UC-NRLF B 3 "B E R K E L E Y*\ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF I CALIFORNIA/ EARTH SCIENpff LIBRARY THE PALEONTOLOGY OF THE ZORRITOS FORMATION OF THE NORTH PERUVIAN OIL FIELDS THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN GEOLOGY No. 3 EDITED BY EDWARD BENNETT MATHEWS THE PALEONTOLOGY OF THE ZORRITOS FORMATION OF THE NORTH PERUVIAN OIL FIELDS BY EDMUND M. SPIEKER BALTIMORE THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS 1922 EARTH SCIENCES UBRARY PRESS OF MEYER ft THALHEIMER BALTIMORE. MD. ss i THE PALEONTOLOGY OF THE ZORRITOS FORMATION OF THE NORTH PERUVIAN OIL FIELDS By EDMUND M. SPIEKER CONTENTS PACK Introduction I Previous work I Geology of the Zorritos District 3 Analysis of the fauna 12 Systematic Part — Family Terebridae 35 Conidae 37 Cancellariidae 42 Marginellidae 43 Buccinidae 45 Nassidae . .- 48 Muricidae 51 Doliidae 52 Cypraeidae 55 Cerithiidae 56 Turritellidae 59 Naticidae 87 Turbinidae 91 Nticulidae 93 Arcidae 95 Pectenidae 125 Anomiidae 127 Crassitellitidae 128 Lucinidae 132 Cariidae 134 Veneridae 138 Tellinidae 156 Psammobiidae . 162 THE PALEONTOLOGY OF THE ZORRITOS FORMATION OF THE NORTH PERUVIAN OIL FIELDS.* INTRODUCTION. This paper presents the results of a detailed study of a collection of mollusks made by Dr. Joseph T. Singewald, Jr., from the Zorritos formation of northern Peru. Much of the value their evidence offers is due to the careful stratigraphic work done by Dr. van Hoist, of the Hague, Holland, and Dr. Singewald, as a result of which the position of the subsidiary units of the Zorritos formation has been estab- lished, and a number of misconceptions concerning the relationships of the units to themselves and to the under- lying Heath formation have. been corrected.1 PREVIOUS WORK. The first account of fossils from the neighborhood of Zorritos was published in 1870 by Edward T. Nelson 2 as a graduating thesis in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Universitv. This work was based on a collection of fossils * George Huntington Williams Memorial Publication No. 14. 1 The author wishes to express his indebtedness to Professor Edward W. Berry under whose direction the work was done, and to Dr. J. T. Singewald, Jr., of the Johns Hopkins University; to Messrs. W. H. Dall, T. Wayland Vaughan, W. P. Woodring, and Miss Julia A. Gardner of the U. S. Geological Survey and U. S. National Museum ; and to Professor Charles Schuchert of the Peabody Museum, and Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry of the Philadel- phia Academy for the loan of material. The figures are the work of George S. Barkentin. 2 On the Molluscan Fauna of the Later Tertiary of Peru, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, pp. 186-206, 1870. 2 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 made by Mr. E. P. Larkin and Professor F. H. Bradley. The fossils, which were collected in 1867, were labelled "Zor- ritos, Peru," and comparisons made during the present study indicate that most of them were probably from the three members of the Zorritos formation. Nelson men- tioned 36 species of gastropods and 24 of pelecypods ; of the gastropods he named 19 species, and of the pelecypods 8 species, mentioning the remainder as indeterminate. Nelson's work carries very little biologic and no geologic significance. His comparisons were made with recent forms only, and as a consequence of his omission of reference to fossil species his work serves, as he states, (p. 186) simply as "a catalogue of the genera found in the collection, with descriptions of part of the species." Although most of his descriptions are good, the small number of figured speci- mens made his work difficult to deal with until his collection was loaned by the Peabody Museum. Between 1870 and 1899 nothing was published on the geology and paleontology of the area. In the latter year Josef Grzybowski,3 then an assistant in the Geological Insti- tute of Cracow, published the first account of the geology of the region. With his geologic data Grzybowski included a study of mollusks collected by him, of which he described 35 species from the Zorritos formation, 14 of gastropods and 21 of pelecypods. It should be noted that the fossil- iferous beds designated by Grzybowski as Heath have been proven to be Zorritos in age ; the fossils "catalogued by Grzy- bowski as Heath are thus Zorritos. Fuller treatment of that matter will be offered in the discussion of the stratig- raphy. The interesting fact that of Grzybowski's 35 species only two were recognized by him as identical with species described by Nelson, and that the present work, with the advantage of Nelson's collection, shows only 6 species to be 3 Die Tertiarablagerungen des nordlichen Peru und ihre Mol- luskenfauna, Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. 12, pp. 610-664, pis. 15-20, 1899. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 3 common to the two collections, indicates that the two col- lectors probably worked in different localities. Grzybowski's account contained the sum total of data available at the time Van Hoist and Singewald began their work. The complexity of the regional structure is too great, and the stratigraphic relationships are consequently too deceiving to permit the obtaining of accurate results in the short time spent at geologic observation by Grzybowski, and it is not surprising to find that his deductions concerning the Heath and Zorritos formations are frequently erroneous. According to Singewald * the fossiliferous beds named as Heath by Grzybowski" are part of the Variegated formation, the median member of the Zorritos formation, and the correlation of its few fossils could not be clear with that misconception as to its stratigraphic position in the way. GEOLOGY OF THE ZORRITOS DISTRICT. The coastal region of northern Peru is desert from the Gulf of Guayaquil southward to the Morrope valley, a dis- tance of about 200 miles. The coast is fronted as a rule by barren cliffs which are broken here and there by quebradas, or narrow valleys, which extend inland ; where sandstone is the underlying rock the cliffs are prominent, and where shales occur there are no cliffs. The region behind the cliffs is of bare hills, which extend in continuous succession from the coast to the Cordillera d'Amotape, a coast range about 2000 feet in average height, about 35 miles from the Pacific Ocean in the latitude of Zorritos, and much nearer to the coast in the vicinity of Negritos. In the vicinity of Payta the country inland is more or less even, consisting of a sandy plateau, but to the north of Cabo Blanco it is rough, and sharp hills and narrow quebradas break the surface into' an irregular, inaccessible region. The rainfall is practically nothing, and the only signs of 4 Singewald, J. T., Jr., personal communication. 4 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 vegetation are those in the larger stream-courses, where small amounts of water support meager plant growth. The region from which the fossils described in this paper were collected is in the vicinity of the town of Zorritos, extending about ten miles north and south along the coast, and varying distances inland. It is underlain by a series of Tertiary sediments which have long excited com- mercial interest on account of the petroleum they contain, but which have received scant attention of scientific nature. Oil wells near Zorritos have been productive since 1880, but the location of drilling sites has been almost entirely accord- ing to "wild-cat" methods, and not until recent years has geologic work of any kind been applied to commercial purpose. The first study of the geology of the Zorritos region was published by Grzybowski 5 in 1899, as the results of obser- vations made during the course of a trip along the coast north of Payta. He differentiated five formations, from highest to lowest as follows : Age Formation Character (according to Grzybowski) Pliocene Payta .Conglomerates Upper Miocene Talara Brown shales Lower Miocene Zorritos Sandstones Lower Miocene Heath Bituminous shales Obligocene Ovibio Massive sandstones The ages assigned by Grzybowski to the formations were determined through the study of rather small collections of fossils. The amount of material was too small in most cases to permit the drawing of valuable conclusions, and in 5 Loc. cit. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 5 some cases, as will be seen later, his error in the determin- ation of stratigraphic units led to erroneous results. It is apparent in some instances that he mixed his faunas, includ- ing in his collections species undoubtedly not indigenous to the formations from which he was collecting. Previous to the work done by van Hoist and Singewald nothing further was published on the Zorritos region. Their work, done during the winter of 1919-1920, was of highly detailed order, covering thoroughly the area indicated above, and extending well inland. The geologic structure of the Zorritos country is so highly complex that nothing short of very painstaking detailed work may be expected to yield results, and superficial examination is almost certain to lead to misconceptions, particularly if the worker confines him- self to the exposures along the coast. As a result of their investigation van Hoist and Singewald differentiated the section which is reproduced in figure I. The units there presented will be discussed in downward succession. The Payta and Talara formations do not occur in the region from which van Hoist and Singewald collected. The Talara beds appear at the southern end of the area, at Pied- ras Redondas, consisting there of tan gypsiferous shales similar in appearance to the sandy phase of the Heath for- mation. No fossils were collected from these beds. Else- where in the Zorritos district, ' that is, within a radius of ten miles along the coast, with Zorritos at the center, the Talara beds do not appear. Grzybowski's Zorritos formation is the same as that outlined by van Hoist and Singewald, with the exception that he confused the Variegated beds with the Heath, and did not recognize the upper and lower sandstone members of the formation. It is perhaps best, in order to make clear the necessary revision of Grzybowski's sections, to quote for reference the critical parts of his presentation. STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Ton. Connoiba// conglomerolrs, jand*to oca , local'i^ CaJcarfoos Pos»i li -Ttrous, locoltu loose or>6 -O-ioble. Color Gnren clo<(, 'ocoll^ ryd, #-«cf, purplish shol«, ofttn frpi.ftroos, TYtath«rs a-m/'a/- t0 Ouster P««»st««)T Hrortf b«ds of j»bbl«s,wi»*J 8and<^ and argillaceous int«rbedd«d with Variegated cla purplish Hrar«j b«dd«d iiflht Bellow sandstone w.'t*> sh«l(j inter calations. Usually ptbbl^ and looo Ilij conjlomeratic. f'rf^atotlij r«d Or rostij from ir»rt *tain5 . yerif calcareous and -Posjiliferoas . Thinner b«ddffd li^ht colored Sands1on«5 with abundant • nt«rcalation3 of jracj To yellow, sand^ Jhal*5 some of Which are farbencie«o b«<>5 of loose Sand. , one inch =. £5O'. Fig. I.— Section of the Tertiary of the Zorritos district. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 7 At Malpaso, near Caleta Grau, north of Zorritos, he measured the following section:6 (a) Conglomerate, die zuweilen Rollstiicke iiber Faust- grosse enthalten und viel versteinertes Holz fuhren. Sie nehmen die hochsten Punkte des bis 150 m hohen Hiigelzuges ein. (b) Sandsteine, mittelkornig, graugefarbt, bis 40 m machtig, die bei Malpaso ganz gut zu beobachten sind, da sie hier das Meeresniveau erreichen. Sie sind grabbankig und enthalten senkrecht zu den Schichtflachen stehende, bis 4 dm lange, meist rotlich gefarbte, 6'fters verzweigte Cylindriten. (c) Feinkornige, dunkle, harte Sandsteine mit Zwis- chenlagen von dunkel graune Schiefern, bis 10 m machtig. (d) Rothe Schiefer, bis 12 m machtig; sie sind an man- chen Orten durch graue oder grunliche Schiefer vertreten. (e) Schwarze, glanzende Schieferthone mit Spuren von Pflanzen, 2 m machtig. (f) Lignit, blatterig, schwarz, viel Thon enthaltend, 80 cm. bis I m machtig. (g) Braune Schiefer, bituminos, mit Pflanzenspuren (h) Austernbank von 80 cm. Machtigkeit. (i) Bituminose Schiefer mit Gyps. Beds a to c, inclusive, of this section, belong to the Upper Zorritos formation, and were considered as Zorritos by Grzybowski. Beds d to i, however, belong to the Var- iegated formation ; they were considered as Heath by Grzy- bowski, who misinterpreted them on account of the lithologic similarity of the bituminous shales (units e, g, and i) with those of the Heath formation. The shales of the 6 Loc. cit. 8 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 two formations are identical in appearance either fresh or weathered, and thus offer every opportunity for confusion; the shale of the Variegated, however, is always character- ized by the presence of lignite (unit f) and one or two oyster beds above and below the lignite, of which the lower one is fairly persistent, and the other is more or less local in occurrence. Such beds are not known to occur in the upper Heath. The identity of the Variegated beds has been proven beyond doubt through observation of its lower contact with the underlying Lower Zorritos formation, and the position of the Lower Zorritos in turn has been deter- mined through tracing it as an unbroken unit to its contact with the underlying Heath. It is thus clear that the beds at Malpaso assigned to the Heath by Grzybowski are Variegated, and that accordingly the fossils collected by him from that locality, on the basis of which he determined the age of his Heath, are not Heath, but Zorritos in age. The true Heath formation is not known to bear a molluscan fauna within the. Zorritos region. The assignment of Lower Miocene as the age 7 of the Heath formation is not certain; in the present state of knowledge nothing can be said concerning its age further than the obvious inference that it is older than the Lower Zorritos formation. A collection of fossil plants obtained from the Zorritos district in 1875 by C. F. Winslow has been described by Professor Edward W. Berry,8 who considered the beds that contain them of Burdigalian age. Mention of this conclu- sion is pertinent at this point on account of the change in its application resulting from the recognition of the Variegated beds at Malpaso, from which general locality the plants were collected. Professor Berry based his stratigraph- 1 Loc. cit, p. 658. 8 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol.. 55, No. 2270, pp. 279-294, pis. 14-17, 1919. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 9 ic allocation of the plant horizon on the locality, which was given by the collector as 20 miles south of Tumbes, and 200 to 300 feet from the ocean. This is undoubtedly the locality north of Caleta Grau described by Grzybowski, the bed of lignite there being the only one known in any of the forma- tions occurring in the neighborhood, and the location other- wise agreeing with the account given by Mr. Winslo-w. It should be noted that the evidence of the plants bears upon the upper Variegated formation instead of the Heath, as stated by Professor Berry in accordance with Grzybowski's determination of the beds. That point clear, discussion of the section as recently determined may be continued from the point at which it was left. The Upper Zorritos formation consists at the top of a yellowish concretionary sandstone, called by van Hoist and Singewald the "cannonball" sandstone on account of the characteristic weathering out of the concretions in cliffs. This peculiarity of the sandstone suggested the name of Piedras Redondas, at which place it occurs prominently in the headlands, and at some points it forms cliffs whose erosion form is recognizable for miles. The "cannonball" sandstone underlies the Talara beds at Piedras Redondas. Underlying the "cannonball" is a series of massive beds, in part heavy conglomerates, and in part sandstones which are locally calcareous, bearing fossils and often petrified wood. Yellow is the prevailing color. The Upper Zorritos mol- luscs later discussed in detail were obtained from these beds. The base of this series consists of very friable sand- stones which weather into a yellow sand. Directly underlying the yellow friable sandstones are the beds d — i of Grzybowski, which form the upper part of the Variegated formation. The highest of these are green clays, locally red, gray, and purplish, the varicolored assemblage of which suggested the name of the formation. Below these clays are the carbonaceous Heath-like shales, oyster beds io STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 and lignite mentioned in connection with Grzybowski's sectiqn. Beneath bed i of his section are heavy pebble beds, conglomerates, loose, friable sandstones, intercalated with highly colored clays similar to the uppermost bed of the formation. These brightly colored clays form the base of the Variegated formation. The Lower Zorritos formation, which follows the Var- iegated in downward succession, consists above of heavy, massive, in places conglomeratic sandstones, normally light yellow in color, but frequently stained red or brown by iron. The lower part of the formation is locally very calcareous and fossiliferous ; most of the molluscs hereinafter described from the Lower Zorritos came from these lower horizons. The basal Lower Zorritos sandstones are thin-bedded, with abundant intercalations of gray to yellow sandy shales, some of which are carbonaceous and contain plant fragments. The Heath formation, the lowest exposed in the district, consists primarily of gray shales, which weather brown, with light gray to yellowish gray sandy shales and thin beds of loose, unconsolidated sands interbedded with dark gray shales. The uppermost beds are the soft dark gray shales, with carbonate nodules ; they contain much selenite and weather to the characteristic reddish brown color, excepting the vicinity of Sechurita and in Quebrada del Grillo, where they weather to a pale green. Below the upper shaly beds the sandy phase appears ; it consists of a thin-bedded alter- nation of very loose and unconsolidated sands with clays lighter in color than those mentioned above. At and south of Quebrada del Grillo the sandy horizon is represented by a bed of heavy conglomerate. The entire Heath series is measurable in thousands of feet; its thickness is unknown, the base not having been seen, but several thousand feet of it have been observed on the coast south of Zorritos. The Heath is the mother-rock of the petroleum mined in the Zorritos 'region, and most of the notable production is obtained from horizons in its sandy phase. The Zorritos PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION II formation yields oil in places, but the source is undoubtedly the Heath formation. Faulting rather than folding characterizes the structure of the region, most of which. consists of a series of tilted fault- blocks. There are several lines of major faulting, the direction of which is a bit more northerly than thai of the coast line, parallel to which the fault-blocks are usually tilted inland. In addition there are countless transverse faults which break the region up into a veritable mosaic. The general result is, ordinarily, that the Heath formation is exposed at the base of the major blocks, with either the Upper Zorritos or the Lower Zorritos at the summit, the series dipping inland until it is interrupted by the next longitudinal fault, or crossed by a diagonally transverse fault. About Boca Pan the whole series is broken up into very small blocks, and the structure is unusually intricate. The sections exposed along the coast, where the cliffs parallel, roughly, the lines of major faulting, give small hint of the actual structural complexity of the region, and, with the exception of points at which transverse faults break the series, the beds appear to dip in continuous succession, undu- lations bringing the various members to light and carrying them under again. The impression obtained from Grzy- bowski, who saw little more than the coastal exposures, is rather that there is no great complexity. The recent study has brought out the true nature of the structure as indicated above. Grzybowski's idea that no great structural difficul- ties existed was undoubtedly the reason for his failure to recognize the separate entity of the Variegated beds. At a point not far north of Caleta Grail the Heath beds are faulted against the Variegated on the line of one of the transverse faults. The similarity in lithology of the two beds might lead a hurried worker to miss the fault; how- ever, on the ridge north of Caleta Grau the Lower Zorritos formation is seen to overlie the Heath, and the contact be- tween the two may be clearly traced to the point at which 12 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 it is cut off by the transverse fault mentioned, and the Lower Zorritos is juxtaposed to the Variegated. From the ridge at the point where the three formations meet, the whole situation is clear. The principal drainage of the region is determined by the fault-lines, and the rough physiographic aspect of the terrane is due to the irregular disposition of the fault-blocks, which form the hills between the drainage channels. ANALYSIS OF THE FAUNA. I — GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. An analysis of the collection here studied, made from either the biologic or the geologic viewpoint, can present evidence of positive nature almost exclusively. It is almost certain that enough of the entire Zorritos fauna is as yet unknown to forbid the drawing of conclusions based on the absence of any element, and although much can be deduced from the presence of those forms now known, the satisfy- ing completeness of a study which includes all inferences, positive and negative, must be foregone until highly detailed collecting either furnishes elements yet to be known or proves that the majority of the species are embodied in the present study. In the case of the Upper Zorritos formation it is not certain that a very large fauna exists, although it is probable that considerable additions may be made through protracted search for new localities, but both the Variegated and the Lower Zorritos formation give promise, through a multitude of indeterminate fragments in the matrix of the present collection, of a fauna which may approach in richness some of the famed Antillean and Flor- idian assemblages of approximately similar age. One difficulty which must be solved before the study of these faunas can be completed is the procuring of good material. This applies in particular to the minute and more delicate species. The matrix in which most of the specimens PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 13 so far collected occur is far too resistant to permit the extraction by any known means of specimens at all suscep- tible to injury through moderate violence; the sands are firmly cemented by calcium carbonate, and attempts at removal of matrix by loosening it through chemical destruc- tion of the cement fail because the shell material is of the same composition, and is destroyed along with the matrix. Loose matrix on some of the specimens in the Nelson collection indicates that there are probably some localities at which the sands have not been cemented, and with the discovery of such places a large fauna may be revealed to the paleontologist. II — BIOLOGIC ANALYSIS. The present study has made known 101 species and varieties of mollusks, of which 44 are gastropods and 57 pelecypods. . Two of the species are indeterminate and 64 are new. 31 occur in the Upper Zorritos formation, 15 in the Variegated, 43 in the Lower Zorritos, and 20 from Nelson's collection do not occur in the material collected by Singewald, and are thus not stratigraphically located beyond the high probability that they came from the Zorritos for- mation. The gastropods are somewhat widely distributed through the biologic scheme, most of the 18 genera being represented by one or two species, and only two genera, Conus and Turrit ella, being represented by more. In the case of the Cones this is not surprising, since the normal tropical fauna contains a heavy representation of that genus. The Tur- ritellas, however, are not ordinarily diversified in the tropics to the extent found in the Zorritos fauna, and the seventeen species and varieties here presented seem entirely out of proportion with the rest of the fauna. Accidents of collecting might explain the relatively more complete assemblage of the genus, and thus relieve the disproportionate aspect of the group, but granted that, the number is still larger than one 14 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 would expect. The recent Peruvian littoral fauna contains four species of Turritella. Maury 9 lists but three species out of the 451 discussed by her from Santo Domingo; the rich Bowden fauna contains but two species; the Chipola fauna contains six species and varieties ; 10 the Oak Grove two j11 the Tampa silex beds five species and varieties.12 The only American tropical fauna which approaches the Zorritos in mere number of Turritellas is the extremely rich Cal- loosahatchie assemblage, .which contains 12 species and varieties. It is worthy of note that of the twelve, seven are peculiar to the deeper water faunule of the Calloosa- hatchie River locality, and all occur there; two more are peculiar to that locality and the Shell Creek, which offers a facies shallower, though probably still deep, and thus at least cooler water. It is thus probable that all of these species are deeper water forms. The other Pliocene faunas are poor in Turritellas; the Waccamaw contains but one. The Duplin Miocene, a warm-water fauna, contains about nine or ten species and varieties, all of which are very much alike. In face of comparative data such as these the occurrence of so varied and extensive a development of the genus in a fauna, the data on which are by no means complete, is at least interesting. Analysis of such scattered data on the habitat of the genus as are available shows that Turritella seems to prefer comparatively deep water ; however, nothing definite can be said on that question, since published data conflict to large extent, and there is thus no certainty. It is difficult, in the absence of even a little reliable ecologic information, to say whether or not the abundance of the Turritellas in the Zorritos fauna means a deep-water origin of the beds enclosing them. The evidence of the lithology, 'Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, pp. 129-130, 1917. "Ball, W. H., Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1577, 1903. 11 Ibid., p. 1590. 12 Ibid., p. 1567. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 15 as well as that of the other species, seems to demand a strictly littoral zone as the habitat of most of the fauna. Most of the Upper Zorritos Turritellas, for example, occur at Quebrada del Toro, in a sandy matrix which does not bespeak deep water bottom conditions. It is possible, however, that those horizons which are notable for the larger, more diversified Turritellas, chiefly of the Upper Zorritos formation, may represent at least tem- porary occurrence of deep-water conditions. If that is the case, the coast must, have had a declivity sharp enough to permit the carrying of somewhat coarse materials out into deep water, and the run-off must have been at least locally strong enough to wash sands and small pebbles some dis- tance beyond the strand. It is entirely possible that periods of flood on a steeply sloping coast may have carried the coarse material found with many of the Upper Zorritos fossils into comparatively deep water. The presence of a Triumphis in the collection is of interest in that the genus, as now recognized, contains but one other species, and that living, restricted to the West Coast. The Zorritos species is apparently the first of its direct ancestors to be known. It is highly probable that a comparative study of the genus Agasoma Gabb will show a relationship to Triumphis closer than*that now expressed, with the possi- bility that Agasoma may have to go into synonymy. In the latter event the genus will have a broader range, with more fossil species. The remaining gastropods are almost uniformly of groups naturally to be expected in a tropical American Miocene fauna, and the chief interest they offer lies in their geologic affinities. One species of Solcnosteira is interesting in that it is of a type not widely known from the Miocene, but developed to some degree in the recent fauna of the West Coast. A single species from Gatun is the only other known in the Miocene. The ancestors of the recent forms are thus found in the Panamanian — Peruvian region. Other fossil 1 6 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 species, notably from the Floridian Tertiary, are differently developed. Phos latirugatus represents a type which is apparently little developed anywhere in known faunas; most of the Photina-e have more rounded, less sharply carinate whorls, and members of the type here found, with a distinct shoulder, are not common. The pelecypods offer somewhat more widely distributed diversity than do the gastropods, although they, too, are unbalanced on account of their incompleteness, as a result of which statistical biologic discussion can enter into few features with profit. The species are distributed through 20 genera and 13 families. The Taxodonts are an important element, being represented by 20 species and varieties, of which 19 are of the genus Area. These 19 species and var- ieties, distributed through 4 subgenera and sections, are the most brilliant and prolific, if not the most interesting of the Zorritos pelecypods. The Lower Zorritos group is charac- terized by smaller species, and the Upper Zorritos and Variegated by larger, heavier forms. The closely related groups have been difficult to separate satisfactorily, and the author is fully conscious of the fact that others may view the present treatment with thoughts of revision; however the grouping here offered is believed to be the most rational according to the more or less unexpressed limitations of morphologic differentiation, and the amount of material available for use in discriminating some of the more trouble- some species has been sufficient to give the author some measure of confidence in his decisions. It is apparent that the .Zorritos region, as well as the Antilles and Florida, was the scene of the divergence of the Cunearcas from the true Scapharcas ; the presence of three species, Area larkinii Nelson, Area pantheonensis n. sp., and Area zorritensis n. sp., very near the border-line between the groups, each exhibiting some feature either somewhat anomalous to the preponderance of other sectional char- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 17 acters, or indicative of progressive change from one type to the other, offers further evidence of the transition between the sections, and adds to the list of illustrations which show the completeness of the gradation between them. The presence of the subgenus Noetia is of interest in its addition to the Miocene occurrence of that group, which is distinctively American in fossil distribution. Grzybowski described a species, A. (Noetia) modesta, from Zorritos which is apparently different from Area cholana, and an- other unstudied Noetia occurs in a collection of stratigraph- ically unlocated fossils from Peru which, by inference from the locality labels, may have come from the Zorritos formation. The absence of the subgenus Area s. s., an element normally to be expected in a fauna such as this, means little as yet. The one Pecten, P. woodringi, is of the small, tropical type. Anomia berryi is interesting on account of its size and weight; the Upper Zorritos and Variegated habitats at which this species has been found must have been peculiarly favorable. One of the striking characteristics of the Lower Zorritos faunule from Quebrada Zapotal is the abundance of Cras- satellites berryi n . sp., a distinctive type, undoubtedly repre- senting a peculiar divergence from the ancestral strain of C. gibbosus Sowerby, now living on the Peruvian coast. C. nelsoni (Grzybowski) probably represents the stock which preceded C. gibbosus in direct genetic line. The occurrence of dementia dariena Conrad, a member of a genus with sparse fossil and not much wider recent distribution, is worthy of note. This species is known so far only from Panama, Costa Rica and Peru, and its clear identity makes it a conspicuous element, despite the fact that it is not known to be abundant. It is unfortunate that the stratigraphically located specimens of C. dariena in the present collection are not well preserved, the ones in the 1 8 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 uncertainly located Nelson collection, being in very good condition, having served best for morphologic study ;, the poorer material gives hints of some variations both in size and form which may deserve systematic recognition, but not enough can be substantiated to make distinctions. The Dosiniinae of the collection are further characterized by the occurrence of a large, heavy form, Dosinia grandis Nelson, very much like D. orbicularis Agassiz, of the European Miocene. Perhaps the most interesting single occurrence in the pelecypod fauna is that of Amiantis incrassata var ovoidalis Sacco, a variety common in the Tongrien of Europe, and of a genus very rare in known American faunas. It is hardly possible, in view of the several variations of A. incrassata in Europe, that this particular variety reached Peru as a direct migrant from the central European seas, and the ap- parent absence of the species in well known faunas occurring along possible lines of migration and at the same general time horizon lends strength to that assumption. It seems far more likely that parallel development may account for the evolution of characters in the Peruvian form exactly similar to these of the European incrassata. The Raetas are always an interesting element, and the Zorritos fauna, with three well-defined yet closely related species, presents some unusual developments in that group. Labiosa (Raeta) gardnerae occurs in great profusion in the Upper Zorritos sandstone at Quebrada de las Alturas, and one specimen has been found in the Lower Zorritos. L. ven- tricosa is a short, inflated shell unlike any known fossil Raeta, and of very interesting aspect. Some of these small fossil Raetas show affinity to the section Ra'etina Dall,13 of recent Indo-Pacific distribution, but they all show evidence of the posterior lateral tooth, the absence of which is a Trans., Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 5, p. 882, PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION IQ sectional characteristic of Ractina. They are smaller in size than the usual Miocene Raetas. The Corbulas of the section Aloidis present transitions between other similar forms from Antillean horizons, feat- ures which are brought out in the systematic discussion of the, group. This genus, with six species, in two sections, stands next to the Areas in point of specific diversity. Corbulct (Cuneocorbula) acutirostra n. sp. is a sharply defined species with an unusually marked development of the posterior keel, and is most closely related to two species from the Oligocene of Germany. A rapid survey of the faunal list confirms the natural expectancy of finding a tropical facies, and it is hardly worth while to use space for detailed discussion of that point. Almost all of the genera thus far described from the region are characteristic of the tropical seas, and none is extrane- ous to such a habitat. It is true that some of the types have been found in cooler-water faunas, but such have a wider range, and their presence in this fauna introduces no dis- cordant element. The preponderance of ecologic evidence offered by the fauna, and supported by the type of sediments in which they were entombed, indicates a shallow water habitat as the rule. All of the species are of genera now living in the littoral zone, most of them present in the recent fauna of that zone on the Peruvian coast, an excellent list of which has been published by Ball.14 Some of the matrix verges on the conglomeratic in character, containing pebbles of the sort one would expect to find in somewhat agitated waters, and hardly in the quiet of the usual off-shore bottom. Most of the species, however, occur in sediments distinctly of the sandy littoral type, and it is fairly certain that the fauna flourished, for the most part, in that zone. 14 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 37, No. 1704, pp. 147-294, pis. 20-28, 1909. 