fy ts CU tee Hiei i ifn slic c/eh eueient : 1eepOih Atari Vi (rift fi ; f hss 4 Sytem PARASITES AND PARASITOSIS OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK - BOSTON - CHICAGO - DALLAS ATLANTA + SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Liuitep LONDON - BOMBAY - CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Lp. TORONTO Paavo AND PARASITOSIS OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS THE ZOOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE ANIMAL PARASITES AND THE PATHOGENESIS AND TREATMENT OF PARASITIC DISEASES BY B. M. UNDERHILL, V.M.D. PROFESSOR OF PARASITOLOGY AND INSTRUCTOR IN ZOOLOGY AND HISTOLOGY, SCHOOL OR VETERINARY MEDICINE, UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, ZOOLOGIST, DIVISION OF LABORATORIES, PENNSYLVANIA STATE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY WITH 180 ILLUSTRATIONS 2) te Nem York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1920 All rights reserved _—. » oy ia i eel i at cS. +; a 4 ‘ } ' : sok mytes ‘ SrSui, oat Ef ip fk Copyriaut, 1920 ' By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Set up and printed. Published April, 1920 JUN -2 1920 ae a | PREFACE In the preparation of this work the author has aimed to present clearly, concisely, and in orderly manner such matter pertaining to the subject at hand as seems most essential to the needs of the student and the practitioner. Notwithstanding its elementary character, the present rapid advances in parasitology have necessitated numerous changes and additions to the manuscript during its preparation. New species and unsettling facts and theories as to some which are not new are, in these days of intensive research, frequently being brought to light and re- ported upon. Some of these findings represent or lead to a distinct advance and, though the observations be in certain cases upon obscure and in themselves unimportant species, they may, by analogy, shed valuable light upon life histories and modes of infection of related forms known to be injurious to domestic animals and man. So frequent are these steps forward that it might almost seem better to leave compara- tive parasitology at the present time to the fragmental attention it has mainly received, and possibly it is to this view that the lack of a recent American volume upon the subject may be attributed. Be that as it may, this book is not intended to be comprehensive, and it contais but little discussion, historical or otherwise, of investigations in the field of medical zodlogy,—limitations which may, in measure, contribute to it a longer period of usefulness in its present form than could be hoped for in an exhaustive treatise. With but few exceptions, the parasites con- sidered are those most likely to be met with and as to which most of the facts pertaining to their biology and pathogenicity have been well established. The treatment of the subject is based upon the advantages of pre- senting it with at least a rudimental attention to the biologic principles involved in parasitism, a knowledge of which is requisite to the proper conception of parasitology and certainly essential to intelligently applied measures of control. The direct and lucid style of the text throughout will, it is hoped, bring these briefly considered fundamentals before the reader in their true bearing upon the whole subject and render the book particularly acceptable to the general practitioner as well as to the student. Teachers will appreciate that laboratory work should supplement the class-room method of study. Of course the student should in every case see the parasite under consideration in so far as this is possible. Methods of laboratory technique and the selection of type specimens for vi PREFACE dissection should, in thé author’s opinion, be left to the teacher, who should certainly be the one best qualified to formulate the course adapted to his needs. No general outline, therefore, as to laboratory methods has been attempted. If, as has been said, originality is not the best recommendation for a work of this kind, the author feels quite sure that its defects cannot to any great extent be attributed to that source. His observations in the field and laboratory have been utilized in the preparation of the book, but contribute nothing to its pages that is advanced or aggressively critical. Excluding.the first three chapters, so much of the subject- matter has been drawn from the published results of the labors of others that the numerous sources cannot well be enumerated here. Acknowl- edgments are especially due to bulletins and articles upon various topics of parasitology written by workers in federal and state bureaus of ex- perimental research. Other sources which have been relied upon and freely used are: M. Neveu-Lemaire’s Parasitologie des Animauxz Domes- tiques; Herms’ Medical and Veterinary Entomology; Riley and Johann- sen’s Handbook of Medical Entomology; Calkins’ Protozoology; Neumann’s Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the Domesticated Animals; Braun’s Animal Parasites of Man; The Journal of Parasitology; The American Edition of Hutyra and Marek, and Osborn’s Eeonomic Zoology. The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation and thanks to his laboratory coworker, Dr. Fred Boerner, Jr., for his assistance in the collection of specimens and in the examination of pathologic material; also to Dr. William J. Lentz for his reading and valuable criticism of parts of the manuscript, and to Dr. C. P. Fitch for his helpful suggestions as to sources of reference. Illustrations for a work of this character will be an aid to the text in proportion as they are exact and well chosen. For the study of mor- phologic characteristics photographs of actual specimens are often too obscure in detail, and accurate drawings or line sketches are, as a rule, of greater service. It will be observed that many of the figures in this book are taken from publications issued by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. Probably no better drawings of these subjects have been produced, and the privilege granted to use them is esteemed as a helpful favor of much value to the work. In this connection the author would especially express his gratitude to Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology, to Dr. John R. Mohler, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, to Dr. Herbert Osborn, to Dr. Howard Crawley, and to Dr. B. H. Ransom. Finally, thanks are due to Dr. W. H. Hoedt of Philadelphia, for his skill and interest in preparing the photomicro- graphs and many of the drawings. BE Mau: Philadelphia, Pa. CONTENTS PART I PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS THE EXTERNAL PARASITES CHAPTER I INTER OD CLEO Ny oaks sities ace RSs USC ERE Ia a eee Te See slehiel ACR osetia 2, Peat euanSs etehioranseanets 1 Origin of parasitism; Influences inhibiting organic multiplication; The struggle for existence; The sheltered mode of life; Its effect; Phases of the symbiotic relationship; Example of mutualism; Examples of commensalism; True parasitism; Adaptive and degenerative modifications of the parasite; Faculties of parasitic and predatory animals compared; Simplicity, primitive and degnerative; The Tunicata; Functions involved in adaptation to para- sitism; The reproductive process in Melophagus ovinus; Development of the reproductive function in parasites; Parasitism of Gastrophilus intestinalis; Alternation of hosts in life cycle of parasites; The complicated cycle of the liver fluke; The tapeworm as an example of extreme parasitism; Deductions as to the systematic position of parasites through comparison with free-living forms. CHAPTER II Forms oF PARASITISM AND INFLUENCE UPON THE Host..................---. 7 Terms used in parasitology; Symbiosis; Mutualism; Commensalism; Helotism; Parasitism; Phytoparasites; Zosparasites; Optional occasional parasites; Obligate occasional parasites; Determinate transitory parasites; Permanent parasites; Fixed parasites; Erratic parasites; Determinate erratic parasites; Monoxenous parasites; Heteroxenous parasites; Trans- migration; Incidental or stray parasites; Ectoparasites; Entoparasites; Helminthes; Terms used in the designation of parasitic diseases; Preda- cious and parasitic animals; Factors governing injury to the host by para- sites; General etiologic factors. CHAPTER III PRUTUM Ie ARTHRORODAM Eee riaciacie ae iaiioeie le cireteavele esse) aieeindals wredlecsrs) alc 13 Characteristics of the Arthropoda; Characteristics of the class Insecta; Insect methods of reproduction; Duration of life of insects. viii CONTENTS CHAPTER IV PAGE MOSQUITOES AND*GNATS:: 05 ou a0 ccl.oghatha @ sradim crs 6s cae eee ee Tak PLIES: .. 20: - : Tue DiptEerous Larvm. Tur Fieas. Characteristics of the order Diptera; Dipterous parasitism; Charactis- ties of the family Culicide; Range and prevalence of mosquitoes; Their breeding habits; Their pathologic importance; The transmitter of malaria; Methods of distinguishing between Anopheles and Culex; The transmitter of yellow fever; Characteristics and habits of the species Ades calopus; Effect of mosquitoes upon live stock; Mosquito control; Characteristics of the family Simuliide; The Southern buffalo gnat; Effect of its attack upon live stock; Control; Protection and treatment. CHAPTER V Characteristics er ane family alivanddeas onmeaes. Gad-flies; Effect of their attack; Protection; Characteristics of the family Muscide; The house-fly; Habits of the house-fly and its relation to the transmission of disease; Its control; Protective measures; The horn fly; Its habits; Effect of its attack; Its control; The tsetse flies; Characteristics of the genus Glossina; Distribution and habits of tsetse flies; Their relationship to trypanosomiasis; Investigations by Bruce and others; Tsetse fly control; Characteristics of the family Hippoboscide; The “sheep tick” or “louse fly;” Its effect; Treatment. CHAPTER VI Myasis; The “screw worm fly;’” Its habits; Effect of its attack; Pro- tective measures; Treatment; The flesh flies; The blowfly; Its habits; Protective measures; Characteristics of the family Gistride; The horse bot flies; Gastrophilus intestinalis; Its habits and life history; Effect of the fly and larvee upon horses; The red-tailed bot-fly; Its habits and effect; The chin fly; The ox bot or warble flies; Their life history; Their economic im- portance; The sheep bot fly; Its habits and life history; Effect of the at- tack of the fly and its larve; Protection and treatment. CHAPTER VII Chaccensn of the eniee Siphonaptera; The dog, cat, and human fleas; Differentiation of species; Life history; Relation of fleas to the transmis- sion of infectious diseases; Treatment and control. CHAPTER VIII THE Lice. . The sucking lice; Characteristics of the order Siphunculata; The biting lice; Characteristics of the order Mallophaga; Pediculosis of domestic ani- 23 35 50 65 70 CONTENTS ix PAGE mals in general; Pediculosis of the horse; Pediculosis of cattle; Pediculosis of the sheep and goat; Pediculosis of the hog; Pediculosis of the dog and cat; Pediculosis of man; Control and treatment of pediculosis. CHAPTER IX rCHORUROULTRY DAE PBEDBUG tess syle ests ciae cya cee ersitroe easing suena 82 Prevalence and effect of poultry lice; Species infesting chickens; Species infesting turkeys; Species infesting ducks and geese; Species infesting swan; Species infesting pigeons; Control and treatment of poultry lice; Characteristics of the order Hemiptera; Characteristics of the family Cimi- cide; The common bedbug; Its habits and effect of its bite; The bedbug as a pest of poultry; Control. CHAPTER X INEGS, IMUDUORS 5 ae! e-ecoabeld Oia cee ete IS a le reece GS STOO Rapa ere eer 94 Characteristics of the class Arachnida; Characteristics of the order Acar- ina; Parasitism of the Acarina; Acariasis; Characteristics of the family Ga- maside; The gamasid mites of poultry; Habits and effect of their attack; Control; Characteristics of the family Trombidiide; The harvest mites, chiggers, or red bugs; Habits and effect of their attack; Treatment; The mange, scab, or itch mites; Characteristics of the family Sarcoptidz; The genera Sarcoptes; Notoedres, Otodectes, Cnemidocoptes, Laminosioptes, Cytoleichus, Psoroptes, and Chorioptes; Their respective characteristics, hosts, and modes of attack; Characteristics of the family Demodecide; Mange and scabies of the various domestic animals; Sarcoptic mange; De- modectic or follicular mange; Notoedric or head mange of the cat and rab- bit; Otodectie or auricular mange; Psoroptic scabies; Auricular scabies of the rabbit; Chorioptic or leg scabies; Symptoms, development, lesions, diag- nosis, 4nd transmission of mange and scabies. CHAPTER XI RPATMENT On MANGE ANDESCABIES here nie ss lneese des eee asssses 8. 20 General considerations; Treatment of sarcoptic mange ot the horse; Of the dog; Of the goat; Of the sheep; Of cattle; Treatment of notoedrie mange of the cat and rabbit; Treatment of demodectic mange; Treatment of oto- dectic mange; Treatment of psoroptic scabies of the sheep; of cattle; Of the horse; Of the rabbit, Treatment of chorioptie scabies of the horse; Of cattle. ; CHAPTER XII and treatment; The depluming mite; The deep-seated acariases of birds; The family Cytoleichidse; The connective tissue mite; The air passage mite. x CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII Te TIGKS..\.. ooo. aiic loss vies ane ets wins Wada e 6) ree he ee 136 Structure of ticks in general; Characteristics of the superfamily Ixo- doidea; Characteristics of the family Argasidwe; The fowl tick; Its habits and effect upon the host; Control; The spinose ear tick; Its habits and effect upon the host; Treatment; Characteristics of the family Ixodidw; Description of genera; Species found upon domestic animals in the United States; The Texas-fever or Southern cattle tick; Biological data established by the Zoél- ogical Division of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry; Life his- tory of the Texas-fever tick; Its nonparasitie development; Its parasitic development; Loss occasioned by the Texas-fever tick; Progress made in its eradication; The order Linguatulida; Linguatula rhinaria of the nasal cavi- ties of mammals. PART II THE INTERNAL PARASITES CHAPTER XIV Puytum IJ. PLaryHELMINTHES; THE FLUKES AND TAPEWORMS............ 155 Classification of the parasitic worms; Characteristics of the Platyhelm- inthes; Characteristics of the class Trematoda; The liver flukes; Their life history; Prevalence of fascioliasis; Infection; Migration of flukes within the definitive host and pathogenesis; Fascioliasis of the sheep; Fascioliasis of cattle; Control and treatment; The blood fluke; Bilharziosis; Charactéristics of the class Cestoda; Characteristics of the family Tzeniidse; Life history of tapeworms; Their parasitism. CHAPTER XV T2NIASIS... es ce Reena erage «ais free bes theae dale eeepire he ce rae ee 174 General consideration of the effect of tapeworms upon their hosts; Tape- worms of the horse; Tapeworms of cattle, sheep, and goats; Tapeworms of the dog; Dog tapeworms in relation to human infection; Tapeworms of the cat; Tapeworms of the rabbit; Characteristics of the family Diphyllo- bothriidew; Occurrence of species; Treatment of teniasis of the dog; Pre- vention; Treatment of tzeniasis of the cit; Treatment of teeniasis of sheep, goats, and cattle; Treatment of teeniasis of the horse. CHAPTER XVI TAPEWORMS OF (CHICKENS): (66s dieceephere «co isssnahie oe pusas © eee ee eee 189 Characteristics of species; Investigations as to their relative occurrence; Symptoms; Control; Treatment. CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XVII PAGE BINT MDVD IHW ORM LU AR VEAS dee ic Sat vate aerator eliave le ienaie muse cayeiiale: wlavds dudedne a) fia.4.4 nee 194 Pathologic importance; Forms and their characteristics, Cysticercosis or measles; Beef measles; Its occurrence; Degeneration and vitality of the cysts; Pork measles, Its occurrence; Degeneration and vitality of the cysts; Measles of the sheep; Coenurosis or gid; Its occurrence; Its development; Its post-mortem appearance; Its symptoms; Control and treatment; Echin- ococcosis or hydatid disease; Structure of the echinococcus cyst; Its de- velopment; Post-mortem appearance in echinococcosis; Symptoms; Con- trol. CHAPTER XVIII Payitum II. Ceraetmintuss; THe SMOOTH AND SEGMENTED RounDWormMs... 216 Characteristics of the Coelhelminthes; Characteristics of the class Ne- mathelminthes; Characteristics of the order Nematoda: Parasitism of the nematode worms in general; General considerations as to treatment. CHAPTER XIX Nematopa; Faminy I. Ascarmb#; THE Lance RouUNDWORMS OF THE INTESTINE 5 Characteristics of the Ascaride; Investigations as to life history; Ascar- iasis; Ascarids of the horse; Occurrence of equine ascariasis; Its etiology, control, and treatment; Characteristics of the family Oxyuride; Oxyuriasis of equines; Ascarids of the dog and cat; Ascarids of the hog and sheep; As- carids of the ox; The family Heterakide and heterakiasis of poultry. bo bo oO CHAPTER XX Nematopa; Faminry1V. Finartp®; THe THREAD-LIKE WoORMS..... . . 244 Characteristics of the Filariide; Parasitism; Filaria of the horse; Their oc- currence; Effect of filariasis upon equines; Filaria of sheep and cattle; Filaria of the dors ; Hematic filariasis; Filaria of the hog; Filaria of poultry. CHAPTER XXI Nematopa; Faminy V. Stroneynip2; Supramiry I. MrrastroncyLin= WorMs! or THE RusprraAtorY TRACT. .................-0-++-0-- 255 Characteristics of the Strongylide; Parasitism; Strongylosis; Characteris- tics of the Metastrongyline; Parasitism; Bronchial and pulmonary strongy- losis of the sheep and goat; Its symptoms, course, and prognosis; Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of cattle; Its symptoms, course, and prog- nosis; Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of the pig; Its occurence and symptoms; Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of the horse; Cardio- pulmonary strongylosis of the dog; Pulmonary strongylosis of the cat; Post- mortem appearance in bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis; Develop- ment, etiology, control, and treatment of bronchial and pulmonary strongy- losis. xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXII PAGE Nematopa; SuBFAMILY II. TRICHOSTRONGYLIN®; WORMS OF THE STOMACH AND. INTESTINE F050 vs cafe aide Sekine 60 20g ee «eel Characteristics of the Trichostrongyline; Parasitism; Gastro-intestinal strongylosis of the sheep and goat; Its occurrence; Its symptoms; Gastro- intestinal strongylosis of cattle; Its occurrence; Its symptoms; Post-mortem appearance in gastro-intestinal strongylosis, Development, etiology, con- trol, and treatment of gastro-intestinal strongylosis. CHAPTER XXIII Nemaropa; SuBramMiLy II]. Srroneyiinas; WorMS OF THE LARGE AND SMALL Investines; OTHER STRONGYILES.........¢2052280 555 Jee Characteristics of the Strongylinse; Parasitism; Nodular strongylosis of the sheep and goat; Its occurrence; Its development; Its post-mortem ap- pearance; Its symptoms; Treatment; Nodular strongylosis of cattle; Nodu- lar strongylosis of the hog; Strongylosis of the large intestine of the sheep and goat; Strongylosis of the intestines of the horse; Its development; Its symp- toms; Its post-mortem appearance; Intestinal strongylosis of the dog and eat; Other Strongyline; Tracheal strongylosis of chickens; The kidney worm of the hog; Family Eustrongylide and eustrongylosis. CHAPTER XXIV NEMATODA;Haminy VIL. TRICHINELDID A... e502 aw es bre ee ee Characteristics of the Trichinellidze; The ‘whip-worms’’ of the large intestine; Trichinella spiralis and trichinosis; Life history of Trichinella spiralis; Intestinal trichinosis; Muscular trichinosis; Degeneration of the trichina eyst; Infection; Symptoms of intestinal and muscular trichinosis in hogs; Trichinosis in rats and mice; Prophylaxis. CHAPTER XXV THE THORN-HEADED WORM; THE LEECHES......... 0.000. 04,077 one e eee Characteristics of the order Acanthocephala; The thorn-headed worm of the intestines of the hog; Its life history; Its occurrence; Its pathogenicity; Symptoms produced; Treatment; Characteristics of the class Annelida; Characteristics of the order Hirudinea; The horse leech; The medicinal leech; Sources of infestation by leeches; Their effect upon the animal at- tacked; Treatment. 280 306 CONTENTS Xili PART III THE PATHOGENIC PROTOZOA CHAPTER XXVI PAGE BENTO MpMINV AMET OTOZ OAc grantee ty Nr ta iri ieenten | dros aioe nea An cess 311 General consideration of the Protozoa; Characters differentiating Pro- tozoa from Metazoa; Ameba, its main features for study; Parasitism of the Protozoa; Progress of research; Relationship of-arthropods to infection with protozoal diseases; Evolution of pathogenicity in Protozoa; Methods of reproduction in free and parasitic forms; Life history of the malaria or- ganisms; The schizogonic or asexual cycle; The sporogonic or sexual cycle; Classification of pathogenic species. CHAPTER XXVII THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS; DisEASES DUE TO PROTOZOA..................- 324 Characteristics of the class Rhizopoda; Infectious entero-hepatitis of tur- keys; Amebic dysentery of man; Characteristics of the class Flagellata; Characteristics of the order Spirochetida; Spirochetosis of poultry; Char- acteristics of the order Trypanosomatida; Parasitism; Transmission of the infecting organisms; Nagana or “‘fly disease;”” Surra, Mal de Caderas; Dourine; Trypanosoma americanum; Characteristics of the class Sporozoa; Characteristics of the order Coccidia; Coccidiosis; Eimeria stiede; Cocci- diosis of rabbits; Diplospora bigemina; Coccidiosis ot dogs; Coccidium zurni; Red dysentery of cattle; Himeria avium; Coccidial enteritis of chicks; Char- acteristics of the order Hemosporidia; Piroplasma bigeminum; Texas-fever of cattle; Its occurrence; Exposure and development; Its symptoms; The acute type; The chronic type; Prevention and treatment; Characteristics of the order Sarcosporidia; Sarcosporidiosis; Mode of infection. (ETOSGIAR LAPP PNR Sten per es Res UEC eC uP A GANG INO EPS Tied ahaa else a 35 \ 4 , \ mn t . y ‘ j x ' -_ ”\ ded FIG. Ae Dig oramOMmanyaNsecuare arate cam aysiu ss ay al sieyete ae . Diagram of internal parts of an imsect................... pe yee if a H> GO 15. bo He CO bd bo bh bk bo bd Ww hb bo CO NI O> Or C Go to Ow Ure © oO WW WwW Ww WwW “IO Or H CO WE OOM N AA whe LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Diaeranwoninsechsiheanumnri amet r terse ree ee esti ot cmeacia a MOURN PORTIS OF Gy lomITYS MOE. sooo cacconcyenacessuabeoe Diagram showing tracheal system of an insect............ . Abdomen of locust, showing spiracles..................... . Head of bee, showing compound eyes, ocelli, and antenne....... . Metamorphosis of the house fly..... Se MGR a near mu arsine . Diagram of segments of arthropod, showing leg muscles, ete , Ispres gael lena, (or Ouillese Tonos Cibo), jock ocucesosueudcooeeoesace . Pupa, of Culex and Anopheles mosquitoes ...................... mOulexspuncenss malesand female st s4s5 see 4- see . Anopheles quadrimaculatus, male and female.................... . Position of Anopheles and Culex at rest.................. Breathing position of larva, of Anopheles and Culex............. MBBS oSmoleANO DME ES Hye ery ein cig cite: ae needa Meade eetey Seoye ne Poe > Was Sownera [UG PANN. 25 coos cusccesvncadooscnndebe ~ erie, Oi SowUnean lout Mmeie, 22 gooc5ceaccssdenccocsas: >» Poe Or Sowtiaean lowly gain, 2.254555 $4650-56ece octane Me nea lacks horsellyeecwenhs ioe ce te enterica aati eek 2 eae Pabliinevoreen=head sfliyiy wher Sete g cee cuca Se caste oeeee cca cuore » Nae GAS Oe Guiboveaye thy, |. ocacccosdsadconcsascedobuccs- 2 IClnes: lakerday wahoncverg ee eae oe eee mete Bineae CuO anaes WUMSCUSe I Hye. cathe. dae fg a Nara AG in eae re aie Bee oaE a te Ml emeaSheepm tickers, rem acah eo ciiee sae Cee ete eine) Ak Mbilib CHSCHE WalWOLIMp ty: ydar eis Nem Ne edict setn een as eta tes » Metamorphosis of the flesh fly../......-.---::--.-5-.-.-- . Horse botfly, showing eggs, larva, and adult.............. a OxatboutyamEhypodenmearrlinesitcey aneueielsrn elem eee nee |. Oks loronitthy, Thyme, lyomts...-..-.5cess000n5eccces lesen Sebo oShOfEny POCermManlineditae ein eere en eee eee oe 2. Larval stages of Hypoderma lineata...................... . The sheep botfly, showing larva, pupa, and adult......... . The dog flea, anterior portion of body.................- . The human flea, anterior portion of body................ . The dog flea, showing development and mouth-parts........... 9 JUETAYE, CR SIGENCES Salers. canto ato cen 3 Sie cess CS eee ane 38. Sucking louse of horse, Hematopinus asini............... ll alll ol Om Ww =I XV1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 39. Biting louse of horse, Trichodectes parumpilosus................ 40. Sucking louse of cattle, Hematopinus eurysternus. . 5 a 41. Sucking louse of calves, Linognathus (Hamatopinus) Hale ogee 42. Biting louse of cattle, Trichodectes scalaris..................... 43. Sucking louse of sheep, Linognathus (Hematopinus) pedalis...... 44, Biting louse of sheep, Trichodectes spherocephalus.............. 45. Sucking louse of hog, Hematopinus suis.......:......:.-:+-+s58 46. Sucking louse of dog, Linognathus (Hamatopinus) piliferus....... 47. Biting louse of dog, Trichodectes)latus.......-..-2.- 0.2) aaa 48. Louse of the cat, Trichodectes subrostratus..................... 49. Louse of chicken, Goniocotes gigas (G. abdomimalis)............. 50. Louse of chicken, Lipeurus caponis (L. variabilis). . : 51. Louse of chicken, Menopum trigonocephalum (Menopon palidum). 52. Louse of turkey, Goniodes stylifer. : 1 ga 53. Louse of Sse Lipeurus mclenenit (L. nol irepeaeye sank ee 54. Louse of turkey, Menopum (Menopon) biseriatum............... 55. Louse of duck, Lipeuris anatis (L. squalidus)..................: 56. Louse of ducks and geese, Trinotum (Trinoton) luridum......... 57. Louse of swan, Philopterus (Docophorus) eygni................. 58. Louse of swan, Ornithonomus (Ornithobius) cygni............... 59. Louse of pigeon, Goniocotes compar..............+..1-) eee 60. Louse of pigeon, Goniodes damicornis...............:..+-.5508s 61. Bedbug, adult female, mouth-parts etc.................-..-.-s5" 62, Diagram of the anatomy of a spider. ..—.....-..:. /..39.- eee 63. Gamasid poultry mite, young and adult....................0.05 64.. Mange mite of horse! «2 0.....5 sy. 2 oes fens ee 65. Mange mite burrow in human skin........... 66. Colts affected with sarcoptic mange 67. Leg scab mite of horse. : 68. Scab mite of sheep, female... 2 oe Ae 69. Scab mite of sheep, male . Follicular mange mite. fo bai ewes daa he Lr . Mange mite of cat and rabbit.......... . Auricular scab mite of rabbit. . Portable dipping vat for sheep............... : . Mite of scaly leg of poultry, male and female. . . Foot of fowl affected with scaly leg........... « Capitulum of tick: . 2.0. yi cca cee bee oie eb a ee ee . Capitulum, scutum, and fore leg of Texas fever tick............ . Stigmal plates of ticks Margaropus, Ixodes, and Dermacentor. ... 78a. Photomicrograph of stigmal plate of Texas fever tick........... 79. Fowl tick, adult and larva Ss es es aookrewnre © “I J =I “I Dy 76 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119: 120. 121. 122. 123. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . linge idarineyaeh, 2 ks do ce belado se toobdeotanenuce o TPAbnavaniiral Sora atl Ms plac cscs ona cosets Ae Seeliaear Ses eee a eliveriikessHasclolashepatlcasp sae sme eee . Reproductive organs of liver fluke................... . Fasciola hepatica, F. americanus, Dicroccelium lanceatum. Pe Intcmhistonya OlsliviersiUke wer seer eee teeter ee ~Eloodeiukessmaleyandstemalesee =n eee oreo: . Segment of Tenia saginata, showing sexual organs... . ~ JeReORiAS Or Wie INOHEOSs -o46ccssecuanse eases oe . Tapeworm of cattle and sheep, Moniezia expansa.... . Fringed tapeworm of sheep, anterior segments. . . Tapeworm of dog, Dipylidium caninum............. . Rostellum of Dipylidium caninum................... . Egg packet and Cysticercoid of Dipylidium caninum... - . Tapeworm of dog, Tenia hydatigena................ . Tapeworm of dog, Tenia pisiformis......... pairese . Tapeworm of dog, Echinococcus granulosus........ 100. 101. 102. Rostellum of tapeworm of cat, Tzenia tenisformis. Dipiylloboulmmmay atime een er Tapeworm of chicken, Choanotenia infundibuliformis............ Scolex of Choanotenia infundibuliformis............. Scolex of Davainea tetragona of chicken............. Scolex of Davainea echinobothrida of chicken....._.. Tapeworm of man, Tenia saginata.................. IDecnnyin, or? ChMCAKOUS, Jaa cececécen sus enieseeenee Fragment of beef muscle, showing cysts of Cysticerus bovis.......... Scoleces of Tenia solium, T. saginata, and Diphyllobothrium latum. . Eggs of Tenia saginata and T. solium.............. Mature segments of Tenia saginata and T. solium... Stages in tapeworm development.................... Portions of adult gid tapeworm, Multiceps multiceps. Diagrammatic section of Multiceps (Ccenurus) cyst. Brain of lamb, showing furrows produced by young gid bladderworm.. * Gid bladderw yorm, showing immature tapeworm heads. Diagram of Echinococcus hydatid................... Echinococcus granulosus, showing hydatid with Brood capsules...... diransection! of Ascaris) equia.--.--...-2.-44..- Posterior extremity of male nematode worm. . Cephalic extremity of an ascarid worm...... Dye (Obi UREA ATO WOU Se il hee Att ee es UEC RE HIE Belascaris marginata, showing head and male and female. XViil FIG. 124. 125. 126. 127, 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. teas 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 1438. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 2. 153. 154. 155: 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162 163. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Bee of Ascaris lumbricoides' .. 1. oj)... 5. ve ee ne 2 ace 240 Ascaris’ lumbricojdes, male and female. .........-7-.-.-.-s40s0me 240 Heterakis perspicillum, male and female, and H. vesicularis of poultry. .242 Setaria labiato-papillosa, male and female....................... 245 Gongylonema scutata, anterior and posterior views.............. 247 Dirofilaria immitis, male and female...........-. 5.2) 5seeeee 249 Lung worm of sheep and goat, Dictyocaulus filaria, male, female, and OPBS,..n0. oh facts aoe wad amas ah bones eo > a 257 Lung worm of sheep, goat, and rabbit, Synthetocaulus rufescens, male and female... 2006s a binad so0stagi sds SE ee eee 251 Lung worm of cattle, Dictyocaulus viviparous.................. 259 Lung worm of pig, Metastrongylus apri, male andfemale............ 260 Stomach worm of sheep, goat, and cattle, Hamonchus dontgere female sve, Uodtelsyert ee .2, sv Uiabea raed Glee Ne ee 269 Hemonchus contortus, peers peer ‘of Hodes I 269 Hmonchus contortus, enlarged posterior extremity of male......... 269 Cooperia curticei, male and) female, ...-........ 22... cane eee 270 Cooperia curticei, enlarged anterior portion..................... 270 Ostertagia marshalli, male and female............. 7 oe oe 270 Trichostrongylus instabilis, male and female.................... 271 Ostertagia ostertagi, male and female. MEPS At © 273 Ostertagia ostertagi, posterior extremity of male enlarged focit 273 Nematodirus filicollis, male and female and enlarged anterior portion. . 274 Cooperia oncophora, male and female........................-. 274 (Esophagostomum columbianum, male and female............... 282 (Esophagostomum columbianum, enlarged anterior portion. ........ 282 (Esophagostomum columbianum, enlarged bursa of male.......... 283 (Esophagostomum venulosum, male and female................. 283 (Esophagostomum venulosum, enlarged anterior portion... ......... 283 (Esophagostomum venulosum, enlarged bursaofmale.............. 283 (Esophagostomum radiatum, male and female................... 286 (Esophagostomum radiatum, enlarged anterior portion o.oo (sophagostomum radiatum, enlarged bursa of male............... 286 Chabertia ovina, male and female: ..)..-.... 9.00) oer 287 Strongylus equinus, male and female........................... 288 Hook-worm of dog and cat, Ankylostoma canina, male and female. . 292 Bunostomum phlebotomum, male and female.................... 293 Tracheal worm of poultry, Syngamus trachealis, male and female. . 294 Dioctophyme -renale; ale: . .. oc. 22. sot te ek ee 297 Trichuris' ovis, male and female. °...:.:. .2225..222-0 ee eee 300 TrichwrisOvis; eFEs.5 =... Schuh ose goes ae Pee ee eee 300 . Trichinella spiralis, male and female... <3... 2: 352 4-15.05 6 eee 301 Trichinella spiralis, encysted larva in muscle...................- 302 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XIX FIG. PAGE 164. Trichinella spiralis, microphotograph of cyst.................... 304 165. The thorn-headed worm, Gigantorhynchus hirudinaceus.......... 307 166. Cephalic extremity of thorn-headed worm...................... 307 Gmelin eehOorsemleechi rc: wii Vie Ate eine ts ae tucteeea Meeedercnoe ab hiciant ae a 308 IGS, AiG OG) TOROWCUS ood asinhee uose cine ab on Me ot. eu dal Oe Dee a cee een ee 312 GO MSpILO Chetampallicl ama netelyaNeerey Rite atc ies Seer ae eso Oot, 170. Hen suffering from acute spirochetosis........................-- 328 I7il, Tio dlkasaney loeeirmbaiis ssh ce poe pee 6 ons be ame dooce ee aoa de momen e 348 172. Forms of Sarcosporidia, shown in infected muscle............... 351 PLATES. PAGE I. Texas fever tick, male and female, with details.................. 146 II. Texas fever tick, stages of engorgement and details .............. 147 IIL. Evolution of the parasite of kala-azar.......................... 317 IVE bitercyclevonthey malaria parasite... sana seen sees ee sae 321 W, Wermous sosc1as Gr WiajoeMOsONe. 2 4s5ccccsoncconobedseeeodaue 331 VI. Percheron stallion before and after development of dourine...... . 338 VII. Percheron mares, showing chronic dourine and last stage.......... 340 Watlileg Coccidianwlitercyclermee arse actos dae hon Caen Oaceaac 344 TABLES Classification of parasites of the class Insecta........................ 20 Life history of horse botfly, Gastrophilus equi....................... 55 Life history of sheep botfly, @istrus ovis.......,...................... 63 Classification of parasites of the class Ar nalmtale, pea cate utehease MNS tec ziMes ste 96 Summary on nonparasitic periods in development of Texas fever tick... . . 149 Summary on parasitic periods in development of Texas fever tick....... 150 Life histories of dog tick and Texas fever tick compared..............-. 151 Classification of parasites of the phylum Platyhelminthes.............. 157 Life history of liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica........................... 163 Life history of beef tapeworm, Tenia saginata........................ 172 The principal tapeworms, with their larve and hosts................... 173 SHOOT Oh WADE OID IEIAEEs gh ol obo ooee owl potlne eomoed awatoer ume 194 Life history of the gid tapeworm, Multiceps multiceps.................. 207 Wife history of Echinococcus granulosus........................-..-.. 213 Classification of parasites of the phylum Coelhelminthes... ............ 222 Lite, Inston Od Wnnelanoeliley syoWAMbs. |. ook a sede eco eee beecusouaace 303 Classification of parasites of the phylum Protozoa..................... 322 PARASITES AND PARASITOSIS OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS ‘ ar Ys 5 $ MY wii) j % Poy La PARASITES AND PARASITOSIS OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS PART I PRELIMINARY CHAPTERS THE EXTERNAL PARASITES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The earth’s vast laboratory of living matter includes a flora and fauna in which all of the highly diversified forms encounter conditions operating to restrict their multiplication and to govern the predominance of cer- tain forms over others. These conditions are constituted, first, by topographic and climatic variations rendering certain localities more or less inhospitable to some organisms, while others may be uninfluenced or perhaps benefited. Second, there is the behavior of living things toward one another; this may be relatively harmonious or there may be an intense rivalry in which organisms encroach or prey one upon the other, the least fit for the strife being driven to less favorable habitats, progres- sively dwarfed, or ultimately becoming extinct. Though most of these inhibitive influences are not apparent to cursory observation, they are, nevertheless, numerous and varied as well as constant in their operation, constituting a prime factor in the evolution and specialization of organic forms. There is, then, a perpetual struggle for existence, which may lead to the seeking of shelter from the conflict in a changed and often degenerate mode of life to which the organism becomes adaptively modified. Thus, through such influences, a terrestrial animal may be driven to an ar- boreal, or even an aquatic or semiaquatic, existence. A defenseless little member of the Insectivora burrows and becomes subterranean, while another finds protection in the nocturnal habit; others seek the shelter of caves or rock crevices, and we often find creatures, usually somewhat degenerate, in places which seem to us quite unfavorable to their sup- port. While in such cases the animal continues to lead a free and in- 2 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS dependent, often solitary existence, on the other hand, a communion of life’s interests may be established between two organisms which, it is surmised, is founded upon some mutual advantage in the strife. To such association the general term symbiosis has been applied and each of the organisms concerned is referred to as a symbiont. Though there is by no means a uniformity in the application of terms referring to the symbiotie relationship, a usage is adopted here that seems best defined, and by which symbiosis is subdivided into the three categories, (1) mu- tualism, (2) commensalism, and (3) parasitism. In the first there is a reciprocal advantage derived from the union; in the second but one symbiont is benefited though the other suffers no harm, while in the third division one receives an advantage to the detriment of the animal or plant which it invades. There is, however, no sharp line of demarca- tion between these three states of living together, and it may be difficult to determine in some cases whether one or both symbionts receives benefit from the union, or whether one is or is not injured by it. One of the more obvious examples of mutualism is the case of the hermit crab and the sea anemone. This crab selects a shell, as that of the whelk, for its habitation, from the opening of which it projects only its head and claws. On the surface of the shell may often be found a sea anemone fastened near the opening with its mouth and tentacles in the vicinity of the crab’s head. The anemone in this position not only in a measure serves to conceal the hermit crab from its enemies, but the creature that would prey upon the crab must first reckon with the dangerous stinging threads with which the tentacles of the anemone are armed. The anemone, in its turn, is benefited by being carried about by the crab and aided in this way in obtaining its food. Such associations are not always of mutual advantage, and may be more in the nature of an invasion of one animal upon or within the body of another, the invading animal alone deriving benefit, while the animal upon which the association is forced, though not benefiting, may in no way suffer from it. A familiar form of this living together (commensalism) is the little crab so commonly found in the shell of the oyster. The oyster is not harmed by its presence, but the crab is bene- fited by the protection which the shell affords. Another more curious example of such association is afforded among the vertebrates by the species of Remora, or suck fishes, which have the first dorsal fin modified into a sucking disk on top of the head. By means of this disk it attaches itself to a shark or other large fish, and is thus carried about, detaching itself only to secure food. Its benefit from such association is in being carried to new feeding grounds without effort of its own, and in the shelter from its enemies which the body of the larger fish may afford. The host, on the other hand, cannot be benefited, nor does it seem to suffer by the presence of its uninvited guest. INTRODUCTION 3 Whether this relationship between different species is of reciprocal advantage or of benefit to but one, neither of the symbionts lives upon or at the expense of its co-symbiont, and neither has entirely renounced its independence. In true parasitism the invading animal lives upon the tissues of its host, deprives it of a portion of its nourishment; or is in other ways injurious to it. There are many examples of this form of symbiosis, and students of animal life are familiar with the conditions that seem always to attend it, such as the degenerative and adaptive modifications occurring in the parasite. It is the common habit of many animals, however, to prey upon the bodies of other animals, and we should distinguish, so far as we may, between those which are predatory and those which are parasitic. The former are free and exercise their powers of sense and cunning in snaring or chasing their prey, while the latter, mm fully acquired parasitism, live on or in the bodies of their victims, often burrowing into and consuming the body tissues, leading a lazy, beggarly existence in which all of the faculties of special sense and prowess, so highly developed in predatory animals, become degenerate and atrophied. Parasitism is found throughout the range of animal life from the unicellular to the vertebrate, and, though a sharp distinction between predaceous and parasitic animals may not be made, in view of the de- grading influence of the parasitic habit, the difference between the simplicity of degeneration and the simplicity of primitiveness should be clearly defined. In the development of a primitively simple aninial the young stages are more simple than in the adult and it has only simple ancestors. In the degenerate animal, on the other hand, the ancestors are often more complex and the young stages are of a higher grade than the stage of the adult. The adoption of any mode of life which withdraws from the activities necessary to survival in a free existence seems to bring about this condition of degradation. Of this we have a remarkable example outside of the realm of parasitism in the Tunicata. These aberrant animals, in the stage of the free-swimming larva, have a chordal axis which in nearly all of the different species becomes entirely lost before they reach maturity. After passing the “tadpole” stage there follows an extreme specialization to the fixed habit which most tunicates retain throughout their adult life, becoming what are commonly known as sea squirts, mere attached, plant-like sacs, emitting a jet of water when disturbed, and from which all chordate features have been entirely lost. The degenerative changes which a parasite undergoes concern mostly the nervous system, the organs of locomotion, and those of nutrition, the nervous system becoming reduced to the most indispensable portion, while of the sense-organs nothing may be left except those of touch. The locomotor apparatus may become modified into claws or hooks for 4 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS clasping the hairs of the host, or it may almost if not completely dis- appear and be replaced by such organs of fixation as sucking-disks. As the contents of the alimentary canal or tissue fluids of the host upon which the verminous parasite is nourished need scarcely any digestion, the digestive organs become simplified or may be quite lost, the absorb- tion of nutriment in the latter case taking place entirely through the body integument, as in some of the worms which infest the intestines of man and other animals. The degree of decadence will depend upon the degree of dependence upon the host. In this latter respect the parasitism may be optional, as in the case of the mosquito, which may live upon the juices of plants but prefers a meal of warm blood, or it may be obligate, depending upon another for its means of subsistence, though such obligate parasites as the biting flies, fleas, and bedbugs may also live free and only occasionly visit their hosts, a form of parasitism which may be accompanied by little modification of the adaptability to a free life. In the event of the parasite becoming progressively degraded into one which not only seeks its host for food, but has become dependent upon it for both its nutrition and place of abode, all of the above mentioned phenomena of adaptation become more conspicuous. There is furnished a very good example of such a transformation in the sheep tick (Melo- phagus ovinus), not a true tick, however, but a fly which, originally an occasional visitor, has, like the louse, taken permanent abode upon its host. No longer taking the aérial flight of its discarded free life, this fly has become wingless, and, furthermore, is enabled to pass its entire life cycle upon the body of the host animal by a remarkable method of reproduction involving the retention of the eggs in the oviducts until development has passed through the larval stage. It is not until ready to pass into the stage of the pupa that the larve are extruded, the pupal case then being attached to the individual wool fibers. From this case the young insect, on becoming sufficiently developed, makes its escape and proceeds to feed and grow, thus rounding out a complete parasitic cycle. While the easy life of the parasite tends to degeneration, the perpetua- tion of the species becomes more precarious, and the organs of reproduc- tion undergo a marked development. If a host animal dies most of its parasites, especially those existing in the interior of its body, die with it, and, were it not that the eggs find lodgment in a new host, the parasitic species would in a short time become extinct. The transmission of but few of these eggs is successfully accomplished, and in compensation they must be produced in enormous numbers, well protected from the many elements of destruction which they encounter. The mode of reproduc- tion is one of the principal factors determining the conditions of par- asitism, and, while the above modifications pertain more to those INTRODUCTION 5 dwelling continuously upon or within the bodies of their hosts, we have in the (stride, among the dipterous insects, a cycle involving internal parasitism during the larval stage, a familiar example being the common horse botfly (Gastrophilus intestinalis), the development of which is given on page 54. It is plain that a very small percentage of the eggs deposited by this fly can reach the horse’s mouth, and that, having got thus far, many of the larvee must be destroyed or pass entirely through the intestinal tract without having succeeded in becoming fixed to the mucous membrane. For this there seems to be compensation in the large number of eggs deposited by the persistent female. While in some cases the complete life cycle of a parasite requires but one host, often, for reasons stated in the foregoing, two successive and generally specifically different hosts are required. A rather compli- cated example of the latter case is the life history of the common liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), one of the flat worms infesting in its adult state the livers of Herbivora. It will be noted in referring to the cycle of this parasite, given in detail elsewhere (page 160), that it is a very hazardous one, and that its completion must depend upon the co- operation of numerous favorable conditions. The eggs, of which each individual fluke is capable of producing in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand, must reach the exterior amid surroundings favorable to their hatching. If hatched, the larva must escape its many aquatic enemies and within a few hours find a suitable snail host. Providing the snail is not eaten by a duck, or does not otherwise perish during this phase of the cycle, it issues from its host as the free-swimming cercaria, when it is again liable to fall prey to various small aquatic animals. Escaping this and becoming encysted, the chance of any herbivorous animal coming along and swallowing it is very small. The relation of the enormous number of eggs, and the number of individuals which one egg may produce, to the survival of the species amid conditions fraught with such dangers seems quite evident. In general it may be said as to the propagation of parasites that their prodigious fecundity and the great vital resistance with which most of them are endowed enables species to survive and perpetuate their kind amid varied destroying influences which otherwise would bring about their extermination. The tapeworms inhabiting the intestines of man and other animals, afford another example of extreme parasitism accom- panied by this remarkable development of the reproductive function. Here is a creature so altered to its degenerate existence that it has be- come devoid of mouth and intestine, the body consisting of a scolex, usually referred to as the head, from which are give off segments which remain united until there is formed, as in Tenia saginata of man, a band-shaped colony of from twelve hundred to thirteen hundred or more, passing back from the worm’s attachment to a length which may 6 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS exceed twenty feet. After about the six hundredth, each segment is a mature and sexually complete individual, which later, as it is pushed on by new segments formed at the head, becomes filled with fecundated eges. By the successive detachment of these ‘‘ripe’”’ segments and their passage from the body of the host, it has been estimated that Tenia saginata might throw off in a year as many as one hundred and fifty million eggs, of which but an infinitesimal number, as is quite evident, will reach the body of their proper bovine host for larval development. Again, having been so fortunate, it is improbable that the larve will, while living, reach the intestines of the human host necessary for their further development into adult worms. Here, then, is an animal ‘well showing the degree of degeneration which may be reached in extreme parasitism; there are no organs of locomotion, no organs of special sense, no organs of digestion, no organs of respiration, and none of true circulation. The body consists of a long band of connected segments, each, when mature, bisexually complete and in itself a sort of independent reproductive individual, the entire energy of the organism concentrated upon the function of reproduction that the perpetuation of the species may be insured amid the perils with which this process is beset. In many forms permanently parasitic there is an early period of development in which organs of locomotion are distinctly present, but, as the animal matures, these fail to develop or become lost. If it is assumed that this gradual loss of organs, change of structure, and protec- tive transmission of the embryo to an intermediate host is due to the parasitic life, it seems reasonable to conclude that all of the parasitic groups have been derived from free-living forms, and that, as parasitism became a more fixed habit, such structural changes were in the course of time brought about as would make this mode of life obligatory. A re- view of the observed facts, then, in their biologic relationship, leads to the conclusion that symbiosis, of which parasitism is a form, has its causative basis in the struggle for existence, the symbiotic association in more or less measure mitigating the hazards to one or both symbionts. It further follows that, though some forms have undergone an extreme modification, through related contemporary free-living types, their true systematic position may be established. CHAPTER II FORMS OF PARASITISM AND INFLUENCE UPON THE HOST Forms or PARASITISM The student of parasitology will be greatly aided by an orderly and progressive pursuit of the subject, an elementary requisite to which is a broad conception of what is impled by the various terms used in the chapters which are to follow. Those below are not given with the recom- mendation that they be memorized as to the exact wording set forth in their definitions; more essential is such an understanding that examples can readily be picked out, a typical illustration always being in mind for application to the term at hand. With such a conception the student should be able to formulate his own definitions, and this will be of more advantage to him than accepting those set forth according to the con- ceptions of another. Though some of the following terms have been treated of in foregoing introductory remarks, they are here included for more concise definition and to make the list inclusive. Symbiosis is the more or less permanent living together of two plants, two animals, or an animal and a plant, the union being in a measure beneficial to both, or to one with or without harm to the other. Symbiont,—one of two organisms partaking of symbiotic relationship. Mutualism is a form of symbiosis in which both symbionts are in more or less measure benefited by the union. Commensalism is that form of symbiosis in which but one symbiont is benefited, while its co-symbiont is neither benefited nor harmed by the union. Helotism is a form of symbiosis in which one organism appears to enslave the other, enforcing it to labor in its behalf. The term is applied to such association in certain insects. Parasitism is that form of symbiosis in which one symbiont, for pur- poses of procuring food, or food and shelter, visits briefly, or takes up its abode temporarily or permanently, upon or within the body of its co-symbiont which is harmed by the union. The symbiont receiving the advantage is known as the parasite, to which the one injured is the host. Phytoparasites are parasites which belong with the vegetable kingdom. 8 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Zooparasites are parasites which belong with the animal kingdom. Optional Occasional Parasites are those which only fleetingly visit their hosts to obtain nourishment, but are not dependent upon them for either nourishment or shelter. Example, mosquitoes. Obligate Occasional Parasites are those which do not permanently live upon their hosts, but are dependent upon them for nourishment and to some extent for shelter. Examples, fleas, bedbugs. Determinate Transitory Parasites are those in which the parasitism is limited to a definite phase or phases in their life history, during which time the parasitism is obligate and continuous. Examples, botflies, ticks. Permanent Parasites are those in which the parasitism extends from the hatching of the egg to the stage of reproduction in the adult. Exam- ples, lice, many entozoa. Fixed Parasites are those which cannot pass spontaneously from one host to another. Examples, larve of botflies, Linguatula, helmin- thes. Erratic Parasites are those which in their adult state may pass readily from one host to another of the same or different and widely separated species. Examples, mosquitoes, biting flies, ticks, leeches. Determinate Erratic Parasites are those which may pass from one host to another of the same species, or a species closely allied to the one abandoned. Examples, lice, psoric Acarina. Monoxenous Parasites are (a) those the eggs of which are expelled by the host, the embryos, while still within the eggs, passing to a new host where hatching and development to the adult occurs. Example, Ascaris. (b) The eggs having been hatched, the larve are nourished in suitable conditions of moisture and temperature, but cannot undergo further development until they have reached the body of their host. Example, Hemonchus contortus. Heteroxenous Parasites are (a) those which pass to their definitive host by an intermediate or transitory host, in which they cannot attain their complete development; consequently, a reciprocal transmission between these hosts is essential to the development and propagation of the parasite. Examples, tapeworms, Plasmodium of malaria. (b) The eggs of the parasite are hatched in the body of the host, the embryos invading the tissues of the same individual host and not at- taining the adult state until they have reached a second host. Example, Trichinella spiralis. Transmigration is a term applied to the passing of heteroxenous parasites from one host to another. Incidental or Stray Parasites are those which under natural condi- tions are occasionally found in unusual hosts. Examples, Gzgantorhyn- FORMS OF PARASITISM 9 chus hirudinaceus (specific in pig, mcidental in man); Fasciola hepatica (specific in Herbivora, incidental in man). Ectoparasites (Epizoa) are those which are parasitic to the surface of the body, whether burrowing into the integument, living upon it, or only occasional visitors. Examples, scab mites, ticks, and other Acarina, lice, flies. All of the arthropodal parasites with scarcely an exception. Endoparasites (Entozoa) are parasites which enter the body of their host, inhabiting its alimentary canal, blood, and other tissues. Exam- ples, Linguatula, larvee of the botflies, and almost all of the helminths. Helminthes is a term under which are grouped all of the worms generally parasitic, with the exception of a small number in which the body is annulated. The group is not a natural zodlogical one and is used mostly in parasitology. : In terms used to designate parasitic diseases it is aushoniar y to apply the name of the genus, or other group name to which the parasite be- longs, as the root, to which is added the suffix asis or osis. As for ex- ample: Pediculosis, the condition produced by the presence of lice upon the skin; Acariasis, the condition produced by the presence upon the skin of mites and other Acarina; Filariasis, the condition produced by Filaria. And thus we have Ascariasis from Ascaris, Oxyuriasis from Oxyuris, Strongylosis from Strongylide, Trichinosis from Trichinella, Teeniasis from Teeniide, Fascioliasis from Fasciola, Helminthiasis from Helminthes, and Trypanosomiasis from Trypanosoma. In view of the many factors to be considered, the formulation of exact and limiting interpretations of terms bearing upon kinds of par- asitism is scarcely possible. It cannot be claimed for the above series, therefore, that it is entirely satisfactory as stated and defined. For our conceptions we must rely upon the behavior of the typical rather than the isolated or synthetic, and be content to regard any grouping based upon modes of parasitism as more convenient than exact. It is difficult to circumscribe parasitism; while we speak of the parasitic mode of life as a form of symbiosis, it may well be questioned whether such insects as mosquitoes and biting flies bear a true symbiotic relationship to their hosts; their fleeting visits certainly do not constitute the living together as usually implied by the term. Again, we may not be able to draw a distinct line between certain Predaceous and certain parasitic forms. From the more general viewpoint, however, it may be repeated that all predaceous animals voluntarily, by the exercise of their powers of stealth and cunning, seize upon and aim to destroy their prey at once, feeding upon the body. There are parasites which use a degree of stealth in approaching their victims, as certain parasitic Diptera, though the invasion of the body of its victim by the parasite is more often passive than voluntary. While the parasite may appropriate a share of the 10 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS nutriment of its host or feed upon its host’s tissues, it is detrimental to the parasite’s welfare to destroy its host. To destroy the body of the animal harboring it would mean the sacrifice of the parasite’s means of subsistence as well as in most cases its shelter. When the host animal dies its internal parasites die with it, and, if it were not for the previously occurring transmission of their offspring to new hosts, the species would rapidly perish. Serious disturbance or death of the host due to its parasites is usually brought about by their presence in large numbers, in which case there is the operation of numerous pathogenic factors. A fatal termination may follow rapidly, but more often there are afebrile morbid phenomena running a prolonged course. In no case is the victim at once destroyed and wholly or in part devoured. The parasite is always smaller and weaker than its host, and in many cases its influence upon the latter is not observable. It may be said in general that the degree of injury will depend upon the following prin- cipal factors: INFLUENCE Upon tHE Host 1. The Number of Parasites Present.—A tapeworm or one or two ascarids in the intestines may not produce a noticeable effect upon the host. If these parasites are numerous there may be serious disturbances in the host resulting from the deprivation of nutriment which has been appropriated by the infesting worms, from the toxins which they elab- orate, or a more acute effect may be brought about through obstruction of the bowel by large numbers of the parasites in mass. 2. Their Location.—An encysted larva of the beef or pork tapeworm in its usual location will do no observable harm to its host, but if it should lodge in the eye or central nervous system it might give rise to serious disorders. As a rule, intestinal parasites are less harmful than those which invade the blood or respiratory tract, while of the external parasites, those which burrow into the integument are more injurious than those living upon the surface. 3. The Nature of their Food.—Any parasite which feeds upon the tissues of its host is more harmful than one which merely appropriates a share of the latter’s ingested nutriment. The blood-sucking worms, when present in considerable numbers, bring about serious depletive disturbances, while such worms as the adult ascarids, nourishing mainly upon the residue of food materials, are, in general, less harmful. Sucking lice, armed with piercing mouth parts, are more disturbing to the animal harboring them than the biting lice which feed upon cutaneous débris and the products of their irritation. 4. Their Movements.—Serious pathologic conditions may be brought about by the migrations of parasites or their change from a usual to an unusual position. Muscular trichinosis, the collective INFLUENCE UPON THE HOST 11 effect of the movement of myriads of embryos of Trichinella spiralis, is a typical instance. An otherwise relatively harmless parasite may work its way into a duct, or, finding lodgment in an unusual organ, set up inflammatory changes and abscess formation. Again, by verminous wandering, fistulous communications may be established between contiguous organs normally possessing no direct connection. 5. Age of Host.—Young animals are predisposed to endoparasitic invasion. To forms which penetrate or are more or less migratory, the more tender tissues of the young offer less resistance than in older animals. Verminous bronchitis is a form of strongylosis observed almost exclusively in animals which are immature. The reduced vitality of old age invites the invasion of both external and internal parasites; there is not only a lessened ability to defend from attack, but reduced activities and secretions of the intestines, skin, and other organs de- crease the capability of eliminating either ecto- or entozoa. Such external parasites as mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and bedbugs are of greatest pathologic importance as disseminators of infectious diseases, acting either as direct carriers or as intermediate or definitive hosts of the infecting organism. Malaria, Texas fever, and forms of trypan- Osomiasis are among diseases which are known to be spread only by this means, while the possibilities as carriers of typhoid and other malignant infections engendered by the habits of the common house fly are well known. That Helminthes elaborate materials toxic to their host has been demonstrated in experiments with the isolated poisons. It is obvious that, in cases of heavy infestation especially, this toxic effect must be considerably contributed to by the products of decomposition of dead worms. Etiology:—So varied are the conditions that surround the propaga- tion and existence of parasites that the consideration of the causes of parasitic diseases is best embodied in chapters devoted to their particular occurrence. However, certain circumstances favoring parasitism may be here briefly considered. — Crowded and unclean housing favors the propagation and spread of parasites of both man and domestic animals. For this reason lice and scab mites find their most favorable season in the winter months, when their transmission from animal to animal is facilitated and the reduced activities of the skin offer less resistance to their invasion. Pediculosis and the scab acariases are seldom seen, however, in stables that are well kept, or among animals where due attention is paid to cleanliness of the skin. The summer, on the other hand, is the season of attack by adult parasitic Diptera, and it is during the months at pasture that ticks most rapidly propagate and crawl upon their hosts. In helminthiasis the influences of environment as an etiologic factor 12 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS are more subordinate to the mode of development of the infecting species. Sheep grazing upon low, marshy land and in the vicinity of ponds are more exposed to infestation with flukes, because there are present conditions essential to the molluscan intermediate host in which the fluke at the stage of the miracidium must find lodgment. Infestation of the pig or the ox with the larve of the tapeworms of man is most likely to occur where untreated human excrement is used as a fertilizer, or where their food may otherwise be directly or indirectly contaminated with such material, while invasion of the human host with the adult worm only occurs after ingestion of the tissues of the larval host. The majority of ova of worms expelled by the host fail to find a new host, or meet with unfavorable conditions and are lost. Some, as those of ascarids, are very resistant and may find their proper host after months of exposure to destructive influences. Migration is facilitated to some extent where hatching takes place with the laying of the egg, as in the strongyles of the respiratory tract and in Trichinella. While much remains to be determined as to the life histories of many of the internal parasites, clinical experience indicates that low and wet pasturage, with access to stagnant collections of water, is a strong etiologic factor in helminthiasis, either as harboring possible aquatic intermediate hosts of the worms, or as a vehicle which, directly or by drainage, spreads infestation by dissemination of their germs. CHAPTER III PHYLUM I. ARTHROPODA While there are advantages in arranging a description of parasites according to their location, as those of the skin, those of the intestines, those of the liver, those of the circulation, etc., the fact that so many in their life histories pass certain stages in different organs and different species of hosts makes such an arrangement somewhat confused. It seems better, therefore, to treat of the natural history of each parasite in the parasite’s order, essentially including such anatomical and zodélog- ical migrations as may be involved, while at the same time considering its pathogenic influences in these varying locations. Aside from the phytoparasites, which are not included in this work, the parasites infesting man and domestic animals are distributed among four grand divisions or phyla of the animal kingdom, which, in the order of their zoélogical grade, are Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, Coelhelminthes, and Arthropoda. The last named group contains most all of the external parasites and is the first to be considered in the pages to follow. As a foundation for the scientific control of parasitism and for the recognition of adaptations to its various forms, at least an elementary knowledge of the structure and habits peculiar to the phylum and its subdivisions to which the parasite belongs is of essential importance. Only the more prominent structural features upon which the separation of the different groups and their subgroups is based will be given here. For more detailed study the student is referred to an advanced text-book in zodlogy. The phylum Arthropoda includes such animals as the crayfish, crabs, lobsters, spiders, centipedes, and insects. The body is provided with a hard or leathery external chitinous skeleton divided into a number of segments demarcated externally by constrictions, each segment in the adult, or a certain number of the segments, bearing jointed appendages (Fig. 1). There are usually two or more body regions distinguished by a special modification of the constituant segments. In order that move- ments may take place between the segments of both the body proper and of the appendages, the cuticle at these points is thin and delicate (Fig. 9), forming joints which are protected by an overlapping of the heavier chitinous armor. All arthropods periodically molt, the process consisting of the break- ing and casting off of the chitinous cuticle after it has loosened from the 14 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS underlying tissue and a new cuticle has been formed. While the cuticle is at first thin and soft, later it becomes hard and unyielding, therefore the moltings are necessary for the accommodation of growth and occur periodically as long as this growth continues. Chitin, to which the firmness of the cuticular exoskeleton is due, is an organic substance in which lime salts may be deposited, as occurs in the Crustacea. The skin is never ciliated, nor do ciliated cells occur in any other organs of the body. The musculature (Fig. 9) consists of a large number of separate muscles passing from one segment to another and attached at their extremities to the inner side of the skin, their contraction bringing about movements of the segments of the body and appendages one upon the other. They may be attached by so-called tendons, which consist of invaginations of the cuticle surrounded by a corresponding invagination of the epidermis. The muscle fibers are striated and multinuclear. The digestive tract (Fig. 2) passes directly, or with little flexion, through the body, the mouth being at the anterior end and usually ventral, the anus posterior. Accessory organs, as salivary glands and liver, may or may not be present. Of the circulatory system (Figs. 2 and 3) the most constant portion is the heart, which is usually tubular and located dorsally. On each side of the organ are openings provided with valves through which the blood passes to be propelled forward. From the large arteries the blood may pass directly into blood sinuses, or it may course through capillaries and veins, though the vascular system is never entirely closed. The blood is usually a colorless fluid with colorless amoeboid corpuscles. In aquatic forms (Crustacea) respiration is by gills, while in the air- breathers it may be by trachee (Figs. 5 and 6), consisting of tubular ramifications from without to within the body, or by peculiar infolding modifications of the integument functioning as lungs. In some of the lower forms respiratory organs are entirely absent, the function in such cases being diffused over the entire body surface. In various spaces within the bodies of Arthropoda are frequently found fat bodies, a connective tissue the cells of which, richly laden with fat, serve as a store of nourishment. The fact that products of tissue metabolism, such as uric acid, have been found in the fat body, leads to the conclusion that it also acts as a place of storage for substances of excretion before their elimination by the excretory organs, which latter greatly vary in the different groups. In insects and arachnids these organs are represented by the Malpighian tubes, long glandular canals which open into the posterior portion of the digestive tract. The nervous system consists typically of a ventral chain of ganglia connected by a double longitudinal nerve cord. In well-developed seg- ments the ganglia are large, and a pair of ganglia to each segment might ARTHROPODA 15 be expected, as in the annelid worms. In the Arthropoda, however, there are differences due to fusion of the segments, in which case there is also fusion of their ganglia. Such fusion is usually accompanied by more or less shortening of the body, an example of which is afforded by the spiders and crabs where the whole ventral chain unites in a single ganglionic mass. From the most anterior of the ventral ganglia there spring two nerve cords which pass on either side of the esophagus to unite above it with the paired cerebral ganglion or brain, lying in the head. This ganglion remains distinct, its dorsal position preventing its fusion with ganglia of the ventral chain. Of the sense organs the most highly developed are the eyes, which are compound (Fig. 6), or appear as simple ocelli. In many arthropods there are both of these forms, while others are provided only with ocelli, and in some arthropods eyes are absent. In the compound eyes the cuticle covering them is divided into hexagonal facets, the number of which varies with different groups from a dozen to two thousand or more, each of these areas corresponding to a small chitinous lens. The compound eyes are two in number, while the number of ocelli varies. The latter are very small and have their highest development in the spiders. With rare exceptions the sexes are separate, and reproduction is generally by fertilized eggs, though parthenogenesis occurs, in some cases having a certain relationship to the life history. Usually the sexes can be readily distinguished by the difference in size and by various modifications of the appendages. Of the subgroups of the phylum Arthropoda only those containing parasitic species of medical interest will be considered in this work. These are included in the two classes Insecta and Arachnida, which, with scarcely an exception, contain all of the external parasites. It is not correct, however, to say that the arthropodal parasites are exclusively external, as certain insects and arachnids pass a phase of their develop- ment within the bodies of their hosts. Cuass I. Insecta Arthropoda (p. 13).