ii: LUMBLR PRICES REPORT TO THB PRICE FIXING COMMITTEE PRICE-SECTION VEM5ELR..1916 DIVISION- OF-PLANN1NG-AND-5TA NS 26 WAR. INDUSTRIES BOA1 • Report to Price Fixing Coranitteo on Market Prices of LUIfflER (1913-1918) Prico Section, Division of Planning & Statistic- - Vfer . :•'.' TS'^ti > . .. "f • C. 0 N T_ E N T. S. Pages I. Sources and Character of Lumber Prices: 1-4 1 . Quo tations from the Trade Papers ................. «... 2 2. Quotations from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Trade Conmission., 2 3. The Forest Service Prices .2-4 II. Summary Tables and Charts: .5-44 i 1. Boston Market Prices: , 6-16 (A) Cypress (D) Pine, North Carolina (S) Hemlock (E) Pine, Western White (C) Pine, Arkansas and Long Leaf (F) Spruce 2. Prices from Bureau of Labor Statistics and Federal Trade Commission: 17-21 (A) Douglas Fir .(B) Hemlock 3. P.O.B. Mill Prices (Forest Service): ,..22-44 (A) Ash (J) Hickory (B) Bassv/ood (K) Oak, Plain (C) Beech (L) Oak, Red, Quartered (D) Birch (M) Oak, White, Quartered (E) Chestnut (N) Pine, North Carolina (F) Cottonwood (0) Pine, Northern (G) Gum (p) Pine, Yellow (H) Hard aaple (Q) poplar (I) Hemlock III, Factors Affecting the Price Fluctuations of Lumber: 45-56 1. The Major Swings of Lumher Prices, 1873-1918 46-50 2. The Yellow Pine Market Since 1914. . . , , 50-52 3. Special Factors Affecting the Prices of Other Kinds of Lumber: 52-56 (A) Ash (G) Gum (M) Northern White Pine (B) Bassv/ood (H) Hemlock (N) Western White Pine (C) Birch (I) Hickory (0) Yellow Poplar (D) Chestnut (J) Maple (P) Spruce (S) Cypress (K) Oak (Q) Hardwoods (F) Douglas Fir (L) North Carolina Pine IV. Exhibits: 57-242 1. Boston Market Prices: .58-99 (A) Cypress: 59-64 (a) Ho. 1 Shop, 1 inch (d) Is and 2s; 1 inch (b) No. 1 Shop, 2 inch (e) Is and 2s; 2 inch (WIB358-1) (c) No. 1 Shop, ]£, !§• inch (f) Is and 2s ; 1$ and 1% inch ' -•'..'' v : :V: :. : • . • •: I '. '•. i _ • : ' '. - / '7. ,. Ct 0'.***- -. * !T-; I ••) t • / .* • ' " ... .4 ' I'.' —•:. ''• .-•: '.-, .". :,vT.i.:: f-ifttC ' ' •J) iV' } • i '- t U) i , r.:«J .1 .• -: { ;) •» .-* IV. Exhibits: (Cont'd.) Pages (B) Hemlock ..,.,, .65 (a) Boards, 10, 12, 14, 16 feet (C) Pine, Arkansas and Long Leaf :•=--»-. 66-69 (a) 1x4, Flooring Edge, Grain A (c) 1x4, Flooring Edge, Grain C (b) lx*, Flooring Edge, Grain B (d) ^ Partition Band Better ,-fxS (D) Pine, North Carolina i 70-72 (a) Edge, rough 4-4, under 12 inch(c) Roofers, 8 inch (b) Roofers, 6 inch t (S) Pine, Y/estern Whiter i.ii.; 73-82 (a) Fine Common 4-4 (f ) Selects, 4 inch (b) No. 1 Cuts, 4-4 (g) Selects, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4 (c) No. 1 Cuts, 5-4 (h) Upper s» 2|- and 3 inch (d) No. 1 Cuts, 8-4 (i) Uppers, 4 inch (e) Selects, 2t and 3 inch (j) Uppers, 4-4,fe-4»6-4,8-4 (F) Spruce: 83-99 (a) Boards, Covered, 5 inch and up(j) Laths, Ig- inch (b) Boards, Matched (>) Laths, 1 5/8 inch (c) Bundled Furring, 2 inch (I) Random, 2x3, 2x4 (d) Clapboards, 4 feet, clears (m) Random, 2x8 (e) Clapboards, 4 feet, extras in) Random, 2x10 (f) Frames, 8 inch and under (o) Random, 2x12 (g) Frames, 9 inch (p) Shingles, clears (h) Frames, 10 inch (qj Shingles, extras (i) Frames, 11 or 12 inch 2. Prices from Bureau of Labor Statistics and Federal Trade Commission: . . . /.V. 100-110 (A) Douglas Fir:.. ....101-102 (a) No. 1, common, surfaced 1 side, 1x8 and 10 inches.. •* (b) No. 2 and better, drop siding, 1x6 » • (B) Hemlock: (a) From Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company 105-110 1 x 6 x 16 1 x 10 x 16, No. 1 Rough Boards 2 x 4 x 16 No. 2 Boards, Random, Widths and Lengths (b) From Goodyear Lumber Company 1 x 6 x 16, No. 1 Rough Boards 1 x 10 x 16, No. 1 Rough. Boards 2 x 4 x 16, No. 1 Rough Dimension No. 2 Boards Random Widths and Lengths 3. F.O.B. Ilili Prices (Forest Service) .111-242 (A) Ash 112-118 (a) 1st and 2nds 4/4 (c) Mo. 2 Common 4/4 (b) No. 1 Common 4/4 (d) No. 2 Common and Better 4/4 (WIB358-2) -3- IV. Exhibits: (Cont'd) Pages (B) Basswood 119-121 (c.) Ho. 2 Common 4/4 (c) No. 2 Common and Better 4/4 (b) No. 3 Common 4/4 (C) Beach...... ...122 (a) No. 2 Common and Better 4/4 (D) Birch 123-126 ' (a) Ists and '2nd s 4/4 (c) No. 2 Common 4/4 (b] No. 1 Common 4/4 (d) No. 3 " 4/4 (E/ Chestnut , 127-131 (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 (c) Sound, Wormy 4/4 (b) No. 1 Common 4/4 (d) No. 3 Common 4/4 (P) Cottonwood 132 (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 6" to 12" (G) Gam 133-142 (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 red (d) No. 1 Common 4/4 sapn (b) Ko. 1 Corcmon 4/4 red (e) No. 2 Common 4/4 (c) Ists and 2nds 4/4 -saps (H) Hard llaple 143-145 (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 (c) No. 3 Common 4/4 (b) No. 1 Common 4/4 (1) Hemlock 146-151 (a) Noe 1 Piece Stuff S-l S-l-3 2"x4"-16' (b) Boards No. l-S-l-S,l"x8!l-16' (d) Fencing No. 1 S-l-S,l"x6" (c) Timbers, Rough 4"x4" to 8"x6"-16' (e) Lath No, 1 3/8"x4; ( J) Hickory 152-153 (a) No. 1 Common 8/4 (b) No. 2 Common 8/4 (K) Oak (Plain) 154-166 (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 (cj No. 2 Common 4/4 (b) No. 1 Common 4/4 (d) No. 3 Common 4/4 (L) Oak (Red Quartered) 167-169 s 4/1 4/4 wM«h l*iw qg\io» w*mj • • • • (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 (c) No. 2 Common 4/4 • (b) No. 1 Common 4/4 \ll] Oak (White Quartered) 170-175 (a) lets and 2nds 4/4 (c) No. 2 Common 4/4 (b) No. 1 Common 4/4 (11) Pine (North Carolina) 176-181 (a) Flooring No. 2,l"x4"xlOI-16' (d) Partition No.l 13/1 6" xS^' 10'-16f (b) Flooring No. 3, I"x4"xl0l-16' (e) No. 1 Edge 4/4 under 12" (c) Roofers I"x8" D & M (f) Box Edge 4/4 under 12" (WIB358-3) u.- » -4- IV, Exhibits: (Cont'd.) Pages (0) Pine (Northern) ......,.*<; 4 4 182-194 (a) Selects, C and Better, 5/4 (M.L.) (b) Inch Finish, C selects, 10" (M.L.) (c) Snop No. 1 3/4 (M.L.) (d) Shop No. 3 5/4 (M.L.) (e) Beveled Siding C, 6"-16' (f) Dimension No. 1 S-l S-l-E 2"x4"-16' (g) Dimension No. 1 S-l S-l-E 2"xlO"-16' (h) Boards No. 2, I"x8"-12' (i) Boards No. 3, 12", 10'-20' (j) Boards No. 4, Mixed Tidths 10'-20' (k) Fencing No. 2 S-l-S, 6"-6« (1) Lath No. 1, 4' (W.P.) (IT.) Lath No. 2, 4' (Mixed) (P) Pine (Yellow) 195-238 (a) Flooring, B.V.G., 13/16«x3-l/4« (b) Flooring, No. 2, D. & M. I"x4" (c) Flooring, No. 2, S-2-S & C.M. I"x6" (d) Flooring B flat 13/16"x3-l/4» (e) Finish B and Better, 6" and wider (f) Dimension No. 1 S-l-E 2"x8"-16' (g) Condon Boards No. 1, S-2-S l"xlO" (h) Coma.on Boards No, 2, S-2-S, I"x8n (i) Common Boards No. 2, S-2-S, I"xl2" (j) Timbers, S-l S-l-E, 6"x8"-16' (k) Car Siding, B and better, 1" x 4" and 6" x 9"-18» (1) Common Car Lining, No. 1, I"x6"xl$>'-20' (m) Lath No. 1 3/8" (n) Flooring B, heart rift 13/16"x2-l/2" (o) Flooring B, Sap Rift, 13/16" x2-l/2" (p) Flooring B( Sap Flat 13/16"x3-l/4" (q) Common Boards No. 2, S-2-S I"xl0"xl0'-16' (r) Merch. Grade - Sail, Plank and Dimension, Sizes 2"x6" to) 8"x8" average 24' ) (s) Merch. Grade, Sail, Plank and Dimension, Sizes 2"x9" to ) 10"xlO" average 24') (t) Merch. Grade, Sail, Plank and Dimension, Sizes 2"xl2" to) 12"xl2" average 24') (0) Poplar , ».. 239-242 (a) Yellow, 1st and 2nds 4/4. (b.) Yellow, Saps or Selects 4/4 (c) Yellow, No. 1 Common 4/4 (d) No. 2 Common 4/4 (VLB 358 -4) • 1, Sources and. Character of Lumber Prices: 1. Quotations from Trade Papers 2. Quotations from Bureau of Labor Statistics and Federal Trade Corasission. 3. The For.est Service Jf.ti.b. Mill Prices. (W. I. B. -359-1) • I. SOURCES AND CHARACTER OF LUMBER PRICES. ^ • '5?-otations from the Trade Quotations for many kinds of lumber are carried in the trade papers; but-:.there is grave doubt as to the reliability of most of the-se figures, t An exhaustive study of lumber prices both in central markets and at mills over a period cf years ending in 1910 was made a few .. y.ears ago for the Bureau of Corporations by Messrs. David L. Wing and John M. Gries, After these men had obtained a large collec- tion of prices from the books of saw mills and dealers, they com- pared their figures with the market quotations given in the trade papers. One of these papers, the COMMERCIAL BULLETIN of Boston, they found making reports that agreed closely with their own re- sults. All the other trade papers were unreliable in varying de- grees. Accordingly, in tilie following bulletin no quotations from the trade papers are given excepting the somewhat limited range of fig-ores for New England lumber carried by the above-named Boston Jour?ial , 2 1 Quotations from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Trade Ccinr.ission At our request, the Federal Trade Commission got one of their agents to collect a few quotations for the Price Section. We have also obtained two series from the Eureau of Labor Statistics; but for the reasons given above we have not used the quotations they accept from ..the New York LUMBER TRADE JOURNAL, 3, The Forest Service Prices. Most of the material here presented comes from the Forest Ser- vice. Since the second quarter of 1913 this bureau has been obtain- ing reports of "average prices f ,o,b. ndll" on a great variejrja of lumber from mills scattered over the important producing sections. The averages are given as covering the threeMsonilis preceding the date of each report, When substantially all the reports are in, the Forest Service compiles a separate mimeographed bulletin for each important type of lumber in each large producing area. In these bxilletins each mill is represented by a number, so that the reports from a given enterprise can be fcrllcwred .For example , there is a ''Yellow Bir.e'1 bulletin, issued July 23, i915, covering the states .• of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, and Arkansas, carrying reports from 36 mills, and shewing average prices during April, May. and June 4f 14 different grades of yellow pine, classified as (W.I.B.-359-2) ": .-. \ .-::;:: : *t * * » «• * *» t ** »* .. 1 !..!' .' ' •••. * t i *« * » » »' ' ••* '» • i • i>": n . *?.'. ...... .• , . . •' v ' -• '•'-. • • • • -. • . ! , •• •'•• • :^ • :; ! .-.! c»A s: ••--.' . •: : 'l.'iV "•• l '•• ' •l . ,.:.:--;rt iwria -' ^ ' -,'. u-*j -'':• ; . • . ..,;.:;::: -> :• "•..'• "' '' ' f!3 1;- -3- ^ — o— flooring, finish, dimension stuff, timbers, coranon boards, car siding, car lining, lath, and mill run. The Forest Service has furnished the Price Section with copies of all these bulletins. >>!e have re -arranged the data to show prices for aach grade of each kind of lumber at each mill in successive quarters. From the data thus arranged we have selected those series of prices which are most nearly complete for t>resentation in this bulletin. Cefctain peculiarities of the data should be noted, (1) There is a considerable range in most cases between the prices reported by different mills even in ths same state. The following is a typical example. In the above mentioned yellow pine bulletin, for the second quarter of 1915, the price of Flooring, No. 2, D. and M, 1" x 4" in Texas is reported by two mills at $8.00 per M feet; by one mill at $8.25; by three mills at $8.50; by one mill at $S.O for each kind of wood listed average relative prices (pre-war prices, July 1913 - June 1914-10C) . The eater iais from .vhich the avsr^gas have been cocputed are given at length in Part IV. While the charts presented here are smaller in size tnan those given in the Book of; Pries Charts issued by tnis section, ths scale to which they are aravvn is the same as that used there. 1. Boston Mancet Prices I Source: The Commercial Bulletin, Boston. Series included in each average of relative prices: (A) Cypress; 6 series: (a.) No. 1 Shop, 1 inch (d) 1 s and 2 s; 1 inch (b) No. 1 Shop, 2 inch (e) 1 s and 2 s; 2 inch (c) No. 1 Shop, l|, 1-| inch (f) 1 s and 2s; l± and l| inch (B) Hemlock; 1 series: (a) Boards, 10, 12, 14, 16 feet (C) Pine, Arkansas and Long Leaf; 4 series: (a) 1x4, Flooring Edge, Grain A (b) 1x4, Flooring Edge, Grain B (C) 1 x4, Flooring Edge, Grain C (D) 1/4 Partition B and better, 3/4 x 3| (D) Pine, North Carolina; 3 series: (a) Edge, rough 4-4, under 12 inch (b) Hoofers, 6 inch (c) Soofers, 8 inch (E) Pine, '?'e stern "'bite; 10 series: (a) Fine Condon 4-4 (f) Selects, 4 inch (b) 1'Jo. 1 Cuts, 4-4 (g) Selects, 4-4,5-4,6-4,8-4. (c) No. 1 Cuts, 5-4 (h) Uppers,' 2| and 3 inch (d) No. 1 Cxits, 8-4 (i) Ifopers, 4 inch (e) Selects, 3i and 5 inch (j) Uppers, 4-4, 5-4,6-4,8-4, (F) Spruce; 17 series: (a) Boards, Covered, 5 inch and up (D) Boards, matched (c) Bundled Furring, 2 inch (W. I.E. -359-6) -7- II SUivJMABY - Tables and Charts (Continued) (d) Clapboards, 4 feet, clears (e) Clapboards, 4 feet, extras (f) Frames, 8 inch and under (g) Frames, 9 inch (h) Frames, 10 inch (|) Frames, 11 or 12 inch (j) Laths, 1| inch (k) Laths', 1 5/8 inch (1) Random, 2x3, 2x4 (m) Random, 2x8 (n) Random, 2 x 10 (6) Tandom, 2 x 12 (p) Shingles, clears (q) Shingles, extras (W. I.E. -359-7) . Summary - Continued iVLRAGE R31ATIVE PHICS- OF LUMBER, BOSTON l-IARKILT YEARLY AOT? QUAHTBHLY AVERAGES Prices July, 1213 to June, 1914 - 100 Kinds of V'ood: Cypress Healock Pino, Ar- Pine. N. Fine. West-'" Spruc( Kansas . Carolina ern. White and long No. of Seriec Leaf Averaged : 6 1 4 3 10 1? 1 Yearly Ave rases 1913 102 103 105 109 100 105 1914 98 96 97 96 100 97 1915 97 86 90 95 100 95 1916 102 94 98 105 100 104 1917 118 120 131 143 110 135 Ouc-.rterlv Averw >-eD Year Quarter 1913 1st 104 104 109 114 99 105 2nd 105 106 107 112 100 106 3rd 101 . 101 102 103 100 102 4th 101 100 101 100 100 100 1914 1st 99 100 99 98 100 S9 2nd 99 99 98 98 100 99 3rd 98 94 96 96 100 96 4th 96 89 95 92 100 95 1915 1st 9G 88 91 95 100 96 2nd . 96 86 87 93 100 96 • 3rd 97 84 87 91 100 93 4th 97 87 94 101 100 96 1916 1st 99 95 99 112 100 102 2nd 102 95 98 106 100 103 3rd 103 93 94 98 99 101 4th 105 95. 102 105 101 110 1917 1st 109 104 117 114 103 122 2nd 114 116 134 140 109 133 3rd 125 124 143 160 114 134 4th 127 155 136 155 114 142 1918 ..let 144 144 140 16b 119 145 2nd 151 158 146 172 126 157 3rd i 168 156 i 132 160 4th Hot quoted. (V/.I.B. 359-8) .-.I . -9- Summary - Continued • AVERAGE RELATIVE PRICES Ci*1 LUMBER, BOSTON LIARKET IIONTELY AVERAGES Prices July, 19 13 -.to June, 1914 = 100 of Wooa: Cypress. Hemlock ..Pine, Ar kansas and long Leaf Ko. of Series Av- eraged: 1. 4. Oypre ss Hemlock ..Pine.,. Arkansai and Lon,: Year lionths Year lionths 1913 Jan. 104 103 108 .1916 Jan, 99 93 99 Feb. 104 103 109 Feb. 99 95 99 March 104 106 109 Marcii 101 96 101 April 104 107 109 April 100 96 100 Hay 103 106 107 May 103 96 99 June 102 104 104 June 105 94 S4 July 102 101 103 July 102 93 93 Aug. 102 100 102 Aug. 103 93 95 Sept. 101 101 102 Sept . 104 93 . 97 Oct. 101 100 101 Oct. 105 93 98 Nov. 101 100 102 Kov. 105 94 102 Dec. 101 100 101 Dec. 106 97 106 1914 Jan. 100 100 100 1917 Jan. 107 98 109 Feb. 100 99 98 Feb. 107 101 . Ill I.larch 99 99 99 March 110 111 112 April 99 101 99 April 112 115 116 May 99 100 98 May 113 114 134 June 99 98 97 June 123 118 144 July 98 96 96 July 123 121 145 Aug. 98 94 96 Aug. 126 123 141 Sept. 97 93 96 Sept. 126 128 142 Oct. 97 91 96 Oct. 127 132 136 Nov. 96 89 95 Nov. 127 136 158 Dec. 96,; 89 93 Dec. 128 •136 139 1915 Jan. 96 89 92 1918 Jan.. 135 139 139 Feb. 96 .88 91 Feb. ± 142 139 March 96 87 90 -larch 151 149 141 April • 96 87 89 April 151 155 145 ".lay 96 86 88 May £ 158 146 June 97 85 87 ' June J. 162 i July 97 85 87 July J. 166 156 Aug. 97 84 88 Aug. J. 168 i Sept. 97 03 86 Sept . J. 166 i Cct. 97 Oo 90 Oct. Nov. 97 86 95 17ev . Dec, 98 95 98 Dec. - No- quotations. (35S-9) I'.'J -10- Sumraary - Continued * AVEIUGI RELATIVE PRICES 0V LUMBER, BOSTON MARKET MONTHLY AVERAGES Prices July, 1913 to Juno, 1914 = 100 Kinds of Wood: No. of Series- Averaged: Year Months ine. Sruce Carolina Western 10 17 Year Months Pine.N. Pine, Carolina Western White 3 10 Spruce 1913 Jan. 112 • 99 104 1916 Jan. Ill 100 100 Feb. 114 99 105 Feb. 113 100 105 March 115 100 106 March 112 100 104 April 116 100 107 April 110 100 104 May 112 100 106 May 107 100 104 June 107 100 104 June 101 100 101 July 105 100 103 July 97 99 100 Aug. 103 100 102 Aug. 97 99 100 Sept. 102 100 101 Sept . 100 . 100 104 Oct. 101 100 ICO Get. 100 100 105 Kov. 100 100 100 Nov. 104 100 108 Dec. 99 100 101 Lee. 110 102 115 1914 Jan. 9 '3 . 100 100 1917 Jan. 112 102 117 Feb. 99 100 99 Feb. 113 103 121 March 98 100 99 March 116 105 127 April 99 100 99 April 125 106 133 May 96 100 99 May 140 108 134 June C 7 100 £7 June 169 111 133 July 95 100 96 July 168 114 132 Aug , 96 100 96 Aug. 159 114 131 Sept. L1 o 100 96 Sept. 155 114 138 Oct. 93 100 94 Oct. 150 114 137 HOT, 92 100 95 Nov , 155 114 142 Dec. S2 100 96 Dec. 159 115 141 1915 Jar., 94 100 96 1918 Jan. 159 117 141 Feb. . 95 100 96 Feb. 165 121 144 March 94 100 95 March 169 125 144 April 94 100 97 April 172 125 153 May 93 100 96 May 1 125 155 June 92 100 94 June 1 127 158 July 91 100 93 July j. 132 160 Aug , 91 100 93 Aug. JL 132 154 Sept. 91 100 93 Sept. •I 132 154 Oct. 93 100 93 Oct. Kov . 103 100 96 Lov. Dec. 110, 100 99 Dec. - Ho quotation, (V/.I.B. 359-10) a . zzo 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60, I ; ^- RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER- CYPRESS REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF 6 -3ERIE5 E>Y MONTHS AVEtfAiE QUOTED PraCE5JULXt913TOJUNe,1914-100 1917 1 1918 " I ^ 1 Jj I I £ Ttnn "1 "1 "1" 880 260 240 2ZO roo 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 1 i 1913 1914 1915 1916 s*4S4l4l4l|l4l45J i i | • i | r i , ii i " 1 ' ' j £ r ; -^- s-r^ / t ^ r^ i .1 , i 1 . . 1 i i , ll , , 1 ,, 1 , i 1 I 1 1! 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 i . .ii. , .,1, .!,,!, , Of h r Of f- r * ~ i- jy^H ^ s s 4 * 3 A 3 et**< 5 3 a 4 1 4 S 3 & 4 S 4 I Ji £ 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ; zed 200 180 160 140 1ZO 100 80 fid 1 i RELATIVE PRICES OT LUMBER-HEMLOCK £>QARD3 1O-12-14-16 FT. £>Y MONTHS UANIWRXI 915 ^CURRENT MONTH,191<5 A^RAGe QJJOTED PRICES JU1X 1915TOJUNC,19144OO 1917 1918 J 3333111 300 Z60 260 240 220 EOO 180 160 140 1ZO 100 80 60 "l"r I" 1913 1914 1915 1916 • 6. ^ u 4 S 9 v * ss£9fi>J(j 3 *t ^ O--> 4-^O"^ *-^O"->^^Ot- "l"l "1" r f / rv. f "V w <~*-S ,,l,,l.,l, , 1 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 I clt % z F f * h*!Pbf- * b « fr ?s" i-~ •*5»x<3="<55"J avJSabJj3Ji ^o-s>O-3*t-jO'>-I-^O'1 •**^O-^-*-^Y MONTHS UANUARY.1913 T0 CURRENT MONTH 1 91 & AVERAGE QUOTED PRICES JLO71915TOJUNE,ia4-100 1917 1918 300 Z80 Z60 aw ezo EDO 180 160 140 ito 100 80 60 «, j» ^ 4 a 3 o . i | i i j . . | . i 1 ' r ' i ' ' i " i 1 E40 1913 1914 1915 1916 of > >- ** >j i- * 4( >, z <*>;*- 6. 5 G tf °- 'JtftsLlrfO.^'-' 1 1 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 , | i 1 1 , , 1 ' r ' i • ' i ' • ?(\n 180 160 140 UO 100 80 60 f\ '] r y •v^ - / ) ^^-x. ^/ *& , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I , i ! i i 1 , i 1 > i 1 1 1 , , 1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 5 I =55l|54l = i > 1 1 > > i 1 1 180 160 140 IZO 100 80 60 . f\ / r X ( V 7 "^S ~^\^ -^J \-r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i § 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !'5(-rliii|- = J' k-arM |-z|i>i».zK>ii- Si^S^-^S^^^i^I^I-i^^-i^^ 1915 191^ 1915 1916 1917 1918 1917 ~\ 19IB LAJ1 j zro" roo 180 160 140 iz.0 100 80 60 BELATIVE PRICES OF -BER- WESTERN WHIT REPRESENTING AVERAGES Of 1O. £>Y MONTHS UANUAKX1915 T°CURRENT MONT AVERAGE QUOTED PraCESdULXISlS^ i QJTTlJ 500 780 260 J40 220 ZOO 180 160 140 IZO 100 80 60 EPINE, SERIES H,191<2> JUNE.,1914«100 "l"l"l" l | ri j i ii r i 1913 1914 1915 1916 mr~s~F~s~b 2^o^Z-^oA " i "7" i ' ' M|i-f'i|ll r r /-^ ,,1,, i,, i, , ,, 1 , , 1 , i 1 i i , , l , , i , ,i , i i ,! i ,| , , 1 , , \ t % *- II 454l|S^ll54ll5J | Si 4 2 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ; 22 Q" 200 180 160 MO 1ZO 100 80 60, t RHLATIV^ PRICES OP LUMBER -SPRUCE REPRESENT NQ ^WERAQESOF17^eRIE3 SY MONTHS UANUARY1S13 TOCURRENT MONTH,1£>1.2> AVERAGE. qUOTBDPElCES JULXISIS-^UUNE^ISM-IOO 1917 1918 1 300 ZPO 260 £00 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 I I § & 4 II £ I > 1913 1914 1915 1316 II4^|I|S| I -i § -= '' I I S t- 1 ' i " i ' • i ' ' 1 '1 "1 "1" II |"|M]M "1 "1 "i1 ' , k /^ ~T- 2 -\. cJL "^-^ -^v ' ' 1 ' 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sllSlllSlllSIIlSIflSlllS 1813 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 -17- II SUTSLtRY - Tables and charts (Continued) 2. Prices from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Federal Trade Commission l Series included in each overage of relative prices: (A) Douglas Fir; 2 series: (a) Ho. 1, common, surfaced one' side, 1x8 and 10 inches, {b) No. 2 and better, drop siding, 1x6 (B) Hemlock; 8 series: (a) From Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company; 1 :: 6 x 16 1 x 10 x 1SS HO. 1 Rough Boards. 2 :•: 4 :; 16 ilo. 2 Boards, Sandom v.'idths and. lengths (b) Fror.i Goodyear Lumber Company: 1 x 6 y. 16, Ko. 1 Hough Boards 1 :: 10 x 16, Ko. 1 Rough Boards 2 :: 4 :: 16, 17o. 1 Rough dimension ITo, 2 Boards random widths and lengths (V/.I.B. 359-17) -18- Summory - Continued: AVERAGE RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER P.O. 3. MILLS Prices July, 1913, to June, 1914 : 100 Kinds of v/ood:- No. of Series Averaged :- DOUGLAS FIR 2 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. Fob. March April Hay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Quarters 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 120 128 129 136 131 121 110 108 103 102 100 99 125 129 107 100 115 99 100 103 100 97 9? 100 1C 3 97 94 91 87 101 98 100 91 97 94 94 97 94 94 92 92 92 97 97 103 120 95 93 94 106 97 126 129 135 139 139 132 123 120 113 113 123 132 130 137 118 125 127 135 142 142 151 183 2C3 203 203 203 190 190 206 140 179 203 196 180 206 206 206 206 206 206 225 225 225 206 206 225 (V.'.I.B. 358-18; e Summary - Continued: AVEIUGZ KEIATIV3 FHICES OF UM3ZR F.O.B. Ill US Prices July, 1913, to June, 1914 - 100 Kinds of V/OOd:- ; HLMIOGK No. of Seriec Averaged:- 8. 1915 1914 1915 1916 1917 1916 Jan. 98 100 96 98 104 151 Feb. 99 100 94 98 108 153 March 100 101 94 100 108 133 April 101 101 95 100 112 139 May 101 101 95 100 117 132 June 101 97 95 100 129 132 July 101 97 94 100 129 132 Aug. 101 97 94 . 100 128 Sept. 101 97 94 100 128 Oct. 100 97 95 100 128 Nov. 100 97- 94 104 128 Dec.. 100 96 96 104 128 Quarters 1st 99 100 95 98 107 132 2nd 101 100 95 100 120 155 3rd 101 97 94 100 128 4th 100 97 95 103 128 Year 100 98 95 100 121 I'.'.I.B. 359-19) L T 1917 1 1918 5 S \ 6 5 S! RELATIVE, PRICES OF LUMBER-DOUGLAS FIR REPRESENTING AVERAGES CM* 2 SERIES MONTH5 UANUARY,1£)15 AVERAGE QIJOTHD PraCC5dULX1915TOtJUNe>19l4-100 1913 19J4 1915 1916 200 1 b 5 2|b58i§b58!§b 5 .3. o -j *t 3 Q £$ •a-3o-5«x-^o-3 1 ' • il I I | I I | I I I I I I I I I i i [ I I [ M I I i I I i I i i i I I I I I I I I I I I i i Z20 ZOO 180 160 140 £00 Z80 Z60 240 / 1 teo" too ISO 160 140 no 100 80 60 " < RBLATIY& PRICES OF LUMBER-HEMLOCK REPRESENTING AVERAGES OP a^CRlES JEY MONTHS VERAGCf:QCiMlLLPRICE3cJULXt913-ro«JUNe,191^00 1917 1918 300 Z80 Z60 240 EZO ZOO 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 rTTTTTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1913 1914 1915 1916 1 1 £ 4 I J 5 4 1 1 5 J rrjj 1 T I 1 ! 1 ) f 1 1 r^ A. ^^5J555J55^ r 7 ^ ^-^_^/ j , . i , , i , , i , , i , li , I , i I , i , , 1 , , 1 , , ! , , , ,i , , i , , i , i ..l,,!,,!, , ••&'*'>-Eft'^t»xQ'>' ^^"^cQ/^i-xVi^" :5-3GS^3u^^i3y^^3^'S&- G ^ 6- ^* 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 -22- II SUItt&FT- Tables and Charts (Continued) 3. F.o-b. Mill prices (Forest Service) Sov.rce: The Forest Service Series included in each average of relative prices: (A) Ash; 14 series: (a) 1st and 2nds 4/4; 4 series (c) No. 2 Condon 4/4; 4 series (b) No. 1 Connon 4/4; 5 series (d) No. 2 Cotmron & better 4/4; 1 series (3) Basswood; 3 series (=.} No. 2 Coinmon 4/4 (b) No. 3 Comif.o:i 4/4 (c) No • 2 Ccnrcon and better 4/4 (C) Beech; 1 series (a) No. 2 Comron and better 4/4 (D) Birch; 4 series (a) 1st and 2nds, 4/4 (c) No. 2 Coramon 4/4 (b) No. 1 Condon 4/4 (d) No, '3 Common 4/4 (E) Chestnut; 10 series (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4; 2 series (c) Sound, v;ormy 4/4; 4 series (b) Mot 1 Comr.on 4/4; 3 series (d) No. 3 Connon 4/4; 1 series (F) Cottonvood; 1 series (a) l.sta and 2nds 4/4 6" to 12" (G) Gum; 23 series * (a) lats ?nd 2nds 4/4 red; 5 series (d) Mo. 1 Comnon 4/4; saps; (b) No. 1 Connon 4/4 red; 5 series 4 series (c) Ists and 2nds 4/4 saps; 5 series (e) No. 2 Co.^.on 4/4; , 4 series (E) Hard feple; 3 aeries (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 (b) J'o. 1 Comon 4/4 (c) No. 3 connon 4/4 (F. I, B. 359-22) {• } ijfij'i'.:! :•'• ;"•'' -23- II SUMMARY - Tables and Charts (Continued) (".1.3.359-23) (I) Hemlock; 17 series: (a) No. 1 piece stuff S-l S-l-E 2" x 4" - 161 ; 5 series (b) Boards No. 1 S-l-S, 1" x 8" - 15'; 3 series (c) Timbers, Hough 4" x 4" to 8" x 8" - 151; 3 series (d) Fencing No. 1 S-?.-S, 1" x 6"; 3 series (e) Lath No. 1 3/8" x 4'; 3 series (J) Hickory; 2 series: (a) No. 1 Common 8/4 (b) No. 2 Common 8/4 (K) Oak (Plain); 31 series'. (a) Ists and ?nds 4/4; 8 series (c) No. 2 Common 4/4; 8 series (b) No. 1 Common 4/4; 9 series (d) No. 3 Common 4/4; 6 series (L) Oak (Red Quartered); 3 series? (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4 (b) No .< 1 Common 4/4 (c) No. '2 Common 4/4 (M) Oak (White Quartered); 14 series: (a) Ists and 2nds 4/4; 5 series (b) No. 1 Common 4/4; 5 series {c) Mo. 2 Common 4/4; 4 series (IT) Pine (North Carolina); 7 series.* (a) Flooring No. 2, 1" x 4" x 10' - 16'; 2 series (b) Flooring No. 3, 1" x 4" x 10' - 16' ; 1 series (c) Hoofers I*1 x 8" D & M; 1 series (d) Partition No. 1 13/16" x 3^" , 10' -16'; 1 series (e) No, 1 Edge 4/4 under • 12" ; 1 series (f) Box Edge 4/4 under 12"; 1 series (0) Pine (Northern); 34 series: (a) Selects; C nnd better, 5/4 (M.L.) 1 series (b) Inch finish, C selects, 10" (M.L.) 3 series (c) Shop No. 1, 8/4 (M.L.) 2 series (d) Shop No. 3, 5/4 (ivl-L.) 3 series (e) Beveled Siding C, 6" - 16 f 2 series (f) Dimension Mo. 1 S-l S-l-E 2" x 4" - 16"; 3 series (g) Dimension 'To. 1 S-l S-l-E P.n x 10"- 161; 3 series . t . 9 II SUMMAF.Y - Tr.bles p,nd Chr.rts (Continued) (0) Pine (Northern); 34 series (Cont'd.) (h) Boards No. 2, 1" x 8" - 12'; 3 series (i) Boards No. 3f 12", 10> - 20'; 3 series Q) Poards No. 4, Mixed widths 10' - 201;. 3 eerie s (k) Fencing No. 2 S-l-S, 6" -6'; 3 series (l) Lath Mo. 1, 4' (7. P.); 2 series (r.) Lath No. 2, 4' (Mixed); 3 series (P) Pine (Yollow); 106 series (a) Flooring, 3.V.G., 13/16" x 3^" ; 9 series (b) Flooring, ;To, 2, D & M, 1" x 4"; 9 series (c) Flooring No. 2, S-2-S &C.M. 1" x 6"; 8 series (d) Flooring 3 flat 13/16" x 3-|" ; 10 series (e) Finish B and better, 6" and wider; 8 series (f) dimension No. 1 S-l-E, 2" x 8" - 16'; 9 series (g) Cora. Boards No. 1, S-2-S, 1" x 10"; 8 series (h) Com. Boards No. 2, S-2-S, 1" x 8" j 8 scries (i) Cora. Boards, No. 2, S-2-S, 1" x 12"; 9 series Q) Timbers, S-l S-l-E, 6" x 8" - 16'; 7 series (k) Car Siding, B r.nd better, 1" x 4" and 6" x 9" - 181 ; 5 series (l) Com. Car lining, No. 1, 1" x 6" x 101 - 20'; :3 series (ra) Lath No. 1 3/8"; 6 Series (n) Flooring B, heart rift 13/16" x 2^"; 1 series (o) Flooring B, sap rift 13/16" x 2^"; 1 series (p) Flooring B, sap flat 13/16" x s| "; 1 series (q.) Com, Boards No. ?., S-2-S 1" x 10" - 10 » - 16'; 1 series (r.) Merch. grade - Sail, Plank and Dimension,) Sizes 2"x6" to 8" x 8" average 24« ) 1 series (s) Merch, grade, Sail, Plank and Dimension,) Sizes 2" x 9" to 10" x 10" average 24') 1 series (t) Merch. Grade, Sail, Plank and Dimension) Sizes 2" x 12" to 12"xl2" average 24') 1 series (Q) Poplar; 11 series (a) Yellow, Ists and 2nds 4/4; 3 series (b) Yellow, saps or selects 4/4; 2 series (c) Yellow, No. 1 Common 4/4; 3 series (d) No. 2 Common 4/4; 3 series. (^.1.3,359-24) «•• , fn-tv V.' i! • :., . • ;/: ,-•''- •- •••-••"•"• - -. iji? M ;•••;. ;- . ; v • .• .* •' • • , ' • ' . . : ••• ,rt." x C ,••••-•• ; -, ...JT .,".,: - .... .. ,•'-' ) ...,., .. . . . . 1 • • '"'.•; .<-""• V • ra • : '•'•"i >•" •, • '' -^ :- ' •', •:'!•: • : '• •'.-'; •I '. I ' . v (''-• -• •• •• : '• * * -25- Summary - Continued: AVERAGE RELATIVE PRICES OF LIMBER, F.O.B. MILLS Prices July, 1913 to June, 1914 - 100 ivi ,ds or ";ood:- Ash l jieecn Birch Che stnut Cotton- (Hun wood No. of Series Averaged : 14 3 1 4 10 1 23 Year Quarter 1913 2nd .aos 104 98 110 :ioi 112 3rd 103 104 98 103 102 103 106 4th 98 102 98 100 101 103 102 1914 1st 99 100 103 98 100 97 99 2nd 100 95 101 100 98 97 94 3rd 97 96 98 94 itfn 104 92 4th 97 91 98 85 89 88 91 1915 1st 96 93 98 82 93 88 90 2nd 96 84 98 81 91 88 88 3rd 96 82 98 75 88 96 91 4th 96 82 98 84 93 92 96 1916 1st 95 87 98 92 96 96 112 2nd 98 91 98 92 94 90 109 3rd 97 90 103 92 95 96 107 4th 98 84 109 . 93 97 103 114 1917 1st 103 104 114 105 103 115 127 2nd 119 141 131 127 125 130 153 3rd 128 152 163 132 131 138 157 4th 136 158 185 143 138 138 164 1918 1st 150 133 163 155 152 145 176 2nd 159 191 163 159 158 153 189 Yearly Averages: 1913 101 103 98 104 101 103 105 1914 98 95 ICO 94 95 96 94 1915 96 85 98 80 91 91 PI 1916 97 88 102 92 96 96 111 1917 121 138 148 127 124 130 150 Off. I. 3. 359-25) -26- Siunr.ary - Continued AVERAGE EELATIVE PRICES OF LUMSEE F.O.B. MILLS Prices Jiily, 1913 to June, 1914 = 100 Kinds of V'ood:- No. of Series Averaged: • Year Q-uarter Hard Maple Henlock Hickory Oak, Plain 17 2 31 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Yearly Average s 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 100 107 100 107 100 103 102 103 100 99 97 102 101 99 102 100 99 98 99 95 96 98 91 93 93 94 94 88 93 93 94 88 89 93 90 86 86 91 91 85 86 99 94 91 94 107 96 S7 99 107 94 93 99 107 94 93 100 112 110 97 119 120 110 102 131 144 117 116 141 145 123 122 140 3.44 125 126 145 146 139 136 159 153 153 14V 100 103 100 104 98 97 96 94 89 94 92 87 98 103 98 95 133 130 119 117 Or.k, P.ed, Quartered 3 103 105 94 105 95 96 97 85 90 98 103) 105 102 95 100 100 109 105 101 115 128 ICO 99 94 101 104 (<*, I. B. 359-26) -27- Surc/iiary - Continued AVERAGE RELATIVE PP.ICES OF LUMBER P-O.B. MILLS Prices July, 1913 to June, 1914 = ICO Kinds of Wood:- Qrk , Vhf.te Pine , North Pine nor- Pine Poplrj Qoi urteivrt Carolina thern Yellow NOJ, of Series Averaged: 14 7 34 106 11 Year Quarter 1913 2nd 102 114 101 116 104 3rd ICO 109 101 105 101 4th 101 98 99 99 100 1914 1st 100 97 100 98 99 2nd 99 95 ICO 98 99 3rd 98 94 100 95 100 4th 95 91 99 89 97 1915 1st 95 90 98 89 96 End 94 86 96 90 98 3rd 95 87 96 92 96 4th 97 90 99 115 97 1916 1st 93 102 101 120 100 2nd 97 99 102 109 100 3rd 96 94 103 108 99 4th 97 99 107 124 101 1917 1st 98 104 113 131 107 Slid 106 123 133 177 118 3rd 107 151 139 180 126 4th 108 154 141 183 126 1918 1st 121 163 149 190 148 2nd 124 175 155 201 160 Year?.; IT Averages: 1913 101 107 101 10 6 102 1914 98 95 100 95 99 1915 95 88 97 97 97 1916 97 98 103 115 100 1917 105 133 131 168 119 .I .3. 359-27) V ; •• Tia64"°I917 1 ia65*"°191fl1 1866*"»1919 J8|h|>l|b52|t 7. * .7. .°. 3. •*. 3. 8. •?. •« 3. __. 1 • r • i • • i • • i • • i • • i • • i • ' TOCO RELATIVE PRICES OT WOOL DURING THE CIVIL WAR ^PRESENT WAR CIVIL WAR PRESENT WAR 1917 1918 RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER -BAS SWOOD REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF 3 SERIES BY QUARTERS .SECOND QUARTER;9!5'tll>CURREOTqUAKrrERA916 AVERAGE HO-ExMILU PRICES THIRD QyARTER/191STOTHlRD QUART£R,1914-100 220 ri i £ 1 1 300 I g I I I g I I Z40 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 g I I 1918 ZOO 180 160 140 1 20 100 80 60 1917 1918 RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER-BEECH NE2 COMMON Sjy&TTSR. BY QUARTERS AVfiR AG eifQEvMILL PRICES THIRD qUARTBF^1915'TOTHIRO QfJA 1913 1914 1915 1916 ZZOl | i i [i i] "i "I'lr'T'TM'^'*"*"!' 300 £90 260 £40 ZEO too 180 160 EDO 160 140 140 IZO IZO 100 llOO 80 80 60U- 60 a 1913 1915 1916 1917 1918 zzo 200 180 160 140 1ZO 100 80 RELATIVE PRICES LUMBER-BIRCH "REPRESENTING AVERAGE50P 4 SERIES BY QUARTERS SECOND QyaJ?TER1915"ft>CURRENTQ5JATI4>10C 1917 1918 7 (O>0>'0>vJ> tlJSfiJJi JOO 280 260 240 ZZQ ZOO 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 r ' i " i " i ' l"|"i"l' 1913 1914 1915 1916 £S§SS5 = o85§Sj8$ E_Z_5_*_C_2__«__s__C__£__3__Z__c c «i z: I ' ' r ' i " i ' l"|"l"l' |"!."l"|' I " l"|"l ' / S / X / ^^^^ K ^ / J f 60 UUlJj J.-l-J 1. 1 l l,,l, ,!,,!, \/ 1 ., I,, l , , 1 , 1 i 1 1 i i 1 i 1 1 1 li i _Li j J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 O >• O iP£C>|D>0 > ID >- 0 > <»>-O >B5> O> £15 Itf^iffls^^lgC^i^SflJ^ 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1916 ZEO 200 180 160 140 uo 100 80 RELATIVE PRICES LUMBER-BIRCH •REPRESENTING AVERAGES OP 4 3BRIE5 £>Y QUARTERS 3ECOhC)<3yaaCTE^£B5^aJRRENTq5J^RrB31lS»6 AVERAGE KQEnMlLUPRlCES THIRD QUATtTeR,! £515 '"THIRD QCJAKTER,1£>I4-10C 1917 1918 ~] a>£>'a>vi> elJgfzJi 300 280 260 240 ZZQ ZOO 180 160 140 130 100 80 60 i " i " i" i ' i"i"i"i' 1913 1914 1915 1916 £55§£E53S£5§Sj85 crifrcrtfzCr^Et c 2 £ 1 i i 1 . . 1 . > 1 < l"!"|"!' l"|."l"l' I" l"|"l ' I ^ / V / ^^^^ '\ ^ / J r 60 1, , i , . 1 , . 1 . L,l. , 1 , ,! , \7 i , , i , , i , , i , I , , 1 , , I , , I , i,,i,,i,,i, n.ii.i.f 1 1 C > 0 > C > o > C > 0 > £O >• 0 > 0>-O > BD i 0 > e i 5 It^llfsl^ejlle^j^ti^jl 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ~1917 1918 1 1 RELATIVE PRICES , OF LUMBER-BASSWOOD REPRESENTINGAVERAGESaF 3 SERIES BY QUARTERS AVERAGE KO.D.M1LU PRICES THIRD QUARTER/1915T<>THII?D QyARTER.,1914-100 ZZQ ZOO 160 160 I g I $ 300 Z40 eeo zoo 180 160 140 IZO 100 80 60 220 ZOO 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER-COTTONWOOD FIRSTS SECONDS 54 s^iz" IbYQJJARTfiRS SECOND <3MAT^m^3TOCURRENTQyARTBiy9l6 AVERAGE KO&MIU'L PRICES THIRD QUWRTER;913T<>TH1RD QS^RTfiR^M'lOC 1917 1918 S5S§UB|S| Cr^z:>-i:o>4>>a>£>t3>ofeo2 LJULJ-J-JJLI_I_JJL_IJLI_I_1 , . . , , i f, 1 1 1 I'M"!"!1 1" |"l"|' r'iTTrTMT / / r , A i / _T^ \7 |,il. in i 1 , !< i 1 i 1 1 i i 1 i I , ,1 , ,1, , i , hllMl.ll I LiLuiuli I,,!,,!,.!, £>C (D>O>ID>^>«]>O>O>O»O>tj> t^J^tilS£|5Si^5£1ie£jg^gII 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 «0 ?00 180 160 140 120 RELATIVE PRICES or LUMBER- GUM REPRESENTING AVERAOE3 Of 235ER1ES £Y QUARTERS SECOND QUATTTfiRlSnS^CURRENTqUARTEiyQlS AVERAGE RQB MILL. PRICES THIRD QUARTER,1915TO THIRD QUARTBR^SW-lOO 1917 1918 J tf > O > fi>O> {JJIO_Ji_. l"l"l"l ' |"l"l"|' 260 240 zeo ZOO 180 160 40 20 00 80 60 1913 1914 1915 1916 SIJl£lJJ£IJI£III 1 ' ' 1 " I "I1 l"|"| I1 l"|"l"| ' I"!"!"!' / % / T I 1 x. I rJ 80 v_ -J 60 1 1, , 1 , ,,l,,[,,l i..l.,l,,l , l,,l,,l.,l . I..I..I..I , 1 , ,!,,!, ,1, O>0 > (D>o>fl>'J>CiO> C > 0 >C> tJLJt $ t£3st£5§txll i_LJ S t I 2 £ 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 \- zeo £00 L80 160 140 IZO 100 80 fcC RELATIVE, PRICES or LUMBER-HARD MAI REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF 3 . E>Y QUARTERS SecONDQUAPTERiaSTURRENTG^ A^EAGERQ&MILL PRICES THIRD QUAPTER;915'">TH[RD QJAPT 1917 1918 1 500 Z80 eeo Z40 220 ZOO 180 160 140 ieo 100 80 nrrtoj E>LE SERIES lARTfiRjaO rfiR.ia^ioo "|"l"l' l"l"|"l' 1913 1914 1915 1916 (O>O >&>~'ti>G >- f^5ii;glitf£5^£^Sg l"lrnl"l ' l"|"l "I1 l"l"l"l' i"l " l"l ' / r^~S / «* •*w / 1 \^ ^ 1 . . 1 , . 1 . , 1 , 1, ,!,,!, ,1. i . . 1 . , 1 , , 1 , I..I..I., 1 , i.,i..i..l. I..I..I..I . c.n ,s 1 I 1 £ 1 1 1 t I I i £ 1 1 i t I S 1 £ 1 1 1 " 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 EZO too 180 160 RELATIVE, PRJC&S LUMBER-HEMLOCK REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF17 3ER1E5 SY QUARTERS SECOND QUART2l^9l5'reCUl^ENrGp\KT£fya6 AVERAGE KQ5M1LL.PR1CE5 THIRD QUARTEPyD15TOTHIRD QyART2R,1914-100 1917 1918 J OXEOTi 500 ?80 ?60 240 ZiQ ZOO 180 160 140 120 100 80 M i"i"i"i' l"l"i| "I1 1915 1914 1915 1916 o>>-<£r>B>.o'>jO>u>«) > u > e25££l33£l2ie |_J_J i " r ' r i ' ' i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i ii i [ i . r — •" / \rn rt 100 80 60 ^^ / r-S / -~S jj , 1 , , 1 , , 1 , 1 1 , i , , 1 1 1 , , l,ll,.l,,l , 1 i,L ,i,, 1 i lnL < 1, ,1 , l.rlnL, 1 , S5 gS£i|o£S3S£iS! Elf§S53S CE^rcrazitlcJiirE-iz: ccazcr^c 1915 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 t. 1917 J 1918 tzo ZOO 180 160 140 ffiQ 100 80 60 RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER-HICKORY REPRESENTING AVERAGES OP 2 SERIES BYQUARTC.R5 SECOND Qyi^RTET^lS'TURPENTqjAFTrERjaft AVEPAGET:aBMLL.PraC&5 THIRD QUARTER,1£>15PTOTHIRD QUARTER1914-100 rTTTTTJJ 300 890 260 340 220 ZOO 180 160 140 1ZO 100 80 60 i"i"i"i' l"|"|"l' 1913 1914 1915 1916 ^>(j>O>U>»>ij>U> ^r5 = £z5g£^5g£^5^ I1 '|"l"l' l"|"|"l' I1 '1 "1 "1 ' 1" l"l"| ' X / ^ T f^s_ L 7 \x V- ^ ^ -~J l,,l, . 1 , . 1 , l,,l ,, 1, , 1 , 1, .!.,!., li • > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 § 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i 1 i ti% ^>»:>:oj.C>-c:>O>-Lj > d>0 > C > t^IseJ5£££lie^5i E_J_i_|_I_|_JJ 1913 I9H 1915 1916 1917 1918 RCLATIVC PRICES or LUMBER- OAK PL RE.PRC5CNTING AVfcRAGESOFSl . JbYQUARTCRS SECOND G3J^RTei?19I5>TOCUPRCNTQ}. JXVSRA&S. FO&MILL PRICC3 THIRD QUARTER;915-ft>THIRD Q^RT 1917 1916 300 280 260 240 220 ZOO 180 160 140 1EO 100 80 Qicon] "I"!"