GOVDOC RECEIVED^ \ FEB 1 6 2000 100 ( Foreword The first issue of the "Pesticides Monitoring Joiirnal" is a direct result of cooperation among four Federal Departments, each of which is responsible for a distinctive mission in the field of pesticide usage. Because the ultimate objec- tive of all of these programs is the enhancement of man's welfare, their collaboration is in the best public interest. The initiative for this joint effort came from the Departments themselves. In 1961, the Sec- retaries of Defense, Interior, Agriculture, and Health, Education, and Welfare undertook the formation of the Federal Pest Control Revieiv Board with the intent that it would review ". . . the various programs conducted by Federal agencies for control of forms of invertebrate and plant life which adversely affect man's in- terests, and 'shall' consider problems and devel- opments in the field of chemical control, loith particular reference to possible adverse effects and the adequacy of provisions for the proper use of pesticidal chemicals to insure the greatest public and national benefit." The Board ivas directed to turn its attention to all aspects of pest control, including the need; safety to man, domestic animals, ivildlife, and the environment in general; and alternative methods. The Board ivas instructed to advise the Departments on modifications in plans that ivould be in the best public interest in view of these and related matters. In 196 Jf, in response to the report of the Presi- dent's Science Advisory Committee on "Use of Pesticides" and with the advice and encourage- ment of the Executive Office of the President, especially the Office of Science and Technology and the Bureau of the Budget, these four Sec- retaries reorganized the Board as the Federal Committee on Pest Control. The reorganization was necessary to expand the collaboration in two directions: first, to permit the new Com- mittee to cover all aspects of pest control — research, monitoring of the environment for pesticides, and public information programs — as ivell as to review operational programs; sec- ondly, to extend their council to all Federal pro- grams involving pests and their control. The "Pesticides Monitoring Journal" is an out- growth of one of the recommendations of the President's Science Advisory Committee that the concerned agencies "develop a continuing network to monitor residue levels in air, water, soil, man, wildlife, and fish." To implement this recommendation the Federal Committee on Pest Control established a Sub- committee on Pesticide Monitoring which peri- odically evaluates the activities in this area throughout the Nation. Much of the work of monitoring levels of pesticides in the environ- ment is being done by universities, State Agri- cultural Experiment Stations, conservation groups, and other non-Federal agencies. The re- sults of many of these studies are not published, or appear in journals or individual reports that are scattered and difficult to locate. For this reason, the Subcommittee recommended that a Journal be established to assure accessibility of monitoring data to the scientists who need it. It is hoped that such data will not only provide information on the present levels of pesticide residues in various elements of the environment, including man, but will provide a base line from which we can determine whether these levels are increasing, decreasing, or remaining sub- stantially unchanged. There is an inherent risk in such an endeavor. Data of the type which tvill appear in this Journal are subject to misinterpretation. The significance of "parts per million" levels of a given chemical in the soil or in river water is not entirely clear. There is disagreement as to ^vhether or not a particular level in a particular place at a particular time represents a signifi- A ^^ lH.^-.(-3 cant hazard to man or u-ildlife, or other envi- ronmental components. If then, such tifjitrcs are published in a journal, is there not a possibility that special interest groups will quote them to "prove" their oirn preconceived biases? The Federal Covimittee on Pest Control has decided that such a risk must be taken. The alternative would be to encourage the scientists who gather such data to release only their oivn interpretations; hoivever, no matter how ivell intentioned, such interpretations would not necessarily provide a sound basis for evaluation of changes in levels that may occur in the future. It will be the intent of this Journal to publish the data in a form that will permit each reader to interpret the results for himself. Information on sampling procedures a7id analytical methods used to gather each set of data will be included. Through this interdepartmental venture, the Federal Committee on Pest Control is demon- strating the practicability of collaboration be- ttveen agencies with such diverse missions as food production, disease prevention, protection of human health and food supplies, and conser- vation of our nxitural resources. The Committee has no direct appropriation to undertake such a venture. Therefore, the responsibility for staffing and financing this Journal has been delegated to one of the mem- ber agencies, but the editorial policy and guid- ance will continue to be the responsibility of an Editorial Board ivith members drawn from six different agencies of three of the cooperating Departments. The Editorial Board is appointed by and responsible to the Federal Committee on Pest Control. Thtis the initiative of the four Federal Departments in establishing this Com- mittee has been snatched by the ingenuity of the Committee itself in finding a method of im- plementing programs without proliferating new authorities and agencies. It is for these reasons that the Office of Science and Technology has encouraged the Federal Committee on Pest Control to look beyond the four initiating Departments and to advise on all aspects of pests and their control in which any agency of the Federal Government is involved. Ivan L. Bennett, Jr., M. D. iJoputy I>i rector. Office of Science and TechnoloKy, Executive Office of the President CONTENTS Volume 1 June 1967 Number 1 Foreword Ivan L. Bennett, Jr. Introduction John M. Geary NATIONAL PESTICIDE MONITORING PROGRAM Page Residues in Food and Feed Assessments include raw food and feed com- modities, market basket items prepared for consumption, meat samples taken at slaughter „.. 1 R. E. Duggan and F. J. McFarland Pesticides in People Criteria for monitoring pesticides in people in- clude high- and low-exposure conditions, age, sex differences — 6 Anne R. Yobs Residues in Fish, Wildlife, and Estuaries Indicator species near top of food chain chosen for assessment of pesticide base levels in fish and wildlife — clams, oysters, and sediment in estuarine environment „. 7 R. E. Johnson, T. C. Car\'er, and E. H. Dustman Pesticides in Water Network to monitor hydrologic environment covers major drainage rivers 13 R. S. Green and S. K. Love Pesticides in Soil National soil monitoring program studies high-, low-, and nonuse areas _ -16 P. F. Sand, J. W. Gentrj', J. Bongberg, and M. S. Schechter Chemicals Monitoring Guide for the National Pesticide Monitoring Program -20 Milton S. Schechter The Pesticides Monitoring Journal is published quarterly under the auspices of the Federal Committee on Pest Control and its Subcommittee on Pesticide Monitoring as a source of information on pesticide levels relative to man and his environment. The parent committee is composed of representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Defense, the Interior, and Health, Education and Welfare. The Pesticide Monitoring Subcommittee consists of representatives of the Agricultural Research Service, Consumer and Marketing Service, Federal Extension Service, Forest Service, Department of Defense, Fish and Wildlife Service, Geological Survey, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Public Health Service, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Responsibility for publishing the Pesticides Monitoring Journal has been accepted by the Pesticides Program of the Public Health Service. Pesticide monitoring activities of the Federal Government, particularly in those agencies represented on the Pesticide Monitoring Subcommittee which participate in operation of the national pesticides monitoring network, are e.xpected to be principal sources of data and interpretive articles. However, pertinent data in summarized form, together with interpretive discussions, are invited from both Federal and non-Federal sources, including those associated with State and community monitoring programs, universities, hospitals, and non-government research institutions, both within and without the United States. Results of studies in which monitoring data play a major or minor role or serve as support for research investigation also are welcome; however, the Journal is not intended as a primary medium for the publication of basic research. Manuscripts received for publication are reviewed by an Editorial Advisory Board established by the Monitoring Subcommittee. Authors are given the benefit of review comments prior to publication. Editorial Advisory Board members are: Reo E. Duggan, Food and Drug Administration, Chairman Anne R. Yobs, Public Health Service James B. DeWitt, Fish and Wildlife Service Richard S. Green, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration S. Kenneth Love, Geological Survey Milton S. Schechter, Agricultttral Research Service Paul F. Sand, Agricultural Research Service Trade names appearing in the Pesticides Monitoring Journal are for identification only and do not represent endorsement by any Federal agency. Address correspondence to: Editorial Manager PESTICIDES MONITORING JOURNAL Pesticides Program National Communicable Disease Center Atlanta, Georgia 30333 -J INTRODUCTION PESTICIDES AND THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENI John M. Geary' The Federal Committee on Pest Control is con- cerned with assuring necessary control of pests without hazard to the environment and its inhabitants, including man. The Committee, while encouraging the use of other types of control, recognizes that chemical methods will continue to be needed for some time to come. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the long-term effects of such chemicals and their residues in the environment. ' Chairmnn. Kcecte O.OOI -> 0.002 2 0 Range T-0.002 T-0.007 T-0.004 T-0.002 0.001-0.002 0.002-0.004 TDE Average Positive Composites Number 0 1 0.004 3 0.001 3 1 1 0 Range T T-0.013 T-0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 DIELDRIN Average Positive Composites Number 1 1 0.005 5 1 0.001 2 1 0 Range 0.007 0.003 T T-0.018 0.004 0.002-0.004 0.(X)6 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 2a. — Levels of Pesticide Residues Commonly Found — iv Food Class, Region, and Sanipliiin Period — Continued Pesticide Boston 1965 1966 Kansas City 1965 1966 Los Anoeles 1965 1966 Baltimore 1966 Minneapolis 1966 III. GRAIN AND CEREAL :^( Continued) Residues in Parts Per Million LINDANE Average Positive Composites Number Range 0.004 4 T-0.012 0.007 5 0.004-0.014 0.009 6 T-O.0I6 0.018 6 0.005-0.028 0.007 4 0.001-0.032 O.OOI 3 0.002-0.003 0.004 3 0.002-0.009 0.006 3 0.006-0.010 MALATHION Average Positive Composites Number Range 0 1 0.035 0 0.018 4 0.013-0.035 0 0.041 4 0.025-0.153 0 0.011 2 0.024-0.018 TOTAL BROMIDES Average Positive Composites Number Range 20.7 6 10.0-31.2 15.7 6 11.2-20.4 52.0 6 10.4-111.0 12.2 6 1.1-18.6 6.5 6 4.4-9.6 6.8 6 2.4-11.7 •17.4 4 4.0-51.4 »19.5 5 2.3-66.7 IV. POTATOES = Residues in Paris Per Million DDT Average Positive Composites Number Range 0 0.003 4 T-O.OlO 0 0 1 0.006 1 0.007 1 0.004 0 DDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 0 1 T 0 1 0.010 0.001 4 T-0.002 1 0.003 1 0.005 0 DIELDRIN Average Positive Composites Number Range 0 1 0.003 1 0.006 <0.001 3 T-0.002 1 0.003 0.001 3 T-0.002 0 0 TOTAL BROMIDES Average Positive Composites Number Range 9.0 5 7.4-28.0 4.1 5 1.1-13.1 18.4 6 1.5-38.0 7.7 4 1.1-41.0 5.6 4 4.0-17.6 1.8 3 0.7-5.7 S9.7 3 4.0-38.3 '15.2 5 1.3-68.5 V. LEAFY VEGETABLES = Residues in Parts Per Million DDT Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.008 0.017 2 0.009-0.099 0.004 2 0.004-0.017 0.004 2 0.006-0.016 0.017 4 0.010-0.047 0.022 5 0.009-0.048 0.007 2 0.006-0.022 0.016 2 0.028-0.035 DDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 0.007 3 0.019-0.025 0.004 2 0.002-0.023 0.007 3 0.003-0.032 0.007 2 0.006-0.033 0.002 3 0.003-0.006 0.005 5 0.004-0.008 0.002 2 0.002-0.006 1 0.015 TDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 T 0 0.061 3 0.006-0.291 0.005 3 0.001-0.024 1 T 0.004 2 0.008-0.014 0.001 2 0.002-0.003 0.011 3 0.012-0.017 TOTAL BROMIDES Aveiage Positive Composites Number Range 4.6 5 1.3-16.3 3.3 6 1.3-7.2 4.4 6 1.7-10.5 2.0 6 0.7-3.4 1.9 5 0.7-6.8 1.3 5 0.6-2.9 3 1 14.8 »1.7 4 0.7-5.0 Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 TABLE 2a. Levels of Pesticide Residues Commonly Foiiml — hy Food Class. Region, and Samplinf; /'cr/of/— Continued Pesticide Boston 1965 1966 Kansas City 1965 1966 Los Angeles 1965 1966 Baltimore 1966 Minneapolis 1966 VI. LEGUME VEGETABLES = Residues in Paris Per Million DDT Average Positi\e Composites Number Ranxe 1 (I.IBSI 1 0.004 0 0 0 024 4 T-0.126 I 0.010 1 ".i49 0 IDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 n.(>5l 1 0.010 0 1 T 1 11.006 0.001 3 0.001-0.004 1 o.oe-' 0 TOTAL BROMIDES Average Positive Composites Number Range 4.4 4 2.1-14.1 3.4 5 1.6-12.0 6.1 6 1.0-17.9 1.4 6 0.5-2.4 4 0.9-15.2 0.7 4 0.7-1.7 ••■2.3 3 0.5-9.9 »4.6 4 1.1-14.5 VII. ROOT VEGETABLES = Residues in Parts Per Million DDT Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.009 0 0.018 2 0.039-0.071 0.003 2 0.007-0.011 0.002 0.003-0.009 0.005 2 0.006-0.021 0 0 DDE Average Positi\ e Composites Number Range 1 0.010 0 0.009 2 0.0204)051 0.003 4 T-O.OU 0,010 4 11,004-0.045 0.003 4 T-0.009 0 0 DIELDRIN Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 O.IX)8 0 1 0.018 0.008 4 0.003-0.028 1 0.004 0.002 3 0.001-0,005 0 0 TOTAL BROMIDES Average Positit e Composites Number Range 5,6 5 4.3-9.3 4.1 4 5.5-7.2 10.9 6 2.8-22.1 3.1 5 2.1-5.4 1.5 3 2.6-3.5 2.8 5 1.5-7.5 ' 3.0 3 0.7-8.9 "4.1 4 0.6-17.0 VIII. GARDEN FRUITS = Residues in Parts Per Million DDT Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.011 3 0.008-0.033 0.014 4 T-0.034 0.034 4 0.018-0.149 0.059 4 0.011-0.168 0.032 5 0.018-0.086 0.048 6 0.022-0.115 0.013 2 0.012-0.038 0.007 2 0,014-0.030 DDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 r 0.001 2 T-i>"no2 1 0.002 0.0 1 1 4 T-0.064 0.003 6 ■I'.0.(X)9 0.004 3 T-0,023 0.002 2 0.003-0.005 0 roil Average Po\ili\e Composites Number Range 0.017 3 0.017-0.048 0,006 3 0.005-0.020 0,010 0.009-0.049 0.072 6 T-0.338 0.001 3 T-0.003 0.006 -» 0.011-0.023 1 0.015 0.005 2 0.01.3^.017 DIELDRIN Average Positive Composites Number Range 0.002 2 T-0.012 1 0.004 0.004 2 0.010-0.011 0.003 3 0.002-0.013 0,002 4 T-0.(K)5 <0.001 0.001-0.003 t 0,004 0.006 2 0.006-0.017 LINDANE Average Positive Compt}\iles Number Range O.IK)3 O.U08-O.OII 0.001 3 T-O.005 0.007 3 0.008-0.025 0.003 4 T-0.012 0.003 0.002-0.017 <0.001 2 T-O.OOl 1 0.002 0,002 0.004-0.005 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 2a. — Levels of Pesticide Residues Commonly Found — by Food Class, Region, and Sampling Period — Continued Boston 1965 1966 Kansas City 1965 1966 Los Angeles 1965 1966 Baltimore 1966 Minneapolis 1966 VIII. GARDEN FRUITS =— (Continued) Residues in Parts Per Million TOTAL BROMIDES Average 9.1 3.0 6.4 3.5 1.5 2.5 »2.6 «2.3 Positive Composites Number 5 5 6 6 4 5 3 5 Range 5.7-18.9 1.1-7.5 4.0-8.3 1.2-7.5 1.7-2.8 1.7-7.1 1.5-9.2 0.5-7.2 IX. FRUITS = Residues in Parts Per Million DDT Average Positive Composites Number Range 0.008 3 0.008-0.027 0.012 4 0.007-0.035 1 0.006 1 T 0.008 5 0.007-0.019 0.010 2 0.012-0.045 0.006 3 0.004-0.014 0 DDE Average Positive Composites Number Range <0.001 2 T-0.003 0.001 2 0.002-0.004 1 0.005 0.001 4 T-0.005 0.001 5 T-0.003 0.008 3 0.003-0.043 0.003 3 0.001-0.006 0 TDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 0 0 0 1 0.007 1 0.004 1 0.007 0.003 3 0.002-0.006 0 ALDRIN Average Positive Composites Number Range 0.008 4 0.003-0.020 0.015 3 0.007-0.070 1 0.007 0 0.001 3 0.002 1 0.002 0.004 2 0.005-0.012 0 KELTHANE Average Positive Composites Number Range 0 0.032 3 0.013-0.107 1 0.166 0.068 6 0.016-0.161 0 0.041 2 0.032-0.212 1 0.015 0 TOTAL BROMIDES Average Positive Composites Number Range 3.1 2 3.2-15.3 3.2 5 0.8-10.2 7.9 6 1.2-31.4 3.2 6 0.7-6.4 1.0 4 0.7-2.4 0.6 3 0.7-1.9 3 1 20.4 •6.0 4 1.1-25.2 X. OILS, FATS AND SHORTENING = Residues in Parts Per Million DDT Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.028 0.010 3 T-0.032 0.008 2 0.008-0.038 0.008 5 T-0.018 1 0.049 0.011 2 0.027-0.038 0.010 2 0.009-0.031 0 DDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.014 0.003 2 0.009-0.010 0.003 2 0.004-0.012 0.004 6 T-0.011 1 0.006 0.011 3 0.013-0.029 0.006 3 0.007-0.009 0 TDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.018 0.025 2 0.034-0.117 0.010 2 0.025-0.037 0.007 5 T-0.027 1 0.032 0.021 3 0.025-0.068 1 0.010 0 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE Average Positive Composites Number Range 1 0.004 0 0.001 3 0.001-0.004 0.001 3 T-0.004 1 0.002 0 0 0 TOTAL BROMIDES Average Positive Composites Number Range 12.6 6 1.1-29.0 5.3 5 1.9-11.8 53.0 5 7.2-261.0 7.5 6 0.9-15.2 4.4 5 1.7-9.8 6.2 2 5.7-7.3 3 12.8 3 1.3-48.8 »23.0 5 1.1-90.8 Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 TABLE 2a. Levels of Pesticide Residues Commonly Found — by Food Class, Region, and Sampling Period — Ci)ntinued PESnCIDE Boston 1965 1966 Kansas City 1965 1966 Los ANOEtES 1965 1966 Baltimore 1966 Minneapolis 1966 XI. SUGARS AND ADJUNCTS - Residues in Parts Per Million 2, 4.D Average Positive Composites Number Ranee 0 1 0.01 0.020 4 0.020-0.040 0.030 4 0.020-0.058 0.07 4 0.04-0.16 0.038 3 0.057-0.100 0 0 TOTAL BROMIDES Averace Positive Composites Number Range 12.8 6 4.0-26.4 11.2 6 7.0-17.7 30.8 6 12.0-55.1 10.5 6 6.0-16.5 4.3 6 0.7-9.2 3.8 5 2.3-7.7 M2.8 3 2.1-55.4 "29.7 5 0.7-117.0 XII. BEVERAGES 2 Residues in Parts Per Million TOTAL BROMIDES Avcrape 5.7 4.1 7.9 1.5 s »0.5 Positive Composites Number 3 4 5 1 2 0 1 3 Range 1.2-16.2 1.3-13.7 2.8-15.0 3.2 0.9-8.2 8.7 0.5-1.2 ^ Six composilc samples examined each year at Boston, Kansas City, and Los Angeles: four composite samples examined October 1965-April 1966 at Baltimore; for bromides, five composite samples examined beginning August 1965-April 1966 at Baltimore and Minneapolis. - Six composite samples examined each year at Boston. Kansas City, and Los Angeles; four composite samples examined October 1965-April 1966 al Baltimore and Minneapolis. ^ Five composites examined beginning August 1965. Note: 1965 = June 1964-April 1965 1966 = June 1965-April 1966 TABLE 2b. — Pesticides Found Infrequently — by Food Class, Region, and Sa mpling Period No. No. Pesticide District Com- posites Year Amount (ppm) Pesticide District Com- posites Year Amount (ppm) I (a). DAIRY PRODUCTS (8-13% fat) ' III (a). GRAIN AND CEREAL i Residues in Parts Per Million — Fat Basis Residues in Parts Per Million ALDRIN Kansas City 1 1966 T ALDRIN Boston 1965 0.001 LINDANE Kansas City Boston 2 1 1965-1966 1965 T, 0.210 0.006 Baltimore Los Angeles 1966 1966 0.016 0.014 MCP Boston 1 1966 0.583 BHC Kansas City 1966 T Kansas City 1 1966 0.039 CARBARYL Kansas City 3 1965 0.42, 0.20, 0.30 METHOXY= Kansas City 3 1966 T, T 0 073 DIAZINON Kansas City 1966 0.024. 0.024 CHLOR Minneapolis 1966 0.004, 0.030 PC? I 1966 0.310 DITHIOCAR= Kansas City 1965 0.5 Kansas City 1 1966 0.009 BAMATES 2,4-DB Los Angeles 1 1966 0.025 ENDRIN Boston 1966 0.001 2,4. 5-TP Boston 2 1966 0.018, 0.029 HEPTACHLOR Los Angeles Kansas City 1966 1965 0.004 II (a). MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY (17-23% fat) ' Los Angeles 1965 T Residues in Parts Per Million — Fat Basis HEPTACHLOR Boston 1966 0.005 EPOXIDE MCP Kansas City Boston 1966 1965 T, 0.005 ALDRIN Kansas City I 1965 0.008 0.10 DIAZINON Kansas City 1 1966 0.051 METHOXY= Boston 1966 O.0O4 ENDRIN Kansas City 1 1965 T CHLOR Kansas City 1966 0.007 HF.PTACHLOR Kansas City 1 1965 0.008 PCNB Boston 1966 0.005 PCP Kansas City 2 1965 0.01,0.03 PCP Kansas City 1965-1966 0.02, 0.036 Boston 2 1966 0.005,0.051 Boston 1966 0.004 Los Angeles 1 1966 0.051 PERTHANE Kansas City 1966 0.057, 0.049 RONNEL Kansas Citv 1 1966 0.011 2,4-DB Kansas City 1966 0.013 TETRADIFON Los Angeles 1 1966 0.076 ARSENIC Los Angeles 6 1965-1966 0.12,0.2,0.1, RONNEL Kansas City 1966 T (AiiOi) 0.1,0.1,0.2 ARSENIC Boston 1965 0.10 1 Kansas City ' 1966 0.5 (AsjOs) Los Angeles 1966 0.10 10 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 2b. — Pesticides Found Infrequently — by Food Class, Region, and Sampling Period — Continued No. No. Pesticide District Com- posites Year Amount (ppm) Pesticide District Com- posites Year Amount (ppm) IV (a). POTATOES! VI (a). LEGUME VEGETABLES' Residues in Parts Per Million Residues in Parts Per Million BHC Kansas City 1 1966 0.008 ALDRIN Boston 1966 0.006 CARBARYL Kansas City I 1965 0.28 DDE Los Angeles 1965-1966 0.003, T. 0.002, 0.002 CIPC Kansas City 2 1966 0.360,0.199 Baltimore Boston 1966 1966 0.003 T, 0.003 ENDRIN Kansas City Los Angeles 1 3 1965 1965-1966 T 0.005, 0.002, Kansas City 1966 T 0.006 DIELDRIN Los Angeles 1965 0.002 Boston 1 1966 0.004 Kansas City 1966 T HEPTACHLOR Kansas City 4 1965-1966 0.015, 0.020, HEPTACHLOR Los Angeles 1966 0.001 EPOXIDE 0.002, T EPOXIDE LINDANE Boston Baltimore 1 1965 1966 0.008 0.011 LINDANE Boston 1966 T Kansas City 2 1966 T, 0.002 ARSENIC Boston 1965 0.11 Los Angeles Los Angeles 1 1 1966 1966 T 0.003 (AsiiOs) PARATHION TCNB Boston 1 1965 0.216 VII (a). ROOT VEGETABLES' Baltimore 1 1966 0.370 Residues in Parts Per Million TDE Los Angeles Los Angeles 2 1 1965-1966 1966 T. 0.001 4.7 ARSENIC (AsiOa) CARBARYL CHLOR= Kansas City Kansas City 2 1 1965-1966 1966 0.20,0.10 0.010 BENSIDE V (a). LEAFY VEGETABLES > ENDRIN Kansas City 2 1965-1966 T, 0.052 Residues in Parts Per Million MALATHION Kansas City 1 1966 0.022 TCNB Kansas City 1 1965 0.011 BHC Kansas City 1 1965 0.015 Los Angeles 1 1966 T CARBARYL Kansas City 2 1965 0.3, 0.2 TDE Kansas City Los Angeles 2 1 1965-1966 1965 0.021,0.009 0.004 CHLOR= BENSIDE Kansas City Los Angeles Los Angeles 2 1965 1965 1966 0.023, 0.038 0.002 0.006 ARSENIC (As^Oa) Boston Minneapolis 1 1 1965 1966 0.10 0.10 DACTHAL DIAZINON Los Angeles 1966 0.015, 0.012 Minneapolis 1966 0.031 VIII (a). GARDEN FRUITS' DIELDRIN Baltimore Kansas City Kansas City 1966 1966 1965 0.002 T 0.4. 0.7, 0.8 Residues in Parts Per Million DITHIOCAR= BAMATES ALDRIN Boston 1966 0.005 2,4-D Kansas City Boston 1965 1966 T 0.017 ARSENIC (As:Os) Minneapolis 1966 0.10 ENDRIN Kansas City 1965 T BHC Kansas City 1965 0.004 HEPTACHLOR Kansas City 1965 0.004 CARBARYL Kansas City 1965 0.19 EPOXIDE CHLORDANE Boston 1965-1966 0.033, 0.006 LINDANE Los Angeles Boston 1965 1966 0.004 T, 0.005 Los Angeles 1966 0.002 Minneapolis 1966 0.012 DIAZINON Minneapolis 1966 0.005 MALATHION Kansas City 1966 0.017 ENDRIN Kansas City 1965-1966 0.007, 0.005 MCP Boston 1966 0.114 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE Los Angeles Boston 1965 1966 T T PARATHION Boston 1966 0.012 Los Angeles 1966 0.016 ENDOSULFAN Boston 1966 0.006, T Minneapolis 1966 0.089 Los Angeles 1966 0.002 ENDOSULFAN Los Angeles 1966 0.016 TOXAPHENE Boston Los Angeles 1966 1966 0.048 0.050 TOXAPHENE Baltimore 1966 0.386 Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 11 TABLE 2b. — PesikUlcs Foiiml hijrequeiuly — Ay Food Class, Region, and Sampling Period — Continued Pesticide 1 DisrmcT No. Com- posites Year Amount (ppm) Pesticide DlSTKICT No. Com- posites Year Amount (ppm) IX (a) . FRUITS > X (a). OILS. FATS AND SHORTENING ' -(Continued) Residues in Parts Per Million Residues in Parts Per Million CARBARYL K.ii:! City 4 1965-1966 0.19, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20 0.17 0.05 0.004 0.004. T. 0.002 T, T, T 0.019 PERTHANE Kansas City 1 1966 0.032 DACTHAL Boston Los Angeles Boston Boston Kansas City Boston I 1 1 3 3 1 1966 1966 1966 1965-1966 1966 1966 2,4-D TBA Boston Kansas City 1 1 1965 1965 0.030 0.02 DIELDRIN ETHION XI (a). SUGARS AND ADJUNCTS' Residues in Parts Per Million LINDANE Kansas City 1 OS Angeles Boston I 2 2 1965 1966 1966 0.009 0.002. 0.005 T, 0.002 ALDRIN BHC Kansas City Kansas City 1 I 1965 1965 0.003 0.015 PC SB Kansas City 1 1965 0.00.1 CARBARYL Kansas City 4 1965-1966 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2 PERTHANE TETRADIFON Boston Boston Los Angeles 2 1 2 1965-1966 1965 1965-1966 0.016. 0.007 0.044 DDT DDE Kansas City Los Angeles Los Angeles 2 3 3 1965 1965-1966 1965-1966 0.021,0.085 T, 0.005, 0.008 0.003, T, 0.004 ENDOSULFAN Kansas City 1 1966 0.014 DIELDRIN Los Angeles 2 1965-1966 T, 0.002 ARSENIC (As:03) Boston 1 1965 0.18 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE LINDANE Los Angeles Kansas City Kansas City Los Angeles Boston 2 1 2 1 1 1965 1966 1965-1966 1965 1966 0.002, T T X (: 1). OILS, FAT Residues in S AND S Parts Per HORTENl Million NG' T, T 0.001 T MCP RONNEL Boston Los Angeles 1 1 1966 1966 0.022 ALDRIN Kansas City 2 1965-1966 T, T T BHC Kansas City 1 1965 0.007 TDE Los Angeles 2 1965 0.012, T DIELDRIN Kansas City Los Angeles Kansas City Los Angeles Kansas City Kansas City Los Angeles Boston Kansas City Minneapolis 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1965-1966 1965-1966 1965-1966 1966 1965 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966 T, 0.005, T 0.007, 0.070, 0.005, 0.009 0.017, 0.006 0.012 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.053 0.053, 0.013 0.18 ARSENIC (AS.O3) Boston 1 1966 0.1 ENDRIN XII (a). BEVERAGES' Residues in Parts Per Million HEPTACHLOR LINDANE MALATHION CARBARYL DDE HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE Kansas City Los Angeles Kansas City 4 1 1 1965-1966 1965 1966 0.37, 0.50, 0.50, 0.40 T T PCP Boston Los Angeles I 1 1966 1966 0.012 0.193 LINDANE PCP Kansas City Boston 1 I 1966 1966 T 0.02 ' Six composite s;:mples examined each year at Boston, Kansas City, 1966 at Baltimore and Minneapolis. Note: 1965 = June 1964-April 1965 1966 = June 1965-April 1966 and Los Aiitieles; four composite samples examined October 1965-April A cknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge the analytical work from the FDA Laboratories in Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Calif.; and Minneapolis, Minn. LITERATURE CITED (1) niiRgan. R. £., //. C. Barry, and L. Y. Johnson. 1966. Pcslicidc residues in total diet samples. Science 151:101. (2) Diif-aan. R. E.. and F. J. McFurland. 1967. Assessments include raw food and feed commodities, market basket items prepared for consumption, meat samples taken at slaughter. Pesticides Monit. J. 1( I ):!. 13) CidPrida. Laura. 1964. A flame ionization detector highly sclcclive and sensitive to phosphorus— a sodium thermionic detector. J. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 47:293; //)/(/. ]964. Investigation of two gas chromatographic techniques for the determination of organophosphate pesticide residues. 47: 1 1 1 2. 14) Mills, P. A., J. H. Onley, and R. A. Gailhcr. 1963. Rapid method for chlorinated pesticide residues in non-fatty foods. J. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 46:186-191. 15) Kovacs. Mariin F., Jr. 1964. Thin layer chromatography for organo thiophosphate pesticide residue determina- tion. J. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 47: 1097. (6) Finoccliiuro, J. M.. and \V. R. Benson. 1965. Thin layer chromatographic determination of carbaryl (Scvin) in some foods. .1. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 48:736. (7) Diingan, R. £.. and J. R. IVealhcrwa.x. 1967. Dietary intake of pesticide chemicals. Science (Accepted for publication). 12 Pesticides Monitoring Journal Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticide Residues in or on Alfalfa Grown in Soil With a Previous History of Aldrin and Heptachlor Application R. J. Moubry", G. R. Myrdal', and H. P. Jensen= ABSTRACT Samples of soil, alfalfa, and alfalfa roots were collected from acreage with a past history of aldrin and heptachlor applica- tion. The samples were analyzed with the final determination by gas liquid chromatography (GLC). Data obtained are presented on both the wet, or as is, and the dry weight basis. LOW level dieldrin residues in milk from herds located in corn producing areas of the State prompted an in- vestigation into the possible contamination of alfalfa grown in soil with a past history of aldrin use. The common use of aldrin involved the placement of in- secticidal granules in the corn row as a narrow band behind the seed shoe. In an effort to determine the effect of this practice, personnel of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with J. W. Apple, Pro- fessor of Entomology. College of Agriculture, Univer- sity of Wisconsin, collected samples from an alfalfa field which had a known soil insecticide application and cropping history. A 40-acre field in Columbia County was selected for this study. Corn had been grown on this field in 1962, 1963, and 1964. Pesticide application was by band treatment, with 1 lb/ acre heptachlor in 1962, 1 lb/ acre aldrin in 1963, and 1 lb/ acre aldrin in 1964. In 1965 the field was seeded with alfalfa, with oats planted as a nurse crop. The east one-half of the field was sampled in a diagonal pattern on August 30, 1965. Samples of soil (Carrington silt loam), alfalfa and alfalfa roots were randomly col- lected at approximately 20-foot intervals. Composites of the samples of alfalfa and alfalfa roots were extracted Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, General Laboratory Division, 4702 University Avenue, Madison. Wise. 53705. Present address: Ciba Corporation, Agricultural Chemicals Test Laboratories, Vero Beach. Fla. 32960. and cleaned up by the acetonitrile extraction procedure (1). Composites of the samples of soil were extracted by the hexane-acetone procedure (2). The soil extracts were cleaned up with Florisil il). Prior to analysis the alfalfa and root samples were ground and mixed in a Hobart food chopper. A portion of each homogeneous sample was selected for a moisture determination. Analysis was made on the wet weight basis. The dry weight residue results were obtained by calculation, using the percent moisture obtained for each sample. The determination of the amount of pesticide residue present in the sample was by GLC. Conditions of Gas Liquid Chromatography Deter- mination Instrument — Jarrell-Ash, Model 28-710 Column — 4 ft. x 0.156 in. bore glass Packing— 10% DC200 on 80-90 mesh Anakrom ABS Detector — Electron affinity, source 100 mc H^ Amplifier — Sensitivity 1 x 10"'' A, voltage, 18 v Flow Rate — 196 ml Nn/min.; pressure, 30 lbs/ sq. in. Temperatures — Injector, 240 C; oven, 203 C; detector, 209 C The presence of the pesticide residue in the samples was confirmed by GLC, using different column systems. These were (a) mixed bed consisting of one part 10% DC200 on 80-90 mesh Anakrom ABS and two parts 5% QFl on 60-80 mesh Chromosorb W, AW; and (b) 5% QFl on 60-80 mesh Chromosorb W, AW. The sample size used for GLC injection was selected to provide detection and confirmation of residues at or above 0.001 ppm on the wet weight or as is basis. Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 13 TABLE 1. — Detection of cyclodiene insecticide residues in alfalfa and soil following use on corn Residues in ppm Sample Wet Weight Basis Dry Weight Basis Hepta- CHLOR Hepta- CHLOR Epoxide AlDRIN DIEIDRIN Hepta- chlor Hepta- CHLOR Epoxide Aldrin Dieldrin Soil, Top Vy Layer 0.139 0.226 0.007 0.019 Soil, 6" Cores 0.211 0.221 0.032 0,036 Alfalfa Roots >— Group 1 0,098 0.460 0,014 0,142 0,293 \.?7n 0.041 0,424 Alfalfa Roots with Tops ' — Group 2 0.049 0.360 0.0 lU (1,120 0.146 0.970 0.030 0.358 AUalfa ' 0.020 0,IH).1 0,111 0.015 Alfalfa, Lower Half 0.031 0,004 0.165 0,020 Alfalfa. Upper Half ' 0.010 0.001 0,059 0,008 Alfalfa « 0.010 0.002 0.061 0.012 * These roots were washed and separated into two groups. The aerial portions of the plants were removed from the first group; V2 to 1 inch of the aerial portions were left remaining on the second group, = This alfalfa was cut '/i inch above ground. It was thoroughly washed before analysis, •■^ A portion of the alfalfa plants cut V2 inch above ground was randomly selected from the original sample (b). These plants ranged between 4 and 10 inches in height. Each plant was water washed and cut in half. The lower and upper halves were grouped, ground, and analyzed. ' This sample of alfalfa was collected at the same time and in the same manner as that defined in (b) except that it was cut Hi inches above ground. This alfalfa was not washed prior to analysis. Heptachlor l,4,5,6,7.8.8-heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro^,7-methanoindene Heptachlor epoxide 1 ,4,5.6,7.8.8-heptachloro-2,3-epoxy-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro^,7-methanoindan Aldrin not less than 95% of I,2.3,4.10,l0-hexachloro-1.4.4a,5.8.8a-hexahydro-l.4-f«do-f-vo-dimethanonaphthalene Dieldrin not less than 85^^ of l.:.,'<.4,10,I0-hexachloro-6.7-epoxy-l,4,4a,5,6,7.8.8a-octahydro-l,4-eiiifo-«o-5,8-dimcthanonaphthalene Inasmuch as this was an exploraton' survey, recovery studies were not conducted in conjunction with these samples. The data presented are the results obtained using the methodoiogy specified. The results are detailed in Table 1. In the analysis of forages in this laboratory we custom- arily report results in the range of 0.005 ppm to 0.001 ppm as a "trace." In this study results below this level are defined numerically, because they present informa- tion useful in comparison to the amount of residue found in the different portions of the plants. Data obtained in this initial investigation showed aldrin residues in the root and aerial portions of alfalfa grown in soil where aldrin had been applied as a band treatment in corn rows 1 to 2 years previously; similar treatment with heptachlor 3 years previously also resulted in residues in this crop. Feeding of this forage to dairy animals will provide a minor source of dieldrin to the diet which could be a contributing cause of low level residue in the milk production of these animals (3). These data also indi- cated that the residue levels were higher in the roots than in the aerial portion of the plant. Analysis of the aerial portion of the plants divided into upper and lower halves showed higher residues in the lower halves of the plants. Washing of the aerial portions did not shown any effect on the residue present. The data also showed that residues in the soil were appreciably lower in the top Vi-inch layer than in the upper 6 inches of the soil. LITERATURE CITED (1) Barry. Helen C, Joyce G. Hundley, and Lorcn Y. Johnson. Pesticide Analytical Manual Vol. 1, 2.21(B), U. S. Depanment of Health, Education and Welfare, FiK)d and Drug Administration, Washington. D.C. 20204. (2) Lichlenstein, E. P., G. R. Myrdal, and K. R. Schultz. 