^ FOR THE PEOPLE FOK EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY N. Papers and Proceedings OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA FOR THE YEAR 1911 TASMANIA : Printed at "The Mercury" Office, Macquarie Street, Hobart. The responsibility of the Statements and Opinions given in the following Papers and Discussions rests with the individual authors or speakers ; the Society merely places them on record. Royal Society of Tasmania LIST OF OFFICERS ^airou : HIS MAJESTY THE KING. Picslticnt : HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HARRY BARRON, K.C.M.G., C.V.O. R. M. JOHNSTON, F.L.S., I.S.O. HON. a. H. BUTLER, M.R.C.S., M.E.C. (JToundl : HON. G. H. BUTLER, M R.C.S., M.E.C. A. L. BUTLER. A. H. CLARKE, M.R.C.S. S. CLEMES. Prof. T. T. FLYNN, B.i>c. J. A. JOHNSON, M.A. A. M. LEA, F.E.S. FRITZ NOETLING, M.A, Ph.D. E. L. PIESSE, B.Sc, LL.B. L. ROD\VAY. T. STEELE. A. D, WATCHORN. Cl)duman of tl)c (!Ioundl: HON. G. H. BUTLER, M.R.C.S., M.E.C. ^onoraru STrtasiuier : E. L. PIESSE, B.Sc, LL.B. Honorary ^ccictari) : FRITZ NOETLING, M.A., Ph.D. .^ccrctaiD to tijc (Touncil : ROBERT HALL, C.M.Z.S., Col. Memb. B.O.U. Iluilitoi-: H. W. W. ECHLIN. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAPERS. Page. 1. Notes on the Mjvrks of Percussion on Siliceous Rocks (PI. I. & II.), by Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph.D. . . 1 2. The HvniLMiofrastracete of Tasmania (PI. III.), Ijy Leonard Rodv\ay 21 '.i. Note on Trachinops taeniatus, by Robert Hall, C.M.Z.S. 32 4. Tlie F'eathev-Tracts of Splienura bioadbenti : McCoy (PI. IV.). by Robert Hall, C.M.Z.S 33 5. The Manufacture of the Tero-watta. (PI. V., VI., VII., VIII.), by Fritz Noeilinp, M.A. Ph.D :W f). Notes on Treubia insignis, (joebel, by Leonard Rod way ()2 7. Notes on the Hunting Sticks (Lughrana), Spears (Perenna), and Baskets (Tughbrana) of the Tas- nianian Aborigines, (PI. IX., X., XL, XIL, XIIL, XIV., XV.), by Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph.D. ... 64 8. On the Connection of Swifts with Weather, by H. Stuart Dove, F.Z.S 99 9. Further Notes on the nal)its of the Tnsmanian Abori- gines (PI. XVI., XVII., XVIIL, XIX., XX.). by Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph.D., 102 l(t. Notes on the Marsupialian Anatomy — 1. On the condi- tion of Median Septum in the Trichosurida', (PI. XXL), by T. Thomson Flynn, B.Sc 120 11. Til*' Occurrence of Gigantic Marsupials in Tasmania, by Fritz Noetling, M..\.. PhD 124 IJ. Notes on Dnterrau's Iteconciliation Picture (PI. XXII. ), by Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph.D 134 v.*,. Notes on the Anatomy of Pefaurua we8«H=»HK (PI. XXIII. . XXIV., XXV., XXVL, XXVII.^, by T. Thomson Flynn, B.Sc 144 LIST OF MEMBERS AND FELLOWS OF TilE KOYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA. ■'Fellows who have contributed Papers read before the Society. tLife Members. (The addresses of Members residing in Hobart are omitted.) Honorary Members. David, Prof. T. Edgeworth, C.M.G., B.A., F.K.S., Sydney. Speucer, Prof. W. Baldwin., C.M.G.. M.A., F.R.S.. Meld. Shackleton, Sir Ernest H., C.V.O., R.KR., London. ^Corresponding Members. Aruold-Wall, Prof., M.A., Canterbury, New Zealand. Bailey, P.M., Brisbane, Queensland. Beuham, Prof. W.B., M.A.. D.Sc, D une din, Ne^v Zealand. Bragg, Prof. W., M.A., Addaide, South Aust>alia. Chapman, R.W., M.A., B.C.E., Adelaide, South Australia. Dendv, Prof. A., D.Sc, P. R. S., London, England. Greig-Smith, W.R., D.Sc, Sydney, Neiu South Wales. Hail, T.S., M.A., D.Sc, Melbourfie, Victoria. Haswell, Prof. W.A., D.Sc, M A., F.R.S., Sydney, N.S. IF. Hooker, Sir Joseph D., K.C.S.I., C.B., M.I)., London, Eng. Jack, R.L., D.Sc, F.G.S., Brisbane, Queensland. Liversidge, Prof. A., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., London. Mica-Smitli, Prof., B.Sc, Ballarat, Victoria. Shirlev, John. B.Sc, Brisbane, Queejisland. Thomson, G.M., F.L.S., Dunedin, New Zealatid. Woodward, B.H., F.G.S., Perth, West Australia. ^Corresponding Members whose names are inadvertently omitted will kindly communicate with the Secretary. Fei.lows. Afjnew, L.E., Mrs. AUwork, F., L.S.A., Ne7v Norfolk. Archer, Wm. Henry Davies, Longford. Auderson, Gr.M., M.B., CM., Franklin. Armstrong, Hugh, F.R.C.S. Arundel, A.S.D. Ash, Percy. t Baker, Henry D. Barclay, David. fBaring, Rev. F. H., M.A., F.R.G.S., Spring Bay *Beaitie, J. W. Benaett, William Henry, Ross. Beiinison, Thomas. Bidencope, Joseph. *Blackmau, A. E.. Franklin. Brain, Rev. Alfred, M.A. Brooks, G. V. Brownell, F. Les i". Burgess, Hon. AVm. H-nry. Butler, Arthur. Butler, Francis. Butler, Han. Gamaliel Henry, M.R.C.S., M.L.C. Burbury, Fredk. E., Launceston. Butler, W. F. D., M.Sc. Campbell, R. D., M. B. *Ciarke, Arthur H., M.K.C.S. Clemes, Samuel. Clemes, William H. Counsel, Edward Alberf. Crouch, Ernest J., M.R.C.S. Cruick.siiaiik, James H., Lt. Col. R.E., Glenorchy Davies, Sir John George, K.C.M.G. Davies, Bon. Charles Ellis, M.L.C. Dechaineaux, Lucien. Delany, His Gr;iee Archbishop. Dickenson, R. S., M.A. *Dobson, Hon. Henry. Donovan. T. Matthpw, L.R.C.P., L.K.C.S., Sorell. *Dove, H. Stewart, IVesi Devonport. Dunbabin, Thos., M.A. Ernst-Carroll, F. J., M.Sc, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Evans, Thomas May, Col. Fereday, Mrs. R. W. t Foster, Henry, Major, Merton Vale, Campbell Town. fFoster, John D, I'airfield, Epping. Finlay, W. A. *Flynn, T. Thomson, B.Sc. fGrant, C. W. Gibson, G.H., M.B. Giblin, Lyudhurst F., B.A. Giblin, Wilfrid, M.B. Gonld, Robert, Longford. *Green, A. O. Gould, H. T. Gower, E. L, B.A. *Hall, Robert, C.M.Z S. Harrisson, E. J., Bellerivc. Harri.sou, Malcolm. Harvey, Walter A., M.R.G.S., M.B. Hogg, G. H., M.D., Launceston. Home, William. Hntcliison, Hermann. *Ireland, E. W. J., M.B., CM. *Johnson, J. A., M.A. *Jolu)ston, Robert M., F.L.S.. I.S.O. ■ • Kerr, George. Kirk, A. Keene, E. H. D., M.A., Tarleton. Knight, H. W. " Lea, A. M., F.E.S., Adelaide. *Legge, Vincent W., Col., K.A., Cullenswood. Lewis, Lient-CoJ., R.C. Lewis, Hon. Sir Neil Elliott, D C.L., M A., K.C.M.G. Lines, D. H. E., M B VIU. Mason, M. Miller, K. O., B.Sc. tMitchell, J. G., [ericJio. *May, VV. L., Sandford. Mercer, E. J., Dr. (Bishop of Tasmania Miller, Lindsay S., M.B., Cn.B. Millen, J. D., Waratah. *Moore, Greorge Brettingliain, C.E. Montgomery, R. B. McCoy, W. T., B.A. fMcClymont, J. R., M.A. *McAulay, Professsor Alexander, M.A. M<-"fi:iroy, J. A. Macfarlane, Hon. Tames. Macgowan, E. T., M.B., B.S. *Macleoa, P. J., B.A. Nicholas, George C, Ouse. ♦Noetling, Fritz, M.A., Ph.D. Norman, Keith, LL.B. Nicholls, H. Minchiu. Parker, Major A. C. Parnell, Col., Brisbane. Parsons, Miss S. R. Payler, Rev. Morgan. Pearce, E. H., J.P. Pedder, Alfred. *Piesse, E. L.. B.Sc, LL.B. Pilliuger, James. Pratt, A. W. Courtney. Purdy, J. S., M.D., D.P.H. *Ritz, H. B., M.A. Roberts, E. J., M.B. Roberts, Henry Lleivellyn. Robinson, J. Moore. *Rodway, Leonard. fSprott, Gregory, M.D. Steele, Thomas J. fSticht, Robert, B.Sc, E.M, QueensJmvn. Sc>tt., H. H., Latincesion. Scott, R .bert G. M.f3., CM. Slio()^)ridiie, K^^v. Cmiiou Gporg.'. Shool)i-idc;e, W. K., Glenora. Sich, Hu!?Ii H., Mah'em. Victoria. Simmons, Matthew W. *Simson, Augustus, Launceston. ♦Stephens, Thomas, M.A., F.a.S. Stephens, Aithur C, B.A. Tarleton, John W. *Taylor, A. J. Toovey, C. E. Tucker, A. R. *Twelvetrees, W. H., F.G.S., Launceston. Wnlch, Chnrles. *Wa"d, L. Keith, B.A., B.E., Lainiceston. Witson, Horacr. Watchoru, Arthur Deniscu. Watchorn, E. T., Lieut.-Col. Welister, Alexander George. Webster, C. Ernest. *Weynaout]), W. A, Wise, H. J. Wolfhagen, Waldemar. Young, Russell, junior. Note — Fellows are requesied to notily any errors in their names, titles, or addresses. List closed December ist, 191 1. %omi c^otietj] of (f asm ant a. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. APRIL 10th, 1911. The first monthly general meeting, of the Society was held at the Museum on Monday evening, April 10th, 1911. Mr. R. M. Johnston occupied the chair. Mr. L. Rodway read a paper on "The Hymenogastracese of Tasmania." It was stated in Cooke's work on Australian fungi that Tasmania was poor in fungi of this kind, but it was realty the richest country in the world in them. He had personally discovered 40 or 50 new species, besides others which were common to other countries as well. A description was then given of the characters of this family of fungi, and the various species which it contained. Dr. Fritz Noetling read a paper on "Percussion Marks on Siliceous Rockc;," describing the methods by which stone im- plements were detached from the parent boulders of which they originally formed part, and pointing out how, from the character of the markings upon them, they must be due to human agencies. The Chairman said that Dr. Noetling had done masterly work in regard to our native flints, but he did not think that they shoula be prepared to accept all the markings that had been described as due to human agency. Whjle supporting Dr. Noetling in the main, he was not prepared to follow him to the full conclusions he had arrived at. Dr. Noetling explained that the appearances he had de- scribed in stone implements could Tje produced in any homoge- neous substances by a smart blow. Mr. R. Hall read a paper in regard to the feather tracts of Sphenura, a bird found only in South-West and South-East Australia. Two species wers found in each place, and the position of the birds scientificixlly was somewhat uncertain. It was hoped that a study of the feather tracts would enable their relationships to be better understood. Amongst the specimens exhibited was a fine piece of agate from Broadmarsh, and a small fish, which is occasionally found round the Hobart wharves. Locally it is kno\vn as the "blue- eye." It has been identified as Trachynops teniata, hitherto regarded as a N.S.W. species. Xll. MAY 8th, 1911. The general monthly meeting of the Society was held at the Museum on Monday evening. May 8th, 1911, Hon. G. H. Butler, a vice-president, in the chair. Mr. R. Hall read a letter from Professor Orme Masson, of the Melbourne University, president of the Australasian Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, requesting him to take steps to form a Tasmanian sub-committee to assist in the collec- tion of funds for the Antarctic expedition to be undertaken by Dr. Douglas Mawson. Mr. T. Stephens moved tliat a committee be appointeil foi tiie purpose named. Professor Flynn seconded the motion, which was carried without discussion. The appointment of the committee was allowed to stand over until next meeting, the secretary stating that he would be glad to receive subscriptions in the meantime. Mr. J. A. Johnson moved that there be added to riije 42 a sub-section E^Psych()loii;_v and Education. He did not think it necessarj' to weary the Fellows present b.v explainin*^ that psychology and education, cither separately or together, formed a science coming within the objects of the Royal Society. In his opinion, the greatest revolution which had taken place in the last 20 years in any department of scientific work was that which had taken place in regard to education. It was at- great as that which took place in regard to physical science, when we learnt that this world of ours was not the centre of the solar system. In arguing on behalf of ps.ycholog^- he wished his hearers to understand that he was not arguing on behalf of metaphysics, but for the study of the simpler facts of mental phenomena on which all were agreed, and facts bearing on the work of education. That, he proposed, should be the work of the new sub-section. He knew several engaged in the work of education who would be glad to take part in the work of the society if subjects such as these were included. Mr. Herman Ritz supnorted the motion. He considered it too late in the day now to deny that the training of the human mind was scientific work, and for that reason it came well within the .scope of the society. Mr. T. Stephens said that lie had the fullest sympathy with the objects of the mover, but he thought thoy should consider whether such subjects as education and psychology came within the original scope of the Rnyal Society. The original founders of the socirtv contemplated as its .scone phvsical science and natural philosophy, and it was many years before any attempt was made to introduce innovations. As a member of the profession of education for over half a century, he agreed with everything that Mr. John.son had said, but he considereeinff taught how to make n living, or being given some object in life. There were about 250 of them, and they were a respectable, quiet people, and he believwl they would be willing to work, if they could only be shown what to work for. They had now a school, with a schoolmafiter and his wife, who had taken up the work in a strong missionary spirit, determined to help them and show them what they had to live for. He hopeoriginals," by Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph.D. The author exhibited specimens, and dwelt on the throwing sticks of the aboriginals, which, he said, were not curved like the boomerang. The sticks were chiefly used in hunting expeditions. their spears were of great length, and it was extraordinary that accounts stated that the natives could throw tlieee spears as much as 60 yards. The speaker exhibited two baskets, made of some plant fibres by aboriginals, and men- tioned the interesting fact that they were identical with the rude sedge baskets made by the lake dwellers of Europe in the middle glacial period. Dr. Clarke mentioned that he once knew an old man who was wounded by one of those speare. He was 102 years of age when he (Dr. Clarke) knew him, and he stated that in 1827 he was out in the Tower Hill district with a survey party, when a party of hlackfellows sneaked up, and one of them flung a spear at him, which wounded him in the fleshy part of the arm. The old man died at the age of 102 years. Messrs. A. J. Taylor and L Rodway took part in the discussion. The reading of a pajier by Mr. H. Stuart Dove "On the Connection of Swifts with the Weather'' was postponetl, and the meeting terminated. JULY 31, 1911. A special general meeting of the society was held at thfo Museum at 8 p.m. His Excellency Sir Harry Barron, K.C.M.G., presided. The meeting was convened with the purpose of hearing a lecture by Comte de Fleurieu, a member of the French Geo- graphical Society, on the early geography of Tasmania. The visiting lecturer said that in the days of the old French navigators, D'Entrecasteaux, Baudin, and Peron, his great nncle, Chevalier de Fleurieu, had been high in the Marine Department of France, and his name had been given to several of the discoveries made in Australian waters. When he (the lecturer) first came out to Australia he was disappointed to find that none of the names so given had been retained. rieurieu Bay was now called Ov-stoi- Bay, Fleurieu I.sland was Capo Barren Island, and when ho went to Port Cygnet to see tlie Flt/urieu River of tlie old tliarts he found that it was called tlie Agnes iiiviilet. He then gave a description of the cx- peeen found by his son when engaged in laying out the route of the Stanley-Balfour railway near Circular Head. The bone had been found m the same district as the large bones of the extinct animal which had been discovered in Mowbray Swamp. He had sent the bone, which was very hard and polished, to Dr. Hall, of the biological department of the Melbourne University, but the species of animal to which it belonged could not be determined. Mr. Stephens further drew attention to the discovery on the Australian AIds of a grass, Poa saxicola, which had pre- viously only been found on Mount Wellington. The discovery was reported in the proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. Mr. L. Rodway said that he had been over nearly all the mountains in Tasmania, but he had only found Poa saxicola in one small area on Mount Wellington. The discovery was, therefore, a very interesting one, provided mat the grass had been correctly identified. Professor Fljom exhibited dissections of the reproductive organs of certain marsupials, and gave a short address on the manner in which the embryos were borne. A fish's egg was also exhibited which Professor Flynn identified as that of Callorynchus antarcticus, sometimes called the elephant fish. Mr. Robert Hall exhibited a number of swallows and swifts to illustrate Mr. Dove's paper. Mr. Hall also exhibited a, fish (Optonurus denticulatus, Rich.) closely resembling the "whiptail," which had been dredged in 800 fathoms of water off" the coast of New South Wales. It was now safe to record this deep water species as new to the list of the Tasinanian fauna. OCTOBER 9th, 1911. The general monthly meeting of the society wa^^ held al the Museum on Monday evening, October 9th. 1911. Dr. Fritz Xootling occupied the chair. XX. Messrs. G. H. Gibson. M.B.. CM . V. Dunbnhin. .M.A.. R. B. ^Jontfj;oii!ery, A. K. Tucker. ;iii(l .) . .Mooro IJobiiison were elected l'Vll()\v>. The ( hairniiin infoinied the nieoting that Bishop Mniit- gonieiy had ]jrescuted thus portfolio to the Society, autl with that knowicflgc it would be unwise to dispose of it. Thits waa approved by the Fellows. The following papers were read: — "Further Notes on the Habits of the Tasmanian Ab- origines," by Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph.D. " NoLes on tlie Sei)tiuii nt" Tiichosurus canina," by Prof. T. T. Flynn, B.So. Mr. L. Rodway exhibited a specimen of a fungus new to Tasniiiiiia. It was known as Geoglossum hirsutum. and tlioiigh it had been described from Australia, it had never proviou.sly been found in Tasmania. He also showed a bpeci- men of a plant named Thismia rodwayi, which he had hi'st found in 1890 on Mount Wellington. It lived in the ground, running along in the humus, and subsisted on the decaying vegetable matter in the soil. There were nine members of the genus, but they were all inhabitants of the tropics. TTiis plant had never l>een found in Au.stralia or Northern Tasmania, and it was very curious that a jilant which belonged to an essentially tropical genu.s should ho found in Southern Tas- mania, and nowhere else in Australia. He expected, liow- evei', that careful research would «show that the plajit existed in, Australia. Ft belongs to the family Burmanniaceae, which adjoins the Orchidefe. Mr. G. Jjrettinghani-Moore exhibited a hollowed .stone, which he thought showed trace.s of human handiwork. He had found it on Maria Island. Dr. Noetling said that he thought the stone showed traces of human workmanship, and lie did not think ;t could have been due to Europeans. He could not, however, suggest any use, from what was known of' the natives, to which it could have l>ecn put. Mr. L. Rodway said that he did not know of any edible seed.s which the natives were likely to use for food, and he did not know of any article of their food which would be likely to he pounded in the stone, unless it wa^ fern roots. Professor Flynn considered that the stone was purely a natural phenomenon, and was not due to human agency. Dr. Noetlinsi exhibited a number of stones which showed traces of glacial action. it had been found in South Australia that there were indications of a glacial period at an age wiien life in any form had not yet appeared on the globe. The boulder clays in which these .stones were found showed signs of having undergone great changes due to lateral pre.ssure. Many stones or pebbles were embedded in glacial ice, and when that ice travelled over hard surfaces these pebbles became marked with utria?, which were uamistakablt". I'liere was no other agency known whicli could produce marks of this nature. Tho theory had been put for- ward that the poles were continually altering their positioiis, and that at one time the South Pole was in the neighbourhood of where Sydney now stood. The fact that traces of a very ancient ice-age "could be found in Australia was not known when the theory was formed, but the jireseut discovery was a very curious confirmation of it. Whether the theory was true or not, geologists had greatly altered their views of late as to climatic conditions in ancient times. The traces of the ancient ice-age in South Australia extended from South Adelaide to Hergott Springs, and liad a thickness of 1,."('0 feet. Dr. Noetling also exhibited a very curious specimen, in which the cast of a fossd brachiopod shell hatl been replaced by gypsum. NOVEMBER 14th The ordinary monthly meeting of the Royal Society of Tasmania was held at the Museum last night. The chair was occupied by the President (His Excellency Sir Harry Barron). Messrs. W. T, McCoy, B.A., and A. C. Stephens, B.A., were elected Fellows of the Society. Application was made by the Field Naturalists' Club for the use of a room at the Museum. Several members were not in favour of rescinding the rule relating to the letting of rooms, which, it was said, would be necessary before the per- mission could be granted. Some discussion took place on this question. Ultimately it was postponed, on the ground that no proper notice had been given of an intention to discuss the mattei". Dr. Fritz Noetling read a paper on "Gigantic Marsupials in Tasmania." He contended that until quite recently Tas- mania was connected with the mainland, and that there was a relation between fossil marsupials found in Tasmania and those lately unearthed in Queensland. Existing species of mollusca specimens, obtainable at the present time, bearing relation to the gigantic marsupial which is now extinct, showed that the latter were creatures of recent ages. Mr. Thomas Stephens agreed generally with Dr. Noetling's views; his theory was ingenious, and probably correct. Hio hoped that the construction of the Stanley-Balfour railway, which was now going on, would, through the agency of the deep cuttings to be made, give a lot of information concerning the geology of the North-West Coast. Professor T. T. Flynn was to lecture on the "Anatomy of Petanrus soinreus." He had been al)le to secure an animal from IVIrs. Roberts, of Beaumaris, and made an examination. The result was purely of a scientific nature, and ii.< it referred only to the anatomy of the animal, would not be very in teres ting. A paper entitled "Notes on Duterran's Reconciliation Pic ture" was read by Dr. Noetling, who said that nobody knev»f what lias be<.-ome of the pictuie. As it was a leconciiiaiioii between the blacks and wliites, it was hti extremely ntercstiiij; one, and of some scientitic value. 1 am iiulebled lu Mis. i^uieii/o Jiinlge, who was on \c'r\ iiiliiioilt' term-i witii the DiUeneaus, for the follow inj^ informaliou : — " Beiijainin Duiern'aii was ileseended from a Kiencli family, who iiad taken r<'fu;,'e in Kn;;land on account of iuli;.'ions iioulile. He was liorn in liondcm in I7y llobinson — camping in the yard of his house at the corner of Kli/abeth ami Warwick streets— he u.>olithic implement. (4) See thi>; joiirnal, 1900, i)afre n'. BY FRITZ NOETLINC;. .M.A.. PHD, ETC •) be distinguished frcm the patina, which formed later en the surfaces produced by flaking, though the original crust and the later patina are in fact only different stages cf one and the same process, viz., chemical decomposition of the original matrix. This boulder could be broken in two ways, eith3r it was dashed against a hard object, or it was struck with another stone. It is obvious that the first method was very uncertain, and though it may have occasionally bean resorted to (1), it is prettv certain that usually the boulder was broken by means of another stone, which served as a hammer, and which fraquently must have been wielded with great force. >Such hammer stones are by no means un- coiamou, particularly in cjuarries and it is a remarkable fact that, with very few exceptions, chiefly Diabas pebbles were used as hammer stones. Whether other stones were used as anvils is not quite certain. A priori it is veiy probable that such stones were used, because it is easier to break a stone resting on a hard than on a soft, non-resisting surface. The nucleus from Kempton does not indicate that it rested on some hard material when it was broken, and so far I have not found any stones which I could definitely identifv as anvil stones. It is, however, pretty certain that during the finishing process the tero-watta was held in the hand, and did not rest on an anvil. This is. howev?r.a different question altogether, though it is of some importance because the marks; of a blow on the stone held by the hand ars probably quite different from those on a stone resting on a hard support. We will now a.ssume that the Aborigine, having pro- vided himself with a hammer stone, struck the boulder with a strong, smart blow. It will be useful to explain a. few teims before proceeding further. We mav call the original boulder the "parent block,' and ever}- fragment that was struck off. however big or small it mav have been, a 'flake.' What remained of the parent block after one or more flakes had been struck off is called "nucleus" or "core. The parent block is. therefore, divided by a blow into flake and nucleus, the flake being the desired object, the nucleus the useless residue. It need hardly to be men- tioned that more than one fl.ake can be, and has been, (1) Linp Ilotli, .A!)origiiies oi T;tsin;ini;i, -Ind ed., page l.'il. (■) MARKS OF rERCUSRION ON SILKEOL'S ROCKS, struck oflf a parent block before the desired one was ob- tained. We have therefore .Flake T, X 1 1 1 / Plane of I'arent block r , \. nacture "^ Nucleus We will now study the effects of this blow on the parent block; there are only two alternatives: either a llake was detached, or it was not. If the blow was effec- tive, a flake of smaller or larger size was detached ; but if it was not effective, the result must be a. shattering of tne surface into countless splinters at that point where the ham- mer struck the parent block, viz., the "point of impact." It IS further obvious that in order to detach a flake, the hammer must not penetrate into the matrix of the parent block. If it does, a good deal of the energy will be spent in shattering and jDulverising the matrix, and the re- mainder of the force is probably not sufficient to detach a suitable flake. The hammer must also strike the surface in one point only, and for this reason a spherical hammer or a pebble is the most suitable implement. A flat or pointed liammer will either shatter the surface or penetrate into the matrix. If the blew did not detach a flake, that is to say, if it wag ineffective, such I'esult may have been due to insuf- ficient energy, or the penetration of the hammer into the matrix, or both causes. The result will, however, always be the same, viz., a shattering of the surface, and its intensity is determined by the energy of the blow and the resistance of the parent block. A.— MARKS OF INEFFECTIVE BLOWS. Traces of ineffective blows are frequently observed ; thev are ])articularly common on rejects in the quarries, and Plate I. gives a very good idea of the effects of an in- effective blow. The principal result of an inffective blow is the px'a duction of a fairly deep impression or indentation whose surface is broken by numerous fine fissures running more or less parallel ; the fine lamellse of rock thus produced are intensively splintered liy cross fissures, thus producing Roy. Soc. Tas. 1911. Pl. I. REJECT FROM NICHOLS'S CJUARRY WEST, MELTON MOWBR.W, SHOWINO THE TRACES OF TWO INEFFECTIVE BLOWS. BY FRITZ NOETLING, M,A., I'lI.D., ETC. i a zone of intense destruction amounting almost to pul- verisation of tlie matrix. It is impossible to mistake the marks of an inejffective blow; they are toO' characteristic. Professor Verworn was the first who drew attention to this feature, which he calls "Splitterbrueche" (splinter- fractures), and he is of the opinion that tliey were the re- sult of" several blows administered to one and the same spot if the first blow was not sufficient to detach a flake. This may be so with regard to the flint implements of Europe, but it certainly does not apply to the tero-watta of Tasmania. So far 1 have not found a single specimen which would corroborate Prof. Verwoi-n's view. If the blow did not detach a flake, but prodviced splinter fractures only, the second blow was never administered to the same spot, but directed a little away from it. This may have had the desired effect or not, and another specimen from the same locality proves that at least three ineffective blows were placed side by side without detaching a flake. B.— MARKS OF EFFECTIVE BLOWS. (a) The Production of Flakes. We will now examine the results of an effective blow, viz., one that detached a flake from the parent block. It is obvious that in order to be effective the blow must be administered with sufficient energy to overcome the re- sistance of the parent block, and the hammer must not penetrate into the matrix, and it must strike its surface at one point only. It is further obvious that when a flake was detached from the parent block, that point of the surfa,ce which was struck by the hammer was on top, or nearest to the hand holding the ham- mer stone. The plane of fracture along which the flake was detached from the parent block must be nearer to its centre than its surface. The position of the parent block with reference to the workman, and the position of the flake with reference to the parent block enables us thus to distinguish five sides which must occur in eveiy flake, viz., 1. External face. \ 2. Internal face ^^ ^^^^^ j„ pj^^^ jj 6. Proximal end or edge. > 4. Distal end or edge. j C') 5. Lateral edges / (1) It must be understood that Fig. 1 to Fin. 9, Plate II., are diagrams only. MAKKs OF I'KUCL'.SSION UN 81L1( KuL.S UOCKS, 1. EXTERNAL FACE (Indical Face). (E.F.) It is obvious thai the original crust or surface of the parent block must represent the eyternal face of tne first llake that was struck off. This flake may remain as it is, and It may be taken in use just as -i fell off. or else it may be considerably altered by chipping, to such an extent that sometimes hardly any trace of the original surface is left. The external face. or. as I prefer to call it the Indical lace, is always mere or less convex, only in rare instances it is flat. (See later. Internal Flakes). The tenn "ex- ternal flake" may appropriately be used for all flakes, whose indical or external face is formed by the original surface of the pai'cnt block. 2. INTERNAL FACE (Pollical Face). (I.F.) It is obvious that the internal face, or. as I prefer to call it, Pollical face, is opposite the external one, and must represent the plane of fracture along which the flake was detached from the parent block. it is, therefore, unques- tionable that if there are any marks of any kind on it, the negatives of such marks must appear on that part of the nucleus where the Hake became detached. The internal or Pollical face is usually flat, sometimes slightly convex towards the proximal end, but it never attains the convexity of the external face. The accessory marks of percussion must always appear en the internal fa.ce (1). 3. THE PROXIMAL END OR EDGE (p.e.) That portion of the flake which was stiaick by the hammer stone may be called the proximal end or edge. It is obvious that the proximal end must bear the strongest effects of percussion, having sustained the first impact. 