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(/> rr /n LIBRARIES SMITHSON!AN_ INSTITUTION NOliniliSNI NVINOSHIUNS^SB I B VH 0 SI 2 LI B RAR I E: * s N0liniliSNI_NVIN0SHIIIAIS^S3 I H ViJ a n\t B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION ^NOliniliSN - * m ~ m = 05 co H C ^ V? o ” “* ^ cJ 2 J LIBRARIES ^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliniliSNI NVIN0SH1MS S3 lavaa 11 LIBRARIES I I " i#® I s | s | 'Csgf' m NOliniliSNI NVINOSHIII/VS S3 I MVHfl 11 LI B RAR I £S^SMITHSON!AN”lNSTITUTlONC/> NOliniliSN 5 £2 <2- ^ ... m i .A, S xtf^x I 2 BURLINGIIDS: SMALL PROPARIAN CAMBRIAN TRILOBITES OF ENIGMATIC ORIGIN by H. B. WHITTINGTON Abstract. The original, and additional, specimens of Burlingia hectori are described from Canada and Sweden, B. laevis being considered synonymous with B. hectori. Westergaard’s original material of Schmalenseeia amphionura and S. acutangula is redescribed, two cranidia included with the latter being segregated as S.jagoi sp. nov. No burlingiid exoskeleton exceeds a length of 13 mm, most being less than half this size. The eye lobe was close to the glabella, the two branches of the facial suture directed outward and forward. A large rostral plate beneath the frontal area is described, the incomplete hypostome is outlined in one specimen; the condition may have been conterminant. The exoskeleton was non-fulcrate, the sclerites separate but apparently flexure between them limited, lacking border and pleural furrows ; lateral and posterior doublure unknown. The pygidium of B. hectori was narrow and short; in species of Schmalenseeia the pygidium incorporated more segments, those of the thorax having been fewer. Burlingiids were world-wide in distribution, and occur in outer shelf to slope facies. They may belong with those trilobites in which the conterminant condition of the hypostome was retained throughout growth. The relatively small size of burlingiids, and their unusual facial suture, have presented intriguing problems since they were discovered early in this century. They are Cambrian in age, yet the suture was of a type that Beecher (1897) thought arose in the post-Cambrian. Were the small specimens the remains of immature individuals, or was this their maximum size? This study of new and old material shows that the distinctiveness of burlingiids lies not only in their size and peculiar suture, but in that they had an unusual rostral plate and a thorax which lacked a horizontal hinge-line and the facet, i.e. was non-fulcrate (for definition and discussion of this term see Whittington 1990, p. 28). Known specimens are all relatively small in size, and the exoskeleton thin; their distribution was world-wide in outer shelf margin or slope facies. In 1981, I described the disarticulated type material of Schmalenseeia amphionura , and complete exoskeletons from Newfoundland. Since then, eighteen specimens of Burlingia hectori , the first found since Walcott’s original lot of three, were obtained by a party from the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. A generous invitation from Mr David M. Rudkin to study them, and the loan of new and old material of Burlingia and Schmalenseeia from Sweden, has enabled this re- assessment of the morphology of species of both genera to be made from the best-preserved and most complete examples so far known. MORPHOLOGY, MODE OF LIFE AND AFFINITIES Exoskeleton. The broken edges of the specimens in limestone (PI. 3, fig. 6; PI. 4, figs 1, 4), and the similarity between internal mould and cast from external mould (Whittington 1981, pi. 2), show the thinness of the exoskeleton. Crumpling of both limestone and shale specimens is further evidence of this thinness. The exoskeleton was non-fulcrate (PI. 1, fig. 3; PI. 3, fig. 4), curving downward with increasing steepness, outward from the change in slope at the axial furrow. Impressed furrows - axial, pleural or border - are lacking. Within the axial region, occipital and glabellar furrows were shallowly impressed or absent, articulating and inter-ring furrows barely impressed. Only in the IPalaeontology, Vol. 37, Part 1, 1994, pp. 1-16, 4 pls.| © The Palaeontological Association 2 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Newfoundland material of S. amphionura (PI. 3, fig. 5) do glabellar furrows appear moderately impressed, and the articulating furrows have a deep pit which formed an apodeme on the inner surface. In my earlier study of S. amphionura (Whittington 1981, p. 598) I saw no evidence of the articulating half ring, and argued that the exoskeleton may have been a rigid shield, possibly having had sutures between the segments. The broken posterior edges of the cephalon and thoracic segments in the present specimens (PI. 3, fig. 6; PI. 4, figs 1, 4, 6) reveal the short (sag.), raised articulating half ring, and the ridge along the anterior edge of the pleura. In Canadian specimens of B. hectori (PI. 1, fig. 4; PI. 2, fig. 1) the forwardly-convex arc impressed into the axial ring may result from the underlying doublure of the ring, and half ring of the segment following. The disarticulation and telescoping of individual specimens (PI. 3, figs 3, 6; PI. 4. figs 1, 6) indicate that the segments were separate from one another and from cephalon and thorax. In particular Canadian specimens of B. hectori (PI. 1, fig. 1) the first thoracic segment is pushed beneath the anterior edge of the cephalon, while other entire specimens (PI. 2, fig. 3) show no displacement of segments. The Swedish examples (PI. 2, fig. 2; PI. 3, fig. 1) of this species show such displacement. This evidence, from specimens preserved in different ways, leads me to withdraw my argument and conclude that the burlingiid exoskeleton was not a rigid shield, but of separate, articulated sclerites. No facet is present in any species, nor any articulating process or socket; the ridge along the anterior margin of the pleura acted as an articulating flange beneath the turned-up edge of the sclerite in front. In B. hectori the ridge died out abaxially, and this may have allowed the distal portions of the pleurae to slip one below the other, and some limited convex-upward flexure of the exoskeleton. In the two species of Schmalenseeia considered here (PI. 3, figs 2-^1; PI. 4, figs 1-6), the ridge extends to the margin of the pleura, and this morphology suggests that convex-upward flexure was limited. Some limited concave-upward flexure may have been possible in all three species. No even partly enrolled example is known. Most unusual is the lack of any evidence of a doublure in the lateral cheek area, thorax, or pygidium. The distal edge of the exoskeleton is ill-defined and irregular in almost all specimens, an exception being the low marginal ridge visible on a small specimen of S. amphionura (PI. 3, figs 2-3). Evidence is described below for the presence of a rostral plate (Text- fig. 1) beneath the frontal area of the cranidium in species of both genera. The outline of a hypostome is preserved in one Swedish specimen (PI. 2, fig. 2), the anterior margin not defined. Hence whether or not the hypostome was linked by a suture to the rostral plate (the conterminant condition of Fortey and Chatterton 1988) is uncertain. Because the rostral plate extends back to the line of the preglabellar furrow, such attachment may seem probable, but remains to be confirmed. The boss on the anterior of the fixed cheek in 5. amphionura (PI. 3, figs 3, 5) appears to lie above the posterolateral corner of the rostral plate, and where the tip of the anterior wing of the hypostome may have been. Whether this boss had any association with attachment of the hypostome is uncertain; the boss is an unusual feature. Size. Moberg (1903, p. 96) regarded Schmalenseeia amphionura as ‘one of our smallest trilobites’. The length (exs., measured between the level of the median edge of the cephalon and that of the tip EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-5. Burlingia hectori Walcott, 1908. Middle Cambrian, Stephen Formation; British Columbia, Canada. I, USNM 53418, lectotype; arrow on left (pointing backward) indicates anterior margin of first thoracic segment, arrow on right (pointing forward) position of posterior margin of cephalon; thoracic segments 5 and 14 are numbered; dorsal view; x 15. 2-3, USNM 534 1 96 ; incomplete exoskeleton; dorsal and postero- dorsal views; x 10. 4, ROM 48463; thoracic segments 5 and 15 are numbered; arrow points to notch in posterior margin of pygidium; frontal area of cranidium removed to expose rostral plate (r); complete exoskeleton; x 15. 5, USNM 534 1 9 RV overlap. NPC small and widely scattered. Inner lamella narrow, with simple line of concrescence. Anterior vestibulum large and ‘pocket ’-shaped with wide opening and very slightly expanded distally. ADRPC type 2B, although a few specimens appear to have type 1A. Eleven simple ARPC in fan arrangement with a few short false canals. Hinge adont. Frontal scar may be quadrifoil. Remarks. This is a common species from the Middle Eocene to the base of the Upper Oligocene of Site 549 to which it is apparently confined, with a single poorly preserved valve occurring in the Upper Palaeocene. Almost all specimens are female; only three male valves were found. It resembles K. regulare sp. nov., but that species is more elongate with an almost straight dorsum and a more distally expanded anterior vestibulum. Krithe regulare sp. nov. Plate 2, figures 4-9; Text-figure 3w-z Derivation of name. Latin, with reference to the regular, subrectangular outline of this species. Holotype. Female left valve, OS 14002. Material and distribution. One hundred and ninety three adult valves. Hole 549 (L.-U. Eocene), Hole 549A (U. Eocene-U. Oligocene), Hole 558 (L. Oligocene). Type locality and horizon. DSDP Site 549, Hole 549A, Goban Spur, lat. 49° 05-28' N; long. 13° 05-88' W, PDWD 2513 m. Core 8, section 5, interval 0-80-0-87 m. Upper Oligocene, NP 24. Creamy white nannofossil ooze. Dimensions {mm). L H Holotype FLV OS 14002 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-62 0-30 Paratype FLV OS 14003 549 10-1 L. Eocene 0-64 0-30 Paratype FLV OS 14004 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-62 0-31 Paratype MLV OS 14005 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-62 0-28 Paratype MLV OS 14006 549 H3-2 U. Eocene 0-61 0-27 Paratype MLV OS 14007 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-62 0-28 Paratype FRV OS 14008 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-64 0-29 COLES ET AL.\ OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 87 Dimensions (mm). Paratype FRV OS 14009 549A 13-2 L. Oligocene Paratype FRV OS 14010 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene Paratype MRV OS 14011 549A 8-5 L. Oligocene Paratype MRV OS 14012 549 5-1 M. Eocene Paratype MRV OS 14013 549 A 8-5 L. Oligocene Paratype MRV OS 14014 549 A 9-5 L. Oligocene Stratigraphical range. Lower Eocene to Upper Oligocene (NP 13-25). L H 0-65 0-31 0-64 0-29 0-64 0-26 0-67 0-27 0-63 0-25 0-60 0-25 Diagnosis. A medium, slightly sexually dimorphic, elongate-subrectangular species of Krithe with almost parallel, straight dorsal and ventral margins. Posterior bluntly truncate with slight posterior angle. Inner lamella narrow, anterior vestibulum large and ‘mushroom ’-shaped. ADRPC type 2B. Description. Medium, elongate-subrectangular and slightly inflated carapace. FLV dorsum very slightly convex, broadly rounded anterior, posterior bluntly truncate with steep postero-dorsal slope and no posterior angle; ventral margin almost straight. FRV as FLV but dorsum slightly more convex. Male as female but more elongate and with straighter dorsum. Normal valve overlap. Inner lamella narrow, line of concrescence simple or with slight indentations at the base of the RPC. Anterior vestibulum large and ‘mushroom '-shaped with wide opening and expanded distally with rounded margin. ADRPC type 2B. A few specimens have a very short additional ADRPC arising from the base of AD 2. Twelve to fourteen quite short ARPC in fan arrangement, very few false ARPC. Ventral RPC short and well-spaced. Posterior vestibulum large with very short PRPC. Muscle scars relatively small; frontal scar may be subdivided. Remarks. This species is common in the Middle Eocone to Upper Oligocene of Site 549, with two specimens present in the upper Lower Eocene sample 549 10-1. It is most similar to K. gobanensis and might be considered to be the male of that species. However, the two species differ in the shape of their anterior vestibula, males and females can be consistently distinguished in K. regulare and a few males of K. gobanensis are known. The two species also differ in stratigraphical range; K. regulare is common in the Upper Oligocene samples 549A 9-5 to 549A 6-5 where K. gobanensis is absent. K. regulare resembles K. dolichodeira in vestibular form and ADRPC pattern, but differs in shape, having a more rounded posterior and much less marked sexual dimorphism. Krithe sp. cf. K. hiwanneensis Howe and Law, 1936 Plate 2, figures 10-15; Text-figure 3aa-dd 71936 Krithe hiwanneensis Flowe and Law, p. 72, pi. 5, figs 32-4. Material and distribution. Two hundred and sixteen adult valves. Hole 549 (L.-U. Eocene), Hole 549A (U. Eocene-U. Oligocene), Hole 558 (L. Oligocene-L. Miocene), Hole 563 (M. Miocene). Dimensions (mm). FLV GC/NA/877 549 2-4 M. Eocene FLV GC/NA/878 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene FLV GC/NA/879 558 24-3 U. Oligocene MLV GC/NA/880 549A 17-1 U. Eocene MLV GC/NA/881 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene FRV GC/NA/882 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene FRV GC/NA/883 558 18-5 L. Miocene MRV GC/NA/884 563 10-1 M. Miocene MRV GC/NA/885 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene MRV GC/NA/886 549 13-1 L. Eocene L H 0-57 0-33 0-54 0-30 0-71 0-41 0-59 0-29 0-60 0-29 0-56 0-29 0-54 0-28 0-60 0-28 0-62 0-28 0-58 0-28 Stratigraphical range. Lower Eocene to Middle Miocene (NP 11-25; NN 1, 5). Diagnosis. A medium (one FLV is large), subrectangular species of Krithe with almost straight, subparallel dorsal and ventral margins. Posterior bluntly truncate with shallow postero-dorsal 88 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 concavity and almost vertical postero-ventral slope. Inner lamella narrow, subparallel to outer margin. Anterior vestibulum large, 'mushroom '-shaped with narrow neck and may extend up the antero-dorsal inner margin. Eleven to thirteen ARPC short and evenly spaced, ADRPC type 2B. Sexually dimorphic; males relatively and absolutely longer than contemporaneous females. Remarks. This species is common from the Middle Eocene to Upper Oligocene of Site 549, but rare elsewhere, particularly in the Miocene. One late Oligocene female specimen (GC/NA/879) is much larger than typical specimens but is otherwise identical; it may represent a post-maturation moult. The present specimens are very similar to the diagrammatic figures of K. hiwanneensis Howe and Law, 1936, from the Oligocene of the North American Gulf Coast. However, they are only compared to K. hiwanneensis as the length of the syntype was given as 0-70 mm, longer than all but one of the present specimens, and because specimens of K. hiwanneensis illustrated by other authors do not appear to be conspecific. K. sp. cf. K. hiwanneensis is similar to, and may have evolved from, K. dolichodeira in the early Eocene. However, in any given sample, the present species is smaller than K. dolichodeira , has a more bluntly truncate posterior, and a more constricted vestibular neck. ADRPC TYPE 2C Krithe minima sp. nov. Plate 2, figures 16-18; Plate 3, figures 1-5; Text-figure 3ee-jj 71977 Krithe sp. Cl 1 fn Peypouquet, p. 109, fig. 36 [pars]. Derivation of name. Latin, with reference to the small size of this species. Holotype. Female left valve, OS 13954. Type locality and horizon. DSDP Site 606, Hole 606A, middle North Atlantic, southwest of the Azores, lat. 37° 20-29' N; long. 35° 30 02' W. Core catcher 14, Lower Pliocene, NN 15. White nannofossil ooze. Material and distribution. One hundred and three adult valves. Hole 558 (U. Miocene), Hole 563 (M.-U. Miocene), Holes 606 and 606A (Pliocene-Quaternary), Hole 607 (U. Miocene-Quaternary), Hole 608 (U. Miocene-Pliocene), Holes 608A and 610 (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 609B and 610C (Quaternary), Hole 61 ID (L. Pliocene, Quaternary). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1-5. Krithe minima sp. nov. 1, OS 13962; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 7; Late Pliocene; female left valve, internal view; x 66. 2-3, OS 13956; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, external and internal views; x 65. 4-5, OS 13957 ; DSDP Site 606, c.c. 9; Late Pliocene; male right valve, external and internal views; x 63. Figs 6-10. Krithe crassicaudata van den Bold. 6-7, GC/NA/958; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 39-2; late Eocene; juvenile left valve, external and internal views; x 64. 8-9, GC/NA/959; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 39-2; late Eocene; juvenile right valve, external and internal views; x68. 10, GC/NA/956; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 13-2; early Oligocene; male right valve, internal view; x53. Figs 11-18. Krithe morkhoveni morkhoveni van den Bold. 11, GC/NA/108; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; female left valve, external view; x 43. 12-13, GC/NA/1 14; DSDP Site 606, c.c. 15; Early Pliocene; female right valve, external and internal views; x46. 14, GC/NA/121; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 17; Early Pliocene ; female left valve, internal view ; x 46. 15, GC /N A/ 118; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 1 4 ; Early Pliocene ; male left valve, external view; x40. 16-17, GC/NA/44; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male right valve, external and internal views; x46. 18, GC/NA/102; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male left valve, internal view; x45. All figures are scanning electron micrographs. PLATE 3 COLES et al. , Krithe 90 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Dimensions (mm). L H Holotype FLV OS 13954 606A-14 L. Pliocene 0-60 0-30 Paratype FLV OS 13955 563 10-1 M. Miocene 0-60 0-28 Paratype FLV OS 13956 606A-7 U. Pliocene 0-64 0 31 Paratype MLV OS 13957 606A-5 Quaternary 0-65 0 31 Paratype MLV OS 13958 606A-17 L. Pliocene 0-60 0-28 Paratype FRV OS 13959 606A-14 L. Pliocene 0-59 0-28 Paratype FRV OS 13960 606A-5 Quaternary 0-64 0-30 Paratype MRV OS 13961 606-9 U. Pliocene 0-67 0-28 Paratype MRV OS 13962 606A-17 L. Pliocene 0-59 0-25 Stratigraphical range. Middle Miocene-Quaternary (NN 5, 9, 11-12, 14-21). Diagnosis. A small, elongate, sexually dimorphic species of Krithe with a small, subcrescentic anterior vestibulum and ADRPC type 2C. Description. Small, elongate subrectangular and moderately inflated. Sexually dimorphic; females relatively shorter than males, with a slightly convex, rather than a straight dorsum. Anterior margin broadly rounded, ventral margin with slight oral incurvature, posterior truncate with shallow posterior concavity and steep postero-ventral slope. Thin-shelled, LV slightly overlaps RV. Inner lamella narrow; line of concrescence slightly sinuous and subparallel with outer margin. NPC small and closely spaced. Anterior vestibulum small, subcrescentic, upswept with narrow opening. Eleven short, straight ARPC in fan arrangement. ADRPC type 2C; posterior vestibulum relatively large, with up to five PRPC. Hinge pseudodont, RV hinge bar finely denticulate at posterior end. Central muscle scars small, consisting of a slightly arcuate row of four adductors with topmost scar dorsally indented and trefoil frontal scar. Remarks. K. minima is rare in the Middle and Upper Miocene, but is more common in the Pliocene and Quaternary, although it is never a dominant species. It is recorded (mainly in manuscript) from the North Atlantic; the failure of other authors to note it may be due to its small size and inclusion with juvenile specimens of other, larger species. It occurs in the Lower Pliocene of DSDP Site 406 on the Rockall Plateau (among the material of Ducasse and Peypouquet 1979 seen by GC); late Quaternary of the Northeastern Atlantic between latitudes 43° and 68° N and PDWD between 1678 and 4566 m in cores L4, L5, N3, P2, R2, R3, R4, R5, S3, T2 and T3 (among the material of Porter 1984 seen by the authors); late Quaternary of the Iberian Portal between PDWD 1200 and 3700 m (Harpur 1985); Quaternary of the western Mediterranean and Gulf of Cadiz between PDWD 900 and 2798 m (among the material of Elant 1985 seen by GC); Recent Atlantic off Florida at 739 and 472 m among the material of Cronin 1983 seen by GC), the Upper Miocene of San Marino and the Quaternary of the Hebrides Terrace Seamount at 1250 m (personal observations). The single Pacific record is that of Smith (1983) from the late Quaternary of the Challenger Plateau at a PDWD of 1066 m. K. sp. Cll fn of Peypouquet (1977) appears to be the male of K. minima , although the length range quoted (0-32-0-38 mm) is much smaller than any known Krithe species and is probably an error. In summary, K. minima is widespread in the Upper Miocene to Recent of the North Atlantic between 28° and 68° N, with most specimens recorded between 1000 and 3000 m. It is also present in the Quaternary of the Mediterranean at bathyal depths. It is apparently unrecorded from the Caribbean region, although this may be due to its relatively small size which renders it easily overlooked among the juveniles of other species of the genus. ADRPC TYPE 3A (Group K. trinidadensis van den Bold, 1958) Discussion. K. trinidadensis was described by van den Bold (1958) from Oligocene to Middle Miocene deep water sediments of Trinidad. It is regarded as the typical form of a large group of deep-water Krithe species, which are cosmopolitan in distribution but which are especially well documented from the Caribbean, North Atlantic and southern Europe. The species and subspecies COLES ET AL.\ OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 91 of the K. trinidadensis group vary greatly in size, the observed length range being 0-50-1 -22 mm. There is also considerable variation in length : height ratio, RPC and anterior vestibulum. However, the species and subspecies of the K. trinidadensis group are united in sharing the following morphological characteristics: 1. General shape and outline, particularly the convex dorsum, which is strongly influenced by pronounced sexual dimorphism. 2. Marked sexual dimorphism; males are relatively and absolutely more elongate than females in contemporaneous populations, are less inflated posteriorly, have a less strongly convex dorsum, and a more tapered posterior. 3. Wide inner lamella, with a sinuous line of concrescence and curved VRPC. 4. ADRPC type 3A, with AD 1-3 short, AD 4 elongate, AD 5 very short or absent. 5. Normal overlap of valves (LV > RV). In any sample or suite of samples of a particular age and locality, the species of this group can be clearly identified. However, these distinctions frequently break down when specimens from a wide temporal and spatial range are considered, due to such phenomena as phylogenetic size variation, size increase with depth and other ecological factors. The species and subspecies which are considered to belong to the K. trinidadensis group are listed below. Some species are questionably included, usually due to poor preservation or lack of reliable illustrations of the internal features given by the original or subsequent authors. Some species among the list will be shown later to be junior synonyms e.g. K. rex , Dingle el a/., 1990. Valid species or subspecies are marked with an asterisk *. Frequently a species is based on only male, female or even juvenile specimens; this is indicated in brackets in each case. IK. angusta Deltel, 1964 (M), *K. aquilona sp. nov. (M, F), *K. morkhoveni morkhoveni van den Bold, 1946 (M, F), *K. morkhoveni lamellata ssp. nov., *K. morkhoveni ayressi ssp. nov. (M, F), K. cancuenensis van den Bold, 1946 (M), K. cancuenensis ambigua Pokorny, 1980 (M), K. citae Oertli, 1961 ( M ), ? AT. contract a Oertli, 1961 (M), *K. crassicaudata van den Bold, 1946 (M, F), K. kollmanni Pokorny, 1980 (M), K. langhiana Oertli, 1961 (F), K. luyensis Deltel, 1964 (F), IK. peypouqueti Dingle et al., 1990 (juv), *K praemorkhoveni sp. nov. (M, F), K. elongata van den Bold, 1960 (M) ( = K. prolixa van den Bold, 1966), K. rex Dingle et cd ., 1990 (M, F), *K. trinidadensis van den Bold, 1958 (M, F), K. undecemradiata Ruggieri, 1977 (F), K. sp. D Peypouquet, 1977 (F), K. sp. E Peypouquet, 1977 (F). Krithe crassicaudata van den Bold, 1946 Plate 3, figures 6-10; Text-figure 4a-c 1946 Krithe crassicaudata van den Bold, p. 78, pi. 7, fig. 2 a-f 1946 Cytheridea (? Dolocytheridea) guanjayensis van den Bold, p. 83, pi. 7, fig. I ba d. 1960 Krithe crassicaudata van den Bold; van den Bold, p. 158, pi. 3, fig. la-d. 1969 Messinella guanajayensis (van den Bold); van den Bold, p. 396, pi. 1, fig. 1 a-c. 71969 Messinella jamaicensis van den Bold, p. 400, pi. 1, figs 1 a-d. 3a-b, 5 a-b. 1981 Messinella guanajayensis (van den Bold); van den Bold, p. 70, pi. I, fig. 9. 1984 Messinella guanajayensis (van den Bold); Stemeck et ah , p. 1472, fig. 8l. 71985 Krithe sp. 7 Coles, p. 89, pi. 5, figs 23-24; pi. 19, fig. 7. 1987 Messinella jamaicensis van den Bold; Whatley and Coles, p. 88, pi. 2, figs 1-2. 1987 Krithe sp. Cronin and Compton-Gooding, pi. 6, figs 4, 7. Material and distribution. Forty nine adults and more than 250 juveniles. Hole 549 (M. Eocene), Hole 549A (U. Eocene-L. Oligocene), Hole 558 (L. Oligocene-L. Miocene). Dimensions (mm). FLV GC/NA/951 549A 16-2 L. Oligocene FLV GC/N A/952 549A 16-2 L. Oligocene MLV GC/N A/953 549A 13-2 L. Oligocene FRV GC/NA/954 549A 18-1 U. Eocene FRY GC/N A/955 549A 39-2 U. Eocene L H 0-75 0-50 0-71 0-46 0-80 0-44 0-76 0-45 0-77 0-46 92 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 4. For legend see opposite. COLES ET AL.: OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 93 Dimensions (mm). MRV GC/NA/956 549A 13-2 L. Oligocene MRV GC/NA/957 549A 39-2 U. Eocene JLV GC/N A/958 549A 39-2 U. Eocene JRV GC/NA/959 549A 39-2 U. Eocene L H 0-80 0-44 0-91 0-45 0-66 0-46 0-62 0-40 Stratigraphical range. Middle Eocene to Lower Miocene (NP 18, 20-23; NN 1, ?2). Diagnosis. A large, thick-shelled Krithe species of the K. trinidadensis group with a pointed postero- ventral corner. Female subovate, male elongate-subovate, dimorphism not strongly pronounced. Inner lamella wide ventrally with very sinuous line of concrescence, but narrow postero-dorsally. Anterior vestibulum small, ‘T’ to ‘Y’-shaped with indented distal margin; ADRPC long with prominent false ARPC. AD 4 elongate but occasionally short DA 5 short or absent. Posterior margin bluntly truncate with acute indentation. RV hinge bar posteriorly denticulate. Remarks. This species is fairly common in the Upper Eocene to Lower Oligocene of Hole 549A but is rare in Hole 558. The two adult valves from the Lower Miocene of Hole 558 are conspecific with Krithe sp. 7 of Coles (1985) from the Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene of the North Atlantic. These specimens are very similar in shape to K. crassicaudata and may be conspecific although they have a narrower inner lamella and branching ARPC. The original illustrations of this species are very poor but the authors have confirmed the identity of their North Atlantic specimens by examining the type material. This species has been recorded from the Middle Eocene to Oligocene of Barbados (Steineck et al. 1984), Middle and Upper Eocene of deep-water deposits in the Caribbean (van den Bold 1960, 1977), Middle Eocene of the NW Atlantic off New Jersey (Cronin and Compton-Gooding 1987) and the Lower Miocene of Jamaica (Steineck 1981). K. crassicaudata probably evolved from K. praemorkhoveni in the late Middle Eocene (NP 18), although there is a short gap between the ranges of the two species in Hole 549. K. crassicaudata is larger and more angular in outline than K. praemorkhoveni , and has a sharper postero-ventral corner. K. crassicaudata is thicker-shelled than K. morkhoveni morkhoveni , and has a sharper postero-ventral corner and deeper posterior indentation. Both sexes are less elongate than K. morkhoveni morkhoveni and sexual dimorphism is less marked. The juveniles of K. crassicaudata can be identified by their thick-shell, subovate shape, and in, the last two instar stages, small anterior and posterior hinge teeth. These juveniles were described as a new genus, Messinella , by van den Bold (1969). Although van den Bold recognized that his new genus had ‘some affinity to the Krithinae' due to the small numbers of false RPC, he considered that the hinge was ‘different from anything reported in this subfamily’. From the present material, it is clear that Messinella represents text-fig. 4. a-c. K. crassicaudata van den Bold, a, GC/NA/951 ; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 16-2; early Oligocene; female left valve, b, GC/NA/955; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 39-2; late Eocene; female right valve, c, GC/NA/957; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 39-2; late Eocene; male right valve, d-h. K. morkhoveni morkhoveni van den Bold. D, GC/NA/965 ; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 8-5 ; late Oligocene ; female left valve, e, GC/NA / 1 08 ; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; female left valve, f, GC/NA/114; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 15; Early Pliocene; female right valve. G, GC/NA/102; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male left valve, h, GC/NA/51 ; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male right valve, i-k. K. morkhoveni lamellalata subsp. nov. i, OS 13976; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 15; Quaternary; female left valve, j, OS 13980; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 17; Early Pliocene; female right valve, k, OS 13981; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 9-5; late Oligocene; female right valve, l-o. K. morkhoveni ayressi subsp. nov. l, OS 13963; DSDP Site 606, c.c. 9; Late Pliocene; male left valve, m, OS 13974; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 6; Quaternary; male right valve, n, OS 13972; DSDP Site 558, c.c. 14-1 ; Early Miocene; male right valve, o, OS 13986; DSDP Site 558, c.c. 13-5; Middle Miocene; female right valve, p-t. K. trinidadensis van den Bold, p, GC/NA/ 128; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 13; Late Pliocene; female right valve. Q, GC/NA/ 127; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 7; Late Pliocene; female left valve, r, GC/NA/ 126; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male left valve, s, GC/N A/981 ; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 9-5; late Oligocene; female right valve, t, GC/NA/256; DSDP Site 608A, c.c. 13; Early Pliocene ; female left valve. All projectina drawings; x 50. 94 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 the juveniles of K. crassicaudata due to their consistent co-occurrence. The adults resemble the juveniles in shape and in shell thickness, but have a more angular postero-ventral margin. Only the posterior of the RV hinge bar is denticulate; the median hinge denticles of the juveniles are lost in subsequent ontogeny. We are certain that M. guanajayensis from the Oligocene of Cuba and M. janiaicensis from the Upper Miocene to Pleistocene of Jamaica are juveniles of K. crassicaudata. Although we have not seen Plio-Pleistocene material of Messinella , we suspect that this will also prove to be juvenile specimens of Krithe. In the light of this, we regard Messinella as a junior synonym of Krithe. The youngest confirmed records of K. crassicaudata are from the Lower Pliocene (NN 15) of DSDP Sites 609 and 61 1 from the North Atlantic, recorded as the juveniles of Krithe sp. 7 of Coles (1985). Other records of K. crassicaudata reported as Messinella are as follows: Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene of the North Atlantic (Whatley and Coles 1987), Middle Miocene to Pliocene of the Caribbean (van den Bold 1977), Lower to Middle Miocene of Jamaica (Steineck 1981) (all as M. janiaicensis), and the Upper Eocene to Lower Miocene of the Caribbean (van den Bold 1977), Lower Miocene of Jamaica (Steineck 1981 ), Middle Eocene to Oligocene of Barbados (Steineck et al. 1984), Lower Miocene of Haiti (van den Bold 1981) and Lower Oligocene of the Equatorial Pacific (Steineck et al. 1988) (all as M. guanajayensis). Krithe morkhoveni morkhoveni van den Bold, 1960 Plate 3, figures 11-18; Text-figure 4d-h 1958 Krithe aff. K. producla Brady; van den Bold, p. 18, pi. 2, figs a, c-d (females). 1960 Krithe morkhoveni van den Bold, p. 160, pi. 3, fig. 6 (female). 1960 Krithe elongata van den Bold, p. 159, pi. 3, fig. 5 a-e (males) [junior homonym of K. elongata Jones and Kirkby, 1898]. 1961 Krithe langhiana Oertli, p. 24, pi. 3, figs 24-30 (females). 1961 Krithe citae Oertli, p. 25, pi. 3, figs 21-32 only (males). 1961 Krithe contracta Oertli; p. 26, pi. 3, figs 35-38 (juveniles). 1964 Krithe luyensis Deltel, p. 171, pi. 4, figs 83-85 (females). 1964 Krithe compressa dertonensis Ruggieri; Dieci and Russo, p. 79, pi. 15, fig. 7 (male). 1964 Krithe cf. contracta Oertli; Dieci and Russo, p. 79, pi. 15, fig. 8 (female). 1964 Xestoleberis subtruncata Dieci and Russo, p. 85, pi. 2, fig. 13 a-b; pi. 16, fig. 7 (females). 1966 Krithe prolixa van den Bold, p. 180 (males) [new name for K. elongata , van den Bold non Jones]. 1967 Krithe aff. morkhoveni van den Bold; Ascoli, p. 54, pi. 1, figs 4-6 (females). 1968 Krithe aff. morkhoveni van den Bold; Russo, p. 39, pi. 6, figs 4 a, d (female); pi. 8, fig. 6; pi. 9, figs 1«, c (males). 1968 Krithe trinidadensis van den Bold; van den Bold, pi. 2, figs 10 a-b (male), 10 c-d (female). 1972 Krithe langhiana Oertli; Sissingh, p. 171, pi. 4, figs 6 a-b (female). 1974 Krithe aff. K. bartonensis (Jones); Leroy and Levinson, p. 24, pi. 11, fig. 4?; pi. 12, fig. 5 (males). 1974 Krithe undecemradiata Ruggieri, p. 176, figs 6, 3 a-b (male); 4 a-b (female). 1977 Krithe sp. D llfn Peypouquet, p. 113, fig. 37 [pars ] (female). 1977 Krithe sp. D 12fn Peypouquet, p. 113, fig. 37 [pars ] (female). 1977 Krithe sp. D22 Peypouquet, p. 113, fig. 37 [pars] (female). 1980 Krithe cancuensis ambigua Pokorny, p. 342, figs 8-10; pi. 2, figs 2-3 (males). 1980 Krithe kollmanni Pokorny, p. 338, figs 1-3; pi 1, figs 1-3; pi. 2, fig. 1 (females). 1981 Krithe prolixa van den Bold; Steineck, p. 359; pi. 1, fig. 13 (males). 1981 Krithe sp. 6 Ciampo, p. 67, pi. 6, fig. 3 (female). 1981 Krithe sp. 8 Ciampo, p. 67, pi. 6, fig. 4 (female). 1981 Krithe sp. 5 Ciampo, p. 67, pi. 6, fig. 7 (male). 1984 Krithe morkhoveni van den Bold; Steineck et al., p. 1473, figs e, i (females). 1984 Krithe prolixa van den Bold; Steineck et al., fig. j (males). 1985 Krithe luyensis Deltel; Ducasse et al., p. 285, pi. 78, figs 1 1-13 (females). Material and distribution. Three hundred and fifty adult valves. Hole 549 (U. Palaeocene-U. Eocene), Hole 549A (U. Eocene-U. Oligocene, U. Miocene), Hole 558 (L. Oligocene-U. Miocene), Hole 563 (M.-U. COLES ET AL.\ OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 95 Miocene), Holes 606, 606A, 610 (Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 607, 608 (U. Miocene-Quaternary), Holes 609B (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 609, 609C (U. Pliocene), Hole 610E (U. Miocene-L. Pliocene), Hole 61 ID (Pliocene). Dimensions (mm). L H FLV GC/NA/963 549 H3-2 U. Eocene 0-83 0-47 FLV GC/N A/964 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-78 0-43 FLV GC/NA/965 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-70 0-40 FLV GC/NA/108 606A-14 L. Pliocene 0-98 0-58 FLV GC/NA/121 606A-17 L. Pliocene 0-91 0-54 MLV GC/N A/966 549 15-5 L. Eocene 0-82 0-38 MLV GC/NA/967 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-87 0-43 MLV GC/NA/1 18 606A-14 L. Pliocene 104 0-40 MLV GC/NA/1 38 606-5 Quaternary 0-98 0-47 MLV GC/NA/102 606A-14 L. Pliocene 0-94 0-44 FRV GC/NA/968 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-76 0-49 FRV GC/NA/969 549 H3-2 U. Eocene 0-84 0-45 FRV GC/NA/970 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-67 0-37 FRV GC/NA/1 14 606A-15 L. Pliocene 0-91 0 51 MRV GC/NA 971 549A8-5 U. Oligocene 0-88 0-39 MRV GC/N A/51 606A-14 L. Pliocene 103 0-40 MRV GC/NA/44 606A-14 L. Pliocene 0-91 0-40 Stratigraphical range. Upper Palaeocene to Recent. Diagnosis. A medium (females only) to large (females and males), subovate (females) to elongate subrectangular (males) subspecies of Krithe. Dorsum convex, most strongly so in females. Greatest height at mid-length (females) or anterior of mid-length (males). Inner lamella moderately wide with sinuous line of concrescence. Anterior vestibulum small, ‘mushroom '-shaped. ADRPC type 3A. Remarks. This is an abundant subspecies in the Lower Eocene to Quaternary of the North Atlantic. One specimen from the Upper Palaeocene of Hole 549 is thicker-shelled than the Eocene to Miocene specimens, and may be a post-maturation moult of K. praemorkhoveni. There is a considerable degree of variation within this subspecies, as shown by the specimens figured in this study. This variation is expressed in the following features. 1. Size. In this study the length range of this species is 0-67 to 0-87 mm (23 per cent range). 2. Shape. Some variation in the L:H ratio, valve inflation and outline occurs, particularly in the angle of the postero-dorsal slope. 3. Inner lamella. This varies in width, particularly in the posterior region. A few specimens approach the form of K. morkhoveni lamellalata subsp. nov. 4. ADRPC pattern. The length and position of the ADRPC is variable; in particular AD 1-3 may be very short where the inner lamella is narrow, AD 4 may arise from the vestibular neck or from the antero-dorsal fused zone and AD 5 may be very short or apparently absent. K. morkhoveni morkhoveni is thought to have evolved from K. praemorkhoveni , probably in the early Eocene, by becoming larger, thinner-shelled, and developing a wide inner lamella. K. trinidadensis evolved from K. morkhoveni morkhoveni in the Middle Eocene of the Atlantic in the area of Hole 549, while the subspecies K. morkhoveni ayressi evolved from the nominate subspecies in the Lower Oligocene (see below). K. morkhoveni morkhoveni is a widespread deep-water subspecies, recorded by numerous authors under a variety of names and there have been many errors of identification such as its record as K. compressa dertonensis Ruggieri by Dieci and Russo (1964) and as K. bartonensis (Jones) by Leroy and Levinson (1974); in both cases the material differed widely from the species to which they were assigned. 96 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 In addition to the North Atlantic occurrences cited above, the following are noted: Eocene and Oligocene of Aquitaine (Deltel 1964; Ducasse et al. 1985), Eocene and Ohgocene of the Bay of Biscay and Eocene of the Rockall Plateau (among the material of Ducasse and Peypouquet 1979 seen by GC), Oligocene of Sicily (Ciampo 1981), Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene of the Angola Abyssal Plain in the South Atlantic and Upper Eocene of Denmark (GC personal observations). Middle and Upper Miocene of northern Italy (Oertli 1961; Died and Russo 1964, 1967; Ascoli 1968), Upper Miocene of Crete (Sissingh 1972), Upper Eocene to Pliocene of the Caribbean region (van den Bold 1977, 1981), Pleistocene of Bologna, Italy (Ruggieri 1974), Pleistocene of the Gulf of Mexico (Leroy and Levinson 1974), Pleistocene of the Iberian Portal at 2798 m (Elant 1985) and at 2421 and 3700 m (Harpur 1985), Pleistocene of the North Atlantic in cores L4, L5, N3, P2, R2, R3, R4, R5, S3 and T3 between 1678 and 4566 m PDWD and lat. 43° to 68° N (among the material of Porter 1984 seen by GC) and Quaternary of the southwestern Pacific (Ayress 1988). In the Recent this species occurs in the Atlantic off Florida between 739 and 1029 m (among the material of Cronin seen by GC), west of the Iberian Portal at 2798 m (Elant 1985) and in the North Atlantic between 1775 to 5440 m (material of Barkham 1985 and personal observations). It is most abundant below 2000 m and appears to be absent from the present day Mediterranean; indicating that this subspecies is a reliable indicator of deep oceanic waters for post-Eocene time. Krithe morkhoveni lamellalata subsp. nov. Plate 4, figures 1-3; Text-figure 4i-k Derivation of name. Latin, with reference to the wide calcified inner lamella of this subspecies. Holotype. Female left valve, OS 13976. Type locality and horizon. DSDP Site 608, Hole 608, mid-North Atlantic, King’s Trough, northeast of the Azores. Lat. 42° 0 21 N ; long. 23° 05-25' W. PDWD 3526 m. Core catcher 5, Quaternary, NN 19. Nannofossil ooze. Material and distribution. One hundred and nineteen adult valves. Hole 549A (U. Eocene-U. Oligocene, U. Miocene), Hole 558 (U. Oligocene, M. Miocene), Hole 607 (L. Pliocene), Hole 608 (U. Miocene-Quaternary), Hole 609 (U. Pliocene), Holes 609B, 610C (Quaternary), Hole 610 (U. Miocene-L. Pliocene), Hole 610D (U. Miocene), Holes 610E, 61 ID (U. Pliocene). EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figs 1-3. Krithe morkhoveni lamellalata subsp. nov. 1, OS 13978; DSDP Site 610E, c.c. 6; Late Miocene; female right valve, external view; x 50. 2-3, OS 13976; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female left valve, external and internal views; x44. Figs 4-6. Krithe morkhoveni ayressi subsp. nov. 4, OS 13963; DSDP Site 606, c.c. 9; Late Pliocene; male left valve, external view; x 53. 5, OS 13969; DSDP Site 558, c.c. 24-3; late Oligocene; female right valve, external view; x 60. 6, OS 13973; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, internal view; x 50. Figs 7- 12. Krithe trinidadensis van den Bold. 7, GC/NA/127; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 7; Late Pliocene; female left valve, external view; x31. 8-9, GC/NA/128; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 13; Late Pliocene; female right valve, external and internal views; x31. 10-1 1, GC/NA/ 124; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male right valve, external and internal views; x33. 12, GC/NA/126; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 14; Early Pliocene; male left valve, external view; x31. Figs 13-17. Krithe aquilonia sp. nov. 13-15, OS 13996; DSDP Site 610, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female left valve, external and internal views; x 66. 16, OS 13999; DSDP Site 610E, c.c. 3; Late Miocene; male left valve, external view; x 62. 17, OS 14000; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 1 1 ; Late Pliocene; male right valve, external view; x 62. All figures are scanning electron micrographs. PLATE 4 COLES et al., Krithe 98 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Dimensions (mm). L H Holotype FLV OS 13976 608-5 Quaternary 0-97 0-56 Paratype FLV OS 13977 608-7 U. Pliocene 0-90 0-53 Paratype FLV OS 13979 610E-5 U. Miocene 0-96 0-50 Paratype FRV OS 13981 549A 9-5 U. Oligocene 0-88 0-46 Paratype FRV OS 13980 607-17 L. Pliocene 0-87 0-50 Paratype FRV OS 13978 61CL4 Quaternary 0-93 0-50 Paratype MLV OS 13982 549A 5-5 U. Miocene 0-94 0-47 Paratype MRV OS 13983 549A 5-5 U. Miocene 0-92 0-43 Stratigraphical range. Upper Eocene to Upper Oligocene, Middle Miocene to Quaternary (NP 20-5 ; NN 5, 9, 11-13, 15-19). The subspecies probably also occurs in the Recent of the North Atlantic. Diagnosis. A large, strongly inflated subspecies of Krithe expressing moderate sexual dimorphism. Outline very similar to that of K. morkhoveni morkhoveni but rather more elongate-subovate. Inner lamella very wide, much wider than in K. morkhoveni morkhoveni , especially so posteriorly, with a highly sinuous line of concrescence, deeply depressed below adductors. Anterior vestibulum small, elongate 'mushroom' to 'Y '-shaped, with very narrow opening, long narrow neck and branching distally. Other features as for K. morkhoveni morkhoveni . Remarks. K. morkhoveni lamellalata differs from the nominative subspecies in its much wider inner lamella, more sinuous line of concrescence and more elongate-subovate outline. In the present material, K. morkhoveni lamellalata is common only in the Oligocene and Upper Miocene of Hole 549A. It also occurs in the Pleistocene of the North Atlantic in core L4 at 3422 m and lat. 43° N (among the material of Porter 1984 seen by GC) and west of the Iberian Portal at 2421 m (along the material of Harpur 1985 seen by GC). Krithe morkhoveni ayressi subsp. nov. Plate 4, figures 4-6; Text-figure 4l-o Derivation of name. Named for Dr Michael Ayress, in recognition of his work on Krithe and other deep-sea Ostracoda from the Indo-Pacific. Holotype. Male left valve OS 13963. Type locality and horizon. DSDP Site 606, Hole 606, mid-North Atlantic, S.W. of the Azores. Lat. 37° 20-32' N, long. 35° 29-99' W. PDWD 3007 m. Core catcher 9, Upper Pliocene, NN 18. Nannofossil ooze. Material and distribution. One hundred and thirty six adult valves. Hole 558 (L. Oligocene-U. Miocene), Holes 606, 606A (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Hole 608 (U. Miocene, U. Pliocene-Quaternary, Hole 607 (Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 610E, 61 ID (L. Pliocene), Holes 609A, 609B, 610 (Quaternary). Dimensions (mm). L H Holotype MLV OS 13963 606-9 U. Pliocene 0-79 0-36 Paratype FLV OS 13964 558 10-1 M. Miocene 0-72 0-39 Paratype FLV OS 13965 558 14-5 L. Miocene 0-74 0-36 Paratype FLV OS 13966 588 22-1 U. Oligocene 0-75 0-39 Paratype MLV OS 13973 608-5 Quaternary 0-84 0-40 Paratype FRV OS 13967 558 16-1 L. Miocene 0-71 0-36 Paratype FRV OS 13968 558 13-5 M. Miocene 0-71 0-33 Paratype FRV OS 13969 558 24-3 U. Oligocene 0-70 0-34 Paratype MRV OS 13970 558 24-3 U. Oligocene 0-81 0-33 Paratype MRV OS 13971 558 25-5 U. Oligocene 0-84 0-31 Paratype MRV OS 13972 558 14-1 L. Miocene 0-76 0 31 COLES ET A L. : OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 99 Dimensions (mm). L H Paratype MRV OS 13974 606A-6 Quaternary 075 0 35 Paratype MRV OS 13976 607-18 L. Pliocene 0-79 0-35 Stratigraphical range. Lower Oligocene to Quaternary (NP 21?, 22-25; NN 2, 5, 8?, 11-12, 15-21) in the present study. The species is extant. Diagnosis. A medium to large, subrectangular, elongate subspecies of Krithe with slight sexual dimorphism. Straight (male) to slightly convex (female) dorsal margin; posterior bluntly truncate with very steep postero-ventral slope. Inner lamella moderately wide; anterior vestibulum large, ‘mushroom ’-shaped. RV with secondary accommodation groove. Remarks. This taxon is considered to be a subspecies of K. morkhoveni because of its close morphological similarity to the nominative subspecies. However, K. morkhoveni ayressi is smaller than K. morkhoveni morkhoveni and is more elongate with a less tapered posterior in the males. Sexual dimorphism is less marked than in K. morkhoveni morkhoveni ; the females of K. morkhoveni ayressi are elongate-subovate, and are relatively lower and less inflated. In other features such as ADRPC pattern and inner lamella, the two subspecies are indistinguishable. In the present material, K. morkhoveni ayressi is only common in the Oligocene of Hole 558, but occurs persistently if rarely in the Miocene to Quaternary of the North Atlantic. It probably evolved from K. morkhoveni morkhoveni in the Lower Oligocene. This subspecies has also been found in the Recent of the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1500 m (personal observations), although these specimens have a smaller anterior vestibulum. Krithe trinidadensis van den Bold, 1958 Plate 4, figures 7-12; Text-figure 4p-t, Text-figure 5a-b 1958 Krithe trinidadensis van den Bold, p. 398, pi. 1, figs 3 a, 6e (males); 3 c-d, f (females). 1969 Krithe producta Brady; Yassini, pi. 22, fig. 4 (female). 1977 Krithe sp. D21 en Peypouquet, p. 113, fig. 37 [pars] (female). 71977 Krithe sp. D22 en Peypouquet, p. 113, fig. 37 [pars]. 1981 Krithe sp. 1 Ciampo, p. 67, pi. 6, fig. 5 (male). ?1990 Krithe peypouqueti Dingle et al ., p. 279, figs 17l-m, 18l, 21e-f, 22a (juveniles). 1990 Krithe rex Dingle et al., p. 276, figs 17g-h, 18h, 21a-d (males and females). Material and distribution. Three hundred and thirty nine adult valves. Hole 549 (M.-U. Eocene), Hole 549A (U. Eocene-U. Oligocene, U. Miocene), Hole 558 (L. Oligocene-U. Miocene), Hole 563 (M. Miocene- U. Miocene), Holes 606, 609B (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 606A, 608, 608A (Pliocene-Quaternary), Hole 607 (U. Miocene-Quaternary), Holes 609, 609A, 610C (Quaternary), Holes 610, 610D (U. Miocene), Hole 610B (U. Pliocene), Hole 610E (U. Miocene-L. Pliocene), Hole 61 ID (L. Pliocene, Quaternary). Dimensions (mm). L H FLV GC/NA/979 549 2-4 M. Eocene 0-98 0-60 FLV GC/NA/983 549 H3-2 U. Eocene 0-87 0-58 FLV GC/NA/127 606A-7 U. Pliocene L36 0-89 FLV GC/NA/161 607-6 Quaternary L34 0-86 FLV GC/NA/256 608A-13 U. Pliocene 115 0-73 FLV GC/NA/148 606-1 Quaternary L32 0-82 MLV GC/NA/980 549 5-1 M. Eocene 110 0-56 MLV GC/NA/126 606A-14 L. Pliocene L36 0-55 MLV GC/NA/159 607-6 Quaternary 1 -57 0-78 FRV GC/N A/984 549A 16-1 L. Oligocene 109 0 61 FRV GC/NA/981 549A 9-5 U. Oligocene 1-22 0-70 FRV GC/NA/146 606-4 Quaternary L37 0-80 FRV GC/NA/128 606A-13 U. Pliocene 1 34 0-80 100 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 COLES ET A L. : OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 101 Dimensions (mm). FRV GC/NA/162 607-6 Quaternary MRV GC/NA/982 549 H3-2 U. Eocene MRV GC/NA/124 606A-14 L. Pliocene MRV GC/NA/160 607-6 Quaternary MRV GC/NA/130 606A-5 Quaternary L H L27 0-74 0-99 045 1-26 0-57 1-52 0-70 L58 0-76 Stratigraphical range. Middle Eocene to Quaternary (NP 16-25; NN 1, 3-21) in the present study, also extends to the present day. Diagnosis. A very large, thick-shelled species of Krithe with strong sexual dimorphism. Female subovate and very tumid; male elongate to very elongate, subtriangular and less strongly inflated than female. Inner lamella broad; anterior vestibulum ‘T’ or "Y ’-shaped to small ‘pocket ’-shaped. ADRPC type 3A. Hinge strong, LV with arched, deep accommodation groove. Central muscle scars large, increasing in size dorsally; most dorsal adductor reniform to ‘ U ’-shaped, trefoil frontal scar. Remarks. K. trinidadensis was described by van den Bold (1958) from the Oligocene and Miocene of Trinidad. It is very similar in shape, inner lamella and ADRPC pattern to its probable ancestor, K. morkhoveni morkhoveni , but is always much larger and more inflated; the A-l juveniles of K. trinidadensis are approximately equal in size to the adult females of K. morkhoveni morkhoveni . The anterior vestibulum ranges from a large ‘ T ’ to ‘ Y ’ shape to a small ‘ pocket ’ shape and, while most specimens have either small or large vestibula, the present material includes specimens with an anterior vestibulum intermediate in form between the two types (e.g. GC/NA/980). There are few published records or illustrations of this species, probably because it has been included within K. morkhoveni and other species. In addition to the occurrences in the present study material, the following are noted: Upper Oligocene of Sicily (Ciampo 1981), Upper Miocene to Quaternary of the Rockall Plateau (among the material of Ducasse and Peypouquet 1979 seen by GC), Pleistocene of the Iberian Portal at 2798 m (Elant 1985) and at 2414 and 3700 m (Harpur 1985) and Pleistocene of the North Atlantic in cores L4, P2, R2, R3, R4 and R5 between 1678 and 3422 m and lat. 43° to 61° N (material of Porter 1984 seen by GC). In the Recent it ranges in the North Atlantic from 1320 to 5440 m (Davies 1981 ; Barkham 1985; GC, RCW, personal observations), and also occurs at 1080 m off Florida (material of Cronin 1983 seen by GC) at 1500 m in the Gulf of Mexico text-fig. 5. a-b. K. trinidadensis van den Bold, a, GC/NA/130; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male right valve, b, GC/NA/160; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 6; Quaternary; male right valve, c-f. K. aquilonia sp. nov. c, OS 13996; DSDP Site 610, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female left valve, d, OS 13998; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female right valve, e, OS 13999; DSDP Site 620E, c.c. 3; Late Miocene; male left valve. f, OS 14000; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 11; Late Pliocene; male right valve, g— j. Krithe praemorkhoveni sp. nov. G, OS 13984; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 16-3; late Palaeocene; female right valve, h, OS 13985; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 14-4; early Eocene; female left valve. I, OS 13988; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 8-1 ; middle Eocene; male left valve. J, OS 13993; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 16-3; late Palaeocene; male right valve, k-q. K. pernoides pernoides (Bornemann). k, GC/NA/310; DSDP Site 61 ID, c.c. 12; Late Pliocene; female left valve. L, GC/NA/844; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 8-5; late Oligocene; female left valve, m, GC/NA/171 ; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 10; Late Pliocene; female right valve, n, GC/NA/311 ; DSDP Site 61 ID, c.c. 12; Late Pliocene; female right valve, o, GC/NA/849; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 8-5; late Oligocene; male left valve, p, GC/NA/846; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 2-1 ; middle Eocene; female right valve. Q, GC/NA/850; DSDP Site 5409 A, c.c. 8-5; late Oligocene; male right valve. R-v. K. pernoides sinuosa Ciampo. r, GC/NA/852; DSDP Site 563, c.c. 10-1 ; Middle Miocene; female right valve, s, GC/NA/35; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female right valve. T, GC/NA/180; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 13; Late Pliocene; female left valve, u, GC/NA/156; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male right valve, v, GC/NA/155; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, w-z. Krithe sp. cf. parvula Deltel. w, GC/NA/926; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 11-1; early Eocene; female left valve, x, GC/NA/928; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 8-4; middle Eocene; female right valve. Y, GC/NA/932; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 16-3; Late Pliocene; male left valve, z, GC/NA/931; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 11-1; early Eocene; male right valve. aa-bb. Krithe sp. 1. aa, GC/NA/892; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 19-3; Late Pliocene; female? left valve, bb, GC/NA/893; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 19-3; Late Pliocene; female? right valve. All projectina drawings; x 50. 102 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 (GC personal observations) and in the Bay of Biscay at bathyal and abyssal depths down to 3950 m (Yassini 1969, as K. product a Brady). It has been described as a new species, K. rex , by Dingle et at. (1990) from the South Atlantic off southwestern Africa at a depth of 2916 m, while another of their species, K. peypouqueti, recorded at 2916 m and 4736 m in the same area probably represents the juveniles of this species. Krithe aqui Ionia sp. nov. Plate 4, figures 13-17; Text-figure 5c-f Derivation of name. Latin, with reference to the northerly distribution of this species. Holotvpe. Female left valve OS 13996. Type locality and horizon. DSDP Site 610, Hole 610, eastern North Atlantic, west of the Rockall Trough on the Feni Drift. Lat. 53° 13 30' N, long. 18° 53 21 W. PDWD 2417 m. Core catcher 5, Quaternary, NN 19. Nannofossil ooze. Material and distribution. Fifty three adult valves. Hole 558 (L. Miocene), Holes 607, 609, 61 ID (L. Pliocene), Hole 608 (Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 608A, 610B (U. Pliocene), Hole 609B (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Hole 610 (U. Miocene, Quaternary), Hole 610C (Quaternary), Hole 610D (U. Miocene), Hole 610E (U. Miocene- L. Pliocene). Dimensions (mm). L H Holotype FLV OS 13996 610-5 Quaternary 0-65 0-36 Paratype FLV OS 13997 08-11 U. Pliocene 0-63 0-33 Paratype FRV OS 13998 608-5 Quaternary 0-63 0-31 Paratype MLV OS 13999 610E-3 U. Miocene 0-67 0-31 Paratype MRV OS 14000 608-11 U. Pliocene 0-67 0-30 Paratype MRV OS 14001 558 14-1 L. Miocene 0-62 0-28 Stratigraphical range. Miocene-Quaternary (NN 1, 4, 5, 10-21) in the present study. It almost certainly also occurs in the Recent. Diagnosis. A small, subrectangular, elongate species of Krithe with moderate sexual dimorphism. Females relatively higher and more inflated than elongate males. Both sexes with gently (LV) to quite strongly convex (RV) dorsum, and bluntly truncate posterior. Inner lamella wide, anterior vestibule small ‘T’ to ‘mushroom ’-shape. ADRPC type 3A. Description. Small, elongate, subrectangular and strongly inflated, especially so in female. FLV dorsal margin regularly convex, continuously curved with broadly rounded anterior; ventral margin with very shallow oval incurvature at mid-length; posterior bluntly truncate, very steep postero- ventral slope at about 85° to the ventral margin. FRV as FLV but with a very slight antero-dorsal concavity. Male similar, but more elongate and dorsal margin straighter, especially so in MLV. In both sexes, selvage narrow, slight posterior indentation and shallow posterior pit; moderately thin-shelled. LV overlaps RV and overreaches RV along dorsal margin. NPC small, regularly distributed. Inner lamella wide, deeply depressed below adductors. Anterior vestibule small, ‘T‘ to ‘mushroom ’-shaped, with narrow opening and long, narrow neck. Ten to eleven short, straight ARPC in fan arrangement; ADRPC type 3A; three to four short to moderately elongate PDRPC. Posterior vestibule similar in size to anterior vestibule, elongate subrectangular, with up to five very short PRPC. Hinge pseudodont; RV with slightly arched hinge bar which is raised posteriorly and bears up to six tiny denticles, complementing posteriorly locellate groove in LV. Central muscle scars relatively large, consisting of a slightly arcuate row of four adductors, the topmost is reniform and the middle scars are biconcave. Trefoil frontal scar and ovate mandibular scar. Remarks. K. aquilonia is distinctly smaller than K. morkhoveni ayressi , which may be its ancestor. This species is also recorded from the Upper Miocene of the Rockall Trough (among the material of Ducasse and Peypouquet 1979 seen by GC) and in the Pleistocene of the North Atlantic between COLES ET AL.\ OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 103 lat. 43° and 61° N and PDWD 938 to 4566 m in cores L4, L5, Ol, P2, R2 and R3 of Porter ( 1984). K. aquilonia is only known from the Miocene to Quaternary of the North Atlantic between lat. 37° and 61° N, with no records from other oceans. Krithe praemorkhoveni sp. nov. Plate 5, figures 1-6; Text-figure 5g-j Derivation of name. Latin, referring to the ancestral relationship of this species to K. morkhoveni. Holotvpe. Female right valve OS 13984. Type locality and horizon. DSDP Site 549, Hole 549, Goban Spur. Lat. 49° 05 28' N, long. 13° 05-88' W; PDWD 2513 m. Core 16, section 3, interval 0-41-0-48 m. Upper Palaeocene, NP 9. Olive-grey nannofossil chalk. Material and distribution. One hundred and ninety five adult valves. Hole 549 (U. Palaeocene-M. Eocene), Hole 550 (L. Palaeocene-L. Eocene). Dimensions (mm). Holotype FRV OD 13984 549 16-3 U. Palaeocene Paratype FLV OS 13985 549 14-4 L. Eocene Paratype FLV OS 13986 54915-5 L. Eocene Paratype MLV OS 13987 549 11-1 L. Eocene Paratype MLV OS 13988 549 8-1 M. Eocene Paratype MLV OS 13989 549 13-4 L. Eocene Paratype FRV OS 13990 549 11-1 L. Eocene Paratype FRV OS 13991 549 9-2 M. Eocene Paratype FRV OS 13992 549 15-5 L. Eocene Paratype MRV OS 13993 549 16-3 U. Palaeocene Paratype MRV OS 13994 549 11-1 L. Eocene Paratype MRV OS 13995 549 15-5 L. Eocene L H 0-58 0-34 0-54 0-35 0-59 0-37 0-64 0-34 0-68 0-33 0-60 0-33 0-57 0-34 0-71 0-41 0-59 0-36 0-66 0-32 0-62 0-30 0-66 0-34 Stratigraphical range. Lower Palaeocene to Middle Eocene (NP 3—4, 6-16) in the present study. Diagnosis. A medium, thick-shelled, strongly sexually dimorphic species of Krithe belonging to the K. trinidadensis group, similar to K. morkhoveni van den Bold, but smaller, more robust and with a narrower inner lamella. Description. Medium-sized, thick-shelled and moderately inflated. Females subovate, males subovate to elongate-subrectangular. FLV dorsum strongly convex, anterior broadly rounded, posterior bluntly truncate, ventral margin convex. FRV as FLV but dorsum more convex, with shallow antero-dorsal concavity and slightly convex ventral margin. Males similar but more elongate, with less convex dorsum; ventral margin may be concave. Normal LV > RV overlap, NPC relatively large. Inner lamella moderate width with sinuous line of concrescence. Anterior vestibulum small, ‘mushroom’ to ‘T ’-shaped, with eleven to twelve ARPC. ADRPC type 3A; AD 1-3 very short, AD 4 elongate and arises from the vestibular neck. Hinge adont; frontal scar may be quadrifoil. Remarks. This is the most abundant Krithe species in the Palaeocene and Lower Eocene of Holes 549 and 550, but does not occur above the Middle Eocene (NP 16). It is the ancestor of K. morkhoveni morkhoveni , from which it differs in being smaller (length range 0-54 to 0-71 mm) and thicker-shelled. The Lower Eocene species K. kollmanni Pokorny, 1980, and K. cancuenensis ambigua Pokorny, 1980, from deep-water Globigerina marls in the former Czechoslovakia, probably represent the female and male, respectively of the present species. However, the early Oligocene holotypes of both species are larger and thinner-shelled and are included within K. morkhoveni morkhoveni. 104 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 ADRPC TYPE 3A (Other species not assigned to K. trinidadensis Group) Krithe pernoides pernoides (Bornemann, 1855) Plate 5, figures 7-12; Text-figure 5k-q 71855 Bairdia pernoides Bornemann, p. 358, pi. 20, fig. la-c 1918 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Kuiper, p. 36, pi. 1, figs 12a, c? only. 1957 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Keij, p. 86, pi. 6, fig. I i a-b. 1962 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Bassiouni, p. 22, pi. 9, figs 1-3. 1969 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Schremeta, p. 90, pi. 7, figs 8-10. 1969 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Pietrzeniuk, p. 24, pi. 5, fig. 117; pi. 15, figs 13, 14? Material and distribution. Two hundred and ninety five adult valves. Hole 549 (M.-U. Eocene), Hole 549A (U. Eocene-U. Oligocene), Hole 558 (L. Oligocene-M. Miocene), Hole 607 (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Hole 608A (Quaternary). Dimensions ( mm ). L H FLV GC/NA/843 549A 16-2 L. Oligocene 0-59 0-33 FLV GC/NA/844 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-59 0-34 FLV GC/NA/884 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-59 0-34 FLV GC/NA/255 608A-3 Quaternary 0-73 0-43 FRV GC/NA/845 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-58 0-30 FRV GC/NA/846 549 2-1 M. Eocene 0-57 0-29 FRV GC/NA/171 607-10 U. Pliocene 0-73 0-40 MLV GC/N A/847 549 5-1 M. Eocene 0-64 0-29 MLV GC/NA/848 549A 16-1 L. Oligocene 0-81 0-39 MLV GC/NA/849 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-70 0-34 MRV GC/NA/850 549A 8-5 U. Oligocene 0-67 0-29 FLV GC/NA/3 10 6 1 1 D 1 2 L. Pliocene 0-78 0-43 FRV GC/NA/31 1 61 ID 12 L. Pliocene 0-75 0-38 Stratigraphical range. Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene, Upper Pliocene to Quaternary (NP 15-25; NN 4-5, 18-19). Diagnosis. A medium (female) or medium to large (male) subspecies of Krithe with an elongate, subrectangular carapace, subparallel dorsal and ventral margins, wide inner lamella, long RPC, and ADRPC type 3A. Posterior convex, with no posterior concavity and no marked posterior angle. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Figs 1-6. Krithe praemorkhoveni sp. nov. 1-2, OS 13986; DSDP Site S49, c.c. 15-5; early Eocene; female left valve, external and internal views; x 71. 3, OS 13992; DSDP Site S49, c.c. 15-5; early Eocene; female right valve, external view; x71. 4, OS 13989; DSDP Site S49, c.c. 13-4; early Eocene; male left valve, external view; x 70. 5-6, OS 13995; DSDP Site S49, c.c. 15-5; early Eocene; male right valve, external and internal views; x64. Figs 7-12. Krithe pernoides pernoides (Bornemann). 7, GC/NA/884; DSDP Site S49A, c.c. 8-5; late Oligocene; female left valve, external view; x71. 8, GC/NA/255; DSDP Site 608A, c.c. 3; Quaternary; female left valve, internal view; x 57. 9-10, GC/NA/171 ; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 10; Late Pliocene; female right valve, external and internal views; x 57. 1 1-12, GC/NA/850; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 8-5; late Oligocene; male right valve, external and internal views; x63. Figs 13-17. Krithe pernoides sinuosa Ciampo. 1 3-14, GC/NA/35 ; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 5; Quaternary ; female right valve, external and internal views; x 56. 1 5-16, GC/NA/180; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 13; Late Pliocene; female left valve, external and internal views; x 54. 