2o STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 In the systematic presentation of this fauna the author has endeavored to supply accurate references to all forms dis- cussed. These references are to original descriptions in all cases excepting those in which subsequent treatment is better either through superiority of figures or greater com- pleteness of description. References have been made to all species with which comparison is pertinent, and although it may seem to some that too large a number of similar forms has been quoted in the remarks on some of the species, the writer has included such as are presented out of first-hand knowledge of the assistance they render to students of similar faunas. Paleontologic work as a whole is character- ized by too great brevity of treatment in matters of detail and comparison — brevity at the expense of efficiency on the part of those who find need later to use the work; and it is certainly for the benefit of such, in greatest measure, that details are mentioned at all. Ill — GEOLOGIC ANALYSIS. The determination of the age of a fauna, and particularly one from a region somewhat distant from the nearest well known locality, ordinarily involves a number of uncertain- ties which make advisable, if not necessary, the obtaining of complete data before valuable conclusions may be drawn. This is particularly true of faunas which show affinities suf- ficiently scattered to cause careful weighing of all evidence, and since many fossil assemblages are of such character an attempt at correlating a fraction of a fauna, if advisable, should be accompanied by some statement as to the degree of faith to be placed in the results. It may be said in behalf of the present study that the affinities of the Zorritos fauna, and particularly that of the Lower Zorritos formation, are so strongly centralized that the discovery of the numerous additional species which no doubt exist may confidently be expected to confirm the present deductions, and under no circumstances to change the character of the evidence PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 21 beyond the possible introduction of a few exotic or other- wise interesting relationships. The treatment of a fractional fauna such as that here con- sidered is more a matter of judgment than of tabulation and derivation of percentages. The system of expressing fauna! relationships through percentages is faulty under the best circumstances if the specific determinations or the align- ment of affinities is at all loose, and so much variation is encountered in both of these matters that the evidence of a group of species needs to be tempered by a differential weighing of the strength of individual determinations and the degree of closeness in relationship shown by separate forms. Could systematic paleontology be standardized the student would be freed of the necessity for examining closely the results obtained by others, but the element centering about the personal equation is inevitable in its effect on the character of a study, and the student must take separate account of determinations if his work is to be balanced. So much depends on the drawing of specific lines that a work in which it is necessary to make close distinctions is sure to reflect more the character of the worker than that of the fauna in matters which hinge on minute determinations. And it is obvious that anything verging on predisposition is dangerous. Although in the present work the major elements will be expressed in the form of percentages, their value must be considered to lie in the preponderance of affinity they reveal rather than in any intrinsic quality of the figures themselves. It is obvious that the smaller relationships, such as those with the recent faunas, can not bear much weight for two reasons which hinge on the size of the fauna: first, the incompleteness of the assemblage makes an attempt at expressing proportions probably false, and second, the per- centages obtained in dealing with smaller total numbers of fossils are out of proportion with the ideas the numbers should actually express. In a group of forty species two 22 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 represent five per cent ; if collecting were sure to have been strictly representative such figures might bear weight, but such is rarely the case, and is not recognizable if it does occur. It is obvious that the determination of affinities in the case of a small fauna of doubtful or heterogeneous aspect is attended by danger, and it is fortunate for the results of the present study that the affinities of the Zorritos fauna are strong enough to leave no doubt as to its age relative to the known Antillean faunas, and little or no doubt as to its position in the standard European time-scale. The accurate determination of the horizons from which the fossils were taken offered a first-hand opportunity for the discernment of differences in the faunal characteristics of the three members of the Zorritos formation, and in view of the superficially diiferent appearance of the fossils the work was begun in anticipation of the discovery of faunal zones, possibly of distinctly different ages. As will be seen when the three faunas are taken up in detail, such difference is by no means marked, and although the Upper Zorritos may to some degree be differentiated from the Lower Zor- ritos in age, the difference between the two faunas is probably more one of facies than of time. The Variegated faunule is too small to permit the drawing of conclusions further than to indicate its relationship to the neighboring beds. Six of the eighty-one species are common to the Upper Zorritos and the Variegated ; two are common to the Lower Zorritos and the Variegated ; four are common to the Upper and Lower Zorritos, and a number of species from the Lower Zorritos formation have close relatives in the Upper Zorritos. These figures lead to the observation that in point of common species the Variegated faunule is more closely related to the Upper Zorritos than to the Lower Zorritos, but the incompleteness of the Variegated faunule leaves too many possibilities open to permit serious consideration of that. . There is, however, apparently a difference in facies be- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 23 tween the faunules of the Upper and Lower Zorritos forma- tions which may well prove constant in face of further collecting, and may thus serve as a valuable guide to the recognition of the units where fossils are found and there is doubt, owing to structural complexities, as to the identity of the beds. This difference appears most clearly expressed in the Areas and the Turritellas, Jrecause of the abundance of those forms and their marked difference in facies. The Areas of the Upper Zorritos formation, as has been noted, are larger, heavier shells than those of the Lower Zorritos, and a similar difference occurs in the Turritellas. Separate species of other single genera do not occur in both forma- tions, as far as the present collection shows. The difference in the Areas may be an index to a greater time difference between the Upper and Lower Zorritos forma- tions than the general affinities now apparent seem' to demand. The Areas of the Upper Zorritos appear to be of a later type, some of them closely related to A. idonea Conrad, a species which is most abundant in the Chesapeake Miocene, in beds of Tortonien age. Others are close to A. grandis Broderip and Sowerby, and A. tuberculosa Sowerby, both more modern types. Cerithium Grillanum n. sp. is very close to C. russeili Maury, from the Helvetien of Santo Domingo, and two of the Turritellas, T. nelsoni and its variety ro tun- data are close to species from the Helvetien of Europe. These later affinities, despite the fact that they are over- shadowed in present number by the strictly Burdigalien affinities, promise a greater possibility of finding more evi- dence of their kind than there is for the Lower Zorritos faunule, which in its larger number contains a proportionally much smaller Helvetien and Tortonien element. Thus, although it is not possible to say that the Upper Zorritos is very much younger than the Lower Zorritos, it is advisable to indicate the definite possibility that future work may reveal a Helvetien element sufficiently strong to necessitate considering the fauna of that age. In the present state of 24 STUDIES IN GSOUJGY, No. 3 knowledge it appears to be later Burdigalien in age. Such a difference between the Upper and Lower Zorritos forma- tions is not irrational to suppose when we consider that the Variegated formation, with its continental beds, may contain a hiatus of considerable magnitude. As might be expected, the fauna as a whole has its nearest relatives in the general region between Panama and Florida. The alternative anticipation would be to look for affinities in the Tertiary of Chile, Patagonia, and New Zealand, and although in rare cases such occur, they are not suggestive of any well-defined connection between the faunas of the two regions. Grzybowski noted the presence of affinities with the Navidad and Coquimbo beds of Chile, five of the sixteen species in his Heath (^Variegated) faunule being identical with or closely related to Chilean species. These five species are all in his list from the locality north of Caleta Grau, near Malpaso, at which he was unquestionably dealing with the Variegated formation. No such species has appeared in the Hopkins collection, and very few which show any affinity to Chilean species. Grzybowski noted no Chilean element in his Zorritos fauna, which is equivalent indiscrim- inately to the present Upper and Lower Zorritos. He did, however, note a Chilean element in his Payta fauna. It is probable that at least during the periods of the Upper and Lower Zorritos formations connection with the south- ern coast was cut off. A point of land similar to that about Point Aguja and Gabo Blanco, which now diverts the colder Humboldt current seaward, and marks the northern limit of the Peruvian Province, probably existed farther to the south during part of Miocene time, giving rise to conditions similar to those now existing, but with the southern limit of the purely tropical littoral, corresponding to the present Panamic Province, farther south. The location of such a point at the various stages of the Tertiary will be known when the coastal geology and paleontology have been studied in greater detail and over the entire area. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 25 This postulate demands a distribution of marine currents and temperatures, and thus marine animals, somewhat differ- ent from that existing today. In a study of the recent littoral molluscan fauna of the coast of Peru Dall found that the Magellanian element in the fauna is the most con- spicuous, despite the fact that many of the species are common to the Panamic Province, and that accordingly the fauna seems to be largely of southern origin. Since the beginning of Tertiary time conditions have probably vacil- lated somewhat, with the north Peruvian coast as the scene of change from colder-water, Magellanic faunas to tropical, Antillean-Panamic faunas as changes in the coast line varied the point of divergence of the southern, now called the Hum- boldt current. Temperature conditions seem to be the chief governing factor in the constituency of a littoral molluscan fauna. It is possible that during Variegated time there was a reversion from the purely tropical conditions of the Lower Zorritos to conditions under which the colder currents again had access to the north Peruvian coast, and the Chilean element noted by Grzybowski may thus be accounted for. Two things, however, alter the clearness of such a postu- late : first, the existence of the Chilean forms in the Varie- gated has not been checked, and second, it is the opinion of some observers of South American geology that a consider- able land mass existed during Miocene time to the west of the present coast and in the general region south of central Peru; a slight change in the course of ocean currents such as that called upon to explain the Chilean element in the Variegated depends on coastal conditions essentially similar to those now existing, and the presence of a considerable projecting land mass to the south would have eliminated the colder water entirely from the Peruvian region. The exis- tence of such a land mass, however, is far from proven, and the presence of Chilean types in the Variegated beds needs to be explained. A shifting of the point of land which 26 STUDIES IN GKOLOGY, No. 3 caused the diversion of the southern current might well have allowed the Chilean forms access to the north Peruvian waters during Variegated time. Ortmann,15 in discussing the possibility of a separation of South America into two masses according to the "Arch- hellenis — Archiplata" theory of von Ihering, points out the dissimilarity of the north Peruvian faunas from those of Navidad, Chile, and Patagonia in support of the hypo- thetical central seaway as a barrier to the intermingling of the regional faunas. It does not seem necessary to pre- suppose so vast a change as the splitting apart of South America in order to explain the difference between faunules which by virtue of their location alone might be expected to differ. All data so far collected indicate that there is un- broken structural and geologic continuity along the Andean axis from Panama to the Straits of Magellan. The exis- tence of norrh-south lines of tectonic weakness is established both through the immense Andean uplift and the sunken blocks which have given rise to the famous deeps off the west coast, and it is extremely unlikely that a major line of weakness existed in comparatively recent times at right angles to these known. The sea separating "Archhellenis" and "Archiplata" would have had to be deep enough to prevent the migration of molluscs, and broad enough to forbid the passage of free-swimming larvae. Evidence of so great a break in the continental mass of western South America, which should be discernible if the seaway existed, apparently is not present, the general geologic situation on the west coast suggesting complete continuity, with no hint of a break.16 There may have been, and probably was a profound embayment of the Amazon basin, but submergence of the site of the Andes is not evident from observations thus 15 Princet. Exp. Patag., vol. 4, p. 298, 1901 ; also pp. 319-324. 16 See Berry, E. W., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., vol. 29, pp. 637-648, 1919; Proc. Pan Pacific Sci. Conf. pp. 845-865, 1921. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION » 2fJ far available, and can not be proven through mere dissimil- arity of faunas in regions which might have offered differ- ent habitats for any one of a number of reasons involving the disposition of coastal land and the distributions of ocean currents, or which might have been faunally isolated from one another for similar reasons. There is evidence, on the other hand, which is difficult of explanation if a sea-barrier separated two continental masses according to von Ihering. The upper Cretaceous flora of Argentina, according to Kurtz 1T is derived from that of North America. It could hardly have passed the sea-barrier. The Miocene flora of the Navidad beds, Chile shows close aflinity to floras of similar age found in Ecuador and Peru, and extremely close relatives of the Navidad plants are living today in the upper Amazon country, in Peru and Bolivia, according to B.erry.18 These facts do not support but contradict the theory of a central seaway. The remaining part of this discussion will be concerned with the age relations of the fauna. A survey of the table of distribution arid affinities, will show at once the relation- ships of the separate species, and the discussion to follow will embody merely the grouping of the evidence, with remarks on pertinent points and without repetition of faunal lists. The fauna as a whole, shows affinities so strongly Bur- digalian that much discussion is not necessary. The term Burdigalien is used not to indicate that the age determin- ation has been made through European comparisons, but because the European units are more expressive of exact age relationship, and are standard; the fauna is closest to Panamanian-Antillean-Floridian assemblages of well-estab- lished Burdigalien age. 17 Kurtz, F., Rev. Mus. La Plata, vol. 10, pp. 43-60, (1899) 1902. 18 Berry, E. W., personal communication; also Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 55, No. 2270, p. 283, 1919. 28 ' STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 The following table will show readily the distribution of affinities for the total fauna. The percentages represent those of species either occurring elsewhere or having close relatives elsewhere at the horizons noted. Restricted to Burdigalian . . . .' 43% Occurring in Burdigalian 71% Restricted to Helvetian 7% Tortonian and later 11% Oligocene (chiefly Aquitanian) 10% Eocene $% It is thus clear, although these figures are really not the most efficient medium of expression, that the fauna is un- mistakably Burdigalian in age. Since 87 of the 101 species are peculiar to the Zorritos formation it is practically nec- essary in attempts at expressing analysis to consider close affinities together with identical occurrences, and inasmuch as such affinities as have been indicated are close enough to warrant such action, the two are not separated in discussions of totals. This determination confirms Grzybowski's statement of the age of his collections from the same horizons, and it is worthy of note that he obtained his results through compar- ison with European species, almost to the exclusion of others, at a time when the geology of the Panamanian- Antillean region was little known. He did not place his fossils definitely in the Burdigalian, but stated that they were of Lower Miocene age. A later determination of the age of the Variegated formation, by Berry,19 depends on fossil plants for its conclusion, and agrees with Grzybowski's results in calling the beds Burdigalian. The results of these observations, diverse in manner of treatment, agree with satisfying precision. Twenty-two of the 101 species are either closely related to or identical with Gatun species; 29 with Santo Domingan 19 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 55, No. 2270, pp. 283-284, 1919. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 29 species from the Cercado formation, of Burdigalian age, and 8 with Chipolan species. The remaining Burdigalian affin- ities are scattered as shown by the table. Thirteen species either occur at Bowden or have close relatives there. The latest opinion, based on unpublished studies by Dr. W. P. Woodring, of the United States Nat- ional Museum, is that the Bowden beds are Helvetian in age ; however, most of the Bowden forms related to species from Zorritos are of clearly older affinities, and the Zorritos fauna contains few species closely related to that more modern element in the Bowden fauna which indicates its place in a higher stage. The species which occur elsewhere may be tabulated as follows : Gatun 5 Santo Domingo (Cercado) 3 Santo Domingo (Gabb) 2 Bowden 5 Atlantic Miocene 2 Chipola Marl I European Oligocene i The geologic discussion of the fauna will conclude with a brief consideration of each of the constituent four groups. Upper Zorritos Fauna: The proportions of the Helvetien and Burdigalien elements in the Upper Zorritos fauna have already been discussed in general. Exact tabulation of rela- tionships will be found in Plates 2, 3, and 4; it will suffice to say here, statistically, that in the large Burdigalien element represents about half of the total fauna, with the Helvetien and Tortonien aggregating somewhat less than a third. The Helvetien element is so characteristic and profuse, however, that the numerical expression fails to por- tray the situation fully. Although present evidence demands consideration of the fauna as Burdigalian along with the Variegated and Lower Zorritos, there is no doubt that it 30 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 represents, faunally, a later stage, and that the appearance in further collecting of a reasonable number of more modern • species would easily throw the balance toward the Helvetien. As was noted in the preceding discussion of formational inter-relationships, the Areas and the Turritellas are the chief distinctive groups of the Upper ZorritO'S, and although some of the species range into the Variegated, their complete difference in the Lower Zorritos affords one point of dis- tinction between the two formations which may prove of use in field recognition. Other species, such as Pecten woodringi, Conus cacuminatus, and Cerithium infrano datum, of the Upper Zorritos ; Dosinia grandis, Corbula propinqua, and Macrocallista helenae, of the Variegated ; and a much larger number from the Lower Zorritos appear to be char- acteristic, and may serve similar purpose ; however, they - are as a whole not as prominent as the Areas and Turritellas, and their range is not yet sufficiently well known to make them of high value. Variegated Fauna: The collection from the Variegated beds, of fifteen species, is too small to permit far-reaching conclusions, but a few observations may be worth while. The preponderance of Burdigalian elements, well over half the total, in the fauna here represented is such as leave small doubt as to the age of the beds, and although the general facies is in some ways similar to that of the Upper Zorritos fauna, the affinities are closer to those of the Lower Zorritos. That fact .lends strength to the possibility that the whole formation is of nearly the same age, but it can not mean much at present ; future work might easily change the conclusions based on so small a faunule as that now available. There is small doubt, however that the Variegated will prove to be of Burdigalien age. Grzybowski lists 16 species from the Variegated (his Heath), of which only three occur in the present collection, with none of the three from the Variegated. The remaining PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 31 13 species appear to have well-defined lower Miocene affin- ities, and five of them are apparently of Chilean Miocene types. It is the belief of the writer that the Variegated beds will be shown to contain many more species in common with the Upper and Lower Zorritos formations than are now apparent. Lower Zorritos Fauna: This fauna presents the most strongly peculiar aspect of all. In addition to the fact, al- ready noted, that it shows very strongly centralized affinities, it has a facies more distinctly peculiar than has either of the other two faunas. The Gatun-Cercado elements are certainly predominant, and the age of the fauna is certainly Burdigalien, at least in the sense of the American strati- graphers. Over half of the Lower Zorritos species are closely related to species restricted to* the Burdigalien, and approximately eighty per cent to species occurring in the Burdigalien. The affinities of other elements in the fauna may be seen readily in the tables, plates 2, 3 and 4. Nelson's Collection: The collection described by Nelson contains a number of species which do not occur in the Hopkins collection. Inasmuch as Messrs. Larkin and Bradley, the collectors, stated that the specimens came from the direct vicinity of Zorritos, in which locality the Zorritos and Heath formations are the only ones exposed, and since the general facies of Nelson's fossils indicates a common origin, they have been assumed to come from the Zorritos formation. It is unfortunate that they have not been located within the limits of that unit, but when considered with the fauna as a whole they contribute interesting additional evi- dence of the Burdigalian age of the beds. Approximately forty per cent of the species have restricted Burdigalian affinities. The exact relationships of the species in this group may be seen in the accompanying table, where they are listed as "Undifferentiated." STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 CLOSELY RELATED STECIES Terebra gausapata B. & P. 1 Terebra gausapata B. & P. I 3 tortuosostriatus Toula 1 3 marginatus Sowerby j 3 molis B. & P. 1 to 1 sllaria (Aphera) islacolonis Maury o I Solenosteira dalli B. & P. | 0 I 1 o 1 2 n 1 a n o I i ! Murax mississippiensis Conrad J | ^ J i c < 1 S 1 •8 . . « 11 g-s 1' «- 11 ! i i ^ i 1 g 1 0 i 2 m r- 1 3 m .B Conrad LS var. subgradata Sac. .s var. turritisaima S. itella mimetes B. & P. itella subgrundif era Dall 1 j i at *« i itella ocoyana Conrad itella ocoyana Conrad J itella ocoyana Conrad ] i 1 i j furr itella anderaonj itella concava itella megalobas 0 rf i a itella gatunensj itella terebrali itella terebralj III 1 I s, ^ £ p & ^ ?? 3 3 i fsj 31. 7 31^1 .j; . 3|sT.HOO I Td 3K3OOI^\f H3edd£~l I sclO-JitT O 0 o8u.njuoQ; o\u.\?Q < e (ua\?Mog) Apjyoiuvp x o| X ( ""c^ i c scto^in.3 o o npuvpi\?d2 MaM o \3tlUOjXl^) 0 0 0 (5joiewnn/-*iodno; 'vpuoi j 0 0 XTJ pvpiui-ij, jtf o^UJUJOCX oju^PC* x o x 0 (unj.V£) ) V^UJSSCIV?^ OCX 0 0 0 0 X 3 0 0 o * * .sdo-jn.3 \?pi-ioj^l 0 0 0 ffauiiuv' 3t>£ 3LDO3 0 o 5 paj0nu:uajjip.un X X X1 x x x x x x 90^1 JUG?; jaMoq; X X x X x X < x X K X x X t?aj\3£a|J"l. \ [ ft > 1 1 J H T tella robuata Grzybowaki tella robusta var. abrupta n. var. tella charana n. sp. ll .1 > 1 | f 1 £ ^ "a lella bifastir.ata Nelson tella f iHcincta Grzybowak: i. 1 c a 0 | c C t 1 i! a 'o 1 Turritella nelsoni n. sp. Turritella nelsoni var. rotunda tella nelsoni var. trulliaf tella infracarinata Grzybo* Lena inrracarina-wi var. zt tella prenuncia n. sp. Lftlla •oranuncia var. incon LS: 3 1 •H L i 5 7 b 5 >- E 5 f T f fc 5 *-« t 55 yi 55l PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 33 CLOSELY RELATID SPECIES C 1 1 i T j c I icallosa Gardner fr i c ^ cc k 0 5 ' : sl •5 1 1 3 1 •H H 1 ! s •d o 1 •S g & CO 1 1. 1 o 0 g -3 1 i g d I £ g 3 g & cd 0 I d 0 g 01 a 2 d O g 3 1 o 1 ! oensis Oamont Quiensis Gabb CO 0! S 1. 01 CD i:? CD CD •H O CD (D ni co i •d CO I i Phacoides glumindus Woodring G s» E 1 Cardium dominie ens e Gabb Cardium samba icun Maury I Dosinia orbicularis Ag. I Polinices si t> S c *c 2 ? 5 a cd J E 5 -c H Q ^H Call ios tor i o g JH C 0 0 g •S CJ 1 H, 2 g 1 1 Crasaatel] Crasaatel] _L;K/ 3.oa 0 33«5n3 (PV?PIAS?N) 5IILO >? l U J O J l | \3J 1 (jj«ra^y-^"o)^P'-J0i-i o o 0 jj P -s? p I U 1 J JL 0 0 0 O^uiuuoCE OJ.UV2Q 0 0 ) 0 o 0 0 X 0 0 o o l (O i""t^?£)^ VbU^OIv?^ X 0 o c X sdo^rig: x?p 1^10 u; o 0 sa i !4.uv 0 xy 3M3.DOZ3; 'paj.vj.uajajjipu/i X K X X X x SOJ 1.-MO2 J<9MOT X X ! < X X X X X X X X X X X. X 1? ^i"^ $ 3 * •/tx?A X X X X X X X X X 904.jj.JO2 ~» add/i ! ° I d S c c 1 Polinicea porcana n. ap. • fl i c 3 iH oma (Eutrochus) noduliferum Nel. j 1 Leda peruviana Dall p « s: oj I CC 1 d o t* zorritensis n. ap. 1 p 01 apharca) pantheonensis n. ap. ipharca) zapotalensis n. sp. i) fissicosta n. sp. p 01 c 'd I 1 CO ) vanholsti n. ap. L) charanenais n. sp. 0 hispaniolana !,Iaury i) larkinii Nelson i) imporcata n. sp. L) obesiformis Qrz. L) creacena n. ap. | Area (Anadara) aeptifera Grz. o c o d bO 1 g O 1 5 cU g u i-H SI >> 3 g j I 0 -H J D 03 Trans ennel la ^j> 03 H 1 s H d C d O 05 d d d d d Corbula ] g 5 ,H Si o 0 § I | ^ J_Ni3lO3^i * 2 •rr^j TTj) o 1 lei X < o =TN.3JonAr ^i^dcLTi x < x o § ado^nrr oyu'UJQcr PuM^S* (UipMQQ) V? O 1 \p (JJi \? _£"* X X X X j > "c" o * <3dcu >~>3 ("p^ p i AV?J\I ) Q 0 S?P'^0|.d < ' J pS? p 1 U '_^J_, • O^UIUUOCI O^UW?C^ x X f. x O • i O'v.l>?SO x? uj -Q U ^c-4. y VJ • 1 e9do.j i-~>3 o "3 v$ p i j( o | J. Sc>| | 14.0 y :3l^i "3:00:3: c. D 9 PfbfUUfJjg !PUO_ X E-< EH o IH o CO J; ^ ^q ,£ ,n ^ PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 35 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Class GASTROPODA Superorder STREPTONEURA Suborder ORTHODONTA Order CTENOBRANCHIATA Superfamily TOXOGLOSSA Family TEREBRIDAE Genus TEREBRA Adanson Terebra gausapata var. herviderana n. var. PLATE I — Fig. i. Shell small, delicate, sharply sculptured, the apical angle very small. The fasciole is sharply defined, of medium width. Spiral sculpture on the main part of the whorl of about eight unequal bands separated by narrower inter- spaces. On the fasciole are vestiges of a spiral sculpture of about three or four fine threads, situated on the upper half of the fasciole. Longitudinal sculpture of sharp ribs, 17-18 to the whorl, which are not crossed by the spiral bands. These ribs are cut by the suture on one side of the fasciole, where they offset, the rib of one whorl abutting against the interspace on the fasciole of the succeeding whorl. On the other side of the fasciole they are cut by a deeper suture. The body whorl is rounded, and is larger than the preceding whorls. The typical sculpture continues across the base to the columella. The whorls are convex between fascicles. The inner aperture is not known. Height of fragment showing body whorl and two of the spire, 13.5 ; maximum diameter, 5.25 mm. This variety differs from T. gausapata Brown and Pils- bry 20 from Gatun, in being somewhat larger, having 17-18 Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 340, pi. 22, figs. 8, 9, 1911. 36 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 spiral ribs instead of 14, and in the less prominent threads on the band ; otherwise it is identical. It differs from the variety foevifasciola Maury, from Santo Domingo,21 in its larger number of longitudinal ribs, and in the presence of vestigial spirals on the fasciole. The absence of such spirals is apparently the only point of difference between laevifas- ciola and gausapata. Lower Zorritos. Hervideras, Zorritos district. Terebra tuberosa (Nelson) PLATE I— Fig. 2. Myurella tuberosa Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 193, i8;d. "Shell turreted, slender and acuminate; whorls eight to ten, depressed or slightly concave, except the body whorl; sutures indistinct. Cincture broad, elevated, with obtuse tubercles, not as wide as the spaces between them. Longi- tudinal ribs distinct. Whorls marked by from four to six nearly equal transverse ridges, which rise into strong tuber- cles over the ribs, x x x " — Nelson, 1870. The spiral sculpture consists of six bands on the main part of the whorl, separated by narrow interspaces. The an- teriormost of the spiral bands is usually not prominent, and is sometimes occluded by encroachment of the fasciole. The longitudinal sculpture consists of a series of raised ridges, about 14 on a whorl, which are prominent on the fasciole, giving it the appearance of a worn cog-wheel. On the main surface of the whorl the ridges are more subdued, but still distinct, raising the spiral bands into the tubercles noted by Nelson. Usually one or more of the longitudinal ribs on each whorl is bifid at the summit. Lines of growth cross all parts of the whorl. The base is sculptured with spiral bands similar to those on the main body of the whorls, the continuation of the area covered by the fasciole being 21 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 27, pi. 3, fig. 19, 1917. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 37 marked by a flat-topped keel bearing four of the spiral bands. The spiral sculpture decreases in strength toward the base, and the longitudinal ribs converge toward the point of the columella. The columella is biplicate, the posterior fold rising sharply at its anterior end. The aperture is narrow, and the anterior canal reflexed. The apical angle is some- what wide for the genus. Altitude, 2.6 cm. ; maximum diameter, 9 mm. T. tuberosa differs from T. gausapata Brown and Pils- bry,22 from Gatun, and its varieties laevifasciola Maury,23 from Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo, and herviderana n. var., in its wider apical angle, less prominence of the longi- tudinal ribs on the main body of the whorl, and compara- tively broader fasciole. T. tuberosa has fewer spiral bands. T. prote.rta Conrad, most recently described by Maury 24 from Santo> Domingo, though not as close as the gausapata group, is similar in general conformation. The spiral bands in protexta are much broader, and the longitudinal ridges less elevated. The fasciole is more prominent in tuberosa. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. Family CONIDAE Genus CONUS Linnaeus \ Conus multiliratus var. gaza Johnson and Pilsbry Conus gaza Johnson and Pilsbry, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 342, pi. 23, figs. 2, 3, 1911. Conus gaza Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 46, pl.K 7, fig. 12, 1917. Conus multiliratus var. gaza Woodring, Bowden Ms. "The shell is biconic, diameter over half the length, the spire is nearly one-third the total length, concavely conic, attenuate towards the apex. Post-embryonic whorls about 22 Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 340, pi. 22, figs. 8, 9, 1911. 23 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 27, pi. 3, fig. 19, 1917. 24 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 28, pi. 4, fig. i, 38 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 9, slightly concave, the lower edge of each angular, project- ing a little ; the angle tuberculate in the first post-embryonic whorl, smooth in the rest; sculptured with deeply arcuate, narrow, low and widely spaced riblets and striae ; no spiral striae. Last whorl acutely angular at the shoulder, barely convex below the angle, the outline becoming concave in the lower part; sculptured with 20-22 strong, smooth spiral cords, separated by wider intervals which are sharply striated by growth-lines. Aperture very narrow. Length, 24, diam. 13.1 mm." — Johnson and Pilsbry, 1911. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal, Zorritos district; Santo Domingo; Bowden, Jamaica; Gatun, Panama. Two specimens in the Hopkins collection are referable to this species. A coating of calcite obscures the finer details of sculpture, and the presence of the longitudinal striations on the body whorl characteristic of gaza are not clear, but other characters agree with sufficient closeness to advise at least tentative reference to the Antillean variety. This form occurs at Cercado de MaO', Santo Domingo, in beds ascertained by Maury 25 to be Burdigalian in age. It occurs also in the Bowden beds of Jamaica, and at Gatun. It is closely related to Conns bocapanensis and Conus berryi, of the Zorritos fauna. A detailed discussion of its relation- ships to them will be found in the remarks on each. Conus bocapanensis n. sp. PLATE I — Fig. 3. Conus sp. ind. A, Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 194, 1870. Shell small to medium-sized, unequally biconic, the spire turreted. The spire is fairly high, including about a third of the entire height, its slopes straight in profile. Whorls 8-9 in number, the first two of the spire smooth and rounded, the following with a marked keel at the lower third, the "Bull. Amer. Pal. No. 30, Table at end. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 39 surface above the keel being concave and below straight. On the spire the sculpture is of growth-lines, poorly defined, only. On the body whorl are sixteen or seventeen spiral bands, separated by narrow interspaces, with growth-lines in the interspaces. The spiral sculpture is weaker near the shoulder. The shoulder of the body whorl is sharp, the surface below being straight. Aperture fairly narrow, of constant width, the columella slightly reflexed at the base. Height, 37; diameter, 17 mm. This species is closely related to a group of small cones from the Antillean-Carribean region. It is perhaps closest to C. tortuosostrmtus Toula,26 from Gatun; it differs only in having simple instead of differentiated spiral sculpture, and in lacking the beaded keels characteristic of tortuosos- triatus. It is also similar to Conus multiliratns var. gaza Johnson and Pilsbry,27 from Gatun, Bowden, and Santo Domingo and Zorritos, but it is more slender, and has broad-topped ribs on the body whorl instead of the finer spirals of gasa. C. imitator Brown and Pilsbry,28 from Gatun, differs in having 16 ribs on the lower half of the body whorl instead of 16 over the entire surface, and in having the profile of the spire concave instead of straight. The spire of bocapanensis differs in similar way from that of C. planiliratns Sowerby,29 from Santo Domingo; the profile is straight in lines instead of concave. Lower Zorritos. North of Quebrada de Boca Pan. Conns berryi n. sp. PLATE I— Fig. 4. Shell small, biconic, the altitude little more than 1.5 times the diameter, and the cone of the body whorl about 1.5 times 26Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 61, p. 508, pi. 31, fig. 22, 1911. '" Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 342, pi. 23, figs. 2, 3, 1911, as (Conns gaza). 28 Idem., fig. 4. 29 Man ry, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 45, pi. 7, fig. 10, 1917. 4O STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 the length of the spire. Whorls about 9 in number, the sur- face of each whorl inclined from the suture to a sharp keel, from which it recurved to the suture. The spire is thus turreted. The keel is waved, giving the spire a coronate appearance.- Sculpture of slightly arcuate lines of growth on the spire ; on the sides of the body whorl are spiral bands separated by narrow interspaces. The lower bands are very sharply defined, but they decrease in sharpness of definition above. Faint lines of growth cross the bands. The aperture is narrow. Height, 17; diameter, 10.75 Him. This species is similar to C. marginatus Sowerby 30 from Antillean Miocene horizons, from which it differs in having a higher spire, which is coronate, not smoothly keeled. C. multiliratus var. gaza Johnson and Pilsbry 31 is similar to both these forms ; it differs from berryi in being more taper- ing, longer, with a proportionally lower spire, the whorls of which are not coronately keeled. Lower Zorritos. Hervideras, Zorritos district. Conus cacuminatus n. sp. PLATE I— Fig. 5. Conus sp. ind. B. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 194, 1870. Shell large, moderately heavy ; the spire of medium height, and the body whorl tapering gracefully in a straight-sided cone. Whorls 9-10 in number; the 2^2 nuclear whorls smoothly convex, and the remainder concave, with a smooth keel at the outer edge just above the suture. Sculpture of lines of growth, arcuate on the whorls of the spire, straight on the body whorl and lamellose in worn specimens. The best preserved specimen shows numerous very faint spiral striae on the whorls, with a faintly impressed spiral line at the deepest point of the concave whorl-surface. Near the 30 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 6, p. 44, 1849; Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 46, pi. 7, fig. II, 1917. 81Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila, vol. 63, p. 342, pi. 23, figs. 2, 3, 1911. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 41 base of the body whorl are six to eight spiral cords with nar- rower interspaces; these are most prominent just inside the aperture. The shoulder of the body whorl is sharp, and the sides descend from it, with very little convexity, in straight lines. The aperture is somewhat wide. Height, 73 ; diam- eter, 38.5 mm. A number of specimens of this graceful cone occur in Nelson's collection, and a cast in the Singewald collection from the Upper Zorritos formation is questionably identified with it. It is similar to Conus molts Brown and Pilsbry,32 of the Gatun fauna, differing from that species in having straighter sides, lacking the prominent spiral striae on the body wrhorl, and in having a proportionally higher spire. It is a much smaller form. It differs from C. vnolis var. bravoi, of the local fauna, as noted in the remarks on that variety. Upper Zorritos ( ?). Quebrada de las Alturas. Conus molis var. bravoi n. var. PLATE I— Fig. 6. Conus sp. ind. C. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 194, 1870. Shell large, solid, heavy. The spire very low, almost flat except at the apex, where the early whorls rise in a nipple- like peak. Whorls twelve to fourteen in number, the last four or five flat to very slightly concave, the remainder flat to convex. The whorls of the spire are depressed in some specimens at the suture, the edge of the succeeding whorl rising above the suture. Sculpture of moderately arcuate growth-lines on the spire; on the body whorl the growth- lines are prominent on worn specimens ; there is no evidence of spiral sculpture on the spire and upper part of the body whorl; on the lower part of the body whorl are fairly coarse spiral threads. A distinct, thread-like keel marks the outer edge of each whorl ; on the body whorl it marks the apex 32Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 343, pi. 23, fig. I, 1911. 42 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 of the shoulder, which is subacute and rounded just below the keel. The surface is straight below. The aperture is long and narrow. Height, 75 ; diameter, 48 mm. A number of individuals of this variety occur in both the Hopkins and Nelson collections. It differs from C. molis Brown and Pilsbry,33 from Gatun, in being somewhat smaller, lacking the fine spiral striae, having the whorls of the spire less concave, and in being convex for a shorter distance below the shoulder of the body whorl. Conus ca- cuminatus, of the local fauna, differs in having a straighter profile and a much more conic spire. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada Tusillal, and del Toro. Family CANCELLARIIDAE Genus CANCELLARIA Lamarck Subgenus Aphera H. & A. Adams Cancellaria (Aphera) peruana Nelson PLATE IV— Fig. 13. Aphera peruana Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 190, pi. 6, fig. 3, 1870. "Shell elongated, sub- fusiform ; spire short, pointed, formed by five or six moderately convex whorls. Body whorl large, three-fourths the length of the shell, ventricose. Surface marked by nearly equal longitudinal and transverse ridges, which form strong raised cancellations, and are so arranged as to form blunt, obtuse granulations at the point of contact. Longitudinal lines finer, and much crowded near the outer lip. Aperture oblong-oval, t narrow, half as long as the shell. Lips covered with callus, which is con- tinuous above and below the aperture. Callus of columella lip strongly reflexed over the shell, much broader above than below, almost completely covering the umbilicus. Outer Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 343, pi. 23, fig. I, 1917. PALEONTOLOGY ZQRRITOS FORMATION 43 lip thick, and reflexed above, furnished within with a few rather strong teeth. Inner lip with two plaits near the center, the upper one being much the stronger. There is also a plait at top of the lip, small but quite distinct. Canal wanting. Aperture prolonged into a short, open sinus. Length, 17.4 mm.; length of spire, 4.4 mm. ; breadth 10 mm. This species closely resembles Apherai tesselata Adams, but is distinguished from that species by its less slender form, stronger cancellating ridges, by its shorter and more open aperture, and by the third fold at the top of the columellar lip." — Nelson, 1870. As noted by Nelson ,a very close relative of this species is A. tesseiata Sowerby, which is now living on the west coast from the Gulf of California to Chile. C. dariena Toula,34 from Gatun, is similar, excepting the lack of the reflexed inner callus characteristic in peruana, and its coarser sculp- ture, with -the longitudinal ribs missing near the aperture ; they are complete in peruana. Cancellaria (Aphera) islacolonis Maury,35 from the Lower Miocene of Santo Domingo, is the closest known fossil relative. It differs in having finer sculpture, and in the aperture, the outer lip of which is more deeply crenate than in peruatia. Zorritos formation. iZorritos. Superfamily RHACHIGLOSSA Family MARGINELLIDAE Genus MARGINEXLA Lamarck Marginella incrassata Nelson PLATE I— Fig. 9. Marginella incrassata Nelson, Trans. Conn. A>cad., vol. 2, p. 197, pl. 6, figs. 5, 6, 1870. 34Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reiche., Bd. 58, p. 703, pl. 28, figs. 2a, b, 1908. 85 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, pp. 65-66, pl. 10, figs. I2a, b, 1917. 44 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Shell large, conical, ovate, two-thirds as wide as long, thick. Spire rather short and acuminate. Sutures indis- tinct. Body whorl regularly conical, very convex, broadest one- fourth from top, forming a well rounded shoulder, and tapering rapidly from this point to end of spire. Aperture linear and narrow. Outer lip with the margin thick and broad. Columellar lip with four nearly equal, well developed plaits ; the two upper more widely separated than the lower ones." — Nelson, 1870. Height, 28; diameter, 18 mm. This species is very close to M. coniformis Sowerby,36 from Antillean Miocene horizons, differing only in lacking the slight depression behind the posterior canal which is characteristic at least of the Bowden specimens of coni- formis, in being distinctly larger and heavier, with a deeper posterior canal. The body whorl of incrassata tapers more sharply on the ventral side. The two are very close, and if incrassata were not so much larger than coniformis it might readily be regarded as a variety of that species. It is also very close to M. aurora Ball,87 from the Chipola beds of Florida. The posterior canal of incrassata is not as deep, the spire is somewhat lower, and there are no denticu- lations on the inner surface of the outer lip as in aurora. N. mavensis Maury,33 from the Santo Domlngan Miocene, is similar, differing in having heavier plaits on the pillar, and in that the body whorl is not as sharply tapered as in incrassata, Zorritos formation. Zorritos. 36 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 6, p. 45, 1850. "Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. i, p. 51, pi. 6, fig. 4a, 1890. 88 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 3, No. 29, p. 71, pi. n, fig. 7, 1917. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 45 Family BUCCINIDAE Genus SOLENOSTEIRA Dall Solenosteira alternata (Nelson) PLATE I — Figs. 10, ii. Cuma alternata Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 198, pi. 7, figs. 3, 4, 1870. Shell of good size, fairly thick, well proportioned. Spire conic, acuminate, turreted, with about 25/2 smooth embryonic whorls; the following whorls rather sharply convex, and sculptured with large longitudinal folds, the intervals wider, of which there are eight or nine on the body whorl, and sharply defined, closely spaced spiral threads. The folds rise into points at the keel of each whorl, and on the shoulder of the body whorl the points are sharp in hori- zontal direction. The spiral threads may be separated into three orders : of the first order there are about 28 on the body whorl between the suture and the base of the outer lip, with several more on the basal fasciole; between the primary threads are varying numbers of secondaries — near the sutures there are as many as four or five, whereas mesi- ally one is the rule. Tertiary threads are interstitial between the secondaries throughout. The differentiation of the three orders of threads is sharper above and below the keel than it is mesially. Fine growth-lines cover the entire shell, cross- ing the spiral sculpture. The body whorl is concave below the keel, and expanded into a curving ridge about the umbilicus, which is distinct but shallow, and funnel-shaped. The anterior canal is open, deep and reflexed., The pillar is simple, with a thin callus. The aperture is oval in shape, differentiated from the canal; the throat is lirate, the Hrae being small and equi-distant. The basal fasciole is strong. Height,, 52 ; diameter, 33 mm. This species is a beautifully sculptured, gracefully pro- portioned shell, perhaps the most pleasing 10 look upon of 46 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 all the Zorritos mollusks. It was referred by Nelson to the genus Cuma, which has since been placed in synonymy with Cymia, but it is obviously not of that genus. It is very close to S. dalli Brown and Pilsbry,39 from Gatun, differing from that species in having a larger number of more closely spaced primary threads, with the three orders of threads not as prominently differentiated as in dalli; the sculpture on the shoulder of the body whorl is not nearly as strong ; the base is somewhat more produced, the canal and f asciole being longer. The recent S. elegans is somewhat similar, but differs in having heavier spiral threads, with the longitudinal folds equally strong over the entire length of the whorl ; in altemata they are stronger at the keel and subdued near the suture. Lower Zorritos (Variegated?). South of Quebrada Pantheon ; Quebrada Zapotal. Subfamily PHOTINAE Genus PHOS Montfort Phos (f) latirugatus n. sp. PLATE I — Fig. 12. Shell of medium size, turreted, the spire high, the whorls inflated. First neanic whorls unknown; the following whorls fairly evenly convex ; at about the fifth whorl a keel develops, and with the keel a series of longitudinal folds. On the later whorls the shoulder set off by the keel becomes more nearly horizontal, the keel becoming more nearly level with the suture, and the longitudinal folds grow broader and farther apart. At the juncture of the longitudinal folds and the keel nodes exist. Spiral sculpture of two orders of threads ; between the keel and the base on the body whorl there are about n or 12 major threads which are more closely spaced below ; between the major threads are almost Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 348, pi. 24, fig. 14, 1911. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 47 uniformly three subsidiary threads, of which the middle one sometimes approaches the strength of a major thread. Aperture oval; details not known. Height, 26; diameter, 14.5 mm. The closest relative of this species is P. polygonus var. percostata Sacco,40 from the Lower Miocene of Europe. It is not typical of the common Photinae, the pronounced keel giving the whorls a squarish aspect rather unusual to the group, and in the absence of detailed knowledge of the aperture it is not completely certain that it belongs in the genus; however, there is small doubt, since all visible char- acters agree very well with those of P. polygonus, which is one of Cossman's plesio- types of the genus Phos s.s.41 It is a well-characterized species, and appears to have no close relatives in the American Tertiary. It differs from P. polygonus var. percostata Sacco in having broader longi- tudinal folds and a sharper keel which is more nearly level with the suture than in percostata. The sculpture of latiru- gatus is more diverse. In general shape the two are close. The spiral sculpture commonest to P. latirugatus, that mentioned in the description, is not similar to that of polygonus, but some mutants of the Peruvian species show a coarser sculpture which does agree fairly well with that of the variety percostata figured by Sacco (loc. cit). These mutants may prove to deserve recognition as separate vari- eties of latirugatus, but as far as the material now available shows they are sufficiently close to the type to make differ- entiation inadvisable. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. 40 Piemonte, pte. 30, p. 58, pi. 14, figs. 60, 61, 1904. ^Essais de Pal. Comp., vol. 4, p. 158, 1901. 48 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Family NASSIDAE Genus NASSA Lamarck Nassa zorritensis (Nelson) II— Figs, i, 2. Argobuccinum zorritense Nelson, Trans. Conn. Ac. Sc., vol. 2, p. 196, pi. 7, figs, i, 2, 1870. Shell large, strongly turreted, spire high, conical; whorls about seven in number. Whorls convex; the earlier ones rounded, the later ones having a prominent keel which sets off a narrow shoulder, becoming stronger and more nearly level with the suture as the shell grows more mature. Sculp- ture of spiral cords only on the earlier whorls ; on the later whorls a series of longitudinal folds begins, growing stronger and more widely spaced with the growth of the shell; the folds are drawn out into strong tubercles at the keel, and on the body whorl the tubercles are much larger and more widely spaced, with the folds dying out below them in the broad surface of the shell. The spiral cords are irregular; on the earlier whorls they are well differentiated, but on later whorls they often coalesce to form low, flattened, strap-like ribs. The spiral sculpture lacks prominence on the body whorl. The sides of the body whorl descend vertically from the keel, curving smoothly into the convex base. The aperture is oval-triangular, with a slight posterior mouth and a short, sharp anterior canal which is sharply reflexed. The columella is plicate, unworn specimens showing a sharp upper plait and a thicker one below. Outer lip lirate within, the lirae extending faintly for some distance. Height, 57; diameter, 35 mm. (large specimen). Average specimen, height, 46.5 ; diameter, 26.5 mm. This large and interesting species has been rather difficult to place generically, and although its reference here to Nassa indicates the fact that many comparisons with types have shown it to belong, probably, to that genus, the author PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 49 leaves open the possibility that a different systematic posi- tion may be found necessary. The Nassidae are in a bad state as regards the crystallization in the literature of differ- ential characteristics, and the revision that is necessary is naturally without the bounds of this work ; . without such revision the designation of a new unit to receive this shell would only add to> the confusion which now awaits the atten- tion of a reviser. The most closely allied species known to the writer is Nassa veneris Fauj., of the ,Burdigalian of the Gironde, France, and the Mediterranean Tertiary, described by Bell- ardi,42 and later referred by Cossmann 43 to the genus Dor- sanum Gray. Reference to the type of Gray's genus shows that N. veneris probably does not belong to it, and it is ap- parent that -N. zorritensis and .N. veneris are of a sub-group yet to be designated, differing from Nassa chiefly in being strongly keeled, with a distinct shoulder giving a squarish aspect to the upper parts of the whorls and of the aperture. Most of the Nassas have a stronger callus than have the two forms here discussed, and it is probable that that feature will prove a further point of differentiation. Variegated Zorritos. South of Quebrada Pantheon. Genus TRIUMPHIS Gray Triumphis solida (Nelson) PLATE II— Fig. 3. Clavella solida Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 199, 1870. Pyrula roscta Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 648, pi. 19, fig. 6, 1899. "Shell oval, ventricose, and heavy; spire moderately ele- vated and tapering. Whorls five to seven, more or less depressed above. Sutures distinct. Body whorl large, more 42 Piemonte, pte. 3, p. 58, pi. 4, figs. 3a, b, 1882. 43 Essais de Pal. Comp., vol. 4, p. 219, 1901. 50 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 than two-thirds the length of the shell, regularly convex, depressed above the shoulder, which is large and strong, and forms a very distinct ridge, extending more than half around the shell. The upper whorls are marked by a series of longitudinal ridges, eight or ten to a whorl, and crossed by strong, equidistant, revolving lines. The two lower whorls are destitute of the ridges, but ornamented by revol- ving lines, which become more or less indistinct on the body whorl in mature specimens. The base of the body whorl is marked by much stronger lines. Variable in size. Aperture oblong-oval ; outer lip thin. Canal long and slightly reflexed. Umbilical chink bordered by a broad keel. Measurements as follows: length 43.2; breadth (at shoulder) 30.6; breadth (below shoulder) 28 mm." — Nelson, 1870. The aperture is marked by a heavy inner callus, which is strong posteriorly, and bears the recurved notch characteris- tic of the genus. Grzybowski's figure (q.v., loc. cit.) shows this feature better than does the material available for the present study. The occurrence of this species, the second of the genus to be known, in the Miocene of Peru, is of unusual interest. The specimens in both the Nelson and Hopkins collections lack the full aperture, and the presence of the heavy, callus posterior lip characteristic of T. distort® Wood, from Pan- ama, the type of the genus, is not clear. Grzybowski (loc. cit.) apparently had a specimen with the full aperture pre- served, and although his figure is not all one might ask, it shows that the species is aperturally configured much as is T. distort®, and is undoubtedly of the genus, Grzybowski, referring his shell to Pyrula Lamarck, apparently thought that the basal portion of the columella had been broken off, and drew dotted lines below to indicate the continuation of the shell, whereas his shell was really perfect basally; in reference to his figure it is accordingly necessary to disregard the lines added by him. The genus, typically of the West Coast, is thus seen t<3 PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 51 have had representatives in the early Miocene which may be taken to be the ancestors of the living distortd. Triumphis is certainly very closely related to Gabb's genus Agasoma ; 44 Fischer 45 notes that the two are probably synonymous, and a close study of the Californian Agasomas may show this to be the case. It is highly probable that a closer relationship than that now expressed between Triumphis and Agasoma exists, and it is the opinion of the writer that they are not farther apart, actually, than subgenera under the same gen- eric heading. Lower Zorritos. Between Quebradas Heath and Charan. Family MURICIDAE Genus MUREX Linnaeus Murex laqueoratus n. sp. PLATE II— Fig. 4. Shell small, turreted, fairly stout. Whorls about six in number, the first two smooth, the remainder delicately sculp- tured and convex. Sculpture of regular longitudinal folds, eight to the whorl, which are negligible at the suture, in- creasing rapidly to full strength at the mid-line of the whorl, and decreasing again. On the body whorl all except the last two continue over the base as narrow rounded folds; the last two die out just below the shoulder. Spiral sculpture of fine threads, about six to the whorl, with occasional inter- stitial threads above or below the periphery of the whorls; there the two central threads are prominent, forming a band which heightens the prominence of the nodes on the longi- tudinal ridges. On the body whorl there are twelve pri- mary threads between the band and the base, with occasional interstitial threads. Aperture almost circular, smooth within, "Geol. Surv. Cal. Palaeont., vol. 2, p. 46, 1869. 45 Man. de. Conch., p. 627, 1887. 52 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 with a raised lip and a fan-like flare bordering the outer lip over which the spiral sculpture continues to the raised peristome. The canal is very narrow, open and short. Co- lumella almost straight. Height, 18; diameter, (maximum) ii mm. This beautiful little Murex has its nearest fossil relative in M. missippiensis Conrad,46 from the Vicksburg, Tampa, and Chipola formations of Florida. It differs in having a shorter canal, with the inner apertural margin smooth instead of crenulate, and with the aperture not as nearly circular as in laqueoratus. Zorritos formation. Zorritos district. Suborder STRSPTODONTA Superfamily TAENIOGLOSSA Family DOLIIDAE Genus DOUUM Lamarck Subgenus MAI^A Valenc. Dolium (Malea) camura (Guppy) Malea ringens Conrad Pac. R.R. Repts., vol. 6, p. 72, pi. 5, fig. 22, 1857. Malea camura Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. I^ond., vol. 22, p. 287, pi. 17, fig- 9, 1866. Malea sp. ind. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 196, 1870. Malea ringens Gabb, (ex parte) Trans. Amer. Philos. Sbc., vol. 15, p. 223, 1873. Malea camura Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 32, p. 525, 1876. Malea camura Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1584, 1903 (checklist). "Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., ser. 2, vol. I, p. 116, pi. 11, fig. 30, 1848. PALEONTOLOGY ' ZORRITOS FORMATION 53 Malea camura Brown and Pilsbry, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. .356, 191 1. ? Dolium (Malea) sp., (vielleicht eine neue Art) Toula, Jahrb. kk etc., vol. 61, p. 500, 1911. Dolium (Malea) camura Woodring, Bowden Ms. The specimens from Zorritos are large and heavy, although not as ponderous as some of the extremely developed An- tillean specimens. The spire is somewhat high. One large distorted cast was probably about 78 mm. high when com- plete. Height, about 60 mm. ; diameter, 42 mm. Three casts of this species, with enough of the shell remain- ing to make identification fairly sure, occur in Nelson's col- lection. They have the somewhat high spire characteristic of the specimens from Gatun, and thus differ somewhat from the Santo Domingan forms, which have a lower spire. The Bowden specimens are much smaller, but in proportion are identical with those from Peru, the contour of the body whorl and the apical angle of the spire agreeing entirely. The Zorritos specimens are in a bad state of the spire in addi- tion to most of the shell. It is thus not describable in detail 54 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 but is probably a new species. Fragments of the shell which remain are similar to that of D. camura Guppy. Variegated Zorritos. South of Quebrada Pantheon.. Genus PYRULA Lamarck Pyrula peruviana n. sp. PLATE II— Figs. 5, 6. Shell of moderate size, delicate, gracefully rounded. Spire low, the early whorls standing up above the later ones. Whorls about five in number, the 2^ earliest being smooth, and the following ones delicately sculptured with spiral and longitudinal threads. The spiral threads are of two orders of strength; the major spirals are strong, and between them the surface is slightly concave, ornamented by seven evenly spaced minor threads, of which the median one is somewhat stronger than the others. Longitudinal threads, of an order of strength midway between the extremes of the spirals, cross the spiral threads, appearing under the microscope to have been laid across them. The longitudinal threads are not evenly spaced ; they are from .5 to I mm. apart on the median surface of the body whorl. The body whorl has the shape characteristic of the genus. Height of figured fragment, 36 mm. ; diameter, 21 mm. This species is very close to several Miocene species from the Florida^-Caribbean region. It differs but slightly from P. eopapyracea Gardner (Ms) from, the Chipola marl of Florida, having additional minor spiral threads, seven instead of three between the major spirals, as in eopapyracea. Pyrula micronematica Brown and Pilsbry,47 from Gatun, is identical in type of sculpture, differing in having the longitudinal threads more widely spaced, and in being somewhat larger. Pyrula carbasea Guppy,48 from the Caroni series of Trinidad, 47 Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 64, p. 507, pi. 22, fig. 8, 1912. 48 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond,, vol. 22, p. 580, pi. 26, fig. 7, 1866. (as Ficula carbasea} PAI,EONTOIX)GY ZORRITOS FORMATION 55 differs in having five minor spiral threads instead of seven, and in being distinctly larger. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Family CYPRAEIDAE Genus CYPRAEA Linnaeus Cypraea angustirima n. sp. PLATE II— Figs. 7, 8. Shell large, solid, with a narrow, closely denticulate aper- ture and a somewhat flattened base. The aperture is prac- tically straight anteriorly, and is curved posteriorly. The inner lip is distinctly shorter than the outer lip at the pos- terior canal, and the outer lip is produced dorsally, heightening the contrast between the two sides of the canal as viewed dorsally. The outer lip bears about 19 teeth, of which the posterior three or four may be produced as slight corrugations on the basal surface of the outer lip. The teeth on the inner lip are strong anteriorly, obsolete posteriorly. The dorsal surface is somewhat irregular; a pronounced central hump marks the point of greatest convexity ; before it the surface is evenly convex, and behind it a depressed area slopes off to the aborted inner lip at the posterior canal ; on the other side of the canal the outer lip rises prominently. Length, 44; width, 32; height, 26.5 mm. This somewhat irregular, strong Cypraea is similar in many ways to C. wilcoxii Dall,49 from the Chipola beds of Florida. It differs, however, in being fuller in width and height, and in its peculiar shorter inner lip. C. henekeni Sowerby,50 from Santo Domingo and Gatun, is somewhat similar, but differs in the tuberculate back apparently pecu- liar to that species, as well as in its distinctly wider, more 49 Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. i, p. 166, pi. 5, figs. I2b, c, 1890. 50 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 6, p. 45, pi. 9, fig. 3, 1850 (as Cypraea henikeri}. 56 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 irregular aperture. C. henekeni does not have the inner lip shortened posteriorly. Only one specimen of this species occurs in the collection. It is sufficiently distinct to permit its description as a new species ; however, the depressed dorsal area before the pos- terior canal notch may require verification through study of more material, since it is possible that the shell may have been deformed. Close examination of the specimen shows this feature to be a possibly natural development, reasonably correctable with the slight dorsal posterior depression caused by the appression of the posterior inner lip, and 'it is accord- ingly noted in the description as a likely natural character of the shell. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Superfamily CERITHIACEA Family CERITHIIDAE Genus CERiTHiUM Bruguiere Cerithium infranadatum n. sp. PLATE II — Fig. 9. Shell large, tapering moderately, nodose, the sutures dis- tinct, but slightly impressed. Whorls 10-12 in number; the early whorls decorated with numerous longitudinal ridges which are slightly arcuate, each with four lateral nodes caused by spiral sulc'i which cross both ribs and interspaces ; with the growth of the shell the longitudinal ribs become less numerous and more widely-spaced ; on about the seventh whorl they are larger, broader, and not so deeply cut by the spiral grooves; and • on the last two to four whorls they center into strong, round, pustular tubercles situated below the median line of the whorl, and in some specimens near the base of the whorl. On the specimens examined, which are badly worn, it is difficult to tell whether or not the spiral sculpture continues, but lines of growth are evident. Aper- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 57 ture unknown. Height of fragment bearing 4^ whorls, 58.5 ; maximum diameter, 27 mm. The sculpture of the lower whorls of C. infranodatum is similar to that of C. nodulosum Bruguiere,51 the type of Cerithiuni s.s., a group not known fossil. The sculpture of the earlier whorls recalls somewhat that of C. grillanum of the Zorritos fauna. The species is characterized by the marked difference in sculpture shown by the earlier and later whorls. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Grillo. Cerithium grillanum n. sp. PLATE II— Fig. 10. Shell small to medium-sized, highly ornate. Whorls prob- ably eight to ten in total number. Sculpture of transverse nodes crossed by spiral cords ; on the earlier whorls the nodes are long and undifferentiated, appearing in worn specimens as cogs ; on the later whorls of the spire they are differentiated into two series through the swelling laterally of their upper and lower parts, and not through mesial sulcatlon ; the upper of the two series gradually becomes the more prominent until on the body whorl the lower nodules are almost obsolete, and three additional rows of nodules, really nodulate spiral straps, appear on the basal surface. There is some varia- tion in the differentiation of the nodules ; on some speci- mens the upper series gains the ascendancy well up on the shell, whereas in others the rows are subequal until the penultimate whorl. In specimens which show early differ- entiation of the two series of nodes the lower series contains more nodes than the upper. A series of fine spiral cords, which are weaker on the nodes, covers the whorls. On the base of the body- whorl there are two or three cords between the noded straps ; thence upward they are similarly distri- 51Cossman, Ess. Pal. Comp., vol. 7, p. 66, pi. 3, fig. 10, 1906. 58 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 buted over the nodose whorls. Aperture unknown. Height of specimen bearing 4^ whorls, 32 ; diameter, 16 mm. A number of worn specimens of this Cerite were collected from the Upper Zorritos formation, and one from the upper part of the Variegated beds. A small group from the Varie- gated at Quebrada de los Angeles may be referable to this species, but they are in bad condition, and are not identifi- able. The most closely related species appears to be C. rus- selli Maury,52 from the upper horizon in Santo Domingo. C. grillanum differs from russelli in that the larger and smaller nodes of the sculpture are reversed in position, the more prominent ones being above; and there is no sub-su- tural sulcus in grillanum; the prominent nodes swell out beneath the suture with no interruption. Upper Zorritos; Variegated. Quebradas del Grillo, del Toro, de los Angeles, Tijeritas, near Boca Pan. Genus POTAMTD^S Brongniart Potamides ormei var. infraliratus n. var. PLATE II — Fig. n. Shell large and solid, the whorls closely coiled, the apical angle moderate. Early whorls unknown : the complete shell might have ten or twelve whorls. Whorls usually flat, some- times slightly convex; the sutures ordinarily indistinct. Cancellate sculpture of quadrate beads formed by the inter- section of longitudinal and spiral grooves which set off strap-like ribs ; the longitudinal grooves are arcuate on each whorl, and are about 30 in number to the whorl ; the spiral furrows set off three rows of beads, of which the anterior two are subequal in width and the posterior-most is much broader. Beneath the beads of the body whorl are seven or eight strap-like spiral ribs which form the basal sculpture. The body whorl flares at the aperture, the sculpture opening 83 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 123, pi. 22, figs. 2, 3, 1917. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 59 out in fan-shape, and the sutural margin ascending to cover part of the preceding whorl. The aperture is large, pointed oval in shape, with the outer lip strong and thickened and the callus heavy. The posterior notch is distinct ; the anter- ior canal is truncate, sharp. Height of fragment bearing the lower four whorls, 37 mm. ; maximum diameter at base, 24 mm. ; at 4th whorl, 10 mm. A longer fragment, bearing 5 whorls, but lacking the outer lip of the aperture, is 41 mm. in height, and probably had a maximum diameter of 27 mm. Several specimens of this Potamides, from both the Upper Zorritos and the Lower Zorritos formations, are very close to P. ormei Maury,53 from the Middle Oligocene of Santo Domingo, and might be united with it in a loose regard for specific limitations, but the sculpture varies constantly from that of P. ormei, and the Zorritos specimens are distinctly larger and heavier. The upper set of quadrate beads on the whorls of infraliratus is proportionally larger than in ormei, and there appear to be more spiral ribs on the base. Maury's figure is not clear, and her description lacks mention of many important points, but there are apparently about five lirae beneath the beads on the body whorl of ormei, instead of seven or eight, and the number of longitudinal grooves to the whorl seems to be less than in infraliratus. These differences are very constant in the specimens of the Hop- kins collection. Lower and Upper Zorritos. Quebradas del Grille, de loa Angeles and Heath. Family TURRITELLIDAE Genus TURRITELLA Lamarck Turrit ella altilira Conrad PLATE II— Fig. 12. "Idem., p. 126, pi. 22, fig. 8. 60 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Twritella altilira Conrad, Pac. R.R. Rept., vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 72, pi. 5, fig- !9, i857- Not T. altilira Gabb, Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 8, p. 34*. pi. 44, figs. 9, 9a, 1877 (=T. sapotensis Brown and Pilsbry, loc. cit, p. 359, PL 27, fig..io). Not T. altilira Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb., B.B. 12, p. 645, pi. 20, fig. 7, 1899 (=-T. dicingula Woodring Ms. ) Turritella gabbi Toula, Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., vol. 58, p. 695, pi. 25, fig. 5, 1908. Turritella altilira Brown and Pilsbry, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 358, pi. 27, figs; 2, 3, 1911. "Subulate, carinated; volutions with 2 distant, elevated, revolving, crenulated ribs, interstices with revolving lines; body volution, bicarinated at the angle." — Conrad, 1857. " — It tapers slowly, and, judging from the broken speci- mens seen, must attain a length of upwards of 100 mm., with a basal diameter of 18 mm., and probably over 25 whorls. Each whorl bears two very high spiral ribs, cren- ulated at their summits, the lower rib narrow, the upper wider, usually but not always double at the ridge, or with a lower cord below the main one. The deep concavity between the ridges has sculpture of several unequal spiral cords, more or less crenulated ; and the whole surface, when most perfect, has a fine spiral striation. The last whorl has a third rib, sub-peripheral in position, the base below it somewhat con- vex, marked with some radial striae and lamellae. On the early whorls the spiral ribs are less prominent and the inter- stitial beaded cords are rather better developed. "—Brown and Pilsbry, 1911. In the Zorritos forms the upper rib is not double, but it often bears the lower cord noted by Brown and Pilsbry. The difference in width between the two prominent ribs is not always marked. The crenulations are partially lost on the ribs of the body whorl, and the interspace is more rounded out, more gently concave. On most of the whorls of the spire there is a fine indentation below the first cord PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 61 under the upper rib which simulates a suture. Synthesis of three fragments gives the following measurements : Length (163/2 whorls) 90 mm.; diameter at base, 17 mm.; diameter at posterior extremity, 3.5 mm. The species erroneously referred to this name by Gabb (loc. cit.) has been properly differentiated by Brown and Pilsbry (loc. cit.) as T. sapotensis. Comparison of Gabb's figure with the photograph of the same specimen given by Brown and Pilsbry shows how far some of Gabb's figures may be trusted. Grzybowski (loc. cit.) referred a specie,; from Caleta Grau to T. altilira, basing his decision, appar- ently, on Gabb's work, and quoting him only in synonymy Grzybowski's figure has the appearance of being less trust- worthy than that of Gabb, if his specimens agreed at all with Gabb's figure, and it is doubtful that he had the same form. It is difficult to place Grzybowski's species ; his figure indi- cates roughly that it is probably of .the altilira group, but if even the broad lines are correctly depicted it is neither altilira nor sapotensis. It is highly probable that it is closest, possibly equal to T. dicingula Woodring (Ms), from the Bowden Miocene of Jamaica; the figure corresponds more nearly to the specimens from Bowden than to any other seen by the writer. Turritella guppyi Cossmann (=T. tornata Guppy 54) is similar, but has a line above the upper rib which is not present in altilira, and has two rows of granules between the ribs, whereas altilira has three or more. Brown and Pilsbry (loc. cit.) have noted that the interstitial sculpture of guppyi is much less prominent. The specimens of guppyi from Bowden are more delicate than those of altilira from Peru. Turritella dicingula Woodring (Ms) from the Bowden beds of Jamaica, is also related, but varies more widely than 54 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 580, pi. 26, fig. 12, 1866. 62 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 does guppyi; it is still more delicate, and has a somewhat greater apical angle. The ribs are subequal, the anterior, if any, being more prominent in both guppyi and dicingula. Lower Zorritos. Between Quebradas Heath and Charan. Turrit ella alturana n. nom. II— Fig.|3. *Turritella plana Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 188, 1870; not of McCoy, nor of Brinkhorst, 1861. Shell large, heavy, solid, the apical angle small and the spire very high. Whorls, averaging 16 in number, pos- sibly more, flat-sided, the earlier ones being set off merely by a deep, sharp, L-shaped depression at the suture, and the later ones having the semblance of a carina near the base, the sutural depression being broader. In full grown to gerontic specimens the body whorl and the penultimate are rounded-convex, the surface being distorted by rough and irregular growth-wrinkles. Sculpture of fine subequal threads, about 17 in the space of 5 mm. on the later whorls (not 25, as stated by Nelson), separated by still finer inter- spaces. The threads coalesce occasionally, two or more combining to form a group set off on either side by deeper depressions. Broadly sinuate growth-lines are discernible over the entire shell ; on the last two whorls of old specimens they are magnified into irregular wrinkles. Length of frag- ment bearing jy2 lower whorls, 117 mm.; diameter of body whorl, 29.25 mm. ; of uppermost whorl, 13.5 mm. Estimated length of complete full-grown specimen bearing 17 whorls, 163 mm. Well-defined fragments of the anterior portion of this species occur in a block of gray marl which was found on the beach near Quebrada Tijeritas, north of Zorritos. Since all three members of the Zorritos formation are exposed within reasonable distance of the spot it is not safe to suppose the origin of the material, and when the fact is considered that the species is not typical of the American Miocene, but PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 63 rather of the Eocene Turritellas, confirmation of its strati- graphic position in Peru must be forthcoming before it can be taken seriously. The type specimen, beautifully pre- served, and a striking object, occurs in Nelson's collection, and was undoubtedly taken from a different locality. Inas- much as the Zorritos formation is the only one exposed within the area from which the Hopkins, and, presumably, Nelson's fossils were taken, it is highly probable that 7\ alturana occurs somewhere within the limits of that forma- tion. T. andersoni Dickerson,55 from the Tejon Eocene of California, is the most closely related form, and excepting its marked difference in size might be held by some to be identical with T. alturana. Its sutural depression is by no means as prominent as is that of alturana, but otherwise the figure (magnified three times) given by Dickerson corres- ponds exactly to the smaller specimens of alturana in the Zorritos collections. It is also close to T. infragranulata Gabb,56 from the Cali- fornia Eocene, but lacks the granules of that species. T. pachecocnsis Stanton57 is similar, but has a much wider sutural depression, and bears granules. Two species from the Alabama Eocene, T. alabamiensis Whitfield 58 and T. saffordi Gabb,59 are similar, but much smaller and more delicate. Horizon unknown. Loose block near mouth of Quebrada Tijeritas. Turritella bifastigata Nelson III— Fig. i. Turritella bifastigata Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 9, 1870. 53 Univ. Cal. Bull. Geol., vol. 9, p. 501, pi. 42, hgs. 9, gb, 1916. 56 U. S. G. S. Ann. Rept. No. 17, p. 1044, pi. 66, fig. 3, 1896. "Idem., p. 1043, pi. 66, figs. I, 2. 58 Bull. Amer. pal., vol. i, No. 4, p. 109, pi. n, fig. 6. 59 Ibid., p. 109, pi. 11, fig. 7. 64 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Turritella gothica Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 645, pi. 20, fig. 10, 1899. "Shell turreted, slender, whorls twelve to sixteen, flat or slightly concave, except the body whorl, which is regularly convex; whorls bordered on each side by a strong obtuse ridge. Intermediate spaces ornamented by fine, raised, nearly equidistant, revolving lines, about ten in the space of five millimeters. Sutures small and narrow x x x. Body whorl somewhat convex, except in young shells; strongly wrinkled by the lines of growth, which, on well-preserved specimens, are strong and acute. Base of this whorl marked by from seven to ten -lines, nearly as strong as the ridges of the upper whorls. Aperture rounded; outer lip thin and slightly produced below." — Nelson, 1870. The ridges or shoulders at the sutural extremities of the whorl set off the suture very clearly, giving the appearance of lips. The posterior rib is distinctly stronger, and tends sometimes to lap over the base of the preceding whorl, giving the spire a slightly step-like surface. Length of anterior fragment of middle-sized individual bearing 7 whorls, 61.5 mm. ; diameter of the body whorl, 18 mm. Diameter of the body whorl of a larger specimen, 20.5 mm. Estimated length of a full-grown shell, 88 mm. Grzybowski's figure is that of a form somewhat more squat than that apparently typical of the species, but the essential characters of T. bifastigata are plainly enough evident to make certain the synonymy of his gothica. In the local fauna, T. alturana is most similar, but differs in being much larger, stouter, and in lacking the ridges bordering the sutures. Grzybowski mentioned T. cathedralis Brongni- art60 from the Lower Miocene of Europe, as similar, but reference to Sacco's figure will show that the sculpture of all varieties of cathedralis is far coarser, and that the pos- terior ridge or lip is far more obtuse. Sacco, Piemonte, pte. 19, p. 31, pi. 3, figs. 12-24, inc., 1895. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 65 T. reversa Waring,61 from the Martinez Eocene of Cali- fornia, is apparently so close that there is possibility of identity, but the figure of reversa is too poor, and the descrip- tion too inadequate to allow a decision, and the matter must be held in abeyance pending comparison of material, with the possibility in mind that reversa may be a synonym. The only difference notable is that the shoulder appears stronger in bifastigata. Waring compares his species with T. hum- erosa Conrad,62 from the Eocene of Maryland, and if the similarity exists reversa may be quite different from bifas- tigata, for humerosa differs materially. T. concava Hutton,63 from the Miocene of New Zealand, is very close, but has a wider apical angle, and the posterior shoulder is not as prominent as in bifastigata. There is a submedian ridge on the whorls of concava which is certainly not present in bifastigata. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Toro. Turritella filicincta Gryzbowski III— Fig. 2. Turritella filicincta Gtzybowski, Neues Jahrb. f. Min. etc., B.B. 12, p. 645, pi. 20, fig. 2, 1899. "Die conischen Windungen sind dicht iiber der Naht mit scharf nach unten abgeschnittenem Kiel versehen. Die ganze Oberflache is mit tiberaus feinen Spiralleistchen gezeichnet, die dicht beieinander liegen. Es stehen deren 26 auf einen Raum von 5 mm. In dem oberen Teile der Windungen sind sie ziemlich gleich, in dem unteren dagegen liegt immer ein starkeres .Leistchen zwischen zwei schwacheren. An der Basis verlaufen 4 Spiralrippen, die auch mit den feinen Leistchen bedeckt sind." — Grzybowski, 1899. 61 Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 4th ser., vol. 7, p. 88, pi. 12, fig. 15, 1917. 62 Md. Geol. Surv., Eocene, p. 148, pi. 27, figs, i, la, 1901. 83 New Zeal. G. S., Pal. Bull. 3, p. 7, pi. 5, fig. 4, 66 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 In addition to the fine sculpture noted by Grzybowski there are four raised spiral ribs on each whorl, somewhat similar to the basal keel, but much more subdued. The anterior three of these ribs are equally spaced, but the space between the fourth and the third is smaller than the others. The alternation of strong and weak threads in the finer sculpture, noted by Grzybowski, is best seen under the micro- scope. The subsidiary sculpture covers the keel and ribs, but opens out somewhat in their surfaces. The shell tapers slowly; Grzybowski's figure suggests an apical angle larger than that common to the species. Length of fragment bearing 5^ whorls, 54.5 mm. ; diameter of body whorl, 17.5 mm. ; diameter of 6th whorl, 9.5 mm. This species differs from T. bifastigata Nelson, of the Upper Zorritos fauna, in its development of but one sutural keel or shoulder, and in its more regular sculpture. In filicincta the stronger keel is at the posterior margin of the whorl ; in bifastigata the reverse is true. T. filicincta differs from its variety varicosta in its greater regularity of sculp- ture and comparatively more prominent keel. It differs from T. alturana; of the Zorritos fauna, in the possession of a keel, and in its diversification of sculpture. T. megalobasis Dall,64 from the Orthaulax bed at Ballast Point, Florida, is similar in sculpture and general appearance, but its apical angle is far larger, and its keel is not as prominent. Lower Zorritos. Between Quebradas Heath and Charan. Turritella filicincta var. varicosta n. var. PLATE III— Fig. 3. This variety differs from T. filicincta in having a larger number of primary ribs, irregularly arranged, and in having a somewhat less prominent keel. One specimen only is in the collection, and it is somewhat worn, with the subsidiary sculpture not altogether clear; but it appears to agree with "Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 310, pi. 17, fig. n, 1892. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 67 T. nlicincta in that respect. Its general relationships are similar to those of filicincta. Upper ZorritoS'. Mouth of Quebrada de las Alturas. Group of TURRITELLA NELSON i Twelve of the species and varieties of Turrit ella in the Zorritos fauna form a natural group whose internal rela- tionships are sufficiently interesting morphologically and probably genetically to make it better worth while to con- sider them together than to leave the discussion of their differential characteristics to the isolated remarks normally accompanying each specific description. The group is desig- nated here the "group of Turrit ella nelsoni" as much because of the apparent abundance of that form in the fauna as because of its central or typical position in the group as here presented. The species and varieties which constitute the group are : Turrit ella inca Grz. inca var. trita n. var. nelsoni n. nom. " 'nelsoni var. rotundata (Grz.) nelsoni var. trullissatia n. var. infracarinata Grz. infracarinata var. zorritensis n. var. prenuncia n. sp. prenuncia var. inconspicua (Grz.) robusta Grz. robusta var. abrupta n. var. " char ana n. sp. Progressive development in the group is characterized by changes along two different lines, one from bicarinate con- vex forms (inca, trita) to rounded convex forms (rotundata, inconspicua, zorritensis) and the other from the bicarinate convex forms (inca) through monocarinate forms with the supracarinal surface flat, conical (trullissatia, infracarinata, 68 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY,, No. 3 BiCOrinol* forms with Cquol y»r««dj ot>Ov* poiTenor can no-, wlwrls appear banded INCA * * 155 £ X / Sli^Htltf bicori not* forms v»irH 2 promio«nt one* q^ $;{ ing subsidiary -threads above tfct posW.'cr tarina IKC A vor.TRlTA Forms v»'rt> on«- corino, tfcc band oDsol** in odwlt \ Whorl*; manif fin* int«r*tihal thr«od^, tht aoprocor, n« I Sorfttrr cenyvx, ni'ln an angular ctravati'tn «^ fnc f>o4t.r,0r porl •{ rf,, rvh«rl NELSON I forms fw.'th rhf cor i no ebeol«1«, ftc wharls , ihc scoljc^ur* much a* in MEL3o WEL50NI rar. KOTUNDATA Smell (•mi w'rt) *>« nrtnic Yvherl* fltt aflolt whorls round«d, PREWOKCIA «r. JKCOK5PICUA (l?ro i''n»s indicate rarielal praminrnT e*rina, rhe sculp fi'r« a « fn NC1.SOHI (4 main Mprorari nal tt>r/< ' v K I fh« oueroeorinal svri'arr ?!«'', end no indfnt. ^ 1 tion «1 *»>» po-jlt-rior part «f rfi* wh»r( k I TRULLT5SATIA 5 nirf> eon»«. t»an 5promin«o7 *i;pra*«r.'n*l H.rr«a», X . ~- - !.»•-- • • ' - - •- INFRACARINftTA Torn* »»i.rt> meneean' nnerls, ivitn rnt italffon at Styractrinal }men 1/3 der Umgangshohe einnehmen, schwach angedeutet sind, und nahe beieinander liegen. Die oberen 4-5 werden zu starkeren Spiral-rippen und es schalten sich zwischen sie noch ganz feine secundare Streifchen ein. xxx Hohe des Bruchstiickes von 4 unteren Ungangen 65 6T Md. Geol . Surv., Miocene, p. 234, pi . 56, figs. 4-9, incl., 1904. 68 Piemonte, pte. 19, p. 9, pi. i, fig. 26, 1895. 78 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 mm. Breite an der Munching 27 mm., oben 15 mm." — Grzybowski, 1899. The variety rotundata differs from the true nelsoni only in having the whorls evenly rounded, with the carina absent or very faintly noticeable. The sculpture is exactly similar to that of nelsoni. The point of greatest whorl-diameter is at the position of the carina, but the surface is evenly rounded. Dimensions similar to those of nelsoni. This variety is closely similar to T. terebralis var. turri- tissima Sacco,*9 from the Aquitanian and higher horizons (chiefly Helvetien) of Italy and central Europe, but the whorls are more convex and the sculpture apparently finer and more diverse than in turritissima. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Toro. Turrit ella nelsoni var. trullissatia n. var. PLATE III— Fig. 8. Shell large, heavy. Whorls angular, roughly sculptured with strong, cordate threads. Surface of whorls monangular in profile, a prominent carina at about the anterior fourth and the surfaces before and behind the carina plane in profile. Sculpture of spiral threads clearly differentiate into four orders of strength ; of these the first is represented by one, the carinal thread, which is very strong and cordate; behind the carina are four threads of the second order, which are also strong; between the second and third of these is a thread of the third order which occurs constantly in all speci- mens seen, invariably located nearer to the third secondary thread behind the carina : other tertiary threads occur be- tween the first and the second and between the fourth and the suture, but they are not constant and are always slightly weaker than the first mentioned. Before the carina is one secondary thread half-way between it and the suture, with a tertiary thread on each side of it, and a basal secondary Idem., fig. 27. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 79 thread at the suture. These pre-carinal threads are weaker in some specimens. Threads of the fourth order are very fine and closely spaced, occurring over the entire length of the whorl. The main thread is covered with these quaternary threads. Lines of growth are prominent, particularly on the later whorls; they incline to the right (shell held upright) at an angle of about 45° from the suture halfway to the carina ; thence they curve broadly downward, crossing the carina at right angles and continuing, with a slight turn to the left, into the suture. They are slightly sinuate in the spaces between the secondary and primary threads. Apical angle moderate. Whorls estimated 17 or more in number for complete specimen. Base of body whorl, set off from the lateral surface by the post-sutural secondary thread, sculp- tured by numerous threads of about the third order of strength : of these, two equally spaced, are sometimes more prominent. Length, 130 mm. ; maximum diameter, 24 mm. The characters which separate the variety trullissatia from nelsoni are brought out in the discussion of the general group. It is easily recognizable through its generally rugged, angular appearance, and although its relationship to nelsoni is easy to see there is no difficulty in separating the two. It is somewhat similar to T. mimetes Brown and Pilsbry,70 from Gatun, with the difference that the precarinal surface of trullissatia is much larger, and the carina hence much more protuberant than that of mimetes. The two are not really very close. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada de las Alturas. Turrit ella infracarinata Grzybowski PLATE III — Figs. 9, 10. Turritclla infracarinata Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 643, pi. 20, fig. 5, 1899. "Umgange dachformig abfallend, in }/4 der Hohe gekielt, Froc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 357, pi- 27, fig. i, 1911. 8o STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 von da gegen die Naht verschmalert. Sie tragen 8 Spiral- rippen, von denen die dritte von unten, die auctf den Kiel bildet, am starksten ist. Die anderen verlaufen gleichmassig in gleichen Zwischenraumen. Zwischen den 3 unteren sind noch feine lineare Spirastreifchen wahrnehmbar. Lange 95 mm., Breite bei der Miindung 23 mm." — Grzybowski, 1899. In some specimens there is a fine subsidiary thread in the first three interspaces above the carina. Ordinarily, how- ever, these spaces are free of secondary sculpture. Those forms which show the interstitial threads have but four heavy threads above the carina instead of the normal five. Apical angle moderate. Growth-lines similar to those of T. nelsoni var. trullissatia are visible but not prominent. Length (fragment of 6y2 whorls) 82 mm.; maximum diameter, 26.5 mm. ; estimated length of complete speci- men, 105 mm. This species is somewhat similar to T*. mimetes Brown and Pilsbry,71 from Gatun, though not close; it differs in form much as it does from T. nelsoni var. trullissatia (q.v.), with additional variance in sculpture. T. subgrundifera Dall,72 from the Chipola beds of Florida, is closer than any other American form. It differs in being more delicate, with the keel finer and more attenuate, and in having more definite subsidiary threads. T. subangulqta var. spirata Brocchi (2), from the Helvetien and later of Europe, is more closely related than either of the other two forms mentioned. It differs chiefly in its more refined, more delicately chiselled appearance. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada de las Alturas. Turritella infracarinata var. zomtensis n. var. PLATE III— Fig. n. Shell large, solid ; whorls convex, rounded, about twelve to "Idem. "Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt.. 2, p. 313, pi. 22, fig 23, 1892. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 81 fifteen in number. Sculpture of seven subequal spiral threads, with no distinct subsidiaries. Occasionally an eighth thread is visible at the extreme base of the whorl, margin- ating the suture. The anterior three of the seven threads normally visible are equally spaced ; between the third and fourth the space is smaller, and the fifth and sixth are very close together, with the seventh about as far from the sixth as the fourth is from the fifth. This spacing is common, but rare forms have the threads more nearly equally spaced, excepting the fifth and sixth, which are constantly proxi- mate. Subsidiary threads occur but rarely, and then indis- tinctly. A hint of an additional posterior thread, very fine, is present on one specimen. The subcarinal subsidiaries normally present in infracarinata s.s. are only suggested in this variety. The form of the whorls is convex, rounded, with no distinct carina. The point of greatest whorl-diam- eter is at the position of the carina in the angular infracarin- ata, but a sharp carina is never present, and the supracarinal surface is always covex, if only slightly so in some speci- mens. Length of fragment showing the body whorl and 2]/2 on the spire, 59 mm. ; maximum diameter, 24 mm. Di- mensions of complete shell probably similar to those of infracarinata. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Toro. Turrit clla prenuncia n. sp. PLATE IV — Figs. 1-3. Shell small, delicate, the apical angle moderate, whorls fairly tight-coiled, sutures distinct. There appear to be two types of early development, each of which attains the same end result in the fully mature whorls, but which are sufficiently different in the neanic whorls to deserve notice. The two types are here described separately, being noted, for convenience in reference, as (a) and (b). (a). Protoconch bulbous, consisting of one and a half turns. Neanic whorls carinate, strongly sculptured by cor- 82 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 date threads, of which there are three on the first whorl, the anteriormost the strongest, forming the carina. On the second whorl a fourth faint thread appears above the pos- teriormost of the three mentioned, and on the third whorl an intermediate thread appears behind the carinal thread, as well as a subsidiary thread before the carina. On the fourth whorl the subsidiary threads have grown equal in strength to the others. This sculpture of six equal threads continues over the rest of the shell, with the introduction of faintly visible intermediate threads between the first and second, third and fourth, and fourth and fifth strong threads, and the addition of a faint posterior thread near the suture. The fifth whorl is rounded in outline, the carina having lost prom- inence, and succeeding whorls are more rounded, with the point of maximum diameter at the location of the obsolete carina. (b). Neanic whorls strongly carinate, the carina at the anterior third, accentuated by a coarse thread. The first three whorls below the protoconch bear two prominent cordate threads, of which the anterior one, on the carina, is stronger ; on the fourth whorl a faint thread appears on the basal surface before the carina ; this is strengthened on the fifth whorl, where another light thread appears above the posterior of the two original ones. On the sixth whorl there occurs in addition a faint intermediary thread between the original two, which have lost strength, comparatively; on the seventh whorl the threads mentioned approach equality in strength, and a faint posterior thread appears. The characteristic adult sculpture of the species is attained in the eighth whorl through the interposition of a sub- sidiary thread between the fourth and fifth of those named for the preceding whorl. The seventh and eighth whorls are more evenly sculptured and contoured, the carina being obsolescent, and all the threads save the 5th and 7th attaining equality in strength. Length of eight whorls of form (a), 20 mm.; of form (b), n mm. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 83 Aside from the difference in development of the sculp- ture, there is the difference in size noted, with slight differ- ence in proportion. The adult whorls are very constantly similar in sculpture, bearing five primary threads with two secondaries, one on each side of the posterior primary. The species is apparently normally found small in the Lower Zorritos formation, but somewhat larger forms, stratigraph- ically not allocated, occur in Nelson's collection. Length of large fragment bearing 5 whorls, 34 mm. ; maximum diam- eter, 12 mm.; minimum diameter, 5 mm. The detailed discrimination between the neanically differ- ent forms of -this species is offered in consideration of the normal biologic importance of ontogenetic development as a key to identity. Were anything to be gained by it, the two might be considered as separate, but the identity of the adult whorls detracts from the value of a differentiation, if only because by far the most collected material shows only the later whorls of the spire, the more fragile neanic whorls having usually been broken off. These specimens which have more of the spire preserved show that there is appar- ently a predominance of the neanic type (a). The sculpture of the adult whorls is the same in ground plan as that of the other members of the nelsoni group, and in number of ribs: it is entirely similar to that of the much larger T. infrauir- inata. T. prennncia is undoubtedly the diminutive fore- runner of infracarinata. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Turritella prenuncia var. inconspicua (Grzybowski) PLATE IV— Fig. 4. Turritella inconspicua Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., Beil . Bd. 12, p. 644, pi. 20, fig. 4, 1899. "Umgange gewolbt, mit 7 gleichen Spiralleisten, von denen die sechste von unten die schwachste ist und wie ein- geschaltet zwischen die Nachbarleisten erscheint. Hohe 84 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 eines aus 6 Windangen bestehenden Bruchstiickes 37 mm., Breite, unten 12 mm., oben, 4 mm." — Grzybowski, 1899. In addition to the seven subequal threads noted by Grzy- bowski there is an occasional microscopically visible inter- stitial thread on some specimens, particularly between the third and fourth primary threads. Grzybowski emphasized the weakened sixth rib in his description, but his figure does not correspond in that it shows that rib to be equally as prominent as all save the fifth and seventh, and there is thus question as to the validity of his statement. The speci- mens here studied agree with his figure, and it is undoubtedly true that his mention of a weakened sixth rib is an error. This form is here treated as a variety of prenuncia in order to preserve the rationality of relationships within the group of Turritella nelsoni. To make prenuncia the variety of inconspicua would reverse the order of varietal relationships in the group, and a desire to avoid inconsistency as well as to preserve the meaning of names has led to the present proposition. Thus placed, T. prenuncia and its variety inconspicua parallel the other two pairs (nefconi-var. rotun- data : infracarinata-var. zorritensis) which comprise carinate and rounded forms with similar sculpture. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. Turritella robust® Grzybowski PLATE IV— Fig. 5. Turritella sp. ind. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 190, 1870. TurriteVa (Haustatnr) robusta Grzybowski^ Neues Jahrb. f. Min. Beil. Bd. 12, p. 646, pi. 20, fig. 3, 1899. " — Whorls broad and very concave; sutures indistinct. Surface just above each suture marked by a very strong ridge. Intermediate surface marked by a few distinct con- centric lines, five to seven on each whorl." — Nelson, 1870. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 85 Die Umgange sind stark conisch, unten stark gekielt, zwischen dem Kiel und der flachen Naht concav eingesch- niirt. Die Oberflache tragt iiber dem Kiel 5, unter demselben i flache Leiste. Die Hohe der 2 unteren Umgange 45 mm., Breite unten 35 mm., oben, 23 mm. ; die totale Lange mag 140 mm. betragen." — Grzybowski, 1899. The keel is very sharp and attenuate, forming a knife- like edge, and giving the shell something of the appearance of an Archimedes spiral. Four of the threads above the keel are always strong, and the one nearest the keel is some- times distinctly weaker. In some specimens this thread Is obsolete, and there is an additional thread above. In the earlier whorls the suture is always indistinct, and in some specimens it is not marked on all oi the whorls, but others show a plane-bottomed projection of the base of the lower whorls which indicates clearly the position of the suture. This overhanging base is developed to varying degrees of strength. Lines of growth are clearly visible. Length about loo mm. or more; diameter at base, 31 mm. This species is a striking form of a type which is appar- ently not known on the Atlantic Coast outside of the Eocene, but which appears in the Miocene of California. It is very close to T. ocoyana Conrad,73 from the Lower Miocene of California, from which it differs chiefly in having a sharper keel. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Toro. Turritella robusta var. abrupta n. var. PLATE IV— Fig. 6. Shell essentially similar to T. robusta in all characters save the sculpture, which consists of closely set cordate ribs instead of separated threads. There are about eight of these cords above the keel and three below. The anteriormost precarinal cord borders the suture, which is everywhere in- 73Pao. R.R. Rept, vol. 5, p. 329, pi. 8, figs. 73, 73a, b, 1856. 86 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 distinct, and in the upper whorls scarcely discernible. The remaining two precarinal cords are close together. Those behind the carina are equally spaced, the interspaces being mere convex-sided v-shaped depressions. Lines of growth are not evident. The line of smallest whorl-diameter is near the suture in the earlier whorls, but in later whorls it is nearer the keel, the surface curving outward to the suture. Height of fragment bearing eight whorls, 75 mm. ; diam- eter below, 25 mm. ; above, 6 mm. This variety differs from robusta in its more closely-set sculpture. In this respect it is closer to T. ocoyana Conrad (loc. cit.) from the Lower Miocene of California, than is robiista; however, it differs from ocoyana in having a sharper keel. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. Turritella charana n. sp. IV — Fig. 7. Shell of moderate size, the apical angle larger than that of local related species. Whorls concave, with a pronounced sharp keel at the anterior fourth. Before the keel the sur- face descends, at an angle of about 45° "to the long axis of the spire, to the suture, which marks the line of least whorl- diameter. Behind the keel the surface is gently concave, its angle with the long axis decreasing until at the suture it is almost parallel to it. Sculpture of irregularly spaced spiral cords or ribs, of which there are three before the keel and seven behind it. The anteriormost cord borders the suture. The second cord behind the keel is the strongest, and the others are subequal in strength, the third above the keel being possibly the least developed. Height of fragment bearing 3^ whorls, 29 mm.; diameter below, 17.5 mm.; above, 7.75 mm. This species is perhaps closer to T. ocoyana Conrad 74 "Idem., pi. 7, figs. 73, 733, b. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 87 than is abrupta. It is different, however, in that its sculp- tural threads are more nearly equal in strength, and that its keel overhangs the suture more sharply than in ocoyana, Lower Zorritos. Ridge between Quebradas Heath and Charan. Family NATICIDAE Genus POLYNICES Montfort Polynices snbangiilata Nelson PLATE IV— Fig. 8. Polynices subangulata Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sc., vol. 2, p. 195, pi. 6, figs. 4, 12, 13, 1870. "Shell varies from obliquely oval to sub-globular, moder- ately heavy and ventricose ; spire short and pointed ; body whorl large, nearly seven-eighths of the length of the shell, convex, slightly produced anteriorly, broadest about one- fourth from top. From this point the whorl slopes, becom- ing very much flattened and presenting a marked angular appearance. Surface marked by distinct but irregular lines of growth. Sutures quite indistinct, except when the epi- dermis is slightly worn off. Aperture semi-lunular, half as wide as long, broadest a little below the middle. Outer lip sharp and thin. Columellar lip covered by a very thick callus, which rises into a more or less prominent ridge at the broadest part of the shell. Umbilicus small ; in most speci- mens reduced to a mere chink by the callus, which is pro- longed below." — Nelson, 1870. The male shells and the young are more evenly rounded than the mature females, which have the shoulder more prominent, and in which the body whorl has a subcylindrical shape. The callus widens above, merging with the inner wall of the body whorl a short distance behind the peristome at its inner margin, and meeting the peristome exactly at its 88 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 outer margin. There is a wedge-shaped portion of the upper lip projecting over the callus. The callus is sharply emarginated below, at about the anterior third, the outer margin making a right-angled indentation, and the callus continuing at about half its upper width ; it extends below into a folding-over of the lower inner peristome. The um- bilicus is situated at the right-angled emargination of the callus. The nuclear whorls are smooth; the later whorls sculptured by lines of growth. Dimensions : Large mature shell, Height, 55 ; Diameter, 43.5 mm. Medium-sized shell, Height, 31.5; Diameter, 28.5 mm. Young shell, Height, 18; Diameter, 14 mm. Very young shell, Height, 7.5 ; Diameter, 6.5 mm. This species is very abundant. It is characterized by the sub-plane sides of the whorls, and the peculiar, wedge-shaped callus. It differs very slightly from Polinices stanislas- meunieri Maury,75 from the Middle Miocene of Santo Do- mingo; the spire of subangulata is lower, and the apical angle hence wider; the whorls are flattened on the sides, and not smoothly rounded; and the callus is wedge-shaped, the margins converging anteriorly, whereas that of stanislas- meunieri has parallel margins. The chief difference lies in the different apical angle. Lower Zorritos; Variegated. Ridge between Quebradas Heath and Charan, Quebrada Tusillal, south of Ouebrada Pantheon. Polynices porcana n. sp. PLATE IV— Fig. 9. Shell fairly large, heavy, the spire low and the apical angle somewhat broad. Whorls about five, well rounded and smooth excepting perceptible growth- wrinkles ; sutures fairly distinct, not channelled. The last whorl of the spire is lower "Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 136, pi. 23, figs. 15, 16, 1917- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 89 than in P. subangulata, and there is no shoulder. A heavy, bulbous callus surrounds the lower columella, merging into the peristome at its upper extremity, and terminating below in a rounded, bulb-like mass. There is no umbilical chink. Peristome, inner aperture, and base of columella broken away in all specimens available, but the aperture is undoubtedly somewhat narrow and oblique. Base rounded. Height, 34 ; maximum diameter (estimated) 35-37 mm. This species differs from P. subangulata Nelson in being lower and in the callus, which is more bulbous, completely covering the umbilical region. The general conformation of the upper whorls is practically the same for the two species. In general shape, and in type of callus, P. porcana is similar to Natica josephinia Risso, from the Miocene and later of Europe.76 In shape it is much like N. josephinia s.s., and the callus is similar to that of the variety antiqua Sacco.77 Lower Zorritos. Between Quebradas Heath and Charafi. Genus SINUM Bolten Sinum carolanum n. sp. PLATE IV— Fig. 10. Shell depressed, with a smooth nucleus of 3^ whorls, in all with five or six whorls. The smooth nucleus slopes abruptly, being separated by something of a depression from the later rapidly widening whorls, which bear the character- istic sculpture of spiral threads of three orders of strength, with finely graven interspaces. Seen under the microscope the primary threads appear very broad in contrast to the secondaries, and the tertiaries are just visible in the inter- spaces as fine ridges. There seems to1 be no definite order of arrangement of the three types of threads. At some points they branch and anastomose much as do the corrugations in 76 Sacco, Piemonte, pte. 8, p. 83, pi. 2, figs. 54-60, incl., 1891 . ' "Idem., p. 85, pi. 2, fig. 55. 9o STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 a human finger-print. The flat tops of the threads are crossed at right angles by very fine growth-lines, and in places growth-wrinkles give them a wavy outline ; under the microscope some of the wrinkles appear as deep sinuses. The suture is distinct, the periphery rounded. The aperture is very broad, and the peristome inclines backward. The central base, hidden by irremovable matrix, is not known. Height, 14; maximum diameter, 23.5 mm. This beautifully sculptured shell is somewhat similar to S. obliqua Gabb,78 from the Tejon Eocene of California According to Gabb's figure obliqua has a much higher spire, but a figure published by Dickerson,79 which does not agree with Gabb's, is closer to carolanum, although not identical. Gabb's figure is very likely the faulty one. The sculpture of obliqua is proportionally coarser than that of carolanum, and obliqua is much smaller. In general appearance S. carol- anum is something like S. nolani Maury,80 from the Middle Miocene of Santo Domingo, but the sculpture is more pro- nounced in carolanum,, and it is much lower. S. multilineatus Gabb,81 from Sapote, Costa Rica, is also somewhat similar, but differs in having a less oblique aperture and in being higher. S. excentricus Guppy 82 is perhaps closer than any other. It differs in having the aperture at a lower angle than in carolanum, and in the ribs, which are rounded in excentricus, flat-topped in carolanum. Guppy's figure and description give little hint of the finer characters of the sculpture. , Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. 78Geol. Surv. Cal., Pal., vol. i, p. 109, pi. 21, fig. 112, 1864; (as Naticina obliqua). T'Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci., ser. 4, vol. 5, pi. 5, figs. 5a, sb, 1915. 80 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 139, pi. 24, fig. i, 1917. 81 Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 8, p. 339, pi. 44, fig. 6, 1881. "Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 32, p. 519, pi. 29, fig. n, 1876. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 91 Superfamily RHIPIDOGLOSSA Family TURBINIDAE Genus TURBO Linnaeus Turbo belli n. nom. PLATE IV — Fig. n. Callopoma lineatum Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 186, pi. 6, fig. 2, 1870; not Turbo lineatus of Da Costa, 1778; nor of Lea, 1845. ''Shell turreted; spire elevated; whorls six, convex. Up- per whorls slightly depressed in front, marked by a few strong, subnodulous ridges, alternating with finer revolving lines. Body whorl very convex, marked above by two strong tuberculose ridges, and laterally and below by a few revolving lines, varying in size, as on the upper whorls. Whole surface marked by very fine and numerous longi- tudinal lines, rather broader than the spaces between them." —Nelson, 1870. The aperture is round. On the earlier whorls one strong thread forms a marked keel; on the body whorl the keel is broadly nodulous, as is the thread beneath it. The growth- lines noted by Nelson are very regular and distinct. Alti- tude, 15.5; diameter, 15 mm. This species is somewhat similar to T. domincensis var. Ictloi Maury,83 from the Lower Miocene of Santo Domingo, but the whorls of the spire are more angulated, and stand out more prominently than in that species, and the sculp- ture of laloi is broader, the ribs being all fuller. The nodula- tion of the ribs on the shoulder of laloi is more profuse than in lineatum. This species is named in honor of Dr. Fred- erick Keller Bell, of Baltimore, Md. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. 83 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 154, pi. 24, fig. 15, 1917. 92 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Turbo belli var. aequifilicatum n. var. PLATE; IV — Fig. 12. Shell turreted, the whorls distinct, angulated. Differs from belli chiefly in sculpture, which consists of evenly spaced major cords without the regular subsidiary threads. On the last whorl of the spire one of the cords forms a keel, behind which the surface is horizontal, bearing one less prominent cord, and before which the surface is almost vertical, bearing two prominent cords between the keel and the suture. The body whorl bears many more ribs — about ten from the keel to the base of the columella. Just below the keel on the body whorl is one subsidiary thread, and the two on either side of the lowest prominent rib are less prom- inent than the rest. In shape and other characteristics this variety is similar to the restricted species. The dimensions are therefore similar. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Genus CALLIOSTOMA Swainson Calliostoma (Eutrochus) noduliferum Nelson PLATE I— Figs. 7, 8. Calliostoma noduliferum Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 187, pi. 16, fig. i, 1870. Shell of medium size, spire moderately elevated, sutures distinct. Whorls six in number, convex, evenly rounded above. Sculpture of finely beaded spiral threads, six to the whorl, the interspaces about twice as wide ; at the beginning of the latter half of the body whorl interstitial threads develop, beginning as very fine simple threads and gradually becoming beaded, but remaining subsidiary in size. The base of the body whorl is set off by a fairly sharp peripheral keel, and is flattened to convex, with about twelve spiral cords between the keel and the columella. Aperture sub- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 93 quadrate, the outer lip sharp, the columella covered with callus. Height, 8; diameter, 10.75 mm- This species is somewhat similar to two Floridian shells, C. linulum Dall,84 from the Calloosahatchie Pliocene and C. palmeri Maury,85 from the Chipola marl. The differences between these two species are small, hardly of specific value. C. noduliferum is clearly of the same strain, having the same typical sculpture of alternating beaded lines, and the general appearance characteristic of the Floridian species, but it is much larger, has convex, not flat whorls, and has two more beaded spirals to the whorl. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. Class PELECYPODA Order PRIONODESMACEA Superfamily NUCULACEA Family NUCULJDAE Genus LKDA Schumacher Leda peruviana Dall PLATE V— Fig. i. Leda acuminata Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 205, pi. 7, fig. 8, 1870 (not von Buch, 1845). Leda peruviana Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 579, 1898. Leda balboae Brown and Pilsbry, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 63, p. 362, pi. 27, fig. 8, 1911. Shell of medium size, delicate, elongate, inflated. Anterior margin produced, rounded, the dorsal part straight and the ventral part rounded; ventral margin arcuate, the lowest point well before the median line of the beaks. Posterior margin produced, the marginal angle acute and the posterior 84 Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 404, pi. 8, fig. 7a, 1895. 85 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 4, No. 10, p. 32, fig. 4 of pi. 8, 1910. 94 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 dorsal margin about straight. Umbones pointed, fairly prominent, opisthogyrate, central in position. Surface gen- erally convex except behind the posterior keel, where a well- defined area is concave on either side of the juncture of the valves. The keel is sharp, and broadly curved, the concave side upward. Sculpture of concentric, sharp and clearly graven ribs, asymmetric in cross-section, the dorsal side steeper, about 14 in the space of 5 mm. on the median surface of a specimen 19.5 mm. long. On the posterior area the ribs are radial, running nearly parallel to the juncture of the valves. Teeth normal, fairly strong in the center of each series, and becoming smaller distally and toward the beaks, A-shaped, the apices turned toward the beaks. Inner shell smooth. There is no well-defined lunule. Dimensions of two specimens: Length, 19.5; alt., n; diam., 8.5 mm. Length, 25; alt., 15; diam., 14 mm. This form was named Leda acuminata by Nelson (loc. cit.), but, that name being preoccupied, Dall proposed Leda peruviana in 1898. It is identical with the subsequently named Leda balboae Brown and Pilsbry (loc. cit.) from Gatun. Specimens in Nelson's collection agree perfectly with the figure of balboae published by Brown and Pilsbry, and the points noted in their description tally perfectly, excep- ting the number of teeth, which is given as 18 behind the beak and 28 before for the Gatun specimens. The Zorritos forms have constantly 14 teeth behind the beak, and 22 before. Other points, however, agree to> such fineness of detail that the two can hardly be held to be of different species. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 95 Superfamily ARCACEA Family ARCIDAE Subfamily ARCINAK Genus ARCA (Linnaeus) Lamarck Subgenus NOETIA Gray Area (Noetia) cholana n. sp. PLATE V— Figs. 2, 3. Shell triangular in general outline, moderately inflated. Anterior margin rounded, merging into the upper margin of the ligament area ; ventral margin slightly rounded, posterior margin unknown. Umbones opisthogyrate, situated just for- ward of the middle, flattened above, the upper surface sloping forward. Umbonal slope gently rounded anteriorly, the gen- eral anterior surface being only slightly convex, and the central surface similar ; posterior keel very sharp and distinct from the top of the beak to the ventral margin, curving out- ward ; posterior slope slightly excavated. Ribs, 35 in num- ber, flat and low, with many fine, wavy, delicate, imbricated growth-lines which cross both ribs and interspaces. Ribs about equal in width to interspaces. A fine subsidiary rib is present in the posterior interspaces, its strength increasing posteriorly. Area in two parts; the ligamental part, before the beaks, bearing pronounced transverse striations and being hollowed out to form part of a cylinder. Just beneath the beak the transverse striations change suddenly, becoming very fine and numerous for a distance of about 2.5 mm. The ligament area terminates directly below the point of the beak, behind which is a lunule of roughly triangular shape, the longer upper limb of the triangle being the last posterior rib; it is crossed transversely by a distinct V- shaped sulcus, and longitudinally by very fine parallel stria- tions. The hinge-plate is moderately wide posteriorly, bear- ing medium-coarse teeth, which merge into the transverse 96 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 striations of the ligament area before the beaks. Length (left valve) 32; height, 24.5; (semi) diam., 12 mm. Length (right valve) 35 ; height, 28; (semi) diam., 12.5 mm. Length ligament area, left valve, n ; right valve, 12 mm. This species is similar to A. modesta Grzybowski,86 from Zorritos, but differs in shape, being decidedly lower and more squat in appearance. Other points of similarity or difference may exist, but are not notable here on account of the meagerness of Grzybowski's description and the lack of detail in his figures. Comparison with his figure reveals a broad difference in shape. A. cholana is lower and broader than A. trinitaria Guppy,87 and the posterior keel is not pro- duced downward as in trinitaria. The beaks of trinitaria are fuller, higher, rounder viewed posteriorly, and more acute viewed laterally. The anterior margin of trinitaria is less produced, and the posterior surface less excavated and less alate. A. sheldoniana Maury,88 from the upper Oligocene (Aquitanien) of Trinidad, is similar in shape and ribbing, but is much smaller. The area seems to be different, but Maury's description is inadequate, and the plates do not show sufficient detail for fruitful comparison. Variegated (near base). Quebrada Tusillal. Subgenus SCAPHARCA (Gray) Ball Section CUNEARCA Ball Area (Cunearca) zorritensis n. sp. PLATE V— Figs. 4, 5. Scapharca sp. ind. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 205, 1870. s'Neues Jahrb, Beil. Bd. 12, p. 635, pi. 28, figs. 4, 4a, 1899. "Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 583, pi. 26, figs 3a, 3b, 1866. 88 Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2nd ser. vol. 15, p. 43, pi. 8, figs. 10, u, 1912. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 97 Shell of moderate size, high, trigonal, marginally cuneate in cross-section. Anterior margin rounded, descending abruptly into the ventral margin, which continues to descend almost to the posterior extremity of the shell, whence the posterior margin rises abruptly in an elliptical curve. Um- bones erect, submedian in position, slightly prosogyrate, inflated. Anterior surface smoothly convex, the valves meeting at an acute angle ; median surface convex ; poster- ior surface somewhat excavated behind the beaks, with a very gentle carina descending from the beaks and flattening towards the posterior marginal angle. At the marginal juncture of the valves the surfaces are somewhat attenuated, the form being wedge-like. Sculpture of 25 low, squarish ribs, marginally nodulose over the entire length of the left valve, on the right valve slightly nodulose anteriorly, smooth posteriorly ; upper sculpture of both valves unknown. Inter- spaces slightly wider than ribs anteriorly, equal mesially and posteriorly, crossed by fine concentric lines. Area lanceolate, smooth, bounded by a distinct, fine marginal furrow. Teeth, visible in cross-section as joined valves are viewed from above, fine mesially, coarser distally. Inner shell unknown. Length, 16.25 ; height, 15.5 ; diam., 12.5 mm. A single complete specimen of A. zorritensis, in Nelson's collection, was marked by him "species indeterminate," but inasmuch as all of the characters of the outer shell are visible save the upper sculpture of the ribs it is deemed advisable to describe the form. Unfortunately, the exact geologic hori- zon of Nelson's fossils is not known, and description of them thus normally carries but little significance ; but in the case of a clearly defined form such as this it is well to name the species, trusting to future collecting in the region for its geologic allocation. It is fairly safe to say that it was taken from the Zorritos formation, but inasmuch as Nelson's forms appear to have come indiscriminately from all three units of that group a more definite assumption is not warranted. It 98 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 is very close in shape to A. alcima Ball 89 from the Caloosa- hatchie Pliocene, but its area is not wide, as is that of alcima, the number of ribs is 25 instead of 30, and there is no marked discrepancy in the two valves either in this respect or in the matter of size; the anterior-ventral margin descends at a higher angle in zorritensis, and the nodulation of the ribs is not as sharp. The beaks of alcima are a bit higher. A. zorritensis has most of the characteristics of a Cunearca, but is very near the border line between that section and Scapharca s.s., if, indeed, such a line may be said to exist. It has the area, discrepant sculpture, and general shape of a Citnearca, and although the discrepancy on the valves is no greater than that of the average Scapharca s.s., it seems advisable to place it in the section C linear c a. Area filicata Guppy,90 from the lower Oligocene of Trinidad, is the most closely related form. It differs in having 30 ribs instead of 23, the ribs being broader than the interspaces, instead of narrower as in sorritensis, and in being less produced ante- riorly. The sculpture of the ribs is the same, and the general shape and size is very little different. In the local fauna A. pantheonensis, from the Variegated Beds, is very similar, but differs in being larger, having a wider area, and in its more pronounced and opposite discrepancy of the valves. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. Area (Cunearca) sp. indet. PLATE V— Figs. 6, 7. Shell high, inflated. Outline unknown. Umbones high, erect, not compressed. Umbonal slope rounded in contour anteriorly and mesially ; a distinct posterior keel curves out- ward toward the margin, and the surface behind it is excavated. Ribs, 29 in number, decorated with many non- 89 Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 635, pi. 31, figs. 5, 7, 1898. 90 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 583 pi 26 fig 5 -866. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 99 concentrically arranged, cog-shaped nodes. On the ventral parts of the extreme posterior ribs the nodes flatten to insig- nificance. Area broad, short, transversely striate, bounded by a distinct furrow. Teeth (few visible) fine, of medium length. This form is very close to A. aicima Dall, and the group of related forms. It is very similar to A. chemnitzioides Maury,91 from the Oligocene (or later) of Trinidad, but it has not the concentrically arranged nodulation of that form, and has a much more pronounced posterior keel. The area is not as high as that figured by Maury, and is delimited by a marginal furrow not evident in the figure of chemnitis- ioidcs; the point of the beak is fuller and more incurved, and the teeth are apparently not as long. It differs from A. aicima Dall 92 in having finer, rounder, and less regular nodulation of the ribs. The posterior keel is curved out- ward ; that of aicima is nearly straight. Otherwise the char- acters of the upper part of the left valve agree with those of aicima. Although the visible characters of this fragment show that it is probably a new species, naming of it is deferred until a full description can be made. Variegated. Quebrada Tusillal. Section SCAPHARCA s.s. Area (Scapharca) pantheonemis n. sp. PLATE V— Figs. 8, 9. Shell of medium size, inequivalve, the right valve higher, moderately inflated. Anterior margin slightly rounded, for the most part at right angles to the hinge, but curving in slightly to meet the hinge-line. Ventral margin rounded, its main line parallel to the hinge; posterior margin straight centrally, curving sharply into the ventral margin and curv- 91 Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 15, p. 44, pi. 7, figs. 13, 14, 15, pi. 8, fig. i, 1912. 92 Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 635,' pi. 31, figs. 5, 7, 1898- ioo STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 ing to meet the hinge at an angle of 135.° Umbones narrow, erect, very slightly prosogyrate, inflated, 6 mm. distant. Umbonal slope broadly rounded anteriorly, more acutely rounded mesially, a gentle keel being followed by a slightly excavated posterior surface on the left valve ; the right valve is not excavated posteriorly. Valves meet marginally in an acute angle ventrally and posteriorly. Ribs, 24 in number on each valve, square, concentrically noded on left valve with cog-like corrugations, the posterior ribs being nearly smooth; on the right valve the ribs are not noded except anteriorly, but are crossed by numerous fine lines of growth. The ribs are separated by interspaces about equal in width mesially and posteriorly, but much wider than the ribs anteriorly. Area lozenge-shaped, a little longer behind the beaks than before, plain except for one lozenge-shaped fur- row two-thirds of the distance from the beak to the hinge, crossed by numerous very fine longitudinal lines and bounded by a marginal furrow whose outer wall is slightly elevated. Length, 30.5; height, (left valve) 28.5, (right valve) 30; diameter 27; length of hinge, 17.5 mm. This species is clearly transitional between the true Scap- harcas and the Cunearcas. It has the shape and discrepant valves of Cunearca (although the right valve is the larger instead of the left), and the area is entirely smooth save for one furrow. It probably represents a stage in the development of the divergent stock at which the chief characteristics of the Cunearcas have assumed definite shape, with the trace of areal furrowing as a disappearing vestig- ial inheritance of Scapharcan characteristics. It is most closely allied to A. (Scapharca) cor-cupidonis Maury,93 from the Miocene (?) of Santo Domingo, agreeing with it entirely in all characters save the following: the area is equally wide before and behind the beaks, not discrepant, has but one 93 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 175, pi. 30, figs. 5, 6, 7, 1917- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 101 groove and a marginal furrow with universally elevated ridge instead of several furrows and an elevation behind the beak only; the meeting of the valves, which is perfect and not discrepant as in cor-cupidonis; pantheonensis is not as highly inflated, and is somewhat more produced posteriorly. Area niicata Guppy,94 from the Manzanilla beds of Trin- idad, is a much smaller form, but is evidently related. It has, among other features of difference, a larger number of ribs. Area alcinia Dall/5 from the Caloosahatchie Pliocene of Florida, represents the next step in the evolution of this type, with the assumption of the characters of the true C linear ca. It is true that alcima itself is on the border-line of the group, but, as Ball (loc. cit.) has pointed out, it has sufficiently well developed the Cunearca hinge, area, and discrepant sculpture to place it in that group. A. larkinii Nelson is similar as pointed out in the description of that species. Variegated. Small quebrada south of Quebrada Pantheon. Area (Scapharca) zapotalensis n. sp. PLATE V — Fig. 10. Shell of medium size, moderately inflated, produced pos- teriorly. Anterior margin rounded. Ventral margin broadly curved, descending at a low angle ; posterior margin recurves in a sharp angle, being nearly straight, and forming an angle of about 130° with the hinge. Umbones erect, inflated, somewhat broad. General surface convex except posteriorly, where it is slightly excayated behind the beaks. Valves join posteriorly to form a wedge-like shape. Sculpture of about 29 ribs, apparently squarely nodular on the left valve and smoother on the right. Area narrow ; exact characters not visible. Teeth and inner shell not known. Length, 24.5 ; height, 21.5; diam., 18; length of hinge, 15 mm. 94 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 583, pi. 26, fig. 5, 1866. 93 Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 635, pi. 31, figs. 5, 7, 1895 io2 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 The Hopkins collection contains one complete specimen of this form, and although it is coated with calcium carbon- ate, with the definition of some of its characters thus some- what lost, its difference from other similar forms makes clear its identity as a distinct species, and warrants descrip- tion. It is very close to A. zorritensis, but differs in the number of ribs and in being much less oblique, the ventral margin being much more nearly parallel with the hinge. It is also somewhat similar to A. pantheonensis, of the Varie- gated fauna, but is less inflated, smaller, and has not so wide an area. The group of A. singewaldi, of the Zorritos fauna, A. proletariaf Br. & Pils. and A. intunmlata Br. & Pils.96 of the Santo Domingan Oligocene, and A. improcera Conrad,97 of the Miocene of North Carolina, is similar, differing as a whole mainly in the greater number of ribs and the narrower interspaces. Anadara darwini (Mayer), described by Sacco98 from the Tortonian to the Astian of the Italian Piedmont, is similar in shape, but is more inflated, and has broader ribs. A. donacia Dall," from the lower Miocene of Jamaica, is somewhat similar, but is much smaller, has comparatively lower beaks, is longer in proportion to height, has less ribs, and lacks the nodulose rib-sculpture. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Area (Scapharca) fissicosta n. sp. PLATE V— Fig. .11. Shell of medium size, inflated, smoothly cpnvex. Ante- rior margin broadly rounded, somewhat produced ; ventral margin elliptical, in the main parallel to the hinge-line ; pos- terior margin slightly curved, meeting hinge at an angle of "Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 69, p. 188, 1917. 9TFoss. Med. Tort, p. 60, pi. 31, fig. 5, 1845. "Piemonte, pte. 26, p. 24, pi. 5, figs. 11, 12, 1898. "Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 649, pi. 33, fig. 13, 1898. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 103 125.° Umbones prominent, full, incline forward, strongly prosogyrate, situated at the anterior third of the entire length. General surface convex; posterior slope slightly excavated behind a broad keel which descends from the umbone to the marginal angle. Sculpture of 39 low, flat- topped ribs, of which the anterior fourteen are longitudinally sulcate near the margin, and the remainder are smooth. Interspaces, evenly equal in width to the ribs, show concen- tric lines which are less prominent to obsolete on the ribs. Area extremely narrow, nearly three-fourths of its length being behind the middle of the beaks, separated from the rest of the sculpture by a raised ridge. Teeth fine, distally oblique. Inner shell unknown. Length, 29.5 ; height, 23.5 ; (semi) diam., 10.5; length of hinge, 18.5 mm. The form which seems most closely related to Area fissi- costa is A. hypomela Ball,100 from the upper Oligocene of Ballast Point, Alum Bluff, and the Chipola marl of Florida. It differs in being much more produced posteriorly, and thus longer in proportion to height, and in having the ribs chan- neled over a larger part of the shell. In number and type of ribs, and in general appearance the two are clearly similar. In the local fauna A. singewaldi var. do ma is somewhat similar, but rarely reaches the size of A. fissicosta, and in addition has nine to ten less ribs. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Area (Scctpharca) singewaldi n. sp. PLATE V — Figs. 12, 13. Shell small, inflated, inequilateral, oblique. Anterior margin rounded, somewhat truncate, meeting hinge-line at an angle clearly greater than 90,° but not markedly obtuse; ventral margin evenly elliptical ; posterior margin almost angular, meeting hinge-line at an angle of about 140,° and forming a straight line between the hinge and the end of Idem., p. 637, pi. 33, fig. I. IO4 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 the posterior keel, at which point it recurves sharply into the elliptical anterior margin. Umbones prominent, inflated, their apices twisted anteriorly, situated at the anterior third of the full length. The upper surface of the beaks slopes distinctly forward, and is indented by a sulcus which is distinct on the inner side of the beaks, but which is lost on the umbonal slope. The umbonal slope is rounded near the beaks, the surface slightly excavated posteriorly, the keel tending to be angular, and the anterior surface gently rounded but full. Ribs 33 on each valve, equal in width to the interspaces on the central part of the shell and much wider posteriorly; square in cross-section, those of left valve prettily noded, the nodes becoming indistinct to absent on the posterior part of the shell; noding much less distinct, often absent, on right valve except anteriorly. Near the anterior ventral margin the ribs of the left valve are longitudinally sulcate ; those of the right valve are only slightly sulcate ven- trally on the anterior slope. The area is narrow, of medium length, with two to three fine wave-shaped furrows and the margin elevated behind the beaks. The teeth are in a very straight, even row, and are distally oblique. Dimensions of 2 specimens: Length, 24.5; height, 18; (semi) diam., 8.75; length of hinge, 17 mm. Length, 25.5 ; height, 19.25 ; (semi) diam., 10; length of hinge, 18 mm. This form is very closely related to Area proletariat01 and A. intumulata Pilsbry & John.,102 from the Oligocene of Santo Domingo. Comparison with the types of these forms brought out the following differences, which are here given in critical detail on account of the extreme similarity in gen- eral appearance of the forms: in A. proletaria the ventral margin descends posteriorly, being nowhere parallel to the hinge, whereas in singewaidi it is in general almost parallel ; the posterior margin of proletaria meets the hinge at an lMProc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 69, p. 188, 1917. 102 Idem., p. 187. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 105 angle of 120° instead of 140,° as in singewaldi, and the angle between the posterior and ventral margins is accordingly less acute; the umbones are similar except that the sulcus in proletaria is slightly less perceptible, and does not extend as far from the point of the beaks ; the surface of the valves is identical for the two forms anterior-mesially, but the pos- terior keel is slightly less sharp in proletaria, and the sur- face adjacent to the posterior margin is excavated, the mar- ginal surface flattening out somewhat, whereas in singewaldi there is no such flattening, and the valves have a much more solid appearance. The ribs of proletaria are distinctly broader than the interspaces, and do not show the marginal sulcation characteristic of singewaldi; the area of proletaria is proportionally longer and much more narrow ; the teeth are similar, but there is no break in the series of singewaldi, and the hinge of proletaria is somewhat longer. In general contour the shells are decidedly similar. Area intumulata is longer than singewaldi; otherwise it differs much as does proletaria, but has the following points of similarity not present in that species : some of the ribs of intumulata are sulcate very nearly as distinctly as those of singewaldi; the area, though longer, is similar in appear- ance; the sulcation of the beak is similar; and the teeth are in a continuous row, though coarser, The nodes on the ribs of intumulata are not as prominent as those of singewaldi. A. singeimldi is also strikingly similar in general appear- ance to A. improcera Conrad,103 and the related forms, A. improcera var. buccula and A. plicatura Conrad.104 Compar- ison with specimens of these forms from the Miocene of North Carolina shows improcera to be less inflated, longer, with proportionally wider ribs which are plain instead of nodulate, and with the valves meeting in an angle more acute than that of singewaldi; plicatura is slightly less inflated, the l03Foss. Med. Tert, p. 60, pi. 31, figs. 5, 18, 1852. 1M Idem., p. 61, pi. 32, fig. 4. io6 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 posterior surface is more flattened, and not as full, the beaks are more dome-like, and the valves are less oblique. The resemblance to var. buccula is stronger, possibly, than to the others in shape, degree of inflation, size, shape and number of ribs, but buccula is more produced anteriorly, the anterior margin being more fully rounded, and is less produced posteriorly ; the ribs are little or not at all nodulose, and the distal teeth are coarser and longer. In some speci- mens of buccula the beaks are nearly as high as those of singewaldi, but in such the hinge-line is shorter. A. singewaldi differs from A. transversa Say105 in being more inflated, thus more rounded in general appearance, more produced and flatter anteriorly, with lower, less in- flated beaks, and smaller area. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal and quebrada north of Quebrada Boca Pan. Area (Scapharca} singewaldi var. doma n. var. Characters agree with those of A. singewaldi except as follows : This form has 50 ribs instead of 33, with the pos- terior ribs flatter than those of singewaldi. The nodulation of the ribs is finer and less distinct. The posterior slope of the shell is more blunt than that of A. singewaldi, the angle between the posterior margin and the hinge being nearer to 125° than 140,° and the posterior margin curving back, lessening the production of the shell posteriorly. The um- bones are not sulcate. The area is narrower. Length, 19; height, 17; (semi) diam., 8.5 mm. Length of hinge, 13.75 mm. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Area (Scapharca) vanhols.fi n. sp. PLATE: V — Fig. 14. Shell small, thin, only moderately inflated, of slightly 103 Idem., p. 15, pi. i, fig. 2. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 107 elongated rhomboidal shape, inequilateral. Base elliptical. Anterior end rounded, the margin sloping posteriorly in an even curve from the hinge-line, with which it forms approx- imately a right angle. Posterior margin produced beyond end of hinge-line, with which it makes an incident angle of about 133.° Beaks not prominent, situated near anterior third of length, sulcate near apex, the ribs anastomosing into the sulcus, and the sulcus dying out entirely on the main slope of the shell. Umbonal slope widens rapidly from apex of beaks, curving in even contour anteriorly and forming a perceptible keel posteriorly. Ribs, 23 in number, not sulcate, square in shape over the entire length of the shell, with terior wing and extreme anterior end. Ribs show growth- interspaces wider than the ribs mesially, vice versa on pos- lines, which in places tend to form nodes, but no distinct or regular quadrisection is evident to the naked eye. Micro- scopic examination reveals an irregular but distinct nodosity. Cardinal area low and narrow, with elevated margin behind the beaks, and with two1 wave-like furrows. Teeth small, fine, vertical. Inner margin fluted. Length, 16; altitude, 10.25 >" semi-diameter, 5 ; length hinge, 12.5 mm. This small and delicate Area is represented in the collec- tion by one left valve and a young incomplete right valve. In general characters it is closely similar to A. cibaoica Maury 106 from the lower Miocene of Santo Domingo, but it lacks the marked submedian sinus of cibaoica, has decidedly less elevated beaks, and is less produced anteriorly. The umbonal sinus of vanholsti may represent the incipient devel- opment of a more general and pronounced undulation such as that of cibaoica. In vanholsti the sinus, though sharp, is not prominently noticeable, since it is small, confined to the upper surface of the beak, and does not extend to the lateral surface of the shell. 106 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 173, pi. 30, figs. 19, 20, 1917. io8 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Area (Scapharca) donacia Dall 107 is in some ways more similar than is cibaoica. In general contour and sculpture i't offers a strong superficial resemblance, and Woodring108 notes the presence of a similar sulcus on the umbo of the right valve of forms from the Bowden beds. Comparison with Woodring's specimens shows the sulcus to be shallower and longer in donacia than in vanholsti. In the left valve of donacia the sulcus is absent or very poorly developed: in vanholsti it is equally prominent in both valves. A further difference lies in the extent of the indentation, which in donacia broadens toward the ventral margin, causing a slight but perceptible emargination of the median ventral margin ; in vanholsti, as noted above, the sulcus is confined to the immediate surface of the beaks, and is totally lost on the main surface of the shell, with no trace of indenta- tion of the ventral margin. Thus, in donacia the develop- ment of the submedian sulcus appears to be at a stage mid- way between that of cibaoica and vanholsti. The most striking difference between vanholsti and donacia is in size, vanholsti being decidedly larger. Other distinc- tive differences are : the ribs of vanholsti are more promin- ent and sharply chiselled, showing, as well as the interspaces, the concentric growth-crenulations absent in the ribs of donacia; the angle between the anterior margin and the hinge-line, obtuse in donacia, is about 90° in vanholsti; and the beaks of donacia are much more prominent than those of vanholsti. Lower Zorritos (base). Escarpment overlooking Lobitos well in quebrada north of Quebrada Boca Pan. "Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 649, pi. 33, fig. 13, 1898. 108 The Mollusca of the Bowden Beds of Jamaica, Mss. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 109 Area (Scapharca) chamnensis n. sp. PLATE V— Fig. 15. Shell very inequilateral, moderately inflated, produced posteriorly. Anterior margin rounded, meeting hinge-line at approximately a right angle ; ventral margin slightly curved, descending posteriorly to a point about 12 mm. beyond the vertical bisectrix of the beak, whence it curves upward to form the posterior margin, which is broadly rounded, and meets the hinge-line at an angle somewhat greater than 90.° Umbones conical, situated at about the anterior third of the full length, pointed, with the upper surface sloping anteriorly; umbonal slope characterized by distinct but gentle furrow about 3 mm. wide, bounded by an anterior and a posterior keel, both of which die out distally, the anterior surface being gently hollowed out, and the posterior keel flattening out into the alate posterior surface. Ribs, probably 30 in number (36 visible in specimen), very narrow in middle of shell, with interspaces 2-3 times as broad ; broader and flat-topped on posterior part of shell and more closely spaced anteriorly. Area and teeth not visible. Length, 33.5; height, 23; (semi) diameter (estimated) 7-8 mm. Locality : West side of hill between Quebradas Heath and Charon, Zorritos district. Horizon : Lower Zorritos. Collection : Johns Hopkins University. This form is represented by a single indifferently pre- served pseudomorph, all of whose characters are not visible, but of which the observable features are sufficiently distinct from the most closely related described forms to warrant the description of the species. It is most similar to A. gatun- etmj'Toula,108 from the Gatun beds of Panama, but differs in that its posterior margin is truncate, not rounded ; there is no tendency toward bifurcation of the ribs, as in gatun- Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 61, p. 493, pi. 30, fig. 4, 1911. no STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 ensis; it is more equilateral, and has the furrowed umbonal slope not present in the Panama form. If Toula's total thickness of 38 mm. is correct, gatunensis is much more inflated than charanensis, which could not be greater than 16 to 1 8 mm. in total diameter. It is also much like A. inequilateris Guppy,110 but the ribs lack, apparently, the nodes of Guppy's figure (forms from the Bowden beds of Jamaica do not have nodes as prominent) , the beaks are not as sharply conical in shape, and the furrow in the umbonal slope of charanensis is not present in inequilateris. A. dari- ensis Br. & Pils.111 another form from the Gatun beds, has a more fully curved anterior margin, and the ventral margin does not descend posteriorly ; its ribs are divided by a groove and it is not so fully produced posteriorly as is charonensis. Lower Zorrkos. West side of hill between Quebradas Heath and Charon. Area (Scapharca) hispaniolana Maury (?) Scapharca hispaniolana Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 176, pi. 30, figs. 9, 10, 1917. Shell high, short, cuneiform, inflated. Anterior margin absent in specimen. Ventral margin straight, apparently nearly parallel to the hinge-line; posterior margin truncate, forming slightly less than a right angle with the ventral margin, and an angle of 130° with the hinge-line. Umbones prominent, narrow, incurved; umbonal slope flattened, with decided right-angled keel posteriorly. Ribs, 20-22 in num- ber, square in cross-section, with interspaces equal in width to a trifle wider than the ribs ; concentric growth-lines more distinct in interspaces than on the ribs. Ribs nodulose, giving quadrisulcate appearance to the shell similar to that ""Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, pp. 293-294, pi. 28, fig. 2, 1866. 111 Proc. Acacl. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 63, p. 362, pi. 22, fig. 10, 1911. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION in of A. santarosana Dall. Nodules tend to become absent near the ventral margin about the umbonal keel, and the ribs show a shallow longitudinal sulcus for a short distance above the ventral margin, the sulcus being more prominent mesially. Area short, narrow, with two furrows. Teeth small, with comparatively broad interspaces, the hinge-plate becoming wider posteriorly. Length, 18; height, 20; (semi) diameter, 10 mm. Only one imperfect left valve of this form is present in the Hopkins collection. It offers a difference from Maury's figured A. hispaniolana in that its ribs are uniformly equal w idth to the interspaces, whereas the ribs of hispaniolana are broader than the interspaces and there is further difference in the ventrally sulcate ribs of this form, Maury's figure and description giving no hint of such structure, but the presence of the one imperfect specimen only makes differ- entiation of the form unwise, and unless further specimens of the Peruvian form show it to have constant differences it may well be united with hispaniolana. The sculpture and general appearance of the shell suggest strongly A. (Cunearca) alcima Dall,112 but it is clearly a typical Scapharca, and in addition is much smaller, with 20 instead of 30 ribs. Area chemnitzii Philippi is also similar in appearance, but it, as well as alcima, is a Cunearca. A. chemnitzioides Maury,113 from the Oligocene of Trinidad, is similar, but in addition to being a Cunearca it has a greater number of ribs, and is posteriorly alate instead of truncate, as is hispaniolana. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Area (Scapharca?) larkinii Nelson PLATE V— Figs. 16-18. Area Larkinii Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 204, pi. 7, figs. 5, 6, 7, 1870, (not Area Larkinii Grzybowski 1899) 112 Trans. Wag. Tnst, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 635, pi. 31, figs. 5, 7, 1898. 113 Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 15, p. 44, pi. 7, fig. 15, 1912. H2 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 "Shell thick and heavy. Anterior extremity short and rounded, posterior more or less produced. Beaks widely separated, raised and very prominent. Ligament area large, about half as broad as long. Surface marked by from 30 to 33 radiating ribs, which are rounded and broader than the spaces between them. Ribs ornamented by rounded tubercles and crossed by numerous fine lines of growth. Teeth num- erous, strong, nearly straight, equidistant, except at the extremities of the hinge line, where they become divergent and much stronger. The margin of the shell is deeply scalloped by the extremities of the exterior ribs and grooves. * * * Anterior muscular scar almost circular; posterior elongated and narrow." — Nelson, 1870. Examination of Nelson's specimens shows the anterior margin to be almost straight, and curved only where it meets the ventral margin, which is straight and almost parallel to the hinge-line. The posterior margin is little if at all pro- duced ; the shell is subequilateral and has a squarish aspect viewed laterally. The anterior surface is rounded, with a hint of a keel ; the median surface is flattened, and the pos- terior slope is flat to slightly excavated, being separated from the median surface by a prominent keel which drops at an angle approaching the vertical from the umbone to the margin, where it meets the apex of the posterior marginal angle. The area is smooth except for very fine longitudinal lines, and is set off from the rest of the shell by a deep marginal furrow followed by a thin smooth band, which is sometimes indented by a subsidiary furrow. The teeth are in two series, vertically disposed mesially, and oblique dis- tally, the anterior distal teeth being shaped. Length, 27.5. Exact locality and horizon not known. Although no speci- mens of A. larkinii occur in the Hopkins collection, it is so striking a form, and offers so many interesting features inherently as well as through its relationships to other Areas PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 113 in the fauna that some mention of it is pertinent. It is another of the forms on the border-line between the Cunear- cas and the true Scapharcas, "being in this respect much like A. pantheonensis except for the equality of its valves. It has the smooth area set off by a marked groove, the character- istic teeth, and the general appearance o>f a Cunearca, but its valves are nearly equal in size, and the sculpture is not dis- crepant. A. pantheonensis has the discrepant valves, but has a distinct furrow on the area. Its nearest relatives are in the Zorritos fauna. Area pan- theonensis bears the relationship noted above, but in addi- tion to those differences it is more oblique in shape, and has more regularly nodulate sculpture instead of the irregularly tuberculate ribs of A. larkinii. A. imporcata is very similar to A. larkinii, being almost indistinguishable from it in general appearance, but it has consistently less ribs, and the area is deeply furrowed; that of larkinii is smooth. A. tuberculosa Sowerby,114 of the recent Peruvian fauna, likened by Nelson to his A. larkinii is similar only in the tuberculose character of the ribs, being much more oblique, inequilateral, and produced than larkinii. The recent peruvian A. grandis Brod. & Sow.115 is much larger, but is similar in shape. Both tuberculosa and grandis are clearly true scapharcas. Area (Scapharca) imporcata n. sp. PLATE V — Figs. 19, 20. Area larkinii Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 633, 1899, (not of Nelson, 1870). Shell thick, medium-sized, sub-equilateral, rhomboidal. Anterior margin straight at juncture with hinge, curving gently into ventral margin, which is normally straight and nearly parallel to the hinge. Posterior margin little if at all ll4Dall, W. H., Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus, vol. 37, p. 154, pi. 27, fig. 4, 1910. 115 Idem., pi. 25, figs. 9, 10. ii4 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 produced, straight. Umbones and general shape exactly as in A. larkinii. Ribs 27 to 28 in number, prominent, rounded to squarish in cross-section, tuberculate, with interspaces about equal in width. The tuberculate ornamentation of the ribs is best developed on the anterior surface, and loses strength posteriorly, the posterior ribs not being noded. The strength of the lines of growth near the margin gives the valves a concentrically wrinkled appearance. The area is marked by three to six wave-shaped furrows which are often crossed by longitudinal lines near the hinge. The teeth are fine and short mesiajly, becoming longer distally. Inner margin fluted. Length, 35.5 mm. ; alt., 32.5 mm. ; diameter, 32.25 mm. This species is one of four forms from the Zorritos region which are so closely related that some emphasis of distinction is necessary for unambiguous treatment. Of these four, A. larkinii Nelson, A. imporcata n. sp., A. obesiformis Grzyb., and A. crescens n. sp., larkinii differs from all in the area, and the other three form a series progressing in the order named from erect, squarish forms (imporcata) through more produced and more oblique forms (obesiformis) to extremely produced and very oblique forms (crescens). Other characteristics of these three species are more or less constant, and the close relationship of the extremes to the median form of the series begets the temptation to include all in one species, but examination of a large number of specimens shows the progressive difference in shape to be sufficiently constant in each of the three species as here proposed to make advisable, in the interest of clearness if for no other reason, their consideration as separate groups A. larkinii is exactly similar to A. imporcata in every feat- ure save the area. The area of larkinii is smooth, excepting a series of closely set, microscopic longitudinal lines, whereas that of imporcata is characteristically furrowed. Grzy- bowski's statement "Die weite Area tragt ausser dachform- igen Furchen deutliche dichte Querleistchen, besonders stark PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 115 an die Seite des Wirbels, was bei den Abbildimgen Nelsons unberiicksichtigt 1st" in his description of A. larkinii (loc. cit.) makes clear the fact that he was dealing with A. im- porcata, and not the species described by Nelson as larkinii. Other somewhat similar forms in the Zorritos fauna are A. toroensis, A. scptifera, and A. nelsoni, all of which differ in being larger, heavier forms much different in shape and general contour. Perhaps the most closely similar form out- side of Peru is A. idonea Conrad116 from the Miocene of Maryland and neighboring regions. It differs in having squarer ribs, less erect beaks and ordinarily a smaller area. Upper Zorritos : Caleta Grau, Quebradas del Toro, del Grillo. Area (Scapharca) obesiformis Grzybowski PLATE VI — Figs, i, 2. Area obesiformis Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 633, pi. 28, figs. 3, 3a, 1899. "Schale queroval mit zugestumpften Vorder — und ver- langertem Hinterrande. Schlossrand gerade, Area lang, breit, mit schwach angedeuteter Querstreifung iiber den dachformigen Furchen. Die hohen Wirbel stehen in 1/3 der Lange und sind 5 mm. von der Mittellinie entfernt. Ober- flache mit 30 starken Rippen und scharf markierten Zu- wachsstreifen. Hohe 30 mm., Lange 37 mm., Dicke (einer Schale) 18 mm/' — Grzybowski, 1899. The anterior margin is broadly rounded, meeting the hinge-line at an angle barely obtuse; the ventral margin descends slightly posteriorly; the posterior margin is pro- duced, curving back to meet the hinge at an angle of about 140° — 145.