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COUNCIL 1988-1989 President : Dr J. D. Hudson, Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester LEI 7RH Vice-Presidents : Dr L. B. Halstead, Department of Geology, University of Reading, Reading RG6 2AB Dr P. W. Skelton, Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA Treasurer: Dr M. E. Collinson, Department of Biology, King’s College, London W8 7 AH Membership Treasurer: Dr H. A. Armstrong, Department of Geology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU Institutional Membership Treasurer: Dr A. W. Owen, Department of Geology, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN Secretary: Dr P. Wallace, The Croft Barn, Church Street, East Hendred, Oxon 0X12 8LA Circular Reporter: Dr D. Palmer, Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2 Marketing Manager: Dr C. R. Hill, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History), London SW7 5BD Public Relations Officer: Dr M. J. Benton, Department of Geology, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast BT5 6FB Editors Dr M. J. Benton, Department of Geology, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast BT5 6FB Dr J. E. Dalingwater, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL Dr D. Edwards, Department of Geology, University of Wales College of Cardiff CF1 3YE Dr C. R. C. Paul, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX Dr P. A. Selden, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL Dr P. D. Taylor, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History), London SW7 5BD Other Members Dr J. A. Crame, Cambridge Dr E. A. Jarzembowski, Brighton Dr G. B. Curry, Glasgow Dr R. A. Spicer, London Dr V. P. Wright, Reading Overseas Representatives Argentina: Dr Miguel O. Mancenido, Division Paleozoologia Invertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universitad Nacional de la Plata, Paleo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina Australia: Dr K. J. McNamara, Department of Palaeontology, Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000 Canada: Professor S. Henry Williams, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 3X5 New Zealand: Dr R. A. Cooper, New Zealand Geological Survey, PO Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand U.S. A.: Professor M. Wilson, Geology Department, College of Wooster, Ohio 44691, U.S.A. MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to individuals and institutions on payment of the appropriate annual subscription. Rates for 1989 are: Institutional membership . . . £50 00 (U.S. $90) Ordinary Membership .... £21-00 (U.S. $38) Student membership .... £1 1-50 (U.S. $20) Retired membership .... £10-50 (U.S. $19) There is no admission fee. Correspondence concerned with Institutional Membership should be addressed to Dr A. W. Owen, Department of Geology, The University, Dundee DD1 4HN. Student members are persons receiving full-time instruction at educational institutions recognized by the Council. On first applying for membership, an application form should be obtained from the Membership Treasurer: Dr H. A. Armstrong, Department of Geology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU. Subscriptions cover one calendar year and are due each January; they should be sent to the Membership Treasurer. All members who join for 1989 will receive Palaeontology , Volume 32, Parts 1-4. Enquiries concerning back numbers should be directed to the appropriate Membership Treasurer. Non-members may subscribe, and also obtain back issues up to 3 years old, at cover price through Basil Blackwell, Journals Department, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1 JF, England. For issues older than 3 years contact the Marketing Manager. Cover: Ammonite (Grossouvria) from the Oxford Clay (Jurassic) of Woodham, Bucks., containing geopetal pyrite stalac- tites. Direct print from a thin section; pyrite white. Diameter of specimen approximately 10 mm. (See Sediment ology, 29, 639-667, 1982.) AMURAL ARACHNOPHYLLID CORALS FROM THE SILURIAN OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC AREA by COLIN T. SCRUTTON Abstract. Species previously assigned to Arachnophyllum and related genera from the Silurian of north-west Europe and North America are revised and their phylogeny and biogeography are discussed. Intraspecific variation, particularly in the English sample of Arachnophyllum murchisoni , is described in detail. The genera Arachnophyllum and Prodarwinia are redefined on the basis of redescriptions of their type species, A. murchisoni and P. speciosa. In addition the species A. sinemurum, A. separatum , A. pentagonum, A. striatum , A. pygmaeum , P. striata , P. mamillaris, and P. distans are accepted as senior synonyms and revised. A new species of Prodarwinia is described and comments are made on species of doubtful status. Species removed from this group are assigned to Iowaphyllum , IZenophila , Radiastraea , and IMazaphyllum. Arachnophyllids are the only common amural rugose corals in the Llandovery to Ludlow of north-west Europe and eastern North America, amural Rugosa being defined as massive colonies in which no epitheca is present between constituent corallites (Scrutton 1988). They play an important role in the development of bioherms in some parts of this North Atlantic area, although much subordinate to the stromatoporoids, with which they can be confused on broken longitudinal surfaces, and tabulate corals. Many species have been erected, often under the generic name Strombodes, and the local use of different species names obscures the true distribution of lineages in space and time. The only substantial revision this century was by Lang and Smith (1927) for the English material. Thus, as McLean (1975, p. 54) remarked, revision of Arachnophyllum is long overdue. My original intention was to revise north-west European species of the genus, including the type species, to clarify the septal structure in A. murchisoni , and to document the remarkable variability of the English material. This has led to re-establishing the genus Darwinia (as Prodarwinia ), long regarded as a junior synonym of Arachnophyllum. The necessity for comparisons with North American species indicated that these would also require at least preliminary revision. I therefore comment on all species known to me in the North Atlantic area based on a re-examination of their type material as far as possible (Table 1). This has allowed initial clarification of the biostratigraphy and biogeography of those species I regard as valid (text-figs. 1 and 2). The section on Systematic Palaeontology at the end of the paper provides the basis for the sections on Biostratigraphy, Biogeography, and Phylogeny, and Intraspecific Variation and Species Discrimination. Much of the work is based on museum material, but includes extensive new collections from the Much Wenlock Limestone of England (deposited in the British Museum (Natural History)), together with small amounts of material from Gotland, Estonia, and Canada. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, BIOGEOGRAPHY, AND PHYLOGENY OF NORTH ATLANTIC AMURAL ARACHNOPHYLLIDS The earliest member of the Arachnophyllum- Prodarwinia group is of late Aeronian age (text- fig. 1). P. speciosa from the Rumba Formation of the Adavere Stage in Estonia is certainly of this age but may be little if any older than P. distans , from the Waco Member of eastern Kentucky. The Waco Member is referred to the Noland Formation of late Llandovery age and is itself regarded as C^2, possibly as young as C3 in age (Rexroad and KlelTner, in press; Rexroad, pers. comm.). Further afield in North America, P. mamillaris and members of the A. pentagonum IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 1, 1988, pp. 1-53, pis. 1-8.| © The Palaeontological Association 2 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 table 1 . Revision of North Atlantic species formerly or currently assigned to Arachnophyllum or related genera. Species and author Original genus Assignment herein alpenensis Rominger Strombodes Iowaphyllum alpenensis approximatus Parks Strombodes IMazaphyllum approximation diffluens Edwards and Haime Strombodes Arachnophyllum murchisoni eximius Billings Strombodes ? Prodarwinia gigas gigas Owen Astrea? IP. gigas gracile Nicholson and Hinde Astraeophyllum A. pygmaeum granulosum Foerste Arach. ( Strombodes ) IP. granulosa incertus Davis Strombodes A. murchisoni infundibularia Owen Lamellopora indet. kayi Merriam A rachnophyllum IZenophila kayi mamillaris Owen Astrea P. mamillaris mamillare-distans Foerste Arachnophyllum P. distans mamillare-wilmingtonensis Foerste Arachnophyllum P. striata murchisoni Edwards and Haime Strombodes A. murchisoni pentagonus Goldfuss Strombodes A. pentagonum phillipsii d’Orbigny Actinocyathus A. murchisoni pygmaeus Rominger Strombodes A. pygmaeum quadrangularis Davis Strombodes A. sinemurum richardsoni Salter Arachnophyllum Radiastraea richardsoni separatus Ulrich Strombodes A. separatum sinemurus Davis Strombodes A. sinemurum speciosa Dybowski Darwinia P. speciosa striata d’Orbigny Favastraea A. striatum striata James Lye Ilia P. striata typus M‘Coy Arachnophyllum A. murchisoni unicus Davis Strombodes A. separatum verneuili Edwards and Haime Phillipsastrea ‘IP. verneuili group appear in the later Telychian, e.g. in the Fossil Hill Formation of Manitoulin Island, Ontario in which the coral biostromes are regarded as of C3-C4 age (Copper 1978). P. striata appears slightly later in the Dayton Formation of southern Ohio where it is no older than C5.6 (Kletfner via Rexroad, pers. comm.). P. speciosa, P. distans, P. mamillaris , and P. striata could have shared a common ancestor or have had a more direct relationship. A possible phylogeny for this lineage is given in text-fig. 1. P. speciosa appears to have migrated from Europe to North America, where it appeared at least by mid-Telychian times (text-fig. 2). Current knowledge of species distributions suggests that P. distans is confined to North America (Kentucky and Iowa) and its appearance may predate this event. Even so, its evolution from P. speciosa seems most likely. P. mamillaris is also known only from North America and it may have evolved from either P. speciosa , to which it is similar in dimensions and calical form, or less likely from P. distans. P. striata is confined to more or less coeval levels in the late Telychian of both North America (Ohio) and Gotland. It is very similar to P. speciosa , from which it is distinguished by little more than dimensions and calical form, and undoubtedly arose from that species. Some Ontario material of P. speciosa shows transition to P. striata and the reverse is true in Ohio. If P. striata evolved in North America, then the species appears to have migrated back to Europe. Thus trans-Iapetus migration in both directions may have been possible in the Telychian. The origin of the A. pentagonum group is more cryptic. The most likely evolutionary sequence is from smaller forms of P. speciosa through A. pygmaeum to A. pentagonum and A. striatum. All SCRUTTON: SILURIAN ARACHNOPH YLLI D CORALS 3 0 A. separatum |; ' | Land A A. pygmaeum 8 P. mamillaris [2 P. di starts text-fig. 1 . Distribution of species of Arachnophyllum and Prodarwinia in the North Atlantic area. Continental distributions in the early Silurian largely based on Cocks and Fortey (1982) and McKerrow (1988). text-fig. 2. Stratigraphical distri- bution and tentative phylogeny of species of Prodarwinia and Arachno- phyllum. In vertical ranges of species, dots indicate gaps in record and dashes indicate range within which records fall when precise age is un- certain. are approximately of the same age. The A. pentagonum group again has a relatively local distribu- tion in the Telychian of Michigan, Ontario, and Quebec and did not migrate across to Europe. However, A. murchisoni, which almost certainly evolved from A. pentagonum , also occurs in Quebec, where the two species coexisted in the late Llandovery (although carinae in the specimen of A. murchisoni available is slightly abnormal; text-fig. 3). A. murchisoni spread widely, reach- ing England in the latest Llandovery on the basis of a new record in the Petalocrinus Limestone. 4 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 3. a, b, Arachnophyllwn murchisoni ; Silurian, late Telychian, La Vieille Formation; Little Port Daniel River, Gaspe. Quebec (GSC 91554). a, cross-section; b, longitudinal section, c, d, Arachnophyllwn pentagonum; same horizon; railway cut above Anse-a-la-Vieille, east of Port Daniel, Gaspe, Quebec (GSC 91555). c, cross-section; b, longitudinal section. All figs. x2-5. This seems to be a clear example of easterly trans-Iapetus migration (in terms of present geography). It is also recorded in the mid- and particularly late Wenlock of England and Gotland and the late Wenlock (?early Ludlow) Louisville Limestone (Rexroad et al. 1978; Shaver et al. 1985) of the Kentucky area. There is a single record apparently from the English early Wenlock (Woolhope Limestone) in an old collection (SM A5700) but this specimen is almost certainly wrongly labelled. I also have some doubt about a specimen of A. sp. cf. A. sinemurum recorded from Iowa where it would most likely be from the La Porte City Lormation of C5 to earliest Wenlock age (Witzke 1983 and pers. comm.); its preservation is identical to that of material from the Louisville Limestone. Otherwise, A. sinemurum and A. separatum are later descendants of A. murchisoni in the Louisville Limestone of the Kentucky area, whilst the rare specimens of A. sinemurum recorded from the English Wenlock may be independently evolved from A. murchisoni rather than the result of migration. The American and English material of A. sinemurum is indistinguishable and essentially coeval but the species is of questionable validity (see below). P. mamillaris also survived in the Kentucky area until the late Wenlock (?early Ludlow). A. murchisoni persisted into the mid- Ludlow Brownsport Formation in Tennessee (Shaver et al. 1985), which is the youngest record of Arachnophyllwn currently known. The species of Prodarwinia and A. murchisoni not only clearly demonstrate the possibility of trans-Iapetus migration in the Telychian, but suggest a reversal of direction during that time. Non- migration is more difficult to deal with. For the rarer, local species such as P. distans , they may have become extinct before a suitable distribution of environments could facilitate their wider SCRUTTON: SILURIAN ARACHNOPHYLLID CORALS 5 distribution. In the cases of P. mamillaris and A. pentagonum, one possibility is that these species, most common in the North American dolomite suite (Berry and Boucot 1970), were facies restricted by water temperature and/or salinity. Cocks and Fortey (1982, p. 473 et seq.) suggest a latitudinal difference between England and the American continental interior in the late Llandovery and there is also a significant facies contrast between the American dolomitized pure carbonates and the marls or muddy limestones of England and Gotland. However, P. mamillaris coexists with A. murchisoni in the Louisville Limestone of late Wenlock (?early Ludlow) times, when it appears that little latitudinal or facies differences existed. Oliver (1977, pp. 95, 96) has shown that by Ludlow times there was 34-36% generic endemism in eastern North America, with the mid-west isolated from the northern Appalachians and Europe by an area of dolomite and clastic deposition. He also considered that migration was from the European area towards eastern North America in the late Silurian. The absence of P. mamillaris from the Anglo-Baltic area may reflect the early expression of either or both of these inhibitors to migration towards Europe along the shelf. There is no evidence of a land barrier in this area in the late Silurian. Finally, the origin of the Arachnophyllum-Prodarwinia lineage as a whole is obscure. Iwanowskii (1965, p. 50, fig. 6) proposed descent from Paleophyilum (Stauriina) via Entelophyllum , whilst Hill (1981, p. 44) suggested derivation from the Streptelasmatina. Another possibility seems to be descent from the Upper Ordovician to Silurian kyphophyllid genus Donacophyllum (? = Strombodes ), in which lonsdaleoid dissepiments had already evolved. This genus is unknown from North America but present in the Upper Ordovician of Estonia, and acceptance of this suggestion would accord with the origin of the lineage in Europe through P. speciosa. Of the Ketophyllina ( sensu Hill 1981) the Kyphophyllidae and Endophyllidae appear to be quite closely related to the Arachnophyllidae and should be merged into the same suborder. VARIATION AND SPECIES DISCRIMINATION IN ARACHNOPHYLLUM AND PRODARWINIA SPECIES Of the species described here, by far the largest single sample is that of A. murchisoni from biohermal facies of the late Wenlock Much Wenlock Limestone from the Welsh Borderland. Its intraspecific variation is described together with comparative comments on other species. Variation in A. murchisoni. A. murchisoni , is a highly variable species, reflected to some extent by the fact that five different species names have been erected for its subsets. However, fundamental internal structure, such as the typical septal carination, the form of dissepiments and tabulae, microstructure and increase are all relatively uniform. In addition, the principal variable characters, viz. growth form of the calicular surface, corallite size, and the degree of septal development, all show more or less continuous variation within the population samples available, and support the recognition of a single species. In the British Wenlock as a whole, colony mean tabularium diameter (dt) ranges from 1-85 to 4-63 mm, corallite area (Ac) from 0-70 to 6-33 cm2, and major septa (n) from 15-3 to 22. Both Ac and n are loosely correlated with dt and the sample plots as a single but rather dispersed group (text-fig. 5). However, both dt and n are difficult to measure accurately, tabularium definition often being vague in cross-section and septa sometimes irregularly developed, with breakdown of a clear major and minor distinction, and more rarely very weak and only partial development (e.g. PI. 3, fig. 3). The data are regarded as imprecise although the likely degree of error is not greater than 10%. The range of variation is similar for material from a single locality, the biohermal facies of the Farley Dingle road cutting, which has yielded the largest single collection in the present study (text-fig. 6). Early species discrimination within A. murchisoni as defined here largely depended on external features (PI. 1). The principal calicular surface form end members can conveniently be termed the 6 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 murchisoni morph and the diffluens morph. The murchisoni morph has distinct intercorallite ridges (PI. 1, figs. 1, 2, 4) whereas they are completely suppressed in the diffluens morph (PI. 1, figs. 3 and 7). The latter has more or less prominent peritabularial swellings (mamelons bearing the tabularia). Variation between these extremes is expressed by the recognition of a sub-diffluens morph in which the swellings coexist with intercorallite walls that vary from very weak to absent across the calicular surface (PI. 1, figs. 5 and 6). Both in the total sample and in the Farley Dingle sample all gradations exist from colony to colony between the two extremes. In both cases, the diffluens plus sub-diffluens morphs account for approximately 25% of the samples. These morphs tend to have smaller tabularium and corallite size and septal number ranges ( 1 -85—2-96 mm, 1T- 2-55 cm2, and 15-8-19, respectively), than the total sample, although it is covariate with the lower end of the murchisoni morph range (text-fig. 5). In terms of the cyclicity of dissepiment size in the dissepimentarium (dense bands; see below), the morphs are essentially covariate in the ranges of cycle thickness and number. Furthermore, there is no known disjunct distribution data for the morphs in the English Wenlock that suggest a sharply defined ecological significance for the differences in growth form. In the biohermal facies of Farley Dingle, all variants coexist, suggesting that any ecological control operated on a microenvironmental scale. The rare, isolated colonies in the bedded interbiohermal sediments of the Much Wenlock Limestone tend to be tabular masses of rather weak walled murchisoni morph type. Elsewhere, colonies from the argillaceous M ulde Marl on Gotland are broadly conical with domed calicular surfaces and subdiffluens morph corallites (PI. 1, fig. 6); North American material is exclusively of murchisoni morph type (PI. 3, figs. 7 and 8). Both cases may reflect regional genetic variation in local populations, with the sub- diffluens and diffluens morphs arising in the European area after migration of the species from North America. In longitudinal section, there is a tendency for the intercorallite ridges to show signs of sharper definition in association with zones of smaller dissepiments which bear the septal crests. In some cases, the ridge is enhanced at these levels by short vertical series of very small, globose dissepiments (PI. 3, figs. 2, 6, 8). These periodic levels of denser tissue in the skeleton are similar to the ‘dense bands’ described in Silurian favositid corals from the same beds by Scrutton and Powell (1981), and in other corals by many previous authors, and are interpreted in the same way as annual growth increments. Colonies with ragged margins show the death of peripheral tissue with sediment cover to occur always immediately above dense bands (e.g. PI. 2, fig. 7). They are thus interpreted as autumn and/or winter growth with notching due to sediment movement by winter storms. The implication is thus that stronger intercorallite ridge development is associated with winter growth and probably with increased turbidity and local sediment settling rates. Ridges may be an adaptation to inhibit sediment encroachment across the colony surface, or may be associated with increased polypal activity to shift smothering sediment (see below). Furthermore, where diffluens morph colonies do show a tendency to intercorallite wall development, it occurs at the margins of the colony, sometimes with evidence of sediment interference with growth. The predominance of the murchisoni morph may in part reflect the winter period as the most common time of colony death due to sediment burial. However, there is also evidence of diffluens morph colonies that have suffered at least minor peripheral sediment encroachment but show no significant signs of intercorallite ridge formation. Ultimately, the full range of variation may have a genetic com- ponent that is not apparently subject to strong selection pressure. A parallel may be drawn with the pattern of ecomorph development in scleractinian coral species (Veron and Pichon 1976). Considering size variation, correlation between mean corallite area and mean tabularium diameter is relatively weak (text-fig. 5b). Corallite area varies widely within some colonies and little in others, whilst tabularium diameter shows relatively little intracolonial variation. Corallite area of apparently mature corallites in the sample as a whole varies by an order of magnitude, as does the volume of corallite skeletal material added annually (from 200 mm3 to 2021 mm3). The relationship between colony longevity, rate of growth, and corallite area is also very weak (text- fig. 4). There is considerable scatter in the data but some tendency for enhanced survivorship to SCRUTTON: SILURIAN A R ACHNOPH YLLI D CORALS 7 40 30 to s_ >. +-« > a) U) c o 20 10 o o _l 100 o i i 200 Ac/cycle length (mm) text-fig. 4. Longevity (in years) plotted against mean corallite area (Ac) divided by mean length of annual growth cycle (result in mm) for colonies of Arachnophyllum murchisoni from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation. Farley Dingle sample indicated by open circles. be associated with larger corallite areas and slower growth rates. There is no evidence of differential survivorship between the calicular surface morphs. A priori , a correlation between larger corallite area (and strong corallite walls) and the ability to survive periodic burial by a thin layer of sediment might be expected. Such a relationship has been demonstrated for some living scleractinians (Marshall and Orr 1931) and confirmed by Hubbard and Pocock (1972), who also conclude that more active polyps have greater calical relief and V-shaped calical floors (as here in the murchisoni morph). The weak correlation found here may reflect the importance of microenvironmental variation within these bioherms (essentially isolated patches of dense colonization with minor relief on the sea-floor which are persistent in time) and the survivorship value of settlement site. The inverse correlation between survivorship and growth rate may be no more than a reflection of a link between growth rate and sedimentation, periodic (annual) higher rates of sediment accumulation stimulating faster vertical rather than lateral growth, and also increasing the likelihood of death by burial. On the other hand, persistent turbidity resulting from repeated sediment resuspension correlates with decreased growth rates in living scleractinian corals (Dodge et al. 1974), possibly due to the deflection of metabolic effort into constant cleaning activity and the effect of decreased light intensity. Variation in other species of Arachnophyllum Other species in this group and members of the A. pentagonum group all possess very similar internal structure. In particular, they all develop the characteristic reticulate septal structure of A. murchisoni, identical in form and dimensions (text-fig. 7a, b, e). The features used to discriminate these species here appear relatively minor when compared with the variation described in the English sample of A. murchisoni. In each case, however, variation in these features appears to be dis- continuous between species on the basis of previous descriptions and the material available here. A. sinemurum and A. separatum are both discriminated on growth form and calicular size alone PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 (see systematic descriptions). Their retention as distinct species may be questionable and they are undoubtedly closely related to A. murchisoni. They occur mainly in argillaceous facies of the Louisville Limestone and if growth form alone was involved, an ecophenotypic explanation of their distinct form might be acceptable. Nevertheless, they are also characterized by large corallite area, the two species appear to coexist without intermediaries and specimens of typical A. murchisoni are known from similar facies, e.g. the Mulde Marl. However, some of the latter specimens show a tendency for occasional peripheral corallites to vary towards the form found in A. sinemurum. The presence of roughly contemporary sinemurum morphs in England and North America could be due to migration, but might also represent independent evolutionary events (if specific distinction is accepted) or simply extreme variants in large samples (if this material is assigned to A. murchisoni). In any event, there is no morphological basis for separating the English and North American sinemurum. Members of the A. pentagonum group appear to be more securely distinguished from the A. murchisoni group on their significantly coarser dissepiments. However, the former is almost restricted in distribution to the North American dolomite belt of Berry and Boucot (1970), whereas the latter is similarly characteristic of limestone and marly facies. The two groups overlap in distribution only in Quebec, where A. murchisoni is considered to have evolved from A. pentagonum. The possibility has to be considered that the distinct dissepimentaria may be a reflection of contrasting environmental and latitudinal distribution, but their sequential ranges and individually consistent internal structure suggests that this is a case of punctuated phyletic speciation. Indirect evidence from the distribution of P. mamillaris supports this conclusion. Within the A. pentagonum group, all three species display only murchisoni- morph calicular surfaces, least well developed in A. pygmaeum. This latter species is more clearly distinct from the other two, whereas A. pentagonum itself and A. striatum appear to differ only in the much greater mean calicular area of the latter. Both species may show enhanced intercorallite ridge height at dense bands (even though these are less clearly developed), often involving short supplementary colums of small globular dissepiments, as in A. murchisoni (PI. 5, figs. 2, 4, 8). Although only a small sample is quoted here, the disjunct corallite size ranges of A. pentagonum and A. striatum are supported by large samples from the Fossil Hill Formation of Fossil Hill, Manitoulin Island (Dr Paul Copper, pers. comm.). The three species appear to show low intraspecific variability, although variation in A. pygmaeum is insufficiently known. Variation in species of Prodarwinia Species of Prodarwinia never develop intercorallite walls and show little variation in the development but more in the spacing of mamelons bearing the tabularia. This is most pronounced in P. speciosa, less in P. striata and P. distans, and least in P. mamillaris , which always has crowded, prominent, rounded mamelons. Mamelon form is particularly distinctive in P. distans. P. mamillaris and P. distans appear to show relatively limited intraspecific variation and differ in several, if individually minor, details. This is despite the fact P. mamillaris bridges the distributions of A. murchisoni and A. pentagonum in time and space in North America, maintaining consistency of internal structure, particularly characteristics of the dissepimentarium, over a range of carbonate facies. This suggests that the contrast in dissepimentaria between A. murchisoni and A. pentagonum is a valid specific criterion. Septal crests are only very weakly developed in P. mamillaris and P. distans (PI. 6, fig. 10; PI. 8, figs. 2, 5, 7). In P. speciosa and P. striata , the degree of development of solid septal crests shows considerable variation, particularly in the former where in some colonies they may be no better developed than in P. mamillaris (PI. 6, figs. 3, 5, 7, 10, 12; text-fig. 11C). Throughout this genus, however, their structural characteristics, particularly the peculiar pseudorhabdacanthine appearance of trabeculae in the dissepimentarium (text-fig. 7c, d), appear to be consistent. SCRUTTON: SILURIAN ARACHNOPH YLLID CORALS 9 SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Terminology follows the standard usage of Hill (1981) and others. In addition, to save repetition, the distinctive structure produced by the fusion of carinae from adjacent septa in A. murchisoni and other species is referred to as murchisoni-type carination or murchisoni- type reticulate septal structure. It is fully described under A. murchisoni. The characteristic trabecular structure of Prodarwinia, described under P. speciosa, is described here as pseudorhabdacanthine. Measurements are also standard except that corallite area has been measured for a group of representative corallites and averaged for each colony using the method described by Scrutton (1981). In addition, the coarseness of dissepiment sections in cross-section had been measured as sections intersected along a line between adjacent corallite centres 10 mm long, or scaled up to 10 mm. Horizon and locality for specimens from old collections have been given as registered with the specimen with clarification in parentheses. Interpretation of this information will be clear from the range quoted for the species. Ranges are based only on specimens studied here or sufficiently well illustrated for their identity to be certain. Information from species lists is suspect because of the confusion over the identity of North American species. For convenience, closely related species of Arachnophyllum are placed in two species groups, the A. murchisoni and A. pentagonum groups. Brief notes are given for species probably referable to either Arachnophyllum or Prodarwinia but not suitable for revision in detail for some reason. Finally, species removed from these two genera are considered briefly and redescribed if appropriate. Abbreviations. BMNH — British Museum (Natural History), London; BGS — British Geological Survey, Keyworth; SM— Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge; BMAG— City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol; UAGC— Geological Collections, University of Aberdeen; MNHN IP— Institut de Paleontologie, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; UCBL— Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon; RM — Riksmuseet, Stockholm; SGU — Swedish Geological Survey, Uppsala; IGT— Institute of Geology, A.N. Est. SSR, Tallinn; USNM— National Museum of Natural History, Washington; AMNH — American Museum of Natural History, New York; MCZ— Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; UMMP— Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; GSC— Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. Subclass rugosa Edwards and Haime, 1850 Order stauriida Verrill, 1865 Suborder arachnophyllina Zhavoronkova, 1972 e.p. 1981 Arachnophyllina; Hill, p. 206. e.p. 1981 Ketophyllina; Hill, p. 217. Diagnosis. Mainly colonial stauriids in which septa usually become multitrabecular and discontinu- ous in the dissepimentarium, either lonsdaleoid or as septal crests. Tabularia well defined, with or without peripherally dished tabellae which may rise to meet septal sections in the axis, or with an axial series of arched or mesa-shaped tabellae, or with simple flat to gently depressed more or less complete tabulae. Dissepiments variable in form but usually elongate, poorly inflated. Discussion. A full revision of this suborder is beyond the scope of this paper. In general terms, this revision of Arachnophyllum suggests that the Arachnophyllidae have more in common with the Kyphophyllidae and Endophyllidae of Hill (1981), which constitute the Arachnophyllina as here defined, than with the Entelophyllidae, which I suggest should be removed to the Columnariina. Family arachnophyllidae Dybowski, 1873 1873 ? 1887 1949 1956 e.p. 1965 e.p. 1965 e.p. 1971 1981 non 1977 Arachnophyllidae Dybowski, p. 339. Chonophyllidae Holmes, p. 25. Chonophyllidae; Stumm, p. 48. Arachnophyllidae; Hill, p. 274. Arachnophyllidae; Iwanowskii, p. 114. Arachnophyllidae; Stumm, p. 30. Chonophyllidae; Oliver and Galle, p. 67. Arachnophyllidae; Hill, p. 214. Arachnophyllinae; Pedder, p. 173. 10 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Discussion. Considerable divergence of opinion on the interpretation of the Arachnophyllidae exists. Pedder (1976, p. 133; 1977, p. 175) and McLean (1976a, p. 185) regard this group of corals as very close to the Cyathophyllidae, to the extent that Pedder made the Arachnophyllinae a subfamily of the Cyathophyllidae. The predominant characteristic of Arachnophyllum is the development of septa in the dissepimentarium only as crests on discrete dissepimental surfaces. I agree with Hill (1981, p. 214) that affinities are probably closer to the chonophyllids. In addition to the genera included in the family by Hill. I add Iowaphyllum. 1839 ? 1844 1846 1850 1851 1855 1874 1876 1927 1940 1956 e.p. 1965 e.p. 1975 1981 non 1819 non 1819 Genus arachnophyllum Dana, 1846 Acervularicr, Lonsdale, p. 691. Lamellopora Owen, p. 70. Arachnophyllum Dana, p. 186. Strombodes; Edwards and Haime, p. lxx. Strombodes ; Edwards and Haime, pp. 172, 426. Strombodes ; Edwards and Haime, p. 293 Astraeophyllum Nicholson and Hinde, p. 152. Strombodes ; Rominger, p. 130. Arachnophyllum ; Lang and Smith, p. 452. Arachniophyllum\ Lang, Smith and Thomas, p. 19. Arachnophyllum', Hill, p. 274. Arachnophyllum', Iwanowskii, p. 114. Arachnophyllum', McLean, p. 54. Arachnophyllum', Hill, p. 215. Acervularia Schweigger, tab. 6. Strombodes Schweigger, tab. 6. Diagnosis. Astraeoid, thamnasterioid colonial corals. Septa in tabularium thin, usually solid blades but rarely may be almost completely suppressed. Major and minor septa usually distinguished, often irregularly developed. In dissepimentarium, septa reduced to crests on discrete dissepimental surfaces, weakly to strongly developed, carinate, more rarely naotic. Dissepiments small, poorly inflated to coarse, irregular, moderately inflated, usually more or less clearly zoned by size, with septal crests on surfaces of smaller dissepiments. Intercorallite wall, if present, formed by arching of dissepimental surface, with or without supplementary vertical series of more globose dissepiments. Tabulae complete or incomplete, with or without dished tabellae in narrow peripheral zone, usually with axial arched or mesa-shaped tabellae. Increase peripheral, non-parricidal. Septal microstructure of monacanthine trabeculae. Type species (by subsequent designation of Lang and Smith 1927, p. 452). Acervularia baltica Schweigger; Lonsdale 1839, pi. 16, fig. 8 b-e ( non fig. 8, 8a; non Schweigger 1819, tab. 6) = Strombodes murchisoni Edwards and Haime 1851, p. 428; 1855, p. 293, pi. 70, figs. I and la-d. Discussion. Contrary to Laub (1979, p. 193), whilst Lonsdale’s A. baltica was deemed to contain two different species, Lang and Smith’s (1927, p. 452) selection of one of them, A. murchisoni , as type species was necessary and valid. In fact I show the second species, A. diffluens , to be a junior subjective synonym of A. murchisoni and thus all of Lonsdale’s material is regarded as conspecific. Edwards and Haime (1850, p. lxx) wrongly quoted Strombodes pentagonus Goldfuss as type species of Strombodes and listed Arachnophyllum as a junior synonym of that genus . This usage was widely followed until the early part of this century. Strombodes , type species Madrepora stellaris Linnaeus (designated by M‘Coy 1849, p. 10), is a phaceloid genus quite distinct from Arachnophyllum although possibly ancestral to the arachnophyllids. Goldfuss’ species is congeneric with A. murchisoni and is described below. Lamellopora Owen is based on L. inf undibul aria Owen, 1844 which is shown below to be SCRUTTON: SILURIAN ARACHNOPH YLLI D CORALS 11 unrecognizable. It could be an Arachnophyllum but equally likely it could be a stromatoporoid. The genus should be set aside. Astraeophyllum Nicholson and Hinde is based on A. gracile Nicholson and Hinde, 1874 which is shown below to be a synonym of A. pygmaeum. This species possesses typical murchisoni- type septal structure and Astraeophyllum is therefore established as a junior synonym of Arachno- phyllum. Arachnophyllum is distinguished from Prodarwinia principally on the basis of its septal structure. Septa in Arachnophyllum are only thickened to contiguity in a very thin veneer on dissepimental surfaces, if at all, and possess distinctive murchisoni- type carination. In Prodarwinia , on the other hand, septa are weakly and irregularly carinate, or non-carinate, and are present in the dissepimentarium of some species as solid septal crests, which may be quite thick. Septa may be multitrabecular in both but in Arachnophyllum trabeculae are monacanths, whilst in Prodarwinia they appear to be pseudorhabdacanths, at least in the outer dissepimentarium where the trabeculae are set in lamellar sclerenchyme. Zenophila , tentatively placed in synonymy with Arachnophyllum by McLean (1975, p. 55), has unthickened, more continuous septa composed of very long trabeculae. I regard it as a distinct genus, although provisionally retaining it in the Arachnophyllidae. Range. Silurian, Llandovery (?Aeronian, Telychian) — Ludlow; England, Gotland, USA, Canada, 7USSR, ?Australia. 1839 1841 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1855 1855 1855 1855 1887 1887 1887 1887 1927 e.p. 1927 1927 1949 1965 1965 non 1819 Arachnophyllum murchisoni group Arachnophyllum murchisoni (Edwards and Haime, 1851) Plate 1, figs. 1-7; Plate 2, figs. I ll; Plate 3, figs. 1-8; text-figs. 3a, b, 4-6, 7a, b, e Acervularia baltica Schweigger; Lonsdale, p. 689, pi. 16, fig. 8, 8a-e. Acervularia baltica Phillips, p. 13, pi. 7, fig. 18e, a, b , c. Actinocyathus balticus d’Orbigny, p. 48. Actinocyathus phillipsii d’Orbigny, p. 107. Arachnophyllum typus M’Coy, p. 278. Arachnophyllum typus M‘Coy; M‘Coy, p. 38, pi. 1b, fig. 27 and 21a. Strombodes labechii Edwards and Elaime, p. 427. Strombodes murchisoni Edwards and Elaime, p. 428. Strombodes phillipsi (d’Orbigny) Edwards and Haime, p. 429. Strombodes diffluens Edwards and Haime, p. 431. Strombodes typus (M‘Coy) Edwards and Haime, p. 293, pi. 71, fig. 1, la, b. Strombodes murchisoni Edwards and Haime; Edwards and Haime, p. 293, pi. 70, fig. 1 and 1 a-d. Strombodes phillipsi (d’Orbigny); Edwards and Haime, p. 294, pi. 70, fig. 2 and 2a. Strombodes diffluens Edwards and Haime; Edwards and Haime, p. 294, pi. 71, fig. 2 and 2a. Strombodes striatus (d’Orbigny); Davis, pi. 121, fig. 1; pi. 122, figs. 1 and 2. Strombodes pentagonus Goldfuss; Davis, pi. 121, figs. 2 and 3. Strombodes pygmaeus Rominger; Davis, pi. 123, fig. 1. Strombodes incertus Davis, pi. 123, fig. 2. Arachnophyllum murchisoni (Edwards and Haime); Lang and Smith, p. 467, pi. 34, figs. 2 and 3. Arachnophyllum diffluens (Edwards and Haime); Lang and Smith, p. 468, pi. 34, fig. 4. Arachnophyllum typus M'Coy; Lang and Smith, p. 469. Arachnophyllum pentagonum (Goldfuss); Amsden, p. 104, pi. 26, figs. 1-6. Arachnophyllum pentagonum (Goldfuss); Stumm, p. 30, pi. 20, figs. 1-3; pi. 21, fig. I. Arachnophyllum striatum (d’Orbigny) Stumm, p. 30, pi. 20, figs. 4-6. Astrea baltica Schweigger, tab 6. 12 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Diagnosis. Arachnophyllum of variable external form comprising tabular, discoidal, or low domal colonies with or without more or less sharply defined intercorallite ridges on the calicular surface. Surface flat, or may funnel gently to tabularial pit, or tabularia centred on broad, low mamelons. Tabularia more or less well defined, 1 -8-4-7 mm in diameter with fifteen to twenty-two thin major septa usually with weak bilateral arrangement and reaching the axis where they may form a weak columella. In the dissepimentarium, major and minor septa reduced to crests on discrete dissepimental surfaces, occasionally naotic peritabularially and always distinctly carinate. Carinae of adjacent septa normally fuse to form a characteristic box-work structure with dissepimental plates. Dissepiments variable in size but characteristically small on average. Dissepimentarium surface matches colony surface but with no structural modifications at intercorallite boundaries except for intermittent columns of small, globose dissepiments in some specimens. Tabulae usually flat-topped domes. Increase marginarial, non-parricidal. Type material. Lectotype of Strombodes murchisoni Edwards and Haime (chosen by Lang and Smith (1927, p. 467)): BGS GSC6577 (Much) Wenlock Limestone (Lormation), Shropshire (= Acervularia baltica Schweigger; Lonsdale (1839, pi. 16, fig. 8 1 ) appear to be related to carbonate-dominated environments (e.g. Baltoscandia). This bifaunal distinction is supported by the following evidence: a. Binodicopes are the dominant ostracode group throughout the Ordovician within Ibero- Armorica (text-fig. 22) where their associated sediments are essentially fine-grained elastics (siltstones and mudstones) with intercalations of sandstones; there is an absence of limestone deposition from Arenig to Caradoc inclusive (text-fig. 3). In the Ordovician of the British Isles, where both clastic and carbonate facies occur, the palaeocope : binodicope ratio is substantially higher ( > 1) than in Ibero-Armorica for each major interval of Ordovician time. The highest palaeocope : binodicope values are reached in the palaeocope-rich faunas in Baltoscandia, in association with carbonate-dominant sedimentation. h. In a well-documented, rare example of a Baltic Ordovician ostracode fauna from detrital sediments, from the middle Ordovician Sularp Shale of Scania, Sweden (Schallreuter 1980u), binodicopes are relatively abundant (palaeocope : binodicope ratio = 0-4) and its two commonest species are binodicopes. Comparisons with Scandinavian faunas from calcareous sediments are particularly significant. For example, the middle Ordovician Upper Dalby Limestone (Schallreuter 19846) is clearly dominated by palaeocopes (palaeocope : binodocope ratio = 3). c. Similar observations are made in the British Isles, from the Ordovician of the Welsh Borderland. Although incomplete, the Ordovician (Caradoc) succession in the Welshpool District (Pen-y-Garnedd Shale and Phosphorite: see Williams el al. 1972) consists exclusively of shales in which the only ostracodes recorded are binodicopes (Jones 1986, 1987). d. Ostracode assemblages from the middle Ordovician of Saudi Arabia (Vannier and Vaslet 1987) also seem to confirm a close relationship between elastics (in this case siltstones) and binodicopes, with palaeocopes apparently being absent. The two, broad and taxonomically based types of ostracode generic faunas correlated above with carbonate and detrital-dominated environments, respectively, have many of the distinctive characteristics (text-fig. 36) of the two types of faunal communities distinguished by Bretsky and Lorenz (1970): a. Stability of environmental conditions. During the middle Ordovician the Baltoscandian shelf environment consisted of a wide carbonate platform (Jaanusson 1976) bordering the Baltic 200 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 36. Schematic representation of the two major types of ostracode assemblages recognized in the regions studied, as related to their character- istic environmental conditions and exemplified by Ibero-Armorican and Baltoscandian faunas respectively. The arrows around the circle indicate rare (Ibero-Armorica) and frequent (Baltoscandia) faunal reorganization. continent and extending to both near-shore marginal and deeper water clastic facies. Ostracode faunas, dominated by palaeocopes, occupied a wide range of platform habitats across a bathymetric gradient (Jaanusson 1976). Binodicope-rich faunas seem to be restricted to more detrital-influenced and unstable environments. Middle Ordovician Ibero-Armorican environments are placed within the context of a widespread platform bordering the Gondwanan continent, with dominant silts and coarser sedimentation. Throughout the middle Ordovician of the Armorican Massif, tempestites (Guillocheau 1983) indicate persistent unstable, storm-related conditions across the bathymetric profile. Distribution of the Llandeilo ostracode fauna in the Armorican Massif seems to be depth-related (Vannier 19866). b. Diversity . Considering the Ordovician as a whole, the lowest faunal diversity occurs in Ibero- VANNIER ET AL.: ORDOVICIAN OSTRACODE FAUNAS 20! Armorica. Even during the Llandeilo and early Caradoc, when Ibero-Armorican ostracode faunas seem to be particularly prolific, diversity at all taxonomic levels is much lower than that of equivalent Baltic faunas and is apparently also slightly lower than that of British faunas. The fact that during the Ordovician the Baltic was always nearest to, and Ibero- Armorica always the furthest from, the equator is also an important possible reason to account for the observed levels of diversity. c. Number of individuals per population. Assemblages poor in numbers of species and genera, but very rich in individuals, are most frequently observed throughout all the detrital successions of Ibero-Armorica. Typical examples are the Llandeilo siltstones and mudstones of the Armorican medio-syncline (Vannier 1986a, b), or the Armorican Caradoc assemblages dominated by a few species of the palaeocope Hastatellina and the binodicope Satiellina. Similar observations have been made about the Baltic ostracode faunas from detrital horizons. For example, the siliceous Sularp Shales of Sweden (see above: Schallreuter 1980a) contain a relatively small number of species in which the only two abundantly represented belong to the binodicope genera Pariconchoprimitia and Spinigerites. This contrasts markedly with the highly diversified ostracode assemblages of most Baltic carbonate horizons. d. Rates of speciation. Evolutionary trends amongst the ostracode species of the areas studied are still too poorly documented to attempt a comparative evaluation of the rates of speciation. Nevertheless, detailed information on the stratigraphical range and specific diversity of genera (text-figs. 10-17) would suggest that the rate of speciation amongst Baltic ostracode faunas during the Ordovician was relatively high compared to those of Ibero-Armorica or the British Isles. The large number of species within Baltic genera such as Sigmobolbina, Tetrada , Tetradella, Laccochilina , Bolbina, or the subgenus Hippula (Hippula) (text-figs. 10 14) apparently has no equivalent amongst British (if we exclude Ashgill faunas: Jones 1986, 1987, Orr (unpublished)) or Ibero-Armorican faunas. e. Persistence of community structure. Some evidence for the nature of this factor can be deduced, at least for the middle Ordovician of Baltoscandia where thorough documentation of its palaeocope-dominant ostracode faunas has recognized high faunal turnover (Jaanusson 1976) and associated frequent rearrangement of species communities. In these stable environments the persistence of a stable community structure is apparently low. /. Spatial heterogeneity. Though it is difficult to assess the degree of spatial heterogeneity and niche-partitioning in the fossil record, the occurrence of high diversity, at all taxonomic levels, of a wide range of macrofossil (e.g. trilobites, brachiopods, bivalves, echinoderms, bryozoans, etc.) and microfossil groups suggest that both factors had relatively high values on the carbonate platform of Baltoscandia. By contrast, the relatively poor benthic faunas of Ibero-Armorica (e.g. trilobites: see Henry 1980) would indicate that the reverse was the case there. In summary, in the middle Ordovician we have a diverse, frequently reorganized, palaeocope- dominant fauna in relatively stable, carbonate-rich environments in Baltoscandia and a low diversity but relatively longer-lived series of binodicope-rich faunal communities adjusted to often unstable conditions in Ibero-Armorica. In Britain, both aspects of this bimodal pattern can be expected to be represented. 2. The influence of sea-level changes As emphasized by many authors (see Fortey 1984), major sea-level variations during the Ordovician may have induced faunal and diversity changes within various fossil groups such as trilobites (Shaw and Fortey 1977), graptolites, condonts, and shelly faunas (Jaanusson and Bergstrom 1980) Thus, ‘faunal changes which occur at (Ordovician) Series boundaries are as much a product of environmental shift as of evolutionary novelty’ (Fortey 1984, p. 39). Fortey has predicted that the biological effects of a eustatic transgressive event will, depending on local circumstances, encompass: the promotion of high speciation rates and diversity in shelf areas (because of spatial heterogeneity 202 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 and the species area effect: Eldredge 1974; Ludvigsen 1982); high endemism in shelf areas; the diachronous, shelfwards displacement of previously extra-cratonic facies and faunas and a possible associated apparent breakdown of faunal provinciality; an on-shelf migration of tropical 'mound' faunas and a relative scarcity of island faunas. The faunal signatures from a regressive pulse are predicted (Fortey 1984) to be: the occurrence on interior cratonic sites of shallow water deposits whose fossil content is poor and/or which shows taxonomic jumps; a peripheral site location for ‘ancestors’ of later on-shelf faunas; a higher incidence of both island faunas themselves and of the shelf edge siting of tropical mound faunas and their associated debris slides. Analysis of the ostracode faunas and facies of Ibero-Armorica, Baltoscandia, and the British Isles for a time interval of one of the major eustatic cycles recognized for the Ordovician, the Llandeilo to Ashgill, reveals features consistent with Fortey’s model: a. The ostracode faunal events recorded from all three areas during the Flandeilo-early Caradoc, a time of major transgression (Fortey 1984, text-figs. 3-5), include a steep increase in the generic diversity of both binodicopes and palaeocopes, culminating in the maximum Ordovician generic diversity for the palaeocopes (text-fig. 27a-c). By contrast, the later Caradoc is a period of regression (Fortey 1984), an event which continued into the Ashgill with its well-documented glacial episode. Fate Caradoc times are marked by the decline of binodicope (except for Baltoscandia) and palaeocope diversity in all three areas (text-fig. 27a-c). b. In general, the percentage of ostracode genera in common between the British Isles and Ibero- Armorica decreases through the early Ordovician, but this trend is somewhat (and temporarily) reversed for both palaeocopes and binodicopes for the late Llandeilo-early Caradoc (text- fig. 35, graphs 1 and 4). The latter time interval is a period of transgression and, irrespective of plate motion, separated faunas might be expected to show increased contact during such events (Fortey 1984). c. In the Dalby Formation of Vastergotland, Sweden (text-figs. 1 and 2), a significant change in the ostracode fauna is associated with a change from calcilutites to dark mudstones (Jaanusson 1976, p. 323). The appearance of new ostracodes, known previously only from the deeper water areas of Scania, is the kind of local faunal shift associated with the on-shelf migration of facies belts, in response to a transgressive pulse, as predicted by Fortey (1984). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 24 Palaeocope and binodicope ostracodes from the Ordovician of Ibero-Armorica (left) and British Isles (right). Figs. 1 -6. Palaeocopa. I , Ceratopsis sp. nov., upper part of Caradoc Series, Corral de Calatrava, Ciudad Real district, Spain; heteromorphic right valve (IGR 32000), x 30. 2, Ceratopsis inflata Jones, 1986, upper part of Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn, Dyfed, Wales; tecnomorphic left valve (BM OS 12647), x 56 (Jones 1986, pi. 11, fig. 13). 3, Hastatellina normandiensis Pribyl, 1975, Caradoc Series, Louredo Formation, near Cacemes, Buyaco syncline, Portugal; heteromorphic right valve (IGR 30560/1A), x 28 (Vannier 19866, pi. 1, fig. 5). 4, Hastatellina ? sp., Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn Castell, Dyfed, Wales; tecnomorphic left valve (BM OS 12663), x 50 (Jones 1986, pi. 14, fig. 12). 5, Gracquina hispanica (Born, 1918), Llanvirn Series, Alisedas, near Almaden, Ciudad Real district, Spain; heteromorphic right valve (SMF X/E 3716/1), x 36 (Vannier 19866, pi. 4, fig. 1). 6, Gracquina vannieri Jones, 1986, Llanvirn Series, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England; heteromorphic right valve (GSM 8589), x 35 (Jones 1986, pi. 14, fig. II). Figs. 7 10. Binodicopa. 7, Copelandia kerfornei Vannier, 1986a, Gres de Kermeur Formation, Caradoc Series, Raguenez, near Crozon, Finistere, France; right valve (IGR 7052/2), x 35 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 5, fig. 3). 8, Copelandia melmerbyensis Jones 1987, Woolstonian Stage, Caradoc Series, Melmerby, Cumbria, England; right valve (GSM 2546B), x51 (Jones 1987, pi. 2, fig. 11). 9, Thibautina rorei Vannier, 19846, Le Pissot Formation, Llanvirn Series, Domfront, Orne, France; right valve (IGR 5184C), x71 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 11, fig. 4). 10, Conspicillum bipunctatum (Jones and Holl, 1869), middle part of the Llandeilo Series, Builth, Powys, Wales; right valve (NMW 8416G), x 35 (Jones 1987, pi. 4, fig. 3). All scanning electron micrographs of external lateral views. Figs. I, 3, 5-8, 10 are cast from external moulds. PLATE 24 VANNIER et al Ordovician ostracodes 204 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Sandstones Siltstones Mudstones Carbonate CZT & T ransgression Regression Palaeocope Binodicope text-fig. 37. Generalized interpretation of lithofacies and ostracode faunal changes in Ibero-Armorica and Baltoscandia related to a transgressive (e.g. late Llandeilo-early Caradoc) and a regressive (e.g. late Caradoc- Ashgill) cycle. The type of changes listed are those predicted in the model of Fortey (1984). The size of the ostracodes illustrated is proportional to the diversity of the respective palaeocope- or binodicope-dominated ostracode fauna. PALAEOGEOGRAPHICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE OSTRACODE DISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERNS Cocks and Fortey (1982) have focused on the nature and reliability of employing various types of faunal evidence for oceanic separation in the Lower Palaeozoic. Similarly, the composition, affinity, and faunal dynamics of European Ordovician ostracode faunas can be used to test models of the existence and demise of contemporaneous oceans (e.g. Schallreuter and Siveter 1985). The typical Lower Palaeozoic ostracode species (e.g. a palaeocope) is benthic, has no known pelagic larval stage, and a distributional pattern often encoding the developmental history of its sedimentary basin (Siveter 1984; Schallreuter and Siveter 1985). The distribution of continents is best defined using shallow water ‘endemics’, as deep water forms of benthic groups potentially VANNIER ET AL.. ORDOVICIAN OSTRACODE FAUNAS 205 text-fig. 38. Ordovician palaeogeographic evolution of the ‘North Atlantic’ region. Arenig reconstruction is modified after Cocks and Fortey (1982). Later Ordovician reconstructions are modified in part after McKerrow and Cocks (1986) (for the Caradoc) and follow Pickering et al. (1988). The reconstructions also concur with the data on ostracode faunal dynamics described herein. have a wider dispersal capacity which precludes their effective use as tools in palaeogeographical reconstruction (Cocks and Fortey 1982). Bathymetric/community analysis has been undertaken and persuasively argued to account for Ordovician trilobite distributions (e.g. Fortey 1975; Fortey and Owen 1978), but no equivalent detailed analyses have yet been undertaken of facies and any associated ostracode communities, and lie outside the scope of the present study. Nevertheless, virtually all the ostracode genera cited herein can be judged to belong broadly to shelf rather than deep water environments and their use as general indicators of palaeogeography is considered valid. 206 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Faunal and facies distributions indicate the existence of two major early Ordovician continents (Cocks and Fortey 1982) relevant to the present study (see text-fig. 38): Gondwana, which included Ibero-Armorica; and Baltica, embracing the Baltic regions and adjacent parts of Scandinavia and the Russian platform. Southern Britain is thought to have been part of a microcontinent, Avalonia (e.g. McKerrow and Cocks 1986), which after the early Ordovician broke away from high latitude Gondwana to drift northwards towards lower latitude Baltica and the North American continent (Laurentia) which lay astride the equator on the other side of the Iapetus Ocean. Schallreuter and Siveter (1985) have already addressed the nature and palaeogeographical significance of ostracode faunal contracts across the Ordovician Iapetus Ocean between North America and ‘Europe’. Our ostracode data presented herein (e.g. text-fig. 35) endorse the Ordovician oceanic separation of Baltica, Avalonia, and Gondwana and the nature of the development of the Rheic and Tornquist tracts (text-fig. 38). Particularly important is the fact that the ostracode faunal dynamics indicate an Ordovician development for the Rheic Ocean. 1. Iapetus Ocean An assessment of the ostracode faunal connections across the Iapetus Ocean (Schallreuter and Siveter 1985), between Europe (southern Britain and Baltoscandia) and North America, dispelled notions that Ordovician ostracodes showed strict endemicity (thirty middle-late Ordovician genera are common to both sides) and concluded that by the late Ordovician the two plates may have been in closer ‘effective’ proximity than previously supposed (e.g. McKerrow and Cocks (1976) suggested a minimal 2000-3000 km width for Iapetus even by the late Ashgill). Indeed, Pickering (1987) and Pickering et at. (1988; also Hutton 1987) argue that the available tectonic, stratigraphical, palaeontological, palaeomagnetic, igneous, and sedimentological data from Newfoundland, the British Isles, and Scandinavia suggest that by the late Ordovician-early Silurian the Iapetus Ocean separating Laurentia from eastern Avalonia (southern Britain) and Baltica had closed, at least in part, with the consumption of intervening oceanic crust, although marine seaways clearly persisted until the late Silurian. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 25 Palaeocope and binodicope ostracodes from the Ordovician of Ibero-Armorica {left) and Baltoscandia {right). Figs. 1-4. Palaeocopa. 1, Bichilina sp., Llanvirn Series, Ligne, Loire-Atlantique, France; tecnomorphic (?)left valve (IGR 5610), x 39. 2, Bichilina prima Sarv, 1959, middle Ordovician Backsteinkalk erratic boulder. Northern Germany; heteromorphic left valve (GPIMH 2600), x 56 (Schallreuter 1983a, pi. 12, fig. 3). 3, Euprimites sp., Llandeilo Series, Guichen, Ille-et-Vilaine, France; left valve (IGR 5611), x 65. 4, Euprimites minor (Thorslund, 1940), middle Ordovician Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, Northern Germany; heteromor- phic right valve (GPIMH 2628), x 47 (Schallreuter 1983a, pi. 12, fig. 6). Figs. 5-10. Binodicopa. 5, Vogdesella ngakoi Yannier 1986a, Andouille Formation, Caradoc Series, Andouille, Mayenne, France; right valve (holotype, IGR 30415/1), x 37 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 9, fig. 1). 6, Vogdesella subovata (Thorslund, 1948), Sularp Shale, Caradoc Series, Gislovshammar, Scania, Sweden; right valve (GPIMH 2291), x 37 (Schallreuter 1980a, pi. 5, fig. 4). 7, Satiellina henningsmoeni (Nion, 1972), Pont-de- Caen Formation, Caradoc Series, Domfront, Orne, France; left valve (IGR 7086/1), x 40 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 7, fig. 1). 8, Satiellina biloba (Troedsson, 1918), uppermost part of Ordovician, Rostanga, Scania, Sweden; left valve (LO 2885), x 37 (Troedsson 1918, pi. 2, fig. 21). 9, Aechmina sp., Andouille Formation, Caradoc Series, La Touche, Andouille, Mayenne, France; right valve (IGR 30502/1), x 66 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 8, fig. 5). 10, Spinaechmina keitumensis Schallreuter, 1984a, Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician, Isle of Sylt, North Sea, Germany; right valve (holotype, GPIMH 2915), x 90 (Schallreuter 1984a, pi. 1, fig. 5). All external lateral views; all scanning electron micrographs except fig. 8. Figs. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are casts from external moulds. PLATE 25 VANNIER el al Ordovician ostracodes 208 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 2. Tornquisf s Sea Late Ordovician trilobite and other faunas demonstrate that Tornquist’s Sea, the ocean which had earlier separated Baltica from Gondwana, had effectively closed at least to the extent that it no longer provided a barrier to faunal migration (Cocks and Fortey 1982). As noted in our data, both palaeocope and binodicope ostracodes show an impressive continuous steep increase in the percentage of common genera between southern Britain (Avalonia) and Baltoscandia (Baltica) throughout the Ordovician (text-fig. 35, plot 3). This generic faunal similarity is particularly marked in the Caradoc and is enhanced in the Ashgill with the occurrence of species in common (see above). Thus, the ostracode evidence concurs with other faunal and geological evidence (Cocks and Fortey 1982; McKerrow and Cocks 1986; Pickering et al. 1988) that Avalonia and Baltica were probably in close proximity by the late Ordovician. McKerrow and Cocks (1986) in fact propose a possible early Ashgill collision between the two plates. 3. Rheic Ocean By contrast with the lapetus Ocean or Tornquist’s Sea, the timing and nature of the development of the Rheic Ocean has not been so well documented faunally. It has been recognized to exist by lower Silurian times based, for example, on brachiopod and phytoplankton evidence (Cocks and Fortey 1982, fig. 6 and p. 475), when it appears to have separated subtropical northern Europe (e.g. Baltoscandia-southern Britain) from Gondwana (containing e.g. Ibero-Armorica and Bohemia) positioned at higher latitudes to the south. Cocks and Fortey (1982, p. 472) also note that by the Caradoc the trilobite faunas of Scandinavia and Britain were distinctively different from those of the impoverished (typically high latitude) faunas of Bohemia and Morocco ( = on Gondwana) and that the palaeogeography of the respective plates probably had a ‘configuration EXPLANATION OF PLATE 26 Binodicope, leiocope, eridostracan, and nretacope ostracodes from the Ordovician of Ibero-Armorica (left) and Baltoscandia (right). Figs. 1-4. Binodicopa. 1, Eocytherella nioni Vannier, 1986a, Pont-de-Caen Formation, Caradoc Series, Domfront, Orne, France; right valve (holotype, IGR 71036/1), x 69 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 13, fig. 4). 2, Eocytherella troedssoni Bonnema, 1931, uppermost part of Ordovician, Rostanga, Scania, Sweden; left valve (LO 2888), x 65. 3, Kinnekullea morzadeci Vannier, 1986a, La Sangsuriere Formation, Caradoc Series, Saint-Germain-sur-Ay, Manche, France; right valve (holotype, IGR 7052/4), x 35 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 12, fig. 2). 4, Kinnekullae hesslandi Henningsmoen, 1948, Black Tretaspis Shale, upper part of the Ordovician, Kinnekulle, Vastergotland, Sweden; left valve (UM no. ar. os. 95), x 59 (Henningsmoen 1948, pi. 25, fig. 5). Figs. 5 and 6. Leiocopa. 5, Brevidorsa sp., Le Pissot Formation, Llanvirn Series, Domfront, Orne, France; right valve (IGR 5613), x 62. 6, Brevidorsa limbata (Sidaraviciene, 1975), Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician, Isle of Sylt, North Sea, Germany; left valve (GPIMH 3412), x 59 (Schallreuter 1986, pi. 5, fig. 9). Figs. 7 and 8. Eridostraca. 7, Conchoprimitia sp., Cacemes Formation, Llandeilo Series, near Cacemes, Bu5aco syncline, Portugal; right valve (IGR 5613), x 25. 8, Conchoprimitia leperditioidea Thorslund, 1940, ‘ Ludibundus Limestone’, middle part of the Ordovician (lower Viruan; see text-fig. 2), Bodahamn boring, Oland, Baltic Sea, Sweden; right valve (UM no. ol. 831), x 22 (Jaanusson 1957, pi. 15, fig. 4). Figs. 9 and 10. Metacopa. 9, Medianella sp., Le Pissot Formation, Llanvirn Series, Domfront, Orne, France; left valve (IGR 5612), x 94. 10, Medianella robusta (Kummerow, 1924). Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician, Isle of Gotland, Baltic Sea, Sweden; left valve (GPIMH AG G21/4), x 35. All scanning electron micrographs except figs. 4 and 8. All external lateral views, except fig. 10 (internal view). Figs. 1, 3, 5, 7 are casts from external moulds. Fig. 9 is a cast from an internal mould. PLATE 26 VANNIER et al. , Ordovician ostracodes 210 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 not unlike that given for the early Silurian by the later Ordovician'. Indeed, a corollary of the general northern drift of Avalonia (southern Britain) to close with Baltica (see above) and a low latitudinal position for Gondwana in the late Ordovician (accounting for the Ashgill glaciation) would be a widening Rheic Ocean throughout the Ordovician. McKerrow and Cocks (1986) speculate that this ocean may have been initiated as early as the Cambrian. Ostracode evidence suggests the presence and widening of the Rheic Ocean from as early as the Llanvirn-Llandeilo and throughout the upper Ordovician (e.g. text-fig. 35). For example, the percentage of palaeocope genera common to the British Isles and Ibero-Armorica shows a distinctive overall drop during the Llanvirn to upper Caradoc time interval (text-fig. 35, graphs 1 and 4). Punctuating this overall decrease is a slight reversion towards somewhat increased faunal similarity during the late Llandeilo-early Caradoc, which may be due to the coeval transgressive event (see above). A decrease is also evident in the percentage of palaeocope genera common to Ibero-Armorica and Baltoscandia, which shows a sharp uninterrupted drop from the Llandeilo to early Caradoc (text-fig. 35, graph 2). These trends are consistent with the notion of the middle- late Ordovician opening of the Rheic Ocean and the coeval closing of the Tornquist’s Sea. Somewhat different trends are observed for the non-dimorphic, binodicope ostracodes which, through the Ordovician, show: a picture of fairly consistent generic links between the British Isles and Ibero-Armorica (text-fig. 35, graphs 1 and 4; the late Llandeilo-early Caradoc enhancement of generic similarity may, again, be due to the coeval transgression); and a regular increase of the percentage of genera in common between Ibero-Armorica and Baltoscandia. These binodicope faunal contacts, apparently inconsistent with the picture obtained from palaeocopes, have no immediately obvious explanation. Binodicopes may have had wider dispersal capacities than EXPLANATION OF PLATE 27 Palaeocope ostracodes from the Ordovician of the British Isles (left) and Baltoscandia (right). Fig. 1. Duringia triformosa Jones, 1984, upper part of the Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn, Dyfed, Wales; tecnomorphic left valve (paratype, BM OS 12260), x 63 (Jones 1986, pi. 1, fig. 3). Fig. 2. Duringia spinosa (Kniipler, 1968), uppermost part of the Caradoc Series, Gebersdorf, Thuringia, Germany; tecnomorphic right valve (GPIMH 2730), x 87 (Schallreuter 1984a, pi. 11 (10), fig. 1). Fig. 3. Homeokiesowia epicopa Siveter, 1982a, Llandeilo Series, near Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; heteromorphic left valve (BM OS 6670), x 28 (Siveter 1982a, pi. 9 (90), fig. 4). Fig. 4. Homeokiesowia frigida (Sarv, 1959), Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (idavere (Cm) to Keila (Dn) stage; see text-fig. 2), Klein-Horst, Pomerania, Poland; heteromorphic right valve (GPIMH 2023a), x 53 (Schallreuter 1979, pi. 6 (76), fig. 3). Fig. 5. Schallreuteria (Schallreuteria) superciliata (Reed, 1910), Longvillian Stage, Caradoc Series, Melmerby, Cumbria, England; heteromorphic right valve (paralectotype, SM A 109836), x 23 (Siveter 19826, pi. 9 (96), fig. 2). Fig. 6. Schallreuteria (Schallreuteria) lippensis Schallreuter, 1984a, Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (lower upper Viruan; see text-fig. 2), Lippe, Hohwacht Bay, Baltic Sea, Germany; heteromorphic right valve (GPIMH 2902), x 39 (Schallreuter 1984a, pi. 11 (8), fig. 1). Fig. 7. Tallinnellal tomacina Jones, 1986, middle part of the Llandeilo Series, Carmarthen, Dyfed, Wales; tecnomorphic right valve (paratype, BM OS 12595), x 22 (Jones 1986, pi. 3, fig. 10). Fig. 8. Tallinnella sebyensis Jaanusson, 1957, erratic boulder, Upper grey Orthoceras Limestone, middle part of the Ordovician (lower Viruan (C,b)), Linauer Moor, near Trittau, East of Hamburg, Germany; tecnomorphic left valve (GPIMH AG G21/3), x45. Fig. 9. Sigmoopsis duftonensis (Reed, 1910), Longvillian Stage, Caradoc Series, Melmerby, Cumbria, England; tecnomorphic left valve (paralectotype, SM A 29914b), x 24 (Jones 1986, pi. 13, fig. 4). Fig. 10. Sigmoopsis rostrata (Krause, 1892), Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician, Northern Germany; heteromorphic left valve (GPIMH 2583), x 43 (Schallreuter 1983a, pi. 10, fig. 1). All scanning electron micrographs of external lateral views. Figs. 5 and 9 are casts from external moulds. PLATE 27 VANNIER et al., Ordovician ostracodes 212 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 palaeocopes, or even peculiar substrate preferences. Moreover, it must always be borne in mind that binodicopes are generally less well documented than palaeocopes and would benefit from a thorough taxonomic reappraisal. THE PLATES Plates 24-30 are designed to demonstrate congeneric ostracode occurrence between the three domains treated in the text. The figures include scanning electron micrographs of our own material and pertinent illustrations after previous authors. Restrictions on the availablity of some specimens have prevented their illustration by scanning electron microscopy. Abbreviations of repositories used in plate explanations: BM, British Museum (Natural History), London; GSM, British Geological Survey, Keyworth (ex London); GPIG, Geologisches Institut der Universitat Greifswald; GPIMH, Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der Universitat, Hamburg (AG = Archiv fur Geschiebekunde); IGR, Institut de Geologie de l’Universite de Rennes; K, Ulster Museum, Belfast; LO, Geological and Mineralogical Institute, Lund University; NMW, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff; SM, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge University; SMF, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main; UM, Museum of the Palaeontological Institute, University of Uppsala. Acknowledgements. We thank Drs M. G. Bassett and K. Pickering for discussion. D.J.S. gratefully acknowledges support from the University of Leicester Research Board and the Royal Society. J. V. gratefully acknowledges support from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, the Centre de la Recherche Scientifique, and the Royal Society, and acknowledges facilities provided whilst a research fellow at the Geological-Palaeontological Institute, University of Hamburg and the Department of Geology, Leicester University. We thank Pauline Siveter for typing the manuscript. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 28 Palaeocope, binodicope, platycope (kirkbyacean), and eridostracan ostracodes from the Ordovician of the British Isles (left) and Baltoscandia (right). Figs. 1-4. Palaeocopa. 1 and 2, Gotula gotlandica (Schallreuter, 1967). I . Lower Limestones Member, Portrane Limestone, Ashgill Series, near Dublin, Eire; incomplete heteromorphic right valve (K 10022), x 35 (Schallreuter and Orr 1985, pi. 12 (152), fig. 2). 2. Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician (upper Harjuan; see text-fig. 2), Vale, Gotland, Sweden; tecnomorphic left valve (GPIMH 3258), x 37 (Schallreuter and Orr 1985, pi. 12 (154), fig. 1). 3, Henningsmoenia costa Orr, 19856, Portrane Limestones, Cautleyan Stage, Ashgill Series, Dublin, Eire; tecnomorphic left valve (K 10029), x48 (Orr 19856, pi. 12 (64), fig. 1). 4, Henningsmoenia gunnari (Thorslund, 1948), erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (Idavere (Cm) or Johvi (DO Stage; see text-fig. 2), Northern Germany; heteromorphic right valve (GPIMH 2596), x 51 (Schallreuter 1983a, pi. 11, fig. 7). Figs. 5 and 6. Binodicopa. 5, Spinigerites hadros Jones, 1987, Onnian Stage, Caradoc Series, Welshpool, Powys, Wales; left valve (holotype, BM OS 12567), x 36 (Jones 1987, pi. 8, fig. 7). 6, Spinigerites spiniger (Lindstrom, 1953), Sularp Shale, Caradoc Series, Gislovshammar, Scania, Sweden; right valve (GPIMH 2314), x 58 (Schallreuter 1980a, pi. 9, fig. 2). Fig. 7 and 8. Platycopa (Kirkbyacea). 7, Gebeckeria dryslwynensis Schallreuter and Jones, 1984, Ashgill Series, Dryslwyn Castell, near Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; left valve (paratype, BM OS 12282), x 68 (Schallreuter and Jones 1984, figs. 1 and 2). 8, Martinssonozona ordoviciana Schallreuter, 1968, Ojlemyr- flint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician, Isle of Sylt, Northern Germany; left valve (GPIMH 3417), x 105 (Schallreuter 1986, pi. 6, fig. 6). Figs. 9 and 10. Eridostraca. 9, Eridoconcha plerilamella Jones, 1987, Costonian Stage, Caradoc Series, Lampeter-Velfrey, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (BM OS 12818), x 60 (Jones 1987, pi. 9, fig. 15). 