17, GC/NA/155; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, external view; x45. All figures are scanning electron micrographs. PLATE 5 COLES et a/., Krithe 106 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Remarks. This abundant, widely distributed subspecies is especially common in the Oligocene of Hole 549A, but is rare or absent in Miocene to Quaternary sediments. Considerable size variation occurs in this subspecies; there is a general but not consistent increase in size from the Middle Eocene to the Oligocene. K. pernoides pernoides differs from its descendant, K. pernoides sinuosa Ciampo, 1986 in having a regularly convex posterior margin, while in the latter it is more angular with a marked posterior angle and posterior concavity. K. pernoides pernoides may have branching ARPC and a ‘Y’-shaped anterior vestibulum, which are not present in K. pernoides sinuosa. The original figures of Bornemann (1855) are poor and only the exterior of the carapace was illustrated. The identification of the present specimens with K. pernoides (Bornemann) is based on the records of subsequent authors who illustrated the internal features. The known occurrences of this species are as follows: Upper Eocene of Denmark, eastern Germany (Pietrzeniuk 1969) and the Ukraine (Schremeta 1969); Oligocene of Denmark, Netherlands (Kuiper 1918), Hermsdorf near Berlin, Germany (Bornemann 1855), Belgium (Keij 1957), northern Germany (Uffenorde 1981); Miocene of northwestern Germany (Bassiouni 1962; Uffenorde 1981); Upper Pliocene to Quaternary of the North Atlantic (Coles 1985) and late Quaternary of the Atlantic west of the Iberian Portal at 2414 and 2421 m (Harpur 1985). In summary, this species is common in deep-water Middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments in the North Atlantic, but is rarer in the Miocene to Quaternary of the same area. In the Upper Eocene to Miocene interval of Europe it occurs in shallower (outer shelf?) warmer waters from the evidence of the associated fauna, and is frequently associated with such long-ranging and eurybathic species as Henryhowella asperrima (Reuss). Krithe pernoides sinuosa Ciampo, 1986 Plate 5, figures 13-17; Text-figure 5r-v 1962 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Ruggieri, p. 17, pi. 1, figs 12-13. 1976 Krithe pernoides (Bornemann); Breman; p. 55, pi. 3, fig. 28. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figs 1-3. Krithe pernoides sinuosa Ciampo. 1, GC/NA/155; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, internal view; x45. 2-3, GC/NA/156; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male right valve, external and internal views; x45. Figs 4-6. Krithe sp. cf. K. parvula Deltel. 4-5, GC/NA/927; DSDP Site S49, c.c. 8^1; middle Eocene; female left valve, external and internal views; x95. 6, GC/NA/929; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 8-4; middle Eocene; female right valve, external view; x93. Figs 7-9. Krithe sp. 7. 7, GC/NA/900; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 5-5; Late Miocene; female left valve, external view; x 54. 8, GC/NA/903; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 5-5; Late Miocene; male right valve, external view; x 47. 9, GC/NA/901 ; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 5-5; Late Miocene; female right valve, internal view; x 55. Figs 10-12. Krithe sp. 8. 10, GC/NA/269; DSDP Site 610E, c.c. 7; Late Miocene; female left valve, external view; x 70. 11-12, GC/NA/270; DSDP Site 610E, c.c. 7; Late Miocene; female right valve, external and internal views; x 70. Figs 13-14. Krithe sp. 9. GC/NA/210; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 24; Early Pliocene; female left valve, external and internal views; x 52. Fig. 15. Krithe sp. 10. GC/NA/42; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 19; Early Pliocene; female? right valve, external view; x 52. Fig. 16. Krithe sp. 11. GC/N A/206; DSDP Site 61 ID, c.c. 9; Early Pliocene; female left valve, external view; x 66. Figs 17-18. Krithe sp. 12. GC/NA/266; DSDP Site 609B, c.c. 29; Early Pliocene; female right valve, external and internal views; x 60. All figures are scanning electron micrographs. PLATE 6 fflm COLES et al. , Krithe 108 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1977 Krithe sp. A Peypouquet, p. 104, fig. 34 (not sp. A24?). 1985 Krithe producta Brady; Guillaume et ah. pi. 106, fig. 5. 1986 Krithe sinuosa Ciampo, p. 87, pi. 17, figs 3, 5. Material and distribution. One hundred and eight adult valves. Hole 549A (U. Miocene). Hole 550 (U. Miocene), Hole 558 (L.7-U. Miocene), Hole 563 (M.-U. Miocene), Holes 606, 606A, 607, 609, 610 (Pliocene-Quaternary), Hole 608 (U. Miocene-Quaternary), Holes 608A, 609B (U. Pliocene-Quaternary), Holes 609A, 610C (Quaternary), Hole 610B (U. Pliocene), Hole 61 ID (L. Pliocene, Quaternary). Dimensions {mm). L H FLV GC/NA/180 607-13 U. Pliocene 0-77 0-43 FLV GC/NA/36 606-1 U. Pliocene 0-74 0-40 MLV GC/NA/155 607-5 Quaternary 0-94 0-44 MLV GC/NA/851 558 17-5 L. Miocene 0-80 0-36 FRV GC/NA/852 563 10-1 M. Miocene 0-69 0 35 FRV GC/NA/35 606A-5 Quaternary 0-75 0-40 MRV GC/NA/156 607-5 Quaternary 0-92 0-41 Stratigraphical range. Middle or possibly Lower Miocene to Quaternary (NN 1?, 5-7, 9-12, 14-21) in the present study. The species also occurs in the Recent. Diagnosis. A medium (female) to large (male), subrectangular and moderately inflated subspecies of Krithe with strong sexual dimorphism. Females moderately high, males elongate to very elongate. Both sexes with straight to slightly convex dorsal margin; posterior bluntly truncate with distinct angle between shallow posterior concavity and steep postero-ventral slope. Anterior vestibulum small to medium sized, ‘pocket ’-shaped. ADRPC type 3A. VRPC long, slightly curved; some are branched. Remarks. Krithe sinuosa was described from the Upper Miocene of Italy by Ciampo, but is here considered to be a subspecies of K. pernoides Bornemann, evolving from the nominative subspecies in the Early to Mid-Miocene. K. pernoides sinuosa seems to be an ecological subspecies of K. pernoides , with the former dominating at abyssal depths, although the latter has been recorded down to a PDWD of 3526 m at Site 608. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Figs 1-3. Krithe sp. 13. 1-2, GC/NA/260; DSDP Site 609B, c.c. 2; Quaternary; female left valve, external and internal views; x 50. 3, GC/NA/227 ; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female right valve, external view; x 50. Figs 4-6. Krithe sp. 14. 4, GC/NA/312; DSDP Site 61 ID, c.c. 12; Late Pliocene; female left valve, external view; x 38. 5-6, GC/NA/170; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 10; Late Pliocene; female right valve, external and internal views; x 39. Figs 7-9. Krithe sp. 15. 7, GC/NA/293; DSDP Site 610, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, external view; x 58. 8-9, GC/NA/294; DSDP Site 610, c.c. 5; Quaternary, male right valve, external and internal views; x 59. Figs 10-1 1 . Krithe sp. 16. GC/NA/262; DSDP Site 609B, c.c. 9; Quaternary; female? right valve, external and internal views; x45. Figs 12-13. Krithe sp. 17. GC/NA/52; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 4; Quaternary; female? right valve, external and internal views; x47. Figs 14-15. Krithe sp. 18. GC/NA/166; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 6; Quaternary; male? right valve, external and internal views; x49. Figs 16-17. Krithe sp. 19. GC/NA/54; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 2; Quaternary; female? right valve, external and internal views; x46. All figures are scanning electron micrographs. PLATE 7 COLES et al Krithe 0008 110 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 6. For legend see opposite. COLES ET A L. : OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE In the present material, K. pernoides sinuosa is common in Middle Miocene to Quaternary sediments in the North Atlantic. A single MLV occurred in the Lower Miocene with an abnormally large anterior vestibulum, but is otherwise very similar to typical K. pernoides sinuosa. In addition to the occurrences cited above, the following are noted: Upper Miocene of Sicily (Ruggieri 1962) and DSDP Site 403 on the Rockall Plateau (material of Ducasse and Peypouquet 1979 seen by GC), Pliocene of DSDP Site 613 off New Jersey (among the material of Cronin and Compton-Gooding 1987 seen by GC), late Quaternary of the northeastern Atlantic in cores L4, L5, P2, R3, R4, T2 and T3 between PDWD 1678 and 4566 m and lat. 43° and 68° N (among the material of Porter 1984 seen by GC and RCW), late Quaternary of the North Atlantic west of the Iberian Portal between 453 and 3700 m (Harpur 1985) and Quaternary of the western Mediterranean, Gulf of Cadiz and Cape St Vincent between 795 and 2798 m (Elant 1985). In the Recent it occurs in the Adriatic between 175 and 302 m (Breman 1976), the Atlantic around the Iberian Portal and the western Mediterranean between 585 and 2798 m (Elant 1985), Atlantic off northwest Africa between 997 and 1250 m (Barkham 1985), Porcupine Sea Bight between 1320 and 1942 m (Symonds pers. comm.), Atlantic off Florida between 185 and 739 m (material of Cronin 1983 seen by GC), Gulf of Benin and Atlantic off the Ivory Coast (Peypouquet 1977), deep- water Bay of Biscay (Guillaume et al. 1985), off south Norway between 300 and 630 m, Guff of Mexico at 1500 m and North Atlantic at 5383 and 5440 m (GC personal observations). In summary, K. pernoides sinuosa is common in the North Atlantic from the Middle Miocene to the Recent with a maximum depth range of 185 to 5440 m and ranging from lat. 5° N to at least 68° N. It has, however, not been recorded from the Caribbean, or the Indian or Pacific oceans. Krithe sp. cf. K. parvula Deltel, 1963 Plate 6, figures 4-6; Text-figure 5w-z 1964 Krithe parvula Deltel, p. 172, pi. 4, figs 86-89. 71985 Krithe parvula Deltel; Ducasse et al.. pi. 78, fig. 14. Material and distribution. Sixty eight adult valves. Hole 549 (U. Palaeocene-M. Eocene) (NP 9-15). text-fig. 6. a, Krithe sp. 2. GC/NA/891; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 19-3; late Palaeocene; adult right valve. b-c. Krithe sp. 3. b, GC/NA/934; DSDP Site 550, c.c. 33-3; early Eocene; male? left valve, c, GC/NA/935; DSDP Site 550, c.c. 30-3; early Eocene; female? right valve, d-e. Krithe sp. 5. d, GC/NA/932; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 4—1 ; middle Eocene; female right valve, e, GC/NA/932; DSDP Site 549, c.c. 4-1 ; middle Eocene; male right valve, f-g. Krithe sp. 4. f, GC/NA/889; DSDP Site 550, c.c. 30-3; early Eocene; female left valve. G, GC/NA/890; DSDP Site 550, c.c. 30-3; early Eocene; female right valve. H, Krithe sp. 6. GC/N A/887; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 9-5; late Oligocene; female left valve, i-k. Krithe sp. 7. 1, GC/NA/896; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 5-5; Late Miocene; female right valve, j, GC/NA/897; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 5-5; Late Miocene; male left valve, k, GC/N A/898; DSDP Site 549A, c.c. 5-5; Late Miocene; male right valve, l-m. Krithe sp. 8. l, GC/NA/269; DSDP Site 610E, c.c. 7; Late Miocene; female left valve. M, GC/NA/270; DSDP Site 610E, c.c. 7; Late Miocene; female right valve, n, Krithe sp. 9. GC/NA/210; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 24; Early Pliocene; female left valve, o, Krithe sp. 10. GC/NA/42; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 19; Early Pliocene; female? right valve, p, Krithe sp. 11. GC/NA/206; DSDP Site 61 ID, c.c. 9; Early Pliocene; female left valve. Q, Krithe sp. 12. GC/N A/266; DSDP Site 609B, c.c. 29; Early Pliocene; female right valve. R-s. Krithe sp. 13. R, GC/N A/260; DSDP Site 609B, c.c. 2; Quaternary; female left valve, s, GC/NA/227; DSDP Site 608, c.c. 5; Quaternary; female right valve, t-u. Krithe sp. 14. t, GC/NA/312; DSDP Site 61 ID, c.c. 12; Late Pliocene; female left valve, u, GC/NA/170; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 10; Late Pliocene; female right valve, v-w. Krithe sp. 15. v, GC/NA/293; DSDP Site 610, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male left valve, w, GC/NA/294; DSDP Site 610, c.c. 5; Quaternary; male right valve, x, Krithe sp. 16. GC/NA/262; DSDP Site 609B, c.c. 9; Quaternary; female? right valve, y, Krithe sp. 17. GC/NA/52; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 4; Quaternary; female? right valve, z, Krithe sp. 18. GC/NA/166; DSDP Site 607, c.c. 6; Quaternary; male? right valve, aa, Krithe sp. 19. GC/NA/54; DSDP Site 606A, c.c. 2; Quaternary; female? right valve. All projectina drawings; x 50. 112 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Dimensions (mm). L H FLV GC/NA/925 549 11-1 U. Eocene 044 0-22 FLV GC/NA/926 549 11-1 U. Eocene 044 0-22 FLV GC/N A/927 549 8-4 M. Eocene 044 0-22 MLV GC/N A/932 549 16-3 U. Palaeocene 046 0-20 FRV GC/NA/928 549 8-4 M. Eocene 043 0-21 FRV GC/NA/929 549 8-4 M. Eocene 045 0-21 FRV GC/NA/930 549 11-1 L. Eocene 044 0-21 MRV GC/NA/931 549 11-1 L. Eocene 044 0-18 Diagnosis. A small, elongate, subrectangular (male and FLV) to elongate subovate (FRV) species of Krithe with almost straight, subparallel dorsal and ventral margins. Anterior vestibulum moderately large, ‘mushroom ’-shaped with a narrow neck and directed postero-ventrally. Inner lamella wide, with sinuous line of concrescence and long RPC; ADRPC type 3A with AD 1, 2, 3 and 5 short to moderately long and elongate AD4. Sexual dimorphism slight; males relatively but not absolutely longer than females. Remarks. This small, distinctive species is common only in the Lower Eocene of Hole 549 and disappears in the lower Middle Eocene (NP 15). K. parvula Deltel, 1964, described from the Middle and Upper Eocene of Aquitaine, is very similar in shape and external features to the present specimens. However, as Deltel did not illustrate the internal features, and her specimens are slightly larger (L = 0-52 mm), the present material is only compared to K. parvula. Nomina nuda species Discussion. In addition to the seventeen species and subspecies detailed above, there are numerous quite distinctive Krithe species present in the Cenozoic of the North Atlantic (Pis 6-7 ; Text-figs 5-6). However, these are all too rare to be described formally; none of the species is represented by more than seven adult specimens and many are known from only one or two individuals. The stratigraphical ranges of nineteen nomina nuda species are given below, together with their occurrence. Species Location Stratigraphical position Krithe sp. 1 DSDP Hole 549 U. Palaeocene, NP7-9 Krithe sp. 2 DSDP Hole 549 U. Palaeocene, NP 7 Krithe sp. 3 DSDP Hole 550 L. Eocene, NP 10 Krithe sp. 4 DSDP Hole 550 L. Eocene, NP 10 Krithe sp. 5 DSDP Hole 549 M. Eocene, NP 15-16 Krithe sp. 6 DSDP Hole 549A U. Oligocene, NP 23-24 Krithe sp. 7 DSDP Hole 549A U. Miocene, NN 9, 1 1 Krithe sp. 8 DSDP Hole 610 U. Miocene, NN 1 1 DSDP Hole 610E U. Miocene, NN 10, 12 Krithe sp. 9 DSDP Hole 607 L. Pliocene, NN 13-14 Krithe sp. 10 DSDP Hole 606A L. Pliocene, NN 14 Krithe sp. 1 1 DSDP Hole 607 L. Pliocene, NN 1 5 Krithe sp. 12 DSDP Hole 609B L. Pliocene, NN 15 Krithe sp. 13 DSDP Hole 607 Quaternary, NN 19 DSDP Hole 608 L. Pliocene, Quaternary, NN 15, 18-19 DSDP Hole 609B Quaternary, NN 19 DSDP Hole 610 U. Pliocene, NN 16 Krithe sp. 14 DSDP Hole 607 U. Pliocene, NN 16 DSDP Hole 61 ID U. Pliocene, NN 18 Krithe sp. 15 DSDP Hole 609C U. Pliocene, NN 16-17 DSDP Hole 609A Quaternary, NN 20-21 DSDP Hole 610 Quaternary, NN 19 DSDP Hole 6 10C Quaternary, NN 21 COLES ET AL.: OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 113 Species Krithe sp. 16 Krithe sp. 17 Krithe sp. 18 Krithe sp. 19 Location DSDP Hole 609B DSDP Hole 606A DSDP Hole 607 DSDP Hole 606A Stratigraphical position Quaternary, NN 19 Quaternary, NN 19 Quaternary, NN 19 Quaternary, NN 19-21 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Several authors have attempted to utilize Krithe in Cainozoic biostratigraphy, though usually in conjunction with other genera. The work of van den Bold (1977) in the Caribbean region and the South Atlantic is especially notable, while others have recognized some stratigraphically useful species in the Mediterranean, e.g. Ascoli (1968), Sissingh (1972), and Ciampo (1980, 1986). However, there has been relatively little work in the North Atlantic, mostly limited to the studies of Ducasse and Peypouquet (1979) in the upper Cainozoic of the eastern North Atlantic and that of Peypouquet (1977, 1979) with reference to Pleistocene glacial cycles. More recent biostrati- graphical utilization of the genus, among other North Atlantic deep water taxa, are by Whatley and Coles (1991) and Whatley (1993). The neglect of Krithe in biostratigraphical studies from deep-water sediments, despite its high abundance and diversity, is undoubtedly a consequence of the formidable problems of consistent species discrimination within the genus. Nevertheless, the careful discrimination of species throughout the Cainozoic of the North Atlantic in the present study has revealed the stratigraphical utility of several common species. The stratigraphical ranges of the seventeen described species of Krithe considered in this study are shown in Text-figure 7 to the level of the calcareous nannofossil text-fig 7. Stratigraphical ranges of Krithe species in the Cenozoic of the North Atlantic, plotted against chronostratigraphy and calcareous plankton biozones. 114 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 NP and NN zones of Martini (1971). Also included are the stratigraphical ranges of the nineteen nomina mulct species listed above. This diagram clearly illustrates the importance of the genus as a biostratigraphical marker in the Tertiary of the North Atlantic. The consistency of new appearances in the succession bears impressive witness to the rapidity of evolution in this taxon in the deep sea. Certain species are entirely {K. praemorkhoveni, K. gobanensis , K. regulare, K. cf. parvula ) or mostly (K. crassicaudata , K. cf. hixvanneensis, K. pernoides pernoides) confined to the Palaeogene, while others are confined to the Miocene to Quaternary interval (K. reversa , K. minima , K. aquilonia, K. pernoides sinuosa ); the remainder span the boundary (K. aequabilis, K. dolichodeira , K. morkhoveni - all subspecies, and K. trinidadensis). The most important first appearances for stratigraphical purposes- are of K. reversa (NN 6, Middle Miocene), K. minima (NN 5, Middle Miocene), K. aquilonia (NN 1, Lower Miocene) and K. pernoides sinuosa (NN 5, Middle Miocene), while the most notable last occurrences are K. gobanensis (NP 23, Upper Oligocene), K. regulare (NP 25, Upper Oligocene), K. crassicaudata (NP 23, Upper Oligocene) and K. praemorkhoveni (NP 16, Upper Eocene). The data in Text-figure 7 and the stratigraphical range chart for all North Atlantic Cainozoic benthonic Ostracoda given in Whatley and Coles (1991, fig. 4), indicate that this group in this environment has considerable potential as biostratigraphical markers. This information is augmented by that of Whatley (1993, table 1) who further extolled the virtues of benthonic ostracods as biostratigraphical indices in deep-sea environments in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as the Atlantic. DIVERSITY AND PALAEOCEANOGRAPH Y The number of Krithe species present in each NP and NN zone in the North Atlantic may be used to show diversity trends in the taxon through the Cainozoic. The results are shown in Text- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 13| 14 15 16 1 7 1 18 19 20 21 22 | 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PALAEOCENE EOCENE OLIGOCENE MIOCENE PLIOCENE QUATER- NARY LOWER 1 UPPER LOWER | MIDDLE | UPPER LWR | UPPER LOWER | MIDDLE UPPER LOWER | UPPER text-fig. 8. Recorded and cumulative Krithe species diversity in the Cainozoic of the North Atlantic, plotted against chronostratigraphy and calcareous plankton biozones. figure 8. Both recorded (which indicates the actual presence of a species in a given zone) and cumulative (which discounts the effect of temporary ‘Lazarus’ absences within the overall stratigraphical range of a species) have been calculated to enable comparison with Whatley and COLES ET AL.\ OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 115 Coles (1991, table 1 and fig. 2) which show the diversity trends of the entire North Atlantic Cainozoic deep-water ostracod fauna. From Text-figure 8 it is evident that Krithe steadily increased in both recorded and cumulative diversity from low levels in the Palaeocene to a peak in the late Oligocene (NP 23 zone). Subsequently, recorded Krithe species diversity plummeted in the early Miocene only to rise in an irregular series of peaks through the Neogene to a Cainozoic maximum in the Quaternary (NN 19 zone). However, the cumulative species diversity pattern shows no dramatic late Oligocene-early Miocene diversity and records a much more gradual rise in diversity through the Neogene to the same Quaternary maximum. It is this later pattern, by eliminating the effects of unequal sampling and taphonomy, that probably most closely reflects the true diversity of Krithe in the study area, although it certainly masks an environmental perturbation which was responsible for the temporary disappearance of a considerable number of species at this time. A similar diversity decline for the entire ostracod fauna of the Atlantic deep water is shown in Whatley and Coles (1991, fig. 2) who suggest that this early and mid-Miocene phenomenon was probably brought about by more sluggish circulation patterns in the North Atlantic consequent upon the closure of the Iberian Portal and effective isolation of the Tethys (Whatley and Coles 1987). The global temperature decrease of some 7-8 °C brought about by the expansion of the Antarctic Ice Cap (Stanley 1987) and the spillage of cold North Polar bottom waters into the North Atlantic over the subsided Greenland-Iceland-Faroes-Scotland Ridge, produced the equivalent of modern North Atlantic Deep Water (Schnikter 1980) and in this medium this characteristic fauna has evolved. The essential features of Krithe diversity thus show strong similarities with the diversity pattern of the entire ostracode fauna demonstrated by Whatley and Coles (1991, fig. 2), namely the steep diversity increase through the Palaeogene to a late Oligocene peak, considerable reduction in diversity in the early Miocene and a stable to gradual diversity rise through the Miocene and Pliocene to a peak in the Quaternary. The mid-Pliocene warming interlude seems to be reflected in a diversity peak in Krithe followed by a late Pliocene decline. This is in turn succeeded by an early Quaternary peak which is the highest diversity for the Cainozoic for this taxon. ECOLOGY AND PALAEOECOLOG Y All species of Krithe are blind and smooth-shelled with elongate subcylindrical carapaces being the dominant shape-type. They are thus well adapted to an infaunal mode of life as burrowers in soft sediment substrates, principally fine sands, muds, and deep-water G/ohigerina and nannofossil oozes. Krithe is cosmopolitan, but is confined to fully marine waters with salinities greater than 35 parts per thousand. The very wide depth range of Krithe was first noted by Brady (1880) in the Challenger report, who recorded species from depths of 15 to 1825 fathoms (27-3340 m). In shallow waters, Krithe is mainly cryophilic and confined to low-energy, soft sediment substrates, although a few warm-water species have been recorded (Whatley and Downing 1984). It is in the deep sea, at bathyal (1000-2000 m) and abyssal (> 2000 m) depths, where it is both abundant and diverse that Krithe is most significant. All records of deep-sea ostracod faunas include Krithe , which is normally the dominant genus below 1000 m. Indeed, Krithe frequently outnumbers all other ostracode species combined when the total number of valves is considered. This is demonstrated in Table 2, which details the composition of the Cainozoic deep-water North Atlantic ostracod fauna in terms of the percentage of individuals belonging to each genus for each age. The ten genera which comprise an average of 5 per cent of the individuals in any one age are shown, together with the percentage of total individuals in the other fifty-nine genera. These figures are calculated from sixty-six samples containing 100 or more specimens, comprising twenty-six from Hole 549, twenty-five from Hole 549A, one from Hole 550, eight from Hole 558 and six from Hole 563. Also included are thirty-three samples from the DSDP Leg 94 study of Whatley and Coles (1987) which contained 100 or more specimens. From Table 2, it can be seen that Krithe comprises a mean of some 50 per cent (range 45 to 55 per cent) of Eocene and Oligocene faunas, and becomes progressively more dominant during the 116 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 2. The percentage generic composition of the deep water North Atlantic fauna by age. The ten genera which comprise 5 per cent or more of the individuals in any age are shown, with the percentage of total individuals in the remaining fifty nine genera. (@ = genus absent; x = genus is present but comprises < 1 per cent of the fauna in that age.) Ages are early (E), middle (M) and late (L) divisions of the Palaeocene (Pa), Eocene (E), Oligocene (O), Miocene (M) and Pliocene (P) epochs, and of the Quaternary (Q) Period. Age No. studied samples LPa 2 EE 13 ME 10 LE 11 EO 9 LO 10 EM 3 MM 3 LM 5 EP 10 LP 11 EQ 9 LQ 3 Argilloecia 7 5 15 11 9 10 4 1 1 4 4 3 5 Bairdia / Bairdoppilata 3 4 6 6 4 2 1 1 2 1 X X X Cvtherella 2 14 7 9 6 3 X 5 1 1 X X X Cytheropteron @ 1 1 X 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 5 4 Henryhowella @ @ 1 3 4 4 9 9 9 6 5 5 2 Krithe 69 55 46 49 51 48 45 52 60 64 68 67 67 Parakrithe @ @ 1 4 4 6 6 9 2 1 2 X X Poseidonamicus @ @ @ @ 1 5 4 3 11 8 6 6 10 T rachyleberidea 6 9 5 2 1 1 @ @ @ @ @ X X Xestoleberis 1 1 2 3 3 2 5 1 1 1 X X X Others (59 genera) 12 11 16 13 16 17 25 18 12 12 11 14 12 Miocene, to comprise on average, some two-thirds (64 to 68 per cent) of Pliocene and Quaternary faunas. This may be due to the greater palaeodepth of the Pliocene and Quaternary samples, relative to those from the Eocene and Oligocene. Argilloecia or Cytherella are usually the second most dominant genera in Palaeogene samples while Poseidonamicus is the next most abundant genus in terms of individuals from the upper Miocene to the Quaternary. A major palaeoecological application of Krithe in recent years has been based upon the supposed relationship of anterior vestibular form with depth and the level of dissolved oxygen in sea water (Peypouquet 1975, 1977). It is argued that in high levels of dissolved oxygen (> 04 ml), species of Krithe with small vestibula and wide inner lamellae would predominate while in waters where oxygen levels were low ( < 04 ml), vestibula would be large with narrow inner lamellae. It is further suggested that as a consequence of this relationship, past oxygen levels could be determined from the size of the anterior vestibulum and inner lamella, leading to the reconstruction of past oceanic oxygen levels. An attempt has been made to apply this to Cainozoic palaeoenvironments in the Atlantic (Peypouquet 1977, 1979) and to the study of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events in Tunisia (Peypouquet 1983). In an attempt to investigate the validity of this hypothesis, the present-day water depth range of eleven species or subspecies which occur in the Quaternary and Recent of the North Atlantic have been calculated (see the taxonomic section for further details), and compared with their size and anterior vestibulum and ADRPC type, shown in Table 3. Table 3 shows that those species with the broadest depth distribution are K. dolichodeira and K. pernoides sinuosa with large and small anterior vestibula respectively. Although species with small vestibula predominate at abyssal depths, the deepest known Krithe species in this study is K. reversa at 5726 m, which has a large ‘pocket '-shaped anterior vestibulum. Therefore, the data from the present study cannot support the correlation of vestibular size with depth and, consequently, oxygen levels as proposed by Peypouquet (1977, 1979). In addition, there is no obvious link between ADRPC type and water depth, with all three main types being present at abyssal depths. However, most species with ADRPC type 3A except the K. pernoides (i.e. the K. trinidadensis group) are confined to depths below 1000 m. These findings confirm those of Whatley and Zhao (1993) and Zhao and Whatley (1993) that there is no relationship between the size and shape of the anterior vestibulum, and depth or oxygen concentration. These authors also were able to discount the assertion by Peypouquet (1977, 1979) COLES ET AL.: OSTRACOD GENUS KRITHE 117 table 3. The present-day water depth range, anterior vestibulum type and antero-dorsal radial pore canal type, of the eleven Krithe species and subspecies present in the Quaternary and Recent of the North Atlantic. Species/subspecies PDWD range Vestibule type ADRPC type K. reversa 803-5726 m* Large ‘pocket’ IB K. aequabilis 1 200-4000 m Large ‘pocket’ 2B K. dolichodeira 200-5440 m Large ‘mushroom’ 2B K. minima 739-4566 m* Small crescentic 2C K. mork. morkhoveni 739-5440 m* Small ‘mushroom’ 3A K. mork. lamellalata 2421-3422 m Small ‘mush.’/‘Y’ 3A K. mork. ayressi 1 500-3884 m Large ‘mushroom’ 3A K. trinidadensis 1 080-5440 m Small ‘pock. ’/‘ Y' 3A K. aquilonia 938-4566 m Small ‘mush. ’/‘Y’ 3A K. per. pernoides 2414-3526 m Small ‘pocket’ 3 A K. per. sinuosa 175-5440 m Small ‘pocket’ 3A * Almost all records are from water depths in excess of 1000 m. that the overall size of species of Krithe increases with depth; this is confirmed by the size distribution with depth of the taxa considered in the present paper. Acknowledgements. The authors thank their colleagues (Michael Ayress, Simon Barkham, Howard Davies, Sian Downing, Chris Harlow, Will Harpur and Christine Porter) at Aberystwyth for access to their research material and numerous valuable discussions. In particular, Chris Harlow is acknowledged for his part in the original formulation of the antero-dorsal radial core canal classificatory scheme for Krithe. Ian Gully and David Griffiths are thanked for their skills in draughtmanship and photography respectively. Graham Coles wishes to acknowledge the NERC studentship which made this study possible. Officers of DSDP/ODP are thanked for sending the various samples upon which much of this work is based. REFERENCES ascoli, p. 1964. Preliminary ecological study on Ostracoda from bottom cores of the Adriatic Sea. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli , 33, 213-246. — 1968. Preliminary report on the Ostracoda of the type Tortonian. Giornale di Geologia , 35 (2), 31-54. ayress, M. a. 1988. 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This taphonomic feedback (Kidwell and Jablonski 1983) resulted in gradual replacement of a soft-sediment infaunal benthos by a shell-pavement epibenthos. Events are summarized in Text-figure 2. Reef growth and composition It was against this sedimentary background that, locally, successive generations of encrustation by a variety of frame-building organisms started to build up biocemented frameworks which, in turn, attracted further encrustation and developed into small reefs. The smallest such buildups are only a few tens of centimetres across, but locally the process went on for a long time, eventually resulting in bioherms as large as 7 m across and 3-5 m high. A section through the largest reef body exposed during the course of this study is shown in Text-figure 3. It is difficult to get a clear picture of the n REEF FACIES ]REEF DEBRIS 1° o I OOLITIC SAND [— ] I POCKETS OF J FACIES 1—2 — 3 FACIES L—J LIME MUD CHERT 0 Metre 1 text-fig. 3. Facies distribution in a vertical section taken through a large patch-reef in the north-east corner of Suckthumb Quarry (see Text-fig. 1). three-dimensional shapes of many of the reefs because of the two-dimensional exposure and the rubble surrounding them in the working quarry faces. The strength of the reef fabric initially came from the principal framebuilders, but the porosity within the frame acted as a site for the precipitation of large volumes of peloidal calcite marine cement, which rapidly converted the primary organic structure into a dense reef-rock (PI. 1, figs 1-2; PI. 2, figs 1-2). This peloidal fabric is often laminated, due to variations in peloid size from layer to layer (PI. 2, figs 1-2), and fills some of the primary cavities geopetally. It is structurally identical to early marine cements that have been described from a variety of reefal settings from ancient (see references in Sun and Wright 1989, and Mock and Palmer 1991) and Recent (Macintyre 1985) settings, and for which some workers have proposed a bacterially-mediated origin (Chafetz 1986). The peloidal cement fills smaller spaces between the main framebuilders, and is particularly abundant in borings that perforate the primary fabric, and inside articulated shells (PI. 2, fig. 2). Larger intrareefal cavities locally contain detrital sediment, such as oolilhs and unpelleted lime mud which is burrowed (Text-fig. 3). Relative proportions of the different components differ within the reef body, and around the edges of reef blocks where active reef growth had ceased and where bioerosional processes dominated (PI. 2, fig. 3). In this distinct edge sub-facies, many generations of boring, precipitation of peloidal cement in the borings, and reboring alternated. As a result the edge facies has a significantly higher proportion of marine pelleted cement than is found deeper into the reef. These differences in the percentage volume contributions of the different organic and 136 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 inorganic constituents of the reefs, which were obtained by point counting as discussed above, are summarized in Text-figure 4. Relationship of reefs to adjacent soft sediment Oolitic sediments abut against the sides of the larger reef bodies and locally fill voids within the reef structure (Text-fig. 3). Smaller reefs are covered by such sediment, which must have accumulated at a rate greater than reef growth, or else have washed over them during occasional high energy events. The largest reefs intersect the top of the Portland and are directly overlain by Purbeck sediments. There is plenty of evidence for erosive processes carrying material off the reefs into the adjacent oolitic sands. Immediately next to the reefs, many large shells of reef-dwelling and frame- constructing species are found in the oolitic matrix (Text-fig. 5). Further away from the reef, abundances of reefal groups and the sizes of the derived fragments decrease, so that more than about 20 m away there is no indication of the proximity of the reef, and the normal soft-sediment Roach assemblages are seen. We have not been able to see whether this detrital apron extends farther in one lateral direction than any other, which might suggest a windward and a seaward direction. Small blocks of the primary frame, apparently broken off' larger reefs and lying close to them, provided sites for further encrustation and growth (Text-fig. 3). Sometimes these daughter reefs subsequently coalesced with the parents that spawned them. LATER DIAGENESIS All facies of the Portland Roach are characterized by complete leaching of aragonite, so that all aragonitic taxa are preserved as internal and external moulds (PI. 2, fig. 1). The dissolution probably occurred very soon after completion of sedimentation when the sequence was uplifted into the meteoric realm. The overlying basal Purbeck rocks contain soils and freshwater ostracodes (Arkell 1947 ; Townson 1975; R. C. Whatley pers. comm.) so downward flow of meteoric water through at least the upper part of the Portlandian sediments must have occurred, and would probably have been rapid at some times during the year, given the marked seasonality of Lower Purbeck times (Francis 1984). In contrast to the fate of aragonite, low-magnesian calcite shells of bryozoans, brachiopods, some molluscs, and the winter layers (cf. Wright 1985) of the rhodophyte Solenopora are preserved with full microstructural detail, and show only some mild silicification (presumably the result of remobilization of silica from sponge spicules; Townson 1975). However, a third style of preservation is evident in serpulids, encrusting forams ( Nubeculinella ), and in the darker summer layers of Solenopora. In these taxa preservation is variable, ranging from good (with little or no apparent structural alteration) to mouldic (with complete loss of original shell; PI. 1, fig. 2). In between (particularly in Solenopora ) lie examples of partial replacement by diagenetic calcite with varying amounts of loss of detail of the original microfabric. This style of replacement has been noted in Solenopora of Middle Jurassic age by Wright (1985) who favoured the explanation that composition fluctuated between low- and high-magnesian calcite (LMC and HMC) across the seasons and that the latter was replaced by aragonite early in diagenesis. Given that the degree of dissolution is never as clear-cut as in the unequivocally aragonitic shells, we support an original EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-2. Two pieces of Portland patch reef showing three of the four principal framebuilders: Solenopora (S), Plicatula (P), and Liostrea (L), surrounded by sedimentary matrix which is either precipitated micrite peloidal cement (C) or oolitic grainstone that has been washed into the reef from the surrounding oolite shoals (O). Large borings (B) containing articulated Lithophaga cut across both the skeletal frame and the synsedimentary cement. Polished blocks. Large squares on scale grids are 10 mm. PLATE 1 FURSICH et a /., Portland patch reef 138 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 HMC composition for Solenopora and the other variably-preserved skeletons, with magnesium levels possibly varying throughout the year in response to temperature or growth rate. Styles of dissolution of HMC depend on a range of factors such as microstructural detail, the original magnesium levels in the calcite, the concentrations of dissolved carbonate in the diagenetic fluids, and the evolution of the pore-water chemistry with increasing burial (Walter 1985). Variations in these probably led to the differences in the degree of alteration of putatively HMC skeletons that are now preserved, and we see no reason to support an additional diagenetic episode involving differential replacement of HMC by aragonite. It is not so much the loss of aragonite that makes the Roach remarkable, but the fact that the moulds were not filled by later diagenetic calcite cement. There is a small amount of this cement, mostly growing as a thin sugary veneer on some of the aragonite moulds and in the small pore spaces inside borings or between the peloids of the early marine cements, but it is volumetrically a minor component. It may be that, the aragonite and some of the HMC having been flushed out of the system during meteoric emergence at the end of Portland times, there was no major source of dissolved carbonate when the sequence eventually became buried. Indeed, the whole Portland sequence may have been diagenetically closed, sandwiched between the underlying Kimmeridge Clay and the overlying clay-rich Purbeck and Wealden. REEF ECOLOGY: GROWTH, COLONIZATION AND BIOEROSION Ecological guilds We have recognized five ecological guilds into which all of the fauna of the Portland reefs can be placed. These provide a convenient structure for a discussion of the dynamics of reef growth and destruction. These guilds are: (1) the principal organic framebuilders; (2) the accessory framebuilders of small cementing encrusters; (3) the interstitial fauna of nestlers and predominantly soft-boiled sessile forms; (4) vagile strollers on the reef surface; and (5) the borers that excavated dwelling holes in the skeletons of the primary framebuilders and in the cemented reef rock. A summary of the complete reef and reef-associated fauna, together with the guild assignations, is given in Table 1. Principal framebuilders There are four major taxa that are responsible for the biogenic frame of the reefs. Most conspicuous is the red alga Solenopora ‘ portlandica ’ (PI. 1, figs 1-2), which ranges in size from small knobs only about 10 mm across to large cauliflower-shaped heads as much as 0-3 m high. (This species has yet to be formerly described, although it is widely known in the literature (e.g. Wright 1985) under this name.) Growth banding is very conspicuous and the largest specimens display as many as fifty alternations of lighter (winter) and darker (summer) layers. However, although Solenopora is locally very common and conspicuous in some of the reefs, elsewhere it may be rare or absent altogether. The framebuilders that are most widespread, and which make the biggest contribution in terms of volume to all the reefs examined, are bivalves. The first is Liostrea expansai. Sowerby (Text-fig. 5), a thick-shelled oyster that grows in a somewhat cup-shaped form (probably as a result of crowding). The range of shape and size variation is difficult to assess because the shells cannot easily EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs 1-2. Structure of reef rock from the Portland reefs. 1, polished slab showing primary biogenic fabric of oysters (dark laminated shells) and Plicatula (with biomouldic preservation) surrounded by peloidal micrite cement. Both are cut by bivalve borings, which are in turn filled with later generations of laminated peloidal cement ; x 08. 2, acetate peel of laminated geopetal peloidal early marine cement inside bivalve boring; x 18. Fig. 3. Large Lithophaga boring into edge of patch reef ; x 06. PLATE 2 FURSICH et al Portland patch reef 140 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 7.3% REEF BODY 35.7% 7,021 points counted over 3,51 1 sq.cm Principal Framebuilders Minor Framebuilders Pelleted Micrite between framebuilders and in borings Others REEF EDGE 58.0% 1 ,262 points counted over 631 sq.cm text-fig. 4. Different proportions of components in the main reef body and at the edges of mature reefs. The greater amount of peloidal cement in the latter is mostly located within borings, which occupy a larger proportion of the overall volume at the reef edge. be extracted whole from the reef. The second bivalve is Plicatula damoni Cox (PI. 2, fig. 1) which is easy to study because the valves were composed of a thick (c. 5-6 mm) inner aragonite layer and a thin exterior layer of calcite folia. The former has dissolved during diagenesis, freeing the internal moulds which are largely composed of peloidal cement. Because of crowding and overgrowth, they are very variable in shape and size, and attain a maximum height of 50 mm. The fourth principal framebuilder, which is only present in some of the reefs, is the massive multilamellar cyclostome bryozoan Hyporosopora portlandica (Gregory). Uniquely among Jurassic FURSICH ET A L.\ JURASSIC REEFS 141 . , - ' ^ • -■ - > C _ / text-fig. 5. Junction between reef and overlying oolitic sediment con- taining skeletal debris that was washed off the reef. In this sample, the reef is largely composed of massive bryozoans (Hyporosopora portlandi- ca) with embedded oysters. Scale-bar represents 10 mm. Bryozoa, what are apparently single colonies can reach as much as a metre across and several tens of centimetres thick. Polished vertical sections show lighter and darker zones of about five zooecial layers in thickness, which reflect differences in zooecial size that may be seasonal. Bivalved oysters are widely embedded in these massive bryozoan colonies (Text-fig. 5). We have studied the relative contributions of the four main framebuilders to the buildups in two ways. In the field, we counted numbers of individuals of the four types on known areas of vertical sections through four different reefs at two localities (Text-fig. 6). The results show some of the variation, particularly in the abundance of Solenopora and Hyporosopora , but numbers alone do not give a clear indication of the contribution of each species to reef growth. We thus studied biovolume by point-counting cut and polished surfaces of twenty three blocks collected from several different reefs in Coombefield Quarry, subjectively distinguishing between the reef body and the reef edge sub-facies. The total area examined in this way was over 0 64 nr. The blocks were chosen for appropriate size rather than by composition, so the proportions of the different framebuilders are likely to reflect actual proportions in the reefs thus sampled. However, some of the blocks were lying loose in the quarry, so it is not possible to say how many reefs are represented. Results of this exercise are shown in Text-figure 7, and clearly show that reef growth is dominated by the bivalves. 142 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 1. Summary of species in the five reef guilds of the uppermost Portlandian, Isle of Portland, Dorset. Key: + , trace fossil; + +, bioimmuration; x, new record or first assignation of this taxon to the British Portlandian; ( x ), species previously recorded, but new material gives more detailed morphological information. Principal framebuilders Algae Solenopora ' portlandica ’ Bivalvia Plicatula damoni Cox Liostrea expansa (J. Sowerby) Bryozoa Hyporosopora portlandica (Gregory) Accessory framebuilders Stomatopora sp. Nubeculinella sp. x Porifera lithisthid indet. x ‘Worms’ Serpula (Cy closer pula) gordialis (v. Schlotheim) Serpula ( Cy closer pula) striatissima x sp. nov. Serpula ( Dorsoserpula ) sp. + agglutinating worm tube x Bryozoa ' Be renicea ’ sp. Stomatopora sp. Interstitial fauna Porifera Rhaxella sp. Pachastrella sp. Bivalvia Barbatia (Barbatia) bourgueti de x Loriol Cucullaea ( Idonearca ) sp. Modiolus (Modiolus) sp. Isognomon bouchardi (Oppel) Plagiostoma sp. Hiatella ( Pseudosaxicava ) phaseolus ( x ) (Eudes-Deslongchamps) Bryozoa + + Stolonicella sp. x Brachiopoda micromorphic terebratulid indet. x Incertae sedis + + bioimmured ‘dimples’ x Strollers Bivalvia ‘Lucina ’ portlandica J. de C. Sowerby Gastropoda Uchauxia quadrigranosa Cox naticid indet. medium-spired gastropod indet. pleurotomariid indet. Annelida + Arachnostega gastrochaenae x Bertling Borers Thallophytes + unidentified filaments x Porifera + Entobia cervicornis isp. nov. x ‘Worms’ + Caulostrepsis cretacea Voigt x + Spirichnus spiralis igen. et isp. x nov. + Cunctichnus probans igen. et isp. x nov. Bivalvia Lithophaga ( Lithophaga ) x subcyclindrica (Buvignier) Lithophaga sp. A x [+ Gastrochaenolites torpedo Kelly x and Bromley] Carterochaena pulcherrima gen. et x sp. nov. Gastrochaenopsis recondita (Phillips) x [+ Gastrochaenolites dijugus Kelly x and Bromley] Phoronida + Talpina bromleyi isp. nov. x Bryozoa + Iramena isp. x Crustacea + Rogerella pattei (Saint-Seine) x The dominance of Plicatula in the reef-edge sub-facies reflects the density of borings there. Plicatula can grow in highly twisted and distorted shapes and sometimes occupies vacated bivalve borings, or perches on pinnacles between borings. This flexibility of growth form would have made it an effective competitor for the limited space in the growing reef. The other framebuilders seem less able to cope with the vicissitudes of this highly competitive and bioerosive environment. Moreover, the FURSICH ET AL.\ JURASSIC REEFS 143 FRAMEBUILDERS Plica tula Liostrea Solenopora Hyporosopora n = 219 n = 219 n = 95 n = 474 text-fig. 6. Proportions of the four principal framebuilders (by number) in two reefs from Coombefield and two from Inmosthay Quarries. FRAMEBUILDERS - biovolume text-fig. 7. Relative proportions (by volume) of the four principal framebuilders in the main reef body and at the reef edge. Data obtained by point counting on polished blocks; see text and Text-figure 6 for details. bivalves are likely to have been faster growing than the more massive framebuilders, less controlled by incident light than Solenopora , and able to produce large numbers of individuals, which often settled and grew in bundles, in frequent recruitment episodes to take advantage of new attachment areas as soon as they became available. Coombefield I Coombefield (1850 cm2) (3800 cm2) 20 60 '/. 20 60 Inmosthay 1 (2000 cm2) 20 60 Inmosthay 2 (7100 cm2) 20 60 % I 1 rare abundant 144 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 ORIENTATION text-fig. 8. Orientations of in situ Liostrea and Plicatula , taken from field observations of reefs in Coombefield and Inmosthay Quarries. Liostrea and Plicatula also exhibit different orientation patterns and hence growth strategies (Text-fig. 8). Individuals of L. expansa grew preferentially upward, whereas P. damoni seems to have been able to grow in any orientation. In terms of numbers of individuals, Plicatula is usually the most abundant framebuilder and was able to occupy the sides of the reefs and overhangs from which it grew outwards and downwards, as well as growing upwards from the reeftops. It was thus a major contributor to reef lateral expansion as well as upward growth. In contrast, the preference for the oysters to grow with negative geotaxis suggests that their main contribution to reef growth was in the upward direction. Accessory framebuilder s The accessory framebuilders are dominated by small lamellate bryozoans, serpulids, and encrusting forams. Runner-type bryozoans ( Stomatopora ), small oysters (including both Nanogyra and other EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1-2, 4. Araclmostega gastrochaenae Bertling. 1-2, OUM J53650; latex cast of negative reliefs on the surface of an internal mould of Plicatula ; 1, x 3; 2, x 15. 4, OUM J53652; calcite-filled endorelief at the surface of internal mould of Plicatula damoni Cox; x2. Fig. 3. Serpula (Cycloserpula) striatissima sp. nov. OUM J53653, holotype; latex cast of external mould; x 10. Fig. 5. Dimpled structures, latex cast, preserved by bioimmuration on internal mould of Plicatula , OUM J53654; x 12. Fig. 6. Bundled scratch marks, preserved as positive relief near the adductor muscle scar of Plicatula , OUM J53655 ; x 12. PLATE 3 FURSICH el al Portland reef biota 146 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 forms which may be small L. expansa ; it is difficult to distinguish between them in cross-section) and agglutinated tubes occur more rarely. Also occurring rarely, but as quite large individuals, is an unidentified lithistid sponge, the first recorded from the Portlandian of England. The accessory framebuilders as a whole are difficult to study as they are firmly embedded in the reef matrix and cannot be extracted. The larger ones, however, can be recognized in cross-section and have been included as a separate category in the point-counts (Text-figs 4 and 7). There is one microenvironment in the reef where relative abundances of the different small encrusters can easily be studied. This is inside articulated Plicatula. Here, the encrusters grew inside at least 60 per cent of the dead shells and were subsequently smothered by sediment or marine pelleted cement. Subsequent dissolution of the aragonite shell leaves this sedimentary filling as a well-preserved steinkern (PI. 3, figs 1 and 4) that shows the attachment faces of the encrusters that are embedded in it and which were originally attached to the inner faces of the valves. Alternatively, encrusters that have themselves dissolved away leave external mouldic impressions in the steinkern surface (PI. 3, fig. 3). Text-figure 9 shows relative numbers of Plicatula in three different reefs that have encrusters of different species in them. Although this small cryptic microenvironment might be expected to have a somewhat specialized encrusting fauna, we anticipate that much of the surface space in the reefs that was available to accessory framebuilders would have been of a cryptic kind, in limited spaces down between the main framebuilders and in the reef interior. Typical Jurassic upward-facing, open-surface encrusters such as Nanogvra and large Dorsoserpula occur rather rarely in the reef body. Interstitial fauna The most conspicuous members of the interstitial fauna are the byssate bivalves that nestled inside bivalved shells, old borings, and other small cavities. These include the familiar arcids and mytilids widely seen in Jurassic rocks, but there are also large numbers of Hiatella which is generally poorly known from the Jurassic, probably because the small, thin-shelled individuals are likely to be overlooked in facies that do not show mouldic preservation. The great majority of the Hiatella in the Portland reefs are found nestling inside the vacated crypts of boring bivalves, sometimes inside the gaping shells of the borers that made the holes in the first place. Indeed more than one pair of Hiatella valves can be found, later occupants inside earlier ones. They are very variable in shape and size (though never more than 10 mm long) and clearly modified their shape to fit the hole they nestled in. There is no indication that they enlarged or modified this hole in any way; they merely squatted, as did the Lower Cretaceous Hiatella described by Kelly (1980). We also regard the worms that lived inside the sedimentary fills of dead shells and vacated borings as part of the interstitial fauna. The burrows that they made are most clearly seen as grooves in the surfaces of Plicatula and Lithophaga steinkerns, where their burrowing activity was deflected along the inside face of the shell (PI. 3, figs 1-2, 4). These net-like burrow systems are extremely widespread in fossil internal moulds generally (particularly in Mesozoic rocks, but we have seen examples from the Ordovician), and have recently been described under the name Arachnostega by Bertling (1992). They are discussed more fully in the systematic section below. A major contribution to the living reef appears also to have been made by demosponges that are now only represented by calcite casts of their originally opaline silica spicules. Thin sections through interstitial sediment and patches of pelleted cement show an extraordinary abundance of the tiny bean-shaped microscleres (selenasters) of Rhaxella , together with lesser numbers of the tetraxon megascleres of Pachastrella. Rhaxella is closely related to the Recent Placospongia (Hinde 1887-1912) which is common in Recent coral reefs in the western Atlantic (Riitzler 1978; Riitzler and Macintyre 1978). There are two additional minor curiosities among the interstitial fauna. The first is the first record from the Portland Limestone of terebratulids, albeit very rare and very small. The second is the preservation by bioimmuration (see Taylor 1990) of minute dimpled structures, consisting of hemispherical mounds c. 0-25 mm across, with a little hole in the top (PI. 3, fig. 5). In some, this hole FURSICH ET AL. \ JURASSIC REEFS 147 Inmosthay n = 20 text-fig. 9. Patterns of en- crustation of inner faces of articulated Plicatula by the most common of the accessory frame- builders in two reefs from Coombefield and one from In- mosthay. appears to have been enlarged, as if by emergence of an inhabitant. We suspect that they are eggs of an unknown invertebrate. Vagile fauna ‘Strollers’ are limited to gastropods, of which the tiny procerithiid Uchauxia quadrigranosa Cox, which we envisage as a grazer and scavenger with catholic dietary tastes, was by far the most common. The absence of echinoids, which are such a prominent member of this guild in Recent reefs and in other Jurassic reefal settings (e.g. Fiirsich 1977; Palmer and Fiirsich 1981), remains something of a mystery. Borers The feature of the Portland reefs that first drew our attention to them was the variety and abundance of the borings. They occur both in the overall reef-rock framework and in individual shells. They are easiest to study where they entered Plicatula valves, and later became filled by 148 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 precipitation of the early pelleted cement. Exquisite natural cement casts have been revealed by the subsequent aragonite dissolution. The largest and most conspicuous borings are examples of Gastrochaenolites torpedo Kelly and Bromley that may reach 60 to 70 mm in length. They were made by Lithophaga subcylindrica Buvignier, and are most common in the cemented reef-rock, particularly in the reef edge facies where active expansion of the reef had stopped and bioerosive processes became predominant (PI. 2. fig. 3). Locally, they cross empty cavities such as the spaces inside articulated shells, so it seems the boring bivalve was not put of!' by breaking through into a void, but continued through to the wall on the far side. This behaviour was not shown by either of the other boring bivalves, which are both gastrochaenids. Even more numerous than Lithophaga crypts are borings of the bivalves Carterochaena and Gastrochaenopsis which differ from those of Lithophaga by being smaller, and having a circular cross-section in the lower half but a figure-of-eight cross-section in the upper part. This is the result of a secreted lining to the mouth of the boring, isolating the shell inside, except for the holes for the siphons to pass through. Many Recent gastrochaenids show such a structure, made of aragonite and secreted by the siphonal walls (Carter 1978). However, the lining is preserved in our material (in the borings of both species), and does not show the mouldic preservation of aragonite. We think that it was either secreted calcite, or made of a paste of very fine calcite particles released in boring. The borings themselves can be accommodated in the ichnospecies Gastrochaenolites dijugus Kelly and Bromley. Those of Carterochaena reach a length of about 12 mm and appear limited to the primary framebuilders, particularly the valves of the bivalves. Gastrochaenopsis reaches nearly 20 mm and is particularly common in the cement-rich reef edge sub-facies, alongside Lithophaga. Apart from the fairly large bivalve borings, there occur a number of smaller, more delicate borings which have been created by members of several phyla ranging from sponges ( Entobia ), phoronids ( Talpina ), crustaceans ( RogereUa ) to bryozoans (Iramena) and various kinds of ‘worms’ ( Caidostrepsis , Cunctichnus, and Spirichnus). Despite their small size (most of these borings have a diameter of 1 mm of less), they are very conspicuous, because they either form extensive three- dimensional ramifying systems ( Entobia ) or else occur in high density (e.g. bundles of Talpina and Spirichnus). They are very conspicuous and occur profusely with exquisite preservation as natural casts in the voids after dissolution of the aragonite of the Plicatula valves (PI. 4, fig. 1). They also occur with similar densities in the oysters, and the rigidity and mechanical strength of many of the bivalve framebuilders must have been severely weakened. Counts of borings in more than two hundred Plicatula shells from four different reefs showed that between 60 and 100 per cent of the shells contained at least some borings (Text-fig. 10). Gastrochaenolites and Entobia were most abundant, followed by Spirichnus , Talpina , Cunctichnus , and Caulostrepsis. Of least importance were the acrothoracican barnacle boring RogereUa and ctenostome bryozoan borings. In order to get an estimate of the relative importance of the various borers as destroyers of the reef framework, which cannot be judged from their relative numbers alone, point counts were made on acetate peels from the reef edge where bioerosion was noted to be most extensive. As Text-figure 1 1 shows, more than 40 per cent of the framework has been destroyed by boring organisms, with Gastrochaenolites being about twice as important as the rest. Boring bivalves are particularly common at the reef edge; towards the reef core the volume of reef structure destroyed by borers appears somewhat smaller. We suspect that the amount of material EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Fig. 1 . Natural casts of small borings in the aragonite inner shell layer (now dissolved) of Plicatula , including Talpina (left centre), Spirichnus (centre and upper right), and Entobia (lower centre), OUM J53680; x 6. Figs 2-4. Iramena ichnosp., boring of ctenostome bryozoan. 2-3, surface view of boring network in oyster shell; 2, OUM J53681 ; x 10; 3, OUM J53682; x 16. 4. natural cast in aragonite shell layer (now dissolved) of Plicatula, OUM J53683; x 15. PLATE 4 PURSICH et a/., Portland reef borings 150 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Coombefield n = 62 Borings in Plicatula °/o 100 -\ 80 60 40 F 2 mm carbonate fraction of Wadden Sea sediments consists of fragmented shells, thirty per cent > 8 mm and forty five per cent in the 2-8 mm fraction. Eiderducks (Somateria mollissima) feed mainly on mussels ( Mytilus edulis) and cockles (Cerastoderma edule). Shells are crushed internally to fragments with a size-range from < 01 to 8 mm, twenty per cent were < 1 mm, sixty per cent 2-8 mm. One-third to one-half of the fragments in the 2-8 mm fraction in the sediments are due to eider predation alone. Other birds, crabs and fish probably produce the remaining fragments of this fraction. Shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna) feed on the small gastropod Hydrobia ulvae; a varying amount (seventeen to thirty two per cent by weight) of shells was found intact in their faeces, but the remainder is fragmented. Around forty per cent by weight of Hydrobia shells in the Wadden Sea sediments is broken. This can be attributed to shelduck and other predators (e.g. knot) feeding on Hydrobia. Fragments in the > 8 mm fraction may also be produced by predators (shore crabs, oystercatchers). Physical destruction plays a minor role in the Wadden Sea. Shell fragmentation cannot be used as a measure of water turbulence. The high percentage of shell fragments indicates high predation pressure. However, the use of shell fragmentation to estimate predation pressure in fossil faunas is not possible, because some predators leave one (oystercatchers) or both valves ( Asterias ) intact. Despite high fragmentation fidelity of the death assemblage to the living fauna of the Wadden Sea is high. Physical destruction would leave only fragments of durable skeletons with low fidelity to the living fauna. Fragmentation of shells in marine sediments may be due to biological or physical processes. Early workers for example Woodward (1875), Verrill (1882) and Walther (1893, 1910), stressed the importance of shell crushing by predators, mainly crustaceans and fish. Later, more attention was paid to mechanical fragmentation, which was also studied experimentally (Klahn 1932; Chave 1960; Force 1969). Van Straaten (1952, 1956) introduced a ‘crush factor’ (the percentage of broken shells of the entire shell material of one species) to be used as an indicator of the degree of wear of the shell material during transport, a method also advocated by Ager (1964, p. 199). A comparable correlation between fragmented shells and water turbulence has been suggested by Vokes (1948), Bissell and Chilingar (1967), and Link (1967). Studies of experimental abrasion and fragmentation of skeletal elements are still popular, for example, Kidwell and Baumiller ( 1 990), Kotler et al. ( 1 992). Biological factors in shell fragmentation have been stressed by Ginsburg (1957), Schafer (1962) and Trewin and Welsh (1976). Carter (1968) and Vermeij (1978, 1987) summarized an extensive literature dealing with shell fracturing by molluscan predators. The dual nature of shell fragmentation is now well accepted (Chave 1964; Pilkey 1964, 1969; Swinchatt 1965; Cadee 1968; Palmer 1977; Dodd and Stanton 1981), but it makes interpretation of fragmented shells difficult. Although Dodd and Stanton (1981) suggested that the products from these two processes are recognizable, Powell et al. (1989) more realistically remarked that the interpretation of the fragmented portion of a molluscan death assemblage is often difficult. Parsons and Brett’s (1991) statement that ‘fragmentation is clearly a measure of environmental energy, with the exception of biologically mediated breakage’ gives little hope for solving the problem. Their suggestion that IPalaeontology, Vol. 37, Part 1, 1994, pp. 181-202, I pl.