposition, that it was extinct by the time the Svalbard shelf originated, or that K. lophostriata is missing for reasons of ecology, biogeography, or chance? We simply do not know, it being impossible to eliminate any one of these possible explanations on the basis of present evidence. Once again this underscores the need for further investigations of late Proterozoic micro- biotas conducted within a framework of strict stratigraphic and sedimentological control. Systematics and palaeobiology Proterozoic microfossils are generally studied by the petrographic examination of silicified carbonates or by the palynological maceration of siliciclastic rocks. In a critique of the systematic 460 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 problems created by this dichotomy of approach. Diver and Peat (1979) have suggested that many of the apparent differences between ‘chert’ and ‘shale’ biotas are illusory, the result of separate research schools with independently evolved taxonomic practices. Systematic traditions certainly pose a serious problem for comparative studies of Precambrian microbiotas, as do differences in preservation potential that may separate shales and silicified carbonates. On the other hand, some of the observed differences among assemblages are real and reflect the ecological partitioning of Proterozoic environments. Recognition of this aspect of the problem suggests a path toward the solution of the ‘chert-shale’ dilemma. Most of the known biostratigraphically useful, open shelf acritarch assemblages come from carbonaceous siltstones and shales (e.g. Timofeev 1969; Vidal 1976); however, not all open coastal rocks are siliciclastic. Compacted and compressed acritarchs have been isolated from carbonaceous limestones and dolomites of the Upper Visingso Beds of Sweden (Vidal 1976) and the Batsfjord Formation of East Finnmark, Norway (Vidal and Siedlecka 1983); and open coastal carbonates from the uppermost Riphean Hunnberg and Rysso formations of Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, contain microfossils preserved by early diagenetic silicification (Knoll 1984; Knoll and Calder 1983). The assemblages in these cherts are comparable to contemporaneous ‘shale’ biotas and demonstrate that, if present in silicified carbonates, large acritarchs such as Trachysphaeridium , Kildinosphaera , Chuaria , or Trachyhystrichosphaera species can be recognized and identified. Silicified carbonates from lagoonal and intertidal facies of the same formations do not contain abundant large acritarchs. Several assemblages from lagoonal shales of the Kingbreen (samples F2-27, F2-29) and Glasgowbreen (F-712) formations of the Veteranen Group exemplify the converse distribution. Here, colonies of small spheroidal unicells, filaments, and rods — the stuff of most ‘cherty’ microbiotas— constitute the fossil populations. This demonstrates that early diagenetic silicification is not a prerequisite for the preservation of delicate prokaryotic remains, and it provides a second opportunity to compare assemblages from similar physical environments preserved in different ways. In the relative abundance and size frequency distribution of unicell and filament populations (text- figs. 4, 6), the Veteranen lagoonal assemblages closely resemble those from lagoonal silicified carbonates of the slightly younger Draken and Rysso formations of Svalbard, as well as the subtidal associations of the approximately contemporaneous Bitter Springs Formation, Australia (Schopf 1968; Knoll 1981). They do not closely resemble microbiotas from open coastal shales or intertidal to supratidal silicified carbonates. Similar preservation of delicate ‘cherty’ microfossils in shales has been reported from the approximately 1300 Ma old Roper Group of northern Australia (Peat et al. 1978) and the Upper Riphean of the southern Urals (Jankauskas 1982). Thin-section examination of microbiotas 2 4 6 8 10 (pm) CROSS- SECTIONAL DIAMETER text-fig. 6. Size frequency distribution of filamentous sheaths from samples F-7 1 2, Glasgowbreen Formation (a) and F2-27, Kingbreen Formation (b). For both a and b, N = 200. KNOLL AND SWETT: LATE PROTEROZOIC MICROFOSSILS 461 preserved in shales has been successful in a few instances (Moorman 1 974; Peat et al. 1 978; Horodyski 1980, el a!. 1980; Knoll et al. 1981;Chauvel and Mansuy 1981) but most siliciclastic microfloras are best observed in maceration residues. A principal disadvantage of this procedure is that it loses the important information of spatial distributions of populations within rock. Such data are valuable in both systematic and palaeoecological studies (Knoll and Golubic 1979; Knoll 1981, 19826). Of particular significance to the present discussion is the fact that when populations can be defined spatially their size frequency distribution, degradational variability, and (sometimes) cell division sequences can be determined. Comparisons of small unicell populations from the Draken, Hunnberg, Rysso, and Bitter Springs formations with those from the Veteranen Group and other siliciclastic units suggests that, although different names have been applied to permineralized and compressed populations, they are very similar in their morphological modes and ranges of variation. The same is true of filament and rod populations. In these cases, parallel taxonomic schemes hinder biological comparisons, and some systematic revision is necessary. However, drawing a lesson from analogous comparative studies of Carboniferous coal ball and compression floras, any revisions must be undertaken on a case by case basis using all available fossil materials. Simplistic taxonomic solutions will obscure biological differences as surely as the present systems hide similarities. In summary, most Proterozoic open coastal and shelf microbiotas are preserved as compressions or compactions in siltstones and shales, while most late Precambrian petrifactions come from restricted coastal environments where early diagenetic silicification was most likely. Many algae that were thus precluded from restricted lagoonal and intertidal habitats are found as acritarchs in shales, while some mat building micro-organisms (e.g. Eoentophvsalis Hofmann, 1976) characteristic of intertidal zones are preserved only or predominantly in silicified carbonates. Because the correspon- dence of environments and preservational modes is not absolute, silicified shelf biotas and com- pressed or compacted lagoonal assemblages allow hypotheses of differential preservational effects to be tested. The limited observations available to date suggest that the most serious problems of taxonomic obfuscation concern populations of small unicells and, to a lesser extent, filaments. A geophysical aside Although taxa differ in the rates at which their remains change colour with increasing temperature, colour characterization of fossil pollen, spores, and algal cysts is useful in studies of organic thermal maturation (Gutjahr 1966; Staplin 1969; Hunt 1979). Acritarchs in the Hecla Hoek succession of north-eastern Spitsbergen vary systematically from amber in Cambrian shales to an opaque black in the oldest parts of the Veteranen Group. Within the Veteranen succession exposed at Faksevagen, colours range from a slightly reddish Moderate Brown (Kelly and Judd 1976) in sample F-2200 from the upper Oxfordbreen Formation to a dark Brownish Black to Black in the lowermost Kingbreen and Kortbreen formations. In so far as the Faksevagen section comprises the limb of an open folded anticline without apparent intrusions in the immediate vicinity, one can hypothesize that observed colour changes are primarily due to maximum burial depth achieved in the Ordovician Period, just prior to Caledonian deformation. Oxfordbreen sample F-2200 sits beneath some 4300 m of preserved late Precambrian and Cambro-Ordovician strata. Assuming that any additional (now eroded) thickness of Upper Ordovician and Silurian strata was minimal, and assigning a maximum temperature to this rock of 125-150°C based on the organic maturation index (Hunt 1979, p. 324), one can estimate an early Palaeozoic geothermal gradient of about 1 °C per 29 35 m. Estimates based on the occurrence of Dark Greyish Brown acritarchs and filaments in the upper Kingbreen Formation (samples F2-17 to 33) and nearly black materials in the Kortbreen Formation (F2-12, and slightly lighter in F2-40) fall in the same range. This falls within the normal range for continental geothermal gradients and suggests that at Faksevagen the temperature history of the Veteranen Group was controlled primarily by burial. At Cavendishryggen and in correlative rocks on Nordaustlandet other factors, probably related to Caledonian tectonism, intensified the thermal regime. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY No new or emended taxa are here proposed and we have limited our systematic discussions to brief remarks designed to complement existing data and interpretations of the taxa found in the Veteranen Group. All samples and prepared slides are housed in the Paleobotanical Collections of the Botanical Museum, Harvard University. 462 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Kingdom monera Haeckel, 1866 Division cyanophyta (Sachs) Pascher, 1931 Class coccogonae Thuret, 1875 Order pleurocapsales Geitler, 1925 Family unknown Genus bavlinella (Schepeleva) Vidal, 1976 Type species. Bavlinella faveolata (Schepeleva) Vidal, 1976. Bavlinella faveolata (Schepeleva) Vidal, 1976 Plate 51, figs. 3, 4 Discussion. This distinctive fossil occurs in small numbers in samples F2-27 and F-856. Multisphere size is 5- 1 2 pm, and individual microsphere units are less than 1 pm in diameter. Chauvel and Mansuy ( 1981 ) noted that in the Brioverian of Normandy and Brittany, B. faveolata specimens with small unit cells characterize older ( > 670 Ma) portions of the sequence, while Vendian (640-580 Ma) deposits additionally contain many specimens having a significantly larger unit cell size. (Chauvel and Mansuy used the name Sphaerocongregus variabilus Moorman, regarded by Vidal (1976) as a junior synonym of B. faveolata.) Veteranen specimens are consistent with these unit cell size observations. B. faveolata reached its acme in the Vendian, when it apparently expanded opportunistically with the climatic restriction and extinction of other previously dominant taxa. Its complete stratigraphic range runs at least from the late Riphean (this paper) to the early Cambrian (Vidal 1981 ). Moorman ( 1 974) and Knoll et al. (1981) compared B. faveolata with pleurocapsalean cyanobacteria, noting the close correspondence in size frequency distribution, unit cell or baeocyte size frequency, and multiple fission pattern of reproduction (see Waterbury and Stanier 1978). Mansuy and Vidal (1983) suggested a chroococcalean origin for B. faveolata, comparing the fossil populations with species of the colonial chroococcalean genera Gomphosphaeria, Coelosphaerium , and Microcystis. Although most species of these genera differ from Bavlinella in colony size and shape, colony architecture, unit cell size frequency distribution, or unit cell shape (see Geitler 1932; Desikachary 1959), some species of Microcystis do form tightly packed spheroidal colonies. Ecologically, Bavlinella does resemble some modern colonial chroococcaleans in its inferred planktic mode of life and tendency to bloom under eutrophic conditions (Knoll et al. 1981; Mansuy and Vidal 1983). The critical data bearing on the affinities of B. faveolata concern patterns of cell division. Pleurocapsalean multispheres and tightly packed chroococcalean colonies may have similar morphologies, but the development of these morphologies occurs quite differently in the two orders. explanation of plate 51 For each figure, slide number (which includes a sample number from text-fig. 3), stage co-ordinates (where ‘x’ on slide F500-14 = 23-7 x 102-2) and Harvard University Paleobotanical Collection number are given. Bar in fig. 2 = 40 pm for figs. 1, 2, and = 10 pm for all other figures. Figs. 1, 2. 'IChuaria circularis Walcott. Fragmentary remains; note small unicell (comparable in size to fig. 18) in fig. 1. 1.F575-5, 52-2 x 107-8, 60754. 2, F575-5, 45-5 x 95-6, 60755. Figs. 3, 4. Bavlinella faveolata (Schepeleva) Vidal. 3, F2-29-2, 55 x 96-5, 60756. 4. F2-29-2, 33-3 x 102-3, 60757. Figs. 5, 6. 9, 10. Eosynechococcus sp. 5, F500-13, 54-9 x 106-2, 60758. 6, F712-4, 42-4 x 1 1 0-4, 60759. 9, F712-4, 13 x 109-6, 60760; note second, small specimen at the upper right corner of the figure. 10, F712-6, 33-4 x 107, 60761. Fig. 7. A coccoidal unicell distorted by diagenetic crystal growth. Similar morphologies have been described as Octoedryxium spp., but genuine O. truncation specimens (e.g. Vidal 1976) do not resemble tins specimen. Figs. 8, 1 1 -18. Small coccoidal unicells. Note small blebs of internal organic matter in 11, 17, and 18. 8, ¥2-21-2, 29-4x113-7,60762. 1 1, F2-23-1, 30-6 x 101-7, 60763. 12, F856-1, 38-9 x 108-5, 60764. 13, F500-13, 49-8 x 108-8, 60765. 14, F575-5, 38-2 x I 14-9, 60796. 15, F712-6, 52-8 x 105-5, 60766. 16, F575-6, 39 x 107-6, 60767. 17, F575-5, 50-5 x 114-3, 60768. 18, F575-7, 44 x 106-1, 60769. Fig. 19. Filamentous sheath containing degraded remnants of cells (arrows). F500-14, 45-2 x 96, 60770. PLATE 51 KNOLL and SWETT, Late Proterozoic microfossils 464 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 In modern pleurocapsalean cyanobacteria, baeocyte clusters are formed by repeated binary fissions of a large initial cell, without intervening cell growth (Waterbury and Stanier 1978). In Microcystis and related genera, colonies arise by cell divisions interspersed with growth, so that at no point in the life cycle are any individual cells significantly larger than the cells that are found in the multicellular colony. Thus, if B. faveolata has pleurocapsalean affinities, its multispheres should co-occur with unicells, dyads, and tetrads having the same approximate total volume. If Bavlinella is a chroococcalean blue-green, no large cells should occur in the population and colony size might be expected to be somewhat variable. In samples processed by maceration, it is risky to infer that unicells are part of the life cycle of multispheres in the same assemblage, especially when the multispheres themselves are as rare as they are in the Veteranen Group. Bavlinella- rich assemblages from the Hector Formation, Alberta (Moorman 1974), the Mineral Fork Formation, Utah (Knoll et al. 1981), and the Brioverian of France (Chauvel and Schopf 1978; Chauvel and Mansuy 1981; Mansuy 1983) have been studied in thin-section; in at least two of these assemblages (Hector and Mineral Fork), Bavlinella multispheres occur in intimate spatial association with unicells and rare spheroidal dyads and tetrads whose maximum diameters are about the same size as the B. faveolata multispheres. It can be argued correctly that close spatial association of planktonic populations need not imply taxonomic identity. On the other hand the cell morphologies predicted by the ‘pleurocapsalean hypothesis’ do occur, while micron-sized unicells and variable colony sizes that might represent a chroococcalean growth series have not been observed. Therefore, pending further morphological data, we prefer to keep this fossil among the Pleurocapsales. Order chroococcales Wettstein, 1924 Family chroococcaceae Nageli, 1849 Genus eosynechococcus Hofmann, 1976 Type species. Eosynechococcus moorei Hofmann, 1976. Eosynechococcus sp. Plate 51, figs. 5, 6, 9, 10 Description. Isolated rod-shaped vesicles; 2-9 /xin long and 1-3 /xm wide (mean dimensions = 3-6 x 1-8 /xm, s x — 1 ^m, s y = 0-5 /xm, N = 50). Discussion. Eosynechococcus is a form genus for small rod-shaped microfossils, most of which are probably, but not demonstrably, cyanobacteria (see Knoll 1982a). Although many previously described Eosynechococcus populations occur as dense aggregations in stromatolitic laminae, occurrences of non-clustered solitary rods and dyads have been described (Hofmann 1976; Knoll 1982a; Jankauskas 1982; Strother et al. 1983), and some of these are known to occur in non- stromatoliticmuds. The generic diagnosis of Eosynechococcus Hofmann, 1976 specifically states that individuals may be solitary or clustered, so there is no question that this generic name is appropriate for the Veteranen fossils. In its size frequency distribution, the Veteranen population resembles E. moorei Hofmann, 1976 and E. brevis Knoll, 19826, but maceration has destroyed the evidence of spatial distribution and division patterns that would allow these two species to be distinguished. Thus, we have elected to use the designation Eosynechococcus sp. That these are fossils and not modern contaminants can be demonstrated by the colour of their walls, which indicates thermal alteration under conditions of deep burial. Class hormogonae Thuret, 1875 Order oscillatoriales Copeland, 1936 or nostocales Geitler, 1925 Filamentous microfossils Plate 51, fig. 19; Plate 52, figs. 1-3, 12 Discussion. Filamentous microfossils are abundant constituents of several Veteranen samples, KNOLL AND SWETT: LATE PROTEROZOIC MICROFOSSILS 465 particularly those from the Bogen Member of Kingbreen Formation. Specimens are uniformly non-septate and are interpreted as extracellular sheaths; however, internal patterns of thickening and attenuation often faithfully record the dimensions of trichome cells that originally occupied sheath interiors (PI. 52, fig. 2). These ‘ghosts’ suggest that the micro-organisms had a single trichome composed of undifferentiated cells, much like modern Lyngbya. In rare instances, partially degraded trichome fragments are preserved inside the sheaths (PI. 51, fig. 19). Size frequency distributions (text-fig. 6) indicate that several taxa are represented. Like silicified microbiotas from the Bitter Springs (Schopf 1968; Knoll 1981), Draken (Knoll 19826), and Sukhaya Tunguska (Mendelson and Schopf 1982) formations, the Veteranen populations fall into several size classes having modes in the 1, 2-4, 4-8, and 10-12 fim diameter ranges. The widest sheath observed is 16 ftm in diameter. In terms of permineralization taxonomic practice, these populations can be described as species of Tenuofilum , Eomycetopsis , and Siphonophycus , with the generic distinctions based largely on size. Macerated filaments have been assigned to these genera (e.g. Jankauskas 1982) or to the form genus Taeniatum. Biologically, most filamentous sheath populations were probably produced by oscil- latorialean or nostocalean cyanobacteria. The absence of well-preserved trichomes precludes further comparison, although ‘ghosts' of cells impressed on sheath interiors do indicate an oscillatorian affinity for many specimens. Kingdom protoctista Copeland, 1956 emend. Margulis, 1971 Division prasinophyta Round, 1971 Order pterospermatales Schiller, 1925 Family tasmanitaceae Sommer, 1956 ex. Tappan, 1980 Genus tasmanites Newton, 1875 Type species. Tasmanites pimctatus Newton, 1875. Tasmanites rifejicus Jankauskas, 1978 Plate 53, fig. 1 1 Discussion. Specimens of T. rifejicus are rare in the Veteranen Group, but they are easily distinguished by the numerous pores that perforate the vesicle. One Veteranen specimen (112 /am) falls in the size range for the species observed by Jankauskas (1978, 1982) and Vidal and Ford (1985), but others range from 43 to 52 /xm. Despite their smaller size, these specimens have been placed in T. rifejicus by virtue of their wall structure. Group acritarcha Evitt, 1963 Genus ?chuaria Walcott, 1899 Type species. Chuaria circularis Walcott, 1899. 1 Chuaria circularis Walcott, 1899 Plate 51, figs. 1 , 2 Discussion. No complete specimens of C. circularis have been observed in Veteranen material, but large fragments of robust, and often differentially coalified, spheroidal vesicles are common in some samples. Individual fragments range up to 140 in maximum dimension, and the curvature of these broken specimens indicates that the original vesicles were often in excess of 300 ^m diameter. Several species of Trachysphaeridium and Kildinosphaera exceed 200 /un in diameter but, given the robust nature of the walls and the commonness of the fragments, we suggest that the large shards belong to C. circularis. Chuaria is known to occur in correlative beds in Nordaustlandet, Svalbard (Knoll 1 982n), and East Greenland (Vidal 1 979), and indeed is common in Upper Riphean rocks from many localities throughout the world (Ford and Breed 1973; Hofmann 1977). 466 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Genus favososphaeridium Timofeev, 1959, ex Timofeev, 1966 Type species. Favososphaeridium scandicum Timofeev, 1966. Favososphaeridium sp. Plate 53, figs. 7, 10 Discussion. A single specimen 95 /am in diameter was observed in sample F-575. The size and irregularly reticulate surface ornamentation of this specimen (PI. 53, fig. 10) are comparable to those characterizing the specimens of Timofeev described by Vidal (1976) from the Visingso Beds, Sweden. Poor preservation makes specific comparison impossible. Genus kildinosphaera Vidal, 1983 Type species. Kildinosphaera chagrinata Vidal, 1983. Kildinosphaera chagrinata Vidal, 1983 Plate 53, figs. 1 -3 Discussion. Vidal (in Vidal and Siedlecka 1983) cut a Gordian knot in Proterozoic acritarch taxonomy by creating the new genus Kildinosphaera and describing as its type species K. chagrinata. The new genus was necessitated by Lindgren’s (1982) transfer of Kildinella hyperboreica (the type species of Kildinella) to Leiosphaeridia Eisenack, and the species was described to impart rigor to a troubled system of morphologically overlapping form species, most prominently K. sinica Timofeev, 1966. The Veteranen specimens have flexible, easily foldable walls with a subdued chagrinate surface. Size range is 26-78 pm (x = 40 /am, s x = 10-6 /am, N = 50). Kildinosphaera gramdata Vidal, 1983 Plate 53, figs. 9, 12-14 Discussion. Veteranen specimens of K. gramdata have flexible walls with a conspicuous, finely granulate surface texture. Size range is 30-85 pm (x = 52-2 /am, s x = 15-2 /am, N = 20). This species is common only in the most diverse, open coastal assemblage, sample F-856 and, less so, F-575. Genus leiosphaeridia Eisenack, 1958 Type species. Leiosphaeridia baltica Eisenack, 1958. Leiosphaeridia asperata (Naumova) Lindgren, 1982 Plate 52, figs. 4-8, 10, 1 1 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 52 For each figure, slide number (which includes a sample number from text-fig. 3), stage co-ordinates (where V on slide F500-14 = 23-7 x 102-2) and Harvard University Paleobotanical Collection number are given. Bar in fig. 12 = 10 /am for figs. 1-3, 12, and = 20 /am for all other figures. Figs. 1-3, 12. Filamentous microfossils. 1, F500-12, 43-1 x 103-4, 60771. 2, F2-17-2, 48-5 x116-5, 60772. 3, F2-29-2, 40-2 x 104-3, 60773. 12, F712-2, 42 x 1 12-4, 60774. Figs. 4 8, 10, 11. Leiosphaeridia asperata (Naumova) Lindgren. 4, F712-6, 21 x 107-2, 60775. 5, F500-12, 49 x 95-5, 60776. 6, F500-6, 50-5 x 95-7, 60777. 7, F500-12, 48 x 90-1, 60779. 8, a cluster of vesicles, F2200-I, 47-7 x 105-3, 60780. 10, F500-10, 31-4 x 109-1, 60781. 1 1, F712-6, 34 x 100-3, 60795. Fig. 9. Synsphaeridium sp. F575-5, 58-4 x 1 10-6, 60782. PLATE 52 KNOLL and SWETT, Late Proterozoic microfossils 468 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Discussion. Lindgren (1982) synonymized the well-known Proterozoic acritarch species Kildinella hyperboreica Timofeev, 1 966 with L. asperata. Veteranen L. asperata specimens have smooth, flexible walls 20-52 pm in diameter (x = 32-9 ^m, s x — 7-7 pm. N = 52). Genus satka Jankauskas, 1979a Type species. Satka favosa Jankauskas, 1979a. Satka colonialica Jankauskas, 19796 Plate 53, figs. 4-6, 8 Discussion. Vidal and Ford (1985) have interpreted S. colonialica as a thin, chagrinate to finely granular envelope whose outline reflects the dimensions of the numerous, smaller ellipsoidal cells about which it was compressed. Veteranen specimens support this interpretation; both in the Spitsbergen population and in previously described colonies, the ellipsoidal internal bodies are generally absent. Individual S. colonialica specimens reach 100 pm in length, but most fall in the 40-50 jum range. Ellipsoidal internal bodies are 7-14 pm long. Genus stictosphaeridium Timofeev, 1962 Type species. Stictosphaeridium podolense Timofeev, 1962. cf. Stictosphaeridium sp. sensu Vidal, 1976 Discussion. Very thin-walled, spheroidal vesicles with diameters of 25-63 pm are common in several Veteranen samples. Genus synsphaeridium Eisenack, 1965 Type species. Synsphaeridium gotlandicum Eisenack, 1965. Synsphaeridium sp. Plate 52, fig. 9 Discussion. Microfossils assigned to Synsphaeridium differ from other small unicells of the Veteranen Group in their possession of a thick (but not brittle) psilate wall that compresses to yield rounded folds rather than the sharp, pleated folds seen in many other taxa. Specimens have diameters of 13-17 pm and commonly occur in clusters. explanation of plate 53 For each figure, slide number (which includes a sample number from text-fig. 3), stage co-ordinates (where ‘x’ on slide F500-14 = 23-7 x 102-2) and Harvard University Paleobotanical Collection number are given. Bar in fig. 14 = 20 /im for figs. 1 -6, 8-14, and = 60 pm in fig. 7. Figs. 1-3. Kildinosphaera chagrinata Vidal. 1 , F575-7, 34 x 95-8, 60783. 2, F500-10, 57 x 95-2, 60784. 3,F575-5, 44-2 x 114-9, 60785. Figs. 4-6, 8. Satka colonialica Jankauskas. 4, F500-12, 42-3 x 104, 60786. 5, F500-10, 57x95-2, 60787. 6, F575-5, 44-2 x 1 14-9, 60788. 8, F500-12, 45-5 x 102, 60789. Figs. 7, 10. Favososphaeridium sp. 7, F575-1, 42-4 x 109-7, 60790. Fig. 10 is an enlargement of a portion of fig. 7 showing the structure of the vesicle wall. Figs. 9, 12 14. Kildinosphaera granulata Yida\. 9,F500-10,51 x 1 10-4, 6079 1 . 12, F2200-1, 39-5 x 1 13 1, 60792. 13, same specimen as fig. 12, photographed using interference contrast. 14, F500-10, 58-2 x 97-4, 60793. Fig. 1 1. Tasmanites rifejicus Jankauskas. F575-7, 34-3 x 110-1, 60794. PLATE 53 KNOLL and SWETT, Late Proterozoic microfossils 470 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 MICRO-ORGANISMS INCERTAE SEDIS Small coccoidal unicells Plate 51, figs. 8, 1118 Discussion. Numerous taxonomic names have been proposed for the classification of the small (3-25 ,u m), psilate to granular, spheroidal vesicles that occur as common constituents of late Proterozoic microbiotas (Timofeev 1966, 1969). If found as permineralizations, most of these popu- lations would be assigned to the genus Myxococcoides Schopf, especially M. minor Schopf, 1968 or M. cantabrigiensis Knoll, 1982a. Because maceration destroys original spatial relationships and often scatters individuals from loose clusters, some of the characters that are important in the recognition of Myxococcoides species are lost in the acid-resistant residues herein under consideration. Jankauskas (1982) treated comparable materials from the Upper Riphean of the southern Urals as species of the genera Synsphaeridium , Leiosphaeridia , Margominiscula , Arctacellularia, Leiominuscula , and unnamed spheroids. Pending the opportunity to examine type specimens in the Soviet Union, we prefer to treat these populations informally. Size frequency distributions of two sample populations are shown in text-fig. 4. Acknowledgements. We thank the Norsk Polarinstitutt and the Cambridge Spitsbergen Expedition for logistical and intellectual co-operation, E. Burkhardt and S. Goldberg for assistance in preparing the plates and text- figures, and G. Vidal and W. B. Harland for helpful criticisms of our manuscript. 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The occurrence of rich faunas of Lower Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves in the Antarctic Peninsula region further emphasizes their widespread distribution, and enhances their potential for regional biostrati- graphic correlations. The Antarctic material is contained in approximately seven of twelve species groups that are recognized on a worldwide scale. Six of these are assigned to the genus Inoceramus and one to Birostrina. The comparatively rare genus, Anopaea, is left undivided. In the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island, Berriasian representatives of the I. ovatus group (/. cf. ovatus Stanton and /. sp. aff. ellioti Gabb) are succeeded by A. trapezoidalis (Thomson and Willey) which has undifferentiated Berriasian-Aptian affinities. This is in turn followed by an Aptian member of the I. neocomiensis group (I. deltoides sp. nov.) and in the Albian there are occurrences of Anopaea sp. nov. aff. mandibula (Mordvilko), BP. cf. concentrica (Parkinson) (B. concentrica gp.), I. cf. anglicus elongatus Pergament, /. sp. aff. bellvuensis Reeside, I. sp. aff. comancheanus Cragin (all I. anglicus gp.), and I. flemingi sp. nov. (I. liwerowskyae gp.). Aptian-Albian strata on James Ross Island have yielded both /. stoneleyi sp. nov. (/. liwerowskyae gp.) and Anopaea sp. nov. /3. These are followed by the Albian species I. cf. sutherlandi M'Coy and /. carsoni M'Coy (both /. carsoni gp.) and the highest Lower Cretaceous specimens within this sequence have been referred to B. concentrica (Parkinson). Although specimens of I. cf. heteropterus Pokhialainen (I. heteropterus gp.) and I. annenkovensis sp. nov. (unclassified) from Annenkov Island are of probable Hauterivian-Barremian age, it is noticeable that there is a marked lack of Valanginian-Barremian inoceramids in the Antarctic Peninsula region. This gap probably reflects a period of regional uplift and non-deposition. Representatives of the I. ovatus and /. heteropterus groups provide a means of correlation between the Berriasian-Barremian of the Antarctic Peninsula and the North Pacific region. I. deltoides sp. nov. can be closely matched with Northern Hemisphere Aptian members of the I. neocomiensis group and I. stoneleyi sp. nov. and I. flemingi sp. nov. have possible counterparts within the Aptian-Albian of Spitzbergen, south-east USSR and far eastern USSR. Of the various Albian species groups, that based on I. carsoni provides a direct link between Antarctica and Australia and those based on I. anglicus and B. concentrica facilitate a range of long-distance correlations. The latter category, in particular, may be one of the first truly cosmopolitan inoceramid groups. In comparison with their Upper Cretaceous counterparts, Lower Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves have received little attention from palaeontologists. It is usually assumed that a few meagre lineages persisted from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary through to the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous, when a remarkable diversification occurred. In an early paper on the evolution of Inoceramus through the period. Woods (1912) depicted the entire range of English Upper Cretaceous species as originating from just two Aptian species. Possible Neocomian (i.e. Berriasian-Valanginian) and Barremian ancestors were not considered. We now know that there was in fact a considerable diversity of Lower Cretaceous inoceramids. In the Neocomian they can be traced around the North Pacific margins from California to Kamchatka (Pokhialainen 1 974) as well as in Northern Siberia (Zakharov 1 966; Zakharov and T urbina 1 979) and parts of Europe (Gillet 1924). In the Barremian-Aptian there is a notable development of the I. neocomiensis group, and in the Albian a variety of species is known from regions such as the North Pacific (e.g. McLearn 1943; Imlay 1961; Pergament 1965), the Russian Platform (Saveliev 1962), Western Europe (e.g. Woods 1911), and Australasia (e.g. Day 1969; Stevens and Speden 1978). The distribution of Lower Cretaceous Inoceramus species would seem to be such as to offer considerable potential for regional biostratigraphic correlations. IPalaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 3, 1985, pp. 475-525, pis. 54-61.| 476 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 One further region in which Lower Cretaceous inoceramids are well represented is the Antarctic Peninsula (text-fig. 1 ). On the south-western flanks of the peninsula, along the inner or eastern margin of Alexander Island (text-fig. 2), they occur through the greater part of the Fossil Bluff Formation (?Kimmeridgian-Albian). This unit, which is at least 4 km thick and composed of a variety of fine- to coarse-grained volcaniclastic sediments, accumulated in a fore-arc environment (Taylor et al. 1979). On the north-eastern side of the peninsula, within the James Ross Island group (text-fig. 3), further Cretaceous sediments are encountered that were deposited in a rear-arc setting. Recent fieldwork has shown the lower stratigraphic units mapped by Bibby ( 1 966) in this area to be lower Cretaceous. They are approximately 1400 m thick, and are composed of lithologies ranging from bioturbated siltstones to breccio-conglomerates, and contain both ammonites and inoceramids. They pass up into a pre- dominantly finer grained Upper Cretaceous sequence (the Hidden Lake Beds and Snow Hill Island Series of Bibby, 1966), that may be in excess of 3 km thick. Further fossiliferous Cretaceous sediments CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 477 text-fig. 2. Locality and geological map of the central east coast of Alexander Island. The Fossil Bluff Formation comprises the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata. Inset a shows the position of the enlarged area on the east coast of Alexander Island, inset b is an enlargement of localities in the Succession Cliffs Fossil Bluff area, and inset c of localities in the Adams Nunatak Mt. Lassell Mt. Phoebe area. 478 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 3. Locality and geological map of NW James Ross Island. The inset shows the position of the enlarged area on the NW coast of James Ross Island. can be traced through the Scotia arc in both the South Shetland Islands and the South Georgia Island group. In the former of these areas, early Cretaceous fossils have been collected from a sequence of fine- to coarse-grained clastic sediments on Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island (text-fig. 1 ) (Smellie et al. 1980). These sediments are intimately associated with a series of contemporaneous island-arc volcanic rocks in a setting similar to that described on Annenkov Island, close to South Georgia (text- CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 479 fig. 1) (Pettigrew 1981). Indeed, similar fossiliferous Lower Cretaceous sediments associated with volcanic rocks can be traced into the regions of southern Patagonia that were once contiguous with the island-arc marginal basin systems of the Scotia arc (e.g. Tanner et al. 1981; Tanner 1982). It is the aim of this paper to describe the Lower Cretaceous inoceramids from the Antarctic Peninsula region and assess their potential for both local and regional biostratigraphic correlations. Until a formal re-classification has been completed (Crame, in prep.), it will be necessary to divide the two principal genera ( Inoceramus J. Sowerby, 1814 and Birostrina J. Sowerby, 1821 ) into a series of informal species groups (Table 1). These groups are partly based on those of previous authors (Woods 1911, 1912; Gillet 1924; Maury 1936; McLearn 1943; Hayami 1960; Saveliev 1962; Pergament 1965; Sornay 1966; Pokhialainen 1969, 1974) and are partly new herein. Inoceramus is subdivided into nine species groups and Birostrina (which is here taken to be a valid genus, sensu Kauffman 1977, 1978«-c) into three. In Table 1 these twelve categories are arranged in approximate stratigraphic order. The comparatively rare genus, Anopaea Eichwald, 1861, is left undivided. Wherever possible, the following measurements were taken: shell length (L) — the length of the valve as measured along the direction of maximum growth (or growth axis). shell width (W) — the maximum dimension perpendicular to the length. apical angle (a) — the angle between the hingeline and the anterior margin. All the specimens are currently held in the collections of the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK. In the systematic descriptions the following abbreviations are used: WS — whole specimen (i.e. bi-valved specimen); LV — left valve; RV— right valve. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Family inoceramidae Giebel, 1852 Genus inoceramus ,J. Sowerby, 1814 Type species. Inoceramus cuvierii J. Sowerby, 1814 from the ‘Upper Chalk’ of Sussex, England; by subsequent designation (Cox 1969, p. N315). Inoceramus ovatus group Inoceramus cf. ovatus Stanton, 1895 Text-fig. 4a cf. 1895 Inoceramus ovatus Stanton, p. 47, pi. 4, fig. 15. cf. 1938 Inoceramus ovatus Stanton; Anderson, p. 99, pi. 4, fig. 9. cf. 1966 Inoceramus ovatus Stanton; Zakharov, p. 98, pi. 35, fig. 3. 1972 Inoceramus sp. a, Thomson and Willey, p. 9, fig. 7c. Holotype. Inoceramus ovatus Stanton (1895, p. 47, pi. 4, fig. 15); Paskenta group (Berriasian-Valanginian), Shasta series, California (see Anderson 1938); by monotypy. Material. One slightly distorted internal mould (WS) KG.719.15) from approximately the 1675 m level in the Ablation Valley section, Alexander Island (70° 49' S., 68° 28' W .; text-figs. 2 and 10). Occurrence. As for material; specimen KG.719.15 occurs in association with a Berriasian Haplophylloceras - Bochianites ammonite assemblage (Thomson 1979, p. 31); Tithonian-Valanginian (and Hauterivian?) range established in the Northern Hemisphere. Description. The left valve (text-fig. 4 a), which is the better preserved of the two, clearly has a sub- symmetrical pyriform outline; the narrow, pointed umbonal region is curved gently forwards and there are well-rounded anteroventral, ventral, and posteroventral regions. The length of the valve is 62 mm and width is 45 mm (W/L = 0-73). It is moderately convex, with the maximum inflation occurring in the umbonal region and centre of the valve. There are steep descents to the antero- and posterodorsal regions, but much shallower gradients in a ventral direction. Ornament consists of 480 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 5 03 .2 g B « .2 8 -G x a ^ 013 -G O ~ 4> 73 013 43 -g •- o-.tQ 2 73 013 C '12 G c ° G OQ G 8 O •— 4> g °- G _ - £ I 03 t O 0 0-2 '5b c ,o o O £ S •5 S i> P- »H 2 'G G 2 « ^ G o 8 c 8 ■2 « 3 u <43 -o X 43 X 73 3 ^ V) ^ c ^ h 3 oo 5 •-ON o 00 ** "G ,— ‘ -G ’”■' > S. ^ O C/3 O ^ ON X ^ 2 VO ' r- > G ^ - r ;« 4 : ^ £ M ■ • ‘G G d> N -2 M3 ^ £ 7t ON n .52 I X 2 c ON 3 *-« G G ^ N © ON a g O 7G o G O x 2 3 . o ^ cu On NO cn "» ON VO . ; — on ^? ’g B F- G O G 00 ,G • *■ O o > bo ■s 2 §) «•£ " 8 2 S •g 4? £ « N 2 H .- o S ^ 3 2 ! oo \> ; no ^ >n : 2 6 C S ! NO G §24 sl §1 x; .2 ^ : g g ^ N G 1 • - G 1:3 ^ IZN rG — : 1 3 oo G ON O ON G — 3 £> G ON r G no fc o ■ ^ ON ; g ^ ^ e u G E Oh O ON G B Ui h ; 73 G G 2 0 .2 S 13 > ^ G H-* C/3 G . , W on G ^ G ON 5/j ^ J- r- ^ 2 ®- G S CN X NO ,C/3 -2 • - O NO 55 2 W ^ <^4 JO So U ' — 1 > <30 O OJj C/3 73 . T3 ^ 4) . . B d yj 013 -go. X -G 22 d cn „ s: no vo g ^ NO C ^ oo o > — • Nj 3 ^ ^ N 7 T1 G OO g G U = 23 gcS g M C y ^ 8 B £ l 2 o ^ q3 U 1-1 IZ3 Oh .2 Lh ’o G 4) (U >-< p “ S | 04j "a ■ . O «3 0< O .>•33 •O & O VO .SP 2 Ov X3 6 — J. o C P £ O 73 ^ 2 • - ON G^nO 013 *(UO G^cn « o£ N I 73 ■^f ; c . rn >- S - < 7: C3 ON 9^ v> J o,^ U -J o ■C ^ r\ r7 ; ON G O O ^ 1 OQ 1 cci Co G >■0 0 i O c « j e < S I a . „ u N >cf G : c« r 4 O So£^ C G •- 4) -G J ^ 2 C 6-1 H^uSuS G O Oh 2 o O a o o O G ^ o IS ’C cG < aj ‘SSfi G hJ c/3 0 - G B 2 S 5 K o 4) 2 6 8 ’G B ^ ° o. c O 'B Br* g G X O G C O 4) . p 73 oo O 6 £ Cd O O O g S ° G s ^ G o B 2 43 4) S b? £ G 73 >» G 2 44 3 G G 013 013 4) 4) § 5 fc u 3-3 3 O 8 Si ^ ■ 3 S > ^ 2 8 8 N la 2 § N 1 II. Qh cd c n ■£ in 5 D B c+h C/3 C/5 QJ G x w -S d c/3 o r t: D2 o a 4-. B Z C/3 G U Qh Ch H-* ^ O pH 2 £ oo.S G > B 'G G B > G I G g i 75 ^ •g s L o 4) ,_J OQ 43 o 73 S 4) *- H B d o : B £ 43 cn — c n x 4) p^S ‘ G 4) * s O 0 o p> - .G cG Q y, G G Li M ™ OO Ui Lh £ B Lh G O co >73 d O °3 8 2 a 8 = |S G 4) >.§ -I B w o •a B . 33 o 'B G 43 .S G < is - B ■= C ■G G 4) ' C™ •— < r -1 G £ § G ' N N pG M --H O -G Oh ^ = a p S ^ = a- 2 ■2 .2 o n) L> ^ Qh fvj . ^ <3 O *-■*( O- NJ ~C) X ^ >- o 2 so H ^3 S «n 5 S, 33 s 3 ^ § 43 33 - J o oo — ^ 2 .2 2 -3 C '8 ^ “ O O C/3 Q. X UJ > CCS o® ■J 8 £ o hJ PJ3 O 73 s- 4) d 'G GJ G 43 73 U 4> ^ O £3 t £ 2 - § > g 2 9d>-£ o 7, 4) 43 _ G ^ -dB 8 £ 4) B 73 2 43 S J5 t; co O 43 ^ S ,s o s "u >> -Jo g S.y •a -3J 2 2 g g 33 > CJ E o 3 1/1 X 00 73 > 4) ^ *7* -J 2 5 G u"3 2 e O xs | £ £ 3 u ^ — « J CS > . . 3 '£ > 8 8 * -o o 43 G ~ E a g .g a ,g Oo G X ■S X p §• L 3 hJ 2 o . , c U 73 ■ - 2 o > 43 OC u £ c a &| so g — > cd o •s .a -35 O o £ ^ E o c ^ ^ ^ b ci n u Oj 03 O c£3 w cjfs u g * £ S I £ z Uh G oj X Cl ■ CL D G o G X *- c : § 5 •5 £ , . O' i- T3 . , 0-2 3 D g £ g ) ^ (D ■ bU tP ^ c ; c o Jb 4 5 G h-j i "3? 03 ; >- O---* c ; < . > X ^T3g § g c a. g ’> < £ -c a I O G 3 C 3 c 3 _U ^ E £ X G PJ ■a| c/5 3 o' £ 03 1 ) cj bfi-~ t — -. C4_ QJ ^ X o x < N b- °I = s rrt "c^ I— 3 P S c u p .. - U | £2 SfeDaZm 2 i QC •5 C/5 3 C/5 ‘-j o D 2 G O x : — . c5 )> '0 > X C/5 ^ o w "2 g 2 c/5 G X 60’C 5 > ■S - S3 , u u u ^ G q 73 X X X G W) 3 g . 513 G £ o a • . , ^ c W ■§>■§ 2 § £ «- j_ y O £P '5 43 C 60 § E a S3 ~ u O X O O £ o x £ ' c 15 .2 G XT K ~ 03 J* C , G XP 3 , G 3 P « X 03 _T « - <3 O P 2 E E £> E G v i- X X D 73 G OD U O »_ £ ^ 2 o ^ c x xxx 03 t3 _blj £ o 'iz C/5 o _P G 'O, ° o 03 ^ O • •• ^ (— < .S 2 o bD u X i3 ^ > £ G > £ o' £ u in £ O — »-. X o 2 1 > O os a> O- £ z § >N CJ X >< -SP S « - g a g ]3 Oh > I- to o3 (U P £ ’g E ?■ S o 73 T3 T3 ^ G g 3 £• p £ X ed _G 5> _o 03 £ 03 X X X x X P O Oh a. c. 2 o ^ u Sf-S ^ a c- -as jj io a (L) C^- ! § 3 X ^ 73 ^ p 3 ^ O- < ^ C 3 .Is X 60 13 X P a S 3 N 3 > >5 .*> w X 3 § § -g p X ?s ^ 03 1 ® 3 b G G N X 03 X O N o ^ o3 03 bO ^ s 2 Oh > -C) C3 G ^ Q X cu G »-< t5 *5 G 2 oh bo Cl, s. 3 -4 , G >N > aj O “MS t -%o 00 C . ^*5 S ^ s 5 O G ^ ^ ^ ' ' boc^- O' G G S3 P 53 £ 3 3 c- £ £ o« o- o* G W • x is c Ifl C G 0^ - CO 1 Oh £ co D co • g ^ # < ^ **2 s $ ? 1.1 bij sr C < O C U Oh --^G^G^ PJ ^UhQ^D # ^PhhJ^Z CD G " s 5'z = ^ -a — G G £ ^ c - £ o G > ^ Z 8* 3 . g "55 « c Ft O u '^,-g c G bXJ '0 g a 2 « G O > o 3 "Z +3 > to •a E o - •d c 2 g ° c n o S « G • *• ^ G 0 D O s O °S E j s 1 e J g ^ 3 | 5—3 s I ’m o a > g h 3 g > to .sr §■ >- X) # C I- o .5 o-c G > G t- T 3 O a Oh D G CD G ,G £ Z £ 'O £ s < w TO ^ S S 2 ■K 2 3 "O ‘o > E 3 £ > £ Z'h E c/a o & c -a 3 c ^ -br* ^ E - M*; u g 3 “> g u w 5 G W 03 'G > D C ‘OD o 2 > » 5 o g fc E ■I 3 3 S = 3 > ^ u %, g > § S g J3 >% •g ri w , o ’O c cr « o g G S .5 qG -G ^ o 2 Vh £ 0J ^ Oh O' G o G hj — i H CJ — G > CD 'G G ' ^ G 2 ti w 1 g 5 ■C g _g> Oh G ^ G ° *0 • G CD (D 5 s S| § ag| G D *j ^ G J-h C G ^ X) g a&S'-o g.| so G C /3 G Ch-h 'G G § a .Is s o 2 E ^ ^ rt" g S2 > o G o 3 3 § C/3 Q N GO ^ T3 . 5 G W 2 CD O a Hh h^ 3 CH. a. h 8 s i?- 3 "E o c ^-h CD CD 4 0 0 G G o 8 £ CD £ ■ 2 3 S C jd 2 ? h-5 0) 1 -H G u G ^ ^ CD ■S x K •® i a o- •h o s: ^ ^ G G U G G C /3 (J O £ •G -O • G 2 CO | S ■§ ’tz i 2 ^ G G G G W) W) G co CQ < G £ G bb O § G b -3 o o G >a CD CD £ 3 7 ^ •g O 3 Sg p T3 CD O ■I E /H •“ 1 *— I 9-od ? s 8- 3 CL OJ 3 3 TO 3 Sh >>G^ •— : a) " -G -g ■ £ 1) 1) O- G g g: C /3 1 ) jo E .GJ G s G a > JO 3 TO ,E J -a Zp £ "O JO 3 .2 1-503 : ? cl > ’ G G -r- > fe W)'G ^ .£ cr .£ Oh « -G 09 ^ ^ G c 3 G tJ) qG D cG G 5 6 TG O o H ^ C^I - ; o 3 ^ 3 ^ JO § X MO 5 a- ^ u u *S "% “ 1, ! G Oh G o PQ < H CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 483 text-fig. 4. Inoceramus cf. ovatus Stanton and /. sp. aff. ellioti Gabb from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island, a, internal mould of a whole specimen of/, cf. ovatus (KG.719. 1 5) viewed from the left side; specimen from Ablation Valley, b, internal mould of an incomplete left valve of /. sp. aff. ellioti (KG. 401.51) from Tombaugh Cliffs. Both specimens x I. poorly developed primary concentric folds with a spacing of 5-7 mm. Superimposed on this initial pattern, especially in the dorsal half of the valve, are finer, closely spaced secondary ribs (text-fig. 4a). The right valve has been partially crushed and its true form is uncertain. Flowever, it probably agrees closely in size and shape with the left and it can be concluded that the specimen was, at most, only slightly inequivalve. The hinge appears to have been short and oblique and the apical angle is approximately 73°. Remarks. The pyriform outline, narrow pointed umbones, subdued ornament, and near equality of the valves all suggest affinity with the I. ovatus group, and more especially with /. ovatus itself. However, poor preservation prevents positive identification with this species. Inoceramus sp. aft', ellioti Gabb, 1869 Text-fig. 4b cf. 1938 Inoceramus ellioti Gabb; Anderson, p. 99, pi. 7, fig. 1 . 1972 Inoceramus sp. a; Thomson and Willey, p. 9, fig. lb. Holotype. Inoceramus ellioti Gabb; ?Paskenta group (Berriasian-Valanginian), Shasta series, California; re- figured in Anderson (1938, pi. 7, fig. 1). Material. One incomplete internal mould (with traces of a thin prismatic shell layer) (WS) (KG.401.51); 30 m level at Tombaugh Cliffs, Alexander Island (71° 04' S. 68° 18' W.; text-figs. 2 and 10). Occurrence. As for material. Associated fossils include Berriasian ammonites, belemnites, and bivalves (Taylor etal. 1979, p. 36; Crame 1982, text-fig. 9). /. ellioti has a probable Tithonian-Valanginian age-range in California (Anderson 1938; Zakharov 1968). Description. Although the anterior and ventral regions of this specimen are incomplete, it can be judged to have had a slightly oblique, oval outline. The better preserved left valve (text-fig. 4b) has an estimated length of 82 mm and a width of 59 mm ( W/L = 0-72). The umbonal region is not so clearly isolated as in the specimen of /. cf. ovatus and not noticeably inclined forwards either. It merges 484 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 ventrally with the moderately inflated central region of the valve and there are gentle descents to the posterior and posterodorsal margins. The latter is noticeably flatter and more pronounced than in the previous species. Both valves bear the impressions of two phases of concentric ornament. The larger ribs have widths of 3-5 mm and low, rounded profiles. Regularly spaced and symmetrically curving over the central part of the valve, they sweep strongly forwards in the posterodorsal region. Finer secondary ribs (up to 2 mm in width) are superimposed on the primary ornament (text-fig. 4b). Remarks. Even though there are similarities between this and the previous species (I. cf. ovatus ) in style of ornament (see Thomson and Willey 1972, p. 9), it is apparent that there are significant differences in their respective shell forms. This specimen, with its more prominent posterodorsal region, is closer to broad forms in the /. ovatus group such as I. quatsinoensis and I. ellioti (Table 1 ). It is judged to be marginally closer to the latter, although poor preservation means that it can be only tentatively assigned to it. Inoceramus heteropterus group Inoceramus cf. heteropterus Pokhialainen, 1969 Text-fig. 5a, b cf. 1969 Inoceramus heteropterus Pokhialainen, p. 141, pi. 14, figs. 2-4; pi. 17, fig. 4; pi. 20, fig. 3; pi. 21, tig. 4. Holotype. Inoceramus heteropterus Pokhialainen (1969, p. 141, pi. 14, fig. 4; pi. 17, fig. 4); specimen No. 46a/3, Museum of the NE Complex Scientific Research Institute, Magadan; Upper Hauterivian, basin of the River Veseloy, NW Kamchatka; by original designation. Material. Five incomplete internal moulds of whole specimens bearing traces of shell material (M.l 196.3a-e); approximately the 715 nr level in the Lower TulTMember, Annenkov Island (54° 29' S., 37° 03' W.; text-fig. 1 ) (Pettigrew 1981, fig. 5; Crame 1983a, figs. 6 and 7). text-fig. 5. Inoceramus cf. heteropterus Pokhialainen from Annenkov Island, a, internal mould (with traces of a thick prismatic shell layer) of an incomplete whole specimen (M.l 196.3c) viewed from the right side. 6, internal mould (with traces of a thick prismatic shell layer) of an incomplete whole specimen (M.l 196.3 d) viewed from the right. Both specimens x 1. CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 485 Occurrence. As for material. The 1. heteropterus group is Upper Hauterivian in the Far East of USSR (Table 1), but this age may have to be extended down to at least the Valanginian if I. vallejoensis Anderson is a true member of the group. Similarly, if certain younger species are subsequently referred to it, it may have to be extended to the Albian or even Cenomanian (Table 1). The Annenkov Island Formation (which includes the lower TufY Member) is imprecisely dated in the interval Neocomian- Aptian (Thomson et al. 1982). Description. The specimens are conspicuous for their oval outlines, very reduced ornament, and narrow, pointed umbones. The latter project strongly above the hinge and forwards, but are not significantly curved inwards (text-fig. 5a , b). The mean shell length of the five specimens is 84-8 mm (S.D. = 17-95; range = 71-113) and mean width is 62-4 mm (S.D. = 15-27; range = 49-86). There is some evidence that the left valves may be slightly longer than the right valves but the specimens are not well enough preserved for this to be accurately determined. The best preserved right valve is that of specimen M.l 196.3c (text-fig. 5a). It is moderately convex, with the maximum inflation occurring in the umbonal region and along the growth axis. There is a gentle gradient from the centre of the valve to the ventral region and also to the posterodorsal region where there is an indistinctly recessed wing. There is a significantly steeper descent from the anterior margin of the valve to the plane of commissure. This occurs across a flat to gently concave shelf up to 13 mm wide (text-fig. 5a). At its dorsal end, directly beneath the umbo, the shelf assumes a more strongly concave profile and could be described as a gutter. Its presence is related to the curve of the umbo up and away from the hinge margin. The beak is missing, but by comparison with specimens M.l 196.36 and cl, it can be judged to have been narrow, pointed, and prosogyrous. A similar, but slightly shallower, concave gutter separates it from the hinge margin. The left valves are not so well preserved as the right valves. In outline and general form they appear to be close to the latter and there are some indications that they may be marginally narrower and more evenly inflated. Specimen M.l 196. 3d has a very pronounced anterior shelf which again runs steeply from the anterior margin to the plane of commissure and has an approximate width of 1 5 mm. The net effect of the very pronounced anterior shelf on both valves must have been to produce a projection with a distinctly ‘V’ shaped cross-section. The anterior shelf of the left valve also narrows and deepens directly beneath the umbo (text-fig. 5a, b). The separation of the left umbo from the hingeline is best seen from the right side where a smooth, narrow, triangular area can be clearly distinguished between the beak and the dorsal surface of the ligamentat (text-fig. 5a, b). The latter feature, which is the surface on which the ligament pits are arranged (Pokhialainen 1969), is partially displayed on specimens M.l 196.36-d; on M.l 196.3c it has an approximate length of 30 mm and a depth of 5 mm in the centre. There is some evidence that it may have had a convex upper (dorsal) surface but this could not be definitely confirmed. The largest ligament pits certainly seem to be in the centre of the ligamentat where they are preserved as a rather irregular row of barrel-like proturberances with convex sides (text-fig. 5a). Much of the surface detail of the pits has been lost and it is uncertain whether they are simple or composed of composite elements. On both valves there are faint traces of broad, low concentric folds. Remarks. These almost smooth, oval shells with prominent, pointed umbones can be readily linked to the I. heteropterus group from the Soviet Far East. Unfortunately, this group is almost exclusively known from a single taxonomic study (Pokhialainen 1969) and the relationships between the component species are not always clear. The Annenkov Island specimens are judged to be closest to I. heteropterus itself, which exhibits a very similar range of shell sizes and morphologies (cf. Pokhialainen 1969, pi. 14, figs. 2 and 3; pi. 17, fig. 4; pi. 20, fig. 3; pi. 21, fig. 4). In particular, this species has a steeply descending anterior margin on the right valve which assumes a deep concave profile at its dorsal end, as well as a conspicuous ligamentat bearing large rounded-rectangular ligament pits (Pokhialainen 1969, pi. 15, fig. 6; pi. 20, fig. 3). As the specimens may be slightly less inequivalve than the Russian material, and have more prominent left anterior margins, they are only tentatively referred to I. heteropterus. I. solus Pokhialainen (1969, pi. 13, fig. 6; pi. 20, fig. 7) is very close to I. heteropterus but can be 486 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 distinguished by a slightly larger apical angle, distinctive ligamentat, and less prominent hollow (gutter) on the anterior margin. I. peltiformis Pokhialainen (1969, pi. 12, fig. 2; pi. 13, figs. 1-5) is a rounder and more convex form with traces of a distinct posterodorsal wing. The same feature is also present on /. semicostatus Pokhialainen (1969, pi. 14, fig. 1; pi. 17, figs. 1-3) which is an elongate- rounded form with prominent concentric ornament present on the smaller (?juvenile) specimens. It too, has a distinctive ligamentat and lacks a deep concave hollow along the anterodorsal margin. Inoceramus neocomiensis group Inoceramus deltoides sp. nov. Plate 54, figs. 1-7; Plate 55, figs. 1, 2 Type material. Holotype: KG. 1678.7 (RV?). Paratypes: KG.1677.2-4; KG.1678.5-7, 9; KG. 1701. 33, 34; KG. 1730. 13- 16, 18, 20-22, 24; KG. 1735.4-9, 13-24, 26-30, 32-37; KG. 1743. 1-7, 9; KG. 1745. 15; KG.2800.9, 31, 33, 84-86, 88, 264, 281,282, 343, 344, 347, 348, 1113-1121, 1127-1130, 1 133, 1 136-1 139 (both int.m. + ext. m.; RV’s, LV’s + indet. V's). From the following localities (see text-fig. 2): KG. 1677 -ridge between Mt. Lassell and Mt. Phoebe (71° 45' 30" S„ 68° 49' W.); KG. 1678/1730— N face of Mt. Lassell, Neptune Glacier (71° 43' S„ 68° 45' W.); KG. 1701 -Citadel Bastion (71° 59' S„ 68° 32' W.) (probably loose); KG. 1 735-nunatak 0-6 km W of Mt. Lassell (71 43' 30" S„ 68 52' W.); KG. 1743/2800— Fossil Bluff (71° 19' S„ 68° 17' W.); KG. 1745- locality U— 2 km NW of Fossil Bluff (71° 18' S., 68° 20' W.). At locality KG. 1743/2800 the specimens occur between 96 and 133 m in a 426 m section (text-fig. 10); their occurrence at localities to the south of Fossil Bluff (text-fig. 2) is due to tectonic repetition of the Fossil Bluff Formation. Occurrence. As for the type material. Associated aconeceratid and heteromorph ammonites strongly suggest an Aptian age, although there is a possibility that some of them may have Barremian affinities too (Thomson 1974, 1983). Co-occurring specimens belonging to the Aucellina andina-radiatostriata group suggest an Aptian-Albian age (Crame 1 983a). Derivation of name. From the distinctive delta-like, or triangular, outline. Diagnosis. Medium to large, weakly inflated Inoceramus with a triangular outline; ornament of narrow, regularly spaced concentric ribs that are slightly asymmetric about the growth axis; ornament lacking in the ventral regions of the largest specimens; slightly inequivalve. Description. First impressions of this species are those of a medium-sized, flat triangular shell that varies from roughly equilateral in outline (e.g. KG. 1678.6 and 7; PI. 54, fig. 1 and PI. 55, fig. 2) to slightly oblique and inequilateral (e.g. KG. 1677.4 and 1735.9; PI. 54, figs. 4 and 6). Although it is often difficult to distinguish between right and left valves, it is apparent that, in all the asymmetric specimens, it is the anterior region which becomes reduced; the extent of this reduction varies from barely detectable to the pronounced state seen in two of the three articulated specimens (e.g. KG. 1745. 15; PI. 54, fig. 2). The latter specimens are also of interest in that their left valves are slightly larger and have more inflated umbonal regions than the right valves. There is also a general impression from study of the single valves that at least some of the left valves have more inflated umbones than the right valves (e.g. KG. 1677.4; PI. 54, fig. 6). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 54 Figs. 1 -7. Inoceramus deltoides sp. nov. from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 1, internal mould of probable right valve (KG. 1678.6); Mt. Lassell. 2, internal mould of small whole specimen (KG. 1745. 15) viewed from the right side; locality U near Fossil Bluff. 3, rubber peel from the external mould of indeterminate valve (KG. 2800. 1 128); Fossil Bluff. 4, internal mould of probable left valve (KG. 1735. 9); nunatak 0-6 km due W of Mt. Lassell. 5, rubber peel from external mould of probable right valve (KG. 1678.9); Mt. Lassell. 6, internal mould of left valve (KG. 1677.4); Mt. Lassell Ml. Phoebe ridge. 7, rubber peel from external mould of probable right valve (KG. 1678.5); Mt. Lassell. All specimens x 1, except for fig. 2 which is x 1 -5. PLATE 54 CRAME, Inoceramus from Antarctica 488 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Owing to the uncertainty of the orientation (i.e. left or right) of many valves the following measurements are based on an undifferentiated sample. It should be borne in mind that the left valves may be very slightly longer than the right valves, and also that, owing to the poor state of preservation, most specimens are probably incomplete. The mean estimated shell length is 69- 1 1 mm (S.D. = 22-65; range = 41-175; N = 44), mean width is 62-30 mm (S.D. = 31-48; range = 32-210; N = 44), and mean ratio of width to length is 0-89 (S.D. = 0-23; range = 0-62-1.55; N = 44). Thus, the average shell shape is roughly that of an isosceles triangle that is marginally taller than it is broad (e.g. KG. 1678.7; PI. 55, fig. 2); common variants are narrower, oblique types (e.g. KG. 1677.4; PI. 54, fig. 6) and squatter, broader forms with expanded ventral regions (e.g. KG.1735.14u; PI. 55, fig. 1). Where preserved the anterior and posterior margins appear to be essentially straight features that enclose an apical angle that approximates to a right angle (x = 91-16°; S.D. = 14-69; range = 73°- 132°; N = 45) (e.g. KG. 1678.6, 7, 1735.9, and 2800.1 128; PI. 54, figs. 1, 3, 4 and PI. 55, fig. 2). In those valves with attenuated anterior regions, a short, straight anterodorsal margin passes into a gently to strongly convex anteroventral margin (e.g. KG. 1677.4; PI. 54, fig. 6). The ventral margin always appears to be well rounded. The valves are weakly to moderately inflated with the maximum inflation occurring in the umbonal region. As well as the single left valves with more inflated umbones (e.g. KG. 1677.4), there are some large right valves in which the umbones rise steeply from a weakly inflated valve surface (e.g. KG. 1677.2 and 3). A distinctive feature of this species is its narrow, regularly spaced concentric ornament. This is best seen in the early stages of the shell where the ribs are typically 1-1-5 mm in width, have acute to rounded profiles, and are separated by narrow interspaces (e.g. KG. 1678.7, 1735.9, 2800. 1 1 28; PI. 54, figs. 3, 4; PI. 55, fig. 2). Usually arranged slightly asymmetrically about the growth axis, they occasionally anastomose or die out (e.g. KG. 1678.6, 1735.14a, 2800.1128; PI. 54, figs. 1, 3; PI. 55, fig. 1); for the most part, however, they are remarkably uniform in their size and distribution. On some of the larger specimens there is a tendency for the ribs to become coarser and irregular in the posteroventral and ventral regions. Here they are bunched into thicker features 4-5 mm in width, which, when traced into the posterodorsal region, sweep strongly forwards and diminish in intensity (e.g. KG. 1678.5 and 9; PI. 54, figs. 5 and 7). On the largest specimens the con- centric ribs can be up to 2 mm in width and are separated by shallow, flat-floored interspaces of similar, or even slightly greater, size. They are essentially restricted to the umbonal and central regions of the valve and, when traced towards the anterior, posterior, and ventral margins, are seen to die out rapidly (e.g. KG. 1677.2, 3 and 1735.8). They are replaced by areas of smooth, undulatory shell and it can be concluded that this dimorphic ornament pattern is a consistent feature of all the largest valves. A final characteristic to be noted about the ornament is the tendency for the fine concentric ribs of some specimens to be grouped (and slightly raised) on low primary folds. This is best seen in the umbonal region of the largest specimen (KG. 1677.3) but can also be detected on a number of smaller valves. This style of ornament is close to Heinz's ( 1928c/) Anwachsringreifen. Those specimens with the most strongly reduced anterior regions show obvious similarities in outline to Anopaea (e.g. KG. 1 745. 