10, Cryptophvllus gutta Schallreuter, 19686, Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician, Gotland, Sweden; left valve (GPIMH AG G21/1), x 68. All scanning electron micrographs of external lateral views. PLATE 28 8 VANNIER el al., Ordovician ostracodes 214 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 REFERENCES abushik, a. and sarv, l. i. 1983. 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(Geoi.), 12, 245-353. destombes, j. 1962. Stratigraphie et paleogeographie de FOrdovicien de FAnti-Atlas (Maroc). Un essai de synthese. Bull. Soc. geoi. Fr. 7, 453-460. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 29 Binodicope ostracodes from the Ordovician of the British Isles (left) and Baltoscandia (right). Fig. 1. Bullaeferum llandeiloensis Jones, 1987, upper part of the Llanvirn Series, Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (holotype, BM OS 12743), x 59 (Jones 1987, pi. 1, fig. 1). Fig. 2. Bullaeferum tapaensis (Sarv, 1959), Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician, Isle of Sylt, North Sea, Germany; left valve (GPIMH 3409), x 78 (Schallreuter 1986, pi. 5, fig. 4). Fig. 3. Pariconchoprimitia improba Jones, 1987, upper part of the Llanvirn Series, Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; left valve (BM OS 12777), x 65 (Jones 1987, pi. 5, fig. 17). Fig. 4. Pariconchoprimitia conchoides (Hadding, 1913), Sularp Shale, Caradoc Series, Gislovshammar, Scania, Sweden; right valve (GPIMFI 2299), x 39 (Schallreuter 1976, pi. 6, fig. 1). Fig. 5. Easchmidtella elementa Jones, 1987, upper part of the Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (holotype, BM OS 12767), x 66 (Jones 1987, pi. 5, fig. 1). Fig. 6. Easchmidtella fragosa (Neckaja in Abushik et al., 1960), Bachsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (Idavere (Cm) or Johvi (D,) stage, upper Viruan; see text-fig. 2), Kammin, near Greifswald, Germany; left(?) valve (GPIMH AG G21/5), x 80. Fig. 7. Pedomphalella expraeputia Jones, 1987, Costonian Stage, Caradoc Series, Lampeter-Velfrey, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (BM OS 12786), x 69 ( Jones 1987, pi. 6, fig. 1). Fig. 8. Pedomphalella jonesii (Krause, 1897), Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (Idavere (Cm) or Johvi (Dfi Stage, upper Viruan; see text-fig. 2), near Stralsund, Pomerania, Germany; left valve (GPIMH 2722), x 82 (Schallreuter and Siveter 1985, pi. 69, fig. 8). Fig. 9. Conchoprimitiella dvfedensis Jones, 1987, upper part of the Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (BM OS 12805), x 43 (Jones 1987, pi. 7, fig. 1). Fig. 10. Conchoprimitiella eremita Schallreuter, 1980«, Sularp Shale, Caradoc Series, Gislovshammar, Scania, Sweden; left valve (holotype, GPIMH 2292), x 65 (Schallreuter 1976, pi. 4, fig. 4). All scanning electron micrographs of external lateral views. PLATE 29 VANNIER el a!., Ordovician ostracodes 216 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 destombes, J. 1971. L’Ordovicien au Maroc. Essai de synthese stratigraphique. Mem. Bur. Rech. geol. min. 73, 229-235. dewey, j. F. 1969. Evolution of the Appalachian/Caledonian Orogen. Nature, Loud. 222, 124 129. dons, J. a. and henningsmoen, g. 1949. Two New Middle Ordovician Ostracods from Oslo. Norsk geol. Tisskr. 28, 27-32. eldredge, n. 1974. Stability, diversity and speciation in Paleozoic epeiric seas. J. Paleont. 48, 540-548. fortey, r. a. 1975. Early Ordovician trilobite communities. Fossils Strata, 4, 339-360. — 1984. Global earlier Ordovician transgressions and regressions and their biological implications. In bruton, d. l. (ed.). Aspects of the Ordovician System. Palaeont. Contr. Univ. Oslo, 295, 37-50. — and morris, s. f. 1982. The Ordovician trilobite Neseuretus from Saudi-Arabia, and the palaeogeography of the Neseuretus fauna related to Gondwanaland in the earlier Ordovician. Bull Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.), 36, 63-75. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 30 Palaeocope and binodicope ostracodes from the Ordovician of Ibero-Armorica [left), the British Isles (middle), and Baltoscandia (right). Figs. 1-9. Palaeocopa. 1, Ogmoopsis arcadelti Vannier, 19866, Llandeilo Series, Traveusot, Guichen, Ille-et- Vilaine, France; tecnomorphic left valve (holotype, IGR 5307/1), x 23 (Vannier 19866, pi. 8, fig. 1). 2, Ogmoopsis (Quadridigitalis) siveteri Jones, 1986, Harnagian Stage, Caradoc Series, Cressage, Shropshire, England; heteromorphic left valve (holotype, BM OS 12654), x 16 (Jones 1986, pi. 12, fig. 1). 3, Ogmoopsis alata Sarv, 1959, erratic boulder, lower part of the Ordovician (Kunda Stage (Bm); see text-fig. 2), Ahlintel, near Munster, Germany; tecnomorphic left valve (Westfalisches Museum fur Naturkunde in Miinster, WMN no. A15), x61 (Schallreuter 19856, pi. 4, fig. 2). 4, Vittella sp., Schistes du Fresne Formation, Llanvirn Series, Ligne, Loire-Atlantique, France; tecnomorphic left valve (IGR 5290/1), x 32 (Vannier 19866, pi. 3, fig. 1). 5, Vittella fecunda Siveter, 1983, upper part of the Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn, near Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; heteromorphic left valve (holotype, BM OS 7777), x 32 (Siveter 1983, pi. 10 (14), fig. 1). 6, Vittella vittensis Schallreuter, 1964, erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (lower upper Viruan; see text-fig. 2), Isle of Hiddensee, Baltic Sea, Germany; heteromorphic left valve (holotype, GPIG no. Os 289), x40 (Schallreuter 1964, pi. 11, fig. 3). 7, Quadritia (Krutatia) tromelini Vannier and Schallreuter, 1983, Cacemes Formation, Llandeilo Series, Cacemes section, near Cacemes, Bu^aco syncline, Portugal; right valve (paratype, IGR 5101/A1), x 46 (Vannier and Schallreuter 1983, pi. 9, fig. 5). 8, Quadritia (Krutatia) iunior Schallreuter, 1981, Ashgill Series, Dryslwyn Castell, near Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (BM OS 13372), x43. 9, Quadritia (Krutatia) krausei Schallreuter, 1976, Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (Idavere (Cm) or Johvi (Dfi Stage; see text-fig. 2), Northern Germany; left valve (GPIMH 2591), x 47 (Schallreuter 1983a, pi. 11, fig. 1). Figs. 10-18. Binodicopa. 10, Klimphores vogelweidei Vannier, 1986a, Traveusot Formation, Llanvirn Series, Laille, Ille-et-Vilaine, France; right valve (holotype, IGR 5255A/8), x61 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 1, fig. 1). 11, Klimphores morgani (Jones, 1890), Onnian Stage, Caradoc Series, Welshpool, Powys, Wales; left valve (specimen now broken), x 79 (Jones 1987, pi. 1, fig. 14). 12, Klimphores planus Schallreuter, 1966c, erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (lower upper Viruan; see text-fig. 2), Isle of Hiddensee, Baltic Sea, Germany; right valve (GPIMH 2230), x 65 (Schallreuter 19806, pi. 7 (10), fig. 4). 13, Laterophores varesei Vannier, 1986a, Andouille Formation, Caradoc Series, Andouille, Mayenne, France; left valve (holotype, IGR 30415/2), x 77 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 2, fig. 1). 14, Laterophores elevatus Jones, 1987, upper part of the Llanvirn Series, Llandeilo, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (holotype, BM OS 12751), x 64 (Jones 1987, pi. 2, fig. 1). 15, Laterophores lateris Schallreuter, 1968a, Backsteinkalk erratic boulder, middle part of the Ordovician (lower upper Viruan; see text-fig. 2), Isle of Hiddensee, Baltic Sea, Germany; right valve (GPIMH AG G21/2), x 75. 16, Pseudulrichia raguenezensis Vannier, 1986a, Gres de Kermeur Formation, Caradoc Series, Raguenez, Crozon, Finistere, France; right valve (holotype, IGR 30576/1), x 32 (Vannier 1986a, pi. 5, fig. 2). 17, Pseudulrichia conispina Jones, 1987, upper part of the Llandeilo Series, Dryslwyn, Dyfed, Wales; right valve (BM OS 12762), x 59 (Jones 1987, pi. 3, fig. 5). 18, Pseudulrichia ullehmanni Schallreuter, 1981, Ojlemyrflint erratic boulder, upper part of the Ordovician (Harjuan Series; see text-fig. 2), Isle of Sylt, North Sea, Germany; right valve (paratype, GPIMH 2151), x 74 (Schallreuter 1981, fig. 9). All external lateral views; all scanning electron micrographs except fig. 6. Figs. 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16 are casts from external moulds. PLATE 30 VANNIER et al Ordovician ostracodes 218 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 fortey, r. a. and Owens, R. m. 1978. Early Ordovician (Arenig) stratigraphy and faunas of the Carmarthen district. South-west Wales. Ibid. (Geol.), 30, 225-294. gailIte, l. 1971. Ostrakody semejstva Bolliidae Boucek ordovika Latvii [Ostracoda of the family Bolliidae Boucek in the Ordovician of Latvia], Paleontologia i Stratigrafiya paleozoya i mezozoya Pribaltiki i Byelorussii, 45-47. [In Russian.] — 1975a. Novye vidy ostrakod verchnego ordovika Latvii [New species of Ostracoda from upper Ordovician of Latvia]. In grigelis, a. a. (ed.). Fauna i Stratigrafiya paleozoya i mezozoya Pribaltiki i Byelorussii , 45 57. [In Russian.] — 19756. 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The skull of Fulengia youngi Carroll and Galton, a supposed lizard from the Upper Triassic/Lower Jurassic of China, is re-examined and compared with contemporary prosauropod dinosaurs. On the basis of its teeth, and the construction of the maxilla and mandible, the skull of Fulengia is reinterpreted as that of a juvenile prosauropod dinosaur. It most closely resembles specimens of Gyposaurus sinensis Young, now generally acknowledged to be juveniles of the common Lufeng anchisaurid Lufengosaurus. Fulengia youngi is formally proposed to be a junior synonym of Lufengosaurus huenei. The earliest unequivocal fossils of lizards are of Upper Jurassic age. In 1977, Carroll and Galton announced the discovery of a ‘modern' type of lizard from the Late Triassic of China. The specimen formed part of the collections of the Catholic University of Peking (CUP), which are now housed in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA. The specimen, CUP 2037, was originally catalogued as a juvenile of the prosauropod dinosaur Yunnanosaurus huangi by Simmons (1965, p. 63) but Carroll and Galton (1977) reinterpreted it as the skull of a lizard and renamed it Fulengia youngi. Prior to the description of Fulengia , the earliest true lizards were those of the Upper Jurassic of Europe, America, and China (see Estes 1983, for a full list). The Upper Triassic kuehneosaurs, considered by some authors (Robinson 1962, 1967; Colbert 1966, 1970; Carroll 1975) as true lizards, have more recently been regarded as an independent radiation (Hoffstetter 1962, 1967; Kluge 1967; Evans 1980, 1984, 1988; Gauthier 1984; Benton 1985). Likewise, the Upper Permian genera described by Carroll (1975) have subsequently been argued to lack the character-states diagnostic of lizards (Evans 1980, 1984, 1988; Benton 1985). All of these genera retain primitive diapsid character-states including: paired median skull-roofing elements; complex palatal dentition; toothed parasphenoid; large lacrimal; simple subpleurodont teeth; and amphicoelous vertebrae. The genus Fulengia , by contrast, was described as having several derived lacertilian character- states including: fused median roofing bones; small lacrimal; serrated pleurodont teeth, procoelous vertebrae; and, in reconstruction, a temporal region closely resembling that of a modern iguanid lizard. This combination of derived character-states and early geological age made the specimen of great potential significance to those studying the evolution of squamates. However, having examined the holotype and other associated specimens from the same assemblage, we conclude that the original interpretation (Simmons 1965) was more nearly correct and that Fulengia is the skull of a juvenile prosauropod dinosaur LOCALITY AND HORIZON The specimen was recovered from the Deep Red Sequence of the Lower Lufeng or Fengjiahe Formation (previously the Lower Lufeng Series), at TaTi in Yunnan Province. This horizon was originally interpreted as late Upper Triassic (Young 1946, 1951; Simmons 1965) but there is a recent consensus amongst Chinese workers that it is Lower Jurassic in age (Chen et al. 1982; Sun et al. 1985; Sun and Cui 1986). Cooper (1982) comes to the same conclusion from faunal evidence. IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 1, 1989, pp. 223-230.| © The Palaeontological Association 224 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 1 cm H text-fig. 1. ‘ Fulengia young?, CUP 2037, holotype, in a, left dorsolateral view, b, right ventrolateral view, c, ventral view. Abbreviations: A, articular; An, angular; D, dentary; F, frontal; H, hyoid; J, jugal; L, left; Mf, mandibular fenestra; Mx, maxilla; N, nasal; P, parietal; Pm, premaxilla; Po, postorbital; Q, quadrate; R, right; San, surangular; V, vertebra. HOLOTYPE SPECIMEN (CUP 2037) The holotype of Fulengia is a small, very mineralized nodule. The specimen comprises a small skull, just under 4 cm long, with a single associated vertebra. Parts of the skull roof, jaws, antorbital, and temporal regions are preserved. In many places, bone junctions are very difficult to identify, particularly where already fragmented bones have been superimposed. No further preparation has been possible. The general outlines of the specimen, as figured by Carroll and Galton (1977, fig. 1) are correct, but we disagree with some aspects of their interpretation (ibid. figs. 1 and 2) with respect to the identification of bones and the position of suture lines (text-fig. 1 ). Carroll and Galton (1977) gave six characters which support the hypothesis that Fulengia is a lizard: a , pleurodont teeth with iguanid-like serrations, suggesting an early herbivorous specialization; b, small lacrimal; c, absence of a posterior jugal process; d, configuration of the bones in the temporal region, and the expanded quadrate; e , median frontal and parietal; /, association of the above characters with a procoelous vertebra. These characters bear re-examination: a. Serrated, pleurodont teeth. The tooth crowns are small, spatulate, and finely serrated, with yellowish enamel. The bases are long and smoothly rounded, as seen where the lateral wall of the maxilla has been broken away on the right side (text-fig. 2a), This is unusual for pleurodont teeth. Iguanid teeth detached from the jaw have a flattened labial surface which is eroded where the tooth contacts the bone (text-fig. 2b, d; Edmund 1969). The smoothly rounded bases accord better with a thecodont implantation (text-fig. 2c) and the spatulate crowns of Fulengia resemble most closely those of small contemporary prosauropods (see below). b. Small lacrimal. As interpreted by Carroll and Galton (1977, fig. la), Fulengia differs from Kuehneosaurus and other primitive reptiles in having a reduced lacrimal like that of modern lizards and early sphenodontids. However, their proposed suture line between the lacrimal and maxilla does not exist. The ‘small lacrimal’ is. EVANS AND MILNER: LIZARD REINTERPRETED AS DINOSAUR 225 text-fig. 2. Dentition and tooth implantation, a, maxillary teeth of ‘ Fulengia , CUP 2037, in lateral (labial) view; b, maxillary tooth of Iguana in labial view; c, cross-section of the thecodont tooth of a crocodile, showing a mature tooth being reabsorbed by a replacement (simplified from Romer 1956, fig. 206 b)\ d, cross-section of the pleurodont tooth of an iguanid lizard, Ctenosaura (redrawn from Edmund 1969, fig. 10e). Abbreviations: ca, cavity; co, area of contact with jaw; cr, crown; la, labial wall; re, replacement tooth. in fact, the narrow ascending process of the maxilla (text-fig. 1a) which separates the deep anterior region, shown by the long roots and deep premaxilla (text-fig. 1a), from the shallower posterior section. The shape of the maxilla thus resembles that of the Lufeng prosauropods (text-fig. 4a, b) more closely than that of lizards. c. Absence of a posterior jugal process. The body of the left jugal is separated from the maxilla by a straight suture (text-fig. 1a). The telescoping of the skull has left the postorbital region unnaturally short and almost certainly carried the jugal further forward than its original position. Dorsally, the jugal is extended into a postorbital process, but ventrally it ends abruptly. Carroll and Gabon (1977) interpret this as natural and reconstruct the jugal with a smooth posterior border, but the edge is broken, not smooth. Immediately behind the break, there is a bone fragment which we interpret as the base of a quadratojugal process. d. Configuration of the bones in the temporal region , and the flared quadrate. The elements identified by Carroll and Galton (1977) as squamosal and supratemporal are bone fragments which, in a telescoped skull, cannot be identified with any assurance. The most obvious bones are the postorbital and the quadrate. The quadrate appears to be short and flared in a manner more closely resembling that of a lepidosaur than an archosaur. However, the dorsal head is obscured by the postorbital and matrix and the proportions may not be as they appear, particularly as a second specimen, CUP 2038fi (text-fig. 3b), has a quadrate which is similar at its ventral end but more elongate dorsally. e. Median frontal and parietal. Carroll and Galton (1977, fig. 1 a, b ) identify two superimposed plates of bone as the left and right halves of a median frontal bone, but they appear to be separate left and right ossifications (text-fig. 1a, b). The right has a straight medial edge. The parietal region is too distorted for accurate interpretation. f. Procoelous vertebrae. A single elongated vertebral centrum is preserved in association with the holotype skull (text-fig. 1a-c). One end, to the left, is convex with a small central pit; the other end, to the right, is slightly concave with a central pit. The ventral surface is lightly keeled. There is no neural arch and no evidence to determine which end is anterior and which posterior. The vertebra could as easily be opisthocoelous as procoelous, and, in fact, resembles the axis of Yunnanosaurus robustus as figured by Young (1951, pi. 7) (text-fig. 4c). None of the lizard-like features of CUP 2037 can be confirmed by us. There is no reduced lacrimal, the jugal may possess a posterior process, and the frontals are paired. The temporal region and the parietal(s) are too crushed for interpretation, and the quadrate is incompletely exposed. The dentition and the vertebra are equally or more consistent with identity as a tiny prosauropod dinosaur. This alternative is explored after discussion of CUP 2038. 226 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 3. Lufengosaurus huenei , CUP 2038. a, CUP 2038a; b, c, reversed sides of CUP 2038 b. (NB, CUP 2038 comprises two distinct specimens, here designated a and b for ease of references.) Abbreviations: D, dentary (larger individual); Ds, dentary (smaller individual); eo, possible exoccipital; H, hyoid; Mx, maxilla; Q, quadrate; V, vertebra. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (CUP 2038) A search through the CUP Lufeng collection yielded two small nodules from TaTi, collected at the same time as the Fulengia holotype and placed together under the next catalogue number (2038). Like the holotype, they are catalogued as Yunnanosaurus huangi. The specimens resemble Fulengia in their size and general preservation (creamish-white and highly mineralized), and may be part of the same accumulation, but the bones are dissociated and represent more than one individual (text-fig. 3). Simmons (1965) suggests that such nodules are coprolitic in origin, but this is uncertain. Much of CUP 2038 is very difficult to interpret. CUP 2038# (text-fig. 3a) is a jumble of bone fragments, amongst which only a vertebra and a hyoid element (?ceratobranchial) can be identified with any assurance. CUP 20386 is better and includes a quadrate, a possible exoccipital, maxillary fragments, and the dentaries of two different-sized individuals (D and Ds, text- fig. 3b, c). The teeth are identical to those of Fulengia , but the jaw fragments show them to be thecodont, as inferred from the holotype. The ventral part of the quadrate is of similar proportions to that of Fulengia , but the main body is taller (text-fig. 3b), supporting the interpretation that the quadrate of the holotype is partially obscured. SYSTEMATIC POSITION AND RECONSTRUCTION Several aspects of the structure of CUP 2037 identify it as a prosauropod dinosaur. a. Possession of an antorbital fenestra close to the naris. As described above, the maxilla of CUP 2037 is a long straight bone with a narrow ascending process separating the deep anterior region from the shallow posterior ramus (text-fig. 1a). The posterior border of the ascending process is depressed like that of material referred to Gyposaurus (text-fig. 4a, b). There the depression continues on to the surface of the posterior ramus (covered by the jugal in CUP 2037) and borders the antorbital fenestra. The antorbital fenestra is a character of the Archosauria including the Proterosuchidae (Benton 1985, p. 125), and an antorbital fenestra positioned close to the naris is a character of the Archosauria excluding the Proterosuchidae (Benton 1985, p. 126). b. Thecodont teeth. Within the sauropsid amniotes, this is a character of the Archosauria. The smooth exposed roots of CUP 2037 resemble those of thecodont teeth (text-fig. 2c), not the EVANS AND MILNER: LIZARD REINTERPRETED AS DINOSAUR 227 text-fig. 4. a, right maxilla of the prosauropod dinosaur Lufengosaurus ( Gyposaurus ) huenei, CUP 148-4-2006a; b, left maxilla and dentary of Lufengosaurus ( Gyposaurus ) huenei , CUP 148- 4-2006a; c, axis vertebra of the prosauropod dinosaur Yunnanosaurus robustus (redrawn from Young 1951 , pi. 7). (NB, CUP 148-4-2006 comprises five parts representing at least two individuals of different age; CUP 148-4-2006a is part of the smaller individual.) Abbreviation: od, odontoid. attachment faces of the roots of pleurodont teeth (text-fig. 2b, d). CUP 2038 has identical teeth which are certainly thecodont. c. Mandibular fenestra. Carroll and Galton (1977) noted that the massive jaws of Fulengia distinguish it from known lizards; they are more consistent with the deep jaws of prosauropods. In their figures (1977, lc, e), Carroll and Galton depict an opening in each mandible at the junction between the dentary, angular and surangular, but do not show such an opening in the reconstruction. These openings are present on both mandibles (text-fig. lc) and match the structure and position of the small mandibular fenestrae of Lufengosaurus (Young 1941a). The presence of such mandibular fenestrae is a character of the Archosauria (excluding the Proterosuchidae) (Benton 1985, p. 126). d. Dentition. The spatulate tooth crowns with pointed tips and up to eight serrations per side most closely resemble those of anchisaurid prosauropods (Galton 1985a, fig. 5d-h; text-fig. 4). The length of the teeth is also characteristic. Among the herbivorous archosaurs, such deep rooted anterior maxillary teeth are most consistent with the condition found in sauropodomorphs (sauropods and prosauropods). e. Hyoid skeleton. The robust hyoid elements of CUP 2037 (text-fig. 1b), identified as ceratobranchials by Carroll and Galton (1977, fig. 1), are relatively large for a lizard but correspond to the large ceratobranchials of prosauropods such as Plateosaurus (Galton 19856). The dominant sauropsids of the Lufeng Formation are a group of prosauropod dinosaurs: Lufengosaurus huenei (Young 1941a); Gyposaurus sinensis (Young 19416); Yunnanosaurus huangi (Young 1942); Lufengosaurus magnus (Young 1947); and Yunnanosaurus robustus (Young 1951). All five have been recorded from TaTi (Simmons 1965). They form a size series from the tiny Gyposaurus sinensis to the large Lufengosaurus magnus. A detailed analysis of the Lufeng material led Rozhdestvensky (1965) to conclude that they form an ontogenetic series of a single species, a view supported by Galton (1976) and Galton and Cluver (1976). The senior name for this species is Lufengosaurus huenei and it is placed in the family Anchisauridae (Galton 1985a). Cooper (1981) concluded that the Lufeng anchisaurids could be accommodated within the contemporaneous genus Massospondylus but has not been followed in this by Galton (1985a) who retained the generic name Lufengosaurus. Galton (1985a), however, split the Lufeng prosauropods into two groups on the basis of dental morphology. Lufengosaurus (including Gyposaurus) was placed in the 228 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Anchisauridae (defined by possession of denticulate teeth without wear facets). Yunnanosaurus formed the basis of a new family Yunnanosauridae (teeth with wear facets but no denticles). More recently, Z. Yang (=C. C. Young, 1982a, 6) has described some tiny dinosaur jaw fragments from the Lufeng. He placed Tawasaurus minor from Heiguopeng (Yang 1982a) in the Fabrosauridae and Dianchongosaurus lufengensis from Zhangjiawa (Yang 19826) in the Heterodontosauridae. However, Dong (pers. comm, to Sun et al. 1985) is sceptical about Yang’s attribution of this material to the Ornithischia and we would agree with him. Reference to Yang’s figures (1982a, pis. 1 and 2; 19826, fig. 2) suggests that both specimens have small serrated teeth which bear a close resemblance to those of Lufengosaurus ( Gyposaurus ) and Fulengia. It may be that both of Yang’s specimens are juvenile prosauropods. The two localities are less than one kilometre from TaTi. Further discussion of the relationships of these specimens is beyond the scope of this work and has no direct bearing on the conclusions outlined below. text-fig. 5. a, reconstruction of the skull of “Fulengia , CUP 2037, in lateral view; b, lateral view of the skull of the prosauropod Lufengosaurus huenei (from Young 1942, fig. 4, and Galton 1985a, fig. 4c); c, lateral view of the skull of the prosauropod Massospondylus (simplified from Cooper 1981, fig. la). There are no unambiguous character-states supporting the lizard status of Fulengia and it may be noted that no further supposed lizards have been identified in the Lufeng fauna (Sun et al. 1985). The presence of thecodont teeth, in conjunction with mandibular and antorbital fenestrae, supports the hypothesis that Fulengia is an archosaur. In its dental characteristics and in the structure of the maxilla, jugal, and mandible, Fulengia most closely resembles the Lufeng prosauropod material referred to Lufengosaurus and its junior synonym Gyposaurus. Text-fig. 5a shows a new reconstruction of CUP 2037 as a prosauropod, in comparison with Lufengosaurus (text-fig. 5b) and Massospondylus (text-fig. 5c). It is easily accommodated in Rozhdestvensky’s (1965) ontogenetic series and represents a stage slightly younger than that of the smallest specimens of Gyposaurus sinensis. We therefore formally propose Fulengia youngi to be a junior synonym of Lufengosaurus huenei. CUP 2038 (in particular CUP 20386), formerly catalogued as Yunnanosaurus huangi , belongs here also. As noted above, Cooper (1981) has proposed that the genus Lufengosaurus is a junior synonym of Massospondylus. This is a problem beyond the scope of the present paper and does not affect our conclusion with respect to Fulengia. With the reinterpretation of Fulengia as a prosauropod, the earliest described lepidosaurs which can be referred unequivocally to the Squamata are from the Upper Jurassic of Europe, North America, and Asia (Evans 1984, 1988; Benton 1985). The earliest known lizard from the People’s Republic of China is Yabeinosaurus from the Upper Jurassic deposits of Tsaotzushan and Liaoning (Estes 1983). Acknowledgements. We express our thanks to the staff of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, in particular John Bolt and Mary Carman, for access to Lufeng material and to John Attridge for his helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was partly funded by a grant from the Central Research Fund, University of London. EVANS AND MILNER: LIZARD REINTERPRETED AS DINOSAUR 229 REFERENCES benton, m. j. 1985. Classification and phylogeny of the diapsid reptiles. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 84, 97 164. carroll, r. L. 1975. Permo-Triassic ‘lizards' from the Karroo. Palaeont. afr. 18, 71 87. — and galton, p. M. 1977. ‘Modern’ lizard from the Upper Triassic of China. Nature , Loud. 266, 252- 255. Chen, p., li, w., chen, J., ye, c., wang, z., shen, y. and sun, s. 1982. Stratigraphical classification of Jurassic and Cretaceous in China. Scientia sin., B. 25, 1227 1248. colbert, e. h. 1966. A gliding reptile from the Triassic of New Jersey. Am. Mus. Novit. 2246, 1-23. 1970. The Triassic gliding reptile Icarosaurus. Bull. Am. Mus. not. Hist. 143, 87 142. cooper, m. r. 1981. The prosauropod dinosaur Massospondylus carinatus Owen from Zimbabwe: its biology, mode of life and phylogenetic significance. Occas. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhodesia ( B ), nat. Sci. 6, 689-840. — 1982. A mid-Permian to earliest Jurassic tetrapod biostratigraphy and its significance. Arnoldia Zimbabwe , 9, 77 104. edmund, a. G. 1969. Dentition. In gans, c. and parsons, t. s. (eds.). Biology of the Reptilia. 1, 117-200. Academic Press, London. estes, R. 1983. Sauria terrestria; Amphisbaenia. Handbuch dev Paldoherpetologie 10A, 1-249. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. evans, s. e. 1980. The skull of a new eosuchian reptile from the Lower Jurassic of South Wales. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 70, 203-264. 1984. The classification of the Lepidosauria. Ibid. 82, 87-100. — 1988. The early history and relationships of the Diapsida. In benton, m. j. (ed.). The Phylogeny and Classification of Tetrapods. Vol. 1, Amphibians, Reptiles and Birds. Syst. Ass. Spec. Vol. 35A, 221 -253. Clarendon Press, Oxford. galton, p. m. 1976. Prosauropod dinosaurs (Reptilia: Saurischia) of North America. Postilla , 169, 1 98. — 1 985a. Diet of prosauropod dinosaurs from the late Triassic and early Jurassic. Lethaia , 18, 105 123. - 19857). Cranial anatomy of the prosauropod dinosaur Plateosaurus from the Knollenmergel (Middle Keuper), Upper Triassic of Germany. Geologica Palaeont. 19, 1 19 159. — and cluver, m. 1976. Anchisaurus capensis (Broom) and a revision of the Anchisauridae (Reptilia: Saurischia). Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 69, 121-159. Gauthier, J. A. 1984. A cladistic analysis of the higher systematic categories of the Diapsida. Ph.D. thesis (unpublished). University of California, Berkeley. hoffstetter, r. 1962. Revue des recentes acquisitions concernant l’histoire et la systematique des squamates. Coll, intern. CNRS, 104, 243-285. — 1967. Coup d’oeil sur les Sauriens ( = Lacertiliens) des couches de Purbeck (Jurassique superieur d'Angleterre). Ibid. 163, 349-371. kluge, a. g. 1967. Higher taxonomic categories of gekkonid lizards and their evolution. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 135, 1-60. robinson, p. l. 1982. Gliding lizards from the Upper Keuper of Great Britain. Proc. geol. Soc. Lond. 1601, 137- 146. 1967. The evolution of the Lacertilia. Coll, intern. CNRS , 163, 395-407. romer, a. s. 1956. Osteology of the Reptiles. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Rozhdestvensky, a. k. 1965. Growth changes in Asian dinosaurs and some problems of their taxonomy. Int. geol. Rev. 8 (1966), 792-793. simmons, D. j., 1965. The non-therapsid reptiles of the Lufeng Basin, Yunnan, China. Fieldiana , Geol. 15, 1 93. sun, a. and cui, K. 1986. A brief introduction to the Lower Lufeng saurischian fauna (Lower Jurassic: Lufeng, Yunnan, People’s Republic of China). In padian, k. (ed.). The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs, 275-278. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. — li, y. and wu, x. 1985. A verified list of the Lufeng Saurischian fauna. Vertebr. palasiat. 23, 1-11. yang, z. 1982a. A new ornithopod from Lufeng, Yunnan. Selected works of Yang, Z., 29-35. Science Press, Beijing. [In Chinese.] — 1982 b. On a new genus of dinosaur from Lufeng, Yunnan. Ibid. 38 42. Science Press, Beijing. [In Chinese.] young, G. c. 1941a. A complete osteology of Lufengosaurus huenei Young (gen. et sp. nov.) from Lufeng, Yunnan, China. Paleont. sin. (ns C), 7, I -53. 230 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 young, G. c. 1941/^. Gyposaurus sinensis Young (sp. nov.), a new Prosauropoda from the Upper Triassic Beds at Lufeng. Bull. geol. Soc. China , 21, 205-252. — 1942. Yunnanosaurus huangi Young (gen. et sp. nov.), a new Prosauropoda from the Red Beds at Lufeng. Ibid. 22, 63-104. 1946. The Triassic vertebrate remains of China. Am. Mus. Novit. 1324, 1 14. - 1947. On Lufengosaurus magnus Young (sp. nov. ) and additional finds of Lufengosaurus huenei Young. Paleontol. sin. (NS C), 12, 1 53. 1951. The Lufeng saurischian fauna in China. Ibid. 13, 1-96. SUSAN E. EVANS Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology University College London, Windeyer Building Cleveland Street, London W1P 6BD Typescript received 28 March 1988 Revised typescript received 12 May 1988 ANDREW R. MILNER Department of Biology Birkbeck College Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX A PSILOCERATID AMMONITE FROM THE SUPPOSED TRIASSIC PENARTH GROUP OF AVON, ENGLAND by D. T. DONOVAN, M. T. CURTIS Cind S. A. CURTIS Abstract. An ammonite from the Penarth Group (Upper Triassic?) at Chipping Sodbury, Avon, England, is described. This is believed to be the first ammonite to be reported from these beds or from any rocks in Britain currently regarded as Triassic in age. It is small, but its characters are similar to those of Jurassic psiloceratids rather than to those of late Triassic families. Beds of the Penarth Group form the overburden to Carboniferous Limestone in large quarries to the north of Chipping Sodbury. Sections were described by Reynolds and Vaughan (1904), Reynolds (1938), and Curtis (1981). Recently, removal of overburden at Hampstead Farm Quarry exposed good temporary sections. The Penarth Group here comprises two units, the Westbury Formation below and the Cotham Member of the Lilstock Formation above, the latter extending to the surface. The section measured was as follows: (Ground surface) metres Cotham Member Cotham Marble: nodules of algal limestone Bufif calcareous mudstone with impersistent thin lime- stone beds 1 86 Westbury Formation Impersistent limestone with channelled base, passing into laminated mudstone 008-0-35 Grey and black blocky shales 0-80 Crystalline limestone, impersistent 0-0-23 Black, grey mottled, blocky shales 0-55 Black fissile to blocky shales 0-80 Black laminated shales 0-40 Conglomeratic bone bed 0-0-20 Carboniferous Limestone The total thickness of the Penarth Group is about 5 m. Thicknesses of individual beds are averages as some are variable. The uppermost bed of the Westbury Formation has yielded an abundant and varied vertebrate fauna, and invertebrates of several groups including well-preserved ostracods and echinoid spines. The ammonite was found by M.T.C. and S.A.C. in this uppermost bed at ST 726839. It has been deposited in the City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery with the registration number BRSMG Ce 9715. MODE OF STUDY On account of its small size, the ammonite was photographed with a scanning electron microscope using backscattered electrons (Taylor 1986) to avoid the need to give the presently unique specimen a metallic coating. This did not show up the suture lines well and these were drawn under ordinary light with a camera lucida and a low power binocular microscope. |Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 1, 1989, pp. 231 -235.| © The Palaeontological Association 232 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 DESCRIPTION The fossil is an internal mould in ‘limonite’ which may replace pyrite, suggesting origin in an anaerobic sediment. The specimen is 3-8 mm in diameter and consists of three and three-quarter whorls (text-fig. 1a, b). It is an evolute form, each whorl overlapping about one-quarter of the preceding one. The umbilicus is about 40% of the diameter. The whorl thickness and whorl height both measure 1-2 mm, so that the whorl section is roughly circular except for the impressed area; due to the small size of the fossil it was not possible to draw the whorl section accurately. The internal mould is smooth showing no ornament. The protoconch, whose visible part is about 80 pm in diameter, is seen on the left side (text-fig. lc, d). The body-chamber comprises just over half a whorl and is probably complete. Several suture lines are visible including the last (text-fig. 1e). They are asymmetrical, the centre of the median saddle lying to the left of the mid- line of the venter. The saddles are therefore broader on the right side than on the left. The presence of the body-chamber shows that the fossil is not the nucleus of a larger ammonite. There is no clear indication that the shell is mature; it could be the adult of a very small species, or the young of a larger form. COMPARISON In view of its stratigraphical position, in beds currently classed as late Triassic (Warrington et al. 1980), comparisons have been made with latest Triassic and earliest Jurassic ammonites. The term Rhaetian is used here for the latest Trias without prejudice as to whether it should be used for the uppermost stage or substage of the Trias (Wiedmann et al. 1979; Tozer 1980, 1981). The small size of the fossil limits the characters available for identification: these are the suture line, shell form, and shell ornament (or rather lack of it). The suture line is indistinguishable from the early sutures of the Hettangian genus Psiloceras, and also from several other early Hettangian genera placed in the Family Psiloceratidae (Schindewolf 1962). The sutures of most Rhaetian ammonites (Wiedmann 1972; Tozer 1979) are not similar: in these the external saddle is typically longer and nearly parallel-sided. Furthermore, members of the Choristoceratidae, the last family to die out in the Alpine Trias, have only two to two-and-a-half saddles in the external suture line, compared to three in the present form. Asymmetry of the suture is common in, though not diagnostic of, the Psiloceratidae, but rare or absent from late Triassic genera. The Triassic Phylloceratina ( Rhacophyllites , Eopsiloceras ), believed ancestral to Psiloceratidae (Tozer 1971; Guex 1987), with smooth, relatively evolute shells, are the Triassic ammonites most nearly similar to the present form. The suture line of Rhacophyllites has subdivided lobes and phylloid saddles at a whorl height of about 1 mm, as in the form described as Phyllytoceras zlambachense Wiedmann (1972, p. 584, text-fig. Mb). The genus Phyllytoceras was proposed by Wiedmann (1970) with the type species, P. intermedium , believed to be from the Karnian (Triassic) of Iran. Whatever the real identity of the type species, P. zlambachense has been reinterpreted as Rhacophyllites sp. (Krystyn 1974, p. 142). The suture line of Eopsiloceras is not known at a size comparable to that of the new ammonite but, at larger sizes, it is more differentiated than in comparable Rhacophyllites , and is therefore probably so on the inner whorls (Leo Krystyn, pers. comm.). Many ammonites are smooth to diameters greater than 4 mm, so that the absence of shell ornament in the present form is of limited value for comparison. However, in the Choristoceratidae, which include the youngest Rhaetian ammonites, ornament is already present at a diameter of less than 4 mm (Tozer 1979). The straight-shelled member of this family, Rhabdoceras , has coiled innermost whorls, but already shows non-planispiral coiling at a size comparable to that of the new form (Tozer 1979; Wiedmann 1972, pi. 1, fig. 5). A new genus and species Primapsiloceras primulum was recognized by Repin (in Polubotko and Repin 1981) from beds said to lie below the Planorbis Zone of north-east Siberia. It is ribbed from a diameter of at least 3 mm and is thus not comparable with the new find. Its suture line at this DONOVAN ET AL PSILOCERATID AMMONITE FROM AVON 233 text-fig. 1. Psiloceratid ammonite from the Westbury Beds, Hampstead Farm Quarry, Chipping Sodbury, Avon. Bristol Museum no. Ce 9715. a, b, left and right sides, x 18. c, umbilical region of left side of same specimen, showing protoconch, x 75. d, same, x 225. e, last three suture lines of the specimen shown in a-d, x 30, at whorl height 0-9 mm. 234 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 size has not been illustrated. Guex (1987, text-fig. 1) shows it as an early derivative of Psiloceras and believes it to be of early Hettangian age (op. cit., p. 459). We conclude that, when compared with the stratigraphically nearest forms, the specimen is indistinguishable from the inner whorls of Psiloceras and is to be placed in Psiloceratidae. On account of its small size we do not assign it to a genus or a species. Tozer (1971, 1981) proposed that a single ammonite lineage connected late Triassic and earliest Jurassic forms. The only possible Triassic ancestors of this lineage are the Discophyllitidae, which differentiated around the Triassic- Jurassic boundary into Juraphyllitidae+ Phylloceratidae, retaining many discophyllitid features, and the Psiloceratidae with, in general, simpler suture lines and more evolute shells (Guex 1987). The present find shows that psiloceratid characters had already appeared in Britain at the horizon represented by the top of the Westbury Formation. STRATIGRAPHY The Westbury Formation has long been correlated with the late Triassic ‘Rhatische Stufe’ of the eastern Alps (in modern terms the Kossener Schichten) on the basis of the bivalve fauna, especially Rhaetavicula contorta (Portlock), common to both units. The history of subdivision and correlation at this level has been related by Pearson (1970). Moore (1861, p. 487), writing about southern England, recognized a Rhaetic Formation comprising Avicula contorta beds below and White Lias above. In the Geological Society of London’s Triassic correlation chart Warrington et al. (1980, pp. 18, 54) were cautious, noting that British late Triassic bivalves are principally those of black shale facies and ‘of limited use in correlation with the more calcareous sequences of the Standard [i.e. “the Alpine region’’]’ (p. 18) and again that the macrofossils of the Penarth Group ‘though generally indicative of a late Triassic age, do not permit direct correlation with the Standard Sequence’ (p. 54). They preferred to abandon the term ‘Rhaetic’, used in Britain since Moore (1861) wrote, in favour of the term Penarth Group (op. cit., p. 13) of which the Westbury Lormation is the lowest component. The authors of the Triassic correlation chart (Warrington et al. 1980, p. 10) adopted ‘the first appearance of ammonites of the genus Psiloceras ’ to mark the base of the Planorbis Zone and therefore of the Jurassic System in Britain. This was in agreement with the authors of the Jurassic chart, in which Torrens and Getty (in Cope et al. 1980, p. 22) wrote ‘there is no evidence in Britain for an earlier ammonite fauna than that with Psiloceras planorbis . . At that time (1980) the first known appearance of Psiloceras was at an apparently constant horizon a few metres above the base of the Lias, the lithostratigraphic unit above the Penarth beds. The present find raises two related questions. The first is the correlation of the British sequence with the Alpine. The latter does not show a continuous record of ammonites, the last Choristoceras marshi of the Trias being succeeded by a barren gap before the first Psiloceras of the Jurassic in the area south of the Wolfgangsee, Austria (L. Krystyn, pers. comm.). The new find may indicate that the top of the Westbury Formation correlates with a higher horizon in the Alpine sequence than had been thought. The second question concerns the base of the Jurassic System in Britain. As the present find is indistinguishable from Psiloceras , it could be claimed that it marks the ‘first appearance of . . . Psiloceras ’ and therefore places the base of the Jurassic at the top of the Westbury Formation. We do not do this, but propose discussion of the desirability of defining the base of the Planorbis Zone in a stratotype section, which had not been done when Torrens and Getty wrote (in Cope et al. 1980, p. 21) and has not been done since. Acknowledgements. We thank P. D. Taylor for taking SEM pictures, R. J. G. Savage for the use of the camera lucida, and E. T. Tozer and L. Krystyn for discussion. We also thank the management of ARC, Chipping Sodbury Quarry, for access to the site. DONOVAN ET AL.\ PSILOCERATID AMMONITE FROM AVON 235 REFERENCES cope, j. c. w., getty, t. a., howarth, m. k., morton, N. and torrens, H. s. 1980. A correlation of Jurassic rocks in the British Isles. Part One. Introduction and Lower Jurassic. Spec. Rep. Geol. Soc. Loud. 14, 1 73. Curtis, m. t. 1981. The Rhaetic-Carboniferous Limestone unconformity at Southlields Quarry, Chipping Sodbury, Avon. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. 40, 30 35. guex, j. 1987. Sur la phylogenese des ammonites du Lias inferieur. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 78, 455-469. krystyn, l. 1974. Probleme der biostratigraphischen Gliederung der Alpin-Mediterranen Obertrias. SchrReihe Erdwiss. Komm. Oesterr. Akad. Wiss. 2, 137-144. moore, c. 1861. On the zones of the Lower Lias and the Avicula contorta Zone. Q. Jl geol. Soc. Lond. 17, 483-516, pis. 15 and 16. pearson, d. a. b. 1970. Problems of Rhaetian stratigraphy with special reference to the lower boundary of the stage. Ibid. 126, 125- 150. polubotko, i. v. and repin, yu. s. 1981. Identification of a new ammonite zone at the base of the Jurassic System. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 261, 1394-1398. [In Russian ] Reynolds, s. h. 1938. A section of Rhaetic and associated strata at Chipping Sodbury, Glos. Geol. Mag. 75, 97 102, pi. 4. — and vaughan, a. 1904. The Rhaetic Beds of the South Wales Direct Line. Q. J! geol. Soc. Lond. 60, 194-214, pi. 18. schindewolf, o. h. 1962. Studien zur Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. Lieferung II. Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz, Abh. Math.-nat. Kl. Jhrg. !%2, 11 1-257, pi. 3. taylor, p. d. 1986. Scanning electron microscopy of uncoated fossils. Palaeontology , 29, 685-690, pi. 52. tozer, E. t. 1971. One, two or three connecting links between Triassic and Jurassic ammonoids? Nature , Lond. 232, 565-566. — 1979. Latest Triassic ammonoid faunas and biochronology, western Canada. Geol. Surv. Can. Pap. 79-1 B, 127 135, pi. 16.1. — 1980. Latest Triassic (Upper Norian) ammonoid and Monotis faunas and correlations. Riv. ital. Paleont. Stratigr. 85, 843-876, pi. 63. — 1981. Triassic Ammonoidea: classification, evolution and relationship with Permian and Jurassic forms, 66-100. In house, m. r. and senior, j. r. (eds.). The Ammonoidea. Spec. Vol. Syst. Ass. 18, 1 593. WARRINGTON, G., AUDLEY-CHARLES, M. G., ELLIOTT, R. E., EVANS, W. B., IVIMEY-COOK, H. C., KENT, P., ROBINSON, p. l., shotton, f. w. and taylor, F. M. 1980. A correlation of Triassic rocks in the British Isles. Spec. Rep. Geol. Soc. Lond. 13, 1-78. wiedmann, j. 1970. Uber den Ursprung der Neoammonoideen Das Problem einer Typogenese. Eclog. geol. Helv. 63, 923 1020, pis. 1 10. — 1972. Ammoniten-Nuklei aus Schlammproben der nordalpinen Obertrias — ihre stammesgeschichtliche und stratigraphische Bedeutung. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Innsbruck , 21, 561-622, pis. 1-6. — fabricius, f., krystyn, l., reitner, L and urlichs, M. 1979. Uber Umfang und Stellung des Rhat. Diskussionsbeitrag zur Sitzung der Internationalen Subkommission fur Trias-Stratigraphie in Munchen, Juli 1978. New si. Stratigr. 8, 133 152. D. T. DONOVAN Department of Geology University of Bristol Queens Road Bristol BS8 1 RJ, UK M. T. CURTIS and S. A. CURTIS 2 Ribblcsdale, Thornbury Bristol BS12 2DW, UK Typescript received 12 May 1988 Revised typescript 12 July 1988 NOTES FOR AUTHORS The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology. Review articles are particularly welcome, and short papers can often be published rapidly. A high standard of illustration is a feature of the journal. Four parts are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association. 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Available in the USA from Halsted Press at U.S. $24.95. © The Palaeontological Association, 1989 Palaeontology VOLUME 32 • PART 1 CONTENTS Amural arachnophyllid corals from the Silurian of the North Atlantic area C. T. SCRUTTON 1 Evaluation of a thecideidine brachiopod from the middle Jurassic of the Cotswolds, England P. G. BAKER 55 A new mitrate from the Upper Ordovician of Norway, and a new approach to subdividing a plesion A. J. CRASKE and R. P. S. JEFFERIES 69 A new camerate crinoid from the Arenig of South Wales s. k. donovan and j. c. w. cope 101 Silurian trilobites from the Annascaul inlier, Dingle penin- sula, Ireland d. j. siveter 109 The composition and palaeogeographical significance of the Ordovician ostracode faunas of southern Britain, Baltoscan- dia, and Ibero-Armorica J. M. C. VANNIER, D. J. SIVETER and R. E. L. SCHALLREUTER 163 Fulengia, a supposed early lizard reinterpreted as a prosauro- pod dinosaur s. E. evans and a. r. milner 223 As psiloceratid ammonite from the supposed Triassic Penarth Group of Avon, England D. T. DONOVAN, M. T. CURTIS and S. A. CURTIS 231 Printed in Great Britain at the University Printing blouse , Oxford by David Stanford, Printer to the University ISSN 0031-0239 H Palaeontology VOLUME 32 • PART 2 JULY 1 989 Published by The Palaeontological Association ■ London Price £25-50 THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION The Association was founded in 1957 to promote research in palaeontology and its allied sciences. COUNCIL 1988 1989 President '. Dr J. D. Hudson, Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester LEI 7RH Vice-Presidents'. Dr L. B. Halstead, Department of Geology, University of Reading, Reading RG6 2AB Dr P. W. Skelton, Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA Treasurer : Dr M. E. Collinson, Department of Biology, King’s College, London W8 7AH Membership Treasurer. Dr H. A. 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Subscriptions cover one calendar year and are due each January; they should be sent to the Membership Treasurer. All members who join for 1989 will receive Palaeontology , Volume 32, Parts 1-4. Enquiries concerning back numbers should be directed to the appropriate Membership Treasurer. Non-members may subscribe, and also obtain back issues up to 3 years old, at cover price through Basil Blackwell, Journals Department, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, England. For issues older than 3 years contact the Marketing Manager. Cover : Ammonite ( Grossouvria ) from the Oxford Clay (Jurassic) of Woodham, Bucks., containing geopetal pyrite stalactites. Direct print from a thin section ; pyrite white. Diameter of specimen approximately 10 mm. (See Sedimentolog v, 29, 639-667, 1982.) PALAEOTIDAL CHARACTERISTICS DETERMINED BY MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS IN BIVALVES by TERUFUMI OHNO Abstract. SEM studies of growth patterns in the ligament groove of late Pleistocene oysters and in unidentified Miocene shell fragments have enabled the fossils’ position within the intertidal zone and the tidal regime to be reconstructed. Whereas the present-day tidal regime in Osaka Bay has a strong diurnal inequality seen especially in the heights of low water, 70 000 years ago it possessed only weak diurnal inequality, as in the Miocene at another locality, where it was weakly discernible in the heights of high water. The late Pleistocene borehole material represents a mixed assemblage for it includes individuals that lived at various intertidal levels. The majority of the Miocene individuals lived at mean tide level. The arrangement of growth lines of alternating thickness inverts every 2 weeks. Sequences are plotted with successive days on the ordinate and the time of day on the abscissa. For the Recent this results in a vertical partition of thicker and thinner growth lines. If the partition is not vertical when fossil growth lines are plotted, a change in the number of days per month is indicated. The plots for the Miocene material indicate that the length of a synodic month in terms of the number of synodic days of that time was essentially the same as the present. In many invertebrate hard parts we can observe traces of macroscopic and microscopic growth (Neville 1967; Clark 1974; Termier and Terntier 1975; Scrutton 1978; Chave and Erben 1979). These are commonly called growth lines, increments, bands, rings or ridges. Sequences of these features (referred to as ‘growth patterns’ in this paper) reflect the growth history of organisms as well as the environmental factors influencing it. Wells (1963) called attention to the usefulness of analysis of fine growth features. He counted the number of the fine growth ridges between the major annulations on coral epilhecas and assumed the latter formed annually and the former daily. His values were c. 400 per year for the Devonian Period and c. 390 for the Carboniferous Period. They were in good agreement with the estimates of days of the year obtained through present-day astronomical observations. Since then, various palaeontological studies of fine growth patterns have been made. Molluscan shells, especially bivalves, have well defined and easily discernible growth patterns. They are also very abundant in aquatic environments, not only in present seas but also in the geologic past. Therefore they have been intensively studied as suitable material for growth pattern analysis. In the early stage of growth pattern study, daily rhythm was thought to be ubiquitous and responsible for making growth patterns irrespective of the habitats of bivalves, but a few workers were conscious of the variability in shell growth rhythm. Le Gall ( 1970) suggested that tidal rhythm is responsible for the formation of fine striations on the shell surface of Mytilus edulis and called these striations strie maree. Evans (1972, 1975) demonstrated that individuals of the bivalve Clinocardium nuttallii (Conrad) living in the intertidal zone form their shell with tidal rhythm. In recent years data about the manner of the shell growth of intertidal bivalves have accumulated (Richardson, Crisp and Runham 1979, 1980a, b , 1981; Richardson, Crisp, Runham and Gruffydd 1980; Ohno 1983, 1985; Deith 1983). Extensive experiments on living animals in these studies clearly show that shells of intertidal bivalves grow with tidal rhythms and that the resulting patterns reflect features of the tides and related phenomena. Tidal growth rhythm is also known in gastropods (Antoine and Quemerais-Pencreac'h 1980; Ekarante and Crisp 1982; Ohno and Takenouchi 1984) as well as in barnacles (Bourget and Crisp 1975; Crisp and Richardson 1975; Bourget 1980). IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 237-263, pis. 31-32.| © The Palaeontological Association 238 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Apart from Deith's (1983) successful archaeological application of the tidal shell growth of Cerastoderma edule (Linne) in estimating the seasonal shellfish collecting activity of a Mesolithic site of southern Scotland, there are few works concerning tidal growth of prehistoric or fossil bivalve shells. Berry and Barker (1975) interpreted recurring clustering of growth increments on fossil bivalves as reflecting the change between neap and spring tides. Pannella (1976) showed a single growth pattern in a Late Cretaceous bivalve shell Limopsis striatus-punctatus Evans and Schumand, which he interpreted to be of tidal origin. Ohno (1984) made a short report on the tidal growth rhythm on late Pleistocene bivalve shell fragments. In this paper I will introduce a method of recognizing tidal shell growth patterns based on recent experiments with living bivalves. Further I will demonstrate the existence of unequivocal tidal shell growth patterns in fossil bivalves based on this method. I will also try to reconstruct the features of tides of the biotopes in which fossil bivalves lived. Finally, an easy method of estimating the change of the number of lunar days per synodic month based on the tidal growth pattern of fossil bivalve shells will be proposed. MATERIAL AND METHODS Material examined Fossil bivalve shells from two regions in Japan were examined in the present study. One group were obtained from two boreholes from the basal part of a late Pleistocene marine clay layer in the western part of Osaka City. The day is called the Mai 2 Clay by local geologists. (The abbreviation Ma means marine.) Around Osaka more than ten cycles of marine clay beds and nonmarine clastic deposits of late Pleistocene age are known. The former represent the transgressive phases and the latter regressive phases of late Pleistocene eustatic sea-level changes. The basal part of the Mal2 Clay bed may have been deposited in the early phase of a transgression. This clay bed is correlated with a clay bed at the site of the off-shore international airport about 30 km south-south-west of the boreholes on the basis of pollen and Foraminifera (Chiji 1984; Furutani 1984; Nakaseko et al. 1984). The Emiliania huxley acme-zone is found in the Mai 2 Clay bed at the airport site (Okamura and Yamauchi 1984), and its age is estimated to be 0 07 my (Gartner 1977). Bivalve fossils were obtained from the Miocene Mizunami Group, exposed around Mizunami City, about 40 km north-east of Nagoya City. Itoigawa (1981) subdivided this group into four formations; the Toki Lignite-bearing, the Hongo, the Akeyo, and the Oidawara Formations in upward sequence. The first two are fresh water and the latter two marine deposits. The fossil shell samples examined in the present study were collected at a locality called Takenami (loc. 23 of Itoigawa 1974) from an outcrop of a shell bed considered to belong to the Akeyo Formation, assigned to N.8 of Blow’s zonation (Itoigawa 1981). The molluscan assemblage of the bed indicates an embayment with a muddy bottom and an intertidal water depth (Itoigawa et al. 1974). All the samples illustrated here are stored in the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (registration no. JCTO-OOOl JCTO-0013). Methods of observation Growth patterns of fossil bivalve shells were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) mainly with BEI (back-scattered electron image) mode. This mode enhances surface topography of samples, and thus is suitable for observation of microgrowth patterns. Growth patterns in oyster shells are observable on the surface of the ligament groove. Fragments with the grooves are mounted on the stage after cleaning with water in an ultrasonic bath for about 30 seconds and then coated with gold. In other samples the growth patterns are observed along the cut sections of the valves. If the samples are free of matrix they are embedded in plastic, then cut radially between the umbo and the ventral margin of the shell to obtain the longest growth sequence possible. If they are in a sedimentary matrix, the cut direction is not predeterminable. Thus rock samples containing shell fragments are cut in an arbitrary direction and shell fragments suitable for the observation of growth patterns are selected. The cut shell surfaces are ground with powders up to no. 3000, polished with diamond paste, and then etched with 0T mol HC1 for about 10 to 30 seconds. Then they are coated with gold and examined by SEM. OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 239 TYPES OF TIDES To understand tidal shell growth patterns, it is necessary to be familiar with the different types of tides. Tide is a periodic rise and fall of water level of the sea caused by the gravitational forces of the moon and sun on the water mass of the earth. The most familiar 12-4 hourly rise and fall of the water is caused by the moon’s gravitational force, which is strengthened and weakened by the sun’s gravitational force causing a 2-week change resulting in spring and neap tides. Obliqueness of the moon’s orbit to the earth’s equator causes diurnal inequality of the tides. This is most clearly expressed as the difference between the heights of the two succeeding high tides or of the two low tides of a day. The periodicities of these oscillations, reflecting the celestial movements of the earth, moon, and sun, are constant, but their amplitudes and phases are variable from place to place, depending upon the depth of the ocean, shape of the shore line, etc. Thus the actual tides in the world oceans varies from place to place. Tides can be classified into several types according to the intensity of diurnal inequality. In the present paper, they are divided into four types (text-fig. 1). If the diurnal inequality is weak, 12-4 hourly rise and fall of water occurs resulting in approximately two low tides and two high tides per day (semidiurnal tide; text-fig. 1a). The increase of the diurnal inequality of the tides is most clearly expressed in the increasing difference of the heights of two succeeding high tides as well as of two succeeding lew tides (mixed tide). The difference is emphasized in the heights of low tides (text-fig. 1b), or that of high tides (text-fig. lc). There are all possible intermediates between these two extremes and the inequality may appear in heights of both low and high tides in one tidal curve. Finally, when the diurnal inequality becomes sufficiently large, approximately only one high tide and one low tide appear per day, with a periodicity of 24-8 hours (diurnal tide; text-fig. Id). TIDAL GROWTH PATTERNS Components of growth: growth line and growth increment Growth of bivalve shells consists of two components, namely growth lines and growth increments. They are most easily observed in sections vertical to the shell surface. Growth lines are thinner shell layers, resistant against etching with diluted HC1 or other etching agents. Growth increments are layers between growth lines. They are usually thicker than the growth lines and form the major part of the shell. Similar components are also visible on the bivalve shell surface as well as on the ligament area: the thinner ridges or grooves will be called growth lines and the thicker stripes between them, growth increments, by analogy with the components seen on the cut surfaces. Growth of bivalve shells results in the formation of a sequence of growth lines and growth increments one beside another, which will be called growth patterns. Intertidal growth patterns: previous studies Studies of the correlation between bivalve shell growth patterns, tides, and related phenomena, have been done with Cerastoderma edule (Linne) (Richardson, Crisp and Runham 1979, 1980a, h , 1981; Richardson, Crisp, Runham and Gruffydd 1980; Ohno 1983, 1985; Deith 1983), Clinocardium nuttallii (Conrad) (Evans 1972, 1975), and Fragum unedo (Linne) (Ohno 1985). The results of these studies are summarized here (see also Table 1). Tidal exposure and growth line formation Growth line formation in intertidal bivalve shells has been most intensively studied in Cerastoderma edule. This species lives along European coasts where tides are semidiurnal with weak diurnal inequality. Individuals near the MTL (mean tide level) are exposed every 12-4 hours at low tide. Richardson et al. (1979) and Ohno (1985) let their marked individuals grow in natural or simulated tidal cycles. These shells formed growth lines in almost precise correspondence with the number 240 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 2 1,5 1 .5 0 -.5 -1 -1.5 -2 14. B DAYS I 1 text-fig. 1. Four typical tidal types and possible arrangement patterns of tidal growth lines corresponding to them. (The tidal height in arbitrary scale is shown on the left side of each diagram.) a, semidiurnal tide with faint diurnal inequality, b, mixed tide with diurnal inequality strongly expressed in the heights of the low tides, c, mixed tide with diurnal inequality strongly expressed in the heights of the high tides, d, diurnal tide. Hypothetical growth line arrangement patterns are shown at three different levels (a, mean tide level; b, between MTL and low water; c, near LW) for each tidal type. Three stripes represent parts of shell cut parallel to the shell growth direction. Patterns are produced assuming that one tidal growth line is formed at one low tide, but only when the bivalve shell is exposed above water. In the stripe for a specific water level, one vertical line representing a tidal growth line is drawn under the corresponding low tide, when the shell is exposed at low tide: ss, single spacing of tidal growth lines; ds, double spacing of tidal growth lines; lb, irregular bundle (see Table 1 for definitions). (Possible variation in growth line thickness and increment thickness as well as non-tidal growth lines in irregular bundles are not indicated in these hypothetical patterns, in order to show clearly the relationship between growth lines and tidal exposure.) of tidal cycles which they experienced during their growth after the marking. Deith (1983) collected two sets of specimens of C. edule from a precise locality in an intertidal zone on two different dates. The number of growth lines from the last winter to the growing edges was counted. The difference of the means of growth lines between the two sets are well in correspondence with the number of tides during the interval between the dates of collecting. This study also suggests that one growth line is formed at each tidal cycle. To determine when during each tidal cycle a growth line is formed, Richardson et al. (1981) collected individuals of the species at approximately 1 hour intervals at a fixed point near the MTL of an intertidal zone for two tidal cycles and compared the amount of shell growth beyond the last growth line with the phase of the tide at the time of collecting. Their work demonstrates that OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 241 one growth line is formed at the end of each tidal exposure (growth line of tidal exposure origin will be called tidal growth line; Table 1). Consequently, a growth increment which separates two tidal growth lines is formed during the time between two tidal exposures, i.e. during inundation at high tide. Growth lines are also formed subtidally (these will be called non-tidal growth lines), when bivalves are submerged continuously for more than one semidiurnal tidal cycle. Richardson el al. (19806) claimed that these lines in C. edule are formed with endogenous tidal rhythms, although the number of such growth lines formed during each of a series of their experiments varied significantly from specimen to specimen. Ohno (1985) found that the number of the subtidally formed growth lines in his experimental samples of C. edule did not correspond to that of the tidal cycles during the duration of the experiment. He concluded that the subtidal growth line formation was not rhythmical. Despite this debate, it is easy to distinguish non-tidal growth lines from tidal ones, because the former are more weakly defined and more irregularly spaced than the latter (Richardson et al. 19806; Ohno 1983, 1985). The spacing of subtidal growth lines sometimes becomes abnormally table I Tidal growth patterns, their definitions and causes. I. Growth lines Tidal growth lines: growth lines formed during tidal exposure at low tides. Non-tidal growth lines: growth lines formed subtidally. II. Patterns in growth line arrangement Regular bundles: bundles consisting of well defined and more or less regularly spaced tidal growth lines. Spacing of growth lines in regular bundles can be classified as follows: (а) Single spacing of tidal growth lines: spacing of tidal growth lines formed during tidal exposure at low tides occurring approximately 12-4 hours apart. This spacing is very often accompanied by alternating thicker and thinner growth lines (see III of this Table). (б) Double spacing of tidal growth lines: spacing of tidal growth lines formed during tidal exposure at low tides occurring approximately 24-8 hours apart. If growth lines of 12-4 hourly tidal exposure origin and those of 24-8 hourly tidal exposure origin occur in one shell growth pattern, the spacing of the latter lines are about twice as wide as that of the former. Thus the latter ones are referred to as double spacing and the former as single spacing. Spacing of the tidal growth lines of 24-8 hourly exposure origin are also referred to as double spacing, even when they solely occur in a growth sequence. Irregular bundles: bundles consisting of weak and irregularly spaced non-tidal growth lines formed subtidally. Alternating regular and irregular bundles: sequence caused by the change of periodic tidal exposures during spring tides and continuous submergence during neap tides. III. Pattern in the growth line thickness Alternating thicker and thinner growth lines: caused by the interference of semidiurnal tidal exposure and 24 hour change of day and night; thicker growth lines formed at daytime low tide, thinner ones at night-time low tide. Thus the pattern is diagnostic to semidiurnal tidal exposure. Order of the arrangement of thicker and thinner growth lines inverts approximately every 28-5 growth lines, which corresponds to the number of 12-4 hour tidal cycles per one fortnight. IV. Pattern in the growth increment thickness Alternating thicker and thinner increment: caused by alternating shorter and longer duration of submergence at successive high tides because of the diurnal inequality of tides; thicker increment formed during the longer submergence and thinner one during the shorter submergence. The order of arrangement of thicker and thinner growth increments inverts approximately every 26-4 increments, which corresponds to the number of 12-4 hour tidal cycles per half a tropical month. 242 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 wide, more than twice or three times wider than that of the more or less uniformly spaced tidal growth lines (Ohno 1983, 1985), if they are present in the same individual. Wide spacing of growth lines documented in a sample of C. edule in plate 8c of Farrow (1972) was also probably caused by the same mechanism, as its location in the lower intertidal zone suggests. Patterns in arrangement of growth lines The arrangement of tidal growth lines alone, or together with non-tidal growth lines, in intertidal bivalve shells reflects the kind of tidal exposures determined by the type of tides in their habitat and the level at which the bivalves lived. For example, C. edule that live low in the intertidal zones are semidiurnally exposed only during spring tides, and continuously submerged during neap tides. This change is recorded as alternating bundles of more or less regularly spaced tidal growth lines (which will be called regular bundles) and of weak and irregularly spaced non-tidal growth lines (irregular bundles). The proportion of the regular bundles to the irregular bundles decreases in the lower intertidal zone (Ohno 1983). Patterns in growth line arrangements are also found in Fragum unedo (Linne) and Clinocardium nuttallii (Conrad). Evans (1972, 1975) studied the growth patterns of C. nuttallii from California, USA. He did not make field experiments with living individuals, yet correlation between tidal exposure and growth line formation is fairly obvious. Because of the change of magnitude of the diurnal inequality of the local tide, his specimens were exposed semidiurnally during a specific period of half a tropical month, but only once a day during the rest of the time. The resulting growth pattern consisted of bundles of more or less constantly spaced growth lines alternating with those of regularly spaced growth lines in which spacing is about twice as wide as those of the former bundles. The former bundles were interpreted to be composed of growth lines of semidiurnal tidal exposures and the latter of those of diurnal tidal exposures (Evans 1972, 1975). In this case, the growth lines are all of tidal origin, but the frequency of their formation alternates periodically from semidiurnal to diurnal. The spacing of tidal growth lines formed through semidiurnal tidal exposures will be referred to as single spacing and that of those formed during diurnal tidal exposures as double spacing. F. unedo (Ohno 1985) lives in the lower part of the intertidal zone of Ishigaki Island, Japan. Because of the strong difference in the height of the low tides, due to the strong diurnal inequality of the local tide, they were exposed once a day during spring tides, but continuously submerged for several days during neap tides. As a result, regular bundles with double spacing of tidal growth lines formed during spring tides alternate with those of irregular bundles formed during neap tides. This bundle alternation pattern is quite similar to that of lower intertidal individuals of Cerastoderma edule. The only difference is that the tidal growth lines were formed diurnally in F. unedo rather than semidiurnally. These patterns of tidal growth lines together represent only those formed at a few levels in the intertidal zone with two of the four general tidal types. To complement the real arrangement patterns, hypothetical ones are shown in text-fig. 1 . Alternating growth line thickness Several growth patterns occur exclusively in the bivalves of intertidal zones. One of these, perhaps the most conspicuous one, is the alternation of thicker and thinner lines (text-fig. 2). It was first discussed by Dolman (1975) based on C. edule. Richardson et al. (1980a) experimentally found that this pattern was the result of the difference of air or substrate temperature between daytime and night-time tidal exposures: thicker lines are formed during daytime exposure and thinner ones during night-time exposure. Ohno (1985) came to the same conclusion and furthermore showed that, in the summer season at least, the formation of this alternation pattern near the MTL is not affected by the duration of exposure at low tides, which varies to a certain extent due to the weak diurnal inequality of the tides in the habitat of his samples. Formation of the pattern of thicker and thinner growth lines is schematically shown in text-fig. 3. Because low tide occurs about 50 minutes later than on each preceding day, the ‘daytime’ low OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 243 30 20 kszh 10 0 text-fig. 2. Alternating thicker and thinner growth lines, a, radial section of the shell of a recent intertidal specimen of Cerastoderma edule (Linne) collected near the MTL from Vogelkoje in the vicinity of List/Sylt, German North Sea. Sample no. P361, registration no. JCTO-13, x 315; growth from right to left. Note that the order of arrangement of thicker and thinner growth lines inverts from right to left, so that in arbitrary numbering the lines with odd numbers are thicker near the right corner, whereas lines with even numbers are thicker near the left corner. Where the inversion occurs, there is a zone of a few lines of similar thickness (SZ, switch zone). 14.8 days text-fig. 3. Schematic explanation of the formation of the alternation of thicker and thinner growth lines. For simplicity, it is presumed that the thicker daytime growth lines are formed between 6 and 18 o’clock and the thinner night time ones between 18 and 6 o’clock, a, semidiurnal tide for fifty tidal cycles (tidal height in arbitrary scale); b, sequence of 12-hour day (white segments) and 12-hour night (black segments); c, schematic presentation of resulting alternation of growth line thickness in a bivalve living near the mean tide level (MTL). Note the inversion of the order of arrangement of thicker and thinner growth lines every fortnight. The inversion occurs in switch zones (SZ). 