—In number of species the insects constitute the largest of all animal groups. The body is essentially segmented, and is divided into three regions,—head, thorax, and abdomen, which are distinctly marked off from each other (Fig. 1). The head is usually freely movable at its junction with the thorax, and typically bears on each side a compound eye (Figs. 1 and 7), be- tween which there may be a varying number of simple ocelli. Arising from the head are a pair of antennz which consist of seg- ments varying in size, shape, and number according to species. 16 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS The mouth parts (Fig. 4) undergo great modification, though all may be referred to a common type. Fig. 1.—Diagram of an Insect, with Head and Thoracic Segments Disarticulated: a, head, bearing compound eyes, simple ocelli, and antenne; b, prothorax; c, mesothorax; d, meta- thorax; e, abdomen; f, ovipositor. The pro-, meso-, and metathorax each bear a pair of legs; the meso- and metathorax each a pair of wings. 1, Coxa; 2, trochanter; 3, femur; 4, tibia; 5, tar- sus, terminating in a claw (after Orton, by Dodge; Copyright, 1894, by Harper & Brothers). This is well presented in its primitive condition by the grasshopper, in which we have the labrum, or upper lip, represented by a broad unpaired plate situated in front of the mouth. Under the labrum is a pair of strong jaws, the mandibles, each con- sisting of a single unsegmented piece with a cutting inner edge, the two having a lateral move- ment. Following the mandibles is the first pair of maxillee which are prehensile and gustatory in function. These have a num- ber of joints and bear curved and segmented palpi. The sec- ond pair of maxille are fused to form a single plate,—the la- bium, which is accessory in fune- tion to the first pair of max- illee, and, like the latter, bear a pair of segmented palpi. The labium forms the posterior and the labrum the anterior bound- ary of the mouth. The thorax (Fig. 1) has three segments, an anterior,—the prothorax, a middle,—the mesothorax, Fic. 2.—Diagram of the Principal Internal Anatomical Parts of an Insect: m, mouth; cr, crop; st, stomach; i, lower portion of intestine; a, anus; h, heart; s, salivary glands; c, cerebral ganglion; n, ventral ganglion; Mp, Malpighian tubules; 0, ovaries; g, genital aperature (after Boas, by Kirkaldy & Pollard). and a posterior,—the metathorax. somewhat fused. The last two of these are usually ARTHROPODA 17 There are three pairs of legs, each thoracic segment bearing one pair (Fig. 1). The legis divided into five articulated parts,—coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. The attachment to the body is by the short coxa, to which is joined 4 the trochanter which is also short. Following 7G YO the trochanter are two long segments,—the fe- SER GT mur and tibia, the former considerably thicker yg. 3.—Diagram of In- than the latter and contaming the muscles. The sect’s Heart: ¢, constriction tarsus, or foot, follows the tibia, and consists of Se ae a number of short segments, the last bearing aldy & Pollard). hook-like structures, or claws. Usually there are two pairs of wings arising dorsally from the meso- Fic. 4—Mouth-parts of Locust, a biting insect: Labrum, or upper-lip, above, on each side of which are the mandibles, or upper pair of jaws. Labium, or under lip, with labial palpi below. Maxillze, or lower pair of Jaws, with maxillary palpi, to right and left (from photomicrograph of mounted specimen, by Hoedt). and metathorax (Fig. 1). They consist, when fully developed, of two closely apposed chitinous outgrowths, between which are extensions of 18 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS the blood sinuses and trachez. Sometimes the anterior, sometimes the posterior pair is the larger, and both may be flexible and adapted for flight. In some insects (beetles) the anterior pair is modified to form wing-shields, or elytra, which are hard, but slightly flexible, structures serving to cover and protect the posterior wings during rest. Some insects possess but one pair of wings (dipterous), while in others wings are entirely absent (apterous). The abdomen is segmented, the number of segments varying with different groups. Each segment consists of two cuticular plates (Fig. 6), the dorsal tergite and the ventral sternite, which are united laterally by a softer mem- brane, the pleurite. There are no abdominal limbs or limb-like appendages. Respiration is by trachee (Fig. 5), a system we LAs ay of Agr.). in the nostrils while the person is sleeping, the first measure of precaution is to protect from attack by the use of netting. Those sleeping out of doors in infested regions are most exposed, but sleeping rooms should also be thoroughly screened. Open sores and wounds should of course be kept free from collecting discharge and covered with clean, dry dressing. The same precautions as to cleanliness of wounds and exposed mucous membranes applies to domes- tic animals. The vulve of cows recently fresh, especially if there has been a retention of the placenta, and the navels of calves offer favorite points for attack and should particularly be guarded. Treatment.—Where sores and exposed mucous membranes have already become infested with worms a disinfecting wash, such as a one to three per cent. solution of carbolic acid, should be used. For injection into regions where the maggots have penetrated, the injection of carbolic acid or creolin in about five per cent. strength will destroy worms with which it comes in contact. Chloroform diluted to a strength of about 52 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS twenty per cent. is also recommended for this purpose. An ordinary machinist’s oiler affords a practical method of applying such agents. It has the advantage of deep application without waste of the material. For deeply infested wounds a final packing of oakum and oil of tar should be applied, and this should be covered by a protective dressing of tar and oakum as a prevention from further attack. SARCOPHAGA SARRACENL® A flesh fly—Muscide (p. 37). In markings somewhat similar to the house fly, but considerably larger. The general color is ight gray; eyes reddish brown. Body spiny. The female deposits larvee upon fresh meat, or in the wounds of living animals. Under favorable conditions the larval stage is completed in about six days. The mature larve crawl to a convenient shelter where they undergo a pupation from which Fic. 27.—Metamorphosis of the flesh fly (Sarcophaga): : 7 a, eggs:b , young larvz just hatched; ¢, d, full-grown larve; the adults issue in from e, pupa; f, imago (after Orton, by Dodge; Copyright, 1894, twelve to: fourteen by Harper & Brothers). days (Fig. 27). Protection.—The flesh flies are of world-wide distribution, and are of most importance as they affect fresh meats in the household or meats in storage. As a protection in such cases the flies should be sereened off at some distance, as larvee which have been deposited in the vicinity of meat will crawl to it, though it may not be accessible to the flies. To prevent their attack upon wounds, the same general procedure may be adopted as recommended for the preceding species. CALLIPHORA VOMITORIA Blowfly.—Muscide (p. 37). Somewhat larger than house fly; eyes brownish in color; abdomen bluish green with metalic luster and usually pollinose. The eggs are oval, white in color, and are deposited upon decomposing animal and vegetable matter and in wounds of animals. Hatching may occur in from afew hours to one or two days, the shorter periods occurring in hot weather. After from three to nine days of feeding, the matured larve seek the ground, become buried for a short distance, and in this location enter upon their stage of pupation. The time required for the entire life cycle, including a prepupal period of several days, may be from two to five weeks, depending greatly upon temperature. Under ordinary conditions it would probably occupy about three weeks. The blowfly agrees with the flesh fly in its habits, with the exception a) ond she DIPTEROUS LARV 53 that it deposits eggs instead of living larve. After hatching the manner of attack and the effect upon infested meat and wounds is much the same and calls for the same treatment. Famity VI. stripe Diptera (p. 23). Botflies, warble flies. The head is large, bearing two faceted eyes widely separated, antenne short and sunken into pits in the front of the head. The mouth parts are rudimentary, most all of the flies living in the adult stage without food. The body is heavy and somewhat hairy. The coloration is usually inconspicuous. The larve are thick and twelve-segmented, the first two segments ' not always distinctly separated. There is no demarcation into body regions, only a cephalic and anal end can be distinguished. The body- segments are frequently provided with rows of spines. Buccal hooks may or may not be present. Tracheal openings are at the posterior extremity. The larvee are parasitic in the stomach and intestines, mucous mem- branes, subcutaneous connective tissue, nasal passages, and sinuses of facial bones of mammals; other parts are also invaded by their migrations. When completely developed the larve leave these locations in the host and pass to the ground where they enter the pupal stage. The flies of the family Cistride are of world-wide distribution. Gastrophilus intestinalis (G. equi). Cistride (p. 53). The horse botfly (Fig. 28, h). The body of the female is one-half to five-eighths of aninch in length and is very hairy. The head, thorax and abdomen are brown. The wings are transparent with dark spots, those near the center passing entirely across the wing transversely. The abdomen is rather long and tapers to a point. In the males, which are rarely seen, the abdomen is light brown or yellow, and it is not tapering. In other re- spects the males closely resemble the females. The larve (Fig. 28, c, d and g) when full grown are about three- fourths of an inch in length. At the head extremity are two buccal hooks by which attachment is made to the gastric mucosa (Fig. 28, e). The body-segments are bordered by short spines (Fig. 28, d). Habits.—Like other members of the (stride, the horse botfly at. maturity is extremely active, flying chiefly during the warmest and brightest days of the summer, and generally frequenting pastures in the vicinity of woods. It is the habit of the female to hover near the horse with its long, pointed abdomen bent downward and forward. The fly then darts toward the horse, deposits its egg, retreats, and again hovers until ready to repeat the operation. The eggs (Fig. 28, a and b) are yellow in color, about one-sixteenth of an inch in length, and tapering toward the attached end, the free end being provided with an operculum which is set obliquely and gives to this end somewhat of an obliquely 54 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS cut off appearance. They are generally deposited upon the hairs of the anterior parts of the body, as upon the forelegs, breast, shoulders, and under side of the body, regions which are most readily reached by the lips of the horse. It is not uncommon, however, for eggs to be attached to the sides of the neck, lower jaw, cheeks, mane, and other parts, the larvee in such cases reaching the mouths of horses by their licking or nipping at each other. Life History.—The eggs are deposited rapidly with their free ends down, and adhere to the hairs by a viscid substance which quickly dries x Fic. 28—Gastrophilus intestinalis: a, egg—enlarged; b, egg—natural size; c, young larva; d, young larva—much enlarged, showing spiny armature; e, oral hooks; f, body spines; g, full-grown larva—twice natural size; h, adult female (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). and gives them a firm attachment. At this time they contain larve which have undergone a more or less advanced development. Observations upon the botflies during recent years have been some- what disturbing to conclusions formerly held and apparently necessitate a certain revision of the life histories which have generally been given for them. According to the observations of Roubaud (1917) upon Gas- trophilus intestinalis, the eggs of the fly do not open spontaneously, and the larve may not escape from them for several weeks. The opening of the operculum and freeing of the larva probably occurs when the horse rubs an itching or irritated area with his nose or bites it with his teeth, the horse rarely licking itself. By experiments with bot larve on guinea-pigs Roubaud demonstrated that when the hatched larva is brought in contact with the buccal mucosa it at once burrows into this membrane and lies parallel to its surface. In two or three days it dis- appears, but he notes that one was seen traveling along the side of the DIPTEROUS LARV 55 tongue for nine days, during which time it grew to three times its first dimensions. Before leaving the buccal mucosa the larvee probably undergo a molt and then proceed to the stomach. These observations indicate that the larve of the botfly escape from the eggs when the horse bites at his skin or rubs it with his lips, and that they burrow into the buccal mucosa where they undergo a degree of development before passing to the stomach. Within the stomach cavity the larva fixes itself to the walls by its buccal hooks. Later the head becomes deeply inserted into an alveolus which is formed under the influence of the irritation to the mucosa. In this position the larva feeds upon the tissue juices and the products of the irritation which it sets up, becoming fully grown in about ten months. The period of larval development usually terminates from May to August, more especially in June, due to the fact that the deposition of the eges occurs most actively in the month of August. At this time the larva becomes detached from the gastric mucosa, passes to the intestines, and with the intestinal contents leaves the body of its host. The change into the pupal stage is made either in the horse manure or after the larva has burrowed for a short distance into the ground. At the termination of pupation, which lasts from four to six weeks, the matured fly creeps out, and, after fertilization by the male, proceeds to deposit ova for another generation. TaspuLar Review or Lire History or GAsTRopHiLus INTESTINALIS 1. Adult Fly. (August.) 2. Eggs.—Attached to hairs of horse (Aug. and Sept.); approximately 2 weeks. 3. Young Larve.—Upon or within mucosa of horse’s mouth. 4. Larvee (Bots).—Attached to wall of horse’s stomach. Stages 3 and 4 approximately 10 months. 5. Pupze.—Free (June); approximately 6 weeks. Z| 6. Adult Fly.—(August.) Effect.—The degree of injury due to the presence of the larve of this botfly will depend upon their number and location. That the stomach may be invaded by a considerable number of bots without apparent disturbance to this organ is probably due to the fact that they most commonly attach to the esophageal portion, this region of the horse’s stomach having a less important part in the function of digestion 56 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS than that toward the pyloris. Where they occupy the glandular right half, especially if in large numbers, they interfere with the digestive secretion and its proper contact with the gastric contents. In excep- tional cases they may be sufficiently numerous about the pyloris to form an obstruction to the passage of food material into the small intes- tine; or even the duodenum itself may be invaded. Under these latter conditions the larve bring about nutritive disturbances and may cause attacks of acute indigestion with its accompanying manifestations of pain. When we consider, however, the large number of horses essentially harboring the larvee of the horse botfly, as indicated by the widespread prevalence of the insect, we must conclude that they are comparatively inoffensive, for in most cases there is an entire absence of any apparent disturbance and, with the exception of the voiding of the bots, nothing during the life of the animal which would lead to suspicion of their presence. Treatment.—The larve of Gastrophilus are so resistant that treat- ment having in view their destruction or expulsion has been generally unsatisfactory. Such agents as preparations of tar, benzine and turpen- tine, which are sometimes used for this purpose, add irritation to an already irritated gastric mucosa and, for this reason, in connection with their general ineffectiveness, the advisability of their use is questionable. Where the presence of the bots in sufficient numbers to cause disturbance to the health of the animal is suspected, gastric irritation may be allayed to some extent by feeding mucilaginous materials, such as flaxseed meal. Hay in such eases is best fed chopped, and a substantial nutritive diet should be looked to as compensatory to the loss of nutriment. A treatment recommended by Peroncito and Bosso (1894) consists in the administration of carbon bisulphide to adult horses in gelatin capsules, each containing 8 to 12 grams (2 to 3 drams). After fasting for twelve to twenty hours, the horse is given one capsule; after one hour a second capsule is given, and after another hour a third. As carbon bisulphide is strongly irritant, care should be taken in the administration of the capsules that the cap does not become detached and that they do not become crushed in the mouth. In so far as clinical observation can determine the presence of bots, or lead to the conclusion that a remedy has caused the expulsion of any considerable number of them in proportion to the infestation, this treat- ment is said to be generally satisfactory. It seems reasonable to con- clude that an agent sufficiently active to cause the expulsion of these robust larvee from their secure attachment would have a severely irritant effect upon the gastric mucosa, though this membrane of the stomach appears to have a greater tolerance for such assaults than that of other regions of the alimentary tract. —— ne DIPTEROUS LARV 57 GASTROPHILUS HEMORRHOIDALIS The red-tailed botfly—Cistride (p. 53). Somewhat smaller than G. intestinalis. Dark brown color, yellowish hairs upon the face; trans- verse black band upon thorax. The abdomen is covered with fine hairs which in the middle are dark and posteriorly orange-red. The wings are clear. This species of horse botfly is found in common with G. zntestinalis in North America and Europe. The females attach their ova to the hairs of the horse, preferably those about the lips. The hatched larve cause an irritation which impels the horse to pass its tongue about its lips, thus carrying the parasite into the mouth. In other respects its life history is essentially the same as that of G. intestinalis. The larve differ from those of the latter in being somewhat smaller and in their dark-red color. There is also some difference in their habitat in that they attach usually to the pyloric portion of the stomach, and when fully developed pass on to the rectum where they remain for some time, assuming a green color before being voided. Effect.—The presence of the larve of this fly in considerable num- bers in the folds of the rectal mucous membrane may cause an annoying irritation, inducing violent efforts at defecation. Such cases, however, are extremely rare, and, as a rule, little or no evidence is given by the animal of their presence. Gastrophilus nasalis——(Cstride (p. 53). This species, commonly called the chin fly, is about 1 em. (?/s of an inch) in length. The body is hairy and yellowish red in color. The wings are without spots. Law describes the larve as “furnished with a row of spines on each ring from the second to the ninth on the dorsal surface, and as far as the tenth on the ventral. There is an unarmed part in the center of the eighth and ninth rings on the dorsal surface.” The fly deposits its eges about the lips and nostrils. The larve attach to the mucosa of the upper part of the small intestine. Fitch states (1918), as to New York State, that from examination of the larvee it would seem that Gastrophilus nasalis is quite as frequent as G. intestinalis. — HypoprerRMA LINEATA AND H. Bovis The ox botflies; warble flies (Fig. 29).—(stride (p. 53). Hypoderma lineata is about five-eights of an inch in length. The general color is black; body more or less covered with hairs. The front, sides, and back of the head, sides of thorax, and last segment of the abdomen are covered with long yellowish white hairs. This fly is found in all parts of the United States, but more especially 58 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS in the southern portion as far north as Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska. It makes its appearance in the spring or early summer and is at once attracted to cattle, depositing its eggs on the haits, frequently upon those about the heel, a habit which gives to the fly its southwestern name “heel-fly.”’ The entire length of the egg is 1 mm. and its width 0.2mm. _ In color it is a yellowish white. The eggs are firmly attached to the hairs by means of a clasping projec- fa tion which connects with the egg proper by a short pedicle (Fig. 31). Usually they are deposited upon the hairs in groups of four to six. Hypoderma Bovis.—(is- tride (p. 53). This species is commonly referred to as the European warble fly, though it occurs also in are Canada and the United States. It is, in fact, said to be more common in some parts of this country than H. lineata. Its length, ex- clusive of the ovipositor, as stated by Neumann, is 13 to 15 mm. (1% to */s of an inch), which is 1 to 2 mm. longer than H. lineata. The Fic. 29.—Hypoderma lineata (after Osborn, from general color is black, face Reet Life, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U.S. oray; abdomen black; head, ept. of Agr.). S thorax, and abdomen hairy. The hairs from the base to the tip of the abdomen vary in color from white or yellow to black; orange red at posterior third. The legs are black, yellow at their terminations; wings somewhat brown. As to the differentiation of the larve of these two species, Herms writes as follows: “The life history of the two species is very similar. The larvee are different enough to distinguish them readily. The fully grown larva of H. bovis is longer, 27 to 28 mm., H. lineata about 25 mm. The two species are distinguished on the basis of their spiny armature. In H. lineata each segment of the larva is provided with spines except the last, the ring upon which the stigmata are located, while in H. bovis all except the last two are armored.” Life History.—Dr. Cooper Curtice, from his researches in 1890, DIPTEROUS LARV 59 concluded that the larvee of Hypoderma lineata are taken into the mouths of cattle by licking the parts where the eges are attached, the eggs under this influence hatching at once. From the mouth the larva, according to this investigator, is carried to the esophagus, the walls of which it penetrates. While lodged in the esophagus it molts, and the body be- comes quite smooth. For a period of several months thereafter it wanders through the connective tissue beneath the skin or between muscles, and ultimately reaches a point beneath the skin of the back. Here the larva again molts and the spiny processes reappear upon its Fie. 30.—Hypoderma bovis (after Os- body. Tt now cuts a small opening boy fom Brann, Bul No: 3 Buren o through the skin, and places its anal spiracle near this orifice in order to get air. In this location the larva lives upon the products of the inflammation which its presence sets up, such as bloody serous exudate and pus. It now develops rapidly and again molts, at which time the grub is fat, yellowish-white in color, and an inch or more in length. Reaching the maturity of its larval period (Fig. 32, ¢ and i), f which lasts about ten months, it works its way out of the orifice at the summit of the tumor and drops to the ground, into which it may burrow for a short distance. Here it enters upon the-pupal stage, the hardened larval skin becoming the protecting case for the pupa within. After about four to six weeks of pupation the adult fly escapes by pushing off the cap at the end of the pupal case. Dr. Seymour Hadwen, in notes on ‘‘The Life History of Hypoderma bovis and H. linea- tum”’ based on observations made at Agassiz, Fic. 31.—Eges of Hypo- British Columbia (Journal of the American derma lineata, showing clasp- __ ‘ : iia ze like processes—much enlarged Veterinary Medical Association, June, 1917) (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, summarizes as follows: FG eat aaa U.S.“ Hypoderma lineatum lays its eggs as early as April 15th, but the usual laying period is during the month of May. At Agassiz they have never been cap- tured later than May 30th. Hypoderma bovis (Fig. 30) begins in the early part of June and continues up to the beginning of August. 60 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Between the last appearances of H. lineatum and the first of H. bovis there is usually a period of ten days when the cattle are immune from attack of either species. H. bovis frightens cattle much more than H. lineatum. The eggs take about a week to hatch; the larve bore through the skin in the coarser porous parts, taking several hours in the process; at this stage they are rather less than 1 mm. long. The lesions resulting from this penetration are caused partly by bacterial invasion and partly by anaphylactic reactions; those produced by H. lineatum being more severe. For the skin lesions I have proposed the name of hypodermal rash. At this point there is a hiatus in the life history as it is not positively known how the larve reach the esophagus, where they are subsequently found, most likely in the loose connective tissues under the skin up to the region of the throat and into the esophagus where the muscles bifurcate. Passing down the esophagus they follow the sub- mucosa and are almost always found lying along the long axis of the canal. Whilst in the esophagus small edematous swellings are found surrounding the grubs, these are sterile and are anaphylactic in char- acter, the exudate contains large numbers of eosinophilic leucocytes but no pus cells. The earliest record made at Agassiz was on August 15th, when a larva 3.4 mm. was found and several slightly larger. According to Carpenter, continental observers have found them smaller than this. H. lineatum makes its appearance in the backs of cattle about Decem- ber 15th and H. bovis about a month later. The larve at this time have grown to about 1.5 em. and are of the same size in the neural canal and under the skin which they have just reached. At this age it is difficult to separate the larvee of the two species, but Mr. F. C. Bishopp has, I believe, discovered good distinguishing marks between the species. The life histories overlap at this period making it difficult to follow the migration, but in the latter part of the season (the middle of March) the last larvee to leave the gullet are at the paunch end. They pass out under the pleura and go to the neural canal either up the crura of the diaphragm or up the posterior border of the ribs, entering the canal by the posterior foramen, from there they descend the canal under the dura mater, emerge again through the foramen and reach the back, forming the characteristic swellings commonly called warbles. The larve follow connective tissue exclusively and no larve have been dis- covered in muscular tissue. The mature larve leave the animals’ backs from the early part of the year up to the first days of July. The periods for the two species have not been fully worked out, but judging from what records we have of the pupal period and the time of year the flies are about, H. lineatum begins to emerge in February and finishes about May Ist. H. bovis begins about May 1st and ends approximately on July Ist. The average pupal period for H. bovis is 32.5 days and for H. lineatum a little less. The duration of the life of the flies is short 61 DIPTEROUS LARV “(as Jo 4deq “gf ‘AsojoUIOQUAT Jo NBeT “hg ‘GON “[hgf ‘ojvy Joosuy Worf ‘ULOGSQ) 1o}jv) SouT, OpIs Aq PoyYworpUT ozIs [RanyRU—MOIA ][B10}RT ‘OUUBS SY 4v SopvAIds [vue Jo JUSUTODIeTUO YIM ‘GAIT OINYVUL JO MOIA [BSIOP ‘Dd tj pUB Oo YU SoIZIUOIZXO JO S[IVJop YJIM ‘odvIs paTyy JO MOTA [BIQUOA ‘p /SoT}TUeIZxe Jo JUAUIOSIB[US ‘oO puB q !youq WoIy VAULT JO vdvYS puODvS ‘vB :Byvoull VULepOdAYR— Ze “Dy 62 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS seeing that they cannot feed. This life history applies to Agassiz, British Columbia; doubtless in other countries variations will be noticed, but the period spent by the larve within the host must be of the same duration, seeing that animals’ temperatures are the same the world over.” Effect.—Cattle seem to be much annoyed by the attacks of these flies in depositing their eggs, and in the endeavor to escape will often enter mire holes or injure themselves in other ways. Probably the most important damage from the insect is that to hides, these being dis- counted from twenty-five to fifty per cent. according to the number of punctures by the grubs. Treatment.—Treatment is best applied in the months of January and February when the grubs have become sufficiently developed that the small tumors in which they are lodged may be felt by running the hand along the back of the animal. The application at this time of a little kerosene or mercurial ointment to the summit of the swelling will destroy the grub. By March the tumors may be distinctly seen as prominent lumps upon the skin of the back. The orifice at the summit is now large enough to permit of the forcing out of the grub by careful pressure. Grubs thus removed should be at once destroyed to prevent the possibility of their finding favorable conditions for development into the adult fly. (Estrus Ovis The sheep botfly (Fig. 38, 1 and 2).—(&stridz (p. 53). About one- half an inch in length; yellowish-gray color; slightly hairy. The abdomen is spotted with white and yellow; posterior portion covered with fine hairs. The wings are transparent. Occurrence and Life History.—This species is of world-wide dis- tribution, and is the most important insect pest with which sheepmen have to deal. The flies make their appearance with the coming of warm weather from early June to July, like other CEstridae, flying on bright and warm days and ceasing their activities about the month of October. The female, which is difficult to observe owing to its small size and rapid flight, deposits living larve in the nostrils of the sheep. At this time the larva is creamy-white in color and about one-sixteenth of an inch in length (Fig. 33, 6). Later it becomes darker, and at maturity reaches a length of about three-quarters of an inch (Fig. 33, 4. and 5). Upon the cephalic segment there are two hooklets the points of which are curved downward and backward. With the aid of these the larva at once pro- ceeds to work its way upward through the nasal passages until it reaches the frontal sinuses where it attaches by its hooklets to the lining mem- brane. Here it feeds upon mucus and serous exudate induced by the irritation of its presence. The larva remains in this location about ten months, at the end DIPTEROUS LARV.Z 63 of which time, having reached its larval maturity, it detaches from the mucous membrane and passes to the nasal passages from which it is expelled by the violent sneezing which it excites in its host. Having reached the ground, it quickly buries itself, contracts within its smooth dark shell, and enters upon its pupal stage (Fig. 33, 3). After from four to six weeks of pupation the mature insect emerges. Effect.—Both sheep and goats suffer from the attacks of this fly. Sheep are especially disturbed by it, and in their efforts to avoid its attack will toss the head, thrust the nose into the ground, or dash about in frenzy. The grubs cause much iritation to the sensitive mem- brane which lines the cavities of the head both by the hooklets with which they make their at- tachment and by the spines cov- ering the ventral region. Further- more, if numerous, and the mucus secreted is not sufficient for their nourishment, the grubs will feed upon the membrane itself. The disturbance to the host will be manifest according to the number of grubs present; if there are but Fie. 33.—(istrus ovis: 1 and 2, adult fly; 3, pupa; 4, full-grown larva, dorsal view; few, there may be no more than 5, same, ventral view; 6, young larva. 1 and a slight catarrhal discharge with 2 natural size, the others enlarged (after occasional sneezing. In heavy ee ee ee ene ae o: infestation there is a profuse muco-purulent nasal discharge with frequent sneezing and tossing of the head, the respiratory passages in some cases becoming so filled as to bring the animal to the verge of suffocation. The appetite is lost, and emaciation and weakness may progress until there is inability to rise, death in such cases soon following. TaBuLAR REVIEW OF Lire History oF (Estrus OVvIs 1. Adult Fly.—(June to October.) 7 2. Hatched Embryos.—Deposited in nostrils of sheep. 3. Larve.—aAttached to lmmg membrane of sinuses of sheep’s head. Stages 2 and 3 approximately 1014 months. 4. Pupe.—Free; approximately 6 weeks. 5. Adult Fly 64. PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Treatment.—The location of the grubs and the tortuous extremity of the canals leading to such regions render the application of remedies looking to their dislodgment but partly effective at best. Benzene ap- plied’ by lifting the head and pouring a teaspoonful into each nostril, has been recommended. As one side is treated the head should be held elevated and the nostril held shut for half a minute. The remedy is then likewise applied to the other side. In severe cases a few of the grubs may be dislodged by a feather dipped in turpentine which is passed as far as possible up the nasal passage and rotated so as to apply it to as much of the surface as can be reached. Valuable breeding animals showing severe infestation may be treated by trephining the sinuses. Prevention.—To prevent the fly from depositing its larve the noses of the sheep may be smeared with tar. For the convenient application of this preventive remedy many flock owners use salt logs in their pas- tures. Into these logs two-inch holes are bored at intervals of about six inches in each of which a little salt is kept during the fly season. Two or three times a week tar is smeared with a brush around these holes in such manner as to smear the noses of the sheep as they en- deavor to reach the salt. The logs should be of sufficient length to enable all the sheep to get to them. CHAPTER VII THE FLEAS Order II. Siphonaptera.—Insecta (p. 15). Members of this order have the body compressed laterally, and the color is usually dark brown. The head is small, generally bearmg a single ocellus on each side, com- pound eyes are absent. The mouth parts are suctorial but differ from those of the order Diptera in that the true haustellum is lacking, the sucking structure consisting of the ventrally grooved labrum and the two mandibles, which form a half-open tube (Fig. 36, e and f). The maxille are sharp and serve to puncture the skin. The three thoracic segments are distinct, each bearing a pair of well-developed legs, the posterior pair being especially long, powerful, and adapted for leaping, which is the principal mode of progression. Metamorphosis is complete. The larve are long, slender, without feet, and somewhat hairy. When mature the larva spins a cocoon and enters upon a distinct pupal stage. During this stage the pupa takes the form of the adult with the appendages enveloped in a hard pupal ease. At no stage in the metamorphosis are there traces of the supposed ancestral wings. It is probable, however, that the fleas have descended from winged forms, and they are usually considered as being closely related to the Diptera. There are many species of fleas, most of them inhabiting various wild birds and mammals. It will be sufficient here to consider the following three of the family Pulicide: 1. Ctenocephalus canis, the dog flea. 2. Ctenocephalus felis, the cat flea. 3. Pulex irritans, the human flea. The two species of Ctenocephalus can easily be distinguished from Pulex by the presence in the former of comb-like spines on the lower margin of the head and on the hinder margin of the prothorax. These spines are dark colored, stout and closely placed (Figs. 34 and 35). The dog and cat flea have long been placed together under the one species Pulex serraticeps, but a later classification recognizes a specific difference based principally upon the form of the head. In Ctenoceph- alus canis the head, when seen from the side, is rounded in front and somewhat less than twice as long as high. The head of C. felis, seen from the side, is more acute angled in front and is long, being fully twice as long as high. The head of Pulex rritans, with its absence of spines, is 66 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS more regularly rounded than that of the dog flea, and bears two bristles, one low, in the vicinity of the maxilla, the other below the eye. Life History.—In their life history the fleas undergo a complete metamorphosis. The eggs are oval, 0.5 mm. in length, and in color pearly white (Fig. 36, a). They are deposited loosely and unattached among the hairs of the host, dropping off readily during the movements of the animal. The period required for the eggs to incubate may be from one to four days or longer, depending much upon temperature. The larvae are white, elongate, apodal, and have thirteen segments, each provided with bristles (Fig. 37). They are very active and, avoiding the light in every way possible, seek sueh shelter as is afforded by crey- Fic. 35.—The human flea Fic. 34.—The dog flea, anterior (Pulex irritans), anterior por- portion of body (after Osborn, Bul. tion of body (after Osborn, No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- U. S. Dept. of Agr.). ogy, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). ices In the floor, carpets, rubbish, or bedding of kennels, such materia! containing fecal or other organic matter upon which they feed, being especially favorable for their development. The length of the larval stage varies considerably under the influence of temperature. It may be from seven to thirty days, during which time there are two molts. Just before entering the pupal stage the larva spins a white silken cocoon within which the pupa (Fig. 36, e) is lodged (Fig. 36, b). Transformation to the fully developed imago— again depending upon temperature and moisture—will oceupy from five to ten days. The time required for the development of the mature insect from the deposited egg is, therefore, from thirteen to forty-four days, with twenty-eight days as probably a fair average under our ordinary climatic conditions. Habits and Relation to Disease.—Nearly all species of fleas have some one host upon which they prefer to live, but they will often live and thrive upon other animals. The human flea will infest dogs and 67 ‘(Cady jo ydaq "gq ‘Asojour -oyuy JO nvaing ‘fF ‘ON ‘[Ng ‘plwMOFT 1o4jye) posrvyuo |[v—oures Jo vuuojUB ‘od !MOTOG WO; OWES JO LANIqRT ‘J ‘opis WIOIy oWUES JO S}1~d—yynow ‘9 :4;npB ‘p :ednd ‘o :uo0s00 UT BAIR] ‘q ‘330 ‘RB : Boy Sop oY [— 9g ‘OL THE FLEAS 68 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS cats and may be found upon these animals in common with the species usually infesting them. As a pest of the household the human flea is more commonly found in Europe and the western part of the United States, while in the eastern United States houses may be rendered un- inhabitable for a time by the presence of the dog and cat flea. Fleas are of importance as tormenting parasites of man and domestic animals, but of late have received greater attention in the field of med- icine as carriers of disease. It is known that bubonic plague, which during recent years has made its appearance on the Pacific and Gulf coasts of the United States, is transmitted by these insects. Teniasis of the dog, due to the presence of Dipylidiwm cani- if num, may be conveyed to humans as well as to dogs iy Us through the intermediation of the dog flea, while a disease of infants known as kala azar, occurring in countries bordering on the Mediterranean, is thought to be transmitted by fleas. Usual Hosts.—Our larger domestic animals, such as horses, cattle, and sheep, are rarely attacked by fleas. Hogs are somewhat less free from them, but, if occurring in these animals, the infestation is most always light and causes little disturbance. Dogs, cats, rabbits, fowls, and pigeons are especial ob- jects of attack. Young dogs and those chained up are more likely to be infested as they live amid conditions favorable to the breeding of the insects from the laying of the eggs to their full develop- ment, which is particularly favored by litter and Fic. 37.—Pulex irri- wooden floors. Unlike lice, fleas do not pass their *#S: l@tva. entire cycle upon the host, nor are they limited to a particular species. The dog and cat flea will readily attack man, and in this country is more troublesome to him than the human flea. Vitality.—When feeding upon blood, which is the only food taken by the adults, fleas will live from several months to a year. Off a host the dog and cat flea will not survive longer than about two months, the length of life under such conditions being considerably shortened if the weather be hot and dry. Treatment and Control.—Where habitations are infested by these insects it is of first importance as a measure of control that dogs, eats, and other domesticated animals kept about the premises receive treat- ment that will rid them of the parasites. The harboring animals may be dusted with Persian insect powder (pyrethrum), the remedy being applied liberally and driven well under the hair, preferably after the skin has been slightly moistened. This will not kill the fleas but will stupify them, in which condition they will drop off or may be combed OO THE FLEAS 69 from the hairs. It is well to place the animal while undergoing this treatment upon a large sheet of paper which may later be rolled up and burned with the collected fleas. In severe cases creolin or lysol solutions in two per cent. strength may be used. Quite effectual, but more expen- sive, is the preparation consisting of Peruvian balsam, ten parts; creolin, two parts; alcohol, one hundred parts which is recommended in the treatment for lice and scab mites upon small animals. In the treatment of cats, puppies, and chicks the powder is preferable to the last men- tioned preparations. Following treatment animals should not be permitted to re-enter their sleeping quarters until all litter has been removed and burned. In order that this cleaning up process may be effectual every detail must be looked to. Collections of dirt and dust between floor boards must be removed, as well as every particle of bedding or rubbish that may harbor a flea brood. After this preparation the quarters should be thoroughly cleaned with hot, soapy water and, when dry, sprayed with kerosene or kerosene emulsion (formule, page 48) as an additional pre- caution. For kennels a bedding should be used which can be frequently replaced, as shavings or straw. Carpet or matting should never be used for this purpose. Household Infestation.—In dealing with household infestation it is first necessary to exclude flea-bearing animals from the premises or destroy the adults which are producing the eggs upon these hosts. Flea larvee find excellent conditions for development under tacked-down carpets or matting and in spaces between floor boards. The floor covering, whatever it may be, should be removed, beaten, and thor- oughly aired. The floors may then be swept and the dust, which con- tains many eggs and larve, collected and burned. Kerosene should then be applied with a mop in such- manner that it will penetrate all eracks and crevices in the floor and beneath the baseboards. Benzene is often advised for this purpose, but, owing to the extreme danger of ignition, its use, excepting under the most careful supervision, is not to be recommended. Following these eradicative measures the floor coverings may be re- placed, but before doing so it is well, as an additional precaution, to sprinkle the floors with pyrethrum powder. This will work into the fabric and make the carpet or matting an unfavorable harbor for any larvee or adults which may have escaped the eradicative measures. Where the floors are oiled and rugs used instead of carpets or matting, the problem of getting rid and keeping rid of such an infestation is much lessened. CHAPTER VIII THE LICE There has been much disagreement among various authors as to the systematic arrangement of the lice. . The classification given here, if faulty, will perhaps at least serve the purposes of this work until exacting systematists have better settled the matter. Order III. Siphunculata.—Insecta (p. 15). The Sucking Lice.—The lice of the order Siphunculata have the suctorial mouth parts at the anterior border of the head, the movable proboscis being formed of the upper and lower lips (Fig. 38). Within this is the sucking-tube which is projected beyond its sheath and buried in the skin when used to aspirate blood. The eyes are two simple ocelli, one on each side. The antennze are short. The thorax is usually broader but shorter than the head, with indistinct division into three segments. The legs are short and thick, the tarsi terminating in a single claw. There are no wings. The abdomen is large and generally elliptical in outline. The last abdominal segment is rounded in the male with an opening for the penis. In the female this segment is notched and has two small terminal appendages. The female is from 1.5 to 5 mm. in length, the male somewhat smaller. Life History.—The metamorphosis is incomplete. The young, which leave the eggs by an operculum, have the shape of the adults but do not acquire the adult color and consistency until after several molts. The eggs as they are extruded from the female are glued fast to the hairs of the host by means of a viscid secretion. In this position they ~ are commonly referred to as nits, which, with the aid of a hand glass, will be observed to have somewhat the shape of a barrel with the at- tached end rounded and a blunt free extremity (Fig. 40, e). Hatching occurs in from five to six days, the young in general re- sembling the adults excepting in size. They become mature in about four weeks. The sucking lice come into one family, the Pediculide. All are per- manent parasites, the entire life cycle being spent upon the host. All are limited to a specific host, and will only accidentally inhabit a host of a different species. Therefore if the host is known, the specifie identity of the parasite is readily determined. The characteristics of the species are here given under their respective host animals. It may be said of tlie sucking lice in general that the head is inserted directly on the thorax, their antenne are five-segmented; the ; THE LICE 71 segments of the abdomen number eight or nine, and their tarsi are terminated by a single claw. OrpEeR IV. MaLuopHaca The Biting Lice.—Insecta (p. 15). The members of the order of biting lice resemble the sucking lice in general form, but differ from them. mainly in that they are much smaller and have the mouth parts adapted for biting and mastication. They may be at once distinguished by the head and mouth parts; the head is usually rounded, triangular, squared, or crescent-shaped, and is broader than the thorax (Fig. 39). Upon the under side of the head are located the mandibulate mouth pieces adapted for cutting and feeding upon epidermic scales, hairs, feathers, and other cutaneous products. The eyes are simple ocelli located back of the short antenne and are often indistinct. The thorax is generally narrow, the prothorax being distinct, the two posterior segments fused. The legs are adapted for either clasping or running; in the first case the tarsi terminate in a single claw (Philopteridze), in the second the tarsi are long and terminate in two claws (Liotheide). Wings are absent. The abdomen is generally elliptical; it may be elongate, or short and broad, approaching a globular outline. Their relatively small size and hard, flattened bodies facilitate their movement among the hairs close to the body. In their breeding habits and life history the Mallophaga agree with the preceding order. Although the order has been variously subdivided, it will be sufficient here to place the biting lice according to their hosts in the two families Philopteridze and Liotheidse, the former including the biting lice of mammals and birds, the latter the lice of birds only. Biting lice, like the suctorial, are limited to a specific host, which as a rule they do not voluntarily leave unless it is to crawl upon another host of the same species, in which case the migration is ordinarily ac- complished when the bodies of the host animals are in contact. Under conditions of severe infestation among poultry some of the parasites may pass to the roosts and nests and, by contact, even to the body of a mammalian host, but they will not survive such migrations for more than a few hours. A PEpicuLosis oF Domestic MAMMALS The condition commonly known as lousiness is medically referred to as pediculosis, a term correctly applied whether the condition be due to the presence of either the sucking or the biting species. The term phthiriasis should properly be restricted to infestation with the genus Phthirius in particular. Lousiness is usually accompanied by an unthrifty condition, not 72 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS necessarily resulting from, but rather predisposing to the attack, the reduction in the functional activity of the skin in such condition afford- ing an inviting habitat for the parasites. Herbivorous animals which have been kept for a prolonged period upon dry feed, as during the winter months, are those most likely to be infested, lice rarely being found upon these animals after they have been turned upon more succulent food and the winter coat has been shed. There is, in fact, little valid excuse for the presence of these parasites upon our domestic animals at any time. Infestation is usually the accompaniment of uncleanly, impoverished, and crowded conditions of stabling or yarding. Well housed, well fed, and regularly groomed animals offer no attractions to lice, and animals so cared for will not have them. Excepting in accidental and transient incidents, their pres- ence upon man or domesticated beast reflects upon man in either case. Whether the degree of discomfort and injury to an animal due to the presence of lice upon its body is slight or serious in its consequences will depend upon the number present and the group to which they belong. The sucking lice, piercing the skin and feeding upon the blood and exudate, cause a much more intense pruritus than that occasioned by the biting lice which, in their habit of feeding upon surface epidermie products and débris, have more the nature of scavengers. The presence of the lice, as well as their location, is indicated by the pruritus, by their eggs or nits upon the hairs, and the débris of their molts. The irritation of the itching and rubbing, together with the loss of blood if suctorial lice are numerous, results in emaciation and general unthriftiness of an animal likely to have been in poor condition before becoming infested. While the presence of lice may be unmistakably evident, it should be made quite sure that there is not also present a form of acariasis. Lice frequently invade animals suffering from scabies, and the pruritus, with the accompanying scaly and seabby condition of the skin, may be due to scab mites, which, minute and deeply located, may be readily overlooked. The presence of these can only be determined with cer- tainty by examination of epidermic scrapings from beneath the scabs. For their detection and examination the microscope is necessary. They are, however, often difficult to discover, and the material is best sub- mitted to a laboratory for examination if such is available. More de- tailed methods of diagnosis and treatment of this condition are given elsewhere under the discussion of the scab mites. PrEDICULOSIS OF THE HoRSE Horses, mules, and asses harbor one species of sucking louse, Ha@ma- topinus asini, and two species of biting lice, Trichodectes equi and T. pilosus. —————s THE LICE 73 1. Hematopinus asini (H. macrocephalus).—Pediculide (p. 70). Head long and narrow; antenne attached at lateral protuberances be- hind which are notches lodging the eyes. Anterior to this the head is more narrow with borders parallel, terminating in a blunt point. The thorax is much shorter than the head and widens posteriorly. The abdomen is oval, with stigmata placed in the middle of lateral protuberances on the margins of segments. The general color is yellow, the thorax brownish. The female is 3 to 3.5 mm., the male 2.5 mm. in length (Fig. 38). 2. Trichodectes equi (T. parumpilosus). Phil- opteride (p. 71).—Head slightly longer than broad and semicircular in front of the antennz which are set well back. The abdomen is oval Fic. 39. — Trichodectes parumpilosus (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Ento- mology, U.S. Dept. of Agr.). and bears eight trans- verse dark bands, each L upon the anterior por- ate ae Ae tion of a segment and asini (after Osborn, from extending from the Comstock, Bul. No. 5, middle line about half- eupenis ra ee UW: way to the margin. The general color of the abdomen is yellowish, the head, thorax, and legs chestnut (Fig. 39). 3. Trichodectes pilosus. Philopteridze (p. 71).—Somewhat smaller than the preced- ing species. Head broader than long, rounded in front, and slightly widened at the temples. The antenne are inserted well forward, almost on a line with the head’s anterior border, in which respect it markedly differs from 7. equi. The abdomen tapers posteriorly and has upon the middle ofthe first seven segments darkened spots, less conspicuous than the bands simi- larly located upon T. equi. The head, thorax, legs, and abdomen are hairy on both surfaces. The general color is yellow. Pediculosis caused by suctorial lice upon the horse is usually located at the base of the mane and forelock, and at the root of the tail. The hairs about these parts are likely to be scant, broken, or the skin entirely denuded, due to the rubbing against anything within reach. During the act of rubbing the animal has a peculiar habit of protruding the upper lip, or, if in reach of another animal, will gently bite it. 74. PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Biting lice are less common upon horses than suctorial. They are not often found on the upper parts of the body, more frequently occupying the regions of the neck, breast, and between the fore and hind legs. They cause less pruritus than the sucking lice, though the animals will frequently rub bare places at the regions infested. Both forms may coexist upon the same animal. PEDICULOSIS OF THE OX Two species of suctorial lice inhabit the ox, Hematopinus eurysternus, —the short-nosed ox louse, and Linognathus vituli,—the long-nosed ox louse. Of the biting species there is but one, Trichodectes scalaris. 1. Hematopinus eurysternus. Pediculide (p. 70).—Head relatively short and broad, rounded in front; thorax about twice as wide as long, — Fic. 40.—Hzematopinus eurysternus: a, female; b, rostrum; e¢, ventral surface of the last segments of male; d, same of female; e, egg; f, surface of same greatly enlarged (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). widest posteriorly. The abdomen is oval and much larger than that of the sucking louse of the horse. On the lateral margin of each abdominal segment is a slightly colored tubercle. In the female two black blotches are laterally located on the terminal segment. The general color is yellowish gray. The female is 2 to 3 mm., the male 2 mm. in length (Fig. 40). 2. Linognathus vituli (Hematopinus vituli). Pediculide (p. 70).— Somewhat smaller than the preceding. The head is long and narrow and somewhat sunken in the thorax, as in a notch. The thorax is about as broad as long. The abdomen, like the head, is long and narrow, giving to the entire insect a long and slender appearance. The general color is a deep chestnut. The female is 2.5 to 3 mm., the male 2 to 2.5 mm. in-length (Fig. 41). THE LICE 75 This species is found upon calves, though it will also,—probably as frequently,—infest adults. 3. Trichodectes scalaris. Philopteride (p. 71).—Head cone-shaped, rounded at the temples and in front, about as broad at the temples as long. The antennz are inserted well back and are usually directed backward. The ab- domen is not so tapering as in the biting louse of the horse, and the median spots are larger, forming bands which are quite distinct. The general color is white. It is somewhat smaller than the species infesting the horse (Fig. 42). This is a very common and widely dis- tributed species, frequently found upon cattle in cohabitation with the sucking lice. Fic. 42.—Trichodectes scalaris (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U.S. Dept. of Agr.). Pediculosis of the ox, caused by either the short or long- : Fic. 41. — Hematopinus 5 vituli: female, under surface nosed Species, of last segments of abdomen is most likely of same (after Osborn, Bul. Cee) oad NO Beater est about the ears, base of the head, and along the dorsal line of the neck, back, and loins. The intense itching causes the animal to rub against any convenient object, and there is frequent licking of the parts which can be reached with the rough tongue. Asa result of this rubbing large patches of skin may be entirely denuded of hair, and the skin itself in severe cases may become pustular and scabby. Contrary to what has been observed in the horse, biting lice probably occur more frequently upon the ox than the sucking species, therefore lousiness of cattle is usually accompanied by less itching. As to their location the biting lice of cattle do not limit them- selves, usually spreading to all parts of the body. They may frequently be observed crawling out upon the hairs and, when one is removed and examined with a hand glass, one or more hairs will often be found in the clutch of its claws. 76 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS PEDICULOSIS OF THE SHEEP This animal has one suctorial louse,—Linognathus pedalis, and one biting louse,—Trichodectes spherocephalus. 1. Linognathus pedalis (Hematopinus pedalis). Pediculide (p. 70). —Has the same general shape as the short-nosed ox louse, but is somewhat more slender. It is also much lighter in color, giving it a somewhat immature appearance (Fig. 43). Fie. 43.—Hematopinus pedalis: a, adult female; b, ventral view of terminal seg- ments of same; ce, terminal segments of male; d, egg (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bu- reau of Entomology, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). ; This species is rare. It is said to occur only where the hair is short upon the legs and feet, especially about the dew-claws. It is from this location that it gets its common name, ‘‘sheep-foot-louse.”’ 2. Trichodectes sphzrocephalus. Philopteride (p. 71).—Head broad as long, giving the rounded appearance from which the specific name is derived. The abdomen is elliptical, each segment having a median band which is somewhat rounded upon its anterior border. The general color is white (Fig. 44). Of rather rare occurrence. The common so-called ‘‘louse” of sheep is not a true louse, but the degenerate fly Melophagus ovinus, described elsewhere under the par- THE LICE 77 asites of the order Diptera. Pediculosis, properly so called, is seldom met with in sheep. While the sucking lice are localized to the lower parts of the legs, the biting lice lie deep in the wool, close to the body, seriously altering the fleece by cutting the fibers with their mandibles. Their location makes the condition rather a difficult one to contend with. “PEDICULOSIS OF THE GOAT Goats have one suctorial species,—Linognathus stenop- sis. The biting louse,—Trichodectes climaa, is fairly com- mon and is the only species of this genus upon goats that is well established. =e ae ; : : : Fic. 44.—Tri- 1. Linognathus stenopsis (Hematopinus stenopsis). .j,odectes sphe- Pediculidse (p. 70).—Head long, narrow, and rounded in rocephalus (af- front; there are two lateral notches, below which are vas aes widened temples. From these the head narrows rapidly of Entomology, and becomes deeply fitted into the thorax. The thorax U. 8. Dept. of is widest posteriorly where it is somewhat concaved upon Mgt): the abdomen. The abdomen in outline is an elongated oval with stig- mata near lateral margins of segments. The female is 2 mm.; the male 1.5 mm. in length. 2. Trichodectes climax. Philopteride (p. 71).—Head quadrangular in shape and broader than long. The abdomen is oval with median dark bands upon the segments. The head and thorax are reddish brown; the abdomen is pale yellow. During the winter months especially, goats are apt to harbor lice in rather large numbers. As in other animals the sucking louse produces the greater irritation. The skin may become bare in places with numer- ous inflamed and ulcerated areas covered with crusts. In Angora goats especially, the biting louse causes a great depreciation from its habit of cutting the hairs with its mandibles. PEDICULOSIS OF THE Hoa Domesticated and wild hogs have one species of louse, Hematopinus suis (H. urius). This is the largest known member of the suctorial group. The head is very long and narrow, cone-shaped, and rounded in front; just posterior to the attachments of the antenne are horn-like protuberances, forming deep notches. The thorax is somewhat broader than long; dark, transverse bands may be noted upon the legs. The abdomen is oval in outline, with distinct segment borders; the stigmata are upon prominent lateral protuberances. The thorax is brownish red in color; the head and abdomen yellowish gray. The female is 5 mm.; the male 4 mm. in length (Fig. 45). This louse is a very active blood sucker, living upon hogs of any age 78 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS or condition and everywhere where these animals are found. The intensity of the pruritus produced is proportionate to the parasite’s size, the skin, as they increase in numbers, becoming covered with papules and scales. The constant itching and worry, which seems to be most severe at night, is evidenced by the restlessness of the animals and their violent scratching against any available object. Such a con- dition seriously interferes with the erowth and fattening of hogs, and young pigs especially will often succumb to loss of blood and ex- tensive irritation and excoriation of the skin. PEDICULOSIS OF THE DoG Dogs have one sucking louse, Linognathus piliferus and one biting topinus Fic. 45.— Hematopinus suis (from as long, rounded Aaa Of miodited: shechnens bi Sin nncnie mali thorax anterl- orly is but slightly wider than the head; abdomen elongate oval in outline, the margins of the segments appearing somewhat rounded; stigmata marginal and distinct. The general color is yellowish white. The female is 2mm.;the male 1.5 mm. in length (Fig. 46). 2. Trichodectes latus. Philopteridze (p. 71).— Entire insect broad and short; more than half as broad as long. The head large, slightly rounded in front, and broader than long. The abdomen of the female is broad and somewhat globular in outline. The median abdominal bands or spots are absent. The general color is bright yellow (Fig. 47). Dogs do not seem to be as seriously affected as other animals by the presence of lice. The sucking louse is the more tormenting, and is usually found about the chin, under part of the neck, and breast, biting louse, it may be found on any part of the body. species is most often found upon puppies. louse, Trichodectes latus. 1. Linognathus piliferus (Hzma- piliferus). (p. 70)—Head thick, about as wide Pediculidze Fic. 46.—Hemato- pinus piliferus (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U. 8S. Dept. of Agr.). though, with the The biting The biting louse infesting dogs is particularly of medical interest in THE LICE 79 being a larval host of the common tapeworm of the dog, Dipylidium caninum, as is also the dog flea, Ctenocephalus canis. Infection of the louse by the larva (Cysticercus trichodectes) is readily brought about through ingestion of the eggs of the tapeworm which may have col- lected about the anus or in the litter of the kennel. This tapeworm is occasionally found to be present in the intestines of human beings, particularly children. It is quite conceivable how such infestation might occur in the fondling of lousy or flea-infested dogs, especially if the person’s food be about at the same time to act as a vehicle for the sects containing the larva. PEDICULOSIS OF THE Cat Trichodectes subrostratus, the only louse harbored Fic. 47.— Tri- by the cat, is about the same length as the biting louse aan aes of the dog dd to 1.3 mm.), but Is not SO Denny, Bul. No. 5, broad, and is distinguished by its pointed Bureau of Ento- head, which is slightly longer than broad. zoey ‘ Wsisb Danes The abdomen is oval, with median bands. = The head and thorax are bright yellow in color, the abdo- men whitish (Fig. 48). Lousiness is not often met with in the cat; when it does occur it is usually the accompaniment to a debilitated condition in young animals. Fic. 48.— PEDICULOSIS OF MAN Trichodectes : : ris Z subrostratue Lhree species of pediculi infest man, Pediculus humanus (after Os- (P. capitis), the head louse, P. corporis (P. vestimenti), the born, Bul. ody louse, and Phthirius pubis (P. inguinalis) the pubic No. 5, Bu- ; reau of En- OF so-called “‘crab-louse.”’ tomology, 1. Pediculus humanis. Pediculide (p. 70).—The head e Ree is somewhat diamond-shaped, short, and about as broad as long. The abdomen has seven distinct segments, each bearing stigmata laterally placed. Color gray with darkened margins. The color is said to vary from light to dark according to the color of the skin or hair of the host. The female is 2.5 to 3 mm.; the male about 2mm. in length. 2. Pediculus corporis. Pediculide (p. 70).—Resembles preceding species, of which it is regarded by some authorities as merely a variety. It is slightly larger. The color is grayish-white. It lives upon the clothing of its host, crawling upon the body to feed. 3. Phthirius pubis. Pediculide (p. 70).—Distinctly differs in ap- pearance from the two preceding. The head is short and thick, fitting 80 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS into a broad concavity in the thorax. The thorax is broad and appar- ently fused with the abdomen, the two forming a somewhat heart- shaped body with base anterior. The first pair of legs is much more slender than the second and third which are stout and terminated by powerful claws fitted for clasping the hairs. The female measures about 1.5 mm.; the male about 1 mm. in length. It infests the hairs of the pubic region and of the armpits, rarely passing to other parts. Of these three species Pediculus humanus is the most widely dis- tributed. PrpICULOSIS, CONTROL AND TREATMENT Contagion in pediculosis is due to the rapid succession of generations of lice, their passage from host to host being facilitated by close associa- tion, grooming utensils, blankets, harness, bedding, etc. It is possible for domestic animals of different species to infect each other. Such migrations, however, are usually of an accidental nature, and the parasites will not as a rule remain to multiply upon a host foreign to them. Long hair, especially if combined with unclean conditions, predis- poses to lousiness. If in addition there is debility, the etiologic factors become ideal. Plenty of nutritive food and a thorough cleaning up of animals and their surroundings are, therefore, essential to success, what- ever measures of eradication may be applied. After the removal and burning of litter the stables, kennels, ete., may be treated with boiling water and afterward whitewashed or washed with a three to five per cent. creolin solution. For spraying interiors an emulsion of kerosene (formula, page 48), or the lime-sulphur prepara- tion (page 125) may be used. Clipping of long-haired animals, which may include the horse and ox, greatly simplifies their treatment. The Melophagus infesting sheep is removed with the fleece at time of shearing, the animal soon ridding itself of any which may have remained upon the skin. Among the considerable number of insecticide agents used upon the bodies of infested animals but one or two of those most. effectual and most commonly employed need be mentioned here. A decoction of tobacco, one ounce to the quart of water, as a local application answers well for all animals. In using this preparation the possibility of nicotine poisoning should be kept in mind. Large areas of the body should not be dressed at the same time. Horses may be treated with creolin two to three per cent., or kerosene emulsion. Brushes and combs, after having been disinfected by scald- ing, may have a little kerosene sprinkled upon them as they are used. Preparations of kerosene should not be applied to sweating animals or while they are exposed to hot sunshine. Friction with fatty substances, THE LICE 81 as linseed oil, will kill by asphyxia lice with which it comes in contact. This treatment is more effectual if kerosene be shaken up with the oil in the proportion of one of the former to two of the latter. A mixture of kerosene, sulphur, and lard, equal parts, is also quite useful for this pur- pose. These treatments will apply to cattle as well as to horses. Where large numbers of cattle are affected resort must be had to spraying with kerosene emulsion or dipping. For the latter purpose ordinary sheep dip or a lime-and-sulphur preparation may be used. The large sucking louse of the hog is found principally inside, behind, and in front of the ears, on the breast, and on the inner side of the el- bows. For this animal the stronger preparations of the insecticides should be used, as creolin five per cent. or kerosene and oil equal parts. The kerosene, sulphur, and lard mixture is quite a suitable one for these animals. It is well also to treat their wallows with a three to five per cent. solution of creolin. For dogs creolin in two per cent. strength is quite satisfactory. Long- haired dogs, especially if heavily infested, should be clipped before treatment. For small house animals, as toy dogs and cats, pyrethrum powder, applied to the moistened skin as for fleas, is most suitable. Whatever insecticide is used it is well to apply vinegar in conjunction with it. This may be added to the fluid preparations in the proportion of about ten ounces to the quart, or it may be applied separately diluted with twice its quantity of water. The vinegar has a destructive action upon the eggs which may survive the ordinary remedies used to destroy the insects. Sodium fluoride, which is recommended in the treatment of lice of poultry, all of which are biting lice, should also be effective for the biting lice of mammais, though experience with it up to the present time is not sufficient to have established its value in such cases. In its application it should be rubbed into the hair over all parts of the body. The treat- ment is only applicable to biting lice. All measures used for the eradication of lice, whether in the quarters or upon the bodies of their hosts, should be repeated at least three times at intervals of eight to ten days. This is necessary to destroy the lice which may emerge from remaining eggs. CHAPTER IX LICE OF POULTRY. THE BEDBUG Birds under the usual conditions of domestication are especially prone to lousiness; there are, in fact, few fowls entirely free from them. Though, relative to their numbers, lice upon poultry probably do less harm than the blood-sucking ticks, their rapid multiplication, and the fact that they pass their entire cycle upon the bodies of their hosts, make it probable that any degree of infestation will become a destruc- tive nuisance. The constant annoyance due to their crawling upon the skin and among the feathers, with the energy expended in the efforts to be rid of them, causes fowl to droop and become ready victims to other diseases commonly affecting poultry. Flesh and egg production, under such conditions, must essentially be retarded to a degree commensurate to the infestation. Young chicks are especially apt to succumb. They give evidence of the presence of lice by drowsiness, refusal to eat, and an emaciated body. The symptoms are generally accompanied by a loss of feathers, especially about the head and lower part of the neck. Chickens hatched in an incubator should be free from them, and they will remain so unless placed with a lousy hen or put in infested quarters. The head and upper part of the neck afford a protective location for the lice, as they cannot here be reached by the beak. They may, how- ever, especially in older birds, be found upon all parts of the body. The biting species with which birds are infested belong with either the Philopteridze or Liotheidx, the former containing species harbored by both mammals and birds, the latter lice of birds only. LicE OF CHICKENS The Philopteridz of chickens are Goniocotes galline, G. gigas, Lipeurus caponis, and L, heterographus. 1. Goniocotes galline (G. hologaster)—Head broad as long; anterior border rounded; angular at temples. Abdomen sac-like in outline, hay- ing curved bands upon lateral borders of segments; transverse patches in double row. General color dirty yellow. Female about 1 mm. in length. A common species. 