1 5; PI. 54, fig. 2); these are enhanced by the presence on some valves of a very shallow anteroventral sulcus (e.g. KG. 1735.4). Such material can be taken as further evidence of possible morphological transitions between Inoceramus and Anopaea. Remarks. The flat, triangular form and regular, closely spaced concentric ornament readily link I. deltoides sp. nov. with either the /. neocomiensis or I. anglicus groups. Features which suggest a greater affinity to the former of these include: a mean apical angle in the region of 90°, the absence of a protruding anterior region, the slightly inequivalve nature of the shell (with the left valve being the more convex), comparatively narrow ornament with acute to rounded summits, and the occasional presence of Anwachsringreifen (Table 1). There are in fact considerable similarities, especially in style of ornament, with I. neocomiensis itself, although this species is usually interpreted as a comparatively small and more strongly inequivalve form (e.g. d’Orbigny 1846, pi. 403, figs. 1 and 2; Woods 191 1, pi. 45, figs. 1 and 2; Glazunova 1973, pi. 19, fig. la, b). I. subneocomiensis reaches larger sizes (> 100 mm in length) and shows a distinct tendency to develop Anwachsringreifen (e.g. Glazunova 1973, pi. 16, CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 489 fig. 4 and pi. 17, fig. 1); however, on the early stages of the valve the ribbing is less distinct than on I. deltoides sp. nov. and on some of the smaller specimens it is noticeably less regular (e.g. Glazunova 1973, pi. 17, fig. 2). Much clearer regular ornament is seen on both I. borealis and /. obtusus from the Russian Platform (Glazunova 1973, pi. 13, figs. 1-3; pi. 14, figs. 1 and 2; pi. 15, figs. 1-3; pi. 16, figs. 1 and 2), but in both these species the interspace width exceeds that of the ribs and the overall ornament style is closer to that of I. anglicus than I. neocomiensis. Large specimens of I. cadottensis McLearn from the Albian of the Canadian west coast and Alaska also show a pronounced change from narrow, regularly spaced ribs over the central regions of the valve to almost smooth ventral and posterior margins (e.g. Imlay 1961, pi. 9, fig. 1; Jeletzky 1964, pi. 27, fig. 7). However, it is apparent that this species typically has a longer hinge and more rounded-rectangular form than I. deltoides sp. nov. The early ribbing is also more typical of the /. anglicus group. Inoceramus liwerowskyae group Inoceramus stoneleyi sp. nov. Plate 55, figs. 3-12 Type material. Holotype: D.8212. 1 35 (int.m. WS with traces of outer shell layer). Paratypes: D. 8210. 25 (ext.m., WS); D. 8210. 50, 8212.103 (both int.m., LV); D.8212. 180, 181 (both ext.m., LV); D.8212. 101, 104, 136, 138, 139, 141-144, 182, 212, 213, 228 (all int.m., RV); D.8212. 73, 140, 177 (all int.m., indet. V). Locality D.8210 -N flank of pale ridge 1 km NE of Stoneley Point (63° 51' 40" S., 58° 06' 20"W.); D.8212— floor of valley to S of pale ridge (63° 51' 40" S., 58° 05' 20" W.) (text-fig. 3). These localities occur between 600 and 925 m in the combined stratigraphic section measured on NW James Ross Island (text-fig. 11). Occurrence. As for the type material. Aptian-Albian, with a possible downward extension into the Barremian (Crame 1983a, b). Some of the poorly preserved inoceramids recorded from the Crabeater Point region on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (text-fig. 1) (Thomson 1967) may also belong within this species. In particular, a series of internal moulds bearing traces of thin, blade-like concentric ribs (BMNH specimens LL16068 and 16069) closely resemble the smaller and smoother forms of I. stoneleyi sp. nov. (cf. PI. 55, fig. 9; PI. 55, figs. 6, 7, 10, 12). Derivation of name. In recognition of the pioneer geological work in the area by Professor R. Stoneley. Diagnosis. A small, erect Inoceramus ; moderately inflated in the central regions but with noticeably flattened and extended valve margins; ornament weak and irregular in the centre of each valve and almost absent on the margins; equivalve. Description. This species is judged to have been equivalve, or very nearly so. The mean estimated shell length is 25-43 mm (S.D. = 6 02; range =15-37; N = 14) and mean shell width is 16-86 mm (S.D. = 4-47; range = 10-25; N = 14); (N.B. these measurements exclude two very small right valves (D.8212. 101 and 228) with lengths of 10 and 12 mm and widths of 6 and 7 mm, respectively; these are almost certainly juveniles). The right valve of the holotype has an erect, oval outline which is slightly accentuated by the missing tip of the umbo (PI. 55, fig. 5). However, this feature is present on other right valves and is clearly narrow and turned weakly forwards (e.g. D.8212. 104; PI. 55, fig. 7). It is apparent that the apical region is always considerably narrower than the ventral and that the valves are more asymmetric about an imaginary midline than the first impression gained by cursory examination of the holotype. The maximum degree of inflation occurs in the centre of the valve and usually follows the growth axis from the beak to a point close to the ventral margin. On the anterior, ventral, and posterior margins there is an abrupt flattening to form a distinct rim (or shelf) between 4 and 6 mm in width; the junction between the main part of the valve and this rim is marked by a shallow depression (PI. 55, figs. 3 and 5). Apparently restricted to just the largest specimens, there are some indications that this rim may diminish in the anterodorsal region where there is usually the steepest descent from the centre of the valve to the margin. On some specimens, such as D. 82 12.212 (which is a small, flattened right valve), there appears to have been a steep descent along the greater part of the anterior margin (PI. 55, fig. 8), and thus the rim may have been essentially restricted to the ventral and posterior regions. 490 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 The ornament on the right valve of the holotype, which is preserved in prismatic shell material, consists of narrow ( < 1 mm wide) concentric ribs that are slightly asymmetric about the growth axis (PI. 55, fig. 5). Their spacing is close but by no means regular, and, when traced towards the valve margins, they show some tendency to anastomose or disappear. In any event, all the ornament disappears at the annular depression and the marginal rim is smooth (PI. 55, figs. 3 and 5). The style of ornament over the central region of the valve is characteristic of all the right valves in the collection, although there is some variation in intensity of ribbing (PI. 55, figs. 5, 7, 8, 10-12). On specimen D.8212.212, ribs of up to 2 mm in width are preserved in thick shell material in the posterodorsal region; here they are closely intercalated with narrower, discontinuous ribs (PI. 55, fig. 8). Along the dorsal margin of this specimen the same thick shell layer has preserved a ligamentat measuring approximately 19 mm in length and 4-5 mm in height. This feature, which is set at an angle to the plane of commissure, bears the remnants of three large and four small, intercalated, ligament pits. The larger types have rectangular flask-shaped profiles, tapering gradually from the ventral to dorsal margins of the ligamentat, whilst the smaller, narrower ones taper correspondingly in the opposite direction. A large, oval, posterior adductor muscle scar is visible in the posterodorsal quadrant of the holotype’s right valve (PI. 55, fig. 5). Although less well preserved, the left valve of the holotype appears to be essentially similar in form and style of ornament to the right. Left valves as a whole are less well represented in the collection but those that are present suggest that they exhibit a range of variation very similar to that seen in the rights (D. 8210.50, 8212.103, 135; PI. 55, figs. 3, 4, 6). Remarks. Originally thought to be a small member of the I. neocomiensis group (Crame 1983c/, b) it is now apparent that this species is better classified within the I. liwerowskyae group (Table 1). Perhaps its closest resemblance is with I. spitzbergensis Stolley (1912, p. 20 and pi. 1, figs. 5 and 6) from the Aplian/Albian of Spitzbergen. This species too, is small and erect, and shows a similar transition from a well-inflated central region to much flatter margins. It has narrow, closely spaced concentric ribs which occasionally become larger, irregular in their course and wedge-shaped in cross-section. Nevertheless, despite these similarities, it would appear that I. spitzbergensis has a more quadrate outline, due principally to the presence of a right-angled posterodorsal wing, and there is also the possibility that it has a more angular ventral margin (Stolley 1912, pi. 1 , fig. 5). The narrower form of I. liwerowskyae Saveliev (1962, p. 228 and pi. 5, figs. 2-8) from the Upper Albian of Mangishlak is close to specimens such as D.8212.104 and 141 which lack an outer rim (PI. 55, figs. 7 and 12), although it would seem that this species has consistently finer and closer spaced ornament. It also has slightly more pointed umbones and there is some tendency towards the formation of a small postero- dorsal wing (e.g. Saveliev 1962, pi. 5, fig. 2). Both I. kedroviensis Pergament (1965, p. 28 and pi. 9, figs. 3 and 4) from the Albian of north-west Kamchatka and 7. saratoviensis Glazunova (1973, p. 46, pi. 21 , figs. 3 and 4) from the late Aptian of the Russian Platform could be matched with some of the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 55 Figs. 1 and 2. Inoceramus deltoides sp. nov. from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 1, rubber peel from an external mould of an indeterminate valve (KG. 1735. 14a); small nunatak 0-6 km due W of Mt. Lassell. 2, holotype (KG. 1678.7), an internal mould of a probable right valve; Mt. Lassell. Both specimens x 1. Figs. 3-8, 10-12. Inoceramus stoneleyi sp. nov. from the Stoneley Point region, NW James Ross Island. 3, posterodorsal view of holotype (D.8212.135); the specimen, which is an internal mould bearing traces of a prismatic shell layer, is joined at the hinge but gapes widely ventrally. 4, internal mould of left valve (D. 8212. 103). 5, right valve of holotype. 6, internal mould of left valve (D. 8210. 50). 7, internal mould of right valve (D.8212.104). 8, internal mould of right valve (D.8212.212) partly covered by a thick prismatic shell layer. 10, internal mould of incomplete right valve (D. 8212. 138). 1 1, internal mould of right valve (D. 82 12. 144). 12, internal mould of right valve (D. 8212. 141 ). All specimens x 1 - 5. Fig. 9. Possible specimens of I. stoneleyi sp. nov. (BMNH LL. 16068) from Crabeater Point, Kenyon Peninsula. Both specimens are internal moulds of right valves, x 1 -5. PLATE 55 CRAME, Inoceramus from Antarctica 492 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 smoother forms of I. stoneleyi sp. nov. (e.g. PI. 55, figs. 7, 10, 12). However, there is some evidence to suggest that the former of these Russian species is narrower and closer in outline to I. liwerowskyae, whilst the latter has a much more rounded-triangular outline. Inoceramus flemingi sp. nov. Plate 56, figs. 1, 2 Type material. Holotype: KG. 1726. 10 (int.m., LV). Paratypes: KG. 1726.2, 3, 14 (all int.m., LV); KG. 1726.7 (ext. in., LV); KG. 1726.5, 8 (both int.m., RV); ?KG. 1682.36 (int.m., RV). Locality KG. 1726 is on the ridge running SSW from Mt. Phoebe (71° 48' 30" S., 68° 48' 00" W.) and KG. 1682 is at a high level in Waitabit Cliff's, Alexander Island (71° 30' S., 68° 48' W.; text-fig. 2). At both these localities the specimens occur in close association with Birostrina ? cf. concentrica. Occurrence. Albian (probably Middle-Upper Albian), from its close association with BP. cf. concentrica at both localities KG. 1682 and 1726. Derivation of name. In honour of the Rt. Revd. W. L. S. Fleming, geologist on the British Graham Land Expedition ( 1934-1937) and the first person to collect fossils from Alexander Island. Diagnosis. A small, erect Inoceramus with prominent concentric ornament, slightly prosogyrous umbones, and a flange-like posterodorsal wing; prominent ligamentat bearing flask-shaped ligament pits; equivalve, or very nearly so. Description. This is a small species with a mean shell length of 27-38 mm (S.D. = 7-96; range = 18-38; N = 8) and a mean width of 17-13 mm (S.D. = 5-64; range = 11-27; N = 8). Both valves have erect, rounded-quadrate outlines and prosogyrous umbones that terminate in narrow, pointed beaks (PI. 56, figs. 1 and 3). The latter reach up to the level of the long, straight hingeline which subtends a mean apical angle of 75-88° (S.D. = 6-56; range = 68°-84°; N = 8) with the straight to gently convex anterior margin. The ventral margin is well rounded but the posterior is much less steeply convex and in some specimens comes to lie subparallel to the anterior. On the holotype a prominent ligamentat is displayed (PI. 56, fig. 1), which, when complete, would have had dimensions of approximately 14x2 mm. The prominent ligament pits are distinctly flask-shaped, with well-rounded, bulbous bases tapering up into narrow necks. Both valves are moderately inflated, with the maximum degree of inflation occurring along the growth axis. There are even descents from the apex of convexity to all the margins and in the posterodorsal region there is a narrow, indistinctly recessed wing. This is best seen on the holotype where it forms a smooth flange-like feature up to 6 mm in width (PI. 56, fig. 1). The ornament consists of a simple pattern of clearly defined and regularly spaced concentric ribs that are symmetrically arranged about the growth axis (e.g. KG. 1726.8, 10; PI. 56, figs. 1 and 3); in cross-section these ribs EXPLANATION OF PLATE 56 Figs. 1 and 3. Inoceramus flemingi sp. nov. from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 1, holotype, an internal mould of a left valve (KG. 1726. 10) from the ridge running SSW from Mt. Phoebe. 3, internal mould of right valve (KG. 1726.8) from the same locality. Both specimens x 1-5. Fig. 2. Inoceramus urius Wellman. Plaster cast of the holotype (a left valve, NZGS TM21 16) from the Upper Albian Motuan stage of New Zealand, x 1 . Figs. 4, 5, and 7. Inoceramus cf. anglicus elongatus Pergament from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 4, internal mould of left valve (KG. 1680.72); Keystone Cliffs. 5, internal mould of left valve (KG. 1680.2); same locality. 7, internal mould of left valve (KG. 106.3); same locality. All specimens x 1. Figs. 6 and 8. Inoceramus sp. aff. comancheanus Cragin from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 6, internal mould of right valve (KG. 1606.18); Hyperion Nunataks. 8, internal mould of left valve (KG. 1 680.73); Keystone Cliffs. Both specimens x 1 . Fig. 9. Inoceramus sp. aff. anglicus Woods. Rubber peel from an external mould of a large, incomplete right valve (BR. 151.12); Welchness, western Dundee Island, x 1. PLATE 56 CRAME, Inoceramus from Antarctica 494 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 typically have an acute profile, tapering from a broad base to a summit no more than 0-5 mm in width. On most specimens the interspace width increases from approximately 0-5 mm over the umbo to 2-0-2-5 mm close to the ventral margin. Although there may be some difference in the size of the posterodorsal wing between the left and right valves, they are in all other aspects very similar. Remarks. This small, erect, equivalve (or nearly so) species probably has its closest links with the I. liwerowskyae group (Table 1). However, it should be noted that the ornament seems to be con- sistently stronger and more regular than almost all members of this group, with the possible exception of I. liwerowskyae itself from the Upper Albian of Mangishlak. The holotype of this species does bear moderately strong, regular concentric ribs (cf. Saveliev 1962, pi. 5, fig. 6; PI. 56, fig. 1) but all Saveliev’s (1962, pi. 5, figs. 2-5, 7, 8) other illustrated material is characterized by much finer ribbing. The pro- minent ligamentat suggests a possible link with I. wins Wellman from the Upper Albian of New Zealand (see PI. 56, fig. 2), but this species has a slightly different outline and much less uniform ornament. Although I.flemingi sp. nov. is similar in size to I. stoneleyi sp. nov. and some specimens possess a flattened posterodorsal area, it can be readily distinguished by its prominent ligamentat and strong, regular ornament. Inoceramus anglicus group Inoceramus sp. aff. anglicus Woods, 191 1 Plate 56, fig. 9 cf. 1911 Inoceramus anglicus Woods, p. 264, text-fig. 29. cf. 1961 Inoceramus anglicus Woods; Imlay, p. 52, pi. 9, figs. 4 and 6; pi. 10, fig. 9. cf. 1965 Inoceramus cf. anglicus Woods; Pergament, pi. 3, fig. 2. cf. 1965 Inoceramus sp. aff. anglicus Woods; Pergament, pi. 6, fig. 4. cf. 1973 Inoceramus anglicus Woods; Glazunova, p. 49, pi. 19, fig. 4; pi. 21, figs. 1 and 2. Lectolype. Inoceramus anglicus Woods (191 1, pi. 45, fig. 8a, b ), Red Limestone (Albian), Hunstanton; designated by Saveliev (1962, p. 223). Material. Two large fragments (with traces of shell material): BR.151.12 (ext.m., RV); BR. 151.1 1 (int.m., LV). From the large lateral moraine at Welchness, western Dundee Island (63° 29' S., 56° 15' W.) (text-fig. 1). Occurrence. I. anglicus is Middle-Upper Albian, with possible extensions into both the Lower Albian and Lower Cenomanian (Table 1). The predominantly Middle-Upper Albian species, B. concentrica , has also been recorded from Dundee Island (Crame 1980). Description and remarks. Whereas specimen BR.151.12 had an original shell length of approximately 160 mm and a width of 100 mm, specimen BR. 1 51.11 appears to have been significantly smaller, with corresponding dimensions of approximately 105 and 75 mm. All the valve margins are incomplete, but it can be judged, from the course of the ornament, that the form was sub-erect to erect. Both specimens are only weakly inflated. The most characteristic feature of this material is its strong, regular, and widely spaced concentric ornament; the component ribs, which are 1-2 mm in width and have well-rounded cross-profiles, are separated by broad, flat interspaces that vary from 2-3 mm in width on the early part of the shell to up to 7 mm towards the ventral margin (e.g. BR. 151 .12; PI. 56, fig. 9). This style of ornament is reminiscent of that found on both large specimens of I. anglicus typica (e.g. Woods 191 1, text-fig. 29; Imlay 1961, pi. 9, figs. 4 and 6, pi. 10, fig. 9; Glazunova 1973, pi. 19, fig. 4, pi. 21, figs 1 and 2) and large fragments tentatively assigned to the I. anglicus group (e.g. Pergament 1965, pi. 3, fig. 2, pi. 6, fig. 4). Inoceramus cf. anglicus elongatus Pergament, 1965 Plate 56, figs. 4, 5, 7 cf. 1965 Inoceramus anglicus elongatus Pergament, p. 19, pi. 2, figs. 3 and 4; pi. 6, fig. 3. 1972 Inoceramus sp. /3; Thomson and Willey, p. 1 1 and fig. Id. CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 495 Holotype. Inoceramus anglicus elongatus Pergament; specimen 3/70« from the Albian of the River Kedrovoy region, Kamchatka (Pergament 1965, p. 19, pi. 2, fig. 3); by original designation. Material. KG. 106.3, 1680.2, 3, 30, 72, 75 (all int.m., LV); KG. 1680.59 (ext.m., RV); RV. 1680.5 (ext.m., ?RV); KG. 1663.33, 1680.4 (both int.m., ?RV); KG. 1681. 5. (ext.m., indet.V). Localities KG. 106 and 1680 are in the lowest 32 m of the section at Keystone Cliffs (71' 33' 00" S., 68 15' 30" W.) and KG. 1681 is from an equivalent stratigraphic level at the top of Waitabit Cliffs (71 30' 00" S., 68 14' 30" W.). Locality KG. 1663 is on the W side of Stephenson Nunatak (72° 08' 30" S., 69° 09' 00" W.; text-figs. 2 and 10). Occurrence. On balance the upper levels of Waitabit Cliffs and lower levels of Keystone Cliffs have an Albian age (Taylor et at. 1979); however, a few ammonites from these localities have older affinities (Thomson 1974, 1983) and their presence has yet to be fully explained. I. anglicus elongatus is Middle-Upper Albian in Kamchatka (Pergament 1965, fig. 6) and in England specimens provisionally identified as /. cf. anglicus elongatus occur in the lower Cenomanian (Kauffman 19786, p. IV. 5). Description. This is a small to medium-sized species with an erect to slightly obliquely elongated outline; the mean shell length is 46-36 mm (S.D. = 9-00; range = 36-63; N = 1 1) and mean width is 30-73 mm (S.D. = 5-95; range — 22-40; N = 1 1 ). At first sight, it would appear to be significantly narrower than the similarly ribbed /. deltoides sp. nov. (cf. PI. 54, figs. 1 -7; PI. 56,” figs. 5-7), but, when the respective mean apical angles (cf. anglicus elongatus = 82-3°: deltoides sp. nov. = 91-1 6 ) are compared, they are not found to be significantly different (Student’s /-test, p > 0 05). This is largely due to the presence of a prominent hinge region on some specimens of /. cf. anglicus elongatus which rises well above the posterodorsal margin of the valve (e.g. KG. 1 06.3 and 1 680.2; PI. 56, figs. 5 and 7). There is no evidence of a corresponding feature of similar magnitude on I. deltoides sp. nov., although it should be stressed that the hinge region of this species is never well preserved. The W/L ratio for I. cf. anglicus elongatus is 0-66 and this is significantly less (Student’s /-test, /?< 0-001) than that for I. deltoides sp. nov. (0-89). The long, gently convex anterior margin forms an acute angle at the beak with an almost straight posterodorsal margin (e.g. KG. 1680.72; PI. 56, fig. 4). The latter is sharply differentiated from a prominent ligamentat which appears to have had a length up to two-thirds that of the total valve length and a height of 1 -5—2-0 mm. It bears the remnants of rounded-quadrate to rectangular ligament pits with a mean width in the region of 1 mm; these may be either closely spaced (e.g. KG. 1680.30) or separated by interspaces of up to 1 mm. All the specimens are weakly inflated and there are very gentle descents from the centre of the valve to all the margins. On some specimens (e.g. KG. 106.3; PI. 56, fig. 7) the umbo is slightly differentiated from the main body of the valve, but in others (e.g. KG. 1680.72, 1681 .5; PI. 56, fig. 4) it is barely discernible as a separate entity. In all cases it terminates in a narrow, pointed beak which does not rise above the level of the hingeline. The style of ornament is very similar to that seen in the early stages of I. deltoides sp. nov. Typically less than 0-5 mm in width at their summits, the ribs are closely and regularly spaced, sub-symmetrical about the growth axis and rounded in cross-section (PI. 56, figs. 4, 5, 7). There is a slight increase in both rib and interspace width towards the ventral margin of the largest specimens and occasional ribs anastomose or become irregular in their course. The irregularities in the early stage of specimen KG. 1680. 72 (PI. 56, fig. 4) may be due to shell damage during growth. Although the right valves are less well preserved than the left valves, it would appear that the species was equivalve. Remarks. These comparatively small, finely ribbed individuals closely resemble a number of juvenile and incomplete specimens that have been assigned to the I. anglicus group (e.g. Imlay 1961, pi. 9, fig. 3; Saveliev 1962, pi. 1, figs. 1-5; Pergament 1965, pi. 1, fig. 3, pi. 4, fig. 3, pi. 5, fig. 2, pi. 9, fig. 6; Glazunova 1973, pi. 19, fig. 5 a-c) (see Table 1). In particular, the broader, more erect forms (e.g. KG. 1680.2; PI. 56, fig. 5) compare well with certain specimens of I. anglicus forma typica from Mangishlak (e.g. Saveliev 1962, pi. 1, fig. 56) and the narrower, more oblique ones (e.g. KG. 1680.72; PI. 56, fig. 4) with the subspecies I. anglicus elongatus from NW Kamchatka (Pergament 1965, p. 19, pi. 2, figs. 3 and 4; pi. 6, fig. 3). Although lack of a hinge means that the true orientation of some of the Alexander Island material is unknown, it is likely that the majority of specimens are at least slightly obliquely elongated; as such, they are closer to anglicus elongatus than forma typica. For two 496 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 of his specimens, Pergament (1965, p. 19) gives lengths of 47 and 44 mm, widths of 32 and 37 mm, and apical angles of 62 and 72°. One of these (Pergament 1965, pi. 2, fig. 3) clearly has a few bifurcating ribs, and, were it not for the fact that no hinge regions are preserved, it would appear that the Russian specimens closely resemble those from Alexander Island. I. volgensis from the Aptian of the Russian Platform (Glazunova 1973, p. 43, pi. 12, figs. 1-5) is a finer ribbed species whilst I. borealis (Glazunova 1973, p. 43, pi. 13, figs. 4 and 5; pi. 14, figs. 1 and 2; pi. 15, figs. 1-3; pi. 16, figs. 1 and 2), even though it has a similar style of ornament, has a much wider apical angle. Inoceramus sp. aff. bellvuensis Reeside, 1923 Text-fig. 6 cf. 1923 Inoceramus bellvuensis Reeside 1923, p. 203, pi. 46, fig. 1 . Holotype. Inoceramus bellvuensis Reeside; USNM 325 1 4 ( L V ); N of Bellvue, Colorado; Dakota Formation (late Albian-early Cenomanian?) (Reeside 1923, p. 203, pi. 46, fig. 1); by original designation. Material. KG. 1675.3 (ext.m., LV), from Adams Nunatak, Neptune Glacier, Alexander Island (71° 44' 00" S., 68 33' 30" W.); KG. 1606. 16 (ext.m. , ?LV) from near the top of a 600 m section on the north-westernmost text-fig. 6. Inoceramus sp. alf. bellvuensis Reeside from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island; rubber peel from an external mould of a left valve (KG. 1 675.3) from Adams Nunatak. x 0-75. CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 497 nunatak in the Hyperion Nunataks group (approximately 5 km south of Dione Nunataks) (71° 58' 30" S., 68° 59' 00" W.; text-fig. 2). Occurrence. I. bellvuensis is probably late Albian -early Cenomanian in the Western Interior USA (Scott 1970; Kauffman et al. 1978). In the Far East of the Soviet Union, specimens referred to /. cf. bellvuensis by Pergament (1965, p. 22, pi. 4, figs. 1 and 2) occur in association with members of the I. anglicus group in Middle-Upper Albian strata. Description. Specimen KG. 1675.3 (text-fig. 6) had an original shell length in excess of 190 mm and a width of at least 140 mm. The outline is judged to have been roughly oval and the orientation slightly oblique; although the hinge is only partially preserved and there has been a certain amount of post- mortem distortion, it would appear that the blunt umbonal region was slightly opisthogyrous. The apical angle of approximately 1 10° is formed between a comparatively short straight hinge and a long, gently convex anterior margin. The ventral margin is incomplete but the posterior is a long convex feature slightly more strongly curved than the anterior. One of the most striking features of this specimen is the extensive crescent-shape posterior wing which can be traced from the hinge to the ventral margin and has a maximum width in its central region of 50 mm (text-fig. 6). Whereas the umbonal and central regions of the valve are slightly inflated and bear strong, regular concentric ornament, the posterior wing is flat and bears very reduced ornament. The ribs of the former regions are up to 2 mm in width, well rounded in cross-section and separated by flat-floored interspaces of similar dimensions. As they pass on to the wing these ribs sweep strongly forwards and become very much finer (text-fig. 6). Specimen KG. 1606. 16 is a less complete left valve with an original shell length in the 90-100 mm range. The ribbing over its umbonal region is similar to that of KG. 1675.3 but ventrally some of the ribs fuse in the centre of the valve and have widths of up to 3 mm. There are again indications of a flattened, crescentic posterior wing (up to 18 mm in width) bearing very fine, strongly recurved ribs. Remarks. The North American species I. comancheanus Cragin and I. bellvuensis Reeside have generally been regarded as less regularly ribbed members of the /. anglicus group (e.g. Reeside 1923; Imlay 1961; Pergament 1 965). The latter species, which is the larger and more erect, is characterized by an extensive, flattened, almost smooth posterior region; specimen KG. 1675.3 (text-fig. 6) is close to the holotype (Reeside 1923, pi. 46, fig. 1) but has, if anything, a slightly more oval outline. It is also apparent that at least some specimens of I. bellvuensis possess a terminal, pointed beak that rises slightly above the hinge and is gently prosogyrous (e.g. Reeside 1923, pi. 46, figs. 1 and 2; Kauffman et al. 1978, pi. 7, fig. 9). Inoceramus sp. aff. comancheanus Cragin, 1895 PI. 56, figs. 6, 8 cf. 1923 Inoceramus comancheanus Cragin; Reeside, p. 202, pi. 45, fig. 2. cf. 1965 Inoceramus cf. comancheanus Cragin; Pergament, p. 27, pi. 9, figs. 1 and 2. cf. 1978 ‘ Inoceramus ’ comancheanus Cragin; Kauffman, Cobban and Eicher, p. XXIII. 29 and pi. 7, fig. 4. Lectotype. Inoceramus comancheanus Cragin; USNM 32686 (RV); 2-3 miles NE of Denison, Texas; Duck Creek Formation; designated by Kauffman et al. (1978, p. XXIII. 29 and pi. 7, fig. 4). Material. KG.1606.18 (int.m., RV); KG. 1677.9, 1680.73 (both int.m., LV); KG. 1735. 11 (int.m. ?RV). Locality KG. 1 606 — near the top of a 600 m section on the north-northwesternmost nunatak of the Hyperion Nunataks group (71° 58' 30" S., 68° 59' 00" W.); KG. 1677 — ridge between Mt. Lassell and Mt. Phoebe (71° 45' 30" S„ 68° 49' 00" W.); KG. 1680 lower levels. Keystone Cliffs (71° 33' 00" S„ 68° 15' 30" W.); KG. 1735-small nunatak 0-6 km W of Mt. Lassell (71° 43' 30" S., 68° 52' 00" W.) (text-fig. 2). Occurrence. Associated fossils indicate an undifferentiated Albian age. I. comancheanus is Upper Albian Lower Cenomanian. Description. These four poorly preserved specimens have lengths in the region of 60 mm and widths of approximately 42 mm. They all have erect profiles, apical angles between 90° and 1 10 ”, and weak. 498 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 somewhat irregular concentric ornament. The anterior margin, which is long and comparatively straight, leads into moderately well-rounded ventral and posterior margins (e.g. PI. 56, figs. 6 and 8). There are traces of a short, straight hinge and on specimen KG. 1680.73 (PI. 56, fig. 8) four rounded- rectangular ligament pits (measuring approximately 2-5 x 1-5 mm) are preserved. The valves are weakly inflated in the umbonal and anterior regions and compressed posteriorly. Narrow ( < 1 mm), fairly regularly spaced concentric ribs cover the former of these regions but they become noticeably less distinct on the posterior (e.g. KG. 1 606. 1 8; PI. 56, fig. 6). In places the course of the ribs is irregular and on specimen KG. 1680.73 (PI. 56, fig. 8) they are slightly asymmetric about the growth axis. Remarks. The slightly irregular style of ornament and flattened, faintly ribbed posterior region links these specimens with I. comancheanus Cragin. Although this species is usually regarded as an obliquely elongated one (e.g. Reeside 1923, pi. 45, figs. 1,3,4, 6, 7; Eigenheerand Sornay 1974, pi. 1, fig. a), it does include some more erect individuals (e.g. Reeside 1923, pi. 45, figs. 2 and 5; Kauffman el al. 1978, pi. 7, fig. 4). The density of ribbing on the Antarctic specimens is perhaps not so high as is usually encountered on I. comancheanus and there is also less of a tendency for individual ribs to split (PI. 56, figs. 6 and 8). Nevertheless, Pergament (1965, p. 27, pi. 9, figs. 1 and 2) has illustrated two specimens of /. cf. comancheanus from the Middle-Upper Albian of the Soviet Far East with regular, more widely spaced ornament and these are comparable to the Alexander Island material. Inoceramus carsoni group Inoceramus carsoni M’Coy, 1865 Plate 57, figs. 1-3; Plate 58, fig. 2a, b; text-fig. 7 1865 Inoceramus carsoni M'Coy, p. 334. 1866 Inoceramus carsoni M'Coy; IVTCoy, p. 50. 1867 Inoceramus carsoni M'C'oy; M'C’oy, p. 196. 1872 Inoceramus pernoides Etheridge (non Goldfuss), p. 343, pi. 22, fig. 3. 1892 Inoceramus carsoni M'C’oy; Etheridge Jr., p. 463 ( non pi. 25, figs. 9 and 10 = I. sutherlandi). 1892 Inoceramus pernoides Etheridge; Etheridge Jr., p. 464, pi. 25, figs. 7, 8, 12. 1892 Inoceramus sp. indet.; Etheridge Jr., pi. 21, fig. 19. 1901 Inoceramus etheridgei Etheridge Jr. (non Woods), p. 22. 1905 Inoceramus etheridgei Etheridge Jr., p. 13, pi. 2, figs. 7-9. 1928ft Inoceramus pictus Sowerby; Heinz, p. 129 (pars). 1966 Inoceramus carsoni M’Coy; Ludbrook, p. 157, pi. 17, figs. 2 and 3. Lectotype. P.2712 (RV) (National Museum of Victoria): base of Walker’s Table Mountain, W bank of Flinders River, Queensland; Albian; designated by Ludbrook (1966, p. 157 and pi. 17, fig. 3). Material. D. 8411. 11, 12ft, 13, 16, 8412.73, 8413.1, 8422.96c, 108, 114, 134-136, 8424.3 (all int.m., RV); D. 8412. 57 (int.m., ?RV); D. 841 1.12c/, 14, 17, 37, 38, 58, 8412.59-61, 8422.66, 69, 74 ft, 75, 76, 80, 89, 95, 96 a, ft, 122-127, 131, 132, 137, 141 , 8424.4c/-c (all int.m., LV); D.8422.70 (ext.m., LV); D. 841 1.10, 15, 61, 66, 8412.62, 66, 68, 74, 75, 8413.3, 8422.64, 65, 71-74, 77, 78, 89, 97-99, 106, 115-117, 127-129 (probable juveniles). Localities D.841 1 and 8413— reworked nodules in a breccio-conglomerate unit at 151 m in the composite 346 m section (D.85 15-85 18) at N end of Tumbledown Cliffs, NW James Ross Island (64° 03' 50" S., 58° 26' 00" W.); D.8412 — 67-121 m interval in the same section; D.8422 and 8424- uppermost 121.5 m of a 483.5 m section (D. 8521-8523) in Lost Valley, NW James Ross Island (64 02' 20" S„ 58° 24' 10" W.) (text-figs. 3 and 11). Occurrence. As for material; associated throughout both the Lost Valley and Tumbledown Cliffs sections with Maccoyella and Aucellina (? A. hughendenensis (Etheridge)). An upper Albian age inferred for the James Ross EXPLANATION OF PLATE 57 Figs. 1-3. Inoceramus carsoni M'Coy from NW James Ross Island. 1, internal mould of right valve (D.8422. 136); Lost Valley, xO-75. 2, internal mould of left valve (D.8422. 123); same locality, xl. 3, internal mould of right valve (D. 8413.1); northern Tumbledown Cliffs, x 1. PLATE 57 CRAME, Inoceramus from Antarctica 500 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Island material by analogy with Great Artesian Basin faunas (Ludbrook 1966; Day 1969), is compatible with the occurrence of the ammonite Ptychoceras at approximately the 466 m level in the Lost Valley section and presence of B. concentrica and a turrilitid ammonite in the upper levels of the Tumbledown Cliffs section (text-fig. 1 1). text-fig. 7. Inoceramus carsoni M'Coy; internal mould of a large left valve (D. 8422. 132) from Lost Valley, NW James Ross Island, x 0-75. Description. Adult specimens have a mean shell length of 105-33 mm (S.D. = 39-36; range = 56-225; N = 46) and a mean width of 58-26 mm (S.D. = 21-56; range = 28-127; N = 46). With their narrow, pointed umbones and broader, rounded ventral regions, they have a distinctive mytiloid (or pernoid) outline, although it is noticeable that the orientation (with respect to a horizontal hinge) varies from sub-erect to strongly oblique (e.g. PI. 57, figs. 1-3; text-fig. 7). In the more erect forms the long anterior margin varies from almost straight to a sigmoidal curve composed of an initial concave portion beneath the umbonal region and a subsequent long, gently convex portion (e.g. D. 841 3.1; PI. 57, fig. 3). The posterodorsal margin in these types is usually slightly convex and the posteroventral and ventral margins well rounded. In the obliquely elongated forms the anterior region is usually divisible into an early short sigmoidal section and a later, and much longer, gently convex one (e.g. D.841 1.12, 8422. 1 32; PI. 58, fig. 2 a and text-fig. 7). The latter lies subparallel to the long, feebly convex posterodorsal border and there is a narrow, very convex ventral region. As might be expected the obliquely elongated specimens are consistently narrower than the more erect ones, and have W/L values well below 0-5. Some of the erect types are narrow too, but others show a pronounced trend towards ventral expansion (e.g. D.8422.136; PI. 57, fig. 1); overall, a mean W/L value of 0-56 was obtained (S.D. = 9-35; range = 0-36-0-76; N = 46). The hinge, which is never well preserved, is short and straight and sometimes forms a low, oblique-angled wing at its junction with the posterodorsal margin (e.g. D.841 1.12; PI. 58, fig. 2a). The umbo rises sharply above the hinge, curves moderately strongly forwards and inwards, and terminates in a narrow, acuminate beak. The slim form of the whole umbonal region is reflected in the narrow apical angle (x = 62-85°; S.D. = 10-61; range = 46-92°; N = 47). CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 501 From the umbonal region, which is moderately inflated, there is typically a steep descent to the anterior margin and a slightly less sharp one to the posterodorsal border. There is also a smooth, even gradient to the ventral region, which, in the largest specimens, is almost flat (e.g. D.8422.132, 136; PI. 57, fig. 1 and text-fig. 7). The basic ornament pattern is one of simple, narrow ( < 1 mm) concentric rings ( Anwachsringen of Fleinz 1928a) that are remarkably regular in their course and distribution; very few tapering or anastomosing ribs are seen. The only significant variation in ornament style is in the rib density, with some specimens having interspaces of only slightly greater dimensions than the ribs (e.g. D.841 1.12; PI. 58, fig. 2b) and others exhibiting a spacing of 3-4 mm, especially in their ventral regions (e.g. D.841 3.1; PI. 57, fig. 3). Very occasionally, interspaces up to 10 mm in width developed, and on the largest specimen (D. 8412. 57), which has an estimated length of 215 mm, there is evidence of extensive disruption of coarsely spaced ribs in the ventral region. Some of the closely spaced ornament shows signs of being grouped on low primary folds into Anwachsringreifen (e.g. D.841 1.12, 8422.132; PI. 58, fig. 2b and text-fig. 7). Although no adult whole specimens were found, it is judged that this species was equivalve, or very nearly so. Juvenile specimens tend to have more erect profiles than adults and less obviously protruding umbonal regions. Nevertheless, the umbones are still consistently narrow and at least some terminate in slender, pointed beaks. Many juveniles display closely spaced Anwachsringen ornament. Remarks. The narrow, pointed and strongly projecting umbones of these specimens, together with their sub-erect to obliquely elongate form and simple, regular concentric ribs, readily link them to the Australian I. carsoni group (Table 1). In particular the comparatively low width to length ratio, shallow sigmoidal curve of many of the anterior margins, and predominance of fine, closely spaced ornament, suggest that they are closest to I. carsoni itself (cf. Etheridge 1872, pi. 22, fig. 3; Etheridge Jr. 1892, pi. 25, figs. 7, 8, 12; Etheridge Jr. 1905, pi. 2, figs. 7-9; Ludbrook 1966, pi. 17, figs. 2 and 3; Hill et al. (ed.) 1968, pi. K.V., fig. 1 1). However, it should be stressed here that the principal distinction between I. carsoni and I. sutherlandi is one of size, with the latter being broader, and usually longer, than the former (M'Coy 1865, 1866, 1867; Ludbrook 1966, p. 159). It is not always easy to separate large carsoni from small sutherlandi and the possibility that some of the Antarctic specimens may be at least transitional to sutherlandi should be born in mind. Specimen D.841 1.12 (PI. 58, fig. 2a), for example, has a higher than average ventral expansion for its length and approaches some small forms of sutherlandi (cf. Ludbrook 1966, pi. 17, figs. 4 and 6), whilst one of the largest specimens, D.8422.136 (PI. 57, fig. 1), has a distinctive rounded- triangular form that may be better accommodated in sutherlandi than carsoni (cf. Ludbrook 1966, pi. 18, fig. 1). Re-examination of the extensive Australian material may yet show that these two species can be combined. Inoceramus cf. sutherlandi M'Coy, 1865 Plate 58, fig. 1 cf. 1865 Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy, p. 334. cf. 1866 Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy, p. 50. cf. 1867 Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy, p. 196. cf. 1872 Inoceramus allied to /. problematicus d’Orbigny; Etheridge, p. 344, pi. 22, fig. 4. cf. 1 889 Inoceramus maximus Lumholtz, p. 367, fig. cf. 1892 Inoceramus carsoni M'Coy (pars); Etheridge Jr., p. 463, pi. 25, figs. 9 and 10. cf. 1892 Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy; Etheridge Jr., p. 463. cf. 1901 Inoceramus maximus Lumholtz; Etheridge Jr., p. 24. cf. 1924 Inoceramus maximus Lumholtz; Whitehouse, p. 128, pi. 7, figs. 1 and 2a, h. cf. 19286 Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy; Heinz, p. 144. cf. 1966 Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy; Ludbrook, p. 157, pi. 18, fig. 1. Holotype. Inoceramus sutherlandi M'Coy; P.2170 (RV) (National Museum of Victoria): base of Walker’s Table Mountain, Flinders River, Queensland; Albian; illustrated by Ludbrook (1966, pi. 18, fig. 1). 502 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Material. D. 8403. 53-57: numerous large, incomplete valves contained within a series of mudstone concretions; approximately the 200 m level in the section measured at Kotick Point (D.8403, 64° 00' S., 58° 21' W.), NW James Ross Island (text-figs. 3 and 1 1). Occurrence. As for material. Lithological correlations between the Kotick Point and Lost Valley sections indicate that I. cf. sutherlandi occurs approximately 100-150 m beneath the first appearance of I. carsoni (text- fig. 1 1). The specimens are associated with Aucellina and probable representatives of the ammonite Silesites. Both these types are present at approximately the 900-1000 m level in the Brandy Bay-Whisky Bay area (text- fig. 1 1 ) in Aptian -Albian beds that have also yielded I. stoneleyi sp. nov. and Anopaea sp. nov. j8. I. sutherlandi is an Upper Albian species in Australia (Ludbrook 1966; Day 1969). Description. There are indications that some of these specimens had lengths and widths in excess of 1 50 mm, and occasionally substantially more. The prismatic shell layer is in places up to 4 mm thick and it is readily apparent that the original species was a broad, thick-shelled form. Some idea of the original form can be obtained from three imperfect internal moulds of right valves (D.8403. 53a, (rand 57); these have estimated lengths of 144, 142, and 1 10 mm, corresponding widths of 105, 107, and 88 mm, and W/L values of 0-73, 0-75, and 0-80. Specimens D.8403. 53a and h seem to have erect, rounded-triangular outlines, with narrow, pointed umbones and much broader, rounded ventral regions. They are moderately and evenly inflated and exhibit smooth, gentle descents from the centre of the valve to the ventral margins and slightly steeper ones from the umbonal region to the antero- and posterodorsal margins. The umbones, which are not sharply differentiated from the valve surface, curve gently forwards and inwards and appear to taper to a point. Specimen D.8403. 57 (PI. 58, fig. 1) also has an erect profile but seems to have been considerably broader than the previous two. In addition, it is more strongly inflated in the umbonal region and there is an almost vertical descent from the latter to the anterodorsal margin. There is a shallower gradient in the opposite direction to the posterodorsal region, which is considerably extended by the presence of an extensive, flat, obtuse-angled wing. This feature is separated from the inflated umbo by a well-marked radial groove and bordered dorsally by the remnants of a long, straight hinge. On all three specimens there are only very faint traces of shallow, widely spaced, concentric folds. Remarks. These broad, erect, almost smooth valves immediately invite comparison with medium- sized and large forms of I. sutherlandi (e.g. /. maximus Lumholtz 1 889, fig. on p. 367; I. carsoni IVPCoy in Etheridge Jr. 1892, pi. 25, fig. 9; I. maximus Lumholtz in Whitehouse 1924, p. 128, pi. 7, figs. 1 and 2; all of which = I. sutherlandi in Ludbrook 1966, p. 157). The holotype itself (Ludbrook 1966, pi. 18, fig. 1) is very similar in style to these specimens, although of somewhat larger dimensions (L = 187 mm, W = 130 mm). It should be noted, however, that the posterodorsal wing on specimen D.8403. 57 (PI. 58, fig. 1) is rather more clearly defined than that normally seen on I. sutherlandi and that the Antarctic specimens lack sigmoidally curved anterior margins. It is only possible, at present, to suggest a tentative assignment to I. sutherlandi. Inoceramus of uncertain group affinity Inoceramus annenkovensis sp. nov. Text-fig. 8a-c 1947 Inoceramus sp.; Wilckens, p. 37, pi. 5, figs. 2-4. 71982 Inoceramus sp.; Thomson, Tanner and Rex, p. 179, fig. 19.2g. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 58 Fig. 1. Inoceramus cf. sutherlandi M'Coy. Internal mould of right valve (D.8403. 57); Kotick Point, NW James Ross Island, x 1. Fig. 2. Inoceramus carsoni M'Coy. a (left), internal mould of left valve (D.841 1 12a); b (right), internal mould of right valve (with traces of shell material) (D.841 1 .126); specimens from northern Tumbledown Cliffs, James Ross Island, x 1. PLATE 58 CRAME, Inoceramus from Antarctica 504 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Type material. Holotype: M. 1165. 30c. 1 (int.m., RV). Paratypes: M. 1 165.30c.2, 1165.32a (both int.m., RV); M. 1 165.326 (ext.m., ?RV); M. 1 165.32c (int.m., indet. V). Locality M. 1 1 65 occurs at approximately the 518-5 m level in the Lower Tuff Member, Annenkov Island (54° 29' S., 37° 03' W.; text-fig. 1) (Pettigrew 1981, fig. 5; Crame 1983a, figs. 6 and 7). Occurrence. As for material. The Annenkov Island Formation is imprecisely dated in the interval Neocomian- Aptian (Thomson et al. 1982). The overlying species, /. cf. heteropterus, suggests a late Hauterivian age and the closely related species, I. anomiaeformis , a Hauterivian-Barremian one. Derivation of name. From the occurrence on Annenkov Island. Diagnosis. A small, weakly inflated Inoceramus with a rounded, sub-symmetrical outline; irregular and ill-defined ornament is mainly confined to the umbonal region; prominent ligamentat comprises a sequence of complex ligament pits; equivalence of valves undetermined. Description. The holotype has a length and width of 44 mm and specimens M.l 165.326 and c are of similar dimensions; M.l 165.32a and M.l 165. 30c. 2, however, are significantly smaller, with lengths and widths in the 20-25 mm range. The outline appears to be well rounded and the holotype is sub- symmetrical about an axis joining the midpoints of the dorsal and ventral margins (text-fig. 8a). All the valves are weakly inflated, with the only significant convexity occurring in the umbonal region. A steep descent from the latter towards the anterodorsal margin leads into a narrow, concave gutter which, on the holotype, has a length of approximately 10 mm and a maximum width of 3 mm. At its deepest directly beneath the umbo, this feature progressively diminishes in strength when traced in a ventral direction (text-fig. 8a). The umbo is slightly prosogyrous and terminates in a narrow, pointed beak (text-fig. 8a). Although the tip of the latter must have been approximately level with the dorsal surface of the hinge, it was separated from it by another narrow, deep gutter (text-fig. 8a). This feature merges anteriorly with the anterodorsal gutter and also diminishes in intensity when traced in a direction away from the umbo (i.e. posteriorly). The ligamentat is well preserved on M.l 165. 30c. 2 (text-fig. 86) and partially preserved on M.l 165. 30c. 1 and M.l 165.32a. On the former two of these specimens it can clearly be seen to slope steeply inwards towards the plane of commissure between the valves; this indicates that the ligament area had a ‘V’ shaped cross-section. The ligamentat varies from 1 5-20 mm in length and 2-3 mm in depth and comprises somewhere between seven and ten ligament pits. These pits are complex features with essentially rounded-quadrate to rounded-rectangular outlines and at least two structural elements. On specimen M.l 165. 30c. 2 these can be resolved into a simple, striated, square, or rectangle which alternates with a more deeply impressed figure ‘J’ (text-fig. 86). text-fig. 8. Inoceramus annenkovensis sp. nov. from Annenkov Island, a, holotype, internal mould of a right valve (M.1165.30c.l). 6, internal mould of a right valve (M. 1 165.30c.2). c, latex peel from external mould of a probable right valve (M.l 165.326). All specimens x 1. CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 505 The ornament on four of the specimens (M.l 165.30c. 1, 2; M.l 165.32a, c) is extremely weak and irregular. Narrow, concentric ribs can be made out over the umbonal regions but these vary from acute to well rounded in profile and are noticeably irregular in their distribution (text-fig. 8a, 6). On the holotype (M.l 165.30c. 1) and specimen M. 1165. 32c, this style of ornament rapidly diminishes away from the umbo and much of the ventral surface of the valve has an uneven, undulatory appearance (text-fig. 8a). Stronger ornament is preserved on the external mould (M. 1 165.326), which, at first sight, seems to be readily distinguishable from the other material by its slightly posteriorly directed umbo (text-fig. 8c). Nevertheless, it is apparent that this specimen has been crushed and it very probably is a right valve with a slightly displaced umbo. Narrow, irregular ribs with acute summits on the earliest shell stages give way ventrally to closely spaced ones with rounded summits and widths in the 1 -2 mm range. These ribs, which are slightly erratic in their course and variable in thickness, sweep strongly forwards to fuse along the anterior margin (text-fig. 8c). On the posterior and ventral margins there are indications of a marked reduction in rib intensity. Specimen M.l 165.326 is of particular importance as it provides a possible link with a hitherto unique specimen of Inoceramus previously described from the Lower Tuff Member of Annenkov Island ( Inoceramus sp. of Thomson et al. 1982, p. 179, fig. 19.2 g). This external mould of a whole specimen was collected loose from locality L on Lawther Knoll (Thomson et al. 1982, fig. 19.1) and thus probably came from a stratigraphic level equivalent to either station M.l 165 or M.l 196 (Pettigrew 1981, fig. 2). It has clearly defined, narrow, and closely spaced concentric ornament that shows some considerable similarities in style to that of specimen M.l 165.326 (cf. text-fig. 8c and Thomson et al. 1982, fig. 19.2g). Although both valves appear to be mytiliform, it is apparent that this specimen has been crushed and that the anterior margins may have been foreshortened. Remarks. The three small, rather poorly preserved specimens of Inoceramus sp. described by Wilckens (1947, p. 37, pi. 5, figs. 2-4) from the north-east coast of Annenkov Island most likely belong within this new species. Their outlines are slightly more elongate than those of the valves just described, but in degree of inflation and ornament pattern they agree closely. They were collected from a series of localities that are very close to Pettigrew’s (1981, fig. 2) M.l 153 and locality J of Thomson et al. (1982, table 19.1); thus, they probably originate from somewhere within the lowest 80 m of the Lower Tuff Member (Pettigrew 1981, fig. 5; Crame 1983a, figs. 6, 7). The only existing species with which I. annenkovensis sp. nov. could be compared is I. anomiaeformis Feruglio (1936, p. 29, pi. 2, figs. 1 and 2) from Tithonian-Lower Cretaceous strata of the Lago Argentino region of Patagonia. This species was based on the internal moulds of two rounded, almost symmetrical, right valves, the larger of which (Feruglio 1936, pi. 2, fig. I) was subsequently designated the lectotype (Leanza 1967, p. 150). This specimen has a moderately inflated, centrally positioned umbo whose tip is turned very slightly forwards. Either side of the umbo are two small, subequal ears that are moderately well differentiated from the main disc of the valve. On both Feruglio’s illustrated specimens there is an ornament of fine narrow concentric ribs that occasionally anastomose or intergrade. This style of ornament is close to that of I. annenkovensis sp. nov., but the sub- symmetrical form, distinct ears, and apparent lack of a prominent ligamentat probably serve to distinguish it as a separate species. Riccardi (1977, p. 222, fig. 2a) has described a single incomplete specimen of I. aff. anomiaeformis from the Springhill Formation of southern Patagonia which is notable for the more pointed, prosogyrous form of its umbones as well as its indistinct ornament. It may well provide a link with the Annenkov Island specimens but at present there is insufficient material available for this to be firmly established. In Patagonia, I. anomiaeformis occurs in association with the ammonite Favrella in beds that are generally assigned to the Hauterivian- Barremian (Riccardi 1970, 1977; Riccardi et al. 1971). Genus Birostrina J. Sowerby, 1821 1864 Actinoceramus Meek. Type species. Inoceramus sulcatus Parkinson, 1819, from the Gault (middle-upper Albian) of Folkestone, England; by subsequent designation (Cox 1969, p. N315). 506 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Birostrina concentrica group Birostrina concentrica Parkinson, 1819 Plate 59, figs. 1-11, 13 1819 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson, p. 58, pi. 1, fig. 4. 1821 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; J. Sowerby, p. 183, pi. 305, figs. 1-6. 1846 Inoceramus concentricus J. Sowerby; d’Orbigny, p. 506, pi. 404, figs. 1 5. 1876 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Whiteaves, p. 79. 1904 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Airaghi, p. 183, fig. 2. 71907 Inoceramus volviumbonatus Etheridge, p. 73, pi. 2, figs. 1-6. 191 1 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Woods, p. 265, pi. 45, fig. II; pi. 46, figs. 1-10; pi. 47, figs. 1 and 2. 71911 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Schlagintweit, p. 94. 1917 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Woods, p. 9, pi. 3, figs. 9 and 10. 71921 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Bonarelli and Nagera, p. 22, pi. 2, fig. 9. 1930 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Heinz, p. 683, fig. 1. 1933 Actinoceramus ( Taenioceramus ) concentricus Parkinson; Heinz, p. 245. 1936 Inoceramus concentricus brasiliensis (White); Maury, p. 107, pi. 8, figs. 9, 10, 13. 71939 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson var. nipponicus Nagao and Matsumoto, p. 267, pi. 24, fig. 2; pi. 25, figs. I -6. 71939 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson var. costatus Nagao and Matsumoto, p. 270, pi. 24, figs. 1,4, 5; pi. 27, fig. 2. 71960 Inoceramus (Actinoceramus) concentricus Parkinson; Jones, p. 157, pi. 29, figs. 1 and 2. 1962 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Saveliev, p. 235, pi. 7, figs. 3-7 and pi. 8, figs. 1 and 2. 71966 Inoceramus cf. concentricus Parkinson; Pergament, p. 30, pi. I, figs. 1 -4. 71976 Inoceramus ( Inoceramus ) concentricus Parkinson; Chiplonkar and Badve, p. 199, pi. 1, fig. 5. 1978u Birostrina concentrica (Parkinson) ( sensu la to): Kauffman, p. IV. 2. 1978 b Birostrina concentrica (Parkinson) (sensu lato)\ Kauffman, p. XVII. 1 and pi. 1, figs. 1-3, 5-; 4, 16, 18. 1978 Birostrina concentrica (Parkinson) (sensu Iato)\ Wiedmann and Kauffman, p. III. 4, pi. 1, figs. 1-10 and 12-14. 1980 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Crame, p. 283, fig. 2 a-c. N.B. this synonymy comprises only those references that were useful in identifying the Antarctic material. No attempt has been made here to fully revise all the European and Japanese specimens of/, concentricus. Woods EXPLANATION OF PLATE 59 Figs. 1-11, 13. Biostrina concentrica (Parkinson) from James Ross and Dundee Islands. 1, anterior view of internal mould of a whole specimen (D. 8228. 12); Brandy Bay. 2, posterodorsal view of internal mould of a whole specimen (D. 8228. 5); umbonal region of the left valve slightly displaced across that of the right; same locality. 3, internal mould of a whole specimen (D. 8413. 58) that bears traces of a thin prismatic shell layer; viewed from the right side; northern Tumbledown Cliffs. 4, internal mould of a whole specimen (D. 3862. 6), viewed from the right side; Welchness (Dundee Island). 5, internal mould ofleft valve (D. 8227. 5); Whisky Bay. 6, internal mould ofleft valve (D. 8214. 13); small gully approximately 2 km E of Stoneley Point. 7, internal mould ofleft valve (D. 8214. 31); same locality. 8, left valve of specimen D. 8228. 5 viewed from the anterior. 9, internal mould ofleft valve (D. 841 3.42); northern end ofTumbledown Cliffs. 10, internal mould ofleft valve (D. 841 3.38); same locality. 1 1, internal mould of right valve (D. 82 14.29); small gully approximately 2 km E of Stoneley Point. 13, internal mould (with traces of prismatic shell) of right valve (D. 8215.1 1); gully approxi- mately 3 km ENE of Stoneley Point. All the specimens are from N W James Ross Island, except for fig. 4 which is from western Dundee Island. All x 1, except for fig. 1 which is x T5. Figs. 12 and 14. Birostrina 7 cf. concentrica (Parkinson) from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 12, rubber peel from external mould of right valve (KG. 1680.74); Keystone Cliffs. 14, internal mould (with traces of shell material) of small right valve (KG. 2801 .250); northern end of Succession Cliffs. Both specimens x 1. PLATE 59 CRAME, Birostrina from Antarctica 508 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 (1911) and Saveliev (1962) contain references to a number of early European works not cited here and Kauffmann (1977) gives a preliminary revision of the Japanese forms. Type specimen. Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson ( 1 8 1 9, p. 58, pi. 1 , fig. 4); by monotypy. Material. D.3862.6, 8215.3, 28, 8227.6, 8, 8228.5, 10, 12, 14, 20, 8413.58, 60, 8414.4, 5, 8431.97, 98, 8531.1 (all int.m., WS); D. 8214.3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 30, 31, 37, 39, 40, 44, 45, 48, 50, 8215.1, 4, 9, 12-14, 16, 25, 8227.5, 10, 12, 8228.2, 3, 7, 13, 16, 19, 8413.35-42, 59, 8414.6, 8531.5-1 1, BR 151.2 (all int.m., LV); D. 8414.8, 8431.95 (int.m., ?LV); D. 8214.4, 7,9, 12, 14 17,20,22,26-29, 32,33,42,46,51,52,8215.2, 7, II, 19,20,23,8227.11, 13,8228.6, 1 1 , 1 7, 1 8, 8344. 1 , 3, 84 1 3.43, 44, 843 1 .96, 853 1 .2-4, BR 151.1, 4, 5 a, b , 6, 10 (all int.m., RV); D. 8414.7 (int.m., ?RV); D. 841 3.69 (ext.m., RV). Many of the internal moulds bear traces of a thin outer shell layer. All the following localities (except for D.3862 and BR. 151) are on NW James Ross Island (text-fig. 3): D. 8214— small gully approx. 2 km E of Stoneley Pt. (63° 52' S., 58° 04' 30" W.); D. 8215— small gully approx. 4 km ENE of Stoneley Pt. (63° 51' 15" S„ 58° 03' 20" W.); D.8227-NE shore of Whisky Bay (63° 52' 40" S„ 58° 06' 55" W.); D.8228-SW shore of Brandy Bay (63° 51' S., 58° 01' W.); D.8344 -2 km E of Bibby Pt. (63° 48' 20" S., 57° 54' 30" W.); D.8413-N of Tumbledown Cliffs (64° 03' 00" S„ 58° 24' 30" W.); D.8431/8531 — S end of Tumbledown Cliffs (64 05' 00" S., 58° 26' 40" W.); D.3862/BR. 151 —moraine ridge, Welchness, Dundee Island (63° 29' S„ 56° 15' W.) (text-fig. 1). Occurrence. As for material. On James Ross Island, B. concentrica is associated with an Albian-Cenomanian turrilitid ammonite in the northern Tumbledown Cliffs assemblage (D.841 3) and at locality D. 8414 (text-fig. 3). In the combined section for western James Ross Island (text-fig. 1 1) it occurs 125 m above the highest occurrence of I. carsoni and approximately 400 m above the I. stoneleyi sp. nov.— Silesites assemblage of the Whisky Bay- Brandy Bay area. The Middle-Upper Albian age range established by Woods (191 1, 1912) for B. concentrica has been widely accepted by other authors (e.g. Pergament 1981; Troger 1981). However, the possibility that this species both extends into the top of the Lower Albian and the base of the Lower Cenomanian should not be discounted (Kauffman 1978a, fig. 1; Sornay 1981). If forms such as I. concentricus nipponicus and 1. cf. concentricus (Pergament 1966) prove to be true members of the B. concentrica group (see Table 1 ), then extension of the range into well within the Cenomanian will be established. There is also a possibility of Cenomanian representatives of 7. concentricus ' in New Zealand (see below). Other definite Southern Hemisphere occurrences of B. concentrica are in South Africa (Middle-Upper Albian of Zululand; Heinz 1930; Kauffman 19786) and Brazil (?Middle-Upper Albian; Maury 1936), whilst there are further possible records from the Albian of Argentinian Patagonia (Bonarelli and Nagera 1921 ) and the Albian of Madagascar (Heinz 1933). Description. The James Ross Island specimens agree closely with those previously described from Dundee Island (Crame 1980, p. 283). They are comparatively small, with the left valves having a mean shell length of 34-48 mm (S.D. = 8-58; range = 16-56; N = 42) and the right valves 26-88 mm (S.D. = 7-49; range = 1 1-50; N = 49). These respective mean shell lengths are significantly different (Student’s /-test, p < 0-001 ) and attest to the strongly gryphaeoid form of the species. This is clearly exhibited by the whole specimens, each of which has a left valve with an inflated umbonal region that towers over that of the right (e.g. D.3862.6, 8228.5, 12, 8413.58; PI. 59, figs. 1-4). The larger volume of material from James Ross Island enables the range of variation of this biostratigraphically important species to be more fully assessed. The outline of the left valve is variable and at least three main types can be made out: obliquely elongated, elongate-pyriform, and rounded-quadrate. The first of these is the most strongly asymmetric, possessing a comparatively narrow, pointed umbonal region that slopes gently forwards (e.g. D.8214. 