4. THE DISTAL END OR EDGE (d.e.) That portion of the flake opposite to the point of im- pact or proximal edge may be called distal end or edge. (1) It is Imnlly necess.'iry for me to expliiin that it is tlie cnse of ;in externc-il flake just as it fell off, and not of one whose exlernal or iniliial fiice \v;is suh- sequently wrought. BY FUITZ NOpyPLIKC, M.A., PH.D., ETC. ft Being furthest away from the point of impact, the marks of percussion must decrease in intensity from the proximal towards the distal edge. 5. THE LATEKAL EDGES. Strictly speaking we should also distinguish between the lateral edge=^ but it is clear that the terms "right" and "left" will be misleading, because the right edge of the Indical face is the left of the Pollical face, and vice versa, with regard to its left edge. In my descriptions, and unless space or other reasons do not permit it in the illustrations, 1 always place a flake in such a way that its proximal end represents the top, the Pollical face being looked upon. In this position I apply, for want of any better ones, two nautical terms. 1 call the loft side or edge, port side or port edge, and the right side, starboard side or edge (1). Thus, if we speak of the port side or edge of the Indical face, we know it is exactly opposite of the port side or edge of the Pollical face, while if we were to speak of the left edge of the Inciical face, we were always obliged to add "which represents the right edge of the Pollical face." The two faces are of necessity always well defined, but as the intersection of the plane of fracture with the svir'ace of the parent block, the line of fracture must form a closed curve, the lateral edges are frequently not so distinct- ly set off against the distal edge. This is particularly shown in the semi-crescent flakes whose distal and lateral edges merge into one semi-hmar curve. Thei above features are characteristic of the external flake, but they must be somewhat modified with regard to the external Indical face, should there subsequently more flakes be struck off the same parent block. The Tasmanian Aborigines had two ways of further treatment of the narent block after the first external flake had been struck off. We will assume that Plate II., Fig. 2 be the first external flake that was struck off. As already stated, the negatives of all marks en its Pollical (internal) face must appear on the nucleius. We will now assume that the next flake (Plate II., Fig. 4) was detached from the parent block by a. plane of fracture that was approximately parallel to that which separated the (1) If anybody can suggest better tenns than these two whi' h avoid the mis- leading words "left" and "right," I ain only too pleased. For the present 1 cannot find anything better. 10 AlAKKS (iK I'KKCUSSION ON SILICKOUS KOCKS, first one. Tn ether words, that the parent block was turned and the hainui'rr struck again the suifiice. The flake thus detached cannot strictly be called an external flake, though some portion of the original crust is still present in it. We notice, however, that it is in a different posi- tion ; instead of being present on the external face, it is now on the proximal end of the flake. The external (Indical) face of this flake i? really the counterpart (negative) of the first flake that was detached from the same block. Flakes of this type may be called internal flakes, and the nucleus of Kempton, with its 43 flakes, affords an ex- cellent illustration of this type. The external (Indical) face of the last flake that was sti'uck cff is formed by the negatives of the internal faces of the two previous flakes, their planes of fracture intersecting at an angle, and thus producing a ridge extending more or less medially from the proximal to the distal end. (Fig. 4h.) All flakes having one or more ridges extending from the proximal to the distal edge, which are usually called "knives^" are interna! flakes, because it is indubitable that long and flat planes cannot be produced by subsequent trimming or marginal chipping, but they must represent the planes of fracture of previous flakes ; in other words, the negatives of the Pollical (internal) face of such flakes (1). To the European mind the above seems to be the most sensible method of striking off flakes. The mind of archseolithic man, including the Aborigines, hit. however, on still another one. Though I have not found, so far, a core and flakes illus- trating this other method, the proofs are ample enough in the shape of implements. Theoretically the external flake should have sharp edges all round, because the plane of fracture intersects the surface of the parent block in a line. Specimens of this type are not very common, most of them I found at Devonport. If. however, a larger number of terc-watta is examined it will be not-icud that though they are unquestionably external flakes, the proximal end, in- stead of forming an edge, is truncated by a plane, which I call "Percussion Face, P.F.,"' for reasons explained further on, which always forms an obtuse angle with the Pollical (internal) face. If the implement is, as is usually done, (1) Tlie f;iiii()iM .\uri(niae kniws appi'iir to me to l>e internal flake.«, anil their peculiar form is, in my opinion, not the result of ;i tielilierate intention, but more probai)ly v whirh the Hakes were iletaeheil from »he parent block. (See also the figure in Sir .lohn Kvans" hook illustrating the manufacture of };un flints.) BY FRITZ NOETLINO, M.A., PH.D., ETC. 11 placed in such a way that the pollical (internal) face forms a right angle with me horizontal, this plane is always in- clined towards the Pollical face. I have made a few measurements to determine the angle formed by these two planes, and find the following angles : — Tero-watta from Pontville (Shene) 123deg. Rose Dale 124deg. Merton Vale 127deg. Winton 129deg. Mary vale ISOdeg. Hutton-park 133deg. Old Beach 135deg. Tiie size of this angle is significant, and its importance will be explained later on. The Percussion face exhibits a very characteristic feature; its "radial" diameter, that is to say, the distance from the external to the internal edge is always smaller than the distance from side to side, the "peripheral" diameter. As both edges are convex, the internal one usually less than the external, the outline of the plane of percussion is that of a spherical bi-angle, the two points being at the port and starboard side respectively. Of course, this lenticular shape is not always well prei- served, and more often than not, only traces remain, par- ticiilarly when there is marginal chipping along its external edge. There cannot be the slightest doubt that the Percus- sion face is the remainder of an old plane of fracture which v/as formed when a former flake, whose internal (Pollical) face now forms an angle of about 135deg., with the internal (Pollical) face of the second flake was struck off the parent block. In order to understand this fully we must revert to the first external flake, and Plate II., Fig, ^a., will further illustrate this. Let us assume that the first external flake (No. 1) was struck off the parent block, the remaining nucleus then exhibited on one side a more or less level or flat plane re^ presenting the plane of fracture. This plane must of neces- sity be the negative of the external (Pollical) face of the external flake (No. 1) struck off, and if we were to- proceed according to the first method, it would form the external (Indical) face of the next flake, i.e., the internal flake, 1st order (No. 2.) The Tasmanian Aboriginal, as well as J:.' MAltKS ol' I'KIM rssloN CN si l.I(.K( US UdCKS, archc-colilliic man in Europe, treated such a nucleus dif- ferently : he turned the ])arent block round till the plane cJ' fracture was fairly level, and then struck it with a suiarc, sharp blow at an angle of about 45deg. If the blow was effective, the flake became detached, and it is easv to see that if the blow fell under an angle of 45deg.. the new plane of fracture, that is to say, the Internal or Pollical face of the new Hake must form an angle of 135deg. with the old one. (See Fig, 2a.) Hence the significance of the angle formed by the Percussion face and the Internal (Pollioal) face, because we can gauge from it the angle under which the hammer stone struck the parent block. In the specimens mentioned above it would be. Tcro-watta from Pontvillo (Shene) 57deg. Kosedale 56deg. „ Mcrton Vale 53deg. „ Winton 51dcg. „ Mary vale 50deg. ,, Hutton-park 47deg. Old Beach 45deg. These figures pi'ove conclusively the statement which, if I am not mistaken, was ilrst promulgated by Sir John Evans, that in order to be effective the critical angle under which the hammer must strike the parent block is approxi- mately 45deg. It is now also clear why this plane of fracture is called the Percussion face Wc might call flakes thus detach?G oxt.ernal flakes of the second order, and such a flake v/ould exhibit three faces, viz. : — (2) Percussion Face. ^ The External face being the okbst. the Percuss-on face the next, and the Tut M'nal face the voungcst in order BY FRITZ NOETLIN(;, 31. A., PH.D., ETC 13 of succession. The last two representing planes of frac- ture, the first the original surface of the parent block. It must, however, be understood that these features ai'e generally not as simple as here described ; frequently the external (Indieal) face is considerably changed by strik- ing off small Hakes in order to reduce the thickness of the implement. Equally often the Percussion face has en- tirely disappeared, or is greatly reduced in size by mar- ginal chipping along its external (indieal j edge. This is particularly the case in tero-watta that are carefully worked all round by marginal chipping. It is, however, always possible to locate from the marks of nercussion exhibited on the internal (Pollical) face the position of the Percussion face, and it is very seldom, even in the most highly finished tero'-watta, that net a trace of the Percussion face can be discovered. It is, of course, quite feasible to strike cff several ex- ternal flakes of the second ordei from one and the samo parent block, after a good working jolane of percussion had been produced by the detachment of the external flake of the first order. No doubt this has been frequently done, but it is also probable that internal flakes were struck off. Such internal flakes should show a portion of the original crust at the distal end (unless it was removed by subse- 'cjuent chipping), besides a percussion plane, which may, however, also have been removed by marginal chipping, ^^is fine knife-like tero-watta figured in my paper, "Notes on 1113 Tasmanian Amorpholithes ' (Fig 23, 23a, 23b), most probably represents a flake of this type. It will be easily seen how these flakes, which we may call Internal flakes of the second order (Fiir. -^-a), differ from these of the first order. In the latter there is no real Percussion face, the plane ci' percussicn being formed by the original surface of the parent block. Unless removed bv chipping the internal flake of the first order should have a fragment of the original crust adhering at the proximal end, and there may also be some of it at the distal end. The last flake struck off the nucleus from KeniDton is a typical example of an internal flake, of the second order. The above characters, distinguishing the different kind of flakes, are summarised in the following table: — External (Indieal) Face foniierl Ijy the orim'nal crust of the paient Mock : t. ]'3xternal Flakes. '1. External and Internal Face onlj^l External Flakes (>rip;inal crust forms plane of - of 1st order, Percussion. J Fig. 2. 2. E.xternal, Internal, and Percus-^ External Flakes sion FacH, plane of Percussion |_ of 2nd order, represents a former plane of I Fig. 2a. { fi-aoture. J External and Internal Face only, ^ Internal Flakes, original crust forms i>lane of |^ Ist order, Percussion and i' ' ' at proximal end. Percussion and is if preserved! Fig. 4 and 4a. External, Internal, and Percus-"! Internal Flakes, sion Face, original crust is if r 2ud order, preserved at distal end. J Fig f). and 5a. 14 MAKKS OF I'KUCUSSIOX ON SILICEOUS liOCKS, External (Iiidical) Face formed Ijy the plane of fracture of for- mer flakes : II. Inteuxai. Flakks. (Usually distin- guished by one or two longitudinal ridges on the in- dical face.) External flakes of the first order are not very com- mon; of this class are the most primitive types of human implements produced from the fracture of siliceous rocks. External flakes of the second order form the great majority of the tero-watta, and they frequently show a most elaborate finish of the Indical (external) face. Internal flakes are apparently rarer than the former ; the last flake struck off the Kempton nucleus forms an ex- ceedingly good type of the first order ; the second order is apparently more common than the first, and all the tero- ■watta, generally called knives belong to this group. C— ACCESSORY MARKS OF PERCUSSION ON THE INTERNAL (POLLICAL) FACE. The accessorv marks of percussion are strictly limited to the internal (PoUical) face, where they extend from the internal edge of the Percussion face all over the surface up to the distal edge. These are: — 1 . The process of percussion. 2. The cone or bulb of percussion. 3. The concentric wrinkles of percussion. 4. The scar of percussion. 5. The radiating fissures of percussion. 1. THE PROCESS OF PERCUSSION (P.P.) PI. II., Fig. 3. The process of percussion does not often occur ; if it does, it invariably forms a kind of projection of the pollical edge of the percussion face, as will be seen from Plate II., Fi^. 3. BY FKITZ NOETLINd, M.A., PH.D., ETC. 15- I cannot find any reference to this peculiar effect of per- cussion, but it is unquestionable that it represents nothing but the top of an abortive cone of percussion. Professor Verworn mentions certain featiires which he calls "conical fissvu-es " occurring on the percussion face. These conical fissures turn their convexity towards the indical face, while the convexity of the process of percus- sion is directed towards the pollical face. There is no doubt that both features are closely con- nected, probably re23resenting a more or less imperfect cone of percussion. I never observed conical fissures in the Tasmanian tero-watta, while it seems that the process of percussion haa not been observed in European archseolithes. This may probably be due to the difference in the nature of horn- stone and flint, though it requires further obesrvatious be- fore this view can be considered as certain. 2. THE CONE OR BULB OF PERCUSSION (C.P.) PI. II., Fijr. 6. Perhaps the most characterisitc feature is the cone, or,, as it is frequently called, the bulb of percussion (1). It is always situated at the proximal end of the Pollical face, and its point merges into the Percussion face. (Plate II., Fig. () ) The occnrrence of this cone in the Tasmaniaji tero-watta is rather peculiar. In the first instance, it represents always a truncated cone, the point being cut oflF by the Percussion face; secondly, it is always composite, being com- posed of several cones showing difforent angles of sides, the top portion showing invariably a more acute angle than lower portion. Generally two cones, separated by a sharp edge, are formed. The top or proximal cone showing au. angle of about SOdeg., the lower, or distal cone, having an angle of about 60deg. In rarer instances the lower por- tion IS composed of two cones, whose angles, however, differ very little. So far I never observed that the top cone \vas divided into two portions. Sir John Evans has given a very ingenious explanation of the origin of the cone of percussion. The only question wo mipht ask is. how is it, that if this purely m8cha.nical ex- planation be correct, that the cone of percussion is only produced in siliceous rocks and minerals ? (1) The term bulb of percussion was acconliiis to .Sir Jolin Evan.s first used by the late Dr. Hugh Falcmer. 16 MAKKS OF I'KUCU.SSION ON SlLKIiOUS KOCKS, 3. CONCENTRIC WRINKLES OF PERCUSSION (W.P.) PI. II., Fi^'. U. The vibrations of the molecviles which gave rise to the cone of percussion at tlie point cf impact must necessarily decrease in strength with the distance from this point. Instead of a cone, curious concentric wrinkles are produced, exactly like those caused by a stone throw^n into water. Plate II.. Fig. i>, illustrates this feature: — Professor Verworn has already observed that these wrinkles form an invaluable a.ssistance in determining the oroximal end of an archa;olithic implement, their concavity being invariably turned towards the point cf impact. This is a matter of course, because the point of impact forms the centre from which the vibrations radiate, and the wrinkles produced on the Pollical face must naturally re- present concentric circles. It sometimes happens that one of these wrinkles coin- cidss with the line cf fracture. In that case the edge is not sharp, but rounded off, and, therefore, useless for cut- ling puropses. It requires sharpening by marginal chip- ping (rctcuches). I have several fine specimens in my col- lection, showing the partly sharpened edge, while another portion still preserves its original rounded-oflF shape. Ccn- sidoring that the curvature cf the wrinkles is turned to- wards the Indical or External faro, it is rather difficult to undeiitand why the marginal sharpening was produced by blows directed from the Pollical towards the Indical face, and net vice versa. v>hich seems so much easier and more e.Tcctiv^. This is again rne of those problems which puzzle the modern mind, and which I have frequently met with in the course cf mv researches. The only explana- tion I can offer is, that the archseolithic Tasmanian could not possibly thhrk of any other way cf sharpening 'he edges than by blows directed from the Pollical face ■ owards the Indical face ; it was apparently impossible for him to conceive any ether methcd, and if ever he happened 'rJ make a mistake, he promptly corrected it by reverting to the time-honoured methcd. 4. THE SCAR OF PERCUSSION (S.P.) Pi. II . Fie 7. Frequently there appears on the Pollical face, instead of either cone or wrinkles of percussion, an ellipsoidal mark. BY FRITZ NOETLIKG, M.A., PH.D., ETC. 17 separal-ed by a sliarj) edge from the remainder of the sur- face; it visually represents the highest part, of the Pollical face, and inside the edge it is slightly concave. The longitudinal axis generally runs in the direction of the blow, i.e., from the proximal to the distal end, and the top coincides with the Pollical edge of the plane of per- cussion. Inside the sharp edge there are sometimes faint con- centric wrinkles, but they never extend beyond the edge. This is the "thumb mark" of the amateur collector, and though there is no doubt that the thumb rested on the fiat Pollical or Internal face, the scar of percussion is not an intentional, but purely accidental feature. A combination of cone and scar of jjercussion is often observed ; in that case the scar commences some distance below the point of the cone, and the concentric wrinkles run diagonally. 5. RADIATING FilACTUKES OF PERCUSSION (R.P.) PL II , Fig. 8. On either side of the marks above described there ap- pear frequently, though not always, short, closely set, splintery fractures, radiating from the point of impact. Sometimes they may also appear on the top cone, but they are generally limited to both sides. It often hapjoens that these radiating fractures ai"e the only signs of percussion on the Pollical face, and then they are just as valuable in determining the point of impact, and therefore the proximal end, as any of the other marks. Professor Verworn was the first who noticed these "Strahlen-spiiienge," as he calls them, but a comparison of his figvire with a Tasmanian tero-wattai seems to indicate that though due to the same cause, the "ray fissures" are not quite identical with the ' radiating fractures." Verworn's "ray fissures" are true fissures radiating fi-om the point of impact apparently all over the Pollical face; the "radiating fractures" of the tero-watta are certainly not fissures ; on either side of the cone, scar or wrinkles of percussion, close to the point of impact, the surface does not flake smoothly, but the force apparently produces a number of thin lamellae, which, by breaking off, produce this peculiar feature. B l!^ .MAHK.S OF rEIJCLSSluN <>N SlLICKoU.S KtuKS, It is mere than probable that the different chemical compositioii of flint and hornstone produces th?se some- what different features, of what must be considered one and Ihc same effect cf percussion. CONCLUSION. The accessory marks above described represent tho five principal mechanical effects of percussion, but it must not be supposed that they always occur together in one and the same specimen. In fact, so far. not a single specimen has come under my notice which exhibits all of them simul- taneously. The production of accessoi'y marks of per- cussion is unqestionably influenced to some degree by the mineralogical natui'e of the rock. The cone of percu.ssion is more frequent in the porphyritic breccia and porcel- lanite than in chert^ or hornstone rock; while, on the other hand, the concentric wrinkles cf percussion are always well defined in chert or hornstone, while hardly noticeable in porcellanite or porphyritic breccia. The shattering of the surface is also always much better shown in chert or hornstone than in any of the other rocks. It is therefore certain that the nature of the reck influences the character of the marks cf percussion. The different composition must produce a different resistance to the transmission of vibrations, and as a result we mav anticipate the production of certain marks in preference to others in certain rocks. But though this may be so, it is impossible to say at this stage, what amount of energy was reqviired to produce a certain effect. So far, all we know is that a flake, how- ever large its size, was detached by a simple blow only from tne parent rock. It is further very probable that failure was not chielly due to insufficient energy, but probably more to the hammer stone not striking the surface at the critical angle of about 45deg. The intense shattering of the surface which denotes the ineffective blow proves con- clusivelv that the blow was admini.sterod with great force, yet no flake was detached. InsuflTicient energy can, there- fore, not have been the sole reason of failure ; it might be argued that the ineffective blow was administered by in- experienced hands ; for instance, of children. This may be so or not, it only proves that these hands had not leanit to direct the blow at such an angle towards the surface that the energy was utilised in detaching a iiakc, and not shat- tering the surface. The same may also frequently have happened to older and more experienced hands. BY FKITZ NUKTLlNCi, M.A., PH.D., ETC. 19 Tliough we can, therefore, to some extent account for the marks cf the iiaeffective blow, it is impossible to say what caused the accessory marks of the effective blow. If wc take it that the sole object of the effective blow was the detaching of a flake, any mai'ks accidentally produced dur- ing this process must represent wasted energy. In other words, if a certain amount of energy had not been wasted, m the production of these marks a much smaller force would have been sufficient to- detach a flake. The dis- tinctiveness of the accessory marks of percussion may, in some way, be a measure of the quantity of misspent energy, but this does not explain why either cone, scar, wrinkles, or a combination of these three prominent marks were pro- duced. It is, perhaps, jDrobable that the angle under which the hammer struck the parent block has something to do with the production of these marks. It is certain that the best effect was produced when the hammer struck .it an angle of 45deg. ; if the hammer struck the surface at an angle of 90deg., the result was most probably intensive shattering, but no detachment of a flake. It is, therefore, veiT probable that the accidental marks of percussion are a function of the angle under which the hammer struck the surface of the parent block. In all probability they are the results of blows that struck the surface at an angle of mere than 45deg. and less than 90deg. This view ia greatly supported by the evidence of the tero-watta above mentioned; in the tero-watta from Old Beach, which was de- tached by a blow that struck the percussion face under an angle of 45deg., there are hardly any accessory percussion marks, while all the others show them to a great extent. It is obvious that the smaller the angle was under which the hammer struck, the less was the effect, and it is more than doubtful that a blow directed at an angle of less than 30deg. will have any other effect except just grazing the surface. Sir John Eva,ns's observation further seems to confirm this view. He says (1) : — "If a bloav from a sphericaJ- ended hammer be delivered at right angles on a large flat surface of flint," the result will be the cone of percussion. If this view be correct, the cone of percussion would repre- sent one extreme, the neatly detached flake without any accidental marks, the other extreme of the line extending from 45deg. to 90deg., and all other marks would be pro- duced by blows striking the surface between these two ex- tremes. (1) I.e., page 273, 20 MAKKS OF I'KKCUSSION ON SILICEOUS ROCKS, I am, unfortunately, not in the position to verify this theory by experiments, which can only be carried out in a laboratory well equipped for such purposes. It would, however, be of the greatest interest if such experiments were made, if for no other purpose than to prove or disprove the view that such marks can be produced by other than human agency. During the early part in the controversy that was going on about the origin of the Eolithes, or, as I prefer to call them, Archaiclithes, it has been frequently held that natural agencies could produce such marks of percussion av> here described, and even Prof. Verworn assumes that natural processes could produce them. If a siliceous rock falls from a great height on a hard surface, it is vei-y probably broken if the energy developed be sufficient. If the pebbles moved by the energy of a torrent strike against each other, flakes may probably become detached ; even if the force of the surf hurls the pebbles of the shingle against hard objects it is possible that they may be broken, but vv-ill all this result in tlie marks of percussion here de- scribed? I certainly doubt it; never have I noticed among the shingle broken pebbles showing marks of percussion, nor did I notice them anywhere else. I maintain that any of the marks of percussion here described, including those of the ineffective blows, cannot be produced accidentally by natural agencies, but only by the agency of a hammer held by a human hand inten- tionally striking a stone. And. furthemiore. in order to produce them it must be a spherically-ended hammer, that is to say. a pebble, which hits the surface in one j)oint only. Even if this view were considered to go too far. it is absolutely certain that all specimens showing a Percussion face, and on whose Pollical face the accessory marks of percussion appear, must be produced by human agencv, because it is impossible to assume that a boulder was first divided by any kind of natural agency and after- wards a similar agency acted on the plane of fracture de- taching thereby a flake. My studies have led me to believe that, nert to the Percussion face, the five accessory marks of percussion are the surest signs of human agency. Retouches or rough marginal chipping may be pi-oduccd by natural agencies, tending to press or brcaTc off small snlinters. but the marks here described can only be pi'oduced by a hammer striking one point of the surface, and not penetrating into the matri^t. Rny Soc. TaS 191 Figs. 4 AND 4/t. »^ ^/ -fy RP. / j,. S> 21 2.— THE HYMENOGASTRACE^ OF TASMANIA. PI. III. By Leonard Kodway, Government Botanist. (Read April 10, 1911.) The researches of systematic botanists in Avistralia have been chiefly directed to elucidate the members of the more conspicuoiis phyla. Inquiry into' the Flowering plants, Gymnosperms. Pterydophyta, Biyophyta, and the larger marine Algse has steadily progressed, though many forms belonging to most of these groups yet remain to be discovered and described. But when we come to the im- portant gi'oups of the freshwater AlgcC and the Fungi' we find information still in a very backward condition. There have been few workers in these groups a^nd of these very few who have really specialised them. Most of the v/ork has been done by students of the higher plants, who could nob resist the temptation of collecting peculiar fungi they met with a^id sending them to Europe, whei'e from time to time they have been recorded. The only works available to Australian students where a, general review of the fungi has been attempted ha.ve been Hooker's "Flora Tasmanise" and Cooke's "Australian Fungi." Besides these, McAlpine has. published a, classified list of Australiari Fungi, and in the Royal Society's .proceedings for 1897 appears a classified list of Tasmanian Fungi by myself. The freshwater Algae of Australia have not yet had the advantage of even a classified list. The publication of Cooke's "Australian Fungi'' is really the first and only general account of the group, and stands as a base from which we could make further ad- Vance. There was no pretence that this book included even the majority of Australian species. It was published a-s a compilation of species known to date, with a full re- cognition of its incompleteness as a Handbook of Australian Fungi. Numbers of new species have been published since its appearance, and everyone who has made a study of this interesting group is well aware that the number of species yet to be described will probably run into thou- sands. 