2. Goniocotes gigas (G. abdominalis)—Head rounded, cireular in front. Thorax narrow. Abdomen large and but slightly longer than a LICE OF POULTRY. THE BEDBUG 83 broad; each segment marked laterally by long tongue-shaped spots. The general color is yellowish. The female is 3 to 3.5 mm. in length, a size exceptional in this genus (Fig. 49). About as common as the preceding species. 3. Lipeurus caponis (L. variabilis)—In all members of this genus the body is elongated and narrow. Head longer than broad and rounded in front. Abdomen long and slender with black margins. Color yellowish white. Female about 2 mm. in length (Fig. 50). By its long and slender appearance this species can easily be dis- tinguished from others infesting the chicken. It is not very common. 4. Lipeurus heterographus—Head more narrow in front and body much stouter than in preceding species. Abdomen elongated oval in Fic. 51.—Menopon pallidum (after Os- born, from Denny, Fic. 49.—Gonio- Fie. 50.—Lipeu- cotes abdominalis rus variabilis (after (after Osborn, from Osborn, from Denny, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). Denny, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U.S. Dept. of Agr.). - outline with median spots on each ring. Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agr.). General color pale yellow. Female 2 mm. in length. This species has not been often observed in this country. It is said to also occur upon certain species of pheasants. Of the Liotheide chickens are hosts to two species, WMenopum trig- onocephalum and M. biseriatum. 5. Menopum trigonocephalum (M. pallidum; Menopon pallidum).— Head somewhat triangular, rounded in front and at the temples. Abdo- men of female elongated oval in outline, in male longer and narrower. Legs stout and hairy. Color light yellow. Female about 1.5 mm. in length (Fig. 51). This is the most prevalent of all of the hen lice. It is an active runner and passes readily to other species of birds. 6. Menopum biseriatum (Menopon biseriatum).—Head somewhat crescent-shaped. Legs stout. Abdomen elongate. Has the same gen- 84 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS eral color as M. trigonocephalum, but is larger. Female about 2.5 mm. in length (Fig. 54). Less common than preceding species. It attacks young chicks, espe- — cially about the head and anus. It may also be found upon turkeys and peafowl. Lick oF TURKEYS The Philopteride of turkeys are Goniodes stylifer and Lipeurus meleagridis. 1. Goniodes stylifer—Head broad as long, well rounded in front, with posterior angles projected backward into points which are terminated by strong bristles. Thorax angular and narrowed anteriorly. Legs slender and hairy. Abdomen broad, with tongue-shaped bands on the sides. Hairs are numerous and long on both surfaces. Color yellowish white. Female about 3 mm. in length (Fig. 52). This is a large species common upon turkeys everywhere. 2. Lipeurus meleagridis (L. polytrapezius)—Head longer than broad, rounded in front and at the temples. Thorax and abdomen narrow and elongate; last abdominal segment in female deeply notched. Color pale yellow. Female about 2.8 mm. in length (Fig. 53). Also quite common. The Menopum of the turkey is M. biseriatum (Fig. 54), referred to under the Liotheidz of chickens. Lick or Ducks AND GEESE Of the Philopteride ducks and geese harbor two species, Philopterus icterodes and Lipeurus anatis. 1. Philopterus icterodes (Docophorus icterodes)—Head longer than broad, rounded in front; lower portion expanded and rounded. Abdo- men oval in outline, white in center, and with dark lateral bands. Color brownish red. Female 1 mm. in length. Of common occurrence. 2. Lipeurus anatis (L. squalidus)—Head longer than broad, cone- shaped, rounded in front. Thorax and abdomen elongate with dark borders. On the abdomen the border is broken into patches correspond- ing with the segments. General color light yellow. Female about 4mm. in length (Fig. 55). ; Frequently found upon both domestic and wild ducks. The Liotheide of ducks and geese are T'rinotum luridum and T. lituratum. 3. Trinotum luridum (Trinoton luridum)—Head as wide as long, somewhat triangular in shape, with rounded corners. Thorax longer than head. Abdomen long and narrow, with dark bands upon the LICE OF POULTRY. THE BEDBUG 85 Fig. 52.—Goniodes stylifer (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bu- reau of Entomology, U. {8S Dept. of Agr.). q A HPL WO AAW SS FTI SN 3 Pe eth nt aD US Ney yy) DSS ALWIL NG miter \\ Fie. 54.—Menopon biseriatum (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U.S. Dept. of Agr.). Fic. 53.—Lipeurus polytrapezius (after Osborn, from Piaget, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). Fie. 55.—Lipeu- rus squalidus (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U. S. Dept. of Agr.). 86 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS segments. Entire insect long and narrow. General color grayish. Female 4 mm. in length (Fig. 56). A common species. 4. Trinotum lituratum (Trinoton lituratum).—Shorter and smaller than the preceding species, with head, thorax, and abdomen relatively broader. Legs broad and stout. Abdominal segments bordered by darkened spots. Color white. ; This species occurs upon domestic geese. Lick oF Swan Philopterus cygni and Ornithonomus cygni are species of Philopteridee harbored by swan. 1. Philopterus cygni (Docophorus cygni).—Head about as broad as long, rounded in front. Thorax short and narrow. Abdomen sacular, white in center, darkened at sides. Head, thorax, and legs reddish brown. Female 1 mm. in length (Fig. 57). This is the ‘Little Red Swan Louse.”’ It is quite common. 2. Ornithonomus cygni (Ornithobius bucephalus; O. cygni).—Head massive and nearly as broad as long. Thorax about the same length as head. Abdomen narrow oval, tapering toward apex; black points on outer margins of four of the abdominal segments. The body is trans- parent and much flattened. General color white. Female 4 mm. in length (Fig. 58). Occurs in great abundance on all species of swan. Lick or PIGEONS The more common Philopteridse of pigeons are Gondocotes compar, Goniodes damicornis, and Lipeurus columbe. 1. Goniocoles compar.—Head large, nearly as broad as long, rounded in front. Thorax narrow. Abdomen broad oval. Color dirty yellow. Female about 1.3 mm. in length (Fig. 59). Found quite frequently. 2. Goniodes damicornis.—Head about as broad as long, rounded in front, angular behind. Legs stout. Abdomen broad and short. Color brown. Female 2 mm. in length (Fig. 60). Not as common as preceding species. 3. Lipeurus columbe (L. baculus)—Characterized by its extreme slenderness. Head long and narrow, as is also the thorax and abdomen. Upon the abdominal segments are brownish patches. Head and thorax brownish red in color; abdomen dusky. The female is 2 mm. in length. Occurs abundantly. LICE OF POULTRY. THE BEDBUG 87 Fie. 57.—Docophorus cygni (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Ento- mology, U. 8S. Dept. of Agr.). Fie. 56.—Trino- ton luridum (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U. S. Dept. of Agr.). Fic. 58.—Ornithobius cygni (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). Fie. 59.—Goniocotes com- Fic. 60.—Goniodes dam- par (after Osborn, Bul. No. 5, icornis (after Osborn, Bul. Bureau of Entomology, U. S. No. 5, Bureau of Entomol- Dept. of Agr.). ogy, U. S. Dept. of Agr.). 88 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS CONTROL AND TREATMENT In dealing with lice of poultry we should first discriminate between the lice and the ticks, bearing in mind that the latter do not breed upon their hosts. According to whether they be one or the other the treatment will be modified somewhat, though certain measures of eradication may be suitable for either. All species of lice, without a known exception, passing their transformation upon the host, there may be confidence in attacking them that there are no eggs and young developing in some out-of-the-way retreat, as in the case of ticks or bedbugs. Asa means of controlling bird lice the dust bath should receive first attention. The fine dust particles enter the spiracles of the insects, killing them by suffocation, therefore, of whatever material it may con- sist, the dust will be most effectual when fine and penetrating. Road dust is usually quite suitable; it will be the more efficient if powdered tobacco be added in the proportion of about one of tobacco to five of dust. Fine ashes, in which powdered sulphur is mixed, make an ex- cellent dust wallow. A mixture of road and lime dust, with the addition of a cupful or two of sulphur, may be used with as good results. The dust baths should be in deep and roomy boxes placed where they will be sheltered from the rain. As an insecticide for the individual treatment of badly infested birds, any oleaginous substance is effectual. As with dust, the principle upon which its use is based is that of suffocation, the unctuous agent serving | to plug the breathing pores of the insect. A mixture of lard and sulphur answers well for all birds. It should especially be applied at the throat, upper neck, bases of the wings, and at the base of the tail feathers. Ifa powder is used, as pyrethrum, the skin should be first moistened with soapy water or equal parts of glycerin and water and the powder then blown well under and through the feathers. Investigations by the United States Bureau of Entomology with sodium fluoride have demonstrated that lice infesting poultry may be readily destroyed by the application of a small quantity of this powder. It may be used in the powdered form or as a dip. Applied by the former method, it should be sprinkled under the feathers of the neck, breast, back, tail, below the vent, and upon the under side of each wing as these are spread. If used as a dip, this may be prepared by adding one ounce of commercial sodium fluoride to the gallon of water. The solution should be made tepid and the entire body of the fowl, excepting the head, immersed in it. For the treatment of one hundred fowl, about one pound of the powder will be required. As the lice are likely to be dislodged from their hosts to be harbored for a time about nests, roosts, etc., it is essential that the eradicative measures be also applied to the quarters of infested birds. The louse LICE OF POULTRY. THE BEDBUG 89 ‘most commonly found upon the hen, Menopwm trigonocephalum, is an especially active runner, readily passing to other species of birds or to any object with which the infested animal is in contact. It is said that horses kept in the vicinity of chicken houses harboring this louse are often seriously troubled by it. In this connection the measures recommended for the eradication of the lice of mammals and poultry-infesting bedbugs will in general apply here. All nesting material and litter must, of course, be cleared out and burned or buried. A washing down with five per cent. creolin or carbolic acid solution should follow, the usual whitewashing in such cases adding to the probability of a complete destruction of the lice. The lime and sulphur mixture (page 125), applied as a spray to all parts of the interior, is penetrating and gives satisfactory results. As a simple agent for the killing of lice or mites in the hen house and dovecot the cloud of lime dust is said to be of much value. In the appli- cation of this method the birds should be absent and the quarters closed. A few handfuls of finely powdered lime are then thrown against the roof and walls, producing a cloud of dust. This will settle upon the roosts, nest compartments, and floor, and into the crevices, destroying many of the exposed vermin. Afterward the place should be swept out and the sweepings buried, burned, or otherwise destroyed. Fumigation is commonly resorted to, and may have value as a con- tributory measure. The sulphur fumigation, applied as recommended in the eradication of bedbugs, will serve here as well. Observations made as to the length of time required for the hatching of the eggs, while not complete, indicate that for species of bird lice in general, five to six days are necessary at least. Therefore, in repeating treatments intended to kill individuals hatched from remaining eggs, there should be an intervening period of about ten days. OrpEeR V. HEMIPTERA Insecta (p. 15)—This group includes the cicadas, plant lice, and true bugs. The mouth parts are suctorial, the mandibles and maxilla being modified into bristle-like structures for puncturing and extracting the juices of plants or the blood of animals. The labium is usually jointed and forms a sheath for the piercing bristles. There are usually four wings, some forms having the first pair thickened and leathery at the base, while only the tips are membranous and elastic. It is from this “half-winged”’ structure that the order derives its name. In some of the lower forms (bedbugs) wings are absent. A characteristic of the order is the presence of stink glands, which in the adult open ventrally on the metathorax. The secretion from these glands has a disgusting odor, probably originally of defensive service to the insect though in parasitic forms rather serving to reveal their presence and location. The meta- 90 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS morphosis is incomplete, the immature insect resembling the adult ex- cept in the absence of wings. FamiLty CIMicipas Hemiptera (p. 89). Bedbug and allies——The body is much flat- tened and is ovate in outline. The adults are reddish brown in color; young yellowish white. When full grown they are from one-sixth to one- fifth of an inch in length. The mouth parts inclose long slender stylets (Fig. 61, d). Ocelli are absent. Wing-covers rudimentary (Fig. 61, ¢). Cimex LEecTULARIUS Acanthia lectularia. The common bedbug. (Fig. 61).—Cimicide (p. 90). The body is covered with short hairs; rostrum short; third and fourth joints of antenne much thinner than first and second; second segment of antenne shorter than third. The eggs are oval, pearly-white, and about a millimeter in length. The young leave the egg by a small operculum at the end. The female deposits from one hundred to two hundred eggs in cracks, crevices, and seams of beds and bedding, beneath loose portions of wall-paper, base- boards, floor spaces, and similar retreats. Hatching occurs in about one week. Development from the nymphal to the adult stage will, under favorable conditions, occupy about six ‘weeks. The time required for the development of adults from deposited eggs under such conditions may, therefore, be approximated at from seven to eight weeks. : Habits and Effect of Bite.—In their feeding habits bedbugs are nocturnal, hiding in their darkened retreats during the day and coming forth at night to crawl upon the legs, arms, neck, or other unprotected parts of their victims, where they will feed to repletion. After this en- gorgment the insects will retreat to their usual haunts to remain for several days, during which time the meal is digested. The effect of the bite of the bedbug varies, depending upon the sus- ceptibility of the one attacked. In some it produces marked irritation with more or less swelling; others may not be made aware of its presence. The inflammation experienced by sensitive persons seems to result mainly from the puncture of the skin. The biting organ is like that of other hempiterous insects; there are four piercing filaments within the labium which is closely applied to the point of puncture as the blood is drawn up. The degree to which the insect may injure other animals than man is somewhat obscure. Probably the same or closely allied species to those. attacking man attack animals in the same manner. Chickens are es- THE BEDBUG 91 LICE OF POULTRY. “Casy Jo 4deq “g ‘Q ‘AsojouLOjUq Jo NvaINg ‘fF ON [Ng ‘pavaMoyP{ 109Jye posuepus [][ve—sj}aed-yyNouL fpud-suIm ArequeWIpNs ‘oO !MOTEq Woda, oUTeS ‘Gq !pOoTG YIM poss1os ‘opBuley 4[NpeV ‘BV isntwepnjyooy, Xow y— TY Oy 92 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS pecially likely to be their hosts, the usual quarters of poultry affording an ideal harbor for such pests. Control.— Bedbugs may be easily carried upon clothing, therefore public conveyances and places where people of all sorts and conditions of living may congregate, afford a common means for their dissemina- tion. They are highly prolific, and the introduction of a single egg- bearing female may be sufficient to start a colony of bedbugs within a few months. Eradication is made somewhat difficult by the parasite’s habit of seeking hiding places during the day, therefore anything used for this purpose must be of such a nature that it will penetrate into cracks, crevices, Joints of bedsteads, mattress seams, and all such places where the gregarious insects are in the habit of assembling and depositing their eggs. Powders, such as pyrethum, are of practically no value as they are not sufficiently penetrating. One of the best remedies is kero- sene, applied with a feather, or, better, with an ordinary machine oiler. Benzene is as effectual and will volatilize more readily, but must be used with great caution against ignition. A solution of corrosive sub- limate in alcohol may also be used with good results. Fumigation is of doubtful value, though flowers of sulphur, two pounds to each one thousand cubie feet of room space, has been recommended for this pur- pose. The sulphur should be placed in a heap in a pan, a depression made in the top, and a small quantity of aleohol poured into this to facilitate burning. The container should be placed in a larger pan and surrounded by water as a precaution against fire. During fumigation the room should, of course, be tightly closed. Fumigating with formaldehyde gas is as useless against bedbugs as it is against other insects. Whatever remedy may be applied, thoroughness is essential to success. Beds and bedding should be inspected daily, and all places where the bugs may have found a hiding place repeatedly treated. There will be less difficulty if brass and iron bedsteads are used, the old-fashioned wooden bedsteads furnishing many retreats into which the bugs can force their flat, thin bodies. In infested chicken houses the parasites usually secrete themselves around the ends of the roosts and in the nests. Their attack upon the chickens at night results in a loss of flesh with reduced egg production. In heavy infestation chickens will often die from emaciation and loss of blood. If the propagation of the bugs in the chicken houses is not checked, they may spread to nearby buildings to become a source of annoyance to other live stock. Control measures in such cases consist in thoroughly renovating the chicken house. Roosts in wooden fittings should be taken down, and all loose lumber, useless boxes, straw, or other material affording hiding LICE OF POULTRY. THE BEDBUG 93 places removed and burned. Possible breeding places remaining should be sprayed with kerosene or kerosene emulsion (page 48). Scalding hot water or whitewash will destroy both the insects and the eggs. The kerosene application should be repeated at frequent intervals to insure the eradication of following generations. CHAPTER X THE MITES Class II. Arachnida. Arthropoda (p. 13).—The arachnids may at once be distinguished from the insects by the relationship of the body parts and the number of ambulatory appendages, as to be described. The regions of the body are more or less fused, the head being com- monly fused with the thorax to form the cephalothorax (Fig. 62). The abdomen is in some forms segmented (scorpions), in others un- segmented and separated from the thorax by a deep construction (true spiders). Sometimes the cephalothorax and abdomen are fused into one un- segmented body (ticks and mites). In the adult there are four pairs of locomotor appendages, usually seven-jointed, attached to the cephalothorax. There are no wings. Antenne are absent. The mouth parts are paired cheliceree and pedipalpi, the first in front of the mouth, the second to the side. The chelicere are short, consisting of two or three joints. The last joint may have a claw-like termination for piercing and introducing poison into prey (spiders), or it may be in the form of small chelz (scor- pions). The pedipalpi are longer and more like the appendages for locomo- tion. The terminal segment may be strongly chelate (scorpions). The eyes are located anteriorly upon the cephalothorax and consist of a varying number of ocelli. The eyes are never compound. The skin is of a leathery consistency and is not so hard asin insects. Respiration is either by trachez or by so-called book-lungs, the latter consisting of a series of invaginations of the skin closely applied like the leaves of a book. Either one or both of these forms of respiratory organ may occur in a single individual. Most arachnids are oviparous. In aberrant forms, as Linguatulida and Acarina, certain adult appendages are acquired after a molt. The class Arachnida includes the scorpions, spiders, ticks, and mites. The two parasitic orders are Acarina, which includes the ticks and mites, and Linguatulida, containing the species Linguatula rhinaria. ; Order I. Acarina. Ticks and Mites.—Arachnida (p. 94). These are small, frequently microscopic, arachnids in which there is generally no distinet demarcation between the cephalothorax and abdomen, the body regions being massed into one. THE MITES 95 Due to parasitism, the mites have undergone considerable modifica- tion, the scab mites are without eyes or organs of respiration, and gener- ally the tips of the feet are terminated by suckers or bristles. In the larval stage, the Acarina have but three pairs of legs, the fourth pair appearing behind the third after a molt. The mouth parts are modified into a beak-like structure for piercing and sucking. The sexes are separate and reproduction is by eggs which are extruded from the genital pore situated, as in other Arachnida, anteriorly on the ventral surface of the abdomen. In the scab mites (Sarcoptide) the fe- males are provided with a second genital opening, the copulating vagina, Fic. 62.—Diagram of the anatomy of a spider: a, anus; b, cecum of mesenteron; b’, its anterior end; b’, branches of cecum extending into legs; c, cerebral ganglion connected with ventral ganglionic mass; d, mesenteron; e, poison glands; g, heart; h, chelicere; i, pedipalpi; j, liver; k, hepatic duct; 1, lung sac; m, Malpighian tubules; n, dilation of rectum into which Malpighian tubules open; 0, eyes; ov, ovaries; p, female genital pore; q, large and small silk glands; r, opening of tracheal system; s, spinnerettes (after Boas by Kirkaldy & Pollard). which is located posteriorly just in front of the anus. It is at this open- ing that spermatozoa are received during copulation, the anterior open- ing serving as the pore of the oviduct. In their development the Acarina undergo a succession of stages. The laryee are usually provided with but three pairs of legs (hexapodal), and have no definite sexual characters. After molting a fourth pair of legs appears, and the acarus enters upon its nymphal stage. Following further molting the genital organs are acquired, and it has then reached the pubescent stage, or stage of sexual maturity. After copulation the female undergoes a further transformation, becoming an egg-bearing, or ovigerous female. Parasitism.—The majority of the Acarina are parasitic, though, as to this habit, there is much diversity, some being semiparasitic, others essentially so and restricted to definite hosts. The order contains a number of families of which the following are here considered: 96 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Family I. Gamasida.—Poultry mites. Family Il. Trombidiidee.—Harvest mites or chiggers. Family III. Sarcoptide.—Mange and scab mites. Family IV. Demodecide.—Follicle mites. Family V. Cytoleichidze.—Deep seated mites of birds. Superfamily Ixodoidea.—The ticks. Family I. Argasidee.—The fowl tick and ear tick. Family II. Ixodidz.—The cattle tick and other ticks. Each of these contains species parasitic upon mammals or birds with the exception of the Demodecide, which, so far as known, have only been found upon mammals. The condition produced upon the host by the presence of parasitic Acarina is designated medically as acariasis. Differmg in their grade of parasitism, the numerous species bring about a varying degree of disturbance to the skin which they inhabit. Accordingly there is dis- tinguished sarcoptic and psoroptic acariasis, the former produced by species which burrow and form subepidermic galleries in which they deposit their eggs, the latter by species living upon the skin’s surface. The term mange is limited by most writers to acarises caused by species of the genus Sarcoptes and its near allies, or by Demodex, both living beneath the skin’s surface, the last named in the hair follicles and se- baceous glands. The psoroptie form, in which there is deep scab for- mation, constitutes true scabies or scab, although these latter terms are frequently used in a general sense relative to the condition produced by the mange and scab mites. Acari belonging with the families Ga- maside, Trombidiide, and the superfamily Ixodoidea do not cause mange or scab. CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES OF THE CLASS ARACHNIDA Class B. Arachnida. P. 94. Order I. Acarina. P. 94. Family (a) Gamaside. P. 98. Genus and Species: Dermanyssus galline. Host, poultry. P. 98. Family (b) Trombidiide. P. 99. Genus and Species: Trombidium holosericeum. Larve attack man and lower animals. P. 100. Family (c) Sarcoptide. Mange and scab mites. P. 101. Genus and species: Sarcoptes scabiei var. Equi. Host, equines. P. 104. S. scabiei var. Ovis. Host, sheep. P. 112. S. seabiei var. Bovis. Host, cattle. P. 114. S. seabiei var. Suis. Host, hog. P. 114. THE MITES 97 S. scabiel var. Canis. Host, dog. P. 115. Notoedres cati var. Cati. Host, cat. P. 118. N. cati var. Cuniculi. Host, rabbit. P. 118. Psoroptes communis var. Equi. Host, equines. P. 108. P. communis var. Ovis. Host, sheep. P. 109. P. communis var. Bovis. Host, cattle. P. 113. P. communis var. Cuniculi. Host, rabbit. P. 118. Chorioptes communis var. Equi. Host, equines. P. 108. C. communis var. Ovis. Host, sheep. P. 112. C. communis var. Bovis. Host, cattle. P. 113. Otodectes cynotis var. Canis. Host, dog. P. 117. O. cynotis var. Cati. Host, cat. P. 117. Cnemidocoptes mutans. Host, poultry. P. 132. Cn. galline. Host, poultry. P. 133. Family (d) Demodecide. Follicular mange mites. P. 103. Genus and Species: Demodex folliculorum var. Ovis. Host, sheep. P. 112. D. folliculorum var. Suis. Host, hog. P. 115. D. folliculorum var. Canis. Host, dog. P. 116. Family (e) Cytoleichidae. P. 134. Genus and Species: Cytoleichus nudus. Host, poultry. P. 134. Laminosioptes cysticola. Host, poultry. P. 134. Superfamily Ixodoidea. Ticks. P. 139. Family (a) Argaside. P. 139. Genus and Species: Argas miniatus. Host, poultry. P. 139. Otobius megnini. Hosts, equines, cattle, etc. P. 140. Family (b) Ixodide. P. 141. Genus and Species: Ixodes ricinus. Hosts, cattle, equines, dog, ete. P. 143. I. hexagonus. Hosts, cattle, dog, ete. P. 143. Dermacentor variabilis. Hosts, cattle, dog, equines, ete. P. 1438. D. reticulatus. Hosts, cattle, equines, ete. P. 143. Margaropus annulatus. Hosts, cattle, equines. P. 144. Amblyomma americanum. Hosts, cattle, dogs, equines, etc. " P. 145. Order 2. Linguatulida. P. 153. Family (a) Linguatulide. P. 153. Genus and Species: Linguatula rhinaria. Host, dog. P. 153. 98 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Famity I. GAMASID® Aearina (p. 94).—The gamasid mites. The mouth parts are ar- ranged for piercing and sucking, maxillze fused into a tube, maxillary palps five-segmented and provided inwardly with secondary palps. The legs have six segments, the tarsi terminating by two hooklets. There are two stigmata located near the insertion of the posterior legs. The cephalothorax and abdomen are fused into one body. The integu- ment is of a leathery texture. Eyes are absent. DeERMANYsSSUS GALLINA Poultry mite; chicken “tick” (Fig. 63). Gamaside (p.98).—Body somewhat egg-shaped with larger end posterior, slightly flattened from above to below. The lower half of the body is provided with short, Fic. 63.—Dermanyssus gallinze: a, adult; b, tarsus; ec, mouth- parts; d and e, young—all enlarged (after Osborn, Bull. No. 5, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). well-separated bristles. The color is light gray with dark patches. showing through the skin; when engorged with blood the color is a distinct red. The ovigerous female is rather less than 1 mm. in length. Occurrence and Habits.—The little poultry mite, found everywhere where chickens are kept, is one of the most persistent and injurious pests that the poultry raiser has to contend with. Remaining in darkened retreats about the henhouse during the daytime, these acari come forth at night to swarm upon the fowls and suck their blood. Their attack, however, is not confined entirely to the night, and hens may be driven THE MITES 99 from their nests by the activity of the pests which the warmth of their bodies creates. The Dermanyssus does not limit itself to birds, but may attack mammals, including man, though these animals, being accidental hosts, the invasion is usually limited in its extent and duration. Horses kept in the vicinity of infested henhouses are likely to be tormented by the mites, the litter about stables so located affording a harbor to which they readily migrate. The eggs are deposited in vast numbers in the daytime retreats. Under ordinary conditions about five days are required for the hatching of the hexapodal larve which do not wait for maturity to attack the chickens. They may, however, remain for months without a host upon which to satisfy their appetite for blood. Extremely prolific, they especially thrive upon filth, and large colonies may be found wherever such material has collected. Effect.—Fowls suffer not only from the extreme irritation and an- noyance of the attack, but additionally from the extraction of a consider- able amount of blood. Prolonged infestation must essentially bring about a progressive emaciation and weakening which may end in death, young chicks especially being likely to succumb. In any event egg production is retarded, and the chickens, in their unthrifty condition, are unprofitable for marketing. Control.—Cleanliness and plenty of sunlight are especially antago- istic to the Dermanyssus. The cleaning up measures set forth elsewhere for the eradication of the parasites of the henhouse need not be repeated: here. Kerosene emulsion (page 48) is serviceable, but should only be applied after the entire interior has been stripped to the boards of every- thing movable and all crevices, joints, and roost insertions exposed. It is well to drench cracks and the ends of roosts with pure kerosene or: scalding water. The ends of roosts, before being replaced, should be dipped in coal tar, and this spread along the roosts for about six or eight inches from their supports in such manner that the mites will be obliged to cross the tar before reaching the fowls. Pyrethrum powder, alone or mixed with lime dust, should be shaken through the fresh nesting mate- rial. The dust bath, as recommended in the treatment for lice, should: always be accessible. In order to insure continued freedom from the vermin it is necessary that the control measures be repeated at least three times at intervals of about ten days. Famity II. Trompiprp» Harvest mites; chiggers, or red bugs. Acarina (p. 94).—The body is red in color and covered with bristles or fine hairs. The mandibles are chelate; palpi prominent. The legs have six to seven segments pro- 100 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS vided with bristles or fine hairs, the tarsi terminating in two hooklets. Respiration is by trachee. There are two eyes, one located upon each side of the cephalothorax. TROMBIDIUM HOLOSERICEUM Trombidiide (p. 99).—Body red and nearly square; slightly narrower posteriorly where the terminal border is slightly coneaved; body and legs covered with bristly hairs. Eyes pedunculated. About 1 mm. in length. Habits and Effect.—In the adult stage the Trombidium is free- living, feeding upon the juices of plants and small insects. It is only parasitic in its larval condition, in which stage it will inhabit insects and attack warm-blooded animals as well. Living in the tall grass and upon the under side of the leaves of weeds, they are brushed off upon the hands or clothing of people and upon the bodies of animals as they pass through the vegetation. They then proceed to burrow into the skin, setting up a most exasperating itching with the formation of reddened patches often covering considerable areas. This phase of the mite’s parasitism is peculiar in that it invariably perishes in the act of entering the skin. It is likely to be most troublesome during the late summer and autumn, the name Leptus autumnalis, under which the larval stage of the mite has been described, being derived from this fact. Man is most often attacked about the lower parts of the legs and upon’ the hands. Among domestic animals, those which frequent locations densely covered with vegetation are the most likely to suffer. Hunting dogs especially are exposed, and on returning from the field will often exhibit symptoms of great itching about the face, paws, inner thighs, and belly, the parts most often attacked. Horses will be affected prin- cipally below the knees and hocks. | Treatment.—it Cysticeret be Cysticerer ¢ = A plerocei it ee Hosts Parts INFESTED BY LARVA _—— ho- |Flea, louse He Body-cavity aollis Ruminants and hogs Peritoneum Mesentery and omentum Herbivora Central nervous system Rabbit and other ro- dents Connective tissue Ruminants Central nervous system and connective tissue u- |Ruminants and hog | Liver and lungs ic ris |Rat and mouse Liver >. ——— | _——. t | |House fly ule Hog and other animals || a | Bish Connective tissue of muscles Connective tissue of muscles Muscles oe .7 a woof a 4 » aa 3 5 c =? TANIASIS 175 suckers; it is prolonged behind by rounded flaps on the upper and lower side. The segments are very short, but wide, the width increasing toward the middle of the length of the body. Length, 2.5-3 em. (1 inch); width, 3-15 mm. (1/8-5/8 of an inch). The eggs, by mutual pressure, are polygonal. The shell, as in other - Anoplocephaline, is prolonged by a pyriform point. They are 70-80 microns in length. It lives in the small intestine and cecum, more rarely in the colon. 2. Anoplocephala mamillana (Tenia mamillana). Fig. 91. Teeniide (p. 170).—The head is small, somewhat angular, and has a central lineal depression from before to behind. It is provided with oval suckers located upon the side. The segments are much wider than long, progressively in- creasing in width from the head. Their length increases toward the posterior ex- tremity, the last segments being about half as long as broad. Length. 1-5 em. (3/8-2 inches); width, 4-6 mm. (14 of an inch). The eggs are elongated and about 88 microns in length. It infests the small intestine. 3. Anoplocephala plicata (Tenia plicata). Fig. 91. Teeniide (p. 170).— The head is rather large, broader than long, slightly concaved in the center. The four suckers are strong and are di- rected forward. The segments progres- sively increase in breadth and length to — ye. 91.—Tapeworms of the horse. the posterior extremity. Left to right: Anoplocephala mamil- Length, 8-12 cm. (3 1/8-4 34 inches) ; een perfoliata, A. plicata, nat- . . ural size. width, 8-20 mm. (5/16-34 of an inch). The eggs are polygonal or round and 50-60 microns in length. It lives in the small intestine and has been found in the stomach. Occurrence.—Horses rarely harbor tapeworms. They are said to be most often found in the horses of Russia and to some extent in Germany and other European countries. The most common species is Anoplocephala perfoliata, while of the other two mentioned, Anoplo- cephala plicata is the more rare. Symptoms.—The presence of tapeworms in the intestines of the horse is seldom accompanied by perceivable symptoms. Those general to intestinal helminthiasis, as chronic digestive disturbances, with per- haps anemia and general unthrift, may accompany the infestation 176 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS though it can only be assumed that these symptoms are caused by tape- worms, even though the presence of the worms is made certain by the voiding of the segments. CESTODES OF CATTLE, SHEEP, AND GOATS Cattle harbor three species of tapeworms. In all the heads are un- armed. Their larval forms are unknown. The three species of tapeworms of cattle also occur in sheep and goats. 1. Moniezia expansa (Tenia expansa). Fig. 92. Teniide (p. 170). The head is small, generally pear-shaped. The suckers are slightly salient and slit-like. The an- terior part of the chain is filiform. The first seg- ments are very short, those which follow becoming longer, but always much broader than long. The broadest segments may reach a breadth of 2 em. (34 of an inch). The genital pores are double and located on the lateral margins of the seg- ments. The length varies considerably; it may be 15-30 feet or more. The eggs are globular or polygonal and are 50-90 microns in diameter. 2. Moniezia alba (Tenia alba). T:eniide (p. 170). —The head is larger than that of the preceding species and is provided with large oval suckers. The neck is short and the segments are longer and narrower than in WM. expansa; some may be slightly Fic. 92. Moniezia longer than broad. The width of the broadest expansa, portions of segments is about 1 em. (3/8 of an inch). There ee ae (after are two genital pores in each segment. . Its maximum length is about eight feet. The eggs are cuboidal and 48-58 microns in breadth. 3. Moniezia planissima. Teniide (p. 170).—The head is nearly square and has slightly elongated suckers. The segments are much broader than long, the ripe ones having a width of 12-26 mm. (14-1 inch). These segments are very thin and semitransparent. Each seg- ment has two genital pores. Length, 3-6 feet. The eggs are about 63 microns in diameter. Thysanosoma actinioides (Tenia fimbriata). Teniide (p 170.).— This is a species occurring in sheep, but has not been reported in other domesticated Herbivora. The head is without hooks or rostellum. The TANIASIS 177 segments are broader than long, having the uterus transverse and the genital pores double or irregularly alternate. The segments have long fringes on their posterior borders (Fig. 93). Length, six inches or more. Its larval form is unknown. Occurrence and Symptoms.—All of these worms live in the small intestine. As nothing is yet known of their cystic forms, the mode of infection remains undetermined. Cattle are rarely disturbed in health by the presence of tapeworms. In exceptional cases there may be malnutrition and digestive disturbances accompanied by bloating. Again, it is difficult to with certainty assign these nonspecific condi- tions to the presence of tapeworms. As in all intestinal helminthiases, there is to be borne in mind the possibility of the worms passing to unusual locations, as the bile ducts, and of interference with the movement of the in- testinal contents by massed worms. Of the domesticated herbivorous animals, probably sheep most frequently harbor tape- worms. A species often found in those of the United States is Thysanosoma actinioides which, as is true of other species infesting sheep, is most prevalent among the flocks of — Fre. 93—Thysanosoma ac- the Western States. The worms may be tnioides, anterior segments,— found at any time of the year, though more “T/#t#ed (after Railliet). J J ; g often during the season of grazing, a fact pointing to the probability that the encysted larve are taken up with the grass. Thysanosoma actinioides, when brought to certain parts of the Eastern United States, does not multiply. It may be assumed that this is attributable to absence of the proper intermediate host, whatever that may be. In parts of the west it constitutes a form of teeniasis much more severe than that from Moniezia. This is due mainly to their invasion of the bile duet, a habit which is exceptional with other tapeworms, but with the fringed tapeworm it is the rule rather than the exception. Lambs born in the winter and turned upon grass during the rains and moisture of spring are the more likely to suffer from tapeworm invasion. In such cases, or in heavy infestation, aneemia is indicated by paleness,of the visible mucose, and this may be accompanied by loss of vivacity and more or less emaciation with arrest in development. Straiming and ineffectual efforts at defecation, with prolonged elevation of the tail, are noticed, the feces later becoming unformed or even fluid and containing the segments. Death may ensue in advanced emaciation and weakness, or before reaching this stage if the intestine becomes obstructed by the worms in mass or there are other resulting complications. Such a course is 178 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS rare in aged sheep. Where fatalities occur, they are usually among the grazing lambs. CESTODES OF THE Doc Of the tapeworms of the dog, nine are considered here, among which there is a wide variation as to frequency and importance. The first eight of the species to be mentioned belong with the family Tzeniide; the ninth is referred to under the Diphyllobothriide. In all but the last the head is provided with the crown of hooks, and in all the life history is known. 1. Dipylidium caninum (Tenia cucumerina). Fig. 94. Teniide (p. 170).—The head is small and has a protractile rostellum surrounded by the four suckers (Fig. 95). There are three to four rows of small thorn-like hooks. The neck is slender, succeeded at first by narrow trapezoidal segments. The nature segments are longer than wide and shaped somewhat like a cucumber seed. They have a genital pore on each lateral margin. Length, 15-40 em. (6—16 inches). Eggs globular, 43-50 microns in diameter and grouped in small cap- sules (Fig. 96). The larva of this worm is a cysticercoid (Cryptocystis trichodectes) found in the body-cavity of the biting louse of the dog,—T'richodectes latus (Fig. 96). Lice are not sufficiently prevalent upon dogs, however, to account for the frequent occurrence of this worm; in fact, later in- vestigations have determined that the dog flea, Ctenocephalus canis, and the human flea, Pulex irritans, harbor its larva, and it is probable that the flea is its more common host. 2. Dipylidium sexcoronatum. Tveniide (p. 170).—Hall and Wigdor (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, June, 1918) refer to this tapeworm as follows: “ Dipylidiwm sexcoronatum has been reported from dogs in the United States at Bethesda, Md., and Detroit, Mich., by Hall (1917). We find it fairly often here at Detroit and our impression is that it is as common here as D. caninum. The strobila is much narrower than D. caninum. Some of the specimens with a narrow strobila appear to have only five rows of hooks and should be studied with a view to determining whether D. sexcoronatum has sometimes five rows of hooks, as well as six rows, or whether this material belongs to a new species.” 3. Tenia hydatigena (T. marginata). Fig. 97. Tanide (p. 170).— The head is small, but little broader than the neck. The hooks are large, 170-220 microns long, and number 30-34. The mature segments are wider than long, the distal segments elongated. The gravid seg-. ments have a median longitudinal groove terminating in a notch pos- — a > + Smeg TANIASIS 179 teriorly. The number of segments is about 400. The gravid uterus has 5-10 branches on each side. Length, 1.5—2 meters (57-76 inches). Eggs nearly spherical and 31-36 microns in diameter. The larva is a cysticercus (Csyticercus tenuicollis) found in the per- itoneum and, more rarely, in the pleura of ruminants and hogs. It has also been reported from rodents and monkeys. 4. Tenia pisiformis (T. serrata). Fig. 98. Tentide (p. 170).— The head is small, but little broader than the neck. The hooks are large, 225-294 microns long and 34-88 in number. The segments are at first narrow and much shorter than broad; those mature are approx- imately square. The distal segments are elongated (10-15 mm. by 4-6 mm.). The posterior margins of the segments project laterally, giving to the lateral margins of the chain a serrated appearance. The genital pores are prominent, and the uterus in gravid segments has 8-14 lateral branches on each side. Length, 0.5—2 meters (19-76 inches). Eggs oval, 36-40 microns long, 31-86 microns wide. The larva is a cysticereus (Cysticercus pisiformis) which develops in the mesentery and omentum of rabbits, and has been found in the mouse and beaver. 5. Multiceps multiceps (Tenia ccenurus). Fig. 113. Tentde (p. 170).—The head is small and bears 22-30 hooks. Larger hooks have a handle equal in length to that of the blade and wavy in outline. The segments of the middle portion of the chain are approximately square. The distal segments are elongated (8-12 mm. long by 3-4 mm. wide). The ripe segments are broader at their middle, narrowing toward their ends which gives them somewhat the appearance of a cucumber seed. The genital organs are well developed, 15-20 em. (6-8 inches) from the head, or toward the 125th segment. The genital pores are irregularly alternate. Phe uterus has 16-25 lateral branches on each side. Length, 40-60 cm. (16—231% inches). Eggs nearly spherical and 31-36 microns in diameter. The larva is a coenurus (Multiceps multiceps; Ceenurus cerebralis) which develops in the cerebral cavity and, more rarely, in the spinal eanal of herbivora, usually sheep (Figs. 114 and 116). 6. Multiceps serialis (Tenia serialis)—Tsnide (p. 170). The head is a little wider than the neck and bears 26-82 hooks. The small hooks have a short blunt handle; the larger hooks a wavy handle as long or a little longer than the blade. The segments are similar to those of MW. multiceps, the form of the uterus in gravid segments also being the same. Length, 44-74 em. (17-29% inches). Eges oval, 34 microns long, 27 microns wide. Fic. 96.—Egg packet of Dipylidium caninum (left); Cysticercoid (right). Fic. 95.—Head of Dipylidium caninum, with rostellum pro- jected. Fic. 94.—Dipyli- dium caninum, por- tions of adult,— natural size. Fie. 99.— Echinococeus granulosus,— enlarged (af- ter Boas, by Kirkaldy and Pollard). Fic. 98.— Tenia pisiformis, portions of adult,—natural size. Fic. 97.— Tenia hydati- gena, portions of adult,—nat- ural size. TANIASIS 181 The larva is a ceenurus (Multiceps serialis; Cenurus serialis) found in the connective tissue of rabbits and other rodents. 7. Multiceps gaigeri. Tzenide (p. 170).—This is a species found in India and Ceylon, and described by Hall (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, November, 1916), the larva of which develops in the central nervous system and also in the connective tissues and serous surfaces of ruminants. Thus in its cystic host this species combines the location of M. multiceps and M. serialis, the larva, as in that of the latter, forming an adventitious capsule. The material for examination (Bureau of Animal Industry, Hel- minthological Collection) consisted of specimens of tapeworms from the dog and the ccenurus from the goat. From his study of these, Hall (1916) regards this species as more closely related to the gid tapeworm, M. multiceps, than to M. serialis. 8. Echinococcus granulosus (Tenia echinococcus). Fig. 99. Teeniide (p. 170).—The chain is but 4-6 mm. (3/16-1/4 of an inch) in length, and is composed of a head and three segments. The head is provided with 28-50 small hooks arranged in two rows. The first and second segments from the scolex are incompletely developed, but one segment at a time becoming gravid,—the third, when its length almost reaches that of the rest of the worm. Eggs oval, 32-36 microns long, 25-26 microns broad. The larva is an echinococcus (Echinococcus granulosus; E. polymor- phus) found in the internal organs, usually the liver and lungs, of rumi- nants and hogs, and also in man (Fig. 117). Occurrence.—It follows from their habits that dogs should more frequently harbor intestinal parasites than other domestic animals. Probably over fifty per cent. are infested with varied species, frequently in considerable number. Of these, tapeworms predominate, several species of which often inhabit the intestine of a single individual. The intermediate hosts of Dipylidium caninum—fleas and lice, the former ubiquitous in relation to canine existence,—would account for the greater frequency of this tapeworm than any other in dogs. Dogs which have access to butchers’ offal are, in addition to this species, readily infected with Echinococcus granulosus, Tenia hydatigena, and Multiceps multiceps, the cystic forms of which are harbored in organs of the principal meat-food animals, sheep, hogs, and cattle. Hunting dogs and those which roam afield are the most exposed to invasion with Tenia pisiformis and Multiceps serialis, these having their larval devel- opment in rabbits. In any case, young dogs are more susceptible to intestinal helminthiasis than those which are older. Symptoms.—Notwithstanding their frequent presence in large num- bers, tapeworms seem, as a rule, to have little deleterious influence upon the health of dogs. As is true of intestinal worms in general, 182 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS their accumulation may bring about obstruction with attendant dis- placement and degenerative changes in the intestinal walls; and, again, there may be a serious and even fatal result from their unusual location. Such consequences of tzniasis are, however, exceptional in dogs. In general, the symptoms are those of chronic gastro-intestinal catarrh. The capricious appetite varies between extreme voraciousness and com- plete anorexia. Regardless of the amount of food consumed, there is a noticeable emaciation which may become well marked, young dogs especially becoming pot-bellied and stunted in growth. More char- acteristic is restlessness, straining, and itching about the anus, the latter manifested by agitation of the tail and a peculiar squatting and dragging of the hind parts, sometimes referred to in the expressive, but highly untechnical term, ‘‘rough- locking.” With increasing uneasiness, the development of intestinal pains, howling, and an inclination to bite, which is perhaps conjoined with a dull or wild expression, there are presented symptoms somewhat similar to those of rabies. In such cases convulsions may set in and the animal may die during an attack, or it may gradually succumb after sinking into a cataleptic condition. Pathogenesis.—Necropsies upon dogs which have suffered from twniasis generally show the worms lodged in the small intestine only. Probably as a result of post-mortem wandering, they may also be found in small numbers in the large intestine or stomach. The inflammation of the mucosa is especially extensive and of aggravated character im in- festation with Hchinococcus. This is a tapeworm of the dog which, though relatively very small, sets up the greatest irritation by reason of the vast number of individuals present, which, firmly implanted by their hooks, may completely cover the intestinal lining over large areas. Where obstruction occurs in teniasis, it is generally brought about by the presence of the larger tapeworms massed in coils. Dipylidiwn caninum, though smaller than some other species inhabiting the dog, is most likely to be found the offending agent in such conditions because of its prevalence and the presence of numerous individuals in the same host. The projecting rostellum of this species, sinking deep into the mucosa, is also a factor increasing its capabilities for dam- age. Tania hydatigena and T. pisiformis are much larger, but less common, while Multiceps multiceps and M. serialis have thus far been found more commonly in European countries than in the United States. Contributing to the systemic effects of tapeworm invasion, there is, as in other helminthiases, the operation of toxins elaborated by the worms. In cases of heavy infestation this factor must be a considerable one, especially when combined with that of poisons derived from the dead and decomposing bodies of the parasites. TANIASIS 183 Diagnosis.—The presence of tapeworms may in most cases be recog- nized by the passing of segments, or fragments of the chain, with the feces; occasionally these may also be expelled with vomited matter. Often the fragments may be arrested near or partly protrude from the anus, causing a pruritus in this region which the animal endeavors to relieve by rubbing the parts upon the ground. ‘Diagnosis may be assisted in doubtful cases by the administration of a laxative, in the operation of which detached portions of the chain will be expelled if present. Echinococcus, however, on account of its small size, is likely to escape observation in the ordinary means of examining fecal matter. Dog Tapeworms in Relation to Human Infection.—Two species of tapeworms harbored by dogs—Echinoccocus granulosus and Dipylidiwm caninum—are especially of medical interest in that they may also infect man. The first mentioned produces in its larval development a condition known as hydatid disease, or echinococcosis, in man as well as in numerous lower animals. The larval or, as it is called, the hydatid form of this tapeworm occurs usually in the liver, lungs and kidneys of these animals, and may pro- duce from the original cyst numerous daughter cysts, the growth going on indefinitely and evolving bladders as large or even much larger than an orange (Fig. 117). Due to its pressure, necrotic degeneration of tissue, and also to secondary infection by bacteria, this growth gives rise to serious disturbances in the organ in which it is lodged. In man the condition is often fatal, less so in the lower animals, probably owing to the fact that their term of life is shorter, or they are likely to be slaughtered before sufficient time has elapsed for the full development, of the slow-growing hydatid. A more detailed reference to the echinococcus cyst is given further on in the special consideration of the cestode larvee (p. 210). . ; The common tapeworm of the dog, Dipylidiwm caninum, may find adult hostage in the human intestine. According to Hall (Bull. 260, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1915), seventy-six cases of this tapeworm in man, mostly children, have been reported, a number of these from the United States. It has been found in an adult thirty-eight years old, and it is stated that as many as two hundred and fifty-eight of these worms have been found in a single person. Considering the privileges which are allowed dogs, it is quite apparent that a flea or louse containing the Cryptocystis might pass from the dog to the human mouth by the dog licking the face, or through the inter- mediation of food, especially sticky candy to which the insect readily adheres. Children give little attention to incidental contamination of their food, which is frequently partaken of in intimate proximity to their canine companions, the dog often sharing in the feast—perhaps 184 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS from the same plate. It follows that human infection with this tape- worm occurs more often among children than among adults. As in teeniasis of other animals, the presence of a few of these worms in man is not likely to occasion serious disturbance, though to the human conception, the presence of a tapeworm in the intestine is anything but a pleasant thing to contemplate. Where they are numerous, the irritation, possible obstruction, and other secondary complications which may arise, make it, as in Jower animals, a more serious condition. Prevention calls for restraint in the liberties of dogs, especially about children. Children should not be permitted to handle vagrant and neglected dogs. Those kept about the premises as pets should be ob- served for indications of the presence of tapeworms, and their bodies should be kept free from fleas and lice. CESTODES OF THE CaT Of the tapeworms harbored by cats, only the species Tenia tenic- formis is of importance as affecting their health. Others which have been found are: Dipylidium caninwm, Echinococcus granulosus, and Diphyllobothrium latum, the first two described under the Teeniide of the dog. These latter forms do not => ZINN | : al | appear to cause disturbance to the animal. @& ey Tenia tenizeformis (T. crassicollis). Tzeniide Se (p. 170).—The head (Fig. 100) is rounded, has four prominent suckers and a strong rostellum provided with 26-52 hooks. The neck is as wide as, or wider than, the head, and there is no intermediate constric- Fic. 100.—Head of tion. The segments follow immediately from the head, Tenia tenieformis, increasing in size to a length of 8-10 mm. (5/16-3/8 sien Lay (after of an inch) and a width of 5-6 mm. (14 of an inch). Length, 15-60 em. (6-231 inches). Eggs globular, 31-37 microns in diameter. The larva is a cysticercus (Cysticercus fasciolaris) inhabiting the liver of rats and mice. Occurrence and Symptoms.—This tapeworm is not uncommon in the eat, often infesting the small intestine in large numbers and seriously affecting the animal. There is in the beginning a diminution of appetite which gradually passes to refusal to take any food whatever. Diarrhea, at first slight, later severe, is succeeded by constipation; there is salivation, and in some cases vision and hearing are seriously affected. Colic is a frequent. accompaniment during the attacks of which the animal may rush about in a frantic manner, apparently heedless of or unable to see objects with which it may come in contact. TZNIASIS 185 Finally, as a manifestation of the nervous disturbance, there are convulsions; there is much prostation and emaciation, and the animal dies, usually during or shortly after an epileptiform attack. CESTODES OF RABBITS Tapeworm infection is said to frequently appear enzootically among the wild hares of foreign countries. In domestic rabbits such infection israre. The species here described is occasionally found. It is unarmed, and its life history is unknown. Cittotenia denticulata (Moniezia denticulata). Tzeniide (p. 170).— The head is small, with flat suckers. The neck is as broad as the head. The larger segments may be 10 mm. (3/8 of an inch) in width, always wider than long. The genital pores are on the posterior fourth of the border of the segment. It may reach a length of 8 cm. (3 inches). There is little clinical experience with teeniasis of rabbits. In general, what has been said as to such infection in other animals will apply as well to them. Diagnosis can be made by finding the segments in the feces, or by destroying and examining one or two suspected animals. Famity IJ. DrenHyLLoporuriip® The best known representative of this family is Diphyllobothriwm latum (Dibothriocephalus latus, Bothriocephalus latus). The head is oblong or lanceolate, unarmed, and has two deep slit-like depressions, one dorsal, the other ventral, which serve as suckers (Fig. 109). The neck is not well demarcated from the first segments which are scarcely visible. The segments gradually merease in length and breadth; the largest are 4-5 mm. long and may be 2 em. wide (3/16 by 3/4 of an inch). The gravid segments become much narrower as their genital organs atrophy and the eggs are discharged, these being expelled in greater part before the separation of the segments from the chain. In sexually mature segments the rosette-shaped uterus may be seen in the middle line. The genital pores are special orifices for ovulation, located in the middle of the ventral surface of the segments (Fig. 101). The length of the entire worm may be 2-7 meters (6-22 feet). It may reach a length of 20 meters (Neumann). The segments may number 3,000 or more. The eggs are oval, operculated, and 68-70 microns long. In the presence of water a ciliated embryo escapes from the egg by the lifting of the operculum and swims about until it enters the body of a fresh- water fish, said to be especially the pike. In the muscles of this host it develops into the worm-like plerocercoid (Fig. 112, e). After the 186 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS definitive host has eaten fish containing the living larvee, the tapeworms develop rapidly, becoming mature in about four weeks. Occurrence.—This species is sometimes called the broad Russian att ; Hi : ag | af Reh fi ime Fic. 101.—Sections of Diphyllobothrium latum,—natural size (after Boas, by Kirkaldy and Pollard, from Leuckart). tapeworm. It infests man and fish-eating dogs in Russia, Switzerland, Japan, Finland, Sweden, and other foreign countries. It is extremely rare in the United States, and is of little medical or economic importance here. TREATMENT OF TASNTASIS Treatment of Tzniasis of the Dog.—Therapeutic measures for the expulsion of tapeworms have two consecutive objects in view; first, the bringing about of a torpid condition or weakening of the worm; second, the expulsion of the enttre worm from the host. The first is attained in part by depriving the parasite of its nourishment, and by the adminis- tration of a vermifuge which should sufficiently further weaken it to cause its detachment from the mucosa; the second by a purgative which will expel the detached worm with the evacuations. As preparatory to the action of the vermifuge, all food should be kept from the animal for at least twenty-four hours immediately preceding its administration; at the same time the cleaning out process will be considerably aided if a mild laxative is given. Some advocate a milk diet for several days, but in any case the fasting should be absolute for a period of one day. Of the vermifuge agents, those which have been found most reliable as teeniafuges are: (1) male fern (aspidium); (2) areca nut; (3) kusso; (4) kamala. Of these male fern is particularly serviceable. Depending upon the weight and age of the animal, the oleoresin of aspidium may be given to dogs in doses of fifteen minims to one dram. It can be advantageously combined with small doses of areca nut (one grain per pound of body-weight), and conveniently administered in capsule. Aspidium should never be given with oil as this favors its absorption, and it is a local action which is sought. After three to four hours the TANIASIS 187 dose may be repeated, and twelve hours after the first dose a purgative should be given. The dog should be kept where its evacuations can be conveniently examined, and, if it is found that the head of the tapeworm has not been expelled, the treatment is to be repeated in a week to ten days. The expulsion of the worm may be aided somewhat by rectal injections of warm soapy water. If areca nut is used uncombined, it may be given in doses of two grains for each pound of body-weight. It can be conveniently adminis- tered shaken up in a little milk. Areca nut in itself is laxative or purga- tive according to dosage. If purgation has not followed within a few hours after its administration, a full dose of castor oil should be given ten to twelve hours later. Kusso has an advantage in being quite safe even in excessive doses. Small dogs take of the fluid extract one-half to one dram; large dogs, two to four drams. It can be given in milk and repeated three times at intervals of one hour. Vomiting, which sometimes follows the adminis- tration of kusso, may be prevented by previously giving a medicament having an anesthetic action upon the stomach. Kamala is given to dogs in doses of one-half to two drams in honey or syrup. In cases where heavy infestation is suspected it should be re- peated in eight hours. Kamala has some purgative action and may also nauseate; the latter effect can be corrected by the same means as for kusso. Other taniafuges sometimes used are: (1) Pumpkin seeds, fed crushed and macerated or as an infusion, and (2) turpentine, one-half to one dram, given with the yolk of an egg and repeated until three doses have been administered twenty-four hours apart. Turpentine, however, on account of its irritant effect upon the kidneys, should be used with caution. Whatever form of teniafuge medication may be chosen, the chances of success will depend much upon a brisk purgative action following upon its operation. At best there is often failure to secure the head of the worm, in which event a repetition of the whole treatment is called for in the course of one to several weeks. Prevention.—To prevent the spread of teeniasis, all expelled tape- worms and, their fragments should be destroyed by burning. Dogs known to be infected had best be isolated and all of their excrement burned. Dogs which have their meat cooked, and those which are not allowed access to the viscera of slaughtered animals and rabbits, are not so likely to be infected, though such precautions will not protect them from the common species Dipylidiwm caninwm, freedom from fleas and lice, and prevention from association with dogs less fortunate in this respect, being essential to avoidance of infection by this species. 188 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Treatment of Tzniasis of the Cat.—For teniasis of the cat the same procedure may be followed and the same remedies used as for the dog. The dosage, however, should be reduced and proportioned according to the weight and age of the animal. Prevention consists in restraining the animals from feeding upon rats and mice,—the intermediate hosts of their most common tape- worm,—Tenia tenieformis. Treatment of Tzniasis of Sheep and Goats.—For several days pre- ceding treatment of these animals it is advisable to feed moderately upon green succulent food, avoiding bulk, as fodder and hay. Imme- diately before giving the vermifuge all food should be withheld for a sufficient time to make the animals quite hungry. Powdered areca nut may then be given in one to two dram doses according to weight. It can be administered mixed with bran or bran and chopped beets which the sheep, made ravenous by their preliminary fast, will eat greedily. Three hours afterward a purgative should be given and the evacuations of each individual kept under observation for the appearance of tape- worms. Other vermifuges recommended are: (1) Oil of turpentine, one to two drams, given in one-half to one ounce of linseed, cottonseed, or olive oil, and (2) kamala, forty-five grains to one and one-half drams in thin syrup or water, the dose to be repeated once at an interval of four hours. Treatment of Tzniasis of Cattle.—Where treatment is indicated for the expulsion of tapeworms of cattle the animals should be dietetically prepared as recommended for sheep. As a vermifuge, tartar emetic is quite suitable for these animals. It may be given in one and one-half to two and one-half dram doses in gruel. Oil of turpentine, three ounces in a pint of linseed oil, makes a reliable remedy. Arsenic in daily ascending doses for a period of fifteen days has also been recommended. The vermifuge treatment should be followed by a purgative of glauber salts. Treatment of Tzniasis of the Horse.—The existence of tapeworms in the horse generally remains unrecognized during life. The symptoms are those general to intestinal helminthiasis of horses, and the treat- ment is quite the same as that for ascariasis (p. 234). The animal is to be removed from work, kept from hay, and fed only upon mashes. After at least twenty-four hours of such preparation, give two to four ounces of oil of turpentine, and one dram of oleoresin of aspidium in a pint of linseed oil. Tartar emetic is also quite effectual. It should be given in two doses of three drams each at an interval of twelve hours. It may be mixed with a gruel of lmseed meal. CHAPTER XVI TAPEWORMS OF CHICKENS Though tapeworms are comparatively frequent in chickens and other domestic fowl, they have not up to quite recent times been the subject of any considerable investigation in this country. In our literature upon the parasites in general, if not neglected entirely, but one or two species are as a rule described, and these generally in an incomplete manner. With the exception of but one species, what is at present known as to the larval forms has been determined from studies upon poultry cestodes in foreign countries. Thus far in these investigations the life cycle of but one chicken tapeworm—Davainea proglottina—has been experimentally demonstrated, the only one among the six here described which has not been reported in this country. The remaining five have been found infesting chickens in various parts of the United States. 1. Choanotenia infundibuliformis (Drepanidotenia infundi- buliformis) (Fig. 102)—The head (Fig. 103) is small, globular or conical, and bears a crown of 16-20 hooks. The suckers are prominent, may be projecting. The neck is very short. The first segments are short; those following are infundibuli- form, with anterior border narrower than the posterior. The genital pores are irregularly alternate. The length varies from 2-23 em. (34-91% inches). Grassi and Rovelli, comparing cysticercoids which they had found in flies (Musca domestica) with the adult Choanotenia infundibuliformis, noted a structural agreement from which they inferred that the larvee were the intermediate stage of this species. No experiments were carried on by these in- vestigators, however, to demonstrate this connection. Guberlet, of Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege, in a series of investigations upon chicken cestodes (1912— Fi. 102. 1914) seems to have conclusively demonstrated that the Ee eysticercoid of Choanotenia infundibuliformis occurs in the fundibuli- common house fly. Briefly stated, his results were obtained formis, — by raising cysticercoids in the flies by feeding them on the ™* °° eges of the tapeworm. These flies were fed to three of six chicks which had been removed from chance infection as soon as hatched. Three weeks after such feeding all of the chicks were killed, and two were found to be infested with Choanotenia infundibuliformis. The three birds used as a check on the experiment contained no worms. 190 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS 2. Hymenolepis carioca.—The head is piriform with retractile rostellum. It is unarmed. The segments number about 500, all much wider than long; terminal segments measure 0.5-0.8 mm. The genital pores are unilateral. The worm is very fragile and delicate. Length, 3-8 em. (114-3 1/8 inches). The life history is unknown. 3. Davainea tetragona (Tenia tetragona).—The head (Fig. 104) is small and tetragonal; rostellum armed with a crown of 100 hooks. The suckers are oval and armed with 8-10 circlets of small hooklets. The short neck is followed by short trapezoid segments, those terminal 100 44 Fic. 104.—Scolex of Fic. 103.—Choano- £ Davainea tetragona,— tenia infundibulifor- mis, scolex much con- tracted,—enlarged (after Guberlet, in “Transactions of the enlarged (after Guber- let, in ‘Transactions of the American Mi- croscopical Society’’.) Fic. 105.—Scolex of Davainea echinobothrida,— enlarged (after Guberlet, in ‘‘Transactions of the American Microscopical Society’’.) American Microscopi- cal Society’’). generally longer than wide. Their length varies between 1-4 mm. The genital pores are unilateral. The length varies between 1-25 em. (3/8-10 inches). Investigations of Piana point to certain little snails (Helix carthu- sianella and H. maculosa) as the probable larval hosts of this species. + 4. Davainea cesticillus (Tenia cesticillus)—The head is globular and has a rostellum scarcely salient or depressed. It is armed with a double crown of 400-500 hooklets which are loosely attached. The suckers are small and unarmed. There is no neck. The first segments are short and much wider than the head; the last are about as long as broad. The genital pores are irregularly alternate. Length, 1-4.5 em. (3/8-1 3/4 inches). By some authors it is said to attain a much greater length (10-13 em.). TAPEWORMS OF CHICKENS 191 According to Grassi and Rovelli the intermediate host is a lepidop- terous or coleopterous insect. 5. Davainea echinobothrida (Tenia echinobothrida).—The small head (Fig. 105) presents an infundibulum provided with a double crown of about 200 hooks. The suckers are armed with 8-10 circlets. There isno neck. The segments gradually increase in width, the largest being 14mm. The genital pores are irregularly alternate. Length, 5-25 em. (2-91 inches). Nothing is known of its larval development. This species has a characteristic pathological effect in that the scolex, with its accessory armature about the suckers, bores through the in- testinal mucosa, producing large nodules or ulcers. The condition in fowls is termed ‘‘nodular tzeniasis”’ and is described by Moore (Bureau of Animal Industry, Cir. No. 3, 1895). The nodules are often mistaken for other diseases showing similar features. 6. Davainea proglottina (Tenia proglottina)—The head is quad- rangular, slightly rounded. The rostellum is armed at its base with 80-95 hooks. The chain is composed of 2-5 segments. The terminal and largest segments have a tendency to detach and develop separately in the intestine. These free seements may acquire a length exceeding that of the entire chain. The genital pores are irregularly alternate. Length, 0.5-1.55 mm. Grassi and Rovelli have demonstrated that the larva of this species is a cysticercoid which inhabits several species of snail—Limaz cinereus, L. agrestis, L. variegatus. . The species has not as yet been reported in this country. Occurrence.—Guberlet, in a report of his investigations carried on in Nebraska (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, May, 1916), sets forth some significant data as to the prevalence, in parts of the United States at least, of chicken cestode infection. During 1912-13 he examined sixty-eight birds collected mostly from Nebraska and Illinois. From this material he obtained 1,561 tapeworms, specif- ically distributed as follows: Davainea tetragona, 598; D. cesticillus, 582; Choanotenia infundibuliformis, 176; Hymenolepsis carioca, 154; Davainea echinobothrida, 51. The worms were present in numbers per host varying from 1-385. (The author is informed by Dr. Guberlet that he has since found as many as 115 in a single animal.) Most of the birds examined ranged in age from four to six months. Symptoms.