1 3 and 8227.5; PI. 59, figs. 5 and 6); the second is more upright and pear- (or tear-)shaped (e.g. D.82 14.31, 8228.5, 12; PI. 59, figs. 1 , 7, 8); and the third is similar to the second but considerably squatter (e.g. D.841 3. 38; PI. 59, fig. 10). No rigid morphologic or stratigraphic divisions can be placed between these types and it is almost certain that they intergrade. In profile, all the left valves are strongly convex (i.e. incurved) and in lateral view the maximum degree of inflation can be seen to lie in the central regions of the valve and along the growth axis. The form of the central region varies from a broad, shallow dome, with only moderate descents on either side (e.g. D. 8227. 5; PI. 59, fig. 5) to a narrow, strongly convex ridge that is bounded laterally by extremely steep drop-offs (e.g. D. 8228. 5 and 8413.42; PI. 59, figs. 2, 8, 9). A particularly noticeable feature of all the left valves is the almost CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 509 vertical descent along the anterior margin; this forms a prominent flat, smooth shelf of anything up to 15 mm in height. There is a shallower descent to the ventral and posterior margins and at the posterodorsal extremity a small flange-like wing is delimited by a sharp break in slope on one side and the short, straight hinge on the other. The strongly incurved, slightly to strongly prosogyrous umbo rises above the hingeline by anything up to 1 1 mm and frequently tapers to a beak of less than 2 mm width. The apical angle generally lies in the 85°-95° range. The smaller right valve of B. concentrica has an erect outline and is typically somewhat longer than wide (xW/L = 0-71; S.D. =012; range = 0-48-1 -08; N = 61 ) (e.g. D.8215.1 1; PI. 59, fig. 13); there are, however, both occasional narrow, elongate forms and squatter, rounded ones. The hinge typically forms an apical angle with the anterior margin of between 90° and 1 10°. The latter feature is straight to very slightly concave and usually measures at least half the total shell length. It leads into well-rounded anteroventral, ventral, and posteroventral margins, but the posterior margin proper is less steeply curved (PI. 59, fig. 13). The small, prosogyrous umbo, which is not nearly so prominent as that on the left valve, does not rise above the hingeline and a narrow posterodorsal wing is indistinctly recessed. The principal mode of variation in the right valve is in its degree of inflation. Normally, they are moderately and evenly inflated, with smooth, regular descents occurring to the valve margins (e.g. D. 8215. 11; PI. 59, fig. 13). Nevertheless, some specimens are more strongly convex, with the maximum degree of inflation being concentrated along the growth axis (e.g. D. 3862. 6 and 8228.5; PI. 59, figs. 2 and 4). There are even some indications of this variation being carried to the extreme form that has a convex ridge extending from the beak to the ventral margin with very steep drop-offs on either side (e.g. D. 82 14. 29; PI. 59, fig. 1 1 ). Such a form is similar to that described by Woods (1911, p. 267, pi. 46, figs. 8-10) in some specimens from the Blackdown Greensand and Hunstanton Red Limestone of England. Owing to the poor state of preservation of many of the moulds the precise nature of the original ornament is difficult to define. Whenever traces of concentric ribs are present, on either valve, they always appear to be simple, narrow, regular, and closely spaced. Typically less than 1 mm wide and separated by interspaces of slightly greater dimensions, they may have either sharp or rounded summits (e.g. D. 3862. 6, 8214.31, 8227.5; PI. 59, figs. 4, 5, 7). On some valves slightly coarser secondary ribs, with a 3-10 mm spacing, appear to be superimposed on the primary ones (e.g. D. 8228. 5 and 8413.58; PI. 59, figs. 2, 3, 8) and there are some indications too, of both occasional growth pauses and irregularities. A small number of internal moulds bear traces of up to five radial riblets (e.g. D. 8214. 27, 821 5.25, 8228.13, 8413.38, 42; PI. 59, figs. 9, 10). These have a maximum width of 1 mm and seem to radiate from the umbo to the ventral margin; however, it should be emphasized that they are nearly all weak and discontinuous. Some of the interspaces between them are slightly concave and as such can be described as sulci. Remarks. Kauffman (1978a) suggested that this highly variable species may eventually be split into as many as six subspecies, but these have yet to be formally described. The stratigraphic control on the present collections does not permit such an approach here, and all the material is referred to a single taxonomic category. Small to medium-sized elongate-pyriform whole specimens (e.g. D. 3862.6, 8228.10, 20, 8413.58, 60; PI. 59, figs. 3 and 4) as well as more obliquely elongated forms (e.g. D. 8214. 13 and 8227.5; PI. 59, figs. 5 and 6) compare well with the majority of European specimens illustrated by Parkinson (1819, pi. 1, fig. 4), J. Sowerby (1821, pi. 305, figs. 1-6), Woods (191 1, pi. 46, figs. 1-10; pi. 47, figs. 1 and 2) and Saveliev (1962, pi. 7, figs. 3-7; pi. 8, figs. 1 and 2). It is worth noting too that the latter two works illustrate collections with a range of variation comparable in scale, if not in precise detail, with the Antarctic material. The tendency towards a more pyriform outline of specimens such as D. 8214. 31 and 8228.5 (PI. 59, figs. 2, 7, 8) can be matched to that of Woods’s (1911, pi. 45, fig. 11) largest illustrated specimen and, probably, to Maury’s (1936, pi. 8, figs. 9 and 10) subspecies I. concentricus brasiliensis (White) too. The squatter, more rounded-quadrate Antarctic left valves (e.g. D. 841 3.38, PI. 59, fig. 10) fit in less 510 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 well with the traditional European concepts of B. concentrica. Nevertheless, they appear to grade into obliquely elongated forms and Kauffman (1978a, 6; Wiedmann and Kauffman 1978) has shown how they can also be distinguished in both European and South African collections. Types such as specimen D.84 13.38 closely resemble ‘B. concentrica n. subsp. 2’ and associated forms from Spain (cf. PI. 59, fig. 10 and Wiedmann and Kauffman 1978, pi. 1, figs. 3-6, 8-10, 13), and B. concentrica brasiliensis and B. concentrica n. subsp. C’ from South Africa (Kauffman 1978/?, pi. 1, figs. 11, 16, 18). Kauffman’s (1978a) concentrica n. subsp. A', which is characterized by an anterior sulcus and a few coarse, widely spaced ribs, has no direct counterparts in the Antarctic collections. The European and South Africa ‘ B. concentrica n. subsp. B’, with its slanting and strongly projecting umbo (e.g. Kauffman 19786, pi. 1 , figs. 5 and 10), also seems to be missing, and it would appear that the bulk of the Antarctic specimens fall within Kauffman’s (1978a, b) concepts of B. concentrica concentrica and the more quadrate forms, B. concentrica brasiliensis and ‘ B . n. subsp. C’. Birostrinal cf. concentrica Parkinson, 1819 Plate 59, figs. 12, 14; Plate 60, figs. 1-4; Plate 61, figs. 1-4 cf. 1846 Inoceramus concentricus J. Sowerby; d’Orbigny, p. 506, pi. 404, figs. 1 and 2. cf. 191 1 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Woods, p. 265, pi. 45, fig. 11. cf. 1914 Inoceramus aff. concentricus Parkinson; Spengler, p. 235, pi. 15, fig. 18. cf. 1917 Inoceramus concentricus Parkinson; Woods, p. 9, pi. 3, figs. 9 and 10. cf. 1936 Inoceramus concentricus brasiliensis (White); Maury, p. 107, pi. 8, figs. 9 and 10. 1972 Inoceramus aff. concentricus Parkinson; Thomson and Willey, p. 13, figs. 9 a and 10. Material. KG. 1674.7 (int.m., WS); KG. 103. 181, 1609.16, 1675.2, 1681.6, 1721.23, 1746.7,9, 1748.24, 2801.158, 1 82, 1 83, 206, 215,218, 239, 262 (all int.m. , LV); KG. 1 674.8 (?int.m., LV); KG. 1 663.35, 280 1 . 1 80, 223 (all ext.m., LV); KG. 103. 158, 1674.6, 9, 1677.1, 1746.8, 2801.185, 207, 250, 256 (all int.m., RV); KG.1677.8, 1726.96 (both ?int.m„ RV); KG.1677.3, 1674.5, 1680.74, 2801.150, 184, 214, 216 (all ext.m., RV). All the following localities are within the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island (text-fig. 2): KG. 103/1681— upper levels, Waitabit Cliffs (71° 30' 00" S., 68° 14' 30" W.); KG. 1609— westernmost nunatak, Hyperion Nunataks group (72° 02' 30" S., 68° 55' 00" W.); KG. 1 663— W side, Stephenson Nunatak (72° 08' 30" S„ 69° 09' 00" W.); KG. 1667-small nunatak immediately to NW Tethys Nunatak (72° 08' 00" S., 68° 59' 30" W.); KG. 1674— small nunatak approximately 2 km SW Adams Nunatak (71° 08' 00" S., 68° 38' 45" W.); KG. 1675 — Adams Nunatak, Neptune Glacier (71° 44' 00" S„ 68° 33' 00" W.); KG.1677-ndge between Mt. Lassell and Mt. Phoebe (71° 45' 30" S., 68° 49' 00" W.); KG. 1680-lower levels, Keystone Cliffs (71° 33' 00" S„ 68° 15' 30" W.); KG. 1721 -ridge running E of Mt. Phoebe (71° 47' 00" S„ 68° 43' 45" W.); KG. 1726-ridge running SSW from Mt. Phoebe (71 ° 48' 30" S„ 68° 48' 00" W.); KG. 1 746/ 1 748/280 1 -upper levels, North Succession Cliffs (71° 08' 30" S„ 68° 17' 30 W.). Occurrence. As for material. The age in the upper Waitabit Cliffs and lower Keystone Cliffs is almost certainly Albian (?Middle-Upper Albian) (text-fig. 10) (Willey 1972; Thomson 1974; Taylor et al. 1979); however, as previously mentioned, the presence of some ammonites with older (?Barremian) affinities at Waitabit Cliffs (Thomson 1983) has yet to be fully explained. Description. These specimens show all the typical features of B. concentrica , except that they are somewhat larger. The respective mean shell lengths of the left and right valves, for example, are 89-77 mm (S.D. = 12-64; range = 68-114; N = 13) and 84-80 mm (S.D. = 19-31; range = 54-118; N = 1 0), and these values are significantly greater (Student’s /-test, p <0-001) than the corresponding EXPLANATION OF PLATE 60 Figs. 1-4. Birostrinal cf. concentrica (Parkinson) from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 1, anterior view of internal mould of left valve (KG. 1674.8); some prismatic shell material visible; small nunatak approximately 2 km SW of Adams Nunatak. 2, anterior view of internal mould of incomplete left valve (KG. 2801. 262); northern end of Succession Cliffs. 3, exterior view of the left valve of a whole specimen (KG. 1674.7); small nunatak approximately 2 km SW of Adams Nunatak. 4, the same specimen, which is an internal mould, viewed from the right. All specimens x 1. PLATE 60 CRAME, Birostrinal from Antarctica 512 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 ones (34-48 and 26-88) from the James Ross Island specimens. The foregoing measurements suggest that the degree of inequality between the valves may not be so great in the Alexander Island material but it should be emphasized that they are nearly all incomplete single valves. The one articulated specimen (KG. 1674.7; PI. 60, figs. 3 and 4) has a left valve of 100 mm length and a right of 76 mm and it is likely that this scale of difference may be close to the true value for the species. The left valves consistently have obliquely oval to pyriform outlines and prominent, strongly enrolled umbones (e.g. KG. 103. 181, 1674.7, and 8, 2801.262; PI. 60, figs. 1-3 and PI. 61, fig. 2). They were moderately to strongly inflated, with the maximum convexity occurring in the central region along the growth axis. From the latter there was a very steep descent to the anterior margin and a somewhat gentler one towards the posterior. One specimen, however, is noticeable for its very steep descents to both the anterior and posterior margins; this gives it a markedly ‘humpback’ cross-profile (KG. 168 1.6; PI. 61, figs. 3 and 4). The basic ornament pattern preserved on internal moulds of left valves is one of narrow (generally < 1 mm in width) closely and regularly arranged concentric ribs (e.g. KG. 1674.7 and 2801.262; PI. 60, figs. 2 and 3). On some specimens there is evidence of extremely fine ribbing on the early stages (e.g. KG. 1 674.7; PI. 60, fig. 3), whilst on others somewhat coarser ones develop towards the ventral margin (e.g. KG. 103. 181; PI. 61, fig. 2). There are also indications that secondary stronger ribs developed in certain specimens (e.g. KG. 1674.8; PI. 60, fig. 1), in a manner similar to that described for specimens D. 8228. 5 and 8413.58 (PI. 59, figs. 2, 3, 8) from James Ross Island. These ribs have approximately 3-7 mm spacings and their sharper profiles rise significantly higher than those of the primary ribs. A small number of the internal moulds are almost smooth, their surfaces being broken only by occasional shallow concentric depressions which may indicate growth pauses (e.g. KG. 1681. 6; PI. 61, figs. 3 and 4). The right valve has an erect outline and a moderately to strongly prosogyrous umbo that scarcely rises above the level of the hingeline (e.g. KG. 1674.7, 1680.74, 2801.250; PI. 59, figs. 12, 14 and PI. 60, fig. 4). Where preserved the anterior margin is seen to be a nearly straight feature that is equal in length to at least half the total valve length. It normally subtends an angle close to a right angle with the hinge, although some compressed specimens have values considerably greater than this (e.g. KG. 103. 158; PI. 61, fig. 1). The anterior margin leads into well-rounded ventral and posteroventral margins but the posterodorsal border is somewhat straighter. The degree of inflation is considerably less than that of the left valve, with most of it being concentrated in the umbonal and central regions; the descents to the valve margins are correspondingly gentler, with only the anterior edge being sharply defined. Specimen KG. 1674.7 (PI. 60, fig. 4) has a narrow, smooth flange running along the anterior margin which tapers from approximately 9 mm in width at the ventral end to less than 3 mm beneath the umbo. This feature could be interpreted as an anterior wing but it is also possible that it represents a near vertical anterior edge that has collapsed on compression. The same specimen bears traces of a narrow, tapering posterodorsal wing but this is not a prominent characteristic of the right valve. One right valve, KG. 1674.6, is considerably more inflated than all the others. This inflation is con- centrated in the dorsal half of the valve, especially along the growth axis. There are steep descents to both the antero- and posterodorsal margins and the overall form of the valve is similar to that of specimen D. 8214. 29 (PI. 59, fig. 11) from James Ross Island. The fine regular ornament of the left valve is generally repeated on the right (e.g. KG. 1680.74 and 2801 .250; PI. 59, figs. 12 and 14). There are occasional interruptions to the basic pattern caused by growth pauses or superimposition of the fine ribs on low primary folds (e.g. KG. 1680.74; PI. 59, fig. 12). Both rib width (which is generally EXPLANATION OF PLATE 61 Figs. 1-4. Birostrinal cf. concentrica (Parkinson) from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. 1, internal mould of possible right valve (KG. 103. 1 58); Waitabit Cliffs. 2, anterodorsal view of internal mould of incomplete left valve (KG. 103. 181); same locality. 3, exterior view of internal mould of large left valve (KG. 168 1.6); same locality. 4, anterior view of same specimen. All specimens x 1. PLATE 61 CRAME, Birostrina! from Antarctica 514 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 < 15 mm) and interspace width increase slightly towards the ventral margin. Notable variants include types such as specimen KG. 103. 1 58 (PI. 61 , fig. 1), which has acute, more widely spaced ribs that show some tendency to anastomose, and KG. 1674.6, which is an almost smooth form bearing traces of fine radial striae. No obvious radial folds or sulci were observed on either valve. Remarks. The strongly gryphaeoid form and regular concentric ornament link these specimens with B. concentrica. However, as their mean dimensions are considerably greater than those normally associated with this species, and their preservation rather poor, they are only tentatively assigned to it. There is a fairly close correspondence with the few known large forms of B. concentrica from Europe and Brazil (e.g. d’Orbigny 1846, pi. 404, figs. 1 and 2; Woods 191 1, pi. 45, fig. 11; Maury 1936, pi. 8, figs. 9 and 10). The correspondence is less precise with the large specimens of 7. concentricus ' from New Zealand (Woods 1917, pi. 3, figs. 9 and 10) as the latter have somewhat broader and more symmetrical left valves. Some specimens currently assigned to the New Zealand species, I. warakius Wellman (see Speden 1977, figs. 10-16), may well be a better match for the Antarctic material, but this taxon is currently in need of extensive revision. It certainly seems to possess a strongly graphaeoid form and probably forms part of a lineage of 'I concentricus' -Uke forms which span the Albian-Cenomanian Motuan and Ngaterian stages. A left valve described by Spengler (1914, pi. 15, fig. 1 8) as I. aff. concentricus from the Lower Utatur Group of southern India shows some similarities to the Antarctic specimens but is less strongly inflated. In view of their size and apparent lack of radial ornament, all the foregoing large specimens can only be tentatively linked with Birostrina. The affinity of specimen KG. 103. 158 (PI. 61, fig. 1) to BP. cf. concentrica must be held in some doubt as it is both considerably broader (apical angle 128°) than any other right valve and bears sharper, more irregular ornament. It could just be closer to certain members of the I. ang/icus group. There are some doubts too about the allegiance of specimen KG. 1681. 6 (PI. 61, figs. 3 and 4), whose strongly inflated profile and almost smooth surface could be matched to Cenomanian species such as I. corpulentus from Canada (e.g. Warren and Stelck 1940, pi. 4, figs. 4-6) and I. reduncus from the Soviet Far East (e.g. Pergament 1966, p. 40, pi. 16, fig. 1 a; pi. 18, figs. 1 a, b and 2a) (see Table 1). However, no other Cenomanian fossils have yet been recognized in the Fossil Bluff Formation. Genus Anopaea Eichwald, 1861 Type species. Inoceramus lobatus Auerbach and Frears (1846, p. 492, pi. 7, figs. 1-3) = I. brachovi Rouillier (1849, p. 439), from the Upper Jurassic of the Ural Mts., USSR; by monotypy (Cox 1969, p. N317). Anopaea trapezoidalis (Thomson and Willey, 1972) Text-fig. 9 a 1972 'Inoceramus' trapezoidalis Thomson and Willey, p. 1 1, fig. 8 a-b. 1981 Anopaea trapezoidalis (Thomson and Willey); Crame, p. 215, pi. 2, figs. a-d. Holotype. KG. 18.3 la (int.m., LV) from the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island; illustrated in Thomson and Willey (1972, fig. 8a) and Crame (1981, pi. 2, fig. a); by original designation. Additional material. KG. 2880.225, 293, 296 (all int.m., LV); KG. 1 745. 10 (ext. m„ LV); KG. 1 745. 1 1 (ext.m., RV). Both localities are in the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island (text-fig. 2): KG. 1 745— locality U, 2 km NW of Fossil Bluff (71° 18' S„ 68° 20' W.); KG. 2800-locality Q, Fossil Bluff (71° 19' S., 68° 17' W.). The specimens at the latter locality occur between 88-5 and 1110 m in a 426 m section (text-fig. 10). Occurrence. As for material. Previously regarded as Berriasian in age (Crame 1981, fig. 5), it is now apparent that A. trapezoidalis may be, in part at least, as young as Aptian (Crame 1983a). Description and remarks. Specimens KG. 1745. 10 and 11, with shell lengths (as measured from anterior to posterior extremities) in the region of 1 5 mm, and specimen KG. 2800. 295, with a length of approximately 32 mm, closely resemble the smallest members of this species previously described from locality K (Thomson and Willey 1972, fig. 86; Crame 1981, pi. 2, figs. b-d). The two smallest specimens bear traces of a distinct anterior sulcus and specimen KG. 2800. 293, although lacking this CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 515 text-fig. 9. Anopaea from the Antarctic Peninsula region, a, incomplete internal mould of a large left valve of A. trapezoidalis (Thomson and Willey) (KG. 2800. 255); specimen from Fossil Bluff, Alexander Island. b , incomplete internal mould of a left valve of A. sp. nov. aff. mandibula (Mordvilko) (KG. 1682.37); specimen from Waitabit Cliffs, Alexander Island, c, internal mould of a right valve of A. sp. nov. f3 (D. 8212. 261) from a locality approximately 1 -5 km ENE of Stoneley Point, NW James Ross Island. All specimens x I . feature, has the remnants of a very deep anterior lunule. Specimen KG. 2800. 225 (text-fig. 9a) is similar in general form to the holotype (KG. 18.31a; Thomson and Willey 1972, fig. 8a; Crame 1981, pi. 2, fig. a), but slightly larger. It has a very high, rounded posterior region and much narrower anterior, and, like the holotype, lacks a clearly defined anterior sulcus. This seems to be a characteristic of the largest individuals of this species, as is the presence of coarse concentric ornament. On specimen KG. 2800. 225 (text-fig. 9a) the ribs are in the region of 3 mm apart over the centre of the valve and 5 mm apart towards the ventral margin. Specimen KG. 2800. 296 is a very incomplete large left valve with a height in the posterior region of about 65 mm and an estimated length of 80 mm. It is covered with closely set, coarse concentric ribs separated by deep interspaces. Anopaea sp. nov. aff. mandibula (Mordvilko, 1949) Text-fig. 9b cf. 1962 Inoceramus mandibula Mordvilko; Saveliev, p. 230, pi. 6, figs. I 11. Material. KG. 1682.37 (int.m., LV), from a high level in Waitabit Cliffs, Alexander Island (71° 30' 00" S., 68° 14' 30" W.; text-figs. 2 and 10). Occurrence. As for material. Albian (?Middle-Upper Albian), from its position at a high level in Waitabit Cliffs. Description. The estimated length of this specimen is 35 mm and the maximum height (dorsal to ventral margins) is 32 mm. Although most of the anterior region is missing it can be judged to have been much narrower than the posterior with a height of approximately 17 mm. The well-rounded posterior region can be traced forward into a short, straight hinge which is partially obscured by the strongly prosogyrous umbo. The latter terminates in a narrow, pointed beak which overhangs a deeply excavated anterodorsal lunule (text-fig. 96). The ventral margin is slightly sinuous due to the presence of a broad, shallow sulcus of some 12 mm width in its mid-region. This sulcus can be traced right up into the beak where it sweeps forwards and narrows to just under 2 mm in width (text-fig. 9b). The weakly to moderately inflated valve surface is covered with narrow (predominantly < 1 mm in width) concentric ribs that are regularly spaced but somewhat variable in their intensity; some tend to fade across the sulcus and others in the posterodorsal region (text-fig. 9b). Slightly coarser ribs 516 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 approaching 1 mm in width and separated by interspaces of up to 2 mm occur close to the ventral margin. Remarks. The form of this specimen is too rounded and the ornament too fine for it to be related to A. trapezoidalis. It would seem instead to be closer to A. mandibula (Mordvilko) from the Lower Albian of Mangishlak (Saveliev 1962, p. 230, pi. 6, figs. 1-11). This is an erect, moderately inflated and finely ribbed species whose left valve can be closely matched with the Alexander Island specimen. However, there may be some differences between the two (especially in the form of the anterior sulcus) and specific separation seems to be necessary. B. salomoni (d’Orbigny) also has a strongly sulcate left valve, but this is typically more rounded-rectangular in outline and bears a broad, orthogyrous umbo (e.g. Woods 191 1, pi. 45, figs. 3-7; Saveliev 1962, pi. 9, figs. 6-9). Anopaea sp. nov. /3 Text-fig. 9c Material. D. 8212. 261 (int.m., RV); D. 8212. 262 (int.m., LV). Locality D.8212 — valley floor approx. 1 -5 km ENE of Stoneley Point, James Ross Island (63° 51' 40" S., 58° 05' 20" W.; text-fig. 3); the specimens originate from approximately the 980 m level in the combined section measured on NW James Ross Island (text-fig. 11). Occurrence. As for material. Aptian -Albian, from its association with I. stoneleyi sp. nov. and probable silesitid ammonites. Description. The right valve (D.8212. 261; text-fig. 9c) has an extremely accentuated rounded-wedge shaped profile; over a length of 23 mm it tapers from a height of 23 mm in the posterior region to approximately 8 mm at the anterior. The straight hinge has a length of 10 mm and subtends an angle of 140 with the anterior margin. It leads posteriorly into what appear to have been well-rounded posterior and posteroventral margins and these in turn pass into an anteroventral region whose outline is interrupted by a broad, shallow sinus (text-fig. 9c). Although incomplete, it would appear that the latter region was extremely narrow and pointed. A slender, tapering posterodorsal wing with a height at its posterior end of 2 mm and a concave cross-section is sharply demarcated from the main surface of the valve. Ornament consists of narrow ( < 1 mm), regular concentric ribs separated by flat interspaces of 10-L5 mm width (text-fig. 9c). Remarks. Although there are some similarities in style of ornament between these specimens and the Tithonian species, A. stoliczkai (Holdhaus) (Crame 1981, pi. 1, figs, a-f ), they differ significantly in shell form. In particular, specimen D.8212. 261 (text-fig. 9c) has a less deeply excavated lunule but more prominent anterior sulcus. There are differences too in shell form from A. trapezoidalis, and in style of ornament from A. sp. nov. aff. mandibula. This material most likely represents a new species. The suffix /3 is used as a new but unnamed species of Anopaea has already been described from probable Upper Jurassic strata within the Fossil Bluff Formation (Crame 1981, p. 213). STRATIGRAPHIC DISCUSSION Alexander Island Preliminary accounts of the distribution of Lower Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves through the Fossil Bluff Formation have already been given (Crame 1983a, b). In these works a simplified stratigraphic correlation scheme was presented for a series of major localities between Ablation Point and Keystone Cliffs (text-fig. 2; Crame 1983a, fig. 3; 19836, fig. 2); these were thought to comprise the greater part of the Fossil Bluff Formation and total approximately 3820 m in thickness. With the more detailed taxonomic and stratigraphic information given in this study, it is necessary to briefly re-examine these distributions and further assess their stratigraphic implications. In the lower levels of Tombaugh Cliffs and highest parts of Callisto Cliffs (text-fig. 10), Retroceramus everesti is of Berriasian age (Crame 1982). It is probably also present towards the top of CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 517 KEYSTONE CLIFFS (W) fb-il WAITABIT -Z-Z-i CLIFFS. -zz-: F-E-Eq (T) ! B.7 cl.concentrica i-z-B f. mandibula * — - FOSSIL BLUFF (O&R) /. deltoides sp.nov. SUCCESSION CLIFFS (C) gsg (B) (A) Anopaea trapezoidalis LOC.K , Birostrina ? cl.concentrica TOMBAUGH CLIFFS (Z) ABLATION VALLEY -1000 Predominantly siltstone Principal sandstone intervals Conglomerate CALLISTO CLIFFS I. sp.aff .ellioti. Retroceramus everesti text-fig. 10. Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous inoceramids in the Fossil Bluff Formation of Alexander Island. Localities given in text-fig. 2. Correlations based in part on Taylor et al. 1979, fig. 6 and Crame 1982, text-fig. 9. Vertical scale in metres (lowest 500 m omitted). the main Ablation Valley section and it is thought that the uppermost limit of its range can be set at 1675 m. Thus, it overlaps with the occurrences of I. sp. aflf. ellioti (1480 m) and /. cf. ovatus (1675 m) (text-fig. 10), both of which have also been well established as Berriasian (Taylor et ai 1979; Crame 1983n, b). Moving southwards, structural, lithological, and faunal considerations all suggest that the top of the Tombaugh Cliffs section correlates with a level slightly beneath the base of the section at locality K (text-fig. 10). The next inoceramid to appear in the sequence, A. trapezoidalis, commences in the mid-levels of the section at locality K (2300 m) and continues upwards through locality D to the 2810 m level at localities Q and R (text-fig. 10). The extension of the range of this species into the base of the Fossil Bluff sections means that it may be, in part at least, as young as Aptian in age; indeed, it is even possible that it is also Aptian at locality K, as was originally suggested by Thomson and Willey (1972). At present there is no palaeontological evidence for the age of the beds occurring between I. cf. ovatus and A. trapezoidalis (text-fig. 10). I. deltoides sp. nov. at the 2800-2820 m level (text-fig. 10) is most likely Aptian in age, although previous comments about possible late Neocomian or Barremian affinities of certain heteromorph ammonites occurring above it should be borne in mind. If various ammonite species of the genera Aconeceras, Theganeceras, and Sanmartinoceras, and belemnites of the genera Peratobelus and Neohibolites , are taken as Aptian (Taylor et al. 1979), then it would appear that this stage is well represented in the sections at localities Q and R and in the lower levels of Waitabit Cliffs (text-fig. 10). The transition up into the Albian seems to occur at the latter locality with specimens of BP. cf. concentrica (3500-3700 m) and Eotetragonites being taken as indicators of the younger stage. Not- withstanding the possible Barremian affinities of ammonites such as Antarcticoceras and Silesites 518 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 (Thomson 1983), both Anopaea sp. nov. aff. mandibula (3560 m) and /. cf. anglicus elongatus (3620-3680 m) are also taken to be Albian (?Middle-Upper Albian) in age (text-fig. 10). The gradual southerly younging of the Fossil Bluff Formation between Ablation Valley and Fossil Bluff is interrupted by the abrupt occurrence of Albian strata at localities A, B, and C, Succession Cliffs (text-figs. 2 and 1 0). These beds, which have yielded BP. cf. concentrica together with ammonites such as Antarcticoceras antarcticum Thomson and Ptychoceras sp., are thought to have been emplaced by a combination of thrusting and normal faulting (Taylor et al. 1 979). Further evidence of stratigraphic repetition of the Fossil Bluff Formation by faulting is provided by the recurrence of both I. deltoides sp. nov. and BP cf. concentrica at several localities between the Neptune Glacier and Stephenson Nunatak (text-fig. 2). The exact stratigraphic positions of I.flemingi sp. nov., I. sp. aff. bel/vuensis, and I. sp. aff. comancheanus are uncertain but it is assumed that they occupy a level at least as high as that of BP cf. concentrica (text-fig. 10). James Ross Island The Lower Cretaceous biostratigraphy established for the Brandy Bay-Whisky Bay region (Crame 1 983a, b) can now be extended to the Gin Cove-Rum Cove area (text-fig. 3). This correlation is based primarily on the occurrence of B. concentrica , which, although unrecorded in poorly exposed strata at Kotick Point, is present in both the North and South Tumbledown Cliffs sections (text-figs. 3 and 1 1). It is enhanced by certain broad lithological comparisons between the two regions and by similar levels of occurrence of the ammonite provisionally identified as Silesites. I. stoneleyi sp. nov. (previously identified as a member of the I. neocomiensis group— Crame 1983a, b) occurs in the combined section between approximately 600 and 925 m (text-fig. 11). Associated fossils, such as ‘ Ancyloceras' patagonicum, small aconeceratids and Aucellina , suggest an Aptian-Albian age, as do close relatives within the /. liwerowskyae group; nevertheless, the possibility that at least some ancyloceratids and aconeceratids may be Barremian (or even older) in Alexander Island should be considered in any final age-determination of these beds. To date the only fossils collected from the lowest 600 m of strata on James Ross Island are a series of juvenile buchiid/ oxytomid bivalves and a small gaudryceratid ammonite. If the beds containing I. stoneleyi sp. nov. are confirmed as Aptian-Albian, then this lowest biostratigraphic unit (text-fig. 1 1 ) may well prove to be Barremian or even earlier in age. Anopaea sp. nov. /3 from the 980 m level at locality D. 8212 (text-fig. 1 1) is also judged to be Aptian- Albian. The silesitid ammonites with which it is associated can be traced again at the 900- 1 000 m level in the Kotick Point section (text-fig. 1 1 ). Other fossils occurring in the lower half of the Kotick Point section include occasional phylloceratid and lytoceratid ammonites, Aucellina and I. cf. Sutherland /; the latter species in particular has been used to assign an undifferentiated Aptian-Albian age to this interval. Inoceramus carsoni, an Upper Albian species in Australia, occurs in the Lost Valley and North Tumbledown Cliffs sections between 1 140 and 1250 m (text-fig. 1 1 ). Throughout this range it is associated with a species of Aucellina close to A. hughendenensis and a so far unidentified species of Maccoyella. The heteromorph Ptychoceras (Upper Aptian-Upper Albian) has been recorded from the top of the Lost Valley section and a probable specimen of Beudanticeras (Lower-Upper Albian) from an equivalent stratigraphic level nearby (M. R. A. Thomson, pers. comm.). Neither I. cf. sutherlandi nor I. carsoni has yet been found in the Brandy Bay-Whisky Bay region, where the 1000-1300 m interval is predominantly composed of unfossiliferous conglomeratic beds. B. concentrica occurs in the combined section at approximately the 1375 m level (text-fig. 1 1). The Middle-Upper Albian age for this species established in other regions would seem to be confirmed by its position above I. carsoni and its association at North Tumbledown Cliffs and locality D.8414 (text-figs. 3 and 1 1) with turrilitid ammonites (M. R. A. Thomson, pers. comm.). At South Tumble- down Cliffs there appears to be a regular transition upwards from the B. concentrica beds into Cenomanian strata characterized by acanthoceratid ammonites and probable members of the I. pictus Sowerby group (M . R. A. Thomson, pers. comm.). However, at all other localities so far investigated the Lower Upper Cretaceous boundary is obscured by poorly exposed conglomeratic strata and local unconformities (Crame 19836). CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 519 BRANDY BAY WHISKY BAY B. concentrica B. concentrica l.stoneleyi sp.nov. D.8209 & 8210 TUMBLEDOWN CLIFFS KOTICK POINT Birostrina concentrica I. cl. sutherlandl . LOST VALLEY gg B concentrica Siltstone Sandstone & Pebbly Sandstone Conglomerate text-fig. 1 1. Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous inoceramids on the NW coast of James Ross Island. Localities given in text-fig. 3. Correlations based in part on unpublished information kindly supplied by J. R. Ineson. Vertical scale in metres. Annenkov Island and South Georgia Comparisons with similar forms suggest that the most likely age affinities of both I. annenkovensis sp. nov. ( = /. cf. anomiaeformis of Crame 1983a) and I. cf. heteropterus from the Lower Tuff Member of the Annenkov Island Formation are Hauterivian-Barremian. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that these comparisons are somewhat tenuous and the precise age of the sediments on this island remains in some doubt. A slightly younger age (Barremian or Aptian) age is suggested by the poorly preserved specimens of aconeceratid ammonites and Aucellina that occur in the upper levels of the range of /. annenkovensis sp. nov. (Crame 1983a, figs. 6 and 7), but there are also a number of other faunal elements in both the Lower Tuff and Upper Breccia Members whose significance is as yet uncertain (Thomson et al. 1982). There is still considerable scope for clarification of the biostratigraphy of Annenkov Island. Only a single indeterminate specimen of Inoceramus has been recorded from the Cumberland Bay Formation of South Georgia (Thomson et al. 1982, p. 178). SYNTHESIS Berriasian representatives of the I. ovatus group (I. cf. ovatus and I. sp. aff. ellioti) from Alexander Island provide a possible means of correlation between the earliest Cretaceous strata of Antarctica and those of the Pacific coast of North America and Siberia. Moving up through the succession of Antarctic Lower Cretaceous inoceramids, it is apparent that there is then a pronounced stratigraphic gap before the probable Aptian-Albian faunas of the upper Fossil Bluff Formation and the lower part of the James Ross Island succession. There is very little evidence of Valanginian, Hauterivian, or Barremian inoceramids. Of course this time interval may be at least partially filled in the Fossil Bluff Formation when taxonomic revisions of certain ammonites (notably the heteromorphs) have been undertaken and stratigraphic studies at localities AP and CC2 (text-fig. 2) completed. Nevertheless, at present, there is very little firm palaeontological evidence for the Valanginian-Barremian stages in 520 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Alexander Island. Anopaea trapezoidalis (text-fig. 10) may be late Neocomian or Barremian in the early part of its range but this has yet to be confirmed. Although the Cretaceous sedimentary succession in the James Ross Island area is thought to commence at approximately the Aptian stage, there is evidence of lower stratigraphic horizons at at least two localities on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Late Hauterivian-Barremian dinoflagellates and coccoliths have been recovered from a 7 50- 1 000 m conglomeratic sequence on the Sobral Peninsula (text-fig. 1), and at Pedersen Nunatak (text-fig. 1) a 142 m sequence of con- glomerates and sandstones has yielded ammonite fragments referable to the South American Hauterivian species, Favrella wilckensi (Favre) (Farquharson 1982; Thomson and Farquharson 1 984). Further north, /. annenkovensis sp. nov. and I. cf. heteropterus from the Lower T uff Member of Annenkov Island have Hauterivian-Barremian affinities. The latter species in particular, through its link with a distinctive North Pacific inoceramid group, suggests an Upper Hauterivian age, but balanced against this is the presence of both aconeceratid ammonites and Aucellina in the same stratigraphic unit. Perhaps the best compromise is to regard the age of this unit as Barremian. Early Cretaceous marine sediments on Byers Peninsula (South Shetlands) are probably confined to the Berriasian and Valanginian (Smellie et al. 1980) but isolated marine intervals within the Mesozoic alluvial fan conglomerates of the South Orkney Islands (text-fig. 1) may range as high as the Hauterivian (Thomson 1981). The paucity of Valanginian-Barremian inoceramids from the Antarctic Peninsula region as a whole enhances the impression of a general hiatus at this time gained from the study of other faunal groups (notably the ammonites, e.g. Thomson 1974, 1982). This may well be linked with a significant marine regression as the Antarctic Peninsula underwent a major phase of uplift and magmatic activity (Farquharson 1 982). It has been suggested that the simplest explanation of this orogenic pulse was an increased rate of subduction of the Pacific Aluk plate beneath the Antarctic Peninsula margin of Gondwana. Such an event is thought to have been a likely precursor to the Valanginian opening of the South Atlantic and Weddell Sea basins (Farquharson 1983). I. stoneleyi sp. nov., the lowest species to occur in the James Ross Island succession, can be matched with Aptian-Albian members of the I. liwerowskyae group from Spitsbergen, south- western USSR, and the far-eastern USSR. Similarly, I. deltoides sp. nov. from the Fossil Bluff Formation is close to specimens of I. subneocomiensis and I. neocomiensis known from a number of Northern Hemisphere localities. The I. neocomiensis group is a particularly interesting one in that it may be one of the earliest Cretaceous inoceramid groups with a cosmopolitan distribution. It is succeeded by the B. concentrica group which is truly worldwide in its occurrence. The Middle- Upper Albian age of B. concentrica on James Ross Island is supported by ammonites and this species is generally regarded as one of the most useful for both local and regional correlations in the Antarctic Lower Cretaceous. On Alexander Island the presence of BA cf. concentrica in the Waitabit Cliffs and Keystone Cliffs sections suggests that a general correlation can be made between the uppermost levels of the Fossil Bluff Formation and the 1375 m level on James Ross Island (text-figs. 10 and 1 1). Other high level inoceramids in the Fossil Bluff Formation include l.flemingi sp. nov., a probable member of the I. liwerowskyae group, and three species (/. cf. anglicus elongatus , I. sp. aff. bellvuensis, and I. sp. aff. comancheanus) that have their strongest affinities with the cosmopolitan I. anglicus group. Both the latter three and I. sp. aff. anglicus from Dundee Island can be compared with specimens from a wide range of Northern Hemisphere localities. Representatives of the I. carsoni group in the James Ross Island succession provide a direct link between the Antarctic Peninsula and Great Artesian Basin of Australia; in particular, I. carsoni indicates a correlation of the 1 1 40- 1 250 m interval with stratigraphic units such as the Allaru Mudstone of Queensland (Day 1969). Anopaea sp. nov. aff. mandibula may furnish another connection between the Aptian-Albian Fossil Bluff Formation faunas and those of the south-western USSR. The Fossil Bluff Formation apparently terminates in the Albian (Taylor et al. 1979), but the James Ross Island succession passes up into Cenomanian and younger beds (Crame 1983fi). CRAME: CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES FROM ANTARCTICA 521 Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Mr. C. P. Nuttall, Dr. N. J. Morris, and Mr. R. Cleevely for allowing me ready access to the Mesozoic Mollusca collections of the Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). On a visit to Australia, Dr. N. H. Ludbrook kindly arranged for me to examine the collections held in the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy and Dr. B. P. Webb (Director-General) subsequently allowed me to borrow a number of specimens from them. Mr. P. J. G. Fleming facilitated my examination of the Geological Survey of Queensland’s collections and I would also like to acknowledge use of a set of inoceramid plaster casts supplied by the New Zealand Geological Survey. My colleagues Dr. M. R. A. Thomson, Mr. J. R. Ineson, and Dr. G. W. Farquharson offered constructive criticisms of a number of points raised in the text. Dr. B. Haigh (Cambridge) translated some of the cited Russian material and Mr. C. Gilbert of the British Antarctic Survey took the photographs. REFERENCES airaghi, c. 1904. Inocerami del Vento. Boll. Soc. geol. ital. 20, 178-198. anderson, f. m. 1938. Lower Cretaceous deposits in California and Oregon. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 16, 1-339. 1945. Knoxville Series in the California Mesozoic. 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[In Russian.] Manuscript received 23 May 1984 Revised manuscript received 28 September 1984 J. A. CRAME British Antarctic Survey Natural Environment Research Council High Cross Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 OET CORONATE ECHINODERMS FROM THE LOWER PALAEOZOIC OF BRITAIN by STEPHEN K. DONOVAN and CHRISTOPHER R. C. PAUL Abstract. Coronates are pelmatozoan echinoderms with a functional stem, a bud-shaped theca, and erect, biserial, pinnate arms. They evolved early in the Middle Ordovician, probably from the ‘eocrinoid’ Bockia , and gave rise to the blastoids sensu stricto. The subclass Coronata contains six genera. Mespilocystites (early Caradoc-Ashgill) had geniculate radial furrows, while all later genera had planar or gently convex radii. Of these Stephanoblastus (Caradoc-Wenlock) had a very narrow stem and triradiate keels at the base of the theca. All other genera had triangular thecal bases. Tormoblastus (Ashgill) had a conical theca with a protruding base bearing three flanges, Paracystis (Caradoc) had a bowl-shaped theca with a sunken base, Stephanocrinus (AshgilULudlow) a tall, steeply conical theca, and Cupulocorona gen. nov. (Ashgill-Wenlock) a conical to cup-shaped theca with a protruding base. The British coronate fauna includes five new species: S. ramsbottomi (Hirnantian) characterized by a large, angular conical theca with low coronal processes, C. salopiae (early Wenlock) characterized by a pyriform theca with low coronal processes and low ridges at the plate sutures, C. rugosa (Cautleyan Rawtheyan) with a conical theca bearing very coarse ornament, C. digitalis (Cautleyan- Rawtheyan) with a conical theca and very long coronal processes, and Stephanocrinus sensu lato sp. (Cautleyan) which is poorly known but had very fine ribbing. Coronates are a small but distinctive group of Lower Palaeozoic pelmatozoans with a functional stem, a small theca with five interradial coronal processes ventrally and a fixed arrangement of thecal plates very similar to that of blastoids, and erect, biserial, pinnate arms. Opinions as to their affinities have varied in the past, but we believe they were most closely related to the blastoids. Although thecae of coronate echinoderms are not uncommon in the Ordovician and Silurian of Britain (no columns or arms have yet been discovered), the only previous references to their occurrence are in Bather (1900, pp. 96, 145), who mentioned that Stephanocrinus was found in the Silurian of Britain, and King and Wilcockson (1934, p. 17), in which Bather recognized a calyx from the Upper Ordovician at Hunterstye as Stephanocrinus. The latter is described below as S. ramsbottomi sp. nov. In 1952 W. H. C. Ramsbottom prepared an unpublished manuscript on some coronates including a proposed new species, S. salopiae , which is probably the species referred to by Bather (1900) and is redescribed here as Cupulocorona salopiae. Otherwise British coronates have been ignored or referred to as ‘new cystidean’ (Reed 1907, p. 537). Following the recent reassessment of Stephanocrinus ( Brett et al. 1983), which elevated the Coronata to class status, it is timely to describe British representatives of the group. GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE CORONATES Stem. Apparently homeomorphic, composed of small circular columnals with convex latera, narrow (TA thecal diameter) or extremely narrow (A thecal diameter), circular in section and with a circular lumen as far as is known. Brett et al. (1983, fig. Ik) illustrated a discoidal holdfast which they associated with S. angulatus. Theca. Elongate-conical through conical to cup- or bowl-shaped, base triangular or triradiate, top with five distinct coronal processes. Constant plate arrangement (text-fig. 5a) consisting of three basals of which the azygous basal occupies the AB interray; five radials all with cleft upper margins, the two ‘wings’ each forming half of the aboral side of a coronal process; six deltoids, a sub- and super-deltoid in the CD (posterior) interray adoral to the anus and one deltoid in each of the other [Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 3, 1985, pp. 527-543, pis. 62-63-1 528 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 four interrays, deltoids triangular and raised to form the adoral portions of the coronal processes; five primary ambulacral plates at the tip of each ambulacrum and in the radial furrows between the coronal processes; five oral cover plates over the central mouth, the posterior of which is very slightly the largest; ten elongate ambulacral cover plates, one pair per ambulacrum. The basals and radials are usually ornamented with fine ridges or rows of granules which form rhombic patterns. In some genera there are also major ridges on the theca diverging upwards from the basals and forming a V W pattern, the base of the V being centred on the azygous basal. Three orifices all in the oral surface (text-fig. 5b). A central, nearly circular mouth. An anus, almost as large as the mouth, situated at the base of the CD coronal process on the adoral side, and covered with an anal pyramid of three or four cover plates. Just adoral to the anus on the common suture of the sub- and super-deltoid a small tubercle with a transverse slit is sometimes found. This has been interpreted as a possible hydropore (Brett et al. 1983, p. 632). Both suture and orifice are frequently cryptic. Subvective system. The ambulacra commence as five broad main grooves in the radial furrows between the coronal processes. In the floor of each main groove are two narrow food grooves which may unite near the mouth, but in some species remain separate along the entire length of the main groove. The main grooves terminate in a primary ambulacral plate, which bears two rounded facets of which the left (as viewed from the mouth down the ambulacrum) is always the smaller. The free arms are biserial and give rise to biserial lateral branches (brachioles) alternately. The arms are strongly text-fig. 1 . Standard measurements of coronate thecae, a, b, lateral views of thecae, c, base of theca. D, ambulacrum. H, height of theca, H DMAX , height of theca at maximum diameter, H ORAL , height of oral surface, H BAS al’ height of basal circlet, D, maximum diameter of theca, D ORAL , diameter of oral surface, D BASE , diameter of base of theca, KD, diameter of columnal facet, L AM , length of ambulacrum, L FG , length of food groove. DONOVAN AND PAUL: CORONATE ECHINODERMS 529 coiled when at rest (like the proboscis of a butterfly) and must have been considerably longer than the coronal processes when extended for feeding. Measurements taken from specimens are explained in text-fig. 1 and summarized in Table 1. Although many parameters can be defined, it is not easy to differentiate between species graphically (text-fig. 2) due to the extreme similarity of thecae. Three bivariate plots are given; thecal height against height of the oral surface (2A), ambulacral length against length of radial furrows (2B), and thecal height against thecal diameter (2C). The best separation is given by text-fig. 2b, although the graphs suffer from a lack of data as most of the available specimens are not sufficiently well preserved to allow many measurements to be taken. 12 Hmm L M mm -AM * 12 H mm 11 A A 11 A - 10 - 10 9 - * 4 9 - 8 2 □ * 8 _ 7 A □ r\ < < □ 6 ■ □ □ 6 . 5 □ ■*o A to □ □ □□ _ 4 ° a °Fdigitalis 1 A 4 - 3 - salopiae 3 2 ° rugosa 2 - 1 ‘ ramsbottomi i i i i i i i i i — 1 I i 1 L 123456789 hL „ A1 mm B L F G mm C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D mm text-fig. 2. Bivariate plots of some of the measurements shown in text-fig. 1. A, height against height of oral surface, b, length of ambulacrum against length of food groove, c, height against diameter. CHARACTERS OF THE INCLUDED GENERA Brett et al. (1983) provided a very detailed and accurate description of S. angulatus Conrad, 1842, the first coronate to be described. They thus settled the basic characters of the type species of the type genus of the only family recognized within the Coronata. However, the status and detailed morphology of the other genera remain uncertain, as do the phylogenetic relationships of the group as a whole. North American coronates, including S. angulatus , are exclusively Silurian, whereas in Europe Ordovician representatives are definitely known in Britain (King and Wilcockson 1934, and herein), Bohemia (Barrande 1887), France (Chauvel and Le Menn 1973), Spain (Chauvel and Le Menn 1979), and Sweden (Regnell 1945) and probably occur in Portugal as well (Delgado 1908). Coronates form a small but very distinctive group of pelmatozoan echinoderms. As far as is known all species and genera share an identical arrangement of thecal plates. Features which vary are general thecal shape, relative proportions of the coronal processes, surface ornament, and relative size of the stem (text-fig. 3), none of which is usually considered the type of character on which genera should be defined. Indeed it is not difficult to argue the case for assigning all known species to one genus, for which Stephanocrinus Conrad, 1842, is the oldest available name. 530 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 3. Thecal profiles in coronate genera, a, Stephanocrinus. b, Mespilocystites. c, Para- cystis. D, Tormoblastus. E, Stephanoblastus. F, Cupulocorona gen. nov. All based on the type species of the genera. An, anus,/, primary ambulacral plate. Nevertheless, some of the variations within the Coronata seem to be of phylogenetic significance. Mespilocystites bohemicus Barrande, 1887 (text-fig. 3b) from the Lower Caradoc of Trubsko, Czecho- slovakia, is the oldest known species and a suitable starting point for comparisons (see Paul 1985, for a full description). It is characterized by a relatively low, broadly conical cup with very prominent coronal processes reaching half the total height which flare outwards so that their tips mark the widest part of the theca. All later forms have coronal processes that curve inwards towards their tips and in most the widest part of the theca is level with the oral surface. M. bohemicus also has strongly geniculate radial furrows between the coronal processes. The ambulacral grooves radiate horizontally from the mouth and terminate in facets for the arms which lie about half-way from the mouth to the periphery of the oral surface. Beyond the arm facets the radial furrows slope steeply downwards at an angle of about 40°. All other species, except M. tregarvanicus Le Menn from the Ashgill of Brittany, have planar or gently convex radial furrows, although the position of the arm facet varies from species to species. The base of the theca in M. bohemicus protrudes slightly and is triangular in cross-section. Within the triangle is a narrow, circular stem facet about one-tenth the diameter of the oral surface. The ornament of the main cup plates consists of obvious fine ridges which form rhombic patterns across plate sutures. Several changes to this basic morphology had already occurred in the Caradoc, from which two Swedish species are known. Paracystis ostrogothicus Sjoberg, 1915 (text-fig. 3c), differs in having planar radial furrows, much lower coronal processes, and a stem facet which is impressed into the base of the theca. The corners of the basal triangle hang down slightly over the stem and the profile of the cup is a regular bowl shape. The surface ornament is composed of much coarser ridges than those of M. bohemicus and there are even more prominent ridges which form a V W pattern DONOVAN AND PAUL: CORONATE ECHINODERMS 531 around the theca, with the base of the V centred on the azygous basal, i.e. in the AB interray. The other Swedish Caradoc species, although discovered by F. A. Bather in 1907, has yet to be described. It has a slightly angular, bud-shaped theca with a minute stem facet about one-twenty-fifth of the diameter of the oral surface. From this facet three sharp ridges radiate to the points of the V and W angles on the lateral surface of the theca, so that the base of the theca is triradiate, not triangular. Otherwise cup plates are almost completely smooth and show only faint traces of concentric growth lines. Stephanoblastus minis (Barrande 1887), from the Wenlock of Czechoslovakia is the only other described species with a triradiate base (text-fig. 3e) and is similar to the Swedish species, but it is more elongate and has very fine rhombic ridges on cup plates. S. minis was made type species of Stephanoblastus by Jaekel (1918, p. 110) and it seems that this line became established in the Caradoc. Tormoblastus bodae Jaekel, 1927 (text-fig. 3d), is known from a unique type specimen which has a conical theca with prominent VW ridges and a protruding triangular base which bears three horizontal flanges. Each flange is formed by two adjacent basals. Most of the remaining species fall into two distinct genera, Stephanocrinus and a new genus. S. angulatus Conrad, 1 842 (text-fig. 3a), type species of Stephanocrinus, has a tall, steeply conical theca with tall coronal processes and a thecal profile that is slightly concave at the level of the basal : radial sutures. It also has prominent ridges in a V W pattern as well as finer ridges in rhombs. The second genus has a low, conical to cup-shaped theca with a triangular basal prominence, no V W ridges but finer ridges in rhombic sets, and generally low coronal processes (text-fig. 3f). It resembles M. bohemicus except that the coronal processes do not flare, the radial furrows are usually planar, and the theca is generally cup-shaped rather than conical. This genus lacks a suitable name and we propose Cupulocorona for it (see below). Both Stephanocrinus and Cupulocorona were already present in the Ashgill. S. ramsbottomi occurs in the Hirnantian of northern England, south-west Wales, and in the Boda Limestone (Ashgill) at Osmundsberget and Skalberget, Dalarna, Sweden, while a species of Cupulocorona also occurs in the Boda Limestone at Boda and Osmundsberget, and three new species from the Ashgill of Britain are described below. Our view of the evolutionary relationships of these genera is shown in text-fig. 4. text-fig. 4. Cladogram showing inferred relationships between coronate genera. Synapomorphies (18) as follows: 1, loss of geniculate radial furrows; 2, development of V W pattern of ridges or angles; 3, very narrow stem and triradiate base to theca; 4, development of two additional ridges between V and W ridges; 5, tall conical theca with concave lateral surfaces; 6, ornament of coarse ridges only; 7. basal flanges; 8, bowl-shaped theca. CO CD co o o 5. co CD s CD C s o o o 3 § o CO 3 -5 3 o c CX3 -C Q. Q5 CO co c o o c CTJ -C & 00 -5 -2 532 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS The systematic position of coronates has given rise to considerable debate. Coronates have been variously assigned to the crinoids (e.g. Wachsmuth and Springer 1886, p. 283; Bather 1900, p. 145; Fay 1962, p. 209; 1978, p. T575) or the blastoids (e.g. Etheridge and Carpenter 1886; Jaekel 1918, p. 109). Sprinkle (1980) considered them to be ancestral to the blastoids, while Brett et al. (1983) erected a new class, the Coronoidea, for them. Coronates share common features with blastoids and the enigmatic Silurian genus Lysocystites, most recently described by Sprinkle (1973, p. 139). Blastoids, coronates, and Lysocystites all have very similar arrangements of cup plates, including the following: three basals with the azygous basal in the AB interray, five radials, four single deltoids and two or more anal deltoids in the CD interray, and five radially positioned plates at the bases of the ambulacra. This combination of characters is not found in any other group of pelmatozoans. The radially positioned plates at the bases of the ambulacra demonstrate most clearly the close affinities of blastoids, coronates, and Lysocystites. Blastoids differ from all other pelmatozoans in having hydrospires and lancet plates beneath the ambulacra. Hydrospires are an autapomorphy of the Blastoidea, being without homologue in other echinoderms; the lancet plate is not. Coronates have a single plate at the base of each arm which lies between the radial and two adjacent deltoids (text-fig. 5b). An erect arm with alternate biserial branches (brachioles) arises from this plate. As Sprinkle ( 1 980) pointed out, to derive a blastoid ambulacrum from a coronate arm requires extension of the primary ambulacral plate to become the lancet and the development of a recumbent ambulacrum on top of it. Lysocystites (text-fig. 5c, d) has five elongate, radially positioned plates between the deltoids at the adoral ends of which are facets for erect ambulacra of unknown structure. text-fig. 5. Plate diagrams in coronates and Lysocystites. a, b. Coronates. A, lateral view (broken lines indicate V and W ridges, dotted lines additional ridges found in Stephanocrinus, Tormoblastus, and Paracystis)\ B, oral surface, c, d, Lysocystites. c, lateral view (dotted lines indicate outlines of triradiate thecal pore structures); d, oral surface. A-E, Carpenter radii; An, anus; BB, basal plates; DD, deltoid plates; G, gonopore; H, hydropore; M, mouth; RR, radial plates; supposed homologues of blastoid lancet plates stippled. Note that these plates bear the facets for erect arms and always lie in a radial position between a radial plate and two deltoids. Note also that the mouth frame is composed of five deltoids even in Lysocystites where they are elongate. DONOVAN AND PAUL: CORONATE ECHINODERMS 533 These plates lie between two deltoids and are in contact with a radial. In our view they, too, are homologues of the lancet plate in blastoids. Coronates, blastoids, and Lysocystites differ in their pore structures. Lysocystites has unique pore structures running to the corners of the basals, radials, and deltoids. Coronates have n-shaped canals within the coronal processes (see Brett et al. 1983, for a thorough description), while blastoids have hydrospires. Brett et al. (1983) have argued that the differences between the ambulacra and pore structures in the Blastoidea and Coronata warrant the recognition of a separate class for the latter. Whether one accepts this new class or not, Lysocystites has the same taxonomic status as coronates and blastoids. Since it is clearly possible to infer relationships between blastoids, coronates, and Lysocystites (text-fig. 6), an alternative course of action is to unite the three within an enlarged class Blastoidea. With the exception of the inclusion of Lysocystites and the omission of the parablastoids, this is essentially the classification advanced by Jaekel (1918, p. 107 et seq.). Blastoidea text-fig. 6. Cladogram showing inferred relationships between the ‘eocrinoid’ Bockia, the coronates, and blastoids. Synapomorphies (1-8) as follows: 1, three basal plates; 2, erect, biserial, pinnate arms; 3, cup formed by BB, RR, and DD only; 4, ambulacra on distinct base-plate ( = lancet in eublastoids); 5, elongate ambulacral base-plate; 6, recumbent ambulacra; 7, hydrospires; 8, spiracles. Eublastoidea ■Se o o CQ o o 00 o o 00 There remains the question of the ancestry of the Blastoidea, as modified and enlarged here. The most likely candidate is the ‘eocrinoid’ Bockia, even though at first sight it differs dramatically from blastoids. Bockia shares the following characters with blastoids sensu lato: a narrow circular stem, a cup with three basal plates (unfortunately the position of the smallest basal with respect to the Carpenter ambulacra remains unknown), and erect, biserial arms with alternating biserial lateral branches (brachioles) which arise from an oral prominence that had four normal deltoids and three posterior deltoids in the CD interray. The ambulacral structure is similar to that found in coronates, although not absolutely identical (see Bockelie 1981, for a more complete description of Bockia ). To transform Bockia into a coronate requires cessation of plate addition early in growth, but after the basals, radials, and deltoids had formed, development of coronal processes, and the in- corporation of the primary ambulacral plates into the theca. These last plates may have been derived from the small plates in the oral prominence of Bockia or alternatively they may be enlarged ambulacral plates. Regrettably the details of this part of the cup in Bockia are insufficiently known to 534 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 settle this point. The blastoid lineage was relatively successful, but ultimately became extinct in the Permian. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Subphylum blastozoa Sprinkle, 1973 Class blastoidea Say, 1825 Subclass coronata Jaekel, 1918 Family stephanocrinidae Wachsmuth and Springer, 1886 Definition. Pelmatozoans with a slender homeomorphic stem; theca formed of three basals (the azygous in the AB interray), five radials, six deltoids (a sub- and super-deltoid in the CD interray and one each in the other four interrays), five primary ambulacral plates each bearing two ambulacral facets, five interradial oral cover plates of which the one in the CD interray is slightly the largest, ten long, thin ambulacral cover plates (a pair in each ambulacrum); deltoids and radials produced into erect coronal processes containing n-shaped canals; oral surface with three orifices, a large central mouth, a moderately large anus in the CD coronal process and covered by a pyramid of three or four anal cover plates, and a small slit-like hydropore on the sub-superdeltoid suture between the anus and the mouth; primary ambulacral plates bearing erect, biserial, pinnate arms with biserial lateral branches (brachioles), the two facets of the primary ambulacral plate bearing the main arm trunk and the first lateral branch. Genus stephanocrinus Conrad, 1842 Type species. By monotypy, Stephanocrinus angulatus Conrad, 1842, from the Middle Silurian, Rochester Shale, of New York State. Diagnosis. Narrow stem, large, elongate, conical theca with a triangular base, often with concave sides and with low or high coronal processes, planar radial furrows, and ornament of very strong V W ridges as well as finer ridges in rhombic sets. Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi sp. nov. Plate 62, figs. 1, 5, 6, 8; Plate 63, fig. 6; text-figs. 7a, 8b vl907 New cystidean; Reed, p. 537. vl934 Stephanocrinus sp.; Bather in King and Wilcockson, p. 17. Derivation of species name. In honour of Dr. W. H. C. Ramsbottom. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 62 Figs. 1, 5, 6, 8. Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi sp. nov. 1, 8, holotype, BMNH E25427. 1, lateral view of theca, x 8. 8, oral surface, x 8-3. 5, BMNH E25428. Anus, two ambulacra, and part of the mouth, x 22. 6, BMNH E25426. Ambulacrum showing paired food grooves (mouth below), x 50. Figs. 2, 3, 9, 10. Cupulocorona salopiae gen. et sp. nov. 2, BMNH E45531. Lateral view of the theca, x 15. 3, BMNH E45532. Lateral view of theca, x 1 1 . 9, BMNH E6393. Oblique view of the triangular base of theca. The stem articulated on the depressed, circular facet, x 28. 10, BMNH E45530. Sutures between two radials (left) and a basal, preserved in positive relief, x 24. Fig. 4. Cupulocorona rugosa gen. et sp. nov. SM A3 1002a. Lateral view of theca, x 12. Fig. 7. ? Stephanocrinus s. I. sp. BMNH E69218. Lateral view of theca (orientation unknown), x 13. All scanning electron micrographs of latex casts from natural moulds, except figs. 2, 3, 9, 10. PLATE 62 DONOVAN and PAUL, coronate echinoderms 536 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Diagnosis. Low, triangular coronal processes, with ambulacral facets about half-way from the mouth to the periphery of the oral surface, and with a prominent convex ridge aboral to the facets. Types. Holotype, British Museum, Natural History, (BMNH) E25427 from the Hirnantian at Hunterstye, north-west Yorkshire. Eighteen paratypes in BMNH and Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge (SM). Other material. Twenty-one thecae, all of which are external moulds unless otherwise stated. BMNH E25426, E25427a, b , E25428a-d (a = internal mould); SM A31830, 1, 2a, b, 3 a, b, 4-7 (internal moulds), A32077, A39061, 2a, b, A41084a-d (a = internal mould), A109797/8 (part and counterpart), X.772-X.774. Horizons and localities. This species is known from three British localities, two of which indicate a definite Hirnantian age. 1. Ashgill Shales, old quarry on Hunterstye, Upper Crummackdale, Austwick district, north-west York- shire, NGR SD 780716. King and Wilcockson (1934, p. 17) also identified Phacops cf. mucronata, Meristina crassa, and Rafinesquina cf. Strophomena hirnantensis from this locality. Williams et al. (1972) regard the Ashgill Shales in this area to be of Hirnantian age, based on assessment of the brachiopod fauna by Wright (1968, table 3). 2. St. Martin’s Cemetery Beds, roadside 1 10 m west of St. Martin’s Cemetery, Haverfordwest, Dyfed, South Wales (Reed 1907, Cantrill 1907). Hirnantian (Williams et al. 1972, fig. 5). 3. North side of the bend in the lane from Keisley Hamlet to the west quarry, Keisley, Westmorland, NGR NY 712238. The precise horizon is unknown, but may be Lower Llandovery in age (Wright 1982). In addition, specimens from the Boda Limestone (Ashgill) at Osmundsberget and Skalberget, Dalarna, Sweden, appear to belong to this species. Description. Theca angular, elongate conical, with a pentagonal oral surface (PI. 62, fig. 8; text-fig. 8b) and triangular base. The five angles of the oral surface joined to the three at the base by prominent ridges which form a V (PI. 63, fig. 6) with its base in the AB interray, and a W with the tops in the C, D, and E rays. Faces of the theca slightly concave (PI. 62, fig. 1; PI. 63, fig. 6; text-fig. 7a). Stem facet round, usually more than half the diameter of the triangular base. Coronal processes triangular, varying from low with straight sides (PI. 63, fig. 6) to high with incurved sides (PI. 62, fig. 1). Ornament of low ridges arranged in rhombic patterns (PI. 62, fig. 1; PI. 63, fig. 6). Ambulacral grooves extend about half-way along the radial furrows (PI. 62, fig. 5). Ambulacral, oral, and anal text-fig. 7. Thecal profiles in British coronates, a, Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi, holotype, BMNH E25427. b, Cupulocorona salopiae, holotype, BMNH E6390. c, e, C. rugosa. c, paratype, SM A31002n. E, paratype, SM A3 12616. d, C. digitalis, holotype, SM A40229. DONOVAN AND PAUL: CORONATE ECHINODERMS 537 cover plates unknown. Mouth central, circular. Anus circular, about half the diameter of the mouth (PI. 62, figs. 6, 8; text-fig. 8b). Oral surface slopes slightly away from the mouth. Discussion. S. ramsbottomi is the largest British coronate and is also the earliest member of the genus Stephanocrinus as we understand it. The earliest American species are from the Upper Llandovery (C 5 ), Hopkington Formation (Brett et al. 1983, p. 632). The present species differs from S. angulatus in having a plate ornament of ridges rather than rows of tubercles, lower coronal processes, the ambulacral facets nearer the mouth, and a more angular theca. It differs from other British coronates in not having a cup-like outline (text-fig. 7). ? Stephanocrinus sensu lato sp. Plate 62, fig. 7; Plate 63, fig. 1 Material. A single, incomplete external mould, BMNH E69218, collected by C.R.C.P. Horizon and locality. Sholeshook Limestone (Cautleyan; Price 1973, 1980), Sholeshook railway cutting, near Haverfordwest, Dyfed, South Wales, NGR SM 968171. Description. The specimen is an external mould, without counterpart, of part of a theca (PI. 62, fig. 7). Neither oral surface nor base of the cup visible. Part of two sides of theca apparent, the junction between them angular, suggesting a species of Stephanocrinus. Theca probably pentagonal in cross-section. On one side an ornament of fine striae is preserved (PI. 63, fig. 1) which fan out and lie between 40° and 80° to the angle between the sides of the theca. On the second side the striae are subparallel to this ridge. The specimen is 3-2 mm wide by 7-6 mm long, individual striae about 007 mm wide. Discussion. This specimen has a much finer ornament than other specimens from the Sholeshook Limestone (i.e. Cupulocorona rugosa gen. et sp. nov.). The theca is more angular and, apparently, proportionately more conical. The incomplete preservation precludes a more detailed description. The specimen seems to represent a stephanocrinid with an angular theca, but without better material a definite generic assignment cannot be made. COELOMIC AMBULACRAL CANALS COVER PLATES PAIRED FOOD GROOVES text-fig. 8. Oral surfaces of British coronates, a, Cupulocorona salopiae , holotype, BMNH E6390, a, approximate position of anus, b, Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi, holotype, BMNH E25427. 538 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Genus cupulocorona gen. nov. Type species. Cupulocorona salopiae sp. nov. Derivation of generic name. From the Latin cupula = a small cask, corona = a crown. Diagnosis. Narrow stem, conical to cup-shaped theca with protruding triangular base and generally low coronal processes, planar or gently convex radial furrows, ornament of fine to coarse ridges in rhombic sets, but no prominent V W ridges. Cupulocorona salopiae sp. nov. Plate 62, figs. 2, 3, 9, 10; Plate 63, figs. 2, 3; text-figs. 7b, 8a vl952 Stephanocrinus salopiae: Ramsbottom ms. Derivation of species name. From the adjective Salopian = of Shropshire. Diagnosis. Blunt coronal processes, pyriform theca with plate suture emphasized by low ridges. Types. Holotype, BMNH E6390, paratypes, BMNH E6392-6394, E45530-45532. Other material. Seven complete thecae, five of which are distorted. Horizon ami locality. The specimen labels state: ‘Silurian. Lower Wenlock Shales, Buildwas Beds. E. bank of River Severn, a short distance above Buildwas Bridge, Shropshire.’ Vine (1882, table, p. 48) records calyces of echinoderms from Maw’s samples 36 and 37 in the Buildwas Beds, and the records probably refer to this species. The Buildwas Beds are of early Wenlock age, from mid -centrifugus zone to mid -riccartonensis zone (Cocks et al. 1971). It is not known if Maw’s samples came from a single horizon or were gathered from throughout the outcrop. The specimen labels seem to refer to locality 132 of Dean (1968). Description. Theca pear-shaped (PI. 62, figs. 2 and 3). Base triangular with rounded corners (PI. 62, fig. 9), stem cicatrix circular and depressed. Thecal cross-section changes from triangular to rounded pentagonal just above the base. Coronal processes large and triangular, with blunt angles (text-fig. 7b). Sutures between adjacent plates bear broad ridges (PI. 62, fig. 10). Aboral surface of theca ornamented with fine ridges in rhombic patterns. Ambulacra bear paired food grooves, which slope gently away from the mouth and extend about 65 % of the way to the periphery of the oral surface (PI. 63, figs. 2 and 3; text-fig. 8a). Food grooves concealed by paired ambulacral cover plates. Five oral cover plates lie interradially over the mouth. The anus has not been identified with certainty, although the approximate position can be predicted (text-fig. 8a). The hydropore has not been seen. Two broken coronal processes, in the DE and EA interrays of the holotype, expose paired coelomic canals within. Measurements are given in table 1. Cupulocorona rugosa sp. nov. Plate 62, fig. 4; Plate 63, figs. 4, 7-9; text-fig. 7c, E Derivation of species name. From the Latin rugosa = rough, corrugated. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 63 Fig. I. ? Stephanocrinus s. I. sp. BMNH E69218. Detail of ornament, x 55. Figs. 2, 3. Cupulocorona salopiae gen. et sp. nov. Holotype, BMNH E6390. 2, oral cover plates (centre) and five pairs of ambulacral cover plates (A ray above), x 30. 3, oral surface (anus below), x 12-3. Figs. 4, 7-9. Cupulocorona rugosa gen. et sp. nov. 4, SM A3 1 8 1 3. Oral surface (anus below), x 12-3. 7, SM A40187. Lateral view showing base of theca, x21. 8, holotype, SM A310046. Lateral view, x 15-5. 9, SM A53930a. Lateral view, x 13. Fig. 5. Cupulocorona digitalis gen. et. sp. nov. Holotype, SM A40229, x 15. Fig. 6. Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi sp. nov. SM A109798. Lateral view of crushed theca, x 8. All scanning electron micrographs of latex casts from natural moulds, except figs. 2, 3. PLATE 63 DONOVAN and PAUL, coronate echinoderms 540 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 table 1. Measurements in mm of British coronate echinoderms Spec. No. D Dbase Dqral H Hdmax HoRAL Hbasal KD Lfg Lam Stephanocrinus ramsbottomi BM E25426 6-8 ? 6-7 ? ? ? ? ? 1-0 2-2 BM E25427 6-7 2-0 6-3 11-5 = H 90 ? 0-7 1-3 2-4 BM E25428 7-0 ? 7-0 10-0 = H? 7-7? ? ? 1-5 2-3 BM E30485 Internal mould SM A3 1830 Poorly preserved base of a theca SM A3 1831 60 11 6-0 ? = H? 6-0 ? 1-1 9 ? SM A3 1832 8-0 1-8 = D 12-0 9-2 9-2 ? 1-3 0-7 2-4 SM A31833 8-1 + 2-0? 13-0? = H 9-0? ? 9 1-3 3-0 SM A31834-7 All internal moulds SM A32077 Deformed oral surface only SM A39061 7-3 + ? 7-3 ? ? ? ? ? 1-5 2-7 SM A39062 6-2 1-0 5-7? 7-3 = H 6-5 9 0-8 1-0 2-0 SM A40184 Poorly preserved SM A 109797/8 ? ? ? 11-5 = H? 8-3 ? ? ? ? Cupulocorona salopiae BM E6390 4-5 1-2 4-4 5-2 = H 4-0 2-0 0-6 1-2 1-8 BM E6392 ? 1-6 ? 6-7 = H 4-7 ? 0-6 9 ? BM E6393 ? 1-4 ? 6-0 = H 4-2 3-2? 0-8 9 ? BM E6394 ? 1-1 = D 4-4 = H 3-4 ? 0-5 ? ? BM E45530 ? 1-6 9 7-7 6-2 6-2 4-0 0-8 1-4 1-9 BM E45531 31 1-2 3-1 3-8 3-4 2-8 1-6? 0-65 0-8 1-0 BM E45532 ? 1-2 ? 5-1 3-8 3-4 2-4 0-6 9 ? Cupulocorona digitalus BM E30484 ? 10 4-1 6-5 ? 4-2 ? 9 ? ? SM A40229 3-0 0-6 = D 5-2 = H 31 ? ? ? ? Cupulocorona rugosus SM A3 1001 5-6 ? 5-4 4-6 = H 3-8 ? ? 1-2 2-1 SM A3 1002 40 ? 4-0 4-4 3-3 3-3 ? ? 0-8 1-6 SM A31003 4-0? ? 3-8 5-4 4-2 4-2 ? ? ? 1-7 SM A3 1004 4-2 + ? 4-2 9 ? ? ? ? 0-8 1-4 SM A31259 5-6 ? 5-6 6-4 + 5-2 + 5-2 + ? ? 0-9 1-8 SM A3 1260 4-2 + 0-7? 40 + 6-7 + = H 5-5 + ? 0-7 ? ? SM A31261 4-3? 0-9 4-1 5-9 = H 5-2 ? 0-6 0-7? 1-7 SM A3 1813 4-3 ? 4-0 ? = H ? ? ? 0-7 1-4 SM A40185 Preserves part of the cup ornament only SM A40186 3-0 + 0-8 = D 4-5 = H 3-2 ? 0-6 ? ? SM A40187 2-2 0-6 = D 3-2 = H 2-6 ? 0-5 ? ? SM A40188 3-5 0-9 = D 5-0 = H 3-8 ? 0-6 0-7 1-4 SM A40189 3-2? ? 3-2 ? ? ? ? ? 0-7 1-25 SM A53929 5-4 16 50 4-2 = H 3-6 ? 9 ? ? SM A53930 Poorly preserved Diagnosis. Coarse-ribbed ornament and coronal processes which are lower than wide. Types. Holotype, SM A3 1004, from the Upper Ordovician, Redhill Beds, at Prendergast Place near Haverfordwest, Dyfed, South Wales, plus fourteen paratypes (SM). Other material. Fifteen specimens in the Sedgwick Museum collections (all external moulds unless otherwise indicated). A31001a, h (part and counterpart), A31002a, b (part and counterpart), A31003, 4a, b (a = internal DONOVAN AND PAUL: CORONATE ECHINODERMS 541 mould), A31259u, b (part and counterpart), A31260, 1«, b (part and counterpart), A3 1813, A401 85-40187, 8 a, b (part and counterpart), 9a, b(a = internal mould), A53929 a, b(b = artificial cast), A53930«, b (b = artificial cast). Horizons and localities. This species is known from five localities and horizons, all of which are Ashgill in age. 1, 2. The Sholeshook Limestone, both in the railway cutting (NGR SM 968171) and at Prendergast Place (NGR SM 957166), near Haverfordwest, Dyfed, South Wales. Most of the Sholeshook Limestone is Cautleyan in age, but the youngest rocks at Prendergast Place are Rawlheyan, Zone 5, according to Price (1980). 3. The Redhill Beds at Prendergast Place which Price (1980, p. 486, table 1) considered to be confined to the Rawtheyan, Zone 5. 4. The Lower Phillipsinella Beds at locality 1 of King ( 1923, p. 494, fig. 2), Aber Marchnant, SW Berwyn Hills, Powys (NGR SJ 039194). These beds contain Kloucekia robertsi (Reed 1904) which Ingham (1977, p. 118) regarded as an important index fossil for Rawtheyan, Zone 5. 5. The Dolhir Beds (mid-Cautleyan to Rawtheyan; Hiller 1981) at two localities in the Glyn Ceiriog district, Clwyd. (a) Tram cutting ENE of Coed-y-Glyn-isaf’ (specimen label) and (b) on the road close to, and north of, Gelli (NGR SJ 184367; Groom and Lake 1908). Description. Thecal cross-section round (PI. 63, fig. 8) to pentagonal (PI. 62, fig. 4), with circular to pentagonal oral surface (PI. 63, fig. 4) and triangular base (PI. 63, fig. 7). Stem facet round. Coronal processes triangular, lower than wide. Ornament of coarse ridges in rhombic patterns (PI. 62, fig. 4; PI. 63, figs. 7-9). Ambulacral, oral, and anal cover plates unknown. Ambulacral grooves about 50% of the length of the radial furrows, with paired food grooves at their distal ends. Mouth circular to weakly pentagonal; anus circular. Cupulocorona digitalis sp. nov. Plate 63, fig. 5; text-fig. 7 d Derivation of species name. From the Latin digitus = finger. Diagnosis. Long finger-like coronal processes, ornament of coarse ridges, conical thecal profile, and constricted base. Types. Holotype, SM A40229, from the Ashgill, Phillipsinella Beds at Aber Marchnant, SW Berwyn Hills. Paratype, BMNH E30484. Other material. Two thecae, the holotype being an external mould with a counterpart. Horizons and localities. 1, type locality (see C. rugosa ) and 2, 5 m above the Pusgillian Pen-y-Garnedd black shales at Powys Arms Quarry, Pen-y-Garnedd, south-east of Llanfyllin, Powys, possibly Cautleyan (P. J. Brenchley, pers. comm.). Description. Theca low, conical, with a nipple-like triangular base. Stem facet not seen. Coronal processes finger-like or triangular with curved sides (neither specimen shows both sides of the theca so the precise nature of the coronal processes is not established). Ornament of coarse rhombic ridges. Oral surface not seen. Acknowledgements. We thank Dr. D. Price, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, and Dr. A. B. Smith and Mr. D. N. Lewis, British Museum, Natural History, for the loan of specimens. Dr. W. H. C. Ramsbottom kindly gave us a copy of his unpublished manuscript on British and Swedish coronates. Scanning electron micrographs were produced by Mr. C. J. Veltkamp of the Botany Department, Liverpool University, and Table 1 was typed by Ms. Grainne Moloney. Some of the photomicrographs were printed by Mr. D. .1. McCabe. Finally, part of this work was undertaken during the tenure of NERC research grant GR3/4732, which is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES barrande, j. 1887. Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme. le partie: Recherches paleontologiques. v. 7. Classe des Echinodermes. Ordre des Cystides, xix + 233 pp., 39 pis. Leipzig and Prague. bather, F. a. 1900. The Echinoderma. In lankester, e. r. (ed.), A Treatise on Zoology, vol. 3, 344 pp. London. 542 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 bockelie, j. f. 1981. The Middle Ordovician of the Oslo Region, Norway. 30. The eocrinoid genera Cryptocrinites, Rhipidocystis and Bockia. Norsk geol. Tidskr. 61, 123-147. brett, c. e., frest, t. j., sprinkle, j. and clement, c. R. 1983. Coronoidea: a new class of blastozoan echinoderms based on taxonomic reevaluation of Stephanocrinus. J. 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D. and WHITTINGTON, H. B. 1972. A correlation of Ordovician rocks in the British Isles. Spec. Rep. geol. Soc. Lond. 3, 74 pp. wright, a. d. 1968. A westward extension of the Upper Ashgillian Hirnantia fauna. Lethaia, 1, 352-367. DONOVAN AND PAUL: CORONATE ECHINODERMS 543 1982. The Ordovician -Silurian boundary at Keisley, northern England. In bruton, d. l. and williams, s. h. (eds.). Abstracts for meetings 20, 21 and 23 August 1982, IVth International Symposium on the Ordovician System. Palaeont. Contr. Oslo Univ. 280 , 60. Typescript received 1 June 1984 Revised typescript received 29 November 1984 S. K. DONOVAN Department of Geology Trinity College Dublin 2, Eire Present address: Natural Environment Research Council Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1EU England C. R. C. PAUL Department of Geology Liverpool University Liverpool L69 3BX England CORTICAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHALONERIA CORMOSA (ISOETALES), AND THE BIOLOGICAL DERIVATION OF COMPRESSED LYCOPHYTE DECORTICATION T AX A by KATHLEEN B. P I G G Cltul GAR W. ROTHWELL Abstract. Several anatomically preserved stem fragments showing a wide range of surface features have been discovered among specimens of the Upper Pennsylvanian isoetalean Chaloneria cormosa. A comparison of the specimens demonstrates that stems produced a narrow zone of periderm, and that tissues external to the periderm accounted for a moderate increase in stem circumference by two distinctive modes of cell divisions. Depending on the presence or absence of secondary cortical tissues, on differential taphonomy, and on the level at which the cortex is exposed, the surface of a specimen may be comparable to one of several distinctive decortication morphotypes. The outer surface is similar to Bothrodendron and Cyclostigma, while specimens with leaf bases removed are reminiscent of Stigmaria. When fractured through the periderm a Knorria surface is produced, while secondary cortical features immediately external to the periderm conform to Asolanus. Specimens reveal the anatomical bases for decortication morphotypes and demonstrate that such genera are produced by members of Isoetales as well as Lepidodendrales. Our current understanding of Carboniferous vegetation relies upon plant remains that are preserved by several different modes, including compression/impression, cellular permineralization, and mold/cast (Schopf 1975). Upper Carboniferous and Pennsylvanian fossils of varying preservational types typically exhibit differential suites of characters, and traditionally have been studied independently of one another. As a result, a great deal is known about fossils within each group, but remains preserved by different modes seldom have been correlated with the precision necessary to demonstrate whether they represent the same or different taxonomic species. One group in which correlations of this type are of particular value is Carboniferous Lycopsida. Large Palaeozoic lycophytes produced massive amounts of cortical tissue. Fractured at different surface and subsurface levels, stems typically display characteristic, widely differing features (Renault and Zeiller 1888; Weiss and Sterzel 1893; Thomas and Watson 1976). When preserved as compressions, such morphotypes (DiMichele 1983) are given generic rank but their mode of production, anatomical origin, and biological significance remain poorly understood. Among the most prominent genera are Asolanus Wood (1860) and Knorria Sternberg (1825). Although Asolanus has been described from numerous localities throughout North America, Europe, and Northern Africa (White 1899; Janssen 1940; Crookall 1964; Daberand Kahlert 1970; Lejal-Nicol 1972; Boersma 1978), and is a common component of many compression floras from the Appalachian Basin (Darrah 1 969), it is understood only as a characteristic configuration on the rock surface. Through the years it has been described as, or confused with, such diverse structural forms as Lepidodendron , Sigillaria, Sigillarioides, Pseudosigillaria, and Stigmaria (Crookall 1964). It also has been interpreted as a decortication layer of numerous Carboniferous compression genera (e.g. Daber and Kahlert 1970), or as the outer surface of an otherwise unknown lycophyte stem (White 1899; Janssen 1940). In contrast, Knorria is known to represent a decortication surface of lepidodendralean stem genera (Solms- Laubach 1891; Thomas and Watson 1976). Several additional taxa of Carboniferous lycophyte stem compressions exhibit features unlike those of typical lepidodendrid taxa. The genus Bothrodendron Lindley and Hutton (1833) originally was IPalacontology, Vol. 28, Part 3, 1985. pp. 545-553, pi. 64.| 546 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 described as a Carboniferous stem compression with tiny leaf scars and conspicuous halonial branch scars, but it now includes several diverse forms which undoubtedly represent more than one genus of plants. Morphotypes such as Bothrodendron , Pinakodendron (Weiss and Sterzel 1893), and some species of Cyclostigma Haughton (1859) are delimited by overlapping taxonomic criteria. All are characterized by rounded or lenticular leaf scars (or leaf bases) borne in a low helix and widely separated on the stem surface (Crookall 1964). Despite detailed studies of some features (e.g. cuticle and compression surfaces; Thomas 1967), anatomical features of these taxa are poorly known. Consequently, the whole plants represented by Upper Carboniferous specimens of such taxa remain poorly understood (Crookall 1964; Stubblefield and Rothwell 1981). During the recent study of a new family of Pennsylvanian lycophytes, the Chaloneriaceae Pigg and Rothwell (19836), several permineralized stems of Chaloneria cormosa were revealed on split coal-ball surfaces. Some were exposed at the outer surface of the stem (figs. 21, 22, of Pigg and Rothwell 1983a) with intact leaf bases, epidermis, and cuticle, while others were split at a variety of subsurface levels. The specimens display a wide array of configurations that are very distinct from one another. When compared to compression-impression taxa, they are similar to a variety of genera including Cyclostigma , Pinakodendron , Bothrodendron , Stigmaria , Asolanus , and Knorria. Because the histology and ontogeny of Chaloneria are well known, it is now possible to determine anatomical, taphonomic, and ontogenetic bases for the surface configurations that delimit several morphotypes of decortication compression taxa, and to relate more precisely these to the types of plants by which they were produced. METHODS AND MATERIALS Specimens of C. cormosa are preserved by calcareous cellular permineralization in coal balls from the Duquesne coal (Upper Pennsylvanian) where it outcrops in a roadcut on Ohio State Route 22, approximately 8 km west of Steubenville, Ohio, USA (Rothwell 1976). Surfaces were etched in 5% HC1 for 30 sec. to increase contrast for photography. Some coal balls were cut perpendicular to the stem surface and peeled to determine the exact level at which the cortical tissue had split. Other specimens were peeled parallel to the stem surface to identify the anatomical basis for the surface features. Peels were mounted on microscope slides for photography. Compression specimens of A. camptotaenia and cf Bothrodendron photographed for comparative purposes were collected from two Middle Pennsylvanian localities in eastern Ohio. The first is Dorr Run located approximately L7 km northwest of Nelsonville (NE NE sec. 30, Wayne Twp„ Nelsonville 7-5 min. Quadrangle), Athens Co., Ohio. Stratigraphically these specimens occur in the Snow Fork shale below the Middle Kittanning coal. Middle Kittanning cyclothem, Allegheny Group. The second locality is a strip mine operated by the James Bros. Coal Co., at Mineral City (South centre. Sec. 26, Rose Twp., 7-5 min. Quadrangle), Carroll Co., Ohio. At this locality, fossils are preserved in the shale over the Lower Kittanning (Ohio no. 5 coal), Lawrence-Lower Kittanning cyclothem, Allegheny Group. Pertinent specimens and slides are housed in the Paleobotanical Herbarium, Department of Botany, Ohio University, where they bear acquisition numbers 584, 3375, 3825, 7640-7662. DESCRIPTION Surface Morphologies. C. cormosa is an Upper Pensylvanian member of Isoetales characterized by a cormose base and an unbranched stem bearing helically arranged leaves (Pigg and Rothwell 1 983a, b). Unlike typical members of Lepidodendrales that often have abutting leaf cushions prior to periderm development, the leaf bases of Chaloneria are separated by wide areas of stem surface (PL 64, fig. 1). Also unlike the leaf cushions of Lepidodendrales, Chaloneria leaf bases have irregularly shaped scars where the leaves become detached. Coal-ball specimens fractured at the outer surface of the stem are characterized by helically arranged leaf bases, about 8-10 mm wide and 5 mm high separated from one another by wide areas of stem surface (PI. 64, fig. I; text-fig. 1a). In this regard, Chaloneria is similar to several other taxa (e.g. Bothrodendron , Cyclostigma ; Crookall, 1964) that typically lack abutting leaf cushions (PI. 64, figs. 6, 7; Jennings 1979). Leaf bases of Chaloneria have blunt lateral wings, a rounded keel, and either an PIGG AND ROTHWELL. CHALONER1A (ISOETALES) 547 apical notch or a ligule pit (PI. 64, figs. 1, 2). They are also somewhat bulbous, bulging out from the stem surface (PI. 64, fig. 2), and in this regard are similar to the leaf scars popularly attributed to Asolamts (Crookall 1964; Darrah 1969). Distally the leaves of Chaloneria abruptly become much narrower (Pigg and Rothwell 1983u). No distal portions of leaves were present on fractured surfaces. When a leaf is detached at a single level the base displays either one or two vascular strands. More frequently, leaves are broken off unevenly, resulting in irregular appearing bases ( PI. 64, fig. 1 ) in which vascular strands are obscured. There is no evidence of an abscission zone that would provide for the production of regular scars like those on the leaf cushions of Lepidodendrales. Dark, longitudinal strips of tissue are often present on the interfoliar stem surface (PI. 64, fig. 1 ), and these represent strips of epidermis and cuticle. text-fig. 1a-d. Diagrams of cortical tissues in stems of Chaloneria cormosa that have significant periderm; stippled area includes outer cortex in which randomly oriented internal cell divisions occur; distorted lines indicate level at which Tso/unns-pattern is produced; straight lines indicate periderm. Outer surface of a will appear as Chaloneria unless pattern of distorted cortex is impressed on surface, in which case specimen will be recognized as Asolanus. Outer surface of b will resemble Stigmaria unless pattern of distorted cortex is impressed on surface, in which case specimen will be recognized as Asolanus. Outer surface of c has been split at level where regardless of whether leaf bases are detached above (at left) or at interfoliar surface, specimen will exhibit Asolanus configuration. Cortex in d has been split at level of periderm such that both inner and outer surfaces will produce Knorria pattern. In other specimens the epidermis is intact in interfoliar areas, but leaves have broken off near or below the stem surface (PI. 64, fig. 5; text-fig. 1 b). In some specimens of this type the interfoliar surface is smooth. On others there are vertically oriented, undulating striations (PI. 64, fig. 5 at arrows) that conform to the subsurface primary cortical tissue as seen in tangential section ( PI. 64, fig. 3). The most conspicuous features of many specimens are the prominent circular or elliptical parichnos strands that accompany the leaf traces (PI. 64, fig. 3). They are similar to appendage scars on stigmarian axes, with the rounded parichnos strands of Chaloneria ( PI. 64, fig. 5) corresponding to the aerenchymatous middle cortex of stigmarian appendages. There is a further resemblance with Cyclostigma , which in the past also has been confused with Stigmaria (Crookall 1964). Two additional cortical patterns of Chaloneria are commonly represented on split coal-ball surfaces. Several specimens are characterized by an anastomosing pattern of diagonal striations (text-figs, lc, 2a, b). Of these, some exhibit bulbous leaf base scars (text-fig. 2b), while in others the leaf base is broken off at a more proximal level, revealing axially elongate rather than rounded parichnos strands (text-fig. 2a). This pattern conforms to the compression taxon Asolanus (Wood 1 860) based on the characteristic interfoliar pattern (PI. 64, fig. 8; text-fig. 2a, b). An additional, commonly preserved surface of Chaloneria cortex is characterized by densely compact cells (text-fig. 2e, g) and lacks striations or other prominent interfoliar features (text-figs. 1 d, 548 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 2e). Specimens of that type each possess a vascular strand that is surrounded by an oval or vertically elongate, lenticular parichnos strand (text-fig. 2c). This type of decortication pattern is comparable to Knorria (Sternberg 1825). Anatomical origin of surface features. In transverse section an immature specimen of Chaloneria exhibits a medullated protostele surrounded by primary cortical tissues; this pattern is also present in distal stem regions (Pigg and Rothwell 1983a). Most stems are flattened (PI. 64, fig. 4), lacking preserved pith and inner cortex. In the inner zone of commonly preserved primary cortex the cells possess differentially thickened walls and frequently broken tangential walls (PI. 64, fig. 4 at top). This results in a resemblance to distorted radial rows of periderm (Pigg and Rothwell 1979). Tangential sections through the zone (PI. 64, fig. 3) reveal the undulating, vertically oriented pattern that is sometimes present on the epidermis (PI. 64, fig. 5 at arrows). This pattern is also characteristic of the interfoliar region on the stems of many compressions, where it is interpreted as the result of distortion during diagenesis (PI. 64, fig. 7; Rex and Chaloner 1983). Older and more proximal stem segments exhibit secondary cortical tissues that are derived both from a continuous cambium (viz. periderm) and from the internal subdivision of individual cortical cells (PI. 64, fig. 2). Periderm is represented by a zone of radially aligned cells with differentially thickened radial walls, and is present along the inside of the commonly preserved cortex (PI. 64, fig. 2). In stems with little periderm (PI. 64, figs. 4, 5) the primary cortex and epidermis remain relatively intact and unaltered. In stems with larger amounts of periderm the epidermis and cuticle are separated into longitudinally oriented strips of tissue at the periphery of the stem (PI. 64, fig. 1). In these specimens, cortex outside the periderm appears distorted (PI. 64, fig. 2 at sides; text-fig. 1a-c). Tangential sections of the tissue reveal narrow, vertically elongated lenticular regions where the cells are laterally expanded, and in which some internal cell divisions have occurred (text-fig. 2 f). These regions alternate with areas of narrow primary cortical cells (text-fig. 2 d,f). The alternation of these zones produces a pattern of discontinuous light and dark strips (text-fig. 2c) in specimens with little periderm (e.g. PI. 64, fig. 4). Stems with a thicker zone of periderm (e.g. PI. 64, fig. 2) have a distinctive pattern of diagonal lines in the interfoliar region. When seen on split surfaces this pattern produces the Asolanus configuration (text-fig. 2a, b ). Cortical growth of this type undoubtedly could accommodate only a moderate increase in circumference of the stem, and this is consistent with the periderm of Chaloneria being up to only about 2 mm thick (PI. 64, fig. 2). Expansion of the subepidermal cortex is accomplished by the randomly oriented subdivision of many cells (PI. 64, fig. 2 at arrow), another EXPLANATION OF PLATE 64 Figs. 1 -5. Chaloneria cormosa. d, distorted cortex; p, parichnos; pc, primary cortex; pe, periderm; s, stele. 1, surface view of stem in which secondary growth has split epidermis into longitudinally oriented strips, O.U.P.H. no. 3825, x 1. 2, transverse section of cortex showing leaf base and interfoliar region after significant secondary growth. Arrow indicates position of outer cortex in which randomly oriented internal cell divisions have occurred, C.B. 1399a top no. 9, x 7. 3, tangential section near surface of stem with only primary growth. Primary cortex exposed at centre and leaf bases sectioned at sides, C.B. 1 398d( 1 ) side no. 310, x 2-5. 4, transverse section of flattened stem with little periderm. Outer surface of cortex at top comparable to that in fig. 5, outer surface of cortex at bottom comparable to that in text-fig. 2c. C.B. 2126a bottom x 7. 5, surface view of stem with leaf bases broken off at level of interfoliar stem surface and intact epidermis. Note vertically undulating, longitudinal pattern (at arrows) that conforms to cellular pattern of primary cortex in fig. 3, C.B. 2127a( 2), x 1 . Fig. 6. Bothrodendron- type impression of stem surface with relatively smooth interfoliar surface. O.U.P.H. no. 7642, x 2-5. Fig. 7. Bothroderulron- type impression of stem surface with longitudinally oriented, vertical pattern similar to that of primary cortex in Chaloneria , O.U.P.H. no. 7643, x 2 5. Fig. 8. Asolanus impression of stem with leaf bases similar to those in figs. 6 and 7, and interfoliar pattern similar to that of Chaloneria specimens in text-fig. 2a, b. O.U.P.H. no. 7644, x I. PLATE 64 PIGG and ROTHWELL, Carboniferous Chaloneria ( Isoetales ) 550 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 2a-g. Chaloneria cormosa cortex in surface views and in tangential sections; t, leaf trace, a, cortex of specimen with well-developed periderm, split at level of ‘d’ in Plate 64, fig. 2, C.B. 2126, x 1. b, cortex of same specimen as a , but with leaf bases split slightly further toward periphery, at level comparable to specimen in Plate 64, fig. 5, C.B. 2126, x 1. c, surface of cortex at level similar to that in Plate 64, fig. I, but from specimen with only limited periderm, comparable to outer surface of cortex at bottom of Plate 64, fig. 4, C.B. 2126, x 1. d, tangential section through cortex of specimen with significant periderm, comparable to surface in b , C.B. 2 1 27a( 1 ) Side no. 6, x 2-5. e , tangential section through periderm of specimen in d showing anatomical derivation of Knorria configuration, C.B. 2 1 27a( 1 ) side no. 9, x2-5 .f enlargement of anatomical detail in d, C.B. 2127 no. 7, x 17. g , enlargement showing anatomical detail of tissue that compresses to produce Knorria configuration, C.B. 1 398d( 1 ) side no. 310, x 17. indication of only limited increase in girth due to secondary growth. The interfoliar pattern similar to Asolanus commonly found among specimens of Bothrodendron, Cyclostigma , and Pinakodendron is consistent with the interpretation that they also had limited periderm production, and a cortical zone that became distorted by secondary growth similar to that in Chaloneria. If some species of these PIGG AND ROTHWELL: CHALONERIA (ISOETALES) 551 genera represent small trees, as supposed by some authors, then the majority of the ultimate stem diameter must have been produced by primary growth. Tangential sections or fractures through the periderm of Chaloneria reveal homogeneous tissue traversed by leaf traces and accompanying parichnos (text-figs. Id, 2e, g ), and produce a Knorria configuration (text-fig. 2c). The occurrence of Knorria in association with many lepidodendrid specimens probably also represents tangential sections through the periderm. Considering the massive amounts of periderm they produced, it is not surprising that Knorria is of such common occurrence among lepidodendrids. However, because smaller forms such as Chaloneria also produced periderm, Knorria should be expected to occur among specimens of them as well. DISCUSSION Plant Size Estimation. Because the broad inner cortical region and pith are rarely present in anatomically preserved stems of Chaloneria , specimens are almost always represented by a highly flattened cylinder (DiMichele et al. 1979; Pigg and Rothwell 1 983a) that must have collapsed quite early during diagenesis. Under these circumstances, instead of the width of the flattened Chaloneria stems being a rough approximation of their diameter in life (as proposed in the compression model of Walton 1936; Rex and Chaloner 1983), it was probably exaggerated significantly. A more realistic approximation of the original diameter of the flattened stems is obtained by considering their width to represent one-half the circumference. In such a case the original diameter can be calculated by doubling the width of the stem, and considering that figure to represent the original circumference. The stem diameter is then easily calculated by considering circumference (C) to be equal to 7rD, where D = stem diameter. If this interpretation of the taphonomic alteration of stems is correct, then the size of compressed plants with a similar mode of cortical growth (e.g. as in Asolanus ) may have been overestimated by many previous authors. Developmental Interpretation. Some stems of C. cormosa exhibit only primary growth, and in these axes the preserved cortical tissues are relatively homogeneous (PI. 64, fig. 3 at centre). Variations from specimen to specimen are due primarily to taphonomic processes including uneven leaf detachment, differential preservation, dissimilar amounts of crushing, and the impression of subsurface cortical patterns (PI. 64, fig. 3) on to the epidermis (PI. 64, fig. 5; Rex and Chaloner 1983). The cortex in specimens of this type lacks regions of anastomosing cells and radially aligned cells. By contrast the onset of secondary growth produced several distinctive layers of cortical tissues. The most regular of these is the zone of radially aligned peridermal cells that are located at the inner margin of the commonly preserved cortex. This is also the zone that initiated an increase in the girth of the stem. In stems with prominent periderm, lenticular areas that are characterized by internally septate cells developed to the periphery of the periderm ( PI. 64, fig. 2; text-fig. 2d ). Such areas represent a mechanism for maintaining tissue continuity immediately outside the periderm during the increase in girth. It is clear that many cells in the outermost cortex also remained meristematic at the onset of periderm production, such that the longitudinal fissures on the stem surface are restricted primarily to the epidermis. However, the outermost zone of cortical cells grew by more random patterns of internal cell divisions (Pigg and Rothwell 1983a). Systematic Implications. Documentation among specimens of C. cormosa of the anatomical and taphonomic features that produce several morphotypes of lycophyte stem surface patterns provides a basis for relating such morphotypes to a diverse assemblage of Palaeozoic plants. It also provides evidence for the modes of cortical development in compression/impression forms that previously have been known primarily as surface patterns. In taxa of compressed stems with distantly spaced leaf bases such as Bothrodendron , Cyclostigma , and Pinakodendron, a relatively smooth interfoliar region (PI. 64, fig. 6) probably displays a less distorted outer surface than specimens with characteristic interfoliar patterns (PI. 64, figs. 7, 8; Rex and Chaloner 1983). Among the latter specimens, those with gently undulating patterns (PI. 64, fig. 7) show features similar to those of the primary cortex in Chaloneria, and were undoubtedly preserved prior to, or distal to, secondary cortical development. In contrast. 552 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 stems with the Asolcmus- type diagonal interfoliar pattern (PI. 64, fig. 8) reveal that significant secondary cortical activity like that of Chaloneria had occurred prior to fossilization. Some specimens of this type represent decortication external to the periderm (text-fig. 2 a, b ), while others have had the subepidermal configuration impressed on the outer surface of the stem (text-fig. 2e). As emphasized by Rex and Chaloner (1983) specimens of the latter type may show both surface and subsurface features at the same level. This accounts for the occurrence of external leaf-base scars that are separated by a subsurface Asolanus-type cortical pattern on some specimens (PI. 64, fig. 8). While isoetaleans like Chaloneria were probably the most common source of such decortication surfaces, some lepidoden- draleans with relatively moderate secondary development (e.g. Lepidodendron dicentricum , Eggert 1961) produced ‘phellem meshes’ that may appear similar to Asolanus when seen on a split surface. The specimens of Asolanus interpreted as a Lepidodendron by Daber and Kahlert (1970) could reflect this mode of growth. It is now clear that the Knorria pattern is produced when the cortex is split through or at the surface of the periderm in both Lepidodendrales and Isoetales, and that its more common occurrence with lepidodendraleans is probably the result of the much more massive periderm produced by the group. Likewise, the Asolanus configuration results from either decortication peripheral to the periderm or from the imprinting of subsurface features on the epidermis in plants with the capacity for only limited periderm production after much of the secondary cortical production had been completed. Through continuing efforts to determine the biological and taphonomic origins of compression features (e.g. Rex and Chaloner 1983) and the anatomical basis for morphological features, the significance of many lycophyte morphotypes is becoming increasingly clear. In terms of both taxonomic significance and ontogenetic potential the increased knowledge allows for a better understanding of lycophyte evolution, and provides the basis for more accurate interpretations of remains preserved as coalified compressions or impressions. Acknowledgements. The specimens figured in Plate 64, figs. 7 and 8 were collected by Mr. L. J. Millhorn, and provided by Dr. M. T. Sturgeon, Department of Geology, Ohio University. We wish to thank Dr. T. N. Taylor for reading the manuscript. This study was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant BSR83 1-0576 (to G. W. R.). REFERENCES boersma, m. 1978. A survey of the fossil flora of the Tllinger Flozzone’ (‘Heusweiller Schichten’, Lower Stephanian, Saar, German Federal Republic). Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 26 , 4 1 92. crookall, R. 1964. Fossil plants of the Carboniferous rocks of Great Britain (2nd sect.), Mem. Geol. Surv. G.B., Palaeontol. 4, 217-354. daber, R., and kahlert, E. 1970. 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On the factors which influence the external form of fossil plants; with descriptions of the foliage of some species of the Palaeozoic Equisetalean genus Annularia Sternberg. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Loud. B. 226, 219-237. weiss, c. e. and sterzel, t. 1893. Die Sigillarien der preussischen Steinkohlen- und Rothliegenden-Gebiete. II. Gruppe der Subsigillarien. Abhandl. konig. preuss. geol. Landesanst. n.f. 2, 1 -255. white, d. 1899. Fossil flora of the Lower Coal Measures of Missouri. U.S. Geol. Survey Mon. 37, 467 pp. wood, h. c. 1860-1861. Contributions to the Carboniferous flora of the United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1860 , 12, 236-240, 436-443, 519-522. KATHLEEN B. PIGG Department of Botany The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA GAR W. ROTHWELL Department of Botany „ . , . T Ohio University Typescript received 4 June 1 984 Athens, Qhio 4570 , Revised typescript received 27 November 1984 USA WEALDEN OCCURRENCE OF AN ISOLATED BA R REM I AN DINOCYST FACIES by n. f. hughes and i. c. harding Abstract. Records of occurrence are presented in the form of two new taxa of peridinioid dinoflagellate cysts and twenty-three comparison records from Upper Wealden strata of Barremian age in the British Geological Survey’s Warlingham Borehole, Surrey. Because these well-preserved dinocysts are not accompanied by any other dinocyst palynomorphs, their presence is interpreted as a short-lived and local record of very low palaeo- salinity. Other occurrences at different levels in the Wealden usually contain three or four dinocysts of known marine taxa, and appear to represent more widespread and perhaps stronger marine incursions. Palynofacies, ostracods, and clay minerals are briefly discussed in connection with the possibility that these new dinocysts may represent the earliest known occurrences of non-marine dinoflagellates to produce fossilisable cysts. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and to describe the circumstances of occurrence of a new dinoflagellate cyst which has been found in abundance in some palynomorph-bearing Wealden samples. No other dinocysts have been found in these samples which are from the upper part of the Weald Clay in the British Geological Survey (B.G.S.) Warlingham Borehole in Surrey (Worssam and Ivimey-Cook 1971) and appear to be of late Barremian age. The new dinocysts, first illustrated by Hughes ( 1 980), have no close parallels in the literature and appear to be relatively simple peridinioids; their occurrence without other dinocysts may indicate a palaeosalinity less than the marine salinity of the time, and if so the beginning of a trend towards the fresh-water dinocysts of today. It may therefore be necessary to qualify the generally accepted view (e.g. Hughes and Moody-Stuart 1967) that through the Mesozoic any dinocyst occurrence indicates a marine environment. PREPARATION METHOD Samples have been treated by a standard palynologic extraction method for light microscope study: dilute HC1, HF, cone. HN0 3 oxidation (time stated with record sample description), dilute NH 4 OH (to avoid using KOH which causes swelling), and zinc bromide (S.G.2.0) as heavy liquid. Although residues are now stored in glycerine/water, some early preparations twenty-five years ago were stored in glycerine jelly and have been successfully brought into use with hot water and/or HC1/HF. Slides for light microscopy were made by a standard Hydramount/Depex method; some of the older preparations mentioned below for comparison records were mounted in Clearcol or even in glycerine jelly. Micrographs were taken on Kodak Technical Pan Film 2415 (rated 100 ASA) using a Nikon FX35A camera on Nikon Labophot microscope 01819. SEM stubs were prepared with strew residue over a Cambridge Mark 2 nickel grid (see Hughes et al. 1979). Micrographs were taken on Ilford 70 mm film FP4, using a Phillips 501B Scanning Electron Microscope. All specimens and preparations are lodged in the Sedgwick Museum. RECORD OF SPECIMENS All specimens observed are here listed as belonging either to a biorecord (unchangeable reference taxon) or to a graded comparison record (see Hughes 1976, p. 26). To distinguish this separate treatment in which neither emendation of a taxon definition nor unqualified attribution of specimens to a taxon are admissible, the taxa are not arranged in any formal hierarchy nor are the names latinized. [Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 3, 1985, pp. 555-565, pis. 65-67. | 556 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Qualified attribution in the form of graded comparison records is set out as follows: cfA = variation in the comparison record agrees with that described for the reference taxon in all qualitative aspects, but minor quantitative differences may be included. This grade (cfA) is taken to indicate such close resemblance as would indicate stratigraphic correspondence. cfB = variation in the comparison record may differ from that of the reference taxon in one specified qualitative aspect. This comparison is taken to indicate less close stratigraphic correspondence. The grade cfB occurrences would normally stratigraphically enclose those of cfA. cfC = adequate resemblance to the reference taxon to be useful in discussion, but normally used for occurrences which would be made into new biorecords if such were justified by geological necessity. Any one occurrence may be compared cfC with more than one reference taxon. Any of these records may be placed by others in attribution to a Linnean taxon if that procedure appears to be rewarding, but the records themselves are designed to remain unchanged and separately retrievable for any purpose. Group DINOCYST PERIDINIOID CRETACEOUS Genusbox cincturo- Diagnosis. Peridinioid dinocyst with ambitus subcircular to ovoidal, without pericoels or horns. Apex usually exhibits slight asymmetry. Periphragm thickness < 05 / O L. CD ^ O ^ Sr O r- '- — . o D- 3 o a> L 3 r C/5 C/5 JO ~ c p e s XS •-t o a C o « -• O < 3 re (t "3 c A F A c ) 0 c A S H G S L COSTONIAN HARNAGIAN SOUDLEYAN LONGVILLIAN WOOLSTONIAN MARSHBROOKIAN ACTONIAN ONNIAN PUSGILLIAN CAUTLEYAN RAWTHEYAN HIRNANTIAN > D- O- n p »-t p O- o 0 1 > c/5 sr CTQ o 3 C/5 5' p^ rD C/5 P 3 D- "S. O ^ O co o p 3 a. Crt 3“ O 5 S' OQ 3 re 3 CO 3 . fJQ r 3 £>a " fi- co P. D- 3 oo O o g- 3 ° a t3 SAVAGE AND BASSETT: ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS 683 (Table 1) suggesting a closely similar age, and include what we identify as abundant specimens of A. ordovicicus (see discussion below); there are no specimens identified as A. superbus. On this basis we see no evidence for a superbus age in either the Crug or Birdshill limestones; their assignment to the ordovicicus Biozone is consistent with the early Ashgill age suggested by the shelly faunas and removes this otherwise anomalous extension of the superbus Biozone well above the top of the Caradoc. Fragmentary specimens illustrated by Orchard (1980, pi. 4, figs. 23, 26) as A. cf. A. superbus from the type Ashgill area of northern England (Cautleyan) are inadequate to show the characteristic features of the species. An isolated limestone lenticle at Pen-y-banc (sample 18) to the north-west of Llandeilo, generally included previously in the Birdshill outcrop (e.g. see Pringle and George 1948, fig. 1 1 ), contains an anomalous fauna; here we identify A. superbus but no A. ordovicicus. We consider that these beds are probably of mid Caradoc age (text-fig. 2) and are unrelated to the Birdshill-Crug limestones. Welsh Borderland and eastern Wales. Most of the stages and lithostratigraphical divisions of the Caradoc Series in the south Shropshire type area (samples 26-76) have yielded conodonts (text-figs. 2 and 3), but they are rarely abundant in the dominantly clastic sediments. No diagnostic zonal forms have been recovered, and correlation with the conodont zonal scheme continues to be based on broader shelly faunal and graptolitic evidence in various areas of Europe (e.g. Bergstrom 1971a, b , 1977, 1978, 1983). Our collections in the upper part of the succession are based on the revised stratigraphy of Hurst (1979). In the Gwern-y-Brain section near Welshpool (Cave 1 965), two samples (77, 78) from the Nod Glas Formation have yielded fairly common faunas whose age interpetations are problematical. The uppermost Nod Glas beds here contain the trilobite Onnia gracilis indicative of the Onnian, while the unconformably underlying Gaerfawr Formation contains a Woolstonian shelly fauna (Cave 1965), so that the limits of the Nod Glas Formation are fairly well circumscribed by comparison with the Shropshire succession (text-fig. 2). However, conodonts from the basal 50 cm (sample 77) of the phosphoritic limestones making up the Nod Glas here contain fairly common Plectodina bu/lhillensis sp. nov., which in Shropshire occurs only in samples from the Costonian to the Woolstonian. In addition the same sample contains Amorphognathus aff. A. tvaerensis (see p. 694), which again might support an earlier Caradoc age (?pre-mid Soudleyan — text-fig. 2). The full stratigraphical range of P. bulhillensis is not yet known from continuous, productive sections, but it cannot be ruled out that the base of the Nod Glas at Gwern-y-Brain is older than has been supposed previously, although the limit may be dictated by the Gaerfawr shelly fauna; it is also possible that the lowest Nod Glas conodonts are reworked although the specimens themselves show no sign of this, and further studies will be necessary to resolve the problem. The top 30 cm of the Nod Glas phosphoritic limestones (sample 78) below the nodular beds (Cave 1965, fig. 1) yielded abundant specimens of A. ordovicicus. If the trilobite evidence from here is definitive of the Onnian, then it could be that the superbus- ordovicicus Biozone boundary is as low as this below the Ashgill (see discussion above) as we propose tentatively in text-fig. 2, although further investigations are again required to test these relationships. North Wales. In the Berwyn Hills (79-82) and Bala district (97-100), well-dated Longvillian- Woolstonian formations contain superbus Biozone faunas, including P. bullhillensis that gives further weight to correlations with the Shropshire succession. Various discontinuous limestone units of Cautleyan-Rawtheyan ages (83-95, 97-105) (text-fig. 2) generally yielded sparse faunas, but all are indicative of the ordovicicus Biozone. None of our samples of Hirnantian age has yielded conodonts. Large samples from the type Hirnant Limestone of Bala (106) and from calcareous-cemented arenites of the Conway Castle Grits at Deganwy (107-110) were processed in the hope of isolating post -ordovicicus Biozone faunas to compare with the Gamachignathus faunas described from North America and northern England (e.g. McCracken and Barnes 1981a, b ; McCracken et al. 1980; Orchard 1980; Uyeno and Barnes 1983); the potential of the latter for wider correlation is still unknown as the diagnostic forms have not yet been identified in other regions. Gamachignathus is a subjective synonym, apparently junior, of [ Text continues on page 689] table 1. Number and distribution of individual conodont elements recovered in the forty more productive samples. 684 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 ? Ozarkodina pseudofissilis Plectodina bergstroemi SAVAGE AND BASSETT: ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS 685 0 © fD O On '■O \D OO lO V-) CTv 01 ^ O VO N - - - (N ■| G < cc •5 <2 d dj "3 2 o c S a 1 kj to a o O TO Bj X) O 3 CTj .O ctf D-Cu^C/iC/^OO-^D-D-^t/D i Xi w ■a.a. 2 i : aj jd =r ?3 .o — C: ;PPc/)' 2 pfl, 2 i/) c ; § ^ cu < , d d 5T TO TO -2 -s .2 "3 d d ; a d d Soo table 1. Number and distribution of individual conodont elements recovered in the forty more productive samples. non-gemculalc 10:arkodtnu pirudofisjilii graciliform Plrcindina berpsiroeml IPItciodina tp. Sc scandodifonn SAVAGE AND BASSETT ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS table 2. Number and distribution of conodont species in all 1 10 samples from Wales and the Welsh Borderland, with details of Colour Alteration Index for each sample. 686 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Conodont Colour Index - 4-5 - - - - 4- -- -- 5- 5- 45 5 5 - - - 5-5 5-5 5-5 - Total SAVAGE AND BASSETT: ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS 687 ON'tOsT'O— — — - - J — I O' o — • > 'O — fNOv — — — — ( ^ Q 5 i Si ^ O *3 <3 *• ffl 3 i, ? ; < dj? 1 g- S "S | § § ~ S* a ^ f 1 S; © © • 3 J3 2 12 c s* -V 2 ^ a 3 3 3 ' S.-S -2 0"T3 T3 - 3 3 d g < CQ •o -a ■2 -2 5 g , 1981a]. Remarks. This species has been referred frequently to Plectodina furcata (Hinde) but it now appears that the holotype of furcata is part of an Oulodus apparatus as discussed above in the remarks on EXPLANATION OF PLATE 86 All figs, x 40. Figs. 1-13. Amorphognathus ordovicicus Branson and Mehl, 1933. 