!' AIN 3ERIC3 WRTURJSI6 PCRJ914-10C 1913 1914 1915 1916 Sllitlliel^^tlll ZEO I-'I'T'I1 200 1AO ttf*A > . 1£0 100 8C / ^ / ^~ -^y ^^ i,,i, ,i. .1 . I,,!,.!,! I, fcn !?| II£III£IlI£I'II£IIii?III 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 • • LUJ 220 ZOO 180 160 1-40 \to 100 80 60 | RELATIVE PRICES MBER-OAKRED QUARTERED REPRESeNTINGAVERAOESOF 3 SERIES E.Y CHARTERS SECOND QUARTO^ 915TOCUE2RE?^rG8JAf?rER19!<5> AVCRAQE r!ORMlLLPR[Ce:> THIRD qjAirrC^SlS^THKD^/^RTfiRlSM-lOC 1917 f 1918 300 280 260 140 ZiO ?00 180 160 140 1ZO 100 so o>:>j>o5«g ^5-31^552 1 " | "|"l ' l"l"|"l' 1915 1914 1915 1916 glllclSSSIilfiifl ,,.,..,..,, r^r7!"!1 r M"r r 1" l"l" |i • • / -A 'V ,S "X /^ / V ^ y v^" ll 1 1 , , 1 , 1 1 I t..i. . i , , i , I..I,.L.I, I..I..I..I, I..I..I..I, i.,l,,i,,l . o>o>Cio>tf5o>qjoicj:ij<; e £ 3 gefJ^e^I |_fi_iXJ_fi_J_I_J_fi_l_JLI 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ezo zoo 180 1 1917 1 1918 500 Z60 zeo 240 zzo zoo 180 160 140 ieo 100 80 60 SIIISIII RELATIVE PRICES or LUMBER- OAK WHITE REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF 14 31R1E5 BY QUARTERS "i"i"i' SECOND (^AlWER^3"tnCUERENrr(^. AVERAGE SOExMlLU PRICES THIRD QUARTER,J£>15TO THIRD QUAR lAKlCKliJO reR,i£ji4-iot] 1913 1914 1915 1916 filllitlllSIIIelll i " i"i" i1 140 120 100 80 60 — :> .— ,-J ^-\- -^- . j i,,i, ,i, ,i , i ,. i . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i t 1 i 1 1 i !.,l,.l,,l , i ,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l,,l ,l,,i, £ 1 3 1 g l3i£l3£gl3i£l2IE2£i 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 i T 19>7 ~T 1918 T RELATIVEr PRICES OF LUMBER-PINE NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF 7 SERIES BY CHARTERS AYEPAGE EOIxMlLL PRICES THIRD GJJARTfiR,1915'ro THIRD QLIAJ3TCI^1914-10O 1915 1914 1915 1916 ££0 ZOO 180 140 100 80 601 300 eeo 260 240 ZZQ ZOO 180 160 140 100 80 feO 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1917 191B fivo>{D>O> |_J_|I|_J_JJ 500 80 ZfcC E40 £20 RELATIVE PRICES OF LUMBER-PINE NORTHERN REPRESENTING AVBRAGeSQT545EUlC3 BY QUARTERS I"!"!"!1 AVERAOC f.QGMILLPRICtS THIRD QUART fiRvl£>l3'TO THIRD QjJART EI^J 914-1OC) tZQ ZOO 180 160 140 120 TOO 80 1913 | 1314 1915 1916 JsIJIelllel^ISIsI i"l" "i1 Mil I 1 1 1" |"|"r 200 80 160 140 120 100 80 feO 1 / I ^ J i , , i. , i , , i , i , , i . . i , , i , 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 i 1917 1918 RELATIVE, PRICES OF LUMBER-PINE YELLOW REPRESENTING AVERAGES OF 106 SERIES BYQJJARTER5 AVERAQETtQ5NlLLPRlCE5 THIRD QUAR.TER,1S15TH1RD QyARTER,l£J14-10C 19.13 1914 1915 1916 ZZO 300 Z80 360 Z40 zeo zoo 180 160 140 IZO 100 80 7 ZOO 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 "60 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 uoe I • J 05SH p. H -; 3 .BMt ;>.f".5?5^.'A t -. • _— L.I.IJ HJSJ •A / T 1917~ | 191B |~ ztn 200 180 160 140 IZO 100 80 M RELATIVE, PRICES OF LUMBER-POPLAR •REPRESENTING A/EPAGE50P i 1 36R1E3 £)Y QLJARTT CRS .SECOND QUART£R719i5'reCURRENTqUAP!TfiR;916 THIRD QUARTERNS'"0 THIRD CWARTe'RJ1914-lOQ ouu EBO Z60 Z40 Z20 ZOO ISO 160 140 120 100 80 «n 1913 1914 1915 1916 tllltflll£|ili?|ll 1 i i i rfi i | i M i 1 1 MM M 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' I / ^^ S 7_ — '^<: -^-^ ^ 111 ,i_LJ_l_ll_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 L.I, ,1 ,.l i I..I..I,, i 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 V * J -45- III. Factors Affecting the Price Fluctuations of Limber: 1. The .Major Sv/ings of Lumber Prices, 1873-1919 2. The Yellow Pine Harkat since 1914. 3. Special Factors Affecting the Prices of Other Kinds of LusiLcr. (V/IB359-45) 1 HK/LGP Nov. 1, 1918, III FACTORS AFFEQTING TH5 FLUCTUATIONS OF LUMBER PRICES. (1) by Homer Hoyt Bureau of Research, War Trade Board. 1. The laajor Swings of Lumber Price s,16 73- 1918: The period from 1873 to 1898 was characterized by relatively low lumber prices. The successive opening of new virgin forests prevent- ed the rise in price which the rapid cutting of our timber would otherwise have occasioned. When the White Pine of the Lake States began to show signs of exhaustion, Southern Yellow Pine was ushered in as a general construction wood, and when the flood of Southern Yel- low Pine reached its erect, the stands of Douglas Fir from the Pacific Coast tapped to supplant Yellow Pine in the markets of the West. Between 1890 and 1907 lumber prices increased 94 percent while general prices advanced only 14.6 percent (2). Host of this increase took place between 1898 and 1907. Probably the chief reason for this rapid gain was the increasing distance between the timber stands and the large centers of population, thereby greatly increasing freight charges. Southern Yellow Pine is farther from the largo cities and the centers of building activity than tho White Pine of Michigan, and the Douglas Fir of the Pacific Coast must bear even a greater trans- portation charge than Southern Yellow Pine. Increased labor cost, (1) The factors affecting lumber prices are very complex because of the number of species and grades of lumber, the great number of mills, and the wide territorial distribution of the lumber industry. The author does not pretend that this hastily written survey is an adequate or final summary of the situation. The conclusions in regard to the histories of particular species of lumber are to be regarded as only tentative. The discussion of the general factors affecting lumber prices was main- ly derived from lir. William B. Greeley's report - "Some Public and Economic Aspects of the Lumber Industry." Department of Agriculture, Report Ko. 114, 1917, but, as 1'Ir. Greeley was not consulted in the preparation of this report, he is not accountable for any errors that may appear. (2) Wilson Compton: "The Price Problem in the Lumber Industry," in The American Economic Review, September 1917. Vol. VII Ko. 3 Page 585. j .,-r-i -. .i -47- which constitutes over half of the total cost of lumbering, and the high capitalization of timber stands based on the prospect of a grow- ing scarcity of lumber - were also largo factors in the abnormal increase in lumber prices. The cost of maintaining larger stocks of lumber on account of the increase number of species offered in the market, and the expense of bigger sales organizations to push conpeting species were minor causes of the u.pv/ard trend. The panic of 1907 had a most severe effect on lumber prices and the recovery of lumber prices after the panic was exceedingly slow. In. fact, the history of lumber prices since 1907 has exhibited some new tendencies and has thrown some old tendencies into higher relief. Because of its more direct bearing on the subject of lumber price fluc- tuations during the war, this later period will be discussed in greater detail. In general, lumber prices since 1907 have followed the main tendencies shown in the average fluctuations of "all commodities". This is to bo expected in view of the influence exerted by the general state of business, conditions upon bxiilding activities and upon many others industries which use lumber as a raw material. Thus, the building industries, whreh alone use over three-fourths of the lumber cut, expand when money can bo borrowed at low rates, when business needs new factories, when favorable corps enable the farmer to make repairs and build new barns. On the other hand, now building is post- poned or reduced to the minimum when the money market is tight, when business is dull and crops are bad. Similarly the rar.lroads make more extensive purchases of lumber in periods of prosperity than in periods of depression; more furniture is bought when ivagcs are high, and the demand for boxes increases in periods when a large volume of goods is being prodiiced. notwithstanding the close relationship which exists between lumber and general commodity prices, it is a striking fact that since 1907, depressions in lumber prices are more marked than depressions in the prices of most other staples. The period of rising lumber prices begins later, is of shorter duration and does not reach the height attained by other prices. Moreover, lumber prices are affected adversely by local and minor causes wh?ch do not register any effect upon the price level of other commoc.ities. This unfavorable position of lumber as contrasted with other staple commodities is generally admitted* (1) Its explanation is to be found in the fundamental (1) 'wllson Cocpton: "The Organization of the Lumber Industry" Chicago American lumberman 1916. William B. Greely: "Some Public and Economic Aspects of the Lumber Industry". 1917 Department of Agriculture. Eeport No. 114. (WIB559-47) • • •' -1- ;/;•-." ••~\: -.'• : ' -48- economic character.xstj.es of the lumber industries. Lunger prices have lagged behr.nd ether pr?ces because there is a strong pressure to increase lumber production even in the face of a declining and fluctuating The causes of the pressure to increase lumber production are: (1) Over-capitalization of tinbor stands en the basis of the high prices prevailing before 1907, and the accumulation of a vast tinker surplus in the northwest by private owners, has resulted in a heavy burden of interest charges and taxes whloh accrue regardless of the rate of lumber prwcVuoticn, and which make It desirable to keep on cawing lumber even v/hon tho rl emend is siy.cl^o Moreover , the present slow movement of inver.3 treats ia timber lands "nan forced timber owners to cut their lumber as the only means of liquidating their investment. Thus to reduce the load of fixed charges, and to withdraw excessive capital investments in tin-.bcr lands, timber owrers have been content to sell lumber on a falling market at a price tliab li-1 not yield them a profit. (2) Be- cause of the o/er-cap.;taliz?,tion of lumber lands and bc.d accounting methods, lumber inOuotries L-.vre had difficulty in securing credit at the "basics and this has inwroo^cfl the pressure upon them to dump lumber on a falling market. K././rhor ? Merest rates deirsncied by the banks iron tlw lunber j.ndustvy ha/e al.~o limited the amount of stock they .coujd na.rvy in dull times. (3) 1'h.e perif.bable nature of lumber and itiJ deterioration v/hen stacked i-i yards prevent lumber from being held over long periods of depression. (4) The highly competitive r.-';uve of the. lur.ber industry,, due to the wide distribution of timber regions, the snail capital necessary to start a saw mill resulting in tli3 gro\v!;h of ever 40,000 mills, and the extreme individualism pre- vailing among lumbermen, have prevented the development of influences that might stabilize prices of lumber. In addition to the keen com- petition that prevails beiween different mills in the same region cutting the same species of wood, there ic a continual struggle between the same species cf woorl cv.t :'.n different regj.ons and between different species of \vocd used for the eam-j purpose. Thus Dov.gj.as Fir from the Pacific coast competes in the markets of the middle webt v/ith Southern Yellow Pine from the gulf states, north. Carolina Pine,, Eastern Hemlock, Westsrn \vhite Pine, and Western Yellow Pine. iThe possibility of sub- sti.tuiir.g ore npuciec for another :.s ccnr-itantly enlarging as new timber resources are tapped, methods for handling new timber resources are developed, anrl tastes fcr 11317 \vods are built up by advertising. This free competition between persons of all c egrees of financial responsibil- ity and accounting accuracy,, fce-cwsen old regions striving to hold their supremacy ageinai- r.e\v regions seeing t,o overcome the disadvr.n-';age of dietarcc by lov/ mj'i.l prices, bew/cor. new species striving to raske inroads upon old species fortified by custon and tradition, hac swept aside all tender sie 3 to reotrJct Itiubsr production or to maintain a price. The market has repeatedly broken under the attempts of small mills with s?ender financial backing to realj^e on their output et almost any price, or the attempts of large mills to liquidate excessive timber investments, (WIB359-48) -19- or the price-cutting of mills which did not kr.ow their costs. The diversity of conditions prevailing in the limber industry, makes any co-operation clifficy.lt. (5) The lumber nills of the country could cut at loast 50/5 r.ore lumber than they have ever cut in a single year and tMr> is a constant inducement to tb.3 mill owner to increase production and thus to reduce overhead expenses. (6) IVfcile the rapid reduction of timber resources in all parts of the country save the Pacific Northwest reduces the wide distribution cf lumber and suggests the possibility of greater concentration of holdings in the future, there is no immediate probability of lessening the intensity of competition because the poten- tial competition - (a) from new growth on the old forest lands of the Ea.st aBd South - (b) the imports of lumber from Canada and (c) the cut- ting of tinker from the public forest lands under public regulation., (1/5 of all standing timber in the United States is still in public ownership) will hinder the development of any lumber trust. Thus pre- sent competition is not stayed by the prospect of a future combination. Daring the very period when there vas a great incentive, to increase lumber production, the total demand for lumber was either stationary or uocj.itt3.ng. it is estimated that steel, concrete and cement have absorbed markets which foi-rcorly reouirsd one-fifth of the total lumber cut. (1) The increase of fire proof construction in cities .has rapidly curtailed the use of lumber, and with the "growth of the urfean popula- tion the pel capita, consumption of lumber dwindles. Thus the per capita consumption of lumber in Montana in 1915 was 1,234 feet as compared with 293 feet for Pennsylvania and 206 feet for New York. (2) The per capita consumption of lunger in the United States has decreas- ed from 4-85 feet in 1S09 to 375 feet in 1915. Forest Service statis- tics Indioate a decline in the total annual production of lumber, (which is roughly equivalent to annual consumption of lumber for building pur- poses) from 44,509,761,000 feet in 1909 to 39,807,251,000 in 1916 and 35,631,233,000 feet in 1917. Whjle the Census of 1909 probably more near- ly represents the total lumber production than the statistics cf any other year, the suggestion of an absolute decline in lumber consump- tion is sigr-if leant. (3) While the demand for lumber is thus declining over a period of years, the demand for lumber also fluctuates from year to year and from season to season, causing alternate periods of overproduction and under- production. Building operations may often be delayed and repairs can be postponed when conditions- are unfavorable, so that expected markets do not always materialize and lumber that h?.s been produced to meet an expected demand must. of ten be dumped. Because of the enlarged mill (it) William B. Greeley. Op. Git. Pages 54 - 55 - 56. (2) vVr.lson Corrupt on, Price Problem in the Lumber Industry. American Zcor.Giiuc Heview. Vol. VII No. 5 Page ;>88 (3) Production cf lumber!, Lath and Shingles in 1516, by Franklin H. Smith, and Albert H. Pierson, April 19, 1918, U.S. Department oi' Agriculture, Bulletin 673 1917 Lumber Production (iiijreo graphed Copy) by Franklin H. Smith and Albert H. Pierson, (WIB359-49) ..50- capacity, it is oasicr to increase than to curtail production and periods of over- production thus last longer than pcricas of underproduction. For the above reasons, limber prices usually lag behind other prices in an upward price covement, are Vie first to feel the effects of depression and suffer more and longer than other prices. In addition to these main influences affecting lumber prices there are a number of seasonal fluctuations. The price of building lumber is usually higher in the spring at ttje peak 'of building activity when shipments exceed production and stocks are running low. The state of building activity in part depends upon the general business conditions already referred to and in part upon the weather. A mild spring causes early building activity in the cities, but it stops build- ing on the farms because of the opening of other farm work. The weather also affects production. FHoous or a severe winter in the South hinder the production of logs and cause a shortage later in the year. These seasonal influences often blend in a larger movement, as v/hen good weather brings good crops which lead to a return of prosperity, etc. The actual fluctuations in lumber prices sinoe 1907 shows the effect of the fundamental factors tbat have checked advancer in lumber prices. It was not until 1912 that lumber prices had reached the level of 1907 and then because of the slight business depression in 1914 and 1915 prices again broke sharply. The general upward trend of priest; which bc-gan as early as the fall of 1915, did not permanently influence lumber prices until the fall of 1916. The rise in lumber that has taken place s.l:ioe has been greatly stimulated by government orders and the enforced curtailment, of production on account of the labor shortage. In . spite of these aids, lumber prices have not risen quite so much as the average prices of "all commodities". 2. The Yellow Pine Jlarket Since 1914. Southern Yellow Pr.ne is the leading species of American lumber; the wide distribution of its production, and the large extent to which it enters into building operations throughout the nation,- cause its price to correspond to general influences affecting the prices of all commodities. liany of the forces controlling Yellow Pino prices have affected North Carolina Pine, and have had a strong sympathetic influence upon the prices of Douglas Fir, Hemlock, Western Vfliite Pine, and Western Yellow Pine, - the chief competitors of Southern Yellow Pine for general building purposes c The general range of influences affecting all lumber \ised in building will accordingly be discussed in connection with Yellow Pine prices. In sub- sequent histories of the prices of other woods, only the special factors affect- ing these other woods will be discussed. Yellow Pine prices reached a high level in 1912, and a general feeling of optimism caused an expansion of production and an increase in stocks, A tone of conservatism prevailing in most lines of business on account of the tariff and (WIB359-50) rj.l !':•• f .:::.* >::.\''-i:.i .< •? 't . ".'• .i ' '- • •<• ,ai','. :. •' * , • *:•••• • . /•: : ,, ,. i- . .,..'; vx.;;- ' ;' •> »,'"-: :• ' . '•' ••'..• ,. '• : . ••':-:• • • . •:• ;• '.: • . V . 'i ' . ' ' ' ,, tffo£ •: . -~ • . • - - •„*' J ••: ; • -51- pending currency legislation caused a pronounced decline in building activi- ties and a fall in railroad purchases, which were immediately reflectea in a sharp reduction of Yellow Pine prices. Under the stress of low prices «,any small Yellow Pine mills were shut down during 1913. The normal seasonal in- crease of building activities in the spring of 1914, checked the fall in prices for a tiiie but this slight prosperity was short-lived. The curtail- ment of pine exports on account of the war increased to some extent the lum- ber to be absorbed \n domestic markets, while the general depression in busir ness caused by the outbreak of the European war stopped mucn of tne fall building, and what was even more significant, the inability of the planters to market their cotton without a European outlet, almost completely cut off the demand for pine lumber in the agricultur.allregions of > the South. The effect of tnese forces was to force pine prices to stall lower level until the end of 1914. While building permits issued during the first half of 1215, ($371, 867, 000) were even lower than the preceding year, thus reflect- ing the adverse conditions of the fall of 1914, recovery was already in pror gress, Improvement of business conditions following the study of the effects of the European war, the financing of Southern cotton, the den.and for lumber from factories with war orders, increased building activity increase cf or- ders from the railroads, large crons and high agricultural prices stimulating building on farms and settlement of the Chicago building strike, all increase': the demand for lumber and started an era of rising prices by the end of IS 15. Lumber pricas lagged behind prices of othsr staple coirtnodities, but when the advance in Yellow Pine prices started it was very rapid, The accumulation of stocks, and increased production of Yellow Pine sti- mulated by rising prices, the difficulties in securing steel for building c^r; (affecting the demand for limber used with steel) , the shortage of export ton- nage and the late development of building activity in the North caused a ten.- porary set back in the price of yellow pine during the early part of 1916. The rapid development of building to a new level of $463,735,000 in first half of 1916, some increased purchases of lumber by the railroads, ana in- creased labor costs started Yellow Pin.3 prices on an upward trend in the fall of 1916. The slump in prices in the early part of 1916, had caused curtail- ment of production and a reduction of stocks so that supplies .vere lov, while fears of a car shortage and a general railroad strike checked the tendency toward over-production. The demand for pine lumber ker>t increasing on account of good building conditions and eagerness of retail dealers to replenish their stocks whenever cars could be obtained. This demand was swelled by large govsrnment orders f^ cantonment stock and for Aooden ships. While the demand for pine luri.ber was thus rising, the labor shortage was becoming more and more acute on account c the draft, so that a curtailment of Yellow Pine production was enforced. The result was that the Yellow Pine industry s&cured more orders than it could ii fill, and Yellow Pine prices kept advancing throughout 1917,until they have ni. reached a point that is slightly in advance of the average price of all com- modities. (W. I.E. -359-51) ' -S2- Ths over uroducticn that has usually followed an era of high Yellow Pine prices has not taken place this year because of labor shortage. Lack of labor, and to a lesser extent the car shortage limits the production of Yeliov Pine mills to frorc 50% to 70^ of normal prod-action, and the lumbermen are con- sequently able to sell this reduced output at high prices. 3 . Special Factors Affecting the Pr ices of P her Kinds of Lumber : (A) Ash: Ash prices have been very stable during the perf.ods of depres- sion and have risen steadily since the beginning of 1917 . The strong govern- ment demands for Ash handles, oars, and airplane parts and the relatively small and declining production of ash are sufficient to account for this rise in price. (B) Bass-.vood: Basswood prices felt the full effects cf the depression in 1914 and 1915, but a rise in Basswood prices commencing late in 1916 was rein- forced early ir 1918 by a strong government demand for Basswood for saddle stock and hydroplane bodies. The result of this increased demand, for a wood that is produced in relatively SLiall quantities was to force prices up during 1918 at a rate not exceeded by that of any other hardwood. (C) Birch: Birch, used chiefly for planing mill products, boxes and crates, furniture, chairs, woodenware, shuttles and fixtures fell to a, very -low price in 1915, but since than Birch prices have climbed steadily. Birch is used for training plane propellers, army vehicle stock and ooxes, and such an advance in prices is to to expected. (D) Chestnut: Chestnut prices have corresponded very closely to the prices of Hard Maple, Ash, Poplai and Hemlock. While the Chestnut blight has in- creased Chestnut production temporarily, the effect of the reduction in Chest- nut stands has probably offset th-s effect of a short-lived increase in Chest- nut cutting.-' (]£) Cypress: The significant feature to be noticed in Cypress prices, is the firnness thoy maintained during th-3 period of depression in 1914. While prices of Yellow Pine declined sharply, Cypress prices were shaded only slight- ly. Cypress prices have bsen maintained in the face of declining lumber market because of the special demand for the durable lumber Cypress for doors, saahvblinds, tanks, silos and because of • the combination of circumstances (W. I. B. ±359-52) -53- permitting a very effective aegree of control over production. The concen- tration of fhe Cypress production in a few regions-chief ly in the swampy districts of Louisiana-the large investment required to build railroads and dig canals into the swamps, the necessity of carrying large stocks of , • Cypress because of the unusual period of time required to dry the green lum ber, made necessary the investment of large capital and permitted a concen- tration of holding that is not possible in the case of other species of lum- ber. With a few large n,anufacturers controlling the greater part of Cypress production, with sales chiefly made through one selling agency, and with a production for .' hich there is a special demand and which is durable and can be stored without considerable depreciation, Cypress producers were not unde_ pressure to sell on a falling market. Consequently, when the demand fqr Cypress declines, the producers simply refuse to sell at any considerable re- duction in price, curtailing their production to meet the reduced demand. Thus when demand for Cypress was only 10% of normal in November, 1913, the Lumber Trade Journal reports that "a majority of the manufacturers ha^e an- nounced their intention of adhering- strictly to prices which tney believe will yield a fair return on their product, and will ma&e no furthsr conces- sions regardless of the extent of the demand". Prices thus being maintained at a relatively high leval during periods of depression, the advance during periods of rising prices is not so marked. (F) Douglas Fir: Douglas Fir is the latest virgin forest wood to enter the market, and its stands are most abundant of any American wood. Douglas Fir is used for general building on the Pacific coast, it i= the chief wood exported to Chile and Peru, and it competes with Southern Yellow Pine in the markets of the Middle West. It is regarded as a substi- tute for Yellow Pine, and its production has increased to fill the vacuum caused by the slacken ing of pine production. Its price moves in sympathy with that of Southern Yellow Pine. The price of Douglas Fir was Bnusually depressed during 1914, so that the Douglas Fir mills were losing money. Consequently a considerable rise in price was to be expected. The marked rise that did take place probably exceeded expectations. This has been due to the strong government demand for Douglas Fir both for shipbuilding on the Pacific Coast and for airplane wings, to the continued exportation of Douglas Fir to Chile, Peru, etc., at almost; a pre-war level, to the effective sales o-rganiaatioa which has pushed Douglas Fir in the markets of the Middle West ana to the rising of Southern Yellow Pine. (G) Gum; The advance in Gum prices since la 15 has excea.aed the average in-.-., crease in the price of other hardwoods. The reason for this exceptional aci vance is due to the rise of Gum from a cheap, lib tie-known wood, to a wood which, as a result of advertising and a study of its qualities, is gaining increasing (W. I.E. -359-53) -54- favor for boxes and interior finish. (H) Hemlock; Hemlock lumber competes with Yellow Pine for construction work and its price moves somewhat in sympathy with Y'? ,,25 36.50 35.125 36.50 45.00 * July 37,00 36.50 35.50 36.40 45.00 * Aug. 37.00 36,50 56.50 57.00 45.00 . * Se-ot . 37.00 35.00 35.50 37.75 45.00 * Oct. 37.00 35. Off 35.50 38.125 44 . 625 Nov , 37.00 35.00 35.50 38,25 Dec. 37,00 35.00 35.50 38.60 44.70 Quarters 1st 37 . 50 36.5385 35.00 35.6923 39.6154 49.50 2nd 37,4231 36,50 35.0385 36.50 40.50 52.00 3rd 37,00 36.0585 35.50 37.0536 45.00 * 4th 57,00 35.00 35.50 38.3462 44.6154 Year 37.2308 36.0192 35.2596 36.9009 42.5938 * I-To quotation. Relative Prices Average price July , 1913 to June, 1914 = ^36.7596 = 100 193.3 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan, 102 100 95 97 106 126 Feli. 102 99 95 97 106 * March 102 99 95 98 110 141 April 102 99 95 99 105 141 Itey 102 99 95 99 108 * June Id 99 96 99 122 * July 101 99 97 99 122 * Aug. 101 99 97 101 122 * Sept . 101 95 97 103 122 * Oct. 101 95 97 104 121 Nov. 101 95 97 104 121 Deo. 101 95 97 105 122 .Quarters 1st 102 99 95 97 108 135 2nd 102 99 95 99 110 141 3rd 101 98 97 101 122 * 4th 101 95 97 • 10-V 121 Year 101 98 96 100 116 k Ka quotation C'V.I.B. 359-61) c;. xovr, ^I;:/ '. .-;/ • vfs-iov, ' : i '' .• ' •'• -62- Prices on CYPISS3, 1's J-&D 2's "!c?.rlcet: Boston Source: Commercial Bulletin, Boston Actucl Prices 1 INCH Unit: I'/i Board Teet •Quotation: Monthly averages oi weekly quo- tations 1913-1S18. 1913 IS 14 " ' 1915 ' " 1"9T6 ~1917 1916 Jan. 48.5125 45.50 45.25 47.00 50.00 55.50 I'Vfl . 40.0625 45,50 45.25 47.00 50.375 March 48.00 45.25 45.25 48.00 51.25 70.50. Ayril 48.00 , 45.25 45.25 45.05 53.00 70,50 '.lay 47.70 45.25 45.50 49,25 53.50 * June 47.25 45.25 45.50 49.25 56.50 July 47.00 45,25 45.50 48.25 56.50 * Aug . 46.95 45.25 45.50 48.75 58.575 * oept . 45.50 45.25 45.50 49.25 59.00 * Oct. 45.50 45.25 4 5. SO 4S.25 59.00 :.ov. 45.50 45.25 45.75 49.25 59.00 Dec. 45.50 45.25 "46.00 49.66 59.60 Quarters 1st 48.1154 45.4231 45.25 47.3077 50.5962 67.50 2r.d 47.6538 45.25 45.4231 47.6246 53,9444 70.50 3rd 46,5192 45.25 45.60 48.9645 58.0385 * 4th 45.50 45.25 45.7506 49.4077 59.2308 Year 46.9473 4.3.2953 45.4760 48.3406 55.5781 Relative Pric es Average price July, 1913 to June, 1914 = ^45. 6731 - 100 K: T a - -1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 106 100 99 103 109 139 Feb. 105 100 99 105- 110 * "larch 105 99 99 105 112 154 April 105 99 S9 99 116 154 Hay 104 99 100 108 117 * June 103 99 100 108 124 July 103 99 100 107 124 Aug. 103 9S 100 107 126 * Sept . 100 99 100 106 129 Oct. 100 99 100 108 129 Nov . 100 99 • 100 108 129 Dec. 100 99 101 109 130 Quarters 1st 105 99 99 104 111 K-8 2nd 104 99 29 104 118 154 3rd 102 99 100 107 127 4th 100 99 100 108 130 Year 103 99 100 106 122 11 No Quotation. (J.I.B. 35S-62) i *. Market: Boston 65 Prices on CYPRESS 1's and 2's : 2 inch. Unit: m b'd ft. Source: Commercial Bulletin, Boston Quotation: Actual Prices Monthly average of weekly quota- tions, 1913-19H3 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan . 54 . 00 51 . 505 50.00 51.00 55.25" 72.00 Feb. 53.4375 51 . 5038 50.00 51.00 55.25 * March 53.25 ' 51.25 50.00 52.50 56.55 82.50 ril 53.25 51.25 50.00 50.075 57.3438 82.50 May 52.80 51.25 50.00 53.00 57.50 * June 52 . 0938 51.25 50.00 53.00 63.50 * July 51.75 50.875 50.00 52.50 63.50 * Augus t 51.75 50.50 50.00 52 . 4375 64.625 * Sept. 51.5525 50.50 50.00 53.25 65.00 * Oct. 51.50 50.50 50.00 54.00 66.0313 * Nov. 51.50 50 . 125 50.375 54.00 66.375 Dec. 51.5013 50.00 50,75 54.45 67 . 425 Quarters 1st 53.5385 51.4262 50.00 51.4615 55.75 78.00 •2nd 52.7212 51.25 50.00 51.875 58 . 7639 8S.50 3rd 51.6923 50.6154 50.00 52,75 64.4231 * 4th 51.5004 50.2308 50.3462 54.1731 66.6731 Year 52.3631 50,8806 50.0865 52.5684 61.6224 Relative .Prices Average Price July 1, 1913" to June 30 ,1914-$51, 4672 — 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 105 100 97 99 107 140 Feb. 104 100 97 99 107 * March 103 100 97 102 110 160 April 103 100 97 97 111 160 May 103 100 97 103 112 * June 101 100 97 103 123 * . July 101 99 97 102 123 * August 101 98 97 102 126 * Sept. 100 98 97 103 126 * Oct. 100 98 97 105 128 + thsv. 100 97 98 105 129 Dec. 100 97 99 106 131 '.Quarters 1st 104 100 97 100 108 152 2nd 102 100 97 101 114 160 3rd 100 98 97 102 125 * 4th 100 98 98 105 130 TFAP 102 99 97 102 120 No Quotation (•v.I.B. 359-63) Market: Boston 64 Prices on CYPFFS5, I1 s and 2's : li, If inch. Unit: M b'd ft. Source: Comnercial Bulletin, Boston Actual Prices Quotation: Monthly averages of weekly quota- tions, 1913-1918 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 49 . 75 48,. 35 47.25 48,00 51.00 65.3333 Feb. 49.75 48.25 47.25 48.00 51 . 375 * March 49.75 48.00 47.25 49.25 52.70 73.50 April 49.75 48.00 47.25 50.10 54.375 73.50 May 49.40 48.00 47.25 50.50 55.50 June 49.00 48.00 47.25 50.50 58 . 50 July 49.00 48.0625 47.25 50 ..15 58.50 August 49.00 48.00 47.25 49.9375 60.375 Sept. 48.8125 48.00 47.25 50.45 61. .00 Oct. 48.75 48.00 47.25 50.75 61. .00 Nov. 48.75 47,4375 47.625 50,75 61.00 Dec.. 48.75 47,25 48.00 50.85 61.60 Quarters : 1st 49.75 48.2115 47.25 48.3846 51.7692 70.00 2nd 49 . 3846 48.00 47.25 50.3462 55.8889 73.50 3rd. 48.9423 48.0192 47.25 50.1954 60.0385 * 4th 48.75 47 . 5962 47,5962 50.7885 61,2308 Year 49.2067 47.9567 47.3365 49 . 934 57 . 3438 3e la t i ve Pr i c e s Average price, July I, 1915 to June 30,1914 - $48.476 - 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1913 Jan. 103 100 97 99 105 155 Feb. 103 100 97 99 106 if March 103 99 97 102 109 153 April 103 99 97 103 113 153 May 102 99 97 104 114 * June 101 99 97 104 121 * July 101 99 97 103 121 * August 101 99 97 103 125 * Sept. 101 99 . 97 104 126 * Oct. 101 99 97 105 126 Nov. 101 98 98 105 126 Dec. 101 97 99 105 127 Quarters lot 103 99 97 100 107 144 2nd 102 99 97 104 115 152 3rd 101 99 97 104 124 * 4th 101 98 98 105 126 Year 101 99 98 103 118 * No Quotation (fl.I.B. 359-R4 . 65 Prices on HFMLOCK BOARDS, 10, 12, 14, 16 ft. RAILROAD SHIFMFNTS Market: Boston Source: The Commercial Bulletin, Boston Unit: per M B'd.Ft. Quotation Quoted Prices Monthly average of weekly quota- tions, 1913-1918 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 .Jan. 23.75 . 23.2500 20,5000 21.50 22 . 8125 32.25 Feb, 23.855 22.8750 20.4375 22 . 0625 23.4167 32.875 March 24.50 23.0000 20.2500 22.25 25.65 34.50 April 24.75 23.3750 20.2500 22.25 26,6875 35.50 May 24,50 23.0500 20.0000 22.25 26,50 36.625 June 24.0625 22.6250 19 . 7500 21.6875 27.40 37.55 July 23.375 22.2500 19 . 7500 21.50 28 ..00 38 . 5000 Aug. 23.25 21.7500 19 . 5625 21.50 28.50 39 . 0000 Sept. 23.4375 21.5000 19.3125 21.50 29.70 39 . 0000 Oct. 23.25 21.0000 19.2500 21.50 30.625 Nov. 23.25 20.5000 19 . 7500 21.875 31.50 Dec. 23.1875 20.5000 • 21.5000 22.45 31.50 Quarters « 1st 24.0769 23.0577 20.4038 21.9038 24.1458 33.3077 2nd 24.4423 23.0192 20.0000 22.0769 26.9038 36.6346 3rd 23.3462 21.8269 19.5577 21.5000 28.8077 38.8462 4th 23.2308 20.6923 20.0962 31.9808 31.2308 Year 23.7740 22.1490 20.0144 21.8585 27.8431 Relative Prices Average Price, Julyl, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $23.1635 - 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 103 100 89 93 98 139 Feft. 103 99 88 95 101 142 Bferch 106 99 87 96 111 149 April 107 101 87 96 115 153 May 106 100 86 96 114 158 June 104 98 85 94 118 162 July A 101 96 85 • 93 121 166 August 100 94 84 93 123 168 Sept. 101 93 83 93 128 168 Oct. 100 91 83 93 132 Nov. 100 89 85 94 136 Dec. 100 89 93 97 136 Quarters 1st 104 100 88 95 104 144 2nd 106 99 86 95 116 158 3rd 101 94 84 93 124 168 4th 100 89 87 95 135 Year 103 96 86 94 120 (W.I.B. 359-65) V -66- Prices on PIKE, ARKANSAS LONG LEAF, 1x4, FLOORING EDGE GRAIN A Market: Boston Unit: w.. Board ft. Source : Comsercial Bui ietin. Quotation: Monthly averages of weekly Quotations, 19X3-1918. Quoted Prices 1913 1914 1915 1915 1917 1918 Jan. 43.5625 41.5000 38.8000 40 .5000 43.6875 54.5000 Feb. 43.8750 41.0000 38.8125 41.0000 44.2813 54.5000 March 44.2500 1 41.1875 38.7500 41.5000 45.5000 54.9000 April 43.8750 41.0000 38.4375 41.5000 46.2500 57.0000 May 43.3750 40.5500 37.8000 41.1250 52.7500 57.5000 June 42.2188 40.3125 37.2500 39.7500 55.6875 (a) July 41.6250 39.8750 37.2000 39 .0000 57.1250 62.0000 Augus t 41.6250 40 .4000 37.7500 39 . 5000 56.2500 (b) Sept . 41.6250 40.3750 38.0000 39.5000 55.6250 (b) Oct. 41.1563 39.8000 59.5000 40 . 5000 54.1250 Nov. 41.4500 39 .0000 41.0000 42.0000 54.5COO Dec. 41.6875 38.9375 41.1875 43.2500 53.4000 Quarters . 1st 43.9231 41.2500 38.7885 40.9615 44.5673 54.6538 2nd 43.1731 40.5769 37.8269 40.8452 50.4792 57.1000 3rd 41.6250 40.2308 37.6154 39,3214 56.2788 62.0000 4th 41,4327 39.2865 40.4808 42.0192 53.9615 Year 42.5385 40.3365 38.6779 40 . 7594 51.4528 Relative Prices Average Price, July 1, 1913 to June 20, 1914= $41.2212 *100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 106 101 94 98 105 132 Feb. 105 99 94 99 107 132 March 107 100 94 101 110 133 April 105 99 93 101 112 138 May 105 98 92 100 128 139 June 102 98 90 96 135 (a) July 101 97 90 .25 139 150 August 101 98 92 96 136 (b) Sept. 101 98 92 96 135 (a) Oct. 100 97 96 98 131 Nov. 101 95 99 102 132 Dec. 101 94 100 105 130 Quarters 1st 107 100 94 99 132 133 2nd 105 98 92 9S 122 139 3rd 101 98 91 95 137 150 4th 101 95 98 102 131 Year 103 98 94 99 125 (W. I. B. -359-66) : .: ;• ' •• >i -67- Prices on PINE, ARKANSAS & LONG LEAF, Ix 4, FLOORING EDGE GRAIN B Market: Boston Unit: M Board Feet Source: Commercial Bulletin, Boston Quotations :Monthly averages of week- ly quotations 1913-1918, Quoted Prices 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 , 1918 Jan. 41.2500 38 . 5000 35.9500 37.3000 41 .6563 52,2500 Feb. 41.3750 36.2500 35.6875 38(0000 42.2500 52.1250 March 41.5250 ' 38 . 