—As a rule it is only in moderate to heavy infection that tapeworms bring about morbid conditions m fowl. In any case the symptoms are not well defined. They may vary in different individuals having an equal degree of infestation, age especially haying an influence, young birds being much more affected than adults and exhibiting the symptoms more definitely. The following are among the more usual: 192 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS There is an abnormal desire for food, in spite of which the heavily infested chickens emaciate and become anzemic, as manifested by pale- ness of the comb and wattles. The feathers become erect, ruffled, and dull, and the birds have a tendency to isolate themselves, often in drooping attitudes, or the constantly hungry creatures may seem never to be at ease, but are constantly running about, this probably accounting in part for the loss of flesh. In such aggravated cases there is often ad- vanced emaciation, and, completely exhausted, the bird may die. Diagnosis.—A reliable diagnosis can only be made by finding the segments in the feces, or by killing and examining one or two of the birds showing suspicious symptoms. When the latter method is adopted the intestine should be removed and slit open under water. After gentle stirring to remove the contents, it may be transferred to a basin of clean water, when the worms, if present, will usually be seen attached to the mucosa. Control.—As in other forms of helminthiasis, control measures. are most effectually applied to the parasites in their stage of larval develop- ment. Until more is known of the life histories of the chicken tapeworms little can be done in the way of prevention other than that based by analogy upon what has already been demonstrated. It is scarcely practical to keep poultry from eating such possible intermediate hosts as worms and insects. Means may be taken, however, to restrict their access to flies, snails, and the lower crustaceans of stagnant water, though such precaution cannot well be applied to birds running at large. A more feasible accessory measure is the prevention of the larvee from reaching the intermediate hosts by isolating the infected birds in screened quarters where their droppings may be collected and made sterile by burning or other means. Treatment.—Vermifuges may be administered in the form of pills made up with bread. Probably the most suitable is areca nut which can be given to adult chickens in doses of from ten to twenty grains according to weight. Young animals may take from three to five grains. After three days the treatment should be repeated. Other remedies used are male fern, kamala, turpentine, and pumpkin seeds, the dosage being proportionate to weight. Such a method of treatment has a disadvantage in that each bird must be treated individually. Where the infection occurs in large flocks the repeated handling of each bird involves such an amount of time and patience as to put it practically out of the question. Again we are indebted to Guberlet for experiments which seem to point the way to a more practical method. Bearing upon this department of his work, his report is here quoted in part. “Fifteen birds which showed symptoms of tapeworm infection were placed in a cage which was insect-proof and were given the following TAPEWORMS OF CHICKENS 193 treatment: A gallon of a mixture of wheat and oats, to which was added a small tablespoonful of concentrated lye, was cooked slowly for about two hours and allowed to cool. The birds were fasted for about fifteen hours and were then given as much of the mixture as they would eat, with plenty of water. Twelve hours later one of the birds was killed and an examination of the small intestine was made. It was found that nearly all of the worms in the intestine were loose, the scolices being detached from the wall, and were also apparently dead. The rest of the birds were given a second dose twenty-four hours after the first. Many worms had passed with the droppings in from twenty-four to twenty-six hours after the first feeding. Most of the worms in these droppings were dead, but in all probability the embryos were still alive in the mature proglottids. Twelve hours after the second dose was given another bird was killed and it was found that only a few worms were left and all of these were detached and dead. The intestine was filled with a peculiar gray-colored, slimy substance composed mainly of mucus. Many entire worms and fragments were passed with the droppings during the period of feeding. The lye acted to some extent . as a purgative. “The birds were given normal diet again, and in a few days they showed no symptoms of infection. Hight days after the second dose had been given two more birds were killed and examinations made. One possessed a small fragment of a tapeworm and the other was entirely free. “This remedy has been known to many poultry raisers for some time, but they have neglected to use it, mainly on account of the fact that heretofore no definite evidence has ever been presented concerning its actual working possibilities. It may not, and in all probability will not, remove all of the worms, but it does remove most of them so that they are not serious and can be controlled in the flock as a whole.” CHAPTER XVII THE TAPEWORM LARV.% Certain tapeworms are to be considered as to their pathogenicity from two important points ef view. They are not only parasites in their adult state in the intestines of domestic carnivores and man, but, in,the larval stage live as somatic parasites in animals used as food by man and it may be in man himself. Depending much upon their numbers and form of eyst, these cause no disturbance to their host, or, through their growth, pressure, and inaccessibility, may constitute a menace to health far more serious than that of the adult worms in the intestines. Three forms of cestode larve are principally concerned in this connec- tion,—cysticercus (Fig. 107), ccenurus (Fig. 114), and echinococcus (Fig. 117). A brief synoptical arrangement of these, including the eysticercoid and plerocercoid, follows: I. Larva having a caudal vesicle. Cystic A. Larva of large size. Liquid in caudal vesicle abundant. Found in tissues and closed cavities of Herbivora and Omnivora, occasionally in Carnivora. 1. Vesicle and head single, 1. e., cyst monosomatice and monocephalic. Cysticercus (Cysticercus pisiformis, larva of Tenia pisiformis) 2. Vesicles multiple, each having a single head, i. e., polysomatic and monocephalie. Maulticeps (Multiceps multiceps, larva of M. multiceps) 3. Vesicles multiple, having many heads in each, i. e., polysomatic and polycephalic. Echinococcus (Echinococcus granu- losus, larva of E. granulosus) THE TAPEWORM LARV 195 B. Larva small. Little or no liquid in caudal vesicle. Cysticercoid (Monocercus Davainece tetragone, larva of Davainea tetragona) 1. Larva firm, terminating in a tail- like process. Cryptocystis (Cryptocystis _ tricho- dectes, larva of Dipy- lidium caninum) Il. Larva without caudal vesicle. A. Larva worm-like. Found in muscles of fish. Plerocercoid (Larva of Diphyllobothrium latwm) CysticERcosis (MEASLES) The presence of cysticerci in the connective tissue of muscles and other parts of the animal organism constitutes the condition commonly known as measles (cysticercosis). The disease is mainly of importance from the viewpoint of food sanitation, in view of the fact that measly beef or pork, imperfectly sterilized by cooking, when consumed by man, is likely to infect him with one or more tapeworms. The cysticerci of medical interest are, in their order of frequency: Cysticercus bovis of the ox, the cystic form of Tenia saginata of man, Cysticercus cellulose of the pig (also of the dog, cat, and occasionally man), the cystic form of Tenia solium of man, and Cysticercus tenuicollis of the sheep (occasionally of the ox and pig), the cystic form of Tenia hydatigena of the dog. For the development and structure of the cysticerci the reader is referred to the Life History of the Tzendiiz (p. 170). MEASLES OF THE Ox Tenia saginata (T. mediocanellata). Fig. 106. Teniide (p. 170).— This species, commonly known as the beef tapeworm, of which Cystz- cercus bovis is the larval form, lives exclusively in the intestine of man. The head (Fig. 109, B) is small, pear-shaped, and has four elliptical suckers which are frequently pigmented. There are no hooks, and in place of the rostellum there is a sucker-like depression. The neck is 196 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS long and narrower than the head. The segments, which may number from one thousand to one thousand three hundred or more, are at first much wider than long. The complete development of the generative organs occurs at about the six hundredth segment, at which location the segments are about as long as broad. Segments containing the mature embryos reach a length of 15-20 mm. (5/8-3/4 of an inch) and a breadth of 5-7 mm. (1/4 —5/16 of an inch). The distal margin of each segment is somewhat swollen and surrounds the base of the following segment. The genital pores are irregularly alternate and protrude from the margins more and more markedly as the segments approach the distal end of the chain. The median trunk of the gravid uterus has twenty to thirty-five delicate lateral branches on each side, and these give off shorter secondary branches. The length of the entire chain may be from 3 to 12 meters (9-38 feet), or it may reach a much greater length. 5 ‘ eens oo Geass Rissexe a caNAsRSFIN| Fic. 106.—Teenia saginata, portions of adult,—natural size (after Boas, by Kirkaldy and Pollard, from Leuckart). The eggs (Fig. 110) are more or less globular, the shell frequently carrying one or two filaments. As found in the feces, the eggs often have the outer shell absent. Next to a small species—Hymenolepis nana—this is the most common tapeworm of man in the United States, and, in fact, with the exception of Diphyllobothrium latum in a few districts, is the most prevalent species infesting man in other parts of the world. It is not found adult in other animals, and its cysticercus lives almost exclusively in the ox. Occurrence of Beef Measles.—That the beef tapeworm and its cysts (Cysticercus bovis) are more commonly met with in the United States than the pork tapeworms is probably due to the fact that beef is more often eaten rare in this country than is pork. Beef measles, therefore, is, in its relation to food sanitation, of the greater importance. Estimates made upon cattle slaughtered under Federal inspection indicate that nearly one per cent. of all the cattle slaughtered in the United States . ee ey THE TAPEWORM LARV 197 are affected, which, in addition to the exposure of human beings to tapeworm infection, is a matter involving considerable economic loss in the condemnation of beef otherwise of perfectly good food value. When it is considered that the gravid segments of the beef tapeworm each contain in the neighborhood of ten thousand eggs, and that eight to ten of these segments are usually passed by the human host each day, it is quite evident that, under certain not unusual conditions, the in- fected person could be responsible for the presence of the cysticerci in a large number of cattle. The chances for such transmission will be in relation to the location and habits of the carrier of the tapeworm. If it is his custom to defecate about stables or barnyards, the chance that some of the many thousands of voided embryos will reach their bovine hosts is obviously much increased. Where human excrement is used for soilmg without its first having been made non-infective by special treatment, cysticercus infection among cattle and hogs is especially frequent. Measles is more often found in young than in aged animals. This is probably explained by the fact that beef animals are usually slaughtered young and are more susceptible to infection during the first two years of their life when the tissues offer less resistance to the migration of the embryos. In aged animals the cysts are likely to be in a state of ad- vanced degeneration or entirely absorbed. Location and Appearance.—The cysticerci may be found in any organ, but are more especially to be looked for in the interfascicular connective tissue of striated muscle (Fig. 108). Of the muscles invaded, the first to be mentioned in order of frequency are those of mastication, chiefly the pterygoids and masseters; following these are the heart— which is probably as frequently infested as the masticatory muscles— the muscles of the neck, intercostals, and muscular portion of the diaphragm. In any case it is unusual to find the cysts numerous through- out the muscle, though cases occur of eos Invasion involving most of the organs of the body. é The size and appearance of the cysts vary in relation to their age and stage of development. Experimental infections have shown that in seventeen to twenty-five days they measure 2-4 mm. (3/32-3/16 of an inch) in length and 1.5-3 mm. (1/16-1/8 of an inch) in breadth. They are grayish white in color, the outer connective tissue envelope inclosing a fluid which surrounds the clear vesicle or bladder worm. ‘This is 0.5-1.5 mm. (1/32-1/16 of an inch) in diameter, and has at one point a yellowish white spot indicating the location of the invaginated scolex which will evaginate on pressure upon the vesicle. Experiments by Hertwig have demonstrated that the cysts become fully developed in eighteen weeks after the occurrence of infestation. At this time he found the entire dimensions of the larger cysts to be 198 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS 7 by 4.5 mm. (9/32 by 3/16 of an inch), while those of the bladder were 6 by 4mm. (1/4 by 3/16 of an inch). Degeneration.—After a period of time, depending somewhat upon their location, the cysticerci undergo caseous degeneration followed by calcareous infiltration. That these changes may set in early has been shown in the experiments of Hertwig, who found them four weeks after infestation. Commonly the degenerative changes do not occur until full development is reached or for some time after. The cysticerci most likely to undergo early degeneration are those located in the heart, while those of the muscles of mastication probably survive the longest. If they are found degenerated in the latter muscles, therefore, it is not likely that cysticerci in other parts of the body will be living unless they are from a later infection. The degenerated cysts may be recognized by their yellowish, or some- times greenish color. They may be semisolid or quite gritty; pus may be present as a result of pyogenic or- ganisms gathered by the embryos in their migrations. The caseation, how- ever, may not always involve the para- site. In such cases the scolex is likely to be found just under the cyst wall with its usual characteristics retained, though the caudal bladder is apparently absent. As cysts when dissected away and ex- posed to the air tend to shrink by evapo- ration, their structure is more easily made out if they are kept moistened with a drop or two of water during the examination. Vitality.—The cysts of beef measles naturally disintegrate at about three weeks after the death of the host, there- fore meat kept in cold storage for this Fic. 108.—Fragment of beef mus- Period will not be likely to contain living cle, showing cysts of Cysticereus Jarvee. In fresh beef all will be killed Skagen tate eae Neveu- }y the application of sufficient heat (60- 70° C. = 140-156 F.) to cook the meat until its cut surface presents a uniform gray color throughout. Freezing for a number of days will destroy them, but this method has a disad- vantage in that decomposition of the meat follows rapidly, making it necessary that it be quickly used. Based upon experiments by Ran- Fic. 107.—Diagram of Cysticercus. ' THE TAPEWORM LARV 199 som relative to this method, Federal meat imspection regulations provide that beef carcasses showing a slight degree of infestation may be passed for food if held for six days at a temperature not exceeding 15° F. (-9.44° C.), as an alternative to the requirement of retention for twenty- one days. Symptoms.—Symptoms in bovine measles are practically nil: There is rarely a history of disturbance from the presence of the cysts, and it is extremely exceptional for the condition to be recognized before the animal is slaughtered. MEASLES OF THE PIG Tenia solium.—Tveniide (p. 170). This species, to which Cysticercus cellulose gives rise, also lives in the human intestine and is commonly referred to as the pork or armed tapeworm. It is smaller than 7. sag- inata. The head (ig. 109, A) is globular and less than 1 mm. in diam-- Fie. 109.—‘‘ Head”’ of Tenia solium (A), of T. saginata (B), and Diphyl- lobothrium latum (C). (After Boas, by Kirkaldy and Pollard). eter; the rostellum is short and provided with a double crown of hooks. The neck is long and slender. The first segments are very short, grad- ually increasing in length and breadth. At about one meter (39 inches) from the head they are as long as broad and have the generative organs fully developed. Toward the distal end of the chain they measure 10-— 12 mm. (3/8-1/2 an inch) in length and 5-6 mm. (1/4 of an inch) in breadth. The total number of segments is from 800 to 900. The genital pores are more regularly alternate than in 7’. saginata. The median trunk of the gravid uterus has 7 to 12 tree-like lateral branches on each side. 200 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS The entire length of the worm is 2-38 meters (6-9 feet), though it may be longer. The eggs (Fig. 110) are oval and provided with a very delicate shell. The shell surrounding the onchosphere is globular and thick. This tapeworm is much more rare in the United States than is 7. saginata. In general, its distribution may be said to correspond with that of the domestic pig, correlated with the custom of eating the flesh of this animal raw or imperfectly cooked. The cysticercus not only infests the pig, but may find lodgment in man himself if the eggs from an adult worm infesting his intestine find their way to his stomach. Fie. 111.—Mature segment of Tenia saginata (left) and T. solium (right), showing laterally branched uterus. For this reason, with the added one that the Fic. 110.—Egg of Tenia larve may become established in the central saginata, with outershelland neryous system or eye, Tenia solium consti- a eee kus tutes a much more serious infestation than of T. solium (above), show- does 7’. saginata. ing embryo with embryonal A simple method for determining to which SMe of these two species the infecting tapeworm belongs consists in clearing up a voided segment, pressing it between two clean slides, and observing the form of the gravid uterus as the specimen is held before a strong light. If the median trunk shows numerous delicate lateral branches on each side (20-85) it indicates that the infection is with Tenia saginata. If these branches are less numerous (7-12) and more robust, it may be concluded that the seg- ment belongs to 7. soliwm (Fig. 111). If treatment has resulted in the expulsion of the entire worm, an exact differentiation can be made by examination of the head under low power magnification. The pork tapeworm will show the cephalic arma= ture which in the beef tapeworm is absent. Occurrence of Pork Measles.—While the larve of the unarmed tapeworm of man live only in cattle, those of the armed tapeworm may THE TAPEWORM LARV 201 develop in almost any mammal to which they find access. The hog, however, is the most common host, and, from the point of view of public health, the most important. As has’ been noted, the eysticercus of Tenia solium (Cysticercus cel- lulose) is a more dangerous parasite than that of 7. saginata, as it may lodge in organs such as the brain or eye with serious consequences. Man can readily become a victim by auto-infection from his own armed tapeworm, the eggs of which may reach his stomach by way of the pyloris, or in being conveyed to the mouth by unclean fingers. By the latter means, moustache twirlers and nail biters are especially exposed. Fortunately, the United States is favored by the rarity of the pork tapeworm and consequently its cysts. Pig measles is most prevalent in I! i hy if Wy, lI Wy, } Fic. 112.—Stages in tapeworm larval development: a, six-hooked larva (hexacanth or onchosphere) of Tenia solium; b, cystic stage of same; c, same with head evaginated; d, ciliated larva of Diphyllobothrium latum; e, plero- eercoid of same—all enlarged (after Boas, by Kirkaldy and Pollard, from Leuckart). districts of foreign countries where bad hygienic conditions prevail; where pigs are kept near dwellings, and their flesh is eaten raw or im- perfectly cooked, conjomed with the practice of depositing human excrement in the open or spreading it upon the fields as fertilizer. In countries where sanitary control is of a more advanced standard the prevalence of the pork tapeworm has been greatly reduced. Location and Appearance.—The muscles most often invaded by the cysts are those of the tongue, neck, and shoulder, then, in order of frequency, the intercostals, abdominal, psoas, the muscles of the thigh, and those of the posterior vertebral region. Organs less often infested are the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain and eye. While the cysts may be seattered and few in number, they are, on the other hand, sometimes present in certain locations in enormous numbers. WKuchenmeister in one case found one hundred and thirty- 202 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS three in a piece of meat weighing seventeen grammes (260 gr.),—propor- tionately eight thousand per kilogramme (2 lbs). More delicate and transparent than those of beef measles, the cysts are elliptical in form, 6-15 mm. long by 5-10 mm. broad (1/4-5/8 by 7/32-3/8 of an inch). The wall enveloping the vesicle is a thin semi- transparent connective tissue membrane which, in loose connection with the surrounding tissue, when removed, leaves a reddened alveolar pit. Pressure upon the caudal vesicle causes the evagination of the larval head which, on examination by low magnification, is seen to be te- tragonal and to possess, in addition to the four suckers, a double crown of twenty-two to thirty hooks,—characters defining it as the larval head of Tenia solium. At about twenty days from infestation the cyst shows as a delicate vesicle about the size of a pin head, with the rudimentary head indicated by a cloudy point, and as yet without enveloping connective tissue mem- brane. At the age of one hundred and ten days all of the cysts are approximately of equal size; the scolex is developed and lies invaginated into the caudal bladder. When located in organs such as the lungs, liver, and spleen, they often appear as grayish, caseous, calcareous, or purulent nodules somewhat resembling those of tuberculosis. Differen- tiation can be made by careful examination which will reveal the hooks and often the larval heads. In some cases a diagnosis can be made while the animal is still living by examination of the inferior surface of the tongue. If cysts are present in that organ, they will be near the base and at the sides of the frenum, where they may be seen as semi-transparent, round or oval vesicles protruding beneath the mucous membrane. Degeneration.—Degeneration of the cysts may begin at any stage of their development, though those in the visceral organs are the first to undergo these changes. The process begins with the connective tissue envelop and later involves the scolex. The caseous cysts present a gray color, while those which have become calcified are white. In the older degenerated cysts the changes have advanced to transformation into small caleareous bodies without fluid, constituting the “dry measles’ as termed by the butcher. In such cases the larve are un- doubtedly dead. Vitality.—The cysticercus of pork measles is slightly more resistant to heat than is that of beef measles. Under post-mortem conditions it survives much longer. Ostertag found living larve in pork forty-two days after it had been slaughtered. Preservation in cold storage as for beef measles, therefore, will not be effectual. All cysts will be rendered harmless if the pork is cooked until its cut surface presents a uniformly whitish color. Symptoms.—Ordinarily measles of the pig, as in the ox, presents ee a THE TAPEWORM LARVZ 203 no recognizable symptoms, and, unless the cysts can be seen beneath the visible mucous membranes, the condition is only observed post- mortem. If the cysticerci become lodged in nerve centers, there may be such manifestations as circling movements, grinding of the teeth, or, possibly, convulsions and opisthotonos; symptoms which can no more than suggest measles as a possible cause. MEASLES OF THE SHEEP Tenia hydatigena, of which Cysticercus tenuicollis of the sheep is the jarval form, has been described under Cestodes of the Dog (p. 178). Occurrence.—Cysticercus tenuicollis has its development under serous membranes of the sheep principally, but it may also appear in other ruminants and in the pig. Infestation is by food and water bearing ova which have been spread about by dogs harboring the adult worm. Experiments have shown that the majority of the embryos reach the peritoneal cavity by way of the liver. Ten days after infestation tor- tuous hemorrhagic trails may be found upon the surface of this organ under the capsule of Glisson. These are produced by the migrations of the parasites, and are in close relation, usually at their extremities, with vesicles 0.5-3.5 mm. in diameter. The head is fully developed about the fortieth day, and the vesicle reaches its full growth at about the seventh month, when it may have a diameter of 1.5-5 cm. (5/8-2 inches), often about the size and form of a pigeon’s egg. These cysts (‘‘water-balls”’) may be found in varying numbers, their size and location depending upon the age of the infestation. Their seat, especially in young animals, is usually beneath the serous capsule of the liver, though, particularly in old infestations, large bladders may be found in most any part of the peritoneal cavity. As it relates to food sanitation, this cysticercus of sheep is of little importance. The location and size of the cysts render them easy of elimination from parts used as human food. As a matter of control, it is obvious, in reference to the life history of the tapeworm, that offal containing such cysts should be inaccessible to dogs. Symptoms.—Sheep measles can rarely be recognized until after the death of the animal. Cysticercus ovis.—Muscular myetieereous in sheep has been shown by investigations within the past few years to be more common than had been suspected. It has been determined by Ransom that the eysticercus is derived from a tapeworm having its adult development in the dog, and not to a tapeworm of man as had been supposed. The following data in regard to this form of measles are quoted from Hall (Bulletin No. 260, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture) : 204 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS “Ransom’s investigations showed that under careful inspection the percentage of affected sheep in this country has amounted to two per cent. or more, and that approximately twenty thousand sheep carcasses were retained in 1912 in abattoirs under Federal inspection on account of sheep measles due to this parasite. “The bladder worm, Cysticercus ovis, in the meat of sheep is oval and ranges in size from about one-third of a centimeter (one-eighth of an inch) to almost a centimeter (three-eighths of an inch) in length. Inside of this bladder there is a single tapeworm head, in which respect, as well as in size, this cysticercus differs from a hydatid or a ccenurus. Numer- ous cysts, however, may be scattered through the musculature, so that in their numbers there is a compensation, so to speak, for their small size and lack of multiplicity of heads. Inasmuch as the presence of these . cysts calls for condemnation of a part or all of the infested careass, ac- cording to the degree of the infestation, and the number of carcasses amounts to twenty thousand a year, this parasite has considerable economic interest for this country, and never more than at the present time when the ‘‘high cost of living”’ is such a vital topic. “When one of these cysticerci from mutton is ingested by a dog, the tapeworm head passes undigested to the dog’s intestine and develops into a fairly large tapeworm, comparable to the gid tapeworm. Sim- ilarly, this tapeworm, Tnia ovis, produces eggs which are passed out with the feces of the dog, and which are ingested by sheep as they graze over range or pasture or drink water contaminated by these feces. “The parasite has been found in Europe, Africa, and New Zealand. It has been found thus far in seven States in this country. It appears to be particularly prevalent in the West, a fact that is possibly related to carelessness on the part of the western sheepmen as regards disposal of carcasses of sheep dying on the range.” Control.— Measures of prevention consist in restraining dogs from access to the flesh of affected sheep unless it is rendered non-infective by cooking. Homeless dogs should be destroyed, and others going about where their excrement may contaminate the food and water of sheep should be kept free from tapeworms as a precuation, not only against this, but other tapeworm larve infesting sheep. Canuvrosis, GID Gid, turnsick, or staggers are popular terms applied to a disease of the brain or spinal cord, caused by the presence in these locations of the gid parasite Multiceps multiceps (Cenurus cerebralis), the coenurus or larval stage of the tapeworm of the dog Multiceps multiceps, Fig. 113 (p. 179). len ina Sin THE TAPEWORM LARV 205 It is observed most often in sheep, more rarely in cattle, goats, and other ruminants. It has been reported in the horse. Occurrence.—Gid is a common disease in Europe where it has been known for many years. The parasite has been observed in this country at least as early as 1901, though symptoms which were undoubtedly those of gid were authentically reported from our far western flocks during at least ten years preceding. In 1909 Taylor and Boynton found = , an outbreak in a flock of sheep about « f forty miles from Ithaca, New York. Necropsies in these cases revealed the presence of the gid parasites from which, by feeding to dogs, they claim to have raised the adult tapeworm. ‘This is the first authen- tic instance of gid in the Hastern United States, and the first account of it was given by Dr. James Law, of Cornell University, in a paper read before the New York State Veterinary Medical Society in the same year. In view of the large number of sheep and dogs which have been brought to the United States from countries where gid prevails, it is somewhat remarkable that the dis- ease has not been more often ob- served here. It is probable that nu- merous cases have occurred which have passed unrecognized and con- sequently unrecorded, the symptoms : : : Fie. 113.—Portions of adult gid tape- being ascribed to other causes. It is worm (Multiceps multiceps),—natural size certain that it now has a foothold in (after Ransom, from Railliet, Bull. No. 66, E : E i Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. of Agr.). this country, In view of which fact, and the further one that in other Countries it is one of the most de- structive parasitic diseases of sheep, veterinarians and sheep raisers should be on the lookout for it and take proper preventive precautions. The Ccenurus.—The completely developed ccenurus (Figs. 114 and 116) consists of a membraneous vesicle which may vary in size from that of a hazelnut to that of a hen’s egg. When located on the brain it tends to assume a spherical form; when on the cord, which is more rare, it becomes adaptively elongated. The wall is thin, translucent, and dis- tended by a colorless fluid. On the surface of the vesicle there are little 206 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS white, irregularly grouped spots, each representing an invaginated larval tapeworm head. These vary in degree of development and in number from four hundred to five hundred, and herein lies an essential differ- ence between ccenurus and cysticercus, the latter containing but one Fic. 114.—Diagrammatic section of Ccenurus: a, normal dis- position of scolex; b, ec, d, e, diagrammatic representation to show the homology between cysticercus and ccenurus (after Ransom, from Railliet, Bull. No. 66, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). Fic. 115.—Brain of lamb, showing the furrows pro- Fic. 116.—Gid bladderworm duced by the migration of the young gid bladderworms, showing immature tapeworm taken at a time immediately following the period of heads,—natural size (after invasion—i. e., from fourteen to thirty-eight days after Ransom, from Railliet, Bull. infestation,—natural size (after Ransom, from Leuck- No. 66, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. art, Bull. No. 66, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). Dept. Agr.). head. In some cases the heads may be found evaginated to the surface of the vesicle (Davaine), when the cerebral disturbance by pressure is contributed to by the direct irritation from the hooklets. Development.—Animals susceptible to gid become infested by eggs of the tapeworm Multiceps multiceps which is harbored by dogs. The eggs and gravid segments, spread about as they are, will, in the presence THE TAPEWORM LARVAL 207 of moisture and favorable temperature, retain their power to infect for several weeks. In dry locations and under the influence of a hot sun the period of their vitality is reduced, probably to a few days at most. Eggs, through the mediation of food and water, reaching the digestive juices of sheep and cattle have their shells dissolved, setting free the contained embryos which, on reaching the intestine, penetrate its walls by means of their hooklets. From here it is probable that they are passively carried to other parts of the body by the blood and lymph currents. With rare exception, only those embryos which reach the brain or spinal cord continue their development. The central nervous system is reached by the embryos about the eighth day after the occurrence of infection, upon the arrival at which location they lose their hooklets and transform into small cysts. In the course of their burrowings along the surface of the brain they leave small sinuous tracks which may be found three to five weeks after in- fection, often marked by a yellowish purulent material (Fig. 115). At the termination of these furrows the young bladderworms become stationary, and their development proceeds. In five to six weeks the cysts are about 1 cm. (3/8 of an inch) in diam- eter and the heads have begun to appear, these attaining their full development in ten to thirteen weeks. The cysts continue to grow until they have reached a diameter of from 3 to 5 cm. (13/16 to 2 inches), during which time new heads are in process of formation (Fig. 116). Heads in various stages of development, therefore, may be found in the same vesicle. TaBULAR ReEviEW OF Lire History or Muuricers MuLricEprs Adult Tapeworm in intestine of dog. Egg.—Expelled from intestines. Hexacanth.—Freed from egg in digestive tract when ingested by sheep. Acephalocyst —In brain or cord of sheep. , Ceenurus (Polycephalic cyst).—Same. Scolex.—Attached to intestinal wall of dog after in- gestion of cyst. Adult Tapeworm.—In intestine of dog. Post-mortem Appearance.—In chronic cases there are usually one or more eysts, rarely as many as six, though cases are recorded in which 208 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS there were more than twice this number. The lesions produced will differ according to the development attained by the parasites at the time of the examination. Primarily the lesions are disseminated, and the small cysts may be found at various places upon the convex surface of the brain, surrounded by a yellowish exudate, granules, and cal- careous particles, while, in the vicinity, there may be a small hem- orrhagic area. In cases which have presented the characteristic symp- toms of turnsickness, or gid properly so-called, but one large vesicle of advanced development is ordinarily found (Fig. 116). Such eysts are usually located upon the surface of the cerebral hemisphere, where, by their pressure, they produce an anemia and softening of the cortical substance. In old cases with large cysts situated upon the brain’s sur- face the constant compression upon the roof of the cranium may, by absorption, bring about thinning of the bone to such a degree that it will yield to even comparatively slight pressure of the fingers. Exceptionally, the eaenurus may be found free in an excess of fluid in a lateral ventricle, and, again rarely, exploration of the vertebral canal will reveal a cyst in the lumbar or cervical region, or it may be at the medulla oblongata. Such cysts are much elongated, and usually there is but one. At the cyst’s location the medullary ‘substance is atrophied and softened. Such muscles as may be secondarily involved show the alterations of atrophy and cachexia. ’ Symptoms.—As may be inferred from the foregoing, the symptoms presented in coenurosis will be conditional upon the age of the infection and the size attained by the eysts, and also upon their location, the latter factor furnishing the two forms of the affection,—the cephalic, when located in the brain, and the medullary if in the vertebral canal. If the parasites are few in number, there will be no symptoms during the early stages, or they may be slight and unnoticed. If there is a heavy invasion the cerebral disturbances caused by the migrations of the parasites may be manifested as stated below. According to Moller, however, these primary symptoms are not observed in four-fifths of the cases. Early in the infestation there is dullness, somnolence, appetence, and usually a rapid loss of flesh. Visual disturbance is soon noticed, the animal colliding with objects which it is apparently unable to see. Examination of the eyes at this time will show a congestion of the sclera; later there is strabismus with either convergence or divergence, and the pupils may be unequally dilated. There are concomitant troubles of motility, and, as the disease progresses, the animal frequently falls down or may assume a recumbent position for the entire day. If it becomes unable to rise, it is probable that death will soon follow. When these early symptoms occur, they generally first appear ten to twenty days after infection and persist for a variable period of two a net 6) Aa? a eg THE TAPEWORM LARV 209 to ten days. They then subside, and, during a following latent period of four to six months, it is only by close observation that anything abnormal about the animal can be detected. The ocular disturbances already referred to then appear; the head is held in a peculiar position, and the animal turns in circles or it may stagger and stumble about, repeatedly fallmg. The movements are made in an impulsive manner, with feet lifted high, and the turning may be to the right or to the left, usually toward the side on which the brain is compressed. Other move- ments than turning may be exhibited, and, in fact, their character will depend upon the part of the brain affected by the cyst. These symptoms are not continuous, appearing several times during the day with intervals of comparative repose. In three to six weeks from their onset the animal passes into a state of complete paralysis and dies from exhaustion, or it may be in convulsions. Such characteristic phenomena of gid are of the final stage, and are due to the pressure of the fully developed ccenurus upon the brain and, in part also, to direct irritation from the hooklets of the partly evag- inated larval tapeworm heads. It is only at this stage that the turning movements appear, therefore the disease does not truly merit the name of gid or turnsickness until these manifestations are reached. In gid of the spinal cord the parasite is usually located in the lumbar region. The chief symptom is a gradually increasing weakness and paralysis of the hind quarters (hydatic paraplegia). The bladder and rectum become involved and the animal becomes progressively weaker and emaciated. Death occurs in general debility and exhaustion after a course of one to three months. The symptoms of gid in other animals are of the same general char- acter as those in sheep. Control.—Reviewing the knowledge possessed as to the etiology of gid, the measures to be followed for its eradication are suggested. Chance infection of dogs by the tapeworm should be removed by burn- ing the heads harboring the cysts, or by cooking the affected brains if they are to be fed to these animals. Dogs kept in the vicinity of animals susceptible to gid should be given teniafuge treatment every three months (p. 186). During the operation of this treatment they should be confined and the expelled worms, fragments, and feces collected and burned or deeply buried. Gid is a further contribution to the accumulating reasons why un- cared for and unnecessary dogs—numerically limitless in most commu- nities—should be destroyed. Treatment.—On account of the inaccessible location of the parasites, treatment, except by surgical means, is useless. The operative measure consists in trephining the cranial cavity and removing the ccenurus, but this can only be advised as practical in the case of animals having 210 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS an especial value. Cold packs upon the head or continuous irrigation, accompanied by purgatives, have been recommended for the acute stage, but such treatment can be no more than palliative, and is scarcely practical unless under exceptional conditions. In general, it is better, from considerations of economy, to slaughter animals upon the first evidence of gid. EcHINococcosIS Hydatid Disease. Hydatid disease is caused by the presence of Echinococcus granulosus (2. polymorphus, E. multilocularis, etc.) or so-called hydatid, the cystic stage of the tapeworm of the dog,—Hchinococcus granulosus (Tenia echinococcus), elsewhere referred to under the cestodes of that animal (p. 181). It occurs in man and all of the domestic mammals, the hy- datids usually located in the organs of the abdominal or thoracic cavity, most often the liver, though not infrequently the lungs, spleen, serous membranes, and other organs, several of which may be affected in the same animal. The disease is as cosmopolitan as dogs and their par- asites, therefore it is of world-wide prevalence. The Echinococcus (Fig. 117).—While the echinococcus is the largest of the tapeworm cysts, the dog tapeworm, of which it is the larval form, is but 5 mm. (3/16 of an inch), or thereabouts, in length, and consists of a head and three segments. When uninfluenced by pressure, the echinococcus cyst is more or less spherical in shape and presents a com- plex structure, the parts of which may be set forth for study as follows: . An external cuticular membrane (hydatie membrane). An internal germinal membrane. The fluid which distends the vesicle. The proligerous vesicles, which contain the larval tapeworm heads. The daughter vesicles. urrounding the whole is a capsule formed from the connective tissue of the organ in which the structure is lodged. 1. The cuticular membrane limits the echinococcus externally. It is whitish in color, concentrically laminated in structure, and in large vesicles may attain a thickness of 1 mm. 2. The germinal membrane is much thinner than the cuticular, usually not exceeding 20-25 microns in thickness. On its internal sur- face there appear groups of small papillee, representing the beginning development of the proligerous vesicies. 3. The hydatie fluid is colorless or yellowish and in reaction is neutral or slightly acid. It may contain a number of substances, mostly de- rived by endosmosis from the blood and lymph of the organ invaded. 4. The proligerous vesicles appear on the internal surface of the BRorwwe THE TAPEWORM LARVE 211 germinal membrane when the mother vesicle has developed to a suffi- cient size. At first papillary, each has a cavity that gradually enlarges, and the vesicles thus formed have an attachment to the germinal mem- brane by a short pedicle. Within each there develops a variable num- ber—usually five to twenty or more—of little oval bodies. These are Fie. 117.—Diagram of Echinococcus hydatid: cu, thick cuticu- lar membrane; gr, germinal membrane; a. b., development of proligerous vesicle; c, development of the heads according to Leuckart; d, development of heads according to Moniez; e, fully developed brood capsule with heads; f, brood capsule has ruptured and the heads hang into the lumen of the hydatid; g, liberated head floating in the hydatid; h, i, k, 1, m, formation of secondary exogenous daughter cyst; n, 0, p, formation of endogenous cyst, after Kuhn and Dayaine; q, daughter cyst with one endogenous and one exogenous grand-daughter cyst; r. s., formation of en- dogenous daughter cysts, after Naunyn and Leuckart; r, at ex- pense of head; s, from brood capsule; t, constricted portion of the mother cyst (copied from Osborn’s ‘‘Economic Zodlogy,” after R. Blanchard; Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.) the larval tapeworm heads. When completely formed the heads meas- ure shghtly more than 0.1 mm. and show the suckers and double crown of hooks. 5. Daughter or secondary vesicles similar in character to the mother vesicle have origin in the hydatic membrane which they distend and finally rupture, falling into or outside of the mother vesicle. In the first case they are termed endogenous vesicles, in the second exogenous 212 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS vesicles. The exogenous vesicles are capable of implantation upon organs somewhat remote from the primary vesicle. This occurs more commonly in the pig and ruminants than in man. The daughter vesicles may, in the same manner, give off grand- daughter vesicles which, like the parent vesicles, may be endogenous or exogenous. All of these vesicles develop proligerous vesicles and consequently the larval tapeworm heads, or they may remain sterile, in which case they are referred to as acephalocysts. It will be noted from the foregoing that one onchosphere may develop hundreds of tapeworm heads. The echinococeus is usually considered as one species, though there is a form which has received the name of Echinococcus multilocularis (B. alveolaris), thought to be due to a tapeworm , CQ&SLHELMINTHES 207 Family Metastrongylide, Leiper, 1908. “Buccal capsule absent. Male with two equal spicules and female with two ovaries. Eggs in varying stages of development when ov Ipos- ited. Embryo not rhabditiform. Parasitic in the respiratory and cir- culatory systems. Subfamily Metastrongyline, Leiper, 1908. Type-genus Metastrongylus, Molin, 1861. “Body usually very long and slender. Mouth with two lips or with- out lips and surrounded with circumoral papille. Esophagus slender, without posterior bulb. Anus subterminal. Male with a single spicule or with two unequal spicules. Tail provided with papille, usually curved spirally, and with bursal ale present or absent. Female larger than male. Vulva present, or, less often, absent in gravid females; when present, usually anterior to the middle of the body or near the middle, rarely near posterior extremity. Oviparous, ovoviviparous, or viviparous. Development in many cases, perhaps in all, requires an intermediate host. Superfamily Filarioidea, Weinland, 1858. “Body long and fiiform. Mouth without lps. Male with two spicules, usually quite dissimilar. Vulva near the anterior extremity of the body. Adults subcutaneous, in blood, or on serous surfaces. Type-family Filaride, Claus, 1885. “Vulva anterior, near mouth. Spicules quite dissimilar. Inter- mediate stages, so far as known, occur in blood-sucking arthropoda. Subfamily Filariine, Stiles, 1907. Type-genus Filaria, Mueller, 1787. “Mouth with two lips; or without lips in forms where vulva is near posterior extremity of body. Male with posterior extremity of body commonly expanded and alate. Female with vulva usually in middle portion of body, exceptionally near posterior extremity. Family Spiruride, (rly, 1885. Type-genus Spirura, E. Blanchard, 1849. “Body long and filiform. Anterior portion of body or namented with cuticular bosses. In the median lines, immediately behind the mouth, are two semilunar depressions simulating suckers. The vulva is sit- uated a short distance anterior of the anus. Subfamily Gongylonemine, Hall, 1916. Type-genus Gongylonema, Molin, 1857. “Females with two uteri and with vulva in the middle portion of the body, not close to anterior or posterior extremities. Pharynx with- out cuticular rays or spirals. Subfamily Spirurinze, Railliet, 1915. Type-genus Spirura, E. Blanchard, 1849. “Mouth with two lips leading into a pharynx which is strengthened 228 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS by cuticular ridges in the form of rings or spirals. Spicules mene the longer several times the length of the shorter. Four pairs of preanal — papille. Eggs containing embryos when oviposited. YY we Subfamily Arduennine, Railliet and Henry, 1911. Type-genus Bete, Railliet and oo 1911. CHAPTER XIX NEMATODA. FAMILY I. ASCARID Tue LarGE RoUNDWORMS OF THE INTESTINE Nematoda (p. 217). The nematodes of this family have the body relatively thick (Fig. 125). The mouth is commonly provided with three lips which may be prominent or inconspicuous and often bear papilla. When three lips are present one is dorsal, the other two sub- median, touching on the ventral median line (Fig. 121). The males are somewhat smaller than the females and usually have the caudal extremity curved ventrally in the form of a hook. There may be one spicule or two. The females have two ovaries and they are oviparous. So far as known, development in all which are parasitic in warm-blooded animals is without intermediate host and infection is direct. All of the ascarids live as parasites in the intestines of their hosts, though they may be found in other organs and in the body cavities reached by their migrations. They live free in the in- testinal contents, obtaining their sustenance by absorp- tion of the partly digested nutriment of their host CNS) through their simple alimentary tube. Investigations as to Life History.—Investigations by Capt. F. H. Stewart (F. H. Stewart On the Life History of Ascaris lumbricoides, British Medical Jour- nal, 1916, Vol. 2, No. 2896) have brought results of great importance bearing upon the life history of Ascaris Fic. 121.—Dor- lumbricoides and closely related forms. In these experi- } see ae ments Stewart found that if rats or mice were fed ascarid, showing Ascaris eggs, the eggs hatched in the alimentary tract Poa een and the embryos migrated to the liver, spleen, and lungs. jateral lips. During these migrations they passed through certain developmental changes, and many of them finally again reached the alimentary tract by way of the lungs, trachea, and esophagus. Within the alimentary tract they did not continue their development and were soon expelled with the feces, so that rats and mice surviving the pneu- monia commonly caused by the invasion of the lungs became free of the parasites as early as the sixteenth day after infection. From these findings Stewart concluded that in infection with Ascaris lumbricoides it is necessary in the life cycle for the eggs to be swallowed by rats or mice, and that the embryos hatching from the eggs undergo 230 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS certain migrations and changes of development, after which they may be carried in the feces or saliva of the rats or mice to food or other materials which may be ingested by human beings or pigs, thus ulti- mately reaching their final host. This conclusion is contrary to the opinion usually accepted that Ascaris infects man or the pig directly through the ingestion of the eggs of the parasite. In a preliminary note upon the life history of Ascaris lumbricoides and related forms Ransom and Foster, of the Zodlogical Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, state that in a repetition of Stewart’s experiments in feeding rats and mice with Ascaris eggs they obtained results agreeing very closely with those which he had recorded, also that further investigations have shown that guinea pigs as well as rats and mice may be similarly infected by feeding Ascaris eggs. Their negative or uncertain results from attempts to infect pigs with Ascaris by feeding the eggs agreed with the experience of Stewart and other investigators, nevertheless they did not feel justified in accept- ing these results as evidence against the hypothesis of a direct develop- ment without an intermediate host. They note that Epstein in care- fully controlled experiments with feeding eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides used very young subjects and that the positive results which he obtained can scarcely be explained upon any other assumption than that a direct development of the parasites occurred following feeding of the eggs. The failures of others to infect adult human beings and the unsuccessful attempts to infect pigs several months old in the same way are considered as suggesting the possibility that age is an important factor influencing the susceptibility of human beings and pigs to infection with Ascaris. In support of this, and in agreement with the migration of larvee which occurs in rats and mice, they cite an instance of a pig about six weeks old which, dying from unknown causes, revealed on examination an Ascaris larva in a fragment of lung and numerous immature ascarids in the intestine, the largest about two inches long. In order to test the possibility of infecting very young pigs these investigators used two young pigs from a sow which was found by feeal examination to be free from egg-producing asecarids. At the age of about two weeks one of these pigs was given a large number of Ascaris eggs containing motile-vermiform embryos. One week after feeding the eggs this pig died; the other pig continued in good health. ‘ Exam- ination of the dead pig,’’ the authors state, “revealed a pneumonia, with numerous petechial hemorrhages in the lung tissue. Numerous ascarid larve, varying in length from 0.7 to 1.2 mm. in length, were found in the lungs, trachea, and pharynx; none in the liver, spleen, esophagus, small intestine, or large intestine.’’ As to conclusions the authors are further quoted as follows: ‘ “Stewart’s very important discoveries concerning the behavior of ASCARID 231 Ascaris larvee in rats and mice, the various contributions of other in- vestigators toward the solution of the problem of the life history of Ascaris lumbricotdes and related parasites, and our own experiences, appear to justify certain conclusions, some of which in anticipation of a more extended statement in a future paper, may be briefly given as follows: “The development of Ascaris lumbricoides and closely related forms is direct, and no intermediate host is required. “The eggs, when swallowed, hatch out in the alimentary tract; the embryos, however, do not at once settle down in the intestine, but migrate to various other organs, including the liver, spleen, and lungs. “Within a week, in the case of the pig Ascaris, the migrating larve may be found in the lungs and have meanwhile undergone considerable development and growth. “From the lungs the larve migrate up the trachea and into the esophagus by way of the pharynx, and this migration up the trachea may already become established in pigs, as well as in artificially infected rats and mice, as early as a week after infection. “Upon reaching the alimentary tract a second time after their passage through the lungs, the larve, if in a suitable host, presumably settle down in the intestine and complete their development to maturity; if in an unsuitable host, such as rats and mice, they soon pass out of the body in the feces. “Heavy invasions of the lungs by the larve of Ascaris produce a serious pneumonia which is frequently fatal in rats and mice and ap- parently caused the death of a young pig one week after it had been fed with numerous Ascarid eggs. “Tt is not improbable that ascarids are frequently responsible for lung troubles in children, pigs, and other young animals. The fact that the larve invade the lungs as well as other organs beyond the alimentary tract and can cause a serious or even fatal pneumonia in- dicates that these parasites are endowed with greater capacity for harm than has heretofore been supposed. “Age is a highly important, factor in determining susceptibility to infection with Ascaris, and susceptibility to infection greatly decreases as the host animal becomes older. This, of course, is in harmony with the well-known fact that it is particularly children and young pigs among which infestation with Ascaris is common, and that Ascaris is relatively of rare occurrence in adult human beings and in old hogs.” ASCARIASIS Ascariasis occurs most frequently in young animals, those matured rarely harboring the worms in such numbers as to bring about symptoms 232 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS by which the condition can be recognized. Where there is a heavy in- festation they cause injury by their irritation to the intestinal mucosa. In such cases they may become massed and constitute an obstruction to the intestinal lumen sufficient to cause stasis of the contents and de- generative changes in the intestinal walls. The ascarids are active worms, and have a tendency to wander to unusual locations; one or two may find lodgment in accessory organs of the intestines by way of their ducts and, by the consequent continuous irritation, bring about results of a serious nature. Verminous fistulae may be thus established, or there may be abscess formation with dis- charge of pus into the peritoneal cavity, followed by peritonitis. In dogs and cats especially, the worms when numerous often pass to the stomach in considerable numbers, setting up more or less gastric dis- turbance and consequent vomiting, the expelled material generally containing from one to several worms. Certain foreign investigators, having demonstrated the presence of blood in asearids, have concluded from this that these worms are blood suckers. Hall, in an article upon the parasites of the dog in Michigan (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, June, 1917), states that an ascarid which he collected from the feces of a dog showed a pronounced red color in the intestine, evidently due to blood. As post-mortem examination of the dog the same day revealed a severe hemorrhagic enteritis, he concludes that this was evidently the explana- tion for the blood in the intestine of the ascarid. The conditions found in this case suggest the possibility of similar conditions in cases regarded as evidence that these worms are blood suckers,—a conclusion that cer- tainly has no support in the structure of the ascarid’s mouth. There seems reason to doubt that ascarids feed upon epithelial cells, as stated by some authors. Their simple intestinal tube is restrictively modified to the primary function of absorption of nutriment already made in a certain state of solution by the digestive juices of the host, and it is unlikely that such digestive powers as are retained by the parasites would be adapted to a diet of epithelial cells. In view of the fact that free epithelial cells and their débris are contained in the alimen- tary contents of the host, it follows that such material would be in- gested along with the alimentary matter by the worms and would be found in their intestinal contents. Aside from the mechanical injury caused by the ascarids, there are to be considered the effects of toxic products elaborated by their bodies. These may be practically nil or considerable according to the character and degree of the infestation. The loss of condition in heavy invasions can probably be attributed to the systemic effect of these poisons com- bined with that of the catarrhal enteritis. It seems reasonable to con- clude that the deprivation of nutriment, which has been appropriated ASCARIDAE 233 by the horde of parasites in the alimentary canal, is also a morbid factor. Manifestations of the toxemia are often of a nervous character; there is hyperreflex irritability, and convulsions are a not infrequent accom- paniment. In general, it may be said of the ascarids that, while they often in- habit the intestines without perceptible indications of their invasion other than their occasional expulsion with the feces, their presence con- stitutes a condition calling for treatment. They should be expelled by the administration of a vermifuge, in most cases followed by a purgative, and their bodies collected and burned. Not only should the treatment be carried out for considerations pertaining to the health of the host, but to prevent the spreading about of the worms with their eggs and embryos to infest other animals. ASCARIDH OF THE HORSE One species of ascarid inhabits the intestine of the horse, ass, and mule. Ascaris equi (A. megalocephala, A. equorum). Ascaride (p. 229).— This is the largest species of the family. The body is yellowish white, about the thickness of a lead pencil, and somewhat rigid. The head is distinct and bears three lips. The caudal extremity of the male is bordered laterally by two small membranous wings, and ventrally on each side there are 80-100 papillae. The female is considerably longer and thicker than the male. The vulva is situated toward the anterior quarter of the body. Length of female: 15-30 cm. (6-12 inches), or it may be somewhat longer. Eggs globular, 90-100 microns in diameter. The species is found only in Equide, and lives in the small HSS, occasionally found in other organs by migration. Occurrence and Symptoms.—The large ascarid is very common in the small intestine of the horse. Unless numerous, they do not, as a rule, perceptibly affect the health of their host, often the only evidence of their presence being the voiding of one or more of the worms with the feces. Young animals do not bear the parasitism so well, and in moderate to heavy infestations are likely to manifest serious disturb- ances of a local and systemic character. As a result of the irritation to the mucosa there is a chronic intestinal catarrh, and this may be accompanied by a diarrhea which is persistent, or alternating with a hard dry feces covered with slimy mucous material. Colic is a not infrequent symptom, and there may be intervals of more or less tympany. The worms, when massed in large numbers, are capable of bringing about an obstruction with all that follows such a condition, possibly involving intussusception and even rupture. 234 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Young animals, as a result of aggravated ascariasis, lose condition and there is arrest in their development. Due largely to the accumula- tion of gas, they are likely to become more or less pot-bellied, the activity of the skin is reduced, and the coat takes on a dry, harsh, and erect appearance. The alertness and inclination to play, natural to foals and young horses, is lost, and the animals may stand about looking more or less dejected. f Nervous disturbances are occasionally exhibited by vertigo or, rarely, by epileptiform or tetanic symptoms. They may be due to reflex irritation or to toxic products from the bodies of living worms, to which is added toxins from the bodies of worms which are dead and decompos- ing. Etiology.—Infection occurs by the introduction of eggs and embryos into the alimentary canal with food and water. Development takes place after the eggs have left the body of the host and is favored by factors of warmth and moisture, such as is supplied by moist earth and a temperature of about 37° C. (98° F.). While segmentation will not proceed under low temperature conditions, the eggs will retain their fertility in unfavorable surroundings for a comparatively long period and will develop upon reaching a favorable environment. Embryos within the eggs appear to possess considerable resistance, since they have been observed to retain their vitality in dried horse manure for six months. It is probable that infection is by eggs, and that few em- bryos are released until the intestinal contents of the equine host is reached. Control.—Considering the persistent vitality of the eggs and em- bryos, it is especially important as a prophylactic measure that as many as possible of the expelled worms be collected and burned. If they are permitted to find their way to the manure pile or to be scattered about, some of the myriads of eggs contained in their bodies will meet with conditions favorable to their development and infect other horses. Precaution should be taken that the drinking water for horses does not receive contamination from collected manure, and that it be as pure and free from surface drainage as possible. Treatment.—Treatment should be preceded by the withholding of all bulky food for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. During this time the animal should be at rest and may be given bran mashes, to which a moderate amount of grain may be added during the first twenty-four hours if the preparation is to be for the longer period. While the preliminary fasting of the host for a day or two probably will not sufficiently ‘‘starve’’ the parasites to be of any value as an aid in their expulsion, it permits the removal of the bulky portion of the intestinal contents and prepares for a diffuse action of the anthelmintic which otherwise would not be possible. es SS a ASCARIDE 235 Following the period of fasting, give two to four ounces of oil of tur- pentine and one dram of oleoresin of aspidium, in a pint of linseed oil. If necessary, follow twelve hours later with an additional pint or two of linseed oil. Tartar emetic in two to three dram doses, repeated once at an interval of twelve hours, is also an effectual expellant. This is best administered with linseed meal which may be stirred into a small bran mash. These doses are for aged horses of average size, and are to be modified according to age and somewhat as to weight. The vermifuge is in most cases to be followed twelve to twenty-four hours later by a purge, preferably oleaginous, but this should not be given if there is diarrhea, and may not be necessary if the animals are upon grass. Sulphate of iron and arsenic are remedies which have also been recom- mended. If arsenic is used, it should be given in the form of powdered arsenous acid in increasing doses for about two weeks. Family II. Oxyuride. Nematoda (p. 217).—This family is consid- ered by many authors as belonging with the Ascaride. Conspicuous characteristics of the group are the curved anterior portion of the body and the elongated and attenuated caudal extremity of the female. The males usually have but one spicule, and this may be reduced and im- perfectly developed. The vulva of the female is anterior. Oxyuris equi (O. curvula, O. mastigodes). ©Oxyuride (p. 235).— The body is generally white, somewhat thickened, and curved. The mouth is provided with three lips. The male is much smaller than the female, and has an obtuse caudal extremity which bears several papille, the largest of which sustains a caudal bursa. There is but one spicule and this is straight and slender. In the female the anterior portion of the body is thickened and curved, while the posterior portion is at- tenuated to a point. The vulva is about 8-10 mm. (3/8 of an inch) from the mouth. The body may have its posterior attenuated portion of variable length (Fig. 122); in some individuals this is very much pro- longed and filamentous. This difference has led some authors to describe two species of Oxyuris of the horse—O. curvula and O. masti- godes, the latter including those with the extended caudal extremity. Railliet has demonstrated that forms exist possessing all intermediate gradations between those with very short and those with very long tail extremities, and that there is not, therefore, a difference of true specific character. Length of female, 4-15 em. (1 5/8-6 inches) ; male, about 1 em. (3/8 of an inch). Eggs oval and operculated; 85-95 microns long, 40-45 microns wide. The species inhabits all of the large intestine of the horse, ass, and mule. 236 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Occurrence.—Oxyuris equi is a common inhabitant of the large intes- tine of the horse. The condition produced by these worms is usually referred to as oxyuriasis, and they are commonly known as seat-worms or pin-worms. Often they are observed projecting from the margin of the anus to which they adhere while depositing their eggs. By means of a sticky substance the eggs attach about the skin of the anus and perineum and develop embryos within two to three days. Later the substance by which they are fixed to the skin dries and the eggs drop Fig. 122.—Oxyuris equi, showing varying lengths of posterior attenuated portion. to the ground where, through scattered manure, they contaminate the pasturage, or, if the animal is in the stable, the feed may be contam- inated in the same manner. The eggs are provided at one end with a sort of operculum which, on reaching the stomach, is digested away. The released embryos are then carried with the alimentary material to the large intestine where they reach maturity. Effect.—The offense of the oxyurids is mainly one of unsightliness. They produce itching about the anus which may become intense, causing the animal to rub the parts and thus bring about a denudation of the ASCARID 237 tail and skin. The tail is frequently agitated, and annoying habits of “switching” and “line-hugeing”’ may have origin from this source. In aggravated cases there may be loss of flesh due to the constant irritation to which the animal is subjected. The anus becomes swollen, flacid, and, on defecation, the mucous membrane is noticed to be a deep red. The condition is readily diagnosed in observing the protruding or ex- pelled worms. The sticky yellowish-colored deposit about the anus and perineum, together with denudation of the skin and base of the tail by rubbing, indicates the presence of the worms. Treatment.—Treatment is mainly per rectum. . Previous to the ad- ministration of vermifuge enemata the bowel should be emptied by an Injection of glycerin and water or of warm soapy water. Asan expellant, either of the following may be used: (1) Infusion of quassia, one to two quarts; (2) infusion of tobacco, one ounce to one quart of water; (3) vinegar in soapy water; (4) one quart of a one per cent. solution of lysol; (5) one to two ounces of oil of turpentine shaken up in: a quart of lime water and linseed oil; (6) mercurial ointment repeatedly applied to the borders of the anal orifice is also of service. The injections are best given through a rubber siphon. As developing worms from ingested eggs may be in the intestines too far forward to be acted upon by the enemata, itis well to supplement this treatment with the administration of a vermifuge as recommended for the large ascarids of the small intestine. Treatment is to be repeated at intervals of four to six days until indications of the presence of the worms have disappeared. The adhering deposit about the rectum and perineum should be regularly removed and so disposed of that the contaimed eggs cannot reinfect. ASCARIDA OF THE DoG AND Cat One species of ascarid is common in the dog and cat, although some authors recognize two—Belascaris marginata of the dog, and B. mystax of the cat. Other than being a little smaller, the ascarid of the cat scarcely differs from that of the dog, and at the present time the ma- jority of helminthologists consider the difference as one of variety only. A much less common species infesting dogs in this country is Tow- ascaris limbata. Belascaris marginata (Ascaris marginata, A. mystax, Belascaris mystax, B. cati). Ascaride (p. 229).—The body is white, or reddish white. The head is usually curved and is provided on each side with a membranous wing, giving the appearance of an arrow-head (Fig. 123). On the curved tail of the male there are two small membranous lateral wings and twenty-six papille on each side. The vulva of the 238 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS female is situated toward the anterior quarter of the body. The tail is obtuse. Length of female, 9-14 em. (3 1/2-5 1/2 inches); male, 5-10 em. (2-4 inches). Eggs globular, 75-80 microns in diameter. Infests the small intestine. Fic. 123.—Belascaris marginata: A, head, enlarged; B, male; C, female, natural size. Toxascaris limbata (Toxascaris marginata). Ascaride (p. 229).— The body is firm and whitish or pale red in color. The cephalic wings are long, narrow, and somewhat lanceolate. The spicules of the male are not quite equal. Length of female, 6.5-10 em. (2 1/2-4 inches); male, 4-6 em. (1 1/2- 2 3/8 inches). The eggs are 75 to 85 microns in diameter. Parasitic in the intestines of the dog. Occurrence in the Dog.—Belascaris marginata is most often found in young dogs of three to four months. It is probable that about thirty per cent. of all puppies harbor the worms in more or less numbers in ASCARID 239 their small intestine. They frequently enter the stomach and cause vomiting, the expelled material often containing several worms. Other- wise the symptoms are much like those caused by the presence of tape- worms. There is emaciation, enlarged abdomen, and irregular appetite. There may be diarrhea or constipation, and, finally, epileptiform or rabiform seizures. By massing in the small intestine, they may induce invagination and fatal obstruction to the alimentary matter. Necropsies upon dogs which have died from ascariasis reveal the lesions of an intense hemorrhagic enteritis, with tumified mucosa, show- ing small ulcerative points and involvement of the submucous tunics. Treatment.