244 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 tide will change into the ‘night-time’ low tide after a fortnight. Consequently the order of appearance of thicker and thinner lines inverts after every 2 weeks (28-54 semidiurnal tidal cycles). This inversion is also seen in the middle of the growth sequence of the recent C. edule shown in text- fig. 2. Where the inversion of growth line thickness occurs, there is a zone with a few lines of more or less similar thickness. This zone is called ‘switch zone’ in this paper. This pattern of line thickness alternation and inversion is also recognized in the gastropod Monodonta labio (Linne) (Ohno and Takenouchi 1984). text-fig. 4. Alternating increment thickness through strong diurnal inequality in the heights of high tides (tidal height in arbitrary scale), a , if the inequality is not strong, duration of submergence at each high tide (here indicated with hi to h7) does not vary significantly from one to another and the corresponding increments (il to i7) have more or less similar thickness, fi, the inequality in the height of the high tides causes alternation in duration of submergence at each high tide (hi to h7), which in turn results in the alternation of increment thickness (il to i7). Alternation of increment thickness The characteristics of tides are also reflected in increment thickness. Alternating thicker and thinner increments were found in C. edule which were experimentally grown near the mean sea level in List/Sylt, West Germany, by Ohno (1985). Diurnal inequality of the local tide caused alternation in the duration of submergence at every 12-4 hourly high tide. Ohno (1985) compared the duration of submergence and the thickness of growth increment formed during each high tide and found that thicker growth increments were formed during longer submergence and thinner growth increments during shorter submergence. The formation of such alternation in increment thickness is schematically shown in text-fig. 4. The order of longer and shorter submergence inverts with a periodicity of 26-4 tidal cycles (half a tropical month); the order of thicker and thinner increments inverts after every 26-4 tidal cycles. Tidal v.y. daily growth rhythms in intertidal bivalves Claims have been made that intertidal bivalves form their growth patterns with 24-hour solar daily rhythm. If that is true, the tidal formation of growth patterns observed in the above three species OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 245 would lose general applicability in interpreting growth patterns of fossil intertidal bivalves. These claims are examined below. The claim of House and Farrow (1968) for daily growth rhythm in the intertidal C. edule was not accompanied by any field experiments. As stated above, a massive amount of experimental studies on this species (Richardson, Crisp and Runham 1979, 1980a, b\ Richardson, Crisp, Runham and Gruffydd 1980; Ohno 1983, 1985) has shown clearly the tidal growth rhythm of intertidal specimens of C. edule. The growth rhythm of intertidal individuals of Mercenaria mercenaria (Linne) has been variously interpreted as: a 24-hourly solar daily growth rhythm (Pannella and MacClintock 1968; Rhoads and Pannella 1970); a solar daily growth rhythm which is interrupted by tidal exposure at low tide (MacClintock and Pannella 1969; Pannella 1972, 1975); a purely tidal rhythm (Pannella 1976). Ohno (1985) carried out experiments with intertidal individuals of M. mercenaria in tidal creeks in South Carolina. In one group (MC of Ohno 1985) the average of increments (55-7) was near that of the semidiurnal tidal cycles during the experiment (60). In another group, from a different tidal creek (MO of Ohno 1985), with occasional interruptions of growth caused by the severe environmental conditions of the marsh region, the number of increments formed was variable among individuals. The average number of increments (43-8) exceeded that of the days of experiment (33) significantly. Further, Ohno’s specimens formed alternating thicker and thinner growth lines. Examination of photomicrographs published by Pannella and MacClintock (1968) also show that the alternation of thicker and thinner growth lines is very common. Their ‘complex increment’ (e.g. their pi. 1, fig. 5) also reveals itself as nothing more than a pair of increments bounded by growth lines of alternating thickness. Such alternation of growth line thickness should be, as mentioned already, interpreted as the result of the interference of the semidiurnal tidal exposures and the 24-hour change between day and night. Thus the growth pattern is quite probably formed tidally, although the growth may be occasionally and locally disturbed by environmental stress. The agreement of the number of the increments formed with the number of days of the experiments in the work of Pannella et al. (1968) may be coincidental, as Pannella (1975) suggested. Koike (1973) studied growth line formation in Merterix lusoria (Roeding) from the intertidal zone of Kyushu, Japan. She divided growth lines arbitrarily into five different types. Based on the correspondence of the sum of lines of her type A and type B with the number of days of the experiment, she concluded that the lines of these two types were formed diurnally. However, as stated by Ekarante and Crisp (1982) the single photograph provided to illustrate the supposed sixteen daily growth bands clearly contains many more. Koike’s belief in daily growth line formation is not acceptable without further experimental evidence. Hall et al. (1974) studied shell growth of intertidal Tivela stultorum (Mave) assuming daily shell growth rhythm, but they did not confirm their assumption. As discussed above, there is no substantial evidence of daily growth rhythms among the intertidal bivalve species. RECONSTRUCTING ANCIENT TIDAL TYPES Recognizing fossil tidal growth patterns All the tidal shell growth patterns observed among living intertidal bivalves discussed earlier in this paper are summarized in Table 1. The formation of several important growth patterns are schematically explained in text-figs. 3 and 4. The possible arrangement patterns of tidal growth lines at three different levels for each of four general tidal types are shown in text-fig. 1 . Referring to these figures and tables, we can begin to interpret tidally formed growth patterns among fossil bivalve shells. The first step is to find a fossil bivalve assemblage from one locality, where individuals show growth patterns which are similar or identical to the present-day tidal 246 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 growth patterns. The frequent occurrence of tidal growth patterns cannot be attributed to chance and allows us to conclude that we are dealing with fossils from the intertidal zone. Procedure for reconstructing ancient tidal types Based on the peculiar combinations of tidal growth patterns characteristic of a specific tidal type, it is possible to reconstruct the tidal type and habitat of fossil bivalves. There are several approaches to reconstructing tidal types and the habitat of the fossils based on their tidal growth. One approach is the flow chart in Table 2. Here, patterns which may appear in a wide variety of tidal types are considered first. Moving down the flow chart, characters more and more specific to particular tidal types are taken into consideration. The growth line thickness alternation accompanied by the inversion of the order of arrangement of thicker and thinner growth lines is diagnostic of semidiurnal tidal exposure, although the inversion does not always occur if the preserved growth sequence is too short or if the bivalves are submerged continuously during the time of the 2 weeks favourable for its formation. Semidiurnal tidal exposure can be seen in semidiurnal tides and two types of mixed tides (text-fig. 1a-c). The common occurrence of double spacing of tidal growth lines together with the alternation and the inversion in growth line thickness is indicative of mixed tides with diurnal inequality expressed in the heights of low tides. The common occurrence of alternation of growth increment thickness accompanied with the alternation and the inversion of growth line thickness indicates mixed tides with diurnal inequality expressed in the heights of high tides. The common occurrence of the alternation and the inversion in growth line thickness without the diagnostic features of diurnal inequality described above is characteristic of semidiurnal tides with insignificant diurnal inequality. Under the lack of growth line thickness alternation the existence of double spacing and alternation of regular and irregular bundles is characteristic of the diurnal type of tides. In practice, the recognition of double spacing as such is not possible, if it is not accompanied by the alternating regular and irregular bundles. Double spacing alone appears to be nothing more than regular spacing of growth lines and therefore may be confused with regularly spaced growth lines with a different periodicity. The co-occurrence of the alternating regular and irregular bundles, which is the reflection of spring and neap tides, ensures that the accompanying regular spacing of growth lines is formed through tidal exposures. To summarize, in the absence of alternating growth line thickness, these two growth patterns indicate the existence of diurnal tides. Once the tidal type of the habitat of a fossil assemblage is reconstructed, the intertidal level for the fossil individuals can be easily deduced by comparing the arrangement patterns of tidal growth lines with possible arrangement patterns for reconstructed tidal curves (text-fig. 1). For example, in an intertidal zone with a semidiurnal tide with insignificant diurnal inequality of tide, the individuals with growth patterns consisting exclusively of single spacing live near the mean tide level (MTL), whereas those with the alternation of the regular and irregular bundles live in the lower part of the intertidal zone. The increasing proportion of irregular bundles in growth patterns indicates increasingly lower living levels of bivalves. ESTIMATE OF THE CHANGE IN THE NUMBER OF SYNODIC DAYS PER SYNODIC MONTH IN THE GEOLOGICAL PAST: A GRAPHIC METHOD It is inferred that tidal friction caused the change in the velocity of the earth’s rotation and the moon’s orbital motion throughout the geological past. This resulted in the change of the periods between two succeeding low tides and the length of the solar day, and consequently in the change of the length of the synodic month in terms of the number of synodic days. As mentioned earlier, the order of the arrangement of growth lines of alternating thickness inverts every 2 weeks. The number of growth lines between two inversions (Ng) is equal to the number of semidiurnal tidal cycles per fortnight (Nf). Because the duration of a semidiurnal tidal cycle is half a synodic day and that of a fortnight half as long as a synodic month, the number Nf OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 247 equals the number of synodic days per a synodic month (Ns). Therefore the growth line thickness alternation, if found in fossil bivalves, will provide information on the number of synodic days per synodic month (Ns) in the past. The simplest method is to count the total number of growth lines between several switch zones, then divide it by the number of intervals between the switch zones. Because switch zones usually contain several lines of similar thickness, the resulting value is accompanied by a certain amount of ambiguity. If a long sequence can be obtained the ambiguity will become negligible. But in fossil bivalves, and even in living ones, it is very difficult to obtain 248 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 long and undisturbed growth sequences. However, it is easy to tell qualitatively whether the Ns was larger or smaller than the present value with the help of a simple method described below. The thickness of each growth line in a sequence of alternating growth line thickness is classified as follows: thicker = a line thicker than the preceding and succeeding lines. thinner = a line thinner than the preceding and succeeding lines. undifferentiated = a line equal in thickness to the preceding and the succeeding lines. This sequence is then plotted with successive days on the ordinate and the time of the day on the abscissa. Because tidal growth lines are formed at each low tide, the thickness of each growth line is plotted with the interval of semidiurnal low tides: a thicker growth line with a large solid rectangle; a thinner one with a small quadrate; a point for an undifferentiated line. For the Recent sequence of alternating growth line thickness the result of such a plot is a vertical partition of the thicker and thinner growth lines. The thicker ones of daytime tidal exposures are distributed in a vertical zone in the middle of the co-ordinate, at both sides of this zone thinner ones of night-time tidal exposures are distributed (text-fig. 5a). If the two parameters, the period of semidiurnal tides and the duration of the solar day, are different from the present ones, the number of the growth lines of alternating thickness between two succeeding inversions, which corresponds to the number of synodic days per one synodic month, may also vary. If the amount of change in both parameters is known, an appropriate co- ordinate with correct low tide intervals can be prepared and the sequence of growth line thickness alternation formed under the changed condition can be plotted on it. For example, text-fig. 5M is a plot of a hypothetical alternation sequence on the appropriate co-ordinate for the time when the period of the semidiurnal tides is slightly longer than the present-day value. Text-fig. 5c 1 is another plot for the slightly shorter period of the semidiurnal tides on the appropriate co-ordinate. The result is the vertical partition of the thicker and thinner growth lines in both cases, although the number of tidal cycles per fortnight is different from the present-day value. In practice, for fossil growth line thickness alternation patterns the amount of change in the earth's rotation or that of moon’s orbital motion is not known. However, any fossil sequence can be plotted on the co-ordinate with the present-day intervals between succeeding low tides. If the zones with the same symbol on such a plot run parallel to the abscissa, it means that the number of synodic days per synodic month (Ns) of the period, when the fossils lived, is equal to the present-day one. If the zone with the same symbol shifts from the vertical row it indicates that the number of the synodic days per synodic month (Ns) is different from the present-day value. For example, the plot of hypothetical growth line alternation sequences for the time when the periods of two succeeding tides is slightly longer than the present-day value yields a shift of growth lines of different thickness from top right to bottom left (text-fig. 5^2) and for the time of slightly shorter semidiurnal tidal cycles a shift from top left to bottom right (text-fig. 5c2). The degree of the shift depends on the amount of change in the motions of the earth and moon compared to present-day conditions. Thus the zonation pattern on the co-ordinate with the present-day low tide intervals will tell us whether or not the number of the synodic days per synodic month was different in the geological past. FOSSIL TIDAL PATTERNS Samples from the late Pleistocene Osaka Group Twenty-nine shell fragments from two bore holes at the same horizon were examined. More than half (16) are oyster shells, on which growth patterns are most clearly visible on the surface of the ligament groove that is coated with a thin layer of acicular crystallites (PI. 31, figs. 5 and 6). Shell material including this layer, which was examined by electron diffraction method using a MIDNIGHT NOON MIDNIGHT 3 0 0.5 1.0 . MIDNIGHT NOON Dl 0 05 MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT NOON MIDNIGHT 1.0 D2 0 0.5 1.0 20- cn >- CC □ 40- 20- cn >- =£ □ 40 V V & MIDNIGHT NOON MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT NOON MIDNIGHT Cl o 0.5 1.0 C2 0 0.5 1 - V- — — \ If — w 1+- — ». mm - - \ ■ -t — — 1 — — ^ — t — — \ \ =-t — ■ — ^ % \ B \-m~ \ "i 1 — 1 i k- ~e \ - ~ a | : - •" \ \ •| — V — TEXT-FIG. 5. Plots of alternating growth line thickness (simulation). For simplicity, it is presumed that the growth lines formed between 6 and 18 o’clock are thicker than those formed between 18 and 6 o’clock. (Ordinate of the co-ordinates = successive days; abscissa = time of day expressed as a fraction of the period of day, so that 0, 0-5, and 10 mean 0 o’clock, 12 o’clock, and 24 o’clock, respectively.) a , plot of a sequence ol the present-day growth line thickness alternation on the co-ordinate with the present-day low tide intervals (Ns = 28-5). b , pair ol plots for the hypothetical slight lengthening of low tide intervals (0-5% decrease in angular velocity of the moon s rotation around the earth; rotation velocity of the earth unchanged; Ns = 24 8). bl, plot on the co-ordinate with changed low tide intervals; b2 , plot on the co-ordinate with present- day low tide intervals. Distribution boundaries of thicker and thinner growth lines are marked with broken lines, c, pair ol plots lor the hypothetical slight shortening of low tide intervals in comparison with the length of the solar day (0-5% increase of the angular velocity of the moon’s rotation around the earth; the rotation velocity of the earth unchanged; Ns = 33-4): cl, plot on the co-ordinate with changed low tide intervals; c2, plot on the coordinate with present-day low tide intervals. Distribution boundaries of thicker and thinner growth lines are marked with broken lines. 250 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 transmission electron microscope, consists of calcite with a very minute amount of aragonite. Aragonite might be a remnant of oyster resilium, as observed in several oyster species (Taylor et al. 1969). Therefore, the thin layer lining the ligament groove can be considered to be composed of calcite. On the floor of the ligament groove the broad and flat growth increments are bordered by growth lines as thin ridges (PI. 31, figs. 1 and 5). On several specimens the thin layer of acicular crystallites is lacking, probably through dissolution or wear. In such cases the growth lines are narrow grooves (PI. 3 1 , fig. 7); yet the growth patterns are well developed as the negative impression of the original topography. Occurrences of various growth patterns are summarized in Table 3. On all of the specimens, alternating thicker and thinner growth lines are visible (PI. 31, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5). The ubiquitous occurrence of the alternating growth line thickness is diagnostic of the semidiurnal tidal exposure. On several of them the inversion of the order of arrangement of thicker and thinner growth lines also can be seen (PI. 31, figs. 1 and 4), which strengthens the diagnosis. Consequently the specimens must have experienced frequent semidiurnal tidal exposure. How strong was the diurnal inequality of the tides in the fossil habitat? The rare occurrence of both double spacing of growth lines and the alternation of increment thickness (Table 3) suggest the weakness of the diurnal inequality expressed in the heights of the low tides and of the high tides, respectively. It is therefore concluded that the tidal type of the habitat of the present specimens was a semidiurnal one with weak diurnal inequality. The schematically reconstructed tidal curve is shown in text-fig. 6b, and deviates strongly from the mixed type of tide with strong diurnal inequality expressed in the heights of low tides of the present-day Osaka Bay (text-fig. 6a). The examined shells seem to contain individuals from various levels within the intertidal zone. Several specimens show a continuous sequence of growth line thickness alternation of more than 28-5 growth lines (PI. 31, fig. 1), which is larger than the semidiurnal tidal cycles per 2 weeks at present. Therefore, they must have lived near the mean tide level, where they were exposed at each low tide, even during neap tides. The majority of specimens showing alternation of regular and irregular bundles (PI. 31, figs. 2 and 3) must have lived lower in the intertidal zone, where they formed regular bundles during spring tides and irregular bundles during neap tides. The number of well-defined growth lines within a single regular bundle (nine to twenty-two) is well within the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 31 Figs. 1-7. SEMs of material from the late Pleistocene ‘Mai T Clay from Osaka: 1-4 in back scattering electron image (BEI) mode; 5-7 in secondary electron image (SEI) mode. 1, ligament surface of oyster shell with more than thirty growth lines (marked with bars and numbers). Growth from left to right. Alternation of growth line thickness is visible: near the left corner (between the lines numbered 0 to 19) lines with odd numbers are thicker, whereas near the right corner (between the lines with numbers 24 to 34) lines with even numbers are thicker. Sample no. pi. 1-1, registration no. JCTO-0012; from borehole B, x 270. 2, ligament surface of oyster shell with alternating regular bundles (marked with solid lines) and irregular bundles (marked with broken lines). Alphabets correspond to the occurrence of abnormally thick increments shown in text-fig. Id. Growth from right to left. Sample no. P294, registration no. JCTO-0009; borehole A, x 44. 3, radial section of bivalve shell fragment showing alternating regular bundles (marked with solid lines) and an irregular bundle (marked with broken line). Growth from right to left. Sample no. P103, registration no. JCTO-OOOl; borehole A, x 125. 4, ligament surface of oyster, with alternating thicker and thinner growth lines as well as the inversion of the order of their arrangement. Lines with even numbers are thicker near the left corner, whereas those with odd numbers are thicker near the right corner. Growth from left to right. Sample no. P354, registration no. JCTO-OOll; borehole A, x 250. 5, part of ligament surface of oyster with alternating thicker growth lines (indicated by thick downward arrows) and thinner ones (indicated by thin downward arrows). Growth from right to left. Sample no. P294, registration no. JCTO-0009; borehole A, x 260. 6, enlargement of the area marked with white frame in fig. 5, x 1600. 7, part of ligament surface of oyster with growth lines as grooves. Sample no. P293, registration no. JCTO- 0008, x 280. PLATE 31 OHNO, Bivalve microgrowth patterns 252 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 table 3. Tidal growth patterns in fossil shell fragments from the ‘Mai 2’ Clay of the late Pleistocene Osaka Group, p = present; f = faintly expressed; . = not present; — = observation or counting not carried out. Shell structure: gr. = granular structure; cl. = crossed lamellar structure; ac. = acicular cristallites. Number of growth lines: if irregular bundles are prevalent in growth sequence, number of growth lines are not counted. Alternation of thicker and thinner growth lines: a. = line thickness alternation; i. = inversion of order of occurrence of thicker and thinner growth lines. Alternation of regular and irregular bundles: the number of pairs is given in parentheses if the alternation is well developed; if growth sequence is without irregular bundles the number is not given. Growth line Alternation of regular and irregular bundles Alternation of growth increment thickness Sample no. Shell structure Number of growth lines Thickness alternation Double spacing a. i. Borehole A Ligaments of Ostrea sp. P293 ac. 95 > P P294 ac. 160 > P P P295 ac. — P P(5) P296 ac. — P P(3) P297 ac. 85 > P p(2) P298 ac. 75 > P P P(3) P299 ac. 55 > P p(3) P330 ac. 66 > P p P332 ac. 140 > P P P334 ac. — P P P(2) P350 ac. 100 > P p p(4) P351 ac. 50 > P P P P352 ac. — P P P(3) P353 ac. 100 > P P354 ac. 70 > P p p(4) Other bivalve shell fragments P335 cl. 21 P P339 — 220 > P P342 cl. 200 > P P P343 cl. — P p(5) P344 cl. 21 P P P346 cl. 40 > P P p(2) Borehole B Ligament of Ostrea sp. PI 1-1 ac. 36 P Other bivalve shell fragments P095 cl. 50 > P f P097 cl. 30 P P P P099 gr- 28 P PI 02 cl. 100 > P P PI 03 gr- 34 P P PI 2-1 cl. — P P P12-3 cl. — P f P OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 253 a OSAKA RECENT Tidal cycle b OSAKA 70,000 y. B.P. Tidal cycle text-fig. 6. Tidal curves along the Osaka Bay in the present day and in late Pleistocene time (c. 70 000 years bp), a, the present-day tide along the Osaka Bay, drawn from the prediction for July and August, 1980, from the tide tables published by the Maritime Safety Agency, Japan (ordinate = lidal height; abscissa = semidiurnal tidal cycles), b, the reconstructed tidal curve for late Pleistocene time on the basis of the fossil tidal shell growth patterns (tidal height in ordinate is arbitrary; abscissa = semidiurnal tidal cycles). Note that the late Pleistocene curve has relatively weak diurnal inequality in comparison with the present-day curve. maximum growth line number formed through semidiurnal tidal exposures per 2 weeks at present (28-5), and it decreases inversely with the increase of the relative width of the irregular bundles. Many oyster specimens show extremely wide growth line spacings (text-fig. 7), which occur periodically and exclusively in irregular bundles (for example, compare text-fig. Id and PI. 31, fig. 2). This makes it easy to detect the change of spring and neap tides. However, the wide spacings must be the result of the break of an otherwise constant semidiurnal rhythm of growth line 254 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 formation, as known in the recent intertidal Cerastoderma edule (Ohno 1983, 1985). Thus the estimate of the length of a fortnight in terms of semidiurnal tidal cycles on the basis of the periodically swinging curves in text-fig. 7 is inevitably accompanied with a large error and has not been carried out in the present work. Samples from the Miocene Mizunami Group Bivalve shell fragments from the Mizunami Group are all preserved in a consolidated sedimentary matrix. Therefore specific identification could not be made. Original shell microstructures such as granular structure (PI. 32, fig. 3) or crossed lamellar structure are very well preserved in most specimens. Sometimes the outer surface of the shell (PI. 32, fig. 5) or the growth lines (PI. 32, fig. 4) are lacking because of post depositional dissolution. Only specimens with well-preserved growth patterns were studied. Growth patterns are usually easily observed. Sometimes, depending on the shell microstructure and the amount of etching, the relief of the lines is fairly weak, but most such cases shell growth patterns are obvious, if photographs of the specimens are observed in oblique position (for example, PI. 32, figs. 2 and 6). Forty-six shell fragments were studied (Table 4) and on each shell fragment there are fifteen to 1 1 1 growth lines. All of the specimens show the alternation of growth line thickness (PI. 32, figs. 1, 2, 6, 7; text-fig. 8). About half of them also show the inversion of the order of arrangement of thicker and thinner lines (PI. 32, figs. 1, 2, 6; text-fig. 8). These observations show that samples were very frequently exposed at semidiurnal low tides. The double spacing is seen only in five specimens and its proportion in the growth patterns is very small. This indicates that the diurnal inequality of tides expressed in the height of low tides was weak. The alternation of thicker and thinner growth increments occurs in eighteen samples. It is fairly obvious (PI. 32, fig. 1) only in three of them and is weak or very faint in the others. Therefore, the diurnal inequality was expressed in the height of the high tides, but it was probably not strong. These observations together indicate that the type of the tide when and where the examined shells lived was semidiurnal with a moderate amount of diurnal inequality expressed in the height of high tides. This tidal type was intermediate between the tidal types shown in EXPLANATION OF PLATE 32 Figs. 1-7. All figures are SEMs of shells from the Miocene Mizunami Group: 3 and 4 in SEI mode; others in BEI mode. 1, radial section of shell fragment. Growth lines are seen as narrow white stripes indicated with arrows and numbers. Alternation of increment thickness is visible: increments between growth lines numbers 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10, 1 1 and 12, 13 and 14 are thicker than adjoining increments. Alternating growth line thickness as well as inversion of its order are also observable; lines with even numbers are thicker near the left corner, whereas those with odd numbers are thicker near the right corner. Growth from left to right. Sample no. P270, registration no. JCTO-0005, x 185. 2, radial section of shell fragment. Growth lines are seen as narrow white stripes marked with arrows and numbers. Because of the coarse grain size of shell material the resolution of the lines is not good. Yet lines can be fairly well recognized if the pictures are observed obliquely from the side. Alternating growth line thickness as well as inversion of its order are visible: lines with even numbers are thicker near the left corner, whereas those with odd numbers are thicker near the right corner. Growth from left to right. Sample no. Villa registration no. JCTO-0006, x 250. 3, part of a shell showing very well-preserved crystallites. Sample no. PI 95, registration no. JCTO-0002, x 2850. 4, shell fragment in which growth line material (running horizontally) is dissolved away. Sample no. P20I, registration no. JCTO-0003, x 760. 5, shell fragment in which a part of the outer layer is not preserved. Well-defined growth lines are still visible in the inner part of the shell. Sample no. P277fi, registration no. JCTO-0007, x 108. 6, alternating thicker and thinner growth lines. Because of the coarse grain size the resolution of the lines is not good, yet lines can be fairly well recognized if the pictures are observed obliquely from the side. Growth from top to bottom. Sample no. P258, registration no. JCTO-0004, x 370. 7, alternating thicker and thinner growth lines. Each growth line is marked with an arrow. Growth from top to bottom. Sample no. PI 95, registration no. JCTO-0002 same as illustrated in Plate 32, fig. 3, x415. PLATE 32 OHNO, Shell microgrowth patterns increment thickness 256 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Id T T f T 0 20 40 60 80 ioo 120 140 160 100- f 20 40 60 80 O-l T x X X X 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 text-fig. 7. Measurements of increment thickness on the surface of the oyster ligaments. Note the periodic change of the increment thickness with recurring appearance of extremely thick increments. Alphabets in d correspond to irregular bundles in Plate 31, fig. 2 ( a , sample P293; b , P299; c, P332; d , P294: e, P297; f, P298; g, P350; h, P330; i, P353; j, P354). OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 257 table 4. Tidal growth patterns in fossil bivalve shell fragments from the Miocene Mizunami Group, p = present; f = faintly expressed; s = strongly expressed; . = not present; — = observation or counting not carried out. Shell structure: gr. = granular structure; cl. = crossed lamellar structure. Alternation of thicker and thinner growth lines: a. = line thickness alternation; i. = inversion of order of occurrence of thicker and thinner growth lines. Sample no. Shell structure Growth line Numbe of growth lines r Thickness alternation of regular of and growth Double irregular increment spacing bundles thickness a. i. P195 gr- 43 P p P P206« cl. 42 P p P206 b cl. 58 P p P P207 gr- 32 P p P P208 gr- 47 P p P P209 gr- 26 P p P253 gr- 69 P P P254 gr- 36 P p P P256 gr- 75 P p P257 — 30 P p P P258 gr- 40 P p P265 gr- 55 f P265 b gr- 54 P P266 gr- 43 P p s P267a gr- 17 P P2676 gr- 20 P f P268 gr- 60 P P P P269a cl. 30 P P P P269 b — 30 P P P270 gr- 30 P p s P2706 gr- 16 P P271 gr- 15 P f P276 gr. 59 P p Villa gr- 48 P p s Vlllb gr- 60 P P301 gr- 11 1 P p p P304 gr- 26 P f P3 1 On gr- 43 P p p P3 1 Ob gr- 35 P p P31 1 gr- 29 P p f P313 gr- 46 > P p p P314 gr- 49 P p f P315 cl. 30 P p P317 gr- 50 P P318 gr- 34 P f P319 gr- 14 P P320 gr- 64 P p P321 gr- 50 P p P322a gr- 68 P P322c gr- 30 P P323 cl. 49 P p P324 gr- 18 P P325 gr- 58 P p f P326 gr- 23 P P327 gr- 32 P p P328 gr- 17 P p p 258 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 8 a-d. Radial cross-section of a bivalve shell from the Miocene Mizunami Group with continuous sequence of growth lines of alternating thickness (SEM micrograph in BEI mode). The numbering corresponds to that of the growth lines plotted on the co-ordinate of text-fig. 9cl (sample no. P301, registration no. JCTO- 0010, x 138). text-fig. 1a and c. With regard to the magnitude of the diurnal inequality, it is most similar to the one in text-fig. 1a. The less frequent occurrence of irregular bundles in only three specimens shows that few of the samples lived in the lower part of the intertidal zone. The majority of the specimens lived near the mean tide level, where they formed one growth line at each semidiurnal tidal exposure. NUMBER OF SYNODIC DAYS PER SYNODIC MONTH IN THE MIOCENE EPOCH Eight of the samples from the Miocene Mizunami Group have a relatively long and continuous sequence of alternating thinner and thicker growth lines without any sign of disturbance. For example, one sample (text-figs. 8 and 9 d) has the longest growth sequence with 1 1 1 successive growth lines. The sequence of alternating growth line thickness of these eight samples is thus plotted on the co-ordinates with the present-day low tide intervals, in order to see whether the number of the synodic days per synodic month was different in the Miocene than it is today. A clear partition of thicker and thinner growth lines is visible in all of the eight plots (text-fig. 9). In plots b, d, and e the left boundary of the thicker growth lines slightly shifts from right at the top to left at the bottom. But the distribution of the thinner growth lines, as well as the right boundary of thicker growth lines, is almost parallel to the ordinate. Thus there is no need to consider the partition of the zones with thicker and thinner lines inclined to the ordinate. In the OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 259 other five samples the situation is similar. While certain boundaries of the zone are slightly inclined from the right to left, other boundaries are almost vertical to the ordinate. Generally the partition of thicker and thinner growth lines can be regarded as parallel to the ordinate. Thus it is concluded that the number of the synodic days per a synodic month in the Miocene epoch was almost the same as that of today. text-fig. 9. Sequence of alternating growth line thickness obtained from fossil bivalve shells of the Miocene Mizunami Group plotted on the co-ordinate with present-day low tide intervals: ordinate = successive days; abscissa = time of day expressed as a fraction of the period of day, so that 0, 0-5, 10 mean 0 o’clock, 12 o’clock, and 24 o’clock, respectively. The time of the first low tide of each plot is arbitrarily determined, a , sample PI 95; b , P208; c, P274; d, P301; e, P314 ;/, P322; g, P325; h, P353. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The two examples described in this paper demonstrate that tidal growth patterns of fossils can be used to recognize habitats of the ancient intertidal zone, reconstruct tidal types of these habitats, and infer the living level of bivalves within the intertidal zone. In addition, information can be obtained on geophysical aspects related to tidal phenomena, e.g. the change of the earth-moon system through tidal dissipation. Despite such potential applicability, there have been very few attempts to identify the fossil tidal growth patterns of bivalves. In addition, the photomicrographs of fortnightly clustering of growth increments in a Palaeocene venerid shell (Berry and Barker 1968, 1975) and tidal growth patterns of a Late Cretaceous Limopsis striatus-punctatus (Pannella 1976) do not show any of the tidal 260 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 growth features summarized in Table 1. More material needs to be examined to verify these studies. Because of the fragmentary nature of the shells and their preservation in hard matrix, specific identification of the bivalve fossil shells examined could not be carried out. However, the ubiquitous occurrence of the various growth patterns among them, which are identical to those seen in living intertidal bivalves, justifies the interpretation that the two fossil bivalve shell assemblages also grew intertidally with a tidal growth rhythm. The Osaka samples come from the lower part of the Mal2 Clay bed, which very probably was deposited during an early phase of a transgression. The examined samples of Mizunami come from the locality where Itoigawa el al. (1974) found many molluscan species inferred to have lived intertidally. This is in agreement with the present interpretation that the two examined bivalve assemblages once lived in the intertidal zone. As mentioned above, the tidal growth patterns are clearly recognizable even in fragmentary shells. This makes almost any type of shell-bearing sediments suitable for growth pattern analysis. For example, a vast number of cores stored in various institutions might be examined successfully, because even in a borehole core of small volume, there is often a large number of shell fragments. Indeed, the Osaka material obtained from boreholes provided a good sample with successful results. The tidal types of the late Pleistocene, as well as the Miocene, reconstructed from the fossil tidal growth patterns of the shells from the two Japanese localities, is semidiurnal with a weak diurnal inequality. In comparison to these the tidal type of the present-day Japanese Pacific coasts is characterized by strong diurnal inequality. This is the first proof of a change of tidal types through geological time. Tidal type varies from place to place depending on factors such as configuration of shore lines and the depth of the sea. Because 70 000 years seems not long enough for the basic geography of the Osaka Bay to have changed tectonically, the eustatic sea-level change may be the cause of the drastic change of the tidal type in Osaka Bay since the late Pleistocene. Little can be said at the moment about the reason for the Miocene tidal type. Intensive collecting of data on fossil tidal patterns from different localities and geologic ages may provide a much more vivid picture of the change of tidal type as well as its causes. Tidal patterns are related to another interesting topic: the history of the earth-moon system. Through tidal friction, mainly in shallow oceans, the length of the earth day increases (at present by 2 milliseconds per century) and the moon spirals away from the earth by a few centimetres a year (Runcorn 1967; Brosche 1971; Goldreich 1972). Thus astronomical cycles such as the length of the day, days per year, days per month, and synodic months per year are thought to have been different in the geological past. Estimates of the length of ‘fortnights’ (2 weeks) or synodic months in the geological past have been carried out previously by several authors using fossil growth patterns (Berry and Barker 1968, 1975; Pannella and MacClintock 1968; Pannella et al. 1968; Pannella 1972). Clusters consisting of groups of thin increments with relatively thick ones were interpreted either as formed fortnightly or monthly and the increment numbers per cluster were estimated. The reasons for assigning such clustering to fortnightly or monthly periodicity, as well as whether the basic rhythm is semidiurnal, solar daily, or lunar daily, were not clearly given, as Scrutton (1978) pointed out. Further, as already mentioned in the observation of the fossil material from Osaka, such a periodic clustering could result from the break of rhythm of growth line formation in some part of the growth sequence. In attempting to estimate astronomical values concerning earth-moon history, two points are critical for the accuracy of such estimates. One is whether the patterns concerned really reflect the inferred periodicity. The other is how precisely the periodicity is recorded in the growth pattern. The alternation of thicker and thinner growth lines together with periodic inversion of their order of occurrence, described earlier in this paper, is so peculiar and complicated a pattern that it could not be formed by any other means than those which cause it to form in recent bivalve shells; namely, the interference of the semidiurnal tidal exposure and the 24-hourly change of OHNO: BIVALVE MICRO-GROWTH PATTERNS 261 temperature. This pattern, also very easily recognizable in fossil shells, can be used to estimate whether the number of synodic days per synodic month was shorter or longer in the past than it is in the present. How exactly are growth lines formed at each low tide? Ohno (1985) experimentally showed that near the MTL (mean tide level) of a region with a semidiurnal type of tide with insignificant diurnal inequality, individual specimens of Cerastoderma edule formed exactly one growth line and increment at each tidal exposure and immersion respectively. Thus they faithfully recorded the tidal cycles. Further, the alternation of thicker and thinner growth lines can be used to check the completeness of the growth record. Assume, for example, that one growth line fails to be formed at a certain low tide. In the plot of such a growth sequence on the co-ordinate used in text-figs. 5 a and 9a-/?, there will be a dislocation in the vertical partition of thicker and thinner growth lines at the point which corresponds to the missing growth line. With the increase of missing lines, dislocation occurs much more often and the resulting pattern may be something like that on a chequer-board. Thus we can exclude plots with dislocation and thus minimize misinterpretation. Selected sequences of growth lines of alternating thickness from the Miocene Mizunami Group provide plots that show no detectable inclination in partition. This means that the number of the synodic days per synodic month about 15 ma ago was almost the same as the present value. Efforts should be made in the future to determine the alternating pattern of growth line thickness in specimens from older geological epochs in order to obtain a clear picture of the change in the number of the synodic days per synodic month throughout earth’s history. The present finding of tidal growth patterns in oyster shells is encouraging, because oyster shell material is composed of calcite and resistant against diagenetic change. Oysters also have a good fossil record which begins in the Late Triassic. Tidal growth patterns most likely exist in fossils other than bivalves, because tidal growth patterns or rhythms also can be seen in the Recent gastropods (Antoine and Quemerais- Pencreac’h 1980; Ekarante and Crisp 1982; Ohno and Takenouchi 1984) and barnacles (Bourget and Crisp 1975; Crisp and Richardson 1975; Bourget 1980). Tidal growth patterns may also apply to a much wider range of problems than those treated in this paper. For example, estimates of fossil shell growth rate based on periods of semidiurnal or diurnal tidal cycles can be easily made and surely other astronomical periodicities can also be documented in shell growth patterns. For other patterns with periodicities, we have not yet as safe criteria as those for tidally formed patterns. Further investigations with intensive experimental studies on recent organisms should be carried out in order to find out criteria for such periodicities. If we find such criteria in the future, we will be able to retrieve quite new and valuable information from growth patterns, which cover a spectrum of problems from the ontogeny of an individual fossil organism to the history of the earth-moon system. Acknowledgements. The present work was initiated under the generous supervision of Professor Dr H. K. Erben of the Institute of Palaeontology, Bonn University. Professor J. Itoigawa, Nagoya University, gave me information on the fossil material from the Mizunami Group and Professor K. Nakaseko, Osaka University, provided the late Pleistocene material from Osaka. Dr A. Tsuchiyama of my department kindly determined the mineralogy of the ligament area of the Pleistocene oyster fossils. Professor M. Kumazawa, University of Tokyo, Dr D. Walossek, Bonn University, and Professor Y. Nogami, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, provided not only valuable discussions, but also continuous encouragement. Professor K. Chinzei kindly read the manuscript and made valuable suggestions for improvement, while Dr E. J. Moore, Corvallis, Oregon, corrected and improved the English of the manuscript. My thanks are due to all these people. A part of this work was supported by a post-doctoral scholarship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 262 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 REFERENCES antoine, l. and quemerais-pencreac’h, d. 1980. 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Nature, Loud. 197, 948-950. TERUFUMI OHNO Department of Geology and Mineralogy Faculty of Science Typescript received 16 February 1988 Kyoto University Revised typescript received 1 August 1988 606 Kyoto, Japan A LATE PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK FROM EASTERN AUSTRALIA by MICHAEL R. LEU Abstract. A new genus and species of elasmobranch, Surcaudalus rostratus , is described from the Late Permian Rangal Coal Measures, Blackwater, central Queensland. Surcaudalus is characterized by a palatoquadrate with a well-developed ethmoidal articulation, cladodont (phoebodontiform) dentition, absence of ribs, dorsal fin-spines with an anterior keel and a flat to concave posterior wall whose posterolateral margins bear three rows of barb-like denticles, and a non-lunate caudal fin with a well-developed epicaudal lobe. The phylogenetic significance of fin-spine characteristics, caudal fin morphology, and broad, expanded occipital segments is discussed. The Rangal Coal Measures in the Utah Development Company’s open-cut coal mine, 20 km south-south-west of Blackwater, central Queensland (text-fig. 1), contain several lacustrine mass- mortality horizons that have yielded a genus of the Bobasatraniformes (Campbell and Duy Phuoc 1983), at least twelve new genera of Palaeonisciformes, and two new genera of Elasmobranchii. |Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 265-286, pis. 33-34.| © The Palaeontological Association 266 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 o O o AGE LLI Z o N SPORE- POLLEN SPORE- POLLEN AGE n Ma 0 25 < <- cc o 1 CC LU ZONES ZONES LU LU Cl East & South ~D ( / ) West Australia Australia _ cn >- r- 243 — CO T.PLAYFORDII A.TENUISPINOSUS “ < GC cc < SCYTHIAN UJ P.SAMOILOVICHII P.SAMOILOVICHII f— LU 9/|« cr o CL CO O _l < L.PELLUCIDUS. L.PELLUCIDUS “ 250- 2 LU TATAR IAN P. MICROCORPUS P. MICROCORPUS - 250 - cr UJ t— < °53 KAZANIAN UPPER STAGE 5 UPPER STAGE 5 text-fig. 2. Correlation of the Late Permian to Early Triassic palynological zones of west, east, and south Australia (modified after Helby et al. 1987). The Rangal Coal Measures, the uppermost formation in the Late Permian Blackwater Group, comprises coal, labile sandstone, carbonaceous shale, siltstone, and mudstone, and is between 107 m and 137 m thick near the Utah Development Company’s mine (Staines 1972; Burgis 1975). Mortality horizons occur frequently above the Argo Seam; the latter averages 6-1 m in thickness, dips gently eastwards, and occurs towards the base of the Rangal Coal Measures. Truswell (in Campbell and Duy Phuoc 1983) identified spores and pollens from a mortality horizon 6 m above the Argo Seam. She regarded the assemblage as being high in the Upper Stage 5 of Kemp et al. (1977); this is equivalent to a Late Permian (Late Kazanian) age (text-fig. 2). Three closely spaced mortality horizons occur at a site known as Clinker Hill. The new elasmobranchs were collected from the middle horizon; it is separated vertically by 300 mm and 400 mm respectively from the horizons immediately above and below. The uppermost mortality horizon is covered by between 100 mm and 500 mm of overburden, enabling extensive lateral excavation. The underlying coal seam has ignited, and the original light-grey shales and mudstones have been oxidized red and baked ‘brick’ hard, thus faithfully preserving the fossils from the rigours of surface weathering. PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION Burgis (1975) viewed the Rangal Coal Measures as having accumulated in an environment characterized by laterally migrating river channels and associated floodplain and lacustrine deposits. She envisaged peat accumulating in extensive swamps above point-bar sands and muddy overbank sediments. Differential compaction was thought to have resulted in shallow lakes forming in depressions over former peat swamps. Burgis (1975, p. 56) interpreted the sequence of events in the development of the lake basins as one in which ‘compactional growth of mounds . . . disrupted the system of ephemeral channels and small lakes’. All three horizons have been excavated, each over an area of 8 m x 4 m. The two lower horizons are about 5 mm thick; the uppermost horizon is variable and up to 50 mm in thickness. All contain ontogenetically young fishes (chondrosteans and elasmobranchs); much larger specimens of the same species have been found in drag-line dumps. The fish are densely packed within the mortality horizons. Those in the uppermost horizon were obviously buried rapidly in a turbid mass flow, as evidenced by rip-up clasts and by fish contorted and buried in all orientations; this may have been caused by mass slumping in a lake or by rapid burial in overbank splay deposits. LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 267 Abbreviations and symbols used in text and text-figures Anatomical: AP, articular process; BCDF, basal cartilage of dorsal fin; CB, ceratobranchials; CT, cusps of teeth; DF, dorsal fin; DFS, dorsal tin-spine; EART, ethmoidal articulation; ECL, epicaudal lobe; FECL, fragmentary epicaudal lobe; FS, fleshy snout; FVFIL, fragmentary ventral hypochordal lobe; LHL, longitudinal hypochordal lobe; LSL, lateral sensory line; MC, Meckel’s cartilage; MSP, mesopterygium; MTP, metapterygium; NCR, neurocranium; NE, neural element; NM, notochordal mass; OCCR, occipital region; OR, orbit; PF, pectoral fin; POP, postorbital process; PQ, palatoquadrate; PRP, propterygium; SC, scapulocoracoid; SCD, sensory canal denticles; STL, subterminal lobe; TBR, tooth bearing ramus; TBRMC, tooth bearing ramus of the Meckel’s cartilage; TBRPQ, tooth bearing ramus of the palatoquadrate; VHL, ventral hypochordal lobe; W, white unoxidized region; WCRPQ, weakly calcified region of the palatoquadrate. Institutional: AMF, Australian Museum Fossil; CMNH, Cleveland Museum of Natural History; QMF, Queensland Museum Fossil. Other: PDH, plugged drill hole. Symbols: regular heavy stipple indicates calcified cartilage; diagonal cross hatching indicates damaged cartilage surfaces; lines comprising alternating dashes and dots indicate incomplete outline of body. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Class chondrichthyes Huxley 1880 Subclass elasmobranchii Bonaparte 1838 Order euselachii Hay 1902 Superfamily incertae sedis Genus surcaudalus n. gen. Etymology. From the Latin sur (above, on) and cauda (tail); m reference to the well-developed epicaudal lobe. Type species. Surcaudalus rostratus n. sp.; monotypy. Diagnosis. Small elasmobranch with a blunt fleshy snout extending beyond the mandibular symphysis; palatoquadrate with a well-developed ethmoidal articulation; Meckel’s cartilage relatively deep and robust; dentition cladodont (phoebodontiform); ribs absent; dorsal fin-spines with an anterior keel and a flat to concave posterior wall whose posterolateral margins bear, apically, three pairs of small closely spaced barb-like denticles; lateral surfaces of fin-spines having three major longitudinal costae; caudal fin comprising 26-27% of the total body length and possessing a well-developed epicaudal lobe. Surcaudalus rostratus n. sp. Plates 33 and 34; text-figs. 3 1 I Diagnosis. As for genus. Etymology. From the Latin rostratus (rostrum), referring to the elongate fleshy snout extending beyond the mandibular symphysis. Holotype. QMF14470A and QMF14470B, part and counterpart respectively, of an articulated skeleton of a shark, minus the posterior portion of the caudal fin; exposed in lateral view. Paratypes. AMF72559A and AMF72559B, part and counterpart respectively, of an articulated skeleton of a shark exposed in lateral view. QMF14471A and QMF14471B, part and counterpart respectively, of an articulated skeleton of a shark, minus the head region, exposed in lateral view. Horizon and locality. Rangal Coal Measures of the Blackwater Group (Late Permian [Late Kazanian], high in the Upper Stage 5 of Kemp et al. 1977), Blackwater, central Queensland, Australia. 268 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 3. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. paratype (AMF72559A). a, head and pectoral girdle in lateral view, x2-3. b, drawing of the same specimen. DESCRIPTION Body form. All specimens of Surcaudalus rostratus n. sp. are ontogenetically young individuals with slender fusiform bodies. AMF72559 is 193 mm long and 19 mm deep at its widest point along the trunk. It has a subterminal mouth and a caudal fin which comprises 26-27% of the total body length. It has a tapering, blunt, fleshy snout whose length is at least 24-26% that of the neurocranium. Neurocranium The neurocrania of both QMF14470 (text-figs. 5 and 6) and AMF72559 (text-figs. 3 and 4) are preserved in lateral view; both are extensively crushed and distorted. The rostrum does not extend beyond the anterior margin of the palatoquadrates. The postorbital process is very prominent and long (anteroposterior), with a gently concave anterior margin. The posterior margin of the orbit is situated at 57 67% of the length of the neurocranium (measured from the posterior). The otico-occipital region is moderately long and is tentatively estimated to comprise 38 -43% of the total length of the neurocranium. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 33 Figs. 1 -3. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. 1, an almost complete specimen of the new genus (AMF72559A) in lateral view, x 1. The circular feature is a plugged drill hole. 2 and 3, part and counterpart of the holotype (QMF14470A and QMFI4470B, respectively) in lateral view, x 1-5. PLATE 33 LEU, Australian late Permian freshwater shark 270 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 4. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. paratype (AMF72559B). a, head and pectoral girdle in lateral view, x2-3. b, drawing of the same specimen. A robust, extensively calcified band of cartilage (TBR of text-figs. 3B 6B) extends posterodorsally from the anterior extremity of the palatoquadrates of both QMF14470 and AMF72559. This cartilage passes over the ethmoidal articulation and through the dorsolateral portion of the orbit. It exhibits numerous cusps in all orientations, particularly along its anterior half. Its interpretation remains enigmatic; it may represent the tooth-bearing ramus of the palatine portion of a palatoquadrate that was displaced dorsally during compression, ultimately breaking through the weakly calcified ethmoidal and orbital regions. Visceral skeleton Palatoquadrate. QMF 14470 and AMF72559 have their palatoquadrates preserved in lateral view. The palatine portion has a distinct zonal differentiation in the degree of chondrification. The tooth-bearing ramus is narrow, elongate, and extensively calcified. In AMF 72559 the ventral margin of the ramus is convex ventrally, as opposed to QMF14470 where it is inclined gently posteroventrally and is weakly dorsally convex. The condition in AMF72559 has resulted from post-mortem distortion. Portions of the cusps of many teeth are visible along the anterior half of the ramus. In AMF72559 the majority belong to non-functional teeth as their apices are dorsally oriented. The palatine is sparsely calcified immediately dorsal to the ramus. This region comprises 24-29% of the palatine’s dorsoventral height along a line oriented vertically beneath the posterior half of the ethmoidal articulation; anteriorly its area diminishes. The remainder of the palatine (which constitutes the majority of its area) is extensively calcified. The posteroventral margin of this region LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 271 text-fig. 5. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. holotype (QMF14470A). a, head and pectoral girdle in lateral view, x2-5. b, drawing of the same specimen. slopes posteroventrally towards the mandibular articulation. This margin is a robust, narrow, gently convex ridge (best preserved in AMF72559B) and appears to be a raised portion of the palatoquadrate rather than a labial cartilage (text-figs. 3 and 4). Along the anterodorsal margin of the palatoquadrate a well-developed ethmoidal articulation rises (from the anterior edge of the palatoquadrate and extending to what appears to be the anteroventral edge of the orbit) at 23-25° to the notochordal axis. In QMF 14470 the ethmoidal articulation is reinforced by extensive chondrification. Heading backwards from the ethmoidal articulation the dorsal surface of the palatoquadrate rises into the floor of the orbit. Its slope steepens as it passes along the anteroventral portion of the postorbital process. Unfortunately, the dimensions of the otic portion of the quadrate region and the presence or absence of a postorbital articulation cannot be accurately determined. Traces of cartilage in this region are irregular; there is uncertainty in differentiating neurocranial from palatoquadrate cartilage. In AMF72559A a lateral expansion of the ventral quadrate region is present but no trace of the otic portion is preserved. In AMF72559B extensive calcified cartilage is present but its origin is uncertain. In QMF14470 the dorsal portion of the quadrate region terminates abruptly and is posteriorly concave. In QMF14470B a roughly arcuate, posteriorly convex band of cartilage extends dorsally from the posteroventral half of the quadrate region. 272 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 6. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. holotype (QMF14470B). a, head and pectoral girdle in lateral view, x2-5. b, drawing of the same specimen. Meckel's cartilage. The lower jaw of QMF14470 deepens rapidly posteriorly and is 84% of the height of the palatoquadrate directly beneath the anterior edge of the postorbital process. Meckel’s cartilage is laterally convex beneath the tooth-bearing ramus. The ventral margin (heading posteriorly) is inclined posteroventrally; it turns sharply posterodorsally beneath the poorly preserved articular region. The tooth-bearing ramus is extensively calcified and robust relative to the majority of Meckel’s cartilage. It is weakly convex dorsally and tapers posteriorly. It exhibits numerous central cusps of teeth of disparate preservation, particularly along its anterior half. Meckel’s cartilage of AMF72559 is relatively distorted with the tooth-bearing ramus poorly preserved along its anterior half. Its posteroventral border is crushed and attenuated. Axial skeleton Notochord. The notochord is unconslricted, persistent, and uncalcified. QMF14470 and AMF72559 contain calcified neural cartilages of disparate preservation (PI. 33, figs. 1-3; PI. 34, fig. 7; text-figs. 3a (arrowed), b and 7). In the cervical region of AMF72559, sparse traces of cartilage dorsal to the notochord indicate the presence of weakly calcified neural elements of uncertain form. In its thoracic region, extending backwards LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 273 text-fig. 7. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. paratype (AMF72559A); articulated specimen in lateral view. from the ventral tip of the anterior fin-spine to the posterior margin of the basal plate of the second fin- spine, there is a series of between thirty-four and thirty-seven neural cartilages whose apices extend dorsally beyond the most ventral point of the fin-spines. The first six (approximately) neural cartilages occur ventral to the anterior basal plate and are preserved as irregular patches of calcified cartilage of indeterminable morphology. Immediately posterior to these, the series is better preserved and the vertebral cartilages consist of calcified, wide-based neural arches bearing tapering neural spines. They are 3 mm long, closely spaced, presumably paired and unfused, and are inclined at 50-55° to the notochordal axis. The anteroventral corners of the neural arches are anteriorly elongated. There are six neural cartilages beneath the posterior basal plate; they are shorter and less robust than those anterior to them. Posteriorly only minor traces of neural calcifications are visible, though presumably they extended to the tip of the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin but were not, or only weakly, calcified. In QMF14470 a series of approximately thirty-two neural cartilages is present between the inserted portions of the fin-spines. No haemal calcifications are present in the cervical and thoracic regions. In QM FI 4471 A there are at least twelve slender, tapering rocls extending backwards for a short distance from the anterior margin of the anal fin. These haemal cartilages are 3-5 mm long and are inclined posteroventrally at 40° to the notochordal axis. Dorsal fins. The anterior and posterior dorsal fins (PI. 33, figs. 1-3; text-fig. 7) are situated above, and extend posteriorly beyond, the posterior half of the pectoral and pelvic fins, respectively. Both fins extend dorsally above the apices of the fin-spines, with the anterior fin being the largest of the two. The anterior dorsal fin of AMF72559 (text-fig. 7) is detached from the posterior edge of the anterior fin-spine at a point just ventral to the origin of the most ventral barb-like denticle. Both fins are mildly folded and contorted indicating they were relatively flexible during life. Most of each fin is preserved, enabling accurate estimation of their dimensions; nevertheless the precise lateral outline of the fins is unknown because their dorsal tips and posterior borders are not preserved. Both fins are supported by a ‘triangular’ cartilaginous basal plate (PI. 34, fig. 7; text-fig. 10), whose anterior portion is inserted in the posteroventrally situated basal notch of the fin-spine. Each basal plate consists of an expanded dorsal portion and a tapering, anteroventrally directed process extending to near the dorsal margin of the notochord. The expanded dorsal portion of the anterior basal plate occupies a smaller area than that of the posterior basal plate. Conversely, its anteroventrally directed process is wider and approximately one and a half limes longer than the latter. Radial cartilages, if present, were not calcified. Anal fin. The anterodorsal portion of the anal fin is preserved on QMF14471; its origin is indicated by a slight widening of the body in this region. The most anterior point of the fin is located immediately ventral to the ventral tip of the most anterior haemal element. The dimensions and configuration of the anal fin are unknown. 274 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 8. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. para- type (AMF72559B); notochordal mass and portions of appended fin lobes. Caudal fin. In AMF72559 and QM FI 4471 the entire notochordal mass and portions of the appended fin lobes are present (PI. 33, fig. 1; PI. 34, fig. 4; text-figs. 7 and 8). The following description is based on characters (text-fig. 12) defined by Thomson (1976, p. 19). It should be noted that many authors when referring to the epicaudal lobe are in fact describing the notochordal mass, rather than a distinct dorsally appended fin lobe. The caudal fin length of Surcaudalus is estimated to comprise 26-27% of the total body length. The notochordal mass is inclined at 17-25° (heterocercal angle) to the main anterior body axis. The tip of the caudal fin is characterized by a subterminal lobe (PI. 34, fig. 4). Portions of the epicaudal lobe are preserved in AMF72559 (PI. 34, fig. 4; text-figs. 7 and 8). It extends to the posterior perimeter of the plugged drill hole; its height (as preserved) is equivalent to that of the notochordal mass, indicating that Surcaudalus had an elongate, well-developed epicaudal lobe. The preserved portions of the ventral hypochordal lobe are insufficient to enable an accurate reconstruction of its shape and dimensions. However, the functional analyses of Thomson and Simanek (1977) suggest that Surcaudalus possessed at least a moderately well-developed (in terms of the ventral hypochordal lobe development in squaloids) ventral hypochordal lobe (text-fig. 1 1). They determined that the presence of an epicaudal lobe requires a larger angle of rotation for stability and that it significantly reduces the magnitude of the upward force components in the tail. They concluded that sharks (e.g. Surcaudalus) which possess low to moderate dorsal thrust angles and a well-developed epicaudal lobe are characterized by a moderately well- developed ventral hypochordal lobe, because it is essential in order to maintain a balanced thrust that passes through the centre of balance. Such sharks are usually characterized by a small longitudinal hypochordal lobe and a large subterminal lobe. Thomson and Simanek (1977, p. 347) also established that a subterminal lobe is crucial in sharks with a low dorsal thrust angle because it ‘acts somewhat like a kite, passively helping the fish maintain the correct angle of rotation along the whole of the caudal fin and protecting the tip from fluttering’. Appendicular skeleton Pectoral girdle. This consists of a pair of dorsoventrally elongate scapulocoracoid cartilages (PI. 33, figs. 1 3; text-figs. 3-6) that were presumably not fused along the ventral mid-line and which extend dorsally to just beyond the most ventral point of the anterior dorsal fin-spine. The long scapular portion is inclined posterodorsally at an angle of 9-10° to the notochordal axis. It tapers moderately dorsally until 70-73% of its length, whence the posterior margin curves sharply anterodorsally and the scapular narrows rapidly to a rounded, blunt apex. Its anterior and posterior margins are weakly concave and convex, respectively. In AMF72559 the anteroventral flank of the scapular process was shattered during compression. This region is crushed and attenuated in QM FI 4470. Traces of the cartilage of the articular process and the coracoid portion are best preserved in AMF72559B (text-fig. 4), preservation is poor and the following reconstruction must be regarded as tenuous. The dorsal edge of the articular process extends posteroventrally; its posterior margin is bluntly rounded and projects only slightly beyond the posterior margin of the coracoid; its ventral edge is distinguished from the latter by a distinct change in slope. The coracoid portion is widest (antero-posterior) immediately ventral to the articular process, is inclined and narrows moderately anteroventrally before extending and tapering anterodorsally. Its dorsal and ventral margins are concave and convex, respectively. The posteroventral section of the coracoid is extremely poorly calcified relative to the portion immediately dorsal to it (text-fig. 4). The ventral portion of the coracoid LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 275 extends beyond the ventral margin of the body and indicates that, in life, this region was inclined towards the mid-line. Pectoral fins. A pectoral fin lobe is present in QMF14470 and AMF72559 (text-fig. 7). In both specimens it is distorted with the dorsal half preserved against the ventral portion of the flank, its precise shape and dimensions are indiscernible. Weakly calcified cartilages of the basipterygial region (text-fig. 4) are present in AMF72559B. The metapterygium has been dislocated dorsally and lies immediately above the articular process with its proximal margin against the posterior border of the scapular. It is 5-4 mm long and 1 -6 mm wide; approximately rectangular in outline with a concave, anteroventrally inclined posterior border. Two irregular patches of cartilage, which may be traces of the mesopterygium and the propterygium (text-fig. 4), are located just posterior to the articular process. Pelvic girdle and fins. In QMF 14470 a calcified pelvic cartilage of indeterminable morphology is located at the ventral margin of the body, immediately anterior to the most ventral point of insertion of the posterior fin-spine. Portions of the right fin lobe are present in QMF 14471 (PI. 34, figs. 5 and 10) but they are insufficient to enable an accurate reconstruction of its outline and dimensions. Dermal skeleton Denticles. The head, trunk, and notochordal mass exhibit a shagreen of stellate (Petrodus- like) denticles (PI. 34, figs. 5, 8, 10) whose crowns consist of smooth, rounded ridges radiating out from a central pointed axis. The radial ridges vary in number from eight to twelve, are generally unevenly spaced, rarely bifurcate, and distally taper. The perimeter of the denticles is usually circular to rhombic in outline; the denticles, along the trunk, are 0-42 mm-0-76 mm in diameter. Occasionally two denticles appear to have fused or coalesced. All denticles are preserved as external moulds in crown view and consequently the morphology of their bases is unknown. The lateral flanks of the trunk are densely covered in denticles which ventrally tend to diminish somewhat in diameter. Posterior to the posterior dorsal fin they gradually diminish in size and become very sparse along the terminal portion of the notochordal mass. The denticles are sparse in the ventral half of the lateral flank adjacent to the anal fin; a dense covering is maintained in the dorsal portion. The dorsal half of the branchial area and head are densely covered in denticles; they appear to be absent along the ventral portion of the branchial region and are scattered along the rostrum, although this may be an artifact of preservation. Minute denticles of indeterminable morphology (inferior preservation) are present on all fin webs. The dorsal fins are extensively covered in denticles that appear rectangular in outline and are aligned in posteroventrally inclined rows. The pelvic fins exhibit a sparse covering of denticles anteriorly; posteriorly they become fewer and finally absent. All other fin lobes have denticles but their density and distribution is uncertain. The notochordal mass exhibits closely packed stellate denticles for most of its length; they become very sparse towards the origin of the subterminal lobe. Lateral line. The lateral sensory line is indicated by dual, parallel rows of closely spaced denticles. They are well preserved along the trunk (text-figs. 3 and 7) where the denticles of the dorsal row tend to be elongated anteroposteriorly and are approximately horizontally aligned. Those of the ventral row are triangular in outline and 0-37 mm-0-45 mm in length from their apices to the mid-line of their bases. The vertical spacing between the apices of the ventral denticles and the ventral edge of the dorsal denticles is 0-45 mm 0-52 mm along the trunk; this gap decreases (tapers) posteriorwards. The lateral line (text-fig. 3), extending posteriorly from the posterior margin of the neurocranium, arches gently dorsally across the scapulocoracoid adjacent to the region where the scapular portion begins to rapidly narrow dorsally, beyond which it levels out and continues posteriorly, immediately ventral and more or less parallel to the notochordal axis. It appears to terminate close to the ventral margin of the posterior half of the notochordal mass of the caudal fin. Teeth. Both QMF14470 and AMF72559 contain numerous teeth that are, with few exceptions, very poorly preserved. QMF14470B exhibits three disarticulated teeth (PI. 34, fig. 1) along the dorsal margin of the palatine portion of the palatoquadrate. These teeth are phoebodontiform; the crown is tricuspid, comprising a central cusp and two lateral cusps that diverge at 18-5-27-50 from the central cusp. The central cusp appears to be approximately the same length as the lateral cusps, although the apices of most cusps are damaged. The teeth are preserved in labial view; their bases are 0-35 mm wide, extremely narrow and gently arched apically. The teeth are 015 mm— 0 18 mm long from the ventral margin of the base to the dorsal tip of the 276 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 9. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. paratype (QMF14471B). c, dorsal half of the anterior dorsal hn-spine in lateral view; note most of the anterior keel (right-hand side) is missing, apart from vestigial remnants, x 12. b, e, g, transverse sections through the same fin-spine, all figures x 20. The specimen in text- fig. 9g has been distorted by lateral compression, so that the posterior border is obliquely aligned to the sagittal axis of the fin-spine, a, d, lateral and posterior views, respectively, of the specimen shown in text-fig. 9e, both figures x 20. f, posterior view of the specimen shown in text-fig. 9h, x 20. Note costae along the posterior surface. central cusp. QMF14470A has a tooth (PI. 34, fig. 2) preserved in labial view on the Meckel’s cartilage, close to the mandibular symphysis; it is 0-42 mm wide and 0-35 mm long. The lateral cusps diverge at 19-21° from the central cusp. Several poorly exposed teeth, the majority of which have only the central cusp visible, are present on EXPLANATION OF PLATE 34 Figs. 111. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. 1, disarticulated teeth of QMF14470B, x42. 2, tooth of Meckel’s cartilage of QMF14470A, in labial view, x73. 3, teeth of the anterior portion of Meckel’s cartilage of AMF72559A, in labial view. Note only the central cusps are exposed, x45. 4, caudal fin of AMF72559A showing notochordal mass, lateral line, fragmentary traces of the epicaudal lobe (arrowed), and the subterminal lobe, x 1-7. 5, portion of the pelvic fin of QMF14471A (arrowed), note sparser density of denticles relative to the ventral flank of the trunk, x3-5. 6, external mould of the posterior dorsal fin-spine of AMF72559B, x 3. 7, posterior dorsal fin-spine, basal plate, and neural elements of AMF72559A, x2-5. 8, details of the dermal denticles of the anteroventral flank of QMF14471A, x 7. 9, apical view of the posterior dorsal fin-spine of AMF72559A, note the posterolaterally placed denticles, x 7. 10, QMF14471 A showing dense shagreen of dermal denticles and the basal portion of the posterior dorsal fin-spine, x 1. The dorsal margin of the trunk is overlain by a Glossopteris sp. 11, posterior dorsal fin-spine of AMF72559A, note anterior keel, x 4-7. PLATE 34 LEU, Australian late Permian freshwater shark 278 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 10. Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. paratype (AMF72559A). a, anterior dorsal fin-spine, basal cartilage of dorsal fin, neural elements and dorsal portion of scapular region of the scapulocoracoid. b, posterior dorsal fin-spine, basal cartilage of the dorsal fin and neural elements. Meckel’s cartilage and the palatoquadrate of AMF72559. A single tooth (PI. 34, fig. 3) on Meckel’s cartilage of AMF72559A (located beneath the anterior end of the orbit) has the medial portion of the labial side uncovered. The tooth is 029 mm long from the dorsal tip of the central cusp to the ventral margin of the base and, at least (distance exposed) 0-25 mm wide along the base. The central cusp is gently inclined posterodorsally, its maximum basal width being 0 075 mm. The flanks lateral to the principal cusp are obscured by matrix and too fragile to be prepared, thus the number of lateral cusps is uncertain. A small inflexion, inclined posterodorsally at 74° to the ventral margin of the base, occurs approximately midway along the base. Laterally, the flanks on either side of this ridge are gently directed lingually. The spacing between the mid-points of the principal cusps of the teeth in this region is 0-38 mm; this would also represent the maximum basal width of a single tooth. A broken tooth (situated two teeth posteriorly from the tooth described above) exposing the inner surface of the lingual side demonstrates that the base is lingually expanded. No trace of ornament is preserved on any tooth. Fin-spines. A fin-spine is present along the anterior margin of both dorsal fins (PI. 33, figs. 1 -3). In AMF72559 the anterior and posterior fin-spines are both 2-6 cm in length and are inclined to the notochordal axis at 56-58° and 69-71°, respectively; they curve gently posteriorly towards their apices. In QMF14470 the anterior and posterior fin-spines are inclined, respectively, at 53° and 64° to the notochordal axis. The lateral surfaces of both fin-spines bear three major longitudinal costae (PI. 34, figs. 6 and 11; text-figs. 9 and 10). The costae fade approximately adjacent to the dorsal limit of the triangular basal plate. Dorsally they tend to merge and become indistinct adjacent to the barb-like denticles. Fine longitudinal striations cover the entire surface of the fin-spine; they are more or less parallel but do coalesce in places. The anterior and posterior costae bear five and four striae, respectively; the middle costa has four striae increasing to five LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 279 text-fig. 11. A reconstruction of Surcaudalus rostratus n. gen. n. sp. The outline of all fins is hypothetical, although the dimensions (see text) of the dorsal and caudal fins are regarded as accurate. ventrally. The posterior surface of the fin-spines is flat to shallowly concave (text-fig. 9b, f, h) and possesses at least three longitudinal costae (text-fig. 9e, g). It bears along its posterolateral margins three pairs of closely spaced, small, barb-like, posteriorly directed denticles that increase in size ventrally (PI. 34, fig. 9; text-fig. 10a, b). The ventral and dorsal limits of the denticle series occur at, respectively, 76% and 88% of the distance from the most ventral point of the fin-spine to the apex. Their posterior and ventral margins are inclined, respectively, at 17° and 45° to the posterolateral surface of the spine. A large median costa, resembling a carina, is present on the anterior surface of the fin-spine. It narrows dorsally and becomes indistinct close to the apex; it tapers anteriorly in transverse section. The most posterior striae on the anterior costal ridge are irregularly disjunct in places but remain more or less aligned with the longitudinal axis of the fin-spine. The most anterior series (comprising at least three rows of striations) are often obliquely inclined anteroventrally and disjunct. A basal opening for the triangular supportive cartilage is present along the posterior margin of both fin- spines. It extends dorsally to a point of closure located 34% of the way towards the apex. The widest (antero-posterior) point of the fin-spines is proportional to 12% of their length and is located adjacent to the dorsal closure of the basal notch. Dorsally their widths decrease evenly until about the position of the most ventral barb-like denticle, after which it decreases rapidly towards their pointed apices. It rapidly decreases ventrally from the point of insertion. FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY The following interpretation is based on studies (Thomson 1976; Thomson and Simanek 1977) of the body form and locomotion in sharks, specifically the mechanical action of the heterocercal tail. Thomson and Simanek demonstrated that for a shark to cruise efficiently, the line of net thrust from the caudal fin must pass through its centre of balance. To attack prey or evade predation, a shark can turn suddenly in any direction by altering the balance of forces acting in the tail, thus causing powerful turning moments about the centre of balance. The head will revolve dorsally and ventrally, respectively, if the principal forward thrust is directed either posterior or anterior to the centre of balance. It can then employ its pectoral fins to manoeuvre swiftly at any angle. The caudal fin of Surcaudalus is characterized by a heterocercal angle of between 17 (estimated, QM FI 4470) and 25° (AMF72559), a dorsal thrust angle (Thomson and Simanek 1977, p. 346) estimated to be between 7-5-10°, a large epicaudal lobe, a subterminal lobe, and a ventral hypochordal lobe. The moderate heterocercal angle of Surcaudalus indicates that it would have been capable of producing relatively strong turning moments around the centre of balance, enabling it to rapidly and efficiently change direction. Thomson (1976) determined that the epicaudal lobe produces a thrust that is antagonistic to the 280 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 12. Characteristics of the heterocercal tail, after Thomson (1976), showing the notochordal mass and various appended fin lobes. Based on the caudal fin of Centrophorus molluccensis Bleeker, 1860. hypobatic effect of the notochordal mass and the longitudinal hypochordal lobe, resulting in a lowering of the centre of effort and restricting the dimensions of the heterocercal and dorsal thrust angles. He concluded that sharks (specifically squaloids) possessing a well-developed epicaudal lobe and low to intermediate dorsal thrust angles (intermediate angles range from 10° to 25°) are characterized by slow cruising speeds. At high speeds, such sharks would not be capable of maintaining in balance the various thrusts developed by the respective fin lobes. The net thrust would no longer be directed through the centre of balance and the shark would be unable to maintain an even keel in a horizontal plane. In summary, Surcaudalus , when active, would have been capable of high manoeuverability, slow cruising speeds, and incapable of sustaining high speeds. In many Recent sharks, particularly the pelagic species, the posterior dorsal fin is typically small compared to the anterior dorsal fin. This highly adaptive condition results in thrust enhancement (Lighthill 1975; Webb and Keyes 1982) through hydrodynamic interactions between the first dorsal fin and the caudal fin. This interaction improves cruising efficiency but limits transient swimming (fast starts and powered turns) performance because of the reduced body area (Webb and Keyes 1982). The large second dorsal fin of many Palaeozoic sharks ( Ctenacanthus costellatus , Goodrichthys eskdalensis, Tristychius arcuatus , Dabasacanthus inaskasi, and Surcaudalus rostratus) suggests a greater reliance on transient swimming relative to most Recent sharks. The major variable affecting thrust in fast-start kinematics (Webb and Keyes 1982) is the distribution of body depth (to maximize the mass of water accelerated), especially in the caudal area. Webb and Keyes (1982) noted that large increments in fast-start performance are developed with relatively small increases in fin and body depth. They recognized that among actinopterygians, at each successive adaptive level, a recurring morphology is the fusiform carnivore with a design favouring transient swimming. They concluded this could be because of the importance of fast starts and powered turns in critical activities (particularly for juveniles) such as catching prey and avoiding predators. The more generalized morphology of those Palaeozoic sharks with enhanced transient swimming capabilities would be at the expense of steady swimming (cruising), because the large posterior dorsal fin would increase frictional drag (the fins of sharks are not collapsible) and significantly impair thrust enhancement between the median fins. DISCUSSION Several fin-spine characteristics of euselachians— concave posterior wall, posterolaterally situated denticles, and posteriorly placed central cavity — are widely shared among groups (Rieppel 1982) such as xenacanths, ctenacanths, hybodonts, and neoselachians (Table 1). I concur with Dick (1978, p. 107) that the similarities between ctenacanth and neoselachian fin-spines are symplesio- morphies, and with Young (1982, p. 838) that the same applies to the fin-spines of Antarctilamna. If table 1. Some fin-spine characteristics of euselachians. LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 281 to 3 4®o-5 > r ™ o 5 - d) E >..2 o CTJ o 03 c ?o» 8 a“ nj “ >> oj C c 03 O 0) 03 o £ c o o 1 03 £ o 03 I = = n to 0) • > X to a> -= o 2? 03 2 Q. E JD 0) (U w -n <5 03 03 c c oJ Q- ■o 03 E o ® 2 $ “ So O a> a e n- ~ > -Q 03 0) O 3 03 > co n oV. m w ® Q) O C O-^-O E 13 £ CO $ ® w 2 o ^ 03 LL w £ TE£-oT £ to -C 0) o 03 O c C 03 03 ■Q o o O -Q < 03 £ _Q < o C5 to To “ c . Io? tr oj J5 to ft .1 -c * t> * ® 2 « a> F° S 2 c 03 o 03 c 03 (D £ ^ OJ ^ ° C « w 03 O ™gg!la-§ !§s :!*. CL O 2 m — _D 2^°>- i5 c ^ n w o CD O .2 03 Present Absent o IlflW w ? w c O w >> o 0) Q_ O -Q O-TD x: w 03 C '*! c E 03 _ > 03 ^ ■2 o a) £ *- o o « s 03 03 n 0) 03 >, 0) < < C CO 0) 03 \_ t n > FINSPINE CHARACTERISTIC Posterior Wal Posterolateral Situated Denticles Posteriorly Placed Centr; Cavity Anterior Kee 282 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 so, this would require that the common ancestor of the xenacanths, ctenacanths, and neoselachians had already differentiated by Middle Devonian time. Young (1982, p. 840) believes that, if the similar fin-spines of ctenacanths and neoselachians are symplesiomorphous, then the aplesodic fin evolved independently in the common ancestor of the neoselachians, and in the common ancestor of Hybodus and Tristychius. Maisey (1984, p. 366) disputes the supposition that the plesodic condition is primitive and points out that plesodic pectoral fins occur in Recent euselachians and are associated with specific modes of life. It is conceivable that a similar distribution occurred in both ctenacanths and hybodonts and their respective common ancestors. This is clearly the case among the few ‘hybodonts’ where the pectoral fin is known in detail; Onychoselache is plesodic (Dick and Maisey 1980), whereas Tristychius and Hybodus are aplesodic. Locomotory adaptations could be the selective pressure that governs the length of pectoral fin radials and this character could frequently be derived by convergence in several lineages. Schaeffer (1981, fig. 26) regards the xenacanths as representing a sister-group to the Cleveland ‘ Ctenacanthus ’ (CMNH6219) on the basis that they both possess multilayered prismatic calcite and pronounced lateral otic processes. Maisey (1984, fig. 1) noted that both these characters are shared with other taxa and considers xenacanths to be a specialized group of ctenacanthiform sharks on the basis of the following synapomorphies (characters 18 and 19, p. 365): dorsal fin- spines with a pectinate ornament (implies that the ctenacanths and xenacanths [ Antarctilamna ] had already separated during or prior to the Middle Devonian); and a broad, expanded occipital segment (the Cleveland ''Ctenacanthus''). Pectinate ornament (Maisey 1984, character 18) of the ctenacanthiform variety may be a plesiomorphic euselachian character or convergently derived. The fin-spines of ‘ Ctenacanthus ’ vetustus have a pectinate ornament, be it only on the anterior ribs, which Maisey (1981, p. 15) notes are coarser and more irregular than the pectinations of C. major. Maisey (1981, p. 20) regards the fin-spines of ‘C.’ vetustus as ‘notably like those of Mesozoic hybodonts’. Maisey (1982a, p. 2) notes that Recent squaloid and heterodontid fin-spine morphology and ornamentation does not vary above generic level, and that the same apparently applies to hybodont fin-spines. The fin- spines of Antarctilamna differ from those of C. major in being relatively short and broad with little curvature. They lack posterolaterally placed denticles and typically have a very narrow zone of insertion, although in two specimens (Young 1982, p. 828) the inserted portion was much more extensive. The fin-spines of some acanthodians possess pectinate ornament, e.g. Nodacosta Gross, 1940. Lund (1985, p. 16) regards the superficially inserted small and thorn-like fin-spines of Antarctilamna and Heteropetalus as representing the primitive condition of the dorsal spine. He also considers the deep, sagittally inserted fin-spines of the ctenacanths, hybodonts, and many neoselachians to be an apomorphic state. Maisey (pers. comm.) disputes this and regards the spines of Cladoselache and stethacanthids as deeply inserted. Schaeffer (1981, p. 60) regards ‘the strong projection of the occipital segment behind the auditory capsules in Xenacanthus and Tamiobatis ... as a derived condition that relates these taxa’. He also stated that ‘the considerable projection of the occipital segment behind the capsules in Xenacanthus , Tamiobatis and Tristychius (Dick 1978) is correlated with several pairs of well spaced occipitospinal nerve foramina’. Maisey (1984, p. 365) considers the broad, expanded occipital segments of Xenacanthus , Tamiobatis , and the Cleveland ‘ Ctenacanthus ’ to be synapomorphic. The terms ‘broad and expanded’ and ‘strong or considerable’ projection are subjective and need to be quantified to enable more precise comparisons. Various dimensional relationships of the occipital segments of shark neurocrania are presented in Table 2. Expressed as percentages, the length of the occipital segment extending behind the otic capsules vs. both the length of the occipital segment and the total length of the neurocranium for Tamiobatis , Hybodus basanus , and Squalus are 76 : 71:33 and 16:20:5, respectively. The maximum and minimum widths of the occipital segment behind the otic processes vs. the postorbital width for Xenacanthus, Tamiobatis, and Hybodus are 45:44:57 and 45:30:24, respectively. The minimum width of the occipital segment behind the otic capsules (width of occipital cotylus) vs. the maximum width for the latter three genera and ‘ Cladodus ’, Cladoselache, and Squalus are 100:68:42:44-51:76:57, respectively. The LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 283 table 2. Dimensions of the occipital segments of shark neurocrania, expressed as percentages. Tam iobatus Xenacanthus ' C ladodus" Hybodus Cladoselache Cobe lodus Squalus ( Schaeffer 1981, figs. 19 & 21) (Schaeffer 1981, fig. 6) ( Schaeffer 1981, fig. 25) (Maisey 1982, fig .2) (Maisey 1983, fig .15D) (Maisey 1983, fig .15F) (Maisey 1983, fig.15A) LENGTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT TOTAL LENGTH OF NEUROCRANIUM 19 29 29 17 16 16 LENGTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES TOTAL LENGTH OF NEUROCRANIUM 16 20 8 8 5 LENGTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES LENGTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT 76 71 49 50 33 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES WIDTH ACROSS POSTORBITAL PROCESSES 44 45 43-48 57 24 28 54 MINIMUM WIDTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES WIDTH ACROSS POSTORBITAL PROCESSES 30 45 20-22 24 20 30 MINIMUM WIDTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES MAXIMUM WIDTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES 68 100 44-51 42 76 43 57 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF OCCIPITAL SEGMENT BEHIND OTIC CAPSULES WIDTH ACROSS LATERAL OTIC PROCESSES 57 43 66 51 50 54 only significant dimensional discrepancy between the occipital segments of Hybodus and Xenacanthus (regardless of the differences in the relative positions of their postorbital processes) is the degree to which the lateral hanks of the occipital segment taper posteriorly behind the otic capsules. The range of variability of this character within the xenacanths and amongst distantly related sharks, e.g. Cladoselache and Squalus, clearly demonstrates that it is not phylogenetically significant. It is apparent from the above that the dimensions of the occipital segment of Hybodus resemble closely the xenacanth/Cleveland ‘ Ctenacanthus ’ condition, and differ significantly from most neoselachians. In fact, Maisey (1983, pp. 30-31) considers that the otico-occipital region of Hybodus , although foreshortened, resembles the condition of Xenacanthus and Tamiobatis more than the neoselachian condition, and he states (1982 b, p. 7) that ‘the otico-occipital region [of Hybodus ] is short, although the deeply concave articular cotylus of the occiput forms a prominent posterior extension bounded laterally by triangular extensions’. He (1983, p. 58) also notes that there are no ‘appreciable differences in the extent to which the occipital arch extends between the otic capsules in Hybodus and Xenacanthus'. Some extant sharks, such as the hexanchoids (sensu Compagno 1977), Chlamydoselachus , Hexanchus, and particularly Notorynchus , have occipital segments that extend much farther posteriorly beyond the otic capsules relative to the majority of Recent sharks. It is more parsimonious to regard a broad expanded occipital segment as a primitive character shared by xenacanths, ctenacanths, and hybodonts. In the absence of other shared characters, it is too tenuous to demonstrate confidently that xenacanths are a specialized group of ctenacanthiform sharks. I intuitively agree, from a phenetic viewpoint, with Schaeffer’s (1981, p. 61) conclusion that the Cleveland ‘ Ctenacanthus ’ represents a sister-group to Xenacanthus , Tamiobatis , and ‘ Cladodus ’. Maisey (1985, p. 15) notes that the different configurations of the 284 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 shortened posterior portion of the braincases of Hybodus and neoselachians could readily be derived from a primitive morphotype in which the parachordals were much longer. Comparisons with the placoderms and acanthodians suggest that a broad expanded occipital region may be a primitive gnathostome character. Amongst the arthrodires the phyctaeniniids (Kujdanowiaspis) and the brachythoracids ( Pholidosteus and Tapineosteus) possess extremely long and broad occipital segments. The petalichthyids (Epipetalichthys, Macropetalichthys, and Ellopetalichthys) have elongate narrow occipital segments that extend considerable distances beyond the otic region. The occipital region of the rhenanid Jagorina extends beyond the otic section, albeit to a much lesser extent (16% of the total length of the neurocranium) in comparison to the above arthrodires. Acanthodes has a broad, expanded occipital segment that extends beyond the otic region for 20-5% of the total length of the neurocranium. During the ontogeny of Recent sharks, the occipital region becomes much shortened (Holmgren 1940). Holmgren (1942) and Jarvik (1980), influenced by their belief in a placoderm ancestry for sharks, both interpreted this as phyletic recapitulation. Surcaudalus possesses the following ‘ctenacanthiform’ characteristics: absence of calcified ribs, ‘cladodont’ dentition, fin-spines which have a concave posterior wall, and apically situated posterolateral denticles. These characters (apart from the posterolaterally placed denticles) are shared equally with the neoselachian Palaeospinax and, additionally, they both have a non-lunate caudal fin. The well-developed epicaudal lobe of the caudal fin of Surcaudalus is a character which, according to Thomson (1976, p. 20), is present only in squalomorph selachians. Surcaudalus differs from Ctenacanthus and Goodrichthys in possessing an elongate fleshy snout, a non-lunate caudal fin, basal plates with a well-developed anteroventrally directed process, and fin-spines which bear lateral longitudinal costae covered by fine longitudinal striations and have an anterior keel. Tristychius and Surcaudalus both share the latter three characters. Surcaudalus and Wodnika both lack calcified ribs and have fin-spines with fairly smooth, broad ribs and a concave posterior wall. Wodnika differs, however, in possessing a more weakly calcified skeleton, fin-spines of unequal size, and teeth that are low rounded and tumid; although the dentition may be a function of dietary specialisation. The non-lunate caudal fin of Surcaudalus is a character that Compagno (1977) and Young (1982, character 10) regard as a synapomorphy uniting Tristychius , Onychoselache , Hybodus , Palaeospinax , and Recent euselachians. Using multivariate analyses, Thomson and Simanek (1977) distinguished four distinct patterns of shark body shape, each intrinsically related to one of four discrete types of caudal fin ranging from nearly symmetrical to straight. Thomson (1976, fig. 14) also plotted various dimensional relationships of elasmobranch tails for both living and fossil genera. He demonstrated that all fossil genera plot within the same dimensional limits as the Recent forms. Thomson and Simanek (1977) noted that the morphology of neoselachian caudal fins (whether lunate or non-lunate) do not equate with current shark systematics ( sensu Compagno 1977). They concluded (1977, p. 352) that the various tail patterns have been ‘convergently developed in sharks of different major groups’ and that ‘the four morphological groupings accord better with differences in mode of life’. Only three ctenacanthiform sharks with well-preserved caudal fins have been described to date. Of these, Ctenacanthus and Goodrichthys have lunate caudal fins, whereas Bandringa is non-lunate. In view of the small sample size, and considering the distribution of caudal fin morphology within the various neoselachian groups, it is probable that ctenacanthiform sharks possessed a variety of caudal fin architecture in response to adaptations for specific life habits. This diversity would have been maintained at successive adaptive levels. Because of possible convergence, the non-lunate caudal fin of ctenacanths ( Bandringa ), hybodonts, and neoselachians cannot be safely assumed to be synapomorphic, regardless of whether the morphotypic condition was deeply forked and almost equilobate. Maisey’s amendment of this character (Maisey 1984, character 35, hypaxial endoskeleton of tail reduced) is consistent with the record. Bearing in mind the case developed for convergent derivation of plesodic pectoral fins connected with specialized modes of life, further comparative anatomy of the caudal endoskeleton of Recent sharks is required to ascertain if discrete caudal fin LEU: PERMIAN FRESHWATER SHARK 285 shapes are congruent with classifications based on other characters. ‘Advanced’ ctenacanths may have independently achieved this condition. It is apparent that, in the absence of well-preserved neurocranial and pectoral fin cartilages, it would be extremely subjective to differentiate between a ctenacanth and a hybodont. Surcaudalus has many ‘ctenacanthiform’ characters that are present in other groups, such as fin-spines with a concave posterior wall, and the absence of calcified ribs, shared with Wodnika , Sphenacanthus, Palaeospinax , and some Recent euselachians. The scales of Surcaudalus are preserved as external moulds of the crowns, whilst the fin-spines and teeth have been replaced by a clay mineral from the illite group during thermal metamorphism of the fish-bearing shales by combustion of the underlying coal seam. Therefore, it is not possible to determine if Surcaudalus had non-growing placoid scales, a feature which Maisey (1984, character 34) believes unites Hybodus, Acronemus , Tristychius , Onychoselache, Palaeospinax , and Recent euselachians. Acknowledgements. This work forms part of a Ph.D. at Macquarie University enthusiastically supervised by Dr John Talent. Dr John Maisey (American Museum of Natural History) read and commented helpfully on the manuscript. 1 have also benefited from discussion with Dr Alex Ritchie (Australian Museum), Dr John Long (University of Western Australia), and Dr Gavin Young (Bureau of Mineral Resources). Dr Peter Forey (British Museum, Natural History), Dr Michael Benton (Queen’s University of Belfast), and an anonymous referee all made valuable comments on the manuscript. I am also indebted to the staff of the Utah Development Company, in particular Mr David Watson (Senior Mining Engineer), Mr Alex Wilkins (Manager), and Mr Peter Isles (Manager) for providing accommodation, excavating equipment, storage, and hospitality. I am grateful to many of the miners (too numerous to mention) who assisted me in many ways. Ross Talent, Vladimir Maricic, James Henderson, and Paul Hart all contributed time and labour towards the arduous task of excavating and packing. The Utah Development Company, C.B.S. Explosives, Comet Transport, Mr Norm Laever, and Mr John Johnstone (Deputy Director of the Mining Museum, Sydney) all contributed towards defraying the immense cost of transporting the excavated material to Sydney. Ron Oldfield, John Cleasby, and Malcolm Ricketts all provided assistance and advice on photography. REFERENCES burgis, w. a. 1975. Environmental significance of folds in the Rangal Coal Measures at Blackwater, Queensland. Rep. Bur. miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust. 171, v + 64 pp. Campbell, k. s. w. and duy phuoc, l. 1983. A Late Permian Actinopterygian Fish from Australia. Palaeontology , 26, 33-70. compagno, l. j. v. 1977. Phyletic relationships of living sharks and rays. Am. Zool. 17, 303-322. dick, J. r. F. 1978. On the Carboniferous shark Tristychius arcuatus Agassiz from Scotland. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 70, 63-109. — 1981. Diplodoselache woodi gen. et sp. nov., an early Carboniferous shark from the Midland Valley of Scotland. Ibid. 72, 99-113. — and maisey, j. g. 1980. The Scottish Lower Carboniferous shark Onychoselache traquairi. Palaeontology, 23, 363-374. gross, w. 1940. Acanthodier und Placodermen aus //elm«rh/s-Schichten Estlands und Lettlands. Ann. Soc. Reb. natur. Invest. Univ. Tartuensis Const. 46, I 89. helby, r., Morgan, r. and partridge, a. d. 1987. A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. Mem. Ass. australas. Palaeontol. 4, 1 94. holmgren, N. 1940. Studies on the head in fishes. Part 1. Development of the skull in sharks and rays. Acta Zoologica , 21, 51-257. — 1942. Studies on the head in fishes. An embryological, morphological and phylogenetical study. Part 3. The phylogeny of elasmobranch fishes. Ibid. 23, 129-161. jarvik, e. 1980. Basic Structure and Evolution of Vertebrates , vol. 1: xvi + 575 pp., vol. 2: xiii + 337 pp. Academic Press, London and New York. kemp, e. m., balme, b. e., helby, r. j., kyle, r. a., playford, G. and price, p. l. 1977. Carboniferous and Permian palynostratigraphy in Australia and Antarctica: a review. J. Bur. miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. 2, 177-208. lighthill, m. j., 1975. Mathematical biofluiddynamics , 281 pp. SIAM, Philadelphia. 286 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 lund, r. 1985. Stethacanthid elasmobranch remains from the Bear Gulch Limestone (Namurian E2b) of Montana. Am. Mus. Novitates , 2828, 1 24. maisey, j. g., 1981. Studies on the Paleozoic Selachian Genus Ctenacanthus Agassiz: No I Historical Review and Revised Diagnosis of Ctenacanthus, with a List of Referred Taxa. Ibid. 2718, 1-22. “1982a. Studies on the Paleozoic Selachian Genus Ctenacanthus Agassiz: No. 2. Bythiacanthus St. John and Worthen, Amelacanthus, new genus, Eunemacanthus St. John and Worthen, Sphenacanthus Agassiz, and Wodnika Munster. Ibid. 2722, 1-24. — 19826. The anatomy and interrelationships of Mesozoic hybodont sharks. Ibid. 2724, 1 48. — 1983. Cranial anatomy of Hybodus basanus Egerton from the Lower Cretaceous of England. Ibid. 2758, 1-64. — 1984. Chondrichthyan Phylogeny: A Look at the Evidence. J. vertebr. Paleont. 4, 359-371. — 1985. Cranial Morphology of the Fossil Elasmobranch Synechodus dubrisiensis. Am. Mus. Novitates, 2804, I -28. rieppel, o., 1982. 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LEU School of Earth Sciences Macquarie University Typescript received 20 March 1988 Sydney, New South Wales Revised typescript received 3 June 1988 Australia, 2109 A NEW GENUS OF OSMUNDACEOUS STEM FROM THE UPPER TRIASSIC OF TASMANIA by R. S. HILL, S. M. FORSYTH and F. GREEN Abstract. Petrified osmundaceous trunks from the Late Triassic east of Woodbury in central Tasmania are assigned to a new genus and species, Australosmunda indentata. This species possesses an ectophloic siphonostele with a parenchymatous pith, but in other respects is similar to Millerocaulis, Osmundacaulis , or Osmunda. Although leaf gaps are absent the stele is deeply indented where leaf traces arise. A. indentata is the first osmundaceous species described which has a stele lacking leaf gaps but a parenchymatous pith, and offers convincing support for the hypothesis that the evolution of the parenchymatous pith and the evolution of leaf gaps in the xylem were independent transitions. Because of the relatively advanced nature of the leaf traces, and the presence of species with leaf gaps earlier in the record (Palaeosmunda from the Upper Permian of Queensland), A. indentata is unlikely to have been an intermediate stage in the development of leaf gaps, but probably represents a relatively advanced species which has maintained a primitive stelar feature. The Osmundaceae contains three living genera with about twenty-one species (Hewitson 1962), but importantly has a long and impressive fossil record (e.g. Miller 1967, 1971; Gould 1970) beginning in the Upper Permian. Of particular interest in the family is the development of the modern stelar types from the earliest fossil types. Since petrified stems are very common a great deal of literature has developed concerning stelar development. Although the evolutionary pathway is now generally beyond debate, newly found fossil species are constantly adding information in this area. The Osmundaceae are relatively common in Permian to Jurassic strata in Australia (Gould 1970, 1973; Tidwell 1987; Tidwell and Jones 1987, and references therein) and some of the species are of particular evolutionary significance. The discovery of specimens from the Upper Triassic of central Tasmania which belong to a new genus adds substantially to the record of the family in the southern hemisphere and provides evidence of a previously undescribed stelar type. LOCALITIES AND GEOLOGY Petrified tree-fern stems were found at three separate localities east of Woodbury during mapping of the Interlaken Quadrangle of the Tasmanian Geological Survey Geological 1 : 50000 atlas series (Forsyth 1986). The geology of the area consists essentially of gently dipping volcanic lithic sandstone and coal measures of the Upper Parmeener Supergroup intruded by small and large-scale dolerite sheets and dykes elsewhere radiometrically dated as being of mid-Jurassic age (Schmidt and McDougall 1977). The strata and some dolerite bodies were faulted and eroded prior to the extrusion of tholeiitic lava flows that occur a few kilometres north of the fossil localities. The basalt flows are inferred to be of Early to Middle Miocene (Late Oligocene?) age (Sutherland and Wellman 1986) and probably previously extended closer to the fossil localities. The basalt overlies thin veneers of Tertiary rocks that include silcrete and groundwater ferricrete. Quaternary deposits include veneers consisting largely of dolerite clasts but also containing notable components derived from Parmeener strata. They occur as talus, alluvial fans, higher level alluvial terraces above the modern flood plains, and as lag deposits. Two of the fossil localities can be directly related to Upper Parmeener strata, the third locality consists of loose material inferred to be derived from Upper Parmeener Supergroup strata and found in a Quaternary high-level terrace deposit. The similarity of the tree-fern fossils at all localities suggests that the third locality is not related to Tertiary silicification. IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 287 296, pis. 35 36.1 © The Palaeontological Association 288 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Locality 1. The best stratigraphic control is provided by this locality which occurs high on the northern side of Brents Sugarloaf and is estimated to be 30 m topographically below the summit (Co-ordinates 55 GEP 412296 (Universal Grid Reference), 147° 29' 53" E., 42° 11' 04" S.). Here a conspicuous block of silicified material, probably transported peat, contains much plant material including tree-ferns and Dicroidium, and occurs probably almost in situ in volcanic lithic sandstone of the Upper Parmeener Supergroup. Further loose pieces of the silicified material occur at the same elevation nearby, suggesting that a lens containing the material is present. Volcanic lithic sandstone beds at a similar horizon on the eastern side of Brents Sugarloaf are well exposed. They include breccia beds with intra-basinal lulite clasts up to 1 m in diameter, beds with silicified stems or tree stumps from a few mm to over I m in diameter, and beds with thin layers or isolated pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of rounded extra-basinal clasts. Exotic clasts include cleaved and veined quartzite and acid igneous porphyries. The highest beds at Brents Sugarloaf include black lutite and several tuff layers just below a capping Jurassic dolerite sill. Locality 2. This locality (55 GEP 401284, 147° 29' 10" E., 42° 1 1' 43" S.) occurs 1-5 km south-west of locality 1 and is probably separated from it by one or more faults. Tree-fern fossils and the long-ranging late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic pollen Falcisporites australis occur in several loose blocks of silicified material to which volcanic lithic sandstone matrix adheres. Two hundred metres further south and higher the fine- grained base of a minor Jurassic dolerite sheet is exposed and is probably faulted against an extensive area of coarse-grained dolerite. Extra-basinal clasts of exotic lithologies similar to those at Brents Sugarloaf but including Lower Parmeener Supergroup lithologies with Permian shelly fauna occur in lag deposits, and in talus shed from the fine-grained dolerite sheet near locality 2. From the rock distribution it is concluded that the extra-basinal clasts and tree-fern fossils are shed from the approximately 40 m of strata underlying the fine-grained dolerite intrusion. Locality 3. Abundant silicified wood and a solitary silicified tree-fern (holotype of Australosmunda indentata) were found as loose clasts in a higher level Quaternary alluvial terrace deposit (55 GEP 398326, 147° 29' 15" E., 42° 09' 26" S.). The deposit straddles a Jurassic fine-grained dolerite dyke that probably marks the structural boundary between Upper Parmeener volcanic lithic sandstone upstream to the south and older quartz sandstone to the north. Dolerite clasts are the most common constituent of the deposit and the relatively coarse grain-size of many clasts indicates that they have not been derived locally, but have undergone a minimum transport of 2 5 km. Other clasts include well-rounded quartz porphyry, fossiliferous Lower Parmeener rocks and other exotic rocks for which no other source exists within the catchment other than the extra-basinal clast-bearing beds of the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence. Although the majority of silicified wood clasts appear indistinguishable from silicified wood in the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence, some clasts could be derived from other (?Tertiary) sources. Age. The tree-fern fossils from localities 1 and 2 are clearly derived from the Upper Parmeener Supergroup volcanic lithic sandstone sequence. This sequence is probably best known in eastern and north-eastern Tasmania where it has been penetrated by numerous fully cored coal exploration bores and has been recently mapped (Turner et al. 1984). In particular, beneath Fingal Tier the main coal-bearing interval of the sequence is about 220 m thick and contains coal seams known informally from top to bottom as seams A H (Threader and Bacon 1983). Exotic cobbles and boulders like those found at Woodbury are not known below about seam E and tuff beds appear to be confined to above B seam (Calver, in Turner and Calver 1987). Although the volcanic lithic sandstone and coal measures sequence is widely distributed in Tasmania, neither exotic clasts nor tuff beds have been commonly reported away from the north-eastern to eastern area except for the occurrence of one or both of the features at a few localities in the Tasmanian Midlands (Forsyth 1984, in press a). Where indications are available the exotic clasts and tuff appear to occur in the uppermost beds of the sequence in the Midlands area. The similarity of the tree-fern fossil from locality 3 with those from localities I and 2 plus the occurrence of exotic clasts at all localities suggests the tree-fern fossils may all be derived from a restricted interval of the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence above the equivalent horizon of seam E and possibly in proximity to seam B. Quartz sandstone occurs about 45 m below seam H at Fingal Tier and nearby at Nicholas Range the interval with quartz sandstone hosts two partly extrusive basalt ‘flows’. Interbedded sediments contain a microflora probably best compared with the less distinctive microflora of the upper part of the Bowen Basin Moolayember Formation (de Jersey and Hamilton 1967) and the overlying basalt has been radiometrically dated at 233 + 5 Ma (Calver and Castleden 1981). At Fingal Tier the interval from seam A to seam G and possibly to seam H can be correlated with the Craterisporites rotundus Zone (de Jersey 1975; Forsyth, in HILL ET AL TRIASSIC OSMUNDACEOUS STEM 289 press b ) although from the incomplete palynology carried out to date the nominate zone fossil and Polycingulatisporites densatus have not been recorded below seam B. Thermal effects of an overlying dolerite intrusion may prevent the top of the C. rotundus Zone from being recognized at Fingal Tier, but further south a tuff bed associated with coal near the top of the sequence has been radiometrically dated at 214+ I Ma (Bacon and Green 1984). Rocks immediately below the tuff and a lithocorrelate of the coal contain C. rotundus Zone microfloras, whereas 20 m above the coal correlate the microflora from an overlying dominantly grey lutite sequence has been referred to the lower (Assemblage A) Polycingulatisporites crenulatus Zone (de Jersey 1975; Forsyth, in press b). An approximate Carnian age has been indicated for the C. rotundus Zone (de Jersey 1975; Helby et a/. 1987) and this is supported by the New Zealand range of Annulispora follicularis and A. microannulata (N. J. de Jersey, pers. comm.). Assemblage A (de Jersey 1976) of the P. crenulatus Zone is probably of Norian age (Stevens 1981; Flelby et al. 1987; Tozer 1984). The coal seam sequence seam A to seam G at Fingal Tier is therefore considered to be of Late Triassic (Carnian) age and good agreement is shown between the radiometric dates and the time scale of Webb (1981); the date of 214+1 Ma for tuff near the top of the sequence comparing favourably with the Norian/Carnian boundary 2 1 5 ± 5 Ma, and the date of 233 ±5 Ma for basalt underlying the sequence being probably of Middle Triassic age, 225 + 5 Ma to 240 + 5 Ma. Although the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence has yielded C. rotundus Zone microfloras or slightly older microfloras with A. folliculosa from several localities in Tasmania (Forsyth, in press a), palynological data from Woodbury are lacking. Within 15 km of Woodbury, A. folliculosa is present either in the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence or in underlying rocks, and 35 km south-west from Woodbury at Spring Hill, a microflora from a sequence either below the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence or alternatively interpretable as a lutite dominated basal facies of the volcanic lithic sandstone sequence, indicates a C. rotundus Zone age (Forsyth 1984, in press u, b). Macrofloras at Woodbury immediately underlying a tuff overlain by a sandstone bed with exotic cobbles, includes Johnstonia coriacea indicating a Late Anisian to Norian age (Retallack 1977). The stratigraphic position of other beds with Dicroidium odontopteroides and Heidiphyllum elongation cannot be determined with respect to the interval with fossil tree ferns. Based on the lithological correlation of the interval with tree-fern fossils at Woodbury with the upper part of the coal measures at Fingal Tier outlined above, the tree-fern fossils are considered to be Late Triassic (probably Carnian or early Norian) in age. MATERIAL AND METHODS One fossil specimen represents an isolated section of a trunk (PI. 35, fig. I). Transverse sections of this specimen were taken from the apex and base, and a longitudinal section from the apex. Several other specimens were found embedded with other plant remains in larger pieces of rock, and transverse sections of several of these were also cut. However, the best anatomical preservation was found in the isolated specimen, and the description is based largely on it. The sections were produced by the lapidary section of the Tasmanian Department of Mines. First, blocks were cut from the fossils using a diamond saw. The appropriate block faces were then polished on a Logitech LP30 Production Lapping and Optical Polishing Machine before bonding to ground microscope slides using the bonding/mounting medium epo-tek 301. Excess material was then removed using a Micro-Trim saw, a lapping machine, and the Logitech LP30, adjusted to produce sections of 30 ^ m thickness automatically. Coverslips were applied using epo-tek 301. Material removed from the trunk apex of the holotype to produce a transverse section was utilized to make a longitudinal section, which cut the central stele at about 5°. The remaining offeuts are stored with the type specimen. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIMENS The fossils (PI. 35, figs. 1 4) are clearly osmundaceous in affinities, with the characteristic stelar structure and leaf trace arrangement described by Miller (1967, 1971). The stele is very small (about 3-5 mm in dia- meter), and despite some deep indentations where the leaf traces arise, a leaf gap was not observed (PI. 35, fig. 4). Inside the xylem ring only a single cell type was observed, and longitudinal section confirmed that this was parenchyma (PI. 35, figs. 4 7). On this basis the fossil can be said to have a simple siphonostele, with a parenchymatous pith. The metaxylem elements have conspicuous scalariform pitting (PI. 35, fig. 8). Each departing leaf trace has only one protoxylem bundle, in an endarch arrangement (PI. 36, figs. I and 290 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 2). The protoxylem divides into two usually at the outer edge of the outer cortex (PI. 36, fig. 3), and continues dividing beyond there until there are eight or more protoxylem groups present (PI. 36, fig. 4). The metaxylem in the leaf trace increases in cell number and in overall size as it departs from the stem, and develops into the C-shape characteristic of many ferns including the Osmundaceae. As the leaf trace moves through the inner and then the outer cortex, it becomes surrounded by a ring of cells from these two areas, first, parenchyma and then sclerenchyma. Beyond the outer cortex there is clear development of stipular expansions, but the sclerenchyma ring maintains a rounded shape and does not extend into these extensions (PI. 36, fig. 5). Hewitson (1962) noted the taxonomic importance of the presence and positioning of sclerenchyma in stipular expansions. In these fossils there is one large, rounded bundle in each stipular expansion, as well as several smaller, scattered bundles (text-fig. 1; PI. 36, fig. 5). The sclerenchyma ring can also have a characteristic distribution of thick-walled fibres, and in the fossil they occur in an abaxial arch and as two lateral bundles (text-fig. 1). There are also two large sclerenchyma bundles within the concavity of the C-ring of metaxylem (text-fig. 1; PI. 36, fig. 6). One root with a diarch xylem strand arises from each departing leaf trace (PI. 36, figs. 2, 3, 7), probably before it enters the inner cortex. There is no sign of a mat of external roots, which is common in many fossil and living osnrundaceous species, in any of our fossil specimens. The roots consistently run parallel to the stem, suggesting that the species had an upright habit. The phloem is completely degenerated, but occasional signs of what is probably the endodermis can be seen external to the central xylem (PI. 36, fig. 5). There is no sign of either phloem or endodermis on the inside of the xylem ring, and since the parenchymatous pith almost fills the central area in some sections (e.g. PI. 35, fig. 5) it is assumed that phloem was absent there. The position of the inner cortex is quite clear text-fig. I . Drawing of a transverse section of a petiole base of Australosmunda indentata gen. et sp. nov. Note that the thick-walled fibres (F) in the sclerenchyma ring occur in an abaxial arch and as two lateral bundles. Sclerenchyma (S) occurs in each concavity of the C-ring of metaxylem (C) and as one large, rounded bundle in each stipular expansion, surrounded by numerous smaller, scattered bundles. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 35 Figs. 1 7. Australosmunda indentata sp. nov. 1, holotype of A. indentata (GST 10001), showing upright habit and petiole scars, x 0-5. 2, transverse section of the basal end (GST 10001 A) showing the small stele (S), the inner cortex (I), the outer cortex (O), the leaf traces in the cortex, and the petiole bases towards the edge of the section (P), x 1-6. 3, stele (GST 1 0001 A), from the basal end of the stem, showing a continuous metaxylem cylinder which is deeply indented, but not pierced, by departing leaf traces, x 15. 4, stele (GST 10001B), showing the parenchymatous pith which fills the cavity within the metaxylem cylinder. Traces of the endodermis (E) can be seen, x 14. 5, transverse section of the pith parenchyma (GST 10001 A), x 225. 6, longitudinal section of the pith parenchyma (GST 1000 1C), x225. 7, longitudinal section of the metaxylem elements of the stele (GST 10001C). Scalariform pitting can be seen in some areas, x 150. PLATE 35 HILL et al., Aslralosmunda indent at a 292 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 (PI. 35, fig. 2), but again cell detail is absent. It is probable that this area was parenchymatous. The outer cortex is well preserved and is sclerenchymatous (PI. 35, fig. 2; PI. 36, fig. 8). These fossils do not, in our opinion, fall within the range of any described genera of the Osmundaceae. All extant species have an ectophloic, dictyoxylic siphonostele, or something more advanced, and the same is true for all fossil species which have been assigned to extant genera or to the form genus Osmundacaulis (Miller 1971), which has recently been separated into two genera, Osmundacaulis and Millerocaulis (Tidwell 1986). Most other fossil genera have a protostele (e.g. Zalesskya, Bathypteris , Chasmatopteris, Iegosigopteris , Petcheropteris, and Thamnopteris). Palaeosmunda , from the Upper Permian of Queensland, usually has an ectophloic-dictyoxylic siphonostele, but can sometimes be simply siphonostelic (Gould 1970). However, although this is the closest genus to the fossils in terms of stele structure, Palaeosmunda differs in several other important ways, especially in the extension of the sclerotic ring in the leaf traces out into the stipular expansions. Therefore, a new genus is required to accommodate these fossils. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Division pterophyta Order filicales Family osmundaceae Genus australosmunda gen. nov. Type species. Australosmunda indentata sp. nov. Derivation of name. Named for the southern occurrence of these osmundaceous fossils. Diagnosis. Arborescent osmundaceous trunk, with a stem surrounded by a mantle of leaf bases and adventitious roots; unbranched. Stele an ectophloic siphonostele; pith parenchymatous; xylem ring consisting of approximately twenty contiguous radial strands, up to eighteen tracheids thick; leaf gaps incomplete, extending up to three-quarters through the metaxylem ring; phloem, pericycle unknown, endodermis external only. Cortex differentiated into inner zone where cells are not preserved, and an outer sclerotic fibrous layer, with short, wide, sclerenchyma cells lining leaf traces and inner cortex; inner cortex about as wide as outer cortex; leaf traces arise at about 30° to stele, initially with one endarch protoxylem group; about forty traces in a transverse section of cortex. Petiole bases stipulate, containing an adaxially curved, C-shaped vascular strand, inner cortex, and sclerotic ring; sclerotic rings remain rounded or elliptical in transverse section, not extended into stipules. Roots with diarch xylem strand, arising singly from each departing leaf trace usually before it enters inner cortex. Australosmunda indentata sp. nov. Plate 35, figs. 1-8; Plate 36, figs. 1-8 Holotype. GST 10001; figured in Plate 35, fig. 1, housed at the Tasmanian Department of Mines, Hobart. explanation of plate 36 Figs. I 8. Australosmunda indentata gen. et sp. nov. 1, departing leaf trace from the central stele (GST 10001 A). Note the single protoxylem group (P) and the lack of a complete leaf gap, x 70. 2, leaf trace in the outer cortex (GST 10001A), still with one protoxylem group (P). Note the root to the left of the leaf trace which has arisen from the leaf trace soon after its formation, x 40. 3, leaf traces in the outer cortex (bottom right) (GST 10001 A) and beyond. Note that the protoxylem bundle (P) divides into two at about the outer edge of the outer cortex and then continues to divide, x 15. 4, metaxylem bundle in a petiole base (GST 10001 A) containing a large number of protoxylem groups (e.g. P), x 30. 5, petiole bases (GST 1 0001 A) with stipular expansions. Note the sclerenchyma bundles in the stipular expansions and in the concavity of the C-ring of metaxylem, x 6. 6, C-ring of metaxylem in a petiole base (GST 10001 A). Note the two sclerenchyma bundles (S) in the concavity of the C-ring, x 12. 7, diarch root trace (GST 10001A) soon after its formation from the leaf trace. A protoxylem bundle can be observed at the top and bottom of the root trace, x40. 8, longitudinal section of the sclerenchyma in the outer cortex (GST 10001C), x 150. PLATE 36 HILL et al., Astralosmunda indentata 294 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Type locality. Locality 3 east of Woodbury, Tasmania. Derivation of name. Named for the indented nature of the stele. Diagnosis. Trunks up to 12 cm high, 7 cm diameter; stem 14 mm diameter. Stele 3-5 mm diameter, pith 2-2 mm diameter; metaxylem tracheids 36 (range 15-55 ^m) in diameter, with scalariform pitting. Inner cortex includes about thirteen leaf traces in transverse section, fibrous outer cortex includes about twenty-seven leaf traces. Leaf traces arise with one endarch protoxylem group which bifurcates at the end of the outer cortex. Leaf bases with C-shaped vascular strand containing eight or more protoxylem groups, with sclerenchyma bundle in each concavity; sclerenchyma ring with an abaxial arch and two lateral bundles of thick-walled fibres; stipular expansions each with one large mass and numerous smaller masses of thick-walled fibres. Discussion. Australosmunda indentata is the first osmundaceous species described with a simple siphonostele and a parenchymatous pith. Osmundaceous fossils exhibit a range of stelar types with the simplest being protosteles composed of central short tracheids and peripheral long tracheids (e.g. Zalesskya, Thamnopteris ), although in T. kidstoni parenchyma cells occur singly or in clusters near the periphery of the central xylem tissue (Miller 1971). In all but four of the species with a protostele there is a zone of decay in the centre of the stem, and Miller (1971) notes that although typical central xylem tracheids border the vacant zone, other cell types may have occurred within. Chasmatopteris principalis exhibits an early indication of the formation of leaf gaps, with the metaxylem cylinder being conspicuously indented (but never pierced) opposite certain leaf traces (Miller 1971). There is a large morphological distinction between these stelar types and those of other osmundaceous stems described to date which have conspicuous leaf gaps and usually a distinct pith of parenchyma and/or sclerenchyma. A. indentata fills part of this morphological hiatus. There is no trace of short tracheids in the pith of this species, and the formation of leaf gaps is almost complete (text-fig. 2). The metaxylem cylinder is heavily and frequently indented opposite the point of origin of leaf traces, but in several sections viewed (including both the base and apex of the holotype), a leaf gap was not observed. text-fig. 2. Stylized series of ascending transverse sections showing the separation of a leaf trace from the stelar xylem of Australosmunda indentata gen. et sp. nov. The black dot represents the protoxylem. It is notable that this Late Triassic species was growing long after the Upper Permian Palaeosmunda species from Queensland, which show clear evidence of well-developed leaf gaps (Gould 1970). However, as has been noted earlier, the arrangement of the sclerenchyma in the leaf traces of Palaeosmunda was more similar to the primitive protostelic species, whereas A. indentata has a more advanced sclerenchymatous arrangement. 1mm HILL ET AL.: TRIASSIC OSMUNDACEOUS STEM 295 Miller (1971) nominated six characters on a primitive to advanced scale which he used for numerical analyses of osmundaceous stems. The first of these characters is stelar type. The stelar type of A. indent ata is not recorded in Miller’s list, and does not fit easily into his sequence, since it is relatively advanced in having a parenchymatous pith and relatively primitive in not having fully developed leaf gaps. The second character concerns the cell types in the cortex, and in this A. indentata is intermediate on the scale in having parenchymatous and sclerotic layers of about equal breadth. The third character concerns the petiole bases, which are primitive in A. indentata in being closely adhering, although this condition is generalized in the family (Miller 1971). The fourth character refers to the xylem arrangement in the leaf trace at its point of divergence, and A. indentata , with its endarch arrangement, is considered to be advanced. The fifth character refers to the number of leaf traces visible in one cortical cross-section. A. indentata , with about forty, is considered to have a medium number between the high primitive number of 100-150 and the advanced condition of only about five to fifteen. The final character deals with the position in which the first protoxylem bifurcation in the leaf trace takes place, and in this A. indentata exhibits the primitive condition, with the bifurcation taking place near the outer edge of the outer cortex. Therefore, on this basis A. indentata has a mixture of primitive, intermediate, and advanced characteristics. Although A. indentata exhibits an important intermediate type of stelar development, it must be assumed that this type occurred much earlier, since Palaeosmunda exhibits a more advanced form in the Permian. The development of leaf gaps in Australosmunda would give rise to a stem type which would be typical of many fossil Millerocaulis and Osmundacaulis species, and it is possible that Australosmunda is a precursor of at least some of these species. Several Osmundacaulis species have recently been described from Australia (Edwards 1933; Gould 1973; Tidwell 1987; Tidwell and Jones 1987), but none appear to be closely related to Australosmunda indentata. The occurrence of a wholly parenchymatous pith in a stele without leaf gaps in A. indentata offers convincing support for the hypothesis that the evolution of the parenchymatous pith and the evolution of leaf gaps in the xylem were independent transitions. Previously, the occurrence of ‘delayed’ and ‘incomplete’ leaf gaps in species that also have a mixed pith (e.g. Millerocaulis dunlopi , M. kolbei (Miller 1971) and M. beardmorensis (Schopf 1978)) left support for the hypothesis quite ambiguous. Acknowledgements. Our thanks to Miss J. L. Mackey and Miss J. H. Triffett of the Lapidary Section at the Tasmanian Department of Mines for preparing the thin sections of the fossils. We are grateful to Professor C. N. Miller for constructive comments on the manuscript. REFERENCES bacon, c. a. and green, d. c. 1984. A radiometric age for a Triassic tuff from eastern Tasmania. Unpubl. Rep. Dept. Mines Tasm. calver, c. R. and castleden, r. h. 1981. Triassic basalt from Tasmania. Search , 12, 40-41. de jersey, n. j. 1975. Miospore Zones in the Lower Mesozoic of southeastern Queensland. In Campbell, k. s. w. (ed. ). Gondwana Geology, 159-172. A.N.U. Press, Canberra. — 1976. 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Geological atlas 1 : 50,000 series. Sheet 49 (8514N). St Marys. Explan. Rep. geol. Surv. Tasm., 1 159. — castleden, r. h. and baillie, p. w. 1984. Geological atlas 1 : 50,000 series. Sheet 49 (8514N). St Marys. Dept, of Mines, Tasm. webb, j. a. 1981. A radiometric time scale of the Triassic. J. geol. Soc. Aust. 28, 107-121. r. s. hill and f. green Botany Department University of Tasmania GPO Box 252C Hobart Tasmania, Australia 7001 S. M. FORSYTH Typescript received 14 December 1987 Revised typescript received 29 July 1988 Geological Survey of Tasmania PO Box 56 Rosny Park Tasmania, Australia 7018 ORIGINAL MINERALOGY OF TRILOBITE EXOSKELETONS by n. v. wilmot and a. e. fallick Abstract. The mineralized exoskeletons of well-preserved trilobites are now composed of low-magnesian calcite. However, as this is the only form of calcium carbonate to survive in Lower Palaeozoic rocks, such a mineralogy may be a function of diagenetic processes rather than reflecting primary cuticle composition. Ferroan calcite replacement has previously been used to infer an original high-magnesian calcite mineralogy for trilobite exoskeletons. By contrast, petrographic data involving over seventy trilobite species, ranging in age from Cambrian to Devonian, together with carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses of specimens from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, England (Wenlock), are here used to infer that trilobites constructed low-magnesian calcite exoskeletons. Petrographically, the trilobite cuticles share the same preservational characteristics as low-magnesian calcite organisms such as articulate brachiopods. They also have very similar isotopic signatures to those of brachiopods, yet differ from crinoids which secreted high-magnesian calcite ossicles and now commonly contain microdolomite inclusions and secondary voids. Together, these separate lines of evidence strongly suggest that trilobite exoskeletons originally had a low-magnesian calcite mineralogy. Most trilobites had heavily mineralized exoskeletons, a characteristic shared by some other marine arthropods such as decapod crustaceans, cirripedes, and ostracodes. Three trilobite species with entirely organic cuticles have been described (Whittington 1977, 1985; Dzik and Lendzion 1988), but this paper is concerned only with those trilobites that had mineralized exoskeletons. In such trilobites the dorsal exoskeleton and hypostome were predominantly composed of calcium carbonate with a small proportion of organic matter. If the exoskeleton is decalcified in EDTA, the remains of the organic framework become apparent as a delicate brown residue of unknown composition still retaining the general structure of the cuticle (Dalingwater 1973; Teigler and Towe 1975; Miller 1976; Dalingwater and Miller 1977). The ultrastructure of the exoskeleton comprises an outer prismatic layer with a much thicker principal layer below (text-fig. Id). Several types of cuticular microstructure may also occur, including laminations, tubercles, and canals (Dalingwater 1973; Miller 1976; Stormer 1980; Mutvei 1981). Despite increasing understanding of the structure of the exoskeleton, its original mineralogy has not previously been determined. Marine invertebrates construct their exoskeletons from a variety of forms of calcium carbonate. Scleractinian corals use aragonite (A), echinoderms have high-magnesian calcite (HMC) hard parts ( > 5% MgC03), and articulate brachiopods construct low-magnesian calcite (LMC) valves ( < 5% MgC03); sometimes combinations of these may be used, as in certain molluscs (Milliman 1974; Wolf et al. 1976; Morrison and Brand 1987). Among modern arthropods, decapod crustaceans utilize HMC and small amounts of calcium phosphate, whereas most ostracodes use LMC, and cirripedes form their lateral plates from LMC with some species having A basal plates (Richards 1951; Milliman 1974; Morrison and Brand 1987). When trilobite exoskeletons are well preserved and still exhibit primary microstructures, examination of stained thin-sections and X-ray diffraction show they are composed of calcite (Dalingwater 1973; Teigler and Towe 1975). Analyses by microprobe (Teigler and Towe 1975; Miller and Clarkson 1980) indicate an LMC mineralogy. Isolated reports of phosphate within trilobite cuticle (Dalingwater 1973; Teigler and Towe 1975) probably represent secondary deposits. An LMC mineralogy is to be expected for Palaeozoic fossils, for although the primary composition of extant organisms or well-preserved Tertiary fossils can be determined directly, the older the fossil the more likely is its composition to have been [Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 297-304.| © The Palaeontological Association 298 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 altered by diagenetic processes. The original composition of Lower Palaeozoic fossils may be inferred by comparisons with living taxa of the same class, from petrographic evidence (Lohmann and Meyers 1977; Richter and Fiichtbauer 1978), and from stable isotope data. These principles are used for trilobites, which have no close modern relatives and, in the following sections, data are presented which indicate an original LMC mineralogy. MATERIAL AND METHODS As part of a wider study on trilobite cuticles, examples of over seventy species of trilobite, ranging in age from Cambrian to Devonian, were embedded in Araldite (epoxy resin) and made into uncovered thin- sections. They were then examined by cathodoluminescence, using a Technosyn cold cathode luminoscope, model 8200 Mkll, at a gun current of 15 18 kV and 400-600 mA. The thin-sections were later stained (Dickson 1966) and protected by coverslips before examination in transmitted light. Ten samples of five trilobite species from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, England (Wenlock) were prepared for atomic absorption analyses. Unweathered specimens were scraped with a scalpel to obtain approximately 50 mg of exoskeleton in powder form. Each sample was then dissolved in 10 ml of concentrated HC1 diluted by 50%, and boiled on a hot plate for 2 min until the solution became clear, adding more distilled water as necessary. The solutions were allowed to cool and made up to 100 ml volume with distilled water, before running on a Perkin-Elmer atomic absorption spectrophotometer, model 460. Pieces of trilobite cuticle, brachiopod valves, and individual crinoid ossicles from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation were prepared for carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses. Unweathered specimens were scraped with a scalpel to obtain 5 mg of powder, great care being taken to avoid contamination from the surrounding matrix. Isotopic ratios were then obtained following established methods (McCrea 1950). All isotopic values are in parts per million with respect to PDB (Pedee Belemnite). Precision is around 01% (1 -o 3 cn 3 nr 3 ns q_ 3 3 3- TO ^ 3- O 3 rt> >-3 3> ^ n O ft ^3 '"t C/3 O * 3 £ o' 3 3 3 rt £ O ^ rt-, Q o O- 5 § nr 3 i-h TO ns • •< o 3 3 ft ft X! 3 ns 3 r—F ft 3 ft nr 3 3 TO ft s ^ 3 ft CL ft 3“ 3 3 3. < ft ft 3 C/) O 2. £ ft 3 rt". ft ^ C/3 _ nr ft nT C/3 C/3 C/3 3 ft ft & 3 ft '"a C/> nr D 3 3 < ft C- "d C/3 3 3 ft S' C3S 0 13 o CL O 3 r—F n O ’-■f 5’ f— F C/3 3 3 S' 5' CL ft 3 ft 3* 3 '< 3 C/3 "a ft 0. § c—F O TO X O CL cr 3 C/3 "0 S3 S“ r—t- 3 '< sS 3 ft no 3 ft H ft) O ft O 3; o 3 3 CL C/3 ’ ns 3 r—F 3 rt S~ > C/3 C/3 O o' 3 C/3 3 O ft CL nr C/3* r— F sr 0 o. "S' ft o 3' ft CD >-h O cr o' *-* fD o 3 nr 3 =r f ft 8 D ft ft__ rt fT 3 TO ft £2 _ „ rt C n> 3 ^ 3‘ O < 3h 3 _► nr ft o 3 CL c 3 <’ ft nr 3 < ft CL ft n CL ft CL To members of the Palaeontological Association from the Printer to the University of Oxford. BANDYOPADHYAY: RECHNISAURUS FROM INDIAN TRIASSIC 307 holotype skull (text-fig. 1) (ISIR37 in the collection of the Geological Museum, I.S.I., Calcutta) has a wide and blunt snout which bears a strong midnasal ridge running from the anterior part of the premaxilla, gradually broadening backwards, and dying out behind the nasofrontal suture. The ridge is flanked on each side by a deep depression which widens posteriorly as the snout broadens and terminates where the nasal meets the frontal and the prefrontal. The skull also possesses a pair of powerful canines curving slightly inwards and placed quite posteriorly in the maxillae. The interorbital area is quite wide and the temporal openings are apparently broad and short, evidenced by the short and narrow intertemporal bar formed mostly by the paired parietals. Presence of a boss immediately behind the pineal foramen and lack of a parietal crest were also considered as important characters of the species. Roy-Chowdhury (1970) compared the genus with other genera of the stahleckeriids, known at that time, and found that Rechnisaurus was closer to Dinodontosaurus ‘but differs in having a high median nasal ridge and a boss behind the pineal foramen’ (Roy-Chowdhury 1970, p. 137). In the same year another dicynodont skull from the N’tawere Formation of Zambia was also designated as R. crist arhynchus (text-fig. 2) by Crozier (1970), who identified it on the basis of the presence of a strong midnasal ridge flanked by depressions and short and broad temporal openings. The Zambian skull (no. 421, Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, also text-fig. 2. Rechnisaurus cristarhynchus. BPI 3638 (after Crozier 1970) in a, dorsal, b , ventral, and c, side views of the skull as preserved. (Dots represent matrix; hatchings represent broken bones). Scale bar 100 mm. 308 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 mentioned as BPI 3638 after its field number) is rather incomplete as the intertemporal bar, the right orbital region, and a good part of the zygomatic arches are missing. While noting the presence of a pointed snout in the Zambian skull, Crozier (1970) stated that the blunt snout of the holotype skull (ISIR37) was due to ‘a fracture or erosion, notwithstanding a definite statement to the contrary of Dr. P. L. Robinson’ (Crozier 1970, p. 39). Crozier (1970) further amplified her statement by mentioning that ‘the palatal ridges of the type are not bounded anteriorly by any marked rim as they are in the specimen here . . . which is the more normal condition’. It must be reiterated here that the snout region of the holotype skull from India is devoid of any fracture or erosion whatsoever (text-fig. 1) and consequently the basis of assigning the Zambian specimen to R. cristarhynchus was founded on inadequate characterization and erroneous assumption which later created confusion in the identification of other material. Keyser (1973) described a kannemeyeriid skull (text-fig. 3) from the Omingonde Formation of Namibia as Kannemeyeria simocephala (no. R313 in the collection of the Geological Survey, RSA). He described the form as having a medium to large-sized skull with tusks in both sexes, zygomatic arches parallel or subparallel in dorsal view, high and narrow parietal crest with no extensive text-fig. 3. Kannemeyeria cristarhynchus. R313 (after Keyser and Cruickshank 1979) in a, dorsal, b , ventral, and c, side views of the skull. Scale bar 100 mm approximately. BANDYOPADHYAY: RECHNISAURUS FROM INDIAN TRIASSIC 309 exposure of interparietal on the dorsal surface. Subsequently, Keyser and Cruickshank (1979) compared the skulls of K. simocephala from the Omingonde Formation of Namibia and the supposed R. crist arhynchus from Zambia and found a great resemblance between the two (Table 2). They observed that both the forms (R313 and BPI 3638) has strong midnasal ridges flanked by depressions, strong caniniform processes, and short temporal openings but Their parietal crests not being as high as might be expected in a typical K. simocephala. From this comparative study they made two conclusions. First, K. simocephala of Namibia (R313) was specifically distinct from K. simocephala Weithofer. They renamed the Namibian specimen K. crist arhynchus. Secondly, R. cristarhynchus of Zambia (BPI 3638) not only belonged to the genus Kannemeyeria, but was also conspecific with the Namibian form. Both forms, therefore, were included in K. cristarhynchus. table 2. Comparison of skull measurements (in mm) of Kannemeyeria cristarhynchus from the Omingonde Formation (R 313) and Rechnisauus cristarhynchus from the N’tawerc Formation (BPI 3638) (after Keyser and Cruickshank 1979). R313 BPI 3638 Length: a, palatal midline 355 365 b, dorsal midline 409 450* c, over squamosal wings 444 465* Width over squamosal 406 454* Interorbital distance 140 150 Internasal distance 150 160 Width of parietal crest at level of pineal 59 53* Length behind postorbital on dorsal mid-line 130 140* Length in front of postorbital on dorsal mid-line 279 310* Length of internal nares 82 105 Length of fenestra mediopalatinalis 29 18 Diameter of tusks 40x29 36-5x31 Horizontal diameter: orbit 68 95 Horizontal diameter: nares 55 55 Depth: caniniform process 150 145 Interpterygoid Internal nares 35% 17-6% Preorbital length x 100 Total mid-line length 69% 69% * Estimate on damaged or distorted region. Keyser and Cruickshank ( 1 979), following an earlier suggestion by Keyser ( 1 974), also concluded that the generic status of Rechnisaurus was untenable and relegated it to a junior synonym of Kannemeyeria. This conclusion cannot be accepted as the analysis is based on the characters of the Zambian skull (BPI 3638) only. The holotype Rechnisaurus (ISI R37) was not taken into account by Keyser and Cruickshank (1979) and the real difference between Kannemeyeria and Rechnisaurus remains unexplored. Unfortunately this erroneous conclusion (which started originally from a misconception) has been followed by other workers such as Cox and Li (1983). Cruickshank (1986) described a kannemeyeriid from the Manda Formation of Tanzania and named it as Sangusaurus parringtoni. The holotype S. edentatus, collected from the N’tawere Formation of Zambia, was recognized on the basis of some fragmentary skull material by Cox (1969), but later Cox and Li (1983) considered it as incertae sedis probably because of its indefinite characters. Nevertheless, Cruickshank (1986) 310 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 related S. parringtoni to ‘K. cristarhynchus (Chowdhury)’ on the basis of ‘broad open groove on parietal mid-line, and a boss immediately behind the pineal opening’. The species might be similar to S. edentatus but definitely differs from the Indian R. cristarhynchus in having a sharply pointed snout and lacking a deep depression beside the midnasal ridge. Cruickshank (1986), because of the incomplete nature of the skull, kept his decision open and stated ‘when more material is known this decision may have to be reversed’. However, in the same paper, in the discussion of the evolution of the kannemeyeriid dicynodonts, he used K. cristarhynchus (Roy-Chowdhury) as a key species. It is interesting to note that the figures he used to illustrate K. cristarhynchus show lobe- like bars in the intertemporal region (Cruickshank 1986, fig. 4a). However, the Indian specimen of R. cristarhynchus , although having a somewhat incomplete parietal crest, does not show any indication of forming any long bars behind (text-fig. 1), nor do the Zambian or Namibian specimens, so whether the structure of the intertemporal region is a good guide to taxonomic affinity remains doubtful. An examination of the holotype skull of R. cristarhynchus (ISI R37) reveals that this form is quite distinct from other dicynodont genera belonging to the Family Kannemeyeriidae. Its wide and blunt snout indicate an affinity with stahleckeriids. However, the only skull available for study is incomplete; most of the occiput, zygomatic arches, and interparietal are missing. In the description of the material, Roy-Chowdhury (1970) mentioned ‘The zygomatic arches are broken a little behind the maxillae, but the well preserved post-orbital bar helps in restoring the continuation of the suborbital bar up to the orbit and also indicates the position of the more posterior extension of the zygomatic bar. ... In the occiput, only the condyle, the foramen magnum and the median part of the supraoccipital are preserved, with a minor break above the condyle. The squamosals are missing save for an isolated piece near the dorsal part of the lateral wing of the right squamosal.’ Because of this incomplete nature of the skull many of the measurements used by Cox and Li (1983) for taxonomic characterization are not available. Moreover, to ascertain the definite familial status of R. cristarhynchus , better material will have to be obtained. Until then Rechnisaurus should be considered as incertae sedis showing some affinity to the Family Stahleckeriidae Cox 1965. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY In the light of the above discussion a revised systematics of the three specimens under consideration is given below. Family kannemeyeriidae Genus kannemeyeria Weithofer 1888 Kannemeyeria cristarhynchus (Crozier 1970; Keyser and Cruickshank 1979) Synonyms. ? Rechnisaurus cristarhynchus Crozier 1970, N’tawere Formation, Zambia; Kannemeyeria simo- cephala Keyser 1973, Omingonde Formation, Namibia. Type specimen. R421/BPI 3638, a partial skull 620 mm long and complete lower jaw 320 mm long, in the collection of the Bernard Price Institute of Palaeontological Research. Locality and horizon. Locality no. 16 of the Lower Fossiliferous horizon in the N’tawere Formation, Zambia. Referred specimen. R313 in the collection of the Geological Survey, RSA. Locality and horizon. Between the lower and middle arenaceous horizons of the Lower Etjo Beds, Omingonde Formation, Namibia. Diagnosis. Skull dorsally triangular in outline with very large canine tusks; maxillary process with exceedingly wide lateral flanges. Wide interorbital region. Midnasal ridge on the anterior and dorsal surface and shallow depression on either side extending from tip of the snout to the interorbital region. No postfrontal. Preparietal with low boss in front of pineal foramen. Short and broad temporal opening. Jugal occupies most of the length of the zygomatic arch. Premaxilla BANDYOPADHYAY: RECHNISAURUS FROM INDIAN TRIASSIC 31 1 short. Septomaxilla forms posterior wall and floor of the nostril. Distinct ectopterygoid. Behind the pituitary foramen a small boss consisting of part of the epipterygoid fused to pterygoid. Secondary palate, with three parallel grooves, the central one running into the vomerine ridge. The two anterior ridges meet the ridge around the rim of the premaxilla. Moderate-sized labial fossae at the junction of the maxilla, pterygoid, and the jugal. Maxilla enters the internal narial passage. Palatine extends the entire length of the pterygoid ramus to meet the maxilla. Low, broad occiput. Deep quadrate fossa on anterior face of occiput. Lower jaw with massive dentary. Deep central and shallow lateral grooves on dorsal surface on the dentary. Surangular with short lateral face. Long S-shaped Meckel’s fossa. Reflected lamina of the angular meets the horizontal flange of the lateral condyle leaving an oval opening dorsally between the angular and the reflected lamina. Long and broad shallow condyle allowing longitudinal and lateral movement of the jaws (after Crozier 1970). Taxon tentatively assigned to Family stahleckeriidae Genus rechnisaurus Roy-Chowdhury 1970 Rechnisaurus crist arhynchus Roy-Chowdhury 1970 Type specimen. ISI R37, an incomplete skull about 380 mm long, in the collection of the Geological Museum, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta. Locality and horizon. 