Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. SN he ay “AND INSECTICIDES, L. THE PEAR THRIPS. oe ‘By DUDLEY MOULTON, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. Il. THE SPRING CANKER-WORM. By A. L. QUAINTANCE, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. Il. THE TRUMPET LEAF-MINER OF THE APPLE. _ By A. L. QUAINTANCE, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. IVY. THE LESSER PEACH BORER. By A. A. GIRAULT, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. V. THE LESSER APPLE WORM. > ‘By A? L. QUAINTANCE, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Invescigations. YL. GRAPE ROOT-WORM INVESTIGATIONS IN 1907. Be FRED JOHNSON , Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. we eealpcs are, ea FOR THE CODLING tie 4 ae —— 24 VII. THE GRAPE. LEAR SKELETONIZER, _ ~By P.R. JONES, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. 1X. THE PEACH-TREE BARKBEETLE. o By: H. F. WILSON, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Envestigations, ina =< MINS WASHINGTON: 2 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIOR. 1909. «oe U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY— BULLETIN No. 68. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. PAPERS ON DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. I. THE PEAR THRIPS. By DUDLEY MOULTON, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. I. THE SPRING CANKER-WORM. By A. L. QUAINTANCE, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. Hl. THE TRUMPET LEAF-MINER OF THE APPLE. By A. L. QUAINTANCE, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. IV. THE LESSER PEACH BORER. By A. A. GIRAULT, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. V. THE LESSER APPLE WORM. By A. L. QUAINTANCE, In Charge of Deciduous Fruit Insect Invesiigations. VI. GRAPE ROOT-WORM INVESTIGATIONS IN 1907. By FRED JOHNSON, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. VIL. DEMONSTRATION SPRAYING FOR THE CODLING MOTH. By A. L. QUAINTANCE, S. W. FOSTER, FRED JOHNSON, and A. A. GIRAULT. Vl. THE GRAPE-LEAF SKELETONIZER. By P.R. JONES, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. IX. THE PEACH-TREE BARKBEETLE. By H. F. WILSON, Engaged in Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. & wv pm SH = evs ae Sete as SN We: = sas BA ies ae eV qe SS SS SS + ——— 1 NAS BEB Sn Se A BE CSA ere << =e, os, ~ Tian

asses de. ogee pe en 59-60 MMMM OINATACLORS. pect oc 3. =< 2)oeins 2 sis. + a 5 ne Oe 54-55 Ree eee seh OS onl die ne we 55-56 Ate eee tA te Ss on oS te 2 52 ELI GUISES, EE Sa ee a nr eS 60 NT oh SE Orn 2 a ea a Be 56 RemmOnme MOP Vraciss os ies << = 2,5" SW - SS 57-59 pian (ocodlune moth. os... .. <2 .5+= kee ape ae ae ee 12 Fertilizer, commercial, against peach-tree barkbeetle.....................-- 101-105 constituents, used in experiments against peach-tree barkbeetle...-- 104 Fidia viticida. (See Grape pias Fig, food plant of Euthrips pyri-. Pind anhed ic cain Seth RES ee SRS Oh SNe oe ae Fish-oil soap. (See Soap, fish-oil. an Foster, 8S. W., Johnson, Fred, Girault, A. A., and Quaintance, A. i , paper, a Demouehetian Spraying for the Codling Moth” nh ti Be yet Sh a 69-76 Wunier, enemiesiot Huiirips pyriv. kanes see ote ee eee eee 15-16 Fungus, black-knot. (See Black knot.) Grape; food plant of Huthrips pyr: 2, 25.52 wage ee eee eee 5-11 LLGHTISING GMNETICONG xe oo sae Seta ee eee 77-79 Grape-leaf skeletonizer. (See Harrisina americana.) Gall, elm, Enarmonia prunivora reared therefrom---2.: 4222-4. -- see 50 Hawthorn, Semasia janthinana reared therefrom.............