—(1) Powdered areca nut, two grains to each pound of body-weight, may be given shaken up in a little milk. (2) Santonin is one of the most frequently used remedies. The dosage should be care- fully graded, giving one-eighth of a grain per pound of body-weight, the dose in no case to exceed three grains. It may be administered sus- pended in milk or combined with one-fourth to two grains of calomel, made into a pill. (38) Fifteen minims to one dram of oleoresin of as- pidium, singly or combined with a grain of areca nut, per pound of body- weight, may be given in capsule. (4) Benzene, in fifteen drop to one dram doses in oil, has been recommended. The anthelmintic should be administered in the morning after a twelve hours’ fast. If the bowels are not already freely active, it is well to follow the remedy a few hours later with a purgative of castor oil or syrup of buckthorn. Care should be taken in the administration of these drugs to toy puppies. Santonin, especially, should not be given until they are at least eight weeks old; under that age, a simple laxative will often bring away quite a number of the worms. If vomiting occurs after giving the medicine, allow an interval of two or three days before repeating; then precede by a stomach sedative of bismuth or a small dose of cocaine. Occurrence in the Cat.—Ascariasis of the cat does not sufficiently differ from that of the dog to merit a special description. As in the dog, the worms are more likely to infest young animals, though cats seem to bear the invasion better. Remedies recommended for the dog will serve as well for the cat, though the peculiar intolerance of these animals should be taken into consideration in the selection and dosage. (1) Cusso, fifteen to thirty grains, Is relatively safe, but is likely to cause vomiting. (2) Oleoresin of aspidium, minims fifteen to twenty, may be given in milk. ASCARID OF THE HoG AND SHEEP Ascaris lumbricoides (A. suis, A. suum, A. ovis). Fig. 125. Ascaride (p. 229).—The head has three strong lips, the lateral sides of 240 which are generally denticulate. The body is white, firm, and elas- tic. The males have two spicules and numer- ous papillz anterior and posterior to the anus. The vulva of the female is situated toward the Fic. 124.—Egg of anterior third of the Ascaris lumbricoides, body with shell and albu- minous envelope (copied from Braun’s “Animal Parasites of Man”’). Length of female, 20— 25 em. (8-10 inches); male, 15-17 em. (6-6 3/4 inches). Eggs, oval, 60-75 microns long by 40-58 microns wide. The shell is mammillated. In its adult state this worm lives in the intestines of the hog and sheep, and also of man. The ascarid of the hog and sheep and that of man so closely resemble each other that a number of authors now consider them as one species; others distinguish a specific difference, claiming that the ascarid of the pig differs from the human ascarid in being thinner, having the longitudinal striz closer, spicules less sharp, and ova smaller. It would seem, however, that such slight differences should be regarded as of no more than varietal importance. Heavy invasions of these worms in the intestines of hogs bring about the con- ditions such as have already been described in aggravated intestinal helminthiasis. In young pigs especially, there is general un- thrift, and emaciation may become quite advanced. There is usually a cough, and this is likely to be accompanied by occa- sional vomiting. The pig shows a pecu- liar restlessness, wandering about without apparent motive and emitting cries indica- tive of colicky pains. The lumen of the intestines may be obstructed by the PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Fic. 125.— Ascaris lumbri- coides, male at right, female at left, natural size. ASCARID 4 241 worms in mass with the usual sequence of localized inflammatory changes. Invasion of the bile duct of pigs with these ascarids is of frequent occurrence and may often bring about a fatal result. Autopsies at the Pennsylvania State Laboratories upon pigs dead from this parasitism have in some cases revealed the common bile duct literally packed and occluded with the worms. Treatment.—Treatment is mainly prophylactic. Thorough clean- ing up, burning of litter, arid a liberal application of disinfectants is essential, and the source of water supply and drainage should be looked to. Infested pigs should be isolated and precautions taken against reinfection. Medicine is best administered in milk, or other semi-fluid media, fed to the pigs as a whole, the dosing of individual pigs being a somewhat discouraging task. It is better to separate the pigs for this purpose into groups of not more than ten of nearly equal size, otherwise the largest and most aggressive. will get more than their portion. As a vermifuge, pulverized areca nut may be used, the dose being approximately one grain to each pound of body-weight. This should be followed by a purgative, preferably saline, the dose graded according to size of pigs, and administered as above. Benzene, in one to three dram doses mixed with the food, has been recommended as effective. When individual treatment of young pigs is resorted to, one to five grains of calomel, given in milk and followed by castor oil, will in many cases be sufficient to dislodge the worms. For older pigs it is better to follow the calomel with a saline evacuant. Ascariasis of Sheep.—Ascarids are rarely found in sheep. In the Bureau of Animal Industry Collection there are specimens of ascarids obtained from sheep at Blairsville, Pa., Brookings, South Dakota, and Bethesda, Md. (Bulletin 127, 1911.) ASCARIDH OF THE Ox Ascaris vitulorum. Ascarids (p. 229).—The head is small and has three lips which are somewhat enlarged at the base. The body is white or may be reddish white. The caudal extremity of the male has two rows of papillze, 10-15 in each; these are lateral and pre-anal. The vulva of the female is situated toward the anterior sixth of the body. Length of female, 22-30 em. (8 1/2-11 3/4 inches); male, 15-20 em. (6- 7 3/4 inches). Eggs, 75-80 microns in diameter. Lives in the intestine of calves; rare in adult cattle. This worm is most frequently met with in parts of Southern Europe, where it is found in rather large numbers in the small intestine of calves slaughtered for veal. Q42 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS HETERAKIASIS OF CHICKENS Family III. Heterakide. Nematoda (p. 217).—This family, like the Oxyuride, is placed by some authors with the Ascaride. The type-genus is Heterakis, of which two species infesting chickens are to be described. 1. Heterakis perspicillum (H. inflexa). Fig. 126. Heterakide (p. 242)—The mouth has three lips of unequal size, the dorsal lip the largest. The body is yellowish white. The caudal extremity of the ae lic. 126.—Heterakis perspicillum: a, female; b, male; e, Heterakis vesicularis. All natural size. male terminates obliquely, and is provided on each side with a mem- branous wing and ten papilla. The two spicules are nearly equal. On the ventral surface anterior to the anus there is a rounded sucker. The caudal extremity of the female is straight, conical, and terminates ina point. The vulva is located in the anterior part of the body. Length of female, 6-12 em. (2 1/24 3/8 inches); male, 3-8 em. (1 1/4— 3 1/8 inches). Eggs, elliptical, 75-80 microns in length by 45-50 microns in width. The species is common in the small intestine of the chicken, turkey, and guinea fowl. 2. Heterakis vesicularis (H. papillosa). Fig. 126. Heterakide (p. 242).—The mouth has three small lips of equal size. The body is ASCARID 243, white and attenuated at its two extremities. The caudal extremity of the male is straight, with lateral wings, and twelve papillae. The spicules are unequal. The caudal extremity of the female is very slender. The vulva is posterior to the middle of the body. Length of female, 10-15 mm. (3/8-5/8 of an inch); male, 7-13 mm. (5/16-1/ 2 inch). Eggs, elliptical, 63-71 microns in length by 38-48 microns in width. This species—much smaller than the preceding —is also common, and lives in the cecum of the chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, ‘plnesisetat, pea-fowl, duck, and goose. Symptoms. —_isiemiinsis of chickens is usually caused by Heter- akis perspicillum. In general, the presence of the worms is indicated by dullness and an indisposition to move about. Though the appetite may be preserved, there is more or less emaciation, the feathers become erect and lusterless, and the wings droop. If the condition is aggravated the symptoms progress, diarrhea sets in, the appetite dwindles, the comb becomes pale, and the creature, with eyes half closed, remains huddled up and unmovable until death comes to its relief. In such cases necropsy will reveal the lesions of a subacute enteritis, and frequently the presence of numerous tapeworms as well as round- worms. Intestinal helminthiasis in fowls is often an accompaniment to diseases presenting somewhat similar symptoms, therefore care should be taken that a coincidence does not mislead, and that such causes of high mortal- ity as fowl-cholera be not overlooked. Treatment.—Sick birds should be isolated in clean bright quarters and their droppings frequently removed and destroyed. As medicinal treatment, probably areca nut is most effectual. This may be given to full-grown birds in doses of eighteen to twenty-four grains, administered in bolus made up with linseed meal or bread. Calomel, one to two grains, given in the same manner, has also been recommended. Essentially, thorough cleaning up and disinfection are necessary to the successful eradication of the parasites. : CHAPTER XX NEMATODA. FAMILY IV. FILARIIDA THE THREAD-LIKE WorRMS Nematoda (p. 217)—The nematodes of this family have the body long and filiform (Figs. 127 and 129). The shape of the mouth varies; it may be provided with lips or it may be surrounded with papille. The esophagus is slender, without posterior bulb. The males may have one spicule or two unequal spicules, and the tail is generally spirally rolled. The females have two ovaries; vulva usually anterior to the middle of the body. The embryonal development is usually within the body of the female. Parasitism.—The filarie live as parasites chiefly in serous cavities of the body, blood and lymph channels, and in the submucous and sub- cutaneous connective tissues. They may be found in most any part of the body, but do not commonly inhabit the lumen of the alimentary canal. The parasitism of the filarize produces a condition in their hosts known as filariasis. Frnarup® or THE Horsr 1. Setaria labiato-papillosa (Filaria equina). Tig. 127. Filariide (p. 244).—The body is long, white, filiform, and attenuated at both ends. The integument has fine transverse striations. The mouth is small, cireular, and provided with a chitinous ring, the border of which is divided by four salient papillae. Outside of this on each side are two small papillz in the form of small spines. The tail of the male is rolled up spirally and presents on each side four preanal and four or five postanal papillae. There are two spicules. The tail of the female is slightly spiral and is terminated by a papilla. The vulva is situated near the anterior extremity. Length of female, 9-12 em. (3 1/24 3/4 inches); male 6-8 cm. (2 3/8-3 1/8 inches). Newly hatched embryos are about 280 microns long by 7 microns in breadth. The embryonic development is within the body of the female. Occurrence.—This species is most often met with in the peritoneal cavity—more rarely in the pleural cavity of the horse, ass, and mule. The worms are especially fitted for migrations by their slender and attenuated bodies, and, from their location in serous cavities, may pass FILARIDA Q45 to the subperitoneal and subpleural connective tissues or to the mus- cular septa, scrotum, or other parts of the body. The small filariz occasionally found in the anterior chamber of the eye are considered by most authors to belong to this species. Effect.— Unless present in exceptionally large numbers, these worms do not produce serious disturbance. Their presence in the eye may cause inflammation with bulging and opacity of the cornea for the relief of which operative measures must be resorted to. Nothing definite is known as to the evolution of this nematode; the fact that the embryos have been observed in the blood of the horse, points to the probability that they pass to the body of a blood- sucking insect. 2. Habronema megastoma (Spiroptera megas- toma). Filariidz (p. 244) —This is a small nematode with whitish colored body attenuated at the extrem1- ties. The cephalic portion is separated from the remainder of the body by a constriction, and is pro- vided with four chitinous lips. The mouth is con- tinued by an infundibuliform pharynx. The caudal extremity of the male is rolled and bears two lateral wings,each sustained by four preanal and one pos- tanal papillae. There are two spicules. The tail of the female is straight and obtuse; vulva situated to- ward anterior third of the body. Length of female, 10-13 mm. (8/8 of an inch); male, 7-10 mm. (1/4— 3/8 of an inch). Eggs, elongate, 33 microns long by 8 microns in breadth. Development and hatching are within the body of the female (ovoviviparous). The liberated embryos measure 600-700 microns in length. The life history is not known. This species infests the submucosa of the stomach of the horse. They are usually in the right sac, and | Fie. 127.—Setaria 5 " i labiato-papillosa,male their presence may be recognized by oval or rounded 44 jeft, female at right. prominencts varying in size from that of a hazel nut to that of a walnut. The mucous membrane covering the tumors is unaltered with the exception of a number of perforations at the summits which communicate with the contained cavities. Within these cavities are lodged the worms which, on pressure upon the tumor, are extruded together with a purulent matter. It is probable that the worms reach their submucous lodgment as embryos by way of the gastric crypts, the irritation of their presence 246 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS setting up proliferative changes with the formation of prominences. Outwardly the tumors are limited by the muscular layers of the stom- ach, the connective tissue involved being that of the submucosa. In old tumors the walls become of a dense fibrous character, taking some- what the consistency of cartilage. In these no worms may be found, or there may be a few of their disintegrated bodies contained in a small amount of purulent material. Hssentially the presence of such parasites can only be revealed post- mortem. The tumors are not as a rule numerous, and do not seem to cause any serious disturbance. The manner of infestation by the worms is not known, nor is it known whether they multiply within the tumors. 3. Habronema microstoma (Spiroptera microstoma). Filariide (p. 244).—This species is larger than the preceding and may also he dis- tinguished from it by the absence of the constriction behind the cephalic extremity. The mouth presents a notch on each side, and there are two lateral lips. The tail of the male is rolled spirally, has two lateral wings, and a varying number of papille. There are two spicules. The vulva of the female is situated near the anterior third of the body. Length of female, 12-27 mm. (1/2-1 inch); male, 10-20 mm. (3/8-3/4 of an inch). The eggs are elongate and truncated at their extremities. They are 45-49 microns long by 16 microns wide. Development and hatching are within the body of the female (ovoviviparous). The liberated em- bryos measure 90-98 microns in length. The life history is not known. Occurrence.—Post-morten inspection of the interior of the horse’s stomach will occasionally reveal the presence of these worms in such quantity as to cause an undulating movement of the contents of the organ, due to their active motion. While most of the worms are free, many may be found with their heads inserted in the gastrie crypts of the right sac. More or less inflammatory disturbance of the mucosa may thus be set up, in some cases involving ulceration. As in the case of the preceding species, infestation with these worms can only be revealed when they are brought to light after the death of the host. Where a chronic gastric disturbance is suspected to be due to parasites of the stomach, one or two ounces of oil of turpentine may be given in two or three pints of linseed oil. FILARIIDZ OF SHEEP AND CATTLE 1. Gongylonema scutata (Spiroptera scutata). Fig. 128. Filariide (p. 244)—The body is long and filiform, white or yellowish white, striated transversely, and slightly attenuated toward the extremities. FILARIID® Q47 The mouth has two lateral and four smaller submedian papille. On the anterior 1 to 3 mm. of the body are rounded or oval cuticular tuber- cles arranged more or less regularly in rows. The tail of the male is rolled up and has two asymmetrical wings and two spicules. The vulva of the female is situated in front of the anus. Length of female, 8-14 cm. (3 1/8-5 1/2 inches); male, 3-5 em. (1 1/4 2 inches). The eggs are oval. Empbryonal development is within the body of the female. Occurrence.—This is a common species found in a large percentage Fie. 128.—Gongylonema scutata: a, anterior portion of body, dorsal view; _b, posterior extremity of female; c, posterior ex- tremity of male, ventral view; d, same viewed obliquely from left side,—all enlarged (after Ransom, from Neumann, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). of sheep and cattle slaughtered in the abattoirs of this country and Europe. It has also been observed in the horse and in the mouth and pharynx of pigs. It habits the mucosa of the esophagus, usually im the thoracic portion where it is lodged just beneath the epithelium. Its body runs parallel to the long axis of the organ and is disposed in a spiral man- ner, giving somewhat the appearance of the wool-fiber of a merino sheep. There is no apparent effect upon the health of animals harboring this worm. Its only economic importance seems to be in rendering the esophagus undesirable for use in meat food products. 248 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Experiments by Ransom and Hall have shown that dung beetles and croton bugs fed upon the eggs of Gongylonema scutata become infested with an encysted larval stage of the parasite. Evidence is thus furnished that the mammalian hosts of the worm become infested as a result of swallowing insects bearing the encysted larve. 2. Filaria labiato-papillosa (F. cervina). Filariide (p. 244).—This species resembles Setaria labiato-papillosa of the horse, but differs from it in the absence of transverse striations of the integument and in the caudal papille of the female, which form a terminal cluster of small blunt points, anterior to which are two thick conical papille. ‘Length of female, 6-12 em. (2 3/84 3/4 inches); male, 4-6 cm. (1 1/2-2 3/8 inches). Development and hatching is within the body of the female (ovoyi- viparous). The freed embryos are 140-230 microns in length. This nematode of the ox and deer is found almost exclusively in the peritoneal cavity. It does not appear to have any effect upon the health of its hosts. A worm occasionally found in the eye of the ox is con- sidered as belonging with this species. FILARuDz OF THE Dog 1. Dirofilaria immitis (Filaria immitis). Tig. 129. Filariide (p. 244).—The body is white, long, decidedly thread-like, with ends having an obtuse appearance. The mouth is small and surrounded by six indistinct papilla. The posterior extremity of the male is slender, rolled spirally, and bears two small lateral wings. There are two spicules. The posterior extremity of the female is obtuse. The female is 25 to 30 em. in length and about 1 mm. in diameter (9 3/4 inches by 1/32 of an inch). The length of the male is 12-18 em. (4 3/4~7 inches). The embryos are developed and hatched in the body of the female (ovoviviparous). As they enter the circulation they measure 285— 295 microns in length and have a diameter of about 5 microns. The anterior extremity is obtuse, the posterior extremity attenuated and slender. Occurrence.—Hematic filariasis of dogs, produced by this species, has been most frequently met with in China and Japan, about fifty per cent. of all dogs in the latter country, it is estimated, being affected. It occurs also in other countries, including North America. The usual seat of invasion is the blood-vascular system, particularly the right ventricle of the heart, the pulmonary arteries being more rarely involved. Not infrequently mature filariz are found in the sub- cutaneous connective tissue. In the heart and large arteries the worms may be found in a tangled mass containing hundreds so interlaced as to make it difficult to extricate single individuals. ee eee FILARIIDA 249 Pathogenesis.—The disturbances caused by the presence of the mature filariz are principally mechanical. Depending upon their number, they more or less interfere with the circulation, in some cases forming a thrombus which may give rise to emboli in the branches of the pulmonary artery. In such cases necrotic areas In the lungs with abscess formation may result. The larvee, probably by their toxic products, bring about anzemia with a leucocytosis which, depending upon the number of the parasites present, may be more or less pronounced. As a result of the invasion of the heart, local mani- festations of endocarditis are to be looked for. The heart’s action is variously disturbed, lead- ing to dropsical conditions accompanied by cough and dyspncea. Nephritis and convul- sions may develop as a later complication. If the condition terminates in death, it is usually from paralysis of the heart or a general weakness followed by complete paralysis. Diagnosis.—The parasites may be present without causing observable manifestations, while, on the other hand, no line of clinical symptoms can with certainty be attributed to such invasion. A more precise diagnosis can usually be made by microscopic examination of the blood for demonstration of the presence of the larve. Under low magnification, a drop of infected blood placed between a slide and a coverslip will reveal fine worm-like larve in yy. 199—Dirofilaria im- snake-like movements between the corpuscles. mitis; male at left, female at It is claimed by most investigators that they Sane SEO (USE appear in greatest numbers in the peripheral ie circulation during the night, and, therefore, that blood for such ex- amination is best drawn during these hours. Infection.—The manner of natural infection with this parasite has not yet been satisfactorily determined. Manson concluded from his investigations that the larve of Filaria bancrofti (F. sanguinis hominis)— a blood parasite of man resembling the species under consideration— pass into the digestive tract of a mosquito (Culex) when it sucks the blood of an affected person. Later the mosquito, after depositing its eggs upon the water, dies, the body disintegrates, and the larval filarie are lib- erated, man becoming infected by drinking the water thus contaminated. It has been held that Dirofilaria immitis has a similar development. 250 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS According to Noe, some of the larve are taken with the infected blood into the bodies of blood-sucking insects. From the intestine they migrate to the Malpighian tubes where they undergo a certain degree of development. In about twelve days from the time they entered the body of the insect they pass through the walls of the Malpighian tubes . and enter the mouth parts. If the piercing organ of the insect is broken during the act of sucking blood, the animal becomes infected, and the larvee are carried with the blood or lymph to the heart where they attain sexual maturity. Grassi demonstrated by his investigations that nearly all of the larvee of the filaria of man die in the intestines of mosquitoes, and that the dog filaria cannot live in other parasitic insects harbored by dogs. He con- cluded, therefore, that the larve from affected animals reach the water directly. The prevalence of the disease in low marshy localities points to the transmission of hematic filariasis through contaminated water. The larvee from affected animals may reach the water with the excrement, the urine, or, occasionally, with blood from wounds.. In such case infection may be direct or after the larve have undergone a further development in an intermediate small crustacean, as cyclops, the parasites gaining entrance to the mammalian host by way of the alimentary canal and from here reaching the blood stream to be carried by the venous blood to the right heart. Treatment.—Therapeutic measures in this form of filariasis, espe- cially where there is pronounced disturbance of nutrition and circula- tion, is unsatisfactory. Nutritious food and the avoidance of exertion, conjoined with the administration of heart stimulants and prevention, so far as possible, of reinfection, may bring results if the parasites are not too numerous or the disturbances occasioned by them are not too far advanced. 2. Spiroptera sanguinolenta (Filaria sanguinolenta). Filariide (p. 244).—-The most prominent characteristic of this worm is its blood- red color. The tail of the male is obtuse, spiral, and has two lateral wings. There are two spicules. The tail of the female is obtuse and slightly curved. The vulva is situated 2 to 3 mm. behind the mouth. Length of female, 6-8 em. (2 3/8-3 1/8 inches); male, 3-5 em. (1 1/4-— 2 inches). The eggs are thick-shelled, elliptical, and about 30 microns long by 12 microns in width. Occurrence and Pathogenesis.—This nematode of the dog is usually found lodged in tumors of the esophagus and stomach, though it is occasionally met with in large blood vessels, the lungs, and in lymph nodes. The tumors vary in size from that of a hazel nut to that of a pigeon’s egg, and usually but few are present. They lie beneath the FILARIIDH 251 mucosa, which is unaltered with the exception of an opening at the tumor’s summit. Outwardly, they are limited by the muscular coat. Upon incision of the hardened tissue of the tumor it is found to contain cavities which, on pressure, yield a purulent fluid with which are ex- truded the parasites. A varying number of worms may be found coiled up in these chambers, generally from two or three up to twenty. Symptoms and Course.—The most characteristic symptom of the presence of this worm is persistent vomiting. A fatal termination may be brought about from inanition resulting from the repeated vomiting, or the gastric tumors may rupture upon the peritoneum and cause a fatal peritonitis. Development.—Railliet has demonstrated that the eggs retain their shells in their passage through the intestines of the dog and reach the outside with the excrement. Researches of Grassi have shown that the embryos then pass into the body of a cockroach, probably by its feeding upon the ege-containing excrement of infected dogs. In the body-cavity of this insect he found large cysts containing larval nematodes agreeing in color with this species. The cysts were fed to dogs which, after two weeks, showed on necropsy the young parasites already embedded in the mucosa of the esophagus. Natural infection of dogs probably occurs by their eating the roaches containing these cysts. Treatment.—In the absence of precise symptoms indicating the presence of these worms, the diagnosis in practically all cases being made post-mortem, there is little to be said as to the treatment of the affec- tion. Bismuth or small doses of cocaine may be given as palliative treatment for the relief of the recurrent vomiting. FILARUDZ OF THE HoG 1. Arduenna strongylina (Spiroptera strongylina). Filariide (p. 244) —The body is subcylindrical and often curved ina semicircle. The anterior portion is attenuated, the posterior somewhat broader. The cuticle is densely striated transversely. The mouth has two lateral lips, each with three lobes leading into a small buccal capsule which is followed by a cylindrical pharynx marked with cuticular ridges forming a series of spirals. The caudal end of the male is curved, has two unequal wings, and five pairs of stalked papillee asymmetrically arranged. The spicules are long and very unequal. The vulva of the female is slightly anterior to the middle of the body. Length of female, 16-22 mm. (5/8-7/8 of an inch); male, 10-45 mm. (3/8-5/8 of an inch). The eggs are oval, 34-39 microns long by 20 microns wide. They have thick shells and contain well-developed embryos at the time of oviposition. 252 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS The species is parasitic in the stomach and small intestine of the hog. 2. Physocephalus sexalatus (Spiroptera sexalata). Fuilariude (p. 244).—The body is subeylindrical and slightly tapering anteriorly. The head is made distinct by a cuticular inflation extending to the posterior end of the pharynx. The mouth has two three-lobed lips, each lobe having a rounded papilla and leading into a small buccal capsule. The cylindrical pharynx has a spiral band which usually breaks up into separate rings in the middle of its course and again becomes spiral toward the posterior end. The body of the male is nearly uniform in diameter. The caudal extremity is twisted spirally and has narrow membranous wings which are symmetrical. There are eight pairs of papille, of which four pairs are preanal and stalked, the postanal papilla small, with short stalks, and close to the tail. The spicules are very unequal. The body of the female is thickest near the anus, terminating abruptly in a blunt point furnished with a small conical tip. The vulva is posterior to the middle of the body. Length of female, 13-19 mm. (1/2-3/4 of an inch). In the region di- rectly anterior to the anus the width is 333-450 microns. The male is 6-9 mm. (3/16-11/32 of an inch) in length. The eggs are oval, 34 by 15 microns, slightly flattened at the poles, and thick-shelled. They contain well-developed embryos at the time of oviposition. The species is parasitic in the stomach and small intestine of the hog. In neither of these two species is the life history known. The thickness of the egg-shell indicates that the embryos are not released until this is acted upon by the gastric juice of the host, and, therefore, that develop- ment occurs without an intermediate host. In a report upon his investigations of these worms published in 1912, Foster, of the Zodlogical Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, gives the following summary: “Two species of roundworms belonging to the family Filaride, of particular interest to helminthologists and veterinarians on account of their wide distribution and frequency of occurrence in American swine and the possibility that they may cause serious injury to their host, are given special consideration in this paper. “One of these species, identified as Spiroptera strongylina, has re- cently been placed in a new genus, Arduenna, of which it is the type, and several errors regarding the anatomy of this parasite have been corrected. Another species, Arduenna dentata, has been found in China associated with Arduenna strongylina, and, although not yet reported in American swine, is mentioned in this connection, as further investiga- tion may reveal its presence in this country. “ Arduenna strongylina is much more common in American swine than it is said to be in European swine, and has been found abundantly in es FILARITID 253 the slaughterhouses of St. Louis, Chicago, South Omaha, and Kansas City, and has also been collected at Benning, D. C., and Bethesda, Md. “Specimens of hogs’ stomachs received from Chicago showed the worms deeply fastened in the submucosa or embedded in necrotic tissue near which were deep ulcers. The condition suggested infection with Bacillus necrophorus, the inoculation with which might easily result from the burrowing of the worms; however, owing to the sterile condition of the specimens received, this could not be satisfactorily demonstrated. A similar diseased condition of the stomachs of hogs in Europe is attrib- uted by Von Ratz to infection with Arduenna strongylina. Under the circumstances the worm should be regarded with grave suspicion, and general prophylactic measures for the prevention of the spread of the infection are suggested. “Commonly associated with Arduenna strongylina in this country is another worm, identified as Physocephalus sexalatus, first described by Molin from specimens from the peceary (Dicotyles labiatus) from Brazil; also found by him associated with Arduenna strongylina from the wild boar in Germany. It is also reported by Von Listow (who apparently mistook this species for Arduenna strongylina) and Piana, from Europe, and by Railliet and Henry from Madagascar and Indo-China, in the former case associated with a severe gastritis. Seurat (1912) has re- cently reported this species from the ass and dromedary in Algeria, but his statements would seem to require confirmation. “According to the writers’ experience, Physocephalus sexalatus is almost as widely distributed as Arduenna strongylina, since out of eight lots of specimens of the latter species, specimens of Physocephalus sexala- tus were found in all but one. In a mixed infection, however, it has never been found as abundantly as Arduenna strongylina. This worm has apparently the same habit of injuring the mucosa as has Arduenna strongylina, as both species were found in the same necrotic tissue In a hog’s stomach. It must therefore be considered only less dangerous because it is less abundant, and should be subject to the same treatment suggested for infestation with Arduenna strongylina.”’ Control.—As that part of the parasite’s life history external to the host is not known, no more than general preventive measures can be recommended. The author quoted above suggests the following: “1. Hogs suffering from loss of appetite or failing to fatten under proper food and hygiene should be examined for evidence of infection by killing one or two and looking in the stomach for worms; or, where practicable, the feces of the entire herd may be examined microscopically. “9. Those swine found infested with stomach worms should be isolated from noninfected or presumably noninfected swine in clean pens, and the dung removed daily and mixed with quicklime or dis- posed of by carting it to places to which hogs do not have access. 254 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS “3. The noninfected swine should not be allowed to remain in the same pens formerly occupied by the infested animals, but should have clean quarters. The old pens should be thoroughly disinfected with lime after removing the dung and burning over the ground where feasible.”’ Treatment.—Treatment in such infection is,mainly prophylactic. As a medicinal remedy, probably benzine is one of the best. It may be given in two to four dram doses in milk, administered as recommended in the treatment for ascarids. Areca nut, one grain per pound of body- weight, may be given in the same manner. TFILARIIDZ OF CHICKENS Of the filarize harbored by poultry, four species may be mentioned here. As to the first three at least, there is little of record in this country. 1. Dispharagus spiralis. Filariide (p. 244).—The body is generally rolled spirally. There are three papillae around the mouth. The tail of the male is spiral and is provided with wings. There is but one spicule. The female is 9 mm. (3/8 of an inch) and the male is 7 mm. (5/16 of an inch) in length. This species lives in the wall of the esophagus and intestines of poultry. 2. Dispharagus hamulosus. Filariide (p. 244).—The body has eight denticulated longitudinal wings. The female is 16-25 mm. (5/8- 1 inch) and the male is 14 mm. (9/16 of an inch) in length. This worm has been found in Brazil and in Italy. It is parasitic in the gizzard of fowls. 3. Dispharagus nasutus. Jilariide (p. 244).—The body is slightly attenuated at its extremities. There are two long terminal papille on each side of the mouth, from which two flexuous wings have their beginning. These pass to a distance of 0.6 mm., then curve forward. The male is filiform, with caudal extremity spiral. There are two unequal spicules. The vulva of the female is in the anterior portion of the body. The female is 5-9 mm. (3/16-3/8 of an inch) and the male is 5 mm. in length. It inhabits the gizzard of fowls. 4. Tetrameres fissispina (Tropisurus fissispinus). Filariide (p. 244). This species is characterized by a marked sexual dimorphism. The male is white, slender, 3-6 mm. (1/8-1/4 of an inch) in length, and bears upon the median and lateral lines spines forming four longitudinal series. The body of the female is subglobular, 2 mm. in length by 1-2 mm. (in width; reddish in color; tail short and conical. The species is found in the proventriculus of the domestic duck where it inhabits submucous cysts and may set up a serious inflammation of these parts. It is said to be quite common in parts of New York State, and it is probable that it exists in other localities. —————EooOott CHAPTER XXI NEMATODA. FAMILY V. STRONGYLIDAH. SUBFAMILY I. METASTRONGYLIN At WorMS OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT Nematoda (p. 217).—The most prominent character by which this family may be recognized is the caudal bursa of the male which is usually well developed. The body is elongate, cylindrical, and in some cases filiform. A buccal capsule may be present or absent and may be armed with teeth in its interior. The esophagus is more or less enlarged poste- riorly. The males have a more or less well-developed caudal bursa, usually divided into lateral lobes, each supported by ray-like chitinous thickenings. There are two equal or unequal spicules. The vulva of the female may be posterior or anterior to the middle of the body, usually posterior, in some cases near the anus. Parasitism.—While these worms in their adult form mostly infest the lumen of the alimentary and respiratory tracts, other organs may be primarily or secondarily involved. The subserous larval phase of in- testinal invasion by the genus (sophagostomum and the vascular larvee of Strongylus vulgaris may be mentioned in this connection, while other organs are not uncommonly invaded by migration. The term strongylosis is a general one which has been applied to any helminthiasis produced by strongyles. It is more precisely used when qualified by terms indicating the seat of invasion, as gastric, intestinal, bronchial, vascular, or renal strongylosis. Being responsible for some of the most depletive and fatal forms of parasitism, the strongyl worms have especially demanded study and investigation; this has established important advances in knowledge as to their pathogenicity, though much remains to be revealed as to their life histories and consequently as to effectual means for their control. In general it may be said that low marshy pasturage and wet seasons favor infestation with strongyles, which would indicate that the ova and embryos of some forms at least are spread by water, and that contaminated water and herbage are the vehicles by which the parasites reach their hosts. As in other parasitic invasions, age and physical condition have a decided influence in predisposition. to strongylosis. Young ruminating animals are especially susceptible to the broncho-pulmonary form, while in all animals which may be affected both youth and senility favor 256 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS intestinal infestation. Again, the general rule applies that resistance is always reduced in animals in low physical condition, while, essentially, crowding and general unsanitary conditions favor the transmission and spread of the parasites. Of the Strongylide three subfamilies may be distinguished, viz: Subfamily I. Metastrongyline. Subfamily IJ. Trichostrongyline. Subfamily III. Strongyline. SuBraMiLy I. MrrastTRONGYLINA Strongylide (p. 255).—This subgroup comprises the strongyles parasitic in the respiratory system and some in the circulatory system. The buccal capsule is absent or very slightly developed. The bursa of the male is frequently atypical in structure and number of rays. There are two equal spicules. The eggs are in varying stages of development when deposited. The life history is as yet unknown. It is probable that infection is without intermediate host. Romanovitch and Slavine (1914) found that eggs of Dictyocaulus filaria when placed in water formed embryos. Two moltings followed, the cuticle being retained and encapsulating the larvee, and these when fed to sheep produced infection with the adult worms. This would indicate direct development and infection by the worms of this group. BRONCHIAL AND PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS OF THE SHEEP AND GOAT Three species of Metastrongyline invade the respiratory tract of the sheep and goat; a fourth,—Metastrongylus apri—described under broncho-pneumonia of the hog, is exceptionally found in the sheep. 1. Dictyocaulus filaria (Strongylus filaria). Fig. 130. Meta- strongyline (p. 256).—The body is white, filiform, slightly tapering at posterior extremity. The anterior extremity is obtuse, without wings; mouth circular and without papille. The bursa of the male is notched in front; spicules short, thick, brown in color, and provided with mem- branous wings. The caudal extremity of the female is straight and conical; vulva somewhat posterior to the middle of the body. Length of female, 5-10 cm. (24 inches); male, 3-8 em. (1 1/8-3 1/8 inches). The eggs are oval, 112-135 microns in length by 52-67 microns in breadth. They contain developed embryos which are liberated in the bronchi as the eggs are deposited. The embryos are 540 microns long by 20 microns in diameter, tapering to a blunt point behind. METASTRONGYLIN 957 The worm is parasitic in the respiratory organs of the sheep, goat, camel, and deer. 2. Synthetocaulus rufescens (Strongylus rufescens). Fig. 131. Metastrongyline (p. 256).—The body is thin and hair-like, brownish red in color. The mouth has three papilliform lips. The bursa of the - male is notched in front and has two small lateral indentations. The spicules are striped transversely and rounded at their ends. The poste- rior extremity of the female terminates in a blunt point; vulva imme- diately in front of the anus at the base of a small pre-anal elevation. Fie. 131.— Synthetocau- lus rufescens; male at right, female at left, —natural size. Fie. 130.—Dictyocaulus filaria: a, female; b, male, natural size; c, anterior extremity; d, eggs,—enlarged. Length of female, 25-35 mm. (5/8-1 3/8 inches); male, 18-28 mm. (3/4-1 1/2 inches). The eggs are oval, 75-120 microns in length by 45-82 microns in breadth. Segmentation has advanced at the time they are deposited, after which the embryos develop rapidly and are liberated in the pul- monary alveoli. From the alveoli they pass to the bronchi and trachea from whence they are expelled to the outside where they have a strong vitality and are capable of resisting desiccation for a long time. As found in the trachea and larger bronchi, the embryos measure 300-400 microns in length by 16-18 microns in breadth. The worm is parasitic in the respiratory organs of the sheep, goat, and rabbit. 258 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS 3. Synthetocaulus capillaris (Strongylus capillaris). Metastrongy- linze (p. 256).—This worm like the preceding is thin and brownish in color. The mouth has six papille and the caudal extremity is pointed. The caudal extremity of the male is curled spirally; bursa small and sup- ported by seven ribs; spicules dentate. The vulva of the female is just in front of the anus. Length of female, 20-22 mm. (7/8 of an inch); male, 14 mm. (9/16 of an inch). The eggs are brownish in color. The embryos develop after the eggs are deposited and are liberated in the pulmonary alveoli and bronchi. After depositing the eggs the adult worms invade the lung tissue where they die and become encapsulated. The worm is parasitic in the respiratory organs of the sheep and goat. Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of sheep and goats is due to the presence of these worms together with their eggs and larve in the air passages and alveoli. The affection is usually a broncho-pneumonia, though the symptoms presented will be somewhat subordinate to the infecting species. If the infection is with Dictyocaulus filaria, or this dominates a pulmonary species coexisting in the same animal, the bronchial symptoms will be the more prominent. On the other hand, in an abundant infestation with Synthetocaulus rufescens the pulmonary symptoms are likely to predominate. Symptoms.—Bronchial strongylosis of sheep and goats is usually due to the presence of adults of the species Dictyocaulus filaria in the larger air passages, and in most all cases the pulmonary form is asso- ciated with it. In general, the symptoms are those of a bronchial eatarrh. There is a short dry cough which at first is at long intervals. Later this is more frequent and may become paroxysmal and accom- panied by distressing attacks of dyspnoea. The bronchial secretion expelled through the mouth and nostrils is frequently lumpy and usually, though not always, contains the worms with their eggs and embryos, the latter found by examination of the material with the microscope. At first the liveliness and appetite of the animal are retained and there is no appreciable loss of flesh. If the number of the parasites remains small there will continue to be little or no manifestation of their presence. Relative to the degree of infestation, the symptoms may pass through the gradations above given to extreme difficulty in respiration, emacia- tion, pallor, and edema of the larynx, muzzle, and eyelids, the brisket and other dependent parts of the body in some cases also becoming edematous. Finally, in extreme weakness, the animal is unable to get upon its feet and, in a condition of complete prostration, succumbs. Symptoms occasioned by the presence of strongyles in the pulmonary alr spaces and alveoli are in themselves less prominent than those of verminous bronchitis. Attentive percussion over the thorax may reveal METASTRONGYLIN 259 dullness in circumscribed areas, but as a rule it shows nothing abnormal. Usually symptoms are only observed upon the appearance of cachexia and weakness following the development of purulent areas in the lung tissue, this finally brmging about the death of the animal. Course and Prognosis.—The duration of broncho-pulmonary stron- gylosis varies according to the number of parasites present and the toleration of the affected animal. In the majority of unfavorable cases the disease will run a course of two, three, or four months. In the very young this period may be much shortened, the animal succumbing in a few days from the first observation of symptoms. Strong adult animals, on the other hand, are likely, unless there is reinfection, to gradually recover during a course of six to eight months. In any case where the symptoms are well marked a fatal termination is to be looked for. For Post-mortem Appearance, Development and Etiology, Control, and Treatment, refer to pp. 262-265. BRONCHIAL AND PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS OF CATTLE Dictyocaulus viviparous (Strongylus micrurus). Fig. 132. Meta- strongyline (p. 256).—The body is long, slender, and attenuated at both extremities. The head is rounded and without wings; mouth circular and nude. The bursa of the male is small, without lobes, and is supported by five ribs. There are two short and strong spicules. The tail of the female terminates in a sharp point; vulva near the posterior sixth of the body. Length of female, 6-8 cm. (2 3/8-8 1/8 inches); male, 3.54 cm. (1 3/8-1 5/8 inches). The eggs are oval, 85 microns in length by 35 mi- crons in breadth. Embryos are developed within the body of the-female and are liberated at the time the egos are deposited. f The liberated embryos are 256 microns long by 25 microns in thickness. They pass from the bronchi to the trachea from which they are expelled to the exterior. Symptoms.—In light infestations no symptoms may be observed save an occasional cough. When ; ? Fic. 132.— Diec- the parasites are more numerous the cough becomes tyocaulus vivipar- more frequent and sonorous, and, in the further course, ous; male at right, paroxysmal, the animal extending the head, protruding eae a left, nat- the tongue, and freely salivating during the attacks. = The paroxysms are accompanied by dyspncea and suffocation, with beating flanks, quickened pulse, and injected conjunctiva. In severe 260 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS cases with violent attacks occurring several times a day, the gasping animal may fall prostrated and die from asphyxiation. The mucus expelled by the coughing is frequently streaked with blood and contains the worms which are often collected in masses. It is to these masses obstructing the iarge bronchi that the suffocation is due. Course and Prognosis.—What has been said as to influences goy- erning the duration and intensity of the malady in sheep will, in general, apply to cattle also. The prognosis, especially in calves, is usually unfavorable. Death is generally brought about in three to six months by asphyxia or extreme cachexia and exhaustion. For Post-mortem Appearance, Development and Etiology, Control, and Treatment, refer to pp. 262-265. BRONCHIAL AND PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS OF THE PIG Two strongyles are met with in the respiratory tract of the hog. 1. Metastrongylus apri (Strongylus apri; St. paradoxus). Fig. 133. Metastrongyline (p. 256).—The body is white or brown. The mouth has six lips. The bursa of the male is bilobate, each lobe sustained by five ribs. The spicules are slender and very long, measuring about 4 mm. (3/16 of an inch) and each terminated in a barb. The tail of the female terminates by a short hook-like process. The vulva is on a slight eminence immediately in frong of the anus. Length of female, 2-5 em. (3/4-2 inches); male, 1.2-2 em. (1/2-3/4 of an inch). The eggs are oval, 57-100 microns in length by 39-72 microns in breadth. They contain developed embryos at the time they are deposited and these are liberated in ee Pei the bronchi. apri; male at Lhe embryos at the time of their liberation measure right, female at 220-250 microns in length and 10-12 microns in thickness. af SOE natural ~The worm is parasitic in the respiratory tract of do- mestic and wild hogs, occasionally of sheep. 2. Metastrongylus brevivaginatus. Metastrongyline (p. 256).— This species has for a long time been confounded with the preceding under the name of Strongylus paradoxus. It differs from it in the shape of the bursa and in the spicules which are short, each terminating in two barbs. The worm is parasitic in the respiratory tract of domestic hogs. Occurrence and Symptoms.—While the presence of strongyles in the bronchi of pigs has been known for a long time, it is not as frequently observed in these animals as in sheep and calves. Heavy infestations METASTRONGYLINZE 261 with Metastrongylus apri sometimes occur with high mortality among pigs. Such cases take a course similar to that in sheep and calves. In the milder cases there may be disturbances of nutrition and occasional cough, though usually in light invasions nothing is observed to cause suspicion of the presence of the worms which are only revealed on examination of the respiratory passages after slaughtering. For Post-mortem Appearance, Development and Etiology, Control, and Treatment, refer to pp. 262-265. BRONCHIAL AND PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS OF THE HORSE Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (Strongylus arnfieldi).—Metastrongyline (p. 256) —The body is white and filiform and the mouth is nude. The bursa of the male is short, with faint lobulation. The spicules are slightly arched, 200-240 microns in length, and have a net-like marking. The tail of the female is short, slightly curved, and terminates in a blunt pomt. The vulva is situated somewhat posterior to the middle of the body and is not prominent. Length of female, 4.3-5.51 em. (1 11/16-2 3/16 inches); male, 2.8- 3.6 em. (1 1/8-1 7/16 inches). ; The eggs are oval and measure 80-100 microns in length by 50-60 microns in breadth. They contain developed embryos at the time they are deposited, and these are liberated in the respiratory passages of the host. The liberated embryos measure 400-490 microns in length and have a thickness of 14-18 microns. The worm is parasitic in the bronchi of the horse and ass. Bronchial strongylosis of equines seldom occurs. Clinically it is manifested by symptoms similar to those of verminous bronchitis in other animals. For Post-mortem Appearance, Development and Etiology, Control, and Treatment, refer to pp. 262=265. CARDIO-PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS OF THE DoG Hemostrongylus vasorum (Strongylus vasorum). Metastron- gyline (p. 256).—The body is filiform, whitish or reddish in color, and has longitudinal striations. The mouth isnude. The bursa of the male has two lobes, each sustained by four ribs. The vulva of the female is situated in front of the anus. Length of female, 18-21 mm. (3/4-13/16 of an inch); male, 14-18 mm. (9/16-3/4. of an inch). The eggs are oval and measure 70-80 microns in length by +0—50 microns in breadth. Segmentation occurs after they are deposited. 262 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS When freed from the eggs the embryos measure 300-360 microns in length by 13 microns in thickness. The worm lives in the right heart and ramifications of the pulmonary artery of the dog. Cardio-pulmonary strongylosis of the dog is due to the presence of these parasites, together with their eggs and embryos, in the right ventricle of the heart and small ramifications of the pulmonary artery. Symptoms.—Symptoms in this form of strongylosis of the dog are obscure, and generally the disease is not recognized until post-mortem examination of the animal. Respiratory disturbances occur in some cases, and there may be the development of ascites. The attacks of respiratory difficulty may disappear after a few days, or they may lead to asphyxia and the death of the animal. For Post-mortem appearance, refer to page 263. PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS OF THE CAT Synthetocaulus abstrusus (Strongylus pusillus). Metastrongyline (p. 256).—The body is filiform and the mouth is without papillae. The bursa of the male is short and slightly festooned. The spicules are slen- der, long and recurved. The caudal extremity of the female terminates in a blunt point; vulva immediately in front of the anus. Length of female, about 10 mm. (3/8 of an inch); male about 5 mm. (3/16 of an inch). The eggs are oval or subglobular, 60-85 microns in length by 35-80 microns in breadth. Segmentation occurs after they are deposited. The liberated embryos are 370-450 microns in length by 16-18 microns in diameter. The worm is parasitic in the lungs of the cat. Symptoms.—Verminous pneumonia of cats produced by the ova and embryos of this worm not infequently occurs without symptoms by which it may be recognized. On the other hand, the animals may have a frequent cough accompanied by vomiting. Where emaciation and diarrhea follow upon such symptoms, death will usually result after a course of two to three months. Post-Mortem APPEARANCE IN BRONCHIAL AND PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS Animals which have died as a result of strongyles in the respiratory passages will, upon necropsy, show an abundant collection of mucoid and mucopurulent material in the bronchial tubes which is frequently streaked with blood and contains the adult worms, ova, and embryos. METASTRONGYLINE 263 The worms may be in masses sufficient to obstruct the medium-sized or larger bronchi which in places may present sac-like dilations con- taining bundles of worms together with more or less purulent mucus. The mucosa of the heavily infested bronchi is edematous and may show hemorrhagic streaks. In the vicinity of bronchial dilations especially there is proliferation of connective tissue, the air-containing tissue being compressed and obliterated and at the periphery sometimes showing localized pleuritic adhesions. In pneumonia due to the presence of strongyles three forms have been distinguished, viz: 1. A lobar pneumonia due to the presence of the adult worms in the ramifications of the bronchi. 2. A diffuse pneu- monia due to ova and embryos which invade the pulmonary tissue in large numbers. 3. A nodular or pseudo-tuberculous pneumonia due to the accumulation of eggs and embryos in circumscribed parts of the lunes. The last is the most common form and is characterized by the presence of small, hard, grayish yellow centers from the size of a millet seed to that of a pea which may be more or less confluent. Most of these nodules are found toward the periphery of the lungs, particularly at the margins and just beneath the pleura. Generally they adhere closely to the surrounding tissue, varying in color from yellow, grayish yellow, reddish brown, violet, or black according to their age and the character of the inflammatory process. All of the centers become caseous and finally undergo calcareous infiltration. In addition to the bronchial and pulmonary lesions there are presented in severe cases the evidences characteristic of anzeemia and cachexia, involving subcutaneous edema and serous exudate in the cavities of the body. Dogs which have suffered from cardio-pulmonary strongylosis will, on necropsy, reveal adult worms (Hemostrongylus vasorum) in the right heart and branches of the pulmonary artery. The lungs at the bases of their lobes’ show circumscribed granular areas in which the tissue is gray, Eompact, and heavier than water. The granules are hardly the size of a pin’s head, semi-transparent, and give a roughened aspect to the surface. About the eggs and embryos lodged in the small arterioles there are found small pseudo-follicles which, on histological examina- tion, will exhibit three zones,—(1) a central consisting of a giant cell containing ‘a segmented egg or embryo; (2) a middle of epithelial cells; and (3) a peripheral consisting of embryonal tissue elements disposed circularly. Larger nodules may be found, usually in close relationship to a clot in a branch of the pulmonary artery in the vicinity of which there is an accumulation of adult strongyles. Development and Etiology.—The lungworms deposit their eggs in the respiratory passages of their host and the freed embryos are either expelled directly with the bronchial secretion or, passing to the pharynx, 264 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS are swallowed and reach the outside with the feces. Further than this little is known as to their life history. The larve do not appear to pass through any stages of development in the bronchi of their host, the first phases of their existence probably requiring that they be expelled from the animal. Having reached the outside, if the larve encounter sufficient warmth and moisture, they molt and this is later followed by a second molting after which they retain their coverings and in this condition may resist desiccation for a long time. It is probable that the larvee find their way to a host with the wet grass and, especially in the case of sheep, with collections of water upon the pastures which the animals drink. The view as to direct development and infection is supported by the investigations of Romanovitch and Slavine (p. 256), and it seems probable that in all cases of bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis the infection is direct. Some authors, however (Cobbold, Leuckart), be- lieve that a portion of the larval stage is lived in an invertebrate host, as an earthworm, larval insect, or mollusc. The larve are usually taken up by the host animals in the spring, though it is probable that infection may occur at any time during the pasture season. That infection cannot occur directly from animal to animal has been demonstrated by Leuckart, Herms and Freeborn and others who were not successful in bringing it about by the introduction into the respiratory passages and stomach of bronchial mucus containing numerous embryos. The course of the larval worms in reaching the bronchi after natural infection by way of the digestive organs has not been demonstrated. Based upon the function of rumination and the peculiar susceptibility of ruminating animals, the invasion of the air passages has been attrib- uted to the regurgitation of contaminated food, the worms passing from the pharynx to the larynx and trachea. But this hypothesis seems to have no more than plausibility in its support, and certainly cannot well apply to the case of the non-ruminating hog. Control.—In districts where bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis prevails, low, marshy and wet pastures or parts of pastures should not be accessible to susceptible animals. Drainage and a liberal covering of the ground with lime phosphates will do much to destroy the larve. Bearing in mind that young animals are more susceptible to attack than older ones, it is advisable where the disease prevails to give them feed and water each day before they are turned upon pasture. This will in a measure prevent them from going to pools and marshy places for water where they are likely to linger and graze unless their night’s fast has been previously somewhat broken. Where hogs and cattle are con- cerned the pens, stables and drinking places should be repeatedly cleaned and disinfected. Sputum, feces and bedding are not to be placed METASTRONGYLIN © 265 with manure to be spread upon the fields, but should be collected and burned as should also the infected respiratory organs of slaughtered animals. Treatment.—Treatment with a view to attacking the worms by way of the digestive tract with remedies supposed to act by their excretion through the lungs can at most be but mildly successful. Administered in this way, a sufficient quantity of the anthelmintic to be effectual would probably include the host in its destructive effect. Fumigation with various substances has been recommended and widely practiced. This procedure has more to recommend it than the first mentioned in that the remedy reaches the worms directly, having such a deleterious action upon them that they are more readily expelled in the coughing induced by the irritant smoke and vapors. Again an objection to the method is the intensity of application required for its success, this demanding that the animals be subjected to the fumes until they are dangerously close to asphyxiation. Where the fumigation treatment is resorted to it should be carried out in a tightly closed building to accommodate not more than fifty lambs at a time. Among the various substances which have been used to generate the fumes are tar, creolin, asafetida, horns, hoofparings, hair and the vapor of heated oil of turpentine. The intensity and duration of the treatment should be governed by the size and vigor of the animals and according as they become accustomed to it. At first 1t should not be applied for more than a few minutes each day; later two or three treatments of ten or more minutes duration each may be given daily. During the fumigation the animals should be closely watched for evi- dences of asphyxiation. - Of agents for creating the fumes, tar, sulphur and turpentine may be mentioned as probably among the best. These may be placed upon hot coals contained in a pot suspended by a chain from the ceiling in such manner that it will be just beyond the reach of the animals’ heads. The fumes should fill the entire enclosure and can be maintained by adding more of the ingredients as required. A more successful method of treatment is by tracheal injections of liquids which will kill the worms or reduce their vitality to a sufficient degree that they may be easily expelled. This procedure is espe- cially to be recommended for calves and is equally effectual for lambs, though where flocks of considerable size are involved, it is not so practicable. The measure of success attained by such treatment will depend largely upon the degree to which the worms and their larve have penetrated to the deeper parts of the respiratory organs. The solutions used must reach their destination by gravity, aided somewhat by the currents of inspired air, so that ultimately they will probably pass no further than 266 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS to the anterior portions of the lungs, the more deeply lodged parasites remaining unaffected. Furthermore, where an air passage is occluded by a mucus plug and mass of worms, the remedy will not pass beyond the obstruction and, therefore, cannot reach the further ramifications of the passage. Probably aqueous solutions for intratracheal injection have an ad- vantage in more readily becoming diffused. Oily preparations do not penetrate so deeply nor do they mix with the mucus. On the other hand, it is to be said in their favor that they are not so readily absorbed as aqueous solutions and remain in the air passages longer. The use of both aqueous and oily mixtures conjointly might well be recommended. Among the numerous formule for intratracheal injection the following may be mentioned; (1) Iodine two parts, iodide of potassium ten parts, distilled water one hundred parts. Mix and make into an emulsion with equal parts of oil of turpentine and olive oil. Give one to two drams to each sheep; calves three to four drams. Two injections with an interval of two days may be sufficient. (2) One per cent. aqueous solution of carbolic acid. Sheep one to one and a half drams, calves three to five drams. Inject once daily for several successive days. (3) Creolin five parts, oil of tupentine and olive oil of each fifty parts. Sheep one to one and a half drams, calves three and a half to five drams. Inject once daily for three successive days. (4) Creosote twenty parts, oil of amyg- dala one hundred parts. Calves one to one and a half drams. Inject once daily for four days. The intratracheal injections should be made slowly with a curved needle of large caliber or with a curved trochar. Previous to the opera- tion the wool should be shaved or closely clipped from the region. The needle should enter between the tracheal rings, preferably after a small incision has been made in the skin. Based on experiments which they carried on for over one year (1914), involving about two hundred and fifty animals, Herms and Freeborn concluded that chloroform administered nasally is, under proper condi- tions, a valuable method of treatment. The chloroform is introduced first into one nostril, then into the other, with an all glass syringe or medicine dropper in doses sufficient to nearly anzsthetize the animal, or, in other words, until it becomes ‘“groggy.’’ The dosage required for this will depend upon the animal’s susceptibility, and therefore cannot be exactly given. It is stated as varying from twenty-three to forty-six drops for angora goats, and from sixty to one hundred and sixty-five drops for calves, one-half the quantity in each nostril. The treatment is to be repeated at five or six day intervals until recovery, which, under good conditions of food and shelter, should not require more than three injections. Experiments by the investigators mentioned have shown that, while the worms were not killed immediately, death and disin- METASTRONGYLINAL 267 tegration of most of them occurs a few hours after the administration of the chloroform when large numbers are expelled in coughing. Whatever procedure may be adopted in the treatment of bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis, or if treatment is not attempted, it is highly important that the animals receive plenty of nourishing food and that they be well sheltered against cold and wet weather. CHAPTER XXII NEMATODA. SUBFAMILY II. TRICHOSTRONGYLIN A WorMS OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINE Strongylidse (p. 255).—These strongyles are parasitic only in the alimentary canal. The mouth is simple and without a buccal capsule (Fig. 135). The body is generally straight or it may be somewhat curved. The eggs are generally segmented at the time they are de- posited. Development is direct, and infection, so far as known, is only by ingestion. GASTRO-INTESTINAL STRONGYLOSIS OF THE SHEEP AND GOAT 1. Hemonchus contortus (Strongylus contortus). Fig. 134. Trichostrongyline (p. 268).—The body is filiform, attenuated at the extremities, and red or white in color. The integument is striated transversely. Near the anterior extremity there are two lateral tooth- like papille directed backward. The bursa of the male has two long lobes and a small lobe accessory to the right (Fig. 136); there are two spicules. The tail of the female is acutely pointed; anterior extremity more gradually attenuated; vulva toward posterior fifth of the body. Length of female, 18-30 mm. (11/16-1 3/16 inches); male, 10-20 mm. (3/8-3/4 of an inch). The eggs are elongated oval and measure 70-95 microns long by 43-54 microns wide. According to Railliet they contain developed embryos at the time of deposition. Hatching probably takes place in water, the embryo at the time of its release measuring 300-400 microns in length by 17-21 microns in breadth. Infection is probably by drinking water and contaminated pasturage bearing the larve. The worm is parasitic in the abomasum and duodenum of sheep, goats, and cattle. 2. Cooperia curticei (Strongylus ventricosus; St. curticei). Fig. 137. Trichostrongyline (p. 268)—The anterior end of the body is usually coiled spirally. The cuticle at the region of the head is striated transversely; cuticle of remainder of the body exhibits fourteen to six- teen longitudinal lines. The mouth is small and not well defined. The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes and a small median lobe. The spicules are short. The vulva of the female is close to the posterior end of the body. Tail slender and acutely pointed. TRICHOSTRONGYLIN Fic. 136—Hzemonchus contortus,—enlarged, Posterior extremity of male, dorsal view; d. dorsal ray supporting the asymmetrically situated dorsal lobe of bursa; e. d., externo- dorsal ray; e. 1., externo-lateral ray; gub., gubernaculum; |. y., latero-ventral ray; m. l., medio-lateral ray; p. 1., postero-lateral ray; sp., spicule; v. v., ventro-ventral ray (after Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). Fie. 134.— Hemonchus con- ey | tortus, female. Fic.135.—Hemon- Length of female, about 6mm. (1/4 *Vulva. x5. (Af- chus contortus, an- of an inch); male about 5 mm. (3/16 ter Ransom, Bull. terior portion of No. 127, Bu. body,—enlarged: ce. of an inch). : : An. Ind., ‘U. S. p., cervical papilla; The eggs are oval, 63-70 microns in Dept. Agr.). es., esophagus; int., Jenoth by 30-32 microns in width, seg- intestine; n. r., nerve ring (after Ransom, Mented at time of deposition. Bull. No. 127, Bu. The worm is parasitic in the small are U.S. Dept. intestine, more rarely the abomasum, of the sheep and goat. 3. Ostertagia marshalli. Fig. 139. Trichostrongyline (p. 268).— The mouth is small and surrounded by six indistinct papille. The cuticle has twenty-five to thirty-five longitudinal ridges appearing as lines. Cervical papillze 340-415 microns from anterior end of the body. The bursa of the male is bilobate; spicules short and similar, yellowish brown in color. The tail of the female is slender, gradually tapering, and rounded at the tip. The vulva is a transverse slit located near the tail extremity. 270 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Y Fic. 137.—Cooperia curticei; male at right, female at left. *Vulva. x15. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau’ An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). 2 BURTST ARTES zy FERRE PRET AES Fic. 138.—Co- operia _curticei, anterior portion of body, lateral view. x300. (Af- ter Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. §: Dept. Agr.). Fic. 139.—Ostertagia marshalli; male at right, female at left, enlarged (after Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). TRICHOSTRONGYLIN 274 Length of female, 12-20 mm. (1/2-3/4 of an inch); male, 10-13 mm. (3/8-1/2 an inch). The eggs are oval, 160-200 microns in length by 75-100 microns in breadth. The worm is parasitic in the abomasum, rarely the small intestine, of the sheep. It was first collected by Dr. H. T. Marshall and Prof. VY. K. Chestnut in Montana. 4. Trichostrongylus instabilis (Strongylus colubriformis; St. in- stabilis). Fig. 140. Trichostrongyline (p. 268).—The body is small, slender, gradually attenuated forward from posterior fifth; color reddish. Cuticle trans- versely striated; longitudinal lines and cer- vical papillae absent. The bursa of the male is large and laterally lobed; spicules short, spatulate, and appearing as though twisted. The body of the female is but slightly thinner toward the anus; behind the anus it suddenly narrows to form a sharp tail; vulva near middle of posterior half of the body. Length of female, 5-6 mm. (1/4 of an inch); male, 4-5 mm. (3/16 of an inch). The eggs are oval, 73-76 microns in length by 40-48 microns in breadth. The worm is parasitic in the duodenum of sheep and goats of North Africa, Europe, Japan, and United States. In Egypt it has been observed in man. Other species which may be found in S sheep and goats are Nematodirus filicollis Fs. 140.Trichostrongylus in- ° : stabilis; male at right, female at and Cooperia oncophora which are referred jer * Vulva. x15. (After Ran- to under gastro-intestinal strongylosis of som, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. cattle. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). Occurrence.—Gastro-intestinal strongylosis of sheep and goats is generally caused by the presence of Hamonchus contortus which may be in association with one or more other species. This stomach worm is recognized as one of the most serious of the numerous pests with which the sheep raiser has to contend. Animals of all ages become infected, but the most serious effects are observed in lambs and kids. Occurring mostly in wet marshy districts and in seasons of frequent rain —conditions favorable to the propagation of the lung as well as the gastric worms—the affection is frequently associated with the respiratory form of strongylosis. In the United States the stomach worm of sheep, goats, and cattle Q72 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS is especially prevalent in the Mississippi Valley, in the region of rivers tributary to the Mississippi, and in the Gulf States. In parts of the Middle West and South the parasite has been such a source of discour- agement as to cause the sheep industry to be almost completely aban- doned. Pathogenesis.