5000 34 . 5000 38.3750 43 . 1000 52.0000 April 41.4375 38 . 1250 34.5000 38.3000 44.8333 54.6250 May 40.8750 37.0000 34 . 5000 37.4063 51.1250 55.0000 June 40.1250 37.0000 34 . 2500 Zc.2500 53.6875 (a) July 39.6563 36.8750 34.4500 34.8250 5<±.1250 58.0000 August 39.4000 36.5000 34.7500 36.7813 52.5000 (b) Sept. 39 . 2500 36.6875 34.7500 37 . 2500 52.8000 (b) Oct. 39.0625 37 . £000 35.1500 37 . 2500 51.5000 Nov. 39 . 1000 36.6250 36.8750 , 38.7500 52.5000 Dec. 38.6875 35.9375 37 . 1250 40 . 6500 52.3000 Quarters 1st 41.3942 38.4231 33.4SS1 37.8462 42.39<±2 52.1154 2nd 40.8173 37.3462 34.4231 37.0865 48.8333 54,7000 3rd 39.4327 36.6731 34 . 6346 36 . 2500 53.1154 58.0000 4th 38.9615 36.6346 36.2885 39.0192 52.1154 Year 40.1514 37.2692 35.1923 37 . 5259 49 , 1583 Relative Prices Average Price July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914= $38.5409=100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 107 100 93 97 P. 108 136 Feb. 107 99 93 99 110 135 March 103 100 90 100 112 135 April 108 99 90 99 116 142 May 106 96 90 .97 133 143 June 104 96 89 91 139 (a) July 103 96 89 90 140 150 August 102 95 90 95 136 (t): Sept. 102 95 90 97 137 (c) Oct. 101 97 91 97 134 Nov. 10 1 95 96 101 136 Dec. 100 93 96 105 136 Quarters 1st 107 100 92 98 110 115 2nd 106 97 89 96 127 142 3rd 102 95 90 94 138 150 4th 101 95 94 101 135 Year 104 97 91 97 128 (a) Not quoted. (b) Government fixed price (•V.T.B. -359-67) il: ::>'•> i _ • • •..-.. COS' ' • i v .. : 7 . ,1 -68- Prices on PINE, ARKANSAS & LONG LEAF, 1x4 FLOORING, EDGE GRAIN C. Market:- Boston Source:- Commercial Bulletin Quoted Prices Unit:- M Board Feet Quo tat ion: -Monthly averages of Weet- 17 Quotations 1913-1918 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 33.5313 32.5000 28.8000 30.7250 34,3750 t 5. 0000 Fefc. 35.6250 31 . 7500 27.7500 30.6875 35.5000 45.2500 March 35.7500 31.0000 27.7500 31.7500 35.8500 45.5000 April , 36.0938 31.3750 26.7500 - 31.7500 37.0000 46.7188 May 36.2750 31.8500 26.0000 31.0938 44.2500 •i? . 125& June .34.8125 31.6875 26.0000 28 . 7500 46.00CO (a) July 34.5000 30.5000- 26 . 1000 28 . 5450 '45.3750 50.0000 August 33.9000 30,9000 26 . 2500 28.9688 45.2500 (b) Sept. 33.5625 31.0000 26 . 2500 30 . 1000 45.8700 (*) ice. 33.7500 30.60CO 26.9000 30 . 5000 42.3500 Nov. 33.5500 30.1250 29 . 5000 32.0000 43.7500 Dec. 32.6875 29.0000 31,0000 33.7000 45.0000 Quarters 5§t"" 35.6442 31.8077 28 . 1538 31.0288 35.2885 45.2692 2nd 35.7692 31.6538 26 . 2308 30.6250 41.2083 46 . 8000 .3rd 33,9808 30 . 8077 26.1923 29.2214 45.6827 50 .0000 4th 33.3462 29.9615 28.9615 32.1923 43.7692 Year 34.6851 31.0577 27.3846 30.7377 41.5306 Relative Prices Average Price, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 19145$32 .6971 - 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 191? 1918 Jan. 109 99 88. 94 105 136 Feb. 109 97 85 94 109 138 March 109 95 85 97 110 139 April 110 96 82 97 113 1*3 May 111 97 80 95 135 144 June 106 97 80 88 141 (a) July 106 93 80 87 140 153 August 104 95 80 89 133 (b) Sept. 103 95 80, 92 140 (b) Oct. 103 94 82 93 129 Nov. 103 92 90 98 134 Dec. 100 89 95 103 138 Quarters 1st 109 97 86 95 108 138 2nd 109 97 80 94 126 143 3rd 104 94 80 89 140 153 4th 102 92 89 98 127 Year 106 95 84 94 127 (a); No. quotations (b) Government fixed nrices. (W. I. B. -359-68) • '-' ;'"> . - ' ' '.- .' •> i . ; * .55 ...I Ui Prices on PIKE AEFAITSAS & LONG- LEAF {-, PARTITION B ,verr£es of ^eskly qrjotr.ticns 1913 - 1918 Quo ted Prices 1913 1914 1915 1915 1917 1918 Jan . 31 .3125 27 .7 500 26 .3000 29 .6500 32.3750 42.2500 Feb. 31 .5625 ' 27.6875 25.8750 29 .5000 32.7500 42 .5COC March 31 .1500 27 .8750 25.7500 29.4375 33,0500 44 .2500 April 31 .2500 28.2500 25 .0000 29 .3000 34.7500 44 .5000 May 30-2500 37 .7500 24.7500 29.1875 39 -5000 44.5000 -June 39 -0313 27 .5625 24.7500 28 .4375 45.3750 (a) July 28 .£000 27 .3125 24 .7 500 27 .4500 25.2500 48 .0000 Mig- 28 -5000 27 .2500 24 .7500 27 .8125 42 .7500 (b) Sijpt • 23 .5000 27 .2500 24-7500 28 .3000 43 .5:^00 tb) Oct. 23 -50CO 27 .2500 25-3000 29 .2500 42.1250 NQV . 28 .5000 26.8750 26.6875 20 -0000 42.3750 Dec- 28 .3t25 26 .5000 28-3750 31 -2188 42.2500 Quarters 1st 31 .3269 27 .7692 26 -0000 29.5385 32 .7500 43 .0000 2nd 30-1827 27 .8462 24 .8269 29 .0000 39 .0833 44 .5000 3rd 28 -5000 27 .2692 24.7500 27 .8571 43.3269 48 .0000 4th 28 .4433 26,9038 26-6731 30 .1563 42 .2500 Ye?.r 29.6130 27 .4471 25.5625 29 .0937 39-5339 Pel?.tiv e Prices Average Price, Jul 7 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $28 .1394 = ICO 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1913 Jau • 111 •) 99' 93 105 115 150 Feb. 112 98 92 105 116 151 March 111 99 92 105 117 157 April 111 100 89, 104 123 158 May 107 99 .88 104 140 158 June 103 98 88 101 161 (a) i July 101 97 88 98 161 171 lAug. 101 97 38 99 152 (b) Sept. 101 97 88 101 155 (b) Oct. 101 97 90 104 150 Nov. 101 95 95 . 107 151 Dec. 101 94 101 111 150 Quarters 1st 111 99 92 105 116 153 ,2nd 107 99 88 103 139 158 3rd 101 97 88 99 156 171 4th 101 96 95 107 150 Year 105 98 91 103 141 (a; No quotation (b) Government fixed prices from July 2, 1918. C177. 1. 3. 359-6 9) / v 0300- V. •; ; _f C.'?0:j. ':'• -,T '1:: -70- Prices on PINE, NORTH CAROLINA, EDGE ROUGH, 4-4 UNDEP. 12 INCH Market: Boston Unit: M. Board Feet Sour ceL The Commercial Bulletin, Boston. Quotations: Monthly evcrr.ee s of weekly quotations 1913-1918 Quoted Prices 1913 . 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 33 .6250 31 .1000 29 -7500 30 .5000 30*7813 44 .5000 Feb. 33 .6250 31 .2500 29-7500 31 .3750 31 .4375 44.6250 March 33.5750 31 .2500 29-7500 31 .4375 32.7/250 45 .5000 April 34,5000 31 -0625 29 -7500 31 .2500 36 .1250 45 -5000 May 34.3500 30 -9000 29 .4500 31 .2500 39 -6667 * June 33.1563 30.7500 38.7500 30.2500 4610000 * July 32 .6250 30-6250 28.5000 29 -9500 46 .2138 * Aug. 32 .0000 30.7500 28.6250 29.5000 46.1250 * Sept. 31.7500 30 .6875 28 .2500 29 .5500 45-5750 * Oct. 31 .7500 30 .3000 28 .0500 29 .7500 44 .5000 Nov . 31 .7500 30 -0000 29-5313 29.8750 44-3125 Dec. 31 .3125 29.7500 29-8750 30.2750 44.5000 Quarters 1st ~ 33.7596 31 .1923 29.7500 31 -0577 31.7308 44 .9231 2nd. 34 .0288 30.9038 29 .3269 30 .9423 39-5000 45.50 3rd 32 .1565 30 .6923 28.4615 29 .6786 45-8654 * 4th 31 .61.54 30 .0385 29,0673 29 .9904 44.4423 Year 33.6702 30.7067 29 .1514 30 .4033 40 .4583 Average price July Pel a ti'^e Prices 1914 = $31 .4567 = 100 1, 1913, to June 30 , 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan- 107 99 95 97 98 141 Feb. 107 99 95 100 100 K2 March 108 99 95 100 104 145 April 110 99 95 99 115 145 May 109 98 94 99 126 * June 105 98 91 96 146 * AUP . 104 97 91 95 147 * Aug. 102 98 91 94 147 * Sept. 101 98 90 94 144 * Oct. 101 96 89 95 141 Nov. 101 95 94 95 141 Dec. 100 95 95 96 141 Quarters 1st 107 99 95 99 101 143 2nd 108 98 93 98 126 145 3rd 102 98 90 94 146 * *th 101 95 92 95 141 Year 107 93 93 57 129 "Not quoted ("'.1.3.359-70) .•.'.-. I •X" •••;:. . - -71- Prices on PIEE, NOPTH CAEOLIKA P.OOFEP.S , - 6 inch Market: Boston Source: The Cocu.iercirl Bulletin, Boston Quoted Prices Unit: Per 1! Board fest Quotation: Monthly average of weekly quotations, 1913-1918 . 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 22 .125 18-80 17 .875 22.80 22 .8125 32.50 Feb. 22-750 18-9375 18 -000 23,00 23 .00 34 .25 March 22 .350 18 .750 18 -0313 22 .6375 23.55 34.95 April 22.750 19 .000 17 .9063 22-15 25.1875 36-00 May 21 .050 18.750 17.75 21 .4375 28.5833 * June 20 .7 50 18.625 17.75 20.00 35 .125 * V July 20-375 18.0625 17 .50 13.70 34.50 * Aug. 19.850 18 ,2500 17 .3125 18.9688 32.125 * Sept. 19 .6563 18.1553 17 .5938 19.90 31.00 * Oct. 19.4375 17 .5750 18 .2250 19.75 30.00 Nov . IS. 275 17 .3125 20 .8125 21.00 31.25 Dec. 18.9063 17 .37-0 22.5875 22.70 32.50 Quarters 1st 22 .5962 18.3259 17 -9615 22 .8269 2^1533 33 .9808 2nd 21 ,8259 18.7885 17 .7981 21 .2592 28 .5278 35.00 3rd 19-9519 13-1635 17 .4712 19.2054 32 .4231 * 13 1918. Weekly quotations. Actual Prices ISli 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 21.75 ^- . I .- 1 . .' 1 ,• : r i'O.' * -85- ^ Prices on SPRUCE, BUNDLED FURRING, 2 INCH Market: Bostcn Source: The Gorrmercial Bulletin, Boston Actual Prices Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Monthly averages of 1914-1918 weekly quo- tations . 1913 * 1914 1915 1916 1917 1916 Jan. 22.7500 21.5000' 21.30CC 22.5625 31.7500 Feb. 22.7500 21 . 5000 21.6875 24.7500 33.0000 March ' 22.7500 21.5625 21.9375 25.7000 34.3000 April 22.7500 21.7500 21 . 8000 26 . 5000 35.6250 May 22.7500 21.7000 21.3750 27.0000 36 . 2500 June 22 . 5000 21.1875 20.8750 26 . 6000 37.0500 July 22 . 2500 20.5500 20.6500 26 . 5000 39 . 3125 August 22 . 2500 20 , 2500 20.5000 27 . 1250 37,7000 Sept. 22 . 2500 20.2500 20.8000 29.0000 37,5000 Oct. 21.3500 20 . 2500 21,5000 30.7500 Nov. 21.3750 20 . 2500 21.6875 31.2500 Dec. 21.6250 21.3125 22,3000 31.5000 Quarters 1st 22.7500 21.5192 21.6154 24.4423 33 . 1250 2nd 22.6731 21 . 5577 21.3846 26.6923 36.3654 •3i:ci 22.2500 20.3654 20 . 6607 2(7.6538 36 . 1346 4th 21.4423 20.5769 21.8654 31.1923 Year 22.2788 21.0048 21.3679 27.4952 Relative Prices Average price January, 1914 to June, 1914 =$22 .7115 = 100 1913* 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ilan. 100 95 94 99 140 Feb. 100 95 96 109 145 March 100 95 97 113 151 April 100 96 96 117 157 May 100 96 94 119 160 June 99 93 92 117 163 July 98 90 •ai 117 173 August 98 89 90 119 166 Sept. 98 89 92 128 165 Oct. i 94 89 95 135 Nov. sa 89 96 138 Dec. 95 94 98 139 Quarters 1st 100 95 95 108 146 2nd 100 95 9* 118 160 3rd 98 90 91 122 168 4th 94 91 96 137 Year 98 92 94 121 (' .1. P. -obi- -35) * No quotation. (W. I.E. -359 -85) i. .-.•-• 0 i • .: - .. •• (••• . io -86- Pricss on Market : Boacitcn SPRUCE, CLAPBOARDS ,4 FT. CLEARS Unit: M Board Feet Soiree: Conarercial Bulletin, Boston Quotation /ctual Prices Monthly averages of weekly quotations ]>913- 1918. 1913 3914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ja.a. Feb. 45.0000 49. COCO ' 51 . 0000 51.0000 51.0000 51 .0000 52.0000 52.0000 52.0000 52.0000 54.0000 54,0000 Itereh 49 . 2000 51.0000 53.0000 52.0000 52,2000 5^.0000 April 5C.COOO 51.0000 51.0000 52.0000 53.0000 54.0000 May 50.0000 51.0000 51 .0000 52.0000 53.0000 54.0000 June 50 . C/.'CO 51.0000 51.0000 52.0000 53.0000 54.0000 July 51.5000-, 51-0000 51.0000 52,0000 55.2500 54 .0000 August 51,0000 51,0000 51.0000 52.0000 56 .0000 54.0000 Sept. 51.0000 51,0000 51.0000 52.0000 56 .0000 57.0000 O'-t , 51 .0000 51 .0000 51.0000 52.0000 56.0000 Nov. 51.0000 51,0000 51.0000 52.0000 55.7500 Dec. 51.0000 51.0000 51.6000 52.0000 54.0000 Cv.arters 49.0769 51.0000 51.0000 52,0000 52.0769 54.00 1st 2nd 50 . 1538 51 .0000 51 .0000 52.0000 53.0000 54.00 3rd 51.1538 51.0000 51.0000 52.0000 55.7692 55.1538 4th 51,0000 51 .0000 51.1538 52.0000 55.1538 Year 50.3462 51.0000 51.0444 52.0000 54.0000 Relative Prices Average price July, 1913 to June , 1914 = $51 .0385= 100 1313 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 96 100 100 102 102 106 Feb. 96 100 100 102 102 106 March 96 100 100 102 102 106 April 98 100 100 102 104 106 May 98 100 100 102 • 104 IGS.- June 99 100 100 102 104 106 July : 101 100 100 102 108 106 August 300 100 100 102 110 . 107 o.^*. '•-x' " • -.00 * 1- l~\ -tUj 100 102 110 112 Oct. 100 3.00 100 102 110 Nov. 100 100 ICO 102 109 Dec. 100 100 101 102 106 Ouarte_rs 1st 96 100 100 102 102 106 2nd 98 100 ICO 102 104 106 3rd 100 100 100 102 109 103. 4th ICO 100 100 1C 2 108 Year 99 100 100 102 106 (W. I. B. -359-86) -87- Prices on SP.7JC3, CLAg.BO.'iPDS, 4 EZSD, SXffi J.arliet: Boston Unit: U I Source: Cornracrcial Bulletin, Boston Quotation: Actual Prices toard Peet Monthly 1913-1918 averages of v/eekly quotations- 1913 19I'i 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jaa. 51.00 53.00 53.00 54.00 54.00 56.00 Pec. 51.00 53.00 53.00 54.00 54.00 56.00 Larch 51.20 53.00 53.00 54.00 54.20 56.00 April 52.00 55.00 55.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 Hay 52.00 53.00 53.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 June 52.50 53.00 55.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 July 53.50 53.00 53.00 54.00 57.25 56.00 August 53.00 53.00 53.00 54.00 58.00 56.60 Sept. 53.00 53.00 53.00 54.00 58.00 59.00 Oct. 55.00 53.00 53.00 54.00 58.00 Eov. 55.00 55.00 53.00 54.00 58.00 Doc. 53.00 53.00 53.50 54.00 56.00 Quarters 1st 51.0769 53.00 53.00 54.00 54.0769 56.00 2nd 52.1538 53.00 55.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 3rd 55.1538- 53.00 53.00 54.00 57.7692 57.1538 4ch 55.00 55.00 53.1538 54.00 57,2303 Year 52.3462 53.00 53.0444 54.00 56.0192 Beiat.ive Prices Average Price July 1, 19 13 to June 30, 1914 = $53 .0385 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 3013 Jan. 96 100 100 102 102 106 Fob. 96 100 100 102 1C2 106 March 97 100 100 102 102 106 April 98 100 100 102 104 106 fey 98 100 100 102 104 106 June 99 100 100 102 104 106 July 101 100 100 102 108 106 August 100 100 100 102 109 107 Sept, 100 100 100 102 109 111 Oct. 100 100 100 102 109 Nov. 100 100 100 102 109 Dec. 100 100 101 102 106 Charters let 96 100 100 102 102 106 2nd 98 100 100 102 104 106 3rd 100 100 100 ..102 109 108 4th 100 100 100 102 108 Year 99 100 100 102 106 v Boston -88- Prices on SPEUCS, FBAiES, 8 INCH AND UHDEH Unit: M Board Feet Source: Commercial Bulletin, Boston Quotation: Actual Prices Monthly 1913-1918 averages of weekly quotations 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 26.00 24.75 23.90 25.95 32.00 40.00 Feb. 26.8125 24,25 23.75 27.00 52.50 40.00 liarch 26.75 2l . 27.4575 26.00 25.875 30.40 44,00 * Oct. 27.125 25.70 26.35 31.00 46.00 lov. 27.50 26.50 27.9375 32.25 46.00 Dec. 28.1875 27.00 29.00 34.60 46.00 (Barters "1st 29.5385 27.4808 26.6538 29.5962 36; 1154 46.00 bid 29.00 27.3654 26.7692 29.8654 29.00 55.0962 3rd 27.50 26 . 1731 25.7885 29.2143 40.9038 56.2500 4tn 27.5962 26.3462 27.6538 32.7692 46.00 Year 28.4087 26.8413 26.7163 30.3396 40.6048 p.elative Prices Average Price July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = ^27.4856 a 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 106 101 98 105 127 157 Peti, 108 99 97 109 129 167 March 108 100 96 109 136 * April 108 101 100 111 142 200 Way 106 100 98' 110 142 200 June 102 97 94 104 142 201 July 100 96 94 103 142 205 August 100 96 94 106 142 * Sept . 100 95 94 111 160 * Oct. 99 94 96 113 167 •ov. 100 96 102 117 167 Doc. 103 98 106 126 167 Quarters 1st 107 100 97 108 131 167 2nd 106 100 97 109 142 200 3rd 100 95 94 106 149 205 Ith 100 96 101 119 167 Ygar 103 98 97 110 147 * Ho Quotation f •> vTra^ca. -Qi \ -92- llarket: Source: Boston Prices of SPRUC3, LA1ES: l£ IN. • Unit: Commercial Bulletin, Boston Quotation: Monthly averages of 1913- 1918 weekly quotations ictual Prices 1913 19J4 1915 1916 1917 1918 'Jan. 4.05 3.33 3.73 3.675 3.9875 4.0438 Feb. 4.05 3.7813 3.7125 3.925 4.1375 4.050 Haroh 4.05 3.775 3.7188 4.0375 4.275 3.980 April 4 o 1615 3.7875 3,7688 3.98 4.625 4.0938 May% 4.215 3.7750 3.7350 3.9313 4.9625 4.1125 June 4.125 15.750 3.6813 3.75 4.95 4.150 July 4.0375 3.750 3.6350 3.66 4.85 4.1125 Aug. 3.97 3.7625 3.5875 3.5875 4.6188 4.0100 Sept. 3.975 5.7750 3.5688 3.64 4.406 3,9500 Oct. 3,875 3. 7450 3.490 3.7438 4.3083 Nov. 3.850 3,7313 3.475 3.8563 4.20 Dec. 3.850 3.750 3.525 3.94 4.08 Quarters 1st 4.050 3.7981 3.7212 3.8635 4.1442 4.0212 2nd 4.1769 3.7712 3.7288 3.8942 4.8538 4.1212 3rd S.9923 3.7625 3.6000 . 3.6321 4.625 4.0231 4th 3.8577 3.7423 3.4962 3.8558 4.1771 Year 4.0192 3.7686 3.6365 3.8075 4.4520 Relative Prices Average price July, 1913 to June, 1914 = $3.8548 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 105 99 97 95 103 105 Feb. 105 98 96 102 107 105 March 105 98 96 105 111 103 April 108 98 98 103 120 106 May 109 98 97 102 129 107 June 107 97 96 97 128 108 July 105 97 94 95 126 107 Aug. 103 98 93 93 120 104 Sept. 103 98 93 94 114 102 Oct. 101 97 91 97 112 Iov« 100 97 90 100 109 Dec. 100 97 91 102 106 Quarters • 1st 105 99 97 100 108 104 2nd 108 98 97 101 126 107 3rd 104 98 93 94 120 104 4th 100 97 91 100 103 Year 104 98 94 99 115 (WIB359-92) -93- Prices of SPRUCE, LATHS, 1-5/8 IN. Market: Boston, Unit: M Source: Commercial Bulletin, Boston Actual Prices Quotation: Monthly, 1913-1918 Averages of weekly Quotations* 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 4.4625 , 4.285 4.175 4 -185 4.8525 4 .4625 Feb'v 4.4875 4.2Z13 4 .0938 4,1938 4.8938 4.45 March 4.41 4.1938 4.0875 4.1938 5.035 4.36 April 4.45 4 .20 4,15 4.190 5 -3125 4.45 Ifey 4.44 4.175 4-125 4.175 5.375 4.50 Jv.no 4.40 4.075 4-075 4.075 5.225 4.515 July 4.3375 4.0375 4.05 3-995 5 .0438 4.55 Itig. 4.325 4.035 4.0625 4.075 4.8375 4.48 S'?Vt- 4.275 4.05 4.1125 4.245 4.725 4.4500 |c<;. 4.3688 4,055 4.185 4-3313 4.700 Nov . 4 .370 4.125 4.20 4 .4813 4 .6063 De r, . 4 .3313 4.20 4.225 4.80 4.50 Quarters 1st 4.45 4 .2404 4.1231 4.1904 4.93E5 4 .4192 2nd 4 .4308 4.1519 4.1173 4.15 5 .2981 4 .4904 3rd 4 .3442 4 .0404 4,0731 4.1071 4 .8577 4 .4923 4th 4.3577 4 .1212 4.2019 4 .5577 4 ,5942 Year 4.3957 4.1385 4 .1288 4.2486 4 .9221 Pel stive Prices Average price July, 1933 to June, 1914 = $4-2736 - 100 1913 1914 1915 • 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 104 100 98 98 114 104 Feb. 105 99 96 98 115 104 M?....'ch 103 98 96 98 118 102 April 104 93 97 98 124 104 V - -j 104 98 97 98 126 105 June 103 95 95 95 122 106 July 101 94 95 93 118 106 Aug. 101 94 95 95 113 105 Sept . 102 95 96 99 1X1 104 Cc1, . 102 95 98 101 no Nov . 102 97 98 105 103 Dec;. 101 98 99 112 105 EeV 104 99 96 98 116 103 2rd 104 97 96 97 124 105 3rd 102 95 95 95 11-4 105 ftth 102 96 98 107 108 Year 103 97 97 99 115 . 3. 359-93) -94- Pricss on SPP.UCE, EANDOM 2x3,2x4 •arket: Boston Unit: M Board Feet Source: Conur.er'jial Bulletin, Boston Quotation: Monthly averages of weekly quota- Actual Prices tions. 1913-1918 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan« { 21 .2600 21 .0000 21 .0000 26 .0000 33 .5000 Feb. 22 .37 50 ' 21 .2500 21 .0000 21.8125 28 .1250 52.4375 March 22 .2500 21 .1250 20 «9375 21.6675 ' 29,8000 33 .9000 April 22 .2500 21.4375 21 .3333 21 ,7000 30 « £000 35 .2500 May 22 .1500 21 .3000 21 .2500 21,6875 30 .2500 35.3750 June 21 ,93V 5 21 .1250 20 -8125 20.9375 29.3000 34.9250 July 21 .2500 20 .7 500 20 .2500 20 »7500 28 .3750 35.50 A^~ . 21 .2500 20.7500 19.8750 20.8750 27 .2500 35.90 Dwpt • 21 .2500 20,6875 19.7500 21 .8500 31 .1250 35.50 Oc-. 21 .1250 20 .2500 19.7750 22,6875 *. Nov , 21 .2500 20.5000 20.4375 23 .3125 33 .0000 Dec- 21 .2500 21 .0000 21 .1250 25 .6000 33 .0000 Q-oarters let 22 .2857 21.2115 20.9808 21 .4615 28.1154 33 .0192 2nd 22 .1154 21 .2885 21.1250 21 .4615 29.9615 35 .1635 3rd 21 .2500 20 .7308 19.9808 21.1786 28 .9167 35.6538 4th 21 .2115 20.5577 20 .3S42 24 .COCO 33 .0000 Year 21 .6413 20.9471 20.6103 22 .0094 29.7660 Relative Prices Average price July, 1913 to J-one, 1914 = $21. 2404 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. V 100 99 99 122 3.63 Feb. 105 100 99 103 132 153 March 105 99 99 102 140 100 Apj il 105 101 100 102 144 166 May 104 100 100 1C2 142 167 June 103 99 93 99 138 134 J c.:*. y 100 98 95 98 134 If?? Aug. 100 93 94 93 123 169 ^Cp u • 100 97 93 103 147 13? Oct. 99 95 93 107 « Nov . 100 97 96 110 155 Dec. 100 99 99 121 155 Quarters 1st ' 105 ICO 99 101 132 155 2nd 104 100 S9 101 141 166 3,:d 100 93 94 100 126 163 4th 100 97 96 113 155 Year 102 99 97 104 140 -iiu quotation* (W. I. B. 359-94) •- Prices on SPRUCE (LUMBER) RANDOM 2x8 Market: Source : Boston The ConiT.ercial Bulletin, Boston Actual Price? Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Monthly averages of weakly quota- tions. 1913-1918. 1913 1914 1915 1 .916 1917 1918 Jan. 23, 2500 22. 7500 22 .6000 24. 7500 30, OOCO 35.8750 Feb. ^£3, .5625 22. 7500 22 .3125 25. 3750 31, 3750 35 . 6250 March 23, ,7500 22, 7500 22 .2500 25. 4375 32.8000 37 ,8000 April 23.7500 22. S750 22 .6250 25. 2500 33. 5000 39 . 1250 May 23, 7500 22. 9000 22 .6500 25. 3750 33. 3750 39.3750 June 23, 5625 22. 7500 22 .3125 24. 5000 32. 6000 39.5000 July 22. 8750 22. 3750 22 .1500 23. 8500 31. 6875 39 . 5000 Aug. 22. 7500 22. 2500 21 .9375 24. 1250 31. 0000 39.9500 Sept. 22, 7500 22. 1875 21 .7500 25. 7500 34. 3125 39.5000 Oct. 22. 7500 21. 7000 21 .9500 26. 5625 * Nov. 22. 7500 22. 0625 23 .1250 27. 3125 26. 0000 Dec. 22, 7500 22. 5625 24 .2500 30. 0000 36. 0000 Quarters 1st ~ 23. 5385 22. 7500 22 ,4038 25. 1538 31. 5000 36.5385 2nd 23, 6923 22. 8462 22 .5385 25. 0577 33. 1154 39.3462 3rd 22. 7885 22. 2692 21 .9615 24. 6071 32. 3333 39.6731 4th 22. 7500 22. 0769 23 .0192 28. 1154 26. 0000 Year 23. 1923 22. 4856 22 .4808 25.7123 33. 0213 Relative Prices Average price July , 1913 to June, 1914 = $22 .7837 s 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 102 100 99 109 132 157 Feb. 103 100 98 111 138 156 March 104 100 98 112 144 166 April 104 100 99 111 147 172 May 104 101 99 111 147 173 June 103 100 98 108 143 173 July 100 98 97 105 139 173 Aug. 100 98 96 106 136 175 Sept. 100 97 95 113 151 173 Oct. 100 95 96 117 * Nov. 100 97 102 120 158 Dec. 100 •399 106 132 158 Quarters 1st 103 100 98 110 138 160 2nd 104 100 99 110 145 173 3rd 100 98 96 108 142 174 4th 100 97 101 123 158 Year 102 99 99 113 145 • No quotation. (W.I.B. 359-95) "JO :: .- -. «»*.'„ «... '. . «. ..• L l.".;v-i .... ;• LttUtlJd •?. ."'" • •''•' f " " r"' '*"*) fY"- T™ '' •'" w , i./v -.«• J- ^ . .. .. vX - . .. .• . ..; -ill' :;-: j; Tl'i v.l..*'*- r-C-f. 1'" "'•-;• rj\ -• r £ • ' . -.f-i. -i'-[ HOI o;: HI • T 0:;.i '.j;. Gil • :: OOX .iO^ .ir:11 :n .•:• coi ,:: a- in •(• s»r ,.:•, x -:i. ••<• c7i •1'Oi 4.', -.01 •;. o'j/ OH Oil 01 ifi ell f,I : i f .1 -96- Prices on SPF.UCE , EAITOM 2 x 10 rket: Boston ource: Coremerciol Bulletin Unit: M Borjrd foot Quotations: month! y averages of weekly quota- tions, 1913-1918 Actual Prices & 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan • 24 .7500 24 «?500 25.7500 26 .0500 31 .5000 39 .6250 Feb. 25 .1250 24 .2500 23.5250 26 .6875 33 .1250 40.7500 March 25.2500 24.2500 23.5000 26*8125 34 .9000 43 .9000 April 25.6250 24 .2500 23-6875 26.7000 35.5000 46.375Q May 25.7500 24.2500 23.7500 26.7500 35 .5000 46 .0000 June 25.1250 24,1250 23.6250 26.1875 34.5000 45.7000 July 24.5000 23«*?500 23.2500 25 .9500 33.5000 45 .5000 AUG. 24 .2500 23.7500 33 .2500 26.1675 33 .0000 45 .5000 Sept . 24 .2500 23-3250 23 .2500 27 .4000 36.6250 45 .5000 Oct. 24 .2500 23.2500 23 ,3500 27 .6875 * Nov. 24 .3000 23.3750 24 .0000 28.6875 40 .2500 Doc. 24 .2500 23.7500 25.6875 31 .5500 39 .7000 Quarters 1st, 25.0577 24.2500 23.6346 26 .<*808 33 .3077 41 .6154 2nd 25 .5192 24 .2115 23-6923 26 .5577 35.1154 46 .0000 3rd 24 .3269 23.7115 23 -2500 26 .5357 34.3750 45 .5000 4th 24 .2692 23 .4^23 24.2692 29 .4808 39 .9444 Year 24.7933 23 .9038 23.7115 27 .2500 35.3511 Pelative Prices Average Price July 1, 1313 to June 30 , 1914 s $24 .2644 = 100 . 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jr.ii . 102 100 98 107 130 163 Fob. 104 100 97 110 137 168 M?.rch 104 100 97 110 144 181 April 106 100 98 110 146 191 M«.y 106 ICO 98 110 146 190 June 104 99 97 108 142 188 July 101 98 96 107 133 188 August 100 98 96 108 136 188 Sept . 100 97 96 113 151 188 Oct. 100 96 96 114 * Nov. 100 96 99 118 156 Dec, 100 98 106 120 164 Quarters Tut 103 ICO 97 109 137 172 2nd 105 ICO 98 109 145 190 3rd 100 98 96 109 142 188 ith 100 97 100 121 165 Year 102 99 98 112 146 No Quotation -97- SPF.UCE, EANEOM, 2 x 12 Market: Boston Sources The Commercial Bulletin Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Monthly r.ve rages of weekly quota- tions 1913-1918. Actual Prices 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 25.2500 24.7500 24 .2500 2-6.9500 32.5000 40.625 Feb. 25 .6250 24 «7 500 24.2500 27 .5625 34 .1250 41.875 Mar ch 25.7500 24 .7 500 24 .2500 27 .8125 35.9000 45.1667 April 25.1250 24.7500 24 .2500 27 .7000 36.5000 * May 2 6- 2 SCO 24,7500 24 .2500 27 .7500 36.5000 . * June 25.6250 24.8750 24.1250 27 .1&75 35 .5000 48 .8333 Ju3. y 25 .0000 24.2500 23.7500 26.9500 34 .5000 49.50 Aug. 24.7500 24 .2500 23-7500 27 .1875 34 .0000 49.50 Sept* 24.75-00 24.1250 23 .7 500 28.4000 37 .6250 49 .5000 Oct. 24 .7500 23.7500 24 .0500 28.6875 * Nov c 24 .7 500 23,8750 24.5000 29-6875 41.375 Dec * 24.7500 24 .250-0 25-6875 32 ,5000 40.70 Quarters ls-'» 25 .5577 24*7500 24 ,2500 27 .4038 34.3077 42 .3182 2nd 26.0192 24 .7 885 24 .2115 27 .5577 36.1154 48 .8333 3rd 24 .8269 24.2115 23.7500 27 .5357 35.3750 49 .5000 4th 24 .7 500 23.0423 25 .0000 30.4615 41 .0000 Year 25.2385 24 .4231 24 .3029 28 .2264 36.3617 Pelative Prices Average price July, 1913 to Juiie, 1914 = $24.7788 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 102 100 93 109 131 164 Feb. 103 100 98 111 138 169 March 104 100 93 112 145 182 Apr il 105 100 98 112 147 * May 106 100 98 112 147 * June 103 100 97 110 143 197 Jul y 101 98 96 109 . 139 2CO August 100 98 96 110 137 200 Sept. 100 97 95 115 152 2CO Oct. 100 96 97 116 * Nov . 100 96 99 120 167 Dec. 100 98 108 131 164 Quarters 1st 103 100 98 111 138 171 2nd 105 ICO 98 111 146 197 3rd 100 98 96 111 143 200 4th 100 97 101 123 165 Year 102 99 98 114 147 ' No quotation (V. I. B. 359-97) -92- Prices on SPRUCE, SHINGLES, CLEARS Market: Bo ston . Unit: M Source: Conrr.ercial Bulletin, Bostom Quotation: Monthly rr erases of weekly quota- tions, 1913-1918. Actllrll Prices 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan . 3.95 o «co 2.85 2.95 3.85 4.2313 Feb. 3.95 3.1675 2.85 3.05 4 .0313 4.475 March 3.975 3.1375 2.85 3,05 4.210 4.475 April 4,00 3.1063 2.85 3<13 4 ,4625 4 .5125 May 4.00 3.08 2.04 3.25 4.3875 4.6?5 June 3 .9125 3.0125 2.325 •3.25 4.56 4.645 July 3.875 2.9625 2.795 3.215 4.375 4 .5813 Aug. 3 .735 2.975 2,75 3. 2O 4 .2938 4 .5600 Sept. 3.375 2.9375 2.75 3.23 4.270 4.6250 Oct. 3.4875 2.855 2.780 3.25 4.i75 Nov . 3.395 2.85 2.925 3.325 4.20 Dec. 3.325 2.85 2.9813 3.6333 4.17 Quarters 1st " 3.9596 3.20 2.85 3.0115 4.C442 4 .4000 2nd 3.9731 3.0673 2 .8385 3 .2038 4.4769 4.5981 3rd 3.7288 2.9596 2.7673 3.2161 4.3096 4 .5865 4th 3.^019 2 .8519 2.8865 3.3818 4.1808 Ygj^r 3,7659 3. 01 57 2,8356 3.1966 4 .2529 Relative Prices Average Price Jul y 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - $3 .3495- 100 J 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ,88 120 139 234 Qviartsrs list" 123 103 97 135 149 234 2nd 151 101 95 143 202 254 3rd 105 1C 3 97 120 234 246 4th 101 93 109 126 217 Year 116 ICO 99 131 201 17/71. B. 359-TG1) .0.1 I* .•• ' f 1 . • .. SV 4 •• . -.:,:. . •••,: ^- ?.;? i'O'v*.*:' ;.< !/0,>o ; >.!'.:. V . , rV( VOU:,.,} v . .. * -103- prices on DOUGLAS FIR, NO, 2 and BETTER, CHOP SIDING 1/6 Market: Washington, f.o.b. Mill Source: Bureau ,f Labor Statistics Unit: per M. ft. Quotation: 1st of mo. 1913-13 gs :tea prices. 1915 19/.4 ?.915 1516 1917 1S1&- Jan. 18.0000 14.5000 14.0000 19.0000 19.0000 27.0000 Jfeb. 18.5000 15.0000 14.0000 19,0000 20.0000 27.0000 March 19.0000 15.0000 14.0000 19.0000 20.0000 27.0000 April 20,0000 15.0000 14.0000 20.0000 21,0000 27.0000 Hay 19.5000 14.0000 14,0000 20.0000 24,0000 27,0000 June 18.5000 14.0000 13.5000 19.0000 26.0000 27,0000 July 17.0000 15.0000 13.5000 18.QCOO 26.0000 31,0000 Aug. 16.5000 15.0000 13.5000 18.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Sept. 16.0000 14.0000 14.0000 17.0000 26.0000 31.0000 Oct. 15.5000 14.0000 14.0000 17.0000 26.0000 Nov. 15.0000 13.0000 35.0000 18.0000 26.0000 Dec. 14.5000 13.0000 18.0000 19.0000 27.0000 Quarters 1st 18.5000 14.8333 14.0000 19.0000 19.6667 27.0000 2nd 19.3333 14 . 3333 13.0333 19.6667 23.6667 27.0000 3rd 16.5000 14.6667 13.6667 17.6667 26,0000 31.0000 4th 15.0000 13, .3333 15,666? 18.0000 26.3333 Year 17.3333 14.2917 14,2917 18.5833 23.9167 Relative Prices Average Price July 1, 1913 to June 30th, 1914 = $15 .1667 =100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 119 96 92 125 125 178 Steb. 122 99 92 125 132 178 March 125 99 92 125 132 178 April 132 99 92 152 138 178 May 129 92 92 132 158 178 June 122 92 89 125 171 178 July 112 99 69 119 171 204 August 109 99 69 119 171 204 Sept. 105 92 92 112 . 171 204 Oct. 102 92 92 112 171 Nov. 99 86 99 119 171 Dec. 96 86 119 125 178 Quarters 1st 122 98 92 125 130 178 2nd 127 95 91 130 156 178 3rd 109 97 90 116 171 204 4th 99 88 103 119 174 Year / M f f • "iv rtn f 114 94 94 125 158 -103- Prices on HEMLOCK, 1 x 6 - 16 Marlcet:- f.o.b. 1,1111 Unit :- 11 feet, B.I.I. Source: Central Penna. Lvmber Co., Quotation:- Ho , Averages. \7illiamsport, Penna * Quoted Prices 1913 1914 1915 "916 1917 1918 Jan. 23. 6900 24.7100 23.1300 2-1 , 1700 25.5200 32.7100 Feb. 23. 7500 _ 24.9600 22.1300 24.1500 26.5000 32.7100 March 24, 7500 '. 25.0000 22.2100 24.5600 26.6100 32.5100 April 24.9600 25.1100 22.3200 24.6200 27.6500 32.6200 Hay 25.1500 25,3200 22.3000 24.6200 28.7500 32.0000 June 25.0000 23.4000 22.3000 24.6700 31.2400 32.0000 July 24.9600 23.3800 22.1900 24.6900 31.1900 32.0000 Aug. 25.0000 23.3400 22.1700 24«7300 51.1500 Sept. . 25.0000 25.3400 22.21000 24.7300 31.0900 Oct. 24.8300 23.2700 22.25000 • 24.7500 30.9800 Eov. 24.7900 23.5800 23.34000 25,6500 30.9800 Dec. 24.8800 23.1900 24.2500 25.6700 30.8500 Quarters 1st 24.0633 24.8900 22.4900 24.2933 26.2100 32,6433 2nd 25.0500 24.6100 22,3067 24.6367 29,2133 32.2067 3rd 24.9933 23.3535 22.1900 24.7167 31.1433 4th 24.8333 23,2300 23,2800 25.35^0 30.9367 Year 24.7300 24.0333 22,5667 24.7492 29.5758 ReJ.al-ivo Prices Average Price, July 1, 3. 913 to June 30, 1914 = ^24.8517 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 3.917 1918 Jan. 95 100 93 97 103 132 Feb. 96 101 89 97 107 132 March 100 101 89 99 107 131 April 101 101 90 99 -m 131 May 101 102 90 99 116 129 June 101 94 90 99 3.36 129 July 101 94 89 99 126 129 Aug. 101 94 89 100 125 Sept. 101 94 89 100 125 Oct. 100 94 90 100 125 Nov. 100 94 94 103 125 Dec. 100 93 98 103 124 Quarters 1st 97 100 91 98 106 151 2nd 101 99 90 99 118 130 3rd 101 94 89 100 125 4th 100 94 94 102 125 Year 100 97 91 100 118 (W.I.B. 359-103) -104- ^ on HEMLOCK, 1 :: 10 - 16 Ho. 1 ROUGH BOARDS Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Central Pa. lumber Co,, \7illiamsport, Pa. Prices Unit: per 1,1 ft. B.1.1. Quotation: Monthly averages 1913-1918, 191o 1 ' " 1914 1915 1916 "1917— ItTlo^ Jan. 23.6900' 24,7100- 23.1300 24.1700 25.5200 32.7100 Feb. 23.7500 24.9600 22.1300 24.1500 26.5000 32.7100 March 24.7500 25.0000 22.2100 24.5600 26.6100 32.5100 Ar»ril 24.9600 25.1100 22.3200 24.6200 27.6500 32 . 6200 Hay 25.1300 25.3200 22.3000 24.6200 28.7500 32.0000 June 25.0000 23.4000 22.3000 24.6700 32.2400 32 o 0000 July 24.9800 23.3600 22.1900 24.6900 32.1900 32.0000 August 25.0000 25.3400 22.1700 24.7300 32.1500 Sex>t. 25.0000 23.3400 22.2100 24,7300 32.0300 Oct. 24.8300 23,2700 2?.. 2 500 24.7500 51.9800 Hov. 24.7900 23.3800 23.3400 25.6300 31.9800 Dec. 24.8800 23.1900 24.2500 25.6700 31.8500 Quarters 1st 24.0633 24.8900 22.4900 24.2933 26.2100 52.6433 2nd 25.0300 24.6100 22.3067 24.6367 29.5467 32.2067 3rd 24.9933 23,3533 22.1900 24,7167 32.1433 4th 24.8333 23.2800 23.2800 25..3500 31.9367 Year 24.7300 24.0333 22.5667 24.7492 29.9592 Average Price, Relative Prices July 1, 19T3~to June 30 , 1914 = >fii24 .8317 s 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 95 100 93 97 103 132 Feb. 96 101 89 97 107 132 March 100 101 89 99 107 151 April 101 101 90 99 111 131 May 101 102 90 99 116 129 June 101 94 90 99 150 12-3 July 101 94 89 99 130 129 August 101 94 89 100 129 Sept. 101 94 89 100 129 Oct . 100 94 90 100 129 Nov. 100 94 94 103 129 Dec. 100 93 98 103 128 1st 97 100 91 93 106 131 2nd 101 99 90 99 119 130 3rd 101 94 89 100 129 4th 100 94 94 102 129 Year ICO 97 91 100 1S1" (Y7.I.3. 35S-104) -105- Prices on HEKLOCK, 2 x 4 - 16 Market: f.Oob. Mill Unit : Per H. Ft. B.M. Source: Central Penna. Lumber Co., Quotation: Mo. Averages Williarnsport , Penna. Quoted Prices 1 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 22.1900 23.2100 21.6300 22.6700 24.0200 30.7100 Feb. 22.2500 23c4400 20.6300 22.6500 25.0000 30.7100 Rlarch 23.2500 23.5000 20.7100 23.0600 25.1100 30.5100 April 23 .4 GOO 23.6100 20.8200 23.1200 26.1500 30.6200 May 23.6300 23.8200 20.8000 23.1200 27.2500 30.0000 June 23.5000 21,9000 20.8000 23.1700 29.7400 30.0000 July 23.4800 21.8800 20.6900 23.1900 29.6900 30.0000 fcog. 23.5000 21,8400 20.6700 23.2300 29.6700 Sept. 23.. 5000 21.8400 20.7100 23.2300 29 « 5900 Oct. 23.3300 21.7700 20.7500 23.2500 29*4800 Nov . 23.2900 21.8800 21.8400 24.1300 29.4800 Dec. 23.3300 21.6900 22.7500 24.1700 29.3500 Quarters 1st 22.5667 23.3833 20.9900 22.7933 24.7100 30.6433 2nd 23.5300 23.1100 20.8067 23.1367 27.7133 30.2067 3rd 23.4953 21.8533 20.6900 23.2167 29.6433 4th 23.3533 21.7800 21.7800 23.8500 29.4367 Year 23.2300 22.5317 21.0667 23.2492 27.8758 Relative Prices Average Price, July I,"'l913~"to""june 30, 1914 - $23.33 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 95 99 93 97 103 132 Feb. 95 100 88 97 107 132 March 100 101 89 99 108 131 April 101 101 89 99 112 131 May 101 102 89 99 117 129 June 101 94 89 99 127 129 July 101 94 89- 99 127 129 Aug. 101 94 89 100 . 127 Sept. 101 94 89 100 127 Oct. 100 93 89 100 126 Nov. 100 94 94 103 126 Dec. 100 93 98 104 126 Quarters • 1st 97 100 90 99 106 131 2nd 101 99 09 99 119 129 3rd 101 94 89 100 127 4th 100 93 93 102 126 Year 100 97 90 100 119 V'.; Market: Source: -106- Prices on H3MLOCK, NO. 2 BO/JIDS, RANDOM WIDTHS & LENGTHS f.o.b. Hill Unit: per M ft. B. M. Quotation: Monthly averages Central Pa.Luaber Co., '.yilliamsport, Pa. Quoted Prices 1913 19 14 1915 1915 1917 1918 Jan. 20.1900 20 o 2100 18.6300 19.6700 21.0200 27.2100 Fob. 20.2500 20.4400 17. .5300 19-6500 21.5000 27.2100 March 20.2500 20.5000 17.7100 20.0600 21.6100 27.0100 April 20.4600 20.6100 17.9200 20.1.200 22.6500 27.1200 May 20.6300 20.8200 17.8000 20.1200 23.7500 26.5000 June 20.5COO 18.90CO 17.8000 20,1700 26.2400 26.5000 July 20.4600 18.8800 17.6900 20.1900 26.1900 26.5000 August 20.5000 18.0400 17.5700 20,2300 26.1500 Sept. 20.5000 18.8400 17. 7 LOO 20.2300 26.0900 Oct. 20.3300 18.7700 17.7500 20 , 2:500 25*9800 Nov. 20.2?00 10,8800 18.64rOO 21 e 1300 25.9800 Dec. 20.3300 18.6900 19.7500 21.1700 25.8500 Quarters 1st 20.2300 20.3833 17.9900 19.7933 21.3767 27*1433 2nd 20.5300 20,1100 17,8067 20.1367 24.2133 26*7067 3rd 20.4933 18.8533 17.6900 20.2167 26.1433 4th 20.3333 18.7COO 18.7800 20.8500 25.9367 Year 20.3967 19.5317 18.0667 20.2492 24.4175 Relative Prices Average Price, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $20.33 - 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 99 99 92 97 103 134 Feb. 100 101 87 97 106 134 March 100 101 87 99 106 133 April 101 101 88 99 111 133 May 101 102 88 99 117 130 June 101 93 88 99 129 130 July 101 93 87 99 129 130 August 101 93 87 100 129 Sept. 101 93 87 100 128 Oct. 100 92 87 100 128 Nov. 100 93 93 104 128 Dec. 100 92 97 104 127 Quarters 1st 100 100 88 97 105 134 2nd 101 99 88 99 119 131 3rd 101 93 87 99 129 4th 100 92 92 103 128 Year 100 96 89 100 120 (.7IB359-106) ^ -107- 4 Prices on HEMLOCK, 1 x 6 - 16 ivO. 1 HOUGH BOARDS Surlcet: f.o.b. Mill Source: Goodyear Lumber Co.,Buffalo,N.Y. Sales Agent for the Norwich Lumber Co., Norwich, Penna. Unit: per 11. ft. B.M. Net Price Quotation: Average price of Middle of Mo. Quoted Prices 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 23.5000 24.5000 24.5000 23.5000 25.0000 31.0000 Feb. 23.5000 24,50'00 24.5000 23.5000 26.0000 32.0000 Mc.rcli 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 26.0000 32.0000 April 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 27.0000 35.0000 May • 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 28.0000 32.0000 June 24 . 5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 32.0000 July 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 32.0000 Ang, 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 Sept. 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 ' 24.0000 31.0000 Oct. 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 Nov. 24.5000 24.5000 22.5000 25.0000 31.0000 Dec. 24.5000 24.5000 22.5000 25.0000 31.0000 Quarters X 1st 23.8333 24.5000 24.5000 23.6667 25.6667 31.6667 2nd 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 28.6667 33.0000 3rd 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 4th 24.5000 24.5000 23.1667 24.6667 31.0000 Year 24.3333 24.5000 24.1667 24.0833 29.0833 Relative Prices Average Price, July, 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $24.50 « • 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan, 96 100 100 96 102 127 Feb. 96 100 100 96 106 131 March 100 100 100 98 106 131 April 100 100 100 98 110 143 May 100 100 100 98 114 131 June 100 100 100 98 127 131 July 100 100 100 98 127 131 Aug. 100 100 100 98 127 Sept. 100 100 100 98 127 Oct. 100 100 100 98 127 Nov. 100 100 92 102 127 Dec, 100 100 92 102 127 Quarters 1st 97 100 100 97 105 129 2nd 100 100 100 98 117 135 3rd 100 100 100 98 127 4th 100 100 95 101 127 Y_ear 99- 100 99 98 119 (17IB359-107) \ *. • I . ' .