-.---..-.--- 59 oak, Enarmonia prunivora reared therefrom....-.-..-...--..--------- 50, 53, 59 Girault, A. A., paper, “‘The Lesser Peach Borer (Synanthedon pictipes G. & R.)”. 31-48 Quaintance, A. L., Foster, S. W., and Johnson, Fred, paper, ‘‘Demonstration Spraying for the Codling Moth’’..........-- 69-76 Glyptapanieles sp., parasite of Harrisina‘americana.: 4023-2 eee ee ee 87 Grape root-worm and vineyard conditions in Lake Erie Valley................. 62-63 control recommendations based on observations and results of sedson’s work, 1907 22.2 ec 3 a ree ee 67-68 history... s%5 02.00) She. oS aoa Nelo agi Soe re aaa 61 injury to newly bearing vineyardss..2222 2-2 esos ae 64-65 investigations im 190722222 coos eh eee eee 61-68 methods of recording results from spraying experiments. ..... 66-67 renovation experiment on an old, run-down vineyard. ...... 65-66 spraying experiment in a newly infested vineyard. -......-.-.- 66 work undertaken at North Bast, Pa, 2) 220222. ee 63 varieties attacked by, Aarrismia amerncand.s4.32-.222 2s fe 79 wild, food ‘plant of Zormsina amencuna=-223-ce- == 5 Soe ee eas eee 79 Grapholitha prunivora=Enarmonia prunivora.....--.----------+-+-+----+0+2-0- 52 Gresarious habits of Harnsing anicneonasesaaye = ee ss ee 77, 80, 86, 87 Hand-picking against grape-leaf skeletonizer...........-------------+-+----- 87-88 LOTT USUI GINVETI COTO 5a. cs Sea eis Sees 2 page ato oe se a 77-90 adults o 2 i vs5 2st ee Soe AG Bees eae ees eee ey 84 bibliopraphy = 2.20.22: -2.928 yeas See eee 88-90 COCOOD.. 225-550 5262 eb <5) ee Ae Be eee 83 comparison with H) terana_ 2.2) 222 re ee 87 description: Of stages... - 22.0: 3 52 pe Se ee a eee 80-84 destructiveness.....--.- fe le he tea he a ee 79 distri bution. 53.5200) Aoi 6 see ee ae eee eee 79 OOP ost cic a see ew Sid see Sega Mena ee ee ea 80-81 eENeMIeSs. - fs. se seh aede dey ees Oe ee ee 87 food planta... a450 "5 Se ea 79 generations. .....2hses- sts a seee See ee eee ee 85 Page. PINON, DORM IB Crus ES) at be wee ake on aewvekes os 86-87 REE i Os ro Vipin yd eel oe Oe 77-79 SRM ra Ge hee oa Sarge eee bec oe eee 87 PONTE ONEROUS ooo. os oo CURES i See woe ae oe 79-80 RT a ite iS Sa nang ed a Reena as sb tak alee 81-83 UWE aie = 5. 22 wel ee nee Rates sk oa eae 85-86 NE a tn AS Saas aw eC Lae ey eaten ec ae 79 SMR 2 ue te Sa fo oo agen eee Ae ease ee 83-84 related to Procris ampelophaga and P. vitis.........-.-.-- 79 Teme OR 2 oe ale ead) ae 2 Pa ee ee ee ee eee 87- Genes SERIE 2... uc.) 2. Doe aes SE eae eee 85-86 pasrans bibloprapiie reference. -.. -.- -.. - 22. .--c4-5--244---26s0 90 Bmgeerdt, pibhosrapiic Telerence - 2.2 ......-3-3502--1----2---- ee 89 neg aM MOPrapinic Telerence: . ..- =... -. 235-2. -424 Judean eo eee 90 grecrenern trom H_ americana cs: 20259555 45.5 eee eee 87 Haw (see also Cratzegus). "food plant of Enarmonia prunivora..........