1, upper view of sinistral Pa element, NMW 81 .6G.35; 2, upper view of sinistral Pa element, NMW 81.6G.36; 3, upper view of sinistral Pa element, NMW 81.6G.37; 4 and 5, upper and lower views of sinistral Pa element, NMW 81.6G.38; 6, upper view of sinistral Pb element, NMW 81.6G.39; 7, upper view of sinistral Pb element, NMW 81.6G.40; 8 and 9, upper and outer lateral views of sinistral Pb element, NMW 81.6G.41; 10, upper view of dextral Pb element, NMW 81.6G.42; 11-13, anterior and posterior views of Sa element, NMW 81.6G.43; all from sample 95. Fig. 14. Gen. et sp. indet. A. Lateral view of element, NMW 81.6G.44, from sample 95. Fig. 15. Protopanderodus liripipus Kennedy, Barnes and Uyeno, 1979. Lateral view of NMW 81.6G.45, from sample 95. Figs. 16 and 17. Phragmodus cf. P. undatus Branson and Mehl, 1933. 16, inner lateral view of dextral S element, NMW 81.6G.46; 17, inner lateral view of sinistral M element, MNW 81.6G.47; both from sample 95. Figs. 18-22. Icriodella superba Rhodes, 1953. 18-21, upper, lower, inner lateral, and outer lateral views of dextral Pa element, NMW 81.6G.48; 22, inner lateral view of sinistral M element, NMW 81.6G.49; all from sample 77. Figs. 23 and 24. Rhodesognatlws elegans (Rhodes, 1953). Inner lateral and outer lateral views of dextral Pa element, NMW 81.6G.50, from sample 77. Figs. 25-33. Amorphognathus all. A. tvaerensis Bergstrom, 1962. 25-27, inner lateral, upper, and lower views of sinistral Pa element, NMW 8I.6G.51; 28 and 29, posterior and anterior views of sinistral M element, NMW 81 .6G.52; 30, lateral view of Sa element, NMW 81 .6G.53; 3 1 -33, outer lateral, inner lateral, and lower views of sinistral Pb element, NMW 81.6G.54; all from sample 77. PLATE 86 SAVAGE and BASSETT, Caradoc and Ashgill conodonts 706 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Aphelognathus rhodesi. The elements of Plectodina in the Branson and Mehl fauna now take the name P. tenuis (Branson and Mehl, 1933c). These Shropshire occurrences of this species are from the Costonian to Woolstonian or possibly lowest Marshbrookian. The Costonian occurrences appear to extend the lower range of the species, previously thought to commence in the late Kirkfieldian (Sweet 19816). The type material of this species is from the Maquoketa Formation, Clarksville, Missouri. Our material is very similar to the specimens illustrated from that formation by Branson and Mehl (1933c). The multielement apparatus assigned to P. tenuis and figured by Sweet (19816, p. 274) in the Catalogue of Conodonts is from several localities in Kentucky and one in Ohio. The M element is different from the Branson and Mehl specimen (1933c, pi. 10, fig. 16) in having smaller and more upright denticles. The Sa element illustrated by Sweet (19816, p. 275, figs. 1 1 and 12) also appears to be more slender and sinuous than the Branson and Mehl specimen (1933c, pi. 10, fig. 12), although the latter is incomplete and difficult to compare. ? Plectodina sp. Plate 80, figs. 40 and 41 Remarks. This M(?) element is relatively short, with closely set inclined denticles along the bar. It cannot be assigned to any known species but is probably part of a Plectodina apparatus. Family icriodontidae Muller and Muller, 1957 Genus icriodella Rhodes, 1953 Type species. Icriodella superba Rhodes, 1953, p. 288. Icriodella superba Rhodes, 1953 Plate 80, figs. 8 14; Plate 82, figs. 28-33; Plate 83, figs. 20-25; Plate 84, figs. 22-25; Plate 85, figs. 40-43 1953 Icriodella superba n. sp. Rhodes, p. 288, pi. 20, figs. 62, 63, 78 [holotype], 54, 58, and 65 [Pa element]. 1953 Sagittodontus robustus n. sp. Rhodes, p. 31 1, pi. 21, figs. 141 and 142 [M element], 1953 Sagittodontus robustus var. erectus n. var. Rhodes, p. 311, pi. 21, figs. 143, 151, and 152 [M element], 1953 Sagittodontus robustus var. distaflexus n. var. Rhodes, p. 312, pi. 21, figs. 137 and 138 [M element], 1953 Trichonodella divaricate n. sp. Rhodes, p. 313, pi. 21, figs. 140, 145, and 146 [Pb element]. 1953 Icriodella superba var. acuta n. var. Rhodes, p. 288, pi. 20, figs. 59, 60, 64, 65, 71-73, and 77 [Pa element], 1953 Icriodella plana n. sp. Rhodes, p. 287, pi. 20, figs. 67, 74, and 76 [Pa element], 1953 Icriodella n. sp. Rhodes, p. 288, pi. 20, fig. 61 [Pa element], 1953 Icriodella deforma n. sp. Rhodes, p. 286, pi. 20, figs. 67-70 [Pa element], 1953 Icriodella elongata n. sp. Rhodes, p. 287, pi. 20, figs. 79-81 [Pa element], 1981 Icriodella superba Rhodes; Klapper and Bergstrom, pp. W125, W126, fig. 74(1 a-f) [multielement apparatus: but note that this figured material is not from the type locality and is quadrimembrate compared with our trimembrate apparatus]. Remarks. Although specimens of Icriodella occur at several horizons in Shropshire and Wales, no consistent differences are evident by which the genus can be subdivided. All the specimens are referred to I. superba Rhodes, originally described from the Cymerig Limestone of North Wales. Orchard (1980) recognized I. superba superba Rhodes and I. superba deforma Rhodes from the Cymerig Limestone, the latter being diagnosed by uneven development of the anterior denticles of the Pa elements. Although some specimens in the collections described herein have an uneven development, we are not able to recognize consistent differences. The Pa elements from any particular locality show sufficient range of variation of anterior denticle development, asymmetry of anterior SAVAGE AND BASSETT: ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS 707 platform, inclination of denticles and main cusp, and total length of the unit, that the taxonomic subdivisions of Rhodes ( 1 953) commonly have been synonymized by later workers (Bergstrom 1 964; Schopf 1966; Orchard 1980). Family phragmodontidae Bergstrom, 1981c Genus phragmodus Branson and Mehl, 19336 Type species. Phragmodus primus Branson and Mehl, 19336, p. 98 Phragmodus cf. P. undatus Branson and Mehl, 19336 Plate 86, figs. 16 and 17 cf. 19336 Phragmodus undatus n. sp. Branson and Mehl, p. 115, pi. 8, figs. 22-24 [S elementl. cf. 1966 Phragmodus undatus Branson and Mehl; Bergstrom and Sweet, p. 369, pi. 28, figs. 1 3 20 [Pa, Pb, M, and S elements = multielement apparatus]. Remarks. Only a few specimens of each of the S and M elements have been recovered and these are broken. Nevertheless, the S element is sufficiently diagnostic to make tentative assignation to Phragmodus undatus possible. Family prioniodontidae Bassler, 1925 Genus prioniodus Pander, 1856 Type species. Prioniodus elegans Pander, 1856, p. 29. Prioniodus deani sp. nov. Plate 80, figs. 23-39 Diagnosis. A species of Prioniodus in which the Pa elements are strongly arched and relatively short. The dextral Pb element has straight lower margins and a prominent lateral process. The sinistral Pb element has arched lower margins and a weak lateral process. Holotype. Pa element NMW 81.5G.2, sample 26 (Coston Formation, Shropshire); Plate 80, figs. 23 and 24. Description. The dextral Pa element is short and strongly arched with a small, posteriorly inclined main cusp (PI. 80, figs. 25 and 26). At least seven small denticles are present on the anterior process and four on the posterior process. The outer lateral process arises from the base of the main cusp. The sinistral Pa element is more strongly arched but otherwise very like the dextral element (PI. 80, figs. 23 and 24). The dextral Pb element has straight lower margins, a large, slightly inclined main cusp, and a prominent lateral process (PI. 80, figs. 27-29). The sinistral Pb element has arched lower margins, a relatively small main cusp which is inclined posteriorly and inwards, and a very weak lateral process which arises just anterior of the cusp (PI. 80, figs. 29-37). The S element has a very weak cusp, one edenticulate process, and two denticulate process (PI. 80, figs. 38 and 39). The M element has not been recovered. Remarks. This species is known at present only from the Costonian and may be a useful indicator of a pre-Flarnagian age. The specific name recognizes W. T. Dean’s contributions to the Ordovician geology of Shropshire. Prioniodus sp. Plate 84, figs. 26 and 27; Plate 85, figs. 28-35, 44, and 45 1980 Prioniodus sp. nov. A, Orchard, p. 24, pi. 6, figs. 5, 9, 11, and 12 Remarks. This species is represented by specimens from the Birdshill Limestone and Crug Limestone. Unfortunately, all the Pa and Pb elements in the collection are broken. Orchard (1980, p. 24) discussed specimens from the Birdshill Limestone which are probably conspecific with this material. 708 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Family panderodontidae Lindstrom, 1970 Genus panderodus Ethington, 1959 Type species. Paltodus unicostatus Branson and Mehl, 1933ft, p. 42. Panderodus cf. P. gracilis (Branson and Mehl, 1933ft) Plate 80, figs. 42-47 cf. 1933ft Paltodus gracilis n. sp. Branson and Mehl, p. 108, pi. 8, figs. 20 and 21 [graciliform element], cf. 1933ft Paltodus compressus n. sp. Branson and Mehl, p. 109, pi. 8, fig. 19 [compressiform element], cf. 1976 Panderodus gracilis (Branson and Mehl); Dzik, p. 428, fig. 15 a, ft, e , / (multielement apparatus]. Remarks. Workers who have attempted to distinguish multielement apparatuses of Panderodus include Barrick (1977), Cooper (1975), Dzik (1976), and Barnes et al. (1979). We have chosen to adopt a simple distinction in dealing with our specimens and to separate only the more flattened ‘compressiform' elements from the narrower ‘graciliform’ elements. Family scolopodontidae Bergstrom, 1981c Genus staufferella Sweet, Thompson and Satterfield, 1975 Type species. Distacodus falcatus Stauffer, 1935, p. 142. ? Staufferella sp. Plate 82, figs. 39-41 Remarks. This species is represented in our collections by a single specimen. It is rounded in cross- section and has a weak carina on one side. It may be a unicarinate element of Staufferella. Family drepanoistodontidae Bergstrom, 1981c Genus drepandoistodus Lindstrom, 1971 Type species. Oistodus forceps Lindstrom, 1955, p. 574. Drepanoistodus suberectus (Branson and Mehl, 1933ft) Plate 81, fig- 18; Plate 82, fig. 38 1933ft Oistodus suberectus n. sp. Branson and Mehl, p. 1 1 1, pi. 35, figs. 22-27 . 1979ft Drepanoistodus suberectus (Branson and Mehl); Sweet, p. 79, figs. 7-21, 23, and 30 [multielement apparatus]. Remarks. Only non-geniculate elements of this species have been recovered. They range throughout the full stratigraphical coverage of our samples. Family protopanderodontidae Lindstrom, 1970 Genus protopanderodus Lindstrom, 1971 Type species. Acontiodus rectus Lindstrom, 1955, p. 549. Protopanderodus liripipus Kennedy, Barnes and Uyeno, 1979 Plate 86, fig. 15 1979 Protopanderodus liripipus n. sp. Kennedy, Barnes and Uyeno, p. 546, pi. 1, figs. 9-19 [multi- element apparatus]. SAVAGE AND BASSETT: ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS 709 Remarks. The sixteen specimens in the sample 78 collection include symmetrical and asymmetrical protopanderodiform elements and a single scandodiform element. The elements are very similar to the type material from the early Caradoc age Tetaugouche Group, New Brunswick. Family polygnathidae Bassler, 1925 Genus ozarkodina Branson and Mehl, 1933a Type species. Ozarkodina typica Branson and Mehl, 1933a, p. 51. ? Ozarkodina pseudofissilis (Lindstrom, 1959) Plate 84, figs. 30-33; Plate 85, fig. 27 1959 Ctenognathns pseudofissilis n. sp. Lindstrom, p. 439, pi. 4, figs. 1-9 [Pa element], 1959 Ozarkodina pseudotypica n. sp. Lindstrom, p. 441, pi. 4, figs. 17 and 18 [Pb element]. Remarks. Numerous well-preserved Pa elements of this species have been recovered by us from the Crug quarry (11-17), which is the type locality, and also farther west along the Towy Anticline. The Pb elements are rare. No other elements of a possible apparatus have been recovered and the species is referred only tentatively to Ozarkodina. In these South Wales localities this species is commonly associated with Amorphognathus ordovicicus and appears to indicate an Ashgill age. Orchard (1980) reconstructed this species to include the Pa and Pb elements and, as a possible Sc element, the single Hindeodellal sp. specimen recovered from the Crug Limestone by Lindstrom (1959, pi. 1, fig. 10). It is surprising that other parts of the apparatus have failed to show up in any of our thirteen samples that yield the Pa or Pb elements, and that Lindstrom and Orchard had much the same result. There remains the possiblity that the species is bimembrate. Family unknown Genus pseudooneotodus Drygant, 1974 Type species. Oneotodusl beckmanni Bischoff and Sannemann, 1958, p. 98. Pseudooneotodus sp. A Plate 80, figs. 6 and 7 1967 Genus et species ind. B Serpagli, p. 107, pi. 29, figs, la, b. Remarks. This material appears to be identical to that figured by Serpagli (1967) from the Ashgill of the Carnic Alps. The form described as Pseudooneotodus aff. P. beckmanni by Orchard (1980), from the Ashgill of the English Lake District, appears to have a more acutely angled cone. Pseudooneotodus sp. B Plate 83, figs. 36 and 37 Remarks. This single element differs from Pseudooneotodus sp. A in having a subrectangular outline, a difference which additional specimens might show to be of no taxonomic significance if a range of variation can be demonstrated. The specimen illustrated by Branson and Mehl (19336, pi. 9, fig. 3) from the Ordovician Plattin Formation of Missouri is even more angular. Gen. et sp. indet. A Plate 86, fig. 14 Remarks. This element has a sharply angled triangular cross-section near the base and in this respect is similar to some of the specimens assigned to Walliserodus debolti (Rexroad) by Serpagli 710 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 (1967, pi. 31). However, the element figured herein is more flared posteriorly and bears some small denticles on this posterior edge. Gen. et sp. indet. B Plate 83, fig. 38 Remarks. This element is flattened on its inner side and is convex, with a weak carina on its outer side. The outer base is flared. Acknowledgements. We thank Professor C. R. Barnes, Dr R. J. Aldridge, and Dr M. J. Orchard for critically reading drafts of the manuscript. Dr D. Price and Dr L. R. M. Cocks gave advice on some collecting localities and stratigraphy. Dr L. Cherns helped with field collecting, Mrs B. J. Savage and Mrs K. Bryant helped with sample preparation; facilities for processing were provided by the University of Oregon and the University of Kent at Canterbury (N.M.S.) and the Department of Geology, University College, Cardiff (M.G.B.). Fieldwork expenses for N.M.S. were defrayed by National Science Foundation grant EAR 77-12908. Contributions from the NSF and the National Museum of Wales towards the costs of publication are gratefully acknowledged. APPENDIX Summary of stratigraphical horizon (Formation/Member) and locality of samples 1110 for immediate reference to data plotted in text-figs. 1 4 and Tables 1 and 2. Locality details are given here as a generalized field name plus an eight figure National Grid Reference. Full topographical descriptions and stratigraphical plots of individual samples within sections are given in the Supplementary Publication deposited in the British Library (see p. 680). SOUTH WALES Sample No.(s) I- 3 Sholeshook Limestone, Sholeshook railway cutting, SM 9681 1705. 4 Sholeshook Limestone, Prendergast quarry. SM 9564 1662. 5, 6 Robeston Wathen Limestone, Robeston Wathen quarry, SN 0841 1615. 7 Sholeshook Limestone, Llanddowror quarry, SN 2538 1429. 8 Sholeshook Limestone, Fron quarry, SN 171 1 1711. 9 Sholeshook Limestone, Trefenty quarry (Foxhole), SN 2962 1355. 10 Sholeshook Limestone, Parke trackside, SN 2392 1335. II- 17 Crug Limestone, Crug quarry and farm, SN 6270 2306. 18 Un-named limestone, Pen-y-banc quarry, SN 6081 2385. 19-21 Birdshill Limestone, Birdshill quarry, SN 6014 2312. 22, 23 Birdshill Limestone, Dryslwyn Castle, SN 5545 2034. 24 Birdshill Limestone, Ty-picca quarry, SN 5395 2064. 25 Birdshill Limestone, Llanegwad quarry, SN 5151 2130. WELSH BORDERLAND AND EASTERN WALES Sample No.{s) 26, 27 Coston Formation, Onny section quarry, SO 41 18 8624. 28, 29 Coston Formation, A489 quarry, SO 4119 8623. 30-32 Smeathen Wood Formation, Ragicth quarry, SO 4456 9135. 33, 34 Horderley Sandstone Formation, A489 road section, SO 4151 8599. 35 Horderley Sandstone Formation, A489 road section, SO 4153 8595. 36, 37 Horderley Sandstone Formation, A489 road section, SO 4175 8583. 38 Horderley Sandstone Formation, Longlane quarry, SO 4129 8422. 39, 40 Horderley Sandstone Formation, High Wood quarry, SO 41 19 8522. 41 Alternata Limestone, Onny river, S0 4179 8575. 42-44 Alternata Limestone, Soudley quarry, SO 4772 9182. 45 Alternata Limestone, Marshbrook railway cutting, SO 4403 9049. 46 Alternata Limestone, Onny railway, SO 4175 8570. 47 Cheney Longville Formation, Glynboro Member, Soudley quarry, SO 4772 9182. 48, 49 Cheney Longville Formation, Glynboro Member, A489 road section, SO 4193 8575. 50 Cheney Longville Formation, Glynboro Member, Cheney Longville roadside, SO 4185 8501. SAVAGE AND BASSETT: ORDOVICIAN CONODONTS 71 1 51 Cheney Longville Formation, Glynboro Member, A489 road section, SO 4201 8571. 52 Cheney Longville Formation, Crosspipes Member, Cheney Longville roadside, SO 4191 8495. 53, 54 Cheney Longville Formation, Crosspipes Member, A489 road section SO 4209 8566. 55 Cheney Longville Formation, Crosspipes Member, A489 road section, SO 4219 8559. 56, 57 Acton Scott Formation, Ragdon Member, A489 road section, SO 4232 8552. 58 Acton Scott Formation, Ragdon Member, Hatton stream SO 4645 9013 59 Acton Scott Formation, Ragdon Member, Hatton stream SO 4642 9018. 60 Acton Scott Formation, Ragdon Member, A489 road section, SO 4239 8551. 61 Acton Scott Formation, Wistanstow Member, A489 road section, SO 4241 8550. 62, 63 Acton Scott Formation. Wistanstow Member, Ragdon stream, SO 4507 9061. 64, 65 Acton Scott Formation, Wistanstow Member, Onny river, SO 4236 8539. 66, 67 Acton Scott Formation, Wistanstow Member, Ragdon stream, SO 4505 9054. 68 Acton Scott Formation, Henley Member, Acton Scott church quarry, SO 4496 8955. 69, 70 Onny Shale Formation, Onny river, SO 4259 8535. 71, 72 Hoar Edge Grits, Bullhill Gutter stream, SO 5122 9825. 73, 74 Hoar Edge Grits, Black Dicks Coppice quarry, SO 5092 9787. 75, 76 Alternata Limestone, Chatwall farmyard, SO 5135 9741 . 77,78 Nod Glas Formation, Gwern-y-Brain stream, SJ 2181 1268. NORTH WALES Sample No.(s) 79, 80 Pen-y-garnedd Formation, Pen-y-garnedd quarry, SJ 1090 2375. 81, 82 Pen-y-garnedd Formation, Greenhall Park quarry, SJ 1572 1888. 83 85 Dolhir Formation, Dolhir Limestone Member, Ddol-hir quarry, SJ 2029 3675. 86, 87 Dolhir Formation, Dolhir Limestone Member, Gelli Farm quarry, SJ 2360 1939. 88 Dolhir Formation, Dolhir Limestone Member, Gelli Farm yard, SJ 2368 1924. 89-91 Dolhir Formation, Dolhir Limestone Member, Cefngoed quarry, SJ 2127 3643. 92-95 Glyn Formation, Glyn Limestone Member, Ty-draw hill quarry, SJ 2062 3704. 96 Nant Hir Mudstones, Derfel Limestones Member, Aberderfel stream, SH 8508 3920. 97 Gelli Grin Ashes, Cymerig Limestone Member, Gelli Grin quarry, SH 9449 3401 . 98-100 Gelli Grin Ashes, Cymerig Limestone Member, Y Garnedd quarries, SH 9451 3537. 101 Moelfryn Mudstones, Rhiwlas Limestone Member, Rhiwlas river section, SH 9231 3690. 102-105 Moelfryn Mudstones, Rhiwlas Limestone Member, Creigiau Bychan crags, SH 9200 3150. 106 Foel y Ddinas Mudstones, Hirnanl Limestone Member, Cwm Hirnant quarry, SH 9510 2963. 107-1 10 Conway Castle Grits, Deganwy quarry, SH 7853 7908. 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BASSETT Typescript received 29 September 1984 Revised typescript received 8 March 1985 Department of Geology National Museum of Wales Cardiff CF1 3NP Wales, UK CAMBRIAN ELEUTHEROZOAN ECHINODERMS AND THE EARLY DIVERSIFICATION OF EDRIOASTEROIDS by ANDREW B. SMITH Abstract. The five genera and thirteen named species of edrioasteroid from the Cambrian are reviewed and, where necessary, redescribed. All are interpreted as sessile suspension feeders, with an external system of radial water vessels and tube feet that functioned in opening the cover plate sheets. The relationships of these five genera to one another and to other edrioasteroid groups is analysed and a revised classification of the Edrioasteroidea is proposed. Stromatocystites has fewest autapomorphic characters and is placed as primitive sister group to the other four genera. These fall into two distinct groups: Totiglobus and Walcottidiscus are rather globular with a reduced dorsal surface, while Cambraster and Edriodiscus are discoidal with a prominent marginal frame. Three orders are recognized within the Edrioasteroidea: the Edrioasterida, which includes Totiglobus , Walcottidiscus , and the family Edrioasteridae; the Cyathocystida, for the families Cyathocystidae and Pyrgocystidae; and the Isorophida, which is expanded to include Cambraster, Edriodiscus , and the families Cyclocystoididae and Agelacrinitidae. In the Cambrian there are a small number of echinoderms that have conventionally been classified as edrioasteroids, of which the best known is Stromatocystites. Although Pompeckj first described S. pentangularis from the Middle Cambrian of Czechoslovakia in 1 896, these animals have remained relatively poorly understood. Yet Stromatocystites has held an important place in theories of echinoderm phylogeny. Bather (1900, 1915) considered Stromatocystites to be ancestral to all eleutherozoan groups and an intermediate between asteroids, echinoids, and holothuroids on the one hand, and cystoids on the other. This view fell largely out of favour when Fell (1962, 1963) proposed that eleutherozoan groups were polyphyletic in origin, and in the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Regnell 1966) Stromatocystites is treated as no more than a primitive edrioasteroid. More recently, however, the phylogenetic status of Stromatocystites has been reassessed by both Termier and Termier (1969, 1980), who provided a highly novel interpretation, and myself (Smith 1984#, b\ Paul and Smith 1984) where a return to the more traditional view is argued for. Four other genera of edrioasteroid in addition to Stromatocystites have been described from the Cambrian: Cambraster , Walcottidiscus , Totiglobus , and Edriodiscus. Because of the importance of these genera to theories of the early history of eleutherozoan echinoderms, a detailed appraisal of their morphology and relationships seemed long overdue. Some species have been described recently in considerable detail, such as C. elegans by Ubaghs (1971), C. tastudorum by Jell et at. (1985), T. nimius by Bell and Sprinkle (1978), and S. walcotti by Paul and Smith (1984). Others are, however, still poorly known. This paper therefore sets out to review what is known about the morphology of these animals and to examine their relationships, not only with one another but also with other echino- derm groups. However, a detailed comparison between Cambrian edrioasteroids and primitive starfish such as Archegonaster will be dealt with in a subsequent paper and is not considered here. MORPHOLOGY AND ANATOMY General organization Although Cambrian edrioasteroids are variable in their overall shape they all share basically the same body plan. All have a skeletal system that is clearly differentiated into dorsal and ventral surfaces. On | Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 4, 1985, pp. 715-756, pis. 87-89.| 716 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Totiglobus text-fig. 1. Diagrammatic cross-sections through the five Cambrian genera considered here and Camptostroma to show the relative development of dorsal (vertical hatching) and ventral (dashed line) plate surfaces. the ventral surface there is a central mouth and a marginal anus. Five ambulacral zones radiate from the mouth and are separated by wedge-shaped interambulacral zones. The dorsal surface is composed of a marginal ring of somewhat larger plates surrounding a pavement of flat polygonal plates. In Stromatocystites and Cambraster, dorsal and ventral surfaces are more or less equally developed so that the boundary between them coincides more or less with the ambitus (text-fig. 1). The two genera differ in that C. tastudorum appears to have a double layer of plates outside the marginal ring (Jell et al. 1985) which Stromatocystites lacks. Edriodiscus has a single layer. In Walcottidiscus the ventral surface has become enlarged relative to the dorsal surface and the boundary between them now lies sub-ambitally. Totiglobus has become even more extreme and its dorsal plating is reduced to a relatively minute disc (text-fig. 1); the ventral surface is expanded and extends well below the ambitus. Thus the relative development of dorsal and ventral surfaces is largely responsible for the differences that exist in overall shape. All are sub-circular to sub- pentagonal in outline but whereas Stromatocystites , Edriodiscus , and Cambraster have a fairly flat profile, Walcottidiscus has a depressed ovoid profile and Totiglobus is almost globular. Digestive system The mouth lies centrally on the ventral surface at the point of convergence of the five ambulacra. It does not open directly to the exterior, but is roofed over by a series of cover plates which may or may not have been able to open in life. The peristomial opening is relatively small and in S. walcotti, Cambraster , and Totiglobus is surrounded by a fixed mouth frame of ambulacral plates. In S. pentangular is, however, the mouth may have been more flexible as there is some evidence that the two columns of plates in each ambulacrum were able to separate along the perradial suture SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 717 proximally, as in many primitive starfish. Unfortunately, the detailed arrangement of plates in the oral area of this species is still unknown. The anus also opens through the ventral surface and is situated marginally in the C/D interambulacrum. In Stromatocystites and Cambraster the periproct is a moderately large circular zone of lath-like plates arranged radially (text-figs. 2 and 7). A similar periproctal system, but with fewer and more organized plates, is present in Totiglobus. The periproctal plates he either flush with the surrounding interambulacral plates or are slightly raised to form a low conical mound. Since both mouth and anus lie on the same surface, the digestive system must, at the very least, have been looped. The ubiquity of torsion in the digestive tract of all echinoderms, both larval and adult, suggests that the digestive tract in edrioasteroids was also coiled. Bather (1915) argued that the gut probably coiled anticlockwise in edrioasteroids because of a certain asymmetry in the arrangement of periproctal plates. No such asymmetry can be detected in the Cambrian species and the direc- tion of coiling must remain uncertain. However, an anticlockwise coiling seems the most likely since the hydropore/gonopore opens close to the peristome on the right-hand side of the C/D inter- ambulacrum, and such a direction of coiling of the digestive tract would leave more room for the internal gonad in this position. By inference from living groups the digestive system presumably consisted of a short oesophagus descending from the mouth, leading to a coiled intestine and then to a short rectum. Dorsal surface Plates of the dorsal surface can be divided into two groups: those that form the marginal ring and those that form the remainder of the dorsal surface. In Stromatocystites plates of the marginal ring are poorly differentiated from the other dorsal plates and lie supra-ambitally. They are moderately large, weakly geniculate plates with a rounded adoral edge and flatter, broader adapical edge which faces the substratum. There are no sutural epispires along any of the plate margins; although adjacent plates abut, their zone of contact is narrow and they would not have been able to form a rigid marginal frame. Internally these marginal plates are gently concave and lack internal processes or other evidence of muscle attachment areas. Marginal plates in Cambraster are greatly enlarged and form a prominent frame to the ventral surface (text-fig. 2). There are eighteen to twenty marginal ossicles in the ring. These ossicles are triangular in cross-section and adjacent ossicles firmly abut. Their lateral faces are smooth, without crenulation, so presumably the ossicles were bound together by collagenous ligament to form a fairly inflexible marginal frame. Ossicles at each radius have a V-shaped notch where the ambulacral flooring plates extend on to the marginal frame (text-fig. 2). Totiglobus also possesses a stout marginal ring of abutting ossicles; this ring would have been rather poorly flexible. Marginal ossicles are hardly distinguishable from the exterior but have large internal processes (see Bell and Sprinkle 1978, text-fig. 4) which presumably were associated with muscle attachment. As the processes face towards the centre of the dorsal surface, these could well have been attachment sites for radially arranged dorsal muscle fibres necessary if the dorsal surface acted as a suction pad. Details of the marginal plates in Walcottidiscus are poorly known. Externally the marginal plates are not clearly differentiated and, as in Totiglobus , there is no recognizable tesselate ring of plates. Whether the marginal ring plates were more clearly differentiated internally is unknown. There is an irregular pavement of tesselate, polygonal plates within the marginal ring. The entire dorsal surface is plated in all but Walcottidiscus where there is a central uncalcified zone. All of the dorsal plates in Stromatocystites are similar in thickness. There is a large equant plate at the centre of the dorsal surface which is surrounded by a variable number of large, radially elongate plates (text-fig. 4). Dorsal plates decrease in size away from the centre of the disc and, immediately adjacent to the marginal ring, there is a zone of tiny lath-like platelets that may not fully abut. This is the region of plate addition where new dorsal plates were added immediately inside the marginal ring. It is also a region of high flexibility. Dorsal plating in Totiglobus is very like that in Stromatocystites except that there is no clearly distinguishable central plate. Only a small number of polygonal plates lie within the marginal ring and these are smooth externally but weakly ridged and grooved internally (see Bell and 718 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 2. Cambraster cannati (Miquel, 1894), camera lucida drawing, ventral surface of holotype of C. elegans Termier and Termier, 1969, from a latex, BM(NH) E63 1 35 (see text-fig. 19a). Original is in the collections of the Museum of le Havre, France. Sprinkle 1978, text-fig. 4b). All plates are tessellate and plate size decreases quite noticeably towards the outer edge. Cambraster has a central zone of small polygonal plates surrounded by one or two circles of large polygonal plates. Over much of the central region of the aboral surface the plates are relatively thin and sub-tesselate, fitting together to form a continuous pavement. All known specimens of C. cannati show rather distorted and jumbled plating but there are two clear circles of large, radially elongate, polygonal plates which either abut or have small plates intercalated in between (text-fig. 2). There is only one circle of plates in C. tastudorum , all of which are contiguous (Jell et al. 1985). Plates become thicker and more obviously polygonal towards the margin, but at the very distal edge there are small lath-like plates which probably extended slightly beyond the marginal ossicles (text-fig. 2; see also SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 719 text - fig . 3. Cambraster cannati (Miquel, 1894), camera lucida drawing of dorsal surface of holotype of Eikosacystis miqueli Termier and Termier, 1969, from a latex, BM(NH) E63136 (see text-fig. 19c, d). Original is in the collections of the Museum of le Havre, France. 720 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 4. Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert, 1919, USNM 66443, camera lucida drawing of the holotype, showing the dorsal surface and part of the interior of the ventral surface where the dorsal surface has been damaged. Ubaghs 1971). The dorsal surface is slightly larger than the ventral surface, so that the marginal ossicles lie just above the ambitus and are hidden from sight when viewed from beneath. Edriodiscus, like Stromatocystites and Cambraster, is fully plated, but here all the plates within the marginal ring are of very much the same size. These are flat, polygonal, and tesselate. There is a ring of flat-based, cylindrical marginal ossicles which form a frame, as in Cambraster. Here, however, the marginal ossicles are inserted into the dorsal surface plating so as to separate a peripheral skirt of smaller plates from the main central pavement (text-fig. 20). All plates are covered with radially arranged ridges and grooves, very reminiscent of the ornamentation on the lower surface of peripheral skirt plates in isorophid edrioasteroids. The structure of the outer zone of calcite plates in Walcottidiscus is not clearly seen. There appears to be a large number of small lath-like plates which, in general appearance, resemble the dorsal plating found in Edrioaster. It is quite clear that neither Stromatocystites nor Cambraster had any means of attaching to the substratum by their dorsal surfaces, at least as adults, and must simply have lain unattached on the SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 721 sea floor. Walcottidiscus , on the other hand, had a large uncalcified dorsal pad which presumably acted as some form of adhesion disc. Edriodiscus has prominent radially arranged ridges and grooves, like those found on the lower surface of peripheral plates in agelacrinitids. This structure is undoubtedly associated with attachment but the precise function of the ridges remains uncertain. The question remains whether Totiglobus had any means of attachment. Bell and Sprinkle (1978) thought that the entire dorsal surface within the marginal ring may have acted as a suction pad. Certainly it is hard to imagine how a globular animal such as Totiglobus could have been stable with such a small base unless it was able to attach itself. This might have been achieved through various means, but the large internal processes on the marginal ring ossicles suggest that adhesion was achieved through suction. If the dorsal surface was moderately flexible immediately within the marginal ring, then radially arranged muscles running from the centre of the dorsal surface to these internal processes might have been able to pull the dorsal pad inwards to create suction. Ventral surface Interambulacra/ areas. The interambulacral zones in Stromatocystites and Cambraster are composed of a large number of polygonal, tesselate plates (text-fig. 13). Epispires are present along the plate sutures except immediately adjacent to ambulacral plates, marginal ossicles, and plates of the periproct. Epispires presumably provided egress for external finger-like extensions of the body coelom that functioned in gaseous exchange and presumably resembled papillae of Recent sea-stars. Totiglobus , Walcottidiscus , and Edriodiscus all lack interambulacral epispires and their plating is tesselate to sub-tesselate. New interambulacral plates were added adjacent to the marginal ring. Ambulacral zones. The five ambulacra are arranged in a 2:1:2 pattern. Close to the mouth the A and B and the D and E rays combine to make a T-shaped junction with ambulacrum C above the mouth (text-fig. 15). The ambulacra in Cambraster and Stromatocystites are straight and continue right to the edge of the ventral surface. The tips of the ambulacra are actually inserted between the ossicles of the marginal ring in both genera and could therefore grow only at the same rate as the body as a whole. Edriodiscus has weakly curved ambulacra which still reach the marginal ring. Totiglobus has straight ambulacra but, although these extend below the ambitus, they do not reach the marginal ring. The ambulacra in Walcottidiscus extend to the ambitus and then curve sinistrally. Ambulacra are initially straight in juveniles but curve to grow around the body in adults. Ambulacra form the animals’ food-gathering surfaces, so their length relative to body size is obviously crucial. Totiglobus and Walcottidiscus arrived at different solutions to the problem of how to increase their food- gathering surface relative to general body size. Totiglobus increased its ambulacra by expanding the entire ventral surface relative to the dorsal surface, whereas Walcottidiscus evolved curved ambulacra so that their growth was not constrained by the marginal ring but could continue around the periphery. The detailed structure of the ambulacra is very similar in all genera. Each ambulacrum consists of a biserial column of flooring plates which are roofed over by two multiplated series of cover plates. The morphology of the flooring plates is known in detail only for Stromatocystites , Cambraster , and Totiglobus. Similar flooring plates are probably present in Walcottidiscus but here only the narrow external face of the flooring plates can be seen. Individual flooring plates are rather squat, particularly in Stromatocystites. There is a small rectangular abradial face which is exposed externally between the interambulacral plates and the cover plates (text-figs. 6 and 8c). This is generally smooth and flat, and adjacent faces abut. The rest of the flooring plate lies hidden beneath the cover plate series. Flooring plates are arranged alternately and the two columns meet perradially along a weakly zigzagged suture. This suture becomes almost straight distally in Cambraster , but in Stromatocystites and Totiglobus the ambulacral plates firmly interlock along the mid-line. There is a moderately large sutural pore between successive plates in each column, passing from the interior of the test to the ambulacral channel. The pore is circular to ovoid in outline and is more or less equally shared between the two plates. It occupies the outer half of the adradial face (text-fig. 6) and therefore opens immediately beneath the cover plates. On the upper face, this pore is sometimes surrounded by a slight rim. In the central region between sutural pores the flooring plate is expanded into a broad 722 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 28 flooring plates peripheral platelets 5 mm text-fig. 5. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896, camera lucida drawings, a, BM(NH) E16004, ventral surface, b, BM(NH) E63138 (latex kindly supplied by Professor G. Ubaghs), dorsal surface of a specimen in the collection of Dr Krantz ol Bonn. SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 723 V-shaped ridge (text-fig. 6). This ridge has a small but distinct pit situated immediately beneath the cover plates and opening upwards; it is presumably a ligament pit for the collagenous fibres necessary to bind the cover plates to their flooring plates. The perradial portion of the flooring plate is smooth, weakly concave, and forms a shallow channel. The inner face of the flooring plates is unnoteworthy, except in S', walcotti where there are paired lateral prongs (text-fig. 7). What the three dimensional shape of these flooring plates is and what purpose the paired prongs served is not at all clear. Where the perradial suture is obviously zigzag, the ambulacra] flooring plates must have been more or less rigidly fixed, but in Cambraster, where this suture becomes almost linear towards the tips of the arms, it is quite possible that the ambulacra had a certain amount of flexibility and could widen or narrow the ambulacral groove as necessary. sutural gap position of radi water vessel perradius al abradial face (exposed externally) cover plates rest here ligament pit a text-fig. 6. Ambulacral flooring plates, ventral view, a , Cambraster cannati (Miquel, 1894), detail of one plate from the specimen illustrated in text-fig. 2. b, c, Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896; b, BM(NH) E63099; c, BM(NH) E63103. V, Totiglobus nimius Bell and Sprinkle, 1978, drawn from Bell and Sprinkle (1978, pi. 2, fig. 2). Cover plates are arranged as a multiple series and attach along the inner border of the flooring plates (text-fig. 14). Distinctly larger primary cover plates are always developed, and towards the distal tip of the ambulacra may be the only cover plates present. Primary cover plates are pentagonal in outline with a broad flat base that rests on the flooring plate, and a distal point. One primary cover plate sits on each flooring plate, except in Walcottidiscus where there appear to be two per flooring plate (PI. 89, fig. 4). Primary cover plates lie either directly above their corresponding flooring plate or slightly offset, as in some specimens of Totiglobus (Bell and Sprinkle 1978). There may be smaller plates occasionally inserted between the primary cover plates in Stromatocystites , but in other genera the primary cover plates abut each other. The inner face of each primary cover plate has a distinct ridge that runs slightly obliquely from the proximal edge to the distal point. This becomes less prominent away from the flooring plate and fades. A second, less pronounced ridge can also be made out in some, convergent with the first. This defines a central triangular area on the inner face of the cover plate that possibly marks the position of ligament attachment. Distal to the primary cover plates comes an irregular array of smaller, secondary cover plates. These are most numerous in Walcottidiscus , where there may be four or five irregular rows, whereas in Stromatocystites and Cambraster they form only a narrow band. In Totiglobus there is only a single secondary cover plate inserted between the distal edges of adjacent cover plates. In well-preserved specimens the paired cover plate series meet along the perradius to enclose the ambulacral groove; the perradius often appears slightly sinuous. 724 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 flooring plates marginal plate periproct 5 mm text-fig. 7. Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert, 1919, USNM 376690, camera lucida drawing, showing the interior of the ventral surface and oral frame structure; no locality data, but the matrix is similar to other specimens of S. walcotti from Bonne Bay, Newfoundland. Oral area. The precise arrangement of plates in the oral area is largely unknown in the majority of species. In all except possibly S. pentangularis the most proximal ambulacral flooring plates are firmly bound together to form a fixed oral frame. In S. walcotti only the most proximal flooring plate in each column, together with the large elongate hydropore plate, are involved in the oral frame (text-fig. 7). The first flooring plates from adjacent ambulacra meet interradially so as to exclude any inter- ambulacral plates from the peristome margin. The hydropore plate is large and asymmetrical, with a broad inward sloping face on the right hand side. This plate lies in interambulacrum C/D. As yet no external hydropore opening has been observed and the stone canal may have opened directly into the peristomial cavity. Both Cambr aster and Totiglobus have an oral frame that consists of five large interradial elements. These appear to have formed through fusion of the first two ambulacral plates in adjacent ambulacral columns (i.e. they are composed of four plates in total). These plates are very SMITH: CAMBRIAN E D R I O ASTEROI DS 725 distinctive, having a broad triangular external face and an adradial face with two ridges and pits on each side (text-fig. 2). The pits may represent passageways that have been lost in fusion. The hydropore in Totiglobus opens as a slit-like pore between two plates, one of which is the oral frame element in the C/D interray, the other being the next proximal flooring plate in ambulacrum C or an adjacent interambulacral plate (Bell and Sprinkle 1978, text-fig. 2). In C. cannati the oral frame is disrupted in the best preserved specimen and the exact location of the hydropore is uncertain. However, there is a large interambulacral plate lying close to the peristome in the C/D interray which is almost certainly the hydropore plate (text-fig. 2); this was probably in contact with the mouth frame plate of that interray in life. The hydropore is clearly seen in C. tastudorum where the open- ing lies between the C/D ambulacral mouth frame and the hydropore plate (Jell el at. 1985). As in many edrioasteroids the arrangement of cover plates in the oral area is undifferentiated from that of the ambulacra and no large plates stand out. The water vascular system The presence of radially arranged ambulacra and a hydropore shows that these Cambrian genera possessed a water vascular system, like all other echinoderms. From the single, off-centred hydropore a short stone canal would have descended to the circum-oesophageal ring. There is little direct evidence as to where this ring lay, but the shallow ledge on the adoral face of the mouth frame plates in Totiglobus and Cambraster may mark its position. The ambulacra were unquestionably associated with radial water canals that ran from the circum- oesophageal ring to the tip of each ambulacrum. The position of this water vessel has been interpreted in two contrasting ways. Bather (191 5), when faced with an almost identical arrangement in Edrioaster , thought that the radial water vessel lay above the flooring plates and that the sutural passageways between adjacent flooring plates connected external tube feet to their internal ampullae (text-fig. 8a). This arrangement was also favoured by Paul and Smith (1984) for Stromatocystites. Bell (1977), however, argued that edrioasteroids possessed an internal radial water vessel that gave rise to a rather complex arrangement of tubes and bulbs (text-fig. 8b): Bell and Sprinkle (1978) applied this model to Totiglobus. Bell produced three arguments in support of his interpretation. First, he noted that in some isorophid edrioasteroids there are pores between adjacent cover plates that lead not into the ambulacral grooves but directly into the thecal interior. These he interpreted as being passageways for tube feet. However, isorophids are a highly derived group with flooring plates that are completely different from those of Edrioaster and Stromatocystites. Even if Bell is correct in interpreting these cover plate pores as passageways for tube feet, nothing equivalent is found in the Cambrian genera and the arrangement of the water vascular system in the highly derived isorophids is not necessarily the same as in more primitive groups. Bell's second observation was that in edrioasteroids the hydropore lies on the outer side of the mouth frame, making it rather implausible that the stone canal looped under the mouth frame to reach the externally situated circum-oesophageal ring. He thought it much more likely that the stone canal would simply have descended to an internal ring vessel which then gave rise to internal radial water vessels. Yet this arrangement with external radial water vessels and hydropore situated distal to the mouth elements is precisely what occurs in pelmatozoans, asteroids, and primitive ‘ophiuroids’. Thirdly, Bell suggested that the ambulacral pore lay too close to the cover plates to have allowed the tube feet room to function efficiently, and therefore that the ambulacral pore was for egress of the radial water vessel. This argument collapses if the function of the tube feet in these animals was to open the cover plate skirt, as Paul and Smith ( 1 984) suggested. The tube foot would then need to have been positioned close to the cover plate attachment zone, and possibly even connected to the cover plate sheet. The flooring plate passageways would then have led from the tube feet to their internal ampullae which served as fluid reservoirs and allowed the tube feet to inflate and deflate independently (text-fig. 8c). As embryological studies have shown that an internal radial water vessel is a derived character, and as all pelmatozoans and the more primitive cleutherozoans have external radial water vessels, it seems much more probable that in these Cambrian genera the radial water vessel lay above the flooring plates in the ambulacral tunnel. One of the prime reasons for having 726 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 8. Diagrammatic cross-sections through ambulacra showing flooring plates, cover plates, and the inferred arrangement of the water vascular system according to: a. Bather (1915); b. Bell (1977); c, this paper. a series of cover plates above the ambulacral tunnel must surely have been to provide protection for the radial water vessel and associated nerves. The smooth perradial channel on the floor of the flooring plates presumably marks the position of this vessel. MODE OF LIFE From the preceding description it would appear that Cambrian edrioasteroids were sessile, low-level suspension feeders. They lived either unattached on the sea floor or fixed to the substratum by their dorsal surface, which in some was modified into a suction pad. All lived with their oral surface facing upwards away from the sea floor. This is suggested by their shape, since they have a flat dorsal surface and a weakly to strongly convex ventral surface, and by the presence of ventral epispires in some genera. Epispires are directly connected with gaseous exchange and no echinoderm has respiratory structures on the lower rather than the upper surface. Food must have been captured by the ambulacra and transported to the mouth along the ambulacral grooves, since these converge upon the mouth. When the animal was feeding the cover plate sheets must have been open to expose the ambulacral grooves. The simplest mechanism for raising the cover plate sheets would have been through inflation of the closely adpressed tube feet. If the prominent pit on the outer face of each cover plate is correctly interpreted as a ligament pit, then connective tissue running from this pit to a corresponding depression on the inner face of primary cover plates could have acted like a tension SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 727 spring, pulling the cover plate skirt back down over the ambulacral groove when the tube foot deflated. As both mouth and food gathering surfaces were situated on the upper surface, these animals could not have been detritus feeders but must have eaten fine particulate matter in suspension, like pelmatozoan echinoderms. Presumably they were ciliary mucus feeders, using ciliary currents to draw particulate matter into the ambulacral grooves and mucus to trap this material and pass it to the mouth. Both functions could have been performed by the epithelial lining of the flooring plates and the inner surface of the cover plates, although it is possible that there may have been additional crinoid-like tube feet arising directly from the radial water vessel to assist in food capture. Termier and Termier ( 1 969) suggested that Stromatocystites and Cambraster were infaunal, living beneath a thin covering of sediment and drawing water with suspended nutrients into permanently sealed ambulacral grooves through orifices at the tip of each ambulacrum. However, the distal orifices that they described are post-mortem artifacts caused by the collapse of the distalmost cover plates in two ambulacra in the holotype of S. walcotti. These animals are also unlikely to have lived infaunally since, unlike the asteroids with which the Termiers drew comparison, they had no paxillae to maintain a water-filled space around their buried body, which would have enabled the papillae to continue functioning. PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS The evolutionary relationships of Cambrian edrioasteroids are important for the analysis of the early history of eleutherozoan echinoderms. The major eleutherozoan groups, such as the asteroids, echinoids, and holothuroids, do not appear in the fossil record until after the Cambrian; the same is true fora number of important edrioasteroid groups. So, can any of these lineages be traced back into the Cambrian? The relationship of Stromatocystites to other Lower Cambrian echinoderms has already been analysed by Paul and Smith (1984) who also briefly sketched the later diversification of eleutherozoans. Here I attempt a more detailed analysis of how the Cambrian edrioasteroids relate to later groups. For this phylogenetic analysis outgroup comparison has been made with the Lower Cambrian genus Camptostroma. The reasons for placing this genus as one of two primitive sister groups of Stromatocystites were fully dealt with by Paul and Smith (1984). They considered Camptostroma to be intermediate between Stromatocystites and the Cambrian pelmatozoans. The characters that seem to be important in determining relationships between the five Cambrian genera are listed in Table 1 . Despite our lack of knowledge about certain morphological attributes in some of these genera, a reasonable cladogram can be drawn up (text-fig. 9). All five genera differ from Camptostroma in having a flattened dorsal surface, rather than a squatly conical dorsal surface capable of some degree of spiral elongation and contraction. Their body-wall skeleton is also only one layer thick and composed of tessellate plates dorsally, whereas in Camptostroma the skeleton is multilayered and dorsal plating is clearly imbricate. Of the five Cambrian genera, Stromatocystites has the fewest novel characters in comparison with Camptostroma and other Lower Cambrian echinoderms, and is placed as the primitive sister group to the rest. The remaining four genera fall into two groups of two. Walcottidiscus and Totig/obus share the synapomorphies of having a rather globular body form (as a result of relative expansion of the ventral surface and reduction of the dorsal surface), the loss of interambulacral epispires, the presence of a basal suction pad, and ambulacra whose distal tips are not inserted into the marginal ring of ossicles. Cambraster and Edriodiscus are quite different in shape, with an extensive flat dorsal surface and a slightly smaller ventral surface. Their marginal ossicles, which are relatively poorly developed in the other genera, are large and stout with a roughly triangular cross-section; this is taken as a synapomorphy for the group. In both Cambraster and Edriodiscus the dorsal pavement of plates extends slightly beyond the marginal ring to form a peripheral sheet, although Edriodiscus is more advanced in having the marginal ossicles actually inserted into the dorsal pavement. Totig/obus and Cambraster share two important characters which are not present in Stromatocystites but which, by implication, should also be present in Edriodiscus and Walcottidiscus (although these are too poorly 728 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 9. Cladogram of character distribution for the five genera of Cambrian eleutherozoans; characters 1-13 are given in Table 1 . known at present): 1, an identical mouth frame composed of five interradial elements, each of which is formed by fusion of four proximal flooring plates, two from each adjacent ambulacrum; 2, a discrete hydropore plate that lies adjacent to the mouth frame but is not incorporated into it. Relationships with other groups Edrioasterids. The Ordovician family Edrioasteridae currently contains just two genera: Edrioaster and Edriophus. They have the same overall shape and plating arrangement as Totiglobus and Walcottidiscus , with ambulacra that extend sub-ambitally, a ring of enlarged ossicles around the dorsal surface, and an uncalcified zone at the centre of the dorsal surface. Their mouth frame consists table I . Distribution of characters in Cambrian genera of edrioasteroids. Camptostroma is taken as being primitive for outgroup comparison. Derived character state Stromatocystiti Cambraster Edriodiscus Totiglobus Walcottidiscus 1 . Flat, tesselate dorsal surface X X X X X 2. Dorsal plating one layer thick X X X X X 3. Marginal ring of plates present X X X X X 4. Mouth frame composed of five fused ambulacral flooring plates, interradially positioned X 7 X ? 5. Hydropore plate excluded from oral frame — X 7 X ? 