| © The Palaeontological Association 182 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 environmental energy is the main cause of shell fracturing is counter to that of Cadee (1968) and Dodd and Stanton (1981), who suggested biological factors such as predation are most important in shell breakage. Only in a few cases can shell fracturing be attributed mainly to physical destruction in the surf zone of a sandy (Hollmann 1968) or a pebbly (Trewin and Welsh 1972) beach. Shell fragments produced by predators are sometimes very predator specific (Yernreij 1978, 1987), but later abrasion and activity of boring organisms may make these fragments similar to those produced by physical processes (Schafer 1962). Quantitative separation of biological and physical processes in fragmentation therefore does not seem possible. Fracturing by water energy will be largely caused by waves and breakers and is thus confined to the coastal zone, but in this coastal zone predators (mainly birds) are also active (this paper). Shell fragments may be produced sublitorally by predators (fish, crustaceans, birds) and transported as fragments to the coast. Sublittoral currents may not be strong enough to fragment shells (Schafer 1962; Feige and Fiirsich 1991). Flemming et al. (1992) stated that normal tidal currents are not strong enough even to transport shells in the Wadden Sea: subtidal shell beds are formed there by a largely passive gravitational transport in the wake of channel migration. With the increasing quantitative knowledge of food webs in the recent marine environment, it now becomes possible to estimate the amount of the total biomass of molluscs broken by different predators for some areas. This can be compared with the actual ‘crush factor' found for the empty shells in the sediment and may enable an estimation of the importance of biological versus physical shell fragmentation. Eisma and Hooft (1967) were the first to apply this method. They compared the amount of shell fragments present in Recent Dutch open-sea coastal North Sea sediments and concluded that 50 to 100 per cent of the fragments were due to flatfish (plaice) predation. For the Holocene Dutch open-sea, coastal sediments they estimated that at least 10 per cent, but probably much more of the molluscan fragments were due to plaice predation. An admixture of fragments from Eemian sediments, breakage by other predators, and some physical fragmentation in the surf zone could account for additional fragmentation. Similar quantitative work has not been carried out since. In this paper I concentrate on the Dutch Wadden Sea. In the last three decades a large amount of data has been collected on macrobenthos biomass and production in this area (Beukema 1976, 19826, 1989; Dekker 1989; Dankers et al. 1989) and on predators, mainly birds, compiled by Hulscher (1975), Swennen (1975) and Smit (1981). Data are presented on shell fracturing in the Dutch Wadden Sea by two duck species, shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna ) and eider ( Somateria mollissima). Both species ingest whole molluscs and crush the shells in their gizzard, so that they can digest the meat. Shelduck feed on small molluscs, such as Hydrobia idvae, and small worms and crustaceans (compilation in Bauer and Glutz 1968), ‘sieving’ those > 2 mm from the sediment with their beak (Thompson 1982). They use different methods, depending on water depth, to collect food (Bryant and Leng, 1975, fig. 4), and leave characteristic feeding traces on the sediment (Cadee 1990), but do not dive. Eider feed mainly on larger molluscs like the cockle ( Cerastoderma edule ) and mussel ( Mytilus edulis ) (see Swennen 1967), which are collected by diving. These data are compared with available data on production of these molluscs (Dekker 1979; Beukema 1980, 1982u; Dankers et al. 1989) to estimate the fraction broken. This is compared with the actual percentage of broken shells of the same species in Wadden Sea sediments. From this comparison it is possible to estimate the role of these ducks in the production of shell fragments in Wadden Sea sediments. MATERIAL AND METHODS Faeces of eider were collected from several locations on the dike along the southern part of Texel (Text-fig. 1), where a small part of the eider population roosts (most eider ‘roost’ on open water, Swennen 1976, 1991). Such faeces usually consist of the undigestible parts of one food item only, such as mussels and cockles, and when these are scarce, shore crabs ( Carcinus maenas ), or periwinkles ( Littorina littorea) (Cadee 1991). To get rid of the organic coating of the faeces they CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 183 text-fig. 1. Location of sampling stations (mostly in 1992), numbering according to depth (from station 1, High Water line, to 20 m depth for station 9). were shaken with water in glass beakers, and the water decanted. This was repeated several times until the decanted water became more or less clear. Part of the smaller particles in the faeces, roughly < 50 //m, were inevitably also removed during cleaning. The size distribution of the shell 184 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 fragments was measured by dry sieving over a series of sieves with mesh sizes ranging from 0-1 to 8 mm. Faeces of shelduck were collected on the tidal flat in the Mokbay (Text-fig. 1) where shelduck were observed feeding. Their faeces are easy to recognize by their size, and they are often full of hydrobiids. These faeces were treated in the same way as the eider faeces, but because shelduck faeces also contain varying amounts of larger sand and shell grains picked up during feeding, the size frequency distribution of Hydrobia fragments could not be measured by sieving. Some faecal counts were made of the number of broken (only top fragments were counted) and entire Hydrobia shells. The crush factor (weight of all Hydrobia fragments as a percentage of total weight of Hydrobia shells) was also determined. Bottom samples were collected at a number of locations near Texel (Text-fig. 1). A Van Veen grab was used for sublittoral sites and intertidal sites were collected by hand. They were sieved over 1, 2 and 8 mm sieves and a ‘crush factor’, i.e. the weight percentage of broken shells of the total amount (Van Straaten 1956), was measured from 1000-2000 particles in the > 2 mm fraction. Also crush factors for the dominant species such as cockle and mussel were measured separately. For the small Hydrobia the fraction 1-2 mm also was used to estimate this crush factor. Eider faeces Fortunately an individual eider usually feeds on one food item at a time. Its faeces therefore contain only material of one food species. In the faeces studied, all mussels and cockles were crushed. In faeces of eider feeding only on Littorina , a few intact shells were observed. The shell fragments produced were angular and sharp edged (PI. 1). The size-frequency distributions of fragments in faeces from the Wadden Sea were similar for the three different types of food: Mytilus, Cerastoderma and Littorina (Text-fig. 2). The bulk of the fragments was in the fraction 2-4 mm; very few fragments were larger than 8 mm, approximately 20 per cent was smaller than 1 mm, and 60 per cent was in the 2-8 mm range. Eider faeces collected in the Baltic at Aland, where they were feeding on smaller (up to 30 mm in length) and thin-shelled Mytilus , had a different size frequency distribution (Text-fig. 3). Fragments had a peak in the 1-2 mm fraction, 60 per cent were 1 mm, and only 6 per cent > 2 mm. Shelduck faeces Shelduck faeces consisted mainly of Hydrobia shells. Remains of additional prey items were of small bivalves, Macoma balthica , Cerastoderma edule and Abra tenuis , and varying amounts of worms and crustaceans. The remainder consisted of coarse sand grains and a few fragments of large bivalves picked up by shelducks during feeding. These grains might help in grinding Hydrobia shells. However, not all Hydrobia shells appeared to be broken. In fact, a whole range from small fragments to entire shells could be found (Text-fig. 4). A number of Hydrobia were even still alive after passage through the shelduck, which takes one to two hours. This was not reported earlier and is a possible factor in short-distance dispersal of this gastropod (Cadee 1989). A comparable survival of 10 per cent of gastropods consumed in the intertidal of the Pacific by the fish Asemichthys taylori was reported by Norton (1988). Apparently an intact shell plus its operculum are a sufficient barrier against digestion. Droppings (all the faeces produced at one moment) contain remains of a few hundred to over a thousand Hydrobia shells (Table 1). Crush factors for Hydrobia shells in the EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Different fractions of shell fragments from eider faeces collected on Texel. Rows from top to bottom are 4-8 mm, 1 2 mm, 0-5-0-7 mm and 01-0-2 mm fractions, respectively. Left column (figs 14): Mytilus edulis , 25 January 1988. Right column (figs 5-8): Cerastoderma edule , 14 May 1991. All figures x 2. PLATE 1 CADEE, shell fragments 186 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 grainsize (micron) text-fig. 2. Size frequency distribution of shell fragments in eider faeces collected on the dike of Texel. Numbers in legend indicate date (month/day) in 1991 (except 1988 for 25/1). Faeces comprised Mytilus (9/5 and 25/1), Cerastoderma (11/5 and 14/5), and Littorina (9/4 and 12/5) fragments. faeces vary from 68 to 83 per cent (Table 1). Faeces in which high amounts of soft food items were observed, mainly polychaetes, had lowest crush factors. WADDEN SEA BOTTOM SAMPLES In most cases all the sand grains passed the 1 mm sieve leaving only shells and a variable amount of peat fragments on the sieve. The shell carbonate fraction > 2 mm accounted on average for 95 per cent (range 90-1-99-3 per cent) of bivalves. Gastropods (mainly Littorina littorea) formed only 3 per cent (range 0-3-4-6 per cent), the rest - 2 per cent (0- 1-5-3 per cent) - consisted largely of barnacle fragments (Text-fig. 5). On average 2-7 per cent of the fragments, all belonging to bivalves, could not be identified to the species level. Species composition (Text-fig. 6) indicates that Cerastoderma edule and Mytilus edulis are the main component (respectively 44-7 and 35-7 per cent) of the fraction > 2 mm. The small Hydrobia was a minor component of the > 2 mm fraction. The deepest stations (stations 7-9, Text-fig. 1), near the inlet, contained on average 1 9-6 per cent Spisula sp., mainly S. subtruncata , a North Sea species occurring in dense patches offshore (Eisma 1966; Offringa 1991). Only occasionally this species settles in the Wadden Sea and may survive during mild winters, but dies in periods of ice formation on the tidal flats (Cadee and Hegeman 1975). High percentages of Spisula shells in Wadden Sea sediments indicate North Sea influences (as mentioned already by Krause 1950). Stations 7 and 9 (Text-fig. 1), moreover, contained the gastropod Bittium reticulation , which is a fossil of Eemian age in The Netherlands (Van Regteren Altena 1937; Van Regteren Altena et al. 1955). This indicates that Eemian deposits are eroded in the deep inlet area. Indeed Eemian deposits were found exposed in the deepest inlet channels below c. 20 m depth by Sha (1989). Therefore some of the other shells, including Cerastoderma and Mytilus , which were also abundant in the Eemian (Spaink 1965), may be of Eemian age. For a CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 187 gramsize (micron) text-fig. 3. Size frequency distribution of Mytilus fragments in eider faeces from Aland, Baltic Sea, in 1991. comparison of shell fragments in bottom deposits and the feeding activity of eider and shelduck in the Wadden Sea, I will only consider to stations 1-6 (Text-fig. 1 ) in the Wadden Sea proper, where there is less admixture of North Sea and fossil shells. Crush factors in all bottom samples were high: around 70 per cent for all species together (Text- fig. 5). Crush factors were highest in the intertidal and shallow Wadden Sea stations (1-3, Text-fig. 1 ) decreasing with depth in the gully stations (4-6, Text-fig. 1), and still lower in the stations in the deeper inlet and just outside (stations 7-9). Near the High Water line (station 1 ) sorting occurs due to wave action (Van Straaten 1954, p. 21). The coarse samples had a higher content of entire shells than the samples with mainly finer material. Four separate samples therefore were taken here to cover this range and the results were pooled : the average crush factor for this pooled sample (station 1) is comparable to that of the other shallow stations (stations 2-3). Crush factors varied between species (Text-fig. 7). They were high for typical Wadden Sea molluscs such as Mytilus , Cerastoderma and Littorina , and lower for the North Sea bivalve Spisula sp. Typical Wadden Sea species also have relatively high crush factors in samples outside the Wadden Sea. HYDROBIA PRODUCTION AND ITS CONSUMPTION BY SHELDUCK The average number of shelduck occurring in the Dutch Wadden Sea is 21 000 (Smit 1981). Annual consumption by shelduck in the Dutch Wadden Sea is estimated at 7-1 x 108 g ash-free dry weight (afdw), being 7 per cent of the consumption of all carnivorous birds (Smit 1981). As shelduck feed only on tidal flats (120000 ha for the Dutch Wadden Sea) and not in deeper water, their annual consumption per m2 tidal flat was estimated at 0-59 g afdw (Smit 1981). Dekker (1979) measured in 1978 an annual production for Hydrobia of 2-0 g afdw on the Balgzand, a tidal flat area in the western Dutch Wadden Sea, and higher values of 35 5 g afdw in the Mokbay. However, for the whole western Dutch Wadden Sea this value is probably lower ( c . 0-6 g afdw m“2 tidal flat, Beukema 1981). Year to year variation is large, Balgzand biomass in 1981/1983 amounted to 0-8 g afdw m"2 (Dekker 1989) and using a Production/ Biomass (P/B) ratio of 0-7 (Dekker 1979) this gives an annual production of only 0-56 g afdw m 2 as compared with 2-0 in 1978. text-fig. 4. Hydrobia ulvae from shelduck faeces ranging from living specimens to small fragments. The largest shell is 4 mm in length. station || biv. entire (2) biv. fragm. g§ gastr. entire [2] gastr. fragm. (23 rest text-fig. 5. Composition of > 2 mm fraction of Wadden Sea bottom samples; stations arranged according to depth from High Water (1) to 20 m depth (9). Percentages all by weight. If shelduck were feeding only on Hydrobia , they could consume the average annual intertidal production of 0 6 g afdw m”2 of this species. They fed for a large part on Hydrobia as could be judged from the faeces I collected in Mok Bay, but also took additional prey items (this paper; see also Bauer and Glutz 1968). Assuming that their diet consists for 50 per cent of Hydrobia and taking into account that on average 75 per cent of the Hydrobia shells are broken inside shelducks (Table 1) we can estimate that 37-5 per cent of the shells of the intertidal Hydrobia population are broken by shelduck. This is near the figure for the crush factor for Hydrobia observed in intertidal Wadden Sea sediment samples (stations 0-3, average 43 per cent; Table 2). Taking into account that other birds also consume and crush Hydrobia , e.g. knots ( Calidris canutus) (Piersma et al. 1994; Dekinga and Piersma 1993), I arrive at an even higher potential crush factor than was CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 189 0$ » 0 C 0 a L 0 a 100 so 60 40 20 0 1 23456789 station 0 Cerastodenna □ Mylilus □ Macoma 0 Spisula □ rest bivalves g§ Littorina text-fig. 6. Species composition of the molluscan fraction (>2mm) of the same bottom samples as Text-figure 5. -o- Mytilus Cerastoderma ■+ Spisula -o- Littorina text-fig. 7. Crush factor (weight percentage of fragments) for four species. observed. This might indicate that the production estimates for Hydrobia are too low. Certainly, production of Hydrobia shows large variations from place to place and from year to year. Moreover, Hydrobia migrates (Dekker 1979) making estimation of its production difficult. Dekker (1989) observed higher Hydrobia numbers and biomass in the subtidal parts of the western Wadden Sea, on average 4-9 g afdw m-2. Using again his P/B ratio of 0-7 I arrive at a 190 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 1. Crush factors for Hydrobia shells in Shelduck faeces from Mokbay expressed as percentage weight fragments of total weight of Hydrobia shells and as percentage number of top fragments of entire shells plus top fragments. Date Entire shells (number) Entire shells (g) Top fragm. (number) Top fragm. (g) Crush factor by weight Crush factor by number 19 May 1988 277 1162 875 2-512 68-4 76-0 8 June 1988 77 0-294 530 0-941 76-2 87-3 30 June 1988 25 0-055 560 0-262 82-8 95-7 7 Nov. 1988 52 0-167 135 0-390 700 72-2 table 2. Crush factor for Hydrobia shells in Wadden Sea sediment samples (weight of shell fragments as percentage of weight of all shells in fraction l-2mm+>2mm). Station 0: additional samples of drift consisting only of Hydrobia shells, Wadden Sea coast, Texel. Station no. Total weight (g) Weight of fragments (g) Crush factor 0 1 666 0-781 46-9 1 1-113 0-486 43-7 2 1-187 0-486 40-9 3 0-270 0T1 1 41-1 4 0-676 0160 23-7 5 0-907 0-162 17-8 6 0-463 0-103 22-3 7 0-822 0-267 32-5 production of 3-4 g afdw m“2 for the subtidal areas which comprise c. 50 per cent of the Wadden Sea and where shelduck do not feed. Subtidal predation on Hydrobia has not been quantified. Potential subtidal predators that crush Hydrobia shells are shore crabs, shrimps, flatfish and gobies. But predation pressure by these predators is apparently less here accounting for a relatively low crush factor of Hydrobia shells in subtidal sediment samples (stations 4-7, average 24 per cent. Table 2). I conclude that no physical factor in shell fracturing is necessary to account for the broken Hydrobia shells in intertidal Wadden Sea sediments; this probably also holds for subtidal sediments. COCKLE AND MUSSEL PRODUCTION AND EIDER CONSUMPTION Swennen (1976) estimated the average number of eider in the Dutch Wadden Sea at 63000. Numbers vary seasonally and consist of a breeding population of about 6000 pairs plus a higher number of non-breeding summer visitors, to a maximum of almost 170000 in winter, mainly due to immigration from the Baltic population. In the Dutch Wadden Sea the food of the eider consists of 40 per cent mussels, 40 per cent cockles and 20 per cent other prey (Swennen 1976) and annual consumption for the Dutch Wadden Sea amounts to c.1-2 g afdw m“2 or 3-2 x 10R kg for the entire Dutch Wadden Sea of 2600 km2 (Swennen 1976, 1991). Annual cockle and mussel consumption by eider each amounts to 0-4 x 3-2 x 10R kg afdw = 1-28 x 10R kg. For cockles eaten by eider, shell carbonate weight is c. twenty times the ash-free dry weight of the meat (Swennen 1976); this gives an annual deposition of cockle carbonate of 25-6 x 10s kg in the form of shell fragments. CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 191 Cockle production varies due to large year to year variations in the cockle population; only few years produce strong enough settlements leading to strong year-classes that in turn form the bulk of the cockle biomass (Beukema 1976, 1982a, b). Average annual shell carbonate production was estimated by Beukema (1982) at 156 x 10” kg for the intertidal and c. 10 per cent of this amount for the subtidal Wadden Sea. Eiderducks fragment therefore on average c. 15 per cent of the cockle carbonate production. For mussels, data are only available for the annual average biomass present in the western Wadden Sea (14-7 x lO*5 kg afdw, Dankers et al. 1989). As no data are available on production, I will assume a Production/Biomass (P/B) ratio of one, also used by Beukema (1981) for adult mussels. This value probably holds for subtidal mussels, but P/B is lower in intertidal areas decreasing from one in juveniles to one-tenth in ten-year-old mussels (Thompson 1984; and compilation of Wadden Sea data in Egerrup and Hoegh Laursen 1992). The shell weight to biomass ratio also varies considerably seasonally (Dankers et al. 1989), as well as from tidal to subtidal (Baird and Drinnan 1957), making mussel carbonate production more difficult to estimate. The bulk of the mussel population occurs subtidally (Dekker 1989), partly due to mussel culture. For my estimates I have assumed a biomass (ash-free dry weight) to carbonate ratio of six, based on the average biomass/length ratio (N. Dankers pers. comm.) and shell weight/length relation measured for subtidal mussels (Text-figs 8-9). Annual carbonate production by mussels can then be estimated at 6 x 14-7 x 10(i kg. In the western Wadden Sea the average eider population is 48400 (Swennen 1991 ). Mussel consumption in this part of the Wadden Sea can therefore be estimated at 48400/63000 of the total consumption of E28xl06kg, and this has to be multiplied by six to arrive at ‘consumption' of mussel carbonate, giving 5-9 x 10Bkg. This equals 15 per cent of the average annual mussel carbonate production: the same percentage as found for the cockle. Eiderducks rarely produce shell fragments larger than 8 mm (see Text-fig. 2). They cannot be responsible for the fragments > 8 mm in bottom samples. In the Wadden Sea bottom samples only fragments less than 2 mm were examined. To compare shell fragment production by eiderducks with those present in the bottom samples we therefore have to use fragments present in the 2-8 mm fraction of our bottom samples and keep in mind that 60 per cent of the fragments in eider faeces are in this 2-8 mm fraction. Therefore, the eider reduces 10 percent of the annual mussel and cockle carbonate production to fragments between 2 and 8 mm in size. In the bottom samples on average 25 per cent of all the shells are whole, 30 per cent are fragments in the 2-8 mm fraction and 45 per cent are fragments larger than 8 mm (Text-fig. 10). For the cockle and mussel (Text-figs 1 1-12) respectively 30-4 and 27-9 per cent were found as fragments in the 2-8 mm fraction. This indicates that eider alone could be responsible for c. one-third of the fragments in this fraction. If we leave out station 3 in the Mokbay, where a relatively high percentage of fragments was found in the 2-8 mm fraction we can estimate eider contribution at c. one-half of the 2-8 mm fragments present in bottom samples. However, the fragments in the Mokbay sample (Text-fig. 13) are very similar to those found in eider faeces (compare with Plate 1, figures I and 5). As eider roost (and thus also defecate) in flocks on the water, contribution of eider faeces is not random over the Wadden Sea. This will lead to variation in eider-produced fragments in bottom samples. The number of six stations may, however, be too small to estimate accurately the average 2-8 mm fraction of fragments. OTHER PREDATORS The large number of fragments larger than 8 mm in the bottom samples, 45 per cent for all molluscs, 38-9 and 45 2 per cent for cockle and mussel respectively (Text-figs 11 12), must be due to factors other than eider or shelduck predation. Physical factors cannot be ruled out completely. The fact that the highest number of fragments were found in the intertidal stations (stations 1-3; Text-figs 10-12) suggests wave energy. However, some other predators are also known to produce large fragments. Oystercatchers feed, like eider, on cockle and mussel in the Wadden Sea (Smit 1981). They produce characteristic shell fragments, where a small fragment is broken off from one valve 192 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 £ 05 5 0 £ W -o sirtrtidal intertidal text-fig. 8. Shell weight (articulated valves) versus shell length for intertidal and subtidal Mytilus, based on sixty measurements each; only curves given ( r = 098). mm length text-fig. 9. Shell length versus ash-free dry weight for subtidal Mytilus , for September and February, indicating loss of biomass during winter; data obtained from N. Dankers. only, to enable the bird to sever the adductor muscle (Drinnan 1957, 1958; Hulscher 1964; Tinbergen and Norton-Griffiths 1964; Tinbergen 1976). The oystercatcher does not always break a shell, as the bird may succeed in inserting its bill between the valves without damaging them. Oystercatchers consume almost as many bivalves as the eiderducks in the Wadden Sea (Smit 1981). CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 193 □ entire 0 fragm. > 8mm □ fragm. 2-8mm text-fig. 10. Distribution of entire mollusc shells, fragments > 8 mm, and fragments from 2-8 mm, in the > 2 mm fraction of the Wadden Sea bottom samples. □ entire □ fragm. > 8mm 13 fragm. 2-8mm text-fig. 11. Distribution of entire Cerastoderma shells, fragments > 8 mm, and fragments from 2-8 mm, in the > 2 mm fraction of the Wadden Sea bottom samples. From Drinnan (1957, 1958) we can estimate that at least 50 per cent of the valves of cockle and mussel consumed remain intact. Hulscher (1981, 1984) found that oystercatchers feeding on Macoma balthica left 60-65 per cent of the valves intact. Another, probably underestimated, predator in the Wadden Sea is the shore crab (Carcinus 194 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 □ entire (2) fragm. > 8mm [!§j fragm. 2-8mm text-fig. 12. Distribution of entire Mytilus shells, fragments > 8 mm, and fragments from 2-8 mm, in the > 2 mm fraction of the Wadden Sea bottom samples. CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 195 maenas). Its omnivorous character is well known; its diet includes bivalves (MacPhail 1955; Ropes 1 968 ; Walne and Dean 1 972 ; LeRoux el al. 1 990). Juvenile crabs feeding on the tidal flats have been best studied (Klein Breteler 1976). Their annual consumption is comparable to that of all five species of bird in the Wadden Sea (Swennen 1975). Subtidal feeding of adults on the mussel culture areas is less well known. Biologists studying the food of this crab have never reported on the fragments produced, but MacPhail (1955) stated that this crab feeds as a rule on shells as large as the width of its carapace. Initial studies on shell fragmentation by shore crabs indicate that identical fragments occur in bottom sediment samples. Finally, shell smashing by herring gulls ( Leans argentatus) produces large fragments (see Cadee 1989 and references therein), partly by the dropping of shells on (artificial) hard substrates along the Wadden Sea, but also by dropping them on the tidal flat. One-third to one-half of the fragments in the 2-8 mm fraction can be due to eider predation alone. Herring gulls feeding on molluscs produce, in coughballs and faeces, fragments comparable in size to those in eider faeces (Schafer 1962; Cadee, unpublished). They are probably as important as eider in crushing shells in the Wadden Sea (Cadee, unpublished). Smaller bivalves have numerous other predators in the Wadden Sea: waders, shore crabs, flatfish and shrimps (Reise 1985, fig. 10.4). This together suggests that most shell fragments in the 2-8 mm fraction are produced by predators. Entire shells, 25 per cent by weight of the shells in the bottom samples, indicate other causes of death (see below) or predators that leave the shell intact. This holds for the starfish Asterias rubens , which is known as a pest on mussel culture areas, but little quantitative data are available on this predator in the Wadden Sea. A number of authors have indicated its role as a predator in soft- bottom communities in NW Europe (Anger et al. 1977; Nauen 1978; Allen 1983). In Kiel Bay Asterias consumes daily almost 3 per cent of the macrobenthos (including bivalves) according to Nauen (1978). All sizes of mussels up to the largest (80 mm length) may be consumed by Asterias. Only specimens with a large adductor muscle may escape Asterias predation (Hancock 1965). Finally human influence has to be mentioned. On average about 5 per cent of the adult cockle population is fished annually, but in years with low cockle biomass a higher percentage is fished. These cockles are cooked at sea, and their empty shells dumped in the Wadden Sea. Mussel fishery removes shells from the Wadden Sea. Oystercatchers have already been mentioned which leave > 50 per cent of the valves of bivalves actually eaten, intact. Cockle mortality in the Wadden Sea, leaving valves intact, may also result from other factors like parasites, severe winters (Kristensen 1957, 1959), or low oxygen content (Cadee 1991). Burial of mussels under a layer of storm-deposited sand may also cause mortality (Kuenen 1942; Theissen 1968). According to Kuenen (1942) mussels covered by more than 20 mm of sand will die. Mussels may also die in subtidal culture areas when seeded in too thick layers (N. Dankers pers. comm.). The large amounts of shells fragmented by predators in the Wadden Sea probably explained most of the shell fragments found in the Wadden Sea bottom samples. The role of other predators has yet to be quantified in the same way as done here for eider and shelduck to give a more quantitative estimate. This awaits the results of further studies now in progress. The high percentage of shell fragments in Wadden Sea sediments indicates a high predation pressure. However, we have to take into account the fact that not all predators crush shells. Moreover, LaBarbera (1981) and Walker and Yamada (1993) observed crushing of empty shells by crabs. This indicates that accurate predation pressure cannot be estimated from broken shells in a fossil deposit. PHYSICAL SHELL FRAGMENTATION Driscoll (1967) was the first to study experimental shell abrasion in the field. He noted that surf action modifies bivalve shells much more slowly than laboratory abrasion in rolling barrels, which had been used up to that time to study abrasion. Abrasion starts with removing the surface sculpture; differential abrasion of various portions of the valve surface may lead to holes in the shells. Such holes (facets) were described from Wadden Sea shells, particularly Cerastoderma , by 196 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Pratje (1929) and for the Dutch North Sea coast by Hollmann (1968). A continued abrasion must lead to shell fragmentation. Driscoll (1967) noted that shell fragmentation was less on sandy beaches rather than on pebbly beaches as one might expect. On sandy beaches whole valves were relatively common but few broken valves were present. This indicates that physical shell fragmentation might occur in exposed areas of the Wadden Sea, but pebbles to assist in shell breaking are scarce. Cockle shells with abrasion holes near the umbo occur in the Wadden Sea. They can be found locally in shell concentrations high on exposed tidal flats (e.g. along the Wadden coast of Texel, and on Janssand, near Spiekeroog, German Wadden Sea, based on my own observations, September 1992). At the same locations fragments of cockle shells occur with clear marks of surface abrasion. They are not rounded but are sharp edged, and they only differ from fragments produced by predators by their surface characteristics. However, if fragments produced by predators undergo abrasion they will look very similar. This makes identification of the process which produced a particular shell fragment in a bottom sample difficult. Clear abrasion marks (surface sculpture removed, holes in shells) are rare in the Wadden Sea bottom-samples I studied for this paper, but only locally in exposed areas this process may predominate. This supports my conclusion that physical shell fragmentation is of less importance than biological fragmentation in the Wadden Sea as a whole. This observation was based on the fact that quantitative data available on predators and their consumption and fragmentation of shells can account for a large part of the fragments found in the sediment. Linke (1939), Van Straaten (1954), and Dorjes et al. (1969) observed relatively high amounts of carbonates in the fine grainsize fractions of the Wadden Sea sediments. Reineck (1970, p. 32) explains this by physical destruction (abrasion) of shells. Results presented here indicate that also eider (PI. 1, figs 4, 8; Text-figs 2-3) and probably other shell-crushing predators, produce fine carbonate particles. Shell-boring organisms will also add fine-grained carbonate particles to the sediment. PALAEOECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS Is the present the key to the past? Was shell fragmentation by predators in comparable habitats in the past as important as it is now in the Wadden Sea? Shell-breaking predators are known to have existed in the Early Cambrian. A large-scale diversification of such predators occurred in the Devonian and a large increase in families of specialized shell-breaking predators took place during the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic (Vermeij 1987). Ducks are a late addition to this guild of shell-breaking predators. As for the predators described here, Anseriformes are known since the Eocene, fossil eider are only known from the Pleistocene (Uspenski 1972), but as the fossilization potential of birds is low (Schafer 1962), they may have appeared earlier. The present-day high intensity of shell-breaking by predators is probably characteristic for most of the Cenozoic. However, this intensity of shell fragmentation by predators was probably less before the Late Cretaceous, although the Early Palaeozoic shell fragments have been produced by predators. Palaeoecologists should be aware of the role of shell-breaking predators in producing shell fragments in marine environments. Such fragments may be of all sizes, and usually will be sharp edged, sometimes characteristic for a certain predator. In most cases they may be comparable to fragments produced by physical processes, particularly if they become abraded subsequently. 'Facets’, holes in shells produced by abrasion, are the best indicators of fragmentation by physical processes, since such holes cannot be produced by predators. According to Pratje (1929) facets are related to the action of (tidal) currents confined to intertidal and shallow subtidal areas. HIGH FIDELITY Kidwell and Bosence (1991) suggested methods to test the fidelity of the death assemblage to the live shelly fauna. Our death assemblage data are based on weight percentages, while the data for the live shelly fauna are based on species lists and biomass data, and not for the same stations but for the entire Dutch Wadden Sea. However, live fauna data are available for a period of twenty- CADEE: RECENT SHELL FRAGMENT PRODUCERS 197 five years for the tidal flats (Beukema 1976, 1981, 19826, 1989) and for a shorter period in the snbtidal parts of the Wadden Sea (Dekker 1989). Of Kidwell and Bosence’s tests two are applicable: the percentage of dead species that are also found alive, and the comparison of the rank order of species alive and in the death assemblage (Table 3). table 3. Comparison of rank order of species in death assemblage and live shelly fauna. Overall Death assemblage Intertidal biomass Subtidal biomass rank > 2 mm (Beukema 1981) (Dekker 1989) living Species g afdw (rank) g afdw (rank) — shelly fauna per cent shell weight (rank) Mvtiius edulis 6-2 (1) 28-7 (1) 1 44-0 (2) Cerastoderma edide 4-3 (2) 14 (3) 2 445 (1) Mva arenaria 4-2 (3) 04 (5) 4 2-4 (4) Macoma baltliica 2-2 (4) 14 (4) 5 2-3 (5) Hydrobia ulvae 0-2 (5) 49 (2) 3 < 0-1 — Petricola pholadiformis — — 0-6 (6) 6 0-2 — Ensis directus — — — — — 0-9 (6) Littorina littorea — — — — — 3-5 (3) Few species in our bottom samples were not found alive in the area. I have already referred to the Eemian Bittium reticulatum. Two other small gastropods, Rissoa membranacea and Lacuna vincta , found in very small numbers in some of the samples, were formerly common in the seagrass ( Zostera ) meadows (Van Benthem Jutting 1933), but disappeared after the ‘wasting disease’ destroyed the subtidal Zostera vegetation in the Wadden Sea in 1932 (Den Hartog 1987). Ostrea edulis also has disappeared from the Dutch Wadden Sea (Wolff and Dankers, 1981). The small bivalve Saxicave/la jeffreysi , of which we found one valve, has never been reported alive in Dutch coastal waters (Van Benthem Jutting 1943). Thus of the twenty-six species found dead, one has disappeared since the Eemian, two since 1932, Ostrea this century and one has never been found alive. This results in a fidelity percentage of 80 per cent or even 92 per cent if we include data on the living fauna of the first half of this century. Kidwell and Bosence (1990, 1991) reported lower fidelity percentages (31-49 per cent) in their review of available data, when the live community was censused only once. Fidelity percentages climbed to 70-80 per cent when live census data were pooled over successive years or decades. The Wadden Sea percentage is even higher, probably because the living fauna is longer studied and poor in species. Also if we compare the rank of species we arrive at a high fidelity of the death assemblage in the live shelly fauna. For the live fauna ( > 1 mm) we combined data of Beukema (1981 ) and Dekker (1989) to get an overall rank of species (Table 3). The first and second place in both is for Mytilus and Cerastoderma , albeit in different order, and this can partly be explained by a higher shell carbonate/biomass ratio in Cerastoderma. Hydrobia , third in the living fauna ( > I mm) was too small to reach a high rank in the > 2 mm fraction. Mya and Macoma in both live and dead faunas occupy positions four and five. Number three in the dead fauna Littorina may be overestimated in the death assemblage as the samples were taken relatively close to the coast where this species occurs in higher numbers than on the tidal flats. Ensis directus is a recent American immigrant in the Wadden Sea. It appeared in 1979, in the German Bight (Von Cosel et al. 1982), and reached the Dutch Wadden Sea in 1982 (Essink 1985). It is therefore not included in the data of Beukema (1981), and Dekker (1989) dealt with pr e-Ensis directus data (1981/82). In the 1992 samples of empty shells it already takes sixth place. 198 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 CONCLUSION The results from this study indicate the importance of predators in shell fragmentation. This is not only be the case in shallow coastal seas where birds are the main predators in the intertidal zone. In deeper waters shell crushing by fish and crustaceans will be important. The results cast doubt on the use of a crush factor as an indicator of the degree of wear of the shell material during transport (Van Straaten 1956; Ager 1964). Correlations between fragmented shells with only water turbulence as suggested by, for example, Vokes (1948), Link (1967), Bissell and Chillinger (1967) do not seem possible. A fragmentation rate of shells to assess the autochthonous/allochthonous ratio of assemblages as suggested by Sato and Shimoyama (1992) does not take into account the role of predators. This biological fragmentation does not influence fidelity of the death assemblage to the live fauna. The high fidelity of the Wadden Sea molluscan death assemblage is encouraging for palaeoecologists. If physical abrasion had been more important, only durable skeletons would have been preserved and the fidelity to the live shelly fauna would have been low (Chave 1964). This will occur in the exposed surfzone of the open ocean, but not in the relatively sheltered Wadden Sea. Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to Dr N. Dankers (Institute for Forestry and Nature Research, Texel) for providing me with mussel meat versus shell length data (Text-fig. 9); for critical remarks improving the typescript I thank J. J. Beukema, N. Dankers, K. W. Flessa, S. M. Kidwell, T. Piersma, C. Swennen and the two referees. REFERENCES ager, D. v. 1962. Principles of palaeoecology. MacGraw-EIill, New York, ix + 371 pp. allen, p. l. 1983. Feeding behavior of Asterias rubens (L.) on soft bottom bivalves: a study in selective predation. Journal for Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 70, 79-90. anger, K., rogal, u., schriever, G. and valentine, c. 1977. In-situ investigations on the echinoderm Asterias rubens, as a predator of soft-bottom communities in the western Baltic Sea. 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Despite considerable differences in the mode of uncoiling, Leptoceratoidinae are considered to represent a monophyletic unit, defined by their small size, simplified suture-lines and ubiquitous Barremian age. Three evolutionary lines are recognized exhibiting parallel trends of size increase: (1) Karsleniceras with criocone uncoiling and a planispiral to trochospiral initial coil ; (2) Hamulinites with an ancylocone type of uncoiling and a small planispiral initial coil ; and (3) a line compromising Eoheteroceras gen. nov. with ancylocone uncoiling and a large trochospiral initial coil, as well as Manoloviceras gen. nov. with only one slightly curved arm and a large trochospiral initial coil. It is inferred that these evolutionary lines originated in Veveysiceras gen. nov. with hamitid-like uncoiling. Veleziceras, with a straight to gently curved shell, is tentatively included in the Leptoceratoidinae, but cannot yet be assigned to one of the three lines defined above. The following new species are described : Karsteniceras ibericum, K. beyrichoide , K. hoheneggeri , K. trinidadense and E. silesiacum , the type species of Eoheteroceras gen. nov. The origin of leptoceratoids remains obscure; they are not closely related to the Berriasian to Valanginian true leptoceratids. Presumably, Eoheteroceras gave rise to the large-sized Heteroceras. Due to the simplified suture-line formula ELUI and the type of uncoiling, the Leptoceratoidinae are included in the Ancyloceratidae. Their evolutionary centre was the southern (Tethyan) margin of the European Plate. From this area, Leptoceratoidinae migrated into the central North Atlantic and even the western Pacific. While Leptoceratoidinae presumably had a vagrant epibenthic mode of life, their dispersal was most probably achieved during their nearshore juvenile stage by the North Equatorial Current. When Uhlig (1883) created Leptoceras as a subgenus of Crioceratites, a long history of misinterpretation, misconception and misdating began. Uhlig was convinced that these small-sized criocones were a well defined monophyletic group of Barremian age. More than sixty years later, Thieuloy (1966) demonstrated convincingly that Uhlig lumped at least two different but homoeomorphic groups together, one of Berriasian to Valanginian, the other of Barremian age. Unfortunately, Uhlig’s type species, Leptoceras brunneri, belongs to the earlier stock. Both groups are phylogenetically separate, they exhibit different suture patterns, and no transitional forms of Hauterivian age are found. Since, however, the Barremian stock comprises criocones, ancylocones and hamiticones with planispiral or trochospiral initial coils, the question arises whether all these forms are really monophyletic or micromorphic descendants of these different groups. This was the starting point of the present revision. Difficulties were encountered because some of the type specimens are lost, and others too poorly preserved to allow reliable identification and interpretation. Therefore, recollection of material became necessary to obtain well-preserved specimens from well-dated sections. HISTORICAL REVIEW The extremely difficult and controversial interpretation of Leptoceratoidinae can be evaluated only by reviewing the history of research. The first scanty representatives were described by d’Orbigny (1850) from France, by Karsten (1858) from Colombia, and by Ooster (1860) from Switzerland, as small Crioceratites or Ancyloceras. Uhlig (1883) realized the peculiarity of these forms when he | Palaeontology, Vol. 37, Part I, 1994, pp. 203-239, 4 pls.| © The Palaeontological Association 204 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 studied a relatively rich fauna from the Barremian of Silesia. Based on the simplified suture-lines, he considered the ancylocone and criocone 'microconchs' to represent a new subgenus Leptoceras of Crioceratites. Unfortunately, no type species was designated. Leptoceras was accepted by Sayn (1891) for small fragments of criocones (L. cirtae ) first mentioned by Conquand (1880) from the Barremian of Algeria. Nickles (1894) described a small Barremian hamulinicone from the Subbetic of Spain which was designated the type of the new genus Hamulinites by Paquier (1901). Sarasin and Schondelmayer (1902), when redescribing Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Switzerland, accepted some of Ooster’s species but considered them to be juvenile fragments of well-known large-sized genera. New species of Leptoceras were described by Yabe et at. (1926) from Japan, and by Stahlecker ( 1935) from the Barremian of Maio, Cape Verde Islands. The Essai de genera published by Roman (1938) became the source of serious problems for the next few decades: Roman proposed Ancyloceras brunneri Ooster, the first listed species of Uhlig, as the type species, but figured erroneously Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig under the name L. parvulum Uhlig (Roman 1938, pi. 35, figs 335-336). Much later, Thieuloy (1966) realized that, beginning with Ooster (1860), two similar but distinct groups of ‘microconchs’ had been included in Leptoceras : (1) a Berriasian group centred around L. brunneri (Ooster); and (2) a Barremian group centred around L. pumilum Uhlig. Meanwhile, Royo y Gomez (1945) proposed the new genus Karsteniceras for Ancyloceras beyrichi Karsten, 1858, and also created the similar genus Orbignyceras with O. veleziense as type species. Both genera were first described from the Barremian of Colombia. Wright (1957) renamed the pre-occupied Orbignyceras as Veleziceras , and included it together with Karsteniceras in his subfamily Crioceratitinae, while Leptoceras , with L. pumilum Uhlig as type species, was considered to belong to Ancyloceratinae. This obvious misinterpretation of the criocone L. pumilum may be due to Roman's previous mistake. Luppov and Drushtchic (1958) followed the same interpretation. Manolov ( 1962) created the new genus Eoleptoceras for the ancylocone species L. parvulum Uhlig, with two more new subgenera, Tzankoviceras and Wrighticeras. These and the criocones Leptoceras , Karsteniceras and Veleziceras were all considered to be of Barremian age and to form the new crioceratid subfamily Leptoceratinae. Wiedmann (1963) drew attention to the fact that Eoleptoceras and Tzankoviceras Manolov were objective synonyms, and that they were subjective synonyms of Hamulinites Paquier and Wrightites Manolov. He also described the suture ontogeny of Hamulinites. When Thieuloy (1966) separated the Berriasian stock from that of the Barremian, he created the new genus Leptoceratoides for the Barremian forms around Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig, and proposed, accordingly, to restrict Leptoceratinae to the early stock and created Leptoceratoidinae for the Barremian forms. Leptoceras Uhlig (type species L. brunneri ), however, was restricted to the Berriasian, and included in the Protancyloceratinae Breistroffer and consequently, in the Bochianitidae Spath. Nikolov (1966) described a new genus Protoleptoceras , based on P. jelevi Nikolov, from the Berriasian of Bulgaria, which became a synonym of Leptoceras. Breskovski (1966), Dimitrova (1967), and Nagy (1967) added further material from Bulgaria and Hungary, following Wright's and Manolov’s systematic concepts. Dimitrova included, moreover, the Berriasian Protoleptoceras Nikolov in 'Leptoceratinae' sensu Manolov. In 1968, Etayo Serna revised the Colombian Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten) and placed Karsteniceras in the Leptoceratoidinae Thieuloy. In 1970, Dimitrova made an attempt to classify Lower Cretaceous heteromorphs based on their shape and adult suture-lines. The result is, however, hard to understand since the Berriasian Protoleptoceras was lumped with the Barremian Karsteniceras in the Scaphitaceae which originated in the Albian. All the remaining genera ( Leptoceras , Tzankoviceras , Eoleptoceras , Hamulinites) were considered Barremian, and again included in the Leptoceratidae and these in the Protancylocerataceae. Vasicek ( 1972) followed Thieuloy’s classification when describing new discoveries of leptoceratids from the Moravo-Silesian Barremian. Wiedmann (1973) also followed Thieuloy, at least in VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREMI AN AMMONITES 205 including the Berriasian Leptoceras in Protancyloceratinae; the Barremian microconchs were reduced to two genera, Karsteniceras Royo y Gomez ( = Veleziceras , = Leptoceratoides ) for the criocones, and Hamulinites Paquier (= Eoleptoceras , = Tzankoviceras, — Wrightites) for the ancylocones, and these two genera were included in the Ancyloceratinae Meek. Myczynski (1977) and Myczynski and Triff (1986) followed this interpretation when describing species of Karsteniceras and Hamulinites from the Barremian of Cuba. Roumanian leptoceratoids were described by Avram (1976) who used Leptoceratidae Manolov and again included Karsteniceras in the Scaphitidae (sensu Dimitrova 1970). New species were recorded and described from the Southern Alps (Rieber 1977), northern Calcareous Alps (Darga and Weidich 1986; Immel 1987) and, again, from Roumania (Avram and Kusko 1984). Immel (1987) preferred to attribute Karsteniceras to the Crioceratitinae, while Wright (1981) synonymized Leptoceratoidinae with the Helicancylinae. This idea was shared by Gonzalez- Arreola and Carillo-Martinez (1987) when they published on Mexican Karsteniceras. Finally, Matsukawa (1987) followed Wiedmann’s classification in his careful study of the early ontogeny of a new Japanese Karsteniceras. Despite the fact that the rather divergent views of the 1960s have become more focused during the last decade, the systematics of this group is still unsatisfactory and needs revision. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Material. The material studied is deposited in the following collections: BSM, Bayerische Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und Historische Geologie, Miinchen; GBAW, Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien; GPIT, Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut, Tubingen; MLING, Musee d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneve; MHNP, Musee d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; NMB, Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern; OSM, Ostrava-Museum, Ostrava; SNM, Slovak National Museum, Bratislava; USNM, National Museum of Natural Elistory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington; VSB, Vysoka Skola Banska, Ostrava. Additional unstudied type material is kept in the following collections: HNM, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest; IGPH, Instituto Geologico, La Habana; IGPS, Institute for Geology and Palaeontology, Sendai; MPMS-R, Museo paleontologico 'Mario Sanchez Roig’, La Habana; NSMT, National Science Museum, Tokyo; PIMUZ, Palaontologisches Institut und Museum, Universitat Zurich; SGM, State Geological Museum, University of Sofia; SGNB, Servicio Geologico Nacional, Bogota. Morphological abbreviations. The following abbreviations are used: D, diameter; H, whorl height; R, ribs per whorl (of half whorl R/2); U, umbilical diameter; W, whorl width. Suture symbols, applied according to Wedekind’s (1916) suture terminology (see Kullmann and Wiedmann 1970): E , external lobe; L, lateral lobe; U, umbilical lobe; /, internal lobe. Superfamily ancylocerataceae Gill, 1871 Family ancyloceratidae Gill, 1871 Subfamily leptoceratoidinae Thieuloy, 1966 Remarks. Leptoceratoidinae are interpreted to include micromorph heteromorphs with elliptical, criocone, ancylocone or slightly curved types of coiling, sometimes with a tendency towards torsion, especially of the initial coil. The suture-line has elements E , L, U , /, poorly incised. The following genera are included in the Leptoceratoidinae : Veveysiceras gen. nov., Karsteniceras Royo y Gomez, Hamulinites Paquier, Veleziceras Wright, Eoheteroceras gen. nov., and Manoloviceras gen. nov. Most authors refer to Wright (1957) when considering leptoceratids in their entirety to be members of the Ancyloceratidae. However, Wright split the Colombian genera Karsteniceras and Veleziceras from Leptoceras , and included the two former genera in the Crioceratitinae. Like Wright, Manolov (1962) considered Leptoceras to be exclusively Barremian when he proposed Leptoceratinae as a separate subfamily of Ancyloceratidae for the bulk of leptoceratids. When Thieuloy (1966) corrected the scope and stratigraphical position of Leptoceras , giving L. brunneri as the type species and citing a Berriasian age, he proposed the new genus Leptoceratoides , as well 206 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 as Leptoceratoidinae, for the Barremian criocones centred around L. pumilum. Wiedmann (1973) revived the old genera Karsteniceras and Hamulinites to include all criocone and ancylocone Barremian micromorphs which were now both included in the Ancyloceratinae. Most successive authors followed this interpretation, except Immel (1987) who referred Karsteniceras to the Crioceratitinae, and Gonzales-Arreola and Carrillo-Marti'nez (1987) who referred this genus to the Helicancylinae Hyatt, 1894. As a result of the present investigation, the Barremian leptoceratids are considered to represent a micromorphic stock which separated in the late Hauterivian to early Barremian, presumably from the main stock of the Crioceratitinae (Text-fig. 7). Three divergent evolutionary lines may have originated from the basal Lower Barremian Veveysiceras, the ancestor of which is still unknown. It has to be noted that there is, however, no connection with the Tithonian/Berriasian Protancyloceratinae Breistroffer. Distribution. Barremian, mainly Lower Barremian. Southern, eastern and central Europe, Cape Verde Islands, Central and South America, Japan. The origin of the subfamily (in late Hauterivian time?) remains obscure. No certain representatives from the Lower Aptian are known. Genus veveysiceras gen. nov. Type species. Ancyloceras escheri Ooster, 1860. Diagnosis. Elliptically coiled, in three arms. After the first planispirally-coiled whorl passing into a hook, similar to Hamulinites. This is followed by two more elliptical half-whorls. Smooth at first, the shell on the hooks is covered by fine, dense and simple ribs directed radiate or prorsiradiate on the lateral side. On the last arm a few weak constrictions are added. Suture-line E , L , U, I with simplified elements. Remarks. Coiling is more irregular than in the other genera of the subfamily. Starting with a hook which is followed by an elliptical whorl, Veveysiceras is characterized by more arms than are present in Hamulinites and Karsteniceras. Moreover the sculpture is much finer. Distribution. Lower Barremian of Switzerland, southern France and the Western Carpathians of Slovakia. Veveysiceras escheri (Ooster, 1860) Plate 1, figures 1-3; Text-figure 1a 1860 Ancyloceras Escheri Ooster, p. 29 [partim], pi. 37, figs I, 7-9, ?6; non fig. 2 [= Hamulinites fragilis (Uhlig)] ; non figs 3 4 [= Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig)] ; non fig. 5 [ = Crioceratites ? sp.]. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-3. Veveysiceras escheri (Ooster). I, NMB 5721, holotype; Hauterivian/Barremian boundary; Veveyse, Vaud, Switzerland; x 2. 2, GPIT 1719/1; Lower Barremian; Castellane, Haute Provence, France; x L5. 3, SNM Z 21124; Lower Barremian; Zabukovinske quarry near Lictavska Lucka, Central Western Carpathian, Slovakia; x 1. Figs 4-5. Karsteniceras ibericum sp. nov. GPIT 1719/2, holotype; Upper Barremian; Barranco de las Higueras, Sierra Mediana, Subbetic of Alicante, Spain; lateral and ventral views; x 1-5. Figs 6-8. Karsteniceras beyrichoide sp. nov.; Upper? Barremian; Nydek, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic. 6, GBA W 3902, x 1 . 7-8, GBA W 3911, holotype ; lateral and oblique view, showing the slight torsion ; x 1 . Fig. 9. Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig). BSM AS III 96, lectotype; Lower Barremian; Straconka, Outer Carpathians, Poland; x 1. Arrows indicate position of last suture-line. PLATE 1 VASICEK and WIEDMANN, Veveysiceras, Karsteniceras 208 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1902 Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) Escheri Ooster; Sarasin and Schondelmayer, p. 148 | partim], pi. 19, fig. 6; non fig. 4 [= Hamulinites fragilis] ; non fig. 5 [= Crioceratitesl sp.]. Lectotype (designated herein). NMB 5721 (coll. Ooster); Lower(?) Barremian; Veveyse near Chatel St Denis, Switzerland; here refigured as Plate 1, figure 1, originally figured by Ooster (1860, pi. 37, fig. 1). Other material. GPIT 1719/14 from the Lower Barremian of Castellane, France; SNM Z-21124 and unregistered fragments from Krizna Nappe, Slovakia. Diagnosis. As for genus. Description. To the generic description can be added that in the holotype the first hook (= Hamulinites) measures 20 mm in length, while the maximum diameter ranges between 37 and 40 mm; the small diameter of the ellipsoid is 30 mm; it measures 33 mm in a Carpathian and 19 mm in a French specimen. Maximum whorl height of the holotype is 8 mm. This means that there is some variation in shell size and in elliptical to subcircular coiling. The ornamentation consists of fine to very fine and densely spaced radiate ribs on the phragmocone and more pronounced ribs on the living chamber. The suture-line (Text-fig. 1a) is only partly visible, L and U are moderately incised and tripartite, the saddles asymmetric bipartite. Occurrence. The type material is from the Hauterivian/Barremian boundary at Veveyse near Chatel St Denis, External Prealps, Switzerland. New specimens were collected from the Lower Barremian of Castellane, Vocontian Trough, France, and the basal Barremian of Lietavska Lucka, Trstie (Krizna Nappe), Central Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Genus karsteniceras Royo y Gomez, 1945 [= Leptoceratoides Thieuloy, 1966, p. 289]. Type species. Ancyloceras beyrichi Karsten, 1858. Revised diagnosis. Small criocones with planispiral to indistinctly trochospiral initial coil, thereafter loosely coiled. Initial coil smooth, then with simple ribs increasing in strength. Ribs generally crossing venter; in some species, rib-weakening on the siphonal line leads to the development of a ventral furrow. The later forms may have marginal tubercles or at least swellings on both sides of the furrow either on each rib or periodically. Periodic constrictions may be present or not. Suture- lines with simplified elements E , L, U , /. Remarks. Leptoceratoides is a synonym of Karsteniceras. In contrast to the opinion of Matsukawa (1987), we regard the existence of constrictions as insignificant for generic separation in karsteniceratids. Karsteniceras differs from most other members of this subfamily in its criocone coiling. Veveysiceras gen. nov. with its elliptical coiling is closest, but differs in its fine and dense ribbing. Small-sized or internal whorls of crioceratitids can easily be mistaken for leptoceratids but have much more complicated lobes and saddles from the very beginning. Moreover, the main ribs of crioceratitids often carry from one to three tubercles. The following species are now included in Karsteniceras'. K. asiaticum (Yabe and Shimizu), K. balernaense Rieber, K. beyrichi (Karsten), K. beyrichoide sp. nov., KP. fUicostatum (Stahlecker), K. ? heeri (Ooster), K. hoheneggeri sp. nov., K. ibericum sp. nov., K. obatai Matsukawa, K. polieri Myszyriski, K. pumilium (Uhlig), K. subtile (Uhlig), and K. trinidadense sp. nov. Species can be separated by differences in mode of ribbing and ventral sculpture. Ooster’s species ‘ Ancyloceras ’ brunneri and ‘ Ancyloceras’’ studeri are true Berriasian to Lower Valanginian Leptoceras , whereas ‘ Ancyloceras ' escheri Ooster is the type species of Veveysiceras gen. nov. Uhlig’s species L. assimile , L. fragile and L. parvulum are now transferred to Hamulinites. Of d’Orbigny’s (1842) small-sized criocones, ‘'Crioceras' puzosianum is unidentifiable. No similar 209 VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: B A R REM IAN AMMONITES u L text-fig. 1 . Leptoceratoid suture-lines, a, frag- mentary suture-line of Veveysiceras escheri (Ooster) at H = 2 mm; NMB 5721. b, Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten), external part at H = 5-2 mm. internal lobe at H = 4 mm; USNM 18609. c, K. ibericum sp. nov., complete suture-line of holotype, GPIT 1719/2, at H = 3-2 mm. B U L E c specimen can be located in d’Orbigny’s collection (Sarkar 1955, p. 160, and personal enquiries); nevertheless, Sarkar (1955) cited this species as characteristic of his genus Spathicrioceras. ‘ Crioceras' cristatum d’Orbigny differs from Karsteniceras in its more complicated suture-line. It was also cited by Sarkar (1954) as the type species of another new genus, EscragnoUeites , which was later referred to Imerites Roukhadze by Wright (1957). The position of 'Ancyloceras' pugnairei Astier, 1851 remains uncertain due to the lack of similar specimens and its unknown suture-line. 1 To.xoceras' cirtae , described by Coquand (1880) from the Barremian of Djebel Ouach, was later assigned to Leptoceras (Sayn 1891 ; Kilian 1910). A syntype from the same locality shows that T. cirtae is similar to Karsteniceras but has a more complicated suture-line. Distribution. Karsteniceras is a Barremian genus. It is widespread at the northern margin of the European Tethys (Text-fig. 9), and ranges into the Caribbean and the Japanese Islands. Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten, 1858) Plate 2, figures 1-2; Text-figure 1b 1858 non 1945 71954 non 1966 non 1967 Ancyloceras Beyrichii Karsten, p. 103, pi. 1, fig. 4a d. Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Royo y Gomez, p. 461, pi. 71, fig. 1 a-c, text-fig. 1 [= Karsteniceras ibericum sp. nov.]. Leptoceras cf. L. beyrichii (Karsten); Imlay, p. 664, pi. 74, figs 23-24. Leptoceras beyrichi (Karsten); Breskovski, p. 79, pi. 6, fig. 1 [? = Karsteniceras hoheneggeri sp nov.]. Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Dimitrova, p. 38, pi. 12, fig. 6 [? = Karsteniceras hoheneggeri sp. nov.]. 210 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1968 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Etayo Serna, p. 54 ( partim ), pi. 1, figs 5, 7; non figs 1-3, text- fig. 1 [= Karsteniceras ibericwn sp. nov.]. non 1986 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Darga and Weidich, pi. 3, fig. 3. 71987 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Gonzales-Arreola and Carillo-Martinez, p. 174, fig. 3. non 1987 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Immel, p. 118, pi. 12, fig. 6. Holotype. The specimen, probably lost, figured by Karsten (1858, pi. 1, fig. 4); Barremian; Velez, Colombia. Material. One nearly complete specimen, USNM 18609; from Velez-Chipata, Colombia. Revised diagnosis. Criocone with oval to round whorl section. At the beginning ribs are uniform, simple and of equal width as intervals. After a diameter of 20 mm, one or two stronger ribs alternate with bundles of 1-4 less pronounced ribs. Initially all ribs with marginal tubercles, and crossing venter. Sometimes with a ventral depression. In some specimens, looping of strong ribs between the tubercles. Suture poorly incised; E with broad median saddle, broad L, narrow and asymmetric U; saddles asymmetrically bipartite. Measurements. At D = 22 mm, the following measurements were made on specimen USNM 18603: H = 6 mm (0-27), W = 6 mm (0 27), U = 8 5 mm (0 39). At Dmax = 24 mm, 35 R/2. Remarks. From the Colombian specimens previously published (Karsten 1858; Etayo Serna 1968) and described in this paper, we can conclude that K. beyrichi has a highly variable ribbing. This is less pronounced in the holotype which is probably lost. The holotype shows a broad and flattened venter, but no furrow between the indistinct ventrolateral tubercles, as in the specimen figured here in Plate 2, figure 2. The specimens figured by Royo y Gomez (1945) and some of those of Etayo Serna (1968) have a distinct ventral furrow and are considered to belong to K. ibericwn sp. nov. Karsteniceras beyrichioide sp. nov. can only be separated in its adult stage during which the ribbing remains uniform. The other species of Karsteniceras are easily distinguishable by the uniformity of ribs, or by the lack of tubercles which exist in some species only for a very short period. The specimens referred to K. beyrichi by Imlay (1954) and Gonzales-Arreola and Carrillo- Martinez (1987) are juveniles or are too fragmentary to be included with certainty in this species. The specimens figured by Darga and Weidich (1986) and Immel (1987) from the Austroalpine Lower Barremian are different from K. beyrichi and even the bulk of Karsteniceras species in the presence of marginal spines where some of the ribs amalgamate. Moreover, their suture-lines are unknown. Due to these reasons, both specimens are excluded from the karsteniceratids. Occurrence. Karsteniceras beyrichi is known in the Lower to Upper Barremian transition from Velez-Chipata, Colombia, and questionably from the Santuario Formation of Maravillas, Mexico, and from Tompire Bay, Trinidad. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs 1-2. Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten). USNM 18609; Lower/Upper Barremian boundary; Velez - Chipata road, Santander Department, Colombia; lateral and ventral views; x 2. Figs 3-4. Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig). 3, BSM AS III 98; Lower Barremian; Straconka, Outer Carpathians, Poland; x 2. 4, NMB 5725; Lower Barremian; Veveyse, Vaud, Switzerland; x 1. Figs 5-8. Karsteniceras subtile (Uhlig). 5, GBAW 3949, lectotype; Lower Barremian; Skalice, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 2. 6, GBAW 3901 ; Lower Barremian; Nydek, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 2. 7, GBAW 3948; Lower Barremian; Skalice, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 2. 8, GPIT 1719/3; Lower Barremian; Sierra del Valle, Subbetic of Cadiz, Spain; x 2. Fig. 9. Karsteniceras hoheneggeri sp. nov. BSM AS III 179, holotype; Upper? Barremian; Malenovice, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 1. PLATE 2 VASICEK and WIEDMANN, Karsteniceras 212 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 2. Karsteniceras ibericum sp. nov. Varia- bility in E at H between 7 and 7-5 mm; GPIT 1719/11. Karsteuiceras ibericum sp. nov. Plate 1, figures 4—5; Text-figures lc, 2 1945 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Royo y. Gomez, p. 461, pi. 71, fig. 1; text-fig. 1. 1968 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Etayo Serna, p. 54 \partim], pi. 1, figs 1-3; text-figs 4, 8-9; non text-figs 5, 7 [? = K. beyrichi (Karsten)]. 