° The umbones vary from nearly erect to decid- edly inclined anteriorly. The ribs, from 28 to 30 in number. are tuberculate anteriorly as in A. larkinii; the posterior ribs are simple and show only distinct growth-lines. The ribs Mel. Geol. Surv., Miocene, p. 389, pi. To6, figs, i, 2, 1904. no STUDIES IN GKOLOGY, No. 3 are about equal in width to the interspaces, sometimes nar- rower. The valves 'are often slightly ^discrepant in height, the right valve being higher. This species differs from A. imporcata chiefly in its more produced posterior margin, more inclined beaks, and conse- quent more oblique shape. Its valves are sometimes slightly discrepant in height, but never prominently so, as are those of Area crescens, and it is further distinguishable from crescens by its less oblique outline. Grzybowski notes the similarity between obesiformis and A. cardiiformis Bast.,117 from the Miocene of Europe. That form is less produced, and has no pronounced posterior keel; the furrows of its area are more regular and more nearly straight and longitu- dinal, meeting the marginal furrow at angles, whereas the furrows in the species under discussion are more irregular, and either branch into the marginal furrow or meet at the hinge-line. A. obesiformis is even more closely similar to A. idonea Conrad118 than is A. imporcata. It differs, how- ever, in having a much broader area. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Toro. Area (Scapharca) crescens n, sp. PLATE VI— Figs. 3, 4. Shell of medium size, heavy, oblique, the right valve higher than the left. Anterior margin bluntly rounded, meeting the hinge at an angle, though obtuse, very nearly 90.° Ventral margin long, slightly bowed, nearly parallel to the hinge-line in its posterior half; posterior margin greatly produced, forming an acute angle with the ventral margin, and, beyond the curved apex of this angle, nearly a straight line, forming an angle of 150° — 155° with the hinge-line. Umbones prominent, inflated, prosogyrate, and 11THoernes, M., Abh. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 4, p. 331, pi. 43, figs- 3, 4, 5, 1870. 118 Md. Geol. Surv., Miocene, p. 389, pi. 106, figs. I, 2, 1904. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 117 inclined forward. Umbonal slope rounded anteriorly and mesially, with a distinct posterior keel sloping backward at a low angle. Ribs 27 to 28 in number, pronounced, rounded, with tubercles anteriorly, plain posteriorly, tending to become lost on the nearly flat posterior surface of the valves. Ribs narrow, the interspaces often wider, but usually about equal. Area long and broad, with the furrows and striations char- acteristic of this group. Teeth fine and short, increasing in size and coarseness distally. Inner margin fluted. Length, 47.5 mm; height of right valve, 37.5 mm.; of left valve, 32.5 mm. ; diameter, 39.75 mm. This species is distinguishable from A. imporcata and A. obesiformis, its nearest relatives, chiefly through its shape ; it is much more produced, long, and oblique. The discrep- ancy in height of the valves affords a clear distinction from imporcata, whose valves are equal in height, and from obesi- formis, in some forms of which there is a slight discrepancy, but never a marked one. The ribs are narrower and more widely spaced than in either of the other two forms. The umbones are usually much more distant. Upper Zorritos. Mouth of Quebrada del Grille. Section ANADARA Gray Area (Anadara) septifera Grzybowski PLATE VI— Figs. 5, 6. Area septifera Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 633, pi. 13, fig. 2, 2a, 1899. Shell large, heavy, very thick (thickness of 9.5 mm. meas- ured on broken left valve) , rounded in contour. Anterior mar- gin broadly rounded and somewhat produced, forming a right angle at its juncture with the hinge-line; ventral margin rounded as far as known ; posterior margin broken away in all specimens. Umbones high, incurved, nearly erect, upper surface about 18 mm. vertically above the hinge line in the average specimen. Umbones about 10 mm. distant. Um- n8 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 bonal slope rounded anteriorly and mesially, the anterior surface being modelled outward somewhat to meet the slightly produced anterior margin, and the central surface evenly round. Posterior slope not entirely known, but there is apparently a keel similar to that in the forms related to this. Ribs, 30-32 in number, sub-square in cross-section, equal in width to the interspaces over entire surface, except- ing one or two interspaces just forward of the posterior keel, which are slightly broader, showing growth-lines, with irregular tendency to form knobs, and with pronounced im- brication of growth-layers near the ventral margin. Area large, long and broad, with 6 to 7 simple wave-shaped furrows which form angles obtuse near the hinge and more acute toward the beaks. Hinge-plate about 5 mm. or more wide anteriorly, 1.5 mm. wide mesially, lost posteriorly; teeth fine below beaks, although coarser than in A. toroensis, increasing in length and coarseness distally. There is a growth on of semi-elliptical cross-section, viewed laterally, on the hinge, which may represent the septum of Grzy- bowski's figured specimen, but it is too poorly defined to sub- stantiate the characteristic presence of the feature. Length estimated at 58-60 mm.; height, 54.5 mm.; (semi) diameter, 28.5 mm. This species is most closely similar to A. toroensis, of the Zorritos fauna. It differs from that form in its more closely proximate, fuller, and more highly incurved beaks, its heavier hinge-line, with generally coarser teeth, and its simply and evenly furrowed area: the area of toroensis is furrowed irregularly in most specimens. The septum noted by Grzybowski in his description of Area septifera is not typically present, and although there is in the form here described a perceptible semi-elliptical thickening of the hinge- plate beginning about 10 mm. behind the vertical line of the beak-point, it is such a feature as might be ascribed ordi- narily to a pathological growth due to the stimulus of some foreign matter. Grzybowski's septum is figured as V-shaped PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 119 in cross-section; the growth here noted could hardly have been so shaped even if weathering away were offered as a cause for its possible reduction; the comparatively clear-cut condition of all similar parts of the shell suggests strongly the impossibility of such a change. A. septifcra belongs in the group of similar forms in the section Anadara of which A. grandis and A. cctmuloensis are members. The former of the two is living at present on the west coast; the other occurs in the Miocene and later of California. A. septifera differs from A. camuloensis Osmont 119 in being less quadrate, more rounded, with fuller, less pointed beaks, the hinge-line proportionally longer, and the rib-sculpture less regular than in camuloensis. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Grillo. Area (Anadara) nelsoni n. sp. PLATE VI— Figs. 7, 8. Shell thick, stout, of moderate size, rounded in contour. Anterior margin broadly rounded, meeting hinge-line at an angle slightly more than 90° ; ventral margin arcuate, pos- terior margin recurving into a straight line which meets the hinge at an angle of from 135° to 145°. Umbones dome-like viewed laterally, high, inflated, prosogyrate. Umbonal slope smoothly convex anteriorly and mesially, with slight excava- tion near the anterior margin in some individuals; a poste- rior keel runs from the marginal angle to the umbone. Pos- terior surface slightly excavated. Ribs, 30-31 in number, prominent, square in cross-section, smooth posteriorly and somewhat irregularly noded anteriorly by concentric chan- nellings which cross the interspaces but are not as prominent there. Interspaces deep, narrower than the ribs in unweath- ered specimens. Area short, bounded by a deep marginal furrow and an elevated band, and bearing about three wave- 119 Univ. Cal. Bull. Geol., vol. 4, p. 98, pi. 10, figs. 6, 6a, 1904. 120 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 like furrows which are sometimes more or less irregular, and which are crossed by longitudinal imbricated channels near the hinge. Teeth in a single series, fine, rather long, slightly oblique and longer distally. Inner margin fluted. Length, 40; height, 40.5; (semi) diameter, 18.5; length of hinge, 30 mm. This species is very closely related to others in the Zorritos fauna, and might be termed a mutant or variant of some of them if the special characters which serve to distinguish it were less constant or if there were more perceptible inter- grading. Area toroensis is distinguished from it by its larger and more irregularly furrowed area, its generally less pro- nounced marginal furrow and band bounding the area, and ijts tendency to be angular and to flare ventrally; A. nelsoni is always smoothly rounded. A. nelsoni is distinct from A. septifera in its smaller and less furrowed area and its gen- erally finer teeth. In shape and other characters the two agree. A. septifera seems to attain a larger size than nelsoni, and its -ribs are ordinarily coarser, but on the whole the two are very similar, and are separable chiefly on account of thfe difference in area. A. nelsoni differs from the other related Areas of the local fauna proportionally as they differ from the forms noted; it is somewhat like the A. imporcata group, but differs more clearly from them than from the forms mentioned. Outside of Peru its closest relatives are to be found in the Caribbean Oligocene and Miocene. Scapharca anguillana Cooke 12° from the Oligocene of Antigua, is very close, but has more prominent tuberculation of the ribs, the area bears eight furrows, the teeth are shorter, and the shell flares ventrally; that of nelsoni does not. It differs less promin- ently from. A. chiriquiensis Gabb (2) from the Miocene of 120 Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 291, p. 127, pi. 5, figs. loa, b, 1919. (2) Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 174, pi. 28, fig. 2, 1917- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 121 Santo Domingo. Maury's figure shows an anterior sinus in the left valve ; this does not exist in nelsoni } and the granu- lation of the ribs is coarser in chiriquiensis. The area of nelsoni is lower and the teeth are larger. Otherwise the two are closely similar. A. nelsoni shows close relationship to two European forms, Anadara diluvii var. bollenensis (Fantannes)121 and A. nchteli (Deshayes),122 which Sacco has described from the Tertiary of Italy. A. diluvii, which ranges from the Helvetien to the Astien, has apparently about the same num- ber of ribs, and is in other features entirely similar except that the beaks of nelsoni are a bit higher, and the area some- what shorter, with the result that the posterior margin of nelsoni meets the hinge at an angle greater than in Sacco's form. A. nchteli, from the Helvetien and Tortonien of the Piedmont, is also similar, but its ribs are broader in propor- tion to the interspaces. The area is shorter in nelsoni. According to figures given by Hoernes 123 the furrows in nchteli are more numerous, more evenly spaced, and less sharply V-shaped than in nelsoni. Areas of this type ap- parently did not appear in Europe until the Helvetien. They were present in the Caribbean and adjacent regions at least as early as late Oligocene. Upper Zorritos. Quebradas del Toro and del Grille. Area (Anadara) toroensis n. sp. PLATE VI— Figs. 9, 10; PLATE VII— Fig. i. Shell large, heavy, inflated. Anterior margin broadly rounded, forming a right angle with the hinge-line ; ventral margin gently rounded, its flattest part being usually nearly parallel to the hinge-line, in some specimens descending slightly posteriorly. Posterior margin produced and rounded 121 Piemonte, pte. 26, p. 22, pi. 4, fig. 13, 1898. 122 Ibid., p. 23, pi. 5, figs. 2-8. 123 Abh. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 4, p. 331, pi. 43, figs. 3, 4, 5, 1870. 122 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 more acutely than the anterior margin, forming an angle of 142° with the hinge-line. Umbones high, almost uniformly 14 mm. above the hinge, situated at about the anterior third of the entire length, rounded in outline viewed laterally, with the upper surface sloping distinctly forward in some mutants, and symmetrically erect in others. Umbonal slope dome-like anteriorly, circular in cross-section mesially, and with a distinct surficial keel running from the posterior side of the umbone to the posterior margin at an angle of about 45°. The keel is flared in some forms, forming a distinct shoulder parallel to the margin. Ribs, 28 in number, (29 on some left valves) prominent, rounded, with interspaces slightly more than twice as broad as the ribs (largest ribs i mm.; interspaces 2.2 mm.) showing growth-lines prominently near the ventral margin, and noded irregularly, the nodes being knob-like. Area high and broad, with wave-like im- bricated furrows increasing in distance of separation from the hinge-line to the beak and more sinuous above. Teeth small and short, numbering about 85, set on a thin hinge plate 36 to 40 mm. long, becoming more widely separated and coarser distally. Greatest vertical length of anterior teeth, 2.5 mm. ; of posterior teeth, 2.75 mm. ; of smallest tooth, i mm. Inner margin regularly and deeply fluted. Dimensions of two specimens: Length, 50; height, 47.5; diameter, 24.5 ; Length, 47 ; height, 42 ; diameter, 20 mm. This form resembles A. septifera, of the local fauna, very much, and is closely related to it, but the beaks are less prox- imate and not so far incurved, the area is larger, and the teeth are finer and more numerous. The septum noted by Grzybowski 124 in his original description of septifera is not present in any of a large number of specimens of toroensis. A. imporcata, also of the local fauna, is similar, but is smaller, with proportionally lower beaks, smaller area with less varied furcation, and with decidedly more rectangular "*Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 633, pi. 13, fig. 2, 1899. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 123 outline. The ribs of A. imporcata are wider than the inter- spaces; the reverse is true of A. torocnsis. There is consid- erable variation in outline in this species, and it was con- sidered advisable at first to divide the group more finely, giving such differences specific value, but the intergrada- tion of the characters and their irregular overlapping in various specimens led to the "lumping" of all forms which show constancy in the major characters. Two mutants, the varieties crassa and prolata, show sufficient variance from the form considered as the type to require at least varietal distinction. Area chiriquiensis Gabb,125 from the Miocene of Santo Domingo and the Oligocene (?) of Chiriqui, is very closely related. The ribs of toroensis are not as thick as those of chiriquiensis, and are less coarsely noded; the hinge-line is normally longer than that of chiriquiensis, and the vertical distance between the hinge and the ventral margin is smaller. Otherwise the two tally closely. A. anguillana 12° Cooke, from the Oligocene of Antigua, is exactly similar in shape, and differs only in size and in the area, which in toroensis is not bounded by a marginal elevation, has a larger number of more irregular grooves, and is longer. There is striking resemblance between the more rounded specimens of A. toroensis and A. idonea Conrad 127 from the Miocene of Maryland, Virginia, and Florida. The only differences between the two lie in the ribs, which are some- what tuberculated and more rounded in A. toroensis, and the area, which is uniformly higher, with a narrower limiting angle. Upper Zorritos. Quebradas del Toro, Tijeritas and del Grillo. ia''Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 174, pi. 28, fig. 2, 1917. 126 Carnegie Inst. Wash., publ. 291, p. 127, pi. 5, figs, roa, b, 1919 127 Md. Geol. Surv.. Miocene, p. 389, pi. 106, figs, i, 2, 1904. 124 STUDIES IN GKOLOGY, No. 3 Area (Anadara) toroensis var. crassa n. var. PLATE VII— Fig. 2. Shell much like type, but thicker and heavier. Anterior margin slopes posteriorly from the hinge-line, forming with it an angle of about 85° ; ventral margin descends slightly posteriorly; posterior margin unknown. Beaks high, the upper surface about 21 mm. above the hinge, rounded in outline as viewed laterally, erect. General contour of shell as in typical A. toroensis. Ribs 22 in number, from anterior end to posterior keel ; thence unknown — probably 28-30 in total number; rounded, tending to squarish shape, about 1.6 mm. broad, with equal interspaces. Growth-lines prom- inent. Area very high, with many waved furrows and sinuous grooves, the latter prominent near the beaks and the former near the hinge. Hinge-line narrow, with many fine teeth. Length, 53; height, 51; (semi) diameter, 28.5; length of hinge, 41.5 mm. The differentiation from the typical Area toroensis is based on variations which would certainly have specific value if the characters were more constant. As matters stand, with some heterogeneity within the species of A. toroensis, the likelihood of very close association between the true form and this variety is high, and although the obviously larger area, proportionally broader ribs, and incurving ven- tral surface of this form offer striking difference, and seem to demand distinction greater than that implied by the assign- ment of varietal rank, the probability of close relationship precludes the use of a specific name until more material shows the variation to be thoroughly constant. The variety is very close to A. fichteli Deshayes, figured by Hoernes 128 from the Miocene of the Vienna basin. The only difference lies in the area, which in fichteli is furrowed regu- larly, the furrows being evenly spaced, whereas in crassa Abh. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 4, p. 331, pi. 43, figs. 3, 4, 5, 1870 PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 125 they are irregular and more widely spaced near the beaks. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada del Toro. Area (Anadara) toroensis var. prolata n. var. PLATE VII— Fig. 3. Shell high, thick, inflated. Characters as in A. toro peru- vianum; however, taphrium is different in having narrower interspaces between the ribs. " With the exception of its far greater number of ribs, C. dominicense Gabb,149 from Santo Domingo, Costa Rica and Panama, is similar. It has the bifid posterior ribs, and the general outline is similar, with the exception that it is a much broader shell. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Cardium (Trachycardium) peruvianuni n. sp. PLATE VIII— Fig. i. Cardium sp. ind., Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 203, 1870. Shell large, inflated, evenly rounded. Marginal outline unknown. Umbones prosogyrate, broad and full dorsally, tapering rapidly terminally. Surface very convex, evenly rounded, excepting the usual excavations before and behind 47 Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 5, p. 1097, pi. 48, fig. 13, 1900. 148 Idem., p. 1098, pi. 40, fig. 9. 149Toula, Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 58, p. 720, pi. 27, fig. 4, pl. 28, fig. 1 8, 1908. 136 STUDIKS IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 the beaks. Sculpture of about 50 sharply defined, square, strong ribs, with channelled interspaces equally broad; spines may have existed, but the specimens available are worn. Area and hinge normal. Inner margins unknown. Length, 46; height, 46; (semi) diameter, 18.5 mm. This species is very similar in appearance to< C. domin- ie ense Gabb,150 from Santo Domingo, Costa Rica, and Pan- ama, differing in being more nearly round in outline, thus of broader proportions, with five to ten less ribs which are distinctly separated by channelled interspaces; in domin- icense the interspaces are rather merely the sides of the closely adjacent ribs. In dominie ens e the tops of the ribs slant anteriorly ; in perumanum they are parallel to the sur- face of the shell. C. taphrium Dall,151 from the Ballast Point and Oak Grove beds of Florida, is similar in shape, but has only 34 instead of 50 ribs. Zorritos formation. Zorritos. Subgenus FRAGUM Bolten Section TRIGONIOCARDIA Dall Cardium (Trigomocardia) affinis (Nelson) PLATE VIII— Figs. 2, 3. Hemicardia affinis Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p 204, 1870. Shell small, high, inflated, obovate, heart-shaped viewed from behind. Anterior margin rounded, joining through a blunt angle with the descending, almost straight ventral margin. Posterior marginal angle prominent and acute ; the posterior margin ascends from the lowest point of the shell almost vertically in a straight line, curving more or less abruptly into the posterior dorsal margin. Beaks high, erect, "° Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., vol. 15, n.s., pp. 250-251, 1873; also Toula, Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., vol. 58, p. 720, pi. 27, fig. 4, pi. 28, fig. 18, 1908. "Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 5, p. 1098, pi. 40, fig. 9, 1900. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 137 narrow, and inflated, very slightly if at all prosogyrate, and somewhat involute. Anterior surface rounded, gently con- vex excepting a slight excavation just before the beaks; median surface sharply convex but smoothly rounded, a distinct rounded carina separating it from the posterior sur- face, which is flat ventrally, and somewhat excavated dorsally, though not markedly alate. Sculpture of about 21 ribs, broad and flat-topped anteriorly and narrower pos- teriorly, with narrow, sharply channelled interspaces. Both ribs and interspaces are crossed by microscopic lines of growth which are stronger in the interspaces than on the ribs. The ribs are more rounded near the beaks than ven- trally, where they are distinctly flat-topped. The inner surface of the shell is smooth except marginally, where there is fluting. The raised elements of the fluting are slightly sulcate centrally. Hinge not known. Length, 10.5 ; height, 14; diameter, 10 mm. Nelson's description of this species is inadequate, and he gives no figure. The description here offered was made on examination of his specimens together with an incomplete right valve in the Hopkins collection. Nelson's specimens are much worn, and have lost almost all of the epidermis ; in this condition they appear different from the better pre- served right valve, the under layers showing much narrower ribs, but a small fragment of the original sculpture adher- ing to one of Nelson's specimens enables their identification with that in the Hopkins collection. All notes concerning the sculpture are made from the latter form. The most closely similar of several forms obviously related to C. affinis is C. sambaicum Maury,152 from the Dominican Republic. It is more nearly equilateral, being longer than affinis, and is more broadly rounded in outline ventrally. According to Maury the ribs of sambaiciim show definite signs of having been universally noded ; those of affinis are Bull Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 212, pi. 36, fig. 7, 1917. 138 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 not noded, but both forms show the prominent yet fine con- centric lines in the interspaces. The ribs of affinis are a trifle broader mesially. C. castum Guppy,153 from Manzan- illa, Trinidad, is somewhat similar, but is more rounded in shape, and not as high ; in addition it has nodulose ribs which are not as broad as those of affinis, and are of greater num- ber. Both forms show the cross-lining of the interspaces. Another Trinidadian species, C. carolinae Maury,154 from beds of Chipolan age, is similar in general outline, but has the rib-nodulation common in Trigoniocardia, and absent in affinis. Other features are entirely similar. C. reniformis Koenen,155 from the lower Oligocene of north Germany, is similar, being very close in shape, but it has more ribs, the upper surfaces of which slope anteriorly — those of affinis are flat-topped — but the fine cross-striation of the rib-surfaces is similar. Lower Zorritos (base). Quebrada north of Boca Pan. Superfamily VENERACEA Family VENERIDAE Subfamily DOSINIINAE Genus DOSINIA Scopoli Section DOSINIDIA Dall Dosinia (Dosinidia) grandis Nelson PLATE VIII— Fig. 4. Dosinia grandis Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 201, 1870. "Shell large, solid, subequilateral ; length and breadth nearly equal, broadest just above middle line. Beaks ele- ** Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 582, pi. 26, fig. 4, 1866. 154 Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2nd. ser., vol. 15, p. 54, pi. 9, figs. 5, 6, 1912. LWAbh. geol. Spez. Preuss. Bd. 10, Hft. 5, p. 1154, p. 77, figs- 9, 10, ii, 1893. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 139 vated, nearly central, curved inward and forward. Lunule heart-shaped, very deeply impressed, two-thirds as wide as long, marked by striations which become finer as they pass into it. Anterior end short. Anterior and posterior ends nearly equally rounded. Ligament large ; scar long, striated longitudinally. Surface covered by a thick epidermis, and marked by broad, flat concentric ribs, which become larger and smoother over the middle of the shell, but not wholly obsolete. With the epidermis removed the shell still shows the striations, especially about the beaks. Hinge line nearly straight, very broad. The median tooth (cardinal) of the right valve is large and pointed ; the posterior cardinal deeply bifid. Lateral tooth large, nearly as long as the posterior cardinal, and parallel with it. In the left valve the median cardinal is bifid throughout the upper half of its length. Hinge area forming a very obtuse angle with the ligament area. Muscular scars and pallial impression not observed. A young and a full-grown specimen give the following meas- urements: Young, length, 46; breadth (height) 47; height (diameter) 22.6 mm. Mature, length, 95.6; breadth (height) 95.2; height (diameter), 47.2 mm." — Nelson, 1870. Nelson's description covers the characteristic features of the species very well. It should be noted, however, that with the epidermis removed the sculpture of the shell is quite different ; there remains but small trace of the heavy concen- tric waves which are a prominent feature of the unweathered specimens, and the surface is crossed by fine concentric growth-lines, some of which are heavier than others, and is smooth with the exception of occasional shallow concentric sulcae which are the only reminder of the pronounced undu- latory sculpture of the epidermis. This large and characteristic species is represented in the Hopkins collection by two individuals, the ventral margins of which have been broken off, and the epidermis of which has been eroded away with the exception of small patches, but which are unmistakably identifiable with the abundant 140 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 material in the Nelson collection. It is apparently, not closely similar to any known American species. Dosinia orbicularis -Agassiz,156 of the Miocene of Italy, France, and Austria, agrees in every character save that the beaks are far more anterior. Variegated. South of Quebrada Boca Pan. Dosinia (Dosinidia) delicatissima Brown and Pilsbry Dosinia (Artemis) cf acetabulum Conr. Toula, Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 58, p. 727, p. 27, figs. 8, 8a, 1908. Dosinia delicatissima Brown and Pilsbry, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 64, p. 516, pi. 26, fig. i, 1912. Shell of moderate size, lentiform, slightly inflated, thin and very delicate. Entire margin subcircular in outline. Umbones not prominent, inclined slightly forward, pointed. Surface convex, lentiform. Sculpture of many concentrically arranged flat ribs, with very narrow interspaces which are finely and delicately graven on the flat surface. Lunule heart-shaped, deeply impressed, striated by fine lines which are the continuation of the concentric sculpture. Escutcheon absent or very slightly marked. Hinge moderately strong, normal. Muscle scars and pallial.line feeble. Dimensions of two specimens: Length, 51.5; height, 49.5; (semi) diam- eter, 12 mm. Length, 65; height, 62; diameter, 31 mm. This delicate and beautifully sculptured shell is common in the Lower Zorritos. The thickness of the Peruvian shells varies somewhat, some being proportionally even thinner than those cited by Brown and Pilsbry from Gatun, but the chief characters agree perfectly. Toula's figured specimen agrees entirely with the speci- mens from Peru, with the possible exception that his form does not appear to have so deeply impressed a lunule ; how- ever, faulty reproduction in his figure might account for that. ^Hoernes, M., Abh. k.k. geol. Reichs. Bd. 4, p. 142, pi. 16, fig. I, 1862; Sacco, Piemonte, parte 28, p. 48, pi. 11, fig. 10, 1900. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 141 His figured hinge agrees absolutely with that of the Peruvian specimens. It is obvious that Toula's form is not D. aceta- buluni Conrad ; as noted by Brown and Pilsbry, there is decided difference in sculpture, and acetabulum is a heavier shell. Toula's comparison with D. orbicularis Agassiz,157 from the Oligocene to Pliocene of Italy, France, and Austria, is apt as far as the surface sculpture and general shape are concerned, but the European form is much thicker and heavier, has deeply impressed muscle scars, is posteriorly truncate, and the beaks are far more forward in position. D. (Dosinidia) liogona Ball,158 "from the Oak Grove beds of Florida, is similar. As noted by Brown and Pilsbry (loc. cit.), the sculpture of delicatissima does not rise in sharp lamellae toward the end of the shell, as in liogona; otherwise the likeness is marked. The hinge does not agree with that of liogona in that the anterior cardinal is not as strong, and is of different shape. The entire hinge of delicatissima is not as broad and heavy as that of liogona. Lower Zorritos. Head of Quebrada Zapotal. Genus CLEMENTIA Gray dementia dariena (Conrad) PLATE VIII— Fig. 5. Meretrix dariena Conrad, Pac. R. R. Rept, vol. 5, p. 328, pi.. 6, %• 55, 1856, (not op. cit. vol. 6, p. 72, 1857). Harvella sp. ind. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 201, 1870. dementia dariena Gabb, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 8, p. 344, pi. 44, figs. 16, i6a, 1881. Clementia dariena Ball, Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1235, 1903. 157 Hoernes, M., Abh. kk. geol. Reichs. Bd. 4, p. 142, p. 16, tig. I, 1870; Sacco, Piemonte, pte. 28, p. 48, pi. n, fig. 10, 1900. 158 Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1230, p. 53, figs. 4, 7; pi. 54, figs. 11, 1903. 142 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Clementia dariena Toula, Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 61, p. 725, pi. 27, figs. 9, 10, 1908. Clementia dariena Brown and Pilsbry, Proc. Acadv Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 63, p. 371, pi. 28, fig. i, 1911. Shell large, inflated, ventricose, oblique. Anterior straight for a short distance before the beaks, then broadly rounded, descending abruptly into the ventral margin, which curves broadly in sub-circular form into the posterior margin. Umbones somewhat high, prosogyrate, not strongly invo- lute, proximate, widely conical. Surface somewhat exca- vated before the beaks and slightly produced, very convex mesially, becoming more flattened ventrally. Sculpture of inoceriform concentric undulations, prominent from the beaks about half-way down the shell; thence ventrally the surface is nearly smooth. About 17 undulations are promi- nent in the average valve. Upon these undulations are superimposed fine concentric lines of growth which continue on the smoother part of the shell, where they are irregular in strength. The sculpture of the right and left valves from Zorritos is identical. There is no lunule, but a deep escutcheon provided housing for the cylindrico-ellipsiodal ligament. The escutcheon, whose upper margins are sharp, projecting, and rather broadly lanceolate in outline, is marked on its inner surface by very fine longitudinal lines ; a somewhat prominent furrow separates the main surface of the escutcheon from the overhanging lip, which is wide posteriorly, decreasing to nothing at the beaks. Hinge as follows : "Nach vorn stehen zwei Zahne, der zweite bogig gekriimmt ; hinter einer dreieckigen tiefen Grube folgt dann ein lamellarer Doppelzahn, der bis an den Rand des Schloszfeldes hinabreicht."