THE PERIODICAL CICADA BY WM. J. GERHARD Associate Curator of Insects FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CHICAGO 1923 . : ~ ; - - 4 « k eae +g : - oe : ‘ ty a a 2 ; ; ae x av 2 PERIODICAL OR SEVENTEEN-YEAR CICADA prem THE PERIODICAL CICADA. FROM AN EXHIBIT IN FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, SHOWING THE VARIOUS STAGES OF THE INSECT AND THE INJURIOUS EGG-LAYING HABITS OF THE FEMALES. FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY CHICAGO, 1923 LEAFLET NUMBER 4 The Periodical Cicada The Periodical or Seventeen-year Cicada, com- monly but improperly called the “seventeen-year locust,” is one of the most noteworthy insects found in North America. Its sudden appearance at inter- vals in large numbers in different parts of the eastern United States, the indescribable din caused by the multitude of singing males, and the conspicuous evi- dence of the damage the females do to deciduous trees, invariably arouse widespread attention and much fear concerning its destructive habits. The Periodical Cicada is a true bug and, like the other members of the order Hemiptera, has a jointed beak fitted for piercing the tissue of plants. The name locust, so commonly applied to it, is improper, because almost since the beginning of history it has been used to designate wholly different insects, namely, grasshoppers, which have biting mouth-parts and which are not closely related to cicadas. The use of the same name for two dissimilar insects, no doubt, is the result of confusing the cicadas with the devas- tating locusts of the old world and the destructive locusts or grasshoppers of the United States. Not only is this insect noteworthy on account of its periodic appearance in immense hordes, but it is remarkable for the extraordinary duration of its life in the larval and pupal stages. In the Northern States its immature stages extend over a period of seventeen years; in the South, thirteen years are [41] 2 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY required for its underground existence. It is the only insect that is known to live for so long a period. The sound-producing organs of the adult male are likewise wholly different from those of other insects, in no way resembling the stridulating apparatus of grasshoppers, katydids and crickets. Like most insects, the Periodical Cicada passes through four stages during its life cycle, namely, the egg, larval, pupal and adult stages. Although some of the facts of the life-history were known to the early colonists, it was only during the latter half of the last century that much progress was made in solving many of the problems concerning this inter- esting cicada. Thus, for a long time it was difficult to account for the appearance of various broods in different sections of the country at intervals shorter than the customary seventeen-year period. The ex- planation became simple when it was ascertained that there were two races of this insect, one in the North- ern States requiring seventeen years for its life cycle, a southern one developing through all of its stages in thirteen years. On account of the difference in the duration of the life of the northern and southern races, at one time it was thought that there were two species of the Periodical Cicada in America. For this reason dif- ferent specific names were assigned to them. A name was also proposed for the small, dwarfed individuals that are found among nearly every brood. But as no constant, structural characters have been found to separate the three so-called species, entomologists now consider them to be one species, which they designate as Tibicina septendecim, with a southern race, tredecim, and a small form, cassini. By means of the many, scattered notes and records, extending back over two hundred years, and the more [ 42] THE PERIODICAL CICADA 5% OLORADO FEXICO Distribution of the broods of the 17-year race of the Periodical Cicada (after Marlatt). TANA N. DAKOTA £ MAINE ¢ Yi ey > Ww S.DAKoTA )& ‘SCOns, fa ae OMING New YORK 1OWA o\ 4 ra oe, % OHIO feet” 0. 0s petgucet Lets as OLORADO ‘, S212", Ry ‘Pe MANSAS KY. 3 > e-°, <2 ee N hig le :, STENNS CRON EXICO Ay ene? - most “% : 3