1978 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Wiedmann, pi. 4, fig. 2. Holotype. GPIT 1719/2 (PI. 1, figs 4—5); Upper Barremian; Barranco de las Higueras, Sierra Mediana, Subbetic, Spain. Other material. Three paratypes (GPIT 1719/11-13); Barremian; Villa de Leiva, Colombia. Diagnosis. Criocone with rounded whorl section, simple uniform ribs with marginal tubercles or thickening of ribs, and distinct siphonal furrow. Description. The rounded whorl section of the criocone whorl is somewhat broader than high. The simple ribs are prorsiradiate at first (except the smooth first quarter whorl) changing finally to rectiradiate and rursiradiate. At first, ribs cross the venter uninterrupted; after one and a half whorls the first marginal tubercles or thickenings appear. At adult age, ribs are of unequal strength; the ventral furrow on the living chamber disappears. The last whorls have 42-50 ribs. The suture-line (Text-fig. lc) is usually poorly incised and L is broadly rounded. E has a distinct median saddle which can, however, vary in width (Text-fig. 2). The other lobes are undivided. The saddles are symmetrically bipartite. Measurements. The holotype measures 17 mm in maximum diameter (last suture at D = 10-5 mm). The largest specimen known (Etayo Serna 1968, pi. 1, fig. 1) has a final D of 40 mm. Remarks. Karsteniceras ibericum sp. nov. is easily distinguished from its relatives by the distinct ventral furrow and the density of ribs. 213 VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREMIAN AMMONITES Occurrence. Known from the Upper Barremian of Sierra Mediana, Subbetic, southern Spain, from the Lower to Upper Barremian transition at Ranzenberg, Drusberg Beds, Vorarlberg, Austria, and from deposits of a similar age at Villa de Leiva, Colombia. Karsteniceras beyrichoide sp. nov. Plate 1, figures 6-8, Text-figure 3a 1883 Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) Beyrichi Karst.; Uhlig, p. 272, pi. 32, figs 4-6, 78. 1960 Leptoceras beyrichi Karsten; Drushtchic, p. 295, pi. 40, fig. 4. 1976 Karsteniceras aff. beyrichi (Karsten); Avram, p. 34, pi. 3, fig. 9. Holotype. GBAW 391 1 (PI. 1, fig. 7); Upper(?) Barremian; Nydek, Silesian Unit, Czech Republic. The original of Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) beyrichi (sensu Uhlig 1883, pi. 32, fig. 4). Other material. GBAW 3902, 1883/4/1 18, BSM AS III 178, the three specimens figured by Uhlig (1883, pi. 32, figs 5-6, 8). Diagnosis. Small-sized criocones with weak torsion of the shell. Whorl section subrectangular, probably as broad as high. The lateral sides are flat, as is the broad venter which carries a shallow siphonal furrow. Initial coil unknown; thereafter, sculpture consists of single sharp ribs as broad as the intervals. On the living chamber ribbing becomes less crowded. Marginal tubercles may be present or not; they are, moreover, of variable strength. Suture-line (Text-fig. 3a) is very simple with goniatitic lobes and bipartite saddles. Measurements. The holotype has a final diameter of 39 mm, half whorl (?) of living chamber included, Hmax = 10 mm. The last whorl is covered by 61 ribs. The most complete specimen, GBAW 3902 (Uhlig 1883, pi. 39, fig. 5), has a Dmax = 30 mm; at D 26 3 mm, H is equivalent to 6-4 mm, U = 16 mm. The last whorl carries 64 ribs. Remarks. Restudy of Uhlig’s (1883, pi. 32, fig. 5) specimen GBAW 3902 has shown that it is formed by two living chambers placed in opposite directions, both of the same species. One of these specimens shows parts of the last suture-line. Another specimen (GBAW 1883/4/118; Uhlig 1883, pi. 32, fig. 8) cannot be included in K. beyrichoide with certainty; the ribs are less frequent than usual and carry pronounced marginal tubercles. The present species can be distinguished from K. beyrichi by the differing ribbing on the living chamber and near the mouth border. Occurrence. At present, K. beyrichoide sp. nov. is known with certainty only from the Upper(?) Barremian of Nydek, Silesian Unit, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic. Doubtfully included are specimens, possibly from the same stratigraphical level, from the Outer Dacidian Nappe, Roumania, and from the Kuma River, North Caucasus. Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig, 1883) Plate 1, figure 9; Plate 2, figures 3-4 1860 Ancyloceras Esclieri Ooster, pi. 37, figs 3^1 only. 1883 Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) pumilum Uhlig, p. 270, pi. 29, figs 4-6. 1902 Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) pumilum Uhlig ; Sarasin and Schondelmayer, p. 147, pi. 20, fig. 4. 71926 Leptoceras cfr. pumilum Uhlig; Yabe et a /., p. 73, pi. 15, fig. 20. 1938 Leptoceras parvulum Uhlig; Roman, pi. 35, figs 335-336. 1957 Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig; Wright, p. L211. 1958 Leptoceras parvulum Uhlig; Luppov and Drushtchic, pi. 48, figs 6-7. 1962 Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig; Manolov, p. 532. 71962 Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig; Akopyan, p. 205, pi. 1, fig. 5. 1966 Leptoceratoides pumilus (Uhlig); Thieuloy, p. 289. 214 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1969 Leptoceras pumilus Uhlig; Wiedmann, pi. 2, fig. 2. 1972 Leptoceras pumilus (Uhlig); Vasicek, p. 54, pi. 4, fig. 5. 1972 Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig; Wiedmann, pi. 1, fig. 2. 1976 Leptoceratoides pumilus (Uhlig); Avram, p. 33, pi. 4, fig. I. 1984 Leptoceras pumilum Uhlig; Avram and Kusko, p. 14, pi. 2, fig. 8. 1987 Leptoceratoides pumilus (Uhlig); Matsukawa, p. 349. 1990 Karsteniceras subtile (Uhlig); Vasicek, pi. 1, fig. 6. Lectotype (designated by Thieuloy 1966). BSM AS III 96; Lower Barremian; Straconka, Poland. The original of Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) pumilum Uhlig (1883, pi. 29, fig. 4; PI. 1, fig. 9). Other material. The two paralectotypes of Uhlig (1883), specimens figured by Ooster (1860), and new discoveries from the Outer Carpathians (OSM B 13035, VSB T 4/17, and unregistered specimens). Revised diagnosis. Becoming criocone after an advolute inner whorl. For a short period (at D = 12-15 mm) whorls may touch each other. First whorl smooth, becoming ribbed at 8 mm D. First shallow constrictions appear at D = 10-12 mm. While simple ribs are radiate at first, they change later to rursiradiate. Exceptionally some ribs bifurcate on the lateral side of living chamber. Constrictions increase in strength. Suture-line unknown. Measurements. The specimens attain diameters of 30-35 mm. Remarks. Karsteniceras pumilum differs from all other species of the genus in its frequent and distinct constrictions. K. subtile (Uhlig) is similar but has less frequent and less pronounced constrictions; ribbing starts earlier (D = 4 mm); looping of ribs occurs only in some specimens; also the final size is smaller. The Japanese specimen (Yabe et al. 1926) shows marginal tubercles in addition to the specific characters of this species; its inclusion remains, therefore, uncertain. Occurrence. Ticha and Trojanovice, Outer Carpathians of the Czech Republic; Straconka and Gorki Wielkie, Outer Carpathians of Poland; Getic and Outer Dacididn Nappes, Carpathians of Roumania; and Veveyse, External Prealps of Switzerland. Uncertain are the occurrences in America and Japan. The age is undefined Barremian; the Silesian specimens seem to belong only to the lower portion of the Barremian. Karsteniceras subtile (Uhlig, 1883) Plate 2, figures 5-8; Text-figure 3 b 1883 Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) subtile Uhlig, p. 271, pi. 29, figs 7-9. 1966 Leptoceratoides subtilis (Uhlig); Thieuloy, p. 289. ? 1967 Leptoceras subtile Uhlig; Dimitrova, p. 39, pi. 12, fig. 8; non fig. 7 [= Karsteniceras balernaense Rieber]; text-fig. 18. 1972 Leptoceratoides subtilis (Uhlig); Vasicek, p. 54, pi. 7, fig. 4. 1972 Leptoceratoides cf. subtilis (Uhlig); Vasicek, pi. 5, fig. 4; text-fig. 16. 1976 Leptoceratoides subtilis (Uhlig); Avram, p. 33. 71977 1 Karsteniceras cf. subtilis (Uhlig); Myczyriski, p. 155, pi. 4, fig. 5. 1984 Leptoceras subtile Uhlig; Avram and Kusko, p. 14, pi. 2, figs 6-7. non 1990 Karsteniceras subtile (Uhlig); Vasicek, pi. 1, fig. 6 [ = Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig)]. 1991 Karsteniceras subtile (Uhlig); Manthey, pi. 2, fig. 1. Lectotype (designated by Dimitrova 1967). GBAW 3949; Lower Barremian; Skalice, Czech Republic. The original of Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) subtile Uhlig (1883, pi. 29, fig. 9; PI. 2, fig. 5 herein). Other material. The two paralectotypes (GBAW 3948, 3901) of Uhlig (1883), and new discoveries from the Czech Carpathians (VSB T 5/172), Eastern Alps (GPIT 1719/15) and the Subbetic of southern Spain (GPIT 1719/3). 215 VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREM IAN AMMONITES text-fig. 3. Leptoceratoid suture-lines, a, Karst- eniceras beyrichoide sp. nov., fragmentary suture-line at H = 6 mm; BSM AS III 178. b, K. subtile (Uhlig), external suture-line of lectotype at H = 2-2 mm; GBAW 3949. c, K. hoheneggeri sp. nov., fragmentary suture-line at H = 3mm; BSM AS III 179. d, K. hoheneggeri, external suture-line at H = 6 mm ; BSM AS III 454. u E Revised diagnosis. Small criocones with rounded whorl section. Ribbing starts at D = 4 mm and consists of simple and looped ribs; at later stages ribs show ventrolateral thickening and seem to weaken on the venter. Near the mouth border ribbing becomes fine and dense. Weak constrictions, especially in early ages. Suture-line with trifid L and U and bipartite saddles (Text-fig. 3b). Measurements. The lectotype has a maximum D of 19 mm. At D = 15, Hmax = 4 mm (0-27), U = 8-5 (0-57). 24 R/2; in some specimens even more ribs occur. Remarks. Special characters of K. subtile are its very small size, the occasional looping of ribs, and the dense and fine ribbing near the mouth border. Occurrence. Karsteniceras subtile is presumably restricted to the Lower Barremian. Regionally, it is known from Ticha, Skalice and Nydek, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; probably from Lietavska Lucka, Central Carpathians of Slovakia; from the Getic and Outer Dacidian Nappes, Carpathians of Roumania; from Bad Ischl in the Austroalpine of Salzkammergut, Austria; and from Sierra del Valle, Subbetic of Spain. Published records from Bulgaria and Cuba are uncertain. Karsteniceras hoheneggeri sp. nov. Plate 2, figure 9; Plate 3, figures 1-3; Text-figure 3c-d 1883 Crioceras (Leptoceras) n. sp. ind. aff. cristatum d’Orbigny; Uhlig, p. 272, pi. 32, fig. 3. 1883 Crioceras (Leptoceras) n. sp. ind.; Uhlig, p. 272, pi. 32, fig. 7. 71966 Leptoceras beyrichi (Karsten); Breskovski, p. 79, pi. 6, fig. 1. 71967 Karsteniceras beyrichi (Karsten); Dimitrova, p. 9, pi. 12, fig. 6. 216 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Holotype. BSM AS III 179; Upper(?) Barremian; Malenovice, Czech Republic. Crioceras (Leptoceras) n. sp. ind. aff. cristatum (d’Orbigny) of Uhlig (1883, pi. 32, fig. 3; PI. 2, fig. 9). Other material. BSM AS III 454, Hohenegger Collection, figured by Uhlig (1883). GPIT 1719/4, fragmentary specimen from Breggia, Southern Alps. Diagnosis. Regular criocone coiling. Whorl section rounded with inflated lateral sides and flat to concave venter. In the adult, simple and strong ribs of unequal strength, with marginal thickening and concave venter. Three constrictions on the last half whorl. Suture-line with simple elements and broad L. Measurements. The holotype has Dmax = 38 mm; at D = 28 5 mm, H = 9 mm and U = 13-6 mm. On the last whorl, thirty eight ribs can be counted. Remarks. Karsteniceras hoheneggeri sp. nov. is similar to K. beyrichioide sp. nov. and to K. pumilum. Its ribbing is, however, more pronounced and less crowded. K. trinidadense sp. nov. has a much finer ribbing with larger interspaces. Occurrence. Known from the Upper(?) Barremian of Malenovice and Nydek, Silesian Unit, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; and from the Upper Barremian of Breggia, Southern Alps, Switzerland. Uncertain is the inclusion of specimens from the Upper Barremian of Bulgaria. Karsteniceras trinidadense sp. nov. 1954 Leptoceras sp. indet.; Imlay, p. 664, pi. 74, figs 16-17; non fig. 18. Holotype. USMM 108726; Barremian ; Tompire Bay, Trinidad; figured as Leptoceras sp. indet. by Imlay (1954, pi. 74, fig. 16). Diagnosis. Small criocones with fine and dense ribbing and with marginal thickening. Ribs widely spaced, intervals four times as wide as ribs. Suture-line unknown. Measurements. The holotype has a maximum diameter of 27 mm. Remarks. The type material is rather poorly preserved in a phyllitic matrix, and is deformed. Whorl section and suture-line are unknown. The ribbing, which consists of fine and strong ribs with large interspaces, is however so different from all other Karsteniceras species that a specific separation can be proposed. The marginal thickening of ribs is not as obvious as mentioned by Imlay (1954). This is a typical Karsteniceras , even if the suture-line is unknown. Occurrence. Lower part of Upper Barremian of Tompire Bay, Trinidad. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1-3. Karsteniceras hoheneggeri sp. nov. 1-2, BSM AS III 454; Upper? Barremian; Nydek - Ostra hora. Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic. 1, lateral and ventral views; x 1. 3, GPIT 1719/4; Upper Barremian; Breggia, Ticino, Switzerland; x 3. Fig. 4. Karsteniceras balernaense Rieber, GPIT 1719/5; Upper Barremian; Breggia, Ticino, Switzerland; x 1. Figs 5-12. Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig). 5, BSM AS III 453. lectotype; Lower Barremian; Verovice, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 1. 6, GPIT 1719/6; Lower Barremian; Bad Ischl, Salzkammergut, Austria; x3. 7. VSB Pi 1/12; Lower Barremian; Pindula near Frenstat p. R., Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 2. 8, OSM B 13664; Lower Barremian; Angles, Haute Provence, France; x 2. 9, MHNP, d’Orbigny coll. 5428-1; Barremian; Escragnolles, Var, France; x L5. 10, SNM Z 21 125; Lower Barremian; Lietavska Lucka, Central Western Carpathians, Slovakia; x 1. 11, GPIT 1719/7; Lower Barremian; La Querola near Cocentaina, Prebetic of Alicante, Spain; x 2. 12, GPIT 1719/8, same horizon and locality as fig. 11; x 3. PLATE 3 VASICEK and WI EDM ANN, Karsteniceras, Hamulinites PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Karsteniceras balernaense Rieber, 1977 Plate 3, figure 4 1967 Leptoceras subtile Uhlig; Dimitrova, p. 39 [partim\, pi. 12, fig. 7; non fig. 8 [? = K. subtile Uhlig]. 1977 Karsteniceras balernaense Rieber, p. 779, pi. 1, figs 1-7, text-fig. 2. 71984 Leptocerasl cf. barnaense (Rieber); Avram and Kusko, p. 14, pi. 2, fig. 9. Holotype. PIMUZ L/1584; Barremian; Balerna, Switzerland; figured by Rieber (1977, pi. 7, fig. 1). Other material. GPIT 1719/5; a poorly preserved specimen from the southern Alps of Breggia Gorge, Switzerland. Revised diagnosis. Small criocones, probably with weak torsion. Single sharp uniform ribs from a D of 3-5 mm. 52 ribs per whorl. No tubercles. Venter unknown. Suture-line simple. Remarks. The uniform type of ribbing up to the mouth border separates K. balernaense from K. subtile ; the lack of constrictions distinguishes this species from K. pumilum. K. polieri Myczyriski (1977) differs in having bifurcating ribs. Occurrence. Originally described from the Upper Barremian of Breggia Gorge near Balerna, Ticino, Switzerland; known also from the Lower Barremian of Kraptshene, Prebalkan, Bulgaria, and probably the Romanian Southern Carpathians. Karsteniceras polieri Myczyhski, 1977 1977 Karsteniceras polieri Myczyhski, p. 154, pi. 4, figs 1, 3, 7. Holotype. IGPH No. 2556b; Lower Barremian; Polier, Cuba; figured by Myczyriski (1977, pi. 4, fig. 7). Revised diagnosis. Small criocones with dense and fine ribbing. The prorsiradiate ribs bifurcate periodically at the umbilical border. No constrictions. Remarks. This species resembles both K. subtile and K. balernaense but it differs in having bifurcating ribs. Occurrence. Lower Barremian of the Polier Formation, Sierra del Rosario, Cuba. Karsteniceras asiaticum (Yabe and Shimizu, 1926) 1926 Leptoceras asiaticum Yabe and Shimizu in Yabe et al ., p. 73, pi. 15, fig. 21. 1966 Leptoceratoides asiaticus (Yabe and Shimizu); Thieuloy, p. 289. 1988 Karsteniceras asiaticum (Yabe and Shimizu); Matsukawa, p. 399, fig. 3: 4-6; fig. 4. Holotype. IGPS 22849; Lower Barremian; Ishido, Japan; figured by Yabe and Shimizu (in Yabe et al. 1926, pi. 15, fig. 21). Revised diagnosis. Small criocones with subrectangular whorl section. Ribs are fine and dense at the beginning, later they show broad interspaces and become rursiradiate on the living chamber. At later stages, about twenty ribs per half whorl. Ventral side with weak depression. Remarks. While ribs cross the ventral depression in K. asiaticum , they are interrupted on the venter of the similar K. obatai Matsukawa. Occurrence. Lower Barremian of Ishido, Hondo, Japan. 219 VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREMI AN AMMONITES Kcirsteniceras ohatai Matsukawa, 1987 1926 Ancyloceras! sp. indet.; Yabe el al., p. 71, pi. 15, figs 12-13. 1987 Kcirsteniceras obatai Matsukawa, p. 349, figs 1-2; 3, 1-4; 4. 1988 Karsteniceras obatai Matsukawa; Matsukawa, p. 401, fig. 3: 7-9; fig. 5. Holotype. NSMT-PM 9589; Lower Barremian; Isejigauara, Japan; figured by Matsukawa (1987, fig. 3: 3). Diagnosis. Small criocones with smooth initial whorl. From a diameter of 10 mm simple and rectiradiate ribs with marginal tubercles. Ribs are interrupted at a narrow siphuncular furrow. Suture elements simplified. Remarks. In Karsteniceras obatai marginal tubercles and the siphuncular furrow disappear on the living chamber. The differences between K. obatei and K. asiaticwn are given above. Occurrence. Lower Barremian of Isejigauara, Hondo, Japan. Karstenicerdsl filicostatum (Stahlecker, 1935) 1935 ‘ Toxoceras' filicostatum Stahlecker, p. 286, pi. 14, fig. 16. 1966 Leptoceratoides filicostatus (Stahlecker); Thieuloy, p. 289. Holotype. GPIT 493/14/16; Lower(?) Barremian; Maio, Cape Verde Islands; figured by Stahlecker (1935, pi. 14, fig. 16). Revised diagnosis. Middle-sized criocones with open coil. Sculpture consists of fine, dense and radiate ribs. Each third/fourth rib with weak marginal tubercles. Suture-line unknown. Remarks. Karsteniceras! filicostatum resembles the likewise dubious K. ? heeri (Ooster) in coiling. However, the latter has coarser ribbing. Like K .? heeri, the present species is too poorly known (the suture-line is unknown) to be included in Karsteniceras with certainty. Occurrence. Lower(?) Barremian of Maio, Cape Verde Islands. Karsteniceras ? heeri (Ooster, 1860) 1860 Ancyloceras Heeri Ooster, p. 32 [par tint], pi. 38, figs 5, ? 1-3; non fig. 4 [= Anahamulina distans Vasicek]. 1902 Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) Heeri Ooster; Sarasin and Schondelmayer, p. 149 \partim], pi. 20, fig. 2; non fig. 3 [ = A. distans Vasicek], Lectotype (designated herein). NMB 5683; Barremian; Veveyse, Switzerland; figured by Ooster (1860, pi. 38, fig. 5). Revised diagnosis. Middle-sized criocones(?), whorl slowly increasing in height. Ribs as broad as interspaces, radiate on lateral sides, becoming prorsiradiate and weakly inflated at the umbilical margin. Last whorl with weak constrictions. Suture-line unknown. Measurements. Dmax = 40 mm, H = 8 0 mm (0 20), U = 27 5 mm (0 69). R/2 > 50. Remarks. Due to the fragmentary preservation of the paralectotypes, it is unknown whether K.l heeri is criocone throughout or has the elliptical coiling of Veveysiceras. In this case, Ooster’s (1860, pi. 38, figs 1-3) juveniles would have to be included. According to Sarasin and Schondelmayer (1902, p. 149), some specimens of Ancyloceras sabaudianum Pictet and Loriol (1858, pi. 6, figs 6, 9) should be referred to K.l heeri ; their juvenile coils are, however, criocone. 220 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 K.l filicostatus (Stahlecker) has a coiling similar to the present species, but has a finer and denser ribbing. Occurrence. Barremian of Veveyse, External Prealps, Switzerland. Genus hamulinites Paquier, 1901 [= Leptoceras Uhlig, 1883 [partim] ; Eoleptoceras Manolov, 1962; E. ( Tzankoviceras ) Manolov, 1962; E. ( Wrightites ) Manolov, 1962.] Type species. Hamulina munieri Nickles, 1894 [ = Leptoceras parvulum Uhlig, 1883.]. Revised diagnosis. Small-sized ancylocones; first two whorls advolute, then slowly uncoiling (proversum according to Vasicek 1972, fig. 12) towards the final hook which is mainly formed by the living chamber. Simple ribs without tuberculation. Suture-line with four elements ( E , L, C7, /), with relatively simple outlines. Remarks. Hamulinites comprises small-sized ancyloceratids, but there are no early criocone whorls and no marginal spines; suture elements remain simple, but are more complicated than in Karsteniceras. Due to its ancylocone coiling, Hamulinites is easy to separate from the other representants of the Leptoceratoidinae. There is, however, a certain similarity to small-sized hamulinids, above all to Hamulina varusensis d'Orbigny, 1850 (see d’Orbigny 1852, p. 221, pi. 5, figs 4-6; Cottreau 1937, p. 72, pi. 80, figs 3-6). After studying the four syntypes of H. varusensis preserved in the MHNP, we can assume that d'Orbigny’s complete specimen (1852, pi. 5, fig. 4) is a reconstruction based on the fragments known. These bear a complicated suture-line (see Cottreau 1937, p. 72) of hamulinid configuration. H. varusensis is, therefore, referred to Anahamulina Hyatt. The most complete syntype (Cottreau, 1937, pi. 80, fig. 4), however, is different from d’Orbigny’s figures and is here included in Hamulinites parvulus Uhlig. Anahamulina distans Vasicek (1972, pi. 15, fig. 4) also shows similarity with Hamulinites in size and coiling, but has a very different, more complicated suture-line (see Text-fig. 4). This complicated L E text-fig. 4. Fragmentary suture-line of Anahamulina distans Vasicek, at H = 6-5 mm; BSM AS III 452. suture-line, generally larger size and, in most species, constrictions on the hook, are the main differences distinguishing Anahamulina from Hamulinites. The middle-sized Ancyloceras sabaudianum Pictet and Loriol (1858) also exhibits similarities with the genus Hamulinites , as does ‘ Hamulinites ’ norteyi Myczyriski and Triff, 1986. However, the former shows a criocone initial coil and marginal spines unknown from Hamulinites , while the latter exhibits a slightly heteroceratid coiling and is therefore included in Eoheteroceras gen. nov. Another doubtful group of forms was described by Drushtchic (1960, pi. 39, fig. 3) as ‘ Leptoceras biplex' von Koenen. These are small-sized ancylocones with true ancyloceratid sculpture, i.e. three rows of tubercles on the ribs of both arms. The position of these forms cannot be clarified without 221 VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREMI AN AMMONITES studying Russian specimens. As a consequence, only the following species remain attributable to Hamulinites : H. parvulus (Uhlig), H. fragilis (Uhlig) and H. assimilis (Uhlig). Distribution. Mainly Lower Barremian, rare in the Upper Barremian; Outer Western Carpathians of the Czech Republic and Poland; Central Carpathians of Slovakia; Carpathians of Roumania; Bulgaria; Austroalpine of Austria; Prealps of Switzerland; Vocontian Trough, France; Subbetic of Spain; Cuba (?). 71860 1883 1894 1902 1937 non 1938 1957 non 1958 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 non 1967 1972 1976 71986 1990 Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig, 1883) PI. 3, figures 5-12; Text-figure 5a Ancyloceras Fourneti Astier; Ooster, p. 22, pi. 34, fig. 10; non figs 9, 1 1 . Crioceras ( Leptoceras ) parvulum Uhlig, p. 273, pi. 29, figs 3, 10. Hamulina Munieri Nickles, p. 59, pi. 5. figs 7-8, text-fig. 42. Hamulina parvula Sarasin and Schondelmayer, p. 166, pi. 23, figs 4-5. Hamulina Varusensis d’Orbigny; Cottreau, p. 72, pi. 80, fig. 3; non figs 4-6. Leptoceras parvulum Uhlig; Roman, pi. 35, figs 335-336 [= Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig)]. Hamulinites munieri (Nickles); Wright, p. L215. Leptoceras parvulum Uhlig; Luppov and Drushtchic, pi. 48, figs 6-7 [= Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig)]. Eoleptoceras ( Wrightites ) parvulum (Uhlig); Manolov, pp. 532, 534, pi. 75, figs 3, 11-12. 7 Eoleptoceras ( Tzankoviceras ) assimilis (Uhlig); Manolov, pi. 74, figs 3M. Eoleptoceras (Tzankoviceras) tzankovi Manolov, p. 533, pi. 75, figs 2, 7-8. Eoleptoceras ( Wrightites ) parvulum kraptshenensis Manolov, p. 535, pi. 75, figs 4—6, text-fig. lc. Eoleptoceras (Wrightites) wrighti Manolov, p. 535, pi. 75, figs 9-10, text-fig. 1b. Hamulinites munieri (Nickles); Wiedmann, p. 108, pi. 1, fig. 3, text-fig. 2. Eoleptoceras parvulum (Uhlig); Thieuloy, p. 289. Anahamulina varusensis (d’Orbigny); Breskovski, p. 82, pi. 4, fig. 2. Eoleptoceras (E.) parvulum (Uhlig); Dimitrova, p. 36, pi. 17, fig. 7, text-fig. 16. Eoleptoceras (E.) varusensis (d’Orbigny); Dimitrova, p. 36, pi. 17, fig. 8. Eoleptoceras (s.lato) wrighti Manolov; Dimitrova, p. 36, pi 16, fig. 8. Eoleptoceras (Tzankoviceras) tzankovi Manolov; Dimitrova, p. 37, pi. 18, figs 7-9. Eoleptoceras (Tzankoviceras) assimilis (Uhlig); Dimitrova, p. 37, pi. 18, fig. 10. Eoleptoceras (Wrightites) parvulum (Uhlig); Nagy, p. 68, pi. 3,- fig. 3 [= Crioceratitmae juv.] Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig); Vasicek, p. 53, pi. 7, fig. 2, text-fig. 15. Hamulinites cf parvulus (Uhlig); Avram, p. 34, pi. 4, fig. 2. Hamulinites aff. parvulus (Uhlig); Myczynski and Triff, p. 126, pi. 2, figs 1, 9, 15. Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig); Vasicek, pi. 1, fig. 4. Lectotype (designated by Manolov 1962). BSM AS III 453; Lower Barremian; Verovice (Wernsdorf), Czech Republic; figured by Uhlig (1883, pi. 29, fig. 3). Other material. OSM B 13 033, VSB Pi 1/12, K 8/014, OT 5/18 and unregistered fragments, about twenty specimens from the Czech Outer Carpathians; SNM Z-21 125 and unregistered fragments. Central Carpathians of Slovakia; OSM B 13 664, Angles and MHNP - d’Orbigny coll. 5428-1, Escragnolles, southern France; GPIT 1719/7, 1719/8, Prebetic of Alicante; GPIT 1719/6, Bad Ischl, Austroalpine and the material from Sarasin and Schondelmayer (1902) described as 1 Hamulina parvula'. Revised diagnosis. Small ancylocones, eventually with heteroceratid torsion of the initial coil. Shell initially smooth, then with single sharp untubercled ribs crossing venter without interruption. Suture-line with relatively high and smooth median saddle in E\ L and U trifid, saddles simple and bipartite (Text-fig. 5a). Remarks. Hamulinites parvulus is a variable species, exhibiting variations in size (D around 30 mm), coiling of the initial coil, separation of the two final arms, and strength and density of ribbing. Therefore, a number of Manolov’s (1962) species have to be synonymized with H. parvulus ; extreme 222 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 forms, which have criocone initial coils, were described as ‘ Eoleptoceras assimile' (Uhlig) by Manolov (1962, pi. 74, figs 3-4). Unfortunately, none of the specimens with unknown suture-lines can be determined generically. Hamulina parvula , described by Sarasin and Schondelmayer (1902) from the Barremian of Chatel St Denis, is very similar in coiling, size and sculpture, but was separated due to the existence of two rows of tubercles on the living chamber. After revision of the two specimens figured, it is obvious that there is not even a single row of tubercles. One of the specimens (pi. 23, fig. 4) was, however, an injured and restored living chamber margin. Moreover, fragments of the suture-line visible exhibit simplified lobes and saddles. In consequence, these specimens are included in H. parvulus. H. fragile can easily be separated by its typical reduction of ribbing near the mouth border, while H. assiniilis has stronger ribs on the larger and more robust shell. Occurrence. A cosmopolitan and mainly Lower Barremian species which was first described from Verovice and Lipnik, Outer Western Carpathians of the Czech Republic and Poland. Also recorded from: Escragnolles, southern France; Querola, Prebetic of southern Spain; Chatel St Denis/Switzerland; Kraptshene, Prebalkan, Bulgaria; Ceahlau Nappe East Carpathians of Roumania; and Cuba(?). Additionally, we have collected the species in the lower part of the Barremian type section at Angles, southern France; the Lower Barremian of Querola, Prebetic of Spain; the Austroalpine beds near Bad Ischl, Austria,; and in the Outer Carpathians (Ticha, Trojanovice, Pindula), Czech Republic and Central Western Carpathians (Lietavska Lucka, Butkov, Zrazy), Slovakia. Hamulinites fragilis (Uhlig, 1883) Plate 4; figures 1-2; Text-figure 5b 1860 Ancyloceras Escheri Ooster, p. 29 [partim\, pi. 37, fig. 2; non figs 1, 7-9, 76 [= Veveysiceras escheri (Ooster)]; non figs 3-4 [= Karsteniceras pumilum (Uhlig)]; non fig. 5 [= Crioceratitesl sp.]. 1883 Crioceras {Leptocer as) fragile Uhlig, p. 274, pi. 29, fig. 11. 1902 Crioceras (Leptoceras) Escheri Ooster; Sarasin and Schondelmayer, p. 148 \partim], pi. 19, fig. 4; non fig. 5 [ = Crioceratites ? sp.]; non fig. 6 [= Veveysiceras escheri (Ooster)]. 1984 Eoleptoceras (E.) aff. fragile (Uhlig); Avram and Kusko, p. 14, pi. 2, fig. 5. Neotype (designated herein). OSM-B 13663; Lower Barremian; Nydek, Silesian Unit, Czech Republic (PI. 4, fig. 1). Uhlig’s type specimen from the same area (Lipnik) can be located neither at GBAW nor at BSM, and is thus considered lost. Other material. The NMB specimens which Ooster (1860) described as Ancyloceras escheri. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figs 1-2. Hamulinites fragilis (Uhlig). 1, OSM B 13663, neotype; Lower Barremian; Nydek, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 2. 2, NMB 5725a; Lower Barremian; Veveyse, Vaud, Switzerland; part (left) and counterpart (right); x 1. Fig. 3. Hamulinites assimilis (Uhlig). BSM AS III 177, holotype; Upper Barremian; Mistrovice, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 1. Figs 4-5. Eoheteroceras silesiacum gen. et sp. nov. 4, GBAW 3938, holotype ; Lower Barremian ; Gorki Wielkie, Outer Carpathians, Poland; x L5. 5, GPIT 1719/9; Lower Barremian, La Querola near Cocentaina, Prebetic of Alicante, Spain ; x 2. Figs 6-7. Eoheteroceras uhligi (Vasicek). 6, VSB OT 5/30; Lower Barremian; Ostravice, Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; x 2. 7, GPIT 1719/10; Upper Barremian; Breggia, Ticino, Switzerland; x2-5. Fig. 8. Manoloviceras saharievae (Manolov). OSM B 13039; Lower Barremian; Shaft Frenstat 5, at 294 m depth. Outer Carpathians, Czech Republic; ‘nest’ of mostly juvenile individuals; x 2. PLATE 4 VASICEK and WIEDMANN, Hamulinites, Eoheteroceras , Manoloviceras 224 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 E A k L U text-fig. 5. Leptoceratoid suture-lines, a, suture-lines of Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig) at H = 3-3 and 3-5 mm; BSM AS III 453. b, fragmentary suture-line of H. fragilis (Uhlig) at H = 3-5 mm; NMB 5725a. c, external suture-line of H. assimilis (Uhlig) at H = 6-2 mm; BSM AS III 177. Revised diagnosis. Small ancylocones. Initial coil gently curved; with final hook. Shell initially smooth, then with sharp and fine simple ribs, becoming replaced by fine and dense growth-lines on the central hook ( = living chamber?). Suture-line of Hamulinites type. Measurements. The neotype has Dmax = 22 mm, the retroversum measures 15 mm, Hmax = 7 mm. The diameter of the coiled first whorl is 2 mm. Remarks. Hamulinites fragilis is easily separated, even when juvenile or fragmentary, from the similar Veveysiceras escheri (Ooster) by its fine ribbing. Occurrence. Lower Barremian. Lipnik and Nydek, Outer Western Carpathians, Poland and Czech Republic; Veveyse, External Prealpes, Switzerland; and probably from Romania. Hamulinites assimilis (Uhlig, 1883) Plate 4, figure 3, Text-figure 5c 1883 Crioceras (Leptoceras) assimile Uhlig, p. 272, pi. 32, fig. 9. 1962 Eoleptoceras ( Tzankoviceras ) assimilis (Uhlig); Manolov, p. 533 [partim], pi. 73, figs 7-8; non pi. 74, figs 3 4 [? = Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig)]. non 1967 Eoleptoceras ( Tzankoviceras ) assimilis (Uhlig); Dimitrova, p. 37, pi. 18, fig. 10 [? = Hamulinites parvulus (Uhlig)]. non 1967 Eoleptoceras (Tzankoviceras) assimilis (Uhlig); Nagy, p. 67, pi. 3, fig. 4 [? = Crioceratitinae juv.]. Holotype. BSM AS III 177; Upper(?) Barremian; Mistrovice, Silesian Unit, Czech Republic; figured by Uhlig (1883’ pi. 32, fig. 9). Revised diagnosis. Middle-sized hamulinicone, with simple sharp ribs crossing venter uninterrupted. Interspaces twice as wide as ribs. On the phragmocone ribs project; on the possibly short living VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREM1AN AMMONITES 225 chamber ( = retroversum) ribs are radiate. Suture-line relatively complicated; lobes and saddles with fine incisions. Measurements. The fragmentary proversum measures 24 mm, Hmax = 6 mm. Length of retroversum is 19 mm, with Hmax = 8 mm. Remarks. A relatively large-sized leptoceratoid. Size and more complicated suture-line facilitate distinction from other Hamulinites species. The species is similar to Anahamulina distans Vasicek and 1 Hamulina ’ varusensis d’Orbigny, both of which have much more complicated suture-lines. Specimens described from Bulgaria differ in ribbing, and approach H. parvulus (Uhlig). Revision of the Hungarian material (Nagy 1967) leads to the conclusion that these forms are fine-ribbed juveniles of ?Crioceratitinae; traces of suture-lines show strong denticulation. Occurrence. Upper(?) Barremian, Mistrovice, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic. Genus veleziceras Wright, 1957 [= Orbignyceras Royo y Gomez, 1945 p. 462 (non Gerard and Contaut, 1936)]. Type species. Orbignyceras veleziensis Royo y Gomez, 1945. Barremian, Velez-Chipata, Colombia. Revised diagnosis. Straight to gently curved shells with elliptical whorl section. Simple and projected sharp ribs without any tubercle; eventually with faint periodic constrictions. Suture-line simple. Remarks. Despite the fact that neither the early nor the late growth stages are known, a series of forms with bochianitid coiling are included in Leptoceratoidinae. Inclusion is based on the simplified suture-line: E is divided by a small median saddle, lobes are undivided, saddles are bifid. This represents the most primitive (reduced?) leptoceratoid suture-line. Veleziceras was previously (Wiedmann 1973) included in Karsteniceras , but may better be considered distinct. It approaches in coiling Hamulinites , but has a much more complicated suture- line. Besides the type species, V. hennigi (Stahlecker) is also included in Veleziceras. Distribution. Barremian of Colombia and Maio, Cape Verde Islands. Veleziceras veleziense (Royo y Gomez, 1945) 1945 Orbignyceras veleziensis Royo y Gomez, p. 462, pi. 71, fig. 1 d-e\ text-fig. 2. 1957 Veleziceras veleziense (Royo y Gomez); Wright, p. L210. Lectotype (designated herein). SGNB specimen figured as Orbignyceras veleziense by Royo y Gomez (1945, pi. 71, fig. \e)\ Barremian, Velez-Chipata, Colombia. Diagnosis. As for the genus. Remarks. Of the two specimens Royo y Gomez (1945) described as the 'holotype', the larger one is here chosen as the lectotype. Occurrence. Barremian of Velez-Chipata, Colombia. Veleziceras hennigi (Stahlecker, 1935) 1935 Bochianites hennigi Stahlecker, p. 287, pi. 14, figs 18-20. 226 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Lectotype (designated herein). GPIT 493/14/18; Barremian; Maio, Cape Verde Islands; figured by Stahlecker (1935, pi. 14, fig. 18). Revised diagnosis. Middle-sized, nearly straight shells with simple, slightly prorsiconcave ribs. Width of ribs equal to interspaces. Suture-line unknown. Remarks. This poorly known species is included in Veleziceras with some doubt. V. hennigi is similar to the type-species, but can be separated by its more concave ribbing and the absence of constrictions. Occurrence. Barremian (presumably Lower) of Maio, Cape Verde Islands. Genus eoheteroceras gen. nov. Type species. Eoheteroceras silesiacum sp. nov. Diagnosis. Small-sized ancylocones with strong simple ribs. Juvenile coil criocone-trochospiral. Retroversum overlapping juvenile coil. Description. First whorl unknown, juvenile whorl forming an indistinct trochospiral coil which can be covered by the final retroversum. This makes clear differentiation and interpretation of the juvenile coil difficult. Adult age ancylocone, with usually long retroversum. It can be assumed that the ancylocone stage underwent torsion to avoid collision of the mouth border with the juvenile part. Due to sedimentary compaction in the complete specimens, it is hard to estimate the distance between both parts. The shell is covered by simple, strong and prorsiradiate ribs. Suture-line unknown. Remarks. The juvenile stage separates Eoheteroceras gen. nov. from Hamulinites. Heteroceras d'Orbigny can easily be separated by the distinctly helicoidal initial part and, in most cases, by its larger size. Besides the type species, Eoheteroceras includes E. norteyi (Myczyriski and Trifif), E. uhligi (Vasicek), and E. ? multicostatum (Stahlecker). Distribution. Barremian of the Outer Carpathians of Poland and the Czech Republic; Southern Alps of Switzerland; Prebetic of Spain; Cuba; and probably Maio, Cape Verde Islands. Eoheteroceras silesiacum sp. nov. Plate 4, figures 4-5 1883 Leptoceras n. f. ind.; Uhlig, p. 274, pi. 29, fig. 2. Holotype. GBAW 3938; Lower(?) Barremian; Gorki Wielkie (Gurek), Poland (PI. 4, fig. 4); figured by Uhlig ( 1883, pi. 29, fig. 2). Other material. GPIT 1719/9; Lower Barremian; La Querola, Spain. Diagnosis. Small-sized elliptical shell with open criocone-trochospiral juvenile coil and ancylocone adult hook. Retroversum long. Ribbing sharp and simple. Description. Elliptically coiled small form with long retroversum and ribs as wide as interspaces. Measurements. Dmax of the holotype = 23 5 mm, the deformed Hmax 10 5 mm. VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREMIAN AMMONITES 227 Remarks. Eoheteroceras norteyi is very similar to the present species, but its coiling is less elliptical and the ribbing is finer. E. uhligi can be distinguished by its more involute juvenile coil and a much shorter retroversum. E.l multicostatum is larger than the other species but its inclusion in the present genus remains doubtful due to its very poor preservation. Occurrence. Presumed Lower Barremian from Gorki Wielkie, Polish Outer Western Carpathians, and Querola, Prebetic, Spain. Eoheteroceras norteyi (Myczyriski and Trifif, 1986) 1986 Hamulinites norteyi Myczyriski and Triff, 1986, p. 127, pi. 1, fig. 8; pi. 3, fig. 6. Holotype. MPMS-R AM-88/2; Barremian; Nortey, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba; figured by Myczyriski and Triff (1986, pi. 1, fig. 8). Revised diagnosis. Small-sized ancylocone with criocone juvenile coil and long retroversum. Interspaces much wider than sharp simple ribs. Remarks. Despite the unknown suture-line, E. norteyi shows all of the characteristics of Eoheteroceras. The mode of coiling contrasts with that of Hamulinites insofar as the retroversum overlaps the criocone juvenile coil. Occurrence. Barremian of Cuba. Eoheteroceras uhligi (Vasicek, 1981) Plate 4, figures 6-7 1883 Heteroceras n. f. ind.; Uhlig, p. 274, pi. 32, fig. 10. 1981 Heteroceras uhligi Vasicek, p. 123, pi. 1, fig. 2; pi. 2, fig. 2. 1990 Eoheteroceras uhligi (Vasicek); Vasicek, pi. 1, fig. 7. Holotype. GBAW 3932, Lower(?) Barremian, Gorki Wielkie (not Jaworze, cf. Vasicek 1981, p. 123), Poland; figured by Uhlig (1883, pi. 32, fig. 10). Other material. VSB OT 5/30, Pi 1/6, OSM B 13 036; all crushed specimens; Lower Barremian; Outer Carpathians of the Czech Republic; GPIT 1719/10, Upper Barremian of Breggia, Southern Alps. Diagnosis. Small ancylocones with involute juvenile trochospiral stage, short proversum and final hook. Strong and simple ribs are slightly prorsiradiate; interspaces become wider on retroversum. Remarks. This species shows the typical shell morphology of Eoheteroceras. The initial coil is, however, more involute than in the species described above, resembling therefore the younger Heteroceras. Occurrence. Lower Barremian of Ostravice, Trojanovice and Gorki Wielkie, Outer Western Carpathians of the Czech Republic and Poland; Upper Barremian of Breggia Gorge, Ticino, Switzerland. Eoheteroceras ? multicostatum (Stahlecker, 1935) 1935 Heteroceras multicostatum Stahlecker, p. 282, pi 13, figs 10-1 1. 228 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 U L E text-fig. 6. Fragmentary suture-line of Mano/o- viceras saharievae (Manolov) at H = 4-5 mm (after Vasfcek 1972, fig. 19). Lectotype (designated herein). GPIT 493/13/10; Lower(?) Barremian; Maio, Cape Verde Islands; figured by Stahlecker (1935, pi. 13, fig. 10). Revised diagnosis. Middle-sized species with elliptically criocone juvenile coil becoming arch-like with age, and then overlapping the juvenile spiral portion. Final hook unknown. Ribbing strong and simple. Remarks. This species exhibits a certain degree of variation as shown by Stahlecker (1935). The open juvenile trochospiral stage shows it to be more similar to Eoheteroceras gen. nov. than to Heteroceras. Occurrence. Lower(?) Barremian of Maio, Cape Verde Islands. Genus manoloviceras gen. nov. Type species. Hemibaculites saharievae Manolov, 1962; Lower Barremian; Kraptshene, Bulgaria. Diagnosis. Small forms with low and open-whorled trochospiral initial coil becoming arch-like in the adult. Ribbing fine at first, later on more accentuated. Suture-line simple. Description. The initial coil of Manoloviceras gen. nov. forms an open low-angle trochospiral stage. Later on, the shell becomes arch-like without forming a final hook. The juvenile shell is covered with fine and dense ribs which become stronger with age. Suture-line is of leptoceratoid type with simple outlines. Remarks. By comparison with this monospecific genus, the suture-line in Veleziceras is even more simplified. Hemibaculites Hyatt is large, has a more complicated suture-line, and the shell closes up with a final hook, which is also the case in Eoheteroceras gen. nov. Distribution. Lower Barremian of Bulgaria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Manoloviceras saharievae (Manolov, 1962) Plate 4, figure 8; Text-figure 6 1883 Hamites ( Anisoceras ) aff. obliquatum d'Orbigny ; Uhlig, p. 220. 1962 Hemibaculites saharievae Manolov, p. 536, pi. 73, figs 4—5, ?6. 1972 Veleziceras uhligi Vasfcek, p. 56, pi. 6, figs 1—2, text-figs 17-19. 1990 Eoheteroceras saharievae (Manolov); Vasfcek, pi. 1, fig. 5, pi. 2, figs 3, ?5. 229 VASICEK AND WIEDMANN: BARREMIAN AMMONITES Holotype. SGM Su Crp 34; Lower Barremian; Kraptshene, Prebalkan, Bulgaria; figured by Manolov (1962, pi. 73, figs 4-5). Other material. OSM B 13 034, 13 039, 13 041, VSB OT 5/9, Pi 2/3, T 5/106, 267, 322; Outer Carpathians; Czech Republic; one specimen, HNM Nagy collection, Gerecse Mts, Hungary. Revised diagnosis. Initial coil indistinctly trochospiral, later on uncoiling in a simple curved arm without final hook. Simple prorsiradiate ribs; ribs and interspaces covered with fine growth-lines. Near the mouth, ribbing is totally replaced by these growth-lines. Suture-line (Text-fig. 6) simple, with bipartite saddles, ceratite frilling and trifid U. Remarks. Because of the uncommon uncoiling of M. saharievae , the species was previously included in Hemibacidites , Veleziceras or even Eoheteroceras. Instead, a new genus of the Leptoceratoidinae is here proposed for its reception. There is a certain similarity to the type species of Hemibacidites Hyatt, H. obliquatus (d'Orbigny, 1842, pi. 120, figs 1^4) of which neither suture-line nor initial coil are known. Yet, Hemibacidites is a much larger form, and the suture-line, at least of the North American representatives such as H. mirabilis Anderson, is much more complicated. Occurrence. Lower Barremian of Kraptshene, Prebalkan, Bulgaria ; Ticha and Shaft Frenstat 5, Pindula and Ostravice, Silesian Unit, Outer Carpathians of the Czech Republic; Mt Berzsek, Gerecse Mts, Hungary. SYSTEMATIC AND STR ATIGRAPHICAL CONCLUSIONS AND PHYLOGENY It is obvious from the systematic descriptions that the recognition of members of the Leptoceratoidinae is a difficult task. This is not only because of their small size but, above all, the reduced outline of their suture-lines. Due to the predominant occurrence of leptoceratoid species in clayey-shaly facies, preservation is, in many cases, rather poor and does not permit recognition of the suture-line. Unfortunately, this is the case with many of the holotypes of proposed species; juvenile, small-sized or fragmentary crioceratids, ancyloceratids, heteroceratids or hamulinids are in consequence not easy to separate. However, in all these groups the differentiation and denticulation of lobes and saddles is much greater at a comparable size (Wiedmann 1963; Text-fig. 9). Due to these sutural differences, some of the previously attributed ‘leptoceratids’ have to be excluded from this group, e.g. ‘ Leptoceras' varusense (d'Orbigny), ' L.' cirtae (Coquand) and ‘ L. ' puzosiamtm (d’Orbigny). The combination of two prime characteristics (suture simplification and small size) suggests that criocones, ancylocones, hamulinicones as well as hamiticones and even heteroceraticones should be grouped in the same subfamily, Leptoceratoidinae, within the family Ancyloceratidae. It can be seen from Text-figure 7 that, for stratigraphical reasons, Veveysiceras gen. nov. may represent the source of this subfamily spreading in three divergent directions. Veveysiceras is known from the External Prealps of Switzerland (Ooster 1860), from the Vocontian Trough and the Krizna Nappe of the Western Carpathians of Slovakia. Here Veveysiceras is found immediately above the beds with Pseudothurmannia which implies an early Lower Barremian age. A first occurrence within the Hauterivian together with Pseudothurmannia is assumed. In the Krizna Nappe of the Western Carpathians the first members of Hamulinites co-occur with Veveysiceras. Hamulinites , representing the first evolutionary line in the Leptoceratoidinae (Text- fig. 7), becomes abundant and widespread in the middle and upper part of the Lower Barremian. While the small-sized H. Jragilis is rare and geographically restricted (External Prealpes, Western Carpathians), H. parvulus is abundant and cosmopolitan during the Lower Barremian. H. assimilis is considered to be the last member of this genus, known only from the lower Upper Barremian of the Outer Carpathians. Veleziceras Royo y Gomez is one of the rather poorly known representatives of this subfamily. 230 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 a ed © v=\ 6 a Oi p a ed S 5-1 5-1 ed PQ 5-i 10700 YBP, is characterized by a single productive sample at 0-9 m. This sample contains a dinoflagellate cyst assemblage characterized by low numbers of cysts per gram of sediment (< 50) and the species Bitectatodinium tepikiense , Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus (Ostenfeld) Reid, Operculodinium centrocarpum and Protoperidinium pentagonum (Gran) Balech. This assemblage, although poor in numbers and diversity, contains elements suggestive of north-temperate climates, i.e. N. labyrinthus and P. pentagonum , and is possibly interpretable as assignable to the Allerod/Bolling Stade (see later). Between 0-4 and 01 m depth there is a second group of samples that yield dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. These assemblages give dinoflagellate cyst recovery figures of up to 1100 cysts per gram of sediment and are dominated by O. centrocarpum , accompanied by N. labyrinthus , P. pentagonum , Spiniferites elongatus Reid, and S. mirabilis (Rossignol) Sarjeant together with minor amounts of round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. The curve of the cyst numbers clearly shows a rising trend closely corresponding to the upward shift to progressively oxygen lighter water as the global ice volume decreased. As with the sample at 0-9 m, these assemblages are also interpreted as being north- temperate in nature and indicating environments similar to today. All three of these uppermost samples can, therefore, be assigned to the Holocene (see later). 268 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 DSDP HOLE 552 A text-fig. 2. Dinoflagellate cyst spectrum for DSDP Hole 552A. X axis in thousands of cysts per gram. P. spp (RB) indet. indicates the counts of indeterminate round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. table 2. DSDP Hole 552A — dinoflagellate cysts per gram. Depth (m) ... 010 018 0-30 0-39 0 51 0-62 0-71 0-89 100 Gonyaulacaceae B. tepikiense — — — — — — — 56 — N. labyrinthus 78 47 — — — — — 1 1 — 0. centrocarpum 721 442 — — — — — 67 — S. elongatus 78 79 — — — — — — — S. mirabilis 117 63 34 — — — — — — Peridiniaceae P. conicoides — 16 — — — — — — — P. pentagonum 38 47 17 — — — — 11 — P. spp. (RB) — 47 — — — — — — — n 1033 741 51 — — — — 145 — DSDP Hole 610A This hole was drilled as part of DSDP Leg 94 on the western side of the Rockall Trough at the crest of the Feni Ridge. It was drilled using the HPC and provided detail of the Neogene and Quaternary history of the ridge. Recently acquired and unpublished stable isotope data from Professor Eystein Jansen are included in Text-figure 3 with his permission. Unfortunately, there is obvious transportation and disturbance of the sediment at the top of the Hole giving glacial values (Jensen in lift.). Consequently, it appears that although Termination IA might occur at the base of the sequence studied, both Termination IB and the subsequent record are too disturbed to be recognized. Also, there are no detailed accounts of the sedimentology of the core so it is not possible to state if volcanic ashes are present. It has thus proved difficult to place the sequence in a time framework. However, the total dinoflagellate cyst recovery is good and appears not to have been affected by any disturbance; the reason for this is unknown. If the same chronostratigraphical assumptions are made, a maximum sedimentation rate of 150 mm per Ka for the Younger Dryas and about 80 mm per Ka for the Holocene follows. However, as with the record of 552A, it is likely that much of the later Holocene is missing. Given that these assumptions are correct, the four main chronostratigraphical divisions, as illustrated in Text-figure 3, are characterized by different dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. All the dinoflagellate cyst data are given in Table 3. The assemblages are as follows; the latest glacial yields poor numbers of individuals but contains some B. tepikiense and O. centrocarpum; the HARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC DINOFLAGELLATES 269 text-fig. 3. Dinoflagellate cyst spectrum for DSDP Hole 610A. Legend as for Text-figure 2. table 3. DSDP Hole 610A — dinoflagellate cysts per gram. Depth (m) ... 0-12 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-75 0-90 106 1 20 1-35 1-48 Gonyaulacaceae B. tepikiense 17 — — — — 111 471 78 12 24 l. aculeatum — — — — — — 13 — — — I. paradoxum — 21 — — — — — — — — N. labyrinthus 182 717 748 1385 Ill 100 — — — — O. centrocarpum 1358 1209 888 399 78 122 178 22 38 — S. e/ongatus 133 62 187 141 — 22 — — — S. mirabilis 50 164 257 47 — — — — — — S. ramosus — — — — — 1 1 — — — S. spp indet. 33 62 — — — — 13 — — — Peridmiaceae P. pentagonum 33 21 — — — — — — — — P. spp (RB) — — — — — — 38 — — — n 1806 2256 2080 1972 189 366 715 100 50 24 Allerod/ Bolling has sharply increased numbers of cysts to c. 650 cysts per gram, consisting mainly of B. tepikiense with small numbers of O. centrocarpum , round, brown Protoperidinium cysts and Impagidinium species, together with the first appearance of N. labyrinthus and S', e/ongatus; the Younger Dryas has low numbers of cysts but includes B. tepikiense , N. labyrinthus , O. centrocarpum and S. e/ongatus ; and finally the Holocene with cyst numbers in excess of 2200 cysts per gram and characterized by high numbers of N. labyrinthus and O. centrocarpum with Impagidinium spp., P. pentagonum, and Spiniferites cysts. Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus exhibits a distinct peak abundance at 0-6 m at about the interpreted level of Termination IB. Unfortunately the chronostratigraphy for DSDP Hole 610A has proved somewhat elusive, although the dinoflagellate cyst record appears to be particularly clear and more complete than that of Hole 552A. BGS Gravity Core 56/ -10/ 47 This gravity core was taken as part of the BGS survey of the British continental shelf and in particular to the production of the 1 : 250000 Quaternary Geology edition of the Peach Sheet (James 1991). Unfortunately no stable isotope or detailed sedimentology has been attempted on this core to date, despite its obvious interest. It is anticipated that some tephrachronological results may be available in future. However, for the moment the detailed dinoflagellate cyst analyses must stand 270 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 alone. The chronostratigraphy outlined in Text-figure 4 is. therefore, wholly interpretational based partly upon comparisons with the two DSDP Holes, discussed earlier, where there is some limited chronostratigraphy. A maximum interpreted sedimentation rate of 260 mm per Ka may have operated during the Younger Dryas, but the rate was more likely to have been about 50 mm per Ka for the Holocene. It is particularly clear that the record obtained from the dinoflagellate cysts is complete and well demonstrated within this gravity core. The dinoflagellate cyst spectrum is illustrated in Text-figure 4 and the data are given in Table 4. BGS GRAVITY CORE 56/-10/47 text-fig. 4. Dinoflagellate cyst spectrum for BGS Gravity Core 56/-10/47. Legend as for Text-fig. 2. P. spp. (P) indet. and P. spp. (RB) indet. refer to the indeterminate peridinioid and round, brown Protoperidinium species respectively. 1, Pre-Boreal; 2. Boreal; 3, Atlantic; 4, Sub-Boreal; and 5, Sub-Atlantic. The Late Glacial part of the sequence is characterized by poor recovery of cysts ( < 200 cysts per gram of sediment) but contains B. tepikiense and round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. The Allerod/Bolling Interstade, in contrast, demonstrates a marked increase in cyst recovery (> 500 to > 2000 cysts/gram) with high numbers of B. tepikiense and lesser numbers of round, brown Protoperidinium cysts, together with Impagidinium spp., P. conicum and P. pentagonum. Operculodinium centrocarpum is also notably present, coming to a peak of recovery slightly later than that of B. tepikiense ; this undoubtedly has some oceanographic significance (see later). The Younger Dryas demonstrates a return to low recovery (< 200 cysts per gram) but is characterized by roughly equal amounts of O. centrocarpum and B. tepikiense together with round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. Finally the Holocene part of the interpreted sequence is characterized by markedly high cyst recovery (> 1000 to 10000 cysts per gram) with particularly high numbers of O. centrocarpum and N. labyrinthus. In addition Spiniferites species such as S. elongatus and 5. mirabilis also show marked increases as do Protoperidinium conicum , P. pentagonum and round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. This sequence is probably the most complete and full dinoflagellate cyst record for this part of the northeastern Atlantic and potentially offers a key to the interpretation of the palaeoceanography through the last deglaciation. A full discussion is given later. BGS Vibrocore 57/-10/84 The second BGS core was also taken as part of the BGS survey of the United Kingdom continental shelf and, in particular, to the production of the 1 : 250000 Quaternary Geology St Kilda Sheet (Evans 1992). Although no stable isotope work is available, the core was analysed in detail for ash shards (Selby 1989) and, over the interval under discussion, two ash layers were discovered. The first downhole was at 0 60 m and the second at 0 90 m; these ashes may be correlated with the Vedde Ash at 10600 YBP and an earlier fall not previously recognized (Selby 1989). Assuming that the chronostratigraphy is approximately correct, the sequence is interpreted as in Text-figure 5. This implies a maximum sedimentation rate of about 1 m/Ka during the Younger Dryas and about 60 mm per Ka for the Holocene. It seems likely that parts of the Holocene are missing (see later). The dinoflagellate cyst record for 57/- 10/84 is illustrated in Text-figure 5 and documented in table 4. BGS Gravity Core 56/-10/47 — dinoflagellate cysts per gram. HARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC DINOFLAGELLATES 271 I I I I I I I rl I C4 I I I £ I I of (N M I 04 I — co I I CO | co oo oo Os — — 04 I I o o o r- o | 04 — - ^ inn - | oo o r- — — m •— < co i co VO C l h iti CO O oo vo oo m oo n oo VO 04 of 04 04 CO 04 3 I ct ti iri o 04 — < of of 0 4 OO — 0 4 VO) I WO VO I of — I I 3!2! I 8 I I I os I Os of — ■ 04 I t-~ co os m o 04 of — - I G 1 O Os I — i 0 4 Os — 1 — 5, 3 Sr VJ Q Q &1 £ t>0 ^ ~ ^ c c 3 s: ? o Li ^ ^^OCoCoCoCoCo _ co cu oC • g ^ CL, 500 to 1600 cysts per gram of sediment) and the dominance of B. tepikiense , although O. centrocarpum , N. labyrinthus , and round, brown Protoperidinium cysts together with Impagidinium spp. are also present. In contrast, the Younger Dryas has low cyst recovery (< 200 cysts/gram) but with B. tepikiense and round, brown Protoperidinium species and some O. centrocarpum. The Holocene contains much higher numbers of cysts (often > 3000 cysts per gram) with high numbers of N. labyrinthus and O. centrocarpum , together with an influx of Impagidinium spp., Protoperidinium conicum , P. pentagonum and Spiniferites spp. including S. elongatus and S. mirabilis. SYNTHESIS The dinoflagellate cyst record across the glacial/postglacial transition is similar in all four cores studied and a tentative synthesis can be made. It is convenient to attempt this in a series of time slices mimicking those used for the deglaciation history (Ruddiman 1987). Fortunately there is sufficient consistency between the studied sites to make this approach realistic; marked differences thought to be of oceanographic significance are noted. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, their interpretations and the climatic and oceanographic implications are given below. Late Glacial > 13000 YBP Off the western coast of Scotland on the continental slope, the dinoflagellate cyst record from BGS Gravity Core 56/-10/47 for this time slice consists of a low diversity, poor recovery assemblage (see Table 4). Species present mostly include B. tepikiense , round, brown Protoperidinium cysts, together with minor amounts of O. centrocarpum. Certainly B. tepikiense contributed most to this assemblage. In BGS Vibrocore 56/-10/84 (time slice not illustrated here) the situation is similar to that noted above (Harland, unpublished data ) with, in addition, occasional specimens of ? Algidasphaeridium minutum (Harland and Reid) Matsuoka and Bujak. Similar assemblages have also been described by Peacock et al. (1992) for Late Glacial sediments recovered in vibrocores, dated at > 15245 YBP, on the shelf area west of Scotland and also in similarly dated sediments, > 12785 YBP, from a nearshore situation in the North Minch (Graham et al. 1990). Further out into the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, in the proximity of the Rockall Plateau, sediments of this age proved barren of dinoflagellate cysts from DSDP Hole 552A but DSDP Hole 610A yielded similar assemblages to those described above. Assemblages for the latter site are. HARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC D1NOFLAGELLATES 273 274 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 therefore, like those on the continental slope and shelf. Furthermore, the dinoflagellate cyst assemblage described from Unit 1 of Stoker et al. (1989) from a vibrocore in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel is also comparable but contains rather more round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to assign all these assemblages unequivocally to exactly the same time interval and so, therefore, they may provide information only on particular environments within the Late Glacial. However, undoubtedly within this time the marine sediments provided a characteristic low diversity and low recovery flora, predominantly containing B. tepikiense and round, brown Protoperidinium cysts. This type of cyst assemblage is known to characterize cold, arctic-like environments with a minimum of North Atlantic Current influence (see Wall et al. 1977; Harland 1983; Mudie and Short 1985). The presence of round, brown Protoperidinium cysts may indicate the possibility of sea-ice (Dale 1985) and high numbers of B. tepikiense possible meltwater influxes lowering the sea-water salinity. These interpretations are based on increasing knowledge of the ecology of modern dinoflagellate cysts. Additionally these sediments often contain high proportions of reworked palynomorphs indicative of the high levels of erosion from shelf areas (see Stoker et al. 1989). Throughout this time, the area under consideration was entirely glacial, with little NAC influence and probably often near sea-ice. This compares well with the scenario illustrated by Ruddiman (1987). AUerod/ Bolling Interstade 13000-1 1 000 YBP This time slice includes the beginning of deglaciation in the North Atlantic Ocean. In the two BGS cores off the west coast of Scotland, this is indicated by both a sharp rise in diversity and in cyst recovery. In 56/-10/47 the rise in cyst recovery is somewhat stepped before reaching a peak of over 2000 cysts per gram of sediment. Text-figure 4 shows the clear predominance and importance of B. tepikiense and, to a lesser extent, the later influx of O. centrocarpum. The additional presence of Impagidinium spp., N. labyrinthus , Protoperidinium conicum and P. pentagonum is also of importance. This situation is almost exactly mirrored in 56/- 10/84 but without the O. centrocarpum peak and the presence of the two Protoperidinium species. Although not recognized in shelf sediments, the Allerod/Bolling Interstade was also noted in the nearshore sediments of the North Minch (Graham et al. 1990); here the same interval is represented by units D2 and D3, the former dominated by Protoperidinium cysts with considerable amounts of B. tepikiense , and the latter by high proportions of O. centrocarpum. Also consistently present are Spiniferites cysts such as S. lazus Reid and 5. ramosus (Ehrenberg) Loeblich and Loeblich. This shows a remarkable compatability with the offshore record but contains more elements consistent with a nearshore shelf situation. Units D2 and D3 are conveniently constrained by 14C dates and are confidently assignable to the Windermere Interstade. In the vicinity of the Rockall Plateau this time slice is characterized by a single sample in DSDP Hole 552A, and a rather better record in DSDP Hole 610A consisting of an increase in cyst diversity and recovery to a peak of 715 cysts per gram of sediment. The assemblage is dominated by B. tepikiense but also contains round, brown Protoperidinium cysts, P. pentagonum and some Spiniferites cysts together with N. labyrinthus towards the top. The basic dinoflagellate cyst signature, however, appears to be similar to. that on the continental slope and in the nearshore area. Further north in the Northern Rockall Trough and the Faeroe-Shetland Channel, the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of Unit 2 (Stoker et al. 1989) are somewhat different. Here the cyst flora remains dominated by Protoperidinium species, particularly round, brown cysts, with significant O. centrocarpum and other minor cysts. Although some amelioration is evident, rather cold and severe conditions nevertheless prevailed, possibly with the proximity of sea-ice. This may indicate the extent of retreat of the polar front during this time to a position on the Wyville-Thomson Ridge. The Allerod/Bolling time slice, like that of the Late Glacial, yields a reasonably homogenous dinoflagellate cyst assemblage. This assemblage is dominated by B. tepikiense which may be HARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC DINOFLAGELLATES 275 interpreted as indicating the release of large quantities of freshwater into the marine environment as the ice retreated. This caused a general lowering of the salinity of the surface water in the north- eastern Atlantic Ocean. Since this phenomenon is recorded in the deep ocean, on the continental slope and on the shelf, it must have been a widespread and significant oceanographic event. Further north, in the vicinity of the Wyville-Thomson Ridge, the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are indicative of more severe climatic conditions with similarities to the earlier Late Glacial, but showing some influence from the North Atlantic. Towards the later stages of the Allerod/Bolling, increased NAC influence is evidenced by the increased amounts of O. centrocarpum and N. labyrinthus. The implication is that the polar front, or at least sea-ice, remained in the north- eastern Atlantic until towards the end of the interstade. It is doubtful if any of the records discussed herein are complete, so some caution must be exercised in the interpretation of these results. Nonetheless it does seem clear that sea-ice remained in the area for much of the time, contributing to the freshwater input into the system and influencing the cyst assemblages. This may not accord in detail with Ruddiman (1987), but it may explain part of the feedback mechanism that released large quantities of freshwater, adding to that entering from the Laurentide ice sheet (Broecker et al. 1988, 1989), and returning the Atlantic to a more glacial scenario. The evidence of Baumann and Matthiessen (1992), from the Norwegian Sea at this time, also suggests that any influx of North Atlantic water would have been diluted by large volumes of meltwater. Younger Dry as 11 000-10000 YBP The Younger Dryas comprises an enigmatic return to cold climates following the initiation of the deglacial cycle and is the subject of much controversy. The two continental slope cores off western Scotland revealed a marked and sudden decline in both cyst diversity and recovery. The assemblages return to those dominated by round, brown Protoperidinium cysts and B. tepikiense , together with some O. centrocarpum and N. labyrinthus. BGS Vibrocore 56/- 10/84 appears to prove a thicker sequence of Younger Dryas sediments but the overall assemblage characteristics are the same as that noted above with, perhaps, further detail of the temporal changes in the cyst flux to the sediment. Of interest is the initial peak of B. tepikiense and a final peak of O. centrocarpum but without collaborative evidence it would be unwise to speculate further. In the nearshore North Minch Borehole 78/4 (Graham et al. 1990) Unit D4 is interpreted as of Younger Dryas age as indicated by radiocarbon dating. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are dominated by round, brown Protoperidinium cysts but also contain O. centrocarpum and Spiniferites spp. such as S. lazus and S. ramosus. Further offshore in the vicinity of the Rockall Plateau, DSDP Hole 552A is barren of dinoflagellate cysts and DSDP Hole 610A appears to have an attentuated sequence. However, the assemblages are low in diversity and recovery containing O. centrocarpum and N. labyrinthus. To the north. Unit 3 of Stoker et al. (1989) in both the North Rockall Trough and the Faeroe-Shetland Channel are characterized by B. tepikiense with O. centrocarpum and Spiniferites cysts. The interpretation of the Younger Dryas dinoflagellate cyst record is difficult. Without the knowledge and confidence that a full and complete sequence is available, much of the interpretation must be speculative. The cyst assemblages from the continental slope and the nearshore area certainly suggest a return to glacial-like conditions but there are sufficient numbers of temperate cysts of North Atlantic affinity to indicate a difference between this cold interval and that of the Late Glacial at > 13000 YBP. Perhaps the Atlantic Ocean was functioning more like the present than during full glacial times as Jensen and Veum (1990) have suggested. Perhaps the Atlantic Ocean oceanography did not fully return to its previous state and that some vestige of a NAC remained, feeding some warmer water to the higher latitudes. 276 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Holocene 10000 YBP - Present A major change in the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, even greater than that at the initiation of the Allerod/ Bolling Interstade, heralds the Holocene. In previous publications this transition has been described in a number of different ways including 'event 3’ of Harland (1984) and the change from B. tepikiense-dominated assemblages to those characterized by O. centrocarpum (Harland 1988). In both instances, the detail of the transition from the Late Glacial to the Post Glacial was not available. However, Turon (1980, 1981) had earlier documented in detail this change in the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages across the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in cores from the Rockall Channel. In the present study, the two DSDP cores clearly show typical Holocene assemblages characterized by high diversity and high cyst recovery to, in some cases, over 2000 cysts per gram of sediment. The assemblages, as intimated above, are usually characterized by O. centrocarpum together with N. labyrinthus and often contain such Spiniferites cysts as 5. elongatus and S. mirabilis together with Protoperidinium conicum and P. pentagonunv, cyst species such as B. tepikiense and round, brown Protoperidinium cysts are rarer. DSDP Hole 610A contains a particularly good Holocene dinoflagellate cyst spectrum that portrays an initial sharp rise in N. labyrinthus before its decline and a subsequent rise in O. centrocarpum. In other words, there is a definite pattern within the Holocene of the numbers of cyst species being incorporated into the bottom sediments. This is also observed within the less conspicuous and less numerous members of the assemblage such that, for instance, the Spiniferites species rise in numbers toward the later stages of the N. labyrinthus peak. Closer inshore, within the two BGS cores taken on the continental slope, the Holocene appears to be much more complete and furnishes a more detailed dinoflagellate cyst spectrum. This is especially true for 56/-10/47 (Text-figure 4) where cyst recovery reaches over 10000 cysts per gram of sediment. The Holocene spectrum can be divided into a number of phases largely based upon the relative abundances of O. centrocarpum and N. labyrinthus. These phases are listed below. Phase 1 Cyst numbers began to increase sharply from the low recovery of the Younger Dryas and contain O. centrocarpum together with round, brown Protoperidinium cysts, in addition to increasing numbers of S. elongatus , .S', mirabilis, P. conicum, P. pentagonum and Impagidinium cysts. This phase may be present within the record of DSDP Hole 552A but does not appear to be present in Hole 610A. Phase 2 This is represented by a distinctive peak in the N . labyrinthus curve as the general cyst recovery improves. It may be present within 610A but is certainly absent in 552A; the recognition of these phases is difficult and often dependent upon sampling interval and sedimentation rate. Phase 3 This coincides with the maximum cyst recovery in 56/-10/47 and peaks in the curves of O. centrocarpum, S. elongatus, S. mirabilis, round, brown Protoperidinium cysts and P. conicum. It may also be present in 610A but not in 552A. Phase 4 This is recognized by the return of a peak in the N. labyrinthus curve and some decrease in recovery of other cyst species. However, this reduction in cyst numbers is relatively small and certainly not of the order of those seen in the older glacial sediments. This phase does not seem to be present in either of the two DSDP holes. UARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC D I N OFL AG E L L AT ES 277 Phase 5 This final phase comprises a rise in the cyst recovery and also in the curves of O. centrocarpum, S. elongatus , round, brown Protoperidinium cysts, P. conicum and P. pentagonum. This is accompanied by a decline in N. labyrinthus and S. mirabilis. Like the phase described above, this also does not appear to be present in the two DSDP holes. This description relies heavily upon 56/-10/47 as a standard for the area and assumes that it has sampled a complete sequence, or at least the most complete sequence of the Holocene known to date from the offshore area; for the moment it has not been possible to test this assumption. In BGS core 57/-10/84 it is possible to recognize a number of the phases described above. In particular, it would appear that phases 4 and 5 are present but that some of the older phases are not. However, there are certain differences between the two that complicate the issue, including the loss of cyst recovery at a mid-point in the sequence, and the coincidence of an O. centrocarpum and a B. tepikiense peak in the lower part of the sequence. All the Holocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages outlined above are similar, with the exception of increased numbers of shelf species in the BGS cores, as might be expected from their location. Otherwise, it would appear that the climatic and oceanographically controlled assemblages occur throughout the area and offer the potential of detailed correlation. The sequences of the Northern Rockall Trough and the Faeroe-Shetland Channel (Stoker et al. 1989) encompassed within Unit 4 are typically characterized by rich cyst recovery and dominated by O. centrocarpum. It is, however, difficult to place the assemblages with respect to the phases reported herein, as the sequence is only some 0-45 m thick and the data were collected as percentages and not as absolute numbers. In contrast, the sequence from the North Minch (Graham et al. 1990) proved over 16 m of Holocene that was divisible into three units and four subunits. It is, therefore, attractive to regard these as directly correlatable with the five phases described above. However, the North Minch Holocene assemblages, confirmed by radiocarbon dating, are dominated by Spiniferites species especially S. lazus , S. mirabilis and S. ramosus , with O. centrocarpum being a minor component only and N. labyrinthus being absent. Only the use of chronostratigraphical methods can establish the equivalence of these two schemes but undoubtedly the potential of using dinoflagellate cyst analysis for these high-resolution investigations is demonstrated herein. COMPARISONS AND DISCUSSION The pioneering work of Turon (1980, 1981) on the Rockall Channel revealed similar dinoflagellate cyst spectra to those described herein. In particular, they displayed the same prominence and sequential arrangement of peak occurrences of the species B. tepikiense , N. labyrinthus and O. centrocarpum (see especially the record for core 73136). Differences in Turon’s spectra are mainly confined to the occurrence of high percentages of Impagidinium species, particularly I. sphaericum in the Holocene parts of the sequences. This difference may reflect the offshore nature of Turon’s sites and the increased oceanic nature of the environment of deposition; Impagidinium spp. are well known indicators of the oceanic realm (Wall et al. 1977). In addition, Turon’s cores contained increased percentages of B. tepikiense in the late Holocene sediments; a situation not recognized here but may be explained by the transportation of cysts in cold bottom water currents, as the present oceanographic configuration became firmly established. Turon (1978) proposed that the changes in the Holocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages might reflect differences in primary productivity. Such differences were linked to the availability of nutrients caused by alterations in storm tracks across the North Atlantic Ocean affecting the oceanography. More recently, De Vernal et al. (1992) reviewed the dinoflagellate cyst record for Quaternary sediments from the North Atlantic and, in their discussion of short-term high-resolution data, included those of Turon (1980, 1981) and that of BGS Gravity Core 56/-10/47 discussed in detail herein. These authors pointed out that changes in the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages could effect direct and accurate ecostratigraphical correlations across the region that reflected synchronous, or 278 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 almost synchronous, changes in the environment. These changes were oceanographic in nature and occurred as a result of climate-forcing. In particular, marked oceanographic alterations are known to have occurred as the polar front moved across the area during deglaciation. Mattiessen (1991 ), in work published on the dinollagellate cysts of the Norwegian Sea, suggested that the North Atlantic has influenced the area since about 15 Ka. Modern circulation patterns were initiated around 10 Ka, with N. labyrinthus dominating the cyst assemblages, until between 6 and 7 Ka when the present oceanography was fully established. Further work by Baumann and Mattiessen ( 1992), utilizing both dinoflagellate cysts and coccoliths, established several distinct steps in Holocene oceanography, not unlike those discussed earlier for the north-eastern Atlantic. In particular, after the first initiation of the surface water circulation, slightly cooler water conditions are thought to have prevailed followed by a major change at the time of the climatic optimum (c. 6000 YBP) as the present hydrography became established; they also suggested that there is some evidence for a decrease in sea-surface temperatures since about 4000 YBP. All previous work, and that described here, are similar in respect to the deglaciation history of the north-eastern Atlantic from the evidence furnished by dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. The initial phase, marked by Termination IA in the oxygen isotope signature, is uniquely characterized by the occurrence of high percentages of B. tepikiense , a cyst species known to favour north temperate to arctic environments and less than fully marine salinities. Although the NAC was probably active at this stage, it is thought likely that large quantities of meltwater were entering the system and effectively lowering the sea-surface salinity. This phenomenon itself might well have been sufficient to reduce the flow of NADW and hence trigger the return of conditions akin to the full glacial situation. The cyst assemblages recovered from Younger Dryas sediments, although low in numbers and diversity, do contain species associated with the activity of the NAC; they are not the same as those recovered from sediments associated with full glacial environments. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages obtained from the Holocene sediments have proved not to be uniform, but to show distinct changes in character. These changes echo those already documented by Turon (1980, 1981), De Vernal et a/. (1992) and Baumann and Mattiessen (1992). Even after deglaciation had been achieved, major changes were occurring in the oceanography of the North Atlantic Ocean and Norwegian Sea. Despite proposals published by Turon (1978) and Baumann and Mattiessen (1992) as to the likely changes and their causes, it is unfortunately true that there are insufficient ecological data available to interpret the assemblages with any degree of confidence. However, palynologists working with pollen diagrams have long been able to subdivide their Holocene spectra based upon changes in climate. It is likely that both the fluctuations in pollen diagrams and in the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are related, and may have the potential to assist in the elucidation of Holocene oceanographic and climate change. Perhaps notions of fluctuations in the position of the atmospheric jet-stream, the pathways of anticyclones and the alternation of dry and wet climates, first recognized in Scandinavia (Sernander 1908), together with changes in the oceanography of the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea are all inextricably linked. This paper has demonstrated that the study of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages through the last deglaciation gives an insight into changes that are occurring in the surface waters of the ocean at a time when the globe is moving from a glacial climate to that of the present day. However, there is a distinct need for additional ecological information on both dinoflagellates cysts and the individual species, to aid the interpretation of the recovered assemblages. In this respect the work of Dale and Dale (1992) is worth consideration, as it is the only available study that attempts to examine the nature of the dinoflagellate cyst flux to the bottom sediments. Acknowledgements. This study is a result of a BGS Research and Development Programme entitled ‘ Dinoflagellate cyst climatostratigraphic synthesis of the Quaternary of the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean ’. The work would have been impossible without the assistance of Ms Jane Kyffin-Hughes whose careful preparations have served as the foundation for the qualitative and semi-quantitative results. Especial thanks are due to Professor Eystein Jansen for providing both the samples and oxygen isotope analyses for DSDP Hole 610A, HARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC DINOFLAGELLATES 279 and for showing an interest in the project. Dr J. B. Riding kindly read and offered constructive criticisms on an earlier draft of this paper. Publication is with permission from The Director, British Geological Survey (NERC). 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Cape Runaway, New Zealand, New Zealand J owned of Geology and Geophysics, 16, 345-354. rex harland Biostratigraphy and Sedimentology Group Typescript received 24 May 1993 British Geological Survey, Keyworth Revised typescript received 27 August 1993 Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK 282 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 APPENDIX I List of samples DSDP Hole 552A DSDP Hole 610A CSB No. Depth (m) CSB No. Depth (m) 9139 010 10 1 16 0-12 9140 0-18 10 117 0-30 9141 0-30 10 118 040 9142 0-39 10 1 19 0-60 9143 0 51 10 120 0-75 9144 0-62 10 121 0-90 9145 0-71 10 122 106 9146 0-78 10 123 1-20 9147 0-89 10 124 1-35 9148 1-00 10 125 148 BGS Vibrocore 57/- 10/84 BGS Gravity Core 56/-10/47 CSB No. Depth (m) CSB No. Depth (m) 9099 Sea-bed 9588 Sea-bed 9100 010 9589 010 9101 0-20 9590 0-20 9102 0-30 9591 0-30 9103 040 9592 0-40 9104 0-50 9593 0-50 9105 0-60 9594 0-60 9106 0-70 9595 0-70 9107 0-80 9596 0-80 9108 0-90 9597 0-90 9109 100 9598 1-00 91 10 1 10 9599 1 10 91 1 1 1-20 9600 1-20 91 12 1 30 9601 1 30 91 13 1-40 9602 1 40 9114 1-50 9603 1 50 9115 1 60 9604 1-60 9116 1-70 9605 1-70 9117 1-80 9606 1-80 9118 1-90 9607 1 90 9119 200 9608 2-00 APPENDIX 2 Taxonomic listing of the dinoflagellate cysts The dinoflagellate cyst taxonomy for Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts consists of a mix of that derived from palaeontology and phycology (see Harland 1982, 1983 for discussion). The list of taxa recovered in this study reflects that mix but allows for the best circumscription of the tax pending the release of a new classification of living and fossil dinoflagellates. Division pyrrhophyta Pascher, 1914 Class dinophyceae Fritsch. 1929 Order peridiniales Haeckel, 1894 Family gonyaulacaceae Lindemann, 1928 Bitectatodinium tepikiense Wilson, 1973 (see Harland 1983, pi. 43, figs 3-4). Impagidinium aculeatum (Wall) Lentin and Williams, 1981 (see Harland 1983, pi. 46, figs 1-3). HARLAND: NORTH ATLANTIC DINOFLAGELL ATES 283 /. paradoxum (Wall) Stover and Evitt, 1978 (see Harland 1983, pi. 46, figs 4-5). I. patulum (Wall) Stover and Evitt, 1978 (see Harland 1983, pi. 46, figs 6-7). /. sphaericum (Wall) Lentin and Williams, 1981 (see Harland 1983, pi. 46, figs 8-9). Lingulodinium machaerophorum (Deflandre and Cookson) Wall, 1967 (see Harland 1983, pi. 43, figs 5-6). Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus (Ostenfeld) Reid, 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 43, figs 7-8). Operculodinium centrocarpum (Deflandre and Cookson) Wall, 1967 (see Harland 1983, pi. 43, figs 9 10). Spiniferites elongatus Reid, 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 44, figs 7-8). S. lazus Reid. 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 44, figs 1 1-12). S. membranaceus (Rossignol) Sargeant, 1970 (see Harland 1983, pi. 45, figs 3-^4). S. mirabilis (Rossignol) Sarjeant, 1970 (see Harland 1983, pi. 45, figs 1-2). S. ramosus (Ehrenberg) Loeblich and Loeblich, 1966 (see Harland 1983, pi. 45, figs 5-6). Family peridiniaceae Ehrenberg, 1832 Algidasphaeridium ? minutum (Harland and Reid) Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988 (see Harland 1992a, pi. 5.2, fig. 14). Protoperidinium conicoides (Paulsen) Balech, 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 47, figs 2-3). P. conicum (Gran) Balech, 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 47, figs 9-10). P. leonis (Pavillard) Balech, 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 47, figs 7-8). P. pentagonum (Gran) Balech, 1974 (see Harland 1983, pi. 48, figs 2-3). P. subinerme (Paulsen) Loeblich IK, 1969 (see Harland 1983, pi. 47, figs 1 1-12). Order gymnodiniales Lemmermann, 1910 Family polykrikaceae Kofoid and Swezy, 1921 Polykrikos schwartzii Butschli, 1873 (see Harland 1983, pi. 48, figs 10-12). ICHNOFABRIC FROM THE UPPER JURASSIC LITHOGRAPHIC LIMESTONE OF CERIN, SOUTHEAST FRANCE by C. GAILLARD, P. BERNIER, J. C. GALL, Y. GRUET, G. BARALE, J. P. BOURSEAU, E. B U FFET A U T and S. WENZ Abstract. The upper Kimmeridgian lithographic limestones of Cerin. France, are lagoonal deposits, remarkable for the local occurrence of invertebrate burrows. Burrows are rare in the lower, well-laminated lithographic limestones, attesting to the absence of autochtonous benthic animals and, therefore, to the unfavourable life conditions on the lagoon floor. However, burrows are frequent in the upper lithographic limestones, the most abundant being Tubularina lithographica. These burrows are small, partly filled by pellets and were probably inhabited by intertidal polychaete worms. They are similar to Recent burrows restricted to the intertidal area of the lagoon of Aldabra (Seychelles). T. lithographica is fossilized as an ‘open burrow', attesting to the drying-out of the lagoon and the onset of lithification. Other trace fossils, dominated by Thalassinoides and Rhizocorallium, are restricted to certain intermediate levels between the lower and upper lithographic limestones. The resulting ichnoscquence may be the result of increasing periods of emersion in the lagoon. Compared with other well known lithographic limestones (e.g. Solnhofen, Canjuers, Montsec), this rich and unique ichnofabric clearly reflects the coastal location of the Cerin site. Few of the well-known lithographic limestones contain trace fossils, as they were normally deposited in environments (lacustrine, more or less deep marine environments - see Bernier and Gaillard 1994) that were generally unfavourable to benthic life. For example, the intensively sampled lithographic limestones from the Solnhofen area (Bavaria, Germany) have never yielded invertebrate burrows except for a few tracks of dying animals such as crayfish and limulids (Barthel et al. 1990). The Cerin lithographic limestone is unusual, however, in yielding a relatively rich ichnofauna. This paper describes the most common type of trace fossil in this fauna, which is referred to Tubularina lithographica igen. et isp. nov. The general sequence of ichnofabrics and their environmental implications are also discussed. MATERIAL AND METHODS All of the studied samples were collected during a scientific excavation at Cerin, southern Jura Mountains, Ain, France (Text-fig. 1). The excavation was made in a disused quarry, where the lithographic limestone had been worked during the nineteenth century. The site had yielded a varied range of well preserved animal and plant fossils, which have made the locality famous (Bourseau et al. 1984). Since 1975, a bed-by-bed study of the whole formation has been organized. This systematic investigation occurred in two areas, measuring 75 m2 (upper excavation) and 150 m2 (lower excavation) respectively, and produced much homogeneous palaeontological and sediment- ological data. In particular, the study of the large upper bedding surfaces yielded many iclmologic observations (Gaillard et al. 1991). The lithographic limestones are upper Kimmeridgian (Enay et al. 1994). The palaeoenvironment corresponds to the margins of a shallow, tropical lagoon, lying above a dead coral reef complex (Barale et al. 1985; Bernier et al. 1991). (Palaeontology, Vol. 37, Part 2, 1994. pp. 285-304, 2 pls| © The Palaeontological Association 286 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 The bioturbation of each bed was studied in the field. The most interesting specimens were photographed and/or sampled. Many oriented and parallel sections (vertical and horizontal) were made through bioturbated beds, making it possible to measure burrow orientation. Variations in burrow density were detected by comparing corresponding surfaces from each bed. Some of the slabs were polished to allow detailed observation and photography. Thin sections through selected burrows were made. The pellets infilling the burrows and host lithographic limestone were observed and compared by scanning microscopy. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Ichnogenus TUBULARINA Gaillard, igen. nov. Type species. Although ichnotaxa established at the genus-group level do not require a type species (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 3rd Edition, 1985), it is suggested that Tubularina lithographica isp. nov. be regarded as the effective type. Derivation of name. From the tubular shape of the burrow. Diagnosis. Small tubular open burrow with a sharply defined smooth wall, a few branches, and frequent filling by well preserved faecal pellets. Tubularina lithographica Gaillard, isp. nov. Plate 1 ; Plate 2, figures 1-3; Text-figure 2 Holotype. Specimen number 286 300, FSL Collections of the Centre des Sciences de la Terre, University of Lyon-1 (PI. 1 , fig. 3). Type locality and horizon. Quarry at Cerin-Marchamp, Ain, France. Upper lithographic limestones, bed number 274A (holotype in slab number 274A-W). Derivation of name. From the lithographic nature of the host limestone. Diagnosis. Small cylindrical burrow, a few centimetres long, up to 2 mm in diameter, with little EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-8. Tubularina lithographica Gaillard, igen. et isp. nov. Cerin, France; upper lithographic limestone (upper Kimmeridgian). I, vertical section through bed 281, showing bioturbation limited to upper part of bed; x 0 3. 2, vertical section through bed 354, showing the upper part only strongly bioturbated, and the top of the bed outlined by a red-brown coloration and with prominent burrows; x 0-6. 3, holotype; vertical section through bed 274A, showing a well developed vertical tunnel, with two branches, and an incomplete filling by faecal pellets; the ichnofabric is complex, with two generations of burrows (see Text-fig. 9); x 0-6. 4, vertical section through bed 274A, showing specimen with complex branching; x F8. 5, vertical section through bed 274A, showing specimen with incomplete filling by well sorted and arranged faecal pellets, indicating the polarity; x4. 6-8, vertical sections through different examples of tunnels, showing variation in the size, shape and distribution of the faecal pellet fill; 6, longitudinal section; x8; 7-8, transverse sections ; x 1 2. PLATE I GAILLARD et al. , Jurassic ichnofabrics PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 branching. Tunnels sinuous and oriented in all directions relative to the bedding plane. Pellets filling it ellipsoidal, micritic, without internal structure, and up to 1 mm in diameter. Description Burrow. The outline is generally very sharply defined (Text-fig. 2a). Transverse sections are circular (PI. 1, figs 7-8; Text-fig. 2b), while longitudinal ones do not display any significant increase in the diameter. Diameter ranges from 0-5 mm to 2-0 mm. The total length is difficult to establish exactly but probably did not exceed 150 mm (the maximum depth of bioturbation in beds). Branching occurred but is rarely observed in section (PI. 1, figs 3^4; Text-fig. 3). The burrow organization is rather complex. It penetrated the sediment more or less sinuously, in very different directions, but mostly with a subvertical (70°-90°) or subhorizontal (0°-20°) orientation (Text-fig. 4). From observations of vertical and horizontal parallel sections, the burrow system has been reconstructed, as shown in Text-figure 5. The wall was smooth, without ornamentation, and generally without lining. In some rare cases, thin section show a thin, dark lining which may have been detached (Text- fig. 2b-c). This possibly resulted from a mucus coating. The burrow is filled rarely by micrite, but more normally by sparite often including numerous pellets. Pellets do not line the burrow but clearly filled it. Pellets. They are ellipsoidal, with a well preserved form (PL 1, figs 6-8; PL 2, figs 1-2; Text-fig. 2a-b). They are generally in contact, but not crushed. Because their diameter is approximately half the diameter of the containing burrow, no more than two rows of pellets could be observed in longitudinal section (PI. 1. figs 5-6) and four specimens in transverse section (PL 1, figs 7-8). The pellets are micritic and exhibit the same homogeneous ultrastructure as the enclosing limestone (PL 2, figs 3, 5). In some cases faecal pellets exhibit a slight preferential dolomitization (Text-fig. 2a-b). The host rock is a very typical lithographic limestone (Bernier 1994). It consists essentially of CaCO:! (99-5 per cent) and corresponds to a very pure and fine- grained micrite. The grain size of the anhedral microcrystals is less than 4 /mi, frequently as small as 2 pm. Comparisons. Granularia is not clearly defined. It was founded by Pomel (1849) on Algacites granulatus Schlotheim, 1822, a species which Brongniart (1849) had also used as the basis for the genus Phymatoderma ; Phymatoderma is therefore a synonym of Granularia. Both genera were GAILLARD ET AL. : JURASSIC ICHNOFABRICS 289 text-fig. 2. Thin sections through Tubularina lithographic a ; Cerin, upper excavation, a, longitudinal section of a typical burrow with sharp limits, sparitic filling, rounded micritic faecal pellets, and preferential dolomitization of faecal pellets; x 10. b, transverse section with faecal pellets; x 12. c, transverse section of burrow filled only with blocky calcite; an unusual detached dark lining is visible (also seen in b) which may be an ancient mucus lining; x 12. previously described as plant fossils, as were similar forms of Chondrites. According to the modern interpretation summarized by Hantzschel (1975), Granularia corresponds to 'Elongated fillings of burrows; long, diameter up to about 15 mm.; twig-shaped, with rather regular branching; walls originally lined with clay particles...’. Granularia has not been frequently used in the literature. Following the original description, Granularia looks a little like Tubularina. Compared with T. lithographic a, ichnospecies that could be assigned to Granularia are of different size and more frequently branched. Phymatoderma caelatum Saporta (1873, pi. 68, fig. 3), which is known from the Upper Jurassic, is very probably a small burrow, 1 2 mm in diameter, filled with pellets. But these are more elongated and irregular than in T. lithographic a. On the other hand, Granularia repanda Pomel (see Saporta 1872, pi. 12, fig. la), whose rounded grains are probably small ferruginous concretions, is very different. Granularia lumbricoides Heer is the most similar ichnospecies but with more numerous, straighter, larger branches (Rothpletz 1896; Reis 1910). When algal interpretations were abandoned, Granularia was often used for post-depositional burrows in turbidites (Seilacher 1961; Ksiazkiewicz 1970, 1977; Crimes 1976; Leszczynski and Seilacher 1991). These are very different from Tubularina. Indeed, Granularia occurs mainly more or less horizontally on the sole of sandy layers (hypichnial ridges) and its diameter may be very variable (Ksiazkiewicz 1970). Moreover, the specimens described by Seilacher (1961) are lined, not filled, with mud pellets. 290 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Coprulus oblongus described by Mayer (1952) corresponds to coprolites filling larger and more complex burrows. Moreover, Coprulus must be restricted to a special kind of coprolite (Gaillard 1978). The closely related ichnogenus Tomaculum Groom, 1902, is a larger burrow (10-20 mm in diameter) filled by larger elongate pellets (1-5 mm long, 0-5—1 -5 mm in diameter) and commonly lying on bedding planes. Tubularina resembles Trypanites Magdefrau, 1932, by the length of the tunnel, its sharply defined edges, and its possible filling by the excrement of the producer. Trypanites is more or less straight, however, usually vertical and unbranched. Moreover, Tubularina characterizes a firm ground (see below) and Trypanites a hard ground. Interpretation. Because of their very sharp contours in a rock which was formed from mud, and because they are filled by sparry calcite, the burrows related to Tubularina must have been typically ‘open burrows’ in firm ground. Pellets are also very fragile grains which require special conditions to be preserved. These taphonomic conditions may occur during emergent periods. The rapid formation of firm grounds is easy because of the development of microbial mats at the surface of the sediment (Gall et al. 1985; Bernier et at. 1991) but the formation of hard grounds is unlikely. Worms or crustaceans may have been possible dwellers. Polychaete worms are more probable, however, mainly because of the absence of scratch marks on the wall of the burrow, and the shape and structure of pellets. Pellets from Tubularina are homogenous, without any structure, while crustacean pellets commonly exhibit complex internal structures. Detailed comparison with modern burrows in a similar environment provides further evidence for the polychaete hypothesis (see below). Burrow-dwelling polychaete worms usually produce such ellipsoidal pellets. They are formed by peristaltic movements in the intestine, coated with a thin mucus film, and then deposited at the opening of the burrow, forming a small pile. The well-known species Heteromastus filiform is , which is very abundant in modern tidal flats, forms a small mound of faecal pellets at the surface opening of its burrow (Schafer 1952, 1972). Normally, it is destroyed and the pellets, in spite of their relative cohesion (Cadee 1979), are rolled and broken by currents. The penetration and preservation of pellets in empty branches of the active burrow is possible. Alternatively, preferentially under special conditions (e.g. during a long emergent period) worms die and the pellets remaining at the surface may be preserved. Some of them can subsequently be introduced into the open, empty, inactive burrow where they are well protected (Text-fig. 6). This seems the most probable hypothesis for the genesis of the typical Tubularina lithographica specimens containing faecal pellets. OTHER TRACE FOSSILS FROM THE CERIN LITHOGRAPHIC LIMESTONE The following were the other main burrows found in the Cerin lithographic limestone, and occurred only at a few levels. Others were very rare and may be related to well-known ichnogenera such as Planolites or were indistinct traces. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs 1-3. Tubularina lithographica Gaillard, igen. et isp. nov. Cerin, France; upper lithographic limestone (upper Kimmeridgian). 1, longitudinal thin section showing faecal pellets; x 20. 2, SEM view of micritic faecal pellets and sparitic cement; x 60. 3, SEM view of detail of the micritic content of a faecal pellet; x 1300. Figs 4-6.- SEM views of Recent polychaete burrows; Dune-Jean- Louis creek shore, Aldabra. 4. longitudinal section through burrow, showing faecal pellets and showing partly consolidated lime mud; x 15. 5, detail of the faecal pellets from a similar burrow; x 50. 6, detail of the micritic content of a faecal pellet from the burrow in 4; x 1300. PLATE 2 GAILLARD et al Jurassic ichnofabrics 292 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 3. Tunnels of Tubularina lithographica in vertical section, drawn from polished slabs, a-b, long vertical tunnels (a — holotype). od, branching tun- nels. e-g, long horizontal tunnels, h, burrow with upper vertical tunnel and lower horizontal branched tunnels, a, c-f, h, bed number 274A; b, bed number 306; g, bed number 296. 0 10 20 30 40 50 specimens bedding plane text-fig. 4. Orientation of Tubularina lithographica tunnels relative to the bed- ding plane (studied from vertical polished sections). Thalassinoides Ehrenberg, 1944 This is a complex branching burrow with a horizontal network connected to the sediment-water interface by vertical shafts. Specimens from Cerin were poorly preserved (Text-fig. 7a). Only the horizontal network was visible with clear Y-shaped bifurcations and smooth walls. They are probably related to Thalassinoides suevicus (Rieth, 1932). The trace is usually interpreted as a feeding and dwelling burrow of a crustacean. Jurassic Thalassinoides containing the macrurous GAILLARD ET AL. JURASSIC ICHNOFABRICS 293 crustacean Glyphaea have been described by Sellwood ( 1971 ). Glyphaea , which is known as a body fossil from the Cerin lithographic limestones, is a possible excavator of Thalassinoides . Rhizocorallium Zenker, 1836 This is a U-shaped spreite-burrow parallel to the bedding plane. Specimens were rare at Cerin and not well preserved (Text-fig. 7b). They resembled slightly burrows from the Upper Jurassic (Ftirsich 1974r/) and Lower Cretaceous (Basan and Scott 1979) that are related to Rhizocorallium irregulare Mayer, 1954. This trace is usually interpreted as the burrow of a deposit-feeder, probably a crustacean (Ftirsich 1 974 > 5 $ && w, Id ®1 £2 1 i S 5 I <5 li le I o Is IS S Italy 2 Namibia S California, USA Utah, USA4 5.6 S Italy Montana, USA 8 Jamaica Utah, USA to Central Portugal S England 12 Switzerland 13.14 Jameson Land, Greenland 15,16 S India 17,18 NW Argentina SW England 20.21 Arizona, USA 22-24 Oklahoma, USA 25,26 Ireland 27 N England 2829 Nova Scotia, Canada 29,30 New Brunswick, Canada 31,32 Central Scotland 32 S Wales 33-36 Antarctica 37.38 New York State, USA 39 S Norway 40 New York State, USA Pleistocene Pleistocene Miocene Eocene Eocene Palaeocene Palaeogene Cretaceous Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Jurassic Triassic Permian Permian Permian Carboniferous Carboniferous Carboniferous Carboniferous Carb+ Devonian Carb/Devonian Devonian Devonian Devonian Silurian Ordovician KEY: ♦ » T. serpentinum m—mm T.satanassi ^ T. cameronensis ■■■■ T. barretti text-fig. 5. Temporal and environmental distribution of Taenidium ichnospecies. Only references to confidently assigned ichnospecies and of known environment are included. Authors: 1, D’ Alessandro et al. 1993; 2, Smith et al. 1993; 3, Squires and Advocate 1984; 4, D'Alessandro et al. 1987; 5, D'Alessandro et al. 1986; 6, D’Alessandro and Bromley 1987; 7, Diemer and Belt 1991 ; 8, Pickerill et al. 1993; 9, Bracken and Picard 1984; 10, Fursich 1981 ; 1 1, Fursich 1974; 12, Heer 1877; 13, Dam 1990r/; 14, Dam 19906; 15, Maulik and Chaudhuri 1983; 16, Sarkar and Chaudhuri 1992; 17, Acenolaza and Buatois 1991; 18, Acenolaza and Buatois 1993; 19, Ridgway 1974; 20, Brady 1947; 21, Decourten 1978; 22, Chamberlain 1971a; 23, Chamberlain 19716; 24, Chamberlain 19786; 25, Graham and Pollard 1982; 26, Briick 1987; 27, Eagar et al. 1985; 28, Keighley and Pickerill 1993; 29, this paper; 30, Nilsen 1982; 31, Allen and Williams 19816; 32, Pearson 1992; 33, Gevers et al. 1971 ; 34. Bradshaw 1981 ; 35, Bradshaw and Webers 1988; 36, Woolfe 1990; 37, Thoms and Berg 1985; 38, Bridge et al. 1986; 39, Dam and Andreasen 1990; 40, Tegan and Curran 1992. KEIGHLEY AND PICKERILL: BEACONITES 327 text-fig. 6. Taenidium barretti (Bradshaw). Division of Natural Sciences, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John (NBMG); Grand Etang, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada; Pomquet Formation, middle Carboniferous; burrows from fluvio-lacustrine (shoreline) deposits, a i, ii, NBMG 9074; stereopair of full relief structures; thin-sectioning of the structures confirms that they are unwalled, the knobbly outline being the result of irregular meniscate backpacking of sediment containing angular mudstone fragments; x0-7. B, NBMG 9217; top surface view of horizontally orientated (and inclined) specimens that have more uniform, silt-grade backfill, resulting in very indistinct menisci being preserved; x 0-25. c, NBMG 9216; vertical section through slab, showing irregular meniscate structure that, in this case, indicates downward movement of producer; xl. type of meniscate fill, approaching a chevron-shape, and is not synonymous with Taenidium because this ichnospecies contains a deeply grooved ornamentation at the base of the burrow. T. cameronensis , however, remains distinguishable from the similarly homogeneously backfilled T. serpentinum primarily by having packets longer than the burrow width. Taenidium barretti (Bradshaw, 1981) Plate 1 ; Text-figure 6 1968 ‘ Scolicia ' de Quatrafages; Webby, p. 1003, fig. 8. 328 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1971 Beaconites antarcticus Vialov; Gevers et al., p. 81, figs 1-2, 4. 1974 Problematica [= cf. Beaconites antarcticus Vialov; Pollard, 1976]; Ridgway, p. 511, fig. l,pl. 17. 1975 Beaconites Vialov; Hantzschel, p. W45, fig. 28.1 [copy of Gevers et al., 1971, fig. 2], 1981 Beaconites antarcticus Vialov; Allen and Williams, p. 255, figs 6-11. *1981 Beaconites barretti Bradshaw, p. 630, figs 17-18. 1981 Scoyenia isp.; Fursich, p. 160, pi. 5 \partim\. 1982 Beaconites antarcticus Vialov; Graham and Pollard, p. 259, figs 3a, 4a-c, 5a-b. 1982 Backfilled burrow; Nilsen, p. 79, fig. 46a. 71982 Meniscate burrow; Bown, p. 282, fig. 12b. 71982 Meniscate burrow; Bown and Kraus, p. 118, figs 7e-f, 8a-b. 1983 Horizontal feeding burrow; Maulik and Chaudhuri, p. 23, fig. 3. 1984 Muensteria isp.; Braken and Picard, p. 482, fig. 9. 1984 7 Muensteria isp.; Squires and Advocate, p. 594, figs 2a-f. 1985 cf. Beaconites antarcticus Vialov; Eagar et al., p. 134, pi. 14a. 1985 Bivalve trace fossils; Thoms and Berg, p. 13, pi. lc-E, 1986 Vertical burrows; Bridge et al., p. 65, pi. 1b. 1987 Beaconites barret ti Bradshaw; p. 259, figs 4-5. 1987 cf. Ancorichnus coronas Frey et al. ', D’ Alessandro et al., p. 285, fig. 2. 1988 Beaconites barretti Bradshaw; Bradshaw and Webers, p. 787. 1990 Beaconites isp; Dam and Andreasen, p. 208, fig. 11b. 1990 Beaconites barretti Bradshaw; Woolfe, p. 302, fig. 3. 1991 Ancorichnus coronus Frey et al.; Acenolaza and Buatois, p. 96, pi. 2.1. 1991 Meniscate burrow; Diemer and Belt, p. 97, fig. 12 [non Rhizocorallium, p. 96]. 1992 7 Beaconites Vialov; Pearson, p. 129, fig 3d. 1992 Beaconites barretti Bradshaw; Tegan and Curran, p. A154. 1992 Taenidium Heer; Sarkar and Chaudhuri, p. 1 1, figs 4-5. 1993 Taenidium isp.; D'Alessandro et al., p. 497, figs 3, 4b, 6b, 9, 10b [partim] 2, 6a, 10a, 12b. 1993 Taenidium Heer; Smith et al., p. 590, fig. 14. 1993 Ancorichnus coronus Frey et a/. ; Acenolaza and Buatois, p. 188, fig. 4d [copy of Acenolaza and Buatois 1991, pi. 2.1]. 1993 Taenidium isp.; Keighley and Pickerill. p. 83. 1993 Taenidium barretti (Bradshaw); Keighley and Pickerill, p. 83. Emended diagnosis. Straight to variably meandering, unbranched, unwalled, meniscate backfilled burrow. Menisci are commonly hemispherical or deeply arcuate, tightly packed or stacked, forming non-compartmentalized backfill or thin meniscate segments. Remarks. As previously discussed, menisci may merge laterally at the burrow boundary and in some preservational variants form a pseudo-wall or -lining. This is more likely where distinct segmentation of the backfill has been achieved. The boundary may be irregular to crenate, with individual meniscate segments slightly offset to one another (Graham and Pollard 1982). In full relief the burrow boundary may appear knobbly and similar to Ophiomorpha irregulaire Frey et al., 1978 (Text-fig 6a). The distinctiveness of menisci in the backfill is variable (Plate 1; Text-fig. 6b-c). Individual backfilled compartments may be so short in longitudinal section (thin segments) with respect to overall width, that distinct segmentation of the backfill is not achieved and the fill becomes irregular (non-compartmentalized). In addition, homogeneity in particle size or clast composition may result in the menisci being poorly defined when produced, and result in them being uniformly cemented and weathered. Many specimens from the Upper Palaeozoic are of giant size (up to 450 mm wide - Pearson 1992), although recorded widths (but not necessarily diameters - Graham and Pollard 1982) may be as small as 5 mm (Plate 1 ; Text-fig. 3). Almost all recordings are from non-marine environments (Text-fig. 5). T. barretti is typically undulating and subparallel to stratification, although vertical sections, of similar diameter as the (sub-) horizontal burrow, may be dominant (e.g. Allen and Williams 1981a, Graham and Pollard 1982, Bracken and Picard 1984). Although previously interpreted as ‘escape’ or ‘equilibrium’ structures, some exclusively vertical ‘burrows’ are also included in the synonymy. KEIGHLEY AND PICKERILL: BEACONITES 329 Simple downward displacement of primary sedimentary laminae is not an exclusive and distinguishing feature that can separate equilibrium structures from ichnospecies of repichnial Taenidium , that comprise arcuate non-faecal backfill (see Sarkar and Chaudhuri 1992, fig. 5). CONCLUSIONS There is still a tendency for ichnologists to be influenced in naming a particular trace fossil depending on the interpreted depositional environment in which it is encountered. The classic example of this is the Cruziana-Rusophycus Hall, 1852 versus Isopodichnus Bornemann, 1899 debate, whereby several authors still persist in using the latter if a bilobate trace is encountered in non-marine rocks (see Bromley 1990). Similarly, the presence of large meniscate burrows in non- marine to marginal marine deposits appears to have automatically resulted in immediate comparison to Beaconites and, more recently, small lined backfilled structures to Ancorichnus without careful consideration of the significant criteria necessary for their nomenclature. Ancorichnus is unwalled but possesses a two zoned fill : an outer mantle with an internal, transverse to diagonal fabric, and an inner meniscate backfill. Simple meniscate structures with a distinct but unornamented and unstructured wall are considered to belong to Beaconites , whose ichnospecies are differentiated based on variations within the meniscate infill. Taenidium is a simple, unwalled, meniscate, backfilled structure, ichnospecies again being differentiated on the basis of variation within the meniscate infill (Text-fig. 2). We re-emphasize that depositional environment is not a valid diagnostic criterion, and workers should name their trace fossils solely on the basis of morphology. Without this directive, the development of workable ichnofacies/ichnocoenoses cannot be continued, since workers will be following the circular argument whereby a trace fossil is being utilized as an aid in the interpretation of a specific palaeoenvironment, but that palaeoenvironment is being inferred in the first place to name the trace fossil. Acknowledgements. We thank R. MacNaughton and G. Narbonne for valuable discussion, C. Stanley for considered reviews of several versions of this manuscript, and R. Bromley and C. Cleal for suggesting important modifications, C. Colborne, A. Gomez, R. McCulloch, A. Murphy, D. Pirie and D. 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It belongs to the Sophiornithidae, previously described from the Upper Eocene to Upper Oligocenc of the Phosphorites du Quercy, France. The comparison of the distal part of the tarsometatarsus in different extinct forms shows a general trend towards a progressively more semizygodactyl foot, with an internal trochlea more posteriorly oriented, and an external trochlea more medially incurved; correspondingly the size of the internal trochlea compared with the middle trochlea decreases. Bird remains found in the Palaeocene deposits of the area of Reims, in north-eastern France, have been known for over a century (Lemoine 1878-1881). They mainly include large forms belonging to Gastomis and Remiornis. Part of this material was recently revised by Martin (1992), who placed Gastornis in the order Gastornithiformes and created for Remiornis the new order Remiornithi- formes, in the Palaeognathae. Excavations in the region of Cernay-les-Reims, and mainly in Mont Berru, have been resumed by D. E. Russell who has collected a large quantity of mammals and a few bird remains. The dating of these localities has been carried out by Russell (1964) on the mammal faunas. Apart from the large forms, the fossil avifauna includes Gruiformes (Cariamidae and Messelornithidae ; Mourer- Chauvire in press), Charadriiformes, ‘Form-Family’ Graculavidae, and a large form of owl, which is relatively abundant, and is the subject of the present study. The osteological terminology generally follows Howard (1929) and, when necessary, Baumel (1979u). Institutional abbreviations are: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA; KUMNH, Kansas University Museum of Natural History, Lawrence, Kansas, USA; USNM, National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Class aves Linnaeus, 1758 Order strigiformes Wagler, 1830 Family sophiornithidae Mourer-Chauvire, 1987 Type-genus. Sophiornis Mourer-Chauvire, 1987 Other genera. Berruornis gen. nov. Distribution. Palaeocene of the Reims area, and Upper Eocene to Upper Oligocenc of Phosphorites du Quercy, France. Genus berruornis gen. nov. Type-species. Berruornis orbisantiqui sp. nov. | Palaeontology, Vol. 37, Part 2, 1994, 339-348, I pi. | © The Palaeontological Association 340 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Distribution. Upper Palaeocene of the Reims area, Thanetian, Mammal Reference-Level MP 6 (Schmidt- Kittler 1987). Diagnosis. Tarsometatarsus showing the characteristic features of the Sophiornithidae, but differing from Sophiornis by 1, proximal part of internal calcaneal ridge situated slightly distally compared with the internal cotyla; 2, internal calcaneal ridge perforated by a foramen. Features unknown in Sophiornis are: 3, middle trochlea relatively narrow and slightly longer distally than internal trochlea; 4, external trochlea much shorter distally than middle trochlea, very narrow and prolonged by a posteriorly directed wing. On the distal part of the tibiotarsus; 5, internal condyle relatively narrow and not flattened; 6, supracondylar fossa on the internal side of the shaft. Derivation of name. " Berru', from the locality of Mont Berru, and " ornis', bird. Berruornis orbisantiqui sp. nov. Plate 1, figures 1-14 Holotype. Museum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris, R 4155, incomplete right tarsometatarsus; from Mont Berru, Reims area, France. Material (all in the same collection as the holotype). Mont Berru : BR 11186, left tibiotarsus, fragment of distal part; BR 11195, right tarsometatarsus, fragment of proximal part and shaft; BR 12482-12483, right tarsometatarsus, fragments of proximal and distal parts; BR 14571, right tarsometatarsus, shaft and incomplete distal part, subadult; Cernay area: L 3096, cast of a complete right tarsometatarsus. Horizon and localities. Upper Palaeocene, Thanetian, Mammal Reference-Level MP 6 (Schmidt-Kittler 1987), Reims area (Cernay and Mont Berru), Marne Departement, France. Diagnosis. As for the genus. Dimensions. See Tables 1-2. Derivation of name. From "or bis \ the world, and ’ antiquus ’, old, because this genus (and family), are known only from the Old World. Description and comparisons Tarsometatarsus (PI. 1, figs 1-13). The tarsometatarsus corresponds to a large form, approximately of the size of the Recent Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo). It is very stout, with a wide shaft. This feature is not so well developed in BR 14571, which is subadult. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I Figs 1 14. Berruornis orbisantiqui , gen. nov. sp. nov.; collection of the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. 1 -5, R 4155, right tarsometatarsus holotype; 1, anterior view; x 1. 2, internal view showing the break of the internal calcaneal ridge at the level of the foramen; x 1. 3, posterior view; x 1. 4, proximal view; x L5. 5, distal view; x L5. 6-10, L 3096, cast of right tarsometatarsus; 6, anterior view; x 1. 7, internal view showing the break of the internal calcaneal ridge at the level of the foramen; x 1. 8, posterior view; x 1. 9, proximal view; x 1-5. 10, distal view; x L5. 11-12, BR 12483; fragment of proximal part of right tarsometatarsus; 11, internal view, showing the foramen in the internal calcaneal ridge; x 1-5. 12, medial view of the internal calcaneal ridge; x 1-5. 13, BR 12482; fragment of distal part of right tarsometatarsus; internal trochlea; internal view; x L5. 14, BR 11186; left tibiotarsus, incomplete distal part, anterior view; x 1 . Figs 15-16. Sophiornis quercynus , collection Musee Guimet d’Histoire naturelle de Lyon, PQ 1202. 15, anterior view; x 1. 16, posterior view; x 1. Fig. 17. Palaeoglaux perrierensis , collection Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, PRR 2576; right tarsometatarsus, paratype; distal view; x 2. PLATE 1 MOURER-CHAUVIRE, Berruornis , Sophiornis , Palaeoglaux 342 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Table 1. Dimensions of the tarsometatarsus in Sophiornithidae, in mm. (a) Proximal depth from anterior edge of internal cotyle to posterior end of internal calcaneal ridge. Tarsometatarsus Berruornis orbisantiqui Sophiornis quercynus PQ 1202 R4155 Holotype L3096 BR 12482 and 12483 BR11195 BR14571 juv. Total length 69-8 as pres. 68-5 — — — 74 0 as pres. Prox. width 19-9 1 9-4 as pres. — — — 19 9 Prox. depth (a) 13-7 1 5-0 as pres. 17-0 — — 17-2 Width shaft in the middle 14-2 as pres. 16-2 — 1 1-8 9-1 12 1 Depth shaft in the middle 6-8 as pres. 6-2 — 7-2 5-2 6-0 Distal width — 24 1 — — — 23-7 Distal depth — 14 0 — — — 13-0 as pres. Width int. trochlea 12-0 12-5 15-8 — 11-7 1 3-3 Width middle trochlea — 7-5 — — 4-3 — Width ext. trochlea — 4-8 — - — — — Depth int. trochlea 9-4 9-7 1 1-7 — 8-7 as pres. 8-7 Depth middle trochlea — 10 0 — — 7-0 as pres. — Depth ext. trochlea — 12-7 — — — — Table 2. Dimensions of the distal part of tibiotarsus in some fossil owls, in mm. (a) In Rich (1982) the measurements are given for Protostrix, but this generic name is a junior synonym of Minerva (Mourer- Chauvire 1983). * measured from the illustrations in Fischer (1983). Minerva Minerva Berruornis leptosteus antiqua Oligostrix orbisantiqui (Rich 1982) (Mourer-Chauvire rupelensis Tibiotarsus BR 11186 (a) 1983) (Fischer 1983) Distal width (as preserved) 14-2 13-5 15-8-15-9 7-0 Distal depth (as preserved) 13-3 — — 6-0 Width internal condyle 50 — 6-3— 6-8 3-3* Width of shaft at the level of 8-6 — — 3-7* insertion of retinaculum extensorium tibiotarsi Depth of shaft at the same level 5-8 — — — In proximal view, the proximal articular surface is anteroposteriorly narrow at the level of the intercotylar prominence, and this intercotylar prominence is medio-laterally elongated. These features are clearly visible on the holotype, and are slightly different on L 3096 which seems to have suffered some deformation. On the anterior face, the proximal foramina are very small. The internal foramen is situated slightly more distally than the external foramen. It is not possible to see the tubercle for m. tibialis anticus because of the poor preservation of the anterior surface of the shafts. The tarsometatarsus of Berruornis exhibits the characteristic features of the Sophiornithidae: on the anterior face, a shallow depression below the proximal articular surface but no real anterior metatarsal groove; no ossified supratendinal bridge; posterior metatarsal groove very shallow; cross-section of shaft rectangular; trochleae arranged along a weakly curved line, but differs from the type genus Sophiornis by the following features: proximal articular surface very narrow at the level of the intercotylar prominence (wider in Sophiornis ); proximal surface of the internal calcaneal ridge situated distally compared with the internal cotyle (at the same level as internal cotyle in Sophiornis ); internal calcaneal ridge wide, straight in internal view, and pierced by a foramen (thin, semi-circular in shape in internal view, proximo-distally elongated, not perforated MOURER-CHAUVIRE: PALAEOGENE OWL 343 in Sophiornis ); proximal surface of the external calcaneal ridge distinct from the external cotyle (as an extension of the external cotyla in Sophiornis)', external calcaneal ridge relatively thin and posteriorly directed (wider and postero-externally directed in Sophiornis) ; anterior infracotylar fossa slightly indicated, with traces of insertion of a non-ossified supratendinal bridge (almost missing, with no visible traces of supratendinal bridge in Sophiornis); posterior metatarsal groove shallow (almost completely missing in Sophiornis); internal trochlea directed internally and posteriorly, with an angle of 61° compared with the anterior face (directed more posteriorly, with an angle of 68° in Sophiornis) (Text-fig. I); deep fossa on the internal face of the internal text-hg. 1. Tarsometatarsus in distal view. Angle of the internal and external trochleae compared with a straight line drawn through the anterior part of these trochleae. a, Sophiornis quercynus , PQ 1202, holotype, left tarsometatarsus. Hatched area represents missing parts, b, Berruornis orbisantiqui , L 3096; right tarsometatarsus. trochlea (shallower fossa in Sophiornis); articular surface of the internal trochlea forming a spike above the wing of the trochlea, this spike also exists in the protostrigids Eostrix martinellii (Martin and Black, 1972) and Minerva leptosteus (Rich, 1982) (spike much less developed in Sophiornis); external trochlea directed almost posteriorly, with an angle of 76° compared with the anterior face (not so posteriorly directed, with an angle of 65° in Sophiornis) (Text-fig. 1); in posterior view, proximal part of external trochlea situated more proximally than the proximal part of internal trochlea (proximal part of external and internal trochleae situated at the same level in Sophiornis); metatarsal facet for digit 1 well marked, in particular on BR 1 1 195, and situated on the internal side of the shaft (more weakly indicated and situated on the postero-mternal angle of the shaft in Sophiornis). In Berruornis, on the posterior face, the external proximal foramen is situated at the base of the external calcaneal ridge and the internal proximal foramen on the medial side of the internal calcaneal ridge, but the latter is prolonged by a foramen which goes through the calcaneal ridge and which is clearly visible on fragment BR 12483 (PI. 1, figs 1 1-12). The presence of this foramen has produced a weakness in the internal calcaneal ridge, which is broken at the level of this foramen on the other two specimens (R 4155 and L 3096) (PI. 1, figs 2, 7). In the Recent Strigiformes as well as in Sophiornis, the arteriola tarsalis plantaris (Baumel 19796, p. 372, annt. 79) of the inner side goes directly through the internal proximal foramen from the anterior face to the internal side of the internal calcaneal ridge, while in Berruornis this arteriola first goes out on the medial side of the internal calcaneal ridge, then crosses through the calcaneal ridge. At the distal end, in Berruornis as in Sophiornis, the internal trochlea is very wide and strong. The external and middle trochleae are incompletely preserved in Sophiornis and are only known in Berruornis. The internal trochlea is slightly shorter than the middle trochlea, while the external trochlea is considerably shorter. In distal view (Text-fig. 2b), the middle trochlea is slightly asymmetrical, with an external border slightly deeper than the internal border. The external trochlea is narrow, with a weakly developed wing, and is directed almost posteriorly. On the grounds of the morphological differences between the form from Mont Berru and that from Quercy, it seems justified to place them in two different genera. Moreover they are separated by a long interval of lime. The Mont Berru form is dated from the Thanetian (between 58 and 54 Ma; Savage and Russell 1983). The age of the Quercy form is not known accurately but lies between the beginning of the Upper Eocene (about 38 Ma), 344 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 2. The right tarsometatarsus, in distal view, in different species of fossil and Recent Strigiformes. All the figures have been brought to the same distal width, and the figures concerning left tarsometatarsi have been reversed in order to make the comparison easier. This figure shows the evolution of the external trochlea which becomes increasingly posteriorly elongated and internally curved in the course of time. The internal trochlea, strongly developed in Sophiornithidae ( B) and Protostrigidae (d-e) becomes proportionally smaller and its orientation, internal in Sophiornithidae, becomes increasingly posterior, a, Ogygoptynx wetmorei , AMNH 2653; right tarsometatarsus; Palaeocene; x6-5. after Rich and Bohaska 1976. b, Berruornis orbisantiqui gen. et sp. nov. L 3096; right tarsometatarsus; Palaeocene: x2-3. c. Palaeoglaux perrierensis , PRR 2576; right tarsometatarsus; Eocene; x4-9. d, Eostrix martinellii, KUMNH 16601; left tarsometatarsus (reversed); Eocene: x 6. after Martin and Black 1972. e, Minerva leptosteus , AMNE1 2629, right tarsometatarsus; Eocene; x4. after Rich 1982. f, Necrobyas harpax , QU 16298; left tarsometatarsus (reversed); Oligocene; x 5-66. G, Strix aluco, Lyon 252-1; right tarsometatarsus; Recent; x4-8. h, Tyto alba , Lyon 245-1; right tarso- metatarsus; Recent; x 5 8. i, Phodilus badius, USNM 20310; left tarsometatarsus (reversed); Recent; x4-66. and the end of the Upper Oligocene (about 24 Ma; ages after Harland et a!. 1989). The interval of time which separates the two forms therefore is from a minimum of 16 Ma to a maximum of 34 Ma. Tibiotarsus (PI. 1. fig. 14). On the distal part of tibiotarsus BR I 1 186, only part of one condyle is preserved (only its anterior half). The presence of the tubercle for the attachment of retinaculum extensorium tibiotarsi (Baurnel 1979«), just below the break of the bone, and the presence on the external side, above the missing condyle, of a longitudinal ridge which limits backwards the groove for peroneus profundus, make it possible to state that this tibiotarsus is from the left side, and that the preserved condyle is the internal one. MOURER-CHAUVIRE: PALAEOCENE OWL 345 This condyle is relatively narrow and anteriorly and distally rounded. It is very different from the condition found in the Protostrigidae, where the internal condyle is strongly widened and flattened. This can also be confirmed by the shape of the internal cotyle of the tarsometatarsus, which is hollow. This internal cotyle could not have corresponded to a flattened internal condyle of tibiotarsus. On the anterior face of the shaft, above the intercondylar groove, there is a shallow, but well indicated, supracondylar fossa, situated on the internal side of the shaft. Unlike the condition of the internal condyle, the presence of a supracondylar fossa situated on the internal side of the shaft is known in all the members of the family Protostrigidae (Wetmore 1933, 1937, 1938; Fischer 1983; Mourer-Chauvire 1983). The position and development of the supracondylar fossa is different in the other Recent and fossil Strigiformes (Mourer- Chauvire 1987). The intercondylar groove is relatively wide, wider than in Recent Strigidae and Tytomdae. On the posterior face, the condyles are not preserved, the posterior intercondylar groove is wide and there is no supracondylar fossa, while this fossa exists in the Recent Strigiformes. Comparison with other fossil Strigiformes (a) Bradycnemidae. The oldest fossils described as Strigiformes form the basis of the extinct family Bradycnemidae (Harrison and Walker 1975) from the Upper Cretaceous of Romania, but subsequent authors (Brodkorb 1978; Olson 1985) have argued that the remains from which this family was created are not avian. (b) Ogygoptyngidae . The oldest strigiform presently known is Ogygoptynx (Ogygoptyngidae), from the Palaeocene (TifTanian) of Colorado (Rich and Bohaska 1976, 1981). Several hypotheses have been proposed for the correlations between the Palaeocene and Lower Eocene of Europe and North America in recent years (Savage and Russell 1983; Russell et a/. 