•: si-.' •• .! cut ' > 1 Market: f.o.b. Mill Prices on > * , 1 x. 10 - 16 WO. 1, ROUGH BOARDS Unit: f per II< Ft. B.21. Wet Price Source: Good Year Lumber Co. , Buffalo ,11. Y. Quotation: Average Price Sales Agent for Norwich Lumber Liiddle of Mo. Co., Norwich, Penna. Quoted Prices 1913 1914 1915 1915 1917 1918 Jan. 23.5000 24.5000 24.5000 23.5000 25.0000 31;0000 Feb.. 23.5000 24.5000 24.5000 23.5000 26.0000 32.0000 March 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 26.0000 32.0000 April 24.5000 24.5600 24.5000 24.0000 27.0000 35.0000 May 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 28.0000 32.0000 June 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 32.0000 July 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 32.0000 Aug. 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 Sept. 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 Oct. 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 Nov. 24.5000 24.5000 22.5000 25.0000 31.0000 Dec. 24.5000 24.5000 22.5000 . 25.0000 31.0000 Quarters^ 1st 23.8333 24 . 5000 24.5000 23.6667 25.6667 31.6667 2nd 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 28,6667 33.0000 3rd 24.5000 24.5000 24.5000 24.0000 31.0000 4th 24.5000 24.5000 23.1667 24.6667 31.0000 Year 24.3333 24.5000 24.1667 24.0833 29.0833 Relative Prices Average Price July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $24.50 = 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 96 100 100 96 102 127 Feb. 96 100 100 96 106 131 March 100 100 100 98 106 131 April 100 100 100 98 110 143 May 100 100 100 98 114 131 June 100 100 100 93 127 131 July 100 100 100 98 127 131 Aug. 100 100 100 98 127 Sept. 100 100 100 98 127 Oct. 100 100 100 98 127 Nov. 100 100 92 102 127 Dec. 100 100 92 102 127 Quarters 1st 97 100 100 97 105 129 2nd 100 100 100 98 117 135 3rd 100 100 100 98 127 4th 100 100 95 101 127 Year 99 100 99 98 119 (WIB359-108) - r.; v I Prices on HEMLOCK, 2x4- 16 ito. 3 ROUGH JHJJENSION !!arl:eti f.o-b. Mill Unit: Per M.ft. B.M. net price Source: Goodyear Lumber Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Quotation: Average price, middle Sc.les Agent for Norwich Lbr. Co., of month. Norwich, Pa» Quoted Prices 1313 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 22.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.0000 23.5000 28.5000 Feb. 22.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.0000 24.5000 29.5000 March 23,0000 23.0000 23.0000 ' 22.5000 24.5000 29.5000 April 23.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.5000 25.5000 32.5000 Kay 23.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.5000 26.5000 30.0000 June 23.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.5000 28.5000 30.0000 July 23.0000 23.0000 25.0000 22.5000 28.5000 30.0000 Aug. 23.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.5000 28.5000 Sept. 23.0000 23.0000 23.0000 22.5000 28.5000 Oct. 23,0000 23.0000 23.0COO 22.5000 28.5000 Nov. 23.0000 23.0000 21.0000 23.5000 28.5000 Dec. 23.0000 23.0000 21.0000 25.5000 28.5000 Quarters 1st 22.3335 25.0000 23.0000 22.1667 24.1667 29.1667 2nd 23.0000 23-0000 23.0000 22.5000 26.8333 30.8333 3rd 23.0000 23,0000 23.0000 22.5000 28.5000 4th 23.0000 23.0000 21.6667 23.1667 28.5000 Year 22.8333 23.0000 22.6667 22.5833 27.0000 Relative Prices Average Price, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $23.00 - 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 96 100 100 96 102 124 Feb. 96 100 100 96 107 128 TIarch 100 100 100 98 107 128 April 100 100 100 98 111 141 Hay 100 100 100 98 115 130 June 100 100 100 98 124 130 July 100 100 100 98 124 130 August 100 100 100 98 124 Sept . 100 100 100 98 124 Oct. 100 100 100 98 124 ilov. 100 100 91 102 124 Dec. 100 100 91 102 124 Quarters 1st 97 100 100 96 105 127 2nd 100 100 100 98 117 134 3rd 100 100 100 98 124 4th 100 100 94 101 124 Year 99 100 99 98 117 ( .VIB359-109 ) •••>. vt 1 * Prices on ^ HEMLOCK, KO. 2 BOARDS RAHDOii WIDTHS AND LENGTHS iSarket: f .o.b. Mill Unit: per H. ft. B.M. Net Price Source: Good Year Lumber Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Sales Agent Norwich Lumber Co., Norwich, Penna. Quoted Prices Quotation: Average Price Middle of Mo. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Jan. 20.5000 18.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.5000 25.0000 Feb. 20.5000 18.0000 18.0000 19,0000 21.0000 26.0000 March 18.0000 18 ,10000 18.0000 19.5000 21.0000 26.0000 April 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 22.0000 29.COOO May 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 23.0000 27.0000 June 18.0000 18,0000 18.0000 19.5000 25.0000 27.0000 July 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 25.0000 27.0000 Aug. 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 . 25.0000 Septi 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 25.0000 Oct. 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 25.0000 No v.- 18.0000 16.0000 18.0000 20.5000 25.0000 Dec. 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 20.5000 25.0000 Q.uarters 1st 19.6667 18.0000 18.0000 19.1667 20.8333 25.6667 2nd 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 19.5000 23.3333 27.6667 3rd 18.0000 18.000.0 18.0000 19.5000 25.0000 4th 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 20.1667 25.0000 Year 18.4167 18.0000 18.0000 '. 19.5833 23.5417 Belative Prices Average Price, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $18.00 « ' 100 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 19] 8 Jan. 114 100 • 100 106 114 139. Feb. 114 100 100 106 117 144 March 100 100 100 108 117 144 April 100 . 100 100 108 122 161 May 100 100 100 108 123 150 June 100 100 100 108 139 150 July 100 100 100 108 139 150 Aug. 100 100 100 108 139 Sept. 100 100 100 108 139 Oct. 100 100 100 108 139 Nov. 100 100 100 114 139 Dec. 100 100 100 114 139 Q.uarters 1st 109 100 100 106 116 143 2nd 100 100 100 108 130 154 3rd 100 100 100 108 139 4th 100 100 100 112 139 Y_ear 102 100 100 109 131 (Y/IB359-110) ',<•• ' , 1j •• '••••' '.,e.?: • > .:' !. • :. .:;; u.i»J IY. Exhibits (Continued) 3. F.o.b. Mill Prices (Forest Service) (A) Ash; 14 series, (B) Basswood; 3 series (C) Beech; 1 series (D) Birch; 4 series (E) Chestnut; 10 series (F) Cottonwood. 1 series (G) Gun; 23 series (H) Hpjd Maple; 3 series (I) Hemlock; 17 series (J) (L) (M) (N) (0) (P) (Q) Hickory; 2 series Oak (Plr.in); 31 series Or.k (Red Quartered); 3 series Oak (White Quartered) ; 14 series Pine (North Carolina);. 7 series Pine (Northern); 34 series Pine (Yellow); 106 series Poplar; 11 series (359-111) (T. I. B. 359-111) r-3 ? ••• « f:'i • "'. ', }•"• ..*... -iia- Prices of .item no. i • ASH, FIESTS 8. SECONDS 4/4 Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Aver- aces 1913-1918. Quotod Prices State: Arkansas Kentucky Arkansas Kentucky Mill Not- 205 301 205 301 Ycar Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (»)(b) (b) 1916 1st 39 .5000 (a) 46.0COC 2M U)(b) 4b ,0000 2nd 41 .0000 U) 46.0000 3rd 4C .0000 47 .0000 3rd 41 .0000 (a) 44 .0000 4th 35 .OCOO 46 .0000 4th 42 .0000 (a) 44.0000 1*3? 37 .5COO 45 .0000 Year 40.8750 45,0000 1914 1 st 33 .0000 45.0000 1917 1st 45 -0000 (a) 50 .0000 2nd 42 ,0000 45 .0000 2nd 49 .0000 (a) 55.0000 3rd 38 .0000 45 .0000 3rd 49 .0000 (.a) 60.0000 4th 40 .0000 45,0000 4th 60. COCO U) 60 .COX Tear 39.5000 45 .2500 Year 50.7500 56.2500 1915 1st 36 -0000 45 ,0000 (c) 1918 1st 65 .0000 (a) 65.0000 2nd 37 , 0000 (c) 45 .0000 2nd 6 8. 0000 (a) 70 -COOO 3rd 36 ,0000 45.0000 3rd 4th 40 tOCOO 44 ,0000 4th Year 37 .7 500 44 =7 500 Year Relative Prices Average Price Mill No. 205 July 1, 1913 to June 30, .1914 - $38.7500 - 100 n n n « 301 n it u n ti n » *46.00 - 100 State Arkansas Kentucky Arkansas Kentucky Mill No:- 205 301 205 301 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b)(b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 102 100 2nd (b) (b) 98 2n& 106 100 3rd 103 102 3rd 106 96 4th 90 100 4th 108 96 Year 97 100 Year 105 98 1914 1st 98 98 1917 1st 116 109 3rd 108 100 2nd 126 120 3rd 98 98 3rd 126 130 4th 103 98 4th 155 130 Year 102 98 Year 131 122 1915 1st 93 98 1918 lot 168 111 2nd 95 98 2nd 175 152 3rd 93 98 3rd 4th 103 96 4th T-T— Y-§§£ 97 97 Year with a drop of 50^ between the last quotation of the first ?.nd ths first quotation of the second mill is perhaps jxtstified by the fact that reporting pi-ices on the two successive quarters shows no change in prices while the othor will shov e. drop of $1,50. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (b)(b) First two charters of 1913 not (c) Interpolated* quoted. (W. I. B. 359-113) , V:.t -113- Marke t : Source : f.o.b. mill Forest Service Prices of Item No. 1 FIRSTS & SFCO^DS 4/4 Unit: M. Board Fset Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State:- Mill No. Year Quarter Louisiana 505 Tennessee 903 Louisiana Tennessee 505 903 Year Quarter 1913 1st (a ) Ca) 1916 1st 40. 0000 42 .5000 2nd 33 .OOOO(b) 42. 5000 2nd 40. 0000 45 .0000 3rd 34 .OOOO(c) 52. 5000 3rd 40. 0000 44 .0000 4th 34 .OOOO(c) 42. 5000 4th 40. 0000 40 ,0000 Year 33 .6667 45. 8333 Year 40. 0000 42 .8750 1914 1st 34 .OOOO(c) 42. 5000 1917 1st 40. 0000 43 .OOOO(d) 2nd 38 .0000 42. 5000 2nd 55. 0000 50 .0000 3rd 36 .0000 41. 5000(d) 3rd 55. 0000 58 .0000 4th 42 .0000 42. 5000 4th 60. 0000 60 .0000 Year 37 .5000 •12. 2500 Year 52. 5000 52 ,7500 1315 1st 38 .0000 40. 5000 (d) 1918 1st 70. 0000 60 .OOOO(e) 2nd 38 .GOOC 40. 0000 2nd 75. 0000 70 .0000 3rd 38 .0000 41. 0000 . • 3rd 4th 40 .0000 43. 0000 ((d) 4th Year 38 .5000 41. 1250 Year Relative Prices Average Price Mill Ho. 505 July 1~,~ 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $35.00 - 100 " " " " 903 ft " " " " " " $45,00 - 100 State Mill No. Year Quarter Loui s i ana " 505 Tennssse.e Louisiana Tennessee 903 Year Quarter 505 903 1913 1st (a) (-0 1916 1st 114 94 2nd 94 9-, 2nd 114 100 3rd 97 117 3rd 114 98 4th 97 94 4th 114 89 Year 96 102 Year 114 95 1914 1st 97 94 1917 1st 114 96 2nd 109 94 2nd 157 111 3rd 103 92 3rd 157 129 4th 120 94 4th 171 133 Year • 107 94 Year 150 117 1915 1st 109 90 1918 1st 800 133 2nd 109 89 2nd 214 156 3rd 109 91 . 3rd 4th 114 96 4th Yaar 110 91 Year 0>T First quarter for 1913 not quoted. (b) From prices of Mill 504 (only quotation given for this date) (c) " 602 Mississippi, minus a differential of $7.00 as in second quarter of 1914. (d) From prices of Mill 904 with differential as in preceding quarter. (e) 902 (the only quotation for this date) -114- Itern Ho. 2. Market: Source: f.o-b. Mill Forest Service Prices of ASH, NO. i cowan 4/4 Piloted Prices Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly aver- ages 1913-1918 State: - Mi s sour i Mississippi Missouri Mississippi Mill No:- 701 602 701 S02 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) 1916 1st 24 .5000 23. 0000 (d) 2nd 28.0000 25. 0000 (e) 2nd 25 .0000 24.00CO(d) 3rd 25 . 0000 (b) 26 .0000 3rd 25 ,0000 33.0000(4) 4th 84«0000(b) 26 .0000 4th 24 .0000 23 . COCO (d) Year 25.6667 25.6667 Ye Year 24.6250 23 .2500 1914 1st 25.000C(b) 26 .0000 1917 1st 25.0000 25*0000 (d) 2nd 24 .5000 25. 0000 (d) 2nd 29 .0000 SO.OOCO(d) 3rd 24 ,5000 22 .."000 (d) 3rd 29 ,0000 30 -0000 (d) 4th 24 .0000 23.0COO(d) 4th 34 .0000 40.COOO(d) Year 24 .5000 24 .0000 Year 29 ,2500 31 -2500 1915 1st 24 .0000 23. 0000 (d) 1918 1st 37 .0000 37 .5000(d) 2£d 24 .0000 22, 0000 (d) 2rd 40 .0000 40, 0000 (d) 3rd 25 . 0000 (c) 22 .0000 (d) 3rd 4th 24. 5000 (c) 22 * 5000 (d) 4th Year 24.3750 22 -.5? 50 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill 701 .July 1 , 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $24.625 - 100 n n " 602 n n ti ti n ii " $25.75 - 100 ^ State: - Missouri f-Jississippi MissOTiri Mississippi Mill Ko:- 701 602 701 602 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (*) (aK 1916 1st 99 39 2nd 114 97 2nd 102 93 3rd 102 101 3rd 102 89 4th 97 101 4th 97 . 89 Year 104 100 Year 100 90 1914 1st 102 lOd 1917 1st 102 £7 2nd 99 97 2nd 118 117 3rd 99 85 3rd 118 117 4th .•97 89 4th 133 155 Year 99 93- Year 119 121 1915 1st 97 89 1918 1st 150 146 2nd 97 85 2nd 162 155 3rd 102 n 85 3rd 4th 99 87 4th Year 1 E ... i 99 &7 Yg£ff (b) From prices of Mill ?0? (Ark.) minus $1 » differential as in precedinc quarter. (c) » " " '« 706 with no differential, as in preceding quarter. (d-) Prices of Mill 505 La«, substituted at 2nd qtr . 1914 v/hen prices at both mills were sane , (e) Prices from Mill 504 La, plus $6.00 differential as in followine q.nr.rter. ;•/•:':•;••;: r.r. > - 1 •- '' '". •'.'. " 1 • • -•',1 .} - : j - T • -115- Item lTo. 2 Prices of ASH, 110. 1 COMMON 4/4 Wa:: Ire 1 1 Source: f vn.b, Mill Forest Service TTnit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918, Quoted Prices State: Tennessee W.Virginia Kentucky Mill No; 1Q05 301 Year Quarter Tennessee ~~903~~ .Vir£iniaKentuc..£,r 18.5000 Tear 1C .TCO 1914 1st 19.0000 1917 1st 31.0000(a) 2nd 18 . 5000 2nd 24. 0000 (a) 3rd 18 . OCOO 3rd 30 .0000 (a) 4th 18. 0000 (a') 4th 34.0000(a) Year 18.3750 Year 27.2500' 1915 1st 18. 0000 •» 1918 1st 30. 0000 (a) 2nd 18. 0000 (a) 2nd SO.OCOO(a) (c) 3rd I8.0000(a) 3rd 4th 18, 0000 (a) 4th Year 18.0000 Ysar Average price, Relative F-TiC&S. 18.3750, - '100 Mill #5908, July 1,1913 to June 30,1914 - State:- Michip.an Mich? gan Mill No:- 5908 5908 " Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1? 1 5 "". r t 90 2nd 98 2nd 98 3rd 98 3rd 103 4th 98 4 1 a 109 Year 98 Year 102. 1914 1st 103 1917 l&t 114 2nd 101 2nd 131 3rd 98 3rd 163 4th 98 4tn 185 Year 100 Year 148 1915 1st 98 1918 let 153 2nd 98 2nd 163 3rd 98 3rd 4th 98 4th Year 98 Year on this date of splice. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From Mill #5905 with no differential as in preceding quarter (W.I.B. 359-122) Prices of BIRCH, FIRST AKD SECONDS 4/4 Item No. 25. Market: f.o.b, Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: quarterly averages 1913-1913. Quoted Prices State: WI3. WJS. Mill No: 8601 8601 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st U) 1916 1st 43.0000 2nd 41.0000(a) 2nd 42.0000(b) 3rd 44.0000 3rd 42.0000(b) 4th 43.0000 4th 42.0000(b) Year 42.6667 Year. 42.2500 1914 1st 43.0000 1917 1st 42.0000(b) . 2nd 48.0000 2nd 46.0COO(c)(b) 3rd 42.0000 3rd 50, 0000 (b) 4th 40.0000 4th 52.0000(b) X§a.£ 43.2500 Year 47.5000 1915 1st 38.0000 1918 1st " 52.0000(b) 2nd 40.0000 2nd 52.0000 (b) 3rd 39.0000 3rd 4th 41.0000 4th Year 39.5000 Year Relative Prices Average price Hill #8601 July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 = $44.5000 = 100 State: WIS. WIS. ia.ll No: 8601 6601. Year 0_uarter Year Cuarter 1913 1st Id) 1916 1st 97 2nd 92 2nd 94 3rd 99 3rd 94 4th 97 4th 94 Year 96 Year 95 1914 1st 97 1917 1st 94 2nd 108 2nd 103 3rd 94 3rd 112 4th 90 4th 117 Year 97 Year 107 1915 1st 85 1918 1st 117 2nd 90 2nd 117 3rd 88 3rd 4th 92 4th Year 89 Year (a) From Mill #8608 minus &1.00 as in following quarter (b) Substitution of prices of mill ^8606-prices are the same at date of (d) First quarter of 1913 not quoted (c) From mill #8601 ninus $4.00 as in preceding quarter. (WIB359-123) splice. Idaricet: Source: f.o.b. Mill Forest Service I top Ko. 26. Prices of BIHCH, NO. 1 COTSiQM 4/4 Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913- 1918 Quoted Prices State: \Vis. w'is. Hill No: 8601 8601 Year _Quartgr Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) 1916 1st 23.0000 2nd 23 .0000 (a) 2nd 22.0000 3rd 24.0000 3rd 23.0000 4th 23.0000 4th 23.0000 Year 23. 33133 Year 22.7500 1914 1st 23.0000 1917 1st 26.0000 2nd 23.00UO 2nd 31.0000 3rd 22.0000 3rd 32.0000(b) 4th 20.0000 4th 33.0000(b) Year 22.0000 Year 30.5000 1915 1st 18.5000 1916 1st 24.0000(b) 2nd 20.0000 ( 2nd 34. 0000 (b) 3rd 15.0000 3rd 4th 21.0000 4th Year 18.8750 Year Hclatjvc Prices Average price Mill #8601 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = £23.2500 = 100 State: W.ls. V/is. .,' ounrtf-r i I'iarket: f.o.b. Mill Prieus O^i * FIRSTS & SLCOtoDS 4/4 Item No. 5, Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State: Tennessee W. Virginia Tennessee W». Virginia 904 1001 Year Quarter Mill No: Year Quarter 904 1001 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 44. 0000 40. 0000 (d) 2nd 44 » 0000 45. 0000 2nd 42. 0000 41. OOOO(d) 3rd 44 • 0000 44. 0000 3rd 42. 0000 (a) 40. 0000 (d) 4th 43 • 0000 43. 0000 4th 40. 0000 (a) 40. 0000 (d) Year 43 a 6657 44. 0000 Year 42. 0000 40. 2500 1914 1st 44 * 0000 45. 5000 1917 1st 40. 0000 (a) 42. 5000 (d) 2nd 44 • 0000 40. 0000 2nd 48. 0000 (a) 47. 0000 (d) 3rd 43 . 0000 36. OOOO(d) 3rd 51. 0000 (a) 47. 0000 (d) 4th 42 % 0000 36. 5000 (d) 4th 48. 0000 (c) 47. 0000 (d) Year 43 » 2500 39. 5000 Year 46. 7500 45. 8750 1915 1st 42 a 0000 40, OOOO(d) 1918 1st 50. 0000 (a) 45. OOOO(d) 2nd 42 • 0000 38. 5000 (d) 2nd 52. 0000 (a) 45, 0000 (d) 3rd 42 0 0000 40. OOOO(d) 3rd 4th 44 • 0000 40. 0000 (d) 4th Year 42 • 5000 39. 6250 Year HelatJve Prices Average prices, Mill #904, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $43.75 = 100 " " " 1001, " " " $45.125 a 1QQ State: Tennessee W. Virginia Tennessee W.. Virginia Mill HO: 501 1001 904 1001 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (*] (b) 1916 1st 101 »' "* 93 2nd 101 104 2nd 96 95 3rd 101 102 3rd 96 93 4th 98 100 4th 91 93 Year 100 102 Year 96 93 1914 1st 101 106 1917 1st 91 99 2nd 101 93 2nd 110 109 3rd 98 83 crd 117 109 4th 96 85 4th 110 109 Year 99 92 Year 107 106 1915 1st 96 93 1918 1st 114 104 2nd 96 89 2nd 119 104 3rd 96 93 3rd 4th 101 93 4th Year 97 92 Year (a) Prices from Mill -'r902, Substituted, prices the same at these two. Mills at date of substitution. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Prices of Mill #903 (the only quotation for this date) (d) Prices from Hill #403 N. Carolina substituted, prices from these two Mills bein^ same on date of substitution. (WID3fiQ.19.9l Prices of CHESTNUT, NO. 1 COMMON 4/4. Item No . 6 . Market: f.o.b. mill Source: Forest Service Quoted Prices Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly aver- ages 1913-1918 State : &• Tenn. W.Va. $L- Tenn. W.Va Mill No: 304 904 1001 304 904 1001 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 2nd 34.0000 29.0000 3rd 32.3000 28.0000 4th 32, 3000 (a) 28. 0000 Year 32.8667 38.3333 1914 1st 32.0000 27.0000 2nd 32,0000 27.0000 . 3rd 30.0000 37.0000 (b) 1916 1st 33 . 0000 2nd 33.0000 3rd 31.0000 4th 32 . 3333 Year 29.0000(h)l917 1st 29.0000 2nd 26.0000('i) 3rd 32 . 0000 28 . 0000 28 , 0000 (i ) 32.0000 27. 0000 (f)27. 0000 (i ) 30.0000 28,0000(f)26.0000(i) 32 . 0000 (e )29 . 0000 ( f )27 . 0000( i ) 31 . 5000 28 , 0000 2 7 . 0000 32.0000 30.0000(f)30.0000(i) 36.0000 35.0000(f)32.0000(i) 36.0000 33.0000(f)32.5000(i) 4th 30 .0000 27.0000 26. 0000 (i ) 4th 36 . 0000 33.0000(g)33.0000(i) Year 31 .0000 27.0000 27.5000 Year 35.0000 32 . 7500 31.8750 1915 1st 30 .0000 25.0000 25.0000(i )1918 1st 38 . 0000 40.0000(f)33.0COO(i) 2nd 28 .0000(c ) 26. 0000 24. 50 00 (i ) 2nd 38 . 0000 38.0000(f)35.0000(i) 3rd 27 .0000 26.0000 25.0000(i) 3rd 4th 29 .5000 27.0000 27. 0000 (i ) 4th Year 28 .6253 26.0000 25.3750 Year Relative Prices Average Prices, mill #304 , July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $32.15 - 100 11 ii " 904 n n ii n n H it " $27.50 - 100 ii " 11 1001 it n n it n n n " $30.50 - 100 State: Ky . Tenn. W.Va. Ky. Tenn*. fl'.Va. Mill No: 304 904 1001 304 904 1001 Year Quarter Year Ouarte r 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 100 102 92 2nd 106 105 108 2nd 100 98 89 3rd 100 102 108 3rd 93 102 85 4th 100 102 102 4th 100 105 89 Year 102 103 106 Year 98 102 89 1914 1st 100 98 95 1917 1st 100 109 98 2nd 100 98 95 2nd 112 127 105 3rd 93 98 85 3rd 112 120 107 4th 93 98 85 4th 112 120 108 Year 96 98 90 Year 109 119 104 1915 1st 93 91 82 1918 1st 118 145 108 2nd 87 95 80 2nd 118 138 115 3rd 84 95 82 3rd 4th 92 98 89 4th Year 89 95 83 Year Prices from mill #305 plus differential of $2.30 as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted. (c) Prices of mill #801, 0. H'dwood, minus differential of $5.as in following quarter (a) Prices from mill #803 0. H'dwood, with no differential as in following quarter. (f) Price from Mill #902 substituted, prices being same at date of splice, (g) Prices from mill #903(only quotation given on this date, (h) Price used from mill #402 N.C, H'dwood plus $1 as in previous quarter, (i) Prices from mill #403 N.C. H'dwood suhat.i t.nt.pd nriefis from those two mills beine same on date of splice. v -129- Prices of CHESTNUT, SOUND, WORMY Item No. 7 ±/4 (Market :- f.o.b. IVdll ICourcer- Forest Service Unit:-M Board Fe&t Quotation: Quarterly average 1913- j. Quoted Prices IS 16. State. - Mill No:- Term . 904 W. VA. 1005 __Tenn. 904 1005 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st ( c) (c) 1916 1st 18 .0000 18.0000(4) 2nd 20 .0000 16.0000 2nd 17 .0000 18.0000 3rd 1? .0000 16.0000 3rd 16 .COOO(a) 19.0000 4th 17 .0000 18 .0000 4th 16 .5000 (a) 19.0000 Year 18 .0000 17.3333 Year 16 .8750 18.5000 191* 1st 16 .0000 18.0000 1917 1st 20 .0000 (a) 19.0000 2nd 17 .0000 18.0000 2nd 24 .OOOO(a) 26.0000 '. t 3rd 16 .0000 17.5000 3rd 26 .0000 (a) 28 .0000 4th 16 .0000 15.0000 4th 26 , 0000 (bj&) 32. 0000 Year 16 .2500 17 . 1250 Year 24 .0000 26.2500 1915 1st ' 16 .0000 18.0000 1918 1st 32 .0000 (a) 35.0000 2nd 16 .0000 13.0000 2nd 33 ,0000 (a) 37.0000 3rd 16 .0000 17.0000 3rd 4th 17 .0000 •17 .5000 4th Year 16 .2500 17.6250 Year Relative Price s Average price Mill #904 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 19 14 =$16 ,7500=100 n ii 11 #1005 " " n n n " =$18 .00 =100 State :- Term. W. VA. Term. W. VA. Mill No:- 904 1005 . 904 1005 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 107 100 2nd 119 89 2nd 101 }.00 3rd 101 100 3rd 96 106 . 4th . 101 100 4th 99 106 Year 107 S5 Year 101 103 1914 1st 96 100 1917 1st 119 106 2nd 101 100 2nd 143 144 3rd 96 97 3rd 155 156 4th 96 83 4th 155 178 Year 97 95 Year 143 146 1915 1st 96 100 1918 1st 191 194 2nd 96 100 2nd 197 206 3rd 96 94 3rd 4th 101 97 4-fch Year 97 98 Year (a) Prices of Mill #902 substituted, prices of these two mills being same on date oi splice (b) From Mill #903 plus $1.00 as in preceding quarter. (c) Not quoted. (d) Prices from Mill #1001 plus $.50 as in preceding quarter. (I, I, B. -359-129) Market :-f,o.b. Mill Source : -Forest Service -130- Item No. 7 Prices of CHESTNUT , SOUND , 'VOPMY 4 /'± Unit:- M. Board Feet Quotation: -Quarterly average 1913- Quoted Prices 1318. State :- KY. L,. N.C. H. • N.C. Mill No:- 304 402 204 402 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 " 1st (e) (e) 1916 1st 17.0000 14.0000(f) 2nd 18.0000 12.0000 2nd 17.0000 13.00GO(f) 3rd 20.5500 13.0000 3rd 17 .0000 13.0000(f) 4th 20.S5G9(a) 13 . £000 4th 17.0000(d) 13 . 0000 (f) Year 19.9657 12,8333 Year 17.0000 13 . 2500 1914 1st 20 ,0000 13,5000 1917 1st 18.0000 15.0000(1) 2nd 17 .0000 l'i.OOOO(f) 2nd 27 .0000 21.00GCU) 3rd 16.0000 13.0COO(f) 3rd 29.0000 22.5000(1) 4th 16.0000 I3.0000(f) 4th 30.0000 24.0000(f) Year 17 . 2500 13,3750(f) Year 26.0000 20.6250 1915 1st 16,0000 13.00CO(f) 1918 1st 32.0000 25.0COO(f) 2nd 16,5000!OCOO 30 .0000 19.8500 24.0COO(f) 28.00CO(f) 29«COOO(f) 31-COOO(f) Year 16 .5000 14 .5000 (a) 14 .5000 (a) 14 .2500 14 . 0000 (e) 14 .0000 (f) Year 23 .7 500 33 .0000 33 .0000 28 .0000 33. 0000 (f) 34.0000(f) 1915 1st 2nd 1918 1st 2nd 3rd 16- 5000 (a) 16. 5000 (f) 3rd . 4th 16.5000 19>OOOC(f) 4th Year 15.5000 15.8750 Year Relative Prices Average Price Mill No. 106 , July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - $17 .25 - ICO ii n Mill No. 204, « " " HMD II 114.50 - ICO State :- Alabama Arkansas Albania Arkansas Mill MO:- 106 204 106 204 Ye?r Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 116 131 2nd 119 131 2nd 116 132 3rd 107 110 3rd 116 140 4th 101 97 4th 122 145 Year 109 113 Year 117 137 1914 1st 101 97 1917 1 st 139 166 2nd 90 97 2nd 174 193 3rd 96 103 3rd 180 2CO 4th 96 97 4th 174 214 Year 96 98 Year 167 193 . 1915 1st 84 97 1918 1st 191 228 2nd 84 97 2nd 191 234 3rd 96 114 3rd •*th 96 131 4th , X.ear 90 109 Year 1915, (b) Prices for first quarter 1913 not quoted. (c) Prices of Mill #901, Term .Hardwood .minus differential of $2.00 as inpreced.qtr (c.) From Prices of Mill #702, Mo. Hardwood, minus differential of $3. as in " ) From prices of Mill #701. Mo- Hardwood, minus d:.differential of $1 .as in" (f) Prices from Mill #7C6 , Mo. Hardwood substituted. Splice made on basis of (r. 1. 3. 359-136) differential. no .. . J > • !. •-.-' • " '• •/• • ; '.'. '!•*'.- •'":}• :/:•:, •-; 1 ; •'•-•*'•' r.',1* i :•. r,- -137- Prices of CUM, FIP.STS & SECONDS 4/4 SAPS Item No. 17 . Market: f.o/b. Mill Source: Forsst Service Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918 . Quoted Prices State :- Mill NoS.- MlSS. 602 MtSS . 603 MISS • 602 MISS. 603 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 22 -0000 23 .0000 2nd (a) (c) 2nd 23 .0000 22 .0000 3rd 21 .0000 19.5000 3rd 21 .0000 22 ,0000 4th 21 .0000 19.0000 4th 24 .0000 23 .0000 Year 21 .0000 19 2500 Year 2.2,5000 22, .5000 1914 1st 20 .0000 18.0000 1917 1st 27 .0000 24 -COCO 2nd 19-0000 16 .5000 2nd 32 .0000 34 .0000 3rd 18.0000 1^ .0000 3rd 32 .0000 (a) 28 .0000 4th 18-0000 16.0000 4th 33 .0000 32 .0000 Year 18.7500 16 -6250 Year 31 .0000 29.5CCO 1915 1st 18.0000 16.5000 1918 1st 33 .0000 34 .0000 2nd 10,0000 16 .5000 2nd 37 .0000 33.0000 3rd 18.0000 17 =0000 3rd 4th 21 .0000 18.0000 4th Year 18.7500 17 .0000 Year Pelati^e Prices Average price mill #602 July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - $20.25 - 100 n n 11 #503 i' 11 n n n 11 " $18.25 - ICO State :- MISS. MISS. HISS. MISS. Mill No.:- 602 603 602 603 Year Quarter Ydar Quarter 1913 " 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 109 126 2nd (c) (d) 2nd 114 121 3rd 104 107 3rd 104 121 4th 104 104 4th 119 126 Year 104 105 Year 111 123 1914 1st 99 99 1917 1 CJ w 133 132 2nd 94 £0 2nd 153 186 3rd 89 88 3rd 158 153 4th 89 88 4th 163 175 Year 93 91 Year 153 162 1915 1st 89 PO 1918 1st 163 186 2nd 89 90 2nd 183 181 3rd 89 93 3rd 4th 104 99 4th Year 93 93 Year \--l rricos rrorn Mill fftx/b LA. i'arctwooa, plus -?2 . differential as in preceding (b) Prices for first quarter of 1Q13 not quoted. (c) Not quoted. (V'.I .B. 359-137) •• -138- Market: Source: f.o.o. Mill Forest Service Prices of Item No. 17 G-UM, FIPSTS £: SEC011DS 4/4 SAPS Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Aver- Ouoted Prices fies 1913-1918. Stater- LA. APK. TENN. LA. API:. TE17T • Mill No:- 502 204 SOI 502 204 901 Year Quarter Year Quarter • 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 20 «0000 19.4300 22 . OOCO (g) 2nd 17 .5000 17 .0000 21 .0000 2nd 18.0000 16 .0100 20 .00 00 (h) 3rd 17 .OOCO 16.0000 20 .0000 3rd 18.5000 16 .7200 20. 0000 (g) 4th 16.0000 17 .0000 19- COCO 4th 18 .0000 17 .6400 21. OOCO (g) Year 16-8333 16-6667 20 .0000 Year 18.6250 17 .4625 20 -7 500 (g) 1914 1st 16 -0000 16.5000 20 «0000 1917 1st 19.0000 20 - 6400 (e) 25. 0000 (g) 2nd 15.0000 16.5CCO(c) 17 .0000 2nd 26 .0000 21 .3500 30 . 0000 (g) 3rd 14 .OOCO 16.0COO 18.0000 3rd 28 .0000 22.5000 28 .0000 (g) 4th 15 .OOCO 14 -OOCO 18 .0000 4th 28,0000 24 .1500 28 .0000 (g) Year 15 .0000 15 .7500 18-2500 Year 25.2500 22 .1600 27 .7 500 (g) 1915 1st 14.0000(a)l4.0000(d) 16 .0000 1918 1st 28 .0000 28 .9000 33.0000£g) 2nd 14 .0000 14 .0000 (d) 16 -0000 (f) 2nd 32 .0000 28.2500 33 .0000 (g) 3rd 15 .0000 16 .5000 19 .0000 3rd 4th 15 -0000 17 ,0000 18. 0000 (g) 4th Year 14 .7500 15.3750 17 .2500 Year 1 . Relative Prices Average Price Mill #502 July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - 16.00 - 100 ti 11 11 204 " » n ii n n n 16.50 - 100 n n n 901 " " 11 n n n n 19.00 - 100 State: - L/ . APK. TEI1N. LA. AP-K. TEK1T. Mill No:- 502 204 901 502 204 9C1 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1S13 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 125 118 116 2nd 109 103 111 2nd 112 97 105 3rd 106 97 105 3rd 116 101 105 4th 100 103 100 4th 112 107 111 Year 105 101 105 Year 116 106 109 191* 1st 100 100 105 1917 1st 119 125 132 2nd 94 100 89 2nd 162 129 158 3rd 88 97 95 3rd 175 136 147 4th 94 85 95 4th 175 146 147 , . - Year 94 95 96 Year 158 134 146 1915 1st 88 85 84 1918 1st 175 175 174 2nd 88 85 84 2nd 200 171 174 3rd 94t 100 100 3rd 4th 100 103 95 4th -1 t Year 92 93 91 Year (b) First quarter of 1913 net quoted. (c) Interpolated fr -pr .of Mill 702 , Mo. Hardwood .minus a dfrntl -of -50as of 1st qtr . 1914 (d) n » " n n 701 it ti n n ft 11^3 ,5Qii n Afch w " (3) " n n ti ii 706 " "" n n « "$2.36" " 4th " 1916 (f) Prices from Mill #103 ALA .Hardwood .minus $1 differentirJ. as in preceding qtr. Substitution made of Mill #106, ALA -Hardwood , prices being sajne on date of splic (h) Prices from Mill #901 Tenn. Hardwood, minus $2 differential as in precedinn qtr. IT. -138- Prices of G-UM, FIRSTS £: SECOilPS 4/4 SAPS Item No. 17 Market: f.o.b- Mill Source: Forest Service Quoted Prices Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Aver- ages 1913-1918. Statet- LA. ARK. TENIT. LA. API:. TE!CT. Mill . No:- 502 204 £01 502 204 901 Year Quarter Year Quarter . £913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 20 .0000 19.4300 22. OOCO (g) 2nd 17 .5000 17 .0000 21 .0000 2nl 18.0000 16 .0100 20 .00 00 (h) 3rd 17 .OOCO 16 .0000 20 -0000 3rd 18.5000 16 .7200 20. 0000 (g) 4th 16.0000 17 .0000 19.0000 4th 18 .0000 17 .6400 21 . OOCO (g) Year 16-8333 16-6667 20 .0000 Year 18.6250 17 .4625 20 • 7 500 (g) 1914 1st 16 -0000 16 -5000 20 .0000 1917 1st 19.0000 20 .6400 (e) 25. 0000 (g) 2nd 15.0000 16. 5000 (c) 17 .0000 2rd 26 .0000 21 .3500 30 • 0000 (g) 3rd 14 .0000 15.0CCO 18 .0000 3rd 28 .0000 22.5000 28. 0000 (g) 4th 15.0000 14 .OOCO 18 .0000 4th 28*0000 24 .1500 28. 0000 (g) Year 15 .0000 15 .7500 18.2500 Year 25.2500 22 .1600 27 . 7 500 (g) 1915 1st 14.0000(a)l4.0000(d) 16 .0000 1918 1st 28 .0000 28.9000 33.Q0005g) 2nd 14 ,0000 14 .0000 (d) 16 -0000 (f) 2nd 32 .0000 28.2500 33 . 0000 (g) 3rd 15 .0000 16 .5000 19 .0000 3rd 4th 1-3 .0000 17 .0000 18. 0000 (g) 4th Year 14.7500 15.3750 17.2500 Year Relative Prices Average Price Mill #502 July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - 16.00 - 100 n " n 204 " » n n n n n 16.50 - 100 n n n 901 « " n n n n it 19.00 - 100 Stater- LA. ARK. TE!K. LA. ARK. TE1T1T. Mill No:- 502 204 801 502 204 901 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1S13 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 125 118 116 2nd 109 103 111 2nd 112 97 105 3rd 106 97 105 3rd 116 101 105 4th 100 103 100 4th 112 107 111 Year 105 101 105 Year 116 106 109 191 -i 1st 100 100 105 1917 1st 119 125 132 2nd 94 100 89 2nd 162 129 158 3rd 88 97 95 3rd 175 136 147 4th 94 85 95 4th 175 146 147 . . • Year 94 95 96 Year 158 134 146 1915 1st 88 85 84 • 1918 1st 175 175 174 2nd 88 85 84 2nd 200 171 174 3rd 9* 100 100 3rd 4th 100 103 95 4th ^f \r " w Year 92 93 '"~TI - . -• . i — i — . i n 91 Year Prices from Mill #604 La. Hardwood minus $1 differential as in preceding qtr. (b) First quarter of 1P13 not quoted. (c) Interpolated fr .pr -of Mill 702 ,Mo. Hardwood .minus a df rntl -of -50as of 1st qtr . 1914 » » » » " 701 " " n n n ii« 375= 100 State :- Alabama Louisiana Alabama Louisiana Hill Ko ; — 106 502 106 502 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 104 106 2nd 113 106 2nd 104 106 3rd 104 101 3rd 100 106 4th 96 101 4th 104 106 Year 104 103 Year 103 106 1914 1st 104 101 1917 1st 126 116 2nd 96 96 2nd 174 lf>4 3rd 96 77 3rd 15V 159 4th 96 87 4th 157 173 Year 98 90 Year 153 151 1915 lot 87 87 1918 1st 191 173 2nd 87 92 2nd 217 222 3rd 78 87 3rd 4th 87 87 Year 85 88 Year Ja| Prices from Hill #901, Tern. Hardv;ood, minus (b) First Quarter of 1915 not quoted. dif ferential of LJ! as in 4th qtr. 1915 [c| Prices from Hill #901, Term. Hardwood , minus differential of i«2 as in (d) Prices from I .lills #602 , Hiss. Ha.rd.voe 1. minus •i)2 difforenl ;ial) pi'iiC sd/>')t Market: f.o.b, ill 11 Source: Forest Service -142- Prices of GUM WO. 2 COIIiON 4/4 Quoted Prices Item No. IS. Unit: II Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averages. 1913-1918. State:- Mississippi Mississippi Mill No:- 602 605 602 605 Year Quarter , Year fiuart e_r_ 12.5000 11.5000 1913 1st (b) (b) T9Ib" 2nd (b) lb) 2nd 12.0000 12.0000 3rd 12.5000 12.0000 3rd 11.0000 12.0000 4th 12.5000 12.0000 4th 13.0000 12.0000 Year 12.50000 12.0000 Year 12.1250 11.8750 1914 1st 12.0000 11.0000 1917 1st 15.0000 14.0000 2nd 11.5000 11.5000 2nd 20.0000 16.0000 3rd 11.0000 11.0000 3rd 20. 5000 (a) 18.0000 4th 11.0000 11.0000 4th 22.0000 20.0000 Year 11.3750' 11.1250 Year 19.3750 17.0000 1915 1st 11.0000 11.0000 1918 1st 25.0000 22.0000 2nd 11.0000 10.0000 2nd 27.0000 23.0000 3rd 11.0000 9.5000 3rd 4th 12.0000 .10.5000 4th Year 11.2500 10.2500 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill Ho. 602, July 1,1S13 to June 30, 1914 = $12 .125 = 100 11 " " No. 603, " " " n it it = *H ,625 = 100 St at e :— Mississippi Mississippi Hill No:- 602 605 602 605 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 103 99 2nd (b) (b) 2nd 99 103 3rd 103 103 3rd 91 103 4th 103 103 4th 107 103 Year 103 103 Year 100 102 1914 1st 99 95 1917 1st 124 120 2nd 95 99 2nd 165 138 3rd 91 95 3rd 169 155 4th 91 95 4th 181 172 Year 94 96 Year 160 146 1915 1st 91 95 1918 1st 206 189 2nd 91 86 2nd 223 198 3rd 91 82 3rd 4th 99 90 4th Year 93 88 -T i -__-i_r- j - - - . - i .-.-._ i- __,__ - Year a) Prices from Mill #502, Louisiana Hardwood plus ^4 differential as in preceding Quarter. b) pirst and second quarters 1913 not quoted. (v.I.B. 359-142) 1 L- -143- Prices of Item No. 43 Market:- f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Service EAHD LIAPLEv FIRST & SECOEDS, 4/4 Unit:- M Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly Av. 1915-13. Quoted Prices Stater- Michigan Michigan Mill No:- S9.C5 5905 Year Quarter t Year Qxiarter, 1913 1st w 1916 1st 32.6700(a) 2nd 34.0000 2nd 37.0000 3rd 34.0000 3rd 36.0000 4th 54.0000 4th 37.0000 Year •34.0000 Year 35,6675 1914 1st 35.0000 1917 1st 44,0000 2nd 33.0000 2nd 49.0000 3rd 33.0000 3rd 50.5000 4th 33.0000 4th 50,0000 Year 33.5000 Year 48.3750 1915 1st 55.0000 1918 1st 50.000C(c) 2nd 32.5000 2nd 50.0000 3rd 32.5000 3rd 4th 32.0000 4th Year 32.5000 Year Be lat ive ^Prices : _. _ ^j Average Price, Mill #5905, July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 =34.00=100 State:- Michigan Michigan Hill Ro:- 5905 5905 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st Cb) 1916 1st 96 2nd 100 2nd 109 3rd 100 3rd 106 4th 1914 Ye_ar TOO 100 4th Iq17 Year 109 105 2nd 8? Isf 2nd 329 144 3rd 97 3rd 149 4th 97 4th 147 Year 99 Year 142 1915 1st 97 1918 1st 147 2nd 96 2nd 147 3rd .96 3rd * 4th 94 4th Year 96 Year (a) Interpolated: average rise of prices at reporting Mills (t>) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Interpolated: no advance of prices at reporting Hills. IU.I.B. 359-143) « -144- Item No. 44 Prices of HARD, MAPLE, MO. I COMMON 4/4 Market: f.o.b Mill 'Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Av« 1913--J Quoted Prices Sfprhp •-« Michigan Michigan w vet u c • ^ Mill No;- 5909 5909 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) ' 1916 1st 26.0000 2nd 25.0000 2nd 26.3300(a) 3rd 4th 25.0000 25.0000 3rd 4th 27.0000 27.0000{c) Year 25.0000 Year 26.5825 1914 1st 2nd 25.0000 25.0000 1st 2nd 34.0000(cl 33,0000(c) 3rd 25.0000 3rd 31.0000(0) . 4th 25.0000 4th 33,0000(0) Year IS 15 ~lTt 25.0000 25.0000 Year 1913 32,7500 30.0000(c) 2nd 24,0000 ' 2nd 40, 0000 (c) 3rd 24.0000 3rd 4th 24.0000 4th Year 24.2500 Year Relative Fr.iaes Average Price, Mill #5909, July 1 ,1913 to June 30, 1914 B #25.00 = 100 State :- Mill No:- Michigan 5909 Michigan 5909 Year Quarter % Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 104 2nd 100 2nd 105 3rd 100 3rd 108 4th 100 4th 108 Year 100 Year 106 1914 1st 100 1917 1st 136 2nd 100 ?nd 132 3rd 100 3rd 124 4th 100 4th 132 !••''£> Year 100 Year 131 1915 1st 100 1918 1st 120 2nd 96 2nd 160 3rd 96 3rd 4th 96 4th Year 97 Year (a) Interpolated on basis of average change at mills reporting. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Prices of Mill #5905 substituted, prices being saira:.'on date of substitution (W.I.B. 359-144) • • • -145- Item Ho. 46. Prices of HARD MAPLE, H). 3, COMIION 4/4 Market: f.o.b. Mill Source :« Forest Service Unit:- II Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Av. 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State:- Mi chigan Michigan Uill No:- 5906 5906 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) • 1916 1st 10.0000 2nd I2.0000(a) 2nd 10.0000 3rd 12.0000U) 3rd 10.0000 4th 12.0000(a) 4th 10.0000 Year 12.0000 Year 10, C 000 1914 1st 12.0000(a) 1917 1st 11.0000 2nd 12.0000(a) 2nd 14,0000{c) 3rd 11. 0000 (a) 3rd 13.0COO 4th 10.0000 4th 17.0&00 Year 11.2500 Jear 15.0000 1915 lot lO.OOOO(a) 1918 1st 20.0000 2nd 9.0000 2nd 24.0000 3rd 8.0000 3rd 4th 8.0000 4th Year 8.7500 Year Relative Prices. Average Price Hill #5906, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $12.00 = 100 state :- Mill No:- Michigan 5906 Lurhxgan 5906 Year Quarter Yaar Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 83 2nd 100 2nd 83" 3rd 100 3rd 83 4th 100 4th 8? Year 100 Year 63 1914 1st 100 1917 1st" 92 2nd 100 2nd 117 3rd 92 3rd 150 4th 83 4th 142 Year 94 • Year 125 1915 1st 83 1918 1st 167 2nd 75 2nd 2CO 3rd 67 5rd 4th 67 4i;h Year 73 Year (a) From Liill #5909 after deducting $1.00 differential (b) First Quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From :,lill #5905 after deducting ^1.00 differential. (V.I.B. 259-1451 ^ t -146- Pnccs on Item Wo. 1. HEMLOCK, WO. 1 P.TBC3 STUFF, S-l S-l E, 2"x4"-16' Market:- f.o.b. mill Unit;- 1.1. Board feet Sciii-co:- Forest Service Quotations:- Quarterly average 1913-18, Quoted Prices State :- Hill No:- _ar Quarter 313 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year )14 1st lic hlgan" 5909 ITichigan V7j.Br.or.sin 21.7500 21.7500 18.7500 20.7500 18.5000 18.7500 18.7500 18.2500 18.5625 18.5000 18.0000 18.5000 20.5000 18.8750 5905 (b) 20.0000 20.0000 19.5000 19.6333 19,2500 19.0000 18.5000 17.5000 18.5625 18.0000 17 , 5000 17,0000 17.5000 17.5000 8609 "Year (b) 1916 18.0000(c) 19,0000 13.0000 13 . 