—Taken up as larve with ingested plants or drinking water, the worms attack the mucosa of the fourth stomach and feed upon the blood of their host. The degree of disturbance which they cause will be proportionate to their number. Heavy infestations are accompanied by disorders of digestion and lead through loss of blood to anemia, dropsy, and emaciation, the general morbid effect being contributed to by the toxins elaborated by the parasites. Symptoms.—The symptoms are those of a pernicious anemia. The infected animal becomes dull and spiritless and there is arrested develop- ment. The appetite is diminished and depraved, and the animal fre- quently seeks water to quench an intense thirst. The anemia is revealed in the paleness of the skin and visible mucous membranes and in the edematous swellings in dependent parts of the body, often under the lower jaw. Later in the course of the disease a diarrhea appears with watery dark discharge of putrid odor. In some cases the toxic disturb- ances may be manifested by convulsions or paralysis. Finally, after a course of several months, the animal dies in a state of extreme emacia- tion and weakness. The cause of these symptoms of a progressive anemia can often be no more than suspected, and, where the condition prevails in flocks, a more certain diagnosis may be made by killing an affected animal and examining the fourth stomach. For Post-mortem Appearance, Development, Control, and Treat- ment, refer to pp. 275-279. GASTRO-INTESTINAL STRONGYLOSIS OF CATTLE Several species of strongyles may occur in the abomasum of cattle. Of these the most important are Hamonchus contortus, described under gastro-intestinal strongylosis of sheep, and the encysted stomach worm, Ostertagia ostertag?. 1. Ostertagia ostertagi (Strongylus ostertagi). Fig. 141. Tricho- strongyline (p. 268).—The body is filiform with attenuated extremities. The mouth is small and surrounded by six indistinet papille; cervical papille present. The cuticle has 25 to 35 longitudinal lines or ridges. The bursa of the male is comparatively small and has two lateral lobes united by a small median lobe (Fig. 142). The spicules are short, each having two slender barbed processes coming off from the inner side in the posterior half. The vulva of the female is a transverse slit covered TRICHOSTRONGYLIN = chs) ~ oo Fie. 142.—Ostertagia ostertagi. Posterior extremity of male with bursa spread out: d, dorsal ray; e. d., externo-dorsal ray; p. 1., postero- lateral ray; m. |., medio-lateral ray; e. l., externo-lateral ray; |. v., latero- ventral ray; v. v., ventro-ventral ray; p. b. p., pre-bursal papilla; sp., spi- ecules. x150. (After Ransom, from Railliet, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). by a prominent cuticular flap; it is located close to the caudal extremity of the body. The tail tapers gradually and ends in a slen- der tip. Fic. 141.—Ostertagia oster- Length of female, 8-10 mm. (5/16-3/8 of tasi; male at right, female at Emuench) male, 78mm. (1/45/16 ofan inch.) =. at we toy, Gass aol The eggs are oval, 65-80 microns in length Ind. U.S. Dept. Agr.). by 30-40 microns in breadth. The worm is parasitic in the wall and cavity of the abomasum of cattle. 2. Nematodirus filicollis (Strongylus filicollis). Fig. 143. Tricho- strongylins (p. 268).—This is a white hair-like worm, very thin in front, thicker behind. The cuticle has eighteen longitudinal ridges. The bursa of the male is bilobate; there are two very long and slender spicules united by a membrane posteriorly which forms a spatulate enlargement at the tip. The vulva of the female is a transverse slit located about one-third of the length of the body from the caudal extremity. At this location the body has its maximum thickness which is suddenly reduced Fic. 143.—Nematodirus filicollis; male in center, female at left. * Vulva. x15. At right, enlarged anterior portion of body. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). Fic. 144.—Cooperia oncophora; male at right, female at left. * Vulva. x15. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8S. Dept. Agr.). ——— TRICHOSTRONGYLIN = 275 _ just behind the vulva. The tip of the tail is truncate and bears a short bristle-like process. Length of female, 10-24 mm. (3/8-15/16 of an inch); male, 8-13 mm. (5/16-1/2 of an inch). The eggs are elongated oval, 110-113 microns in length by 64-70 microns in breadth; segmented at time of deposition. The further development is not known. The worm is parasitic in the small intestine of cattle, sheep, and goats. 3. Cooperia oncophora (Strongylus oncophora). Fig. 144. Tricho- strongyline (p. 268).—The head is rounded, without well-marked papil- lz; mouth cavity small and not well defined. The cuticle in the region of the head is transversely striated; cuticle of remainder of body with 14— 16 longitudinal lines or ridges; cervical papille absent. The bursa of the male, when spread, is large and has two lateral lobes and a small median lobe; border of median lobe incised. The spicules are short and of comparatively simple structure. The vulva of the female is in the posterior fourth of the body... At the region of the vulva the body is much enlarged. The tail is slender with rounded tip; terminal portion of tail marked with annular striations. ‘Length of female, 6-8 mm. (5/16 of an inch); male about the same. The eggs are oval, 60-80 microns in length by 30 microns in width. Inhabits the small intestine of cattle and sheep. Occurrence and Symptoms.—Hemonchus contortus is frequently found in the abomasum of cattle. When the infestation is heavy, which usually occurs in young pastured animals, they bring about the symp- toms of a pernicious anemia as described in the infestation of sheep. The cattle become infected by grazing upon pastures which are contam- inated by the droppings of infected sheep, goats, or other infested cattle. The symptoms caused by the presence of Ostertagia ostertagi, or the encysted stomach worm, are similar to those produced by Hemonchus contortus. It lives in small cysts in the mucosa of the abomasum and is also found free in the contents of this organ. When numerous, they cause a catarrhal condition and disturbances of digestion. For Post-mortem Appearance, Development, Etiology, Control, and Treatment refer to pp. 275-279. GastrRo-INTESTINAL STRONGYLOSIS. Post-Mortem APPEARANCE Examination of the contents of the abomasum and duodenum from an animal which has been heavily infested with stomach strongyles will reveal undulating movements of the fluid produced by the active wriggling about of the worms. Large numbers will also be found deeply adhering to the mucosa which will show the lesions of a subacute or chronic catarrh. Further than this, the pernicious anzemia is evidenced 276 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS in the paleness of the body tissues, edematous swellings, exudate into the serous cavities, and cachexia. Where Ostertagia ostertagi are present in the abomasum of cattle they will be found both free in the stomach contents and embedded in the subepithelial tissue of the mucosa in small round cysts about the size of a pin-head or slightly larger. When numerous, the same lessions are shown as in the attack upon the mucosa of a heavy invasion with Hemon- chus contortus. GASTRO-INTESTINAL STRONGYLOSIS. DEVELOPMENT AND ETIOLOGY The eggs of Hemonchus contortus passed in the feces of the host will hatch in a variable time according to the conditions of temperature and moisture. When these are favorable it may occur in a few hours, while, under more adverse conditions, it may take several days or weeks. Dryness or a freezing temperature kills the embryos and newly hatched Jarvee in a short time. Upon hatching the larva feeds upon the fecal matter with which it is surrounded. Later it becomes enveloped by a chitinous sheath, in this condition probably receiving nourishment from food material stored within its body. At this stage the larva can survive freezing and drying for long periods and is motile at temperatures above 40° I’., becoming more active with increase in temperature. Where there is sufficient moisture, as from dew or rain, it crawls upon a blade of grass or other vegetation and gradually makes its way to a position well removed from the ground. In this position it is taken up by the grazing ruminant host and, reaching the abomasum, becomes mature in two to four weeks. If the eggs or newly hatched larvee are ingested they apparently do not undergo further development. It seems, there- fore, that only the ensheathed larve are infective. Control.—As stated in the foregoing, moisture favors the develop- ment of the embryos, while dryness kills them at their early stages. High pasture ground, therefore, with good natural drainage greatly reduces the chances of the larve reaching the infective stage. Further- more, larvee which have become infective are more motile in the presence of moisture such as is supplied by the heavy dews and fogs occurring over low land; crawling, then, out upon the wet blades. of grass, the worms are more likely to be taken up by the grazing animals. If the temperature remains constantly at about 95° F. the infective larval stage is reached in three to four days after the eggs have passed from the body of the host. At 70° F. one to two weeks are required, while three to four weeks are necessary at about 50° F. At temperatures below 40° F. the eggs are dormant and the larve remain inactive. Under the usual climatic conditions of the northern part of the United States, therefore, there is little possibility of new infection from placing in- TRICHOSTRONGYLINA Qi. fected and noninfected animals together in clean fields from the first of November until March. During the warmer months the best means of controlling the parasite seems to be by the rotation of pastures, keeping each pasture free from sheep and cattle for at least a year, by which time the larve will be dead. As to this method Ransom (U. 8. B. A. I., Cir. No. 102) suggests the following: ‘‘Infested and noninfested sheep which have been kept to- gether in clean fields from November to March or later, according to weather, if moved then to another clean field may remain there nearly the entire month of April before there is danger of infection. From the first of May on through the summer the pastures become infectious much more quickly after infested sheep are placed upon them, and during May it would be necessary to move the sheep at the end of every two weeks, in June at the end of every ten days, and in July and August at the end of each week, in order to prevent the noninfected sheep from becoming infected from the worms present in the rest of the flock. After the first of September the period may again be lengthened.” The difficulties and inconveniences of this method consist in the num- ber of small pastures and subdivisions of pastures which it requires; furthermore, it imposes limitations upon the size of the flock. It is, however, probably the most effective system thus far devised for the eradication of this parasite. Where it can be conveniently practiced, it is a good precautionary measure to burn over the pastures in the early spring or fall. This will destroy most of the eggs and larvee which are lodged upon the grass or upon the ground. Treatment.—Experiences recorded with the use of drugs for the expulsion of stomach worms are somewhat varied. The success attained by such treatment has not equaled expectations based upon experiments made with the agents upon worms outside of the body of a host. It is probable that this is mainly due to the fact that drugs administered to. ruminants by the mouth do not pass directly to the abomasum, but must first mix with the ingesta of the rumen and reticulum, passing from the latter by way of the omasum to the abomasum and intestine. Hence, before reaching the worms the drug become sufficiently diluted or mixed with the bulky ingesta to greatly reduce its effectiveness. Treatment for the expulsion of Hemonchus contortus gives better promise for success than that for the smaller stomach strongyles, as Ostertagia ostertag?, owing to the protected position of the latter within the mucosa. Animals which are to be treated should be taken up in the afternoon of the day previous to treatment and all food withheld from them for eighteen to twenty-two hours. The remedy should be given the following morning either with a long-necked bottle or, better, with a drenching tube consisting of about three feet of one-half inch rubber tubing with 278 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS a funnel inserted at one end and a four to six inch piece of metal tubing inserted in the other end, the metal tube to be placed in the animal’s mouth between the molar teeth. The funnel may be held by an assistant or fastened to a post while receiving the liquid, the flow of which may be controlled by pinching the rubber tube near the insertion of the metal piece. The dosage for each sheep should be carefully measured accord- ing to age, and care taken to lower the head at once upon entrance of the liquid into the larynx, this often a result of holding the head too high and indicated by coughing, Among the remedies used for the expulsion of stomach worms may be mentioned (1) copper sulfate, (2) gasoline, and (3) coal-tar creosote. An objection to the last named is its variable composition, the substance not infrequently sold under the name of coal-tar creosote being quite unreliable for the purpose here considered. Copper sulfate has received high recommendation and is extensively used in the sheep flocks of South Africa. It may be prepared and given as follows: Dissolve 1/4 of a pound (avoirdupois) of clear blue crystals of copper sulfate in one pint of boiling water, having first crushed the crystals in a mortar to a fine powder. In making the solution use a porcelain or enamel-ware vessel as the bluestone will corrode most metals. Add to this solution enough cold water to make it up to three gallons, using non-metallic receptacles. This will make an approximate one per cent. solution, and, allowing for waste, will be enough for the treatment of about one hundred adult sheep. The dosage is to be graded according to age as follows: Lambs 3 months to 1 year old...... 5 drams to 1 1/2 oz. (20-50 ec.). Sheep over 1 year old............. 2 to 3 oz. (64 to 96 ec.). ASaIV OS rk | ts, Cre REN a Gott Ae co Nea .3 to 4 oz. (96 to 128 cc.). Yearlincveathle: ese eee 6 oz. (192 ce.). The animals should receive no water at any time during the day they are dosed. Where the stomach worm exists in a flock, it has been suggested as a control measure to give 50 ec. of a one per cent. solution of copper sulfate every month or so except during the winter in climates where the winter is freezing. Gasoline has afforded a convenient remedy, but, for reasons which need not be gone into here, the commercial gasoline of the present time is unsuitable for this purpose. Under such conditions only the official purified gasoline (benzinum purificatum, U. 8. P.) should be used. At best, however, gasoline is probably less satisfactory for the purpose than copper sulfate; furthermore, to be effectual, the gasoline treatment must be repeated upon three consecutive days. In the preparation for the administration of gasoline withhold water —— TRICHOSTRONGYLIN © 279 as well as feed. The following morning give the gasoline in milk, linseed oil, or flaxseed tea, mixing the dose for each animal according to age as iy 5 follows: RATIOS erates crea ea 2 drams (8 cce.). Seep een tet ayn) eA ram's! (iGrce:)): Gales eee es aes, 4 drams (16 ec.). Yearling cattle.......... 1 oz. (82 ce.). Three hours later allow feed and water. At night again confine the animals without feed and water. The next morning give the second dose, the third morning the third dose, the treatment before and after dosing being the same in each case. Gasoline should not be given in water, nor should it be given soon after the animals have taken water. Coal-tar creosote may be given in solution of one per cent. strength. The solution is made by shaking together one ounce of coal-tar creosote and ninety-nine ounces (6 pints and 3 ounces) of water. The doses of this as recommended by Stiles are as follows: Lambs 4 to 12 months old................. 2 to 4 ounces Yearling sheep and above.................3 to 5 ounces Calves 3 to 8 months old..................5 to 10 ounces BY(EamliMous teers hearse on eelis deat. Se Se 1 pint Two-year-olds and above.................. 1 quart If a good quality of coal-tar creosote is used, good results may be obtained from a single dose of this one per cent. solution. Other remedies, such as lysol and arsenic, have been recommended by various authors, but probably the most effectual will come within those which have been particularly mentioned. The treatment should be administered to the entire herd, since an- umals which may be but lightly infested will remain a source of reinfec- tion to others. The general condition of the animals should be built up and main- tained by a generous supply of nourishing food and they should receive a plentiful supply of salt. CHAPTER XXIII NEMATODA. SUBFAMILY III. STRONGYLINAs WorMS OF THE LARGE AND SMALL INTESTINES; OTHER STRONGYLES These worms are parasitic in the digestive tract, rarely in the respi- ratory organs. The buccal capsule is present. The bursa of the male is well developed and has one or two dorsal rays and two lateral ray systems of six rays each. There are two spicules. The vulva of the female is usually posterior to the middle of the body, but may be anterior to the middle. There are two ovaries. The eggs are segmented at the time they are deposited. The embryos are rhabditiform. The development, so far as known, is direct. In some forms the development is complex, involving a nodular phase or larval migration. Based mainly upon the formation of the bursal rays and the location of the vulva, the Strongyline have been grouped by Railliet and Henry into five tribes, as follows: Tribe I. Gsophagostome Tribe II. Strongylee (Ankylostomez) Tribe III. Bunostomee Tribe IV. Cylicostomez Tribe V. Syngameze I. Gsophagostomez. Strongyline (p. 280).—The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes united by a smaller median lobe. In each lateral lobe there are six rays. The ray of the median lobe divides into two main branches, each of which again divides into two. The vulva of the female is situated a short distance in front of the anus; uteri diver- gent. The tribe includes three genera, as follows: Genus I. Gisophagostomum Genus II. Chabertia (Sclerostomum) Genus III. Agriostomum II. Strongyleez. Strongyline (p. 280).—The ventral and latero- ventral rays of the lateral bursal lobes are close together and parallel. The medio-lateral and postero-lateral rays are not close together and parallel. The dorsal ray ends in tridigitate terminations. The vulva of the female is situated in the posterior third of the body; uteri diver- gent. The tribe includes four genera, as follows: ; Genus I. Strongylus Genus II. Ankylostoma Genus III. Uncinaria Genus IV. Characostomum . q 3 = tee —e STRONGYLIN 4 281 Ill. Bunostomez. Strongyline (p. 280).—The ventral and latero- ventral rays of the bursal lobes are close together and parallel. The medio-lateral and postero-lateral rays are not close together and are not parallel. The dorsal ray ends in a bifurcation. The vulva of the female is situated in the middle of the body or a little anterior to the middle; uteri divergent. The tribe includes four genera, as follows: Genus I. Bunostomum Genus II. Gaigeria Genus III. Bathmostomum Genus IV. Grammocephalus TV. Cylicostomez. Strongyline (p. 280).—The ventral and latero- ventral rays of the bursal lobes are close together and parallel. The medio-lateral and postero-lateral rays are not close together and parallel. The dorsal and externo-dorsal rays originate separately. The vulva of the female is situated close to the anus; uteri convergent. The tribe includes four genera, as follows: Genus I. Cylicostomum Genus II. Gsophagodontus Genus III. Gyalocephalus Genus IV. Triodontophorus V. Syngamee. Strongyline (p. 280).—The bursa is obliquely trun- cated. The anterior and middle rays are cleft, the posterior tridigitate. The vulva of the female is situated in the anterior quarter of the body; uteri divergent. The tribe includes one genus—Syngamus. NopvuLarR STRONGYLOSIS OF THE SHEEP AND Goat. (CHsSoPHAGOSTO- MIASIS 1. @sophagostomum columbianum. Fig. 145. Strongyline (p. 280).—The thickness of the body is nearly uniform over its greater portion; attenuated toward ends. ‘The anterior portion is usually curved in the form of a hook. The cuticle surrounding the mouth is inflated to form a collar which has almost the shape of a hemisphere. Six circum-oral papille penetrate this mouth collar. In front of the middle of the esophagus there is a transverse groove with accompanying cuticular fold extending around the body to the lateral lines. There are two cervical papillee in front of the middle of the esophagus. Posterior to the cervical groove are two lateral membranes which extend well back along the lateral lines. The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes united by a small median lobe. The spicules are 750-850 microns in length, slender and pointed. The vulva of the female is naked, trans- versely elongated, and situated a short distance in front of the anus. The length of the female is 14-18 mm. (9/16-11/ 16 of an inch); male, 12-15 mm. (1/2-19/32 of an inch). 282 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Fig. 145.—(@sophagostomum columbianum; male at left, female at right. * Vulva. x5. (After Ran- som, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). The eggs are oval, 65-75 microns in tee wae ole ieee ~ ee . :: umbilanum. «Anterior extremity, length by 40-45 TORCLONS St br eadth. ventral view,—enlarged: ec. g., cer- Segmentation occurs while they are within vical groove; ec. p., cervical papilla; the uterus. es., esophagus; int., intestine; 1. m., TI freed hivos , . . lateral membrane; l. p., lateral cir- he freed embryos measure 230 m1- cymoral papilla; m. ¢., mouth collar: crons in length. n. r., nerve ring. (After Ransom, Parasitic in the large intestine of the ry ae 127, Soe .S. Dept. Agr.). sheep and goat. 2. Gsophagostomum venulosum. Fig. 148. Strongyline (p. 280). —The thickness of the body is nearly uniform over its greater portion, attenuated toward ends. The anterior end is usually straight. The height of the cuticular collar about the mouth is about one-third of its diameter. The cuticle of the neck is inflated between the mouth collar and the cervical groove. The lateral membranes extend well back but are very narrow. The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes united by a small median lobe. The spicules are 1.1-1.5 mm. long. The vulva of the female is naked and located just in front of the anus. From a short distance in front of the vulva the body tapers, terminating in a sharply pointed tip. The female is 18-24 mm. (23/32-15/16 of an inch) in length; male, 12-16 mm. (15/32-5/8 of an inch). The eggs are oval, 90 microns in length by 55 microns in breadth. Fic. 147.—(ésophagosto- mum columbianum. En- larged bursa of male viewed from right side: d, dorsal ray; e. 1., externo-lateral ray; 1. v., latero-ventral ray; m. |., medio-lateral ray; p. l., postero-lateral ray; v. v., ventro-ventral ray. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). Fic. 150. STRONGYLINAL Fie. 148.—(£sopha- gostomum venulosum; male at right, female at left. * Vulva. (After Ransom, No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). Fie. 150.— Csopha- gostomum venulosum. Enlarged bursa of male viewed from right side: d., dorsal ray; e. d., ex- terno-dorsal _ray; e. lL, externo-lateral ray; m. l., medio-lateral ray; p. l., postero-lateral ray; sp., spicules; v. v., ven- tro-ventral ray. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127. Bureau An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). Fig. 149.—Qsopha- gostomum venulosum. Anterior portion of body—enlarged, ventral view: c. g., cervical groove; ¢.. i, cervical in- flation; ¢c. p., cervical papilla; es., esophagus; int., intestine; 1. m., lateral membrane; l. p., lateral circumoral pa- pilla; m. ¢., mouth col- lar; n. r., nerve ring. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.) Parasitic in the large intestine, more rarely in the small intestine, of the sheep and goat. The species has been collected in Europe and in the United States. It is much less common in this country than @sophagos- tomum columbianum. Occurrence and Development.—Nodular disease of the intestines of sheep caused by Gsophagosotomum columbianum is common in the 284. PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS United States. The nodules are due to the larve which live embedded in the connective tissue of the submocosa, to which they at once penetrate after being taken up by the host. According to Marmotel, after six to seven months of development in this location, they pass to the intes- tinal lumen where they become sexually mature and the female, after cop- ulation, deposits her eggs. The eggs pass from the host animal with the feces and promptly hatch if they meet with favorable conditions of heat and moisture. The further development outside of a host is not known. Natural infection probably takes place by food and water from wet marshy pastures. If it occurs during August and September the larvee will pass from the nodules into the intestinal lumen during March and April, here attaining maturity and copulating in July and August. Post-mortem Appearance.—The nodules are most commonly found in the wall of the cecum and colon, but they may occur in the small intestine and at times on the liver and other abdominal organs. They may be isolated, but are frequently massed in hundreds and thousands. In size they vary from that of a pinhead to that of a pea, or they may be considerably larger. Their color varies from blackish in the smaller ones to grayish white in the larger. The connective tissue capsule of the nodule is thick, and, as the nodule increases in size, it becomes filled with a greenish cheesy or purulent material, later becoming calcareous. Only the younger nodules contain the larve. Symptoms.—Light infestations, with the presence of a few nodules, are not, as a rule, accompanied by perceptible symptoms, the condition in such cases being observed only after slaughtering. Relative to their degree, heavier invasions may be accompanied by diarrhea without a considerable loss of condition, or the diarrhea may be uncontrollable and accompanied by progressive emaciation and anzemia. Such cases usually terminate fatally after a course of two or three months, the animal succumbing in a state of coma. The effect of the invasion will depend considerably upon the age and vitality of the animals infested. Importance.—The fact that many slaughtered sheep that were ap- parently perfectly healthy show these nodules tends to lead to the im- pression that they are of little importance and has perhaps caused them to be overlooked as a primary cause of death. Cases of nodular disease submitted to the laboratory of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Ani- mal Industry indicate that the disease may assume an enzoétic char- acter of severe type occasioning numerous losses. Usually where there is high mortality there is heavy infestation with large areas of massed nodules, though there are several factors which render this un- necessary to a fatal termination. Lighter invasions may have this result when by worms with a relatively high degree of virulence; when the invaded animal has a low degree of resistance, or when other worms are present to contribute to the morbid effect. Furthermore, these a ae STRONGYLIN 285 worms may infect the blood and lymph with organisms which cause other diseases through acting as direct carriers in penetrating the in- testinal wall, or by the wounds which they create affording portals of entrance. In such cases a comparatively shght infestation with CEsopha- gostomum would be sufficient for what might prove a fatal secondary effect. Treatment.—No effective curative treatment is known. Preventive measures consist in keeping the sheep from low wet areas. Where the disease is prevalent, lambs may be protected from serious infestatioa by placing them in a dry uncontaminated lot and feeding and watering them from racks and troughs sufficiently elevated that the contents cannot be soiled by droppings from the nursing ewes. NopDULAR STRONGYLOSIS OF CaTTLE. CHSOPHAGOSTOMIASIS Csophagostomum radiatum (C. inflatum). Tig. 151. Stron- gylinee (p. 280).—The thickness of the body is nearly uniform over its greater portion; attenuated toward ends. The anterior portion is usually curved in the form of a hook. The cuticular inflation about the mouth (mouth collar) is disk-like, its height a little more than one- fourth of its diameter. The mouth capsule is bordered by a circle of numerous small triangular denticles. The cervical groove and fold are well developed and the cuticle between it and the mouth collar is in- flated. This inflation has a slight constriction at about one-third of the distance from the cervical groove to the mouth collar. The lateral membranes begin at the cervical groove and extend well back along the body; near their beginning are two cervical papille. The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes united by a small median lobe; spicules 700— 800 microns in length. The vulva of the female is transversely elongated upon an eminence located just in front of the anus. From the vulva the body rapidly tapers, terminating in a tip which is usually somewhat bent in a ventral direction. The female is 16-20 mm. (5/8-3/4 of an inch) in length; male, 14-16 mm. (9/16-5/8 of an inch). The eggs are oval, 75-80 microns in length by 38-43 microns in breadth. Their segmentation occurs within the body of the female. Parasitic in the small and large intestines of cattle. While the nodular larval stage of (sophagostomum colwmbianum of sheep is usually found in the large intestine, that of @sophagostomum radiatum of cattle is often found in the small intestine, the nodules usually occurring in the terminal portion with involvement of the region of the ileo-cecal valve and the cecum. In other respects what has been said as to nodular disease of sheep will, in its essentials, apply to that of cattle. 286 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Fie. 151. — G@sophagostomum radiatum; male at right, female atleft. * Vulva. x5. (After Ran- som, Bull. No.127, Bureau An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). Fie. 153. Fie. 152. — sophagostomum radiatum. Enlarged anterior por- tion of body, ventral view: c.a., annular groove surrounding cervical inflation of cuticle; c. g., cervical groove; c. i., cervical inflation; ec. p., cervical papilla; e. p., excretory pore; es., esophagus; int., intestine; 1. m., lateral membrane; m. c., mouth collar; n.r., nerve ring. (After Ran- som, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). Fic. 153.—(isophagostomum radiatum. Enlarged bursa of male, viewed from left side: d., dorsal ray; d. h., dorsal projection of trunk of lateral rays at base of postero-lateral ray; e. d., externo-dorsal ray; e. l., externo-lateral ray; 1. t., trunk of lateral rays; 1. v., latero-ventral ray; m.1., medio-lateral ray; p. l., postero- lateral ray; t. d., terminal branch of dorsal ray; v. v., ventro-ventral ray. (After Ransom, Bull. No 127, Bu- reau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). STRONGYLIN 287 NopuLar STRONGYLOSIS OF THE Hog. CMisoPHAGOSTOMIASIS Csophagostomum subulatum (CE. dentatum). Strongyline (p. 280).—The body is straight and attenuated at both extremities. The circular mouth is surrounded by a horny ring furnished with a crown of converging bristles. Upon a cutaneous ridge surrounding the crown of bristles are six papille. There are no lateral membranes. The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes united by a small median lobe; spicules slender. The vulva of the female is just in front of the anus and is sur- rounded by a prominent ring. The female is 12-15 mm. (1/2-9/16 of an inch) in length; male, 8-12 mm. (5/16—1/2 an inch). The eggs are oval, 60-80 microns in length by 35-45 microns in breadth. This species is found in submucous nodules and in the lumen of the large intestine of the hog. Considerable numbers may be present with- out causing serious disturb- ance. If the infestation is unusually heavy—especially if associated with the thorn- headed worm—there may be diarrhea, loss of appetite, and general unthrift. Such cases may be given treatment as recommended for other roundworms of the intestines of the hog, STRONGYLOSIS OF THE LARGE INTESTINE OF THE SHEEP AND GOAT Chabertia ovina (Sclero- stomum hypostomum). Fig. 154. Strongylins (p. 280).— The body is almost uniform ~“* in thickness: The head is Fie. 154.—Chabertia ovina; male at right, female slightly globular and is ob- at left. *Vulva. x5. (After Ransom, Bull. No. liquely annierted! anteriorly, 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). the mouth facing antero-ventrally. The buccal capsule is large; border of mouth armed with a double crown of small triangular denticles. Lo- cated ventrally, just in front of the excretory pore, is a short transverse cervical groove. The bursa of the male is short and has an obliquely cut-off appearance; spicules long and slender. The vulva of the female 288 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS is situated a little in front of the anus. From in front of the vulva the body gradually attenuates, the tail terminating behind the anus in a sharply pointed tip which is bent dorsally. The female is 17-20 mm. (11/16-3/4 of an inch) in length; male, 13- 14 mm. (1/2 an inch). The eggs are oval, 90-100 microns in length by 50 microns in breadth. They are segmented within the body of the female. The eggs have similar characters to those of other sclerostomes, and it is probable that the evolution external to a host is the same. Occurrence.—Strongylosis of the large intestine of sheep due to this species is probably more prevalent in Europe than in the United States. In reference to the species, Hutyra and Marek state that it is often found in the colon of sheep, goats, and deer, inducing in some cases intestinal hemorrhage and diarrhea followed by anemia and emaciation which may cause considerable loss among the young animals. Neveu-Lemaire speaks of strongylosis of the large intestine of sheep as at times ravaging certain flocks in the form of an epizod6tic. Ransom, in United States Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 127 (1911), refers to Chabertia ovina as follows: ‘‘This species appears to be comparatively harmless. Its food consists of the vegetable material in the contents of the large intestine. The buccal capsule is commonly found filled with such material.” STRONGYLOSIS OF THE INTESTINES OF THE HoRSE. SCLEROSTOMIASIS 1. Strongylus equinus (St. armatus; Sclerostomum equinum). Fig. 155. Strongyline (p. 280)—The body is straight, rigid, and finely striated transversely; color gray or grayish brown, or it may be shaded with red according to the amount g of ingested blood. The mouth is distended by several chitinous rings the innermost of which are provided with an armature of fine teeth, while the outermost have six papille. The buccal capsule has three teeth at its base. The bursa of the male has two lateral lobes between which is a smaller median lobe; spicules long and slender. The vulva of the female is located near the posterior third of the body. The tail is obtuse. The length of the female varies from 20-55 mm. (3/4 to 23/16 inches); that of the male from 18 to 35 mm. Tie eee Cea emus 3/8 inches). : eylus equinus; male Lhe eggs are oval, 92 microns in length by 54 mi- at right, female at crons in breadth. Segmentation commences at the left, — natural size tine of their deposition. The hatched embryos meas- (drawn from speci- = i 2 5 mens). ure 340-500 microns in length. , um -_— STRONGYLINEA 289 2. Strongylus edentatus (Sclerostomum edentatum). Strongylinze (p. 280).—The head is globular. The buccal capsule is goblet-like, and teeth are absent. The bursa of the male is similar to that of Strongylus equinus. The vulva of the female is near the posterior third of the body. The female is 33-36 mm. (1 5/16-1 7/16 inches) in length; male, 23— 25 mm. (7/8-1 inch). The eggs are oval and in dimensions about as in Strongylus equinus. As adults these worms are parasitic in the cecum and colon of the horse; as larvee in the abdominal and thoracic organs. 3. Strongylus vulgaris (Sclerostomum vulgare). Strongyline (p. 280).—The buccal capsule is shallow and has a single tooth at its base, prominent projections causing the tooth to appear as two. The bursa of the male has three lobes, the median one overlapped by the two lateral. The vulva of the female is near the posterior third of the body. The female is 24 mm. (15/16 of an inch) in length; male, 15 mm. (5/8 of an inch). The eggs are as in the preceding species. Parasitic as adults in the cecum and colon and in immature stages in the mesenteric blood vessels of the horse. 4. Cylicostomum tetracanthum (Sclerostomum tetracanthum). Strongyline (p. 280).—A white or reddish white worm, attenuated anteriorly, the mouth surrounded by a cuticular fold. The buccal capsule is armed with a crown of triangular teeth. The vulva of the female is just anterior to the anus. The female is 10-18 mm. (3/8-11/16 of an inch) in length; male, 8— 12 mm. (5/16-1/2 an inch). The eggs are oval, 100 microns in‘ length by 47 microns in breadth. Parasitic in the cecum and colon of the horse. Development.—The worms causing sclerostomiasis of the horse were formerly grouped under the name Strongylus armatus. According to Looss (1902) it is the immature stages of the species Strongylus vul- garis (Looss, 1900) which are concerned in the production of verminous aneurysms in the mesenteric arteries of the horse. M. Neveu-Lemaire (Parasitologie des Animaux Domestiques, 1912) describes the worm responsible for these lesions under the name Strongylus equinus. This worm when mature lives in the cecum and colon where it firmly attaches to the mucosa by its buccal armature. In its agamous state it is found in submucous cysts of these organs and in aneurysms of the mesenteric artery. According to the investigations of. Railliet the eggs, which are deposited in the cecum and colon and expelled with the feces, may develop in a few days if they meet with moisture at a temperature of 12° to 25° C. (538° to 77° F.). The hatched embryos, if they continue amid favorable conditions, grow, molt, and acquire a great vitality. It is at this stage that they are ingested by the equine host with the drink- 290 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS ing water or perhaps with green forage. Reaching the intestines, they penetrate the mucosa from which probably the majority of them reach the circulatory system where they become lodged in the visceral arteries, as the trunk of the great mesenteric. After a variable time in this location they again enter the blood stream and, reaching the cecum, oecome encysted in the submocosa where their development proceeds. Within the cyst they possess a buccal capsule and a caudal bursa, but the generative organs are not as yet developed. Finally they pass to the lumen of the bowel where they attach to the mucosa and acquire all the characters of the adult. Copulation then takes place, the eggs are deposited, and a new generation repeats the cycle. Symptoms.—The symptoms brought about by the presence of these worms—a condition generally known under the name of sclerostomiasis— are not characteristic and vary according to the location of the parasites. The presence of the adults upon the mucosa of the cecum, even in con- siderable numbers, rarely causes serious disturbance, diarrhea and occasional attacks of colic resulting in exceptional cases. Selerostomiasis produced by the larve is of a much more serious nature.. Their most frequent location in this state is in the large arteries where they bring about the formation of verminous aneurysms, usually at the origin of the great mesenteric. Fragments of the clot within the aneurysm may be carried by the blood to form emboli in the arterial ramifications leading to the intestines, that portion of the intestine supplied by an artery in which an embolus is lodged being deprived of its normal supply of blood. As a result there is suspension of secretion and peristaltic movements in this section, the walls of a portion of which become dark and tumified with the presence of hemorrhagic infaret. One or more portions of the intestine may be thus affected, the arrested contents fermenting and producing an abundance of gas, while in the healthy portions of the intestines there are abnormally energetic con- tractions which cause a severe enteralgia and may lead to invagination, displacement, and even rupture. The rupture may be of, the paralyzed intestine, or it may be of the stomach or diaphragm, brought about by the accumulation of gas generated from the stagnated and fermenting intestinal contents, the violent movements of the animal often con- tributing toward this termination. Post-mortem Appearance.—The adult worms are fixed to the mucosa, usually that of the cecum, where they nourish from the blood of their host and produce at their point of attachment a small dark prom- inence. Immature worms may be found in submucous nodules of the cecum, or of both the cecum and colon. These nodules vary in size from that of a pinhead to that of a hazelnut and contain a small quantity of pus or sero-purulent material in which the worm, if present, is rolled up. The worms escape from the nodules by a central orifice to the lumen of STRONGYLIN 291 the intestine where they attach and are sexually mature, the sexes often being found coupled in this location. Before their intranodular existence the larval worms live in the blood-vascular system, having gained this location through the intestinal wall immediately after their ingestion. It is at this stage that they produce the aneurysms as found in the vis- ceral trunks of the posterior aorta. These aneurysms are usually some- what elongate, with tunica media much thickened, and with fibrin deposit upon the intima, on which a number of reddish tinted strongyls are likely to be fixed. The aneurysm may, however, be entirely free from worms, in which case they have probably passed with the blood- current to the intestinal wall. Where death has occurred from thrombo-emboliec colic due to ver- minous aneurysm, the most prominent alterations found are those which have already been described in reference to this complication. The intestines are usually much distended by gas, or, if rupture has occurred, this, with more or less intestinal contents, will be in the abdominal cavity. Extensive darkly discolored areas are usually observed in the intestinal walls, and there are likely to be evidences of degeneration if the course of the attack has been sufficiently prolonged. Owing to the great engorgment of the mesenteric vessels, it is often difficult, without the most searching examination, to discover the location of the embolus. Rarely the immediate cause of death may be found to have been due to rupture of the aneurysm and internal hemorrhage. Treatment.—lor the strongyles in the intestine the same treatment may be employed as has been recommended for the ascarids, though, owing to the firm attachment of the former to the mucosa, their expul- sion is difficult. Oil of turpentine has been recommended as particu- larly valuable. It may be given in two to four ounce doses in oil. In prophylaxis clean water is a main factor. This should be filtered or quite pure and free from drainage contamination. STRONGYLOSIS OF THE INTESTINE OF THE DoG AND Car. ANKYLOSTOMIASIS 1. Ankylostoma canina (Dochmius trigonocephalus; Uncinaria tri- gonocephala; U.canina). Fig. 156. Strongyline (p. 280).—The body is whitish in éolor and slender; slightly enlarged at the anterior extremity. On the ventral surface of the buceal capsule are two chitinous plates, each having three recurving teeth. The bursa of the male is three-lobed, two large lateral and a small median. There are two long and slender spicules. The vulva of the female is situated near the posterior third of the body. The female is 10-20 mm. (3/8-3/4 of an inch) in length; male, 9-12 mm. (11/32-1/2 an inch). 292 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS The eggs are oval, 74-84 microns in length by 48-54 microns in breadth. Parasitic in the small intestine of the dog and cat. 2. Uncinaria stenocephala (Dochmius stenocephalus; Ankylosto- mum stenocephalum). Strongyline (p. 280).—The body is very slender, and the anterior extremity is much narrower than in the pre- ceding species, bemg somewhat attenuated. The buccal capsule is conical and has two pairs of small teeth on the ventral side. The bursa of the male is similar to that of the preceding species. The vulva of the female is situated near the posterior third of the body. Fic. 156— The female is 8-10 mm. (5/16-3/8 of an inch) in length; Ankylostoma male, 6-8 mm. (1/4-5/16 of an inch). mal each re The eggs are oval, 63-76 microns in length by 32-38 female at left Microns in breadth. (drawn from = Parasitic in the small intestine of the dog. There is no specimens) authentic report of its occurrence in this country. Occurrence and Development.—Ankylostomiasis (dochmiasis; un- cinariasis) is a severe affection of dogs caused by the presence of Ankylo- stoma canina. The condition is analogous to ankylostomiasis or hook- worm disease of man, caused by the species Ankylostoma duodenale. The worms fix themselves to the mucosa of the small intestine where they extract blood. Hunting dogs confined in kennels are those which most often suffer, especially if their quarters are damp. Cats are not often affected. The development of the parasite is rapid. The eggs are segmented within the body of the female and, when expelled to moist earth, develop embryos in three to six days. These become encysted and, probably through the medium of contaminated w vater, reach the intestine of the dog where they mature. Post-morten Appearance.—Necropsies upon dogs which have died in the advanced stages of ankylostomiasis show the alterations of anzmia and cachexia. The mucosa of the small intestine is thickened and marked by numerous hemorrhagic areas. Small ulcerations are present as a result of the irritation from the attachment of the worms, and the intestinal contents may be hemorrhagic. Symptoms.—The symptoms are those of anemia, debility, and emaciation. There is depression and indifference, and hunting dogs lose their zest. The skin becomes dry and scaly and the coat harsh and lusterless. The legs swell intermittently at first, later the edema is greater in extent and becomes permanent. There is a muco-purulent discharge from the nostrils and this may be streaked with blood. Later there may be attacks of nasal hemorrhage. There is at first constipation, later a dysenteric diarrhea. Emaciation and general debility progress, STRONGYLIN A 293 and the symptoms are finally terminated by death in a state of coma or it may be in convulsions. Treatment.—As the disease usually attacks hunting packs in ken- nels, and there is constant reinfection, treatment is, as a rule, not suc- cessful. It is most important that care be exercised as to cleanliness of the kennel. Where possible, the sick should be removed to other quar- ters. Water and food should be given from buckets or troughs which are thoroughly flushed out after each meal, and the yards should be kept free from pools and mud. As medicinal treatment, the usual vermifuges recommended for dogs may be tried. Other Strongyline.—Two other strongylines occasionally found in sheep and cattle may be mentioned. 1. Bunostomum trigonocephalum (Uncinaria cernua; Dochmius cernuus). Strongyline (p. 280).—Yellowish or reddish in color; cuticle transversely striated. The buccal capsule has a long dorsal tooth projecting forward. The mouth is surrounded by six papille; cephalic extremity curved dorsally. The vulva of the female is near the middle of the body. The female is 20-28 mm. (3/4—1 1/8 inch) in length; male, 15-18 mm. (5/8-11/16 of an inch). Parasitic in the small intestine of ruminants, particularly sheep and goats. 2. Bunostomum phlebotomum (Uncinaria radiata; Dochmius radi- atus). Fig. 157. Strongyline (p. 280).—Dark in color. The dorsal buccal tooth is short; two ventral ye. 157—Bunostomum phlebotomum; buccal teeth and two subventral male at right, female at left. * Vulva. buceal teeth or lancets. The cephalic me Neh aa ae tat AS extremity is curved. The female is 24—28 mm. (15/16-1 1/8 inch) in length; male, 10-16 mm. (3/8-5/8 of an inch). Parasitic in the small intestine of cattle. TRACHEAL STRONGYLOSIS OF CHICKENS. SYNGAMOSIS Two species of strongylines invade the trachea and bronchi of fowl,— Syngamus trachealis and Syn. bronchialis. The last named is somewhat the larger and inhabits the air passages of water fowl. 294. PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Syngamus. Strongyline (p. 280).—Members of this genus have a slender body of reddish color. The mouth is surrounded by a strong chitinous capsule. The female is much larger than the male and is usually found with the male firmly attached at the vulva which is sit- uated near the anterior quarter of the body. This permanent coupling gives to the pair a forked appearance from which the worm has derived its common name of “forked worm” (Fig. 158). The attachment of male and female is less constant with the species Syn. bronchialis. The female of Syngamus trachealis is 5-20 mm. (3/16~3/4) of an inch in length; male, 2-6 mm. (1/16—1/4 of an inch). The eggs are elliptical, measuring 85 microns in length by 50 microns in breadth. In the uterus of the female they undergo a variable degree of development, containing when freed a segmented mass or a developed embryo. The eggs are not laid but escape from the body by its rupture, which ordinarily occurs from decom- position, though, according to Railliet, eggs contained in the vagina may pass through the vulva and from under the bursa of the male to the outside. Occurrence and Development.—The condition produced Fic. 158. In fowl by syngami is commonly known in England and the hatch United States as gapes. It is widely prevalent, practically male (at. all of our domestic birds and many wild birds, especially tached at those in captivity, suffering from it. as fe A peculiar feature in the evolution of Syngamus trachealis is the fact already noted that, due to the covering of the vulva by the permanent attachment of the male, the eggs cannot be extruded and are only liberated by the rupture or disintegration of the mother worm. This may occur within the air passages or after the worm has been expelled. If the eggs meet with water or moist earth the embryos develop and are hatched in seven to forty days according to temperature. Birds may become infested by ingesting eggs or em- bryos, often by eating the worms expelled by infested members of the flock. From the digestive tract the larvee migrate to the air passages where they mature. ; Lesions.—The worms are generally found covered with mucus and in greatest number near the division of the trachea into bronchi. The mucosa, to which they are firmly fixed by their buccal capsule, exhibits at each point of attachment a small purulent tumor, or there may have developed an abscess sufficiently large to obstruct the trachea. The number of coupled worms present may be three or four or twenty to thirty, the smaller numbers being quite sufficient to cause death by asphyxiation, though this will be influenced somewhat by age and the diameter of the trachea. Symptoms.—Young birds suffer most from syngamosis, those in <2 org STRONGYLIN 295 good condition being equally susceptible with others. A typical symp- tom of the affection is a peculiar stretching of the neck accompanied by a yawn-like opening of the beak from which movement the disease derives its name “gapes.’’ The birds repeatedly shake their heads, sneeze, and expel tenacious masses of mucus which may contain one or more pairs of the worms. The appetite, at first voracious, diminishes, and the birds become dull and inactive with feathers erect and lusterless. Emaciation progresses, the mouth is filled with frothy saliva, respira- tion becomes increasingly difficult, and the animal dies from exhaustion, or it may be from asphyxia before such advanced symptoms are reached. Recovery is rare in young birds. Older ones sometimes survive if the infestation is light. Treatment.—A method of treatment commonly practiced is to strip a feather of its barbules to within a short distance of its tip and inserting this into the trachea with a rotary movement, attempt to detach and elevate the worms. Only such worms as are not firmly fixed to the mucosa are removed by this process and, in view of the danger of its causing suffocation, it is a questionable procedure unless as an urgent palliative measure. A better treatment is to give with the food certain substances of strong odor eliminated in the respiratory passages and having a deleterious effect upon the parasites. As such agents garlic and asafetida have been employed with success. According to Neumann, Méegnin has had good results with a mixture of equal parts of asafetida and powdered gentian root incorporated in a cake and given in the proportion of eight grains per bird each day. Another method recommended is the injection into the trachea of about fifteen drops of a five to eight per cent. solution of salicylic acid. The injection should be made slowly with a small syringe and canula. Fumigations with such agents as sulphurous acid or tobacco smoke, resorted to by some, involve such risk of accident from suffocation as to make their use unadvisable. As prevention, affected birds and those apparently healthy should be removed to clean and separate quarters and the infested yards cleaned and sprinkled with a one to one thousand solution of sulphuric acid. The bodies of dead birds are to be buried deeply or burned. Food and water should be fresh, given from clean utensils, and not per- mitted to stand about. As an aid in prevention the addition of fifteen erains of salicylate of soda to the quart of drinking water has been recommended. THE Kipney Worm or THE Hoa Stephanurus dentatus. Strongylidee (p. 255).—This worm is at present of somewhat uncertain position in the classification of the — ae 296 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS strongyles. The body is thick, cylindrical, and has a mottled appear- ance, due to the intestine and reproductive organs showing through the semi-transparent integument. Both extremities are somewhat . blunted; the mouth terminal with six small teeth. The bursa of the male is formed of five tongue-like parts united by a membrane; there is but one spicule. The obtuse caudal extremity of the female is curved; vulva near the middle of the body. The length of the female is 30-40 mm. (1 3/16-1 9/16 inch); male, 22-30 mm. (7/81 3/16 inch). Parasitic in fat surrounding abdominal viscera, especially that of the sublumbar region in the vicinity of the kidneys. The kidney-worm is found in hogs of the United States—especially those of the South—and in South America, the species being first dis- covered in Brazil. Its presence may cause the formation of cysts up to the size of a pigeon’s egg in the adipose tissue, these on incision usually revealing one or two of the worms and a small amount of pus. Rarely the worms penetrate the capsule of the kidney or enter the suprarenals. Indurated fistulous tracts, liver lesions, and peritoneal effusion have been observed as a result of the presence of these parasites, though it may be said of them that they rarely cause perceptible disturbance unless in unusual locations in the abdominal cavity. Due to their location, treatment can be of no value. FAMILY VI. EUSTRONGYLIDA EUSTRONGYLOSIS This is a condition produced by a giant nematode,—Dioctophyme renale (D. visceralis; Bustrongylus visceralis; Eu. gigas), which is some- times met with in the kidney and peritoneal cavity of dogs and other domestic animals. It has also been reported in man. Dioctophyme renale (Nematoda, p. 217) is of somewhat uncertain position among the nematodes. It has been commonly placed with the family Strongylide, but it does not conform to all of the characteristics of this family. Neveu-Lemaire describes the genus Eustrongylus under the separate family Eustrongylide. The worm is the largest of all the nematodes, the female attaining a length of one meter (39 inches) and a thickness of a centimeter (3/8 of an inch); the males a length of forty centimeters (15 inches). The body is blood-red in color, somewhat thinner toward the anterior ex- tremity than posteriorly. The bursa of the male is collar-like, entire, and without rays. Within its base is located the anus. There is a single slender spicule (Fig. 159). The tail of the female is obtuse. There is a single ovary; vulva near the mouth. EUSTRONGYLIDA 297 The eggs are 64-68 microns in length by 40-44 microns in width. They are brownish in color and have numerous round depressions on their surface. They develop in a moist medium. The embryos are tapering at the extremities and about 240 microns in length by 40 microns in breadth. They have a ereat vitality and may survive within the eggs for a year or more. Attempts at direct infection have been unsuc- cessful. An intermediate host is evidently re- quired, and the fact that the worm is found para- sitic in the seal and otter points to the probability that it lives a portion of its life in a fish. The eustrongyle is much more frequent in Car- nivora, especially the dog, than in other animals, but it is rarely met with. In the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, June, 1917, Hall states that from Riley’s and his own record of cases reported it appears that this worm has been found at least forty or fifty times in the United States. How and in what form it finds its way into the body of its host is not known. It is most frequently found in the pelvis of the kidney where it grows to an enormous size, producing a purulent inflammation from which destruction of the renal tissue follows. Eventually the kidney becomes a mere thick-walled cyst containing a bloody purulent material within which the worm is coiled up. But one kidney is invaded, usually by a single worm, though in rare cases two have been found in the kidney pelvis. The uninfested Jadney is usually found to have undergone a com- pensatory hypertrophy. The worm has been met with in other parts of the urinary organs, as in a part or the whole of the ureter and in the bladder. Where it is found outside of the urinary organs, as in the peritoneal cavity, it is probable that it did ‘not reach such location until after primary development in the urinary passages. Fie. 159.—Diocto- phyme renale; male,— natural size (after Rail- liet). Symptoms.—The symptoms are not characteristic and in some cases may not be observed. Horses and cattle especially are said to show little disturbance from the presence of the worm, while dogs, on the other hand, suffer severe pain, are restless, and sometimes exhibit a lateral curvature of the vertebral column, the concavity corresponding to the affected side. Micturation may be painful and with effort, and a MOMS ee “es ; Ty i yy ' DP tee ; i) A 2 j 4 shed + 4, ho 298 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS : Ppa sh the urine may be purulent and bloody. An exact diagn: be made in the living animal by finding the characteristi eustrongyle in the urine. In view of the location and size of the worm, treatme! ticable. CHAPTER XXIV NEMATODA. FAMILY VIL. TRICHINELLIDA Nematoda (p. 217). The nematodes of this family have a very slender and elongated anterior portion of the body, containing only the esophagus. The pos- terior portion is more or less enlarged and is occupied by the intestine and reproductive organs. The mouth is rounded and nude. The anus is terminal or nearly so. The males have a single testis and but one spicule or the spicule may be absent. The females have a single ovary. The vulva is located at the junction of the smaller with the larger por- tion of the body. They are oviparous (Trichuris) or ovoviviparous (Trichinella). The worms of this group to be described come under two genera,— Trichuris and Trichinella. Of these but one species,—Trichinella spiralis, is of pathologic importance. Trichuris ovis (Trichocephalus affinis). Fig. 160. Trichinellide (p. 299).—The esophageal portion of the body is very long and slender; the posterior portion, containing the reproductive organs, much thicker. The head is sometimes provided with two transparent wing-like en- largements. The posterior extremity is more or less blunt and rounded. The body is transversely striated. The posterior portion of the body of the male is rolled dorsally in a spiral. The spicule is very long, measuring 5-7 mm. (7/32-9/32 of an inch) and terminating in a sharp point. The female is 50-70 mm. (2-2 3/4 inches) in length, the esophageal portion constituting about two-thirds of the total length. The male is 50-80 mm. (2-3 1/8 inches) in length, the esophageal portion in the same proportion to the total length as in the female. The eggs are lemon-shaped, 70-80 microns long, and have an opercular plug at each end. Development is direct. This species is a common parasite in the large intestine of ruminants, particularly the sheep and goat. Leuckart has demonstrated that it develops directly from the egg without intermediate host and without a free living stage. When the eggs are taken into the intestine of the ruminant host the embryos are freed and attain their adult development in about sixteen days. They are usually found attached firmly to the mucosa, but apparently cause little if any trouble. Trichuris crenatus (Trichocephalus crenatus). Trichinellide (p. 299).—The esophageal portion of the body is very slender, the posterior 300 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Fig. 161.—Trichuris ovis. Egg. x600. (After Ransom, Bull. No. 127, Bureau An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). portion enlarged. The female measures 35-50 mm. (1 3/8-2 inches) in length, the anterior slender portion constituting about two-thirds of the total length. The length of the male is 33-40 mm. (1 5/16-1 9/16 inch), the anterior part about five-eighths of the total. The eggs are 52-56 microns in length. The worm lives in the large intestine of domestic and wild hogs. Infestation occurs as in the preceding species. Ap- parently little disturbance is caused by its presence. Trichuris depressiusculus (Trichocephalus depressiuscu- lus). Trichinellide (p. 299).— The male and female are 45— 75 mm. (1 3/4-3 inches) in length, the slender esophageal portion constituting the ante- yet ae eer a ae at ier ae rior three-quarters. The spe- Mee bun Non abe, Shite: Ransom tom Cur- cies resembles Prichuris ovis of Dept. Agr.). ruminants and Tr. dispar of man. The spicule of the male may reach the length of 10 mm. (3/8 of an inch) and terminates in a sharp point. The eggs are 70-80 microns in length. The development is similar to that of the preceding species. This parasite inhabits the large intestine, usually the cecum, of the dog. Eggs taken up by dogs release their embryos within the digestive tract where they attain full development. The worms are often found TRICHINELLIDZ 301 in the cecum of dogs suffermg from ankylostomiasis, but have an in- significant secondary part to Ankylostoma canina as a cause of this affection. TRICHINOSIS Trichinella spiralis (Trichina spiralis). Fig. 162. Trichinellide (p. 299).—A very small worm with body somewhat thicker posteriorly, but without abruptly demarcated fila- mentous anterior as in the Trichurine. The mouth is round and unarmed. The esophageal portion extends to about one- half of the length of the body, the esoph- agus embedded in a chain of single cells. The portion of the body posterior to the esophageal contains the intestine which ends in a terminal anus. The single testis of the male originates posteriorly and extends forward to the esophagus where it turns back and becomes the seminal vesicle which terminates at the anal aperture. The cloaca thus formed has on each side of its opening two pro- jections which serve to clasp the female, the cloaca being extruded in copulation. There is no spicule. The single ovary of the female begins posteriorly and, ex- tending forward for a short distance, be- comes the uterus. The vulva is about one-fifth of the length of the body from the anterior end. The female is 3-4 mm. (1/8-5/32 of an inch) in length; male, 1.4-1.6 mm. (1/16 of an inch). The embryos are developed within the uterus and are hatched there by breaking through the delicate membrane sur- rounding the ege, From the uterus and vagina they pass from the body of the mother worm through the vulva. The hatched embryos are 100-160 microns fic. 162.—Trichinella spiralis; long by 9 microns thick, the anterior end pale eee SHEL GER somewhat thicker than the posterior. cen Wicewe Parasitic as adults in the small intestine and as larvee in the muscula- ture of hogs, rats, mice, and other mammals, including man. 302 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Life History.—When flesh containing encapsulated living trichinz is taken into the stomach of a suitable animal, the capsule is digested and they are liberated within eighteen to twenty-four hours. The larvee then enter the small intestine and are sexually mature in two to five days. The females with the males are pressed into the crypts of Lieberkiihn where, a week to ten days after the infection, the female deposits living embryos. There is at first an equal number of males and females in the intestine; later the males gradually disappear, so that ten to fourteen days after infection almost all of the worms will be females. These live five to eight weeks, a single female, according to Leuckart, depositing not less than fifteen hundred embryos; according to Braun, the number may reach ten thousand. From Lieberkiihn’s glands the embryos penetrate the mucosa and, reaching the lymphatics, are probably carried to the blood by way of the thoracic duct. With the blood they are distributed to various parts of the body, passively in greater part, though it is probable that their ultimate lodgment is influenced somewhat by their activity. Embryos deposited by capillary blood in striated muscle with sarcolemma are amid conditions favorable to their further develop- ment. From the capillaries the trichine force their way through the sarcolemma and into the plasma of the muscle-fiber, where, at first actively motile, they pass to a state of rest and proceed to develop into the larval stage at which, if ingested, they may infect other animals. In about three weeks after the occurrence of the infection the larve in their muscular location have attained a length of eight-tenths to one millimeter, and their growth is completed. At this time they are usually curved in the form of a sickle, later becom- Fie. 163—Tri. Ing coiled spirally (Fig. 163), from which characteristic chinella spiralis. they derive their specific name, though they may be Eneysted larva in’ found in various looped and curved forms. The an- muscle (after Leuc- 3 . 5 5 z arty! terior portion of the larva is now the thinner; the pos- terior thicker and rounded at its extremity. As a result of this invasion the muscle-fibers undergo certain changes; the transverse striation is lost, there is degeneration of the sarcoplasm, and the nuclei increase in number and size, each becoming surrounded by a granular mass. The irritation to the surrounding tissues caused by the presence of the parasites results in the formation of eysts which enclose the trichine and are fully developed at the end of the third month. The long axis of the capsule is parallel to that of the muscle- fiber. The capsules are usually oval in shape and more or less drawn TRICHINELLID 303 out at the poles, giving them somewhat the shape of a lemon. Their dimensions vary with the thickness of their walls. In general, they are about four-tenths of a millimeter in length by twenty-five one- hundredths of a millimeter in breadth, but their length may be from three-tenths to eight-tenths of a millimeter and their breadth from two-tenths to four-tenths of a millimeter. After the formation of the cysts they are often made more recognizable to the unaided eye by the deposition of fat cells immediately around their poles. Within each cyst there is usually one, more rarely two or more, larve. TaBuLAR REviEw oF Lire History or TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS Mature Worms.—In intestines of hog, rat, ete. Period of intestinal trichinosis. Embryos.—In intestinal crypts of same. Embryos.—In lymph and blood currents after pene- | trating intestinal wall. Embryos.—Migrating within fibers of voluntary mus- cle. Period of muscular trichinosis. Enecysted Larve.—At rest witbin voluntary muscle- fibers. Larve.—Freed from cysts after ingestion by hog, rat, man, ete. Mature Worms.—In intestines of same. Degeneration.—After a varying period of time the trichina cyst undergoes fatty and calcareous degeneration. In the first there appear within the cyst cells small fat granules which rapidly increase in number and are soon set free to invade the whole of the cyst. Later there is a deposition of carbonate and phosphate of lime, the calcification involving the capsule and the tissues of the trichina, though the latter often es- capes the process, and perfectly intact trichine may be found in cysts entirely calcified and opaque. Calcification of the capsule begins about the seventh month after in- fection and is completed in from fifteen to eighteen months, though ex- ceptions give to these periods but a general application. Ostertag states that completely calcified trichina capsules were found in two hogs nine and twelve months old, and, according to the same author, Dammann reported a case in which after eleven years the trichina cap- sules were not completely calcified and contained trichina still capable of producing experimental trichinosis. Location.—Encysted trichine are found in striated muscle in which the fibers have a sarcolemma. They are not found in the muscle- 304. PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS fibers of the heart. Certain muscles are peculiarly liable to invasion by the parasites, and these in the order of frequency may be listed as follows,—pillars of the diaphragm, muscles of the larynx and tongue, abdominal and intercostal muscles, psoas muscles, and muscles of the back. They are usually found in greatest number toward the extrem- ities of the muscles in the neighborhood of tendons, a fact probably to be accounted for in the arrest offered by these locations to their migra- tions. The number of cysts which an infested individual may harbor is capable of reaching an enormously high figure. Neumann states that Leuckart has counted between twelve hundred and fifteen hundred in a gram (15.43 grains) of muscle, while Fielder, according to the same author, estimated the number found in the body of a young woman as ninety-four million. Occurrence.—Adult trichine are only found in the intestines, especially the upper part of the small intestine, of mammals and birds which have recently eaten flesh containing the en- | cysted larvee. In fishes and other cold-blooded Fic. 164.—Trichinella vertebrates the trichina cysts are not acted spiralis. Cyst in human ypon by the digestive canal and they pass muscle (from micropho- 5 : topraph by Hioedt)! through without change. Of the animals com- monly used for human food only the hog harbors muscle trichinze by natural infection, and trichinosis of man is usually acquired by eating the trichinosed flesh of thisanimal. Rats are peculiarly susceptible to trichina, and probably one of the most frequent sources of the infection of hogs is by eating trichinous rats. Transmission to herbivorous animals, as cattle, sheep, and horses, is difficult. After experimental feeding of flesh containing the cysts to these animals there is usually a development of intestinal trichine but no muscle trichine. Intestinal trichine have been experimentally developed in birds, but birds do not harbor the eneysted larve. Only eneysted living larve are capable of producing trichinosis in their suitable hosts. Ingested larvee which are unprotected by a cyst are destroyed in the stomach by the direct action of the gastric juice. Symptoms in Hogs.—Symptoms of trichinosis by natural infection are rarely observed in hogs, though where a considerable quantity of the cysts have been ingested it is probable that such symptoms follow, their true cause being unrecognized. Feeding experiments have shown that after massive infestation intestinal trichinosis is manifested by the third to the eighth day. There is then depression, loss of appetite, grinding of the teeth, and a disposition to remain crouched in the bedding or to stand about with back arched and abdomen retracted. TH pha iti TRICHINELLID 305 A persistent diarrhea follows which is at first lumpy, then watery and of bad odor. With these symptoms there may also be those of colic. In general the symptoms are those of an entero-peritonitis and they continue over several weeks during which time the animal may die. In from one to two weeks the larvee are penetrating the muscular tissue, and muscular trichinosis has set in. The animal now lies upon its side, or, if it moves about, it is in a stiff, halting, and painful manner. The respiration 1s superficial, the voice husky, and chewing and swallow- ing difficult. With the coming to rest and encapsulation of the larvee the animals, in most cases, gradually recover. Where there has been exceptionally heavy infestation edema may appear in various parts of the body; such a development is usually followed by death. Prophylaxis.