1990), but according to the latter (1990, p. 29, my translation): ‘it seems that there are some indications that a large part of the Middle and Late Paleocene (Torrejonian, TifTanian, Clarkforkian) of North America could be equivalent to the Thanetian of Europe’. In this case, Berruornis , from the Thanetian, could compete with Ogygoptynx as the world’s oldest owl. The Ogygoptyngidae differ from the Sophiornithidae in the following main characteristics: tarsometatarsus slender and elongated; deep anterior metatarsal groove; proximal articular surface in proximal view shaped like a parallelogram; internal trochlea decidedly longer than middle trochlea; in distal view, curvature across the trochleae much more developed (Text-fig. 2a); in distal view, external trochlea not smoothly rounded but slightly grooved laterally (Rich and Bohaska 1976, 1981). (c) Protostrigidae. This family is represented by three genera: Eostrix , from the Lower and Middle Eocene of the United States, and to which has been attributed a pedal phalanx from the Lower Eocene of England (Harrison 1980; Olson 1985), Minerva , from the Middle and Upper Eocene of the United States (Mourer-Chauvire 1983; Olson 1985), and Oligostrix , from the Lower Oligocene of Germany (Fischer 1983). It is the only extinct family of Strigiformes which is known both from Europe and North America. These forms are mainly represented by distal parts of tibiotarsus, distal parts of tarsometatarsus, and pedal phalanges. The Protostrigidae differ from the Sophiornithidae because, in the former the internal condyle of tibiotarsus is distinctly widened and flattened; on the tarsometatarsus the anterior metatarsal groove is deep across the full width of the proximal end (Mourer-Chauvire 1983), and the curvature across the trochleae is much more pronounced (Text-fig. 2d-e). The internal trochlea is strongly developed but not to such an extent as in Sophiornithidae. (d) Palaeoglaucidae. This family consists of one genus, Palaeog/aux, and two species, P. artophoron (Peters 1992), from the Middle Eocene of Messel, in Germany, and P. perrierensis (Mourer- Chauvire 1987), from the Upper Eocene of Phosphorites du Quercy. Palaeoglaux differs from the Sophiornithidae by its tarsometatarsus which is more slender and has an anterior metatarsal groove (Peters 1992). In P. perrierensis the distal part of the tarsometatarsus strongly widens at the level of the internal and external trochleae, which distinctly project on the internal and external sides 346 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 respectively, and the internal trochlea is almost as wide as the middle trochlea, while in B. orbisantiqui the internal trochlea is much wider (PI. 1, fig. 17; Text-fig. 2c). (e) Other fossil forms from the Phosphorites du Quercy. The other extinct genera from the Phosphorites du Quercy such as Necrobyas Milne-Edwards, 1892, Nocturnavis Mourer-Chauvire, 1987, Palaeobyas Mourer-Chauvire, 1987, Palaeotyto Mourer-Chauvire, 1987, and Selenornis Mourer-Chauvire, 1987, have been described in detail and ascribed to the Recent family Tytonidae (Mourer-Chauvire 1987). (f) Eoglaucidium pallas Fischer , 1987. This genus and species, from the Middle Eocene of Geiseltal, Mammalian Reference-levels MP 11, 12, and 13 (Schmidt-Kittler 1987) is known from eight humeri. It was classified in the Recent family Strigidae but, according to Peters (1992) and to Mlikovsky (1992), who is studying other elements associated with these humeri, it may belong to the Coraciiformes. (g) Genus incertae sedis Eupterornis Lemoine , 1878. Lemoine (1878-1881, 1884) described from the locality of Cernay the genus Eupterornis , the type of which is a distal part of ulna, strongly flattened and which looks somewhat like the ulna of a loon (Gaviidae). Its systematic position is not yet defined (Lambrecht 1933; Brodkorb 1963; Olson 1985), and it is better to consider it as incertae sedis. The illustrations of the holotype and of a wing phalanx referred to the same species, do not show any resemblances to Strigiformes and therefore the tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsi from Cernay and Mont Berru cannot be attributed to that genus. (h) Strigiform from the Upper Palaeocene of Kazakhstan. A pedal phalanx of a large-sized strigiform has been reported and illustrated by Nessov (1992, fig. 5j and k) from the Upper Palaeocene (Landenian) of the Zhylga locality in Kazakhstan. From its size, this phalanx could correspond to Berruornis. This indicates that large owls were also present during the Palaeocene in Central Asia. CONCLUSIONS The Strigiformes, which are represented today by only two families, were already very diverse during the Palaeocene, where they are represented by two families, the Ogygoptyngidae, which are known only from one small form, and the Sophiornithidae, which are, on the contrary, large forms. This diversification continued during the Eocene, where four families are known, three extinct, namely the Protostrigidae, the Sophiornithidae, and the Palaeoglaucidae, and the Recent family Tytonidae, which is represented in the Phosphorites du Quercy deposits by two extinct subfamilies, the Necrobyinae, and the Selenornithinae. The Protostrigidae are themselves very diverse and could belong to two distinct families (Olson 1985). These families, with the exception of Palaeoglaucidae, persisted during the Oligocene, and there is in the United States a large quantity of Oligocene owl material which has not yet been studied (Olson 1985). Among the Recent suprageneric taxa, the Tytoninae and the Strigidae appear in Europe from the Lower Miocene (Mourer-Chauvire 1987). The Strigiformes have, therefore, a very long palaeontological history and in the past they were more diverse than they are now. The Recent Strigiformes have a semizygodactyl foot, which means that digit IV can be directed forwards or backwards. According to Raikow (1985, p. 119): ‘Presumably this ability enhances the functional potential of the foot’. In the Ogygoptyngidae the shape of the foot, in distal view, is very peculiar (Text-fig. 2a). It seems that digits II and IV could be strongly splayed and that the foot could have developed into an ectropodactyl type, similar to that which can be observed in the Piciformes when climbing on a vertical surface (Raikow 1985). In families other than Ogygoptyngidae it is possible to see, from the Sophiornithidae (Text-fig. 2b), then the Protostrigidae (Text-fig. 2d and 2e), then the Palaeoglaucidae (Text-fig. 2c), to the MOURER-CHAUVIRE: PALAEOCENE OWL 347 Necrobyinae (Text-fig. 2f) and the Recent forms, Strigidae (Text-fig. 2g), Tytoninae (Text-fig. 2h), Phodilinae (Text-fig. 2i), an evolution towards a more and more semizygodactyl type, with the trochlea for digit IV directed first extero-posteriorly, then more and more posteriorly, then more and more curved medially, the maximum being reached in the Recent genus Phodilus (Text-fig. 2i). At the same time the trochlea for digit II, strongly developed in the Sophiornithidae and Protostrigidae, becomes proportionally smaller, and its orientation also changes. The wing of this trochlea is predominantly oriented internally in the Sophiornithidae and becomes more posteriorly oriented in the other families. This can be explained from the functional point of view either by progressively more pronounced perching habits, or by a better adaptation to the capture of prey. In the first case, that would indicate that the Sophiornithidae were more terrestrial than the Recent Strigiformes. Acknowledgements . I thank Donald E. Russell for allowing me to study this material which he collected. REFERENCES baumel, J. J. 1979a. Osteologia. 53-121. In baumel, j. j. (ed.). Nomina anatomica avium. An annotated dictionary of birds. Academic Press, London and New York, 637 pp. — 19796. Systema cardiovasculare. 343 — 407 . In baumel, j. j. (ed.). Nomina anatomica avium. An annotated dictionary of birds. Academic Press, London and New York, 637 pp. brodkorb, p. 1963. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 1 (Archaeopterygiformes through Ardeiformes). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum , 7, 179-293. 1978. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 5 (Passeriformes). 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CECILE MOURER-CHAUVIRE Centre de Paleontologie stratigraphique et Paleoecologie associe au CNRS (URA 1 1) Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 Typescript received 28 July 1993 27-43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918 Revised typescript received 22 October 1993 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France RE-INTERPRETATION OF TEREBRATU LI DE PHYLOGENY BASED ON IMMUNOLOGICAL DATA by K. ENDO, G. B. CURRY, R. QUINN, M. J. COLLINS, G. MUYZER, and P. WESTBROEK Abstract. Shell intracrystalline proteinaceous macromolecules isolated from forty four Recent terebratulide brachiopod species, covering all living superfamilies and two thirds of living families, have been compared using immunological techniques. Immunological data indicate that the examined species belong to one of the following four groups, which are also morphologically distinct : ( 1 ) Cancellothyridoidea, (2) ' Terebratelloidea ' (Dallinidae, Terebratelhdae, Laqueidae), (3) Terebratuloidea, and (4) a newly identified category (Kraussinidae, Megathyrididae, Macandreviidae, Ecnomiosidae). Immunological data clearly indicate that groups (3) and (4) form a coherent cluster, and that this cluster has a trichotomous relationship with the remaining two groups. This pattern was not predicted by traditional taxonomies, but reinforced previous immunological studies. The discovery that Ecnomiosa groups with kraussinids, along with megathyridids and Macandrevia , allows the presentation of a revised interpretation of terebratulide phylogeny, in which the extinct zeilleriids and kingenids are considered as a possible link between the Terebratuloidea and the newly recognized group which includes the Kraussinidae. The Terebratulida, the largest extant order of brachiopods, is characterized by the presence of a calcareous loop-shaped brachidium or loop, which functions as a support for the lophophore. The loop is not only of diagnostic value of the order, but is also of prime taxonomic importance at almost every rank within the order, because of its highly diversified form and intricate mode of development. In fact, the loop morphology has been regarded as so important among known characters, that terebratulide evolution and loop evolution have often been considered as almost synonymous to each other (Williams and Hurst 1977). Collins et al. (1988), using immunological methods, demonstrated that the macromolecules embedded within the microcrystalline calcitic biocrystals of living brachiopod shells contained significant taxonomic information, and provided a new independent set of characters to reconstruct terebratulide phylogeny. Subsequent serotaxonomic studies (Collins et al. 1 99 1 zv ; Curry et al. 1991a) indicated that the short-looped superfamily Cancellothyridoidea (Cooper 1973a; ‘-oidea’ is added to the superfamily stem as the preferred suffix according to the ICZN recommendation. Ride et al. 1985), the short-looped Terebratuloidea (Cooper 1983), and the long-looped Terebratelloidea (Muir-Wood et al. 1965) were almost equidistantly related to each other, and that a subset of the Terebratelloidea was more closely related to the Terebratuloidea than to the rest of the Terebratelloidea. In effect, this implied that forms with a long loop evolved at least twice independently. These first studies of brachiopod serotaxonomy highlighted the problems of existing higher-level classifications of the Terebratulida, which had been determined only using a few morphological characters, such as the relative length of the loop and presence or absence of the support for the loop from the valve floor (Muir-Wood et al. 1965). A considerable revision of traditional classifications was demanded, as the serotaxonomic data appeared fairly robust, and consistent with the fossil record (Collins et al. 1991a; Curry et al. 1991a); but a problem remained. From a morphological standpoint, the relationships suggested by these serotaxonomic studies contained highly improbable phylogenetic patterns, the prime example being the derivation of the long-looped kraussinids and Macandrevia from the short-looped Terebratuloidea. This anomaly could not readily be explained | Palaeontology, Vol. 37, Part 2, 1994, pp. 349-373| © The Palaeontological Association 350 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 1. Samples used in this study. Abbreviations in the ‘Status’ column: L, living when collected and preserved wet; D, dead shells, preserved dry. * ' Frenulina ’ from off Shimoda, Japan could possibly be a new species of a new genus. It much resembles Frenulina externally, but the loop is different from that of Frenulina (D. MacKinnon, pers. comm.). Species Locality Status Rhynchonellida Hemithyridae Notosaria nigricans (Sowerby) Terebratulida Terebratulidae Liothyrella neozelanica (Thomson) L. uva notorcadensis (Broderip) Tichosina floridensis Cooper Gryphus vitreus (Born) Dyscoliidae Abyssothyris parva Cooper Cancellothyrididae Cancellothyris australis Thomson Terebratulina retusa (Linnaeus) T. septentrionalis (Couthouy) T. unguicula (Carpenter) T. unguicula rotundata Cooper T. japonica (Sowerby) T. peculiaris Hatai T. pacifica Hatai T. crossei Davidson T. reevei Dali T. abyssicola Adams & Reeve T. latifrons Dali T. cailleti Crosse T. kiiensis Dali & Pilsbry Chlidonophoridae Chlidonophora incerta (Davidson) Dallinidae Dallina septigera (Loven) Campages basilanica Dali Terebratellidae Terebratella dorsata (Gmelin) T. sanguined (Leach) Waltonia inconspicua (Sowerby) Magellania macquariensis Thomson Gyrothyris mawsoni antipodensis Foster Neothyris lenticularis (Deshayes) Laqueidae Terebratalia coreaneca (Adams & Reeve) Coptothyris grayi (Davidson) Dallinella Occident edis (Dali) Jolonica nipponica Yabe and Hatai ' Frenulin ’ sp.* Laqueus rubellus (Sowerby) L. blanfordi (Dunker) L. quadrat us Yabe & Hatai Pictothyris picta (Dillwyn) Christchurch. New Zealand L Foveaux Strait, New Zealand L Ross Island, Antarctica L off Florida, Gulf of Mexico D off Corsica, Mediterranean L off Jacksonville, Florida, USA D off Melbourne, Australia D Firth of Lorn, Scotland L Bay of Fundy, Canada L Friday Harbor, USA D off Otsuchi, Japan L Izu Islands, Japan D Izu Islands, Japan D Kii Strait, Japan D Otsuchi Bay, Japan L Sibuyan Sea, Philippines D off Inhambane, Mozambique D off Key West, Florida, USA D oft' Pelican Island, Caribbean Sea D off Valparaiso, Chile D off Venezuela, Caribbean Sea D Hebridges Shelf, Scotland L Izu Islands, Japan D Strait of Magellan, Argentina D New Zealand L Christchurch, New Zealand L South Pacific D South Pacific D Foveaux Strait, New Zealand L Japan D Japan L off San Diego, California, USA D Izu Islands, Japan D off Shimoda. Japan D Sagami Bay, Japan L Otsuchi Bay, Japan D Kii Strait, Japan D Sagami Bay, Japan L ENDO ET AL.. TEREBR ATULI DE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 351 TABLE 1. (cont.) Species Locality Status Macandreviidae Macandrevia cranium (Muller) Hebrides Shelf, Scotland D M. africana Cooper off Angola, South Atlantic D Ecnomiosidae Ecnomiosa sp. Izu Islands, Japan D Kraussinidae Kraussina rubra (Pallas) Southern Tip, South Africa D Megerlia truncata (Gmelin) off Corsica, Mediterranean D Megathyrididae Megathiris detruncata (Gmelin) off Corsica, Mediterranean D Argyrotheca barretiana (Davidson) Jamaica, Caribbean Sea D in terms of comparative morphology, and prompted misgivings about the immunological approach (e.g. Brunton and Hiller 1990). Congruence between molecular and morphological data would provide a strong case for a reliable interpretation of phylogeny having been established, and hence should be one of the main aims of any taxonomic study (Curry and Endo 1991). In practice this is particularly desirable for brachiopod taxonomy, as most species are represented, and often only known, as fossils. In effect, therefore, suitable morphological explanations are required to justify phylogenetic inferences from molecular data when there is an apparent discrepancy between molecular and traditional morphological data. Such explanations are all the more important when there is a risk that the contrasting interpretations are portrayed as being contradictory and irreconcilable. The reality is that the majority of relationships suggested by serotaxonomy are entirely consistent with the widely- accepted classification of brachiopods, and it is the instances where the data are apparently incompatible that are the focus of attention because they are likely to be critical to the solving of some of the most puzzling attributes of brachiopod evolutionary history. The main purpose of this paper, therefore, is to re-examine the contradiction between the traditional and serotaxonomic views of terebratulide relationships using an enlarged and much more comprehensive immunological dataset than has previously been available. An attempt is then made to provide an alternative new phylogenetic interpretation, which may solve the apparent discrepancy between the serotaxonomic and traditional schemes of phylogenetic interpretations. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples of a total of forty four terebratulide species from world-wide locations were available for this study (Table 1 ) along with a rhynchonellide species as a control in the immunological assays. Out of this collection, samples of fifteen different species, representing twelve genera of wide taxonomic distribution, were available in sufficient abundance to allow the preparation of polyclonal antisera against shell macromolecules (Table 2). Previous serotaxonomic studies (Collins et al. 1988 ; Collins et al. 1991a; Curry et al. 1991 a) utilized sub-sets of the antisera used in this study. The isolation of secondary shell fibres, extraction of intracrystalline macromolecules, immunization, and immunoassay (ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) procedures follow the methods described in Collins et al. (1991a), except that, in ELISA, the final detection of the bound antibodies was performed using a fluorescent substrate [0-2 mM MUP (4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate dilithium salt; Boehringer Mannheim) in 10 mM diethanolamine buffer containing 2 iiim MgCE (pH 9-8)], and the fluorescence was read after thirty minutes with a Dynatech Microfluor plate reader. 352 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 2. Antisera used in this study. Abbreviations for the type of antigens: F, extracts from the fibrous secondary layer; W, extracts from the whole shell; P, semi-purified protein. Serum ID No. Species from which antigen originated Type of antigen Titre (1/x) K5038 Notosaria nigricans (Sowerby) F 3000 802 Liothyrella neozelandica (Thomson) F 2000 K5010 L. uva notocardensis (Broderip) F 3000 803 Gryphus vitreus (Born) W 250 K.4962 Terebratulina retusa (Linnaeus) W 40000 173 T. septentrionalis (Couthouy) F 3000 174 T. unguicula (Carpenter) F 3000 171 T. crossei Davidson F 400 K5007 Dallina septigera (Loven) F 10000 K5040 Waltonia inconspicua (Sowerby) F 20000 427 Neothvris lenticu/aris (Deshayes) P 100 1 191 Laqueus rubellus (Sowerby) F 20000 1 192 Pictothyris picta (Dillwyn) F 5000 801 Kraussina rubra (Pallas) F 20000 K.5053 Megerlia truncata (Gmelin) F 8000 Immunological reactivity of antisera was determined for all combinations of antisera and intracrystalline macromolecules extracted from each species, at an appropriate fixed dilution of each antiserum. In a series of antiserum dilution assays using the homologous antigen (the antigen against which the antiserum was prepared), the minimum concentration which gave a 90-100 per cent reading of the maximum reaction was taken for normal use (Mitre ' in Table 2), while the concentration which gave 50-70 per cent of the maximum reaction (‘limiting’ concentration) was used in the inhibition ELISA (see below). Thirty species, representing all the available genera, were assayed using antisera against twelve different genera by ELISA to assess the framework of relationships. Cancellothyridid and chlidonophorid species, a total of fifteen species, were separately assayed by normal ELISA using four different Terebratulina antisera. In order to examine in more detail the relationships within each taxonomic group, attempts were made to increase the specificity of the brachiopod antisera, by mixing, or ‘preabsorbing’, each antiserum with antigens (shell extracts from species of interest) to remove the antibody reactivity to that particular antigen (a procedure known as inhibition ELISA; Johnstone and Thorpe 1987). Preabsorptions were performed either against one and the same antigen for each antiserum simply to remove common non-informative activities of each antiserum, or against a panel of antigens extracted from every species within each group to examine detailed inhibition patterns produced by preabsorptions with different antigens. One part of antigen [in 20 per cent w/v EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetate) solution, pH 8-0] was mixed with nine parts antiserum [in 10 him Tris buffered saline (TBS, pH 74), 0-02 per cent (v/v) Tween 20, 0-2 per cent (w/v) gelatin solution] with the appropriate ‘limiting’ concentration of antiserum. Preparations with the homologous antigen and blank EDTA (20 per cent w/v, pH 8 0) solutions were also included as controls, and were expected to give 100 per cent and 0 per cent inhibitions respectively. The preparations were thoroughly mixed, and incubated overnight at 4 °C. The resulting precipitations were removed by centrifugation at 4000 g for twenty minutes at 4 °C immediately prior to the supernatant being added to the prepared ELISA plates. ELISA and inhibition ELISA were performed at least in duplicate. For normal ELISA and inhibition ELISA using antisera preabsorbed against one and the same antigen, the reactivity of an ENDO ET AL.\ TEREBRATULIDE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 353 table 3. Immunological reactivity scores between thirty brachiopod antigens and twelve antisera. Reactions with homologous antigen are listed as 100, and reactions with negative control (bivalve Codakia sp.) are listed as 0 Negative readings are listed as 0. Data represents the average of duplicate experiments. Figures with an asterisk contained 10-20 per cent variations between the duplicate readings, other figures contained less than 10 per cent variations. For antigen identities see Table 1, antiserum identities see Table 2; *1, L. neozelanica ; *2, L. uva notocardensis'. *3, T. septentrionalis : *4, T. dor sat a ; *5, L. rubellus ; *6, M. cranium ; *7, M. africana. Antisera 5038 803 5010 802 173 5007 5040 427 1191 1 192 801 5053 Antigens Not Lio Lio Gry Ter Dal Wal Neo Laq Pic Kra Mer Rhynchonellida 1 Not os aria 100 0 3 5 *0 15 8 1 0 1 1 1 1 Terebratulida Terebratuloidea Terebratulidae 2 Liothyrella *x 0 100 96 134 19 71 16 1 10 41 39 86 3 Liothyrella *2 0 102 100 136 0 64 9 0 10 7 49 89 4 Tichosina 0 92 94 1 19 0 0 8 1 7 0 42 68 5 Gryphus Dyscoliidae 0 82 80 100 2 0 2 1 6 0 22 40 6 Abyssothyris 0 17 47 0 0 1 9 1 9 12 1 1 1 1 Cancellothyridoidea Cancellothyrididae 7 Cancellothyris 0 48 9 0 102 104 17 0 7 40 13 8 8 Terebratu/ina *3 0 0 5 0 100 1 16 9 0 7 20 10 5 Chlidonophoridae 9 Chlidonophora 0 4 3 0 90 103 17 0 6 *41 12 7 'Terebratelloidea ’ Dallinidae 10 Dallina 0 0 7 22 1 100 92 1 80 97 16 44 1 1 Campages 0 3 6 0 41 108 96 1 75 98 *19 7 Terebratellidae 12 Terebratella *J 0 8 7 0 0 106 98 70 78 100 22 63 13 Waltonia 0 0 7 1 1 0 105 100 17 88 103 10 7 14 Magellania 0 0 6 0 0 100 95 73 81 101 10 14 1 5 Gyrothyris 0 5 7 0 0 104 100 2 85 102 12 8 16 Neothyris 0 3 6 0 0 103 96 100 84 103 13 5 Laqueidae 1 7 Terebratalia 0 0 7 43 0 113 82 1 78 99 10 9 18 Coptothyris 0 0 6 11 67 1 1 1 87 0 85 102 12 8 19 Dallineila 0 0 3 0 61 108 94 1 77 105 12 7 20 Jolonica 0 8 8 34 0 1 12 93 0 86 101 1 1 7 21 ‘ Frenidina ’ 0 5 7 27 41 112 92 1 85 100 12 8 22 Laq ue us *° 0 *4 7 104 0 104 90 I 100 101 12 5 23 Pictothyris 0 8 7 21 0 108 95 0 88 100 12 8 Newly identified category Macandreviidae 24 Macandrevici *6 0 31 79 105 0 81 58 1 74 86 92 100 25 Macattdrevia*' 0 66 74 *79 0 86 20 1 19 37 *51 74 Ecnomiosidae 26 Ecnomiosa 0 60 89 53 0 86 9 1 10 0 65 85 Kraussinidae 27 Krciussina 0 67 70 94 0 78 27 1 9 27 100 88 0 73 82 124 0 74 9 1 9 4 73 100 28 Megerlia Megathyrididae 29 Megathiris 0 33 49 30 0 *84 *10 1 29 57 50 79 30 Argyrotheca 0 47 6 0 0 1 6 1 1 1 0 13 7 354 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 1. (7-mode bivariate comparisons of immunological reactivity data. Similarity coefficients of cosine 6 measure (cf. Lesperance 1990) between each pair of antigens (rows in Table 3) were calculated, and then- values indicated as the interval to which each value belonged. High values indicate high similarities. Figures along x- and r-axes correspond with the species (antigen) identity numbers in Table 1. Four major groups (Tu, C, Te, K) have been recognized within the Terebratulida, demonstrating high similarities within each group and between the groups Tu and K. antiserum to an unknown antigen was given as a percentage of the fluorescence reading of the sample to that of the positive control (i.e. reaction with homologous antigen). In both cases the negative control reading (i.e. reaction with shell extracts from the bivalve Codakia sp.) was subtracted before the calculation. In inhibition ELISA using antisera preabsorbed against a panel of different antigens, the reactivity of an antigen to each preabsorbed antiserum was also expressed as a percentage, where the reaction with the antiserum preabsorbed by the homologous antigen, and the reaction with the non-preabsorbed antiserum ('preabsorbed' with EDTA) were taken as 0 and 100 per cent, respectively. The resulting immunological reactivity data were transformed to distance matrices, expressing the degree of similarity both among antigens ((7-mode) and antisera (/Tmode), using the similarity coefficients of cosine 9 measure and Euclidean distance (cf. Lesperance 1990), to produce dendrograms by the single linkage clustering methods (cf. Sneath and Sokal 1973). Data analyses were performed with the aid of an Apple Macintosh computer using the Odesta Corporation package 'Datadesk Professional version 2.0’. RESULTS Framework relationships of the Terebratulida The calculated reactivity scores for thirty antigens of the examined genera against twelve brachiopod antisera are summarized in Table 3. The rhynchonellide species, included as a control to check the specificity of the antisera, is clearly discriminated from the terebratulides. The antiserum (laboratory number K5038) prepared against the rhynchonellide Notosaria reacted only with Notosaria antigen and did not react with any others. The Notosaria antigen (i.e. the macromolecules extracted from the shell of Notosaria ) showed no significant reactions with any of the antisera, except with K5038 itself. ENDO ET AL.: TEREBRATULIDE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 355 table 4. Inhibition ELISA on Tu and K groups (Terebratulidae, Macandreviidae, Ecnomiosidae, Kraussinidae and Megathyrididae). Each of four different antisera (803, 802, 801, K5053) was preabsorbed with each of ten different antigens (columns) from species of Tu and K groups, and assayed with the ten antigens (rows). Reaction with the non-preabsorbed antiserum are listed as 100. while those with the antiserum preabsorbed by the homologous antigen are listed as 0. Data represent the average of duplicate experiments. Antisera (preabsorbed against) Antigens -Ln -Lu -Gv -Tf -Md -Me -Ma -Ec -Kr -Mt Anti-Liothyrella (803) Liothyrella neozelanica (Ln) 0 0 21 19 100 91 89 100 85 88 Liothyrella uva (Lu) 0 0 0 94 100 100 87 100 87 45 Gryphus vitreus (Gv) 0 0 0 3 92 97 22 74 79 88 Trichosina floridensis (Tf) 0 0 16 19 91 90 80 91 70 86 Megathiris detnmcata (Md) 0 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 Macandrevia cranium (Me) 0 0 7 0 10 0 10 0 8 0 Macandrevia africana (Ma) 0 0 1 0 71 56 7 82 11 55 Ecnomiosa sp. (Ec) 0 0 1 0 6 5 6 21 2 0 Kraussina rubra (Kr) 0 0 0 0 61 56 40 83 i 25 Megerlia truncata (Mt) 0 0 0 0 36 56 43 69 9 6 Anti-Gryphus (802) Liothyrella neozelanica 0 0 0 0 100 98 49 100 62 58 Liothyrella uva 0 0 0 0 96 81 55 95 50 55 Gryphus vitreus 0 0 0 8 89 90 0 0 66 76 Tichosina floridensis 0 0 0 0 89 97 70 100 52 78 Megathiris detruncata 0 0 0 0 63 53 27 79 3 5 Macandrevia cranium 0 0 0 0 59 0 37 64 26 0 Macandre via africana 0 0 0 0 81 58 42 77 19 6 Ecnomiosa sp. 0 0 0 0 70 52 39 73 7 2 Kraussina rubra 0 0 0 0 100 69 68 100 29 36 Megerlia truncata 0 0 0 0 83 23 47 93 33 0 Amti-Kraussina (801) Liothyrella neozelanica 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Liothyrella uva 14 0 5 0 9 0 8 3 0 0 Gryphus vitreus 3 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Tichosina floridensis 2 0 3 1 5 1 4 3 0 0 Megathiris detruncata i 1 0 0 4 2 1 3 0 3 Macandrevia cranium 75 41 60 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macandre via africana 18 8 15 28 0 0 0 2 0 0 Ecnomiosa sp. 20 20 31 23 2 1 2 i 0 1 Kraussina rubra 83 93 94 91 56 22 63 79 0 79 Megerlia truncata 41 26 49 56 6 0 4 6 0 0 Anti-Megerlia (K5053) Liothyrella neozelanica 9 21 48 46 36 51 54 68 39 0 Liothyrella uva 31 0 38 15 31 0 32 22 1 1 0 Gryphus vitreus 0 0 5 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 Tichosina floridensis 10 0 15 23 24 1 1 35 45 0 0 Megathiris detruncata 56 58 63 72 2 13 37 21 3 0 Macandrevia cranium 69 46 70 76 13 0 15 18 0 0 M acandrevia africana 69 54 86 82 43 0 24 41 1 1 0 Ecnomiosa sp. 79 67 84 79 20 9 36 31 0 0 Kraussina rubra 80 69 83 85 37 26 57 46 7 0 Megerlia truncata 85 80 90 89 61 67 72 79 58 0 356 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 discrimination of the two groups. Euclidean distance was used as the similarity coefficient (cosine 0 measure could not be calculated because of the 0 values in the data), a, data from assays using anti -Liothyrella (803) serum; b, using anti -Gryphus (802); c, using anti- Kraussina (801); d, using anti -Megerlia (K5053). For species identity, see Table 4. Antisera prepared against Liothyrella , Gryphus , Kraussina, and Megerlia (803, K5010, 802, 801, K5053) all showed very similar patterns of reactivity, with strong reactions with the terebratulids, kraussinids, megathyridids, Macandrevia , and Ecnomiosa , and little reaction with other species. The dyscoliid Abyssothyris and the megathyridid Argyrotheca were among the least reactive terebratulide antigens to most of the antisera, but reacted moderately with one of the two antisera prepared against Liothyrella (803, K5010). Antiserum prepared against Terebratulina septentrionalis (173) (the antisera are hereafter described as ‘anti -Terebratulina septentrionalis', etc.) reacted strongly with cancellothyridids and Chlidonophora , and showed weaker reactions with only a few dallind and laqueid species. Cancellothyridid and chlidonophorid antigens reacted strongly with anti -Terebratulina (173) and anti -Dallina (K5007), and moderately with anti -Pictothyris (1 192). Antisera prepared against Waltonia, Laqueus, and Pictothyris (K5040, 1191, 1 192) again had very similar reaction profiles, showing strongest reactions with terebratellids, dallinids and laqueids, moderately strong reactions with one of the Macandrevia species (M. cranium), and sporadically weaker reactions with other terebratulides. Anti -Dallina (K5007) was the least specific antiserum, but it barely reacted with the rhynchonellide, and only weakly with terebratulids, Abyssothyris , kraussinids, megathyridids, Macandrevia , or Ecnomiosa. Anti- Neothvris (427) serum, on the contrary, reacted very specifically only with the terebratellid genera, Neothyris, Magellania, Terebratella , and Waltonia. These patterns of reactions, as described above, were visualized by a pair-wise comparison of the antigens (Text-fig. I). These data reinforce the three-fold division of living terebratulides proposed by previous immunological investigations (Collins et al. 1991c/; Curry et at. 1991c/), and assign the examined taxa into the following three divisions, involving four major taxonomic units. ENDO ET AL.: TEREBRATULIDE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 357 table 5. Inhibition ELISA on Te group (Terebratellidae, Dallinidae, and Laqueidae). Each of four different antisera (K5007, K.5040, 427, 1191) was preabsorbed with each of ten different antigens (columns) from species of Te group, and assayed with the ten antigens (rows). Reactions with the non-preabsorbed antiserum are listed as 100, while those with the antiserum preabsorbed by the homologous antigen are listed as 0. Data represent the average of duplicate experiments. Antisera (preabsorbed against) Antigens -Nl -Td -Ts -Wi -Mm -Gm -Ds -Cb -Lr -Do Anti-Dallina (K5007) Neothyris lenticularis (Nl) 0 ft 0 16 8 10 0 66 60 49 Terebratella dorsata (Td) 0 ft 5 27 10 21 0 70 64 59 Terebratella sanguined (Ts) 0 ft 0 0 8 3 0 69 0 53 Waltonia inconspicua (Wi) 0 0 0 6 6 5 0 69 59 53 Magellania macquariensis (Mm) 0 0 ft 14 6 15 0 64 62 49 Gyrothyris mawsoni (Gm) 0 ft 0 6 7 10 0 63 58 50 Dallina septigera (Ds) 0 0 7 25 10 26 ft 69 69 56 Campages basilanica (Cb) 0 ft 0 10 4 9 0 60 53 37 Laqueus rubellus (Lr) 0 ft 0 0 4 7 0 62 33 27 Dallinella occidentalis (Do) 0 ft 0 ft 8 4 0 64 43 34 Anti-Waltonia (K5040) Neothyris lenticularis 0 20 21 ft 9 0 0 41 3 ft Terebratella dorsata 0 8 2 0 13 10 7 41 14 27 Terebratella sanguined 0 29 48 ft 1 1 ft ft 57 0 29 Waltonia inconspicua 0 24 8 ft 18 8 13 55 20 26 Magellania macquariensis 0 14 6 0 9 0 5 47 6 12 Gyrothyris mawsoni 4 30 12 0 19 0 0 36 12 24 Dallina septigera 0 9 28 0 5 ft 0 56 14 18 Campages basilanica 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 Laqueus rubellus 0 21 9 ft 12 ft 0 39 0 0 Dallinella occidentalis 0 21 1 0 17 ft 0 28 ft ft Anti-Neothvris (427) Neothyris lenticularis 0 33 83 75 32 58 65 82 100 90 Terebratella dorsata 0 ft 68 75 0 79 45 76 93 98 Terebratella sanguined 0 0 0 93 ft 22 1 39 65 50 Waltonia inconspicua 0 7 44 1 1 13 54 50 64 57 32 Magellania macquariensis 0 7 69 77 ft 73 48 76 87 72 Gyrothyris mawsoni 0 1 0 ft 4 1 2 15 28 17 Dallina septigera 0 ft 21 53 0 40 4 57 62 69 Campages basilanica 0 4 0 ft 0 0 ft 0 26 7 Laqueus rubellus 0 0 0 0 0 6 ft 1 ft 8 Dali inella occidental is ft 0 15 0 0 29 23 9 16 5 Anti- Laqueus (1191) Neothyris lenticularis 0 9 ft ft 7 10 8 37 ft 17 Terebratella dorsata 0 2 0 0 4 5 6 35 ft 15 Terebratella sanguined 0 22 ft 0 4 2 2 34 ft 21 Waltonia inconspicua 0 10 ft 0 6 6 4 41 ft 23 Magellania macquariensis ft 0 ft ft ft 2 3 31 0 1 1 Gyrothyris mawsoni ft 0 1 ft 1 2 2 27 ft 1 1 Dallina septigera 0 1 ft 0 5 4 3 32 0 16 Campages basilanica 0 0 ft 0 ft ft 1 4 ft ft Laqueus rubellus 59 77 78 80 79 75 81 81 ft 69 Dallinella occidentalis 34 38 38 41 40 44 49 53 0 23 358 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 6. Inhibition ELISA on Te group using antisera preabsorbed with Macandrevia antigen. Each of five different antisera (K5007, K5040, 427, 1191, 1 192) was preabsorbed with antigens from Macandrevia cranium (columns), and assayed with the 15 antigens from Te group species (rows). Reactions with the homologous antigen are listed as 100, while reactions with the negative control (bivalve Codakia sp.) are listed as 0. Data represent the average of duplicate experiments. Antigens Antisera K5007 (Dal) K5040 (Wal) 427 (Neo) 1 191 (Laq) 1192 (Pic) Dallina (Ds) 100 43 35 75 98 Campages (Cb) 115 88 18 76 72 Gyrothyris (Gm) 144 101 17 79 75 Waltonia (Wi) 138 100 26 77 101 Terebratella dorsata (Td) 109 77 87 76 85 Neothyris (Nl) 96 96 100 73 97 Jolonica (Jn) 0 96 0 72 97 ' Frenulina ' (Fr) 35 1 16 0 76 111 Terebratalia (Tc) 51 1 10 0 103 101 Coptothyris (Cg) 57 108 0 92 110 Dallinella (Do) 68 1 10 0 85 104 Laqueus rubellus (Lr) 17 96 0 100 84 L. blanfordi (Lb) 81 90 0 94 94 L. quadratus (Lq) 53 77 0 86 85 Pictothyris (Pp) 10 118 0 51 100 Mm Td Nl Dl Lr te la Cb Gm Ts Ds Wi te + da text-fig. 3. R-mode cluster analyses on inhibition data on Te groups (Table 5), demonstrating a general separation of terebratellids and laqueids. Euclidean distance was used as the similarity coefficient, a, data from assays using anti -Dallina (K5007) serum; b, using anti- Waltonia (K5040); c, using anti -Neothyris (427); d, using anti -Laqueus (1 191). For species identity, see Table 5. ENDO ET A L. \ TEREBRATULIDE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 359 text-fig. 4. (7-mode cluster analysis on inhibition data on Te group (Table 6), demonstrating a clear discrimination between terebratellids and laqucids. Euclidean distance was used as the simi- larity coefficient. For species identity, see Table 6. text-fig. 5. (7-mode cluster analysis on immunological reactivity data on C group (Table 7). Antisera were not preabsorbed. Euclidean distance was used as the similarity coefficient. For species identity, see Table 7. (1) Short-looped Terebratuloidea Cooper, 1983, denoted as Tu group here, plus a group of long- looped families Kraussinidae, Megathyrididae, Macandreviidae Cooper, 19736, and Ecnomiosidae Cooper, 1977 (collectively referred to here as the K group). (2) Short-looped Cancellothyridoidea Cooper, 1 973c/ the C group. (3) A group of long-looped families Dallinidae, Laqueidae (Richardson 1975; except for Macandrevia), and Terebratellidae - the Te group (Text-fig. 1 ). Strong and consistent correlations between Tu and K groups were demonstrated, while no affinity between the short-looped Tu and C groups, and only weak affinities between the long-looped Te and K groups were observed (Text-fig. 1 ), confirming the critical disagreements with traditional classifications suggested by the original immunological study (Collins et al. 1988). Relationships within major taxonomic groups These results, based entirely on assays carried out using crude antisera, clearly separated the three major groups, but the data were generally insufficient to resolve relationships within each group as many of the reactions were oversaturated (Table 3). Separation between the morphologically distinctive Tu and K groups was also unclear (Text-fig. 1). However the more specific inhibition ELISA on the species belonging to Tu and K groups clearly discriminated between these two groups (Table 4; Text-fig. 2). Coherence of the genus Liothyrella and family Kraussinidae was also suggested (Text-fig. 2a), but generally the data were still too noisy to allow further elucidation of relationships. Assays on species of the Te group using the preabsorbed antisera separated the ‘laqueids’ of the northern hemisphere and the terebratellids of the southern hemisphere, but failed to detect the ‘dallinids’ ( Dallina and Campages) as a coherent group (Tables 5-6; Text figs 3-4). More work needs to be carried out to determine the relationships of dallinids to the other two 360 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 37 between r and u subgroups, and separation of these subgroups from 77 crossei and 77 pacifica. Euclidean distance was used as the similarity coefficient, a, data from assays using anti-Terebratulina retusa (K4962) serum; B, using anti- 77 septentrionalis (173); C, using anti- 77 unguicula ( 1 74) ; d, using anti- 77 crossei (171). For species identity, see Table 8. table 7. Immunological reactions among C group species (Cancellothyrididae and Chlidonophoridae). Reactions with the homologous antigen are listed as 100, while reactions with the negative control (bivalve Codakia sp.) are listed as 0. For details of the antisera and antigens, see Tables 1 and 2. Antisera were not preabsorbed with antigens. Antigens Antisera K.4962 (ret) 173 (sep) 174 (ung) 171 (cro) Terebratulina retusa (ret) 100 90 87 83 T. septentrionalis (sep) 102 100 97 105 T. unguicula (ung) 93 87 100 77 T. unguicula rot undata (rot) 93 90 102 61 T. japonica (jap) 106 89 93 95 T. peculiar is (pec) 107 95 98 99 T. pacifica (pac) 56 81 78 61 T. crossei (cro) 59 75 66 100 T. reevei (ree) 56 29 72 51 T. abyssicola (aby) 75 44 76 11 T. latifrons (lat) 73 36 92 67 T. cailleti (cai) 92 63 93 29 T. kiiensis (kii) 46 66 77 96 Chlidonophora incerta (Chi) 99 86 102 73 C an cello thy r is australis (Can) 1 13 94 105 60 families. The ‘laqueids’ group comprises Laqueus , Pictothyris , Jolonica, Terebratalia , Coptothvris , and Dallinella (Text-lig. 4), and hence the immunological data can he considered as supporting the assignment of these genera to the Laqueidae (Richardson 1975). ENDO ET A L TEREBRATULIDE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 361 table 8. Inhibition ELISA on Terebratulina species. Each of four different antisera (K4962. 1 73. 174. 171) was preabsorbed with each of eight different antigens (columns) from Terebratulina species (C group), and assayed with the eight antigens (rows). Reactions with the non-preabsorbed antiserum are listed as 100. while those with the antiserum preabsorbed by the homologous antigen are listed as 0. Data represent the average of duplicate experiments. Antigens Antisera (preabsorbed against) -re -se -un -ro -ja -pe -pa -cr Anti-T. retusa (K4%2) Terebratulina retusa (re) 0 7 22 25 16 0 33 47 T. septentrionalis (se) 0 0 14 22 1 0 15 18 T. unguicula (un) 0 4 0 0 5 4 40 50 T. unguicula rotundata (ro) 0 5 0 0 1 2 39 24 T. japonica ( j a ) 0 7 10 5 0 6 36 44 T. peculiaris (pe) 0 13 19 18 3 ii 42 53 T. pacifica (pa) 0 0 1 1 12 6 3 (1 1 1 T. crossei (cr) 0 1) 0 3 0 2 0 0 Anti-T. septentrionalis (173) Terebratulina retusa 5 0 32 29 14 40 57 60 T. septentrionalis 0 11 27 37 19 26 52 69 T. unguicula 8 1) 20 34 22 35 64 83 T. unguicula rotundata 8 0 24 31 12 31 56 78 T. japonica 10 0 40 48 10 33 59 73 T. peculiaris 0 0 38 38 12 13 65 84 T. pacifica 10 0 33 35 3 8 19 50 T. crossei 1 1 I) 21 35 0 (1 16 38 Anti-T. unguicula (174) Terebratulina retusa 20 31 0 1 5 9 76 95 T. septentrionalis 37 27 0 1 2 19 75 79 T. unguicula 45 45 0 0 47 40 70 86 T. unguicula rotundata 45 43 0 3 42 48 80 87 T. japonica 50 41 0 2 13 15 78 92 T. peculiaris 32 31 0 0 13 8 77 81 T. pacifica 17 7 0 1 (1 1 27 59 T. crossei 21 5 0 2 13 15 43 14 Anti-T. crossei (171 ) Terebratulina retusa 0 0 87 97 0 0 0 0 T. septentrionalis (( 0 50 80 4 0 19 0 T. unguicula 23 12 8 41 18 43 76 0 T. unguicula rotundata 9 0 0 21 25 15 46 0 T. japonica 1) (1 62 70 0 0 0 0 T. peculiaris 0 0 85 76 19 0 4 0 T. pacifica 0 0 70 92 0 0 0 0 T. crossei 32 27 72 88 47 19 31 1) Antisera prepared against four Terebratulina species, even without preabsorption treatment, detected a considerable amount of molecular variation among C group species (Table 7). The variability between species of Terebratulina was even greater than that detected between the families of Te group. C group species were subdivided into two major groups; one comprised T. retusa , T. septentrionalis, T. japonica , T. peculiaris , T. unguicula , T. unguicula rotundata , Cancellothyris australis , and Chlidonophora incerta , the other group comprised T. pacifica , T. reeve i. 362 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Group Family Loop morphology Terebratulina retusa T. septentrionalis T. japonica T. peculiaris T. unguicuia T. unguicuia rotundata Cancellothyris australis Chlidonophora incerta T. pacifica T. cailleti T. reevei T. latifrons T. kiiensis T. crossei T. abyssicola Campages basilanica Dallina septigera Neothyris lenticularis Terebratella dorsata Magellania macquariensis Waltonia inconspicua Gyrothyris mawsoni Terebratella sanguinea Laqueus rubellus L. blanfordl L. quadratus Dallinella occidentalis Coptothyris grayl Terebratalla coreanica "Frenulma" sp. Jolonica nipponlca Plctothyris pi eta Liothyrella neozelanica L. uva notorcadensis Gryphus vitreus Tichosina floridensis Abyssothyris parva Argyrotheca barretiana Megathiris detruncata Macandrevia cranium M. africana Ecnomiosa sp Kraussina rubra Megerlia truncata Notosaria nigricans ca Terebratulina text-fig. 7. Summary of immunological view of terebratulide relationships, with stylized loop morphology (after Davidson 1886, except for the original Ecnomiosa) of selected genera. Polychotomous branchings indicate unresolved relationships. Horizontal and vertical axes are not proportional to any similarity values. Abbreviations for families: ca, Cancellothyrididae; ch. Chlidonophoridae; da, Dallinidae; te, Terebratellidae; la, Laqueidae; tu, Terebratulidae; dy, Dyscoliidae; me, Megathyrididae; ma, Macandreviidae; ec. Ecnomiosidae; kr, Kraussinidae. ENDO ET AL. TEREBRATULI DE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 363 T. crossei , T. kiiensis, T. latifrons , T. cailleti , and T. abyssicola (Text-fig. 5). The data further suggest the separations of the following subgroups: T. crossei and T. kiiensis (subgroup c); and T. latifrons and T. reevei (subgroup /) (Text-fig. 5). Assays with preabsorbed antisera confirmed the separation between subgroup r ( 7 . retusa, T. septentrionalis, T. japonica, and 7 . peculiaris) and subgroup u (T. unguicula , T. unguicula rotundata ) (Table 8; Text-fig. 6). The apparent affinity of both Cancellothyris and Chlidonophora to T. unguicula and T. unguicula rotundata (Table 7; Text-fig. 5) suggests that the diversification of the ancestors of the living Terebratulina occurred before the divergence of Chlidonophora and Cancellothyris from Terebratulina stocks. The relationships among the other cluster of Terebratulina species were poorly characterized because anti-7", crossei was the only antiserum directed to a species belonging to this cluster. This antiserum indicated that T. crossei was very distantly related to T. abyssicola and T. cailleti (Table 7; Text-fig. 5). The assays with preabsorbed antisera demonstrated a large molecular variation between T. crossei and T. pacifica (Table 8). These facts suggested an involvement of a number of deeply branched lineages in this second major group of Terebratulina. A schematic summary of the immunological results concerning the relationships among examined terebratulide species is given in Text-figure 7. DISCUSSION Nature of the immunological data Immunological methods utilize the highly specific reaction between antigenic molecules, commonly proteins or polysaccharides, and antibodies. The production of the latter is elicited by the introduction of antigens into the body fluids of a susceptible animal (typically, a rabbit). The degree of reaction may vary depending on the structural similarity between the assayed molecules and those that originally elicited the antibodies. When applied to phylogenetic studies, immunological data therefore provide a measure of overall similarities between examined biomolecules; this then can be extrapolated to the degree of divergence between organisms that carry the molecules. The biomolecules thus compared in this study were the brachiopod intracrystalline macromolecules occluded in the secondary shell layer. Compositional analysis has demonstrated that the brachiopod secondary shell fibrous calcites contain proteins, lipids (Curry et at. 19916), and neutral carbohydrates (Collins et ah 19916; Clegg and Moers, pers. comm.). The brachiopod intracrystalline proteins have been partially characterized by amino acid analysis, gel electrophoresis, liquid chromatography, and N-terminal amino acid sequencing (Curry et al. 1991 6, 1991c; Collins et ah 1 99 1 b ; Cusack et al. 1992). Curry et al. ( 1991c) reported that at least three different proteins of discrete sizes (47 kDa, 16 kDa, and 6-5 kDa) are present in the terebratellid Neothyris lenticularis (Deshayes) and at least one protein (30 kDa) in the cancellothyridid Terebratulina retusa (Linnaeus). The amino acid sequences of these proteins had no significant similarity with known proteins (Curry et al. 1991c). The functions of brachiopod intracrystalline proteins are poorly known, although one protein is believed to be responsible for shell colour (Curry et ah 19916; Cusack et ah 1992). Our immunological data did not group taxa of a particular shell colour; therefore, it appears very unlikely that the colour-related proteins evolved convergently to produce the present patterns of immunological reactivities among terebratulide species. The antibodies utilized in this study and previous studies (Collins et al. 1988 ; Collins et cd. 1991 a: Curry et al. 1991c/) were prepared against crude extracts from the fibrous secondary layer of the shell or the whole shell powder, except for the anii-Neothyris serum which was prepared against a semi- purified protein (Collins et al. 1991cv). Immunological assays using these sera on the liquid chromatography fractions of purified shell extracts indicated that these antisera were directed not only against proteins but also against carbohydrates (Collins et al. 19916; Endo, unpublished data). The nature and extent of glycosylation in the brachiopod intracrystalline proteins remains unclear. Heavy glycosylation was suggested by Collins et ah (19916). The fact that the first twenty amino acids of the ' 1 0-5 kDa protein' and the first ten of the ‘47 kDa protein’ could be sequenced text-fig. 8. Interpretations of terebratulide phylogeny. Only relevant taxa are indicated. Upper panel: traditional interpretations, a, Muir-Wood et at. (1965) with modifications by Cooper (1973a, 1979): b. Smirnova (1984). Lower panel, interpretations based on immunological data, c, Collins el al. (1991a): D, the revised interpretation. PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 37 364 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 A B 321" P Te Tu K I I \ v .2. Palaeozoic ancestors text-fig. 8. Interpretations of terebratulide phytogeny. Only relevant taxa are indicated. Upper panel: traditional interpretations, a, Muir-Wood et al. (1965) with modifications by Cooper (1973a, 1979); b. Smirnova (1984). Lower panel, interpretations based on immunological data, c, Collins et al. (1991a); D, the revised interpretation. ENDO ET A L. TEREBRATULIDE BRACHIOPOD PHYLOGENY 365 with the Edman degradation (Curry et al. 1991c) indicates that at least these residues have no covalently hound sugars. Curry et al. (1991/?) reported no galactosamine or glucosamine from the brachiopod shell fibre extracts. In general, the immunological data were most consistent and unequivocal at family-superfamily levels and above. The long-lived (Jurassic-Recent) genus Terebratulina , for which species level inferences were possible, was a remarkable exception. Indeterminate reaction patterns observed at levels lower than family rank may be due partly to the fact that antibodies were directed also against carbohydrate epitopes, which are usually considered as much less informative than protein epitopes (Cohen 1992). Another possible cause for spurious immunological reaction patterns is the variation in the antigen concentration per shell weight, since the amount of antigen was adjusted by the amount of dried shell fibres in this study. This factor may explain minor variations, for example, the slightly odd reaction patterns of Gryphus vitreus and Macandrevia cranium antigens, which gave systematically weaker and stronger reactions, respectively, compared with other antigens (Table 3). In this study, we use common similarity coefficients and simple clustering algorithms to graphically present structures of the immunological data. Different tree-building methods may produce minor changes in the tree topologies, but the framework of relationships, the separation of Tu , C, Te, and K groups and their interrelationships, will not change, as the raw data set (Table 3) almost self-evidently demonstrates. Traditional interpretations of terebratulide phytogeny In Muir-Wood et al. (1965), post-Palaeozoic terebratulides were assigned in one of the two suborders, the short-looped Terebratulidina and the long-looped Terebratellidina. The former consisted of the single superfamily Terebratuloidea, and the latter embraced two superfamilies, namely the Terebratelloidea and the extinct Zeillerioidea. Dagys (1968, 1972) proposed a different subdivision of the long-looped terebratulides, erecting the new superfamily Dallinoidea, which embraced the Zeilleriidae, Dallinidae and Laqueidae on the basis of the presence or absence of dental plates and a cardinal process, in addition to loop characteristics. Dagys (1968, 1972) concluded that the other long-looped superfamily Terebratelloidea, consisting of the Terebratellidae, Megathyrididae, Platidiidae and Kraussinidae, was derived not from the Dallinoidea but from the newly erected short-looped superfamily Loboidothyroidea, casting doubt on the assumption implicit in Muir-Wood et al. (1965) interpretation, or the separation of the long- and short-looped forms at subordinal rank. Among the short-looped Terebratuloidea, Cooper (1973c/) recognized in the Cancellothyrididae a fundamental difference in the way the pedicle muscles attach to the dorsal shell. In particular he noticed that the muscles attach to the valve floor rather than to the hinge plate, which is unlike the situation in other terebratuloids. On the basis of this muscle attachment and the characteristic features of the cardinalia. Cooper ( 1 9 7 3 8) are inhibited (lower P). The result of this algorithm (Text-fig. 7) is to enhance arbitrary local projections into major lobate branches; this can be allowed to develop into a dendritic structure. The width of the branches is determined by the specified scan radius, representing the range around a point on the organism within which the spatial arrangement of the structure has some influence. Competition between multiple colonies If the ‘competition’ algorithm described above is applied to multiply-seeded structures, they do not merge. Growth is inhibited when it takes a structure to within the specified radius of a rival structure. Smooth sided structures result (Text-fig. 8). In the case of local autonomy of growth, this result should be associated with lobate branching elsewhere on the structure. In the case of distributed growth (types 2 and 3 above), these two effects will not necessarily be associated. text-fig. 8. Simulation of effect of two structures on each other when growth is inhibited at enclosed sites. VALIDATION The validation of computer models is always problematical. It is based on two principles: (1) assessment of processes and parameters; (2) comparison of simulations with reality. Processes and parameters The process involved here is accretionary growth; the parameters are the variables which control the rates and sites of growth. Many computer models are able to incorporate calibration of parameter values by using empirical data from recent analogues : thus Bosence and Waltham ( 1 990) were able to include real rates of growth in their coral reef model. In the present study, there are no reliable sources for such information; attempts to relate growth banding to growth rate have required basic assumptions, such as Meyer’s (1981) study where annual increments were assumed. Calibration on this basis can be done but does not provide unequivocal data on growth rates. We can, nevertheless, appraise the pertinence of the processes in the model in relation to apparent growth mechanisms of fossil organisms. The raster accretion method of this study treats a skeleton as composed of minute, equal-sized units (pixels), and therefore ignores the complexities of skeletal differentiation between the various groups of taxa with similar gross morphotypes. Its application to growth of organisms with 418 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 relatively low modular integration, such as favositid corals, may not be so satisfactory, but when applied to highly integrated skeletons such as many sponges, the model may be closer to reality. Laminar accretionary growth provides a useful concept for visualizing the overall geometric development of a skeleton of these organisms, but does not provide a means for modelling the growth mechanism. Such growth assumes that accretion took place simultaneously across the skeleton surface, but examples of stromatoporoids occur for which this was demonstrably not the case, so this concept is only partially applicable. Also, laminar growth units are recognizable as geometric entities in a wide range of phyla with different skeletal organizations, and are a reflection of the need for growth. However, they give no information about intrinsic controls in individual phyla. Laminar growth occurs in organisms with obvious differences in skeletal organization in clonal organisms (Jackson 1983), and especially in terms of the degree of integration, or modularity — a crucial concept in studies of clonal organisms. In tabulate corals such as Favosites a module is clearly identifiable as a single corallite, whereas in sponges modules are not so easily recognized because there are no identifiable individuals. However, because sponges filter-feed, they consist of tissue arranged in an incurrent-excurrent system. In stromatoporoids, the centres of excurrent flow are astrorhizae (sets of branching root-like grooves on the upper surface of many species). These are often arranged in an evenly-spaced pattern on stromatoporoid surfaces, so that water is drawn in through the tissue around the astrorhizae, and waste water is channelled to the astrorhizal centre and expelled (LaBarbera and Boyajian 1991). Astrorhizae therefore provide evidence of aquiferous units with unclear boundaries, which could be regarded as the closest approximation to individuals in sponges. Apart from this, sponges only show individuality at the cellular level, not recognizable in fossils. Unfortunately, not all stromatoporoids show astrorhizae, so the aquiferous limit is not a universally quantifiable feature. Using a modular approach, it is clear that in the wide variety of organisms with laminar accretionary growth, modules have different sizes and types. Modelling the growth of such a disparate array of skeletal constructions may therefore require variety of approach. Stromatoporoid skeletal structure varies from organizations with prominent laminae to those with prominent pillars, and as a result there are no definable subunits of growth which can be recognized in all stromatoporoids, unlike tabulates or even chaetetids which have tubes as the smallest unit of growth. Consequently, growth was presumably quite locally organized in stromatoporoids (Wood 1991). Therefore the raster approach adopted here appears to be closer to the way stromatoporoids grew than for the other groups. Within the sponges, stromatoporoids and chaetetids do not show uniform growth. Kershaw and West (1991) showed considerable internal complexity in calicle distribution in chaetetids within single individuals. In stromatoporoids, variation of internal skeletal elements occurs where parts of an individual display prominent laminae while others show prominent pillars, and some stromatoporoids show phases of growth (Stearn 1989). Stromatoporoids may show these variations on a rhythmic basis, which suggests an environmental control on the growth of successive layers of skeleton. Modelling using the raster approach adopted here is unlikely to resolve such fine scale variation. Furthermore, the stochastic nature of the computer model has no analogue in growth of real organisms : it is used as a convenient means of emulating curved increments of accretion on the raster array of the computer device. It is clear that the application here is an algorithmic approximation of real growth. Thus it does not explain how growth occurs, but is a proxy for demonstrating the geometry of growth in a skeleton. However, the basic processes of the model such as accretion on ‘live’ surfaces and smothering by sediment are highly plausible as properties of real organisms and have crucial influence on the final geometry of the structure. Comparison with real forms The simulations presented in Text-figures 4 and 5 demonstrate the dependence of shape on sedimentation. This is shown, for convenience, only for cases of regular sedimentation increments and intervals. The morphology of real forms will be determined by the effectively arbitrary history SWAN AND KERSHAW: STROM ATOPOROI D GROWTH 419 of sedimentation and other real events. Furthermore, the shape of the initial substrate often differs from the flat geometry of the simulations. Consequently, we do not expect an exact fit of a simulation to any particular stromatoporoid specimen; rather, we should compare types and ranges of geometry. Correspondences. There appears to be a correspondence between simulations and real forms in the following aspects. (1) General morphology. The simulations generally produce types of massive domed structure, corresponding to the typical stromatoporoid morphology. This is not entirely a mundane observation ; it is an important aspect of stromatoporoid morphology that more complex structures are not as typical as they are of other groups, such as corals. The special modifications that can be made to the algorithm to produce more complex structures may be analogous to the more complex growth strategies of other organisms and atypical stromatoporoids. (2) Geotropism. The range of geometries resulting from changes to the geotropism factor (Text- fig. 3) match the range of degrees of convexity of real stromatoporoids (Text-fig. 9), described by text-fig. 9. Examples of contrasting stromatoporoid geometries that can be modelled by varying values of the geotropism factor (see Text-figure 3). Notice also the concave bases, suggesting establishment on convex local highs on the substrate. All are traced from photographs of specimens from Silurian of Gotland. Scale bars represent 10mm. the continuum from laminar to low domical to extended domical morphotypes by Kershaw and Riding (1978). (3) Ragged edges. The ragged lateral margins resulting from simulations involving periodic sedimentation (Text-figs 4-5) have the same form and the same inferred cause as those in real stromatoporoids and chaetetids (Text-fig. 10), as documented by Kershaw and Riding (1978) and Kershaw and West (1991). (4) Smooth margins. Kershaw and Riding (1978) identified an 'extended domical’ morphotype with smooth margins created by non-enveloping laminae (Text-fig. 1 I). This can be modelled by 420 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 10. A chaetetid with sediment-induced ragged margins (from Kershaw and West, 1991, which compare with forms modelled in Text-figures 4 and 5. frequent, small sediment increments (e.g. forms in top left of Text-lig. 5), or by interference with other individuals (Text-fig. 8). (5) Bulbous versus pyramidal forms. Variation between generally pyramidal forms with broad bases, and bulbous forms with relatively narrow bases, was documented by Kershaw and Riding (1978). This variation can be modelled by varying the response to the sediment surface (compare Text-fig. 6a, 7). (6) Importance of hiatus. A comparison of Text-figures 4 and 5 demonstrates the importance of an initial hiatus in sedimentation to permit growth. This is supported by the almost ubiquitous observation of flat or concave bases of real stromatoporoids (see examples in Text-figs 9, 11): the conical (convex-down) bases simulated in Text-figure 4 are rare or absent in stromatoporoids, though common in corals. Furthermore, the prevalence of concave bases in stromatoporoids suggests establishment on convexities (local highs) on the substrate, which would be sites of less local sedimentation. text-fig. II. An extended domical stromatoporoid, with non-overlapping laminae (traced from photo- graph of specimen from the Silurian of Gotland). Compare with forms shown in Text-figures 5 and 9. Scale bar represents 10 mm. These six points of similarity allow the basic computer model to simulate most of the range of observed morphologies described by Kershaw and Riding (1978; see, for example, their fig. 10). It should prove possible to modify and control the computer model to simulate specific complex fossils, and thus help improve understanding of an individual’s growth mode and history. Discrepancies. The following points of discrepancy between simulations and real forms suggest that we should retain some reservations about the total applicability of the model. ( 1 ) Some morphotypes are not realistically simulatable. The dendroid stromatoporoids do not have the same geometry as those created by the model, as shown in Text-figure 7. The extended domical morphotype with smooth margins and non-enveloping laminae has been simulated in two ways (see point (4) above), but field evidence leaves some doubt as to whether real structures of this SWAN AND KERSHAW: STROM ATOPOROID GROWTH 421 type can be attributed either to continuous sedimentation or to interference with adjacent structures. (2) Some simulations are unrealistic. It is a prediction of the basic model that many stromatoporoids should have conical bases (Text-fig. 4), but these are rare in nature. As noted above, the style of branching shown in Text-figure 7 is not represented in stromatoporoids, although it is reminiscent of other organic forms. It is also possible that the modification of the model that incorporates autonomous competition is not supportable as a stromatoporoid analogue. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF STROMATOPOROIDS Growth rate versus sedimentation rate The results of the model confirm the interpretations of fossil morphologies as highly dependent on sedimentation, particularly its rate and episodieity. The model also gives some idea of the relative tolerance limits of stromatoporoids to sedimentation. An interesting and unexpected result in some simulations (Text-fig. 5) was the manner in which growing stromatoporoids were initially able to keep pace with sedimentation, but eventually become rather abruptly smothered, despite the consistent pattern of sedimentation. A non-linear and apparently complex growth history can therefore have a simple cause. However, sedimentation episodes will in reality have been variable in frequency and amount, and stromatoporoid growth cannot be assumed to have been constant, so survivorship of stromatoporoids under conditions of episodic sedimentation is likely to have been haphazard. Establishment of structures We have observed that the model involving an initial hiatus (Text-fig. 5) produces more realistic results than that involving no hiatus (Text-fig. 4). Indeed, the development of many typical morphologies seems to be dependent on average sedimentation rate exceeding growth rate — a terminal condition for which the initial hiatus is essential if the structures are to develop at all. There are two possible interpretations of this. ( 1 ) Stromatoporoid growth may have been genuinely slow and unable to keep pace with typical increments of sediment, so individuals would be immediately smothered unless they were ‘seeded’ on sites experiencing (for a period of time) near zero sedimentation. It is worth emphasizing that, in this model, any stromatoporoid that successfully began growth while there was any sedimentation would show signs of a conical base; the general rarity of these would specifically imply that the initial hiatus was essential. (2) The ‘hiatus’ may be only apparent and relative; there may be an initial rapid growth phase, exceeding sedimentation rates, to allow the establishment of the structure. The lack of fossils having the geometries simulated in Text-figure 4 would therefore be due to inadequacy of the basic model of growth. These alternatives are difficult to appraise; the observation of concave bases (convexities of substrate) perhaps favours the former. Level of skeletal integration The comparability of simulations to fossil material suggests that stromatoporoids, and probably also chaetetids, had some of the organizational attributes of the computer algorithm used here. Specifically, it seems that each growth unit of a typical stromatoporoid, like each pixel in the model, was largely autonomous in its susceptibility to local conditions; there is little reason to suppose that directions, amounts and patterns of growth were under central control by the organism. However, local autonomy was not absolute; there is no evidence of positive feedback between favourability of position on the structure and growth rate, of the sort that produced the branching simulations of Text-figure 7, so resources gained by favoured parts of the organism seem to have been 422 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 distributed. There may even have been a negative feedback mechanism to boost growth at incipient recesses and hence maintain the smoothness of the surface. The success of this model in producing growth forms which are analogous to real natural structures suggests that it is a useful proxy for interpretation of highly integrated modular organisms such as stromatoporoids. Similarities can also be observed between some of the simulations and other organisms, particularly chaetetids, but also corals, stromatolites and bryozoa. 