1 km south of Rechni village in the Yerrapalli Formation of the Pranhita-Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, India. Diagnosis. Moderately large-sized skull, about 380 mm long. Large canine teeth. Wide interorbital region. Blunt snout. Strong median ridge on anterior and dorsal surfaces of premaxilla continuing up to the dorsal side of the nasal and flanked by a pair of deep depressions. Powerful anteroventrally directed caniniform process bearing rugose rounded flange on its posteroventral edge. Short postorbital region. Short and wide temporal opening. Fairly narrow intertemporal bar, dorsally concave in cross-section. Parietal crest not high. Low boss immediately behind pineal foramen. Parietal forms most of the intertemporal bar. Sharp transition between dorsal and occipital surface (after Roy-Chowdhury 1970). CONCLUSIONS The case of the identification and naming of Rechnisaurus highlights problems in several areas: 1. Classification of the Triassic dicynodonts has proved particularly refractory mainly because the type specimens are distributed in several continents; the majority of Permian types are in South Africa. Personal observation of specimens is essential in order to produce a consistent and coherent classification, which makes it unlikely that any one worker will be able to see all specimens. This makes accurate description in the literature of paramount importance. The present study is a contribution towards this. 2. Several studies of the functional morphology of Triassic dicynodonts have appeared recently (Walter 1986; Bandyopadhyay 1988). Snout morphology in particular has often been used as a pointer to skull function in these animals, so it would be interesting to have the state of the snout in Rechnisaurus confirmed. 3. The Indian fauna is comparable with dicynodont faunas from other continents from broadly the same time span and the accurate classification of Rechnisaurus will eventually add to the knowledge of this fauna. Acknowledgements. I thank Professor T. K. Roy-Chowdhury of the Indian Statistical Institute for discussion. I am grateful to Dr G. M. King of the University Museum of Oxford for her suggestions and comments and critical appraisal of the manuscript. 312 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 REFERENCES bandyopadhyay, s. 1988. A kannemeyeriid dicynodont from the Middle Triassic Yerrapalli Formation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Loud. B320, 185-233. cox, c. b. 1965. New Triassic dicynodonts from South America, their origin and relationship. Ibid. B248, 457-516. - 1969. Two new dicynodonts from the Triassic N’tawere formation, Zambia. Bull. Br. Mus. nat Hist. (Geol.), 17, 255-294. and li, J. 1983. A new genus of Triassic dicynodont from East Africa and its classification. Palaeontology , 26, 389-406. crozier, E. a. 1970. Preliminary reports on two Triassic dicynodonts from Zambia. Palaeont. afr. 13, 39-45. cruickshank, a. r. i. 1986. Biostratigraphy and classification of a new Triassic dicynodont from East Africa. Mod. Geol. 10, 121-131. keyser, a. w. 1973. A new Triassic vertebrate fauna from South West Africa. Palaeont. afr. 16, 1-15. 1974. Evolutionary trends in Triassic Dicynodontia. Palaeont. afr. 17, 57-68. and cruickshank, a. r. i. 1979. Origins and classifications of Triassic dicynodonts. Trans, geol. Soc. S. Afr. 82, 81-108. roy-chowdhury, t. 1970. Two new dicynodonts from the Yerrapalli Formation of Central India. Palaeontology, 13, 132-144. Walter, l. 1986. The limb posture of kannemeyeriid dicynodonts: functional and ecological considerations. In padian, k. (ed. ). The beginning of the age of dinosaurs, 89-97. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. S. BANDYOPADHYAY University Museum and Department of Zoology Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW Current address: Manuscript received 11 February 1988 Revised manuscript received 17 June 1988 Geological Studies Unit Indian Statistical Institute 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road Calcutta 700 035, India ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TEXT FIGURES BO Basioccipital PAL Palatine bo.t. basioccipital tubera p.f. pineal foramen car. for carotid foramen PMX Premaxilla ECT Ectopterygoid PO Postorbital EO Exoccipital PP Preparietal EPT Epipterygoid PRF Prefrontal F Frontal PRO Prootic f.m. foramen magnum PSP Parasphenoid-basisphenoid complex f.o. fenestra ovalis PT Pterygoid IP Interparietal pit.f. Pituitary foramen J Jugal Q Quadrate L Lacrimal QJ Quadratojugal l.f. labial fossa SMX Septomaxilla MX Maxilla SQ Squamosal N Nasal ST Stapes OP Opisthotic u.c. upper canine P Parietal V Vomer IOCRINUS IN THE ORDOVICIAN OF ENGLAND AND WALES by STEPHEN K. DONOVAN and ANDREW S. GALE Abstract. Iocrinus contains more described species than any other crinoid genus known from the Ordovician of England and Wales. British species of this taxon generally have a smooth, conical, dorsal cup and a proximal stem which is pentagonal in transverse section. A new species, I. pauli, from the Llanvirn of the Builth Wells area, is unusual in having a ribbed dorsal cup and a proxistele of pentastellate transverse section. These features have hitherto been noted only in Iocrinus from North America. Iocrinus sp. cf. I. pauli is recognized from the Lower Llandeilo of Dyfed on the basis of disarticulated columnals and a poorly preserved crown. I. whitteryi Ramsbottom, from the Caradoc of Shropshire, is refigured to illustrate such diagnostic features as the anal sac, the brachial articulum, and the stem. The family Iocrinidae Moore and Laudon is now known to include six genera. With one exception of Lower Llandovery age, all known iocrinids are of Ordovician age, and can be divided into two groups depending upon the complexity of the anal series. The disparid crinoid genus Iocrinus Hall is known from the Ordovician of North America and the United Kingdom. The first British species were not recognized until 1961, when Ramsbottom described I. shelvensis and I. whitteryi. He also tentatively suggested that Dendrocrinus cambriensis Hicks may be an Iocrinus. Bates (1965) described a further species, I. brithdirensis , and later (1968) showed that D. cambriensis was not an Iocrinus , but a member of a new disparid genus Ramsey ocrinus. Iocrinus is the most diverse crinoid genus found in the British Ordovician south of the Iapetus Suture. Hitherto, British species have been differentiated from those of North America in having a smooth, conical, dorsal cup that lacks ribbing and a proximal stem that is pentagonal, rather than pentastellate, in transverse section. A new species from the mid-Ordovician of Wales, described below, shows those features which hitherto were thought to be limited to North American species of Iocrinus. Of the other British species of Iocrinus , /. shelvensis (Ramsbottom 1961, pp. 3-4, pi. 1, figs. 3- 8; Donovan 1986, p. 27, pi. 1, figs. 3, 4, 8, 9, text-fig. 12a-j) and I. brithdirensis (Bates 1965; Donovan 1986, p. 25, text-fig. 12k) are both adequately described elsewhere. However, Ramsbottom’s original illustration of I. whitteryi (1961, pi. 1, fig. 9) did not show the diagnostic features of the genus such as the anal sac. This species is reillustrated below. Crinoid terminology used herein follows Moore et al. (1968), Ubaghs (1978), and Webster (1974). The synonymy of I. whitteryi was compiled in the style advocated by Matthews (1973). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Class crinoidea J. S. Miller, 1821 Order disparida Moore and Laudon, 1943 Family iocrinidae Moore and Laudon, 1943 Genus iocrinus Hall, 1866 Type species. By monotypy; Heterocrinus ( Iocrinus ) polyxo Hall 1866 ( = Heterocrinus suberassus Meek and Worthen 1865). Other species. I. brithdirensis Bates 1965; I. crassus (Meek and Worthen 1865); I. pauli sp. nov.; /. shelvensis Ramsbottom 1961; I. similis (E. Billings 1857); I. trentonensis Walcott 1883; I. whitteryi Ramsbottom 1961. [Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 313-323.| © The Palaeontological Association 314 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Diagnosis. (Modified after Moore et al. 1978, p. T552; Kelly 1978, p. 54.) Dorsal cup conical to slightly bowl-shaped, composed of five prominent basal plates and five larger radial ossicles. An anibrachial, supported by the C ray radial, in turn supports the anal series on the left side and a free arm on the right. Anal sac complex. Arms with at least four isotomous branches. Column transversely pentagonal or pentastellate proximally, pentagonal in the mesistele and circular distally. Permanent attachment by distal, non-planar, spiral coil. Remarks. We agree with Ubaghs (1978, p. T 1 1 8) that the plate supported by the radial in the C ray is an anibrachial, rather than a superradial (Moore et al. 1978, p. T552). locrinus pauli sp. nov. Text-figs. 1-3 Derivation of name. For Dr Christopher R. C. Paul. Type material. The holotype and three paratype anal sacs occur together on a single slab, British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH) E71413 (text-figs. I and 2). An external mould without counterpart. Probably from near Hundred House (see below). Other material and locality. A single, well-preserved specimen in the private collection of Mr J. J. Savill (text- fig. 3). An external mould without counterpart. From National Grid Reference SO 0970 5590 (Mr C. Moore, written comm.), on the road from Hundred House to Llandrindod Wells, Powys, mid-Wales. Didvmograptus bifidus Beds, although there is some doubt as to the precise age of this locality (see below). A cast is deposited in the BMNH E71424. text-fig. 1. locrinus pauli sp. nov., type specimens, BMNH E71413. All specimens preserved as external moulds, apart from some portions of anal sac which appear to have been infilled. Holotype (H) and paratypes (P) indicated, x I DONOVAN AND GALE: IOCRINUS IN ENGLAND AND WALES 315 Horizon. The fauna associated with the type material suggests that this species may be either late Lower Llanvirn or early Upper Llanvirn. A dissociated trilobite pygidium has been identified as Flexicalymene sp. cf. F. aurora Hughes (BMNH It 19109) by Drs R. A. Fortey and S. F. Morris. Common brachiopods (BMNH Be 10656) are assigned to Tissintia plana (Williams) (Dr D. A. T. Harper, written comm.). Thomas et al. (1984, fig. 10) suggested that F. aurora ranges from the Lower into the earliest Upper Llanvirn, although Hughes (1969, p. 82) considered the species to be limited to the uppermost Lower Llanvirn. Lockley and Williams (1981, table, p. 5) noted that T. plana occurs in the Upper Llanvirn and Lower Llandeilo of the Llandeilo area. text-fig. 2. Iocrinus pauli sp. nov. holotype, BMNH E71413. Camera lucida drawing from a latex cast. A, C, D, and E rays indicated. * = anibrachial plate. Diagnosis. A species of Iocrinus with a proxistele of pentastellate section and a ribbed, conical dorsal cup. Basals about as high as wide, radial plates higher than wide. Five primibrachials per arm, with at least five secundibrachials, five to nine(?) tertibrachials and about thirteen quartibrachials per branch. Description. Form of attachment uncertain, but the dististele of the BMNH E71424 (text-fig. 3) is curved through about 90° (although slightly disarticulated), so that it is reminiscent of the distal stem in I. brithdirensis (cf. Bates 1965, pi. 45, fig. 5; Donovan 1986, text-fig. 12k). I. pauli was, therefore, probably attached by a distal, non-planar, spiral coil (Brett 1981), as were other species of Iocrinus (Kelly 1978). The holotype retains the proximal 13-5 mm of stem (text-figs. 1 and 2) and the column of BMNH E71424 is over 20 mm long (text-fig. 3), but neither is complete. The column is pentastellate in transverse section proximally, changing to pentagonal shortly below the cup. Latera strongly convex, except in tertinternodals and quartinternodals, which have weakly convex to planar latera. Articular facet divided into five equal areola petals surrounding a central, pentagonal lumen. Articulation uncertain, either symplectial or synostosial. Column heteromorphic, Nl(?) proximally to N4342434 14342434 distally (notation after Webster 1974). Nodals highest, quartinternodals lowest. Columnal angles swollen, except in quartinternodals. Dorsal cup monocyclic, wider than high, with an angular, conical outline. Basals low, pentagonal, concave, presumably five in number, with longitudinal grooves corresponding to the folds of the proximal column. Radials as high as wide (about twice as high as basals), presumably five in number, with prominent, central, longitudinal ribs radially positioned and corresponding to the angles of the column. Regions between ribs 316 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 3. Iocrinus pcndi sp. nov., BMNH E71424. Camera lucida drawing from a latex cast. C ray (and some dissociated brachials from the B ray?) occupies the upper right and centre of the figure. Note the slightly disarticulated anal pyramid. DONOVAN AND GALE: IOCRINUS IN ENGLAND AND WALES 317 depressed, but a further pair of ridges, parallel to the adoral surface of the cup, link the main ribs of adjacent radials. All radials observed are of equal size. The complex anal sac arises from the anibrachial plate in the C ray and is about 30 mm long by 4 mm wide in BMNH E71424, reaching 35+ mm in the longest paratype (text-fig. I). The proximal anal series is best seen in the holotype (text-fig. 2) where it comprises a series of elongate plates, slightly longer than wide, with central, convex latera flanked by planar flanges. The anal series supports lateral sac covering plates. The anal sac is terminated by an anal pyramid (text-fig. 3) composed of solid, conical ossicles. The arms are uniserial, non-pinnulate, isotomously branching at least four times and presumably five in number. The C ray radial supports an anibrachial (text-figs. 2 and 3). Where apparent, there are five primibrachials per ray, including those above the anibrachial. Following each successive bifurcation, there are five secundibrachials, five to nine(?) tertibrachials, and about thirteen (minimum) quartibrachials per branch. Brachials are stout proximally, slender distally. Latera are planar and unsculptured. Adoral groove V-shaped, with brachials having a U-shaped section. Brachials are about as high as wide proximally, but higher than wide distally. Remarks. I. pauli sp. nov. is easily distinguished from the other British species of Iocrinus , I. brithdirensis Bates, I. shelvensis Ramsbottom, and I. whitteryi Ramsbottom, all of which have smooth, conical, dorsal cups and, where known, a proxistele of pentagonal section. I. pauli most closely resembles the North American species I. subcrassus (Meek and Worthen). However, I. subcrassus has basals and radials that are wider than high, whereas in I. pauli basals are about as wide as high, while radials are slightly higher than wide. The base of the dorsal cup in I. subcrassus appears broader (cf. Moore 1962, pi. 2, figs. 1 and 2a: Kelly 1978, pi. 1, figs. 12 and 13), with a lower anibrachial plate (cf. Kelly 1978, text-fig. 5), than in I. pauli. Further, it may be relevant that I. pauli is significantly older than the first I. subcrassus (text-fig. 6) and no other crinoid species has yet been recognized from both sides of the Iapetus Ocean in the Ordovician. Of the other species of Iocrinus from North America, I. crassus (Meek and Worthen) has an unusually large dorsal cup, with a radial : basal height ratio of about 3 : 2, compared with 2 : 1 in I. pauli. I. similis E. Billings is probably aberrant (Kelly 1978, p. 61) and is only known from a unique holotype. The proxistele is pentagonal and an additional ossicle is present between the C ray radial and the anibrachial. I. trentonensis Walcott is very similar to I. subcrassus. A new species of Iocrinus from the lower Ordovician of North America is awaiting description by Kelly. Iocrinus sp. cf. I. pauli sp. nov. Text-fig. 4 Material, locality , and horizon. A partially disarticulated crown, BMNH E69597, an external mould without counterpart, plus a brachial, BMNH E71418, and five columnals, BMNH E71414 E71416, E71417a, b (counterparts), E71419u-c (counterparts), all of which are external moulds. All from the Lower Llandeilo, Llandeilo Flags, Ffairfach, Dyfed, South Wales, NGR SN 628 212 (Bassett 1982, p. 284, fig. 3). Description. Disarticulated, pentastellate to pentagonal columnals with a small, central, pentagonal lumen (text-fig. 4a, b, d). Lumen angles correspond to the angles of the columnal. Five separate areola petals, which vary from rounded-pentagonal to elongate-triangular in outline, correspond to the angles of the lumen. Symplectial articulation, with parallel crenulae extending between areola petals in more stellate columnals (text-fig. 4b, d). No pentastellate columnal preserves a crenularium at the extremities of the rays. Columnals low, with slightly convex latera. Dorsal cup unknown apart from a single, disarticulated, ?radial plate (text-fig. 4c). The anal sac is incomplete, but the proximal 17 mm is preserved, along with a more distal fragment. Two parallel series of lateral sac covering plates are apparent, with a suture between them that possibly conceals the pseudo-anal series (cf. Kelly 1978, text-fig. 4e). Arms long, apparently at least 75 mm minimum (text-fig. 4c), uniserial, non-pinnulate, and branching isotomously. The number of branching events is unknown, but one or ?two are apparent distally. Proximal brachials are about as high as wide. Distal brachials are smaller and higher than wide. Brachials have a U- shaped section with a deep, broad, V-shaped adoral groove. Depressed, crescentic ligament pit aboral to the adoral groove. 318 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 4. Iocrinus sp. cf. I. pauli sp. nov. a, BMNH E714176, lumen, b, BMNH E71415, articular facet, c, BMNH E69597, partially disarticulated crown. AS = anal sac; R = radial; ? = plate of uncertain affinity; other structures are fragments of arms or disarticulated brachials. d, restoration of articular facet. Apart from d, all figures are camera lucida drawings from external moulds (a, b) or a latex cast (c). Remarks. Features such as the pattern of arm branching, the brachial facet architecture, the large anal sac, the outline of columnals, and the sculpture of their facets, all indicate that this species is a typical Iocrinus. It is tentatively recognized as an Iocrinus similar to I. pauli , the only British species with a pentastellate proxistele and ribbed radials. However, the Ffairfach species differs from the available material of I. pauli in having a larger crown. DONOVAN AND GALE: IOCRINUS IN ENGLAND AND WALES 319 Iocrinus whitteryi Ramsbottom, 1961 Text-fig. 5 1869 Cyathocrinus sp.; Morton, p. 19. v* 1961 Iocrinus whitteryi sp. nov., Ramsbottom, p. 5, pi. 1, fig. 9. 1973 Iocrinus whitteryi Ramsbottom; Webster, p. 157. 1978 Iocrinus whitteryi Ramsbottom; Kelly, pp. 63, 64. 1986 Iocrinus whitteryi Ramsbottom; Donovan, p. 21. Material , locality, and horizon. Holotype, BMNH E49603, an external mould without counterpart. Paratypes, BMNH E1365, E49604, E49605 (all external moulds without counterparts); British Geological Survey (BGS GSM) 85720, 85720u (counterpart external moulds), 85721 (wax squeeze of holotype). Ail specimens are from Whittery Quarry, east of Marrington Dingle, near Chirbury, Shropshire, NGR SO 274 982. Chirbury Formation, Whittery Shale Member(?), Caradoc, Soudleyan (Whittard 1979, locality 299, p. 56, fig. 33). Remarks. Ramsbottom (1961, p. 5) gave an adequate description of I. whittery , but the associated illustration (pi. 1, fig. 9) is undiagnostic of Iocrinus. Text-fig. 5 is therefore included herein to show those features of I. whitteryi that are typical of the genus. text-fig. 5. Iocrinus whitteryi Ramsbottom, 1961. All paratypes apart from d, e. a, b, BMNH E49604. A pair of anal sacs, juxtaposed as preserved, and showing the morphology of both the internal and external surfaces. Both are in a similar orientation, with the plates of the anal series facing into the page. A short pluricolumnal is illustrated to the left of A, which is also associated with an arm fragment that branches twice, c, BMNH El 365. A further fragment of anal sac. d, e, BMNH E49603, holotype. d, dorsal cup showing three rays and some dissociated brachials. e, articular facet of brachial arrowed in d. All camera lucida drawings from latex casts. Not all fragments from each specimen have been illustrated. 320 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 The holotype, sadly lacking a counterpart, is the only known dorsal cup (text-fig. 5d; Ramsbottom 1961, pi. 1, fig. 9). This shows three rays, none of which includes an anibrachial and associated anal series. This specimen must therefore represent either the D-E-A or the E-A B rays. None of the arms of the holotype appears to branch (but note branching at the ?primaxilliary and ?secundaxilliary levels in text-fig. 5a), so the primaxilliary must be at the level of lBr12 or above. Dissociated brachial ossicles on the same slab, apparently derived from the holotype, show an articular facet architecture similar to that of /. shelvensis Ramsbottom (text-fig. 5e). The anal sacs attributed to I. whitteryi (text-fig. 5a-c) are comparable to those known from other species of Iocrinus (cf. Ramsbottom 1961, pi. 1, fig. 6; Moore 1962, pi. 2, fig. 2 a-e; Bates 1965, pi. 45, figs. 1, 2, 4-6; Kelly 1978, pp. 10-25, text-fig. 4, pi. 1, figs. 1-3, 5, 6, 14). This complex structure is diagnostic of the genus. Additionally, a short pluricolumnal, previously undetected, has been recognized on one of the paratype slabs of I. whitteryi (text-fig. 5a). This appears to be pentagonal in section, with rounded angles, and is heteromorphic. It is not dissimilar to some of the less nodose, pentagonal columns of other species of Iocrinus. PHYLOGENY OF THE IOCRINIDAE The disparid crinoid family Iocrinidae is now known to have contained at least six genera, spanning the interval lower Ordovician to Lower Llandovery (the only known Lower Ordovician species, Iocrinus sp. nov., is awaiting description by Kelly and is not included in this analysis). Iocrinid genera are differentiated on the basis of column structure, form of attachment, shape of the dorsal cup, basals exposed or cryptic, interbrachial plates present or absent, first primibrachials free or attached, and the structure of the anal series. On the basis of these characteristics, it is suggested that the iocrinids appear to be divided into two natural groups. These groups can easily be recognized, comprising those species which have either a complex ( Iocrinus ) or a simple (Caleidocrinus + Ristnacrinus + gen. nov.) anal series (text-fig. 6). Iocrinus itself can be divided into two lineages, based on whether the proxistele is pentagonal or pentastellate in section and whether the dorsal cup is unsculptured or ribbed, respectively. Kelly (1978) considered that the ribbed species probably evolved from an ancestor with a smooth cup, but the occurrence of I. pauli suggests that the time of divergence of these two lineages was much earlier than he originally postulated. In text-fig. 6 the suggested relationships of the later species with a ribbed dorsal cup essentially follows Kelly (1978, text-fig. 15), while those for species with an unsculptured dorsal cup follows Donovan (1985«, fig. 8). The features of the two species of Caleidocrinus Waagen and Jahn, and the relationship of Caleidocrinus to Ristnacrinus Opik, have also been discussed in detail elsewhere (Donovan 1985u). Ristnacrinus is particularly well recorded on the basis of dissociated columnals, although at least some of these may be derived from Caleidocrinus (C.) multiramus Barrande. Only the type species of Ristnacrinus , R. marinus Opik, is known from relatively complete material. 1R. altohasalis Brower and Veinus is poorly known and its generic assignment is, at best, dubious. It is perhaps significant that the distinctive columnals of Ristnacrinus have not been reported from North America. R. cirrifer Le Menn is based only upon cirriferous columnals. As some columnals of the type species are cirriferous and indistinguishable from Le Menu’s species, this suggests that R. cirrifer is invalid. Four further species based on disarticulated columnals (Stukalina 1980) appear to be morphologically distinct. However, because of the general uncertainty regarding the subdivision of Ristnacrinus, this genus has been left undivided in text-fig. 6. A new genus (Donovan, in press) differs from Iocrinus in lacking a large and complex anal sac. The basal plates of Caleidocrinus are either low or cryptic (Donovan 1985u) and interbrachial plates are present, whereas in the new genus basals are prominent and interbrachial plates are absent. Ristnacrinus has a slender dorsal cup with cryptic basals and a circlet of five radials supporting five fixed primibrachs (including the anibrachial in the C ray). The dorsal cup in the new genus is broad, tapering towards the base, and all brachials are free. The new genus is most similar to Caleidocrinus (H.) turgidulus Ramsbottom. DONOVAN AND GALE: IOCRINUS IN ENGLAND AND WALES 321 KEY TO FAUNAL PROVINCES CD LU 0 • SOUTH EUROPEAN CD LU LU 0 Q_ If) LU ■ NORTH AMERICAN LU CD g CO C£ > LU CD IS CD * BALTIC * KAZAKHSTAN < < 5 3 3 Z X © A HIR ® A GAN — _ nGEN. ® * — RAN /. CRASSUS 1 NOV. H m I • * ?#A RIC 440 CAU ■ i *# A * 1 _l _J 0 i * * 1 < Z < X X □ * 1 < CD < < ■ i * | * 1 * 1 z £ _i 0 CD /. SUBCRASSUS- B 1 ■ | o X 0 _2_ 3 Q_ ■ * 1 IB * 1 z 450- ONN /. TRENTONENS/S w H 1 ■ 1. S/M/LIS 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 < z LU Q -IAN ,■ ■ i | LU ACT 7 ✓ 1 * 1 - MAR - RISTNACRINUS SPP.- * 1 * 1 z < LON 1 *• *• < 1 * x cn 460- o fl WHITTERYI 1 ** ** z X CD o Q < cn % LU \ 1 ! ** ** ** < % KIR < Q 1 * A < u 3 o 1 X o ROC CD 1 * A :> 470- arna; ■GIAN \ 1 1 1 ; I i , ** **-.2 ** * ** BLACK RIVERAK X 1 1 - cos 1 i ▲ * A is " u " '1ST 1 1 1 C.(C.I MULTIRAMUS - 1 | ▲ 1 ▲ ? A /■-I ; z : — - 1 f C. (H.) TURGIDULUS ® o O cn < L 1/ BRITHD/R- 1 1 LU ENSIS | J x l___ ^ * § I-' text-fig. 6. A probable phylogeny of the known iocrinids, showing the distribution of species in both time and space. Faunal data derived from Bates (1965), Briskeby (1981), Brower and Veinus ( 1974), Chauvel and Le Menn (1973), Chauvel et al. (1975), Donovan (1984, 1985a, b , 1986, in press), Kelly (1978), Opik (1934), Ramsbottom (1961), and Stukalina (1980). Stratigraphic data principally from Ross et al. (1982), but also from Williams et al. (1972). Key: 1 = Iocrinus; C = Caleidocrinus\ H = Huxleyocrinus; 1 = ? Ristnacrinus altobasalis Brower and Veinus; 2 = Ristnacrinus marinus Opik. The precise relationships of two further species of iocrinid are unknown and they are not included in text-fig. 6. Both belong to monospecific genera and both retain a pentameric column. This is presumably a primitive feature, yet one of these species, Pariocrinus heterodactylus Eckert, 1984, from the Lower Silurian of Ontario, is the youngest known iocrinid. This species has an elongate anal tube, rather than a sac as in Iocrinus , and arm branching above the primaxillary is heterotomous, rather than isotomous. 322 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 The second species with a pentameric column is Peltacrinus sculptatus Warn, 1982, from the Black Riveran, Bromide Formation of Oklahoma. This also supports a tube-like anal series. The dorsal cup is ribbed, with a flared base. Arm branching appears to be isotomous throughout. The true diversity of the genus Iocrinus is probably underestimated in text-fig. 6. Numerous Iocrinus- like columnals have been recognized from the Middle and Upper Ordovician of Britain (Donovan 1983) and have been particularly well reported in the Russian literature. However, until more complete specimens are known, it would be premature to assign there dissociated plates to new species of Iocrinus. Acknowledgements. We thank Mr Charles Buist, who found the original specimens of /. pauli , and Mr Jeremy J. Savill for supplying us with a cast of his specimen. Mr David N. Lewis (BMNH) kindly supplied casts of I. whitteryi and arranged for photography of BMNH E71413. Dr H. Ivimey-Cook (BGS) sent SKD the paratypes of I. whitteryi. We give special thanks to Drs R. A. Fortey, S. F. Morris (both BMNH), and D. A. T. Harper (University College, Galway) for identifying our trilobite and brachiopod material. Dr Peter R. Sheldon (Trinity College, Dublin) gave invaluable help in suggesting the probable stratigraphic position of I. pauli. REFERENCES bassett, m. g. 1982. Ordovician and Silurian sections in the Llangadog-Llandilo area. In bassett, m. g. (ed. ), Geological excursions in Dyfed , south-west Wales , 271-287. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. bates, d. e. b. 1965. A new Ordovician crinoid from Dolgellau, north Wales. Palaeontology , 8, 355- 357. — 1968. On ‘ Dendrocrinus' cambriensis Hicks, the earliest known crinoid. Ibid. 11, 406-409. billings, e. 1857. New species of fossils from Silurian rocks of Canada. Rep. geol. Surv. Can. 1853-1856, 245-345. brett, c. E. 1981. Terminology and functional morphology of attachment structures in pelmatozoan echinoderms. Lethaia , 14, 343-370. briskeby, p. I. 1981. Klassifikasjon av krinoidstilker fra den over-ordoviciske Kalsjoformasjonen pa Hadeland. Cand. Real thesis (unpublished). University of Oslo. brower, j. c. and veinus, j. 1974. Middle Ordovician crinoids from southwestern Virginia and eastern Tennessee. Bull. Am. Palaeont. 66, no. 283, 125 pp. chauvel, j. and le menn, j. 1973 (for 1972). Echinodermes de l’Ordovicien Superieur de Coat-Carrec, Argol (Finistere). Bull. Soc. geol. miner. Bretagne , ser. C, 4, 39-61. — melendez, b. and le menn, j. 1975. Les echinodermes (cystoi'des et crinoi'des) de l’Ordovicien Superieur de Luesma (Sud de l’Aragon, Espagne). Estudios geol. Inst. Invest, geol. Lucas Mallada 31, 351 364. DONOVAN, s. K. 1983. Evolution and biostratigraphy of pelmatozoan columnals from the Cambrian and Ordovician of Britain. Ph.D thesis (unpublished), University of Liverpool. - 1984. Ramseyocrinus and Ristnacrinus from the Ordovician of Britain. Palaeontology , 27, 623-634. 1985a. The Ordovician crinoid genus Caleidocrinus Waagen and Jahn, 1899. Geol. J. 20, 109 121. 19856 (for 1984). Ristnacrinus and the earliest myelodactylid from the Ashgillian Boda Limestone of Sweden. Geol. For. Stockholm Forh. 106, 347 356. — 1986 (for 1984). Pelmatozoan columnals from the Ordovician of the British Isles, part 1. Monogr. paleontogr. Soc. 1-68. — In press. Pelmatozoan columnals from the Ordovician of the British Isles, part 2. Ibid. eckert j. d. 1984. Early Llandovery crinoids and stelleroids from the Cataract Group (Lower Silurian) in southern Ontario, Canada. Life Sci. Contr. R. Ontario Mus. 137, iv + 83 pp. hall, J. 1866. Descriptions of new species of Crinoidea and other fossils from the Lower Silurian strata of the age of the Hudson- River Group and Trenton Limestones , 17 pp. Privately published, Albany, NY. hughes, c. p. 1969. The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales, part 1. Bull. By. Mus. not. Hist. (Geol.), 18, 39-103. kelly, s. m. 1978. Functional morphology and evolution of Iocrinus, an Ordovician disparid inadunate crinoid. MS thesis (unpublished), Indiana University. lockley, m. g. and williams, A. 1981. Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from mid and southwest Wales. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.), 34, 1-78. Matthews, s. c. 1973. Notes on open nomenclature and on synonymy lists. Palaeontology, 16, 713-719. DONOVAN AND GALE: IOCRINUS IN ENGLAND AND WALES 323 meek, f. b. and worthen, a. h. 1865. Description of new species of Crinoidea, &c., from the Palaeozoic rocks of Illinois and some of the adjoining states. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 17, 143 155. miller, I. S. 1821. A natural history of the Crinoidea or lily-shaped animals, with observations on the genera Asteria, Euryale, Comatula and Marsupites, 150 pp. Bryan and Co., Bristol. MOORE, R. c. 1962. Ray structures of some inadunate crinoids. Paieont. Contr. Univ. Kans., Echinodermata Art. 5, 1 -47. — jeffords, r. m. and miller, T. h. 1968. Morphological features of crinoid columns. Ibid. 8, I 30. — lane, n. g., strimple, h. l. and sprinkle, j. 1978. Order Disparida Moore & Laudon 1943. In moore, r. c. and teichert, c. (eds. ). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part T, Echinodermata 2(2), T520 T564. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas. — and laudon, l. r. 1943. Evolution and classification of Paleozoic crinoids. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc. Am. 46, 153 pp. morton, G. e. 1869. The geology of the country around Shelve. Proc. Lpool geol. Ass. 1, 3-22. opik, A. a. 1934. Ristncicrinus , a new Ordovician crinoid from Estonia. Tartu Ulik. Geol. -Inst. Toim. 40, 7 pp. ramsbottom, w. h. c. 1961. The British Ordovician Crinoidea. Monogr. palaeontogr. Soc. 1-36. ROSS, R. J., jr. et al. 1982. The Ordovician System in the United States. Pub. Int. Un. geol. Sci. 12, 73 pp. stukalina, G. a. 1980. Novae dannae ob Ordovikskich krinoideyach tsentralnogo Kazachstan. Ezheg. vses. paieont. Obshch. 23, 216-249. [In Russian.] thomas, a. t., Owens, R. m. and rushton, a. w. a 1984. Trilobites in British stratigraphy. Spec. Rep. geol. Soc. Lond. 16, 78 pp. ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In moore, r. c. and teichert, c. (eds.). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part T, Echinodermata 2(1), T58 T216. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas. walcott, c. d. 1883. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Trenton Group of New York. Rep. NY St. Mas. nat. Hist. (Adv. publ.), 35, 7 pp. warn, j. m. 1982. Long-armed disparid inadunates. In sprinkle, j. (ed.). Echinoderm faunas from the Bromide Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Oklahoma. Paieont. Contr. Univ. Kans. Monogr. 1, 77-89. webster, g. d. 1973. Bibliography and index of Paleozoic crinoids, 1942 -1968. Mem. geol. Soc. Am. 137, xi + 341 pp. 1974. Crinoid pluricolumnal noditaxis patterns. J. Paieont. 48, 1283 1288. whittard, w. f. 1979. An account of the Ordovician rocks of the Shelve Inlier in west Salop and part of north Powys. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.), 33, 1-69. (Compiled by w. t. dean.) WILLIAMS, A., STRACHAN, I., BASSETT, D. A., DEAN, W. T., INGHAM, J. K., WRIGHT, A. D. and WHITTINGTON, h. b. 1972. A correlation of Ordovician rocks in the British Isles. Spec. Rep. geol. Soc. Lond. 3, 74 pp. S. K. DONOVAN Department of Geology University of The West Indies Mona, Kingston 7 Jamaica a. s. GALE School of Earth Sciences Thames Polytechnic Walburgh House Typescript received 28 March 1988 Bigland Street Revised typescript received 1 1 July 1988 London e1 2ng FIRST RECORDS OF CONODONTS FROM THE LATE TRIASSIC OF BRITAIN by ANDREW SWIFT Abstract. Conodonl elements have been recovered for the first time from British Triassic deposits. Most specimens are from the Langport Member (Penarth Group, late Triassic) at Normanton Hills, Nottinghamshire, but elements also occur in the same member at Lavernock Point, South Glamorgan, and in the succeeding Pr e-planorbis Beds at Barnstone and Blue Hill, Nottinghamshire. Specimens from the Pre- planorbis Beds may be the youngest conodont elements known from north-west Europe. The occurrence of Misikella posthernsteini (Kozur and Mock) in the Pr e-planorbis Beds at Barnstone allows correlation with part of the upper Rhabdoceras suessi and Choristoceras marshi zones of the late Triassic of southern Europe, and with beds of Rhaetian age in Japan and Papua New Guinea. Other elements have little stratigraphic value, and may represent the apparatuses of one or two species only. Recent studies have shown conodonts to be derived from extinct marine jawless craniates whose grasping/food-processing apparatus consisted of a suite of phosphatic elements (Briggs et al. 1983; Aldridge et al. 1986). These elements form an important part of the microfossil record and are extensively used for biozonation in Ordovician to Triassic sediments. In Britain the previous youngest record of conodont elements was from late Permian, Zechstein 1, sediments (Swift 1986; Swift and Aldridge 1982, 1985). The stratigraphically youngest conodont elements known are from Tethyan deposits of late Rhaetian age in southern Europe (Mostler et al. 1978). The later part of the Rhaetian Stage ( sensu Wiedmann et al. 1979) is represented in complete British sequences by the Penarth Group and the lowest beds of the Lias, the Pve-planorbis Beds (Warrington et al. 1980). Sampling of the Penarth Group and Pr e-planorbis Beds has produced the first collections of conodont elements from British Triassic rocks. Amongst the elements recovered is one from the apparatus of the zonally important species Misikella posthernsteini (Kozur and Mock). Since these beds are very close to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, the specimens recovered may be the youngest known from north-west Europe. LOCALITIES AND STRATIGRAPHIC SETTING Collections of conodont elements have been recovered from the Langport Member of the Penarth Group at two localities: Normanton Hills railway cutting in south Nottinghamshire and Lavernock Point in South Glamorgan. The succeeding Pr e-planorbis Beds have yielded conodont elements from two localities in south Nottinghamshire: Blue Hill canal cutting and Barnstone railway cutting. The distribution of these localities is shown on text-fig. 1, and the stratigraphical context in text-fig. 2. The base of the Jurassic is placed at the lowest occurrence of the ammonite Psiloceras in facies of the Lower Lias (Warrington et al. 1980). Langport Member Normanton Hills. The most numerous and diverse collections have been recovered from the Normanton Hills railway cutting (SK 537 246), 5 km north of Loughborough (Browne 1895; Lox-Strangways 1905; Trueman 1918; Kent 1937). The Langport Member is here represented by a single bed of hard, homogeneous, pale grey, flinty micrite which occurs between soft cal- careous mudstones of the Cotham Member and ‘paper’ shales and argillaceous limestones of (Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 325-333, pi. 37.| © The Palaeontological Association 326 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 B text-fig. I. Sample localities in a— south Nottinghamshire and b— -South Glamorgan (based on geological map of the UK, South. 3rd edn., 1979, British Geological Survey). SWIFT: LATE TRIASSIC CONODONTS FROM BRITAIN 327 text-fig. 2. Stratigraphic context of horizons yielding conodonts in the British late Triassic. Stratigraphy based on Warrington et al. (1980). Additional section detail: Normanton Hills (Kent 1937), Lavernock Point (Iviniey-Cook 1974; Waters and Lawrence 1987), Blue Hill (Ivimey-Cook and Elliott 1969), Barnstone (Sykes et al. 1970). the Pr e-planorbis Beds. The bed is very similar lithologically to limestones of the Langport Member exposed at the classic Rhaetian localities in north Somerset and South Glamorgan. The base of the Jurassic at Normanton Hills, indicated by the incoming of Psiloceras , is 2-92 m above the top of the micrite bed (Kent 1937, p. 168). The occurrence of the Langport Member at Normanton Hills confirms previous intimations of its presence north of Leicester (Johnson 1950; Kent 1953, 1968, 1970) and it seems likely that the ‘splintery limestone’ or ‘sun-bed’ which sporadically occurs at the top of the ‘Rhaetic’ elsewhere in Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire (Lamplugh et al. 1908, 1909) also represents the Langport Member. The patchy distribution may be related to lateral facies variations or breaks in sedimentation dictated by a basin and swell topography coupled with sea-level oscillations. The results of such phenomena have been noted in the Langport Member on the Devon coast (Hallam 1960). The top of the micrite bed at Normanton Hills is hummocky, with pockets of winnowed shell debris and evidence of burrowing organisms, indicative of a shallow-water environment. Lavernock Point. In South Glamorgan, a few conodont elements have been recovered from the Langport Member at Lavernock Point (ST 187 682) (Richardson 1905; Ivimey-Cook 1974; Waters and Lawrence 1987). Here the Member consists of a basal development of hard limestones, ranging from homogeneous micrites to shelly calcarenites, overlain by calcareous mudstones. The limestones show evidence of subaerial weathering, with hardground features such as uneven iron-rich upper surfaces, pyrite infilled burrows, and weathered crusts. The topmost limestone yielded conodont 328 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 elements. The first Psiloceras appear 4-7 m above the top of the Langport Member (Waters and Lawrence 1987). Pre-planorbis Beds Blue Hill , Owthorpe. In the almost overgrown section on the west bank of the old canal at Blue Hill (SK 682 343) (Lamplugh et al. 1909; Kent 1937), soft calcareous mudstones with impersistent nodular horizons (base not seen) of the Cotham Member, are overlain by brown shales with very thin fine calcarenites succeeded by a somewhat fissile bed of fine calcarenite containing Liostreal sp. and rare conodont elements. Above this the sequence is obscured by topsoil and rubble. No Psiloceras have been found at this locality, but logs of sections nearby record its appearance approximately 3 0 m above the conodont-bearing bed (Trueman 1915; Kent 1937). The Owthorpe Fox Holes boreholes (see text-fig. 1), sunk a short distance away by the National Coal Board, offer the most recent comparative stratigraphy (Ivimey-Cook and Elliott 1969), and showed mudstones of the Cotham Member separated by a non-sequence from a succeeding laminated ‘paper’ shale (28-33 cm), which is overlain by greyish-white or pale grey, partially laminated limestone. The non-sequence may explain the absence of lithologies typical of the Langport Member at Blue Hill, with the conodont-bearing bed, which is of Liassic aspect, representing part of a Pre-planorbis Beds sequence. Barnstone. The sections around Barnstone, now largely obscured, have been the subject of several papers, with the bone bed at the base of the Westbury Formation attracting particular attention (Sykes 1971, 1979). The most recent study in the railway cutting (SK 739 358) involved trenched sections (Sykes, Cargill and Fryer 1970), and a sample collected during a re-examination of one of these produced a single conodont element. This comes from the apparatus of M. posthernsteini (Kozur and Mock). The sample was taken from a horizon comparable with that of the conodont- bearing bed at Blue Hill, i.e. the first limestone development succeeding mudstones with nodules of the Cotham Member, and before Jurassic beds with Psiloceras. This limestone is at the base of a sequence of shales and limestones of Liassic aspect which are assigned to the Pre-planorbis Beds (Sykes et al. 1970). The presence of a non-sequence at the top of the Cotham Member here has been suggested by Sykes, Cargill, and Fryer (1970), but later questioned on palynological grounds (Fisher 1972). No physical evidence for this can be observed at the exposure due to its overgrown nature. Nevertheless, since no biostratigraphical data available for the upper Rhaetian of Britain offer the degree of refinement necessary to detect such a fine break in the sequence, it is possible that certain strata of the Langport Member equivalent to those at Normanton Hills, are missing at Barnstone. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 37 Fig. 1. Misikella posthernsteini (Kozur and Mock). Inner lateral view of dextral Pa element 6246/9, x 300; Pre-planorbis Beds, Barnstone. Figs. 2-14. Unassigned elements. 2-4, M element. 2, inner lateral view of sinistral element 6235/4, x 200; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 3, inner lateral view of dextral element 6245/4, x 300; Pre-planorbis Beds, Blue Hill. 4, inner lateral view of dextral element 6245/2, x 300; Langport Member, Lavernock Point. 5-8, Sc element. 5, inner lateral view of dextral element 6246/7, x 300; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 6, inner lateral view of sinistral element 6247/14, x200; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 7, inner lateral view of dextral element 6245/1, x 300; Langport Member, Lavernock Point. 8, inner lateral view of dextral element 6245/5, x 300; Pre-planorbis Beds, Blue Hill. 9, Pa element. Inner lateral view of dextral element 6246/6, x 300; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 10 and 11, Pb element. Inner lateral views of dextral elements 6235/1, 6236/7, x 300; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 12, Sa element. Lateral view of 6246/11, x 300; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 13, incomplete element A. Inner lateral view of 6247/12, x 200; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. 14, incomplete element B. Inner lateral view of 6234/15, x 200; Langport Member, Normanton Hills. All scanning electron micrographs. Repository of specimens on this plate: Conodont Reference Collection, Department of Geology, University of Nottingham. PLATE 37 SWIFT, late Triassic conodonts 330 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 No specimens of Psiloceras have been found in the cutting, where 1-6 m of Pr e-planorbis Beds are recorded (Sykes et al. 1970). THE CONODONT FAUNAS All conodont elements isolated from the British late Triassic are extremely small, transparent, and delicate. Very little colouration is apparent, indicating a minimal CAI (Colour Alteration Index) value. The distribution of element types is shown in Table 1. Conodont element designation as Pa, Pb, M, Sa, or Sc follows Sweet (1981) and is a nomenclature relating to the location of each element in the feeding/grasping apparatus of conodont animals. No Sb elements have been recognized in the study material. An integrated functional system for conodont elements based on complete fossils from the Carboniferous of Scotland (Aldridge et al. 1987) envisaged an anterior set of grasping S and M elements, followed posteriorly by a shearing pair of Pb elements and a grinding pair of Pa elements. table 1. Frequency and distribution of conodont element types in British late Triassic samples Frequency of element types Incomplete elements Locality Pa Pb M Sa Sc Type A Type B Normanton Hills 1 2 12 1 137 1 1 Lavernock Point 1 5 Blue Hill Barnstone 1 1 4 Misikella posthernsteini (Kozur and Mock, 1974 ) from Barnstone The recovery from a 2-25 kg sample of a Pa element from the apparatus of M. posthernsteini (PI. 37, fig. 1) represents the most important discovery in the new material and constitutes the only record of this species from Britain. Used in the biozonation of the Tethyan Trias of southern Europe, its occurrence in the British late Triassic, where ammonoids are unknown and other biostratigraphic material is limited, is an important new factor in the correlation of these two sequences. The assemblage zone characterized by this fossil forms the last conodont biozone in the geological record (Kozur 1980), corresponding to the higher part of the Rhahdoceras suessi and greater part of the Choristoceras marshi ammonoid zones of the Tethyan Trias. M. posthernsteini is widely distributed in, and confined to, Rhaetian sediments, and has been recovered from Tethyan sequences in Austria (Mosher 1968; Mostler et al. 1978; Krystyn 1980), Czechoslovakia (Kozur and Mock 1974), and Poland (Kovacs and Kozur 1980), as well as Hungary and Yugoslavia (Kozur, pers. comm.). Elsewhere it has been found in Rhaetian sequences in Japan (Nagao and Matsuda 1982; Isozaki and Matsuda 1983) and Papua New Guinea (Skwarko et al. 1976). Collections from the other localities Normanton Hills. 158 identifiable conodont elements have been recovered from 12 kg of the Langport Member calcilutite, making this by far the most productive horizon investigated. 86-7% of specimens are Sc elements (PI. 37, figs. 5 and 6). Variations in the curvature of the aboral margin and disposition of costae on denticles may indicate some positional differentiation in these elements, but overall they comprise a broadly consistent morphological group. Some similarity is apparent to illustrated Sc elements from southern European Tethyan sequences, e.g. Hindeodella uniforma Mosher from the Hallstatter Kalk at Steinbergkogel, Austria (Mosher 1968, pi. 1 14, fig. 14), and Neohindeodella dropla (Spasov and Ganev) from the early Carnian of Hungary (Kozur and Mostler SWIFT: LATE TRIASSIC CONODONTS FROM BRITAIN 331 1972, pi. 15, fig. 14). The latter name has also been used for coeval forms from Japan (Koike 1981, pi. 1, fig. 16) and Malaysia (Koike 1982, pi. 8, fig. 32). The next most numerous form (7-6%) is an M element showing distinctive recurved and twisted denticles around the cusp (PI. 37, fig. 2). No completely comparable specimens have been recorded elsewhere, but there are similarities to some illustrated elements attributed to Prioniodina (Cypridodella) muelleri (Tatge 1956), which has been used to accommodate a range of M morphotypes from various Triassic sequences (e.g. see Kozur and Mostler 1972, pi. 11; figs. 1-15, 17-21). The remaining five element types are in each case represented by one or two specimens only, and whilst some are incomplete, there are morphological similarities which suggest that they may constitute a single multi-element species. These similarities are particularly apparent in the denticulation; all elements have denticles which are crimped, sharp-edged, laterally compressed, and widely spaced. The Pa element (PI. 37, fig. 9) may be related to Misikella , but cannot be compared to any existing species. The Pb element (PI. 37, figs. 10 and 1 1) possesses a conservative morphology of a generalized pattern which recurs often in the conodont record, yet has no parallel amongst described Triassic forms. Similar conclusions apply also to the Sa (PI. 37, fig. 12) and the two incomplete elements (PI. 37, figs. 13 and 14). Lavernock Point. A 3 kg sample of the topmost micrite bed of the Langport Member yielded six identifiable conodont elements from a total of nine isolated. Sc (PI. 37, fig. 7) and M (PI. 37, fig. 4) elements, exactly comparable to those recovered from Normanton Hills, constitute the recognizable forms. Blue Hill. A 3 kg sample yielded six conodont elements, five being identifiable. As at Lavernock Point, only Sc (PI. 37, fig. 8) and M (PI. 37, fig. 3) elements are identified. These are identical to those found at Normanton Hills. CONCLUSIONS The conodont elements described here are the first from the British Triassic and extend the range of conodonts in Britain into the youngest beds of that system. A correlation of the Pr e-planorbis Beds of Nottinghamshire with part of the upper R. suessi and C. marshi zones of the late Triassic of the Tethyan Realm of southern Europe, and also with Rhaetian sequences in Japan and Papua New Guinea, is demonstrated by the shared occurrence of M. posthernsteini. The other elements recovered have, as yet, little correlative value, although some are comparable with late Triassic forms elsewhere. Low numbers of element types and shared characteristics indicate the presence of three or less conodont species. Acknowledgements. The encouragement and advice offered by Dr R. J. Aldridge are appreciated, and I also record by thanks to him for critically reading the manuscript. I am indebted to Dr G. Warrington for suggestions which considerably improved the final draft. Mrs J. M. Wilkinson prepared the text-figs, and table. REFERENCES aldridge, r. j., briggs, d. e. g., Clarkson, e. n. k. and smith, m. p. 1986. The affinities of conodonts— new evidence from the Carboniferous of Edinburgh, Scotland. Lethaia , 19, 279 291. — smith, m. p., norby, r. d. and briggs, d. e. G. 1987. The architecture and function of Carboniferous polygnathacean conodont apparatuses. In aldridge, r. j. (ed.). Palaeobiology of conodonts , 63-75. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. briggs, d. e. G., Clarkson, e. n. k. and aldridge, r. j. 1983. The conodont animal. Lethaia , 16, 114. browne, m. 1895. Preliminary notice of an exposure of Rhaetic Beds near East Leake, Nottinghamshire. Rep. Br. Ass. advmt Sci. (for 1895), 688 690. fisher, m. j. 1972. 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Typescript received 17 February 1988 Revised typescript received II July 1988 A. SWIFT Department of Geology University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK HETEROCHRONY IN A FOSSIL REPTILE: JUVENILES OF THE RHYNCHOSAUR SCAPHONYX FISCHERI FROM THE LATE TRIASSIC OF BRAZIL by MICHAEL J. BENTON and RUTH KIRKPATRICK Abstract. A juvenile (?one year post-hatching) specimen of Scaphonyx fischeri, an advanced rhynchosaur from the Late Triassic Santa Maria Formation (Carnian) of Brazil, is described. This is the youngest rhynchosaur ever reported, and it was probably 0-38 m long overall, compared to adult body lengths of 1-3- 1-6 m. It is compared with an ontogenetic series of skulls of this species, ranging in length from 55 to 250 mm. An allometric analysis suggests that the posterior portion of the skull roof widens relatively more rapidly than overall size increase (positive allometry), while the length of the posterior region of the skull shows negative allometry. These relative shape changes during ontogeny are compared with ancestral rhynchosaurs whose ontogenies appeared to stop earlier than that of Scaphonyx. This peramorphic shift in ontogeny is tentatively identified as an example of hypermorphosis. The recent debates about the relationships between development and evolution have led to a number of studies of heterochrony, differences in the timing of developmental processes. The fossil record can contribute a great deal of data to this debate when temporal sequences of ontogenies of closely related taxa are discovered. So far, most such studies have concerned microfossils and invertebrates because of the abundance of well-dated specimens. In the present study, a juvenile (?near-hatchling size) fossil reptile, Scaphonyx fischeri, is described. Its anatomy is compared with older juveniles and adults of the same species and allometric relationships are established. The ontogeny of S. fischeri is then compared with earlier, presumably ancestral, taxa, and a heterochronic explanation is proposed for the major evolutionary changes in adult morphology. THE RHYNCHOSAURS Rhynchosaurs were an abundant and widespread group in the middle and early late Triassic (240- 225 million years ago). Typical forms were 1-2 m in body length, with a heavy body and a massive skull. The front of the head was characterized by a ‘beak’ formed from the horn-covered premaxillae. There were large eyes, and the back of the skull was very wide in order to accommodate the jaw adductor muscles. The dentition consisted of a heavy maxillary tooth-plate (upper jaw) with numerous rows of teeth, and a V-shaped crest on the lower jaw which fitted perfectly into the V-groove. The diet of rhynchosaurs has been variously interpreted as either molluscs or plants. The plant interpretation seems more likely (Benton 1983a, h , 1984) because the teeth are pointed and not at all ‘crushers’, the bite is precision-shear and not grinding, the body is massive (to accommodate a large gut?), and the rhynchosaurs are nearly always abundant in their faunas (generally about 50% of all animals collected). Rhynchosaurs are known from all parts of the world, and their anatomy is remarkably uniform. Indeed, the late Triassic forms ( Scaphonyx from Brazil and Argentina, Hyperodapedon from Britain and India, and other less well-known forms) are virtually indistinguishable except on minor points. These late Triassic forms are distinguished from a middle Triassic group by their dental IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 335-353.| © The Palaeontological Association 336 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 anatomy and other characters. The first rhynchosaurs were rather different small forms from the early Triassic of South Africa (Benton 19836). MATERIALS AND METHODS Occurrence and specimens Scaphonyx fischeri was named in 1907 by Woodward who had received some fragments of bone from the Triassic beds of the Santa Maria Formation of southern Brazil. He interpreted the fossils as those of phytosaurs or dicynodonts, although rhynchosaurs had been described from other parts of the world in the nineteenth century. In 1926, Huene assigned further fragmentary material which he had received to Scaphonyx and also erected the genera Cephalonia, Cephalastron, Cephalastronius , and Scaphonychimus, together forming six new species, all of which he believed belonged to a specialized archosaur group, which he called the Pelycosimia. By the time this study was published, Huene had received further specimens which showed that his ‘pelycosimians’ were all rhynchosaurs. Huene (1929) retained all of his new taxa of Brazilian rhynchosaurs, but collections of better material which he made on an expedition to Brazil in 1928 1929 suggested that there were in fact only two valid species, Scaphonyx fischeri and Cephalonia lotziana (Huene 1942). Cephalonia was apparently more lightly built than Scaphonyx. Later, Sill (1970) showed that the differences in the relative proportions of the bones in the two forms was diagenetic rather than genetic. Chemical changes during preservation of the bones had caused some (‘ Scaphonyx') to expand, which is shown by the ‘exploded’ appearance of the bone tissue in cross-section. Cephalonia is then identical to Scaphonyx , and only one genus of rhynchosaur is known so far from Brazil. A second Brazilian species, S. sulcognathus , which differs from S. fischeri in proportions and dental features, has been described (Azevedo and Schultz 1988). The present specimen is almost certainly S. fischeri since the new species is largely restricted to the Caturrita Formation which overlies the Santa Maria. S. fischeri is the most abundant element in the Santa Maria fauna, representing nearly 70% of all individual specimens found. Well over 150 partial or complete skeletons are known (Benton 1983a). Other Santa Maria animals include the large herbivorous dicynodonts Dinodontosaurus and Stahleckeria, the small cynodonts Traversodon , Chiniquodon, and Belesodon, and the large meat-eating thecodontians Prestosuchus and Rauisuchus , as well as ten other less common genera. The S. fischeri remains have been found in upper portions of the Santa Maria Formation, in Part ‘C’ of the Upper Santa Maria Member (Bortoluzzi and Barberena 1967). The localities are mainly close together, about 3 km south-east of the town of Santa Maria in Rio Grande do Sul province in southern Brazil. Bortoluzzi and Barberena (1967, pp. 175-177) record the abundance of articulated rhynchosaur skeletons at several horizons over a 15 m thickness of sediments in Sanga Grande (their locality 4). More recently, S. fischeri has been found elsewhere in Brazil (C. Schultz, pers. comm., 1988). The upper part of the Santa Maria Formation is dated as Carnian, possibly middle Carnian (Bonaparte 1982; Olsen and Sues 1986). In the present study, specimens of S. fischeri were examined in the following institutions: American Museum of Natural History (AMNH); Bayerische Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und historische Geologie, Miinchen (BSP); Institut und Museum fur Geologie und Palaontologie der Universitat, Tubingen (GPIT); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard (MCZ). Juvenile and adult material of S. fischeri has already been described (Huene 1929, 1942; Sill 1970, 1971; Barberena 1971). The ontogenetic series of this species can now be extended back to a juvenile stage that was probably just post-hatching, by a hitherto unrecorded specimen, MCZ 1664. This specimen is briefly described and illustrated here before the allometric and heterochronic study. MCZ 1664 (text-fig. 1) is a skull and partial skeleton. The skull is nearly complete, except for the premaxillae and most of the snout. As a result of crushing, the braincase has been extruded from the right posterior margin of the skull and the palate and occiput cannot be viewed. The skull has been preserved with the first three vertebrae of the vertebral column. Other postcranial remains include cervical vertebrae 4 8, three dorsals, one sacral, two caudals, most of the forclimbs and pectoral girdles, as well as fragments of the pelvic region and hindlimb. The three anterior cervical vertebrae have been twisted 90° clockwise and, when viewed from above, they are in left lateral view. This fact, and the pattern of preservation of the other bones of the skeleton suggests that the animal was fossilized lying on its right side, with its limbs extended (text-fig. 2). The quality of preservation is poor, with the rock matrix encrusted on the bones in a nodular manner. This makes it impossible to comment on the surface features and textures of the bones. Such poor preservation may be due to the fossilization process. Sill (1970) demonstrated that the voluminous nature of the bones of BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 337 text-fig. 1. Scaphonyx fischeri (MCZ 1664), juvenile specimen in dorsal view. The skull is at the top left, with the cervical vertebral column behind. The left shoulder girdle and forelimb (and hand) runs down in the centre and left of the picture. The pelvic remains are shown at the top right, with parts of the left hindlimb below. Half natural size. S. fischeri was due to the chemico-mineralogical reactions during fossilization. Petrographic analysis and radiographic diffraction showed that such reactions resulted in the entire replacement of the bone with calcium carbonate, the total destruction of the cellular structure and the expansion of the microstructure which subsequently refilled with microcrystalline mud. Preparation of MCZ 1664 There were two stages in the preparation of the material— chemical and mechanical. The initial chemical preparation involved soaking of the specimen in 6% acetic acid, and subsequent neutralization in water. This method removed the fine film of surface rock particles, but in no way dislodged the large nodules of rock matrix. A small hand drill was used for the mechanical preparation. This was successful in removing prominent nodules of rock matrix, but much of the encrustation could not be removed because of its chemical and physical similarity to the preserved bone. The exposed bone surfaces were painted with butvar in propan- 2-o 1 (isopropyl alcohol, c. 1 : 10) for protection. A Home trie study This study was limited to measurements of the skull. Thirteen skulls of S. fischeri were measured, ranging in length from 55 to 270 mm. Nine measurements were made on dorsal views of the skull (Table 1; text-fig. 3). Where possible, symmetrical variables were measured on both sides of the skull and averaged. It should be 338 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 I i 10cm text-fig. 2. Restoration of the skeleton of Scaphonyx fischeri (MCZ 1664) lying in the position in which it was fossilized. table 1. Measurement of skulls of Scaphonyx fischeri (in mm) used in the allometric study. BARB A D are the four skulls figured by Barberena (1971). Characters 1-9 are: (1) total mid-line length of skull; (2) posterior width of skull between lateral margins of quadrates (in dorsal view); (3) maximum length of orbit; (4) greatest width of frontal; (5) mid-line length of frontal; (6) greatest width of parietal (excluding the posterial lateral processes); (7) mid-line length of parietal; (8) maximum length of upper temporal fenestra; (9) maximum width of upper temporal fenestra. Specimen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MCZ 1664 55 60 14 15 15 16 19 18 14 BARB A 90 120 34 30 34 18 32 24 23 BSP 18/4 150 190 45 26 53 22 54 65 60 BSP 19/4 155 190 45 30 48 30 53 50 57 BARB B 164 170 40 40 44 40 58 46 50 GPIT 170 200 55 34 38 26 52 50 55 MCZ 3640 180 180 67 43 72 30 43 49 70 BARB C 200 230 66 60 60 40 58 52 68 BARB D 205 270 60 90 70 60 60 42 72 MCZ 1529 205 210 64 42 71 29 60 78 86 AMNH 7805 205 216 53 60 80 42 55 50 89 AMNH 7799 210 290 61 55 73 40 63 52 68 MCZ 1636 250 300 80 57 73 38 72 100 106 BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 339 text-fig. 3. The measurements made on skulls of Scaphonyx fischeri for the allometric study. Measure- ments 1-9 are described, and values are listed in Table 1. 2 1 noted that some of the specimens measured have been distorted during fossilization (but none as badly as MCZ 1664), so that the measurements of skull length and width, and of skull openings (characters 1 3, 8, 9) may be subject to an error of ±5%. The measurements were fitted in turn to the logarithmic expansion of the equation of simple allometry, log Y + log b + a log X, where a is the allometric coefficient, b is a constant, X is a standard comparative measure (here, total skull length), and Y is the measurement of the part or organ under consideration. The value of the allometric coefficient, a , gives a measure of the rate of relative growth of the part, and in the logarithmic form, a is simply the slope of the straight line; a can be greater than 1 (positive allometry), equal to 1 (isometry), or less than 1 (negative allometry). When compared with phylogenetic changes, the values of a in an ontogenetic series can give information on the kind of heterochrony, if any, that is involved. The relative shape changes with growth were also examined by preparing transformed coordinate diagrams on five skulls of very different sizes. DESCRIPTION OF MCZ 1644 Class REPTILIA Subclass DIAPSIDA Order rhynchosauria Family rhynchosauridae Huxley, 1877 Scaphonyx fischeri Woodward, 1907 Skull General appearance. The skull approximates to the shape of a triangle in dorsal view (text-figs. 4a, and 5a). The height of the skull is difficult to appreciate since it has been subjected to dorso-posterior crushing during fossilization, but a careful reconstruction (text-fig. 5b) indicates that it was relatively deep. An accurate determination of the length of the skull cannot be made as the premaxillae, nasals, prefrontals, and lacrimals are all absent, but the reconstruction (text-fig. 5a) suggests that the skull length is of the order of 55 mm and approximately equal to the maximum width. The palatal and occipital portions of the skull cannot be viewed clearly because of the distortion in preservation. Crushing has also resulted in the protrusion of the braincase at the right posterior margin of the skull (text-fig. 4a). The paroccipital process is clearly visible, which enables a confident estimation of the width of the skull. All preserved features of the skull confirm that this is a typical Scaphonyx fischeri specimen, but with juvenile features. Dermal skull roof. The paired premaxillae are absent. They are restored as beak-like elements as in other rhynchosaurs (text-fig. 5). Both maxillae are preserved (text-figs. 4 a-d, and 5b), and they bear small markings which could be blood vessel openings (lateral alveolar foramina; laf, text-fig. 4c, cl). The nasals are absent in this specimen, and the exact limits of the frontals are also not clear (?f, text-fig. 4a) but their approximate position and size is illustrated in the skull reconstruction (text-fig. 5a), on the basis of other rhynchosaurs. 340 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 4. Skull of juvenile Sc aphony x fischeri (MCZ 1664) in dorsal ( a ), ventral ( b ), right lateral (c), and left lateral (d) views. Abbreviations are listed in the Appendix. BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 341 2cm text-fig. 5. Restoration of the skull of the juvenile Scaphonyx fischeri, based on MCZ 1664, with restored areas shown by dashed lines. The parietals are fused to form an inverted T-shaped element in the posterior third of the skull roof between the upper temporal fenestrae (text-figs. 4 a and 5a). There is the typical crest in the mid-line and a dorsal ridge on the posterior crossbar. Longitudinal striations are visible on the surface of the parietals which may reflect the surface texture of the bone. The lacrimal and prefrontal are not preserved in this specimen, but their approximate positions and sizes are indicated in the reconstruction (text-fig. 5a, b ), on the basis of other rhynchosaurs. The postfrontal is a typical three-pronged bone in the posteromedial border of the orbit (text-figs. 4 a and 5a, b). The exact limits of the left postorbital are obscured by a nodule of rock matrix (text-fig. 4a), but the right postorbital is clearly visible, although anteriorly displaced. The jugal is a deep four-pronged bone forming the middle part of the side of the skull (text-figs. 4b, c and 5b) as in adult Scaphonyx. Only the right jugal is preserved in this specimen and it lacks the posterior quadratojugal process. Only a partial right quadratojugal is preserved, and it is posteriorly displaced (text-fig. 4c). It would have been an L-shaped bone that formed the posterolateral angle of the skull (text-fig. 5b). The squamosal is a large bone which forms much of the posterior margin of the skull (text-figs. 4 a-cl and 5a, b). Both squamosals are preserved, although they are displaced inwardly towards the parietal, thus reducing the apparent overall width of the skull in this region. The right postorbital has been displaced from its point of overlap on the squamosal and the groove on the squamosal in which the postorbital sits is clearly visible (text-fig. 4c). Palate. The palatal surface of the skull is obscured by the mandibles. However, in the ventral view of the skull (text-fig. 46), there are two overlapping long elements of bone protruding from the posterior margin of the skull, which could be the quadrate wings of the pterygoids. Quadrate and epipterygoid. The quadrate is a strong columnar element of bone which lies vertically in a groove on the posterior side of the squamosal and quadratojugal (text-figs. 4a, c, d and 5b). The head of the right quadrate is visible, as well as the probable distal end. A displaced left quadrate is also indicated (?q, text-fig. 4c/, d). The epipterygoid cannot be identified in this specimen. Braincase. In the dorsal view of the skull (text-fig. 4a), elements of the braincase can be seen protruding from the right posterior margin of the skull. The only identifiable element is the paroccipital process, whose distal end is oval in cross-section. The shaft of the paroccipital process diverges as it approaches the braincase, but the midline elements of the braincase are not discernible. 342 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Lower Jaw Only the right lower jaw is well preserved in the specimen. It is a deep boat-shaped element, which curves to a pointed process at its anterior end. When the jaws were closed the premaxillae would have curved down between the pointed processes of the upwardly curving lower jaws like a pair of tongs (text-fig. 5b). The dentary constitutes the anterior two-thirds of the mandible (text-figs. 4c, d and 5b). It is not possible to view the occlusal surface and the teeth of the dentary. In lateral view, near the anterior tip of the dentary, there are small indentations which could be blood vessel openings (mental foramina; mnf, text-fig. 4c). The splenials are visible in ventral (text-fig. 4b) and lateral (text-fig. 4c, d) views, but the coronoid , being a medial element, cannot be seen. The angular forms the base of the mandible in its posterior half, and the surangular the lateral margin (text-fig. 4c). Only the right surangular is preserved in this specimen, and it can be seen to contact the dentary in front. The prearticular, a medial element, cannot be viewed in this specimen, and only the right articular has been preserved (text-fig. 4c). Axial skeleton Vertebral column. Fourteen vertebrae can be identified; three cervicals in association with the skull (text-fig. 4a, d), a closely fitting block with a further seven cervical and dorsal vertebrae in association with the shoulder girdle (text-fig. 6), a sacral vertebra and rib in a block with the left femur and part of the ilium (text-fig. 9a), and two anterior caudals in association with the right pubis (text-fig. 9e, f). A possible mid to posterior dorsal is preserved in a separate block (text-fig. 6 f). The most anterior preserved vertebra is probably the axis, seen only as an ill-defined outline (text-fig. 4a). This is followed by a poorly delined third cervical and a small part of the fourth. The seven anterior presacrals (text-fig. 6) presumably consist of cervicals 4-8 (on the assumption that Scaphonyx had eight cervical vertebrae, as in other rhynchosaurs) and dorsals 9-10. These eight vertebrae are apparently very similar. A possible posterior dorsal vertebra is represented by a centrum and a partial rib in an isolated small block (text-fig. 6/). A single centrum and rib from the right side (text-fig. 9a) represent one of the two sacral vertebrae , and they are preserved in context on the medial face of the ilium. Two probable caudal centra are preserved with the right pubis (text-fig. 9e, /). Ribs. The outlines of five cervical ribs can be traced on the block of seven vertebrae (cr, text-fig. 6a). A number of fragments of possible dorsal ribs are preserved in isolation, and a proximal end of a rib is associated with the posterior dorsal vertebra (text-fig. 6 if). No chevron bones or gastralia are preserved in this specimen. text-fig. 6. Vertebrae of juvenile Scaphonyx fischeri (MCZ 1664). a, b, cervical vertebrae 4-10, with associated cervical ribs, in left lateral (a) and dorsal (b) views, c, d , e , cervical vertebrae from the middle of the neck, restored in left lateral (c), dorsal (d), and anterior ( e ) views./, Centrum of a dorsal vertebra and a dorsal rib in partial ventral view, embedded in matrix (diagonal shading). BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 343 text-fig. 7. Shoulder girdle and forelimb of juvenile Scaphonyx fischeri (MCZ 1664). a, b, disarticulated shoulder girdle and forelimb elements (both scapulae, left coracoid, interclavicle, both humeri), in two views, c, right scapula in lateral view, d , partial left scapula in lateral view, e , interclavicle in ventral view. /, g, restoration of the shoulder girdle, in left lateral (f) and posterior ( g ) views. The clavicle is unknown. PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 344 text-fig. 8. Forelimb elements of juvenile Scaphonyx fischeri (MCZ 1664). a-d , left humerus, in proximal (a), dorsal (6), ventral (c), and distal (d) views, e, left hand in dorsal view, with a reconstruction of digit IV on the right. Matrix is shown with diagonal shading. Appendicular skeleton Shoulder girdle. The shoulder girdle is represented by the left and right scapulae, the left coracoid, and the interclavicle. These elements have been preserved in a block which also includes the left and right humeri (text-fig. la, b ). There is no trace of the clavicles. The reconstruction of the left scapula (text-fig. If. , g) has been based on the blade of the left scapula (text- fig. Id) and the articular end of the right scapula (text-fig. 7c). The coracoid is a saucer-shaped element approximately half the height of the scapula (text-fig. 7/ , g). The interclavicle is a three-pronged structure (text-fig. 76, e) with a long dagger-like plate that extends horizontally between and behind the coracoids (text-fig. If). The lateral prongs would each have met one of the clavicles , but these are missing. Forelimb. Elements of the forelimb which are preserved are the two humeri and a possible left hand. The radius and ulna are missing, although they may be represented by some isolated fragments. The humerus (text-figs, la, b and 8 a-d) is a sturdy bone with a constricted shaft and expanded ends as in all rhynchosaurs. The poorly preserved left manus (text-fig. 8c) shows a fan-shaped spread of the fingers. The carpal region is absent and the outline of one digit only can be traced. The pointed tip of the claw of this digit is visible and an estimation of the number of phalanges suggests that it is digit IV. Pelvic girdle. The only elements of the pelvic girdle preserved in this specimen are a right pubis and a partial ilium. Isolated elements of bone may represent fragments of the ischia and the other ilium or pubis. Only the dorsal blade of the right ilium is visible. It is thin and bowed and slightly thickened at the edges (text-fig. 9a). The right pubis is a quadrangular element which is seen in ventral view (text-fig. 9c). The anterior margin is rounded and runs from the mid-line into a short uncinate process directed laterally. Hindlimb. Elements of the hindlimbs which are present include the left femur, the distal end of the right femur, a tibia, and a fragment of fibula. The femur (text-fig. 9 a-d, g-i) has a constricted shaft and expanded ends, the distal end being narrower than the proximal, as is typical in rhynchosaurs. What may be the proximal end of the right femur embedded in rock matrix is indicated in text-fig. 9b. The tibia is extremely broad at the proximal end and narrower distally (text-fig. 9 j, k). From the position of the cnemial crest (text-fig. 9k, l) and the direction in which the tibia arches, this is most probably a left tibia. Only a fragment of the shaft of the left fibula has been preserved attached to the left tibia (text-fig. 9 j, k). Three elements of bone attached to the distal end of the tibia may be the three proximal tarsals, the centrale, the astragulus and the calcaneum (text-fig. 9 j, k). No other elements of the foot have been preserved. BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 345 text-fig. 9. Pelvis and hindlimb elements of juvenile Scaphonyx fischeri (MCZ 1664). a, b , hindlimb and pelvic elements (ilium, sacral vertebra and rib, left femur), in ventral (a) and dorsal ( b ) views, c, d , left femur in proximal (c) and distal ( d) views, e , f pelvic region, showing the right pubis and two caudal vertebral centra in ventral (pubis) and lateral (vertebrae) views ( e ), and in ventral (vertebrae) view (/). g i, distal end of the fragmentary right femur, in ventral (g), dorsal (/?), and distal (/) views, j-m, left tibia and fragmentary fibula, in anterior (J), posterior ( k ), proximal (/), and distal ( m ) views. Some probable tarsal elements are indicated adhering to the distal end of the tibia. RECONSTRUCTION AND AGE The reconstruction of the side view of the juvenile Scaphonyx (text-fig. 10) is based on the available parts of the specimen, with other portions (dorsal vertebral column and ribs, tail, foot) modified from adult Scaphonyx (Huene 1929, 1942; Barberena 1971). Total body length is about 380 mm (skull length, 55 mm; presacral length, c. 180 mm; sacral length, c. 10 mm; tail length, c. 135 mm). The posture and relationships of the limbs and girdles to the axial skeleton are based on other more fully preserved (adult) rhynchosaurs (Chatterjee 1974; Benton 1983/)). 