—Most all cases of infection of man with trichina are from eating trichinosed pork, the swine usually becoming infected by eating the trichinous flesh of other swine or that of affected rats and mice. Knowing these facts, prevention is made relatively simple. Places where hogs are kept should be freed from rats, and the flesh of animals subject to muscular trichinosis should not be fed to hogs un- less it has been thoroughly cooked. According to Leuckart, trichinz are killed at a temperature between 62° and 70° C. (143°-158° F.). These degrees of heat must be continued sufficiently to penetrate the entire piece of meat, a white or light gray cut surface indicating that the cooking has been sufficient. Treatment.—Treatment is ineffectual. In the case of such an ex- tremely rare occurrence as the early diagnosis of intestinal trichinosis, the administration of anthelmintics followed by purgatives might be of some value, but the deep location of the mature worms in the crypts of the mucosa affords them a high degree of protection against such agents. CHAPTER XXV THE THORN-HEADED WORM. THE LEECHES Order II. Acanthocephala. Nemathelminthes (p. 216).—Essential differences separating this order from the Nematoda are the absence of a digestive tube and the possession of a protractile rostrum provided with hooks. The body cavity contains a fluid in which are the sexual organs. The sexes are separate. One species is of sufficient pathologic importance for consideration. This is the large intestinal roundworm of the hog, Gigantorhynchus hirudinaceus of the family Gigantorhynchidz, more commonly described under the name Echinorhynchus gigas. Gigantorhynchus hirudinaceus (Echinorhynchus gigas). Fig. 165. Acanthocephala (p. 306).—The body is white, cylindrical, transversely wrinkled, and often expanded at several points. The rostrum is almost globular, retractile, and has five or six rows of backward-curving hooks (Fig. 166). The caudal extremity is somewhat tapering. The males are smaller and thinner than the females and have a bell-shaped caudal bursa. The caudal extremity of the female is rounded. The female is 20-35 em. (8-13 inches) in length by 4-9 mm. (5/32- 11/32 of an inch) in breadth. The male is 6-10 em. (2 3/84 inches) in length and in breadth 3-5 mm. (1/8-7/32 of an inch). The eggs are oblong, measuring 87-100 microns. When developed they are surrounded by three envelops. The embryos are formed within the body of the female. ; The adult worm is parasitic in the small intestine of the hog; excep tionally it occurs in man. The larva lives encysted in the white grub of the May-beetle and probably some other invertebrates. The eggs of Gigantorhynchus, discharged to the ground with the feces of the hog and eaten by the larva of the May-beetle, are hatched in the digestive canal, and the embryos, by burrowing through the in- testinal wall, find their way into the body-cavity where they become encysted. In this state they may continue to live through the larval and pupal stages and even after the maturity of the insect. If the hog eats the May-beetle in any of these stages containing the cyst, the eyst wall is digested away and the freed larval worm attaches by its cephalic hooks to the intestinal mucosa where it attains full development. Occurrence, Pathogenesis and Symptoms.—The giant intestinal worm of the hog is quite common in the United States, especially so in THE THORN-HEADED WORM. THE LEECHES — 307 the southern portion. The implantation of the worms upon the in- testinal wall by means of their hooked rostrum causes limited inflam- matory areas of red or yellowish color. The tumifaction of the wall causes the serosa to be pushed out in the form of nodules which may be of yellowish color and somewhat tubercular in appearance. Exceptionally it has been observed that the parasite has bored through the walls of the intestine and given rise to a purulent peritonitis. As applies to helminthiasis in general, the disturbances which these worms produce will be in proportion to their number. Pain may be evidenced by continual grunting and rest- lessness, and there is the general derangement of digestion and the unthrift usual to heavy invasion of the intestines by worms. Young pigs suffer most and, in these particularly, there may be muscular twitchings and epilep- tiform seizures, such symptoms usually being followed by death. Treatment.—Due to the ? TRG firm attachment of the TTS worms, little or nothing can _ Fie. 165.—Gigantorhynchus s hirudinaceus, — natural size , IG Ss 7 Ag ana ’ = be accomplished by treat CE ENG —— a S ment. If this is attempted, the same remedies may be used as recommended for the See ascarids (p. 241). Crass II. ANNELIDA be en ee Ceelhelminthes (p. 216).—The annulated worms differ extremity of Gi- from those of the class Nemathelminthes in having a gantorhynchus hi- segmented body cavity with corresponding ringing or eae ~ “™ annulation of the body wall. The earthworm is usually taken for type study of the group. Order Hirudinea. Annelida (p. 307).—This order includes the leeches whith differ in many respects from typical annelids. The body is flattened dorso-ventrally and lacks the appendages for locomotion (sete) characteristic of other forms. Locomotion is accomplished by two suckers, one at the posterior end, used only for locomotion and attachment, the other surrounding the mouth, used for locomotion and attachment and also for sucking the food. In moving from place to place the head end is thrust forward and attached by the sucker. The hind sucker is then released and brought close to the anterior sucker 308 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS by a looping up of the body, the anterior sucker beng again advanced and the process repeated. They can also swim freely by snake-like movements in the water. The body surface is transversely striated, giving the appearance of a large number of segments. The striations, however, are in excess of the true segmentation representing the somites, the primitive segment rings being divided by secondary striations. The alimentary canal has a number of paired sac-like protuberances varying in number according to species. When the leech gorges itself these sacular pockets are filled with blood upon which the animal may live for some time before again feeding. The body cavity is reduced by the connective tissue and musculature to a number of tubular sinuses. The leeches are hermaphroditic and copulate reciprocally (cross fertilization). As in the earthworms, certain of the somites at the time of reproduction deyelop into a clitellum which secretes porous cocoons in which the eggs are deposited. The leeches to be considered come under one family, the Gnathobdel- lide, which have the pharynx provided with three semicircular chitinous plates or jaws, each armed on its free edge with numerous teeth. The Rhynchobdellide are without jaws. This family contains species which attack fishes and invertebrates and occa- sionally water fowl. 1. Hemopis sanguisuga. The horse leech. (Fig. 167). Hirudinea (p. 307).—Dorsally this leech is greenish brown or sometimes reddish in color; ventrally dark gray, reddish gray, or black. Generally the body has four to six longi- tudinal rows of closely set dark points which may be somewhat indistinct. The body is widest in.the middle, gradually narrowing an- teriorly, and is composed of ninety-five to ninety-seven segments. It is rounded dorsally, flattened ventrally, soft, viscid, and capable of ereat extension and retraction. The oral sucker Fic. 167.—Hemopis san- js slightly concave, having at its center the rinse eo sucker of mouth which is in the form of a three-rayed . star (Fig. 167). Hach of these ray-like slits permits the passage of a jaw, the teeth of which wound the mucous membrane and thus enable the leech to suck blood while it holds on by means of the oral sucker. There are ten indistinct eyes located anteriorly on the dorsal surface. The vulva is a transverse slit located five rings behind the male orifice, or between the twenty-ninth and thirtieth rings. = ST In fecundation two individuals come together by their ventral sur- - THE THORN-HEADED WORM. THE LEECHES — 309 faces In opposite directions, each having the part of male and female. After the cross fertilization 1s accomplished there forms around the part of the body where the sexual organs are located a clitellum which is a sort of girdle secreting the capsules with which the eggs become sur- rounded. The leeches then bury themselves in damp ground where the eges are deposited and incubation proceeds, this process occupying about twenty-eight days. 2. Hirudo medicinalis. The medicinalleech. Hirudinea (p. 307).— This species is a little smaller than the horse leech. The dorsal surface is darker than the ventral and is usually marked with six longitudinal reddish stripes. The ventral surface is usually olive green and may be more or less spotted. This leech was once extensively employed in medical practice for the abstraction of blood. , All of the domesticated animals and man are attacked by Heemopis, probably the horse most frequently. The leeches live in ponds and springs where the animals are likely to drink and are conveyed to the mouth with the water. Those taken up are usually the young ones, these keeping near the surface of the water, while the adults usually lie in the mud at the bottom. Having thus gained access to the mucous membranes, they fix upon the lips, cheeks, pharynx, or other parts of the mouth. They may enter the nasal cavities through the nostrils direct, or they may attach to the eyelids. While holding fast in these positions by their oral and caudal suckers, the leeches lacerate the mucous membrane with their cutting jaws and become gorged with blood. They then detach and pass from their host, or they may attach to another part of the mucous membrane and renew their feeding. The effect of the infestation will depend upon the number of leeches present, and this is extremely variable. It is estimated that a single leech when engorged will hold about eight cubic centimeters (two drams) of blood. The host suffers an additional loss from the fact that there is considerable hemorrhage from the wounds after the engorged leeches have become detached. Heavy invasions, therefore, are capable of bringing about considerable depletion with evidences of ansemia, as paleness of visible mucous membranes, edemas, and emaciation. A fatal asphyxia may develop from edema of the pharynx which may be contributed to by the mechanical obstruction offered by the leeches in this location. Treatment.—Where exploration of the mouth or nasal passages reveals the presence of leeches, those which are accessible may be re- moved by forceps or with the hand wrapped in a towel. Vinegar, or a strong solution of common salt repeatedly applied with a view to causing them to release their hold, is recommended by some, but the effective- ness of such treatment can only apply to the leeches with which the liquid 310 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS not to be reached, A method which is probably better than the syringe in the appl tion of this treatment consists in firmly attaching a small sponge the end of a probe, such as a piece of rigid rubber tubing. The spo is saturated with salt solution and, preferably with the use of a speculum, passed back over the soft palate and pharynx. In the manner it may be applied deeply into the nasal passages, the tube inserted slowly and with a rotary movement. PART III THE PATHOGENIC PROTOZOA CHAPTER XXVI PHYLUM IV. PROTOZOA This division includes the most primitive organisms belonging to the animal kingdom. While some can be detected by sharp eyes as tiny swimming specks, most all are so small that they can only be seen with the aid of the microscope. The individual animal is constituted by a single cell, which, with a difference in development, characteristically distinguishes the Protozoa from other animal groups. In most cases they live independently of each other, but not rarely a number are associated in colonies. Each individual in such a colony is, as a rule, physiologically complete, that is, performing within itself all of the functions necessary to its life and reproduction. The colonization, however, tends to a degree of differentiation and interdependence, and in certain cases there are morphological and physiological differences among the individuals so grouped, these usually being related primarily to the functions of nutrition and reproduction. The protozoan colony may be said to differ from the metazoan in that each cell of the colony represents an animal which may live unassociated with other cells, while in the metazoan the individual is comprised by the aggregation of cells among which there is a morphological differentia- tion corresponding to special*functions which are distributed among adaptively specialized cell-groups; the body-cells are not capable of free existence and they can only live as integral parts of the metazoan. The Protozoa being single-celled animals, there is a further fundamental difference in their development, since it essentially follows that there is no formation of germ layers as occurs in all Metazoa. The division or budding of the protozoan cell results directly in a new generation and not in the development of germinal tissue layers, though the new cells may remain aggregated to form a colony. While the Protozoa are referred to as the most simple representatives of the animal kingdom, they present, nevertheless, considerable differ= ences in form and modification of the cytoplasm, the functions of mo- tion, alimentation, excretion, and reproduction being performed by a 312 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS much greater specialization in some than in others. While a nucleus is not easily demonstrable in certain of the Protozoa, most have one or more distinct nuclei, in this, as in other respects, possessing the essential parts of a typical cell. Ameba.—A simple representative of the Protozoa is the Ameba (Fig. 168) which may be found in most any still water, most readily in the ooze upon the bottom or adhering to leaves or other submerged Fic. 168.—Ameba proteus (after Crawley, from Doflein; Cir. No. 194, Bureau An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). objects. Search of such material under the low power of the microscope will reveal this organism as a minute protoplasmic particle which slowly changes its shape and location by a peculiar flowing and extension of the cytoplasm at one or more points, forming irregular, often finger-like, projections,—the pseudopodia. These may be withdrawn or the whole substance of the animal may appear to flow into one of the projections; by this manner of locomotion it may slowly pass out of the microscopic field. Close study of the organism will reveal two distinct regions, an outer hyaline,—the ectoplasm (ectosare), and a central more granular and less transparent part,—the endoplasm (endosare). Within the latter may be seen the food vacuoles which are rounded or oval, of varying PROTOZOA 313 size, and inclose granules of food material. At intervals clear globules may be seen to gradually form within the cytoplasm and then suddenly contract and disappear. These are the contractile vacuoles which on contracting empty their fluid contents to the exterior. They are rudi- mentary cell organs for the elimination of injurious substances and differ from the food vacuoles in haying a definite place in the cell as well as in their approximately constant number. Young amebz usually have within the endoplasm a single nucleus but they may early become multinucleate. All of the vital functions appear to be under the con- trol of the nucleus; experimental removal of the nuclei has shown that Protozoa thus treated cannot properly perform their functions and soon perish. In feeding the ameba merely flows around the object which it is to use as food; becoming thus inclosed in the cytoplasm the nutritive elements are digested and assimilated. Circulation is limited to the streaming movements of the cytoplasm, and respiration is carried on by absorption of oxygen from the surrounding water. Reproduction in ameba is by fission or budding. Before division of the cell changes occur in the nucleus involving a separation of the nuclear parts with the formation of two distinct nuclei. These separate and during the process the cell constricts, finally dividing completely with each part inclosing one of the new nuclei. In some cases the cell becomes spherical and secretes a protecting membrane around itself before division; the outer membrane becomes hard and adapted to re- sist drying and extremes of temperature, the organism assuming in this condition a resting or encysted stage. Encysted individuals usually divide into more than two; there may be four, eight, or even hundreds of small amebz resulting from the reproductive process. In multi- nucleate forms it frequently happens that the division is into as many parts as there are nuclei. PARASITISM OF THE PROTOZOA In 1881 Laveran, a physician in the French army, distinctively directed attention to the Protozoa as a cause of disease in animals by his discovery that the cause of malaria in man is a protozoan which, entering the red blood cells, destroys them and in this way causes the anemia characteristic of the disease. Later it was demonstrated that this malarial organism is transmitted by a mosquito and that this is the only way that the disease can be acquired. This discovery served to indicate lines of research looking to insects and other arthropods as essential carriers of other forms of pathogenic Protozoa, in which field much has already been accomplished. . Theobald Smith, in 1892, found that Texas fever of cattle is caused 314 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS by a protozoan which, though not identical with it, is allied to the malarial parasite, and, like it, enters and destroys the red blood cells. In this case the infecting organism has been found to be conveyed from animal to animal by a certain species of tick (Margaropus annulatus, p. 144), and it is now known that the presence of the tick is essential to such transmission. Trypanosomes were first studied in mammalian blood by Lewis in 1877, who observed them in the blood of a rat. Three years later Trypanosoma evansi was studied as the cause of surra, a disease of horses of Asiatic countries, the transmitting agent of which is thought to be a blood sucking fly (Tabanus, p. 332). Bruce, in 1894, demonstrated that a trypanosome (Trypanosoma brucei) was the specific organism causing the fatal nagana or tsetse fly disease of horses and other domestic animals of Africa. He showed conclusively that blood-sucking invertebrates, mainly the tsetse flies (Glossina, p. 44). are responsible for its transmission from the blood of wiltl immune to the blood of susceptible domesticated animals. The relationship of the tsetse fly to human trypanosomiasis was shown in much the same way as that followed in the researches of Bruce. African sleeping sickness of man was originally confined to the West Coast; it has spread eastward and is now a serious menace to the develop- ment of Central Africa. In 1902 the infecting organism of this fatal disease was discovered to be a trypanosome (Trypanosoma gambiense) carried from host to host mainly by a tsetse fly. Students of protozoél- ogy have since shown that mosquitoes, lice, and leeches may carry trypanosomes, and that piercing flies, therefore, may not alone be responsible for the spread of the diseases which are caused by these Protozoa. The instances above cited will serve to direct attention to the im- portance of the Protozoa from the viewpoint of their pathogenicity both in its economic relation and as regards disease inman. Up to the present time the Protozoa as disease-producing organisms have not received the attention in the United States that has been given them by inves- tigators in Africa and Europe. This is probably due to the fact that, though this country is not free from pathogenic trypanosomes, it has thus far escaped the ravages of the trypanosomiases of Africa, Asia, and South America, to which countries sleeping sickness, kala-azar (leishmaniasis), nagana, surra, and mal de caderas have to the present time confined their plague. A slight acquaintance with the subject, however, is sufficient to dispel a feeling of security based upon the erroneous impression that these diseases are restricted to tropical countries or that their spread depends upon the presence of a certain kind of fly. It has already been noted that the African trypanosomiases may not depend wholly upon the tsetse flies for their existence and PROTOZOA 315 spread; surra and mal de caderas certainly do not, as these are diseases of Asia and South America respectively, and tsetse flies are not found in either of these countries. There is, in fact, no reason to doubt that any blood-sucking fly can transmit trypanosomes from the blood of one host to that of another. In view of this the horse and stable flies, so common in North America, would, in the presence of trypanosomiasis, amply supply the means for its spread. In recent years important advances have been made in the study of the role of arthropods in the spread of disease. Common knowledge as to its powers for carrying bacterial infection has condemned the fly to the swat, but it is as essential hosts, and not as purely mechanical carriers, that these invertebrates furnish the greatest field for research. Much has already been accomplished in working out the life histories of the parasites of insects and ticks, including parasites which have no apparent connection with diseases of higher animals, for these, po- tentially at least, may not be so harmless to higher animals as may at first appear. Change of habitat, as from one part of the body to another in the same host, or from a host of one species to that of another, fre- quently leads to great alteration in the mode of life of an organism which, relatively harmless in the insect, may in the vertebrate evolute into more harmful parasitism with the development of pathogenicity. The newer a parasite is to the animal harboring it, the less it is in har- mony with its environment. Protozoa which produce acute forms of disease have less adaptation to their environment than those producing a chronic type of malady. This discord between parasite and host is manifested by acute disturbances which may result in the death of the. infected animal. Such parasitic diseases of a chronic course are usually correlated with a greater degree of adaptation of the parasite to its host and also with acquired resisting powers of the host to the specific action of the parasite. The scale of evolution through the saprophytic, parasitic, and patho- genic is thus exhibited by certain groups. The Spirochetida, long, delicate Protozoa with a corkscrew-formed body, may be found as in- habitants of the body-cavities, of normal mucous surfaces, of inflamed mucous surfaces, as parasites which have penetrated the tissue, and as blood parasites. This series is sufficient to show how parasitism may evolute by various gradations from harmless commensalism to distinct parasitism and pathogenicity. When the habit of living in inflamed or ulcerated tissues is reached the power of penetrating healthy tissues soon follows which, with the multiplication of the spirochetes in such situations, causes destruction of invaded tissue and local disturbances. The products of this tissue destruction, together with those coming from the dead bodies of the parasites, form toxins which, getting into the blood, produce the general toxemic symptoms. The final stage of 316 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS malignant parasitism is reached when the spirochetes acquire the habit of living in the blood. In this ease it is evident that, except under cer- tain conditions of contact, the transfer from host to host cannot be direct, but that the intervention of an intermediate host is necessary. This must be a blood-sucking invertebrate, and, in certain known cases of spiroche- tosis of domestic animals, has been found to be a tick, as the tick Argas miniatus, the carrier of Spirocheta gallinarum which causes a spiroche- tosis in fowls, and the cattle tick Boophilus decoloratus, the inter- mediate host of Spzrocheta theiler7, the cause of a disease among South American cattle. r The malaria parasites afford study in the evolution of pathogenicity of other Protozoa. These organisms indicate in their morphology and development that they are closely allied to the Coccidia, which are protozoan cell parasites attacking and entering tissue cells, especially epithelium, of arthropods and vertebrates. There is little doubt that the malaria parasites were originally Coccidia of imsects that, with change of habitat, developed increased pathogenicity toward the new host. ‘ Granting this, we have, then, in the malaria parasites an example of the evolution of disease in the past, while disease in the making is evidenced to-day more especially in the case of certain parasitic flag- ellates of the genus Herpetomonas. The introduction of herpetomads into vertebrates by the latter swallowing infected insects, or by the way of wounds of the skin, has been shown to result in pathogenic effects in the vertebrate host. A series of experiments extending over some six years (Fantham and Porter, Journal of Parasitology, June, 1916) have shown that certain herpetomads normally parasitic in insects, when introduced into ver- tebrates will produce a condition resembling kala-azar, an infectious disease of man common in certain regions of India, China, and countries bordering on the Mediterranean, caused by the herpetomad Leishmania (Herpetomonas) donovani. The symptoms developed and the mor- phology of the parasite found in the vertebrate host show that here at least are examples of kala-azar in process of evolution. Pirate II].—Evovurion or THe PARAstTe oF Kaua-Azar. Figs. 1 to 5. Parasites of kala-azar. 1. Isolated parasites of different forms in the spleen and liver. 2. Division forms from liver and bone marrow. 3. Mononuclear spleen cells containing the parasites. 4. Groups of parasites. 5. Phagocytosis of a parasite by a polynuclear leucocyte. Figs. 6 to 15. Parasites from cultures. 6. First changes in the parasites. The protoplasm has inereased in bulk and the nucleus has become larger. 7. Further increase in size. Vacuoli- zation of the protoplasm. 8. Division of the enlarged parasite. 9. Evolution of the flagella. 10. Small piriform parasite showing flagellum. 11. Further development and division of the parasite. 12. Flagellated trypanosome-like form. 13, 14. Flagellated forms dividing by a splitting-off of a portion of the protoplasm. 15. Narrow flagellated parasites which have arisen by the type of division shown in Figs. 13 and 14. (After Craw- ley, from Mense’s ‘‘ Handbuch,” after Leishman, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). Malistah in 318 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS A brief review of these conclusions, drawn from the results of ex- perimental research, will be sufficient to direct attention, not only to the powers which insects have as carriers of disease, but to their poten- tial powers in the making of disease as well. Methods of Reproduction.—Sexual and asexual methods of repro- duction alternate in free forms of Protozoa, but the asexual method is usually limited to simple division or budding. Parasitic forms, on the other hand, have acquired a more prolific means of multiplication, the simple division and budding being replaced by asexual spore formation as exemplified among the Sporozoa. In the parasitic Protozoa, there- fore, two kinds of spores may be present, the one occurring asexually during the vegetative life in the host and giving rise to auto-infection in the same host, the other sexual, occurring at the end of the vegetative life of the parasite, preparing its germs to withstand the unfavorable conditions of an external environment, and giving rise to infection of new hosts. The asexual method of multiplication, taking place during the veg- etative life in the host, is termed schizogony or schizogenesis, while the term sporogony or sporogenesis has been given to reproduction by the sexual method. The first is sometimes referred to as the multiplicative, the second as the propagative cycle. Life History of the Malaria Organisms.—With a view to an ele- mental conception of these reproductive and infective processes in the Sporozoa, the life history of the organisms producing malaria in man affords a clear example for study. Malaria was the first of the human diseases in which it was proved that a protozoan is the direct cause, and by 1901 the disease was as thoroughly understood as perhaps any other due toa germ. The malaria parasites belong with the genus Plasmodium, so named from their early supposed resemblance to some of the plasmodia-forming fungi. They are usually considered under three forms with which three well-marked types of malaria are associated. These may be briefly summarized as follows: 1. Plasmodium vivax.—Cause of tertian fever; paroxysms occur every forty-eight hours; incubation period about two weeks. Temperate cli- mates, also in tropics and subtropics. 2. Plasmodium falciparum (P. precox).—Cause of estivo-autumnal fever; paroxysms every twenty-four hours; incubation period usually from ten to twelve days. Tropics and subtropics. 3. Plasmodium malarie.—Cause of quartan fever; paroxysms every seventy-two hours; incubation period about three weeks. Tropies and subtropies. Two distinet cycles are involved in the life history of the malaria organisms. The first takes place in the blood of the human patient and PROTOZOA 319 is known as the asexual or schizogonic cycle, during which the plasmodia multiply by the asexual method or schizogony. The second occurs in the body of a mosquito and is the sexual or sporogonic cycle, involving ‘reproduction by the sexual method or sporogony. A third phase is to be recognized during which the female gametocytes sporulate without ‘fertilization. This is referred to as the parthenogenetic cycle. It is passed within the body of the human host and explains the recurrence of malaria after more or less prolonged periods of latency. The Schizogonic or Asexual Cycle.—The asexual cycle begins with the infection of the human blood with the sporozoites by the bite of a mosquito of the genus Anopheles (p. 26). The sporozoite is spindle- shaped and on entering the blood at once penetrates a red corpuscle where it takes a ring-like form, referred to as the signet ring stage, Liv- ing at the expense of the corpuscle, the organism grows rapidly until it more or less fills the corpuscle. At this stage it is known as the schizont, which is the period of its ameboid movement and highest vegetative ac- tivity. As the schizont matures its nucleus breaks up into a number of daughter nuclei, each becoming surrounded by a spherical portion of protoplasm to form a small reproductive element.—the merozoite, or asexually formed spore. Finally the corpuscle is broken down and the swarm of merozoites is liberated in the blood-plasma. Coming from the same original brood, the parasites all sporulate and become liberated in the blood at the same time; this results in the constantly increasing number of merozoites being liberated at stated intervals with corre- sponding intervals of paroxysm in the host. The general toxic effect upon the malaria patient is contributed to by the accumulated waste products of the parasite’s metabolism which pass into the plasma with the liberation of the merozoites. Each liberated merozoite now enters another corpuscle, and the asexual cycle is repeated in from twenty- four to seventy-two hours according to the species of the infecting or- ganism. This process of multiplication may continue for an indefinite time or, by analogy with other parasitic Protozoa, until the vitality is ex- hausted. Asexual merozoites are greatly in the majority, but certain of them are potentially sexual and require a longer time to fully develop into males and females when they are known as male and female game- tocytes. ‘Up to this time they are still intracorpuscular and, in the estivo-autumnal or pernicious type of fever, appear as large crescents. The female crescent (macrogametocyte) has numerous pigment gran- ules collected in the center; the male (microgametocyte) is the mother cell of the male reproductive elements (microgametes). The nucleus of the male cell divides into a number of daughter nuclei which migrate to the periphery and become the nuclei of the flagelliform microgametes. These bodies are constantly in the blood after the first few paroxysms. 320 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS If the blood is now drawn by an anopheline mosquito further changes take place. The Sporogonic or Sexual Cycle.—In the intestine of the mosquito the female gametocyte undergoes certain nuclear changes preparatory to fertilization; the cell becomes rounded or oval in form, and is now known as the macrogamete. From the male gametocyte there are ex- truded from three to six flagelliform filaments corresponding in number to the peripherally disposed daughter nuclei. These filaments detach from the mother cell to become the actively motile microgametes, which are analogous to the spermatozoa of higher animals. Thus the flag- ellated parent body may be referred to as a microgametoblast, produc- ing the male sexual elements or microgametes. Fertilization of the macrogamete is brought about by its penetration by one of the microgametes. The fertilized macrogamete now becomes the odkinete or zygote, in which stage it passes by a vermiform move- ment into and through the epithelium of the mosquitoe’s mid-intestine and comes to rest just beneath the outer lining membrane. Here it rapidly grows, the nucleus divides, and by the third to the fifth day it has formed a cyst in which there are many nuclei, each to become the nucleus of a minute body,—the sporoblast. The sporoblasts, by division, form a number of germs,—the sporozoites, spindle-shaped, nucleated bodies which are mature after a period of ten to fourteen days in the body of the mosquito. On reaching maturity, the sporozoites are liberated into the body cavity of the insect where they are carried about by the body fluids, collecting eventually in the salivary glands. From here they pass to the piercing proboscis from which, with the next bite of the mos- quito, many may pass into the blood of another human victim to begin the asexual cycle. Piare [V.—Lire Cycie or tHE Mararta Parasite. 1. Free sporozoite, either in salivary glands of the mosquito orin blood of man. 2. Penetration of the sporozoite into a red blood corpuscle. 3 to 6. Growth of trophozoite. 7, 8. Division of trophozoite which brings about destruction of the blood corpuscle and the release of the merozoites in the blood stream. The free merozoites then enter new blood corpuscles, and this cycle may be repeated many times. Finally, however, the sexual cycle is initiated as follows: 9a to 12a. Growth and differentiation of female cell. 9b to 12b. Growth and differentiation of male cell. 13a, 13b. The male and female cells are swallowed by a mosquito. 14a. Matu- ration of female cell. 14b. Formation of microgametes. 15b. Free microgamete. 16. Fertilization. 17. Ookinete. 18, 19, 20. The odkinete attacks and penetrates a cell of the intestine of the mosquito, and passes completely through the epithelium, coming to rest in the peri-intestinal tissue. (There is not, in life, the reduction in size indicated by the figure.) 21 to 25. Stages in the development of the cyst and formation of the sporozo- ites. 26. Migration of the sporozoites. 27. Sporozoites in the salivary glands of the mosquito. 13¢ to 17c. These figures portray the cycle which is supposed to account for cases where malaria is latent for a longer or shorter period. Ordinarily, unless removed by a mosquito, the differentiated male and female cells (12a and 12b) die, but under certain conditions the latter may continue to live in the blood, to give rise to a renewal of the disease. (After Crawley, from Mense’s “Handbuch,” after Grassi and Schaudinn, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). 322 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS In the parthenogenetic phase, which occurs in the human host, the female gametocyte sporulates without fertilization. After months of latency these spores may pass into the blood current and enter the corpuscles, bringing about a recurrence of malaria after its apparent cure. It should be noted in the sexual cycle that the formation of the spo- roblasts is similar to the formation of corresponding reproductive cen- ters of the Coecidia, which pass a portion of their cycle external to a host and which are elsewhere referred to (p. 337). The sporoblasts of the plas- modia, however, differ from those of the Coccidia in having no protect- ing membrane or capusle, in the absence of which protection, the spo- rozoites are unfitted for existence outside the body of a host animal. Classification.— According to their mode of life, Calkins divides the parasitic Protozoa into the following groups. The arrangement is not a natural one and is merely for descriptive purposes: 1. Enterozoic.—Living in the lumen of the digestive tract. 2. Ceelozoic.—Living in the ccelomie cavities of the body. 3. Cytozoic.—Living throughout the vegetative period as intracel- lular parasites. 4. Caryozoic.—Passing into the cell to find lodgment in the cell nu- cleus. 5. Hematozoic.—Living in the blood plasma. In some cases the parasite may pass through a number of these modes of life. Thus the plasmodia of malaria are hematozoie in the blood current, cytozoic in the blood corpuscles, enterozoic in the digestive tract of the mosquito, and ccelozoic when they pass as sporozoites into the body cavity of this insect. In the arrangement of the classification of the Protozoa which follows, only those groups containing species of parasitic importance are given. CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES OF THE PHyLUM PROTOZOA Phylum IV. Protozoa. P. 311. Class A. Rhizopoda. P. 324. Order 1. Lobosa. P. 324. Genus and Species: Ameba meleagridis. Host, turkey. P. 325. Entameba histolytica. Host, man. P. 326. E. coli. Host, man. P. 326. Class B. Flagellata. P. 326. Order 1. Spirochetida. P. 327. Genus and Species: Spirocheta gallinarum. Host, fowl. P. 327. Order 2. Trypanosomatida. P. 328. PROTOZOA 323 Genus and Species: Trypanosoma theileri. Host, cattle. P. 329. T. brucei. Hosts, equines, cattle, ete. P. 330. T. evansi. Hosts, equines, camel. P. 332. T. equinum. Host, equines. P. 332. T. equiperdum. Host, equines. P. 333. T. americanum. Host, cattle. P. 336. Trypanoplasma. P. 329. Class C. Sporozoa. P. 336. Order 1. Coceidia. P. 337. Genus and Species: Eimeria stiedz. Host, rabbit. P. 342. Diplospora bigemina. Host, dog. P. 342. Coceidium zurni. Host, cattle. P. 343. Eimeria avium. Host, chicken. P. 345. Order 2. Hemosporidia. P. 347. Genus and Species: Piroplasma bigeminum. Hosts, cattle, tick. P. 347. Plasmodium vivax. Hosts, man, mosquito. P. 318. Pl. falciparum. Hosts, man, mosquito. P. 318. Pl. malarize. Hosts, man, mosquito. P. 318. Order 3. Sarcosporidia. P. 350. Genus and Species: Sarcocystis miescheriana. Host, pig. P. 351. S. tenella. Host, sheep. P. 351. S. blanchardi. Host, cattle. P. 351. S. bertrami. Host, equines. P. 351. CHAPTER XXVII THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS. DISEASES DUE TO PROTOZOA Class I. Rhizopoda. Protozoa (p. 311). The Protozoa of this group lack permanent structures for locomotion and nourishment, these functions being performed by the undifferen- tiated protoplasm. For this reason they are considered to be the lowest in position of the Protozoa. The class name—Rhizopoda—has ref- erence to the extension of the cytoplasm in root-like processes or feet,— the pseudopodia or false feet. It is in this manner that the animal flows over and engulfs its food, the movements serving for locomotion as well. This type of locomotion is known as ameboid, it having been first accurately studied in the Ameba. It differs from that of higher Pro- tozoa in that it is not accomplished by constant cell organs, as cilia and flagella. A pseudopodium is formed when the cytoplasm streams to a point of the body, the process extending more or less beyond the gen- eral body surface; the body may then be drawn after it or appear to flow into it, the protrusion disappearing and new pseudopodia being formed at other points. By repetition of this process a slow change in the position of the organism occurs, and if particles of nourish- ment are encountered in such wandering they are engulfed by the cytoplasm within which they become surrounded by a certain amount of liquid, presumably of a digestive nature, to form the food vacuole. The form of the pseudopodia varies, and this serves as a factor in the separation of the rhizopods into different groups. In the Ameba (Fig. 168) they are thick and finger-like, while in certain other forms they are of such delicacy as to appear like fine threads. Reproduction in Rhizopoda may be accompanied with the formation of flagellate spores, the ameboid method of motility being exchanged for that of the flagellated Protozoa. In this stage the body becomes oval and the flagellum develops at the end containing the nucleus, where it persists during the spore stage. The parasitic Rhizopoda belong with the order Lobosa which is the only one considered here. The characteristics of this group have been sufficiently referred to in the description of the type genus Ameba (p. 312). There are but few parasitic species known, and these are included in the two genera Ameba and Entameba. THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 325 Inrectious ENTERO-HEPATITIS OF TURKEYS This disease—commonly known as blackhead—has been attributed to an organism found by Theobald Smith in the necrotic liver of affected turkeys and named by him Ameba meleagridis. That this is an ameba, however, has been questioned. Certain other investigators consider the organism described by Smith as a form in the development of in- testinal Coccidia, the acceptance of which conclusion would place the disease among the coccidioses. The term “blackhead”’ has been used to designate a number of dis- eases of fowls, among which, in addition to entero-hepatitis, are cholera, helminthiasis, intestinal coccidiosis, and, in general, any dis- ease which may be accompanied by dark discoloration of the comb and wattles. Symptoms.—It has been shown that entero-hepatitis can be trans- mitted directly from diseased to healthy turkeys, natural infection prob- ably taking place through food and water contaminated with the droppings from the affected animals. At the expiration of the incuba- tion period, which is usually within one month, the disease is initiated by loss of appetite and a drooping listlessness which is soon followed by diarrhea, the fluid discharge being yellowish in color and of exceed- ingly offensive odor. Weakness and emaciation have already set in, and the comb and wattles show the blackish discoloration from which the disease takes its name,—blackhead. Death usually occurs after a course of from five to eight days. The mortality is highest in young animals, among which it is estimated to be eighty to ninety per cent. Adults are more likely to recover, though usually only after a long period of emaciation during which there may be a relapse. Post-mortem Appearance.—The changes observed on necropsy are those of necrotic degeneration of the cecal mucosa and liver. The walls of the ceca are thickened, the mucous membrane ulcerated and covered with fibrous membranes and exfoliating necrotic tissue. The liver is much enlarged and shows on its surface numerous yellowish areas with the centers softened. These areas may be quite small or up to 15 mm. (5/8 of an inch) or more in diameter. Other portions of the digestive tract are not affected. Examination in hanging drop of emulsified tissue of the cecal mucosa and the necrotic foci of the liver will reveal the amebxe. The organisms found in the liver occur as rounded or oval cells measuring 6-14 microns and having a comparatively small nucleus. Smith concluded from his investigations that the parasites were not intracellular but lived in the tissue spaces. In the liver they are thought to occupy the spaces of the necrosed and disappearing liver cells. 326 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS Control.—The sick animals should be at once separated from those which are apparently not infected and the pens and runs subjected to thorough cleaning up and disinfection as recommended in other forms of poultry parasitism. It is important that the yards be kept dry and that the droppings be promptly removed and so disposed of that they cannot be a source of reinfection. Treatment is of little value. As palliative, intestinal antiseptics, as eucalyptus or listerine, may be tried. Amebic Dysentery in Man.—This is a disease occurring in tropical and subtropical, and at times in temperate regions, the cause of which is regarded by pathologists to be an ameba,—Hntamba histolytica. Ar- tificial production of amebic dysentery has been brought about in dogs and cats by rectal introduction of human feces containing the amebe. It has been shown in such cases that the parasites invade the glandular crypts of the intestinal mucosa from which they penetrate to the sub- mucosa and give rise to a hemorrhagic enteritis. In its further course the affection is accompanied by thickening and destructive ulceration of the mucosa. The diagnosis of amebic dysentery is by demonstration of the ame- bee in the stools. They may be differentiated from Hntameba coli, an intestinal species which is considered to be a harmless commensal, by their definite and relatively firm ectoplasm which gives a rigid character to the pseudopodia, enabling the parasites to force their way between the epithelium of the crypts and into the more deeply lying tissues. The nucleus of #. histolytica varies in shape and position with the activities of the cytoplasm; it has little chromatin, and no nuclear membrane is apparent. The nucleus of 2. coli is usually spherical and shows little change in position. Crass II. Fragernatra (MaAstTiGgoPpHoRA) Protozoa (p. 311). As has been stated, there are certain forms among the Rhizopoda in which the pseudopodia disappear from time to time to be replaced by one or more flagella; in other cases there may even be permanent fla- gella contributing to the pseudopodia in their function of locomotion and prehension. Such flagellate rhizopods are transitional to the Flagellata and serve to prevent the drawing of a sharp line of demarcation between the two groups based upon the possession of flagella. In general it may be said of the Flagellata that they are permanently flagellate, the fla- gella serving for locomotion and feeding. They exhibit a great diversity of form which is to a large extent correlated with the number and loca- tion of the flagella. A degree of complexity is exhibited by some free- living forms in the possession of a mouth and eytopharynx, but all par- THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 327 asitic forms, and most of those which are free-living, obtain their nour- ishment by absorbtion through the general surface of the body. The parasitic flagellates come within two orders,—Spirochetida and Trypanosomatida. OrvER I. SPIROCHETIDA Flagellata (p. 326). The spirochetes are of somewhat uncertain position because of in- complete knowledge of their flagella and life history. They multiply by longitudinal division, or it may be by transverse division as do bacteria, and many writers have placed ‘ them with the latter organisms. They range from one to two hundred microns in length, and the body is filamentous and spiral in form (Fig. 169). Deli- cate flagella may be present at one or both ends. Nuclei can- not be distinctly demonstrated; the nuclear material is prob- ably distributed as granules throughout the protoplasm as in bacteria. Motility is exhib- a ; ; ited by rotatory movements, (ee ee an and the progression may be in Bu. An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). either direction. Hxcepting in poultry, the spirochetes are not, so far as known, seriously pathogenic in the domestic animals. The extreme pathogenicity of certain spirochetes in man, however, indicates the disease-producing possibilities of the group and rates it, potentially at least, as a dangerous one to all higher animals. SPIROCHETOSIS OF FowLs This disease was first described by Marchoux and Salimbeni who, working in Brazil, noted that special varieties were more susceptible and suffered more severely from the attack than common fowls. The condition was originally termed fowl septicemia, or Brazilian septicemia of fowls, and is now considered to be due to the presence of the spirochete Spirocheta gallinarum (S. marchouxi) which lives in the blood, is 15-20 microns in length, and is carried from host to host by the tick Argas miniatus. The investigators above mentioned distinguish an acute and chronic form of the disease, the former characterized by emaciation, drooping, 328 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS diarrhea, and anemia. Toward the end weakness has so far advanced that the affected birds are completely helpless and he with their heads upon the ground. Those which survive are said to be immune to fur- ther attack. The spiroochete sometimes penetrates the red blood cells; it has also been found in the eggs and in the embryonal epithelium of the chick. It is not known with certainty that the disease exists in this country. It is not unlikely, however, that some of the as yet obscure diseases Fic. 170.—Hen suffering from acute spirochetosis (after Crawley, from Balfour, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). of poultry may be found to be due to members of the spirochete group, —a sufficient reason for mentioning the Brazilian spirochetosis here. OrprER II. TRYPANOSOMATIDA Flagellata (p. 326). A number of classifications have been proposed for these organisms, Salmon and Styles placing them in the order Monadida (Moore, 1906). Calkins (1909) classifies them as follows: Subphylum Mastigophora; class, Zodmastigophora; subclass, Lissoflagellata; order, Trypanosoma- tida; typical genera, Trypanosoma and Trypanoplasma. The same author thus describes the order in tabulation: “Organisms of elongate, usually pointed form, and of parasitic mode of life; with one or two flagella arising from a special ‘‘motor”’ nucleus, and with an undulating membrane provided with myonemes running from the kinetonucleus to the extremity of the cell; one of the flagella is attached to the edge THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 329 of this membrane throughout its length, and may terminate with the membrane or be continued beyond the body as a free lash.” All species of the genus Trypanosoma show a general morphologic similarity. In general they may be said to measure from 15-45 microns in length, including the flagellum, and 1-5 microns in thickness. As typical of the group, 7’. theilerz, living exclusively in the blood of cattle, may be taken for brief description. The body is spindle-shaped, more or less serpentine, and pointed at the ends, from one of which there pro- jects a vibratile flagellum. The flagellum is continued as a marginal cord toward the opposite end of the body where it takes origin in a minute granule (blepharoplast). In close relation to this granule is a deeply staining body which, because of its connection with the motile elements of the cell, has been designated the kinetonucleus. Arising from the kinetonucleus, the flagellum passes along the body on the border of a delicate protoplasmic membrane—the undulating mem- brane—toward its free extremity. Centrally located is the tropho- nucleus, the nucleus concerned with the vegetative processes of the cell. This is clearly defined and usually has the chromatin in the form of granules of definite number. The endoplasm is granular and may appear vacuolated. Reproduction in the blood of the vertebrate host is by longitudinal division following division of the blepharoplast, kinetonucleus, and trophonucleus. In some cases the daughter cells remain together for a longer or shorter time in a sort of rosette forma- tion. The members of the genus Trypanoplasma (Cryptobia) have two flagella. They are mostly parasitic in fishes; so far as known there are no species which attack higher animals. Transmission.—The Trypanosoma are parasites of the blood, lymph, or cerebrospinal fluid of vertebrates, and, with one known ex- ception, their transfer is accomplished by the intervention of an inter- mediate carrier which is either essential and indirect, or mechanical and direct. In the former case a blood-sucking fly becomes infected by feeding upon the blood of an animal harboring the trypanosomes. In the body of the fly the trypanosomes undergo certain changes, probably of a revitalizing nature, and for a period of time the fly remains noninfective. When this period has elapsed the trypanosomes within the fly resume their ability to infect any host whose blood is reached by the piercing mouth parts of the fly. Furthermore, such flies remain infective for an indefinite period, probably for the remainder of their lives. By the direct or mechanical method of transfer the fly, after having bitten an infected animal, very shortly afterward visits a healthy one and may inoculate it directly with its contaminated proboscis. If the fly draws the blood of a sick animal and then successively visits two 330 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS healthy ones, the second of the latter will not usually contract the disease. This is due to the fact that the proboscis of the fly, charged with the trypanosomes from the blood of the sick animal, becomes cleaned of the organisms in biting the first of the healthy ones. Any biting arthropod may transmit by the direct method; the ability to infect is usually limited to a few hours from the time of biting an in- fected animal, though under experimental observation it has been re- tained for a considerably longer time (see Glossina, p. 44). NAGANA The fundamental work upon this disease was carried on in Zululand by Bruce who, in 1895, discovered that nagana, or the so-called tsetse fly disease, was caused by a trypanosome which, after its discoverer, has been named Trypanosoma brucez. “Nagana, or fly disease,” Bruce writes, “is a specific disease which occurs in the horse, mule, donkey, ox, dog, cat, and many other animals, and varies in duration from a few days or weeks to many months. It is invariably fatal in the horse, donkey, and dog, but a small percentage of cattle recover. It is characterized by fever, infiltration of coagulable lymph into the subcutaneous tissue of the neck, abdomen, or extrem- ities, giving rise to swelling in these regions, by a more or less rapid destruction of the red blood corpuscles, extreme emaciation, often blindness, and the constant occurrence in the blood of an infusorial parasite.” Nagana is a Zulu word which, according to Bruce, refers to the state of depression and weakness characteristic of the disease. Nagana exists, particularly in low and humid regions, throughout Afriea with the exception of Tunis, Algeria, and Morocco, and most of the country south of the Tropic of Capricorn. The disease is supposed to be transmitted mainly the by the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans, though other species probably play an equal part in this respect. Etiologic reference to nagana has already been made in the review of the work of Bruce under the subject of Glossina (p. 44) and need not be repeated here. Puate V.—Various Species or TRYPANOSOMA. 1. Trypanosoma lewisi, of the rat. 2. Trypanosoma lewisi, multiplication rosette. 3. Trypanosoma lewisi, small form re- sulting from the disintegration of a rosette. 4. Trypanosoma brucei, of nagana. 5. Trypanosoma equinum, of caderas. 6. Trypanosoma gambiense, of sleeping sickness. 7. Trypanosoma gambiense, undergoing division. 8. Trypanosoma theileri, a harmless trypanosome of cattle. 9. Trypanosoma transvaliense, a variation of T. theileri. 10. Trypanosoma avium, a bird trypanosome. 11. Trypanosoma damoniz, of a tortoise. 12. Trypanosoma solex, of the flat fish. 13. Trypanosoma granulosum, of the eel. 14. Trypanosoma raj, of the skate. 15. Trypanosoma rotatorium, of frogs. 16. Cryptobia borreli, of the red-eye (a fish). (After Crawley, from Laveran and Mesnil; Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. S. Dept, Agr.) 332 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS SURRA This name has been given to a disease of horses, camels, and dogs of Asia caused by Trypanosoma evansi, which in 1880 was found by Evans in the blood of affected horses. Surra occurs in Southern Asia, the East Indies, the Philippines, Korea, Australia, and among the drome- daries in Northern Africa where it is known under the name of mbori. Symptoms.—In its constant and progressive anemia and cachexia the disease closely resembles nagana. At its outset there is a rise of tem- perature which in some cases may be followed by an urticarial eruption. Edema appears under the skin of the belly and limbs, and the eyelids become puffy with conjunctiva congested. The appetite is usually re- tained, but in spite of this there is loss of flesh and strength. Later the appetite is lost, there is great weakness, and the wasted and enfeebled animal may fall and be unable to again get upon its feet. Course.—Horses invariably die in from one to several months after the onset of the disease, though in some cases death may occur suddenly in the early stages. In camels the disease runs a much longer course. Cattle, though they may harbor the parasites in their blood, generally resist the disease. Infection.—A specific carrier of the organism causing surra is not known. Tsetse flies are not found in Asia, but it has been determined that the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) and the horsefly (Tabanus stri- atus) of Asiatic countries can transmit the disease by their bite. It is believed by some that the horsefly is the principal carrier. So far as known the flies carry the disease from animal to animal directly by means of contaminated mouth parts, and are unable to infect for more than one or two days after having drawn the blood of an infected animal. Mat Der CapERAs Mal de ecaderas (disease of the hip) is a trypanosomiasis occurring in horses throughout the greater part of South America, caused by Try- panosoma equinum, which was discovered by Elmassian in the blood of horses in Argentina in 1901. The occurrence of the disease by natural infection is almost exclusively among horses and mules, the former of which are the more susceptible. A number of other mammals may be successfully inoculated, among them the hog, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, and mouse. Symptoms.—Following a statement that, owing to its great ravages in certain parts of South America, cattle have to be used for riding purpo-- ses, Laveran and Mesnil (Trypanosomes and Trypanosomiases, Eng- lish edition) describe the symptons of the disease as follows: “The first sign of the disease in horses is wasting, which rapidly pro- THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 333 gresses in spite of a good appetite. The temperature is often raised to 104° to 105.8° F. After a varible time it is noticed that the hind quar- ters are weak, and that the animal drags its legs, the hoofs grazing the ground. These symptons increase and become characteristic, so that when the animal is made t) walk it staggers along, the hind quarters swaying from side to side. On account of this sympton the name mal de caderas, or disease of the hind quarters, has been given to the disease. There comes a time when the animal is unable to stand; if in the stable, it leans up against a wall or seeks other support; if in the open, it stag- gers and falls. After thus falling to the ground an animal may still live for several days if it be fed; otherwise the inevitably fatal end is hastened by inanition.” Infection.—The mode of natural infection is not as yet known. The observed fact that horses separated from affected animals only by a fence remain healthy in spite of the presence of piercing flies, would indi- cate that these insects are not the transmitters. Until something definite is established as to the transmitting agent, no certain preventive meas- ures can be adopted. DovuRINE Dourine is an infectious disease of the horse and ass affecting prima- rily the genital tract. Itis due to Trypanosoma equiperdum, transmitted from animal to animal in the act of copulation. The disease is vari- ously named “maladie du coit,’’ “‘ el dourine,”’ or “ dourine,’’ according to the country in which it is found, dourine, which is from the Arabic for “unclean,” being the term most commonly employed for it in the United States. It is supposed to have been introduced into Continental Eu- rope early in the nineteenth century by horses imported for breeding, especially those from the Orient where the disease has long existed. In the United States dourine first appeared in Illinois where it was recognized by Dr. W. L. Williams in 1886. The source of the infection was found to be imported Percheron stallion, and it had been dissemi- nated for some time before the true nature of the malady became known. By the application of rigid preventive measures, the disease was eradi- cated from Illinois in 1888, but it had been carried by a stallion to Ne- braska, where an investigation of an outbreak in 1892 by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry revealed that upward of two hundred mares and stallions in the northwestern part of that state were affected with the disease. Measures taken by the federal authorities brought this outbreak under control for a time, but a few years later the infection again appeared in the same part of the state. In 1901 there was an out- break in the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservations of South Dakota, and in 1903 the disease was reported in Van Buren County, Towa. It was again found in Taylor County, Iowa, in 1911. Thus dour- 334 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS ine has appeared at various times within certain limits in the United States. Infection.—Dourine is a peculiar trypanosomiasis in that there is no intermediate carrier of the trypanosome specifically. responsible for it. Like the spirochete of human syphilis, it is noculable by contact, the infection usually occurring during the act of copulation, though reported cases of the disease in geldings and in mares which have never had the stallion would indicate that its transmission is not entirely by copulation. It may be artificially transmitted to horses and to other susceptible animals, as dogs and rabbits, by inoculation with blood from animals affected. Sexual intercourse is, however, by far the most common means of natural infection, the trypanosome reaching the blood by penetrat- ing the intact mucosa of the genital tract. Symptoms.—The symptoms of dourine as given by John R. Mohler (Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 142, 1911) are, with some omissions, here quoted. “There are many variations in the symptoms of dourine, and this is particularly true of the disease as it occurs in this country. Two dis- tinct stages may be noted which vary somewhat from those described in textbooks, but probably no more than could be expected when differences of climatic conditions and methods of handling are taken into consideration. “The first stage chiefly concerns the sexual organs, and therefore differs somewhat in the male and female. In the second stage symptoms indicating an affection of the nervous system are more prominent and are not dependent on the sex of the animal. “Following a variable period of incubation of from eight days to two months, there is seen in the stallion an irritation and swelling about the penis first noticed in the glans. This swelling extends throughout the organ, and the penis may be continually protruded and frequent erections noticed. The edematous swelling also involves the groin, with enlargement of the adjacent inguinal glands, and extends forward along the abdomen. In a few days small vesicles or blisters appear on the penis, which break, discharging a yellowish serous fluid and leaving irregular raw ulcers. Where primary ulcers are in proximity to each other there is a marked disposition to coalesce, a large raw surface with irregular border resulting. The ulcerative process may form a wound extending almost entirely around the penis. The ulcers show a tendency to heal rapidly, leaving white cicatrices which are permanent. In some cases the urinary meatus is very red and swollen, and according to some observers, especially European, more or less thick catarrhal exudate is discharged from its oriface. This condition, however, has been rarely seen in cases in this country, a more or less continuous dripping from the urethra of a yellowish serous-like discharge alone being present. THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 335 The stallion retains his full genetic instinct and becomes very amorous when brought in the vicinity of mares. If allowed access to mares in season, service is often impossible, due to the fact that a complete erection of the penis does not occur. The testicles may be involved and tender to pressure, and abscess formation may occur with sloughing. “Tn the mare the first symptoms may be so slight as not to be noticed by the owner. The disease being the result of copulation, begins with swelling and inflammation of the vulva and vagina. The labia are continually everted, exposing the clitoris, which is constantly in a state of erection. There will also be a muco-purulent discharge like that coming from the penis of the male, which may be slight or profuse in quantity. The mare will switch the tail, appear uneasy, and urinate frequently. Shortly papules and vesicles appear on the external vulva, as well as on the mucosa of the vulva and vagina. These vesicles soon rupture, but before domg so the contents undergo a change from a transparent to a purulent fluid. The rupture of these pustules is the initial stage in the formation of deep, angry-ulcers. These ulcers show a tendency to heal rapidly, but invariably leave a cicatrix. On the dark skin of the external vulva the scars will always be white. This de- pigmentation is permanent. “Sometimes, especially in the mare, the above-described lesions tend to disappear gradually, and in case the mare is not served again the disease may-remain in abeyance for months or a year. The apparent recovery, however, is not permanent, and any excessive work or excite- ment may set up the disease anew. In case an affected mare conceives, she is hable to abort at any time during her term of pregnancy. When the fetus is carried to full term, it occasionally is a weak or imperfectly developed foal, but in this country many fine colts have been born to affected mares. “The nervous or constitutional disturbances of the second stage may not come on for months or even a year after the appearance of the local lesions, and are similar in both male and female. They consist of a general nervous disorder with staggering, swaying gait, especially in the hind limbs. The animal becomes extremely emaciated, particularly in the hind quarters, and the abdomen assumes a “‘tucked-up”’ appear- ance. The first indication of paralysis will be noted in traveling, when the animal fails to pick up one of the hind feet as freely as the other. There is a tendency to drag the foot partially. This condition may shift from one hind foot to the other, or both may become affected simultaneously. Twitching of the superficial muscles has been noticed in several instances. Urticarial eruptions or plaques may break out over various parts of the body, and there may be noticed pruritus of the skin, which causes the animal to rub itself frequently. The tem- perature of the animal seldom goes above 101° or 102° F. When the 336 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS paralysis of the hind limbs starts to appear, it usually progresses rapidly, the horse goes down, is unable to rise, and dies in a short time from nervous exhaustion.”’ Control.—As dourine is transmitted and spread only by copulation, its eradication is a less difficult problem than in trypanosomiases which may be carried by flies. So little benefit is to be derived from medicinal treatment that in this country, where the disease has appeared only in restricted areas, it is not advisable. While cure may be possible, an apparently cured animal may carry the trypanosomes for months in the sexual organs, and relapses are likely to occur. In areas where the disease appears measures of eradication must be based upon the prevention of infected animals from breeding. To confine the losses to the minimum, therefore, the prompt castration of affected stallions and the destruction of diseased mares is essential. Spaying of such mares is not a sufficient precaution from the fact that they may be sold and an attempt made to breed them, thus infecting the stallion and through this source spreading the disease. Restrictions in the movement of horses in infected districts and frequent reinspection are further state and federal measures for confining an outbreak so far as possible to its original limits. Trypanosoma americanum.—This trypanosome is found in cultures of blood from healthy American cattle. It deserves mention here on account of its common occurrence, though it appears to be harmless. A report by Crawley upon his extended study of this organism will be found in Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin No. 145 (1912). Cuiass III. Sporozoa Protozoa (p. 311).—The Sporozoa are all parasitic. Though without motile organs, they are capable of moving from place to place, in some cases by means of pseudopodia. Reproduction is mainly by spore formation, either asexual or sexual. There are a number of forms, however, in which simple reproduction occurs, and the group comprises organisms with life histories as yet not fully known. The Sporozoa, therefore, is a division to be regarded as provisional, containing at pres- ent organisms which when their life histories’ are fully made out may be more accurately placed with other divisions of the Protozoa. Based upon the belief that the Sporozoa are polyphyletic; that is that all have not the same ancestral history, they have been placed in two divisions,—Telosporidia and Neosporidia, the former regarded as * descended from the flagellates, the latter from the rhizopods. Of the Telosporidia but two orders are to be considered here,—Coccidia and Hemosporidia. The Neosporidia has one order,—Sarcosporidia, con- taining parasites of domestic animals. THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 337 OrpEeR I. Coccrpia Sporozoa (p. 336).—The Coccidia are cytozoic or cell-infesting para- sites, attacking epithelium of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Re- production is by schizogony and by sporogony, the asexual and sexual generations alternating in the life cycle. In species parasitic to domestic animals the fertilized cell produces sporoblasts covered by a sporo- cyst membrane. Life History.—The life cycle is similar to that of the malaria organ- isms except that no arthropod intermediate host is required for the sexual reproduction. Infection with Coccidia is with the eneysted stage (o6eyst) by way of the mouth. Hence the parasites are almost exclu- sively found in the epithelium of the alimentry canal and organs con- nected with it. Reaching the stomach and duodenum, the oécyst is acted upon by the digestive juices and the sporozoites contained in the cyst are liberated. These enter the epithelial cells of the mucosa. Within the cells they lose their spindle form and enter the stage of the tro- phozoite in which they grow to a size depending somewhat upon that of the invaded cell. By the process of schizogony the trophozoite di- vides into a number of small protoplasmic masses which are the mero- zoites or asexually formed spores. These invade other cells and in the same manner grow into another generation of merozoites. By many repetitions of this cycle a large number of cells are invaded and de- stroyed, and the death of the host animal may follow as a result. After a number of asexual cycles some of the merozoites do not grow and di- vide into another generation of merozoites, but develop into stages which begin the sporogonous or sexual cycle. In this process ‘the female tro- phozoite instead of dividing develops into an egg or macrogamete. The male trophozoite, by division, forms minute male reproductive elements or microgametes. By their motility the microgametes reach and fer- tilize the macrogametes which, becoming surrounded by a resistant membrane, arrive at the stage of the odcyst. Within the odcyst a num- ber of spores may be formed, each inclosed in a protecting membrane and constituting a sporocyst. By division each sporocyst forms two or more sporozoites, and thus the sexual cycle is completed. Where the parasites are in the epithelium of the alimentary tract or its commu- nicating organs, the odcysts pass to the exterior with the feces. In other cases it may be that they can only reach the outside after the death and disintegration of the host. The effect of coccidiosis upon the animal is brought about by the ex- tensive destruction of cells resulting from the repeated production of merozoites by schizogny. This progressive reproduction and cell de- struction would in every case result in the death of the animal were it not that the number of schizogonous generations is limited. The cell Puate VI, Fie. 1. = ba ea): Puate VI, Fic. 2. Puate, VI.