3333 18.0000 1917 10.0000 17.5000 16.0000 17.3750 16.0000 1918 16.0000 15.5000 17.5000 15.2500 Michigan 5905 , ."TOGO 19 . 5000 .5000 20.0000 .7500 20.0000 .2500 22.0000 .7500 20.3750 .2500 24.0000 .7500 27.5000 .3800(a)28,0000 .5000 23.0000 .0950 26.8750 .5000 28.2500 .0000 30.2500 8609 18.5000 19.0000 19.0000 21. 5000 (d 19.5000 21.5000 27.0000 27.0000 27.0000 25.6250 27.5000 26.5000 Relat i ve_ Pr ices Average price mill 45909 July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914S$19.437£^lOO " " » £5905 " " " " " " " -4-19.4375-100 " " " ##8609 " " " " " " " SA8. 2500=100 (b) 103 103 100 102 99 98 95 90 96 93 90 87 90 90 V/j s cons J n 6609 (b) 99 104 99 100 99 99 96 88 95 88 88 85 96 89 Hi oh ig an 5909 5905 100 103 103 113 105 123 141 144 144 145 156 8609 101 104 104 119 107 118 148 148 148 140 151 156' a) interpolated: average rise in price at four reporting mills (b) Prices for first quarter of 1912 not quoted. (c) From mill 8608 with no differential as in following quarter. (d) From mill 8605 raiw.ts 50^ as in preceding quarter. (V.'.I.B. 35S-146) i cs t : • Source : • HFMLOCKi NO. f.o.b. mill Forest Service 147 Iteir. No. 1 Prices on 1 PIFCF STUFF, SI SI E, 2"x4 "-16 ' Unit:- M. Beard feet Quotations:- Quarterly average 1913-1818 Quoted Prices State :- Wisconsin Wisconsin Mill No:- 8603 8605 8603 8606 Year Quarter . Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 21.0000 19 . 0000 2nd 21.0000 19.0000 2nd 20.0000 19 . 0000 3rd 20 . 5000 19 . 0000 3rd 20.0000 19.0000 4th 19 . 5000 18 . 5000 4th 22.0000 19 . 0000 Year 20.3333 18.8333 Year 20.7500 19.0COO 1914 1st 19.0000 18.0000 1917 1st 22 . 5000 2 1 . 5000 2nd 18.7500 18 . 5000 2nd 27.5000 (a) 26.5000(d) 3rd 18.2500 18.0000 3rd 27.5000 27.5000 4th 17.7500 16 . 5000 4th 27.5000 27.0000 Year 18.4375 17.7500 Year 26.2500 25.6250 1915 1st 17.7500 16 . 5000 1918 1st 27.5000 27.5000 2nd 16.7500 16.5000 (c) 2nd 30.5000 28.0000 3rd 16.2500 . 15.5000 3rd 4th 18 . 0000 17.5000 4th Year 17.1875 16 . 5000 Year RelativB Prices Average price Mill #8603, July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 - $19.4375 - 100 n n u #8606 " " n u u n M _ $18.50000- 100 Stater- Wisconsin Wise 01)3 in Mill No:- 8603 8606 8603 ~8606 Year Quarter n?AP .Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 108 103 2nd 108 103 2nd 103 103 3rd 105 103 3rd 103 103 4th 100 100 4th 113 103 Year 10? 102 Year 107 103 1914 1st 98 97 1917 1st 116 116 2nd 96 100 2nd 141 143 3rd 94 97 3rd 141 149 4th 91 89 4th 141 146 Year 95 96 Year 135 139 1915 1st 91 89 1918 1st 141 3.49 2nd 86 89 2nd 157 151 3rd 84 84 3rd 4th 93 95 4th T- t--- Year 88 89 Year (a) From mill #8601 plus 50 " " " following " 8601 minus 75^ as in preceding quarter. (W.I.B. 359-149) t -* Market: Source: 150 Prices on HEMLOCK, FENCING NO. 1 S-l-S I"x6" f.o.b.mill Forest Service . Item No, 4 Unit:- M. Board feet Quotations:- Quarterly averages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State:- Michigan Mill No: -5909 Ysar Quarter 8606 Wi sconsin 8609 Michigan 1913 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1914 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1915 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 23 21 19 21 19 19 18 19 19 19 19 19 21 19 (b) .0000 .0000 .7500 .2500 .5000 .7500 .5000 .2500 .2500 .0000 .0000 .5000 .0000 ,6250 (b) 20.0000 19,0000 20.0000 19.6657 18 . 0000 18 . 0000 19 . 0000 17.5000 18,1250 17 . 0000 17.0000(c 15,5000 17 . 5000 16.7500 Year 5903 Quar te r 8606 Wisconsin " 8609 (b) 1916 20.5000(d) 18.0000 17.0000 18 . 5000 18.7500 1917 16 . 5000 17.0000 16.0000 17.0625 15.0000 1918 15,0000 14.5000 17.0000 15.3750 21.5000 22 . 5000 22 , 5000 24.2500 22.6875 25.5000 28.7500 28.7500( 30.0000 28.2500 29 . 5000 32 . 0000 22.0000 18, 18.5000 19, 19.5000 19, 19 . 0000 19 19.7500 19 22.0000 21 28.0000(c)26 a)27.0000 26 26.5000 26 26.1250 25 27.0000 27 26.0000 29 0000 0000 2500 7500(e) 0000 0000 5000 5000 COOO 0000 . ' 0000 5000 Average n Relative Prices price mill #5909 July 1,1913 to June 30,1914 - " • " #8606 " " " " " " " n n #8609 " " " " " " " - $20.0000 - 100 $18.7500 - 100 $17.5625 - 100 State:- Mill No fear Quarter Michigan :- 5909 Wisconsin 8606 8609 11913 1st (b) 2nd 115 §rd 105 4th 99 Year 106 4914 1st 98 2nd 99 3rd 93 4th 96 Year 96 1915 1st 95 2nd 95 3rd 98 4th 105 Year 98 (b) 107 101 107 105 96 96 101 93 97 91 91 83 93 89 (b) 117 102 97 105 107 94 97 91 97 85 85 83 97 88 Michigan 5909 Year Quarter 1916 1st 108 2nd 113 3rd 113 4th 121 Year 113 1917 1st 128 2nd 144 3rd 144 4th 150 Year 141 1918 1st 148 2nd 160 3rd 4th Year Wisconsin 8606 " 8609 117 99 104 101 305 123 149 144 141 139 144 139 102 108 110 112 108 120 151 151 148 142 154 168 ,a) Interpolated: average change in prices reported for this date zero. Jb) First quarter of 1913 not quoted ,c) From mill #8601 with no differential as in preceding quarter jd) From mill #8610 with no differential as in following quarter !e) From mill #8601 minus $1.25 as in preceding quarter. IW.I.B. 359-150) * 151 Prices on .f ir, LATH, NO. 1 3/8" x 4' I tern No . 5 Market:- f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Service Unit:- M Board feet Quotation:- Quarterly Av. Quoted Prices State :- Michigan Wisconsin Michigan Wisconsin Mill No Year Quarter i- 5909 8601 8609 5909 8601 8609 1913 1st Year (a) (a) (a) 1916 Quarter 1st 4,7500 4.0000 3.7000 2nd 4.2500 3.35GO,(d)3.5000(f) 2nd 4.7500 4.0000 3.8500 3rd 4.2500 3.3500 3.2500 3rd 4.7500 3.9500 3.7500 4th 4.0000 3.6500 3.2000 4th 4,7500 4.000C c.BOCO(g) Year 4.1667 3,4500 3.3167 Year 4.7500 3.9875 3.7750 1914 1st 4.2500 3.7500 3.8500 1917 1st 5.0000 4.0000(e) 3,9000 2nd 4.2500 3.7000 3.8000 2nd 5.7500 5.0000(e) 4.8000(h) 3rd 4.5000 3.6500 3.7000 3rd 5.7500(c)5.0000(e) 5.0000 4th 4.1500 3,7500 3.8500 4th 5.7500 5.0000(e) 4.9000 Year 4.2875 3.7125 3.8000 Year 5.5625 4.7500 4.6500 1915 1st 4.5000 3.7000 3.7500 . 1918 1st 5.7500 5,0000(e) S. 0000 12nd 4.5000 3.7500 3.7500 2nd 5.7500 5. OOOO(e)' 4.7500 3rd 4.5000 3.7500 3.7000 3rd . • 4th 4.6200(b3.7500 3.7500 4th Year 4.5300 3.7375 3.7375 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #5909, July 1,1913 to June 30,1914 - $4.1835 - 100 n ii n 3501 " M " » 11 " " - $3,6125 - 100. n .. «i 8509 ., M n M 11 " " - $3.5250 - 100 State:- Michigan Wisconsin Michigan Wisconsin Mill No :- 5909 8601 8609 5909 8621 " 8609 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 113 111 105 2nd 101 93 99 2nd 113 111 109 3rd 101 93 92 3rd 113 108 106 4th 96 101 91 4th 113 111 108 Year 100 96 94 Year 113 110 107 1914 1st 101 104 109 1917 1st 119 111 111 »2nd 3rd 4th 101 102 108 107 101 105 99 104 109 2nd 137 138 136 3rd 137 138 142 4th 137 138 139 Year 102 103 108 Year 133 131 132 1915 1st 107 102 106 1918 1st 137 136 142 2nd 107 104 106 2nd 137 138 135 3rd 107 104 105 3rd 4th 110 104 106 4th Year 108 103 106 Year (a) First quarter of 1913 not quoted (b) Interpolated: average change in prices reported for this date rise of (c) : Mills reporting for this date show no change in price. (d) From Mill 8606 minus 15•••.!.; ::.'•'.- •'..•• i . f. '.-. ' ' . arket:- f.o.b. Mill ource:- Forest Service 152 Prices of HIClfBPY, NO. 1 COMMON 8/4 Item No .2 ' Unit:- M. Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly average 1913-1318 Quoted Prices State:- Tenn. X Tenn. Mi'll No:- 904 904 jYear Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) 1916 1st 30.0000 2nd 34,0000 2nd 30.0000 3rd 34.0000 3rd 32.0000 4th 32.0000 4th 35.0000 Year 33.3333 . Year 31 .7500 1914 1st 34.0000 1917 1st 35.0000 2nd 32.0000 2nd 4C.OOOO(a) 3rd 30.0000 3rd 40.0000(a) 4th 30.0000 4th 38.0000(a) Year 31 . 5000 Year 38 . 2500 1915 1st 30.0000 1918 1st 41.5000(b) (a) 2nd 27.5000 2nd 45.0000(a) 3rd 30.0000 3rd 4th 30.0000 4th Year 29.3750 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #904 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $33.00 - 100 State:- Tenn. Tenn. Mill No:- 904 904 Year Quarter Year Quarte r 1913 1st (c) 1916 1st 91 2nd 103 2nd 91 3rd 103 3rd 97 i 4th 97 4th 106 Year 101 Year 96 1914 1st 103 1917 1st 106 2nd 97 2nd 121 3rd 91 3rd 121 4th 91 4th 115 Year 95 Year 116 1915 1st 91 1918 1st 126 2nd . 83 2nd 136 3rd 91 3rd 4th 91 4th Year r • i ' ,.,..-.. 89 Year (a) Substitution of Tenn, Mill #903; price same on date of splice as for mill #904 (b) Interpolated (c) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. ('V.I.B. 359-152) 4- '}• f -153- 'J[ Prices of HICKORY, NO. 2 COISIOE 8/4 Item No. 23. Market: So-urce: f.o.b. Hill Forest Service Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: Tenn. Tenn Mill No : 904 904 Year Quarter I Year Quarter 1913 1st (0 1916 1st 18,0000 2nd 17.0000 2nd 17.0000 3rd 18.0000 3rd 16.0000 4th 17.0000 4th 20.0000(a) Year 17.3333 Year 17.7500 1914 1st 10-0000 1917 1st 20.0000(a) - 2nd 18,0000 2nd 20. 0000 (a) 3rd 16.0000 3rd 22.0000(a) 4th 37.0000 4th 24. 0000 (at Year 17.2500 Year 21.5000 1915 1st 17.0000 1918 1st 27.000p(b)(-i) 2nd 17.0000 2nd 30. 0000 (a) 3rd 15.0000 3rd 4th 17.0000 4th Year 16.7500 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #904 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $17.75 State: Tenn Tenn. Mill No: 904 904 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) 1916 1st 101 2nd 96 2nd 96 3rd 101 3rd 90 4th 96 4th 113 Year 98 Year 100 1914 •1st 101 1917 1st 113 2nd 101 2nd 113 3rd 90 3rd 124 4th 96 4th 135 Year 97 Year 121 1915 1st 96 1916 1st 152 2nd 96 2nd 169 3rd 90 3rd 4th 96 4th . Year 94 Year (a) Substitution of Tenn. Mill #903; price same on date of splice as for mill #904 (b) Interpolated (c) First quarter of 1913 not quoted (WIB 359-153) J-.X-' Prices of '3 OAK, PLAIN, FIRSTS & SECONDS 4/4 Market: f.o.b. Hill Source: Forest Service Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: Term. Mill NO: 904 KY, 303 Tenn. 904 KY. 505 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (0 (0 1916 1st 48.0000 54.0000 2nd 53.0000 55.0000 2nd 48.0000 55.0000 3rd 50.0000 . 55.0000 3rd 48.0000 55.0000 4th 48.0000 57.0000 4th 50. 0000 (a) 55.0000 Year 50 . 3333 55.6667 Year 48.5000 54.7500 1914 1st 48.0000 54.0000 1917 1st 52.0000(a) 57.0000 2nd 48.0000 53.0000 2nd 52.0000(a) 57.0000 3rd 46.0000 53.0000(d) 3rd 54. 0000 (a) 64.0000 4th 43.0000 53.0000 4th 53.0000(13) (a)62.0000(e) Year 46.2500 53.2500 Year 52.7500 60.0000 1915 1st 46.0000 52.0000 1918 1st 62.0000(a) 64.0000(e) 2nd 44.0000 52.0000 2nd 60. 0000 (a) 66.0000(e) 3rd 43.0000 52.0000 3rd 4th 47.0000 52.0000 4th Year 45.0000 52.0000 Year aclativo Prices Average price Mill #904 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $48.5000 = 100 " " " #303 " " " " " " " = $54.7500 - 100 State: Tenn. KY. KY. Tenn. Mill No: 904 503 305 904 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (0 1916 1st 99 99 2nd 109 100 2nd 100- 99 3rd 103 100 3rd 100 99 4th 99 104 4th 100 103 Year 104 102 Year 100 100 1914 1st 99 99 1917 1st 104 107 2nd 99 97 2nd 104 107 3rd 95 97 3rd 117 111 4th 89 97 4th 113 109 Year 95 97 Year 110 109 1915 1st 95 95 1918 1st 117 128 2nd 91 95 2nd 121 124 3rd 89 95 3rd 4th 97 95 4th Year 93 95 Year (a) Prices of Mill #902 substituted, the prices of both mills being same on date of splice. (b) Prices of Mill #106 ALA. Hardwood, minus $3. differential as in preceding quarter. (c) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (d) Prices from Mill #302 plus differential of $5. as in preceding quarter (e) " » " #304 substituted; prices of both mills being same at date V Item Ho. 25. -155- OAK, PIAIII, FIRSTS & SECONDS 4/4 Market: f.o.b. Hill Unit: LI. Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: \V. VA. \V. VA iV.VA. V/. VA. Mill No: 1001 1005 1001 1005 . Year Cuartcr Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 57.0000 55.0000(e) 2nd 56.0000 54.0000 2nd 57.0000 55.0000 3rd 55.0000 , 55.5000 3rd 57.0000 55.0000 4th 54,£000(a) 55,0000 4th 56.0000 55.0000 Year 55.1667 54.8533 Year 5 T. 2500 55.0000 1914 1st 52.0000 55.0000 1917 1st 60.0000 55.0000 2nd 50.0000 55,0000 2nd 63.0000 50.0000 3rd 50.0000 55.0000 34d 62.0000 55.0000 4th 47,0000 50.0000 4th 60.0000 65.0000 Year 49.7500 53.7500 Year 61.2500 56.2500 1915 1st 50.0000 50.0000 1918 1st 62.0000(b) 70,0000 2nd 50*0000 50.0000 2nd 68.0000(d)(b)65.0000 3rd 50.0000 52.0000 3rd 4th 54.0000 52.0000 4th Year 51.0000 51.0000 Year Relative Prices Average prico ii n Mill #1001 11 #1005 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 n n n it n it n = $52.8750 = 100 - $55.1250 - 100 Year State: Hill No: Quarter W. VA. 1001 V/.VA. Year Charter \V. VA. \V. VA. 1005 1001 1005 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 let " 103 100 2nd 106 98 2nd 108 100 3rd 104 101 3rd V108 100 4th 103 100 4th .110 100 Year 104 99 Year 108 100 1914 1st 98 100 1917 1st 113 100 2nd 95 100 2nd 119 91 3rd 95 100 3rd 117 100 4th 89 91 4th 113 118 Year 94 98 Year 116 102 1915 1st 95 91 1918 1st " 117 127 2nd 95 91 2nd 129 100 3rd 95 94 3rd 4th 102 94 4th Year 96 93 Year (a) Prices from Mill #1005 i,!inus $.50 as in preceding quarter (b) " " " #403 N.C., Hardwood, plus $8.00 in preceding quarter (c) First quarter not quoted for 1913 (d) From Hill #403 plus $8.00 as in preceding quarter. (e) Prices from Hill #1001 minus $2.00 as in preceding quarter. (WIB359-155) Iteia Ho. 25. -156- OAK, PLAIN, FIIiSTS & SECONDS 4/4 Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1915-1918. Quoted Prices State: Miss. Kill No: 603 ~602 Miss. 60'5 Miss. 602 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 lot 48.0000 50.0000 2nd (b) (b) 2nd 48.0000 46.0000 3rd 51.0000 50.0000 3rd 49.0000 45.0000 4th 50.0000 49,0000 4th 49.0000 47.0000 Year 50.0000 49.5000 Year 48.5000 47.0000 1914 1st 49.0000 48.0000 1917 1st 48.0000 50.0000 2nd 48.0000 48.0000 2nd 50.0000 55.0000 3rd 48.0000 48.0000 3rd 53.0000 55.0000(a) 4th 47.0000 48.0000 4th 56.0000 55.0000 Year 46.0000 48.0000 Year 51.7500 53.7500 1915 1st 45.0000 48.0000 1918 1st 55.0000 65.0000 2nd 48.0000 48.0000 2nd 51.0000 65.0000 3rd 43.0000 48.0000 3rd 4th 48.0000 49.0000 4th Year 45.5000 48.2500 Year Belativo Prices Average prico Mill #603 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 « ii it #602 " " " " " " " ^49.5000 • 100 $48.7500 * 100 State: Hiss. Liiss. Miss. Hiss. Hill No: 603 602 603 602 Year Quarter Year Quart or 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 97 103 2nd (b) (b) 2nd 97 94 3rd 103 103 3rd 99 92 4th 101 101 4th 99 96 Year 102 102 Year 98 96 1914 1st 99 98 1917 1st 97 103 2nd 97 98 2nd 101 113 3rd 97 98 3rd 107 113 4th 95 98 4th 113 113 Year 97 98 Year 105 110 1915 1st 87 98 1918 1st 111 133 2nd 97 98 2nd 103 133 3rd 87 98 3rd . 4th 97 101 4th Year 92 99 Year (a) Prices from Mill #605 plus ^1.00 differential as in following quarter (b) First and second quarters of 1913 not quoted (WIB359-156) -157- Pricoe of OAK, PLAIN, FIRST & SECONDS 4/4 Item No. 25. Market: f.o.b. M Source: Forest Service Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: Ark. LA. Ark. LA. Mill No: 204 502 204 502 Year Gp.?.rtor Year Quarter 1313 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 49.6000 t? 43.0000 2nd 50.0000 ' 47*0000 2nd 46,8400 43.0000 3rd 45.0000 46,0000 3rd 47.5300 43.0000 4th 49.0000 44.0000 4th 47.5200 42.0000 Year 48«3r;?3 45.6667 Year 47.8725 42.7500 1914 let 46*0000 45.0000 1917 1st 47.6100{d) 44.0000 2nd 46.0000(a) 44.0000 2nd 47.7000 47.0000 3rd 40.3100 43.COOO 3rd 4-7.600(5 434COOO 4th 45.0000 40.0000 4th 54.5000 47.0000 Year 46.3275 43.0000 Year 49.3525 46.5000 1915 1st 43.0000 40,0000(e) 1918 1st 59.0000 48.0000 2nd 43.0000(c) 40 o 0000 2nd 60.0000 55.0000 3rd 43.2';CO 40,0000 3rd 4th 45,0000 42.0000 4th Year 43.5675 40.5000 Year Relative Prices, Average price Mill #204 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = ^46.7500 = 100 " " " #502 " " " " " " " = &44.7500 = 100 State: Ark, LA. Ark, IA. Mill NO: 204" 502 20_i 502 Year Quarter Year Quart e r 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st " 106 96 2nd 107 105 2nd 100 96 3rd 98 103 3rd 102 96 4th 105 98 4th 102 94 Year 103 102 Year 102 96 1914 1st 98 101 1917 1st 102 98 2nd 98 99 2nd 102 105 3rd 103 96 3rd 102 107 4th 96 89 4th 3.17 105 Year 99 96 Ye,?r 105 104 - 1915 1st 92 89 1918 Yst 126 107 2nd 92 89 2nd 128 123 3rd 93 89 3rd 4th 96 94 4th Year 93 91 Year (a) From prices of Mill #£02 w:lth no differential ac in preceding quarter (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted (c) From Prices of Mi quarter (d) Intcrnolatod #701 MO. Hardwood plus $5. differential as in preceding -158- W Item No. 26 Prices of OAK, PLAIN, NO. 1 COMMON 4/4. Uarlcet: f .o.b. Mill Unit: JI Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages, 1913-10. Quoted Prices State: Arkansas Xentuclw No. Carolina Arkansas Kentucky No. Carol in, iiill No: 204 304 402 204 504 402 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b (t ) 1916 1st 25 .8100 34.0000 28.0000(h) 2nd 28.0000 37 0000 29. 0000 2nd 25 .2100 33.0000 27.0000 (hi 3rd 30.0000 36 .0000 28. 0000 3rd 25 .2400 34.0000 26.0000(h) 4th 28.0000 36 .0000 30. 0000 4th 25 .0000 34. 0000 (g) 28.0000 (h) Year 28.6667 36 .3333 29. 0000 Year 25 .3150 33.7500 27.2500 1914 1st 26.0000 34 .0000 29. 0000 1917 1st 27 .OOOO(d) 36.0000 30.0000 (h; 2nd 26.0000( a) 53 ,0000 26. 0000 (h.) 2nd 27 .0000 38.0000 32. 5000 (h) 3rd 26.0000 34 ,0000 26. OOOO(h) 3rd 30 ,9500 40.0000 34. 0000 (h) 4th 22.0000 33 .0000 26. OOOO(h) 4th 30 .5000 40.0000 33.0000(h) Year 25.0000 33 .5000 26. 5000 Year 28 .8625 38.5000 32.3750 1915 1st" 24.0000 32 .0000 26. 0000(h)l918 1st 31 .8500 42.0000 . 35.0000(h) 2nd 24. 0000 ( c)52 .OOOO(e) 25, 0000 (h) 2nd 31 .5000 42.0000 40.0000(h) 53rd 22. 1000 31 .0000 24. 5000 (h) 3rd 4th 24.0000 33 .OOOO(f) 26. 5000(h) 4th Year 23.5250 32 .0000 25. 5000 Year Relative Prices Average Price, n n Mill #204, Mill #304, Kill #402, July 1, 1913 to n n n n June n 30, 1914 = II II B II II _ ^27.50 o 100 $34.75 - 100 $28.00 - 100 State: Arkansas Kentucky No. Carolina Arkansas Kentucky No .Carolina iiill NO: 204 304 402 204 304 402 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st ' (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 94 98 100 2nd 102 106 104 2nd 92 95 96 3rd 109 104 100 3rd 92 98 93 . 4th 102 104 107 4th 91 98 100 Year 104 105 104 Year 92 97 97 1914 1st 95 98 100 1917 let 98 104 107 2nd 95 95 93 2nd 98 109 116 3rd 95 98 93 3rd 113 115 121 4th 80 95 93 4th 111 115 118 Year 91 96 95 Year 105 111 116 1915 1st 87 92 93 1918 let 116 121 125 2nd 87 92 89 2nd 115 121 143 3rd 80 89 88 3rd 4th 87 95 95 4th Year 86 92 91 Year (a) From prices of #202 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From prices of Mill #701, Mo. Eardv/ood, minus $2. differential as in prcced. qtr (d) From prices of Mill #701, " " " §1, " " " " " (e) Prices from Mill #303 with no differential as in preceding quarter. U) " " #303 plus $1.00 " " " " " (g) " " " #303 " $1.00 " " " " " * Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service -159- Prices of OAK .PLAIN NO. I COt-fl'ON 4/4 Quoted Prices Item No. 26. Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Average, 1913-1918. Stcte:- Louisiana Miss. Mss. Louisisana Mississippi Mill No:- 502 602 603 502 60 3 ~ 603 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913" " 1st (b) (c) (c) 1516 " 1st 23.0000 30 .0000 24 .5000 2nd <;7 .0000 (c) (c) 2nd 23.0000 26 .0000 24 .0000 \ 3rd 26 .0000 30.0000 28.0000 3rd 23.0000 25 .0000 24 .0000 4th 25 .0000 29 .0000 27.0000 4th 23.0000 27 .0000 24 .5000 Year 26 .0000 29.5000 27.5000 Year 23 .0000 27 .0000 24 .2500 1914 1st 25 .0000 28.0000 26.0000 1917 1st 24.0000 30 .0000 24 .0000 2nd 24 .0000 27.0000 24.0000 2nd 27.0000 35 .0000 30 .0000 3rd 23 .0000 25.0000 24.0000 3rd 28.0000 35 .0000(d)30 .0000 4th 20 .0000 26.0000 21.0000 4th 27.0000 35 .0000 34 .0000 Year 23 .0000 26 . 5000 23.7500 Year 26.5000 33 .7500 29 .5000 1915 1st 20 ) 26. 0000 22.0000 1918 1st 28.0000 35 .0000 35 .0000 2nd 20 .0000 28.0000 22.0000 2nd 35.0000 40 .0000 35 .0000 3rd 21 .0000 28.0000 21.0000 3rd 4th 22 .0000 29 .0000 23.0000 4th Year 20 , 7500 27.7500 22.0000 Year Average Price, n n Relative Prices ^502, July} ,19 13 to tfune 30, " #602, Julyl,1913 "" " " n #603 " " " "" " " 314 - $25.00 - 100 11 - $28.50 - ICO " - $26.25 - 100 State :- Louisiana Mississippi Loui s i ana Mississippi Mill No:- 502 §02 £03 502 602 603 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (c) (c) 1916 1st 92 105 93 2nd 108 (c) (c) 2nd 92 91 91 3rd 104 105 107 3rd 92 88 91 4th 100 102 103 4th 92 95 93 Year 104 104 105 Year 92 95 92 1914 1st 100 98 99 ..1317 1st 96 105 91 2nd 96 95 91 2nd 108 123 114 3rd 92 88 91 3rd 112 123 114 4th 80 91 80 4th 108 123 130 Year 92 93 90 Year 106 118 112 1915 1st 8C 91 84 1918 1st 112 123 133 2nd 80 98 84 2nd 140 140 133 3rd 84 98 80 3rd 4th 88 102 88 4th T — : Year 83 97 84 Year » (b) First Quarter 1913 not quoted (c) First and second quarters, IS 13, not quoted (d) From prices of Mill #505, Louisiana Hardwood, plus $5. differential as in preced. Quarter. (W.I.B -353-159) Market: f.o.b. M Source: Forest Service -ISO- Prices of OAK, PLAIN, NO I COiV.'DN 4/4 Quoted Prices Item No . 26. • Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918. State :- Mill No. :- Year Quarter Tennessee West Va . 902 1001 " 1005 Year" .Quarter. Te nnessee We st £Q2 1C01 1005 iSO.O .LSt ^ o; 1,0; (.ti) 19 io .1st" 29.COOO.(a),36, COCO. 33, CCCO(f) 2nd 31 .0000 33.0000 37.0000 2nd 29.0000 38. OOGCtl)55'. 0000 3rd 30 . 5000 38.QCCO 36 .0000 3rd 29.0000 40. OOOC(d)35, 0000 4th 30 ,0000 38.GC-:'C' 37.0000 4th 29.0000 40. 00008 38 . 0000 Year 30 .5000 33 .0000 36.5567 ':'% '5r 29,0000 38. 5000 35 . 2500 191^ 1st 29 .ococ 37.0000 36.0000 1917 1st 32.0000 40. OCOO'.(<$,35. 0000 ^r.d 28 .0000 34.0 36,0000 2nd 34.0000 45. OOOCft) 35 . cooo 3rd 28 .occo 3-*.c:-co 37.0000 3rd 35.0000 45. OOOCfe)45, 0000 4th 27 .coco 24.0000 32,0000 4th 34.0000 (c) 45. 0000(1)42. 0000 •; Year 28 .0000 34 . 7c"0 35.2500 Year 33.7500 43. 7500 39 . 2500 1915 1st 27 .0000 31.0000 35.0000 IS 18 1st 38.COOO 45. OOOC& 50 . 0000 2nd 27 .0000 31.0000 36 .0000 2nd 40.0000 52. OOOC(d) 46 . 0000 3rd 26 .0000 32.0000 32.0000 3rd 4th 2? .0000 (a) 35.0000 32.0000 4tn Year 26 .7500 22.7500 33.7500 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #902, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914- $29, 375 ^100 " n n #1001 ,July 1, 1913 " n ii n — $36. 75 =100 n n n #1005 u ti n ti * n n n_- $36.25 Z100 State :- Tennessee West Virginia Tennessee West Virginia Mill No:- 902 IQOl ~ 1005 902 120JL 1QQ5 Year Quarter Year rQuarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 99 98 91 2nd 106 103 102 2nd 99 103 97 3rd 104 103 99 3rd 99 109 97 4th 102 103 102 4th 99 109 105 Year 104 105 101 Ysar 99 105 97 1914 1st 99 101 99 1917 1st 109 109 97 2nd .95 93 99 2nd 116 122 97 3rd 95 93 102 3rd 119 122 124 4th 92 93 88 4th 116 122 116 Year °L 95 97 Year 115 119 108 1915 1st 92 90 97 19 18 1st 129 122 138 2nd 92 34 99 2nd 136 141 127 3rd 92 9£ 88 3rd 4th 92 9.c 88 4th Year 91 8f 93 Year (a) Prices frcm Kill#9C4 LT-IVS ,.'1.00 differential as in preceding quarter (b) First Quirter of Isl5 not. quoted (c) Prices fron, Mill#903 miaus *1. differential as in preceding quarter. (d) Prices of Mill#lQ04 substituted prices of these 2 mills being sameas date of splice. (e) Prices of Mill#1003 plus $5.00 as in preceding quarter. (f) Prices from Mill #1001 minus $3. — as in preceding quarter, (W. I. B. -359-160) Item No. 27 . Market:- f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Service -161- Prices of OAK, PLAIN, NO. 2 COMMON 4/4 Unit:- H Board Quotation:- Quarterly average Quoted Prices 1913-1918. States- Term. KjT. Tenn. Ky. Mill No:- 904 304 904 304 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 20 .0000- 24 .0000 2nd 25,0000 27 .0000 2nd 18.0000 22 .0000 3rd 18.0000 19.7500 3rd 18.0000 22 .0000 4th 20.0000 26 .0000 4th 22 .0000 22 ,0000 (f) Year 21 .0000 24 -2500 Year 19.5000 22 .5000 1914 1st 1ft .0000 24 -0000 1917 1st 22 .0000 (a) 24 .0000 2nd 20 .0000 23 -.0000 2nd 24 .0000 (a) 28.0000 3rd 17 ,0000 22=0000 3rd 24 .0000 (a) 28.0000 4th 16 -0000 23 ,0000 4th 33.0000(b)(a) 28 .0000 Year 17,7500 23 .0000 Year 23.2500 27 .0000 1915 1st 18-0000 20 .0000 1918 1st 28 .0000 (a) 32 .0000 2nd 16 "0000 20 .0000 (d) 2nd 27 .0000 (a) 32 .0000 3rd 16 .0000 21 .0000 3rd 4th 18 ,0000 22 . 0000 (e) 4th Year 17 rOOOO 20.7500 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #S04 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $19.0000 - 100 • n H #204 " " n n n it " $23.1875 = 100 State :- Tenn. Ky. Tenn. Ky. Mill No:- 904 304 904 304 Year Quar'cer Year Quarter (1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 105 104 2nd 132 116 2nd 95 95 3rd 95 85 3rd 95 95 4th 105 112 4'ch 116 95 Year 111 105 Year 103 97 |1914 1st 95 104 1917 1st 116 104 2nd 105 99 2nd 126 121 3rd 89 95 3rd 126 121 4th 84 99 4th 131 121 Year 93 99 Year 122 116 11915 1st 95 86 1918 1st 147 138 2nd 84 J86 2nd 142 138 3rd 84 91 3rd 4th 95 95 4th -7— , Year 89 . 89 Year Ta7 Prices of mill #902 substituted, prices of these two mills being same on date of (b) Prices from mill #903 minus $2 eOO as in preceding quarter. (splice. (c) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (d) Prices from Mill #303 minus $2.00 differential as in preceding quarter. (e) Prices from Mill #303 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (f) Prices from Mill #303 minus $1-00 differential as in preceding quarter. (W. I. B. -359-161) X Market: f.o.b. Mill Source : -Fore st Serf ice -162- Item No. 27 Prices of OAK, PLAIN, NO 2 COM/ON 4/4 Ohitr-M. Board Feet Quotation: -Quarterly aver age 19 13- 18, Quoted Prices Sfcats:- ArS. La. Ark. La. ivij. 2 1 No : - 204 502 204 502 Year Quarter .Year Quarter pis 1st (d) (d) 1916 1st 15.7800 13.0000 2nd 18. 00 DO ' 16.0000 2nd 14 . 8600 13.0000 3rd 16.0000 16.0000 3rd 13.7100 13.0000 4th 14.0000 15.0000 4th 15.0000 13.0000 Year 16.0000 15.6667 Year 14.8375 13.0000 1914 1st 18.0000 15.0000 1917 1st 17.0000 (c) 14.0000 2nd IG.OCOO(a) 15.0000 2nd 17.0000 17.0000 3rd 15.0000 13.0000 3rd 19. -5000 16.0000 4th 13.0000 11.0000 4th 19 .-8000 17 .0000 Year 16 . CcOO 13 . 6000 Year 18.3250 16 . 5000 1915 1st 12,0000 11.5000(b) 1918 1st 23.0000 18.0000 2nd I2.0650(b) 12.0000 2nd 22.4000 25,0000 3rd 12,1300 12.0000 3rd 4th 13.0000 12.0000 4th Year 12.2988 11.8750 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #204 July 1, 1913 to June 30 , 19 14-$ 16. 5000-100 n " " #502 " » ii n n n " -$15. 2500=100 State: Ark. La. Ark. La. Kill No: 204 £02 204 502 Tear Quarter Year Quarter IS 13 1st (d) (d) 1916 1st 96 85 2nd 109 105 2nd 90 85 3rd 97 105 3rd 83 85 4th 85 •98 4th 91 85 Year 97 103 Year 90 85 1914 1st 109 98 1917 1st 103 92 2nd 109 98 2nd 103 111 3rd 97 85 3rd 118 118 4th 79 72 4th 120 111 Year 98 89 , Year 111 108 1915 let 73 75 1918 1st 139 118 2nd 73 79 2nd 136 164 3rd 74 79 3rd 4th 79 79 4th Year 75 78 <3*& (a) From prices of Mill #202 plus a $3. differential as in preceding quarter (b) Interpolated (c) From prices of Mill #701 MO. Hardwood, minus a dfrntl.of $1. as in preced.qtr, (d) First quarter 1913 not quoted. (W. I. B. -359-162) * Market : if .o.b. Mill Source:- Forast Service -163- Prices of OAK, PLAIN, 1*0,2 COMMON 4/4 Quoted Prices Item No. 27 Unit:- M. Board Faet Quotation: -Quarterly average 1913-1918. State: Mill No: Year Quarter Mississippi 602 603 Mississippi 602 603 Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 20.0000 14.50000 2nd 20. 0000 (a) 18.0000(d) 2nd 15.0000 12 .0000 3rd 20.0000 18.0000 3rd 13.0000' 13. 0000 (e) 4th 19.0000 16.0000 4th 15.0000 14 .0000 Y^ar 19.5667 17.3333 Year 15.7500 13.3750 IS K 1st 16.0000 15 .,0000 1917 1st 18.0000 14.0000 2nd 14.0000 14 . 0000 2nd 25.0000 20 .0000 3rd 14 .0000 14.0000 3rd 25.COOO(b) 18.0000 4th 13,0000 13.0000(e) 4th 25.0000 22.0000 Year 14.2500 14,0000 "Year 23.2500 18 . 5000 1915 1st 12.CCOO 12.0000 1918 1st 25.0000 22.0000 2nd 14.0000 10.0000 2nd 30.0000 25.0000 3rd 14.0000 10.0000 3rd 4th 15.0000 12.0000 4th Year 13.7500 11.0000 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #602 July 1, 19 }3 to June 30, 19 14-$ 17, 2500- 3-00 -$15.7500-100 State:- Mississip-oi Mississippi Mill No :- 602 603 602 603 Year Quarter Year Quarter .1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 116 92 2nd 116 114 2nd 87 76 3rd 116 114 3rd 75 83 4th 116 102 4th 87 8S Year 114 110 Ysar 91 85 19 It 1st 93 95 1917 1st 104 89 2nd-, 81 89 2nd 145 127 3rd 81 89 3rd 145 114 4th 75 83 4th 145 140 Year 83 89 Year 135 117 1915 1st 70 76 1918 1st 145 140 2nd 81 63 2nd . 174 159 3rd 81 63 3rd 4th 87 76 4th Y_ear 80 70 Year (a) Prices from Mill#502 LA. Hardwood, plus $4. Differential as in following quarter, (b) " " " #505 " " " $5. " " " preceding " ( c) First quarter 1913 not quoted (d) Fron. price of mill#502 LA. Market .plus a $2. differential as in following qtr.: (e) Intepclatsd (W. I.E. -359-163) 2 : . i :et:-f .o.b. Mill Source : -Forest Service -164- Item No. 27 OAK, PLAIN, NO. 2 COMMON 4/4 Unit:-M Board Feet Quotation: -Quarterly average Quoted Prices IS 13-13 IE State:- Mill No :- West. Virginia 300 1 1005 West 'Virginia 1001 3005 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1313 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 25. 0000 (a) 23. 0000 (d) 2nd 26,0000 26.0000 2nd 26. 0000 (a) 23.0000 f~< j old 24.0000 26.0000 3rd 25. 0000 (a) 24.0000 4th 26,0000' 26.0000 4th •26. 0000 (a) 24.0000 Year 25.3333 26.0000 Year 25 . 5000 23 . 5000 1914 1st 25.0000 27.QCOO 1917 1st 26. 0000 (a) 27.0000 2nd 24.0000 26.0000 2nd 30. 0000 (a) 30.0000 3rd 22.5000- 26,0000 3rd 32.00CO(bja)32.0000 4th 22 , 5000 23.0000 4th 33 .0000 (a) 32.0000 Year 23.7500 25 . 5000 1918 Year 33. 0000;' d) 30.2330 1915 1st 22,0000 "3C. r^r\r~r\ o^.w^AjU 1st 33. 0000 (a) 35.0000 2nd 21.0000 24 ,0000 2nd 3 8. 0000 (a) 37.0000 3rd 21.0000 23 ,0000 3rd 4th 25.0000 23.0000 4th Year 22.2500 23 . 7500 Year ••• . - -i . Ee la.ti ve Prices Average price Mill #1001 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 19 14-$25. 00=100 11 it 11 #1005 " 11 it ii ii " " -426.2500-100 State :- West Virginia West Virginia Iva 11 No : - 1001 1005 1001 1005 Year Q.uarter Year Quarter 1313 1st (c) (c) 1916 " 1st 100 88 2nd 104 99 2nd 104 88 3rd 95 99 3rd 100 91 4th 104 99 4th 104 91 Year 101 99 Year 102 90 1914 1st 104 103 1917 1st 104 103 2nd 96 99 2nd 120 114 3rd 90 99 3rd 128 122 4th 90 68 4th 132 122 Year 95 97 Year 121 115 1915 1st 88 95 1918 1st 132 133 2nd 84 91 2nd 152 141 3rd 84 88 3rd 4th WO 88 4th Year 89 90 Year (a) Prices of Mill#1004 substituted.prices of these two mills being s&me on date (of splice (b) " " " #1001 with no differential as in precdding quarter (c) First quarter 1913 not quoted (d) From prices of Mill flOOl minus $2. differential as in preceding quarter. (W. I. B. -359-164) r ••: i. tarket: f,o.b. io-irce: Forest Service J ' A Prices of OAK, PLAI", HO. 5 COMJIOLT, 4/4 Unit: M. Board Teet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 191.5-1910 Quoted Prices State: VL_ 2i rsjinia i'.Tississip'ni V,r. Virginia Mississippi Llill Ko: 1001 ,,1:1005 602 1001 1005 602 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1915 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 ist 12 .0000 1 a) 10 .OOOO(d) 6 ,0000 2nd 12.0000 13.0000 9.00001 e) 2nd 12 .OOOO(b) 10 .0000 5 .0000 Srd 12.0000 13.5000 9.0000 Srd 10 .OOOO(b) 11 .5000 6 .0000 4th 14.0000 13.2560 8.0000 4th 14 .OOOO(b) •'11 .0000 7 .5000 Year 12.6667 15.2500 8.6667 Year 12 .0000 10 .6250 6 .1250 1914 1st 12.0000 13.5000 8.0000 1917 1st 15 .OOOO(b) 13 .0000 7 .5000 2nd 12,0000 12.0000 7.0000 2nd 17 .OOOO(b) 12 .0000 12 .0000 3rd 11.0000 12.0000( c)6.0000 Srd 21 ,0000(b) 12 .0000 15 .OOOO(f) 4th 11.0000 10.0000 6.5000 4th 22 .OOOO(b) 20 .0000 16 .0000 Year 11.5000 11.8750 6.8750 Year 16 .7500 14 .2500 12 .6250 1S15 1st 11.0000 12,0000 7.0000 1918 1st 22 ,5000(b) 25 .0000 15 .0000 2nd 10.0000 10.0000 5.0000 2nd 28 ,0000 (b) 25 .0000 20 .0000 Srd 10.0000 10.0000 5.0000 Srd 4th 12.0000 10.0000 8.0000 4th Year 10.7500 10.5000 6.2500 Year Rolative Prices Average price Llill 1001 July 1, 1915 to June 30, 1914=^12.5000=100 •i ii ii ioo5 " " " " " " " =$13. 0625=100 " ii ii 602 " " " " " " " -'-v 8.0000=100 State: \V. Tii-frinia. Mill Ho: 10t)l r.Iississip-pi 6U2 vV. Virginia Year Quarter 1001 1005 Mississippi, 602 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 96 77 75 2nd 96 100 113 2nd 96 77 63 3rd 96 103 113 Srd 80 88 75 4th 112 101 100 4th 112 84 94 Year 101 101 108 Year 96 81 77 1914 1st 96 103 100 1917 1st 120 100 94 2nd 96 92 88 2nd 136 92 150 Srd 88 92 75 Srd 168 92 188 4th 88 77 81 4th 176 153 200 Year 92 91 86 Year 150 109 153 1915 1st 88 92 86 1918 1st 180 191 188 2nd 80 77 63 2nd 224 191 250 Srd 80 77 63 Srd 4th 96 77 100 4th Year 86 80 78 Year (a) pirst quarter of 1913 not quoted. (b) Prices of Hill 1004 substituted;price of these 2 aills being same on date of . (c) From prices of Mill 403 K.C. plus ^2. differential as in preceding quarter( splice " " " " with no differential as in " " (e) Fron prices of Hill 504 La. plus differential as follov.'iig quarter. " " " 502 La. plus ^4 differential as in preceding quarter. (ft') Prices from "Till i--1003 nlus .ri.;1.00 as in nvnr.orf i niy nu.irtm-. t Market:- f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Service -166- Prices of Item No. 28 • K, PLAIN, NO. % COMMON 4/4 Unit: M Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly averages Quoted Pricas 1913r1918. State:- Missouri K£ntrck$r Tannessee uiillNo.t- 701 303 ~ ""901 ~ Missouri Ken tuck; ~ 701" ~ 303 Tennessee 901 Year Quarter Ye.-r Quarter 1913 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Ye_ar 1914 1st" 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1915 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 10-0000 11.0000 12.0000 10.0000 2nd '9.0000 11 • 0000 (b) 14 .0000 9,0000 3rd 9-0000 11.5000(b)l4.yOOQ 8.0000 4th 9.0000 11.1567 13.3333 9.0000 Year 9.2500 11 . 0000 (b) 15 .0000 8.0000 1917 1st 10.0000 10.0000 14.0000 5.0000 2nd 13.0000 10.0000 14 . 0000 (d) 6.5000 3rd 13.0000 9.0GOO 14.0000 7.00..0 4th 13.0000 10-0000 14.2500 6.5250 Year 12.2500 9.0000 13.0000 6.0000 1918 1st 15.0000 9.0000 14.0000 6. 0000 (f) 2nd 18.0000 9.0COO(c)l2.0000 6,5000 3rd 9.0COO(c)l2.0000 5.0000 4th 9.0000 12.7500 5,8750 Year 13.0000 8 13 .0000 7 13.0000 7 13.0000 7 13.0000 7 14.5000 8 15.0000 14 16 .0000 14 16 . 0000 (e) 14 15,3750 12 20 • 0000 (e) 16 25.0000 18 .0000 (g) .0000 (h) .0000 (g) -5000(g) .375 .0000 (g) .0000 (g) .0000 (g) .0000 (g) .5000 .0000 (g) .0000 (g) Relative Prices 'Average price Mill 701 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $10»8750 - 100 " " " 303 " " " " " " " $14.2500 - 100 11 M n ti H tt * it M ii ii * 7 ,5000 - 100 State:- Missouri Kentucky Tennessee Mi 11 -No!- 701 Missouri 303 901 701 Year Quarter Year Quartef 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 92 2nd 101 84 133 2nd 83 3rd 101 98 120 3rd 83 4th 106 98 107 4th 83 Year 103 94 120 Year 85 1914 1st 101 105 107 1917 1st 92 2nd 92 98 67 2nd 120 3rd 92 98 87 3rd 120 4th 83 98 93 4th 120 Year 92 100 88 Year 113 1915 1st 83 91 80 1918 1st 138 2nd 83 95 80 2nd 166 3rd 83 84 87 3rd 4th 83 84 67 4th -r-' t Year 83 89 78 Year F.entvi.cfry 303 91 91 91 91 91 102 105 112 112 108 140 175 Tennessee 901 107 93 93 100 98 107 167 187 187 167 213 240 Firet quarter of 1913 not qy.oted. (b) From prices of Mill 204 Ark. plus a $3. differential as in 3rd quarter of 1914. (c) Frop prices of Mill 204 Ark. plur, a $4. differential as in 1st quarter of 1915. (d) From prices of Mill 304 with no differential ?.s in preceding quarter, (€) From prices of Mill 304 minus 3. differential of $2. as in preceding qrarter. (f) From prices of Mill 103 Ala. minus $3. as in preceding quarter. (g) From prices of Mill 106 Ala. substitutedjprices from these 2 mills being same \ -167 . Item Prices of OAK, RED QUARTERED, FIRSTS & SECONDS, arJ-:.jt:-f.o.b. Mill ov.rci : -Foref. t Sdrvic3 Uhit:-M.Boc-rd 5aot Quotation: -''(.uartdrlj- aV3ra£;3S I9I3-I8I Quotsd Prices S'^f.te:- Tenn. Tenn. Mill No: --904 904 pp Y» ^-n •; r*-^ - y» P C- J *.' •J.— L w w i Yaar Q\iartar 913 1st (c) 19 16 1st 60.0000. 2nd ' 60.0000. 2nd 6 0.0000. 3rd 60.0000. .3rd 60.0000. 4th 55.0000. 4th 65,0000. Year 58.3333, Year 61.2500, SI'i 1st 60.0000. 1917 1st 60.0000(a) 2nd 60.0000. 2nd 65.0000(a) 3rd 60.0000. 3rd 67.0000(a) 4th 60.0000. 4th 60.0000(a) J^fT 60.0000. Year 63. 0000 915 1st 55.0000. ISIS 1st 66.0oOO(b) 2nd 57.5000. 2nd 72.0000(a) 3rd 60.0000. 3rd 4th frO,£>.)f). 4th — — 56.1250 Year Relative Prices Av.3rE.