1964. Effect of formulation and mode of application of aldrin on the loss of aldrin and its epoxide from soils and their translocation into carrots. J. Econ. Entomol. 57:133-136, (.?) Williams, S., P. A. Mills, and R. t". McDowell. 1964. Residues in milk of cows fed rations containing low concentrations of five chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cides. J. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 47(6); 1124-1128. 14 Pesticides Monitoring Journal PESTICIDES IN PEOPLE Storage of DDT in The People of Israel' M. Wassermann, Dora Wassermann, L. Zellermayer, and M. Gon MEASUREMENT of the storage of chlorinated hydro- carbon insecticides in the body fat constitutes a valuable tool for the appraisal of exposure of the general popula- tion to these compounds. Their storage is encountered in populations of diffeient continents all over the world. The main source of insec- ticide absorption is the dietary intake, but air pollution produced by the household use of insecticides may also contribute to storage. Use of new analytical techniques, especially gas chromatography, has revealed that, be- sides DDT and its metabolite DDE, other organo- chlorine insecticides are stored in the body fat of people without known occupational exposure. The compounds include: DDD and /3-isomer of BHC in the general population of the USA (New Orleans) (14); BHC in body fat in the USA (1.15.16) in France (13}, and India (2); y-isomer of BHC in the general population of Eng- land (23); dieldrin in body fat in the USA ( in Southern England (17,23) and in India (2); hepta- chlor epoxide in persons in the USA (14.29). and in India (2); and DDD and dieldrin — in some cases also 7-isomer of BHC — in the general population and in farm workers of USA (Dade County, Florida) (8). This paper reports on a further study that has been carried out on the general population of Israel in order to follow up the evaluation of organochlorine insecticide storage in this country. A previous study was performed by us on 254 specimens of fat tissue, obtained in 1963- 64, from persons without occupational exposure (26). It revealed that, at that time in the body fat of the gen- eral population of Israel, the mean concentration of The systematic names of compounds mentioned in this paper are: DDT l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chloroplienyl) ethane DDD 1 .1 -dichloro-2.2-bis{ p-chlorophenyl ) ethane DDE l,l-dichloro-2.2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene BHC 1,2.3,4,5.6-hexachIorocyclohexane. mixed isomers Dieldrin not less than 85% of l,2,3.4.IO,IO-hexa= chloro-6.7-epoxy-l,4,4a,5,6,7.8.8a-octa= hydro- 1 ,4-eHdo-e.vo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene Heplachlor epoxide l.4,5,6.7,8,8-hepta= chloro-2,3-epoxy-.3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7- methanoindan DDT was 8.5 ppm, that of DDE was 10.7 ppm and that of DDT-equivalent (expressed as the numerical sum of DDT and DDE) was 19.2 ppm; DDE averaged 55.6% of the total DT-derived material. Material and Metlwds The survey was carried out on 204 samples (144 autopsy and 60 biopsy specimens) from five hospitals and the Forensic Medicine Institute. They were ob- tained in 1965 and 1966 from persons without known occupational exposure to pesticides. A survey sheet containing information regarding name, sex, country of origin, occupation, dietary habits, and operative diag- nosis or cause of death was completed for each sample. Each specimen was preserved in 4% formaldehyde (Hayes et al. (12) have shown that this method of pres- ervation is suitable for such survey purposes). The analyses for DDT were performed by the Schechter- Haller spectrophotometric method with the modification described by the Technical Development Laboratories, Communicable Disease Center (25). A Shimadzu XV type automatic Recording Spectrophotometer model SV.50A served to record the visible spectrum. Since the method fails to distinguish between DDE and DDD, the values given for DDE must be considered to represent the sum of the two compounds. The distribution of samples according to age and geo- graphic origin is summarized in Table 1. From the TABLE \. — Distribution of samples according to age and geographic origin From the Department of Occupational Health, the Hebrew Univer- sity, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel. Area of Origin Ace Group No. OF (IN YEARS) Samples Israel Europe Asia Africa 0- 9 71 69 1 1 10- 19 ■} 1 — — 1 20 ■ 29 5 1 1 1 2 30-39 11 — 3 5 3 40-49 24 1 13 6 4 50-59 31 4 23 2 2 60-69 37 4 15 9 9 70 - 79 18 2 8 5 3 80-89 5 — 5 — — TOTAL 204 82 68 29 25 Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 15 epidemiological point of view, it wus important to deter- mine thai these samples were from persons who them- selves, or whose parents, immigrated at least 8 years previously, and it can be assumed they have had un- changed living conditions since immigration. There are great ditferences in the dietary and cooking habits among the dilferent ethnic groups of this country. How- ever, the basic foods for the entire population of the country have a similar origin, and it appears therefore that these people have similar exposure to the dietary intake of DDT. In the previous study we found no significant differences between the mean values of DDT-derived material in different ethnic groups. In this study, likewise, there were no differences by ethnic group. For this reason the data in this paper are presented by sex and age only. For purposes of comparison with the previous study in which there were only three cases in the age group 0 - 9 years, mean values are given separately for the groups 0 - 9 years and 10-89 years. The group 0- 9 years, consisting of 71 cases, or 34.4% of the total number of cases, provided a valuable op- portunity for studying storage at these ages (Table 2). Results A total of 204 samples of fat tissue originating from persons without known occupational exposure have been analyzed for DDT-derived material. The results are summarized in Table 2. There are no significant differences between the mean values found in different ethnic groups. In the general population of Israel, age 10-89 years, the mean of total DDT-derived material in 133 samples is 18 +- 12.6 ppm. DDT is present in an average con- centration of 8.2 zt 6.1 ppm, and DDE in 9.9 ± 7.1 ppm. DDE averages 53.9 ± 6.8% of the total DDT- derived material. There is no significant difference between the present results and those obtained in our previous study on Israelis (p>0.1 ). In the period 1965-66. the storage of DDT-derived material continued to be maintained at a high level in comparison with those levels reported during the last decade in other countries with the exception of India (Table 3). In the population aged 10- 89 years, there is no signifi- cant difference at the 5% level in the DDT-derived material stored in difference age groups. Males store significantly higher amounts of DDT-derived material than females, namely, for DDT, p<0.02- DDE, p<0.02: DDT j DDE, p = 0.01. For percent of DDE the difference was not significant (p>0.05). When the age group considered is restricted to 60 - 69 yearr. there is a significant difference (p<0.05) for DDE and for DDT -\- DDE. There is no significant difference lor DDT and for the DDE percent (p>0.05). In the age group 0-9 years, the average concentration of DDT -f DDE is 10.2 ± 9.2 ppm. The mean for DDT is 4.6 ± 4.2 ppm and for DDE is 5.6 ± 5.9 ppm. The DDE percent is 53.3 ± 7.9. As far as concentrations of DDT. DDE. and DDT -(- DDE are concerned, a significant difference (p<0.001) does exist in the storage of DDT-derived material be- tween the group aged 0-9 years and that of 10-89 years even though certain unusually high values found in the 0-9 age group are used in the calculations. From the total of 71 cases belonging to this age group, 69 were aged from 0-2 years (Table 2). No significant difference was found in the storage of DDT-derived material among stillborns, neonates, and infants. Mathematically there is a significant difference (p<0,05) for the DDE percent in the female sex between the stillborn, neonate, and infant categories. In stillborns. there is a significant difference (p<0.05) between sexes for DDE percent. However, the number of cases in every category is too small to justify a biological conclusion. Comments The data presented in Table 3 suggest that DDT is a current constituent of human fat in the general popula- tion of the world at this time. Twelve samples of this study were from stillborns and 24 from neonates (15 in the first week of life). DDT- material was found in all these samples and. in fact, in all the samples analyzed in this study. Denes (3) found DDT in a day-old neonate and Halacka el at. (9) in three neonates. In our previous study in 1963-64, we found 16.1 ppm DDT-derived material in the fat tissue of a day-old neonate. A note on the results of 50 samples as part of the present study has been presented at the First World Congress on Air Pollution (27). At that lime we found a mean of 10.2 ppm DDT-derived material in the fat tissue of still- borns, neonates, and infants of Israel. Fiserova-Bergerova et al. (S) found in the fat tissue of four stillborns and two fetuses 5.65 ppm total DDT. Zavon el al. (30) in 64 samples originating from children dying between the 36th week of gestation and 2 weeks postpartum, have found DDT-derived material, heptachlor epoxide, and dieldrin. All these studies show that the stored DDT-derived material in fetuses, new- borns, and infants in their first weeks are in a lower concentration than in the adult population. In animal studies Finnegan et iil. (7) found DDT in the offspring of dogs and Pillmorc cl til. (20) in rabbits. 16 Pesticides Monitoring Journal W9 a f Q o. Q U 1- 5 '§5 Q a. ^ rJ Or* vo CTv 00 r< 00 00 IT) vo , t- r4 0 Tj- m 1-. «n vo \D 0 r> 0 m 1 +1^ 1 +1^ 1 +l>n 1 +IS 1 M *" 1 +IS o r- — T~~ 0 so — oo 0 -* r-i m rj — .— ■ -^ ^ O*^ 0 m 00 Ov VO Os (N «*) Tt m r^ <* ^ r) 00 ri r- If^- 1 +1^ 1 +1'" 1 +i« i+'^ 1 +IJ^ wi .-< O W-i »n 00 1— ri 0 so 0 vo rr VO 0 0 ri vo — so — in r- (N r- 0 00 (S r- m r- -a 1 +i^ 1 +1-^ 1 +13 u- 1 +i;c: m vo 0 f^ Ofn in «o -■ m ^ m 0 "J OO 0 Tj- ^CTv 0 rJ r) 0 OS m oo m 00 -tJ- vo Tf r- ■^ rt r- \o r- 1 +1 1 +1 7+lc^ 1 +1 1 ^ 1 +1 r*-> Ov 00 — 0 «^ 00 fn r- '• ri Tt ri m ro ui m -H r4 00 >o 0 ^ 0 -^ en 0 n a^d (N 00 T]-"-^ 0 -^ m 00 Xil' 1 +1:2 00 .-• Ail" d r4 ol-'" 1 +lFt 00 (N 1-1 ^H 0 ^ -H r- ^ 0 0 0 ^ '"' '^ OO vo vo^ 0 00 CT- -H (N CTv 0\ 0 «n (N r- (N "'^ 1 +i:i 1 +i:c 1 +|o> 1 +1;?, li- 1 +1?: U-l -H m ri 4 n W-, 00 o ^o 0 \D 0 f*i 0 m n 0 m m 00 r) -a- r) 0\ ^ r- — — (S r^t r^ 00 f^ r- •* 1+1^3 1+1:2 1 +lc^ 1 +IR 1 ^-^ 1 ii^ m Tt vo — 0 *n 0 Tt 0 ^ 0 ■* ri 0 -^ a D Q Q Q SI. V) '7 on OSSZ Range Mean N Range Mean- N Ui >, rt 0 (N « •u m M s. ' 00 T3 0 " ^^ ' _ H 0 w Cfl C c 3 C 0 § ^ .c « « Z Z U H o 0. 0 m -— 00 oc 00 m f'. 00 ■* r- — r- — 00 Ov ra -H -H r- in 00 Tf so n r<-. vo 00 -*vo' VO 1 1 1 1 +1 1 +1 1 41 la 1 41 1 +1 1 +1 1 41 Ovo —I n 0 vo vo vo m vo Ov 0 0 00 3 ra ^•R 0 ■^ m CTv 0 CO 0 fn m m ■«t m Ov m 0 vo 0 fn Ov SO rl r- r) 0 0\ m Ov 0 Tt ^ tT Ov 0 0 n r* ,-H Ov — ri 0 OS 1 1 1 1 +Ir^ 1 +1^ 1 +12 1^ = 7+1- m 1 41 <^ 1 41 rJ li!- fi vo tn 00 Ov m a 1 +12 1 +ii^ 1 41 jq 1 41 OS 1 41m 1 +1!; OS « «* m r- — ra — — r*-. ov r- "S ri — -* m m r- m ov m 00 so m 0 ov m (S m 00 so 00 0 -H r-in «-« m jn^ Qf- 1 +I'N '1 +1^ 1 41 vo 1 41:^ 1 +Is 1 41 ;q i;y- 1 +|r^ lil^ 00 — > r-^ 0 rl n CO 0 m 1— 1 •— < ^^ '-' r- rt TJ- .— — "-■ '^ '"' ^* Ov ov in ■* 0 M 0 fn in ^ fn Tj- 0 \o 0 r- m ^ .— m Ov rt vo ** 0 — m m 0 M 00 in 0 r- m — n 1 +I'N 1 +1-^ 1 llvo 1 41:3 1 41^ ii- 1 41 c^ 1 41 c^ i+l!= rJ m n — ov — m vo 00 ^ n ^ Ov 0 so ■* ::; 0 Ov ■* 0 r- Ov -H m 00 — vo m CO 0 m ^ [^ 0 CO 00 00 f. S^ ■* vo vo 1 +1 1 +1 1 41 1 41 1 41 1 41 1 +1 1 41 1 41 m m 0 IN 00 r^, Ov — 0 ri vo rl m IT, r- Ov 0. -rt r- vo Tt m 00 m — Tj- m -H 0 m — m •rt m m m m m m in f*-, m rn rJ OOv fn r- «n OS so rt en en OsvO in 1— vo vo m OS r) 00 M 0 — t- G <^ 1 +1 "N 1 M^ 1 +1- 1 41;^ 1 41;;; 1 41 p; ! +J- 1 +1^ 1 41^ (J, -^ m ■* 1* so m vo n m n 00 ,— rr, ov Tf « 00 ^ n ■"■ ■"■ '"' Ti- «-n «n m in Ov m 00 vo — 0 vo rj 0 m -tt vo ^ 0 0 r- m vo ■* m so 9^ t +M 1 +1'^ 1 41 Z 1 41^ 1 41;;^ 1 4!j:^ 1 412 ! 41 <^ 1 41^ 0 o- — 00 —i m m n Ov OOV '^ fN SO m Ov m r- •— 00 n m r- OS ^ vo tt m ^ Ov Ov O^ m r^ rj r) 0 ri m m fn n 0 vo 0 >. 1) >. >^ >, >% ov -nitrophenyl phosphorothioate Malathion dicth\l mcrcaplosiiccinate. .V-cstcr with O.rt-dinicthyl phosphorodithioatc Scvin'"' l-naphthyl mclhylcarbamatc 22 Pesticide.s Monitoring Johrnai TABLE 1. — Mean insecticide concenirations (ppm) in lizard tail muscle; each sample is five to six tails BHC W MP Site 1 EST Cotton Field P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June 2.0 0.5 0.8 2.9 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.8 3.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.8 3.1 0.0 0,4 July 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.7 0.5 0.0 1.1 0.7 2.0 1.9 2.0 0.0 0.7 1.8 1,9 1.9 2,2 August 0.0 I.l 1.7 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.0 1.5 2.8 2.8 4.7 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.5 2.7 1.2 0.8 BHC 0.4 Wes MP n.9 Site 1 T Desert Periphery P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.5 4.1 1.8 0.4 0.6 1.7 0.2 3.7 1.3 0.7 0.7 1.7 1.2 2.2 0.9 0,1 July 1.2 3.7 2.9 2.6 1.5 2.1 1.6 3.7 4.1 3.4 2.2 2.5 1.2 1.8 2.5 3.0 1.4 1.4 August 0.6 4.9 4.6 7.2 6.0 3.4 1.3 1.6 3.8 3.0 3.1 2.5 0.2 4.4 4.4 6.9 5.6 4.7 BHC MP Site 7 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 O.I 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 July 0.6 1.2 1.0 1.9 1.1 1.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 August 0.5 1.5 2.4 2.5 1.4 1.7 0.4 0.6 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 TABLE 2. — Mean insecticide concentrations (ppm) in lizard brain tissi4e; each sample is five to si.\ brains BHC Site 1 West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC E MP Site 4 AST Cotton Field P DDE TDE DDT June 0.1 0.7 1.4 1.9 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 1.1 0.9 0,0 0.3 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.6 July 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.7 0.5 0.0 1.1 0.7 2.0 1.9 2.0 0.0 0.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.2 August 0.0 1.1 1.7 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.0 1.5 2.8 2.8 4.7 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.5 2.7 1.2 0.8 BHC Site 1 West Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Desert Perip MP P DDE hery TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.0 0.5 0.3 1.6 0.4 0,2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.0 1.8 0.4 0.2 July 0.0 0.6 1.3 1.8 0.7 0.9 0.0 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 0.9 0.2 0.6 0.3 3.1 1.2 1.3 August 0.0 1.5 1.9 2.4 0.0 2.7 0.0 1.1 1.8 2.5 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.1 1.5 3.8 1.4 0,0 BHC MP Site 7 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.5 1.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 O.I 0,2 July 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.0 1.2 1.1 0.6 1.2 1.6 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.6 0.4 0,1 August 0.0 1.0 0.7 1.6 1.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 1.8 0.7 1.5 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.8 0.0 0,0 TABLE 3, — Mean insecticide concentrations (ppm) in lizard liver; each sample is five to si.x livers BHC Site 1 West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Fi MP P DDE eld TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June July August 0,0 1,0 0,0 1,1 0,6 1,0 1,2 1,0 0,8 2.1 1.6 1.5 1.2 3,7 2,0 0.3 0.6 1.3 0.0 I.l 0.1 1.0 1.3 2.1 0.4 0.8 3.3 1.0 1.1 3.4 1.3 1.6 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.1 2.5 0.1 0.4 0.4 1.5 0.6 0.9 0.6 3.8 2.1 0.2 0.6 0.7 Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 23 TABLE 3. — Mean insecriciile concentrations (ppm) in lizard; each sample is five to six livers — Continued BHC Site 1 West Desirt Pehiphery MP P nnF TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Deseri Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June 1.1 1 < 11 h .11 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.7 1.8 0.4 0.3 July 0.3 0,9 0.9 2.4 0.9 0.8 0,1 0.1 0,3 1,7 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.1 August 0.0 0.8 1.7 2.7 0.7 1.1 0.0 0.5 0.3 1.6 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.6 1.7 0.0 1.0 BHC MP Site 7 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mile Deseri P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.5 July 0.5 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.8 II.O 0.4 0,6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.3 04 0.7 August 0.0 0.8 0.7 1.4 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.6 1.5 1.3 1.3 0.0 O.ll 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 TABLE 4. — Mean insecticide concentrations (ppm) in coelom fat of lizards: each sample is five to six cocloiii fat bodies BHC Sue 1 West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Ci NTER Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT 'unc No Data 1.5 0.0 0.3 31.5 19.2 14.5 No Data July 11.5 4.2 2.8 17.4 34.3 43.0 8.9 0.0 1.4 45.9 32.0 44.3 No Data August 8.5 2.1 1.0 21.2 20.8 25.1 1.2 0.0 0.0 18.8 7.6 7.6 0.4 0.3 0.6 5.8 3.4 4.0 BHC Site 1 West Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June No Data 0.7 0.0 0.0 25.2 0.0 2.8 0.2 0.0 0.3 19.4 2.1 1.5 July 6.8 3.7 4.1 31.4 7.9 26.1 2.1 1.6 3.6 35.4 10.3 8.4 No Data August 7.0 0.0 0.0 22.4 10.4 16.2 2.3 0.0 0.0 28.2 7.3 4.0 II. 1 0.1 0.1 17.7 0.7 1.9 BHC MP Site 7 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June 0.0 1.9 1.1 8.4 3.1 4.8 0.0 1.0 0.0 7.9 3.7 3.6 No Data July 1.0 1.8 2.3 10.4 4.0 4.3 1.1 2.0 1.3 10.1 6.9 3.6 1.2 0.6 0.0 5.4 2.2 1.7 August 1.4 2.4 1.8 15.7 5.1 4.0 No Data 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.4 1.5 0.0 TABLE 5. — Mean insecticide concciUralions (ppm) of the stomach contents of lizards: each sample is five to six stomach contents BHC Site 1 West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June July August 0.0 0.6 1.5 1.1 0.8 1.4 0.7 0.9 1.5 2.0 1.3 7.7 0.6 2.7 1.4 0.0 4.2 1.3 0.1 0.6 1.1 0.9 0.6 1.7 0.8 1.2 1,1 2,7 1.3 4.7 0.7 1.8 1.5 0.2 1.4 1.6 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.5 1.9 0.2 1.3 0.9 1,7 1.7 3.4 0.2 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.7 BHC Site I West Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC SrrE4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June July Audusl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 1.3 4.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.2 1,0 0,4 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.3 3.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0,0 0,3 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.9 0.3 1.7 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.9 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.4 BHC MP Site 7 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June July AuguM 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.9 0.4 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0,1 0,5 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0,1 0,0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 24 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 6. — Mean tnscclicide concentrations (ppm) in muscle of four gravid and four non-gravid female lizard species and eggs: all lizards were collected in tlie same field BHC MP P DDE TDE DDT Females, gravid 1.1 2.5 1.4 3.4 2.8 2.1 Eggs 5.6 11.6 8.5 16.4 7.3 10.7 Females, non-gravid 0.8 2.3 2.1 3.4 2.8 2.0 Insecticide concentrations found in the breast muscle (Table 7). brains (Table 8), livers (Table 9), and gizzard contents (Table 10) of English sparrows (Passer domesticiis L.) are given for specimens collected in the cotton fields. Not enough birds were collected from the desert to furnish reliable data. In general, in- secticide concentrations increased from June through August at all three sites. Birds collected from the west end of the valley, however, had lower MP, P, DDT, DDE, and TDE concentrations in their breast muscles in August. Most samples contained less insecticides in November than they did in August. There appeared to be a slight rise in concentrations from November to January for DDT, DDE, and TDE. Two species of pocket mice {Perognathus penicillatus Woodhouse and P. intermedins Merriam) and one species of kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami Mearns) were used for analysis. Approximately 2% of all mammals collected were D. merriami. 8% were P. intermedins, and 90% were P. penicillatus. None of the above mammals could be found in the cotton fields. They were collected in the desert less than 30 meters from the fields, however. In general, at all sites on the periphery of the cotton fields insecticide concentrations increased from June to July, remained essentially static in August, and dropped in November. In January an increase is apparent at all sites except site 4 (Table 11) and the 9- and 30-mile stations (Tables 1 1 and 12). Mammals collected from the desert at the western periphery of the growing area had greater insecticide concentrations than did those col- lected from the desert peripheral to the center of the growing area. Animals from the desert adjacent to the easternmost cotton fields had the least concentrations of insecticides. The farther the specimens were collected from the cotton fields the less were the insecticide con- centrations. Discussion No malathion was detected in any sample obtained during the period of study reported in this paper. Since some of the samples (those reported for November) were obtained within 6 weeks after malathion applica- tions, this indicates that the compound rapidly disap- peared from the Presidio ecosystem. Only a small amount of endrin was applied during the 1965 spraying season. It was detected in human urine and cotton leaves, but not in leatherstem leaves, Rio Grande water, or silt in the Rio Grande water (1,5,8). Endrin was not detected in any of the reptiles, birds, or mammals. An attempt was made to obtain samples from each class of vertebrates, except fish. Amphibians were not found in sufficient numbers to sample during the 3-month period. From birds, the English sparrow was selected due to both its numbers and year-round resi- dence in the valley (13). The nearest areas in which sparrows established residence were at Shafter and Redford — 19 miles north and east of the valley, respec- tively. It is unlikely there is interchange between these three areas. P. penicillatus. P. intermedins, and D. merriami were selected to represent the mammals due to their small home range — 0.12 acres to 0.46 acres (12.14). Reptiles were originally supposed to be repre- sented by C. tigris. which has an estimated home range of 0.26 acres (12). However, there were areas where this species was not abundant. Therefore, C. tesselatus and C. inornatns. which were abundant in such areas, were also sampled. Milstead (//) has reported that all three species have similar food habits and apparently occupy similar ecological niches. TABLE 7. — Mean insecticide concentrations (ppm) in breast iitiiscle of sparrows; each sample is five to .■six breasts BHC Site 1 West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.0 2.0 1.7 5.2 4.1 3.4 0.0 3.2 2.0 4.4 2.7 1.9 0.3 2.7 3.9 1.6 2.7 3.1 July 1.7 4.4 6.5 7.0 8.1 5.0 0.0 3.5 2.7 8.0 6.0 5.0 0.6 3.6 3.2 4.5 2.6 4.6 August 1.9 2.1 1.5 6.8 4.6 3.2 1.9 4.9 5.3 16.2 10.2 7.1 0.9 5.5 3.4 11.8 7.8 6.6 Nov. 0.0 2.3 0.5 1.8 0.5 0.7 0.0 1.5 1.6 2.7 0.4 0.6 0.0 1.6 1.1 6.4 0.2 0.5 Jan. 0.5 4.3 2.5 3.9 1.5 0.9 0.3 2.9 2.0 5.7 0.4 1.2 0.0 1.9 1.0 7.2 1.2 1.0 Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 25 TABLE 8. — Mean iiiseclicitle concenlrations Ippml in hraiiis of sparrows: tiuli sample is five to six brains BHC Site I West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.5 0.0 0.2 5.4 0.2 0.3 0.5 1,0 0 8 3.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.6 0.1 0.0 July 0.0 0.8 08 1.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.8 1.2 0.2 0.5 Ausust 2.0 0.9 0.7 6.3 0.0 0.5 1.7 1.3 0.9 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.7 0,9 1.8 0.8 0.5 Nov. 0.1 0.8 0.6 2.5 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.8 1.2 0.5 0.4 no 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 Jan. It - 1 •; I.l 4.9 1.2 1.1 0.0 2.4 1.2 5.3 0.9 0.2 0.3 2.6 1.8 5.9 0.4 0.4 TABLE 9. — Mcim insecticide concenlialions (ppni) in liveis of sparrows: cacii sample is live to six livers BHC MP Site 1 rsT CnrroN Field P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.3 0.2 0.9 5.8 1.9 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.3 3.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.7 2.7 0.3 0.4 July 1.9 1.2 0,8 6.7 3.3 0.9 0.0 2.8 1.1 5,5 4,6 2.1 0.4 0.4 0.3 3.5 0.6 0.4 August 1,2 1.4 1.7 9.6 1.6 0.4 0.9 1.6 1.3 6.5 0,7 0.0 1)5 0.8 1,2 2.9 0.0 0.0 Nov. 0.0 1.0 0,5 4.6 1.1 0.8 0.4 1.0 1.7 3.5 0.9 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.3 1.4 0.3 0.3 Jan. 0.0 1.6 1.9 7.9 1.5 0.9 0,0 2.8 1.9 3.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.6 0.8 3.0 0.1 0.2 TABLE 10. — Mean insecticide concenlrations (ppm) in gizzards of sparrows: each sample is five to six gizzards BHC Site 1 West Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 CtNTER Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Cotton Field MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.5 0.9 0.6 2,1 0.0 0.4 no 0,3 0.3 2.3 0.6 0,5 0.0 0,4 0.2 2.6 0.2 0.2 July 0,1 1.2 1.1 3.2 0,0 0.3 0.2 3,2 0.8 5.4 1.5 0.8 n.l 0.7 1.3 3.6 0.3 0.3 AURUSt 11 1.7 1.8 8.6 1.0 0.0 1.9 0.8 2.5 6.5 0.0 0.3 n.o 1,6 1,3 4,1 0.0 0.3 Nov. 0,7 05 0.8 5,1 0,8 0.3 0.0 0.9 0.9 2,3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0,6 0.8 3.1 1.1 0,8 Jan. 0.4 0.7 1.2 5.8 0.5 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.5 2.7 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.2 1.3 0.5 0.8 TABLE 1 1. — Mean insecticide concenlrations (ppm) in leg muscles of pocket mice and kangaroo rats: each sample is five to six leg muscles BHC SlTT 1 WpsT Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.3 :.<* 2,8 1,2 2.2 1,8 1.6 1,4 0.7 0.7 1.6 1.2 0.6 n,5 0.2 2.6 0.6 0.9 July 0.2 4.0 5,6 3.2 4,3 2.7 0.1 5,4 5.1 3.2 3.6 3.1 0.5 1.6 1,8 3.3 1.4 1.2 Aufiust 0 5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.8 5.7 1.9 3.8 3.1 2.2 0.8 0.1 Lost Nov. 0.0 0,7 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.2 0.1 1.3 0.9 2.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 1,1 1.2 3.3 0.7 0.7 Jan. 0.0 1.3 1.1 5.1 0,6 0.9 0.1 2.5 1.9 4.3 0.7 0.3 0.0 1.2 0.5 2.0 0.9 1.0 BHC MP Site? 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mm e Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Snx 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June ": 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.1 0,1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 July 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 August 0.4 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0,6 0.8 i),n 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 Nov. 0.1 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.5 on 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 Jan. 0.0 0.9 0.9 2.3 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.4 o,n 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 26 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 12. — Mean inseclickle concenirations (ppmj in livers of pocket mice and kangaroo rats: each sample is five lo six livers BHC SITC 1 West Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 2 Center Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT BHC Site 4 East Desert Periphery MP P DDE TDE DDT June 0.1 0.9 0.8 2.6 0.9 1.7 0.2 0.6 0.7 2.1 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.6 1.9 0.4 0.8 July 0.1 1.4 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.1 0.7 0.5 2.6 0.4 0.8 0.0 1.1 r.2 2.9 0.8 0.7 August 03 1.2 1.5 4.2 0.3 0.9 0.0 1.1 1.2 3.7 0.6 0.9 Lost Nov. 0.0 0.4 0.7 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.8 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 I.I 0.8 2.4 0.7 0.5 Jan. 0.0 1.1 0.6 2.9 0.2 0.9 0.3 1.7 1.9 2.8 2.0 1.2 0.8 1.9 1.8 2.9 3.4 1.5 BHC MP Site 7 3 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 9 9 Mile Desert P DDE TDE DDT BHC MP Site 12 30 Mile Prairie P DDE TDE DDT June 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0,5 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 July 0.3 0.8 0.6 1.3 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 August 0.3 0.9 0.7 1.8 0.3 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.5 1.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.1 Nov. O.I 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.0 (1.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 Jan. 0.0 0.8 0.6 1.3 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.2 It should be noted that I 5,900 lb. of methyl parathion and 2,000 lb. of ethyl parathion were sprayed in the Presidio Valley in 1965. This is an 8:1 ratio. However, an inspection of our data shows that this ratio of methyl parathion to ethyl parathion was not found in either the biological material or in the soil and water. The reason for the unbalance between the ratios applied and the ratios detected is not apparent. In tail muscle, brain, and liver tissues of the lizards, BHC concentrations de- creased from June through August. During this same period, MP, P, DDT, DDE, and TDE increased in con- centration in these tissues. With the exception of DDE (insecticide concentrations in the stomach contents in- creased only slightly in the same period. DDE residues in the stomach contents showed pronounced increases during this period. The stomach contents of lizards from the cotton fields consistently had higher insecticide con- centrations than did the stomach contents of lizards collected adjacent to the fields. An examination of the stomach contents showed that lizards in the cotton fields ate mainly grasshoppers, while those in the desert ate mainly termites. The grasshoppers were more directly exposed to insecticide applications than the termites. In addition, the grasshoppers' diet of fresh foliage as contrasted to the termites' diet of organic debris could also account for the differences in stomach concentrations between the two lizard populations. Insecticides in the coelomic fat increased sharply from June to about the first of August in lizards from the cotton fields. Thereafter, they dropped greatly in con- centration until, at the end of August, the concentra- tions were, in many cases, less than at the end of June. However, the coelomic fat even in August contained greater concentrations of chlorinated insecticides than did the muscle, liver, brain, and stomach contents. The r.torage of chlorinated insecticides in the fat of mammals has been well documented. It was not surprising to find that reptiles also store these compounds in fat. Whiptails in the Presidio area hibernate from Septem- ber to May (Milstead. personal communication and our observations). The adults of any given year were born the previous year. Breeding appears to take place during the entire summer (11). In contrast to Milstead, who found mature eggs complete with shell in early June, we did not find any eggs until the latter part of July. These eggs were small and immature. Milstead (personal communication) believes that a post-coelomic fat body is used in egg development. Hahn and Tinkle (6) re- ported that post-coelomic fat may serve a reproductive function with Uta stanshuriano, a species living in a habitat similar to C tesselatus and tigris. Hoddenbach (7) confirmed this in female race runners (C. sexlineatus) in western Texas. It appears likely that the post-coelomic fat body in Cnemidophorus spp. has a similar reproduc- tion function. This being the case, insecticide concen- trations in coelomic fat would be transported directly to the developing egg. The peak concentrations in the coelomic fat occurred in late July — concomitant with the appearance of eggs. Tinkle (15) and Maslin (10) have reported on the preva- lence of females in C. tesselatus. We found two imma- ture males in 3 months' collecting in 1965 and one mature male in 2 weeks' collecting in 1966. All three Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 27 specimens were collected adjacent to the cotton fields. Only one male, C. tesselalus. has heen reported previ- ously (10). There is a much closer correlation between insecticide concentrations found in the food taken from the gizzard of sparrows and their tissue concentrations than between the insecticide concentrations in the stomach contents of lizards and their tissue concentrations. As the spar- row tissue varied in insecticide concentration from date to date and from site to site, the gizzard content concen- trations varied in a similar manner. The variations in insecticide concentrations in all tissues and food from site to site are difficult to assess due to lack of informa- tion concerning movement, behavior, feeding habits, and food quality of the sparrows and lizards. Concentrations in samples fell in November (after all spraying had stopped) as would be expected. The slight rise noted in January may or may not be signif- icant, but appeared in mammals as well as birds. The use of fat reserves might cause such a rise. Further work is needed to clarify this point. Due to the use of bait, no concentrations in stomach contents could be obtained for mammals. In general, the variations for the mammals followed the variations observed in the birds rather than those of lizards. Varia- tions of insecticide concentrations from site to site were more closely correlated with changes in soil and vegeta- tions (2.8) than were changes in the birds and lizards. There were cases where methyl and ethyl parathion residues in June exceeded those in July in reptiles, birds, and mammals. Applegate (2) reported that leaves of leatherstem (a perennial) had higher methyl and ethyl parathion concentrations in June than did leaves of cot- ton (an annual). This was interpreted as an indication that these insecticides could accumulate in leatherstem. It would appear, in the Presidio area, that reptiles, birds, and mammals can also accumulate methyl and ethyl parathion from one spraying season to the next spraying season. It is apparent that very complex interactions exist in the movement of insecticides through the air to soil, plants, water, insects and, ultimately, into reptiles, birds, and mammals. More information is needed about the concentrations of insecticides present at various levels in food chains. The entrance of insecticides into organ- isms as mediated by the organisms' shelters, movements, and behavior is not presently available. Technical Article No. 5762, Texas Agriciihural E.xpeiimeiil Sinlion. College Stalion. Texas. This research was supported in pan by Grant AP 28-02 from the Division of Air Pollu- tion, Bureau oj State Services, Public Health Service. 