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SWAN School of Geological Sciences Kingston University Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 2EE, UK STEPHEN KERSHAW Palaeobiology Research Unit West London Institute Typescript received 10 September 1993 Borough Road Revised typescript received 18 January 1994 Isleworth TW7 5DU, UK MORPHOLOGY OF ENCRUSTING AND FREE LIVING ACE R VU LIN I D FO R AM IN I FER A: ACER VULIN A, GYPSINA AND SOLENOMERIS by CHRISTINE PERRIN Abstract. The generic identification of acervulinids is especially difficult due to a confused systenratics. However, this family is of major interest because it comprises the main encrusting reef Foraminifera which can contribute significantly to the reef framework or build true reefs up to several kilometres in length. Their close dependency on the substratum to which they are attached and their ability to develop various growth forms result in an irregular morphology and arrangement of the chambers. This has certainly contributed to the difficulty of defining accurate criteria for identification of genera and species. Moreover, the ability of the Eocene acervulinid Solenomeris to build monospecific, kilometre-sized reefs has misled most previous workers to consider it as a red alga. The geometrical characteristics of the test of the main acervulinid genera ( Acervulina , Borodinia , Gypsina , Solenomeris) are analysed and discussed, based on previous descriptions and personal observations. This leads to some reliable and easily usable criteria for genera and species identification. Solenomeris is very close to Acervulina but can be distinguished by the form of the juvenile. The Acervulinidae includes sessile Foraminifera, often with an encrusting growth form, which are able to contribute significantly to the reef framework or even to build true monospecific reef biostrotnes (Plaziat 1984; Perrin 1987c/, 19876, 1987c, 1989, 1992; Plaziat and Perrin 1992) and consequently is of major interest for palaeoenvironmental interpretation of Recent and Tertiary reef facies. Like all attached organisms, acervulinids closely depend on the substratum they encrust; the irregularities of the substratum surface influence the internal organization of the crust. Moreover, like other reef-building organisms (e.g. scleractinians and Rhodophyceae), acervulinids have developed various growth forms according to different environmental conditions (Perrin 1989, 1992). The direct influence of the substratum on acervulinids and their tendency to develop different growth forms are reflected in the irregularity of the geometry and arrangement of chambers. This irregularity of the internal organization of the skeleton is probably one of the main causes of the especially confused systematics of this family and has certainly contributed to the difficulty of finding accurate criteria for the identification of genera and species. In particular, criteria for the distinction between Acervulina and Gypsina have never been clearly defined. Moreover, the ability of the Eocene Solenomeris to build monospecific, kilometre-sized reefs has led most previous authors to consider them as red algae. The most frequently quoted genera in reef environments are the fossil genus Solenomeris , and the fossil to Recent genera Acervulina and Gypsina. This paper aims to provide reliable criteria for generic and specific identification of acervulinids. THE ACERVULINIDAE Previous systematic studies of the family The Acervulinidae was created by Schultze (1854) for Acervulina Schultze, 1854 (type species A. inhaerens Schultze, 1854). This author also described two other species of the genus (A. glohosa and A. acinosa) which do not seem to have been reported by subsequent authors, probably because of | Palaeontology, Vol. .17, Part 2, 1994, pp. 425-458, 4 pls.| © The Palaeontological Association 426 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 their very brief description and inadequate figures which show only the external appearance of the test. Gypsina was described by Carter (1877) on the basis of a specimen described by Carpenter (1876) and named Tinoporus vesicularis , itself a synonym of Orbit olina vesicularis. This last species created by Parker and Jones (1860) therefore corresponds to the type species of Gypsina. Carter (1877) also reported another species, Gypsina melobesioides, which he considered a synonym of Polytrema planum previously created by himself (Carter 1876). This has resulted in much confusion concerning both Acervulina and Gypsina. With the creation of Gypsina , Schultze’s work (1854) concerning Acervulina became neglected and most of the subsequently described species were placed in Gypsina and often in the Planorbulinidae. Brady (1884) referred Schultze’s species A. inhaerens to Gypsina without explanation. The type species of Acervulina was first designated by Galloway and Wissler (1927), and that of Gypsina by Cushman (1915). However, some authors have considered Gypsina melobesioides and consequently Polytrema planum as the type species of Gypsina (Loeblich and Tappan 1964; Moussavian 1989), though this species, sometimes named Gypsina plana (Cushman et al. 1954), is considered by most authors as a synonym of Acervulina inhaerens Schultze, 1854 (see Galloway and Wissler 1927) or its variety plana Hanzawa, 1931 (see Hanzawa 1931, 1957). Galloway and Wissler (1927) and Moussavian (1989) therefore regarded Acervulina and Gypsina as synonyms since Polytrema planum , which they considered as the type species of Gypsina , is an Acervulina. Among the various subsequently described genera placed in this family some, like the unilocular form Semseya Franzenau, 1893 (monotypic type species Semseya lameUata ), Pseudogypsina Trauth, 1918 (monotypic type species Pseudogypsina multiformis) and Borodinia Hanzawa, 1940 (monotypic type species Borodinia septentrionalis ), remain extremely rare or very little known. Other genera were created from existing species or varieties of Gypsina : Sphaerogypsina Galloway, 1933 (type species Gypsina globulus Reuss, 1848), Discogypsina Silvestri, 1937 (type species Gypsina vesicularis var. discus Goes, 1882), Planogypsina Bermudez, 1952 (type species Gypsina mastelensis Bursch, 1947). Ladoronia , created by Hanzawa (1957) as a subgenus of Acervulina (type species Acervulina ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis Hanzawa, 1957), was considered as a genus by Loeblich and Tappan (1964). Douville (1924) independently created the genus Solenomeris (type species Solenomeris O'Gormani [s/c]) from an Eocene encrusting organism he identified as a red alga and which corresponds to the Austrian Eocene form described by Trauth (1918) as Polytrema planum ( = Acervulina inhaerens var. plana). Other species belonging to the same genus were described mainly as red algae (as Solenoporacea or more rarely as coralline algae): S. douvillei Pfender, 1926, S. afonensis Maslov, 1956 and 5. pakistense Johnson and Konishi, 1960. However, several authors have placed Solenomeris in the Acervulinidae (Hagn and Wellnhofer 1967; Hagn 1967, 1978, 1983; Moussavian 1984, 1989; Perrin 1987a, 19876, 1987c, 1992; Plaziat and Perrin 1992), some of them considering it as a synonym of Gypsina (Hagn 1972, 1978, 1983; Moussavian 1984) or Acervulina (Moussavian 1989). Identification of the Acervulinidae The test of Acervulinidae consists of hyaline calcite and the walls are formed like those of the other Rotaliina, by two calcified layers on both sides of an organic membrane (Hansen and Reiss 1971). The test may be free or attached to a substratum (Schultze 1854; Galloway 1933; Loeblich and Tappan 1964). Acervulinid growth is characterized by a spiral coiling of the early chambers, followed by adult chambers arranged in one or several layers, without any apertures other than wall pores, and without a canal system (Schultze 1854; Cushman 1950; Loeblich and Tappan 1964, 1984). However, there are some other characters common to the different genera of Acervulinidae, especially the typical arrangement of the adult chambers alternating from one layer to the next in multilayered tests. Loeblich and Tappan (1964, 1984) suggested a stratigraphical range for this family from Eocene to Recent. However, Cushman (1950) reported some acervulinids ( Acervulina and Gypsina) PERRIN: ACERVULINID FO R A M I N I FE R A 427 text-fig. I Arrangement of chambers in snbaxial section (left) and in transverse section (right) in species of Acervulina. A, A. inhaerens ; B, A. linearis., C, A. (Ladoronia) vernacularism x 56. m m xz W5&3E :WEtr table 1. Size of main features of the test of Acervulina inhaerens Schultze, 1854. References and localities... G. inhaerens Yabe and Hanzawa 1925 Ryukyu Id. Taiwan var. plana Hanzawa 1931 Japan var. plana Hanzawa 1 Micronesia 957 Test Diameter (mm) — — — — — — Thickness (mm) — — — - - - Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (/mi) — — — — — — Equatorial Width (/mi) — — - — — — chambers Height (/mi) — — — - — — Adult stage Lateral Width (/mi) 70-230 74-140 70-90 50- 230 56-100 56-130 chambers Height (/mi) — 32 — 43 5 18-47 23 Tangential wall Thickness (/mi) 5 — 5 5 5 5 Lateral wall Thickness (/mi) 5 — 5 5 5 5 Pores Diameter (/mi) 5-7 — 5 5 5 5 Stolons Diameter (/mi) — — — — 428 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 from the Cretaceous. Moreover, specimens of Acervulina from the Upper Jurassic of Central Japan have been described by Hanzawa (1939). PRINCIPAL GENERA OF ACERVULINI DAE Acervulina Stratigraphical range. Acervulina is mainly reported from Cenozoic to Recent (Loeblich and Tappan 1964). However, it is considered to have appeared before the end of the Mesozoic (Cushman 1950). Moreover, Hanzawa (1939) described a variety of Acervulina inhaerens var. huzimotoi from an Upper Jurassic bioclastic limestone in central Japan. Type species. The type species Acervulina inhaerens (Text-fig. 1 ; Table 1), was described by Schultze (1854) from a Recent shallow water specimen from the Ancona region of Italy. According to Schultze, it is characterized by an attached or free-living test made up of a small number of chambers, each having a diameter of 60 pm. The shell has a hyaline structure and is perforated by pores of 1 to 15 /an diameter. The material studied here comes from Plio-Quaternary reefal limestone of Mururoa Atoll (French Polynesia). Acervulina inhaerens Juvenile stages (PI. 1, figs 1-2). The growth of juvenile forms can be divided into two main stages (Perrin 1987 a): coiling development of the equatorial layer (or equatorial disc); and addition of lateral chambers. The equatorial layer (or equatorial disc) consists of spherical or subspherical chambers (average diameter 80 //m) larger than the lateral chambers and formed in a planospiral arrangement around the proloculus and the second peri-embryonar chamber. This equatorial disc is approximately parallel to the substratum. The wall of the equatorial chambers appears imperforate but shows, like the adult chambers, a dark median line separating two layers of fibrous hyaline calcite. The lateral chambers present the same characteristics (shape and size) as the adult chambers. They are arranged in successive layers around the equatorial disc, chambers alternating from one layer to the next. In axial section, the three or four earlier successive layers of lateral chambers form a slightly compressed oval (about 600 pm long and 200 pm high) showing a free bipolar growth. Thus these earlier layers of lateral chambers intercalate between the equatorial layer and the substratum. This indicates that their formation occurred before any attachment of the organism to the substratum. Therefore, during this growth stage the organism was free-living and became attached to a substratum only after the constitution of the third or fourth layer of lateral chambers. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figs 1-8. Acervulina inhaerens Schultze, 1854. Mururoa atoll, Plio-Quaternary. 1, subaxial thin section showing the ovoid of the juvenile stages; UPS Orsay F146; x85. 2, ovoid of the juvenile stages in subaxial thin section; UPS Orsay F146; x 125. 3, arrangement of adult chambers in axial ultrathin section showing the pores within the chamber roofs and some stolons in the lateral walls; UPS Orsay Ac4; x 160. 4, SEM of axial section of adult chambers; the chamber roofs and floors are perforated and consist of two layers of fibrous calcite developed on both sides of a median line; UPS Orsay Ac4'; x 490. 5, SEM showing the pores in the chambers roofs and floors; the median line of the chamber wall is continuous through the pores; UPS Orsay Ac7'; x 330. 6, SEM of tangential section through the chamber roofs showing the pores; UPS Orsay Ac8'; x 175. 7, adult chambers in tangential ultrathin section showing the microstructure of the chamber walls; the hyaline fibrous calcite of the chamber walls appears darker than the high-magnesian calcitic cement filling the internal part of the chambers; UPS Orsay Acl ; x 160. 8, SEM of oblique section showing the pores through the tangential walls; UPS Orsay Ac7'; x 270. UPS, Universite Paris XI. PLATE 1 PERRIN, Acervulina 430 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Adult stage. Contrary to the juvenile stages, the adult stage is characterized by a unipolar encrusting growth. The juvenile settled on a rigid substratum and began to encrust it, adding successive layers of chambers above and around the compressed ovoid. The thin crust followed the irregularities of the substratum and, consequently, the arrangement of chambers is often irregular. According to Hanzawa (1947, 1957), Acervulina inhaerens (Text-fig. 1 ; Table 1) is characterized by upwardly arched roofs in axial section. However, in axial section, the adult chambers of the Mururoa specimens have a flattened subhexagonal shape and are arranged one above the other in successive layers with chambers alternating from one layer to the next (PI. 1, figs 3-4). Chamber height is about 25-30 pm, while their average width is 70 /mi. Each hexagonal chamber of a layer ‘n’ is delimited at its base by the roof of the underlying chamber (layer ‘n-2’) and the lateral walls of the two chambers of the preceding layer (‘n-1’). Its upper part is delimited by the roof and lateral walls, both newly formed, the lateral walls resting on the lower lateral walls or, more rarely, on the roofs of the two chambers of the preceding layer (PI. 1, fig. 5; Text-fig. 2). text-fig. 2. Adult stage of Acervulina showing the formation of vertical stacks from the successive layers of chambers; x 150. In tangential section, the adult chambers have a rounded and irregular shape. Their diameter is c. 60-80 /um. The shape and arrangement of the chambers is often more or less irregular due to changes of growth direction during the development of the crust. The chamber walls show the typical wall structure of lamellar hyaline Foraminifera (Hansen and Reiss 1971; Haynes 1981; Loeblich and Tappan 1984): two layers of fibrous hyaline calcite are developed on both sides of a dark median layer (PI. 1, fig. 4). The flattened part of the wall forming the roof or floor of chambers or tangential wall is coarsely perforated, the pores being 5-7 /mi in diameter (PI. 1, figs 6, 8). In ultrathin sections and in scanning electron microscopy, the dark median layer of the tangential walls of Recent Acervulina appears to be continuous through the pores (PI. 1, figs 4—5, 7). The lateral walls show the same bilamellar structure bending downwards from the roof of the chamber and leaning against the walls of the chambers of the underlying layer. However, the lateral walls are imperforate. The occurrence of stolons connecting adjacent chambers of the same layer has been reported by Hanzawa (1957) but with some reservations, and later by Reiss and Hottinger (1984). Stolons emerging from the lateral walls of adult chambers have been clearly observed in ultrathin sections and in scanning electron micrographs of specimens from the cored wells of Muroroa Atoll (PI. 1, fig. 3). The variety plana is separated according to the larger size of its chambers (Yabe and Hanzawa 1925; Hanzawa 1931). On the other hand, the Jurassic variety huzimotoi (Hanzawa 1939) shows smaller chambers and is also differentiated by its exceptionally thick sinuous walls (12-16 /im) visible in tangential sections (Hanzawa 1939). Other species According to Hanzawa (1947, 1957), Acervulina is represented by two other encrusting species: Acervulina ( Acervulina ) linearis Hanzawa, 1947; and Acervulina (Ladoronia) vermicularis Hanzawa, 1957. Acervulina linearis (Text-fig. 1 ; Table 2) was first described by Hanzawa (1947) from the Eocene of Micronesia and differs from the type species by its non-arched roofs. The roofs of the adjacent flat chambers constitute a straight line in axial section. The lateral walls are perpendicular or slightly oblique to the roof plane and do not show any stolons (Hanzawa 1947, 1957). The subgenus Ladoronia created by Hanzawa (1957) is based on Acervulina PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMINIFERA 43! table 2. Size of main features of the test of Acervulina linearis Hanzawa, 1947. References and localities... A. linearis Hanzawa 1947 New Britain Marshall Id. A. linearis Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia A. linearis Hagn and Wellnhofer 1967 Alps (Piaffing) Test Diameter (mm) — — — 10 max. Thickness (mm) — — — — Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (/mi) — — — — Equatorial Width (/mi) — — — — chambers Height (/mi) — — — — Adult stage Lateral Width (/an) 1 5-50 37-62 37-62 (21 1 max.) — chambers Height (/an) 15-50 1 1-30 1 1-30 — Tangential wall Thickness (/mi) 5 5 5 4-5-9 Lateral wall Thickness (/mi) 5 5 5 4-5-9 Pores Diameter (/mi) 5-10 5-1 1 5-1 1 5 Stolons Diameter (/mi) — — — — ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis from an Upper Oligocene-Aquitanian limestone of Micronesia (Text-fig. 1 ; Table 3). This species possesses chambers larger than Acervulina inhaerens and characterized by their elongated sinuous shape in tangential section. These chambers communicate by way of stolons within the same layer (Hanzawa 1957). The juvenile stages of this species have been described by Hanzawa ( 1957, pp. 68-69) as a ‘raspberry- like embryonic apparatus’ encircled by ‘two or three annuli of arcuate chambers’. The nepionic chambers show thick roofs (> 100 //m) within which vertical nontubulous pillars are embedded. The neanic chambers are large and vermicular-shaped and have thick vertical lateral walls pierced by large stolons (Hanzawa 1957). Generic characteristics of Acervulina The juvenile stages of Acervulina are free and characterized by the formation of a three-layered ovoid. The equatorial layer consists of a planospiral arrangement of subspherical large chambers around the proloculus and the second periembryonar chamber. This first stage is followed by the addition of layers of lateral chambers on each side of the equatorial disc, forming the ventral and dorsal zones. The adult stage is attached to a substratum by the ventral face and is characterized by a unipolar growth of the dorsal zone. The adult chambers are subhexagonal in axial section and show rounded shapes in tangential section. They are arranged in successive layers with chambers alternating from one layer to the next one. Tangential and lateral walls show a thickness of a few microns (5-7 pm). Chambers from successive layers communicate by way of perforations of the roofs (tangential walls) of the chambers. The distinction of the three species of Acervulina appears to be mainly based on the size and the shape of chambers (Text-fig. 1). Growth pattern The genus Acervulina includes encrusting forms with very different thicknesses: from less than one millimetre to several centimetres. Acervulina ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis generally forms a thin crust (Hanzawa 1957), whereas Acervulina inhaerens constitutes millimetre-thick as well as decimetre- thick crusts (Yabe and Hanzawa 1925; Galloway and Wissler 1927; Hanzawa 1939; Hottinger 1983; Reiss and Hottinger 1984; Perrin 1987 b, 1989, 1990, 1992). Moreover, A. inhaerens can 432 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 3. Size of main features of the test of Acervulina ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis Hanzawa, 1957. Reference and locality... A. ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia Test Diameter (mm) Thickness (mm) Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (//m) 68 Equatorial Width (/mi) chambers Height (/mi) Adult stage Lateral chambers Tangential wall Lateral wall Pores Stolons Thickness (/mi) 9 Diameter (/mi) 5 Diameter (/mi) 14 Thickness (/mi) 9-24 Width (//m) Height (/mi) develop different morphologies according to environmental conditions (Hottinger 1983; Reiss and Hottinger 1984; Perrin 1989, 1992), the most frequently observed being crusts a few millimetres thick, extending over a surface area of a few square centimetres. Nodules or macroids (sensu Hottinger 1983) with a centimetre to decimetre diameter have been described at the base of reef- slopes (Chapman 1900; Logan et al. 1969; Hottinger 1983; Reiss and Hottinger 1984; Dullo et al. 1990). Moreover, in some cored wells of the Mururoa Atoll, Acervulina inhaerens is responsible for boundstones formed by decimetre-thick crusts which characterize the palaeoenvironments of deeper external reef-slopes (Perrin 1989, 1990, 1992). Borodinia Stratigraphical range. This genus was created by Hanzawa (1940) for encrusting Foraminifera from the Aquitanian limestone of Kita Daito Jima (China Sea) and was later recorded by the same author from the Aquitanian limestones of Micronesia (Hanzawa 1957). Being very rarely reported, its stratigraphical range is especially difficult to establish. Type species. According to Hanzawa's description of the type species, B. septentrionalis Hanzawa. 1940, from the Aquitanian limestone of Kita Daito Jima drill cores, this encrusting foraminifer forms a layer of one or more zones of chambers. The outer wall of the shell is 37-75 /mi thick and shows coarse pores of 11 /mi diameter. The chambers are irregularly arranged and each of them consists of an arched tangential wall and lateral walls of the same 12-25 /mi thickness. Both lateral walls of each chamber are pierced by large stolons of 37 //m diameter. Borodinia septentrionalis Juvenile stages. The organization of the earlier chambers is similar to Planorbulina and shows a planospiral arrangement (Hanzawa 1957). Adult stage. The adult chambers are very irregularly arranged in alternating successive layers (Hanzawa 1957; Loeblich and Tappan 1964). In transverse sections, some chambers are typically spatuliform and the adjacent chambers communicate with each other by several stolons (Text-fig. 3; Table 4). The roofs of chambers are especially thick (140 //m) in comparison with the average size PERRIN: ACER VU LIN I D FORAMINIFERA 433 text-fig. 3. Arrangement of chambers in subaxial section (left), showing the finely cribate roofs, and in transverse section (right), with numerous stolons, in Borodinia (after Hanzawa 1957); x 70. table 4. Size of main features of the test of Borodinia septentrionalis Hanzawa, 1940 (after Hanzawa 1940, 1957). Reference and locality... Bordinia septentrionalis Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia Test Diameter (mm) — Thickness (mm) — Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (/nn) — Equatorial Width (//nr) — chambers Height (/nn) — Adult stage Lateral Width (/nn) 120-210 chambers Height (/nn) 122 Tangential wall Thickness (/nn) 140 Lateral wall Thickness (/nn) 20 Pores Diameter (/nn) 9 Stolons Diameter (/nn) 14 of chambers ( 100-200 //m x 122 /mr), while the thickness of lateral walls is 20 /nn (Table 4). The roof wall is finely perforated (Hanzawa 1957). Generic characteristics of Borodinia Borodinia is characterized by a planospiral arrangement in the juvenile stage. The adult chambers show a very irregular shape, often spatuliform in tangential section, and they communicate with adjacent chambers by means of stolons. Tangential walls of adult chambers have a thickness of more than 100 //m and are perforated by pore canals (Hanzawa 1940, 1957; Text-fig. 3). 434 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 text-fig. 4. Different species of Gypsina in vertical section, a, G. vesicularis ; b, G. globulus ; c, G. saipanensis; D, G. marianensis; E, G. squamiformis; F, G. mastelensis ; x 26. table 5. Size of main features of the test of Gypsina vesicularis (Parker and Jones, 1860). References and localities... G. vesicularis Bursch 1947 Mollusk Id G. vesicularis Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia Test Diameter (mm) 2-9 max. 1-3-1 -7 Thickness (mm) 0-65 0-56-0-79 Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (pm) — 47-78 Equatorial Width (//m) — 44-70 chambers Height (/mi) — 44-140 Adult stage Lateral Width (/mi) 80 60-82 chambers Height (/mi) 5-20 5-25 Tangential wall Thickness (/mi) 5-10 10-14 Lateral wall Thickness (/mi) 10-15 — Pores Diameter (/mi) 5 5 Stolons Diameter (/mi) — — Growth pattern The specimens described by Hanzawa (1940, 1957) are encrusting forms but no indication about the extent and the thickness of the crust is given. Gypsina Stratigraphical range. This genus is generally reported from the Eocene to Recent (Bursch 1947; Hanzawa 1957; Loeblich and Tappan 1964), but Cushman (1950) considered it as probably dating back to the Cretaceous. Type species. Gypsina was created by Carter (1877) for Tinoporus vesicularis Carpenter, 1876, a synonym of Orbitolina vesicularis Parker and Jones, I860. The type species of Gypsina is therefore Gypsina vesicularis (Parker and Jones, 1860), from Recent coral-reef sediment of Australia. PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMIN1FERA 435 The type-specimen described by Parker and Jones (1860) has a slightly conical test of 2-5 mm diameter consisting of vesicular chambers (tangential section), some of them showing polygonal shapes, arranged alternately concentrically (axial section). The equatorial disk, referred to as the ‘primary disk’, is generally covered by additional layers of chambers (dorsal lateral chambers) and the ‘umbilicus is filled up so that the base of the cone is almost flat’ (ventral lateral chambers). The walls have coarse pores referred as ‘pseudopodial passages' (Parker and Jones 1860, pp. 31 32). Gypsina vesicularis This species (Text-fig. 4a; Table 5) has a discoidal test with a convex or conical shape and a thickened round periphery. The proloculus is spherical and located at the centre of the equatorial layer (Bursch 1947; Hanzawa 1957). The equatorial chambers have arched shapes and larger size than lateral chambers. They show stolons at the edges and perforations in the arched parts of their walls (Bursch 1947). The lateral chambers surround the equatorial disc and are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the median (equatorial) layer (Brady 1884; Hanzawa 1931, 1957; Bursch 1947; Cushman et al. 1954). They show the same shape and the same arrangement as the lateral chambers of Acervulina. Each chamber communicates with the adjacent chambers through stolons at the base of lateral walls, and with the chambers situated above and below through perforations in the tangential wall (Bursch 1947; Hanzawa 1957). Gypsina discus Goes (see Bursch 1947) is now considered as a variety of the type species (Hanzawa 1957) characterized by its discoidal shape. It is the type species of Discogypsina Silvestri, 1937. Other species According to Hanzawa (1931, 1957) and Bursch (1947), Gypsina is represented by at least five other species: G. globulus (Reuss, 1848); G. squamiformis Chapman, 1900; G. mastelensis Bursch, 1947; G. saipanensis Hanzawa, 1957; G. marianensis Hanzawa, 1957. Gypsina globulus (Text-fig. 4b; Table 6), which was first described by Reuss (1848) as Ceriopora globulus , is characterized by its spherical to subovoidal shape and more regular arrangement of the chambers, smaller chambers and finer pores than other Gypsina species. It also lacks the median layer (Brady 1884; Hanzawa 1931 ; Bursch 1947; Cushman et al. 1954). Bursch (1947) described a megalospheric juvenarium composed of two embryonar chambers and two auxiliary chambers. Stolons occur within the lateral walls of adult chambers table 6. Size of main features of the test of Gypsina globulus (Reuss, 1848). References and localities... G. globulus Hanzawa 1931 Japan G. globulus Bursch 1947 Mollusk Id. G. globulus Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia Test Diameter (mm) Thickness (mm) 2-25 0-5-1 1 -4-2-0 Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (pm) — 37 Equatorial Width (//m) — — chambers Height (/mi) — — - Adult stage Lateral Width (pm) — 60 150-180 chambers Height (/mi) — 50 25-50 Tangential wall Thickness (//m) — 3-6 10-15 Lateral wall Thickness (/mi) — 5-8 — Pores Diameter (/mri) — 5 5 Stolons Diameter (/mi) — 5 — 436 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 7. Size of main features of the test of Gypsina squamiformis Chapman, 1900. Reference and locality... G. squamiformis Bursch 1947 Mollusk Id Test Diameter (mm) 1 Thickness (mm) Juvenile stages Proloculus Equatorial chambers Adult stage Lateral chambers Tangential wall Lateral wall Pores Stolons Diameter (/un) Width (//m) Height (/mr) Width (//nr) Height (//m) Thickness (/mr) Thickness (//m) Diameter (//m) Diameter (/mr) 120 4-5 30 max. table 8. Size of main features of the test of Gypsina mastelensis Bursch, 1947. Reference and locality... G. mastelensis Bursch 1947 Mollusk Id Test Diameter (mm) 1-2 (2-2 max.) Thickness (mm) OT-O-2 (0 3 max.) Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (/nn) — Equatorial Width (/mr) — chambers Height (/mr) 40-70 Adult stage Lateral Width (/mr) 90 max. chambers Height (/mr) — Tangential wall Thickness (//nr) 5-10 Lateral wall Thickness (//m) 5-10 Pores Diameter (/mr) 5 Stolons Diameter (//nr) 10-15 (20 max.) (Bursch 1947; Reiss and Hottinger 1984). Specimens from cored wells from Mururoa Atoll show similar chamber shapes as Acervulina. Chamber size is 60 /mr. Reiss and Hottinger (1984) noted a more regular shape and arrangement of the chambers in G. globulus than in Acervulina inhaerens. Sphaerogypsina Galloway, 1933, was created for the species Gypsina globulus (Reuss, 1848). Gypsina squamiformis (Text-fig. 4e; Table 7) is easily separated from the other Gypsina species since it is only formed by a single layer of arched chambers (Chapman 1900), which increase in size at the periphery of the encrusting test (Bursch 1947). Recent specimens described by Chapman (1900) from Funafuti have a test diameter of about 3-4 millimetres. The tangential walls of these chambers are perforated and large stolons allow communication between adjacent chambers (Bursch 1947). This species has been considered as a distinct genus, Planogypsina Bermudez, 1952. PERRIN: ACER V U L I N I D FORAMINIFERA 437 table 9. Size of main features of the test of Gypsina saipanensis Hanzawa, 1957. Reference and locality... G. saipanensis Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia Test Diameter (mm) 1 -7-2-6 Thickness (mm) 0-25-0-60 Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (/mi) 40 Equatorial Width (/mi) — chambers Height (/mi) 98-294 Adult stage Lateral Width (/mi) 50 chambers Height (/mi) 50 Tangential wall Thickness (/mi) — Lateral wall Thickness (/mi) — Pores Diameter (/mi) — Stolons Diameter (/mi) — table 10. Size of main features of the test of Gypsina marianensis Hanzawa, 1957. Reference and locality... G. marianensis Hanzawa 1957 Micronesia Test Diameter (mm) 2-7 Thickness (mm) 0-6 Juvenile stages Proloculus Diameter (/mi) 120 Equatorial Width (/mi) 80-94 chambers Height (/mi) 120 Adult stage Lateral Width (/mi) 57 chambers Height (/mi) 57 (vent.) 10 (dors.) Tangential wall Thickness (/mi) — Lateral wall Thickness (/mi) — Pores Diameter (/mi) 10 (dors.) Stolons Diameter (/mi) 14 (vent.) G. mastelensis (Text-fig. 4f; Table 8), described by Bursch ( 1947). is composed of a basal layer of equatorial chambers, adherent to the substratum, and a dorsal arched zone. The juvenarium, situated at the centre of the equatorial layer, comprises three equatorial chambers. The next equatorial chambers are radially arranged around the embryonar chambers and their height generally increases towards the periphery of the test. There are also communications between the equatorial chambers through roof pores and stolons. The lateral chambers communicate with each other and with the equatorial chambers through stolons. Bermudez (1952) created the new genus Hemigypsina for this species. The test of G. saipanensis (Text-fig. 4c; Table 9) may present a concavo-convex, or plano-concave, or discoidal shape, which gives it a uniform thickness or a thickened periphery. The test comprises an equatorial layer, two or three smaller chambers irregularly arranged on the ventral side, and a single layer of chambers 438 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table 11. Age, localities and systematic assignments of Solenomeris by previous authors. Systematic Reference Taxon Age Growth form Locality position Trauth 1918 P. planum Eoc. Nodules Austria Acervulinidae Douville 1924 S. ogormani 1. Eoc. Nodules S. France Lithothamniae Douville and S. ogormani 1. Eoc. Nodules S. France Calcareous algae O'Gorman 1924 Pfender 1926 S. douvillei S. sp. l. Eoc. m. Eoc. Encrusting N. Spain Italy Hydrozoan Rao and Varma 1953 S? douvillei non Pfender 1. Eoc. Encrusting Pakistan Melobesiae Maslov 1956 S. afonensis 1. Eoc. 7 Abkhazie Similar to disco- cyclines and stromatopores Elliott 1960 S. douvillei S. ogormani Palaeoc. 1. Eoc. 7 Iraq Solenoporaceae Johnson and S. pakistense 1. Eoc. ? Pakistan Solenoporaceae Konishi 1960 Massieux 1961 S. douvillei 1. Eoc. Reef S. France lncertae sedis algae Schalekova 1963 S. douvillei m. Eoc. 7 Slovakia Calcareous algae Elliott 1964 S. ogormani S. douvillei Palaeoc. to 1. Eoc. 7 Iraq Solenoporaceae De Zanche 1965 Solenomeris Eoc. Fragments N. Italy Melobesiae Toumarkine Solenomeris 1. Eoc. Reefs S. France — 1966; 1967 Hagn 1967 Solenomeris 1. Eoc. 7 Alps Foraminifera Hagn and Solenomeris u. Eoc. Encrusting Alps Acervulinidae Wellnhofer 1967 Boulanger and Solenomeris m. Eoc. Encrusting S. France Algae Poignant 1969 Terry and — — 7 Libya Solenoporaceae Williams 1969 Poignant and Du Chaffaut 1970 S. ogormani Palaeoc. 7 France lncertae sedis algae Hagn 1972 G. ogormani Palaeoc. -Eoc. Encrusting Alps Gypsina Samuel et al. 1972 S. sp. Maas. -Palaeoc. 7 Carpathians Algae Massieux 1973 S. douvillei 1. Eoc. Reef and crusts S. France lncertae sedis algae Poignant 1974 Solenomeris u. Cret. 1. Oligo. 7 7 Algae Poignant and S. ogormani u. Mio. — S. France Solenoporaceae Blanc 1974 Tambareau and Solenomeris 1. Eoc. Encrusting S. France — Villatte 1974 Poignant 1976 Solenomeris Eoc. 7 Spain Red algae Deloffre et al. 1977 S. sp. Senonian Fragments Iran Red algae De Zanche et ai Solenomeris Eoc. Fragments N. Italy Solenoporaceae 1977 Orszag et al. 1977 S. douvillei Mio. Encrusting T urkey — Poignant 1977 S. sp. Palaeoc. Fragments Paris B. Red algae Wray 1977 Solenomeris Palaeoc. Encrusting Libya Solenoporaceae Gaemers 1978 Lithothamnium 1. Eoc. ' ridges ’ N. Spain Melobesieae Hagn 1978 G. ogormani Palaeoc.-l. Eoc. Encrusting Alps Gypsina PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMINIFERA 439 TABLE 1 1 . (C0nt.) Reference Taxon Age Growth form Locality Systematic position Dieni et al. 1979 S. ogormani Palaeoc.-l. Eoc. Fragments Sardinia Rhodophyceae Hagn and G. ogormani Eoc. Encrusting Alps Gypsina Moussavian 1980 Tappan 1980 Soienomeris — — — Solenoporaceae Beckmann et al. S. sp. Palaeoc. Fragments Italy Solenoporaceae 1982 Gravello and Soienomeris Eoc. Fragments Italy Calcareous algae Ungaro 1982 Hagn 1983 G. ogormani 1. and m. Eoc. Encrusting Austria Gypsina Moussavian 1984 G. ogormani u. Oligo. — Alps Gypsina Plaziat 1984 S. douviiiei 1. Eoc. Reef S. France N. Spain Probably encrusting Foraminifera Perrin 1985 Soienomeris 1. Eoc. Reef S. France N. Spain Acervulinidae Betzler 1987 Soienomeris 1. Eoc. ? N. Spain Red algae Brugnatti and Soienomeris Eoc. Fragments Italy Calcareous algae Ungaro 1987 Eichenseer 1987 Soienomeris 1. Eoc. ‘ Ridges 7 N. Spain Red algae Perrin 1987a, b , c Perrin and Soienomeris 1. Eoc. Reef S. France N. Spain Acervulinidae Plaziat 1987 Eichenseer 1988 Soienomeris 1. Eoc. Crusts macroids ' ridges 7 N. Spain ? Betzler 1989 Soienomeris 1. and m. Eoc. Encrusting N. Spain Red algae Moussavian 1989 Soienomeris Eoc. — Alps Acervulina ogormani Perrin 1992 Plaziat and Soienomeris 1. Eoc. Crusts, macroids, and reefs S. France N. Spain Acervulinidae Perrin 1992 on the dorsal side. The equatorial layer includes a spherical proloculus surrounded by chambers with their diameter increasing towards the periphery (Hanzawa 1957). Gypsina marianensis (Text-fig. 4d; Table 10), proposed by Hanzawa (1957), also has a plano-convex or concavo-convex shaped test which consists of three clearly distinct zones: median, dorsal and ventral. The median arched zone includes a spherical proloculus which is localized at the apex and a single layer of chambers with a spiral arrangement in the nepionic stage and an annular arrangement in the later neanic stage. Within this zone, each chamber shows two stolons at its opposite extremities. The dorsal zone is made of two or three layers of quadrangular depressed chambers (in axial section). The ventral zone is formed by several layers of chambers which tend to fill the hollow of the cone made by the median zone. The ventral chambers also show a depressed shape and generally a larger size than the median and dorsal chambers. The number of dorsal layers is always less than ventral layers (Hanzawa 1957). Generic characteristics of Gypsina This genus is represented by encrusting or free-living species. The proloculus has a spherical shape. The type species Gypsina vesicularis has a three-zoned test but in other species some zones may be absent. The dorsal zone, when present, does not show a well-developed unipolar growth but is represented by only a few layers of chambers. The chambers have walls a few microns in thickness and a perforated tangential wall. Species are discriminated according to the general shape of the test and the number and geometry of the different layers of chambers. 440 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Growth pattern Species of Gypsina may have free, attached or encrusting habits. G. globulus is a typical free-living species probably living on plants (Reiss and Hottinger 1984), while G. squamiformis develops thin crusts on hard substrates (Chapman 1900; Yabe and Hanzawa 1925; Bursch 1947; Reiss and Hottinger 1984). Several species show diversity in their growth habits. For example, G. marianensis shows a conical plano-convex or concavo-convex shaped test which is attached to the substratum but may sometimes extend across that surface and become encrusting (Hanzawa 1957). Bursch ( 1947) described specimens of G. mastelensis , a normally sessile and encrusting species, which adopts an irregular growth morphology when it becomes detached from its substratum during development. Solenomeris Identification of Solenomeris as a Foraminifera. Solenomeris has been referred to diverse groups of organisms, especially Rhodophyceae (Table 1 1). However, Trauth (1918) identified nodular forms of this organism from the Eocene of Austria (Province of Pongau) as the encrusting Foraminifera Polytrema planum ( = Acervulina inhaerens var. plana according to Hanzawa 1957). Nevertheless, Trauth’s publication was overlooked by subsequent authors until Hagn (1967). Thus, Douville (1924) created the genus Solenomeris , with the type species Solenomeris O'gormani [v/cj from the Early Eocene of the Bearn region (SW France). This author linked S. ogormani to an isolated branch of Lithothamniae (Douville 1924, p. 170) while emphasizing the greater size of Solenomeris ‘cells' compared with Lithothamniae. He did not assign the new genus to Solenoporaceae because of the difference in ‘cell’ shape in transverse section. In hand-specimens, these Solenomeris form ‘small calcareous balls more or less mammilated with a smooth surface’ (p. 169). From the vicinity of Pau, Douville and O'Gorman (1924) described Eocene ‘reefs' built up by Solenomeris associated with Alveolina , polystomelles and corals. However, these calcareous balls seem to be non-reefal material resedimented in deeper parts of the basin (Plaziat and Perrin 1992). Pfender (1926) described another Solenomeris , S. douvillei , from the Early Eocene of the Spanish Pyrenees (Camarasa, Province of Lerida). According to Pfender, this species differs from the type species in its encrusting growth alternating with red algal crusts and never constitutes isolated calcareous nodules. Pfender (1926) recorded also Solenomeris sp. which forms ‘globular masses’ in the Middle Eocene of Vicentin (northern Italy). She compared Solenomeris with hydrozoans owing to the similar aspect of the ‘tissue’. Rao and Varma (1953) reported a new species, 5? douvillei (non Pfender), from the Early Eocene of Pakistan. According to these authors, this species has an encrusting growth habit differing from S', ogormani with smaller sized ‘cells’. The place of Solenomeris among melobesians is paradoxically based on ‘cell’ sizes and on the more characteristic presence of conceptacles including reproductive cells (Rao and Varma 1953, p. 22); these structures correspond in fact to juvenile stages. The species of Rao and Varma (1953) was later named Solenomeris pakistense by Johnson and Konishi (1960). Maslov (1956) described the new species Solenomeris afonensis (Early Eocene of Abkhazie) and noted the similarity of Solenomeris ‘cells’ with those of discocyclines and stromatopores. The two species Solenomeris ogormani and S. douvillei were recorded in the Paleocene and Early Eocene of Iraq by Elliott (1960) who placed them among Solenoporaceae. He argued that the algal nature of Solenomeris is supported by the existence of unipore conceptacles similar to those of Lithothamniae (Elliott 1964). However, Elliott (1964) underlined the rarity of reproductive organs and considered the conceptacles described by previous authors (Rao and Varma 1953; Maslov 1956) as Foraminifera belonging to the genus Bullopora subsequently encrusted by Solenomeris. Most Solenomeris then have been misidentified as calcareous algae (Schalekova 1963; Boulanger and Poignant 1969; Poignant and Du Chaffaut 1970) and classified among Rhodophyceae (Samuel etal. 1972; Poignant 1975, 1977; Dieni et at. 1979; Deloffre etal. 1977; Garavello and Ungaro 1982) or more precisely among Solenoporaceae ( De Zanche 1 965 ; Terry and Williams 1 969 ; Poignant and Blanc 1974; De Zanche et al. 1977; Wray 1977; Tappan 1980) or among Corallinaceae (Gaemers 1978). PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMINIFERA 441 Although some authors noted the resemblance of Solenomeris to discocyclines (Maslov 1956) or orbitoids (De Zanche 1965), Hagn (1967) was the first, after Trauth (1918), to refer Solenomeris from the Early Eocene (‘Ilerdian’) of the Bavarian Alps to the Foraminifera, comparing it with the acervulinid genera Acervulina and Gypsina ( Hagn and Wellnhofer 1967). The genus Solenomeris was placed in the Family Acervulinidae and considered as a possible synonym of Gypsina (Hagn and Wellnhofer 1967). Hagn subsequently used this new combination for Douville’s species Gypsina ogormani (Hagn 1972, 1978, 1983; Hagn and Moussavian 1980; Moussavian 1984) because of the presence of a juvenarium similar to that of Gypsina (Hagn 1972, pp. 1 16-1 17), but without giving any illustration. Specimens from the Palaeocene and Eocene of the Bavarian and Austrian Alps show only encrusting growth forms, reworked in detrital facies (pebbles and blocks). Moussavian (1989) attributed Solenomeris to the genus Acervulina since he considered Gypsina to be a synonym of Acervulina. However, Brugnatti and Ungaro (1987) and Barbin et al. (1989) identified Solenomeris from the Middle Eocene of Northern Italy as Gypsina. In spite of Hagn’s publications, most other authors have not considered Solenomeris as a foraminifer and it is persistently placed among the red algae. So, in Tappan's synthesis of plant protists (1980), Solenomeris appears in the Family Solenoporaceae (p. 140). Solenomeris douvillei from the Early Ypresian (‘Ilerdian’) of the Corbieres (Southern France) forms reef-sized build-ups. It has been placed among incertae sedis algae by Massieux ( 1961 , 1973), while the reefal Solenomeris from the Southern Pyrenees (Spain) were misidentified by Gaemers (1978) as Lithothamnium ridges. Beckmann et al. (1982) recorded Solenomeris from the Palaeocene of the Bergamo region (northern Italy) as Solenoporaceae but pointed out the problem of the algal nature of Solenomeris by referring to Hagn and Wellnhofer (1967). The taxonomic problem of Solenomeris was pointed out by Plaziat (1984) without any conclusion in his palaeogeographical study of the Pyrenean region in which the different Eocene reefs of the Corbieres and North-East Spain were described and interpreted for the first time from a palaeoecological perspective (Plaziat 1984). Comparison of the structural features of the Solenomeris test with those of Acervulina from Plio- Quaternary reefs of Mururoa Atoll (French Polynesia) led to the conclusion that Solenomeris belonged to the Family Acervulinidae (Perrin 1985, 1987a). This was based on the identification of the juvenile stages with a geometry and arrangement of chambers which confirms assignation to the Family Acervulinidae (Perrin 1987a, 19876; Perrin and Plaziat 1987). However, these juvenile stages were previously described and illustrated but misinterpreted as conceptacles (Rao and Varma 1953; Boulanger and Poignant 1969; Poignant and Du Chaffaut 1970; Poignant and Blanc 1974) or as the Foraminifera Bullopora sp. (Elliott 1964) or incertae sedis (Massieux 1973, pi. 26, fig. 5). Stratigraphical range. Solenomeris is mainly reported from the Eocene, more rarely from the Palaeocene (Elliott 1960, 1964; Hagn 1972, 1978; Samuel et al. 1972; Beckmann et al. 1982). References to Late Cretaceous Solenomeris are rare. In the Senonian of Central Iran, Deloffre et al. (1977) reported fragments of Solenomeris , which however seem to be reworked. On the other hand, S. ogormani from the Upper Maastrichtian of Roquefort-Creon (Central Aquitaine) shows, according to Poignant and Blanc (1974), a significant build-up role. The Solenomeris sp. reported by Samuel et al. (1972) from the Maastrichtian and Montian-Thanetian of the Carpathians seem to grow in an encrusting habit. Poignant (1975) gave the stratigraphical range of Solenomeris as Upper Cretaceous to Upper Oligocene, with an acme during the Eocene. The youngest specimens of Solenomeris are from the Turkish Miocene (Poisson and Poignant 1975; Orszag-Sperber et al. 1977). The development of Solenomeris reefs is so far known only from the Early Eocene (Lower Ypresian) of the Pyrenean region (Plaziat 1984; Plaziat and Perrin 1992). Type species. The name of the type species Solenomeris O'Gormani described by Douville (1924) has been amended to S. ogormani. According to Douville (1924), Solenomeris ogormani is characterized by its growth as independent nodules and by a ‘cell’ ranging from 35 to 50 pm. The internal structure of the test consists of successive concentric layers of ‘cells’, some sections showing radial series of ‘cells’. In transverse sections, these 442 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 have an irregularly hexagonal shape and thin walls, while in axial sections, they are arranged in vertical series, alternating from one series to the adjacent one, this resulting in hexagonal ‘cells’. Some ‘cells' are flattened (axial sections) and have been interpreted as resulting from slowed growth. Solenomeris ogormani The detailed reconstruction of Solenomeris development and its assignation to Foraminifera result from complementary observations using optical microscopy (thin and ultrathin sections) and scanning electron microscopy (fresh fractures or polished surfaces briefly etched with formic acid) of Ypresian specimens from the Pyrenees ( Solenomeris ogormani) and from Plio-Quaternary reefs of the Mururoa atoll {Acervulina inhaerens , identification by M. Neumann in Repellin 1977; Perrin 1985, 1987a). text-fig. 5. Juvenile stages of Solen- omeris and beginning of encrusting adult stage (after Perrin 1987a). a, equatorial layer; B, ovoid stage in axial section (left) and in transverse section (right); c, test attached to a substratum and devel- opment of the crust; x40. «3XXXCnx) Juvenile stages. Juvenile stages of Solenomeris have often been observed in weakly developed incrustations, within the basal part of the crust. Only macrospheric forms (A), which are generally more frequent in all Foraminifera, have been observed (Text. -fig. 5). They show the same characteristics and the same arrangement of chambers as the Acervulina from the Mururoa atoll (PI. 2, figs 1-3; Perrin 1985, 1987a). In both cases, juvenile stages are localized close to the encrusted substratum and differ greatly from the adult stage in size, shape and arrangement of the chambers. The continuity in growth between juvenile and adult stages refutes the interpretation of a free living Foraminifera enclosed by acervulinids. The equatorial layer (or equatorial disc) is formed by a planospiral arrangement of spherical or subspherical chambers of 65 to 70 //m diameter. In axial section, the equatorial disc is limited to seven to ten large rounded chambers whose diameter decreases towards the periphery (PI. 2, figs EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Figs 1-8. Solenomeris. Figs 1-3. Alaric Mountain, Aude, France, early Eocene. 1, juvenile stages in axial thin section; UPS Orsay Alaric 15,5; x 95. 2, juvenile stages in axial thin section; UPS Orsay Alaric 13; x 170. 3, juvenile stages in transverse thin section; UPS Orsay Villerouge; x 100. Fig. 4. Isabena Valley, northern Spain, early Eocene; adult chambers in axial thin section; UPS Orsay Y1 ; x 95. Fig. 5. Alaric Mountain, Aude, France, early Eocene; transverse thin section through the roofs and floors of adult chambers showing the pores and a sinuous chamber; UPS Orsay Alaric 15.3; x 195. Fig. 6. Isabena Valley, northern Spain, early Eocene; axial thin section of adult chambers; mud infill aids the observation of roof pores in axial section; UPS Orsay Y1 ; x 1 15. Figs 7-8. Albas, Aude, France, early Eocene. 7, SEM of subaxial section of adult chambers filled by a sparitic cement; UPS Orsay S2'; x 350. 8, SEM of oblique section of adult chambers; UPS Orsay S3'; x 350. UPS, Universite Paris XI. PLATE 2 PERRIN, Solenomeris 444 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1-2). Transverse sections are very rare and show the spiral arrangement of the equatorial chambers (PI. 2, fig. 3). The lateral chambers have the same shape and size as the adult chambers and form in axial section a free bipolar growing ovoid as in Acervulina inhaerens. Adult stage. The adult stage of Solenomeris is encrusting. The geometry and arrangement of adult chambers (Text-fig. 6) are similar to Acervulina inhaerens. In axial section, this kind of arrangement forms juxtaposed stacks of chambers, which are more or less perpendicular to the substratum and have been described by Douville as ‘files of cells’ (1924, pp. 169-170) (PI. 2, figs 4, 7-8). In axial section, chamber height is c. 15-20 /tm, while average width is 50-60 //m. Some isolated chambers are, however, larger but seem to be irregularly distributed. In tangential section, the adult chambers have a rounded and irregular shape. Their average diameter is 60 //m (from 40 to 120 /im). Some chambers, having a much larger size, show very irregular, elongated sinuous shapes, their distribution being relatively random (PI. 2, fig. 5). Because encrustation is often more or less irregular, the growth direction of successive layers can change rapidly. This results in the gradual change from an axial to a tangential section through oblique sections which show more or less arched, typical chambers (PI. 3, fig. 1). This vertical succession of differently oriented sections can often be observed in thin section and may give the illusion of a change in growth rate of the test. Thus, Moussavian (1989) described the axial and oblique sections as corresponding to two different kind of chambers which he misinterpreted, like Douville ( 1924), as the result of slow growth rate ( = axial section) alternating with fast growth rate (= oblique section). This author also reported the presence of pillars in the external layers of the test, contributing to its strengthening. These pillars have never been observed in the tests of Pyrenean Solenomeris. On the other hand, calcitic cementation within the chambers is frequently observed both in Solenomeris and modern acervulinids and produces a thickening of the walls which, in axial sections, may be mistaken for the pillars described by Moussavian (1989). The chamber walls, 5-7 jum thick, are characteristic of hyaline Foraminifera and are composed of two layers of fibrous hyaline calcite developed on both sides of a dark median layer. The pores, 5-7 jum in diameter, are clearly visible in tangential sections through the roof of the chambers (PI. 2, fig. 5) but hardly noticeable in axial section, except when chambers have been filled by carbonate mud (PI. 2, fig. 6). In ultrathin sections and in scanning electronic microscopy, the dark median layer of the tangential walls of Recent Acervulina appears to be continuous through the pores. In the Eocene Solenomeris , the dark layer is not preserved but its median location can be easily recognized and appears in scanning electron microscopy as a planar continuous void between the internal and external hyaline calcite layers. The lateral walls are not perforated but the presence of stolons has been observed. text-fig. 6. Adult stage of Solenomeris showing three-dimensional arrangement of chambers and microstructure of the tangential wall (after Perrin 1987a); x 400. PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMINIFERA 445 table 12. Size of main features of the test of species of Solenomeris. Test Juvenile stages Adult stage Thick ness (mm) Ovoid Prolo- culus Equatorial chambers Lateral chambers References and localities 0 (mm) 0 C«m) Height Cam) 0 (/an) Width (/on Height Cam) Width Cum) Height Cam) Trauth 1918 Polytrema planum F6 0-36 — — — — — 60 — Austria 4-7 1-76 — — — — — 80 — Douville 1924 S. O'Gormani — — — — — — — 35 — S. France — — — — — — — 50 — Pfender 1926 S. douvillei N. Spain — — — — — — — 30-45 20 S. sp. N. Italy — — — — — — — 35-60 20-30 Maslov 1956 S. afonensis — — — — — — — 25-50 10-30 Abkhazie Rao and Varma 1953 S. douvillei n. Pfender — 003 280 72-8 — 31 31 — 13 Pakistan — F7 412 115-5 — 78 78 — — Elliott 1964 S. ogormani — — — — — — — 40 26 Iraq — — — — — — — 65 — Boulanger and Poignant 1969 S. ogormani — — 600 200 — 70 70 45 45 S. France Poignant and Du Chaffaut — 950 270 — 100 100 50 50 1970 S. ogormani — — 420 180 — 40 40 80 35 Corsica France — — — — — — — 100? 50 Poignant and Blanc 1974 S. ogormani — — 600 200 — 70 70 40 — S. France — — 950 270 — 100 100 50 — Poisson and Poignant 1974 S. douvillei — — — — — — — 45 20 Turkey — — — — — — — 50 25 Perrin 1987 a Solenomeris — — — — 80 80 80 40 10 S. France N. Spain — — — — — — — 100 20 Other species Three other species of Solenomeris have been described (Table 12): S. douvillei Pfender, 1926; S. (?) douvillei Rao and Varma, 1953 (non Pfender) later called S. pakistense by Johnson and Konishi (1960), and S. afonensis Maslov, 1956. Pfender (1926) separated her Solenomeris douvillei from S. ogormani by its encrusting habit, which never forms autonomous masses, and also reported a more zoned aspect of the test which corresponds in fact to a 446 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 succession of different sections (axial and oblique) and a development which seems a little bit different (Pfender 1926). The 'cell’ size of S. douvillei is similar to that of S. ogormani : 30-45 pm in width and 20 /mm in height. Solenomeris piae, mentioned by some authors (Boulanger and Poignant 1969; Poignant and Blanc 1974), corresponds to a specimen from the Upper Cretaceous (?) of Cuba first described by Keijzer (1945) as Solenopora piae. In accordance with the photographs of Keijzer (1945), this organism appears to be a true solenoporacean alga and not a Solenomeris. Rao and Varma (1953) described a new species from the Eocene of Pakistan which differs from Solenomeris ogormani by its encrusting habit and by a smaller size of its ‘cells’. However, Rao and Varma (1953) compared the width of the ‘cells’ of S. gormani (i.e. 35-50 pm, according to Douville 1924) with the height of the ‘cells’ measured in their specimens (i.e. 13 /mi and 1 8 — 40 /im). Moreover, these authors distinguished some larger ‘cells’ (18-40 /mi high) in the internal zone of the ‘ thallus’ and smaller ‘cells’ (13 pm high) in the external zone. Without doubt, both types of ‘cells’ correspond in fact to differently oriented chamber sections (oblique sections for larger ‘cells’ and axial sections for smaller ‘cells’). Rao and Varma (1953) named this species 5. (?) douvillei , a name preoccupied by S. douvillei Pfender, 1926 of which they seemed unaware. For this reason, Johnson and Konishi (1960) proposed the new name Solenomeris pakistense. Lastly, the species S. afonensis was created by Maslov (1956) from Lower Eocene specimens of Novyj Afon in Abkhazie, but later Elliott (1964) and Poignant (Poisson and Poignant 1974) considered this species identical to S’. douvillei. The width of the chambers ranges between 25 and 50 pm, while their height is between 10 and 30 pm. The thickness of the wall is c. 10 /mi. Generic characteristics of Solenomeris The juvenile stages of Solenomeris show the development of a three-zoned free-living ovoid. During the earliest stages, the equatorial disc is characterized by the planospiral arrangement of subspherical equatorial chambers around the proloculus and the second periembryonar chamber with an enlarged protochonchal spiral (chambers decreasing in size). Afterwards, the ovoid is formed by addition of lateral chambers around this median equatorial disc. The adult stage is encrusting and shows a unipolar growth on the dorsal side, characterized by the formation of successive layers of chambers alternating from one layer to the next one. In axial section, adult chambers are subhexagonal, while in tangential section they have a rounded or more rarely sinuous elongated shape. From the diagnosis given by different authors, the criteria of distinction at the specific level appear to be based first, on the encrusting or nodular habit and second, on the size of the chambers (so-called cells) (Tables 12-13). Growth pattern Encrustation. The attached stage of Solenomeris , as in other acervulinids, begins with close encrustation of a rigid substratum, developing with unidirectional formation of successive layers of chambers (PI. 3, fig. 2). The thickness of such a crust varies from a few millimetres to several centimetres. Development of branching form. In Solenomeris , contrary to other acervulinids, this encrusting growth may be followed by the development of branches, 1-2 centimetres in diameter. These EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figs 1-5. Solenomeris. Fig. I Isabena Valley, northern Spain, early Eocene; transition from tangential thin section (lower part of the photograph) to an axial section (top of the photograph); UPS Orsay Y1 ; x 35. Figs 2-3. Alaric Mountain, Aude, France, early Eocene. 2, early stage of an irregular crust; at the base of the crust, Solenomeris is interlayered with thin coralline crusts; UPS Orsay Sol. Alaric; x 5-5. 3, thin section of a branch; UPS Orsay Sol. Alaric; x 6. Figs 4-5. Corbieres, Aude, France, early Eocene. 4, early stage of the branch development in thin section; the substratum consists of a coral fragment; UPS Orsay R15; x 6. 