—Fia. 1.—Percheron stallion, showing condition at the time of purchase. Fie. 2. Same stallion after dourine had developed. Spots on side and croup give location of plaques. (After Mohler, Bul. No. 142, Bu. An. Ind., U. 8. Dep Agr.). Puate VII, Fie. 2. Puate VII.—Fic. 1.—Percheron mare, showing chronic dourine. Observe the ‘‘tucked up” abdomen and emaciation, the mare having lost over 700 pounds in the previous four months. Fie. 2.—A mare in the last stage of dourine. Notice the position of the off hind foot and the straightened hock joints. (After Mohler, Bul. No. 142, Bu. An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). 342 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS destruction ceases with the beginning of the sporogonous cycle, and, if the acute stage of the disease is survived, the animal tends to recover, the destroyed cells being replaced more or less completely by newly formed ones. Thus it may be said that the disease is self-limiting. Eimeria stiede2.—Coccidia (p. 337).—This coccidian, also known as Coccidium oviforme and C. cuniculi, is the species commonly found in the liver of domestic rabbits. Most frequently it attacks the epithe- lium of the bile ducts where it causes destruction of cells and pathologic changes in the liver by which the secretion of bile is reduced. The con- dition affects rabbits seriously and deaths occur as a result of it. Eimeria stiede is considered by some authors as a cause of coccidiosis in man. Diplospora bigemina (Isospora bigemina). Coecidia (p. 337).—In a report upon their work with this coccidian Hall and Wigdor (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, April, 1918) state that in two hundred dogs examined at Detroit, Michigan, it was found in fifteen, or slightly over seven per cent. From this finding they suggest thatthe parasite may be more common in American dogs than our pres- ent lack of information would indicate. In reference to the pathogenesis of Diplospora bigemina, these au- thors may be further quoted from the same article as follows: “As regards the pathological significance of D. bigemina, we have but little information. but the followimg notes may serve some purpose: Dog No. 130 presented a clinical picture of distemper and died of pneu- monia, probably due in part to distemper and partly to an accident in drenching. The small intestine showed diffuse hemorrhagic points, most pronounced in the ileum, especially the lower ileum near the valve. Scrapings of the mucosa showed the coccidia to be most abundant in the ileum, less so in the jejunum and least so in the duodenum. These findings of increasing numbers of coccidia with increasing severity of lesions may be correlated, but in the absence of sections indicating the relation of the coccidia to the hemorrhage, we do not care to hazard a definite opinion. Dog No. 173 showed numerous fine petechize in the intestinal mucosa, and these were especally numerous in the Peyer’s patches, giving these a uniformly dark appearance. No sections were made and this dog had shown no oGeysts in the feces for forty-five days. Dog No. 127 showed innumerable pinpoint petechie in the ileum, but it would be unsafe to draw conclusions based on this one dog, as the animal figured in other experiments. The intestine of dog No. 223 was macroscopically normal except for the presence of hook-worm petechie. In view of the fact that coccidia are destructive to epithelial tissue and that some species fairly closely related to D. bigemina are known to be highly pathological, it would seem reasonable to suppose that D. big- emina might be distinctly pathological at times, though the apparent THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 343 good health and lack of post-mortem lesions in other dogs makes it cer- tain that it often does no visible damage.”’ Coccidium zurni. Coccidia (p. 337).—Red dysentery of cattle is attributed to this coccidian. The disease occurs in Europe, generally among young animals as an enzooétic. The attack of the parasites upon the cells of the intestinal mucosa causes extensive hemorrhage, the red diarrhea resulting from the mixture of the blood with the feces. Muld cases, particularly in adult animals, may soon recover. Severe cases, occurring particularly in young animals, may run a hyperacute course and terminate fatally within two days, or an acute course of five to ten days may precede this termination. In the report of the Committee on Medicine and Surgery submitted at the meeting of the Pennsylvania State Veterinary Medical Associa- tion, held in January, 1918, Dr. W. J. Lentz, of the University of Penn- sylvania, called attention to cases of intestinal coccidiosis of cattle which had come under his observation in the State of Delaware. His report as published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association for November, 1918, follows: “Was asked to consult with a veterinarian on an interesting condition in a herd of grade Holsteins. Owner had lost four or five heifers over a period of about two weeks, ranging in age from six months to eighteen months. All presented similar symptoms. There was first noticed a serous, fetid, black diarrhea. Fever was rarely in evidence at any time. The diatrhea after a few days changed to mucus, with the passage of blood clots with the mucus and feces from time to time. Straining was very marked. Appetite somewhat impaired but, nevertheless, partook of some food, but finally, in about six to eight days, became very dull, refused food, emaciated rapidly, rectum became relaxed, temperature subnormal, pulse hardly perceptible, and these symptoms of collapse were soon followed by death. On arrival at the farm found six to eight calves and one adult cow presenting some of the symptoms mentioned, and, inasmuch as one was about to die, it was destroyed and posted. Lesions were confined to the large intestine. No apparent pathological change in any other organ. The mucous membrane of the large in- testine, which was almost empty, was red brown in color, soft and * spongy, and everywhere coated with a bloody mucus. The back of the knife, after the intestine was slit open, was passed over the mucous surface and the bloody mucus scraped off, when it was noticed that large superficial ulcers, white in color, and about the size of one’s palm, were present throughout the whole extent of the large intestine from the cecum to the anus. Some of the mucous patches were scraped off and collected in a bottle, also some of the blood and feces. On micro- scopic examination, coccidia were detected. A diagnosis of ‘intestinal coccidiosis,’ or ‘red dysentery,’ was therefore made. Treatment 1, Puate VIII, Fie. 9 PuaTe VIII, Fic. THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 345 Puate VIII.—Cocoipian Lire Cycie.—Fie. 1. 1. Sporozoite released in intestine of host. 2. Penetration of sporozoite into epithelial cell. 3, 4. Growth of sporozoite into trophozoite. 5, 6, 7. Schizogonous cycle. Nuclear division, followed by division of entire trophozoite into a large number of merozoites. 8. Free merozoites, which for an indeterminate number of generations merely repeat the schizogonous cycle, behaving precisely as do the sporozoites. Eventually, however, the sporogonous cycle is initiated, which proceeds as follows: 9a. Undifferentiated female cell. 9b. Undifferentiated male cell. 10a. Differentiated female cell. 10b. Differentiated male cell. 11, 12. Formation of the microgametes, one male cell producing many microgametes. 13a. Macrogamete. One female cell produces but one macrogamete. 13b. Ripe microgamete. 14. Fertiliza- tion. 15, 16, 17. The zygote. 18. Beginning of spore formation. 19. Completion of spore formation. 20. Formation of the sporozoites within the spores. 21. Release of the sporozoites in the intestine of the host. Fie. 2.—Introduced for comparison with the more typical cycle shown in Fig. 1. Here the parasite penetrates and comes to rest in the nucleus instead of the cytoplasm, and there is sexual differentiation in the schizogonous eyele as well as in sporogony. (After Crawley, from Mense’s ‘‘Handbuch,”’ after Schaudinn, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr.). suggested: Pearson’s creolin well diluted with milk or water, also large doses of camphorated tincture of opium, and rectal injections, using garden hose and funnel, of a two per cent. creolin solution, alternating night and morning with a one per cent. alum solution. A week later received word that all were doing nicely and no deaths.” In Europe outbreaks of red dysentery similar to that of cattle have occurred in sheep. CoccipiaAL ENTERITIS OF CHICKS The use of the name “white diarrhea”’ for this coccidiosis tends to its confusion with bacillary white diarrhea, which is a fatal septicemia of chicks caused by Bacterium pullorum. Coccidial enteritis or coccidiosis of chicks is caused by Eimeria avium (Coccidium tenellum), which attacks the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa, usually that of the ceca. Occa- tionally the infection is found in other organs. The disease is usually seen in chicks from two to ten weeks old. Symptoms.—The symptoms are merely suggestive of coccidiosis as they do not materially differ from those of some other diseases of poul- try. The affected chicks droop and are inclined to stand about by them- selves with eyes closed and feathers ruffled. In most all cases there is a diarrhea with whitish-colored discharge which stains and mats the feathers below the vent; a bloody diarrhea gives evidence of coccidial infection. If the discharge is examined under the microscope large numbers of circular or slightly oval odeysts may be found. Death usually occurs after a course of three to four days. Post-morten Appearance.—Post-mortem examination reveals the ceca much enlarged. Their contents may be normal or they may be packed with a yellowish white or bloody semiliquid material. The conclusion that the chicks are not infected with coccidia should not be made from the absence of enlarged ceca, as occasionally there is no 346 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS enlargement of these organs nor abnormal appearance of their contents. Not infrequently the enteritis involves the entire length of the intestines. For a positive diagnosis microscopical examination of the intestinal contents or of the sectioned intestinal wall is necessary. Spreads of scrapings from the cecal mucosa examined under the microscope will reveal epithelial cells much distended by the deveiopment of the par- asites within them. It is as a result of this invasion that the cells finally break down and separate from the underlying stroma to become a part of the pasty catarrhal exudate which characterizes the fecal discharge. Infection.—Though the fatalities are usually among the young chicks, the coccidian which causes the disease may be found in chickens of all ages and it may be spread from this source. Infection is by food and ingested soil or water contaminated by droppings which contain the cysts. It has been demonstrated that the evsts may remain infective for a year or more, therefore chickens may become infected if allowed access to yards where those harboring the parasites were kept the year previous. Control.—There are no drugs which have been found to be of value in treating the disease, therefore control is the essential consideration in contending with it. Morse states (Bureau of Animal Industry Cir- cular No. 128, 1908) that this must begin with the eggs used for hatching. “These,” he writes, “should be thoroughly and antiseptically cleaned by wiping in ninety-five per cent. alcohol. If artificial incubation is used (and in this method lies the great hope of success), the incubator, if used before, should, previous to receiving the eggs, be carefully washed with antiseptic solutions and exposed to the sun. The egg tray should be scalded or flamed. The floor of the nursery should be movable, so that it may be taken out and sterilized, and if made of burlap the old piece should be torn off and a new piece mounted on the sterilized frame. The same precautions shou!d be used with the brooders. The soil to which the chicks have access should be well covered with lime, dug up, and exposed to the drying effects of the sun and air. If natural in- cubation is practiced the hen for a week or two before being set should be treated with one-quarter to one-half grain doses of sulphate of iron daily, with occasionally an active purgative, such as calomel, one grain, or castor oil, one-half teaspoonful containing five to ten drops of tur- pentine. The eggs, cleansed as directed above, should be placed in a perfectly fresh nest, which may be sprinkled from time to time with a little lime. After hatching, the hen with her chicks should be placed - upon ground that has been thoroughly sterilized, as described above, and at least every few days moved to fresh ground which has been treated in the same way and from which all chickens have been de- barred.” Further preventive measures are the removal of visibly sick chicks THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 347 from the flock, either keeping them isolated or killing and burning them. It is better to put all of the chickens on new ground if ‘possible, other- wise the ground should be covered with lime and spaded so that it may be exposed to the drying effect of the sun and air. All litter and nesting should be burned and a thorough cleaning up of the quarters followed by the application of a strong disinfectant solution. After drying, the floors may be protected from recontamination somewhat by covering them with shavings, chopped bedding, or other absorbant material, which is to be cleaned up and burned daily. Boards should be placed beneath the roosts to receive the droppings for convenient daily removal. Contamination of feeding and drinking vessels can in a measure be pre- vented by elevating them somewhat from the ground. They should at all times be kept clean; daily treatment with scalding water or flaming followed by exposure to the sun will do much to eliminate the source of the infection. OrperR II. Hemosporrp1a Sporozoa (p. 336).—The Hemosporidia are Sporozoa which dwei: in the blood where they invade the corpuscles, hence are cytozoic. Flag- ellated stages appear in their life history, and many protozodlogists suspect that the entire group has been evolved from the flagellated Protozoa. Comparing the life history of the malaria organisms (p. 318) with that of the Coccidia (p. 337) a distinct difference will be noted in the method of infection, the hemosporidian, as is true of others of the group, being transmitted from the blood of one animal to that of an- other by means of a known intermediate host, while the Coccidia infect directly, usually by food or water bearing the cysts. In diseases caused. by Hemosporidia, the infection, due to the activities of the intermediate host, is more widely disseminated, and large numbers of animals may be seriously and fatally attacked. As blood parasites, therefore, the Hemosporidia may be rated with the trypanosomes in pathologie im- portance. Texas FEVER Tick fever, Splenic fever. Smith and Kilbourne in 1893 found small parasites in the red blood corpuscles of cattle suffering with Texas fever. Due to their frequent occurrence in pairs, they were given the specific name bigeminum, and the genus was named Pyrosoma. The later generic name Piroplasma was derived from their often assuming a pear-like form, and the name now generally used for the hemosporidian causing Texas fever is Piroplasma bigeminum (Fig. 171). The medium by which the organism is transmitted is the cattle tick Margaropus annulatus, which crawls upon its host as a larva, attaches, 348 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS and here undergoes its complete development. (Ref. Margaropus annul- atus, Life History, p. 148.) For a number of days following her fer- tilization the female tick engorges with the blood of her host and then drops to the ground where a few days later she deposits her eggs and, having completed her cycle, soon dies. The parasites contained in the blood upon which the tick has fed reach the eggs and are present in the larval ticks when these are hatched. Thus the larve have the power to infect any susceptible N@e@er_) animal to which they attach. In the first stage of development after gaining the circulation the piroplasma is within the red corpuscle “ > as a single body near the corpuscle’s margin. Later it prac ies ‘big. ‘divides into two bodies which remain slightly connected eminum (after by a small filament. A single corpuscle may contain as Crawley, from many as four or even six parasites. The doubled bodies Doflein, Cir. No. . . 194. Bu. An. Ing, @Mlarge, assuming a spindle-shaped and later a pear- U.S. Dept. Agr.) shaped appearance. Finally, as a result of this invasion, the corpuscles break down, and the parasites become free bodies in the plasma. That a multiplicative stage occurs within the bovine host is evidenced from the fact that inoculation of sus- ceptible cattle with a small quantity of virulent blood will produce the disease with the development of myriads of the parasites in the blood of the inoculated animals. Occurrence.—Numerous attempts have been made to produce Texas fever in other species of animals by inoculating them with infected blood from cattle. That all of these experiments have proved negative in- dicates that the disease is one purely bovine. All bovine animals that have never been exposed are susceptible, and in all cases natural in- fection with the protozoan causing the disease is due to puncture by the cattle tick. The disease exists in European and Asiatic countries, Africa, Australia, and the Philippine Islands. It was probably introduced into the United States by cattle brought over by the early Spanish settlers. The terms “Texas fever’’ and ‘‘ southern cattle fever’ are misleading to some in giving the impression that the disease is confined to the Southern States. Southern cattle carrying the infecting organism in their blood, though themselves possessing degrees of immunity to Texas fever, disseminate it through ticks from their bodies among cattle in the North or among those of the South which are susceptible to the disease in a virulent form. Exposure and Development.—The period from exposure to tick in- fested pastures or pens to the appearance of the disease depends upon the time which elapses from the dropping of the female ticks from the southern cattle to the hatching of the larve from their eggs, and this THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 349 will be influenced by climatic conditions. If the larval ticks are already present and at once attach to the exposed animals symptoms of the fever may develop ten to twelve days later. Where the susceptible animals are placed upon pastures, in pens, or other places immediately after these have been infected with ticks from southern cattle, a period must intervene covering egg-laying and hatching of the larve before the northern animals become inoculated. In summer this period may oc- cupy from twenty to forty days; in cooler weather it takes longer for the eges to hatch, and under such conditions sixty days or longer may be required before the infective generation of ticks appears. Thus, de- pending upon season and temperature, the disease may appear in twelve days to two or three months after exposure (see life history of Texas fever tick, page 148). Symptoms.—Two distinct types of Texas fever are Presented ain acute fatal and a chronic form, from the latter of which the animals usually recover. Whether the fatal or the milder type appears will de- pend upon season and the susceptibilty of the animals. When northern cattle and those raised in tick-free districts in the South are attacked in the hot weather of summer, the acute form occurs. If the susceptible animals are affected in the latter part of autumn the milder chronic sym- ptoms appear, and it is by this type of the disease that partly immune southern cattle are affected at any season, the fatal form rarely attack- ing these animals. The Acute Type.—In this form of the disease the onset of the symp- toms is rapid. The animal is depressed and stands or lies down apart from the herd, there is loss of appetite and rumination ceases. The tem- perature rises within twenty-four to forty-eight hours to 107° or 108° F., the fever accompanied by increase in the rate of pulse and respiration. During the early stages of the disease there is constipation which is generally followed by diarrhea. ‘The hemoglobin released by the disintegration of the corpuscles causes a blood-stained urine (hemoglobi- nurea), from which symptom is derived the name “‘red water,’’ some- times given to the disease. Cerebral disturbances, exhibited by stag- gering, disorders of vision, or delirium, may appear in some cases. A conclusive diagnosis may be made upon finding the parasites within the corpuscles by microscopic examination of the blood. A fatal termination is usually reached within three or four days. If recovery occurs, it is much prolonged, due to the time required for the generation of new corpuscular elements to replace those destroyed. The Chronic Type.—The difference in the symptoms of the chronic type of the disease from those of the acute is one of degree. Further, there is a seasonal difference, the milder chronic form usually appearing in the late fall and early winter, the acute in the hot summer months. The temperature does not go as high, remaining at about 103° F. and 350 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS not exceeding 105° F. The anemic condition is indicated by the paleness of the visible mucose, and the extended course brings about great emaciation. In these cases hemoglobin is not usually passed with the urine, hence hemoglobinurea or ‘“‘red water,” typical of the acute form, is absent. Death rarely occurs in this type of the disease, though, due to its prolonged course and the excessive loss of flesh, much loss is sustained in the productive valuation of the animal. Prevention and Treatment.—Prevention is by measures dealing with the cattle tick Margaropus annulatus, which is the specific carrier and transmitter of the protozoan causing the disease. As study of the life history of this tick has shown that it will not mature except upon a bovine or equine host, it follows that it can be exterminated from in- fested premises by keeping cattle and horses off of such premises until the larval ticks, unable to find a host, have perished. With this purpose in view, systems of pasture rotation have been devised additional to methods directed toward the destruction of ticks on the cattle (Ref. Margaropus annulatus, p. 145). Medical treatment of animals sick with Texas fever has not proved satisfactory. In the milder type of cases the constipation may be re- lieved somewhat by Epsom salts. Repeated doses of digitalis durmg the excessive anzemia and the administration of tonics, such as gentian and nux vomica, during the stage of convalescence, have been recom- mended as beneficial. The recovering animal should have free access to pure water and a generous supply of nutritious food. Orper III. Sarcospormta Sporozoa (p. 336).—The Sarcosporidia.are parasites in striated muscle cells of vertebrates. Sporulation takes place during the develop- ment of the trophozoite which becomes surrounded by a protective envelope. These muscle parasites are found in man, in domestic and wild birds, and are common in domestic mammals. The muscles more commonly invaded are those of the upper part of the esophagus, larynx, the body wall, the diaphragm, and the psoas muscles. Development.—Within the muscle fiber the parasite first appears as a minute body in which stage it is known as Miescher’s tube. As the young trophozoite develops it becomes multinuclear and surrounded by a membrane, while groups of spores form in the center of the proto- plasmie body. With the continuation of the spore formation the cyst enlarges, causing such distension of the muscle fiber as to result in its rupture, releasing the cyst which ultimately bursts, the spores thus becoming scattered to infest new muscle cells. By repetitions of this THE PROTOZOAN SUBGROUPS 351 auto-infective process the entire skeletal musculature may become affected. More or less destruction of muscle tissue is thus brought about which necessarily is relatively injurious to the host; furthermore, the effect is contributed to by the extremely toxic nature of the parasites themselves. Importance of Sarcosporidiosis and Mode of Infection.—Hosts show- ing high incidence of infection with Sarcosporidia among domestic animals are pigs, sheep, cattle, and horses, the infecting species in each case being Sarcocystis miescheriana occurring in pigs, S. tenella in sheep, Fic. 172.—Various forms of Sarcosporidia.—2. Sarcocystis blanchardi. Longidtudinal section of an infected muscle with young individual (after Crawley, from Doflein, from VanEecke, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). 3. Sarcocystis tenella in a Purkinje cell of the heart of a sheep (after Crawley, from Doflein, from Schneidemuhl, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). 4. Sarcocystis tenella in the wall of the esophagus of a sheep (after Crawley, from Doflein, from Schneidemuhl, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr.). 5. Sarcocystis muris in muscles of mouse (after Crawley, Cir. No. 194, Bu. An. Ind., U.S. Dept. Agr.). S. blanchardi in cattle, and S. bertrami in horses. In these animals the infection has been considered as of little pathologic importance; the sarcosporidiosis is apparently never fatal, and it is rare to find an animal visibly affected. This conclusion, however, may be modified somewhat by further study of the parasite, warranted by its prevalence, toxicity, and possibly greater pathologic import than at present supposed. Up to the present time little has been brought to light as to the life his- 352 PARASITES OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS tory of the Sarcosporidia or as to the mode by which they infect. They are known to be fatal to mice, and it has been found that when mice are fed upon the flesh of other mice containing Sarcosporidia they become infected. Hence the conclusion follows that natural transmission occurs in these animals through their habit of nibbling at their dead; but this method of transfer can hardly be considered in the case of sheep, cattle, and horses, and the mode of infection in these animals remains a prob- lem. In.an article upon the Sarcosporidia encountered in Panama (Journal of Parasitology, March, 1915), Darling suggests that these muscle parasites of vertebrates are aberrant forms of the Neosporidia of in- vertebrates, and points to the facility with which herbivora may in- gest Neosporidia with leaves and other vegetation bearing infected invertebrates and their droppings. “Is it not possible,” Darling writes, “that Sarcosporidia may be sidetracked varieties of some of the Neo- sporidia of invertebrates which have invaded the musculature of a hospitable though by no means definitive host and are unable to con- tinue further their life cycle and escape from a compromising and aber- rant position?” The high incidence of infection among sheep, cattle, horses, and swine is evidence favoring this explanation. GLOSSARY Aberrant. In botany and zodlogy, differing in some of its characters from the group in which it is placed. Acari. Arthropods of the order Acarina; mites and ticks. Acaricide. A medicinal agent used to destroy acari. Agamous. In zodlogy, having no distinguishable sexual organs. Amorphous. Without definite form; shapeless. Ambulatory. Formed or adapted for walking. Ametabolic. Pertaining to insects and other animals which do not undergo a metamorphosis. Anorexia. Loss or absence of appetite. Antenna. A segmented process on the head of insects, myriapods, and crustaceans. Anthelmintic. A medicinal agent used to destroy or expel worms from the intestinal tract. Apodal. Without feet. Apterous. Without wings. Aquatic. Growing in or frequenting water. Arboreal. Attached to or frequenting trees. Arista. A tactile filament at the end of the antenna of an insect. Article. A segment or part of the body connected by a joint with another segment or part. Asexual. Having no sex. Basis capituli. Basal portion of the paibulam or head of a tick. Bifid. Cleft or divided into two parts. Bisexual. Having the organs of both sexes in one individual. Buccal. Pertaining to the cheeks or mouth cavity. Budding. A method of reproduction by which a protuberance from the parent organism develops into a new organism. Bursa. A sac or sac-like cavity. Capitulum. The head of a tick. Caryozoic. Pertaining to parasites which live in the cell nucleus. Catalepsy. Suspension of sensibility and voluntary motion. Caudal. Pertaining to the tail. Cephalic. Pertaining to the head. . Cephalothorax. The fused head and thorax of arachnids. Chelz. Pincer-like terminations of certain of the limbs of crustaceans and arachnids. Chelate. Terminated by chelx. Chitin. The horny substance forming the harder part of the integument of insects and other arthropods. Cilia. Hair-like processes, as of a cell, capable of vibratory movement. Celom. The body-cavity, as distinguished from the intestinal cavity; the periaxial, perivisceral, or perienteric space. Ceelozoic. Pertaining to parasites which live in the ccelomic cavities of the body. 354 GLOSSARY Coxa. The hip or hip joint. In insects and other arthropods the first segment of the leg from the body, articulating with the second segment or trochanter. Cystogenous. Producing or bearing cells. Cytozoic. Pertaining to parasites which live within the cell cytoplasm. Dentate. Having a toothed margin or tooth-like projections. Denticulate. Having very small tooth-like projections. Dimorphism. The property of assuming or of existing under two distinct forms. Dipterous. Having two wings; belonging to the insect order Diptera. Dorsum. The dorsal surface or back of an animal. Ecdysis. The process of casting the skin; molting. Elytra. The fore-wings of beetles, serving to cover the hind wings. ‘ Enterozoic. Pertaining to parasites which live in the lumen of the digestive tract. Epimeron. One of the side-pieces in the segment of an arthropod animal. Facet. A smooth, flat, circumscribed surface. Fauna. The aggregate of the animals of a given region or geological period. Femur. The thigh bone. The third segment of the leg of an insect, articulating proximally with the trochanter and distally with the tibia. ; Filiform. Thread-like. Fission. Reproduction by division of the body into two parts, each of which be- comes a complete organism. Flagellum. A whip-like appendage or process of a cell. Flora. The aggregate of the native plants of a given region or period. Gamete. A sexual cell or germ cell. Gametocyte. An adult parasite, as in the plasmodium of malaria, when in its reproductive form. Granular. Consisting of grains or granules. Gregarious. Inclined to gather together, as to live in flocks or herds. Habitat. The natural abode of an animal or plant. Halteres. The rudimentary hind wings of Diptera; balancers. Haustellum. A proboscis adapted to take food by suction, as in many insects. Hematozoic. Pertaining to parasites which live in the blood. Hemelytra. The partially thickened anterior wings of certain insects. Hermaphroditism. The union of the two sexes in the same individual. Hexacanth. The six-hooked tapeworm embryo; the onchosphere. Hexapod. A six-footed animal; a true insect. Hyaline. A glassy or transparent substance or surface. Imago. The final or adult stage of insects. Infundibuliform. Having the form of a funnel. Labium. In insects, the lower lip, formed by the second pair of maxille. Labrum. In insects, the upper lip. Lobe. A somewhat rounded projection or division of an organ or part. Macrogamete. The large female gamete or germ cell. Macrogametocyte. The female gametocyte. Mandibles. In arthropods, the anterior pair of mouth parts which form biting jaws. Marine. Living in the sea. Maxille. In arthropods, paired appendages behind the mandibles, usually serving as accessory jaws. Merozoites. Asexually formed spores of the malaria parasite. a GLOSSARY 355 Mesothorax. ‘The middle segment of the thorax of an insect. Metabolism. The processes concerned in the building up of protoplasm and its destruction. Metamere. One of a series of segments composing the body, as in many worms and in arthropods. Metamorphosis. Change of form or structure, as in the larval, pupal, and imago stages of an insect’s development. Metaphyta. Plants consisting of many cells; all plants above the Protophyta. Metathorax. The posterior segment of the thorax of an insect. Metazoa. Animals which, in an embryonic condition, possess at least two distinct germinal layers; all animals above the Protozoa. Microgamete. The male germ cell consisting of a detached flagelliform process of a microgametocyte. Microgametocyte. The parent male cell. Micron. One thousandth of a millimeter; a unit of microscopic measure. Molting. The shedding of the hair, feathers, or outer layer of the skin, which are replaced by new growth. Morphology. ‘The science of the outer form and internal structure of animals and plants. Myasis. A disease caused by the presence of the larve of flies in or on the body. Myiasis. Same as myasis. Myiosis. Same as myasis. Ocellus. A small simple eye of many invertebrates. Octopod. Having eight feet, as in adult arachnids. Onchosphere. The tapeworm embryo; the hexacanth. Ookinete. Same as zygote. Oodspore. Same as zygote. - Operculum. A lid-like process or part. Ovum. An egg cell or egg. Ovigerous. Egg bearing. Oviparous. Producing eggs that hatch after they have passed from the body of the parent. Oviposition. ‘The laying of eggs, especially applied to insects and arachnids. Ovipositor. A specialized organ, as in certain insects, for depositing eggs. Ovoviviparous. Producing eggs that have a well developed shell or covering, as in oviparous animals, but which incubate within the body of the parent. Ovulation. The formation of eggs in the ovary; the discharge of the egg or eggs from the ovary. Palpi. Appendages, usually organs of touch or taste, attached to the mouth parts of insects and other arthropods. Papilla. A small nipple-like or pimple-like projection. Parasiticide. A remedy that destroys parasites. Parthenogenesis. The production of individuals from ova without fertilization by the male element. Pedipalpi. Leg-like or pincer-like appendages of arachnids, located on each side of the mouth. Phylogenic. Pertaining to the ancestral history of an animal or plant. Phytozoon. A colony of animals resembling a plant. 356 GLOSSARY Plasmodium. A mass of protoplasm formed by the union of two or more amebiform bodies or individuals. Plumose. Feathery; plume-like. Pollenose. Bearing a powdery or pollen-like substance. Predacious. Living by preying on other animals. Prehensile. Adapted for grasping. Proboscis. The tubular process of the head, especially of insects and arachnids, adapted for sucking or piercing. Proglottid. The segment of a tapeworm. Prothorax. The anterior segment of the thorax of an insect. Protophyta. The division of unicellular plants. Protozoa. The phylum consisting of the unicellular animals. Pruritus. An intense degree of itching. Pseudopodia. Processes of the protoplasm of a cell which may be protruded or retracted, as for locomotion or for taking food. Pubescent. Arrived at puberty, or the earliest age at which the reproductive func- tion can be performed. Puparium. The case in which an insect is enclosed between its larval stage and the state of full development or imago. Pupiparous. Pertaining to insects in which the young are born ready to become pup, as in the sheep tick. Quiescent. At rest. Rostellum. A small beak or hook-like process. Rostrum. A beak-like process or appendage. Saprophyte. Any vegetable organism living on dead or decaying organic matter. Schizogenesis. Reproduction by fission. Schizogony. Same as schizogenesis. Schizont. A malaria parasite of the asexual generation. Scolex. The head of a tapeworm, either in the larval or adult stage. Scutum. The dorsal shield or plate, present in certain ticks. Serrate. Notched or toothed on the edge. Somatic. Pertaining to the body as a whole. Somite. One of the longitudinal segments into which the body of annelid worms, arthropods, and vertebrates is divided. Spiracle. A breathing orifice, as in the tracheal openings of insects. Spore. A germ or seed of one of the lower animals or plants. Sporocyst. A case or cyst containing many spores. Sporogenesis. Reproduction by means of spores. Sporogony. Same as sporogenesis. Sporozoite. One of the young active spores of a sporozoan produced by division of the passive spores contained in the sporocyst. Sporulation. Spore formation. Stigmata. Small spots or marks; usually applied to the respiratory openings of insects; spiracles. Strobila. An adult tapeworm. Suctorial. Adapted for sucking. Tarsus. In insects, the small segments forming the distal termination of the leg and articulating with the tibia. GLOSSARY 357 Tergum. In zodlogy, the back. Terrestrial. Of or inhabiting the land or ground in distinction from trees, water, ete. Tibia. In insects, the fourth segment of the leg, articulating proximally with the femur and distally with the tarsi. Trachee. The air-conveying tubules forming the respiratory system of insects and other arthropods. Trenchant. Sharp; cutting. Trochanter. In insects, the second segment of the leg, articulating proximally with the coxa and distally with the femur. Vacuole. A cavity or vesicle in cell protoplasm. Vermicide. A substance which kills worms; a drug to kill parasitic worms of the intestines. Vermifuge. A medicine that expels worms from the bodies of animals. Verminous. Infested with worms, or caused by worms, as verminous diseases. Viviparous. Producing living young by true birth, as in mammals, and not by hatching from eggs, as in oviparous and ovoviviparous animals; often applied to the bringing forth of young which have been hatched from eggs within the body of the parent. Zoophyte. Same as phytozoa. Zygote. The encysted stage of certain sporozoans after fertilization by a sperm cell and before division into spores. INDEX A Acanthia lectularia, 90 Acanthocephala, 217, 224, 306 Acariasis, 96 Acarina, 94 parasitism of, 95 Ades calopus, 29 Agriostomum, 280 Amblyomma, 142 americanum, 145 Ameba, 312, 324 budding, 313 ectoplasm, 312 encystation, 313 endoplasm, 312 fission, 313 method of feeding, 318, 324 morphologic characteristics, 312 motility, 312, 324 nucleus, 313 pseudopodia, 312, 324 reproduction, 313, 324 respiration, 313 streaming of cytoplasm, 312, 313, 324 vacuoles, 312, 313 Ameba meleagridis, 325 Amebic dysentery, 326 in man, 326 American dog tick, 143 Amphistomidse, 157, 167 Amphistomum cervi, 167 Ankylostoma, 280 canina, 291 duodenale, 292 Ankylostomez, 280 Ankylostomiasis, 291 Ankylostomum stenocephalum, 292 Annelida, 224, 307 Anopheles, 26, 320 maculipennis, 26 punctipennis, 28 quadrimaculatus, 26 Anoplocephala mamillana, 175 perfoliata, 174 plicata, 175 Anthelmintics, use and action of, 221 Apterous insects, 18 Arachnida, 94 classification of, 96 Arduenna, 228 strongylina, 251 Arduennine, 228 Argasid, 97, 139 Argas americanus, 139, 327 miniatus, 139, 327 Arthropoda, The, 13 circulatory system, 14 digestive system, 14 excretory organs, 14 musculature, 14 nervous system, 14 reproduction, 15 respiratory system, 14 sense organs, 15 structure in general, 13 Arthropoda as transmitters of infec- tious diseases, 313, 315 Arthropoda, parasitic subgroups of 15 Aseariasis, 229, 231 importance of treatment, 233 location of worms, 229, 232 occurrence, 231 pathogenic influences, 232 360 INDEX Ascariasis of the eat, 237 occurrence, 239 treatment, 239 Ascariasis of the dog, 237 occurrence, 238 post-mortem appearance, 239 treatment, 239 Ascariasis of the hog, 239 effect, 240 treatment, 241 Ascariasis of the horse, : 33 control, 234 etiology, 234 occurrence, 233 symptoms, 233 treatment, 234 Ascariasis of the ox, 241 Ascariasis of the sheep, 241 Ascaride, 222, 229 parasitism of, 229, 231 Ascaris, 225, 229 equi, 233 equorum, 233 lumbricoides, 229, 239 marginata, 237 megalocephala, 233 mystax, 237, 239 ovis, 229, 239 suis, 229, 239 suum, 229, 239 vitulorum, 241 Ascaroidea, 225 Auricular mange of the cat, 118 Auricular scabies of the rabbit, 118 B Bacillary white diarrhea of chicks, 345 Bacterium pullorum, 345 Bathmostomum, 281 Bedbug, The 8, 90 as a pest of ponltny: 90 control, 92 effect of bite, 90 habits, 90 reproduction and development, 90 Beef measles, 174, 194, 195 degeneration of cyst, 198 development, 197 federal regulations in regard to, 199 influence of temperature, 198 location and appearance, 197 method of infection, 197 occurrence, 196 vitality of larve, 198 Beef and pork tapeworm, methods of differentiation, 200 Beef tapeworm, 170, 195 Belascaris marginata, 237 mystax, 237, 239 cati, 237, 239 Bilharzia bovis, 168 crassa, 168 Bilharziosis, 168 Black gnat, 31 Blackhead of turkeys, 325 Black horse fly, 35 as a transmitter of disease, 36 effect, 35 life history, 35 protection from, 36 Blood fluke, 168 Blow fly, 50, 52 effect, 53 reproduction and development, 52 Bluebottle fly, 52 Body louse, 79 Body mange of poultry, 132 Boophilus, 142 annulatus, 144, 145, 314, 347 bovis, 144, 145, 314, 347 decoloratus, 316 Bot flies, 53 Bot, horse, 5, 53, 57 Bothriocephalus latus, 185 Brachiopoda, 155 Bronchial and pulmonary chroneyieas of cattle, 259 » INDEX control, 264 course, 260 development, 263 etiology, 263 post-mortem appearance, 262 prognosis, 260 symptoms, 259 ‘symptoms, duration of, 260 treatment, 265 Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of the horse, 261 occurrence, 261 symptoms, 261 Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of the pig, 260 occurrence, 260 symptoms, 260 Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis, post-mortem appearance, 262 control, 264 development, 263 etiology, 263 treatment, 265 2 Bronchial and pulmonary strongylosis of the sheep and goat, 256 control, 264 course, 259 development, 263 etiology, 263 post-mortem appearance, 262 prognosis, 259 symptoms, 258 treatment, 265 Buffalo enat, 31, 32 control, 33 effect, 33 life history, 32 occurrence, 32 protection from, 33 treatment, 34 Brazilian septicemia of fowl, 327 Bruce, investigations of, 45, 315, 330 Bryozoa, 155 Bunostomex, 281 361 Bunostomum trigonocephalum, 293 phlebotomum, 293 Cc Calliphora vomitoria, 52 Cardiac filariasis of the dog, 248 Cardio-pulmonary strongylosis of the dog, 261 post-mortem appearance, 263 symptoms, 262 Castor-bean tick, 143 Cattle tick, 144, 145, 314, 347 Cestoda, 159, 169 Chabertia ovina, 287 Chiggers, 96, 99 Chloroform as treatment for lung worms, 266 Choanotzenia infundibuliformis, 189 Chorioptes, 103 parasitism, 103 species, 103 Chorioptes communis, 103 var, bovis, 113 var. equi, 108 var. ovis, 112 Chorioptic scabies of cattle, 113 course, 113 location, 113 treatment, 120, 130 Chorioptic scabies of the horse, 108 course, 108 diagnosis, 109 lesions, 109 prognosis, 109 symptoms, 108 transmission, 109 treatment, 120, 129 Chorioptie scabies of the sheep, 112 course, 112 prognosis, 112 symptoms, 112 transmission, 112 Chrysomyia macellaria, 50 362 INDEX Cimex lectularius, 90 Cimicide, 22, 90 Cittotenia denticulata, 185 Classification of the Arachnida, 96 Classification of the phylum Ccelhel- minthes, 222 Classification of Insects, 20 Classification of the phylum Platy- helminthes, 157 Classification of the plylum Protozoa, 322 Cnemidocoptes, 103, 132 species of, 103, 132 Cnemidocoptes galline, 103, 133 mutans, 103, 132 Coccidia, 322, 323, 337 infection, 337 life cycle, 322, 337 parasitism, 337 pathogenicity, 337 reproduction, 337 Coccidial enteritis of chicks, 345 control, 346 diagnosis, 345 differentiation from bacillary white diarrhea, 345 infection, 346 post-mortem appearance, 345 symptoms, 345 Coccidiosis of the dog, 342 investigations by Hall and Wigdor, 342 Coccidiosis of cattle, 343 of chicks, 345 of the dog, 345 of man, 342 of the rabbit, 342 Coccidium cuniculi, 342 oviforme, 342 tenellum, 345 zurni, 343 Cochliomyia macellaria, 50 Ccelhelminthes, 216 classification of, 156, 216, 222 Ceelom, 216 Coenurosis, 204 Ceenurus, 173, 194, 204, 205 Colic, thrombo-embolic, 288, 290 Commensalism, 2, 7- example of, 2, 7 Compsomyia macellaria, 50 Connective tissue mite of poultry, 134 Cooperia curticei, 268 oncophora, 275 Cryptobia, 329 Cryptocystis, 178, 195 Ctenocephalus canis, 65, 79 felis, 65 Culex and Anopheles, differentiation, 28 Culex pungens, 26, 28 Culicids, 20, 24 Cylicostomesx, 281 Cylicostomum, 281 Cysticercoid, 173, 178, 195 Cysticercosis, 174, 195 Cysticercus, 173, 174, 194, 195 bovis, 174, 195, 197 cellulose, 174, 195, 199, 202 ovis, 203 tenuicollis, 174, 179, 195, 203 trichodectes, 79, 178, 183 Cytoleichide, 134 Cytoleichus nudus, 134 D Davainea cesticillus, 190, 191 echinobothrida, 191 proglottina, 189 tetragona, 190, 191 Degeneration, parasitic, 3, 4 Demodecide, 96, 97, 103 Demodectic mange, 96, 104 of the dog, 116 of the hog, 115 of the sheep, 112 | ue ttt Mee ee, eke a INDEX Demodex folliculorum, 104 var. canis, 104, 116 var. ovis, 104, 112 var. suis, 104, 115 Depluming mange of poultry, 133 Depluming mite, 101, 133 Dermacentor, 142 electus, 143 occidentalis, 143 reticulatus, 143 variabilis, 143 Dibothriocephalus latus, 185 Dibothrium latum, 185 Dicroccelium lanceatum, 160, 163 Dictyocaulus arnfieldi, 261 filaria, 221, 256 viviparous, 259 Dioctophyme renale, 296 visceralis, 296 Diphyllobothriasis, 185 occurrence, 186 Diphyllobothriide, 160, 185 Diphyllobothrium latum, 185 Diplospora bigemina, 342 Dipping vats, 126 Dips, 48, 120, 125 Diptera, 18, 20 parasitic families of, 23 parasitism of, 23 Dipterous insects, 18, 23 Dipylidium caninum, 68, 79, 178, 181, 183 Dirofilaria immitis, 221, 248 Dispharagus hamulosus, 254 nasutus, 254 spiralis, 254 Distomez, 156, 157 Distomiasis, 157, 163, 165 of cattle, 166 of the sheep, 165 Distomum americanum, 160 hepaticum, 160 lanceolatum, 160 magnum, 160 363 Dochmiasis, 291, 292 Dochmius cernuus, 293 radiatus, 293 stenocephalus, 292 trigonocephalus, 291 Docophorus cygni, 86 icterodes, 84 Dourine, 333 control, 336 federal control of outbreaks, 333 infection, 333, 334 stages in, 334 symptoms, 334 Drepanidoteenia infundibuliformis, 189 Dysentery of cattle, 343 E Earthworm, 216 Ecdysis, 13 Echinococcosis, 183, 210 Echinococcus, 173, 181, 183, 194, alveolaris, 212 granulosus, 181, 183, 184, 194, : multilocularis, 210, 212 polymorphus, 181, 183, 210 Echinorhynchus gigas, 306 Ectozoa, 9 Eimeria avium, 345 stiede, 342 El dourine, 333 Endoparasites, 9 Entameba, 326 coli, 326 histolytica, 326 Entero-hepatitis of turkeys, 325 Entozoa, 9 Erratic parasites, 8 Esophageal and gastric filariasis of the dog, 250 course, 251 development, 251 occurrence, 250 pathogenesis, 250 364 symptoms, 251 treatment, 251 Esophageal filariasis of cattle, 246 of the dog, 250 of the sheep, 246 of the horse, 247 European dog tick, 143 Eustrongylide, 224, 296 Eustrongylosis, 296 occurrence, 296 symptoms, 297 treatment, 298 Eustrongylus gigas, 296 visceralis, 296 Exoparasites, 9 F Fasciola americana, 160, 163 hepatica, 5, 160 lanceolata, 160, 163 magna, 160, 163 Fasciola hepatica, life history of, 5, 160 Fasciola lanceolata, life history of, 163 Fasciola magna, life history of, 163 Fascioliasis, 157, 163, 165 Fascioliasis of cattle, 166 control, 167 symptoms, 166 treatment, 168 Fascioliasis of the sheep, 165 control, 167 course, 165 prognosis, 166 symptoms, 165 treatment, 168 Fasciolide, 157, 160 Filaria, 227 banerofti, 249 cervina, 248 equina, 244 immitis, 248 labiato-papillosa, 248 sanguinis hominis, 249 sanguinolenta, 250 a INDEX Filariz of cattle, 246 of the dog, 248 of the hog, 251 of the horse, 244 of poultry, 254 of the sheep, 246 Filariasis of cattle, 246 effect, 247, 248 occurrence, 247, 248 Filariasis of the deer, 248 Filariasis of the dog, 248 diagnosis, 249, 251 occurrence, 248, 250 pathogenesis, 249, 250 theories as to infection, 249 treatment, 250, 251 Filariasis of the hog, 247, 251 control, 253 occurrence, 252 . treatment, 254 Filariasis of the horse, 244 effect, 245, 246 occurrence, 244, 245, 246 treatment, 246 Filariasis of poultry, 254 Filariasis of the sheep, 246 effect, 247 occurrence, 247 Filariide, 222, 244 parasitism of, 244 Filarioidea, 227 Fixed parasites, 8 Flagellata, 322, 326 Fleas, 65 as carriers of disease, 66 control, 68 habits, 66 household infestation, 69 reproduction and development, 65, 66 species, differential characters of, 65 treatment, 68 usual hosts, 66 vitality, 68 INDEX 365 Flesh flies, 50, 52 pasture rotation, 277 protection from, 52 post-mortem appearance, 275 reproduction and development, 52 symptoms, 275 Flies, 11, 23, 35 treatment, 277 Fluke, liver, 5, 156, 160, 163 Gastro-intestinal strongylosis of the Fly, house, 11, 37, 189 goat, 268 Follicular mange of the dog, 116 Gastro-intestinal strongylosis of the course, 116 sheep, 268 symptoms, 116 control, 276 transmission, 117 development, 276 treatment, 130 etiology, 276 Follicular mange of the hog, 115 occurrence, 271 occurrence, 115 pasture rotation, 277 treatment, 130 pathogenesis, 272 Follicular mange mite, 103 post-mortem appearance, 275 Follicular mange of the sheep, 112 symptoms, 272 location, 112 treatment, 277 prevalence, 112 Gastrophilus equi, 5, 53 Forked worm of fowl, 293 hemorrhoidalis, 57 Fowl septicemia, 327, 345 intestinalis, 5, 53 Fowl tick, 139 Gid of cattle, 205, 209 control, 140 Gid of the sheep, 204 development, 140 the coenurus, 205 effect, 140 : control, 209 habits, 140 development, 206 occurrence, 140 occurrence, 205 Fumigation treatment in verminous post-mortem appearance, 207 bronchitis, and pneumonia, 265 symptoms, 208 treatment, 209 G Gigantorhynchus hirudinaceus, 306 Glossary, 353 Gaigeria, 281 Glossina, 44, 314 Gamaside, 96, 98 longipalpis, 44, 46 Gamasid mites, 96, 98 morsitans, 44, 46, 330 Gastric filariasis of the dog, 250 palpalis, 44, 46 Gastric filariasis of the horse, 245, 246 Gnat, buffalo, 31, 32 Gastric and intestinal filariasis of the Gnathobdellids, 224, 308 hog, 251, 252 Gnats, 31 Gastro-intestinal strongylosis of cattle, Gongylonema, 227 272 scutata, 246 control, 276 Gongylonemin, 227 development, 276 Goniocotes abdominalis, 82 etiology, 276 compar, 86 occurrence, 275 gallinse, 82 366 INDEX gigas, 82 Herpetomads, 316 hologaster, 82 experiments with, 316 Goniodes damicornis, 86 Herpetomonas donovani, 316 stylifer, 84 Heterakiasis of poultry, 242 Grammocephalus, 281 symptoms, 243 Green-head fly, 36 treatment, 24 Gyalocephalus, 281 Heterakide, 222, 242 Heterakine, 226 H Heterakis, 226 inflexa, 242 Habronema megastoma, 245 * papillosa, 242 microstoma, 246 perspicillum, 242 Heemaphysalis, 142 vesicularis, 242 Hematobia serrata, 41 Heteroxenous parasites, 8 Hematopinus asini, 73 Hippoboscide, 21, 47 eurysternus, 74 Hirudinea, 224, 307 macrocephalus, 73 Hirudo medicinalis, 309 suis, 77 Hook worm, 291, 292 urlus, 77 Horn fly, 41 Hemonchus contortus, 268 control, 43 Heemopis sanguisuga, 308 effect, 42 Harvest mites, 99 habits, 41 effect, 100 life history, 41 habits, 100 occurrences, 41 protection from, 100 protection from, 43 treatment, 100 Horse bot flies, 5, 53 Heel fly, 57 effect of bots, 55 Helminthes, 9 habits, 53 Helotism, 7 life history, 54 Hematie filariasis of the dog, 248 treatment, 56 diagnosis, 249 Horse leech, 308 occurrence, 248 effect, 309 pathogenesis, 249 mode of infestation, 309 theories as to infection, 249 occurrence, 309 treatment, 250 treatment, 309 Hematic filariasis of man, 249 House fly, 11, 37, 189 Hemiptera, 22, 89 as a transmitter of infectious dis- Hemosporidia, 323, 347 eases, 11, 38, 189 difference in m-de of infection from control, 38 Coceidia, 337, 347 habits, 38 relationship to other groups, 336, life history, 37 347 longevity, 37 relative pathologie importance, 347 protection from, 38 Hepatic coccidiosis of rabbits, 342 Hyalomma, 142 Se EEE INDEX Hydatid disease, 173, 181, 183, 194, 210 control, 214 development, 212 the echinococcus, 210 longevity of cyst, 213 occurrence, 210 post-mortem appearance, 213 symptoms, 214 Hymenolepis carioca, 190, 191 Hymenoptera, 18 Hypoderma bovis, 58 lineata, 57 Imago, The, 19 Incidental parasites, 8 Infectious entero-hepatitis of turkeys, 825 control, 326 course, 325 infection, 325 post-mortem appearance, 325 symptoms, 325 treatment, 326 Insecta, 15 classification of, 20 Insects, 15 development, 18 duration of life, 19 growth, 19 larvee, 18 metamorphosis, 18 mouth parts, 16 parasitic subgroups, 20 reproduction, 18 structure, 15 Internal parasites, 155 Intestinal strongylosis of the eat, 291 of cattle, 272, 285 of the dog, 291 of the goat, 268, 281, 287 of the hog, 287 of the horse, 288 of the sheep, 268, 281, 287 367 Intratracheal injections, 265 Introduction, 1 Isospora bigemina, 342 Itch mites, 101 Ixodes, 142 hexagonus, 143 ricinus, 143 Txodide, 96, 97, 136, 141 Txodoidea, 96, 97, 136, 139 K Kala-azar, 316 Kerosene emulsions, 48 Kerosene in mosquito control, 25, 31 Kidney worm of the dog, 296 Kidney worm of the hog, 295 L Laminosioptes ecysticola, 134 Larvee, dipterous, 50 Larvee, insect, 18 Leeches, 216, 307 Leg mange of poultry, 132 Leishmania donovani, 316 Leptus autumnalis, 100 Lice, 70 biting, 71 sucking, 70 Lice of poultry, 82 control, 8S occurrence, $2 treatment, 8S Life, degeneracy in mode of, 1 Life history of beef tapeworm, tabular review, 172 Life histories of dog tick and Texas fever tick compared, 151 Life history of Echinococcus granu- losus, tabular review, 213 Life history of gid tapeworm, tabular review, 207 368 Life history of horse botfly, tabular review, 55 Life history of liver fluke, tabular review, 163 Life history of sheep botfly, tabular review, 63 Life history of Trichinella spiralis, tabular review, 303 Lime and sulphur dips, 122, 125 method of preparing, 1: Linguatula rhinaria, 94, Linzuatulida, 153 Linguatulide, 97 Linognathus pedalis, 76 piliferus, 78 stenopsis, 77 vituli, 74 Liotheidx, 22, 71 Lipeurus anatis, 84 baculus, 86 caponis, 83 columbee, 86 heterographus, 83 meleagridis, 84 polytrapezius, 84 squalidus, 84 variabilis, 83 Lissoflagellata, 328 Liver flukes, 5, 156, 160 infection, 160, 164 life history, 5, 160 losses from, 162 migrations and pathogenesis, 164 prevalence, 162 prevalence in United States, 164 Lobosa, 322, 324 Lone star tick, 145 Lousiness, 71 Lung worms, 256 control, 264 development, 256, 263 25 153 method of infection with, 256, 263 Lyperosia irritans, 41 INDEX M Maladie du coit, 333 Malaria, 26, 318 Malaria, latent, 322 Malaria organisms, the asexual cycle, 318, 319 the gametocytes, 319° liberation of the merozoites, 319 the macrogametocyte, 319 the merozoites, 319 the microgametes, 319 the microgametocyte, 319 relation of liberation of merozoites to chill, 319 repeating of cycle, 319 the schizont, 319 the signet ring stage, 319 the sporozoites, 319, 320 Malaria organisms, life history, 318 Malaria organisms, the parthenoge- netic phase of, 322 Malaria organisms, the sexual cycle, 320 fertilization of the macrogamete, 320 formation of cyst, 320 formation of macrogamete, 320 formation of the microgametes, 320 formation of the sporoblasts, 320 formation of the sporozoites, 320 liberation of the sporozites, 320 the microgametoblast, 320 migration of odkinete, 320 the odkinete or zygote, 320 passage of sporozoites to salivary glands of mosquito, 320 relationship of anopheline mosquito to, 26, 313, 319, 320 Mal de caderas, 332 infection, 333 occurrence, 332 symptoms, 332 INDEX 369 Mallophaga, 21, 71 Mange of poultry, 132, 134 Mange, 96, 101, 102, 103, 104, 112, Mange of the rabbit, 118 118, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 treatment, 120, 124 cnemidocoptic, 132 Mange and scab mites, 96, 101, 102, follicular, 102, 112, 115, 116 103, 117, 132, 134 notoedric, 118 development, 101, 103 sarcoptic, 102, 104, 112, 114, 121 reproduction, 101, 103 Mange of the body of poultry, Mange of the sheep, 112 133 treatment, 120, 124 course, 133 Margaropus, 142, 145 symptoms, 133 annulatus, 144, 145, 314, 347 treatment, 133 Mastigophora, 322, 326 Mange of the cat, 117 Measles, 174, 194, 195 course, 118 of man, 174, 194, 195 diagnosis, 118 of the ox, 174, 195 treatment, 120, 123 of the pig, 174, 195 Mange of cattle, 114 of the sheep, 174, 195 treatment, 120, 124 Medicinal leech, 309 Mange of the dog, 115, 116 Melophagus ovinus, 4, 47, 76 course, 115, 116 Menopon biseriatum, 83 lesions, 115, 116 symptoms, 115, 116 transmission, 115, 117 treatment, 120, 123, 130 Mange of the goat, 113 treatment, 120, 124 Mange of the hog, 114, 115 symptoms, 114, 115 transmissions, 114. treatment, 120, 122, 130 Mange of the horse, 104 control, 122 development, 105 diagnosis, 105 lesions, 105 prognosis, 107 symptoms, 104 transmission, 107 treatment, 120, 121 Mange of the legs of poultry, 132 course, 132 symptoms, 132 treatment, 132 Mange mites, 96, 103, 132, 134 pallidum, 83 Menopum biseriatum, 83 pallidum, 83 trigonocephalum, 83 Metamorphosis, insect, 19 complete, 19 incomplete, 19 Metastrongylide, 227 Metastrongylinse, 22 life history, 256, 26: Metastrongylus, 227 Metazoa, 311 Miescher’s tube, 350 Mites, 94 Molluscoidea, 155 Molting, 13 Moniezia alba, 176 denticulata, 185 expansa, 176 planissima, 176 Monoxenous parasites, 8 Mosquitoes, 11, 24 breeding habits, 24 control, 31 370 ; INDEX Culex and Anopheles, differentia- tion, 28 development, 25 effect upon live stock, 31 larvee, 24 pathologic importance, 26 protection against, 31 pup, 25 range, 24 relationship to filariasis, 26 relationship to malaria, 26, 313, 320 relationship to yellow fever, 26, 29 Multiceps gaigeri, 181 multiceps, 179, 194, 204, 206, 207 serialis, 179 Musca domestica, 11, 37, 189 vomitoria, 52 Muscide, 20, 37 Mutualism, 2, 7, example of, 2, 7 Myasis, 50 N Nagana, 45, 314, 330 etiology, 45, 314, 330 investigations by Bruce, 45, 314, 330 occurrence, 330 Nemathelminthes, 155, 216, 222 Nematoda, 217, 222, Nematode worms, parasitism in gen- eral, 219 adaptability to changed environ- ment, 221 factors influencing injury to host, 220 host limitations, 220 infection, 219, 220 treatment in general, 221 Nematodirus filicollis, 273 Neosporidia, 336, 350 Net tick, 143 Nodular disease, 281 Nodular strongylosis of cattle, 285 of the goat, 281 of the hog, 287 Nodular strongylosis of the sheep, 281 development, 283 importance, 284 occurrence, 283 post-mortem appearance, 284 symptoms, 284 treatment, 285 Notoedres, 101, 117 var. cati, 117, 118 var. cuniculi, 118 parasitism of, 103 Notoedric mange, treatment of, 120, 123, 124 O Obligate parasites, 8 Ocular filariasis of the horse, 245 of the ox, 248 (Esophagostome, 280 (sophagostomiasis of cattle, 285 of the goat, 281 of the hog, 287 of the sheep, 281 (Esophagostomum, 255, 280 columbianum, 281 dentatum, 287 inflatum, 285 radiatum, 285 subulatum, 287 venulosum, 282 (stride, 21, 53 Céstrus ovis, 62 Optional parasites, 8 Organic multiplication, influences re- stricting, 1 Ornithobius bucephalus, 86 Ornithodorus megnini, 140 Ornithonomus cygni, 86 Ostertagia marshalli, 269 ostertagi, 272 se INDEX Otacariasis of the cat, 118 occurrence, 118 treatment, 131 Otacariasis of the dog, 117 occurrence, 117 prognosis, 117 symptoms, 117 treatment, 131 Otacariasis of the rabbit, 118 course, 118 symptoms, 119 treatment, 131 Otobius megnini, 159 Otodectes, 101, 103, 115, 117 parasitism, 103 Otodectes cynotis, 115, 117 Oviparous, application of the term, 219 Oviposition, 18, 219 Ovipositor, 18 Ovoviviparous, term, 219 Ox bot flies, 57 effect of bots, 62 life history, 58 occurrence, 57 treatment, 62 Ox warbles, 53, 57 Oxyuriasis, 236 effect, 236 occurrence, 236 treatment, 237 Oxyuride, 222, 235 Osyurine, 226 Oxyuris, 226 eurvula, 235 equi, 235 mastigodes, 235 P Parasites, alternation of hosts in, 5, 8 Parasites, determinate transitory, 8 determinate erratic, 8 erratic, 8 application of the 371 fixed, 8 heteroxenous, 8 incidental, § monoxenous, 8 optional occasional, 8 permanent, 8 stray, 8 Parasites, development of patho- genicity in, 315 Parasites, external, 9 internal, 9 Parasites, factors influencing injury by, 10, 315 age of host, 11 location, 10, 315 movements, 10 nature of food, 10 number present, 10 Parasites, influence upon host, 10, 315 Parasites, systematic position of, 6 Parasitic diseases, terms used in, 9 Parasitism, 2, 3, 7, 315 adaptation to, 3, 4, 315 degeneration in, 3, 4 factors leading to, 1, 6, 315 forms of, 7 functions involved in adaptation to, 3 range of, 3 reproductive function in, 4 Parasitism, evolution of, 315 Parthenogenesis, 15, 322 Pathogenic Protozoa, 311, 324 arthropods as carriers of, 23, 315 Pediculidz, 21, 70 Pediculosis of the cat, 79 control, SO occurrence, 79 treatment, S1 Pediculosis of cattle, 74 control, SO indications of, 75 location, 75 treatment, S1 372 Pediculosis of the dog, 78 control, 80 effect, 78 location, 78 treatment, 81 Pediculosis of the goat, 77 control, 80 effect, 77 occurrence, 77 treatment, 80 Pediculosis of the hog, 77 control, 80 effect, 77 occurrence, 77 treatment, S81 Pediculosis of the horse, 72 control, 80 indications of, 73 location, 73 treatment, 80 Pediculosis of mammals, 71 complications, 71 effect, 72 indications of, 72 predisposing factors, 71 treatment, 80 Pediculosis of man, 79 Pediculosis of poultry, 82 control, 88 dust bath in, 88 effect, 82 indications of, 82 occurrence, 82 parts attacked, 82 sodium fluoride in treatment of, 88 treatment, 88 Pediculosis of the sheep, 76 control, 80 occurrence, 77 treatment, 80 Pediculosis, controland treatment, 80 Pediculus capitis, 79 corporis, 79 INDEX humanus, 79 vestimenti, 79 Permanent parasites, 8 Pharyngeal filariasis of the hog, 247 Philopterid, 21, 71 Philopterus cygni, 86 icterodes, 84 Phthiriasis, 71, 79 Phthirius inguinalis, 79 pubis, 79 Physocephalus sexalatus, 252, 253 Phytoparasites, 7 Piroplasma bigeminum, 313, 347 Plasmodium, 313, 318 falciparum, 318 malarie, 318 preecox, 318 vivax, 318 Platyhelminthes, 155, 157 classification of, 155, 157 Plerocercoid, 173, 195 Polystomer, 156 Polyzoa, 155, 159 Pork measles, 174, 195, 199 degeneration of cyst, 202 development, 202 diagnosis, 202 influence of temperature upon larve, 202 location and appearance of cysts, 201 method of infection, 201 occurrence, 200 symptoms, 202 vitality of larvee, 202 Pork tapeworm, 195, 199 Poultry mite, 98 control, 9 development, 99 effect, 99 habits, 98 occurrence, 98 reproduction, 99 Predaceous animals, 3, 9 INDEX Protozoa, 311 caryozoic, 322 ceelozoic, 322 colonization of, 311 eytozoic, 322 differentiation from Metazoa, 311 enterozoic, 322 hematozoic, 322 investigations as to pathogenicity, 318, 315 investigations as to pathogenicity in the United States, 314 natural classification of, 322 parasitism, 313 pathogenicity, 313, 315 pathogenic classificarion of, 322 specialization in, 311 Protozoa, classification of, 322 Protozoa, methods of reproduction in, 313, 318, 327, 329, 336, 337 asexual method, 318, 319, 337 multiplicative cycle, 318, 319, 337 propagative cycle, 318, 320, 337- sexual method, 318, 320, 337 sporulation, 318, 319, 320, 336, 337 Pseudopodia, 312, 324 Psoroptes, 101, 102 parasitism, 102 species of, 103 varieties, 103 Psoroptes communis, 103 var. bovis, 103, 113 var. cuniculi, 103, 118 var. equi, 103, 108 var. ovis, 103, 109 Psoroptic scabies of cattle, 113 course, 113 symptoms, 113 treatment, 120, 128 Psoroptic scabies of the goat, 113 Psoroptic scabies of the horse, 108 lesions, 108 transmission, 108 treatment, 120, 129 373 Psoroptic scabies of the rabbit, 118 course, 118 symptoms, 119 treatment, 120, 131 Psoroptic scabies of the sheep, 109 after-treatment, 128 course, 110 historical, 110 lesions, 110 prognosis, 110 symptoms, 110 treatment, 120, 124 Pubic louse, 79 Pulex irritans, 65 serraticeps, 65 Pulicide, 21, 65 Pulmonary strongylosis of the cat, 262 symptoms, 262 Pupation, 19 Pyrosoma bigeminum, 313 R Red bugs, 99 Red dysentery of cattle, 343 Red mange of the dog, 104, 116 Red-tailed bot fly, 57 Remora, 2 Reproduction, oviparous, 18, 219 oyoviparous, 18, 219 pupiparus, 4, 18 viviparous, 18, 219 Respiratory mite of fowl, 134 Rhipicentor, 142 Rhipicephalus, 142 Rhizopoda, 322, 324 reproduction in, 324 Rhynchobdellidse, 308 S Sarcocystis bertrami, 351 blanchardi, 351 miescheriana, 351 tenella, 351 374 Sarcophaga sarraceniz, 52 Sarcoptes, 101 parasitism, 102 species of, 102 varieties, 102 Sarcoptes minor var. cati, 118 minor var. cuniculi, 118 mutans, 132 Sarcoptes scabiei, 102 var. bovis, 114 var. canis, 115 var. equi, 104 var. ovis, 112 var. suis, 114 Sacroptic mange, 101, 102 of cattle, 114 of the dog, 115 of the goat, 113 of the hog, 114 of the horse, 104 of the sheep, 112 Sarcoptide, 96, 101 Sarcosporidia, 323, 336, 350 development, 350 muscles commonly invaded, 350 parasitism, 350 pathologic importance, 351 theory as to source and mode of infection, 351 toxicity, 351 Sarcosporidiosis, 350 mode of infection, 352 Sarcosporidiosis of cattle, 351 of the horse, 351 of mice, 352 of the pig, 351 of the sheep, 351 Scabies, 96 Scab mites, 94, 96 Sealy leg of poultry, 132 Schistosoma bovis, 168 Schistosomide, 157 Schizogony, 318, 319, 337 Sclerostomiasis, 288 INDEX Sclerostomum edentatum, 289 equinum, 288 hypostomum, 287 tetracanthum, 289 vulgare, 289 Scorpion, 94 Screw worm fly, 50 development, 50 effect, 50 occurrence, 50 protection from, 51 reproduction, 50 treatment, 51 Sea anemone and hermit crab, mutualism of, 2 Septicemia of chicks, 345 Setaria labiato-papillosa, 244 Sheep bot fly, 62 effect of bots, 63 life history, 62 occurrence, 62 prevention, 64 treatment, 64 Sheep measles, 174, 195, 203 Sheep measles, muscular, 203 control, 204 derivation, 203 development, 204 economic importance, 204 occurrence, 203 Sheep measles, visceral, 203 control, 203 development, 203 method of infection, 203 occurrence, 203 relation to food sanitation, 203 symptoms, 203 Sheep staggers, 204 Sheep “tick,” 4, 47 control, 48 effect, 48 life history, 4, 47 occurrence, 47 treatment, 48 EE — eee INDEX Simplicity, primitive and degenera- tive, 3 Simuliide, 20, 31 Simulium pecuarum, 32 Siphonaptera, 21, 65 Siphunculata, 21, 70 Sleeping sickness, 46, 314 Southern cattle fever, 145, 313, 347 Southern cattle tick, 144, 145, 347 Spider, 94 Spinose ear tick, 140 development, 141 effect, 141 habits, 141 occurrence, 141 Spirocheta gallinarum, 327 marchouxi, 327 theileri, 316 Spirochetida, 315, 322, 327 as blood parasites, 315, 316 evolution of pathogenicity in, 315 pathogenicity, 315, 327 transmission, 316 Spirochetosis, 315, 327 of fowl, 327 Spiroptera megastoma, 245 microstoma, 246 sanguinolenta, 250 scutata, 246 sexalata, 252 strongylina, 251 Spirura, 227 Spiruride, 227 Spirurine, 227 Splenic fever of cattle, 145, 313, 347 Sporogony, 318, 320, 337 Sporozoa, 323, 336 relationship to other forms, 336 reproduction in, 318, 322, 336, 337 Stable fly, 39, 332 control, 40 effect, 40 life history, 39 occurrence, 40 375 protection from, 41 relation to infectious diseases, 40 332 Staggers of sheep, 204 Stegomya calopus, 29 fasciata, 29 Stephanurus dentatus, 295 Sting, insect, 18 Stomach worms, pasture in eradication of, 277 Stomach worms of cattle, 272 of the goat, 268 of the sheep, 268 Stomoxys calcitrans, 39, 315, 332 Stray parasites, 8 Strongylee, 280 Strongyles of the respiratory system, 255, 256 Strongylide, 223, 255 parasitism of, 255 Strongyline, 223, 280 Strongyloidea, 226 Strongylosis, 255 bronchial, 256 gastric, 268 intestinal, 268, 280 pulmonary, 256 renal, 295, 296 vascular, 289 Strongylosis, bronchial and pulmonary of cattle, 259 of the goat, 256 of the horse, 261 of the pig, 260 of the sheep, 256 Strongylosis of the intestines of the cat, 291 Strongylosis of the intestines of the dog, 291 development, 292 occurrence, 292 post-mortem appearance, 292 symptoms, 292 treatment, 293 rotation 376 Strongylosis of the intestines of the horse, 288 development, 289 post-mortem appearance, 290 symptoms, 290 treatment, 291 Strongylosis of the large intestine of the goat, 287 Strongylosis of the large intestine of the sheep, 287 occurrence, 288 Strongylosis, pulmonary of the dog, 261 of the cat, 262 Strongylosis, tracheal, of poultry, 298 Strongylus, 226, 255 armatus, 288 arnfieldi, 261 capillaris, 258 colubriformis, 271 contortus, 268 curticei, 268 edentatus, 289 equinus, 288 filaria, 256 filicollis, 273 instabilis, 271 micrurus, 259 oncophora, 275 ostertagi, 272 paradoxus, 260 pusillus, 262 rufescens, 257 vasorum, 261 ventricosus, 268 vulgaris, 255, 289 Strongyl worms, importance of, 255 infestation, conditions favoring, 255 Struggle for existence, 1 Subcutaneous mite of fowl, 134 Summaries on development of Texas fever tick, 149, 150 Surra, 314, 315, 332 course, 332 INDEX flies as carriers of, 314, 315, 332 infection, 332 occurrence, 332 symptoms, 332 Symbiosis, 2, 7 phases of, 2 Symbiotes, 103 communis, 103 Syngamez, 281 Syngamosis, 293 Syngamus, 281, 294 bronchialis, 293, 294 trachealis, 293, 294 Synopsis of tapeworm larvee, 194 Synthetocaulus abstrusus, 262 capillaris, 258 rufescens, 257 at Tabanide, 20, 35, 332 Tabanus atratus, 35 lineola, 36 striatus, 332 Table of principal tapeworms and larvee, 173 Tenia, 173 Teenia alba, 176 cesticillus, 190 coenurus, 179 crassicollis, 184 cucumerina, 178 echinobothrida, 191 echinococcus, 181, 210 expansa, 176 fimbriata, 174, 176, 177 hydatigena, 178, 195, 203 mamillana, 175 marginata, 178 mediocanellata, 195 ovis, 204 perfoliata, 174 plicata, 175 proglottina, 191 INDEX 377 saginata, 170, 174, 195 symptoms, 175 serialis, 179 treatment, 188 serrata, 179 Tapeworms of the rabbit, 185 solium, 174, 195 diagnosis, 185 teenizformis, 184 occurrence, 185 tetragona, 190 Tapeworms of the sheep, 176 Teeniasis, 172, 174 occurrence, 177 prevention, 187 symptoms, 177 treatment in general, 186 treatment, 188 Teeniide, 20, 159, 170 Telosporidia, 336 life history of, 169, 171 Tetrameres fissispina, 254 Tail scab of cattle, 113 Texas fever, 11, 145, 313, 347 Tapeworm larve, 173, 174, 194 acute type, 349 synopsis of, 194 chronic type, 349 Tapeworms, 5, 169 development of the piroplasma, 348 classification of, 159, 173 distribution, 348 cystic forms, 173, 194 infecting organism of, 347 degeneration of, 5, 172 influence of climate upon, 349 parasitism of, 5, 172 occurrence, 348 Tapeworms of the cat, 184 period from exposure to develop- occurrence, 184 ment, 348 symptoms, 184 prevention, 350 treatment, 188 relationship of the tick to transmis- Tapewornis of cattle, 176 sion, 145, 314, 347 occurrence, 177 : symptoms, 349 symptoms, 177 treatment, 350 treatment, 188 Texas fever tick, 11, 144, 145, 314, 347 Tapeworms of chickens, 189 losses occasioned by, 151 control, 192 progress in eradication of, 152 diagnosis, 192 publications relative to, 145 investigations as to, 189 Texas fever tick, life history of, 148, 347 occurrence, 189, 191 adult period, 150 symptoms, 191 - hatching period, 148 treatment, 192 incubation period, 148 Tapeworms of the dog, 178 larval period, 150 diagnosis, 183 longevity period, 149 occurrence, 181 nonparasitic development, 148 pathogenesis, 182 nymphal period, 150 prevention, 187 oviposition period, 148 relation to human infection, 183 parasitic development, 149 symptoms, 181 preoviposition period, 148 treatment, 186 summary of nonparasitic periods, Tapeworms of the horse, 174 149 occurrence, 175 summary of parasitic periods, 150 378 INDEX Thorn-headed worm, 306 Thorn-headed worm of the hog, 305 life history, 306 occurrence, 306 pathogenesis, 306 symptoms, 306 treatment, 307 Thysanosoma actinioides, 174, 176, 177 Tick fever, 365, 145, 313, 347 Ticks, 136 classification of, 136 stages in development of, 139, 145 structure of, 136 Tick, Texas fever, 144, 145, 314, 347 Toxascaris limbata, 238 marginata, 238 Toxins, parasitic, 11, 174, 220 Tracheal injections, 265 Tracheal strongylosis of fowl, 293 development, 294 lesions, 294 occurrence, 294 prevention, 295 symptoms, 294 treatment, 295 Transmigration, 8 Trematoda, 156, 157 Trichina spiralis, 220, 299, 301 Trichinella, 225 Trichinella spiralis, 220, 299, 301 degeneration of cyst of, 303 development of cyst of, 302 life history, 302 location of cysts of, 303 migration, 220, 302 Trichinellide, 224, 299 Trichinelline, 225 Trichinelloidea, 225 Trichinosis, 220, 301 intestinal, 302 method of infection, 302, 304 muscular, 302 occurrence, 301, 304 prophylaxis, 305 symptoms in the hog, 304 treatment, 305 Trichinosis in man, 304 Trichocephalus affinis, 299 crenatus, 299 depressiusculus, 300 Trichodectes climax, 77 equi, 73 latus, 78 parumpilosus, 73 pilosus, 73 sealaris, 75 spheerocephalus, 76 subrostratus, 79 Trichostrongylide, 226 Trichostrongyline, 223, 268 Trichostrongylus, 226 instabilis, 271 Trichurine, 225 Trichuris, 225 crenatus, 299 depressiusculus, 300 ovis, 299 Trinoton lituratum, luridum, 84 Trinotum lituratum, 86 luridum, 84 86 Triodontophorus, 281 Trombidiide, 96, 99 Trombidium holosericeum, 100 Tropisurus fissispinus, 254 Trypanoplasma, 328 Trypanosoma, 328 americanum, 336 brucei, 314, 330 equinum, 332 equiperdum, 333 evansi, 314, 332 gambiense, 314 lewisi, 314 theileri, 329 Trypanosomatida, 3 29 amy 328 INDEX Trypanosomes, 314, 328 morphology of, 328, 329 parasitism of, 314, 329 reproduction, 329 transmission, 314, 329 transmission by flies, 45, 314, 329 Trypanosomes, flies as carriers of, 45, 314, 329 leeches as carriers of, 314 lice as carriers of, 314 mosquitoes as carriers of, 314 Trypanosomiasis, 11, 45, 314, 328 human, 46, 314 investigations by Bruce, 45, 314, 330 Tsetse flies, 44, 314, 330 control, 43 method of reproduction, 44 relationship to trypanosomiasis, 45, 314, 330 Tsetse fly disease, 44, 314, 330 investigations by Bruce, 44, 314, 330 Tunicata, 3 Turnsick, 204 Typhoid fever, 11, U Uncinaria, 281 Uncinariasis, 291 Uneinaria canina, 291 cernua, 293 radiata, 293 stenocephala, 292 trigonocephala, 291 y Vermes, 155 Vermicides, use and action of, 121, 186 Vermifuges, use and action of, 121, 186 Verminous bronchitis and pneumonia of cattle, 259 of children, 231 of the goat, 256 of the horse, 261 of the pig, 231, 260 of the sheep, 256 Viviparous, application of the term, 219 W Warble flies, 53, 57 White diarrhea of chicks, 345 Wood tick, 143 Worms, 155 classification of, 155, 157, 173 Z Zobparasites, § Printed in the United States of America +‘ WI