22 IHK lIV.MKMXJASTKAtK.K (>1- TASMANIA, Cooke points out in his introduction to the Handbook that Australia is peculiarly rich in the Sub-class Gastro- mycet'js. He says, after quoting figures: — "From this we conclude that Gastromycetes ai-e unusually strong in Aus- tralia, certainly including some interesting genera not hitherto discovered elsewhere, but weak in subterrauean species.' Discoveries since the publication of Cooke's work still bear out the general statement, but quite upset his con- clusion that there is a paucity of underground Gastro- niycetes ; so far from this being the case, Tasmania at^ least is so rich in these forms that if no more species are in future added from the mainland, it would still place the underground species for the Australian region as very high. Lea.ving the partially submerged groups, as Sclero- derma and Sccotium, on one side, ana referring tc what is generaliv kntiwn as underground forms, which is the sense intended by Cooke, we have in Tasmania twenty-one species, of which nineteen belong to the family of Hymenogas- traccse. This is in a described fungus-ilora of under seven hundred species. In England, at the time of the publica- tion of Massees "Fungus Flora" (1892), there were 4.895 species, and the Hymenogastraceae contained only twenty- three species. Judging from these figures, we may' conclude that in Tasmania at least, however backward may be the know- ledge of other groups, we have described nearly, if not all, of our members of the Hymenogaster family ; were it other- wise, we must possess a most astonishing number. The object of the present paper is to bring together our know- ledge of this interesting family, information that is not at present at the service of local students. At the end of the paper a record will be included of the genus Secotium, because otherwise some of that group might be easily taken to be Hymenogasters. also because it is directly continuous with it. For the information of those not acquainted with the systematic position of the family, isome general statements mav be pemiitted. There arc many classes of fungi, but of these two stand out from tho rest by containing all the species that attain a conspicuous size. These two classes are the Ascomycetes and the Basidiomycetes. In the first class the spores are borne in closed sacks or a.sci ; in the second, the spores are borne upon basidia. A basidium is an enlarged cell upon which four, rarely fewer, or more, spicules are formed, upon the apex of each of which a spore liV LEONARD liODWAV, GOVKUNMENT BOTANIST. T.l is developed. T)ie Ascomycetes contain the little elf-cups so common everywhere; Cyttaria found on our Beech, Morels, the white mould of Roses, some underground species, and other forms which need not be considered fur- tlier. In the Basidionivcetes the basidia are nearly always very numerous and closely packed upon the surface of gills, tubes, spines, or other apparatus for enconomically enlarg- ing the surface, and, therefore, the spore output, but yet in some genera the surface is plain. We are familiar with gill-bearing forms in such Agaries as Mushroom and most Toadstools, with spinous forms in the Urchin, tube-bearing forais in Punk. In all thes? the layer of basidia forms a superficial membrane, and on accovxnt of this they are grouped together into a sub-class named Hymenomycetes. But there is a large group of Basidiomycetes in which the basidia are not formed upon an exposed surface, but line convoluted tubes or spaces within the substance of the fungus, and the spores can only escape after maturity by the rupture or rotting of tha outer case. This sub-class from the spore development taking place in a body that is enclosed within a coat of barren tissue is called Gastro- mycetes. We are all familiar with such forms in tha P.uffballs. There is much variety amongst members of the Gastro- mycetes, and consecjuently they are divided into many families and genera. Most of the forms are superficial at maturity, and a common habit with these and some of the underground genera is for the spore-bearing portion to be- come dry and dusty at maturity, as in Puffball. The family which is the subject of this paper consists of irregvilarly spherical, underground fungi, whose basidia line irregular chambers or convoluted tubes. The substance does not break down at maturity, and no provision is made for the exit of the spores. Dispersal takes jDlace by rotting or more often subsequently to being eaten by small mar- supials. Four parts of a tuber will be named. The outer barren coat is the peridium ; the spore-bearing sub- stance is the gleba; and there may be a sterile base; also, when the fungus is ripe, the barren part of the gleba be- tween the spore spaces is the trama. The size of these fungi ranges from one to three centimetres diameter. The measurement of the spores is given in micromillimetres. A miciomillimetre is xoVu of a millimetre, or, roughly, "a 5^0 0 <^f ^^ inch. Students may note that we have two underground tubers belonging to the Ascomycetes that may at first be mistaken for Hymencgasters. They are '24 TllK HYMKNOCiASTKACK.*: OF TASMANIA, Genabea tajsiiianica. Mass. ot Rod. and Stephensia varia, Rod. The very evident spore production within asci will at onre indicate where they belong. It will also be evident that classification is very aitificial ; this in our present knowledge of fungi is unavoidable. The Hynienogastracere, therefore, ai'e subspherical bodies, underground, or accidentally superficial at ma- turity, whose spores are produced on basidia which line the surface of irregular spaces in the substance of the gleba. The barren tissue of the gleba does not liquify or become in any way broken down at maturity. No special orifice is formed for the escape of spores, nor does the pcridium burst at maturity, Init the fungus depends for the dispersal of the contained spores vipon rotting, or, more commonly, upon consumption by animals. We have six genera of the family, and the following key will assist in their recognition : — Spoies spherical, nodulose or echinulate. Pcridium well developed. 1. Hydnangium. Peridiuni, thin or none. 2. Gymnomyces. Spores oblong, or if nearly globose, they are smooth. Sterile base, none. Spores oblong, smooth. Gleba gelatinous. 3. Hysterangium. Gleba normal. 4. Rhizopogon. Sterile base present. Spores seldom smooth. 5. Hymenogaster. 1. HYDNANGIUM, Wallr. Pcridium fleshy, sometimes thin, and membranous continuous with the trama. Gleba fleshy, crowded with irregular or tortuous spaces. Spores spherical, rough or echinulate. bi'own or pale. Sterile base well developed to quite obsolete. Forms with a sterile base are sometimes placed in a separate genus, Octaviana, but this chai'acter is not always constant m individuals of the same species. HYDNANGIUM TASMANICUM Kalchbe., Subglobosp. palo, 1-2 cm. diameter. Pcridium thick, continufuis with th ■ iclativclv thick trama. Spaces large, BY LEONARD RODWAY, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST. 25 1-3 m.m., irregular, dark brown, giving a marbled appear- ance in section. Spores brown, covered with very coai'se nodules, 13 micron. Sterile base absent. HYDNANGIUM AUSTRALIENSE, B. et Br. Subglobose, pale, 1-2 cm. diameter. Peridiuni thin. Gleba pale, and exuding white fluid on section at least till old, becoming red-brown. Spaces numerous, small, tortuous, the trama thin. Sterile base sometimes slight in other specimens piercing the tuber to the apex. Spores pale jellow, coarsely warted, 10-12 mici'on. HYDNANGIUM CARNEUM, Wallr. An irregular tuber, 2-3 cm. diaineter, pale pink. Peri- diuni very thin and delicate. Gleba friable, pink, hyme- nial spaces very crowded, rather large contorted, trama very thin. Sterile base present. Spores white, finely echinulate, 13-18 micron. HYDNANGIUM ARCHERI, Berk. ''Obovate, small with a lai'ge sterile base, without febrils ; gleba compact; spores globose, echinulate. 21-22 micron, diameter" (Cooke.) I have not met with this species. 2. GYMNOMYCES, Mass. et Rod. Peridium none or rudimentary. Gleba fleshy ; hy- menial spaces numerous, not much contorted, trama thin. Stgrile base absent, except in a few isolated tubers. Spores hyaline, globose, I'ough, or echinulate. GYMNOMYCES PALLIDUS, Mass. et Rod. ("Kew Bulletin," June, 1898.) Irregularly spherical, 2-3 cm. diameter, nearly white, very fragile, with no apparent peridium. Gleba very pale; hymenial spaces about 1 m.m. diametei*. Spores iiiinutely warted, 9-10 micron. 26 IHK HVMKNiMiA.STKAC'K.K (»K TAKMAMA, In one specimen only amongst a considerable number was any sign. of a sterile base found, and then it took the form of a slender process emerging from a depression. GYMNOMYCES SEMINUDUS, Mass. et Rod. ("Kcw Bulletin," June. 1898.) Very similar in form, size, and colour to the last, but of firmer consistency. Peridium thin, delicate, and silky. Gleba not very fragile, spaces small and irregular. Spores ccliinulate. 11-12 micron. 3. HYSTERANGIUM, Vitt. Peridium distinct, and not continuous with the trama. Gleba gelatinous, developing contorted hymenial cavities. Spores smooth, elliptical. Sterile base seldom present. HYSTERANGIUM FUSISPORUM, Mass. et Rod. ("Kew Bulletin, ■ June, 1898.) Subglobose, irregular, pale straw coloured, 1.5-2 cm. Peridium very thin, membranous. A small sterile base is sometimes present. Gleba rather dense, pale, densely packed when mature with minute convoluted spaces. Spores smooth, broadlv fusiform, with narrow acute ends, hvaline, 20-22 y. 8 micron. HYSTERAl^GIUM MEMBRANACEUM, Vitt. Irregularly spherical, white but readily marking with indigo if touched when young, very delicate consistency when fresh. Peridium thin, dry. white almost floccose. Gleba white when young, marking with indigo where cut. becoming pale brown when old. Spaces ver\' small and nuniprous. convoluted. Sterile base present, and extend- ing l)elow into a root-like process. Spores elliptic, smooth, sometimes rather pointed at one end, 12x5 micron. Roy. Soc. Tas. 1911. PL, III. Figs. 1 and 2, Figs. 5 and 5a. Fig. 9c. Fl(i. 1 - 4 — SlXOTIUM GUNNll. FiG. 5 - 7— IlYMENOOASTER ViOLACEUS. Fig. s - sb.-HysteraiNgium Visciuum Fig. 9 - 9c— Hysterangium Affine. BY LKONARD RODWAY, UOVERNMENT BOTANIST. 27" HYSTERANGIUM NEGLECTUM, Mass. et Rod. ("Kew Bulletin," Sept. 1899.) Irregular, 2-4 cm. Peridium thick, smooth, fleshy sooty-brown. Gleba dense, dark rich brown, the spaces, numerous, tortuovis not as minute as in most species. Spores oblong, obtuse, smooth or obscurely rugulose, pale brown, 12-15 X 8 micron. HYSTERANGIUM AFFINE, Mass. et Rod. C'Kew Bulletin," June, 1898.) More globose than most species, with the longer diameter erect and a root-like process from below, fi'om under one to nearly two centimetres diameter. Peridium rather thick, fleshy pale brown. Gleba dense, somewhat greenish, spaces minute, tortuous, with generally much bluish gelatinous trama intervening. Sterile base very small. Spores pale, bluish green, oblong, not very obtuse, 11-13 X 5-6 micron. VAR. IRREGULARE, Mass.— Less regular in form; peridium thinner ; gleba brownish ; spores very obtuse, 10 X 4 micron. VAR. TENUISPORA, Rod.— Differs from the type- in the thinner peridivim, gleba darker, nearly black, and m the more slender spores, 12-14 x 2.5-3 micron. HYSTERANGIUM CLATHROIDES, Vitt. Vei-y irregular in shape, about 2 cm. diamter. Peri- dium thin, floccose continuous, with surrounding mycelium. Gleba grey-hyaline, soft, almost waxy. Spaces not very toi-tuous nor crowded, narrow, pale brown. Spoi'es oblong, pointed at both ends, smooth, pale brown, lo x 5 micron. HYSTERANGIUM VISCIDUM, Mass. et Rod. ("Kew Bulletin.") An irregailar tuber, 3 x 1.5 cm. Chocolate brown, with a viscid surface. Peridium gelatinous, rather thin. Gleba pale but dotted with the minute hymenial spaces, which are brown from the contained spores. Spores ob- long, obtuse, papillate, yellowish brown, 14-15 x 10 micron. '2^ Tin; IIVMEMxiAsTUACK-K OK TASMANIA, 4. RHIZOPOGON, Tul. Peridiuni thick or thin, continuous with strands of mycelium which partially envelope the surface. Gleba dense, hymenial cavities very numerous, small, and con- torted. Trama very thin subgelatinous. Spores oblong, smooth. Sterile base not developed. The genus is only separated from Ilysterangium by the mycelial strands aris- ing from the surface. RHIZOPOGON RUFESCENS, Tul. Irregularly globose, 2-4 cm. diameter. Sm-face pale at fii-st, then pinkish brown. Peridiura vei'y thin, con- tinuous with the trama. and the suiTounding mycelium, not generally apparent at maturity. Gleba white, sometimes cinerous, or brown when beyond maturity. Spores oblong, obtuse, smooth, 11x5 micron. A common European species, found up to the jjresent in Tasmania only beneath Austrian Pines. Probably in- troduced with that plant, and symbiotically associated with it. 5. PIYMENOGASTER, Tul. Peridium fleshy, generally thin. Gleba fleshy, the hymenial cavities small and irregular, trama thin, formed of elongated cells, not floccose nor gelatinous. Spores generally elliptic or fusiform, rarely nearly globose, gene, rally rough, papillate, or sulcate, rarely smooth. Sterile base present, sometimes piercing the greater part of the gleba. Like most genera of this family, not marked by any positive character. Distinguished by the consistence of the trama, sterile base, and elongated rough spores, with which are associated forms that appear to have a closer afiinity here than elsewhere. HYMENOGASTER ALBELLUS, Mass. et Rod. ("Kew Bulletin," June, 1898.) Irregularly globose, pale, 2-3 cm. diameter. Peridium thin, cellular, distinct. Gleba pale brown, Arm, the spaces not minute. Sterile base reduced to a flat cushion. Spores elliptic, obtuse, or with one or both ends narrow, yellowish brown, minutelv warted, 16-17 x 8-9 micron. BY LEONARD RODWAY, GOVKRNMENT BOTANIST. 29- HYMENOGASTER NANUS, Mass, et Rod. ("Kew Bulletin," June, 1898.) Irregularly globose, 1-3 cm. Sooty brown, with a. mucilaginous surface. Periclium rather thick, fleshy, the outer portion gelatinous, separable from the gleba. Gleba firm, light orown, spaces rather lax-ge. Sterile base well deareloped. Spores eilliptie, subobtusef, Ibrown, warted,, 14-15 X 8 micron. HYMENOGASTER RODWAYI, Mass. ("Kew Bulletin,'' June, 1898.) Ii'regularly globpse generally, 2-3 cm. diameter, pale.. Peridium very distinct, fleshy. Gleba dark brown, sjiaces small and irregular, showing an indistinct tendency to) radiate from the sterile base towards the periphei-y. Sterile base usually conspicuous and giving off branching veins penetrating the gleba. Spores elliptic or lemon-shaped apiculate at one end, longitudinal^" ribbed, ribs simple, or forked and anastomosinsr, strone:, converging at the ends, 20 X 10-12 micron. HYMENOGASTER ALBIDUS, Mass. et Rod C'Kew Bulletin," Sept. 1901.) Irregularly globose, dirty white, 1-2 cm. Peridium very thin floccose, continuous with the surrounding mycelium. Sterile base rudimentary or absent. Gleba pinkish Avhite, turning light brown when diy, spaces tortu- ous, larger than in H. Rodwayi. Spores elliptic, pointed at one end, the other very obtuse ; longitudinally ribbed or coarsely rugose, pale brown, 21-28 x 14-18 micron. HYMENOGASTER VIOLACEUS, Mass. et Rod. (Kew Bulletin," June, 1898.) Subglobose, violet and viscid, 2-3 cm. Peridium thim but distinct. Gleba rather firm, brown. Spaces numer- ous, tortuous, about 1 m.m. diameter. Sterile base ob- solete to very distinct in some specimens, a sterile vein i-unning right through the gleba to the apex. Spores globcso-elliptic, brown, minutely warted, 7x9 micron. 30 THK HYMKNOCiASTRACEK OK TASMANIA, HYMENOGASTER LEVISPORUS, Mass. et Eod. ("Kew Bulletin.'") Trr'jgularly g!obcso, white, 2-3 cin. l\'ridiuni very thin, subfloccose, continuous Avith the surrounding mycelium. •Gleba rather den.se. pale brown, spaces small. Spores pale brown, spherical, or nearly so, smooth, 10-11 micron. o. SECOTIUM. In Cooke's "Handbook of Australian Fungi " Secotium as placed in Lycoperclaceae, a family characterised by apical dehiscence and a disint<;grated gleba at matui'ity. In Secotium the trama is persistent, arranged in crumpled plates, radiating from the columella and dehiscence occurs by a basal cleft round the stem. A typical Secotium haa a well-developed stem, which pierces the gleba to the apex, and there expands, and is continuous with the peridium, In the lower part the surface of the peridium assiimcs the character of an arachnoid volva covering the groove. In some Tasmanian forms the stem is almost reduced to the sterile base of Hvmcnogaster, and then the fungus is sel- dom exposed above ground, except by accident. S. Gunnii •often has the appearance of a deformed Agaric, and the natural positicn of the genus appears to be intermediate between the Gastromvcetes and the Agaric family of Hymenomyc?tes. From Tasmania four species have been described. SECOTIUM ERYTHROCEPHALUM, Tul. "Gregarious, rather long stemmed ; stem erect, smooth, naked, white, narrowly fistulose ; peridium innate, simple, •even, smooth, carmine-red ; cells imequal, large, septa thin, distinct, destitute of fiocci, basidia arising from the walls bearing 2-4 spores; spores elliptic, even, brown on long storigmata, 10-11 x 5 micron. " — Cooke's "Handbook. " I liave seen no specimen. SECOTIUM GUNNII. Bkhk. Irregularlv globose, pale, smooth. 2-4 cm. diameter ; ■stem solid, short, tliick. continuous with the peridium BY LEONARD RoDWAY, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST. 81 above. Gleba pale brown, the tramal plates thin, radiate ing, and very distorted. Basidia clavate, tetrasporous. iS pores brown, smooth, elliptic apiculate at one end, 7x4 micron. SECOTIUM RODWAYI, .Mass. ('•Kew Bulletin,' Sept., 1901.) Subglobose, fleshy, cream-coloured, smooth or tomen- tose deeply excavated below. Stem vei'y short, usually piercing the gleba to the apex, where it is continuous with the thin peridium, in some specimens much reduced above. Gleba rather dense, pale cream-coloured. Cystidia and Basidia pyrifcrm about the same size. Spores globose, colourless, verruculcse, 7-8 micron. SECOTIUM SESSILE, Mass. et Eod. ("Kew Bulletin.") Subglobose, 2-3 cm. diameter, pure white, and delicate. Peridium very thin. Stem short, usvially vanishing in the gleba. Cystidia fusiform, much exceeding the basidia. Spores globose, colourless, minutely verrviculose, 7-8 micron. 32 NOTE ON TRACHINOPS TAENIATUS. Robert Hall. (Read April 1(>, 1011.) This perc'iforin fish ap|i;ireiitly has uot been recorded from Tasmania, our specialist, Mr. R. M. Johnston, being unfamiliar with it. Hitherto only two species have been described, one from New Soutli AVales, the other tVom Victoria. The Tasmaniau form appears to agree with T. taejiiatns of New South Wales. The ^ideographical distribution should be au interestinsf one, judging iVom the fact that this conspicuous little form is not contained in tlie collections of the Australian Museum. Evidently it is local and uncommon. Although Boulenger speaks of the four British Museum specimens of T. taeniatns as having been found in New South Wales and Australia, and of their reference to T. caudimaculaius as being found on the Victorian coast. Their localities are more likelj to agree with McCoy's Port Jackson for T. taeniatns, and Port Phillip for T. caudimaculaius. MacLeay speaka only of T. taeniatus and gives no exact habitat. No men- tion is made of Tasmania. The s[>ecimeu referred to in this note I found in August, 1909, among the piles in the old pier adjacent to Argyle-street, Hobart. A shoal was observed bj Mr. A. Kirk opposite the abattoirs, up the Derwent, during the spring of last y^ar. I know of no other records, and it would be interesting ta learn if it is found in the Kent and Flinders Groups. This would indicate a broken or continuous distribution, and a part of the fauna of the Bassian coast. If it were found on King Island and not tn the Kent or Flinders Groups it would appear as more properly belonging to the Eyrean coast. This will depend on the specimens yet to be collected. The Derwent fish has its middle caudal tin much produced, the canines cons])icuous, and has the light longitudinal line along the base of the di>r.«!al fin. Although neither of the mainland species are here for reference, these characters are inclined to weave them. It apjujars to be sluggish in habit judging partly from the fact, that it remained among the mussels of the pile until the pile was hauled up clear of the water. McCoy, in his "Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria," figures very faithfully this fish, and 1 am indebted to Mr. H. M. Nicholls for drawinu mv attention to it. 33 4. THE FEATHER-ixvACiS OF SPHENURA BROAD- BENTT: McCOY. PI. IV. By Robert Hall, CM.Z.S. (Read April 10, 1911.) The genus Sphenura is represented only in South-East Australia and in "South-West Australia, and in each area by two species. It is a disappearing genus. The species occupy a similar type of country, and point to an old and closer connection between the two faunas: a land bridge suitably wooded. At the present time the genus is placed in the syl- viidre with a heterogeneous collection of genera. To com- pare the pterylosis of these genera would probably throw further light upon their relationship. The specimens* under review represent four phases : (A) Approximately four days old. (B) Seven days later, with the eyes open. (C) One of two nearly ready to leave the nest. (D) An adult male for comparison of markings. Phase A (fig. 1) may be considered as absolutely naked until the third day. If there are any neossoptiles of more than one kind they are vestigial, being represented by rictal bristles, and those probably closely related to filo- plumes- In the earliest stage, as well as in the later ones, the only representation is that of prepennae on the defined tracts, the quills, and the bristle type about' the mouth. Preplumulse are absent. *Locality, Otway Forest, Victoria, Oct.-Nov., 1910, by the favour of Mr. Geo. Graham. 34 Tin: KK\'iiiKi:-Ti; MPS nv sriii N ii;.\ i!i;n ah I'.KNTi. There should be a moult in spec. A to provide the single rhachis prepennte of spec. B : not considering the after shaft, which is present. A section of a follicle of spec. A would probably show this down-like feather mak- ing way for the succeeding prcpennae. This view is favour- ed by the presence of odd specimens of fig. 1 among the more fully developed priponnje of stages B and C. Looking at the youngest phase (figs. l-'J), those general- ly known as downs are absent. The feathers still in the follicles of the tracts of figs. 1-2 are down-like, and with the brown pigment of the true feather- This leads one to believe the first generation has been suppressed. They occupv the same areas that the feathers of fig. 3 will do. These latter (second stage) compare with those of the newly- hatched megapodiust. Downs are said to be absent in Atrichornis, a second remnant genus also represented in the south-west and south- east of the continent by a single species in each area. Tlie colour of stage A is uniform bluish gi'ey, except- ing the lower mandible, the prorimal edge of the iippt-r mandible, the inside of the mouth and the tcugue, which are strong lemon yellow. Figs. 1 and 2 show the fealher tracts of the dorsal and ventral surfaces. Pteryla vcntralis. It forms a single tract that is not divisible into the usual short outer and long inner branches. It forms a band of great breadth extending from the shoulder a considerable distance backward, and then nar- rowing down, but not to meet, thus leaving a distinct and broad apt mesogastrei. Pt. Spinalis — A. Rami, all arising from a common base. B. Two types, one without rami, from a common base, the other hav- ing a central rhachis. C. Two types : one as in A, the other showing a well-developed ramus. with a long rhachis. D. Contour feathers, as in the latter of C, being much longer. There are few booklets when comjjai- ed with the normal quantity in Cracticus and Collyriocincla. t W. p. Py craft (WHley's Zool Results, New Britain, etc., Plate XLIX., fig. 6, 1910), kindly lent by Prof. T. T. Flynn. 15Y ROBERT HALL, C.M.Z S. 35 The tract is oval, tapering off in the lumber region, and becoming attenuated, though not junctioning with the oil gland, and remaining free from other pterylae. Pt. Capitis — Beginning at the anterior nares, it is forked along the culmen, and passes over the frontal parietal and occipital region, bulgin^ cTown- wards, immediately over the apertures of the ears, and later joining the pteryla colli dorsalis, ear- coverts breaking from their follicles. Pt. Colli Dorsalis. This tract blends with the pt. spinalis and pt. capitis. Pt. Caudalis. — Ten rectrices in B and C, with the ten coverts well developed, two-thirds the length of the former, while in A ther© distinctly appears to be twelve rectrices, with ten upper coverts just showing their follicles. Uropygium not tufted. Pt. Femoralis — Made up of two sets, a strong outer series and a short feeble inner series at the an- terior end. This inner series does not yet show in specimen A (fig. 1). The posterior portion is abnormally long, indicating the habitat as wet and scrubby. This tract is free from any other. Pt. Cruralis. — The tract does not encompass the leg. In B the whole length of the inner surface is' bare, broken by an oblique line of a single row of well- developed yet unbvirst follicles. There are a few additional feathers in specimen C, the upper part of the tibial area of the leg being bare. Pt. Huineralis. — Well developed. Pt. Alans. — Metacarpo'-digitalis 10, subequal to A, B, C, D, the 9th and 10th being a little shorter; veins not emarginated as in the contours, the 11th re- niex wanting. Cubitals 10, 1-8 being subequal, the 9th being much smaller, the lOth still much reduced, and scarcely distin- guishable from its covert. There is an 11th quill that does not indicate whether it is a cubital or a covert, either in jDosition or its form. While there is no sign of primary coverts in the left 3«i THK FEATHKK-TUACTS OF SPIIKNURA BUOAD-BKNTI, wing ^f specimen A, there is a sign of them in the right wing, being sufficiently distinct to be counted. The wing is eutaxic. Tectrices. — In spec. A the t. majores of the cubitals are 10, and well indicated, the t. mediae being 6. and well marked, a lens being needed to see the t- minores, t. marginales being not yet visible. The coverts of the under surface of the wing do not yet show any sign of appearing. Tlie dorsal major coverts of the primaries are not yet visible. There is no appearance of pt. spuria. In spec. B the veins of pt. spuria are breaking from their sheaths, though not so advanced as the covoi-ts, the major coverts of the secondaries being more advanced than those of the primar- ies. Only the innermost of the t. mediae is exposing its vein. The pt. marginales are just showing- The four rows of tectrices upon the under surface are well developed, but just breaking from their slieaths. The carpal covert is equal to the t. minores of the cubi- tals, being much further ahead of the primai-y medium coverts in their development. In pt. spuria five strong feathers tak:^ part in the for- mation. Parapteron is naked in spec A and B , in C there arc two rows, each four feathers. Fig. 3 gives a lateral view of phase B. The veins breaking from the follicles indicate the pale rufous and grey colours that are in C and D. The plumage of C is already rufous-tinted, as in the adult D, being brighter upon the ear coverts than upon the head. The under- surface is devoid of the lunations of the adult, and the throat has a pale cream-coloured band across it. extending outwards to the region below the eye- This prominent mark does not appear on the adult D, its mark of the past. At this stage the tail coverts are well developed, and more than half the length of the rectrices. In colour they are almost as intense as in the adult. The broad outer Roy. Soc Tas. 1911. PL. IV. bl-.ccU.cioT4. Tk^.i . 5pa<.R . Venl-, Y(d- b<-o>'5)'// Pio^ 5v>cc.6:yV;c<*)p aV?: bhf'Cm ri Oj, 3 . Side view OP 5]><2.c.B. BY ROBERT HALL, C.M.Z.S. 37 margins of the wing-quills and the tail are not so rufous as in the adult. The contour feathers have the same loose appearance as in the adult stage, the hooklets being reduc- ed, and only in part junctioning. On the left side only two rictal bristles are developed, the usual three being upon the other. The cause of the distinctive markings of the under surface in the adult D is due to the terminal portion of each of the barbs of the feathers being deep brown, and the subterminal portion white in crescentic and imbricate posi- tion. The same locality feathers on C are uniform grey, with the tips of each barb showing a dark hue, but not sufficient- ly strong to get any other effect than grey upon the breast and chest. 38 THK MANUFACTUKK OF TllK TKHO-W ATTA, 5. THE MANUFACTURE OF THE TERO-WATTA. By Fritz Noetling, M.A., Ph-D. PI. v., VI., VII., VIII. (Read June 12. 1911.) 1. GENERAL AND HISTORICAL REMARKS. Recent investigations have proved that the aborigines obtained the siliceous rocks used in the manufacture of their stone implements from two sources, viz. : — J From certain localities where such kinds of recks occur in situ (1). 2. From the gravel deposits of pleistocene and modern age, in the shape of watenvorn boulders. The former localities have very aptly been termed ''native quari'ies,'" but it appears that, though these quarries were extensively worked, the material obtained from this source was not of the same importance as that obtained from the gravel beds. Among the specimens collected at Melton Mowbray only 6.1 per cent, could with certainty be identified with the rock occurring in Johnstons quarrv', and about 8 per cent, were maniifactured from rock found in Nichols's quarry, west. The total of tero-watta made from locally occurring rock, therefore, does not exceed 14 or 15 per cr-nt. Amone the Mona Vale specimens 11.3 per cent., and among those from !Mount Morriston-Trefusis 7 per cent, were made from rock occurring at TTiitchison's quarrv. I have been very careful in identifying the nature cf the rock, yet there may be mistakes, biit on the whole I consider these figures rather above than below the mark- We, therefore, see that at the outside 15 per cent, of the tero watta were manufactured from rock obtained in (1) Noetling.— The native quarry on Conl Hill, noar Molton Mowbray, Tasman. Naturalist, vol. I., No. 2 Pept.. 1907. Noetllna:.