-.2..22-22222-2+-222--2- 50, 51, 53 Hawthorn galls, Semasia janthinana reared therefrom.....-..-....------------ 59 Horismenus popenoei, parasite of Tischeria malifoliella..............----------- 29 Hydrocyanic-acid gas against peach-tree barkbeetle..............---------- 103, 105 Hylesinus opaculus, mistaken for Phleotribus liminaris.........--.---------- 92, 107 Johnson, Fred, Girault, A. A., Quaintance, A. L., and Foster, S. W., paper, ‘‘Demonstration Spraying for the Codling Moth” ............ 69-76 paper, ‘‘Grape Root-Worm Investigations in 1907”-..........-- 61-68 Jones, P. R., paper, ‘‘The Grape-Leaf Skeletonizer ( Harrisina americana Guérin- TE SaaS eS Se ee era anne See Re ye 77-90 Juneberry. (See Amelanchier canadensis.) Kerosene emulsion against peach-tree barkbeetle..............------------- 103-105 trumpet leaf-miner of the apple......-.-...---.-.-.--- 30 lime emulsion against trumpet leaf-miner of the apple-..-........--. 30 with Bordeaux mixture against trumpet leaf-miner of the apple. °. <2... ceeeeeee 30 and Paris green against trum- pet leaf-miner of the apple. 30 Da ennnet wecn-itee barkweetie.__........----2-------.--4-<--.--s005 102-105 Leaf-miner, trumpet, of the apple. (See Tischeria malifoliella.) Lilac, wild California. (See Ceanothus thyrsiflorus.) Pamee smn wean -ireo barkhectie..<-._- 2... .-......+-2-+.---++-.-2--eee 101-105 kerosene emulsion. (See Kerosene-lime emulsion.) stone, against peach-tree barkbeetle...........................----.-- 102-105 sulphur wash against lesser peach borer. .........-.-.--:---------------- 46 peach-tree barkbeetle. ....:~..2...9--.-1<4s-<.- 103-105 Limneria sp., parasite of Harrisina americana. ..........---------------------- 87 Madrofia. (See Arbutus menziesii.) Manure against peach-tree barkbeetle..................-------------------- 101-105 Mesostenus, parasite of Synanthedon pictipes.......-...-------------+-+-+-------- 45 Microbracon, parasite of Synanthedon pictipes.............-.-------+--+-+---+---- 45 Mirax grapholithz, parasite of Enarmonia prunivora..............-----..------ 60 eR CSG UUIECUD UNG oe wend k wa ewe ale eS wie id diana ie cee ns 2 ES i 7 a ee a ee ee Ea 101 Moulton, Dudley, paper, ‘‘The Pear Thrips (Zuthrips pyri Daniel)”’.......... 1-16 Oak, red. (See Quercus rubra.) 114 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Page Orchard management against lesser peach borer................--.------------ 46 Paleacrita verndany 228 2. Te ee ee 17-22 AS! A. POSb a eset ce. ES ye Be Sa te ae an ete nae aeaneey eeet 17-18 control, demonstialion: work ese" eae a een eee ee 20-21 recommendations... eee See ee eee 21-22 Nalbitse 2255. 2252 fe 59 Me Vs Se a ee ae 18-20 hiedhistorys 2... acces = foe sae en ee Wee ee eee 18-20 — Paris green against srape-leat skeletonaer-2e>-- 22. es aser see eee nee 88 spring. cankert=worm.< 73.22.4265 ae Jase ee eee 20-24 with kerosene-lime emulsion against trumpet leaf-miner of the apples: Ohe Sk Baie eee Bae iet ie 30 and Bordeaux mixture against trum- pet leaf-miner of the apple. .-.-.. 30 Peach, blooming periods... 20 ot 1a ee ey i ee 3 borer, lesser. (See Synanthedon pictipes.) name used for Synanthedonpictupes= 52425... ee ee 32 (see also Sanninoidea exitiosa). budding and blossoming, with relation to feeding habits of pear thrips. 