28 Acknowledgments We wish to thank Dr. W. B. Davis, Department of Wild- life Science, Texas A & M University, for aid in identifi- cation of the mammals and Dr. T. Paul Maslin, Curator of Herpetology, University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, for aid in identification of the lizards. We appreciate the critical reading of this paper by Dr. Denzel E. Ferguson. Department of Zoology, Mississippi State University and Dr. Jack Inglis, Department of Wildlife Sciences, Texas A & M University. LITERATURE CITED It) Applegate. H. G. 1966. Pesticides at Presidio I. General survey. Tex. J. Sci. 18:171-178. (2) Applcs;alc, H. G. 1966. Pesticides at Presidio II. Vege- tation. Tex. J. Sci. (Accepted for publication). (3) Applegate, H. G. 1967. Pesticides at Presidio V. Sum- mary. Tex. J. Sci. (Accepted for publication). (4) Burke. J., anil L. Giufjriila. 1964. Investigations of electron capture gas chromatography for the analysis of multiple chli>rinated pesticide residues in vegetables. J. Ass. Agr. Chem. 47:326-342. (5) Cullcy. D. D.. and H. G. Applegate. 1967. Pesticides at Presidio IV. Reptiles, birds, and mammals. Tex. J. Sci. (Accepted for publication). (6) Hahn, W. E., and D. W. Tinkle. 1965. Fat body cycl- ing and experimental evidence for its adaptive signifi- cance to ovarium follicle development in the lizard Vta slansburiana. J. Exp. Zool. 158:79-86. (7) Hoddenhach, G. A. 1966. Reproduction in Western Texas Cnemidophorus sexlinealus (Sauria: Teiidae). Copeia 1:110-113. (8) Laliser, C, and H. G. Applegate. 1966. Pesticides at Presidio III. Soil and water. Tex. J. Sci. (Accepted for publication). (9) Langlois, B. E.. A. R. Stemp. and B. J. Liska. 1964. Analysis of animal food products for chlorinated in- secticide residues I. Column clean-up of samples for electron capture gas chromatographic analysis. J. Milk and Food Tech. 27:202-204. (10) Maslin, T. P. 1962. All-female species of the lizard genus Cnemidophorus, Teiidae. Science 135:212-213. (11) Milslead, W. W. 1957. Some aspects of composition in natural populations of whiptail lizards (genus Cnemidophorus). Tex. J. Sci. 9:410-447. (12) Milstead, W. W. 1961. Observations of the activities of small animals (Reptillia and Mammalia) on a quadrat in southwest Texas. Amcr. Midland Natur. 65:127-138. (13) Peterson, R. T. 1963. A field guide to the birds of Texas. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. 304 p. (14) Reynolds. H. G. 1960. Life history notes on Merriam's Kangaroo rat in southern Arizona. J. Mammalogy. 41:48-58. (15) Tinkle. D. W. 1959. Observations on the lizards Cnemidophorus tigris, Cnemidophorus te.i:setalus and Crotaphytus wistizeni. Southwestern Natur. 4:195-200. Pesticides Monitoring Journal An Evaluation of the Effects of the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program on Wildlife in South Florida' Philip N. Lehner, Thomas O. Bosweli", and Frank Copeland' Introduction THE objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program in South Florida on Wildlife other than Aedes aegypti. the target organism. The field investigations and collection of specimens for this evaluation were carried out during the period May 10 to August 27, 1965. The authors were furnished a selected group of written complaints from among those received by the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program in Atlanta, Georgia. These complaints were then categorized by time and type. Newspaper and magazine articles were reviewed to de- termine the extent and type of problems inciting public antagonism. Naturalists, civic leaders, and personnel conducting the Aedes aegypti eradication operations were interviewed personally or by telephone. Sick and dead birds of various species were collected from the treated areas, and healthy house sparrows and mockingbirds from both treated and untreated zones. Bird eggs also were collected. Specimens were shipped at intervals to the National Communicable ' From the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of Disease Prevention and Environ- mental Control. National Communicable Disease Center, Aedes aegypti Eradication Program, Atlanta, Georgia 30333. - Presently graduate research assistant with the Utah Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84321. ^ Presently graduate research assistant with the Department of Biol- ogy, New Mexico State University, University Park, New Mexico 88070. * Formerly Analytical Chemist, Toxicology Section, Technology Branch, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia; present address. NCDC Pesticide Research Laboratory. P. O. Box 490, Perrine, Florida 33157. Disease Center, Toxicology Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia, to be analyzed for chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides. Pathological analyses were conducted on some specimens by the Animal Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory, Miami Section, Florida Department of Agriculture. In addition, bioassay tests were made by the Diagnostic Laboratories Section, Division of Animal Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture, Kissim- mee, Florida. Field Investigation OBSERVATIONS OF SPRAY OPERATIONS The Dade County spray operations of the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program are conducted on a zone basis. The zones generally are those delineated for city census purposes. There is a great variance in the size of zones; they usually contain 50 to 100 blocks and hundreds of premises. The premises likewise vary widely in size, ranging from individual home sites to large parcels of vacant land, some as large as 20 acres. Before spraying is begun, the zones are checked by in- spectors to determine the number of premises in the zone that contain Aedes aegypti larvae. From these data are derived two indices: (1) block index — the percent of positive blocks in the zone — and (2) premises index — the percent of positive premises in the zone. Using these indices, a decision is made as to how the zone will be sprayed. Following are definitions of the three degrees of application employed. Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 29 1 . Comprehensive Spraying — The treatment of all breeding and potential breeding containers and the area immediately around these containers on all premises of all blocks in a given area. In areas where excessive vegetational growth precludes posi- tive detection of hidden containers, spray applica- tions will be applied. 2. Encompassmeni Sprayinfi — The treatment of all breeding and potential breeding containers and the area immediately around these containers on all premises in infested blocks and in the blocks im- mediately adjacent to infested blocks. COLLECTION OF SPECIMENS Seventy-four specimens — 55 birds and 19 bird eggs — were collected by the authors in the Miami area. Of the 55 bird specimens, 41 were taken in healthy con- dition, 7 were found sick and later died, and 7 were dead when found. Four additional bird specimens were received from a member of the Florida Audubon Society in West Palm Beach. Of these one was found dead following spraying, and the other three were found sick and ultimately died. Unfortunately, all of the eggs collected were in such poor condition upon arrival at the Atlanta laboratory that analysis for insecticide content was not practical. 3. Spot Treatments — This type of treatment refers to a special situation, for example, application of insecticides to bromeliads or to areas around fish ponds where routine spraying might be impractical. Besides the various degrees of application employed, there are three basic methods of application: spraying by truck-mounted power sprayers, spraying by hand compression sprayers, and dispensing of dust by hand equipment. The decision as to method of application in specific situations must often be made by spraymen, using general guidelines provided by the area super- visors. The spray formula used during this study was a xylene- water emulsion containing 1.25% DDT by weight. Spray used during 1964 and early 1965 was 2.50% DDT. The 1.25% spray contains approximately 0.1 lb. of DDT/gallon of spray. A total of 64 hours was spent observing spray opera- tions. The following is a list of the spray applications that were inconsistent with operational standards and represent a hazard to wildlife: No. of Observations Misuse of Spray 9 Spraying areas obviously clean of containers 5 Blanket spraying 3 Spraying pond or waterway 3 Carelessness with equipment result- ing in excess spray deposits Apparently there was not only great inconsistency in spray application between and within spray crews, but also nearly complete lack of knowledge as to prescribed spray procedures. This can be partly accounted for by Ihc numerous individual circumstances that arise in the field: however, there was also a great difference observed in the treatment of similar objects, such as birdbaths. animal dishes, shrubbery, and ornamental plants. Laboratory A nalysis of Specimens All of the bird specimens were analyzed for brain levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Also, pathological analyses were made on 11 of the 14 specimens found sick or dead. Tables 1, 2, and 3 present data for the 59 speci- mens analyzed. For the purposes of this study, only the levels of DDT and its metabolites have been listed. Previous work at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center suggests that the brain level of DDE is not a good indi- cation of lethality (1). In the laboratory, the bird brain samples were ground with sodium sulfate and then extracted with 25 ml of nano-grade «-hexane for 1 hour with the aid of a wrist action shaking machine. After extraction, the samples were filtered through a small plug of glass wool into 50-ml test tubes. The solvent was then evaporated down to 4 ml in a 40 C water bath with the aid of a gentle stream of clean dry air. As a clean-up procedure the 4-ml hexane extract was partitioned three times with 4 ml of nano-grade acetonitrile which had been equili- brated with hexane (1:1). The acetonitrile phases were then combined and evaporated down to 1 ml as de- scribed above. Two ml of distilled water were added, and the acetonitrile-water phase was extracted three times with 2-ml portions of nano-grade hexane. The hexane extracts were dried with sodium sulfate and then combined in a 15-ml centrifuge and evaporated down to 0.2 ml and appropriate aliquots subjected to gas chromatography. A Microtek 2503R gas chromatograph equipped with a microcoulometric detector and a strip chart recorder was used. In addition to the microcoulometric detector which is specified for chlorine, two columns were also used to confirm the identity of the materials in the eftlucnt gas. Both columns consisted of an aluminum tube 6 ft. X Va in. O.D. Column No. I was packed with 2.5% diethylene glycol succinate (D.E.G.S.) on 60/80 mesh, acid-washed chromosorb G. Column No. 2 was packed with .3% QF-1 on 60/80 mesh acid-washed chromosorb Ci. Both columns were operated under the 30 Pesticides Monitoring Journal following conditions: inlet and outlet blocks 230 C; column oven 170 C; transfer line 230 C; combustion furnace 800 C; carrier gas N^ 60 cc/min; oxygen 100 cc/min; bias 250 mv. The retention times in minutes of columns 1 and 2, respectively, were as follows: p.p'- DDT, 24.0 and 33.8; o.p'-DDT, 12.8 and 22.4; p.p'- DDE, 9.2 and 17.6; o,p'-DDE, 7.2 and 13.4; p./p'-DDD, 30.5 and 31.2; alpha-BHC, 3.8 and 5.6; beta-BHC, 18.9 and 8.3; gamma-BHC, 5.9 and 7.0; delta-BHC, 17.1 and 9.2; heptachlor epoxide, 8.0 and 16.3; dieldrin, 11.9 and 25.4. Results and Discussion Tables 1 through 3 report "less than" values in order to give the reader an idea of the sensitivity of our method. The "less than" values show variation because the sample sizes and therefore the weight represented by any given aliquot varied. The "less than" values give more information to the reader than a simple "not de- tectable" notation. It was also felt that to show a "zero" would have been false. The authors believe that with larger samples or with more sensitive detectors, the number of positive readings could have been increased. Since gas chromatography is a more sensitive technique than paper, thin layer, or infrared, and since we were not able to detect anything by gas chromatography in many samples, pesticides would not have been detected by these less sensitive methods. Therefore we resorted to the use of two columns of different polarity and the microcoulometric detector which is specific for halogens as reasonable proof of identity of the compounds in the effluent gas. Tables 1 and 2 show the results of analyses of 33 nestling house sparrows, 1 8 from zones treated twice with DDT and 1 5 from untreated zones. House sparrows obtained from treated zones were collected at least a block inside the periphery of the zone. It is immediately apparent that there is no observable difference between the insecticide levels in brain tissue found in these two sets of samples. The insecticide levels for Specimen No. 29 were much higher than for the remainder of the population from the treated area, indicating that al- though this bird was probably not killed by DDT, it had received amounts far above what would be expected in that zone. Treatment of Zone 9C for the fifth time was begun just previous to termination of the study and did not allow sufficient time for thorough investigation. Because Zone 9C was receiving treatments greatly in excess of other zones observed, five specimens were collected from it (four alive and one dead). Specimen No. 68 was a young domestic turkey allowed to run loose in a yard in Zone 9C. It was taken inside the house while the premises were sprayed in the morning, but was released into the yard again that same afternoon Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 and died by mid-afternoon. The owner's description of the turkey's death suggested loss of motor control and periodic muscle spasms indicative of neurotoxic poison- ing. The brain level of DDT + DDD was 21.82 ppm. Although a few birds have been known to die of DDT poisoning with brain levels this low, the level does not approach the tentatively accepted minimal lethal brain level of 30 ppm (/). Circumstantial evidence indicates DDT poisoning but is not fully supported by results of brain analysis in light of the available knowledge today. Specimen No. 75 was an adult loggerhead shrike col- lected in Zone 9C to serve as an indicator of contam- ination of the food chain, since shrikes are almost ex- clusively carnivorous and insectivorous. The shrike gets most of its food from one trophic level higher than songbirds. The high level of DDE and very low level of DDT + DDD found in this specimen suggest a long- term buildup of DDE from the environment but little recent exposure to DDT. Present available knowledge does not permit an interpretation of the significance of this level of DDE; however, this shrike was apparently healthy when collected. Three dead birds (a duck, a mockingbird, and a coot) were received by the Diagnostic Laboratories Section, Florida Department of Agriculture, from cities sprayed by the Program. Results of bioassay tests made on these birds were all negative. There was no evidence, however, that these birds were from actual sprayed areas within the cities. Four specimens. Nos. 69-72, received from a resident of West Palm Beach (Resident No. 1) on August 12, 1965, were alleged to have been killed by heavy spray applications made by the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program in late 1964 and early 1965. Specimen No. 69 (myrtle warbler) was found dead by this individual at her residence 2 days after the surrounding premises had been sprayed. Brain analysis showed that death cannot be attributed to DDT poisoning. Specimen Nos. 70-72 were collected by another resi- dent of West Palm Beach (Resident No. 2), who froze each of them after death and sent them with an accom- panying letter describing the deaths to a third resident of the city (Resident No. 3). The available information indicates that Resident No. 3 then sent the specimens to Resident No. 1, who kept them frozen until she turned them over to the authors on August 12. Brain analysis of specimen No. 70 (crow) showed a sizeable quantity of DDE but only small amounts of DDT and DDD. This indicated either a heavy exposure to DDE through the food chain or a past heavy exposure to DDT and/ or DDD and their metabolism to DDE and storage in the bird. The brain level of DDT + DDE in specimen No. 71 (cardinal) was 27.31 ppm. Thus, it is probable that the 31 TABLE 1. — Pesticide analyses of brain tissue (ppm) from nestling sparrow colh'clions from zones treated twice in 1965 with 1.25% DDT Condition WHEN COLLECTED Date collected Date of LAST treatment 1 ACCREGATB Ave. Gal./ Premises = Pesticide levels in brain issue (ppm) No. DDT DDD p,p'-DDE o,p'-DDE 2 Healthy 5/11 4/22 4.92 < .58 < .30 .40 < .30 6 Healthy 5/1 J 4/22 4.92 <1.16 < .58 < .58 < .58 7 Healthy 5 '14 4/22 4.92 .63 .25 1.07 < .24 8 Healthy 5/14 4/22 4.92 < .78 .39 .25 < .39 9« Healthy 5/14 4/22 4.92 <1.08 < .54 1.56 < .54 10 ♦ Healthy 5/14 4/22 4.92 < .88 < .44 2.67 < .44 26 Healthy 6/24 6/18 11.78 < .44 < .22 .33 < .22 27 Healthy 6/24 6/18 11.78 < .50 < .25 .86 < .25 28 Dead 6/24 6/18 11.78 <1.36 < .68 1.50 < .68 29 Dead 6/24 6/18 11.78 2.81 < .54 5.68 < .54 33 • Healthy 7/6 6/6 6.06 .55 < .86 1.19 < .86 37 Healthy 7 14 6/6 6.06 < .88 < .44 .56 < .44 38 Healthy 7/14 6/6 6.06 < .60 < .30 .12 < .30 39 Healthy 7/14 6/6 6.06 .31 < .53 .26 < .53 40 Healthy 7/14 7/28 1.46 < .53 < .26 .65 < .26 41 Healthy 7/14 7/28 1.46 .18 < .30 .57 < .30 46 Healthy 7/20 6/6 6.06 < .88 < .44 .21 < .44 47 Healthy 7/22 6/6 6.06 < .85 < .43 .66 .19 * Type of treatment: Comprehensive. 3 The sum of the two averages, one for each treatmenl. * Sample contains three nestlings. « Sample contains five nestlings. ^ Sample contains four nestlings. TABLE 2. — Pesticide analyses of brain tissue (ppm) from nestling house sparrow collections fron} untreated zones, 1965 {healthy} Specimen No. Date collected Approx. distance (miles) to nearest treated zone Pesticide levels in brain tissue (ppm) DDT DDD p,p'-DDE o,p'-DDE 19 6/15 13 .34 < .62 .39 < .62 20 6/15 13 < .82 < .41 .22 < .41 21 6/15 13 <1.07 < .53 .66 < .53 22 6/16 7 < .36 < .18 .25 .10 23 6/16 7 < .38 < .19 .28 < .19 24 6/16 7 < .37 < .19 .16 < .19 SO 7/22 4 < .50 < .25 .72 < .25 SI 7/22 4 < .70 < .35 .81 < .35 52 7/22 4 < .62 < .31 .43 < .31 53 7 '22 4 < .91 < .45 .70 < .45 55 7 23 10 <2.04 <1.02 .32 <1.02 56 7/23 10 < .74 < .37 .18 < .37 57 7/23 10 .80 < .47 .33 < .47 S8 7. '23 10 < .79 < .40 .25 < .40 59 7 23 10 < .57 < .28 .18 < .28 32 Pestk IDES Monitoring Journal § ^0 00 O (N 00 f- ■* •rl so ^0 «o rj >n ° :: q O r4 00 q g • a. Cti D 9 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V w c> vo oo r- r^ 'O (N o (N o ^ O* J a "^ C; m "■. (N -^ m -J g Q D »X V V V V V ri V V V V V V V V V c^ V u c >A oc 5 r- C (>_ X ^ r- (N o Ov o- r-| r-^ r^ r- 5s o\ ^o (N Tf r'l -^ tT r-i Tt — rj d d d Tt d d — — ^c \o 'O %D so 5 H !J W < < « O IL, m tn 1/1 in m z (S CN ri r» ri 'S. ^ '— i— '— >-< H o tl. d d d d d. Q E E E Q H Z o o 0 o o (J o " trt y.. m in u-i m in u f-i fN fS r* rt n r< ^ « f-" ♦-< — • r^ ™ — * <-•' UJ a. X d s* d d d d d a H E s E E E E E 2. o o o o o o < Z OJ u u u • 1/3 ri ri 0 ri ri ri ri H d d Q. c d d d d d d d d d d d £ 0 E O u E o E o u d d E E E ^ E E E E E E E E E E E E E o o 0 o o o 0 0 o o o o 0 0 o C c c c o o u (J o c u Li o u u o o u '■J U u u 4> o UJ tfi P H ■o T3 ■o ■o ■D s° _H r- _^ fS 00 >n (N 4) U u V rj tN CTv m u r^i n H < < Z rn ^c (N r) m ■* V, ri n r- c: c c 00 OO OO n r- r- r- r- OO 00 1 3 3 3 3 ~ 3 ^ „ _ ^ (*> ^ n (S ri ^ «* ■* ■^ •* n ^ — „ r^ Tf ' SiJ? - Bfi J O 0 a. a. - Z.O.H > s . s ; ^ 1- o <, >> >• >. >, ^ >. >. >. >> 4 5 z , g Z O UJ -J u T3 ^ u ^ s: ■o 13 (J J= ^ £ J= J= 6 x: ■a w ■o xz O E X 0 o w a> { s: x: J= j:: £ J= j= j= jr sz u T3 ■d ■b > ■d "O = > > j^ ^■ ■6 ■d ■d d ■D •d ■D > d d > 3 —1 > 3 > > d < < < < 3 < < Z 3 3 3 3 < < < < < < < 3 < < "* ^ < 1 i §1 If 1 1 s5 a 1 sF ? c s: 5 s o D..5 3 11 1 'S O ^ ^ ^ ^ II u sg u s ^^ 3_ ^l O ^1 •o "O ■a T3 T3 ■D •a ■0 ■n •a a 3 -^ 3 3 3 ^ Ei (OT3 w S3 0 u 5 C 0 5;| 12 u 1^ 4) »^ > > X) £ 'B !c £ !o £ 'B Q 2 o Q Q ■o 2 a> 3 Oi '~ -a -5 3 3 o o on Oti at an Wj OC BO Wi Ui &0 >i i ?*■« >, >. >. c -2 "~ ex li o = 5 S lag. ^1 °9 D 11 c u O c u o 8 c 8 C O c (-* o 8 c O a 2 5^ !rt 2 3 £ > 0 3 > O 3 > o '■J 3 3 =^ S O u s S 2 s s s S S s S 2 s S 2 S S a: H u H J"*- OS r4 o ^ o \n m oo (N w^ »c m -* VC r- OC so V. r^ ^ 5 T- oc ^ o Z « r- r- r- r*^ r^ ^o >« t^ r- r- r- r- r'l ■* n o o r- 1 1 ^ o Z u O OJ O s - M bj u ,2 I« ■^ E Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 .= o — 33 bird died of DDT poisoning: if it did not. it certainly was very close to reaching a lethal brain level. Cardinals were most often mentioned in reports of past wildlife damage. Their disappearance particularly was related to spra\ing. although some people mentioned finding dead cardinals. Specimen No. 71 was the only cardinal that was saved during the period when wildlife damage was supposed to be greatest. No cardinals were collected during the present study period. A letter dated Decem- ber 16, 1964, which accompanied the dead bird when it was submitted as a specimen, stated that when the bird was collected, it could not balance itself but repeatedly fell on its back until its death. This description of the bird's death would fit several types of poisoning wherein the organism loses motor control. It does not include a description of the tremors that accompany DDT poison- ing and are usually obvious to the observer. This bird was collected less than 13 days after the area was .sprayed, which is a reasonable time lapse in which to expect detrimental effects to wildlife to appear. Brain analysis of the ground dove (specimen No. 72) collected by the same resident showed that this bird was carrying 52 ppm of DDT ^ DDD, an amount well in excess of what is tentatively considered to be the lower lethal level. This bird was collected 8 days after the zone was sprayed. In her accompanying letter of De- cember 21. 1964, the collector described the bird's death as being accompanied by uncontrolled twitching and convulsive movements of the feet. This description is consistent with the symptoms of DDT poisoning, which are similar, of course, in any neurotoxic poison- ing. With the combination of high brain level of DDT -f DDD and the 8-day time lapse after spraying, it can be stated with some certainty that this bird died of DDT poisoning — circumstantial evidence indicated that the Aedes aegypii Eradication Program could have been the source of the DDT. Conclusions No evidence was found of mass kills of vertebrates that could be attributed to the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program. Because of the operational methods employed by the spray program during this investigation (with the exception of Zone 9C), there was little reason to suspect immediate and widespread damage to wildlife. By far the greatest number of personal complaints was directed at the use of DDT and not first-hand accounts of wild- life damage. Analyses of specimens from West Palm Beach tended to support claims of some wildlife damage reported from that area before this investigation. Brain analysis of a ground dove indicated a high probability that this bird was killed by DDT poisoning. In one cardinal, the brain level of DDT + DDD was high enough to seri- ously endanger the bird, if not to cause its death. 34 Circumstantial evidence in these cases indicated that the Aedes aegypti Eradication Program could have been the source of the DDT. One crow showed heavy ex- posure to DDE. probably through the food chain, and probably not mainly from the Aedes aegypti spray program. In the Miami area, a domestic turkey showed a brain level of DDT -)- DDD high enough to seriously en- danger the bird, possibly to be the cause of its death; and one healthy loggerhead shrike showed heavy ex- posure to DDE, probably through the food chain. Seven other sick birds and five other dead birds col- lected in the treated areas had brain levels of pesticides that were so low as to rule out DDT as being the cause of their illness or death. Brain levels of DDT and its metabolites were not sig- nificantly different between house sparrow nestlings from treated zones and those from untreated zones in the Miami area. The great decrease in complaints and reports of wild- life damage was probably correlated with the change in operational spray methods employed; i.e., to more selective applications and reduced rate of dosage with insecticide. The data herein presented are limited in sample size. Specimens were collected over a span of only 4 months and within only a small portion of the total area covered by the spray program. The data are presented solely as an indication of the effects of the Aedes aegypti Eradi- cation Program on wildlife, with the recommendation that studies of this type continue for the duration of the program. The chemic.ll names of compounds mentioned in this paper are: DDT 1.1. 1 -trichIoro-2.2-bis( p-chlorophenyl ) ethane DDD l.l-dlchloro-2.2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane DDE 1 . 1 -dichloro-2,2-bis( p-chlorophenyl ) ethylene BHC 1,2.-^4. 5. 6-hexachlorocyclohexane. mixed isomers Dieldrin not less than 85^- of 1.2.. 6, 7-epoxy-l, 4.4a. 5. 6,7,8, 8a-octahydro-l, 4, fnrfo- c.To-5.8-dimethanonaphthalene Hepiachlor epoxide I.4,,8-heptachloro-2.3-epoxy- .'^a.4.7.7a-tetrahydro-4.7-methanoindan. A cknowledgment The authors are indebted to the Patuxent Wildlife Re- search Center of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife for assist- ance in directing the study, especially to Mr. William H. Stickel and Dr. Lucille F. Stickel, who provided timely direction and assistance in the interpretation of findings. LITERATURE CITED (I) Stickel. Lucille F.. William IL Stickel. and R. Christcn- xen. 1966. Residues of DDT in brains and bodies of birds that died on dosage and in survivors. Science 15U3717):1549-1551. Pesticides Monitoring Journal Pesticides in Hatchery Trout — Differences Between Species and Residue Levels Occurring in Commercial Fish Food H. Cole", A. Bradford-', D. Barry', P. Baiimgarner', and D. E. H. Frear' ABSTRACT Samples of commercial fish food from four manufaclurers and trout of three species, brook, brown, and rainbow, were analyzed for persistent chlorinated pesticides. The trout were in the 8- to 9-inch size range at the time of analysis. Small quantities of heptachlor, heplachlor epo.xide, dicldrin, DDE, ODD (TDE), o,p'-DDT, and p.p'-DDT were found in the fish food. One source contained all of the pesticides except DDD. The trout were analyzed on the basis of chloroform-methanol extractable lipids from the whole fish. The rainbow trout with one exception contained all seven pesticides. The rainbow trout contained greater quantities of all pesticides than the brook or brown trout. The brown trout contained significantly more heplachlor. heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, DDE, and DDD than the brook trout. Introduction VARIOUS investigations have demonstrated the pres- ence of trace quantities of DDT and other persistent chlorinated pesticides in feed stuffs including grains, meat scraps, alfalfa meals, and fish oils. Many of these ingredients are normally included in the manufacture of commercial fish foods used in the production of trout. In the investigation reported here an attempt was made to determine the levels of certain persistent chlorinated pesticides in commercial fish food and the levels of pesticides occurring in trout being fed this food at the Pennsylvania Fish Commission's Benner Spring Research Station. Sampling Methods The fish meal samples were collected from commercial packages of pellets. A 2-lb composite sample of pellets was collected from lots of each of four different manu- facturers. Three species, rainbow (Salmo gairdneri). brown (Salmo trutta), and brook trout (Salvelinus fon- tinalis) were collected from hatchery pools. Seven fish of each species ranging in size from 8 to 9 inches were used for analysis. All three species had been fed the same brand of food (listed in Table 1 as source No. 1 ) ' Pesticide Research Laboratories. Departments of Plant Pathology and Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. (Authorized for publication as paper No. .1265 in the Journal Series of the Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion on May 24, 1967.) - Chief Fishery Pathologist, Pennsylvania Fish Commission, Benner Spring Research Station, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823. in the same manner throughout their growth from the fingerling stage until collected for analysis. Analytical Methods FISH FOOD The samples of food consisting of 2 -lb of pellets were ground in a Wiley Mill. A 100-g subsample of the resulting meal was extracted for 16 hours in a large Soxhiet apparatus with chloroform-methanol (2:1. v/v). The extract was filtered with suction through a Biichner funnel and placed in a flask equipped with a Synder column. This was heated on a steam bath to evaporate the chloroform. Two hundred ml of n-hexane were added to the methanol and after thorough shaking the mixture was washed three times with water to re- move the methanol. The n-hexane extract was then passed through an anhydrous sodium sulfate column to remove the water. The extract was then passed through a column of alumina, Celite, and Nuchar activated carbon (2:1:1). This removed any pigments and other interfering substances. The purified extract was con- centrated in a Kuderna-Danish evaporator to a volume of 2 ml and an aliquot injected into the gas chromato- graph. FISH Each fish was weighed and then macerated in a Waring Blendor with 300 ml of chloroform-methanol (2:1); approximately 100 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate were added during the blending process. The liquid was decanted, and the blending repeated with another 300-mI portion of chloroform-methanol. The extracts and slurry were combined and filtered with suction through filter paper in a Biichner funnel. The filtered extract was then placed in a flask equipped with a Snyder column. This was placed on the steam bath and the chloroform removed. One hundred ml of n-hexane were added, the liquid transferred to a separatory fun- nel and washed three times with 200-ml portions of water to remove the methanol. The washed extract was filtered through anhydrous sodium sulfate, then evaporated to a small volume in a flask on the steam bath and then to dryness with a stream of air at room temperature. Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 35 At this point the residue consisted of lipid material in a semisolid state. Tsvo g of this were weighed into a small separalory funnel and dissolved in 25 ml of petroleum elhcr. This solution was extracted by shaking for 1 minute with 25 ml of acetonitrile saturated with petroleum ether: the acetonitrile layer was drawn off and the lipid solution re-extracted with three additional 25-ml portions of acetonitrile saturated with petroleum ether. The combined acetonitrile extracts were evapo- rated to a small volume and taken up in n-hexane. This was then evaporated in a Kuderna-Danish evaporator to exactly 2 ml and an aliquot injected into the gas chromalograph. Instrumental Procedure All analyses were made on a Research Specialties Gas Chromalograph Model 600, equipped with a 6-foot glass column packed with Gas Chrom Q impregnated with 59c DC-200. An electron capture detector was used in all studies reported in this paper. The column temperature was maintained at 210 C, the detector at 270 C, with a nitrogen flow of 60 ml per minute. Samples of standard solutions were run periodically to check on recovery. All results were calculated on the basis of ppm of pesticide in the 2-g aliquot of lipid material. Thus the results are on a "fat" basis derived from the chloroform-menthanol extractable lipids. Con- sidering the size of sample and analytical method, the minimum level of detectability was considered to be 0.002 ppm. Residue traces less than 0.002 ppm were reported as NR (no residue). The pesticides included for analysis were heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, DDE, DDD (TDE), o.p'-DDT. and p.p'-DDT. The identities of questionable compounds were confirmed with a QF-1 column and by thin layer chromatography. Results Tables I and 2 summarize the findings from analysis of the fish meal and trout samples. The No. 1 food sample was of the same brand that composed the diet of the trout selected for analysis. It contained all the pesticides included for analysis except DDD. All three species of trout contained pesticides. All rain- bow trout samples contained with a few exceptions every pesticide included in the analysis. The rainbow trout contained greater quantiiios of all pesticides than the brook and brown trout I lu hrook and brown trout The chemical names of compuundii mcnlioned in this paper are: DDT 1 , 1 . l-lrichloro-2.2-bis(p^:hlorophenyl ) ethane DDD l.l-<)ichloro-2.2-bis(p.chlorophcnyI)cthane DDE 1 . 