— Toula, 1908. Length, 75 (approx.) ; height, 86; diameter, 48.5 mm. This form is of particular interest on account of its limited known occurrence ; thus far it has been reported from only Panama and Costa Rica, and it is apparently absent in the' Tertiary of Bowden and the Dominican Re- PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 143 public, as well as from similar horizons in the United States. Its appearance in the north Peruvian Tertiary offers further evidence of the close relationship between the fauna of those beds and the Panamanian Miocene fauna. The undulations on the form figured by Toula appear to continue farther down on the valve than in either Brown and Pilsbry's figured form or those from Peru. There is thus probably some variation in this respect. The specimen figured by Brown and Pilsbry shows fairly regularly spacea stronger concentric threads on the ventral part of the shell; in this matter, too, there is some variation, since most of the Peruvian shells are evenly sculptured ventrally, and in those which show heavier threads they are not regularly placed. The undulatory sculpture of C. dariena is entirely similar to that almost peculiar to the Inocerami, and detached umbonal fragments have on that account a very misleading- appearance. Clementia inoceriformis Wagner,159 which is found in the Miocene of Maryland, is similar, but is generally more delicate and less strongly sculptured. Lower and Upper Zorritos. South of Quebrada de las Alturas. Subfamily MERETRICINAE Genus TRANSENNELLA Dall. Trans ennella herviderana n. sp. PLATE IX— Figs, i, 2. Shell large and heavy for the genus, inflated. Anterior dorsal margin concave ; posterior dorsal margin nearly straight; ventral margin elliptical. Marginal extremities not known. Umbones full, high, prosogyrate, inclined forward. Surface convex excepting the lunular excavation. Sculpture 159 Md. Geol. Surv., Miocene, p. 315, pi. 82, figs, i, 2, 1904. 144 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 of concentric growth-lines, which are of irregularly spaced folds simulating concentric ribs. Lunule ovate, denned by a slightly impressed line; there is no escutcheon. Hinge normal, the cardinals well developed and distinct in the right valve; in the left valve the anterior lateral tooth is highly developed, taking the shape of a flattened dowel-pin, the flat sides horizontal, the posterior edge straight, and the anterior edge curved, the tooth thus having the shape of a half-D, viewed dorsally. This tooth is received into the usual socket in the right valve. Inner shell unknown. Length (estimated) 25-27; height, 20.5; (semi) diameter 8 mm. This species is much larger than any of the fossils of the genus listed from the Americas. It has an interesting development of the strong anterior lateral tooth character- istic of the genus, and may be recognized very readily by that feature as well as by its size. The hinge of the right valve is that characteristic of the common Transennellas, excepting possibly the strong development of the socket which receives the peculiar anterior lateral tooth of the opposite valve. None of the members of the genus from the Floridian, Antillean, or Atlantic Miocene are closely similar. It is unfortunate that both of the two specimens in the Hopkins collection lack the anterior and posterior extremities, and a comparison of the outline is thus subject to revision; however, the visible portions indicate that it is probably less triangular than the known fossil species. It is considerably more inflated and larger than any Miocene species thus far described. The most closely similar species is T. joaquinensis Ander- son and Martin,160 from the lower Miocene of Kern River, California, which differs in being smaller and more delicate, with the left anterior lateral tooth elongated diagonally lfl°Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 4th sen, vol. 4, p. 60, pi. 3, figs. 6a, b, c, 1914. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 145 instead of transversely. The outline and general shape appear to be close. T. herviderana differs from such forms as T. carolineiisis Dall 1G1 from the Miocene of North Carolina, chiefly in being larger and heavier, with the characteristic anterior lateral tooth. It is not very close. Toula 162 lists a form from the Gatun as Callista (?) (Dione) sp. which may be a Transennella somewhat similar to T. herinderana, though even larger. It is described from a cast with fragments of the shell remaining, and since the hinge is not preserved a generic determination is not possi- ble, but the contour of the shell is evidently similar. Lower Zorritos. Hervideras. Genus MACROCALUSTA Meek Macro callista helenae n. sp. PLATE IX— Figs. 3, 4. Shell medium-sized, thin, somewhat delicate, produced posteriorly. Anterior margin rounded, very little produced; ventral margin broadly elliptical; posterior dorsal margin almost straight, the posterior marginal angle acute. Surface uniformly convex, excepting the impressed areas, with a long keel extending from the beak to the posterior marginal angle. Umbones strongly prosogyrate, situated very near the anterior end, proximate. Sculpture of concentric lamel- lae, the sharp edges directed upward, about 4 in the space of 5 mm. on the posterior slope near the margin. Areas rather deeply impressed; the escutcheon is lanceolate, bounded by a distinct ridge, and the lunule is small, of elongated heart-shape. Hinge with a prominent bifid right anterior cardinal tooth. Inner shell not known. Length, 32; height, 26.5; diameter, 15.5 mm. This species is very close to Macrocallista conradiana 161 Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1242, pi. 55, fig. 4, 1903. ir'2Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichs. Bd. 58, p. 726, pi. 28, fig. 9, 1908. 146 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Gabb, from the California Eocene, but has more inclined and more anterior beaks, with finer sculpture, and is normal- ly a larger species.163 Variegated. Quebrada Tusillal. Subfamily Genus AMIANTIS Carpenter Amwntis incrassata var. ovoidalis Sacco PLATE IX— Fig. 5. Amiantis incrassata var. ovoidalis Sacco, Piemonte, parte 28, p. 21, pi. 4, fig. 33, 1900. "Testa affmis var. Suessi, sed postice productior, oblon- gior, subovata." — Sacco, 1900. The shell is medium-sized, ovate, strong, inflated. Anterior margin bluntly angulate at its extremity ; ventral margin broadly arcuate ; curve of posterior angle rather broad. Umbones strongly prosogyrate, the points twisted back about 1.5 mm. from the hinge, inclined forward, full, rounded above, somewhat distant. Surface evenly convex, the valves joining ventrally at an angle somewhat more acute than that of most specimens of A. incrassata s.s. Sculpture of concentric growth-lines. Escutcheon long, narrow, deeply impressed, the ligament occupying the im- pressed cavity which is almost closed over above by the overhanging dorsal margin ; the walls of the impressed area continue anteriorly to form the inner surfaces of the beaks, between which the slit continues. Lunule indistinct on the specimen studied, but probably similar to that of incrassata f i.e., large, bounded by a somewhat faintly impressed line. Hinge normal to the genus. Inner shell smooth ; there is no evidence of radial ribs on the inner disk. Length, 44 ; height, 41.5; diameter, 30.5 mm. 163 Pal. Cal., p. 169, pi. 32, fig. 282, 1864; Dickerspn, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 4th ser., vol. 5, p. 82, pi. 3, figs, i, a, b, c, 1915. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 147 One specimen of this interesting genus, in the Nelson collection, undetermined by him, is apparently identical with the European Amiantis incrassata var. ovoidalis Sacco, and is accordingly referred to that variety. Comparison with specimens of A. incrassata from the Eocene of France shows clearly that the Peruvian form is of the same species, and according to such varietal differences as have been worked out it appears identical with var. ovoidalis Sacco, from the Tongrian of the Italian Piedmont. The species as a whole is common in the Eogene of Europe. To the author's knowledge only two species of Amiantis are known from the North American Tertiary, A. callosa Conrad,164 from the Pleistocene and Recent of southern and Lower California, and A. dalli^ from the upper San Pablo Miocene of California, but both are dissimilar to incrassata. The exact horizon of the Peruvian specimen is not known, but it is highly probable that it came from one of the three members of the Zorritos formation. Genus PITARIA Roemer Subgenus HYSTEROCONCHA Fischer Section LAMEXUCONCHA Dall Pitaria (Lamelliconcha) planivieta (Guppy) PLATE X— Fig. 6. Cytherea (Callista) planivieta Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 292, pi. 18, fig. 3, 1866. Callista planivieta (Guppy) Gabb, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., n. s. vol. 15, p. 250, 1873. Cytherea planivieta Guppy, Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. i, p. 442 (check list) 1874. 164 Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 7, p. 252, 1837. 165 Univ. Cal., Bull. Geol., vol. 8, p. 465, pi. 50, fig. 2, pi. 53, figs. 1-4, 1915. 148 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Cytherea planivieta Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 32, p. 531, 1876. Cytherea planivieta Grzybowski, Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. 12, p. 639, pi. 19, fig. 3, 1899. Pitaria (Lamelliconcha) planivieta Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1268, 1903. Pitaria planivieta Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 217, pi. 37, fig. 3, 1917- Pitaria (Lamelliconcha) planivieta Woodring, Mollusca Bowden Beds, Jamaica, Ms. With the slight exception, as noted by Grzybowski, that the concentric rugae are a bit more crowded, there is no essential difference between the forms from Peru and those from the lower Miocene of the Antilles. The concentric sculpture of the Peruvian form is slightly different, the rugae giving the appearance of being less regularly placed, but a distinction on the basis of that feature would be valueless. The hinge of the Peruvian specimens is some- what broader and heavier than that of planivieta from the Bowden beds, but the elements are the same. One specimen from Peru attains dimensions somewhat greater than those usual in the Antillean planivieta. The forms in the Hopkins collection were found in the Lower Zorritos formation. Grzybowski's forms were taken from beds which he called Heath, but which are known to be part of the Variegated formation. The species thus has a known range in Peru from the Lower Zorritos to the upper Variegated. Pitaria- aequicincta, from the uppermost Upper Zorritos, undoubtedly represents a further development of the plani- vieta strain. It is so close to planivieta that some delibera- tion preceded its separation, but its sculpture is sufficiently different to make advisable its consideration as another species. In addition to the difference in sculpture the lack of a well defined lunule in aequicincta marks another point of departure, and makes the entity of the species more eminent. In general contour the two are identical. Length PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 149 of large specimen, 48.5; height, 42; (semi) diameter, 14 mm. Smaller specimen, length, 30.5; height, 25.5; (semi) diameter, about 8 mm. Lower Zorritos, Variegated. Quebrada Zapotal. Pitaria (Lamclliconcha) com var. aequicincta n. var. PLATE IX— Figs. 6, 7. Shell thin, large, somewhat compressed. Anterior margin broadly rounded; ventral margin elliptical, its juncture with the posterior margin in the form of an apically rounded acute angle. Surface generally convex, but the shell is not highly inflated. Sculpture of fine, nearly even concentric ribs, which are slightly steeper on their dorsal slopes, and which appear very finely and sharply graven. There is no radial striation. The cardinal areas are poorly defined. Inner shell unknown except that the anterior muscle scar is but slightly impressed, the posterior not at all, and that the inner valve-margins are smooth. Length (large specimen) 49.5; height 38; (semi) diameter 10 mm. Length (smaller specimen) 31.5; height ?; (semi) diameter 6 mm. Two casts, one with perfectly preserved portions of the shell remaining, represent this variety in the Zorritos col- lection. In outline and type of sculpture it agrees well with Pitaria cora Brown and Pilsbry,166 from Gatun, but cora is a fuller shell, being much more inflated, and having the muscle scars and pallial line much more deeply impressed. The Zorritos variety appears further to attain a larger size. As noted by Brown and Pilsbry (loc. cit.), Pitaria hillii D'all,167 from the Gatun formation, is a longer, lower form. In sculpture, however, it is entirely similar, and its relationship to both cora and the variety aequicincta is close. P. cercadica Maury,168 from the lower horizon in -the l68Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 63, p. 370, pi. 28, fig. 3, 1911. 187 Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1268, pi. 54, fig. 7, 1903. 168 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 216, pi. 37, fig. 10, 1917. 150 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Dominican Republic is a similar, though smaller, form. In sculpture and general outline it shows little difference, but it appears to be more rounded posteriorly than aequicincta, and the lunule is certainly more clearly defined. P. labreama Maury,169 from the upper Oligocene ( ?) of Trinidad, ap- pears similar according to the figure, but differs in size, being smaller, and in sculpture, the ribs being more widely separated than in aequicincta. Upper Zorritos. Quebrada de las Alturas. Subfamily Genus CHIONE Megerle von Miihlfeld Section CHIONE s.s. Chione (Chione) variabilis Nelson PLATE IX— Figs. 8, 9. Chione variabilis Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 202, 1870. Shell large, fairly thick, heavy, slightly oblique. Anterior dorsal margin ascending somewhat from end of lunule; anterior margin broadly rounded, ventral margin similarly curved. Posterior margin slightly angulate. Umbones inflated, prosogyrate, proximate. Surface excavated before umbones, elsewhere smoothly convex, and in the region of the beaks almost globose in some specimens. Concentric sculpture of closely spaced ridges, the under surface of which is noded, each node being sulcate in the center of the disc. Radial sculpture of closely spaced ribs, somewhat obscure in all specimens available, but some worn specimens show a pairing of the ribs on the disc, with one less prominent rib between the pairs. In much worn specimens all traces of most of the concentric lamellae are gone, but some, more distantly separated, remain, giving the appearance of a different sculpture. There is a distinct lunule, somewhat Jour. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 15, p. 57, pi. 9, figs. 14, 15, 1912. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 151 impressed, and longitudinally striate; it is heart-shaped, and fairly broad, with the median line (juncture of the valves) raised. In young specimens the elevation of the margins in the lunule is more prominent. The escutcheon is narrow, lanceolate, and V-shaped in cross-section; it is deep and finely striate longitudinally. Hinge not known. Length, 31; height, 28.5; diameter, 14 mm. (young speci- men) ; estimated dimensions of full-grown specimen, length, 65 ; height, 56 ; diameter, 28 mm. All of Nelson's specimens of the species are considerably worn, most of them amounting to little more than casts with the inner layer of shell remaining, and those of the Hopkins collection, which are better preserved, are identi- fied as the same species after comparison of the sculpture with fragments of that remaining on some of Nelson's specimens. Chione variabilis is not far removed from C. angelana, of the Upper Zorritos, having similar sculpture and agreeing in other general features except the shape and the area. C. angelana is more elongate both anteriorly and posteriorly, and its lunule is much more deeply impressed, more perfectly heart-shaped, and not raised at the juncture of the valves. The anterior dorsal margin ascends more abruptly in angelana. C. walli Guppy,170 from Manzanilla, Trinidad, has similar concentric sculpture, and the presence of the paired radial ribs on the disc emphasized by Guppy in his description of walli serves further to mark the similarity. Guppy's figure shows walli to be more produced posteriorly and apparently not as highly inflated as variabilis; this difference, together with the fact that variabilis is much larger, and has slightly more closely set concentric lamellae, separates the two species. Upper Zorritos. Quebradas del Grillo and del Toro. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 581, pi. 26, fig. 16, 1866. 152 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Chione (Chione) angelana n. sp. PLATE IX — Figs. 10, n. Chione sp. indet. B. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 203, 1870. Shell large, plump, somewhat elongate. Similar to Chione variabilis except for following features: Anterior dorsal margin ascends sharply, making a sharp U-shaped depres- sion in the outline before the beaks. Ventral margin broadly elliptical. Posterior margin almost angular; valves produced both anteriorly and posteriorly. Beaks more inclined forward and much more strongly prosogyrate than in variabilis. Lunule deeper, more sharply set off, more per- fectly heart-shaped. Length, 55 ; height, 44.5 ; diameter, 34 mm. The forms which are grouped under the specific limita- tions here outlined are sufficiently constant in their differ- ences from Chione variabilis to make necessary their recog- nition as a separate species. Both C. angelana and C. vari- abilis are apparently fairly abundant in the Upper Zorritos formation ; lumps of fossiliferous marl from several local- ities show fragments of the characteristic sculpture in some profusion. Nelson mentioned C. angelana as an indetermi- nate species, but his specimens, poor though they are, offer sufficient evidence to permit their classification and description. C. angelana differs from C. walli Guppy (loc. cit.) in being larger, more produced anteriorly, flatter basally, and with a more deeply impressed lunule. Otherwise the two are closely similar. Upper Zorritos. Quebradas de las Alturas, de los An- geles and del Toro. Chione (Chione) propinqua n. sp. PLATE IX— Fig. 12. Shell of medium size, subtrigonal, inflated. Anterior margin rounded, ventral margin arcuate. Posterior margin ZORRITOS FORMATION 153 forms a distinct angle with the ventral margin, and is almost straight. Umbones prosogyrate, anterior in position. Gen- eral surface markedly convex ; a pronounced posterior carina separates the narrow posterior surface of the shell from the rest. Concentric sculpture of the prominent lamel- lae typical of the group, distinctly spaced, crenulate on the under surface. Radial sculpture of ribs which show a some- what indistinct yet recognizable pairing on the disc; there are less prominent ribs between the pairs. Lunule not clear- ly visible on specimens studied, but it appears to be im- pressed and configured much as in C. walli Guppy, C. wood- wardi Guppy, and related species. The escutcheon is long, somewhat broad. Inner margin finely crenulate. Length, 24; height, 21.5; (semi) diameter, 8.5 mm. The difference between this species and C. walli Guppy,171 from the Oligocene ( ?) of Trinidad, is small. The Trini- dad form has a greater number of more closely spaced concentric lamellae, and the pairing of the radial costae is apparently more prominent. Otherwise differences are small and not constant. C. woodwardi Guppy 172 is also similar, but lacks the pairing of the ribs, which are obviously stouter. In shape the forms are similar. Maury has described 173 as Chione cf. walli a form which she states to show the pairing of the ribs characteristic of walli, but her figure indicates rather the absence of the feature, and there is small doubt that the specimen figured is C. woodwardi. C. spenceri Cooke,174 from the Oligocene of Antigua, is of the same general type, but differs in having weaker radial ribs, particularly distally, and, apparently, in lacking the paired ribs. 171 Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 581, pi. 26, fig. 16, 1866. 172 Idem., p. 292, pi. 18, fig. i; Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 218, pi. 37, fig. 6, 1917. 173 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 218, pi. 37, fig. 7, 1917. 174 Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 291, p. 150, pi. 15, figs. la, b, 1919. 154 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 It is interesting to note that all of the Chiones s.s. known from the Zorritos formation have the double ribs which are a characteristic feature of Chione walli Guppy, a com- mon point which serves to emphasize their relationship not only to one another, but to the Chiones of the Trinidad beds of slightly earlier age. A number of unstudied forms from probably younger horizons in Ecuador show this feature clearly. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Section LIROPHORA Conrad Chione (Lirophora) hendersonii Dall Venus paphia Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 22, p. 292, 1866; (not of Linnaeus, 1758). Chione paphia Gabb, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. s., vol. 15, p. 249, 1873- Venus paphia Guppy, Geol. Mag., dec. 2, vol. i, p. 442, (check list) ex parte, 1874; (not of Linnaeus). Venus paphia Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 32, p. 530, 1876; (not of Linnaeus). Chione (Lirophora) hendersonii Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 6, pp.» 1295-1296, pi. 55, fig. 22, 1903. Chione (Lirophora) hendersonii Maury, Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 219, pi. 37, fig. 8, 1917. Chione (Lirophora) hendersonii Woodring, Ms. This species is common in the Bowden beds of Jamaica, and occurs also in the lower Miocene of the Dominican Republic. In its Antillean occurrences it is somewhat variable in form, ranging from more convex forms with higher beaks, more incurved anterior margin, steeper posterior slope, and wider cardinal areas to those with these characters at the opposite extreme. To quote Woodring (Ms) "the species is characterized by its rather numerous ribs and the relatively wide posterior area over which the ribs are lower and sharper. The form mentioned in the PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 155 original description, C. ballista Ball,175 from the Tampa silex beds, has less numerous, occasionally ventrally striated ribs that are attenuated above to the dorsal margin. The Oak Grove C. glyptocyma Ball 17° resembles the less convex race, but it has a less excavated anterior margin, ribs that are ventrally striated and the point of reduction of the ribs is nearer the escutcheon. The recent C. paphia (Lin- naeus)177 has a similar appearance, but reaches a larger size and has a more arcuate base and more closely appressed ribs." The Zorritos forms of C. hendersonii are distinctly larger than those of the Antilles, and have the lunule constantly somewhat less impressed, but they agree well enough with the Bowden specimens to be regarded as the same species. Unfortunately, they are not sufficiently well preserved to determine the closeness in agreement of the posterior change in the lirae, but all indications available point toward a similarity in this respect as well as in others. Length, 34; height 32; diameter, 16 mm. One large specimen, im- perfect, is 40 mm. long. Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Heath. Chione (Lirophora) latilirata (Conrad) Venus paphia Lamarck, An. Sans Vert., vol. 5, p. 608, No. 2, 1818; (not Linnaeus, 1767) . Venus alveata Say, Am. Conch., vol. 7, pi. 63, 1833; (n°t Con- rad, 1831). Venus latilirata Conrad, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. I, p. 28, 1841; Fos. Med. Tert, p. 88, pi. 38, fig. 3, 1845. Venus varicosa Sowerby, Thes. Conch., vol. 2, p. 725, pi. 155, fig. 67, 1853; Ball, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 54, 1869. 75 Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1295, pi. 55, fig. 23, 1903. 178 Idem., p . 1296, pi . 55, fig. 21 . 177Syst. Nat. ed. 12, p. 1129, 1767-; Reeve, Conch. Icon., vol. 14, Venus, pi. 19, fig. 89, 1863; (as Venus paphia). 156 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 Venus latilirata Tuomey and Holmes, Pleioc. Fos. S. C., p. 85, pi. 21, fig. 12, 1857; Emmons, Geol. Rept. N. C., p. 293, fig. 219, 1857; Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, p. 1198, pi. 42, fig. 3, 1900. Circumphalus (Lirophora) latilirata Conrad, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., for 1863, p. 575, 1864. Circumphalus (Lirophora) athleta (Conrad) Idem., pp. 575, 586, 1864. Chione (Lirophora) latilirata Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1298, pi. 42, fig. 3, 1903- Chione (Lirophora) latilirata Glenn, Md. Geol. Surv., Miocene, p. 309, pi. 77, figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 1904. Chione (Lirophora) latilirata Gardner and Aldrich, (check list) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 71, p. 19, 1919. Two specimens from the Lower Zorritos agree so closely with typical specimens of C. latilirata from the Maryland and Carolina Miocene that it is inadvisable to express a difference. The only constant variation noticeable is that the Peruvian forms are somewhat more inflated than the North American, and that consequently the lirae of the Peruvian specimens are more arcuate ventrally. The speci- mens studied are both broken posteriorly, and it is con- sequently impossible to compare the posterior marginal angles, but indications are that with the exception of a slightly greater obtuseness due to the deeper curve of the ventral lira they probably agree. Length, (est.) 26; height, 22.25; (semi) diam. 10.5 mm. , Lower Zorritos. Quebrada Zapotal. Superfamily Family TELLINIDAE Genus TELUNA (Linnaeus) Lamarck Tcllina zapotalensis n. sp. PLATE X— Figs, i, 2. Tellina sp. ind. A. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 201, 1870. PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 157 Shell large for the genus, thin, fragile, subequilateral. Margins not preserved in specimens studied, but casts show them to be probably evenly rounded, the ventral margin moderately arcuate. Umbones pointed, not prominent, terminal. A barely perceptible posterior keel, followed behind by a shallow sulcus, breaks the otherwise evenly rounded surface, which is only slightly convex; in some specimens the central surface is almost flat. Sculpture of fine concentric growth-lines. Escutcheon long and narrow; lunule poorly marked or absent. Hinge strong for the genus, the anterior cardinal of the left valve being prominent and clearly bifid, and the socket behind it large and well marked ; otherwise the hinge is normal. Inner shell unknown. Length, 67; height, 42; (semi) diameter, 9.5 mm. This species is very similar to a number from the Miocene of Panama, Dominican Republic, and Europe. It is close to T. aequiterminata Brown and Pilsbry,178 from Gatun, but its ventral margin is rounded instead of straight, as in aequiterminata. Further points of difference or similarity can not be determined on account of the incompleteness of the Gatun form. It is similar in shape to T. maoica Maury,179 from the lower Miocene on the Dominican Re- public, but is less inflated, the , sculpture is less prominent, and the posterior fold is not so well marked. T. dbaoica Maury 18° is also similar, but is likewise more inflated, and the hinge is weaker. The hinge, which is distinctive, is closely similar to none described from the Americas, but is practically the same as that of two European species which appear in the Tor- tonian — T. strigosa, Gmelin 181 and T. planata Linnaeus.132 178Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 64, p. 517, pi. 26, fig. 5, 1912. 179 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 5, No. 29, p. 223, pi. 38, fig. 5, 1917. 180 Idem., p. 223, pi. 38, fig. 10. mHoernes, M., Abh. k.k. geol. Reichs., Bd. 4, p. 83, pi. 8, figs. 8a, b, c, 1870. 182 Idem., p. 84, pi. 8, figs. ;a, b, c. 158 STUDIES IN GEOLOGY, No. 3 The shape of these European species is distinctively differ- ent, but the hinge is closely similar to that of T. sapota- lensis. , , Lower Zorritos. Head of Quebrada Zapotal. Section EURYTEXUNA Tellina (Eurytellina) aequicincta n. sp. PLATE X— Fig. 3. Tellina (Eurytellina) sp. Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 5, p. 1024, 1900. Tellina (Eurytellina) sp. ind. Woodring, The Mollusca of the Bow- den Beds of Jamaica, Ms. Shell medium-sized, moderately thick for size, long, of elegant appearance. Anterior margin rounded, produced ; ventral margin long and nearly straight. Posterior margin biangular. Umbones pointed, terminal. Surface flattened but convex ; a posterior sulcus from the beak to the anterior- most marginal angle is the only sharply curved part of the shell. Sculpture of concentric flat-topped ribs with finely graven interspaces, about 8 in 5 mm. near the margin, and growing finer toward the beaks. The sculpture is sharply curved at both ends of the shell, and is parallel to the margin, in straight lines over most of its length. Escutcheon long and narrow. Hinge and inner shell not known. Length, 38; height, 22; (semi) diameter, 4 mm. The beautiful sculpture of T. aequicincta gives it clear distinction from the other Tellinas in the collection, none of which approach it in delicacy of external finish. The Bowden form mentioned by Dall and Woodring as noted in the synonymy appears to be sufficiently close to justify uniting it with aequicincta, at least until further material from the Bowden beds is available for comparison. Frag- ments of the Bowden form show the same characteristic sculpture, with the slight difference that the concentric lines are a bit more closely spaced in the Bowden specimens, PALEONTOLOGY ZORRITOS FORMATION 159 and casts show the same shape. The difference, should there prove to be .such, can hardly be greater than varietal in value. T. aequicincta is very similar to T. cyneglossula Harris 183 from the Claiborne Eocene, being only larger and less arcuate ventrally,with finer concentric striae near the mar- gins. Comparison of the hinge is not possible. Were the sculpture of T. aequiterminata Brown and Pilsbry,184 from the Gatun beds, known, a resemblance to that form might be found, the two being closely similar in shape. T. aequi- cincta is very close to T. nitida Poli,185 from the Pliocene of Italy, the only apparent difference being in the ellipsoidal bases of the concentric curves in the sculpture of nitida, those of aequicincta being straight, and in the consequently sharper upward curve of the sculptural lines posteriorly in aequicincta. T. nitida is regarded by Sacco as an atavistic development of the Miocene T. bipartida Basterot. The dif- ferences pointed out between the other Tellinas here described and T. cibaoica and maoica of Maury will make clear the further distinctness of T. aequicincta from those forms. The sculpture offers the chief point of variance. Lower to Upper Zorritos. Quebradas Heath, Zapotal, de las Alturas. Section ANGULUS Tellina (Angulus) pressa Dall PLATE X— Fig. 4. Tellina sp. indt. B. Nelson, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. 2, p. 201, 1870. Tellina (Angulus) pressa Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 1026, pi. 47, fig. 5, 1900. Tellina (Angulus) pressa Woodring, Bowden Ms. 183 Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 6, p. 161, pi. 49, figs. 15, 16, 1919. 184 Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila., vol. 64, p. 517, pi. 26, fig. 5, 1912. 185 Sacco, Piemonte, pte. 29, p. no, pi. 23, figs, na, b, 12, 1901. 160 STUDIES IN GKOLOGY, No. 3 "Shell thin, compressed, inequilateral; beaks low, hardly interrupting the dorsal profile, but sharp and almost pustular, ligament rather long, hinge delicate but normal; surface polished, with rather distant, fine, concentric im- pressed lines; the posterior dorsal slope with sparse, sharp, little elevated concentric lamellae: near the beaks the shell is smooth; interior with a faint anterior elevated ray which separates the adductor scar from the anterior part of the long, high pallial sinus, which is wholly confluent below; the interior more or less obscurely radially striate. Lon. 12.5 ; alt. 7.5 ; diam. 2 mm. A thin and delicate species with no observable flexure or ridge on the posterior end, and whose especial characteristic is the high dorsal profile, behind the beaks." — Dall, 1900. The Peruvian forms, though delicate and thin, are some- what heavier than the usual specimen from Bowden, the chief evidence of greater weight being found in the pro- portionally stronger hinge armature, in which the elements are exactly similar, but the development of the individual teeth- is somewhat greater, and the armature of the inner dorsal valve-margins consists of a heavier plate than in the Bowden specimens. Otherwise the forms are identical, and Ball's description covers every point worth noting. The anterior margin is produced, rounded; the ventral margin, flat to very slightly emarginate, ascends somewhat; the characteristic posterior marginal angle is prominent; the posterior dorsal margin is high in profile, and curved, as noted by Ball. The concentric sculpture follows the mar- ginal outline, and is hence flat to slightly flexed upward mesially. A complete shell from Zorrito