4 food plant ob fnarmonia pruniwords 2.5 A ee ee 53 Huthrips pyre: 2 aeeee eer 5 Phieotribusiliminarish.) 29.2 ee ee 91-108 tree barkbeetle. (See Phleotribus liminaris.) ‘Pear, blooming period sie... ss...) se) See ee a 3 budding and blossoming, with relation to feeding habits of pear thrips... 4-5 food: plant.of Huthrips pyri. 2.2222 ae 2 ee ee 5-11 injury to foliage and fruit by larvee of pear thrips...............22..--.-- 6 thrips. (See Euthrips pyri.) Perilampus platygaster, parasite of Harrisina americana...........-...--------- 87 Phigotribus luminaris.2 5s. Sh ee ee ee 91-108 adult; desériptiom 2) 22. eee 6 ee a eee 98 habits) 2.02222 225 a Re ee 96-98 bibliooraphiysiie tee ees ee eee 106-108 eontroltmethods: -3-222554.400 oe fee eee eee 105 distribution 2. 52) 22 ee ee oe eee 93 COP ee els old BRE e ees ee ee 99 hibernation: /. 22592 4". Seta ea ee 95-96 history 2io soccer 5 Se ae eee 92-93 injury; character aud extents.) 5.5345 20. eee 94-95 larval sb oc eee Fe Ee es 2 Ce een 99-100 lite hhastor yy: <2 $224 ts 3 ee eee 95-101 occurrence in Ohio's: {cere as eee on eee 93-94 parasites 212 4.3 7 a ee ‘101 PUPA. 3 26 6345 ae es Se 100-101 remedies, €xperments-255.. ae one eee 101-105 similarity of work to that of Scolytus rugulosus......---- 93 supposed cause of ‘‘peach yellows” ......-.-..---.------ 92 Phygadeuon ? sp., parasite of Tuscherva malijolhellas 322s ee een ee 29 Pimpla annulipes, parasite of Synanthedon pictipes®= 233.2 2 se see oe ee 45 Plowing in control of spring canker-wormn: - 22232228 9s eee a eee 20-21 trumpet leaf-miner of the apple...........--.---.---- we 30 Plowrightia morbosa. (See Black knot.) Plum, beach. (See Prunus maritima.) curculio. (See Conotrachelus nenuphar.) INDEX. 115 Page. Plum; £000. Plant Of LAOrMORU PTUNWOT. vacic cree wen cine dans esr ewes 49-53, 59, 60 et et oo Weed Sat ine Re - Soe ds ea 5, 11 OR IIETIOUTS 52 on ae occ e he Seg a aslo + a's orn idae Se 93 MINEO) IGN PUOS..5 2's oda ric nied a es oe oe 33 moth, early name for Enarmonia prunivora......------------------- 49, 50, 52 tree borer, name for Synanthedon pictipes.......--------- eee PO 32 wild, food: plant of nas Monts PrUMwvora. a2 aie obs 2 aoa ole Fe wae 52, 53 SUMONINEGON WUT POR ae 8 ats as PR a ic een Ge 33 Poison oak. (See Rhus diversiloba.) Prittier eek agama apring canker-wormt: . 20's. Jie 24 .ts eee een ay de 22 iProcris amenecond, bibliographic references. ..... - 44. s2n2.-845saee 2s aon 88, 89 =P ISINE CIN ONG. 2. 23.2. ete es ee ee 77,78 ampelophaga, related to Harrisina americana......------------------+-- 79 aqapen. piblieotapnic Trelerences.. 2 2... 62. so Ue whe ee eee 88 Tis Tel Abed tO HOTT SIN AMETICONUE.... 24 2 hs.c Saw ce gee se ee oes r) Remereret a A OTM 8 as i on Se ee ee 3 budding and blossoming, with relation to feeding habits of pear thrips. 4-5 food. plat iol Fino, Mond. Prunavora c=. 2555506 ane se ae ee 51, 53 EAERTUDS DU o-oo ee Pe See See. as ee ee 5, 11 injury to fruit and foliage from larve of pear thrips........-......----- 6 Enemies aeaanat peach-tree barkbeetle: .. 222.26 2.4. n 2 ene Ma Se see eee 103-105 Prunus maritima, food plant of Synanthedon pictipes........----------------- 33 pennsylvanicus, food plant of Synanthedon pictipes........--.--------- 33 serotinus, food. plant of Synanthedon pictipes. ....-=-------+-+--------- 33 Pyrus coronaria, food plant. of Tischeria malifohella.. -.....--2-.---2222ct-- 26 TOSELICGIC «Gt ee. Us ee eee 26 mali too plant of: Tischeria malifoliella.... 2212-2202 2254 5 Se see eee 26 Quaintance, A. L., Foster, S. W., Johnson, Fred, and Girault, A. A., paper, ‘‘Demonstration Spraying for the Codling Moth”’ .....-- 69-76 paper, ‘‘The Lesser Apple Worm (Enarmonia prunivora DA eEan toes fe. re Se. ig 49-60 “The Spring Cankerworm (Paleacrita vernaiu Peck)”’. 17-22 “The Trumpet Leaf-Miner of the Apple ( Tischeria marvonecia Clemens)”. -..0.22.-.:-.'. -. -tceme eee 23-30 Quercus frondosa, Enarmonia prunivora reared therefrom .........------------ 50, 53 rubra, Enarmonia prunivora reared from galls........-....-----.------ 50 singularis, Enarmonia prunivora reared therefrom........-...-.------- 50,59 To mianieE EueInISH OFF utirr pe $yFi.o.- 2... -..--.------ se ee - la ccendann = 14 Raspberry. (See Rubus occidentalis.) : Pee ene ire PATKMECUIC a0. oyo2...- ~~... +22 54-8eee sot san ess 102 Ans @iversviova, 100d plant of Puthrups pyri...---....------. 22 ----seeesees- 6 mauncemonnuagp:, enemy of Thrips tabaci......-..... ~~ --~---....--+.+e0eees- 14-15 Rootworm, grape. (See Grape rootworm.) ean eoronnd, 1000 plant of Tischeria roseticola.....-.. -.-.-2.-.--+.--..5000- 26 Rubus canadensis, food plant of Tischeria malifoliella ..........--.---+---++-- 26 occidentalis, food plant of Tischeria malifoliella...............--------- 26 mingeus, 200m PIawG OF Tischeria xnea... .. -- ~~. - -. -.-sno nd ewes ence ant 26 malfoliela : 04 .ucdeuwe scckaee eae 26 an eee encenres PATEK DECLIO ... 5... .. .. 0. ~ 652 eee ee eens ven ecenes 102-105 Sanninoidea exitiosa, confusion with Synanthedon pictipes.............-------- 31 a EL OR ooo S. n as n g v wne w ow ewe ewe eec sete acetws 101 similarity of work to that of Phleotribus liminaris...... ~~~. 93 Semasia janthinana, Enarmonia prunivora closely allied... ...........-------- 59 116 DECIDUOUS FRUIT INSECTS AND INSECTICIDES. Page Semasia prunvwora= ENar mons Pruinvword =e eee ee 50 Sesia pretvpes, bibliographic references 24 oe es es ee ee 47,48 == Synanthedon pictipes: oe eae ee ee eee BY Sigalphus curculionis, not parasite of Enarmonia prunivora, but of Conotrachelus DENWPNGR 2. fa cos 7 22 SS Ree BS se ee ee Eee Oe ae SE .- 50, 60 Snake-flies. (See Raphidians.) Soap-against peach-tree barkbeetle.. 222832 52.2-2- 2 ee oe eee ee 102-105 fish. ‘oil, against: peach-tree barkbeetle. 214 Sus aes. 2b a ee ee 101-105 Spiders, enemies of Buthreps pyrtcs. 5. S555 . Bo oe ee ee 14 Spraying against grape-leaf skeletonizer .-..--..5...-2-2-.2222---22- 22+ +222 8g lesser apple: Worth. 5 soe ue eae ne eee ee eee Be alee 60 spring. Canlker-wormis i.) ~ 5 ose oe ee ee 20-22 trumpet. leai-minerof the apple: *2-s2522 2.444 eee 30 demonstration, for the codlmmg moth ashe. 2255 ee ee ee 69-76 Sprays unsatisiactory against: pear thrips: 22222-2022 = setae sess ice eee 12 Sulphur aeamst peach-tree: barkbeetles.2:2h 122-2 3 ee ees eee 102-105 Symptesis lithocolletidis, parasite of Tischeria malifoliella.....-...-....