5, early stage of the branch development in thin section, UPS Orsay R15; x 5-5. UPS, Universite Paris XI. PLATE 3 PERRIN, Solenomeris 448 PALAEONTOLOGY. VOLUME 37 table 13. Characteristics of species of Solenomeris described in the literature. Species Habit Size of ‘cells’ Comparisons S. O' Gorman i [sic] Nodule 35-50 pm Type species Douville 1924 S. douvillei Crust 30-45 pm width More zoned than Pfender 1926 20 /an height S. 0'Gormani\ no individualized nodules; growth slightly different S. piae Keijzer 1945 7 90- 1 00 pm ‘Cells' are twice as large as than in other species S? douvillei non Pfender Crust External zone of the test: Differs from S. ogormani in Rao & Varma 1953 13 pm height internal zone: the size of its ‘cells’ and in = S. pakistense 1 8^40 pm height its encrusting habit Johnson and Konishi 1960 S. afonensis Maslov 1956 Crust 45-50 pm width 20-25 pm height text-fig. 7. Vertical section of a Soleno- meris branch showing growth from highly convex-upwards cupolas at the top of the branch (traced from a microphotograph of thin section); c. x 3. closely-packed branches give buildups a massive aspect (PI. 4, figs 1-3). In longitudinal thin sections, the banded structure made by the successive layers of chambers shows very convex domes covering the entire extremities of the branches and contributing at the same time to their thickening and their lengthening (PI. 3, fig. 3; Text-fig. 7). Thus, the transverse sections of branches are characterized by tangential sections in their central part changing gradually towards the periphery to axial sections through intermediate oblique sections. The development of branches is initially controlled by the morphology of the substratum, the convex irregularities of which influence the location of branch initiation (PI. 3, figs 2, 4-5). On the other hand, the branches, which show a typical negative geotropism, can only develop if the substratum is stable, either as an originally stable substratum or a nucleus secondarily stabilized by PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMINIFERA 449 the weight of the thick Solenomeris crust. Thus, nodules (macroids sensu Hottinger 1983) resulting from the encrustation of a bioclast by Solenomeris , once stabilized, show a lower smooth surface, whereas the upper surface shows a progressive development of branches from initial swellings (Perrin 1992; Plaziat and Perrin 1992). Bioherms. The buildups constructed by Solenomeris are massive domes with a metre-sized height and a more or less convex upward shape. These bioherms are made by the coalescent vertical branches of Solenomeris , with an oblique or fan-like growth at the edges of the buildups (PI. 4, figs 3, 5) (Plaziat 1984). Biostromes. A cluster of adjacent bioherms constitutes a reef, which is a typical biostrome. The spaces between the metric domal buildups is filled with a more or less sandy carbonate mud or with gravels consisting of broken branches of Solenomeris (PI. 4, figs 4, 6). In the latter case, discrimination between the buildup and detrital parts is especially difficult in weathered outcrops. These biostromes can extend more than ten kilometres in length, with a thickness which can exceed ten metres (Plaziat 1984; Plaziat and Perrin 1992). DISCUSSION Identification of genera The systematics of the Acervulinidae is relatively confused, especially at the generic level. Although Hanzawa (1931, 1947, 1957) and Bursch (1947) established precise specific criteria for the various species of Acervulina and Gypsina , discrimination between these genera does not seem to be really based on generic criteria. According to the definitions of Cushman (1950) and Loeblich and Tappan (1964), the diversity of size, shape and arrangement of the chambers would characterize the genus Acervulina ; on the other hand, only Gypsina can include free-living spherical species. It seems difficult to base the distinction on the size of the lateral chambers and the irregularity of their arrangement. While the spherical shape of Gypsina globulus may be a specific characteristic, the shape of the test in the other acervulimds is too variable, especially in encrusting forms, to be used for the identification of the different genera. However, Gypsina appears to be represented by species of smaller size made of a limited number of layers of chambers. According to Hanzawa (1931, 1940, 1947, 1957) and Bursch (1947), the test of acervulinids appears to consist of three clearly different zones which can be recognized in axial sections: a median layer or equatorial zone, formed by the equatorial disk during the juvenile stages, which is enclosed between a dorsal zone and a ventral zone. Some of these three zones may be absent in some species of Gypsina. On the other hand, all three are always present in Borodinia and Acervulina. The number of layers of chambers within the ventral and dorsal zones changes in accordance with the different forms of acervulinids. Only the equatorial zone, when it exists, is constantly represented by a single layer of chambers. The number of distinct zones constituting the test, and the number of layers within the ventral and dorsal zones, appear to be the diagnostic criteria distinguishing Gypsina from Acervulina and Borodinia. A third criterion seems especially reliable for generic discrimination. This concerns the thickness of the tangential walls (roofs and floors of the chambers) which is relatively constant within a genus. Thus, Acervulina and Gypsina are both characterized by thin tangential walls, whose thickness varies between a few microns and 25 pm. On the other hand, the thickness of the roofs in Borodinia is more than 100 /an (140 pm in the species described by Hanzawa 1957). A combination of these three criteria provides a relatively easy and reliable method for separating the genera in the Acervulinidae (Table 14). Acervulina is only represented by encrusting forms with a three-zoned test. The dorsal zone always comprises several layers of chambers, whose number is much higher than that of the ventral zone. The tangential walls are thin (5-25 //m). Borodinia possesses three distinct zones, the dorsal one always including several layers of chambers. The tangential walls are thicker than 100 /nn. Gypsina includes both free and encrusting forms with a 450 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 test consisting of one, two or three distinct zones. The dorsal zone, when it exists, is formed by one single, or a few layers of chambers, the number of dorsal layers always remaining lower or equivalent to that of the ventral zone. The tangential wall of chambers is thin (5-25 //m). The use of these criteria requires observation of the test in axial sections passing through the ovoid of juvenile stages in order to distinguish the different zones. It is not necessary to have a section of the proloculus for the identification of acervulinids at the generic level. However, a precise measurement of the tangential walls must be taken in axial section and not in oblique sections. This can be made difficult by diagenesis, especially when the chambers have been cemented by fibrous calcite which it is critical to distinguish from the fibrous walls of the chambers. Nevertheless, the difference in thickness between the thin tangential walls (5-25 //m) of Gypsina and Acervulitia, and the thick walls of Borodinia (more than 100//m) is important enough to constitute an especially reliable and easy to use criterion of identification at generic level. Identification of species Species of Gypsina may be easily distinguished according to the number of zones (ventral, median or equatorial, and dorsal), and the number of layers of chambers within each of these zones. Borodinia is only represented by a single species: Borodinia septentrionalis described by Hanzawa (1940, 1957). The presence of the three zones constituting the test and the larger thickness of the walls are criteria characterizing the genus. The species is distinguished by spatuliform chambers in tangential sections (Hanzawa 1957). In Acervulina , the criteria which may be used for species identification are the morphology of the roof of the chambers in axial section and the shape of some chambers in tangential section. A. linearis is characterized by roofs of the lateral chambers of the same layer forming a continuous straight line in axial section. However, in the other species, the adult chambers have roofs which are separate from each other. In tangential section the lateral chambers of A. linearis have angular shapes while those of A. inhaerens are rounded. Acervulina ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis shows large sinuous chambers in tangential sections. Validity of species of Solenomeris The distinction between different species of Solenomeris is based on two criteria: growth habit and size of the adult chambers ('cells’) (Table 13). The growth forms, as in many sessile organisms, depend directly on environmental factors: morphology of the substratum, hydrodynamics and competition with other organisms. Their morphology also changes during the development of an individual. Branching Solenomeris necessarily begins after an encrusting stage. In the same way, macroids from the Corbieres show a primary concentric encrustation stage and, after the stabilization of the nodule by its own weight, begin to develop branches on the upper side (Perrin 1992; Plaziat and Perrin 1992). Therefore, the growth habit of the organism does not appear to be a reliable criterion for the identification of species. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Figs 1-6. Solenomeris. Figs 1-3. Alaric Mountain, Aude, France, early Eocene. 1, outcrop view showing the closely packed branches of Solenomeris on a weathered surface. 2, branches in growth position; note the presence of scarce muddy sediment between branches (photograph width is c. 30 cm). 3, detail of a Solenomeris bioherm showing bivalve borings filled with muddy sediment, (photograph width is c. 35 cm). Fig. 4. Albas reef, Aude, France, early Eocene; fragments of branches in a muddy sediment. Figs 5-6. Alaric Mountain. Aude, France, early Eocene. 5. detail of a Solenomeris bioherm showing the vertical or oblique growth of branches. 6, part of a Solenomeris reef showing the cluster of adjacent bioherms and locally the muddy infill between the bioherms (photograph width is c. 4 m). UPS, Universite Paris XI. PLATE 4 PERRIN, Solenomeris 452 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 The dimensions of the chambers, diagnostic data for palaeontologists treating Solenomeris as an alga, are difficult to compare when axial and transverse sections have not been distinguished. On the other hand, authors considering Solenomeris as a foraminifer do not specify the size of the chambers (Hagn 1967; Hagn and Wellnhofer 1967; Moussavian 1989). Thus, the heights of the chambers in different Solenomeris descriptions are especially difficult to interpret since measure- ments may have been taken in oblique sections and are therefore overestimated. This is certainly the case for the sizes reported by Rao and Varma (1953) who distinguished between smaller sized ‘cells’, located in the external part of the test, and larger ‘cells’ situated in the internal zone (Table 13). These correspond respectively to axial sections and oblique sections of the same type of chambers. Without taking into account the measurements of the larger chambers reported by Rao and Varma (1953), the height of chambers appears to vary between 13 pm in S. pakistense (Rao and Varma 1953) and 30 /nn in Solenomeris from the Middle Eocene of northern Italy (Pfender 1926). In the studied samples from the Early Ypresian of the Corbieres and northern Spain, average height varies from 15 to 20 //m and ranges between 10 and 35 pm. However, even if previous authors gave overestimated dimensions, the variability in height of chambers in all the so-called species of Solenomeris shows the same range of size as the variability which exists at the specific level in Acervulina and Gypsina. For example, the height of chambers can vary from 5 to 25 //m in G. vesicular is (Bursch 1947; Hanzawa 1957), from 5 to 47 /mi in A. inhaerens (Hanzawa 1931, 1957), and from 11 to 50 //m in A. linearis (Hanzawa 1947, 1957) (Tables 1-2, 5). On the other hand, the width of the chambers seems to be quite similar in the four species Solenomeris ogormani , S. douvillei , S. pakistense and S. afonensis and varies from 25 to 50 //m. Solenomeris from southern France and northern Spain have lateral chambers whose size varies from 40 to 100 //m, with an average of 60 /mi. Moreover, some tangential sections show the presence of sinuous larger chambers whose length can reach 250-300 pm. However, these large-sized chambers are relatively rare and are seldom reported in previous descriptions of Solenomeris (Perrin 1985, 1987u). In Acervulina and Gypsina , the variability of chamber width within the same species is important, especially in G. globulus (60-180 pm) and in A. inhaerens (50-230 //m). Therefore the size of the adult lateral chambers does not seem to be a reliable criterion for distinguishing different species of Solenomeris because of the large intraspecific variability of this feature in the acervulinids. Some authors have synonymized the different species of Solenomeris but without any discussion (Elliott 1964; Boulanger and Poignant 1969; Poignant and Blanc 1974; Moussavian 1989). Comparison between Solenomeris and other Acervulinidae The test of Solenomeris is typically composed of three distinct zones: a ventral zone formed by the lateral chambers of the ovoid, juvenile stages; a median or equatorial zone comprising a single layer of chambers which constitutes the equatorial disc including the proloculus; and a dorsal zone made of numerous layers consisting of lateral chambers of the juvenile stages and chambers of the adult stage which constitute the bulk of the construction. The tangential walls of Solenomeris are thin (5-10 //m). These characteristics of Solenomeris appear closer to the genus Acervulina than to any other member of the Acervulinidae. In axial section, the roofs of the lateral chambers in Solenomeris never form a continuous line like A. linearis , but appear clearly individualized (when skeletal preservation is good enough). Tangential sections mainly show rounded chambers but with scarce larger and sinuous chambers similar to those of A. vermicularis. Thus, Solenomeris ogormani differs both from Acervulina inhaerens and A. ( Ladoronia ) vermicularis since its test comprises, in tangential section, not only rounded lateral chambers but also large sinuous chambers (Table 14). Moussavian (1989) united the different species of Solenomeris as Acervulina ogormani instead of Gypsina ogormani (Moussavian 1984) because he believed that the genera Acervulina Schultze, 1854 and Gypsina Carter, 1877 were synonymous, Gypsina being the junior synonym. Nevertheless, Moussavian suggested that an extensive revision of this family was necessary. The synonymy of Acervulina and Gypsina is also based on the long- recognized synonymy of the species A. inhaerens PERRIN: ACERVULINID FORAMINIFERA 453 table 14. Key to main genera and species of Acervulinidae. A Test free or encrusting, consisting of one, two or three distinct zones; dorsal zone, when present, comprising one or a few layers of chambers; thin tangential walls (5-25 //m) Gypsina A1 One single zone • Equatorial zone: one single layer G. squamiformis • Equatorial zone absent G. globulus A2 Two zones • Equatorial zone: one single layer of chambers and dorsal zone G. mastelensis A3 Three zones • Equatorial zone: one single layer of chambers Ventral and dorsal zones: equal number of layers G. vesicularis • Equatorial zone: one single layer of chambers Ventral zone: a few chambers Dorsal zone: one single layer G. saipanensis • Equatorial zone: one single layer of chambers Ventral zone: several layers of chambers Dorsal zone: two or three layers G. marianensis B Test encrusting, consisting of three distinct zones: a ventral zone, an equatorial zone and a dorsal zone; dorsal zone comprising several layers of chambers B1 Thick tangential walls (> 100 /on) • Some chambers showing a spatulifornr shape in tangential section B2 Thin tangential walls (5-25 /nn); juvenile stages with equatorial chambers increasing in size towards the periphery of the equatorial disc • Roofs of chambers of the same layer forming a continuous straight line in axial section; chambers more or less angular in tangential section • Roofs of chambers of the same layer do not form a continuous straight line in axial section; tangential section showing only rounded-shaped chambers • Roofs of chambers of the same layer do not form a continuous straight line in axial section; tangential section showing sinuous large chambers B3 Thin tangential walls (5-25 /nn); juvenile stages with equatorial chambers decreasing in size towards the periphery of the equatorial disc • Roofs of chambers of the same layer do not form a continuous straight line in axial section; most of the chambers of tangential section show a rounded shape but scarce sinuous large chambers are also present Borodinia Borodinia septentvionalis A cervulina Acervulina line avis A. inhaerens A. ( Ladovotiia) vevmiculavis Solenomevis Solenomevis ogovmani and G. plana. Hanzawa (1957) considered G. plana as a variety of A. inhaerens : Acervulina inhaerens var. plana. However, the type species of Gypsina is not Polytrema planum = Gypsina plana Carter, 1877, as indicated by Loeblich and Tappan (1964), but Gypsina vesicularis Parker and Jones, 1860. Moreover, from the above review of the geometrical characteristics of the test, both Acervulina and Gypsina appear clearly different and can be easily distinguished by the number of zones constituting 454 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 the test and by the number of layers of chambers within the dorsal and ventral zones. It is therefore difficult to place the different species of Solenomeris within any particular genus without first carefully studying the geometrical features of their internal structure. CONCLUSIONS The foregoing critical review of growth organization and chamber morphologies in Acervulina, Borodinia , Gypsina and Solenomeris suggests reliable and easily identifiable criteria for the discrimination of different genera and species (Table 14). The genus Solenomeris , recently included in the Acervulinidae (Hagn 1967; Perrin 1985, 1987a), is certainly closely related to the genus Acervulina. However, the morphology of the roof of the chambers in axial section, the occurrence of numerous rounded lateral chambers and also of large sinuous chambers distinguish clearly Solenomeris from species of Acervulina. Thus also taking into account the form of the juvenile with its enlarged protoconchal spiral, it would seem appropriate to regard Solenomeris as a separate genus within the Acervulinidae. 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Typescript received 15 January 1993 Revised typescript received 13 September 1993 CHRISTINE PERRIN Department of Geology Royal Holloway and Bedford New College University of London Egham Surrey TW20 OEX, UK A QUANTITATIVE REVIEW OF THE HORSE EQUUS FROM SOUTH AMERICA by jose l. prado and maria t. alberdi Abstract. The species of Equus (Amerhippus) are revised using multivariate analysis of dental and autopodial remains, and some morphological characters of the skull and dentition. We recognize five species: E. (A.) andium , insulatus , neogeus , santaeelenae , and lasallei. They have been recorded in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, through the Middle and Upper Pleistocene. They show peculiar adaptive features in the distal part of the extremities as a response to different environmental conditions. The Quaternary equid record from South America is very rich. From a palaeobiogeographic point of view, the remains are distributed throughout the continent, from Ecuador to central Argentina. There are very important quantitative and qualitative collections representing all parts of the skeleton of all species. Equus arrived in South America after the Great American Biotic Interchange (Webb 1976). From Lund (1840) to the present, numerous records and new species have been attributed to this genus. Sefve (1912), and Boule and Thevenin (1920) have studied South American Equus in monographic works. Hoffstetter (1952), in his review of Ecuadorian mammals, recognized only six species of this genus, all included in the subgenus Amerhippus Hoffstetter, 1950. He also included in this South American subgenus, one North American species Equus occidentals. Porta (1960) described a new species collected by Brother Daniel, Equus lasallei , from the Late Pleistocene of Colombia. More recently, MacFadden and Azzaroli (1987) discussed the status of the species cited by Hoffstetter ( 1952) and recognized as valid species: E. andium , E. lasallei , E. insulatus and possibly E. curvidens , without a clear definition of the others (E. santaeelenae , E. martinei , E. neogeus). Azzaroli (1992) provisionally recognized eight valid species from South America (Equus curvidens , E. andium , E. insulatus , E. haasei , E. martinei , E. santaeelenae and E. lasallei , and the poorly known E. neogeus with doubts), all ascribed to the subgenus Amerhippus. He also included in this group two North American species: E. fraternus and E. conversidens. The subgenus Amerhippus is recorded in South America from the Middle Pleistocene (Ensenadan Land Mammal Age), appearing after the genus Hippidion , which was first recorded from the Late Pliocene in that continent. That group of horses is more evolved than Hippidion which has some primitive characters (Alberdi and Prado 1992, 1993). Species of Amerhippus show two different morphological patterns; one of them corresponds to forms adapted to grasslands and open habitats, and the other to mountain forms. Each group is quite homogeneous, with little variation in size throughout its geographical and stratigraphical distribution. This point has not been given sufficient consideration in previous taxonomic reviews, which describe large numbers of species. The aims of this study are: (a) to identify the groups of Equus ( Amerhippus ) resulting from multivariate analysis of the upper and lower dentitions, metacarpals (MCIII), calcaneum (CA), astragalus (AS), metatarsals (MTIII) and first phalanges of the third digit (1FALIII); (b) to determine which morphometric characteristics and bones allow the best identification of the different species; (c) to redefine the generic and specific diagnoses of South American horses, and (d) to establish valid taxonomic names. | Palaeontology, Vol. 37, Part 2, 1994, pp. 459-48 1.| © The Palaeontological Association 460 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 1 La Carolina 2- Oil Field 3.- Oton 4- Rfo Chiche 5. - Punfn (several sites) 6. - Cerro Gordo 7. - Tarija 8. - Lagoa Santa 9. - Corumba 10 - Sao Raimundo Nonato 1 1 Chique- Chique 12.- Aguas do Araxa 13 - Lujan 14. - Ayacucho 15. - Tapalque 16 - Paso Otero 17. - Necochea 18. - Quequen Salado 19. - Montehermoso 100 km O Equus {A.) neogeus ☆ Equus {A.) lasallei □ Equus (A.) insulatus B Equus (A.) santaeelenae A Equus (A.) andium text-fig. I. Geographic distribution of Equus ( Amerhippus ) localities. MATERIAL AND METHODS The studied material includes the material studied by Hoffstetter (1952) and Boule and Thevenin (1920), in the Museo de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional of Quito, Ecuador (MEPN), Institut de Paleontologie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, France (IPMNHN) and Museo Nacional de Elistoria Natural (MNHN) and GEOBOL, La Paz, Bolivia. In addition, the following collections were examined: in Argentina: Museo de La Plata (MLP), Museo de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’ of Buenos Aires (MACN), Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales ‘L. Scaglia’ of Mar del Plata (MMCN), Museo de Historia y Tradicion of Loberia (MHTL), Institute Miguel Lillo ofNational University ofTucuman (IML); in Colombia: Museo de Ciencias of Lasalle University (MCLU) and National University of Bogota (NUB); in USA, Frick Collection of the American Museum of Natural History of New York (AMNH); and in England, The Natural History Museum, London (BMNH). PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 46! Several South American specimens lack a precise stratigraphical location because they come from very old collections where the stratigraphy is rarely indicated. Specimens analysed here come from the following sites: Tarija (Bolivia), considered Middle Pleistocene (MacFadden et al. 1983) (7 in Text-fig. 1); La Carolina and Salinas Oil Fields in Santa Elena Peninsula (1 and 2 in Text-fig. 1), several localities in the Ecuadorian Andes (3 and 5 in Text-fig. 1 ) and Rio Chiche (4 in Text-fig. I ). The Santa Elena sites are assigned to Pichilingue Formation by 14C about 26000± 100 BP (Baldock 1982), the Ecuadorian Andes localities (Chalan, Alangasi, El Colegio, Q. Colorada, Oton, Q. Grande, etc), are placed between 40000 and 4000 years BP by Dugas (1986). The Rio Chiche site is considered to be older than the others (Hoffstetter 1952), and all localities from Brazil (8 to 12 in Text-fig. 1) and Buenos Aires province (13 to 19 in Text-fig. 1) are considered to be latest Pleistocene (Cunha 1971, 1981; Paula Couto 1979; Tonni et al. 1985; Bargo et al. 1986; Prado et al. 1987; Alberdi et al. 1989; Guerin 1991 ; Carbonari etal. 1992). Finally, Cerrogordo in the Bogota savanna (Colombia) is referred to the late Pleistocene by Porta 1960 (6 in Text-fig. 1). The upper and lower dental rows, MCIII, CA, AS, MTI1I and 1FALIII from each locality or group of localities are considered as a single Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU). The morphometric characters used in the analyses are after Eisenmann et al. 1988 (see Text-figs 2^4, and text-fig. 2. The measurements of the occlusal view of the lower and upper cheek teeth, a, lower; 2, occlusal length; 3, length of the preflexid; 4, length of the double knot; 5, length of the postflexid; 6, maximal breadth. b, upper; 2, occlusal length; 3, occlusal length of the protocone; 4, occlusal breadth. Table 1). The dental morphological characters are shown in Text-fig. 5. All teeth and bone measurements are taken in millimetres. Since this analysis requires that no OTU has missing values, and only a few bones were complete, it was virtually impossible to obtain a large data set. No effort was made to separate males and females because, in horses, the differences in size and proportions between the sexes are lost within the general intraspecific variation (Winans 1989). With respect to this, Eisenmann (1979r?) analysed the morphometric variation of the metapodials of living horses and concluded that the coefficient of variation shows a low value for all variables, except for variable #9 in MC1I1, #8 and #9 in MTIII (Text-fig. 3). These few variabilities indicate low levels of dimorphism. In long bones we have also taken the slenderness index (1) (1) Slenderness Index (SI) = Minimal breadth (3)x 100 Maximal length (1) which serves as an indicator of the habitat where they live (more open or more wooded, harder or softer ground, etc). A total of 26 upper dental rows, 20 lower dental rows, 49 MCIII, 35 CA, 44 AS, 61 MTIII and 101 1 FA LI 1 1 have been used to establish the taxonomical structure (Appendix I). The computational 462 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 THIRD METACARPAL THIRD METATARSAL text-fig. 3. The measurements of the third metacarpal and third metatarsal. work was done at the Laboratorio de Sistematica y Biologt'a Evolutiva (LASBE) of the Museo de La Plata, using NTSYS-PC programs, version 1.60 (Rohlf 1991) and Statgraphic version 5.0 ( 1991 ). Data were analysed by three methods : cluster analysis, principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA). Further details of these methods and computational procedures are in Sneath and Sokal (1973), Rohlf and Bookstein (1990) and Reyment (1991). Character- by- character correlation was obtained from each matrix by calculating the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between each pair of characters in each set. These matrices served as input in the PCA. The PCA was performed on each character-by-character correlation matrix and the first FIRST PHALANX PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 463 text-fig. 4. The measurements of the calcaneum, astragalus and first phalanx of the third digit. 464 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 table I . The measurements of the limb bones as characteristics. Measurements taken on third metacarpal and metatarsal 1 Maximal length 2 Medial length 3 Minimal breadth (near the middle of the bone) 4 Depth of the diaphysis at level of 3 5 Proximal articular breadth 6 Proximal articular depth 7 Maximal diameter of articular facet for the third carpal or tarsal 8 Diameter of the anterior facet for the fourth carpal or tarsal 9 Diameter of the anterior facet for the second carpal or tarsal 10 Distal maximal supra-articular breadth 1 1 Distal maximal articular breadth 12 Distal maximal depth of the keel 13 Distal minimal depth of the lateral condyle 14 Distal maximal depth of the median condyle 1 5 Angle subtended by condyle ends at centre of distal articulation 16 Diameter of the posterior facet for the fourth carpal Measurements taken on calcaneum 1 Maximal length 2 Length of the proximal part 3 Minimal breadth 4 Proximal maximal breadth 5 Proximal maximal depth 6 Distal maximal breadth 7 Distal maximal depth Measurements taken on astragalus 1 Maximal length 2 Maximal diameter of the medial condyle 3 Breadth of the trochlea (at the apex of each condyle) 4 Maximal breadth 5 Distal articular breadth 6 Distal articular depth 7 Maximal medial depth Measurements taken on first phalanx 1 Maximal length 2 Anterior length 3 Minimal breadth 4 Proximal breadth 5 Proximal depth 6 Distal breadth at the tuberosities 7 Distal articular breadth 8 Distal articular depth 9 Minimal length of the trigonum phalangis three factors were extracted. The character factor loadings were used to calculate the operational unit factor scores, or projections, in the two factor spaces. To examine ordination efficiency, the Euclidean distances between all pairs of operational units in factor space were calculated, and with the resulting matrix the cophenetic correlation coefficient was used. After groups were identified based on examination of the PCA, discriminant analysis was used to establish a rule to differentiate these groups. DA, like PCA, is a linear function of the original variable weighted by coefficient. DA also performs a rotation of the coordinate axes, but the aim PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 465 UPPER TOOTH mesostyle LOWER TOOTH PP PP Angular Rounded DOUBLE KNOT text-fig. 5. Morphological characters of a, the upper, and b, lower cheek teeth. was to arrive at an orientation that maximized the separation between the identified groups. DA can also be used to evaluate whether the centroids dilTer significantly or not, and often to identify specimens not included in the original analysis which established the groups (Marcus 1990; Reyment 1991). In order to identify which character provided the best group discrimination, we chose the characters that showed maximal contribution values for the PCA (Table 2). To recognize the table 2. Characters that are most important for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Principal component of limb bones Number of character Eigen value Principal component of limb bones Number of character Eigen value Third Second 3 -0-566 metacarpal 1 0-213 First 1 1 0-972 2 0-209 4 0-961 Third 10 0-953 metatarsal 5 0-943 First 1 1 0-960 1 0-926 12 0-957 Second 16 -0-606 13 0-955 8 -0-452 5 0-947 14 0-247 14 0-946 6 0-240 Second 8 -0-814 7 0-232 9 -0-675 Astragalus 1 0-190 First 1 0-981 2 0190 2 0-978 5 — 0-164 7 0-973 First Second 3 0-304 phalanx 5 -0-303 First 6 0-969 4 -0165 4 0-960 Calcaneum 1 0-957 First 1 0-939 Second 9 -0-400 6 0-935 8 -0-375 2 0-93 1 2 — 0-319 466 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 correlation character in each set of bones we undertook cluster analysis. The five character correlation matrices (MCIII, CA, AS, MTIII and 1 FA LI 1 1) served as input in the calculation of a phenogram by the unweighted pair group method, using arithmetical averages (UPGMA). The cophenetic correlation coefficient (r) was computed as a measurement of distortion (Farris 1969). RESULTS Principal component analysis, based on upper and lower dentition data, permits us to identify two main groups. The first group includes specimens of E. andium, the second group includes specimens referred to E. insulatus , E. neogeus, E. santaeelenae and E. lasallei (Text-figs 6-7). E. andium is a clear morphotype characterized by its small size adapted to mountain habitat, and can also be distinguished from the others by skeletal elements (Text-figs 8-12). The second component permits us to separate E. lasallei and E. santaeelenae and E. insulatus and E. neogeus by the occlusal breadth of the lower cheek teeth (Text-figs 2, 7). It is important to note that differences between the various species of Equus from South America are more evident among skeletal elements than cranial. Moreover, differences between South American horses vary more in size than in shape, consequently, the second component in the multivariate analysis plays a secondary role (see Table 2). The other group of species shows overlapping morphological patterns. For example, E. insulatus is an intermediate form in size between E. andium and E. neogeus, mainly for MCIII and MTIII (Text-figs 8-1 1). E. neogeus, from the Pampean region and several Brazilian localities, is the largest form in this analysis. This species is differentiated from E. santaeelenae by MCIII and MTIII (Text- figs 8, 11). On the other hand, E. santaeelenae has a 1FALIII similar to E. neogeus and MTIII close to E. insulatus (Text-figs 11-12). E. lasallei is known only from one skull which is close to E. neogeus in morphological characteristics but bigger. The analysis of dentition shows little difference between them, particularly in the occlusal breadth of the lower teeth. As we do not have skeletal elements of E. lasallei, it is very difficult to invalidate this species. We only have two specimens of E. martinei from Ecuador, one MTIII and one 1FALIII, that coincide with E. insulatus in PCA (Text-figs 11-12). Discriminant analysis based on all species provide a correct identification for five groups (Text- figs 15-19), especially from the upper and lower dentitions (Text-figs 13-14). DA based on MTIII and 1FALIII does not permit recognition as a group of the material comprising E. martinei (Text- figs 18-19). Using DA on astragalus, we observed a good discrimination of the variables. They show an overlap between E. insulatus and E. andium (weight < 4 per cent) and between E. santaeelenae and E. insulatus (weight < 13 per cent), while E. santaeelenae has a good discrimination (100 per cent; see Text-figure 16). From the multivariate analysis we deduce that the most characteristic features for this discrimination are: the occlusal length of the dental specimens and occlusal breadth of lower cheek teeth (2 and 6 in Text-fig. 2); the maximal breadths (5, 11) and all the distal maximal depths (12, 13, 14) of the MTIII; the maximal length (1), minimal depth of the diaphysis (4) and maximal breadths (5, 10, 11) of the MCIII; the maximal breadths (4, 6) plus maximal length (1) of the 1FALIII (see Text-figs 3-4). It is interesting to note that most of these dimensions (all breadths and some lengths) are, in general, closely related with the nature of the terrain (see Conclusions). The cluster analysis in Text-figure 20 represents correlations between the different sets of characters (MCIII, CA, AS, MTIII and 1FALIII). In the MCIII cluster, the maximal lengths (1, 2) and the distal maximal breadths (10, 11) are highly correlated. From a functional morphological point of view this is important because it has not only taxonomic but also biological significance. The variations of dimensions 1 and 2 are directly related to the type of ground surface where these horses live (lengthening of metapodials on harder ground surfaces and shortening of metapodials on softer ground surfaces), and the variations of dimensions 10 and 11 are related with shift of weight and gait of the animal (Sondaar 1968; Hussain 1975). In the CA cluster, the maximal lengths (1,2) are highly correlated, while in the AS cluster the maximal length ( 1 ) and the maximal diameter of the condyle (2) are also highly correlated. The variations of the dimensions 1 and 2 of the AS are PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 467 80- 4 0 I I I I 240 26.0 28.0 30.0 32 0 First component text-fig. 6. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the upper cheek teeth. Abbreviations: A, Equus (Amerhippus) andium ; I, Equus (Amerhippus) insulatus ; N, Equus ( Amerhippus ) neogeus ; S-E, Equus (Amerhippus) santaeelenae; L, Equus ( Amerhippus ) lasallei. -4 8 - -6.4 - £ o o -8.0 - -9 6 - S-E -11 2 I I I I I 240 27.0 30 0 33,0 36.0 First component text-fig. 7. Principal Component Analysis of the lower cheek teeth. Abbreviations as in Text-figure 6. directly related to their function. The astragalus plays an important role, as a pulley, in the forward and backward movement of the animal, since it receives the pressure of the body-weight and transmits it to the digits. Furthermore, the variation of dimension 2 of the astragalus has great implications in gait and speed of the horses. These functions are in turn controlled by dimensions I and 2 of the calcaneum, which contain the insertion points of the strong muscles that contribute to the same movement. For the MTIII cluster, the highest correlated characters are the lengths (1, 2), proximal breadths (5, 7) and the distal depths (12, 13). For the 1FALIII cluster these are the maximal lengths (1,2) and the proximal and distal maximal breadths (4, 6). The variations of these 468 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 ; i i s-e/ •J \ N \ V 1 V i \\ 400 480 560 64.0 72. First component TEXT-FIG. 8 text-fig. 8. Principal Component Analysis of the third metacarpal. Abbreviations as in Text-figure 6. text-fig. 9. Principal Component Analysis of the astragalus. Abbreviations as in Text-figure 6. 'A ~S-E-I lS-E^-E /MIS£S-E rS:E \ III I II 1 A AAA A A' A AAA / i/ 56 0 64 0 First component TEXT-FIG. 1 1 42,0 48 0 54.0 60 0 66.0 40.0 4b First component TEXT-FIG. 10 text-fig. 10. Principal Component Analysis of the calcaneum. Abbrevalions as in Text-figure 6. text-fig. II. Principal Component Analysis of the third metatarsal. Abbrevations as in Text-figure 6. M, E. (A.) martinei. PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 469 40 30 0 I I l 36 0 420 48 0 First component 54 0 36 - +L I i i I , i I i i I i i I i i L -6 -3 0 3 6 9 Discriminant function 1 TEXT-FIG. 12 TEXT-FIG. 13 text-fig. 12. Principal Component Analysis of the first phalanx of the third digit. Abbreviations as in Text-figure 6. M, E. (A.) martinet. text-fig. 13. Discriminant Analysis (DA) of the upper cheek teeth. Abbreviations as in Text-figure 6. +, mean average. -3 - -3 1 5 9 13 Discriminant function 1 8 - -4 - N +S-E I , i -32 . I .... I .... I -22 -12 -2 Discriminant function 1 8 TEXT-FIG. 14 TEXT-FIG. 15 text-fig. 14. Discriminant Analysis of the lower cheek teeth. Abbreviations as in Text-figures 6 and 13. text-fig. 15. Discriminant Analysis of the third metacarpal. Abbreviations as in Text-figures 6 and 13. Discriminant function 2 Discriminant function 470 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 24 I1 I I+ -0 6 A A A A + A A A A A S-E I S-E S-E -2 6 - l , , , I i , i I . i > I , i i L_ -3-1 1 3 5 Discriminant function 1 2 6 - 0 6 -A A -04 - 'a \ + A A aa a aa A . A A A A + 1 1 J . i i L -0.5 1.5 35 Discriminant function 1 5 5 TEXT-FIG. 16. TEXT-FIG. 17 text-fig. 16. Discriminant Analysis of the astragalus. Abbreviations as in Text-figures 6 and 13. text-fig. 17. Discriminant Analysis of the calcaneum. Abbreviations as in Text-figures 6 and 13. -5 3 - I M L I S-E I + SyE J s4-e AA AA A A aA M*a % *A \ A A A A A A I I +" S-E I I S-E N- -5 Discriminant function 1 text-fig. 18 -2 12 -2 8 -4 8 - I I yni \ 'fji 1 I , l» t I r . A A A aA A A. aA At c A1 S-E^-E A mS-E I i -2 0 2 4 Discriminant function 1 TEXT-FIG. 19 text-fig. 18. Discriminant Analysis of the third metatarsal. Abbreviations as in Text-figures 6 and 13. M, E. (A.) martinei. text-fig. 19. Discriminant Analysis of the first phalanx of the third digit. Abbreviations as in Text-figures 6 and 13. M: E. (A.) martinei. PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 471 dimensions in the MTIII as well as 1FALIII have a biological significance similar to that outlined for MCIII, as they reflect the skeletal modifications due to adaptation to the environment. The 1FALII1 represent an intermediate link in the type of movement and shift of weight of the horse. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Recent papers on the Equidae in South America (Alberdi 1987; Alberdi and Prado 1989, 1992, 1993) recognize two main groups: equidiforms and hippidiforms. In general, both groups show common features, possibly as a consequence of convergence due to their adaptation to similar environments: (a) large skull in relation to body size where each group has a particular dental morphology, with a certain interspecific variability; (b) a large degree of cranial flexion (Bennett 1980); (c) ventral separation of the occipital condyles; (d) robust body structure to different degrees in the different forms. The forms are heavy and not well adapted to running. Order perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family equidae Gray, 1821 Subfamily equinae (Gray 1821) Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 Genus equus Linnaeus, 1758 Subgenus equus (amerhippus) Hoffstetter, 1950 Synonymy (after Hoffstetter 1952, p. 233): = Equus ( partim ) auct. ; = Neohippus ( partim ) Abel 1913, 1914, 1919; Spillmann 1931, 1938; = Hippidium Spillman 1931, non Hippidium Burmeister 1875, nee Hippidion Owen 1869; = Amerldppus Hoffstetter, 1950. Type-species. Equus ( Amerhippus ) andium Branco, 1883, ex Wagner, 1860. Geographical distribution. South America. Stratigraphical distribution. Equus ( Amerhippus ) remains come from different levels of the South American Pleistocene, mostly from the Ensenadan and Lujanian Land Mammal Ages (Text-fig 21). Diagnosis. Equus ( Amerhippus ) has a large skull with sharp and marked supraoccipital crest. It is large in relation to the postcranial skeleton, and shows a narrow and lightly excavated preorbital and nasal region. In general, there is a ventral separation of the occipital condyles but sometimes they are joined. It has a peculiar vomer disposition, which reaches the palatal processes of the maxillary anterior to the palatine. The upper cheek teeth have triangular protocones. The protocone shows the distal part longer than the mesial one, and in some cases there are enamel wrinkles. Pre- and postfossettes in the upper cheek teeth have developed folds (see Text-fig. 5a). The mandible is robust and the double-knot in the lower teeth, the metaconid-metastylid, is rounded and angular respectively. The linguaflexid is, in general, shallow and more angular in P3-P4 and more open in M 1-M2. The ectoflexid varies from deep to shallow and never connects with the linguaflexid (Text- fig. 5b). The appendicular skeleton shows a shortening of the distal part of the extremities, but not as much as the Hippidion , and a more accentuated metatarsal distal flexion. In general, all species have robust metapodials and the SI varies within the limits for robustness of this subgenus. Discussion. Hoffstetter (1950 p. 433; 1952 p. 245) justified this subgenus, based on only one characteristic : lack of infundibular marks in the lower incisor surface and consequent loss of surface enamel. Nevertheless, Eisenmann (1979/6) analysed the first characteristic in living and fossil equids, and concluded that they show a high variability. In our opinion, this is a very variable feature because it is linked to the changes of the dental occlusal surfaces (Alberdi 1974). Consequently, its systematic value is difficult to evaluate. Notwithstanding, we think it is correct to use the subgenus 472 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 0360 0 640 0.720 0.800 0.880 0 960 1 040 0.650 0 700 0 750 0 800 CALCANEUS r = 0923 - [ 0 860 0 880 0.900 0 920 0 940 ASTRAGALUS r= 0.818 r text-fig. 20. Cluster Analysis of each set of characters: third metacarpal, astragalus, calcaneum, third metatarsal and first phalanx of the third digit. Amerhippus for different South American species of Equus , because all groups show the same dental morphology with a peculiarly large skull in relation to body structure, which in turn is characterized by shortness and robustness of the extremities. Hoffstetter (1952) thought the cubitus to be stronger in South American horses than in other Equus and, in general, is also stronger in all similar Equus forms up to the present except E. andium due to its small size, but this is not so clear. The multivariate analysis permits us to distinguish five different groups of E. ( Amerhippus ), which we ascribe to different species. Equus ( Amerhippus ) andium Branco, 1883 ex Wagner 1860 I860 Equus fossilis andium Wagner, p. 336. [ nomen nudum after Mones (1986)]. 1875 Equus quitensis Wolf, p. 155. [nomen nudum after Mones (1986)]. 1931 Hippidium jijoni Spillmann, p. 50. 1938 Neohippus rivadeneira Spillmann, p. 386, fig. lc. 1938 Neohippus postremus Spillman, p. 389, fig 1e. 1992 Equus andium Branco 1883; nec Wagner-Branco Azzaroli p. 134, fig. 3 b. Type material. Hoffstetter ( 1952, p. 247) stated the material described by Spillmann was lost, and proposed two ‘lectotypes’: a specimen of Neohippus rivadeneira (MEPN V-78) and one of Neohippus postremus (MEPN V-430). We think it is best to consider the first as a neotype. PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 473 text-fig. 21. Scheme of the strati- graphical levels of Land Mammal Ages from South America (SALMA): Cha- padmalalan, 'Uquian', Ensenaden and Lujanian (modified from Tonni et al. 1992). PALEOMAGNE- TIC SEQUENCE SALMA Lujanian Ensena dan Chapad • malalan Geographical distribution. From Oton, in the North, to Punin in the South of Ecuardorian Andes (Ecuador). Stratigraphical distribution (Text-Fig. 21). The Cancagua Formation (Sauer 1965) from Ecuador; cited as Upper Pleistocene after Eloffstetter (1952), although MacFadden and Azzaroli (1987) placed it between Middle and Upper Pleistocene. Dugas (1986) described it as between 40000 and 4000 years BP and Azzaroli (1992) referred it to Late Pleistocene. Type stratigraphical level. ‘Puninian’ (Hoffstetter 1952, p. 248). Lujanian Land Mammal Age. Studied material. Material studied by Hoffstetter (1952) from several localities of the Ecuadorian Andes, stored in MEPN and IPMNHN, and the material deposited in the American Museum of Natural History (Frick Collection). Diagnosis. As for the subgenus Amerhippus , this species has a wide, low and laterally placed orbit. Particularly, the skeleton of E. andium is characterized by short and robust limbs, most significantly in the radius and metapodials, thus producing unusual proportions between these. It correspbnds to a morphotype easily distinguishable from the others by the multivariate analysis of the dental and limb bones (Text-figs 6-12). Discussion. This species has been described by Branco (1883) and Hoffstetter (1952). This form possibly presents an anatomical adaptation to environmental factors, reflected in the metapodial shortness (Mean slenderness index : MCIII = 18,27; MTIII = 15,81). Hoffstetter ( 1 952) expressed doubts about this relation, considering the shortness of the extremities to be differential. This species, adapted to the Ecuadorian Andes, probably evolved from a larger form such as E. in.su/atus. It is the smallest form of Equus from South America. 474 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Equus ( Amerhippus ) insulatus C. Ameghino, in F. Ameghino 1904 1851 Equus macrognathus Weddell, p. 204. 1855 Equus neogaeus Lund; Gervais, p. 33, pi. 7, figs 2-3. 1904 Equus insulatus C. Ameghino [unpublished]; F. Ameghino, fig. 250. 1938 Neoltippus martinet Spillmann, p. 382, fig. 1b. 1952 Equus ( Amerhippus ) martinei (Spillmann, 1938); Hoffstetter, p. 301. 1992 Equus martinei Spillmann, 1938; Azzaroli, p. 137. Holotype. MACN 1703. upper cheek teeth (M3 nor M2) figured by F. Ameghino (1904, p. 190, fig. 250). This specimen is not lost as suggested by Mones (1986). Geographical distribution. Tarija (Bolivia), and the Ecuadorian Andes (Rio Chiche, Ecuador). Stratigraphical distribution. (Text-fig. 21). The Tarija localities (MacFadden et al. 1983), and the Rio Chiche locality (Sauer 1965) are referred to the Middle Pleistocene. Hoffstetter (1952) considered E. martinei to be the oldest Equus material from Ecuador; Clapperton and Vera (1986); followed by Azzaroli (1992), assigned this locality to the Late Pleistocene. Type stratigraphical level. Ensenadan Land Mammal Age. Studied material. Includes material studied by Boule and Thevenm (1920) and MacFadden and Azzaroli (1987) from Tarija (Bolivia) and that from Rio Chiche, Ecuador (Hoffstetter 1952). Diagnosis. This species has a bigger skull than Equus (Amerhippus) andium , but is similar in general morphology. Prominent cranial flexion between face and braincase. Nuchal crest extends posterior to occipital condyles. External auditory meatus located close to glenoid fossa. The preorbital region is also narrow but less excavated. Mandible deep and massive. Upper dental pattern characteristic of Equus but larger in size. Protocones moderately elongated and fossettes moderately plicated. Ectoflexids relatively shallow in the premolars and relatively deep in molars. The body size is intermediate between E. (A.) andium and the other species studied here (see Boule and Thevenin 1920). Discussion. Limb bones correspond to a robust horse, with slenderness index of metapodials: MC1II = 18,16; MTIII = 16,01. E. insulatus , from Tarija, is similar in skull size to E. neogeus from Buenos Aires province, however it differs from E. neogeus in that it has dolichocephalic skull and a relatively high and narrow rostrum. The multivariate analysis permits a clear discrimination of this species from the others. The scarce specimens assigned to E. (A.) martinei by Spillmann (1938) and Hoffsteiuer (1952) are reminiscent of E. curvidens, but they have different skeletal proportions. We think they can be ascribed to E. (A.) insulatus (Text-figs 1 1-12) by the multivariate analysis and the morphological characters. DA also confirm this determination. The stratigraphical distribution of E. (A.) insulatus , classically considered as Middle Pleistocene, possibly extends to the Late Pleistocene according to some authors. Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus Lund, 1840 1840 Equus neogeus Lund, p. 319. 1840 Equus ; Owen, p. 108, pi. 32, figs 13-14. 1845 Equus curvidens ; Owen, p. 235. 1875 Equus argentinus Burmeister, p. 55, p. 4, fig. 6. 1880 Equus rectidens Gervais and Ameghino, p. 92. 1881 Equus lundii Boas, p. 307, pis 1-2; [figs 10-20 grouped all equidiform material from the Lagoa Santa]. 1905 Equus haasei Reche, p. 225, pi. 22. 1912 Equus neogaeus [.vie] Lund 1840; Sefve p. 138. 1981 Equus (Amerhippus) vandonii Cunha, p. 5, pis 1-3. 1987 Equus (Amerhippus) curvidens Owen; MacFadden and Azzaroli p. 331. PRADO AND ALBERD1 : SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 475 1992 Equus curvidens Owen; Azzaroli p. 134, fig. I b. 1992 Equus neogeus Lund; Azzaroli, p. 134 [recorded as an uncertain species]. Holotype. Specimen 866, a right metacarpal III in the Peter W. Lund Collection, Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. Geographical distribution. Principal remains are from the Pampean region, Argentina (see Studied material) and others from Lagoa Santa (Lund 1840), Corumba (Cunha 1981 ), Sao Raimundo Nonato, Piaui (Guerin 1991 ) and Chique-Chique and Aguas do Araxa (Paula Couto 1979), in Brazil. Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Pleistocene of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, and Brazil. Type stratigraphical level. Lujanian Land Mammal Age. Studied material. This includes the material studied by Sefve (1912), such as E. neogaeus and E. curvidens from Mercedes (Lujan), Ayacucho, Necochea, Rio Quequen Salado, Paso Otero, Arroyo Tapalque, Monte- hermoso, among others, in Buenos Aires province, dated by 14C between 28000 and 4000 years BP (Carbonari et al. 1992), and the material from Brazilian localities. Diagnosis. This is one of the largest species of South American horses. The skulls are big and show an enlarged preorbital and nasal region. The limb bones are large and robust, but more slender than in the other South American Equus species. See the description by Sefve (1912, p. 138). Discussion. The multivariate analysis both distinguishes this species from the rest (Text-figs 8, 1 1-12), and groups together all specimens from the Buenos Aires province sites, and the Brazilian localities. They are slenderer (MCIII = 16, 16; MTII1 = 12, 33). Sefve (1912) thought it very difficult to separate this species, if its dimensions are not considered, and explained that E. neogeus is both the biggest and the most slender South American Equus. Winge (1906) synonymized E. neogeus with E. curvidens , but we consider that priority belongs to E. neogeus. From the nomenclatorial point of view, Lund (1840) described E. neogaeus from a metatarsal III found at Lagoa Santa; in 1846, he described new remains from the same place. He referred two molars to E. neogaeus , one molar to E. principalis and the rest to E. aff. caballus. Gervais (1855) assigned part of this material to E. neogaeus and part to E. devi/lei. Owen (1869) erected Hippidion , which in 1870 included E. neogaeus , E. principalis and E. arcidens. Boas (1881) considered that the metatarsal described by Lund (1840), to be a metacarpal, and therefore he created a new species, E. lundii ; the molars referred by Lund ( 1846) as E. aff. cabal/us were considered conspecilic. Winge (1906) considered all material from Lagoa Santa as E. curvidens. Sefve (1912) referred to E. neogaeus as all the material from Lagoa Santa and to E. curvidens as the material from the Pampean region. In 1971, Cunha summarized these references thoroughly and explained that only the teeth referred by Lund (1846) to E. neogaeus and E. principalis , correspond to Hippidion , while the metacarpal and remaining teeth correspond to Equus. Owen (1840) mentioned and figured one horse which he later (1845) named E. curvidens. Based on the rules of Principle of Priority (ICZN, 1985), we consider Equus neogeus (not neogaeus ) should have priority over E. curvidens. Equus (Amerhippus) santaeelenae (Spillmann, 1938) 1938 Neohippus santae-elenae Spillmann, p. 384, fig. Id. Neotype. MEPN V-3037, partial skull of an adult male, Hoffstetter (1952 fig. 85a). The skull figured and photographed by Azzarolli (1992 p. 138, text-figs 1 d and 2 is specimen V-3037, not V-68). Paratvpes. V-l, V-3, V-5-V-6, V-IO. V-12, V-18, V-20, V-23, V-25-V-30, V-35, V-37, V-40, V-44, V-52, V-59, V-63, V-65, V-68-V-69, V-175-V-180, V-182-V-183, V-187, V-191, V-192, V-215-V-216, V-224. V-242. V- 1 402- V- 1404, V-l 407, V-1457, V-I460-VI462, V-3798. Geographical distribution. La Carolina and Salinas Oil Fields localities in Santa Elena peninsula (Ecuador). 476 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Stratigraphical distribution. Upper Pleistocene. Material was recovered from Pichilingue Formation, dated by 1JC as 26 000 ± 100 BP (Baldock 1982). Type stratigraphical level. Lujanian Land Mammal Age. Studied material. Material from the Frick collection, [AMNHJ; material studied by Spillmann (1938) and Hofifstetter (1952) from MEPN and MNHN. Comparative diagnosis. Mandible robust similar to the other species of E. (Amerhippus) and with more posterior position of the canine. The molars are proportionately wider in relation to their length. In the upper cheek teeth, the enamel is more wrinkled than in E. andium , while in the lower cheek teeth, the wrinkling is more complex. The postcranial skeleton is larger and stronger than in E. andium , but similar in morphology despite living in a different environment. The shortening of the length of the radius and metapodials are also similar to those observed in E. andium. However, E. santaeelenae , has a wider and heavier skeleton: see Spillmann (1938, p. 384) and Hofifstetter (1952, p. 288). Discussion. The skull fragment is similar to Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus , but smaller. The protocone is longer, elongated at the distal part, with a certain enamel complication and the lingual groove very marked (Hofifstetter 1952, pp. 288-301). Only the multivariate analysis of lower dentition shows a clear discrimination for this species (Text-tig. 7). The analysis of the postcranial bones shows that the MTIII and AS are like E. insulatus morphology (Text-figs 9 and 1 1), while 1FALIII overlaps E. neogeus (Text-fig. 12). This indicates different proportions in relation to the other forms. One particular feature in this species is the slenderness index that shows different patterns between MCIII (18,18) and MTIII (15,1 1). On the other hand, the similarities between E. santaeelenae and E. andium observed by Hofifstetter (1952) have not shown up in the multivariate analysis carried out by us on MCIII, CA, AS MTIII, and 1 FALIII, where the studied material has been more abundant. We think that E. (A.) santaeelenae shares some adaptive characters in limb bones with E. neogeus , but differs from it in dental morphology, especially in the protocone. Equus (Amerhippus) lasallei Daniel, 1948 1948 Equus lasallei Daniel, p. 278, fig. 66. 1960 Equus (Amerhippus) lasallei Daniel; Porta, p. 53, figs 3-8, pis 1-2. Holotype. MCLU, unnumbered specimen, an old skull from Cerrogordo, Colombia (Daniel, 1948). Redescribed and figured by Porta (1960, p. 53, pis 1-2). Geographical distribution. Cerrogordo (Porta 1960) and Tibito (Correal Urrego 1981), Colombia. Stratigraphical distribution. Late Pleistocene. Porta (1960) correlated the Cerrogordo locality with the Punian in Ecuador (sensu Hofifstetter 1952). The Tibito site was dated by 14C as 1 1 740 ± 1 10 years BP (Correal Urrego 1981). Type stratigraphical level. Lujanian Land Mammal Age. Studied material. A complete skull collected by Brother Daniel (Porta 1960) and a few remains from Tibito (Correal Urrego 1981) from MCLU and NUB (Colombia). Diagnosis. The skull is high and long, with a longer diastema and relatively slender rostrum. The forelobes of the occipital condyles are joint. Upper cheek teeth contain widely developed fossetes PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 477 and the enamel line is wrinkled giving a complex pattern. Lower cheek teeth are greater in breadth than in other species. See Porta (1960, p. 253). Discussion. Equus lasallei has the largest skull among the South American horses. The presence of the forelobes of the occipital condyles joint is also observed in the skull described by Reche (1905) as E. haasei. Both skulls belong to old animals. We have observed the joint to be a variable character in some equids, and consequently we think it is possible that it may be related to the age of the animal. Unfortunately, we know only the skull of this species, which corresponds to a male, and do not yet have limb bones to permit more extensive analysis. The multivariate analysis, which was clearly taken only for dentition, shows that the lower cheek teeth produce the best discrimination (Text-fig. 7) and the breadths are the most significant character that contribute to the second component. We think this Equus can be considered a good species based on the skull morphology. This morphology is similar to E. neogeus but bigger in size. Future finds of postcranial remains could permit us to form a better definition of this species. CONCLUSIONS The results of the morphological study of the skull agree with those obtained from the multivariate analysis of the limbs. The conclusions can be summarized as follows: Equus ( Amerhippus ) Hoffstetter (1950) arrived in South America from North America after the Great American Biotic Interchange. This subgenus has been recorded in South America from the Middle Pleistocene to the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary. We recognize five species of Equus ( Amerhippus ) as valid: andium Branco, 1883, ex Wagner (1860); insulatus Ameghino, 1904; neogeus Lund, 1840; santaeelenae (Spillmann, 1938), and lasallei Daniel, 1948. We include as synonyms: Equus curvidens Owen, 1845, E. haasei Reche, 1905 and E. martinei (Spillmann, 1938) from the latest review by Azzaroli (1992). The geographical distributions of these species are clear, without geographical overlap, from Colombia in the north to Buenos Aires province in the south. The oldest record is E. (A.) insulatus , from the Middle Pleistocene of Tarija (Bolivia). The other species come from the Upper Pleistocene of different localities in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina. The most southern distribution corresponds to E. neogeus in the Pampean region. The family Equidae is classically considered as a good biostratigraphical and palaeoecological marker based on their wide record in the Northern Hemisphere. The South American equids reflect the last step of this evolutionary lineage in a short period of time (Pliocene/Pleistocene). Nevertheless, the adaptive characteristics of the Equus ( Amerhippus ) species to different habitats can be correlated with the differences in their extremities, mainly in their distal part as observed in other Equus species (Gromova 1949; Eisenmann 1979a, 1979c, 1984; Eisenmann and Karchoud 1982; Eisenmann and Guerin 1984). The metapodials of Equus , in general, vary in relation to the type of ground, both in length and width, though without any direct relation between these dimensions. Duerst ( 1926) considered the degree of slenderness of the skeleton to be related to the environmental conditions. For example, he considered that robustness (short and wide metapodials) was related to a humid and cold climate in a wooded environment, while conversely, slenderness (long and narrow metapodials) was related to a warm and dry climate and open landscape. On the other hand, Gromova (1949) established a correlation between the widening of the third phalanges of the third digit and the characteristics of the ground; the largest are related to soft soils and the narrowest, to hard soils. This pattern is based on the ecology of living horses. In South America, the genus Equus is conservative in morphology and shows important differences in size and gracility of the distal part of the extremities, according to the environmental conditions. E. (A.) neogeus and E. (A.) santaeelenae , from the plains regions, are the largest in size; the former is more slender and comes from the open plains; the latter, stronger, comes from a restricted area with more sandy ground. E. (A.) insulatus and E. (A.) andium are intermediate forms with bigger and stronger second and fourth lateral metapodials, and show comparatively shorter metapodials than the plains forms. This 478 PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 37 is more marked in the last species E. andium. We consider this character as adaptively related to a mountain habitat with hard ground and steep relief. Moreover, we think it may be considered as an adaptive convergence with the small Hippidion species also from South America. In general, we observed a similar structure in both Hippidion and Equus genera from South America that may indicate an adaptive convergence to the environment. In work in progress we are attempting to determine the relation between body size and weight of Equidae from different continents. We conserve the validity of name E. (A.) lasallei for the Cerrogordo (Colombia) specimens while awaiting further evidence of the postcranial skeleton. Acknowledgements. The authors thank the curators of the collections in different museums and institutes for kindly allowing us to study material. We wish to express our thanks to Drs E. Tonni and E. Cerdeno for their critical revision of the manuscript and valuable discussions. We also thank Dr A. R. Milner, Dr M. Fortelius and one anonymous referee for their criticism, comments and suggestions. The drawings were prepared by J. Arroyo and some of the tables typed by M.T. Montero (MNCN). The present work was aided by a Research Grant CE num. Cl 1 *-CT90-0862, the Spanish Grants DGICYT PB-88-0008 and PB-91-0082, and the Bilateral Convention CSIC-CONICET. REFERENCES alberdi, m. t. 1974. El genero Hipparion es Espana. Nuevas formas de Castilla y Andalucta, revision e historia evolutiva. Trabajos sobre Nedgeno-Cuaternario, CSIC, 1, 1-146. 1987. La Familia Equidae, Gray 1821 (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) en el Pleistoceno de Sudamerica. 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ALBERDI Typescript received 16 November 1992 Revised typescript received 21 May 1993 Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales CSIC Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2 28006-Madrid, Spain PRADO AND ALBERDI: SOUTH AMERICAN EQUUS 481 APPENDIX I Localities of specimens included in this study grouped by species Equus ( Amerhippus ) andium. Upper dentition: MEPN : V.2152, V.76, V.2161, V.2135, V.2163, V.374, V.381, V.403; IPMNHN : V.2159; AMNH : #19, #6. Lower dentition-. MEPN: V.2162, V.2138, V.2164, V.2132, V.2145, V.28E V.2186, V.290, V.242; IPMNHN: V.2181. MCIII: MEPN: V.2280, V.24I4, V.2408, V.24I2, V.4014, V.470, V.2415, V.2411, V.466, V.2416, V.1499, V.2301, V.1505, V.2302, V.469, V.472, V.467, V.2410, V.464, V.465, V.4084, V.1501 ; IPMNHN: 6 unnumbered specimens, Hoffstetter Col.; AMNH: EcuA.4l, EcuA42, 5 unnumbered specimens. CA : MEPN: V. 2388, V.2229, V.2220, V. 2281, V. 2222, V.223 1 , V.2218, V.2219, V.2386, V.2216, V.517, V.4I II, V.2221, V.41 12, V.41 14, V.2232, V.516; IPMNHN : AA4/7, 1 unnumbered specimen; AMNH : 10 unnumbered specimens. AS: MEPN: V.2239, V2251, V2223, V.2249, V.2236, V.51 1, V.2390, V.2286, V.510, V.507, V.508, V.2248, V.2242; IPMNHN: 1 unnumbered specimen, Hoffstetter Coi.; AMNH: 17 unnumbered specimens. MTIII : MEPN: V.458, V.2417, V.2328, V.1492A, V.1489, V.1490, V.1495, V.1494, V.2222, V.I493, V.1488, V.4073, V.4076, V.456; IPMNHN: 6 unnumbered specimens, Hoffstetter Col.; AMNH: 14 unnumbered specimens. 1FALIII: MEPN: V.2352, V.474, V.2325, V.2328, V.2346, V.2343, V.2329, V.4086, V.2339, V.2336, V.2397, V.2338, V.2401, V.501, V.483, V.2334, V.2228, V.2327, V.2332, V.2341, V.2349, V.2335, V.2331, V.502, V.2330, V.477, V.481, V.2342, V.2396 ; IPMNHN : 2 unnumbered specimens, Hoffstetter Col. ; AMNH : 29 unnumbered specimens. Equus ( Amerhippus ) insulatus Upper dentition: IPMNHN: TAR.996, TAR. 997, TAR. 783, TAR. 1 142; MNHN : 002160, 001432, 000922, 1 unnumbered specimen. Lower dentition: MNHN: 000679, 001576, 001577, 001415. MCIII IPMNHN: TAR. 1175, TAR. 1179, TAR. 1176, TAR. 1 177, TAR. 1178. CA: MNHN: 001296, 001293, 001298, 001297; GEOBOL: UF. 91956. AS: MNHN: 001302, 001303,001301,001306, 001305, 001291,001290,001304. MTIII: MEPN: V.543 (E. martinei ); IPMNHN: TAR. 1192, TAR. 1 188, TAR 1 190, TAR. 1 182, TAR. 1 193; MNHN: 001020, 001029, 001031, 001028, 001032, 001018, 001019, 001010. 1FALIII: MEPN: V.543 (E. martinei ); MNHN: 001256, 001254, 001255, 001263, 001257, 001258, 001252, 001265, 001266, 001268, 001260, 001277, 001270, 001275, 001271, 001269, 001259, 001262, 001273, 001274, 003132, 001038, 001013, 003129. Equus ( Amerhippus ) neogeus Upper dentition: MLP: 6.1, 6.7; MACN : 1288, 11721, 11 15. Lower dentition: MACN : 9753, 2835, 1603, 5401 (1835). MCIII: MLP: 85-11- 10.3a, 63-VI-10.17, 6.305, 6.402 (6.412), 6.106, 6.306, 6.397, 28-III-16.8. MTIII: MLP: 68-IX-3.3, 85-11- 1 0.4, 63-VI-10.17, 6.42, 6.56, 6.10; MACN: I unnumbered specimen. 1FALIII: MLP: 85-11-10. 3b, 85-11-13. 3b, 86-III-25. 1 7, 55-VIII-12.i l; 6.42, 6.360, 6.219, 3 unnumbered specimens (PA- OT). Equus (Amerhippus) santaeelenae Upper dentition: MEPN: V.3037. Lower dentition: AMNH: 39409. MCIII: MEPN: V.37. CA: IPMNHN: LAR.55 (V.20); AMNH: I unnumbered specimen. AS: MEPN: V.3786, V.I7, V.16; IPMNHN: LAR.56 (V.18); AMNH: 1 unnumbered specimen. MTIII: MEPN: V.35, V.31 ; IPMNHN: LAR.48 (V.33); AMNH: 3 unnumbered specimens. IFALIII: MEPN: V.40, V.44, V.47, V.41, V.45, V.43; IPMNHN: LAR.51 (V.42), LAR.65 (V.40). Equus (Amerhippus) lasallei One cranial specimen with upper and lower dentition (MCLU, unnumbered). NOTES FOR AUTHORS The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology. 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MUYZER and p. westbroek 349 Middle to late Telychian (Silurian : Llandovery) graptolite assemblages of central Wales JAN Z ALASIEWICZ 375 The postcranial skeleton of the earliest dicynodont synapsid Eodicynodon from the Upper Permian of South Africa B. S. RUBIDGE, G. M. KING and P. J. HANCOX 397 A computer model for skeletal growth of stromatoporoids ANDREW R. H. SWAN and STEPHEN KERSHAW 409 Morphology of encrusting and free living acervulinid Foraminifera: Acervulina, Gypsina and Solenomeris CHRISTINE PERRIN 425 A quantitative review of the horse Equus from South America JOSE L. PRADO and MARIA T. ALBERDI 459 Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge ISSN 0031-0239 -* / s W# § Nr k’A^trA'v^ r% C v* Q \w^ _ x-^>^ ^ ..»'• — x^>^ O X^osv^ “ o Z _J 2 -I Z _j 2 VIN0SH1IINS S3 ! 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