-y-3 pr^ce irdll f,-90<± Jaly I,I9IS to Juni 30, 19 14-458.7 500 - 100 State: - Tsnn, Mi '. 1 j'o - 904 . Tann. ear Quarter Year Quarter 904 SI3 let (c) Ivio 1st 102. 2nd 102. 2nd 102. 3rd 102. 36d 102. 4tn 94, 4th III. Year S9. Year 104, 914. 1st 102. 19 17 1st 102. 3nd 102. 2nd III. 3rd 102. 3rd 114; 4th 102. 4th 102. Year 102. Yaar 107. [315 I sr. 94. 1918 1st 112. 2nd 93. 2nd •12:. Srd 103. 3rd 4th 102, • 4th liar 99, Ysar sj Pi. ices from Mil ^903 sutstitutsl, prices of these two mills being same ou :'...ts of splice/ !:•) I terpolitacl :) F;.-^t quarter 1913 not qr.otsd • . I.E. 359 -167) Iar.;.,t :-f .o.li. Mill Jcur'jo: -Forest Sjrv -155- Item No. 31. r'ric^s of OAK, P^D QUARTERED, NO. I COjTON 4/f Unit:-M. Board Fset Quotation: -Quarterly averages I9I3-I9IG Quoted Prices Statdt- Tenn. Tann. ::lll No:- 9 0^ 904 ;• Ou,: ' c:^r Year Q.uarte r 19 1 3 1st (c) 1916 1st 40.0000,, 2nd 57.0000. 2nd 40,'OvOO. 3rd 40.0000. 3rd 3?.OuOO(a) 4th 35.0000. 4th 37.'5000(a) Year 37.3333. Year 33.6250 1914 1st 40.0000, 1917 1st 39. .0000 (a) 2nd 37.0000. 2nd .) ' 25.2400(c) 3rd 20 .CO 00 21,5000 4th 21. 0000 (a) 22.0000(c) 4th 18.0000 19. 5000 (d) Year 23.3267 24.3267 Yoar 19.7.500 21.1250 1914 1st 21. 0000 (a) 2?. 0000 (c) IS 17 list 21.0000 , 22.5000 2nd 21. 5000 (a) 23. C000(0 c) 2nd 26.0000 24.0000 3rd 20 . 5CCO 31.5000 3rd 33.0000 27.6000 4th 20.0000 21.5000 4th 32.0000 30,COOO Year 20.7500 21.8730 Year 28.0000 26.0000 1915 1st 20.0000 20.0000 1918 1st 25.0000 30.0000 2nd 19.0000 1? , 5000 2nd 30,0000 30.0000 3rd 19,0000 18.0000 3rd 4th 20.0000 18.6000 4th _Year 19.5COO 18,6300 Tef|£ Average Price, Mill #7006, " " » #7011 ivs Prices July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914=481.935=100 " » " -$22,935=100 . State :- North Carolina North Carolina ' Mill No:- 7008 7011 7008 7011 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 96 92 2nd 113 112 2nd 91 98 3rd 111 110 3rd 91 94 4th 96 96 4th 82 85 NYear 106 106 Year 90 92 1914 1st 96 96 1917 1st 96 98 2nd 98 98 2nd... 119 105 3rd 93 94 3rd 150 120 4th 91 94 4th 146 131 Year 95 95 Year 128 113 1915 1st 91 67 1918 1st 160 131 2nd 87 76 2nd 173 13.1 3rd 87 78 3rd 4th 91 81 4th . Year 89 81 Year (a) From prices ofi mill #7002 minus $2,50 differential as in 3rd quarter ,15 14. (b) First quarter of 1313 not quoted. (c) From prices of mill #7002 minus $1.50 differential as in 3rd quarter. 1914. (d) From prices af mill #7008 plus $1.50 differential as in ^receding quarter. (W. I. B. -359-176) * • '. i. -177- Prices of Item No. 2 EOETH CAROLINA PIME, ELOOPIE& NO. 3, 1" x 4" x 10 1 - 16' Market: f .0 -b, mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages Quoted Prices 1913-1918 State:- North Carolina North Carolina Mill No:- 7Q08 7008 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 19 .0000 2nd 21 .1300 (a) 2nd 17 -COCO 3rd 20 .6300 (a) 3rd 16 -OCOO 4th 20 .0000 (a) 4th 20 «OCOO Year 20 .5857 Year 1.8. OCOO 1914 1st 18 .COCO (a) 1917 1st 19,0000 2nd 17 .COCO (a) 2nd ?2 .OOCO 3rd 17 .5000 3rd 29 .0000 4th 16 .£000 4th 30 =OOCOV Year 17 .2500 Year 25 .0000 1915 -1st 16.0000 1918 1st 30 .0000 2nd 15.0000 2nd 32 .0000 3rd 15 .0000 3rd 4th 16 .0000 4th Year 15 .5000 Year Relative Prices Average Price Mill No. 7008, July 1, 1913 to June 30., 1914 - $18,9075 ~ 100 State:- North Carolina North Carolina Mill No:- 7COS 7CQ8 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1915 1st 100 2nd 112 2nd 90 3rd 109 3rd 85 4th 106 4th 105 Year 109 Year 95 1914 1st 95 1917 1 st 100 2nd 90 2nd . 116 3rd 93 3rd 153 4th 87 4th 159 Year 91 Year 132 1915 IsT" 35 1918 1st 159 2nd 79 2nd 169 3rd 79 3rd 4th 85 4th Year 82 Year (a) From prices of Mill #7002 minus a $1 . differential as in 3rd qtr. of 1914 (b) First quarber of 1913 not cp.10 ted . ("M.B. 359-177) (V.I.B.1V7 -:•• • ' - • '' -178- Prices of BORTE CAP.OLIM PINE, EOOIEP.S 1 Item ITo • 4 8" , D £. M. Frket! f.o.b. Mill urce: Forest Service Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Average s Qiioted Prices 1913-1918 State:- North Carc?.ina North Carolina •Mill No:- 7008 7008 fear Quarter 1 Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 16.5000 2nd 18.2700(a) 2nd 16 .5000 3rd 17 .2700 (a) 3rd 13.5000 4th 14 ,5000 (a) 4th 15 .0000 Year 16.6HOO Year 15.3750 '1914 1st 15 .0000 (a) 1917 I's't 15 .0000 2nd 13. 7 500 (a) 2nd 20 .0000 3rd 14 .0000 3rd 25 .0000 4th 12.5000 4th 25.0000 Year 13.8125 Year 21 .2500 '1915 1st 12.7500 1918 1st; 26.0000 2nd 13.0000 2nd 29 .0000 3rd 13 .0000 3rd 4th 14 .0000 4th Year 13.1875 Year Relative Prices Average Price , Mill No. 7008; July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $15.13 - 100 State: - North Carolina North Carolina Mill No:- 7QQd 7C08 7ear Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1 st 109 2nd 121 2nd 109 3rd 114 3rd 89 4th 96 4th 99 Year 110 Year 102 1914 1st 99 1917 isi 99 2nd 91 2nd 132 3rd 93 3rd 165 4th 83 4th 155 Year 91 Year 140 1915 1st 84 1918 let 172 2nd 86 2nd 192 3rd 86 3rd 4th 93 4th Tear 87 Tear (a) Interpolated from prices of Mill #7002 minus $1 « differential as in 3rd Qtr. (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted. 1314 * -179- Prices of Item No . 5 UOF.TH CAEOLIHA. PUT, PAP.TITION NO. I. 13/16" x 3g" , 101 - 161 Market: f.o.b. Mill • Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Aver- „ ages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State:-* North Carolina North Carolina Mill No:- 7008 7008 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 23 .0000 2nd 25. 3400 (a) 2nd 21 .0000 3rd 24 .8400 (a) 3rd 22 .0000 4t,h 22 .5000 (a) 4th 23,0000 Year 24 .2267 Year 22.2500 1914 1st 20 .5000 (a) 1917 1 st 23 .0000 2nd 22 .0000 (a) 2nd 27 .0000 3rd 21.5000 3rd 34.0000 4th 21 ,0000 4th 35.0000 Year 21 .2500 Year 29.7500 1915 1st 21.0000 1918 1st 38 .0000 2nd 20 .0000 2nd 40.0000 3rd 20 .0000 3rd • 4th 21 .0000 4th Year 21 .0000 Year Eelative Prices Average Price, Mill #7008; July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - $22.46 - 100 State:- North Carolina Forth Carolina Mill No:- 7008 7C08 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 102 2nd 113 2nd 94 3rd 111 3rd 98 4th ICO 4th 102 Year 108 Year 99 1914 1st 91 1917 1 st 102 2nd 98 2nd 120 3rd 96 3rd 151 4th 94 4th 156 Year 95 Year 132 1915 1st 94 1918 1st 169 2nd 89 2nd 178 3rd 89 3rd 4th 94 4th Year 91 Year (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (F. I. B. 3559-17 9) -180- Prices of NORTH CAROLlIft PINE, NO. I. EDGE 4/4 UNDER Item No. 6 Market! f.o.b • mill Unit! M 3or.rd Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Aver- ages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices Stater- North Carolina North Caroline. Mill No:- 7010 7ulO Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st ) 1916 1 st ' 103 2nd 111 2nd 101 3rd 102 3rd 98 4th 92 4th 103 lear 102 Year 101 1914 1st 103 1917 1st 112 2nd 102 2rrL 125 3rd 99 3rd 145 4th 99 4th 143 Year 101 Year 131 1915 1st 98 1918 1st 150 2nd 97 2nd 155 3rd 98 3rd 4th 99 4Hl Year 98 Year (a) From prices of Mill #7002 minus a differential of $3.22 as in 1st cAtr», 1914. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (W. I. B. 359-1 80) -181- Prices of NORTH CAROLINA PINE, BOX EDGE - 4/4 UNDER 12" Item No. 7 • Mnrket: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service UnitJ M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State:- North Carolina North Carolina Mill No',- 7010 7Q1Q Yep.r Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 15.4200 2nd 15. 4700 (a) 2nd 14 .£700 3rd 14 ,4700 (a) 3rd 13.7200 4th 13. 5600 (a) 4th 15*7500 Year 14.5067 Year 14.9575 1914 1st 13.8300 1917 1st 16 .2500 2nd 13.0300 2nd 19 .9000 3rd 12 .1700 3rd 23 .4500 4th 12 .3700 4th 24 .3500 Year 12 .8500 Year 20.9875 1915 1st 12.3100 1918 1st 27.2500 2nd 12 .0900 2ni 30.7500 3rd 12 .2100 3rd • * . 4th 12 .3100 4th Year 12 .2300 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #7010, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $13*7275 - 100 State:- North Carolina North Carolina Mill MT:- 7010 7010 Year Quarter Ye_£T Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 112 2nd 113 2nd 108 3rd 105 3rd 100 4th 99 . 4th 115 Year 106 Year 109 1914 1st 101 1917 1 st 118 2nd 95 2nd 145 3rd 89 3rd 171 4th 90 4th 177 Year 94 Year 153 1915 1 st 90 1918 1st 199 2nd 88 2nd 224 3rd 89 3rd 4th 90 4th Year 89 Year IP.) From prices of Mill #7002 plus an 83^ differential as in 1st quarter cf 1914 (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (W. I.E. 359-181) -182- Marke t J Source: Prices of Item No. 1 NOF.TEEP.N PINE, SELECTS, C & BETTER, 5/4 (M.L.) f .o.b. Mill Unit:-M Board Feet Forest Service Quotation— Quarterly average Quoted Prices 1913-1918 S tat el- Mill No, tlfear Quarter Minn. & Wig« 6004 " Minn. & 6C04 Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) 1916 1st 53.0000 2nd 54 .0000 2nd 53 .5000 (a) 3rd . 54 .0000 3rd 54 .0000 4th 54 ,0000 4th 55.0000(1}) Tear 54 .0000 Year 54.1250 914 1st 54 .0000 1917 1 st 61 .0000 2nd 54 ,0000 2nd 69 »0000 3rd 54 .0000 3rd 75.0000 4th 54 »0000 4th 76 .0000 Year 54 .0000 Year 76.2600 915 1st 53 ,0000 1918 1st 78.0000 2ni 53 .0000 2nd 83. COCO (d) 3rd 53 .0000 3rd 4th 54 .0000 4th Year 53 .2500 Year Relative Prices Average price mill #6004 July 1 , 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $54.00 - 100 I State: - Minn. & Wis. Minn, ft *is. Mill No:- 6004 6004 ear Quarter Year Quarter §13 1st (c) 1916 1 st 98 2nd 100 2nd 99 3rd 100 3rd 100 4th 100 4th 104 Year 100 Year 100 914 1st 100 1917 1 st 113 2nl 100 2nd 128 3rd 100 3rd 139 4th 100 4th 141 Year 100 Year 130 - 915 1st 98 1918 1st 144 2nd . 98 2nd 154 3rd 98 3rd 4th ' 100 4th Year T rVTTT ij _• — 99 Year ?jMiii #6002 minus 50^ as in preceding quarter Mill .#6002 minus $2,00 as in preceding quarter, 'irst quarter of 1913 not quoted. > Mill #6009 plus $4.00 as in preceding quarter. (F. I. B. 359-182) [..-.' • . • .'.-• ' ':• Prices of - Item No . 2 . iTQETEEEN PIME, INCH FINISH, C SELECTS, 10" (M.L.) Market: f.o.b-Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation* Quarterly averages Quoted Prices 1913-1918 State: Mill No: 6004 Yer.r Quarter n'ie sota and Wisconsin Minnesota and 1913 (a) 47 ,0000 47 .0000 46.5000 46.8333 4? .0000 47 .0000 48,0000 46.5000 47 .1250 45.5000 46 .0000 46 .0000 46 .0000 45.8750 6006 (a) 49 .0000 54 .0000 53 .0000 52 .OOCO' 47 ,0000 47 .0000 44 .0000 46.5000 46 .1250 51 .0000 54 .0000 46 .0000 6009 6004 Year Quarter 6005 6009 1916 1917 (a) 48 .0000 48 .0000 47 .0000 47 .6667 48 .0000 47 .0000 47 .0000 47 .0000 47 .2500 47 . 0000 (f) 191 8 47 .0000 2n 46.5000 45 .5000 48 46 .5000 48 48 .0000 49 48 . 0000 (b) 49 47 .0000 48 50 -0000 51 56 .0000 58 58 .5000 59 59*0000 59 55.8750 56 59 .0000 59 59 . 5000 (c) 61 .5000 47.0000 •0000(3)48.0000 .0000 (eU8. 0000 .0000 (e) 48 .0000 .6250 47 .7500 .0000 (e) 51 .0000 .0000 (e) 58 .0000 (g) .0000 (e) 48 .0000 .0000 (e) 58 .0000 .7500 53.7500 .0000 (e) 59 .0000 ,0000 (e) 59.5000 47 .0000 (d)47 .0000 49.5000 46,8750 P.elat ive Price s Average price Mill 6004 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 " n tt 6006 « it n n n ii 11 " " " 6009 "it n n n it n $46.875 - 100 $50.25 - 100 £47.50 - 100 State: Minnesota and Mill No. 6004 6006 " ~~6009 Yea£ Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 2nd 100 98 101 3rd 100 107 101 4th 99 105 Q9 Year 100 103 100 1914 1st 100 94 101 2nd 100 94 99 3rd 102 88 99 4th 99 93 99 Year 101 92 99 1915 1st 97 101 99 2nd 98 107 99 3rd 98 92 98 4th 98 94 99 Year 98 99 99 Minnesota and Wisconsin 6004 Year Quarter 1916 1st 57 2nd 99 3rd 102 4th 102 Year 100 1917 1st 107 2nd 119 3rd 125 4th 126 Year 119 1918 1st 126 2nd 127 3rd 4th Year 6006 97 96 98 98 97 101 115 117 117 113 117 121 6009 99 101) 101 101 101 107 122 101 122 113 124 125 It) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (b) Mill 6003 minus $1. as in preceding quarter, (c) Mill 6009 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (d) Mill 6005 plus $1. differential as in preceding quarter. (e) Substitution of prices from Minn* & Vis. No. Pine Mill 6003; price sane on dr.te of splice as for mill 600S* (f) From prices of Mill 6010 plus $1 . as in preceding quarter. " n n n 3003 with no differential as in preceding quarter. W. I. B. 359-1831 V. •' -184- Prices of NOP.TEEP.N PIIE, SHOP JTO .1 , 8 /4 (M.L.) Item No . 3. l^rket: f.">.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Quoted. Prices Unit:- M. Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly averse s 1913-1918. State: - Mill No>- Minnesota * W V A * (b) " n 11 n ^6004 "t n tt « n 11 (d) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (d) Sub. of prices from Minn. &. i"is. Northern Pine mill #6003: price sane or. date of splice r.s for mil (rr. I.E. 359-1 84) #6006. c V <9 MDETHEEN farket: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service jr Prices of Item No. 4» PINE, SHOP NO. 3.5/4 (M.L.) Unit:- M. Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly averages Quoted Prices 1913-1918 State:- Minnesota &• Wisconsin Minnesota & _Wisconsin Mill No:- 6004 6006 6009 6004 6006 6CC9 fear Quarter !e££ Quarter L913 1st (d) (d) (d) 1916 1st 22.5000 25.0000 22 .5COO 2nd 25 .5000 (a) 28 ,0000 23 .5000 2nd 25 .5000 25 .0000 ( f ) 24 .0000 3rd 23.0000 25.0000 22 .5000 3rd 24.0000 26 ,00 00(f) 25.0000 4th 22,5000 24.0000 22 .0000 4th 26 . COCO (c) 28. 0000 (f) 25. 0000 Year 23.6667 25.6667 ' 22 .6667 Year 24.5000 26.0000 24.1250 L914 1st 23.5000 24.0000 21 .5000 1917 1st 30.0000 31.0000(f)30.00CO 2nd 23, 5000 (b) 25. 0000 22 ,5000 2nd 36.0000 40 »0000(f)36»CCOO(i) 3rd 22.0000 25-0000 22. 5000 (g) 3rd 37,0000 37 .0000 (f) 36 .0000 4th 22.0000 24.0000 21 .5000 4th 37.0000 37 .0000(f)36.0000 Yeg. 22 .7 500 24 .5000 22 .0000 Year 35.0000 3' 6. 2500 34.5000 L915 1st 22.0000 24-0000 21. 5000 (h) 1918 1 st 38 .0000 39 .0000 (f ) 40 «OOOC 2nd 21 .0000 24 .0000 21 .0000 2nd 40 -OOCO(e) 41 .0000 (f ) 41 ,0000 3rd 22 ,0000 24 .0000 21 .5000 3rd 4th 22 .0000 22 -0000 23,0000 4th Year 21.7500 23.5000 21.7500 Year P.elative Prices Average price mill #6004 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $23,125 - 1C< " " " #6006 " H II II II " " $24.50 - ICO " " M #6009 " it nun " n $22 ,125 - 100 State:- Minnesota & T'isconson Minnesota & Wisconsin Mill No . : -60Q4 6006 6009 6004 6006 6009 Year Quarter Year Quarter L913 1st (d) (d) (d) 1916 1st 97 102 102 2nd 110 114 106 2nd 110 102 108 3rd 99 102 •, 102 3rd 104 106 113 4th 97 98 99 4th 112 114 113 Year 102 105?: 102 Year 106 106 109 1915 1st 102 98" 97 1917 1st 130 127 135 2nd 102 102 ;- 102 2nd 155 163 163 3rd 95 102 r 102 3rd 160 151 163 4th 95 98 97 4th 160 151 163 Year 98 100 99 Year 151 148 156 1916 1st 95 98 97 1918 1st 164 159 181 2nd 91 98 3*v1 Q«=i OP 95 en 2nd 173 167 185 •Z-i-A 4th Year 95 94 90 96 104 98 4th Year TaT~From prices of mill $6008 with no differential as in following quarter. (b) From prices of mill #6008 plus 50# as in preceding quarter. (c) From prices of mill #6002 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (d) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (e) Mill #6003 minus $1.00 as in preceding quarter. Sub. of prices from Minn. & Pis. Northern Pine Mill #6003: price same on date of splice as for mill #6006 From prices of mill #6010 plus $2.50 as in preceding quarter. From prices of mill #6010 plus 50^ as in preceding quarter. From prices of mil' #5004 with no differential as in preceding (f) (g) (h) (i) (t. I. B. 359-185) V V -186- Prices of KDETHEEN PIKE, BEVELED SIDETG C, 6" -16' Item No. 5 Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Quoted Prices Unit: M Board feet Quotation: Quarterly aver- ages 1913-1918. State :- Minnesota and Wisconsin Minnesota fvnd Wisconsin Mill No. 6004 6006 6004 6006 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) 1916 latt 21 .0000 23 ,5000 2nd 24 .5000 24 ,0000 2nd 22 .0000 23 .0000 3rd 25.0000 23.0000 3rd 22 .5000 23,0000 4th 25.0000 22 .5000 4th 22.5000(13) 24 , 0000 (d) Year 24.3333 23.1667 Year 22 .0000 23.3750 191* 1st 25 .0000 22 .5000 1917 1st 23.5000 24 .0000 (d) 2nd 24 .5000 24 .0000 2nd 26.0000 29,OCOO(d) 3rd 24 .5000 23 .OOCO 3rd 26 «0000 28. OOCO (d) 4th 24 .5000 23.0000 4th 28 .0000 28. OOCO (d) Year 24 ,6250 23.1250 Yer-r 25*8750 2? .2500 1915 1st 23.5000 21 .0000 1918 1st 28.0000 30. OOCO (d) 2nd 22.5000 21 .0000 2nd 29.0000(c) 31. 0000 (d) 3rd 22 .0000 22 .0000 3rd 4th 21 .5000 22 .0000 4th Year 22.3750 21 .5000 Year Pelative Prices Average price Mill 6004 July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - $24,875 - 100 \ tt ii " 6006 n n M ii n tt tt $23,00 - 100 State: - Minnesota. and Wisconsin Minnesota anl V'isconsin Mill No't- 6004 6006 6004 6006 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) 1916 1st 84 102 2nd 98 104 2nd 88 100 3rd 101 100 3rd 90 100 4th 101 98 4th 90 104 Year 100 •101 Year 88 102 1914 1st 101 98 1917 1st 94 104 2nd 98 104 2nd 105 126 3rd 98 100 3rd 105 122 4th 98 100 4th 113 122 Year 99 101 Year 104 118 1915 1st 94 91 1913 1st 113 130 2nd 90 91 3nd 117 135 3rd 88 96 3rd 4th 86 96 4th Year 90 93 Year V , ' -187- Prices of Item Ho. 5 NOPTHEP.:1 PIHE, DIMENSION NO. 1, SI S 1 E, 2"x4"-16' Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages Quoted Prices 1913-1918. State si- Minnesota and Wisconsin Minnesota and T'i sconsin Mi 11 No: 6004 6009 6010 6004 6009 6010 Year Quarts r Tear Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a 1 (a) 1916 1st 20 .0000 20 .50CO 20 .0000 ( f ) 2nd 21 .0000 21 .0000 20 .0000 2nd 20 .0000 20 .0000 2]b.OCOO(f) 3rd 21 .0000 20 ,7500 20 -0000 3rd 20 .0000 20 .5000 21.5000(f) 4th 21 ,0000 20 .5000 20 40000 4th 21 .50"0(b)20 .5000 23.0000(f) Year 21 .0000 20 .7500 20 .0000 Ysar 20 .3750 20 .3750 21.3750 1914 1st 21 .0000 21 •0000 20 .5000 1917 1st 22 .5000 22 .5000 23. 5000 (f) 2nd 21 .0000 21 •0000 20.5000 2nd 27 .5000 27 .5000(e)27.50CO(f) 3rd 21 .0000 20 •5CCO 20 .5000 3rd 29 .5000 23 .5000 29.5000(f) 4th 19 .0000 19 .0000 21 .0000 4th 29 .5000 28 .5000 29.500C(f) Year 20 .5000 20 .3750 20.6250 Year 27 .2500 26 .7 500 27 .5000 1915 1st 18.0000 19 .0000 (d) 19. 5000 1918 1st 29 .5000 30 ,5000 30.5COO(f) 2rxi 17 .0000 17 •5000 17 .5000 2rd 30 .0000 (c) 31 .0000 31 . 00 CO (f) 3rd 16 .5000 17 •COOO 17 . 0000 (f) 3rd 4th 17 .5000 19 -0000 2C.OCOO(f) 4th Year 17 .2500 18 .1250 18.5000 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill 6004 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $21.00 - 100 " " " 6009 « « ti n i. « n $20.8125-100 ..". "_ " 6010 " " " " " " " £20_.25 - 100 States:- Minnesota and Viscous! n Mill No:- 6004 6009 6010 Minnesota and Wisconsin 6004 6009 6010 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1313 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 95 99 99 2nd 100 101 99 2nd 95 96 104 3rd 100 100 99 3rd 95 99 106 4th 100 99 99 4th 102 99 114 Year 100 100 99 Year 97 98 106 1914 1st 100 101 101 1917 Ibt" 107 108 116 2nd 100 101 101 3rd 131 132 136 3rd 100 99 101 3rd 140 137 146 4th 90 91 104 4Kih 140 137 146 Year 98 93 102 Year 130 129 126 1915 1st 85 91 96 1918 1st 140 147 151 2nd 81 84 86 2nd 143 149 153 3rd 79 82 84 3&\ 4th 83 91 °9 4th -f • !•— — Year 82 67 91 Year (a) First quotation of 1913 not Ducted. (b) Mill 6002 plus 50<* as in preceding quarter. (c) Mill SC03 and 6009 plus $1 . as in preceding quarter. (d) Mill 5003 minus 50;; as in. preceding charter* !.«) Mill 6004 with no differential as in preftedi.ng c-.^rter. (f) Substitution of prices from Minn, and T?is. Northern Pine ITill 6CC3; prices same on date of splice as for Mill 6010. *- Prices of ^ Item No. 7. NOF.THEEN PIME, DIMENSION N0.1« Si E, 2"xlO"-16' Market:- f .o.b. Mill Unit:- M Board Feet Source:- Forest Service Quotation:- (Quarterly averages 1913-1918 State:- Minnesota £ Wisconsin Year 6004 Quarter Minnesota & "'isconsi: Mill Jo:- 6004 6002 30C9 Year Quarter 6002 6009 1913 1914 1st ("b) 2nd 21 .5000 3rd 21 .5000 4th 21.5000 Year 21.5000 1 st 21 .5000 2nd 21 .5000 (b) 21 .OOCO 21 .0000 21 .OOdO 21 .0000 21 ,0000 21 .0000 (b) 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 5000 5000 0000 3333 COOO 0000 1916 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1917 1st 2nd 20 .0000 20 .0000 (e) 20 .50CO 20 .501 '0 21 . 5000 (e) 20 -5COO 20 . 5000 21 . =3000 ( e) 20 .5000 22 .OOOC(r,) 23 .0000(0)20 .5000 20-7500 21.5000 20 «CCCO 22 . 5CCO 23 . ;:000 ( e) 22 . 5000 27 .5000 27 . 5000 (e) 26 .50CO(h) 3rd 21. 5000 20.5000 20 .0000 3rd 30 -5000 20.50CO(e)29. 5000 4th 19. 5000 19 .0000 19. OGOO 4th 31*5000 30 .5000 (e) 29. 5000 Year 21 -0000 20-3750 20. 2500 Year 28 .0000 28 .0000 27 . COOO 1915 1st 18.5000 18.0000 18. 0000(6)1918 lit 32 .5000 33,5000(e)33. 5000 2nd 17. 5000 17 .C000(d)l8. OOCO 3nd 34 -5000( c) 35 .5000 (e) 35 - 5000 3rd 16. 5000 17 .5000 (e) 17 .5000 3rd 4th 18. 0000 20 -OOCO (e)l?.0000 4th Year 17. 6250 18.1250 18. 1250 Year Pelative Prices Average P rice Mill #6004 July 1 , 1913 to June 30 , 1914 - $21 .50 - 100 n i n n #6002 « n n it n n » $21 .00 - 100 n n n #6009 n n n ti n n » $21 .125- 100 State:- Minnesota £•• Wisconsin Minnesota &. Wisconsin Mill No.: 6004 6002 6009 6004 6002 6009 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 93 95 97 2nd 100 100 102 2nd 95 102 97 3rd 100 100 102 3rd 95 102 97 4th 100 100 99 4th 102 ' 110 97 Year 100 ICO 101 Year 97 102 97 1914 1st 100 100 99 1917 1 at 105 112 107 2nd 100 100 99 2nd 128 131 125 3rd 100 98 95 3rd 142 145 140 4th 91 90 90 4th 147 145 140 Year 98 97 95 Year 130 133 128 1915 1st 86 86 85 1918 1st 151 150 159 2nd 81 81 85 2nd 160 169 168 3rd 77 83 83 3rd 4th 84 95 90 4th Year 82 86 86 Tear First quarter of 1913 not quoted* (c) Mills #6003 & 6009 minus $1-00 as in preceding quarter. (d) Mill #6005 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (e) Sub. of prices from Mini. L '."is. Northern Pine Mill #6003; price sane on date of splice a<3 in #6002. Mill #5006 plus $1.50 as in preceding quarter. (g) Mill #6002 with no differential as in preceding quarter . '• v Mill At V Prices cf Item No. 8 1TOP.THEP.N PINE, 30APBG I-'O. 2,1 "z 8" -15' Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit:- M Board Feet Source:- Forest Service Quotation: Quarter].-- ' Quoted Pr i ce s State:- Minnesota and ^iscoiigin Averages 1913-1913 Minnesota and Wisconsin Mill No:- 6004 6008 6010 600-i 6003 5010 Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) '(b) 2nd 24,0000 24.5000 23.0000 3rd 24.5000 23-0000 23.5000 4th 23.5000 22.5000, 23.0000 Year 24.0000 23.3333 23-1667 1914 1st 22.5000 22.5000 23.0000 2nd 22.5000 23.0000 2.3-0000 3rd 23 .5000 21 ,2500 23 1250 23.6250 Year Quarter 1916 1st 24.50CO 25 .0000 (d) 26 .0000 2nd 24.5000 25 -5000 (d) 25. 0000 (e) 3rd 24.5000 30 > 5000 (d.) 25. 0000 (e) 4th 26«50QO(a}29 ,0000 (d) 27 -0000 (e) Year 25.0000 27 .5000 25.7500 1917 1st 29-0000 30-0000(d)29.00CO(e) 2m 34 .0000 34 .0000 (d) 34 .0000 ( f ) 3rd 37.0000 35 .0000 (d) 36 .0000 (e) 4th 37.0000 37 .COCO (d) 35 .0000 (e) Year 34.2500 34.2500 33.7500 1918 1st" 38.0000 33-COOC(d)39.0CCO(e) 2nd 40 .0000 ( c) 41 .0000 (d) 41 .0000 (e) 3rd 4th Year P.elr.ti^e Prices Average price nil] #600^ July 1 , 1915 to n tt it :£0008 " " " » " " ii #6010 " " " " June 30, 1914 - $23.25 - 100 ii i' it $22.75 - 100 ii •« " *23.125- 100 State:- Minnesota and Wisconsin Minnesota and Wisconsin Mill No:- 6004 6006 6010 6004 6008 5010 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 2nd 103 303 99 3rd 105 101 102 4th 101 99 99 Year 103 103 100 1914 1st 97 99 99 2nd 97 101 99 3rd 101 93 99 4th 101 103 102 Year 99 99 100 1915 1st 92 103 102 2nd 101 103 102 3rd 92 108 102 4th 101 110 104 Year 97 106 102 •7— t — — r. — — .. . 1916 1st 105 110 11? 2nd 105 112 108 3rd 105 134 108 4th 114 127 117 Year 108 121 111 1917 1st 125 132 125 2:id 145 149 147 3rd 159 158 156 4th 159 163 1FB Year 147 151 146 1918 1st 153 171 169 2rxl 173 180 177 3rd 4th Year p,s in preceding qmrter (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted* (c) Mills #6003 & 6009 ndnus Ol -00 as in preceding quarter. (d) Sub. of prices from Kinnr £ VT13, Northern Pine Mill #G003; price same on date of splice as for mill £6003 (e) Sub. of prices from Minn. 5. '^is. Northern Pine Mill #6009; price srne on date of splice as for mill ^5010 (f) Mill #6004 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (g) Mill #6010 with no differential as in -preceding quarter. -190- 9 Market: f.o.b. Mill Source; Forest Service Prices of Item No. ?• ITOPTEEEN PINE, BOARDS Ho. 3, 12", 10 • - 20" Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averr^es IP 13-1913. Quoted Price! State:- Minnesota & Wisconsin Minnesota £• Wisconsin Mill No:- 6004 Year Quarter 1913 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1914 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1915 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year CD) 21 .50CO 21.7500 21 ,5000 21 .5833 21 .5000 21 .5000 21 .5000 20 -5000 21 .2500 21 .0000 20 .0000 20 .0000 20 .0000 20 -2500 6010 (b) 20 .0000 20 .5000 -°0 -OOCO 20 .1667 20 .0000 20 .0000 20 .0000 21 ,0000 20 .2500 21 .0000 20 .CCOQ 6009 6004 Year Quarter 6010 6009 1916 Cb) 21 .5000 21 .5000 21 -0000 21 .3333 21.5000 21 .5000 20 -0000 20.5000 20-8750 21 .0000 (e) 1918 21 .0000 1917 21 .0000 22 20 .5000 22 21 .0000 22 33 .6000 (a) 25 21 .5000 23 24 .6000 29 .5000 32 .0000 33 .0000 29 .7 500 35 .0000 25 29 32 32 30 34 20 • 5000 (d) 21. 5000 22 . 0000 (d) 21 .2 500 20-8750 21-1875 38 . 0000 (c) 37 .0000 (d) 21 .50CO(d)20 •COCO (d) 22 .0000 (d) 21 .0000 21 '0000 (d) 24 •5000(d)39 .5000(d)31 .5000 (d) 31 .1250 29 .5000 (d) 35 , 5000 (d) 37 .0000 .COCO -cooo .5000 .1350 .5000 ' •5000(f) .5000 .5000 .2500 • 50CO .5000 Pel at. ire Prices Average Price Mill f6C04; July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $21.5625 - 100 " " " #6010 " " " » " " " $20 «125 - 100 « ii « $6009 " " " " " " " S tat e : - Minnesota &• Wisconsin Mill TJo:- 6004 6010 6009 Year Quart er_ 1913 I21-375 - 100 Minnesota & r'isconsin 6004 Year Quarter 1914 1915 (b) Co) 99 101 102 101 99 98 100 100 99 101 99 101 99 94 104 96 101 98 104 98 99 98 1C?. 101 109 99 104 99 1916 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 97 95 97 109 1917 Ye?.r 100 " 114 137 148 153 1918 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 133 1 st 162 2nd 176 3rd 4th Year 6010 109 112 112 124 114 129 147 161 161 150 171 186 6009 98 94 103 101 99 115 138 147 147 137 166 175 (a) Mill #6002 with no differential, as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1P13 not quoted. (c) Mill 6003 plus 50^ differential as in preceding quarter. (d) Substitution of prices from Mi>m. & l''is. Northern Pine, Mill 600 3 ( Price same on date of splice as for 6010 « > Mill 7^6005 plus $1.50 as in preceding quarter. (f) Mil?. #6004 with no difffirfvntirl f * -1S1- Item Mo. 1C Prices of NORTHERN FIFE, BOARDS No. 4, MIXED WIDTHS, 1C1 - iG' Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation?: Quarterly Avgs. 1913-lo. Quoted Prices State; :- Minnesota & Wisr.nnsin Minnesota & Wisonsin Mill No : - 6003 6010..' 6009 ; 6004 6(110 6009 Year Quarter Year Q.nartrar . 1913 1st (b) (b)° (b) 1916 1st 16 .0000 17 .OOOC(d)16 .OCCO 2nd 16.5000 15. 5000 17 .5000 2nd 15 ,C'TOO 18 .0000(d)16 .0000 3rd 17.0000 16. 0000 17 .5000 3rd 15 .5JOO 18 .0000(d)16 .0000 4th 17.0000 15. 0000 17 .5000 4th 17 .0000 (a) 19 . 0000 (d) 16 . 5000 Year 16 . 8333 15. 5000 17 .5000 Year 16 .1250 18 .1250 16 .1250 1914 1st 16,5000 15. 2500 17 .5000 1917 1st 19 .5000 19 .0000(1)16 .0000 2nd 16.5000 15. 5000 17 .0000 2nd 24 .5000 25 .OGCO(d)2<± .OOOO(f) 3rd 16 . 5000 15. 5000 17 .5000 3rd 26 .5000 26 . 5000 (d) 25 .0000 4th 16,5000 16. 5000 16 .5000 4th 26 .5000 26 .5000(d)25 .0000 Year 16.5000 15. 6875 17 .1250 Year 24 .2500 24 . 2500 23 .0000 1915 1st 16.0000 16 .0000 16 .5000(a)lS18 1st 28 .0000 30 .5000(d)30 .0000 2nd 16.0000 15. 5000 16 .0000 2nd 31 .OOOO(c) 33 .5000(d)33 .0000 3rd 15.5000 15. 5000 (d.) 17 .0000 3rd 4th 15.5000 17. 5000 (d) 15 .5000 4th Year 15.7500 16. 1250 16 .5000 Year Relative Prices Average Price it it ii ti , iviili #6004, July 1, 1913 to June 30, " #6010, " " " "" " " 11 #6009, " " " " " " 1914=$ 16. 75-100 11 =$15.^375=100 " -$ 17. 375= 100 State:- Minnesota and Wisconsin Minnesota and Wisconsin • Mill No:- 6Q04 6010 6009 < 6010 6009 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) Cb) 1916 1st 96 113 92 • 2nd 99 100 101 2nd 66 117 92 3rd 101 104 101 3rd 93 117 92 <*th 101 97 101 4th 101 123 95 Year 100 100 101 Year 96 117 93 1914 1st 99 99 101 1917 Is-t 116 123 104 2nd 99 100 98 2nd 146 162 138 3rd 99 100 101 3rd 158 172 144 4th 99 107 95 4th 158 172 144 Year 99 102 99 Year 145 157 132 1915 1st 96 104 95 1918 1st 167 193 173 2nd 96 100 92 2nd 185 217' 190 3rd i/93 • 100 98 3rd 4th 93 113 95 4th Year 9^t 104 95 Year Mill #6002 minus 50 (d) Substitution of prices from Minn. & Wis. Northern .Pine #6003 (price seltce On (e) Mill #6008 plus 50 # as in preceding quarter. (ds.te Of splisre from mills #6010 (f) " #6003 minus $1. " " " « & 6003) ('V. I.E. -369-191) '•.'}•'•• •-..-:• .' I, -ft -192- Price-s of NORTHERN PINE, FENCING NO. 2, SIS, Karketip f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Servica, Quoted Prices £ Item No. 11 6" - 6". Unit;- to Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly averages 1913-1918. State :- Minnesota & V.'isconisn M innesota and Wisconsin Mill No :- 6004 6009 6002 6004 a. .6009 6002 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 26 -5CCC. • 25:.SOOO(. 27 ,5COO(f) 2nd 27 .0000 26. 0000 26 .0000 2nd 27 .0 00 26.5000 28 .OOOO(f) 3rd 26 .5000 26. 0000 26 ,0000 3rd 27 .0000 27 .0000 28 .5000(f) 4th 25 .5000 26. 0000 26 .0000 4th 27 .5000 (a) 26. 5000 29 /cooed') Year 25 ,6667 26. 0000 26 .0000 Year 27 .0000 26.3750 28 .2500 1914 1st 26 .5000 26. 0000 26 .0000 1917 1st 29 .0000 28.5000 29 .OOOO(f) 2nd 26 .5000 26. 5000 25 .5000 2nd 34 .0000 33.5000(e )34 .OOOO(f) 3rd 2S .5000 26. ooco 26 .OOOO(f) 3rd 37 .0000 35.5000 37 .OGCO(f) 4th 25 .5000 25. 0000 25 .5COO-(f)(g) 4th 37 .0000 35.5000 36 ,5000(f) Year 26 .2500 25. 8750 25 .7500 Ysar 3-i .2500 33.2500 34 .1250 1916 1st 25 .5000 25. 0000 (d) 26 .OOOO(f) 1918 1st 37 .5000 39.0000 38 .5000(f) 2nd 26 . 5000 27. 0000 26 .0000(f)(h) 2nd 39 .50CO(c)41.0000 -••40 .500C(f) 3rd 25 .5000 24. 5000 26 ,5000(f) 3rd 4th 27 .0000 26. 5000 27 .5000(f)(g) 4th t Year 26 .1250 25. 7500 26 .5CCO Yeac Relative Prices Average price mill #6004 July 1, 1913 to June 30 , 191*:$26.50=100 " n n #6009 n n n . n n n ti =$26.125=100 • " ti n J6002 n n n n ii ii n =$25.875=100 State : - Minnesota, and Wisconsin Minnesota and Wisconsin Mill No:- 6004 6009 6002 6004 6009 6002 Yjear Quarter Year Quarter 1913 " 1st (b) (b) (b? 1916 1st 100 98 106 2nd 102 100 100 2nd 102 101 108 3rd 100 100 100 3rd 102 103 110 4th 100 100 100 4th 104 1011 10.2 Year 101 100, 100 Year 102 101 109 1914 1st 100 100 100 1917 1st 109 109 112 2nd 100 101 99 2nd 128 128 131 3rd 100 100 100 3rd 140 136 143 4th 96 96 99 4th 140 136 141 Year 99 99 100 Tear 129 127 132 1915 1st 96 96 100 1918 1st 142 149 149 2nd 100 103 100 2nd 149 157 157 3rd 96 94 102 3rd 4th 102 101 106 4th Year 99 99 102 Year (HI ( -193- *' Item No. 12. Prices of EOR5EBHN PINE, 1A5JH NO. 1,4' (W.P.) Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Unit: M. Quotation: Quarterly average 1913- 1918. Quoted Prices State: Minnesota & Wisconsin Minnesota & Wisconsin Mill No: 6004 6006 6004 6006 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (*) 1*1 1916 1st 4.5000 4.7500(d) 2nd 4.2500 4.2500 2nd 4.2500 4.7500(d) 3rd 4.2500 4.0000 3rd 4.2500 4.5000{d) 4th 4.2500 3.9000 4th 4.2500(a) 4.5000(d) Year 4.2500 4.0500 Year 4 . 5125 4.6250 1914 1st 4.2500 4.0000 1917 1st 4.2500 4.5000(d) 2nd 4.2500 4.0000 2nd 4.7500 4.7500{d) 3rd 4.5000 4.0000 3rd 5.0500 5.0000(d) 4th 4.5000 4,2500 4th 5.2500 5.2500(d) Year 4.3750 4.0625 Year 4.8250 4.8750 1915 1st 4.5000 4.2500 1918 1st 5.2500 5.2500(d) 2nd 4.5000 4.2500 2nd 5. 2500 (c) 5.2500(d) 3rd 4.5000 4.5000(d) 3rd 4th 4.5000 4.7500(d) 4th Year 4.5000 4.4375 Year Relative Prices Average price mill #6004 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 « $4.25 - 100 n ii it #6006 " " " " " " " = $3.975 = 100 Minnesota & Wisconsin 6004 6006 (b) 107 •101 98 102 101 101 101 107 102 107 107 113 119 112 Minnesota; & Wisconsin. 6004 6006 119 119 113 113 116 113 119 126 132 123 132 132 (a) Mill #6002 Plus 24yi az. in preceding quarter (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From mill #6003 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (d) Sub. of pi ices from Minn. & Wis. Northern Pine mill #6003; price sarae on date of snlicfi for #6006. 6003. NOHS irices o± PIKE, LAill KO. 2 item no. J.3. Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Unit: M Quotation: Quarterly Average Quoted Prices 1913-191 State. Minnesota and Wisconsin Minnesota and \7isconsiv. Mill No: 6004 6C06 6009 6 r\ - A u -V 6006 6009 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 3. 7i500 4 .0000 (d) 3.7500 2nd 3.2500 3. 6500 3 .2500 2nd 3. 7500 4 .OOOO(d) 3.500C 3rd 3.5000 3. 7500 3 .5000 3rd 3. 7500 4 .OOOO(d) 3.0500 4th 3.5000 3. 4000 3 .5000 4th 3. 7F-00(a) 4 .OOOO(d) 3.V500 Year 3.4167 3. 6000 - 3 .4167 Year B. 7500 4 .0000 3.66r:5 1914 1st 3.5000 3. 5000 o .5000 1917 1st 3. 7000 4 .OOOO(d) 3.7500 2nd 3.5000 3, UOOO 5 .5000 2nd 4. 2500 4 ,2500{d) 4.2500(f) 3rd 3.7500 3. 7500 3 . 7500 3rd 4. 5500 4 .F5COO(d) 4=5000 4th 3.7500 3. 7EOO 3 .7500 4th 4. 7500 4 .7SOO(d) 4.5COO Year 3.6250 3. 6250 3 .6250 Year 4. 3250 4 .3750 4.2500 1915 1st 3.7500 4. 0000 3 .7500 (e) 1918 1st" 4o 7500 4 .7500(d) 4.7500 2nd 3.7500 3. 5000 3 . 7500 2nd 4. 7500(c) 4 .7500{d) 4.7500 :-.3rd 3.7500 3. 7500 (d) 3 .7500 3rd 4th 3.7500 4. oooo (a) 3 ,7500 4th Year 3.7500 3. 8125 5 ,7500 Year ' Helative Prices Average price, Mill #5004, July •' » » #6006 " ii n ii #6009 " 1, 1913 to June n n n n ti ii n n 30, 1914 = $3.50 = 100 " " - |3.5375 - 100 " » = |?.50 = 100 State: Minnesota and Wisconsin Minnesota and Wisconsin Mill NO: 6004 6006 6009 6004 62P.6 6009 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 107 113 107 2nd 93 103 93 2nd 107 11? 100 3rd 100 106 100 3rd 107 113 ,104 4th 100 96 100 4th 107 115 107 Year 98 102 98 Year 107 113 105 1914 1st 100 99 100 1917 1st 107 113 107 2nd 100 99 100 2nd 121 120 121 3rd 107 106 107 3rd 130 127 129 4th 107 106 107 4th 136 134- 129 Year 104 102 104 Year 124 124 121 1915 1st 107 113 107 1918 1st 136 134 136 2nd 107 99 107 2nd 136 134 136 3rd 107 106 107 3rd 4th 107 11.3 107 4th Year 1107 108 107 Year A- (a) Mill #6002 plus 25?! as in preceding quarter (b) First quarter of 1913 net quoted. (c) From Mills #6003 & 6009 with no differential as in preceding qu: (d) Substitution of prices from Minnesota & Wisconsin Northern Pine price same on date of splice for .Kills #6006 & #6003 (<*) Mill #6010 minus 25^ as in preceding quarter (f ) " #6004 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (WIB359-194) IJ -195- Item No 1. Prices of YELLOW PINE FLOORING, B.V.G. 13/16" x 3^" Market:-f ,o.b. Mill Unit:- M Board. Feet Source: -Forest Service Qxxotation:- Quarterly Averages Quoted Prices 1913-1918. State:- Alabama Texas Alabama_ Texas Mill No:- 4Q1Q 4006 SCO I 4010 4006 S001 Tear Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 lsi.SO.5CXX) 32.0000 28.0000 2nd 32.7500 33.5000 32,0000 2nd 30.5C/:o(b) 32,5000 26.5000 3rd 32.5000 33.0000 32.0000 3rd 32.0000 31.5000 27.5000 4th 31.5000 31.0000 30.0000 4th 33.5000 34.0000 32.0000 Year 32.2500 32.5000 31.G333 Year 31.6250 32.5000 28.6250 1914 1st 29.5000 32,0000 28,5000 1917 1st 35.5000 36.0000 33 . 0000 (d) 2nd . 30.5000 32.0000 .,29.0000 2nd 40. 5000 (c) 41.0000 39.5000 3rd 30.0000 30.0000 27,5000 3rd 45,5000 45.0000 41.0000 4th 30.0000 30.0000 25.0000 4th 43.5000 45.0000 43,0000 Y-aar 30.0000 31.0000 27.5000 Year 41.2500 41,7500 39.1250 1915 1st 30.0000 30.0000 26.0000 1918 1st 43.5000 45 . 0000 42.5000 2nd 30.0000 30.0000 25.0000 2nd 45.5000 47.7500 *5. 7500 (e) 3rd 28,0000 29,0000 27.0000 3rd 4th 30.5000 31.0000 29-0000 4th 1 Year 29.6250 30.0000 26.7500 Tear -* Relative Pri oes ; Average price for Mill 4010 JuJ-y" 1", 1913 to June 30, 1914=$31. 00=100 . ti ii 11 " 4006 " M n n n n 11 =$32.00=100 ii n " " 8001 " 11 II II II M " =$29.875=100 State :- Ai?baca Texas Alabama Texas Mill No:- 4010 ,4006 £001 4010 4Q06_ 8001 - Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 98 100 95 2nd 106 105 107 §nd 98 102 89 3rd 105 103 107 3rd 103 98 92 4th 102 97 100 4th 108 106 107 Year 104 102 105 Year 102 102 96 1914 1st 95 100 95 1917 list 115 113 110 2nd ,98 100 97 2nd 131 128 132 3rd 97 94 92 3rd 147 141 137 4th 97 94 84 4th 140 141 144 Year 97 97 S2 Year 133 130 131 1915 1st 97 94 87 1918 1st 140 141 142 2nd 97 94 84 2nd 147 149 153 3rd 90 91 90 3rd • 4th 98 97 97 4th , Year 96 94 90 . Year (a) First quarter 1913 not -'.quoted (b) From prices of Mill 4003 plus a differential of $2.50ras in preceding quarter. (c) " » " » 4006 minus" " » .50^ " " " (d) From price of " 8005 " " " " $4. " " " " (e) From Mill 8002 minus $1.50 as in preceding quarter. (W. I.E. -359-195) V arket : f , o . b . •ource:Borest YELLOW PINE Mill Service -196- Item No. 1 Prices of FLOORING B.V.G. 13/16" x 3^" . Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1 Quoted Prices 1913-1918, - State : - Arkansas Mississippi Arkansas Mississippi Mill No:- 420? 