1 -dichloro-2,2-bis( p-chlorophcnyl ) ethylene BHC 1,2,-1. 4. 5.6-hexachIorocyclohcxane, mixed isomers Dieldrin not less than 85% of 1.2,3.4. lO.lO-hexachloro- 6-7-epoxy-l,4.4a,,4-0Hdo- fjrr»-5.8-dimethanonaphlhalenc Heptachlor 1.4.5,6.7.8.K-hcpiachloro-3a.4,7.7a-letraliydro- 4.7-mcthanoindenc Heptachlor epoxide l,,8,8-heplachloro-2.3-epoxy-.1a,4,7,7a- tetrahydro,4,7-me(hanoindan did not contain any of the p.p'-DDT isomer. Statistical treatment of the results by analysis of variance and studcntized range test indicated that the rainbow trout contained significantly more (0.05 confidence level) heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, DDE, DDD, o.p'-DDT. and p.p'-DDT than either the brook or brown trout, and that the brown trout contained significantly more heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, DDE, and DDD than the brook trout. The lipids extractable in chloroform-methanol represented about 2.5% of the fresh weight of the fish. Thus, an approximate fresh weight pesticide content may be obtained by dividing the results in Table 2 by a factor of 40. Discussion Previous research has shown that fish vary in their tolerance to pesticides as evidenced by widely different LCr,,, values from species to species (4). It has also been shown that pesticide resistance is present in certain strains of mosquitofish (Gamhiisia affinis) golden shiners (Notemiqonus crysoleucas), green sunfish (Lepomis cyonelliis). bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus). and yellow bullhead (Iclaliinis nalalis) (1-3). It also has been shown that individual lots of fish from different sources vary markedly in their LC.^,, values. For example Marking (4) found that with p.p'-DDT, rainbow trout lots varied from LCr,,, ppb values of 2.4 to 17 and brook trout from 1.8 to 20. In the present study it has been shown that when three species of trout are fed the same diet throughout a prolonged period, the whole body accumulation of certain pesti- cides varies considerably with the species. All trout in the pools from which the samples were selected ap- peared to be in normal health and all trout in the hatchery including breeding stock were being fed the No. 1 brand of fish food. The hatchery at the Research Station has indicated no reproductive problems to date. Analyses of water from sources entering the hatchery have failed to show the presence of pesticides in waters entering the hatchery. It is also of interest that while pesticide residue toler- ances for fish have not been established, the levels found in rainbow trout were above the levels accepted by the FDA for beef fat. It is not known whether the differences between species represent differences in uptake, excretion, or degradation of pesticides. It is also not known how much the diet of the fish may influence uptake and accumulation. How- ever, it appears in the case of DDT at least, degradation abilities between species may vary since the brook and brown trout under the conditions in the study did not contain any p.p'-DDT isomer. At present studies are underway to determine if various genetic lines within species with uniformity for other characters will exhibit uniform differences in pesticide accumulation when fed similar diets. 36 Pesticides Monitoring Journal LITERATURE CITED (/) Boyd, C. E. and E. E. Ferguson. 1964. Susceptibility and resistance of mosquitofish to several insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 57:430-431. (2) Ferguson. D. E. and C. R. Bingham. 1964. Endrin resistance in the yellow bullhead, Iclalurus natalis. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc. 95:325-326. (3) Ferguson, D. £., D. D. CuUey, W. D. Cotton, and R. P. Dodds, 1964. Resistance to chlorinated hydro- carbon insecticides in three species of fresh water fish. Bioscience 14(1 1):43-44. (4) Marking, L. L. 1966. Evaluation of p.p'-DDT as a ref- erence toxicant in bioassays. USDI Resource Publica- tion No. 14:1-10. TABLE 1 . — Pesticides in commercial fish food PPM Food Heptachlor SOURCE Heptachlor EPOXIDE DlELDRIN DDE ODD o,p'-DDT p,p'-DDT 1 0.073 0.014 0.060 0.096 NR 0.305 0.087 2 0.198 NR 0.085 0.315 0.189 NR NR 3 0.101 0.211 NR NR NR NR NR 4 0.031 NR NR 0.016 NR NR NR Notes: Each source represents the product of a different manufacturer. Samples were collected on 3/31/66. NR = Less than 0.002 ppm. TABLE 2. — Pesticides in hatchery trout of three species from Benner Spring Hatchery' PPM 2 Sample Heptachlor No. Species Heptachlor epoxide DlELDRIN DDE DDT o,p'-DDT p,p'-DDT 1 Rainbow 0.5 1.3 0.8 1.3 3.2 1.1 4.0 2 Rainbow 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.3 1.8 1.0 2.7 3 Rainbow 0.4 0.9 0.6 1.0 2.1 0.9 2.7 4 Rainbow 0.5 1.3 0.8 1.3 3.2 1.2 4.0 5 Rainbow 0.7 1.4 0.8 1.4 2.2 0.8 2.8 6 Rainbow 0.4 1.2 0.9 1.3 3.3 0.9 3.5 7 Rainbow 2.8 7.5 0.5 NR 4.4 NR 5.8 Species mean 0.8 2.1 0.7 1.1 2.9 0.8 3.6 8 Brown 0.03 NR 0.05 0.81 1.3 0.02 NR 9 Brown NR NR 0.006 0.34 0.28 NR NR !0 Brown 0.06 NR NR 0.82 1.3 NR NR 11 Brown 0.02 NR NR 0.68 0.81 NR NR 12 Brown 0.08 0.09 NR 0.12 0.19 NR NR 13 Brown 0.003 0.13 O.008 0.20 0.40 NR NR 14 Brown 0.006 0.14 0.03 0.19 0.41 NR NR Species mean 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.45 0.67 0.003 15 Brook 0.48 NR 0.02 0.07 0.68 NR NR 16 Brook NR NR NR 0.45 NR NR NR 17 Brook NR NR NR 0.15 0.24 NR NR 18 Brook NR NR NR NR NR 0.002 NR 19 Brook NR NR 0.10 0.15 0.70 NR NR 20 Brook 0.009 NR NR NR 0.003 NR NR 21 Brook NR NR 0.003 0.05 0.34 NR NR Species mean 0.007 0.002 0.12 0.28 I Fish selected at random from hatchery pool of each species at Benner Spring. All lish in 8- to 9-inch size category. Each sample number represents a single fish. - Based on amount of pesticide in the lipids exiractable by chloroform-methanol. Note: NR = Less than 0.002 ppm. Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 37 PESTICIDES IN WATER Pesticides in Selected Western Streams — A Contribution to the National Program' E. Brown and Y. A. Nishioka ABSTRACT Since October 1965. samples of a waler-suspcndcd sediinenl mixliire from II streams in the western United SlcUcs liave been analyzed montlily for 12 pesticides. The compounds determined include the insecticides aldrin. DDD, DDE, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and lindane; and the herbicides 2,4-D: 2.4.5-T: and silvex. No herbicide was found at any station during the first year of the sampling program. All insecticides were found at one lime or another, but not at all stations. Tlie amounts ob- served were quite snuill, ranging from le.^s than 5 parts per trillion of lindane to 110 parts per trillion of DDT. Inirodiictioii IN the fall of 1965, the U. S. Geological Survey initiated a limited program of pesticide monitoring on 1 1 streams in the western United States, selected from the Survey's program of water-quality studies of irrigation-network sites. Purpose of the program was to determine the extent and magnitude of pesticide contamination. To accomplish this, the streams were analyzed initially for nine of the more commonly used insecticides; analysis for herbicides was begun later in the program. Insecti- cides chosen for analysis included aldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, dieldrin. endrin, heptachlor. heptachlor epoxide, and lindane. The herbicides consisted of 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T; anil silvex. Pesticides selected for analysis were chosen mainly from the primary list of pesticide compounds established in March 1964 by the Subcommittee on Monitoring, Fed- eral fommittee on Pest Control. Data Collection Sites In selecting the actual sampling sites, consideration was given to the following criteria: (I) each station should be a designated or operating U. S. Geological Survey irrigation-network location; (2) where practical, each station should be considered as one of the sites for the minimum national pesticide monitoring program recom- ' Water Resources Division. U. S. Geological Survey, Sncr.imento. California 95KI4. (Puhlication auihorized by Ihc Director. U. S. GcoloKical Survey). mended by the Federal Committee on Pest Control; (3) each site should be one at which other types of data are being obtained; (4) no station should overlap the activities of other agencies. It was felt that irrigation- network stations were highly desirable because: (1) several years of record of inorganic water quality and stream discharge are available; and (2) these stations represent mainly agricultural areas where the proba- bility of observing pesticide residues would be greater. Stations selected for sampling are listed in Table 1 and their location shown in Fig. I. Complete hydrologic TABLE I. — Pesticide monitoring stations in western United Stales Irri- Geological gation Survey Inorganic NETWORK STATION analysis NO.l IDENT. NO. Stream and location STARTED 4 6-8070 Missouri River at Nebraska City. Neb. 1-4-51 24 7-1305 Arl Date Time (CFS) < Q Q " Q w I X .J Dais Time (CFS) IRRIC. NET. NO. 52— USGS NO. 8-4625 RIO GRANDE BELOW ANZALDUAS DAM, TEX.— Continued 04/15/66 9:. 10 A 300 — — — — — — — — — — — — 05/17/66 9:30A 280 — 10 10 — — 40 15 - 10 — — — 06/16/66 8:30A 2,500 - - — - — 25 - — - — — — 07/12/66 8:00A 7,950 - 15 - 50 10 — — — — — — — 08/15/66 9:00A 900 - — 10 — — — - — 5 — — — 09/16/66 I:OOP 12.360 - 10 — — — — — — — — — — IRRIG. NET. NO. 63— USGS NO. 9-5255 COLORADO RIVER (YUMA MAIN CANAL) AT YUMA, ARIZ. 10/12/65 I0:30A 502 — — — — — — — — — nd nd nd 12/01/65 2:00P 239 — — — — — — — — — nd nd nd 01/05/66 IO:OOA 161 - - — — - — - 5 - nd nd nd 02/01/66 IrOOP 239 — — — — — — — — — nd nd nd 03/02/66 9: 30 A 616 — — — 70 5 — — — 5 nd nd nd 04/06/66 11:00A 216 — — — — — — — — 5 — — — 05/03/66 I:30P 687 — — 5 — — — — — 5 — — — 06/02/66 3:30P 661 — — 10 — — 15 — 90 — — — — 07/05/66 9:30A 557 — — — — — — — — — — — — 08/08/66 9:0OA 560 — — — — — — — — — — — — 09/01/66 9:0OA 671 - — - - — — — — — — — — IRRIC. NET. NO. 86a— USGS NO. 11^255 SACRAMENTO RIVER AT VERONA, CALIFORNIA Oct. 1965 No sample 11/29/65 lOiOOA 23,400 — — — — — — — — — nd nd nd 12/17/65 10:05A 20,000 — — — — — — — — — nd nd nd 01/06/66 10:OOA 39,600 — — — — — — 5 — nd nd nd 02/04/66 3: OOP 29,900 — — — — — — — — — nd nd nd 03/03/66 in:2nA l«,90fl -- — — — 10 — — 5 5 nd nd nd 04/01/66 2:00P 24,600 — — — — — — — — 5 — — — 05/02/66 9:30A 11,700 — — — — 5 — — — 5 — — 06/03/66 1I:OOA 8,390 — — — — — — — — "" 07/05/66 lOiOOA 8,940 — — — — — — — 08/16/66 9:0OA 10.700 — 10 — — — Sept. 1966 No sample IRIG. NET. NO. 94— USGS NO. 12-5105 YAKIMA RIVER AT KIONA, WASH. 10/11/65 1:15? 2,100 _ _ _ nd nd nd Nov 1 z si m 2 z ii H a in n o< < o: 15 O 3 u oU If >■ H 5" 01 u is u .J Aldrin DDD DDE DDT Dieldrin Endrin Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Lindane 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 S 1 2 2 2 5 2 1 5 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 I 1 2 3 5 4 1 5 3 4 2 8 -> 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 13 18 14 29 7 14 20 46 Totals 16 22 20 16 14 32 10 8 13 7 7 165 46 Pesticides Monitoring Journal Persistence and Movement of Parathion in Irrigation Waters^ C. W. Miller , W. E. Tomlinson. and R. L. Norgren ABSTRACT The occurrence, persistence, and movement of parathion (0,0-dielliyl 0-p-nilroplienyl pliospliorolliioate) in cranberry bog irrigation waters was investigated. Tlie chemical was found to persist for 96 hours at concentrations known to be toxic to certain aquatic organisms. Movement of the cliemi- cal from the irrigation waters to an associated water system was also demonstrated to occur; liowever, tlie degree of con- centration and persistence was not as great as williin llic bog area. Introduction APPLICATION of parathion to cranberry bogs, either by heHcopter or through overhead often made with water impounded in the irrigation ditches. In such a situation it is impossible to avoid deposition of the chemical into these waters. As a result, a possible pollution problem exists since seepage of these waters through leaky floodgates often occurs, and, in the advent of heavy precipitation shortly after application, the water level must be lowered by draining to prevent prolonged soil saturation or flooding which is injurious to the cranberry vines. For these reasons, the following investigation was undertaken. Materials and Methods A section of cranberry bog measuring 2900 ft- was treated with parathion at a rate equal to 1 lb/ acre. The treated area was completely surrounded by an irrigation ditch 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep. Water for this ditch University of Massachusetts, Cranberry Experiment Station, E. Wareham. Massachusetts 02538. Present address; U. S Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries, Biological Laboratory, Sabine Island, Gulf Breeze, Fla. 32561. was pumped from an adjacent pond up through a drain- age canal a distance of 200 yards. The bog and the irrigation ditch surrounding it are separated from the drainage canal by a roadway 15 feet wide, the waters passing beneath the roadway in a culvert. A floodgate on the bog impounded the water in the irrigation ditch when the water level was approximately 1 to 2 inches below the bog surface. At this time, the pumping of water to the bog ceased and the water in the drainage canal allowed to recede to its normal level. When this happened, the level of the impounded irrigation water was approximately l'/2 feet higher than that of the drainage canal. The chemical was applied to the test area through overhead sprinklers when the irrigation ditch was full and the waters impounded. The sprinkler's pattern was such that no chemical-containing waters fell in the drainage canal, but deposition did occur in the irriga- tion water. Slight runoff of this application water from the bog surface into the irrigation water was observed. During the sampling period, seepage of the irrigation water through the floodgate occurred, lowering the level approximately 8 inches. Two 1 -liter water samples were collected, from each of two locations, from the irrigation waters prior to appli- cation (controls), immediately following application, and every 24 hours thereafter for a period of 96 hours. In addition, similar samples were collected from the drainage canal at the point where the seeping irrigation water mixed with the canal waters (bog-canal junction), and at 50 and 150 yards down from this point using the same sampling sequence as above. Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 47 The experiment was repeated, with 14 days elapsed time between the first and second experiment. Data re- ported herein represent the mean of the two experiments. Extraction ol the water samples was by the method of Teasley and Cox (31 Recovery from fortified samples average Si'"c . and all data have been corrected for this recovery value. Indentification and quantitation was made by gas-liquid chromatography using a Varian Aerograph model 204 equipped with an electron capture detector. Level of sensitivity was 0.1 ppb. Confirmation was made by thin layer chromatography. The samples were spotted on silica gel-coated plates and developed in chloroform containing 0.7C^ ethyl alcohol. Parathion was resolved by spraying with palladium ammonium chloride (0.5 g palladium ammonium chloride and 2 ml cone. HCL in 98 ml distilled water). Re.sidls and Discussion Samples from the irrigation ditch collected immediately after application contained considerable quantities of parathion (Table 1). The concentration of chemical de- creased sharply (929f ) after 24 hours, with a subse- quent reduction of approximately 50% for each suc- ceeding sample until, after 96 hours, the level was 5 ppb. TABLE 1. — Parathion concentralions. in ppb. in impounded irrigation waters and associated drainage waters following treatment of a cranberry bog' Location Time (hours) 0 = 24 48 72 96 Irrigation ditcti 750.0 60.0 25.0 10.0 5.0 (650-850) (50-75) (10-35) (5-20) (1-9) Drainaee canal-bog 30.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 junction (15.45) (2.8) (0.6-1.5) 50 yards down from 0.0 , 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 junction (0.1-0.5) 150 yards down 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 from junction (0.08-0.14) ' Values reported are the mean of two separate tests with two samples per lesl. Figures in parentheses represented the range of the four analyses. -■ Immediately following application. It is possible that the high residue value obtained in the samples taken immediately after application is a result of the chemical being somewhat stratified and not uni- formly distributed throughout the irrigation waters — the lower concentration detected after 24 hours being a result of mixing and dilution rather than actual loss. Santo and Kubo (2) have reported that only trace amounts of parathion could be lound in irrigation waters 7 days after application to a rice paddy. The results reported herein closely correlate with their findings. In the associated drainage canal, the presence of para- thion at a concentration of .10 ppb was also demon- strated. This indicated that the water seeping through the floodgate introduced the chemical into the untreated area, the difTerence in concentration between the two areas being a result of dilution. After 24 hours the con- centration in the canal-bog junction had decreased to 3.0 ppb, the rate of disappearance being approximately the same as that in the irrigation waters. At this time the chemical was also detected at the locations 50 and 150 yards down from the junction and, although in lesser amounts, demonstrates movement away from the point of application. By the end of 48 hours, parathion could be detected only at the canal-bog junction and by 72 hours the chemical, if present, was below the level of sensitivity. The presence of parathion in aquatic environments has been shown to cause undesirable effects in the associated biota. Mulla el al. (I) reported a high degree of mor- tality for mosquito fish [Gamhusia affinis Baird and Girard) in shallow ponds treated with parathion at rates of 1 and 0.4 lb/ acre. A 24-hour exposure to a concen- tration of 65 ppb parathion caused 50% mortality in a population of sheepshead minnows (Cyprinndnn varie- i;atiis I.acepede). and a similar mortality value was re- corded for the brown shrimp (Peiuuiis aztecus Ives) following a 24-hour exposure to only 5.5 ppb parathion (4). It is evident, therefore, that introduction of parathion into non-target areas can occur under the conditions described and at concentrations which could be harmful to certain aquatic organisms. One solution to the problem would be to remove all waters from the bog area prior to chemical application. Where this is not feasible, lowering the water level in the hog to a point where a sudden heavy rain would not necessitate drain- ing to prevent vine injury, and insuring absolute water- tight floodgates will greatly lessen the chances of un- intentional pollution. AcknowJedgmenl This work was supported, in part, b\ funds provided by the U. S. Department of the Interior as authorized under the Water Resources Act of 1964, Public Law 88-379. LITERATURE CITED (1) Mulla. M. S.. J. O. Keith, and F. ,4. Ounther. 1966. Pcsistciice and biological effects of parathion residues in waterfowl habitats. J. Econ. Entomol. ."^Q: 1085-1090. I2) .Santo. R. and II. Kubo. 1965. The water pollution caused by organo-phosphoriis insecticides in Japan. Proc. Second Itit. Water Polliit. Res. Conf. Tokyo. 1964. Pergamon Press, New York, N. Y. p. 95-99. (.?) 7(Yj.v/(v, J. I. and W. S. Co.x. 1963. Determination of pesticides in water by micro-coulometric gas chromatog- raphy after liquid-liquid extraction. J. Anicr. Water Works Ass. 5.'i:I09Vl()96. (4) I'esiicide-Wildliie Stmlies. 1963. U. S. Department of the Interior Circ. 199. 48 PiiSTiciOKS MoNiroRiNG Journal GENERAL Systemic Activity of Zectran, Matacil, and Bidrin Injected Into Conifer Trunks John E. Larson', G. R. Pieper', and H. C. Ratsch" ABSTRACT Three insecticides — Zeclran® [4-{dimethylamino) 3,5-xyIyl methyl carbamate], Matacil® {4-{dimcthylainino}-m-tolyl melliylcarbtiinatc], and Bidrin® (3-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl- cis-crolonamide dimethyl phosphate) — were tested for sys- temic activity using spruce budworm as a bioassay organism. The materials were injected into the trunks of Douglas fir and grand fir trees of varying sizes. In small Douglas fir trees (3 feet or less), movement was sufficient, and liigli mortality resulted from the injection of these three compounds at rates of 40 and 200 mg per tree. In larger trees (5 to 8 feet) treated with 0.2 to 1.0 g of these chemicals per tree, only Matacil and Bidrin yielded high mortality. Bidrin gave a higher percentage kill than Matacil 10 and 17 days after treatment. But after 38 days, Matacil treatments resulted in liigher percentage kill than did Bidrin treatments. Foliage and wood were analyzed for residues of Zectran and Matacil. Foliage residue levels of 50 ppm and more were consistently found for Matacil. Foliage residue levels of Zectran did not exceed 21 ppm in large trees but reached 308 ppm in the small-tree test. Analysis of trunk sections at points of injection revealed concentrations as high as 8.460 ppm of Zeclran. Poor results with Zectran were probably the result of its partitioning into the oleoresin of tree trunks. THE U. S. Forest Service has underway an extensive research program aimed at finding safer, more specific chemical treatments for controlling destructive forest insects (1). As part of this program, aerial spray tests with the carbamate Zectran were held on the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana in 1965 and 1966. The target insect was the spruce budworm [Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)], an important defoliator. Along with the aerial test in 1966, a study was also made of three systemic insecticides injected into tree trunks. Zectran has previously shown systemic activity when applied to the soil (2). Besides Zectran. Matacil and Bidrin were also tested. Matacil is a close analog Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bertieley. California 94701. Commissioned Corps. U. S. Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226. of Zectran. Bidrin has been reported to have systemic action in controlling the European elm bark beetle [Scolytus miiltistriatus (Marsham)], vector of the Dutch elm disease (3) and of sawfly larvae [Diprion similis (Hartig)] in eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) (4). Methods and Materials The test site on the Bitterroot National Forest consisted primarily of young Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga inenziesii (Mirh) Franco] and grand fir [Ahies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl.] at 5,000 to 6,000 feet elevation. Trunk injections were made in two ways: (a) in trees less than 5 feet, a small hole was drilled and a tight-fitting glass tube was inserted; (b) in larger trees, a Mauget injector was used (5). Silicone rubber, diluted in heptane, was used to form a leak-proof seal where either device was inserted into the tree. Normally, Mauget capsules are compressed. But in our earlier tests in Montana, there were too many leaks when the capsules were compressed — even with the silicone rubber seals. Therefore, the Mauget injectors were used as gravity feeds by drilling a smaller hole in the lid. In later tests, in which smaller volumes of insecticide solution were uesd, the Mauget capsules were compressed successfully. Nearly all spruce budworm larvae used in the tests were reared at the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, Calif., (Lyon. R. L.. C. Richmond, and K, Pennington, unpublished data) where they were fed on artificial media. However, spruce budworms obtained in the test area were used during one period in June. The budworms were caged for 5 days before final ob- servations were made. Two cages per tree were first used, but later as many as eight were used. As soon as evidence of budworm mortality was noted in any of these cages, additional cages were placed on the tree to increase sampling accuracy. Zectran was applied as a 20% or 30% solution in acetone: Matacil, as a 20% solution in acetone; and Bidrin, as the technical form (7.9 lbs/gal or 79% w/w). Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1967 49 The foliage and wood samples for residue analysis of Zectran and Malacil were eoliected August 10. 1966, and stored in a eoldroom (35 F) at Berkeley until they were prepared for analysis. Foliage samples were analyzed as described by Pieper and Miskus (6). The wood samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen, then pul- verized to pass a 30-mesh screen. Fach 3-g sample was extracted four times with 30-ml portions of benzene for 10 minutes. After each e.Mraciion. the benzene was decanted and filtered through glass wool with a small amount of anhydrous Na.jSO,. To determine the water solubilities of Zectran and Matacil. each material in excess (about 20 mg Zectran and 100 mg Malacil) was added to 100 ml water and adjusted to pH 7.0 by adding three drops of Beckman 3581 concentrated buffer solution. The mixture was shaken for 21 hours, and excess insecticide was removed by filtration through a Whatman #1 filter and a #245 Nalgene filter unit (0.45 micron pores). To the Zectran solution was added 10 ml saturated NaHCO;j. thereby raising the pH to 9.7. The solution was then extracted three times with 30-ml portions of benzene. The Matacil solution was diluted a thousandfold with acetone and analyzed directly by microcoulometric analysis for combusted nitrogen. A partition coefficient for Zectran between oleoresin and water was determined, using ponderosa pine (Finns ponderosa Laws.) oleoresin. Five g of oleoresin and 15 ml of double-distilled water were introduced into a 30-ml Squibb-type separatory funnel. To this amount 0.1 mc of Zectran (carbonyl-C") (specific activity of 6.3 mc/mmole) in 5 jxX of methyl cellosolve was added. After 3 minutes of shaking, the funnel was spun in an International centrifuge (size 2 240 Head) to partially separate the tight emulsion formed between the water and the oleoresin. The water phase was next spun at 97.550 X I.' for 30 min in a Spinco Ultracentrifuge (Model L. #40 Head). An insignificant number of oleoresin droplets remained in the water phase. One ml aliquots of the water phase and 0.1 ml aliquots of the oleoresin dissolved in toluene were added lo a PPO- POPOP-naphthalcne-dioxane cocktail and counted in a Packard Tri-Carb liquid scintillation counter. Results and Discussion Before the field test in Montana. Zectran and other chemicals had been injected into the trunks of small (less than 12 inches tall) white fir {A. concolor (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl.] in a greenhouse study at Berkeley. The Zectran treatments resulted in high percentage kill for 9 weeks. The degree of kill with Bidrin was less than that with Zeclran. Applied topically to spruce bud- worms, Zectran and Matacil were about equally toxic, and both were nearly twice as toxic as Bidrin. (Lyon. R. L. persimal tuniiniinicaiion. April 1966). Zectran was 50 next tried in Montana in a large-scale field test on Douglas fir on May 27, 1966. The trees were divided into four sizes with three different concentrations of Zectran and three replications per treatment. The first spruce budworm bioassay. 2 weeks later, showed poor kill. In mid-June, a light, natural infestation was found in all but two of the treated trees. Although some scat- tered bioassays of these trees were made later, this test generally resulted in a low degree of mortality. There was incomplete uptake of the Zectran solution in about half the treatments. Bioassay data from these trees had no validity. In the other treatments where uptake was complete, spruce budworm mortality was still unsatis- factory. The most likely reason for this failure was the cool wet weather during June that did not favor rapid transpiration rates. Warm dry weather conducive to good transpiration prevailed from June 27 to July 18. 1966. Several trunk injections of Bidrin. Matacil. and Zectran were made during this period on Douglas fir and on grand fir that ranged from 5 to 8 feet tall. These tests showed clearly that Bidrin and Matacil gave superior results while re- sults with Zectran were mediocre (Table 1). No phytotoxicity resulted from these treatments. In two of the tests, both the compressed Mauget capsules and the gravity-type feed were used. There was low mortality in Zectran-treated trees whether the capsules were com- pressed or not. Results with Bidrin- and Matacil-treated trees were sometimes mediocre when the capsules were compressed — a finding different from what had been expected. Residue data from Zectran-treated trees indicated very poor movement of the chemical from the point of in- jection, resulting in generally low budworm mortality TABLE I. — Moilality of spruce budworm on 5- to 8-feet tall Douglas fir and grand fir resulting from three trunk- injected insecticides Appli- cation (G/TREE) Repli- cations (No.) Percent mortality > (DAYS after treatment) Chemical 3 10 17 24 38 ZECTRAN 1.0 4 — 33 31 30 14 ZECTRAN 0.6 9 0 25 39 44 — ZECTRAN 0.2 2 — — — 20 — MATACIl, 1.0 2 — — 57 89 92 MATACIL 0.2 2 — — — 62 — niDRIN 1.0 5 — 100 82 82 73 BIDRIN 0.2 4 — — — 82 — CONIROL — 4 0 0 0 0 0 Based upon a 5-d;i.v exposure of an aveiacc of 12 spruce budwornis (range: 6-24). Pt^sTKiDEs Monitoring Journal TABLE 2. — Chenucal residues from 10 injected trees and results of spruce budwonn bioassy on foliage Residues (ppm) Original AMOUNT Height Trunk OF TREE Date OF Tree TION Final 4 FEET AT AT POI 3 No. Chemical (G/TREE) (FEET) TREAIMENT BEOASSAY ' Foliage ABOVE POI - POI» (Percent) 1 ZECTRAN 7.15 13.8 5/27 6/8 21.1 4.3 8460 51 2 ZECTRAN 7.15 13.0 5/27 2/6 — 2.7 4170 23 3 ZECTRAN i.y 5.0 6/27 1/6 7.1 0.0 2820 20 4 ZECTRAN 1.0 5.9 6/27 1/8 1.9 1.1 1900 12 5 MATACIL I.O 6.0 6/27 6/6 753.0 323.0 456 4.2 6 MATACIL 1.0 6.6 6/27 6/7 50.5 10.5 2320 15 7 ZECTRAN 1.5 10.2 7/6 3/7 1.8 0.0 2770 41 8 ZECTRAN 0.6 8.2 7/18 6/6 T-6 6.0 2470 25 9 ZECTRAN 0.6 7.5 7/18 0/8 r '^n .10.1 2.0 2670 34 10 ZECTRAN 0.6 7.0 7/18 0/7 r '■'"! L 10.4 _ 67.5 1550 24 Made within 1 week of August 10, 1966, when foliage and wood samples were collected. T- , No. of dead budworm found after a 5-day exposure Fraction represents: ■ 1 ^i Total No. of budworm found after the 5-day exposure POI = Point of injection. Wood samples collected were 4-mch sections. Chemical remaining in the 4-inch section. First figure is residue in top one-third ot crown; second figure is residue in bottom one-third. (Table 2). From the residues of the eight Zectran- treatecJ trees, a large amount of Zectran was founci in the 4-inch section at the point of injection. In one instance, 75 days after application, 51% of the original amount placed there still remained (Tree 1, Table 2). At the 4-inch section 4 feet above this point, only 6 ppm or less (with the exception of tree #10) was found. There was a slight accumulation of Zectran found in the com- parable foliage samples from these trees. This condition indicates high retention at the point of injection and implies very little movement in the transpiration stream. These residues were 99% free, unmetabolized Zectran. The bioassay data (Table 2) for trees #1 and #8 sug- gest rather high toxicity of Zectran to budworm. These bioassays were completed only 3 days before the residue samples were collected. This anomaly may be attributed to the too few caging sites used for the insect. In trees 8, 9, and 10 it is evident that the lower one-third of the crown received more Zectran than did the upper one- third. These results suggest the importance of the loca- tion of the cages during the bioassay, and they suggest the likely pattern occurring in the crown from trunk- injected materials. Homogeneity was and probably will always be difficult to attain. The distribution pattern of Matacil in tree #5 would seem to answer the question; "What distribution of the chemical in trees is sought in trunk-injected systemic in- secticides?" The relatively small amount remaining at the point of injection (4.2% of the original amount in- jected) showed much less retention than was true of Zectran. The superior movement of Matacil in the trans- piration stream is strongly indicated by the presence of 323 ppm 4 feet up from the point of injection and by the high accumulation in the foliage (753 ppm). With this type pattern, much less chemical would give satis- factory results. That variations occurred even with Matacil was apparent in the pattern in tree #6, which showed an intermediate pattern between Matacil-treated tree #5 and the Zectran-treated trees. But even here, 50 ppm in the foliage gave a high kill. To explain these differences in the behavior of these two carbamates, their chemical and physical differ- ences mav be considered. Matacil had superior mo- bility in the transpiration stream. In these tests, pene- tration of the bark, of course, was not necessary because both chemicals were injected directly into the sapwood of the trees. The formulations were the same (20% w/v in acetone), although in certain instances Zectran was 30% w/v in acetone. When the wood sec- tions were cut for analysis, a large ring of discolora- tion appeared in the wood around the point of injection. This ring of discoloration was also in control trees re- VoL. 1, No. 2, September 1967 51 ceiving only acetone, and so it can be assumed that the discoloration was due to the solvent, acetone. If it is assumed that Zectran and Matacil were carried with acetone throughout these rings of discoloration, then both insecticides were exposed to considerable resin of the ray parenchyma of Douglas fir and grand fir. In Douglas fir, this region of discoloration would also include the olcoresin of the resin canals. True firs of the genus A hies do not normally have resin canals but may form them in response to wounding. Whether this happened to the grand fir trees in this study is not known. The above consideration would suggest that the more lipophilic compound tended to partition into the lipid phase, i.e.. the resin and oieoresin. That this may have happened for Zectran is further substantiated by its low water solubility. 