— The native niinrry of .Syndal. iipar lto=s. Paper and Pioceed. Koy. Soc, Tas.. 1908. BY FKITZ NOETLING, MA., PH D. 39 quarries, wliile 85 per cent, were manufactured from rocks otherwise obtained. It is very difficult to account for this peculiarity. Johnston's and Nichols's quarries ai'e very convenientb- situated near the camping ground of Melton Mowbray, and the same applies to Hutchison's quarry with regard to the camping ground, Mona Vale. Therefore, it cannot be distance that prevented a more ex- tensive use of the quarry rock. We also know that the quaiTies were intensively worked, as hundreds of thousands cf broken fi-agments conclusively prove. As all the frag- ments now found at the quarries must be considered as un- suitable rejects, we must assume that the rock obtained in situ was not very suitable for the manufacture of stone implements, otherwise there would not have been such an enormous amount of refuse. To me it seems that the rock obtained from gravel beds possessed certain qualities which the rock obtained from quarries lacked to a great extent. As the most essential quality is a good, smooth fracture, it appears probable that the same kind of rock when obtain- ed from gravel beds had a better fracture than if obtained in situ from a quarry. The second source from which suitable rocks -.vere ob- tained are the numerous gravel beds either in the modern rivers, or of earlier geological age. The examination of thousands of tero-watta has conclusively proved that by far the greater majority represent flakes struck off from watei*- worn pebbles. Such pebbles have been found in all stages of operation- We find pebbles from which one or perhaps two flakes were struck off, tentatively, as it would seem, v^hile dozens or more flakes were struck off from others. For ii'stance, not less than 13 flakes were struck off a portion of a pebble now weighing 14j: ounces, found near Eokeby, and more than 41 from the Kempton nucleus. My inves- tigations have conclusively proved that the aborigines pre- ferred the rock obtained in the shape of a water-worn pebble to that found in quarries, even if such quarries were situated closs to a camping ground. As above stated, I believe that the reason for this preference was the better, cleaner fracture of the water-worn pebbles. We might ex-, pcet that a piece of rock which has been subjected to the process of being rolled and worn by a torrential current must be of good quality to withstand all this wearing down process. It would appear probable that such a pebble yielded better flakes than a piece of rock picked up in a quarry, whose strength had net been previously submitted to severe tests. However that may be. the main fact, viz., that the abori- 40 THK M.ANUKAITUUK ol" THK TKI!l)-\VAITA, gines chiefly obtained the material for the manufarlure of the tero-watta in the shape of water-worn boulders and pebbles from the gravel beds of the island remains undis- putablc. It would be of the greatest interest to know whether archseolithic man of Europe preferred in a similar way flint pebbles found in gravel deposits, to ilint obtained directly from the chalk. This question is, however, some- what complicated, considering the nature of the flint no- dules, and I refrain from expressing an opinion. Now, how were the tero-watta manufactured? The answer to this question is more difhcult than it appears, and we will first see whether the hi.storical accounts help to solve the problem. I can only find two references bwir- ing on this question. Scott (1). to whom we arc indebted for a great number of important observations, states that he watched an aborigine for over an hour "chipping one flint with another, so as to give them the peculiar cutting shan^ edges-" A further observation is contained in Walkers (2) ac- count of the quarry at Plenty. One of the early colonists by the name of Rayner met between 1813 and 1818 a "mob" of aborigines who wei-e busily engaged breaking stones at Walkers quarry. "They were breaking the stones into fragments either bv dashing them on the rock Of bv striking them with other stones, and picking up the sharp-edged ones for use. ' One old fellow he describes as dashing his stone upon another one on the gx'ound, and leaping up and .spreading his legs out at the sani-^ time, to avoid as much as possible being struck by the splinters. This is all I could find concerning the manufacture of the tero-watta, and little enough it is. That a tei-o-watta was wrought by striking the raw material with another stone is a priori very probable, and tho only point of in- terest in Scott "s statement is the length of time. For an hour or so, Scott says, the aborigine was striking the flint, and we may presume, one and the same specimen. Ravner's statement, interesting as it is, does not contain much in- formation either, larger pieces can probably be reduced in size by dashing them against a rock, and if convenient spalls came off they were picked up with the view of shap- ing them afterwards. The breakage of larger blocks, by dashing them against a hard surface is, therefore, not an (U Monthly Notes of Pnp. and Proi-f^d Kov. Soc. Tas., .lulv 1873. page 24. <2) Ling Roth, aborigines of Trfinnnia, 2nd edition, pegp 119. BY FKITZ NOETLINO, M.A., TH-D. 41 essential feature in the manufacture of tero-watta, but merely a preliminary one, to obtain suitable pieces. We have, therefore, no other means of finding out how the tero-watta were manufactured than the study of the traces 'the process of manufacture left behind. These are numerous enough, but it required a large number of tero- watta to collect sufficient evidence, and to sort it. From the account of an actual eye-witness (1), we know that two stones were required for the manufacture of a tero-watta, viz. : 1. A piece of (siliceous) rock which was to be turned into an implement- 2. Another stone to strike the former with. In other words, a hammer-stone and an object-stone. The hammer-stone was activelv employed, that is to say, it was u&ed to deliver the blows; the object-stone was passively employed, that is to say, it was subjected to the blows de- livered with the hammer-stone. The object-stone may be of two kinds; it was either a natural pebble, or boulder of siliceous rock, which we may term the parent block, or it represented a flake strxick oiff the parent block. Primarily we may take it that the object-stone was represented by a natural block or boulder, and the effect of a well-directed blow was to divide the parent block into flake and nucleus. (2)- All this appears to be very plain and simple, yet if we come to examine a larger number of tero-watta we at once observe specimens, which are difficult to classify. Are they hammer-stones, or do they represent nuclei? Are they to be considered as unfinished rejects, or as nuclei ? It is obvious that it makes a great difference whether I consider a specimen as an actively used hainmer-stone or as a passively used nucleus, and yet in many instances it is. almost impossible to say which is which. Furthei-more, if we consider that it is often enough impossible to discern ai true hammer-stone from a, sacred stone, or the latter from an anvil-stone, the great difficulties are obvious. I will here attempt to solve these problems by study- ing the evidence handed over to us on the actively and pas- sively used objects, that is to say, hammer-stone and object- stone. (1) Scott I.e. (2) See also : The effe"ts of percussion on siliceous rocl?s 42 THE MAMKACTUKK oK IIIK TKKoWATTA, 2. EVIDENCE OF THE HAMMER-STONES. It seems easy enough to discern a hammer-stone- Rutot has so well described the marks produced by blows that it seems almost ridiculous to be in doubt whether a stone is a hammer-atone or not. Yeb, if we collect a large num- ber of specimens considered to be hammer-stones, we per- ceive at once that the matter is by no means so easy. The definition of the hammer-stone requires that it should be actively used, but we. find specimens which show, from the position of the marks of blows, that they could not possibly have been used actively, but that they were subjected to blows, in other words, used passively, and that they, there- fore, cannot represent hammer-stones. Marks of blows alone do not characterise a stone as a hammer-stone, a fact that has been conclusively proved by the study of a large number of specimens. A stone showing marks of blows may be — (1) A true hammer-stone. (2) A tested pseudo-nucleus. (3) A sacred stone. (4) An anvil-stone. The great difference between these four groups is obvious, yet it is not always possible to say to which group a cer- tain specimen belongs, so imperceptibly are they merging into each other. It may, perhaps, be possible to discern in future between the marks of active and passive blows, that is, to know whether a specimen showing marks of blows was activelv used as a hammer stone, or passively subjected to blows as an object stone, but for the present there is no criterion to discern these marks. There are, however, other features which will assist us to discern tmc hammer-stones. It is almost pretty certain that in order to break a larger boulder of siliceous rock, no other than diabase pebbles were employed. This seems a priori very probable- Diabase is a tough rock, chert, hornstone. or the other siilceous rocks' used in the manufacture of tero-watt? .ire brittle, and break easilv. If, therefore, a siliceous rock were used as hammer, in order to break another siliceous rock, it might happen t)ir\t tli? hammer, but not the object-stone broke. It is. therefore, more than probable that all those BY FillTZ NUETLING, M.A., PH.D. 43 stones of that kind from which the tcro-watta were manu- factured, VIZ., chert, hornstone, porcellanite, breccia, show- ing marks of blows, cannot be considered as hammer-stones, but must be considered as tested and rejected parent blocks (pseudo^nuclei). This limits our field of reseai'ch to some extent, as we have to consider the diabase boulders or pebbles only. Now, among this class there are a certain number which form a most conspicuous group- These are generally very regular, oval, fiat pebbles, showing in the centre of either both or one face only a rough indentation or mark. The edge shows either marks of blows all round, or else at the two polesi only, or at the two' poles and in the middle ol the two longitudinal sides. Frequently the formerly rounded edge is flattened by grinding. These stones have been consider- ed as typical hammer-stones, a view with which I cannot agree. It would lead too far to discuss here ray reasons, and I must refer the reader to a preliminary paper on this subject. (1). It is certainly very remarkable that onb; a few speci- mens oif this type have been found which are not made of diabase, but of a very hard splintery quartzite- It is fur- ther noteworth}' that not one of these stones has been found in a quarry, while ordinary hammer-stones are very common. Now, if these stones were hammer-stones, why were they not used in the quarries where they were certain- ly urgently required? Whv are they only found on camp- ing grounds? If we exclvide this group, there remains only a small group of stones which must be considered as hammer- stones. Yet even among these there are a number, particu larlv when found on camping grounds, which appear very doubtful as tot their true character. They may be hammer- stones, yet there is a probability that they either represent unfinished sacred stones or a special group of the latter. A further discussion of this question must form the subject of another paper- Here I will deal onlv with those specimens of which I am certain that they were used as hammer-stones. These are the diabase pebbles found amone the rejects i" ^he na- tive quarries (2). There cannot be the slightest doubt that (1^ Noetlin?.— Some imi)lements of the T.'i<=mnnian fiborlsines, the magic stones. Tasman. Naturalist, vol. T., No. 3, DecernlDPr. 1907. page 1. ^21 See also .T. B. Walker, the Tasmanlan Alinrigines, Hohart, 1900 Pfge 8. 44 THE MANUFACrUllI'; UK THK TKKo- \V AlTA, these diabase boulders were used as hammer-stones. In the first instance they are very battered, and almost every one is in a fragmentary, broken condition. The presence of such diabase boulders among thousands of broken frag- ments of hornstone is the surest sign that they were carried to their present resting place by human agency. Their battered condition proves that they wei-e used for some heavy work, and the only conclusion we can draw from their nature is that they were used as hammer-stones. I weighed 17 specimens of these hammer-stones, which I collected at Nichols s quarry, the weights ranging from 5] ounces to lib- 5oz. As all the specimens lost considerably during use, their original weight must have been higher, but it is rather difficult to say anything about the loss. Only six out of the 1 7 exceeded one pound in weight, but as seven more weigh fi'om 12 to 15 ounces, it is pretty safe to say that in their original state these stones weighed from J!l to 21b. Now. if we examine these hammer-stones we find that they all show a more or less spherical or globulai' shajje- Not in a single instance laave I found one of the flattened, oval type, showing rough indentations in the centre of either or one side only. We might well ask why is it that if this last-named group of stones were hammer-stones, they were used at the camping grounds only, and not at the quarries? The hammer-stones had io be brought to tlie quarry, and the evidence of the specimens proves that they were globular diabase boulders, probablv water-worn pebbles. Now, if it was found necessary to provide the so called hammer-stones with a mark for the insertion of the thumb and another finger, why were the unquestionable hammer-stones of the quarries never provided with these marks? The evidence of those specimens whose use as hammer- stones is beyond doubt, goes to prove the following facts : — 1. Diabase pebbles only, and no other kind of rock, were used as hammcrz-stones. 2. It appears that the essential feature of such a pebble to serve as hammer-stones was its spherical or globu- lar form. (1). Compressed or flattened pebbles were ap- parently never used as hammer-stones. 3. The great majority of the hammer-stones weighed from lib. to 21b-, though, of course, there may be heavier (1) See also an tea, page 43. BY FKITZ NOETLING, M.A., PH.D. 45 and ligliter ones, but boulders of that weight were ap- parently the most serviceable. 4. These boulders were used witnout any previous treatment ; in fact, they ma,y be considered as true '"eolithes." 5. The compressed diabase pebble of oval shape, show- ing various marks of blows along the edge, and a central rough indentation on either one or two sides, cannot be con- sidered as hammer-stones, whatever else their use or mean- ing may have been. 3. WERE ANVIL-STONES USED IN THE MANU- FACTURE OF THE TERO-WATTA? iDr. Rutot, in his important paper, "Un Grave Probleme" (1) thinks that he can distinguish anvil-stones among the collection of specimens I sent him, but I am afraid tliat, as fai* as the specimen so designated is con- cerned, I cannot agree with him. I have not found a single flake which I could declare as an anvil-stone, and it will, therefore, be useful to discuss the question whether anvil- stones were ever used at some length. The accounts of eye-witnesses are silent on this point. Scott does not state that the "flint" which was chipped with another rested on another stone, viz-, an anvil. In fact, his statement almost seems to imply that the flint which was chipped, was held by one hand, while the other wielded the hammer. We are, therefore, obliged to study the tero- watta in order to ascertain whether they bear traces of hav- ing rested on an anvil-stone or not. It is pretty certain that if a piece of hornstone rests on a hard support, while it is hammered at. those portions of its surface that have been in contact with the hard support, must become some- what dulled. Now, as we know that the tero-watta were wrought by blows that were directed from the Pollicai face towards the Indical face, a flake must have rested on its Indical face while the process of trimming it was performed, if an anvil-stone was used. The traces of having rested on a hard support should, therefore, be found on the Indical face, but the result of such an examination is absolutely negative. Among the thousands of specimens I examined, there is not one whose Indical face shows marks of having rested on a hard support. All edges are exceedingly sharp , il) Bull. Soc. Beige de Geol, Palaeont et Hydr, vol. XXI., 1907. 4(j THE MA.NUfACTUUK Ul- THE TEUU-WATTA, in fact, it is diflicult to imagine how some of the specimens could exhibit and preserve such a fine Indical face, unless the flake was held in the free hand, while the other wielded the hammer- The evidence of the tero-watta themselves, therefore, goes to negative the assumption that an anvil-stone was used when they were made. As far as the evidence of the Kemptcn nucleus and its spalls goes, it seems to indicate that it did not rest on an- other stpne or hard support while it was broken, but was probabiV mostiy imbedded in the soft sand of the camping place. The Kemnton nucleus does not support the theory of the use of anvil-stones, and the arguments in favour of its use at all are not very strong. It would oe ludicrous to assume that the Kempton boulder was broken at some other place affording a hard natural surface as support, and that afterwards the core and all the flakes, even the small- est, were brought to the camping ground simply to be left there. If anything appears to be cei'tain it is that the Kempton boulder was 'broken at the place where its frag- ments were subsequently found, but there is no proof that it rested on a hard support- Now, if any supports whatever were used — and if we admit the praemisse we must assume that they were habi- tually used — where ai'e they? If they existed they must be recognisable, because if a hai'd boulder is broken on a hard surface, the effect of the bloAvs which broke it must also leave some marks on the support when the boulder re- bounded under the effect of the heavy blows. I have pcissed the whole inventory list of the specimens found on the camping grounds and elsewhere, and the only objects that could possibly come in consideration are those I have described as "magic stones."' The flatness of these pebbles would render them very suitable as a support. The queer central indentations could be considered as the result of the rebounding of the block to be broken (1) and the peripheral hammering would result from the hammer-stone striking or touching the anvil-stone. This theory would in some way explain the great va- riety of these remarkable stones, and also why they are (1) When tlie stone was turned over tlie Indentation on tlie opposite s'de would be produced. BY Fi;i'JZ >=UKTLING, iM.A., I'lll). 4( never found in quarries, where the natural surface afforded a good hard support. Yet there are such a number of very vtnghty arguments against this view that I am not inclineci to accept it, unless convincing evidence is forthcoming. In the first instance, it seems to me, that if a hard boulder is broken on anothei', the mai'ks which the former left on the latter ought to be spread all over the surface, and not to be concentrated m a central space of a few millimetres in diameter (])• Further, if the peripheral marks are those of the hammer, how is it that they so frequently occur only on four opposite points, and why are they, particularly those on the longitudinal side, frequently flattened, just as if the edge had been ground ? It is true that specimens occur whose edge is hammered, or even flattened all round, but often enough these specimens are without contral marks. Aiiother important point is the comparative smallness of these boulders. I cannot well imagine how a boulder of the size of the Kempton one rested on one of these small, flat pebbles while it was broken. Further, why should these anvil-stones so frequently be polished, even actually ground, like the specimen from the Old Beach? Is it jDro- bable to assume that the aborigines bestowed more labour on their anvil-stones than on the implements themselves, which were in the last instance the desired object of all the hard labour applied ? All these are such weighty argu- ments against the theoiy of the indented pebbles to be iokeii as anvil-stones that I do not feel inclined to accept it Yet, if anvil-stones were used at all, there are no other objects known but those stones that could have served for such H purpose- However that may be, if anvil-stones were used at all, they w(.ro not reoresented by flakes of hornstone split off from a parent block, as Dr. Rutot assumes. In Eur)p? such flat pieces or slabs of flint may have served as anvil- stones, but not in Tasmania. We have here no similar pieces of hcrnttone, and the anvil-stone such as mentioutid by Dr. Pait'ot would first have to be manufactured. Fur the present there it little or no evidence to show that anvil- stones were used in the manufacture of the tero-watta. 'Ilie only evidence, viz-, that of the implements themselves, goe.s to prove the contrary, and I, personally, feel inclined to discredit the alleged use of anvil-stones altogether. a) There are no doubt some specimens which show the marks of blows all over the surface, but I cannot understand how the central indentation could originate while the surrounding surface remained perfectly smooth. 48 THK MAM'KAt I I |:K cK TMK TKKU-W ATTA, 4. THE EVIDENCE OF THE NUCLEI OR CORES. What constitutes a nucleus or core? The answer seems simple enough : any piece of rock that remains after one or more flakes were struck off represents a nucleus or core. The study of the toro-watta has, however, shown that it is not always easy to distinguish between a nucleus and an unfinished reject, that is to say, a flake that was struck off a parent block, but was not finished- Further, other speci- mens have been found which conclusively prove that though one or even more flakes were struck off, they cannot strictly be considered as cores. These specimens were apparently only tested as to the suitability of the rock. At Droughty Point I found a siilendid specimen of tbis type, and a large number of these remarkable specimens were found at De- vonport, but the most interesting of all came from Shene. - There is no sharp, well-defined limit between nucleus, pseudo nucleus, and unfinished, reject. They pass so imper- ceptiblv into each other that it is often absolutely impos- sible to decide which type a certain specimen represents. On the other hand, if a large number is collected, there will always be a few specimens which leave no doubt as to their nature. I will, therefore, deal with the evidence of such speci- mens only which leave no doubt as to their character, tak- ins the nuclei or cores first- (A) NUCLEI. Though a number of specimens have come under my notice which must unquestionably be considered as nuclei, none is so convincing and absolutely certain as the Kemp- ton nucleus (1). I found this specimen on the eastern slope of a hill north of Kcmpton known as the Sistei'S, and I first dis- covered, what we may now term the core, representing, ap- parently, about half of a large water- worn pebble. I also found 41 flakes which could all be fitted to the core, and the most interesting of all was the last flake that was struck off the core, of which I had previously made a cast. The il) Notes on a chlppod boulder found near Kenipton. Pn]). and Proceed. Koy. Soc, Tas., 1908. BY FRITZ NOETLIN(i, M.A., PH.D. 49 core weighs 51b. lOoz , the total of the 41 flakes is 21b. 15oz. ; core and flakes weigh, therefore, 81b 9oz. m the ag- gregate, but as the top portion is still missing, the weight of the original boulder was probably not less than 101b. The spalls that were struck off this bo'ulder exceed more than 41, and vary considerably in size and weight. We can distinguish external and internal flakes, and the last one that was struck off a typical internal flake of the 1st order weighs almost 4 ounces. All further work was stopped after this flake had been struck off, and we must, therefore, consider it as the desireu object- This view is further borne out by the fact that many of the flakes pre- viously struck off seem by the sharpness of their edges emi- nently suitable as implements, yet they were disregarded. Unless we believe the very improbable theory that an aborigine amused himself by striking off about half a hun- dred of spalls from a parent block with no object at all, we must take it that the object of all this hard work was the production of a flake of either certain weight or shape, or of both. So far no evidence has been found that the shape of a flake was material, and we must, therefore, assume that it was desired to produce a tero-watta of a certain weight, and as weight is dependent on the size, we might also say of a certain size. It may seem somewhat rash to generalise from one specimen only, but the Kempton nucleus seems to- Throve that whenever a pebble of suitable rock was broken, it was with the view of obtaining a flake of a desired weight (and size). All others were disregarded, no matter how suitable they may appear to us. This view is borne out by the evi- dence of the quarries. I have repeatedly pointed out that it appears unintelligible that such a number of apparently eminently suitable flakes were rejected, while others that seem to us much less suitable were used- There is only one explanation for this fact, viz., that the primary object was to obtain a flake of a certain weight (or size). Sometimes a larger, sometimes a smaller, flake may have been wanted, but, however suitable the other flakes that fell off may have been, they were disregarded. (B) THE TESTED REJECTS (pseudo-nuclei). As stated above, there is another group of pebbles and boulders which has been subjected to a certain amount of D 50 THK M \M'KACl'l i;k ok TIIK TKK blow is administei"ed on its head. Of course it is absurd to assume that the aborigines used a nail or other sharply-pointed iron chisel to split the pebbles, but it may be probable that they placed the sharp point of ? piece of rock on the pebble, and administered a sharp blow to this chisel. 52 Till-: MAMKAl TUKK oK TUK TKKO-WATTA, Howevei' tempting it may bo to assume, that the abori- gines had learnt to split pebbles by means of a kind of chisel, I do not think that such a theory is in harmony with all the other facts we know as to their state of civilisation. I rather feel inclined to think that these peculiar deeply penetrating marks of percussion showing axi intensive pul- verising of the nu»trix are in some way connected with the physical constitution of the rock. With all reserve I may advance the view that the homogeneous hornstone is less elastic than the .saccharine quartzite. and that while the former readily fractured when subjected to a blow coming under the effective angle, the latter resisted more strongly to the fracturing energy, and this resistance resulted, in a deeper penetration of hammer into the matrix than would have taken place had the rock readily yielded to fracture. (C) THE UNFINISHED REJECTS. The evidence deduced from these specimens will come under the following heading, as it is essentially the IndicaJ face that shows mai'ks of being wrought. 5. EVIDENCE OF THE INDICAL FACE. If we examine a large number of tero-watta we always find a number of specimens whose Indical face isi more elaborately worked than that of others- We also perceive that these specimens are distinguished bv a smooth, level Pollical face. So far I have not found a single specimen which ha."? an elaborately wrought Indical, and a rough, un- even Pollical face. We may find specimens having a nice smooth Pollical face, whose Indical face shows hardlv an traces of being trimmed, but we will never find a rough Pollical face combined with an elaborately chipped Indical face. This fact proves conclusively that the production of a good, smooth, level, Pollical face was an essential feature in the manufacture of a tero-watta. Only such flakes that possessed this quality were further wrought, should they otherwise be considered as suitable. It is obvious that the trimming of the Indical face was only necessary when the flake showed considerable BY FRITZ NOKTLINU, M.A., PH.D. -5 thickness, and was, therefore, unhandy- In most cases the external flakes will have been submitted to this process, fvhile the internal flakes, which were mostly ot smaller thickness, did not require further reduction. The trimming of the Indical face was invariably car- ried out in such a wav that the blows were directed from the Pollical towards the Indical face, but never m the r^ verse way. This is another essential feature m the manu- facture of the tero-watta, and R. M. Johnston (1) was the first who drew attention to this fact. There is no doubt that a good deal of unnecessary controversy in discussing the nature of the European archpeolithes would ha.ve been avoided had Johnston's observation not been entirely over- looked. The fact he established as far back as 1888 had to be' rediscovered, so to say, by Verworn (2) in 1908- When the Indical face was trimmed it apparently hap- pened cot unfrequently that the blows did not have the desired effect. If it became impossible to reduce the thick- ness, the flake was rejected, no matter how much work had already been spent on it. One of the finest instances of this type that has come to my notice is the magnificent specimen found at Mona Vale. Its large thickness, 78 mm., and its weight of 3Mb., make it a most unwieldly tool, and it would require a giant's hand to grip and handle it (3). Now, I observed that every time, when a tero-watta showed great thickness, the sides of the Indical face formed an angle of SOdeg. to 90deg. with the Pollical face, while in those whose Indical face was well wrought the sides formed an angle of 45des'. to 60deg. with the Pollical face. This observation further confirms the view expounded in a previ ous paper that the effective angle under which the blow must strike the rock must be about 45deg. If it was impos- ■sible to direct the blows at this anffle. it was also impossible to detach further flakes, thus reducing the thickness of the tero-watta, and the specimen was rejected as useless- G-ener- ally speaking, these( unused rejects can be recognised by a saw-like edge, showing noi marks of use. (1) Geology of Tasmania, 334. (2) Ein objectives Kriterium fuer die Beurtellung der Manufactnatur geschlagener Feuersteine, Zeitscli, f. Ethnol, Heft. 4, 1908, pags 548 (page 555). '3) The weiglit of this specimen appears more striking still if we hear in mind that 74.6 per cent, of tero-watta weigh under 8 ounces, while only 1.3 per cent, weigh more than 31b. TUK MAMFACTLKK oV THK Tl-i:" WATTA, 6. EVIDENCE OF THE MARGINAL CHIPPING. In a previous paper I pointed out that the origin of sliai-penmg the edges of a flake was probably due to the peculiarity of hoiuogeneous siliceous rocks, to produce some- times a rounded instead of a sharp, cutting edge when the fJake was struck off the parent block (1). Now, though it is pretty certain that the flakes were struck off from the parent block by means of a spherical or globular hammer-stone, sometimes of considerable weight, it is very difficult to assume that the delicate and regular marginal trimming was done with such an imple- ment. When I find a flake of 70 mm- in length, having a thickness of 2.3 mm. only, whose edge is most carefully and delicately worked by chipping o£f small regular flakes. I wonder whether this work can be done by means of a clumsy, globular stone ? If it was done in this way, the Tasmanian aborigines must have been exceedingly dexterous in wielding the hammer-stones, because the marginal flakes have often been struck off in such a regular" manner that it required the greatest accuracy to direct the blow. To^ a modern mind it seems almost incredible that such regular delicate work could be done by means of a rough, clumsy hammer ; yet, as we will presently see, it was done in such a way. We know that in the higher palaeolithic stages the finer trim- ming of the implements was done by means of a special instrument, made of bone, by which thin flakes were press- ed off As the use of bone for implements was unknown to the Tasmanians, it is highly improbable that they ap- plied such an instrument for the finer trimming of the tero- watta (2). We may. therefore, dismiss this theory at once- Another theory, which is strongly supported by Dr. Kutot, assumes that the marginal chipping of the European archasolithes was done by means of a sharp-edged hammer, which he calls "tranchet" or "retouchoir." This mav have '1) This feature Is. I may Fay, not .Imliod to the Tasmanian horn- stonr-s, etc., but seeins to ho rommon to all homogeneous siliceous rocks huviiiR a ponrhoidal fracture. Among tlie specimens from Chelles which nr. Jtutot klndlv sent me. I found a filiit flake wlio)=e edge was rounded off exactly in the same way as exhibited by some tero-watta. '2* I may add tliat if the aborigines liad used sucli an instrument, it would not have escai)ed such nn acute observer as the late Mr. Scott, and we certainly would have found pieces of bone indicating that they were used for siicli a purpose. ' BY FRITZ XOETLllvLi, M.A., PH.D. 55 been so or not ; I am not in a position to decide one way or other. Probably Dr. Kutot is quite right, but, unfor- tunately, we cannot say with certainty whether such an implement was used by the Tasmanians or not- We have it from an eye-witness that they were "chip- ping one flint with another." We know that in certain in- stances the "flint" used as a hammei was a spherical dia base pebble, but, unfortunately, we do not know whether Scott's "flinf which was used as a hammer was such a dia- base pebble, or whether it can be interpreted as a tero-watta made of hornstone, serving as a "retouchoir." As already stated, it seems very improbable^ — at least to the modern mind — that a clumsy diabase pebble was used for the delicate marginal chipping and a priori it would seem more probable that another implement which could be handled with greater accuracy than a pebble was used.' We will noAv iiivestigate whether there is evidence to show that this was the case. There is a certain group of tero-Avatta which are dis- tinguished by a curious jagged saw-like edge. As the implement known as "saw" was unknown to the aborigines, though they unquesitionably executed sawing movements when cutting a stick or a spear, we may dismiss the view that these tero-watta represent saws. What is more, they do not show any traces of use, the "teeth" of the edge being quite sharp and pointed. A closer examination provets that the blows which detached the flakes between the teeth were not placed quite close to each ether, but at certain intervals. This view is fully borne out by a specimen from Brighton, which distinctly shows the traces of three blows placed in the way here described. Now, it is unquestion- able that a number of blows, which are not close to each other, can be executed by means of a. spherical hammer, as 1 have convinced myself by experiment. If, then, a second series of blows is directed against the same edge, by which the jagged points are removed — and it will be noticed that again these blows are not placed close to each other — the edge became perfectly sharjD, and the flakes appear tc be struck oif with that regularity which appears so astonish- ing to us. We see, therefore, that it is not necessary to use a sharp-edged hammer for marginal trimming, and that this can bo done equally well by meaus of a spherical hammer in the way here described. The specimens showing a saw- like "d^H have, theret'orr, to l)e consider.'d sis unfinished re- 56 THE MAM KAfTriU: t)K Til K TKKO-WATTA, jects, aud I feel obliged to withdraw the view first promul- gated by me in a previous paper that sharply-edged stones were used for marginal trimming (!)• It is greatly to be regretted that Scott never inquired into the nature of the "flint" used as a hammer ; if he had all the above speculations would not have been necessary. 7. EVIDENCE OF WEIGHT AND SIZE. 1 weighed and measured 75 tero-watta which I selected at random from a large collection. All snecimens were per- fect, but it is more than probable that some of the lai-gest specimens, patricularly the Mona Vale specimen, represent unfinished rejects, which should not properly be included among the implements actually used. I further took great care that none but tero-watta that had actually been used were examined. I admit that 75 specimens is a small. num- ber only, but I do not think that much would have been gained by weighing and measuring a larger number- A.— WEIGHT. The heaviest specimen weighed 31b. 8oz.. but this must in all probability be considered as an unfinished reject. The lightest specimen weighed not more than 96 grains, vet it showed distinct marginal chipping. The results are sum- marised in the following table : — 2 ounces and under : 20 specimens, equal to 26.6 per cent. 2 ounces to 4 ounces : 24 specimens, equal to 32 per cent. 4 ounces to 8 ounces : 12 specimens, equal to 16 per cent. 8 ounces to lib. : 8 specimens, equal to 10.6 psr cent- lib, to 21b. : 7 specimens, equal to 9.3 per cent 21b. to 31b- : 3 specimens, equal to 4.0 per cent. More than 31b. : 1 specimen, equal to 1.3 per cent- il) stud, neb d. Terhnik der tasiii. Tronatta Arcli. f. Antliroinpl. \.F., Vol. VIII. Heft 3, page 204. BY FRITZ NOETLINt;, M.A., PH. J). 57 Tliis table presents some striking features ; 56 tero- watta (74.6 per cent.) weigh under eight ounces ; only 19 (25.2 per cent.) are above that weight, and even in that small number there are included specimens which, strictly speaking, should not have been mentioned. However that may be, these figures prove conclusively that the tero- watta was an implement of light weight, and as such it was not particulai'ly suitable for any heavy work This view is still more emphasised if we consider that 44 speci- mens (58.6 per cent.), that is to say, considerably over one- half, weigh under 4 ounces. The above figures make it appear that the largest number, viz-, 24, equal to 32 per cent., weigh from 2 to 4 ounces, the lighter, but particularly the heavier weights, declining rapidly in number- Now, if we assume that the most suitable weight was from 2 to 8 ounces, we have: — (a) 2 ounces and under : 20 specimens, equal to 26.6 per cent. (b) 2 ounces to 8 ounces : 36 specimens, equal to 48.0 per cent. (c) More than 8 ounces : 19 specimens, equal to^ 25.2 per cent. The proportion of these three classes is rather remark- able, as we have : — a : b : c equal to 1 : 2 : 1. And I do not think that it is purel}^ accidental. As I Btated above, I selected the specimens at random, and if we find the examination of 75 specimens proves that out of 4 tero-watta 2 weigh between 2 and S ounces, while one is above and one below that weight, we must conclude that this really represents the true proportion. B.— SIZE. The largest specimen I found measures 206 mm. in length, while the smallest measures not more than 24 mm. Specimens measuring over 100 mm. (4-inch) represent only 30.6 per cent., while 69.4 per cent, remain under that size. Onlv 6 specimens that are under 100 mm. in length weigh more than 4 ounces, but none of them weigh more than 7 ounces. We have, therefore: — Length more than 100 mm. : 22 specimens, equal to 30.6 per cent-, weighing all more than 4 ounces- i)S llli; .MANLlAlTUllK t)l' THi; TKKn- W ATTA, Length loss than 100 mm. : 53 specimens, equal to 69.4 per cent., almost all weighing under 4 ounces. We can, therefore, say, with a great amount of ac- curacy, that in round figures half of all the tero-watta ■weighed from 2 to 8 ovmces, and, with very few exceptions, remained under 100 mm. (4-inch) in length. One-quarter weighed more than 8 ounces and exceeded 100 mm. in length, while those that weighed less than 2 ounces never exceeded 75 mm. in length- The above figures have conclusively demonstrated that the average tero-watta is a light implement of small size- Of course, there are exceptions, but they are few, and do not materially alter this view. The inference we can. therefore, draw is that the tero-watta was not an imple- ment meant for iieavy work. It was fit for light work only, and its size confirms, therefore, the view that it was used for chiefly in the manufacture of the wooden speai's and throwing-sticks. A few other light manipulations, such as cutting the hair, the pi'oduction of ornamental scars, scraping the red ochre, could be performed with it. and occasionally it was used as a knife to cut up animals. Heavier work, for instance, the splitting of fern trees, the cutting of notches into the bark of trees to be ascendP'-^. was probably done with columnar pieces of diabase, though it is probable that the heavier tero-watta may have also come in use for this kind of work. Another very probable inference is that the hand which wielded the tero-watta was small, and that, there- fore, the bodv to which this hand belonged was not of gigantic px'oportions. 8. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. The above observations and farts ran be summarised as follows : — 1- The raw material required for the inanufacture of tero-watta waA for the greater part obtained in the sliape of water-worn pebbles from the gravel beds, for the smaller part from so-called quarries. 2. The raw material used in the manufacture of tero- BY FRITZ NOKTLINC, M.A., PHD. 59 watta consisted exclusively of siliceous rocks of lioinogeu- eous nature possessing a good conchoidal fracture. 3. The parent block was broken by means of a ham- mer-stone; there is no definite evidence to show that the parent block rested on a hard support (anvil-stone) while being broken, but it is practically certain that the flakes were held in the band when being trimmed. 4. The hammei'-stones consisted chiefly of spherical or globular diabase boulders or pebbles, weighing from lib. to 21b. in the a.verage, thoiugh lighter, as well as heavier, ones, may have been occasionally used. The view that sharp-edged hammers of hornstone were employed, though not impossible, is not supported by actual evidence. 5- If anvil-stones wei'e used — a theory which is more than doubtful — it is not probable that flakes of the same material from which the ter-o-watta were manufactured were employed. The only objects that could have served as anvil-stones are some of the indented stones described as "magic-stones," but the arguments against this view are so weighty that stronger evidence would be required before it could be accepted- In fact, all the evidence rathe-r goes to disprove the use of anvil-stones than tO' pro've it. 6. The blow of the hammer divides the parent block into nucleus (core) and flake (flakes, spalls). 7. Besides the true nuclei, i.e., pieces of stone which were left behind after the flake (flakes) had been detached, there are pseudo-nuclei, that is to say, boulders which were merely tested as to their quality, and rejected as unsuit- able. 8. The marks of percussion on the pseudo-nucleus — a rather deep hole and intense shattering of the matrix — make it appear as if a sharply-pointed hammer hud been used- This is not very likely, and the peculiarity of the marks is in all probability due to the physical constitution of the rock. 9- The flakes can be divided into external and in- ternal flakes, and each group is again divided into two sub- groups. 10. In the external flakes the original crust of the parent block (or yjart thereof) forms the Indical-face. 60 THK MANlJKACTl'Ur. oK THK TKKO-WATTA, 11. In the internal flakes one or more previous planes of fracture form the Indical face. 12. External and inLernal flakes of the first order have no special percussion face; the latter is formed by the original surface of the parent block. 13. External and internal flakes of the second order have a special percussion face (a former plane of fracture) which, though sometimes greatly reduced by marginal trimming, foi-ms an angle, of about 135deg. with the Pol- lical face. 14- The production of a flat, smooth Pollical face waa the essential feature in striking ofi" a flake from the parent block. This condition could only be fulfllled if the ham- mer struck the parent block at an angle of about 45deg. 15. The future shape of the tero-watta was primarily determined by the shapo of the orginal flake. 16. A flake detached from a parent block may have been used without further trimming or not. If it was the Indical face only was worked, but never the Pollical face. (N.B. — There are certain exceptions of this rule, mostly in such instances when in the case of an internal flake there was little difference between Indical and Pol- lical face.) 17. Invariably the trimming of the Indical face or the edges was done by blows fx-om the Pollical towards the Indical face, and never vice versa. (N.B. — There are cer- tain exceptions, but they do not materially afifect this rule.) 18. The trimming of the Indical face or the edges was in all probability done by means of a spherical hammer. In marginal trimn.ing the blows were not set close, but at regular intervals, the saw-like edge thus resulting was sub- sequently straightened by striking of tlie "teeth-" 19. In round figures 75 per cent, of the finished tero- watta weighed under 8 ounces, while only 25 pc cent, weighed more than 8 ounces- The largest number, 32 per cent., weighed between 2 and 4 ounces, while only 14 per cent., a good number of which arc perhaps unfinished re- jects, weighed more than lib. Roy. Soc. Ta?. 1911. PL. V Roy. Soc. Tas. 1911. PL. VI TESTED REJECT. PL. VII TESTED REJECT. )Y. Soc. Tas. 1911. PL. VIII. HAMMER STONE (?) BY FRITZ NOETLING, M.A , PH.D. 61 20. Thei'L! is reasoii to believe that there was a desire to produce a flake of a certain weight and size, irrespective of shape, when a parent block was broken, no matter how suitable the other flakc3 that fell off may have been, but the Indical face, particularly of external flakes, may have been subsequently trimmed. The inability to trim the Indical face probaLly accounts for the large number of un- finished rejects. 21. The accidental marks of percussion resulting when the flake was struck off the parent block appeax on the Pollical face only, and their negatives can be seen on the core. (Any marks of percussion appearing on the Indical face are either the negatives! of an earlier flake, or clue to subsequent trimiiDng.) These marks are : cone of percus- sion, scar of percussion, radiating fissure of percusssion, concentric v/rinkles of percussion. The three first appear at the proximal end, while the last may spread over the whole surface. The process of percussion appears at the edge between Peixussion and Pollical face, and marks the point, wh-^re the blow fell. 22. If a wrinkle of pei-cussion coincides with the edge of a flake, the edge is rounded instead of sharp, and this gave probably rise to marginal sharpening by striking off small fl.i.kes along the edge. 23. Thovigh the essential character of the tero-watta is its unsymmetry in two directions, there is good reason to believe that pertain specimeiis show an intentional out- line, produced by marginal trimming. 24. There is no evidence to show that the tero-watta were manufactured in advance of their use; in all proba- bility they were only manufactured when required, and imnediatel)^ discarded afterwards- 25. It appears that sometimes attempts were made to re- chip a previously discarded tero-watt.a., but there is no evi- dence to show that these attempts were completed. 26. The tero-watta was a universal instrument, adapt- ed for all purposes alike, but never used as a weapon. 27. The reasons given under 24 and 26 explain the enormous frequency of the tero-watta. 02 6. NOTES ON TREUIUA INSIGNIS, GOEBEL. By L. Rodway, Government Botanist. (Read July 10, 1911.) This hepatic was discovered by Goebel in Java, and described by him as recently as 1891- It was subsequently recorded from Tahiti, Samoa, and New Zealand, and now I have gathered it in dense woods on the southern slopes of Mt. Wellington, near the end of Strickland Avenue, and also near Forked Creek. Specimens have been forwarded to Stephani, who ccnfirmsi tlie identification. The plant is bright green when fresh, grows flat on the ground, and bears few lateral branches; it is about one centimetre diameter, and about five centimetres long, but it has been recorded from Java of a length of sixteen centi metres- The stem is broad and flat, and bordered on each side by oblong, leafy expansions which, at least in the an- terior portions, are arranged in a succubous manner. Ihai is, the anterior margin of each leaf is depressed and over- lapped by the posterior mai'gin of the one in front of it. On the dorsal surfaces there are two rows of suborect, trans- verse, green bracts, one near the anterior margin of each leaf. These bracts in the Tasmanian form are subquadrate, and about 2 mm. long; in the Javan specimens they are shorter. In the species ITcpaticarum, Stephani refers the New Zealand form to a distinct species, T. bracteata, prin- cipally on account of the bracts being subquadrate, longer than broad, and appressed. On the under surface the plant bears a quantity of thick pellucid mucilage that affords protection to the growing apex, provides moisture in dry periods, and assists in anchoring the plant- This mucilage is secreted by glandular ti.ssue formed on the lower poi-tion of the anterior margins of the leaves. Treubia is generally classed with Aneura, Metzgcria, and Symphyogyna, and like ♦^hem it has a complete absence of perianth ; the work of that organ is undertaken by the enlarged fleshy calyptra. The archcgonia are formed under the bracts. After fertili- sation the calyptra enlarges enormously, becomes clavate, erect, and about one centimetre long- The seta is long, often as much as 5 cm. ; the capsule is spherical, and bursts to the base into four valves. BY LEONARD lloDWAY, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST. 63 Treubia is of great interest to the Bryologist, for it combines reproductive and frtiiting characters of Aneur- aceae with the leafy morphology of the Acrogyneae. Many authorities try to avoid the breaking down of established systems by treating the lateral expansions as lobed portions of lateral wings. This seems a distorted description of the apparent structure, and does not tend to a clear under- standing of the evolution of the hepatics. The leaves of this group of plants have without doubt arisen independ- ently along many lines of descent, and also^ have arisen by the transformation of very different primary structures- In some instances they have arisen by the gradual modifica- tion of protective scales or from mucilage-secreting organs ; or again as lateral expansions which have from, the first, or subsequently, been segmented into the condition that we have generally called leaves. We must always remember that leaves of mosses and leaves of flowering plants are only alike in name and function. They can have no relation- ship one to another. They belong to different categories, and cannot truthfully be compared, except -so far as their function- If the term leaf is to be applied to definitely structur- ed, lateral, assimilatory organs of Hepaticse, then Treubia is leafy and not merely frondose. It is only a difference of words, with the addition of some recognition of evolution- ary developments. 7. NOTES ON THE HUNTING STICKS (LUGHKANA), SPEARS (PERENNA), AND BASKETS (TUGH- BR AN A) OF THE TASMANIAN ABORIGINES. PL IX., X., XL. XII., XIII., XIV.. XV. By Fritz Noetling, M-A., Ph.D., Etc. (Read July 10th. 1911.) INTRODUCTION. In the pajJcrs previously published in the Society's journal I have conclusively proved, and it can now be con- si.Iered as an established fact, that the stone relics of the Aborigines represent implements only, and not weapons. This is a fact of the greatest importance, and its signifi- cance will only be fully realised when we apply it to the study of archaeolithic man in Europe- The Tasmanian Aborigines had made at least one great invention, viz.. they had discovered that a certain kind of rock yielded sharp- edged flakes when broken. (1). They also found that these sharp-edged flakes could be used for most of the re- quirements of their simple life. But here again we come upon one of those curious psychological pi'oblems that are so difiicult to explain. The Aborigines had undoubtedly discovered that these flakes were excellent cutting imple- ments, as thev have generally a fine edge, and often enough terminated in a sharp ])oint To us it seems easy enough to turn the good qualitie.s of the sharp flakes to other uses than merely as tools. The instinct of self-presei-A'ation is paramount in all hviman beings, and. as has often been stated, it is the mother of all those inventions that have changed the life of our prehistoric ancestors into that of modem mankind. A modern mind cannot understand how it was possible that such a suitable material as the siliceous rocks from which the implements were manufactured, was not also used for weapons. (1) This si>eins very iiisigniflc-ant to u.-^, yet It was ii great Invention, wtien wo con.sider that protmhly previously to tlie use of sliarplv-edged, artiflclnlly detached flakes, only thin cohininHr pieces of diabase or similar volcanic rocks which had a naturally sharp edge were used as Implements by human beings. BY FRITZ NOETLINIJ, M.A., PH.D. 65 To US it seems unintelligible, why the Aborigines did not fix a suitable' flake to a piece of wood, thus producing a weapon far superior to the primitive wooden spear. Yet this was apparently an invention the Tasmanian Aborigine never made. Kis mind was just as unable to conceive the idea of providing the wooden spear with a stone head, as it was to chip the tero-na-watta on both faces, or to' provide it with a handle, or to improve it by polishing the surface. It is a common theory that primitive man used as his earliest weapon a stick picked up by him during his wander- ings through the primaeval forest. The anthropoid apes are said to use a stick in self-defence. Now, there is no doubt that such a stick is an efficient weapon only at close quar- ters, unless, indeed, it is thrown at the aggressor. A modern man armed with a stout stick would, if suddenly surprised, await hisi enemy and attempt to' disable him by a hard blow. Primosval man probably acted differently under similar cir- ciunstances ; he threw the stick, at his aggressor, and run away as quickly as he could. Speed of foot was still one of his chief means of defence. It is more than probable tO' as- sume that the primitive stick at first was simply hurled at the aggressor, and it is also more than probable that a methodical linear discharge of such a stick was a subsequent invention. Now, if the Tasmanian Aborigines had neither weapons made entirely of stone, nor used stone as a supplementary material to give greater strength and efficiency to wooden weapons, what kind of weapons did they use? Fortunately, we are well informed on this point ; in fact, the information is more complete than on many other features of their daily life, yet the records are again silent on some important points, as we shall presently see. Ling Roth (2) has carefully collected all the information available, and the observations made by many explorers. These accounts, th®ugh sohiewhat differing ih, detail, agree in this that the Tasmanians possessed two kind of weapons : a sho'rt stick and a much longer spear. Both weapons were made solely of wood, and they were never provided with stone heads. Now it mvist be of the greatest interest to' the student of Archseolithic civilisation, to know whether the accounts, as handed over to us, can be corroborated, by the examination of actual specimens. Fortunately, the Hobart Museu.m has among its greatest treasures 7 authenticated spears and 3 short sticks. As these weapons have never (2) Aborigines of Tasmania, 2nd edit., pages 67-72. 66 NOTKS OX THK IirXTINt; sricKS, ETC. been properly described, and. as to the best of my know- ledge, there is no pictorial rcprodiiction of either sticks or spears, I thought that in the interest of science this infor- mation should be made available to students of archaeology. I desire herewith to acknowledge my obligation to the Ti-ustees of the Tasmanian Museum for their courteous per- mission to examine and describe these valuable relics. I. THE LUGHR-ANA (HUNTING STICK). According to Milligan (3) the Tasmanian words for this implement, which he calls "waddie. a tn.incheon-like weapon used as a missile in war and hunting, were : — (1) Lerga or lughrana (tribes fi'om Oyster Bay to Pitt- water). (2) Lughrana (tribes about Mount Royal, Bruni Island, Recherche Bay, and the South of Tasmania). The Norman Vocabulary (4) gives the name as (3) Lillar. while Dooe calls it lerga, and Roberts (4) Lorinna. Jorgensen states that the Northern Tribes call it (5) Rocah, while others call it (6) Runna. This is quite a number of names for such a simple im- plement, but we are able to reduce them to a smaller com- pass. "Lerga" and "lughra-na" are obviously the same word, and it is probable that "lillar" as well as "lorinna" were the nam'es in certain dialects. We would therefore have lerga — lughrana — lillar — lo,rinna — a waddie. tninch- eon-like weapon used as a missile in war and hunting. The word "rocah," to which "runna" (Jorgensen) is apparently closely related, is, however, quite different from the above. We will presently see that Dove gives the word "rugga" for spear, and Jorgensen calls the same weapon "raccah." As all others who collected words of the Tasmanian language agree that the "spear" and the "waddie" were distinguished (3) Vocabulary of the dialects of some o( tlie aboilgiiiitl tribes ol Tasmania. Pap. and Proceed. Roy. Soc. of Tasmania, Vol. III., Part II., 1859, page 239. (4) The Norman Manuscript. Pap. and Proceed. Rov. Soc. of Tas- mania, 1910, page 340 (page 29 of the manuscript). BY FRITZ NOETLING, M.A., P.H.D. 67 by two different names, it is more than probable that. Jor- gensen must be wrong if he calls the "waddie" "I'ocah" and the spear "raccali." In fact, if it were not for the testi- mony of Dove, who also uses the word "rugga" to designate a spear, I should feel inclined to think that this word is an error altogether. As it is, I do not think that it means a sjDear — all the vocabularies agree as to the chief word for spear as we will presently see — ^it may be possible that it means a special kind of a "waddie. " The evidence of the sjDecimens pre- served in the Tasmanian Museum seems to support such a view, but it is not sufficient to decide on anything defin- ite. On the whole, I am not inclined to think that, though the hunting sticks may have differed m the finish, they were not distinguished by different names. For the pre- sent, I therefore consider the words "rocah — i-unna^ — rugga — raccah" as doubtful (5). The lughrana has been designated by the early settlers as "waddie" or "throwing stick." The word waddie or waddy is apparently of Australian origin, and most probably borrowed by the early settlers from the New South Wales Aborigines. I am unable to say anything de- finite as to its origin, except that it is a foreign word which does not convey a better meaning to the general mind than the word lughrana. I therefore prefer to discard it alto- gether. (5) Mr. Ritz, with whom I frequently discussed these questions has kindly supplied the following remarks: — "According to my classification of th.e Tasmanian speech-sounds, we have in the names given two ideas represented, viz., 'motion' and 'send- ing forth,' or 'motion from.' We have also pena (Koth, p. xxxvi., sub. spear (wood), which contains the idea of 'aiming at' or 'motion towards." Win'i is phonologioally identical with jjena. Simple motion is express- ed by the liquids: r, 1, n, m. 'Motion from' is expressed by gutturals: k, g, ng. 'Motion to' is expressed by labials : p, b, w. We may then classify the names of the spears, etc., as follow: — "Simple motion: Lilla, runna, lo-rinna; also, muna Una (lioth., p. Lxvi.. Lix.). "Motion from : Lerga, lugh-rana, rocah. "Motion to: Penna. "As the spear or the simple stick might be denoted by any of the above names, the divergencies in the vocabularies were probably due to the accidental circumstance that in each case the aboriginal gave the word that occuriei to him first. This does not exclude his having the other names in his vocabulary as well as the one given to his questioner on a particular occasion. Therefore, I cannot see the co- gency of 'Jorgen.-en must be wrong' (at foot of p. 4), and must regard the whole argument on this point as doubtful. "It is evident that any of the words for 'spear' did duty for the designation of any other things possessing the qualities indicated by the sounds." I am unable to say how far Mr. Tlitz's theories are acceptable or not; to me they seem to be interesting enough, but I must decline all responsibility for the views expresed by Mr. Ritz. 68 NOTES ON THE HUNTING STICKS, ETC. Worse, however, is the designation, as "throwing stick." No doubt the lughrana was "thrown, " that is to say, it was passively thrown as a missile, but to call it a "throwing" stick is altogether wrong. The "throwing stick" or "womerra'' is an implement used to impart greater force or velocity to a spear which was thrown by means of it. It is therefore an accessoi'y implement which was used actively, and not passively like the lughrana. The reten- tion of the word "throwing stick' might therefore lead to very grave misunderstandings, because those who are not intimately acquainted with the habits of the Aborigines might be led to believe that the Tasmanians used the wo- mera. As the lughrana was chiefly, though not exclusively, used in hunting animals and birds, I think the word "hunt- ing stick"' is much more appropriate ; it is certainly not misleading (6). As far as my knowledge goes, only three lughrana have been preserved, and these are in the Hobart Museum. It is possible that a few more are in Paris and perhaps in the British Museum, or in possession of pnvate individuals, but if they exist, they have neither been described nor figured. Two of tho Hobart specimens. No. 4268 and No. 4269. were originally in Milligans possession, and we may take it as granted that they are authentical. The third specimen, without a number, is said to have been found in some swampy land while a trench was dug, but, unfortu- nately the exact locality where it was found is no longer known. As it differs in a material point from Milligan's specimens, this uncertainty is greatlv to be regretted. The following table gives the measurements of the three speci- mens : — No. 4268 (No. 1) No. 4269 (N... 2) No Museum Numlier. No. 3) Lenpth 633 mm. 584 mm. 66U mm. Thickne.ss °J6 mm. 22.; mm. 22 mm. Circumference 88.9 mm. 76.2 mm. C!) nun. Length of .shorter point . . 42 mm. 36 mm. - Length of longer point 76 mm. 82 mm. - Weight 26.T gram. (9 oz.) 195 gram. (6i oz.) 120J gram. (41 oz.) (6) It has been suggested to me that the word "mlsslle-stlck" would he a very approiirlate designation for the lughrana. No doubt the luglirana was chiefly a missile, but as we shall see later on, it was also used in a different wav, not as a missile. As It was apparently chiefly used lor hunting purposes, I think the designation "hunting stick" preferable to that of "missile stick." BY FKITZ NUETLING, M.A , PH.D. 69 The most prominent feature of the above measurements is the shortness of the lughrana in relation to its relatively heavy weight. Specimens No'. 