6. Interambulacral plates tesselate; no epispires — — 7 X X 7. Dorsal surface acting as suction pad — — — X X 8. Dorsal growth reduced relative to ventral growth — - - X X 9. Ambulacral tips free of marginal ring — - 7 X X 10. Central region of dorsal surface uncalcified — - — — X 1 1 . Marginal ossicles stout, forming a prominent ring — X X — — 12. Peripheral skirt extending beyond marginal ossicles — X X — — 13. Marginal ossicles inserted into dorsal pavement — — X — — SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 729 of five interradial elements, each formed through the fusion of proximal flooring plates, but they are unique in also having five radially positioned elements which underlie the flooring plates (see Bell 1976), a feature which can be taken as a synapomorphy for the two genera. The interambulacral zones are identical to those of Totig/obus and Walcottidiscus', ambulacral zones are similar but possess enlarged primary cover plates and greatly reduced secondary cover plates. Bell and Sprinkle (1978) suggested that Totiglobus might be ancestral to edrioasterids. However, Walcottidiscus is taken as the primitive sister group here rather than Totiglobus since Walcottidiscus and edrioasterids share two advanced characters: 1, ambulacra that curve around the ambitus; 2, a central uncalcified zone to the dorsal surface. Isorophids. The majority of isorophid edrioasteroids have been reviewed recently by Bell (1976) in admirable detail and the group is therefore relatively well understood. Isorophids share the following four advanced characters that distinguish them from other edrioasteroids: 1 , uniserial flooring plates lacking sutural passageways; 2, an oral frame composed of the first flooring plate in each ambulacrum; 3, ambulacral cover plates that extend intrathecally and completely conceal the flooring plates; 4, an uncalcified dorsal surface. These are all autapomorphies of the group. Bell (1976) divided isorophids into two suborders and four families, carefully listing the diagnostic features of each. However, he did not distinguish between symplesiomorphic and synapomorphic character states and, in the light of what is now known about the Cambrian edrioasteroids, it is worth examining these groupings cladistically. Table 2 gives an analysis of the characters used by Bell (1976) and identifies those that are apomorphic and can be used in constructing a cladogram (text-fig. 10). Using Stromatocystites for outgroup comparison, as primitive, it is apparent that Bell’s group Isorophina is based largely on symplesiomorphic characters and that the only possible synapo- morphy that they share is the presence of four enlarged primordial cover plates, at least primitively. Of the two families included within the Isorophina, the Agelacrinitidae form a monophyletic group with the following autapomorphies: 1 , hydropore structure formed of a large number of small plates, without a clearly differentiated hydropore plate; 2, ambulacral cover plates arranged in distinct cycles. The genus Lispidecodus , which Kesling (1967) considered to be sufficiently distinct to merit its own family, also belongs here in my opinion. The other family. Bell’s Isorophidae, is paraphyletic as it lacks any unique synapomorphy. Members of the second suborder, Lebetodiscina, share two good synapomorphies: 1 , the loss of all secondary cover plates in all but the oral area; 2, having sutural passageways between adjacent cover plates. The great majority also possess enlarged primordial cover plates, especially in the C/D interray. In the family Carneyellidae the oral area is dominated by three large primordial cover plates; both the secondary cover plates and the shared oral cover plates have been lost from the oral area. The dominance of the primordial cover plates in the oral region and the extremely simple arrangement of ambulacral cover plates are features typical of juvenile lebetodiscinids and suggest that this family may have evolved through heterochrony. The Lebetodiscinae have a less well- differentiated peripheral rim than any other isorophid family, and this may be a shared derived character for the group. Isorophids are usually considered to have evolved from edrioasterids (Bather 1915; Bockelie and Paul 1983), although Bell and Sprinkle (1978) thought that they were independently derived from some unknown Cambrian group. Some primitive isorophids such as Savagella retain a stout ring of marginal ossicles that are triangular in cross-section and very reminiscent of those in Cambraster and Edriodiscus. Isorophids also have a peripheral skirt of plates lying outside the marginal ring of ossicles, as found in Edriodiscus. These apomorphic features suggest that Cambraster , Edriodiscus , and isorophid edrioasteroids belong to the same clade. Jell et al. (1985) have recently reported an isorophid edrioasteroid from the Upper Cambrian of Australia, but this is too poorly preserved to add much to our understanding of their early evolution. Cyclocystoids. This group has been revised and reinterpreted recently by Smith and Paul (1982). They chose to maintain cyclocystoids as a separate class but suggested that they were closely related to both Cambraster and isorophid edrioasteroids. Cyclocystoids are a rather peculiar and 730 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 table 2. Analysis of character distribution within Bell’s (1976) Order Isorophida. Synapomorphic characters 1-12 (see text-fig. 10) are in bold. Outgroup comparison has been made with Cambrian edrioasteroids. Suborder lebetodiscina Bell, 1976 1. Anal structure a periproct 2. Three oral primary cover plates enlarged or none 4. Primary cover plates only 5. Cover plate sutural passageways Suborder isorophina Bell, 1976 Anal structure a valvular cone 3. Four oral primary cover plates enlarged or none Primary and secondary cover plates No cover plate sutural passageways Suborder isorophina Family isorophidae Bell, 1976 Theca domal Four primary oral cover plates Hydropore incorporated into central oral rise 6. Cover plates alternately large and small 7. Interambulacra squamose and imbricate Bell, 1976 Family agelacrinitidae Chapman, 1860 Theca domal or clavate Four primary oral cover plates or none Hydropore structure isolated or semi-integrated; composed of many plates Cover plates arranged in multiple cycles Interambulacra squamose, imbricate or tesselate Suborder lebetodiscina Bell, 1976 Family lebetodiscidae Bell, 1976 Theca domal, discoidal or clavate Lateral shared cover plates present Secondary oral cover plates present 10. Hydropore plate adjacent to ambulacrum Ambulacra high pronounced ridges Cover plate passageways near vertical 11. Peripheral plates squamose, marginals poorly differentiated Cover plates hardly differentiated in oral area Family carneyellidae Bell, 1976 Theca domal 8. Lateral shared cover plates absent 9. Secondary shared cover plates absent Hydropore plate forming part of oral area Ambulacra low and rounded Cover plate passageways oblique Peripheral plates geniculate with differentiated marginals 12. Three very large primary cover plates in oral area Isorophina L«b®todlsc!na text-fig. 10. Cladogram of character distribution for the major groups within Bell’s (1976) group Isorophida. Characters 1-12 are given in Table 2. SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 731 poorly understood group of echinoderms that have all been placed within the single family Cyclocystoididae. They share a number of unique characters which distinguish them from other echinoderms, including the possession of perforate marginal ossicles that have distal cupules roofed over by a movable peripheral skirt of plates, a dorsal plated surface composed of annular plates with a polygonal outline, and the absence of a ventral periproct. However, they share with Cambraster , Edriodiscus , and isorophids such as Savagella the ring of stout marginal ossicles and the peripheral skirt of plates; they share uniserial ambulacral flooring plates with isorophids alone. This suggests that cyclocystoids and isorophids are sister groups. Cyathocystids. Cyathocystis and Cyathotheca are two very distinctive genera that were placed in their own family Cyathocystidae by Bather (1899). Although Bell (1980) suggested that Timeischytes and Hadrochthus should also be included in this family, Bockelie and Paul (1983) convincingly demonstrated that they did not belong here and were in fact isorophids. Bockelie and Paul (1983) identified a number of autapomorphies for this group: 1, the dorsal surface is a single calcite element which is cup-shaped and moulded to the substratum; 2, the five primordial cover plates remain in contact throughout growth; 3, a single large deltoid plate occupies each interambulacral zone; 4, there are no ambulacral flooring plates. They therefore suggested that cyathocystids re- presented a line of descent from Stromatocystites independent of the main edrioasterid-isorophid lineage. Not all of their supposed synapomorphies are unique to this group, however, since the five primordial cover plates also remain in contact throughout growth in pyrgocystids (text-fig. 1 1 ) and pyrgocystids also possess only a single interradial plate in each interambulacrum. Furthermore, the fact that these deltoid plates surround the peristome, abut along the distal edge at the perradial suture, and carry articulating cover plates strongly indicates that these are homologous not with interambulacral plates but with the fused ambulacral mouth frame plates present in Cambraster , Totiglobus , and edrioasterids. Bockelie and Paul (1983) were therefore mistaken in suggesting that cyathocystids lacked flooring plates; rather they have lost all but the most proximal fused ambulacral flooring plates that form the mouth frame elements. Cyathocystids are so highly modified that their precise phylogenetic position is difficult to ascertain. However, the presence of oral frame elements composed of fused ambulacral flooring plates is a synapomorphy shared with both edrioasterids and the Cambraster- isorophid clade. In the cladogram they are therefore placed in a trichotomy with these two groups (text-fig. 12). Pyrgocystids. Pyrgocystids are fully plated and turret-shaped edrioasteroids with an elongate stalk composed of imbricate dorsal plates and a small ventral surface surmounting the stalk (text-fig. 1 1 ). The marginal ossicles lie at the top of the turret and surround the ventral surface. On each marginal plate there is a pair of internal processes similar to those in Totiglobus (text-fig. 1 1). These were presumably attachment sites for the dorsal muscles responsible for contraction of the turret. In some there is a basal sac of minute platelets embedded in a coriaceous membrane. Unfortunately very little is known about the plating of the ventral surface. A single large interradial plate lies in each interambulacrum except posteriorly, where a small number of smaller plates are found (see Holloway and Jell 1984). Pyrgocystids have tall, narrow cover plates very much like those of cyathocystids; the primordial cover plates meet above the oral area (text-fig. 1 1 b), also like cyathocystids. If, as in cyathocystids, the large interradial ‘deltoid plates’ turn out to be mouth frame plates formed through fusion of proximal flooring plates, as is strongly suspected, then cyathocystids and pyrgocystids are best considered to be sister taxa. The perradial margin of the deltoid plates is scalloped exactly as in cyathocystids and no flooring plates have yet been seen in partially disarticulated specimens. Both groups have the same turret-shaped theca and almost identical cover plate arrangements. The principal difference is that in cyathocystids dorsal plating is formed of a single calcite element, whereas in pyrgocystids it is composed of many plates. Possibly dorsal plating in cyathocystids has become fused. Text-fig. 12 provides a character matrix for the various groups of edrioasteroid discussed above and a summary of their relationships derived from cladistic analysis of this matrix. 732 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 cover plates deltoid plate marginal ossicle muscle attachment process (internal) primordial cover plates deltoid plate basal coriaceous sac text-fig. II. Rhenopyrgus grayae (Bather), BM(NH) E23470, Ashgill, Upper Ordovician, Girvan, Scotland; camera lncida drawings of the holotype to show the basic morphological features of pyrgocystids: a, lateral; b, oral surface. SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 733 CLASSIFICATION Edrioasteroids have always been considered a natural grouping and, since 1899, have been assigned the status of class (Bather 1 899). However, current classification schemes of this group, such as those of Bell (1980), do not reflect the hierarchical groupings identified in the preceding section and summarized in text-fig. 1 2. It is therefore necessary to rationalize the classification as a whole in order to place the Cambrian genera into their appropriate monophyletic groups. If the characters used to define edrioasteroids are examined critically, it is difficult to identify any advanced characters that are not also present in other primitive eleutherozoan groups. Instead, edrioasteroids are characterized by having retained primitive features of crown-group echinoderms, such as the ventral periproct, unmodified ambulacral cover plates, an oral mouth frame that is fixed, and an attached mode of life as adults; but they lack the pelmatozoan synapomorphies of a dorsal stem and an exothecal ambulacral subvective system. Having interradial mouth frame elements formed by fusion of proximal ambulacral flooring plates is an important shared derived character that unites Totiglobus, Cambraster, edrioasterids, cyathocystids, and probably pyrgocystids but which is not found in Stromatocystites or primitive asteroids and ophiuroids. This implies that all edrioasteroids, with the exception of Stromatocystites , form a natural clade which can be considered as a plesion within the stem group of the Eleutherozoa (see Smith 1 984/?). As this plesion corresponds more or less to the class Edrioasteroidea Bather as currently accepted (though with the removal of Stromatocystites and the inclusion of cyclocystoids), this seems the obvious name and taxonomic rank to maintain, respecting historical tradition. Stromatocystites is then the primitive sister group to all other known eleutherozoan echinoderms and is best classified as a separate and distinct plesion. Within the plesion Edrioasteroidea there are three subgroups forming a trichotomy in the cladogram (text-fig. 1 2). At present, there are insufficient morphological data to solve this trichotomy convincingly and the three groups identified are best assigned equal rank, even though two of them contain just four genera each whereas the third contains some thiry-five genera and is considerably more diverse. This last group includes Cambraster , Bell’s Isorophida, and cyclocystoids. Cyclo- cystoids have in recent years been separated off at class level, even though the few genera known all belong to a single family, the Cyclocystoididae. Similarly, isorophids, as defined by Bell (1976), display an extremely limited range of morphological variation and are a very conservative group. Bell (1976) elevated this group to the rank of order, recognizing two suborders each with two families. However, in comparison with taxonomic assignment in other echinoderm groups. Bell’s order Isorophida is more comparable to a family, and the various subdivisions to subfamilies and tribes. It might be more sensible therefore to reduce Bell’s Isorophida to a lower rank such as family, where the name Agelacrinitidae Chapman 1860 would have priority. The two suborders erected by Bell could then be transformed to the rank of subfamily; Lebetodiscinae (for the Lebetodiscina) and Isorophinae (for the Isorophina). This would make cyclocystoids and the Agelacrinitidae sister groups. Although Cambraster , cyclocystoids, and agelacrinitids differ in a number of striking features, they appear to form a monophyletic group and should therefore be classified together. Taxonomic debasement can be avoided by uniting them within one order and the most obvious available name for this group is the order Isorophida. This then requires the expansion of Bell’s original diagnosis for the Isorophida to include the cyclocystoids and Cambraster. If this clade is assigned the rank of order, then the two other monophyletic sister groups should also be ranked as orders. There is already an order Edrioasterida for the genera Edrioaster , Edriophus , and Totiglobus ; it is only necessary to include Walcottidiscus here and expand the diagnosis for the family Edrioasteridae in consequence. An order Cyathocystida is also currently available, although at present it contains only the single family Cyathocystidae. If the pyrgocystids are correctly interpreted as the sister group to the cyathocystids then the Cyathocystida needs to be redefined to contain two families, the Pyrgocystidae and the Cyathocystidae. A phylogenetic classification of the plesion Edrioasteroidea, using the conventions recommended by Wiley ( 1 979), is presented in Table 3, together with a more traditional scheme for comparison. The precise taxonomic levels that have been chosen are, and always will be, open to dispute, but they are 734 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 table 3. Classification of the Edrioasteroidea. Traditional classification ( based on Bel 1 1980 , but with later additions) Order stromatocystitoida Termier and Termier, 1969 Family stroma tocystitidae Bassler, 1936 Family cambrasteridae Termier and Termier, 1969 Order edrioasteroida Bell, 1976 Family edrioasteridae Bather, 1898 Family totiglobidae Bell and Sprinkle, 1978 Order isorophida Bell, 1976 Suborder lebetodiscina Bell, 1976 Family lebetodiscidae Bell, 1976 Family carneyellidae Bell, 1976 Suborder isorophina Bell, 1976 Family hemicystitidae Bassler, 1936 ( = isorophidae ’ Bell, 1976) Family agelacrinitidae Chapman, 1860 Suborder uncertain Family pyrgocystidae Kesling, 1967 Family lispidecodidae Kesling, 1967 Family rhenocystidae Holloway and Jell, 1984 Order cyathocystida Bockelie and Paul, 1983 Family cyathocystidae Bather, 1899 Revised classification (this paper) Genus stroma tocystites Pompeckj, 1896 Plesion (Class) edrioasteroidea Billings, 1858 Order edrioasterida Bell, 1976 (sedis mutabilis) Family totiglobidae Bell and Sprinkle, 1978 Family edrioasteridae Bather, 1898 Order isorophida Bell, 1976 (emend.) (sedis mutabilis) Genus cambraster Cabibel, Termier and Termier, 1 958 Genus edriodiscus Smith, 1985 Family cyclocystoididae Miller, 1882 Family agelacrinitidae Chapman, 1860 Subfamily isorophinae Bell, 1976 Subfamily lebetodiscinae Bell, 1976 Order cyathocystida Bockelie and Paul, 1983 (emend.) (sedis mutabilis) Family pyrgocystidae Kesling, 1967 Family cyathocystidae Bather, 1898 the least important part of the classification scheme. It is the hierarchical and listing orders that convey information and on which the classification should be judged. Emended taxonomic definitions Plesion (Class) edrioasteroidea Billings, 1 858. Stem group eleutherozoans with a fixed mouth frame of ambulacral flooring plates (primitively five interradial elements). Retained plesiotnorphic characters include the sessile mode of life as adults, the periproct opening ventrally in the posterior interambulacrum, and a largely unmodified arrangement of cover plates protecting the ambulacral groove. Order edrioasterida Bell, 1976. Sub-globular edrioasteroids with biserial flooring plates, a dorsal surface that is reduced relative to the ventral surface, and ambulacra that extend sub-ambitally. text-fig. 12. Character distribution and the derived cladogram for principal edrioasteroid groups. Characters 1-22 are as follows: 1, oral frame composed of fused ambulacral flooring plates positioned interradially, transformed to oral frame of radially positioned flooring plates; 2, loss of epispires from interambulacral zones; 3, dorsal growth retarded relative to ventral growth; 4, ambulacral tips free of the marginal ring; 5, central part of dorsal surface uncalcified; 6, ambu- lacra curve around ambitus; 7, dorsal surface a tiny, plated suction pad; 8, five radial elements in oral frame in addition to the fused flooring plates; 9, secondary cover plates greatly reduced or lost; 10, anal structure a periproct; 11, all five primordial cover plates meet centrally; 12, single large deltoid ( = fused ambulacral flooring plates?) occupies interambulacral zones; 13, dorsal surface expanded into a stalk; 14, dorsal surface a single (?fused) calcite element; 15, marginal ossicles stout, forming a distinct frame to the ventral surface; marginal ossicles as imbricate ring (reversed character state); 16, marginal ossicles inserted into the dorsal pavement to form a clearly demarcated peripheral skirt; 17, flooring plates uniserial; 18, loss of sutural pores for internal ampullae; 19, perforate marginal ossicles; 20, dorsal plates annular with central perforation; 21, peripheral skirt modified into a protective canopy for the cupule zone; 22, cover plates extend intrathecally at the interradial suture to conceal the flooring plates externally. SMITH: CAMBRIAN E D R I O A STE RO I DS 735 Plesion (Class) Edrioasteroidea Order Cyathocystida Order Edrioasterida Order Bsorophida Family Edrioasteridae Family Agelacrinifidae © © ■o 05 V. © © 05 3 © >» © © 4m o Q. O V 05 © o s 4*1 o o «Q © O) 4*0 O O £ % > o © O) © © V. •O E © O s *© © >. >t © ■© UJ Ul o Q. o UJ © m 2 2 © © >» © © o 3* O © © © © <0 I e £ £ © © © © © 736 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Order cyathocystida Bockelie and Paul, 1983. Turret-shaped edrioasteroids with a greatly expanded dorsal surface, a single large deltoid plate in each interambulacrum (fused ambulacral flooring plate?), and primordial ambulacral cover plates that meet above the peristome. The dorsal stalk may be either multiplated or composed of a single (?fused) calcite element. Order isorophida Bell, 1976. Discoidal to clavate edrioasteroids with a distinct peripheral rim of plates extending beyond the ring of marginal plates. Family agelacrinitidae Chapman, 1860. Isorophids with uniserial flooring plates and generally unbranched arms, cover plates with adradial intrathecal extensions that conceal the flooring plates externally, and an uncalcified dorsal surface within the peripheral skirt. Subfamily lebetodiscinae (= Suborder lebetodiscina Bell, 1976). Agelacrinitids with sutural passages between adjacent cover plates. Subfamily isorophinae ( = Suborder isorophina Bell, 1976). Agelacrinitids with primary ambulacral cover plates in two or more sizes, arranged cyclically, and primitively with four enlarged primordial cover plates. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Repositories of specimens referred to below are abbreviated as follows: BM(NH), British Museum (Natural History), London; CPC, Commonwealth Palaeontological Collections, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Australia; MCZ, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- setts; NYSM, New York State Museum, Albany; USNM, United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. Genus strom atocystites Pompeckj, 1896 1896 Stromatocystites Pompeckj, p. 506. 1899 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Jaekel, p. 42. 1900 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Bather, p. 206. 1911 Chilocystis Perner Mss; Zelizko, p. 6. 1918 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Jaekel, p. 1 12. 1919 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Schuchert, p. 1. 1936 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Bassler, p. 3. 1966 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Regnell [purs], p. U133. 1969 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Termier and Termier, p. 133. non 1905 Stromatocystites Miquel, p. 476 [= Cambraster], Diagnosis. Theca flattened, discoidal, or weakly pentagonal in outline and fully plated; ambulacra straight, reaching edge of ventral surface; cover plates arranged as multiserial sheets; interambulacral plates with sutural epispires; dorsal plating polygonal, tesselate, with large centro-dorsal. Type species. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896, by original monotypy. Other species. S. walcotti Schuchert, 1919. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 87 Pigs. 1-6. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896. 1, 2, and 5, BM(NH) E16004, Middle Cambrian, Jince, Czechoslovakia: 1 , general view showing three individuals, two of which are dorsal surface uppermost, x 1; 2, one individual, ventral surface uppermost, x 2; 5, same individual, dorsal surface, x 2. 3 and 4, BM(NH) E29830, Lower Cambrian, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland: 3, oral, x 2; 4, aboral, x 2. 6, specimen in the collection of Dr Krantz of Bonn, latex BM(NH) E631 38, Middle Cambrian, Pod Trnim, Czechoslovakia, dorsal surface, x 2. All photographs are of latex casts whitened with ammonium chloride sublimate. PLATE 87 SMITH, Stromatocystites 738 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Stratigraphical age and distribution. Uppermost Lower Cambrian ( Olenellus Beds) to Middle Cambrian ( Paradoxides gracilis Zone) from Jince, Czechoslovakia, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland, and Rostock, northern Germany (in glacial drift, presumably derived from Scandinavia). Remarks. Stromatocystites was first described by Pompeckj in 1896 and his figures have been copied by all later workers. S. pentangularis and S. walcotti are each known from a large number of specimens and are redescribed below. A third species, S. balticus Jaekel, 1899, is represented by only two specimens whose whereabouts are no longer known and it is treated as a nomen dubium. Stromatocystites is distinguished from other Cambrian edrioasteroids by having dorsal and ventral surfaces similar in size, sutural epispires in interambulacral zones, straight narrow ambulacra with multiserial cover plate sheets, poorly developed marginal ring plates, and simple unfused oral frame plates. Cambraster likewise has interambulacral epispires but differs in having compound oral frame plates and a stout marginal ring of ossicles. Walcottidiscus and Totiglobus both lack epispires and have a reduced dorsal surface. Stromatocystites is stratigraphically the oldest known genus of eleutherozoan echinoderm. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896 Plate 87; Plate 89, fig. 1; text-figs. 5, 6b, c, 13-15 1896 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, p. 506, pi. 13, figs. 1-6. 1899 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Jaekel, p. 42, figs. 5-8. 1900 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Bather, p. 206, fig. 1. 191 1 Chilocystis bohemica Perner Mss, in Zelizko, p. 6. 1919 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Schuchert, p. 2, fig. Ie. 1936 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Bassler, p. 3, pi. 1, figs. 6 and 7. 1958 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Cabibel, Termier and Termier, p. 283, fig. 2. 1966 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Regnell, p. LI 160, text-fig. 126. 1969 Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj; Termier and Termier, p. 133, figs. 1-3. Diagnosis. A species of Stromatocystites with a domed ventral surface and pentagonal outline; marginal ossicles undifferentiated; ambulacra narrow, without V-shaped intrathecal extensions; centro-dorsal plate surrounded by six or seven plates; oral frame large, pentagonal. Types. Pompeckj (1896) based his description on forty examples from ‘Pod Trnim bei Tejrovic’ of which six were illustrated. These were stated to belong to the Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Vienna, but are now housed in the Czechoslovakian Geological Survey, Prague. No holotype was designated by Pompeckj, thus all are syntypes. The holotype of Chilocystis bohemica is P/77916, Narodni Muzeum, Prague; a cast, BM(NH) E16008, of this specimen was studied (PL 89, fig. 1). Material studied. The following description is based largely on eighteen well-preserved individuals, BM(NH) El 5897, El 5898, El 6004, and E29380, and on the two individuals, USNM 56665. The collections in the Narodni Muzeum, Prague, have also been studied, as have three latex casts of specimens in the private collection of Dr Krantz of Bonn, kindly given to me by Professor Ubaghs (BM(NH) E63 1 37-63 139). Stratigraphical age and distribution. BM(NH) E29380 (four individuals) comes from the Olenellus Beds, Taconian, high Lower Cambrian of Bonne Bay, Newfoundland. Other material comes from the Paradoxides gracilis Zone, Upper Jince Beds, Middle Cambrian of Tyrovic and Jince, Czechoslovakia. Description. All specimens examined are preserved as natural moulds of external surfaces. The theca is pentagonal in outline with the ambulacra running to the five rounded corners. In a number of specimens the interambulacral portions are gently concave suggesting that there may have been internal radially arranged postural muscles present. The entire theca is plated. On the ventral surface the ambulacra form narrow ridges which extend to the margin. These meet centrally in a 2 : 1 : 2 pattern with ambulacra B + C and D + E paired and united on either side of the mid-line. Ambulacrum A is unpaired and set almost at right angles to the paired lateral ambulacra (text-fig. 1 5). The ambulacra form prominent ridges on the theca while interambulacral zones are generally depressed. The ambulacra are straight and composed of biserial flooring plates with left and right cover plate series. Flooring plates are relatively short (in the perradial/interradial direction) and broad (in the SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 739 text-fig. 13. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896, BM(NH) E16008, camera lucida drawing, showing the ventral plating in one interambulacrum. flooring plate primary cover plate 2 mm adoral/adambital direction) (text-fig. 6b, c). The perradial edge of each plate is weakly angled and the flooring plates alternate to produce a zigzag perradial suture. Interradially a small part of the flooring plate is exposed between the interambulacral plates and the cover plate sheets. On the adoral/adambital suture, immediately perradial to the site where the cover plates attach, is a small ovoid pore, shared equally between the two flooring plates. The flooring plates appear to be steeply inclined so as to form a deep and narrow ambulacral tunnel. Cover plates are arranged as two multiserial sheets that attach towards the adradial edge of the flooring plates, one on either side of the ambulacrum. A large pentagonal primary cover plate rests directly on each flooring plate. Between these, more or less directly above the flooring plate sutures, are smaller diamond-shaped cover plates. A further two or so irregular rows of small cover plates lie above the primary and diamond-shaped cover plates (text-fig. 14). The two cover plate sheets meet along the mid-line and, in well-preserved material, form a crenulated crest to the ambulacral ridge. In the oral area the arrangement of cover plates appears identical with that of the more distal ambulacral areas and there are no distinguishably larger plates. The flooring plates and cover plate series are more or less identical to those in helicoplacoids (see Paul and Smith 1984). In almost all specimens compaction has pressed dorsal and ventral surfaces together so that narrow ridges mark the position of the underlying flooring plates on the dorsal surface. The five ridges do not meet in a 2 : 1 : 2 pattern, as might be expected, but bifurcate near the centre and unite interradially to form a pentastellate ring (PI. 87, figs. 4-6). This suggests that adorally the individual columns of flooring plates could have separated along the perradial suture and that the most proximal flooring plates were united interradially to form a large and flexible peristomial opening, as in primitive asteroids. Unfortunately, no specimens examined showed the internal face of the ventral surface and the precise arrangemen t of flooring plates in the oral region must remain speculative. Interambulacral zones on the ventral surface are composed of small polygonal and tesselate plates of variable size and shape (text-fig. 13). There are up to fifteen plates abreast in an interambulacral zone. At the sutures between plates there are small oval or slit-like epispires with neither internal nor external rims. Epispires are absent from a narrow zone bordering the ambulacra and immediately adjacent to the marginal plates. The periproct lies more or less centrally in the C/D interray. It is composed of about twelve to fifteen lath-shaped 740 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 1 mm Y t ■cover plates text-fig. 14. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896, camera lucida drawings of cover plate arrangements: a, USNM 56665b; b, BM(NH) El 6004. plates arranged radially. These plates and those immediately adjacent lack epispires. They generally lie more or less flush with the surrounding interambulacral plates. No third aperture has been identified amongst the plates of the oral area, probably because no specimen is sufficiently well preserved in this region to reveal such a structure. The dorsal surface is usually concave and pressed against the ventral surface, although in life it was presumably more or less flat. All specimens show a sharp marginal rim suggesting that the large marginal plates formed a more rigid frame, as in S. walcotti. Immediately inside this rim there is a very narrow zone of tiny plates. The remainder of the dorsal surface is covered in polygonal, tesselate plates with a pitted surface texture. These plates are more or less irregularly arranged (text-fig. 5b), but a large equant plate at the centre of the disc is surrounded by six or seven other large plates. There is no evidence for any attachment structure by which adult Stromatocystites might have attached itself to a hard substratum. Remarks. S. pentangularis is not uncommon at certain horizons and clusters of individuals are preserved together on bedding surfaces. As individuals showing both dorsal and ventral surfaces are found together on the same slab, they probably represent individuals that have been current transported and buried alive. The original description by Pompeckj (1896) was fairly good and, for the most part, later workers have simply repeated his findings without adding any new information. Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert, 1919 Plate 88; text-figs. 4, 7, 16 1919 Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert, p. 3, pi. 7, figs. 1-3; text-fig. 1. 1966 Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert; Regnell, p. U160, text-fig. 126. 1969 Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert; Termier and Termier, p. 137, pi. 8, figs. 1-4. 1984 Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert; Paul and Smith, p. 452, text-figs. 6 and 7. Diagnosis. A species of Stromatocystites discoidal in shape and with a pentagonal outline; marginal ring plates present and visible externally; ambulacral flooring plates with V-shaped intrathecal extensions; oral frame not large and pentastellate; centro-dorsal plate surrounded by a circle of ten or eleven plates. Types. Holotype, USNM 66443 (PI. 88, fig. 1); paratypes, USNM 66444. Material examined. In addition to the holotype and paratypes, twenty slabs, USNM 376690 and 384978-384984, with a total of thirty-seven individuals have been examined. Stratigrapliical age and distribution. Olenellus Beds, Taconian, upper Lower Cambrian; all specimens come from the eastern arm of Bonne Bay, western coast of Newfoundland. SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 741 A text-fig. 15. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896, camera lucida drawings of plating in the oral area: a, USNM 56665b; b, BM(NH) E16004. 742 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 16. Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert, 1919, USNM 384978, camera lucida drawing of the dorsal plated surface of a juvenile showing the prominent marginal ring plates. Description. Specimens are 9-22 mm in diameter, weakly pentagonal in outline, and have a flattened profile without the ventral convexity characteristic of S. pentangularis. Ambulacra are long and straight and form ridges on the ventral surface. They extend to the ambitus and the tip of each ambulacrum is inserted between the large plates forming the marginal ring. Flooring plates are short and broad and are arranged alternately in two columns with a weakly zigzag perradial suture. Each plate appears to have a pair of short processes that extend mtrathecally, but is otherwise very like those of S. pentangularis. The arrangement of cover plates is not clearly seen in any of the specimens, but it is quite obviously a multiplated sheet. The ambulacra meet in a 2 : 1 : 2 pattern over the oral area and there is no apparent differentiation of the cover plates in this region. The internal aspect of the ventral surface is seen in USNM 376690 and shows the oral frame. The oral frame is transversely elongate and made up of the ten most adoral unfused flooring plates, together with one large asymmetrical inter- ambulacral plate in the C/D interray (the hydropore plate) (text-fig. 7). Unlike S. pentangularis, S. walcotti shows no evidence of having perradial slits and a flexible mouth frame. There is no obvious hydropore groove in the mouth frame, such as is found in agelacrinitids, but the large hydropore plate is embayed on the D ray side, possibly to allow passage for some soft tissue structure. The interambulacral zones of the ventral surface are composed of irregularly arranged polygonal plates with epispires. Individual plates are comparatively larger and fewer in number than in S. pentangularis , with up to eight plates abreast in any one interambulacrum. The periproct opens in the C/D interray close to the ventral margin and slightly offset towards the C ray. It consists of a large number of elongate plates arranged more or less radially. The periproct is always flush with the surrounding interambulacral plating. Marginal plating is more strongly developed than in 5. pentangularis and is sometimes the only part to be preserved. There is a ring of abutting plates which are thickened along the dorsal facing edge. They are held nearly perpendicular to the sea floor around the margin of the theca. The dorsal surface is covered by a pavement of polygonal, tesselate plates, except immediately adjacent to the marginal ossicles where there are two or three irregular rows of small, loosely fitting plates. At the centre of the disc there is a large, almost circular centro-dorsal plate surrounded by a ring of ten or eleven large, radially elongate plates. Elsewhere the dorsal plating is somewhat smaller and totally irregular in its arrangement. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 88 Figs. 1 -5. Stromatocystites walcotti Schuchert, 1919. 1, USNM 66443, holotype, Lower Cambrian, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland; dorsal surface (see text-fig. 4), x 2-5. 2, USNM 384978, Lower Cambrian, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland; dorsal surface of a juvenile showing the prominent marginal ring at this stage, x 5. 3-5, USNM 376690, no locality data: 3, general view of the interior of the ventral surface, x 1-8; 4, detail of the periproct and ambulacral flooring plates (internal), x 4; 5, detail of the oral frame, x 5. All photographs are of latex casts whitened with ammonium chloride sublimate. PLATE 88 SMITH, Stromatocystites 744 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Remarks. The original description by Schuchert (1919) is accurate in most respects. Schuchert used the name S. walcotti for six larger specimens (including the holotype) but placed all the smaller specimens in a different group which he designated as variety minor. As the two forms are indistinguishable and simply represent individuals at different growth stages, Schuchert’s variety is not a biologically useful concept. S. walcotti is similar to S. pentangularis in many respects, but is less inflated ventrally, has a smaller, more transversely elongate mouth frame, and has a larger number of dorsal plates in contact with the centrodorsal. Termier and Termier (1969) believed that they could recognize inhalent orifices at the ambulacral tips, suggesting that the ambulacral passageways were enclosed and only opened to the exterior via these terminal orifices. In my opinion such openings did not exist in life and the Termiers were misled by one specimen in which the very terminal cover plates had been displaced during burial and compaction in a couple of the ambulacra. S. walcotti was tentatively assigned to the genus Cambr aster by Jell et al. (1985) because C. tastu- dorum and S. walcotti have rather similar dorsal plating, and S. walcotti is supposed to have a ring of marginal ossicles like Cambraster. Although marginal ossicles are present in S. walcotti and are more prominent than in S. pentangularis , particularly in juveniles, they appear to be much less well developed than they are in Cambraster. Furthermore, the development of a central zone of large polygonal plates on the dorsal surface is not restricted to Cambraster and S. walcotti but is also a feature of 5. pentangularis (see PI. 87). Therefore, although S. walcotti may well be directly ancestral to C. tastudorum , it lacks crucial features (such as a marginal skirt and stout marginal ring) that characterize Cambraster and cannot be placed within this genus. Stromatocystites balticus Jaekel, 1899 Remarks. This species was erected on the basis of two specimens, both of which have since been lost. Jaekel’s original description is rather vague and the distinction between this species and Stromato- cystites pentangularis is not at all clear. Regnell (1945) has reviewed all that is known about this species and I can add nothing else. Since no specimens now exist and the original description is too generalized to distinguish S. balticus from S. pentangularis , I recommend that S. balticus be treated as a nomen dubium. The original specimens came from the Middle Cambrian Paradoxides para- doxissimus Zone of the Baltic and were collected from a glacial erratic block in northern Germany. Genus walcottidiscus Bassler, 1935 1935 Walcottidiscus Bassler, p. 3. 1936 Walcottidiscus Bassler; Bassler, p. 2. 1943 Walcottidiscus Bassler; Bassler and Moody, p. 209. 1966 Walcottidiscus Bassler; Regnell, p. U161 . Diagnosis. Theca sub-ovoid, circular to roundedly pentagonal in outline; dorsal surface relatively small compared to ventral surface, consisting of an outer zone of tiny platelets and a central uncalcified zone; ambulacra curving sinistrally at the ambitus, extending sub-ambitally, composed of EXPLANATION OF PLATE 89 Fig. 1. Stromatocystites pentangularis Pompeckj, 1896. BM(NH) E16008, latex cast of P/77916, Narodni Muzeum, Prague, holotype of Chilocystis bohemica , detail of interambulacral zone, x 6. Figs. 2-6. Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, 1935. Burgess Shale, Middle Cambrian. 2 and 3, USNM 90754, holotype, part and counterpart (see text-fig. 17), x4. 4-6, USNM 90755, holotype of W. magister Bassler, 1 936; 4 and 6, details of cover plate arrangement in ambulacra (f = flooring plates, external portion; c = cover plates), x 6; 5, general view, x 1. All specimens whitened with ammonium chloride sublimate. PLATE 89 SMITH, Stromatocystites , Walcottidiscus 746 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 biserial flooring plates and multiserial cover plate sheets; interambulacral areas subtesselate, lacking epispires; periproct subambital. Type species. Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, 1935, by original monotypy. Stratigraphical age and distribution. Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, Bathyuriscus-Elrathina Zone, British Columbia, Canada. Remarks. Bassler (1935) described and figured a small edrioasteroid from the Burgess Shale under the name W. typicalis. His description was rather sketchy and, in places, somewhat misleading; the specimen has not since been redescribed. A year later, Bassler (1936) described a second specimen from the same locality under the name W. magister. This is a much larger specimen and superficially seems to be quite distinct. However, the differences between the two specimens are almost certainly a result of size; I interpret W. typicalis as a juvenile and W. magister as an adult of the same species. Neither specimen is particularly well preserved and details of ambulacral plating around the oral area cannot be made out. Walcottidiscus has certain characteristics that distinguish it from all other Cambrian edrioasteroids but which it shares with the Ordovician edrioasterids Edrioaster and Edriophus. These include the sub-oval shape, the strongly curved ambulacra that run around the ambitus, and the reduced dorsal surface with its central uncalcified zone. Walcottidiscus differs from both Edrioaster and Edriophus in the arrangement of ambulacral cover plates. In Edrioaster and Edriophus there is a series of large primary cover plates, usually with a series of very much smaller secondary cover plates inserted distally, whereas in Walcottidiscus cover plates are arranged in a complex multiserial sheet, as in Stromatocystites. Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, 1935 Plate 89, figs. 2-6; text-fig. 17 1935 Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, p. 3, pi. 1, fig. 1. 1936 Walcottidiscus magister Bassler; Bassler, p. 2, pi. 2, fig. 2. 1943 Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler; Bassler and Moody, p. 210. 1943 Walcottidiscus magister Bassler; Bassler and Moody, p. 210. 1966 Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler; Regnell, p. U161 . Diagnosis. As for genus. Types. Holotype, USNM 90754, part and counterpart (PI. 89, figs. 2 and 3). Holotype of Walcottidiscus magister, USNM 90755 (PI. 89, figs. 4-6). Stratigraphical age and distribution. Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, Bathyuriscus-Elrathina Zone, Burgess Pass, British Columbia, Canada. Description. The preservation of the holotype, USNM 90754, is rather difficult to interpret as both part and counterpart show a mixture of mould and original plating. The more complete part shows the exterior of the underside and part of the interior of the upper surface. The less complete counterpart shows the external mould of the underside and the external surface of the upper side (text-fig. 17). The theca is somewhat distorted but appears to have had a rounded pentagonal outline. The maximum diameter of the theca is 15-5 mm and the minimum 12-0 mm, so the diameter in life must have been approximately 14-0 mm. The other specimen, USNM 90755, shows only the exterior of the upper surface and is damaged in places. It has an anterior-posterior diameter of 64 0 mm. Some of the calcite plating is preserved in this specimen. In both specimens the ambulacra extend subambitally and, in the holotype, the dorsal surface can be shown to be smaller than the thecal diameter. W. typicalis presumably had a sub-oval to flattened sub-globular shape in life. Ambulacra are arranged in a 2 : 1 : 2 pattern around the mouth. Over much of the upper surface the ambulacra are more or less straight, but on approaching the ambitus all five ambulacra curve sinistrally. In the smaller specimen, ambulacra B, C, and D appear on the lower surface, following a slightly oblique course to the margin. Adjacent ambulacra do not approach one another closely and their tips almost reach the edge of the dorsal plating. The ambulacra in the larger specimen are strongly flexed at the ambitus and run around the outer edge of the theca. The tip of one ambulacrum almost reaches the next ambulacrum to the left (PI. 89, fig. 5). SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 747 ?marginal ring cover plates (external) platelets at margin of dorsal surface cover plates flooring plates external lower surface text-fig. 17. Walcottidiscus typicalis Bassler, 1935, USNM 90754, camera lucida drawing of the holotype: a, part; b, counterpart. The detailed structure of the ambulacral flooring plates cannot be made out with any certainty on either specimen. Flooring plates are biserially arranged and alternate in each ambulacrum. On the outer surface the adradial portion of each flooring plate is exposed between the cover plate sheets and the interambulacral plate, as in Stromatocystites. This portion of the flooring plate is flat and rectangular in outline, and adjacent faces abut to form a regular border to the arch of cover plates (PI. 89, figs. 4 and 6). The arrangement of cover plates is best 748 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 seen in the larger specimen, but can also be made out towards the tips of ambulacra B and C in the holotype. Cover plates are arranged as a multiserial sheet of abutting plates; they are largest immediately adjacent to the flooring plates and progressively decrease in size towards the free edge. Towards the distal tip in the smaller specimen, the cover plate sheet consists of just two or possibly three irregular rows, but in the larger specimen there are four or possibly five irregular rows of cover plates in each sheet. The first row of cover plates is well defined and these are the largest. They are broader than tall and more or less rectangular but with an angled upper edge making them pentagonal. There are approximately two of these primary cover plates to each flooring plate. The succeeding cover plates are much more randomly arranged and become progressively more equant in shape towards the free edge (PI. 89, fig. 4). The oral area is more or less totally obscured in both specimens and nothing can be seen of the oral frame. The location of the hydropore is possibly indicated by a small raised circular rim with a central depression seen on both part and counterpart of the holotype. This lies in the C/D interray, slightly removed from the oral area. Interambulacral areas are relatively broad and are composed of large sub-polygonal and semi-tesselate plates on the upper surface, with smaller, more imbricate plates sub-ambitally. The plates imbricate adorally so that the more distal plates overlap slightly on to their more proximal neighbours. At the ambitus there are three or four plates abreast in each interambulacrum. There are no epispires. The holotype exhibits an indistinct area of radially arranged plates in the C/D interray that may be the periproct; this lies sub-ambitally close to the edge of the ventral surface. The dorsal surface is seen only in the holotype. Much of the dorsal surface appears to have been uncalcified, since both part and counterpart reveal the inner face of the upper surface centrally. However, around the edge there is a border, 1-2 mm in breadth, composed of minute plates (3-4 per mm). The diameter of the dorsal surface is approximately 9 10 mm and so is only about 70 % of the diameter of the theca. There is a suggestion in the A/B and C/D interambulacra that the dorsal surface may be ringed by a border of broader, rather rectangular plates. Remarks. Bassler (1935, 1936) placed these two specimens in different species. The principal differences between them are in size and degree of ambulacral curvature. Unfortunately, neither is particularly well preserved and many of the structural details are still unknown. In W. typicalis, although the ambulacra curve sinistrally at the ambitus, they are not particularly long and are well separated from each other. In W. magister , which is the larger of the two specimens, the ambulacra also curve at the ambitus to run sinistrally around the thecal margin, but in this specimen they are much longer and the tip of one ambulacrum almost touches the neighbouring ambulacrum. W. typicalis is only a quarter of the size of W. magister , so this difference could simply be a factor of growth. In all edrioasteroids with curved ambulacra, ontogenetic series show that ambulacra are initially straight in juveniles and become progressively more curved as growth proceeds. The two specimens are therefore probably no more than juvenile and adult of the same species and W. magister is treated as a junior synonym of W. typicalis. Genus totiglobus Bell and Sprinkle, 1978 1978 Totiglobus Bell and Sprinkle, p. 247. Diagnosis. Theca sub-globular and fully plated; dorsal surface greatly reduced, less than half thecal diameter, circular in outline with marginal ring of stout plates surrounding a pavement of small polygonal plates; ambulacra more or less straight, extending sub-ambitally; flooring plates biserial, alternate, with sutural pores; cover plates in two series; oral frame composed of five compound ambulacral flooring plates; interambulacral plates imbricate to sub-tessellate, without epispires; periproct sub-ambital, close to dorsal surface. Type species. Totiglobus nimius Bell and Sprinkle, 1978, by original designation. Stratigraphic at age and distribution. Early Middle Cambrian of Nevada, USA. Remarks. This is probably the best understood of the Cambrian edrioasteroids because of the careful and detailed work carried out by Bell and Sprinkle ( 1 978). Totiglobus can be distinguished easily from Stromatocystites and Cambraster by its interambulacral zones, which are devoid of epispires, and by its relatively small dorsal surface and swollen ventral surface; it lacks a peripheral skirt of plates, unlike Edriodiscus. Totiglobus most closely resembles Walcottidiscus , but is distinguished by having SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 749 more or less straight ambulacra at all sizes and a fully plated dorsal surface. Ambulacra in Walcottidiscus curve distally around the ambitus in larger individuals, and the central part of the dorsal surface is uncalcified. Totiglobus nimius Bell and Sprinkle, 1978 1978 Totiglobus nimius Bell and Sprinkle, p. 247, pis. 1-6; text-figs. 1-4. Diagnosis. As for genus. Types. Holotype, MCZ 983; paratypes, MCZ 984-996 and NYSM 13293-13326. Stratigraphical age and distribution. Chisholm Shale, Glossopleura Zone, Middle Cambrian of Nevada, USA. Description. A full and detailed description of this species, together with full locality data, was given by Bell and Sprinkle (1978). Genus cambraster Cabibel, Termier and Termier, 1958 1894 Trochocystites Miquel [non Barrande], p. 9. 1905 Stromatocystites Miquel [non Pompeckj], p. 476. 1923 Cambraster Jaekel, p. 344 [nomen nudum], 1935 Cambraster Jaekel; Stubblefield and Spencer in Thoral, p. 35 [nomen nudum], 1958 Cambraster Jaekel; Cabibel, Termier and Termier, p. 284. 1958 Eikosacystis Cabibel, Termier and Termier, p. 286. 1966 Stromatocystites Pompeckj; Regnell [ pars ], p. U160. 1969 Cambraster (Jaekel) emend. Cabibel, Termier and Termier; Termier and Termier, p. 137. 1969 Eikosacystis Cabibel, Termier and Termier; Termier and Termier, p. 141. 1971 Cambraster Cabibel, Termier and Termier; Ubaghs, p. 182. Diagnosis. Fully plated, disc shaped edrioasteroid with a pentagonal frame of stout marginal ossicles; ambulacra straight, inserted distally between the marginal ossicles; dorsal surface plated, slightly larger than ventral surface, and composed of a sub-tesselate pavement of plates arranged in cycles; interambulacral zones with epispires. Type species. Cambraster cannati (Miquel, 1894), by original designation. Other species. C. tastudorum Jell, Burrett and Banks, 1985. Stratigraphical age and distribution. Paradoxides mediterraneus Zone, Middle Cambrian of the Montagne Noire, southern France; medial Middle Cambrian of Tasmania. Remarks. This important genus remained poorly understood until Ubaghs (1971) published a detailed morphological description of well-preserved material. The name Cambraster was first used by Jaekel (1923) for a species that he believed to be a primitive asteroid from the Middle Cambrian sandy schists of the departement of Herault, France. He interpreted Cambraster as intermediate between edrioasteroids and the Ordovician asteroid Archegonaster , but failed to describe or figure this animal, or even to designate a specific name. Prior to this, specimens of Cambraster had been wrongly identified as the carpoid Trochocystites or as Stromatocystites by Miquel (1894, 1905). Although later authors have been uncertain as to the identity of Jaekel’s Cambraster , Stubblefield and Spencer (in Thoral 1 935) suggested that it was the same as Miquel’s ( 1 905) species S. cannati , also from the Middle Cambrian of Herault. Amongst the papers in the possession of W. K. Spencer at his death, and now in the archives of the British Museum (Natural History), is an original line-drawing signed by Jaekel and labelled Cambraster (text-fig. 18), proving that Jaekel was indeed referring to the same animal as Miquel. The name Cambraster was finally validated by Cabibel, Termier and Termier (1958) who provided a generic diagnosis and gave a rather sketchy description of the type species, C. cannati (Miquel); they also described a new genus Eikosacystis, with two species. These were all redescribed in slightly greater detail by Termier and Termier (1969) who placed Cambraster and Eikosacystis in their own 750 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 o u- , i„-. ( • - To/.; ; _ , + ^ ' * Coywt, T. t w ? frsCClc d >cl H-v.'T? C- * x .‘. &•/. fofu*. lit* /® fc . text-fig. 18. Original line drawing by Otto Jaekel of a specimen said to be in the Berlin Museum and signed as Cambraster gal/icus Jkl, Middle Cambrian, Coulounnais, Herault. families, the Cambrasteridae and the Eikosacystidae respectively. However, as Ubaghs (1971) pointed out, Cambraster and Eikosacystis are synonymous and differ only in their state of preservation. Specimens with the plating of the oral surface preserved more or less intact, and therefore showing ambulacra, were placed by the Termiers into Cambraster while more distorted specimens that had either a jumbled muddle of dissociated plates within the marginal ring or had lost the ventral plating altogether (and so revealed the interior of the dorsal surface) were classified as Eikosacystis , which was thus believed to lack ambulacra. Ubaghs’s (1971) careful and detailed observations on Cambraster have greatly clarified the status of this genus while further morpho- logical information has been added by the discovery of additional material from the Cambrian of Tasmania by Jell et al. (1985). Cambraster is easily distinguished from other Cambrian edrioasteroids by its prominent marginal ring of ossicles which, unlike those of Edriodiscus , are not inserted into the dorsal pavement. Cambraster cannati (Miquel, 1894) Text-figs. 2, 3, 6a, 18, 19 1894 Trochocystites cannati Miquel, p. 9. 1905 Trochocystites sp. Miquel, p. 475. 1905 Stromatocystites cannati (Miquel); Miquel, pp. 476, 482, pi. 15, fig. 5. SMITH: CAMBRIAN ED R I O ASTE ROI DS 751 1935 Stromatocystites(l) Cannati Miquel; Thoral, p. 35. 1935 Trochocystites(J) nov. sp. Miquel; Thoral. p. 138, pi. 5, fig. 3. 1958 Cambraster cannati (Miquel); Cabibel, Termier and Termier, p. 284, pi. 1, figs. 2-4; text- figs. 3 and 4. 1958 Eikosacystis couloumanensis Cabibel, Termier and Termier, p. 286, pi. 1, fig. 5; text-fig. 5. 1958 Eikosacystis? ferralsensis Cabibel, Termier and Termier, p. 287, pi. 1, figs. 6 and 7. 1969 Cambraster cannati (Miquel); Termier and Termier, p. 138, pi. 9, figs. 1-3; text-fig. 5. 1969 Cambraster elegans Termier and Termier, p. 139, pi. 10, figs. 1-4; text-fig. 6. 1969 Eikosacystis couloumanensis Cabibel, Termier and Termier; Termier and Termier, p. 141, pi. 12, fig. 1; text-fig. 7. 1969 Eikosacystis miqueli Termier and Termier, p. 142, pi. 11, figs. 1 -4; text-fig. 8. 1969 Eikosacystis courtessolei Termier and Termier, p. 143, pi. 12, fig. 2; text-fig. 9. 1969 Eikosacystis ferratsensis Cabibel, Termier and Termier; Termier and Termier, p. 144, pi. 1 2, figs. 3 and 4; text-fig. 10. 1971 Cambraster elegans Termier and Termier; Ubaghs, p. 1 82, text-figs. 8 11. Diagnosis. As for genus. Types. The holotype of Cambraster cannati , C. elegans , and Eikosacystis miqueli are currently held at the Museum of Le Havre, France. Latex casts (BM(NH) E63135, 63136, and 63153) of these specimens were studied (text-fig. 19). The whereabouts of E. ferralsensis, E. couloumanensis , and E. courtessolei are currently unknown. They were in the possession of Mme G. Termier at the Departement de Geotectonique, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, but, on enquiry there, could not be located. Stratigraphical age and distribution. All (he material comes from Beds E and F of Courtessole (1973) in the Middle Cambrian of the Montagne Noire, in the vicinity of Coulouma and Ferrals-les-Montagnes, France. Description. A complete and detailed description of this species was given by Ubaghs (1971), under the name C. elegans , and I have only two additional observations to make. First, although dorsal plating is generally disrupted to a greater or lesser degree in all of the specimens examined, plates do have an angular outline and would have formed a continuous pavement of closely fitting plates in life, as in Stromatocystites. These plates are arranged in circles around the centre of the disc with al least two rings of larger plates separated by zones of smaller plates. Secondly, the peripheral zone of dorsal plating does not extend much beyond the ring of marginal ossicles and only a very narrow rim of dorsal plates would have been visible from above. Remarks. Termier and Termier (1969) recognized two species of Cambraster and four of Eikosacystis , all of which are treated here as synonymous. Two of their species, C. cannati and C. elegans, are moderately well preserved and show the plating of the oral surface. These two species were distinguished by the fact that in C. elegans rather more of the dorsal surface plating is visible around the margin. This is a post-mortem artifact produced by displacement of some of the marginal ring ossicles and, as the two specimens are otherwise identical, I regard them as synonymous. Two of the Termier’s species which show only the marginal ring and dorsal plating, E. miqueli and E. courtessolei, are indistinguishable from one another. Furthermore, as Ubaghs (1971) pointed out, E. miqueli and C. elegans are specimens of the same species in different states of preservation, one showing the marginal ring and aboral surface, the other showing the marginal ring and oral surface. Specimens referred to as E. ferralsensis are large distorted individuals in which most of the plating within the marginal ring lies jumbled together or has been lost. Finally, E. couloumanensis is known from only a single small specimen, 12 mm in diameter. This has a stout marginal ring of equant ossicles but the plating within the marginal ring is poorly preserved. I have not been able to examine this specimen but, as it comes from the same beds and the same locality as adult C. cannati, I suspect that it is a juvenile specimen of this species. Cambraster tastudorum Jell, Burrett and Banks, 1985 Remarks. This species has only recently been described by Jell et al. (1985) from the Cateena Group, medial Middle Cambrian, of Tasmania. It differs from Cambraster cannati in having epispires 752 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 19. Cambraster cannati (Miquel, 1894). a, BM(NH) E63135, latex cast of the holotype of C. elegans Termier and Termier, 1969, ventral surface, x 3 (see text-fig. 2). b, BM(NH) E63153, latex cast of the holotype of Trochocystites cannati Miquel, 1894, x 1-4. C, D, BM(NH) E63136, latex casts of the holotype of Eikosacystis miqueli Termier and Termier, 1969 (see text-fig. 3): c, aboral surface, exterior, x 3; d, counterpart showing the ventral surface of the marginal ring and the interior of the dorsal surface (all ventral disc plating having been lost), x 3. SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 753 developed only towards the centre of the oral surface and in having a prominent contiguous circle of large polygonal plates near the centre of the aboral surface. Genus edriodiscus Jell, Burrett and Banks, 1985 1971 Cyclocystoides Henderson and Shergold [non Salter and Billings], p. 706. 1985 Edriodiscus Jell, Burrett and Banks, p. 190. Diagnosis. Aboral surface fully plated, composed of small polygonal plates with radial ridging; marginal ring circular, composed of forty to fifty plates, surrounded by a peripheral skirt; ventral surface unknown. Type species. Cyclocystoides primotica Henderson and Shergold, 1971, by original designation. Stratigraphical age and distribution. Early Middle Cambrian of West Queensland, Australia. Remarks. This genus is very poorly known and contains just one species represented by two specimens, neither of which reveals the ventral surface. It is, however, distinct from any other known echinoderm and clearly deserves generic separation. The species was originally placed in the genus Cyclocystoides by Henderson and Shergold (1971), but Smith and Paul (1982) pointed out that it lacked important cyclocystoid features such as perforate marginal ossicles, and removed it from that group. Edriodiscus , with its stout marginal ring of abutting ossicles, most closely resembles Cambraster. However, there are only fifteen to twenty marginal ossicles in Cambraster , and these are hidden from view on the lower surface by the pavement of dorsal plates. Marginal ossicles in Edriodiscus are more numerous and are inserted into the dorsal pavement. No other Cambrian echinoderm has a peripheral skirt of plates so well developed. The radial ridges that are such a prominent feature of this animal are highly reminiscent of the radial ridging present on the lower surface of peripheral plates of agelacrinitids, and presumably served the same adhesive function. Nothing is known about the oral surface. Edriodiscus primotica (Henderson and Shergold, 1971) Text-fig. 20 1971 Cyclocystoides primotica Henderson and Shergold, p. 706, pi. 138, figs. 1-3. 