100 ppm. and by the fact that its par- tition coefficient between oieoresin and water was 80:1. The fact that this partitioning into the lipid phase was not so likely with Matacil is substantiated by its greater TABLE 3. — Morlality of spruce biidwonn' after trunk injections of insecticides into small Douglas fir trees Appli- cations (MG/ TREE) Repli- cations (No.) Percent mortality (DAYS after treatment) Chemical 13 20 27 ZECTRAN 200 2 100 57 100 ZECTRAN 40 1 — 75 100 BIDRIN 200 2 100 100 100 BIDRIN 40 I — 75 75 MATACIL 200 2 75 100 88 MATACIL 40 1 — 65 100 CONTROL — 2 0 0 0 Based upon a 5-day exposure to an average of six spruce budworms. water solubility (1200 ppm). No determination of its partition coefficient between oieoresin and water has been made as yet. Since Bidrin is miscible in water, it is assumed that it would not be tightly bound in the lipid phase. The low water solubility of Zectran cannot necessarily be held responsible for its poor ascent in the larger trees. Herbicides with very low water solubilities, such as diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea] (42 ppm), simazine |2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-5- triazine] (3.5 ppm), and others exert their toxic action only after ascending in the transpiration stream. Chemically, the only difference between Zectran and Matacil is the presence of -CH-, groups in both meta positions of the benzene ring in Zectran, with only one meta position being occupied by a -CH, group in the case of Matacil. The remainders of both compounds are identical. The single difference chemically does not affect their toxicity to spruce budworm (i.e., by topical application) (Lyon, R. L.. personal communication. April 1966). The differences noted in this study when both chemicals were trunk-injected, seem to be related to their different physical characteristics reflected in their partition coefficients between oieoresin and water. The foregoing results and discussion of these tests con- ducted on trees 5 to 8 feet tall gave fairly uniform re- sults and plausible conclusions. However, a final test was made in which nine small Douglas fir (less than 3 feet tall) were injected with Zectran. Matacil, and Bidrin. An attempt was made to duplicate the results from the earlier, previously mentioned greenhouse test conducted in Berkeley. Of the nine trees, six each re- ceived 200 mg of each of the three compounds — Zectran, Matacil. and Bidrin. One tree treated by each chemical at this rate was potted and watered regularly to determine if low soil moisture impeded transpiration. Three of the nine trees were injected at the rate of 40 mg of each chemical per tree. All chemicals performed well at either concentration, and the watering had no effect (Table 3). TABLE 4. — Residue analysis of two small Douglas fir injected witli Zectran and Matacil Dosage TREE (MO.) Heighi Of TREE (INCHES) Final uioassay 1 Residue (ppm) Distance of trunk sections above soil level (inches) Chemical 0-1 POI = 12-15 Top 10 inches Foliage » ZECTRAN MATACIL 200 200 34.5 26.0 4/4 4/4 23 92 3720 2480 403 113 2 595 131 (308) 437 (631) Made wilhin 1 week of August 10. 1966. when foliage and wood samples wcie cDlkciid. The fraciicin represents: No. of dead budworm found after a 5-day exposure Total No. budworm found after the 5-day exposure. ' P2 <^ 0.3 0,7 0.2 0.7 n.i <0.03 — 0.1 — — 1.1 AvcraKc' 0.042 0.066 0.026 0.042 0.036 0.007 0.004 0.001 0.0O2 0.001 Standard Deviation' 0.278 0.358 0.264 0.138 0.110 0.049 0.042 0.010 0.045 0.013 95% Con Odcncc Limiii ±0.005 ±0.006 ±0.005 ±0,002 ±0.002 ±0.0009 ±0.0007 ±0.0002 ±0.0008 ±0.0002 'All Hinpic] were used to calculate the averages, standard deviations, and confidence limits. 4 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 6. — Percent distribution of residues, by fiscal year and product class, in different quantitative ranges Percent Distribution of Positive Samples Ranoe Fluid Milk Manufactured Dairy Products (PPM) (FAT BASIS) Domestic Domestic Imported 1964 1965 1966 1964 1965 1966 1964 1965 1966 I. ALL RESIDUES T-0.03 41.5 44.5 49.7 43.5 48.3 47.8 44.0 35.8 42.9 0.04-0.10 26.6 25.7 24.8 28.7 24.4 26.4 22.9 31.1 25.4 0.11-0.50 27.6 26.2 22.0 26.0 25.3 24.5 27.7 24.3 26.6 0.51-1.00 3.3 2.7 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.1 2.4 3.8 4.3 1.01-1.50 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.1 2.4 1.3 0.5 1.51-2.00 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.04 0.05 0.1 0.4 >2.00 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.04 0.5 3.4 0.3 II. DDT T-0.03 35.1 50.5 60.1 38.1 53.5 57.5 28.2 23.3 35.6 0.04-0.10 34.3 25.0 18.4 27.9 14.9 15.5 33.3 27.9 14.9 0.11-0.50 25.7 20.8 16.5 31.5 28.3 25.9 23.1 34.9 46.0 0.51-1.00 3.2 2.3 2.6 2.0 2.7 1.1 5.1 7.0 3.4 1.01-1.50 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.6 10.3 2.3 1.51-2.00 0.3 0.8 >2.00 1.2 0.6 1.1 0.2 4.7 III. DDE T-0.03 43.4 45.2 44.4 42.9 40.8 45.3 54.1 43.9 34.2 0.04-0.10 27.3 25.5 26.0 28.7 26.6 27.5 22.9 29.8 25.2 0.11-0.50 25.8 25.3 24.8 26.2 29.9 24.5 23.0 19.3 32.4 0.51-1.00 2.8 3.3 2.2 2.0 2.3 2.0 3.5 7.2 1.01-1.50 0.4 0.4 1.5 0.4 0.3 1.8 1.1 1.51-2.00 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.3 >2.00 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.8 IV. TDE T-0.03 55.1 52.2 56.1 50.3 44.2 43.3 44.0 50.0 48.9 0.04-0.10 25.3 30.9 25.1 29.4 31.0 31.7 8.0 20.6 27.7 0.11-0.50 17.9 14.1 15.3 18.7 22.9 23.3 40.0 11.8 19.1 0.51-1.00 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 4.0 2.9 4.3 1.01-1.50 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.4 4.0 2.9 1.51-2.00 0.2 0.2 2.9 >2.00 0.2 1.0 1.3 8.8 V. DIELDRIN T-0.03 37.8 39.2 36.0 37.4 38.3 42.2 51.7 45.9 47.6 0.04-0.10 26.2 25.8 27.8 35.7 28.2 34.7 37.9 43.2 45.2 0.11-0.50 30.2 31.0 33.8 24.8 32.4 23.1 10.3 8.1 4.8 0.51-1.00 5.0 3.7 1.8 1.2 0.8 2.7 1.01-1.50 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 2.4 1.51-2.00 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 > 0.5 0.3 0.2 VI. HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE T-0.03 30.5 28.7 45.0 37.9 53.8 30.0 57.1 33.3 33.3 0.04-0.10 22.9 26.1 37.9 27.9 22.5 39.0 28.6 16.7 33.3 0.11-0.50 40.5 41.1 17.0 33.4 23.4 31.0 14.3 50.0 33.3 0.51-1.00 4.5 3.2 0.2 0.7 0.3 1.01-1.50 0.8 0.9 1.51-2.00 0.6 >2.00 0.1 VII. BHC T-0.03 30.2 71.5 85.5 45.0 60.6 72.0 24.1 23.1 29.7 0.04-0.10 28.1 21.1 9.0 20.2 29.1 10.8 10.3 38.5 24.3 0.11-0.50 34.4 7.4 5.1 33.7 7.3 17.2 58.6 33.3 37.8 0.51-1.00 5.2 1.1 3.0 6.9 5.1 8.1 1.01-1.50 2.1 0.4 1.51-2.00 >2.0U Vol. 1, No. 3, December, 1967 TABLE 6. — Percent dislrihiilion of residues, by fiscal year and product class, hi difjcrciit quantitative ranges — Continued " Percent Distribution of Positive Samples Range Fluid Milk Manufactured Dairy Products (PPM) (FAT BASIS) Domestic Domestic Imported 1964 1965 1966 1964 1965 1966 1964 1965 1466 VIII. LINDANE T-0.03 67.2 66.1 54.4 65.6 84.7 40.0 52.9 28.6 94.1 0.04-0.10 24.5 24.2 10.5 22.9 10.6 20.0 17.6 42.9 0.11-0.50 7.5 9.7 26.3 10.2 4.7 20.0 23.5 28.6 5.9 OJl-1.00 0.8 7.0 1.3 13.3 1.01-1.50 1.8 6.7 1.51-2.00 >2.0C 5.9 IX. ALDRIN T-0.03 55.6 86.7 81.8 100 100 91.7 96.3 0.04-0.10 44.4 6.7 8.2 8.3 3.7 0.11-O.50 6.7 10.0 0.51-1.00 1.01-1.50 1.51-2.00 >2.00 X. HEPTACHLOR T-0.03 57.9 55.6 80.0 83.3 100 0.04-0.10 20.9 ll.I 20.0 8.3 100 0.11-0.50 19.4 22.2 8.3 0.51-1.00 11. 1 1.01-1.50 1.51-2.00 >2.00 XI. METHOXYCHLOR T-0.03 20.0 26.9 38.7 33.3 100 0.04-0.10 68.0 23.1 6.5 33.3 40.0 0.11-0.50 8.0 46.2 25.8 33.3 60.0 0.51-1.00 4.0 16.1 1.01-1.50 3.8 3.2 1.51-2.00 6.5 >2.00 3.2 Discussion From Table I, it is obvious that within the broad geo- graphic sections, the samples were reasonably related to milk production. The relationship was more variable on an individual State basis. In our opinion, there were enough samples collected over a wide geographic range reasonably proportionate to milk production to consider the findings representative of residues in fluid milk and other dairy products during the 3-year period. Over hait of all samples contained one or more residues. No geographic division was free of residues. The inci- dence of residues in the East North Central States was less than half that in most of the country, and the inci- dence of residues in the adjoining West North Central States was also significantly lower. The incidence of resi- dues in the other four ^;eographic divisions — 68.0, 74.2, 74.3, and 77.6% — was not significantly different. Although almost half of the samples were collected during FY l'./64, the number of samples collected each year was considered large enough to yield significant results. The data show beyond question that a majority of the milk and other dairy products marketed in the United Slates contain detectable quantities of one or more pes- ticide chemicals. Almost half of the lots examined con- tained more than one pesticide residue. The incidence of residues reported was lower in FY 1964 than in FY 1965 or 1966. The closer relationship between the 1965 and 1966 findings suggests that either there was a significant increase in residues in milk or the labo- ratories were more proficient in detecting residues. We believe the latter is the most logical explanation, because 1964 was the initial year of the program and the first year that gas chromatography was in general use. In our opinion, there has been no significant change in the inci- dence of residues during this period. The pesticide chemicals shown in Table 3 were found each year and in each commodity grouping, which is not I'EsriciDES Monitoring Journal surprising. The order of frequency varies slightly, but not by order of magnitude. DDE and TDE are metabo- lites of DDT, and their presence in milk is to be expected. The incidence of dieldrin residues in domestic samples is almost double that found in imported products. The incidence of BHC residues in domestic products is about half that found in imported products. The findings on heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide are noteworthy in their very low incidence in imported products and the frequent occurrence of heptachlor epoxide in domestic milk fat. Heptachlor and aldrin are metabolized and normally excreted in the milk as heptachlor epoxide and dieldrin, respectively. The low incidence of heptachlor and aldrin suggests analytical error, external contamina- tion after milking, or incomplete conversion to the epoxide. We are inclined toward the latter two possibili- ties because of positive findings in several different labo- ratories in each year and confirmation in the total diet samples. The 95% confidence ranges for the averages for each chemical shown in Table 5 are rather narrow. Specific attention is directed to the averages of dieldrin and hep- tachlor epoxide residues. Although each average is equiv- alent to the average of the individual DDT compounds, the latter are usually considered in combination which makes the averages of dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide about one-third of that resulting from DDT. Considering the sampling program and procedures, in our opinion, the averages are reliable indices of the pesticide residue content of milk and dairy products throughout the United States during this period. They may be useful as base- lines to compare future results. The data were not amenable to consideration of the various combinations of residues in samples. It is well known that the DDT metabolites, DDE and TDE, are most often found in combination with DDT. The rela- tively high incidence of dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide suggests that either of these two chemicals may often be found in milk fat containing the DDT group. The percent distribution of residue levels is about the same for each chemical and product when only the samples containing that chemical are considered as shown in Table 6. As expected, deviations from the overall averages become greater as the data are classified in more detail, but the deviations are not great enough to invali- date the general statement. These patterns are typical of residue levels ' i all food classes. A tendency can be ob- served toward fewer extreme values, above 0.51 ppm, of the more toxic pesticide chemicals such as dieldrin, hep- tachlor epoxide, and BHC. It is significant that the per- cent of values above 0. 1 1 ppm for dieldrin and hepta- chlor epoxide was substantial and relatively constant, with the exception of dieldrin in imported products as noted above. Table 7 compares the 3-year average values for the 10 most commonly found residues with the averages found in composites of the dairy portion of 40 total diet sam- ples examined by FDA from April 1964 through June 1966. The total diet samples are collected at the retail level representing a different point in the distribution chain. The results of both investigations are reported on a fat basis, and since processing techniques used in manu- facturing dairy products probably do not affect the pesti- cide residue content of the fat, each should serve as a check on the reliability of the results. TABLE 7. — Average levels of pesticide chemicals in dairy products (Parts per Million — fat basis) Pesticide Objective Samples (3-year average) Total Diet Samples (2-YEAR average) DDE 0.066 0.074 Dieldrin 0.042 0.017 DDT 0.042 0.037 Heptachlor epoxide 0.036 0.010 TDE 0.026 0.013 BHC 0.007 0.008 Lindane 0.004 0.005 Aldrin 0.001 0.001 Heptachlor 0.002 — Methoxychlor 0.001 0.002 These averages are in remarkably good agreement con- sidering the extremes in the number of saiiiples repre- sented. The average levels of dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide found in the total diet samples are lower than in the objective samples. These differences exceed the standard deviation calculated for the total diet samples. No logical explanation for the lack of agreement in these two residues is immediately apparent; a search is being made for the reason. The average level in parts per mil- lion does not change the order of magnitude for any pesticide residue. There are no known approved uses of pesticide chemi- cals which might result in residues in milk above the legal tolerance levels. Their presence in milk fat results from indirect sources, some of which (air, dust, and drift) are beyond control of the dairyman. Other sources, such as feed, equipment, and direct application to animals, are controllable. Recently, there has been a reduction in the approved uses and use patterns of some of the more persistent chlorinated organic pesticides. This reduction in use would not be reflected in this report because of the time periods involved. It is unlikely that the current levels will be reduced or even remain constant without continued specific attention Vol. 1, No. 3, December, 1967 by industry and government to eliminating ail controllable sources and maintaining the residue load from uncon- trollable sources at a minimum. No satisfactory system has been designed to identify for sampling only those lots containing unsanctioned or excessive residues. While such a system would be the most effective control, the factors influencing residues change so rapidly and are so complex and interrelated, that it is unlikely such control will be practical in the foreseeable future. There continues to be a need for information as described in this report concerning the character and levels of all pesticide residues being con- sumed. Significant monitoring programs at production and dis- tribution centers are capable of identifying problems at early stages. Corrective measures by government and industry for consumer protection are most effective dur- ing these early stages. This type of program serves to prevent local situations from spreading into national problems affecting the Nation's health. Summary and Conclusions A representative annual sampling of milk and dairy products marketed during FY 1964, 1965, and 1966 shows that DDE, dicldrin. DDT, heptachlor epo.xide, TDE, BHC, lindane, aldrin, heptachlor, and methoxy- chlor account for over 99% of the chlorinated organic residues in milk and dairy products. TTiese chemicals were found in each of the 3 years. Twenty-three other chemicals were found at low levels in 1 or more of the 12,836 samples examined. Over half of the samples contained residues, and most of these contained more than one pesticide chemical. The incidence of residues in the U.S.D.A. East and West North Central Crop Reporting Divisions was lower than in other portions of the United States. A substantial majority, 95%, of the residues found were below 0.5 ppm on a fat basis, and 71.5% were below 0.1 1 ppm. No substantial annual variations were noted in these observations with respect to fluid milk, domestic manu- factured dairy products, and imported dairy products, except for dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, and BHC in imported dairy products. The average levels and kinds of pesticide chemicals found in the objective samples are in good agreement with the findings on the dairy portion of tola! diet sam- ples collected at a different point in the distribution chain, and add a measure of confidence to the total diet studies as a whole as a broad index to the quantities of pesticides being consumed in the diet. The average levels reported are approximately one-tenth the established tolerance of 1.25 ppm (fat basis) for DDT, DDE, and TDE residues combined. The average levels of dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide are approxi-. mateiy one-tenth of the current administrative determina- tion of 0.3 ppm (fat basis) for excessive residues for each chemical. The averages of the remaining five chem- icals are much lower. The total pesticide content consists, in a majority of samples, of a combination of chemicals. The most prob- able combinations will include one or more members of the DDT group with dieldrin or heptachlor epoxide. It is obvious that the total residue content of milk fat should not be permitted to increase since this is the source of 13.6% of the total dietary intake (8) of chlori- nated organic pesticides. The residue pattern indicates that increases would be accompanied by considerable loss in economic terms and food value through the control mechanisms at city, county, State and Federal levels designed to prevent consumption of dairy products containing excessive residues. Even though no major nationwide problem is obvious, there have been several instances of considerable con- cern to specific localities during this period. The eflfects of these incidents were minimized through the coopera- tive efforts of all sharing the responsibility for an ade- quate and safe supply of dairy products. Reductions in the residue content of dairy products can only be made through a general continued and cooperative effort by the dairy industry and all agencies of government. A cknowledgments Recognition must be given to the chemists, too numerous to mention as individuals, among the 18 FDA District Laboratories responsible for these analyses and to R. K. Dawson, Division of Program Operations, for his as- sistance in processing the data. LITERATURE CrFED (/) Clifford, Paid A. 1957. Pesticide residues in fluid mar- ket milk. Public Health Rep. 72:729. (2) Clifford, Paid A., Jonas L. Bassen, and Paid A. Mills. 1959. Chlorinated organic pesticide residues in fluid milk. Public Health Rep. 74:1109. 13) Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Changes in official methods of analysis. J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 49:222 (1966); ihid. 50:210 (1967). (4) U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration. 1963. Revised 1964, 1965. Pesticide analytic;il manual. Vol. 1, 15) Johnson, L. Y. 1965. Colhihorative .study of a method for multiple chlorinated pesticide residues in fatty footls. J. Ass. Omc. Ayr. Chem. 48:668. (6) Welts, Clyde E. December 1967. Validation study of a niethtxl for pesticide residues in foods and animal feeds. J. Ass. Oflic. Anal. Chem. (In press). (7j U. S. Department of Agricidture. 1966 (issued Feb. 1967). Annual statistical summary, milk production and dairy pnxlucts. (5) Diignan. R. E. and J. R. Weatherwa.x. 1967. Dietary in- take of pesticide chemicals. Science 157:1006. 8 Pesticides Monitoring Journal RESIDUES IN FISH, WILDLIFE AND ESTUARIES Chlorinated Pesticide Levels in the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) From Selected Areas of the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico John C. Bugg, Jr.', James E. Higgins-, and Eric A. Robertson, Jr.'' ABSTRACT Oysters were collected from estuarinc areas in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas and analyzed for pesticide residues. Pesticide levels were determined by the electron capture gas chromatography method and were confirmed by thin layer chromatography and dual-column electron capture gas chromatography. In general, chlorinated pesticides were either not detected or were found at relatively low levels in samples collected from the Atlantic and Gulf Coast areas. Of a total of 133 samples, 94.7% contained I or more pesticides: 89.5% contained 2 or more; 81.2% contained 3 or more; 63.9% contained 4 or more; and 31.9% contained 5 or more. The level of sensitivity for pesticide residues was 0.01 ppm. Some correlation was found between spraying operations and pesticide levels in the oysters. Purpose The purpose of this report is to present data on the oc- currence of chlorinated pesticides in oysters in selected areas of the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico as determined through research conducted at the Gulf Coast Marine Health Sciences Laboratory on the devel- opment and evaluation of methodology for the analyses of chemical contaminants and natural toxins in shell- fish. Factual Data Oysters for this study were obtained from South Caro- lina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The oysters were either collected directly from oyster- growing areas by representatives of the State health and conservation agencies or purchased from oyster dealers who verified the general locations of the sampling sites. 1 Gulf Coast Marine Health Sciences Laboratory. U. S. Public Health Service, Dauphin Island, Ala. 36528. Present Address: Humble Oil & Refining Company, 909 Jefferson Davis Parkway. New Orleans, La. 7016(1. - Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Re- search Base. LI. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pascagoula, Miss. 39567. 3 Gulf Coast Marine Health Sciences Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service, Dauphin Island, Ala. 36528. The oysters were chilled in ice immediately after collec- tion and then frozen. Frozen shellstock or shucked oysters were shipped to the Research Laboratory in insulated containers with dry ice. Immediately upon arrival, shellstock was shucked and drained of liquor. Samples not analyzed immediately upon receipt were stored at — 10 C. No samples were stored over 60 days. At least a pint of shucked oysters was used for each sample. The samples were placed in a blender for 5 minutes after which a homogenized 50-g sample was withdrawn for analysis. The laboratory methods and techniques used for the analysis of pesticide residues in oysters were essentially those compiled by Barry et al. (1). The major deviation from these methods was the utilization of the "perfo- rated" basket centrifuge head as described by Robertson and Tyo (6) for separating oyster meats from the ex- tracting solvent. Quantitative determinations of the residues were ini- tially carried out on a 5% DC-11 column and later on a mixed column containing equal parts by weight of 10% DC-200 (12,500 CSTKS) and 15% QF-1 (10,000 CS) on Gas Chrom Q 60/80 mesh solid support (2) with a Tritium-parallel plate electron capture detector. The level of sensitivity was 0.01. Confirmatory procedures used were thin layer chroma- tography as described by Kovacs (5), microcoulometry, and dual differential columns as described by Burke and Holswade (2). coupled with a Ni'''^ pin cup electron capture detector and a H ' parallel plate electron capture detector. Standard mixtures containing the pesticides were injected into the gas chromatograph each day before any sample injection, as well as during the course of injection of samples for residue determinations. Standards were also injected after any sample yielding significant pesticide residues. Vol. 1, No. 3, December, 1967 Results und Dhctission The pesticide levels detcclcd in the 133 oyster samples from South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Mississippi, Lou- isiana, and Texas are shown in Appendix 1. Of the total number of oyster samples, 126 were found to contain 1 or more chlorinated pesticides. For each pesticide, the number of oyster samples in which the pesticide was detected and the median, low . and high values of pesticide concentration in ppm, as taken from Appendix I, are shown in Table 1 . Table 2 summarizes the results of analyses of all oyster samples. The distribution of specific pesticides in posi- tive samples at different arbitrarily selected residue levels is shown, as well as the number of samples in which the specific pesticide was not delccled. TABLE 1. — Frequency <;/ cliloriiuilal pcsiicidc residues in oyster samples I Period of sampling — Feb. 1. 1964 through Aug. 24. 1966| TABLE 2. — Disirihiiiion of chlorinated pesticides at different residue levels — all oyster samples Pesticide So 1 « < . X 0 lU No. Samples Positive for Pesticide Shown Residue (ppm drained weight) Median Low High AJdrin BHC-Lindane Chlordane DDD DDE PP'-DDT Dieldrin Endrin Hepiactilor Heptachlor epoxide Methoxychlor Toxaphene Trithion* 133 133 132 81 131 131 115 115 133 133 133 133 55 17 55 20 81 123 117 54 27 12 20 A 6 0 <0.01 0.01 <0.0I 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.08 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 :o-5.8-dimethant>= naphthalene 1.2,3.4.5.A-hexachlorocyclohexane, mixed isomers l.2,,hlo.-o-3a.4.7.7a-letrahydro- 4.7-melhanoindane 1 . 1 -dichloro-2.2-bis ( p-chlorophenyl) ethane l,l-dichloro-2.2-bis(/>-chlorophcnyl) ethylene 1,1,1 -trichloro-2.2-bis ( p-chlortipheny I ) ethane not less than 85% of l,2.3,4.10.10-hexachloro-6. 7-epoxy-l.4,4a.,8a-octahydro-1.4-<■«(/o-(^xo- 5,8-dimethanonaphthalenc 1.2. 3.4. 10.1 0-hcxachloro-6,7-epoxy-l . 4,4a.5,6.7,8,8a- octahydro-l.4-cni/fy-c/i(/o-5.8-dimelhanonaphthaIene 1.4.5,6.7.«.8-hcp:.nchloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro- 4.7-mcthanoindcne 1,4, 8-hcpl,ichloro-2,3-cpoxy-3a.4,7 .7a- letrahydro-4,7-methanoindan 1,1.1 -trichloro-2.2-bis? p-methoxyphenyl )cthane chlorinated camphene conlaininK 67% to 69% chlorine .5-1 (p-chlorophenylthio) methyl] 0.0-diethyl phosphorodithioate [Period of sampling — Feb. 1, 1964 through Aug. 24, 1966) No. Samples Examined Residue Levels in ppm Drained Weight Pesticide Not Detected 0.01- <0.0I 0.05 >0.05 Aldrin 133 116 16 1 0 BHC-Lindane 133 78 27 27 1 Chlordane 132 112 19 1 0 DDD 81 0 2 72 7 DDE 131 8 24 83 16 ;».('-DDT 131 14 17 90 10 Dieldrin 115 61 16 38 0 Endrin 115 88 19 7 I Heptachlor 133 121 12 0 0 Heptachlor epoxide 133 113 20 0 0 Methoxychlor 133 127 6 0 0 Toxaphene 133 127 2 1 3 Triihion®' 55 55 0 0 0 As shown in Table L the high values of pesticide con- centration in all positive oyster samples ranged from <0.01 ppm for heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and methoxychlor to 1 .00 ppm for toxaphene. The median value of pesticide concentration ranged from <0.0I ppm for aldrin, chlordane, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and methoxychlor to 0.08 ppm for toxaphene. The low value of pesticide concentration was <0,01 ppm for all pesticides. Endrin and dieldrin, the more toxic of the chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (4). were generally found in low concentrations. Only 27 of 115 oyster samples were positive for endrin, the range being from <0.01 to 0.07 ppm. Fifty-four of 115 oyster samples were positive for dieldrin, the range being from <0.0I to 0.03 ppm. The chlorinated pesticides found most frequently were p,p- DDT and two of its metabolites, DDD and DDE, Al- though these were found at higher concentrations, gen- erally, than the other chlorinated pjesticides, the levels of concentration were still relatively low. Maximum values for p.p-DDT. DDD, and DDE were 0.22 ppm, 0.37 ppm, and 0.12 ppm, respectively. BHC-lindanc was found in 55 of 133 oyster samples, with the high, median, and low values being 0.50 ppm, 0.01 ppm, and <0.01 ppm, respectively. Toxaphene was found in only 6 ot 133 oyster samples, with the high, median, and low values being 1.00 ppm, O.OS ppm, and <0,01 ppm, respectively. The high concentrations of BHC-lindanc and toxaphene were found in the same oyster sample collected from growing waters affected by recent application of these pesticides in an adjacent area. Oyster samples taken from these waters at later dates showed successively lower levels of these pesticides, with an eventual decrease to non-detectable levels. 10 Pesticides Monitoring Journal Aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, me- thoxychlor, and Trithion'® generally were found infre- quently and in very low concentrations. The results of the laboratory analyses of all oyster sam- ples showed that, in general, chlorinated pesticides were either not detected or were found in relatively low levels in the positive samples. The ranges of the pesticide levels in all oyster samples were generally of the same magni- tude as those found by the U. S. Food and Drug Ad- ministration in 1964 and 1965 in the analyses of 216 composite samples of 12 major food groups comprising the American food supply. The amounts of the pesticide residues found by the Food and Drug Administration were reported as insignificant from a health stand- point (3, 7). Conclusions In general, chlorinated pesticides were either not de- tected or were found in relatively low levels in the oyster samples collected from the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastal areas for this study. The data on chlorinated pesticide concentrations in oysters indi- cate little or no public health hazard at the present time. The occasional occurrence of the higher concen- trations of chlorinated pesticides in oysters as found in this study, however, indicates that contamination of shellfish-growing waters with such pesticides does rep- resent a potential problem that should be kept under surveillance. A cknowledgments The cooperation and assistance of the South Carolina State Board of Health, Georgia Department of Public Health, Florida State Board of Health, Mississippi Ma- rine Conservation Commission, Louisiana State Board of Health, Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commis- sion, and Texas State Department of Health in the con- duct of this study are gratefully acknowledged. The participation of personnel of these State health and con- servation agencies included the harvesting and shucking of shellstock, arranging for the procurement of oyster samples from dealers, and handling arrangements for shipment of samples to the Laboratory. These activities are recognized as a significant contribution to this study and are deeply appreciated. LITERATURE CITED {1} Barry, Helen C, J. G. Hundley, and Loren Y. John- son. 1965. Pesticide analytical manual. Vol. 1. Revised ed. Food and Drug Admin. U. S. Dep. Health, Educ, and Welfare. (2) Burke, J. A. and W. Holswade. 1966. A gas chroma- tographic column for pesticide residue analysis: reten- tion times and response data. J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 49 (2):374-385. (3) Duggan, R. E., H. C. Barry, and L. Y. Johnson. 1966. Pesticide residues in total-diet samples. Science 151 (3706):101-104. (4) Kenaga, E. E. 1966. Pesticide reference standards of the Entomological Society of America. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 12(2) : 1 17-127. (5) Kovacs, Martin F., Jr. 1963. Thin-layer chromatogra- phy for chlorinated pesticide residue analysis. J. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 46:884-893. (6) Robertson, E. A. and R. M. Tyo. 1966. Note on im- proved extraction for chlorinated pesticide residues in oysters J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 49(3): 683-684. (7) U. S. Food and Drug Administration press release. April 9, 1967. APPENDIX I. — Distribution of residues of specific chlorinated pesticides, by region [Period of sampling— Feb. 1, 1964 through Aug. 24, 1966] South Carolina Georgia Florida Mississippi Louisiana Texas Total No. Samples examined No. Samples in which one or more pesticides detected 32 29 22 21 44 44 1 1 20 19 14 12 133 126 CHLORINATED PESTICIDES (ppm drained weight) ALDRIN No. positive (1) (1) (8) (0) (4) (3) (17) Median _ — <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Low — — . <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 High <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.01 0.03 0.03 BHC-LINDANE No. positive (14) (5) (19) (0) (9) (8) (55) Median 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.OI 0.01 0.01 Low <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 High 0.50 0.01 0.01 — 0.02 0.02 0.50 CHLORDANE No. positive (6) (4) (8) (1) (1) (0) (20) Median <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — — — <0.01 Low <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — — — <0.01 High <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 — 0.01 Vol. 1, No. 3, December, 1967 11 APPENDIX I. — Distribution of residues of specific pesticides — Continued [Period of sampling— Feb. I, 1964 through Aug. 24. 19661 South Carolina Georgia Florida Mississippi Louisiana Texas CHLORINATED PESTICIDES (ppm drained weight) (Continued) Total DDD' No. positive 111) (15) (40) (1) (10) (4) (81) Median 0.02 0.02 0.02 — 0.01 0.02 0.02 Low 0.01 0.01 <0.01 — <0.0I 0.01 <0,01 High n.05 0.04 0.37 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.37 DDE No. positive (29) (19) (44) (1) (18) (12) (123) Median ., M-. 