1 and No. 2 weigh in the average for every 100 mm. (4 inches) in length 37.6gi-. (about l|^oz.), while the perenna (spear) gives only 15 to 18 grammes (slightly over i-oz.) for the same length (7). Specimens Nos. 1 and 2 are exactly alike, so the de- scription of one serves for the other as well. In general ap- pearance the lughrana is a short stick, pointed at both ends, and apparently made of the wood of a shnib commonly known as tea-tree (8). It is of almost uniform thickness throughout, and both ends taper, forming a blunt conical point. The aiDpearance of the ends is, however, vei'y differ- ent. One end is smooth, the other rough and notched. The smooth point tapers rather suddenly, so as to form a short conical point; No. 4268 still shows the marks of chipping, while in No. 4269 they have been carefully smoothened off. The rough point is rather peculiar, and its appearance is almost exactly like a pine cone. It tapers more gradiially than tire other end, and forms a rather long point ; all over its surface for a distance from 76 to 82 mm. from the end it is made rough by numerous short, little cuts made with a tero-na-watta. Small portions of the wood have thus been broken off, and there was unquestionably an attempt to place the cuts in a regular ring i-ound the end. The whole surt*ace is smoothened, but the knots and knot holes were just scraped over without entirely being effaced. Both specimens balance in the middle. No. 3 somewhat differs from the other two. It is slightly longer than either, though this may not be of great im.portance. But the greatest difference consists in the ap- pearance of the ends, which are both smooth. One end terminates in a short, smooth conical point, while the other tapers very gently, and ends in a smooth point, having no greater thickness than 6 mm., and a length of 125 mm. The thickness, 22 mm., is fairly uniform almost throughoi;t the length. The surface is smooth, but it has unquestionably been affected by weathering. As already stated, the local- ity where it was found is not known, but I reme^mber that the late Mr. Morton told me that a specimen was found (7) No. 3 is omitted for obvious reasons, but it may be remarked that the wood from which tlie lughrana and spears are manufactured is the same. (8) Probably melaleuca. 70 NOTES ON THE HUNTING STICKS, ETC. while a trench was dug in a swamp. The specimen here described is unquestionably the lughrana referred to bv Mr. Morton, as it has quite the appearance of wood that has been under water for a long time and then became exposed to the air, for the surface shows cracks, and along these cracks the wood is slightly raised. Besides these cracks, there are numerous marks and cuts made with a European knife; it almost looks as if the finder had tried to test the hardness or the quality of the wood. We will now examine how far the various accounts and descriptions given of the lughrana agree with the actual observations made on the specimens under discussion. The length of the lughrana is stated to be 2 feet bv Henderson (9), 2 feet 6 inches by Thirkell, 2 feet 3 inches by Bligh. and 2 feet 6 inches bv Lyne. Only Norman gives the length much smaller, viz.. 1 foot 6 inches; but I feel inclined to be- lieve that he understates the length, because he gives the circumference as 11 inch (38 mm.), a measurement which is undoubtedly too small. These measurements agree exceed- ingly well with the length of the specimens here described, and it may be taken as certain that the length of the lugh- rana probably never exceeded 2 feet 6 inches (760 mm.), though the average length was probably not more than 2 feet (608 mm.). The thickness is given as 1 inch by Backhouse and 1| inch by Lyne ; this also agrees well with the above measure- ments. It is therefore certain that the lughrana was a short implement, and rather heavy for its size. Backhouse speaks of it as a "short stick brought suddenly to a conical point at each end and at one end a little roughened to keep it from slipping out of the hand." The tapering at both ends is confirmed by Norman and West. Both Thirkell and West point out that one end is roughened or notched, but Norman, who is otherwise so explicit, does not mention this. All these accounts agree ver}'- closely with the appear- ance oT specimens Nos. 1 and 2, the only somewhat different description is given by Norman. Caldc further states that it was held by the thinner end, but he docs not say that one end was notched or rough. Now, I hardlv doubt that Calder as well as Norman would have noticed the difference (9) All these quotations are taken from Ling noth. Aborigines of Tasmania. 2ncl edition. 1899, pages 65-82, wliere, under the heading "War," numerous references are given. It would be useless to quote again tlie titles of the original booJts, as a full list of literary refer- ences has been given by Ling Koth. BY FRIT2 NOETLING, M.A., PH.D. 71 in the appearance of the ends if one had been rough or notched, and we must therefore a.ssume that both Norman and Cald?r examined hunting sticks that were similar to No. 3, that is tc say, thinner at one end than the other, but not notched. This would indicate that there were really two kinds of hunting sticks -in use, viz., one kind having both ends almost of the same thickness, with one of them notched, while the other was smooth ; the second kind hav- ing one end much thinner than the other, and both ends sriiooth. It is impossible to say whether these two kinds Tvere used simultaneously, or wlaether they were manufac- tured by different tribes. It ig also impossible to say whether they wei-e distinguished by different names or not ; as already said I do not feel inclined to think that such a small and rather immaterial difference was sufficient to give rise to different names. One of th? most interesting observations as to the way the lughrana was thrown is that of Backhouse, who states that tney threw it "with a rotatory motion." This is con- firmed by Breton, who says : "It can be thrown with ease forty yards, and in its progress through the air goes hori- zontally, describing the same kind of circailar motion that the boomerang docs, with the like whirring noise." It is, therefore, absolutely certain that the lughrana was primarily a missile, which was thrown horizontally, or almost horizontally, with a rotatory motion like a boom- erang. This can only be done if it is gripped at one end, and not in the middle. The lughrana v/as therefore, when used as a missile, thrown quite differently from the way the spear was thrown, and its character appears, therefore, to be quite different from the latter weapon. Unfortunatelv, the statements as to its use are scanty, and somewhat conflicting. If it was used as a missile, was it used in that capacity in war as well as in hunting, or was it solely used in hunting expeditions, in. order to kill animals and birds at a distance? The various accounts seem to agree well on these points. The encounters between Aborigines and Europeans Avere numerous, and murders of Europeans onlv too fre- ■quent, but there is not a single instance on record that during these conflicts the lughrana was used. The killin; of the enemy was always effected by means of the spear. In fact, the account of the first encounter between Eviro- peans and Aborigines on May 3rd, 1804, near Risdon, lays 72 NOTKS ON THK HUNTING STICKS, KTC great sti-ess on the fact that the Aborigines were "anned (sic !) with waddics only (short, thick hunting clubs), while they drove a herd of kangaroo before them. It is emphati- cally pointed out, that this was the surest sign that on that particular occasion they had no hostile intentions towards the Eui'opeans, because they were not armed with spears. The whole regrettable incident is stated to have arisen from a niisunderstanciing or lack of knowledge on part of the Europeans, who did not know that the "short.thick hunting clubs were only used in hunting, and not in warfare (10). There are, however^ accounts which seem to indicate that the lughrana was used for other purposes. Henderson states that it was used to despatch the wounded victim, and Melville says: "If any quarrel took place among the men of the same tribe, it was the waddy that decided their affairs of honour." According to Breton, "it is the custom for one to receive a blow on the craniam. and then to re- turn the blow on that of his adversar}'." The last statement is confirmed by Norman, though, according to him. the women chiefly settled the quarrels in the manner above de- scribed. All these accounts indicate that the lughrana served a twofold purpose, viz., at a distance as a missile, in order to kill animals and birds, and, at close quarters, as a kind of club in personal quarrels, and to "despatch the wounded victim, " at least, according to one authority. Unfortu- nately, it is not stated whether the "wounded victim" was an animal or a human being. There is no doubt that smaller animals, like a kangaroo or a wombat, could be killed by a blow with the lughrana ; but was a wounded human being killed in a similar way? The skull of a Tas- manian could apparently stand a good deal of hammering, and we may well ask, "was it really used in that way to despatch the victim," or was it, perhaps, used as a stabbing instrvimcnt ? Calder states that the mutilation of the body, and particularly of the bead always followed the kill- ing of a victim, and "this was done either by dashing heavy stones on the corpse or beating it savagely with the waddie." Though, therefore, the lughrana was primarily a missile for hunting ])urposes. it seems to have been often enous;h used as a kind of club in personal quarrels, or to batter the body of a wounded enemy. It is, however, very doubtful (10) J. E. Calder, Some Accounts of Dip Wars, TCxtirijation, Habits, etc., of the Native Tribes of Tasmania, 1875, page 6. IJY H'KIT/ NOKTLINti, M.A., I'H.D. 73 wlicthcr it was used as a. stabbing instrument, though it seems to be well fitted for such a purpose. There may yet have been another use for the lughrana, though there ai'e no accounts of it. It seems well fitted to dig up roots and fungi ; in particular, fern roots and the truffle-like Melitta australis. According to Brough Smitn the West Australian Aborigines use a similar, though some- wiiat longer, instrument, and it isi therefore not altogether improbable that the lughrana was used for a similar pur- pose. It may even be possible that the smooth-ended lughrana was used for digging roots, while the rough-ended was used as a missile. The lughrana can, therefore, not be considered as a weapon, strictly speaking; there is not the slightest evidence to show that it was used in inter-tribal fights or in war, bvit there is at least one very empliatic statement that it was solely used for hunting pui'poses. We must, therefore, ex- clude the lughrana from the list of weapons, and we have to consider it as a special implement, belonging to that class of which the Australian boomei-ang is the tvpical represen- tative. Tbe general idea that the Aborigines of Tasmania did not know the use of the boomerang has to bo consider- ably modified. Tliey did use a short stick, which was thrown like a boomerang, and the only difference between it and the lughrana is in the shape ; the character of the twO' im- plements, viz., a wooden missile thrown with a rotatory motion at a. distant object is exactly the same. This fact opens a wiac view, and it may, perhaps, ex- plain the curio'us accounts that recur ever and ever again of European tribes having used the boomerang. The boom- erang seems to be such a peculiar instrument, which, accord- ing to a general be'.ief, was so'elv restricted to th'^ Australian Aborigines, that it was thought that any other race using such an instrument must, of course, be related to the Aus- tralians. But we can now give quite a different explana- tion ; the boomerang is bv no means an instrument special to Australia ; it is only the highly-specialised form of a primitive implement that was common to all human tribes. I have above pointed out that we are very fond of imagining that primitive man picked up a convenient stick to defend himself with, and it is generally assumed that this stick was. used as a club in a hand to hand fight. If we, however, as- sume that this stick was hurled with a rotatory motion like the lughrana, at a distant object, we shall probably be nearer the mark. 74 NDTKS ON THK HUNTINC STICKS. ETC. It is very probable that at first any stick of sliort length, just as picked n]> on the ground, was suitable, later on the ends were pointed, and one end was notched to en- sui'e a iirmer grip. It was probably soon discovered — though appartntlv the Tasmanians never made the discov- ery, or, if they did, never turned it to a practical use — that curved sticks were more suitable to be thrown with a rota- toiy motion than straight ones. This curved stick was cap- able of many improvements, without losing its character as a missile, notably with regard to its thickness; instead of being round like the primitive iu.sti-umcnt it was flattened, and the natural result was the boomerang (11), or instini- nients like it. It is, therefore, hardly astonishing to find boomerang-like instruments pictured by the ancient Egyp- tians, or the similarly-looking trombash made of iron, and used by the negroes of Central Africa up to the present day. All these instruments represent nothing else but highly specialised forms of the primitive human implement, the lughrana or hunting stick. This view is certainly more plausible and probable than to assume that there is in Australia a race of men of Indo-European origin, and that the boomei'ang was one of the weapons introduced by this race into Australia (12)." It is very interesting to note, that while the Central Africcin negroes substituted iron for wood, thus producing a very effective weapon, the Australian natives have only Cjuito lately learnt to use metal in the manufacture of the boomerang. A paragraph in a weekly paper published in Svdney, seems to indicate that the Clarence River tribe on the Orara (N.S.W.) use strips of tin-plate in the manufac- ture of bocmcrangs (13). Of course, this statement requires further confirmation, but, if true, it would mean another interesting stage in the evolution of man's primitive instru- ment. (11) Brough Smyth (Aborigines of Viotoiia. vol. T.. page 311, lins con- cUisivelv shown lliat lliat type of the bnonierang, llie woriKuin. which returns"to the feet of the thrower, is "usually regarded as a playlhing." though It Is occasionfilly used in battle, and sometimes for kllline birds and small animals, it is not so handy as the short sticl< named konnung. and on page 302 Brough Smyth says: "-.V weapon of very simi- lar chararter was in use amongst the natives of Tasmania. The l)arn-Keet, the war-boomerang, used In battle does not come back t) tlie tlirower. (12) Ferguson, on the antiquity of the klllee, or boomerang Transact. Roval Irish Academy, 1838. (I quote from Brough Smyth), as I have been unable to obtain this paper In Hobart). (13) "Yalgun." Seen the tinerang yet? T have— among the rem- nant of a Clarence Uiver (N.S.W.) tribe on the Orara. Billy cadges the raw material, wliich ccmsists of a strip of tin plate from tlie local canning works, and having twisted the goods into tlie roqiiired shape, he does the same old tricks with It as he does with Us woori.en brother, the boomerang.— "The Bulletin," Vol. 32, No. 1,628, April 27. 1911, page 14. BY FRITZ NOKTLING, M.A., PH.D. 75 II. THE PERENNA (SPEAE). Accurding to Milligan (14) the following words were xised for the designation of the wooden spear : — (1) Perenna (tribes from Oyster Bay to Pittwater). (2) Pe-na (tribes about Mount Royal, Bruni Island, Recherche Bay, and the South of Tasmania). (3) Poena, pilhah (North-West and Western Tribes). The Rev. Norman supplies three more words (15), viz. : — (4) Arlenar. (5) Peearner. (6) Pleeplar. And according to Calder, Dove uses the word (7) Rugga ; Jorgensen the word (8) Raccah ; and Roberts the word (9) Preena; while Scott in Milligan's Vocabulary (1890) uses (10) Preana. ' This is again a large list of words for a weapon about which there cannot eixist the slightest mistake, but, as usual, this list can be greatly I'educed. In the first instance, pe-na and poena are identical, as well as perenna, preena, preana, and peearner. In fact, to me it seems that there is no difference between the two words of the first and the three words of the second group, and that the word for spear can be spelled in any of the above variations. From these differ, however, the words pilhah (Mill.) and pleeplar (Norman) ; it may be probable that both words are identical, but even if that be so it would be difficult to explain the different spelling. But worse still are the words ai'lenar (Norman) and rugga (Dove), or raccah (Jorg.). The last two words are identical, but as exactly the same words have been used by the same authors for designation of the hunting sticks, their meaning is, to say the least of it, very unreliable. (14) I.e. under spear (wood). (15) I.e., page 335 (page 9 of the manuscript). 7G NOTES ON THK HUNTINti STICKS, ETf. All accovints agree, and the records are corroborated by the evidence of the specimens preserved that onlv one kind of spear was used; in fact, that the Aborigines used no other weapon but the spear. It is therefore very improb- able to assume that the words pilhah — pleeplar, and arlenar represent different kinds of spears, but what their exact meaning is I am unable to say. unless we accept the very improbable theory that, besides the spear, they used another weapon of which there is neither record nor specimen preserved. The words iiigga or raccah may apply to a different kind of hunting stick, of which, as we have seen, two forms are known, and I think they had better be excluded alto- gether. (See above.) We have, therefore, the following words for the desig- nation of spear : — (1) Perenna — - peearner — preana — preena — pe-na — poena, a wooden spear. (2) Pilhah — pleeplar, correct meaning unknown. (3) Arlenar, correct meaning unknown, a very doubt- ful word. In speaking of the spears I use the word perenna. leav- ^ it to others to settle the question which would be the correct way of spelling (16). insf (16) The following contains Mr. Ritz's opinion on these words: — These words may be classified, according to my theory, thus: — 1. Pe-na, peearner equal to pienna (where the two vowels may indi- cate a curve corresponding with tlie motion of the vocal organs from one position to the other.) 2. Pe-ren-na, where the "ren" would indicate speed, cf., "run" (Eng.); preana or preena would be variants of perenna. 3. Pilhah equal to pe-illa, equal to the moving thing (ilia) aimed at (pe) something. We had "lilla" before: arlenar equal to illa-na. Pleeplar equal to piUa-pilla, a very effective missile. I am disposed to thinli that the Tasmanians used all these words Indiscriniinatelv for "missile:" the phonology does not support a distinction between a simple stick and a fashioned lance. I think Mr. Ritz is greatly mistaken if he assumes that all these words were indiscriminately used for "missile," and that there was no distinction between a simple stick and a fashioned lance. He has ap- parently entirely overlooked that in all probability the hunting stick had been in use for immemorial times before the invention of the spear was made. But even If this theory is not accepted, there is a fundamental difference between the hunting stick and the spear. The former was thrown with a rotatory motion, the latter in a straight line, spinning round its longitudinal "axis. However primitive the language mav be, I cannot consider for a moment the Idea that the aborigines did not' distinguish carefully between two instruments, used for distinctly different purposes, and thrown in quite a different manner, quite apart from the view that the hunting stick was probably the older instru- ment. BY FEITZ NOETLING, U.A., PH.D. 77 The number of spears presei"vecl is far greater than those of the hunting sticks. The Tasmanian Museum has now seven spears (17), which were originally in the posses- sion of Milligan, and perhaps half-a-dozen more are owned by different private persons. The character of all the specimens that came under my notice is so similar that the description or picture of one specimen is sufficient to illus- trate the features of them all. In the following table I give the measurements and weights of the seven spears in the Tasmanian Museum, ex- amined in detail by me: — No. 1 , No. 2. No. 3. 1 (No. 4265 H.M.)(No. 4267 H.M.) (No. 4266 H.M.) Length. , 4.457 metres 4.432 metres 4.420 metres Greate.st Thickness. 21.5 mm. 21.6 mm. 16.0 mm. Smallest Thickne.ss. 3.0 mm. 6.2 mm. 5.0 mm. Distance of centre of Gravity from pointed extremicy. 1499 mm. 1575 mm. 15.12 mm. Weight. 773i grm. 9144 grm. 666i grm. No. 4. No. I: No. 6. No. 7. (No. 4264 H.M.) (No. 4260 H.M.) (No. 4262 H.M ) (No. 4259 H.M. Length. 4.077 metres 3.531 metres 3.520 metres 2.984 metres Greatest Thickness. 16.7 mm. 12.5 mm. 23.0 mm. 13.0 mm. Smallest Thickness 5.3 mm. 3.0 mm. 3.0 mm. 3.0 mm. Distance of centre of gravity from pointed extremity. 1480 nmi. 1257 mm 1283 mm. 1067 mm. Weight. 660^ grra. 283^ grm. 737 grm. 255.13 grm. The general appearance of all the specimens I examin- ed is much the same ; they represent simply a straight shoot of Melaleuca spec, which was freed of bark and lateral shoots, and ends in a sharp, smooth point at the thicker end. The finish of all is exactly the same, except that one may be a little more knottv than another. If we go int-o details, we observe that the perenna shows an extraordin- (17) The register implies that there were originally 10 spears, but three have mysteriously disappeared. 78 NOTES ON THK HUNTING STICKS, ETC. ary length ; uoiie of tlie above seven specimens is under 3 metres in length. This extraordinary length will only be fully realised if a perenna is held by a man of average height. The above measurements agree very well with the state- ments made by most of the former observei-s, but Melville mentions that they were varying in length from 5 to 8 feet, while Henderson says that they were commonlv 6 feet in length. I cannot help thinking that both these statements arc not quits correct, because the majoritv of obsei'vers agree that the spears were at least 10 feet (3 metres) in. length. The longest I examined has a length of 4.457 m^eti'es (14 feet 7h inches), but according to La Billardiere they reached a length from 16 to 18 feet (5 to 6 metr. app.). However that may be, we may safely assume that on the average the perenna had a length of 4 metres — 13 feet (the average of the above seven spears is 3.917 metres), and though occasionally smaller or larger specimens were used, the minimum length did not go below 3 metres (10 feet). The next remarkable feature is the small thickness ; tne thickest (No. 6) does not measure more than 23 mm. (0.9 inch) at its thickest part, while the thinnest (No. 5) is only half of this thickness. The thickest part is always just behind the point, and from there the perenna tapei-s almost immeasurably to the oppcsite end, which apparently does not exceed 6 mm. (^ inch) in thickness, but comes down as low as 3 mm. (J inch) (18). Widowson says that the spears were "as thick as the little finger of a man,' but other observers, except Mrs. Prinscp. took very little notice of this feature. Yet it is an important one: the extreme thinness of the hinder end, in conjunction with the peculiar position of the centre of gravity, precludes the use of a woomera or throwing stick. Even if it were possible to grip the thin hind end in tho hook of the woomera, the heavy pointed end would hang down to such an extent that it would be practically impossible to throw the spear. Hand in hand with the great thinness goes lightness ; the heaviest (No. 2) weighs only 914 1-3 grammes (21b. ^oz.). and the lightest (No. 5) weighs only 283A gi'ammes (lOoz.), the aver- age being 613 grammes (1 ^Ib. a.d. app.). Of course, it might have been anticipated that being no thicker than the little finger of a man. the spears were light, notwithstand- ing their great length, but nobody has apparently noticed (18) I may mention that the ends of every one of the specimens examined were broken off. and they may, therefore, have been somewhat longfr and also thinner at the end. BY ¥RnZ NOETLING, M.A., PH.D. 79 this fact. If we calculate the weight for a given unit of length, say, 100 mm. (4 inches), we find that it weighs: — No. 1—17.343 gramme 1 No. 2— •20.6:22 , , j No. 3—15.068 ,, (■ Aver.-ige 17.891 ^o. 4 - 16.335 ,, 1 No. 6—20.087 ,, J No. No. 5-8.0147 7—8.5456 " [ Average 8.2S01 Gland average, 15.145 grammes for every 100 mm.-of length, which is therefore less than half the weight of the lughrana for the same length. Another peculiar feature is the position of the centre of gravity ; whatever the length or weight of the perenna may be, it balances slightly more than ^ of its length from the pointed end. In other woi'ds, that the perenna was grasped with the hand in such a way that j of its length was in front and '^ behind it. The accxirate figures as tc the position of the centre of gravity from the jioiut expressed in a fraction of the length would be : — No. 1 = 0.29733 No. 2 = 0.29330 No. 3 = 0.29233 No. 4 = 0.27436 No. 5 =: 0.28113 No. 6 = 0.27435 No. 7 = 0.27966 These figures seem to indicate another interesting feature, namely, that the position of the centre of gravity shifted somewhat with the length ; in the shorter perenna it was only slightly forward of the ratio 0.25000, while in the longer perenna it nearly approached the ratio 0.30000. This really means that the longer spears were grasped some- what farther back fi'om the point than the shorter ones. In round figures about 9/12 of the total length were behind the hand in the shorter and 8/12 in the longer perenna. The perenna is invariably pointed at the thicker end, and the greatest care was taken to produce a smooth, sharp point. " Very little is known as to how the perenna were made, but the examination of the specimens, together with other obsei- vations, enable us to form an approximate conjecture. There grows in the Tasmanian bush a kind of shrub poptilarly known as tea-tree (Melaleuca). This shrub grows up in long, straight shoots, and the wood is, when dry, of considerable hardness. These shoots were used in the manu- facture of the perenna. It is not quite certain whether the 80 NOTKS OX THK HIJNTING STICKS, ETC. shoots were pulled up with the loot, or whether they were cut off in situ. In either case, the root end was cut off by means of a tero-watta. According to Lync, the green wood was held over or passed through the fii-e "to soften and supple it. The bark was removed by means of a tero-na-watta, and the same instrument was used to smoothen the knots and knot holes. One of the specimens (No. 1265) shows the traces of the work of smoothening a spear in a particularly fine way, and I have taken a photo- graph of *a portion of it. This shows that by means of such a primitive, clumsy instiniment as the tero-na-watta, long regular splinters could be sliced off; the knot holes were smoothed by cutting off short chips. We must assume that the point was produced bv slicing off long, narrow splinters, gradually bringing the thicker end to a tapering point. Scott states that the end of the perenna was hardened by being a short time in the fire, a statement which is corro- borated by Lyne and Raynor. The latter is particularly explicit in stating that they pulled up the young shoots, burnt off the roots (19), and placed the thick end on the fire again till it was slightly burnt ; then thev would rub off the burnt part with a rough sandstone, and repeat the operation till they got a sharp point. If this account is correct in evei-y point, it would appear that the tero- watta never came into use in the manufacture of the point except as a scraper (20), in order to scrape off the charred portion of the wood, and to smoothen it. Considering that three different observers, who are generally very reliable, and to one of whom we are indebted for some of the most important information, have stated that fire was used in the production of the point, we must assume that it really was so. On the other hand, though I very carefully exam- ined the points of the seven spears with a powerful magni- fving lens, I could not discover even a minute trac? of chai- coal. It must, however, be admitted that, though the marks of the tero-watta are very clear and distinct on the hinder portion of the perenna, none are visible on the point, which, as will be seen from the ilhistration, is as smooth as possible. Inasmuch as the ^tero-watta was unquestionably used to shape the back portion of the perenna, I question to (19) Be it noted tliat Uaynor say? "hurnt off," and not "cut off" the roots. If this was the regular prartlce, th^ tero-watta would not have come into use as a chopper to cut oflE the root end. (20) Of course, the word "sandstone" used by Raynor is not correct; it ought to read "flint," or tero-watta. If sandstone had really been used to smoothen the point, specimens of It would have been found on the old cam]) sites. The camping grounds are. however, singularly free of pieces of sandstone, and I never found even a small piece Indicating that It was used for polishing. BY FKITZ NOETMJSG, MA., PH.D. 81 some extent Raynor s statement. To me it seems that the point was rough-hewn by means of a tero-watta exactly like the point of the lughrana, as conclusively proved by speci' men No. 1 ; after the rough work was done the point was held in the fire, and the slightly-charred surface caixfully scraped off by means of a tero^na-watta, and eventually rubbed with grease to make it quite smooth (21). I cannot quite understand what Backhouse means by stating that in straightening their spears the natives used their teeth as a vice to hold them. The shoots of melaleuca or leptospermum are very straight, and do not require straight^ ening, but owing to the extreme length and the peculiar distribution of the weight, a perenna will assume a some- what curved line if kept in a horizontal nosition, and this feature probably explains why. according to W. B. Walker, "at meir places of rendezvous" the spears were "carefully tied to straight trees, with their points at some distance from the ground." All eye-witnesses agree that the perenna could bo thrown to a considerable distance ; according to Mrs. Prin- sep it could be thrown to the distance of 60 yards, while Lloyd says that 40 yards was th'fe extreme range ; Bretoin estimates the range to be from 40 to 50 yards : Calder gives 60 to 70 yards. All accounts further agree that this primi- tive weapon could inflict severe wounds ; Meredith, in de- scribing the murder of one of his father's stockmen, states that a spear had been driven through the thick boot-sole into the foot of the murdered man ; another had penetrat- ed his loins several inches. According to West, a man named Franks was, while riding, attacked by Aborigines, "and within 30 yards a savage stood with his spear quiver- ing in the air. This weapon, ten feet long, penetrated the flap of the saddle and the flesh of the horse four inches." According to Kelly, when the Aborigines attacked his party near Cape Grim, "one spear went through the side of the boat." All these accounts prove one fact conclusively, viz., that the perenna was thrown with great force, and this is the more astonishing if we consider that no woomera was (21) It. must be particularly mentioned that the statements that the spears had jagged points, or that they were pointed at both ends, or even that the joints were