346 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Adult S. fischeri have skull lengths typically of 170-220 mm, and total body lengths of 1-3- 2 0 m (Huene 1942, p. 294). Huene (1942, pp. 294, 295, 313) quoted skull lengths ranging up to 400 or 500 mm (body lengths ?2-5— 3 m), but these large estimates were based on fragmentary material, and it is unlikely that such huge sizes were attained. The present specimen of S. fischeri is clearly very young. Is it a hatchling or a juvenile of a year or two old? Eggs of Scaphonyx have not been reported, but the maximum diameter of a typical egg can be estimated from the internal width of the pelvis which would have accommodated the birth canal. This maximum figure ranges from about 60 mm in a 1-3 m long individual to an estimated 70 mm in a T6 m long specimen. These figures represent either the maximum distance between the medial faces of the ilia, or the maximum distance between the ventral face of the sacral vertebrae and the dorsal face of the ischia, whichever is the smaller. text-fig. 10. Restoration of the juvenile Scaphonyx fischeri based on MCZ 1664 {left), with an adult specimen (right), drawn to the same scale. The largest eggs that typical Scaphonyx adults could lay would have been smaller than 60- 70 mm in diameter, which corresponds to lengths of 60-140 mm, depending upon whether the egg was spherical or ovoid, both of which are known in different reptile groups. A full-term embryo may be as much as twice the length of its egg, assuming that it is curled up, with the head tucked down on the chest, and the tail wrapped up in front and meeting the head. Hatchling Scaphonyx could then have ranged in length from 120-280 mm in total body length. The present specimen, at 400 mm, could then have been as much as 6 months to a year old. Another approach to the calculation of hatchling size in reptiles is to use the formula derived by Currie and Carroll (1984, p. 76) from a study of 120 species of living lizards and crocodilians. They found that the ratio of adult to hatchling length was described by the formula: 2-7 + 3-3 x (adult length in m)_1 BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 347 (misprinted as ‘adult length in mm’ in their paper). The adult length of S. hscheri is typically 1.3- 2.0 m (see above), which gives ratios of 4-3 to 5-2 (i.e. hatchlings are 19-23% of adult body length). On the assumption then that Scaphonyx had the general physiology and growth rates of modern reptiles, its hatchling size is predicted as 247-460 mm, depending on which of the ‘adult’ body sizes is correct. The present specimen falls in the upper half of that range, which might suggest that it is either a hatchling or aged up to 6 months, on the assumption that rhynchosaurs doubled their body length in the first year of life as do most modern reptiles (Currie and Carroll 1984). JUVENILE CHARACTERS The present specimen, although rather incomplete, shows a number of juvenile characters. For example, the skull seems to be relatively large in relation to the rest of the body, but not by a great amount. The ratio cannot be calculated with respect to total body length, since that measurement is not known independently, but the ratio of skull length : estimated trunk length is 29%, compared to 20-26% in adults (Huene 1942, p. 294). The ratio of skull length : humerus length in the present specimen ( 1 -28) is within the range of values for adult late Triassic rhynchosaurs (1 -25- 1-73 for Scaphonyx; 1-24-1 -38 for Hyper odapedon). The articular ends of the long bones are relatively heavy (the same phenomenon that gives rise to the outsize knees and paws of puppies) in comparison to undistorted adult specimens of Scaphonyx. The apparently rather loose association of the skull elements also suggests youth. In adult Scaphonyx the cranial sutures rarely separate, but most of the skull elements in the present specimen have shifted apart. Evidently, juvenile rhynchosaurs had rather weakly sutured cranial bones. It is not possible to comment in detail on the osteological state of the articular ends of the limb bones because of their slight diagenetic alteration. The roughness of the articular facets suggests, however, that growth was not complete, and that cartilaginous epiphyses would still have been in place. Of course, since rhynchosaurs are archosauromorphs (see Benton 19836), rather than lepidosaurs as once thought, one would not expect to find bony epiphyses. ALLOMETRIC STUDIES Regression analysis. The regression analysis indicated that ontogenetic growth of the skull of Scaphonyx was isometric for most characters (slope close to 1-00; Table 2; text-fig. 1 1). However, the correlation coefficients (r) are low in most cases, being greater than 0-95 only for skull width, orbit length, parietal length, and upper temporal fenestra width (characters 2, 3, 7, 9), and between table 2. Regressions of log skull length against eight other variables in thirteen skulls of Scaphonyx fischeri. Values for the slope of the regression lines, the standard deviation, and corre- lation coefficient are given. One asterisk (*) indicates r>0-90, while two (**) indicates r>0-95. Utf = upper temporal fenestra. Variable Slope Standard deviation Log y intercept r (2) Skull width 100 0 16 0-073 0-966** (3) Orbit length 1 04 0-18 -0-603 0-954** (4) Frontal width 0-95 0 16 -0-481 0-838 (5) Frontal length 1 06 019 -0-628 0-933* (6) Parietal width 0-74 0-13 -0-132 0-810 (7) Parietal length 0-82 0-14 -0-119 0-958** (8) Utf length 0-95 0-17 -0-411 0-874 (9) Utf width 1 34 0-24 -1-202 0-979** LOG U.T.F WIDTH LOG PARIETAL WIDTH LOG FRONTAL WIDTH LOG SKULL WIDTH 348 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 1 1. Regression lines of the eight skull measurements (see Table 1) plotted against skull length, all transformed to logarithms (base 10). Details of the regressions are given in Table 2. BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 349 090 and 0-95 for frontal length (character 5). Thus, linear regressions may not be the best representations of the points for characters 4, 6, and 8 (frontal width, parietal width, upper temporal fenestra length). The relatively small sample size (n = 13), however, makes it difficult to assess the significance of the allometric equations. The slopes of the regression lines range from 0-74 + 013 (parietal width) to 1-34 + 0-24 (upper temporal fenestra width). Of the characters that yielded statistically significant slopes (r > 0-90), three can be interpreted as isometric (slope = 1 -00) : skull width, orbit length, frontal length; one as showing negative allometry (slope < I -00) : parietal length; and one as showing positive allometry (slope > 1 -00) : upper temporal fenestra width. The three characters with non-significant slopes (frontal width, parietal width, upper temporal fenestra length) all show negative allometry. Transformed coordinates study. The addition of the juvenile specimen described here to the specimens analysed by Barberena (1971) confirms the conclusions from the allometric equations (text-fig. 12). The posterior part of the skull roof expands laterally when compared with the anterior part. The frontal width also appears to increase rapidly in this sequence of skulls, although that is not confirmed from the larger sample of specimens. In early stages of ontogeny the snout region of the skull appears to lengthen markedly, while the temporal region (parietal length) diminishes with respect to overall skull length. DISCUSSION The regression analysis indicated that, during ontogeny, the skull of Scaphonyx showed constant growth in five of the eight measured variables (linear regression lines). Positive allometric growth occurred in the width of the upper temporal fenestrae, but not in the overall posterior skull width, according to the present study. This was a surprise, since one would expect both variables to be broadly linked. However, the maximum skull width character was measured between the lateral edges of the quadrate condyles which project laterally some way beyond the skull roof proper. It can be said then that growth in overall skull width is essentially isometric, but the dorsal skull roof broadens relatively faster than the increase in mid-line skull length. Further, the quality of preservation of the specimens varies. C. Schultz (pers. comm.) notes that Barberena’s skull D (and his A and B to a lesser extent) are ‘exploded’ diagenetically which aflects these width measurements. Negative allometric growth occurred in the parietal length (also in upper temporal fenestra length, but slope not significant) which indicates that the posterior region of the skull became shorter relative to the anterior region during growth. The non-significant allometric growth of the width of the frontal and the width of the parietal indicates that these measurements increased relatively more slowly than the skull length. However, both characters are possibly sexually dimorphic in rhynchosaurs (Benton 19836, pp. 612-613) which may have affected the regression analysis. The isometric growth of orbit length and frontal length suggests that the anterior part of the skull grows at the same relative rate as the overall mid-line skull length, while overall maximum skull width also keeps pace with the skull length. These general results were borne out by the transformed grid study. In evolutionary terms the ontogeny of Scaphonyx appears to show heterochronic change when it is compared with ontogenies of potential ancestors. Regrettably, ontogenetic studies spanning a broad range of sizes of animals, have not been possible for other rhynchosaur taxa owing to the rarity of reasonably complete undistorted skulls. However, some comparisons may be made. The Late Triassic rhynchosaurs, such as Scaphonyx , form a well-defined clade within Rhyncho- sauria, which is characterized by the following cranial synapomorphies when compared with Early Triassic taxa such as Mesosuchus , and Middle Triassic taxa, such as Rhynchosaurus and Stenaulorhynchus ( Benton 19836, 1984, 1987): 1 . Skull is broader than long; 2. Squamosal has broad strap-like ventral process; 350 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 12. An ontogenetic series of five skulls of Scaphonyx fischeri trom Santa Maria, Brazil. Skull a is MCZ 1664 (based on text-fig. 5a). Skulls b-e are traced from skulls figured by Barberena (1971). Modifica- tions in relative shape are shown by transformed coordinates (assumed to be quadratic in skull a). BENTON AND KIRKPATRICK: TRIASSIC RHYNCHOSAUR 351 3. Loss of supratemporal; 4. Lower jaw is very deep; 5. Single groove on maxilla; 6. No teeth on lingual side of maxilla; 7. Occipital condyle in line with quadrates. Three of these characters (1, 2, 4) are major proportional changes that could be heterochronic in nature. The positive allometric growth of the width of the dorsal skull roof, reflected in the width of the upper temporal fenestrae, may represent peramorphosis. The negative allometric growth of parietal length reflects the fact that Scaphonyx fischeri has a remarkably short temporal region of the skull when compared to all other rhynchosaurs (length of upper temporal fenestra is one- quarter to one-third of the total mid-line skull length, compared to values of one-third or more). This is not a synapomorphy of the Late Triassic rhynchosaur clade, but it could be an autapomorphy of S. fischeri, and it appears to be peramorphic (text-fig. 13). 1.2 text-fig. 13. The postulated peramorphocline (extended ontogeny) seen in the evolution of the rhynchosaur skull. Adult skulls of three Early and Middle Triassic rhynchosaurs are shown (based on Benton 19836, in prep.), and an ontogenetic series of three of the skulls of Scaphonyx fischeri (from text-tig. 12). The skulls are positioned vertically according to their occurrence in time (stratigraphic column on the left), and horizontally according to the ratio of posterior skull roof width : mid-line skull roof length (mean values shown at the tip of the snout of each skull). The posterior skull roof width is measured between the lateral edges of the intertemporal bars in dorsal view. Abbreviations: A, adult; J, juvenile. 352 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 The particular peramorphic process(es) involved are hard to determine, since the ontogenetic pattern of ancestral rhynchosaurs has not been described, and the timing of the onset of ontogeny is unknown. However, since Scaphonyx , and the Late Triassic rhynchosaurs in general, are larger as adults than the more primitive forms, it is likely that this is a case of hypermorphosis (‘juvenile development same as ancestor, onset of sexual maturity delayed; adult larger than ancestral adult’: McNamara 1986, p. 11). The three best-known rhynchosaur taxa that predate Scaphonyx are Mesosuchus hrowni from the Early Triassic Cynognathus Zone of South Africa, Stenaulorhynchus stockleyi from the Manda Formation (Middle Triassic, Anisian?) of Tanzania, and Rhynchosaurus articeps from the Tarporley Siltstone Formation of England (Middle Triassic, Fadinian?). Very few specimens are known of these taxa, and the majority are assumed to be adults. The most abundantly represented is R. articeps, with up to seventeen individual animals, but only five skulls. These range in mid-line length from 60 mm (estimated) to 82 mm (Benton, in prep.), so cannot offer a great deal of ontogenetic information. Nevertheless, the ratio of dorsal skull roof width : mid-line skull length increases from 0-56 to 0-67 from the smallest to the largest specimen, very tentative evidence that this feature shows positive allometric growth in Rhynchosaurus as well as in Scaphonyx. Acknowledgements. We thank Ms Elizabeth Purdy for typing the manuscript, and Ms Libby Mulqueeny for text-figs. It) 13. Cesar Schultz (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) very kindly supplied information on Brazilian rhynchosaurs. REFERENCES azevedo, s. a. K. and schultz, c. l. 1988. Scaphonyx sulcognathus sp. nov., um novo rincossarideo neotriassico do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Anais X Congresso Brasil. Paleont. 1987, 99-113. barberena, m. c. 1971. Algunas consideraijoes o desenvolvimento de Rincossaurios. An. Acad. bras. Cienc. 43 (suppl.), 403-409. benton, m. L 1983fl. Dinosaur success in the Triassic: a noncompetitive ecological model. Q. Rev. Biol. 58, 29-55. — 19836. 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Functional morphology of the rhynchosaur skull. Forma Functio , 4, 303 318. woodward, a. s. 1907. On some fossil bones from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Revta Mus. paid. 7, 46 57. Typescript received 23 April 1988 Revised typescript received 21 June 1988 MICHAEL J. BENTON RUTH KIRKPATRICK Department of Geology The Queen’s University Belfast BT7 INN, UK APPENDIX Key to abbreviations used in the figures SKULL a angular pm premaxilla ar articular po postorbital d dentary popr paroccipital process f frontal prf prefrontal j jugal Pt pterygoid 1 lacrimal ptf postfrontal laf lateral alveolar foramen q quadrate ltf lower temporal fossa qj quadratojugal m maxilla sa surangular mnf mental foramen sp splenial n nasal sq squamosal o orbit utf upper temporal fossa P parietal POSTCRANI AL SKELETON ast astragalus fe femur calc calcaneum fi fibula cap capitellum h humerus ce centrum icl interclavicle cent centrale if intertrochanteric fossa cl clavicle il ilium clw claw pub pubis cor coracoid s scapula cr cervical rib sr sacral rib cv cervical vertebra t tibia dr dorsal rib tr trochlea LATE CRETACEOUS AMMONITES FROM THE WADI QEN A AREA IN THE EGYPTIAN EASTERN DESERT by p. luger and m. groschke Abstract. Ammonites from several transgressive phases of the late Cenomanian to the late Campanian in the Wadi Qena area (Eastern Desert, Egypt) are described. Taxa included represent mainly Tethyan (south- west European, North African) and rarer Nigerian and Madagascan species. The recognized species belong to the genera Neolobites , Pseudocalycoceras (early late Cenomanian); Metengonoceras (late Cenomanian); Pseudaspidoceras (late late Cenomanian); Nigericeras , Vascoceras, Thomasites (late Cenomanian to early Turonian); Mammites , Fagesia (early Turonian); Coilopoceras (late Turonian); Metatissotia , Subtissotia (middle Coniacian); Canadoceras , Manambolites (late middle Campanian); Baculites (middle and late Campanian); Libycoceras, Nostoceras , and Solenoceras (late Campanian). A correlation of the late Cenomanian to early Turonian ammonite successions of North Africa, the Middle East, and south-west Europe is attempted. Little effort has been spent on the study of ammonites from the late Cretaceous of central Egypt after a first phase of investigations in the early years of this century (e.g. Eck 1914; Douville 1928). The present study benefits from the large quantity of new material collected by members of the Special Research Project 69 'Geoscientific Problems in Arid Areas’ of the German Research Foundation during field trips in 1985 and 1986 in the central and southern Wadi Qena. Following detailed investigation of these ammonites, the present paper aims to present the palaeontological evidence for the biostratigraphical attribution of the lithological units in this region (Klitzsch 1986; Hendriks et al. 1987; Klitzsch et al. 1989), which is a key area for understanding the geological history of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Wadi Qena, situated in the central part of the Eastern Desert, is a N.-S. directed depression of approximately 200 km in length, bordered by the Eastern Desert Basement High to the east and an escarpment of Cenomanian to Eocene sediments in the west (text-fig. 1). Due to its cratonal position, its depositional history is characterized by transgressive/regressive cycles, which generally coincide with major eustatic sea-level changes (Luger and Schrank 1 987). Therefore, the Cenomanian to Campanian stratigraphic column comprises sediments of continental to shallow marine facies in which the occurrence of ammonites indicates the relative highstand of each transgression from the late Cenomanian to the late Campanian. The lithostratigraphy of the Wadi Qena area has been described in detail by Klitzsch (1986) and Hendriks et al. (1987). A summarized section of the lithological column in the central Wadi Qena is given in text-fig. 2. A combined section of the Campanian at Gebel Qreiya (text-fig. 1 ) is shown in text-fig. 4. STRATIGRAPHY Cenomanian to Turonian Late Cenomanian-early Turonian. in the Wadi Qena area the first transgression of the southern Tethyan sea is documented by the marine sediments ol the Gaiala Formation, overlying fluvial sandstones ol the Wadi Qena Formation above the crystalline basement (see text-fig. 2; Klitzsch 1986; Hendriks et al. 1987). The lowermost ammonite horizon in the shallow marine deposits of IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 355-407, pis. 38-49.| © The Palaeontological Association 356 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 1. Location of sections 1-9 and Locality A in the Wadi Qena area (see also Hendriks et al. 1987; Hendriks and Luger 1987). LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 357 c z < Z UJ b < 1- CL < s -1 >N < .c o 03 QC o- < / ) z < Z> z o 1— z c < •s CO e- £ « ' 03 j= => CO 03 LET 1- $ 03 I < Z -1 O -i (0 < Q zQ O s o L.r.s. in CO l— z3 < - => J h- — 1 cc < Lf .3 LU c •3 CM 03 • E 13 z o LL . < _co Z LU < 1- CD 7] o — 1 z LU Wadi o Qena F. * V ^7 conglomeratic sandstone sand- and siltstone clayey sand - and siltstone silty to sandy claystone claystone marl marly limestone limestone coquinoid limestone conglomeratic limestone sandy limestone calcareous sand- and siltstone coquinoid sandstone channel large-scale cross-bedding small-scale cross-lamination / Metatissotia fourneli (BAYLE).M. cf. I M. sp. Subtissotia afrlcana (PERON) erosional unconformity ¥ glauconite © oolites ® Fe-oolite jk > plant remains ; bioturbations Ps: paleosoil Pf: planktonic foraminifera Bf: benthonic calcareous foraminifera Af: benthonic agglutinated foraminifera Am: ammonites C: corals E: echinoids G: gastropods P: pelecypods V: vertebrate remains N: nautiloids ewaldi CVON BUCHI ®P Am ♦ PE ♦Am Coilopoceras requienianum (D'ORBIGNY) Coilopoceras requienianum (D'ORBIGNY) ijs f Pseudaspldoceras sp., Vascoceras durandi THOMAS and PERON, Am D„r- { V.cauvlnl CHUDEAU, V.rumeaui (COLLIGNON), ctcauvini CHUDEAU, Thomasites cf. subtenue (REYMENT) —Am PGEC Metengonoceras cf. scutum HYATT P . ( Neolobites vlbrayeanus (D'ORBIGNY), Pseudocaiycoceras cf. haug/(PERV.), NAm pjo y$toguiithes mermeti (COQUAND) NAm p-* V* rNeolobites vibrayeanus (D'ORBIGNY), Neolobites sp. \Angulithes mermeti (COQUAND) text-fig. 2. Generalized section of late Cretaceous sediments in the central Wadi Qena (sections 7-9 combined, modified after Hendriks et al. (1987, fig. 5)). Lf 13 = Lithofacies 1-3; L.r.s. = Lower regressive sequence; L.t.s. = Lower transgressive sequence; U.r.s. = Upper regressive sequence; U.t.s. = Upper trans- gressive sequence. 358 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 the lower Galala Formation contains Neolobites vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny), Neolobites sp. and the nautiloid Angulithes mermeti (Coquand). Separated by about 2-5 in of clay-/silt-/limestone intercalations it is overlain by a sandy limestone with N. vibrayeanus and Pseudocalycoceras cf. haugi (Pervinquiere), together with A. mermeti. N. vibrayeanus is widely known from the early late Cenomanian prior to the occurrence of Metoicoceras geslinianum (d’Orbigny) and Vascoceras gamai Chofifat of the Middle East, North Africa, and Western Europe (see text-fig. 3). According to Berthou (1984, p. 52) and Berthou et al. (1985, p. 56), N. vibrayeanus is restricted to the naviculare Zone in Portugal. This is also in agreement with the occurrence of P. cf. haugi , which has been reported from around the boundary of the crassum and naviculare Zones (Thomel 1972). The upper part of the Galala Formation is made up of light yellow, massive marls and marly limestones, containing hermatypic corals at the base. The only ammonite found at the base of these marls is Metengonoceras cf. acutum Hyatt (section 7, see text-fig. 2). M. acutum is known from the late Cenomanian pondi to gracile Zones of the North American Western Interior Basin prior to the occurrence of V. cauvini (see Cobban 1987), which is in agreement with the stratigraphic position of the present M. cf. acutum. Further up, irregularly distributed ammonites of latest Cenomanian to earliest Turonian age are very common. Due to the massive nature of the sediment, the irregular distribution of ammonites and the severe erosion, most of the ammonites from these layers could not be collected from well- defined horizons, but from talus surfaces. Therefore, as mixing of different faunal assemblages may have occurred, it is impossible to give a well-defined ammonite zonation around the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in this paper. Among the present material, V. gamed Choffat was found only at localities where the lower parts of the massive marls of the upper Galala Formation are exposed (sections 5 and 6, see text-fig. 1). It was not observed among the assemblage of globose vascoceratids mentioned below. In Portugal, V. gamed occurs in the geslinianum Zone, although the "V. gamai group’ ranges into the early Turonian (Berthou 1984, p. 52; Berthou et al. 1985, p. 70). A similar situation is reported from Algeria, where a Neolobites/ Pseudocalycoceras assemblage (Zone II) occurs prior to V. gamai (Zone III), which itself is followed by a Wrightoceras/ Bauchioceras assemblage (Zone IV), the latter being replaced by the vascoceratid assemblage of Zone V (Amard et al. 1981, table 5), see below. Therefore, we assume the same stratigraphic position for the Egyptian specimens of V. gamai , i.e. at least partially equivalent to the geslinianum Zone (see text-fig. 3). The ‘ Kanabiceras Zone’ of Freund and Raab (1969) was shown to be equivalent to the standard geslinianum Zone by Lewy et al. (1984, p. 72) based on the common occurrence of the zonal index species. Only one assemblage comprising V. durandi Thomas and Peron, V. cauvini Chudeau, V. cf. cauvini , V. rumeaui (Collignon), Thomasites cf. subtenue (Reyment) and Pseudaspidoceras sp. is from a narrow stretch within the higher part of the upper Galala Formation of section 7 (see text- fig. 2). V. cauvini and V. rumeaui are reported from the cauvini Zone of Israel (Freund and Raab 1969). There V. cauvini has also been shown to co-occur beyond with Metoicoceras geslinianum and Kanabiceras sp. (‘ K . Zone’ of Freund and Raab 1969) by Lewy et al. (1984). According to Freund and Raab (1969), V. durandi (Thomas and Peron), V. harttiforme Chofifat, V. cf. amieirense Choffat, and V. cf. aelonense Choffat, which were all taken into the synonymy of V. durandi by Berthou et al. ( 1 985), appear for the first time in the overlying pioti Zone; species of Pseudaspidoceras are reported from both cauvini and pioti Zones by Freund and Raab (1969). In Algeria, V. cauvini , V. rumeaui, and Pseudaspidoceras are reported from the Zone V of Amard et al. (1981), which is at least in part an equivalent of the cauvini Zone. In Portugal, V. durandi is known from the late Cenomanian juddii Zone to the early Turonian coloradoense Zone, having its acme in the coloradoense Zone (Berthou et al. 1985). In Tunisia, V. durandi ‘. . . appears above the correlative of the juddii Zone in association with fragmentary P. cf. flexuosum (Kennedy et al. 1987, p. 68). Therefore, as V. cauvini and V. rumeaui co-occur in the cauvini Zone, the above mentioned ammonite assemblage probably comprises the cauvini Zone plus equivalents of the pioti Zone sensu Freund and Raab (1969). LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 359 Portugal N* Spain Middle East Algeria Egypt 1) 2) 3) 4) present study c Wrightoceras munierl c (M) Ingrldella malladae Choffaticeras luciae 3 L (Mammites nodosoides) trisellatum Hoplitoides Mammites sp. Choffaticeras quaasi (VI) Fagesia cf. superstes ■3 Paramammltes saenzi <0 HI K? Choffaticeras securiforme Vascoceras pioti Vascoceras durandi J Fallotites subconciliatum Vascoceras cauvini Vascoceras cauvini, V. rumeaui Vascoceras cauvini, V. rumeaui c 1 (V) .2 H G Wrightoceras, Bauchioceras E (IV) O F Vascoceras gamai Kanabiceras sp. Vascoceras gamai Vascoceras gamai 0> E Metoicoceras geslinianum (III) 0 D Metoicoceras muelleri Neolobites, Pseudocalycoceras Metengonoceras cf. acutum (ID C Neolobites vibrayeanus ♦ Neolobites vibrayeanus Neolobites vibrayeanus Neolobites vibrayeanus ® Calycoceras (Lotzeites) lotzei (1) is Eucalycoceras spathl text-fig. 3. Inter-regional correlation of ammonite successions around the Cenomanian Turonian boundary. (I) after Choffat (1898) and Berthou (1984); (2) after Wiedmann 1978; (3) after Freund and Raab (1969) and Lewy et al. (1984); (4) after Amard et at. (1981). Cenomanian-Turonian boundary and Turonian correlation after Kennedy et al. (1987). Late Cenomanian correlation original. The cauvini Zone is apparently not well defined and its use varies in different parts of the world. In Israel it is understood to represent the uppermost Cenomanian by Lewy et al. (1984), who correlated it with the standard juddii Zone because of the common occurrence of Pseudaspidoceras of type pseudonodosoides. These authors also described V. cauvini from the preceding ‘A. Zone’, which they correlated with the geslinianum Zone. However, from the drawings given by Lewy et al. (1984, figs. 2 and 3, table 1) it is not clear whether in their opinion the cauvini Zone is restricted to the Cenomanian or extends into the basal Turonian. According to Kennedy (1985, table 6) and Kennedy et al. (1987, p. 68), who adopted Lewy’s view, the cauvini Zone is restricted to the late Cenomanian. In the Western Interior Basin of the US a cauvini Zone is distinguished between the late Cenomanian gracile and juddii Zones (Cobban 1984). Thus, although the exact relation between the southern Tethyan cauvini Zone and the cauvini and juddii Zones of the Western Interior Basin are in our view not yet fully understood, the authors follow the attribution of the entire cauvini Zone of the Middle East to the late Cenomanian as expressed by Kennedy et al. (1987, text-fig. 13). Among the material collected from the weathering scree of the upper Galala Formation in section 5 (see text-fig. 1), Fagesia cf. superstes (Kossmat) and Mammites sp. are represented. The genera Mammites and Fagesia sensu Wright and Kennedy (1981, pp. 67, 87) are known from the early Turonian. Hook and Cobban (1981, fig. 3) reported Fagesia sp. together with Neocardioceras juddii (Barrois and de Guerne) from the Colorado Formation of New Mexico. However, Hook and Cobban (1981) did not give an illustration of the specimen from this horizon, but instead figured specimens questionably assigned to Fagesia (Hook and Cobban 1981, pi. 2, figs. 1-2, 5) from overlying horizons without N. juddii. In a later study Cobban and Hook (1983, p. 16) discussed the stratigraphical occurrence of Fagesia and noted: ‘ Fagesia is widely distributed in rocks of early 360 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 and middle Turonian age’ (latest Cenomanian — juddii Zone). In the Middle East, F. cf. superstes is recorded from the early Turonian quaasi Zone (Zone 5, see Freund and Raab 1969, p. 35). Therefore, we attribute the present specimens of F. cf. superstes and Mammites sp. from unspecified horizons of the upper Galala Formation to the early Turonian at a higher position than the assemblage of globose vascoceratids mentioned above. In the present material no other undoubted early Turonian ammonites, like species of Choffaticeras ( sensu Freund and Raab 1969, p. 50) which have previously been described from Egypt by Eck (1914) and Douville (1928), were observed, probably due to paleogeographical reasons. Thus it is impossible to propose a corresponding biozone of previous authors for the beds with Fagesia and Mammites. Late Turonian. The marine early Turonian sediments are overlain by fluvial sandstones with an erosional contact (lower Umm Omeiyed Formation, see text-fig. 2). A new transgression is documented by the sediments of the upper Umm Omeiyed Formation, which consist of deposits of different shallow marine subfacies (Hendriks et al. 1987). Here Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny) was found in two well-defined horizons of glauconitic, calcareous sandstones in section 7, which are separated by about 8 m thick intercalations of claystones, marls, and marly limestones, containing pelecypods and echinoids (see text-fig. 2). The type material of C. requienianum from the Uchaux Massif was attributed to the late Turonian neptuni Zone by Kennedy and Wright (1984, p. 285). The species is also recorded from the deverianum and neptuni Zones of France by Devalque et al. (1982) who include the deverianum Zone in the late Turonian. According to Kennedy (1984c/, p. 151) the deverianum Zone is an equivalent of the upper part of the woolgari Zone, which is referred to the middle Turonian sensu anglico. Collignoniceras woolgari (Mantell) has recently been shown to co-occur successively with Romaniceras deverianum (d’Orbigny) and Subprionocyclus neptuni (Geinitz) in the eastern Paris Basin by Kennedy et al. (1986). The C. requienianum Zone of Fewy (1975) hence very likely is an equivalent of the deverianum and neptuni Zones, here regarded as late Turonian (see also Kennedy 1985, table 11). Coniacian to Maastrichtian Coniacian-? early Campanian. The marine late Turonian is overlain by a regressive sandstone sequence (lower regressive sequence of Hawashya Formation, see text-fig. 2). The succeeding ammonite assemblage in the middle Wadi Qena consists of Metatissotia fourneli (Bayle), M. cf. ewaldi (von Buch), Metatissotia sp., and Subtissotia africana (Peron) from a single limestone horizon intercalated in thick massive oyster beds of the overlying lower transgressive sequence of the Hawashya Formation. In Europe, M. ewaldi is known from the middle Coniacian tridorsatum Zone (Kennedy 19846, p. 128). The species was also reported from the Ca 5 Zone of the Middle East by Fewy (1975) and Lewy and Raab (1978), together with M. fourneli, M. cf. steinmanni Lisson, Tissotia sp., Protexanites sp., and Reesideoceras sp. The CA 5 Zone in the upper Zihor Formation was tentatively assigned to the late Coniacian by Fewy and Raab (1978, p. 4), although Fewy (1975, p. 31) attributed the ‘lower chalk’ of the overlying Menuha Formation, barren of ammonites, to the late Coniacian P. emscheris Zone (= upper tridorsatum + margae + serratomarginatus Zones of Kennedy 19846, p. 5), since the next ammonites overlying the ‘lower chalk’ were placed by him within the texanus Zone (early Santonian). This early view of Fewy was confirmed by Reiss et al. (1985) and Almogi-Fabin et al. (1986, p. 852) who attributed the ‘lower chalk’ of the Menuha Formation to the lower part of the late Coniacian/early Santonian planktonic foraminiferal Zone of Dicarinella concavata. Therefore, we propose to correlate the present tissotiid assemblage with the tridorsatum Zone, i.e. the middle Coniacian sensu Kennedy (19846). In the central Wadi Qena, the marine Coniacian is overlain by a regressive sandstone sequence (upper regressive sequence of Hawashya Formation), which is succeeded by marine sediments with a poor molluscan fauna of pelecypods and gastropods (upper transgressive sequence of Hawashya LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 361 Formation, see text-fig. 2). Due to the lack of guide fossils, the age of this marine ingression remains uncertain, but it may be Santonian-?early Campanian since the base of the next datable unit (Rakhiyat Formation) is attributed to the late middle Campanian (see text-fig. 4). Qreiya, southern end of Wadi Qena (sections 2 and 3 combined, modified after Hendriks and Luger 1987, fig. 2). Middle Camp anion- Maastrichtian. At the Gebel Qreiya at the southern end of Wadi Qena, Campanian ammonites occur in two phosphatic sequences separated by thick, almost unfossiliferous claystones (Rakhiyat Formation, see text-fig. 4). The lower assemblage consists of Baculites cf. ovatus Say, Canadoceras cottreaui Collignon and Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq. Until now, M. piveteaui and C. cottreaui were known exclusively from the ‘Zone of Delawarella sub delaw arensis and Australiella australis ’ of Madagascar, which is attributed to the ‘late middle’ Campanian by Collignon (e.g. Collignon 1977, table 1). Since knowledge about the stratigraphic distribu- tion of M. piveteaui and C. cottreaui seems to be very limited and no better known ammonites (nor any other index fossils) were found co-occurring in the Gebel Qreiya section, we hesitate to 362 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 propose a correlation of the Manambolites layer with the European standard Zones of Kennedy (1986). The fauna of the overlying claystones exclusively consists of rare casts of pelecypods and arenaceous foraminifera, possibly of a mixohaline facies (Hendriks and Luger 1987). Shallow open- marine conditions again are documented at this locality by the overlying intercalations of phosphoritic, calcareous, partially silicified conglomerates, and marls (upper part of unit 3 of Rakhiyat Formation, see text-fig. 4). Whereas the marls contain low-diversity calcareous foramin- iferal assemblages (mainly buliminids, rare planktonics), as well as pelecypods and vertebrate remains (fish teeth), ammonites have been recovered from two of the conglomeratic horizons (Hendriks and Luger 1987). Libycoceras sp. ex gr. L. ismaeli (Zittel) was found in the lower one and an assemblage of heteromorphs ( Nostoceras ( Nostoceras ) sp., N. ( Planostoceras ) sp., Solenoceras humei (Douville), Baculites subanceps Haughton) in the upper one, about one metre above. This upper ammonite assemblage clearly corresponds with that of Lewy (1967, 1969) from the upper Mishash Formation in Israel and that of Barthel and Herrmann-Degen (1981) from the basal Dakhla Shale Member in the Dakhla Basin. The biostratigraphic position of these assemblages falls within the late Campanian polyplocum Zone (Reiss et al. 1985). Generally, the late Campanian deposits in the Wadi Qena and area to the south are overlain with an erosional unconformity by conglomeratic, phosphoritic marls containing besides pelecypods ( Gryphaea vesicularis Lamarck, pectinids) and vertebrate remains a rich foraminiferal fauna of late early Maastrichtian age (upper part of the planktonic foraminiferal Zone of Globotruncana falsostuarti , base of Hamama Marl Member of Dakhla Formation, see Hendriks and Luger 1987). The Maastrichtian in the central and southern Wadi Qena and the Gebel Rakhiyat area is characterized by sermpelagic open shelf sediments rich in planktonic and benthic foraminifera, in which no ammonites have yet been found. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Repository of material. All specimens are stored in the collection of the Special Research Project 69 (SFB), Technical University of Berlin. Measurement of dimensions. D, diameter (mm); Wh, Wb , whorl height and breadth as fractions of D\ Ud , umbilical diameter as fraction of D. Suture terminology. Suture terminology after Wedekind (1916) (see Kullmann and Wiedmann 1970). I, internal lobe; U, umbilical lobe; L, lateral lobe; E, external lobe. Order ammonoidea Zittel, 1884 Suborder ammonitina Hyatt, 1889 Superfamily desmoceratacea Zittel, 1895 Family pachydiscidae Spath, 1922 Genus canadocf.ras Spath, 1922 Type species. Ammonites newberryanus Meek, 1876, p. 47, by original designation of Spath (1922). Canadoceras cottreaui Collignon, 1938 Plate 38, figs. 2 and 3 1938 Canadoceras cottreaui Collignon, p. 63, pi. 3, fig. 2. 1955 Canadoceras cottreaui Collignon; Collignon, p. 47. 1970 Canadoceras cottreaui Collignon; Collignon, p. 24, fig. 2301. Material. Four fragments of body-chambers (SFB C423 C426). Each a half of a whorl. Last suture line just faintly visible on all specimens. Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell moderately involute. Whorl section highly oval with flat flanks, venter rounded, shallow. LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 363 Umbilical shoulder rounded, umbilicus moderately deep. Ornamentation in general relatively faint, appearing somewhat irregular. Single ribs radiate to weakly prorsiradiate, turning to the front in the ventrolateral region, crossing the venter with a strong sweep in direction of growth. In the umbilical area, ribs are first slightly sharpened, then broaden and smoothen on the flanks, thicken slightly in the ventrolateral area and are only vaguely recognizable on the venter. Single intercalatory ribs are present, partly reaching as far as the umbilical region. Discussion. The present material, although slightly larger, resembles the specimens described by Collignon (1938, pi. 3, fig. 2) as regards size of umbilicus and ornamentation. In his original description Collignon (1938, p. 63) mentioned the existence of four specimens of C. cottreaui and gave the measurements of three of them, while marking the second measured specimen as ‘(type)’. The measurements of his only figured specimen (Collignon 1938, pi. 3, fig. 2) are identical to those given on p. 63 for his ‘no. I', and we therefore assume that the holotype of Collignon’s own designation is not figured. Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit I, section 2. Late middle Campanian. C. cottreaui is recorded from the late middle Campanian (‘Zone of D. subdelawarensis and A. australis ’) of Madagascar by Collignon (1970). The holotype of the Mitraiky section (Madagascar) was originally assigned to the late Campanian by Collignon (1938). Superfamily hoplitaceae Douville, 1890 Family engonoceratidae Hyatt, 1900 Genus metengonoceras Hyatt, 1903 Type species. Metengonoceras inscription Hyatt, 1903, p. 180, pi. 25, figs. 5-9; pi. 26, figs. 1 4, by subsequent designation of Diener (1925). Metengonoceras cf. acutum Hyatt, 1903 Plate 38, fig. 1; text-fig. 6d cf. 1903 Metengonoceras acutum Hyatt, p. 184, pi. 26, fig. 8; pi. 27, figs. 1 and 2. cf. 1981 Metengonoceras acutum Hyatt; Kennedy et al ., text-fig. 5a. cf. 1987 Metengonoceras acutum Hyatt; Cobban, p. 63, pi. 1, figs. I and 2, 7; pi. 2, figs. 4 8; pi. 3 (see here for complete synonymy). Material. Nine poorly preserved fragments (SFB C279 C287). One of them with partially preserved body- chamber. Dimensions could not be determined. Discussion. The present fragments of internal moulds, which apart from very faint, short fold-like ribs near the umbilicus lack any trace of ornamentation, very closely resemble M. acutum in their straight suture trace (text-fig. 6d) and the sharpened venter on body-chamber. However, due to the poor preservation the present specimens cannot be assigned unequivocally to M. acutum. M. acutum differs from the similar species M. dumbli (Cragin, 1893) in the sharpened instead of rounded venter on the body-chamber (Cobban 1987) and the straight instead of curved suture line (Kennedy et al. 1981). Occurrence. Galala Formation: Locality A (SFB C279). Middle Galala Formation: Section 5 (SFB C281 C287) and section 7 (SFB C280). Late Cenomanian. The holotype of M. acutum was assigned to the later Cenomanian (gracile Zone) by Kennedy et at. (1981). The species is known from the late Cenomanian pondi to gracile Zones of the Western Interior of the United States (Cobban 1987). Genus neolqbites Fischer, 1 882 Type species. Ammonites vibrayeanus d’Orbigny, 1841, p. 322. pi. 96, figs. 1-3, by original designation of Fischer (1882). 364 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 5. Neolobites vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny). SFB C265, section 7, lower Neolobites assemblage, lower Galala Formation, early late Cenomanian, x 1 . EXPLANATION OF PLATE 38 Fig. 1 . Metengonoceras cf. acutum Hyatt. SFB C279, fragmentary phragmocone, locality A, Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. Figs. 2 and 3. Canadoceras cottreaui Collignon. 2, SFB C424; 3, SFB C423. Fragmentary body-chambers, both from section 2, basal phosphate horizon of Rakhiyat Formation, late middle Campanian. Figs. 4 6. Neolobites sp. 4, SFB C252; 5 and 6, SFB C253. Both specimens from section 7, lower Galala Formation, lower Neolobites- assemblage, late Cenomanian. All figures x 1. PLATE 38 LUGER and GROSCHKE, Metengonoceras, Canadoceras, Neolobites 366 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Neolobites vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny, 1841) Plate 39, fig. 3; text-fig. 5 1841 Ammonites vibrayeanus d’Orbigny, p. 322, pi. 96, figs. 1-3. 1981 Neolobites vibrayeanus (d'Orbigny); Kennedy and Juignet, p. 23, figs. 3 a-c, 4 a, b , 5, 6 a (see here for further synonymy and refigured holotype). 1985 Neolobites cf. vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny); Dominik, pi. 14, figs. 4 and 8. Material. Six internal moulds (SFB C265-C270). The shell is partially preserved in one specimen. The body- chamber, up to half a whorl, is partially preserved in three specimens, the largest of which shows a diameter of 146 mm. Description. The extremely involute, highly compressed specimens, in which the umbilicus reaches only up to 5% of the diameter, show weak rib-like folds on the inner flanks, which arise from the umbilicus. No ornamentation is visible on the outer flanks, possibly due to the poor preservation. In the smallest specimen (SFB C270) the lateral surface is smooth at a whorl height of 22 mm, later on ribs arise and strengthen to the outer whorl. The venter is narrow and flat in the outer, subsulcate in the inner whorls. Discussion. The present specimens very closely resemble the holotype as refigured by Kennedy and Juignet (1981, fig. 3a-c); however, their ornamentation is slightly weaker and the umbilicus a little narrower. Occurrence. Lower Galala Formation: Lower (SFB C265) and upper (SFB C266-C270) Neolobites-assemb\age, section 7. Late Cenomanian. According to Kennedy and Juignet (1981), N. vibrayeanus is known from the earlier late Cenomanian of western Europe (France, Spain, Portugal), northern Africa and the Middle East (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Arabia), as well as South America (Peru, Bolivia). Neolobites sp. Plate 38, figs. 4-6; text-fig. 13d, e Material. Thirteen specimens (C252-C264). Mainly internal moulds of phragmocones, with partial remains of shell; body-chamber of about half a whorl preserved in two specimens. D Wh Wb U SFB C253 38 0-56 0-31 012 SFB C264 86 0-52 0-23 012 SFB C252 115 0-59 0-25 012 Description. Shell compressed with high whorl sides and small umbilicus; coiling becomes excentric on body- chamber. Venter subsulcate to flat, becoming rounded on body-chamber. Cross-section shown in text-fig. 13d, e. Ornamentation of phragmocone consists of almost straight ribs on the inner flanks arising from the umbilicus at early growth stages. Ribs are broadening and weakening on the outer flanks. Elongated ventrolateral tubercles are developed on the phragmocone. On body-chamber ornamentation only consists of broad folds on the inner flanks. Discussion. Neolobites sp. differs from N. vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny, 1841) as figured by Kennedy and Juignet (1981, fig. 3a-c, holotype) and the present specimens by its larger umbilicus, its excentric coiling of the body-chamber, the elongated ventrolateral tubercles on the phragmocone, and the rounded venter of the body-chamber. Neolobites sp. is, as regards mode of coiling and ribbing, very close to the holotype of N. choffati Hyatt, 1903 (pi. 25, figs. 1-4 = N. vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny) in Choffat 1898, pi. 5, figs. 3, 8-9). However, neither from Hyatt’s nor Choffat’s descriptions and illustrations can it be recognized whether N. choffati ( sensu Hyatt 1903) bears ventro- lateral tubercles or not. Neolobites sp. is also very similar to N. peroni Hyatt, 1903, a form with ventrolateral tubercles which, according to Collignon (1965), shows a narrower umbilicus. The present specimens of Neolobites are from two well-defined horizons; the thirteen specimens here referred to as Neolobites sp. are exclusively from the lower unit and show hardly any variation LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 367 text-fig. 6. External sutures of: a, e, Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny). a, SFB C329; E, SFB C331. Both x 2. b, Thomasites compressus (Barber). SFB C315, x 2. c, Vascoceras gamai Choffat. SFB C309, x 3. d, Metengonoceras cf. acutum Hyatt. SFB C279, x 2. f, V. cf. cauvini Chudeau. SFB C306, x2. G, h, V. cauvini Chudeau. G, SFB C295, x 2; h, SFB C296, x 1. I, Pseudcispidoceras sp. SFB C316, x 2. 368 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 as regards size of umbilicus and ornamentation. Only one specimen of N. vibrayeanus was found together with them. All the specimens of Neolobites from the upper horizon show the flat, non- tuberculate venter up to large growth stages of true N. vibrayeanus (see Kennedy and Juignet 1981, fig. 3 a-c, holotype). The differences between the present N. vibrayeanus and Neolobites sp. could be related to dimorphism as they co-occur in the lower horizon; this seems, however, unlikely since Neolobites sp. was not observed in the upper one. N. choffati and N. peroni have been considered to be junior synonyms of N. vibrayeanus by Kennedy and Juignet (1981) without a detailed discussion. Collignon (1965, p. 169) discussed the species of N. vibrayeanus , N. peroni , and N.fourtaui Pervinquiere, 1907, but the detailed stratigraphic relationships of the figured specimens remained uncertain. This is also the case for Avnimelech and Shoresh (1962, p. 530) who doubted the validity of N. peroni and N. choffati. However, from the present material it cannot be decided whether the high variability attributed to N. vibrayeanus by Kennedy and Juignet (1981) is in accordance with reality or hides biostratigraphical or other parameters which could justify a separation of distinct species. Occurrence. Lower Galala Formation: Lower Aco/o^fies-assemblage, section 5 (SFB C263-C264) and section 7 (SFB C252-C262). Late Cenomanian. Superfamily acanthocerataceae de Grossouvre, 1894 Family acanthoceratidae de Grossouvre, 1894 Subfamily acanthoceratinae de Grossouvre, 1894 Genus pseudocalycoceras Thomel, 1969 Type species. Ammonites harpax Stoliczka, 1864, p. 72 (pars), pi. 39, fig. 1 only, by original designation of Thomel (1969). Pseudocalycoceras cf. haugi (Pervinquiere, 1907) Plate 39, figs. 1 and 2 cf. 1907 Acanthoceras haugi Pervinquiere, p. 270, pi. 14, fig. la, b. cf. 1972 Pseudocalycoceras ( Haugiceras ) haugi (Pervinquiere); Thomel, p. 97, pi. 31, figs. 7 and 8. Material. Four poorly preserved fragmentary internal moulds (SFB C275-C278). Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell moderately evolute. Umbilical shoulder rounded. Whorl section subsquarish, a little broader than high. Venter flat. Ornamentation coarse; one umbilical and two ventrolateral rows of nodes developed, which are connected by radial primary ribs. Lateral intercalatory ribs present, also bearing ventrolateral nodes. In the outer ventrolateral row nodes are claviform. Whorls do not embrace the inner ventrolateral row of nodes. Suture line not visible. Discussion. The present specimens are strongly eroded, especially in the ventral regions. However, the mode of coiling and the ornamentation is very similar to that of P. haugi, but due to the poor preservation our specimens are only compared with this species. The specimen figured by Thomel (1972, pi. 31, figs. 7 and 8) from the late Cenomanian of France shows a smaller umbilicus than our material and the holotype (Pervinquiere 1907, pi. 14, fig. 1 a, b). explanation of plate 39 Figs. 1 and 2. Pseudocalycoceras cf. haugi (Pervinquiere). 1, SFB C276; 2, SFB C275. Both specimens from section 7, lower Galala Formation, upper Neolobites- assemblage, early late Cenomanian. Fig. 3. Neolobites vibrayeanus d’Orbigny. SFB C266, section 7, lower Galala Formation, upper Neolobites- assemblage, early late Cenomanian. All figures x 1 . PLATE 39 LUGER and GROSCHKE, Pseudocalycoceras, Neolobites 370 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 P. haugi , originally attributed to Acanthoceras , was assigned to Pseudocalycoceras by Thomel (1972) and chosen as subgenotype of Haugiceras Thomel, 1972. Wright and Kennedy (1981, p. 36) discussed the genus Pseudocalycoceras and rejected the subgenus Haugiceras by noting: The type species as figured by Pervinquiere is, however, so similar to typical Pseudocalycoceras that separation is in our opinion unnecessary.’ P. haugi was also reported, but not figured, by Avnimelech and Shoresh (1962, p. 532) as 'Calycoceras' haugi from the Cenomanian of Israel, prior to the occurrence of Neolobites (‘Calcaire a Acanthoceras'). These authors, apparently tentatively, regarded ‘ A .' palestinense Blanckenhorn, 1905 as figured by Taubenhaus (1920, pi. 2, fig. 3) as synonymous with P. haugi (a view which was adopted by Thomel 1972). The specimen figured by Taubenhaus (1920) is, however, much more densely ribbed and the ribs are finer than in Pervinquiere’s holotype, so that we suggest keeping the two forms separate. Since Avnimelech and Shoresh (1962) did not give an illustration of their ‘C.’ haugi , this report remains questionable. Occurrence. Lower Galala Formation: Upper Neolobites- assemblage, section 7. Late Cenomanian. P. haugi is known from the Cenomanian of Tunisia and the late Cenomanian of France (Thomel 1972). Subfamily mammitinae Hyatt, 1900 Genus mammites Laube and Bruder, 1887 Type species. Ammonites nodosoides Schluter, 1871, p. 19, pi. 8, figs. 1 4, by monotypy (see Wright and Kennedy 1981, P- 75). Mammites spp. Plate 40, fig. 4 Material. Three fragments (SFB C326-C328). Dimensions could not be determined. Discussion. Three poorly preserved, variably large fragments of internal moulds of body-chambers of the genus Mammites are present in the investigated material. Apparently these represent two different species. In the first form (PI. 40, fig. 4), represented by two dififerent-sized but large body-chambers, the whorl section is rectangular, little wider than high and the venter is flat. In the other one the cross-section is higher than wide and the venter is rounded (not figured). Both forms show the typical ornamentation with large, obliquely projecting ventrolateral nodes, which are connected with smaller, elongated umbilical bulges by broad, ill-defined ribs. The venter apparently is smooth. Suture line only faintly visible in one specimen. Due to the poor preservation the present specimens cannot be determined at the specific level. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5. Early Turonian. Genus pseud aspidoceras Hyatt, 1903 Type species. Ammonites footeanus Stoliczka, 1864, p. 101, pi. 52, figs. 1, G-cand2, 2a, by original designation of Hyatt (1903). EXPLANATION of plate 40 Figs. I and 2. Fagesia cf. superstes (Kossmat). SFB C323, section 5, upper Galala Formation, early Turonian. Figs. 3, 6, 8 9. Vascoceras cauvini Chudeau. SFB C480. 3 and 6, outer whorl and 8 and 9, inner whorl of the same specimen, section 5, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. Fig. 4. Mammites sp. SFB C326, section 5, upper Galala Formation, early Turonian. Figs. 5 and 7. V. gamai Choffat. 5, SFB C309; 7, SFB C310. Both specimens from section 5, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. All figures x 1 . PLATE 40 372 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Pseudaspidoceras sp. Text-fig. 61 Material. Six fragments of internal moulds (SFB C316-C321). Five of phragmocones and one body-chamber of half a whorl. Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell very evolute. Whorl section subsquarish with a slightly convex venter in the smaller and a flat venter in the larger specimens. Large umbilicus with angularly rounded shoulders and steep vertical walls. Ornamentation consists of elongated ventrolateral nodes and smaller umbilical tubercles. Space in between them sometimes covered by shallow elevations. Outer ventrolateral nodes not clearly observed due to the poor preservation. Suture line shown in text-fig. 61. Discussion. The present specimens cannot safely be determined at the specific level because of their poor preservation. Flowever, they are similar to P. cf. P. pseudonodosoides (Choffat, 1898) in Freund and Raab (1969, pi. 1, figs. 10 and 1 1) from the cauvini Zone of the Negev. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 7. Latest Cenomanian. Family vascoceratidae Douville, 1912 Subfamily vascoceratinae Douville, 1912 Genus fagesia Pervinquiere, 1907 Type species. Olcostephanus superstes Kossmat, 1897, p. 26 (133), pi. 6(17), fig. 1 a-c, by original designation of Pervinquiere (1907). Fagesia cf. superstes (Kossmat, 1897) Plate 40, figs. 1 and 2 cf. 1897 Olcostephanus superstes Kossmat, p. 26 (133), pi. 6 (17), fig. 1 a-c. cf. 1907 Fagesia superstes Kossmat; Pervinquiere, p. 322, pi. 20, figs. 1 -4A; fig. 122. cf. 1969 Fagesia cf. F. superstes (Kossmat); Freund and Raab, p. 35, text-fig. If. cf. 1983 Fagesia superstes (Kossmat); Cobban and Hook, p. 16, pi. 3, figs. 1-2; pi. 13, figs. 6-11; fig. 12 (see here for complete synonymy). Material. Three fragments of internal moulds (SFB C323-C325) comprising two phragmocones and one body-chamber, each about half a whorl. Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell evolute, cadicone. Moderately large umbilicus with angularly rounded shoulders and high vertical walls. Whorl section broadly rounded, very low, more than twice as wide as high. Ornamentation consists of large umbilical tubercles, each giving rise to two diverging, coarse ribs which cross the venter uninterruptedly. Suture line hardly visible. Discussion. The present specimens very closely resemble F. superstes as figured by Kossmat (1897, pi. 6, fig. 1) and Pervinquiere (1907, pi. 20, figs. 1-4). However, in the present material the ribs are coarser and more widely spaced than in typical F. superstes. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5. Early Turonian. The species is known from the early Turonian of India, North Africa, and the Middle East (Freund and Raab 1969) as well as Mexico (Cobban and Hook 1983). Genus nigericeras Schneegans, 1943 Type species. Nigericeras gignouxi Schneegans, 1943, p. 1 19, pi. 5, figs. 10- 15, by subsequent designation of Reyment (1955). Nigericerasl tinrhertense Collignon and Roman, 1981 Text-fig. 7 1981 Nigericeras tinrhertense Collignon and Roman in Amard et al., p. 55, pi. 8, fig. 2. LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 373 text-fig. 7. Nigericeras tinrhertense Collignon and Roman. SFB C312, section 5, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian or earliest Turonian, x 1. Material. One internal mould (SFB C312). Body-chamber preserved up to three-quarters of last whorl, phragmocone slightly distorted. Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell evolute, faintly compressed. Medium-sized umbilicus with rounded shoulders and vertical walls. Whorl section almost subsquarish, only faintly higher than wide. Venter rounded. Phragmocone and 374 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 inner part of body-chamber ornamented by widely spaced coarse ribs crossing the venter, which are almost straight on the inner and prorsiradiate on the outer flanks. Outer part of body-chamber smooth, as far as can be observed. Suture line poorly preserved. Discussion. Although slightly less depressed and larger the present specimen very closely resembles N. tinrhertense (see Amard et al. 1981). The inner whorls of this species, which was based on a single specimen, are unknown. Since the present specimen also does not permit further observation the generic assignment to Nigericeras remains questionable. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5. Latest Cenomanian or earliest Turonian. N. tinrhertense was originally described from Zone V of the Tinrhert, Algeria, which was assigned to the early Turonian by Amard et al. (1981). The fauna of Zone V of these authors very closely resembles that of the cauvini Zone of Freund and Raab (1969), which is now included in the late Cenomanian by Kennedy et al. (1987). Genus vascoceras Choffat, 1898 Type species. Vascoceras gamai Choffat, 1898, p. 54, pi. 7, figs. 1-4; pi. 8, fig. 1; pi. 10, fig. 2; pi. 21, figs. 1-5, by subsequent designation of Roman (1938). Remarks. Kennedy et al. (1987) emended the definition of Vascoceras and included Paravascoceras Furon, 1935, Pachyvascoceras Furon, 1935, Paracanthoceras Furon, 1935, Broggiiceras Benavides- Caceres, 1956, Discovascoceras Collignon, 1957, and Provascoceras Cooper, 1979 as synonyms. This view is followed herein. Vascoceras cauvini Chudeau, 1909 Plate 40, figs. 3, 6, 8-9; Plate 41, figs. 1-4; Plate 42, fig. 1; text-figs. 6g, h and 8c. 1909 Vascoceras cauvini Chudeau, p. 67, pi. 1, figs. I a and 2 a\ pi. 2, figs. 3 and 5; pi. 3, figs. 1 b, 2b, 4. 71915 Acanthoceras mantelliil) Sowerby; Greco, p. 207, pi. 18, figs. 1 and 2. 71915 Vascoceras durandi Thomas and Peron; Greco, p. 268, pi. 9, fig. 9. 1921 Thomasites cauvini (Chudeau); Chudeau, p. 463, fig. I. 1933 Vascoceras cauvini Chudeau; Furon, p. 268, pi. 9, fig. 17. 1935 Vascoceras ( Paravascoceras ) cauvini Chudeau; Furon, p. 60, pi. 5, fig. 1. 1943 Paravascoceras cauvini (Chudeau); Schneegans, p. 128, pi. 4, fig. 2; fig. 9 a-f. 1956 Broggiiceras humboldti Benavides-Caceres, p. 470, pi. 56, figs. 3-6. 71957 Paravascoceras aff. cauvini (Chudeau); Barber, p. 37, pi. 14, figs. 2 and 3; pi. 32, figs. 8 and 9. 1969 Paravascoceras cauvini (Chudeau); Freund and Raab, p. 20, pi. 3, figs. 1-3; text-fig. 5 a-b. 1975 Paravascoceras cauvini (Chudeau); Schobel, p. 119, pi. 4, figs. 1-3; pi. 5, figs. 1-4. 71978 Vascoceras ( Paravascoceras ) cf. cauvini Chudeau; Cooper, p. 130, text-figs. 6c h, 35-37. 1981 Paravascoceras cauvini (Chudeau); Amard et al., p. 51, pi. 3, fig. 9. Material. Twelve specimens (SFB C294-C304, C480). All are internal moulds, four of them with partially preserved body-chambers of up to three-quarters of a whorl. D Wh Wb U SFB C294 91 0-39 0-42 0-28 SFB C295 88 0-43 — 0-26 SFB C296 89 0-41 — 0-24 SFB C297 100 0-43 — 0-27 Description. The whorl section (text-fig. 8c) varies from faintly depressed to compressed with slightly inclined flanks. Venter well rounded. Umbilicus moderately wide with rounded shoulders and vertical to oblique walls. Most specimens without ornamentation, as far as preservation permits observation. Only one specimen shows faint, weak marginal ribs crossing the venter. Suture line poorly preserved in three specimens (see text- fig. 6g-h). LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 375 Discussion. The present specimens closely resemble V. cauvini Chudeau, 1909 (pis. 1-3) in size, shape, and suture line. They differ from Chudeau’s type material in their very weak to absent ornamentation. According to Schobel (1975), V. cauvini displays variation in the degree of compression and ornamentation. Therefore, the present specimens mostly represent the unorna- mented variety in the sense of Schobel (1975). The latter author suggested in his study V. rumeaui Collignon, 1957 to be a synonym of V. cauvini. In the present material these two forms can clearly be separated since V. rumeaui shows a considerably broader cross-section and a narrower umbilicus. According to Berthou et al. (1985, p. 72), V. cauvini is possibly a junior synonym of V. barcoicense Choffat, 1898. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5 (SFB C294-C302, C480), section 6 (SFB C304), and section 7 (SFB C303). Late Cenomanian. V. cauvini is widely known from central and northern Africa, the Middle East, and Peru. The cauvini Zone of Freund and Raab (1969), originally assigned to the early Turanian, is now placed in the late Cenomanian by Kennedy et al. (1987). 376 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Vascoceras cf. cauvini Chudeau, 1909 Plate 42, fig. 2; Plate 43, fig. 3; i text-figs. 6f and 8b Material. Two internal moulds of phragmocones up to half a whorl. (SFB C305, C306), one with body-chamber preserved of Dimensions. D Wh Wb U SFB C305 79 0-37 — 0-27 SFB C306 98 0-50 — 0 21 Description. Shell moderately evolute. Whorl section strongly depressed on phragmocone, less depressed on body-chamber. Moderately large umbilicus with rounded shoulder and high vertical walls. Flanks and venter well rounded (text-fig. 8b). No ornamentation observed. Initial whorls unknown. Suture line with characteristic broad V-shaped lateral lobe (text-fig. 6f). Discussion. In the investigated material V. cf. cauvini differs from the specimens attributed to V. cauvini and the type material as figured by Chudeau (1909) in its more depressed whorl section at comparable growth stages. The suture line of V. cf. cauvini falls within the range of variation attributed to V. cauvini by Chudeau (1921, fig. 1), Schneegans (1943, figs. 9 a-f and 1 1), and Freund and Raab (1969, fig. 5a). Schobel (1975) attributed a high variability of the whorl section to V. cauvini , varying from compressed to depressed. According to Berthou et al. (1985, pp. 72, 75), V. cauvini is more compressed than V. durandi (Thomas and Peron, 1890). Therefore, as the whorl section of the specimens here referred to as V. cf. cauvini is as much depressed as in the more evolute species V. durandi , we hesitate to attribute these extremely depressed morphotypes (e.g. specimen SFB C305) to the generally rather compressed species V. cauvini. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 7. Latest Cenomanian. Vascoceras durandi (Thomas and Peron, 1890) Plate 43, figs. I and 2; text-fig. 8a 1890 Pachydiscus durandi Thomas and Peron; Peron, p. 27, pi. 18, figs. 5 8. 1898 Vascoceras amieirensis Choffat, p. 61, pi. 12, figs. 1 and 2; pi. 13, figs. 1 and 2; pi. 21, figs. 17- 21. 1928 Vascoceras sp.; Douville, p. 15, pi. 1, fig. 6. 71957 Discovascoceras cf. amieirense Choffat; Collignon, p. 124. 1969 Vascoceras cf. V. amieirense Choffat; Freund and Raab, p. 32, text-fig. 6 k, /. 1985 Vascoceras durandi (Peron); Berthou et al., p. 72, pi. 4, figs. 4-9; pi. 6, figs. 1-6 (see here for complete synonymy). Material. Two internal moulds of phragmocones (SFB C292-C293). D Wh Wb U SFB C292 102 0-40 — 0-30 SFB C293 69 0-35 — 0-32 Description. Shell moderately evolute, strongly depressed. Wide umbilicus with angularly rounded shoulders and steep vertical walls. Whorl section rounded (text-fig. 8a), at first much wider than high, later becoming EXPLANATION OF PLATE 41 Figs. I 4. Vascoceras cauvini Chudeau. I and 2, SFB C302, fragmentary body-chamber; 3 and 4, SFB C298. Both specimens from Section 5, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. Figs. 5 and 6. V. rumeaui (Collignon). SFB C288, section 7, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. All figures x 1 . PLATE 41 '**&■'*, LUGER and GROSCEIKE, Vascoceras 378 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 less depressed. No ornamentation observed even at growth stages of 40 mm diameter (smaller specimen). Suture line only rudimentarily preserved with a large first lateral saddle and two successively smaller accessory saddles, the inner one being situated immediately at the umbilical shoulder. Discussion. The present specimens are very close to V. amieirensis Choffat, 1898 (p. 61, pi. 12, fig. 1 a-b) as well as to the specimen figured as Vascoceras sp. by Douville (1928, pi. 1, fig. 6). In a revision of the Portuguese species of Vascoceras , Berthou et al. (1985, p. 72) regarded the species V. douvillei Choffat, 1898 and V. amieirensis as junior synonyms of V. durandi. The authors interpreted the presence or absence of umbilical tubercles in the earlier growth stages of V. durandi as being related to geographical variation. Therefore, as far as can be observed, the present specimens may represent a smooth variety of V. durandi. V. durandi is very similar to V. cauvini Chudeau, 1909, from which it differs in its larger umbilicus and more depressed whorl section at comparable growth stages. For detailed discussion of V. durandi see Berthou et al. (1985, p. 72). Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 6 (SFB C293) and section 7 (SFB C292). The species is known from the late Cenomanian to early Turonian of Choffat’s beds ‘G’ to ‘L’ in Portugal (Berthou et al. 1985). In Israel it is reported only from the early Turonian pioti and quaasi Zones (Freund and Raab 1969). V. durandi is also known from Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, Japan and questionably Angola, Mexico, and Brasil (Berthou et al. 1985). Vascoceras gained Choffat, 1898 Plate 40, figs. 5 and 7; text-fig. 6c 1898 Vascoceras gamai Choffat, p. 54, pi. 7, figs. 1-4; pi. 8, fig. 1; pi. 10, fig. 2; pi. 21, figs. 1-4. 1898 Vascoceras gamai var. subtriangularis Choffat, p. 55, pi. 7, fig. 5; pi. 21, fig. 5. 1898 Vascoceras adonensis Choffat, p. 59, pi. 9, fig. 3; pi. 21, fig. 12. 1898 Vascoceras mundae Choffat, p. 56, pi. 8, figs. 2-4; pi. 10, fig. 1; pi. 21, figs. 6-8, 10. 1898 Ammonites (Vascoceras?) grossouvrei Choffat, p. 68, pi. 9, figs. 1 and 2; pi. 22, figs. 37 and 38. 1898 Vascoceras cf. barcoisensis Choffat, pi. 16, fig. 11; pi. 22, fig. 36 (non Vascoceras barcoisensis Choffat, p. 67, pi. 17, fig. 1; pi. 22, fig. 35). 1928 Vascoceras gamai Choffat; Douville, p. 13, fig. 3; pi. 1, fig. 4. 1975 Vascoceras gamai Choffat; Berthou et al ., p. 81. 1981 Vascoceras gamai Choffat; Wright and Kennedy, p. 86. 71981 Vascoceras gamai Choffat; Amard et al ., p. 102. 1985 Vascoceras gamai Choffat; Berthou et al., p. 66, pi. 2, figs. 1-12; pi. 3, figs. 1-3, 5-7, 10, 13-14. Material. Five internal moulds of phragmocones (SFB C307-C311), all in rather poor preservation. Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell moderately evolute, slightly compressed. Moderately large umbilicus with rounded shoulders and vertical walls. Whorl section rounded, with rounded venter and converging flanks. Ornamentation consists of five to six strong umbilical nodes from which one or two diverging, slightly sinous prorsiradiate ribs arise which strengthen while crossing the venter. Minor ribs, arising on the flanks, are intercalated in irregular distances. Suture line see text-fig. 6c. Discussion. In a revision of Choffat’s (1898) vascoceratids, based on morphometrical studies, Berthou et al. (1975) regarded V. gamai var. subtriangularis , V. adonensis, V. grossouvrei, and V. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 42 Fig. 1. Vascoceras cauvini Chudeau. SFB C294, specimen with partly preserved body-chamber, section 5, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. Fig. 2. V. cf. cauvini Chudeau. SFB C305, section 7, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. Figs. 3 and 4. V. rumeaui (Collignon). SFB C289, section 7, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. All figures x 1. PLATE 42 LUGER and GROSCHKE, Vascoceras 380 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 mundae as synonyms of V. gamai (see also Berthou et al. 1985). This concept is followed herein and adopted in synonymy. The specimen figured by Douville (1928, fig. 3; pi. 1, fig. 4) is almost identical to our forms. In the present material V. gamai is represented only by juvenile specimens. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5 (SFB C307, C309, C310) and section 6 (SFB C308, C311). Late Cenomanian. In its Portuguese type area V. gamai is known from Choffat’s beds ‘E’ to ‘L’ (late Cenomanian), but is most abundant in bed ‘F’ ( geslinianum Zone, late Cenomanian, see Berthou et al. 1985, p. 70). Furthermore, it is known from the late Cenomanian to early Turonian of North Africa (Douville 1928; Amard et al. 1981; Collignon 1957, 1965) and according to Berthou et al. (1985) from Spain, Mexico, and Brasil. Vascoceras rumeaui (Collignon, 1957) Plate 41, figs. 5 and 6; Plate 42, figs. 3 and 4; text-fig. 8d 1957 Paravascoceras rumeaui Collignon, p. 10, pi. 1, fig. 2. 1969 Paravascoceras rumeaui Collignon; Freund and Raab, p. 21, pi. 3, figs. 4 and 5; text-fig. 5c, cl. Material. Four specimens (SFB C288-C291). Two of them almost complete internal moulds, in which the body-chamber is preserved up to a length of half a whorl. Dimensions. SFB C288 SFB C289 D Wh NO 0-52 111 0-45 Wb U 0-50 0-22 0-20 Description. Shell moderately evolute, weakly depressed. Deep umbilicus fairly wide with rounded shoulders and vertical walls. Whorl section rounded and wider than high on phragmocone and inner part of body- chamber; on outer part of body-chamber suboval with faintly flattened outer flanks and almost as wide as high (text-fig. 8d). Ornamentation consists exclusively of strong fold-like prorsiradiate ribs on body-chamber, which are strongest on outer flanks and venter and weaken on the inner flanks. Suture line only poorly preserved. Discussion. V. rumeaui apparently varies in the degree of inflation. Whereas the present specimens closely resemble the holotype in the height/width ratio (see Collignon 1957, p. 10, pi. 1, fig. 2), Freund and Raab (1969, pi. 3, figs. 4 and 5; text-fig. 5c) figured and described a more depressed form. V. rumeaui differs from V. chevalieri Furon, 1935, which has a similar cross-section and coiling-mode, in the lack of ornamentation on the phragmocone and the inner part of the body- chamber. V. rumeaui was regarded as a junior synonym of V. cauvini Chudeau, 1909 by Schobel (1975). We cannot follow Schobel’s view since in the present material V. rumeaui differs from V. cauvini in its considerably more inflated cross-section and the narrower umbilicus. For comparison with other species see Freund and Raab (1969, p. 23). Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5 (SFB C290, C291) and section 7 (SFB C288, C289). Latest Cenomanian or (?)earliest Turonian. V. rumeaui was originally described from Libya, where it was assigned to the early Turonian (Collignon 1957). It is reported from the cauvini Zone of the southern Negev (Freund and Raab 1969), which is now assigned to the latest Cenomanian by Kennedy et al. (1987). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 43 Figs. 1 and 2. Vascoceras durandi (Thomas and Peron). SFB C292, section 7, upper Galala Formation, basal Turonian or ?latest Cenomanian. Fig. 3. V. cf. cauvini Chudeau. SFB C306, section 7, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian. Fig. 4. Thomasites compressus (Barber). SFB C314, section 5, upper Galala Formation, late Cenomanian or earliest Turonian. All figures x 1. PLATE 43 LUGER and GROSCHKE, Vascoceras, Thomasites 382 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Subfamily pseudotissotiinae Hyatt, 1903 Genus thomasites Pervinquiere, 1907 Type species. Pachy discus rollandi Peron, 1890, p. 25, pi. 17, figs. 1-3, by original designation of Pervinquiere (1907). Remarks. Wright and Kennedy (1981, p. 98) discussed the genera Gombeoceras Reyment, 1954, Koulabiceras Atabekjan, 1966, and Ferganites Stankievich and Pojarkova, 1969 and regarded them as synonyms of Thomasites Pervinquiere, 1907. Thomasites compressus (Barber, 1957) Plate 43, fig. 4; text-figs. 6b and 8e 1957 Gombeoceras gongilense compressum Barber, p. 41, pi. 19, figs. 2 and 5; pi. 33, figs. 15 and 16. 