--------- 29 nigrofemora, parasite of Tischersa malijoliella®:_ 22-2220. 2 ee 29 Synanthedon prelipes. asec. ~ 2255s 2s ee A aa eee 31-48 adults 2282. 32S. ok SE ee ee 40-42 bibliography 2..-.sie: ota sese Sat er 46-48 description, original: s. 22.3625: hg ee eee 32 injury, character‘and extent:<- 2°22 = ee 33-34 GOCOOW 2s ies SS 2 is ee ee apa 39 distribution: <2 Soc 220k ee ee eee 34 CPP snore ellen see eee ee ee eee 30-36 enemies: 05 )20 soos ae SR ea ee ee 44-45 food: plants: 252 32.) ae 228 ee 33-34 peneraiionss.. 22 5 ees. SPs a 2 eee 42-44 habits.s2.o2: 95>. foes ie Sie a 35-42 hibernation... 5:..0-2.55..0 3) tse ees ee 35 history 2s. s2 SSS oe ee ee ee ee 31-32 Verve lsh set Oe ee OL oo eee 36-39 life ey clés s.22 2s ee eee 44 history 22s. c 255502 BSE ee a ee 35-42 literature: . 20236. Sed eases So ee eee name) AChentHe).-c 655 Coes ee ee ee 32 HAMES, COMMON» .25o.9 26" So Se ee ete 32-33 prevyentivess 2.222.525 Sas ee as Se ee meee 45-46 PUPA. s 220 So cok ee ee ee eee ee 39-40 yemiedses: jo. 25. set doe Go eee ee ee 46 seasonal history ..02222..-228.2 025 2 ee ee ee Tanglefoot, tree, against peach-tree barkbeetle -.....................-----+:- 103-105 Tar against spring canker-worm.2/..2225.0 S326 232). 95 =e ee eer ee 22 Thrips, pear. (See Euthrips pyri.) Thrips tabaci, host of Rhyncholophiis spss 2-4 a2 o> see ee eee 14-15 Tobacco-stem decoction against peach-tree barkbeetle-.-.. ato OM SEAS Cia ee 102-105 Tomcus iminaris—Phleotribus timinariss 2 ee a ee 92 Trap bands against peach-tree barkbeetle: .2..245-. 2425445) eee See 104-105 Trumpet leaf-miner of the apple. (See Tischeria malifoliella.) Tischerva zenea.on Rubus villosiis...-c. So 2525. ae eee 26 malfoliella acs sc o23 Shee S Pas fee Sk ee ee ee 23-30 Page. fo ED OE A ES aS a a a 24-26 Li i chia) Saas oe Fe bhp =o nase se odes 29 Cae EG oy aed a i ea ain ws nae 2's ae 24-25 1006 fe, 8 SSR ee ae ee en oo oan 26-27 DRE et Me Fo sere ov aE ES Stra w= o> = ye 29 RO ie geet nis at. - . See win ie 2 So ee Seenutan MILOEY....--_....... Sppeuiites ins. cannes 27-29 Mer. ooo. - eee ee eee 30 Sree ce (Ot. HOsG. ONFOUNG... 2... eo ee ee ee ee ee 26 Ulmicola gall, Enarmonia prunivora reared therefrom...........-------------- 50, 59 Urogaster tischerix, parasite of Tischeria malifoliella.........-.-.-..------------ 29 Vineyard conditions in Lake Erie Valley, in relation to grape root-worm ..-...- 62-63 Virginia creeper. (See Ampelopsis quinquefolia.) Vitis arizonica, food plant of Harrisina americana..........--.-.-------------+-- 79 Walnut, English, food plant of Huthrips pyri...............--.--------------- SE | Whitewash against peach-tree barkbeetle ....................-..------------ 104-105 ‘‘Wild-cherry borer,’’ name used for Synanthedon pictipes................----- 32 _ Wilson, H. F., paper, ‘‘The Peach-tree Barkbeetle (Synanthedon pictipes G. I sels 2 SSeS yt, 9.0 Alas aR ape is a 91-108 Woodpecker, enemy of Synanthedon pictipes..........----------------------- 45 ‘‘Worming,’’ remedy against lesser peach borer..........-....--.--.--------- 46 Yellows, peach, erroneously supposed to be caused by Phleotribus liminaris. . . 92 Zagrammosoma multilineata, parasite of Tischeria malifoliella...............--- 29 O