poisoned, are entirely unfounded. There is not a single specimen known which shows a jagged point, and the statement tliat they were pointed at two ends is probably due to the mistake of thinking that the naturally thin end of the fusiform spear was artiflcially made thin or pointed. Melville's statement of a fatally poisoned barbed spear is unquestionably erroneous, as quite out of harmony with the general customs of the aborigines. F ^^- M)TE.S ON THK HUNTlNi. sTUK.s, Eiv. used. Now. how were the nerenna thrown? It is obvious that they were thrown differently from the lughx-ana. The latter was, as we know, thrown with a rotatory motion, like a boomerang, but it is obvious that the perenna eould not possibly have been thrown in such a manner. The perenna must have be^n and was thrown in a straight lins, but the force that sent it to a distance of 40, 50, even 60 yards, and madl' this crude weapon penetrate through thick leather must have been considerable. Now, how was the perenna grasjjed, in order to make it such an effective weapon? The ordinary modern man would gi-asp it in his fist, as shown in PI. xi.. fig. 1, but it is very doubtful whether this way of grasping could sup- ply it with such a great energy on being thrown. In fact, in dealing with the manner in which tools and weapons were grasped by archaeolithic human beings, I have become rather" suspicious of fehe way the hand of the modem man involuntarily grasps these same implements. I have como to the conclusion, that it is almost certain that archaeolithic man did things and held instruments in quite a different way from that which a modern man would do or hold them. Now, a most remarkable passage in Mrs. Prinseps let- ters gives apparently the key to the problem. This passage runs as follows: — "They threw the spear for our amuse- ment. This is merely a slender stick, nine or ten feet long, sharpened at the heaviest end ; they poise it for a few seconds in the hand, till it almost spins, by which means the spear ilies with great velocity to the distance of 60 yards, and with unerring aim." They poise the spear in the hand till it almost spins! Now, liow can we intei-pret this peculiar remark ; if the spear was gripped by the closed fist it certainly could not spin. Therefore, we must assume that it was not held or grasped with the closed fist, with which I or any other mod- ern man would grasp the pilum. We may further take it that the words "till it almost spins' mean that it rotated round its own longitudinal axis, and not in a circle. Now. such a motion can be jnoduced if the spear were held, as shown in PI. xi., fig. 2. The front part of the spear rests on the middle finger, the hinder por- tion on the base of the first finger, which grasps the spear on its upper side. The thumb presses well against th? lower side, and the moment it is thrown the thumb, by a quick upwards movement, imparts to it a rotating motion. BY FKITZ NOKTLING, M.A., PH.D. 83 exactly the same a bullet acquires by the rifling of the barrel, or as a "spin." is imparted to cricket ball bv the pecviliar action of the thumb and forefinger. This spinning motion probably enabled the perenna to travel to distances, which it would never have reached if thrown without it, and the long range which astonisihed evei'ybody is thus easily explained by the neculiar way the perenna was held by the hand when thrown. Now, we also understand why the perenna shows such a small thickness. A perenna having the thickness of a lughrana could not well be held by three fingers, and the thumb could not impart tO' it the spinning motion it could to the thin perenna. The thinness was, therefore, the essential featvire of the perenna; without it, it could not be thrown with a spinning motion, and without the latter it would never travel the distance it did, nor pro- bably have the penetrating power. I need hardly mention that the perenna was never pro- vided with a stone head, and in this conjunction it must be mentioned that the so-called Tasmanian word, "poyeenta" or "poyeenna," which Milligan gives as designating the "point of speax, " is most probably an adopted English word; the Tasmanian did apparently not distinguish be- tween the different parts of a spear as we should do, and there was no reason to do so, because the perenna did not consist of head and shaft, but was made all in one piece. Like the tero-watta, but unlike the lughrana, the perenna could not be improved upon or altered without losing its character. If it was made thicker it could no longer be thrown with a spinning motion, and, of course, there was a limit below which the thinness could not go. If ever it had been provided with a stone head; it would have b^pu no longer a perenna, though it might still have been thrown with a spinning motion. As long as it remain- ed as it was the woomera could never be used in conjunction with it. even if it had been invented by the Aborigines. Though there cannot be the slightest doubt that the pilum of the antique world evolved from the perenna of archseo^ lithic mankind, this weapon had reached its highest .perfec- tion, and could not be improved upon without losing its essential characteristic features. In conclusion, I may mention that the Aborigines were frequently in the habit of trailing the perenna along the ground, holding it between the toes, appearing to be un- armed, with the intention of deceiving the enemy. At a moment's notice the perenna was transfeiTed to the hand. 84 NOTES ON THE HUNTINCi STICKS, ETf. to be thrown at the enemy. Without doubt the perenna was well adapted for such a rvise, but it seems unlikely that it was habitually carried in this way, as this would greatly hinder the march through the bush. III. THE TUGHBRANA (BASKETS). Milligan gives the following words for basket : — (1) Tughbranah (tribes from Oyster Bay to Pittwater). (2) Ti'cnah (^tribes about Mount Royal, Bruni Island, Recherche Bay, and the South of Tasmania). (3) Tille (North-West and Western Tribes). And a? usual the Norman vocabulary (22) gives four words, all different, viz. : — (4) Tringherar. (5) Poakalar. (6) Meerar. (7) Parnellar. And as, if this list was not formidable enough, Calder mentions two more names, viz. : — (8) Terri (D'Entrecasteaux;. (9) Tareena (Roberts). Finally, Milligan, in the list of short sentences, trans- lates the words : "The woman makes a basket " with "lowan- na ollc tubbrana,' in which the last word stands for basket. Though "tughbranah" and "tubbrana" are apparently iden- tical, as well as "trenah" and "tareena," to which might be added the word "terri," thei'e remain seven different words to designate a basket. Even if one were to go as far as to assume that all the words beginning with a "t" wei"e identi- cal, and represented only different spellings or local dia- lects, there still remain four entirely different words. • It is impossible to say whether these words represent different kinds of baskets, or baskets used for different pur- poses, if they really apply to baskets. Norman, who is re- sponsible for most of these words, docs not even hint in his explanatory note that there were different kinds of baskets, or that those that were used for different purposes were dis- (22) Pap. and Proceed. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1910, page 340 (page 25 of MS.). BY KKITZ NOETLING, M.A., PH.D. 85 tinguished by different names. In fact, his note seems to indicate that there was one kind of basket only, a view which is fully borne out by the specimens still preserved. It is impossible for me to explain these words, and I must leave it to others better acquainted with the Tas- manian language than I am to explain them. In my opin- ion, the last three words of Norman (5, 6, 7) have probably nothing to do with baskets (23). TheTasmanian Museum in ITobart possesses 10 baskets, the measurements of which are given below : — 1 2 3 4 ^ No 1247 No. 4280 No. 4282 No. 1246 No. 4274 Diameter at top 20 cm. l.T cm. 16 cm. IS cm. 18 cm. Greatest Diameter 37 „ '^1 .. 23 „ 18 „ 25 ,, HeiRht 35 „ 26 „ 23 „ '21 „ 25 „ 6 7 8 3 10 No. 4276 No. 4279 No. 4277 No. 4278 No. 4281 Diameter at top 15 cm. 15 cm. 12 cm. 10 cm. 9 cm. Greate.st Diameter 19 ,, 20 „ 17 ,, 16 „ 12 „ Height -'1 M IVU ., IS „ 16 „ lU ,. (23) Again I am indebted to Mr. Ritz for an ingenious explanatiou of tliese words. Mr. Ritz says: — My ilieory would explain tlie words as follows: — 1. Tugtiljrana, tubbrana equal to tuga, perina breone equal to eat fish. The basket represented as swallowing the fish or oysters. 2. Trenail, tareena, terri, tille, equal to terina, skeleton. The baskets were not solid, but open worked, for fishing. Those for carrying water (see Roth, p. 142) were, of course, nearly water- tight; they were nitipa (Roth, p. xviii.) e(|ual to ni-tapa equal to not dripping (tap, the noise ol falling drops). 3. Tringherar is given by Norman also as meaning "to swim." ■Poakalar, jjarnella — Norman gives to these words also the meaning of mussel. Meerar is probably a form of peri-na or breo-ne fish. In my "Speech of the Tasnianian Aborigines" (p. 33) I sugge.sted that Norman was likely to mistake his own presumptions for the in- formation given by aboriginals. Here we find several likely in- stances. He pointed to a fishing basket, and asked foi Ita name. One would tell him it was used wlien the women went swimming (tring- herar), another would say it was for mussels (poakalar, parnellar) ; and a third said it was for holding shell fish (mera-na, or perana). He quite seriously assumed that these words meant basket. Incidentally we find a remarkable similarity to buckalow in poakalar, warkellar (p. 7 of Norman's MS.). Mussel equal to round, swimming, or floating. Again, the words are apparently not names of different things, but different names of one thing. 86 NOTKS ON THE HUNTING STICKS, ETC. From the above nicasureincnts it will be seen that some- of the baskets were of considerable size ; the cubical contents of th.^ largest (No. 1247) (24) being 26i litre (26522 cub. cent.). The smallest (No. 4281) contains, on the other hand not more than 905 cub. cm., that is to say, less than one litre. Though in general appearance remarkably alike, it al- most seems as if two kinds were made, a spherical and a cylindrical kind. The largest (No. 1247) is atypical spheri- cal basket, which is widest in the middle and nari'ower at the opening and the bottom. No. 4280 (see pi.) is of cylin- dical shape, maintaining its width throughout. Only two cylindrical baskets have come under examination, all the others are of the spherical type. This difference in shape may, however, only be accidental ; at the same time it can- not be quite denied that the different kinds may have served different purposes, and this theorj^ would explain the differ- ent names. The plaiting is exactly the same in all the baskets, whether of spherical or cylindical shape ; the only difference is that sometimes the meshes are smaller, sometimes larger, but the work is of the simplest kind. A careful examination of the specimens has convinced me that they were made differentlv from th" modern basket. The modem basket is commenced at the bottom ; the Tas- manian basket was commenced at the top. The basis of the tughbrana was a ring of twisted flat fibres of about 6 to 7 mm. thickness. The vertical strands were not twisted, but the flat fibres were nicely rolled. These were inserted into the basal ring, and kept in position by a thin twisted chord, which was firmly wound between the vertical strands round the basal ring. Each ring of the horizontal strands consists of two pieces of rolled grass, which were twisted round the vertical strands in a very regular way, which the figure illustrates very well. The illustration also demonstrates how the vertical strands were joined, and how eventually the bottom was made. The ba-skets were probably all made of a reed, juneus acutus, which grows in abundance in the swamps of (24) ThlP s!i)ecimen. as well as No. 4. ha«! been figured by LlnR Koth, Aborlg. Tasman. Plate to face page 153. BY FKJTZ MOETJ.INU, Al.A., PH.D. 87 Tasmania, and which yields a very strong iibre. Bunco stated that they were made of the leaves of Anthoricum semi- bai'bala, as well as Dianella. That may be so, but no specimen made of these plants has come under my exam- ination ; those in the Hobarfc Museum are all made of Juneus-fibre, as has already been noticed by Ling Roth (25). The baskets are very strong, and even now, though years have p.-ssed since they were made, they are very elastic, instead of being brittle, as might be expected after this long time. It is difficult to say how the baskets were carried ; most of those that are in the Hohai't Museum havei a short string of twisted grass' tied at two opposite points of the basal ring. This would indicate that they, were carried bv the hand and not on a long string across the shoulder. If they had been carried this way, the longer string would have again to be tied to the shorter string, an assumption which is not very probable. We practically know nothing about the manufacture of the baskets, though several of the early explorers watched the operatio'n. Bonwick says that he watched a woman making some string, and the chief point of his observation is, that the woman "began tci twist the threads by rolling the material up and down her thigh." The strands of which the baskets are plaited look exactly as if they had b?en rolled in such a way. The baskets were pi'incipally used to bring up shell fish collected at the bottom of the sea, and to carry the same afterwards to the camping grounds. It is vei-y probable that chiefly the larger baskets were used for such a purpose, because the smaller ones ha.rdly contained enough room for even a small quantity of oysters or haliotis. They were pro- bably also used to collect the raw material (pebbles) for the manufacture of tero-na-wattas, or to carry to the camping grounds suitable specimens that were obtained at the quar- ries. To me it seems probable that the smaller ones were used to carry the tero-watta that were in use for the time being, as well as the material required to make fire- In the 1st edition of the Aborigines of Tasmania, Ling Roth figur'is on PI. I and PI. II., two baskets said to be of (25) Aborigines of Tasmania, 2ncl ed., page 144. 88 NOTES ON IHK IllNTINi; STKKS, ETC. Tasmanian origin, and now in the British Museum. These baskets were originally in the possession ol G. A. liobinson, tioni whom Miliigan obtained them. There cannot be the slightest doubt tiiat these two baskets are not of Tasmanian »oriiiip. Tlie plaiting is so dilFerent trom tlie Tas- manian baskets, and discloses also a niucU higher style, that it would be most remarkable had th»e Aborigines practised simultaneously such diflferent kinds of plaiting (2b). Like- wise, the woodcut, fig. 3, from a basket in the Museum or Oxford, IS cercainly not taken from a basket made oy Tas- maniaji Aborigines, and Ling Roth s assumption that a race who appear to have been lower in the scale of civilisation than many races whose industrial remains have lately be- come known to our times, should have known the stitches which lorin, in fact, the foundation of our modern point lace (27) is unfounded. It is greatly to be regretted that the learned author of the Aborigines of Tasmania, who gives in the 2nd edition a wood cut of the pattern of basket work from Queensland, which is very similar to that of the Ox- ford basket, has not corrected his errors in the 2nd edition. Such statements as the above are ver-*- misleading, and are apt to throw quite a wrong light on the Tasmanian civilisa- tion. Ling Koth remarks that the plaiting of the Tasmanian baskets is similar to some fabric fi-om the Lake Dwellings of Eobenhausen and Wangen. I am unable to verify this statement ; the only two illustrations of basket work from the Lake Dwellings I have at my disposal are two figures in Reinhard s "Der Mensch zur Eiszeit in Europa, which are apparently copies from Ileierli, "Urgeschichle Der Schweiz." Both, figures 341 and 342, represent specimens of basket work from Wangen. but the pattern is unquestionably much sup'n-ior to the Tasmanian one, and of quite a different workmanship (28). This might have been expected ; the Lake Dwellers (Rohenhausenian) had attained a much higher stage of civilisation than the Tasmanian Aborigines, (28) Though Ling Roth had already expressed his gravest doubts as to the authenticity of these Imskets (2nd ed.. 1899, page 144), these more than doubtful specimens still seem to figure as Tasmanian baskets. In an article on the earlv lilstorv of Tasmania ("Tasmanian Mail," necember 12, 1908, by Ida Lee, one of these selfsame baskets is figured as a "reiic of the natives of Tasmania in the Britisli Museum." It seems almut time that the autliorities of the Britisli Museum re- moved thofe two questionable baskets, or at least marked them with a great query. (27) Aborigines of Tasmania, 1st ed., page x. (28) The i>a1terii of plniting given tiy Mortillet (mui^e prehlstort- que, PI. LXVII., flg. 739, from Wangen) Is exactly the same as that de- scrll)ed by Kelnhard. BY FRll/ N()KTL1N(;, M.A., PH.D. 89 and it would, therefore, be more than remarkable had the latter already reached such a high perfection in basket plaiting as to be equal to the Lake Dwellers. I am unable to say whether the baskets found in the Lake Dwellings were manufactured like the Tasmanian ones, viz., commenced at the top. However that may be, I consider the Tasmanian baskets as the most primitive type of human basket work (29). Tlie great probability that the tughbrana was commenced at the top, and not at the bottoim , renders this kind of work absolutely different from any later work. It would be of the greatest interest to ascertain when the invention was made to plait the baskets in the modern way. Though, outside the scope of this paper, I may mention that the Tasmanians possessed a kind of pitcher called nioirunah, and made from sea-weed (Fucus palmata). The onlv specimens that are known are in the British Museum and in France (30). A wooden "spatula" was used to loosen the Haliotis from the rocks to which it firmly adhered There is no moiruuah in the Hobart Museum, and as to the. "spatula,"' I do not think that any specimen at all has been preserved. Neither can I find a name for this implement, and I do not think that it was more than a short stick, end ing in a chisel-shaped edge. One word about the so-called canoes, the mallana or nunganah. The accounts agree that they were nothing but bundles of reeds tied together, but the figures of models in the British Museum, and similar models in the Hobart Museum (31), are so suggestive of a real canoe having stem and stem, that I cannot help thinking that their original shape has been greatly improved upon bv those who made the models. Those in the Pitt Rivers Museum seem to be moTe like the real mallana, and more in harmony with the state of the Tasmanian civilisation than the canoe-shaped models in tlie Hobart and British Museum. (29) According to Brough Smyth, Aborig. Vict., vol. I., page 346, basket of exactly the ?am^ pattern ai= the Tasmanian one?, and similarly in shape, are still manufactured by the Queensland aborigines. The ftgiires of baskets made liv the aborigines of Victoria, page 343, 344, and 545, particularly fig. 159, make it more than probable that the so-called Tamanian baskets in the Biitish Museum, and in the Ox- ford Museum, are really of Victorian origin. (30) See Ling Eoth, Aborigines of Tasmania, 2nd ed., page 142. (31) Ling Roth, Aborig. Tas., plate to face page 153. 90 NOTES ON THK HUNTINi; STICKS, ETC. CONCLUSION. Modoni researches have shown that stoue implements, which cannot be distinguished from the rougher tero-watta, have been found as tar back as the Middle Oligocene (Fagnian). Unfortunately, there has lately ai-isen a discus- sion as to the authenticity cf these specimens. Verworn (32) holds in opposition to Rutot that these specimens were made by natural agencies, and not bv human beings. Not having seen the locxility wh.re the specimens were found, 1 cannot speak with the same authority as Verworn, who ad- vances some seemingly strong arguments in favour of his theorv. All I can say is, that I cannot distinguish the Ai-chaeolitlies from the Fagnian, which Dr. Rutot kindly sent me, from the Tasmanian tero-watta, and unless absolute proof is forthcoming that natiu-al agencies can produce tero-watta^like specimens, I maintain with Rutot the artificial origin of the Fagnian specimens. However, to be quite on the safe side, I will begin with those specimens whose nature as human handiwoi-k nobody now doubts : the Archaeolithcs from the Upper Miocene (Cantalian). As these implements are exactly like the tero-watta, we may fairly assume that they were used for the same purjooses as the former. The chief purpose for which tho tero-watta was used was unquestionably the manufacture of the lughrana (hunting stick) and perenna (spear). All other pui-]5oses were subordinate to this one. We may therefore conclud? that the Archaeolithes from the Cantalian were used for a similar pvxrpose, and, what is more, as, during the Upper Miocene, a mild if not warm climate must have pi'evailed in Europe, the necessity of warm clothing did not exist. The race that hunted the Hipparion and manufactured the Cantal Archasolithes was probably quite as naked as the Tasmanian Aborigines. Tliere was therefore no necessitv for the use of a scraper in order to prepare skins for clothing. Now, a difficult question arises ; we know that the Aborigines used, together with the tme weapon, the peren- na, an implement which cannot quite be considered as a weapon, namelv, the lughrana (hunting stick). It may have been used as a weapon, and a true weapon has even- tually evolved from it, but the lughrana was, in the first instance, made and used for hunting purposes only. It is further verv probable that the lughrana is the nearest an- (32) Korresi)onden7.blatt, Dentsrh. Ciegpll. f. -Aiithrnp. Ktlinol. nnd Vrgescli. XLI. Jahrg. No. 5 and 6, 1910. BY FRITZ NOLTLING, M.A., PH.D. 91 proath to the stick, whioh primitive man hurled alike at human enemies and animals required for food. Now, did the human beings who made the Cantal Archseolithes already manufacture spears of the perenna type, or had they not made that invention yet, and solely used their stone implements in the manufacture of hunting sticks (lughrana; ? The question is an intensely interesting one, as the lughrana is the primary implement, the perenna the later invention Now, when was the invention of the perenna made? If, as Dr. Rutot and I hold, the Aixhaeo- lithes from the Middle Oligocene were made by human beings, it is very prohablc that these human beings used them for the manufacture of the hunting sticks only, and it is, perhaps, possible that the Cantalians had not advanc- ed further. If this theory be correct, the invention of the perenna (spear), i.e., the weapon which was thrown with a spinning motion in a straight line at a distant enemy, must have been made some time between the 1st Glacial Period ^Guenzian), representing the Kentian industry and the beginning of the Middle Interglacial Period, representing the Strepyian in- dustrv. The Che' lean industry at the end of the Middle Interglacial period had already learnt to provide the spear with stone heads, and had therefore, in all probability, dis- carded the wooden spear (33). If we knew for certain which of the Archaeolithic indus- tries, from the Fagnian to the Mesvinian, used the hunting stick only, and which used the wooden spear besides it, a great stride in our knowledge of the development of the human race would have been made. To judge from the Archaeolithes from the Mesvinian, Maffelian, and Reutelian, which my friend Dr. Rutot sent me, I have no doubt that the representatives of these industries alreadv used the A^ooden spear. If that be so, the invention of the wooden spear as a weapon would have been made either in the 1st Glacial Period (Guenzian) or in the Ist Interglacial Period, both of which are now considered as Pliocene, forming the end of the Tertiary Period in Europe (34). According to this theory, the human beings of the warmer Tertiary epoch, i.e., the Oligocene and Miocene (33) This may have already commenced during the Strepyian. (34) ft is quite possible that a lucky find may solve this question; if human hones have been preserved it is to be hoped that some day the remain of a lughrana-like instrument or of a perenna-like spear may be found. 92 NOTES O.N THK HUNTINO STICKS, KTC. used lor an enormous period, that can only be counted by millions of years, nothing else but the hunting stick, which was thrown with a rotatory motion, and which, as I said, cannot be considered as a weapon, strictly speaking. When the first ice sheets covered Northern Europe, perhaps the first invention of a real weapon, the wooden spear, which was thrown in a straight line, probably spinning round its own axis, was made. Wooden spear and hunting stick were again the only weapons of the human race for an enormous period, though, if measured in absolute time, the earlier part of the Archajolithic stage, which was characterised by the use of the hunting stick only, was incommensurably longer than the latter iDart^ in which hunting stick and wooden spear were simultaneously used. The period when the wooden perenna was superseded by the stone-headed spear can be verv accurately fixed ; this must have taken place about the time when the Palaeo- lithic implement took the place of the Archaeolithc, name- ly, during the Middle Interglacial Period in the Strepyian industry. It is ven' probable that at first spear heads of an Archaeolithic type were used, and specimens of this type are still used on the Admiralty Islands and in Queensland. It is, however, very probable that owing to its unequal bal- ance the Archseolithic spear head was not long in favour, and was soon siiperseded by the Palseolithic head. . Probably at the same time as when the wooden spear was provided with a stone head, the shaft was made stronger, and it was no longer gripped like the perenna, but with the whole fist. Tbe spinning motion of the perenna naturally became impossible, and the spear was thrown in a straight line, without rotating round its longi- tudinal axis. It would go beyond the scope of this paper if I were to follow up the evolution of weapons ; it only seems to me that the period during which a certain type of weapons was in use quickly became shorter till it is now only as many months in use as it was formerly centuries, and at a still earlier period thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years. In connection with this we notice a peculiar feature; primitive man fought his battles at a long range (35), which, of course, was measured by yards only ; (35) The Tasmanlan aboriglnps did not likf a hand to hand fight: In preffTPnce thev sent a shower of spears from ini ambush at the unsuppcctlnR enemy, hot they did not come to close quarters except to dispatch the wounded when the enemy look to flight. For this reason I do not helle\e that i>rlmltlve man used as Its first weapon a club, that Is to say. a weapon ending In a heavy knob. A club Is e'^'-entlHllv h weation to be used in' a close combat, but primitive mnn, like the Tasmanlans, did not flgbt at clot-e quarters, so the club was of no use to hlni. RY FRITZ NOETLlNd, M.A., I'H.l). 93 modern man fights again his battles at a long range, with the difference, however, that the distance between the com- batants is now almost as many thousands of yards as it used to be yards. Between the two stages falls the period of close combat ; this period must have coanmenced with the invention of the dagger and the sword, the axe, and the club, the weapons suitable for a close fight. Perhaps this invention coincides with the Magdalenian, though I should feel inclined to date it somewhat -later. Ever since, pro- bably all through the Neolithic and Bronze age, human beings fought their battles hand to hand. All the great battles of the antique world were fought at close quarters, and so were those of early middle ages. Only with the in- ventions of gunpowder the combatants separated again, and the distance gradually increased, and is apparently still in- creasing. There will, however, be an end tO' this ever-in- creasing distance ; at present the range of some of the big guns is such that it is impossible to discern a small or even large object at that distance. There must, therefoi'e, be an end to this increase of the horizontal distance, and I think we are pretty near that end. What would be the use of a gun having a range of 30 or 40 miles if the object to be fired at is below the horizon, and cannot be seen? But what is going to happen then? Are wo to eiXpect that the pendulum swings back and the combatants again come to close quarters? I hardly think so, even if an invention were made that one man could annihilate a whole army at close quarters, thei other side would take the gi-eatest carG that that one man would never come to close quarters. I almost think that as fighting in the horizontal plane has com© to its practical limit, the next movement will be the shifting of the plane, and instead of in the horizoaital plane the fighting will be carried out in the vertical plane, which very likely means coming to close or relatively close quar- ters again. APPENDIX. THE DUTERRAU ENGRAVINGS. Mr. J. W. Beattie, who is so indefatigable in hunting up old records and ot-lier relics connected with the early history of Tasm^ania, has kindly drawn my attention to some quaint eld engravings, which bear on the subjects discussed in the above paper. These engravings were "designed, etched, and pub- lished by Bn. Duterrau" between July 15th, 1835, and March 23rd, 1836, in "Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land." 94 NOTES ON THK HUxNTING STICKS, ETC. As Bn. Duteirau has been careful enough to add even Ihe day of the month when he publii^hed his engravings, we know that they were made after the Black War (1830). probably just before the Rev. George Augustus Robinson brought the last 203 survivoi^ to Flinders Island. The lirst engraving published, July 15th, 1835, is entitled "Tas- manian Aborigines, ' and represents a group of ten Abori- gines (7 men and 3 women) cordially receiving Robinson, who is wearing a quaint sort of a cap. The Aborigines are depicted as naked, except for a loin-cloth, which is unques- tionably an invention of the artist, and a concession to pub- lic taste. All the women have the hair closely cropped, three of the men have the peculiar wig-like head dress, while four have it in apparently its natural curly state. Four of the men are simply armed with spears, while two others who are squatting down are apparently making spears. It will be noticed that two of the men are holding their spears in the left, three of them in the right hand. Robinson is grasping a native's left hand with his left, while his right is held up in teaching or preaching position. Now, I shall presently show that, in all probability, these engravings mu.st be reversed, and we have therefore three men holding the spears in their left hand, two in the right, while Robinson's right grasps the right of the native, and his left is lifted. Unless we assume that Robinson was natvirally left-handed, we must accept the view that the print of the engraving ought to be reversed. Now, the second engraving published on August 24th represents exactly the same two figures in e>:actlv the same attitudes, with that difference, however, that while in the above engraving they are separated by two women, Robin- son and a man, and two dogs,they are in the second close to- gether, each sitting, so to say, on a large bundle of spears, which are absent in the above engraving. This seems to indicate that the pictures were not taken directly from life, but were composed in the ai-tist's home, from rough sketches made elsewhere. This may somewhat reduce the value of the engravings as evidence, because it is hardly necessaiy for me to say. that memory' even supported by a sketch is deceptive, and in the process of composing groups from sketches enors axe verv likelv to creep in. This view also accounts for a certain discrepancy in the proportions which will be noted in the different groiips. The second engraving represents two "Aborigines mak- ing and straightening ,speai-s." The two men are represents BY FKITZ NOETLING, JM.A., PH.D. 95 ed sitting cross-legged, with threfe buudleb of spears under their legs^ a small fire burning between them. The right hand figure holds a spear under his right arm, closely pressed to the body by arm a.nd hand, while the left hand holds a cutting implement. We know that this implement must have been a tero-watta and it is very suggestive that it is completely concealed by the fingers. This proves that the tero-watta, which was used, was of such a small size that it did not even show above the first finger. The view ex- pressed by me in a previous paper that the tero-watta was on the whole an implement of small size, is therefore fully confirmed by this engraving. But what is more import- ant still, the position of the bent-in thumb suggests that it must rest on one face of the tero-watta, pressing it with the opposite face against the curved first finger. The posi- tion of the hand and fingers, as drawn in this picture, is therefore completely in harmony with the view time and again emphasised by me, that tne tero-watta and all other Archaeolithic implements were grasped in such a way that the thumb invariably '-ested on the flat face, which I there- fore called PoUical face. The most remarkahle feature of this figure is, however, quite a different one. The left hand holds the implement used for making the spear, not the i"ight one ! If it could be proved to a certainty that the position of this Aborigine is drawn correctly, the conclusions that could be drawn would be far-reaching. However, I rather feel inclined to think that the artist has made a most unfortunate mistake ; we may safely assume that he first made a pencil sketch on paper, and then transferred that sketch exactly as he had made it on the copper plate, forgetting that by doing so the print must naturally become reversed. What he ought to have done was to transfer his pencil sketch on the copper plate, such as it aopearod in a locking-glass, but not as he had designtd it (1). The second Aborigine sits like the former, cross-legged, and full front, gripping a spear between his two fists, while his teeth are holcftng it like a vice. The inscription says : "Straightening" the spear. The only reference i could find that the spears were straightened with the teeth is in Back- house's book, page 172, and I confer that I was somewhat doubtful as to this practice. (1) The scrawlv character of the legend gr«atly supports this theory. In order to appear correctly on the print he had to draw it inversely on the Dlate To judge from the almost childish scrawl, this has caused Mm a good 'deal of trouble, and therefore the theory that he did not take the pains to engrave the human figures inversely on the plate is more than probable. 90 NOTKS UN THK HUNT1.\(; STIt KS, K'lW Now, unless wv assume that the Duterrau eiigraviug, leproyeutiug an Aboi-iginc holding a spear with his teeth, is an invention pure and simple, a view which is certainly not supported by other evidence, we must admit that the Aborigines used their teeth in connection with the manu- facture of the spears. To me it seems probable that the repeated process of placing the wood in the fire and scrap- ing it, attcrwards. curved or bent the straight shaft, and that in order to straighten it, the teeth crripned it (like a vice!), while the two hands, by slowly effecting an upward pressure, gradually bent it straight. This view is greatly supported by the position of the hands. The back is turned outside, the muscles of the arm are in rather a strained position. i\ow. as everybody can obsei've for himself, it is very easy for the arm to exercise an upward jDre-sure by simply moving the elbow outwards, if in the position as depicted by Duterrau. A downward pressure is much more difficult to exercise, because the points of the elbows will have to be brought together; if the Aborigine straightened the spear by a downwards pres- sure, which, by the way, would involve a sevex'e strain on the lower jaw, he would have griniDcd the spear in such a way that the back of the hand was turned towards his own face, because in such a position the arm can easily exercise a downward pressure. It is further interesting to note that, unlike the tero- watta. which were made whenever required, the speai"s were made in advance for further use, the two men having made nearly 50 spears. The fire burning between them apparent.lv confirms the view that it was required in the manufacture, other- wise there does not seem to be any reason why there should be a fire. These two men are depicted without the curious head dress, in their naturally curly hair, both showing rather a strong beard. It is obvious that these two figures are the same as those shown in the larger group, and tlie only question that could arise is, which represents the original sketch. I almost feel inclined to think that Duterrau actually saw the two Aborigines making spears, and having sketched th?ni, after- wards coni])o.sed the group in which the.sc same two figures are so prominent. It will, however, be noticed that in the second engraving the front portion of the spear held by the BY FRITZ NOETLIN(i, M.A., PH.D. 97 Aborigine is longer than the posterior, while the reverse is shown in the group. Likeiwise, the left portion of the spear held by the man with his teeth is much longer in the group than in the second engraving. Tbisi unquestionably shows a certain amount of carelessness of observation, and reproducing observed facts, and this may tend to minimise the value of those recorded. Engraving No. 3, published on March 23rd, 1836, bears the curious inscription : "A wild native taking a kangaroo, his clog having caught it, he runs to kill it with his waddy." Now, we know for certain that dogs were unknown to the Aborigines previous to the arrival of the Europeans. The hunting scene, as depicted by Duterrau, can therefore not have taken place in older times, and the "wild native" must have caught his kangaroo by other means than by a dog before 'killing it with his waddy." The chief interest of the engraving is, however, the fact that the "waddy" (lughrana) was used to kill animals. The sketch of the "waddy," as given by Duterrau, fully agrees with the shape of the specimens in the Hobart Museum, even the notches at one end are distinctlv depicted. The hand, however, grips the lughrana, not at notched end, but fairly in the middle, and from this we mav conclude that the animal was killed with a blow. There is, however, another curious feature connected with this scene; the "wild native" grasps his lughrana with the right, while the left gets hold of the kangaroo. Now, if we assume that this engraving, not inversely etched on the plate, but transferred directly, the "wild native" grasps the kangaroo with his right, and holds the lughrana, with which he means to deliver the blow, in his left. * The last etching, published on the same date as the former : "A kangaroo caught by a wild native's dog," is of very little interest. It practically shows nothing but two very crudely-designed figures of a kangaroo, which a dog, apparently a collie of most ferocious appearance, having claws like a bear, has caught by the ear. The only interest is in a very crude figure of an Abori- gine holding a spear in his left and a hunting stick in his right hand, of which the legend says : "The native then seizes the kangaroo and kills it with his waddy." This engraving seems to contradict the view that spears were not used in hunting expeditions; but though Duterrau has depicted this "wild native" in the position of throwing the spear at the kangaroo, the legend, which says that "He kills it with his waddy," does not make it appear as very 98 NOTES ON TllK lIUNTIXd STICKS, ETC. jjrobable that his dog, having caught the kangaroo, the "wild native'" throws first his spear at it, and then "runs to kill it with his waddy. ' I ratuer feel inclined to think that the ''wild native" is shown, though in a picturesque attitude, armed uith spear and hunting stick, is not rejDr?- sented quit« truthfully. This certainly applies to the loin cloth which our "wild native" is wearing on his hunting expedition, which is rather a concession to the public of 1836 than a true fact. Again, it appears to me very probable that the engrav ing ought to be reversed, because the wild native is holding the spear in his left and the hunting stick in his right. We can sum up the value of the Duterau engravings as evidence regarding the Tasmanian Aborigines as follows : (1) On the whole these engravings are somewhat fanci- ful compositions, which were probably made in the studio from rough sketches drawn from life. (2) It is very probable that all the engravings were transferred directly, instead of inversely, on the copper plate. Hence the prints are all reversed. This detracts somewhat of their value with regard to any conclusions that may be drawn as to the use of the hands. Yet, even if it is admitted that the pictures ought to be reversed, it seems that the Aborigines used their left hand as often as their right, and were therefore ambidextrous (2). (3) The use of a loin cloth, with which the Aborigines are provided in all the engravings, is a concession to the public, but not an actual fact. (4) Notwithstanding these' drawbacks the engravings are of great value, because they prove at least two facts which have hitherto been without corroboration, viz. : (a) That the spears were straightened by being gripped with the teeth and bent with both hands, moving probably in upwai'd direction ; (b) that the hunting stick was used to kill an animal by a blow. They further confirm the view a-s to the holding of the stone implement (tero-watta). and the hunting stick (highrana), as depicted, fully agrees in shape, even as details are concerned with the specimens described in this paper. P.S. — since the above was written the orifjinal oil pitinting from wliieli No. i engravintr was niiule, and which is now in the possession of the Misses Clehurn, has come to lipht. This pjiintirc fully confirms my conjecture that all the encnivinRs should be revised, because in the original the man holds the scraper in his right and not in his left as it appears in the engravings. (2) This theory Is confirmed by certain tero-watta which can only have been used with the left hand, If they were held In such a way that the thumbs rested on the Pollical faci» OY. Soc. Tas. 1911. Rov Soc. Tas. 1911. Roy Soc Tas. 1911. PL X I Jjk POINTS OF SPEARS AND MIDDLE PORTION OF A SPEAR. Roy. Soc. Tas 1911 OY. Soc. Tas. 1911. PL XII OY. Soc. Tas. 1911 PL. XIII Roy. Soc. Tas 1911 PL. XIV Roy. Soc. Tas. 1911. PL. XV 7^ 5 j 99 ON THE CONNECTION OF SWIFTS WITH WEATHER. By H. Stuart Dove, F.Z.S. (Read September 11th, 1911.) For years I have been watching the movements of the 'Spine-tailed Swift" (Chsetura Caudacuta), that species which comes down to us from China and Japan, and, after spending a few summer months here, departs again to those more northern climes. While living among the mountains of Northern Tasmania, it occurred to me that the appear- ance of this Swift was often coincident with that of a cyclonic disturbance, and this observation has been con- firmed of recent years- During the summer of 19iU-li I kept notes of the various appearances of this species, to- gether with weather conditions of same period, and, as anything which may tend to throw light upon the habits of this migrant should be placed on record, x give extracts from my journal, first remarking that in some seasons the Spine-tails appear to visit us in very small numbers, and are scarcely seen, while in other seasons, such as the summer just passed, they appear so frequently and in such numbers that they thrust themselves upon our attention. LAKES ENTRANCE, EAST GTPPSLAND, VICTORIA. December 8th, 1910.— A great company of Spine-tailed Swifts appeared this morning for the first time this season, circling and wheeling at heights varying from the tree-tops to practically out of sight ; they were first noticed shortly before 9 a.m., and appeared to come from E.N.E., as in the case of the great company of Wood Swallows. * Again, near the end of the same month (December), two companies of the Spine-tails were seen, before and after stormy weather. (Aitanms tenebrosus, Lath.) These Wood Swallows appeared on the mornina; of 5th Sept., 1010 and continued their migration towards W.S.W. (See "EMU" October, 1910).* G JOO ON THE CONNFXTlD.N (>K swlKTS WITH WEATUKK. Ou Gill January, I'Jll, a parly of tucso birda wa& olr sei'ved in the midst of a tliuiideriitorm, flying towards N.E., the wind at the time being N.W. Un 1st February, I'Jll, while jjroceeding by launch up the Tambo River, E- Gippsland, we noticed many Spine- tailed Swifts flying backwards and forwards over the river, some at a low elevation ; the day was sunny, and extremely warm, with a light breeze from the ea^t. Two days after- wards the sky became overcast, and we ha.d a gale from the , eastwai-d. February 8th, 1911. — Large numbers of the same species were seen high in the air, early in the morning, in fine weather ; next day. 9th February, broke fine, but rain came on, and continued steadily until noon, while on 10th February heavy squalls of wind and rain passed over south eastern Victoria. WEST DEVONPORT, TASMANIA. March 11th, 1911. — Numbers of the Spine-tailed Swift appeared on 8th, 9th, and 10th March, during disturbed thundery weather, with rain, and, during part of the time, a high, tearing south-east wind. Great floods again in Victoria and parts of Tasmania. March 20th. — The Swifts again apneared yesterday, when it was raining almost the whole day. They passed leisurely over from west to east, near the s^a. and at a good elevation. March 23rd.— Swifts again seen coursing leisurely about; soon afterwards rough weather set in. April 16th. — Perfect morning, cloudless sky, light sea breeze (N.N.E.) ; Spine-tailed Swifts passed over the shore scrub at a low elevation, making west as a general direction. I said to the friend with whom I was walking, "There are the Swifts ; our fine weather will not be of long continu- ance." That very night great piles of cumulus appeared in the eastern sky, and drifted gradually overhead, bring- ing a heavy downpour. April 25th, 1911. — On this day the Spine-tailed Swift.s were seen "migrating." passing to the N.W. over the beach, at a height of 60 or 80 feet ; weather cold, showery, squally, wind veering N.W. to S.W. BY H. STUaKT dove, F.Z.S. 101 April 27th. — This afternoon tne Swifts passed to the north-west in a long, straggling party over tne beach and the sea, at a height of perhaps 60 feet; wind south-west, strong, cold. This was their last appearance, and tlie latest date I have ever seen them ; I believe it constitutes a record for Tasmania, if not for the Commonwealth. Now, the Spine-tailed Swift is very fond of ants in the winged state, and these insects constitute a large portion of its food while with us : I have noticed that the male and female ants of various species attain the winged state, and "swaiTii," or issue, in vast numbers from the nest, generally during the moist, muggy weather which Drecedes an atmos- pheric disturbance ; the termites, or so-called "White ants," will often swann during a light, warm rain. It has, there- fore, occurred to me that the frequent appearance of the Spine-tail Swift either during, or shortly before or after, disturbed ntinospheric conditions, may be due to its winged food occurring more plentifully at these times- There may be other conditions of which at present we know nothing, affecting the sudden appearances and disappearances of this most interesting species, but the theory here advanced seems a reasonable one, and I shall be glad if it is the means of inducing other observers of ottr migratorv fauna to give particular attention to the habits of this swift. 102 FURTHER NOTES ON THE HABITS OF THE TAS- MANIAN ABORIGINES. PI. XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX. By Frita Noctling, M.A., Ph.D., Etc. (Read October 9, 1911.) 1. DID THE TASMANIAN ABORIGINES MANUFAC- TURE BONE IMPLEMENTS?— PL XVI. The question whether the aborigines used bones of animals, either entirely or in fragments, for implements is of gi-cat importance. It has hitherto been assumed that bone as a material for implements did not come in to use earlier than the Magdalenian stage. If this be so, all the earlier industries, -v^^hich, of course, include the archae- olithic stage, did not use bone, either as a material from which implements were manufactured, or, indirectly, as a tool to press off small Hakes, in order to sharpen the edge. The Tasmanian industry, which, as we have seen, repre- sents the typical archjeolithic stage, should, therefore, not know the use of bone. It would constitute one of the greatest anomalies in the evolution of mankind, if it wex-e a fact that the aboi'igines did include bone among the materials from which they manufactured their imple- ments. I can safely say that there are few persons living who have so carefully studied and examined the camping grounds as I have, but never did I find a single piece of bone that could even, with the greatest stretch of imagina- tion, be considered as an implement; in fact, the almost total absence of bones or fragments therefrom on the camp- ing grounds has always struck me as rather remarkable. Yot there is a general belief among the amateur coHeV- tors that the aborigines manufactured a kind of scoop from bone, and such specimens are greatly valued. Among the great treasures of the Hobart Museum there is a bundle of bones labelled, "Bone implements manufactured by the aborigines." I had always my doubts as to the authenticity of tnese bone implements, and I am now in the position to con- Roy. Soc. Tas. 1911. Pl XVI. SO-CALLED "SCOOPS" AND THE FIHULA OF MACROPUS HILLAUDIERI. KV FRITZ NOETLING, M.A., PH.D. 103 clusively dispel the view that the aborigines ever manufac- tured implements from bone. When excavating together with Mr. T. Stephens the great shell deposit in a cave near Rocky Cape, I collected a fairly large number of bones, mostly consisting of kangaroo, opossum, wombat, seal, and numerous bones of birds. The bones were mostly in a fragmentary state, and the larger ones, apparently femur and humerus of kan- garoo, were evidently intentionally broken. None of the splinters showed even the slightest trace of use. I had, however, the good luck of finding several of the "scoops," and their appeai'ance seemed to exclude the view of an artificial origin. As these specimens show considerable length, I was pretty certain that they could not come from any other part of the body but the extremities, pi-obably the posterior ones, of a kangaroo ; I, therefore, compared the leg bones of a kangaroo, and I could prove the com- plete identity of the so-called "scoops" and the fibula of the kangaroo. From PI. XVI. it will be seen that the fibula of the kangaroo is rather a thin, slender bone, which closelv lies on the tibia. The distal end of the fibula is cylindrical, but it becomes deeply concave in the pi'oximal -part- The thinnest and most fragile portion of the fibula is almost in the middle of its length, about there where the concave rather broad pi'oximal portion contracts very quickly, and becomes flat, before merging into the cylindrical distal portion. It can, therefore, hardly be surprising that when a kangaroo comes to grief it is usually the fibula that breaks first. I have seen man}' a kangaroo hunted, and if they fell over a cliff, the fibula was regulai'ly broken, and always at the same place, that is to say, where the bone was weakest. The bone was, therefore, broken into two parts, the cylin- drical distal, and the hollowed out, concave proximal part. The concave part, formed the "scoop," so highly treasured by amateur collectors, and its shape was the more sugges- tive of artificial work, particularly because it was strongly attenuated. Once more the well-known fact that an actual observa- tion, however simple it may be, is worth more than all the finest theories, is shown to be true. The numerous ama- teurs who collected these specimens jumped at once to the conclusion that these were "scoops" manufactured by the aborigines, but not one of them did look at the leg bones of a kangaroo. 104 FUKTHKK Ni'TKS ON HABITS <)K TASM AMAN ABoltKilNES. It must be considei-ed as rather fortunate that, before the statement that the aborigines of Tasmania did use bone in the manufacture of their implements, has been spread through the literature, it could be proved to be absolutely wrong. It is rather remarkable that such a theory should ever be credited even among amateurs, be- cause the question might well be asked : For what purpose could these "scoops" be used? The general belief is that they were used to scoop out the marrow from the bones, and this once more proves how wrong it is to judge from our customs and habits those of a far inferior race. It does not follow that because we use a special insti'ument to scoop out the maiTOw from the bones of the big ruminants that the aborigines did the same ; in fact, if one thing is certain it is, that they did not. If they wanted the marrow the easiest and quickest way to get it was to sma.sh the bone, and this they did, as has been proved by the broken fragments in the cave deposits. The idea that a primitive human being like the Tasmanian sat down uolding in one hand the cooked marrow bone, and in the other the scoop, daintily scooping out the marrow, is intensely comical. Its absurdity becomes more conspicuous still, when we consider that the end of the marrow bone hau to be cut off by means of a stone, and that the marrow was obtained quicker and easier by breaking the whole bone at once, than by knocking off one end, and aftei"wai'ds scooping out the marrow. I have dwelt at some length on this absurd theory, because it is very illustrative of the way how the most ludicrous intei'pretations of archseolithic remains can arise. The archaeolithic civilisation did not know the use of bone as a material for the manufacture of implements, and the Tasmanian industi'y foi'ms no exception from this rule; in fact, we know now for certain that oven the most care- ful examination has failed to discover any specimen of bone that had been used as an implement- It might be argued that in Europe, where the archa?olithic civilisation IS of great age. the Ijones had become decayed, and there being no bone implements does not prove that they were not used. From our investigations we know now that the archaeolithic civilisation of Tasmania did not know the use of bone as material for implements, and we can. therefore, conclude that this also applies to the same type of civilisar tion in EuT'ope. Those who held that the use of bone is a more modem invention, which the primitive industries had not yet made, were, therefore, perfectly right, and this view is fullv borne out bv the researches in Tasmania. Roy. Soc. Tas. 1911. GROUND "sacred" STONE, OLD BEACH. BY FJii'i'Z N(ii.;tlin(;, ma., I'll u. 105 2. DiD THE ABOKlGiNES KNOW THE ART OF GRINDING?— ri. XVil. It has always been most emphatically asserted that the art of grinding was unknown to the aborigines. My collections have, however, proved that the oj)eration of grinding was not unknown to them. It ajapears, however, that thoy nevei", under any circumstances, used it in the manufacture of tero-watta, but strictly limited it to the manufacture of the Hat, so-called "sacred" stone (1). I never found a single tero-wattai which even shows the faintest indication of being ground or polished, but I have found numerous sacred stones, which show more or less distinct traces of having been subjected to the process of grinding. I described some specimens in a previous paper (2), but, though the indications may, perhaps, not be quite so convincing, the specimen PI. XVII. from the Old Beach gives us an absolute proof. This specimen was found by Mr. E. S. Anthony, who kindly presented it to me. It is an oval, very flat diabase pebble, measuring 5 x 3^ to Ij inch, and weighing lib. 8oz. avoir- Both the upper and lower sides are flat, but while the lower side is rough, probably on account of weathering, the upper side has been most elaborately polished and ground. The grinding even extended to the peripheral portion, and fine sharp edges were produced. Three rough marks, extending obliquely across the upper side, form a conspicuous feature, particularly as the surface between them is slightly convex. In my opinion, these mai'ks are incidental, and they represent a jDortion of the original crust, which was not quite removed when the pebble was ground. The specimen is well preserved, except for a large frag- ment broken off from the marffin. Now such sharp faces ?.nd edges as this specimen exhibits can only be produced by grinding; any other explanation is impossible. Modern mnn would assume that the stone was ground on another one ; at least, if he were to reduce such a stone he would proceed in such a way- The Tasmanian may have pro- ceeded differently; he rubbed and ground the specimen (1) I pr fer to use the term "sacre.d" in=tp,nfl of "mnsic" in c^P9crihing this pecuUar group of stones, because it bettor expresses tlieir nature than the word magic. (2) Some implements of H)ETJJNC;, M.A., PH.D. 107 tion of these specimens was not to be applied to profane purposes. Tliis is merely a suggestion, which may be accepted as a plausible explanation or not. However that may be, it is bey'bnd doubt that the Tas- manians had already acquired a rudimentaiy knowledge of grinding, but they applied it to one pmijose only, viz., to the manufacture of the sacred stones, and never to any other. This is one of the numerous strange facts which we meet with in studying the Tasmanian race. In my opinion, this points to one direction only. The Tasmanian race had already reached their highest point of evolution ; it was impossible for them to go further; they could not conceive new ideas, or make new inventions, and had the race still existed for another thousand years, at the end of that period they would have exactly been where they were at its beginning- It is unquestionable that the incapability of the Tasmanian race to adaj^t themselves to new ideas or surroundings accelerated its extinction. This view has now been proved by so many observa- tions that we may take it as certain that the Tasmanian aborigines represented a race of mental stagnation. They may have been distantly related to the races now inhabit- iiig the Australian continent, but it is absolutely incojiceiv- able how, in the face of these facts, a recent writer (6) could consider the Tasmanian aborigines as an insular tvpe of the Australian aboi'igines. Let us consider the logical consequences of this theory. Dr. Basedow admits that the Tasmanian aborigines came to the island 'previous to its separation from the mainland, and, as a necessarv corollary, previous to the arrival of the dingo. If the Tasmanian aborigines were only an insular branch of the Australian race, we must assume that at the time of their migration to the south-eastern comer of Aus- tralia, now represented by Tasmania, the whole of the Australian race was in the arch?eolithic stage. There is no getting away from rhis, because the Tasmanians repre- sent that sta,ge, and never got beyond it. On the other hand, we find on the Australian contin- 6) Basedow, Der Tasmanier Schaedel. ein Insulartvpus, Zeitsch. f. Ethnologie, vol. 42, pt. III., 1910, page 175. 108 FIRTHKK NOTES ON HABITS OK TASMANIAN ABORIGINES. cut the palaeolithic as well as the neolithic stage. I have very little knowledge of the Australian stone implements, but it appears to me that in the Australian implements there is no lower stage represented than the Solutreen, of which probably the West Australians may be the type. The confirmation of this view may, perhajjs, be of great importance, but luckily it does not bear directly on the present question. One fact, however, is absolutely certain, the civilisation of the Australian aborigines represents a much higher stage than that of the Ta?manian aborigines. In other words, the Australians developed (7), while the Tasmaiiians remained stagnant. At the first glance my theory of the mental stagnation of the Tasmanian abori- gines seems to confirm such a hypothesis, but on closer examination it will be seen that such view is untenable. If the mental qualities of the Australian race had the germ of further development, why did only the Australian branch reach a higher stage while the Tasmanian one re- mained stationa,ry ? This question must first be conclu- sively answered before Dr. Basedow's theory can be accepted. It is impossible to assume that the struggle for exists ence is responsible for this. Let us examine the physical conditions under which ine so-called two branches lived. The average temperature of the Australian continent is decidedly higher than that of Tasmania ; the climate is. therefore, considerably wai'mer in Australia than in Tas- mania. On the oth^r hand except the northern tropical portion, Australia is much drier than Tasmania- The search for drinking water is certainly more arduous in (he Australian continent than in Tasmania. Food was. if any- thing, probably easier to find in Australia than in Tas- mania. Neither in Australia nor Tasmania large carnivor- ous animals existed as enemies of the human race. If any- thing, Tasmania can boast of the most ferocious of the two. the tiger and the devil. Hunnn enemies were the same, both in Australia and Tasmania, and we have it on record thnt the Tasmaninn tribes lived in constant interno cine war. The absence of large animalic enemies, the constant intertribal feuds, the plentifulnoss of food being the same (7» It mattors not the lenst whethnr tlip Auslrillnns Imd al^e.^dy rpaflii d the hl.trh<»r ptnp^ whpti th^v nrrlvod 'n Australia, or cradnally aonulrod It fIh'-p fhoir arrival. T ico^. howpvp'-. inrllned to IioUpvp they r<'pr<'s<- tt'