1978 Gombeoceras compressum Barber; Offodile and Reyment, p. 59, fig. 33. Material. Two internal moulds (SFB C314-C315), one of them with parts of the body-chamber. Dimensions. D Wh Wb U SFBC314 77 0 55 0-39 0 12 Description. Shell involute, compressed. Umbilicus small with angularly rounded shoulders and vertical walls. Venter narrow and tabulate on inner to subrounded on outer whorl (text-fig. 8e). Flanks fiat on inner to slightly convex on outer whorl. Ornamentation only faintly visible, consisting exclusively of minor ventrolateral tubercles. Suture line see text-fig. 6b. Discussion. The present specimens very closely resemble the type material as figured by Barber (1957, pi. 19, figs. 2 and 5; pi. 33, figs. 15 and 16). They differ slightly from it in their more convex flanks and the weaker ornamentation. The lack of feeble ribs in the present material may be due to wind erosion. The species was originally assigned to Gombeoceras , which is now placed under synonymy with Thomasites (see Wright and Kennedy 1981). The assignment of the species to Thomasites remains somewhat doubtful because it is unknown whether it bears umbilical tubercles on the early whorls. Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 5. Latest Cenomanian or earliest Turonian. The species is known from Nigeria (Barber 1957; Offodile and Reyment 1978) where species of ‘ Gom- beoceras’ Reyment, 1954 (now Thomasites ) are restricted to the costatum Zone (Barber 1957). The cosiatum Zone is placed in the early Turonian by Popoff et al. (1986) and in the late Cenomanian by Kennedy et al. (1987). Thomasites cf. subtenue (Reyment, 1954) cf. 1954 Gombeoceras subtenue Reyment, p. 261, pi. 4, fig. 4; text-fig. 3/ cf. 1957 Gombeoceras gongilense subtenue Reyment; Barber, p. 43, pi. 19, fig. 4; pi. 20, fig. 3; pi. 24, fig. 3; pi. 33, figs. 13 14, 17. Material. One poorly preserved internal mould with body-chamber of little more than half a whorl (SFB C313). Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell involute, compressed. Small umbilicus with angularly rounded shoulders and steep walls. Cross-section highly arched with rounded venter and almost flattened flanks. Ornamentation consists of weak ribs rising on the outer flanks, crossing the venter. Ribs thicken ventrolaterally to form elongated short nodes. Ornamentation on outer part of body-chamber not observable. Suture line only poorly preserved. Discussion. The present specimen closely resembles ‘ Gombeoceras ’ subtenue Reyment, 1954. It is, however, slightly more compressed than Reyment’s holotype. The ornamentation of the juvenile stage is not observable due to the poor preservation. T. subtenue differs from T. compressus (Barber, 1957) in its rounded venter and stronger ornamentation. LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 383 Occurrence. Upper Galala Formation: Section 7. Latest Cenomanian. T. subtenue was originally described from Nigeria (Reyment 1954; Barber 1957); see also T. compressus. Family tissotiidae Hyatt, 1900 Subfamily tissotiinae Hyatt, 1900 Genus metatissotia Hyatt, 1903 Type species. Ammonites fourneli Bayle, 1849, p. 360, pi. 17, figs. I 5, by subsequent designation of Roman (1938). Metatissotia fourneli (Bayle, 1849) Plate 45, figs. 2 and 3; text-fig. 10f-g 1849 Ammonites fourneli Bayle, p. 360, pi. 17, figs. 1-5. 1897 Tissotia fourneli Bayle emend. Thomas et Peron; Peron, p. 59, pi. 10, figs. I 8; pi. 17, figs. 9 and 10. 1897 Tissotia grossouvrei Peron, p. 70, pi. 16, figs. 1 and 2; pi. 18, fig. 17. 1903 Metatissotia fourneli (Bayle); Hyatt, p. 45. 1903 Paratissotia grossouvrei (Peron); Hyatt, p. 50. 1907 Tissotia fourneli Bayle; Pervinquiere, p. 372, pi. 26, fig. 5. 71915 Tissotia fourneli Bayle; Greco, p. 225, pi. 21, fig. 6. 1956 Tissotia fourneli (Bayle); Benavides-Caceres, p. 480, pi. 62, figs. 3 and 4. Material. Ten internal moulds (SFB C345-C354). Five specimens with partly preserved body-chamber of up to half a whorl. Diameter of largest specimen is 162 mm. D Wh Wb u SFB C351 76 0-47 — 015 SFB C354 80 0-55 — 014 Description. Shell involute, rather strongly depressed (text-fig. 10f, g). Pronounced sharp keel which disappears slowly on body-chamber. Umbilical shoulder rounded. Ornamentation in general not strongly developed. Consists at first of radial ribs, beginning on umbilical node-like undulations and ending at ventrolateral, sometimes clavi-like, nodes. Single intercalatory ribs are present, also ending in ventrolateral nodes. Later ribs disappear, finally on body-chamber only in the umbilical region vague coarse radial folds are developed. Suture line only poorly preserved. Discussion. M. fourneli apparently varies in the degree of depression of the shell. Whereas Peron (1897, pi. 10, figs. 1-8; pi. 17, figs. 9 and 10) figured relatively compressed specimens, Pervinquiere (1907, p. 372, pi. 26, fig. 5) reported a more depressed form. Also the measurements of additional, unfigured specimens given by Pervinquiere (1907, p. 372) were derived from depressed forms. The measurements of the present specimens closely resemble those given by Pervinquiere (1907). The whorl sections of the studied specimens also resemble Tissotia grossouvrei Peron, 1897 (pi. 16, figs. 1 and 2). T. grossouvrei differs from T. fourneli only in its slightly weaker ornamentation, so that, as already mentioned by Pervinquiere (1907, p. 374), a differentiation of the two forms cannot be justified. M. fourneli differs from the likewise depressed Subtissotia africana (Peron, 1897) in the presence of umbilical sculptural elements. M. nodosa Hyatt, 1903 differs from M. fourneli in the presence of fiexuous ribs. M. ewaldi (von Buch, 1848) sensu Kennedy (19846) is much more compressed, has a fastigiate venter, and generally shows a weaker ornamentation than M. fourneli. Occurrence. Hawashya Formation: Lower transgressive sequence, section 7. Middle or late Coniacian. M. fourneli is known from Algeria and Tunisia, poorly dated as Coniacian or ‘lower Senonian’ (Peron 1897; Pervinquiere 1907), from the Coniacian of Peru (Benavides-Caceres 1956), and is reported from the late Coniacian of the Middle East (Lewy and Raab 1978). 384 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Metatissotia cf. ewaldi (v. Buch, 1848) Plate 44, figs. 1 and 2; text-fig. 10e cf. 1848 Ammonites ewaldi von Buch, p. 221, pi. 1, fig. 4. cf. 19846 Metatissotia ewaldi (von Buch); Kennedy, p. 127, pi. 28, figs. 4 and 5; pi. 29, figs. 9 11; pi. 30, figs. 1 -2, 5-6, 8-9, 12; pi. 32, figs. 1 3; text-fig. 40B, E (see here for further synonymy). Material. One adult specimen with partly preserved body-chamber (SFB C355). Dimensions. D Wh Wb U SFB C355 131 0-53 - 0 06 Description. Very involute compressed shell. Fhnbilical shoulder rounded with a steep wall. Venter nearly fastigiate, slowly becoming rounded on body-chamber. On phragmocone ornamentation consists of faint marginal ribs which end in ventrolateral clavi. No ornamentation visible on body-chamber. Suture line only partly preserved (see text-fig. 1 0e). Discussion. The present specimen closely resembles the one figured by Kennedy (19846, pi. 29, figs. 9-11). The author notes (Kennedy 19846, p. 127): The line of the clavi is marked by a distinct facet so that the very narrow angle of the projected flanks is replaced by a less acute, fastigiate venter.’ This ’facet’, which is clearly visible almost on all specimens figured by him, cannot be observed on the investigated specimen. Therefore, the present specimen cannot be assigned unequivocally to the species M. ewaldi (von Buch). Occurrence : Hawashya Formation: Lower transgressive sequence, section 7. Middle or late Coniacian. M. ewaldi is known from the middle Coniacian of France, northern Spain, and Austria (Kennedy 19846). The species is also reported from the late Coniacian of Sinai and Israel (Lewy and Raab 1978). Metatissotia sp. Plate 45, figs. 4 and 5; text-fig. 10h Material. One internal mould of phragmocone (SFB C356). Dimensions. D Wh Wb U SFBC356 81 0-54 0-68 Description. Shell inflated with narrow umbilicus. Whorl section broadly rounded, venter occupied by strong, clearly set-off keel (see text-fig. 1 Oh). Ornamentation consists of few umbilical nodes and more numerous node-like elevated ventrolateral clavi. The relation between the number of umbilical nodes and clavi is not clear due to the poor preservation of the specimen. Each umbilical node is connected with one of the clavi by a short straight fold-like rib. Short intercalatory ribs arising from the clavi are present. Suture line not preserved. Discussion. The present specimen cannot be assigned to a certain species of Metatissotia due to the strong inflation of phragmocone. It differs from the likewise inflated S. africana (Peron, 1897) in the presence of umbilical nodes. Occurrence: Hawashya Formation: Lower transgressive sequence, section 7. Middle or late Coniacian. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 44 Figs. 1 and 2. Metatissotia cf. ewaldi (von Buch). SFB C355. Figs. 3 and 4. Subtissotia africana (Peron). SFB C357. Both species from section 7, lower transgressive sequence of Hawashya Formation, middle or late Coniacian, x 1. PLATE 44 mmmi LUGER and GROSCHKE, Metatissotia, Subtissotia 386 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Genus subtissotia Hyatt, 1903 Type species. Tissotia tissoti var. inflata Peron, 1897, p. 68, pi. 12, tig. 6, by original designation of Hyatt (1903). Subtissotia africana (Peron, 1897) Plate 44, figs. 3 and 4; Plate 45, fig. 1; text-fig. 9 1897 Tissotia ewaldi de Buch var. africana Peron, p. 63, pi. 11, figs. 5 and 6; pi. 17, fig. 12 (non pi. 11, figs. 1 -4; pi. 17, fig. 1 1). 1903 Subtissotia africana (Peron); Hyatt, p. 44. Lectotype. Peron (1897, pi. 11, figs. 5 and 6, lectotype designated here, see below). Material. Four internal moulds (SFB C357-C360). Body-chamber preserved up to half a whorl in two specimens. text-fig. 9. Subtissotia afri- cana (Peron). SFB C360, sec- tion 7, lower transgressive sequence of Hawashya Forma- tion, middle or late Coniacian, x 1. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 45 Fig. 1. Subtissotia africana (Peron). SFB C358. Figs. 2 and 3. Metatissotia fourneli (Bayle). SFB C354. Figs. 4 and 5. Metatissotia sp. SFB C356. All from section 7, lower transgressive sequence of Hawashya Formation, middle or late Coniacian, x 1. PLATE 45 LUGER and GROSCE1KE, Subtissotia , Metatissotia 388 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 D Wh Wb U SFB C357 88 0-52 — 010 SFB C360 115 0-64 — 007 Description. Shell involute. Umbilical shoulder rounded. Whorl section variable, moderately depressed. Flanks flat to rounded. Phragmocone with sharp, pronounced keel, body-chamber rounded in ventral aspect, without keel. Ornamentation in general weak, at first with ventrolateral clavi situated close to the keel, from which short, vague broad radial folds arise, terminating in the upper third of the height of whorl. Later, only vague broad radial folds are to be recognized. The body-chamber is smooth, as far as can be observed due to the state of preservation. In general, no sculptural elements are visible on the flanks or the umbilical region. Suture line only poorly preserved. Discussion. The three specimens figured by Peron (1897, pi. 11, figs. 1-6) differ considerably in shape. Therefore, their attribution to one and the same species may be doubted. A small, strongly depressed form (Peron 1897, pi. 11, figs. 5 and 6) and two more compressed forms (Peron 1897, pi. II, figs. 1-4) face one another. A holotype was not designated by Peron (1897). Hyatt (1903), although he differentiated Tissotia on subgeneric level and redescribed the species erected by Peron (1897), did not define a lectotype. The present material closely resembles the specimen figured by Peron (1897, pi. 11, figs. 5 and 6) as regards ornamentation and shape. Therefore, we would like to suggest this specimen as the lectotype of S. africana (Peron, 1897) and exclude the other figured specimen (Peron 1897, pi. 11, figs. 1-4) from this species. 5. africana differs from the likewise depressed M. fourneli (Bayle, 1849) in its lack of any umbilical sculptural elements. It can be distinguished from S. inflata (Peron, 1897) and S. intermedia (Peron, 1897) by the absence of the keel-like elongated ventral ridges and the less inflated phragmocone. M. ewaldi (von Buch, 1848) is more compressed than S. africana. Occurrence. Hawashya Formation: Lower transgressive sequence, section 7. Middle or late Coniacian. The species was originally described from Tunisia where it was tentatively assigned to the ‘lower Senonian’ by Hyatt (1903). Family coilopoceratidae Hyatt, 1903 Genus coilopoceras Hyatt, 1903 Type species. Coilopoceras colled Hyatt, 1903, p. 91, pi. 10, tigs. 5-21; pi. 11, fig. 1, by original designation. Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny, 1841) Plate 46, figs. 1-3; text-figs. 6a, e, 11, 12, 13a-c 1841 Ammonites requienianum d’Orbigny, p. 315, pi. 93, figs. 1-4. 1903 Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny); Hyatt, p. 99. 71975 Coilopoceras sinaiense Lewy, p. 42, pi. 1, fig. 3; fig. 1 5i l. 71975 Coilopoceras muldcostatum Lewy, p. 42, pi. 1, figs. 1 and 2; fig. 15a-d, h. 1984 Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny); Kennedy and Wright, p. 282, pis. 35-36; text-figs. 1-5 (see here for further synonymy). Material. Sixteen internal moulds (SFB C329-C344). Five of them with parts of body-chamber preserved up to a length of three-quarters of a whorl. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 46 Figs. 1-3. Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny). SFB C331, smooth specimen. 2, view on side affected by wind erosion, umbilicus enlarged by weathering. 3, view on opposite side, where sediment was removed by manual preparation, umbilicus in natural size. Section 7, upper transgressive sequence of Umm Omeiyed Formation, late Turonian, x I. PLATE 46 LUGER and GROSCHKE, Coilopoceras 390 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 10. a-c, external sutures and whorl section of Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq. a, SFB C396, x 2-7; b, SFB C404, x 2-7; c, SFB C390, x 0-9. d, whorl section of Libycoceras sp. ex gr. L. ismaeli (Zittel), SFB C432, xO-9. e, suture of Metatissotia cf. ewaldi (Buch), SFB C355, x L9. f, g, whorl sections of M.fourneli (Bayle). f, SFB C350, x 0-9; G, SFB C353, keel eroded on outer whorl, x 0-9. h, Metatissotia sp. SFB C356, x 0-9. LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 391 Dimensions. SFB SFB SFB D Wh Wb U C329 113 0-55 0-38 005 C330 165 0-56 0-32 008 C33 1 99 0-58 0-32 005 Description. In the investigated specimens two morphotypes, a smooth and a ribbed form of the species, occur. In the smooth form the shell is involute, oxycone. Whorl section lanceolate with a sharpened venter, maximum width close to umbilicus (text-fig. 13c). Umbilicus small, with rounded shoulders and almost vertical walls. The ribbed form is less compressed and the maximum width tends to be situated at the middle of the flanks (text-fig. I 3a, b). Venter sharpened on phragmocone, becoming blunt on body-chamber. Ornamentation consists of almost straight, low ribs on inner whorls of phragmocone, which grade into low radial folds on the outer whorls of the phragmocone and early part of body-chamber. Single inlercalatory ribs present. Ribs and folds are best developed on the middle flanks; ventral region is smooth. Suture line observed only in a few specimens (see text-fig. 6a, e). text-fig. 1 1 . Coilopoceras requienianum (d'Orbigny). SFB C329, ribbed speci- men, section 7, upper trans- gressive sequence of Umm Omeiyed Formation, late Turonian, xl. Discussion. Among the better preserved specimens of the investigated material the largest specimen of the smooth morphotype attain a maximum diameter of 96 mm. The ribbed specimens attain larger diameters (up to 220 mm). The studied specimens agree well with the description and illustrations of Kennedy and Wright (1984, p. 283). In their redescription of the type-material of d’Orbigny (1841) these authors suggested the existence of sexual dimorphism in C. requienianum which is expressed as the existence of both smooth oxycones and ribbed, less compressed forms. This phenomenon is also reported from other species of Coilopoceras (Cobban and Hook 1980, p. 1 1). 392 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 The specimens figured by Lewy (1975) as C. sinaiense sp. nov. and C. multicostatum sp. nov. from the requienianum Zone of the Eastern Desert and Sinai show a close similarity with C. requienianum. Because of the poor state of preservation of the figured specimens, these species can only questionably be taken into synonymy with C. requienianum. SfiSSt Iff: ittft ..;.,U7'YY ; ,f ' , , r - ■ ' « ■■ , , T ' \ 1 ' text-fig. 12. Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny). SFB C330, ribbed specimen, section 7, upper transgress- ive sequence of Umm Omeiyed Formation, late Turonian, x 1. LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 393 Occurrence. Umm Omeiyed Formation: Upper transgressive sequence of Umm Omeiyed Formation, section 7. Late Turonian. The present specimens of C. requienianum are mainly from two horizons of glauconitic calcareous sandstones, separated by about 8 m thick intercalations of clays, marls, and marly limestones in which only a few specimens have been recovered. Indeterminable fragments of Coilopoceras have also been found in the same stratigraphic position of section 4. The species is known from the late Turonian of France and Germany (Kennedy and Wright 1984) and probably the Sinai (Lewy 1975). Family sphenodiscidae Hyatt, 1900 Genus manambolites Hourcq, 1949 Type species. Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq, 1949, p. Ill, pi. 3, fig. 1; figs. 20-22, by monotypy. Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq, 1949 Plate 47, figs. 1-5; Plate 48, figs. 1 and 2; text-fig. 10a-c C331. d, e, Neolobites sp. d, SFB C263; e, SFB C252. All xO-67. 394 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 1949 Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq, p. 1 1 1, pi. 3, fig. 1; figs. 20-22. 71953 Coahuilites ( Mzezzemceras ) pervinquieri Basse, p. 866, pi. 27, fig. 2. 1959 Praelibycoceras sp. 1; Faris and Hassan, pi. 2, fig. 1. 1959 Praelibycoceras sp. 2; Faris and Hassan, pi. 2, fig. 2. 71959 Libycoceras ismaeli var. safagensis Faris and Hassan, p. 194, pi. 2, figs. 4 and 8. 1970 Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq; Collignon, p. 70, fig. 2341. Material. Thirty-seven specimens (SFB C385-C421). Body-chamber of up to half a whorl preserved in ten specimens. Numerous fragments. D Wh Wb u SFB C385 41 0-53 0 31 — SFB C389 133 0-55 0-28 — SFB C393 71 0-61 0-28 — SFB C399 74 0-62 0-31 — SFB C404 46 0-59 0-27 — SFB C406 123 0-57 0-28 — SFB C407 91 0-58 0-26 — Description. Shell involute, oxycone, umbilicus extremely narrow (text-fig. 10c). Venter on phragmocone with very acute, sharp keel on body-chamber, broadening, becoming oval with smooth keel, fastigiate throughout. Ornamentation smooth, of varying intensity on different specimens. In early stages with short smooth, sickle- shaped ventrolateral riblets, which do not reach the venter. Later ventrolateral part of riblets is strongly bent forward to form ventrolateral clavi, which persist, but weaken, on body chamber. At the same growth stage a row of lateral tubercles of increasing intensity arise; lateral tubercles become smooth or vanish on body- chamber of large specimens. Fine sinuous growth striae are visible throughout on well-preserved specimens. Suture-line see text-fig. 10a-b. Discussion. Among the present specimens assigned to this species, two morphologic varieties can be recognized. The smaller variety, form A (see PI. 47, fig. 5; PI. 48, fig. 1), is characterized by a broadening of the venter and a relatively strong ornamentation at an early stage. In specimens of form A the body-chamber is preserved and occupies at least one-half of the final whorl. These specimens do not exceed 91 mm in diameter; most of them have diameters between 70 and 80 mm. The second variety, form B (see PI. 47, figs. 1-4), shows a weak ornamentation and a sharp keel up to a very late stage and the lateral tubercles are only faintly developed or absent. Form B is the large variety with diameters up to at least 123 mm (incomplete specimen). As both varieties are from one horizon and locality, show identical suture lines and mode of development, sexual dimorphism is assumed with the existence of a stronger ornamented microconch and a smoothly ornamented macroconch. M. piveteaui differs from M. dandensis Howarth, 1965 from the late Campanian of Angola, which shows a very similar ornamentation, in details of the suture line (see Howarth, 1965, p. 397). Coahuilites ( Mzezzemceras ) pervinquieri Basse, 1953 may represent a slightly stronger ornamented variety of M. piveteaui , as already mentioned by Howarth (1965, p. 397). The genus Praelibycoceras Douville, 1912 from Tunisia, which is often cited in the Egyptian literature, is considered to be a synonym of Eulophoceras Hyatt, 1903 (Arkell et ah 1957). Nevertheless, it is very likely that most of the Egyptian forms attributed to Praelibycoceras belong to M. piveteaui. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 47 Figs. 1-5. Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq. 1 and 2, SFB C389, almost smooth adult retaining keel until a late stage (form B). 3 and 4. SFB C396, almost smooth phragmocone with sharp keel (form B). 5, SFB C410, specimen showing relatively strong ornamentation, venter on body-chamber rounded (form A). All specimens from section 2, basal phosphate horizon of Rakhiyat Formation, late middle Campanian, x 1. PLATE 47 LUGER and GROSCHKE, Manambolites 396 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 □ CoBhullltes (Mzezzemceras) pervlnqulerl BASSE 1953 ☆ Manembolltes piveteaui HOURCQ 1949 • Manembolltes dandensls HOWARTH 1965 A Manembolltes plveteaul HOURCQ present material, sharp keel ▲ Manembolltes plveteaul HOURCQ present material, keel broadening early text-fig. 14. Growth parameters of Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq and related forms. Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 1, section 2. Late middle Campanian. According to Collignon (1970) the species is known from the late middle Campanian of Madagascar (‘Zone of Delawarella subdelawarensis and Australiella australis'). Genus libycoceras Hyatt, 1900 Type species. Sphenodiscus ismaelis Ziltel, 1884, p. 451, fig. 631, by original designation of Hyatt (1900). Libycoceras sp. ex gr. Libycoceras ismaeli (Zittel, 1884) Plate 48, figs. 3-6; text-fig. 10d EXPLANATION OF PLATE 48 Figs. I and 2. Manambolites piveteaui Hourcq. SFB C390, specimen showing relatively strong ornamentation, venter on body-chamber rounded (form A), section 2, basal phosphate horizon of Rakhiyat Formation, late middle Campanian. Figs. 3-6. Libycoceras sp. ex gr. Libycoceras ismaeli (Zittel). 3 and 6, SFB C435; 4 and 5, SFB C432. Both specimens from section 3 (Gebel Qreiya), upper Rakhiyat Formation, late Campanian. All figures x 1 . PLATE 48 V ■ k .... ■ >. ” \ A mmM |f||p LUGER and GROSCHKE, Manambolites, Libycoceras 398 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Material. Five fragmentary internal moulds of body-chambers (SFB C432-C436). Dimensions could not be determined. Description. Shell involute, compressed. Umbilical region not preserved. Ornamentation consists of an inner row of tubercles and an outer row of nodes and broad undulations. The inner row is formed by small pointed tubercles, situated at about the middle of the flanks. The outer, ventrolateral row consists of strong clavi, which are less numerous than the inner tubercles. The area in between both rows is occupied by shallow undulations, which arise from the clavi and vanish before reaching the tubercles. The area between lateral tubercles and umbilicus is smooth. Whorl section high, subhexagonal, greatest width at about mid-height, where the row of lateral tubercles is situated (see text-fig. 10d). Venter acutely rounded with a faint keel; nearly tabulate between the clavi. The tabulate venter is more pronounced on the outer part of the body- chamber. Suture line not well preserved. Discussion. The present specimens closely resemble L. ismaeli (Zittel, 1884), from which they differ in showing an almost tabulate venter between the ventrolateral nodes. In true L. ismaeli the venter is keeled throughout the phragmocone in specimens which are larger than the present material, as figured by Quaas (1902, pi. 30, fig. 1). Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 3, about 1 m below the assemblage of heteromorphic ammonites, section 3. Late Campanian. Suborder ancyloceratina Wiedmann, 1966 Superfamily turrilitacea Gill, 1871 Family baculitidae Gill, 1871 Genus baculites Lamarck, 1799 Type species. Baculites vertebralis Lamarck, 1801, p. 103, by subsequent designation of Meek (1876). Baculites cf. ovatus Say, 1820 Plate 49, fig. 2; text-fig. 1 5i o cf. 1820 Baculites ovata Say, p. 41. cf. 1962 Baculites ovatus Say; Reeside, p. 113, pi. 68, figs. I 4. cf. 1974 Baculites ovatus Say; Cobban, p. 3, pi. 1, figs. I 32; pi. 2, figs. 1 14; pi. 3, figs. 1-6, 9-11; fig. 4 (see here for further synonymy). Material. Seventeen fragments (SFB C427). Dimensions could not be determined. Discussion. The present material consists of small, poorly preserved body-chamber fragments of different growth stages. Suture line preserved in three specimens (see text-fig. 15o). The largest fragment has a length of 75 mm, a height of 22 mm, and a width of 17-5 mm at its broader and of 19 mm and 14-5 mm at its smaller end, respectively. The investigated specimens show an almost perfect oval cross-section (see text-fig. 15i-n) and their surface is smooth to very faintly ribbed. Thus they closely resemble B. ovatus , but due to their poor preservation, they can only be compared with this species. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 49 Fig. 1. Baculites subanceps Haughton. SFB C470. Fig. 2. B. cf. ovatus Say. SFB C427. Figs. 3 and 4. Solenoceras humei (Douville). 3, SFB C467; 4, SFB C468. Figs. 5, 9-10. Nostoceras (Nostoceras) sp. 5, SFB C452; 9 and 10, SFB C437; both specimens are body- chambers. Figs. 6-8. N. ( Planostoceras ) sp. 6, SFB C460, fragment of phragmocone, view on the base of spire. 7, SFB C463, plastic cast of phragmocone, view on the top of spire. 8, SFB C457; body-chamber. All specimens from sections I 3 (Gebel Qreiya), Rakhiyat Formation, Campanian, x I . PLATE 49 ' : ^ LUGER and GROSCEIKE, Baculites , Solenoceras , Nostoceras 400 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 1, section 2. Late middle Campanian. The species is known from the late Campanian to early Maastrichtian of the United States (Cobban 1974). Baculites subanceps Haughton, 1925 Plate 49, fig. 1; text-fig. 15a-h 1925 Baculites subanceps Haughton, p. 278, pi. 14, figs. 6 8. 1965 Baculites subanceps Haughton; Howarth, p. 368, pi. 5, fig. 3; pi. 6, figs. 6 and 7; pi. 7, fig. 1; figs. 4, 13-15 (see here for further synonymy). Material. Thirty-six fragments of body-chambers (SFB C470). Dimensions could not be determined. Discussion. The present material consists of mainly poorly preserved body-chambers of different growth stages, the largest of them has a length of 80 mm, width of 24 mm, and height of 28 mm. The better preserved specimens show the characteristic ornamentation and cross-section (see text- fig. 15a-h) as described by Howarth (1965). Probably due to the poor preservation, most of the present specimens do not show the crenulated ribs crossing the slightly sharpened, unkeeled venter. B. anceps pacificus Matsumoto and Obata, 1963 was treated as a subspecies of B. subanceps by Howarth (1965), although he noted (Howarth 1965, p. 370): ‘Comparison of the holotype of pacificus (Matsumoto 1959a: pi. 34, fig. 3) with the lectotype of subanceps (pi. 6, fig. 6) shows that pacificus has between two and three times as many arcuate ribs as subanceps.' Howarth (1965, p. 405) attributed the specimens of B. subanceps from Carimba (Angola) to the latest Campanian (polyp/ocum Zone). B. anceps pacificus was reported as a valid species by Ward (1978) from the late middle to early upper Campanian (pacificutn and vancouverense Zones) of the Vancouver Island region (Canada). Due to the differences in ornamentation, as already expressed by Howarth (1965), and the differing stratigraphic occurrence we cannot follow Howarth’s view and suggest keeping the two forms separate. text-fig. 15. a H, whorl sections of Baculites subanceps Haughton. Based on eight specimens, SFB C470« /;, x 1 . i-o, whorl sections and suture of B. cf. ovatus Say. Whorl sections based on six specimens, C427 a-fi x 1. Suture, SFB C47(W , x3. LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 401 Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 3, section 3, late Campanian. The species is known from the late Campanian of Angola (Howarth 1965). Family nostoceratidae Hyatt, 1894 Genus nostqceras Hyatt, 1894 Subgenus nostoceras Hyatt, 1 894 Type species. Nostoceras stantoni Hyatt, 1894, p. 569, by original designation. Nostoceras ( Nostoceras ) spp. Plate 49, figs. 5, 9-10 Material. Sixteen sinistrally and dextrally coiled fragments (SFB C437-C452). Dimensions could not be determined. Discussion. The present fragments of hook-shaped body-chambers differ only in size. The whorl height increases very slightly from the initial part of body-chamber to the aperture (20-5 mm to 21-5 mm in the best preserved specimen). The ornamentation consists of strong ribs, each bearing widely spaced ventrolateral tubercles. On the initial part of the body-chamber ribs tend to bifurcate, whereas on the apex bifurcation is only occasionally observed. The ribs are prorsiradiate on the spiral limb and radiate on the apertural limb. Ribs weaken on dorsal part of the body-chamber. Since the investigated specimens show distinct size differences, height and breadth of whorl at the apex of body-chamber were measured in thirteen specimens. The apex has been chosen because the aperture is preserved only in two smaller pieces. Generally, the height/width ratio varies between 0-92 and 0-97. However, regarding absolute values of whorl height, apparently two groups can be distinguished: one with w7?-values of 18 to 24 mm (five specimens), the other showing w/z-values of 29 to 34 mm (seven specimens). One exceptionally large body chamber has a wh of 41 mm (PI. 49, figs. 9 and 10). Kennedy (1986, p. 95) reported dimorphism in N. ( Bostrychoceras ) polyplocum (Roemer, 1841), being expressed in distinct size differences of the body-chamber. This could also be the case in our material, but since the preservation of our specimens does not permit determination on the specific level, no final conclusions can be drawn. The specimen figured on Plate 49, figs. 9 and 10 (largest specimen) very closely resembles that of Douville (1928, pi. 6, fig. 17) from Gebel Abu Had, a locality close to that of the present material, which he attributed to B. polyplocum. The medium-sized body-chambers of the present material resemble those of Antunes and Sornay’s (1970, pi. 2) specimens, figured as ‘TV. aff. helicinum (Shumard) Stephenson’, but since the phragmocone of our material is unknown, it is impossible to decide whether they are conspecific. Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 3 in section 1 (SFB C437-C447) and section 3 (SFB C448-C452). Late Campanian. Subgenus planostoceras Lewy, 1967 Type species. Planostoceras rehavami Lewy, 1967, p. 168, pi. 4, figs. I 4, by original designation. Nostoceras (Planostoceras) sp. Plate 49, figs. 6-8 Material. Fifteen fragments (SFB C454-C466). Six fragments of hook-shaped body-chambers, six fragments of phragmocone, the most complete of which is a cast of one and a half whorls, and three small fragments of the intermediate part between the phragmocone and the body-chamber. The suture line is only rudimentarily visible on one fragment. Dimensions could not be determined. Description. The most complete part of phragmocone is characterized by a very low torticone spire, in which the whorls are only slightly touching. The ornamentation of phragmocone consists of fine dense ribs which 402 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 bear a pair of ventrolateral tubercles at irregular distances. Ribs weaken on the dorsal side. The fragments of body-chamber, which are V-shaped with a rounded base, differ slightly in size and density of ribs. The regularly spaced ribs are simple, first prorsiradiate, on the initial part of the body-chamber with a weak tendency to bifurcate, later radiate, and each bears ventrolateral tubercles. The aperture is slightly constricted on the flanks. No tendency for a change of the direction of coiling was observed in the most complete specimen. Discussion. The present material very closely resembles the description and illustrations of N. ( P .) rehavami Lewy, 1967 (pi. 4, figs. 1-4) from the late Campanian of the Negev with regard to the mode of coiling and ornamentation, but reaches only two-thirds of the size of Lewy’s specimens. Since no complete specimen is present among the investigated material, due to the smaller size of our fragments and the differences of the phragmocone, the relation between the present material and N. (P.) rehavami is not clear. Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 3, section 3. Late Campanian. Genus solenoceras Conrad, 1860 Type species. Hamites annulifer Morton, 1842, p. 213, by original designation of Conrad (1860). Solenoceras humei (Douville, 1928) Plate 49, figs. 3 and 4 1928 Ptychoceras humei Douville, p. 37, pi. 6, figs. 9 and 10. 1929 Ptychoceras sp.; Picard, p. 436, pi. 9, fig. 2. 1967 Solenoceras humei densicostata Lewy, p. 170, pi. 3, fig. 4. ? 1 969 Solenoceras cf. S. multicostatum Stephenson; Lewy, p. 125, pi. 3, fig. 6. 71969 Solenoceras cf. S. reesidei Stephenson; Lewy, p. 126, pi. 3, fig. 7. 1969 Solenoceras cf. S. texanum (Shumard); Lewy, p. 127, pi. 3, fig. 8. Material. Two almost complete specimens (SFB C430, C468), twenty-three double-shafted fragments, and more than fifty single shaft fragments (SFB C467, C469). Dimensions. In the most complete specimen (SFB C430) the young shaft is 62 mm long, preserved up to the outer part of the initial stage, and its adult shaft is 43 mm long. In a second, less complete specimen (SFB C468, see PI. 49, fig. 4) the preserved part of the young shaft is 52 mm and the adult one 46 mm long. Description. See Lewy (1967, p. 170). Discussion. The present material, collected near the type-locality of S. humei , consists mainly of internal moulds in different stages of preservation. The suture line is not preserved. Within the association of Solenoceras the specimens attributed to S. humei show a considerable variation in size and ornamentation; height and width of the cross-section of the adult shaft are almost equal. Almost regardless of the size the density of the ribs varies between four and eight per centimetre at the same growth stage. Although a tendency is observed for extremely small specimens always to show dense ribbing, we assume that the subspecies S. humei densicostata Lewy, 1967 is a large, densely ribbed form within the variability of S. humei. Occurrence. Rakhiyat Formation: Unit 3, section 1 (SFB C467-C468, C430) and section 3 (SFB C469). Late Campanian. The species is known from the late Campanian of the Middle East (Lewy 1967). CONCLUSIONS The study of ammonites from the Wadi Qena area contributes to knowledge on the late Cretaceous transgressive/regressive history of south-eastern Egypt. Since a recent compilation of palaeontological, micropalaeontological, and palynological data from the Mesozoic to Palaeogene LUGER AND GROSCHKE: EGYPTIAN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES 403 strata of southern Egypt regarding the transgressive/regressive cycles has been published by Luger and Schrank (1987), only a brief discussion on the late Cretaceous shall be given here. In the Wadi Qena area the lowermost sedimentary unit (Wadi Qena Formation, ?Albian/early Cenomanian) is characterized by continental deposits. Here the first transgression lasted from the late Cenomanian to the early Turonian (Galala Formation, sea-level highstand probably during the latest Cenomanian). A regressive period thereafter is characterized by continental deposits (lower Umm Omeiyed Formation). During the late Turonian another minor transgression took place (upper Umm Omeiyed Formation). Subsequently, in the early Coniacian, a return to continental sedimentation is observed (lower regressive sequence of Hawashya Formation). In the mid- to late Coniacian a new transgression invaded eastern Egypt (lower transgressive sequence of Hawashya Formation) and reached further south than the preceding ones (Fuger and Schrank 1987). The Santonian to early Campanian here is characterized by a regressive/transgressive/ regressive development (upper Hawashya Formation); the age of the marine transgression remains uncertain since as yet no guide fossils have been found in the southern Wadi Qena. During the late middle Campanian a new transgression took place (uppermost Hawashya Formation and basal Rakhiyat Formation). Interrupted by a minor regressive phase (unit 3 of Rakhiyat Formation, see Hendriks and Fuger 1987), a sea-level rise is again observed in the late Campanian (unit 4 of Rakhiyat Formation, see Hendriks and Luger 1987). A short, but prominent, regressive period during the latest Campanian/earliest Maastrichtian is indicated by a hiatus between the Rakhiyat and the Dakhla Formations in the Eastern Desert (Hendriks and Luger 1987). During the late early Maastrichtian (base of Dakhla Formation in the Eastern Desert) a major transgression started in Egypt which, interrupted only by minor regressive tendencies, lasted until the early Eocene (see Luger 1985; Luger and Schrank 1987). The transgressive/regressive cycles of southern Egypt show remarkable correspondence with those of other cratonic areas as expressed in the eustatic curves of Haq et al. (1987, fig. 3). The late Cenomanian/earliest Turonian transgression in Egypt clearly corresponds to cycle UZA 2.5 TR/HS, the late Turonian to cycle UZA 2.7 HS, and the mid or late Coniacian to cycle UZA 3.1. The late middle Campanian transgression probably corresponds to cycle UZA 4.2 (referred to as early late Campanian in Haq et a /., ibid.); the late Campanian to Maastrichtian development corresponds to eustatic cycles UZA 4.3-UZA 4.5. The eustatic cycles UZA 2.6 (middle Turonian) and UZA 3.2-UZA 4.1 (Santonian to early Campanian) are not recognizable in the sedimentary succession of southern Egypt (see also Klitzsch 1986; Hendriks et al. 1987). These deviations from the eustatic cycles may indicate that the transgressive pulses were only of minor importance and did not reach the investigated area. However, it seems more likely that they are related to major regional tectonic movements, e.g. extensive faulting and formation of Graben systems in the Aswan- Abu Simbel area (Hendriks 1987, p. 150) or folding of the Syrian Arc System (Schandelmeier 1988, p. 105). In contrast the times of cycle coincidence represent phases of relative tectonic stability in south-eastern Egypt. Acknowledgements. The present study was carried out under the Special Research Project 69 ‘Geoscientific Problems in Arid Areas’ of the German Research Foundation. The authors are greatly indebted to Professor Dr E. Klitzsch, who initiated this study, and to Mr W. Herrmann-Degen for the opportunity to use material collected by him. Many thanks are also due to Professor Dr H. Kallenbach, Professor Dr J. H. Schroder, Dr Habil F. Hendriks, Dr H. Schandelmeier, Mr J. Bowitz, Mr C. Schreier, Mrs C. Werner (all TU-Berlin), and Mr M. M. A. El-Helaifi (Egyptian General Petroleum Company, ARE) for their valuable support in the field-work and discussions. Mrs E. Susin and Mrs B. Dunker (drafting), Mrs G. Banks (correcting our English), and Mr B. Kleeberg (photography) assisted in preparing the manuscript. REFERENCES almogi-labin, a., reiss, z. and caron, m. 1986. Senonian Globotruncanidae from Israel. Eclogae geol. Helv. 79 (3), 849-895, 1 1 pis. 404 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 amard, b., collignon, m. and roman, j. 1981 . Etude stratigraphique et paleontologique du Cretace superieur et Paleocene du Tinhert-W et Tademait-E (Sahara algerien). Docum. Lab. Geol. Lyon , (hs) 6, 15 173, pis. 1-17. antunes, m. telles and sornay, j. 1969- 1970. Contributions a la connaissance du Cretace superieur de Barra do Dande, Angola. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Univ. Lisboa , (2, C) 16 (1), 65-104, pis. 1-10. arkell, w. j., kummel, b. and wright, c. w. 1957. Mesozoic Ammonoidea. In moore, r. c. (ed. ). Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part L. 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In Aspekte der Kreide Europas. IUGS, Series A, 6, 335-350, Stuttgart. wright, c. w. and Kennedy, w. j. 1981. The Ammonoidea of the Plenus Marls and the Middle Chalk. Monogr. palaeontogr. Soc. (London), 148 pp., 32 pis. zittel, K. a. von. 1884. Handbuch der Paldontologie. 1 Abt. Palaeozoologie. 2, 893 pp. Munchen and Leipzig. PETER LUGER Technische Universitat Berlin, SFB 69 AckerstraBe 71-76 1000 Berlin 65 MANFRED GROSCHKE Institut fur Geologie und Palaontologie Technische Universitat Berlin Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1 1000 Berlin 12 Typescript received 12 August 1987 Revised typescript received 4 August 1 988 LEPTOPTERYGIUS TENUI ROSTRIS AND OTHER LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS FROM THE ENGLISH LOWER LIAS by C. MCGOWAN Abstract. One of the commonest ichthyosaurs from the English Lower Lias is the long-snouted species Leptopterygius tenuirostris , known principally from Street, Somerset. Because of the vagaries of preservation there are few complete skeletons, and the problem is exacerbated by the occurrence of composite specimens. The authenticity of a quarter of the specimens studied here is in doubt, and hence caution is needed when working on material from Somerset. The occurrence of a tail bend in L. tenuirostris is confirmed by the presence of wedge-shaped centra in the caudal region of several skeletons. The vertebral column was probably not steeply downturned, and may have been essentially straight in life. Eurhinosaurus , unusual for its abbreviated mandible, may be closely related to L. tenuirostris and is therefore of interest here. The suggestion that it occurs in the Upper Lias of England is confirmed. The contention that Eurhinosaurus lacked a tail bend is questioned because a wedge-shaped centrum has been identified in one specimen. Two trivial names besides tenuirostris have been used for long-snouted ichthyosaurs: latifrons and longirostris. The former is a taxon dubium , while the latter should be used only in combination with Eurhinosaurus. Ichthyosaurs occur throughout most of the Mesozoic, but they are best known from the Lower Jurassic, where large numbers of complete or near-complete skeletons have been found, sometimes in remarkably good states of preservation. Especially prolific have been the Lower Lias (Hettangian, Sinemurian, and Lower Pliensbachian) outcrops of south-west England, and the Upper Lias (Toarcian) deposits of southern Germany. Upper Lias ichthyosaurs occur in England, notably in the Whitby area of Yorkshire, and in the vicinity of Ilminster, Somerset, but neither locality has been very productive, and the Whitby material is generally not well preserved. The temporal separation between the Upper and Lower Lias is about 15 million years (Harland et al. 1982) and, although the two faunas have similar diversities of forms, they are taxonomically distinct. Both faunas, for example, have a short-snouted form; Ichthyosaurus breviceps in the Lower Lias and Stenopterygius hauffianus in the Upper Lias. While the present paper is primarily concerned with Lower Lias ichthyosaurs, some taxonomic problems require reference to Upper Lias material. The commonest English species, accounting for about half of the determinate skeletons, is I. communis , a moderately sized ichthyosaur reaching a maximum total length (measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail) of about 2-5 m (McGowan 1974/)). Less common in terms of complete skeletons, but abundantly represented by isolated humeri, partial fins and rostral segments, is Leptopterygius tenuirostris , characterized by its relatively long slender rostrum. L. tenuirostris is somewhat larger than /. communis , reaching lengths in excess of 2-5 m. While it has been found at several Lower Lias localities, it is best known from Street and the surrounding areas of Somerset. Because of the vagaries of preservation, L. tenuirostris is not so well known as I. communis , and one uncertain point is whether there was a tail bend. The tail bend, a prominent feature of post-Triassic ichthyosaurs, marks the position of the caudal peduncle, where the vertebral column is downturned to support the hypocaudal lobe of the tail (McGowan 1 974c/). The most completely preserved skeletons (BGS 51236 and BMNH R498— see McGowan 19746, figs. 1 1 and 12a) appear to lack a tail bend, raising the question of whether an asymmetrical caudal fin was (Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 3, 1989, pp. 409-427.| © The Palaeontological Association 410 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 present in this species. Absence of a reversed heterocercal tail, however, may not be unique among ichthyosaurs because it has recently been proposed that Eurhinosaurus, an Upper Lias genus bearing a superficial resemblance to the modern swordfish, lacked this feature (Riess 1986). This is of particular interest here because of the possibility that L. tenuirostris lies close to the ancestry of Eurhinosaurus (McGowan 1986). While most long-snouted ichthyosaurs from the Lower Lias have been referred to L. tenuirostris, two other names, /. longirostris and I. latifrons , have also been used, sometimes synonymously and frequently causing much confusion. An additional problem is caused by incomplete preservation, especially of the narrow tip of the snout and mandible, and also by changes that have been made to specimens during preparation. Some of these modifications are easily recognized, but others have been so skilfully executed that their detection is difficult, even when it is possible to dismantle the entire skeleton (McGowan et al., in prep.). It is, therefore, necessary to be especially circumspect when dealing with material from Somerset localities. In a previous description of L. tenuirostris (McGowan 1974/?) attention was drawn to the problem of assigning the species to an appropriate genus. The decision was taken to refer it to Ichthyosaurus but, in the light of new information presented here, this is no longer appropriate. The species is accordingly referred to Leptopterygius, a genus erected by Huene (1922) for L. tenuirostris, and several other species. This usage is consistent with that of Appleby (1979), but I do not use his ordinal designations, which are based upon the recognition of latipinnate and longipinnate ichthyosaurs. These latter terms are based on fin structure, and they have been widely used for classification. I once considered that there were also correlated cranial characters which could be used to distinguish between the two groups (McGowan 1972), but 1 later questioned the validity of the dichotomy (McGowan 1976), and concluded that there were no unequivocal distinctions between latipinnate and longipinnate ichthyosaurs (McGowan 1979, pp. 125-126). Huene (1922) did not give a diagnosis for Leptopterygius and Appleby (1979, p. 943), considering it to be a monotypic genus, gave the same diagnosis as for the species L. tenuirostris. Although a redefinition of Leptopterygius is clearly needed, this requires a review of several other species and therefore lies beyond the scope of the present work. There are three primary objectives of this paper: to clarify the taxonomy of I. longirostris and I. latifrons', to assess the available long-snouted specimens, assigning them to their appropriate taxa and assessing their authenticity where this is in doubt; and, to use these additional data to revise the previous description of L. tenuirostris (McGowan 1974/?). Secondary objectives are to examine the question of whether Eurhinosaurus occurs in the English Upper Lias, and to make some preliminary remarks on the tail of this genus. The reason for including Eurhinosaurus here is partly because of the taxonomic confusion which has existed between this long-snouted form and L. tenuirostris, and also because of the possible phylogenetic relationship between them (McGowan 1986). MATERIALS AND METHODS Of the specimens examined from England, twenty-seven are from the Lower Lias (primarily from Street, Somerset) and two from the Upper Lias of Whitby. Reference is also made to three specimens of Eurhinosaurus from the Upper Lias of Germany. Abbreviations used are: BATGM, Bath Geological Museum (the ichthyosaur material, which is part of the Moore Collection, has been on loan to the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, for the last several years); BGS, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire (the ichthyosaur BGS 51236 is currently in the Geological Museum, London); BMB, Admiral Blake Museum, Bridgwater, Somerset; BMNH, British Museum (Natural History), London; DLR, Dinosaurland, Lyme Regis, Dorset; LSL Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt (Natur-Museum, Senckenberg), Germany; GTS, Alfred Gillett Trust, Street, Somerset (this collection is located in the archives of C and J Clark Ltd.); LEICS, Leicestershire Museums, Art Galleries and Records Service, Leicester; OUM, Geological Collections, University Museum, Oxford; SCM, Somerset County Museum, Taunton; SMNS, Staalliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany; WM, Wells Museum, Somerset. Specimens lacking catalogue numbers are referred to by MS numbers, given in quotation marks. McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 41 1 Body lengths were measured along the vertebral column using a steel tape and recorded to the nearest millimetre. The same tape was used for all measurements in excess of 550 mm. Small dial calipers and large vernier calipers were used for measurements less than 550 mm, recorded to the nearest 0- 1 and to the nearest 1 mm, respectively. Details of the characters measured and the ratios derived from them are given elsewhere (McGowan 1974a; 1976) and are summarized in Table 1. table 1 . Characters recorded and ratios derived. Vertebral count to pelvis Vertebral count to tail bend Total vertebral count Presacral length Preflexural length AXIAL SKELETON Number of vertebrae from atlas to level of pelvis. Number of vertebrae from atlas to level of tail bend. Number of vertebrae from atlas to end of column. Length from atlas to level of pelvis, measured along vertebral column. Length from atlas to level of tail bend, measured along vertebral column. Number of primary digits Total digital count Elements in longest digit Humerus length Humerus width Humerus shaft Femoral length Femoral width Pelvic condition Coracoid length Coracoid width Coracoid notching FINS AND GIRDLES Number of digits arising from carpus. Sum of primary and secondary (arising from outside carpus) digits Number of elements in longest digit, counting from epipodials. Maximum length, measured between horizontals perpendicular to shaft. Maximum distal width, measured between verticals parallel to shaft. Minimum width of shaft. Maximum length, measured between horizontals perpendicular to shaft. Maximum distal width, measured between verticals parallel to shaft. Pelvis tripartite (pubis and ischium unfused), or bipartite (fused). Maximum anteroposterior length. Maximum lateromedial width. Anterior and/or posterior margins emarginated. Skull length Jaw length Orbital diameter Snout length Premaxillary length Prenarial length Sclerotic diameter Overbite Orbital ratio Snout ratio Premaxillary ratio Prenarial ratio Sclerotic ratio SKULL Distance between tip of snout and posterior edge of quadrate. Distance between tip of dentary and posterior edge of angular. Internal diameter of orbit, measured along its longitudinal axis. Distance between tip of snout and anterior (internal) margin of orbit. Distance between tip of snout and anterior tip of maxilla. Distance between tip of snout and anterior margin of external naris. Internal diameter of sclerotic ring measured along its longitudinal axis. Distance between tip of snout and tip of jaw. Orbital diameter divided by jaw length. Snout length divided by jaw length. Premaxillary length divided by jaw length. Prenarial length divided by jaw length. Sclerotic diameter divided by orbital diameter. In addition, several measurements have been found useful for comparing the relative slenderness of skulls and jaws. These measurements are obviously sensitive to compression distortion and, since there is no way of assessing how this might vary from one specimen to another, the measurements are used only for comparative purposes and do not contribute to the diagnosis of L. tenuirostris. 1. Snout depth at the tip of the maxilla (abbreviated S-M) — the minimum depth of the snout, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the skull, at the level of the anterior tip of the maxilla. 2. Snout depth at the naris (S-N) — the minimal depth of the snout, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the skull, at the level of the anterior end of the external naris. 3. Snout depth at the mid-point of the snout (S-S2) — the minimal depth of the snout, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the skull, at a point one-half of the snout length back from its tip. 412 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 4. Snout depth at the mid-point of the jaw (S-J2)— the minimal depth of the snout, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the skull, at a point one-half of the jaw length back from its tip. 5. Jaw depth at the tip of the maxilla (J-M)— the minimal depth of the jaw, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the jaw, at the level of the anterior tip of the maxilla. 6. Jaw depth at the naris (J-N)- the minimal depth of the jaw, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the jaw, at the level of the anterior end of the external naris. 7. Jaw depth at the mid-point of the snout (J-S2) — the minimal depth of the jaw, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the jaw, at a point one-half of the snout length back from its tip. 8. Jaw depth at the mid-point of the jaw ( J-J2) — the minimal depth of the jaw, measured at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the jaw, at a point one-half of the jaw length back from its tip. The tail bend is usually an obvious feature in skeletons with complete or near-complete vertebral columns and its identification is therefore usually a simple matter. However, care has to be taken to ensure that a given tail bend is natural and not an artefact of preparation. This is because a tail bend can be manufactured, unwittingly or otherwise, simply by inclining a block containing the terminal portion of the vertebral column to the rest, and I suspect that several ichthyosaur skeletons have been so modified. The position of the tail bend in specimens lacking an obvious flexion can be estimated by detecting the changes in diameter of the centra in its vicinity (McGowan 1974a, pp. 4 6). However, the only way to establish unequivocally the position of the tail bend is to identify the three or so wedge-shaped centra that form its apex (McGowan 1974a, fig. 3b). Since the distinctive shape of these apical vertebrae can only be seen when they are exposed in lateral view, which is seldom the case, confirmation is usually not possible. TAXONOMIC STATUS OF I. LONGIROSTRIS AND I. LATIFRONS I. longirostris Although this species is usually attributed to Owen 1881 the first description, albeit brief, was given by Mantell (1851, p. 385) based upon a badly crushed skeleton from Whitby, Yorkshire, said to be remarkable for its exceedingly slender and elongated snout. Lydekker (1889, p. 91) identified Mantell's specimen as BMNH 14566, noting that it was from the Upper Lias, and that it had been figured by Owen (1881, pi. 32, fig. 8). BMNH 14566 is therefore the holotype of I. longirostris Mantell 1851. Jager (1856), dissatisfied with Mantell’s brief description, gave one of his own which included some additional material, namely an almost complete but distorted skull from the Upper Lias of Germany (SMNS ’438’). He noted that the mandible of this specimen seemed foreshortened, but that this was apparent rather than real and that the mandible did extend to the tip of the snout. After examination of the material, I concluded that the mandible really was shortened, and that this specimen should therefore be referred to the genus Eurhinosaurus (McGowan 1979, p. 131). Indeed, most authors, including Huene (1922) and Kuhn (1934), give the authority of the species E. longirostris as Jager (1856). However, the authority for the name longirostris is Mantell 1851, erected upon BMNH 14566, and it is now necessary to determine whether this material, like Jager’s (1856) additional material, is referable to Eurhinosaurus. Huene (1922, p. 39) noted that the skull of BMNH 14566 was exposed from the dorsal aspect and the mandible was not visible, but he surmised that it was shortened because he believed that the material appeared to belong to Eurhinosaurus. I have now had the opportunity of examining this rather incomplete specimen, and agree with Huene’s conclusions (see p. 416). Thus BMNH 14566 appears to be referable to Eurhinosaurus, and is therefore regarded as the holotype of E. longirostris (Mantell 1851). Owen’s (1881) description of I. longirostris was founded upon material from the Lower Lias of Barrow-on-Soar, primarily upon BMNH 36182 which may be regarded as his holotype. But the name I. longirostris was already occupied by Mantell’s (1851) species, which belongs to a different genus ( Eurhinosaurus ). Owen somewhat confused the issue further by including a figure of the skull of BMNH 14566 in his description of I. longirostris , but, since he did not discuss this material, and since his species was primarily erected upon BMNH 36182, the name I. longirostris Owen 1881 may be regarded as a junior primary homonym and accordingly rejected. McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 413 I. latifrons Owen (1881, p. 119) correctly attributed this species to Konig (1825, pi. 19, fig. 250) who had figured a partial skull and incomplete vertebral column from the Lower Lias of Barrow-on-Soar. This specimen was subsequently identified by Lydekker (1889, p. 90) as BMNH R 1 1 22. Owen (1881, ph 27, fig. 1) gave a detailed figure of the skull, and (p. 1 19) referred a second specimen to the species, ‘a skeleton, lacking both ends, but including the trunk, with chief part of the skull . . . the total length being 4 feet 10 inches’. He gave the locality as Lyme Regis (and also for Konig’s material), but Lydekker (1889, pp. 90-91), who identified this second specimen as BMNH 38709, gave the locality as Barrow-on-Soar. I do not consider either specimen to be adequate for the erection of a species, and therefore reject the name I. latifrons Konig 1825 as a taxon dubium, sensu Smith (1970). SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Identifying specimens that have been modified during preparation proved to be a major problem during this study. Almost a quarter of the specimens show evidence of having been modified, and some of these are obvious composites. Others are less readily detected, and it is largely due to this uncertainty that the descriptive account of L. tenuirostris is tempered with a degree of caution. Seven of the twenty-nine specimens studied will not be treated further here as they have almost certainly been modified during preparation (BMB C2, BATGM M3560, BATGM M3558, BATGM M3568, BATGM M3575, OUM 10319, BATGM M3564). Four more specimens are too incompletely preserved to be identified (BMNH R 1 1 23, BMNH 38709, BATGM M3573, GTS L/AG/Arch/7), and a fifth (BMNH R 1 1 20), which may also be largely indeterminate, was inaccessible because of building construction. A large and fairly complete skeleton (DLR ’OOF), which is probably not referable to L. tenuirostris , may represent a new species. Treatment of this specimen, however, will be postponed until some comparable material, recently acquired by the City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, has been studied. Twelve of the remaining specimens are referred to L. tenuirostris , mostly without qualification (OUM J 10305, BMNH R489, BGS 51236, SCM 8372, WM 527, GTS L/AG/Arch/18, BATGM M3552, BATGM M3556, BATGM M3565, BATGM M3566, LEICS OS.90.1953, DLR ’002’). Two more specimens (BMNH 2009 and BMNH 36182) probably represent variant individuals of the species. Two specimens, BMNH 14566 and BMNH 36876, are referred to E. longirostris , confirming the occurrence of this genus in the Upper Lias of England. L. tenuirostris (Text-figs. 1 and 2) The picture that emerges of L. tenuirostris is that of a long-snouted, long-bodied ichthyosaur with a tail bend which is probably not steeply downturned and which may in life have been essentially straight. The vertebral counts to the pelvis and to the tail bend are in the region of 45 and 85 respectively. The forefin has four major digits, each with relatively few phalanges, and the number of elements in the longest digit is only about 1 5. The phalanges are large, discoidal, and probably well spaced distally. The humerus has a constricted shaft, broadly expanded distally, with a facet on its leading edge. The radius has a deep notch on its leading edge and frequently encloses a small foramen along its contact edge with the ulna. Fusion sometimes occurs between the radius and ulna and between the radius and the humerus (Table 2). The forefin is so distinctive that it is possible to identify isolated fins, even partial ones. However, since similar forefin features are also found among Upper Lias ichthyosaurs, such identifications can only be made if the material is known to be from the Lower Lias. The pelvic girdle is tripartite, with distinct and separate ilium, ischium, and pubis. Fusion sometimes occurs between the pubis and the ischium, but this is only partial and does not give rise to the essentially single ischio-pubic element as found in the Upper Lias genus Stenopterygius (McGowan 1979). The coracoid is rounded and, while an anterior notch, often small and discrete, always appears to be present, there is usually not a posterior one. The coracoid seen in BGS 51236 has an unusual rectilinear shape and might not be natural. 414 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 A B C text-fig. 1 . Leptopterygius tenuirostris. A, OUM J10305, x 0-23; b, BGS 51236, x 0-22; c, SCM 8372, x 0-22. McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 415 The architecture of the skull is dominated by the extremely long slender snout and the equally slender mandible. The orbit, which often approaches a perfect circle, dominates the post-rostral segment of the skull but, relative to the length of the skull, it is fairly small. The orbital ratio is therefore relatively low, usually lower than that of the commonest Lower Lias species, I. communis. The external naris, rather than being a simple opening, is more often a bilobed structure which is sometimes quite complex. In some instances it appears to be drawn out anteriorly into a narrow slit, but this might be a result of preservation. The teeth are slender rather than conical and there is a tendency towards tooth reduction, both in their size and number, with increasing maturity. A similar situation occurs in the common Upper Lias species S. quadriscissus (Huene 1922, p. 40; McGowan 1979, pp. 102-104). A variation seen in some specimens is for the tip of the snout to extend beyond that of the mandible, giving the skull an overbite. There is a possible overbite of 9 mm in OUM J10305, a definite one of 19 mm in BGS 51236, and an overbite of between 60 and 70 mm in BMNH 2009, which is about 15% of the snout length. A B 0 text-fig. 2. Leptopterygius tenuirostris. a, OUM J10305, xO-32; b, SCM 8372, xO-32; c, BMNH R 1 1 27, an isolated partial fin, x 0-62. For ease of comparison, photographs b and c have been laterally inverted; all three appear to be left fins in dorsal view. Emended diagnosis. Vertebral count to tail bend (which may be indistinct) > 79; vertebral count to pelvis at least 44 but probably not exceeding 50; orbital ratio < 0-25 and may be < 0-20; snout ratio > 0-70; premaxillary ratio > 0-48; prenarial ratio > 0-56; sclerotic ratio 0-34; teeth predominantly slender and may be relatively small; forefin probably with four digits; humerus with constricted shaft, widely expanded distally with a facet on leading edge; radius notched; occlusal edges of radius and ulna usually enclosing a small foramen; radius and ulna, sometimes also 416 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 table 2. Forefin features of Leptopterygius tenuirostris. Specimen Humerus wide distally Humerus with leading edge facet Foramen between radius and ulna Radius notched Phalanges rounded Fusion between radius and ulna OUM .110305 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BMNH R489 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No BGS 51236 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No SCM 8372 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No WM 527 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes GTS L/AG/Arch/18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No BATGM M3552 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No BATGM M3556 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No BATGM M3565 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No BATGM M3566 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No LEICS OS. 90. 1953 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DLR ‘002’ Yes Indeterminate Yes Yes Yes No BMNH 36182 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes humerus, may be partially fused; phalanges discoidal, relatively large, probably well spaced distally; femur with slender shaft, expanded distally; tibia notched, probably also tibiale, notches probably broad; pelvic girdle essentially tripartite, though pubis and ischium may be partially fused; coracoid probably rounded and probably always with an anterior notch. Geological range. All specimens here referred to I. tenuirostris are from the Lower Lias (and uppermost Triassic; see below), primarily from Street in Somerset but material has also been collected from other localities including Barrow-on-Soar, Leicestershire; Lyme Regis, Dorset; Pinhay Bay, Devon; and Stogursey, Somerset. A pair of partial forefins (BMNH 41253) referable to I. tenuirostris were collected from Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. Most of the reptilian remains from Street were collected from the Pr e-Planorbis Beds (Arkell 1933), and while there has been some discussion on whether this horizon should be placed at the base of the Jurassic or at the top of the Triassic, the latter has been recommended (Harland et al. 1982). At the other end of the range the youngest material is represented by material from Lyme Regis, and this probably does not extend beyond the earlier part of the Sinemurian. The geological range of L. tenuirostris is therefore from the Rhaetian to the Early Sinemurian. Description of individual specimens. See Appendix. Eurhinosaurus longirostris Huene’s (1922, pp. 39-40) suggestion that E. longirostris occurred in England was based on the evidence of two poorly preserved specimens from the Upper Lias of Whitby, Yorkshire (BMNH 14566 and BMNH 36876), which he tentatively assigned to the species. The skull of the first specimen, described as being badly damaged, was said to be exposed from the dorsal aspect, with no mandible visible. The second specimen was described as being a badly damaged skull, again without evidence of a lower jaw. BMNH 14566 has skull and snout lengths of approximately 860 and 680 mm, and an orbital diameter of approximately 100 mm. If it were assumed that the specimen was not a eurhinosaur and that the mandible was about as long as the skull, the snout and orbital ratios would be approximately 0-79 and 012. This snout ratio is consistent with L. tenuirostris , despite the fact that the species is not known to extend into the Upper Lias, but the orbital ratio is considerably smaller than that of any other Jurassic ichthyosaur. An orbital diameter of only 100 mm, however, would be consistent with a eurhinosaur skull of 860 mm length. BMNH R5465, for example, the smallest eurhinosaur with comparable data, has a skull length of 1035 mm and an orbital diameter of approximately 125 mm, which gives a value of 012 for the orbital ratio, the same as in BMNH 14566. Further preparation or radiography is required for confirmation, but the evidence suggests that BMNH 14566 is referable to E. longirostris. The second specimen, BMNH 36876 (Lydekker 1889, p. 91), is a rather poorly preserved, partially three- dimensional skull, exposed from the left side. The snout, which is in several sections, is long and slender and projects at an angle from the main block. Judged from the narrowness at its terminal end, the snout is McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 417 probably almost complete, and has a preserved length of 1025 mm. The orbit is large, almost circular, and contains a fairly well-preserved sclerotic ring. According to Huene (1922, p. 39) there was no lower jaw, but the mandible has been preserved and, although incomplete, its broken tip is only 18 mm deep, indicating that little is missing. The preserved length of the jaw is 600 mm, which is less than half that of the skull (approximately 1280 mm). There can be no doubt of the eurhinosaurian identity of the material, and comparison with BMNH R3938, a similarly sized skull of E. longirostris from the Upper Lias of Germany, shows a close correspondence in their measurements (Table 3). table 3. Comparison of BMNH 36876 with an identified specimen of Eurhinosaurus longirostris. Specimen Locality Skull length Jaw length Orbital diameter Sclerotic diameter BMNH 36876 Whitby, Yorks. 1280* 600* 174 70 BMNH R3938 Probably Holzmaden 1312 648 179 71 * Measurement approximate, with no allowances for missing parts. A second specimen, also numbered BMNH 36876, is also from the Upper Lias of Whitby. Tentatively referred to L. tenuirostris by Lydekker (1889, p. 88), it comprises a partial snout and mandible, exposed from the ventral aspect. The snout and mandibular sections are 850 mm and 600 mm long, giving an overbite of 250 mm. This estimate is based on the assumption that the snout and mandible have retained their natural relationship with one another, but this might not be so. While it is unlikely that the mandible has shifted backwards during preservation, it might have shifted forwards. This is because the mandible could be shifted back from its present position and still retain a close correspondence between its width and that of the snout. There might, therefore, have been a more extensive overbite than the present 250 mm. The material is too incomplete to make a definitive identification, but it is more likely referable to Eurhinosaurus than to any other taxon. The structure of the tail. According to Riess (1986, p. 103): ‘ Eurhinosaurus . . . did not have a tail-bend. The vertebrae at the end of the tail do decrease in size but there is no sudden decrease of vertebrae in the tail nor a triangular vertebra which would indicate a tail-bend. Furthermore the pictures of unprepared skeletons . . . and sketches of finds which were made available to me by R. Wild . . . all speak one plain language: none of them show even an indication of a tail-bend.’ (Translation by E. Wolf.) Riess illustrated his point by reference to the photographs of FSF 4155 taken before and after preparation (Riess 1986, pi. 1, fig. 2; Hauff and Hauff 1981, pis. 40 41), in which there appears to be no evidence for a natural tail bend. It is certainly true that it has been a common practice during the preparation of Holzmaden ichthyosaurs to remove almost all of the matrix from around segments of the skeleton, such as the tail, and then to drop these into recessed limestone reliefs. The tail bends depicted in such restorations are therefore entirely unfounded, but this does not mean that a tail bend was not originally present, nor that all specimens have been so modified, and each case must be judged on its own merits. Without extensive preparation, the authenticity of an undocumented specimen will always be in doubt, but the identification of wedge-shaped vertebrae in the vicinity of the tail bend is persuasive evidence that a tail bend was present. Given the infrequency with which vertebrae are exposed from the lateral aspect it is not surprising that Riess (1986) should report the absence of wedge-shaped centra in Eurhinosaurus. However, I have found a wedge-shaped centrum in the specimen he illustrated (FSF 4155). This vertebra (no. 91) has a diameter of 30 mm and is 15-5 mm wide dorsally and 12 mm wide ventrally. Furthermore, it occurs at a point where there is a marked decline in the rate of reduction of vertebral diameters. It is difficult to deny that a tail bend was present in this specimen, but the angle of the tail bend as depicted in the prepared skeleton may bear little relationship to reality. A careful re-examination of all Eurhinosaurus material is obviously needed, but in the meantime it may be noted that this genus probably had a tail bench 418 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 DISCUSSION A fairly wide range of variation is seen among the individuals referred to L. tenuirostris, which raises the question of whether they really do all belong to the same species. How likely is it, for example, that one member of a species has a complex external naris while another has a simple opening, or that one individual has a snout which is considerably longer than that of another? Some measure of the amount of individual variation to be expected within an ichthyosaurian species is obviously required, but there are no criteria for recognizing biological species within the fossil record (except in those rare instances provided by maternal ichthyosaurs— see McGowan 1979). In the absence of direct means of assessing individual variation, E. longirostris would appear to serve as a suitable yardstick. This is because, being so highly specialized and distinctly different from all other ichthyosaurs, it is likely to represent a single species, as is its modern analogue, the swordfish ( Xiphias gladius). It must be remembered, though, that there is great variety in the range of individual variation among living animals, even among closely related ones. E. longirostris can, therefore, only give an indication of the degree of individual variation that might be expected within an ichthyosaurian species. A wide range of variation has been found in Eurhinosaurus , both in continuous and discontinuous characters, and some may be attributable to sexual dimorphism (McGowan 1979). Some individuals, for example, have a total digital count of five, others four; the counts to the pelvis and to the tail bend range between 45 and 49 and between 91 and 95; some individuals have a complex bilobed naris while others have a simple opening, and the snout ratio varies between 1-42 and 1-93. The swordfish, similarly, has a wide range of variation in its snout and mandibular proportions (McGowan 1988), and some differences in body proportions are possibly attributable to sexual dimorphism (Alvarado Bremer 1988). The variability seen among specimens here referred to L. tenuirostris , therefore, probably does represent individual variation rather than the unwitting lumping together of individuals belonging to separate biological species. The tendency in L. tenuirostris for the tip of the rostrum to extend beyond the mandible lends support to its possible ancestral relationship to Excalibosaurus costini , a species characterized by an extensive overbite (McGowan 1986). The overbite in E. costini amounts to about 35% of the snout length, compared with a maximum of about 15% in BMNH 2009, here described as a variant individual of L. tenuirostris (see Appendix). But the most extreme rostral development is seen in Eurhinosaurus longirostris, where the overbite approaches 60% of the snout length. The possibility that E. longirostris may have been derived from Excalibosaurus costini is discussed elsewhere (McGowan 1986; in press). The extension of the geographical range of Eurhinosaurus into the Whitby locality of England, suggested by Huene (1922), is now established. This is not surprising in view of the similarity in age of the Whitby and Holzmaden localities and of their close proximity (less than 1000 km). Nor is this unprecedented— the predominently German species Stenopterygius hauffianus, for example, also occurs in the Upper Lias of Ilminster, Somerset. Wide geographical ranges appear to be the rule rather than the exception for ichthyosaurian species (McGowan 1978). Acknowledgements. I am sincerely grateful to a large number of people who have given access to material in their care, or who have helped in other ways. With apologies for any names inadvertently missed I thank the following: Annabel Ainsworth, Cathy Arden, Chris Arden, Michael Bassett, Joan Burke, Alan Charig, Chris Collins, John Cooke, David Costain, Ronald Croucher, Jill Crowther, Peter Crowther, Mark Davis, Paul Ensom, John Fowles, Chris Hawks, David Hill, Steven Howe, Andrew Kendal, Michael Lambert, David Langdon, Cindy Langham, Peter Langham, Robert Langham, Andrew Leitch, Rosemary McDougal, John Martin, Angela Milner, Philip Palmer, C. W. Pamplin, Dennis Parson, Phillip Powell, Dianne Smith, David Sole, Michael Taylor, Jeffrey Thomason, Alan Timms, and Erica Wolff. McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 419 REFERENCES alvarado bremer, j. r. 1988. Quantitative comparisons of allometric growth and shape in the swordfish (Xiphias gladius). M.Sc. thesis (unpublished). University of Toronto. appleby, R. m. 1979. The affinities of Liassic and later ichthyosaurs. Palaeontology , 22, 92U946. arkell, w. J. 1933. The Jurassic System in Great Britain , 681 pp. Clarendon Press, Oxford. HARLAND, W. B., COX, A. V., LLEWELLYN, P. G., PICKTON, C. A. G., SMITH, A. G. and WALTERS, R. 1982. A geological time scale , 1 3 1 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. hauff, b. and hauff, r. b. 1981. Das Holzmadenbuch , 136 pp. Hauff, Holzmaden. hawkins, T. 1834. Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri , extinct monsters of the ancient earth , 58 pp. Relfe and Fletcher, London. HUENE, F. VON. 1922. Die Ichthyosaurier des Lias und ihre Zusammenhange, 1 14 pp. Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin. jager, G. F. 1856. fiber eine neue Species von Ichthyosauren (Ichthyosaurus longirostris Owen et Jager). Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. 25, 937-967. Johnson, r. 1979. The osteology of the pectoral complex of Stenopterygius Jaekel ( Reptilia: Ichthyosauria). Neues Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 159, 41 -86. konig, c. D. E. 1825. leones fossilium sectiles , 4 pp. Centuria Prima, London. kuhn, o. 1934. Ichthyosauria. In quenstedt, w. (ed.). Fossilium Catalogus , 63, 3-75. W. Junk, Berlin. lydekker, R. 1889. Catalogue of the fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum ( Natural History ), part 2, 307 pp. British Museum (Natural History), London. mcgowan, c. 1972. The distinction between latipinnate and longipinnate ichthyosaurs. Life Sci. Occ. Pap. R. Out. Mus. 20, I 8. — 1974a. A revision of the longipinnate ichthyosaurs of the Lower Jurassic of England, with descriptions of two new species (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria). Life Sci. Contr. R. Out. Mus. 97, 1 -37. — 19746. A revision of the latipinnate ichthyosaurs of the Lower Jurassic of England (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria). Ibid. 100, 1-30. 1976. The description and phenetic relationships of a new ichthyosaur genus from the Upper Jurassic of England. Can. Jl Earth Sci. 13, 668-683. — 1978. Further evidence for the wide geographical distribution of ichthyosaur taxa (Reptilia: Ichthyo- sauria). J. Paleont. 52, 1155 1162. — 1979. A revision of the Lower Jurassic ichthyosaurs of Germany with descriptions of two new species. Palaeontographica, A166, 93-135. — 1986. A putative ancestor for the swordfish-like ichthyosaur Eurhinosaurus. Nature , Land. 322, 454 456. — 1988. Differential development of the rostrum and mandible of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) during ontogeny and its possible functional significance. Can. Jl Zool. 66, 496-503. mantell, G. A. 1851. Petrifications and their teachings ; or , a hand-book to the gallery of organic remains of the British Museum , 496 pp. H. G. Bohn, London. OWEN, R. 1881. A monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Liassic formations. Part 3. Ichthyopterygia , 83-134. Palaeontographical Society, London. pamplin, c. m. 1987. ‘The Leaping Ichthyosaur.’ Fossil Forum , Palaeo-Enterprises Publications, 1 (3), centre page illustration. riess, J. 1986. Fortbewegunsweise, Schwimmbiophysik, und Phylogenie der Ichthyosaurier. Palaeontographica , A 192, 93-155. smith, h. m. 1970. Nomina and Taxa Dubia. Syst. Zool. 19, 94. Typescript received 20 April 1988 Revised typescript received 20 August 1988 c. MCGOWAN Department of Vertebrate Palaeontology Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queen’s Park Toronto, Canada M5S 2C6 and Department of Zoology University of Toronto 420 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 APPENDIX Specimens referred to L. tenuirostris 1. OUM J10305 (text-figs. 1a and 2a). This almost complete and rather well-preserved skeleton, from Street, comprises a number of blocks set into a plaster relief (McGowan 19746, fig. 12 6). The matrix lacks chisel marks (see below) and there are no grounds to question the authenticity of the specimen. Because some of the anterior vertebrae are overlain by other bones, difficulties were encountered in making vertebral counts, but the error is not likely to be greater than + 1. The vertebral column is not sharply downturned, but the presence of a tail bend is confirmed by the presence of wedged-shaped centra at levels 85 and 87 (the feature is obscured in vertebra 86). Thus the centrum of vertebra 85, which is 21 mm high, has dorsal and ventral widths of 8 and 7 mm; measurements for vertebra 87 are 19, 8, and 6 mm, respectively. Because of incomplete preservation, and some displacement of the pelvic girdle, it is not possible to determine the vertebral count to the pelvis with precision; the count is between 45 and 47, and the median value of 46 will be recorded. The pelvic condition is indeterminate. The tip of the snout has a small (9 mm) extension which may be a displaced tooth, or a bony process from the premaxilla. The former assumption has been made, but if this should prove to be incorrect, 9 mm would have to be added to all relevant measurements. This would elevate the snout, premaxillary, and prenarial ratios from 0.72, 0.52, and 0.60 to 0.74, 0.53, and 0.62, respectively. The external naris has a somewhat bilobed appearance, with an expanded posterior portion. The teeth are slender, especially towards the tip of the rostrum, and are relatively small. One of the larger teeth, for example (at the tip of the maxilla), is 12-5 mm long and 4 mm wide. There are two partial forefins, the anterior one overlying much of the other and comprising four digits with large discoidal phalanges. The humerus has a relatively narrow shaft, much widened distally, with the leading edge expanded proximodistally forming a facet. This leading edge facet, a distinguishing feature of the species (see Table 2), is also seen in many Upper Lias species (McGowan 1979, pis. 2, 4, 5) and may have served for the transmission of the radial artery and nerve (Johnson 1979, p. 68). The radius has a notch on its leading edge, and the occlusal edges of the radius and ulna enclose a small foramen. An unusual feature of the anteriormost forefin is that the radiale has a small emargination on its distal margin. The otherwise normal appearance of this oblong element discounts the possibility that it has simply been rotated through 90°. The coracoid is largely indeterminate but appears to lack a posterior notch. The hindfin appears to have three digits, the femur is slender shafted and widely expanded distally. The anterior margins of the tibia and tibiale are broadly emarginated. 2. BMNH R498. This specimen, from Street, Somerset, comprises several blocks set in plaster, colour- matched to the matrix (McGowan 19746, fig. 12a). The matrix bears chisel marks, but the pattern is not like that seen in BGS 51236 or in BMB C2 and, although there are patches of plaster, some with chisel patterns, most of the matrix appears to be original. The tail bend is not an obvious feature because of the dorsal exposure of the skeleton. However, there is evidence of a change in the diameters of the centra at the level of the 85th vertebra, and this probably marks the position of the tail bend. This is confirmed by the presence of wedge-shaped centra; vertebra 84 is slightly wedge-shaped, 85 is markedly so (vertical height of centrum approximately 23 mm, dorsal and ventral widths approximately 7 0 and 4-2 mm), and vertebra 86 is the most strongly wedge-shaped (measurements 20, 9, and 4-5 mm, respectively). The vertebral count to the pelvic girdle is 45. The pelvic condition is indeterminate. Because the skull, which has been dorsoventrally compressed, lies partially embedded in matrix, few reliable measurements can be made. The external naris is not well preserved but there appears to be an expanded posterior portion, as in OUM J 10305. The teeth are slender. The forefin, seemingly complete on the right but obviously incomplete on the left side, has a total digital count of four, with 15 elements in the longest digit. The individual phalanges, which are discoidal, are well spaced distally and this appears to be natural rather than manufactured. The humerus has a relatively narrow shaft, much expanded distally, with a well-developed leading-edge facet. The leading edge of the radius is deeply notched. There is no evidence of a foramen between the contact edges of the radius and ulna for the right forefin, but there is evidence of one for the left side. The coracoid is indeterminate. The femur is broadly expanded distally and has a narrow shaft. The tibia and tibiale have broad emarginations on their anterior edges, there are only three digits, and the distal phalanges are discoidal. 3. BGS 51236 (text-fig. 1b). The initial impression is one of a complete skeleton lying in a single block of matrix that has been worked with a chisel (McGowan 19746, fig. 11). However, some judicious probing with McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 421 a mounted needle reveals that the specimen comprises several separate blocks surrounded by an artificial matrix, the whole having been veneered with what appears to be a grey pigmented plaster bearing chisel marks. In places this veneer has cracked, and the original matrix, which has a more yellow colour, can clearly be seen beneath. Many cracks run across the specimen, especially through the post-sacral vertebral column, and some of these are wide and infilled with the grey plaster. It is quite likely that the specimen has been tampered with but this could only be established by an extensive and invasive investigation. The following description, which emends the previous account (McGowan 19746), is therefore given with the reservation that the authenticity of the material is in question. The vertebral column lacks any obvious tail bend, the tail having been thrown into coils in this region. However, there is evidence of a constriction at level 84 indicating a tail bend, as previously reported, and this now appears to be confirmed by identifying three vertebrae with slightly wedge-shaped centra; the centra of vertebrae 85 and 86 are 21 and 19 mm high, with dorsal and ventral widths of 9 mm and 7 mm and 7 and 6 mm, respectively. The centrum of vertebra 87, which is 18 mm high, is narrower dorsally (7 mm) than ventrally (8 mm) and this would cancel out the downturn effect of the previous centrum. Whether any of the centra anterior to vertebra 84, or posterior to 87, are wedge shaped is not known. In any event it seems unlikely that there was an effective tail bend, which would explain why there is no obvious tail bend in this specimen. The count to the pelvic girdle is 47. The pelvic girdle is tripartite, the pubis and ischium being quite separate. Close inspection of the skull reveals that the extreme tip of the snout is missing, but it is already so narrow at this point that it is unlikely that very much has been lost, and this is estimated to be about 10 mm. Making allowances for the missing tip changes the previously given cranial ratios; the snout ratio increases from 0-72 to 0-74, the premaxillary ratio from 0-52 to 0-54, and the prenarial ratio increases from 0-60 to 0-61. The mandible, which appears to be complete, stops 9 mm short of the broken tip of the snout, and when allowances are made for the missing tip of the snout this overbite is increased to 19 mm. The orbital ratio has been modified from 0-23 to 0-24. The external naris is bilobed, with a narrow tongue of bone separating a narrow lower portion from the rest. The teeth are very slender; one from the anterior tip of the maxilla is 13 mm long and about 4 mm wide. Note was taken in the previous account that the forefin measurements were unreliable because the fins had been reconstructed distally. Nevertheless, there is good agreement between left and right sides in the measurements of the humerus, radius and ulna, suggesting that measurements of these elements are reliable. The proximal articular surface of the left radiale looks as if it has been modified to articulate with the radius. The coracoids are rectilinear rather than being typically rounded, raising doubts about their authenticity. 4. SCM 8372 (text-figs, lc and 2b). This specimen, which lies on its right side, consists of two main blocks set into a plaster relief, but this has not been made to blend with the matrix and the relationship between the two main blocks, and between their component parts, is good. This is, therefore, considered to be one of the most reliable of the specimens referred to L. tenuirostris. There is a tail bend, which appears to be natural, and vertebra 82, which is at the beginning of the tail bend, is wedge-shaped. The height, dorsal, and ventral widths of this centrum are approximately 19, 9-3, and 6-5 mm, respectively. The centrum of vertebra 84 also appears to be wedge-shaped, but its dorsal and ventral widths are about the same. The apex of the tail bend therefore appears to lie between vertebrae 82 and 84 and the count will be recorded as 83. The vertebral count to the pelvic girdle is 45. The pelvis is tripartite, with no evidence of fusion between the pubis and ischium. The skull is essentially complete but has been badly crushed, making it difficult to interpret some of its features. There is a particular problem at the tip of the rostrum and it is not clear whether the tips of the right mandible and right side of the snout are being seen, or whether the mandible stops short and what is being seen are the tips of the left and right halves of the snout. The assumption is made that the mandible extends to the tip of the snout. A sub-terminal portion of the rostrum— a segment about 140 mm long— was stolen from the specimen while on display, and has been restored in plaster. Teeth are not plentiful, though several can be seen, and these are small and very slender. A tooth from close to the tip of the snout, for example, is 9 mm long and about 1 mm wide. The external naris appears to be bilobed, but further preparation is needed to determine its shape. The naris appears to be continued anteriorly as a narrow slit, reminiscent of the condition in Excalibosaurus costini (McGowan, 1986) but this could be an effect of preservation. This crack-like extension is separated from the external naris proper by a constriction, and the latter has been taken as the anterior boundary of the naris in all measurements. If the anterior extension is later determined to be an integral part of the naris, it will be necessary to decrease the prenarial ratio from the present value of 0 61 to 0-59. 422 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 The forefin, which has only 10 elements in the longest digit and is probably not complete, has three or perhaps four primary digits and a total digital count of four, possibly five. The humerus has a narrow shaft, is broadly expanded distally, and has a prominent leading edge facet. The anterior edge of the radius is broadly notched and a prominent foramen is enclosed between the contact edges of the radius and ulna. The coracoid is rounded, not angular as in BGS 51236, with a fairly broad anterior notch. The posterolateral margin appears to be scalloped but this has probably been caused by its being crushed against the underlying ribs. 5. WM 527 . This specimen, from Mandeville, near Street, is preserved from the dorsal aspect and faces towards the left. It would appear to lie on a single slab of matrix, but this is much cracked and infilled and, without an extensive investigation, it cannot be determined whether all the parts belong together. However, with the possible exception of a crack immediately posterior to the pelvic girdle, there is nothing to arouse suspicion and the assumption is made that the specimen is authentic. Although the entire length of the skull is preserved, the skull roof has been lost so that few measurements can be taken. Furthermore, although the posterior limit of the mandible can be determined, its anterior tip cannot. The assumption is made that the mandible extended to the tip of the snout because this is the usual situation. The vertebral count to the pelvic girdle is approximately 45. The pelvis is fairly well preserved and clearly shows that the pubis and ischium are not fused. The most complete of the two forefins is well preserved but is incomplete distally. The humerus has a narrow shaft, is much widened distally, and has a prominent leading edge facet. The radius and radiale are notched but there is no foramen between the radius and ulna. The radius is partially fused with the humerus and with the ulna. The coracoid is largely indeterminate, being overlain by other elements, but it appears to be rounded, not rectilinear as in BGS 51236. 6. GTS L/AG/Arch/18. This near-complete skeleton from Street lies on its right side, and comprises two major blocks, set in plaster. Some of the matrix bears chisel marks, but these appear to be genuine. The vertebral column has a distinct tail bend, but an oblique crack across the matrix at this level has been infilled with plaster, painted to match the colour of the matrix. This raises the possibility that the specimen has been tampered with but it is most unlikely that the bend has been manufactured from an originally straight tail because this would have required inserting a wedge of matrix, which has not been done. The possibility cannot be dismissed that the segment posterior to the crack has been added from a second specimen, though the two broken edges, which are only separated by a gap of about 3 mm, appear to correspond with one another fairly well. For the present it will be assumed that the vertebral column is complete. The vertebral counts are difficult to make because of displacements in the thoracic region, and could be underestimated by between two and three; the counts to the pelvis and to the tail bend are 44 and 86. The centrum of vertebra 86, which is approximately 20 mm high, is slightly wedge-shaped, being 9 mm wide dorsally and 7-5 mm ventrally. The pubis and ischium are unfused. An unusual feature of this specimen is that most of the rostral portion of the skull is missing, as are the anterior portions of both mandibles. Indeed, all that remains of the mandibles are the surangulars, and while this preservation is unusual it is not without precedent because there are two isolated surangulars in the collections of the British Museum (BMNH 2122X and 2129X). No measurements are possible for the skull. The forefins are typical of L. tenuirostris. The humerus has a narrow shaft, widely expanded distally, with a leading edge facet. The radius is deeply notched and encloses a prominent foramen with the ulna. There are four digits, the phalanges are discoidal and there are only 1 1 elements in the longest digit of the most complete (right) fin, though there are probably a few elements missing terminally. Neither the coracoids, nor the hindfins, are well preserved. 7. BATGM M3552. This skeleton, which lies on its right side, comprises a skull —complete except for its tip — a fairly complete and well-preserved forefin and coracoid, and scattered vertebrae and ribs. The blocks bearing the bones are set in plaster but the relationships between them appears to be good. No vertebral counts are possible. The tip of the snout and mandible have been partially and inexpertly restored in plaster and it is estimated that approximately 20 mm has been lost. This has been taken into account in the cranial measure- ments, which are therefore partly estimated. The snout is long and slender, typical of the species. Teeth are numerous, slender, and are about 1 cm long. The orbit is well rounded; the shape of the external naris is indeterminate. The humerus is fairly broad distally, and has a leading edge facet. The radius and radiale are both notched, and a prominent foramen is enclosed between the radius and ulna. The phalanges are discoidal, but the fin McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 423 is too incomplete to determine either the number of elements in the longest digit, or the number of digits — three digits are preserved. The coracoid is rounded, with a broad anterior, and a posterior emargination. 8. BATGM M3556. This partial skeleton from Street appears to be exemplary of the species but, because of its generally poor preservation, few measurements can be taken. The skeleton lies on its left side, but the left forefin has been flipped up above the vertebral column, where it rests on its ventral surface. The block bearing the skeleton is set in a plaster relief and has numerous cracks running through it, some deep and wide. Little remains of the postsacral skeleton; the vertebral count to the pelvis is 46, possibly 45. The pelvic girdle is well preserved and there is partial fusion between the pubis and ischium. Most of the prenarial segment of the skull is missing, and that which remains is incomplete and displaced. The few scattered teeth that can be seen are relatively small, and while some are very slender others are conical. The forefin has four digits, the phalanges are discoidal, the radius is notched and there is a foramen enclosed between the radius and ulna. The humerus is broadly expanded distally and has a well-developed leading edge facet. The coracoid is longer than it is wide, tends to be rounded rather than rectilinear, and has a single, round, anterior notch that is relatively small. Little remains of the hindfin; the femur is fairly slender and widens distally, as in other referred specimens. The tibia has a broad notch that occupies much of its leading edge. 9. BATGM M3565. This partial skeleton, which lies on its left side, comprises several blocks set in plaster. The skull has several cracks and repairs, and while the contact edges of the broken elements appear to match satisfactorily, it is not known how good these matches are. The accuracy of the cranial measurements are therefore uncertain. No vertebral counts could be made; the pelvic girdle is indeterminate. The snout and mandible are both long and slender, typical of the species, but the orbit appears rather large. The orbital ratio is correspondingly high (0-24) but is within the limits previously diagnosed for L. temiirostris. The external naris, which also appears to be relatively large, has something of a posterior expansion, but its shape is partially obscured by a displaced bone. Teeth occur throughout; they are slender and relatively small and one of the largest ones is 1 1 mm long and 4 mm wide. The forefin is robust. The humerus is broad, widely expanded distally, and has a prominent leading edge facet. There appear to be four digits and the phalanges are discoidal. The radius and radiale are both notched, but there is no foramen enclosed between the radius and ulna. The coracoid is longer than broad, with a relatively long and straight intercoracoid facet and a single anterior emargination. 10. BATGM M3566. This large and incomplete skeleton lies with the skull, which lacks jaws, exposed from the ventral aspect. The specimen essentially occupies a single block set in plaster. No vertebral counts can be made and there is no determinate pelvis. The skull is approximately 690 mm long and is the second largest referred specimen treated here. The snout is long and slender but few measurements can be taken because of its orientation. Few teeth are preserved and these are relatively small and are conical rather than slender. One of the largest teeth is 9-6 mm long and 4 mm wide. The humerus has a constricted shaft and is widened distally, typical of L. tenuirostris , but it has a relatively small leading edge facet. The radius is notched but there is no foramen enclosed with the ulna — the remainder of the fin is indeterminate. The coracoid is considerably longer than it is wide (length 125 mm, width 75 mm) with a discrete anterior notch; the posterior edge appears to be broadly emarginated. The well-preserved scapula is robust. 1 1 . LEICS OS.90.1953. The snout of this rather poorly preserved skeleton, from Barrow-on-Soar, Leicester- shire, is incomplete, and it is not possible to estimate how much has been lost. Conceivably the snout could have been extremely long, as in BMNH 36182 from the same locality, and the specimen might therefore be atypical of the species (see p. 425 below). Few measurements can be taken from the skull, or from the rest of the skeleton, but the material is considered important enough to be included here, especially since it is only one of three specimens from this locality. The skeleton is exposed from the right side and comprises several blocks that have been set into a plaster relief. The vertebral column is depicted as being straight but the caudal vertebrae, which have been largely freed from matrix, have been arranged in a line without any obvious keying-up of the individual segments. Therefore, if a tail bend had been present when the specimen was found, this would have been lost during preparation. A disturbance in the regular order of the vertebrae occurs at about level 85 which may mark the position of a tail bend, but wedge-shaped centra cannot be seen. The vertebral count to the pelvic girdle is 48. 424 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 The external naris requires some preparation, and although it appears to have a simple petaloid shape there is indication of a slit-like extension of its anterior boundary. Poor preparation obscures most of the details of the teeth, but they are numerous and appear to be slender. The incomplete forefin has a humerus with a relatively narrow shaft, much widened distally and with a leading edge facet. The radius bears a prominent notch on its leading edge and a small foramen is enclosed between the contact edges of the radius and ulna. The slender femur has a wide distal expansion. text-fig. 3. DLR ‘002’, probably representing a mature individual of L. tenuirostris , x0-06. Drawing by C. M. Pamplin, who kindly gave permission for its inclusion here. 12. DLR ‘ 002 ’ (text-fig. 3). This rather important skeleton is tentatively identified as being a mature individual of L. tenuirostris. It was found in 1979 by Robert Langham in Pinhay Bay, just west of Lyme Regis, in the adjoining county of Devon. The horizon is given as that of Arietites bucklandi , which places the material at the beginning of the Sinemurian. The skeleton, which is almost complete, lies with its left side embedded in a thin sheet of matrix which has been trimmed to the approximate outline of the skeleton. Its arched posture has given rise to the epithet, ‘the leaping ichthyosaur’ (Pamplin 1987). The material has undergone considerable compression; the skull, for example, is only about 13 mm thick at the level of the external nares. This has undoubtedly distorted the specimen, exaggerating the depth of the skull and mandible and making the humerus appear much broader than it was in life. The tip of the skull broke off during collection, an estimated loss of approximately 10 mm (Robert Langham, pers. comm.) having been allowed for in all relevant measurements. The single hindfin, which is incomplete, was placed in its present position during preparation and is therefore not in its natural position. There is no obvious tail bend but there is a disturbance in the orderly arrangement of the vertebrae at about level 83, and this is accompanied by a marked decrease in the diameters of the centra. Close inspection reveals that vertebra 85 is wedge-shaped; the centrum has a height of 31 mm and is 14 mm wide dorsally and 1 1 mm wide some two-thirds of the way down (the ventral width, which is less than 1 1 mm, cannot be measured without further preparation). The pelvic girdle has not been preserved and since the hindfin is not in its natural position it cannot be used to determine the level of the pelvis. However, given that ichthyosaurian ribs become reduced in length at the level of the pelvic girdle, it is possible to estimate the position of the pelvis by detecting this change. The rib associated with vertebra 46 is 70 mm long while those of vertebrae 47 and 48 are both 53 mm long. This indicates a vertebral count to the pelvis of approximately 47. The skull has a long slender snout and the snout ratio of 0-75 falls within the diagnosed limits for L. tenuirostris. The orbit is difficult to measure because of uncertainties in its posterior margin, but an estimate of its diameter gives an orbital ratio of 0-18. While this is lower than that of specimens that McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 425 have been referred, without reservation, to L. tenuirostris, it is comparable to that of one tentatively referred specimen (BMNH 36182— orbital ratios 016). Because of poor preservation the anterior tip of the maxilla is difficult to discern, but an estimate of its position gives a value of 0-53 for the premaxillary ratio, which is within diagnosed limits for L. tenuirostris. The same holds true for the prenarial ratio of 0-58. The external naris is not immediately apparent because of the effects of crushing, which lias caused the elements forming its borders to be flattened against the bones of the other side of the skull. The naris is remarkable for its large size and for its complex bilobed shape. Anteriorly it is continued as a narrow slit, as in SCM 8372, but whether this is truly part of the naris or merely a result of crushing cannot be determined. The teeth are far more sparse than they are in most other specimens (e.g. OUM 10305, BGS 51236, and LEICS OS.90.1953) and are relatively minute compared to the size of the skull; one of the largest teeth is only 13 mm long and 3 mm wide. The best preserved forefin appears to be complete, but has been restored in plaster distal to the first row of phalanges (Peter Langham, pers. comm.). It is, therefore, not possible to determine the total number of elements in the longest digit, and the total number of digits may have exceeded the three that have been preserved. The humerus appears to be rather broad, but this is almost certainly attributable to crushing and the shaft is obviously narrow, typical of L. tenuirostris. It is not possible to determine whether there is a leading edge facet because this region is partially overlain by the displaced left mandible. The radius is notched, and a foramen is enclosed between the radius and ulna. Both coracoids are fairly well exposed and are rounded, almost discoidal in shape, with a small notch on the anterior margin. Referring DLR '002’ to L. tenuirostris extends the upper size limit of the species considerably, but it is fairly certain that it is correctly assigned because its other features are typical of the species, namely: relatively long snout, complex external naris, vertebral count to the tail bend of approximately 85, distally expanded humerus, notched radius, foramen enclosed between the radius and ulna. Atypical specimens probably representing variant individuals of L. tenuirostris 1. BMNH 2009 (text-fig. 4a). This well-preserved skull, which is exposed from the left side, was figured by Hawkins (1834, pi. 13). Initially the skull appears to be a perfectly ordinary example of /. tenuirostris , but closer inspection reveals two departures from the norm, namely an extensive overbite and an unusually slender mandible. Before these features can be discussed it is necessary to consider the state of preservation. The tip of the snout appears to lie at the same level as that of the mandible, but this is not so because the two halves of the mandible have moved relative to one another and what appears to be the tip of the left mandible, lying in line with the tip of the left side of the snout, is in fact the right half of the mandible. The tip of the left half of the mandible lies about 18 mm posterior to the tip of the snout, giving an overbite of the same amount. But the overbite is in fact greater than this, for two reasons. First, the very tip of the snout is missing— between 10 and 20 mm. Secondly, the left mandible has been displaced forwards, the posterior end of the left mandible having come to rest about 20 mm anterior to the posterior margin of the orbit. To restore the left mandible to its natural position would require moving it back about 30 mm. Allowing for this, and for the missing tip of the snout, gives an overbite of between some 60 and 70 mm, which is about 15% of the length of the snout. Having an elongated snout and an abbreviated jaw gives the relatively high value of 0-89 for the snout ratio. Remarkable too is the relative slenderness of the jaw. This is revealed by comparing BMNH 2009 with OUM J 10305, a typical specimen of L. tenuirostris of similar skull length (Table 4). Although their snouts are similar in depth, the jaw is only about half as deep in BMNH 2009, and the snout is longer and the jaw shorter. In other characters, including the possession of slender teeth and a relatively long external naris (its outline is partly obscured by a displaced tooth), BMNH 2009 is typical of L. tenuirostris. I conclude that the specimen probably represents a variant individual, and the data will not be used to contribute to the diagnosis of the species. 2. BMNH 36182 (text-fig. 4b). Owen’s 'least incomplete’ exemplar of /. longirostris (1881, pp. 124-126, pi. 32, fig. 7), is a large, almost complete skeleton which lies with its right side exposed. The material is quite well preserved, but its preparation could be much improved by further work. The bone and matrix are a distinctive dark brown, which appears to be characteristic of its Barrow-on-Soar locality, and the matrix is very hard. Several deep cracks run through the specimen, and there is a large gap in the vertebral column at the level of the pelvic girdle which has been filled in with a cement. However, the specimen has probably not been tampered with. The most striking feature is the remarkably long and slender snout, unsurpassed in any of the material hitherto referred to L. tenuirostris. There arc no comparably sized skulls of L. tenuirostris with adequate data for comparison, but in BGS 51236, which is less than two-thirds as long, the depths of 426 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 4. Specimens probably representing variant individuals of L. tenuirostris. a, BMNH 2009, x 0-26. B, BMNH 36182, xO-19. table 4. Comparison of BMNH 2009 and OUM J10305. Specimen Skull length Jaw length Orbital diameter Snout length BMNH 2009 539 0* 482-0 100-0 429-0* OUM J 10305 523-0 550-0 1 14-0 398-0 SNOUT DEPTH S-S2 S-J2 S-M S-N BMNH 2009 14 6 15-3 20-5 32-0 OUM J 10305 14 0 20-0 20-0 33-0 JAW DEPTH J-S2 J-J2 J-M J-N BMNH 2009 110 8-5 10-0 14-6 OUM J 10305 16 0 21-0 22-0 25-0 Allowance made for missing tip of snout. McGOWAN: LONG-SNOUTED ICHTHYOSAURS 427 table 5. Comparison of BGS 51236 and BMNH 36182. SKULL LENGTH SNOUT DEPTH Specimen S-S2 S-J2 S-M S-N BGS 51236 570-0* 21-5 26-3 28-0 40-8 BMNH 36182 760.0* 14-0 1 8-0 25-0 36-0 JAW DEPTH J-S2 J-J2 J-M J-N BGS 51236 17-2 18-0 19 0 26-0 BMNH 36182 1 0 0 12-0 14-0 16-0 * Allowance made for missing tip of snout. the snout and jaw all exceed those of BMNH 36182 (Table 5). The snout appears to be relatively long, but the snout ratio (0-78) is the same as that of BMNH R498. Although the orbit appears to be prominent (Owen 1881, p. 125 commented that it was relatively larger than in L. tenuirostris) it is relatively smaller (orbital ratio 0T6) than in any referred specimens of L. tenuirostris. Few teeth can be seen, and then only their tips, and it is not clear whether this is due to poor preservation, poor preparation, or to tooth reduction. The external naris is largely obscured by overlying bone, but it appears to have the shape of a curved ellipse. There is no tail bend and it is not possible to discern any wedge-shaped centra. However, there is a disturbance in the orderly arrangement of the centra between vertebrae 80 and 84, accompanied by a marked decrease in their diameters, and this might indicate the position of a tail bend. The vertebral count to the pelvis is probably 45 (Owen counted 48). The pelvic girdle is partly indeterminate, but the pubis and ischium are certainly not fused proximally. The best preserved forefin is incomplete and the humerus is partially fused with the radius which makes it difficult to determine its shape. The humerus appears to be expanded distally, there are four digits, and the phalanges appear to be discoidal. There is a well-developed foramen between the radius and ulna in one fin (the least complete fin), with some indication of one in the other, and the radius is deeply notched. In all of these features the material is typical of L. tenuirostris. The coracoid is indeterminate. The unusually slender rostrum no doubt influenced Owen’s (1881) decision to refer this specimen to a separate species from L. tenuirostris. However, aside from this feature, and the relatively small orbit, the material is consistent with what is known of L. tenuirostris , and it is concluded that it probably represents a variant individual of the species. Further preparation might help clarify the situation, but for the present the material is tentatively referred to L. tenuirostris , though its data were not used to contribute to the diagnosis of the species. SIZE-SELECTIVE TRANSPORT OF SHELLS BY BIRDS AND ITS PALAEOECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS by GERHARD C. CADEE Abstract. Size-selective transport of shells is demonstrated in the Dutch Wadden Sea for the Herring Gull ( Larus argentatus ) and the Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus ): only larger shells were transported. Size- selective transport of shells by predators is one of the taphonomic processes altering the size-frequency distribution of shells in the death assemblage: it results in mortality not recorded in the death assemblage forming where the animal lives. Such transport will occur particularly in intertidal areas. It hampers the use of size-frequency distribution for studies of population dynamics in fossil assemblages. Size-frequency distribution in a fossil assemblage is dependent on the interplay of growth rate, mortality rate, taphonomic processes, and usually also time averaging (Cummins et al. 1986). It is therefore like an equation that cannot be solved because there are too many unknown variables. Nevertheless, palaeoecologists have tried to use size-frequency distributions to extract data on transport or population dynamics from fossil assemblages ever since the early stimulating papers by Boucot (1953) and Kurten (1953) (see Hallam 1972; Cadee 1968, 1982; Cummins et al. 1986 for other references). The formation of a death assemblage is the initial step in the creation of a fossil assemblage. During this step the skeletal components of preservable organisms are subjected to such taphonomic processes as dissolution, breakage, bioerosion, abrasion, transport, and time averaging (shell condensation), all of which may alter the size-frequency distribution (Cummins et al. 1986). The study of these ‘biostratinomic’ processes has a long history (see Schafer 1962; Muller 1976, 1979). The importance of predation in producing shell fragments has been stressed by, among others, Schafer (1962), Cadee (1968), and Trewin and Welsh (1976). In this paper I will concentrate on transport of shells by predators which represents a process of mortality not recorded in the death assemblage forming in the localities where the animals live. After 20 years of problems with punctured bicycle tyres on my way to the laboratory due to shell-smashing activities of gulls, I learned to see this activity as a mechanism by which shells are transported from the intertidal area to land. Do these gulls select shells of a certain size? Such a selection was reported by Zwarts and Drent (1981) for the Hooded Crow which uses the same smashing method. Moreover, a nearby roost of Oystercatchers offered the opportunity to study transport of Mvtilus edulis to the roost on land and possible size selection by this species. Such a transport was first reported by Leopold et al. (1985) and found to be non size-selective. Transport of shells from sea to land by birds foraging in the intertidal area has been reported repeatedly. Most data pertain to gulls (Sunkel 1925; Schwarz 1932; Teichert and Serventy 1947; Remane 1951; Goethe 1958; Schafer 1962; Barash et al. 1975; Siegfried 1977; Kent 1981) and the palaeoecological importance has been stressed: marine shells transported to a terrestrial habitat may pose problems in the correct interpretation of the terrestrial palaeoenvironment. Transport of shells from the intertidal area, however, will also alter the death assemblage of shells left behind, particularly if such a transport is quantitatively important. If such transport is size selective, it will influence the size-frequency distribution of the death assemblage, presenting problems in the use of size-frequency distribution in palaeoecology (e.g. for population dynamics). [Palaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 429-437. | © The Palaeontological Association 430 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 text-fig. 1. Location of tidal flat (stippled), shell-smashing locality of Herring Gulls and Oystercatcher roost studied. OBSERVATIONS A large sample was collected in February 1988 of fresh Mytilus shells recently dropped by Herring Gulls ( Lams argentatus ) on the dike bordering a tidal flat area of the Dutch Wadden Sea along the south-east coast of Texel, near polder Ceres (text-fig. 1 ). Most shells still contained some adherent soft tissue. Shell length was measured to the nearest millimetre and the resulting CADEE: SIZE-SELECTIVE SHELL TRANSPORT 431 SHELLS SMASHED BY HERRING GULLS DIKE CERES TEXEL 20-2-1988 N = 722 LIVING ADULT MYTILUS (>35MM) TIDAL FLAT CERES (TEXEL) 20/22-2-1988 NM89 LIVING MYTILUS TIDAL FLAT CERES (TEXEL) 20-2-1988 N = 34 1 MYTILUS FROM OYSTERCATCHER ROOST TEXEL NEAR CERES 24-2-1988 N = I 4 I text-fig. 2. Size-frequency distributions of Mytilus edulis shells, a, dropped by Herring Gulls; b , living population; c. living adults only; d , from Oystercatcher roost. Size classes 5 mm, all measurements to the nearest mm. size-frequency distribution is given in text-fig. 2a. Gulls collected these mussels from mussel-beds on the tidal flat bordering the dike. The living mussel population was sampled there at a number of localities within this feeding area for size-frequency distribution measurement (text-fig. 2b). A comparison of the two size-frequency distributions reveals a marked difference: the size-frequency distribution of the living population is bimodal, that of the dropped shells shows a normal distribution. The smaller mussels, all year class 1987, were well represented in the living population but absent in the assemblage of shells transported by gulls. Average size and standard deviation were 25-9+ 19-4 and 58-7 + 6-9 mm for the living and the dropped population, respectively. This clearly indicates a size selection by gulls. Only the larger mussels, of older year classes, were transported. To measure the size-frequency distribution of this older living population more exactly, a larger sample was collected of only older Mytilus (text-fig. 2c). Size-frequency distributions of older living Mytilus and shells transported to land and smashed are very similar (average and standard 432 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 SHELLS SMASHED BY HERRING GULLS DIKE CERES TEXEL FEBRUARY/MARCH 1988 N = 3 3 1 text-fig. 3. Size-frequency distribution of Ensis directus shells smashed by Her- ring Gulls. deviation respectively 56-2 + 5-8 mm and 58-7 + 6-9 mm). Although the difference of 2-5 mm is statistically significant (t-test), this most probably does not indicate size selection by gulls but spatial variation within the mussel population and the difficulty in collecting exactly the population which the gulls were feeding on. Smashing activity of gulls occurs the year round but shows a seasonal variation with a peak in winter. The condition index (ratio meat weight : shell volume) of Mytilus is lower in this period than in summer (Zandee et al. 1980) because phytoplankton concentration is lowest in winter (Cadee and Hegeman 1979). For the same amount of food a gull has to collect in February/March twice as many Mytilus as in August/September. So it is not food quality which makes the gulls select Mytilus particularly in winter, but probably a lower availability of other food types. Between the smashed Mytilus shells on the dike a number of American razor clams (Ensis directus) were found, also with adhering soft tissue, which apparently were smashed by Flerring Gulls too. Subsequently, such shell smashing of Ensis by Flerring Gulls was indeed observed. E. directus is a recent immigrant in the Dutch Wadden Sea (Essink 1985). Size-frequency distribution of these shells also showed that only large specimens were transported (text-fig. 3). Not all Ensis shells had been broken when dropped. Apparently some shells opened without breaking. Kent (1981) reports the same for Argopecten dropped by Herring Gulls. Because of the difficulties in sampling razor clams adequately (they are fast movers in the sediment), I did not try to collect a representative sample of the living population for comparison. Instead growth was measured using the growth rings on the shells to estimate the age of the transported razor clams. Measurements of annual growth rings are given in text-fig. 4. Length increase is comparable to that found by Swennen et al. (1985) in the German part of the Wadden Sea. From these growth rate data it is concluded that Herring Gulls dropped only older Ensis shells with two to four winter rings. E. directus is a recent addition to the food resources of birds in the Wadden Sea (Essink 1985; Swennen et al. 1985). E. directus was an important food item for Herring Gulls and Oystercatchers ( Haematopus ostralegus ) foraging at extreme low tide on the tidal flat studied. The Herring Gulls did not collect all these razor clams and mussels themselves, but stole some from Oystercatchers (‘kleptoparasitism’). Swennen et al. (1985) observed that some Oystercatchers have specialized in feeding on E. directus , a new kind of prey in the Wadden Sea where before its introduction no razor clams occurred. Herring Gulls have also adapted to this new prey which they collect when swimming above the flat at low tide and in water depths of 10 to 20 cm. The Herring Gulls used the smashing method for Ensis only sporadically; in most cases they were able to feed on Ensis without smashing. CADEE: SIZE-SELECTIVE SHELL TRANSPORT 433 GROWTH CURVE ENSIS DIRECTUS text-fig. 4. Growth curve of Ensis di- TIDAL FLAT CERES TEXEL rectus from tidal flat near Ceres. FEBRUARY/MARCH 1988 M. edulis shells collected on the Oystercatcher roost showed a size distribution comparable to that of the shells dropped by Herring Gulls: the smaller Mytilus of year class 1987 were not transported, only older larger shells were found (text-fig. 2d). They were somewhat smaller (average and standard deviation 52-3 + 7-4 mm) than the older shells in the living population. This may be due to the fact that the Oystercatchers roosting here feed over a larger area of the tidal flat, which was not adequately sampled. Inspection of other mussel-beds in this tidal flat area indeed indicated such differences; in some places also the small mussels of the 1987 year class were almost lacking. Another explanation could be that the Mytilus taken to the roost are the last ones the Oystercatcher was able to collect before the feeding area became submerged. Mytilus living higher in the intertidal zone are smaller because they have a shorter feeding period per tide (Dare 1976). DISCUSSION A number of methods by which birds transport shells have been described in the literature, particularly concerning the Herring Gull. Shells, some not used as food by this bird, are transported to the nest and used as ‘decoration’ (Goethe 1937). Males present quantities of bivalves to the female (Tinbergen 1953; Goethe 1958), and these bivalves largely remain uneaten and intact near the nest. Some small shells are brought to the breeding colony as food for chicks, but according to Spaans (1971), fish form the main food for chicks. Quantitatively, however, transport of shells for these purposes will be small compared with transport of bivalves as food for (sub)adults. Smaller bivalves are ingested whole when small (9-23 mm length: Harris 1965; Spaans 1971) and broken in the muscular stomach. Their remains are dropped as faeces or regurgitated as pellets (cough balls) on land, on roosts, or in the breeding colony. Remane ( 1951 ) calculated this transport to be 1450 tons per year for the German coast. Since then the number of Herring Gulls has increased considerably (Smit and Wolff 1981). Remane (1951) did not include the smashing of shells by Herring Gulls in his estimates. Larger shells are first broken by smashing (Oldham 1930; Tinbergen 1953; Goethe 1958; Ingolfsson and Estrella 1978; Kent 1981; personal observations) and the meat is extracted leaving the shells behind. Shells for smashing are taken some 4 to 10 m in the air and dropped on the tidal fiat, but sometimes they are brought to dry land. Most successful are those birds that drop shells on a hard surface 434 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 (rocks, pebbly beach, artificial dike, road), but Herring Gulls do not select hard surfaces according to Oldham (1930) and Tinbergen (1953); moreover, hard surfaces are not always available (Kent 1981). However, Ingolfsson and Estrella (1978) found a marked preference for hard surfaces. I found that whereas some gulls seem to select the road or the hard surface of the dike, others dropped shells on the tidal flat, on grass, or even in water. Shells dropped on land break after being dropped one or several times. Oldham (1930) and Smit and Wolff (1981) report smashing of shells also for the Common Gull ( Larus canus). For a number of species of gulls in other parts of the world the smashing method has been described (Teichert and Serventy 1947; Barash et al. 1975; Siegfried 1977; Kent 1981; Maron 1981), indicating its widespread occurrence among the larger gull species. The Hooded Crow ( Corvus corone comix ) also displays this smashing method, but they confine themselves to bombing hard soils (Tinbergen 1953). Whereas only the older mussels were observed smashed (the smaller can be swallowed whole), without size selection among these older mussels, Kent (1981) found that his Herring Gulls showed a decided preference for smashing the largest available prey. Siegfried (1977) reports such a size selection among the larger shells for Kelp Gulls ( L . dominicanus ), as do Zach (1978) and Zwarts and Drent (1981) for the crows C. caurinus and C. corone cornix respectively. Oystercatchers open shells (M. edu/is , Cerastodenna edide, Macoma balthica , E. directus) with their strong beak and extract the meat without ingesting the shell (Tinbergen and Norton-Grilfiths 1964; Norton-Griffiths 1967; Hulscher 1982; Swennen et al. 1985). Shells are left on the feeding area and usually no transport is involved except when Oystercatchers try to escape kleptoparasitism by gulls or other Oystercatchers (Leopold et al. 1985; and personal observations). However, Leopold et al. (1985) reported long-distance transport of shells by this bird from the intertidal feeding area to the high-tide roosts. This was confirmed by the finding of Mytilus shells at the roost on Texel. Leopold et cd. (1985) did not find size-selective transport. This difference with the results presented herein can be explained by the differences in the size-frequency distribution of the living populations. The smaller Mytilus were almost absent in the living populations they studied (mean shell length, SD, and range given as 37-9 + 7 (20-62) and 48-2 + 7-1 (28-71) mm). The size selection observed in the current study on Texel agrees with size selection of mussels used for feeding as reported in the literature; Norton-Grilfiths (1967) observed Oystercatchers to select larger mussels, none smaller than 16 mm being eaten. Zwarts and Drent (1981) found a peak in the living population of Mytilus at 10 mm length which was not consumed by the Oystercatcher. However, Zwarts and Drent also observed a size selection for larger shells from the older Mytilus population. Compared with the ‘modal mussel’ of 44 mm, the relative risk of a mussel of 50, 54, or 58 mm being consumed by an Oystercatcher was 3-6, 6-7, and 10-5 times as high, respectively. Mytilus transported to the roost do not show this size selection for larger shells (Leopold et cd. 1985; this study). This could be due to the fact that they were taken from high in the intertidal zone (see above). Shell transport to the small roost on Texel studied here was far less important than that observed by Leopold et al. (1985) who estimated an annual transport of 1-3 tonnes of Mytilus shells on a large Oystercatcher roost. Another example of a bird that transports shells in the Wadden Sea is the Eiderduck ( Somateria mollissima). They collect their food by diving and therefore are also able to feed subtidally and on tidal flats during high tide. In the Dutch Wadden Sea this bird feeds largely on Mytilus and Cerastodenna. They ingest these molluscs entire and crush the shells in their muscular stomachs. The crushed fragments, most between T5 and 4 mm (Trewin and Welsh 1976), leave the birds as faeces. During low tide part of the eider population roosts on tidal flats, and in the breeding period eiders roost ashore near the nesting site, with only sick birds roosting ashore in winter (Swennen 1976). Most of the defaecation of the shell fragments occurs during roosting, and thus away from the feeding area, involving a transport of (fragmented) shells from the habitat where the molluscs lived. Eiderducks do select for size: they avoid eating the largest bivalves probably because larger prey offers a greater risk of internal injuries (Swennen 1976). The population of Eiderducks in the Dutch Wadden Sea (63 000 on average the year round) was estimated to consume 32 000 tonnes dry weight of flesh or 1-2 g.m_2-yr~1. More than 80% of this food consists of the bivalves mentioned CADEE: SIZE-SELECTIVE SHELL TRANSPORT 435 (Swennen 1976, 1981). As shell weight is about 15-20% of dry weight, this indicates a considerable and size-selective transport of shells by these birds of 3800-5100 tonnes per year, albeit as fragments. Compared with the total carbonate production of shells in the Wadden Sea (Beukema 1982) it amounts to c. 3%. Fewer quantitative data are available on other birds in the Wadden Sea that feed size-selectively on molluscs and produce faeces and/or cough balls on land containing shell fragments. Examples of birds feeding mainly on molluscs are Shellduck ( Tadorna tadorna ), Common Scoter ( Melanitta nigra). Curlew (Numenius ar quota ), and Knot (Calidris canutus ), the latter taking mainly spat-size molluscs. A number of other birds in this area feed partly on molluscs (van der Baan et al. 1958; Swennen 1975; Smit and Wolff 1981). Size-selective predation on the tidal flats is not confined to birds. During high tide, aquatic predators forage on the tidal flats (plaice, see Kuipers 1973, 1977; shore crab, see Klein Breteler 1976; shrimps, see van der Veer and Bergman 1987). From Kuipers’ (1977) data it may be concluded that plaice transport shells (as fragments) from the tidal flat to the channels. PALAEOECOLOGICAL RELEVANCE Hallam’s (1972, p. 78) statement that no pronounced size-selective effects of predation have been clearly demonstrated in the fossil record is probably still correct. However, this illustrates only the difficulty in demonstrating such effects, not that they do not occur. Data from Recent environments indicate that size-selective predation is more the rule than the exception (see Daan 1973, Ursin 1973, and Kuipers 1977 for fish; van der Veer and Bergman 1987 for shrimps). Vermeij (1978) and Reise (1985) give examples of size-selective predation on molluscs. Size-selective transport by predators is demonstrated in this paper for the Wadden Sea where it might involve at least 5 to 10% of the total shells produced. Size-selective transport by predators is probably best developed in intertidal areas where predators can feed during only part of the tidal period. All these predators show tidal migrations between feeding areas on the tidal flat and resting areas on land or in deeper water. It may also occur in subtidal waters visited for instance by predators during the night that return to deeper water during the day. Parrish (1987) gives examples of this ‘guild of daily commuters’ from the reef environment. 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CADEE Netherlands Institute for Sea Research PO Box 59 1 790 AB Den Burg Typescript received 5 April 1988 Texel Revised typescript received 26 September 1988 The Netherlands A PEAFOWL FROM THE PLIOCENE OF PERPIGNAN, FRANCE by CECILE MOURER-CHAUVIRE Abstract. A tarsometatarsus from the Pliocene of Serrat-d’en-Vacquer, Perpignan, attributed to Gallus bravardi Gervais, actually belongs to the recent genus Pavo , and hence is designated as Pavo bravardi (Gervais). Fossil Peafowls are also present in other Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene localities in France and Moldavia. The Perpignan form is very similar to the recent species of Pavo and differs from the African form Afropavo, suggesting that these two genera diverged from a common ancestor prior to the Pliocene. The species Gallus bravardi was described by Gervais (1849, 1848-1952) from a fragment of tarsometatarsus bearing a strong spur, which came from the site of Arde, or Ardes, in the ’Montagne de Perrier’, near Issoire (Puy-de-Dome, France). This specimen, collected by M. Bravard, was deposited in the collection of the Paris Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, but it has not been possible to locate it again in this collection. Deperet (1890) described from the Pliocene of Perpignan, in Roussillon, an upper part of a right coracoid and an almost complete left tarsometatarsus which he referred to G. bravardi Gervais. The part of the tarsometatarsus which bears the spur resembles in all its details the specimen described by Gervais as G. bravardi , its size being just a little smaller. However, the morphological characters of the proximal and distal parts indicate that this tarsometatarsus does not correspond to the recent genus Gallus , the Junglefowl, but to the recent genus Pavo, the Peafowl. The species bravardi is therefore transferred to the genus Pavo. However, the coracoid from Perpignan is morphologically similar to the genus Gallus and can be provisionally referred to as Gallus sp. The specimen from the Roussillon Pliocene, illustrated by Lambrecht (1933, p. 875, fig. 193h) as G. bravardi Gervais, is actually G. aesculapi Gaudry, from Pikermi. The Perpignan tarsometatarsus, described as complete, was made up of two fragments stuck together in such a way that the dorsal face of the proximal part was in continuity with the plantar face of the distal part, as can be seen in Deperet’s illustration. This tarsometatarsus has been restored by placing its dorsal and plantar faces correctly in line and, by comparison with recent forms, its shaft has been lengthened by plaster so that its present length is 158 mm. This is an estimate of its minimal size (its previous length was 143 mm). The occurrence of a fossil Peafowl in the European Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene is confirmed by the fact that the specimens from Seneze (Stehlin 1923) and Saint-Vallier (Viret 1954), referred to as ?G. bravardi, also have the morphological characteristics of Pavo and differ from Gallus. They can also be attributed to the species P. bravardi (Gervais). Another Peafowl, P. moldavicus , recently described by Bochenski and Kurochkin (1987) from the Moldavian Roussillon is here placed in synonymy with P. bravardi. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Order galliformes (Temminck, 1820) Family phasianidae Vigors, 1825 Subfamily phasianinae (Vigors, 1825) Genus pavo Linnaeus, 1758 Pavo bravardi (Gervais, 1849) Plate 50, figs 1-3, 7, 8 IPalaeontology, Vol. 32, Part 2, 1989, pp. 439-446, pi. 50.] © The Palaeontological Association 440 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 1844 ‘Gallinace’ Gervais, p. 22. 1 849 Gallus Bravardi Gervais, p. 220. 1848-1852 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Gervais, t. 1, p. 238; t. 2, explanation of pi. 51; t. 3, pi. 51, fig. 1-1 a. 1859 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Gervais p. 418, pi. 51, fig. 1-1 a. 1869-1871 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Milne-Edwards, t. 2, p. 250. non 1890 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Deperet, p. 134, pi. 13, fig. 11-1 In (= Gallus sp.). 1 890 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Deperet, p. 1 38, text-fig. 3 a, b. non 1892 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Deperet, p. 691 (= Gallus sp.). 1923 1 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Stehlin, p. 278. 1933 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Lanrbrecht, p. 443. non 1933 Gallus Bravardi Gervais; Lambrecht, p. 875, text-fig. 193h (= Gallus aesculapi Gaudry). 1954 1 Gallus bravardi Gervais; Viret, p. 173. 1964 Gallus bravardi Gervais; Brodkorb, p. 318. 1987 Pavo moldavicus Bochenski and Kurochkin, p. 89, pi. 18, figs 13 and 14. Holotype. Middle part of the shaft of a left tarsometatarsus with a spur. This specimen was in the collection of the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris but, as yet, it has not been possible to find it. Type stratum and locality. Lower Villanyiunr or Lower Villafranchian, Neogene Mammal Unit 16 (Mein 1975). Arde near Issoire, Puy-de-Dome, Prance. Additional material. An almost complete left tarsometatarsus from Serrat-d’en-Vacquer, near Perpignan, Pyrenees-Orientales, Prance. Upper Ruscinium, Neogene Mammal Unit 15. This specimen is in the collection of the Musee Guimet d’Histoire naturelle de Lyon (Pp 269). Other specimens referable to the same species are known from the sites of Saint-Vallier, Drome, Prance, Upper Villanyium, Neogene Mammal Unit 17 (Collection Musee Guimet d’Histoire naturelle de Lyon), Seneze near Brioude, Haute-Loire, Prance, Lower Biharium, Neogene Mammal Unit 18 (Collection Museum of Natural History of Basel), and Lucheshty, Kagul district, Moldavian SSR, Upper Pliocene, Moldavian Roussillon (Collection of the Palaeontological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow). Original diagnosis (Gervais 1848-1852). ’Portion intermediate du tarse de Gallinace. . . . Ce fragment est la partie la plus voisine de l’eperon. Celui-ci est long de 0m,021, quoique son sommet ait ete casse; sa base a 0m,013 de hauteur verticale. Cet eperon est assez comprime; il est creuse en gouttiere pres de sa base, pour le passage des tendons. A cet endroit la face externe du tarse a 0m,015 et elle diminue brusquement a 0m,05 au dessous de la base de l’eperon par la cessation de la crete posterieure de l’os, qui n’est que la soudure au canon du metatarsien du pouce. Ce fragment a plus de rapport avec la partie correspondante du canon du Coq qu’avec la meme partie chez le Paon ou les autres Gallinaces auxquels je l’ai compare. II indique un oiseau voisin des Coqs, et dont la taille etait intermediate a celle du Paon et du Coq ordinaire, mais que je ne crois pas de la meme espece que ce dernier, quoiqu'il lui ressemble plus qu’aux autres oiseaux du meme ordre.’ Remarks. This specimen is illustrated in natural size and there are probably two misprints in the dimensions given by Gervais in its description. On the figure the spur length, as preserved, is 31 mm instead of 21 mm, and the lateral face of the tarsometatarsus below the level of the bony spur core is 5 mm deep instead of 50 mm (0 05 m). Description and comparisons The anatomical descriptions follow the terminology of Baumel (1979). Comparison with Aide specimen (text-fig. 1). The spur of the Perpignan specimen looks very similar to the Arde one. It is long, slightly curved and elliptical in section. It arises on the medial face of an intertendinal ossified septum running down the plantar face of the tarsometatarsus. This septum disappears a little below the level of the bony spur core so that the depth of the medial face of the shaft decreases considerably. On the base of the bony spur core and on its medial side, one can see a tendinal groove which is very similar to the tendinal groove illustrated in the Arde specimen (Gervais, 1848 1852, pi. 51, fig. In). Although the shaft of the latter looks a little more robust than the Perpignan one, the dimensions are very close (Table 1). MOURER-CHAUVIRE: PLIOCENE PEAFOWL 441 text-fig. 1. Pavo bravardi , holotype, left tarsometatarsus, central part of the shaft, with the spur, from Arde, Puy-de-Dome, France (after Gervais 1848 1852, pi. 51, fig. 1-la), a, lateral view; b , medial view. Natural size. Comparison with the recent genera Gallus and Pavo. The general shape of the Perpignan bone is slender, the shaft in the middle is rather thin while in the large-sized Gallus (which are artificially produced by selection, the wild Gallus being much smaller) the bone is proportionally shorter, and the shaft more robust. The Perpignan form has the same general outline as the two recent species of Peafowls, P. muticus , the Green peafowl, and P. cristatus , the Blue one. In the proximal part the disposition of the hypotarsal calcaneal ridges is different in Peafowls and Junglefowls (PI. 50, figs. 6 and 7). In Peafowls the medial calcaneal ridge (crista medialis hypotarsi of Baumel 1979) (PI. 50, fig. 7, a) is prolonged by an ossified intertendinal septum along the medio-plantar corner of the bone and bears the bony core of the spur. In Junglefowls the medial calcaneal ridge is short and completely separated from the septum upon which the bony core arises (PI. 50, fig. 5). In Pavo the lateral calcaneal ridge (crista lateralis hypotarsi of Baumel 1979) projects very little and is more or less included in the hypotarsal block (PI. 50, fig. 7, b); in Gallus this ridge is well developed, flattened on its plantar face, and enlarged at its distal part (Ballmann 1969) (PI. 50, figs. 5 and 6, b). The groove between these two ridges is deeper in Gallus than in Pavo. On the lateral side of the hypotarsus there is a short accessory lateral ridge, more developed in Gallus (PI. 50, fig. 6, c) than in Pavo (PI. 50, fig. 7, c). On the Perpignan tarsometatarsus the shape of the calcaneal ridges is similar to Pavo. The medial one was probably prolonged down to the spur by an ossified intertendinal septum which has been preserved but is no longer in situ. In the proximal part the shaft narrows considerably below the articular part in Peafowls, while in Junglefowls it narrows gradually (PI. 50, figs. 1 and 4). In Peafowls the sulcus extensorius is situated nearer table 1. Measurements of the bony spur core in Pavo bravardi and in recent P. muticus, male, in mm. Pavo bravardi P. muticus male Arde Perpignan MNHN Paris Pp 269 1891-1022 1875-50 1880-1397 Length of the bony spur core 31 (1) 31 (I) 300 260 310 Height of the spur core at its base 13 12 110 110 1 15 Depth of the spur core at its base — 7-3 8-0 6-5 c. 8-0 Depth of the medial face of the tarso- metatarsus, above the spur core 15 11 Depth of the medial face of the tarso- metatarsus, below the spur core 5 6 — — — ( 1) as preserved. 442 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 the medial side while in Junglefowls it is in the middle of the dorsal face. On the Perpignan tarsometatarsus the shaft also narrows considerably below the upper articular part, but the bone has been damaged and restored and it is not possible to see the position of the sulcus extensorius. In the distal part, at the level of the trochleae, the shaft is widened symmetrically in Pavo (PI. 50, fig. 2) while in Ga/lus it is wider on the medial side (PI. 50, fig. 5). In Pavo the outline of the lateral side of the bone curves, while in Gallus it is almost straight. In Peafowls the trochlea metatarsi tertii projects with regard to the dorsal face of the shaft, while in Junglefowls it is almost on the same plane. The trochlea metatarsi tertii is also proportionally larger in Peafowls than in Junglefowls (PI. 50, figs. 1-2 and 4-5). The trochlea metatarsi secundi is less strongly directed backwards in Peafowls than in Junglefowls. Taking into account all these characteristics, the distal part of the Perpignan tarsometatarsus agrees with the genus Pavo and differs from the genus Gallus. It also presents, above the incisura intertrochlearis medialis, a small foramen, which is very conspicuous on the plantar face (PI. 50, fig. 2). The occurrence of this foramen has been considered as characteristic for the Meleagrinae (Howard 1927; Olson and Farrand 1974) but it can also be seen in Pavo and in some specimens of Gallus. Steadman (1980) indicates that it may be present in several other genera of Phasianinae. The bony spur core of the Perpignan form is long, elliptical in section, and slightly curved. In Peafowls the spur is often not very developed and variable in shape but several individuals of P. muticus in the collection of the Paris MNHN bear a spur very similar in shape and size to the Perpignan one (Table 1). Milne-Edwards (1867 1871) also illustrated a tarsometatarsus of P. muticus with a strong, elongated, and curved bony spur core. In Turkeys spur length increases with age and is fully developed only in 2-3-year- old individuals (Steadman 1980); it is probably the same in Peafowls. By this feature the Perpignan form is also similar to Junglefowls which have long, sharply pointed spurs (PI. 50, figs. 4 and 5). In its absolute dimensions the Perpignan Peafowl is very close to the male specimens of the Green peafowl, P. muticus , which are generally larger than the Blue ones, P. cristatus. It is also nearer to the Green peacocks by the ratios between the different measurements. In recent Peafowls the spur position differs in males and females, the spur being situated lower in Peacocks than in Peahens. The only difference between the recent and the fossil forms is that in the fossil the spur is situated in a lower position than in the recent males (Table 2). The mean distance between the middle of the spur core and the distal part of the bone, expressed as a percentage of its total length, is 401% in the Green peacocks and 33-3% in the Blue peacocks. In P. bravardi the minimal total length being 158 mm, the percentage of 29-7% for the position of the spur is a maximal value. In this form the bony spur core is situated immediately above the fossa metatarsi I, while in the recent Peafowls there is some distance between them. Comparison with the recent genus Afropavo. Another Peafowl, Afropavo congensis from Africa (Chapin 1936) seems from osteological, myological, and karyological evidence to be more closely related to the genus Pavo than to any other gallinaceous bird (Lowe 1939; Hulselmans 1962; de Boer and van Bocxstaele 1981). I compared the Perpignan Peacock with two specimens of A. congensis males from the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and one female from the Lyon Collection which was presented to me by the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp. The Perpignan tarsometatarsus differs from the African ones by its much larger size (Table 2). In the two males there is a supplementary ridge between the crista medialis and the crista lateralis hypotarsi, which does not reach the distal part of the hypotarsus, but this supplementary ridge does not exist in the female specimen. This supplementary ridge also exists in some specimens of EXPLANATION OF PLATE 50 Figs. 1-3. Pavo bravardi (Gervais). Musee Guimet d’Histoire naturellc de Lyon, n°. Pp 269. Upper Ruscinium of Serrat-d’en-Vacquer, near Perpignan (Pyrenees-Orientales), France. Left tarsometatarsus. 1, dorsal view, xl. 2, plantar view, xl. 3, medial view, xl. Figs. 4 6. Gallus gallus (Linnaeus). Departement des Sciences de la Terre de Lyon, n°. 456-2. Recent. Left tarsometatarsus from a wild bird. 4, dorsal view, x 1. 5, plantar view, x 1. 6, proximal view, x 2, a— crista medialis hypotarsi, b— crista lateralis hypotarsi, c— accessory lateral ridge. Figs. 7 and 8. P. bravardi (Gervais). Left tarsometatarsus, n°. Pp 269. 7, proximal view, x 1 -5, a, b, c, same as in fig. 6. 8, distal view, x 1-5. Fig. 9. Afropavo congensis Chapin. Departement des Sciences de la Terre de Lyon, n°. 1988-1. Recent. Left tarsometatarsus, proximal view, x 2, a, b, c, same as in fig. 6, d— tubercle on the latero-plantar corner of the external cotyla. table 2. Measurements of the tarsometatarsus in Pavo bravardi and in recent Peafowls, in mm. 444 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 32 aS Oi ^ O 22 o a -o OJ ~ 2 •rr P i on vr> p m m VO d- o ^ fn Os P _ co ^ d" rn vb ^ 1 rn ITT d" m d* oo © d- T i o d- p d- ON m VO IT) ^ ' ON (N r 2 ... "I . v | §= < A c/> (ftg£ Sp) to yjf/MW in • to /*»> (j) X vXke.^si o W//'Wi. X g x > S ^ ^ > N^riiixs^/ 2 LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUliSNI NVINOSHilWS^SB S HVB 0 n" M = to — .... co : O NOIinillSNI^NVINOSHlIWS^SaiMVaan^LIBRARIES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION^NC r“ > z r- z r~ z o LI B RAR I ES ^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION^NOJifUUSNI NVIN0SH11WS S3JHV08n LI tr% *5? U% 2! < NOIlfUliSNI NVIN0SHIHNS'W'S3 I U VH 8ll*\lB RAR S ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION ^NC w _ = w „ = _ to w uj z to H w to H UJ \M7 O "' V55*' ~ 'yjvAi.ty o Z -1 z J z LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOllIUUSNi NVINQSH1ISAIS S1SHVH9I1 ^ «“ z r* z rn N0llfUllSNI_NVIN0SHllWS_S3 I HVB 8 I1_LI B RAR I ES„SMITHSONIAN“lNSTITUTIONCrt NC to to I 'k > L! 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