1985 Edriodiscus primotica (Henderson and Shergold); Jell, Burrett and Banks, p. 190, figs, la-c and 8. Diagnosis. As for genus. Types. Holotype, CPC 1 1395 (text-fig. 20); paratype, CPC 1 1396. Stratigraphical age and distribution. Yelvertoft Beds, late Ordian, early Middle Cambrian of West Queensland, Australia. Description. A full description of the lower surface of this species was given by Henderson and Shergold (1971) and 1 have nothing new to add. New material, showing details of the ventral surface, has recently been found by Peter Jell and a more complete description has been given by him (Jell et at. 1985). Acknowledgements. Porter Kier (Smithsonian Institution, Washington), Rudolf Prokop (Narodni Muzeum, Prague), A. Prieur (Office National de Gestion des Collections Paleontologiques, Lyon), the Abbe Courtessole (Carcassone), G. Breton (Museum of Le Havre), and R. A. Henderson (James Cook University, Australia) have allowed me free access to material in their collections. Peter Jell (Victoria National Museum, Australia), Chris Paul (Liverpool University), and Dick Jefferies (British Museum (Natural History)) have all been kind enough to read an earlier draft of this paper and made many helpful suggestions. Linally, 1 thank Professor G. Ubaghs for not only providing me with latexes of specimens in his possession but also for being extremely helpful throughout the duration of this work. Part of this research was carried out with the support of NERC research grant GR3/4732. 754 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 20. Edriodiscus primoticus (Henderson and Shergold, 1971), CPC 1 1395, camera lucida drawing of the holotype, dorsal surface. SMITH: CAMBRIAN EDRIOASTEROIDS 755 REFERENCES bassler, r. s. 1935. The classification of the Edrioasteroidea. Smithson, misc. Colins , 93, 1-11. 1936. New species of American Edrioasteroidea. Ibid. 95, 1 33. — and moody, M. w. 1943. Bibliographic and faunal index of Palaeozoic pelmatozoan echinoderms. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 45, 733 pp. bather, F. A. 1899. A phylogenetic classification of the Pelmatozoa. Rep. By. Ass. Advmt Sci., D, 916-923. 1900. The Echinoderma. In lankester, e. r. (ed.). A Treatise on Zoology , part 3, 216 pp. Black, London. — 1915. Studies in Edrioasteroidea I-IX , 403 pp. Published by the author at 'Fabo’, Marryat Road, Wimbledon, England. bell, b. m. 1976. A study of North American Edrioasteroidea. Mem. N. Y. 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An annotated Linnaean hierarchy, with comments on natural taxa and competing systems. Syst. Zoo!. 28 , 308-337. zelizko, J. c. 1911. Nove prispevky ke studiu jineckeho kambria. Rozpr. ceske Akad. 20 (10), 1-7. 157-200. Typescript received 7 October 1984 Revised typescript received 25 March 1985 ANDREW B. SMITH Department of Palaeontology British Museum (Natural Elistory) Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD OPTIMUM PREPARATION, PRESERVATION, AND PROCESSING TECHNIQUES FOR G R APTOLITE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY by l. w. dumican and R. b. rickards Abstract. Published guidance on the preparation of ultrathin sections of biological material rarely gives sufficient detail to enable fossil material in general and graptolite material in particular to be prepared to a consistently high standard. The crucial steps relative to pre-microtoming, ultramicrotoming, and post- microtome work, including museum storage, are described together with the ‘tricks of the trade’ that, taken in total, result in successful micrographs. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been an important technique in biological and medical science for many years but its application to fossil material poses rather different problems and such material is generally more difficult to prepare. Urbanek (1978) suggested that ultrastructural research may help to resolve some of the problems highlighted by earlier morphological and phylogenetical studies on graptolites. Wide discussion of the mechanism of periderm secretion in graptolites has suggested that TEM studies may aid a better understanding of the relations between inferred soft parts and the skeletal material. Williams (1965, pp. H254-H255) and Nye et al. (1972) described a technique which may be used simultaneously to section both hard and soft tissues for study by reflected light, a technique which may be applied, for example, to recent brachiopods. The initial stages of impregnation with epoxy resins, described by Nye et al. (1972), are similar to those which we have used in the preparation of graptolites for TEM. The use of ultrathin sections in palaeontology has been slowly adopted, largely because of the potential preparation difficulties involved and partly because of costs. Diamond knives commonly exceed £1000 sterling and are not much cheaper to have sharpened. In contrast, stereoscan electron microscopy (SEM) is now used routinely in most groups and especially so in graptolites (Rickards et at. 1 982). There is no logical reason why TEM studies should not become equally routine, for they are a necessary complement to SEM work, contributing towards our understanding of skeletal morphology, as has been confirmed by recent studies of graptolites (e.g. Crowther 1981 ). This paper describes how to isolate graptolites from the original matrix, and their subsequent preparation for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Photographic techniques employed to obtain maximum contrast in the final micrograph are then described briefly and relevant problems of museum documentation discussed. Graptolite material is quite variable in its preservation of ultrastructural detail, sometimes exquisite but often showing varied forms of degradation. Even the best techniques, coupled with infinite care, occasionally give barely adequate results, whilst some specimens seemingly respond well to very primitive technology (Berry and Takagi 1970). The current procedures evolved during tenureship by the authors of a Research Grant from the Natural Environment Research Council on graptolite ultrastructure, although considerable progress was made in the 1970s and summarized by Crowther and Rickards (1977). A number of the pre-sectioning techniques have not been described before but some were developed many years ago by Professor O. M. B. Bulman and by the junior author. | Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 4, 1985, pp. 757-766.| 758 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 CHEMICAL ISOLATION Most SEM and TEM work is enhanced by using specimens chemically freed from the rock matrix. Adhering rock or pyrite can seriously damage diamond knives; but for SEM studies, graptolites in the matrix have been used successfully (Rickards etcil., 1971; Crowther and Rickards 1977) in part to test the effect of chemical preparation on the ultrastructural detail, which appears to be negligible. The procedure for chemical isolation follows two basic routes depending upon whether the matrix is highly calcareous or not. It should always be carried out in a fume cupboard. Many limestones containing graptolites can be immersed as small pieces (a few cm across) in dilute hydrochloric acid (10 % HC1; text-fig. 1), in glass beakers, releasing the graptolites often in a matter of hours. There is no way of determining in advance whether the periderm is strong enough to withstand the effer- vescence, or whether the graptolites may be isolated by any method, other than by trial and error. If the effervescence appears to be breaking up the emerging specimens, then the acid may be diluted to slow down the action, or a non-effervescing or less violently effervescing acid (such as acetic acid, CHjCOOH) can be used. A second procedure may be used when the terriginous content of the limestone is so great that a relatively firm rottenstone remains, failing to release the graptolites. When this happens the blocks must be treated with 1 0 % HC1 for up to three weeks, changing the acid daily, until all possible CaC0 3 has been removed. At that stage the rottenstone can be treated with 60% hydrofluoric acid, in polythene beakers, which usually releases the graptolites within a few hours. In all the above treatments, two or three pieces of rock can be placed in up to 500 cc of HC1 or up to 250 cc of E1F (text- fig. 1), or the whole process can be made into an assembly line using large containers and quantities of fluid. The next stage is the most laborious and critical if the full suite of isolated specimens is to be retained. Some specimens will have floated in an oily scum, often adhering to the meniscus. These need to be carefully pipetted off, using either glass or polythene hand pipettes (for HC1 or HF respectively), into a container of distilled water in which they may still float. The remaining fluid is then carefully decanted and washed away using copious supplies of water from the fume cupboard taps. Specimens ‘floating’ in mid-fluid can be pipetted out at this stage. As a rule, a majority of specimens lie in the muddy debris at the bottom of the beaker. Distilled water should be added to the beaker, stirring the sunken specimens and mud, and the whole of the above decanting process repeated several times until the acid has been washed out. Pipetting can take place at the same time but eventually the whole remaining mass of mud and graptolites needs to be carefully decanted into a wide, shallow, preferably white-bottomed picking dish. At no stage should the specimens be allowed to dry out or to support their own weight in air, for many collapse, especially if the original rock came from a tectonized region. However, the most delicate rhabdosomes may be supported by fluid and can easily be held in that medium until they are transferred to the long term resting medium, namely viscous glycerine. Initial picking by hand pipette is from the picking tray into distilled water in glass beakers. The graptolites must not be stored in distilled water for longer than about twenty-four hours, since this encourages the growth of fungus. The main problem at this stage is the number of fragments and early growth stages that may be masked by the mud and missed altogether. Specimens should be washed in several changes of distilled water for a few hours. The best way to transfer delicate specimens into viscous glycerine is to reduce the amount of distilled water over them by pipetting it off until only a few mm cover the specimens. Then glycerine is added gently around the margins of the container, thus pushing the specimens away from the sides. Eventually, glycerine can be dropped gently on top of them, weighing them down (text-fig. 1). The remaining distilled water floats above the glycerine and, when it is completely separated from the graptolites, can easily be pipetted off to leave the specimens in a firm, supportive, fluid matrix. Specimens that floated on initial extraction may sink quite quickly; if not, they will have tiny gas bubbles lodged inside the thecae. These can be removed by pipetting the specimen directly into alcohol, a somewhat violent process which may snap the specimens; alternatively they can be cooled DUMICAN AND RICKARDS: GR APTOLITE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 759 PIPETTE OFF DISTILLED WATER ADD GLYCERINE TO SPECIMENS t 4 usi /\ PIPETTE TO DISTILLED WATER ADD DISTILLED WATER DECANT REPEATEDLY S E M PREPARATION TEM PREPARATION I PHOTOMOUNT } '//; DEHYDRATION & IMPREGNATION 4 PIPETTE IN ALCOHOL EMBEDDING ( Fig. 2 A ) i COATING OF Au Au / Hg OR c ULTRAMICROTOME SECTIONING ( Fig. 2B ) % '•v :‘o 1 »> S T l % / o E PHOTOGRAPHY E PHOTOGRAPHY t o! • *o 1 *. 1 1 ' * * f ' v » v . i M M ( Figs. 4 A, B ) -- i 500cc ♦ 250cc HCI HF CURATION OF MICROGRAPHS, NEGATIVES, STUBS, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL text-fig. 1 . Flow chart summarizing preparatory stages for storage, SEM and TEM work. 760 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 in a refrigerator when the small gas bubbles may escape (dishes of alcohol should not be placed in a refrigerator without proper consultation with a laboratory technician, for there is a risk of explosion). Once the specimens have sunk, transfer to glycerine can proceed as above, and the graptolites are now ready for the preparatory stages described below, leading to electron microscopy. As an important aside, it should be mentioned that in preparing glycerine held specimens for light microscopy (as, for example, in the production of slides or resin mounts; Hutt and Rickards 1967), any chemical clearing using Schultz" Solution (KC10 3 and HN0 3 ) should be done in the absence of glycerine since there is a slight risk of accidentally producing TNG or TNT. SEM PREPARATION Preparation of graptolites for use in the SEM involves mounting the specimen on a stub and subsequently coating it, preferably with gold; other coatings may be tried, such as gold/palladium or carbon, and occasionally it may not be necessary to coat at all if much pyrite adheres to the specimens. The specimen is pipetted from glycerine into absolute alcohol, in which it is washed for approximately thirty minutes. An intermediate distilled water stage has proved unnecessary. The stub is then sprayed with a very thin film of ‘Photomount’ (see Crowther and Rickards 1977), or double sided adhesive tape may be used, and the specimen is pipetted with a drop of alcohol to the surface of the stub. The graptolite may be oriented at this stage by manoeuvring it with a damp hair, although great care must be taken with very fragile specimens. The alcohol is then allowed to evaporate. Finally, with the Sedgwick Museum material, the stub is placed in an ‘EMscope’ sputter coater and coated with 200-500 A of gold, after which it is ready for examination in the SEM. TEM PREPARATION The specimen is pipetted from glycerine into a vial containing distilled water and washed in three changes of water for fifteen minutes each. Commonly, a graded series of ethyl alcohol dilutions is then used for dehydration of the specimen but it is possible to use three changes of absolute alcohol (about ten to fifteen minutes each). At this stage the specimens may be stored indefinitely in the alcohol. After dehydration the specimens are soaked in a 50/50 mixture of propylene oxide (1,2 — epoxy propane) and absolute alcohol and then in a further two changes of 100 % propylene oxide for fifteen minutes each. This facilitates uniform impregnation of the specimen by the epoxy. During each of the above stages the vial is placed in a rotator so that the liquid circulates freely inside the specimen. Whilst the specimens are soaking in the propylene oxide the epoxy resin mix may be prepared. Propylene oxide should be used in glass rather than plastic containers and only in a fume cupboard because of its toxicity, volatility, and flammability. After use it should be flushed away with continuous water flow for five minutes. Embedding The ‘Agar 100’ embedding kit (equivalent to ‘Epon 812’) is suitable for embedding graptolite material. The ‘Epon’ mixture is blended and accelerator added just before use. A graduated cylinder, a small (100 ml) conical flask, and the containers of resin and hardener are warmed in an oven at 60 °C. The four components, resin, DDSA hardener (dodecynl succinic anhydride), MNA hardener (methyl nadic anhydride), and BDMA accelerator (N benzyl N-N dimethylamine) are mixed by pouring them in turn into the graduated cylinder. Before adding BDMA the other three components should be stirred thoroughly since direct mixing of BDMA and MNA may be explosive. The mixture is then poured immediately into the warm conical flask and stirred for about one minute. A few air bubbles may develop but these will dissipate if the mixture is allowed to stand for a short time at 60 °C. Epoxy resins, hardeners, and accelerators should be handled with care in a fume cupboard. Difficulties may be experienced in obtaining blocks of the correct hardness for ideal sectioning. The following mixture has recently been used successfully to embed specimens of Monograptus formosus from the Mielnik borehole in Poland: resin 25 ml; DDSA 11 ml; MNA 14 ml; BDMA 1 ml. The DUMICAN AND RICKARDS: GRAPTOLITE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 761 hardness of the final block may be controlled by varying the proportions of DDSA and MNA in the resin mixture. When proportions of DDSA to MNA were tried in the quantities 12-5/12-5 ml the resultant blocks were too soft, and at 10/15 ml they were too brittle. Hardness may also be increased as the concentration of the accelerator (BDMA) increases, but the block may become brittle and difficult to section as a result. After the resin components have been stored for about five months, they begin to give inconsistent results. It is suggested that the accelerator should be stored in a dessicator in the dark. Several workers have found that the accelerator for ‘Spurr’ resin, for example, has a very short shelf life (about two weeks). The liquid epoxy resin is soluble in absolute alcohol and all glassware should be rinsed in alcohol after use. The specimen is then transferred in propylene oxide to a small tray (a vial top or petri dish is ideal) and an equal volume of epoxy resin mixture is added. These are left for one hour, loosely covered to prevent evaporation. The covers may then be removed and the specimens left in a fume cupboard overnight, during which time the propylene oxide will evaporate. They are then polymerized in a thermostatically controlled oven in three stages (35 °C, 45 °C, and 60 °C), over a period of thirty-six hours: overnight at 35 °C, next day at 45 C, and overnight at 60 °C. The maximum internal temperature of the epoxy resin obtained during polymerization will affect the properties of the resultant block. If the temperature is too low, the block will be too soft; if the temperature is too high, bubbles may form in the epoxy and the block will be too brittle (Nye et al. 1972). Ideally the end product should be an amber colour and of moderate hardness (i.e. will not deform when pressed with a finger nail). The graptolites are now ready for cutting into blocks and mounting on ‘Araldite’ stubs made and polymerized in the same way and at the same time. The hardened resin is trimmed from the speci- men, which is then stuck to a stub (made in polyethylene capsules known as ‘BEEM capsules’) in the required orientation, with 2-tube ‘Araldite’. The graptolite may be trimmed down to size with a heavy duty, backed razor blade. This step is carried out with the specimen held under water because it is usually too small to be clamped and consequently is easily lost during trimming in air. Where a series of transverse sections from a specimen of three or more thecae in length is required, it is suggested that a small hole be made in the end of a BEEM capsule and the trimmed specimen then forced through the hole so that the end to be sectioned protrudes from the capsule (text-fig. 2a). The capsule is then filled with liquid epoxy resin and polymerized as before. The specimen will have been polymerized twice but this does not adversely affect the end-product. When specimens of this type were simply stuck on stubs with 2-tube ‘Araldite’, they often snapped off during sectioning on the ultramicrotome. Cutting ultrathin sections After polymerization the block is held in the clamp of the ultramicrotome and the area around the graptolite trimmed into a pyramidal shape (text-fig. 2a). The face to be sectioned should be cut until it reaches the specimen to save time and wear on the knife edge. The block face is shaped so that cut sections will form a ribbon, perpendicular to the knife edge, on the surface of the water bath (text-fig. 2b). It is therefore necessary for two edges of the block to be parallel to each other and orientated in the ultramicrotome so that they are parallel to the knife edge (text-fig. 2b). It is best if one side is longer than the other, forming a trapezium orientated such that each new section pushes along the whole width of the previous one, so detaching it from the knife edge. Neatly rectangular slices do not form such a reliable and straight ‘ribbon’. A diamond knife is held in the knife holder, tilted at approximately 4°, and the water bath is filled with distilled water until it appears white in polarized light (i.e. maximum reflection is obtained with a ‘flat’ meniscus). The knife is advanced manually towards the block until almost touching it, as seen through the binocular microscope, then locked in position. It is often difficult to see just how close the block is to the knife edge. A mirror placed under the specimen will reflect bright, white light between the knife edge and block face, making it easier to judge the gap between them. The knife should never 762 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 2. a, showing how embedded graptolite (three or more thecae in length) may be orientated for trans- verse sectioning; the encased specimen is forced through a hole at the shaped end of the BEEM capsule which is then filled with epoxy resin and polymerized (full explanation in text), b, sketch of trapezium-shaped block face which causes the cut sections to form a saw-edged ribbon on the surface of the ultramicrotome’s water bath. touch the block face at the start since this will undoubtedly damage the edge. When the knife and block face are as close as possible the block is advanced 0-5 pm at a time until a complete section is cut from the face, after which the block is advanced automatically by a set thickness. Interference colours are used to estimate the thickness of cut sections. Peachey (1958) provided a correlation between section thickness and interference colours as follows: Colour Thickness A (1 nm = 10 A) grey 600 silver 600-900 gold 900-1500 purple 1500-1900 blue 1900-2400 green 2400-2800 yellow 2800-3200 Ideally sections should have grey interference colours, especially if they are to be used for high resolution work. However, silver and occasionally pale gold sections have been used successfully for work at low magnifications. The position and the meniscus level of the water bath may have to be finely adjusted for optimum viewing of the interference colours. The ultramicrotome is very sensitive to touch and atmospheric conditions. It is therefore necessary to avoid contact with it as far as possible and also to eliminate any draughts in the room, especially those caused by doors opening; a steady temperature of 20 °C should be maintained. A cutting speed of IT mm/s used with a knife angle of approximately 4° provides good sections of graptolite material. In general, hard specimens DUMICAN AND RICKARDS: GR APTOLITE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 763 are best cut at slower speeds than soft specimens. The optimum settings for all controls can only be realized by experimentation. Sections should float off evenly in a straight line and be of uniform colour, flat, and with no corrugations. Most of the difficulties in cutting good sections arise from faults with embedding and the knife edge. For a further detailed discussion of faults observed in ultrathin sections, and their possible causes, see Reid (1974). Generally glass knives do not provide such good sections of graptolites as diamond knives, but they may be used to trim specimens prior to sectioning with the diamond knife. When viewed through the binocular microscope the edge of a glass knife can often be seen to crumble after only one cut of the material. When the embedding medium is softer, several cuts are possible but problems with corrugations within the section and the mounting medium may be encountered (text- fig. 3). After a few sections have been cut with a glass knife the edge becomes blunt and it is necessary to move to an unused part of the knife. Diamond knives are more durable and may be used for repeated sectioning over long periods of time (often several weeks or months). text-fig. 3. TEM micrograph showing corrugations throughout the section, caused when the embedding medium is too soft, x 8000 (Dictyonema rarum Wiman, SM XI 193). A picking brush dipped in chloroform and held over the surface of the water bath causes the sections to flatten, due to the heavy vapour. This eliminates, to a certain extent, deformation that might have occurred during sectioning. An uncoated copper grid is held with fine forceps and placed matt side down on top of the floating sections, which will then adhere to the grid. After drying matt side up on filter paper the grids are ready for use in the electron microscope. We have found that in general it is not necessary to coat prepared grids with carbon (but see also Crowther and Rickards 1977). It is more informative to study several sections cut in serial order than single sections, since any contaminants introduced during sectioning can be recognized more easily when seen in successive sections. If the ‘ribbon’ of cut sections is transferred to the grid intact, it may be possible during TEM examination to obtain a three-dimensional understanding of that part of the graptolite ultra- structure. PHOTOGRAPHY Initially problems were encountered with lack of contrast in the electron micrographs, a not uncommon feature of electron microscopy; the thinner the section the less contrast there will be between specimen and background. Since thinner sections provide better resolution, it is necessary to 764 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 try to increase the contrast in some other way. One such method is to take photographs slightly underfocused. True focus on the electron microscope is found at the point of least contrast. This may be seen by observing fresnel fringes on the edges of the specimen or around the edges of adventitiously placed holes (text-fig. 4). (Fresnel fringes arise from the interference between scattered and unscattered electron beams; see Agar and Chescoe (1974) for a full discussion on their formation.) When the specimen is overfocused, the edge is outlined by a pale diffraction band with a concentric dark one (text-fig. 4b); when underfocused, a pale band (or fresnel fringe) follows the edge (text-fig. 4a). True focus occurs where the fresnel fringe disappears but contrast appears to be minimal. Thus it is often preferable to take photographs slightly out of focus in order to heighten contrast whilst increasing, of course, the risk of lower resolution. Contrast may also be increased at the film development stage. Micrographs are taken using ‘Kodalith MP11 Ortho film 2577’ on an ‘AEI Corinth 500’ electron microscope and are developed for three minutes at 13 °C in ‘Ilford Phenisol’ developer, diluted in the proportion 1 :6. text-fig. 4. TEM micrographs showing the pattern produced by fresnel fringes, a, overfocused; b, underfocused. Both SM XI 193, x 5000 approx. The micrographs are then printed on ‘Ilford Ilfoprint grade 4’ paper using a ‘Beseler MCX’ enlarger. TEM micrographs should be taken as quickly as possible, since contamination builds up quite quickly on the specimen and may adversely affect both contrast and resolution, blurring the section. SEM photographic techniques have been discussed comprehensively by Crowther and Rickards (1977, pp. 11-12) and are not enlarged upon here, except to say that most of our SEM work is now carried out using a ‘Philips 501 B’ electron microscope and ‘Ilford FP4 (70 mm)’ film processed according to manufacturer’s instructions. MUSEUM STORAGE Storage of isolated reference material used under the light microscope is a relatively straightforward matter. The authors have been working on graptolites prepared and stored in glycerine, corked, and sealed with candlewax in 1895 and they are as satisfactory today as presumably they ever were. They respond well to both TEM and SEM studies, and the only deterioration evident is of the glycerine, not the graptolite. In some tubes the glycerine has gone slightly brown, though it is still transparent. At the Sedgwick Museum, graptolites have been similarly stored in glycerine for twenty years. DUM [CAN AND RICKARDS: GRAPTOLITE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 765 However, in order to facilitate normal examination by research workers, they are stored in the type of plastic container illustrated (text-fig. 1) in which very viscous glycerine only 5-10 mm deep is used, which greatly lessens the chance of spillage. Yet the container is not sealed, has a sliding lid, and the specimens can be easily examined under the light microscope, particularly as there is no problem with the sphericity of the container. There is no reason to suppose that material, so stored, will not last fifty years and normal curatorial procedures can be adopted by the museum staff. SEM stubs pose a more difficult problem. The Sedgwick Museum has fifteen-year-old mountings which have been re-used successfully, but deterioration is apparent, especially in the glues or gums used to mount the specimens on the stubs but also in the coating used. The question of glues has been examined very thoroughly by Dr Jenny Chapman (in prep, and pers. comm.), and it seems unlikely that even well-mounted graptolites will last twenty-five years. Therefore, whilst normal curatorial procedures can be applied to stubs, and are at the Sedgwick Museum, the following items take on greater importance in curation: 1, the photographic negative (and prints); 2, unmounted topotypes (preserved in glycerine); and 3, topotype rock samples known to have yielded the originals. The most difficult preservational problem concerns TEM ultrathin sections mounted on grids. Although Sedgwick Museum specimens have been re-used successfully after a period of five years, it is unlikely that grids will survive a decade; re-use itself usually causes rapid deterioration so that further use is unlikely. Therefore, the film negatives are vital from a curatorial and research standpoint and there seems no good reason why, properly stored, they should not last for a century. Thus the film negative becomes the ‘specimen’ for all future research reference. A supplementary part of the specimen is that remaining in the unsectioned stub. Although this has not appeared on film, it is a potential source of at least partial confirmatory work on the same specimen and hence should be catalogued as a very important part of the original. The life of a specimen mounted in resin depends upon the life of the resin, which may deteriorate in, at most, a few years, making further sectioning difficult (at least with a valuable diamond knife), but the mounted specimens may last for several decades as far as light microscopy is concerned. It is clear from the authors’ work that curation must be built into the procedural system and planned for at an early stage of the work. Much the best system is to curate all parts and products immediately after they have been produced, any delay merely contributing to the possibility of very small items being separated from each other and being effectively lost. Acknowledgements. We gratefully thank Roger Northfield (Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge) for all his help with ultramicrotomy, and David Bursill for his constant assistance during experimental photographic work. REFERENCES agar, a. w. and chescoe, d. 1974. Image formation in the electron microscope. In glauert, a. m. (ed.). Practical methods in electron microscopy, 2. berry, w. b. n. and takagi, r. s. 1970. Electron microscope investigations of Orthograptus quadrimucronatus from the Maquoketa Formation (Late Ordovician) in Iowa. J. Paleont. 44, 1 17-124. crowther, p. r. 1981. The fine structure of graptolite periderm. Spec. Pap. Palaeont. 26, 119 pp. — and rickards, r. b. 1977. Cortical bandages and the graptolite zooid. Geo/ogica Palaeont. 11, 9-46. hutt, j. and rickards, r. b. 1967. An improved transfer technique for the preparation and preservation of pyritized graptolites. Geol. Mag. 104, 180-181. nye, o. b., dean, d. a. and hinds, r. w. 1972. Improved thin section techniques for fossil and recent organisms. J. Paleont. 46, 271-275. peachey, l. d. 1958. Thin sections. A study of section thickness and physical distortion produced during microtomy. J. hiophys. biochem. Cytol. 4, 233-242. REID, N. 1974. Ultramicrotomy. In glauert, a. m. (ed.). Practical methods in electron microscopy, 3. rickards, r. b., hyde, p. j. w. and krinsley, d. h. 1971. Periderm ultrastructure of a species of Monograptus (Phylum Hemichordata). Proc. R. Soc. B178, 347-356. — crowther, p. r. and chapman, a. j. 1982. Ultrastructural studies of graptolites — a review. Geol. Mag. 1 19, 355-370. 766 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 urbanek, a. 1978. Significance of ultrastructural studies for graptolite research. Acta palaeont. pol. 23, 595-629. williams, A. 1965. Techniques for preparation of fossil and living brachiopods, pp. H251 -H256. In moore, r. c. (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part H. Brachiopoda (1). Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, New York and Lawrence, Kansas. LORI W. DUMICAN BARRIE RICKARDS Sedgwick Museum Department of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge Typescript received 20 October 1984 Downing Street Revised typescript received 29 January 1985 Cambridge CB2 3EQ ON THE IDENTITY OF THE AMPHIBIAN HESPEROHERPETON GARNETTENSE FROM THE UPPER PENNSYLVANIAN OF KANSAS by ANDREW R. MILNER Abstract. Hesperoherpeton garnettense Peabody was first described as an embolomerous antfiracosaurian amphibian, based on a small scapulocoracoid and associated neural arch from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Garnett, Kansas. Subsequently, on the basis of a referred specimen from the type locality, Hesperoherpeton was claimed by Eaton and Stewart to be the most anatomically primitive tetrapod despite its Upper Pennsylvanian age. Re-examination of the type and the referred specimen leads to the conclusion that the former is indeterminate and the latter is a poorly preserved small specimen of a temnospondyl amphibian of the family Trematopidae. It may be a specimen of the trematopid Actiobates peabodyi Eaton from the same locality. The binomen H. garnettense is a nomen dubium restricted to the type specimen, and Eaton and Stewart’s Order Plesiopoda is invalid. The Upper Pennsylvanian tetrapod assemblage from Garnett in eastern Kansas is unique among Carboniferous faunas in that it is made up largely of diapsid and pelycosaurian reptiles (Reisz 1981; Reisz et al. 1982). Only three amphibian specimens from Garnett have been described. One of these, Actiobates peabodyi Eaton 1973 is a temnospondyl of the family Trematopidae (Milner: in prep.). The other two specimens form the subject of this study. In 1958, Peabody described a small scapulocoracoid and associated neural arch from Garnett as the new taxon Hesperoherpeton garnettense which he assigned to the family Cricotidae within the embolomerous anthracosaurs. In 1960, Eaton and Stewart described a second specimen from Garnett which they attributed to Hesperoherpeton. This specimen comprised the crushed and disarticulated anterior skeleton of a small amphibian, which Eaton and Stewart reconstructed, concluding that it was not an embolomere but was quite unlike any other known fossil amphibian. Despite its late Pennsylvanian age, Eaton and Stewart interpreted Hesperoherpeton as the most primitive known tetrapod, a relictual form structurally intermediate between rhipidistian fishes and tetrapods and they made it the basis of a new order Plesiopoda. This order was erected as a grade group characterized by a mixture of choanate fish characters (large notochordal canal, divided braincase, postaxial processes on some fore-limb elements, and probable articulation between tabular and pectoral girdle) and tetrapod characters (tetrapod pectoral girdle, digits, otic notch, nostrils separate from jaw margin and rhachitomous vertebrae). Eaton and Stewart also placed Hesperoherpeton in the monogeneric family Hesperoherpetonidae defined by its unique specializations, notably the squamosal bordering the orbit and the loss of most of the circumorbital series. As the skull is both disarticulated and incomplete, it is difficult to understand how such unique characters were identified. The presence of postaxial processes on some limb bones neatly fulfilled a prediction about primitive tetrapod limb structure made by Eaton several years previously (Eaton 1951) and elaborated subsequently (Eaton 1960). Most later workers on Palaeozoic tetrapods who have examined this material or discussed tetrapod origins, have either treated Eaton and Stewart’s interpretation with extreme caution (Romer 1968, p. 88; Olson 1971, p. 292) or have ignored it altogether (Thomson and Bossy 1970; Carroll and Winer 1977; Rosen et al. 1981; Reisz et al. 1982). The only alternative systematic position suggested for it was a doubtful placement within the Seymouriamorpha by Romer (1966, p. 363) followed by Kuhn (1972, p. 43). However, in some more general accounts of amphibian evolution it has been cited as a very primitive tetrapod illustrating an intermediate condition between fishes and (Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 4, 1985, pp. 767-776.] 768 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 tetrapods (Schmalhausen 1968, pp. 54, 62; Porter 1972, p. 93, Vorob'yeva 1974, p. 222; Alexander 1975, p. 235). During 1979 I was able to examine the two Hesperoherpeton specimens and make a number of observations which suggest a more mundane interpretation of this material. Although precise systematic placement of the two specimens is not possible, this reinterpretation does provide a refutation of the status given to them by Eaton and Stewart. MATERIAL KUVP 9976 The holotype of H. garnettense Peabody 1958. Collected in 1954 and figured by Peabody (1958, text-fig. 1), Eaton and Stewart (1960, fig. 8), and in this work (text-fig. 1a, B). KUVP 10295 Referred specimen of Eaton and Stewart 1960. Collected in 1955 and figured by Eaton and Stewart (1960, fig. 1-7 and 9-11) and in this work (text-figs. 2b-4). Both specimens are housed in the Vertebrate Paleontology collections (KUVP) of the Museum of Natural History at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Locality and Horizon. Quarry 10 km north-west of Garnett, Putnam Township, Anderson County, Kansas. Rock Lake Member, Stanton Formation, Lansing Group, Missourian Series, Upper Pennsylvanian. Reisz et al. (1982) provide further information on the locality and the detailed local stratigraphy. DESCRIPTIONS The holotype specimen KUVP 9976 consists of a small right scapulocoracoid and a neural arch in close association. The originally exposed surface has been embedded in plastic and the specimen subsequently prepared out CM i 1 text-fig. 1. a, b, Hesperoherpeton garnettense Peabody ( nomen dubium). KUVP 9976, the holotype and only specimen from Garnett, Kansas. Right scapulocoracoid in a, external aspect, b, internal aspect, together with associated neural arch, n.a. neural arch. MILNER: PENNSYLVANIAN AMPHIBIAN 769 so that the two bones are visible from both sides. The specimen was figured by Peabody (1958, text- fig. 1) and, less accurately, by Eaton and Stewart (1960, fig. 8) but is refigured here for ease of reference (text-fig. 1a, b) although the figure, drawn directly from the specimen, contains no new information. The neural arch is not co-ossified to a centrum and has a low neural spine. The former feature indicates that it cannot be attributed to the orders Nectridea, Ai'stopoda, Microsauria, or any amniote group. The absence of swollen neural arches suggests, albeit from negative evidence, that it is not a seymouriamorph. Peabody suggested that it belonged to an embolomerous form as the symmetrical anterior and posterior faces of the pedicels implied the presence of equally large intercentra and pleurocentra. However, although the pedicel faces are asymmetrical in some rhachitomous forms, they are symmetrical or nearly so in others (Neldasaurus Chase 1965, fig. 9a; Eryops Moulton 1974; Tersomius Daly 1973, text-figs. 5a and 6). Thus the neural arch does not characterize the specimen as an embolomerous anthracosaur but simply as either a temnospondyl or an anthracosaur or a more primitive stem-tetrapod. The scapulocoracoid is well ossified for its size and this suggests that it belonged to a terrestrial form, small aquatic amphibians having unossified or poorly ossified endochondral regions in the pectoral girdle. The shape of the scapulocoracoid resembles that of labyrinthodont-grade amphibians rather than of reptiles. The presence of supracoracoid and glenoid foramina below the glenoid resembles the condition in both temnospondyls (Greererpeton Holmes 1980, Dissorophus DeMar 1968) and anthracosaurs (Proterogyrinus Holmes 1980). The glenoid is large and slightly triangular as originally described by Peabody, not a small ovoid as interpreted by Eaton and Stewart, and it resembles that in terrestrial temnospondyls such as Trematops (Olson 1941, fig. 11b). In conclusion, the holotype specimen of H. garnettense appears to be an indeterminate labyrinthodont-grade amphibian, possibly a terrestrial temnospondyl. The bones are entirely consistent with attribution to a trematopid temnospondyl such as Actiobates which occurs at Garnett, but are equally consistent with attribution to a small member of the Dissorophidae or Eryopidae. Thus the binomen H. garnettense is a nomen dubium restricted to an indeterminate holotype specimen. The referred specimen KUVP 10295 consists of a large number of small bones on a small slab of shale. The originally exposed surface has been embedded in plastic and the specimen has been prepared from the back. As noted by Eaton and Stewart (1960, p. 220) the bones are mostly broken or distorted by crushing and are also scattered. All the identifiable bones are consistent in size, number, and general relative position with the interpretation that they derive from the anterior half of a single, small amphibian skeleton. The anterior appendicular skeleton and the anterior trunk are most readily recognized, being only slightly disarticulated, the posterior skeleton is absent, whilst the skull is severely crushed and scattered. Regrettably, some elements are now difficult to observe through the plastic coat. However, I have been able to identify and draw several bones which I believe are sufficient to permit a reassessment of this specimen. These include some elements of the skull roof, palate, mandible, axial and anterior appendicular skeleton. Unfortunately I was unable to identify the braincase, stapes, or occiput amongst the crushed cranial elements at one end of the slab: those skull bones which are figured and described here being a group which have drifted back towards the pectoral region. Some of the identified bones are figured in text-figs. 2b-4 and are described in the following paragraphs. Skull. Five cranial elements have been confidently identified, namely a right lachrymal, a left postfrontal, a right squamosal, a right vomer, and a left pterygoid. The right lachrymal (text-figs. 2b and 3) is the most diagnostic element in the specimen. It is present as a disarticulated bone and was described and figured by Eaton and Stewart (1960, fig. 3c, d) as the right tabular. It consists of an elongate triangular plate of lightly sculptured dermal bone with a long slender process extending ventrolaterally from the unsculptured surface along its long axis (text-fig. 2b). Eaton and Stewart interpreted this as a tabular with a small otic notch supported by a flange of the 770 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 2. a, Actiobates peabodyi Eaton. KUVP 17941, the holotype specimen. Left anterior region of the skull based on Eaton 1973, fig. la and on first-hand observation of the specimen. The lachrymal is heavily outlined and sculpture pits are depicted on it. Abbreviations are: fr —frontal, ju— jugal, mx maxillary, n — nasal, pmx— premaxillary, pr— prefrontal, b, indeterminate trematopid. KUVP 10295, isolated ossification inter- preted as right tabular by Eaton and Stewart, but here identified as the right lachrymal of a trematopid. dermal surface and by the slender process. In their discussion they suggested that the slender process may have articulated with the pectoral girdle in a rhipidistian-like manner. There is no precedent for a tabular of this particular shape in the lower tetrapods and as the bone occurs as an isolated structure, its identification as a tabular would appear to have been no more than a guess. However, its precise shape and size relative to the other bones are entirely consistent with it being a lachrymal of a temnospondyl amphibian of the Family Trematopidae. The Trematopidae are a family of dissorophoid amphibians characterized by several features, most conspicuously the elongate external naris (Olson 1941; Bolt 1974a). Within the Order Temnospondyli, this type of external naris, with a posterior extension and a characteristic configuration of surrounding bones is unique to the Trematopidae, although a similar arrangement occurs in the Upper Permian batrachosaur Chroniosaurus from Russia (Tverdochlebova 1972). Such a narial structure has been claimed for the dissorophid Longiscitula houghae (DeMar 1966; Boy 1 98 1 ) but Bolt (1974a) notes that this isdoubtful and I can confirm, having examined this specimen, that the ‘elongate nostril’ is an artifact of crushing. In the trematopids the posterior extension of the naris is a manifestation of modifications to the nasal, prefrontal, lachrymal, maxillary, and vomer (Bolt 1974a). The primitive temnospondyl lachrymal condition is a roughly rectangular bone extending from naris to orbit and bearing the lachrymal duct or ducts. In most long-snouted temnospondyls it withdraws from contact with the naris and orbit and is a rhomboidal bone bordered by nasal, maxillary, prefrontal, and jugal. In trematopids however, the enlarged naris, combined with the retention of the lachrymal position on the orbit margin, results in the lachrymal being preserved as a triangular plate of sculptured bone bordering the orbit anterolaterally. This is well shown by the trematopid Actiobates, also from Garnett (text-fig. 2a). A ventral process of bone extends anteriorly from the main body of the lachrymal along the floor of MILNER: PENNSYLVANIAN AMPHIBIAN 771 the nasal chamber bordering the maxillary (text-fig. 2a) and this corresponds to the slender process which Eaton and Stewart interpreted as a form of tabular horn. The resultant configuration of a trematopid lachrymal is matched by the bone in KUVP 10295 (text-figs. 2b and 3) and this provides compelling evidence that the bone is a lachrymal and that the specimen is a trematopid temnospondyl. The left postfrontal is present as an isolated element overlapping the left pterygoid (text-fig. 3). It is anteriorly pointed and posteriorly rectangular with a small posterior lappet which would have extended under the supratemporal. This shape of bone and the position of the lappet identify it as a postfrontal (Boy 1972 Abb. 4k depicts a very similar postfrontal in Micromelerpeton). It has temnospondyl-type irregular pitted sculpture and the absence of dermo-sensory pits or canals indicates that it derives from a terrestrial temnospondyl. In these features it is consistent with attribution to the families Eryopidae, Trematopidae, or Dissorophidae. The anterior extension terminating in a point rather than a sutural contact indicates that there was no prefrontal-postfrontal common suture but that both bones terminated as points over the orbit, and that the frontals entered the orbit margin. This derived character occurs in advanced dissorophids (not Amphibamus ) and in trematopids, but not in eryopids where there is consistently a prefrontal-postfrontal contact. No bone of this precise shape was figured by Eaton and Stewart but it may be the ‘postorbitaF of their description. The right squamosal (text-fig. 3) was figured by Eaton and Stewart (1960, fig. 3c/, b) as the left squamosal. It is a large rectangular bone, shallowly concave along one edge, which is the border of the tympanic notch, rather than the (unprecedented) orbit margin as suggested by Eaton and Stewart. The unsculptured ventral surface is exposed and on it, next to the otic margin, is a branched crack, the raised edges of which appear to have been figured as flange-like structures by Eaton and Stewart. Such flanges are not certainly present unless cracks have formed along the edges of them so that the structures which appear as raised edges are, in fact, low flanges. Flanges on the ventral surface of the squamosal have been reported in several Palaeozoic temnospondyls including Edops (Romer and Witter 1942), Dendrerpeton (Watson 1956, fig. 29 as Platystegos), Tersomius (Carroll 1964, fig. 4), and an unnamed trematopid from Fort Sill (Bolt 19746, fig. 3). The squamosal only indicates the presence of a large otic notch. The right vomer (text-fig. 3) is a large irregularly shaped flat plate of bone bearing a covering of tiny denticles and what appear to be the bases of two palatal fangs on the exposed ventral surface. A shallow concavity along one edge may be interpreted as the border of the internal naris. A slightly larger concavity on one of the shorter edges is probably the anterior border of the left interpterygoid vacuity. Such a large, relatively wide, vomer bearing a fang-pair and bordering a large interpterygoid vacuity is only consistent with belonging to a temnospondyl. Other early tetrapods either have narrow vomers, fangless vomers, or no interpterygoid vacuities. The left pterygoid (text-fig. 3) is also denticle covered on the exposed ventral face and is of the characteristic triradiate form associated with the presence of large interpterygoid vacuities. The quadrate and basipterygoid rami are clearly visible and the palatine ramus is partly obscured by the superimposed postfrontal. There is also a distinct denticle-bearing posterodistal flange. The combination of such a flange with large interpterygoid vacuities identifies the specimen as a dissorophoid, either belonging to the Dissorophidae or the Trematopidae. The above described elements are the only ones which could be identified as cranial ossifications. I could not recognize the premaxillary, maxillary, parietal, supratemporal, or any of the occipital and braincase ossifications identified by Eaton and Stewart. It would, of course, be futile to attempt a reconstruction of the skull based on the five elements recognized in this work, but they include most of the bones used in Eaton and Stewart’s palatal reconstruction and some of the significant components of their skull roof reconstruction. Mandible. The right mandible (text-fig. 3) is crushed and lightly twisted, being visible in dorsolateral aspect at the back and ventrolateral aspect at the front. It bears temnospondyl-type sculpturing on one large posterior element, partly visible as impression, which appears to me to be the angular rather than the surangular as suggested by Eaton and Stewart. Parts of the mandible may be identified as the pt pterygoid, rad - radius, spl — splenial, sq— squamosal, uln — ulna, vom -vomer. MILNER: PENNSYLVANIAN AMPHIBIAN 773 splenial, dentary, and articular with varying degrees of confidence but the only general conclusion that may be drawn from the mandible is that it probably belonged to a temnospondyl. Postcranial skeleton. There is little to add to Eaton and Stewart’s description of the vertebrae. They comprise neural arches, some with slightly elongate neural spines, U-shaped intercentra and large paired pleurocentra. Some neural spines are distinctly lower than depicted by Eaton and Stewart, one is visible in text-fig. 3 between the mandible and the pterygoid. The vertebrae appear to correspond to the typical rhachitomous condition and are consistent with attribution to many Palaeozoic temnospondyl families. Some short straight anterior thoracic ribs are present (text-fig. 4). As Eaton and Stewart note, they are substantially expanded proximally, but this is a common feature of the thoracic ribs of small labyrinthodonts. Preparation of the slab has permitted both aspects of the preserved anterior appendicular skeleton to be recognized (text-figs. 3 and 4). The clavicle, visible in both aspects, is narrow-bladed with a long stem. The outer face of the blade is lightly striated. The narrow blade resembles those of presumed terrestrial temnospondyls such as eryopids, trematopids, and dissorophids and also of microsaurs and seymouriamorphs. Part of the scapulocoracoid is visible under the clavicle on one side (text-fig. 4). A couple of striations are visible suggesting that part of the exposed bone is the scapular blade and the rest is coracoid. On the other face of the specimen (text-fig. 3) the crushed coracoid is visible in ventral aspect and bears a prominent glenoid fossa. Comparison of text-fig. 3 with figure 1 1 of Eaton and Stewart shows that their ‘humerus’ is actually the base of the coracoid with a short humerus closely appressed to it. They interpreted the coracoid as the ridged proximal region of an ‘unusually long humerus’ and the glenoid surface was depicted as an unfinished cartilage ridge on the proximal end of the humerus (Eaton and Stewart 1960, fig. 11). The genuine humerus is a short ‘propellor-blade’ shaped structure with broad ends set at 90° to each other, the proximal end being visible as a flat blade while the distal end is visible only in section (text-figs. 3 and 4). This shape and relative size of humerus characterizes many terrestrial temnospondyls such as Eryops, the trematopids, and some dissorophids. In apparently aquatic temnospondyls such as the trimerorhachoids the humerus blades are poorly ossified and less obviously rotated at 90° to one another. Other small temnospondyls such as Amphibamus and Branchiosaurus have longer, more slender humeri (Carroll 1964; Boy 1972; Milner 1982). The humerus of KUVP 10295 was probably incompletely ossified at the ends and may have been slightly longer. Eaton and Stewart interpreted the entire humerus as the distal portion of a long humerus bearing a slender hook-like ectepicondyle, a supposed relictual fish characteristic. The radius and ulna are close to the humerus and to each other although not in articulation (text-figs. 3 and 4). They are of typical temnospondyl type and I cannot see the pronounced distal expansion of the ulna which Eaton and Stewart figure as homologous to a postaxial process. Several isolated metacarpals and phalanges are present but are not in articulation and do not permit a reconstruction of the carpus or nranus. The only unusually shaped manus bone depicted by Eaton and Stewart which does appear to be present is the forked bone which they describe as an ulnare with a posterior hook-like expansion. A bone of approximately this shape is present on one face of the specimen (text-fig. 4). In view of the otherwise orthodox nature of the appendicular skeleton, I suspect that this ossification is made up of two or three metacarpals or phalanges superimposed and crushed across each other. Apart from this I can see nothing in the skeleton of the fore-limb which would justify the unique reconstruction of Eaton and Stewart. Systematic position. The visible determinate bones of KUYP 10295 are all consistent with attribution to the Temnospondyli. The type of dermal sculpturing on the postfrontal, the shape of the pterygoid and the vomer, and the structure of the vertebrae in particular support this attribution. The postfrontal, squamosal, clavicle, and humerus together specify a temnospondyl with no lateral-line pits around the interorbital region, an otic notch, a narrow clavicle, and a short, broad-ended humerus showing pronounced torsion. Such characteristics are consistent with the specimen being either an eryopid, a dissorophid, or a trematopid. The pterygoid with the posterodistal flange and the postfrontal coming to an anterior point identify it as either a dissorophid or a trematopid, while the lachrymal is most diagnostic, permitting the specimen to be identified as a trematopid. The only other 774 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 text-fig. 4. Indeterminate trematopid previously referred to Hesperoherpeton garnettense by Eaton and Stewart 1960. KUVP 10295, part of reverse face of specimen showing disarticulated axial and anterior appendicular elements. Abbreviations as for text-fig. 3 plus: r^rib, scap-cor— scapulocoracoid. determinate amphibian described from Garnett is the trematopid Actiolmtes peabodyi (Eaton 1973) and it is probable though not demonstrable that KUVP 10295 is a poor specimen of Actiobates. As Actiobates has not been fully described or comparatively diagnosed against the Texas red-bed trematopids such as Acheloma , there is no basis for assigning KUVP 10295 to any particular genus other than by locality and horizon so it is proposed that the specimen be considered as Trematopidae incertae sedis. MILNER: PENNSYLVANIAN AMPHIBIAN 775 DISCUSSION Systematic conclusions. Re-examination of the two specimens from Garnett confirms a view, which has been implicit in the tendency of most workers to ignore Eaton and Stewart’s paper, that their interpretation was not justified by the material and that there is no foundation for either the Order Plesiopoda or the Family Hesperoherpetonidae. Their limb reconstruction is based on a mis- interpretation of the crushed anterior appendicular elements and their skull reconstructions are a frankly imaginative assembly of a series of isolated elements which can be interpreted in a far more justifiable manner by comparison with contemporaneous forms. As noted in the introduction, the nature of this specimen was immediately evident to most workers on Palaeozoic tetrapods and Eaton and Stewart’s publication has been widely ignored. However because it was ignored rather than explicitly criticized, Hesperoherpeton found its way into several general discussions on the origin and early evolution of tetrapods, by authors who assumed that the absence of refutation meant that the work was accepted. It is, perhaps, a reminder of the value of published critical discussion. Amphibians in the Garnett tetrapod fauna. The Garnett assemblage is unique among Carboniferous tetrapod assemblages in that it is largely composed of early amniotes, namely pelycosaurs and diapsids. Some of these have been redescribed or newly described in recent years and the known amniote fauna currently comprises the diapsid Petrolacosaurus (Reisz 1977, 1981) and four pelycosaurs, namely the sphenacodont Haptodus (Currie 1977, 1979), the enigmatic long-spined Xyrospondylus and undescribed material of Edaphosaurus, and a Clepsydrops- like ophiacodont (Reisz et al. 1982). The type specimen of the trematopid Actiobates (Eaton 1973) and the two specimens redescribed in this paper, are the only described amphibians from Garnett. Reisz et al. ( 1 982) reported a further four amphibian specimens recently collected and yet to be described, while Peabody (1958, p. 571) reported an earlier discovery of a series of nectridean vertebrae which were subsequently lost before they could be described. Thus there may be other amphibians in the Garnett assemblage, but at present, all the described material is either trematopid temnospondyl or consistent with attribution to that family. Reisz et al. ( 1 982) discussed the lithology of the productive horizons at Garnett and concluded that it represents a terrestrial environment subject to progressive incursions by brackish water, implying an estuarine mud-flat regime. It is interesting then, that the only determinate amphibians described to date are trematopids, the peculiar naris of which has been interpreted as modified to incorporate a chamber for an enlarged gland, possibly a salt gland (Bolt 1974a). Possession of a salt gland permits tetrapods to be more tolerant of both xeric and saline environments and it is possible that trematopids had such glands and were unusual among temnospondyls in their tolerance of brackish conditions. Acknowledgements. I should like to thank Dr Larry Martin and Dr Hans-Peter Schultze of the University of Kansas for their hospitality and for permission to examine this material. My research travel was funded by the University of London Central Research Fund. REFERENCES Alexander, R. mcn. 1975. The Chordates , 480 pp. Cambridge University Press, London. bolt, j. r. 1974a. Osteology, function and evolution of the trematopsid (Amphibia: Labyrinthodontia) nasal region. Fieldiana: Geol. 33, 11-30. — 1974b. 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Hist. 167, 159-267. schmalhausen, i. I. 1968. The Origin of Terrestrial Vertebrates, 314 pp. Academic Press, New York and London. Thomson, k. s. and bossy, k. h. 1970. Adaptive trends and relationships in early Amphibia. Forma et Functio, 3, 7-31. tverdochlebova, g. i. 1972. A new batrachosaurian genus from the Upper Permian of southern Cisuralia. Paleontol. J. 6, 84-90. vorob'yeva, e. i. 1974. On the formation of tetrapod characters in crossopterygians. Ibid. 8, 219-224. watson, d. m. s. 1956. The brachyopid labyrinthodonts. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.), 2, 315-392. ANDREW R. MILNER Department of Biology Birkbeck College London WC1E 7HX Typescript received 25 October 1984 HOMOTAXY AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHICAL THEORY by G. H. SCOTT Abstract. The principal problem in biostratigraphical theory is a justification for using fossils to identify isochronous horizons. Biostratigraphers establish the sequential order of fossil events but there is no theoretical justification for equating constancy in stratigraphical position (homotaxy) with constancy in time of deposition. The problem is important as the way in which it is solved greatly influences the direction of biostratigraphical research. A partial solution is to use homotaxy as a weak test for diachroneity. Events that do not maintain invariant stratigraphical order are regarded as diachronous. While surviving events are not shown to be isochronous the amount of potential diachroneity throughout their individual distributions is inversely related to their stratigraphical spacing. The closer are homotaxial events in stratigraphical space the less they have wandered in time. Thus a major objective of biostratigraphical research should be to make tests of homotaxis more rigorous by raising the density of events. Since William Smith the principal role of biostratigraphers has been to provide classifications of strata useful for estimating time of deposition. Historical geology requires a chronological framework to study ancient geographies and the sequential classifications established with fossils have long been used for this purpose. Indeed, the advent of radiometric and palaeomagnetic chronologies, in which time is directly estimated, has not diminished the utility of biostratigraphical data and there are now interesting applications of fossils as surrogate criteria for datum planes determined by quantitative techniques for measuring age. Cenozoic biostratigraphy, for example, has progressed to the stage where appearances and extinctions of taxa, calibrated at only a few sites with radiometric or magnetostratigraphic chronologies, are used as datum planes expressed in years (e.g. Ryan et al. 1 974; Poore et al. 1984) that are recognized at locations far distant from the sites of calibration. Resolutions of less than 10000 years have been claimed for such datum planes (Thierstein et al. 1977; Berggren and van Couvering 1978). To the bystander, these applications suggest that biostratigraphy has come of age and that the isochronous surfaces envisaged by the International Stratigraphic Guide (Hedberg 1976) can be accurately estimated by fossils. While utility itself may be a justification, there is little theory to underwrite biostratigraphical practice. Further, over a long period there have been denials that fossils can accurately estimate time. A trenchant early critic was Huxley (1862) who argued that occurrences of taxa in fixed order from section to section (the common feature of biostratigraphical classifications since William Smith) did not imply that each datum or unit was isochronous. As correspondence in position did not imply contemporaneity, he alleged by way of demonstration that, Tor anything that geology or palaeontology are able to show to the contrary, a Devonian fauna and flora in the British Islands may have been contemporaneous with Silurian life in North America, and with a Carboniferous fauna and flora in Africa’ (Huxley 1862, p. xliv). Modern critics (e.g. Miller 1965; Drooger 1974; Watson 1983), while less dismissive than Huxley, have continued to wrestle with the problems of using fossils to define isochronous surfaces. Kitts (1966) made a detailed investigation of the problem, viewing the events of the biostratigrapher as biological signals which were transmitted from specific centres. Because biological signal velocities (rates of dispersal) are variable and cannot be determined intrinsically from the data, he concluded that ‘simultaneous with’ relationships cannot be derived from fossils. The impasse in biostratigraphical theory is that the intrinsic palaeobiological and stratigraphical data for an individual event do not enable its isochroneity to be established. There is no rationale for [Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 4, 1985, pp. 777-782.| 778 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 progressing from event ordering to event dating. The International Stratigraphic Guide states (p. 88) that ‘biostratigraphic correlation is one of the most useful approaches to time correlation if used with discretion and judgment’, repeating an earlier view (p. 63) that correlation is a matter of judgement. It also mentions ‘subtle paleontological discrimination’ (p. 88) but in none of the discussions are clear guidance or objective rules given for identifying the most reliable datum planes. The idealistic way in which the Guide equates fossil datum planes with isochronous surfaces is echoed in some texts. Krumbein and Sloss (1963, p. 370) wrote that ‘Chronospecies and “chronogenera” include the most obvious index fossils, since the synchronism of their range zones may be established without serious doubt’. In like vein, Donovan (1966, p. 32) found it ‘inconceivable, in view of what we now know of evolution and dispersal, that a long and complex series of faunal changes should occur at different times in different places’. Certainly, there are grounds for making such assertions but where is the theory that allows them to be tested with biostratigraphical evidence? Other authors (e.g. Dunbar and Rodgers 1957; Weller 1960; Raup and Stanley 1978) focus more on the imperfections of palaeobiological events as time indices. Yet these ‘realists’ also fail to confront the problem: how to identify the best events for time correlation? In overview, there is no theory to allow a set of ordered events to be tested for isochroneity with biostratigraphical data. The problem has existed since the advent of biostratigraphy and is ignored or glossed over in the vast majority of the biostratigraphical literature. I believe that this is unsatisfactory as the direction of biostratigraphical research is intimately related to the way in which the gap between sequence and time is to be bridged. Here I outline one approach which, rather than trying to find isochronous events directly, seeks to identify the least diachronous. A PARTIAL SOLUTION Perhaps ironically for Huxley, a basis for biostratigraphical theory lies in his concept of homotaxis. To Huxley (1862) it signified similarity in orders of stratigraphical events without implication of contemporaneity, and he used it with some relish to demolish time stratigraphical correlation with fossils. Huxley was correct in contending that an order of events, maintained from section to section, does not entail that each was isochronous throughout its occurrences. Nevertheless, he did not explore some implications of his concept. Let us simply define as homotaxial those events that occur in fixed stratigraphical order with respect to selected neighbouring events. As graphical representa- tions show, order invariance does not necessarily identify an event as isochronous. Homotaxial events potentially include strictly isochronous events (e.g. those caused by instantaneous global cata- strophes) as well as diachronous events that are insufficiently time transgressive to intersect with their immediate neighbours. Conversely, non-homotaxial events include those diachronous events that are time transgressive to the extent that they produce inversions of order. Relative to the time stratigraphical objective, non-homotaxial events can be rejected as certainly unsuitable. Thus the problem focuses on homotaxial events; these may vary considerably in the amount of undetected diachroneity. Huxley denied that this class of event was applicable in time stratigraphy. This is substantially correct given the biogeographical model he implied in which, over a long period (Silurian to Carboniferous), taxa originated in one region and slowly migrated in the same direction to others. But in any model in which events may arise at various geographical loci (text-fig. 1) and disperse at different rates in different directions, homotaxial events will include those that are potentially the most accurate estimators of time. The operational task is to identify the least diachronous. While tests using various stratigraphical, physical, or chemical techniques are sometimes feasible, it is important from the standpoint of biostratigraphical theory to identify procedures that simply depend on stratigraphical relationships (the intrinsic data of biostratigraphy). The primary procedure relates to the stratigraphical spacing of homotaxial events and tries to force them into the class of non-homotaxial events. Text-fig. 1 shows a homotaxial triplet (Events 1, 2, 3). Events 1 and 3 are well behaved in the time domain as they dispersed rapidly. Event 2 did not, but it will still be regarded as a homotaxial event as it does not intersect with the adjacent Events 1 and 3. SCOTT: HOMOTAXY AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHICAL THEORY 779 EVENT SPACING AND HOMOTAXY GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION *- text-fig. 1. Initially, only biostratigraphical Events 1, 2, 3 are known. They maintain homotaxy throughout their joint occurrences. Event 4 is recognized subsequently and it is found that the upward sequence 1 -4-2-3 is maintained over most of the region in which they occur jointly. However, in the vicinity of A the order of Events 4 and 2 inverts. Evidence from Event 5 helps establish that Event 2 is strongly diachronous. The slow dispersal of Event 2 was unrecognized when the event set consisted only of Events 1, 2, 3. Decreasing the stratigraphical spacing of events will raise the chance of detecting the most diachronous events provided that the origins of events and their dispersal directions and rates are variable. Consideration of an additional event (4, perhaps newly recognized) shows that while it maintains homotaxy with Events 1 and 3 it fails with Event 2. At this stage which of Events 2 and 4 is the more diachronous is unknown and further events, such as 5, may be needed to reject Event 2. Interpolation of additional events in homotaxial sets should tend to eliminate the most diachronous. Thus attempts to falsify the hypothesis that a set of events is homotaxial become increasingly rigorous as event spacing declines. As testing relies only on hypotheses about event orders, there is no indication of the variation in age of events that survive testing. They are not shown to be isochronous, neither is their diachroneity definitely established. Nevertheless, for particular sedimentary regimes, those that are closest in stratigraphical space may be expected to best approximate isochronous horizons. The signal model (Kitts 1966) provides another perspective on selection of events. Here, events are considered to be transmitted away from a local geographical origin. Speciation by allopatry is an excellent example but some extinctions (such as those caused by an environmental change moving along a geographical gradient, progressively eliminating populations) also conform. The significance of geographical extent is that it provides a test of signal velocity. Any event whose transmission time is slower than those of its neighbours is liable not to maintain its order in the sequence (Event 2 in text-fig. 1). Whether it does so depends on several factors, including its proximity (in time) to the 780 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 neighbouring event with faster velocity, and on variation in its own velocity. This may be considerable. For example, zooplankton populations tend to be watermass bounded (McGowan 1971 ). Within one watermass, biological events are rapidly distributed by physical circulation. But the spread of a taxon to a neighbouring watermass is often a trial and error process. Thus some signals (e.g. first appearances) may terminate near the boundary (possibly indicating that founder populations in the adjacent watermass failed to establish). On the other hand, a successful invasion may lead to rapid expansion over the whole of the new territory. While estimates of ancient signal velocities are speculative, it is obvious that variation in signal velocity is the more likely to be revealed the greater the area over which homotaxis is checked. It is not simply the global taxa that are the least diachronous, it is those that dispersed most rapidly throughout their entire geographical range. The effectiveness of the geographical test is related to event spacing. If events are widely spaced, velocities are only weakly testable via consideration of geographical distributions. Rather, its effectiveness increases as event spacing decreases. Generally, events that maintain homotaxial order over the widest area at the minimum available stratigraphical spacing are likely to be the least diachronous. DISCUSSION Given suitable distributions of event origins and dispersal routes, tests of homotaxy are potentially capable of eliminating all but strictly isochronous events. In this respect the argument simply supports the utility of sequence classifications long used by biostratigraphers in their quest for time. Additionally, however, the formulation raises issues in contemporary theory and practice that would otherwise not be clearly perceived. 1. Testability. Like Donovan (1966), we may appeal to evolutionary theory to ‘guarantee’ that certain events are isochronous or, like the International Stratigraphic Guide, we may cloak our selections under the shrouds of ‘discretion’ and ‘judgment’. The merit of building a theory around homotaxy is that it emphasizes practical testing procedures. Biostratigraphy is not an art, despite the writings of the International Stratigraphic Guide. 2. Integration of data. Events used in biostratigraphy come from sources as diverse as protistans and vertebrates. However, the potential value of this diversity is rarely realized in biostratigraphical applications. The systematics of groups well represented in the Cenozoic record, for example, have recently been greatly refined, often with large increases in the number of useful biostratigraphical events recognized. Yet this research has been paralleled by the multiplication of biostratigraphical classifications which use only events in one group (e.g. Martini 1971; Riedel and Sanfilippo 1978; Blow 1979). While all represent major advances, no single classification necessarily uses events that are the least diachronous. In general, this will be the integrated set as it will contain the most closely spaced events. Integration implies more than finding the stratigraphical position of diatom species C relative to coccolith species H in one or two sequences. To fully utilize advances in the systematics of Cenozoic planktonic microfossils the positions of individual events need to be compared with those of their nearest stratigraphical neighbours throughout regions of joint occurrences. While biogeographical compatibility largely controls the severity of testing, any reduction in event spacing while maintaining homotaxy enhances the value of the datum planes for time stratigraphy. There is an increasing effort to correlate events in various planktonic microfossil groups (e.g. Hornibrook and Edwards 1971; Ikebe and Chiji 1981; Abbott 1984) but is testing really rigorous? 3. Stratotypes. The International Stratigraphic Guide vigorously promoted the function of stratotypes and type localities as standards for the definition and recognition of stratigraphical units. It views a stratotype (p. 27) as ‘the standard of reference on which the concept of the unit is uniquely based’. Thus biostratigraphical units (p. 63) are ‘extended away from their type localities by biostratigraphic correlation’. Similarly, the boundaries of stages (chronostratigraphical unit, p. 71) ‘as they are extended away from the boundary stratotypes should be in principle isochronous’. Further, the Guide states (p. 86) that 'Only after the type limits (boundary stratotypes) of a chrono- SCOTT: HOMOTAXY AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHICAL THEORY 781 stratigraphic unit have been established can the limits be extended geographically beyond the type section’. These views conflict with the theory advocated here. While it is valuable to have a locality that serves as a name bearer for a datum or unit, homotaxial theory does not require any locality to serve as a standard endowed with special status. Homotaxis is recognizable only by occurrences of events in the same order in several sequences. The order of events in one section without reference to the order of the same events in other sequences is completely irrelevant in a homotaxial scheme. Rather than initially identifying a standard and correlating outward from that site, as the Guide suggests, a homotaxial datum, or unit, can only be recognized after inspection of events in several sequences. From a different viewpoint Hay (1974) reached a similar conclusion. The equal status of sequences in homotaxial schemes is implied in the test procedure for order invariance. Any sequence in which the order of an event is not maintained becomes crucial in determining the status of the event, irrespective of its relationships in the stratotype. I suggest that methodological emphasis on stratotypes is misplaced. Biostratigraphy is built on selection of events, not selection of sections. Biostratigraphers have long advocated the utility of fossils to identify synchronous horizons and independent methods of dating are now establishing that some palaeobiological events in fact dispersed extremely rapidly. Such results, however encouraging, do not resolve the problem of identifying synchronous horizons when only data on the order of events are available. While there may not be a full solution to this problem the value of my formulation is that it points to a coherent approach to event selection and identifies research objectives that should improve biostratigraphical resolution. Rightly, some will say that the procedures are commonplace, used by all biostratigraphers. Nevertheless, the way they may be used to bridge the gap between order of events and age of events is insufficiently recognized either in practice or in the literature. Acknowledgements. I thank Professor R. M. Carter and colleagues at N.Z. Geological Survey for many constructive comments. REFERENCES Abbott, w. h. 1984. Progress in the recognition of Neogene diatom datums along the U.S. Atlantic coast. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 47, 5-20. berggren, w. a. and van couvering, J. a. 1978. Biochronology, 39-55. In cohee, g. v., glaessner, m. f. and hedberg, H. D. (eds.). The Geologic Time Scale. 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Stratigr. 80 , 631-687. thierstein, h. r., geitzenauer, k. r., molfino, b. and shackleton, n. j. 1977. Global synchroneity of late Quaternary coccolith datum levels: validation by oxygen isotopes. Geology, 5. 400-404. watson, r. a. 1983. A critique chronostratigraphy. Am. J. Sci. 283, 173-177. weller, j. m. 1960. Stratigraphic Principles and Practice, xvi + 725 pp. Harper, New York. G. H. SCOTT Typescript received 30 November 1984 Revised typescript received 4 April 1985 N.Z. Geological Survey P.O. Box 30368 Lower Hutt, New Zealand THE TYPE SPECIES OF CALYMENE (TRILOBITA) FROM THE SILURIAN OF DUDLEY, ENGLAND by DEREK J. SIVETER Abstract. The type material of Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest 1817 (type species of Calymene Brongniart, 1822) and C. tuber culata (Briinnich, 1781) has been revised, with that of the latter being figured for the first time. The nomen dubium status accorded to C. tuber culata by Shirley (1933) can no longer be upheld as the syntype specimens of Silurian age are, on preparation, very well preserved and identifiable, though this species is now recognized as a senior (subjective) synonym of C. blumenbachii. In consequence application is being made to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to retain the junior name in the interest of stability. During recent work on the Calymenidae in preparation for the second edition of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology ( Trilobita ), nomenclatural problems have resurfaced regarding the conservation of the generic name Calymene Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest, 1822, type genus for the family, and the right of Milne Edwards (1840) to stand as the author of the family name. These uncertainties prompted Whittington (1983) to petition the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) in favour of both claims. Subsequent study by the present author has further shown that C. blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817, the type species of Calymene , is a junior (subjective) synonym of Trilobus tuberculatus Briinnich, 1781. The purpose of this paper is to give evidence of this synonymy by providing new data on the type material of both species. Additionally, the paper is a prerequisite to an application to the ICZN (Whittington and Siveter, in press), by way of a rider to Whittington’s 1983 proposals, to use its plenary powers to suppress the senior name tuberculata in favour of blumenbachii, on the grounds that only the latter name has been used for the species by various authors during the last fifty years. The terminology and photographic and preparation techniques are those previously employed by Siveter (1977, 1979, 1980, 1983). Repositories holding material used in this revision are: Universite P. et M. Curie, Laboratoire de Paleontologie des Invertebres, Paris (UPMC); Geologisk Museum, Kobenhavns Universitet (MGUH). THE TYPE SPECIES OF CALYMENE The type material of Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817 No material of C. blumenbachii was figured by Desmarest (1817) but Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest (1822) illustrated two syntype specimens, one (ibid., pi. 1, fig. 1a, b) a partially enrolled example, the other (ibid., pi. 1, fig. lc, d) an extended incomplete individual; Dudley was indicated (ibid., pp. 9, 1 1, and 143) as the type locality (and I can confirm that this name appears on the specimen label accompanying the enrolled form). Shirley (1933) relocated this material in the Sorbonne, Paris, together with a third specimen ‘which probably belonged to Brongniart’ but which Shirley left out of his account because of its uncertain curatorial history. Shirley also selected the enrolled syntype to stand as ‘the type’ (that is lectotype) for the species, and figured it (ibid., pi. 1, figs. 1 -3), though not the second (now paralectotype) specimen. Since this time the type suite of specimens has remained unstudied. Dr Francoise Bigey (Universite P. et M. Curie, Laboratoire de Paleontologie des Invertebres, Paris) subsequently rediscovered the lectotype in the collections of her institute, the Sorbonne [Palaeontology, Vol. 28, Part 4, 1985, pp. 783-792, pis. 90-91. | 784 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Geology Collection having been ‘removed to new buildings’ (pers. comm. 5 February 1974); I have since fully prepared this specimen and it is refigured herein (PI. 90, figs. 1-5), but the paralectotype was reported by Dr Bigey as missing. Further, Brongniart’s material has ‘been shared in the past between the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle and Paris University’ (pers. comm. Dr Bigey, 23 November 1983), though Dr J.-C. Fischer, sub-director of this museum, informs me (1 September 1984) that the paralectotype is not in their collections, and it does not appear in the recently published catalogue of type and figured trilobites housed there (Carriol 1984). For the present it is missing. The type material o/Trilobus tuberculatus Briinnich, 1781 Four specimens comprised the syntype suite of this species, the type locality of which was indicated by Briinnich (1781, p. 391) as ‘Rensnest’ (= Wren’s Nest), ‘Dudley’. Shirley (1933, p. 63) examined this material of C. tuberculata and concluded that the specimens which he referred to as the ‘third’ and ‘fourth’ were, respectively, the pygidium of an undescribed Ordovician calymenid from Shropshire and an almost complete asaphid from the Ordovician of Scandinavia or the eastern Baltic. He claimed that the ‘first’ specimen, ‘a cranidium more than half buried in matrix and six attached thoracic segments ... is impossible to refer to any of the species . . . occurring at Dudley’ and that the ‘second’ specimen, ‘twelve thoracic segments and an attached pygidium . . . cannot be identified with certainty’. Shirley did not name the ‘first’ or ‘second’ specimens in his paper but in a letter (23 June 1933) to Dr J. P. J. Ravn, the then Curator of the Geologisk Museum, Kobenhavns Universitet (where the material is housed) he writes: ‘I cannot identify specimens one and two further than Calymene sp. (at Dudley I have recognised at least four species). They have a matrix which is similar to other specimens from Dudley and there seems to be no doubt that they came from that locality.’ Dr S. Floris, the present Curator, has loaned me (18 January 1984) the first two (MGUH 16.805, 16.806) and fourth (MGUH 16.807) of the syntypes, the third one (Shropshire Ordovician calymenid) being reported as missing. The ‘Rensnest’ locality information given by Briinnich in his paper is also written on the original labels of all these three syntypes, including that of the Ordovician asaphid. However a Wren’s Nest origin is corroborated for at least one of the two syntypes which are of Silurian age, that referred to by Shirley as the ‘first’ specimen (MGUH 16.805) and which is selected below as the lectotype for the species, by evidence from ostracodes recovered from the surrounding matrix (PI. 90, figs. 6 and 7). Dr David Siveter has kindly supplied the following comments on these: ‘The ostracodes are an almost complete female right valve of the beyrichiacean Osmotoxotis phalacra Siveter, 1980, a left valve of the thlipsuracean Thlipsura v-scripta Jones and Holl, 1869, and two other indeterminate non-palaeocope specimens. T. v-scripta is known from the Homerian Stage and possibly the upper part of the Sheinwoodian Stage, Wenlock Series to the lower Gorstian Stage, Ludlow Series of the West Midlands and the Welsh Borderland, and from at least the Wenlock Series on Gotland (Siveter 1978). O. phalacra is unknown outside the Homerian Much Wenlock Limestone Formation of the West Midlands and the Welsh Borderland; it has been recorded (Siveter 1980) from Mayhill, the Malverns, Ledbury, and the type and other localities at the Wren’s Nest. The figured O. phalacra specimen (PI. 90, fig. 6) is only the fourth female of the species known from the Wren’s Nest and it shows exceptional preservation, having a sculpture of fine reticulo-striation and sparse tubercles not previously observed in females from this locality.’ Ostracodes have not been recovered from the matrix around the ‘second’ specimen of Shirley but there is no reason to doubt that it, too, came from the Wren’s Nest. Photographs of the two Dudley syntype trilobites were taken before (PI. 91, figs. 7, 10, 12) and after (PI. 91, figs. 1-6, 8, 9, 11, 13) preparation, so that the nature of the specimens as seen by Shirley and Briinnich is on record; also casts were made of the specimens before they were prepared. Both syntypes were found to have one more thoracic segment, that is seven (PI. 91, fig. 9) and thirteen (PI. 91, fig. 1), than the number given by Shirley. In order to fix the concept of Trilobus tuberculatus in keeping with the previously held notion of this species as a Silurian Calymene from Dudley, the specimen illustrated herein on Plate 91, figs. 3, 6, 8, 9, 11-13 is now selected as lectotype (MGUH 16.805). SIVETER: SILURIAN TRILOBITE 785 The question of synonymy As Shirley (1933) noted, on priority grounds many Scandinavian and continental authors (e.g. Lindstrom 1885) used the senior name C. tuherculata rather than C. blumenbachii for late Wenlock calymenids of this type. Shirley nevertheless effectively declared C. tuherculata a nomen dubium because of ‘inadequate description and types’, and said that ‘the name tuherculata for any species of Calymene must be allowed to fall’. After preparing the Silurian material of Briinnich I am convinced that there are no significant morphological differences from that of Brongniart and that they are conspecific (see discussion below and Pis. 90 and 91). All the material is from the Dudley area, though it is unknown in the case of C. blumenbachii whether its type locality is specifically the Wren’s Nest, as for C. tuherculata, there being two other Silurian inliers (Dudley Castle Hill and Hurst Hill; Butler 1939) in the district. The type horizon for all the material is indisputably the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, of late Homerian age, considering the ostracode evidence presented above and the fact that I have not noted any specimens of this species from Dudley, of which there are very many, in any other formation. The type species The type species of Calymene Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest, 1822 is C. blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817, by subsequent designation of Shirley (1933), and not, as stated by Whittington (1983), Calymena blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817 by original designation. Bassler’s (1915) designation of C. tuherculata to stand as the type species pre-dates that of Shirley, but it is invalid (see Whittington and Siveter, in press). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Family calymenidae Milne Edwards, 1840 Genus calymene Brongniart, 1822 Type species. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817, from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Homerian Stage, Wenlock Series, Dudley, West Midlands, UK, by subsequent designation of Shirley 1933, p. 53. 71750 71750 1781 1816 1817 1822 71839 1851 71852 71859 1865 1868 1869 non 1872 non 1879 Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart, 1817 Plate 90, figs. 1-5; Plate 91 nondescript petrified insect; Lyttelton, p. 105, pi. 1, figs. 9-14; pi. 2 {pars). [From the figures it is probably C. blumenbachii . ] scolopendrae aquaticae scutatae', Mortimer,p. 106, pi. l,figs. 15-18. [From the figures it is possibly C. blumenbachii .] Trilobus tuberculatus Briinnich, p. 389. [Suppression requested, Whittington and Siveter, in press; ICZN pending.] Le Calymene de Blumenbach; Brongniart in Desmarest, p. 50. Calymena blumenbachii, Brong.; Brongniart in Desmarest, p. 517. [Suppression of Calymena Desmarest, 1817 requested, Whittington 1983; ICZN pending.] Calymene blumenbachii ; Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest, p. II, pi. 1, fig. Ia-d. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart; Murchison, p. 653, pi. 7, figs. 6 and 7, non fig. 5. Calymene blumenbachi (Brong.); M‘Coy (pars) in Sedgwick and M‘Coy, p. 165. Calym. blumenbachi. Brongn.; Barrande, p. 566, pi. 5, fig. 8; non pi. 19, fig. 10; non pi. 43, figs. 46-48. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart; Murchison, p. 235, pi. 18, fig. 10. Calymene blumenbachii, Brongn.; Salter, p. 93, pi. 8, figs. 8, 10, 12-14, ?figs. 7, 15, 16, non figs. 9 and 1 1, pi. 9, figs. 1 and 2. Calymene ceratophthalma', Woodward, p. 489, pi. 21, fig. 1 (pars), ?fig. 2. Calymene blumenbachii'. Woodward, p. 43. Calym. blumenbachi. Brongn.; Barrande, p. 36, pi. 14, fig. 33. Calymene blumenbachii, Brongniart; Nicholson and Etheridge, p. 140, pi. 10, figs. 2-6. 786 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 non 1906 1933 1936 non 1957 1959 1970 non 1977 71980 1980 1983 1984 Calymene blumenbachi , Brongniart, 1822; Reed, p. 133, pi. 17, figs. 12 and 13. Calymene blumenbachi Brongniart, 1822; Shirley, pp. 52, 59, pi. 1, figs. 1-5. Calymene lata sp. nov. Shirley, p. 414, pi. 30, figs. 11-13; pi. 31, fig. 4. Calymene ( Calymene ) blumenbachi blumenbachi Brongniart, 1822; Tomczykowa, pp. 97, 135, pi. 3, figs. 3 and 4; text-fig. 6 a, b. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart, 1822; Whittington in Moore, p. 0452, fig. 353.1a-c. Calymene blumenbachi blumenbachi ; Schrank, p. 135, pi 9, figs. 5 and 6. Calymene blumenbachi Brongniart, 1822; Mannil, p. 250, pi. 4, figs. 6 and 7; pi. 5, figs. 1-4. Calymene blumenbachi Brongniart; Chatterton and Campbell, p. 95, fig. 4. Calymene blumenbachii blumenbachii Brongniart, 1822; Siveter, p. 784, pi. 97, fig. 10; pi. 100, figs. 9-11. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817; Whittington, p. 177. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart; Thomas, Owens and Rushton, fig. 23 (pars). Lectotype. Subsequently designated Shirley 1933, p. 53. A complete, partially enrolled specimen, Collections de Paleontologie de l’Universite P. et M. Curie, No. 3409/77; figured Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest 1822, pi. 1, fig. 1a, b; Shirley 1933, pi. 1, figs. 1-3; herein Plate 90, figs. 1-5. Paralectotype. The more or less complete specimen which formed the basis for Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest 1822, pi. 1, fig. lc, d. This specimen now appears to be lost (see above). Type stratum and locality. Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Homerian Stage, Wenlock Series, Dudley, West Midlands. Bassett (1976, pp. 21 1 and 212) regarded at least the base of this formation at Dudley as being of lundgreni Biozone age, with the upper part being most likely of ludensis Biozone age. Additional material. All of the major and most provincial museums in Britain have well-preserved material of this species and there is no attempt here to provide a complete list; the total number of specimens is probably several hundred. It is also well represented in the collections of numerous foreign repositories. Diagnosis. A species of Calymene with a short preglabellar area, about one-tenth as long (sag.) as glabella; anterior border low relative to dorsal surface of frontal glabellar lobe and steeply to more or less vertically inclined, having a fairly sharp dorsal edge; preglabellar furrow very short (sag. and exsag.), moderately deep. Strongly inflated glabella projects well above and well in front of fixed cheek. Pygidium with strongly convex (tr.) axis, six to eight axial rings, five pleural furrows. Description. Cephalon is subsemicircular in outline, 2T (PI. 90, fig. 1) to 2-2 (PI. 91, fig. 6) times as wide as long. Glabellar outline is bell-shaped, 10 (PI. 91, fig. 6) to I T (PI. 90, fig. 1) times as long as wide, projects well in front of fixed cheeks. Occipital ring slightly narrower (tr.) than glabellar width at lp lobes, gently convex in profile, is longest medially but gradually shortens abaxially and flexes forwards at axial furrow where it is weakly inflated. Occipital furrow moderately long (sag.), not deeply incised behind central glabellar area, becomes slit-like abaxially. Lobe lp is fairly large, subquadrate, has a quite strongly convex outer margin, is strongly swollen and separated from median lobe by very shallow posterior extension of furrow lp. The latter is deep and widest (exsag.) at axial furrow, runs inward and backward between lobes lp and 2p, bifurcates adaxially, longer posterior branch turning first backward then inward, anterior branch directed forward and inward, continuing very weakly anteriorly across inner side of lobe 2p. Distinct intermediate lobe within fork of furrow 1 p. Lobe 2p EXPLANATION OF PLATE 90 Figs. 1-5. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817. UPMC 3409/77, Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Dudley; lectotype; complete, partially enrolled specimen. 1, dorsal stereo-pair (cephalon); 2, dorsal (pygidium); 3, oblique (pygidium); 4, lateral; 5, frontal (cephalon); all x 2. Figured Brongniart in Brongniart and Desmarest 1822, pi. 1, fig. 1a, b; Shirley 1933, pi. 1, figs. 1-3. Fig. 6. Osmotoxotis phalacra Siveter, 1980. MGUH 16.803, Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wren’s Nest, Dudley; right valve, female, lateral view, x 33. Fig. 7. Thlipsura v-scripta Jones and Holl, 1869. MGUH 16.804, Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wren’s Nest, Dudley; left valve, tecnomorph, lateral view, x 73. Ostracodes prepared and photographed by Dr David J. Siveter (Leicester). PLATE 90 SIVETER, Calymene, Osmotoxotis, Thlipsura 788 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 rather swollen, transversely elongate, papillate. Furrow 2p directed transversely or slightly forward. Lateral lobe 3p longest (exsag.) dorsally, narrows as it runs down side of glabella, confined by shallow though distinct 3p furrow which trends inward and forward. Small 4p lobe present. Frontal lobe with its sides vertically inclined and directed exsagitally or slightly outward posteriorly, in dorsal view anterolateral margins are rounded, anterior outline weakly (PI. 90, fig. 1) to strongly (PI. 91, fig. 6) convex forward. Frontal lobe is about 0-7 times as wide as glabella at lobe lp. In lateral profile (PI. 90, fig. 4; PI. 91, fig. 8) dorsal surface of glabella projects well above fixed cheek, is gently convex between occipital furrow and furrow 2p, thereafter moderately to strongly convex to anterior face of frontal lobe, which falls very steeply and is undercut by preglabellar furrow. Axial furrow very shallow at occipital ring, narrowest at base of lobe lp, becomes progressively wider (tr.) and much deeper to furrow lp; around lobe lp it undercuts and its abaxial face curves very steeply downward and slightly inward; it is just continuous under bridge of lobe 2p and genal buttress, from here to preglabellar furrow it is uniformly narrow, deep, and trench like. Anterior pit is below posterior part of frontal lobe. Preglabellar furrow very short (sag. and exsag.), moderately deep. Anterior border is a very short raised rim, in lateral view (PI. 90, fig. 4) it curves vertically upward and a little inward, its dorsal surface is quite sharply edged and does not reach far up anterior face of frontal lobe (PI. 90, fig. 5); opposite axial furrow it is slightly swollen (PI. 91, fig. 3). Anterior margin moderately convex forward (PI. 90, fig. 1) and upward (PI. 90, fig. 5). Posterior border becomes considerably wider (exsag.) and less convex abaxially from fulcrum before narrowing (exsag.) slightly near genal angle (PI. 91, fig- 3). Posterior border furrow widest opposite fulcrum, has shallow anterior and steep posterior slope. In lateral profile postocular part of fixed cheek slopes (exsag.) gently to moderately to posterior border furrow, preocular part is rather narrow (tr.), curves steeply downward and forward. Furrow between fixed cheek and anterior border is shallower than preglabellar furrow. Palpebral lobe is moderately (PI. 91, fig. 1 1 ) to quite steeply (PI. 90, fig. 5) inclined with mid-length opposite anterior part of lobe 2p, it is longer (exsag.) than lobe 2p but not as long as lobe lp, its outer margin is slightly pointed. At contact of posterior facial suture and ocular suture, palpebral lobes are L6 times as wide apart as width of glabella across 2p lobes. Posterior branch of suture runs transversely from palpebral lobe then turns obliquely backward to lateral border where it bends more sharply backward and finally slightly outward to bisect lateral and posterior margins; anterior branch directed forward and slightly inward to anterior border, turns sharply inward on outer face of border to connective suture (PI. 91, fig. 11). Visual surface of eye is not preserved, reniform in outline, supported by eye socle from which convex main field of free cheek descends very steeply to distinct, broadly U-shaped lateral border furrow (PI. 91, figs. 3 and 8). Lateral border turns sharply over and under; doublure acutely reflexed. Rostral plate ( PI. 90, fig. 2; PI. 9 1 , fig. 13) composed of border and doublure sectors. Border sector and rostral suture broadly arched; connective suture abaxially convex. Hypostoma apparently missing on figured material. Thorax has thirteen segments. Gently convex (sag.) axial ring very gradually widens (exsag.) abaxially from median line and is produced into gently inflated node at axial furrow (PI. 91, fig. 9). Articulating half-ring about as wide (sag.) as axial ring sagitally; articulating furrow shallow medially, deeper and narrower (exsag.) abaxially. Posterior pleural band strongly convex (exsag.), forms a narrow bounding rim around the flat pleural facet. Dorsally the pleural furrow is relatively wide (exsag.), deep, and U-shaped, reduced to a rill-like slit on pleural facet (PI. 91, fig. 1). Anterior pleural band tightly convex (exsag.), narrower, and slightly lower than posterior band. Pygidium is slightly less than twice as wide as long. Axis is slightly less than half the pygidial width (PI. 90, fig. 2), reaches well above pleural regions, is strongly convex (sag.), has seven (PI. 90, fig. 2) or eight (PI. 91, fig. 4) axial rings (other specimens have only six). All axial rings except the last defined posteriorly by complete ring furrows which are weakest medially; last ring furrow discontinuous; terminal axial piece rounded. Axial furrow clearly impressed, weakest posteriorly. Inner part of pleural region falls steeply from axial furrow, outer EXPLANATION OF PLATE 91 Figs. 113. Calymene blumenbachii Brongniart in Desmarest, 1817. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 10, MGUH 16.806, Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wren’s Nest, Dudley; paralectotype of C. tuberculata (Briinnich, 1781) and ‘second’ specimen of Shirley (1933), pygidium and thorax. 1, lateral; 2, dorsal; 4, posterior; 5, posterior- oblique; all views of prepared specimen, x 2. 7, posterior; 10, dorsal; both views of unprepared specimen, x L5. 3, 6, 8, 9, and 11 13, MGUH 16.805, Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wren’s Nest, Dudley; lectotype of C. tuberculata (Briinnich, 1781) and ‘first’ specimen of Shirley (1933), cephalon and partial thorax. 3, oblique; 6, dorsal (cephalon); 8, lateral; 9, dorsal (thorax); 11, frontal; 13, ventral; all views of prepared specimen, x 2. 12, dorsal (thorax) view of unprepared specimen, x L5. PLATE 91 SIVETER, Calymene 790 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 part becomes vertically inclined. There are five distinctly impressed pleural furrows which are best marked at their mid-length and almost reach lateral margin (PI. 90, fig. 3; PI. 91, fig. 5). Interpleural furrows are slightly longer than pleural furrows, deepest distally, become very faint more proximally though are never completely effaced, are slightly better impressed again immediately adjacent to axial furrow. Fifth interpleural furrow runs on outside of an exsagitally directed ridge which probably represents anterior pleural band of sixth pleura and confines (abaxially) the postaxial sector. Inside this ridge is a very shallow furrow. In lateral profile there is a break in slope between terminal axial piece and postaxial sector. Border rolls under at lateral margin, is widest (tr.) anteriorly. Sculpture on glabella and fixed and free cheek inside posterior and lateral borders consists of closely spaced large to small granules. Abundance of granules falls off towards furrows and they are absent in deepest part of axial furrow, preglabellar furrow, lateral and posterior border furrows, and occipital furrow. Granules are closely packed and more uniform in size on outer side of anterior border, lateral border, rostral plate, central part of pygidial axis, distal posterior margins of pleurae, outer pleural region, and border roll of pygidium; on posterior part of lateral border roll they are more elongate and scale-like, on cephalic and pygidial borders more flattened. Much more widely scattered fine- to medium-sized granules on thorax, except for pleural, axial, and articulating furrows. Pleural facets have very fine granules. Granules are scarce on inner part of pygidial pleural region and abaxial part of pygidial axis. Discussion. The description above is of the three trilobites figured herein, but it can be applied to other specimens of the species. In the lectotype of C. tuberculata the glabellar and cephalic width to length ratio and convex outline of the frontal glabellar lobe is slightly greater than that of the C. blumenbachii lectotype (cf. PI. 90, fig. 1; PI. 91, fig. 6), and the paralectotype of tuberculata has an extra, very weak eighth pygidial axial ring furrow compared with the blumenbachii lectotype (cf. PI. 90, fig. 5; PI. 91, fig. 4), but such variation is considered to be intraspecific. A description of the hypostoma and a comparison with other closely related taxa, for example C. clavicula Campbell, 1968 from the Silurian of Oklahoma or C. neotuberculata Schrank, 1970 from the Wenlock of the Baltic, is in preparation by me for publication elsewhere. C. ceratophthalma Woodward, 1868 and C. lata Shirley, 1936, both from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation of Dudley, I consider to be junior synonyms of C. blumenbachii. Occurrence. Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, West Midlands inkers, England; late Wenlock mudstones and siltstones, Penylan, Rumney inker, Cardiff area, South Wales. Acknowledgements. I am indebted to the following who helped in the search for the material used in this paper: Dr Francoise Bigey (Laboratoire de Paleontologie des Invertebres, Universite P. et M. Curie, Paris), Dr J.-C. Fischer (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris), Dr Soren Floris (Geologisk Museum, Kobenhavns Universitet), Dr John Peel (Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse, Kobenhavn). Professor H. B. Whittington (Cambridge) kindly reviewed the manuscript for the author; Mr R. V. Melville (ICZN, London) and Dr J. D. D. Smith (ICZN, London) gave advice on questions of nomenclature. The ostracode work of Dr David J. Siveter (Leicester) is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES barrande, J. 1852. Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme. 1 ere partie : Recherches paleontologiques. Vol. 1. Crustaces: Trilobites, xxx + 935 pp. Prague and Paris. 1872. Systeme Silurien du centre de la Boheme. 1 ere partie: Recherches paleontologiques. Supplement au vol. 1. Trilobites, Crustaces divers et Poissons, xxx + 647 pp. Prague and Paris. bassett, M. G. 1 976. A critique of diachronism, community distribution and correlation at the Wenlock-Ludlow Boundary. Lethaia, 9, 207-218. bassler, r. s. 1915. Bibliographic index of American Ordovician and Silurian fossils. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus. 92 , 2 vols. 1521 pp. brongniart, a. 1822. In brongniart, A. and desmarest, a. G. Histoire naturelle des Crustaces fossiles, sous les rapports zoologique et geologique. Savoir: les Trilobites par A. Brongniart. Les Crustaces proprement dits par A. G. Desmarest, vii-t- 154 pp. Paris. brunnich, m. t. 1781. Beskrivelse over Trilobiten, en Dyreslaegt og dens Arten, med en nye Arts Aftegning. Nye Sami. K. dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr. 1 , 384-395. SIVETER: SILURIAN TRILOBITE 791 butler, a. J. 1939. The stratigraphy of the Wenlock Limestone at Dudley. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 95, 37-74. carriol, r.-p. 1984. Types et figures de trilobites du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist, nat. Paris , 4 e ser. 6, sect. C, No. 1, 3-32. CHATTERTON, b. D. E. and Campbell, K. s. w. 1980. Silurian trilobites from near Canberra and some related forms from the Yass Basin. Palaeontographica, AI67, 77-1 19. desmarest, a. g. 1816. In Nouv. Diet. Hist. nat. (2nd edn.), 5, 49-50. 1817. In ibid. 8, 517-518. lindstrom, G. 1885. Forteckning pa Gotlands Siluriska Crustaceer. Ofvers K. VetenskAkad. Fork. Stockh. 6, 37-100. lyttelton, c. 1750. A letter from the Rev. Charles Lyttelton, Ll.D. and F.R.S., Dean of Exeter, to the President, concerning a nondescript petrified insect. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 46, 598-599. mannil, R. m. 1977. East Baltic Lower Silurian Calymenidae (Trilobita). In kaljo, d. (ed.). Facies and fauna of the Baltic Silurian. Akad. Nauk. Eston. SSR. Inst. Geol. Tallinn , 240-258. [In Russian with English and Estonian summaries.] m‘coy, F. 1851. In sedgwick, a. and m‘coy, f. A synopsis of the British Palaeozoic rocks , with systematic descriptions of the Palaeozoic fossils in the geological museum of the U niversity of Cambridge , 1 84 pp. Cambridge and London. milne Edwards, h. 1 840. Histoire naturelle des Crustaces , comprenant I’anatomie , la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux , 3, 638 pp. Paris. Mortimer, c. 1750. Some further account of the before-mentioned Dudley Fossil, by the Editor of these Transactions. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 46, 600-602. Murchison, R. I. 1839. The Silurian System, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford; with descriptions of the coalfields and overlying formations, xxxii + 768 pp. London. — 1859. Siluria. The history of the oldest fossiliferous rocks and their foundations, with a brief sketch of the distribution of gold over the earth (3rd edn.), xx + 592 pp. London. nicholson, h. a. and etheridge, r. 1879. A monograph of the Silurian fossils of the Girvan district in Ayrshire with special reference to those contained in the ‘Gray Collection’, 1 (2), 136-233. Edinburgh and London. reed, F. R. c. 1906. The lower Palaeozoic trilobites of the Girvan district, Ayrshire. Palaeontogr. Soc. [ Monogr .], (3), 97-136. salter, j. w. 1865. A monograph of the British trilobites from the Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian forma- tions. Ibid. (2), 81-128. schrank, e. 1970. Calymeniden (Trilobita) aus Silurischen Geschieben. Ber. dt. Ges. geol. kFiss., A, 15, 109- 146. Shirley, J. 1933. A redescription of the known British Silurian species of Calymene ( s.L). Mem. Proc. Manchr lit. phil. Soc. 77, 5-67. - 1936. Some British trilobites of the family Calymenidae. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 92, 384 422. siveter, david j. 1978. The Silurian. In bate, r. h. and robinson, j. e. (eds.). A stratigraphical index of British Ostracoda. Geol. J. Special Issue, 8, 57-100. 1980. British Silurian Beyrichiacea (Ostracoda). Palaeontogr. Soc. [ Monogr .], 133, 1-76. siveter, derek j. 1977. The middle Ordovician of the Oslo Region, Norway, 27. Trilobites of the family Calymenidae. Norsk geol. Tiddskr. 56 (for 1976), 355-396. — 1979. Metacalymene Kegel, 1927, a calymenid trilobite from the Kopanina Formation (Silurian) of Bohemia. J. Paleont. 53, 367-379. — 1980. Evolution of the Silurian trilobite Tapinocalymene from the Wenlock of the Welsh Borderlands. Palaeontology, 23, 783-802. 1 983. Calymene lawsoni and allied species from the Silurian of Britain and their stratigraphic significance. In briggs, d. e. G. and lane, p. d. (eds.). Trilobites and other arthropods: papers in honour of Professor H. B. Whittington, F.R.S. Spec. Pap. Palaeont. 30, 69-88. Thomas, a. t., Owens, r. M. and rushton, a. w. A. 1984. Trilobites in British stratigraphy. Spec. Rep. geol. soc. Lond. 16, 78 pp. tomczykowa, e. 1957. Trilobites from the Wenlock and lower Ludlow graptolitic shales of the Swiety Krzyz Mountains. Biul. Inst. geol. 122, 83-143. [In Polish with Russian and English summaries.] Whittington, H. b. 1959. In moore, R. c. (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part O. Arthropoda, I, xix + 560 pp. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, New York and Lawrence, Kansas. 792 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 28 Whittington, h. b. 1983. Calymene Brongniart, 1822 in Brongniart & Desmarest, 1822 (Trilobita): Proposed conservation. Z.N. (S.) 637. Bull. zool. Nom. 40 , (3), 176-178. and siveter, derek j. In press. Type species of the genus Calymene Brongniart in Brongniart & Desmarest, 1822 and proposed suppression of the name tuberculatus Briinnich, 1781: rider to Z.N. (S.) 637. Bull. zool. Nom. woodward, H. 1868. On a newly-discovered long-eyed Calymene from the Wenlock Limestone, Dudley. Geol. Mag. 5, 489-494. 1869. On a newly-discovered long-eyed trilobite from Dudley. Ibid. 6, 43-44. Typescript received 13 February 1985 Revised typescript received 22 March 1985 DEREK J. SIVETER Department of Geology University of Hull Cottingham Road Hull HU6 7RX THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Notes for authors submitting papers for publication in PALAEONTOLOGY and SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY prepared by the Editors and Council of the Palaeontological Association PUBLICATION POLICY AND PRACTICE Scope of publications. Manuscripts on any aspect of palaeontology will be considered for publication. Papers on Recent material may be acceptable if their palaeontological relevance is explicit. Preference is given to manuscripts with more than local significance. Review papers are particularly welcome and a fee may be payable by the Association. 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In typescript these should be represented as follows: 1st order headings, upper-case letters centred; 2nd order headings, lower-case letters underlined for italics, flush to the left-hand margin, on a line of their own; 3rd order headings, as 2nd order, but followed by a full stop and with the text continuing on the same line. Nothing else should normally be underlined in the text with the exception of words requiring italicization such as generic and specific names, and foreign words and phrases that are not Anglicized. In the text, references should be cited by the author’s name and the date of the publication, without a comma in between. Brackets are used as appropriate, e.g. \ . . as discussed by Dickens (1963)’; ‘as discussed previously (Dickens 1963)’. The page reference to any quotation must be given, e.g. Dickens (1963, p. 20). A work with three or more authors (Squeers, Pickwick and Carton 1964), may be shortened (Squeers et al. 1964) unless ambiguity results. Note that the ampersand (&) is not used anywhere in the text. Systematic work is always introduced by the 1st order heading: ‘SYSTEMATIC PALAEON- TOLOGY’. Second order headings are often not appropriate in this section. The conventions of the journal regarding a marginal or a central position on the page, the order of the different sections, and the format for synonymies, references to illustrations, etc., should be followed with reference to previous issues of Palaeontology. Note that information accessory to systematic descriptions such as type data, etymology, stratigraphic position (which should be detailed), curatorial information, description, etc., is set in small type. Such sections should be adjacent to avoid frequent changes between large and small type. Care should be taken to ensure that diagnoses, descriptions, and discussion are kept distinct. Synonymies are also set in small type. Only the most important previous citations should be given. This style is: 1841 Ammonites Requienianus d’Orbigny, p. 315, pi. 93, figs. 1-4. 1903 Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny); Hyatt, p. 99. 1975 Coilopoceras requiem (d’Orbigny); Dassarma and Sinha, p. 70, pi. 9, fig. 6; text-fig. 8. Note that figure and plate numbers, etc., that were originally given in Roman numerals are always transliterated into arabic figures. This is also the case in the main text and the references. Authors are encouraged to use symbols to indicate the degree of confidence with which particular items in the list are referred to the species under discussion. Such symbols are given in Matthews, s. c. 1973. Notes on open nomenclature and on synonymy lists. Palaeontology , 16 , 713-719. For example: vl937 = the author has seen the cited material and agrees with the reference. v*1937 = the author has seen the type of the species. NOTES FOR AUTHORS 795 Name(s) and correspondence address(es) should be typed on the right-hand side of the page after the reference list. Footnotes. These will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. Permission to publish, for instance, should be included with other acknowledgements. References should be arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ names at the end of the paper. The author’s name should be typed in capitals, with the initials after the surname. It should be followed by the year of publication, and the title of the paper in full. In the titles of papers, capital letters should be used only for proper nouns, and for all nouns in German. The name of the journal (which should be underlined) should be abbreviated in the style of the fourth edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals , Butterworths, London, 1963-1965. New titles and abbre- viations are listed in British Union Catalogue of Periodicals , Butterworths, London (quarterly), 1964 onwards. Volume number (part or fascicule number, in brackets, only if really necessary) and pagination should be given in arabic figures with the items separated by commas only. Volume numbers only should be given a wavy underline to indicate bold type. The titles of books should be underlined for printing in italics, and the number of pages (e.g. 560 pp.), publisher, and place of publication should be given in that order. When a reference has been translated or transliterated, the original language should be stated in square brackets at the end. Examples: boucot, a. j. 1981. Principles of benthic marine paleoecology, xv + 463 pp. Academic Press, New York and London. — and Johnson, i. G. 1979. Pentamerinae (Silurian brachiopods). Palaeontographica , A163, 87-129. cocks, l. r. m. and mckerrow, w. s. 1978. Silurian. In mckerrow, w. s. (ed.). The ecology of fossils, 93-124. Duckworth, London. — 1984. Review of the distribution of the commoner animals in Lower Silurian marine benthic com- munities. Palaeontology, 27, 663-669. d’orbigny, a. c. v. d. 1853. Note sur le nouveau genre Hypotrema. J. Conchyliologie, 4, 432-438, pi. 10. Holland, c. h. 1971. Some conspicuous participants in Palaeozoic symbiosis. Scient. Proc. R. Dubl. Soc. A4(2), 15-26. jaanusson, v. 1979. Ecology and faunal dynamics, 253-294. In jaanusson, v., laufeld, s. and skoglund, r. (eds.). Lower Wenlock faunal and floral dynamics — Vattenfallet section, Gotland. Sver. geol. Unders. Afh. C762, 1-294. Northrop, s. a. 1939. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Silurian rocks of the Port Daniel— Black Cape Region, Gaspe. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 21, i-ix, 1-302. obut, a. m. 1964. Podtip Stomochordata. Stomokhordovye. In orlov, y. a. (ed.). Osnovy paleontologii: Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Pogonophora, Chaetognatha, 279-337. Nedra Press, Moscow. [In Russian.] rasmussen, h. w. 1978. Articulata. In moore, r. c. and teichert, c. (eds.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part T. Echinodermata 2(3), T813-T928. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas. Sheldon, p. A. 1 979. F unctional morphology of Baltoeurypterus. Ph.D. thesis (unpubl.). University of Cambridge. stormer, l. 1934a. Merostomata from the Downtonian sandstone of Ringerike, Norway. Skr. norske Vidensk- Akad. Mat. -nature, kl. 1933 (10), 1 125. 19346. Downtonian Merostomata from Spitzbergen, with remarks on the suborder Synziphosura. Ibid. 1934 (3), 1-26. watkins, R. 1979. Benthic community organization in the Ludlow Series of the Welsh Borderland. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.), 31, 175-280. whittard, w. f. 1934. A revision of the trilobite genera Deiphon and Onycopyge. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (10), 14, 505-533. Whittington, h. B. 1977. The Middle Cambrian trilobite Naraoia, Burgess Shale, British Columbia. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., B 280, 409-443. Units and symbols. As far as possible the recommendations contained in Quantities, Units and Symbols (second edition. The Royal Society, London, 1 975) should be followed; in particular, the International System of Units (SI) should be used whenever it is practicable to do so (e.g. / X'OmS'iV 5 -V > 5 5 > 2 co ‘ Z CO 2 CO *. 2 IllSNI NVIN0SH1IIAIS S3IMVdan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1II co — _ co O „ # = CO ' = CO _ IllSNI NVINOSHIIWS SBIHVaail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1II 2 CO _ 2 , CO Z CO 2 ^r 1 > 2 s ■ w > CO 2 CO z to 2 CO ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIinillSNI_ NVIN0SH1IWS S3ldVaan LIBRARIES SMITHSONI) CO ~ CO - 3 » \ co — co CO o 2 I1I1SNI NVIN0SH1IIAIS S3IHVaai3 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSHill r - z r- 2 ~ ~ , IcTX m ,, O rr, 2 .« m /K] S\ 2 m CO 2 0 . — Zee 1 N. O . . . ^ zo > ^ zo — co tz CO 2 co £ CO ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iaVBail LIBRARIES SMITHSONI, CO z v.. 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