6105 6207 liQ? 6105 6107 'ear Quarter Year Quarter 913 1st (a) (fc) , (k) 1916 1st c23. cooo 29 ,0000 30,0000 2nd (a) 31 .0000 - 33, 0000 2nd 27 . OC'.O 29.5000, 29 ,.0000 3rd 31. 0000 30 • /•SOO 33, 0000 3rd 23 , OOJO 29 . 50CO . 29..70CO 4th 30. 0000 29 .0000 30. OCOO 4th 30. 5000 29. COOO 30,5000 Year 30. 5000 30 .0833 32. 0000 Year 28 . 3750 29 . 2500 29,7500 Sli 1st 28. 5000 28 ,7500 (d )20. OOOO(e) 1917 1st 33. 5000 .31.5000 32.CCOO 2nd 28, 8500 (c) 88 .5000 30. 0000 2nd 44 . 0000 42,5000 38, OCOO 3rd 28, 0000 2B .5000 29. 0000 3ud <±2, 5000 43.0000 42,0000 4th 27. 5000 28 .OCOO 23. 0000 4th 44, 0000 42.5000 41.0000 Year 28. 0625 26 .4375 29. 2SCO Year 41, 0000 39.8750 38,2500 ,915 1st 27. 6000 27 ,5000 28. 0000 1918 1st 45, 0000 45,0000 42,0000 2nd 27, 5000 27 ,5000 23. OCOO 2nd 47. 0000 45.2500 46.0000 3rd 26. 5000 26 .5000 25, 0000 3rd 4th 29. 0000 20 ,5000 30- coco 4th _.Year 27. 9000 27 .5000 28. 0000 Year R* lati re Prices Average price for Mill 420V July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914r$29. 4575=100 n n it ii 6105 n n n n n n 11 -$29. 1250=100 n n M II 6107 n n n n n n II"=$'J,0, 7500=100 State: - Arkansas Mis sissjppi Arkansas Mis si ssip,2.i Mill No:- 4207 6105 6107 •••..' 4207 6105 6307 ear Quarter Year Quarter 912 1st (a) (b) (b) 1916 1st 95 100 98 2nd (a) 106 107 2nd 92 101 94 3rd 105 104 J07 3rd 95 101 96 4th 102 100 98 4th 104 100 99 Year 104 103 104 Year 96 ICO 97 ,914 1st 97 99 98 1917 1st 114 108 104 2nd 96 98 98 2nd 149 145 124 3rd 95 98 94 3rd 144 148 137 4th 93 96 91 4th 149 146 133 Year 95 98 95 Year 139 137 124 LSI 5 1st 94 94 91 :.1918 1st 153 155 137 2nd 93 94 91 2nd 150 155 150 3rd 93 91 85 3rd 4th 99 98 98 4th Ydar 95 94 91 Year a) First and second quarters 1913 not quoted. b) First quarter 1913 not quoted c) Interpolated [d) ti X I. B. -359 -196) 11- i -197- Item No. 1 Prices of YELLOW PINE FLOORING B.V.G. 13/16" x 3fc" irket: f,o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet aurce: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913-19 Quoted Prices 14 State:- Mill No:- ar Quarter )13 " 1st 2nd 33 3rd 30 4th 28 Year 30 1st 28 2nd 27 3rd 27 4th 25 Year 27 1st 26 2nd 25 3rd 26 4th 30 Year 26 Louisiana 5507 5509 JTexas " 8005 Louisiana 15 (a) .0000 ,0000 -0000 .0000 .5000 .0000 .5000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 ,0000 .7500 (a) 31 .0000 •CO . 5GOO 29,0000' 30.1667 29.0000 28.0000 27.0000 27 . 5000 27,8750 25,5000(c) 25.COOO 26.COOC 29 . 5GOO 26 . 2500 (a) 32.3800(e) 31,5000 30.0000 31.2933 28.0000 29 . 5000 27.0000 26.0000 27.6250 24. 8500 (d) 25 . 5000 26.5000 3I.OGCO 26,9625 5507 Year Quarter 1916 Isi £0.0000 2nd 27.0000 3rd 28.0000 4th 30.6000 Year 28.9000 5509 28 .0000 26.5000-:- 28.0000 32.0000 28,6250 1917 1st 30. 6000 (b) 32, 0000 2nd 42.5000 40.0000 3rd 41.5000 4th 44.5000 Tear 39.^750 1918 1st 45.0000 2nd 45.0000 3rd 4th .Tear 40.0000 42.0000 38.5000 44.0000 48,0000 Texas LC05 31.0000 31.5000 30.5000 36.0000 32,2500 37.0000 45.0000 40.0000 43.5000 41.3750. 44.0000 46.0000 Average price Mill 5507 n n n 55Q9 it t, n Louisiana Texas 5507 £.£09 ~ 8005 (a) (a) 106 109 105 106 100 101 104 105 ICO 94 96 99 93 91 94 • 87 96 93 88 84 86 86 86 R9 101 104 90 91 Relative Prices July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914=$28,375=100 " =$29,125=100 " =$29.75 =100 Louisiana Texas 5507 " 5509 8005 96 104 91 106 96 . 103 110 121 98 106 1110 124 137 151 137 134 144 146 132 139 151 148 165 155 ) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. I From prices of. Mill 5509 minus a $1.40 differential as in preceding quarter. I From prices of Mill 5510 plus a $1.50 ) From " " " 8004 minus a $2.15 " " " " " I) " " " " 8004 plus a 38£ " " '*' following » C.I.B.-359-197) i: ' •'•'.v-:: r/: , . v . * Prices of Item No. 3 YELLCF PWE, FLOO".Ii>!G NO. 2 , D & H I"x4" Market:- f ,o.b. Mill Unit:- M Board. Feet Source:- Forest Service Quotation:- Quarterly Are rag* • Quoted Prices 1913-1918 State:- Alabama Arkansas / labama Ar: tenaaa Mill Ho:- 4006 Ye=r Quarter 4Q1Q 4207 4006 Year Quarter 4010 4207 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 13 .0000 13 .5000 13 .0000 2nd 11 .0000 13.2500 (b) 2nd 11 .5000 11 ,0000 10 .5000 3rd 10 .2500 12 .COCO 10 ,0000 3rd 11 .0000 11 .5000 13 .5000 4th 9 .5000 11 .8000 3.1 ,0000 4th 13 .0000 13.0000 15 •COCO Year 10 .2500 12 .3500 10 .5000 Year 12 .1250 12 .2500 13 .COCO 1914 1st 9 .0000 11 .0000 9 ,5000 1917 1st 15 .0000 14 .5000 16 •COCO 2nd 10 .0000 12 .OCOO 9 •?500(a) 2nd 20 .OCOO 24 .5000 23 .0000 3rd 9 •0000 11 .0000 Q •0000 3rd 22 ,0000 21 •OOCO 20 .50 CD 4th 7 .7500 10.0000 8 .2500 4th 21 .5000 23 .5000 21 .0000 Year 8 .9375 11 .0000 Q •oooo Year 19 .6250 '20 .8750 20 .1250 1915 1st 8-2500. .9.. 0000 8 .3900 1st 23 .5000 . 25-0000 23 -COCO 2nd '8 .5000 8.5000 8 .7500 2nd 26 .2500 26 .5000 24 •0000 3rd -.8 .5000 IB. 0000 .'•.9 .5000 3rd 4th 10 .5000 13.5000 13 .0000 4th Year 8 .9375 10 .0000 9 .9100 Year Relative Prices Average Prices, Mill #4006 , July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $9.6875 - ICC n " M #4010 , " it n n n it " $11 .70 - 100 ) n n n =/*4?07 , M « n n n it n !j 9 « 9375 - ;oo State :- Alabama Arkansas Alabama Arkansas . Bill No : - 4006 4010 4^07 4006 4010 4<;07 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1915 1st (b) (b) (b) 1216 1st 134 115 131 2nd 114 113 (b) 2nd 119 94 106 3rd 106 103 101 3rd 114 98 136 4th 98 101 111 4th 134 111 151 Year 106 106 106 Year 125 105 131 1914 1st . 93 94 96 1917 1st 155 124 161 2nd 103 103 93 2nd 206 209 231 3rd 93 94 91 3rd 227 179 ' 206 4th 80 85 83 4th 222 201 211 Year 92 94 91 Year 203 178 203 1915 1st 85 77 84 1918 1st 243 214 231 2nd 88 73 88 2nd 271 226 242 3rd 83 77 96 3rd 4th 108 115 131 4th , Year 92 85 100 Year (a) Interpolated. (b) No Quotation. (•".I.E. -359-198) I -198- Item No 2. Prices of YELLOH- PINE, FLOORING NO. 2, D & M, 1" x -i" Market: f.o.b.Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Av.l91b-lbl8 gupted Prices ' State:- Mississippi Tex^s Mississippi Texas Mill No :- 6107 8001 6C05 £107 SQQi «C:Q5 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st- 13.0COO 13.0000 14.0000 2nd 14.0000 13.00CO 12. 0000 (a) 2nd 11.7e O 12,0000 13,8500 3rd . 10.0000 12,0000 12.0000 3rd 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 4th 9.0000 13.0000 12.0000 4th 13.0000 14 , .5000 15.0000 Year 11.0000 12.3333 12.0667 Year 12.1875 12.8750 13.9625 bi4 1st 9.0000(a) 10.0000 10.5000 1917 1st 14.2500 16-OOCO(c) 16.5000 2nd 9.0CCO 11.7500 11.5000 2nd 20.0000 21.0000 22.0000 3rd 9 .0000 9.5000 9.5000 3rd 21,5000 22.5000 23.0000 4th 8.0000 7.50CO 8.0000 4th 22.0000 23.5000 24.0000 | Year 8.7500 9.5S75 9,3750 Year 19-4375 20.7500 21.3750 1915 1st 7.7500 7.5000 7. 8700 (d) 19 13 1st 24.0000 25,0000 24.0000 2nd 7.5000 -:8.5000 8.0000 2nd 27.0000 22 .,5000 27 . 5000 3rd 8.000C 8.0000 8,5000 3rd ' 4th 10 . 6700 12.0000 13.0000 4th | Year 8.4800 9.0000 9.3425 Year 'f Ra Xa.i; i ve Prices Average Pricey Mill #6107, July 1, 1613 to June 30, 19 14^$ 9,25" 100 ii n n 8001 " " " " " " " =$11.4375=100 n n n 8005 " " " " " " » -$11.50 -100 St ?'.te:- Mississippi Texas MisQisGit>ti Texa_s_ Mill No:- 5107 8001 8005 6107 8001 -1005 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) , (b)' 1916 " 1st 141 114 122 1 2nd 151 114, 106 2nd 127 105 120 3rd 10B 105 104 3rd 119 105 113 i 4th 97 105 104 4th 141 127 130 • Year 119 108 105 Year 132 113 121 : 1 1914 1st 97 87 91 1917 1st 154 140 143 2nd 97 103 100 2nd 216 184 191 1 3rd 97 83 83 3rd 232 197 200 i 4th 86 66 70 4th 238 205 209 1 Year 95 85 86 Year 210 181 186 4 1915 1st 84 66 68 1918 1st 259 219 209 1 2nd 81 74 • 70 2nd 292 197 239 3rd 86 70 74 3rd ! 4th 115 105 113 4th Year 92 79 81 Year (a) Interpolated (b) First Quarter 1913 not quoted. (c) From prices of Mill #8005 minus a differential of 50^ as in preceding quarter. U) " " " " 8004 " " " "$1.30 As in following " 4d) " " " " 8004 " "" " 13^ as preceding quafcter. (W. I. B. -359-199) 200 Prices of Item No. 2 YELLOW PINT?, FLOORING NO 2 , D & M 1" x 4" larket:- f.o.b. Mill Unit: M. Board Feet iource:- Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly A vs. 1918 Quoted Prices State :- Mill No:- 'ear Quarter Louisiana 5507 5509 Mississippi 6105 Year Quarter Louisiana 5507 5509 Mississippi 6105 (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 11.0000 14.0000 11.7500 2nd 9 . 0000 11. 0000 ' 10 . 5000 3rd 9 . 0000 10.0000 9.5000 • . 4th 9.6667 11.6667 10.5833 Year 9 . OCOO 9 . 0000 9.2500(d) 1917 1st 8 . 0000 9.0000 9 . 0000 2nd 7 . 7500 8.0000 8.0000 3rd 7 . 0000 8.0000 7 . 5000 4th 7.9375 8 . 5000 8.6875 Year 7.0000 8.0000(c) 7 . 5000 1918 1st 7.0000 8 . 0000 7 . 5000 2nd 7 , 0000 8 , 5000 7 . 0000 3rd 12.0000 12 . 5000 10.7500 4th 8 . 2500 912500 8.1875 Year 13 . 0000 12 . 5000 12 . 2500 9 , 0000 12 . 0000 1 1 . 5000 10.0000 12.0000 10.2500 13.5000 13.0000 12.7500 11.3750 12.3750 11.6875 13 .5000 (a) 13. 0000 13.7500 20.0000 20.0000 20.0000 18.5000 21.0000 20.5000 22.0000 23.0000 22.2500 18.5000 19.2500 19.1250 24.0000 21.0000 23.0000 25.0000 24.0000 25.0000 Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #5507, July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 it . it n 5509 " " " " " " " H it n 6105 " " " " " " " $8.75 - 100 $9.75 - 100 $9.5625-100 State :- Louisiana Mill No:- 5507 'ear Quarter 1913 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1914 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1915 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year (b) 126 103 103 110 103 91 89 80 91 80 80 80 137 94 5509 (b) 144 113 103 120 92 92 82 82 87 82 82 87 128 95 Mississippi 6105 (b) 123 110 99 111 97 94 94 78 91 78 78 73 112 86 Louisiana Mississippi 5509 6105 5507 Year Quarter 1916 1st 149 128 128 2nd 103 123 120 3rd 114 123 107 4th 154 133 133 Year 130 127 122 1917 1st 154 133 144 2nd 229 205 209 3rd 211 215 214 4th 251 236 233 Year 211 197 200 1918 1st 274 215 241 2nd 286 246 261 3rd 4th Year la) From prices of Mill #5509 plus a 50^ differential as in preceding quarter. (b) First Quarter in 1913 not quoted. (c) From prices of Mill #5510 minus a 50^ differential as in preceding quarter (d) Interpolated. fw. T.TI . 5 ' ..:• •• 0.? . '• t:- f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Service 201 Prices of Item No. Z , TPLOOFPJG, NO. 2 S2S & CM. 1" x 6" Unit:-M Board Feet Quotation: -Quarterly Avs.1913- 1918 Quoted Prices State :- Mill No:- Year Quarter 1913 Texas 8001 8006 Texas 8001 8006 (b) (b) 13.0000 14.0000 11.5000 10.0000 10.5000 10.0000 11.6667 11.3333 10.0000 10.2500 11.2500 10.0000 9 . 5000 10.2500 9.0000 9 . 7500 9.9375 10.0525 9 . 5000 10.0000 10.0000 10.5000 12.0000 lO.OOOO(c) ll.OOOO(c) 15.0000(c) 10.5000 11.5000 Year Quarter 1916 1917 1918 15.0000 15. 12.5000 14. 12.0000 12. 15.0000 16. 13.6250 14. 15. 0000 (a) 16. 22.0000 21. 23.5000 21. 25.0000 23. 21.3750 20. 26.0000 24. 23.5000 27. 0000 (c) OOOO(c) 5000 (c) 0000 (c) 3750 0000 (c) 5000(c) 5000(c) 5000 (c) 6250 0000(c ) 5000 (c) Relative Prices Average price, Mill #8001, July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 - $10.8125 - 100 " " " 8006 " " " " " " " - $10.0625 - 100 Stager- Mill No:- Year Quarter Texas 8001 8005 8001 Texas 8006 Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 139 149 2nd 120 139 2nd 116 139 3rd 105 99 3rd 111 124 4th 97 99 4th 139 159 Year 108 113 Year 126 143 1914 1st 92 102 1917 1st 139 159 2nd 104 99 2nd 203 214 3rd 88 102 3rd 217 214 4th 83 97 4th 231 234 Year 92 100 Year 198 205 1915 1st 88 99 1918 1st 240 239 2nd 92 99 2nd 217 273 3rd 97 109 3rd 4th 111 149 4th Year 97 114 Year (a) From prices of Mill #8005, minus a differential of $1 as in preceding quarter (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Prices of Mill #8005 substituted, prices of these two Mills same on date of splice (w.I.B. 359-201) "i !(.,. V :- • : •)-. -•• •« Y .\ - X ;' .; '• • :. i 202 Prices of FLOORING NO. I"x6" Item No. 3 S2S, C.M. Mark-t:- f.o.b. Mill Source:- Forest Service Quoted., Price s Unit:- M Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly Avs. 1913- 1918 State :- Mill No:- Year Quarter Mississippi 6105 " 610? Mississippi 6105 6107 Year Quarter 1913 1st Ob) (b) 1 1915 1st 15 .0000 15 .5000 2nd 14. 0000 15. 0000 2nd 13 .7500 14 .0000 3rd 11. 7500 13. 0000 3rd 11 . 5000 12 .5000 4th 11. 0000 11. 0000 4th 13 . 5000 15 .0000 Year 12. 2500 13. 0000 Year 13 .4375 14 .2500 1914 1st 10. 8750 (a )11. 5000 (a) 1917 1st 15 .0000 15 . 5000 2nd 10. 7500 12, 0000 2nd 22 .0000 21 .0000 3rd 10. 5000 10. 5000 3rd 21 .5000 22 .0000 4th 9. 2500 9. 5000 4th 23 .0000 22 . 5000 Year 10. 3438 .10. 8750 Year 20 .3750 20 .2500 1915 1st 9. 7500 10. 0000 1918 1st 23 .5000 24 . 5000 2nd 10. 2500 10. 0000 2nd 26 .5000 28 .0000 3rd 10. 0000 10. 5000 3rd 4th 14. 2500 12. 8300 4th Year 11. 0625 10. 8325 Year Relative Prices Averaga price, Mill #5105, July 1,1913 to June 30,1914 - $11.0938 - 100 " " " 6107 " " " " " " " - $11.8750 - 100 State :- Mill No:- Year Quarter Mississippi 6105 " 6107 Mississippi 6105 6107 Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 135 131 2nd 126 126 2nd 124 118 3rd 106 109 3rd 104 105 4th 99 93 4th 122 126 . Year 110 109 Year 121 120 1914 1st 98 97 1917 1st 135 131 2nd 99 101 2nd 198 177 3rd 95 38 3rd 194 185 4th 83 80 4th 207 139 Year 93 92 Year 184 171 1915 1st 88 84 1918 1st 212 206 2nd 92 84 2nd 239 236 3rd 90 88 3rd 4th 128 108 4th Year 100 91 Year (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted (W.I.B. 359-202) . . I . - V. ' f -203- Item No. o YELLOW PINE, FLOORING , NO. 2, S2S, & C.M. 1" x 6" Market: f ,o.h. Mill Unit:- M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Avs. 1913 Qu6ted Prices 13 1&. State: - Mill No:- Year Quarter Louisiana 5507 5509 Tear Quartej Loui si ana 5507 5509 IS 13 1st (b) (b) 1916 " 1st 15.0000 15.5000 . 2hd 12.0000 14.0000 2nd 11.0000 13.0000 3rd 11.0000 , 12.0000 3rd 11 . 5000 13.0000 4th 10 . £000 10.0000 4th 14.5000 14,5000 Year 11.1667 12.1667 Year 13.0000 14.0000 1914 1st 10.0000 10 . 500C 1917 1st 14. 5000 (a) 14 . 5000 2nd 10.5COO 10.0000 2nd 21.5000 22.0000 3rd 9.75QO 9.5000 3rd 19.5000 21.0000 4th 9 .0000 9 .0000 4th 22.5000 23.0000 Year 9.8125 9.7500 Year 19 . 5000 20 . 1250 i915 1st 9.0000 9. 0000 (c) 1918 1st 26.0000 .22.0000 2nd 9.50CO 9 . 5000 2nd 26,0000 24.0000 3rd 10.0000 10.0000 3rd 4th-; 10 . 5000 15.5000 4th Year 9 . 7500 11.0000 Year Relative Prices Average price, Mill #5507, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 =$10.5000 =100 " " " 5509 " " " " " " " =$10.6250-100 State :- Louisiana Louisiana Mill No:- 5507 " 5509 5507 " 5509 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 " 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 143 146 2nd 114 136 2nd 105 122 3rd 105 113 3rd 110 122 4th 100 .94 4th 138 136 Year 106 115 Y'ear, 124 132 1914 1st 95 . 99 1917 1st 138 136 2nd 100 94 2nd 205 207 3rd 93 89 3rd 186 .198 4th . 86 85 4th 214 216 Year 93 92 Year 186 189 1915 . 1st 86 85 1918 1st 248 297 2nd 90 89 2nd 248 226 3rd 95 94 3rd 4th 100 146 4th Year 93 104 Year (a) From prices of Mill #5509 :with no differential as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted, (c) From prices of Mill #5510 with no differential as in previous quarter, (W. I.E. -359-203) t -204- Prices of Item No. 3. YELLOW PINE, FLOORING HO, 2. S2S & C.M. l"x 6" Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: Alabama Alabama Mill No: 4005 1 4010 4006 4010 Year Quarter - Year! Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 16.0000 16.0000 2nd 13.5000 14.7500 2nd 13.5000 13.0000 3rd 11.5000 13.5000 3rd 13,0000 13.0000 4th 11.2500 12.0000 4th 14.5000 16.0000 Year 12.0833 13.4167 Year 14.2500 14.5000 1914 1st 10.5000 11.5000 1917 1st 16.5000 16.5000 2nd 11.0000 13.0000 2nd 21.5000 26.5000 3rd 11.2500 11.5000 3rd 23.5000 22.5000 4th 9.5000 11.5000 4th 22.5000 25.0000 Year 10.5625 11.8750 Year 21.0000 22.6250 1915 1st 10.5000 11.5000 1918 1st 24.5000 26.5000 2nd 11.0000 10.5000 2nd 27.5000 27.5000 3rd 11.0000 12.0000 3rd 4th 13.0000 16.0000 4th Year 11.3750 12.5000 Year Relative Prices Average price, Mill #4006, July 1 , 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $11.0625 = 100 11 ii n #4010 " " n n n ii n _ §12.5000 a 100 State: Alabama Alabama Mill No: 4006 ~ 4010 4006 14010 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 145 128 2nd 122 118 2nd 122 104 3rd 104 108 3rd 118 104 4th 102 96 4th 131 128 Year 109 107 Year 129 115 1914 1st 95 92 1917 lot 149 132 2nd 99 104 2nd 194 212 3rd 102 92 3rd 212 180 4th 86 92 4th 203 200 Year 95 95 Year 190 181 1915 1st 95 92 1918 1st 221 212 2nd 99 84 2nd 249 220 3rd 99 96 3rd 4th 118 128 4th Year 103 100 Year (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (WIB359-204) •.'0 .•• ; »'•; : iX'l :" r .. .:..V / 1. ,. .f -205- Prices of Item No. 4. YSLLOY/ PIKE, FLOORING B. FLAT 13/16" x 3 1/4" Market: f.o.b. Hill Source: Forest Service Unit: Li. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913- 1918. Quoted Prices State: i Ala. A3 a. La. Ala. Ala. La. Mill No: 4004 4010 5507 4004 4010 5507 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 19 .7500 22.8000 20. 5000 2nd 20. 0000 23.1000 20.0000 2nd 18 .7500 19.0000 18. 5000 3rd 19. 7500 22.5000 19.0000 3rd 19 .5000 21.5000 19. 5000 4th 19. 0000 22,4500 18.5000 4th 21 .5000 (a) 25.0000 23. 5000 Year 19. 5833 22.6853 19.1667 Year 19 .8750 21.8750 20. 5000 1914 1st 19. 2500 20.5000 18.5000 1917 1st 22 .7500 (a) 26.0000 24. 5000(c) 2nd 18. 5000 19.5000 17.5000 2nd 30 .0000 37.5000 33. 5000 3rd 18. 0000 19.0000 17.0000 3rd 31 .8500 36.5000 32. 0000 4th 17. 0000 19.5000 15.5000 4th 50 .0000 35.5000 32. 0000 Year 13. 1875 19.6250 17.1250 Year 28 .6500 33.8750 30. 5000 1915 1st 17. 0000 19.5000 15.0000 1918 1st 31 .0000 34.5000 33. 5000 2nd 16. 0000 18.5000 15.0000 2nd 31.2500 35.5000 33. 0000 3rd 16. 0000 18.0000 15.5000 3rd 4th 18. 2500 22.0000 20.5000 4th Year 16. 8125 19.5000 16.5000 Year Average it it price it it Mill #4004 11 #4010 " #5507 Rela July 1 n ii n n tivc Prices , 1913 to June n n M n n n 30, 1914 n n n n = $19.125 = 421.2375 = $18.3750 - 100 = 100 = 100 State: Ala. Ala. La. Ala. Ala. La. Mill No: 4004 4010 5507 4004. 4010 5507 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 103 104 112 2nd 105' 109 109 2nd 98 89 101 3rd 103 106 103 3rd 102 101 106 4th 99 106 101 4th 112 118 128 Year 102 107 104 Year 104 103 112 19K- 1st 101 97 101 1917 1st 119 122 133 2nd 97 92 95 2nd 157 177 182 3rd 94 89 93 3rd 167 172 174 4th 89 92 64 4th 157 167 174 Year 95 92 93 Year 150 160 166 1915 1st 89 92 82 1918 1st 162 162 182 2nd 84 87 82 2nd 163 167 180 3rd 84 85 84 3rd 4th 95 104 112 4th Year 88 92 90 Year (a) From prices of Mill #4002 with no differential as in preceding quarter (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted (c) From prices of Mill #5509 minus 50$ differential as in preceding quarter (WIB359-205) .'••- •••••.•<.•..,•;<: ;i .'ivo.i:;' I •! .». •' r -20G.. Item No:- 4, Prices of 3 IKE, H.OOHING B. FIAT 13/16" x 3 1/4" Marlset :~ f.o.b. am Unit:- !•.!. Board Feet. Source :- Forest Service. Quotation: - Quarterly average 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State Mill :- Lji. I;o:- 5509 M. 5509 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1313 1st, n>) 1916 1st 21.0000 2nd 22,0000 2nd 18.0000 3rd 20,0000 3rd 20.0000 4th 18.5000 4th 24.0000 Year. 20 . 1667 Year 20.7500 1914 1st 19.0000 1917 1st 25.0000 2nd 10.0000 2nd 30.0000 3rd 17.5000 3rd 34.0000 4th 17.5000 4th 33.JOOO Year 18.0000 Year 30.5000 1915 1st 16.2500(a) 1918 1st 33.5000 2nd 15.5000 2nd 33.5000 3rd 16.5000 3rd 4th 21.0000 4th Year 17.3125 Year2 •Relative Prices Averag B price Mill #5 509 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = ^18.8750 = 100 State :- La. La. Mill ITo:- 55"09 "5509 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1915 1st (» 1916 1st 111 2nd 117 2nd 95 3rd 106 3rd 106 4th 98 4th 127 Year 107 Year 110 1914 1st 101 1917 1st 132 2nd 95 2nd 159 3rd 93 3rd 180 4th 93 4th 175 Year 95 Year 162 1915 1st 86 1918 1st 177 2nd 82 2nd 177 3rd 87 3rd 4th 111 4th Year 92 Year (a) prom prices of Mill #5508 plus a (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted. (W.I.B. 359-206) .. differential as in preceding quarter. ~ I -?07- Item No. 4 Fr-cej of YELLOW, PINE, FLOORING- C, FLAT 13/16" x 3., 1/4" Market:- f.o.b. Mill Unit:- M. Board Feet Forest Secviue Quotation:- Quarterly averages 1913 Quoted Prices 1918. State:- Mill No: - iv1?.ss. Kiss. Ark .-... 4207 Miss. 6105 Miss. 6107 Ark. 4307 6105 6107 Year^^marter 1913 1st 2nd 21 3rd 20 4th 19 _Year 20 1914 1st 18 2nd 18 3rd 18 4th 17 Year 18 1915 1st 17 2nd 16 3rd 16 4th 19 Year 17 Year Quarter (b) (b) (e) 1916 1st 20 .5000 20 .2500 .75CO 22 .5000 (e) 2nd 20 .5000 19 .5000 .5000 21 .OCOO 19 .5000 3rd 19 .0000 20 .5000 .50CO 20 .0000 19 .0000 4th 19 .7500 24 .0000 .5833 21 .1667 19 .2500 Yeac 19 .9375 21 .0625 ,0000 (a) 20 .OOOO(c) 18 .5000 1917 1st 24 .0000 25 .0000 .5000 20 .0000 18 .0000 (d) 2nd 34 .2500 32 .0000 .7500 20 ,0000 17 .5000 3rd 34 .0000 34 .0000 .2500 13 .OCOO 17 .5000 4th 31 .0000 32 .0000 .1250 19 , 5000 17 .8750 Year 30 .8125 30 ,7500 .5000 17 .0000 17 .6000 1918 1st 33 .5000 34 .0000 . 2500 17 .5000 16 .7400 2nd 34 .5000 36 .0000 .2500 3.7 .0000 16 .0000 3rd .5000 19 .0000 20 .0000 4th .3750 17 .6250 17 .5850 Year 24, 21, 21 .0000 19 . 5000 21.0000 .5000 .5000 25.5000 34 . 5000 32.5000 34.0000 31 .6250 34.0000 34.0000 Relative Prices Average price 11 11 Mill 16105 July 1 " #6107 " " 11 #4207 , 1913 to June 30, 1914= 11 11 It II i' n a $19.1250 =100 $20.25 -100 $18.7500 -100 State:- Miss. Miss, Ark. Mi ss . Miss. Ark. Mill Not- 6105 6107 4207 6105 6107 420? Year Qnarter Year Quart e r 1913 1st (b) (b) (e) 1916 1st 107 100 112 2nd 114 111 (e) 2nd 107 96 104 3rd 107 104 104 3rd 99 101 112 4th 102 99 101 4th 103 119 131 Year 108 105 103 Year 104 104 115 1914 1st 94 99 99 1917 1st 125 123 136 2nd 97 99 96 2nd 179 158 184 3rd 98 99 93 3rd 178 168 173 4th 90 89 93 4th 162 158 181 Year 95 96 95 Year 161 152 169 1915 1st 92 84 94 1918 1st 175 168 181 2nd 85 86 85 2nd 180 178 181 3rd 85 84 85 3rd 44 th 102 94 107 4th Year 91 87 94 Year (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted. (c) Interpolated, (d) Interpolated. (e) First & second quarter 1913 not quoted (W. I. B. -359-207) . i S -,£06- Item Ho:- 4. Fiices of YEILC.7, PIirjv ZLOOPJWG 3. FLAT 1 3/16" x 3 1/4" Market:~f ,o.^>. Hill Unit:- II. Board Feet Source: i'orest Service Quotation-Quarterly averages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State:- Texas Texas Ala. Texas Texas Ala. Hill Ho:- 8006 8001 4006 6006 8001 4006 Year Ouarter YoaT niiart-.PT' 1913 1st (b) (b) (TD) ~TyT6 1st 21. 0000 (a) 21. 5000 22.5000 2nd 22.0000 23.0000 22.0000 2nd 21. 5000{a) 19,6000 21.0000 3rd 20.0000 22.0000 20.5000 3rd 20. 5000 (a) 20. 0000 22,0000 4th 20.0000 20.5000 19.5000 4th 26.0000(a)25.0000 23.5000 Year 20,6667 21.8333 20.6667 Year 22.2500 21.5000 22.2500 1914 1st 18.2500 16.0000 20,0000 1917 1st 27. OOOO(a) 26.0000(c)26. 0000 2nd 19.0000 19.7500 19.0000 2nd 35.0000(a)34.0000 30.0000 3rd 18.7500 18.0000 20,0000 3rd 32, 5000 (a) 34.5000 35.0000 4th 16.2500 16.0000 20.0000 4th 35. 0000 (a) 35. 0000 32.6000 Year 18.0625 17.9375 19.7500 Year 32.3750 32.3750 30,8750 1915 1st 16.0000 15.0000 19.0000 1918 1st 34.0000(a)35.0000 34.0000 2nd 16.0000 16.0000 18.0000 2nd 35. 0000 (a) 34. 0000 36.0000 3rd 15.0000 16., 500o 19.0000 3rd 4th 21.7500 20.0000 20.0000 4th Year 17.1875 16,8750 19.0000 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #4006 July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 = $19.7500 =100 n >' " #8001 n n n n n " " = ^20.0625 -100 " " " #8006 n ii n n " " " = ^19.3125 =100 btate:- Texas Texas Ala. Texas Texas Ala. !.Iill No:- 8006" 8001 4006 8006 6001 4006 Year Quarter Year Quarter 19^13 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 109 107 114 2nd 114 115 111 2nd 111 97 106 3rd 104 110 104 3rd 106 100 111 4th 104 102 99 4th 135 125 119 Year 107 109 105 Year 115 107 115 1914 1st 95 90 101 1917 1st 140 120 132 2nd 98 98 96 2nd 181 169 152 3rd 97 90 101 3rd 168 172 177 4th 84 80 101 4th 181 174 16F Year 94 89 100 Year 168 161 156 1915 TsT 83 75 96 1918 1st" 176 174 172 2nd 83 80 91 2nd 181 169 182 3rd 78 82 96 3rd 4th 113 100 101 4th Igar 89 84 96 Year (a) Prices from mill #8005 sub,, prices of these mills being the sazpe on date of "•/ (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted. (c) prom prices of mill #8005 minus a differential of (Vi.I.B. 359-208) as in preceding quarter. * . Item Ho. 5. ?r:.re of YELJX'Y PINE, FiribHSjJ, B & BETTER, 6." & WIDER TIarket: f.o.b. Hill Source: Forest Service •'luoted. Prices . Unit: LI Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Avs. 1913-1910 . State:- Alabama Arkansas Touisiana Alabama Arkansas La. Mill No :- 4006 4-207 5507 4006 4207 5507 Year Quarter Year O.uarter 1T13" ~ 1st (b) (d) (b) 1916 1st 25 .0000 25. 7500i 24.0000 2nd 23 ,0000 (d) 24. 0000 2nd 24 .5000 24, 0000 21.0000 3rd 23 .5000 25. 0000 26. 0000 3rd 24 .0000 26. 0000 20.0000 4th 22 .0000 23. 5000 23. 0000 4th 24 .0000 28. 7500 26.5000 Year 22 ,8335 24. 7500 24. 3333 Year 24 .3750 26. 1250 22.8750 IS 14 1st 24 .0000 25. 0000 23. 0000 1917 1st 27 .5000 30. 7500 26.5000C: 2nd 23 .0000 25, 2500(a) 23. 0000 2nd 34 .5000 40. 7500 35.0000 3rd 24 .0000 25. 5000 22. 0000 3rd 35 .0000 39. 0000 55.0000 4th 24 .0000 25. 0000 IS. 0000 4th 36 .0000 39. 5000 35.0000 Year 23 .7500 25, 1875 21. 7500 Year 33 .2500 37. 5000 32,8750 1915 1st 21 .0000 24. 9000 20. 0000 1918 1st J7 .0000 40. 0000 36.5000 2nd 21 .0000 25. 3700 20. 0000 2nd 3S .5000 41. 0000 37.0000 3rd 22 .5000 24^ i 000 : 20. 0000 3rd 4th 23 .0000 25. 0000 25. 0000 4th Year 21 .8750 £4. 9425 21. 2500 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #4006 , July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914=^23 .125=100 n n " #4207 It H iJ 11 II SI it =^24 .9375=100 n n n #5507 ' 11 n M n tl II " -^25 .75 - 100 Stater- Alabama. Arkansas Louisiana Alabama Arkansas La. Hill llo:- 4006 4207 5507 4006 4207 5507 Year Quarter . Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) lb) (b) 1916 1st 108 103 101 2nd 99 (b) 101 2nd 106 96 88 3rd 102 104 109 3rd 104 104 84 4th 95 94 97 4th 104 115 112. Year 99 99 102 . Year 105 105 96 1914 1st 104 100 97 1917 1st 119 123 112 2nd 99 101 97 2nd 149 163 147 3rd 104 102 93 3rd 151 156 147 4th 104 100 80 4th 156 158 14-7 Year 103 101 92 Year 144 150 133 1915 1st 91 100 84 1918 1st 160 160* 1E4 2nd 91 102 84 2nd 171 164 156 3rd 97 98 84 3rd 4th 99 100 105 4th Year 95 100 89 Yoar (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From prices of Mill #5509 plus a 50£ differential as in preceding quarter. , -210- Frices of YELLOW PIKE, FINISH, B & BETTER, 6" & VIBBH. Item Ho, 5. Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Quoted Prices Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Avs. IS 13- 19 16. State :- Texas Te:-as mil N6:- 8001 8003 8001 8003 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 24.5000 23.5000(c) 2nd 27.0000 29.0000 2nd 24.5000 28.0000(c) 3rd 27.0000 25.5000 3rd 25.7500 23.0000(c) 4th 25.0000 25.0000 4th 29.0000 27.0000(c) Year 26.3333 26.5000 Year 25.9375 25.3750 1914 1st 24.0000 24,0000 1917 1st 30.5000(a) 28.5000(c) 2nd 26.0000 23.0000(c) 2nd 37.5000 33.0000(c) 3rd 24.0000 22.0000(c) 3rd 27.5000 36.5000(c) 4th 21.0000 21.0000(c) 4th 37.5000 37.0000(c) Year 23.7500 22.5000 Year 35.7500 33.7500 1915 1st 19.5000 20.5000(c)(d) 1918 1st 39.5000 37.0000(c) 2nd 20.0000 20.2500(c) 2nd 40.0000 39.5000(c) 3rd 21.5000 22.0000(c) 3rd 4th 26.0000 23.5000(c) 4th Year 21.7500 21.5625 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Lull #8001, July 1, 1913 to June 1 30, 11 " " 6003 " " " " " " 1914 = #25.50 = 100 " = #24.375 <= 100 State:- Texas Texas Mill i\o : ;- 8001 8003 8001 8003 Y3£>I Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) 1916 1st 96 96 2nd 10 b 119 2nd 96 115 3rd 1Q6 105 3rd 101 94 4th 98 103 4th 114 111 Year 103 109 Year 102 104 1914 1st 94 98 1917 1st 120 117 2nd 102 94 2nd .147 135 3rd 94 90 3rd 147 150 4th 82 86 4th 147 152 Year 93 92 Year 140 138 Ibl5 1st 76 84 1916 1st 155 152 2nd 78 83 2nd 157 162 3rd 84 90 3rd 4th 102 96 4th Year 85 88 Year (a) Prices from Mill #8005 plus a differential of 52 as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Prices for Mill #8005 substituted, prices from these t\vo kills being the same on date of splice. (c.) Prices from l-Iill 8004 minus a differential of 25£ as in preceding ouarter. ( .-13-359-210) -221- Item No. 5 Market: f.o.-b.Mill Source: Forest Service Prices oi1 YELIO\7 PIKE, FINISH, B & B2TTSR, 6" & WIDER, Unit: M Board Feet. .Quoted, ?ri.ce_s Quotation: Quarterly..- Avs . 1912 19x8 State :- Louisiana Mississippi Louisiana Mississippi Mill No:- 5509 •:6105 6107 5509 6105 6107 Year Quarter 1913 1st n>) (b) (t>) 1916 1st 24.5000 24.0000 26 .0000 2nd 27. 0000 26, 0000 26.0000 2nd 24.0000 22,0000 25 .0000 3rd 25. 0000 25, 5000 27.0000 3rd 23.5000 22.5000 25 .0000 . 4th 22. 5000. 23. 5000 24.0000 4th 26.0000 22.0000 24 .0000 Year 24. 8333 25. 0000 25.6667 Year 24.5000 22.6250 25 .0000 1914 1st 23. 0000 23, 5250 (c ) 24.000(, =1917 1st 26.0000 24.0000 26 .0000 2nd 22. 0000 23. 7500 24.0000 2nd 30.0000 52,0000 32 ,0000 3rd 22. 0000 25. 0000 23.0000 3rd 37.0000 35.5000 35 .0000 4th 21. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 4th 38.0000 33,5000 34 .0000 Year 22. ocoo 23. 5938 23,2500 Year 32.7500 31.2500 31 .7500 1915 1st 20, 5000 (a)21. 5000 21.0000 1918 1st 36.0000 36.5000 25.5000 2nd 19. 5000 22. 0000 22.0000 2nd 55.0000 35.0000 39, .0000 3rd 19. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 3rd 4th 24. 0000 23, 0000 23.3300 4th Year 20. 7500 22. 1250 22.0825 Year Average Price, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914, Mill ^-5509 =23.125=100 " " " " 6105 =24.0938-100 •' 6107= 24.75 =100 ii ii ii ii ii ii 11 ii *ft?l?e«;:. Louisiana Mississippi Louisiana Mississippi 5509 6105 6107 5509 .SI-OIL 6107 Year Quarter "Tear Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 106 100 105 2nd 117 108 105 2nd 104 91 101 3rd 108 106 109 3rd 102 93 101 4th 97 98 97 4th 112 91 97 Year 107 104 104 Year 106 94 101 1914 1st 99 98 97 1917 1st 112 100 105 2nd 95 99 97 2nd 130 133 129 3rd 95 104 93 3rd 160 147 141 4th 91 91 89 4th 164 139 137 Year 95 98 94 Year 142 130 128 1915 1st 89 89 85 1918 1st 155 151 143 2nd 84 91 89 2nd 151 145 158 3rd 82 91 89 3rd 4th 104 95 94 4th Year 90 92 89 Year (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Interpolated. (d) Interpolated. (W.I.B. 359-211) » 50 differential as in preceding quarter. -212- item IJo. 6» Prices of YELLO.V PINS, DIMENSION i:o3» 61 SlE, 2" x 8»-16' Market:- f.o.b. Mill Unit:- Me Board Feet. Sou.rce:- Forest Service Quotation: - Quart erly averages Quoted Prices 1913-1918. State :- La. Ala. La. L_a. Ala. La. Mill No:- 5509 4006 5507 5509 4006 5501 Sear Quarter Year Quarter 1915 1st (a) (a) (a) I 1916 1st 15 ,2500 16.0000 14 .5000 2nd 14.5000 14 .0000 13,5000 2nd 14 ,0000 15.0000 13 .0000 3rd 12.2500 15 .0000 11 .0000 3rd 14 ,5000 14.0000 1-i .0000 4th 10,0000 12 .0000 11 .0000 4th 16 .0000 16.0000 15 .0000 Year 12.2500 15 .0000 11 .8533 Year 14 .9375 15.2500 14 .1250 1914 1st 11.0000 15 .0000 11 .0000 1917 1st 16 ,0000 17.5000 15 .OOOOtc) 2nd 10.5000 12 .0000 11 .0000 2nd 20 .0000 21.5000 21 .0000 3rd 12.0000 12 .0000 10 .5000 3rd 19 .5000 23.0000 20.0000 4th 12.5000 10 ,5000 10 .0000 4th 19.5000 22.0000 21 .0000 Year 11.5000 11 ,8750 10 .6250 Year 10 .7500 21.0000 19 ,2500 1915 ~IsT 11.5000(b) 11 .0000 10 .5000 1918~lsT 19 .5000 22.5000 23 .0000 2nd 11.0000 12 .5000 11 .5000 2nd 21 .5000 24.7500 2'j .5000 3rd 12.0000 12 , 5000 11 .0000 3rd 4th 15.0000 14 .5000 16 .0000 4th Year 12.3750 12 .6250 12 .2500 Year Relative P rices Average Price mill #5509 July 1,1913 to June 30,1914-^10. 9375-^100 ii ii ii #4006 it II II it U 11 u -$12. 5000=100 ii M » #5507 ii II II II il ii it =^>11. 0000=100 State:- La. Ala, Leu La. Ala. ia-_ liill No:- 5509 4006 5507 5509 400"6 5507 Year Quarter • Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 " 1st 139 128 132 2nd 133 112 125 2nd 128 . 120 118 3rd 112 104 100 3rd 133 112 127 4th 91 96 100 4th 146 128 136 Year 112 104 108 Year 137 122 126 1914 1st 101 104 100 1917 1st 146 140 136 2nd 96 96 100 2nd 183 172 191 3rd 110 96' 95 3rd 178 184 182 4th 114 84 91 4th 178 176 191 Year 105 95 97 Year 171 168 175 1915 1st 105 88 95 1918 1st 178 180 209 2nd 101 100 105 2nd 197 196 214 3rd 110 100 100 3rd 4th 137 116 145 4th Year 113 101 111 Year (a) Hot quoted. (b) From prices of Mill ir5508 with no differential as in preceding quarter, (c) From prices of Mill #5509 minus a differential of ;!. as in r>reccdim ouartcr. '/ Prices of YEIiOW PIJE, ICO'. 1 S 1 S IE, 2 '*R 8"- 16' I'larlcet:- f.o.b.:iill Source:- forest Service Quoted Prices Unit:- I.I, Board Feet Quotation:- Quarterly avs. 1915-1918. State:- Lliss. Texas Texas Miss. Texas Texas Ilill No: - 6109 6001 8005 6109 8001 8003 Year Quarter . Year Quarter 1915 1st (d) (d) Id) 1916 1st 16.0000 16.0000 16 .2500g . 2nd 14.0000 15. 5000 14. 0000 2nd 13.0000 13.5000 16 ,5000g 3rd 15.0000 11. 2500 11. 5000 3rd 15.0000 16.0000 14 .2500g 4th 10.0000 11. 5000 10. 7500 4th 16.5000 16.0000 16 .7500p Year 12.3335 12. 7500 12. 0833 Year 15.1250 15.3750 15 .9375 1914 1st 10. 5000 (, 5000 11. 0000 1917 ~TsT 16.5000 17.0000(e) 17 .7500g 2nd 11.0000 12. 0000 11. 5000 2nd 22.5000 22.5000 24 .2500g 3rd 11.0000 11. 0000 11. 0000 3rd 19,0000 23.5000 21 .2500g 4th Year 10.0000 10.6250 9. 11. 5000 0000 10. 11. 5000 (g) 0000 4th Yf-ar 18. 5000 (b )22.5000 19.1250 21.3750 • 21 21 .2500g .1250 1915 1st 10.0000 10. 0000 11. 0000 (h)(g) 1918 Ist20.0000 21.5000 21 ,2500g 2nd 11,0000 11. 5000 12. 5000 (g) 2nd22.5000( c)25.500af) 25 .2500g 3rd 11.5000 11. 0000 12. 7500(g) 3rd 4th 15.0000 15. 5000 16. 2500(g) 4th Year 11.8750 12. 0000 13. 0625 Year Relative Prices Average Price mill #610$ jyLY I, 1913 to June 30, 1914-^11.1250-100 " n " #8001 H " " i. n n tt =9 11. 5625=100 " it n #6003 II "" " " " ii " =^11.1875=100 State :- Hiss. Texas Texas JIjss. Texas Texas I.I111 Ko • - 6109 8001 8003 6109 8001 6005 Year Ouartei; Year Quarter IS 13 1st (d) (d) (d) 1916 1st 144 136 145 2nd 126 134 125 2nd 117 117 147 3rd 117 97 103 3rd 135 136 127 4th 90 99 96 4th 148 136 150 Year .111 110 % 108 Yaar 136 133 142 1914 1st 94 99 96 1917 1st 148 147 159 2nd 99 104 103 2nd 202 195 217 3rd 99 95 58 3rd 171 20 £ 190 4th 90 82 94 4th 166 195 190 Year 96 95 98 Year 172 185 189 1915 1st 90 86 98 1918 1st 180 186 190 2nd 99 • 99 109 2nd 20 2 221 225 3rd 105 95 114 3rd 4th 135 134 145 4th Year 107 104 117 Year ~.{a) Interpolated. (b) prom prices of mill #6107 minus a dfrntl.of ^1.50 as in preceding quarter. c) " " ii n #6103 " " •< " u,2,50 " n ii " d) rot Quoted. "(e) irrom prices of :iill#8005 minus a dfrutl.of y.75 -IG in preceding cuarter. (f) ( ( i-Iill #6002 plus a v.50 differential as in preceding quarter Sub. of Te;:as dimension I SIS1E, 2"x8t!-16« ,;lill#6"005 price same on o.soe OL splice IhJ Ercra prices of I.Iill#8004 v;ith no differential ss in preceding Market :-f .o.b.Jlill Source: -Forest Service -214- Pricec of YELLOw PIKE, NO. 1 S 1 3 1 E Quoted Prices . Item Mo. 6. 2"xG"-l6' Unit:- M. Board Feet. Quotation:-'?iU2rtGrly averages 1013-1918 ~5~tate~:- ~~£rk. Miss. Hiss. Ark. Miss. Miss. Mill 1T0: n 42C7 6105 6107 4207 S105 6107 Year .Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st w (c) (c) 1916 1st 15 ,0000 15.0000 17.0000 2nd (b) 14 .0000 16.0000 2nd 13 .5000 14.0000 14.5000 3rd 12. 0000 13 .0000 12.5000 3rd 14 .0000 13.2500 14.0000 4th 11. 0000 12 .ocoo 11,5000 4th 16 .,5000 14.0000 16.0000 Year 11. 5000 13 .0000 13.3333 Year 14 .7500 14.0625 15.3750 1914 1st 11. 5000 11 .7500 (a! 111. 7500 (a) 1917 1st 16 .5000 14.7500 16.0000 2nd 11. 2500 (a) 11 .5000 12.0000 2nd 23 .5000 21.5000 21.0000 3rd 11. 0000 11 .5000 12.5000 3rd 19 .5000 21.5000 20.5000 4th 10. 2500'.) 10 .5000 11.5000 4th 21 .5000 20.5000 20.0000 Year 11. 0000 11 .3125 11.9575 Year 20 .2500 19.5625 19.3750 1915 1st 11. 46CO 11 .0000 11.0000 1918 1st 22 .0000 21.00CO 22.5000 2nd 12. 6100 11 .5000 12.0000 2nd 22 .5000 23.0000 24.5000 3rd 11. 5000 11 .5000 12.0000 3rd 4th 16. 0000 3.3 .5000 14.8300 4th * Year 12. 8925 11 ,8750 12.4575 Year Polativo .f rices Average price M 111 #4207 July 1,1913 to June 30 ,1914-yll.4375-lQO n " n »6105 ii n •< H " =$12. 0625=100 ,, " n it #6107 ii n it 11 n f? " "v 11.9375-100 State :- Ark. Miss. Hiss. Arlc. Miss. Miss_« Mill ICo: - 4207 6105 6107 4207 6105 6107 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (0 (c) 1916 1st 131 124 142 2nd (b) 116 134 2nd 118 116 121 3rd 105 106 105 3rd 122 110 117 4th 96 99 96 4th 144 116 134 Year 101 108 112 Year 129 117 122 1914 1st 101 97 98 1917 1st 144 122 134 2nd 98 95 101 2nd 205 178 176 3rd 96 95 105 3rd 170 178 172 4th 90 87 96 4th 188 170 168 Year 96 94 100 Year 177 162 162 1915 1st 100 91 92 1918 1st 192 174 188 2nd 110 95 101 2nd 197 191 205 3rd 101 95 1101 3rd 4th 140 112 124 4th "7 o I T Year i^r-.i — 113 98 104 Year \ *•* / •*-.!.