0.02 0.02 — - O.OI 0.02 Low <0.01 <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 High 0.04 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.12 p.p-DDT No. positive 125) (19) (44) (1) (16) (12) (117) Median O.OI 0.02 0.02 — 0.01 0.02 0.02 Low <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.0I <0.01 <0.01 High O.OJ 0.0.1 0.22 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.22 DIELDRIN No. positive (11) (12) (16) (1) (9) (5) (54) Median 0.01 0.01 0.01 — 0.01 0.01 0.01 Low <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.01 0.01 <0.01 High 0.02 0.02 0.03 <0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 ENDRIN No. positive (1) (6) (7) (1) (8) (4) (27) Median <0.01 0.01 0.01 — ^ 2 <0.01 Low <0.01 <0.01 <0.0I — <0.01 <0.01 <0.0I High <0.01 0.07 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.02 0.07 HEPTACHLOR No. positive (1) (1) (5) (0) (2) (3) (12) Median <0.01 — <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Low <0.01 — <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 High <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.01 <0.0I <0.01 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE No. positive (2) (0) (9) (0) (7) (2) (20) Median <0.01 — <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Low <0.01 — <0.01 — <0.0I <0.01 <0.01 High <0.01 — <0.01 — <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 METHOXYCHLOR No. positive (2) (1) (2) (0) (1) (0) (6) Median <0.01 — <0.01 — — — <0.01 Low <0.01 — <0.01 — — — <0.01 High <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 — <0.01 — <0.01 TOXAPHENE No. positive (6) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (6) Median 0.08 — — — 0.08 Low <0.01 — — <0.01 High 1.00 — — — — — 1.00 TRITHION* No. positive (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Median — — — — — Low — High — — — — — — — ' DDD not included in routine analysis until October 1964. - Indeterminate. 12 PE.sTiriDES Monitoring Journal Galveston Bay Pesticide Study — Water and Oyster Samples Analyzed for Pesticide Residues Following Mosquito Control Program Victor L. Casper^ ABSTRACT The purpose of tliis study was to determine the effect of in- creased pesticide applications in the Houston area on sliellfish and shellfish-growing waters of Galveston Bay. The study was conducted during the fall of J 964 following a large-scale mosquito control program in the Houston area. Water and oyster samples were collected in September and October 1964, during and after the mosquito control opera- tions. Oyster samples collected in this study were compared to samples collected from April to July 1964, prior to the mosquito operations. Analyses included determination of levels of BHC-lindane, DDE, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor epoxide, methoxychlor, toxaphene, and Trithi- on'^ . Pesticide levels were determined by the use of electron capture gas-liquid chroniatography, with thin layer chroma- tography for confirmation. Pesticide levels in both water and oysters were low at all times. The data indicate little or no increase in levels due to the control program in Houston. Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increased pesticide applications in the Houston area on shellfish and shellfish-growing waters of Galveston Bay. Factual Data Following an outbreak of equine encephalitis in the Houston area during the summer of 1964, a large-scale mosquito control program was begun which utilized con- siderable quantities of pesticides, especially malathion, DDT, and BHC. Actual spraying operations began the third week of August. With the increased use of pesti- cides in the Houston area, the Texas State Department of Health became concerned over potential pesticide contamination of shellfish-growing waters in Galveston Bay. On September 2, officials of the Texas State De- partment of Health requested the PHS Regional Office and, in turn, the Gulf Coast Marine Health Sciences 1 Gulf Coast Marine Health Sciences Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service, Dauphin Island, Ala. 36528. Laboratory to provide assistance in laboratory analyses of pesticides in water and oysters. Following discussions between representatives of the Texas State Department of Health and the Laboratory, a sampling program was established for the collection of water and oyster samples in Galveston Bay at loca- tions shown in Figure 1 . Sampling activities were begun on September 3 and completed on October 6. 1964. Water and oyster samples were collected by personnel of the Texas State Department of Health. Water sam- ples were collected in 1 -gallon chemically clean glass jugs at nine stations for 5 consecutive weeks. Each week water samples were shipped unrefrigerated to the Gulf Coast Marine Health Sciences Laboratory and FIGURE 1. — Pesticide sampling stations in Galveston Bay OYSTER REEFS A Todd's Dump B Hanna's Reef C Scoffs Reef D Redfish Bar O Water Sampling Station • Oyster Sampling Station Vol. 1, No. 3, December, 1967 13 TABLE 1. — Summary of oyster analyses [ND = Not detected] Date of samplino Pesticides in ppm wet drained weighti bAMPLINu InilNi BHC- DDE DDT DIELDRIN ENDRIN Heptachlor Aldrin Others! LlNDANE EAST GALVESTON BAY 4/23/64 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND (Lease 357-A) EAST GALVESTON BAY 5/11/64 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND (Miller's Reef) EAST GALVESTON BAY 6/04/64 0.01 oja 0.01 ND ND ND ND ND EAST GALVESTON BAY 6/24/64 0.01 0.01 0.01 ND ND ND ND ND EAST GALVESTON BAY 7/07/64 ND 0.05 0.073 0.01 0.02 ND 0.03 ND (Blumc's Reef) EAST GALVESTON BAY 7/18/64 ND 0.05 0.01 0.01 ND ND ND (Blumc's Reef) GALVESTON BAY 9/03/64 <0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 ND ND ND (Todd's Dump) GALVESTON BAY 9/09/64 <0.0I <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 ND ND (Hanna's Reef) GALVESTON BAY 9/14/64 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 ND ND ND (Scolt's Reef) GALVESTON BAY 9/14/64 <0.01 0.02 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 ND ND (Rcdfish Bar) 1 Analysis by gas chromatography with electron capture. - Includes chlordane. heptachlor epoxide, methoxychlor. toxaphene, and Trithion®. 3 p,p'-DDT. refrigerated until ready for analysis. Following collec- tion, the oysters were shucked into 1 -gallon cans aboard the collecting vessel and packed in ice. Upon return to shore, the oysters were frozen, packed in dry ice, and shipped to the Laboratory. After arrival, the oysters were kept frozen until ready for analysis. Due to difficulty in obtaining oysters during the closed season, only four oyster samples were collected during the study period. However, six oyster samples collected between April 23 and July 18 had been analyzed for chlorinated pesticides in connection with studies at the Laboratory on development of analytical techniques. The oysters were prepared for analysis by homogenizing 1 pint of the shucked oysters in a blender for 5 minutes after which a 50-g aliquot was withdrawn for analysis. One liter of water was used for the water analysis. Laboratory examinations were made for residues of the following chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides: aldrin. BHC-lindane, chlordane. DDE. DDT, endrin. dieldrin, heptachlor. heptachlor epoxide, methoxychlor. and Tri- thion'*'. Electron capture gas-liquid chromatography was used for both qualitative and quantitative determinations and thin layer chromatography for confirmation of results of oyster analyses. The methods and procedures were those used by the Food and Drug Administration (I), with confirmatory procedures by Kovacs (2). Since malathion, in addition to chlorinated pesticides, was used for mosquito control operations, studies were initiated to develop analytical techniques for detection of organo-phosphate residues in water samples. Water samples were extracted as described by Tyo (3) for organo-phosphate residues, and laboratory analyses were conducted using electron capture gas-liquid chromatog- raphy. Standard mixtures containing the pesticide were injected each day prior to injection of samples, as well as during the course of injection of samples. Additional standards were injected after any samples having a significant pesticide residue. Findings of chlorinated pesticides were reported at levels of 0.01 ppm and 0.001 ppm or greater for oysters and water, respectively. The sensitivity limit for organo- phosphates was 0.008 ppm. All positive samples having pesticide concentrations below these levels were re- ported as "less than." Results of samples in which pesti- cides were not found are reported as "not detected." Results and Discussion Oyster Analyses — The results of pesticide analyses of six oyster samples collected prior to August 1964 and four samples collected between September 3 and 14 from Galveston Bay are shown in Table 1 . Results of analyses of the four oyster samples collected during and following the mosquito control operations showed concentrations of DDE and DDT between <0.01 and 0.02 ppm. All four samples contained trace amounts (<0.01 ppm) of BHC-lindane, dieldrin, and endrin, while heptachlor was found in two of four samples at <0.0I ppm. Those chlorinated pesticides not detected were aldrin. chlordane. heptachlor epoxide, methoxy- chlor. toxaphene. and Trithion"". Of the six oyster sam- ples collected during the methodology study earlier in the year, four were positive for one or more chlorinated 14 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 2. — Summary of wciler cmalyses [ND = Not detected] Date of sampling Pesticides in ppmI Sampling point BHC- LlNDANE DDE DDT Heptachlor Heptachlor EPOXIDE Methoxy- chlor Chlordane Others^ Organo- phosphates GALVESTON BAY (Todd's Dump) 9/03/64 <0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Not examined^ TRINITY BAY (Station 116) 9/08/64 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Do. EAST BAY (Hanna's Reef) 9/09/64 <0.0Ol <0.001 <0.001 ND ND ND ND ND Do. TRINITY BAY (Station 108) 9/14/64 ND <0.001 ND <0.001 ND ND ND ND Do. GALVESTON BAY (Station 226) 9/14/64 ND <0.001 ND <0.001 ND ND ND ND Do. GALVESTON BAY (Scott's Reef) 9/22/64 <0.001 ND ND ND ND <0.001 ND ND ND TRINITY BAY (Station 61) 9/22/64 ND ND ND ND a-hexahydro-6,9-methano-2,4,3-benzodioxathiepin 3-oxide Dieldrin residues were not found in potatoes grown on soil previously treated with aldrin or dieldrin, but pre- liminary investigations indicate low-level dieldrin resi- dues (0.10 ppm) in peanut meats. The limited sampling that has been done is not sufficient to serve as a basis for any definite conclusion as to whether this is a sig- nificant problem. Further testing was conducted in 1966 and 1967 to confirm these results. Trade names and the names of commercial companies are used in this paper solely for the purpose of providing specific information. Mention of a trade product or manufacturer does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the U. S. Department of Agriculture or an endorsement by the Department over other products or manufacturers not mentioned. Vol. 1, No. 3, December, 1967 25 Infonnaiion for Contributors The Pesticides Monitoring Journai welcomes from all sources qualified data and interpretive information which contrihute to the understanding and evaluation of pesticides and their residues in relation to man and his environment. The publication is distributed principally to scientists and technicians associated with pesticide monitoring, research, and other programs concerned with the fate of pesticides following their application. Additional circulation is maintained for persons with related in- terests, notably those in the agricultural, chemical manu- facturing, and food processing industries; medical and public health workers; and conservationists. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and validity of their data and interpretations, including tables, charts, and refer- ences. Accuracy, reliability, and limitations of the sampling and anaUtical methods employed must be clearly demonstrated through the use of appropriate procedures, such as recovery experiments at appropriate levels, confirmatory tests, internal standards, and inter- laboratory checks. The procedure employed should be referenced or outlined in brief form, and crucial points or modifications should be noted. Check or control samples should be employed where possible, and the sensitivity of the method should be given, particularly when very low levels of pesticides are being reported. Specific note should be made regarding correction of data for percent recoveries. Preparation of manuscripts should be in con- formance to the Styi E Manual for Biological Journals. American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington. D. C, and/or the Style Manual of the United States Government Print- ing Ofl^ice. An abstract (not to exceed 200 words) should accompany each manuscript submitted. All material should be submitted in duplicate (original and one carbon) and sent by first-class mail in fiat form — not folded or rolled. Manuscripts should be typed on 8', 2 x II inch paper with generous margins on all sides, and each page should end with a completed para- graph. . All copy, including tables and references, should be double spaced, and all pages should be num- bered. The first page of the manuscript must contain authors" full names listed under the title, with afflliations, and addresses footnoted below. Charts, illustrations, and tables, properly titled, should be appended at the end of the article with a notation in text to show where they should be inserted. Charts should be drawn so the numbers and texts will be legible when considerably reduced for publication. All drawings should be done in black ink on plain white paper. Photographs should be made on glossy paper. Details should be clear, but size is not important. The "number system" should be used for litera- ture citations in the text. List references alpha- betically, giving name of author/s/, year, full title of article, exact name of periodical, volume, and inclusive pages. Pesticides ordinarily should be identified by common or generic names approved by national scientific so- cieties. The first reference to a particular pesticide should be followed by the chemical or scientific name in parentheses — assigned in accordance with Chemical Abstracts nomenclature. Structural chemical formulas should he used when appropriate. Published data and information require prior approval by the Editorial Advisory Board: however, endorsement of published in- formation by any specific Federal agency is not intended or to be implied. Authors of accepted manuscripts will receive edited typescripts for approval before type is set. After publication, senior authors will be provided with 1 00 reprints. Manuscripts are received and reviewed with the under- standing that they previously have not been accepted for technical publication elsewhere. If a paper has been given or is intended for presentation at a meeting, or if a significant portion of its contents has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, notation of such should be provided. Correspondence on editorial and circulation matters should be addressed to: Mrs. Sylvia P. O'Reur. Editorial Manager, Pesticides Monitoring Journal. Pesticides Program, National Communicable Disease Center, At- lanta, Georgia .^O.V^.V 26 Pesticides Monitoring Journal The Pesticides Monitoring Journal is published quarterly under the auspices of the Federal Committee on Pest Control and its Subcommittee on Pesticide Monitoring as a source of information on pesticide levels relative to man and his environment. The parent committee is composed of representatives of the U. S. Departments of Agriculture, Defense, the Interior, and Health, Education, and Welfare. The Pesticide Montoring Subcommittee consists of representatives of the Agricultural Research Service, Consumer and Marketing Service, Federal Extension Service, Forest Service, Depart- ment of Defense, Fish and Wildlife Service, Geological Survey, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Public Health Service, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Responsibility for publishing the Pesticides Monitoring Journal has been accepted by the Pesticides Program of the Public Health Service. Pesticide monitoring activities of the Federal Government, particularly in those agencies repre- sented on the Pesticide Monitoring Subcommittee which participate in operation of the national pesticides monitoring network, are expected to be principal sources of data and interpretive articles. However, pertinent data in summarized form, together with interpretive discussions, are invited from both Federal and non-Federal sources, including those associated with State and community monitoring programs, universities, hospitals, and nongovernment research institutions, both within and without the United States. Results of studies in which monitoring data play a major or minor role or serve as support for research investigation also are welcome; however, the Journal is not intended as a primary medium for the publication of basic research. Manuscripts received for publication are reviewed by an Editorial Advisory Board established by the Monitoring Subcommittee. Authors are given the benefit of review comments prior to publication. Editorial Advisory Board members are: Reo E. Duggan, Food and Drug Administration, Chairman Andrew W. Breidenbach, Public Health Service Anne R. Yobs, Public Health Service James B. DeWitt, Fish and Wildlife Service S. Kenneth Love, Geological Survey Milton S. Schechter, Agricultural Research Service Paul F. Sand, Agricultural Research Service Trade names appearing in the Pesticides Monitoring Journal are for identification only and do not represent endorsement by any Federal agency. Address correspondence to: Mrs. Sylvia P. O'Rear Editorial Manager PESTICIDES MONITORING JOURNAL Pesticides Program National Communicable Disease Center Atlanta, Georgia 30333 CONTENTS Volume 1 March 1968 Number 4 Page EDITORIAL 1 RESIDUES IN FOOD AND FEED Pesticide residues in vcfictable oil seeds, oils, and by- products 2 R. E. Duggan Investifintion of lead residues on growing fruits and \egetables 8 Abram Kleinman Pesticide residues in total diet samples (III) 11 R. J. Martin and R. P.. Duggan RESIDUES IN FISH, WILDLIFE, AND ESTUARIES Pesticide monitoring of the aquatic biota at the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge 21 Patrick J. Goclsil and William C. Johnson Chlorinated pesticide residues in an aquatic environ- ment located adjacent to a commercial orchard 27 R. J. Moiibry. J. M. Helm, and G. R. Myrdal PESTICIDES IN SOIL Monitoring the effects of the I9f>3-fi4 Japanese Beetle control program on soil, water, inul silt in the Battle Creek area of Michigan 30 J. E. Fahey, J. W. Butcher, and M. E. Turner EDITORIAL The increasing number of pesticide monitoring programs magnifies tiie difficulty in evaluating the results of in- dividual studies and of comparing them with earlier studies. The list of factors contributing to the problem is long and includes such items as differences in experimental design; lack of adequate experimental controls; insuffi- cient knowledge concerning the chemical characteristics of pesticides; differences in sample collection, handling, and storage; variations in efficiency of cleanup pro- cedures; differences in sensitivity of chemical analytical procedures; use of chemicals of inadequate purity as controls; technician variation; and so on. Each could quite properly serve as the subject of an editorial. However, the present discussion is limited to the uncertainty introduced into pesticide monitoring data by the use of analytical methods of unknown reliability and the difficulty in comparing resuhs on similar systems when different cleanup and analytical methods are used. Certainly no one is against progress, and changes in methodology to improve sensitivity, resolution, or recovery are necessary. However, constant alteration of methodology must lead to confusion. Ideally, a sensitive, reliable, and reproducible analytical procedure should be adopted for each substrate studied. The analytical procedure should be standardized and fully evaluated in order to serve as a reference in eval- uating future modifications or entirely new procedures. This is equally important for sampling techniques, clean- up procedures, and instrumental analysis, including interpretation of tracing. Procedures used for closely related substrates should then be compared. There are those who would argue that such standardiza- tion is not necessary because the same technique does not work equally well for every laboratory; and that, therefore, each laboratory should use its best technique. This, of course, is just what has been happening; hence the current difficulties. Such an approach is characterized by the statement, "We use the procedure but with certain modifications." Sometimes it seems everyone has his own set of modifications! Development of the gas chromatograph and of the elec- tron capture and other detectors has been a boon to pesticide residue chemistry. This chemical specialty has long been an art; it is time to add standardization and make it a science. Anne R. Yobs Member, Editorial Advisory Board Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 RESIDUES IN FOOD AND FEED Pesticide Residues in Vegetable Oil Seeds, Oils, and By-Products R. E. Duggan' Earlier reports (1-3) have discussed, in terms of broad food categories, the pesticide residue data obtained by the Food and Drug Administration in surveillance and monitoring programs conducted from July 1, 1963 through June 30, 1966. The findings on fluid milk and other dairy products have been reported in considerable detail (4). The principal purpose of this paper is to report and evaluate the findings on samples of products derived from oil seed crops. Since these crops constitute an important segment of the Nation's food supply, pesticide residues incurred in their production are of substantial importance. Direct additions of these pesticide residues to man's diet may occur from consumption of these crops which have been treated with pesticides in their production. Indirect additions to man's diet from these crops may occur from the use of by-products in the production of milk, meat, and poultry; and some tol- erances have been established on this basis. Additionally, man may receive residues by consuming foods con- taminated through drift and runoff and through crop rotation — for example, the planting of soybeans in areas previously treated for cotton production. It may be impossible currently to measure the relative effects of the various factors influencing the incidence and levels of pesticide residues in food. However, there is a need to establish, with a reasonable degree of certainty, the major factors making up the total residue content of the food chain. Portions of several major program divisions, such as raw agricultural products, processed animal feeds, vegetable oils, and processed foods, have been excerpted for this report. ' OITicc of Associate Commissioner for Compliance. Food. :md Driin Adminislralion. U. .S. Dcp.irlmcnl of Health. Education, and Welfare, Washington, D. C. 20204. Sampling Procedures Samples were collected on a nationwide basis as a part of the Food and Drug Administration's surveillance program carried out in 18 District offices. Samples col- lected in surveillance programs are classified as "ob- jective" if "unknown" with respect to the possibility of excessive residue content or actual misuse of pesti- cide chemicals. The selection of sampling points and scheduling of samples was left to the discretion of the I 8 District offices. Specific lots were sampled (5) for analysis by taking several portions from the lot. The portions were com- bined for analysis. Laboratory A nalysis Generally, samples were examined promptly after collec- tion. All analyses were made in FDA District Lab- oratories by multiple residue gas-liquid chromatographic methods. All of the laboratories concerned participated in method validation studies reported by Johnson (5), (9), Gaul [10), and Wells (//). Electron capture and microcoulometric detectors were employed. The methods used during this investigation were basi- cally those which have become official A.O.A.C. pro- cedures (6); the detailed procedures employed are described in the FDA Pesticide Analytical Manual, Vol. I (7). Quantitative sensitivity limits for gas chromato- graphic analysis, readily attainable on most products in normal laboratory operations, were based on Vi full-scale detlections (1 X 10"° Amperes Full-Scale) for 1 ng of aldrin and, for program purposes, were established at 0.05 ppm for raw agriculture products, and at 0.25 ppm (fat basis) for fatty foods. Confirmatory analyses by thin layer chromatography were made when results exceeded these figures. Quantitative results below these Pesticides Monitoring Journal levels were reported but were not confirmed by check analysis, and are recognized as having reduced accuracy limitations common to all quantitative estimations at the lower ranges of method sensitivity. Recoveries, in general, range between 80'^ and 110% for most pesticide residues and commodities. No correc- tions for recovery have been made, and the values are reported on an "as is" basis. Results The data are not amenable to evaluation on a geographic or production basis. Inspection of the raw data indicates that samples were reasonably well distributed according to major program divisions among the 18 District offices. A total of 1,230 residues of 20 pesticide chemicals were reported in 641 positive samples of the 2,389 samples of raw products, meal, crude oil, refined oil, and oleo- margarine. DDT and its analogues (DDE and TDE), dieldrin, lindane, toxaphene, endrin, BHC, and chlordane account for 95% of the residues found in oil seeds, 96% of the residues in oil seed meals, 98% of the residues in crude oils, and 95% of the residues in re- fined oils. Malathion residues were found only in the raw cottonseed, peanuts, and soybeans. Aldrin and heptachlor epoxide were found too infrequently to be considered significant. Seven other pesticide chemicals were found in one or two samples. Table 1 shows the percent of residues at arbitrarily selected ranges in the raw products, meals, crude oil, refined oil, and oleomargarine based on the total number of instances in which residues were found. Most of the residues were found at low levels: 94.5% of the values were below 0.51 ppm, and 75.5% of the values were below 0.11 ppm. This general pattern is observed re- gardless of the commodity, product, or individual pesti- cide chemical involved. Tables 2-5 summarize the incidence and average levels of specific pesticide chemicals found in soybeans, peanuts, cottonseed, corn, and products derived from the raw commodity. Although corn is not generally classified as an oil seed, all available data have been included since the production of corn oil is substantial. The samples represent grain corn generally and are not confined to that used for the production of corn oil. During the period covered in this report, 53 objective samples of oleomargarine were collected as shown in Table 6. Of these samples. 18.9% contained DDT, 5.1% contained TDE, 7.5% contained DDE. and two samples (3.8%) contained BHC. The number of objective samples examined in some product classes, such as refined peanut and cottonseed oil, are too few to be considered representative of the surveillance period involved and therefore have limited usefulness. The average level for each pesticide residue in Tables 2-6 includes all samples and was calculated by using the midpoint of each range and the percent of samples falling in the range. The actual values were used for those residues exceeding 2 ppm. No significant trends were observed on an annual basis where the number of samples was large enough for consideration of trends. Discussion Legal tolerances have been established for some of the chemicals found in the raw agricultural product as follows : Residues in PPM Cotton- seed Soybeans Peanuts Grain Corn DDT Dieldrin Toxaphene Endrin Chlordane 4 5 zero 1.5 zero 2 7 7 3 zero Except for the positive findings of dieldrin in soybeans, there were no samples containing pesticide chemicals exceeding the tolerance level. Over 60% of the residues commonly present are not sanctioned by tolerances in the raw agricultural product. The kinds, incidence, and levels of pesticide residues in soybeans, cottonseed, peanuts, and corn are quite similar. Although the tabular data indicate higher average levels of all residues except endrin in cottonseed, the small number of cottonseed samples involved does not permit a high degree of reliability in this observation. It must he recognized that peanuts and corn may be eaten unprocessed and that processing procedures would significantly change the pesticide residue content of the product. Cottonseed and soybeans, on the other hand, generally undergo processing into other products before consumption. Table 7 compares the pesticide chemicals found in the various oil seeds and oil seed products, including oleo- margarine. Data from the "Oils, Fats, and Shortening" portion of the Total Diet studies also are included in this table for comparison. Average residue values are higher in crude oils than in the raw products or meals. The average levels of pesti- cide residues in soybeans, cottonseed, and peanuts are quite low when compared to the established tolerances; for example, the average of 0.15 ppm DDT compared to the 4 ppm tolerance on cottonseed, or 0.03 ppm DDT compared to the 7 ppm tolerance on peanuts. The incidence of residues within various quantitative ranges shows that 78% of the values on oil seed are below 0.11 ppm, and 98% are below 0.51 ppm. The Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 incidence of residues in griiin corn at these levels was 96'"c and lOO"";, respectively. The residue content of oil seed meals is important be- cause of the general use of such products in animal feed. The average levels of pesticide residues in oil seed meals or cakes are low. The distribution of residues within various quantitative ranges shows that 87% of all residues were below 0.1 I ppm, and 96.5% were below 0.51 ppm. As expected, the average values of residues in crude oils are much higher than in the other products. Since the results for oil seeds are reported on an "as is" basis, the higher values for the oil content of the product under examination must be considered. The incidence of residues within various quantitative ranges shows that 61% of the values were below 0.1 1 ppm, and 28% were between 0.11 ppm and 0.50 ppm. After refining, the average levels of residues are sub- stantially lowered and are similar to the average values found in oleomargarine. The incidence of residues in the various quantitative ranges shows 56% of the values below 0.11 ppm, and 31% between 0.11 ppm and 0.50 ppm. However, no values in excess of 1.50 ppm were reported in refined oils compared to 1.8% of the values in crude oils. Except for endrin, residues of the pesticide chemicals most commonly found in the raw product were also found in the refined oil at considerably lower levels. Endrin was not found in refined oils. Only residues of the DDT compounds and BHC were found in oleo- margarine. The average levels found in these samples of refined oils are somewhat higher than those found in the 70 com- posites of oils, fats, and shortening from the total diet samples examined during the period June 1964 through April 1967. Residues of toxaphene and chlordane were not reported in the total diet composites. The oils, fats, and shortening composite is prepared from salad dress- ings, mayonnaise, salad oil, shortening, and peanut butter. Summary and Conclusions Residues of DDT and its analogues (TDE and DDE), dieldrin, lindane, toxaphene, endrin, BHC, and chlor- dane were frequently found in vegetable oil seeds and products. Residues of other pesticide chemicals were not found with sufficient frequency to be considered significant. None of the residues found in oil seeds exceeded the tolerances where finite tolerances have been established. Endrin residues were found in cottonseed, for which the established tolerance is zero. Dieldrin residues were found in soybeans and grain corn which have an estab- lished tolerance of zero. Over 60% of the residues found were not sanctioned by tolerances in the raw agricultural product. Chlorinated organic pesticide residues are relatively high in the crude oil. Significantly lower values were found in the refined oils and in the oil seed meals and cakes. While the residue levels found in these samples indicate that oil seeds and products do not present a serious problem, it is obvious that, when such residues are present — whether from approved applications, misuse, or unavoidable sources — the finished product will prob- TABLE 1. — Distrihiilion of residues, hy product, in difjereni quantitative ranges [T = <0.001 PPM] Percent OF Positive Samples Level Crude Refined Oleomar- (PPM) Seed ME4L Oil Oil garine T-0.03 65.2 71.4 43.0 33.3 68.4 n.04-0.10 17.8 15.1 17.7 23.1 10.5 11.11-0.50 15.8 10.1 28.5 23.1 21.1 0.51-1.00 1.0 2,1 6.6 7.7 1.01-1.50 0.2 0.8 2.4 12.8 1.51-2.00 0.4 0.5 >2.00 1.3 TABLE 2. — Incidence of specific pesticide residues in soyhciin products [T = <0.001 PPM; — = Not detected] Percent of Samples Containing Specific Pesticides AND Average Level (PPM) of Each Pesticide Soybeans Crude Oil Meal (Cake) Refined Oil DDT 9.6 (0.006) 16.3 (0.015) 7.0 (0.005) 13.0 (0.003) TDE 0.7 (T) 7.1 (0.006) 1.4 (T) — DDE 2.7 (T) 6.1 (0.002) 3.5 (0.001) — Dieldrin 8.0 (0.002) 17.3 (0.013) 1.4 (T) 4.3 (T) Lindane 2.2 (T) 2.0 (T) 4.9 (0.001) — Toxaphene 8.0 (0.004) 4.1 (0.024) — 4.3 (T) Fndrin 9.8 ^ 0.008) 6.1 (0.013) 0.7 (T) — ItHC 2.9 (T) 11.2 (0.004) 0.7 (T) — Chlordane 0.9 (T) 0.7 (T) — Total Number of Samples 550 98 143 23 Percent w, residues 26.7 34.7 14.0 17.4 Pesticides Monitoring Journal ably contain a portion of the pesticide chemical. When these residues are added to other unsanctioned additions in the total diet, they may eventually reach a total level that will have an impact on the existing tolerances for residues on raw agricultural products generally. TABLE 3. — Incidence of specific pesticide residues in peanut products [T = <0.001 PPM; ■ : Not detectedj Percent of Samples Containing Specific Pesticides AND Average Level (PPM) of Each Pesticide Nuts Crude Oil Meal (Cake) Refined Oil DDT 13.5 (0.025) 66.7 (0.466) 45.2 (0.140) 20 (0.060) TDE 1.7 (T) 41.7 (0.128) 22.6 (0.026) 20 (0,007) DDE 9.6 (0.001) 58.3 (0.909) 38.7 (0.025) 20 (0.032) Dieldrin 8.5 (0.008) 22.2 (0.017) 22.6 (0.006) 20 (0.007) Lindane 2.8 (0.002) 5.6 (0.001) 3.2 (T) — Toxaphene 1.7 (0.006) 2.8 (0.008) — — Endrin 1.1 (T) 2.8 (0.008) — — BHC 3.4 (0.007) 8.3 (0.002) 12.9 (0.006) 10 (0.0(J2) Total Number of Samples Percent w/Residues 177 26.6 36 75.0 31 61.3 10 33.3 TABLE 4. — Incidence of specific pesticide residues in cottonseed products [T = <0.001 PPM; — = Not detected] Percent of Samples Containing Specific Pesticides AND Average Level (PPM) of Each Pesticide Seed Crude Oil Meal (Cake) Refined Oil DDT 69.5 (0.154) 29.2 (0.077) 28.5 (0.028) 12.2 (0.024) TDE 13.0 (0.029) 35.4 (0.093) 12.9 (0.003) 17.1 (0.016) DDE 13.0 (0.005) 15.0 (0.012) 16.1 (0.005) 12,2 (0.010) Dieldrin 4.3 (0.015) 2.7 (T) 1.6 (T) 2.4 (T) Lindane 4.3 (0.003) 8.4 (0.008) 8.6 (0.003) 2.4 (0.018) Toxaphene 30.4 (0,023) 1.3 (0.010) 1.1 (0.003) 12.2 (0.140) BHC 8.7 (0.017) 2.7 (0.004) 4.8 (0.008) — Chlordane 8.7 (0.004) 2.2 (0.017) 6.5 (0.012) 2.4 (0.007) Total Number of Samples 23 226 186 41 Percent w/Residues 78.3 53.5 39.8 41,5 TABLE 5. — Incidence of specific pesticide residues in corn products [T = <0.001 PPM; — = Not detected] DDT TDE DDE Dieldrin Lindane Toxaphene Endrin Chlordane Percent of Samples Containing Specific Pesticides and Average Level (PPM) of Each Pesticide Grain 5,7 (0.007) 1.2 (0.003) 2.9 (T) 4.4 (0.001) 2.6 (T) 0.1 (T) Crude Oil Total Number of Samples Percent w/Residues 819 13.4 14.8 (0.067) II. 1 (0.060) 11.1 (0.016) 11.1 (0.013) Refined Oil 3.7 (0.080) 12.5 (0.038) 12.5 (0.002) 27 25.9 8 25.0 TABLE 6. — Incidence of specific residues in oleomargarine [T = <0.001 PPM] Percent Samples Containing Pesticides Average Level (PPM) DDT TDE DDE BHC 18.9 5.7 7.5 3.8 0.026 0.002 0,001 T Total Number of Samples: 53 Percent with Residues: 18.9 The chemical names of compounds mentioned in this paper are: DDT l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane TDE 1 ,l-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl ) ethane DDE l,l-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)cthylene Dieldrin not less than 85% of l,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-6, 7-epoxy-l,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-octahydro-I,4-p«do-cJro- 5,8-dimethanonaphthaIene Lindane 1,2,3.4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, 99% or more gamma isomer Toxaphene chlorinated camphene containing 67% to 69% chlorine Endrin 1.2,3,4,10.10-hexachloro-6,7-£poxy-l,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a- octahydro-1.4-<>i!rfo-e'ndo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene BHC 1,2,3,4.5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, mixed isomers Chlordane 1 .2,4,5,6,7.8, 8-octachloro-3a.4,7,7a-tetrahydro- 4.7-methanoindane Malathion diethyl mercaptosuccinate, 5-ester, with 0,0-di= methyl phosphorodithioate Aldrin not less than 95% of 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-l, 4,4a,5,8.8a-hexahydro-1.4-c«rfo-CA'o-5,8-dimethano= naphthalene Heptachlor epoxide 1 ,4,5,6,7, 8, 8-heptachloro-2,3-epoxy-3a,4.7,7a- tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindan Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 TABLE 7. — Summary — Average Icvch of chloriiuitcil pesticide residues in vegelahle oil seeds and products — fiscal \etirs 1964 66 Sample Raw PKOilttI [T = <0.001 PPM: — = Not detected) Crude Oil Parts per Million Meal OR Cake Refined Oil Oleo- margarine Total Diet Composites ' DDT Soybean 0.006 0.015 0.005 0.003 Cottonseed 0.154 0.077 0.028 o.o:4 Peanut 0.025 0.466 0.140 0.060 Corn 0.007 0.067 — 0.038 TOTAL 0.015 0.097 0.023 0.022 0.026 0.006 TOE Soybean T 0.006 T Cottonseed 0.029 0.093 0.003 0.016 Peanut T 0.128 0.026 0.007 Corn 0.003 0.060 — 0.002 TOTAL 0.001 0.072 0.005 0.010 0.002 0.008 DDE Soybean T 0.002 0.001 _ Cottonseed 0.005 0.012 0.005 0.010 Peanut 0.001 0.090 0.025 0.032 Corn T 0.016 TOTAL 0.003 0.016 0.005 0.010 0.001 0.004 DIELDRIN Soybean 0.002 0.013 T T Coiionsccd 0.015 T T T Peanut 0.008 0.017 0.006 0.007 Corn 0.001 0.013 TOTAL 0.004 0.006 T T — 0.001 LINDANE Soybean T T 0.001 Cottonseed 0.003 n.oos 0.003 0.018 Peanut 0.002 0.001 T Com T TOTAL T 0.005 0.003 0.01 — T BHC TOXAPHENE Soybean 0.004 0.024 T Cottonseed 0.023 0.010 0.003 0.140 Peanut 0.006 0.008 Corn TOTAL 0.017 0.015 0.002 0.078 — — ENDRIN Soybean 0.008 0.013 T Cottonseed — Peanut T 0.008 Com T TOTAL 0.006 0.004 T — — T Soybean Cotionsccd Peanut Corn TOTAL T 0.017 0.007 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.003 T 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 T 0.001 CHLORDANE Soybean I _ T Cottonseed U.0U4 0.017 0.012 0.007 Peanut Corn 0.080 TOTAL T 0.017 0.006 0.004 — — ■Includes salad dressings, salad oil, mayonnaise, shorlcninu. and pcanul hiillcr (74 composites, 6 64-4/67). Pesticides Monitorinc; Journal Acknowledgments Recognition must be given to the chemists, too numerous to mention as individuals, among the 18 FDA District Laboratories responsible for these analyses and to R. K. Dawson, Division of Program Operations, for his as- sistance in processing the data. LITERATURE CITED (/.) Duggati, R. E. and Keilh Dawson. 1967. Pesticides — A report on residues in food. FDA Papers 1:4. (2) Diiggan, R. E. 1967. Pesticide residues in food. Con- ference on Biological Effects of Pesticides in Mam- malian Systems. N. Y. Acad, of Sci. May 1967. (3) Duggan, R. E. and J. R. Wcatherwax. 1967. Dietary intake of pesticide chemicals. Science 157:1007-1010. (4) Duggan, R. E. 1967. Chlorinated pesticide residues in fluid milk and other dairy products in the United States. Pesticides Monit. J. l(3):2-8. (5) Duggan, R. E. and F. J. McFarland. 1967. Residues in food and feed — Assessments include raw food and feed commodities, market basket items prepared for consumption, meat samples taken at slaughter. Pesti- cides Monit. J. l(l):l-5. (6) Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Changes in official methods of analysis. J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 49:222(1966); ibid. 50:210-214(1967). (7) Barry, Helen C, Joyce G. Hundley, and Lore:: Y. Johnson. 1963 (Revised 1964. 1965). Pesticide an- alytical manual. Food and Drug Admin., U. S. Dep. Health, Educ, and Welfare, Washington, D. C. 20204. (S) Johnson. L. Y. 1965. Collaborative study of a method for multiple chlorinated pesticide residues in fatty foods. J. Ass. Offic. Agr. Chem. 48:668-675. (9) Krause, R. T. 1966. Collaborative study of a method for multiple chlorinated pesticide residues in non- fatty vegetables. J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 49:460-463. (10) Gaul. J. 1966. Collaborative study of a method for multiple chlorinated pesticide residues in leafy and cole-type vegetables. J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 49:463-467. (11) Wells. C. E. 1967. Vahdation study of a method for pesticide residues in foods and animal feeds. J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem. 50:1205-1215. (12) V. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Re- search Service and Forest Service. 1967. Agriculture Handbook No. 331. Suggested guide for the use of insecticides to control insects affecting crops, live- stock, households, stored products, forests, and forest products. Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 Investigation of Lead Residues on Growing Fruits and Vegetables^ Abram Kleinnian ABSTRACT An invesligation was inutic i>f the cxlent of lead residues on crops grown near heavily traveled highways. Analyses are presented of 132 samples of a variety of fruits and vege- tables from four areas of the country. Lead residues arc compared with distance from the highway, traffic load, and the period of exposure to these conditions. Possible contamination of growing food crops and crop- growing areas by lead deposited from the atmosphere has been a matter of concern for several years. Chow and Johnstone (2) have estimated that an accumulation of 10 mg of lead per square meter has been deposited over the northern hemisphere since the advent of anti- knock gasolines. Warren (4) has reported the presence of lead in roadside vegetation. Cannon and Bowles (/) have presented data, correlating the amount of lead found in grasses with prevailing wind direction and distance from highways. The possible accumulation of excessive lead residues on food crops grown near heavily traveled highways raised the question of a possible hazard to public health. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the extent of such accumulation on growing crops. Four FDA Held districts' participated in the investiga- tion. A total of 132 samples of a variety of mature fruits and vegetables were collected and analyzed for lead. Samples collected ranged from 4 to 15 lb. All samples were examined without washing or peeling. The smaller samples were ground and mixed in entirety; the larger samples were reduced to about I kg, then com- posited, ground, and mixed. Appropriate aliquols (25 to 200 g) were analyzed by the otlicial A.O.A.C. di- thizone spectrophotometric procedure (3), Reported recoveries of added lead in recovery experiments ranged from TO'vf to 100%. The results are summarized in Table 1. In attempting to relate lead content of the crop to exposure to automobile exhaust, three parameters con- sidered were distance from traffic, traffic load, and period of exposure to the air. The distance of the crop from the roadway was coded as noted in footnote 1 of Table I . The three distance codes and the number of samples in each code are shown for each product. The distribution of samples by dis- tance code is as follows: Code No. No. of Samples 1 2 3 49 32 51 ' FootI .md Hruv; Adminislratlon. IJ. .S. Department of Hcalih, callcin, and Welfare. I.os Annclcs. Calif. 9(1015. - Atlanta, C incinnati, I.os Angeles. Philadelphia. Fdu- Tn reporting the second factor, traffic load, there was a lack of uniformity among the districts. One district arbitrarily classified the load as heavy, medium, or light without defining the terms. The other districts named the adjacent highway, indicating whether it was a U.S. highway, turnpike. State highway, or local road. One district reported the number of vehicles passing in a 10-minute period. This factor is shown in Table 1 as heavy, medium, or light. U.S. highways and turnpikes have been arbitrarily classified as heavy; State highways as medium; and local roads as light. Where more than one designation is shown, it means that the samples in that group were distributed accordingly. A breakdown of samples by traffic load factor for distance Codes 1 and 3 is shown in Table 2. I he growth period (exposure period) was not deter- mined during sample collection. The values shown in Table I represent approximate periods which relate to Pesticides Monitoring Journal California, and may be subject to considerable variation depending on local climate. They are submitted for informational purposes only. In an attempt to determine whether the above factors influenced the lead burden on the crops, attention was focused primarily on the distance from traffic. A statis- tical comparison of the averages for distance Code 1 and distance Code 3 was performed, using the "t" test for comparison of averages (5). These groups were selected because they contained approximately equal numbers of observations and showed a 10- to 100-fold difference in distance from traffic. Possible sources of bias would, of course, be present due to unequal dis- tribution of different types of crops and unequal dis- tribution of the traffic load factor between the two groups. In addition, two observations (one in each group) were outliers, namely, melons showing 0.71 ppm lead and collards showing 0.90 ppm lead. Both of these outlying values were rejected on the basis of Chauvenet's criterion (6). The resulting distribution by traffic load is shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows the distribution of the two distance codes by fruit or vegetable group. Although total balance for fruit or vegetable group and traffic load factors is not perfect, it was felt that there was some basis for a valid comparison of the two dis- tance groups. The results of the "t" test for comparison of the averages are shown in Table 4. Discussion The value of "t" calculated from the data exceeds, the critical value at the 1 % level of significance for the "one-tailed" distribution of this statistic. The "one- tailed" distribution of "t" would be the proper one to use if we seek the answer to the question, "Is the lead content of crops growing adjacent to traffic greater than that of crops at further distances?" The data suggest that such a difference may exist. However, this conclusion must be viewed in the light that other possible sources of lead have been ignored, i.e., pesticides that contain lead, lead accumulation in the soil, and the possible sources of bias mentioned earlier. LITERATURE CITED (/) Cannon. H. L. and J. M. Bowles. 1962. Contamina- tion of vegetation by tetraethyl lead. Science 137:765- 766. (2) Chow. T. J. and M. S. Johnstone. 1965. Lead isotopes in gasoline and aerosols of Los Angeles Basin, Calif. Science 147:502-503. (.?) Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 1965. Official methods of analysis, 10th ed.. Section 24.041, et seq. (4) Warren, H. V. 1961. Some aspects of the relationship between health and geology. Canad. J. Public Health 52:157. (5) Youden, W. J. 1951. Statistical methods for chemists. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. (6) Young. H. D. 1962. Statistical treatment of experi- mental data. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. TABLE 1. — Lead content of fruits and vegetables correlated with distance from traffic and traffic load Distance FROM Traffic > Number of Samples Traffic Load - Growth Period (Weeks) " Lead Content (PPM) Product Averagf Range Grapefruit 1 2 3 2 1 8 M H H,M,L, 13 13 13 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.06—0.09 0.01—0.05 Oranges 1 2 3 7 4 2 M,L, H.L M 13 13 13 0.09 0.08 0.12 0.03—0.22 0.03—0.16 0.11—0.13 Lemons 1 2 3 4 2 1 H,M H,L M 12-16 12-16 12-16 0.15 0.18 0.01 0.13—0.17 0.11—0.25 Cantaloupe or Honey Dew 1 2 9 1 L M 7-8 7-8 0.16 0.02 0.01—0.71 Strawberries 1 3 3 5 H,M,L H,L 22 22 0.10 0.15 0.04—0.14 0.07—0.16 Peaches 3 1 M — 0.00 — Collards 1 2 3 2 4 1 H,M H,M M 12 12 12 0.29 0.21 0.90 0.28—0.30 0.15—0.30 Lettuce 1 2 3 5 1 5 M,L M H.M.L 12-14 12-14 12-14 0.10 0.26 0.06 0.05—0.22 0.03—0.07 Endive 3 3 M,L 12 0.05 0.02—0,10 Spinach 2 2 L 28 0.27 0.19—0.35 Broccoli 1 2 3 1 5 4 M H,M,L H,M,L, 8-12 8-12 8-12 0.02 0.30 0.02 0.05—0.65 0.00—0.03 Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 TABLE I.- I iiui iimti-nt of fruits and vegetables correlated with distance from traffic and traffic load — Continued ^ Distance from irafTic coded as follows: 1 = 0 lo 25 yds; 2 = 25 to 250 yds; 3 = above 250 yds. = H = Heavy; M = Medium; L =: Light. ■TTiese are general estimates related primarily to California; they represent time of total exposure to air. DisrANcc 1 K(iM Traffic ' Number of Samples Traffic Load - Growth Period (Weeks) » Lead Content (PPM) PHODUCT Average Range Cabbane 1 2 3 4 1 3 M.L H H,M,L 8-27 8-27 8-27 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.00—0.04 0.00—0.04 Turnip Greens 3 1 H 18 0.31 — Rape 3 1 H 13 0.25 — Tomatoes 1 2 3 2 2 7 H M H.M.L 12 12 12 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.00—0.05 0.04 — 0.05 0.01—0.07 Squash 3 1 M 7-8 0.00 — Pole Beans 2 1 L 12 0.12 — Green Beans 3 1 M 12 0.00 — Potaloes 1 3 2 1 M M 10 10 0.02 0.01 0.01—0.02 Carrots 1 2 3 5 2 3 M,L M.L M,L 12 12 12 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.03—0.16 0.02—0.03 0.00—0.05 Radishes 2 1 L 8 0.06 - Celery 1 2 3 2 4 2 M M M 26-28 26-28 26-28 0.14 0.12 0.16 0.09—0.18 0.07—0.15 0.05—0.26 Cauliflower 2 3 1 1 L H 8-12 8-12 0.03 0.03 Asparagus 1 1 M 16 0.00 — TABLE 2. — Distrihulion of scuuplcs by traffic load for distance Codes I and 3 ' TABLE 4. — Comparison of averages for 1 and 3 distance Codes No. of Samples Traffic Load Distance Code 1 Distance Code 3 Heavy Medium Light 5 21 22 18 18 14 Distance Code 1 Distance Code 3 * Does not include two outlying values rejected on basis of Chauvenet's criterion. TABLE 3. — Distribution of samples by fruit or vegetable group for distance Coues I and 3 ' Fruit or Vegetable No. OF Samples Group Distance Code 1 Distance Code 3 Citrus 13 11 Melons 0 Other Fruits 3 6 Leafy Vegetables 12 17 Vine Vegetables 9 Root Vegetables 4 Other Vegetables 3 Average (ppm Pb) Variance (S-) Standard deviation of difference between averages F (comparison of variances) The Sludsdcal Test "t" (test statistic) Degrees of freedom Critical value of "t" at 1% level of significance for 60 D.F. 2.39 ("one-tailed" distribution) 0.0910 0.0562 0.00510 0.0139 1.17 2.51 96 0.00434 ' Docs not include (wo outlying values rejected on basis of Chauvenet's criterion. 10 Pesticides Monitoring Journal Pesticide Residues in Total Diet Samples (III) R. J. Martin' and R. E. Duggan" ABSTRACT Pesticide residue levels detected in recidy-to-eiit foods re- mained at low levels during the third year of the total diet study. Samples were collected from 30 markets in 29 dif- ferent cities. Population of cities ranged from less than 50.000 to 1,000.- 000 or more. A verages and ranges of pesticides commonly found are reported for the period June 1966 — April 1967 hy region and food class. Pesticides found infrequently are reported for this period by region and food The study of pesticide residues in ready-to-eat foods, conducted by the Food and Drug Administration from June 1964 through April 1966, has been described in earlier reports (/). This report covers the period June 1966 through April 1967. Tabular data are included comparable to that reported for the previous years. No changes were made in the sampling and compositing procedures given in the "Food and Feed Section" of the Pesticides Monitoring Journal (2) which describes the National Pesticide Monitoring Program. Earlier reports (3,4) discuss data collected from June 1964 through April 1965 and June 1965 through April 1966, re- spectively. Samples were collected from 30 markets in 29 different cities. Population of cities ranged from less than 50,000 to 1.000,000 or more. The samples were analyzed for the presence of chlorinated hydrocarbons, organic ^ Field Scientific Coordination Branch. Bureau of Science. Food and Drug Administration, Washington. D.C. 20204, - Office of Associate Commissioner for Compliance, Food and Drug Administration, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washmgton, D.C. 20204. phosphates, chloropheno.xy acids, bromides, arsenic, amitrole (3-amino-l,2,4-triazole), carbarbyl (Sevin®), and dithiocarbamate residues. Quantitative values reported for both chlorinated and organic phosphorus compounds were obtained by either electron capture or thermionic gas-liquid chromatog- raphy. Confirmation was made by thin layer chro- matography and/or microcoulometric gas-liquid chro- matography. This procedure determines chlorinated compounds at a sensitivity (quantitative) of 0.003 ppm and organic phosphorus compounds at 0.05 ppm. Each composite was also tested for chlorophenoxy acids and esters at a sensitivity of 0.02 ppm: for amitrole at a sensitivity of 0.05 ppm; for dithiocarbamates, calculated as zineb (zinc ethylene-l, 2-bisdithiocarbamate) at a sensitivity of 0.2 ppm: for carbaryl at a sensitivity of 0.2 ppm: for bromides at a sensitivity of 0.5 ppm: and for arsenic as As^O;, at a sensitivity of 0.1 ppm. All methods used in these studies are described in the FDA Pesticide Analytical Manual. Vol. 1 and 11 (5). Recoveries of specific pesticide chemicals vary within product classes, usually within a range of 85% to 115% at these levels. No correction was made for recovery. RESULTS A total of 997 residues were detected during this current reporting period. There was no significant change in the levels, frequency, or types of residues found from those in the past. Twenty-nine different residues were found in the samples in 1967. The frequency of the residues is shown in Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 11 Table 1. The most common residues, maximum levels of (hose residues, and residues reported less frequently are discussed below for each class. DAIRY PRODUCTS: Thirteen chlorinated organic pesticides in varying combinations were detected in 27 of 30 composites. The most common, and their max- imum values on a fat basis, were: DDE (0..10 ppm); DDT (0.14 ppm); dicldrin (0.08 ppm); heptachlor epoxide (0.0.1 ppm); TDE (O.IS ppm); and BHC (0.05 ppm). Also present were aldrin, heptachlor, lindane, methoxychlor, 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D, PCP, Kelthane^, and arsenic (.As-.O,). Bromides were found (0.5 ppm to 21.3 ppm) in 28 of 30 composites. MEAT, FISH, AND POULTRY: Ten chlorinated or- ganic pesticides were present in varying quantities in 29 of 30 composites. DDT, DDE, TDE, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, and BHC were the most common, with max- imum values of 0.882 ppm, 0.755 ppm, 0.69 ppm, 0.105 ppm, 0.120 ppm, and 0.06 ppm, respectively, on a fat basis. Aldrin, lindane, PCP, and phorate were also present. Bromides were detected (0.8 to 47.2 ppm) in 27 of 30 composites; Arsenic (AsjO.) was detected 9 times at values ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 ppm; and 2,4,5-T was detected in 1 composite. GRAIN AND CEREAL PRODUCTS: Nine chlorinated organic pesticides were found in 28 of 30 composites with the most common being lindane, DDT, and dieldrin, at maximum values of 0.171 ppm, 0.02 ppm, and 0.011 ppm. respectively. DDE, BHC, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, PCP, and TDE also were present. Bromides were detected (0.5 ppm to 47 ppm) in 28 of 30 composites. Eight composites contained malalhion, with a maximum value of 0.13 ppm. Arsenic (As^O^t) and carbaryl also were present. POT .A TOES: The most common pesticides found were DJjfl and DDE at maximum values of 0.03 ppm and 0.02 ppm, respectively. These 2 were detected in 12 of 30 composites. Other chlorin-'id organic pesticides present were dieldrin, CIPC, lindane, TDE, and PCP. Endrin was detected in 5 of 30 composites at a max- imum value of 0.01 ppm. Bromides were found in 25 of 30 composites. Values ranged from 0.3 ppm to 57.2 ppm. LEAFY VEGETABLES: DDT, DDE, and TDE with maximum values of 0.058 ppm, 0.02 ppm. and 0.045 ppm, respectively, were detected in 22 of 30 composites. Aldrin, BHC, chlordane, dieldrin. endrin, and lindane were also present. Paralhion was found in 3 of 30 com- posites, with a maximum value of 0.04 ppm. Methyl parathion, cndosulfan, and arsenic (As^O^,) were each detected 1 time. Dithlocarbamates (calculated as zineb) were found twice at 0.44 and 0.8 ppm levels. Bromides were detected in 24 of the 30 composites. LEGUME VEGETABLES: DDE, TDE, and DDT were found in 8 of 30 composites, with maximum values of 0.01 ppm, 0.05 ppm, and 0.062 ppm, respectively. Aldrin, chlordane, and lindane were also present. Arsenic (AsjOj) was detected twice, with a maximum value of 0.18 ppm. Bromides were found (0.5 ppm to 19 ppm) in 22 of the 30 composites. ROOT VEGETABLES: TDE, DDT, and DDE were detected in 8 of the 30 composites at maximum values of 0.02 ppm, 0.04 ppm, and 0.01 ppm, respectively. Endrin was detected in I composite. Carbaryl and di- thiocarbamates (calculated as zineb) were each detected I time with values of 0.05 ppm and 0.32 ppm, respec- tively. Bromides were detected (0.3 ppm to 20.5 ppm) in 26 of the 30 composites. Arsenic (AsnO:)) was de- tected 3 times with a maximum value of 0.16 ppm. GARDEN FRUITS: A total of 8 chlorinated organic residues were detected in 27 of the 30 composites. DDT, TDE, and DDE were the most common with maximum values of 0.19 ppm, 0.02 ppm, and 0.04 ppm, re- spectively. Dieldrin, lindane, aldrin, heptachlor epoxide, and TCNB also were present. Diazinon, carbaryl, and parathion were all detected 1 time with values of 0.003 ppm, 0.10 ppm, and 0.014 ppm, respectively. Bromides were detected (1.1 ppm to 12 ppm) in 28 of the 30 composites. FRUITS: Ten chlorinated organic residues were found in 25 of the 30 composites. DDT, DDE, Kelthane®, TDE, and aldrin were found most frequently with max- imum values of 0.09 ppm, 0.04 ppm, 0.23 ppm, 0.025 ppm, and 0.015 ppm, respectively. Methoxychlor, lin- dane, BHC, heptachlor epoxide, and dieldrin were also present. Ethion was detected 3 times with a maximum value of 0.054 ppm. Arsenic (AsoO-i) occurred 3 times varying from 0.1 to 0.2 ppm. Carbaryl was detected 1 time, at a level of 0.22 ppm. Bromides were detected 24 times (0.6 ppm to 34.1 ppm) in 30 composites. OILS, FATS. AND SHORTENING: A total of 7 chlorinated organic residues were detected in 21 of the 30 composites. DDE, DDT, and TDE were the most common, with maximum values of 0.03 ppm, 0.023 ppm, and 0.04 ppm, respectively. Dieldrin, BHC, lin- dane, and PCP were also present. Bromides were de- tected (0.7 ppm to 49.1 ppm) in 25 of 30 composites. Malathion was detected 4 times, ranging from trace to 0.062 ppm. Diazinon and ethion were each detected 1 time. Arsenic (As^O.j) occurred twice at a 0.1 ppm level. 12 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 1. — Number of composites where pesticide residues were found nnd ranges in the amounts (June 1966 - April 1967) Pesticide No. COMPOSITES WITH RESIDUE No. OF POSITIVE COMPOSITES WITH RESIDUES BELOW SENSITIVITY LEVEL ^ Range at and above sensi- tivity level (PPM) BROMIDES 301 3 0.5-57.2 DDT I, l,l-trichloro-2.2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane 145 6 0.003-0.882 DDE l,I-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene 123 13 O.003-O.755 TDE l,l-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane 112 13 0.003-0.69 DIELDRIN not less than 85% of l,2,3,4,10,I0-hexachloro-6,7-epoxy-l,4,4a,5,6,7.8,8a-octahydro- l,4-endo-«xo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene 58 7 0.003-0.12 LINDANE 1,2,3.4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, 99% or more gamma isomer 49 14 0.003-0.374 ARSENIC (AsiOa) 33 8 0.1-0.40 BHC 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocycIohexane, mixed isomers 34 4 0.003-0.06 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 1,4,5,6,7,8, 8-heptachloro-2,3-epoxy-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindan 33 4 0.005-0.17 KELTHANE® 4,4'-dichloro-a- ( trichloromethyl ) benzhydrol 20 0 0.019-0.23 ALDRIN not less than 95% of 1,2,3,4, 10,10-hexachloro-l,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-l,4-?ndo-exo- 5,8-dimethanonaphthalene 14 3 0.003-0.03 MALATHION diethyl mercaptosuccinate, S-eslet with 0.0-dimethyl phosphorodithioate PCP pentachlorophenol 14 11 4 2 0.05-0.19 0.007-0.043 ENDRIN 1,2, 3,4, 10, 10-hexachloro-6.7-epoxy-l, 4,4a. 5.6,7,8, 8a-octahydro-l,4-<'ndo-e'niamoi,'eion sp.) comprised the majority of the vascular plants collected, but sig- nificant amounts of watermilfoil (MyriophyUitm sp.) and small amounts of other submerged aquatic plants were also sampled. Cladophora sp. was the predominate attached alga collected. These plants were frozen in 1-lb aliquots and stored for analysis. Native clams (Gonklea sp.) ranging in length from 3 to 5 inches, were collected using an Ekman dredge or a hand rake. Five shucked clams were homogenized together and frozen prior to analysis. Fish were collected using elec- tric fishing gear or rotcnone. Approximately 909f of these fish were tui chubs (Siphaleles hicolor) while the others were blue chubs (Siphaleles i^ilii). All samples of suspended materials, aquatic plants, clams, and fish were wrapped in aluminum foil in the field to prevent contamination. In addition to sampling the natural biota, an in situ study was made using largemouth bass (Microplents salmoidex) and clams. These organisms were held in separate submerged cages at the sampling station. Bass were used because they can withstand confinement and have been used extensively for pesticide bioassays. Tui chubs were difficult to cage as they soon died from disease. A baseline pesticide content was determined before starting the //; silu study. Sufficient numbers of both bass and clams were caged to allow sampling of the exposed populations throughout the agricultural season. Bass were held and sampled in this manner for as long as 209 days. All fish samples were prepared for analysis by homo- genizing whole fish in a blender and then freezing them for storage. Wild chub samples consisted of 5 to 20 individuals ranging in length from 2 to 7 inches, while from 3 to 5 bass, 5 to 7 inches long, were sacrificed at each increment of the cage study. No pathological ex- aminations were made of their internal organs, as all fish appeared to be in good health at the time of sampling. Laboratory A halysis Chemical analyses for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cides provided individual^ results for DDE, DDT, DDD, toxaphene, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, chlordane, dieldrin, and endrin. However, the results of analyses for these compounds in water and tissue samples showed the compounds DDE, DDD, DDT, chlordane, and endrin to be dominant. Other compounds either were not present or were present in very small amounts — i.e., <0.002 ppb in water and <4 ppb in ti.ssue — and therefore were not included in this report All analyses were conducted by the Klamath Basi-^ Study laboratory utilizing gas chromatographic .e<-hniques in conjunction with a microcoulometric titrating system employing a silver cell for chlorinated hydrocarbon de- tection. The cleanup procedures for sample extracts were modifications of those presented by Mills (4). Following cleanup, an equivalent of 1 .5 kg of water sample and 1 to 25 g of the other samples were injected into the chromatograph. Identity of specific pesticides was con- firmed by the use of several different columns. The various columns used are as follows: 3% Dow-200 on acid washed 60-80 mesh Chrom- osorb P, 'A" X 4-6' Mixed column containing approx. equal parts of, first, 5% FS-1265 and, second, 3% Dow-200 on acid washed 60-80 mesh Chromosorb P, 'A" X 6' 3% OV-17 on 60-80 mesh Gas Chrom Q, 'A" X 6' Sensitivity of the analytical results differs for each type of sample analyzed and for each type of compound 22 Pesticides Monitoring Journal detected. Also, varying quantities of material for a specific sample and changes in instrument response add to the variances of analytical sensitivity. The sensitivity levels shown in Fig. 2 represent these variances. Table 1 shows present analytical sensitivities based on the in- strument's normal operating capability. Reproducibility of results was determined from statis tical analysis of duplicate analyses of field samples. Approximately 1 out of 40 samples was selected for duplicate analysis. Table 2 shows the results for all duplicate analyses as calculated by the following two methods: (a) student's t-distribution for paired observa- tions at the 95% confidence interval (3), and (b) average percent deviation within laboratory (6). The results for a particular sample and compound are based on N samples with a mean value of X. Deviations from the mean are expressed as a percent. FIGURE 2. — Occurrence of endrin in water and biota at pump B. TABLE 2. — Reproducibility of analytical results [£) C«f D I TABLE 1. — Sensitivity of analytical results Sample Size DDE, DDD, Endrin (PPB) DDT, Chlordane (PPB) Instrument 5 ng 15 ng Water 1.5 kg 0.003 0.010 Fish 2.5 g 2.0 5.0 C Clams ^ J Vascular Plants 1 1 Filamentous Algae [ t Suspended Material J 10.0 g 0.5 1.5 Fish Water (CONC. > u 0.100 ppb. No corrections of results were made for percent re- coveries which averaged 80 and ranged from 71 to 95 for the reported compounds. Results Pesticides found at Pump B in the various aquatic strata are directly related to the control of insects and other pests plaguing the agricultural industry in and around the Wildlife Refuge. These infestations require the application of thousands of pounds of chemicals. For example, during the 1966 growing season, ap- proximately 14,000 lb of endrin were applied on the study area at a rate of 1.6 Ib/acre/year. Portions of these chemicals leach or fall directly into the drainage canals and, as in the case of Pump B, are subsequently discharged into the Wildlife Refuge. Endrin has predominated in all analytical results, due principally to its abundant usage and persistence in drainage water after application. This, combined with its acute toxicity (1.2) singles out endrin as the most hazardous chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide to wildlife in the Klamath Basin. The occurrence and fate of endrin in the aquatic strata located in the Tule Lake sump at Pump B during 1965 and 1966 are shown in Fig. 2. Most significant is the increase and subsequent decrease of endrin in all levels of the biota during the main growing season (generally from May through September). If a hydrograph of the discharge from Pump B were shown, it would describe a rise from zero in April to a peak in August, and a fall again to zero in September. Correspondingly, the various aquatic strata become contaminated, the con- taminants increase to peak concentrations and fall to near or below levels of sensitivity. Also emphasized, by the generalized curves, is the relationship of the oc- cun jnce of endrin in water to the subsequent contamina- tion of the biota. Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 23 For the 2 years shown, the level of peak contamination is generally the same for both water and fish samples. Water contained a maximum of 0.100 ppb in 1<)65 and 0.069 ppb in 1966, while captive fish accumulated a ma.ximum of 97 ppb and 107 ppb of endrin, respectively. Other strata of the biota vverc distributed between these extremes of the food chain. Although a lesser number of samples were taken during the off season, periodic analyses revealed concentrations near or below the laboratory's low sensitivity levels. The days of exposure for caged bass and clams are emphasized in Fig. 3 and 4. respectively. For the series of bass and clams which were successfully maintained over an entire irrigation season the rise and fall of pesticide levels are again shown. These studies seem to indicate that the accumulation of endrin is dependent on the time of initial immersion. The greatest accumula- tion for all series of bass and clams occurred beginning in August of both 1965 and 1966. This rise reflects increased endrin concentrations in water due to July agricultural applications of endrin formulations. Results of the analyses of water, aquatic biota, and caged bass and clam samples taken at Pump B are shown in Tables 3, 4, and 5, respectively. These tables show results of analyses for other dominant chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in addition to data for endrin. FIGURE 3. — Diiys of exposure — caged boss Conclusions and Discussion Keeping in mind that the occurrence of chlorinated hydrocarbons at Pump B is typical of similar drainage flows in the Lost River system, we conclude that: 1. Agricultural practices in the Lost River system cause chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide contamination of irrigation return water and the associated biota. This fact, in addition to the reported effects of long-term exposures of wildlife to low concentrations of pesticides (7), indicates the hazards to wildlife, both immediate and long-range, which must be considered. These effects stress the need for water management programs which eliminate, or at least alleviate, the hazards from such contamination. Although no wildlife mortalities due to pesticide poisoning have been reported in the Klamath Basin Refuges in recent years, this does not mean that detrimental effects are not present. The continuing role of re- searchers is to evaluate these effects in the lab- oratory and eventually in the field. Until all the answers are found, responsible water users and water pollution control agencies must develop management plans that minimize the occurrence of hazardous materials discharged from agricultural lands. FIGURE 4. — Days of exposure — caged clams 24 Pesticides Monitoring Journal 3. Concentrations of pesticides in water and biota of the Lost River system increase to peaiv values during the summer growing season, then decrease to near or below levels of laboratory sensitivity after the close of the season. Most important, this fact demonstrates that short- term pesticide contamination of an aquatic environ- ment does not establish permanent residual con- centrations of pesticides in the various strata. The dilution effect of irrigation water applications after final pesticide treatment is certainly the cause of this beneficial cleansing. Consequently, flushing with uncontaminated water is a means of controlling pesticide levels in the natural food chain of fish- eating wildfowl. From year to year the concentration of studied pesticides in the aquatic strata of the Lost River system was no greater than the previous year's peak level. The above conclusions bring out the point that, in agricultural areas with only a short summer growing season, the levels of contamination in the aquatic environment are governed by the seasonal variations, thereby limiting accumulations to the seasonal peaks. For the agricultural community within the Lost River Basin, this fact tempers one of their primary anxieties concerning pesticide usage. At the same time that the wildfowl mortalities were occurring in the Refuge, considerable national attention was focused on the effects of residual pesticides on the Nation's wildlife. Naturally, the first reaction was one of concern that runoff from the irrigated lands in the basin might be causing a continuing buildup of pesticide concentrations in the National Wildlife Refuges which would result in continued mortalities in the migratory bird population. Under present land practices, this continued accumulation is not occurring in the aquatic biota of the basin. TABLE 3. — Pumh B water analyses [ — = Results below analytical sensitivity] Residues— -PPB Date Collected DDE DDD/DDT 1 Chlordane Endrin 4/01/65 0.006 5/14/65 — — — — 6/22/65 0.005 — — — 7/22/65 0.010 — — — 8/11/65 0.010 — — 0.100 8/27/65 0.003 — — 0.015 9/10/65 0.007 — — 0.017 10/01/65 0.003 — — 0.007 10/11/65 0.007 — 0.010 — 10/20/65 0.003 — — — 11/09/65 0.010 0.010 0.013 — 1/18/66 0.003 — 0.013 — 2/17/66 0.003 — — — 3/22/66 0.003 — 0.010 — 4/26/66 — — 0.010 — 6/07/66 0.027 0.027/0.027 0.100 — 6/22/66 — — 0.013 — 7/06/66 0.003 — 0.010 — 7/20/66 0.003 — 0.012 — 7/28/66 — — — : — 8/04/66 — — 0.013 — 8/05/66 — — — — 8/09/66 — — — 0.008 8/11/66 — — — — 8/18/66 — — — 0.023 8/20/66 — — — 0,011 8/22/66 — — — 0.021 8/24/66 — — — 0.069 8/26/66 — — — 0..057 8/29/66 — — — 0.056 9/02/66 — — — 0.030 9/07/66 — — — 0.007 9/13/66 — — — 0.010 9/22/66 — — — 0.007 9/29/66 — — — 0.010 10/04/66 0.003 — — — 10/19/66 0.006 0.002/0.013 — 0.009 11/04/66 0.004 0.017 0.051 — 11/18/66 0.003 — — — 11/25/66 0.003 0.007 0.017 0.007 11/30/66 — — — — 12/14/66 — 0.017 — — 1/11/67 — — — — 2/06/67 0.003 0 /O.OIO 0.017 — ' Single values represent a total response, i.e., where DDD and DDT could not be separated. Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 TABLE 4. — Chloriinilcd hydrocarbon pesticides contained in the biota at Pump B [ — = Results below analytical sensitivity] Date Collected 8/10/65 12/28/65 7/22/66 Residues— PPB DDE DDD/DDT 1 Chlordane Endrin Suspended Material 4/20/66 _ 0.75 3.0 1.5 6/22/66 — — 67.0 6.0 7/22/66 1.7 10.0 6.0 1.3 8/22/66 6.6 4.0 6.0 57.7 9/13/66 — 4.0 8.0 13.0 10/26/66 1.0 0.7/2.0 1.5 5.3 11/16/66 — — 8.5 — 1/06/67 1.5 3.3/12.0 14.7 1.5 Vascular Plants 6/22/66 1.0 1.0 5.0 . — 7/22/66 — — 2.0 1.6 8/22/66 1.0 10 2.0 12.2 9/13/66 — — 1.5 12.5 9/29/66 0.8 1.2 — 4.8 10/20/66 1.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 11/16/66 0.6 0.7 2.6 1.8 Algae 4/20/66 0.5 0.75 2.0 2.0 6/22/66 2.0 3.0 50.0 — 7/22/66 — — — — 8/22/66 0.8 0.4 1.7 22.3 9/13/66 1.3 1.3 13.5 10.8 Chubs 8/27/65 45.0 17.0 198.0 4/20/66 26.0 12.0 24.0 10.0 6/22/66 14.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 7/22/66 6.2 9.6 8.0 4.0 8/22/66 2.5 2.5 — 30.5 Clams 4.0 4.0 4.8 4.0 3.0 4.8 3.0 4.5 12.0 34.0 4.0 2.0 ' Single values represent a total response, i.e. could not be separated. where DDD and DDT 25 TABLE 5. — Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in targemoiith hass and clams held in cages at Pump B 1— =r Results below analytics 1 sensitivity] Residues — PPB Date Collected Days Ex- posed Number Col- lected DDE DDD/ DDT' Chlor- DANE Endrin Largemouth Bass GROUP 1 7/01/65 0 5 27 10 — — 7/16/65 15 5 32 18 — 2 7/30/65 29 5 37 14 — 31.5 9/24/65 85 2 38 23 — 74 11/05/65 127 1 19 16 15 65 GROUP 11 8/17/65 0 5 27 6 — 2.5 8/18/65 1 5 25 50 — 20.2 11/05/65 80 1 22 13 13 97 11/19/65 94 3 26 15 20 72 GROUP 111 10/07/65 0 5 34 19 11 6.5 11/05/65 29 5 38 14 17 20 11/19/65 43 2 14 17 43 19 GROUP IV 6/15/66 0 5 16 16 8 — 7/14/66 29 5 37.5 31 33 2 8/16/66 62 4 11 11 — 20 9/16/66 93 5 12.5 9.5/6.5 — 107 9/30/66 107 5 12.5 10/10 7.5 40 10/13/66 120 5 12 10/8.8 8 65 1/10/67 209 2 21.2 8.9/7.3 — 15.3 Clams GROUP I 12/14/65 0 5 2.5 4 25 12/28/65 14 4 2 2 8 1.7 1/28/66 45 3 2.5 5 5 3.5 3/04/66 80 3 2.25 2 6 — 3/30/66 106 2 1 1 — 2.5 GROUP II 3/30/66 0 5 1 — — — 5/02/66 33 5 1.5 3 4 — 6/22/66 84 5 2 2 4 2 7/14/66 106 5 2 4 3 — 8/16/66 139 4 — — 2 2.5 8/30/66 153 5 0.75 — — 90 9/16/66 170 5 — — 3 18 9/30/66 184 5 — — 6 14 10/13/66 197 5 3 2 — 12.6 11/16/66 231 5 6.3 2.0/3.0 3 7 1 10 67 255 5 2.4 2.3 5.1 5.9 The chemical names of compounds mentioned in this paper are: I. l-dichloro-2,2-bi5(r-chlorophenyl) ethylene 1.1.1 -t r ichloro-2,2-bis( p-chlorophenyl ) ethane l.l-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane DDE DDT DDD Chlordane ' Single values represent a total response, i.e., where DDD and DDT could not be separated. 1. 2.4,. "i .6,7,8. 8-octachloro-3a,4.7,7a-tetrahydro- 4.7-methanoindane Endrin l.2.3,4.IO,U>-hexachloro-6,7-epoxy-l,4,4a,5,6.7,8,8a- octahydro-l,4-cMdo-fnJo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene Heptachlor 1 ,4. 5,6.7,8. 8-heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro- 4.7-methanoindene Heptachlor epoxide 1.4. 8-heptachloro-2.3-epoxy-3a,4,7,7a- lelrahydro^.7-methanoindan Dicldrin not less than 85^r of,10,10-hexachloro-6, 7-epoxy- 1 ,4,4a. 5,6, 7,8. 8a-octahydro-l .^-endo-exo- 5,8-dimethanonaphthalene Toxaphene chlorinated camphene containing 67% to 69% chlorine Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowlecJge Messrs. Robert E. White and Gerald L. Muth who were, successively, in charge of laboratory operations and are responsible for the analytical results presented. We also wish to thank the many staff members of the Klamath Basin Study for their efforts in providing the reported subject material. LITERATURE CITED (/) Henderson. C. Q. H. Pickering, and C. M. Tarznell. 1959. Relative toxicity of ten chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides to four species of fish. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc. 88:23-32. (2) Katz. M. 1961. Acute toxicity of some organic in- secticides to three species of salmonoids and to the threespine stickleback. Trans. Amer. Fish Soc. 90:264- 268. (.?) Li. J. C. R. 1957. Introduction to statistical inference. Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor, Mich. (4) Mills, P. E. 1959. Detection and semiquantitative esti- mation of chlorinated organic pesticides in food by paper chromatography. J. Ass. of Agr. Chem. 42:734. (5) Pillmore, R. E. 1961. Pesticide investigations of the 1960 mortality of fish-eating birds on Klamath Basin wildlife refuges. U. S. Fish Wildlife Serv., Wildlife Res. Lab. 12 p. (6) Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. 1966. Water Pesticides No. 1. Study Number 24. Public Health Serv. Publication No. 999-WP-39. 64 p. (7) Riidd, R. L. 1964. Pesticides and the living landscape. Univ. of Wis. Press, Madison, Wis. 320 p. (5) Woods, Philip C. and Gerald T. Orlob. 1963. The Lost River system — a water quality management investiga- tion. Water Resources Center Conlrib. No. 68, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. 54 p. 26 Pesticides Monitoring Journal Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in an Aquatic Environment Located Adjacent to a Commercial Orchard R. J. Moubry', J, M. Helm-, and G. R. Myrdal' ABSTRACT Samples of water, silt, bottom organic debris, bottom organisms, and fish were collected from an aquatic environ- ment located adjacent to a commercial orchard. Residue data obtained from the analysis of these samples are presented. The results obtained indicate that contamination of the environment studied was minimal. Introduction Pesticides, principally the chlorinated hydrocarbons, have been used extensively in Wisconsin orchards in the production of fruit for market. In 1966, an exploratory investigation was conducted by the Wisconsin Depart- ment of Natural Resources to evaluate the effects of such pesticide usage on the aquatic environment of streams located in the drainage area of these orchards. Knights Creek, located in Dunn County, Wis., was selected as the site of this investigation. The upstream area of this creek branches to the north and to the south. A commercial orchard is located on top of a hill at the confluence of these two branches traversing along the base of the hill. Accurate records of pesticide usage were unavailable, but it was ascertained that 150 acres of the orchard had been treated with endrin for rodent control at a rate of approximately 1 lb/ acre actual in the fall of 1963, 1964, and 1965. During this same 3-year period, approximately 100 lb actual of dieldrin also had been used each year in foliar treatment of the entire orchard (195 acres), and, during the period 1955 to 1962, approximately 50 lb actual of dieldrin had been applied yearly to this orchard. Many other types of pesticides, including DDT, also had been used in this orchard, but the total amounts applied were not determined. ^ Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, General Laboratory Division, Bureau of Ciiemistry, 4702 University Ave., Madison, Wis. 53702. - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Division of Resource Development. Bureau of Water Resources, 421 State Office Building, Madison, Wis. 53702. Sampling Methods Sampling stations were established in the north and south branches of Knights Creek, at the confluence of the two branches, and in a control area located in a tributary of the north branch. On March 8, 1966, samples of silt, bottom organic debris, and bottom organisms were taken at each sampling station with the aid of a dredge which collected stream bottom material to a depth of 3 to 4 inches. The organisms and organic debris were then removed from the material, and 1 -quart portions each of the separated organic matter and remaining silt from each of the sampling stations were taken for analysis. Bottom organisms were first separated by species; however, in some instances, difficulty in obtaining a sufficient quantity of individual species necessitated the compositing of different organism species into a single sample. Bottom organism samples were then held in a formaldehyde solution. A 5-quart sample of runoff ground water entering the stream was collected at each of the sampling station areas on June 1, 1966, either during or immediately after a heavy rain storm. Due to a heavy turf surround- ing this stream, these water samples were to all appear- ances devoid of silt. The fish samples were collected on August 24, 1966, by means of an electro-fishing apparatus. Fish were un- available in the control area at the time of sampling. Analytical Methods The samples of silt were air-dried to approximately 15% moisture and sieved. The material which did not pass through a No. 8 sieve was discarded. The sieved silt samples were extracted by the hexane-acetone procedure (/), and the silt extracts were then cleaned up with Florisil (2). The debris samples were ground, mixed, and extracted by the acetonitrile-water extraction pro- i Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 27 ccdure (.'). A portion of each homogenous sample of silt and debris was taken for moisture determination. Analysis was made on the "as is" basis. The dry weight residue resuhs were oht;iined by calculation, using the percent moisture obtained from each sample. The bottom organism samples, submitted in formalde- hyde solutions, were drained. Each of the formaldehyde solutions was then analyzed for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues and interfercnt gas chromatographic peaks. None were found. Some of the bottom organisms (caddis fly larvae) were incased in a sand covering. These were removed and discarded prior to grinding. The drained and decased organisms were ground, ex- tracted, and cleaned up (2). The sample size used for analysis ranged from 8 to 10 g. The results obtained were reported on the drained weight basis. The fish collected from each sampling station were pooled by species. The number of fish composited into each sample is shown in Table 3. The fish samples were ground as received. The ground samples included head, tail, scales, and viscera. The samples were extracted and cleaned up (2), with results being reported on the ex- tracted fat basis. The percentage of fat in the samples was determined and reported. The water samples (4.800 ml each) were extracted three times with redistilled hexane. The extracts were concentrated and cleaned up with Florisil. Determination of the amount of pesticide residues pres- ent in the samples was by electron capture gas-liquid chromatography. The instrument used was a Jarrell-Ash, Model 28-710, gas chromatograph. The column packing systems used were 10% DC-200 on Anakrom ABS, and a mixed bed column consisting of nine parts 10% DC- 200 and five parts lO'^'r QFI on Gas Chrom Q. The sample size, final volume of sample extract, and amount injected into GLC were adjusted to provide a sensitivity of 0.001 ppm dieldrin for the silt, organic material, bottom organisms, and fish tissue. The level of detection for the water samples was 25 ppt of dieldrin. Inasmuch as this was an exploratory survey, recovery studies were not conducted in conjunction with analysis of these samples. Recovery studies are run at periodic intervals in the laboratory to insure reliable analysis and are in the range of 90% . Due to the minimal amount of residue detected in the majority of these samples, confirmation of the residue detected was restricted to multiple GLC column technique. The data presented are the results obtained using the methodology specified. Discussion The results obtained are presented in Tables 1 through 4. No residues were detected in the orchard runolT water entering the stream on the date these samples were collected. No detectable DDT or its analogues were present in the silt and debris samples. Low levels of DDT and its analogues were detected in the bottom organisms. The DDT and dieldrin residues detected in the brook trout were at the same general level as those detected in the same and similar species collected and analyzed in a recent State-wide residue-in-fish survey (4). Although low-level cndrin residues were detected in the silt, organic matter, and bottom organisms, none were detected in the fish samples. Evaluation of the re- sults obtained in this limited investigation indicates that the pesticide usage in the orchard has not significantly contaminated the aquatic environment of this adjacent creek. Tlie chemical names of compounds mentioned in this paper are: Dieldrin Endrin DDT DDD DDE not less 85Tr of l. l,4.4a.5,6.7,8,8a-octahydro-1.4-eM(/o-exo-5.8-dimethano= naphthalene,in-hexachloro-6.7-epoxy-1.4.4a.5,6,7.8.8a- octahydro-1.4-f/i(/f>-e/i(/o-5.8-dimethanonaphthaiene l.l.l-trichloro-2.2-bis(p-chloropheny Methane I.I-dichIoro-2,2-bis{p-chlorophenynethane l,l-dichloro-2,2-bist p-chlorophenyl) ethylene Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of R. Smith (Warden) and L. Frankenburger (Biologist) of the Division of Conservation, who assisted in the col- lection of samples, and L. Lueschow of the Division of Resource Development, who performed the identification of invertebrate organisms. LITERATURE CITED (/) Lichtcnslcin. E. P.. G. R. Myrdal, and K. R. Schulz. 1964. Effect of formulation and mode of application of aldrin on the loss of aldrin and its epoxide from soils and their translocation into carrots. J. Econ. Entomol. 57:133-136. (2) Barry, Helen C, Joyce G. Hundley, and Loren Y. Johnson. Pesticide Analytical Manual Vol. 1, 2.21 (A), U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. 20204. (.*) Ihid.. 2.21(B). (4) Kleinerl, S. J., P. E. Degur.^e, T. L. Wirlb, and L. C. Hull. 1967. DDT and dieldrin residues found in Wis- consin fishes from the survey of 1966. Preliminary Report, Research Report No. 23 (Fisheries), Wisconsin Conservation Department, Research and Planning Divi- sion, Madison, Wis. TABLE 1. — Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues detected in silt and debris samples [ — = None detected] Residues in PPM— Dry Weight Basis Srrs Silt Samples Debris Samples Endrin Dieldrin Endrin Dieldrin Control North Branch South Branch Confluence 0.003 0.002 0.013 0.005 0.025 0.011 0.014 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.002 28 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 2. — Chloriiwlcd hyilrncarhon pesticide residues delected in bottom or^anisiyt samples Sample Residues in PPM — Whole Weight Basis Site DDE DDD DDT DDT AND Analogues Dieldrin Endrin Control Caddis Fly Larvae (Limnephilus rhombicus) Organism Composite ^ 0.014 0.013 0.009 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.033 0.033 0.002 0.001 — North Branch Alder Fly Larvae (.Sialis sp.) Fresh-Water Shrimp (Gammarus sp.) Caddis Fly Larvae {Limnephilus rliombicus) 0.005 0.010 0.006 0.003 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.012 0.011 0.016 0.029 0.024 0.013 0.003 0.002 0.009 0.025 0.003 South Branch Organism Composite = 0.007 0.011 0.016 0.034 0.002 0.004 Confluence Fresh-Water Shrimp {Gammarus sp.) 0.009 0.007 0.015 0.031 0.013 0.013 ' Consisted of Gammarus, Agapelus. Protoptila, caddis pupae, Dytiscidae. Atherix variegala. immalure stone flies. Procladius, Hydrobaeninae, and Calopsectra. -Consisted of Gammarus, Sialis. Isoperla bilineata, Protoptila, caddis pupae, Agapetus. Cheumatopsyche. aquatic earthworm, Tipula, Tabanidae, Procladius, immature Coleoptera. Hydrobaeninae, Limnephilus rhombicus, and Potomyia. TABLE 3. — Chloritiated hydrocarbon pesticide residues detected in fish samples Sample No. OF Fish Per- Residues in PPM Site Fat Basis Whole Weight Basis Fat DDT AND Ana- DDT AND Ana- DDE DDD DDT logues Dieldrin logues Dieldrin North Branch Brook Trout (Salrelinus fontinatis) 2 4.0 1.41 1.04 1.42 3.87 0.26 0.155 0.014 Northern Creek Chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus) 24 3.8 1.02 0.67 0.12 1.81 0.34 0.069 0.013 Muddlers (Cottus bairdi) 17 2.4 0.65 0.45 1.47 2.58 0.69 0.062 0.017 South Branch Brook Trout {Salvelinus fontinalis) 4 4.6 0.83 0.56 1.15 2.54 0.18 0.168 0.008 Northern Creek Chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus) 33 3.6 1.00 0.53 0.59 2.12 0.17 0.076 0.006 Muddlers (Coitus bairdi) 16 2.4 0.57 0.47 1.54 2.58 0.31 0.062 0.007 Confluence Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinatis) 1 4.6 0.29 0.26 0.37 0.92 0.21 0.042 0.010 Northern Creek Chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus) 6 2.6 1.53 0.63 0.20 2.36 0.31 0.061 0.008 Black Nosed Dace (Rhinichtliys atralutus) 10 6.0 1.92 0.78 0.10 2.80 None 0.168 None Muddlers (Cottus bairdi) 4 2.2 0.55 0.40 0.54 1.53 0.41 0.034 0.009 Note: No endrin residues were detected in these samples. TABLE 4. — Results of analyses of rain runoff water for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues Site Ml H-O Extracted Pesticide Residues ' Control 4800 None detected North Branch 4800 Do. South Branch 4800 Do. Confluence 4800 Do. 1 Minimum level of detection was 25 ppt of dieldrin. Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 29 PESTICIDES IN SOIL Monitoring the Effects of the 1963-64 Japanese Beetle Control Program on Soil, Water, and Silt in the Battle Creek Area of Michigan J. E. Fahey', J. W. Butcher, and M. E. Turner' ABSTRACT The 1963-64 Japanese beetle cnnlrol program in Buttle Creek, Mich., ivas monitored hy Michigan Stale University and tlie Agricultural Research Service. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Soil, water, and sill samples were obtained after treatment of infested areas with 20 lb of 107c granular dicldrin per acre. Dieldrin was present in only .? of 22 pre-treatmcnt soil samples. It averaged 1.25 ppm in soil samples collected on November 23. 1963, just after treat- ment, and 1.39 ppm on June 25, 1964. No detectable resi- dues of dieldrin were present in water after treatment, and residues in silt were low, absent, or inconclusive due to interferences. Ittiroduction The 1963-64 Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica New- man) control program in the Battle Creek area of Michigan was cooperatively undertaken by the Ento- mology Research Division and the Plant Pest Control Division. Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture; the Plant Industry Division, Mich- igan Department of Agriculture; and the Entomology Department. Michigan State University. The area treated consists of 12.601 acres. Dieldrin was used at the rate of 2 lb technical per acre {\07( dieldrin at 20 lb granular per acre ) . The objectives of the program were to treat the city of Battle Creek and surrounding sub- urban area and kill as many beetles as possible. The program started on October 27, 1963, and ended April 15, 1964. No operations took place from December 14, 1963. to March 30. 1964. The applications were made with ground equipment, including two buffalo turbines and two Skibee spreaders mounted on pickup trucks, and hand-operated Seymour seedcasters. ' Enlomology Ucpanmcnt. Purdue University, formerly in Charge Analytical InvestiKations, Pesticide Chemicals Research Branch. En- tomolouy Research Division. Agricultural Research Service. U. S. Department of Atfricullure. = Department iif Entomolony. Michigan Stale University. ' Plant Pest Control Division. Agricultural Research Service. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Precautions were taken wherever possible to prevent contamination and hazardous residues. Special care was taken to avoid getting dieldrin into lakes, rivers, and creeks. Only small sections of shoreline were treated between rains. Great care was taken also to keep the insecticide off sidewalks, streets, driveways, etc. Feeding dishes for pets, sand boxes, and bird baths were turned over or covered with sections of tarpaulin before treatment. Several pastures, small hayfields, and garden areas with sensitive crops were bypassed in compliance with label recommendations for dieldrin. The monitoring program was conducted by the Ento- mology Department, Michigan State University; and the Pesticide Chemicals Research Branch. Entomology Re- seach Division. Agricultural Research Service. The work by Michigan State University was supported by con- tracts with the Plant Pest Control Division, AP^. All collections were made by or under the direction of Dr. J. W. Butcher, and all residue analyses were per- formed by or under the direction of Jack E. Fahey. A preliminary survey of the occurrence and distribution of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide residues in soil from Battle Creek. Mich., was reported by Fahey, Butcher, and Murphy in 1965 (/). They found dieldrin in only 17 of 227 samples. The dicldrin residues found rangcti from 0.06 to 2.2 ppm. Only one sample con- tained more than 1() ppm of dicldrin. Collection of Samples Prior to the start of control operations, twenty 1- by 3-inch soil cores were collected from sod and twenty 1- by 3-inch cores from garden or shrub-planted (culti- vated) areas in one city lot per 40 acres. The lot chosen for sampling was always on the extreme southwest corner of each 40 acres. If, for any reason, the sample 30 Pesticides Monitoring Journal could not be obtained at the preselected point, the col- lector sampled the closest accessible lot. The sod and cultivated soil samples were packaged and analyzed separately. Similar soil samples were obtained at every tenth point as soon as possible after treatment — in November 1963 — and again in June 1964. Water samples were collected from 1 3 points in ponds, creeks, and the Kalamazoo River. Collection points were established throughout the entire treatment area in order to detect residues that might be washed off the treated soil surface into the major drainage pathways. A 1 -gallon sample of water was collected from preselected points before treatment on October 31 and November 2, and after treatment on December 19, 1963, and March 23, 1964. Silt samples were collected from the streams and ponds at the water collection points on October 3 1 and Novem- ber 2 (pre-treatment) and on December 19, 1963 (after treatment). Collections were discontinued after the first post-treatment sample. Preparation of Samples for Residue A nalysis SOIL AND SILT Recovery of Residue: Silt samples were filtered, dried, and ground before analysis. Soil samples were sieved and dried. Aliquots were weighed and 10% moisture added. The samples were then stripped with a 2:1 mixture of he.xane and isopropyl alcohol, using 2 ml per gram of soil (or silt). The alcohol was removed by washing with water; the hexane was dried over sodium sulfate. Cleanup: A 40-ml aliquot was reduced to 10 ml and chromatographed on a 4:1 magnesia celite column (as used in colorimetric analysis). Analysis: Suitable aliquots of the cleaned residue solu- tion were injected into a Jarrell-Ash gas-liquid chro- matograph, electron capture detector. Critical Temperatures: Oven 175 C Injector 235 C Splitter 210 C Detector 200 C Column: '4" X 4' aluminum 2% SE 30 on Anakrom ABS Results of analyses were qualitatively verified by thin layer chromatography. WATER Residue Recovery: Water samples of approximately 2 liters were extracted with 200 ml normal hexane for 5 minutes. The hexane extract was dried over sodium sulfate. Analysis: Analyses were made by gas-liquid chro- matography, using the same instrument and conditions as for soil analyses. Results of the A nalysis Table 1 lists dieldrin residues recovered from pre- and post-treatment soil samples collected at Battle Creek. The number of dieldrin granules visible in four 1 -square- foot soil surface counts per collection point are given along with ppm dieldrin residues recovered from the same points before and after treatment. Table 1 also shows other chlorinated hydrocarbon residues found in pre-treatment samples. Table 2 shows the results of analysis of pre- and post- treatment water and silt samples. There were no verifi- able residues detected in any of the post-treatment water samples. Because of the low residues found in post- treatment silt samples and interferences in analysis, the silt sampling was discontinued after one sampling. Summary and Conclusions Analysis of soil, water, and silt samples from the Battle Creek treatment area was carried out. The findings may be summarized as follows: Substantial, although not uniform, residues of hepta- chlor, chlordane, BHC. DDE, or p.p'-o.p'-DDT were present in virtually all samples taken from turf and cultivated plots throughout the city of Battle Creek before treatment. Only three pre-treatment samples con- tained measurable dieldrin residues. Counts of dieldrin granule distribution and levels of dieldrin residues in soil after treatment showed that coverage was almost complete and probably adequate for control. The soil samples collected on November 23, 1963, contained an average of 1.25 ppm of dieldrin while those collected June 25, 1964, contained an average of 1.39 ppm of dieldrin. No detectable residues were present in water on the dates sampled after treatment. Dieldrin residues in streambed or pond silt were low, absent, or inconclusive due to interferences. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Publication No. 4267 A cknowledgment Grateful acknowledgment is made to Mr. Calvin Corley, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Entomology Research Division, Pesticide Chemicals Research Branch. Belts- ville, Md., for assistance in the analytical work. LITERATURE CITED (/) Faltcy. J. E.. J. W. Biilclur. ami R. T. Miiipiiy. 1965. Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide residues in soil of urban areas. Battle Creek, Mich. J. Econ. Entomol. 58:1026-27. Information in this paper is not for publication without prior approval or for use in sales promotion or advertising which expresses or implies endorsement of the product by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Vol. 1, No. 4, March 1968 31 TABLE 1. — Residues of chlorinalcJ hydrocarbon in.icclicidcx in soil samples from Bailie Creek, Mich. Type' DlFl-DRIN Granule Count" Pesticide Residues in Soil Samples Site Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment Dieldrin BHC DDE o.p'-DDT p.p'-DDT Chlordane Hepta- chlor s Dieldrin 11/23/63 6/25/64 1 T 10-17-15-18 .03 .11 .20 »0.84 3.30 2 C — .03 — .17 .10 — *0.6I 0.15 3 T 6-14-0-2 — .03 — 1.60 .10 — 0.35 1.35 4 C — — — .21 — — — 0.58 0.34 5 T 21-8-12-6 — — — — — — — 3.06 3.00 6 C — — — .07 — — — 0.73 4.40 7 T 3-2-3-0 — .31 .04 .51 — — — 0.86 1.50 8 C — .05 .04 .22 — — — 1.84 1.20 9 T 19-18-5-10 .20 .20 .30 1.30 — _ — 8.63 3.10 10 T 5-2-3-3 — — — .15 .10 — 0.1 0.28 3.00 11 C — — — — — — — 2.33 3.00 12 T 0-0-0-0 .10 — — .80 120.0 1.6 — 0.06 0.13 13 C — .14 .20 2.10 0.5 — — 0.37 0.13 14 T 3-18-11-10 — — — .07 0.13 — — 1.01 1.00 15 C — — — .08 — — — 2.21 2.70 16 T 2-3-1-2 — _ — — — — — 0.03 0.26 17 T 12-8-6-26 — — — .07 — — — 0.65 0.30 18 C — .03 .04 .30 — — — — — 19 T 21-7-2-3 — — — .08 .10 — — 1.26 0.14 20 C — — — .07 .13 — — 0.58 0.15 21 T 3-3-1-7 .02 — — — — — 0.07 0.04 0.01 22 C — — .25 — — 0.07 0.05 O.OS » T = Turf sample: C = Cultivated soil. 'Granules found in a unit of space treated. ' Includes hept.ichlor epoxide. •Sampled 11/ 11 /S.'t instead of 11/23/63. The chemical names of compounds mentioned in this paper are: Dio'drin not less than 85% of l.2,,7-epoxy-l,4,4.i.5.6.7,8.8a-octahydro-1.4-endo-Mo-5,8-dimethanonaphthalene DDE l.l-dichloro-2.2-bis(p-chlorophenyl )ethylene BHC l,2,.V4.5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, mixed isomers Chlordane 1. 2.4.5,6,7.8. 8-octachloro-3a.4,7,7a-lelrahydro^,7-methanoindane o.p'-DDT. p.p'-DDT I, l,l-Irichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane Heptachlor 1,4,5.6.7, 8, 8-heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindene Hcptachlor epoxide 1 ,4,5,6,7,8,8-heptachloro-2,3-epoxy-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4.7-melhanoindan 32 Pesticides Monitoring Journal TABLE 2. — Dieldrin residues in water and sill from ponds and streams in Battle Creek, Mich. [ — = No samples collected] Collection Point Dieldrin Residues (PPM) Sample Water Silt No. Post- Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment Pre-Treatment Treatment Date Amt 12-19-63 3-23-64 Date Amt 12-19-63 1 Irving Park Pond, Upper side 11-2 <.0O01 — <.0001 11-2 <.001 — 2 Sperry Creek, bank of Horseshoe Bend 11-2 <.oooi — <.O00I 11-2 .008 — 3 Kalamazoo River, E. of bridge 10-31 .0002 <.0001 <.0001 10-31 ><.001 <.001 4 Holmer Creek at West River Rd 11-2 .0055 <.0001 <.O001 11-2 <.001 .002 5 Waubum Creek — — <.0OOl <.0001 — — .003 6 Below Junction Kalamazoo and B. C. Rivers 10-31 .0002 <.0001 <.0001 10-31 ■<.001 .008 7 Kalamazoo River at Country Club <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 .009 <.0Ol 8 Harper Creek, before Kalamazoo Rd. 10-31 <.0001 <.0O01 <.0001 10-31 .004 <.001 9 Goguac Lake, 116 Fern 10-31 .0002 — <.0001 10-31 .010 — 10 (a) Goguac Lake boathouse (b) Vince Island by 10-31 .0006 — <.0001 Stone boathouse 10-31 .008 — U Kalamazoo River, W. of bridge 10-31 .0006 <.0001 <.0001 10-31 1 <.001 <.001 12 Battle Creek, Elm St. 11-2 .0003 <.0001 <.000I 11-2 .006 <.001 13 (a) Battle Creek, West Pony Ave. 11-2 .0003 <.001 <.0001 (b) Small Elm area at bend in river 11-2 .11 .030 ' Interferences made analysis impossible. Vol. ],No. 4, March 1968 33 BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 05571 156 6