* V 'wJ. J^J WJ-CL If 9U« (b) First &Seco:.d quarter 1913 not quoted. (cj First quarter 1913 not quoted (V/.I.B. 359-214) -215- Item No. 7. Prices of YELLOW PIUE, COM. BOARDS, KO. 1, 3 2 S 1" x 10" iiarket: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Avs. Quoted Prices 1913-1918 . State :- Hill No: Louis iana Hississropi - 5509 6105 6107 Louisiana liississippi 5509 6105 6107 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st I* ) til (b) 1916 1st 18 ,0000 18.5000 19.5000 2nd 17 ,5000V is. 0000 22.5000 2nd 15 .0000 18.5000 19.5000 3rd 16 .0000 17. 5000 20.0000 3rd 17 .0000 17.0000 IS. 5000 4th 16 .0000 17. 0000 20.0000 4th 18 .0000 18.0000 20.0000 Year 16 .5000 17. 5000 20.8333 Year 17 .0000 18.0000 19.6250 1914 1st 15 .0000 16. 7500 (c 19.0000 (c) 1917 1st 18 .5000 21.5000 21.0000 2nd 14 .0000 16. 5000 18.0000 2nd 23 .0000 29.0000 27.0000 3rd 14 .0000 16. 7500 18.0000 3rd 25 .0000 39.0000 31.0000 4th 13 ,0000 16. 5000 17.0000 4th 27 .0000 29.0000 29,0000 Year 14 .0000 16. 3750 18.0000 Year 23 .3750 29.6250 27.0000 1915 1st 13 .0000(a}15. 5000 16.5000 1918 1st 27 .0000 30.0000 30.0000 2nd 13 .0000 16. 0000 17.0000 2nd 28 .0000 31.0000 33.0000 3rd . 13 .5000 15. 5000 17.0000 3rd 4th 17 .5000 17. 0000 18.6700 4th Year 14 .2500 16. 0000 17.2925 Year Relative Prices. Average Price, Mill #5509, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914=^15.25 = 100 " " " 6105 " " " " " " =$16,9375=100 ii it 11 sic? ii n u H .1 it " =^19.25 =100 State :- Mill No:- Louisiana 5509 Mississitroi '.•6105 6107 Louisiana ~5509~ Mississippi 6105 5IGT" £ear Quarter Year Ouarter 1S1? 1st {b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 118 109 :ioi 2nd 115 106 117 2nd 98 109 101 3rd 105 103 104 3rd 111 100 101 4th 105 100 104 4th 118 106 104 Year 103 103 108 Year 111 106 102 1914 1st 98 99 99 1917 1st 121 127 109 2nd 92 97 94 2nd 151 171 140 3rd 92 99 94 3rd 164 230 161 4th 85 92 88 4th 177 171 151 Year 92 97 94 Year 153 175 140 1915 1st 85 92 86 1918 1st 177 177 156 2nd 85 94 88 2nd 184 183 171 3rd 89 92 88 3rd 4th 115 100 97 4th Year 93 94 90 Year (a) ?rom prices of Mill #5510 plus a differential as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Interpolated. 'v -316- Mar.-v.-t ; Source :.o.c. Mill Forest Sc.rvicd Prices of Item No, 7. Y^I/TO"' PINE, CWYOL-T BO/RDP, FO. I,? 2 S, I" x 10" Uru :? M Boaro Feat Quotation: Quarterly AVc>s*iS13-1318 Quoted Prices State: - Texas I^xas Mill No: - §001. SOOs 8001; 8006 V £.r Quarter Year Quarter 19 13 1st M (b) 1916 1st 17.5000. is:oooo(d) 2nd 17.5000. 17.0000; 2nd 16.0000. I7.6500(d) 3rd 15.0000;' I H. 0000. 3rd 15 .5000; i6:&ooo(d) 4th 14.5000. I :. 25000 4th I9:0000. I9.'6000(dJ Year 15.6657. 15.083:. Year 17.0000. 18. 0375. IS I 1st 13.5000, 13.5000. IS 17 1st IS.5000(a) 20.0000U) 2nd It.50CO. It. 2500. 3nd 25.5000. 26.0000(d) 3rd 13.5000. 13.5000. 3rd' 27.0000. 25.0000(a) tth 11.5000. I2.7500U) 27.5000. 27.'0000(i) Year 13.2500. 13.5000. Year 24.8750. 24.' 5000. 12 15 1st 12.0000. I3.7500(i)( ;) ISIS 1st 28.0000. 2S.OOOO(d) 2nd 13.0000. 2nd 32.0000(c) 32.0000(d) 3rd 13.5000. I3.7500(d) 3rd 4th 16.0000. I8.5000(d) tth Year 13.6250. I%.3I25, liar Relative Prices Average Price, Mill -8001, July I, 19 1 3 to June 30,131' r - $14,3750 - 100 it M " 8006, " " ii ii M ii n r $IM.OO - 100 State ;- Texas r • f. A . .11 No:- 8001. 5006. 8QOlT~ 8006. Ye ar Quarter Year Quarter 19 13 1st (b) (b) 19 16 1st 122. 1 3D. 2nd 122, 131. 2nd III. 126. 3rd KX. 100. 3rd 108. lit. 4th 101. 102. •±tn 132. 139. Year 109. ioe. Year IIS. 129. 19 K 1st 94. 96. 1917 1st 136. 143. 3nd 101. 102. 2nd 177. 186. . 3rd 94, St. 3rd 166. 179. 4th 80. 91. 4th IS I. 193. Yer.r 93. 96. Year 173. 175. 1st 83. 9I/ I9IS 1st 195. 207. 2nd 90. 88. 2nd 235. 229. 3rd 94. ?£. 3rd 4th III. 132. tth Year 95. 102. Year Frorr. prices of Mill ^'3005 minus a differential of 50^ as in precediiv; quarter. (b) rirst quarter of 1313 net r;iotcd. (c) From prices of I'^ill iy8007 plus a differential of $1.00 as i/. preceduv. quarter. (d) Substitution of Texas Com. Boards Nc . I, S2S, I"xIO" ,;/;ill j.GOOS, price same on date of splice as for Hill #5006. (-) From prices of Mill #8006 with no differential as in pr - 13 quarter. ('".I.E. 359-216) 217 Prices of Item No. 7 YELLO* PINT, COM. BOARDS, WO. 1 S.2 S., l"x 10" Market:- Source : f.o.b. Mill Forest Service- Unit:- M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Avs, 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State: :- Alabama Arkansas Louisiana Alabama Arkansas Louisiana Mill No :-4006 4207 5507 4006 4207 5507 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 20.5000 18.0000 18. 5000 2nd 19. 5000 (b) 16. 5000 2nd 18 . 0000 16,2500 18. 0000 3rd 17. 5000 14 . 5000 17. 5000 3rd 18.0000 17.0000 17. 5000 4th 15. 5000 13 . 5000 17. 0000 4th 19 . 5000 18.5000 19. 0000 Year 17. 5000 14.0000 17. 0000 Year 19 . 0000 17.4375 18. 2500 1914 1st 18. 0000 14.0000 17. 0000 1917 1st 22.0000 19.0000 19. 5000(d) 2nd 17. 0000 13.5000(o) 16. 0000 2nd 26 . 0000 26 . 5000 27. 0000 3rd 18, 0000 13 . 0000 16. 0000 3rd 32.0000 25.5000 26. 0000 4th 18. OOOO(a) 14 . 0000 13. 5000 4th 29.0000 27 . 5000 28. 0000 Year 17. 7500 13.6250 15. 6250 Year 27.2500 24.6250 25. 1250 1915 1st 17. 0000 13 . 5000 15. 0000 1918 1st 32 . 5000 28.0000 30. 0000 2nd 16. 5000 14.0400 15. 0000 2nd 34.0000 28.5000 32. 0000 3rd 16. 5000 14.0000 15. 0000 3rd 4th 18. 5000 18.0000 19. 0000 4th Year 17. 1250 14.8850 16. 0000 Year Relative Prices Average Price, July 1,1913 to June 30,1914 - $17.00 - 100, Mill #4005 II II II It M n ii n II M M II n n n it M n - $13.8750 - $16.875 - 100 - 100 .Mill 4207 .Mill 5507 State :- Alabama Arkansas Louisiana Alabama Arkansas Louisiana Mill No :- 4006 4207 5507 4006 4207 5507 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 121 130 110 2nd 115 (b) 98 2nd 106 117 107 3rd 103 105 104 3rd 106 123 104 4th 91 97 101 4th 115 133 113 Year 103 101 101 Year 112 126 108 1914 1st 106 101 101 1917 1st 129 137 115 2nd 100 97 95 2nd 153 191 160 3rd 106 94 95 3rd 188 184 154 4th 106 101 80 4th 171 198 166 Year 104 98 93 Year 160 177 149 1915 1st 100 97 89 1918 1st 191 202 178 a* 97 101 89 2nd 200 205 190 3rd 97 101 89 3rd 4th 109 130 113 4th Year 101 107 95 Year (a) From prices of Mill #4003 plus a differential of $3.50 as in preceding quar'.ter (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted and second quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Interpolated. (d) From prices of Mill #5509 ulus a $1 differential as in nrecedinff quarter Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service 218 I tar. No. 8 Prices of COMMON BOARDS TO. 2. 32 S,l"x8" Unit: M Bo^rd Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1917-1918 Quo ted, Price s State:- Mill No: Year Quarter Louisiana Louisiana 5507 5509 550? Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) 1916 1st 16.0000 16.0000 2nd 13 . 0000 14.0000 2nd 13.0000 13.0000 3rd 12 . 0000 12 . 0000 3rd 13.5000 12 . 5000 4th 11.5000 10.5000 4th 15.0000 15.0000 Year 12.1667 12.1667 Year 14.3750 14.1250 1914 1st 11.2500 11.0000 1917 1st IS.OOOO(c) 16.0000 2nd 11.5000 10.5000 2nd 22 . 5000 21.0000 3rd 10.5000 10.0000 3rd 20.0000 22 . 0000 4th 10.0000 10.0000 4th 23.0000 22.0000 Year 10.8125 10.3750 Year 20.3750 20.2500 1915 1st lO.OOOO(b) 10.0000(d^ 1918 1st 27.0000 23.0000 2nd 10.5000(b) 10.2500 2nd 27.5000 26.0000 3rd 10.5000 10.5000 • 3rd 4th 15 . 0000 16 . 0000 4th Year 11.7500 11.6875 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill 5507 July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 - $11,5625-100 it n n 5509 M n n ti ii 11 ti _ $n.oo -100 State:- Louisiana Louisiana Mill No: 5507 5509 5507 5509 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) 1916 1st 138 145 2nd 112 127 2nd 112 118 3rd 104 109 3rd 117 114 4th 99 95 4th 130 136 Year 105 111 Year 124 128 1914 1st 97 100 1917 1st 138 145 2nd 99 95 2nd 195 191 3rd 91 91 3rd 173 . 200 4th 86 91 4th 199 200 Year 94 94 Year 176 184 1915 1st 86 91 1918 1st 234 209 2nd 91 93 2nd 238 236 3rd 91 95 3rd 4th 138 145 4th Year 102 106 Year (a) Not quoted. (b) From prices of Mill 5510 plus 50^ differential as in preceding quarter. (c) " " 5509 with no differential as in preceding quarter (d) " " " " 5508 plus a 50•!:.. I -i ! * YFLLO'? Market: f.o.b, Mill Source: Forest Service 219 Prices of BOAP,T)S, Quoted Prices Item W0, 8 2" , s-2-s 1" xS" Unit: M Board Feet Quo tationi-Quartsrly Averages 1913-1918 State: Arkansas Mississippi A r Van sag Mississippi Mill No: 4207 6105 6107 4207 6105 6107 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (c) 1 (c) 1916 1st 15. 0000 15 .7500 16,0000 2nd (a) 14. 0000 10.5000 2nd 12 . 5000 14 ,7500 14.5000 3rd 11. 5000 12. 5000 14.0000 3rd 13. 7500 12 .7500 13.5000 4th 11. 0000 12. 0000 12.0000 4th 16. 0000 14 .0000 15.5000 Year 11. 2500 12. 8333 12.1667 Year 14. 3125 14 ,3125 14.8750 1914 1st 11. 0000 11. 7500(e)l2.5000(d)l917 1st 16. 0000 15 .7500 16.0000 2nd 10. 7500(b)ll. 5000 13.0000 2nd 23. 5000 23 . 5000 22,0000 3rd 10. 5000 12. 0000 12 . 5000 3rd 22. 50CO 22 .5000 22.5000 4th 10. 2500 10. 0000 11,5000 4th 24. 0000 22 .5000 23,0000 Year 10. 6250 11. 3125 12 , 3750 Year 21. 5000 21 ,0625 20.8750 1915 1st 10. 0300 10. 7500 10,7500 1918 1st 25. 5000 24 .5000 25.0000 2nd 10. 4000 10. 7500 11.0000 2nd 26. 5000 27 .5000 317 . 0000 3rd 11. 0000 10. 7500 11.5000 3rd 4th 15. 0000 13. 5000 13,8300 4th Year 11. 6075 11. 4375 11.7700 Year Average price Mill 4207 Relative July 1, Prices 1913 to June 30,1914-11 .0625 - 100 n n n 6105 n n n n n ii n -11 .9375 - 100 n " " 6107 n n II II M II n -12 .8750 - 100 State: Arkansas Mississippi Arkansas MJ ssissippi Mill No:- 4207 6105 6107 4207 6105 610? Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (c) (c) 1916 1st 136 132 124 2nd (a) 117 82 2nd 113 124 113 3rd 104 105 109 3rd 124 107 105 4th 99 101 93 4th 145 117 120 Year 102 108 94 Year 129 120 116 1914 1st 99 98 97 1917 1st 145 132 124 2nd 97 96 101 2nd 212 197 171 3rd 95 101 97 3rd 203 -18 P 175 4th 93 84 89 4th 217 188 179 Year 96 95 96 Year 194 176 162 1915 1st 91 90 83 1918 1st 231 205 • 194 2nd 94 90 85 2nd 240 230 256 3rd 99 90 89 3rd 4th 136 113 107 4th Year 105 96 91 Year (a) First and second quarters 1913 not quoted. (b) Interpolated. (c) First quarter 1913 -not quoted (d) Market: Source: f.o.b. Mill Forest Service 220 Prices of YFLl/F 'Pitt17', COMMON BOARDS NO. Unit: Item No. 2" S-2-S, I"x8" M Board Feet Quoted Prices Quotation: Quarterly Ave 1913-1918 State:- Alabama Texas Alabama Texas Mill No:- 4010 8001 8004 4010 8001 8004 Year Quarters Year Quarters 1913 1st (a) (a) (*) 1916 1st 17.0000 15.5000 I5.0000(e) 2nd 15.5000 15.5000 15.5000 2nd 14.2500 14.0000 13.5000(e) 3rd 14 . 0000 13.0000 14. 1500 3rd 14.0000 13,5000 13, 5000 (e) 4th 12.8500 ii.sodo 12.0000 4th 16 . 5000 16.5000 16.0000(e) Year 14.0833 13.3333 13.8833 Year 15.4375 14.8750 14.6350 1914 1st 12.0000 11,5000 11.5000 1917 1st 17.5000 17. 5000 (c) 17.0000(e) 2nd 13.5000 12.0000 12.0000 2nd 27.0000 24.0000 23.0000(8) 3rd 12.0000 11.5000 11,5000 3rd 23.5000 24.0000 22.5000(e) 4th 10.5000(b) 9 . 5000 9 . 5000 4th 26.0000 25.0000 24,0000(e) Year 12.0000 11.1250 11 . 1250 Year 23 . 5000 22,6250 21.6250 1915 1st 18.5000 10.0000 9.2500 1918 1st 27.5000 26 . 5000 25.0000(e) 2nd 11.0000 10.5000 10.0000 2nd 28.5000 29.5000(d) 29.0000(e) 3rd 12 . 5000 11,0000 11.5000(e ) 3rd 4th 17.0000 15.0000 16. 0000 (e ) 4th Year 13.2500 11,6250 11.6875 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill 4010 July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 - $13.0875 « H Qooi « « ii » M ii it _ $12,00 " " " 8004 " " " " " " " - $12.4125 100 100 100 State:- Mill No:- Year Quarters A labama Texas 8004 Alabama Teras 4010 3001 4010 Year Quarters 8001 8004 118 107 98 108 92 103 92 80 92 96 84 96 130 101 (a) 129 108 96 111 96 100 96 79 93 83 88 . 92 125 97 (a) 125 114 97 112 93 97 93 77 90 75 81 93 129 94 .130 109 107 126 118 134 206 180 199 180 210 218 129 117 112 137 124 146 200 200 208 189 221 246 125 109 109 129 118 137 185 181 193 174 201 234 ^a) Not quoted (b) From prices of Mill 4006 plus a differential of 50ar 10.6250 11 .1250 11.6250 Year 21 .5000 19 ,6500 21.8750 1915 1st 10,0000(a)lO. 0000 11.0000 1918 1st 24 .0000 24 ,0000 26.5000 2nd 10.5000 11. 0000 11.0000 2nd 27 .5000 30 .0000 28 . 5000 3rd 11.5000 11. 0000 11.0000 3rd 4th 16 . 0000 16. 0000 14.0000 4th Year 12.0000 12. 0000 11.7500 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #5509, July 1, 1913 to June 30,1914 it II M 5510 " " " " " " " M n M 6105 " " " " " " " $11.75 - 100 $11.375- 100 $12.1875-100 State:- Louisiana Mississippi Louisiana Mississippi Mill Ho:- 5509 5510 6105 5509 " 5510 " 6105 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 145 135 133 2nd 128 126 119 2nd 128 126 127 3rd 106 101 105 3rd 115 118 109 4th 98 101 98 4th 136 135 117 Year 111 109 107 Year 131 128 122 1914 1st 102 101 98 1917 1st 145 140 135 2nd 94 97 98 2nd 187 168 201 3rd • 89 93 98 3rd 196 160 189 4th 77 84 86 4th 204 194 193 Year ' 90 94 95 Year 183 165 179 1915 1st 85 84 90 1918 1st 204 202 217 2nd 89 93 90 2nd 234 253 234 3rd 98 93 90 3rd 4th 136 135 115 4th Year -7-. . . ...•.•..-.. . , , 102 101 96 Year • (a) From prices of Mill #5508 minus a $1.50 differential as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) Froir. prices of Mill #5502 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (d) 5507 plus a 50 . J -229- J Item Eo. 12 Prices of YELLOW PIKE, COMMON GA3 LI1IIEG, NO. 1, 1" x 6" x. 10 « - 20. « Market: r.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Unit: M Board Feet Quotations: Quarterly Averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State Louisiana Texas Louisiana ffexas Hill Ifo: 5507"" Year Quarter 5510 8001 Year 5507. Quarter 5510 esoi 1913 ~ 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 18 .0000 16 .5000 19.5000 2nd 17 .0000 18 r 0000 18.5000(f) 2nd 15 .0000 14 .0000 (c) 36.5000 • 3rd 17 .0000 15.0000 17.0000(f) 3rd 18 .0000 16 .0000 IS. 0000 4th 18 .5000 15 .0000 14.5000 4th 18 .0000 17 .5000(d) 19.0000 Year 17 .5000 16.0000 16.6667 Year ' 17 .2500 16 .0000 17.7500 1914 1st 16 .0000 15.0000 14.0000 1917 let 18 ,0000(a)17 .7500 20. 0000 (g) 2nd 16 .0000 14.0000 14.5000 2nd 26 .0000 22 .0000 26.0000 3rd 15 .0000 14.0000 14.0000 3rd 26 .0000 25 .0000 (e) 31.0000 4th 14 .5000 12.0000 13.5000 4th 26 .5000 25 .0000 30.0000 Year 15 .3750 13.7500 14.0000 Year 24 .1250 22 .4375 26.7500 1915 1st 14 .0000 12.5000 13.0000 1918 1st 27 .0000 28 .0000 . 31.0000 2nd 14 .0000 12.5000 14.0000 2nd 27 .0000 26 .0000 31,5000(h) 3rd "15 .0000 14.0000 14.0000 3rd . 4th 18 .0000 17.0000 18.5000 4th Year 15 .2500 14.0000 14.8750 Year P.elative Prices Average Price, Mill £5507 , July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 «= $16.8750 - 100 n " 11 5510 n n n n n •i II 13 $14.7500 = 100 " " " 8001 n ii n n n n II 5 $15.0000 = 100 State: Louisiana Texas Louisiana : Texas' Mill No: 5507 5510 8001 5507 5510 8001 Year . Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 107 112 130 2nd 101 122 123 2nd 89 95 110 3rd 101 102 113 3rd 107 108 107 4th 110 102 97 4th 107 119 127 Year 104 108 111 Year 102 108 118 1914 1st 95 102 93 1917 1st 107 120 133 2nd 95 95 97 2nd 154 149 173 3rd 89 95 93 3rd 154 169 207 4th 86 81 90 4th 157 169 200 Year 91 93 93 Year 145 . 152 178 1915 1st 83 85 87 1918 1st 160 190 207 2nd 83 85 93 2nd 160 176 210 3rd 89 95 93 3rd 4th 107 115 123 4th Year 90 95 99 Year (a) From prices of Mill #5509 minus a differential of $1 as in preceding quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From prices of Mill £5509 minus a differential of $3 as in preceding quarter. (d) " 11 n " 5509 ii ii n n $1.50 as in preceding quarter. (e) n » n " 5509 11 " " " $2 " " " it (f) " « n 11 8003 plus a differential of $1 as in 4th quarter of 1913 (g) " " n " 8005 minus a " " $1 as in preceding quarter • 230 Market:- f.o.b. Mill Source : - Prices of YELLOW PINE, LATH NO. 1 3/8" Unit:-M Quotation: -Quarterly averages 1913-1918 Quo tad Prices State :- Miss. Miss . Ark. Mi si. Miss. Ark. Year Mill No Quarter :- 63.05 6107 4207 Year 6105 Quarter 6107 4207 1913 1st (a) (a) (e) 1916 1st 2 .0500 1 .9500 2.0000 2nd 1.8500 1 .7000(d) (e ) 2nd 1 .9500 1 .9000 2.0000 3rd 1.8500 1 .6500 1. 7500 3rd 1 .9500 1 .9000 2 . 2000 4th 1.7500 1 .7000 1. 7000 4th 2 .0000 2 .0000 2.2500 Year 1.8167 1 .6833 1. 7250 Yearl .9875 1 .9375 2.1125 1914 1st 1 .7500 (b)l .7250(b) 1. 7000 1917 1st 2 .2500 2 .2000 2.4500 2nd 1.7500 1 .7500 1. 7250(b) 2nd 3 .8500 3 .5000 4.0000 3rd 1.8500 1 .8500 1. 7500 3rd 3 .9000 4 .8000 3.9000 4th 1.7000 1 .7000 1. 7500 4th 3 .9000 3 .7500 4.0000 Year 1.7625 1 .7563 1. 7313 YeariS .4750 3 .5625 3.5875 1915 1st 1.9500 1 .7000 1. 9200 1918 1st 3 .9000 3 .5000 3.8500 2nd 1.8000 1 .8000 1. 9800 2nd 4 .0500(c) 3 .6500 3.9500 3rd 1.9000 1 .8000 3. 0000 3rd 4th 3.0000 1 .8000 1. 9000 4th Year 1.9125 1 .7750 1. 9500 Year Average n Relative Prices price mill#6105 July 1, 1913 to June » » #6107 " " " " " 30, 1914-$!. 7750-100 11 » -$1.7063-100 11 " -$1.7188-100 State :- Miss. Miss . Ark. Miss. Miss. Ark. Mill No*- 6107 4207 6105 6107 4207 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (e) 1916 1st 115 114 116 2nd 104 100 (e) 2nd 110 111 116 3rd 104 97 102 3rd 110 111 128 4th 99 100 99 4th 113 117 131 Year 102 99 100 Year 113 114 123 lil4 1st 99 101 99 1st 127 129 143 2nd 99 103 100 2nd 217 205 233 3rd 104 108 102 3rd 220 281 227 4th 96 100 102 4th 220 220 233 Year 99 103 101 Year 196 209 209 1915 1st 110 100 112 1st 220 205 224 2nd 101 105 115 2nd 228 214 230 3rd 107 105 116 3rd 4th 113 105 111 4th Year •>'•!• - 108 104 113 Year \ i— * / «• •»» u «» W Mk!_*4. W9« WW *<— ' W **W WM> (b) Interpolated (c) From mills#6103 & 6107 plus 40$; as in preceding quarter (d) From prices of mill#6103 minus a differential of 20^ as in following (e) First and second quarter 1913 not quoted (W.I.B. 359) 230 :'.".' :. . • - ; •'!•' ; i i-.i , , .? • . 'VGvC.i Lai: -"••j^v» ?* -.- • > >. *"i'"v"''"' C •( -f '- | 1 •:• T :•• ..• T-'' • . . ::;- -~ ^- - < •'-' .'il -c.r .. . j '...i i.\t iD.r. co Item No. 13. Price cf YELLOW Pliffi, LATH HO. 1 3/6" Tiarl:et: f.o<.e>. li Source: Forest Service Unit: ::. Quotations: Quarterly averages 1913-1918 Quoted Prices State: La. Air-. Ala. La. Ala. Ala. Mill No: 5507 4006 4010 5507 4006 4010 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1915 1st (b) ( b} ( 1916 1st 2 .0000 2 .0000 2 .1000 2nd 1.6500 2 .0000 2 .0300 2nd 1 .7000 1 .9000 1 .9000 3rd 1.6000 1 .8500 2 oOOOO 3rd 1 . 7500 2 .0000 2 .0000 4th 1.8500 1 .7500 1 o9000(c} 4th 2 .0000 2 .1000 2 .1000 Year 1.7000 1 .8667 1 .9767 Year 1 .8625 2 .0000 2 .0250 1914 1st 1.8500 1 .0500 2 . 1000 1917 1st 2 .8750(a) 2 .3000 2 .5000 2nd 1.7000 1 .7500 2 .0000 2nd 3 .7500 3 .5000 4 .0000 3rd 1.7000 1 .9500 2 .2000 3rd 3 .6500 4 .0000 4 .2500 4th 1.7000 1 .8COO 1 .9000 4th 3 . 2500 3 .7500 4 .0000 Year 1.7375 1 .8575 2 .0500 Year 3 .3813 3 .3875 3 ,6875 1915 1st 1.9000 1 .9000 2 .OOOO(d) 1918 1st 3 .5000 3 .7000 4 .0000 2nd 1.7000 1 .9500 2 .0000 2nd 3 .7500 3 .9200 4 .0000 3rd 1.9000 1 .9000 2 .0000 3rd 4th 2.0000 2 .0000 2 .0000 4th Year 1.8750 1 .9375 2 .0000 Year Relative Prices Average prices am £5507 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $1. 7500 = 100 n » " 7/4006 n It II n n n 11 = |>1* 8000 = 100 " n It #4010 " II ft n it n " = $2. 0000 = 100 State: La. Ala. Ala. La. Ala. Ala. Mill No: 5507 4006 4010. 5507 4006" 4010 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 114 111 105 2nd 94 111 102 2nd 97 106 95 3rd 91 103 100 3rd 100 111 100 4th 106 97 95 4th 114 117 105 Year_ 97 104 99 • Year 106 111 101 1914 1st 106 103 105 1917 1st 164 128 125 2nd 97 97 100 2nd 214 194 200 3rd 97 108 110 3rd 209 222 213 4th 97 100 95 4th 186 208 200 Year 99 102 103 Year 193 188 184 1915 1st 109 106 100 1918 1st 200 206 200 2nd 97 108 100 2nd 214 218 20 0 3rd 109 106 100 3rd 4th 114 111 100 4th Year 107 108 100 Year (a) Interpolated (b) First quarter 1913 not quoted (c) Prom prices of mill ir4006 plus (d) From prices of mill #4006 " (\VIB559-231) a differential of 11 " " as in preceding quarter ii ii n 11 < •-223- Prices of YELLOW PliJE, FLOORING B. HEART, RIFT 13/15!t x 2* Item No. 4 Market:- f.o.b. , Mill Unit: - M Board Feet Source:- Forest Service Quotation : Quarterly Averages Quo tod Trie as 1913-1918. State ;- Gsor ~ia Georgia MS 11 No:- 4305 4805 &e;.r Quortar Year Quarter 1 • 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 38.0000 2nd 4-i.OOOO 2nd 38.0000 3rd 43.0000 3rd 37.0000 4th 40.0000 4th 38 , 0000 XftflT 42.3333 Year 37.7500 1914 1st 39.0000 1917 1st 40.0000 2nd 39.0000 2nd 50,0000 3rd 37. 5000 ( a,) 3rd 50.0000 4th 36.0000 4th 50.0000 Ysar 37.8750 Ye^r 47.5000 1915 1st 37 . 0000 . 1918 1st 52.0000 2nd 38.0000 2£d 26.0000 3rd 38.0000U) 3rd 4th 38,0000 4th Year 37,7500 Year Relative Prices Average Price , Mill #4805; July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 - $40.25 - 100 6 State : - Georgia Georgia Mill No:- 4805 4805 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 94 2nd 109 2nd 94 3rd 107 3rd 92 4th 99 4th 94 Year 105 Year 94 1914 1st 97 1917 1st 99 2nd 97 2nd 124 3rd 93 3rd 124 4th 89 4th 1241 Year 94 Year 118 1915 1st 92 1918 1st 129 2nd 94 2nd 65 3rd 94 3rd 4th 94 4th Year 94 Yaar (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. ("'. I. B, 359-232) 'i . ' V,.' i -233- Market :- Source :- f.o.b. Mill Forest Service Prices of YELLOW PiTffi, TLOORING 3., SAP, RIFT 13/13* x 2*;" Unit: Quotation: Quoted Prices Item No. 5. M. Board Feet Quarterly Averages 1913-1918. ., 3<-,atR:- MUl No:- Georgia £.~f*(}*'\ ' Georgia - _ „ ~4§05~ Year Quarter I Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 30.0000 2nd 32.0000 2nd 29.0000 3rd 31.0000 3rd 29,0000 4th 31.5000 4th 32.0000 Year 3.1.5000 Year 30,0000 1913 1st 30.0000 1917 1st 35.0000 . .' 2nd - 29.0000 2nd 45.0000 3rd 29. 0000 (a) 3rd 46,0000 4th 29.0000 4th 46.0000 Year 29.2500 Year 43.0000 1914 1st"" 27.0000 1918 1st 46.0000 2nd 27.0000 2nd 49.0000 3rd 28.5000(a) 3rd 4th 30.0000 4th Year 28.1250 Year Relative Prices -Average Price , Mill #4805, July 1, 1913 to ffune 30, 1914 - $30,3750 - 100 -State :- Georgia Georgia Mill No:- 4805 4805 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 99. 2nd 105 2nd 95 3rd 102 3rd 95 4th 104 4th 105 Year 104 Year 99 1914 1st 99 1917 1st 115 2nd 95 2nd 148 3rd 95 3rd 151 4th 95 4 oh 151 Year 96 Year 142 1915 1st 89 1918 1st 151 2nd 39 2nd 161 3rd 94 3rd 4th 99 4th Year 93 Year (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. ('.V. I. B. 359-233) -234- Item No. 6. YELLOW PITHS v FLOORING B, SAPFLAT IS/16" * 3 -5" Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M Board Feet. Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: Georgia Georgia Kill No: 4805, 4805 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st 1*1 1916 1st 20.0000 2nd 22.0000 2nd 19.5000 3rd 21.0000 3rd 19.000 4th 21.0000 4th 22.0000 Year 21.3333 Year 20.1250 1914 1st 20.0000 1917 1st 24.0000 2nd 19.0000 2nd 34.0000 3rd 20.0000(a) 3rd 30.0000 4 til 18.0000 4th 31.0000 Year 19.2500 Year 29.7500 1915 1st 18.0000 1918 1st 31.0000 2nd 16.0000 2nd 34.0000 3rd 18.0000 3rd 4th 20.0000 4th Year 18.0000 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #4805, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $20.25 = 100 State: Georgia Georgia Mill No: 4805 4P05 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 99 2nd 109 2nd 96 3rd 104 3rd 94 4th 104 4th 109 Year 105 Year 99 1914 1st 99 1917 1st 119 2nd 94 2nd 168 3rd 99 3rd 148 4th 89 4th 153 Year 95 Year 147 1915 1st 89 . 1916 ijTt 153 2nd 79 2ni 168 3rd 89 3rd 4th 99 4th Year 89 Yaar (a) From prices of Mill #4810 with no differential (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted (WIB359-234) in preceding quart cv -.iV T i J -355- Prices of Item Ho. 8. YELLOW PUS. UOLS.IOK BOARDS WO. 2. S2S, l:l x 10" x 10' - 16» Market : f.O.TD. Mill Unit: M Board Feet * Source : Forest Service Quotations: Quarterly Averages 1913-1918. Quoted Prices State: Georgia Georgia Mill Ho: 4005 " 4805 Year Quarter 1 Year Quarter 1913 1st (D) 1916 ' 1st 16.0000 2nd 14.0000 2nd 14.0000 3rd 13.0000(a) 3rd 14.0000 4th 12.0000 4th 16.0000 Year 13,0000 Year 15.0000 1914 1st 13.0000 1917 1st 16.5000 2nd 13.0000 2nd 27.0000 3rd 11.3000(c) 3rd 24.0000 4th 12.0000 4th 25.0000 Year 12.3250 Year 23.1250 1915 1st 12,0000 1918 1st 26.0000 2nd 12.0000 2nd 30.0000 3rd 12.0000 3rd 4th 17.0000 4th Year 13.2500 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #4805, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $12.7.5 = 100 State: Georgis Georgia Mill NO: 4605 4805 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 125 2nd 110 2nd 110 3rd 102 3rd 110 4th 94 4th 125 Year 102 Year 118 1914 1st 102 1917 1st 129 2nd 102 2nd 212 3rd 89 3rd 188 4th 94 4th 196 Year 97 Ypar 331 1915 1st 94 1918 1st 204 2nd 94 2nd 235 3rd 94 3rd 4th 133 4£h Year 104 Year (a) From prices of Mill #4804 minus a differential of ^1 as in following quarter. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (c) From prices of Mill 1/4308 with no differential as in preceding (W1B359-235) -236- Iten Ho. 9 Prices of YELLOW PINE, KERCH, GRADE, SAIL, PLAHK ;iKD DIMENSION SIZES 2" x 6" to 8" x 8" Average 24' llarket: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913- 1918. Quoted Prices State: Florida Florida Mill No: 4709 4709 Year (juartor Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 14.0000 2nd 14.0000 2nd 13.0000 3rd 12,0000 3rd 11.0000 4th 12.0000 4th 16.0000 Year 12.6667 Year 13.5000 1914 1st 12.0000 1917 1st 18. 0000 (a) 2nd 12.0000 2nd 20.0000 3rd 12.0000 3rd 22.0000 4th 12.0000 4th 23.0000 Year 12.0000 Year 20.7500 1915 1st 11.0000 1918 1st 23.0000 2nd 12.0000 2nd 24.0000 3rd 11.5000 3rd 4th 15.0000 4th Year 12.3750 Year Bclativc Prices Average Price, Mill #4709, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $12.00 100 State: Florida • Florida Kill No: 4709 4709 Year Charter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 117 2nd 117 2nd 108 3rd 100 3rd 92 4th 100 4th 133 Year 106 Year 113 1914 1st 100 1917 1st 150 2nd 100 2nd 167 3rd 100 3rd 183 4th 100 4th 192 Year 100 Year 173 1915 1st 92 1918 1st 192 2nd 100 2nd 200 3rd 96 3rd 4th 125 4th Year 103 Year (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (WIB359-236) -237- Prices of Itor.i Ho. 10 YELLOW PINS, LERCH, GRADE, SAIL, PLAKK & DII1MSION hiarkct: f.otb. Mill Source: Forest Service 2" x 9" to 10" x 10" Av. 24 • Unit: M Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913- 1918. Quo ted Prices State: Florida Liill Ho: 4709 Year Quarter 1913 let (b) 2nd 17.0000 3rd 14.0000 4th 15,0000 Year 15.3333 1914 1st 14.0000 2nd 14.0000 3rd 13.0000 4th 14.0000 Year 13.7500 1915 1st 12.5000 2nd 13.0000 3rd 13.5000 4th 17,0000 Year 14.0000 Florida 4709 16.0000 15.0000 14.0000 20,0000 16.2500 21. 0000 (a) 22.0000 25.0000 25.0000 23.2500 26.0000 28.0000 Year Relative Prices Average Price, Mill #4709, July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = $14.25 = 100 State: Florida Florida ::.ill Ho: 4709 4709 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 112 2nd 119 2nd 105 3rd 98 3rd 98 4th 105 4th 140 T£ear_ 108 Year 114 1914 1st 98 1917 1st 147 2nd 98 2nd 154 3rd 91 3rd 175 4th 98 4th 175 Year^ 96 Year 163 1915 1st 80 1918 1st 132 2nd 91 2nd 196 3rd 95 3rd 4th 119 4th Year 98 Year (a) Interpolated. Cb) First quarter of 191o not quoted. (WIB359-237) ; -238- Item No. 11 Prices Of YELLOW PINE, MffiCH, GJIAEZ, SAIL, PLAHK & D HEWS I ON LUES 2" ;; 12" to 12" x 12" Av. 24' liarket: f.o.b* Mill Source: Forest Service Unit: M Board Poet Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913- 1918. Quoted Prices State: Florida Florida lull Ho: 4700 4709 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (*l 1916 1st 19.0000 2nd 20.0000 2nd 19.0000 3rd 17.0000 3rd 16.0000 4th 18.5000 4th 24.0000 Year 18.5000 Year 19,5000 1914 1st 17.0000 1917 1st 26. 0000 (a) 2nd 17.0000 2nd 28.0000 3rd 15.0000 3rd 29.0000 4th 16.0000 4th 28.0000 Year 16.2500 Year 27.7500 1915 1st 17.0000 1918 1st 32.0000 2nd 15.0000 2nd 32.0000 3rd 16.0000 3rd 4th 20.0000 4th Year 17.0000 Year s Relative Prices Average Price , Mill #4709; July 1, 1913 to July 30 1914 = $17.3750 S 100 State: Florida Florida Mill 4709 4709 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) 1916 1st 109 2nd 115 2nd 109 3rd 98 3rd 92 4th 106 4th 138 Year 106 Year 112 1914 1st 98 1917 1st 150 2na 98 2nd 161 3rd .86 3rd 167 4th 92 4th 161 Year 94 Year 160 1915 1st 98 1918 3 at 184 2nd 86 2nd 184 3rd 92 3rd 4th 115 4th Year 96 Year (a) Interpolated. (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (WXB359-238) -• ; .1 Item No. 38 V 239 '_! Price of POPT.AR, YET.TO"", FIRSTS AND SECONDS 4/4 Market: f.o.b. Mill Unit: M iioard Feat Source: Forest Service Quotation: Quarterly Averages 1913-1915 Quoted Prices State:- Kentucky Tennessee W.Vir.-rinia Kentucky Tennessee i W. Virginia, Mill N0:- Year Quarter 304 902 1005 ( 304 Year Quarter 902 1005 1913 1st (a ) (a) d J 1316 1st 53 . 0000 45 .0000(e)52 .OOOO(g) 2nd 55 .0000 54 .0000 58 .0000 2nd 52 . 0000 50 .0000 55 .0000 3rd 55 .00006)52 .0000 55 .0000 3rd 52 . 0000 49 .0000 55 .0000 4th 54 . 0000 52 .0000 55 .0000 4th 53.0000(c)50 .0000 55 .0000 Year 5% . 6667 52 .6667 56 .0000 Year 52.5000 49 .2500 54 .2500 1914 1st 53 .0000 41 .0000 55 .0000 1917 1st 54.0000 52 .0000 60 .GCOO 2nd 52 .0000 52 .0000 055 .0000 2nd 55 . 0000 55 .0000 65 .0000 3rd 52 .0000 51 . 5000 (d) 55 .0000 3rd •62-0000 55 .0000 65 .0000 4th 52 . 0000 50 .0000 50 .0000 4th 62.0000 57 ,0000(f)65 .0000 Year 52 .2500 48 .6250 53 .7500 Xeax 59 . 0000 54 .7500 63 .7500 1915 1st 52 .0000 49 .0000 54 ,0000 1918 1st 70.0000 75 .0000 75 .0000 2nd 52 .0000(c)48 .0000 55 .OCOO 2r.d 72.0000 75 .0000 85 .0000 3rd 52 .0000 48 .0000 55 .0000 3rd 4th 52 .OOCO(c)48 .0000 ( e)50 .0000 4 -oh Ifia* 52 .0000 48 .2500 53 .5000 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill 304 July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914-$53 ,5000-100 n 11 it 9Q2 ii « I' " " it ii -$49.2500-100 11 " " 1005 " " " " " " " =$55.0000=100 State:- Kentucky Tennessee W. Virgin? s Kenincky Tennessee W, Virginia Mill N0:- 304 902 I00£ 30i 902 1Q05 Year Quarter Year Q uarter 1913 1st (a) (a) (a) 1916 1st 99 97 95 2nd 103 130 105 2nd 97 102 100 3rd 103 106 100 3rd 97 99 100 4th 101 106 100 4th 99 102 100 Year 102 107 102 Yea.- 98 100 99 1914 1st 99 83 100 1917 1st 101 10S 109 2nd 97 106 100 2nd 108 112 118 3rd 97 105 100 3rd 116 112 115 4th 97 102 91 4th 11C 116 113 Year 98 99 98 Year 110 111 116 1915 1st 97 99 96 1918 1st 131 152 136 2nd 97 97 100 2nd 135 152 155 3rd 97 97 100 3rd 4th 97 97 91 4th Year 97 98 97 Year (a) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (b) Mill 303 minus $3. differencial as in preceding qxxartar. (c) « " » $2 « • • « " (d) Mill 903 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (e) " 906 " " " " " (f) " 106 Aid. minus $2 " • • (cr) Mill 1 OH! mimic. &P ne In -nror-oHin • rmal* t.p.r -240- Prices of Item No, 39 POPLAR, YELLOW, SAPS OR SELECTS 4/4 Market:- f .o.b. Mill Unit:- M Board Feet Source:- Forest Service Quotation:- Quarterly Averages 1913 - 1918 Quoted Prices State :- Tenn. Ky. Tenn. Xy_, Mill No:- 902 503 902 303 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 35.000G(a) 42.0000 2nd 40.0000 43.0000 2nd 38.0000 44 , 0000 3rd 38.0000 43,0000 3rd 38.0000 44.0000 4th 37,0'JOO 43,0000 4th 39.0000 42.0000 Year 38,3333 43 . OCOO Isar 37.5000 43.0000 1914 1st 37.0000 43.0000 1917 1st 41.0000 44 . 0000 2nd 37.0000 43.0000 2nd 42.0000 44.0000 cri 33.0000 43.0000 3rd 46.0000 50.0000 4th 38.0030 43.0000 4 'oh 45.0000(b) 50.0000 Year 37,5000 43,0000 Year 43.5000 47,0000 1915 1st 35. OCOO 41.0000 1918 1st 58.0000 54,OCOO(d 2nd 38,0000 42.0000 2nd 58.0000 60.0000 3rd 37 . 0000 43 , OOGO 3rd 4th 35.0COO(a) 43 . 0000 4-th Year 36.5000 42.2500 Year t.-.vs FriC3S Average price n n Mill #902 July 1, 1313 " #303 » " " to June 30, 1914 - $37.2500 - " " " " $43.0000 - 100 100 State :- Mill No.:- ¥ear Quarter Tenn . Ky. 303 Tsmi . 303 903 903 Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) 1916 1st 94 98 2nd 107 100 2nd 102 102 3rd 102 100 3rd 102 102 4th 99 100 4th 105 98 Year 103 100 Year 101 100 1914 1st 99 100 1917 1st 110 102 2nd 99 100 2nd 113 102 3rd 102 100 3rd 123 116 4th 102 100 4th 121 116 Year 101 100 Year 117 109 1915 1st 97 95 1318 1st 156 126 2nd 102 98 2nd 156 140 3rd 99 100 3rd . 4th 94 100 4th Year 98 98 Year (a) Mill #C04 minus $5.00 differential as in preceding quarter, (b) Mill #903 minus $2.00 differential as in preceding quarter. (c) First quarter of 1913 not quoted. (d) Mill #304 with no differential as in preceding quarter. (W.T.-R. 359-240) •<• ';. Market: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forest Service Item No. 40. Prices of POPIAR, YELLOW, NO. 1 COMMON 4/4 Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1913- 1918. Quoted Prices State: N. C. Ky. Term. N.C. fib. Tenn. Hill No: 403 503 904 403 505 904 if car Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 " 1st 28,0000 35.0000 30.0000 2nd 27. 0000 (a) 34. 0000 30.0000 2nd 27.0000 32.0000 28,0000 3rd 25. 0000 (a) 34. 0000 30.0000 3rd 25.0000 32.0000 28,0000 4th 26. 0000( a) 33.0000 28.0000 4th 28.0000 32.0000 30. 0000 (c) Year 26.0000 33.6667 29.3333 Year 27.0000 32.2500 29.0000 1914 1st 26. 5000 (a) 53. 0000 30.0000 1917 1st 30.0000 35.0000 32.0000 (c) 2nd •26.0000 33.0000 30.0000 2nd 35.0000 36.0000 34. 0000 (c) 5rd 26.0000 36.0000 28.0000 3rd 35.0000 40.0000 38. 0000 (c) 4th 25.0000 33.0000 20.0000 4th 35.0000 40.0000 39.0000}$) Year 25.8750 33.7500 29.0000 Year 33.7500 37.7500 35.7500 1915 1st 25.0000 31.0000 28.0000 1910 1st 40.0000 40.0000(e)50.0000(c) 2nd 25.0000 32.0000 28.0000 2nd 45.0000 50.0000 54. 0000 (c) 3rd 24.5000 31.0000 27.0000 3rd 4th 26.5000 32.0000 28.0000 4th - ' Year 25.2500 31.5000 £7.7500 Year Relative Prices Average price Mill #403 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 n n ii ••''•303 " " " " " " " n ii ii ^904. n n ti n n n n $25.075 => 100 $33.25 = 100 $29.50 = 100 State: JjO.. Ky. Tenn. N.C. Ky. Tenn. Mill No: 405 505 904 405 305 904 Year Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (b) (b) (b) 1916 1st 108 99 102 2nd 104 102 102 2nd 104 96 95 3rd 97 102 102 3rd 97 96 95 4 til 100 99 95 4th 108 96 102 Year 100 101 99 Year 104 97 98 1914 1st 102 99 .102 1917 1st 116 105 108 2nd 100 99 102 2nd 135 108 115 3rd 100 108 95 3rd 135 120 129 4th 97 99 95 4th 135 120 132 Year 100 102 98 Year 130 114 121 1915 1st 97 93 95 1918 1st 155 120 169 2nd 97 96 95 2nd 174 150 183 3rd 95 93 92 3rd 4th 102 96 95 4th Year 98 95 94 Year (a) Mill #402 minus ^2.00 as in 2nd quarter of 1914 (b) First quarter of 1913 not quoted (c) Sub," of prices from Tenn. Yellow poplar mill #902: price sane on date of splice from mills #904 & 902. (d) Mill #903 plus $3.00 as in preceding quarter. (e) Hill #301 with no differential as in preceding quarter. \ :t.rkct: f.o.b. Mill Source: Forust Service State: d'onn. Mill i\io: 902 Yea? Quarter (c) 17.5000,- 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 16.0000 16.5000 17.0000 16.7500 16.5000 16.0000 16.0000 le.OOOO(a) 16.6250 J -242- Item No. 41. Prices of POPLaR, YELLOW NO. 2 COLJMON 4/4 Unit: M. Board Feet Quotation: Quarterly averages 1915- 1918. Quo tod Prices W. Va. Kv.. 1005 503 (c) 25.0000 24.0000 24.0000 24.2333 24.0000(d) 24.0000 23.0000 22.0000 23.2500 22.0000 24.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.5000 (c) 23.0000 23.0000 22.0000 22.6667 23.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.2500 22.0000 22.0000 21.0000 21.0000 21.5000 Term. 902 Year Quarter 1916 1st 20.0000(a) 2nd 3rd 4th Year 1917 1st 2nd 3rd 1918 17.0000 17.0000 17.0000 17.7500 18.0000 24.0000 25.0000 26.0000(b) 23.2500 32.0000 36.0000 W. Va. 1005 22.0000(e; 24.0000 24.0000 24.0000 23.5000 27.0000 31,0000 35.0000 32.0000 31.2500 35,0000 40.0000 Kv. 305 22,0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 24.0000 27.0000 28. 0000 (f) 28.0000(f) 26.7500 34.0000(f ) 32.0000(f ) Relative Prices average price Hill #902 July 1, 1913 to June 30, 1914 = it ii ii #1005 t: " " " " " " = ii n ii —303 " " " " " " " = $17.125 = |24.00 a $22.50 -= 100 100 100 State: Tenn. W. Va. Kv. Tenn. V/.Va. Ky. Mill No: 902 1005 303 902 1005 50 Ii Veal- Quarter Year Quarter 1913 1st (c) (c) (0 1916 1st 117 92 98 2nd 102 104 102 2nd 99 100 98 3rd 102 100 102 3rd 99 100 98 4th 102 100 98 4th 99 100 98 Year 102 101 101 Year 104 98 98 1914 1st 102 100 102 1917 1st 105 112 107 2nd 93 100 98 2nd 140 129 120 3rd 96 96 98 • 3rd 146 146 124 4th 99 92 98 4th 152 133 124 Year 98 97 99 Year 136 130 119 1915 1st 96 92 98 1918 1st 187 146 151 2nd 93 100 98 2nd 210 167 112 3rd 93 92 93 3rd 4th 105 92 93 4th Year 97 94 96 Year (a) Prices irom inill #904 with no differential as in preceding quarter (IQ\ » '! ii ;'903 " " " " " " " (c) Fiist quarter 1913 not quoted (d) Prices from Mill #1004 minus ^1.00 as in preceding quarter. (e) " " » #1001 " $1.00 " " ' " " (f ) Prices from mill #304 sub. nriccs of both mills bcins the crime on date of -•;'•' - C-OJ Vil '. • I •• • / UNIVEBPTTY OF PATJPrr \BV, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY