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The efforts of the proprietor have been so strenuous, and the preparations so munificent in this splendid establishment, that they would seem entitled to public approbation and patronage. No ex- pense has been shunned to complete every appurtenance, and com- bine every requisite for their perfection.

The building has the advantage of being located irt one of the most retired and airy, and at the same time, central positions of the city. It contains two distinct ranges of apartments, appropriated for each of the sexes, having several and separate entrances; the best fe- male attendance being provided for the service of the ladies. The establishment contains fifty baths, a part of which are of marble imported from Italy, and the others of plated Copper, Zinc, &c. In addition to the warm and cold, every provision has been made for shower bathing, so that the latter salutary application may be en- joyed at pleasure, by means of appropriate contrivances under the complete control of the individual who employs it. In addition to these accommodations, a swimming room has been constructed for those who are fond of that recreation, and in which persons who are ignorant of that necessary qualification may acquire without hazard, so useful an accomplishment. We subjoin, in addition to the foregoing notice, some observations of our celebrated countryman Count Rum- ford, to prove that the warm bath is more conducive to health than any luxury which can be enjoyed in a populous city, its beneficial effects being particularly described as follows:

It is not merely on account of the advantages, says the Count, " which I happened to receive from warm bathing, which renders me so much an advocate for the practice: exclusive of the wholesomeness of the warm bath, the luxury of bathing is so great, and the tranquil state of the mind and body, which follows, is so exquisiteh/ delightful, that I think it quite impossible to recommehd it too highly, if we con- sider it merely as a rational and elegant refinement," " The manner in which the warm bath operates," he continues, " in producing its salutary consequences, seems very evident. The genial warmth which is so applied to the skin, J^ the place of the cold air of the atmosphere, by which we are commonly surrounded, expands all those very small vessels, where the extremities of the arteries and veins unite, and by gently stimulating the whole frame, produces a full and free circula- tion, which if continued for a certain time, removes all obstructions in the vascular system, and puts all the organs into that state of regu- lar, free and full motion, which is essential to health, and also to that delightful repose, accompanied by a consciousness of the power of exertion, which constitutes the highest animal enjoyment of which we are capable.


The Phoenix Insurance Company of Philadelphia Capital ^480,000.



Directors David Lewis, President Paul Beck, jr. John Goddard, John C. Sraitli, Lawrence Lewis, John C. Stocker, William Phillips, John J. Borie, jr. Robert Toland. John R. Wucherer, Secretary.

United States Insurance Company of Philadelphia— Capital ^200,000.



Directors William Young, President Henry Toland, Francis R. Wharton, Samuel Nevins, William Mason Walmslev, Charles W. Smith, John Diamond, Charles Callaghan, Andrew B. Spence, Joseph Cabot, John C. Da Costa, R. Butler Price and George Fales. Alexander Stewart,jr. Secretary.

Directors of the Delaware Insurance Company of Philadelphia.

Samuel Keith, President William Bell, William Boyd, John Cook, Joseph R. Evuns, Joshua Emlen, Isaac Harvey, jr. Benjamin Jones, James Kitchen, Joshua I^ongstreth, William M'Faden, Thomas A. Morgan, Fournier Rostain, George F. Randolph, Jonathan Shoemaker. John Donnaldson, jr. Secretary.

Directors of the Philadelphia Insurance Company ^ 1828.

Joliii Ashley, President James C. Fisher, Joi\n Savage, Joseph S. Lewis, Klliston Perot,' William J, Miller, George Harrison, William W. Fisher, Richard Willing, Samuel Volans, Thomas Parke, Alexander Elmslie, Robert M. Lewis. \N illiain Miller, Secret arij.


i\i3iB. ©isasif

Dressers and Dyers^



Stxvesters Brothers, 6c Co. have at all times on hand

ipur ^Cal.iSf. and other jf ur^ for sale.

They will also receive every description of Fcrs, which will be



At the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms.

suvEBion FiAx^ro fostes.

(from LONDON.)


Respectfully acquaint their Friends and the Public, that they have taken that Elegant Store in Chesnut Street, adjacent to the Sunday Scliool Union Depository, and immediately oppo- site to the New Theatre, where they have finished,








It is tlic intention of Loud and Brothers, always to keep at this Establishment, as well as at their Manufactory, No. 361, Market Strept, an assortment of Piano Foi-tes. seldom equalled in this Countrr.. The extent of their Manufactory and the liberal patronage of a discerning public, enables them to man- ufacture superior articles and at a less costy than any other similar Establishment in the union.

Merchants shipping to the West Indies or South America, can be supplied with first rate Piano Fortes, to stand the cli- mate and on favourable terms.

Soutliein, Western and Country Merchants, as well as their friends in general, are respectfully invited to call.

Old Piano Fortes taken in part payment and their fair value allowed.

Piano Fortes to rent, hj the Month, QiiarteVj or Year,




Where they have constantly on hand as usual,




timerican and English Roans, Bazils and Skins,

Suitable for Coach-makers, Shoe-makers, Hatters, Book-binders, Saddlers and Pocket book-makers, &c.

Binder's Boards and Tip Paper, Reading Wool Hats, by the case, Yeomen's, do, do. do.

Children's Leather Caps, do.


Hat Bodies, Felts and Napt Fur Hats,

A constant supply of CALF and SHEEP


Pins and Bombazeens.

Rich Scarf and Legu Twist, all colours.

All of which are offered on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved paper.

N. B. Sole, Skirting; and all kinds at LEATHER, WOOL, Bind- er's Boards, Tip Paper, Sec. received and for sale on Commission.





Manufactures all kinds of QUILLS, viz.


From S 2 50 to g SO 00 per 1000. SWAN and CROW QUILLS, at various prices.

He also offers for sale, and keeps constantly on band, at .

MANrFACTiTRERs PRICES, a large gtock of I


Warranted superior for the immediate production of jet black ink,


Warranted to burn free and stick well, of various colours, Tiz.

lii.^ht and Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow,

TJrown, Gold, Rose, Flesh, Orange, kc.



The advertiser buys and sells BOOKS in almost every de- partment of literature, attends Public Book Sales, warrants goods perfect, and prices moderate.

%* Stationers supplied at all times with any quantity of su- perior fine BLACK SAND.

Copper-plate Printer,



Maps, Charts, Historical Engravings, Bills of Exchan'^c, Professional and Visiting Cards, &c, &c. executed with nea- ness, on the shortest notice, and reasonable prices.

N. B. Orders for ENGRAVING, received as above-


JSTo. 46, Chesnut Three doors above Second Streel,

Manufacturers of Gold and Silver everpointedand plain Pencil Cases.— Gold and Silver Thimbles.— Gold and Silver Pens.

ALSO, New and highly approved Metallic Pens.-Silver Spoons—Jewellery, &c. 8cc.

HAVE ON HAND AND KEEP CONSTANTLY FOR SALE, an extensive assortment of the above articles of their own manufacture, and also a good supply of

Brittania, Plated and Blocktin Ware,

Leads for everpointed Pencil Cases. Superior Black Lead Pencils &c.&c^ Wholesale and Retail, on moderate terms, S^^^eful for the share of patronage which they have heretofore enjoyed, they respectfully sohc.t a continuance thereof and ask particularly the attention of dealers m the above articles.

All orders punctually attended to.

Curnins anb |li^aci)ine lEafting,



Turnin- Lathes after the model of Holyapffel and Deyerlein, London, finTshed in the best manner, so that all kinds of chucks may be fitted to them as oral, eccentric, &c. &c. Also various other kinds of lathes, to suit different businesses. Die Stocks, with setts of taps and dies— Screw fools, of any number of threads to the inch-Milling Tools, of various pat- terns—Morocco Rollers, of any number used— Billiard and Baaiatelle Balls— Drill Stocks and Drills for Jewellers and otliers— Turning or Filing done to order, drawings, or models in all the various kinds of metal, wood, or other substances.

N B J H. Schrader, tenders his services to instruct rxentlem'cn in the art of Turning. He will be glad to render every necessary assistance to those who will call toP that pur- pose at his stahlishmcnt.


Charles Mackie^


Has always on hand a choice assortment of Gunpowder. Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyson, Souchong and other


Superior Old Port, Madeira, Sherry and other


Old Champaign and Cognac Brandy,

Bohlens, Weesp Anchor Gin,

Sugars and Coffee, of every description,

English and American Cheese,

Spanish Sej^ars, Sperm Candles, Sperm Oil, &c.

TVith a constant supply of the best articles in the line, carefully selected.

Christian Jaliiis^



Respectfully informs his frienils and the public in g;eneral, that he continues to carry on PAINTING at the above place in all its various branches.


plain or <0rnamenteti,

Where all orders in City or Country that may be required in thcv above branches, will be thankfully received and punctuailjp executed.

Having been engaged in this line of business upwards of twenty years, he is thankful for the patronage he has met with from a liberal public, and hopes by assiduity and attention to business, to merit a continuance as heretofore.

He has constantly on hand, Washes of all Colours, which he will dispose of by the gallon or less quantity. Those who wantc he article will find it good and at moderate prices.


(Opposite the United States Bank,)

Has constantly on hand, at reasonable prices, a general assortment of




With a variety of beautiful Engravings. EJVGLISH ^jyn JiMKRICAJS* STATIOJSrAUY,


NO. 12





,0. 110& 113, ^atmtSiv^^U


Where all kinds of Printing will be neatly and expeditiously executed, on the most reasonable terms.

^0. ii7,


(above vine street,) rjcej^sed by tee corporation for the lojin of sums of


On the Deposit of Watches, Silver Plate, Jewellery, §V,

And on all other kinds of valuable and portable articles, to any amount, at the shortest notice, and on the raost reasonable and accom- modating terms.

Security given the Corporation for conducting the business proper! j, and agreeably to Law.

Persons wanting "MONEY ADVANCED ON DEPOSITS." will find it to their interest to apply at the above office, established la the year 1819, and enquire the terras before going elsewhere.


117, J^orth Fifth Street.

N. B. Also advances made on New Carriages, Gigs, Dearbons.

&c. &.C.



Wattt ClD.act^, Ijubraulick Pamirs anb


J. P. I)cgs to inform bis customers and the public, tijat !ie will effectually remove all unpleasant smells from bouses, yards, etc. ari.-ius; from impure air from drains, sinks, or sewers, by the introduction of his


Also warrants all Water Closets manufactured by him to be perfectly sweet and in every respect to answer the purpose for which they were invented.

Persons requiring any of the above mentioned articles' can see them in operation in several parts of the city.

All orders forwarded, will Ije executed in the best manner and with punctuality.

Tlie subscriber ];ceps constantly on hand a quantity of LEA J) and J RON PIPES, which he will lay and warrant at the lowest cash prices..

Work shops at the old stand,



66 (iig^^itttt §tVi^iU


»3t the above Estahlishmerd may be obtained

London Books and Stationary,

Drawing Boxes,

Water Colours,

Fine Cutlery,

Sheffield Plate, and

Artists' Materials of every description, with a lar^o as

sortment of London and Parisian Card Racks, Fire Skreens, &c. In addition to a great variety of


Gentlemen desirous of procuring anj' particular work or article from London, are respecti\illy informed that by furnishing their orders to the subscriher, by the lOth day of any month, the same will be executed with the greatest attention and dispatch.


Visiting Cards^




Gold^ Silver or Sroiizc^


JVJI. SLMPSOA^ 66, Chesnut Street.


No. 146,


(between sixth and seventh streets.)

Instituted May 9,4th 18ZA.

This benevolent Institution embraces auxiliary societies and schools, in each of the United States and Territories of ALL denominations of Christians, and publishes such BOOKS as are required in Sunday Schools. In May 1827, the nura! er of auxiliaries was 362, Schools 2,600, Teachers 24,307 and 274,191 Scholars.

Constant additions are making to their extensive catalogue of

3WwmmmM mm®m.:


Suitable for Sunday School Rewards ; Sunday School and other Libraries.

The Youth's Library,

Embracing the 18mo. publications of the Society, neatly put up in calf backs and corners, may be had as above.

tjiey also publish,

The American 9>unday School Magazine,

A monthly work, designed principally for Sunday School Teachers, at one dollar and fifty cents per annum. ^

The Youth's Friend,

A little Magazine, is issued monthly, at 25 cents per annum,

The above periodicals may be obtained from the commence-r ment, handsomely bound.

Address, Frederick W. PorteVj Corresponding Secretary. Philadelphia.









1st Jpril, 1828.



N S E W. North, South, East, West, n near, b back, d h dwelling house, x i Northern li- berties, K Kensington, wid widow, gent gentleman, gentw gentlewoman, c comer, bel below, bet between, al alley, ct court, av avenue, r road, ab above.

^3°" The reader will please to observe that the directory is divided into three distinct alphabets: viz. first contains the names of persons residing within the limits of the City, second, the Northern Liberties, Penn township and Kensington,— third, the District of South wark and Moyamensing.



List of Streets, &c i to ix

Names alphabeticaily arranged for City

from It o 93

Names alphabetically arranged for

Northern Liberties from 97 to 129

Names alphabetically arranged for

Southwark from 131 to 153

Custom house 1

Banks from 1 to 3

Insurance companies , 3

Philadelphia dispensary 4

Historical society , ib

Franklin Institute ib

Athenaeum ib

Philadelphia college of Pharmacy ib

Good Intent Fire Hose co 5

Scots Thistle society ib

American Beneficial society ib

Columbia do ib

Pennsylvania do ib

United States do ib

American Philosophical society ib

Peimsylvania Literary Association ib

St George's society 6

Philadelphia Saving Fund ib

Abolition society ib


German society 6

ProNTident society ib

William Penn society 7 Society for alleviating the mberies of

public prisons ib Directors of pubUc schools ib Corporation of Spring Garden 8 Union Canal company ib Ridge Turnpike company ib Lancaster Schuylkill Bridge co ib Chamber of Commerce ib Sunday and Adult School society ib University of Pennsylvania 9 Hackney coaches. Ordinance for regu- lating 10 Harbour regulations 11 Churches with their pastors names and

annual return of 12

Post office 13

Commercial regulations 15

Board of Health 16

Lehigh Coal and Navigation co ib Ministers, consuls, commercial agents, 8ic from the United States resident abroad,

ministers, consuls and commissaries of ' foreign powers resident in the U. S.



List of Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Avenues, Wharves and Roads in the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, and the Villages of Mantua, Hamilton, 4*c.

Acorn al, runs fi-om 52 Locust to Spruce Adams st, S from Fitzwater ab 6th

St, from 12th to 13th bet Spruce E Pine Adelphi Avenue, fvova Pegg to Noble Alban st, from Norman to Clare al Albertson's ct, north from John st

wharf, opens at 99 Swanson st Alder al, fr-om Castle to North st Allen's al, from 159 S 6th st

ct, S from 150 Spruce st st, from Frankford rd n Maiden wharf, opens at 67 N Water Almond st, from Delaware to 315 S second Ann st, N L fr 52 Vine to Callowhill st

st, Sch from Sch N 7th to 8th bet Filbert

and Mulberry st, from S 12tli to 13th bet Lombard and Cedar Anne st, r from Wissahicon to Charles st bet

Francis and Vineyaixl Annesley's wharf 1st whf N of Walnut Apollo st, see Crabb b Apple st, runs 8 fix)m Georg-e bet 4th and Old

Yorkrd Appletree al, from 50 N 4th to 35 N 5th ' Apricot al, from Currant to Poplar al Arch st, see Mulberry

Argj-le st, (lower part of Almond) r from Dela- ware river to 337 S Front Ar.nstrongs ct, runs N from 9 Pnme back of

106 S 4th Arsenal st, from Gray's Ferry rd to Federal al Artillery lane, see Duke st Ash al, runs fr Sch Front to 2nd bet High and

Chesnut Aspen al, from Aspen ct to Lombard

ct, S from Ash al Asheton st, N & S nms fr Vine to Cedar along Sch river and parallel to Front , Atkinson's ct, r N from 153 Lombard Bakei''s al, runs from j5 New to 70 Vine ct, F. from 49 Budd st ct, N from 145 Coates st whaif, 1st N of Bishop st K Baker st, W from Spufford st Ball al, r fr 120 Cedar to 77 Shippcn st

Ball's al, from Del river to 391 N Front wharf, opens at 391 north Front Bank al, r fr S 2nd S side of the Bank of Penns) Ivania to 67 Dock st st, from 70 High to 69 Chesnut Barclay's al, from 190 south 6th Barkers st, r from Sch 4th to 7th between , High and Chesnut Ban-on st, from 24 Gaskill to 75 Cedar Beach st, Schuylkill from the parmanent bridge to Cedar st

st, r from K the High Bridge to Bishop street Bearsticker's ct, r W from 68 N 6th Beasley's wharf, below the Swedes Church Beaver st, runs from N 2rtd to N 3rd between

Poplar lane and George street N L Beck's al, runs from 172 Swanson to 453 south

Front Beck st, r W from Passj-unk roa<^ "'

tersection of 6th ^ ^

Beck's wharf, opens at 15 south 's jf^fJTiij^ new wharf, see Sims wha ^Ppen Bedford st, (late Small st ) r fi^^^^f st road to 8th bet Cedar i st, K r fr Frank road to r-^ Bell's ( Wm) ct, r W fr Binghams

(Henry) ct, r N fr Marshall^^ Benners al, from 85 Elm to Vine S^ Bickhams wharf, opens at 17 Swart Bickley & Taylors whf, at the High| Bickley's wharf, opens at 7 & 13 N Biddies al, runs from 78 High to 9 Elti Billing's ct, runs W from 110 north 8\ Bingham's ct, runs N from 69 Spruce] Bishop st, runs from the head of Bd

Queen st K Bishop's wharf, 1st S of Walnut st Blackberry al r fr Walnut to Spruce & fi^m

Pine to Lombard bet S 8tli and 9th Blackhorse al, i-unsfrom 20 South Front to 19 south 2nd ct, N from 171 High Bonsall st, runs from 9th to 10th bet Lombard and Cedar


Bower's (J) wharf, 2nd S of Marlborough

stK (S) wharf, 3rd S of M^den (S)wharfand ship, yard 3rd ab Mai- den Bradford's al, r from 246 S 7th to 8th Branner's al, runs from Bryan's al to 180 Vme Bread st, runs from 77 Mulberry to 70 Sassa- fras . Brewer's al, fr 190 N 2nd to N 4th at the m-

tersection of Old York rd (see) Wood st Bridge St, rfrthe upper Permanent bridge through Mantua Village to the Lancaster turnpike Bright's wharf, opens at 123 & 127 N Water Bringhurst's wharf, opens next 97 S Water Britton's al, runs E from 205 N Water

(J) wharf, opens at 149 N Water (W) wharf, opens at 307 N Water Broad st, N & S runs from Cedar N to Ridge

road Brook's ct, runs W from 126 N Front wharf, opens at 109 N Water Browne st, N L runs from the High bndge to Old York road st, K from Cherry to Vine betweefi Prince and Duke st K Brown's ct, runs N from 93 Sassafras Browne's ct, N L r E from 19 Budd st wharf, 2nd south of Warren wharf, opens at 325 north Front Bmsstar's (H) wharf, 1st ab the intersection of Penn and Beach st K (S)wharf, 1st S of Marlborough al, runs from Beach to Queen near Shackamaxon Bryan's al, r fr 148 N 5th to 141 N 6th ct, r S from 102 Cherry st ~V road, runs S E from U States Arsenal ^erry road ins from 67 Green to Germantown

lad '

i-om S 12th to S 13th bet Spruce &


.1, (S) r fr 78 Catharine to Queen al, (C) runs from Raspberry to Wat- son's al ct, runs S from 124 Locust row, runs N and S back of 40 Current alley Buttonwood al, runs from N 13th to Jumper near High st st, r from Old York road to Ridge rd between Noble and Green st Cable lane, see New Market st Cadwalader st, runs bet 2nd st and the Ger- mantown road ab Master's st Caldwell's wharf, 1st S of High Caledonian ct, runs from Fdbert ab N 10th to MulbeiTy , ^ , i„

CallowhiU street, runs from tlie Delaware to

Schuylkill 1 stab Vine st Camac st, r W fr N 2nd near Mud lane Carlyle's ct, runs W from 46 S 5th

Carpenter's al, (S) runs N from 105 Catharine ct, runs S bet N 116 & 118 Ches-

nut st, (C) r from S 6th to S 7th bet High and Chesnut rear of the New Theatre st, (S) runs from Church to Ship- pen's lane Carrol's ct, enters N 4th near the German- town road 1 1 iv o Carlton square, CallowhUl between N 11th & 12th S side st, from N 1 1th to 13th bet Wood and CallowhiU Carter's al, r from 65 S 2nd to 55 S 3rd Castle st, runs from N 10th to 11th bet North

and Sassafras Catharine st, r from the Delaware to Passyunfc

road bet German & Queen st S CaufFman's ct, runs E from 147 N 2nd

ct, r S from 14 Cherry st Cayenaugh's wharf, S side of Ahnond st pub- lic landing , ,_ n mi Cedar (South) r from Delaware to LchuylkiU next st from riyer to riyer S of Pine and S boundary of the city _, ^ , ^ j Centre st, from S 12th to S 13th bet Lyndalls al and Locust st

from S 11th to Qumce bet Walnut and Locust Chancery lane, r S from 32 Mulberry to 15 Coombs al , ,„ , t. ^^ -

Charles st, runs from335 CallowhiU to Button- wood st st, (V) from Francis lane to George st Francisville Charlotte st, runs from 121 Browne to Poplar

lEine , 1 rr

Cheeseman's wharf, 1st S of Maiden K Cherry st, from 74 N 3rd to Schuylkill

st (K) r from Queen to Frankford rd Chesnut st, r from Delaware to SchuylkiU bet

High and Walnut Chester st, runs from 297 Sassafras to Vme

bet 8th and 9th China st, r W from 466 S Front Christian st, runs from Delaware toPassyunk

bet Queen and Prime , , ^ ^^ ,

Church al, r from 20 N 2nd to 11th N 3rd al, from Mulbeny to 142 Cherry st, r S from 22 Christian st (S) Clare al, runs from 13th to Juniper bet Lam.

bert and Vine Clapier's wharf, 1st N of Cedar ClawEces's ct, runs N from Bryans al Clcyer al, r from 90 S 5th to 125 S 6th Clifford's wharf, opens at 29 N Water Clifton st, r S from Cedar near S Hth Clinton's sq, from S W cor Broad & Chesnut

to S E cor Schuylkill and 8th st Clinton's shipyard, at Wilson's wharf Cloyer st, runs from S 12th to S 13th bet High and Chesnut


Clymcr'-s al, runs from Fitzwaier and Passyunk

rd to S r>tl> Coatcs's ul, runs from 134 N Front to 151 N 2nd ct, r E fi-om 31 New Market st St, runs fr Uic Delaware to Ridg'c rd Cobb's ct, runs ^\ from N -Uh S of Fophu- lane Colhoun's whaif, opens at 29 N Water st Colter's wluuf, op the Swedes Churcli College avenue, runs E ft-om S lOtli near High

street Comptroller st, r from 37 Union to Spnice Comley's wh:uf, 2nd N of Callowhill Connelly's wharf, 1st S of Wan-en (K) Coombs's al, ninsfr 44 N Front to 51 N 2nd Cooper's ct, see Gilliam's ct

ct, (N L) r W from 404 N Front Cordwainer^s al, runs from Pine to Lombard

bet 9th and lOtli Cox's al, r from 300 S Front to 323 S 2nd Crabb st,(late Apollo) r from Gaskill to Oak

bet S 4th and S 5th Crawford's wharf, opens at 99 N Water Cresson's al, r fi-om 96 N 5th to 91 N 6th

ct, runs N fix)m 61 Chen-y st Crooked Billet, opens at 21 S Water Crown st, r fix)m 155 Sassafi~as to Old York rd and Willow st st, (K) r from Queen to Frankford rd bet Shackamaxon and Hanover Currant al, nms from Walnut to Spruce bet S

10th to S 11th Cuthbert's wharf, opens at 247 S Front 25

Penn and 9 Little Water Cypress al, r ft- 144 S 3rd to 79 S 4th Darby road, see AVoodland st Davis's or Davison's al, r from S 13th to Juni- per between Chesnut and High Davis's ct, runs W from Old York road above

N5th Dawson's ct, runs N from 83 Chesnut next to

the Brewery Dean st, runs fi-om Walnut to Spruce bet S 12th and S 13th al, runs from 144 S 8th to Blackberry al Decatur st, runs south ftx)m 210 High to Car- penter st Dillwyn street, runs N frova Noble ab 3rd to

Green st Dock st, runs fi-om 158 S Front to 67 S 3rd

opposite Girard's bank Donaldson's st, runs from Gray's Ferry rd to

Federal al bet Arsenal street and Buck i-d Donaldson's wharf and mast-shed, Kensington Downing's wharf, opens at 119 N Water Drawbridge Public landing, at the east end of

Dock street Drinker's al, runs from 108 N Front to 119 N 2nd ct, runs S from 66 Union Duke st, (N L) runs from 242 N Front to 363 N2nd st, (K) runs N E from Palmer between Prince and West

Duncan's ct, runs F. from 289 S 4th Duval's ct, r W fr 36 Ann st N I- Eckfcldt's ct, r N from 4 Soutli al Eight strcet, N &. S from Passyunk to German- town road st, (Sch) N & S r fr Callowhill to Ce- dar bet Broad &. Sch 7tl> Elbow al, runs from 184 S 6tli west to Bar- claj 's al lane, runs W fr Bank to 21 3rd Elcventli st, N & S from Callowhill to Cedar

bet Tenth & Twelfth "

Elfreth's al, r Ir 94 N Front to 105 N 2t>d Elizabeth st, runs ft-om N 9th to N 10th above Sassafi-as st, runs W from 164 S 6th to S 7tli Elm street, from 160 N 2nd to 153 N 3rd (see

New stj Ehnslie's al, runs W fivm 118 6 2nd to I^u- rel st formerly W^indmill alley S of the Cus- tom house Emlen's al, i-uns south from Clever alley to 5 Powell st ct, runs fr Pegg or W'illow to 4 No- ble st Etris's ct, runs W fit)m 128 N 5th Evans's ct, runs E from 163 N 6th Eyre and Massey's wharf opposite 28 South

Whar\"es 2nd S of Chesnut Eyre's (E) wharf, and J Eyre's Ship yard 3rd ab Hanover st

(F) Ship yard, at J EjTe's whaif

(G) wharf' and Ship yard 1st south of Hanover

(J) wharf 2nd N of Hanover (J) wharf and Ship yard, 2nd ab Mai- den (T B) Ship yard at Cheeseman's whf Fidrview st, from N Sch 4th to Broad Faire's ct, r N fttjm N street above N 10th Farmer's row, runs E fixjm 41 Dock st Fayette st, runs fivm 53 Filbert N to 262 Mul- berry Fearis's ct, runs W fi-om 148 N Front Federal al, runs fi-om Federal road to Arsenal street st, 8c rd runs from S Front to Schyl- kill bet Piime and Wharton st Fifl:h st, S & N runs S fr Old York to below Passyunk rd bet 4th and 6th st, (N & S) fix)m Sch runs S fr Callow- hill to Cedar bet Sch 4Ui and 6th Filbert st, ext fit)m 22. N 8th to sch bet High

and Mulberry Fisher's (J C) wharf opens at 66 N Water

(Thomas and Myer's) opens at 17 Swanson st Fitzwater st, r W fr 32 Passyunk road Flintham's wharves, opens at 137 and 141 N

Water Flint's ct, runs N from 13 Filbert st Flower's al, runs W from 42 Budd st

wharf, at Almond st Pubhc landing Fordham's wharf 1st above Warren (K)


Fourth St, N and S (the middle boundary of the wards r from Cedar to Vine) ex- tends from Germantown vd tlirough the City to Moyamenoing bet 3rd & 5th sts St, (Sch) N & S runs fr Francis's lane S to Cedar st Francis's lane, fr Ridge rd near Hickory lane to Schuylkill st, r fr Ridge road to Charles st bet Francis's lane & Anne st Frankford rd, r N from Maiden st (K) Franklin place, from High to Chesnut i-uns S from bet 106 & 108 High st row, W side of S 9th bet Walnut &

Locust st, r fr Sassafras to Vine W side of

the N W Public sq st, (N L) r fr N 3rd to N 4th neai- Gennantown i-d . Frie's ct, runs W from 2 N 11th wharf, S side of Walnut st Fromberger's ct, runs from 34 N 2nd Front st, N & S ext from High to the N & S bounds of both Liberties st, (Sch) N 8c S fr Callowhill to Cedar bet Ashton and Sch 2nd Fuller's al, nuis from Swanson to 403 S Fi-ont Galbraith's ct, r N from 119 Queen st Garden st, runs from 305 Vine to Buttonwood

street Gardiner's whaif, opposite^/ & 38 south whfs

ab Walnut Garrigue's ct, runs N from 213 Sassafi-as neai-

N6th Gaskill st, runs fr 238 S 2nd op the New Mar- ket to 229 S 5th Gaw's ct, runs W from 84 N Fi-ont George st, runs from S 9th opposite Sansom st to Schujlkill bet Walnut and Chesnut see Little George st, ( N L) runs from near 550 N 2nd

to N 6th st, (S) runs fr 68 Cedar to 27 Plum st, (Y) runs fr Ridge rd to Charles st N of the Viney^d German st, runs from 334 S 2nd to Passyunk

see Little German Germantown rd, begins at the intersection of

N Front and Maiden Gilham's (Cooper's) ct, r N fr 33 Mulberry Gilles's al, runs from 119 Cedar to 136 Lom- bard Girard's wharf, opens at 19 N Water Goddard's al, runsfr 2 New Market (Cable la)

to 211 N 2nd Goforth al, r fr 71 Dock to 72 Chesnut Goodwater al, from Washington square to 94

S Sth GrafTs al, runs N from 57 Sassafras Grape al, (V) runs from Anne to George bet Powell & Ridge road st, nms fr 24 S 8th to 13 S 9th op the Universitv

Gray's Ferry ixl, r fr Cedar near Sch Front S

W to Sch at Gray's F bridge Greenleaf 's ct, r W bet 10|& 12 S 4th Green st, runs from 358 N Front to Old York

road Green's al, r N fi-om 127 Pine to 152 Spruce Greenwich st, runs ft- S Front bel Wharton to

Moyamensmg Grice's (F & J) wharves and ship yiu-d, 1st N of the High bridge (S) whaif &. sliip yard, 1st N of Mid- den Grindstone al, r from 81 High to Church al Grizel's al, runs from Little Oak to Fitzwater Halberstadts' and Haines's wharf, opens atSll

N Front . Hamilton st, runs from Upper Ferry road to

Bi-oad st Hamilton's wharf, Istab the Drawbridge Pub- lic landing see Kern's wharf Hanover st, r fr the Delaware to Frankford rd

bet Miu-lborough Sc Palmer Harmony ct, r N from 27 Coates's al

st, (ct on the sign board) r fr 76 S 3rd to 47 S 4th ab Walnut Harpei-'s al, runs E from 83 S Water

whaaf, opens next to 83 S Water HaiTis's ct, from W side of Laetitia court bet

High and Blackliorse al Hart's ct, runs E from 37 New Market st Hartung's al, r W fi-om 26 N 2nd to 31 N 3rd Hause's ct, r N from Cherry E of 9th Hazelhurst's ct, r E from S 10th bet High 8c

Cliesnut Heyde's ct, runs N from 23 Filbert Hickory lane, runs W from Old York rd and Coates's street to the Ridge rd near Fran- cis's lane High (Market) st, r fr Delaware to SchuylkiU

bet Mulberry and Chesnut Hillegas & Clarkson's whf, at the H Bridge Hinkel's ct, runs from 203 Sassafras to Bry- an's al ct, (N L ) r N from 249 Vine Hodge's wharf, opens at 85 N Water Hoffman's aJ, runs from 61 Cherry to 114 Sas- safras Holhngsworth's whf opens at 141 S water Hop kin's ct, runs N E fr Wilham bet Otter &

Rose Huddell's wharf, opens at 79 and 117 Swan- son st ct, runs E from 91 Swanson Hudson's al, runs from 112 Chesnut to Har- mony lane, runs W from Passyimk rd near Christian Hughes's wharf, 1st above Warren Humphrey's wharf, opens at 109 Swanson

wharf and ship yard, bel Swedes' Church Hunter's ct, r E from N 11th bet High and Filbert


Hurst St, runs from 14G Lombard to 191 Cc-

dai" Imhiys's wharf, opens :it 7 N VViitir Increase ct, runs from Gcorjjc st to Juniper al

^Y of S lOth Irish lane, runs S from Cedar near Rroad Jackson st, r S fr Ihidd to Adains' street bet

Spruce and Pine and Peiry &, lotli . Jacobv st, runs from Clierry to Sassafras bet

N 12th and 13th James's al, r from Mai)le to Hiltzeimer James's st, runs fr Ciiarles st to llidg-e rd bet

Callowiiill ik. Pleasant John st, runs N from Vine between N 6th 8c

Lawrence John's st, from 466 S Front to S 2nd Johns & Linenl's whaif, and mast shed 1st S

of the Public landing' at the Hav scales (N

L) Johnson's lane, runs W from. Moj aniensing

below Wharton st Jones's al, (Pewter platter)runs fr 14 N Front to 17 N 2nd al,runs N from 15 Mary's al al, (N L) runs S from Brown bet 2nd

and Blidd st, r fr Sch 4\h to Sch 6th bet High

and Filbert wharf, opens at 127 N Water Julianna st, nins N from 175 Vine to a few d

NofCallowhill Juniper al, runs from S 10th near Walnut to Juniper lane lane, runs fr George to Walnut bet

10th and 11th st, N and S extends fr Cedar to Vine bet 13th and Broad Kern's (Hamilton's) wharf, opens at 119 south

Water Kessler's ct, r E fr N 4tli n Coates st Key's al, r fr 160 N Front to 183 N 2nd Keyser & Gorgas's whf op at 225 N Water Knight's ct, runs S from 178 Cheriy

(J) wharf, opens at 179 N Water (D P) whf, opens at 371 N Front Knoodle st, r fr Walnut to Locust bet Schuyl- kill 7th and 8th Knorr's wharf, opens at 195 N Water Kugler's ct, opens at 130 Sassafras Kunckle st, runs from Wood to Dillw^n Laetitia ct, runs ft- 30 High street to Black

horse al Lake's wharf, 1st N of Cedar Lambert st, r from N 13th to N Juniper bet

Norman and Clare al Large's wharf, opens at 85 Swanson st Latimer & Murdock's wharf, 3rd above Mul-

beriy st Latimer's wharf, opens at 163 S Water Laurel st, 29 Spnice to Pear st

st, (N L) fr nr 329 N Front to N 2nd Lawrence st, nms N from 255 Vine Law's ct, r S from 106 Christian st Leech's ct, runs S from 156 Spnice st

Lciper's wharf, opens neju* 179 N Wat^r Lemon st, r fr 15(') N 8th to Chester st I-ewis's al, from 24 Small to Plum al Liberty al, from 9 13uke to 6 Green

ct, nniB E fiom N 10th bet Morgan and Vine Libnu'y st, from 62 S 4th to 35 S 5th Lilly alley, from Tanunany near N 2nd to near

Coates Little Dock, from 50 Spruce to 177 S 2nd George st, fr 50 S 6tli to 51 S 7th German st, from 99 Swanson to 377 S

I-Yont Oak st, from Pottery al to Lewis's bet

Shippen and Fitzwater Pine st, fiom S rth to S 8th bet Pine

and Lombard Washinglon st, from S Front to S 2nd

bel Federal M'ater st, from Lombard street alley to 7 (^edar Littleboy's ct, opens at 48 Mulberry Locust st,from 125 S (ith to Schuylkill Lodge al, from 16 S 7tlx to S 8th rear of the Masonic Hall st, r fr S 2nd N s of the Bank of Penn- .sylvania to Goforth al Lollur's cl, nms W from 328 N Front Lombai-d street alley, from 249 S Front to the

Delaware Loncc lane, r S from Cedar near Sch 7th Loxley's ct, rNfrom 115 MulbeiTy ct, runs S from 30 Spi-uce Lugar's i-ow, enters 2nd N of Beaver Lyndall'sct, rE from lOtli bel Pine

al, fr S 12th to S 13th bet Walnut & Weaver al Lytle's ct, i-uns E from 263 S 2nd Madi.?on's avenue, fr Sheaf's alto Vine

ct, runs N fi-om 23 St Mary's st Mafi'et's wharf, 1st bel Queen st (S) Magnolio st, r Sfrom Noble E of N 6th Maiden's row, N from Catharine bet S Front

and S 2nd Maiden st, fr Delaware to the intersection of

N Front and Germantown rd Malt al, from Nicholson's ct to 206 Sassafras Maple st, from 134 N 8th to 113 N 9th Marble st, from 14 S 10 to S 11th Margaret al, from N 12th to N 13tli bet Cher- ry and Sassafras sts Margaretta st, from 258 N Front to 275 N 2nd

streets Maria st, from N 4th to Old York rd between

Coates and Browne Maris and Evans's wharf, opens at 57 S Water Marsh's wharf, op Swede's Church Mark's lane, from 98 N Ikh to N 12th Mai-lboroug-h st, from the Delaware to Frank- ford rd Marsliall's al, fr 122 S 4th to 137 S 5th Mai-sh st, from the Delaware near the High

bridge to Front Mary's al, from 27 Gillcy's al to S 6th


Mary st, (S) fr 496 S Front to 505 S 2nd

St, (K) from Cherry (K) to Fi-ankford road Marriot's lane, fr S 4th to Passyunk road bet

Clii-istian and Carpenter st . Massey's vvhaif, opens at 15 S Water Matlack's ct, runs S from 12 Spruce M'Cloud's ct, opens at 154 Sassafras M'Culloch's ct, r W from 144 N Front M'Ginnel's ct, r E from 7 Vernon st M'Mullen's wharf, 2nd bel Queen (S) Mead al, r fr S 2nd opposite German to Swan- son st Mechanic st, r from 316 Vine to Maple Mercer st, runs from Warren to Locust Meredith's al, enters Poplai- lane ab N Srd

court, enters N 5tli below Button- wood Middle al, from 168 S 6th to S 7th Midlen's ct, opens at 369 S Front Mifflin's ct, runs W from 31& S Front

wharf, opens at 133 & 139 N Water Miles' al, runs W from 102 S 10th

row, near Rose and William Miller's al, runs E from 87 S 6th

ct, runs E from N4th ab Branch st ct, (N L) r W from 314 N 2nd ct, (N L) r N fr 45 Green st Minor st, from 4 S 5th to 3 S 6th Mint ct, runs W fr Raspberry lane bet Cher- ry and Sassafras Mintzer's ct, runs W from 244 N 2nd Monmouth ct, runs S from the niiddle Jones's

alley Morgan st, from N 9th to N 10th bet Sassafi*as

and Vine Morris's al, from 62 S Front to 79 S 2nd

wharf, opens at 115 S Water Morris & Flower's wharf, at Almond st Public

landing Morton's wharf, opens at 105 S Water Moyamensing road, r S W from ihe intersec- tion of Christian and S 2nd st Mud lane, fr Blackhorse F'rankford rd to Ger-;

mantown rd Mulbeny al, fr 282 N 8th to Garden st ct, runs W from 8 N 6th (Arch) fr the Delaware to Schuyl- kill bet High and Sassafras Myer's ct, from 203 Sassafras

ct, runs E from 133 N Srd New Market st, (Cable lane) from 19 Vine to 42 Green st, (Elm &. Storv) from 160 N 2nd to near 93 X 4th Nicholson st, fr 113 Cherry to Sassafras Ninth st, ( N and S) fr Callowhill to Cedar bet

8th and 19th Nixon's wharf, opens at 1 1 Penn st Noble st, from 330 N Front to N 7th Nonnater's ct, runs S from 280 Mulberry Norman al, from S 13th to Juniper bet Sassa- fras and Lambert NorrJs's al, from 68 S Front to 87 S 2nd

Norris' wharf, 4th ab Hanover North al, from 35 N 5th to 39 N 6th

st, fr N 10th to N 11th bel Vine Oak st, (N L) from. Willow st High bridge bet Delawai-e river and Front st st, (C) W Penn sqr Filbert to Olive st st, (S) from 22 Crab street to Passyunk rd Ogilby's wharf and sliip yard, 2nd bel Almond

(Argyle) st Ohio st, from Quince st to S 12th bet Pme and

Lombard Old York road, from 121 Vine cor of N 4th to

Germantown rd Olive st (C) S Penn sqr Juniper to Oak st Orange st, from S 7th to S 8th bet Locust & Spruce street, (K) fi-om the end of Palmer to Frankford rd Osboi-n's ct, W from Blackberry al bel Wal- nut Otter st, from Frankford rd N of Queen ser-

pentinely to N2nd Palmer st, fr Queen st (K) to Frankford road

bet Hanover and Cheny st (K) Palmyra square commences at the N W cor of Vine and 10th streets, runs up Vine half wav between 11th an 12tli streets, then crosses diagonally in a N E direction until it strikes tlie S W comer of Callowhill and 10th streets Paper al, from N 13th to broad bet Filbert 8c

Mulbeny Parham's al, fr 104 Swanson to 393 N Front st Paschall's al, fr N 4th to Old York road bet

Green and Coates Pass\nink rd, runs S W from 178 Cedar boun-

daiy bet Southwark & Moyamensing Patton's ct, (Rimstead) W fr 26 S 4th Pearson st, E fr N 7th S of St James's Church Pear st, from 62 Dock to 83 S 3rd Peddle's whaif, opens at 63 N Water Pegg st, from 290 N Front to 299 N 2nd Penn st, fr 8 Pine to Argyle (Almond)

st, (K) from the canal to Beach st along the Delaware Pennsylvania avenue, from Bryan's al to 138

Vine Penrose's wharf, 1st above Almond st landing

whaiTes, bet Catharine and Queen Perkenpine's ct, runs E from 43 Budd Perot's wharf, opens at 39 and 43 N Water Peter's al, from Charlotte to Brown nr N 4th Peny st, r fr Spruce to Lombai-d bet 12th and

13th st Pewter platter al, (Jones's) fr 14 N Front to 17

N2nd Pfeiffer's al, fr 22 New ISIai-ket to 235 N 2nd ct, E from N 2nd to Germantown i-d Pine al, from Ball alley to 235 S 4th

street, from Delaware to Schuylkill bet Spruce and Lombard Pitt st, fr Cohocsink creek to Germantown rd bet N 2nd and N 3i-d


Plcaioiit avenue, from 2S5 Lombard to Little Pine St, from Charles st to Ridge rd bet Janus and Biittonwood Plum St, from '2.>0 S 2nd to S 5tli

al, (M) fr Grisscl's :d to S 6th Poplar al, nms N from Loc\ist between Cur- nmt al and S lltli lane, fr 440 N Front to Rid^e ro.ul J^irlhind place, from 152 S 6th to S "tli Pottin al, from 8 Small to Little Oak Powell St, from lOU S 5th to 133 S 6th Pratt's ct, from 396 N I'ront

wharf, opens at 93*N Water Presbyterian (Br>an's) ct, W from 170 S 4th Prime st, fr Delaware to Shippcn's lane bet

Carpenter an<l Federal Pritchet's wharf, 1st S of Chesnut Prince st, nms N E fr Shackamaxon bet Bed- ford st and die Fnmkford rd Prospect al, runs E from 37 N 10th

ct, runs E fr N 11th bet Filbert and Mulberry Prosperous al, S from Locust bet S 1 1th and

S 12th Pnme st, from 110 S 4th to S 6th Pryoi-'s al, from n 152 S 9tli to 165 S 10th Pump al, W from SpafTord bel Shippcn Quarry st, E fr 101 N 3rd to 36 Bread (Mora- vian al) Queen st, (S) fr Pass\imk rd bet Catharine and Christian sts to the Delaware st, (Point-no-point) N E fr Frankford rd n Otter to Gunners run Quince st, from Walnut to Lombard bet 11th

and 12th Race, see Sassafras Rachel st, nms near fr Browne to Laurel (N

L) bet Budd atid N 2nd Randall's ct, W from Blackben-}- alley above

Locust Randolph's ct, W 126 N 2nd Ranstead's ct, (Patton's)W fr 26 S 4th Kapin's ct, S from 102 High Raspberr}' al, runs from Walnut to Spruce bet S. 9th and S 10th lane, runs from 173 Cherry to 286 Sassafras Read's al, fi-om 190 Cedar Redstore wharf, opens at 73 N Water Relief al, r from Carter's al to Dock

al, fr 218 S Front to 227 S 2nd Remington & Simmon's wharf, opens at 223 N >\ater . Richardson's ct, r N from 159 Sassafras Ridge rd, (Wissaliiccon) runs N W fr the cor

of Vine and N 9th RieWs ct, W from 526 N 3rd Rittenhouse place, Nside of Locust bet S 9th

and S 10th Robbin's wharf, opens at 9 Little Water st Kog-er's ct, runs N from Peg^ st Rose st, nms N E from Germantown road bet Otter and N 2n(l

Rose alley, N L from Tammany near N 3rd to Brown al, (C) nins Nfrom 127 Locust Ross's wharf, opens at 97 S Water Rowlinson's ct, E from 169 N 2nd Rugun st, fr 347 Callowhill to James' st Russel's whf, 1st S of Pine st|Public Landing Sansom's alley, from Willow to Noble bet St

John and N 3rd Sansom's row, N side of Walnut bet Swan- wick and S 8th U row,(N L) begins at 258 N 2nd Sansom st, fr S 7tli to S 9th bet Chesnut and

Walnut Sarah st, from Queen (K) near Frankford rd

to Bedford Sassafras al, fr 190 Sassafras st to Bryan's al

st, from Delaware to Schuylkill bet Mtribeny and Vine Saunders's ct, E from Pitt near Beaver Say's st, fi'om Schuylkill 7th to Schuylkill 8th bet Sassah-as and A'ine al, fr Chem- to Walnut W of 13th ct, W from 36 N 3rd wharf, opens at 19 N "Water Scheme (Vine) al, from N 13th to Broad ab

Vine Schively's (Bryan's) from 148 N 5th to 141 N

6th Schleisman's al, E fr N 3rd bet Poplar lane

and Beaver st Schneider's wharf, opens at 315 N Front Scliriver's ct, E from 71 N'Sth Schu}lkill road, runs fr W of Schuylkill from

Washington to Bridge st Scott's al, from 379 High to Filbert Second st, (N & S) fr Mud lane(E K) to the

extrem of Southwark & Moyamensing Segan's wharf and ship yard, opens at 371 N

Front Seits' ct, S from 60 Sassafras Seventh st, (X & S) from Passyunk road to Sassafras, and continued N fr Vine to Camac st st,(N &-S) Schuvlkill from Cedar Ux Vine "bet Schuylkfll fth and 8th Shackamaxon st, from the Delaware to the

Frankfonl rd bet Sarah and Crown Shears alley, from N 11th near Sassafras to N

12th Shephei-d's ct, W from 36 N 3rd

al, from ilulberrv to Cherry W of" N8th Shield's al, fr 140 S 9th to Raspberry al

ct, S from Relief al Sliippens lane, from Cedar near Broad to Fed- eral st ' Shippen st, from .266 S Front to*S 8th Shoemaker's wharf, 1st S of Mulberry street

Public Landing Simmon's ct, W from 216 N Front Sim's al, fr S whai-ves to S Water near High (Beck's new) wharves open at 153 and 1 59 S Water and Pine st landing


Sixth St, (N and S) fr Carpenter st (S) to the Germantown rd N of Vine the boun- dary bet N L & Penn township St, (N & S) Sch fr Callowliill to Cedar bet Sch 5th and Sch 7th Small al, opens at 27 BaiTon st Smith's al, fr n 219 S 3rd to Gaskill st

alley, (N L) from 119 Green to 128 Coates's st Smith's ct, mns S from Hlg-h n Sch 8th ct, runs W from 172 N 8th (J) wharf, opens at 349 N Front (W F) Red stores. 111 and 75 N Wa- ter Snowden and Wagners whaif, 2nd bel Chris- tian Sober's al, fr 129 Walnut towards Library st South (Cedar st) from Delaware to Schuylkill the S boundary of the citv charter al, from 10 N 5th to 7 N 6th Spafford st, from 50 Bedford to Fitzwater st Spruce st, from Delaware to Schuylkill bet

Walnut and Pine St Andi-ew's st, fr Sch 2nd to Broad bet Hun- ter st and Francis's lane St Bernard's ct, from 460 S 2nd St George's al, from 55 New (Elm) st St John st, from Callowhill to Pitt st at Co-

hocsink creek St Joseph's avenue, fr Sch 5th to Sch 6th bet

High and Chesnut St Mary st, from 220 S 6th to S 8th Stable al, from op A6 S 8th to S 7th Stall's ct, from 203 Sassafras to Bryan's al Stamper's al, fr 208 S 2nd to 193 S 3rd wharf, opens at 127 S Water Starr al, fr 163 to 189 Cheny Steinmetz's ct, runs E from 93 N 4th

ct, (N L) from Buttonwood near

N 5th wharf, opens at 51 N Water Stephen's ct, runs W from 404 N Front Sterling's al, from 15 Cherry to 118 Sassafras Stewart's al, from Cherry to 394 Sassafras ct, W from N 11th n Sassafras & Wiltberger's wharf, opens at 173 N Water Stiles's wharf, 1st N of Coates's st Stillhouse wharf, 1st N of Christian

al, runs W from 330 N Front Stout's al, from 125 Coates' to Browne Strawberry st, from 58 High to 56 Chesnut Sugar al, from 32 N 6tli to 23 N 7th

-house al, fi-om Vine to Wood E of N 3rd Summerl's wharf, opens at 75 N Water Summer's ct, runs W from 414 S 2nd Swanson st, from 10 Cedar to tlie Navy Yard Swanwick st, from Little George to 153 Wal- nut Swede's al, commencement of Church street

from 22 Christian Swift's wharves, bel the Swedes church Tammany st, from 318, Old York road Taper al, N from 53 Green st

Taylor's al, from 58 S Front to 73 S 2nd Tenth st, (N & S) fr Cedar st to Ridge road Thatcher's wharf opens at 319 N Front Third st, (N & S) from Gei-mantown road to' the southern extremity of Southwark and Moyamensing Third st, N & S Sch rs from Callowhill to Ce- dar bet Sch 2nd and 4th street Tliuteenth street (x & s) from Callowhill to

Cedar between 12th and Juniper Thomas's wharf, opens at 137 Swanon st Thorn's ct, enters n 4th near George st k i< Tidmarsh st, from Passyunk road facing Car- penter st (S) to Shippen's lane Timber la, from Frankford road above Shack-

amaxon to Turner's lane Ton al, from 57 S ^A'ater Ton-'s ct, r E fr Ridge r'd ab Wood st Townsend's ct, r S from 84 Spruce st Traquair's ct, runs E from UN lOtli Trimble's ct, from 510 N Front Trotter's al, fr 22 S 2nd to Strawberry Truxtun st, runs S from B st to Adams

st bet Spruce and Pine and Perry and 12th Trusty's ct, loins E from 6 Locust Tunis's wharf, opens at 71 S Water Twelfth st, (N and S) from Cedar to Vine Type al, runs W from N 10th near Wood to

N 13th , .

Union al, from 180 Swanson to 463 S Front st ct, from 150 Wood above the Ridge rd st, from 165 S Front to 79 S 4th st, (K) fr Bedford to Pi-ince betMarl- borough and Hanover Unity ct, S from 16 Little Pine Upper Ferry road, from Callowhill n Wash- ington to the Upper bridge Vandeursen's wharf and ship yard, 1st N of

Hanover Vaux's ct, r E from S 11th bel Pine A'ernon st, fr 44 Cedar to 29 Sliippen Videll's ct, W from 58(lower) S 2nd Vienna st, from Prince to West bet Cherry &

Wood sts (I\) Vine al, fr N 10th to Broad above Vine

st, (the N bounds of the city) from the Delaware to Schuylkill bet Sassafras and Callowhill Vinyard st, from Ridge road to Charles bet

Anne and George Vinyard's ship yard, at S Brussters wharf Wagner's al, fr 135 Cheny to 252 Sassafras Walker's ct, runs E from 239 N 2nd Wallace's ct, runs W from 10 N Front Wall's elbow, r fr Emlen's to Roger's ct

wharf, opens at 137 S Water Wain's (R)wharf, opens at 135 S Water

(W) wharf, opens at 7 Swanson Walnut al, runs from N 13th to N Juniper bet Cherry and Sassafras st, from Delaware to Schuylkill bet Chesnut and Spruce Walter's wharf, opens at 355 N Front Waixier's wharf, 1st S of Sassafras st landing


Warder's wharf, (N L) opens at 371 N Front Warren st, (C) from Quince to S V2th N of Spruce street, (K) from lUach to Q.ueen bet Hanover and Hjsliop Warner's ct, S from 230 Shij)pcn st Washington ct, nms N from 205 Lombard(all

blacks) Washington fonnerly Cohmibia avenue and a part of Locust st forms the W &. S angles of M'ashing^on sq street. High st continued from the Permanent br through Hamil- ton \-illuge st, (Penn township) E fr Ridge

rd bet Green and Hickory st, N fr Otter bet Wm & Front st, (S) runs from 550 S Front to Moyamensing rd Water street, (N & S) from Poole's bridge or

Willow st, to Pine Watkin's al, from 22 Bread to 85 N 3rd Watson's al, from Branch to New st al, runs S from 104 Locust Watson and Paul's wliarf, 1st S of Chesnut st

landings Webb's al, fr 221 Cherry to 334 Sassafi^

al, from Oak st '(N L) to 371 N Front West st, from Frankford rd to Wood (K) ab Duke (K) ct, E from 27 New Market st (Cable la) (C) wharf, 1st N of Vine st landing (W) wharf, opens at 155 N Water Wharf st, from Cedar along the whm-ves Wharton st, fr the Delaware to Passyunk rd near Federal st

Wharton's wharf, opens at G7 Swanson Whai'>es N &. S, from Cedar to Callowhill \\ liitaker's row, W from 66 S 5th Wliitc's siiip yiuxl, at J Brewer's wluirf (K) Wiggin's ct, S from 62 Clieny Wilcock's whai-f, opens at 57 S Water ANiley's ct, S from Castle st William's ct, fr 262 Cedar to 71 Bedford (M) William st, from Otter to Rose Willing's al, from 98 S 3rd to 75 S 4tb MiUing & Francis's wharves, opens at 15 &

21 Pine Willow ct, S from Pine ab S 6th

street, (Sch) fr Locust to Cedar bet Schuylkill and Beach Wilson's wharf, 2nd S of Maiden st landing Wissahiccon (Ridge) rd, runs N W from the

cor of N 9th and Vine Wistar's ct, runs S from Vine E of Broad Witman's al, from Kunckle bel Callowhill to N4tli ct, runs W from 400 N 2nd Wood st, (N L) from 190 N 2nd to Sch

st, (K) runs from Queen near Gunner's run to West st Woodland st, or Darby rd runs S from tlie in- tersection of A\'ashington st and Lancaster Turnpike Wright's al, from Miller's al to Vine bet Sch

8th and Broad st York row. Walnut S side bet W'ashington sq and S 8th ct, runs E from o7 Budd st st, from 135 S 3rd to Laurel Zachary's ct, N from 31 Walnut Zane st, from 32 N 7th to N 11th


9/ tfw Sfveral Corners of Street n in the City of PhitaJtlphiu, ^utl/t l/ittr reijuf jj^tf^i numbers, the more rcadihj to Jind the residence of antj particular individual.

Cedar Street.

s w

coc. Lombard and Front, No. 5


cor. Cedar and Water, :





No. 7

Fine Street.


.. Cedar and Penn,



.. Pine and Water, 105







.. Cedar and Front,



.. Pine and Front, 12







.. Cedar and Second,










.. Cedar and Baron,



.. Pine and Second, 318






.. Cedar and Third,









.. Cedar and Fourth



.. Pine and 3d, St. Peters Ch.







.. Cedar and Fifth,










.. Cedar and Hurst,



.. Pine and Fourth, Presb. Ch.




St, Peters Church.


.. Cedar and Sixth,






i\ E



.. Cedar and Seventh,


S w

.. Pine and Fifth, 119






Lombard Street.




.. Lombard and Tenth,



Black Smith's shop.





.. Pine and Sixth, 15&









s w

.. Lombard &. Ninth, Waste lots




. ,


& W

.. Pine and Seventh, Waste lots





Hosp. Sq.





., Lombard and Eighth,





Hospital Lots


.. Pine and Eighth, Hosp.lots.





Pennsyl. Hosp.




8 E

Lumber Yd.


.. Lombard and Seventh,



Hosp. Sq.

ja w




.. Pine and Ninth, Hosp. lots.


Waste Lots









.. Lombard and Sixth,



Hosp. WalL





.. Pine and Tenth, Grocery.









Bettering House.


.. Lombard and Fifth,



do. lots.





.. Pine and 11th. Lumb. Yd.












.. Lombard and Fourth,



Bettering H. Wall,




.. Pine and Twelfth, Tavern.





Waste lot.







.. Lombard and Third,



Waste lot.





Union and Front, 2





n E




.. Union and Second, 36

8 W

Lombard and Second,


















.. Union alid Third, Tf

Comers of Streets and JVumbers of Corner Houses.






























?f W















u w








































































cor. Union and Third,

Union and Fourtli,

Spruce Strpef. Spruce and Water,

No. 61









Ppnice and Front, 8



Lvimber Yard.

Spruce and Second, 56




Spruce and Third, 106




Spruce and Fourth, 130




Spruce and Fifth, 78




Spruce and Sixth, 146



Trinity Church.

Spruce and 7th, Hosp. Sq.




Spruce and Sth, Hosp. Wall.

Hospital Square.



Spruce and 9th, Hosp. lots.


Waste lots.


Spruce and 10th, Betterg'.H.

Bettering H. lots.

Waste lots.


Spruce and 11th, Lumb. Yd.


Bettering H. Wall.

Waste ground.

Spruce and Twelfth,

Lumb. Yd.



Spruce and ISth, Waste Gd.

Waste lots.

New buildings.

Waste ground.

Walnut and Water, 12



N E cor.

S W ..

S E ..

N W ..

N E ..

S W ..

S K ..

N W ..

N E ..

N E ..

S E ..

S W ,.

N W ..

s w ..

S E ..

N W ..

N E ..

S W ..

N W ..

S E ..

N E ..

S W ..

N W ..

S E ..

N E ..

S W ..

N W ..

S E ..

N E ..

N E .,

N W ..

S W ..

S E ..

S W ..

N W ..

S E ..

N E ..

S W ..

N W ..

S E ..

N E ..

S W ..

S E ..

N W ..

N E ..

S W ..

S E ..

N W .,

N E ..

S W' ..

S E ..

N W ..

N E ..


Walnut and Water, Walnut and Front,

Walnut and Second,

Walnut and Dock,

Walnut and Third,

Walnut and Fourth,

No. 13i 13




















Walnut and Fifth, 124

State House Yard.



Walnut and 6th, Wash. Sq.


State Prison.

State House Yard.

Walnut and beventh, 163


of Walnut and Wash. St. 12

Washington sq.

Walnut and Eighth, 204















Waste lot

Walnut and Twelfth,

Waste. do. do.

54 37 52 3S 2 55 44 53 44 55

Walnut and Ninth,

Walnut and Tenth,

Walnut and Eleventh,

Chesnut Street. Chesnut and Water

Chesnut and Front,

Chesnut ^nd Second,

Corners of Streets and J\''uinhers oj Corner Jloimes.

'.< E cor,

, Chesnut and Second, N

0. 5."

N E cor

S W ..

Cliesnut and Tlilvd, ,


S VV ,.

S E ..


S E ..

N W ..


N W ..

N E ..



N 1-. ..

S W ..

Chesnut & Fourth, Phil


S VV .,

S E ..


S E ..

N W ..


N VV ..

N E ..


N E ..

S W ..

Chesnut & 5'h. Mayor'i


S VV ..

TS E ..


S E ..

N W ..


N W ..

N E ..


N E ..

S W ..

Chesnut and Sixth,


S W ..

S E ..

Court I{oon)s.

S E ..

IV w ..


N W ..

N E ..


N E ..

S W ..

Chesnut and Seventh,



S E ..


S E ..

TS W ..


N VV ..

N E ..


N E ..

s w ..

Chesnut and Eighth,


S VV ..

S E ..


S E ..

N w ^


X fr .,

N E ..


N E .,

S VV ..

Chesnut and Ninth,


s ir ..

8 E ..


S E ..

K W ..


N JV ,.

N E ..


N E ..

S W ..

Chesnut and Tenth,


S fV ..

S E ..


S E ..

liJ VV .,


N ir ..

N E ..


N E ..

S W ..

Chesnut and Eleventh,


S JV .,

^ E ,.


S E ..

N W ..


s lot.

.-N rv ..

N E ..


N E ..

s w ..

Chesnut & Twelfth, Waste.

S E ..

9 E ..


N E ..

N E ..


1 lot.

N W ..


S IV ..

s w ..

Chesnut and Thirteenth,o08

S E ..

S E ,.


N fV ,.

TJ W .,


N E ..

*I E ..


s jr ..

Market Street.

S E ..

S W ..

Market and Water,


N JF ..

S E ..


N E ..

N W ..


S JV ..

N E ..


S E ..

S W ..

Market and Front,


N JV ..

S E ..


N E ..

N W ..


S JV ..

N E ..


S E ..

s w ..

Market and Second,


N JV ..

S E ..


N E ..

N VV ..


S JV ..

N E ..


S'E ..

S VV ,.

Market and Tliird,


N IV ..

S E ..


N E ..

TSf W ,.


S JV ..

3J E ..

11 J

S E ..

S W ..

Market and Fouvthj


N JV ..

S E ..


N E ..

N VV \,


S JV .

Market and Fourth, No. 15.'.

Market and Fifth, 170

168 lfi9 197

Market and Sixth. 194

Schuylkill Bank.



Market and Seventh, 230 228 271 269

Market .nnd Eigiilh, ;.68 266 305 303 302 30[) 341 339 .342 340 375 573

Market & nth. Girard's lot. 372 405 403

Market and Twelfth, 362 360 437 435

Market and TJiirteenth, 400 388 455 453

Market and Juniper, 420 499 Jrch Street.

Arcli and Water,

Market and Ninth, Market and Tenth,

Arch and'Front,

Arch and ,^econd,

Arch and Third,















Second rreshyterJan Ch.


Arch and Fourth, 84

Quaker Meeting House.



Arch and Fifth, Seminary.

Christ Church B..G.

Arch and Fifth, 177


Arch and Sixth, 122

(Joruers of Hlte&ts and' JS^tiinLer^ nf Ccnrtnr lloiiscTi

;> E cor

. Arch and Sixtli,

No. 120

S JF cor

. Race and Sixtli,

No. 1^'

N JV ..


.s- /:: ..


N E ..


JV JV ..


\ square.

S W ..

Arch and Seventh,


WE ..


S E ..


S JF ..

Race and FiftJj,


N W ..




N E ..


.Y JF ..


S W ..

Arch and Eighth,


J^ E ..


S E ..


S JV ..

Race and Fourth,


N JV .,


S E ..


N E ..


vV JV ..


S JV ..

Arch and Ninth,


JV E ..


S E ..


5 JF ..

Race and Third,


N IF ..


S E ..


N E ..


JV JV ..


S fV ..

Arch and Tenth,


JV E ..


S E ,.


S TF ..

Race and Second,


N fV ..


S E ..


]N' E ..


JV JF ..


S IV ..

Arch and Eleventh,


JV E ..


S E ..


S JF ..

Race and Fi-ont,


N fF ,.


S E ..


N E ..


W JV ..


S IF ..

Arch and Twelfth,


.'V E ..


S E ..


S JF ..

Race and Water,


N JV ...



-S' E ...


N E ..


.V JF ..


Jlac.Q. Strept.

JV E ..


S TF ..

Kace and Thirteenth, 156

Vine Street.

S E ..


5 TF .,

Yine and Water,


N IF ..


'V E ..


N E ..


S JV ..

Vine and Front,


S JV ..

Race and Twelfth,


S E ..


S E ..


S IF ^

Vine and Second,


N JV ..


S E ..


N E ..


S JF ..

Vine and Third,


S JV ..

Race and Eleventh.

S E ..


S E .,


S JF ..

Vine and Fourth,


N JF ..



S E ..


N E ..

S TV ..

A'ine and Fifth,


S JF ..

Race and Tenth,


.S' E ..


S E ..


S JF ..

Vine and 6th. Franklin sq.

N JF ..


S E ..


N E ..


5 JF ..

Vine and Seventh,


-"? JF ..

Race and Ninth,


S E ..



S E ..


.S' JF ..

"^'ine and Eighth,


.Y JF ..


S E ..


V E ..


S JF ..

Vine and Ninth,


'S JF ..

Race and Eighth,


a E ..


A' E ..


S JF ..

Vine and Tenth,


•Y JF ..


S E ..


.V JS ..


S JF ..

"N'ine and Eleventh,


S JF ..

Race and Seventh,


S E ..«,

S E ..


./V JF .. .YE ..


I square, do


FOR 1828.

Containing the names oj' heads of Families, and persons in Jitisiness, alphabeti- cally arranged. |C7° See " Directions to the Reader."

Abaddie Matthew, classical and French teach- er 33 Sansom Abbctt Henry, stove manuf 26 N 2d d h 14

Elfretlis al Abbott David, Qollr 19 Cressons al David, 44 Vine George, dealer 9 Chesnut James, brewer 1 Peai- d h 1 York ct John, dry good store 21 N 6th Reeves & Co II Ware merch 29 High Robert, MD 216 Pine Timothy & co curriers 97 Chesnut Timothy, cumcr d h 74 S 3d Wilham and James, brewers 1 Pear Wilham, brewer 1 Pear d h 71 Spuice Wilham, morocco dresser S 4th ab Lombard d h N E comer of 7th and Elizabetli Abby Charles, goldbeater 22 Pear Abel George, cordwiiiner 88 N 9th Joseph, cordwainer Sheaffs alley Peter, hvery stable ki* Cherry ab 4th

d h 21 Appletree al William, milkman Sch 8th near Pine Abercrombie Rev James, D D sen asst mhiis- ter of Christ St Peter and St James ch 164 Spruce Abercrombie John D, jeweller 31 Powel Abert John J, U S suneyor 6 N 11th Abram Isaac, tailor 59 N 8th Abrams wid Priscilla, shopkeeper 30 Elizbh Acheson Joseph, weaver High E of Sch 6th Ackley Thomas, merchant 207 High Adams Alexander, tavr keeper 121 N Water Andrew, merchant 16 N 4th Ehza, boarding house 6 N Front Henr}-, book-binder 120 N 5t!i Jacob, 132 S 2nd

and Jewel, dom warehouse 68 High Jolin, blacksmith Spruce W of Broad Robert, merch 19 Dock d h 182 Cht Robert, flour and whiskey store N W

comer High and Schuylkill 8th Miss, 7 Sansom S W agent and cryer of the court of

com pleas 21 S 3d St Lawrence, 125 N Front B

Adams and Tmcks, grocers 10 N 5th Samuel, 2 Library Thomas, 220 Sassafras William, gi'ocer 10 N 5th Wilham, house carpenter Budd ct bet S 13th and Juniper Addingtcn John F, N 6th Aechternacht F A, mer tailor 114 Sassafras

William, malster 5 Fetter lane Afflick Mar,', milliner 49 N 2d

Thomas, painter 49 N 2d Adgate Daniel, gent N E cor Walnut and 7th Agnew G & co, giocer 66 S 2d

mercliant 63 S 11th Martha, shopkeeper 463 High AVilllam drv good store 24 S 2d Agur Lucy, 122 N'llth Aiken E H, brewer 152 Cherry

James, Schuylkill 2d bet Mulberrry &

Sassafras Robert, tailor 283 S Front Aineswoilh Richard, 209 Sassafras Aird Thomas, sexton Greens court Aken Joseph, cab mr 134 S 2d d h 71 W'alnut

widow Rachel, grocer 48 Spruce Akin James, 274 High

Albrecht C F L, piano forte manuf 134 S 3d Albright Conrad, acct 11 Elfreths al

Frederick, cordwainer and watch- man cor S al and 5th Jacob, Columbian sjTup manuf 103 Midberr\- Alberti George F, M D 95 N 5th Albertson Benjamin, dry good merchant N

W comer High and Front Albertson James, harness maker 6 Fayette Alcorn George, last maker leather cutter find- ing store & boarding house 77 Dock Robert, mariner 52 Penn Samuel, carter Ann near Sch 8th Alcroft Wm, susp maker 6th near Chesnut Alden Jonathan, com merchant 10 Chesnut

d h 3 Lodge Alexander Charles, publisher Daily Chronicle 49 S 3d James, boot and shoe maker 147 Walnut


Alexander James, lab Jones al John, weaver Marble M, storekeeper 43 N 2d 2 Bryants ct

Sanuiel, wine merchant 31 Wal- nut d h 168 S 4th Samuel, diy good store 268 High T A, merchant 45 N Front d h 12

Comptroller William, painter 15 Combes al Wm, carter Filbert near Sch 5th widow Margaret, shop kr 81 S 5th •widow Mary, b h 202 Vine widow Mary, 6 Frombergcrs ct widow, glover 112 S 10th Mrs 73 N 6th Aiken Mai-tyn, merchant 260 S Front Allberger E and S, sminary 110 N 8th Allaneese J, 38 Quince > Allardice Peter, dyer 181 S 2d Allen A, diy good store 38 Spnice

Rev Benjamin, rector of St Paul's ch

N W corner Pine and 4th flsrael, waiter Raspbeny al Cairnes, physician 397 Sassafras Charles, dniggist 180 S 2d Enoch, tailor S W corner Chesnut and

Water d h 15 Coombs' al and Ferguson, back of 84 N Front George, house and sign pahiter 71 N

8th d h 147 Clierry John, bricklayer 12 Jones al John, 76 S 11th John, cooper 80 Bank John, cordwainer Shields al John, bricklayer 45 Spnice John, M D 308 S 4th Jolm, merchant 28 Walnut d h 94 Wood John, waiter 60 Spnice John W printer 26 Strawberry Joseph, ch-uggist 202 S 3d Le\\is, merchant 190 High Peter, house carp 22 Watson's al R F, auctn 73 Higli d h 14 Sassafras R F & CO, auctioneers 73 Hig-h •}• Richard, pastor of Bethel African Me- thodist ch 150 Spnice f Richard, jr scrivener 150 Spruce Richard, 397 Mulberry Rebecca, 5 Jones' al R F and co auctrs and com mer 73 High Robert, gi'ocer S E cor Pine and 6th S and M, lottery and ex brs 18 S 3d Solomon, lu- 18 S 3d d h 306 Mulbeny Samuel, 397 Mulbeny Thomas II, col of taxes 186 Pine f Thomas, dealer 158 S 2d dh232Lomb William Smith, 12 Coombes' al William, mercliant 108 S 4th William N, merchant 33 1-2 S Front d

h 33 Pine William, livery stable keeper 48 N 6th widow Catharine, 397 Sassafras widow, boarding house 42 S 6th

Allen widow, 18 Strawberry

widow Mary, cake baker 91 S 6th widow Rachel, 12 Coombes' al AUibone William, currier 163 N 3d W A, jeweller 12 Sassafras widow Sai'ah, b h 139 Walnut Allingham William, house carpenter Jones' al Alhnson Bernard, widow 270 Mulberry Allison Amy, shop 284 Sassafras

Andrew, cooper 26 Filbert Allison Walter, printer Emhns al d h 5 Powel widow Margaret, 121 Spruce widow, 270 Mulberry Allman Thomas, bricklayer 27 N 4th AUmendinger William A, baker 130 N 4th Allspagh George, grocer 29 Cressons al Altemus Isaac, tailor 231 Mulbeny John, tailor 38 Mulbeiry Thomas, porter in Philad bank &c Alter and Bispham wh sale grocers 325 High Jacob, wh sale grocer 325 High d h 23 Filbert Ambrose Jacob A, sc and tailor 37 Chesnut Amies Thomas, paper mill Lower Merion Montgomery county orders left at T De- silvers 247 High American Sunday School Union, 146 Chesnut American Scntinal, office 22 Walnut

Insurance Company, 101 Chesnut Ammidon Otis, Leliigh coal and Navigation Cos office Spruce near Front Stephen, broker 20 Mulberry Amos Jacob, house cai-penter 13 d h 17 N 7th

Walter, tailor 93 N 9th Ancora Peter, drawing master 145 Pine Andalls widow Charlotte, genw 260 Mulberry Anderson Andrew, tobact 158 N 2d

Andrew, mariner 1 Gilhams ct

watchman Brady's ct

Frederick, com mer 2 N 4th Isaac, blacksmith Fearis' ct Isabella, gentlewoman 39 N 7th James, cm-rier 50 Zane John, g^-ocer Locust N E cor Dean Joseph, dealer 254 Lombard Joseph, tailor New Samuel V & Son, mer 25 N Water Samuel V, mer 25 N Water dh 152 N Front

Wm V, mer 25 N Water d h 92 N Ft William, tav kr Carpenter cor 6th William, waiter Washington ct Walter, china mer 211 High widow Ann, b h 95 N 9th wid Margaret, seamat 182 Pine Andrade Joseph, merchant 30 1-2 Walnut Andrews Eliza, Randalls ct

Rev Elisha S, 76 Chesnut Hannah, Ti-otters al James, lum mer 148 S 7th ^ John, asst cashier U S bank Wal- nut between 12th and 13th John,- weaver Nonnans al Thomas, hatter Wagners al


Antlrews widow Hannah, c b 153 Mulberry will Mury, Sinks ct h of 98 Gitskill AngTic John, jr distil and procer 30 N od Angus Alexander, shoe store 164 Lombard Anners Thomas S, perfy store 141 Chesnut R M, artist 4 Locust op Wasliington square Antello widow Charlotte, 33 Lombard Anthony M H, acct 168 'S 9th

Robert B and W Smith, 13th n Law- rence E Mrs Eliza, 19 S 7th Apple George, look.inj^' g-lass and fancy chair maker 50 Chesnut Henr}, cooper 27 S whanes Jacob, N W cor 4th and Sassafras Jacob, Sch Front ab Mulberrj- Philip, coppcr-smitli 130 N 3d Valentine, grocer 3 Cressons al Applcton D conlwainer Sheaffs al Archer and Bispham, merchants 83 N Front Benjamin, carter 53 Jones' al Eli, carter old feiTV Samuel, mcr 83 N Front d h 265 Mul Arentnie Wm, soap br & tal cr 262 Midberrj' Armbrister Peter, Broad neiur Sassafi-as Armstead George, h c^irpenter S 13th ab Pine Armstrong Andrew, grocer 104 N 4th d h 6th ab Callowhill Allen, hardware mcr 113 High d

h 38 N 4tli James, shop 89 S Water Thomas, attorney at law 106 S 4th widow M, 34 Sassafras Amey widow Elizabetli, 231 Spruce Arnold Catharine, storekeeper 191 S 2d Daniel, paver Prosperous al George, ladies shoemr 178 Sassafras Arrison James, George W of Schuylkill 8th Matthew, Sch 8tli below Chesnut Mrs, Fairesct Arrot James, mer communications left at 10

N 4th and 13 Gaskill Arowsmith Edmund, gentleman 110 N 6th Arthur James, tav kr and feed store 2 N 10th Samuel, tav kr N E cor 10 & Sassafras Arty Giles, liv stable keeper 15 S 8th Arundel Margaret, gentwn 165 Sassafras

Robert J, atty at law 165 Sassafras Ash Aaron, dealer 29 N 4th

Caleb, apothecar)" and druggist N W cor

Mulberry and 8th James, gentleman 155 Walnut Joseph, dealer 29 N 4th Morgan, attorney at law 155 Walnut Thomas F, M D 155 Walnut Thomas T bookseller & sta 139 Chesnut W'idow, b h S W cor Walnut and Front Ashbell Richard, guager 40 Strawberr}' Ashbridge Israel, coach maker 98 Sassafras Ashbumer W, mer 7 S whanes d h 321 N 2d

Thomas, merchant 108 S 4th Ashley John, prest Philada Ins Co 94 S 4th Ashman Charles, ladies shomaker Bcver ct

Ashman D and T, ladies shoemakers 115 N 2d James, m:ison Adam bet 12th & 13th widow, 46 S 13lh Ashmanari Jolin, Adams :ib Pine E Asiimciui Benjamin, inspector of the customs 149 N 9th Edw ard, 27 Cressons al Isiuic, printer 146 Chesnut J B cabinet maker 379 Sassafras Ashmcad John, auctr &. com mcr 225 S 2d

Samuel, boottrec mr k fr 57 Walnut Ashhurst Richard, 76 High d h 70 S 5tli Ashton Jacob, coach maker 23 Elfreths al John, tjiilor 16 d h 18 High John, jr tailor 16 High d h 4 Comptr Thomas, chairmaker 82 d h 114 N F and Son, clotliing store 16 High Rev William E, 212 S 4th Askew & Odenheimcr, merchants 163 High Joseph, merchant 163 High d h 318 Mulberry Askin John, cordwainer 244 S 2d Astlcy Thomas, mer S W cor 9tli & Walnut Atherton H, attomev at law 190 Chesnut

H, bookseller &.c 60 N Front d h

108 St John Nathan, 174 S 11th Atkinson Amos, bricklayer 227 Lombard Asher, saddler 5 N 5th Isaac, silversmith Chesnut near 4th

d h 196 S 4th Joel, 6 Montgomery square Phineas, bt baker Orange bel 8th Samuel, carter cor Sch 4th & Chet Samuel C, printer 19 Branch Samuel S, cab maker 7 Church al Sarah, bo;uxling house 7 Chiu'ch al William, weaver 166 Looust At Lee Edwin A, M D 122 N 5th

William R, attomey at law 71 N 5th Atmore Marshall, clock & watchmaker 55 S

Front d h 7 Church al Atwood and co, mers 111 High

James, mer 111 High d h 75 N 5th John M, mer 111 High d h 173 Wal- nut Augustien Peter, 148 S 5th

fPeter, cook 219 S 5th August R, d:uicing master 62 1-2 S 4th Auner Joseph G, bookr and statr 333 High

. Peter, tailor 79 Cherrj' Aurora and Franklin Gazette office 6 Bank -aX Austie Mrs Marg~aret, boarding h 91 S 3d Austin Alvah, tin])late worker Filbert n 13th Lewis L, baker 107 N 3d Mrs b h 174 High Thomas, b h 96 N Front widow Hannaii, b h 113 S 3d Avery Isaac, tortoise shell comb maker 7 and

11 S 2d Axe Conrad, comb maker 84 N 3d Ayars Lemuel, ladies shomr N lllli N E cor

Castle Ayres D, house cai-penter 124 N 11th J P, book publisher 63 S 5t)i


Ayres William, house carpenter, 128 N 11th Aylward Michael, sadr & trunk mr 41 Filbert Azan Rachael, dyer of feathers &c 132 S 6tli

Babad Henry, rtier 83 S Front d h 122 Spruce

Babb widow, 17 Sassafras

Babe Catharine, milliner 39 Pine

Luke, cabinet maker 44 S 5th Richard, hatter 142 N 3d Bablew David, tavern keeper 167 S Front Bache Franklin, M D 239 Spruce

Richard, post master IQT Chesnut Backin Henry, printer 3 Rudolpli ct Bacon AUeyn, music store 30 S 4th

and Hart, music store 30 S 4th G V, accountant 283 Filbert Isaac, cabinet maker 55 Lombard John, city trear c hall d U 119 Sassafras Job, secy to Am Fire Ins company 101

Chesnut Sai-ah, gentwn Filbert S W cor 12th Badaraque Thomas, acct 209 Pine Badger Edward, lottery broker 41 S 3d Georg-e D, dentist 141 Spruce / Samuel, alderman S W cor 6th and

Little George and Swanwick Wm, atty at law office 7 George d h

city hotel wid Mai'ia, mantua mr Nonnater's ct Bailey and Bridges, merchants 30 S wharves Gamaliel, watchmaker 320 Sassafras d

h 2 Chester James, carter 50 St Mary John, dyer and scourer 216 Cedar John, store keeper 99 N 3d Joshua, merchant d h 5 Cluu'ch al Lewis, merchant 30 S wharves R C, distiller 389 High Richard, distiller 27 S 10th Richard, merchant 8 S 13th W jr, watchmaker 80 High d h 9th ab

Wood N z widow Lydia R, printer 10 N al Bainbridge William, com U S N 215 Walnut Baird Alexander, printer 10 N al

and Harker, lottery brokers 36 S 3d Peter, porter Eckf'elds ct Thomas, weaver Ann near Sch 7th Bairnbaum Charles, baker 51 N 6th Baker Abraham, acct 166 Mulberry

Charles H, merch 310 Mulben-y Chalkley, innkeeper 264 Sassafras J Hilar}', int office 3 Frankhn ct Hannah, 72 N 5th Henry, house & sign painter 164 Vine

d h 200 Sassafras James, hardware mcr 8 Minor John, susp manuf High W of Sch 6t J M S, jeweller 156 S 6th John L, scrivener and conveyancer

162 Walnut d h 57 Wood n l John R and Son, impots German goods

63 Sassafras J, Mulberry near Sch 2d

Baker Joseph, 264 Sassafras

Michael, gent 166 Mulberry Richard, weaver Pine ab 10th Richard, fancy store 3 arcade Samuel, house carpenter 47 N 6th S, 264 Lombard Stephen, ladies shoemaker Spruce 1st

bel Juniper N Sylvanus, copper plate printer ov 30

S 4th d h 4 Ramstead ct William, dnigglst 6 N 5th widow Ehzabeth, getlvv 58 Midberry widow E boarding house 116 Mulbeny widow Rebecca, tav kr 4 Laetitia ct Bald Robert, engraver 47 Sansom d h 6 S 10th Baldwin David, b smith N 11th ab Sassafras E F, baker 45 Cedar George, gTor 11 S 4th d h 95 N 5th George, grocer 183 High Levi, teaclier High near Sch 4th d h

Jones' al . M W, macliinlst 160 S 10th M W and co, storekeeper 102 S 2d Stephen, sea captain 115 S 9tli widow Phoebe, miliny store 40 S 4th Balfe Thomas, boot maker 141 Walnut Ball A L and co, diy good store 49 S 2d Esther. 208 Mulberry Frederick, ironmonger 37 New Ballantine Rev William, Episcopal academy

d h 28 Prune ■j-Ballard widow Hagar, 170 Locust Ballenger Cath:u'ine, nurse 135 N 5th

Jacob, house carpenter 70 N 9th Bancker C N, mer 13 S Front d h 39 S 10th Banckert James M, cordwainer Bell's ct Bancroft Titus, goldbeater 59 Chesnut Banger Timothy, acct 15 N 12th Bangs Elijah K, cliina store 176 N Front Banks E, tav keeper S wharves ab South J. M D 88 Vine

Joseph, circulating libnu-y 48 S 3d widow, tav keeper 95 S Water Banning Daniel, cooper 68 Zane Bannister Edward, dealer 445 High

G H, dry gd & corset sto 9 arcade Bannen Joseph, liousc carpenter 9 Wagners aJ

Paul, house carpenter 396 Sassafras Bannerman Miss, teacher 117 N 2d Barclay Andrew C, merch and Boston packet office 38 S wharves d h 49 Vine J A, 168 S 2d J J, attorney 119 Wtdnut J M, 3 York Buildings Joseph, captain 180 S Front widow Margaret, gi-ocer 168 S 2d Barber Charles, bricklayer Broad bel Vine James, shop Mulbeny W of Sch 2d Nathaniel, 164 Vine widow, 127 N lltli Barcroft Stacy, merchant

Tunis, 209 Sassafras Barcus Stephen, Sch 7th near Cherry Bai'deer Samuel, innkeeper 166 N 5th Bargcr Jona, innkeeper 96 N 2d

WilUam, painter & glazier 131 S 11th


Bargh William, p-occrN E cor 11th 8i Locust

d h 147 S 11th Barker J N, alderman 34 S 6th

Pris widow of Ahm, g'entl 213 Spruce Barlow widow, g'cntlowoniau 322 Sassafras

willow S;iral), seamstress 56 I'eiui Barnard C, mercliant 25 S whal•^•e3

Joscjih, ploug'hmr Ilig'h n Sch 6th Misses, academy for \()iinj^ ladies 1 Bre:ul & 71 1-2 Midberry Barnes John, ladies shoemaker 147 S 2d

John H, nota pub & ship bro 117 S 2d

d h 23 S 2d John, M D, 161 Sxssafras Joseph, prest Judg;e dist ct of city &

county of Philada 11 Sunsom Isaac, tailor 157 N 3d Lydia, 49 S 5th

Mrs Rebecca, g'cntlw 165 Walnut Robert T, accountant 49 S 5th RufusL, whip mounter 2 Ransteadct Thomas, oil and lamp store 10 S 4tli

d h 26 S 4tli widow, grocery 26 Prosperous al widow Sarah, miUiner 108 N 7th Barney Joiin, victualler 106 S 10th Bamctt Edward, attorney at law 68 N 9th Gcorg-e, mer 141 S 6th Sarah, shopkeeper NE cor Wayne's al and Clicrry Bamholt George, tav kr N Broad bcl Vine Baniluu-st Joseph, brass founder 465 High Ban-on widow Marv, seams 161 Pine ab 6th Barr Daniel, innkr'l36 N Water & 139. N Ft Robert, captain 115 Lombard widow, school Sch 5th neai- Chesnut BaiTas J B, tailor 249 High Barrett William, ornamentid painter 8 Cherry John, Locust bel 13th Robert, bricklayer 7 Castle Bamn^on Chai-les, bottler &c 346 High

Chai-les, jr lottery broker 14 Pine Mrs E, wid of Richard 137 Lomb Samuel, M D 268 S 2d Barron Jiunes, ladies shoemaker 87 S 2d

Mrs, \ndow 191 Pine Barrozo Pereira J, consul gen of Portugal 218

Chesnut Barry Ann, 60 Penn

Edwai-d, consul & commer agt for the Colum Repub office & d h 111 Spruce J B, cabinet maker Union and 2d Mary, school 34 Quince Mary, 277 S Front

Patrick, groc 186 N Water & 191 N Ft Samuel, watclmian N AV cor Cheny &

Jacoby Sarah, widow of com genw 214 Chesnut Barth Joseph, watclunan 26 Sassafras Bartliolemew Charles, tobacconist 88 N 3d Fredei-ick, tobact 77 George Thomas, com mer 15 Quany Bartleson &. Harmer, bcdchng w h 203 S 2d Samuel, upholster S E cor Pine 8t 2d d h 76 Union

Barthin Conrad, h carp 8c inspec of lumber 2

Ciu-pcnters ct Barth George, mariner 144 N Front Barton David, b maker S 6th

Daniel, gentleman 108 Mulberry

Esther, 65 Locust

Isaac, merchant 16 N 2d

J Rhea, M D 204 (Jhesnut

Jolin, b h 20 Sugar al

Henry, back of 148 S 4th

Henry, mer Franklin place d h 86 S 5th

Thomas J, tailor 128 N 2d

W P C, pi-of of botany 212 Chesnut Bartram George, aldennan 68 S 2d

Isaac, jr h ware mer 79 High Rebecca, gentw 280 Sassafras William S hard w mer 57 High d h 30 Church al Bartlet widow of John, shopkeeper 147 S 3d Bass Paul, acct 91 S 3d

widow. Dean Basset Isaac, N W cor Sch 8th & Cherry Bassitt Archibald, Fcairis ct Bastlan Anthony, pr stainer Mulberry n Broad

George grazier S E cor 7th & Spruce Bates Joslah, blacksmith 20 Cressons al Baton Augustin, gent 62 1-2 S 4th Rattell French, mer 108 N 4th Battls G, fiiiitcrer 2 S 6tl\ _

John, fniiterer 316 High Battens Mattlilas, labourer S E cor Juniper &.

Sassafras Bates Benjamin, tobact 115 N 3d Bauersach" John N, impo of Ger gds 126 High Baum W H, M D S E c Spnice and 7th Baxter Edward, imikr N E cor High and Sch


Isaac B, ironmonger 244 S 2d

Matthew, grocer 305 High N W cr 8t}> Bayard Andrew, pres commer bank 102 S Stlt

widow, 8 Gray's al Baylis Joseph, impor of h w 17 Lombard

WllUam, watchman back of 81 Cedar

John, printer 121 S 2d

William, watchman back of 81 South Bavley Joseph, labourer 13th ab South Bazeley C W & Mrs C W, lad semi 7S. S 4th Beale Joseph, gent 232 Spruce Bcaler widow Margaret, gentw 52 Lombard Bean William Y, back of 455 Mulbeiry Beans Benj I, stove mr 76 N 5th d h 290 Vine Beard ^L's Mary, 77 Lombard Bean WlUiam, inkeeper 157 N 3d Beard John, 77 Lombard Beasley Rev Frederick, D D prov of Unlver

of Penn Broad 3d door ab Chesnut Beattle Arthur, cot manuf Broad bel Chesnut

F S, M D 266 Mulberry Beatty Adam, weaver 15 Mercer Bearing Casper, 5 Knight's ct Beach William, ploughmaker 372 High Beatty George tav keeper 40 S wharves

James, weaver 310 S 7

John, pap hanging manuf d h 65 S 7th


Beatty Robert, weaver Budd ct

Samuel, manuf 129 S 11th Beatty widow, shopkr Lombard E of Sch 7th Beauller G B, printer 217 Lombard Beaver M, drug-gist 250 Lombard Bechtel and Conrad shoe store 50 High

Jacob, boot and shoemaker 74 S 2d Wilson L, &. CO shoe w h S W cor

High and 2d John, boot and shoemaker 50 High d h 74 S 2d Beck Adam, Sassafras near Sch 8th

Henr}', brok and com mer 63 N 3d Henn' Paul, atty at law 62 Walnut d h

315 High Haney, 11 S water d h 315 High J, 5 Comptroller Jacob, carpenter Hudson's al Jacob, mer d h 32 Dock Paul, jr mer 11 S Water d h 315 High Wilham, tobacconist 32 Dock William, acct 215 Lombard Becker Francis, acct-'.nd inter of foreign lan- guages 28 N 3^ Beckel Godfrey, acct 83 N 2d Beckett Henrj', mer 9 Chnton square •[Beckus Lewis, hair dresser Elizabeth ab 6th Bedell Rev Gregoiy T, rect of St Andrews ch

52 S 9th Bedford Ann, 81 S 3d

J T, dry good store 59 N 2d Bedlock William, teacher 27 N 5th Beeler Henrj", 166 S 5th Beemer James, shopkeeper 115 Cherry Been Miss Ann, 13 Carter's al Beers Booth and St John, exch brok 4 S 3d

John, turner Lombard W of Quince Beidelman Abraham, shopkr 88 N 2d

Jacob R dry good store 88 N 2d Beisto Daniel, 85 N 5th Bell Daniel, hatter 32 Strawberry Henr}-, tav keeper -178 S Water James £c John, dists N W cor 6th & South John, distr N W cor 6th & South d h 219

Ceder John, M D office 148 S 4th. Mary, shop 3 Bell's ct Robert, weaver Sch 8th bel Vine Samuel, drygdmer 181 High dh 1 X 13th &, Sterhng, dry good mers 107 High Wm John & co, stock 8c exch brok 37

Dock WiUiam John, stock & exch brokers 37

Dock d h 136 Walnut WiUiam, jr stock &. exch brok 37 Dock

d h 93 Pine Wilham, gent 109 S 4th widow Hannah, gentvv 9 Powell Bellanger Isaac, bricklayer 32 Key's al Bellingham Thomas, mer 47 S 2d BeUineyer John, 27 Cressons al Bellrose and co paper hangers 78 Chesnut

Johnj paper hanger 78 Chesnut d h 315 S 2d

Bender Daniel, h carpenter 261 Sassafras

Jacob, book binder Sassafras ab 13th Benjamin Faft, 458 Sassafras Benner Charles, oak cooper 4 N 10th d h 323 Mulberry George, shop 69 S 5th John, house carpenter Castle John, brickmaker Dean J, drayman George ab 13th James, mer 177 N 9th Matthias, brickmr Spruce W of Sch 5th d h Spruce W of 13th Sebastian, cab maker 401 Sassafras widow Ehzabeth, 14 Carter's al Benners widow Margaret, gentw 57 New Bennerman David M, h carpenter Beaver ct Bennet Christopher L, pilot 20 Branch Edward B, scrivener 45 Chesnut Jacob, jeweller Gaskill n 5th Jacob, lot brok d h 69 N 8th Joel B, printer 10 Quarry John, b h 123 S Water Joseph, house carpenter Vaux's ct Titus, bookseller &. sta 37 High and Walton, booksels & sta 37 High AVilliam, shoemaker Brooks ct Bennis Ilcrtry, hatter b of 121 Mulberrj- Benninghove & Curtis, tobact 77 High

Elizabeth, 4 Church al Benson Alex, stock & exch broker 2 S 3d d h 103 S 8th Richard, gent Walnut ab 12th Benson Gusta^•us S, attorney at law 2 S 3d Bentley Ann E, seamstress 4 Watson's al Bentlv D & J, cop smith's & sheet iron work- ers 162 X 3d Bentson Peter, jeweller 85 N 2d Beresford Robert H, printer 16 Swanwick Bemadou JohnB, mer 61 S Frontdh 181 Pine Bernard George, 71 X 5th

Phoebe, tav 94 X Water widow, 150 S 5th Berrj" Ohver, bootmaker 36 Mulberry Peter L, h carp S 9th n Cedar Berrian Mary, 80 Lombard Bertauld George, gent 13 Elfreth's al Besse John Baptiste, 30 Elfreth's al Besson L and Son, dr\" good store 52 S 2d Best John, cordwainer Vine W of Broad Bethel and Jenkins, druggists 107 High Robert, atty at law 91 X Sd William, U S guager Lombard street wf dh91N3d Bettle Edward, 14 S 3d

Samuel, & son cloth store 14 S 3d Thomas, 40 N 5th Bezcau Hetty, teacher of music'252 Lombard Bevan John, painter & glazier 253 S Front Matthew L, mer 35 S wharves d h 218

Mulberry and Porter, mers 35 S wharves Beverly Thomas, mariner 4 Little Pine Bewlcy Isaac, jr clerk at post office Quince bel Walnut


Bewlcy Cifton, clerk at post office Quince bel

Walnut Bcylanl John, jr mer 92 S 4th Beyllc & Seveluig-c, nicrchs 63 S 2d Be'uley Lewis, 160 S 9tli BcvUe Joseph, mer 63 S 2d d h 184 Spnicc Beyer G T, mer 83 S Front Bickerton Benjamin, cooper 373 Hiph d h Sass;d'nis E cor of Sch 7lh Joseph, p forte mr 27 Applotrce al Thomas, cooper Water bl Chcsnut Thonuis, cooper 53 S Water Bicknell Geors^ A, mer 33 N Front d h 106 S yth t C, 113 S 9th U r, lottcr)- broker 26 S 4th Biddlc Clement C nota pub & atty at law 35 Dock d h cor Spi-ucc & Quince Clement, siigur refiner 27 Church al d

h 164 Mulberr)- and Canbv, sugur refiner 27 Church a D, 27 Palin\n-a Row- Edward ]{, "exch bro 68 S 6th James C, attorney at law 68 S 6th Marj', 303 Spruce

Kicholas, prest U S bank 248 Walnut Thomas & John G, stock & exch bros

26 "\>'alnut Thomas, stock 8c exch bro 26 Walnut

d h 276 Chesnut widow Elizabeth, g'entw 148 High wid Lydia, dry gd & fancy sto 52 S 4th William, drug-gist S W c 4tli St Race ■William S, coun at law 183 Walnut Biggs Jeremiah, acct 68 S 8th Bigonet Jacob, druggist 158 Lombard d h cor

7th and Little George Bigncll John, hatter 10 Coomb's al Biibrough S, wool w h 22 Ch al d h 112 S 12th Billings Isaac, auctioneer 383 Sassafras BiUington Geo, trea to sa\-ingfund 66 Walnut & Sanderson, publishero Philadel- phia Price Currant S W room Merchants' Coflee House T, storekeeper 47 S 2d Billmeyer John, acct 100 MulbeiTv Billsand wid Ann, gentw 9 Frankhn row S 9th Bingham Sarah, seams Chesnut AV of Broad N Binns John, alderman & proprietor Demo-

ocratic Press 70 Chesnut Binney Horace, coun at law 83 & 85 S 4th John, type found Cedar N W cor 9th Joseph, cuttler 38 S 5th Bloren Benjamin, sea captain 100 Union Birch Mrs, Eckfelds ct

Thomas, landscape painter Filbert AVilliam, landscape painter Cherry al William Y, gent 212 Walnut

Bird M D 230 Spruce

Charles, gent

Daniel, weaver Lombard ab 12th George, agent for the Union Une of N V aud tav keeper 19 S wharves

Bird Isaac, |jrinter 189 Prime

James, teacher 12 lYoraberpcrs ct J, innkeeper 127 S Water J, teacher 157 S 11th Joseph, teacher 13th ab Pine Thomas, h w mer 98 High d h 17 N 10th widow, 128 S 2d Bimbaum John H, porter Girard Bank 78 New Birnic William, atty at lawj& acct 55 S 5th Bisbing George, oak cooper Smith's ct Bishop Nathaniel, oyster celler 6 Warren

Peregrine, second hand clothes store

165 Lombard Richard, hosing store 267 High &, 21

Philad arcade d h 12 Swanson Stephen, shop 220 Lombard AVilham, Locust bel 13th widow Margaret, hat binder 1 upper

Harmony ct widow, Sheafl^'s al Bispham Harriet, shopkeeper 139 Cherry- Jos jr, 34 S Front d h 116 Mulberry Samuel, w sale grocer d h 49 Filbert Bitting George, cab maker 8 Fayette Black Adam, saddler 26 N al A, teacher 147 S 10th John, blacksmith Sheaff 's al J G, vamishmaker 19 Franklin ct James R. M D 135 Mulberry . James, blacksmith Jones' al Thomas, collector 174 S 9th f'l'homas, hatter 224 Lombard Thomas, blacksmith 7 ^' 10th Wm, groc N High d h Sch 5th ab High M'iUiam, mer 98 N Front and W ilkins, mers 23 N Front widow, mantua maker 3 Prosperous al Blackburn William, mer 2 Church al Blackford George, bricklayer S 10th bel Pine Blackwell Rev Robert, d'd 50 Pine Blackwood Atcheson, carp weav 79 Sassafras James, brassfounder 271 Sassafras Joseph, 270 Lombard Bladen Thomas, baker 119 N Front

WiUiam T, biscuit baker 87 and 165 N Water d h 113 N Front Blair Wilham, printer 10 N al

widow Hannah, gentw 228 Pine Blake George E, music store 13 S 5th and 4

Pluladelpliia arcade Blakemore Thomas, Japanese and clock dial

manuf 169 South Blaikie Geo D, raerch 100 N Ft d h 307 Mulby Blame Joseph, bottler 5 N 5th Blanchard Hal} &. Beat}-, pap hanging manuT 115 Chesnut Isaac W, pap hanging manuf 4 Mul- berry ct ^Irs, b h 30 N al Mrs Duluc, 81 Vine Blanc widow Sarah E, gentw 220 Mulberry Blee Samuel, tav kr w'ahiut W of Sch 4th Bligh Siumiel, tav ki- W:dnut W uf Sch 7th



Blight G W, mer 24 N 7th

Mrs, Chcsnut 4 doors bel 13th |S, 23 Sassafras al widow, 27 S 13th Block Henry, b h 28 N 3d Bloxson Walter, painter & glazier 146 N 3d Blower Kobert, dyer 8c scourer 208 S 7th

widow Elizabeth, silk dyer 78 N 7th Blummer Charles, tobacconist 13 Cheny

widow Ann, 58 N 4th Boardman Francis, 211 S 3d Boaz Frederick, g-en cor of 5th &. Appletree al Bobb Peter, acct 4 Adam Bockius Lewis, 4 Ehzabeth

William H, h carpenter 81 Union Boggs Daniel, cab maker 25 Blackberry al Edwin, 215 S 2d James, merchant 201 High John, 19 Currant al widow Mary, b h 2 Hunters ct Bogie A, steamboat engineer Orange bel 8tli jBogle Robert, 46 S 8th Bohlen J, 67 S 4th d h 238 Walnut

B, mer 67 S 4tli d h Chesnut ab 12th Bohlen B and J, mers 67 S 4th Boker Charles S, legJioni store 27 N 2d Boland John, cordwainer 95 N Front

H, storekeeper 82 N 2d Bolden J, 151 S 10th

Boling John B, house & sign painter 15 Mulb Boiler widow Catharine, 89 SaSsafras

H J, 89 Sassafras Bomeisleir and Brotlier, mers 4 N wharves Bomeister M, dry good store 5 Fhilad arcade Bonafon A, profesor of dancing 71 S 8th Bond H, M D 114 Mulbeny

James, blacksmith Sch 7th n Spruce James, druggist 132 S 10th Jonathan, cordwainer 205 S 2d Joseph, carpenter 32 N 8th Thomas, cab maker 104 N 5th d h 6

Hoffman's al AVilliam, acct 27 N 9th Bonish M D, fr & confr S E cor Spruce & 4th Bonnell Samuel, 105 S 3d

William, acct 37 Spruce Bonneuill Peter, fr & confccr 72 Union Bonsall Benjamin, tailor 4 Fetter lane B S, gent 67 Pine

and Curtis, conveyrs 3 Carpenters ct Isaac, steward of Penn Hospital Isaac & Conde J W, conveja's Bank al and Wcntz, storekeepers 146 N 4tli Wilham, printer Randals ct widow Elizabeth, Raspberry al Book Peter J, hairdresser & bleeder 10 N 4th Boone William, carter George n Sch 2d

Jeremiah, mer 90 S whs d h 163 Pine W R, mer 90 S whai-ves d h 163 Pine Bootli Benjamin, 83 S 3d

Isaac, cab maker 106 Lombard Thomas, acct 144 Sassafras widow Ann, gentw 180 Vine

Booth wid Rachel, shopkr N 11th bel North IJoraef Valentine, victualler Cherry bet Juni- per and 13th Borden Francis, bricklayer S 13th bet Locust

and Walnut Borie Charles, cordwainer 139 S 2d .1, lombard bel lOtli J J, and Laguerenne mers 59 S Front J J, mer d h 97 S 4th Borill John, Biddle's al

Bosbyshell Wdham, mer- 14 N Front d h 411 Bosler John, brickmaker Dean n Spruce Bosquet Ehzabeth, confecr 240 Lombard

Peter, mer 32 Chesnut Boss Mrs Sarah, b h 12 Gray's al Bossert Andrew, innkeeper sign of seven stars 98 N 4th George, flour & fd store 139 Sassafras wid, seamst Mulberry 1st W of Sch 2d Boston Joseph, chemist & di-uggistl09 Sassafr

widow, -55 Currant al Boswell Samuel, printer 15 Watsons al Borhek John, cake bakor N W cor Pine & 3d Boulden B B, 151 S 9tli BournonvUle A, M D 33 Sansom Bouvier John, atty at law 7th ab Chesnut d h cor Filbert and 12th Michael, cab and sofa w h 91 S 2d d h 63 Dock Bowen Henry, auctioneer 73 High

Johfi, oak cooper 113 S Water d h

back of 7 Elfrcth's al John, gent 342 Midbeny Elijah, 209 Sassafras Joseph, tailor 427 High Plioebe, 6 Sterling al &, Richai-ds, auctioneers 29 N Front Thomas, cooper 178 Lombard W E, auctionr 29 N Ft d h 31 Spruce Bower Christian, baker 149 Spruce C, silversmith Acorn al w;idow, grocer 210 S 7th Pliilip G, printer 36 Coates' al Michael, Lombard E of Sch 7th Bowlby Edward, h w mer 69 High d h 9 Ch al Richard, h ware mer 101 d h 45 New and Weaver, h w mer 101 High Bowman Abraliam, 4 Elmslie's al

Charles, tobacconist 313 High Bownas James, weaver MulbeiTj^ W of Sch 2d | Boj'ce Maiy, mantua maker 90 Locust I

Boyd Andi-cw, tailor N E cor Walnut & 11th David, mercer and tailor 33 N 4th James, innkr 339 High N W cor 9th j

John, tailor 39 Coates' al . |

John, inspector of the customs 133 S 3d I Joseph, excliange broker 20 S 4th I

Miss, b h S E cor 7th and Chesnut '

Robert, sand paper manuf b 14 S 10th and Stuart, g-rocers 406 High William, mer lOUi S E cor High WiUiam, sand paper manuf Wilson's ct


lloycr Aiulri'w, c;u*pontcM* 1/!'.' N ;>il

IKiii-), fancy store ki'i|H r 117 12 N 2d Uoylc .lolm, liurljtr 185 South

John, coiichsmith 17 sug^ur al d Ii 12

Cluster Timolhy, 209 Ssissafi-as widow jmif, shopkeeper 325 Spruce Boz/iirt wid, seamstress Mulheny W Sch 2d Bozarth Wiiliam, lioiisc carpenter 122 rilbert IJnibrant Francis, confectioner 74 Vine Bradcn Josepli, printer o-i N lOtli Brulfield Ilenj carter 25U Pine bet UtliSc 12th Bradford Cornelius J, 25 N yili

Samuel F, publisher 118 Chcsnut d

h 206 Chcsnut Thomiis, jr attorney at law 5 Sansom Thomas, sen 268 Midberry Thomas, 33 Crown Walter, teacher 139 S 11th Bcadley Ann, shopkeeper 477 Hi^h Bnulley Geor^j'c, 48 tiuince

wid of John, b h 108 Mulberry James, baker 407 Hig'h John, watchman 7 Hyde's ct Mar) Ann, grocer 9 Pnine Bradshaw WiHi:uii, grocer S whar 1st ab Pine

widow Sarah, tuv kr 197 Clicsnut Brady Bartholomew, dry good store 68 N 4tli Edward, nianuf Cedar bel 10th IIcnr\-, acct Smitli's ct Hugh, stable keeper 125 Spruce J, house carpenter Shcaff 's al n 12lh James, jr moro & pai-ch raanuf 77 S 5tii J;imes, dry good store 54 S 5th Lawrence, dealer 168 N Water , Patrick, labourer 53 Filbert Peter, 3 S 2d

widow Leah C, b h 7 8 6th widow Margaret, 13 Green's ct Bramale William, watchman back of 9 Crown Branagan Thomtus, watciiman 154 Cherry Brandt Amie, clock and watchnir 129 N 2d

Christian, tin plate worker 125 High d h 90 N 11th Brand M, milhner 29 S Front Brashcars Samuel, atty at law 10 N 6th BKuison Aaron, cft>per Caledonian ct Branson Mrs Eliza, shopkr 12th n Lombard Brantley Rev ^V T, 75 N 9th Branu Robert P, gentleman 108 S 2d Brasier Amable, Hamilton ville & 108 S 4th

Emelias F, atty at law 108 S 4tli Bi-atton widow, shopkeeper 157 South Braxton Mrs, b h cor 11th and Chesnut Brazier Chi-istopher, bisc bak M'CuUey's ct Bray John, house and sign pairiter 67 N 5th Brcady Frederick, coach maker Green's ct

Miuy widow of Clement L, 126 S 5th Breamer Miss Sarah, 14 Swanson Breban Jolui J, mer 193 Higli d h 23 S 10th Brechmcn Lewis, jeweller 120 S 2d Breed Samuel U, shoe store 6 N 6th

and Mudge, shoe store 246 High C

Brecii Peter, Bh()|)krcpcr 143 S lOtli Mrcintnall David, g( nl 279 Walnut llrelsfonl J()se|)li, coach spring maker £tc 131 N 6tli Si Joyce, coach spring makers and smiths 90 Cherry Bnnan Edward, nuisician 75 Locust Bresiin John, silver plater 2 Bread Jolm, labourer 160 S 11th lirewer J M, teacher S K cor Library & 5th

Rachel, b h 152 S 2d Jircwstcr Edmund, portrait painter 82 S 3d Francis E, atty at law 5 Little Georg AVilliam C. M U 150 S 5th widows LticincLi, gentw462 Sassafras wid, apothy &, drug! 460 Sassafi-as Brick John It, currier 35 Chesnut d h 8 Ch al Brickman George, baker 82 S 11th Bridenhait G, upitolsterer 115 S Front Bridges Edward N, mer 30 S wharves d h 104 S9th James C, grocer S E cor Spruce 8t 3d and Kellog, 15 S Water widow, 259 S Front Bridport H, portrait & miniature painter N E

cor 5th & Chesnut Briggs Mrs Eliza, mantua maker 235 Lombard

John, leechcr and bleeder 47 N 7th Bright Michael, distiller 66 Midberry

widow Maria, manuf of Moulder salve 47 I^ombard Bringhurst George, coach maker 23 N 5th John, printer 162 S 5th Robert R, cabinet maker 8c sexton Clu-ist ch 56 N 5th Brinley Jacob S, mer tailor N E cor Walnut

and 5th Brinton George, gent 217 Mulbeiry

Mrs wid of I H, 217 Mulberry Brentzenghoffer widow, 8 Sassafras al Britton Charles, Wood

S, milliner 5 Strawberry William, lumber merch 9th bel Vine Bretz Jacob, merchant 134 N 2d Broadhui-st Joseph, innkeeper 193 N 2d Brodie Chrito, shopkr S 11th bel Walnut W Broadiiead Daniel, schrivener 12 Mulbeiry Brock Thomas, tav kr S W cor Mulby & 10th Brocklehurst Robert, blacksmith Scott's al Brolaskey Simon, store keeper 116 N 5th Brongcr widow Catharine, b h 170 Cherry Brookfield C, shop 23 StrawbeiTy Brook Jane, shop Walnut ab 13th N Brooke liobert, city commisr 13tli n Chesnut Brooks George, 18 N 8tli

John, cooper 65 S Water d h 5 Nor- ris' a! Broom Jamos M, counsellor at law 56 S 6th Samuel & co, confectioners 74 High WLlliani, h carpenter 3 Carter's al d h 62 S 2d Brower Hannah, 41 Chester widow, 387 Sassafras Brown Andrew, teacher 74 S 6th



Brown Aurey, clotliiiig store S E cor Water

and Cliesnut Benjamin, printer 139 Lombard Cliarles H, grocer S W cor 5th 8c Vine Mrs E J, boarding' lioiise 107 Chesnut Charles, corder Fliutliam's whaif d h

201 N l-'ront David S, cor 4th & Browne David Paul, attorney at law S W cor

Washington Sq and 7th E, teacher S 13th ab Walnut Elias, stone cutter &c S 7th S E cor

Middle al d li 31 Elizabeth Frederick, drug-g-ist St apothecaiy N E

cor 5th and Chesnut d h 39 S 4th George, house carj^enter 51 Pine George, laboui-er South n Sch Henry, 9 Quince James, boot and shoemaker N E cor

9th & Locust W avenue Arcade James, clothier 12 High d h 5 Chan- cery lance J & M & M D Lewis, com mer for the

sale of Ame manuf 159 High James, labourer 15 N 6th James, millwright Filbert n Sch 7th James, waterman Cypress al James, George bel 11th James, labourer Dean Jeremiali, 383 MxdbeiTy John, bookinder Maple n 8th John, gentleman 216 Clu-snut John, inspec of the custs 123 Lombard . John, house & sign painter 8c glazier

22 Raspbeny al John, tobact 15 N 3d d h 27 Branch John, 162 Cherry John, tailor 14 S Broad John, 130 N 2d

John A, mer 16 Chesnut d h 103 S 4th John A & CO, mer 16 Chesnut John D, printer 71 Gaskill John Horace, select seminary d h 11

Frombergers ct Joseph D, gentleman 165 Mulberry Joseph, lastmaker 5 Laetitia ct . Joseph, 6 N 2d Lawrence, hatter 70 S 2d Lewis, diy good store 146 High Moses, mer 159 High d h S W cor of

6th and MiilbeiTy and M'Clelland, dyers Sc weavers Fil- bert ab Juniper Miller, tailor Gllliams (Coopers) ct Paul S, mer 48 S Ft d h 53 Lombard Mrs E J, back 107 Cbesnut [ Robert, whitewasher and swcJcp mr

149 Locust Samuel, draper & tailor 132 Chesnut

d ii Spruce ab Front Samuel, tea store 73 Chesnut Samuel and Son, tea store 73 Chesnut Samuel, wheelwright 6 Fayette

Brown Sarah, 35 Spruce

Tiiomas, acct 223 High Thomas, grocer S E cor 9th & Locust Thomas A, dry good store 17 S 2d Thomas, capt U S navy N W cor 11th

and Mulberry Thomas, tailor 12 Spruce .

Thomas, Spruce ab 12th Thomas, dry good store 17 S 2d William, merchant 29 S wharves Wm, mer 40 Dock d h 295 Chesnut Wm, printer Wagner's al d h 6 John William, engineer Sch 7th N n High Wilham C, attorney at law 59 S 7th d

h 309 Walnut t William, 136 Cherry widow EUzabeth, N E cor Mulberry

and Juniper widow Mary, 6 South al widow, shop S 12th n Lombard widow, 53 S 5th widow, 83 N 9th widow, 223 Cherry widow, 36 Zane Browne Aquilla A, atty & coun at law 59 S Tth d h 309 Walnut P A, counsellor at law N W cor 7th &.

Chesnut d h 182 Chesnut & Robb, drapers & tails 132 Chesnut Brownell G, grocer S 12th n Lombai-d Browning Daniel, 2 S wharves Bruerton George, china gilder 366 High Brugiere and Teisseire, mers 23 S Front Brulette Charles, joiner 184 S 3d Brummel Benjamin, sail maker 28 Jones' aj Bruncr Benjamin, sail maker 29 Jones' al Bruner M, 373 High Brunet John, confectioner 64 N 3d Bruner Susan, 125 N 6th Brush J, tav keeper 191 N Water Bruster Charles, grocer 473 High Biyan Jesse, tailor 46 Bread

John, cabinet maker 5 Hinckles ct .1 ohn C, cooper 98 Cheiry Thomas J, attorney at law 223 Mulberry Timothy mer 143 High d h 223 Mulby W P, mer 143 Higli^d h 501 Mulberry AV P and T M, merchants 143 High widow Maiy, b h 10 S al Br) ant William, 166 S 5di Br\ (len widow Mary, b h 5 S 6th Buclianan, M D 90 Locust

Robert, Lombard ab 12th Thomas, weaver Chesnut n Sch 2d widow Latitia, gentvv 43 S 8th Buck Charles N, mer and consul genl of Ham- bui-g 30 Walnut d li N p: cor Pine & 3d Chaunccy, tin ware manuf 9 N 13tli George, cooper 286 High d h 12 N 6tlx J, grocer S E cor Pine and 12th Buckingham Edward, boot maker 43 N 6th

John, health officer 42 S 5th Buchalter J F, baker 25 Franklin ct



Buckley Anthony M, mer 121 S Ft d h 87 S 3d Dunul, porter 5 rninkliii ct Saruli, i;cniv.- 87 S ;hI Duckman Honjuniin, hatter 25 (barter's al

Nathan, 61 S 2d Bucknur A G, tobacconist N E co. 2d & l^nion A J, tobact & seg~ar store 14 I'hila- dclplua arcade liudd John, soapboiler 6 Cypress al

J B, mer 39 Dock d h 194 Mulbcny Thom;is A, atty at law 17 S 5th d h 113 S3d Buddy John, baker 18 Mulbeny Buffinglon Isaac, cabinet maker 18 S 6lh Bujac Jolin L, merchant 130 Pine

Matthew, fancy St china store 176 High Bulklcy C and J II, hatters 57 S 3d Bulklcy Chauncev, attorney at law 68 S 5th d h 6i S 3d widow Elizabetli, gentw 112 S 8th Bullock Benjamin, wool dealer 32 N 3d

Davis and co, wood dealers 32 N 3d

and 473 N J'ront Joseph, M D 45 N 8th Bumford James, grocer 224 S 6th Bumm Georg-e, carter Walnut n Sch

Peter, silversmith 119 Chesnut Bunker C, confectioner 120 S Front

Nathan, flom" mer 56 S wharves d h

22 Washington square and StaiT, flour mer 56 S wharves Bunting Alice, tutoress 117 N Front

Jacob T, mer 26 S whas d h 65 Pine Joshua, mer 95 N 2d Josiah, lumber mer 281 Spruce Kitty, tutoress Chester n Sassafras Patrick, mariner 3 Millei-'s ct Samuel C, mer 28 S wharves d h 235

Vine widow, 95 N 2d Rurd Edward, gent 247 Chesnut

Ed S, coun at law Chesnut S W cor 9th Burden Alexander, fancy and Windsor chair maker 293 and 297 Mulbeny Joseph, foncy chair ms 95 & 97 S 3d Levi, 159 S 3d Lydia, seamstress 216 S 3d Burgess Robert, grocer High W of Sch 6th Burgin Geoi-ge, 479 Sassafi-as

George H. M D & druggist 74 Chesnut & S E cor 3d & Mulberry d h 163 S 5th Godfrey, stone cut N 13th n Lawrence & Wood, ch-ugts & apo1hs29 & 57N 3d Burdock Thomas and Waltin, 10 Jones' al Burk James, commission mer 15 S Front d h Chesnut n 13th John, painter and glazier 3 Hydes ct Michael, boot and shoemaker 160 S 4th Thomas, mer 6 N 2d William A, storekeeper 67 N 3d Biirkart F R, piano forte maker 90 S 2d Burke James, grocer 11th n Spruce W

lUukliardt Henr)-, store keeper 7 N 2d d h

70 Vino Burkhart James, sea cai)taii\ Locust and 12tli J, 229 Lombai-d Peter, hair dresser 57 N Water Robert, liair dresser and dentist 72

N Front Samuel, bruslmiakcr 66 N Front Samuel, jr bookljiiider 91 N 5th Valentine, clcik Appletree al Hurkitt Hannah, 23 Middle al Rurlin.t,' B S, merchant 4 S 10th Burns John M, Ijoot and slioe maker 54 S 4tli Nicholas, gror S W cor 7th & Sansom William, weaver 12tl» N W c Lombard widow Eliza, gentw 152 Locust Burr Caleb, shopkeeper cor Lemon 8t Chester Joseph, painter 225 Lombard fjolui, l)arl)er S 5th n Prune WiUiam H, b h 200 MulbeiTj- Burrough widow, tailoress 48 N 8th BuiTows Jesse, house carpenter 110 N 8th Burson John, commis mer d li 171 S 3d Burt Nathaniel, dry good mer 194 High

Thomas, 11 Mercer Burtis Aaron H, plasterer 107 Filbert Burton Francis B, house carpenter 18 Cherry f Moses, waiter Lombard ab 10th Richard, house ciu-penter Sterling al

d h 2 CheiTy Thomas, weaver Ann ab.l2th William, storekeeper 51 N 2d William, porter ale Sec S AV cor Ches- nnt and 2d d h 45 Sansom Bury John, diy good store 80 N 2d Busch A, boot and shoemaker 138 N 3d

Myers, brushmaker Decatur Bush Peter, innkeeper 395 High Bushel John J, moiTocco dresser 210 Vine Busman John, Ijleeder &c 98 N 5th

Mi's Mary^ cup and leecher"98 N 5th

Bussier , gTocer S E cor Lombard & 4th

Butcher Amos W, grocer and agent for the N Y mere line of packets 49 N Water

boot mr Chesnut

Samuel, ladies shoemr 126 Sassafras WiUiam, storekeeper 3d bel Dock Bute Charles, sugar refiner 194 S Front

George H, sugar refiner 194 S Front Butler James, accountant 9 HinckePs ct John, plane maker 12 Quarry Joseph, cooper 31 N 6th Miss (daughter of the late Pierce Esq)

N W cor Chesnut and 8th Mrs, 140 S 4th R, baker Prosperous al Samuel, tailor Nonnatcr's ct Samuel, painter and glazier 136 S 9th widow jane, tav keeper 44 S 8th Butterworth J, 157 S 2d

& Cartwright, tin plate workers S W c 3d 8i Higli, & 444 N 2d



Buzby Harman B, stone cutter 337 Sassafras d h 159 Cherry

Hezekiah, flour mer 365 High d h 369 High

John, merchant 96 1-2 High

Mrs, gentlewoman 160 Cheny Buzzard George, sieve maker Shippai'd's al Byer George, labourer back of 446 Sassafi'as Byers Christian, printer N 13tli bel Vine

Samuel, house carpenter 16 Watson's Byerly John, gentleman 192 Vine

Stephen, shopkeeper 68 N 4th

widow, 45 N 7th

widow Elizabeth, gentw 131 N 6tli Byrne Mrs, b h S W cor Spruce and 6tli Bywater Sarah, 65 N 6th

Cabot Joseph, mer 123 S Front d h 73 Spruce Cadett Lyon, dry good store 82 N 4th Cadington widow, b h 258 Sassaft-as Cadwalader John, attorney at law 62 S 6th d h S E cor 9th and Mulbeny

Thomas, M G P M Sc counseller S E cor MidbeiTy and 9th Cahill T, tav keeper South near Sch Cain Elizabeth, washerwoman Sch 8th n Vine

James, tailor 3 N 8th Caines widow Hestei-, gentw 7 Shepard's al Cairy John, bottler 364 High Cake Joseph, hatter 110 N 2d Caldcleugh Robert A, gent 13 & 14 Clinton sq CaJdwell Alexander, innkr w bear 276 High David, clerk of U S dist & cir courts

Franklin Institute George S, 10th n Market Henry, gi-ocer 12 Strawberry James, bricklayer 32 Quince James, fish monger 7 Strawberry John, cup &. bleeder 13th bel Spiiice Richard, printer Eckfeldt's ct Timotiiy, brickmr Spruce bet 12th

and Juniper Airs, 199 AValnut Callahan Charles, mer 3 Union d h 122 S 8th Martin, shopkr 194 Lombard widow, shop Lombard bel 13th Calvert Thomas, S E cor 9th and Sassafi-as Calvery Catharine, marketwoman 12 Jones'

(Pewter platter) al Camac Turner, gent 152 S 3d

W M, atty at law N W.c Union & 3d Camall James, porter 18 Dock Camden Bank, Communications to be left at 21 Church al from 10 to 12 A M & 2 to 5 P M Camm WiUiam, hatter 26 N 3d Cammack Samuel, labr Weaver's al bel 13th Cameron Alexander, St Mary Ann, 77 N 7th John, black smith back of 106 d h

104 N 8th Samuel, jeweller 33 N 3d Campbell Alexander, gentleman 109 S 10th

Campbell B H, atty at law 54 Walnut C, 304 Walnut

David, cabinet maker 17 Chesnut Ethan, tailor, 160 S 4th George, atty at law 203 Mulberry George, weaver 144 N Front George, collector 149 Sassafras James, tailor 245 S Front John, sea captain 122 Pine John, jewr S E cor 4th &. Spruce John, tailor 160 S Water John, Sch 6th bel Walnut John D, mer tailor lower 8 S 3d John H, atty at law 91 N 6th Levi, shoe mr with Henry Stappen

197 N 2d Michael, laboiu-er Cresson's ct Mrs Susan, gentw 136 S 4th Quintin, cash Phila bank 50 S 4th Robei't, engraver 63 Cedai' S, seminary 156 S 10th Thomas, laches shoe store 81 Cedai- Thomas, jeweller Adam bet 12th and 13th Wm, dry gd sto N E c 3d &. Cedar William, shoe store 87 Cedar William, cooper 198 S Front widow, washerwn b of 213 CheiTy widow, 169 Walnut Campion Francis, accountant 25 N 5th Campfield Jivmes A, merchant 1 1 S 2d Canagan Jacob, back of 204 Cherry Canby Calel) II, plumber 10 Bank and back of 137 High Isaiah H, grocer N W comer S 4th and

Walnut dh 119 Walnut ;Morit, Church al d h cor 4th &. Prune Cane TJiomas, labourer Sch 5th n Chesnut Cancr Michael, coach maker 205 S 7th Canficld P, lott & exch brok 129 Chesnut Cannon Daniel B, flour and grain merch 64 S wharves d h 63 Gaskill I'rancis, labourer 10th near Sassafras James, straw bonnet & leghorn ware house 67 S 2d Samuel, innkeeper black horse 427

and clothing store 433 High

William, tav and liv stab kr 83 S 5th

Canter J, h carpenter Quince bel Walnut W

Cany Charles, dry good & fancy store 5 S 2d

Caravadossy de Tlioet (chevalier) consul gen

of Sardin'ia, 294 Walnut Cardeza John M, geittleman 517 Union Cardwell, Potter and co importers of Engflsh goods 30 and 32 S Front Wilham C, mer Walnut bel 13th N Care widow Barbara Ann, b h 238 Spnice Carels Joseph, house carpenter Mint ct

Samuel, house carpenter 173 Cherry William, innkeeper 203 Chesnut Caren Henry, 232 S 2d with Peter Lacombe Carey H C, bookseller &. stationer S E cor 4th and Chesnut d h 114 Walnut



Carey Lea &. Carc)', bocikscllcrs & stationers 126 Chcsnut S E cor 4tli MatJiew, j^ontlcnian 124 Clicsnut Cariss William, tailor 91) N dth Carlcn M, tav keeper 125 Drawbridge

willow, Juniper al Carlisle lliulson, city paver Spnicc 2 doors ab (iuince John, h car]) Mulberry n Sch 8th John, ladies shoe store 201 S 2d Robert S, 12th ub Spruce AVilliam, h carp Mulberry Sch 8th Carlisle widow, shop 82 Mulberry Carll Rev Maskall, 1) D pastor of the N Jeru- salem ch 150 Mulberry Carlton Gcorg-c, gent 145 Spnicc (^armalt C and J, conveyancers 241 Mulberry C;irmack Miss Susan, gentw 125 Lombard widow Mary, tav kr 163 N Water Carman Jacob, house capenter 132 S 4th Thomas, coachmaker 30 Chcriy William, wholesale grocer 317 High Wilson V, coachmr 3 d h 30 Cheny Carmichael G and Son, tobacconists 404 Hig'h Carpenter G W, chemist 221 High

Henry, with Isaac carpenter Isaac,' slioemakcr 208 S 2d John, tiiilor 88 S 2ddh51 Walnut J R ]{, U S d h 258 Hign John, l)ricklaycr 75 N 10th Joshua, painter & glaz 70 I^ombard Samuel, L accountant 40 S 13th Thomas, hatter 124 High widow Sarah, gcntw 85 ChciTy Carpentler wid of J>e wis D, gentw 208 Ohcsnut Carr Benjamin, music master 7 Powell J, innkeeper 248 High Morg-an, g-rocer S 3d S W cor Cypress

al d h 148 S 3d

Thomas, prof & vender of music 169 Pine widow, Sch Front near Mulberry widow, Townscnd's ct widow Mary, nurse Juniper al widow Maryi 157 S 3d Carrell Elijah, Dean

Edwin L, atty at law 67 Walnut John, sen 107 Chcsnnt Games Richard, Lombard near Sch Carress William B, tailor 128 N 5th Carrette Andrew, teacher of langs 58 N 8th

James, accountant 58 N 8th Camgan Jacob, s'dver plater 24 Vine shop b

of 99 Mulberry Carrol Betsey, 13 Wagner's al Elijah A, acct 31 Dean Harriott, 254 Walnut Thomas, whitesmith 42 Zane William, waiter 216 S 7th widow Ilonora, gentw 51 Mulberry Carson John, drajTTian back of 78 S P'ront Miss, 401 High

Robei-t, shoestore 251 S 2d d h Prime Thomas, Sch 6th neai- Cherry William, plasterer Spruce S W c, 12th

Carstairs James, grocer S wliarves alj Soutli d h 31 Lombaixl Thomas, 31 Lombard Carswell Mrs Margarc-t, 144 S 2d Gai-ter Durden B,'mer(hant 188 High Carter H Y, M D 82 S 5lh

Josiah, hatter 9 Littleboy's ct

J, caller 9 Unicm

R and M, cliina store 21 N 2d

Sharon, agent for the Jersey glass co

281 High 'J'homas T and William T, liv stab krs

Prune bet 5th and 6th William T, liv stab kr 152 S 6th William, silk dyer & scourer 1 14 N 4th William, blacksmith 58 Vine AN illiam M, tiu-ncr 78 N 6th widow Elizabeth, layerout of the dead

3 Ilinckle's ct widow Sarah, b h 16 Prune Carteret Daniel, chair maker 109 Lombard Cartmell Solomon, blacksmith and fan-icr 125

S 6th d h 13 Elizabeth Carver Mrs Hannah, 96 Spruce . Carvill Henry, gold beater 55 Dock Casey Michael, shoemaker 28 Crown Cash A 1), conveyancer 41 N 5th John S, tobacconist 82 Vine Thomas, insp of the cust 148 Mulberry widow Ann, tobacconist 3 MulbeiTy d h 82 Vine Cashburii James, manuf Chcsnut W of Broad Caskcy James, gi'ocer and distiller S W cor High and 12th Joseph, gi-ocer 392 d h 441 High fCassey Joseph, hairdi-es &. pci-f sto36 S4th Cassaday John, baker 124 S 2nd

widow Sarah, Cressons ct Cassiday James, grain and feed store Hamil- ton's wiiarf d h 4 Penn John, tav kr N E cor P'ilbert & 11th Castles Enoch, grocer 2 Spruce

James, drygood mer 214 S 2d James, grocer 75 Ceckr Josc])h, cby good store 183 Spinice Castor Jesse Y, attorney at law 36 S 5th Gathers John, back of 112 Cherry Cathrall Charles E, mer 234 High d h N E cor

High and 7th Catherwood Hugh, distiller 226 South 6th Catlin George, musical instrut mr 65 S 11th

George, 8th n Sassafi-as Cauffman Robert S, china store 17 N 3d Caufinder Miss, 151 Pine Caulette U, jeweller 23- Powel Cave Thomas, druggist N E cor 6th & High Cavenaugh William, Innkeeper 499 High Ca\ ender Curtis, dry good store 233 S 2nd Gaviceces Saturnino, 45 N 6th Cer\'eaii Joseph, fancy toy store 52 Chesnut Ghace John, innkeeper S W c Locust & 6th (Miadwick wid, S Broad bet George & Walnut Chaloner and Henry, mer 192 High



Chaloner William, merchant 192 Hig"h d h 353

Mulberrj- Chamberlain Mrs Hannah, b h 104 Mulberry James, cordwainer 25 N 6th WiUiam, mer 322 Mulberry Chambers Rev Jolm, 47 S loth

John, storekeeper 183 S 2d Matthew, tinman 203 High Robert, ship chandler and grocer

57 S whanes d h 68 Swanson WiUiam, 31 Cedar Champion Charles, innkeeper & ferry house 1 Midberrj' William, innkeeper South st wharf ■)• Chapman Clayton, cordwainer 183 Spruce Chapman George, boot & shoemr 156 S 11th Jolm, acct 1 Mulberry , John, cab maker 84 Mulberry John, engineer 54 Vine K, b h 18 Branch Luke, tinman 187 Lombard ilr and Mrs, institution for the cure of the impedi in speech 217 Pine Nathaniel, M D 9 York buildings

office Goodwater William, bricklayer Shepards al widow, 5 X 10th widow, 246 Spruce widow Eli zabeth, matron of the Pro- vidence society 3 South al Chapman WUliam,

Chancellor wid Hannah, gentw 271 Chesnut Chandler John, 159 S 6th

Misses Elizab & A, gentw N 16 9th Thomas, 92 X 4th i-Chapron John M, mer 155 High d h 189 Chest

and Nidelet, mercliants 155 High Chardonne, gent N W cor Spruce and 4th Chase Benjamin, 12 Currant al

William F, acct cor 7tli and Sassafras Chatham John, cordwainer 9 Lombard

Joseph, cordwainer S E cor Black- berry and Dean's al Chauncey Charles, councellor at law 85 d h 87 Wahmt Ehhu, cash bank Penn 157 Walnut •Cheesman Richard, victualler Lombard n Sch Chesapeake & Delaware canal offi 99 Walnut Chesnut Samuel, grocer S E cor 8th & Vine Chester Henrj", attorney at law 51 S 5th Chevaher Abraham, sculptor 56 Lombard Chevass Anthony, gent 104 S 5th Chew Benjaman, gentleman 87 S 4th Benjamin, jr 87 S 4th Joseph, ladies shoemaker 223 Chesnut Misses, gentw Walnut 1st door bel 11th Samuel, attv at law 90 d h 87 S 4th widow, 91 N 2d ChierdaU Paul, tailor Elbow lane

ChildsC G, historic and landscape engraver 54 Sansom, d h 200 Chesnut G K, silver smith 34 Dock Eliza, b h 190 High E.zekiel, grocer 19 N 5th Stephen, comb maker 6 Branner's al Chilsea J, tailor 128 S Water Chiswjck George, weaver Adam Chitti Gievanno, moidder in plaister of Paris

Diehl's ct back of 40 Cherry Christian Michael, 109 Sassafras

Peter, alderman 72 N 3d Christie William, upholsterer 145 Chesnut Christman Henry, manuf of woolen yarn 116 Sassafras' & Stoddert, drj-good merchs S E

cor 2d & Vine WiUiam, store keeper 201 N 2d Chrj'stler Jacob, collector 3 N 3d

William, watchmaker 3 N 3d Chrysty John, farmer 20 Cj-pres al Chubb Samuel, drj- good mer 235 S 2d Chur John, turner 85 Sassafras Chur Jacob, baker 85 Sassafras Churchman Mordecai, 190 Pine Clair widow, baker 20 Franklin ct Clampher William, hatter 31 Church al Clantus George, carpenter 12 Jones' al Clapier Lewis, mer 6 Lombard d h 216 S Ft Clare Robert, porter Sturgess ct Claridge P J, legn & straw hat store 23 1-2 N 2d Clark Benjamin and Ellis, clock and watch makers 1 3 Front Benjamin, clock and watch maker 1 S

Front d h 88 Mulberrj- Benjamin, oS Powell d h 87 S 4th Caleb F, tador 25 Key'.s al Calvin, printer 125 N 8th Catharine, seamstress 4 Raspbeny al and Conover, shoe store 90 High S W

cor 3d David, boot and shoemr 31 Jones' al David, book binder 171 High back and

118 N 4th David, shoe store 3 1-2 S 4th Ephraim, gentleman 3 S 9th George, painter Eckfeldt's ct back of

4 South al George, accountant 6 Pear George, poatman 257 S Front jjacob, porter 13 Chesnut Jacob R, engine maker 229 Cherry J, 71 Cherry

James G, auctioneer 167 Mulberry James, book br 13 Sassafras & 137 S Ft Jane, bonnet maker 9 Strawberry John, plumber 106 N 6th John, turner 198 S 4th John, printr 35 Carter's al d h 85 Locust John L, mer 99 S Front d h 32 N 5tli



Clark J Y. M D 167 Miilbcny

Josepli, f^cntJenuiii 21 N 6tli

Joscpli, iiurZ S Water a h 102 S Fwnt

,Joscpl> C, 40 N 4tli

Kimble, sliopkcepcr \ aux's ct

Lunibei-t, book Ijiisdir and stationer S ,

K, cor of Front ami Sassafnis L U, balf price book store 4 S Front Lewis, N F cor of Lawrence tinil L>tli Misses Mary and Jane, g-cntw 38 N 5th Michael F, shoe store 90 High S AV cor

od il li 157 Mulbem' Richard, bi-cwer 205 Chcny Thomas, mcr 7 S A>'ater d h 8 N Front Thonuis, book binder b of 171 High d

h 10 Sugar al Thomas, mer 29 N 3d Thomas C, piiblr 45 Chesnut d h 9 Pine Willitim H, printer 157 N 3d AVilliam, back of 448 Sassafras ■William, Sixssafnis 1st ab Front and Wright, ciiina mcr 275 High William H, carpenter 28 Bank AVilliam, lookg glass fi-amemr 23 N 10th William, coach trimmer 12 N 13tli William, acct in Pcim bank 172 S 11th widow Ann, 16 Little Pine widow, 85 N 6th \vidow, 203 High

widow Mar}', tayloress 25 Cresson's al widow, 20 Rranner's al Clai'ke and Rascr, printers 35 Carters al Ckrkson J, 226 Pine

Jacob, acct U S bank 166 Spruce J G, atty at law 128 W'alnut I Clarkson Quaminy, teacher 167 Pine

Robert, supercargo 166 Spnice Claskey >vid, circulating librarj- 128 S 5tli Class Peter, watchman 36 Strawbeny Claway William, tavern Hodge's wharf Clawges John, jr teacher 87 N 8th Claws John H, storekr N W cor Pine &. 11th Claxton A, bookseller 13 S 4th

Gieorge B, ship chandlei'5 N wharves

d h 31 Pine John, mer 6 N whanes d h 7 S Ft John W', druggist 18 S Front Clay Curtis, book kr Girai-d's bank 35 Dock George, acct 112 S P'ront J AV, 147 N 9th Clajiiole Elizabeth, 112 S Front

& Wilson, upholsterers 112 S Front Clayton Charles, coach maker 3 Filbert Ctulis, shoemaker 156 Lombard E'dward, constable 5 Heyde's ct John, cord»vainer 2 Juniper lane >L-s, 3 Filbert Reynold, attendant at a china store

369 Mulberry William, 109 Sassafras Cleghorn John, acct 317 Sassafras Clein widow Elizabeth, gentw 68 N 6th Clemens Benjamin S, musi instrut rar 42 Vine

Clement Aaron, innkeeper sign of the Indian Queen 15 S 4t!i Jacob B, merciiant 245 Spruce Samuel, 184 Market T hatter with Joseph Broadhurst tav

keeper 193 N 3d widow of Jacob, 65 Pine Clements W, manuf (jf cottim goods 403 High William, tav kr High E of Sch 7th Ckmson w idow Elizabeth, gentw S W cor

Filbert and 9th Clevenger Squire, tailor 48 Sassafras Clew Edward, bi-icklayer Acorn al bcl Locust

Peter, Sassafras near Sch 8th Cliffoixl C, tav keeper 235 Lombard

Hannah, 141 S 10th Clifton John, gentleman 110 S 3d Cline C, baker 187 S 5th

George, tailor 90 N 9th Joseph, blacksmith Pine bel 12th Michael A, painter and glazier 33 Dean dinger Frederick, sail nu- L AVater ab Cedar Clinton F., 108 S 4th

George, accountant bank of North

America &. Perrj' n Pine William, acct Filbert near Sch 8th Clopp G, inn & liv stab keeper 15 Branch

Jacob, upholsterer 96 New Cloud Joseph, refiner at the mint276 Mulbeny Clufty J, harness maker Unity row Cluiey Andrew, Pine ab 11th John, 13th

John, jr wire worker 73 S 5th Clumm E 169 S 5th

Clutch widow, b h 11 Pennsylvavia avenue widow Rebecca, b h rear of 89 High Clyde Mary Jane, tayloress 390 Sassafras CljTner George, card mamif Shield's ct Coates Benjamin H, M D 59 Spruce

Caleb, N 9th n to cor of Cherry George M china mcr 49 High Josiah, accountant 60 N 3d Matthias, acct 475 Sassafras- Rennell, M D 145 S 9th Samuel, jr acct 210 S 4th widow ilarj', gentw 60 N 3d Cobb & Pan-, tailors 240 High Coburn Robert, distiller- 74 d h 119 Cedar Cochran widow Araminto, tav kr & bottUng.'

cellar 76 and 86 N Water Cochitine H C, Wilson's ct

John, baker 362 High John, weaver Dean cor of Locust John, tailor 118 N Water John, carpenter 207 S 4th M 8c S, tobacconist 19 Strawbeny " W G, mer 33 1-2 S Front d h Ches- nut 3 doors bel 13th N Wdham, weav S Juniper bel Walnut Cockbum James, manaf George ab 13th Cofi'ce James, plumber 61 Walnut d h 66 Geo Jonathan, printer merchs coffee house Coffin A, oyster house 34 N 3d



Coffin Mary, milliner 244 Lombard

Thomas M, manuf ofspennoil and can- dle 364 llig'h d h 14 Swanson widow Anna, b h 44 S 6th CofFry Maria, cake baker 147 S 8th Cohen A B, carver and gilder 159 Cedar

A M & E L, drnggs 453 Hig-h & 7 S rth

Eleazar, di'ugg'ist 453 High

E, gentleman 230 Sassafras

J J jr and brothers, lott &, exch broks

35 S 3d Joseph S, attorney at law 22 N 4th d

h 453 Market M E, 70 S 4th Samuel, druggist 453 High Cole Francis, cordwainer 126 Sassafras

James H, wholesale and retail cloth &c store 99 High Jolui, porter 2 Mej^er's ct John, merchant 19 S 2d Ricliard, cordwainer Cressons al Coles William, carpenter 207 Sassafras Coleman Edward, gent 381 Mulberry Jacob, grocer 327 High

fancy and cap store 36 and 37

Pliiladelphia ai-cade J D commls mer 6 S wharves James, whip manuf 62 MulbeiTy John, brewer 66 S 8th Lydia, 64 N 6th Nathan, Cherry near Juniper widow, 12th ab Midbeny ColesbeiTy Isaac G, storekeeper 32 S 2d Johrt, saddler 7 Sterhng al widow, 138 High CoDioun Anch-ew, mer 13th S ws d h 43 N 3d F & C, gi-ocers N E cor Vine & 11th G and H, mers 37 N water . Gustavus, mer 37 N Water d h 265

Chesnut Gustavus, jr M D S W cor of 11th &.

Sassafras d h 265 Chesnut Hugh, mer 37 N Water d h S 12th

oppo Friends meeting n High E John, dra}^inan Ann n Sch 8th John, grocer N 10th 1st bel Vine Samuel, M D 17 S 7th Colladay Charles, liouse carpenter 3 Castle Collady James, house carpenter 144 S 5th Mr, Jacoby near Sassafras S, house carpenter 110 N 10th Samuel R, thy gd store 398 Sassafras Theodore, house carpenter 16 Castle Wilham, N 12th ab Mulbeny Collar Mary, poulterer 1 Pine Collins Bernard, porter 22 Hurst

Charles, painter & glazier S W cor

Chesnut and 3d f Cato, wall colourer 100 N 4th Charles, clothing store 40 High James S, sea captain 69 Gaskill John, plasterer N Sch 4th n High Mary, shopkeeper 57 Dock

Collins William, 112 Mulbeny Zacclieus, gent 29 N 2d widow Eliza, dry good store 38 S 5th widow, milhner 172 S 2d widow Lydia, 69 Gaskill *Colquhoun wid J, gentw Chesnut n Juniper Colson Deborali, bonnet maker 9 Sti'awberiy Colsher David, carter 468 Sassafras Colton O, sluittlemaker 2 Emlens ct

Sabine, packing box maker Sugar al Simon, grocer 102 S 2d Colteau John B, raer 140 S 5th Combs George W, house carpenter 174 S 4tli

'I'homas, cabinet maker 120 S 4th Comegys Cornelius Sc co, mer 40 N 8th Cornehus, mer 40 d h 42 N 8th Mortimer, 40 N 8th Comly David, house cai-penter 196 Cherry Ethan, diy good store 199 N 2d John, Sch 8th neai" Sassafras Samuel, commis mer &c presi Southk bank 73 High d h 26 Chui-ch al Compton H, storekeeper 27 N 6th

Joseph, draper and tailor 34 N 6th Conard John, marshall of the E dist of Penu

office hall of the FrankUn institute Condail Thomas, cliina store 211 S 2d Conde Charles, hair di'esser 114 N 5th Condie Jonathan W, attorney at law 67 Dock Thomas G, attornev at law 196 S 5th Cone Miss, gentw 82 S 8th Conine J F, lotty and exch brok 3 S 3d Connard William, brushmaker 14 Chester Connell Edward, h cai-p 6 College avenue John, Merchant 330 Chesnut Mary, 72 New

Thomas H, M D 208 Mulberry Connelly A, baker 176 Pine

Dennis, cab mr N E c Lombard & 5th John, cab mr N E cor Lombard & 5tli widow, gentw 280 Chesnut widow Mary, 59 Chester Conner Thomas G, oaJc cooper and guager 3

and 18 Little water Connor Bernard, drayTiian Cedar bel 10th

M, looking glass frame mr Cressons ct Conover Joseph, cordwainer 90 High Conrad John, clerk quarter sessions state house W wing Matthew, shoe store 60 High d h 25

MulbeiTy Peter, bnish manuf 203 High d h 199

S 4th Solomon W, printer 32 Chu/ch al d h

39 Zane Timothy, 39 Zane Constable R, gunsmith &c 88 S 2d Conway Mrs, 415 Mulberry ConwcU Rt Rev Heiu-y, D D bishop of tlie

catholic diocess of Phila Williiig's al Conyers James, boot and shoemaker 40 S 3d d h 66 New Walter, gent 8 Library




Conynghatn Davkl H, gent 65 i*j>nicc Cook Ahi-ani, lotu r curritr G7 New

AlcxHiiilrr, tallow cliiintlkr 138 N 4th

Cliuilcs L, tailor 71 N 5tli

Dmv'kI, iiu-i-cli:int 14.'> Hif^fh

Klislia \V, turmr 7 Piur d ii 105 I'iiio

Kzrkii I, M 1) l;18 N 4tU

V II, hat store oO S Gth

i; H, fctcl store S lotli ah Walnut A)'

tlcorg-c L, tailor 149 N 2d

Jxspcr C, acct 68 I-onih.ird

John, carter Nonnater's ct

John,])cr Ui^'h hel Sch od

John, nier N W cor Trontand Walnut

d h 298 Chesnut John, china g'lass Ike store 47 N 3d John, stevedore 33 Fenn John, morocco dresser 2 Clever al and Leuftcr, liquor store High hct Sch

3d and 4th and Parkins, cab makers 56 Widnut Uichanl, cb-u£!;'gist 47 N 3d Samuel, book binder 10 Jones' al Samuel, letter earner Brook's ct and Snowden, china mers 47 N 3d Thomas, cabinet maker 56 Wabiut William, tobacconist 4 N Front W Widlace, g'entlemau 298 Chesnut widow Marg-arct, shop 18 North al vidow Maiy, 19 Appletree al Cooke John, gentleman 147 Mulberry

& Longstreth, h \v:u"e mers 137 High Thomas W, merchant 147 Mulberry, Thomas, h ware mei-s 137 High d h 147 MulbciTy Cooper Benjamin, wiiolesale grocer 2 High Britain, w s grocer 2 High d h 10 N 9th B Sc B, w sale grocers 2 High wharf Collin, 31 Mulberry and (3larke, clothing store 44 High and Dunton, merchants 55 N Front Francis, tobacconist 313 High Geo, tin plat wr 8c braz 6tli ab High Hugh, wholseale gi'ocer 50 N 3d d h

313 Mulberr}' James, sea captain 212 S 3d James, oak copper 204 S water James, brush maker 253 High John, printer 10 Green's ct Joseph, mer 41 Mulberry Joseph, guager 205 S Front Robert, ii carp 185 S 5th d h 137 Pine Robert, oak cooper 200 S Water and 203 S Front Samuel C, tailor 5 Chancery lane Thomas, h w merch 51 High d h 175

Sassafi-as Thomas, constable 37 Strawbeny William, baker back of 26 N 3d widow Ann, gentw 17 Key's al widow Deboi-ah, gentw 169 Spruce u-idow. Prospect id widow, 22 Sassafi-as widow Mary, gentw 31 Mulberry D

Cope Caleb, mcr 165 High d h Yohc's hotel C and M C, mers 165 High Charles S, attorney at law 30 S 5Lli d h

165 Walnut Israel, gent 186 Mulbeny llciinan, 3dasst casiu-bk U S 313 Mulby lleni-j , mer Walnut si wh d h 102 S 4th Jasper, mcr 165 Higli d h 391 Mulberry Marmaihike, mer 165 Higii 186 Mulby Tliomas P & Sons, mer Walnut wharf Thonias P, mer Wal nut st wh d h 36 N 4th (3opeland Natiianiel, dcp insp flour 157 N 3d Samuel, h carpenter 201 Sassafras Sarah, seamsti-ess Marks lane Copia Jacob, 213 Pine Corbin 1' P, atty at law 91 Walnut

widow, 180 S lltli CorbittC, cab nn-93 S Front d h 26 Carters al Henry C, chy good store 36 S Front Israel, house cai'penter 471 Sassafras John U, carpenter 7 Fetter lane widow Elizabeth, 190 S 2d Cord Hannah, 121 N 6th Corey Elizabeth, 133 Spnice Helen, milliner S 2d John, attorney at law 224 S 4th Samuel, cordwainer Eckfeldts ct William, Jeweller 103 High Corken George, Pine bet 12th and 13tk Corlies B, Dean bel Locust Corlies Jacob W, mer 29 1-2 S whan-cs d h 160 Mulberry Jacob W & CO, mers 29 1-2 S whai-ves Gorman AcUim, jr printer 146 Locust

cake baker 31 N 6th Comeau John B, h carp c Watson & Shields al Cornelius Christian, silver plater and patent lamp manuf 181 &. 15 arcade d h 183 Cherry Cornelius ConkUn, St Mary's al Cornell AVm, sea capt 475 High. N W cor 13th widow Mary, grocer and liquor store

475 High isf W cor 13th Mrs Maiy, S 4th Cornish (Jeorge, 13 Crown

James, gentleman 94 Lombard Y K, bookbinder 149 Cedar Cornwell Joseph, M D 28 Church al Corric Hcnrj', organ builder 2 Blackberry al CoiTyell H L, 321 Sassafras Corv eU H Y, house carpenter 321 N 9th

Henry, house carp 9 Gaskill d h 23 Montgomery square Costen Levi, cabinet n\r S W c 5th &, Vine d h

125 N 5tli Coster Henry, laboiu-er 10 Hoffmans al Costill Abigail M, bonnet maker 99 Mulberry Costinow Michael, lab S 12th bel Walnut E Cotton Owen, brass founder 7 N 12th CouUet H, 23 Powel Coulter Israel, mer 1 Union James, 1 Minor J, weaver Walnut ab 13th N John, mer 3 d h 5 Union widow, 142 S 10th Coupland W'ilham, stable kr 1 Hudson's al Courtney Joseph, house carp 8 Sugar al



Cow ell J V, dry good store 38 S 2d Joseph, comedian 105 S 9th Cowpei-thwaite Ambrose, bricldayer and dry good store 309 High Hidings, booksr 15 N Front

d h 118 N 5th Joseph, 2d assistant casliier

bank United States Samuel, clei-k in bonk U S Samuel, Id shoeml71 Spruce William, shop 95 S 8th Cowpland David C, house carpenter 48 Union Cox Anthony, chair painter Vaux's ct David, Cherry near Sch 6tli Daniel, labom-er Say EUza, 53 Union

Elizabetli wid, gentw Union N E cor 3d Gideon, cooper 233 High d h N 10th bel

Vine James, boatman M'Culley's ct J, house carpenter Pine bel 12th J, agent 204 Cherry John W, captain 10 S 12th John, gent Walnut 2 doors ab 12th S side Lawrence, carter S Juniper ab Spi-uce M, shopkeeper 337 High Misses Mary L & Susan H, teachers 234

Sassafras Rebecca &. co, dry good store 18 N 2d Rebecca, school Adams bet 12th &. 13th WiUiam, blacksmith 9 Quany .widow, shopkeeper 36 N Water widow, gentw 226 High widow Sai-ah, shopkeeper 120 Filbert widow Rachael, gentw 125 Mulberry Coxe Charles Sidney, asst Judge dist ct d h 7 Sansom D Theodore, M D 16 N 9th Daniel W, gentleman 256 Walnut E S, atty at law 34 S 6t]i d h 7 Sansom Edward Jenner, M D 419 Chesnut John Redman, il D N W c Walnut & 9th Mrs Mary, gentlewoman 76 W^alnut Cozens Arcliibald J, 263 S 3d

John laboiu'er Prospect ill J B, clock and watcli maker 61 S 2d d h Harmony ct S E cor 4th Coyle Catharine, tav keeper High E Sch 3d James, tailor 169 S 3d Heniy, shoemaker 77 Walnut Cragg Dennis, wholesale comb sto 153 High

J, Watson's al Craig Jacob, porter Rose ct

James, house cai-p N E cor Pine & 7th Miss Jane, gentw 113 Spruce John, smith and farrier 92 New John, tav keeper 136 Locust John, blacksmith S E cor QuaiTy &. 3d James, gent 152 Chesnut John, gint 152 Chesnut Samuel, smith and farrier 39 Locust d h 124 S 10th

Craig Samuel, boaixiing house 12 High ^

Seth, ]r saddlery and globe mill ware h

110 d h 246 High William, mer 8 Chesnut d h 136 S 2d widow Margaret, shopkr 385 Sassafras Cinuge Huston & co, saddlery and globe miU - ware house 110 High J|

Craighead Samuel, sea captaiji 11 Key's al t-

Mi-s Sarah, 2 Stamper's al Cram Samuel, Randle's ct Crammond Wm, mer Spruce bet 12th & Perry Ci"ane Catharine, 145 Locust

Jolm, jr lumber mer N W 001* Broad

and Chesnut Mi-s, 162 S Front Samuel, store keeper 117 N 10th Crangel Patrick, 192 S Front Cranner J S, shoemaker 26 S 2d Crap George M, tin plate worker 17 Spruce

Nicholas, shoemaker 166 Pine Crawford Benjamin, tiiil &. clothier 7 Laurel ct John, Pine bet lltli & 12th John, tavern keep Castle Craycroft Catharine, 137 S 2d

Samuel, brass founder 87 S 5th Creamer Hem-} , coachmr N 13th bet Cherry

and ^IidbeiTy Crean Jolm, gent 94 S 8th Crease ^Villiam G, grocer Lombard n 12th Crees Thomas C, coach maker lamp manuf 13

Juniper lane d h 81 S 11th Creighton John, book binder 1 Hinckle*s ct Robert, Irish linen wai'e house 28 S

Front dl\ 163 Spruce Thomas, ladies slioemr 384 High Crcssman Heniy, mihtary cap nru- 138 N 8th Cresson Benjamin,.cliinamerd h 197 Sassafras J, china mer 227 High d h 37 N 7th James & brothers, china mer 227 High John, china &c mer 227 High Josliua, accountant 18 Chester and Maull, printei-s Hartung's al widow Mary, gentw 30 Sansom widow Sarah, gentw 261 Mulbeny Cretli Wilham, distiller 108 N 9th Crispin Mrs, 242 Filbert Crissey James, bookbinder and seller 14 S 7tli Crocket Henry, horse doctor Cedar bet 3d

and 4th Croft Thomas, sea captain 25 Elfreth's al CroU Martin, sliopkr c Branners & Mulberry al Crolls Hemy, labourer 32 Sugar al Cromly Thomas, teacher 31 N 7tli

widow, 31 N 7th

Cromwell James, S W cor Cherry & Sch 7th

John, Juniper n Cherry

John, bricklayer 20 Schriver's ct

Cronin Edward, grocer S E cor 5th & Spruce

Cropper Kendle S, lumber mer di-awbridge d

h 58 Lombard Crosby David, manuf of shoepg &c Prosps al and HoUinbake, acad of lang 130 S 2d Magnus, stone cutter 30 N 10th



Crosby Thomas P, storekeeper S 11th Croskov Coo 1), firsttcllerin Sch bk 14oN9th Cross Hcnjumm, prof of music 2U1 Spruce Crossman >Villi;im, tidlow chandler and soap

boiler 32 Stamper's al Crosson widow Ann, Dean Croston M'illiam, cooper 43 S whanes Crothers W S, nnr 219 Hig-hd h 389 Mulberry Crouchcr Samuel, oak cooper 22 SuLfar al Crouse John, employed in a di-ujj store Perry bet Sassafras and Vine John, Richanlson ct ^lichael, N Juniper n Sassafras Crousillette Lewis, gentw 91- Union Crowell Elisha, drug'gist & apotliy N E c Ce- dar and 5th d h 217 S 5th Jane, 197 S 4th Samuel, captain 197 S 4th Thomas, ''•entleman 147 Pine Crowley James, shoemaker Sheafi''s al

Joseph, acad Sc bocjk store 405 High Crozer Margaret, gentw 39 Union Crozet E F, printer 191 Lombard Crozier Benjamin, shoemaker 3 Ehnslies al

J, mer So S Ft d h S E c Libnir}' h 5th Cnikshank Joseph, gent 16 and 20 Church al Cruse Peter, sea captain 19 Penn Cruson Samuel, wheelwt Sch 7tli ab Spruce Crjder Thomas, house carp 165 N 3d Cu'dlip R, 131 N 3d Culin John and Son, tailor 2 S Water

widow, 1 Elfreth's al Culver Richard, instrut mr b of 104 Union

Sarah, tailoress 104 Union Culvertson James, wea Adxims bet 12tli & 13th Cumming Wm, dv}' good store kr 2 IJecutur Cummings John, lab Lombard W Sch Front Samuel M, lott broker 221 S 2d Thomas, coppermith 29 North al William, gro salt & grain store 92

5 whanes d h 26 Plum Cummins David, mer 68 S whar d h 92 Union Cumiiiiskey E, booksr S E cor 4th &. Walnut Cunningham A L, dry good store 24 arcade

6 Ci-aw'les, card manufs 2 S 3d D W, wheelw N 1 1th ab Sassafi-as and Downes, bottlers N E cor

Cherry and Juniper J, boot and shoe store 296 High Thomas, lad shoemr 28 Strawby widow, Chesnut bel 13th N side widow. Walnut ab 13th N side Curby Michael, guager & cooper H5 S Water Curcier Andrew, mer Minor d h 292 Chesnut Curren William, livery stable Marshal's al Currin John, sUk dyer &c 5H Bread

Timothy, plaistr & grocer 305 Walnut Curry James, labourer 2 Heyde's ct John, tailor 57 S 3d and Preston, silversmiths 103 Chesnut William, bricklayer Fries ct Curtis John, brass founder 28 N 5th

John H, tobacconist 77 High Curtis wid Margaret, mangier 16 Combs al

•{•widow Rebecca, sweep mistress 34 Powell d h Shippen ab 3d Currin Robert, weaver Pine K of Rroad N

Thomas, cab maker 65 Srtssafras Ovithbert Antliony, gent 41 Penn Miss, b b 71 Lombard Samuel C, gent 206 S 3d Cutter Ephraini, smith St James Cuyk A, toy store 44 N 4th

Da Costa J C, mer 63 S Water d h 218 N Ft w l Dugg J L, 157 S 9th

Dainty John, cop plate pr 1 Elizabeth S side Daily Josepli, vinegar yard Sassafras n 12th Daix Elov, lad hair dresr 56 S 4th d h Spruce Dale Edwarrl C, 107 Pine

AL-s widow of com U Dale, 296 Walnut Mrs Margaret, gentw 127 Lombard Daley James, waterman 173 S Front

James, tavern keeper 180 S Water Patrick, druggist 119 S 6th Peter, liv stab keeper 9 little George Dalnhofl" Nicholas C, 173 S Front Dallam John, saddler 18 High Dallas Alex James, capt U S ny 2 Boston row Alexander, 209 Sassafras George M, atty at law 154 Chesnut Dallitt Elijah, soap & tallow cliandler 306

Elijali &. Tiiomas, soap & tallow chand- lers 34 & 341 High Dalling James, w house man S 13th n High E Dalton James, grocer 5 Spruce d h 144 S Ft James, hau- di-esscr 86 Loctist Patrick, sail maker Towsend's ct Dalzell Wn., insp of customs up 76 Lombard Dan Joseph, 153 S Water Dance widow Sarah, b h 60 Mulberry Dandelott widow Louisa, gentw 40 S 8th Dannakcr C, storekeeper 135 N 3d Daniels Jolm R, tailor 145 S Front

Joseph, grocer Lombard bel 12th John T, cordwaincr 212 Vine Joshua, grocer S 12th bel Pine Dankwortli Frederick, 71 N 5tli

Jolin, Zvlyers ct Dannenhower Charles, inn kr old Rotterdam

tuv 118 N 3d Darly H, commedian and p painter 80 S 11th Daring John, labourer back of 322 Sassafras Damion William, saddler 245 S 2d Darnell H Y, measurer of grain 135 S Water Dan-ach Archibald, Juniper al

Thomas 15, and co96 High Thomas B, manufr 32 Church al WiUiam, M D 268 Mulberry Darragh John, house caqj enter 209 S 7th John, malster Broad bel Vine widow, gentw 268 Mulberrj- Dase Adam, Juniper bet Cherry & Sassafras



Dashiell A H, 111 Walnut Dathoff N C, grocer 172 S 9th Davenport Francis, labourer Marks lane R W, ironmong-er 226 S 2d S H, accountant 86 Sassafras William, ihathemat & opti insni mr 25 S f"ront d h 86 Sassafras David Henry, dry g'Ood store 139 Hig-h

Jacob, mer 13 S 3d d h Vine ab Ann John T, mer 83 S Front d h 173 Walnut Davidson Andrew, cooper 1 Rudolph's ct David, tav keeper 215 S Front Train & Norcose, colomb transport

line to N Y 61 N Front William, stock aivd exch broker 71 Dock d h 268 Walnut Davis Abner, shoe store 92 High

Absalom, gTo S W cor Sch 7th & Cherry Amos, blacksmith 18 Castle Anthony, wool me" 32 N 3d Armon, flour mer 304 High d h 7 S 11th Benjamin, lottery broker 34 N 3d Benjamin, wholesale & retail cloth store

40 N 2d d h 175 Vine David, shoemaker 73 N 8th David H, mer 13 N Front David M, india silk ware h 82 High D and S, shopkeeper 2.- N 9th Elijah, S lotli ab Pine George, stock & exch broker Cai'ter's

al d h 207 Pine Henry, lotty br 62 Chesnut d h 87 S 11th Isaac, shopkeeper 134 S 4th James and Son, suspender mrs 31 S Ft James, shopkeeper 64 N 4th Jessee, accountant 29 N 9th J, bookseller 38 S 8th John, 87 S 11th

John, weaver FUbert bet Sch 7th & 8th John, tobacconist and grocer 344 High John, inspector of customs 317 High John, trunkmaker 73 N 5th John, employed in U S mint North and

Fearis's ct John, book binder 13 Fromberger's ct John C, lumber mer Callowhill ab lOth

dh4Bank Jonathan, house carp 175 Pine Lewis, storekeeper 2 S 8th Maria, Lee's ct Mrs, 170 S Front

Mary, seamst Chesnut W of Broad N side Mrs, 46 Union

Iklrs, boarding school 231 Mulberry Micajah, porter 104 N Front N H, carpenter 84 N 2d Pardon, cor 8 th and Maple Robert, tav keeper 26 Franklin ct colonel S B, late U S army 266 Walnut Samuel, grocer 97 Sassafras S E cor 3d

d h 88 Cherry Samuel, attorney at law 41 S 4th Sampson, cordw ainer 212 Vine & Twaddel, cotmanuf N Sch7th n High WiUJam, cordwainer Aiui cor Sch 8th

Davis WilUam, gent 113 Chesnut Wilham, 160 S Fi'ont William, gent 273 Sassafras Wilham, house carpenter 241 Cedar WiUiam, tailor 6 S 5th Davison R, awning maker 51 S Fi:ont

William, h cap S 12th bcl Spmce W William, 290 Lombard Davy Mi's, boai-ding h 39 Swanson Dawes Charles, gent 161 S 11th

widow Eliza, 250 Walnut Dawson George B, mer 12 Pine S W cor Front James, sand paper manuf Paper al J & H Lindsa}', dry good 43 S 2d Jane R, storekeeper 56 S 2d Josiah, 101 N 2d

Mordecai L, brewer 79 d h 77 Chesnut S H, 240 High Day Charles, Cypress al James, hatter 239 S 2d Joseph H, shopkeeper 42 N Front Samuel, grocer 78 N 5th Deacon Israel, kr of crim depart Walnut prison Joseph, mer 33 High Robert, labourer 415 High Deal Ehas, baker 25 Appletree al

Barney, wheelwright b of 144 Spruce William H, apothecary 6 Clever al Dean Miss, teacher 8 Clever al

William F, attorney at law 60 arcade d h 3 Morgan Deangeli Giacinto, confectioner 264 High Deas James H, pattern mr 34 Church al Death John, innkeeper 75 N Water Debaufre William, coach painter 151 Locust De Boiler John M, 298 Walnut De Bonish Matthew, cor 4tli and Spruce De Bree John, mer 227 S Front

W T, 227 S Front Decker P J, lottery & exch brok N W cor 3d ChesnutN E corod W^alnutdh 121 Lombard De Cordova R, mer 191 N 6th Deforest George, chair mr back of 64 N 8th

widow Mary, 64 N 8th De France widow Caroline, gentw 179 Pine Degrand P P F, broker 18 Chesnut d h 55 Pine Dehaven Abraham, victr S Broad bel Chesnut

Holsteen, house carp 78 N Hth /

H, acct 96 N 8tli i

John, labourer back of 442 Sassafras Mary, washerwn Vine 3d ab Broad William, victr S Broad bel George Deihl C H, 48 S Front 15 N 10th

John, shopkeeper 450 Sassafras Thomas, mer 15 N 10th Deimhng F C, 2 Quany

J C, clerk in the post office 2 Quarry Deitz Rudolph, 181 S 5th De Klvne Theodore, block and piunp maker

"119 S Water Delacroix Clement Joseph, teacher of French 71 S 5th Joseph, gent 49 Mulberry Delamater John, gent 68 N 8th



Delany Patrick, pupcr earner 12 Locust oppo

Wiisliinf^toii square Dclanccy Ktv W H, one of the pastors of united clis of Clnist St l\U;rs8c St James, 3 ]'"raiiklin row S 9tli Dolang-c Jacob, storekecpir 90 N 2d Delany widow Mary, yentw 50 S (itii Deliivau William, fancy chair nir 51 Lombard Delaware Ins com, office S K c Walnut & 2d Delmus widow, Spruce ab loth Dempsey Jjunes, keeper (ilobc tav 98 S 2d Jolin, iron dealer 8 Bread Mrs Mai-tha, mantua nu- 158 S 3d Denckla A II, mer -W N 3d

Paul, 1 S 8th Demke Thomas, sea captain 95 Lombard Denkworth Francis, St Mary's al . Denman Aiu-on, mer 271 llig'h d h 351 Mulb Aaron & co, 271 Hig-h and 1 N 7tli M B, mer 271 High Dennis John, coroner 90 N 6th

colonel R, late U S army 308 AValnut Dennison George, teacher masonic hall en- ti'ance Loilge d h 47 N 8th George, h carp shop b of 22 Dock Mrs (i, ladies semin;u-y 47 N 8tli Denncy Mrs, 79 S 2d

John J, 79 S 2d Dennon Robert, h carjjentcr 188 S 6th Dnetler Cathai-ine, baker 104 N 13th •J"Depec Abraham, clothing store 193 Pine DeiTace Francis, garden S E cor Sassafras &

Sch 2d Derbyshire widow Ann, 15 Key's al Dcsauque Lewis, wine 8c liquor store 65 S 2d Desgranges Stephen A, merchant 140 S 9th Deshong Matthias, innkeeper 82 Dock Desilver Robei't, bookseller binder &. stationer 110 Walnut Thomas, booksclr & binder 247 High d h 41 Sansom ab 8th Desmond Daniel, atty at law 99 Spruce James, 99 Spi-uce

Timothy, painter & glazier 118 d li 99 Spruce Destouet and Brothers, mers 209 High

S, mer 209 High d h Chesnut 1 door bel the Academy of Fine Arts Deveravix Peter, malster 218 Vine Devincy WiUiam, potter 4 Pennsylva avenue Devitt T J, baker 151 Cherry Dewees CorneUus, caner & gilder 69 Union Spencer, tailor 153 S Ft Drawbridge AVilliam B, ladies shoemr 93 N Front WmP, MD S W cor 10th & Waliuit wid Ehzabeth, dry gd store 102 N 7th De Wolfe Erastus, storekeeper 226 S 2d Dey J H, cordwainer 42 N Front Diackery Joseph, Dialogue Adam, smith 23 North al

Maiy, b h 24 N al Diamond Alexander, distiller 205 Cedar

Diamond —— watchman 111 Sassafnis

John, mer 4 Chesnut d h 504 S Ft Mrs widow, 148 N 13th Dibbin George, tobacconist 19 Carter's al Dick William, at the university S 9tli Dicks Able, carpenter 3 (Castle

Danietobac 49 S Ft d h 74 Mulbeny Daniel St co, tolAcconists 49 S Front Frederick, blacksmith Scott's al William, 4 Montgomery square Dickinson D, miniature painter 43 (Jiiester David, printer back of 171 High d

h 198 Sassafras Ilichard C, gro N E cor Lombard

and 10th Sarah, gentw upper 114 Mulberry S, S Juniper ab Spruce Dickson Hugh, manuf of cotton goods 467 High John, grocer 41 Gaskill John, mer 5 S wharves d h 200 S 3d John W, mer 118 N 9th J and I^, merchants 5 S wharves Joseph, cop plate ])r 72 S 11th Joseph R, insp of customs 125 N 9tl\ M 1), 72 S 11th & M'Faddon, grocers 326 High widow Amy, 198 S 3d Dielil John, inspec of the customs 221 Pine T, merchant 48 S Front WiUiam N, Dean William, grocer 84 Chesnut Mi's widow. Sell 8th n N W cor Cherry Dietz Peter, coope? 33 Union Robert, gent 181 S 5th William, sea captain 181 S 5th Dill widow Ann, 125 S 2d Dillingham widow Ann, b h 181 Midbeny

AV S, dentist 107 Mulberry Dillworth J, tiu'ner Noms's al near 2d

W 8c C, hardware mers 59 High Ding*ee Chai'les, saddler 14 N 3d Dipple John, baker 60 Penn Disby Lewis, painter Randall's ct Dito Sherry, grocer 77 Locust Diver Joseph, grocer 24 N 8th d h 185 CheiTy Dixey Jonathan, carpenter 17 Peny Thomas, sea captain 69 Pine Dixon E, 171 S 10th

J, porter 9 Chancery lane Peter, South al

Peter, saddler 214 d h 216 High William, grocer Vine bet 10th £c 11th Dockman David, cabinet maker 105 S 4th

Sarah, 105 Lombard Dobson Judah, booksr St statr 108 Chesnut

Samuel, 115 Walnut Dodd Mary widow, Jones' al near Front Dodge E, jeweller 36 Chester

Nehemiah, teacher 76 S 8th Dohnert John H, marble paper manufac 186

Sassafras Doke John, coach trimmer 92 N 5th



Dolan John, tavern keeper 29 S Water

widow Nancy, b h 59 S 7th. Donaker Catharine, 135 N 3d Donald and Haney, mere 216 S 6th

James, weaver George n Sch 3d widow. Spruce ab 13th Donaldson Andrew, shoemaker with WUliam Campl^U N E cor 3d k. Cedar Joseph, hatter 72 N 2d widow of Isaac, 76 N 2d Donath J A, atty at law 65 S 4th Joseph, jr mer 28 S Front Joseph, sen rnerch 28 S Front Donley James, mer 2 N 9th Donnagun John, smith 7 Sug^r al Doonahue Barney, weaver 11th n Spruce W

Matthias, tid chandler Nicholson Donnaldson Edward M, sea capt 167 Spruce John, jun sec Delaware Insu- rance company 162 S 9th Misses, infant sc'iool 216 Walnut Donnehower Peter, watchman Sheaff's al Donnell James, house carp Filbert bet Sch 7th and 8th

J C, 46 S 6th Donnelly widow Eleanor, tav kr 149 Cherry Henrj-, S W cor 6th and iCddie al Hugh, grocer 191 S 7th John, AVatson's al Joseph, Liberty ct Michael, ta'Jor 312 Sassafras Donohue widow Margaret, china sto 176 S 2d Doran Michael, merch 108 Mulberry

Joseph M, atty at law 108 Mulberry Doms "WiUiam, tav keeper S W cor Vine and

Water S E cor Front and Vine DorfF Patrick, tin plate worker 307 High Dorman Howell, 1 Clawg-es ct Doman N, artificial flower store lower 1 S 4th

Bernard, printer 189 Lombard. Dorrance S, dry good store 46 S 2d Dorsey Bennedick, china store 132 N 2d Dorsey and Stackliouse, cliina store 132 N 2d widow, 3<j9 Mulberry Alary wid of Edward, gentw up 5 N 9th Doubleman John C, fringe maker 113 N 2d Dougall John, dyer & fringe weaver 36 N 6th Dougherty Alexander and son, tailors 40 S Water d h 39 S Front F, tav keeper 414 High John, baker 76 Spruce M, painter 2o4 Lombard Mrs Mar}-, grocer 165 S 8th cor of

Prjor's ct Michael, b h 151 S Water OUve, 169 Mulberrj- Richard, house cai-p cor S 7th and Portland place d h 228 S 7th " Thomas, carter and cellar digger

103 Filbert Wilham, stone cutter Fearis* ct William, labourer 22 Gaakill Dougherty widow Maria, gentw 120 Pine

Doughty John, hardware mer 45 High d h Thomas, artist 10th near Cherrj-

Vine bcl 6th Zephaniah, tav and b h 95 S Water Douglass John, 17 Powell late sheriff John, jr innkeeper S 2d Peter, brickmaker Nonnater^ ct Peter, 31 N 3d d h Wood ab Crown jRobert, hair dresser and perfiimer

54 Mulberry W'illiam E, house carp 7 little Dock widow Sanili, boardhig 27 Sansom Doull James, clock & watch mr S E cor 4tli

and Spnice Dow Abram, cordwainer Miller's ct Dowers John, gent 69 N 3d Downing Hugh, acct 103 Mulberry

John W, import of British dry goods

78 High d h 251 Spruce John, blacksmith 1 Hofiman's al Mre, 127 S 3d William, smitli 20 N al Downs Samuel, grocer N E cor Cedar &. 5tli Thomas, cordwainer S 13th n High E Doyle Bernard, house carp High 2 doore W centre square S side Hugh, acct o5 N 3d John, tav keeper 193 Chesnut John, grocer 342 High Thomas, tav keeper 87 S. Water wid Catharine, shopk 9 Frombergers ct Drais Daniel, sail mak-er 3 Quarry Drake Alfred, M D Spiiice

R Dillon, attorney at law Spruce Draper Under\vood &. co, engravs 47 Sansom Di-aj-ton Joseph, engraver 5 Whitaker's row Drean R.chartl, mer 6 N Front Drebezier Laws, brass founder 7 Howard's ct Dredger widow of John, tavern 156 N Water

d h 161 N Front Dreer Frederick, cab maker 152 S 4th Dreisback Hcniy, stone cutter 31 Crown Drew Nathaniel, grocer 408 High Drexel Francis M, port and miniature painter

40 S 6th Dre}"fous Sn, importer of jewelry watches Etc

73 S 2d Drmker H, atty at law 44 S 6th

William W, commis mer 37 N Front

d h 202 Spruce ^-idow Hannah, b h 60 S 6th Drinkhouse George, tinman 9 Cressons al Driver J, house cuvp Sheaff's al Droz C A, clock & watch mr 118 Walnut - Drozdorf Mrs, gentw 305 S 10th Drummond E, dry good store 3 S 2d

Josiah, surgeon dentist 23 N 8th Margaret, 148 N 13th wid H B, b h cor 7th & Carpenter Drury Micliael, mer 194 High and 21 Minor

d h 85 Wood Drj'sdale Wm, clock & watch mr 3 S 4th d h 76 Union



Diiane Wm, aldorman S W cor 6tli & Eliza- beth William J, alty at law 138 Walnut Dubois Phincius, weaver 224 Sassafras K, oyster housC 10 lli^b William, measurer 12J N Water Dubrec William, watchman ISIycr's ct Dubbs John, tailor 269 SassiitVas Dubs Martin, N 9tli N K cor Siissafnis

iMartin, jr 95 N Water Duchee John," broker 11 N 11th Duckworth rreilerick, eng-raverl81 S 11th Ducoing- John, mcr 137 S 4th

widow of'S b h 109 Spruce Ducomb wicl Marg"arct, grocer N'W cor 6tli and Pine Mrs llosetta, fancy sotre 187 Pine Ducummin Henry, watchmaker 31 S 4th Duddv Michael, dyer 8t scourer cor High and

Sch 3d Dudley Mar^ret, S 13th bel Pine Duev Albeit, hatter Ann E of Sch 7th Duff" Eliza, 54 N 5th

Samuel, house caj-p loom & lathe maker Pine near 13th Duflee Francis, dealer 9 & 11 Walnut Dnfiie Sarah, dry g-ood store 116 S 10th Duflield Mary, 21 Pnmc

A\'i]iiam, cordwainer 158 N 13th William B, M D cor 10th and High DufFce William, copper plate printer Walnut

near 5th d h 2 M'Kcan's ct Duiief N t;, 85 Chcsnut Dugan Ciiarles, grocer 141 N 3d

Joseph, gent Spiiice bet Dean 8c 13th Richard, commis mer 43 N Front Richard, g-ent 216 Ciiesniit Dugdale Thomas, teacher Midberry bel 2d Duhammel John, tailor 63 S 4th Duiu-ing Henry, lace fringe &. military store

53 N 3d d h city hotel Dulcr Peter, 175 S 5th Dull and White, paper store 4 Decatur

widow MLU-y, b h 295 Wahuit Dulles Joseph H, clrj- good mer 145 High d h

151 \\'alnut Dullex Wilcox &. Widsh, mers 145 High Dumas John F, mer 42 Sassafras Dumbleton widow Eliza, gcntw 18 Prune Dunagan Thomas, Dunbai- Alexander, N 10th bel Castle w

widow, grocer Castle bel 10th Duncan Benjamin, wood cordcr 4 Union William M, S 13th ab Walnut W Gen William, hardware mer 41 High Dundas James, atty at law 14 S otli d h 1 12 N P't Dunfy James, 31 Sassafras Dungtm John, innkeeper (sign of tlie Buck)

130 N 2d Dunham Mrs, N 2d

wid, 1j N 2d Dimkerley J, victualler 106 Locust Dunlap Henry, coachmr 105 N Juniper James and co, mer 55 N 2d

Dunlap James, cor of Ashton and Race and Sch river James, mer 55 N 2d d h 289 Sassafras Mrs I'.li/abeth, gentw N E cor 13lh

and Ciicsnut Sallow, 55 N 2d Thomas, atty at law 43 Walnut widow, shopkeeper 25 EUzabeth Dunn E, 29 Powell

George W, mer 9 Bank d h 84 S lltli George W, -and co 72 High Martin, sugar baker 5 Hawes' ct Robert, soap boiler Bradey's ct S, Siiissafras bet Broad and Sch 8th back widow Ann, b h 80 Vine Dunsmore James, labourer Sch 7th n Spruce Dunton Isaac, mer 87 N 5tli

Jacob and son, ropemakers and ship

chandlers 7 S whai-ves Jacob, sailmr 5N whai-ves d h 61 New Jacob, jr ship chandler 7 S wharves d h 24 Keys al Dumvoody Ruth, b h 41 N 7th Duponceau P S, councellor at law and notary pubhc 15 S 6th d h 199 ChesnutN E cor 6th Dupont Pierre Charles, tav keeper 43 Union Dupouy Alexander, }^-ocer 3 S 6th d h N W cor 6th and Minor

widow, shopkeeper 155 S 3d Durand Elias, apothecary and di-uggist S W cor Chesnut and 6th Lewis W, fancy shop }26 S 6th Durant John W, inspcc of the custs 215 Pine DurbuiTow Samuel, 132 S 6th Dui-ff JacBb, stove manuf 61 N 6th dh37 N 4th

Richard, tailor 154 N 5th Diu'hara J, carter Loml)ard bel 11th Dm-ncU James, blacksmith 156 Sassafras d Ik

Gan'igues' ct Dusar F, mcr 162 1-2 S 2d and 32 Walnut Duswald John, ostler 9 Sugar al Dutilh Charles Minor E G, 6 Minor M widow of Job, 10 Pune Dutton Isaac, shoe sto 128 High d h 27 Branch: Josepli, house carp S Front opposite Union d h 25 Pine Dutz Peter, cooper 33 Union Duval Lewis, mer 179 High d h 254 Mulberry Duy Lambert, (by good store 1 N 5tli d h 5th.v

ab Callowhill x l Dwight William T, atty at law 64 S 6th Dyke John, hair cb'esser 10 Spruce Dyott T W. M D & di-uggist 137 & 139 N 2d.

Ealer Frederick, baker High W of Sch 8th Eanenhower A E, paper stainer lltli bel Pine Earick Heniy, house carp Sassafras ab 5th Earhart, turner Clever al Earl Caleb, sea capt Si harbour master 97 Pine Earle Henryj Cheny near Broad

Jimies, gidlery of paintings & carver & gUder 169 Chesnut op the state house



Eai'le John H, tailor 96 S 3d

Thomas, atty at law 32 S 6th Early Wilham, kr of carts & drays 38 Penn Earnest David, tailor Greens ct

Jacob, draper and tailor 16 S 4th Jacob, tailor 15 Green's ct Earp Georg-e, h w mer 78 Hig'h d h 302 Mulby , and M'Main, hardware mers 78 High

Robert, hardware mer 78 High d h 17

Montgomery square Thomas, hardware mer 78 High d h 16 Montgomery square Eai-ps Hoopes & Woolfe, h ware mers S W c

High & 5th Easby John, oak coop 49 S Water dh 182 S Ft

widow, 165 Cedar Eastbm-n & Griffith, sail makers Smith's wharf ab Sassafras Joseph R, teacher 29 Church al Eastlack and Quicksall, 211 1-2 S 2d Eastman Thomas, painter 1 Sugar al Eastwood William, tinplate wr 12 Heyde's ct Eaton Olivia, b h S E cor 5th and Library Eber John F, confectr 302 High &. 25 arcade Eberle John, M D 18 S 8th

Phihp, teacher of music 6 Meyer's ct Ebert Haggerberts and Corinth, sailmakers N

wharves 2d ab Sassafras Eccles James, distiller S W cor Cedar & 7tli Ebsworth David, painter & glazier Hurst's ct Eckai-d John, baker Sch 8th ab Sassafras J R, atty at law 64 S 6th Susan, 64 S 6th Eckel widow Elizabeth, tobact 310 Sassafras Eckendorf Martin, surgn barber low 22 N 9th Ecky widow Catharine, di-ug & apothecary

store S E cor of 7th little George Eckfeldt Adam, chief coiner at the mint N Juniper 1 door S of Vine W side Michael, house carp and pattern mr 130 N 13th . Eckstein Jacob, tailor 116 N 4th

John, brush maker 36 N 3d Joseph, brush maker 116 N 4th Edehnan wid«w, 145 Cherry Edenborn Jacob, tobacconist 1^ N 13th

Peter H, tobacconist S E cor 4th &

Vine d h 110 Sassafras P & J, tobaccts S E cor 4th &. Vine widow Mai-y, gentw 144 N 13th Edmimds Mi-s, seminary N E cor 8th & Schri-

ver's ct Edwards David, cotton manuf N Broad bet MulbeiTy and Clieny Griffith, gent 18 N 5th Griffith, jr grocer 16 N 5th J, carter S Juniper Edwards Joseph, brass founder £t b h 81 N 6th Mrs, 36 Sassafras Samuel, shoemr 195 N Front Thomas, shoemaker 227 MulbeiTy William, coach painter 9 S 6th widow. Marble Edwin David, engi-aver Lombard near 10th f Egelbiu-ner George, tobact Prospect al

Eggers, capt 260 Lombard

Egner Charles, groc N E cor 3d & Mulbeny

Ehrenzcller George, at the mint 70 S 11th cor

of George Ehringhaus Adolph, broker 109 S 9th Edelman widow, 124 Filbert Eidenbries John, carver 116 N 7th Eicholtz Jacob, portrait painter S E cor 6tli

& North al Eisenbrey Philip, coach painter 37 Zane

Jolm, 116 N 7th Eldridge and IJrick, hide and leather dealers 35 Chesnut G M, 186 N 4th

Joseph M, liide & leather dealers Chesnut Elfreth Isaac C, mer 175 High d h N E c 13th

and Chesnut Elfridge wid Elizabeth, tailoress 35 Jones' al Elfiy Jacob, 2 Moore's ct Elkin Abram, gentleman 2 S 10th Ella John, h ware mer 239 High d h 56 S 11th EHet Charles, 98 Union Elliott Isaac, conveyancer 82 Chesnut James, George near Sch 3d John, comb 8c lookg- glass sto 153 High John, druggist 60 S Front dh 13 Nal Robert, shoemaker 8 Cai-ters al Robert, weaver MulbeiTy W of Sch 2d Samuel, collector 65 Cherry Thomas, weaver 240 Lombard . widow, boarding house 285 High widow. Mulberry W of Sch 2d Mis, widow of Thomas B H, c Union

&. Front R & E, store keepers 32 N 2d widow Rebecca, nurse 79 New Ellis Aaron, shoemaker 39 Coate's al Benjamin, M D 30 N 9th Charles, druggist 56 Chesnut G B, engraver 4 Ranstead's ct John, ladies shoemaker 156 S 5th and Morris, druggists 56 Chesnut Thomas, Vaux's ct Elhson Jolm B, mer 40 Mulbeny Ellmaker Levi, mer 461 High d h 405 Mulby Ellsbeny Charles, printer 9 St Mary Elmes Abner, hatter 202 High d h 45 Filbert Thomas A, hat 100 Higli d h 300 Sassaf Ehnslie Alexander, mer 232 S Front

Emily S, milliner 20 little Pine Elsegood Matthew, boot maker Mulberry be- low 5th Elton Anthony, b h Walnut near Broad and Beck, tobacconists 9 Dock Mrs Hannah, house cleaner 17 N al Eltonhead widow Jane, b h 4 N 8th Elwell Daniel, harness mr Rapin's ct

Joseph M, cabinet maker 225 Cheiry Samuel S, shopkeeper 273 Sassafras Elwyn Mrs E Langdon, gentw 192 Chesnut Ely Rev Ezra StUes, D D pastor of the 3d Presbyterian ch 144 S 2d d h back Joseph, flour mer 188 Mulberry Emerick Augustus, silver plater 265 High d h 23 N 6th



Emcrick H, g-cntlemun 72 S 8(li

Goorji;'i', {iroccr 23 N 6th Kmerson (i, M 1) 51 S 5th Emery (icorg'o, caljinct miikcr 7 Bells ct Lewis, bh 94 N 2(1 Samuel, wax eaiidle maiuif 256 Ilig-li Enilen (ieorg'e, attorney 73 S 4tli J, 235 S[)riice

.loslma, niir 17 S whs d h 110 S 3d Samuel, M 1) 247 Mulberry >\ iiliam 1', iner 33 Walnut Endres Philip, stone cutter 170 N 8th Englebcrt Joseph, cordwainer S \V cor Lom- bard and 3d L, tailor Powel Eng'les Joseph 1', teacher of the Greek and Latin lang-uages 71 Filbert Revd W mI Pine Eng-lish E, house carp 18 Starr al

Georg'c, weaver 12th bel Pine aiid lie\l, dry good and fancy store 51N2ddir25N7th

diy g-d store 51 N 2d d h 25 N 7tli

Hvigh, di-v g-ood store 4 1-2 N 6th James, blacksmith 25 J'ilbert John, silver plater Fearis' ct Joseph, cutler 108 Sassafras Levi, tailor 207 S 7th Mazel, paper hang-er 165 S 3d Samuel, tobact 15 N 3d d h 178 Vine Samuel and co, tobacconists 15 N 3d Ennis Margaret, 35 New Enos John, 169 S 2d Epplcy Chai'les, drayman 8 little Water Epplesheimcr Lewis, sug'ar refiner 168 N 5th

d h 157 Vine x l Erdnian Frederick, h carp N 13th bel Vine Erring'er Frederick, collec of taxes 81 Cherry Erwin Deborah, milliner 72 Mulbeny Henry, jeweller 37 N 3d f John, waiter S 12th n Chesnut W Joseph E, mer tailor 204 S 2d Marmaduke B, grocer High N W cor

3d d h Chesnut 3d W Broad S side Mrs Susan, g-entw 9 S 7th Erwig' Clemens, importer of German goods

208 High Esher Jacob, grocer 66 N 4th S W cor Cherry

and Uber, 15 N 9th Esherick Frederick, currier ^Chesnut

Joseph, hair dressr & bleedi"9 N 5th Esler William, carter 18 Dock Esling widow Catharine, gentw b of 8 S 5th Espy George, cun-ier 53 Chesnut

James P, teach S W cor Sassafras & 10th Estell Benjamin, turner 164 Pine Daniel, tail#r 69 Midbeny Estlack Thomas, bricklayer 113 Lombard Estwick Mrs, Clever al Etriss William, innkeeper 222 S 2d Etting Benjamin, mer 125 S Frontdh Walnut near 13th Reuben, gent Walnut near 13th Eustace John, teacher 163 and 165 Spruce

Eustace T, teacher 123 S 9th

Evans CadwahuUr, gent 417 Mulberry

Charles, black &. white sh 73 Sassafras (rharUs, ajjothv Sc drugt 270 Mulberry Charles H, 200 High and Chambers, cumers S 5tli E, 221 Spruce

Edward, ornamcntd stucco worker & measurer N E cor Sassafras and 6th Grifiith, sect k treasof the Cheltenham and \Villowgrove turnp co 164 N 5th Jacob, cun-ier 2 Starr al John, lumber mer cor 6th and Noble d

h 145 N 6th J Ogden, BoUvar inn S W cor Centre

sc[uare and High Jonathan, gent 102 Union Joseph, cun-ier Taylor's al Jose])h, boot and shoemaker 258 High

d h 74 Tammany Josc])h R, mer 31 S whs d li 101 Pine Josiaii, bricklayer 2 Blackberry al Josiah, mer ttiilor 5 Library 8c S 6th &. Parker, painters and glaziers 6 S 8th Richard, bricklayer Perry bel Pine £ Robert, innkeeper 138 Sassafras Samuel, hatter 22 Board Sarah, N 12th 2 doors ab Cherry Thomas, tailor 135 N Front I'homas, tav keeper 3 Little George shoemaker 3 Strawberry Tliomas, apothecary and druggist N E

cor Spruce and 3d d h 102 Union Thomas, chy good store 134 N 4th WiUiam, apothecary and druggist 134

S Front d h 102 Union William S, first teller in the bank of

Pennsylvania d h 89 N 3d William M, manufacturer of patent notes & checks Chesnut d h S 13tlt S W cor George Wliitton, mer 105 S Ftd h 215 Spruce wid Ann, back of 369 Mulberry M'idow Ann, gentw 107 Pine widow, 14 Quany' wid Eliza, washerwn 12 WUling's al widow, 94 MidbeiTy Everham John, wheelwright 497 High Everhart David, coachmr 3 Green's ct Everett Jesse, shoemaker 32 Vine Everly Adam, comb maker 225 High Mrs M J, gentw 50 Lombard Ewing Edward, gent 113 S 3d

Jacob, plumber 306 Sassafras J and J, 61 Cedar

Robert, mer 125 High d h 142 Sassafras Exley John, 92 Vine

Eyre Manuel, mer 28 S whs d h 278 Chesnut and Massey, merch 28 S whaj'ves Nathan W, lunbrella maker 60 Vine

teacher 429 Chesnut

Thomas, dealer 395 Sassafras Eytinge Barnet, wholesale fancy store 16 N Front d h 204 MulbeiTy



Eytinge and Philip, w sale fancy sto 46 N Ft Solomon, 46 N Front

FabcT PcJter, confectioner 68 Vine Fabers William, sihersmith 9 Miilbeny al Fable Frederick, tailor 39 Crown

Frederick, baker Goforth al Fackney John, drj' good store 164 Sassafras Faden Ann, Locust bel 13th Fagundus Mar}', fancy store 27 S 4th Falls Joseph, stove finisher &c S W cor Vine

and 2d Fairbarn John, saddler 5 N 5th 26 N al Fairchilds "William B, comb mr 26 8c 135 S 2d Fairfowl James, mariner 230 S 7th Fairham Mrs, 74 Sassafras Fail- John, tailor 19 N 12th Fairman George W, 435 Chesnut

Mrs, widow of Gideon, 435 Chesnut Fales George, mer 17 S Ft d h 127 Mulberrj^ Joseph, cop plate printer 469 Sassafi-as Faris Elizabeth, mantua mr 37 Spruce Farlow James, shopkeeper cor Pine and 13th Farmers James S, acct 135 S 4th Farmer Ann, gentw 231 Lombard

and Mcchanicks bank 157 Chesnut Farqidiar G W, atty at law 34 S 5th d h Ches- nut W Broad

Mrs E, wLd Chesnut ab Broad Farr George W, tailor 204 High

John C, clock and watch maker S E cor

High d h over 21 S 3d William, lab N Broad bel Vine back Farrell John, tailor Watson's al

James, accountant Clever al Fari'en Edward, drajTnan 4 Quarry Farried John, hatter 4 Harmony ct Fash widow, b h 6 Harmon\- ct Fassit James, mer S W cor 2d and High d h 329 MuIbeiTy Thomas & James, mer S W cor 2d &.

High Thomas, mer S W cor 2d and High d , h327MulbeiTy

T S R, mer S W cor of 2d and High d h 329 Mulbeny Faussett Eleanor, chy good store 10 S 2d Fawsett William, acct 75 Cherry- Fearer widow Ehzabeth, shopkr294 Sassafi-as Fearing Martin, acct 7o S 8th N E cor Walnut

Sirs 176 S 6th Fcaris Daniel, instrument mr 14 N 6th Feariss Francis, mer 133 S 10th Fee James, tav keeper High S n Sch 8th E Felir E, 24 Chesnut Feinour A, 244 Lombard

George, oak cooper 7o S Water 154

S Front Joseph, tin & iron plate worker 212 S Water and 213 S Front

Fell Jonathan, chocolate and mustard manuf

52 S Front Fellows Caleb, gent 158 Chesnut Fennell John, stone mason High E of Sch Ft

S side Fennel Maiy, boarding house 184 Locust Finnemore Jason L, acct 98 Mulberry WiUiam, 100 N 5th Peter, sexton to the German reformed church 9 Sterhng al Fenner widow, 93 N 4th Fenton Thomas, shoemaker 146 N Front

William, ladies shoemr M'Culloch's ct Ferguson Benjamin, bi'ush maker Smith's ct Benjamin, 31 Elfreth's al Hugh, judge of the ct of common pleas

239 Mulberry James, mariner 145 S 2d

upper 237 Sassafi-as Matthew G, gent 215 High Robert, gent 33 S Juniper Samuel, mer back of 84 N Front d

h 26 Vine wid Rebecca, shopkr 18 Elfreth's al Femsler John, flour and feed store High bet

Sch 5th and 6th Fetters John, carter 24 Jones' al Fey Thomas, S W cor 10th and George Fide Clement, shopkeeper oo Coates al Fiegel Charles, toll gatherer High Pema brid Field Charles, mer 71 S Front

and Fobes, domestic w house 185 High James, domestic w house 185 High d h

155 N 9th John, book binder 17 Elfreth's al \L-s :Martha, b h 177 Pme M, shopkeeper 59 1-2 N 2d Peter, tailor 137 Spruce Samuel, grocer 17 Mulberry Samuel, silv plat 11 N 7th d h 91 N 9th Samuel, victualler Sassafras bet Sch 8th

and Broad Thomas, blacksmith 181 Lombard widow Jane, cake baker 75 N 6th Fife William, reed mr 318 High Filbert Peter B, Stampers al Filley Harney, tin manuf 376 High Fink Nicholas, printer 3 Lombard Finley Anthony, bookseller N E cor Chesnut

and 4th d h 365 Mulberry Finlow Law, sexton the 2d Presbyterian ch

back of the church Finn Richard, tavern keeper 95 N Front Finney Adolph, 7o S lltli

Charles, house carp 20 Pear Fireng John P, jeweller 124 N 5th Firth Thomas, cor 4th and Pnme Firing John P, jewcUer 124 N 5tlx Fisher A, tavern keeper 4 Norris al Ann, tailoress Blackberry al



Fisher C P, 83 S 2d

rolemaii, farmer 306 Chcsnul

David, house & sipn painter &c 2 N 7tli

Henry, brickmakcr 500 Sassafras

Henry, paiiitor 2 N 7tli

Jabez, 326 Mulberry

James C, g-eiU 277 Chesimt

Jolin, printer 5 Harmony ct

Jolin, blacksmith N W cor High and

Sell 6th John, coach ti-immer 4 Mycr's ct n 6th John N, dry jijood store 121 Mulberry Joseph, manufactiu'cr of thermometers

and hydrometers 58 Chesnut Miu-tparct, brush man»if 203 Sassafras Rachael, dry good store 186 S 2d Redwood, 116 Mulberry R, tb-y good store 159 S 2d Robert Y, mariner 68 Zane Rodney, 260 High SamuelJ, mcr 19 Montgomery square

or Sassafras ab 10th Samuel R, mer 27 Dock d h 110 S Ft Saraliu milUner 44 MuTljcrry Thomas, mer 149 S Ft d h 110 S Ft William, labourer Sassafras n Sch 8th Williapi W, gent 312 Chesnut widow Elizabetli, gentw 170 Chesnut widow, Pen-)- bet Sassafras and Vine widow Sarah W, gentw 290 Chesnut Sarah R widow of Meyers, gentw 326 Mulberry Fisler J H, insp of the customs 14 Branch

widow Catharine, b h 59 Sassafras Fiss John, house ciu^i 126 Filbert Fitch S S, surgeon dentist 193 AA'alniit

Thomas, cashier of Mechanics bank the 387 Mulberry Fite Samuel, slioemaker b of 450 Sassafras Fithian Mattliias, acct Swanwich Pitzsimmons John, Hawes ct Flake George, painter and glaz 198 Mulberry Flannegan Luke, carp Broad near Vine Flemming Madame Filette, b h 129 S 2nd Fleming James, stone cutter 13th bel Filbert and Gordon, mei-s N W cor High &

Sch 7th Joseph, mer 28 Walnut d h 77 Pine Robert, mer N W cor High & Sch 7th Susan, b h 10 N 6th William, di-ayman LawTence n 13th b Flenard William, tailor 11 Penns}lva a^■enue Fletcher Ann, washerwoman 224 S 7th

Thomas, icweller and silver smith

130 Chesnut d h 11 S 5th J W, mer 127 MulbeiTy wid Catluu'ine, cake bak 110 N 7th wid Elizabeth, bookbinder 224 S 7th widow Rebecca, b h 127 Midbeny Flick Andrew, cunier 110 Sassafras

Lewis, baker N 7th N E cor Sugar al Fling Bennct, shopkeeper 22 N 6th Susan, boarding house 10 N 6th William B cab maker 95 d h 93 Walnut

Flinn Thomas, mariner 12 little Water Flint Acliilles, cab maker d h 139 S 5th

Enustus, cub nir 10 College avenue d h 52 S lOUi Florence widow, 11 n Spruce W Flowers George, haydealer N 8tli 1 tloor bcl

Sassafras >

Foering Frederick, jr dry good store 164 N 2d I'ollunshce John, shopkeeper 24 Lombaixl Folwell Charles S, gent 90 N Front U F, d h city hotel Court land F, tailor 253 High T J and R, (hy good mcrs 97 High d

h 118 1-2 Chesnut William 8c son, dry good mci-s 9 N Ft Wm, drj- gd mer 9 N Ft dh 233 Miilby William, jr diy good mcr 7^ High d h 22 Mtdbeny Fontagne P F, Walnut ab 9th Fontanell Rose, cab & Venetian blind maker

157 N 3d Footc Benjamin E, 29 Dock Fobes George W, mer 185 High 151 N 9th

William, weaver Centre square W Force Miss, 75 Midberry

Rev ManningN 4thfront of the academy Forde Charles, S:issafras near Sch 8tli E, milliner &c 48 Mulben-y* George, house carp 6 Niciiolson Gusta\-us, lOtli neai" Sassafras John, mer 8 N 7th Wdham, silver plater 3 N 4th d h 3

Frombergcr's ct William, baker 92 Cheny widow Elizabeth, 7 Hoflfmans al widow Jane, raantua mr 211 S 3d wid Mary, seamstress 16 Wagner's al wid Sarah, dry good store 86 Mulberry widow, shopkeeper High neai* Schuyl permanent bridge Forehand Samuel, printer Lombard bcl 13th Forest Catharine, gi-ocer Prosperous al

Edward, 13th bet Cherry & Mulberrj- Edwin, tragedian lOth n Vine widow Rebecca, 10th n Vine Forrester widow Catharine, b h 63 Chesnut Forst Daniel, bricklayer 148 Cherry

William, A\eaver Walnut W of Sch 8th Forsjth J, Lombard E of Sch 8th Fort Daniel, bricklayer Cherry n 8th L, cordwainer 13 Gaskill Louis, accountant 168 Spruce j-Forten James, sail mr 95 S whs d h 93 Lomb Fosbrook widow Maiy, washerwn 1 2 Jimiper -j-Fossett A, porter Lombard bel 10th Foster NC, 19 S 7th

T, ladies shoemaker 45 Pine Wm, mer 85 N Front d h 1 1 1 Mulberrj- Fotterill S G and Brothers, mers 119 1-2 S Ft Foudray Bentlcy, tobacct 17 Fromberges ct Fougeray A P, stove manuf 189 N 2d

George J, stove manuf 111 N 2d Rene J, stove manuf 99 N 2d ^



Foulke Charles, gentleman 49 Sansom Misses, 9 N lltli Miss Hannah, gentw 27 Filbert Richard P, groc 260 High d h 24 S 8th Mrs Sarah, teacher 35 Sansom cor 8th Wpi, druggist N E cor 7th & Spruce Willim, storekeeper 203 Spruce Fouquet wid Mar\-, gentw Mulberry n Sch 2d Fourester Ely, mahoganv yard Fetter lame d

h 12 N 3d Foust Michael, watchman N Broad bel Vine Fowle W Edward, Sicilian consul gent 411 N 8th

Jonathan, jr atty at la\v 27 Branch of- fice 275 'n 2d Nathaniel, hatter 122 High d h 231 Vine Fox B K, 369 Mulberry

George, printer Sch 8th first bel Vine George, attorney at law 12 S 7th George, gentleman 274 Chesnut Hiram, grocer 51 S Water Jesse, 14 Jones' al James, Jones' al near Front James, upholsterer 29 Pnme Mrs, 23 Sansom M, 208 Walnut M, brickmaker 12 N 9th Samuel, brickmaker 37 Filbert 8 M. M D 252 Walnut Wm L, currier 42 N 7tli d h 367 Mulberry widow Elizabeth, gentw 287 Spruce Foy ilichael, tailor Pine ab 13th Frain Catharine, 84 S 3d

John, baker 32 Pcnn Fraley J, baker 24 Walnut

John U, baker 17 Church al widow Martha, gentw 74 N 7th Francis Benjamin, dyer 25 Branch Charles, gent 9 Sansom John, carter 117 N Juniper and CO, lottery brokers 43 S 3d John, lottery broker 171 Pine John, S E cor Sassafras and Sch 3d widow Dorothy, 105 S 3d Frankenburg Sarah, teacher M'Culloch's ct Franldin Lemuel, boot and shoemaker 59 S 3d Samuel R, constable 12 S Broad Walter, cab maker 25 Perry- Franks Jacob, tailor Frankhn near Vine Lewis, carter 38 Crown Lewis P, printer 32 N 10th Mrs, 32 N 10th

widow, shopkeeper S W cor of Cres- Bon's al and 5th Fraser Rebecca, milliner 56 Mulberry

WiUiam, clock and watchmaker 146 N Front d h M'Culloch's ct Frazier Mrs Ann, b h 124 Spruce

Anthonj', house carp 27 Blackberry al Herman, gilder 178 Pine James P, labourer 10 Fayette Mrs, gentlewoman 124 Spruce William B, shopkeeper 35 High Frasier W W, dry good mer 150 S 3d

Frederick J G, cabinet maker 5 Fayette J, house carp Shield's al John, 28 Franklin ct Fredericks John H jeweller 5 Cresson's al

J L, engra 53 S 4th d h 16 S 12th Free Benjamin, dry good store 102 N 2d Freeburger Peter, hatter 345 Sassafras Freeburn James, carter 487 High J'reed, David, floiu- mer 97 N 4th

George M, cork cutter 95 S 5th Freedland Chai-les, book binder 3 Myer's ct Freeland Aaron, hatter 50 High d h 39 Sassaf Davis, S and co, hatters 22 High David S, hat 22 High d h 26 Sassafras John T, machine mr b of 367 Mulby A and C W, miUiners 70 Mulberry Henrv G, attj- at law &. notary public

49 Walnut d h 197 Spruce Jacob, Pine ab 10th Joseph, 43 S 3d

Son and Potter, auctioneers 8 S 3d T B and son, auctioneers 8 S 3d T B, auctioner 8 S 3d d h Chesnut 2d

ab 13th S T W L, auctiom- 8 S 3d d h Christian Freeman's Journal and National Palladium

(office of) 36 Walnut Freeston Robert, silver plater 48 Crown

Wilham, grocer 86 N 11th Frenau Paul, 28 Spruce Frenage A M, Walnut ab 9th French B F, store keeper 34 and 25 arcade d h 45 S 13th John, grocer N W cor 12th 8c Chesnut John, shoemr Sch Front ab Walnut Fre\ tag widow Mary, china and queensware

store 130 S 9* Fribourg widow Susan, 63 N 8th Fi-ick Jacob and co, editors apd publishers of the American Sentinel 22 Walnut James, hatter Garden Fricke Mrs, 64 S 11th

Friend Isaac F, milkman George near S 10th

Fritz P'rederick, cor of Sassafras and Franklin

Jacob, cabinet maker 14 S al d h N W

cor Mulbeny ct and 6th John, gentleman 1 1 South al P, marble mason 226 &. 214 Sassafras ' widow Mar}-, Broad near Vine widow, 52 Mulberry Frowart John, shoemaker 62 N 5th Fry Ann, shopkeeper 88 N Front

John, block & pump maker 141 N Water

d h 34 Elfreth's al John, accoimtant 104 High Thomas, soap and candle manuf 138 S 9th Wilham, printer and publisher of National Gazette 72 S 2d 8c book printing office little George cor of Swan wick Fryer and Anderson, dry good mers 50 S 2d

Wilham, dry good mer 50 S 2d Fudge Henn-, book binder 112 S Water and

113 S Front Fullerton Alexander, jr 35 Filbert Alexander, sen 35 Filbert



lullerton ami Claxton, 174 High Fult Daniel, conlwiiincr Cresson's ct l"^u•long Jaines, grocer 2 little Water I'\irraan Abijalj, tia worker 13tli n Mulbciry \V side David, smitli and coach spring maker 6 d h 11 Crcin'scl FuiTicss Ucv W 11, pastor of the Unitarian ch

N side Chesnut near IJroad E ftuiTcn Joseph, shoe black 39 1-2 S 8tl\ d h

Acorn al Fiirst Frederick, tav keeper 104 Locust

Fi-ederick, Upholster 16 IJaspbcny al M, dye sinker Chesnut 2d door \V of Broad N side Furey John S, tax collector 101 Spruce Futcher MiUiani, boot ;md shoenu- 18 S 4th

Gadsden Miss Emma, 293 Spruce GiUbmitli Andrew, td chandler 13 South al

P, Spruce ab 12th Gale Charles, printer back of 53 High and CO, lottery brokers 46 N 3d Gales Mrs, 193 Spruce Gallagher Bernard, grocer lower 12 S 7th Margaret, washerwoman Say iL-s Marv, gentw 173 Lombai'd Peter, 83 Gaskill "WiUiam, M D 77 Spruce widow Sai"ah, b h 16 Cartei-'s al Galloy Joseph J, ornamental cai-\er 144 Vine

widow Ann, tobacconist 64 N 2d Gamble widow, S5 little Water

widow Maiy, gentw 216 Spruce Gandy Enas S, gi'ocer 254 S 2d Gano John, accoujitant 28 North al Garden William, printer Locust near 8th Gardette E B, dentist S W cor 6th and Little George James, dentist N W cor S 9th and Chesnut Gardiner John, jr gentleman 88 S 4th Gardner George E, dry good store 84 N 2d James, grocer 145 S 8th Peter, boot cleaner 17 Ehzabeth Richard, wheehmght 152 Sassafras William, tailor 7 Elmslie's al wid Catharine, tailoress 17 Cotes' al widow Edy, 24 ^'ine Gardom George, drug & colour store 11 S 7th Garesche Gabriel, mer 11 Minor d h Chesnut

N E cor S 6th Garachon Francis tav S E c Walnut and 5th Garland Charles, ostler Eckfeldts ct Garrett Ezi-a T, tailor cor of 5th and Sassafras John, lile maker 19 North al Joseph, brass foiuidcr 19 North al Levi and sons, tobacconists 128 S ¥t Philip, watchmr 144 High d h 9 N 6th P & son, clock 8c walchnirs 144 High William, brass founder 224 Vine

Garrett Wm, mason 138 N Juniper ab Lambert

widow. Pine ab lOtli Garrctson Felix, watciiman 1 Farmer's row George F, druggist N W cor of 5tli and Hace tianick widow Kli/abeth, Shield's al (iiUTigues Abi-ahani M, agent 79 Mulbcri'y

Edward B, druggist and apothecary N W cor High and 6tli Isaac B, stone cutter 37 Cherry Edward, jr nicr 92 Union Samuel P, high consta 239 Mulberry William, stone cutter Mark's lane William, sen measurer of cai-pen-

ters work St CWeiT\' Williarp, jr grocer UN 6th Garrison John, gent 349 Mulberry (iarscd Riincs and co, oo N 2d Garson wid Theresa, shopkr 2 Blackberry al Garlland John, 186 S 11th

Mrs, boarding house 131 S Front Miss, seminaiy 131 S Front Gartley wid Elizabeth, teacher 4 little Dock Garvin William, lub Lombai'd cor of Sch 7th Gaskill Benjamin, book binder 5 bel Walnut Edmund, ladies shoemr 200 Chesnut Thomas, clotiiing store N W cor Ches- nut and Water T, Penn 4 Boston row- widow Esther, gentw 69 Cherry ^v^dow Sai-ah, gentw 21 Sassafras Gatchell David, labom-er 56 Currant al

Joseph, blacksmith 13 Decatur d h 57 N 6th Gatteha Martin, Shoemaker 15 Mulberry al Gaudechaud Peter, jeweller and fUlagree \vr

12 Franklin ct (Gaul Cliristian, baker 91 Mulberry

Frederick and son, brewers back of 147

High d h 17 N 4th Martin, brewer d h 28 Appletree al Gavin Ellen, shopkeeper 104 S 2d Gaw Chambers, insp of the customs 110 New Gilbert, 155 N 6th James, store keeper 230 S 2d Robert, fancy and Windsor chair maker

179 d h 280 S 2d Robert, jr chah- maker 41 L'nion William P, insp of the customs Brook's ct Gay Joseph B, 137 Cliesnut Gaver W B, leather sto S E c Lombard & 3d Gavlord Mi-s, 297 Walnut Gebhard Lewis P, M D 216 Sassafras Geddcs W F, printer 59 Locust Geisse George W, mer 79 S whs d h 28 N 3 Henry, gentlenum 1 S 8th John, baker Vine ab 12th and Korkhause, mers 213 High Lewis, merchant 285 High Lewis and co leather store 285 High William, mer 213 High Gemmill J R, mer 13 1-2 S 2d d h 4 Banket Gemtlier Nicholas, laboiu-er 22 N al



George Andrew, potter 7 Hawes' ct

Anthony, storekeeper 206 S 2d Israel I., cun-icr 256 Sassafras John D, deputy naval officer 79 Union Joseph, cumer 118 N 2d Mary Ann, sliopkeepcr 193 N Front Richard, hatter 195 S 2d Richard S H, acct customs h42 Union widow Mary, cooper 196 S Water Gerhard William, hatter 44 N Ft d h 12 N 7th. German Mrs, seamstress 142 N Front Gerrin Stephen, cabinet maker 64 N 3d Gesner George, baker 54 Union Gest John, flour mer N W cor High and 10th

d h 28 N 10th Getman Nicholas, tobacconist Jones' al n Ft Gettis Wilham, printer 166 S 10th Getze Frederick A, musician 9 N 12th Geyer Andrew, insjiector of the customs 129 Sassafras George S, sugar refiner 5 Sterling al

d h 129 Sassafras John, regr of wills S W c 6th & Race John, gentleman 199 S 4th John, S W cor 6tli & Sassafi'as Wm H. M D S W cor 6th & Sassafras Gibbons G W, conveyancer 57 S 5th

Joseph, conveyancer 84c 16 1-2 S 4th d h 149 S 10th Gibbs George, mer 7 N 13th

Hem-y, dry good store 6 S 6th

■{■James, porter Hunter's ct

John, lott & exch office 4 1-2 S od

John W, pi'inter 75 Walnut

Josiah W, dry good store store N E cor

4th and MulbciTy WiUiam, gentleman 7 N 13th <^iberson M and E, dry good store 66 N 3d Gibson James, printer 62 Cheriy

James, counceUor at law 61 S 4th d

h 78 Walnut John J, innkr S E cor High and 11th Miss Lydia, shopkeeper Castle n llth R G, gi-ocer S W cor 2d uul Mulberry Thomas, plumber 267 Miilbeny Uriah, 51 S 5th

Wm M D, Washington square W side widow Margaret, il Elmslies al Gideon Mi-s, 142 S 4th

Casper P, mariner Shield's ct Giffin Furman, cabinet maker 130 N llth Gilbert David, Wagner's al

Frederick & sons, mers 187 High d h

395 MulbeiTy George, watcnnan 185 S Front George, engi-aver on wood Henry, 395 Mulbeny Henry, potter 6 Branch Jacob, sexton of St John's Lutheran

church N 5th ab Sassafras back Joseph, 20 Chester John, jeweller rear of 89 Higli Morgan, house carp 14 Fayette

Gilbert Theophilus, chau* maker Clever al

Thomas, inkeeper 38 S 6th Gilclvrist James, 99 Midbeny Gjldenfenny Henry, baker 150 S 4th Gilder John, house carp S 13th bel Chesnut

F, 13th ab Walnut W side Gilfr}' William, watchman Branch near 3d Gill David, acct 3 Farmer's row

Ford and co, auctioneers 28 N Front Ferguson and co, mer 94 High George, dyer 13th near Filbert George, auctioneer 167 Mulberry Joseph, storekeeper 44 N 4th Gilkerson Samuel, tav keeper 8 Black horse al Gillaspey Andrew, gardener Pine ab 13th

wid Hannah, dry good store 57 N 2d Gillespie & Ellmaker w sale grocers 275 High Gllcspy John, ostler Eckfeklts ct Gillespie Samuel, wholesale grocer 275 High

d h 3 Montgomery squai-e Gillespy widow. Juniper near Midbeny Gillet John E, lampmaker 229 S 5th Gilhams Jacob, dentist 35 Mulbeny

John, wood corder J Brittons wharf 1st bel Vine Gilliard George, cordwainer 15 Carter's al Gillies Theodore, comb maker 59 New Gillin Hera-v, bottler N W cor 5th & Lombard and Hill, bottlers 3 Pear d h 244 S 2d William, tavern keeper 81 S Water William, tav kr Walnut S bel Water Gillingham James, 175 S Front & 174 S AVater Mahlon', auctr 127 High d h 172

MulbeiTy Mitchell & co, auctioneers & com- mission mers 127 High W H, M D 45 N 8th Gilmore A, stone cutter Fearis ct . Ann, shopkeeper Mercer ■|- Jacob, confectioner 1 23 S 6th Gilpin and co, paper warehouse 149 S Front Henry D, atty at law 99 Walnut Joshua & Thomas, mers 149 S Front Thomas, 14 Dock Gilroy Henry, ladies boot & shoemr 58 S 4th Gimeny A K, 294 Lombard J H, 248 Lombard Girard Stephen, banker and mer 21 & 23 N Water bankg house old U S bk S 3d op Dock Girdon James, sea captain 41 Key's al Girault A N, French teacher at Mantua ^ illage GJthens William M, shoemaker 152 Mulbeny Givan Samuel, tav keeper N W cor Sch 8th

and Sassafras Clacking David, hatter 180 Lombard Glasgow S, plasterer Pine ab S 10th Glascow Samuel, shoemaker Perry bel Pine Gleason J, manuf of shovels spades hoes and sheet iron worker 259 High Jonas, James Gleistine Bernard, sugar- refiner 162 Vine Glenn widow, segar maker Marble

William, cabinetmaker back 22 Dock Glentworth George, dniggist 287 Sassafras



Glentworth James, surveyor of the port 97 Sjinicc James, jr deputy surveyor of the port 1U5 S lOtli Gloss H, house cai'i) S lOtli l)el Pine Gk)ver IamiiucI J?, liaUor lo4 il h 103 llifj^li Goddard Jolui, mcr 61 S Front d h S K cor

nth and Walnut Godcbout Lewis, oystcrman 153 S 6tU Gohrccht J, engraver 220 AN'alnut Godet John J D G, g-entlcnian 8 Union Godfrey Mrs Ann, g-cntlcwonian 145 S lltli GotUey Jcssee and co, mers 53 High

John, 82 Mulbeny Gofipean Martha, 130 S 10th Gokllnirn Josejih, tailor Randall's ct Golder John, atty at law 203 Mulbeny

John, mimner & oyster cellar 163 S Ft Goldey Henry, boot and shoemaker 18 N 10th Henry, S Juniper bel Locust Jacob, shoemaker 174 Sassafras Jolui, shoemaker 344 Sassafras widow, S Juniper ab Spruce Goldsmltli J M, dealer 19 Chester

Levi M, 19 Chester Goodfellow Elizabeth, pastry cook 134 S 2d Goodluu-t John, hatter Market Goodin John, liv stab keeper Lodge al d h 5 S 7tli ' John, jr supercargo 32 S 2d Goodman John, printer 6 Elmslie's al Goods George, baker 126 N Front Goodwhi James C, cage & mouse trap maker 56 N Fro^it* John, gi-ocer 56 N Front Jonatlian, mer tailor 53 N 6th Mrs Mary, grocer S E cor of S 10th

and Vaux's ct Thomas F, letter carrier 301 S 10th William, tailor 106 N 8th Gordon James, High near Sch 3d

M L, ch'uggist S E cor Sassafras & 3d f Robert C, cake baker 120 Walnut •j-Robert C, jr ladies shoemr 133 S 4th Thomas F, atty at law 56 S 5th \\-idow. Prospect al Gorgas Jos h son, lumber mers N 9th bel Vine Joseph, lumber mer 9tli N bel Vine d

h 185 Callowhill hmiber mer 9th n Vine d h 154N 9tli William, bleeder 53 S Front Gorman Archibald, boot & shoemr 53 Gaskill James, liv stab keeper Bingham's ct

d h 123 Pine widow Martha, innkr 128 N Water James, innkeeper N W cor of Pine

and Green's ct T, tav keeper N E cor High & Bioad Goshea John, jeweller 64 Dock Gosler Christian, 111 Sassafi-as Gossnor John, brass founder 10 little Pine Goucher Mary, b h 399 Sassafras Gouge James, apotheciwy 304 Sassafras John, b h keeper 253 Bigh

Gouge Jesse W and co, jewellery &c 2 arcade Wm M, one of the editors of tl\e iMiilad (Jazette 97 S 2d d h 253 High (;f)iigan Lewis, turner and innlu' 14 Cherry (iould A, stone cutter Fearis ct

widow, b h 30 Palmyra row Goidey Lewis, oyster house and tav 44 N 3d Ciourley Hugh, gent 28 Union j(;<)ulier Joim, painter k glaz 120 Lombard (.Jouvctt widow Eleanor, gentw 52 Filbert Govett Isaac, blockmaker back of 112 N 7th Joseph, house carp Cedar bel lOtli Roiiert, acct 244 Fili)ert Milliam, house carp 227 Cedar ab 9th AViliiam G, discount clerk in the bank

of Peims'ylvania 428 Sassafras widow, Sarah, gentw 244 Filbert Gowen James, wine mer 69 S 3d cor of Dock dhl87S3d Edward, grocer 180 N Front Gowing widow Mary, gentw 48 S 6th Grace Edward, printer 10 Green's ct Gracey John, tav keeper 35 Palmyra row Grambo Michael, 123 Sassafras Graeff Scvina, 6 Cheny Graft" Baltliazar, baker 156 N 13th Charles, gentleman 49 N 6tii Fredei'ick, superintendant of the water j\ orks d h N 10th N W cor of Cherry or 1 Montgomery square H, 1 Spruce

John, gentleman 303 Mulberry Graff' J and J, jr mers 439 High

widow Elizabeth, gentw 29 N 6th Graham George A, atty at law 4 N 11th James, shopkeeper S 2d James, gentleman 4 N 11th James, storekeeper 56 S 2d John, cabinet maker 94 S 3d John, lottery broker 103 S 2d John K, grocer 294 High and Mandeville, auctioneers and com- mis mers S AV cor Chesnut & Front M, lab Sassafras neai' Sch 8th Peter, mer 71 S Ft d h 250 Chesnut Thomas, tobacconist Ann ab 12th Thomas, chy good mer 189 High AVilliam, gardner 146 N 13th Wm C, mer Smith's wharf ab Sassafras, Granliy Mrs wid, washenvoman 4 Moore's ct Grandom Hart, acct N W cor Sansom &. 7th Grant Joseph P, mer 35 S Front d h 116 S 3d. Neil, tav kr S E cor AValnut & Water Patrick, school 181 Spruce Samuel, mer 35 S Front d h 405 High: and Sagers, auctioneers 83 Chesnut Grants & Stone, mers 55 S Front Granville W, vunon glass works w h 10 Minor- Grasby Mrs Hannah, bonnet store 21 S 4th Gratz Hvman, 219 Chesnut Jacolj, 219 Chesnut Joseph, mer 125 S Ft d h 219 Chesnut S and son, merchants 2 S 7th Simon, 15 N 8th



Gravel Henry, house carpenter 220 Vine Gravellc Louisa M, jewelry store 148 Chesnut

11 L, jewelry manul"117 Chesnut Gravcnstine Charles, bi-ushmr North bet 10th and 11th C, baker 27 Strawbeny Georg-e, tui-ner and button mr N

near 10th d li 131 Sassafras widow, 202 Sassafras William, housh carp Vine ab 9th d h 131 Sassafras Graves Alexander, g-rocer Sassafras n Sch 8th Bartholomew, 165 Mulberry Bazil, soap and candle manuf 18 d li 16 Spruce Gray Caleb, dry good store 467 High Charles, shoemaker 385 Sassafras David, tailor 66 S Water James, cliina queensw.&c mer 205 High

d h N 9th ab Mulberiy Mrs, George ab 10th Patrick, tin worker 287 High Robert E, brewer 22 S 6th Robert E and co, brewers 24 S 6th Samuel N, brewer 24 S 6th Thomas, boot and shoemr 155 Walnut Thomas, cailer Alder al near N 11th and Wylies academy Locust al> S 9th Greagan Charles, plasterer, 152 S W cor 11th

and Locust *

Greble William, bricklayer 235 S 5th Green Charles, farmer 83 N 5th

Charles, mer Quince bel Walnut W Mrs Eleanor, 134 S 4th George, tav keeper 10 Laetitia ct Jacob, prof of chemistry 190 Pine J, commedian 10 Raspberry al John, innkeeper 8 Latitia ct Job, 7 Laetitia ct Jonas, M D 79 Walnut L, dry good store 62 S 2d Michael, bricklayer Spruce bel Broad William, house carp back of 164 Ch rry widow, b h 11 Gray's al Greenbank T K, 64 Spruce Greenfield wid Elizabeth, gent 371 Mulberry Greenleaf J, 207 Pine Greer Mary, 20 Stan- al

Robert, silk dyer and scourer 120 S 4th Mrs widow, 114 Sassafras Greeves J R, house carp 47 N 10th Gregory John, cab maker 56 Spnice

clothing store 83 Chesnut

widow, 21 N 12th Greive Alex, groc Sassafras bet Sch 7th & 8th Grelaud John^H, 120 S 2d

Madame, female seminary 120 S 3d Maiy, 96 Sassafras Gi'iffin Sarah, 34 Mulberry Griffinburg Christian, blacksmith 29 Rarron

Griffith Caleb,

Ehjah, M D 39 N 5th

Mattliew, boot & shoemaker 34 N 4th

R E, M 1) S 12th bel Spruce

Robert E, merch 123 Walnut d h 106 » 8tli

William, tailor 7 Chancery lane

William V, cab maker 111 S Front Griffitts Samuel P, di'uggist and apothecary S W cor 8t]i 8c Chesnut d h 31 S 8th

William F, domestic warehouse 77 S Front d h 62 S Front Gi-ig-g John, bookseller and stationer 9 N 4th

d h Yohe's iiotel 6 and 8 N 4th Grimm Hcniy, dry good store 148 N 4th Grimes John, portrait painter 82 MidbeiTy

William, baker 8 Littleboys ct Grimsliaw William, coun & atty at law Spnice

ab 12th Griner Joseph, coach painter 16 Acorn al Grinnell William, atty at law 40 S 6th Groff" J & J, jr mers N W cor High and 12th Gross Jacob, shoemaker 144 S 12th

John, shoemaker Cheny bel Sch 8th S D, M D S 5th Grotjan Peter A, late editor of the public sale

report 55 Spruce Grove Henry, grocer 98 New Grover John, sea captain 193 Pine Groves Anthony, mere 3 N Front d h 16 N 7th

& Flemining, weavei's Hig'h W Sch 7th Grubb Evan, cleric post office d h 65 Gaskill

John B, accountant 43 N 3d

Peter, stone mtson 29 Adams

\\ illiam M, 58 Vine

\^'illiam, blacksmith 4 Hai-mony ct

William, chair maker 12 Green's ct Guenat Margaret, 230 Walnut Guest Anna &. Elizabeth, gentw 330 Mulbeny

George, drug-t N E cor Chesnut & 7th Guier Benjamin, city watchman 37 Jones' al

George, mer 6 Minor d h 361 Sassafras Guild widow Ann, boarding 124 S 4th Guinea J F, M D 157 N Front Guilkey S, house carp Castle Guinn Wm, tailor 125 S Water d h 289 S Ft Gidager widow Maiy, gentw 229 MulbeiTy Gullen Uavid, stone cutter 17 Schriver's ct John, stone cutter 17 Schriver's ct Gummey John, storekeeper 5 N 6tli Guin-ey Samuel, grocer 57 Chesnut d h 128

S2d fGurdner Peter, 17 Elizabeth Guy Robert, weaver 123 S 11th Guyer Simon, 102 N lltli

Wilham, currier 165 S 5th

widow, 102 N 11th Guygcr James, tailor 304 Sassafras G winner Thomas, 176 Vine Gwyn Alexander, tailor 177 Cedar

William, chair maker 91 S Front



II:uLS Gcorfjo, innkeeper 176 Sassafras Jacol), siif^ar n.-tincr Cliony n 91 Jolui, su};:UTcii 9 IJreail il h 2'2 Sassafras anil Sniitli, sug'tir refiner's 9 Hivacl Hackcnliviri;- J L, store keeper 2 N Front Hacker Urou n and eo, nnrs 5(i S Front

Isiuali, mcr 56 S Ftd h 190 Mulberry Hackney Joseph, 1) li 6 H:ulung-'s al Haccpiin AVilliani, 139 N 2d Hadder Wm, watchman 2 Rudolph's ct Haffilfinf,'-or Martin, 66 N 6th Hagti John, at G Kex's S E cor Vine and 6lli Hai^aer William, 8 Stamper's al Hag'er Christian, hoot &, shocmr 21 Sassafras al Hagerdon Frederick, quill maniif loSChesnut Ua^t'-crt Jacob C, bnislnnaker 10 liranch Hag'gart John, shoemaker 140 l^ocust Hag-stoz Jacob, sug-ar boiler Nicholson Ha'hn Christian, baker 148 N 5th

Peter, mer d h 122 Mulberry Haight Christian, g1-ocer 100 Locust

Charles, printer 10 Hinckles ct Mrs, tailorcss Georg'c ab 11th ILiincs Ephraim, mahog-a yard Poole's bridge d h 172 N Front Frederick R, tailor 101 N 9th Job C, hatter 124 N 2d John, turner 5 Rapin's ct J, currier 119 Sassafras Joseph, h carp Alder al n Fcaris ct Mary, washwoman 155 N 6th Nicholas, cordwaiuer 193 l,ombard Peter B, shopkeeper 123 S 6th R, milliner 5 Strawberry Reuben, 79 Mulberry Samuel, hatter 168 N 2d widow, nurse Sassafius bel 13th llains Samuel, city surveyor 317 Mulberry Halbach A, mer 81 S. Front d h 105 S 4th Brothers, mer 81 S Front G, mer 8 York buildings Halberstadt widow Ann, gentw 216 Mulbcny

George, 116 MulbeiTy Halcombe Barney, back of 239 S 2d Hale &. Davidson, stock & exch brok 71 Dock . Thomas, stock and excli brok 71 Dock d h 284 Chesnut Halenbake G W, teacher 130 S 3d Haley Edward, 41 Filbert

James, saddler 41 Filbert Nathan, paper stainer cor of Spruce and 11th Hall Alexander II, sea capt 9 N 11th Sizekiel, commis mer 4 N 8th George, brass founder 8 Prospect aJ Hannah, Cheny bet lltli and 12th Hairison, bookseller and publisher of the

Port Folio 54 S 12th John, house carp 118 S 10th John, clock and watch maker 88 Union John E, atty at law 54 S 12th John, atty at law 112 Walnut Margaret, gentw 71 High

Mall Fclcg, mer 100 S whanes d li 238 S Ft jMall IVny, conc.hman George bel 10th Itobirt, lav kr 183 S Front Sannicl, boarding lioiise 6 Penn Tiiomas M 1), 5 1 S 12th &. Smitli, storekeepers 205 S 2d Samuel, l)ottler 34 Coates' al 'I'honias, pa])er iianger (Coates' al 'liiomi's, N Sch 4tli"ab High Wilfred, organ builder High E Sch 6th William, gent 3 Mull)eiTy ct William J, witli Wni Camjiljcll 87 Cedar W^iiHam, 224 I'ine widow M A, 119 S 8th widow Mary, shopkee])er 184 S 4th Ilalm Frederick, gent (Jliesnut ab lOth N Halliday Alen, dentist Dean ab Spruce E

Elias II, watchmaker cor Front and Mulberry Ilallman Samuel, In-ush maker 21 Carter's al Hallowell Charles T, commis mer 38 N Front John, prest judge district court William S, hardware mer 162 N 2d Halse William, victualler Sch 6th n Spruce llaly Jolin, acct 131 Spruce

William W, atty at law 72 S 6th d h 131 Sjiruce Hamelin Joseph 196 S 4th Hamer Jacob, mer and tailor 13 N 6th Ilamerick John, mason b of 171 High Hamill Henry H, grocer 31 N lOtli

James, farrier Locust 4 doors ab Wash- ington square Robert, cun-ier 81 Dock Hamilton Isaac, carter Rose ct

James, gentleman 260 Walnut J, 89 S 3d

James, salesman 34 S 3d and Hood, grocers 4 High John, leghonianddrvgd sto 20 S 2d John, grocer 4 High d h 18 Sassafras Joseph, shoemaker 46 N 3d Marj"-, 20 Wasliington square Mrs, 64 Union Mrs, 16 Sansom Mrs, George ab 8th S Matthew, printer 10 N al R & A B Spencc, com mers 60 S whs William, turner Spruce ab 13th widow Elizabeth, gentw 187 N 2d vvid Ly tlia, mantua mr 22 Branners al widow Mary, nui-se 141 N 6th widow Sai-ah, Pine n 11th Hammar Lewis, confectioner 147 N 3d Hammond widow of Crosby, 460 Sassafras llannier C, baker 104 N 13th Hampton Alexander, house Carp 407 Mulberry Alex, lumber mer cor 12th &. Cherry Mrs, 165 S Front Jonathan, accountant 55 S 11th widow, shopkvN E cor Pine and 12th. widow Elizabeth, 12 N al Hampsiead widow, 7 Biddle's al



Hance John, 265 S Front

Hancker A, copperplate printer Shakspeare

buiklings Hancock Ann, shopkeeper 36 N 2d AVilliam, gent 37 N 2d Wm, h car N W cor Cherrj- and 12th Hand Caleb, acct Mulberry al 1st door ab N 5th N side Ezekiel, watchman 3 Chancery lane Joseph, 59 S wharves Handy George h ware mer 98 High

SjTTiington and Bird, h w mers 98 High Haney widow. Locust bel 13th Hank Henrv, shoemr N E cor 12th and Cherry Hankin Daiiiel, tailor 112 N 10th Hanley WUliam, shopkeeper 138 Lombard Hannold George, tailor 23 Coates' al Hanse Com-ad, coachmaker S W cor 4th and Walnut d h 121 Walnut John, coach maker 121 AValnut Samuel, booksr and stationer 170 S 2d Hansell George, cutler 4 Castle

Jacob, grave digger 65 N 5th James, clock and watch maker 226

High d h 180 Sassafras John, painter 12 HofFman's al Joseph, gilder 65 N 5th Sarah, shopkeeper 379 High ab 10th Thomas, tui-ner Schriver's ct WlUium, blacksmith b of 147 Cheny William M, mer 67 S 11th Wm S saddler 24 High d h 74 Walnut widow, 106 N 3d Hanson Mrs E, teachei', 165 S 11th

John, wholesale grocer N E cor High and Water d h 33 N 5th Harberger Henry, cupr and bleeder 132 S 11th Henr}-, jr tin plate manuf High N W cor Sch 6ih Harbert Charles, lumber mer S W cor 9th and Vine d h 9th ab Wood John, carter Sch 8th bel Vine Isaac, gent 146 N 10th Zebedee, dentist 20 N 9th Harbeson Hugh, grocer di-awbrldge d h 110 Union H and W gi'ocers drawbridc and Ft Hardcaslle ^Nliss, 35 Cherry Hariicr John G, furrier N 12th ab MulbeiTy Harding Charles G, M D 19 Lombard Hezekiah, sea captain 85 Pine Isaac, house carp 326 Sassafras Jesper, printer 36 Carter's al d h 66


John, grocer 19 Lombard

John, jr mer 17 S Water

Hardwick John, painter and glazier 8 Spruce

Hardy Cliai-les, bar kr at city hotel 43 N 3d

John, pocket book &. reticule mr 6 S4th Hare Mi"s Cliarles, gentw 417 Chesnut Miss, 172 Chesnut Robert, 417 jr Chesnut

Hare Robert, M D profes of chemistry in the University of Pennsylva 291 Chesnut Thomas, dealer 391 Sassafras Hargan Carey, bottler 12 Pine Harker George, mariner 10 Chesnut

George, oysterman under 16 S 6th J, booksr stationer &c 32 arcade Joseph, chair maker N 6th Charles, taUor 20 High Harlan Edward, mer 33 S Front Joshua, mer d h 72 S 3d Richard M D, S W cor 9th & George Harland John, jr gent 13 Sansom

Richard, blacksmith 13 Heyde's ct William, mer 48 S whar\-es Harley Francis, coppersmith 78 d h 82 S Ft Geo, coppersm 95 S Ftd h 162 S 4th Mrs, boarding house 180 N Water Harman Andrew, baker 152 N 4th George, 25 Castle Jacob, jr sea captain 117 Lombard John, baker 152 N 4th John, oysterman 15 Norris al Mar}', shopkeeper 73 N 4th widow, grocer Castle near lOtb widow, 223 Lombard Harmer James, upholsterer S E cor Pine and 2d d h 76 Union Samuel, upholster 76 Union Harmstead James, cabinet maker 65 N 4th

Lawrence, house carp 150 S 10th Martin, ladies shoemaker 35 N4th M and A, milliners 56 N 4th Hai'ned John, tin plate worker 330 High Harold Rev Wm Vincent, rector of St Mary's

chmxh Willings al Hai'per Charles A mer Latimer and Murdocks wharf Mulberry ab 10th Christopher, tav keeper 28 Caller's al James, brickmaker 291 Walnut James, lab High near Sch 4th back James, bricklayer 9 Prospect al John, shomaker 2 N 13th Samuel, tailor 30 Strawberry Thomas, inland transportation office

6 S 7th d h Chesnut n Broad E T & James, gros & flour sto 455 High Thomas, d h 455 High Thomas, 34 Sansom Waltei', gi-ocer 130 Locust Wniiam, bricklayer 3 Prospect al wid Eliza, dry good store 205 Cedar Harple David, sexton of Zion Lutheran ch 23 Cherry Jacob, teacher 23 Cherry Harrall Fi-ancis, jeweller 167 S 2d Harrington, Daniel, dentist 120 Mulberry

D, shopkr cor of 6th and North al

Harris Benj, lab Raspberry al cor Prior's ct

Carles B, painter &. glazier 30 Bank d

h 3 Sassafras al Gebluu'd, cabinet mr 6 S Front



Harris F B, saddler Ann near Sch 7tJi James, slioemaker Wilsons ct J, 214 VValmit

J B and F C, <lrug-ffists 223 S 2d Jolni \V, house carp Liberty ct John, stortkcepcrs 115 N lOtli Levitt, jjcntlcman lj8 Chesnut Mary, n\n'sc 12 Gray's al Nichohus, flovirandfecdstooS Lombard Robert, M 1) 159 Mulberry Sophia, shopkeeper 203 S 2d S, 145 N lOtli

Thomas, M 1) N W cor Spruce & 9tli William, chair mr 131 S 2d »

saddler 6 Gan-ij^ies ct shoemaker 247 S 6th wid Ehzabeth, mantua mr 138 Locust HaiTison George, navy agent 64 Dock d h 156 Chesnut Henry K apothecary d h 15 Fayette James, Mulberry near Juniper John, watchman 3 little Pine Richard G, engraver 62 Union Hart Abraliam L, music store 30 S 4th d h 70 S4th Charles, shoemaker 113 S 5th Curtes & CO, comb & fancy store 2 N 5th and Flannegan, plumbers 8 Walnut Hart G H, one of the editors of U S Gazette 68 Dock d h 1 Comptroller and Chandler, editors of tlie U S gazette John, shoemaker 235 Cedar John and sons, druggists 18 S 2d d h

195 MulbeiTv Naphtali, gent 70 S 4th Mrs Rachael, china store 164 S 3d Samuel, shopkeeper 30 Lombard S and CO, dry good store S W cor 4th

and Mulberry- William II, plumber 8 Walnut Wm, oak cooper 83 S Water d h 92 S Ft Wilham, innkeeper 33 Bread William H, mer d h 106 Mulberry widow, 37 Quince widow Esther, 70 S 4th Harte Mrs and Miss, voung ladies boarding

school 225 S l-Yont Haitley wdow, 55 New Hartman John, 9 Penn

Pliilip, shopkeeper 148 Sassafras Hartshorn Joseph, M D 272 MulbeiTy

Pattison, gent 304 Mulbeny Hartranft Michael, plasterer 393 Sassafras Harvey Charles, gentleman 373 High

Edward, accountant 117 N 11th

Gabriel, tailor Harmony ct

George N, hardware mer 62 N Front

d h Sassafi-as cor Chester ' George W, paper hanger 1 1 Pear Isaac, jr mer 266 Chesnut M & CO, dry good mers 58 S 2d Margaret, 85 S 11th Robert, tjiilor 106 Gaskill Samuel and sons, h ware mei"s 62 N Ft Samuel D gent S W cor 12th & George

Harvey Sarah, 11 Peai-

widow, Margaret, Broad ali Juniper Harwood L, mrr 2 N 4th d h Wood ab 5tli it t Ilascltinc Joiin, mer 10 S wharves Ilaskins George, accountant 71 Lombard

widow, gcMtw 302 Chesnut Haslet James, house carp 75 S 11th Hiislcy Charlos L, bar kr 293 High Hassell John, callendcrer 24 Crown

John, ladies shoemaker 181 N 2d Ilassen Joiui, carpenter 14 Sugar al Hassiiigcr David S, atty at law S W cor Mul- Ijerry and 4th d h 207 High Jonathan K, merchant 6 South al d h 207 High Hastings and Chester, carpet sto 111 Chesnut Jonas, Cliesnut ab 13th widow, 41 StrawbeiTy Hatcher Thomas, shoemaker Loxley's ct

widow Emma, 5 Watson's al Hatfield Adam, mer tailor 84 Vme Hathaway Geo, teacher N E c 13th & Locust Hathwcll George, comedian 7 little George Hatkinson Joseph, b h 29 Midbcny Hatton Sarah, teacher Jacoby ab Cherry Hause and M'Clelland, mers 80 High

William, mer d h 49 N 8th Haven Joshua, mer 38 S Front d h 178 S 3d

and Smith, mers 38 S Front Haverstick William, jr queenswarc &c store

250 High HavUand John, architect 26 N 5th John, plasterer 242 S 7th Hawkins Eli, Cherry ab 12th

William, saddler 7 Elfreth's al Hawks William, surveyor of damaged ships &c

2 Norris' al Hawley Abraham, house carp 303 S 10th

Mrs, gentw 78 S 11th Hay Wm Peter, engraver Smith's ct b of 117

N5th Haydock D, jr 4 Lodge

Robert, plumber 39 Strawberry d h

N E cor Spruce and 7tli Samuel, plumber 37 Strawbeiry d h

4 Lodge widow Susannah, gentw 4 Lodge Hayes I Austin, mcrch 93 S wharves d h 10 Franklin row S 9th P, merchant 10 Franklin row N W cor

9th and Locust Thomas, 67 Spruce Haynes Joseph, accountant 17 Pine Hays (leorge, weaver Pine ab 9th

Isaac, M D N E cor Sansom and 8th James, cabinet maker 165 N Front John, chair maker 21 N 9th J, plasterer Ad;uns bet 12th and 13th Robert, house carpenter 128 S 13th Samuel, mer 82 S Ft d h Chesnut ab 12th Samuel, grocer N W cor 11th &. George Samuel, 130 S 11th

Thomas, silk dyer and scourer 4 Cale- donian ct W^illiam, cabinet maker 282 High



Hays Wm, shopks S E cor George aod 11th Hazard David, uUor 3 Shield's ct

Samuel, edit Perm register 51 Filbert Hazlehurst Samxiel, gent 322 High Hazlet >Irs, Wagner's al Hazleton John, merchant 43 N 3d

Joseph, hatter 8 Harmony ct ]Hrs, 93 Georg-e Hazhtt David, tav keeper 11 Decatur Hazard Erskine, 35 Filbert Head Joseph, mansion house hotel 122 S 3d Headman Andrew, coach maker 7 N 8th A and J, coachmaki-s 370 High David, potter 7 N 8th George, potter 17 S 8th Jacob, coach maker 9 Prospect al WiUiam, watchnu- 9 Prospect al WillJam, coach maker 7 >( 8th William, potter 75 George Hearlett James, storekeepers 236 S 2d Heath Charles E, 143 High and 104 S 12th Charles P, recorder of deeds office 104 S 12th Heaton Mar)-, milliner 98 N 4th Hebbard widow, N 10th bel Castle Hebermecht Henrj-, saddler 25 Prune Heberton widow, 207 S 4th

John C, M D accoucheui' 115 S 5th witlow, 205 Mulberry Hebrew and Stans, 11 Chesnut

Synagouge, 1 Chei-ry Hebrews L B, d.ver 222 Lombard Hedrick John, moulder 12th bel Sassas E side Heed Jonathan, innkeeper 193 N 3d Heel Eli, acct 110 N 8th (back ct) Hefty F, mer 38 Chesnut HeicUeback Jacob, carpenter 157 N 3d Heinicht H E, tobacconist 146 S 11th Heines John, tobacconist 101 N Juniper Heiss William, acct UN 12th HelfFenstein Rev Samuel, of the German Re- formed church 39 N 4th Helling-s Mrs Rebecca, milliner 69 S 2d Helmbold Frederick, innkr and horse market 420 High

George, paper warehouse 191 S Ft Helmbold J K, paper maker 247 Cedar

wadow, M'Culloch's ct Helmuth Henr}' K, 6 N 11th

Wm S, M D Spruce bel 13th S side Hemble Wilham, jr merchant 17 N Front •^Hemmenway James, liair dresser and fancy

store 51 Pine HemmelwTight Samuel, Bread Hemphill James, merchant 19 S 7th John, merchant 114 S 3d Joseph, counselr at law 144 Chesnut Hemple Samuel, tobacconist 47 N 4th Samuel, weaver Perry Thomas, gentlemiin and ladies boot and shoemaker 16 GreenleaPs ct Henchman Adam, gro S E cor Sch 3d &. High Henckle Peter, acct N Chesnut near 6th E Henderson Guy, bookbr Baron cor Gaskill James, atty at law 59 S 2d John, Lombard cor of Sch 7th

Henderson John, Ann, near Sch 7th Joseph, 2 Meyer's ct Mrs Mar}-, dry good store 59 S 2d Stephen, gentleman 18 N 7th S J, att\- at law S W cor 5th and

Walnut d h 44 S 6th William, leecher 383 Sassafras widow Ehzabeth, 87 N Juniper widow Hannali, layer out of the dead 22 Bread Hendricks Taylor, Broad ab Spruce E Hendy widow Elizabeth, b h 55 S 7th Henly E, shopkeeper 4 N 2d Hemessey James, trader 9 Frombergers ct Henniss J, 7 Whitaker's row Hemion Sebastian, confectioner 118 High Henr)' Amelia, boarding house 74 S 6th Alexander, dry good store 8 S 2d Alexander, mer 192 High & 25 Minor George, weaver Ann bel 13th Henrj-, heut in U S na^y Zii S 13th Hugh, drayman Sassafras near Sch 8th Jane, N W cor of 7th and St Mary John, with Wm Henry 200 Lombard John, stone cutr S Juniper bel Chesnut John S, mer 120 S 8th Manuel, tobacconist 179 N 2d Peter, Lombard bel 12th Peter, painter and glazier 55 N 8th d h 2 Schriver's ct Henry T, shop N Chesnut near Juniper E William, potter Sch 4th near High AVilliam, coppersmith 200 Lombard William, blacksmith Green's ct widow, 223 Cherry widow, 179 S 5th Hensebnan Samuel, storekeeper 122 N 2d Henshaw William, 9 Marshall's al Henszey Joshua, clerk of High Market 46 Sassafras widow Margaretta, M'Culloch's ct Hent ValentiJie, laboitrer 136 Mulberry Heppard Hezekiah 11, innkr 46 N 6th

John, painter and glazier 67 S Front Thomas, 48 Vine Heppel Peter, 157 N 3d Herbst J G, tavern keeper 111 Sassafras Herils F, storekeeper 167 S 2d Herkness Adam, stone cutter Filbert ab 11th d h 22 N 9th and Smith, stone cutters Filbert ab Uth Herman widow Elizabeth, gentw 45 N 6th Hermstad Joseph,' book binder 7 Elbow lane

wid Catharine, Elbow lane Hemeissen widow, 21 N 7th Herrick Jonatlian K, merch9 S Water d h 92

S 5th Herring Robert, merchant 20 Chesnut Hertzog Peter, cor Crown and Sassafras Hess Abraham, Sassafras ab 13th

Benjamin, house carpenter 114 N 6th John, grocer S E cor Sch 8th and Vine John G, importer of French and Swiss goods 24 Chesnut



Hess Philp, grocer 392 Sassafras

and Pyatt, Rfroccrs 136 N 13th Samuel, S K cor Sch Hlh and Vine William, tin plate worker 22H \ inc William, ilnin-psl ^'ine• al) Scii Htli widow .Mar\-, S K cor Sell 8th Si Vine widow, 17H N 5th Hcsscr Daniel, stone cutter 149 N 6th d h 75

N 7th Hesson Rcrnaitl, High bet Sch 5th and 6(h Ilcston AVilliam, tlcputy sheriff 21 N yth

widow, 26 S 13th Hewitt Mrs, 40 Vine

'rhom;is, sea captain 11 Pine Thomas, mcrch 11 Pine William, gentleman 409 fligh Ilewiings Mrs, b school 289 Clicsmit Hcwsoi'i Tliomas, M D Walnut ab 9th Ilcwston John, carter 6 AcLims Ilcyl (icorgc, atty at law ami notary puldic S W cor Front and Walnut d h 25 N 7tli John, baker 106 N 2d W^illiara, di'uggist 205 High d h Mulberry Heyman Wayne, 13 Juniper lane Heysham Itobert, accf oust house &. 203 N 9tli Hibbcrt Thomas, Hour store S 13tli n Lombiu'd Hibkr Samuel, 95 High Hibbs Joseph M, bricklayer Fries ct Hickcy James, gi-occr 124 Locust Hickman Charles, Mulberry W of Sch 3d Hicks John, hduse c;u-pcnter Dean

Richard, house carpenter 21 Union Hied John, 394 Sassafius Hidelius Andrew, sea captain 67 Pine HideUus Charles, merchant 67 Pine Hleskell Thomas, City Hotel 43 N 3d Higbce Cluu'les, carpenter 13 llaspbeny al Higgins Joseph, shoj:) llaspberr}' al widow Hannah, 149 S 9 th Higginson, tiiilor 92 S 3d High David, innkeeper 150 N 4th

widow, tavern keeper 100 New Highlands Finley, stone cutN 10th dh Fries ct Hildebuni Samuel, watch and jewellery store

72 High d h 301 Walnut Hiles Peter, piano forte maker 24 Adams Hilger Louis, mer 73 S Front d h 119 AValnut

Wichght and co, mer 73 S Front Hill Charles, tailor S W cor Water and Mid- berr)' d h 100 N Front David, mer S W cor Chcsnut and S whs d h 29 N 5th Hill Fish and Abbe, Union Une packet office Chesnut fii-st wharf S James, liatter 3 Blackhorse al James, boot and shoemaker 154 S 11th John, bottler 3 Poar John, 158 Spnice Laetitia, 247 1-2 S 2d Martin, tobacconist 247 1-2 S 2d Mar}-, school 172 Locust Peter, mer 229 High U K, professor of music 9 Cypress al widow Filizabeth, niiUincr 110 N 3

Hillartl Mary, bonnet maker 11 Church al Hillier Thomas A, coach maker &c 40 Prune Hills Samuel, painter 2 Pntne llilman widow, teacher S 13tli n High Hilsee Jolin, tailor 89 S Water

Joseph, clothing store 140 S Water d

h 141 S Front WilUam, tjiilor 89 S Water llilson Mary, 1 Franklin row Hilt John, bricklayer ShcaflPs al Hilyard Abram, 10 N 6th

Sarah, gent 117 Lombard Himer Joseph, lab N K cor Seii 5tli &. Chcsnut Hinchman Ueiijamin, bookl)indcr 66 Vine John, gentleman 168 Sassafras Hindman F W, atty at law 71 N 6th

Rev Francis, prof of lang'e 71 N 6th Hinckle Peter, porter n Sch 7th Hinkle Adam, ship 'chandler 22 S wharves d

h 31 Sassafras •j-llinton F A, peifumer &. hair ch-esser51 S 4th Hippie Adam, lab Vine bet 11th and 12th

Jacob, storekeeper 38 1-2 N 4th Hire George, tav keeper S W cor Cheiry and

N Juniper Hirneisan wid Ann Maria, gentw 25 N 7th Ilirigoyen Peter, lamp manuf Goforth al Hirst) ames M, grocci 26 New

J M and co, gi'ocers 138 N 2d WilUam L, atty at law 34 S 6th Hitchcock J Irvine, teacher 82 N 2d

Richard, tailor 111 N 3d Hitner George, printer Peny bel Pine E Ilizet S, sho'maker 10 S 10th Hoare Robei-t ornamental painter and glazier

15 N 7th Hocker C M, stone cutter 220 Sassafras

C M & P Fritz, stone cutters 220 Sa^saf Samuel, weaver Lomliard bel 12th Hobbs Tliomas, shoemaker 75 N 3d Ilobson George, tavern keeper 1 Franklin ct George, mer 200 N 6th Jeremiah, shoemaker 114 S 11th J S and G, merchants 26 Chesnut R H, fancy store 147 Chesnut W T, diy good store 151 Walnut WilUam, trader 127 Cedar Hodge Andi-ew, gentleman 90 S 8th Hugh L, M D 181 Walnut John L, c house 89 S Ft d h 90 S Btli Hodges widow EUzabctli, gentw 133 Locust John C, carpenter 133 Locust J, matrass mr N W cor 7tli & Chesnut Robert R, storekeeper 42 N 4th Hodgson Wm, mer 125 Higli d ii 9 Palmyra r Wm, jr druggist 270 Mulbeny widow, 126 MulbeiTy Hoeckley C F, fringe weaver 173 Pine Hockley T, 158 S 10th Iloeth Chai'les, ch'j' good store 174 N 2d Hofficker John, constable c :NLarshalls al & 5th Hoffman Frederick, lab 14 Hoffman's al Henry, cooper Fearis' ct Jonathan, confectioner 158 N 3d



Hoffman Philip, baker 14 Chancery lane

wicl Mary, dealer is combs 262 Sassaf wid Susannah, gentw 166 Sassafras Hogan James, booksr & stationer 255 High

James, tavern keeper 138 S 4th Hogbin Jolin, tailor 11 Fromberger's ct Hogg George, saddler George ab 1 1th

Mi's J, mantua maker George ab 11th Hog^ict AugnstiLS, clock and vvatchmr SOS 4th Holahan Amos, tav keeper 195 Chesnut

Jacob, blacksmith and tav kr S 10th

N W cor Locust John, coach maker 70 Zane Holcombe B F, (h-uggist S E cor 2d & Key's al Holderness William, stable keeper 29 Union Holland Alexander, 100 N 11th

Charles, mer 28 Chesnut d h 220 Pine Nathaniel, hatter 58 S 2d Hollermann John F, mer 7 N 4th d h 143 High Holhday WiUiam, shopkeeper 192 S Water Hollingshead I^enjamin, conimis mer 4 S 4th d h 43 Mulberry Edmund, h carp 43 MufoeiTy Hugh F, 43 N Water d h 237

Mulberry Plat & CO, mers 43 N Water wJd Hannah, gentw 43 MidbeiTV HoUingsworth Chalkley, shoemr 19Elfreths al Henry, casliier of the bank of N America S 12th bel George Paschal, mer 70 S wharves d h

Washington square S side Samuel, cor Front & Lombard S and T G, mers 111 S wiiai'ves T, merchant 136 S 2d widow of Levi, gentw 16 Dock Holmes James, barber 368 Hig-h John, 15 S 4th John C, S 5th

Wm, shoemr between Sch 7th & 8th Zebulon, store keeper 28 Lombard Holt widow Mary Ann, tav kr 173 Chesnut Homan Abraham, cab maker 332 Sassafras Homman J C, professor of music 43 N 7th Honey George, house carp 70 N 11th Hood Albert, mariner 29 little Water

George, innkeeper Cheny first ab lOtli

lower side Ii'vine, mer S E c 2d & Mulberry d h

110 1-2 N Front John, grocer 4 High d h 16 Sassafras John, 98 N 5th

Mattliew, shopkr S W c Sch 8th & High Nathaniel P acct 142 N 8th Samuel, dry good store 369 High ' Sarah, 20 Mulbeny

Thomas, gentleman 29 Penn Hooker Heniy, tailor 5 Meyer's ct Hooper Thomas,* shoraaker Vaux's ct Hoopes Bernard, domestic ware li 37 N Ft

Thomas, iromnonger 209 High Hoops Benjamin, 24 S 13th Hoover Charles, D D 120 S 5th

Thomas, Filbert E of Sch 6th Hopkins David, attorney 321 Chesnut

Hopkins Edmund, 83 N 5tli

Howell, attorney at law 12 Prune Johns, sen gentleman 12 Prune Johns, jr merchant 12 Pi"une John, dealer in books 83 N 5th John, 114 S 8th Mrs, milliner 311 Walnut Mi's, boarding house 68 N 5th Nicholas, 304 Chesnut Robert, dry good store 182 S 2d Samuel, house carp 4 Starr al Mrs Sarah, b h 82 S 8th Thomas, tobacconist 290 High Thomas, h carp 13th bel Walnut wid, gentw Chesnut 1 door bel 11th Hopkinson Francis, atty at law 196 Chesnut Joseph, coun at law 196 Chesnut J, M D 196 Chcsmit WilHam, 12th bel Sassafras back Hopper Jeremiah, Adams W

Isaac T, tailor and tea store 33 Spnice Levis, accoimtant 120 Quince Hopton William, cordwainer 163 S 10th Horn Homy, silver plater High N W cor 5th d h 57 S 7th and Hoffman, bakers 1 Chancery lane John, coach mr S E cor 8th and T,ocust

d h 139 S 9th Jacolj, Schuylkill bridge hotel High Jacob, jr 128 CheiTy and Kneass, silver platers 184 High Peter, house carp Wright's al William, segar mr Say near Sch 8th Hombergcr Lewis, hatter 18 Jones' al Horburg J H, 111 Sassafras Homer Benjamin C, 26 N 3d John, mer 378 High Josepli P, hard w mer 47 d h 265 Ittgh

& ]\lartin, cb-uggists 26 N 3d William, M D 263 Chesnut and Wilson, mers 261 High widow Mary, gentw 62 N 3d Hornor & Cline, grocers N W c Sassafras & 9th Horner & Sliain, 125 High Horsey Joseph, book binder 64 Walnut Horstman William H, military store 48 N od

d h 68 Mulljerry Horton John, In-icklayer 20 Greenleafs ct Hoskins J, teacher 383 High

John G, gent 180 Mulberry widow Eleanor, gentw 180 Mulberry Houpt Jacol), gi-ocer 142 N 2cl House William, lampmr 1 Pemberton's al Houstan James, drayman Sch 8th n Vine Joseph, accountant 60 S 6th Mrs, 6 Sansom R, M D 308 Sassafras widow Ann, gentw dO S 6th How wid. Sell Front bet Sassafras & Mulberry Howarth Samuel, 80 N 7th Howell Abntham, M D 105 N 9th

Amos, coach maker S E cor N 8th &

MulljciTj' d \\ 66 N 8th Asher M, hardware mer d h S 9th Benjamin B, merchant 61 Pine



Howell Edwaitl W, gentleman 12 Prune Kzckicl, Uilor 20 CliciTy Fcnix, VVog'lom's ct IsniLl.ciirr'rlOZChcsnutdh 150 S 9lh .lolm, house carpenter 76 N 1 llU .loliii A, paper hang'ui' 7-1- N (")(h .lolin \i, l)otanic pliysician 74 N fitli jDsepli, leatlier iner d li 217 Spruce l.enuie!, carp and storekr 73 N 6tl\ Uichai-d L, 124 S 4tli and custom Iiouse •j-Ricluird, oyster house 6 Locust Itobert, boanUn}^- house 31 N 6th AVilhuni, 225 Spruce wid Elizal)eth, layer out of tlic dead

16 t'ressons al widow, fancy store 44 S 4th Howcrth Ann, 179 S 11th Howlet t;aUuu-lne, 43 N 4th Hubbard \Yni, jjrave digg'er in Friends biuy-

ing ground Sch 7th and Cheny Hubbell F W, atty at law AVali\ut bel 3d

H, atty at law Locust bcl 13th office 63 S 5tli Hubbcr Isiuic, liouse carp 6 Stampei-s al Ilubbs J, 8 Vaux's ct

raul K, 7 S 9th Hubbs & Montelius, domestic ware h 112 Ilig-li Huber H and F A, plated siuldlcry 40 N 3d and coach makei-s 158 Vine Henry, inspt of customs 125 N 6th Henry, jr coach mr 158 d h 160 Vine James, de])ty sheriff 84 Callowhill Tobias, tjdlow chandler 21 Coates' al d h 182 Vine HuckeU Jacob, dentist 29 Lombard Joseph, dentist >35 Pine Robert, tailor 164 S Front William, gentleman 164 S Front Huddle widow llebeccti, gentw 208 Spruce Hudson Edward, M D 133 Walnut James, t;ulor 22 Swanwick William, storekeeper 270 Mulljeny Huff John, shoemaker 13th ab Cherry

Jonathan, tiilor 2 Fromberger's ct Hiiffnagle Jolui, mer 197 d U 429 High Hufty Joseph, innkeeper llugg George, W, liv stab keeper 5 Lombard

Henr}-, clotliing store 30 Higli Hug-gins Benjamin, sea captain 88 S Front John, slioi)keeper 9 Franklin ct Samuel, morocco manuf 2 1-2 N 3d Hughes George, chair maker 6 Peai*

James, grocer 75 S whs d h 2 Pine James, grocery and boarding house

cor Lombard and Penn John, cotton manuf 382 High John, lab ChciTy ab 11th John, victualler 23 Fnuiklin ct Mary, teacher 160 S 3d Maiy, school 91 S 8th Neil, ostler 7 South al S, house carp 40 Ciu-penter Mrs Sidney B, boarding h 4 Sansoni Thomas H, muiuncr Prospect al

Huglies William, cabinet maker 139 S 6th Huganian D L, 22 Mank Hului Daniel, brickniaker 343 Sassafras Daniel, jr carpenter 343 Sassafi-as lliilit Jolin, weaver 183 N Front llidfish Kiizabetli, !)oarding h 202 Sassafras

Ellas 15, tobac 11 1-2 High dh 14N Ft Hulier Joiin L, musician 29 F'ilbei't Hulings William E, M 1) 264Chesnut Hull A G, M D 28 N 8th *

Mary, 59 Dock Hulme '["honias, gentleman 325 Walnut Humes John, Hour inspector 130 S 8th

Thomas, slioemaker N Broad n Vine Humphrey Gideon, M U 215 S 5th Humphreys A Y, paper hanging w h 21 S 3d James Y, playing card manuf 86

S Front d h 182 S 3d John, confectioner 48 N Front Joshua, house cai'p Ann n Sch 8th Richard, 32 Swanson Solomon, keeper of High st bridge widow, tailoress 7 Franklin ct Mrs B, house 103 Walnut Huneker J, chair maker 59 N Front Hunt David, accountimt 58 Vine

Humphrey, cabinet maker 155 S 5th James, acct 3 Pennsylvania avenue Paul, morocco dresser 12th ab Pine Samuel, liv stable keeper 16 Bank Uriah, bookseller 147 High dh 106 N4th William, Cherr}' ab Jacoby William, bottler 67 N Front William, mer 18 Chesnut d h 98 S 3d Hunter, skin <h"esser Sch 8th n Vine James, storekeeper 157 N 2d John, carter Sassafi-as bet Sch 8th &

Broad J, teacher Mercer Robert, tailor 6 Littleboys ct William, house carp 13th ab Pine E William, shoemaker PeiTy widow, Che iTy near llth widow Rachael, gentw 98 S 5th widoM", Sassafras n Sch 8th Huntley John, house carp Cressons ct

Robert, harness maker 5 Rapiu's ct Huntt C S, U S navy Spruce bel 13th Huptield Cliarles, musician 26 N 10th Hupp Jacob, chaser and dye sinker 1 Quany Hm'ley Rev Michael, pastor of St Augustine

cli 47 Crown Hurst Alfred,acct Locust ab 12th

Edward, atty at law and notaiy public

office 59 Dock d h Locust W 12th John, gi'ocer 10 Cresson's al Jonathan H, atty at law Locust ab lltli William, labourer 32 S Water Hurtill Jolm V, printer 100 S 2d Huston Mrs Phoebe, thy good store 122 S lOtU O, tav keej)er 163 Locust liobci-t, M 1) 8th ab Mulberiy Hutchesou John, weaver 6 Juniper lane



Fliitcheson Thomas, tav keeper 14 N 10th Hutchins Hcmy J, loan office 232 Sassafras M.ison, 32 Church al Read J, 232 Sassafras Hutchinson Benjamin P, stock and exch brok 48 Walnut d h 113 Pine James H, tav keeper Locust bet

Dean and Quince John, bnckh- 11 Meyer's ct n 6th Jolin, tailor 145 S 12th Joseph, house carp 146 S 7th Mahlon, mcr 61 N 2d Randall, prothonotary dist court of the city & county of Philadel- pliia d h Walnut 1st ab 11th S Samuel, watclimaker 158 High wid Marg-aret, gentw 31 N lOtli Huth Charles, oysterman 130 Sassafras Hutton David, teacher cor 3d and Union d h 5 Sliield's ct Miss Maria, g-entw 11 Powell Rosanna, S ytli bel Lombard Samuel, accountant 9 ReUef al WiUiam, tailor 112 N 4th Hyde Isaac, chair maker S Juniper ab Spruce William, bokbinder and stationer 71

Chesnut d h Bank widow Maiy, gentlewoman 85 Locust Ilychick Georg-e, house cai'p 34 St Mary Hyle George, sailmaker Shield's ct Hylct Sarah, spinster 195 Pine Hyneman C, shopkeeper 56 N 2d

Elias, shoplceeper 56 N 2d Jonas, Leiper's ct

Idler Jacob, mer 144 N 8th Imbrie James, mer 14 S Front d h 67 Spruce Imlay J B_, mer 39 N Water d h 93 N 6th Immel Elizabeth, gentw 76 N 3d

Jacob and co, storekeepers 76 N 2d Ingersoll Charles J, coun at law 130 Walnut Charles, atty at law 110 S 4tli Edward, atty at law 159 Walnut Joseph R, coun at law 77 S 4th John, acct 137 Sassafras Ingleman Daniel W, watclmian Cheny n Sch

8th Ingles Joseph, S 12th n Lombard

Joseph L, treasurer to Frankford and Bristol. road ar.d secty to Insurance company of Pennsylvania 104 S 3d Ingraham Daniel, confectioner Sch 5th neai- Chesnut Edward D, atty at law 116 Walnut Ingram Thomas, tailor Vine bet 10th & 11th Inskeep John, president of the Ins company of Noi-tli America 233 Spruce Joseph, 145 S 3d Thomas, plasterer 34 Chester

Inslcc J A, hotel Chesnut

Ireland Alphonso C, h carp city regulator &

measurer of cai-ps work 27 Powell ,

James, bottler 121 New Irick Catharine, confectioner 114 Spruce i

Clii-istopher, 176 S 6th Irvine C, 42 S 13th

Ca] lender, commissary gen U S army 431 High Irwin James, tailor 37 N 3d J, com]} store 12 arcade J H, 194 Midl^eny John W, gent 115 Lombard widow, 115 Pine Isaacs Joseph M, shoemaker 174 S 2d

Joshua, school 174 S 2d Isleton James, tobacconist 96 N 3d J

Israel Abraham, sexton to the Hebrew church 1 back of 1 Cherry M E, merchant 32 Wahiut Ivanlioft' Theodore, consul-general of Russia

70 Walnut Izard Mi's Alice, gentw 307 Spruce

Jack C J, atty at law 144 Vine

William, cai'penter 73 George Jacjfson Andi-ew, inspector of the customs 289 Walnut Charles, inspector of the customs

217 Walnut and Baggott, glass ware h 23 Dock James, house cai-p 12 Pennsyl avenue James and co, grate & fender manuf

50 Cherry J G, domestic w house 30 N Front John, gent 8 S 10th John, gent S 12tlx bel George E Jolm, Spruce ab 12th f Joshua, Pleasant avenue Plioebe^ shopkeeper 51 Pine Richard, tailoc N 5th 2d d ab Mulby Samuel M D, N E cor 7th & Walnut Thonias, acct at the wardens office

d h Lombard bel 3d Washing-ton, h'on mer 39 N Front

d h 109 S 3d WiUiam, gent 132 Spruce Jacobs Alexander J, mer 100 N 2d J, teacher 177 S 7th Phihp, c^lector 40 Crown Thomas H, mer 19 Dock Jahns Cluistian, patent wall colourer and

painter 92 N 9th Jaggers William, constable 120 N Front James Jacob, silk dyer 34 Bread

Jeremiah, mer tailor 212 High John, comb maker 80 Vine John, gent 115 N 5th Joseph, gent 201 Pine



James M, bleeder 159 N 6Ui

Otto, c;il) niuk 121 S 3d and GG S 4th Koberl, hruslnnaker IS X Gtli -j-widow Sal-all, wlutcwr 234 Lombard Tlionias A, acct 11 Norris' al Tliomas C, M 1) profcs of midwifery 7 York building's W;dmit Jamieson John, cabinet and clvairmr 75 Dock

WiUiam, dyer 47 N 7th Jammare Peter, liattcr 1 Uapin's ct Janiinay A K, storckr S E c I<omb;u-(l{& 9tli Janeway Rev JacoI> J, pastor of tiie 2d Pres- byterian cliiircli 185 ,Miiib'.-iTy Janner Abi-aiiam, shoemaker Cypress al Janiiey Israel, jr morocco and fancy leather

store 12 N 3d d h 121 Sassafras January Hannah, drj' good store 86 N5th

wid Ann, layer out of dead 86 N 5th Jardella, eng-raver in Marble Fries ct

Andrew 15, sculptor and engraver in Marble 162 S Uth Jardcn John, stone cutter 346 Sassafras and the N W cor of Cedar and Front d h 3d bel Spruce J, stone cutter 226 S Front Robert, chocolate manuf 154 N 3d Samuel, stone cutter 391 Sassafras Jardon Samuel, laboiu'er back of 198 Cherry Jaudon A G and co, mers 8 S wharves

A G, mer d h 253 Spruce Janvier William, thy good mer 85 High Jeanes Edmund, storekeeper 25 N 11th d h

21 Montgomery square Jeans Amos, lumber mer S W cor Sch Front

and High JeflPerson Joseph, comedian 14 Powel

Med college, S 10th ab Walnut Jeflries George, coach mr S 5th d h 169 Pine James, coach spring mr 82 Locust John, soap and candle manuf 25 Union Mj'S, corset maker 5 S 6th and Nuttle, coach mrs S 5th bel Pine ■j-Willlam, waiter 216 Lombard JefTry John, muffin mr 5 Appletree al Jenkins Abisha, captain Philada steamboat 28 Sassafras Charles F, mer d h 31 Key's al John G, bookbinder Liberty ct n Vine Joseph, trader 7 Lactitia ct Matthew C, capt of steamboat New

Castle d h 28 Sassafras Samuel, hose manuf Mulberry oppo the prison Jenks and Downing, mer 76 S wharves

Joseph R, flour mer 76 S whar\'es d h 5 Vine Jennings John, auctioneer and commis mer 36 N Front d h Chcsnut bel 12th S Susan, bonnet maker 62 Sassafras and Thomas, auctioneers and commis mers 36 N Front Jess Ruth, bonnet maker 1 Church al G

Jewell George, boot and shoemaker Locust alj Juniper John 1{, mer <1 h 25 S 10th John M, jKiintcr & glaz 72 Chesnut Kennctli, mer tailor 7b S 3d d h N W cor 3d and Walnut Johncs Charles, 9 Church al Johns David, inn kr sign of the White Horse Wilmington stage office 4 Bank J, mason 111 Lombard Johnson Adam, tallow chandler 467 Sassafras IJenjamin, Gamgiies' ct IJenjamin, oyster house 59 Jones' al C li, 61 S Front Caleb, iron store and coal yard cor

High and Sch 7th d h 19 Sansom Charles, jr S E cor 10th & Lombard Charles, printer back of 53 High (;harles, house carpenter Dean Charles, printing ink manuf N W cor

10th and Lombard David, weaver Filbert E of Sch 7th David, storekeper S 11th bel Pine f Francis, musician 154 Pine Francis, cabinet maker 80 Vine James, weaver Adams bet 12th ik. 13th f James, painter & glazier 265 Spruce J, 157 Lombard J, teacher 199 Pine J G, 201 Lombard Jcflcrson, shoemaker 26 Watson's al John, shoemaker 110 N 4th John, Sassafras bet Sch 7th & 8th John, diy good N E cor 2d & High John, grocer 35 N 5th Jolm, iron founder North Broad bet

Cheny and Mulberry John, regidator of weights & mea- sures 1 Norris's al d h 3d n Catha- rine Joseph, ship chandler 77 S wharves

d h 184 Chesnut Josiah, letter earner 22 little George J, tavern 16 S 5th L, stereotj-pe foimder 146 Chesnut M and E, dry good store 28 N 4th Mary, Blackbeny al Peter, N E cor Cherry and 13th and Morris, iron store and coal yard

S W cor Sch 7th and High Philip, N E cor 13th and CheiTy Randlill, sea captain 21 Cedar Randle, S W cor Penn and Pine R, Pleasant avenue Mrs R, boarding house 149 S 3d R B, turner in general 63 Walnut Robert C, iron store 69 and 71 N

Water dh 115 Vine Samuel, sawyer ShcafT's al f Samuel, shoemaker 226 Lombard Samuel, boot and shoemaker 5 S 6th Stephen, shoemaker 25 Lombard



Johnson and son, printing ink manuf N W cor 10th and Lombard Thomas, tav keeper 77 S Water Thomas, shoe store 332 High and Thaclier, shoe store 104 High and Ting-ley, w sale dry good mers

179 High William, carter Sassafras n Sch 8th William, trunk maker 181 N Fi'ont William, blacksmith Nonnater's ct b of 280 MuUjcny William B, shoe store 104 High d h 281 Sassafras William H, tav kr Chesnut st wharf William T, tailor 360 1-2 High William P, trcas of the New Theatre

81 Lombard William, shoemaker 14 StaiT al widow, seams S Juniper bel Chesnut widow, 25 Sassafras al wid Margaret, Vine 2d door ab Broad widow Sarah S, 176 Mulbeny Johnston A W, gent 5 York buildings

Thomas, 196 S 4th Jolly Levin, Pleasant avenue Jones A, printer 391 Sassafras Abraham, 12 Cresson's al Andi-ew M, iron mer 17 S wharves Anson, M D 28 N 8th Aquilla, 263 Mull>eiTy Mrs Arabella, gentw 187 Walnut Benjamin, engraver 47 Chesnut d h 50 Wahiut

Benjamin, glazier 7 Cedar Benjamin, iron store 17 S wharves d h

267 Chesnut Benjamin, jr mer 211 d h 234 S Front Charles, teacher 308 Sassafras & Broad

ab Sassafras Charles, hosier 60 S 2d d h 76 Vine & Carson, gi'occrs N ]5road ab Sassafras David, Richardsoii's ct David, hatter, 128 N 2d David, house carp Non-is' al n 2d Elijah, bricklayer Bradey's ct Evan, tav kr N W cor Chesnut & Front George D, cabinet mr 62 S 4th d h 2

Library George W, sign & ornamental painter

51 Chesnut Isaac H, tobacconist 169 N Front Isaac and son, tobacconist 169 N Front Isaac, call mr 77 N Front d h Smith's ct Isaac C, importer &,c 84 High d h 263

Mulbeny Isaac C Oakford and co, importers of

dry goods 84 High Isaac R, dry good store 20 N 2d •Tacob C, merchant 14 N 4th Jacob, accountant 7 Church al Jacob, storekr S W cor Vine and 9th {Jones Jacob, waiter 242 Lombard

Jones James A, editor of the National Palla- dium and Freemans Journal 36 Wal- nut d h 98 S 4th Jesse, 140 N 3d John, dyer 102 1-2 Mulberry d h 27

Filbert John, shoemaker 25 N 6th John, saddler 5 Hoffman's al John, attendant at the Pluladelphia In- surance office d h John M, gentleman 20 S 8th Joseph W, merchant 20 N 2d Joseph, merchant 415 Mulberry Joshua, Uvery stable keeper N W c 9th

and High and Mott, commis mers 22 S Front Mordecai, suspender mr 16 Strawbeiry Mrs, 168 S 3d Mrs, George ab 8th S M D, 310 Chesnut Nathan, gentleman 58 S 2d N & C, hoisery sto 60 S 2d cor Chesnut Nathan, jr hoiseiy store 60 S 2d d h90

Union Mrs Noble W, gentw 297 Spruce Philip, umbrella maker 220 S 7th Samuel, accountant 13 S 6tli Sanniel, 263 Mulberry Samuel, cabinet mr Juniper bel Walnut Samuel W, mer 103 d h 154 N Front Susannah, shop 15 S 10th Thomas, mer 25 S 2d Thomas, grocer 126 S 8th T P, professor 60 S 5th William, shopkeeper 26 N 4th William, house carp Wilson's ct W D, store keeper 25 N 2d Watkens, mariner 20 Cypress al William H, 29 S Front Wm, com mer 22 S Ft d h Mulberry William, cabinet mr 26 N 4tli William, japanner of clock dials and manuf 50 S Front d h 24 Strawberry William, collec of the revenue 27 Pine widow, 127 Locust widow Catharine, gentw UN 12th widow Elizaljeth, 26 N 4th widow Jane, b house 79 Walnut Jordan G W, shoe store 230 High John, grocer 123 N 3d Thomas, accountant 4 Libraiy Jordan Thomas W, shoemaker 1 Morgan's ct Joyce John J, blacksmitli 79 N 4th

Tliomas, lilacksmitli Sheaff's al Jubart Peter, jeweller 2 Gaskill Jump Heniy, printer Dean Justice Charles, boot & shocmr 474 Sassafras Justice George M, hard w mer 149 High d h 213 N 4th G M and G K, h ware mers 149 High George W, porter of the Commercial

bank 27 Coates' al William, house carp Sliicld's al



Kaichcr Samuel, Sch 6tli near Cherry Kane Ilernuiil, sliocmr Sassafras n Sell 8l\\ Elislia, nicr Jit Walnut Jolui K, alty at law lUU S 4tli Karr Saiimcl, cdHl-cIoi- I'viry l)rl Mudd (J K Katcz J, book l)iMdci- 13 Libnuy d h S K cor yth and ClK-riy Michai-1, blac.ksh ik bell hanger 28 N 7tli William, blacksmith oO N "7th widow Dorothy, g-cntw 30 N 7tli Kay Ik-nj, grocer 202 N ^^'ater and 205 N Vt P'rancis, gui'dcncr Widimt ^V ofSch 8tUN Kay J L, capt;iin 113 Lombaixl printer 209 Sassaft-as Mrs Martha, ijcntw 123 Lombard Kays William, cooper Smith's ct Kayscr J C, mer 192 liigii d h 19 Elizabeth Kean Mrs, 177 S 5th

Kearney F, en^-aver 16 Library d h 59 S 7tli Keating John, gentleman 183 S 5th

Jerome, enquu-e of Boric and Lagnic- renne

Peter, Cherry bet Sch 5tli and 6th Thomius, waiter 127 Pine Keatting Lambert, innkeep 2 Harmony ct Keel Chi'istian, shop 79 Locust

Jacob, cabinet mr Cresson's al John, lab back of 324 Sassafras Keeler John, gentleman 98 Sassafras Keemle Isaac A, scrivener 25 N 4th

Samuel, atty at law N E cor Chcny

and 4th widow, 79 N 3d Keen Charles, shoemaker 52 Mulberry

Charles, bricklr Adams bet 12th & 13th Harman, tailor 10 S Water d h 7 Chesnut J, 247 S 7th

James C, boot and shoemaker 80 S 3d Joseph and sons, cm-riers 61 Chesnut William W cumer d h 31 Chesnut widow Sarali, 147 S 9th Keesey William, tiiilor 103 N 8th KefFcr George, shoemaker 123 N Front Kehoe D, grocer N E cor High and 9th KeifF Joseph, silver smith 14 N Front Keighler Catharine, shopkeeper 88 N 5th Keill John, tailor Mint ct Keim Jacob, coppeqilate printer 187 Cherry Keitii Robeii:, cigar mr & hair di'csscr 97 N 2d Samuel, president of the Delaware insu company 231 S J'"ront Kelch WiUiam, gilder 156 N 2d Keliskey Frederick, Key's al n 2d Keller Com-ad, tinplate worker 64 N Front George, 17 Crown

George, shoemaker b of 392 Sassafras Herman, tin plate worker 177 S 3d . Kelley Corn's, shoemr Cheny bet 1 1th & 12th Daniel, dealer Centre square S AV Daniel R, tailor 54 N Front EdwiU^l, t;vv keeper Gveenleaf ct Edward C, th-iver High W of Sch 6th George, grocer George ab 10th Hannali, boarding house 103 High John W, shopkeeper 90 N 2d

Kelly J, shopkeeper Fine ab 9th

Thomas shoe and trunk store 70 High

d h 301 Chesnut Kclsey Ann, tailoress Randall's ct Kelsh James, weaver 26 Coombs' al

harness maker S 5tli Kemble Charles, book I^inder 26 (barter's al Charles, oak coojjcr 11 South al d h

221 High Geoi-ge, saddler 37 Coates al George, boot and shoemr 84 S 3d Kcmmey Adgar, 123 Siissafros Kemper Rev Jackson, assistant minister of

Christ &c churches 72 S 5th Kempton Moses, mer 43 1-2 N Front d h 188

N 4t]l N L

Kendall Christopher, mer 140 Sassafras Hcmy, accountant 140 Sassafi"as Jessee, printer 4 Trotter's al widow, 79 S Water Kench'ick David, innkeeper 329 High

George, weaver Vine ab Sch 8tli Kennard Robeit, accoiuitant 43 N 3d Kennedy Ann, mantua maker 181 S 11th

Benjamin, tav keeper 83 S Water David, tav kr S E cor Walnut & yth Mrs E, school 5 Howard's ct Isaac P, const:ible Pine ab 10th James, lottandcxch broker 33 S 3d and CO, lott and cxch broks 33 S od John, shopkeeper 48 N 4th John, 293 Walnut Peter, blacksmitli Willings al d h 7

Cypress al Robert, gentleman 119 N 9th Samuel, hou & sign painter 41 N6th S C, ironmonger 70 N 2d Thomas, sea captain 265 S Front AVilliam, boot & shoemr 46 Spruce widow, Lomljard bel 13th Kenney John, pi-inter S W cor Chesnut & 2d Thomas, Marks lane widow, 39 S Juniper Kensingcr widow, boarding house 9 N 13th Kenton widow Ann B, gentw 155 Cherry

wid Eliza C, shopkr c 8tli &. Sassafras Kenworthy Jolm, painter and glazier 3 S 7th

d h 10 N 8th Kenyon Henry, quarantine mr Indian queen S

4tli Kcogh Patrick, grocer cor of 3d and Vine Keppele widow Catharine, gentw 262 Walnut Ker Thomas, 119 Mulberry

William, rope maker and ship chandler S E cor of Sassafras and Water and 84 S wharves d h 119 Mulbei-ry widow of Joseph, gentw 119 Mulberry widow, 8 Myei-'s ct Kerby Ann, shop 280 High Kerforth Geo, shoe mi' Sch 8th ab Sassafras b Kern Geoi-ge, livery stable kr George ab 6th G jr & CO, clotliing sto 123 1-2 S Water

and 173 S 2d G, jr clothing store 123 1-2 S Water d h 126 S Front



Kern J, tav keeper 7th bel High W J G, shopkeeper 173 S 2d Jacob, musician 285 High John, deputy collector 37 Crown William, shopkr High E of Sch 3d S Kerr James, saddler 120 Higli

William, saddler 11 N 5th Kerrs Thomas, N W cor 13th and Mulbeny Kesselman widow Susan, 166 S 2d Kessler Samuel, S Juniper ab Spnice Kester William, 23 N Front d h 50 Sansom Ketler John, plasterer 13 Strawberry Kett Jacob, superint of coal company Jones' al Keys Rev Abraham J, 118 Sassafras

John, stone mason Sch 6th ab Chesnut W Keyser Andrew, dry good store 36 N 2d Jacob, tavernkeeper 216 High Joseph, grocer. 195 N 2d Mrs Ann, mantuamr b of 184 Lombard Elhannan W, lumber mer 133 N 9th J and J, grocer 195 N 2d Samuel, di-over Sassafras n Sch 8th Kibler Joseph, brush maker 104 N 3d Kid Robert, copper mer 91 Walnut

Robert C, coachmaker Yoi'k ct c Kilch James, saddler 3 Prune Kille Aaron, mer 43 1-2 N Ft d h 21 Vine n e and Kempton, mcrs 43 1-2 N Front John, George ab 10th Killion Francis, gi-ocer 60 N 8th Killegan Maiy, Sugar al Kilme Charles, bookbinder 44 StrawbeiTy Kilpati'ick M, house carp b of 5& Lombard Kimball Charles, cooper 41 N 6th Kimber Caleb, printer S W c 5th and Cherry d h 46 Chester C, factory George n Sch 2d and Carpenter, hat store 124 High Emmor, jr hatter 124 Market d h 105

York road and Sharpless, booksellers and pub- lishers over 8 S 4th Thomas, bookseller over 8 S 4th d h 216 Mulberry King C and F, mers 48 S whs d h 76 S Front Daniel C, brass founder 76 S Front Edward, president judge of court of

common pleas 208 S 3d Henry, sea capt 179 S Front John, cooper 88 Vine John, gardener Ann n Sch 7th John, gold beater S W cor Walnut and Dock Kingston Stephen, 59 S 4th Kinnan John C, turner 62 Dock Kinsey Edmund, gent 27 Caller's al

widow, tailoress 1 Castle Kinsley George, back of 96 N 13th Jacob, 96 N 13th

John, brickmr Scli 6th bel Walnut Kinsnvan Israel, mer 359 Arch store 4 Frank- lin place

Kinsman Micliael, mer 33 N Ft d h 82 Mulberry Kintzing Adam, labom-er Cedar n Sch Ivintzing Abraliam, sen 119 S 9th

Abraham, jr Chesnut n Broad Margaret, dry gd sto Walnut bel 9th Kirk Charles H, 153 Chciry

Isaac D, glasscuttcr 114 N 3d Joshua, 7 Meyer's ct Miss Priscilla, 129 N 5th William, brickmaker 21 Perry Kirkham, Wilham, dry good store 7 S 4th Kirkpatrick David, cun-ier 97 Chesnut . Kirshaw and Deane, woolen manuf 8 Minor Kitchen James, 39 Spmce

James, jr M D 39 Spruce Uriah, teacher 51 S 6th n Walnut ab 9t]i Kite Benjamin and Thomas, booksellers and stationers 20 N 3d Isaac S, Rooking glass frame maker 24

Branch James, cabinet maker N 2d n Race d h

20N3d Joseph, jr printer 20 N 3d Joseph S, keeper of Prune st prison Nathan, accountant 20 N 3d Thomas, bookseller and stationer 20 N

3d d h 137 High William, carpenter Vine ab Broad Kittera Thomas, counseller at law 140 Walnut Kittei'son William, brickmr Sch 3d n High Kittinger Leonard, innkr 18 N 4th Klemm J G, piano forte and music ware h

287 1-2 High Kline John, watchmaker 98 N 3d

John, superintendant N E cor Chesnut

and Sch 8th Nicholas, 91 N 7th Klosser Henry, gentleman 296 Chesnut Klotz Charles, teacher F L 97 Pine Kneass Christian, silver plater 19 Filbert Frederick F, saddler 19 Filbert Michael, plane maker b of 4 Decatur

d h 67 S 5th William, engraver and die sinker for the U S mint oS S 4th Kneedler Adam, innkeeper 139 N 3d Knight Ceplias, bookbinder o6 Zane

Daniel, sen house cai-p 172 Cherry Daniel R, house carp 194 Cherry Jessee J, coach painter 17 Jones' al James, innkeeper 10 S 5th John, cabinet maker 28 Midbeny Samuel, impoi-ter of hard w & cutlery

91 High d h 202 Mulberry Wm, sailing master U S navy 275 S Ft Knipe Conrad, grocer S E cor 5th and Vine Knorr Edmund, clothi'.ig store 39 N 4th George, baker 19 N 6th George, printer 4 Shepard's al George, ehoemaker 18 Bank Henry, 137 Locust Jacob, gentleman 117 N 5th



Knorr James, jeweller 113 S llfli

Siumicl, hatter 128 N 2cl Knows Jacob & son, shocstorc S W cor Front ami Hi};;-li Jacob, shocstorc S W cor Front and nigh d li 69 Crown Knox and Hog-g^, merchants 201 Hig'h Jacob, confectioner 133 S Qth John, merchant d h 299 Chesnut J K, M 1) 68 S 7ih Koakbcrg-er CMiarles, blacksmith Clever al Kochler 'I'liomxs, coacli painter 11 Fdizabeth Kogle Charles, tailor 5 Ilartung-'s al Koluie Kivdk, j^cnt Chesnvit oil door W lOtli Konigmachcr &. co, hardware mcrs 141 High Samui^l, hanlwarc mer 1-11 High d h lO-i MulbeiTy Konkle MathiaE, stevadore 1 Fetter lane Konkle wid Charlotte, scams 292 Lombard Koockogev Jolin, wliip and cane manuf"7 N

od d h 23 Sassafras :d Korckhaviss H, fun-ier 55 N 3d d h 62 New Kom Henry, lace Sc fringe weaver Sc fcatlaer

store 22 N 3d Krafft Grcsham, watchm .n 60 Union Heniy, ladies slioemr 110 S 2d Kraft George, cabinet maker 94 N 7th

J C, hatter 14 Uasi)bciTy Ivrail Emanuel, hair dresser N W cor Walnut

and 2d d h 1 Elmslie's al Kreemer Jacob, mathemat instru mr 4 N 8th Kreider widow, 301 Sassafras Krepps 8c Chamberlain, cor Spruce and 2d Kreymborg John B, quill manuf 95 S 2d Krips Mrs, 171 S 2d KroU Eai-nest, 28 AValnut

Peter, Juniper bet Locust and Prune Krug Frederick \, acct 175 High d h 65 New Krumbhaar Lewis, mer 217 High

W and L, dmggists 217 High Kuemmerlen John U, barber d h Black-horse

al n 2d shop 1 Laetitia ct Kuhl Henry, casliier of the Fai'mers and Me- chanics bank 108 S 8th Kuhn Charles, gentleman 253 Walimt Daniel, dealer 2 Laetitia ct Francis, gent Chesnut 2 doors bcl tlie

Academy of Fine Arts and French, store krs 34 and 35 Arcade George K, storekr 34 and 35 iVrcade d

h 31 Sansom Hartman, gentleman 134 Chesnut Jacob, shoemr b of 290 Sassafras Misses, 51 N 10th William, shoemaker 2 Laetitia ct d h

15 Jones' al William, coach painter Nonnater's ct b

of 282 MulbeiTy widow, S Juniper ab Locust widow Elizabetli, 54 Crown Kulp George, Sch 6tli bel "Walnut Kurtz Israel A, hatter 49 N 4tli Montgomcrj', 4 Locust

Kyle Conrad, labourer Say n Sch 8th

David, mer N W cor 10th and Mulberry'

Labbe V C, teaclier of dancing Wxslungtoii

hall S 3d ab Spruce W I^abullette Adolph, tailor 8 Fromberger's ct Lace William, gentleman 17 S 7th Lacey Anthony, carter Chesnut W Sch 8tli Edward, malstcr 20 Swanwick Parnell, washerwn Mulljeny n Broad Peter, lab N W cor Sch 6th & Chciry Return, brickmr Chesnut VV Sch 8th Lacombc Peter, wine & tb-y good sto 232 S 2d Ladd wid of Samuel, Filbert bet Sch 7th &. 8tJi Lafavres P, boiutUng liouse 20 Strawberry Lalfeity Edward, labourer Prosperous al

Edward, 221 S Front Lafitte A, teacher Spruce bel 3d Laforgue Lewis, merchant 314 Sassafi-as

wid Bridget, gent 314 Sassafras LafoiTcst J A, storekr cor Perry and Spruce Lafoui'cade Peter M, printer and stationer N

W cor of 2d and Sassafras Laguerenne P L, mer 59 S Ft d h 264 Walnut Lagin James, 7 Henckle's ct Laird Michael, tallow chandler 137 Lombard

William, tobacconist 102 N 3d Lajus Paul, confectioner 64 High d h 165 Pine Lake David, sexton of St George ch 118 New

Joseph, cab maker 11th bel Mulberry Lamaric E, haii* di-esser 10th 2d d ab Walnut Lamb Lemuel, prest of Mechanics bk 26 S Ft Lambdin J K, portrait painter 206 Walnut Lambert Eh, shoemr S 10th bel Pine

and Ma} beriy, w sale mer 23 High, Lame Joseph, cooper Lombard bet 9th & 10th Lammott Daniel, mer 267 S Front Lancaster J B, 66 S whs d h 10 Comptrolleff & Jenkins, dry gd mers 35 N 2d John, lumber mer d h 176 N 4th Thomas, grain mer 66 S wharves d

h 114 Lombard Thomas &, son, grain mers 66 S wha Lance John, oyster cellar under 7 S 6th d h

18 Swamvick Land John, hatter 234 S 2d Landis David, back of 189 Cheny Landreth D and C, nursery and seedsman 85

Chesnut and Fedei-al n U S arsenal Landsdown J P, tailor 160 S Front Lane Edward, accountant 141 S 9th

Jesse, cai'penter Pine bet 12th and 13th blacksmith Nicholson Lang George, mer 33 N 8th

Jane, dry g'ood store 35 N 8th John C,'mer 67 S 1th d h 1 N 12th Lange John G, baker 26 Jones' al Langstroth John G, paper manuf 31 d h 415

High Lapsley David, sen gent 144 Mulberry



Lapsley David, jr carpet ware house N W cor of High and 4th d h 115 S 8th Joseph B, carpet warehouse 23 S 2d d h 217 Chesnut Lara Peter, brickmr Wahiut W of Scl\ 4th Lai'er Jolui, brewer 50 N 6th

widow, 50 N 6th JLarg-e James, mer 31 Chesnut dh 298 MiUby Lai'ge John, gentleman 304 Mulben-y

%vidow Dorothy, g-entw 167 Walnut Larkins Patrick, weaver Say Laroche R, M D 215 Walnut Lassalle S B, iron foundery High E of Scl\.7th

d h 51 S 13th Latimer -j-Freeman, mainner 201 Lombai-d H J, mariner 109 S Water James, mer 33 Walnut d h 85 S 6th James B, mer 82 S Front d h 2

Clinton sq Chesnut Thomas, mer 67 N Water d h 216

Mulberry Mrs widow of George, 85 S 6th Latere Amede, captain 72 Lon\bard Latou John, merchant 261 S Front

Latouche eatuig house High

Laty Lewis, tavern keeper 151 Locust Lauch David, cedar cooper Kuglei-'s ct back

of 128 Sassafras Lauderback Harris, bricklayer 51 GaskUl

bricklayer S E cor 12th &,

Chesnut wid, boarding house 174 N 5th Laughead James, cooper 14 S wharves Lause William, porter Sassafras W Sch 8th Laval John, mer and bookseller 118 Chesnut

dh 210 Pine Law Andrew, Spi-uce E of Broad

Edwai-d E, atty at law AValnut bel 3d M, distiller 26 Washington square Lawler Matthew, Alderman 34 Walnut

Thomas, 11 Sassafras al Lawrence and Austin, gi-ocers N 5th ah High Gorge, 13th first ab CheiTy Isaac, diy gd mer 103 d h 118 Mulby John, fiinge manuf 39 S 2d Peter, laboiu-er Quince n 11th J R, gentleman R, 289 Spi"uce

Thomas, painter S 12th bel Spruce Thomas, painter &. glaz 20 S 10th William, grocer 193 S 4th William, fringe maker 39 S 2d widow, 5 Jones' al 'Laws Daniel C, di-uggist and upothccary N E cor Spruce and 5th Elijah, carpet & bedding w h 312 High Williiun, tavern keeper 184 N Water Lawson Alexander, engi-avcr Pine ab 9th John, paper hanger Patton's al John, weaver 477 Sassafras I^awton George R, house carp 170 Lombaj'd Lawyer Samuel R, merchant 69 N 5th William, shoemaker Castle

Laycock John, Cherry n Juniper Layton D, blacksmith Sheaft"'s al Lea Isaac, bookseller S Sth

Joseph, mercliant 100 S Front Leabouni Tliomas, Pine bet 12th and Leadbeater John, lamp manuf 91 Walnut Leaming Furman, li ware mer 106 High d h 77 Pine F, & CO hardware mers 106 High J F, merchant 13 Prune Thomas, merchs^nt 110 S 3d widow Rebecca, "gcntw up 53 Pine Leamy John, president of Marine Insurance company & Spanish vice consul 79 Dock Lears widow, Nonnater's ct Le Brun Mrs Adelaide, young ladies seminsiry 221MulbeiTy' Charles, sworn mterpreter & teacher of French and Spanish languages 221 Mulberry . Lechwallier Frederick, tav keeper 20 Dock Le Clerk Joseph P, lott broker 119 Chesnut

d h Spnice Le Comte James, oysterman 38 Coates' al Lecony Maria, shop 113 S 2d Le Count John, oysterman 3 Meyer's ct

Thomas, kr of oyster cellar 123 S 3d Leddy John, weaver N Broad ab Filbert Leddy Thomas, tav kr High W 13tli N side Lee G R, carver and gilder 198 Cherry J, 117 S 8th

John, carpenter 117 N 11th M H, tailor upper 40 N 4th Mrs, b house 232 S Front Thomas, sailmaker 9 Shield's ct Thomas M K, sailmaker 2 Spnice William, tailor 30 Sassafras al William, cab maker 92 N 11th William, hair di'csser Lombard bel 10th William, iceman Sch 5tli n Chesnut W widow Hannah, gentw 51 Lombard Leech Henry, salesman 100 Vine Leedom Envin J, gent 29 Pine

Jonathan, iron mer 210 S Water 211 S Front d h 29 Pine Leeds and Campbell, mercers and tailors S W cor Chesnut and 3d Josiah W, mc]- tailor S W cor Chesnut and 3d d 1\ 1 00 MulbeiTy Lees Peter, tailor 107 Vine Leese Elizabeth, milkwoman 101 Cherry Lefevrc James, agent for the Union line of

steamboats 23 S whs dh 38 Sassafras Leforrest Joseph, coachmaker 7 Castle Lehigh coal and Navigation company's office

64 S Front Lehman Charles, at Stevensons George, jiorter 99 New G F, M D 144 Pine Lazaretto phy- sician at the port of Philadelphia Isabella, dry good store 59 N 8th Peter druggist 320 High Wm, cb-uggist 76 S 2d d h320 Mulby



Lehman William & A S &. E llobcrls, drug paint St oil store 76 S 2(1 Williaiii K, 85 I.ombanl Lehr J W, nuTchaiit 85 S I'loiit Le HiUTiy Nicliolas, clock ami watch maker' N AV cor 2il and New Nicljolas, jr clock ^ watch maker 170 N 2d Leib John, tobacconist 111 Sassafras Leidy Jimies, shoemaker Watson's al Leinau Andrew, liattcr 101 N od

(ieoi'gc, 18 N 3d Leiper James, S W cor 10th and Vine

\V1Hiam J, tobact & stone me 274 llig-h Lcisman A\ illiam, g'roccr 473 High Le Jamlire Alpiionso, 85 S 2d L.ejcc John H, dry good store 162 S 2d LeJand Charles, w sale leg'horn hat store 78

High d h 24 Washington square I.elanne D P, deidcr 73 Lombard

Vraiicis, shopkeeper 109 N 2d Lelar Henr\', c house 64 S wiiarvcs d h 121

Lombard Lemon, Briss, lab 12th bcl Sassafras back Lemonier Joseph, cabinet maker 24 Cherry Lenfresty widow, Franklin library 98 N 6th Lcnnig Nicholas, mercliant 24 S Front Lenox David, gent 10th N W cor Chesnut Leutz Henrv, gent 4 York buildings Jacob, M D 77 N 7th Joseph, storckr S W cor Vine and 9tJv Leon John, tobacconist 211 Cedar

V, teacher 105 Chesnut Leonard, Ijakcr Sassafras next to S E cor of

Sassafras and 13th Leonard Francis, tailor 5 J'ennsylv'a avenue

James, teacher 78 Spruce I^croux Yves, dyer and scourer 25 Branch Le Koy Charles, broker 10 Bread Le Roye A, cabinet maker 47 Pino Le Sage wid6w Margaret, gcntw 16 Powell Lescure Edward P, silversmith 148 S 4th Lesh Henry, shoemaker 190 Cheny

Peter, house carp 38 Zane Lesher Clmstian, Iv carp Ce(kir bet 6th & 7tli Jacob, tavern High near Sch 3d AVilMam, innkeeper 60 S 6th Leslie James, accountant 187 S 7th

James, house carp Locust bel IStli S and 12th bel Walnut E Lesley and Meredith, h ware mcrs 241 High

Peter, cab mr 54 N 3d d h 151 Vine Leston widow, 129 S 11th Letchwortli John, china storekeeper and col- lector of accoimts 50 N Front Letford Wm, boot & shoemr 10 arcade dh x x Letherman John, bricklayer Shepard's al Letoimio Clement, stove and gi-ate manuf 76

N6th Letts Elizabctli, S W cor Gaskill and 4th Levering Charles, cim-ier 3 Fetter lane

Jacob, grocer 5 High and 7 Pine John H, grocer S NV cor 13tli and Sassafras d h 478 Sassaljras

Levering Jonathan, lioiiflc carp 478 Sassafras LevisHoseaJ, casiiierof Sch bank 153 Walnut

William, cuirier 242 Filbert Leviscm J:mKs, Lombard E of Sch 7tli Levy Aaron, sh()pkee])er 69 N 2d.

Adam J, lottery & exchange broker 89

Chesnut d hil45 S 9th ls;uic J, dealer 87 S 9th Israel, 77 N 4th Joseph, shopkeeper 69 N 2d Joseph, exchange broker 11 S 3d Mary, 92 S 8th P, storekeeper 58 S 5th Sampson, counsellor at law 178 Chesnut Uriah P, lieut U S navy 180 N 8th widow, 163 Lombard widow II, 180 N 8th Lewis Abner, 473 High

David, mer 127 S Front d h 146 S 2d David, coachman 54 Quince David, printer 3 Norris' al David and co, mcrs 127 S Front David, jr merchant 127 S Front d h 6

l'"ranklin row Enoch, city sun eyor and regulator 21

Powel fFrancis, porter 339 Sassafras George, bricklayer Sassafi-as n Sch 8th George, lab Sch 5th n Chesnut . Harvey, gentleman 15 Sansom H R, machinist to Chesnut st theatre

Littleboy's ct Jacob C, lab N Broad ab Sassafras Job, oak cooper back of 43 New Jolui F, auctioneer 20 S Ftdh 148 S 2d John, accountant 23 Mulberry f Joseph, brickmaker 41 Quince Joseph S, mer 25 Dock d h 3 Ritten-

house place Locust ab 9th Laurence, gentleman 109 S 3d Mordecai, mer 135 S Ft d h 353 High

wlute lead mantif 283 Spruce M D & Samuel N, mers 159 High d h

353 High Philips and co, cotton raanufs & mei-s

127 S Front Rachacl, 157 S 5th Rebecca, teacher N W cor Vine & 4th Robert M, gentleman 188 S Front Samuel N, mer 135 S F't d h 105 S 4tlit Mrs Sarah, 294 Lombard William A, coppersmith 7 1-2 N Front W^illiam, gentleman 157 S 5th wniliam D, mer 36 S Ft d h 100 S 9th widow Maiy, perfumer 145 N Front widow Rachael, gentw 184 S 11th widow, 7 Littleboy's ct Lex Charles F, sugai* reiiner 283 High sugar house back in Zane Henry, car\'er 147 and 149 N 6th Jacob, mer 283 High d h 6 N 9th Leyden Adam, baker uj) 29 N 9tli Lhulier John, professor of music 29 Filbert Ligget John, dry good store 36 S 2d Lillibridge Chai-lotte 123 New



Lilly John M, stationer 174 S 2d Lima Fi-ancisco Joaquim, Brazilian consul ge- nei-al 107 S Front d h 13th ab Chesnut Linch John, Broad bet Cherrj' and Mulbcny Linck Jolin, dry good store 108 N 8th Lincoln E, merchant 33 S whanes H, storekeeper 46 S 3d and R)ers, mers 33 S whan'es widow, 9 N 13th Lindsay John, house carp 180 Lombard

Joseph, mer 1 Carpenters ct d h 4

Palmj-i-a row Thomas, dyer St Marj' Thomas, hatter 54 Chesnut William, stone cutter Franklin near

Sassafi-as widow Margaret, b h 12 N 6th Lingenhalle widow, baker 9 Elfreth's al Link Jacob, Cherry near Broad Linn John I£, mer 91 S Front d h 229 Spruce Lewis, 139 N 8th ^Nlrs M, boarding' house 98 S 3d ^Irs, 78 S 3d Linnard James M luber mer Pine bet 11th £c 12th dh Spruce ab 12tli T M and J M, lumber mers Pine bet

11th and 12th T M, lumber mer Pine bet llth and

12th d h Spruce ab 12th N William, colonel, quarter master gen U S army 205 S 4th Linton Alexander, porter Lombard bel 12th Benjamin, nail cutter 27 N 10th John ^y, 112 Walnut Llpman Lewis, 1 N llth Lippincott Aaron S, dry^ good store 28 N 2d Benjamin, grocer N W cor Mul-

berrj^ and Front d h 39 New John, tanner & currier 29 Chesnut

d h 13 Vine Joshua, auctioneer 34 S Front 10

Chnton sq and Richards, auctioneers 34 S Ft Llble Charles P, land agent and conveyancer 8 S 5th d h Locust ab 12th S John, mer Washington square near to

the cor of Locust John, jr Wasliington square Miss ]klar}-, gentw 127 S 2d Lithgow David, cabinet mr and sexton to the

Reformed Presbvlerian ch Marble LllteU E, bookseller and stationer 88 Chesnut

d h 179 S 5th Little Archibald dealer in 2d hand furniture 93 Lombard Elisha, back of 250 Sassafras George P, lottery office Chesnut Horace, fishmonger 8 Jones' al . John, lab Sassafras 4th doorab Broad

Mrs, 129 Spruce - Otis, tav keeper 9 Laetitia ct Thomas, gentleman 144 S 10th

Little widow Ann, gentw 101 Vine

widow Margaret, seminary 2- Trotters

al d h 150 N 5th widow, school Vaux's ct Littleboy J M, comb mr 8cc 46 N 2d Littleton Thomas, cabinet maker 23 Perry Litzenberg Jacob, lab Mulberrj' W Sch 3d Livezey John, mer S E cor Library and 5th John jr and co, mers N E cor Water

and Sassafras widow Mar}-, 50 N Water Livingston Ehza, mantua mr 18 Juniper lane

Rev Gilbert R, 77 N 5th . LleweUen Thomas, fminder N ab lOth Lloyd G, bootmaker 57 S 5th

Isaac, mer 53 S wharves d h 86 Union Isaac and son, mers 53 S wharves Isaac S, merchant 87 High N, stove and sheet iron manuf d h 92

N7th N and son^ stove and sheet iron manuf

S E cor 7tli and CheiTy Samuel, stove and sheet iron manuf d

h 116 Cherry SerrU and Oakford, mers 169 High Thomas, drj' good mer 8 W cor High

and 8th Thomas, mer d h 347 High Lloyd Thomas, 92 N 7th

Thomas, stenographer 148 N 8th Thomas I, mer UN Front Wood, hatter 11 N 3d widow Margaret, nurse M'Leod's ct Loag David, saddler 18 S 2d Lobdell Stetson, hatter 7 N 2d d h N W cor

Cherry and 8th Lobstein J F D, M D 148 Pine Lochi-an John, innki- High bet Sch 3d & 4th Lochrey James, tav keeper 11 S wharves

J, Wasliington square W side Lock Thomas, shop High E of Sch 7th S side Locke Mary, storekeeper 3 N 2d Lockin James, bookbr & bookseller 8 S Ft Lockwood James, gent N 10th 1st d ab Sassaf Locton widow Ehzabeth, store ki* 150 S Front Lodge Ehzabeth, milliner 92 N 4th Lodor Benjamin, turner 63 N 5th

Benjamin H, mer taUor 55 Walnut d h 16 Almond Logan Pati-ick, labourer 26 Sugar al WUliam, silk dyer 19 Filbert widow, Prosperous al Logue John, storekr cor 13tli and Sassafras

William, dra}-man Sassafras n Sch 8th Lohra John, mer 222 Spruce

John, grocer 158 Spruce Loman A'V'iUiam, baker 88 Locust London widow, b house 13th n Lawrence Long Heniy, shoemaker 405 Sassafras John, Middle al

John, soap boiler N E cor Pine & 7th William, clerk in the Philadelphia bank



Long William, tobacconist 47 C:)cdar widow Mill}', shop Shield's al' .laiiiis i}, i-Mgi-avor 148 d h Chcsnut

Isl al) lioslon row Long-cope Samuel, ])rintcr 7 N 7th Long'stj-Llh Cliarlrs, jjaptr imr 129 Hig-li fac- tory Hartiiii.yj's al d h 3 Cliiircli al anil Cook, liardware nier 135 Ilig-li Josluia, mcr 21 Church al d h 185

Miilljcrry Mon-is, mcr 137 High d h 1 58 N 5th Thomas M, booksi^llt-r and maniif of hang'ing- jJupL-r 12y 1-2 lli^li widow of Samuel, 183 Mulbcny widow, 90 N yth Lonton Joseph, lumber mcr d h 3 tircen's ct Loone}' 11, patent improved hydrant maker &

overseer water works up 47 Pine Lopez Alexander, merchant 162 Fine

Matthias, 4 AVillow ct

Lord James II, biscuit baker 9 Pcnn bakery back on S wharves Michael, plasterer 299 Walnut Williiun, boot nir 2 Hudson's al Lorlch Severin, Swedish consul general 218

Chcsnut Lort Mary, grocer 19 Cherry Loud &. Brothers, pianoforte mamif361 High w are room 14^1 Chesnut

John, piano forte manuf 3G1 High d li

406 Sassafras Joseph, pi ana forte manufacturer 361

High Philologus, piano forte manuf d h 361

High d h 157 S 9th Thomas, piano forte manuf 561 High d h 38 Palm}Ta square Loudenslinger David, victualler 336 Sassafras

George, do do

Louderback John, cooper 26 Vine

Joseph, bricklayer Mercer n Lo- cust Samuel, bricklr Locust bel 13th Lovare Jolin, plasterer Juniper bel W^alnut Love Alexander, confectioner 186 S 4th John, boot maker 59 Chesnut William, shoemaker 5 Ehiislies al William H, storekeeper 6 Decatur Loveridge Joseph, smith and fanier 26 d h

147 1-2 S 2d Lovering Jacob, grocer 5 High d h 170 S Ft William, paper hanging manuf 76 Chesnut Low Robert, carter N 9th bel Vine Lovett George, painter N Broad bel Vine

John, macliinist 103 Cedar Lowber Edward, drugt 144 N 3d d h 57 N 4th

John C, atty at law 104 Walnut Lowe wid Charlotte, teacher 14 Frombergsct Lower Joseph, silversmith 6 Rapins ct Lownes David, tailor 84 N 4th

Edward, silversmith 142 Chesnut Lowrie widow Ann, 4 Heydes ct H

Lowry Ellen, 210 S Front

Michael, sljocmaker Say n Sch Stli Thomxs, ca])tain 117 N 5tli Loxley Henjiunin, currier 115 ik 1 17 Midberry Uichard :uul co, ctwi-iers 115 Mulberrjr widow Mary, gcntw 117 Mulberry Lucas William H, iclass store 90 S 3d laiciani John, confectioner 136 High

P, confectioner 238 High Lucy Anthony, carter Chesnut W of Sch 8t Luderbcrg Jacob, cor Sch 3d & Mulbeiry laike William, mcr 86 S whs d h 98 S 4th Lukens Charles M 1), N E cor Chcsnut & 11th Isaiah, horologist and meclianician b

of 173 High Jonathan and co, saddlers 102 High Joseph, flour merchant 350 High wid Elizabetli, milliner 78 Mulberry Luney Robert, plumber 49 Pine Lutes J, chair maker 175 S 2d Lute)' I,, tavern keeper 151 Locust •Lutz Frederick, back of 148 S 4th Martin, 149 Cheny widow, 149 Cheny Lybrand Jacol), cngra\er 39 N 8th

Peter S, coach painter 39 N 8th William G, brickmaker 38 Filbert Margai-et, gentlewoman 39 N 8th Lye Henry, glove maker 238.High I-} le & Peltz, hai-d ware and fancy sto 248 S 2d Lynch Edward, Accountant 140 N 8th George, liouse carp 10 Castle Lynd James, domestic ware h 33 N 2d A\"m, mer 32 Walnut d h 226 Spruce wid Mary, seamstress 12 Raspbeny 9I Lyndall David, chair maker 99 N Front Jolvn, fanmaker Ban-on widow Mary of J, 201 S 4th wid of Benjamin, gentw 104 Lombard Lynn Simon, mer 152 High d h 69 N 8th Lyon Patrick, gentleman Library Patrick, tailor 12 Adams Philip, N E cor of Sassafi-as and 5tlx Lyons John, turner Broad near Sassafras Samuel, tinman 33 High

M'Adams Thomas, school Sch 8th n Walnut

M'Aleers J, fruiterer 177 S 2d

M'AlIister James, shoemaker Pine N E cor


John, grocer S W cor 8th & Sassaf

John, manuf &c 48 Chesnut d h 87

Midberr}' John, jr manuf of spectacles whips

and canes 48 Chesnut John and son, manuf of spectacles

whips and canes 48 Chesnut and Yorke, mers 87 S Front M'Alpin James, gentleman 122 Chesnu M'Alvery J, trader Biddies al M'Anley William, coach trimmer £c harness maker 9 Heydes ct



M'Anulty Ilug'h, tavern keeper 416 High Samuel, liv stab kr 2 Rapin's ct M'Arann John, botani gardener and seedsman Filbert bet Sch 5th and 6th William, lab N Sch 7th n High M 'Arthur Chai-les, silk dyer 31 Union

Peter, dyer 13 Norris' al M'Bride Anch-ew, tav keeper Spruce st whai-f Colins, tavern keeper Broadbet Mul- berry and Cheny Fi'ancis, storekeeper N W cor Cedar

and 13tli James, shoemaker Locust bel 13th Wilham, lab 48 Zane M'Cafferty James, ostler 373 High

Patrick, drover Juniper al M'Call A, Spruce ab 12th Eleanor, 125 S 4th George, sea captain 56 Penn J G, atty at law 61 S 4th d h 299 Spruce James, house carp Jilercer Joseph, house carp 13th ab Pine E Mrs Barbara, b h 206 S Front William C, gentleman 308 Chesnut M'Calla Alexander, innkr 104 and 106 Sassa- fras (sign of white Swan) Chai'les, acct S W cor 11th & Sassafras J P, inspector of customs 162 S 10th

& Lombard st wharf John, bottler 94 N 6tli Robert, hatter 15 Pemisylva avenue William H, acct 173 Cheny Rev William L, 102 Lombard widow Martha, Sch Front ab Walnut M'Callmont George, merch 21 Dock d h 70

Walnut M'Canles and Chambers, grocers 141 N 3d James, milkman Vine ab Sch 8th John, jr gi'ocer 141 N 3d M'Cann Edward, weaver 75 Union Michael, baker Eckfeldts ct widow Eleanor, cake br 241 1-2 S 2d M'Caraher Alexander, w sale grocer 127 N 3d

Charles, fancy store kr 41 N 2d M'Carren Andrew, dravman b 62 Dock J, bottler 150 N 13th Robert, custom house messenger & d h 8 Elmslies al M'Carhin Mark, plasterer 30 Prune M'Cartle)^ Samuel, shoe maker 181 Lombard M'Carty and Davis, printers and booksellers 171 High Thomas, bricklayer 11 Sugar al William, booksr & stationer 171 High widow, 148 Pine

widow Ann, washerw 5 Sheaifs al M'Cauley D S, mer 117 S Ft d h 328 Chesnut Geo, grocer N W c Sassafras & 10th J, Chesmit ab 13th J, lieut in U S navy 117 S Front John, coppersmith 119 S Front MHIIausland Alexander, grocer and chocolate

manuf 185 S 6th M'Clane John shoemaker 425 Chesnut

M'Clane Thomas, tav keeper 366 High M'Clare Joseph, lab Sch 8th bel Vine M'Claskey ACchael, lab Mai-ble M'Clean Archibald, cabinet mr 218 Spruce Arch'd, stocking weaver 52 Sassafras John, high constable Gaskill n 3d Robert, weaver Prosperous al Stephen, coach driver 23 Pi-une wid, tav kr N E cor 5th and Prune M'Cleary Daniel, plasterer Adams bet 12th and 13th Joseph, brickmaker Lombard E of Sch 7th M'Clellan George, professor of surgery 1 York buildings office b of 1 Samuel, M D office b of 1 York buildings

James, dyer &c Filbert ab Jumper John, acct 256 Mulberry Robert H, teacher 128 S 4th M'Clelland George W, dry good store cor of

High and Bank d h 323 Mulberry M'Clcnburg M, widow 25 Powell M'Clevcr James, jeweller 89 High M'Chntock John, dry good store 153 N 3d John, storekeeper 28 N 2d Joseph A, house carp 28 Chester M 'Cloud John, hatter 46 High M'Closky J, curb stone setter 22 Castle M'Cloy Ralph, distiller 131 N 8th M'Clung John, supcrintedant pub work Ann n Sch 7th Jolin and William, grocers S W cor Pine and 2d M'Clure David, agent 34 S 3d

Mrs Ann, fancy feather store 34 S 3d Miss Ann, gentw S W cor Mulberry

and 11th James, accountant 324 Sassafras John, mer 82 S Front M'Clurg Alexander, mer 173 High d h 228 Sassafras and Trevor, merchant 173 High M'Cluskey John, tav keeper High n Sch 8th William, tav keeper S W cor High and Centi'e square M'CoUom John, mer S whs n Cedar ab M'Collin Thomas, clock & watchmr 8 Philad

arcade d h 18 Greenleafs ct M'CoUins John, acct N E cor 3d and Spruce M'Connell Arthur, Mercer

George, baker oo Crown J, Chesnut ab 13th S J, bootmaker S 11th bel Pine R, tailoress 7 Mercer M'Cord, Joseph, glass cutr &c N E cor Cherry and Jacoby d h 13th ab Cfierry and Shiner, glass cutters &c N E cor Cherry & Jacoby &. 19 arcade M'Corkle Archibald, blacksmith Say n Sch 8th

widow Catharine, 196 S 4th M'Cormick Henry, shopkr 14 Chancery lane Henry, stone cutter 63 New Henry, shoemaker 35 Powell



M'Cormick J, weaver Lombard bcl 12tli

John, grocer 220 S 2J Philip, boot maker 35 Wultmt M'Corn James, tinman 138 N l.Stli M'Cowan Tliomius, weaver 7 Marslr.ills al M'Coy Junics, coppiJi-i-plalc printer 311 High

J, 13 Gray's al M'Cracken D, lab N llroacl ab Sassafras M'f.'i-ail James, plumber 30 Prune M'Crea Ann, store keeper 469 High

John, mer 101 S Front tl h 348 Hig-h Sophia, gentw 161 S 10th M'Credy Bermard, manuf 43 N Front d h 179 Walnut Dennis, grocer 7 N Water and N W

cor 2d and Uuion d h 19 Union Francis, grocer 206 S 2d Francis, 71 Union James, plasterer 198 Lombard & Parker, w sale grocers 7 N Water WilUam, -weaver Prosperous al M'Cullen John, 125 S 3d M'CuUey G H, watchmr 193 S 2d M'CuUoch widow Ann, gentw 214 Spruce

widow, 108 N 13th M'Curdy Andrew, gi'o S W cor Cherry & 8th Daniel, collector of taxes Clover Hugh, 243 S 2d John, cordwalner 76 Chesnut John, jr do 42 Chesnut John W, ladies shoemaker 14 S 4th and 18 arcade M'Cutchen Da%-id, Walnut ab 13th N M'Daniel Jolui, coach spring mr 146 S 10th

Richard, Chcny n Juniper M'Dermott widow, 186 Spruce M'Deveritt Neale, tav keeper 185 S Front M*DevittThom;is, plumber Sch 6th ab Spruce M'Donagh widow, 138 S 4tli M'Donald Mrs Ann, mangier 14 Sterling al M'Donald David, gro S W cor 7th & Lombard James, weaver 1 Sliields ct James, tailor 21 Strawberry James, gro N E cor 7th 8c Mulberry

d h 18 N 4th Jane, seminary 151 S 11th John, coach spring mr 146 S 10th R, tav keeper 25 Strawberry Samuel, turner 2 Howard's ct T, 73 Union M'Donald widow, shop Prosperous al M'Donough A, storekr cor Lombard and 4th Jeremiah, tailor 156 Spruce Mrs, 148 Spruce M'Dowell Ebenezer, house carp 118 N 8th Joseph, bookbinder 25 High Lydia, drv good store 57 N 2d d

2d d h i58 N 5th Wilham H, clock and watchmaker 130 S Front M'Elroy Hannah, 182 S 4th John, 27 Elfreths al Robert, weaver Sch Front ab Walnut

M'Elroy Miss Sarali, b h 138 S 2d M'Euen Alexander, printer 440 Sassafras Charles, gent 255 Mulberry Clement, manuf 121 S Juniper wid Hannali, gentw 255 Mulberry M'Faddcn R, weaver S Juniper n Chesnut Samuel, car|)enler 16 Branners al Sarah, I.ombai-d ab 12th Wilham, George near 13th M'Farland Mary, 101 Spruce

Thomas, carter I'ine bel 12th widow Mary, 6 N 7th widow, shop Pine bel 12th M'Fee Alexander, 256 Lombai-d James, weaver Ann ab 12th John, manuf High E of Sch 6tli S M'Gaughey James, 87 Cedai' M'Gaidey Richard, tavern S W cor Sassafras

and Water M'Gee James, saddler 14 S 12th

James, weaver 13th ab Pine Wilham, weaver St Mary's ab 6th widow Elizabeth, Marks lane M'Gill James, cooper 47 S Water M'Gerough Alexander, teacher Sch 8th ab

Sassafras M'Ginley John, baker 389 Sassafras Owen, shop 38 St Mary William, constable 150 Cherry M'Ginnis C, tav kr 142 S Water & 145 S Front Margaret, storekr c Spruce and 5th M'Goison Thomas, hatter 6 Howard's ct M'Gowim widow Mary 70 S Front

Mrs, huckster 2 Shepard's al M'Grath Jolui, tailor 25 N 3d

John, diy good store 215 S 2d & M'Makin, mer tailors 54 Chesnut Samuel, tailor 77 New M'Gi"aw George, house cai-p St George al M'Gregor John, cordwainer Water ab South R and D, dry good store 132 High M'Ginn Felix, storekeeper 15 High M'Guire Phoenix, grocer 10 Chancery lane Robert, carpenter 7 Sliields ct Thomas, lab Lombard n Sch weaver Lombard bel 12th M'Gurgh J, grocer 2 Chancery lane M'Heran wid Catharine, gentw 19 Sassafras M'Henry James, M D and storekr 45 S 2d M'Hugh George, soap boiler 6 little Dock M'llhenney Joseph E, dentist office 101 Wal- nut Samuel, accountant 69 N 3d Wm, secty of tlie Athenaeum U S Hotel M'llvain Joseph, atty at law S E cor Chesnut and [Sthdh 80 Walnut Joseph, 100 N 13th Joseph B, merch 32 Walnut d h 104

S Front J K, jeweller Locust E of IStli Mrs, gentw 11 Prune M'llvaine Henry, attorney at law 112 Walnut



Mllvaine Wm, cashier of bk of U S 11 Prune Mlntire H R, boot maker 128 S 2d

Isaiah, shoemaker 133 S Front Marg~dret, mantua maker 214 S 3d Mintosh J, labourer 322 Sassafras Mlntyre Andrew, accountant 48 Quince

Archibald, manag-er of the U canal

lottery office 121 Chesnut James, 121 Chesnut "William, 214 S 3d widow Elizabeth, 64 Vine M*Kean Misses, boai-dg and day sch 112 S 3d Thomas, gent 117 S 5th lieut in U S navy 200 Spruce widow Ann, milliner 144 Cherrj- Aridow, 200 Spruce M'Kee William and co, mers 14 Chesnut

widow Aim, milliner 115 S 2d M'Keen Henry, clock and watclunr 150 High M'Kenna Thomas, 5 Mtu-shall's al M'Kenzie Charles, tailor 42 Strawberry

William, gent 36 Union M'Keppuck William, shoemi- 256 Lombai-d M'Keown George, tav keeper 2 Pine

Samuel, carpet weaver 118 S 4th M'Kibbin Da-vid, gi-ocer 62 High

William, sea captain 175 Pine M'Killey widow, tav 130 1-2 S Water M'Kim Russell, 116 N 13th M'Kinley James, bottler 44 Zane

John, baker b of 290 Sassafras John, grocer 5 S 3d d h 20 Sassafras Wilham, grocer 114 High widow Martha, 133 S 9th M'Knight John, millstone manufacturer d h 5 Shepards al chemical vapour bath 3 Library M, b house 1 Trotters al widow, Cressons ct M'Koy WiUiam, 1st teller in the bank of N

America 8 Powel M'Lonahan Johnston, merch 26 Chesnut d h

Yohes hotel M'Laren Archibald, -h carp N 13th bel Vine M'Laughhn Charles, labourer 41 Cedar

Daniel, atty at law 5th bel Chesnut George, printer 133 Pine John, n N W cor Sch 8th &. Cherry M'Levan Miles, sea capt 113 Sassafras M'Leod George, shoemaker 74 N 5th

George, stone cutter Noi"man's al M'Leran James, acct 155 Cherrj- M^Mahon Henr}', gi-ocer S W cor 5th & Pine

A and co, seed store 13 S 2d M'Main WUham W, h ware mer d h 43 N 3d M'Makin Dennis, coi'dwainer S W cor 6th &

Lombard M'Makin Michael, manuf S 13th ab Pine

S E cor 6th and Ehzabeth

Samuel, chairmr 22 and 24 N 10th M*>Ianamy Thomas, tailor 122 FUbert M'Manus Henry, weaver Ann n Sch 8th M'Manus Owen, tallow chandler Cypress al Redman, teacher 44 S 8th

M 'Manus Thomas, grocer High n Sch 8th M'Masters John, constable 84 Union M'Menomy Henry, tailor Broad ab Locust M'Minamon William, tav keeper 168 S 6th M'Minn James, cordwainer 192 Pine Misses, milhners N 2d

Misses, mantua makers N 2d Samuel, last & boottree mr 37 Walnut WiUiam, lab 147 N Juniper M'Mullen James, accountant C}TJress al John, porter 21 Fi-anklin ct John, silversmith 114 S Front Jos, groc 154 S Water & 155 S Ft Joseph T, ladies shoemr up 68 S 4th Patrick, lab Lombard n Sch Rosanna, teacher 52 Zane widow Hannah, b h 24 Watsons al M'Miulrie Henrj-, M D 169 Pme M'Nabb John, weaver Ann n Sch 7th M'Namy George, S 6th n Lombard M'Neare Wm, watch case mr 3 Hoffmans al MTseil Moses, 170 Sassafras

Wakefield, lab b of 211 Cherry M'Nevin Mrs, 190 Pine M'Nichol C, shoemaker 120 S 10th M'Norton John, weaver Pine bet 12th & 13th M'Nutt Robei-t, 17 Cressons al ilTherson E, di-uggist N E cor Broad and Chesnut Robert, silversmith M'Quic James, weaver George n Sch 3d M'Shane Charles, shoemr 7 SVatson's al

Ezekiel, acct 47 N 6th il'Sorley Alex, Centre square S W cor High

James, N W cor 12th & Mulberry M'Williams Arm, shop Pleasant avenue He my, 166 Locust widow Maiy, miUiner 123 S 5th Maas Jacob, engraver 128 Locust office arcade Mabeiiy and Pollard,

Macalaster Chai'les, president of the Insurance company of Pennsylvania 142 Midberry Macauley Isaac, floor cloth manuf Bush hill store 24 S 3d d h 13 Montgomery square *Maccoim David, mer 11 S 9th ilack Com-ad, watchman 13 Ann Macken Thomas, shocim- 410 High Mackey John, shopkeeper 258 Mulberry Mackie Charles, gi-ocer 7 S 3d Henry, Say n Sch 8th Peter, accountant 5 S 3d Mackinson Mar}-, gentw 25 Sassafras Macmalion T P, attornev at law and notary

pubhc 65 Walnut d h 13 S 2d Macquart Mrs Antoniette, shopkr 42 S 4th Maddock Ezekiel E, grocer 153 S Front d h 2 Comptroller WiUiam, 134 N 3d Wilham L, grocer 49 S 3d Magdalen Asylum, Sch 2d n Vine I Magee Hugh S, oak cooper 132 Vine I and Taber, bar's & whip mrs 3 1 S 4th

I Magoffen J, 222 Walnut I Magrath Alexander, h carp Perry bel Pine E




Maguire Michael, innkeeper (sign U S bank) 10 Library Thomas, tavern kr 39 S Water Mahan Francis, tuilor 148 S lOtli Malianv Jamos A, atty at law 89 Sxssafras d

h ny Mnc Main. T Janus, b h cor of \ 1 Itli & Marks lane Mahon Micluul, mer 5o S Front Maitland John, ffroccr and distiller South n

4tli d h 119 Lombanl Makins James N, sail mr S W cor Spnice & S whs d h 9 Norris' al Sarali, 127 N 2d Malambic Georg-e, shoemr 33 Powel Malcomson Joseph, carpet weaver 168 Sassaf ^Ldazet James, 95 S 4th

G M, mer S whs c Cedardh 95 Spruce Maley John, grocer 105 N Juniper M:diiitant J J "r, 57 S 7th Mallat F 1), dancing master Locust n 12th Mallendcr widow Murj-, milliner 177 S 2d Mallet B, cordwainer 8 Coombcs al

David, cordwaiifer 38 Chester Mandeville Chai-les, acct 146 N 8th D H, accountant 8 N 8th David, accountant 146 N 8th n D, mer S W cor Fi-ont &. Ches- riut d h 124 S 8th

Mandry William, liv stab keeper and health

officer 100 N 6th Mangel widow Miuy, shopki* 37 1-2 Cedar Mangin John, coach spring mr b 246 Sassafras Manigold Charles, 166 N 9th Manly Henrj', gentleman 15 Branch Thomas, weaver 59 Juniper Man Daniel, 43 Sassafi-as

Horatio, gent 11 Montgomery square Peter, house carp Sch 8th n Sassafras b William, teacher S W cor "N'ine and N 3d d h Duke n Front (N L) Mannerfield Charles, 15 Perry Manderlield John, cab maker 180 S 4th Manning John, 34 Sassafras al

Thomas S, printer N W cor Cai-pen- ter and Decatur d h 11 S 6th Manson wid Chi'istiana, seamstress Chesnut

bet 13th and Juniper Mantel Conrad, baker 27 Walnut Manuel Albert, 10 Pennsylvania avenue

Jos E, h cai-p 1 Norris al d h 66 S Ft Marcker Andrew C, tailor 75 Lombard Margerum Samuel M, comb mr Harmony ct Marine Insurance company's office 47 Walnut Maris widow Kachael R, i07 S 8th Markland John, 297 Sassafras Markley Philip S, naval officer 23 Montgo- mery sc[uare Sassafi-as Markoe John, gentleman 293 Chesnut

atty at law Walnut

Marks Girard, grocer 180 Locust Marley John, coachmr c Vine and Sch Front Rosanna, gentw 15 N 6th Wm C, cordwainer b of 119 N 10th

Marot Joseph bookbr 48 High d M2 Ch al Maratte Louis, merchant 79 Lombard MaiT^Ie John, b of 96 N 10th

John grave digger F'ranklinn Sassafras Mai-ple Joseph, 104 S 2d

lime market 44 Cherry

Marriott William, apothecary and druggist N

W cor MulbeiT}- and 5th Marrot Davenport, chair maker 13 d h 18

Coombes :d Masden Benjamin, gent 128 S 3d Marseilas Peter, 10 South al Marsh C C, accountant 67 Union Elias, merchant 68 N 7tli Elisha, S E cqr Sassafras and Broad James, merchant 2 Church al d h 24

Union James, reed maker 5 S 7th John, agent 29 Cherry John, cordwainer Unity row Joseph, 104 S 2d

M, kj- of bath house Frombergcrs ct Tliomas, brickmr Cedar W of Sch 7th Marshall Abraham, house carp and frame mr 375 Sassafras Benjamin, acct 182 S 11th Charles, chjmist & dnigt 221 High Christopher, dnigt 19 d h 21 N 4th Daniel, stone mason 66 Zane Mrs Hannah, b h 38 Sansom James, house carp and plane maker

N 11th bel North John, bricklayer 3 Gillies al John, bricklayer Unity row John, plasterer little Pine Joseph, jeweh- 87 S 2dd h 107 Cedar Joseph Y, wafer manuf 59 Walnut Moses D, shoenu'N W cor Mulberry

and Juniper Patience, llO Mulberry Samuel, bootmaker 119 S 3d Soplija, shop High near Sch 4th Thomas, cab maker High ab 13th at

widow Duncans, William, lumber mer 465 Sassafras widow Sarah, milliner 7o Mulberry Martin Abraham, accountant 138 Mulben-y Daniel, Sch 5th n Chesnvit Elizabeth, tutoress 38 Church al James E, book binder 13 Cressons al John, grocer 303 High d h 1 N 8th John, sea captain 210 S 4th Peter, baker S 12th opposite Ohio Robert, umbrcDa mr 7 Harmony ct Robert C, gentleman 71 S 11th Samuel, hatter 4 Bells ct Samuel, clothier 452 Sassafi-as Samuel, Sail maker 2 Elmshes al Thomas, tallow cliandler S W cor of

Fi-anklin and Vine Mrs, 197Walmit Masey widow, 17 N 11th



Mason Alva, philosophical instrument mr & engraver 14 Greenleaf s ct and Baldwin, machinists 14 Minor David H, engraver 33 S 4th G R, 61 N 7th Isaac, g-entleman 135 S 11th Isaac N, bookbinder and paper ruler

129 1-2 High James, bricklayer Cedar n Sch Joseph, 03-ster cellar 326 High d h 23

Prospect al Joseph, hatter b of 86 Union Mrs ^Martha, gentw 66 S 5tli Mrs, g-entlewoman 61 N 7th Philip, gentleman 131 S 6th Robert, distiller 386 High d h 3 N 12th Robert, mer d h 157 Pine Samuel, jr clock & watchmr 235 High T, baker 17 Watson's al Thomas A, druggist N W cor 11th &

Locust William, stone cutter 61 N 7th William, oak cooper 9 Decatiu- William, grocer S W cor Vine & 13th William, cabinet mr 99 N Front d h 7

Elfreth's al W & A, philosophical instrument mrs

and engravers 13 S 4tli widow, boarding house 343 High Massey Charles, mer 28 S wharves d h 170 Mulberry Jane, storekeeper 5 1-2 N 2d Levi, shoemr 130 Locust Samuel, hard w mer 16 S 3d d h 37 Dock

123 Sassafras

widow, 196 N Front blaster wid Ehzabeth, dry good sto 68 Spruce Matlack John, boot and shoemr 316 Vine John, il D 86 Mulbeny J R, M D Race n Chester Thomas, mei'cli Latimer's wharf ab

Mulberry Thomas, 33 Chester & Latimer's wlif WiUiam, silver smith 11 Su-awbcny Matthew Ammon, cooper 185 S 6tli

Charles, oysterman 4 Gari-igues ct Matthews Deborah, 12 Sterling- al James, tailor 395 High ■j-James, waiter 50 Curi'ant al J, tailor Castle

John, paper ware house 391 High Mrs Eleanor, 113 S 3d M D, 138 N Front Thomas, tailor 395 High Thomas, teacher 38 N 6th William, store kr 347 Sassafras Wm H, baker 89 Cedar & 267 S 2d widow, washerwoman Crcssons al Matthieu Joseph, M D 5 Lodge Mattison Joseph, comb mr 6 Powel Maul Caleb, lumb mer 328 N Ft h h 90 Vine Maull Jacob, teacher 463 High

Maull James, sailmaker 111 S 2d

John, sailmr 7 S whs d h 18 Carters al Robert& John, sailmrs leftover 7 S whs Robert, sailmr 7 S whs d h 4 Bread Sarah, shop 111 S 2d Maxfield Stephen, 95 N 5th Maxwell Andi-ew, house carp 223 Cedar

Edward, weaver Filbert n Sch 8th Edward, manuf Ann bel 13th James, printer office 63 S 5th May Francis, 99 N 4th

Henry, hatter 75 N 10th

Lewis, 9 Sassafi"as al

Lewis, house carp Nonnater's ct b of

182 Mulberry Mrs Edith, gentw 174 Locust Mayberry Thomas, painter & glaz 11 Crown Alaybin John, mer 5 Chesnutdh 124 Mulberry Mayer Lewis, commis mer Pratt's wharf d h 3 N9th and Lohman, com mers Pratts wharf Rev Philip F, D D pastor of St Johns (Lutheran) Montgomery sq ab 10th Mayger Heniy, 14 Hinckles ct . Ma}'land Jacob, tobact and snuff manuf N W cor 3d & Sassafinis d h Wasliington square Mays Henrj-, 85 N lOtli

Mead Charles, teacher b of 10 N Fron1*Shoe- makere ct tLewis, barber 389 High Meal}' Patrick, tav keeper 4 S 4th Meany J, 2 Franldin row Mears Charles, watclimr 22 N 5th

Charlotte, seamsts Sch 8th ab Sassafras Meary Owen, tavern keeper 319 Spruce Mease James, M D 297 Chesnut Measer Henrj', gilder 10 Branners al Mecaskey Andrew, cby good store 161 S 2d Mccasky John, diy good sto cor 2d & Cedar Mecke Geoi-ge A, acct 67 S 4tli Mecom ^Irs A, boarding house 7i S 6th Meer John, tavern, 4 S 7th Meeser Chiistian, upholsterer Runner's ct Megonegal Roswell, teacher 206 Sassafras Megaiy James, brickmr Cedar E of Sch 7th Meigs Charles, M D 128 MiUbeiry Mellor John, di-uggist N E cor Walnut & 4th Mekeal Abraham, house carp Pine n 12th Mellish John G, acct Drinkers jd Mellizett J M, merch 102 S whanes d h 95

Spruce Mellon Thomas, 79 Pine Melson Edward, grocer S E c 11th & Locust Mendenhall B Fi-anklin, 29 Elfreths al

Philip, merch 29 Elfreth's al Thomas, capt 29 Elfreths al Menge S, importer of Swiss gds 30 Chesnut Menige Oliver, oyster cellar under Shaks- peare buildings NW cor 6th &CJiesnut Mensing F, boot & shoemaker 225 Pine Mentz George W, book binder and stationer

d h 72 Sassafras Mentziger Joseph, victualler 10 Gaskill



Menzics John, clock and watch nir I-IO d li

142 S Froi\t Mercantile Library, 144 Chcsniit Mercer CharK-s, confVctioni-r 111 S 3(1 .lane, 30 I.omhunl Hobcrt, };pocir 314 Ilii^h m'kIow M:iiy, 161 S Front Mcrcicr & Hurtlinj;;, marine lottery and ex-

chan}>x.' brokere 157 S 2d McrediUi Willkun, president of tlie Sch l)ank and coun at law 1 S 6th d h S W cor 10th and ('licsnut "William M, atty 1 S 6th d h S W

cor 10th and t;hcsnut widow, 272 Lombard Merino Felix, teacher Jk. ti-anslator of Spanish

and French langiiag-es 60 Zane Mcrklec Comtul, boot and shoemr lOS N 3d Merrick and Agiicw, eng^inc manuf St James Merrick Sanuiel V, engine manuf St James d

h 246 "Walnut Memman Nelson, acct 34 Mulbeny Men-itt Abrahiun, Cherry ab Jacoby Sarah, milhner 67 Mvdbeny Mcny Michael, domes coffee mamii"127 S 6th Mei:vin Rev Samuel, pastor of St Geoj-g'c's (Methodist Episcopal) church 176 N 5tli Messchert M II, g-entleman 75 Spruce Metayer Simon, fruiterer &c 91 N 3d Metcalf James, Broad n Cheny Thomas, 7 Sassafi-as al Metz George, locksmith S 5th

John, tobacconist 4 Rapins ct Metzjjer Abraham, Branch

John, tronstable 3 Sugar al Meyers Henry, innkr S Vt' cor 5th &. Sassafras Henry B, carver and gilder S E cor

5th and Sassafras John P, carpet weaver 90 N 5th Peter C, shop 133 N 3d Mcynie John U, mer 106 S 2d Micks Michael, dyer St Marj* Mickley Joseph J, piano forte manufacturer

28p High ^iiddleton Hudson, mer tailor 39 Mulberry d h 27 New J, 150 Spruce Joshua, h carp 8i packing box mr

b of 171 High d h 127 Spruce William, 70 N 4th Micrckcn widow Maria, gentw 208 Pine Mifflin Ann, 252 Spnice

Benjamin, 69 Locust B & Pany R, printers Locust ab 8th S Mrs Clementina, gentw 226 "Walnut George, M D 351 High James D, brushmr 115 N 3d James L, mer 31 Chesnut d h 351 High Lloyd, gentleman 58 S 6th Samuel F, gent Walnut 4 d ab 12th ^v^dow, gentw 351 High Milboiim Nicholas, bath house kr 9 Laui'el ct

Miles Mrs Catharine, gentw 110 S 10th

Jacol), bootnn- 25 S 4th J, house carp 222 S 7th John, house curj) Smith's ct funs from

(;askill bcl 3d Robert, silver plater 12 Rjispbcny al Robert, house carp 114 S lOtli r, 218 "Walnut Miley Freilerick, ciytcr 91 N Juniper

Frederick, jr carter &. innkr 106 N 13th Peter, carter 96 N Juniper \\ idow, 56 Zane Miller Abraham, potter 57 ami 39 Zane

Alexander J, U S bank Broad bel High Charles, baker 146 S Front Charles, jr atty at law 6th n Midberry Clement Stocker, attorney at law 113

A\'alnut d h 202 S Front and Cooper, drj' good store 11 N 2d David, bottler S 13th ab Pine Hemy, cordwainer Marks lane Henry, engineer 24 Coombs al Jacob, baker 8 Adams Jacob, tailor S E cor Juniper & Sassaf James, weaver Morgan's ct James, tailor 88 N 11th James, hair dresser S 11th bel Walnut J, 221 Lombard

John, mer 152 High d h 69 N 8th John, cordwainer 10th bel Sassafras John, pattern mr High W Sch 6th John, jr mer 109 d h 202 S Front John, baker 40 Gaskill John, innkeeper 63 N4th John, blacksmith 153 S 5th John, saw filer he 56 Vine Joseph, linseed oil and grocery store

152 N 3d Matthew, lab 12th ab Chesnut W Moses, cordwainer 1 Bells ct Moses, woodsawyer 217 Lombai'd Mrs B, house 206 Walnut Peter, M D 181 Mulbeny Robert, blacksmith Budd C bet Juni- per and 13th William, secretary Philada Insurance

company 48 Walnut Wilham, gold and silver smith 55 S

2d S E cor of Chesnut William A, printer 158 Spruce Wm T, tobac 9 S 4th d h 43 Coates al wid Barbary, 170 Spruce wid Catharine, shopkeeper 92 N 3d widow Henrietta, tav kr 56 S Water widow Jane, dry gd sto 260 Sassafras wid Rachacl & co, dry gd sto 34N 2d Milhgan Patrick, cailer 32 St Mary

Samuel, turner Nonnater's ct b of 282 MulbeiTy

Wm, gardener George W of Sch 8th Milhken Robert, boot and shoemr 22 Chesnut

Robert, jr boot 84 shoemr 22 Chesnut Milliman John, constable 17 Carters al



Millman Jesse, shoe store 266 High d h 14

N8th Mills E W, lottery bro and keeper of the U S mail stage office 28 S 3d Eliza, 39 Chen-y Georg-e, printer Morgan's ct George, jr cab and looking glass frame

mr 44 Ci'own Henry, cabinet and looking glass frame mr 44 Crown Milne Richard, 79 S Front d h 113 S 3d Milnor George, carpet weaver 100 N 5th

Robert, U S ganger office 68 Dock dh

341 High William, alderman 65 Dock William, jr atty at law 181 Pine widow Eliza, shopkeeper 46 Dock Minch James, potter 4 Pennsylvania avenue Mingan Miss, Vine ab Broad Mingle John, coach spring nu' 263 Sassafras d h 65 N 8th John, jr coach spring mr 263 Sassafras Philip G, coach spring mr 65 N 8th Mingle wid Ehzabh, midwife 22 Apple tree al Mingus Robert W, broker S 10th Minshall J, china store 23 S 4th Mint of the U S 27 and 29 N 7th fMintus James, currier Raspberry al n Spruce MJntzer Peter, coach trimmer Sec 83 N 3d Mitchell Elijah, mer 62 New H P, 235 Cedar H and S, seminary S E cor Sassafras

and 7th Jacob, mahogany mer 131 Cedar James, M D 22 Prune James, chair St furniture store 135

Walnut John, tailor N Det 10th and 11th John, K, M D 119 S 5th Joseph B, 1st teller in the Meclianics

bank 64 Gaskill Thomas, conveyancer N W corner

Spruce and 3d William, house carp 6 Knights ct William, chairmaker 137 Walnut wid Catharine, shopkr3 little Pine widow Margaret, 17 Green's ct widow, 218 Lombard Mitcheson R, grocer 425 High Model School, S E cor Chester and Maple Molfatt and Killian, grocers 27 High

Richard, grocer 8 N Water d h 87

Cherry widow, spooler cor Sch 8th and Say Mogredge Thomas, currier 44 N 4tli Molands E, school 72 Locust Mollineux John E, hair divsser 187 Cedar Moloy ]\Iichael, boot &, shoemr 111 S Water Monaghan John, hatter Walnut n Front Mond William, printer Greens ct Monell John, mercer and tailor 20 S 3d Monfay Benedict, jeweller 13 Quarry Monges A, merchant 83 S Front Monier Daniel, clock 8c watchmr 240 S 2d

Matthew, cooper Spruce bel Broad N

Monier J P, perfumer 22 S 4th

Monroe C, 5 Unity row

Montelius Marcus and co, tobact 270 High

MarcTis, tobacconist 270 High d h

50 N 7tli Wm, tobact 270 High d h 50 N 7tb Montgomery Anch-ew, teacher 66 Lombai-d d h 129 Cedar Charles, gent 123 Spruce George, weaver 477 Sassafras Rev James, pastor St Stephens

ch Spruce West of 9th J, 4 Prune

John, bricklr Perry ab Pine E Joseph, mer 101 N Front d h 4

Rittenhouse place and son, mers 101 N Front Samuel, weaver Ann C ab 12th William, mer 101 N Front d h

128 Mulberry William, bootmr 209 Chesnut William, dry good store 31 S 2d widow Amelia, 14 Franklin widow, 34 Union - Montant Claudius, gent 149 Pine Montier widow Rachael, washerw 5 Acorn al Moody John, printer 118 N 11th

Miss, 20 Sansom Moon William, laches shoemaker 12 S 2d Mooney Hugh, labourer 4 Juniper lane Moore Andrew, tooth Ijrush manuf 119 N 3d Benjamin E, 157 N Front David, cab maker 36 Sugar al Dickinson, mer Del Ins com 60 1-2

Union Georg-e, dry good mer 139 1-2 High d

h 119 Pine James, sea captain 132 S 8th James, oak cooper 28 Bread James S, Mnt ct

Jeremiah, cordwainer 12 Myer's ct J, house carp 229 Cedar John, M D 210 Mulbeny Johif, brickmaker 279 Sassafras John Wilson, M D 63 Spruce R R, inspector of cust Lombard n 10th Samuel, hatter 279 Sassafras Samuel, M D director of the U S mint

183 Pine William, coachmaker 83 S 5th and Way, shopkeepers 23 N 2d William H, coffin warehouse 102 1-2

Mulbeny William, cab maker 32 "Vine widow, Cheny bet 11th & 12th widow, 156 S Front widow, dealer 15 Spruce widow Sarah, seamstress 118 Quince widow Sarah, boai-ding h 19 N 7th Moorehead J, labourer 9 Mercer

William, boat builder 230 S 2d Moran Edward, paver Sheafis al Moreland Jabez, carter Perry

Thomas, tailor 25 Lombard Morford Stacey, coach trimmer 7^9 Apple-



Morgiin Anil, drygd store N K cor 2(1 fk. I'inc trci- ill Henrv, Uihourer 9 I/iltlc Dock Joel, ni/.or strop maiuif 148 S 4tli NicIioUis, st(>vc'(lorc 14 Mulberry ■j-S;inili, cook 185 Spruce 'rhoniiis, labourer (;:xletloniiin ct T A, iner i)4 S Front' T VV, 9 S whs (I h 45 S 8tli ^^'m U, carver & g-ilder 279 Iligli Morin Alexander C, cliaser jeweller and dye sinker 109 Nod John, jeweller 23 N 3d Mrs. To\\nsend's ct Mon-inglon E, storekeeper 145 S 2d Mon-ell Abraham, sea cajjtain 207 S Front Charles, sliopkeeper 47 N 2d C, tavern keeper 119 S Water Hannah, tailoress 146 Cheny James, Brazilian consul 30 Dock d h

12th 3 doors ab Spruce James, hatter 121 N Water John, house carp 126 N 11th Robert V., ho\ise carp b of 12 S 5th d

h N bel 6th Thomas, acct 27 1-2 S 10th Mrs, 88 Union Mon-is Anthony P, 19 Church al A S, accountant 86 N 2d fBcnjamin, Paper al C W, g-entw 56 N 4th Casper, ]y[ D 184 Mulberry George, cordwainer Clever al George W, brushmakermannf 19 N3d Ilenr)-, iron and coal yard S W cor Sch

7th and High Isaac P, druggist d h 144 S 4th Isaac W, gent 144 S 4th Jacob G, merchant 209 Spruce John, 71 Locust Joseph, city commissioner N W cor

Cheny and 12th Joseph, hatter 12 Chancey lane Joseph, acct 338 Midbeny Luke W, gent 93 S 8th ^Morris, dealer Sassafras n Sch 8th Nathaniel, 209 Sassafras Richard H, stock & exch brok & com

mer 46 Wsdnvit d h 250 Spruce Samuel B, merchant 34 S wharves d h.

2 York buildings Simpson, gent 281 Chesnut Stephen P, coal grate manuf 79 S 3d Thomas, brewer 86 N 2d Thomas, cordwainer 5 Filbert Thomas, 338 Mulberry Thomas W, attorney at law 134 S 3d W^arder, wholesale druggist 45 N 3d widow Abigail, gentw 338 Mulberry widow Ann, gentw 338 Mulberry widow Catharine W, 5 N 4th widow, seamstress Adams M' I

Moirison Abitiham, 1 Green's ct

ik CO, lotUry brokers 45 S 3d F.van, uccount;int 60 N 3d James, weaver Locust bet Dean 8c

13th John, stonecutter S Juniper bet

I^ocust and Walnut John, tav kr Cedar bel 10th N William, brewer 79 Chesnut d h S

10th bel Walnut William, cordwainer 150 S 4th widow of William, 92 Chesnut widow Sarah, teacher 142 S 9th Morrow Samuel, b smith N E cor Pine & 5th widow, N E cor Juniper and Cherry Mort William, com mer 5 Franklin place d h

103 N 5th Mortimer John gent 79 S 11th

John, booksr and stat 61 & 74 S 2d Morton Atkin, trunk mr 1 lianstead ct John, gent 116 S Front Mi-s, b house 25 Sansom Samuel G, M D 411 Mulberry widow, 147 Locust Mory widow Ehzaljcth, 263 S Front Moser widow, 157 S 2d Moses Emanuel, combmaker 149 S 2d

Solomon, mer N E cor Walnut &. Front d h 166 Chesnut Jlosely George, house carp Locust bel 13th Moss Jacob, quill manuf pen maker and fancy stationer 65 S 3d John, gent 189 Spruce Joseph L merchant 18 S Front d h 189

Spruce Samuel, mer 6 Grays al dh 191 Spiace and Walton, upholsterers 102 Walnut Mosslin widow, 2 Fayette Mott Aaron, dyer 79 New

James and co, mers 45 N Front James, mer 45 N Front d h 14 Sansom MouUe C, storekeeper UN Front Moulson Deborah, drawing school 298 High

John, 298 High Moult Jacob, teacher 463 High

Wm, mer 24 Church al d h 27 N 12th Mounley widow, 3 Sugar al Mount Isaac, bricklayer Elizabeth

Timothy B, gent 17 Sassafras Moxley Stephen, victualler High W Sch 3dN Mo yd Thomas, house carp Mercer Mo'yer Esther, 15 Elfreth's al

James, cooper Sassafras n 12th Thomas, saddler 26 High d h 78 N Ft Moyes James, gent 119 Pine Moyn John, boot and shoemr 88 S 3d Muckleston Peter, wheelwright Hanses ct Muhlenberg David P, ironfounder and steam engine maker 295 Sassafras widow, 162 Mulberry Muir John, house carp N 13th ab Lawrence



Muirhcad William, Bum's tavern Bank oppo

Elbow lane Mulford John, jr mer 15 Sassafras Mullen John, gToccr Hurst Muller Mi's, boarding house 154 S 2d Mullen Samuel, tailor Frankhn n Sassafras Mulley Joseph, titilor 136 S Water Mullhal Henry, baker Prosperous al MulUns Edward, mer 23 Minor Mumfrey Charles, 13 Knight's ct Mundle John, merchant 101 S 5th Munday George JI, carver & gilder 64 S 4th Mungen John, house carp Vine W Sch 8th Munn A T, storekeeper 148 Spruce Munroe William F, shoemaker 92 Gaskill Murdock James W, sea capt 5 N IStli William, mer 1 Boston Row Murphy Cornelius, cordwainer 38 Vine

David, tailor 2 N Water d h 13 Keys al Elizabeth, tav keeper 315 Spruce James, cab maker 30 S 5th John, grocer 29 Quince John,. 13 Appletree al J, dyer Lombard bel 12tli John K, lad shoemr Dean n Walnut Joseph, tailor 2 Bryans ct Martin, tav keeper 141 Walnut Robert, boot and shoemr 34 N 6th William, bookbinder 2 Furlongs ct William, cordwainer 199 N Front William P, tobacconist 24 N 2d widow, gentw 2 C'ressons al Aliirray Junes, bookbinder 2 Hinckel's ct Jane, shopkeeper 81 S Water Joseph, boot and shoemr 51 S 3d Michael, tav kr 140 N Water Margaret, Alder al Mary, 166 S 5th Mrs, shop 389 Sassafras Mrs, 58 Union William, actor 179 Lombard William, combmr 50 Lombard

shopkeeper 14 Grays al

widow Jane, gentw 26 Midbeny Murrow Thomas, shopkeeper 149 Walnut Murtha Charles, gi-ocer 101 S Water

Wilham, dry good store 34 S 2d Musgrave James, exchange broker S E cor Chesnut and 3d d h 234 Spiiice John, atty at law 234 Spi"uce Joseph P, broker 142 Pine WiUiam 152 N 5th Musser George, tobacconist 50 N 7th

William, mer 263 High d h 20 N 7th MussI Joseph, merch 372 High Mussina M, 153 S 9th Mustin Anthony, collector 155 S 11th Mustin Ebenezer, jappanner 171 N 2d

E, thread &. needle sto &c 22 arcade Jokn, trimming store 171 N 2d Muzzey William M, glass ware h 17 Minor Myer Isaac, liouse and sign painter & glazier 51 Chesnut d h 73 Dock

Myer and Jones, house and sign painter and glazier 51 Chesnut

Myerle Frederick, store kr 216 S 2d

Myers Ann, shopkeeper 123 Sassafras Anthony, mer 2 Powel Catharine, 20 Carter's al Daniel, 334 Sassafras Elizabeth, teacher 29 Sassafras Heniy, wood corder Sassafras wharf d

h M'Culloch's ct IleniyR, M'Culloch's ct John, gent S W cor Broad & George John H, tav kr 7 Chesnut Mar}-, 28 Elfretli's al M and H, diy good store 120 N 2d Marmaduke, watchman Pattons al Rachael, 139 Locust Robert, Sassafras n Sch 8th Wilham H, capt 28 Elfreth's al William, painter 40 Cai'penter widow, boarding house 209 S Water

Mynich Daniel, painter and glazier 85 N 5th Jacob, painter and glazier 81 N 5th

Myrick Jetliro, sea capt 162 Cherry

Nafest A, house carpenter Castle Nagle Ehza, shop Centre

George, watchman George W Sch 8th George, hatter 161 Nod P G, boot and shoemr 51 N 3d R, silverplater 233 Lombard R C, silver plater 7 S 6th Samuel R, bookbinder 1 Little Pine Nagler Joseph, house carp 101 Filbert Nailee Mason, hatter 4 Farmer-'s row Nancrede Charles, apothecary and drug^stN W cor 5th and Lombard Joseph G, M D S E c 10th & Walnut Nicholas C, M D 125 S 5th Nassau William, tobact 161 High d h 64 S 5th Nathans Jacob, 78 N 9th

Nathan, atty at law 98 Mulberry widow Sarah, gentw Walnut n 7th National Gazette office, 72 S 2d Natt Thomas, looking glass & print store 134

High NavaiTe Peter, baker 212 S 6th Navy Agents office, 64 Dock Neagle John B, engraver 12 S 12th

John, portrait painter 282 Chesnut Neal Benj T, hatter 108 High d h 27 FUbert Daniel, clock and watch mr 80 N 9th Samuel, printer 93 Sassafras wid Clu-istiana, circula hbra 201 Chesnut Neidensetter Lewis, Prussian ambassador

421 Mulberry Needles Edward, apothy and druggist N W cor 12th and Sassafras Joseph, wireworker 132 N Front d h 23 Sassafras



Needles Joseph and John, wircworkers 132

N Front Neely John, tavirni keeper Says al

Saniml, t;iv keeper N \V cor loth and

Sassafras William, eartcr 13Ui bcl Walnut E Nceper John S, CIuitv W of Sch 8th NcffJolni, lotti^-y broker 221 S 2d

J, grocer N W cor Chim and 7th John R, jner 37 N Water d h 113 S 4th William, hatter 128 N 2d Negus John, 104 Vine

Stephen, ijro 13 S Water d h 31 N 5th Stephen C, store keeper 100 iN -itli widow Susan, gentw 96 S 5th Nell William, innkeeper 71 Dock Neill H, M D 116 Spruce

John W, tailor 9 Pennsylvania avenue Lewis, 4 N 9th Rev William, D D 4 N 9th Nekenis Thomas, com mcr 6 Norris al Nelson George, accountant 155 S 6th

Martin, vunbrella &. susp mr 158 High Noble C, 101 N 5th Nelus George, weaver S 12th n Lombard Nevins James, stock and exch broker 28 Wal- nut d h 300 Mulberry Samuel, stock and exch brok 28 Wal- nut d h 6 York buildings S and J, stoc & exch broks 28 Walnut Newbold Caleb, jr gent Spruce n 13th N John L, atty at law, 177 AVahmt Michael, grazier 77 S 6th Samuel, gent 18 Pine Wm, gent S W c lltli & Mulberry Newcomb Ba)se, atty at law 126 Walnut Newell Alexander, tailor Shields ct

John, grocer Chesnut 1 d W Sch 6th Paul W, merchant 140 S 2d Robert, storekeeper 162 1-2 S 2d Samuel, captain 32 Mulberry Stewart, mer 49 d h 8 N Front William, wholesale gi-ocer 3 S Water

d h 215 MulbeiTy Wm, grocer S W cor 9th & Cherry widow Martha, gentw 32 Mulbcny Newhouse Jacob W, hair dresser & bleeder

156 N 3d Newkirk GaiTet, drj' good mcr 75 High d h 34 N Front Matthew, mer 95 High d h 210 1-2

MuJbeny W^orth &. CO, dry good mers 75 High Newlin John, house carp 54 S 10th

John S, drj' good store 9 N 2d Nathaniel, gent 229 MulbeiTy Robert, grocer 316 High Thomas, merchant 15 S 4tli William, tailor 3 Marshall's al widow JLirgaret, gi-ocer 50 Spruce Newman Benjamin, tailor 21 Cherry

Caleb K, bricklayer 60 Sassafi-as Conrad, tailor 2 Fetter lane Eli, plasterer S 12th bel Walnut

Newman Hugh, accountant 30 N 6th Jaini-s, Acorn al

James, gtnt 18 Washington square John B, mer 53 ^^'alIlUt d h 20 Wash- ington square widow, boartling house 45 S Front widow, tav keeper 52 S Water Newport and Ellison, cloth store S E cor of

2d and High Newsham Richard, patlern mr 502 Sassafras Newton J, mariner 176 S Water Nice Joseph, 476 Sassafnis

. Mathias, tobact 162'S 5th d h 179 Cedar Nicholas Samuel, merchant 185 Walnut Nichols A St Clair, 30 Walnut d h Walnut ab 12th S Alexandeis Weaver Adam bet 12th St.

13th Nicholas Francis C, morocco munuf

194 d h 204 Vine George, watchman 13th ab Filbert Jane, spooler Say n Sch 8th Jeremiah, weaver Marble Margaret, 89 Penn widow, 433 Chesnut Nicholson IJ, Peny bel Pine E Eliza, 117 X 5th

Jumes, baker Pine bet lltli &. 12th Lindzey, lumber mer 254 Chesnut

d h 326 High Thomas, turner 196 Cherrj- Nicklin Philip H, law bookseller 175 Chesnut dhllOSSth wld Julia, Chesnut 2 ds bel Broad N Nidelct S F, mer 155 High d h S E cor High

and 12th Niedesnetter L, charge d' affaires for Prussia

Mulbcny n 12tli Nightingale James, sail mr N wharves bel

Sassafras d h 60 Lombard Niles Daniel, cordwainer & shoe finding store

95 Mulberry Nisbet John, carpenter back 193 Chesnut

Michael, auctioneer and com mer 10 N Front d h 230 Sassafras Nixon Alexander G, coach mr 4 College ave lottery broker S 7th Henry, presid of bank of N America R M, atty at law 12 Walnut Noble J, weaver Centre al

Richard, lottery office 238 Lombard Nogues Francisco Hernandez, Spanish consul

50 S 5di Nolen John, tav keeper 198 N Water Mrs, boai'ding house 57 Pine Spencer, lookg glass munuf 78 Chesnut Nones David B, mer 150 S 2d

Henrv, captain 271 S Front H B,'271 S Front Nonnater Peter P, victualler 85 N Juniper

widow, 85 Juniper Nooney 'I'liomas, back ol"20i Cherry Norcross William W, merchant 61 N Front



Norcrofls widow Susan, cork cuttei- 40 Straw- berry al Norcross wid Susan, cork eutter 3 Trotters al Norman Lewis, cordwainer 20 Coomb's al Norris Isaac, hatter 22 N Front

Isaac, atty at law S 7th bel George Isaac W, rope mr &, ship chandler 137

N Water d h 218 N Front n l James, cordwainer 22 Jones al Joseph P, president bank of Pennsyl- vania Chesnut 1 d at) 10th Joseph P, jr atty at law 187 Chesnut Matthew, tailor 22 Jones al wid Catharine, marketwn 22 Jones al North American Insurance office 40 Walnut Caleb, gentleman 279 Chesnut Jane & L}'dia, dry gd sto 66 Sassafras Mrs Sarah, 277 S Front Mrs, 13 Cherry Richai'd, stone cutter N E cor 10th 8c

Filbert d h 53 Filbert widow, 63 Cherry Northrop Jonathan, grocer 26 Pear

John H, liouse carp 158 S 11th Norton Bai-bara, whitewasher 8 Cressons al

widow Jane, nurse 11 Cressons al Norvell John, editor of the Aurora & Franklin Gazette 6 Bank al d h 6 Clinton sq NoveHst Culin, house carp 1 St James Npwland Thomas, gent 36 S 3d Nunes A J, liquor store 435 High Nunnelly Nathiel, scrivener 140 S 5th

Thomas W, upholsterer 140 S 5th Nurse Samuel O, S W cor 9th and Vine Nutt A jM, lottery broker 71 S 3d John, tailor 170 N Water William, plasterer 27 Elizabeth Nuttle Robert E, coachnu- 98 S 5th Nutter Robert W, house carp 207 Locust Nutz Ebenezer, store keeper 174 Vine

Oakford Richard, mer d h 315 Mulberry William, dry good mer 7 S 2d Oakley George, gent 22 Dock Obrey George, jr blTicksmith 206 S 6th O'Brien George A, seacapt 122 N 5th James, weaver Prosperous al Joseph, jr mer 154 High Patrick, 'lab Mulberry W Sch 2d Samuel, lab 2 Franklin row O'Conwa)' Matthias J, teacher of the French and Spanish languages and sworn inter- preter 128 Locust O 'Daniel John, atty at law 6 Librai-y O'Donnell Ann, tav keeper 182 N Water

James, cordwainer 135 N 3d O'Driscol Dennis, cordwainer 17 Strawbeny O'Ellers James, lieut commandant U S navy 177 Pine Miss M L, b h N W cor 4th & Spruce O'Hara Charles, 162 S 3d

Patrick, tav keeper 412 High

O'Mcara, teacher S 12th ab Chesnut W O'Neal George, tailor 38 Sti-awberry John, house carp 103 Spruce John, 209 Sassafras Michael, malster 218 Vine Mary, fancy store 197 S 2d Robert, house carpenter 197 S 2d O'Neill Daniel, tailor 177 N Front

John, cordwainer 114 Spruce John, grocer 191 Cedar John, tav keeper and bottler 150 N 3d John, whitesmith Vaux's ct

chy good store 78 S 4th

Mrs, circulating libraiy Chesnut Robert, tailor 93 MulbeiTy Robert, 20 Montgomery square widow Louisa, 119 N 11th OdcU John, blacksmith 20 Branners al Odenheimer John W, mer 163 High d h 124

S3d Office of the City Water Works, 200 Cherry Ogden Miss EUzabetli, seamst 442 Sassafras Francis, innkeeper 38 Pine Jesse, h w store N W c Sassafras & 4th Robert, Juniper bet Mulby & Cherry widow, shop 37 Elizabeth Ogle Tliomas, coach mr S 6th op 'Carpenter

d h 1 Sansom William, watch maker 9 S 6th Ohl John F, mer 100 S wharves d h N E cor

liOmbard and 3d Okie A, merchant 83 High Olden James, commis mer 30 Crown Oldenbiu-gh Daniel, hatter 43 High Oldfield G S, mer 9 d h 68 S Front

and CO, merchants 9 S Front Oldmixon Mrs M, Washington square W Oliphant widow Mar}', 25 Jones al Oliver G L, dry good mer 181 High d h 90 Wood N L John, house carp Beaver ct John, cordwainer Rudolph's ct Joseph, carpenter 5 Ranstead ct Joshua C, mer 93 High d h 43 New Reuben, clothing store 13 dh43 Spruce and Rogers, clotliing store N E cor

Water and Spruce Thomas P, tailor 72 N 11th Whitney and co, mers 19 S Front Olmstead Mrs, boarding house 98 S 4th Olson John, waterman 48 Penn Omensetter Winard, 98 S 7th Ommarle George, baker 5 Black horse al Onderdonk rt revd H W, asst bishop diocese

of Pennsylvania 326 Chesnut Oi'd George, ship chandler 99 S wharves d h

354 S Front (Southwark) Ore Caleb A, boot and shoe sto N W c 7th

and Zane Orman Henry, tav keeper N E cor 7th & Pine Orne James, mer 172 1-2 d h 310 High James and B, mers 172 1-2 High Thomas, carpenter 315 Sassafras Orr John, co*ch mr S W cor Cherry and 6th d h 1 Castle



Orr John, liouse carp Stampers al Robert, 313 Walnut widow, 73 N 9th

widow, board house 7 Grecnleaf s ct Ortclctt C E, jeweller and fancy sto 151 S Ft Ortis Alexander, baker 100 N 7lli Orum Davis, dry good store 52 N 4th

Gadesby, ladies shoemaker 2 N 8th Osborne (leorg'e C, manuf of water colours for lU'tists 137 Sassafras Jeremiah, drayman 41 Cedar Mi's Maria, young- lad semi 32 Powell Osboiime Randolph, 1 llowai-ds ct

Sai-ah, gcntw 1 Locust Otis B, portrait painter 142 Chesnut Ott Francis, brush maker 22 Currant al Georg-e, weaver Sch 8th n Chesimt Jacob C, turner Old York road ab Wood

N L d h 86 N 6th widow Catharine, gentw 86 N 6th Otto John C, M I) 139 MulbeiTj Oudinot Henry A, hair di'esscr 265 Sassafras Ouram Wm, black & white smith Prime n 6th OvuT S, tiTUik mr N Jvmiper ab Sassafras Ourt Lewis, N W cor Juniper and Cherry Overman William, com broker 188 Pine Owen Henry, mer tailor 73 S 3d

widow Ann, whitewashcr 26 Branch Owens Edward, gentlemaji Nicholson James, Middle al John, 153 N 2d John, teacher 133 Lombard John, weaver 233 Cedar John P, aty at law 74 S 6th d h 370 High Thomas, inn keeper 4 Laetitia ct widow, shopkr Sassafras n Sch 8th

Packer Edward, blacksmith St James Page Charles M, atty gen agent & conveyan- cer 3 and 46 N 6th G Washington, 35 S 13th James, atty at law 53 S 5th d h 35 S lotli James H, manufactm-er 13 S Ft Joseph, ladies shomaker Filbert n 11th S, bi'oker and conveyancer 20 Franklin

place W'ilham, mer 16 S Ft d h 268 Chesnut Paillet Heniy, merchant 109 High Paine Burgess & co, lotty and exch brokers

137 Chesnut Painter Henry, merchant 118 Spi-uce

AVilliam, labom-er Lombard ab 12th widow, mantua mr Randall's ct Palbright Martin, shop 94 Vine Paleskie Lewis, sea captain 84 Lombard Palethorp John H, ink powder and pewter

manuf 50 N 2d Palm Henry, printer 11 Hydes ct Palmer Amos, liquor store High E Sch 6th Ann, 219 Lombard Ant'y A, grocer 4 High d h 176 S Ft Edwin A, dry good mer 22 S 2d E H, store keeper 26 S 2d

Palmer George, mahogany sawyer 18 N 13tli Henry, coach maker 30 Cheny John B, secretai-}' to the mutual In-

sunip.ce company 54 Wahnit Jonathan, mer 25 S whs d h 1 Union Jonathan, jr teacher 193 Pine Mrs, Chesiiut hrst door ab 12th S R, shoemaker 189 S Front Samuel, di-uggist 99 Pine Thomas, gentleman 206 Spruce William T, connnis mer Carters al widow Ann, midwife "N AV cor Mul- berry and Juniper widow Mary, china store S W cor of 7th and Sassafras Pancoast Samuel, gent 40 Sansom Papcgtvy Miss, 149 S 10th Parham John, house carp 62 S 11th Parke Awlev M, shoe store 388 High

D S, gro 331 High d h 42 Filbert Park and Espy, leather store 55 Chesnut Parke James P, gent 1 Rittenhouse place Joshua C, gent 141 Mulbeny Samuel, gi'ocer 42 Filbert Thomas, M D 1 Rittenhouse place William, printer 181 S 11th AA' illiam, hatter 20 Vine Parker Alice and Hannah, milliners 21 N 3d Andrew, watchman 7 Bird's al B, boarding house 137 Mulbeny Daniel, stable keeper 14 Bread Esther, boarding house 71 N 5th Isaac, watchman 20 Swanwick John, 71 N 5th John, hardware store 70 N 2d John, tiiv keeper 112 N 6th John, jr carpenter 226 S 5th J, painter 89 Locust J, oyster cellar 28 S 6th Joseph, gentleman 32 Sassafras Richard,' M D High n Sch 3d |Richard, shoebk S 11th bel Lombard Samuel, grocer 23 Pine Sarah, Chester

Simeon, cordwainer 303 Walnut Thomas, house carp S 10th n Cedar Thomas, clock and watch mr 13 S 3d Thomas, jr dry good store 28 S 2d W^illiam, printer Vaux's ct W^illiam, printer 12 Swanwick William W, accountant 84 Sassafias widow Hannah, seamstress 26 N 10th wid, sempstress Midbeny W Sch 2d Parkins Richard, cab maker Goforth al Parkinson George, cake baker & confectioner &c 174 Chesnut Joseph, 122 N 2d Moses, 25 Mulbeny aJ Parmentier C> trader 121 S 6th Pan- John, tailor 26 N 9tli Parris Benjamin, turner Fearis' ct

Gabriel, callenderer 42 Mulberry Parrish Joseph, M D 109 Mulberrj' Parry and Cobb, tailors 240 High



Parr>' Edward, b h S W cor Ft and Walnut John J, clock and watch mr 319 High d

h 74 S 4tli Mrs, circulating- lilimiy 74 S 4th R, printer Locust ab 8th S Thomas, storekeeper 57 N 2d Partenheimer Adam, brewer 9 Bread d h 77 Mulbeny and Brctz, brewers 9 Bread P, upholsterer 100 N 3d Pasey Thomas, store keeper 57 N 2d Patrullo Miss Josepliine, gent 222 Spruce

Nicholas, merch 119 S I"ront d h Washington square S Patten John W and co, leather store S W cor

Vine and 3d d h 186 N 4th Patterson Daniel, 151 S 2d

E, grocer S W cor Lombard & 8th Isaac, innkeeper (Robinson Ci-u-

soe) 23 S 3d Jonatlmn, acct 109 S 9th John, house cai-p 259 Sassafras John, gi-o S E cor -ith & Sassafras

d h 61 N 4th

Joseph, inspcc of the cust 104 Vine

Robert >I, M D vice provost and

pi'of of natural pliilosophy in tlie

Universit}- of Pennsyl 1 S 9th

Robert, mercht. 286 High d h 334

Mulbeny Robert, house carp 81 George T, weaver S 12th bel Walnut E T, grocer S E cor 6th and Powel Thomas, weaver cor Sch 3d and

Filbert Walter, lab Chesnut n Sch 3d N William, S Juniper bel Walnut William and co, grocei-s N E cor

Water and ;\IulbeiTy William, 61 N 4th Wilham, grocer 84 N Front widow, school Dock n 2d wid of Stephen, gent^v 63 Locust wid Mary S, juniper n Locust Pattison J, store keeper 151 S 2d

and Duncan, mers N E c Front and Chesnut Patton D, weaver Locust E of 13th

Miss Grace, teacher 169 S 11th James, jr mer Smith's wharf ab Sassa- fras d h 293 Sassafras John, merchant Dock John, turner 8 College avenue John, mer 'oc> N Water d h 65 Cedar John W, leather sto 166 d h 163 N 3d JuHus, waiter 14 Cmrant al Robert, cordwainer Locust n Dean Samuel, accountant 13 N 10th Samuel, giocer 138 S Water d h 139

S Front Thomxs, weaver S 12th bel Walnut E Wilham, china store 65 Cedar William, jr acct Ehzabcth n 7th N widow, 108 S lOtli

Paul and Clarke, clothing store 48 High

David, deput\ corder drawbridge d h 8

N Front David, flour and feed store 3 Spruce d

h 14 Lombard James, merchant 176 S 3d J, 11 1-2 High John, gent 162 N 5th Joseph M, gent 60 N 4th >L-s, 40 Sassafi-as

Robert, victualling house 180 S M'ater William, house carp back of 36 N od Wilham S, carter 6 Fetter lane Paulhn George, tailor 49 CiUTant al Pavenamus John, cooper 102 N 6th PawHng Abi-aham, blacksmith 17 N 9th Jesse, black smith 158 Sassafras Paxson Benj, mef 40 N Ft d h 107 Walnut Edward, atty at law 158 N Front Richard, hardware mer 245 High d h

328 Mulbeny Samuel, letter carrier 62 Zane Timotliy & son, flour mers 65 N Water Timothv, floui' mer 65 N- Water d h 158 x\ Front Pavne John, mariner 30 Carters al John; 21 Chm-chal P, 74 Lombard William, mariner 26 N 9th Wilham, house carp Ic 1 S 5th Paynter Lem.uel, gTocer 47 Pine Peace widow, 78 S 6th Peais Joseph, 102 N 13th Peale Anna C, ininiature painter 228 Spruce Charles L, 137 S 10th James, jr acct 24 Fowe! James, poilrait painter 228 Spruce Sai-ali M, portrait painter 228 Spruce Titian, artist Montgomer}- sq Sassafi-as &. Philadelphia museum Pearce John, plim:iber and water closet manuf 7^ S 4th 1 Sober al and 293 N 3d d.h 244 Spnice Mrs, b house 122 High R T, fancy store 16 Arcade J, 25 N 6th Pearsall Robert, jrdi-ugt 115High d h 4 N 11th Albert, acct 471 High Misses Ann and Martha, gentw 237 Midberiy Pearson Elijah, hatter 2 Hoffman's al Isaac, wliip maker 3 S 3d Isaac L, 18 Montgomery square John, gent Cherry ab 12th Joshua, hatter 471 High d h 3 N I2th

saddler 30 N 4th

Marj, dr^ good store 16 N 7th widow, 387 Sassafras Pease Margaret, gentw 1 N 12th Pechetti Andrew, confectioner 334 High Pechin John, collector of taxes 74 S 11th

Wm, taimer cor Willing and Ash ton widow, 12 Elfreth's al Peckford John, store keeper 98 N 2d



I'eddJc Hcnrj', seaman 37 Pcnn

Josluia, oak cooper 10 Vcuw ami 7

l.ittk- \VaUT(l h 37 Peiui

William A, oak coopi r and jcawg'cr 63

N WaUrd h H EUVctli's A

I'cfl Shiiuk.-!, lab Sfh 8tli al) Sas.saf' hack

PeiHcr wiilow, Ilij^h 2 doors ab 12tli N side

Ptircc t'alob, hardware nier ID (Jliurcli al

C and C aiul \\, niers 51 S whanes d

]\ 136 S Front C'liai-les, };vnt318 Chcsnut Peirsol Jeremiah, steward of the idms house Robert, {j^eat 214 Mulberry' \\u\, iron uierch 56 N 3d d h 131 N 9tli Peixotto A V, mer 14 Walnut d h S 4th Penibertoii Henry, clerk in the Philadel bank

dh61N3d ^ Pendaga:>t T, tavcr^cecpcr 32 S Water Penderjfast Joseph L, cabinet mr S E cor 3d

anil Vine d h 134 Vine Pcnewill David, blacksmith N E cor Pine and

13tli d h Perry bet Spruce and Pine Pennebeckcr Benjamin, b h 77 N 4th Pennell E S, 19 Dean

Joseph, house carp Raspbeny al Penninjfton Edward, sugar refiner 155 Sassa- fras d h 14 Moatg'omery square Edward, S 7th

Mrs Martha, b house 51 Sansom Pcnnock Abraham L, mer 231 d h 4 S 12th Caspar W, M D ^6 Mulberry Sarah, gintw 336 Mulberry Pennsylvania Fire Insurance company's office 134 V.'alnut Infinnary for the disease of the

eye and the ear 4 S 7th Insur comp N E cor 2d &, Dock Institution for the deaf and dumb Broad bet Spi-uce and Pine . life insu and annuity company 173 Chesnut Penny John, cider dealer 8tc Brooks ct Penot Francis and sons, ladies shoemr 185 S 2d Penrose John, house cai-p Sheaft''s al

William, oak cooper 435 High Pepard James, bottler 162 Sassafras Pepper George, brewer S 5th N W cor Minor d h 225 Chesnut George J, mer 147 S Front d h

Orange bel 8th Joseph, tooth brush manuf 8 Pcnn- sj'lvania avenue Percival Joshua, mer 97 S Front d h 89 Pine Thomas, apothecaiy 89 Pine Thomas C, mer 97 S Front Percyra Joseph, dealer 5 Brjan's ct Perdi'iaux Peter, fanc%^ store 53 S 2d Pereria Chevalier Joachim Banoza, cliarge des

affaires from Portugid 218 Chesnut Pent and Cahot, mers 123 S Front

John W, mer 123 S Ft d h 105 Mulberry Perkins Fi-ancis, 138 Sassafras

Henry, blacksmith 302 Sassafras M D 55 N 4th

i'erkins Samuel H, atty &t counsellor at law 46

S 6th '1' R & A R, diy good store 130 High widow Maiy, 17 (;heny Pernier John, confectioner High W of Sch

8th S side Perot Cluu-les, mer 39 N Water d li 297 High Charles and Joseph, mers 39 N Water EUiston, mer 41 N Water d h 299 High Francis, brewer 105 d h 88 New Francis and W S, brewers 105 New and

120 ^'ine James, mer 41 N Water d li 297 High James and Sansom, mers 41 N Water John, mer 41 N Water d h 297 High Joseph, mer 39 N Water d h 299 High Sansom, mer 41 N Water d h 299 High Wm S, brewer 105 & 107 New 120 Vine Perott Jacob, coi-dwaincr 128 S 2d Pesoa Da*id, saddler 105 N Front

Gustavus, bookbinder 104 N Front Phila wid of Isaac, gentw 105 N Front Perrine Daniel, brickhn cr 15 Fayette H'-nry G, atty at law 46 S 5th Perroteau B, agent for the Union line steam

boats 5 S whs d h 16 Lombard Perry Charles, coach mr 28 Watsons al Robeit, weaver 26 Quince Thomas, weaver 30 Quince William, cun-ier 38 Carter's al wid Sarah, silk and woolen dyer 135 Locust Pci-sico G, port and miniature painter 64 S 8th Perril widow, N 13th bel Vine Peternian Geoi-ge, grocerv and flour store 366 High d h 106 Filbert Jacob, gent 59 S 11th Peters Ann, confectioner N 6th

Benjamin, lumber mer Sassafras cor Juniper d h 10 Castle Charles, book binder 203 Cherry George, accountant 152 N 8th James, gold Sc silver smith & thimble

manuf 89 N 2d John, bncklayer 148 Cherry John, seaman Jones' al n Front f John, cook 82 Gaskill f John, hair dresser 12 S 6th J W, accountant 33 S 10th and ^!arshall, lumber mei-s Sassafras.

n Broad Philip, brickmr Walnut AV Sch 4th Peters Richard, jr counsellor at law S E cor Chesnut and 9th office 152 Chesnut widow Man-, gent N lOtli bel Castle Peterson Daniel, clothier 153 S 6th

. George, grocer S 3d d h 103 Mul- berry Jeremiah, portr Sassafras ab Sch 8th John, tanner and cunier 95 Chesnut

d h 331 Mulberry and M'Kinley, w sale grocers lower 3 S3d



Peterson William, seaman S E cor Lombard and Penn back William, gent 58 N 3d Pettaliigar Ph, fruiterer 278 High Fetters Anthony, bottler 35 S 4th Pettit Andrew, aldei-man 12 S 5th d h 69 S 6th Charles, mercliant 69 S 6th E, shoemr 24 Franklin ct Nicholas, tailor 119 N 2d Robert, merchant 69 vS 6th Robeit, Bread n Mulberry Thomas, gi-ate mr 50 S Ft d h 93 N 9th . Thomas M, atty at law 191 Walnut William G, confectioner 121 N 2d Peusch Jacob, tav keeper 192 N Water and

197 N;Front PfaflT Conrad, cordwainer 90 N Water Pfeiffer and co, confectioners and distillers of

cordials &.c 12 Decatur Phelps John F, stove finisher &c 131 N 2d Philadelphia contributionship office for insur against fire 25 Dock Gazette, office 97 S 2d Insurance comps office 94 S 2d Museum, Arcade Pliilip A L, fivncy store 46 N 2d PJiilips Ann, S 9th bel Lombard Phillppi George, 209 Sassafras Phillips Benjamin, ^lulberry n Sch Front Henry, gent 140 S 2d Isaac, mer 75 S Front d h Washing- ton square J Altaniant, atty at law 140 S 2d Jonas B, atty at law S 5th bel Chcs-

nut d h 41 N 4th James, b house 113 N Water J, lottery broker S 7th bel High W John S and co, cotton manuf 127 S Ft Jonas B, atty at law 59 S 5th John, sugar refiner 73 Vine d h 200

S Front Joseph, accountant 41 N 4th J B, broker 14 Walnut Levi, 22 N 4th R and J, mers 75 S Frjnt Samuel, coach mr 4 Blackben-y al Samuel, last & boot tree mr 25 Walnut William, gent 200 S Front , AVm, last and boot tree mr 61 Dock William, sea captain 19 Pine Zalegman, coun at law 140 S 2d widow Rebeca, gentw 41 N 4th widow, 15 Powel Phipps Thomas, gent 11 N 8th Phoenix Insurance compan3s office 96 S 2d Physic Phihp Syng, M D profes &c 123 S 4th Piatt James, grocer 134 N 13th Picard widow, 266 Lombai-d Pichin Eliza, 90 Spnice

Pickels Casp er, coach lamp manuf 111 Walnut Pickering E J & S P, dry good mers 35 High Pickford John, grocer 98 N 2d

Picot Charles, vice consul for Rome Wash- ington square n 7th M, Washington square S side Pidgeon David, hardware store 126 N 3d

James, tiiv kr N E c 7th and Cedar w^idow Rachael, shoe store 2 N 5th Pierce E J, umbrella mr S E cor High & 3d Pieriie Wm, cunier 81 Dock d h 38 Carters al

widow, 3 Knights ct Pierie John, bleeder cor Spruce & Greens ct Pierpont Robert, silk dyer and scourer Fil- bert ab 10th Piersol Jeremiah, stewai-d at the alms house Pierson J B, weaver Lombard ab 12th Martha Ann, 235 MulbeiTy widow, 1 Knight's ct Pike Marinus W, carvea*nd gilder 35 N 6th

Samuel, 2 Sassafras al Pillavoine Alexi' consul for France 44 Pine Pinchin William, manuf military trimmings & ornaments 438 Sassafras d h Jacoby next to cor of Sassafras widow, seamstress Randalls ct Pinckney M B, camels hair pencil manufact

Pcny bel Pine Pine Benjamin, hatter 196 S 2d d h 194 S 5th Pinker John, blacksmith Say Pinkerton Robert, weaver Pine E Broad N

William, printer 10 S Alley PintardT II, 118 Spruce Pittinos Peter, gent Chester n Sassafras Pippitt Isaac, cal)inet mr 148 Spruce Pisanell P'rancis, hair dresser 27 S Front Place James, N W cor Cherry and Jacoby Plankinhorn Susan, school 8th ab Sassafras Plankinton J and R, storekeepers 4 N 5th Plantou Anthony, siu'geon dentist 110 S 4th Mrs Julia, portrait painter 110 S 4tli Piatt William, mer d h 201 Mulbeny

William, hatter 4 Hinckles ct Pleasants Charles, gent 5 S 11th

and Graeff, druggists 6 N 3d Mary T, 14 N 11th Mrs, 166 Cheny Pleis John F, stove manuf 131 N 2d d h 25

Coates al Plitt Mi-s, 68 N 9th Plumb Joseph, grocer 142 Cherry Poalk Robert, auctioneer 34 d h 96 S Front Pohlman Frederich, hair di-esser 8 Hydes ct Point John, pimip mr 3 Richardson's ct Polaskie Lewis, captain 84 Lombard Polhemus Mrs Ann, boai-ding h 82 Mulberry John, 178 Pine John II, acct 82 Mulberry Pollard A F, 9 S Water

Joseph, watchman cor S al and 6th Pollock J R,. teacher 7 Pear d h S E cor 6th and Spruce Moses, dealer 150 N 4th wid Esther, milUner Mulberry bel 3d Pollen widow, seamstress 122 N 13th



Pommcr Charles, piano forte maker 103 N 3d I'omfTHyc Ue Lii Tcxiur, ttaclier Pine I'onicroy B V, tviriitr 6;> VVulimt

H W, grocer S E cor 2d and Wacc Pond Abel, cordwuincr 154 S 5tli

Joseph, comb nir and looking^jflass store 2 N od d 1\ 155 Green n l Pool Joseph, comb nir G.3 N 6th

A>'illi;un, tavern and ferry house keeper (old feiTy) 45 N Water Poole Mrs, b and day school 300 Chesnut

William C, M U and drug'jjist S E cor

Sassafras and yth widow, 29 Cherry Porter F W, 146 Chesnut d ii Chesniit n Broad Henry, g-rocer Spruce ab 12tli J, printer Emlen's ct James, cop plate printer 23 Cartel's al John, sadiUer 4o Filbert John, M D 81 S 6th Ahirjfaret, shojikeeper 24 Carters al Nicholas, weaver Budd C bet 13th and

Juniper Samuel, blacksmith and stove finisher

25 N 10th d h Prospect al Samuel, tin plate manuf N W cor 13th

and J'ilbert widow Elizabeth, shopkr 110 Cheny Potter Caroline, b house 2 Lodg'e James, merchant 71 N 3d John, mer 32 S Front d h 156 S 9th Richard C, mer 186 High d h 26 N 7th Sheldon, auctioneer and com mer 8 S

3d d h S E cor 5th and Pine William, mer 13 S Front William W, proprietor of tlie vegetable catliollcon 13 S 9th Potts Anna, gentw 3 N 13th

Rev George C, pastor of 4tli presbyte-

rian ch 206 Pine James, oak cooper 63 d h 73 N Water James, jr 59 N Water Nathan R, atty at law 97 Mulbeny Nathaniel, mer 5 N Water d h 26 N 7th & Peddle, guag's Sc coojjers 63 N Water Robert T, w sale dry gd mer 105 High Mrs Sarah, circidg library 281 Walnut Stacy, accountant 153 N 9th Thomas, student of divinity 10 Soutli al William B, 22 New William L, iron store 153 N 2d Pogue Joseph, mercli 97 High Poulson Amor, house carp Vaux's ct Charles A, gent 96 S 4th George, bricklayer 179 South John, printer 37 S 4th Zachariah, edit and propr of Amen Daily Advertiser 106 Chesnut Poultney James, gent 150 S 7th John, gent 178 S 11th Povall Richard, M D Spruce ab 12th Powell Jacob, stove manuf 238 S Front d h 46 Pine

Powell John, livery stable keeper 86 S 11th Joiin, turner 1 Littleboys ct John Hare, gent Walnut ab 9th N Uicliard, cab maker 154 N 2d widow Elizabeth, gentw 207 Chesnut widow, Eii/.aljetli Powis James, painter and glazier 3 Ranstead ct Piiiger George, saddle)- and harness mr High E of Sell Front Mark, stock and exch brok 63 Dock d h 42 S 6th Prall Edward, chair maker N W cor 6tli and Mulberry d h 278 Sassafi-as and Fritz, chair mrs N W cor 6th and Mulberry Pratt Charles T, accountant 112 N Front

and Davis, lotterj- brokers 62 Chesnut Henry, mer 95 N whs d h 112 N Front L and co, diy good store 31 S 2d Thomas, mer d h 58 S 11th Pray M and co, lottery biokers 1 S 3d Prescott David W, mer 65 S Ft d h 121 Cedar Preston *^d\\ard, weaver Walnut n Sch 4th Edward, manuf Sch 2d n George Jonas, M D 250 MulbeiTy Pretner Hannah, 8 Library Prevost Andrew M, stock & exch broker 45 d h 171 Walnut A M & J H, stock and exch brokers

45 \\'alnut wid of Henry M, b house 59 S 4th Price Eli K, atty at law 114 Mulbeny

F H, carpenter S 12th ab Pine W

Joiin, Marks lane

John mer 195 High

Joseph, gent N 12th n Mulberry

Joseph, xipholsterer 96 N 2d

and Morgan, merchs 41 Dock

PhiUp, jr copper plate printer &c 66

Lombai'd Richard, mer 133 High d h 143 Mulberry S M, 46 N 5th Thomas, teacher 47 N 8th Thomas C, hardware mer 157 High f William, mariner 197 Lombard

3 Hawes ct

widow Elizabeth, boai'ding h 58 S 6th widow, boarding h 341 High Prichett Charles, flour merch 25 S wharves d h 198 S 8th Thomas B, gent 171 S 5th Thomas, floui* mer 31 S Water d h

201 Pine Thomas and John, flour merchs 31

S W^ater Thomas, minter 381 Sassafras William, gent 98 S 8th WilUam, currier 112 Chesnut d h N

W^ cor 8th and Spruce W and James, cun-iers 112 Chesnut Priest Benjamin, blacksmith 10 Hydee ct

John, tailor 37 N 4th Priestman William, gent 300 High



Primrose V, sadcUcr and harness nir 291 High

Prince Abner, 209 Sassafras

Pringle, widow 212 Pine

Probasco Peter, plane maker 125 N 2d

Procter Sarah, Pine n 12th

Prosser Jacob, baker 207 Lombard

-[■James, oyster celhir liig-h n 8th d h

15 Elizabeth

Providence (R I) packet whf Smith's whf ab

Sassafras Provident Society's house and deposit for lost

chikben 3 South al Pryor Joseph, ck of bd of health 26 Elfreths al Richard, hatter 58 N 2d widow Margery, g-entw 47 Union Pue Hugh, constable 39 S Juniper James, brickmaker 39 S Juniper Thomas, soap boiler 35 S Juniper Pugh Isaac, paper hanging manuf 8 S 4th d h S E cor 5th and Wood Michael, 4 Littleboys ct Samuel, innkeeper 80 High widow Rebecca, shopkeeper K)2 N 5th Pugha J P, intei-preter 80 Spruce PuUen Robert, gent 2 Locust op Wash square Purcell John, S E cor Lombard and Hui'st Purdon John, atty at law 104 S 4th

Rachael, boarding house 62 S 6th Pui'dy William, labom-er lOth n Sassafras Purl E, tailor 18 Watsons al fPurnell Daniel, sawyer 23 little Pine Purvis widow of Alexander, 60 S 7th Pusey Caleb anil co, ttoiu- factors 19 S Water and 13 S^vhai'vcs

James, waiter 60 S 4th Pyle and Pedrick, bookbrs up 146 Chesnut

Quain WilUam S, hatter Loxleys ct Midbeny Quandale Louis, 92 High d h 10 N 6th Quantrell William, storekeeper 90 Sassafras •j-Quard John, hair dresser 109 Pine Quei-velle Anthony G, cabinet mr 126 S 2d Quick Arthur, lab cor Mulbeny and Sch 3d

wid Margaret, gentw 68 Union Qviig Henry, tallow chandler 5 Quarry Quiggs Thomas S, tavern Walnut bet Water

and Front Quigley John, boot and shoemr up 49 Pine Quinn Andi-ew, innkeeper 9 N al

Rarnett, gro N E cor Lombard and 5th

E and C, storekrs cor Lombard and 5th

Terence, b h S E c High and Sch 8th

Quinby Moses, house carp 15 d h 41 Chesnut

Rabson widow Mary, b house 143 High Rafferty James, wea^'er St Mary

Thomas, carter Cedar n 10th Raguct Condy, gent 58 S 6th Rainey E B, bakeiy Cuthbert's whf ab Cedar

John, carter Jones al Rain* John, linen store 53 N 2d

Rairdon Darias, stone cutter Sheaff's al Rakestraw John, tailor 279 S Front Ralston Archibald brick mr High E Sch 7th A and G, mers 103 S Front George, mer S W cor 12th and Walnut and I>yman, mers and marine and Fire

Insurance office 9 S Front Heniy, atty at law 72 S Fouilh M C, mers 103 S Ft d h 83 Walnut Robert, mer 103 S Ft d h 189 Mulby Robert, jr mer and consul for Saxony 9 S Front d h 333 MulbeiTy Ramage Adam, pressmaker &c Library d h 94 Lombard Amer plasterer 427 High Rambler Bernard, tav keeper N W cor Cherry

and 9th Ramborger and co, lottery brokers N E cor Decatur and Carpenter John J, sea capt 311 Mulberry Rambow John, blacksh 10 Laui-el C d h 35

Spioice Rampson George, house carp 1 Strawberry Ramsay J P, mer 25 Powell

Robert, Sch Navigation inn kr S E cor High and Sch Front Rand Benjamin H, writing master 36 S 6tli Randall Archibald, atty at law lower 10 S 7th d h 298 High Joseph, house cai-p 103 S 9th Joseph C, storekeeper 203 S 2d Josiah, atty at law 491 Chesnut Matthew, Prothonotary of the court com pleas 9 W wing of the state house d h 22 Sansom and Vodges, attys at law 10 S 7th widow Margaret, 167 S 5th Randolph Edward, gent 126 N 2d

Edward, jr mer 63 S Front d h 214

N 4!.h N L

G F, mer 63 S Front d h 182 Mulby G F and E, mers 63 S Front Jacob, M D 77 Spruce Robert, cab maker 60 Gaskill Rankin and Adams, grocers 49 Chesnut David, grocer 49 Chesnut George and son, cab mrs 20 Walnut George, jr ladies shoe mr 9 N 8th Ransom Da\id, lab 450 Sassafras Rapp George, cooper 93 S Front

William, Jeweller 254 Sassafi-as Raser Matthias, printer 33 Carters al d h 41 Cherry Thomas M, teacher 87 Locust Rasp George, brick mr Lombard E Sch 7th Raster AVilliam, watchman Prospect al Rawle Samuel B, mer 40 S Front d h 95 S 4th William, jr atty at law 129 Walnut William, coun at lawl69 Walnut Ray James, cordwainer 218 S 2d

M and co, dry good store 4 S 2d fThomas, waiter 38 Middle al William, dry good store 36 S 2d Wm, dry gd & grocery sto 5 &i.7 High Raybold Jo^jn, cor Sch Front and Mulberry Rayneo, labourer HolTman's al



Itazt-n Joseph, dyer 132 S 6th Rca AIoxuikUi-, umbrella mamif 38 S 3d (Miarlts, 7-^ \ ine

Joliii, upliolstercr and carppt ware ho\u»c Spruce 2d d ah 3d S d li S W cop* Spnice ?<, 3d Read ElinioUcls innkr and boUk-r 95 N 3d AUx, china nur 205 Hifch d h 57 S 10th Elizabctli, shop 255 Spruce and Gni}-, cliina nici-s 205 High .Hannali, chy j^ood store S 2d Henry M, M D 176 Chesniit John, storekeeper 37 S 2d John, president of'tlie bank of Philadel- phia 176 Chesnut John, jr atty at law 307 Wahiut John, cordwainer 3 Littleboys ct and CO tlr}- ii:ood store 6 S 2d John M, atty at law 176 Chesnut Samuel, labourer Juniper n Higi^ Wm, mer and vice, consvd for Naples &

Sicily 64- Wock d h 307 Walnut ■William, tailor 68 S Water d h 69 S Ft Reath Thomas, gvo N W cor 8th and Walnut Reddock James, tav keeper 2 little Dock Rcckefas David, coixlwainer Smiths ct Rebold L, ,^'Ocer and confectioner High bel

11th S and 1 Arcade Rcdles Adiun, turner 23 Strawberry Redman B, bookseller and stationer 121 S 5th James, grocer S W cor 6th and Pine James, weaver Man-iot's lane T, M D 188 Chesnut wid Mary, dry good store 68 S 4th Redner Lewis, cab mr 6 Laurel ct Redsti-eke J, cab maker 123 S 2d Redwood WiUiam, gent 98 S 3d Reed Jacob, tailor 133 S Water Jacob, tailor 166 S Water John, comb maker 1 Sassafras al John, inspector customs 299 Sassafras Joseph, recorder of city 187 Spruce Michael, diy good store 78 N 2d Moses, groc 482 S W c Sassaf & Juniper Patrick, painter and glazier 46 S 5th Robert, S ^A' cor Sassafi-as and Juniper Samuel, tailor 11 Raspbeny al Samuel, grocer S E cor 7th and Pine Samuel H, grocer 400 High Thomas, painter and glazier 2 S 9th d

h 108 Cherry and Wallace, store keepers 18 S 8th William, tav keeper 102 Chcny William AV B, atty at law 100 S 4th d

h 187 Spruce AVilliam, tailor 68 S Water d h 69 S Ft widow Elizabeth, b h 20 Bread widow Mary, b h 58 Sassafras widow Sarah, shop kr 45 Lombard widow, baker 6 Fetter lane Reeder Isiiac, agent for the U S mall stage 115

N 5th Rees Charles B, cordwainer 314 Vine Henry, tailor 75 N 4th

Rees Henry, blacksmith b of 13 N 13tli John, boUltr 155 N 2d \sidow Ellen, boarding h 22 Carters al wid Elizabetli, iniikecp«->r 97 S 5th Reese Jacob, cedar (-oopcr 77 Mulberry

Jacob, victualler Vine W of Sch 7th

James, 124 N 4th

James, harness maker S Juniper bel

Mahuit John, grocer 115 S;i3safnis John, blacksmith cor Broad and Locust

d h Juniper n Locust John L, storekeeper 133 N 2d ii, bricklayer Mercer Mrs, 34 Chester William, 399 Mulberry wid Susan, 103 N 5th Rcesmault C, paper hanger 122 Locust Reeves A R, hardware mer 167 High

Benjamin, innkeeper and ferryman up

cor Market st M'hf Buck and co, hardware mers 167 High Enos, cordwainer Wistare ct Sassafi-as

ab9tli V, corset maker 8 S 4th Nehemiah, ladies shoemr 8 Little Pine Sheppard A, teacher 1 Bread Thomas, jr wholesale grocer N W cor 2d and Mulberry d h 355 Mulberry Refoixl Elizabeth, 241 Spruce l^cfand Joseph, tailor 24 Cuirant al Rehn Casper, flour store 352 High Reiley Bernard, tav kr 157 S Ft & 156 S Water

Paul, coi'dwainer 41 S Front Reinboth John, cooper 27 N al Reineck Lewis, bvickmr High bel Sch 3d Reinhail George, labourer back of 26 Branch Reisky James, fin* store 77 N 3d Relf wid of Samuel, gentw 12 Clinton sq Remick Daniel, storekeeper 245 S 2d Remington J B, gentw 334 Mulbeiry Renshaw Mi's Francis, gentw 67 Locust

Benjamin, U S hotel 151 Chesnut Repburn John, fancy chair nu- Smith's ct from

Gasklll bel 3d Resides I, U S mail contractor office 30 S 3d Rex George, innkeeper (lime market) S E c

6th and Vine RejTiolds Margaret, milliner '37 N 2d Samuel, 175 S 5tli & AVarren, grocers S E cor Locust

and 10th AVilliam, 125 High d h city hotel Rheeu Jacob, flour mer 371 High Rhecs Benjamin Rush, M D 61 Union Morg-an J, atty at law 28 S 5th Rhinehart Michael, cordwainer 15 Sugar al Rhoads Joseph, cab maker 479 Sassafras John, N E cor 4th and Cedar Mark, house carp 246 Sassafras S, merchant 223 Spruce Thomas, dry good store 44 N 2d Rhodes Samuel, 4<rN10th Rianhard John, mer 58 Filbert Rice James, tar kr sign AVhite horse 21 N5th



Rice Joseph S, machine maker 23 N 10th Martin, ladies shoemaker 121 N od Michael, gent 140 High Robert, distiller High next to S W cor of Sch 8th Richards Ann, 117 N 6th

A G, cleaner of Merino shawls and

Canton crapes 90 Cherry Augustus, attj- at law 387 High Benjamin W, auctioneer and commis

mer 34 S Front d h 387 High Isaac, shop Vine ab Sch 8th John, printer 20 Church a] Joseph, shoemr 29 Strawberry Joseph, grocer 22 N 2d Mark, iron and com mer and manuf 127 N 3d d h S E c 8th 8c Chesnut Richard, watchman 26 Uttle Water Samuel, iron mer 111 N Water d h

347 Mulberrj^

Thomas J, auctioneer 357 Mulberrj- T J, 111 N Water W and S R, watchmakere and silver

smiths 136 S Front Wilham, merchant 136 S Front William H, china glass and queens- ware store 182 High widow Catharine, 116 N Water RichardsoK Ann, dry good store 211 Chesnut B and son, cutler file cutter &c

77 S 2d Henrj', mer 351 Mulberry John, merchant 43 N 3d J, locksmith Noms al n 2d John, locksmith 18 Gray's al J, Orange

John, bookseller N E cor Carpen- ter and 7th Joseph, assajer in the U S mint d

h 359 High Martha, diy good store 31 S 3d Nathaniel, gent 359 High R B, 166 N 8th Westall, cutler 366 High Wilham, house carp 92 GaskJll William, umbrella manuf 6 S 3d Isaac, captain of the city watch 469 Sassafras Richman Isaac, capt city watch 469 Sassafrr.s Richmond widow ^Mary, gentw 94 N 9th Rickards and Dubosq, 48 High Ricketts Andrew, furniture store 364 High

Philip, gent 152 S 3d Ricks Henr}-, labourer 10 Quince Ridabock Philip, blacksmith 18 S 5th d h 147

Spruce Riddle Adam, turner 21 Strawberrj- al John cak maker 7 Prune Samuel, shoemaker N E cor Sassafras and Front Ridgely Lot, 193 Walnut Sidgway Jacob, gent 183 d h 131 Chesnut John, 76 N 9th Joseph, &. son tailors 10 S 3d and Lirezey, flour meis 51 N Water

Ridgway Rebecca, b h 141 Mulbeny

Thomas, flour merchs 51 N Water d h 52 Vine Riehle William, tanner S E cor Noble and 4th L d h 53 X 4th William, merchant 53 N 4th Riesch widow, boarding house 38 Dock Rieskey James, furrier 77 N 3d Rigby Robert, gent Cherry ab 12th Riggs R and E and co, mers 96 High

R, merch 96 High d h 122 1-2 S 4th William H C, clock and watchmaker 34 Chesnut Rigler John, victualler Sch 5th n Cherry E RUey Charles, 54 Sassafras

Christopher, grocer S W cor 5th and

Prune James, grocer S 12th ab Spruce E Michaei, packer 8 Bell's ct Peter, printer 125 Pine Tobias, baker 391 Sassafras widow, shopkeeper 15 Strawbeny Rimer Thomas, 10 Carters al Rind Samuel, grocer 400 High Rinebold widow, Mulberry al ab 5th Rinker John, labourer Peny- N bet Sassafras

and Vine Rinout, upliolsterer Townsends ct Ripperger C, bleeder N W cor little George and 6th Wilham, dentist 160 S 4th Rlsbrough John, dn- good store 164 S 2d Rising Da\-id B, mer 68 Highdh212N4th?T l Eiisdon and Lukens, mercers and taUors 19 S

5th Risley Richard S, china glass and queensware

store 68 X 3d Ritchie James, grocer cor Mulberry & Broad James S, acct 172 S Front Jane, shop Sassafras ab Sch 8th WUliam, merchant 117 High Riter George W, recorders office E wing of state house Chesnut d h Walnut bel 13th S Ritter Abraham, mer 196 High d h 16 S 7th George, cabinet mr 72 N 4th Hemy, baker 129 S 4th J and A, mers 196 High Jacob, shopkeeper 70 X Front Thomas, tobacconist 4 Fetter lane William, baker 24 N 5th widow, 24 N^ 5th Ritze John Z, cordwainer 112 Vine Rivers Charles, gent 10 Montgomeiy square Roach Isa;ic B, lumber mer S W cor Dean and Spruce d h Spruce bel 13th S L, Spruce ab 12th S and Wilhamson, lumber mers S W cor Dean and Spruce Roatch Wilham B, tailor 198 High d h 204

Sassafras Robb Alexander, letter carEier 84 S 5th

Charles, merch taUor 100 Chesnut d h 62 S 5th



Robb James, letter carrier 84 S 5th

James, groc N K cor 5th and Sassafras Jolm, carter 28 Quince and Winebrencrmcr tailors 100 Chesnut Robbins Enoch, bricklayer Filbert bet Sch 7th and 8th ' John, confectioner 84 Locust John, chair mr bo f 17 N 8th Peter, pi-ocer 74 N 3(1 Samuel .1, mer 173 Hig'h d h 89 N 5th Roberjot John H, accountant 89 S 3d Roberts Algernon and Kdward S, druggists 76 d h 85 S 2d Allen, acct 144 S 11th Charles, gent 174 Mulberry Charles F, gent 252 Chesnut

C, 144 S 11th

Daniel, bricklayer 26 Crown

D, painter 21 Fine Edward, 5 Franklin row

F, manufacturer of patent mantle

clocks 46 N 5lh George, gent 252 Chesnut Israel, copper smith 11 Branch d h

132 N 3d James, Walnut n Sch John, measurer of grain S 10th John, cab and chair mr 25 N 8th John, constable 36 Quince John P, chair mr BlackbeiT)' al Joseph, cashier of S Girard's bank d

h 104 Chesnut Joseph, jrteacher in friends academy

d h 2 Library M K A, diy good store 1 1-2 S 4th M and S, dry good store 72 N 7th Miss, gentw 248 Chesnut Mrs H and co, fancy dry good store

20 Arcade Mrs, boai'ding house 72 S 4th Owen, blacksmith 47 S wharves Samuel, cordwainer S 12th n Pine Thomas, potter d h 25 N 8th WiUiam, house carp 38 Zane William, tailor 42 Carpenter Wilham, teacher 205 S 5th widow Hannah, 285 Spruce widow Rachael, gentw 12 N 4th widow Tacey, 123 N 9Lh Robertson Gilbert, H B M consul 4 Libraiy d h 273 Chesnut

J, stock and exch broker conrunvi- nications left 49 S 13th

and Little, lott brok 120 Chesnut

Rebecca, female semin 88 Spnice

Watson, smith 3 Bell's ct

widow, 159 S 11th Robinet A and co, dry good mers 178 High Robinett Ferguson, atty at law 5 Powel

Richard, acct 5 Powel Robinson Arthur, ostler 4 Furlong's ct

Benjamin, jeweller 71 High d h 2 Frombergers ct

Robinson Charles, sea cap S 12th bel Walnut E

Charles N, carv andf^ld 86 (3hesnut D, turner 11th bcl Pine D, turnei'. Harmony ct MaiHiel E, M D 319 Chesnut George, currier 80 Cnesnut d h 35

Union J, cai-])enter 14 Jones al Jehu, house carp 18 Church al d h

53 High John, tin plate worker Shields ct John, distil and lifiuor sto 207 Cedar John, hib Vine W of Sch 8th Joseph D, tvu-ncr 111 Chesnut d h

42 Gaskill M, Walnut ab 12th S side Mrs, 46 Cheny Mrs, 504 Sassafras Mrs, b house 255 High Samuel, labourer Caledonian ct Samuel and son, hatters 36 High Samuel, h carpenter Fearis' ct Thomas, \-ictualler Vine W Sch 8th Thomas, grocer Vine W Sch 8th William, hatter 36 High widow, gentw 319 Chesnut widow, seamstress 212 S 7th widow A, diy good store S W cor 5th and LombiU'd Roch Christian, china &c store 99 N 9th Roche M, teacher of mathematics N E cor 5th

and Gaskill Rockhill Tliomas C, diy good merch 162 1-2

High d h 246 Chesnut Roderfield William, clerk to the county com- missioners 143 S 6th Roderford Jafre}-, engine mr 10 Fromljergers ct Iloderigues Andrew, merch N W cor 7th and Walnut wid Catharine, fancy sto 93 N 3d Rodman John, mer 191 High

Thomas, merchant 98 S 3d Rogers and Brothers, importers of hardware 52Hi^h Esther, boarding house 85 Chesnut Samuel, grocer High W Sch 7th Thomas, brass founder 61 Midbeny Thomas, gent 411 Mvdbeny William, coixiwainer 64 N 5th Benjamin, copper plate printer b of

115 Chesnut d h 60 N 5th Elizabeth, 89 Mulberry Enoch, bar keeper at Reeve's ferry N

side High st wharf Evans, hardware mer 52 High George N, hardware mer 52 High d h

132 S 2d Hugh, labourer N Broad bel Vine James, hardwai-e mer 2 Ranstead ct

d h 98 S 4th J, tailor Chesnut ab I3th S J, merchant 12 S 4th J, cordwainer b of 121 Lombard Ohver, storekeeper 131 Spruce



Rogers and Pag-c, Sliakspcarc clothing store N W cor (Jlicsiuit and 6th Richard W, morocco store 14 N 3d William E, hardware- mer 52 High William, tinman JJlackbeny al Wm, jr nitre hall gun powder manuf

3 Minor widow, 2 Whitaker's row widow, seamstress 7 Prosperous al widow, 177 Sass:ifras widow, S Jumper ab Spmce Rohrman Adam, baker'Greenleaf s ct John L, Sch 8th n Sassafras Sarah, Sassafras n Sch 8th Roland and I-'ord, wholesale grocers 206 High

John, mer 206 High d h 14 N 7th Rolof Rev Francis, pastor of the holy Trinity

ch 181 Spruce b of the ch Ronald Mary, tavern Sch 6th ab Spruce Roney Josiah, 70 Lombard

Thomas, innkeeper 1 Laetitia ct Thomas, currier N E cor Dock and 3d d h 8 Prune Roork William, corner §ch 7th and Cheny Root Edward, blacksmith Jones al Rorcr John, cutler and surgeons instrument maker 28 N 6th Samuel, cutler 78 Sassafras Rose Alexander, 20 Prosperous al Elhs, hatter 3 Jones al Jacob S, M D N E cor Mulberr>-and 10th Jane, midwife 7o New Jonathan, carpenter 73 New Jonathan, carpenter 4 Furlong's ct widow, boarding house 33 N 10th Roset and Bicking, mers 181 High

John, dry good store 170 High Rosingarten G 13, chemist 67 N 8th laboratory

Broad ab Vine Rosmond Eli, teacher 4 Harting's al Ross Aaron, saddler 38 N 3d d h 87 Sassafras David, house carp 81 N 9th E, 231 Lombard James, saddler and harness maker S 1 1th

ab Lombard Joseph, painter and glazier 203 Lombard Lehman, broker 79 N 2d Mi's M, boarding house 205 High Samuel, deputy weigher 28 Powel Samuel, accountant 291 Sassafras Samuel, 153 N 3d Samuel, U S public appraiser at the cust

house d h 127 Powel Samuel, bricklayer 98 N 9th William, drayman High E of Sch 7th Wilham, storekeeper 112 N 3d Wilham, 92 S Front widow Sarah, 31 Cressons al Rossetter Timothy and co, agTicultural imple- ment manuf 394 High widow, 13 Mercer Rostain Fournier, gent N W cor 5th and Pine Rotch Thos, enquire at 181 Chesnut Sourk William, 34 Crown

Rom-k widow Rachael, grand pectoral gjTup

manuf 34 Crown Rousseau Clement V, dmggist 210 Spruce John C, M D 210 Spruce Joseph, tailor 24 Spinice Row Peter, 109 Sassafras fRowen E W, hair dresser 32 N 6th Rowland Jamc^s, ii-on store 46 Mulberry d h 5 P'l'ombergers ct James, jr iron store 14 Frombs ct Wm, saw manuf 54 Zane d h 24 N 9th Rowley and Alberger, plumbers N W cor l)e- ' catur and Carpenter

Rowley Horatio G, plumber cor Decatur and Carpenter Richard, wholesale dry good store 10 N 3d d h 108 S 3d Ruan John, M D 45 N 8th llubicam Daniel, innkr Washington hotel 20 S 6th Jonathan, house carp 8 Nicholsons ct Joseph, confectioner 105 N 3d Justice, 20 S 6th Rudolph George, \v house cai'p shop Fries ct Filbert bet 10th and 11th Jacob, labourer 12 Stampers al J, hatter N Broad bel Vine W S, house carp 32 Strawberry d h

19 N 8th William, house carp Sheaff' al Rudy Jacob, innkeeper 373 High Rugan Charles, sea capt 68 N 6th

John, collector of the city water tax

248 Sassafras Wilham, sea capt 248 Sassafras Ruggles T, brass founder 106 Chen-y Ruld George, coach nu- 14 Myers ct n 6th

John E, coach and wooden spring maker d h 23 Lombard Ruhhnan John C, Ijottler 14 Franklin' Ride John, tallow chancUer 213 S 6th Runchey widow Mary, tav keeper N E cor Ft

and Mulberry Rundle Georg'e, stock and exxh broker 1 York

ct d h 3 Rittenhouse place Rimyan and Wells, store keepers 45 N 2d Rnschenberger A, Pine n 9th Rush George, house carp 211 CheiT)' James, M U 179 Chesnut Lewis, gent 125 Sassafras the Misses, 3 Powel Samuel, atty at law 70 S 4th

& AValn, I>ocust st M'haif Schuylkill Samuel W, register to watering commit- tee 59 N 10th Thomas, 170 N Front Wilham, house carp 3 Howard's ct William, carver 170 N Front William, M D 65 S 4th wid of lienjamin, M I) 98 1-2 S 4th Rushton Abraham W, 3d n (Jedar

widow Jane, bandbox mr 95 N Front Russel Francis, grocer 155 S 2d



Russell Abiii, jr liut store N W c Chesnut 6t 3(1 Ciooi"go, s;ul(lkr 7 MulbciTy ul James, printer 8 Non-is :il .loliii, ]Kiinter Hi;;li l>et Seh oil and -Itli John, MoMi- iner J21- lli};"li Jolm, lihick :inil\\ liilc smitli 476 Sass;it" Josipli S, oil ;uul lamp store 6H Clus-

nut <1 h S K eor lOtli ami Cliesinit and Martiun, iirintcrs 22 1-2 Walnut Rolni-I, 7 little I'ine Stephen, nier 100 S whs d h 77 Union Ruth Jacob, house carp Ann n Sell 8th

Samuel M, aect 43 N 3d Kuthei-fbrd John, drover Locust 3<l ab Jvmiper Rutter Clement S, g-roccr 2U0 S '3d

widow Hannah, 5 Rcll's ct R} ;m Daniel, shoemaker 207 Cherry Francis A, acct 355 Sassafras James, bootmaker 163' Cedar James, gentleman 355 Sassafras Rev John, past St Mary's ch AVillintj's al Lewis, boot and shoemr 50 S 3d Patrick, china and glass store 8 N 3d d h 335 Sassafras Richard, paper sellei' 247 Cedar Sanuiel, house carp 15 Cray's al Timothy, house carp 15 Penn AVilliam, cun-ier 85 S 5th d h Cedar n

4th ^Vm, brickmr cor Sch 3d and Sassafras Ryckman L, tavern keeper 206 S 4th Ryers C H, mer Sch &. Locvist d h 243 Walnut J W, mer 33 S whs d h.223 Walnut and Wain, Locust st whai-f Schuylkill

Saffoitl Ebenczer, tailor 8 Shield's al Sadlers l-Ueanor, 169 Midbcrry Sager Michael, baker 274 Mulbeny

wld, innkr sign of the Camel 146 N 2d Sagers Samuel D, acct 120 N 9th Sailor Henry, house painter and glazier 105 Sassafras Heniy, tobacconist 15 N 5th John, cab and chair maker 267 Mulbeny

d h 57 N 8th John, tiiilor 14 N Water Washington, clock and watch mr 3 1-2

N3ddh 14 N Water and Wells, stone cutters S E cor 10th and Ainc Saint Daniel P, Congress Hall hotel 27 S 3d Sainte Douglass, shopkeeper 41 Cedar Salaignac Augusta C, merch over 234 High

d h 44 Filbert Stdmon II, 19 Perry Saltzbiu'g Andrew, Cheny n Juniper

widow, Sch Front bet Mulbeny and " Sassafras Sal\ in Mrs, teacher N E cor 10th and Cheny Samson Hazadiah P, gi'ocer S W cor Front and Sassafras Joseph, sacking bottom mr 7 S Front Samuel F and D, hatting and shipping fur mer 9N3d

Sanders Ann, teacher 83 N 6th

Sanderson Joiin, classical leaclier 3.55 High

Joseph M, kei|)ii- of mers Coffee

housi- S 2d cor Hunk ul Williani, 6 Castle Sandiford It, 154 N 13th Sands John, 486 Sassafi-as Sansuni William, gent 96 Midbeny Sapp William, 33 Cressons al Sappington S W, drygood store 160 S 2d Sarchetjohn.tinandslieitiron wr 145 1-2 N2d

J F, smith 109 N Water d h 124 N Ft Sarer Rcnj, h caip N W cor Uth and Siissafras Sargent Tliomas, M D 144 Sassafras Satunlay Evening Post, 112 Chesnut Saulnler Joseph, 4-38 Sassafras Saunders Jeremiah, acct 19 1-2 Cressons al Joseph, mariner 9 Lombard

J W, 143 S 6th Samuel, 8 Fetters lane Saurbier, hatter 140 N 3d Saurman Josi])h E, hatter 67 Cheny

Yerkes, (b'v good store 190 N 5th Savage John, gent 182 S Uth John, 156 S 11th widow, 137 Cherry Savery William, lumber mer 20 N 5th.

widow Elizabeth, 20 N 5th Savidge Reuben, h carp 389 d h 381 Sassafras William, house carp b of 381 Sassafras Savillc widow Mary, siiop 227 Walnut Saving Funil ]5ank, 66 Walnut Savoy Francis, paj^er hanger b of 80 N 5th

John R, card mr and paper stainer 18 Raspbeny al Sawyer James, gent 151 S 5th

Mrs, 7 Laurel ct Saxson Joseph, nuisician 285 High Saxton William, wheelwright Locust ab 8th

d h 38 Cheny Saycrs Ethan, tailor 187 MulbeiTy Scantling William, victualler Sch 8th bel Vine Scattergood John, tav keeper 9 N Water

Sarah, cU-v good store 1 S 10th Thomas F, h carp b of 187 d h

156 Midbeny widow, S 12tli bel Spruce W Schaefl'er Andrew, baker 44 Sassafras Casper, M D 137 Siiss;ifras Charles, clerk in alms h 66 S llth Geo, watchman Sch 8th ab Sassafras- Henry, tallow chandler 2 Harmony ct Hemy, victualler N Broad bel Vine John, paper hanger 100 Sassafras widow, shop Sch 4t]i n High Schank A, lively stable S 4th Schen- Emelius N, piano forte ik. organ builder-

264 High Schalliol Peter, baker 225 Wahiut Scheel Andrew, baker 46 Vine

John, baker 75 S 5th Scheerer Gotleib, cordwainer 20 N 6th Schell Isaac, segar mr N Broad bel Vine Henry, grocer 191 N2d Henry, jr Knights ct



Schell Margaret 8c Catharine, shopkrs 50 New Schetky Gcorg-e, professor of music 61 Locust

Miss, miniature painter 61 Locust Scheurman David, cordwainer 79 S 5th


Schiff M H, lottery broker 1 N 6th Schippcr Benedict J, teacher of Greek and

Latin classics 155 S 9th Schiveley Heniy, cutler and surgeons instru- ment mr 75 Chesnut Joshua, gro 5 N 4th d h 121 N 9th Schleigh Charles, cordwainer 131 N Juniper Schneider Henry, accountant 84 Spruce

Henry, baker 148 Locust Schnider Chai-les, tyler of the grand lodge 50

Filbert Schober Frederick, baker 166 N 2d Schoch George, carter 14 Hoffman's al George, innkeeper 12 Decatur Schofield J, teacher 20 Castle

Lane, blacksmith 12th bel Locust Schooley Ameha, 119 S 2d Schott George S, M D 61 S 7th

James, mer 54 S Ft d h 385 Mulberry James and John P, mers 54 S Front John P, mer 54 S Front d h 43 N 6th Joseph, N W cor 4th and Sassafras Schrack Abraham, innkr 38 High

Christian, oil and colour store and coach painter 80 N 4th Schrader John H, turner in general and ma- chinist 33 Dock Sclirank George, 110 N 13th

widow Jacoby ab Cheny Schreiner Charles W, ck & watch mr 78 N 3d Joseph H, hardware mer S W cor

2d and Sassafras Wilham, book binder 27 Jones al widow Elizabeth, gent 11 Cheiry widow Susan, washw 448 Sassafras Schriver Thomas, painter Pine ab 10th Schultkeis John N, baker 85 New Schuylkill Navigation cos office, 8 S 7th Schwartz J E, merchant 6 Minor Scofield Frederick, teacher 24 Castle

L, blacksmith & wheelwright S 12th

bet Locust and Spruce Samuel watchman Mercer Scolston William, 344 Siussafras Scott Alexander, grocer 340 High Andrew, 63 N 10th Edwin T, g)-ocer and book publisher N

E cor 8th and Cherry d h 63 N 8th Freeman, grocer and paper dealer N W

cor Sassafras and 10th George, innkeeper 10 Mulberry George, oak cooper 119 N Water fHeniy, boot cleaner 144 Locust James, grocer 433 Hig'h James 15, tav keeper 129 S Water Jane, store keeper 84 S 2d John, measurer of salt tav kr 159 S Ft and 158 S Water

Scott John M, atty at law 148 Chesnut Rev John W, 81 S 2d Nixon, loom and lathe mr Pine bet 12th

and 13th plasterer Sheppards al Patrick, cai-ter 30 Chester Uobert, cordwainer Sch 3d n Chesnut Susan, widow milliner 60 Mulberry Thomas, agent lower 192 High d h 343

Mulbcriy William, labourer b of 340 Sassafras William, mer 17 S 4th William -H, dry good store 5 S Front William T, accountant 66 N 5th wid EUzabeth, tallow chandler 40 Bread widow Mary, gentw 147 S 8th wid Sarah, dry good store 67 Cedar Scotton Samuel, carpenter Decatur Scravendike James, tallow chandler 237 S 2d Scrogg John, cordwainer Acorn al Scroggins Thomas, tav kr &. bottler 69 S 11th Scull Gideon, agent for the Sch coal comp 6 Minor and Callowliill st whf Sch William, private watchman 170 S Water

and 171 S Front William, drayman ChciTy bet 11th & 12th William B, fishing and fowhng tackhng store 96 N 3d Scurra Ann, 95 George Seaborn widow Elizabeth, 76 Mulberry Seabury Charles, hair dresser 65 N 3d Seal Joseph H, dry good store 177 1-2 High Search Wm, wheelwright Sch 8th n Sassafras Seckel Adam, brewer 16 httle George d h 8

N 8th Seckel Frederick, brewer 164 S 9th George D, grazier 8 N 8th Henrv D, mer 16 little George d h 8

N 8th L D, gentleman 8 N 8th Sedgwick Ann, boarding house 28 Sansom See Richard, mer 2d ab High d h lower 119

Mulberry Seed Simon, weaver Ann ab 12th Seeger David, 18 S 7th

Frederick C, silver plater 10 N 6th Seeler Godfrey, cooper 6 Cressons al Seeley E W, dry good store 148 High

and liaggs, mercers & tailors S E cor

High and Decatur John, tailor 62 S 4th Wm, tailor S E cor Decatur & High Seelhorst Frederick. D, accountant 67 N 8th Sees George, constable 306 George ab 13th Seguine Mrs, seminary 128 Pine Seipe Peter, accoimtant 1 Sterling al Seltjy widow Mar}', gentw 207 Spruce Selkeld Job, mariner 47 little Water Selkirk John, suspender & webb nrtanuf High n Sch 8th communications left at 10 N 3d Sellers Coleman, wire worker 231 High

& Davis, grocers 97 Sassafras N E cor 3d Frederick, accountant 155 Locust



Sellers James, wiiv worker 2.31 U\^h d h S 12th n llig-h i: Jesse, RToc 97 Sussafrai il h Old York

road n Cinxii Josepli, silver plater 20 Adams N &. 1), wire workers 231 Ilij^li & I'ennoek, pattnt rlxet liose and firo eng-ine luaimf "iJl High & Sell 7tli 1 door S of liigli W Samuel, wire wr 231 High d h 8 N 6th Senat P L, mer 109 Hi:<ii d h 371 Sassafras Sergeant Jolui, coun at law 89 d h 91 S 4th Mi-s, geutw Chesnut 1st hel 13th S Thomas, atty at law 70 S 6tii widow Klizabcth, 74 S 8th widow of Spcneer E, Chesnut near

Broad E widow, 24 N 7tli Semll Pearson, mer. 169 High d h 32 N 9th Service misses Christiana & Mai'gavet, tailor- esses Juniper lane Servoss Charles K, hardware store 60 N 2d fSetli William, porter 228 S 7th Seveke Godfrey, baker 86 N Front Sevelinge Joseph, wine mer 63 S 2d Sewell John B, scrivener 36 S 5th Sexton Cenj, auctioneer 35 S Ft d h 36 N 7th C, coachmaker 12 Greens ct Joseph S, mer 40 N 8th Silas W, clothing store 28 High Seybert Eckhart, S 13th bcl Pine Seyfert Anthony, printer 10 Pear Shackleford widow, 65 N 10th Shade John, tav keeper 356 High

Peter, bnishmr 2 N Ft d h 41 Almond Shaffer &. Bird, 324 High

Casper, M D 137 Sassafras Shanks George, tobacconist 163 N 2d Shannon John, painter 8c glazier 168 S 5th

John, weaver cor Mulbeny & Sch 3d Peter, wTiting academy N W cor 4th

and Cedar & Tyson, milliners 29 N 4th Sharp & Cannon, grocers 273 High

John, jr mer 17 S 4th d h 154 S 9th Joseph, di-y good store 9 S 2d Joseph L, grocer 18 N 9th & Sleeper, mer tailors 39 N 3d Thomas, tailor 18 Keys al Thomas, 96 S 4th Sharpe Abiah, 12 Lombai-d Benjamin, 76 Locust Daniel, brigade inspector 1st brigade

31 S Jumper Ludwig, gent 18 N 9th Sharpless Blatey, bookseller over 8 S 4th d h 178 S Front Jesse, upper 9 N 4ih Joseph, 11 N 4th Joseph J, dry good store 14 S 2d J and M, storekeepers 48 High J T, M D upper 9 N 4th Mary, mantua maker 34 Sugar al Thomas, storekeepei 196 N 4th L

SliarpIessThoiiuis, labourer 113 Cherry

Tow iiscnd, dry good store 30 S 2d Sharswood Jauu s, gent 92 N 6tli

William, dry good ston- 40 S 2d Sliaw Joseph, upholsterer and bedding ware house 134 N 3d & 173 N Front Mary, china store 17 N 7lh >Villiam, M I) upper 237 Mulberry William, 163 N Front widow Ann, gentw 163 N I'ront widow Ann, gentw 173 N Front widow Mary, gentw 31 S 10 Shay widow liVilia, confectioner 143 Locust ShcalT" (ieo 1), atty at law ofl' 93 d h 116 Mulby John D, gent 162 MulbeiTy wid Elizabeth, 14 Pennsylvania avenue Shible Adam, cooper 22 Spruce Adam, 152 N 2d John, dealer 79 N 5th Thomas, dealer 79 N 5th Shedaker James, cooper 146 Spmce Sheepshanks William, mer 17 S 4th Shelmcrdine Edward, hatmanuf&. warehouse 159 Chesnut Jane, 4 AVhitaker's row Shelmire Joseph, 2 Oan-igues ct Shepherd Charles, boot &, shoemaker 76 S 4th Elizabeth, shopkeeper 100 N 11th Sheppaixl C, cotton store 308 High

John W, cab maker 79 Cedar Murks C, blacksmith Prospect al S C, ajioth 8c druggist 107 S 8th Wm, grain measurer Ft ab Market widow of William, 250 Sassafi-as Sherbourne Thomas, cab mr 196 Pine Sheridan James, tailor Sassafras W Sch 8th Sheiidan Owen, grocer & lively stable keeper

7 and 9 Filbert Sherman William, gent 205 Mulbeny W^illiam E, sea capt 16 Pine bookbinder 174 N 5th Shermer James, carver & gilder 5 Sterling al John, cordwainer 218 S 7th John, sexton of the 5th Presbyterian ch Randall's ct Shermer William, carver 8c gilder 30 Mulbeny

widow Maiy, 5 Sterling al SheiTerd John, weigh master 43 Gaskill Shewell Thomas, merchant 223 High Shields Isaac, teacher 127 N 11th John,, gent Pine ab 10th Martha, mantua maker 17 Strawberry Robert, gent 35 N 2d S, teacher 127 N 11th widow Maiy, gentw Sassafras ab 13th wid Marj', shoe binder 10 Knights ct Shindler Eliza, 1 Acorn al Shiner Joseph, glass cutter N loth ab Cherry Shinn Earl, bricklayer 29 Elizabeth Mrs E, boarding h 110 S 3d Samuel, labourer b of 324 Sassafras Samuel, bricklayer 134 Pine Shinney Mar}^ vashw 42 Crown



Shipky and Bartram, h ware mers S7 High

Thomas, h ware mer 57 High d h 202 Mulbeny Shippen Miss Elizabeth, 155 Pine Ships Catharine, Vine 1st ab Broad Shivers Adam, Sch 6th ab Spi\ice T, M D 4 Frankhn row M D 140 S lOtli Shober and Bunting, mers 26 S wharves

Samuel L, mer 26 S whs d h N W cor Spruce and 3d Shocker Thomas, Walnut W Sch 4th Shoemaker Abraham, alderman 100 S 4th d h 208 Spmce Charles M, h carp Raspberry lane Edward M, diy gd mer 6 Decatur

d h 104 St John n i Francis, merchant 126 S 4th George, hatter Peny Henry, atty at law 126 S 4th Jane, 50 Mulbeny J, druggist S 12th bei Walnut John J, tobacconist 219 S 2d Jonatlian, com merch 12 S Water

d h 25 N 12th Joseph, storeki- cor Perry & Pine Joseph, jr druggist Pine bet 12th

and 13th L and F, mer 51 S wharves Nathan, M D 210 Chesnut Thomas, bottling cellar under 86

N2ddh8N 11th Deborah wid of Abm, 126 S 4th widow, 27 N 12th Short William, gent 158 Chesnut Shotwell T, hatter 42 S Front Shourds David H, cordwainer 92 1-2 Vine Shrank Joseph, carter 142 N 13th Shreve Caleb, mer 20 N Front Shuff William, cab maker 165 N Front Shufflebottom Wm, cliina 8c glass sto 44 N2d Shultz Charles, cordwainer 122 S 5th

Frederick, cab maker 16 Graj^'s al N, shop N E cor S Juniper & Chesnut William, cordwainer b of 75 N 8th Shidtzenbach & Marx, dealers 354 High iShuster Ancbew, inspector of staves &c 164 Cheny Jacob, oak cooper 7S N A^^ater d h 30

Vine Joseph, acct Jones al n Front Peter, accountant Coombs al Siamon George, mariner 54 Penn Sibbald Cliarles F, mer Pine st whai-f d h 159

Pine t^.ibbet Mrs, grcceiy N W cor 5th and Sprace Sibert Mrs, Wagners al Sickles J T, printer 78 Locust Siddall Joseph, ciiUico printer N Broad near

Mulberry d h 23 Palmp-a row n l Siddons Joseph, lott and exch broker 40 S 2d d h 193 S 2d Jos, tailor 25 N 3d d h 112 Green m i.

Siddons 8c M'Grath, mer tailors 25 N 3d Side widow, shop Walnut n Sch Sider Jacob, cordwainer 50 N 3d Siemen Paul, gent 286 Chesnut Sigi-est Lewis, Cheny bet Sch 5th and 6th Sill Joseph, fancy store 177 Chesnut Silvea Henry, Pleasant avenue Silveira Alexander, woollen di-aper &. tjulor S W cor 2d & Chesnut d h 7 Norris' al M'Grath & M'Makin, tailors S W cor Chesnut and 2d Silverthorn John, sail maker 5 Miller's ct Silvester N, lottery bi-oker 12 S 3d Simes James W, druggist 459 High

John W, di-uggist N W cor High and

Sch 5th Miss, miniatui-e painter 228 Spruce Simmons Anthony, jr atty at law 50 S 8th Antimony, sen 44 Prune Edward, lumber mer 145 N 3d Henry, acct 28 N 3d Jacob, bricklr Quince be! Walnut W James, h carp S Juniper bel Walnut John, painter Nonnaters ct and 280

MulbeiTy John, lumber mer N 2d n Vine W John, hair dresr bleeder &c 189 S Ft John, tin plate worker and japanner

22 and 24 N Front J, tinman 1 S 4th John G, 145 N 3d Joseph, 12 Sclu-ivers ct Joseph, acct 85 Chesnut Joseph, silver smitli Clever al Rebecca, seamstress Vine bel 13th Stephen H, ornamental chair painter

67 Gaskill William, weigh master 3 Nonis' al d h 77 Tammany Simms Robert, 98 S Front Simons Godfrey, lab 403 Sassafras

John, cordwainer 13 Hinckles ct John P, hatter Hunter's ct Simpson Anthony, wood sawyer b 200 Cherry David, cooper 153 N Water & 18 Vine Ellen, gentw 130 N 10th Hood, weaver 13th bel Pine Henry, agent 33 N Ft d h 130 N 10th James, accountant inquire of Tower

and Hogan James, tailor 9 WilUngs al James, hatter 4 Gray's al James, comb maker 24 S 4th James, comb maker 70 New Michael, 2 Hawes ct S, tavern keeper 8 Strawberry Thomas, comb mr 71 New William, fancy store 66 Chesnut William, cordwainer 125 Locust widow, 10th bel Castle Sims David, 1 Jones' al

Jacob, painter and glazier 96 N 11th



Sims James C, painter & glazier 419 Mulberry dh 18N llUj Josepl), Spnice bet 12tJi and lotli S and Siiowdin, painters and jjiazitrs 419

Mulbt-tTj- widow Margnirct, tailoivss 1 HoiTmans ct Singer Jolin, gentleman 413 High John jr Sc co, mcrs 263 High John, jr nicr 263 d h 413 High John, couch trimmer 26 lUackbcnT al Singleton Williain, clonus \v house 75 N Front Sinixon Tiiomxs, boot maktr 120 Locust Sink A, militiiry and mnsic store 21 High A, grocer 173 N 9tli Ann, gentw 136 S 10th John, baker 473 Sassafras Sinn widow Susann;i, sliopkeeper70 Sassafras Sinniff G, 100 S 13th Sisty Benj P, pocket book ma 10 S Front

John, pocket bookmak 10 S Front Siter John, jr merch 133 High d h 355 High

Price and co, merchant 133 High 3ixte Stephen, tav keeper 12 J'ilbeii Skerrett David C, M D 153 S 10th

George A, book binder 20 Watsons al James, smith 100 Locust d h 135 S 9th J James, first teller in Philada bank Joseph, jeweller 146 S 9th R A, printer Raspby al d h 144 S 9tb "Wm A, grocer S E cor 13th 8c George Skinner Johnson, sea capt 210 S 3d Taber, 75 S Water Rev Thomas, pastor of the Presbyte- rian ch Midbeny ab lOtli 344 Mulby wido%v, Perry Skyren Mrs, 79 S 6th Slack E, fancy store 38 S 4th

Heniy, accountant 57 S 11th

James E, teacher 125 Vine n l d h 31

N6th John, grocer 232 S 7th accountant Sch bank 11th bel Chesnut Slahter Jacob, tobacconist 143 N 3d Slater Anthony, merchant 278 AValnut Slaughter John, cooper 119 N Water Sleeper James, stove factory 94 N Front d h 24 Elfreth's al Jonathan, china store &c 66 N 2d d h

283 Sassafras Nehemiah, umbrella manuf 45 N 2d Slesman Miss, 319 High Slight John, tav keeper 60 N 6th Sloan James, wholesale and retail grocer High E of Sch Front S John, wholesale and retail grocer N W

cor High and Sch 5th John, cordwainer 70 High d h Carters al John, d h Schrivers ct & Kelly, shoe and trunk ware h 70 High Slom Hugh, tav keeper 252 Sassafras Slough John, sugar refiner 1 Crown Small Abraham, gent 165 Chesnut

Small Robert II, bookseller 8c stat 165 Chesnut wid Maty, gr<)c<T S W cor 8tl\ & Sassafras

Smart Charles, baibcr 218 High

Smedley Jacob, hanl ware sion; 6 1-2 N 5th

Smelt/. Rcinhart, painter & glazier 4 Cherry

Smiley John, tailor 76 New

John, harness miker Castle

Tlionuu? T, actuary at lift* ins company

68 New wid of William, Pine ab 2d

Smith A, tav keeper 117 S Water

A, store keeper 65 N 2d Archibald, briekmr Lombard E Sch 7th and Bu'key, dentists 99 S 5th Benjamin, accwmtant 277 Walnut Benjamin M, infirmary 18 S 12th

B. njamin P, cashier of the Commercial bank d h 7tli ab Filbert

& Bi-own, mers 21 Chesnut

Daniel B, di-uggist and paint store N

E cor MulbeiTy &. 6tli d h 45 N 6tli Charles house carp 63 S Juniper Charles, button mr North bel 11th Charles, weaver Sch 8th bei Vine Charles, grocer 96 S 11th Charles L, gi-o 37 S 3d d h 113 Mulby C S, h ware mer 239 High d h Spruce

bet 12th and 13tli Charles S, mer 80 Becks new wharves

d h 167 S 3d C S & T W, hardware mers 239 High Chailes W, mer 103 N Front d h 251

Mulberry C AV & J R, mers 103 N Front Christian, baker 3 Laetitia ct Cliftord, mer 19 N Front d h 205 Spruce Daniel, gent 181 S 3d Daniel, jr mer 80 S whfs (Beck's new

wharf) d h 44 Lombard Daniel G, grocer 79 N 3d Dockery, mer 189 Walnut "

D, cordwainer 171 Sassafras

E, merchant 20 S wharves

Ed\\ ard, iron mer Summer's whf d h

156 N Front Edwai'd & son, iron mers Summer's wf Elizabeth, shopkeeper Chesnut ab 8th Emanuel, dealer 141 Locust Francis, coach and harness mr 45 S 4th Francis, leghoni & fancy dry good store

21 S 2d F Gumey, mer 27 S Ft d h 42 Lombard George, saddler 3 Fa)ctte Geo Fredk, type founder 299 S 10th George H, coach trimmer 3 F'ayette Geo R, 1st teller in bk of Pa 15 N llih George W, attv at law 38 S 6th d h 128

S 8th George W, diy good store 175 N 2d George W, gent 69 N od (iurne)-, atty at law 12 S 7th d h S W

cor Lombaid and Front H W & RH, 18 S wharves



Smith Hannah C, dry good stoic 65 N 2tl Henry, tailor 88 S 3d Hiram, shop, 214 Lombard Hugh, painter &. glazier 99 Cheriy Isaac, jr grain mer Pine st wharf d h 1

Pine Jacob, drayman N E cor Sch 7th and

Sassiifras Jacob R, mcrch 103 N Front d h 249

Mulberry Jacob AV, stove maniif 104 N 2d d h

94 Sassafras James, woolen factory Spruce n Sch J, painter 48 N 7th J, painter 90 S 5th James, tinman 91 Cedar Rev James, 47 Crown - Rev Jamesj 27 N 11th

James B, gent 340 Mulberry

James E, gent 82 Lombard

J C, 126 S 8th

James S, jr cashier Southwark bank. 82

Lombard James S, atty at law 101 S 4th Jesse, baker 184 vSassufi'as John, upholsterer 73 Walnut John plasterer Filbert n Sch 8th John, labourer 4 Cresson's al John, accountant 240 Filbert John, grocer 32 S whs and tav keeper

Windmill Island J, stone mason 213 Lombard John, paper hanger 112 Cherry John C, brushmi-28 1-2 N 3d d h 89 New John C &. William H, mers 30 Dock John E, gi'ocer 233 S 5th John George, cuirier 87 N 3d J H, stone cutter 98 Mulberry John J, jr edit of Pennsylvania gazette

135 Mulbei-ry Jacob, dentist 99 S 5th J H, flour store 76 Lnmbai-d John L, tobacconist 26 N 6th John P, gent 253 Mulbeiry John R, atty at law 68 S 8th John T, N W cor Race and 4th Jonathan, secretary of the Pennsylvania

insurance company 134 Walnut Joseph, weaver N Broad ab Sassafras Joseph hatter 70 N 5th Joseph hatter 27 Lombard Joseph B, shoe store 336 High Joseph F, flour 55 N Water d h

88 1-2 N Front Joseph, flour mer 55 N Water Joseph H, bricklayer Fries ct Joseph H, acct Farmer and Mechanics

bank 1 Shiivers ct J and W, storekeepers 289 High Kenderton, attorney 48 S 6th Mary Ann, milliner 59 ?vlajberry Mar}-, rnilhner 154 N 4th & Mason, oak coopers Decatur n High Miss, mantua maker 22 >r8th

Smith Morris, merch Girard's wharf d h 319

Sassafras Nathan, commis mer 116 Mulberry Noah, caiter Sch 8th bel Vine Oliver, exch brok 4 S 3d d h 2 Chester Peter, merchant 51 Spmce Philip, grocer 165 S Ft dh 120 Spruce Plijlip J, grocer 338 High P B, 136 N 8th Philip and son, grocers 165 S Front

store keeper 35 High

P, 143 Locust

Ralph II, house carp 77 Cherry Richard, bookseller 42 N 2d Richard, merchant 80 S Front Richard Penn, editor Chesnut W of

Broad N Richard S, mer 38 S Ft d h 40 Lombard Robert, silver smith and jeweller 12 Lit- tle George Robert, mer 33 S Front d h 83 Pine Robert H, city clerk 219 Pine Rowland, insp of the cust 110 N 10th R, saddler 1 Whjtakers row R, cal'^^er 4 Powell Samuel, mahog'any sawyer 11 Gaskill Samuel gent 131 S 3d Samuel storekeeper 7 1-2 S 2d Seth, teacher 98 Mulberry Solomon, store keeper 13 N 2d Stephen W, mer 1 03 N d h 174 S Front Stevenson & William M Gouge, editors

Sc proprietors of the Philadelphia

Gazette 97 S 2d Stevenson, oneof theeditof the Philada

Gazette 97 S 2d d h 139 Walnut & Stewardson mer Girard's wharf Theobald, blacksmith N 8th n Sassafras Thomas, keeper of the lab jTinth garden

& tav N E cor Mulberry & Sch 7th

to Cherry Thomas, mer 156 N Front Thomas, 43 Cedar Thomas, accountant 13 N 12th Thomas L, M D 285 Chesnut Thomas W, h ware mer 239 High d h

Spruce bet 12th and 13th Thomas, blacksm Cheriy W of Sch 8th Thomas S, att)- at law 74 S 6th William, atty at law 81 Walnut Wilham, fur merchant 4 Minor William, distiller 205 Cedar William, mason Sch 8th n Sassafras William, atty at law 295 High William, house carp Sheaft's al W^illiam, store keejjer 173 N 2d William, house carp Marks lane Wilham H, sugar refiner 9 Bread Wm 1', atiorne}' at law 17 N 5th W-J B, grocer 4th opposite Union V/ituam Penn, teacher 152 S 10th William S and co, mers 80 S (Beck's

new) wharves & 161^ Water



Smith Wm S, mer 80 S (Beck's new) wharves &. 161 S Water d h 181 S 3d W W, morchuut 43 Dock porter Cun-ant aJ widow C":ithiirine, 3 Osmonds ct widow K, S AV cor Front &. [.oiuhavtl widow F, g-ciitw 104 N 7tli widow Hannah, 5 CJaskill widow Jane, teacher 15 Cresson's al widow R, 112 Walnut widow S, g'cntw 73 Chciry widow of James, gcntw 253 Mulberry widow, 18 little Pine widow, washwoman 6 Moorcs ct widow 2 N 11th widow b of 381 Hijjh widow boarding' house 138 N Front widow 178 Locust \%-idow Sch 8th bel Vine widow N E cor Hig-h and 9th widow mantua maker 16 Starr al Smull ^^■iHiam, cordwainer 6 Harmony ct Smyth Edwuixl, printer 198 Cherry

Isaac & CO, dry good r.iers 172 High Snellbaker Philip, Uiv keeper 190 N Water Sneyd Samuel S, apMhecaiy 139 N 2d Snider Jacob, bookfolder and binder Cherry n 9th N M & G, printers booksellers Sec 6 N 5th Snoble Jacob, blacksmith 255 Sassafras Snow James, M D 454 Sassafras

James F, >1 1) & druggist S E cor 10th

and ^'ine d h 454 Sassafi-as Silas, house carp 76 N 9th Snowden Charles, sea capt 106 S 5th Isaac C, M D 195 Walnut Miles, china store 55 N Front d h 26

Wood X L Thomas, 32 Chester . Thomas, cutler 15 N 5th widow Rebecca, gentw 106 S 5th widow Sophia, seamsti-ess 85 N 9th Snyder Aaron, tobacconist 162 Cheny Enoch, wheelwright 156 N 8th George, accountant 3 Comptroller George C, shopkeeper Cedar ab 2d N John, brickmaker S 13th S E cor Lyn-

dalls al yard Cedar op Sch 2d John, grocer S E cor 6di & Spruce John, cab maker 198 Pine John, gilder 5 Pleasant avenue John, grocer 321 High John, 54 N 4th John, Spruce bel 13th S Joseph, chair mr & gilder 105 Walnut Mrs Mary, fancy store 113 Chesnut Peter, tailor 176 I^ombard Snyder >Irs Mary, S E cor 6th and Spruce Soby Nicholas, tobacconist 133 Midberry

Walter, painter &. glazier Rehef al Solms J, merchant 58 S Front Solliday John, Cherry W of Sch 6th

Solliday William, Cherry W of Sch 6th Solomon Samuel M, acct 161 Cedar

Sarah, 175 S 7th Somei-dike J, Jiv stab kr N E cor Locust 8s. 8th Somers & CrowU y, clock & watdimr 132 S Ft

Lydia, storekeeper 56 S 2d Somervillc Arthur, weaver Hch 6tli ab Spruce Mary, sliop cor Sassafi-os & Sch 8th William, ostler Kckfelds ct Songster William, N E cor Cheny &. Broad Sonyster Joseph, laboiuer 39 Quince Souder Casper, cordw ainer 36 Chesnut

Charles, cooper and deputy inspector

of salt provisions 143 N Water Godfrey, grocer 173 Mulbeny Jacob W, clothing store 220 High Thomas M, bnckla}er &c 163 Cedar Thomas R, apotliecary and druggist N E cor 4tli and Pine Souffrain John, cupper bleeder &c 106 N Ft Souher J M, 132 S 5th

. Mary, 132 S 5th South Geo W, store kr 98 Chesnut d h S 5th William, jeweller 163 Cedar widow, 151 S 3d Southan John, agent to Brookh'n glass works

23 Dock Southwell Mr, comedian S 12tli n Chesnut Southwick James, cordwr Sch 8th bel Vine Sower widow Hannah, gentw 61 CheiTy Sowerby Mary, shopkeeper 90 N 4tli Sowerman Wilham, 170 Cherry Yerkes, 15 South al Spackman Sanmel, mer 21 Church al d h 308 Mulbeny widow, 178 Mulbeny Spaffbrd C, shopkeeper 29 S 2d Spalding John, shop 10 St Mary's Spimier M, dealer 70 S 4th Spannenberg widow Chai-lotte, drj- good store

16 S 2d and 7 Arcade Spai-gella J B, gent 60 New Sparhawk Thomas, acct 19 Chesnut Sparks Barman, mariner Brooks ct

Thomas, plumber and shot manuf49 S wharves d h 478 S Front and shot tower 21 Johns (S) w idow Sarah, gentw 163 S 2d Spearman John, 22 Franklin ct Spears Geo, tav kr N W cor 10th and Walnut

Henry, N W cor 4th and Sassafras Speck Frederick, 154 Vine

wid of C A, tav keeper 154 Vine Speel M, teacher 34 Strawberry Spence Andrew B, mer 60 S wharves

Charles, S W cor Walnut and 8th James, wheelwright \A'alnut n Sch 4th James, house carp Walnut W Sch 7th Robert, shopkeeper 160 S 5th Spencer Asa, engraver 43 Zane

Mrs, S W cor 8th & Wahiut widow Elmina, teacher 249 High



Sperry C & co, ladies shoe mrs S W cor 5tJi and North al Jacob, mer and consul for Prussia 99

S Front d Iv 99 S 4th wid of Frederick W, gcntw 119 S 9tli Spiegel John R, potter Filbert n Sch 5th Spohn WiHiam, wholesale grocer 133 N 2d d

h 230 Sassafras Spooner C S, 120 N 2d

William, shoe store 67 N 3d William, tav keeper 4 Chesnut Spotswood Thomas C, 61 N 8th Spragg Richard, dealer 19 IJranch Springer Benj H, inspec of customs 157 N 9th Spratson William, lab Sassafi-us W Sch 8th Springel Fred, millwr Mulberiy W Sch 2d

widow, 212 Pine Springer widow Hannah, 66 Union Sproat Peter VV, military and naval intelli- gence office 62 Spnice Sprogel widow Mary, gent 232 Walnut Sprong David, h carp 3 NoitIs' al d h Beach n Maiden (K) John, cordwainer 93 New Stacey Davis B, mer 220 Spruce

James G, mer & agent for the N York line of packets 22 S whf d h 130 S 3d Stackhouse Hastings, china store 113 N 13th Powell, pattern maker 22 Vine Samuel P, 60 Vine Stage widow, Marble Stager Cornelius, cordwainer 175 N J'ront Stagg Josiah, biickmaker 104 N Juniper Stalder J, weaver 2 Quince Stallard James, shop keeper 10 Stampers al Stamper widow Sarah, gentw 68 Pine StancUff Benjamin, mathematical and optical

instrument maker 128 S Front Stanbridge John, mer N 4th d h 5 S 9th Stanbro Ann, shop 188 N Water Stanly Non-is, merchant 130 S Front Stant William, tailor Loxley's ct Stanton and Brothers, mers 24 S wharves James, tav keeper 130 N 11th T P, mer 24 S \\]iar\^es Stappen Henry J,' cordwainer 197 N 2d Stark Robert, taller 9 Hannony ct Starr Henry, type cutter 172 S 9th

Isaac, mer 56 S whar^-c's d h 109 Spruce John, saddler 575 High Samuel, merchant 43 Walnut i Starrit Reuben, 116 N 13th Stavely William, piinter 99 S 2d Stedimore John, lab Sch 5th n Cheny E Stedman Isaac, stone cutter Quince bel Walnut Steel James, house carp 16 Juniper lane

James, flour and grain mer 67 S whar\'es

d h 29 Walnut James W, portrait and historic engraver

43 Sansom John, brass founder 48 New John labom'er Feaiis' ct John, manuf cotton goods N W cor 6tl

and St Mary's & M'Alpin, mers 34 N Front

Steel Robert, gent 1 17 Spruce Robert, 196 Spruce Robert, gent 247 Spruce Thomas, 48 New William, merchant 72 S wharves William, merchant 7 Union William N, mer 71 S Front d h 62 Vine William S, mer 71 S Ft d h 125 S 9th widow Elizabeth, gent 122 S 2d Steele John, jr weigher 196 Spruce

widow of Gen John, gentw 196 Spruce Steer, v. idow tav keeper 41 Prune Steen Robert, grocer High n Sch 4th Stegagnine L, ornamental sculptor S E cor 9th

and George d h 97 George Stein Abraham, watchmaker 84 N 3d

Ann, 23 N.9th Steiner George, baker 27 Walnut Jacob, 3 Schiivers ct John, cutler 48 1-2 Mulberry d. h 5 Littleboys ct Steinhauer D, teacher 124 S 6th & 218 Pine Steinmetz Daniel, acct at the Commercial bk

Miss Eliza, 270 Chesnut Stelor Catharine, 88 N 4th Stelts E, labourei- Sch Sth ab Sassafras

John, baker 1 19 N 9th Stelwaggon Charles, 137 N 8th

Jessee L, iron store and coal yard S W cor old York road & Cal- lowhiU N L d h 277 Sassafras Joseph, h carp 2 Nicholsons ct Stephens Alexander, manuf 470 Sassafras David, S W cor Sassafras and 9th John, tobacconist Shcaff's al Robert S, secy of the North America

Insurance company 49 N 6th William, house caip 268 Lombai'd widow, tiiv keeper S W cor & Sassa- fras and 9th SteiT Georg-e, thy good store 154 N 8th Sten-ett Joseph, d\GT High- E of Sch 6th

William, lab N Broad bel Vine E Steth widow, box maker Sch 8Ui bel Vine Stevens Catharine boarding h 433 High Tliomas, cordwainer 62 Penn William, tav keeper 122 S Fi-ont Stevenson Aaron, diy good store 221 S 5th Charles, jr 4 Laurel ct Cornehus, tax collector 28 N9th Da\ Id, hatter 40 Cherry James, storekeeper 238 S 2d J, blacksmith 213 Lombard J H, mer 35 N Water d h 115 S 4th Mrs, 4 Laurel ct Thomas, soap and candle manuf

203 S 6th William, gent 288 Chesnut Wm, jr cuM-ier 38 Chesnut d h 28

N.9th Wilham, lab Sch 6tli ab Spnice widow Mar>- C, gentw"78 S 5th Stever Henry, flour mei- 407 High Henry acct 127 N 3d



Stewardson (icorgc, 92 Muibeny

Tlioniius, j;vi\t 90 Miilht'iiy Stewart A, hair divsscr &.c 42U Iligli CluiiKs, Sch 8th ii Siissiifras niiviil, (IcuIcT JUS S Otii David, shop S llighVV Sell jlli PV.mcis, blucksniitli 373 Siussaf'ras G 11, stoi-okt.-ii)cr 217 S 2d Henry 15, moroc dresser S E cor Vine

&, Crown d li 29 Julianna x i Janus, cordwr Pine bet 12th & loth Si Janic's, cabinet makers 107 AVahuit James, {"^-occr 207 S 2d Jolm, mer 7 S whiu'vcs d h 206 Spruce John, teacher 18 Bread J, \(eavcr Aim ab 12th J B, storekeeper N W cor Pine & 2d J &, CO, house carps 2 Hlaekhorse al Joseph, house carp 113 N 10th Josiah, M D 100 S 8tli Matliias, tinsmith 146 Sassafras Mary, ,s^entw Chesnut ab 12th P, teacher 105 Chesnnt Samuel M, stationer and manuf paper hangings &c 122 Chesnut d h 91 S 3d Thomas, painter 6 Lodge Thomas, U S appraiser 15 N lltli M'illiam, att)" at law state house WilHam, house carp 11 Knights ct WiUiam H, fancy cliair maker 108 N

Front d li 2d be] Pine AVilUani, shop Lombard bel 13th S widow Elizabetli, gentw 394 Sassafras widow Mar)-, grocer 73 Locust widow Mary, gentw 479 Sassafras widow Rachel, shopkr 3 Acorn al widow, 87 N 2d widow, 462 Sassafras St Felix J ohn K, merch 38 Chesnut d h 237

Spruce StiefT John, baker 17 N Btli Stiles John, portable desk and dressing case manuf 89 S 2d & 23 Arcade Robert E, house carp Quince bet Locust

and Walnut Thomas T, city commisr 142 S lltli widow Cathai'ine, 44 Vine Stell James, 125 S 9th

Stille Benjamin, mer 33 S Water d h Chesnut bcIlltliN

Benjamin & Samuel, mers 33 S Water H, shopkeeper 61 Union John, gent Chesnut 1st bel 13tli S John, ]r atty at law 65 S 5tli d h Walnut

ab"9thN widow Catliarine, gentw 204 AValnut Stilly John H, ladies smoemaker 80 Sassafras Stiltz John D, baker 115 N lOtli Stinger Eve 127 New

wid Elizabeth, shop 16 Pennsylvania avenue Stimmell Phihp, tobacconist Caledonian ct

StiUi Townsend, 96 S 8th

Stitzel Peter, Uiv keeper Walnut W Sch 7th

Stock widow Maiy, 15 Cheny

widow, 4 liodinan's a! Stocker Anthony, gent 118 Pine

John (;, mer 10 Pnnie Stockley &, Birch, meres &. tailors 149 Chesnut Stockley Thomas, cordwainer 317 Spruce

William, mer tailor 149 Cliesnut d h 182 Sassafras Stockman Jacob, gold h silver thimble manuf 46 Chusnut d h 61 Gaskill & Pepper, gold and silver tliimble niunuf 46 Cliesnut Stockton Charles, mer tiiilor 251 High Sarah, ^entw 258 'Walnut Wm, acctatalmsh Spioice ab 10th William, store keeper 22 N 5th Stoddail A &. J, dry good store 13 N Front & Athcrton, com mers 60 N Front Isiutc, Walnut n Sch 4th John, agent for the New York coal company 60 N Front d h 65 N 6th John, weaver Sassafras W Sch 8th Sarah, store keeper 5 N 7tli Stoever Frederick, mer 29 Dock d h Locust W of 12th and Foote, mers 29 Dock Susan, school 24 Branch Stokes and Busby, wholesale diy good mers- 96 1-2 High Caleb, boarding h 132 N 11th Charles, grocer N E cor 4th & Branch Charles, fancy dry good store 54 S 2d C M & W H, storekeepers 57 N 4th Isaiah, house carp N E cor Pine & 7tli Mordecai, tailor 64 Chesnut Samuel, watchman Loxley's ct N from

Mulbeny Samuel, tailor 35 Chester S, milliner 6 Sti-awberry Thomas, house carp b of 3 Decatur d h

14 Moore's ct Thomas, jr plasterer 45 Chester Thomas, sen collector 51 Chester William, constable 50 Sassafras Stone Andi-ew J, plumber 61 Walnut

Dexter, mer S E cor Libi-aiy and 5th & .

35 S Front John, lab Sch 6tli ab Spinice John, fancy btore 41 S 2d Mary, milliner 103 N 2d Stones Samuel, mer d h 111 S 10th Storer Samuel, sea capt 74 Lombard Stork Aai'on, grocer wine & liquor mer 1 S Water d h 9 S Front F and S, store keepers 131 S 2d Story George P, bk binder & folder 159 N 3d StotJiart widow of William, gentw 349 High Stotsenberg Samuel, lab Sassafras n Sch 8th Stout Brothers, engraver 63 Chesnut Charles, dr}' good store 159 N 2d Henry, Crown n Vine Jacob C, liattcr 30 Sassafi'as al



Stout Jolin, whip maker 52 Crown John, jr 52 Crown doctor, 179 Pine Stow Cliarles, diy good store 38 N 6th John, turner 76 Sassafras Samuel, bricklayer 40 Zane Stowers widow Ann, N W cor Sch 6th & High Strahan Joseph, house carp Lombard n 10th widow Margaret, tav keeper cor Lom- bai"d and 8th Strattan Ebenezer, ta'rlor 1 Sliields ct Henry, mer tailor 10 ReUef al John, 174 Lombard Wimam A, 8 High Streaper John, S W cor Sch 7th & Sassafras John, tobacconist 139 S 4th Ricliard, baker 96 N 3d Street Thomas, cordwainer 108 N 2d Strembeck Jacob, high sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia office W wing of the state house d h 60 S 11th Stretch William, acct 143 High Stretcher F, house carp 129 S 6th Strickland Hugh, innkeeper 150 Sassafras J, house carp 174 Pine Thomas, lab Broad bel Vine Wilham, architect d h 117 S 9th Stringfield William, mariner Locust n Dean Strobel Benjamin, gent 170 S 11th Stroud George M, atty at law S W cor Mul- berry and 4th d h 85 Mulberry Thomas, merchant 10 N 6tli Stroup Jacob, tailor 5 Castle

John, tailor 4 and 8 N Water d h 205

N 2d N L John, sen gent S W cor Mulberry & 4th Struthers Alexander, teacher Ann ab 12th

John, stone cutter 360 High d h 1 . N 10th Strjker John B, 142 Sassafi-as

anS Progue, merchs 97 High Stubbs & Allen, blacking manuf 396 High Stuble A, 13 Chancer}' lane Stuckert Hem-)-, apothy &. drug^st 33 N 4th Stull John, carter 214 Vine

William, cordwainer up 115 N lOth Sturgess Anthony D, Sturgess ct

Stephen, dry good store 165 S 2d widow Anna, shop 476 High Stum John, baker 225 S 5th Stutler Philip, blacksmith Say n Sch 8th Stutzell Peter, 'SA'alnut W of Sch 4th Stutzenberg Chi-istopher, Sassafras bet Sch 7tli and 8th John, bi-ickmr Sassafras bet Sch 7th and 8th Sulger Jacob, jr acct 161 Mulberry Sullivan Charles, teacher of drawing 162 Cherry Florence, grocer cor 13th & Cedar John, grocer 195 Lombard

Sullivan John T, book binder & stationer N W cor Front 8c High d h 237 Spruce N H, house cai-p 61 S Juniper Sully Thomas, portrait painter 204 Spruce Summers Eliza, shop 134 N I3th

Geo, oak cooper Sch 6th ab Chesnut John, minter 154 N 13tli Lydia, dry gd & fancy sto 54 S 4th widow Rachael, gentw 19 Sassafras Sumpton Rebecca, b h 22 Pine Super Wilham, cab mr N W cor Front & New d h 13 New widow Jane, cab mr N W cor Front 8c New d h 13 New Suplee Jonas, h carp & sto kr 10 S al &. 21 N 8th Surveyors office, cust house S 2d bel Dock W Suter Daniel, gent 97 New

John, accountant 30 N 6th widow Ann, gentw 30 N 6th Sutherland John, plumber 128 Sassafras Swaim William, discoverer and proprietor of tlie celebrated Panacea 221 Chesnut Sw£um's bath house, N E cor 7th & Geoi-ge Swain Abi"aliam, cordwainer 28 Vine Deboiah, 81 Mulberry Edward H, diy good store 28 N 2d Elijah, 111 Spruce Swan, M D 144 S Front Margaret, 43 Chesnut Robert, silver sm & umbrella mr 75 S 2d Swartz George, tailor 124 N Water Sweeny A, dry good store 100 Locust David, lab Lombard ab 12th Frederick M, storekeeper 63 N 2d Sarah, milUner 81 N 2d Wilham, house carp 2 Bells ct Sweetzer Simon, cab maker 124 Sassafras Swett J B, 175 Walnut Swever HeniTj^O N 7th Swift Caleb, 16 N 8th Charles, 16 N 8th Joh , attorney at law 60 S 6th John, 130 N 2d John AV, gent 103 Pine. J, Blackbeiry al Joseph, 109 Spruce Lewis, 98 N 13th Robei-t, confectioner 102 S 10th widow, 161 N 8th Swingston James, b of 479 Sassafras Sword Mrs, b h 70 Walnut Sykes Robert W, atty at law 49 S 5th Sylvester N & S, lott & exch brokers 12 S 3d Brothers & co, fur skin dressers aiid dyers 20 Penn Syme George, 106 Union Symington Alexander, hardware mer 98 High

d h 210 "VA'alnut Syng John, cordwainer 172 Pine



Tack CliarlcH, tailor 213 Lonib:u-(l 'I'iicknian (JhrisUim F, baker 46 Killnit Tacoii Don Francisco, Sp»nisli minister 270

AValnut Tag-c William, tailor 26 S 3d Tagg Gtorge, mer 1 S 2d Ta^rt .losopli, prest Farmers & Mechanics bk

76 S 6tli Tagggrt Hunr)-, drayman Prospect al

Jolm, weaver X lOUi n Sassafnis John, mer 143 Spi-uce Jolni, weaver Lombai"d E Sch 7th J, dr\- good mer 116 S 8th J n, mer 143 Spruce Mrs, 143 Spiaice Robert, carpet weaver 87 N 10th Tait William, pocket book nu" 225 Mulberry &

f;mCy store 17 Arcade Talbot Henry, house carp Pine ab 13th N

William, 7 Pennsylvania avenue Tallieno Francis, wool scoiu*er 15 Lombai-d

widow, 80 Sassafras Tallman Joseph, cordwainer 71 S 2d

widow Patty, gentw 128 AValnut Talmage "William, cordwainer 172 Sassafras Tams and Brothers, china mers 243 Hig'h

James, china mer 243 Hig-h d h 43 N 3d William, china mer &c 243 High Tanner Benjamin, engraver 74 S 8th

Heniy S, engraver &. map h chart seller S W cor 7th & Chesnut d h 8 Sansom Tappan William B, 170 S 3d Tarr Augustus G, & co, lottery brokers 1 Decatur E I) & CO, gros N E cor Mulberiy Sc 5tli Tate widov\- Jane, 185 S 7th Tatem Allen W, 102 Vine Mar>- M, 102 Vine widow Ann A, b h 303 Sassafras Taws Charles, musical instnunentmr74 Union

John, oi-ganist &c 7 Powel Taylor Alexander, sea capt 3 Elfreths al

Amos, mer 47 N Water d h 199 Mulby Bankson, mer 6 N whs d h 50 Sassafras Benjamin, brushmakcr 4 N 3d d h 2

Montgomeiy squai-e Benjamin, accountant 130 N 2d Catharine, gentw 37 Sansom Charles, cordwainer 163 N Front Chai-les T, teacher 37 Mulberry Ebenezer, carter Adam W Enoch, cai-ver Willings ct b 112 N 8th Enoch, bricklayer EUreth's al and Ford, storekeepers 149 S 2d George, smith 6 Bells ct George, linplate worker 116 N 2d George, oyster cellar S E cor Chesnut

and 3d George, 21 Bank

Geo W, shoe store S E cor High &. oth and Harmar, mers 269 High James, innkeeper 145 Cedar Rev James, 246 Walnnt M

Taylor Jane, diy good store 25 N Front Jeremiali, saddler 8 8 Broad John M, 3 S 12th

Joseph, i)lacksmith Sch 8tli bel Vine Joseph, innkrr western hotel High ab

8th J, mini Perry N bet Sxssafras 8c Vine J R, bricklayer 8 Castle and Krohns, grocers 164 Locust Levi, grocer 216 S 2d . Lewis, shoesto 168 S E cor High & 5th Lewis and son, shoestore 168 S E cor

High and 5tii Louther, clock & watch mr 132 Locust Lrdia, 211 Pine Martha, teacher of painting on velvet

Arcade Moses, S W cor 10th and Vine Moses, teacher 22 N 5tli O H, M D 325 Sasstifras Robert, mer 269 High d h 206 Mulberry R G, confectioner 187 S 2d Samuel, Richarclsons ct and Teese, 69 Chesnut Thomas, cordwainer 247 S Front Thomas, currier 39 Walnut Thomas, innkeeper 218 High Thomas, tailor 150 N Water d h 155 N

Front William, tinplate worker 135 N 2d d h

55 Sassafi-as W^illiam, Juniper n Cherry W'illiani, jr merchant 184 High William N, 2 Montgomeiy square Wm, ladies slioe store 149 Walnut Wilson, acct 16 Peny widow Hannah, 62 Spruce widow Jane, grocer 106 N 7th widow, 18 Sassafi"as al widow, seamstress 126 S 13th Tayntor L, dry good store 130 S 2d d h 2 Or- ange Tees Daniel, spinning wheel and chair maker

150 N Front Teill George, fringe maker 42 N 6tli Telfare Mrs, 212 Chesnut Tempest Robert, jeweller 89 S 2d d h 22

Lombard Temple Daniel G, 69 New

and Harker, mers 123 High Solomon, 44 S 6th Tenbrook Mrs E, boarding house 10 S 7th Tennant Christopher, dry good store & stone cutter 443 High & Highland, stone cutters S W cor N

10th and Cheny John, stay 8c corset mr 77 S 3d Teisseire Anthony, merch 23 S Front d h 294

Chesnut Tevis Benjamin, gent 393 Mulberry

J, gent d h 3 Boston row Thackara James, engraver Pennsylvania Acad Fine Arts Chesnut bel 11th James, M D N E c Chesnut & Broad



Thackara Mark, clotliing store 81 S Water

William W, conveyancer S E cor 3d

& Walnut d h 127 S 9th William W & Samuel, conveyancers S E cor 3d and Walnut Thatcher Margaret, milliner 12 S 10th

widow Jane, b h 118 1-2 Chesnut Tliibaidt & Brotliers, wholesale & retail jew- ellers &. silver smiths 150 Chesnut S E cor 5th

Cecile, gentw 29 1-2 Powel Fehx, jeweller and silver smith 150

Chesnut dh 159 Pine Francis, jeweller & silver smith 150

Chesnut Frederick, jeweller & silver smith

150 Chesnut d h 94 S 5th wsid Mary, mantua mr 4 Hoffman's al Thiell Henry, printer 245 Cedar Tliirion Lewis, jeweller 8 Franklin ct Thomas Anna, mantua maker 133 N 6th

Amos, wheelwright Sch 7th n Spruce

Asa, shoe store 123 N 2d

and Baldwin, grocers and liv sta krs

14 S 4tli Benjamin, cordwainer 108 Union & Baldwin, gi'ocers & stable keepers

11 S4th Charles J, dry good store 31 N 2d David, cordwainer 66 N 9tli David, shop 214 S 7th David, N Sch 4th n High E, cabinet maker 19 Jones al Evans, tailor 197 N Front George, mer 36 N J't d h 27 Mulberry George, 209 S 4tli Jacob, gent 25 S lOdi Jacob M, mercli 51 N Front d h 181

Callowhill N I, James, mariner 2 Castle Jesse, 323 Sassafras John, cordwainer 44 S 3d John, mer 51 N Ft d h 165 N 5th n t John J D, M D 163 Sassafras John G, gent 97 N 9th Jonathan, commis mer 431 Chesnut J M, French teacher 20 Prune Joseph, salt merch N E cor Vine and

Water n l d h 97 N 5th Joseph W, cordwainer 51 N 3d &. Martin, mers and Providence R I

packet office 51 N Front Maiy, bakei- 13 Franklin ct Moses, auctioneer 87 Chesnut d h 61

Spruce Robert, carter 444 Sassafras Robert, coach painter 213 S 5tli d h

4 Elizabeth Samuel &. co, lotteiT brokers 32 N 3d Samuel H, mer 100 S Front d h 246

Walnut William, coal mer 47 S wharves d h

23 Key's al (New) W J, corder Morgans ct

Thomas Zebulori, stable kr & grocer 11 S 4th coachmaker Library widow Sarah, shoe store 123 N 2d widow Susannah, cook 189 S 7th widow, 10 Franklin ct Thompson Alexander, grocer S W cor 4th & Union Alex, weaver Sch 8th ab Sassafras Andrew, cordwainer 155 N 2d Benjamin, cabinet mr 28 Mulberry David, gi-ocer and tavern keeper

Locust E of 13th David, hatter 6 Trotters al Edward, marble mason Mulberry n

Broad Francis, mer 36 Chtirch al d h 114

Mulbeny Francis & nephew, mers 36 Ch al George, oak cooper and gauger 39

Penn Isaac, druggist N W cor High and

2d d h 59 N 4th James, printer 1 Hydes ct James, cordwainer 25 Lombard James C, grocer 303 High d h 31

Filbert James C & co, grocers 303 High John, lab Sassafras ab Sch 8th John, 47 Penn

John, tavern kr cor Sch 8th & Say John, turner 6 Vaxix's ct John, weaver Lombard n 12th John W, grocer 254 S 2d John, hatter 8 Hinckel's ct Jonali, 221 Walnut Joseph, Sassafras n to Juniper Lydia, gentw 221 Walnut Maik, labourer Ann bel 13th N B, accountant 29 Mulbeny Robert, w sale grocdh 188 Spruce R R, S W cor 9th and Mulberry Samuel, tav keeper 67 N 6th Samuel, mer 26 N Front d h 221

Walnut Samuel, weaver 18 S Broad Sarah, gentw 5 Boston row Sai-ah, 119 N 6th William, house carp 120 N 11th Wm, S E cor Sassafras & Juniper William, oak cooper & gauger 25

d h 47 Penn William R, mer 11 N Water d h 66

Spmce AVilliam R & co, mers 11 N Water widow Margaret, 97 Gaskill widow Maiy, 8 Pear widow Maiy Ann, 119 N 11th widow, seamsti-ess Gray's al Thomson A H, atty at law 40 N 6th Charles W, 81 Mulbeny Jcssec, M D 2 Thomson's ct Peter, conveyancer 197 Mulberry Peter, jr druggist 34 Sassafras



Thomson widow Jane, gentw 81 Mulberry Thorn Daniel, house carp 119 S llUi

J, house c:yj) 26 Adams Thonihill Uichurd, ]»l; 11 Willing's al Tliornton Janu-s, we:ivcT 381 Sassafnus

James M, nier 189 High Thorp James, tav kr Merino Hotel 3 Cherry Thouron Nicholas, mcr 109 Hi.nh d ii 18 Powel

Nicholxs &. CO, mer 1U9 High Tlirockmorton Joseph W, mer d h 285 Sassaf Thum Chai-lcs, watchmaker 4 N 6th

widow, 160 N 3d Ticket George, bi-ewer 79 Chesnut Tiemey Thomas, gro S E cor Cedar & Crabb Tiers Cornelius, block and pump maker d h 115 S Water James D, rope maker and ship chandler 50 S wharves Tilglunan Benjamin, atty at law 185 Chesnut fwid Betsey, whitewasher 17 Gaskill wid of Edward, gentw 234 Walnut widow R, 80 S 4th Tiller Robert, jr engraver 18 N 3d

Samuel, copper plate printer 32 Church al d h Spruce ab 13tli S Tillinghast J C, acct Commercial bk 35 S 10th Timmons Francis,, tailor 157 S Front d h 37

Union Tingle Jonathan, saddler 142 High Tingley B W, mer d h 105 N 7tli Tinker Joseph A, coach maker 46,QuJnce Tisdall Charles, groc N E cor Walnut &. Water Tittle Moses, coi-dwainer 135 N 6tli Tobias Solomon, malster 11 Marshall's al Toby Simon, sea capt 15 Pine Tod William H, atty at law 163 Wahiut Todd J, weaver Ann ab 12th

M D 131 S lOtli

Todhunter Joseph, hoisery glove & lace stove 123 Chesnut R, fancv dress mr 2 Ramstead ct S 4th' To d George W', attv at law 1 S 5th d h 296 Walnut Henry, mer 166 Highd h 122 S 8th Hugh, tailor 4 Branners al Robert, mer 180 High d h 83 S 6th Tolbert John, accountant 61 S 11th Tolon Don Jose, Mexican consul 38 Walnut Tomkins Thomas, bricklr 30 Washington sq Tomlin Charles, drj' good store 42 1-2 N 4th

Enoch, chair maker 79 N Front Tomlinson Benjamin, house carp 225 Cedar Jesse, tavern & stable keeper and Lancaster stage office 284 High Tompkins Samuel, bricklr Sch 8th ab Sassafras Tooker L, 146 Chesnut Topham John, 12th ab Spruce

Reuben, MulbeiT}" n Broad Toram S, painter 9 Dean

Torbass book binder StrawbeiTj'

Torr Jabael, tailor 48 Filben

Willbm S, storekeeper 5 N 2d

Torrance George, inn kr N W cor Lombard

and 6th ToiTence Abraham, labourer 66 N Juniper Torrj- Hamilton, tallow ciiandkr 125 S lltli Taurison Stephen, ship caip 188 Lombard Towar Alexander, bookseller &, stationer 255 High d h 199 Spi-ucc & Hogan, booksrs & stationers255 High Town Benjamin, chair maker N E cor High & Sch 5th Thomas, printer b of 112 Walnut d h 177 S 11th Townsend Charles, clock & watchmaker S E cor 10th and Chesnut E, druggist S E cor Chesnut & 10th Ehsha, watchmr Chesnut ab 13th Godfrey, cord wainer 1 1 ^Lu^halls al John, 195 N Front John, jr clock and watch maker 90

S 2d d h 86 Spruce Joseph, plumber 65 N 5tli Tourtillot Augustus, Powell I'owson widow, b h S W cor Walnut and 5tli Toy Buddell, bricklayer 126 Locust

John, bricklayer 87 N 5tli Tracy Edw^u-d, tav keeper 427 Chesnut Edwai'd, bootmaker 42 S 3d Hugh, innkeeper 2 1-2 N 3d John, turner 183 Cedar Ti-ainer James, blacksmith 19 N 7th Traquair Adam, 35 Chester Travilla James, cordwainer 137 1-2 Sassafras

widow Abigail, 8 Sterling al Tree Lambert, sail maker loft over 33 & 34 S

wharves d h 1 58 S Front Trego Chai-les B, teacher 173 Pine Treichle Chaa-les, acct 67 N 8th TrendaU J, 21 S 7th Tre\or James, weaver 225 Cedar

John B, mer 173 High d h 11 N 10th Tricken Wilhani, saddler 420 High d h Mul-

beny n Juniper Trimble Nadianiel, innkeeper 6 Stampers al

widow, 81 New Tripple Anthony, cordwainer 58 N 5th Troth Ann, 267* Sassafras

Henry & co, diiiggists 222 High Samuel F, druggist 222 High Trotter Nathan, 47 d h 170 N Front Troubat Francis J, attorney at law 72 S 6th d h 108 S 2d Johti, mer tailor 108 S 2d Trout John, collector of taxes 14 Castle Troutman George, grocer 292 High Troutwine William, cooper 24 N Wattr Truchet, 1 Marshall's al Trucfitt Henry P, commis mer and broker 17

Norris' al d li 182 Spruce Trueman John, currier 16 Jones al

Joseph M, tin plate worker 15 N 7th and Poole, cor Spmce and 2d widow, 9 Biddies al widow Hannah, 83 New Truet James, 81 Locust



Truher Willkuii, saddler 418 High Tniitt Thomas, 46 N 8th Trump Daniel, oak coopei- Frees ct f Ti-usty Jonathan, sweep master 245 Spruce Truxton William, mariner 30 N 8th Tryon & M'Kinle)^, hardwai-e mers 54 High Geo, tin plate & sheet iron \vr 152 N 2d George W, gun & rifle manuf 165 N2d J A, storekr 54 High d h 26 Garden n l Joseph, atty at law 152 N 2d Tucker A B, M D 146 S 4th

Benjamin, Pliilada select academy S W

cor 5th & Mulberry d h 44 N 5th Heniy M, M D 230 Mulben-y S, M D 104 MulbeiTV Thomas S, tailor 19 S 3d d h 2 S 8th William, engTaver over cor 4tli and

Librarj' W E, teacher 44 N 5th Tumbelston Henrv, clotliing store 154 S Water

d h 106 S Front Tunis & Morris, mers 58 S whan-es

Thomas R, merch 58 S wharves d h 17 Sansom Tupman George, dom hoisery 16 Walnut Turbinson Thomas, watchman 57 Gaskill Turner and Gemmile, 13 1-2 S 2d

J G T, mer 13 1-2 S 2(1 d h 107 Chesnut J G and R, mers 13 1-2 S 2d John, brushmaker 13 Sugar al Mary, boarding house 28 N 3d Mi's Susan, boai-ding house 1 Pnmc fSamuel, porter 238 Lombard William, accountant 69 Cheiiy William A, atty at law Chesnut 4 doors

bel 11th N wid, gentw Chesnut 4 doors bel 11th N widow, boarding house 2 Castle wid Maiy, cordwainer 11 Hinckle's ct widow Sarah, 1 Mulberry Turnpenny John, mer 145 S 6th Tustin John, innkeeper sign Black Bear b of 3 Soth widow, Lombard bel 1 1th Tuttle widow Mary, 29 Keys v.\ Tuttles Edward, shoestore 32 High Twaddle James S, woolen and cotton machine maker High 3 doors ab Sch 7th d h S W cor Sch 8th and Filbert Twelbib M, jeweller 21 Powel Twells Edward, 269 Chesnut E, mer 175 High Stanley, 177 High widow Sarah, gc-ntw 27 Branch Tyler Rufus, macliinlst &c 87 New Tyndall Henrj^, acct 34 Cheny Tvndall Robinson, china &c sto 12 N 3d & 21

N2d Ty;;on Charles M, mer 3 Sansom E, storekeeper 28 1-2 N 2d Job R, atty at law 3 Sansom Reese, 334 Sassafras Mrs, 3 Ransom

Tyson S H, house carp Fayette n Mulberry Ubcr Daniel, grocer 15 N 9th Uhle Wilham, hatter 45 N 4th

wid Catharine, chy good store 45 N 4th Ular)' Anst, boarding house 5 Penn Ulrich A & H, tobacts 38 High & 199 N 3d Henry, tobact 38 High d h 3 Brown Ulmstead John, house cm-p 141 N 11th Underwood James, manuf of mustxrd &c7 S 6th James, bricklayer P>ees ct James, merchant 19 Powel John, bricklayer 134 N 11th M, milliner 345 Sassafras Unison widow, shop Sassafras ab Sch 8tli United States Bank, Chesnut bet 4th & 5th S Gazette, office Dock fu'st bel

"\^'alnut Gangers office 8 Little Dock Insurance office 26 Walnut Union Canal, office 6 Carpenters ct

Insm-ance Company's olHce, 45 Walnut Upton John, innkeeper 66 Dock Usher iirs, 51 S 5th

\"ail Daniel, fur and hat store 17 S 3d d h 48 N 5th Hannah, gentw 48 N 5th and Marseilles, fur and hat store 17 'S 3d Valentine, B E, agent for tlie Schuylkill coal company 154 Mulbe;Ty H, weaver 13th ab Pine E John, ladies shoemr 131 Mulberry Samuel, carter Perry bel Budd E Vallance widow, shopkeeper 138 S 5th Vallee John F, gent 146 3 5th

Prosper, gunsmith 101 S 2d Vallette Thomas, acct M'CuUoch's ct Van Amringe Augustus & co, groc 57 Chesnut George O, grocer 10 Chesnut d h 88-S Front Vanarsdale Aai-on, S E cor 7th and Mulberry Van Buren Henry, stable keeper Bread oppo

Quany fVan Brakle and Davis, cabinet makers 267 Spruce fSamuel, cab maker 267 Spruce d h Acorn al Vanbuskirk John, tiivern keeper 244 High Vandegi'ist Sarah, Cherr}' n Broad Vanderkemp John J, agent for the Holland

land company 132 Walnut Vandershco George, haif dresser 91 Sassafras George, cordwainer 40 Chester Joseph H, hair di'esser 174 Sassaf Vandover Wilham, bookbr N Juniper n Vine Vandyke John, saddler 35 Elizabeth

Thomas, wheelwright 18 Gaskill Vangilder wid Sussannab, gentw 57 1-2 Union Vanharhngen John M, drj' gd sto 146 Chesnut. Vanhees, watchman b of 99 Cherry



Vanholt Joseph, hatter Wiigncr's al

Joseph, 209 Sassafras Vanhorii Abniliam, patent siispender manuf H;iiik S VV c Uiph d h 16 Franklin Monlicai, oOPowil Rtdinan, coach inukcr 53 Qoorfco Robert, upliolsterer and fcatlu-r store 27 S Front d li 104 N Front Vanlioy A, M n 167 Pine Van & Black, N H'ti^h W of Sch 5th Van Meter Henry, blucksniith M'CuUoch's ct

John, papei- hang'er 48 Claskill Van Osten Daniel, house carp 49 Mulberry

M J, house carpenter 49 Midberry William, house ctu-p Wog'loms ct Van Pelt Alexander S, dentist 101 Walnut

P, dentist N F, cor 4th and S])ruce & M'Uhenny, dentists & manuf of

incorruptible teeth 101 Walnut Rev Peter, N E cor 4th & Spruce Vansent James, woodcoi-der 145 N Water Vansyckel Elijah, grocery and liquor store 130

N"2d d h 79 N Front Vansickle and Gairison, groceiy and liquor store 130 N 2d *■

Vanstavoren James, tav keeper 165 N 6tli Van Tnunp Mrs, 72 Dock Van "S^clthoun Lambert, lab 54 Lombai'd Vauclain James L, gent 115 N 5th Vaughan John, mer & vice consul for Sweden Norway & Portugal S E cor Wahuit & Ft Vaux George, coun at law 14* Midberry James, gent 155 Mulberry Roberts, gent 346 Mulbcny Velez Alexander, ckarge d' affaires & consul

gen for Columbia office c 5th & Library Venable Robert, 79 N 6th »

Veacock widow, S 4tli n Cedar Velez Alejandro, Columbian charge d'aflfViires

cor 5th and Library Verchaux Henrj^ T, acct 133 S 4tli Vemou John, segar maker & perfumer 3 S Ft Veron Jane, 155 Pine

Lewis, fancy hardware &c store 98 d h

130 Chesnut Lewis and co, fancy hardware &c store

98 Chesnut Samuel, wheelwright 128 Filbert Vezin Charles, mer 69 Walnut d h 132 Pine and Von Lengerke, niers 69 Walnut Vezey Hezekiah, tiilor 25 Gaskill Vickerman Ann, innkeeper 1 Fronibergers ct Vickers David, mer 17 N Water

Marg-aretjFIigh W of Sch 6th VUlegrain widow, toy store 51 S 2d Vincent Mrs, S 12tli n Lombard Vintine J L, 122 S 3d Vinton Abel, mer 164 High d h 287 Chesnut

T and A, mers 164 High Vinyard James, sail maker Flintham's wharf d h 47 Vine w i,

Vinyard & Shindler, sail mrs FlintJiam's wharf Viti Veto importer of alabaster &c Pine n 6t)i Vitiy Anthony, lace & fringe weaver 88 Sassaf Vivant Charles, caner 8c gilder 127 S 4th Vizer Thomas P, gent 130 S 6th Vogdc s John R, iitty at law 10 S 7th Vogcl (;corgc-, innkeeper 39 N 2d Voight Heiuy, plumber 47 S wharves d h 91 Lombard

Thomas H, clock and watch maker 44 S 7tli d h 58 Zane Volans Samuel, gent 324 MulbeiTy Vollum Henry, house carp 17 Dean

John, house carpenter 19 Dean Von Lengerke Heniy, mer 69 Walnvit d h 75


Wade Benjamin, storekeeper 153 S 2d

Francis, grocer S W cor 5th & Minor Horatio, innkr Golden Swan 69 N 3d Waddel R, ornamental carver 143 S 4th Wager Peter, wine and liquor store 3 S 5th d h 210 Sassafras William, S E cor MulbeiTy and 12tli wid Hannah, gentw S E cor Mulberry and 12th Wagner Adam, tavern keeper 222 Vine

& Brother, merchants 29 N Eront George W, coopei* 30 Bread Grace, gentw 32 Bread John, Franklin n Vine John, gent 13 N 8th John, jr grave digger 90 N 5th Samuel, auctioneer 29 and 31 N Front d h 252 Mulberry Toliias, merchant 29 N Frontd h 13

N8th T & S, auctioneers 29 & 31 N Front William, painter and glazier 216 d h

Vine ab 13th Wm, naval store & com mer Swanson oppo Swedes ch (S) d h 74 S 5th Wainwright C B & co, com mer 207 High Isaac, gent N 10th bel North Jonathan^ block & pump mr 61 N Water d h Beach (Kensington) Wm, grocer 75 N 2d d h 81 N Ft Waldie A & co, printers cor 5th & Clierry Walker Ambrose, publisher 24 Mulberry

David, cordwainer SassaiVas n Sch 8th

George, 85 Chesnut

James, cuirier 11 Peai'

John, saddler Cedar n 10th

John, grocer 156 S 3d

J, 6 Whitekar's row

Lewis, hatter 358 High

Martin, weigher 129 1-2 S Front d h

176 S 11th Mari% tav keeper 20 S Water



Walker Nathaniel, oyster cellar 10 and 12 Chesnut Robert, oyster cellar under 120 Ches- nut Thomas E and co, mers 15 N 4th Thomas, acct Philadelphia bank Wilham, tailor 150 Locust wid, S 10th bel Pine ■wid Mary, shopkr Sassafras W Sch 8th Wall George, chair maker 10 Powel

John, chair maker 87 d h 107 N Front Richard, chair and bellows maker 28 Coombes al Wallace Benjamin, sand paper manuf Paper al n N Broad Daniel, h carp Walnut c Juniper lane Daniel, lathe & loom mr 89 S 11th Eleazer, saddler 79 N 2d d h 95

Sassafras Isaac, boarding' h 64 Penn James, weaver 223 Cedar John, victualler 12th ab Sassafras Thomas, bookbinder & paper nder

70 N 3d Thomas, tailor 458 Sassafras Thomas, house carp 458 Sassafras Wallace Thomas K, iron store 177 N 2d

Thomas S, 19 S whs d h 275 Sassafras William, blacksmith 162 S 6th Wilham, soap boiler North ab 10th Wilham, leg'horn hat store 22 S 3d Wm, groc N W cor 4tli d h 25 New widow, 10th n Mulberry Wallington Edward, 230 S 2d

Isaac D, comb mr 8 Hydes ct wid Sarali C, b h 55 S 5th wid Sai-ah M, juu'se 11 H) des ct ' Walrasley Wilham Mason, cxchang-e l:)roker

55 Walnut d h 98 S 4th Walhs George W, mer 19 Minor Wain Miss Ehzabeth, gentw 223 Walnut Jacob, atty at law 193 Pine Jacob S, mer 34 S whiU'ves d h 257

Walnut Jesse, merchant 138 S 2d Lewis, merchant 98 S 4tli andLeaming, mers 41 N Front and Morris, mers 34 S wliar;os Walnut Thomas, hair dresser 29 S 3d Walraven Joseph, cabinet maker 14 Minor Walsh Christopher, accountant 175 Lombard Robert, jr editor of National Gazette 100 S 3d Walter Edwin, secretary to Lehigh coal navi- gation company 72 S 6th Isaac, bricklayer Sassafi-as bel 13th S James, tailor 35 Crown Thomas, teacher 72 S 6th Walters A G & co, 23 S Water d h 11 Norris al Adam, bottler 123 MalbeiTy A G & CO, mers 25 S Water George, minter Sch 8th bel Vine John, watchman Smith's ct Michael, glover 59 N 4th

Walters widow, 133 N Front

wid Barbara, washwn 96 N Juniper widow, 4 Franklin ct Waltman widow, 20 Currant al Walton Benjamin, 130 N 2d

Enoch, dry good store 192 S 2d James, cordwainer 42 Chester Joseph, I)ooksellcr 43 1-2 N Front Lewis, ironmonger 209 S 2d Thomas, wood corder Britton's wharf d h Sassafras n 9th Wampole Isaac, conveyancer 163 Mulberry Wands Alexander H, cordwainer 127 Walnut Ward Allen, 6tli bel Chesnut

Charles P, Manchester theatre 2 Juni- per al John, silver smith & watchmr 42 High John, lottery broker cor Powel & 6th William, accountant 128 Spi-uce William, 2 Juniper al Wardell Henry, gi-ocer 8 High

R and C, tavern keeper 8 High Wardle Thomas, importer of books 13 Minor

d h 230 MulbeiTV Wardens office, 20 Walnut Warder Benj H, mer S side Sasssafi-as wharf d h 179 Vine jt l Sc Brothers, mers S side Sassafras whf G W, 14 N 9th John, gent 117 Sassafras Warder John H, mer d h 85 N 7th John R* 14 N 9th M & Elizabetli, young ladies seminary

14 N 9th' R, Shields al

Wilham S, mer d h 117 Sassafras wid Hannah, gentw 14 N 9th Ware Charles, l^rickmaker Walnut n Sch Philip, baker 333 Sassafras Samuel, labourer 7 Jones' al Warner and Carter, painters & glazs34 S 4th John S, watch case manuf and gilder

134 Market d h 21 Greenleafs ct Joseph, silver manuf 22 Greenleafs ct Mark, sea capt 12 Callers al Philip, cordwainer 41 Zane Stephen, painter & glazier 34 S 4tli William, watch case maker 7 Cherry widow Ann, 19 N 9th wid Martha, gentw 65 New widow, 426 Sassafras widow, 1 Cressons al Wai-nock John, cut nail manuf 10 d h 61 N 10th WaiT John, engraver 51 Arcade E avenue d h 7 Wood Wilham & co, 96 N 7th Wari'ance Frederick, coach mr 3 Laurel ct

Wm, coach mr 119 d h 105 Spruce Warren Heniy, scene painter &c 175 S 11th James, painter k glazier N E cor 3d

and Fetter lane John C, tailor 77 N 7th & Miller tobacconists 20 N 4th



Wun-eu Philip, cabinet maker N 8th

Uriah, 20 N 4tli d li 52 Sassafras

Willium, (kukr 163- S 3d

WiHi;un, conudiun &. manager of the

New Thcativ 63 S 7tli wid, shop 9 C^ wid, Normans al >\unini(lon J &. co, clock and watch makers 58 High Fcrncl, store keeper 252 S 2d Samuel I{, clock & watch maker

6 Cluirch al & Smith, store krs 137 S Water \\':u-tenby Itichard, victualler 15 N 9th

Thomas, silver smith 33 N 3d Warwick Nathaniel, tailor 80 N 6tli

Tliomas, bricklayer 26 Cheiry 'vid, cor Harmony ct h Coates al Wassinger wid, back of 40 Crmvu Waternan Jesse, tea vvai-e house and teacher of French 8c EnglJIh 88 S 5th J S, groc S E cor Sassiifras and 6th J T, store keeper 95 N 6th P, cordwainer Sheaflfs al wid, Geoi-ge ab 11th N Watei-s Charles, distilr 389 High d h 34 N 9tli Avid, of capt William, sliop kr 32 N 4tli Watkins Edmund, acct 43 N 3d Watkinson R &. W B, tailors 19 S 4th Watmough Edwaid C, atty at law 215 Chesnut

wid Ann, gentw 215 Chesnut Watson Anna, mantua maker 263 S 3d

and Bunting, lumber merchs S E cor

Pine and 8th Charles C, mercer &. merch tailor 92

Chesnut C C, jr 68 S 5th Charles C & sons, mercei-s and merch

tailors 92 Chesnut and 45 S 3d Charles F, comedian 127 N 6tli David, letter earner S W c Filbert

and 11th Gavin, M D 433 High Henry, dyer Adimis bet 12th & 13th James, teacher 73 Pine James, clock &. watch mr 72 High d h 41 Sassafras John &. CO, mercers and inerch tailors

46 S 3d Joseph, mayor of the cit)' 136 Pine Miss Margaret, stay and corset maker

174 Spioice Philip, carter cor Sch 5th & P'ilbert Susan, 16 ELlfretli's al Thomas, teacher 73 Pine Thomas, biscuit baker 129 d h 132 N

Front Thomas D, teacher 222 S 4tli T D & E F, teachers 222 S 4th Wasliington, cumer c Sassafras & 4th William J, 180 S 3d widow, grocer 323 Spruce widow Hannah, 105 S 8th

Watt David, manuf 137 S lltli

Editli, mantua maker Filbeil ab 10th James, weaver 121 S lltli WiUiam, manuf 123 S 11th Watts Ann, cby good store 83 S 3d James, broker 100 Lombard Way William, city and county weigh maister

3 Norris' id d h 37 Wood x l Wayman Jennett, N E cor ]?aiTon 8c Cedar Wayne Caleb P, looking glass &. fancy store 130 Higlidli38 l-2N4tli Jacob, cab maker 156 dh 166 N Front Samuel, cabinet maker 166 N Front Tiiomas, sea captain 11 Waliuit Wilham, hardware mer 257 High Weal Uobcrt, h ciu-p N W cor Sassafras & 4th Weatlierby J L, 19 S Water Weatherly David, clock & watch mr 81 N 3d \\'eaver Amos, corder 68 Vine

Elijah, bookseller and stationer 5 N

P'ront Emmor T, .silversmith and jeweller

11 N4th George, coach mr 21 d h 23 S 8th John, cordwainer Locust bet Dean

and 13th Matthew, 114 N 7th Michael, rope maker 8c ship chandler 20 N Water Wilham, baker 60 N 10th William, hardware mer 101 High d h

16 Frombergers ct widow, CiUTant al Webb John, mercer and tailor 10 S 3d

J ohn 8c son, mercers 8c tailors 10 S 3d Reuben, currier 78 N 4th Sanuiel, tailor 3 Wliitakers row Samviel, conveyancei* 305 Mulberry William, gent 4 Bank wid Isabella, mangier 35 Key's al (New) Weber Godfrey, importer of French goods 160 1-2 S 2d and Kendall, dry good mei-s 142 High Webster & Alden, shoe store 6 Chesnut

James, publisher of the American

Recorder 8cc 24 S 8th James, jr M D 24 S 8th Phineas, shoe store 6 Chesnut d h

Crown n Sassafras Thomas, bricklayer 8 Chester Weckerly wid, gentw 30 Cressons al Weeks Benjamin, storekeeper 210 S 2d Joseph, ladies shoemaker 2 N 8th Mary, dry good store 5 S 4th William, printer 134 Locust Weems Elizabeth, tailoyess M'CuUoch's ct Weer William, 179 Cheny AVeikell Samuel G, dry good store 92 N 2d Weightman and Fowle, blacksmiths S E cor Broad 8c Cherry Hcnr}', blacksmith Say n Sch 8th Weimer Samuel, tinplate worker 125 New Weir Lew is 8i co, auctioneers 20 S Front



Weir Silas E, auctioneer 20 S Front d h Washin^on square wd, 239 Lombard Weisman Samuel C, cordwainer S W cor 10th

and Juniper al Wertheym J A, Green's ct Weller George, 49 S 13th Wellford Robert original American composi- tion manuf 145 S 10th Wells Benjamin, grocer 264 MulbeiTy Charles, merchant 26 N 5tli J D;ig\voi-tliy, atty at law 137 Mulbeny Josiah, labourer Coombes al M, school 12 Pear Richard W, merch 62 S Front d h 192

MulbeiTy Wilham, 26 N 5th Zenas, Western hotel 288 High Welsh Ehza, 227 Cedar

John, mer 50 S wharves d h 91 Pine John, plasterer 10 Adams Samuel, mer 50 S whanesdh 91 Pine wid, S 12th bel Spmce W Werner John, 119 AValnut Wemys Francis C, comedian S 11th 1st ub

Chesnut E Wentworth Thaddeus 1 Myers ct Wentz Albert, 126 N 4th

John, saddler 157 N 3d Samuel, tailor 112 N 13th Wernwag William, baker 48 Sti*awberry Wessel H, 19 N 2d Wessels F, M D 138 S 10th West Budd, apothecary and di-uggist 77 S 3d Chajies C, di-ap & mertailor45 MulbeiTy Edward J, cabinet maker 203 S 2d Francis, gent 108 S Front Heniy, cordwainer 104 S 10th West James, gent 5 Montgomeiy square James, painter & glazier 132 S 5tli John, painter and glazier 132 N 4th John, cord\\'ainer 42 Curi-ant al Mrs A, milliner 59 Spruce Robert, cab mr 127 Walnut d h S 4th Wilham, sea capt 249 Spnice Wilham, gent 345 !MulbeiTV jWilham C, clotliier under 120 S 2d d

h Middle al Wilham, shoe store 67 N 3d AVestall James, laboui-cr 15 Coombs al Westcoat Cliarles, hatter 15 N 6th Westfall wid, 88 Lombai-d Weston Samuel, Mulberry n Sch Front

S, public school Sch 6th bel Walnut wid Elizabeth, shop 109 N 9th WetherilJ Ashfield, druggist 22 Coombes al Charles, di-ugt &c 65 & 80 N Front Christopher, grocer 310 Vine George D, di-uggist S E cor Front

and Mulberr}' d h 16 Mulberry John P, manuf of white lead &c N Front n Mulberry

A\'etherill E, c 12tli and Cherry d h 12th ab Mulbeny John P and Wm, manuf of patent lead pipe N E cor Cherry & 12th Misses, gentw 170 S 4th Samuel, di-uggist 65 N Front d h 419 High . Samuel P, druggist 65 d h 76 N Ft Samuel P & co, dniggists & colour

mers manut 65 N Front Wm, M D N E c 12th and Cherry

d h 421 High widow Catliai'ine, b h 98 N 4th Wevill George, upholsterer & Venetian bUnd maker 167 Chesnut d h 2 Pnine M, 98 Locust Whale H, dancing master N W c 5th and

Minor Whaiton Charles, gent 136 S 2d

Claries, jr d h 237 S Front Enoch, house carp 211 Lombard Fishboum, commis mer 60 S 4thdh

240 Spmce F R, 242 Walnut & 273 Chesnut Hester, gentw 186 Chesnut John, cordwainer 93 S Fsont John, stock & exchange broker d h

Chesnut 3 door ab I2th K, broker & commission merchant S

W cor "\\'alnnt and Dock Lewis, 109 S 3d Robert, alderman 135 S 3d Robert O, atty at law 135 S 3d Sai-ali, widow of Joseph, 161 S 5th Thomas, M D 240 Spmce Thomas I, coun at law 106 Walnut Thomas F,

William, gent 130 Spruce wid, ilargaret, gentw 242 Walnut wid Mar}-, North bel 11th Wheeler Charles, atty at law 66 S 6th

John, blacksm N 11th ab Sassafras Wheeler J, mer d h 195 Spruce Whelan Wm, giocer N W cor Chesnut & 4th widow of Israel, 399 High Wheelan P E, broker and commission merchant 12 Carter's al Whener BenecUct J, cordwainer 57 Sassafi-as WhlUden Wasliington, coach mr 40 Lombard Wilman, capt steam boat Delaware

224 S Front Wilman, jr 224 S Front wid Mar}-, N Ft ab MulbeiTy W "^^'hipple Job, ship carp 273 S Front Whisten Joseph, -storekeeper N W cor 11th

and Cherry Whistler David, merch tailor 136 High d h 87

old York road n l Whitaker Wilham, tailor 6 Hinckles ct

widow 6 Hinckles ct Whitall Hannali &. Sarali M, boarding sahool 244 Sassafras



White Ambrose, mer 183 Highd h 365 Miilby Ambrose & co, mcrs 183 High Brittiiin, sect to Union ins com 22 S 6tti Charles, victualler 96 N 5th |Charles, coiichinan 1 H Ciinant al Cliarles If, cab &. chair mr 109 Wiilnul David, house eaq) 321 Spnice David H, merchant 183 Hi}jh d h 134

Mulbcrr)' Elihu, cordw.'uner 124 Cheny Geo, lace & fring'c weaver 12 1-2 N 5th & Hai-ding-, w side grocers 17 S Water Heiu-y, wholesale grocer & mcrcli 23 S

Water dh 111 S 4th ttenry & Wm R & co, grocs 21 S Water John, wholesale gi-ocer 17 S Water d h 115 S 3d

county commissioner

John, fancy painter 122 N Front John, tav keeper 135 S Water Joseph, confecliouer 370 High J, labourer 12th n Lombard Margaret, 176 Locust Nathaniel, tiiilor N 13th n High Samuel, tobact 383 High d h Hunters ct Sarah, 161 S 11th Thomas, bookbinder 13 Sterling al Thomas H, wine merch cor Dock and

Pear d h 89 Walnut Right Rev William, D D bishop o£the Protestant Episcopal ch Pennsylva- nia 89 Walnut William, accountant 29 Mulberry William, shop 6 Currant al William, labourer 6 Cypress al WilUam, dry good store 4 S 6th William, coach painter Ann n Sch 8th wid, 237 Lombaid Whitehead wid M, 158 N 5th WhitemanAbel, stone cutter b of 381 Sassafras Charles, carter S E cor Sch 4th &

High Henrj', acct Philadelphia bank John, acct Pennsylvania bank John, carter Say n Sch 8th Michael, accountant 56 Filbert Nathan, gi'ocer 107 N 2d Peter, ladies shoemr 196 ^Mulbeny wid Ann, seamstress 84 N 1 Idi Whitesides WilUam, mer 43 Walnut d h 178

Spruce Whitney Lebbeus, acct 158 Cherry

R M, mer 19 S Front d h 93 S 4th R M 81 CO, mers 19 S Front Thomas J, comb maker 109 S 2d Whittendale Robert, cordwainer 224 S 2d Whittle Samuel, hoisery store 15 S 2d

wid, 327 Sassafi-as Whortonby John, N 3d n Mulberry Whyte Isaac H, tavern keeper 2 Decatur Wickes EUzabeth, shopkeeper 210 S 2d Wickersham Thomas, mer c h 41 Dock d h

161 Pine Wickham & co hardware mers 7 Minor N

Wlckliam M T, hardware merch 7 Minor d h 228 Mulbcny wid Jane, gentlewoman 230 Pine Wickman Sarah, 60 Walnut Widdificld James, house carp 97 S 8th

John, mer 29 S whs d h 245 Higli William, hai'd>vare mer 42 N 3d d

h 160 Mulberry Wm, and co grocers 242 High Widdows Peter, teacher 4 Stiawberry Widencr David, merch tailor 107 Sassafras Widgery Wm, lottery broker N E cor Ches-

nut and 4th d h 181 S 7th Widman F W, ornamental sword mounter &

dye sinker 98 N 3d Wiegand Conrad, blacksmith 340 Sassafras John, cutler &.c 17 N 5th &. Snowden, cuttlers surgical instru- ment makers &c 15 N 5th Wigmore Hannah, 72 Walnut Wilcox Edmund, di-ygdmer d h 132 Mulberry E, 113 S 8tli

Miss Elizabetli, 301 Spruce H, 291 Spi-uce Wildey Jonathan, Mulbeny W of Sch 7th Wilds Edward, school Spruce n Sch 7t)i Wile Com-ad, county commis 112 Sassafras wid Maiy, shopkeeper 12 Bread wid, Rebecca, 59 CheiTy Wiley Alexander, tailor 117 New

Benjamin, house carp 266 Sassafras John, grocer 29 N 3d John, 7 Mulberry Joseph, 7 Mulbeny Robert, tav keeper 39 S wharves Wilkins Hemy, watchman 124 N 13th

Jacob F, cabinet maker 83 Dock d h

55 Walnut Richaixl, mer 237 Mulberry Wilkinson Christopher, storekr 284 Sassafras Thomas, chair makei- 74 Mulberry Willard Ann, Fearis' ct wid, 9 Jones' al Willetts John, bricklayer 79 N lOth'

John, teacher Willey Ehzabeth, weaver S 13th bel Locust

wid, hotel 17 Dock Williams & Albei-tson, dry good mers 19 High N W cor Front Andrew, silk dyer Si scourer 13 Pixine Charles, book shop 196 S Front Charles, mahogany and limiber mei'

219 ^Valnut C P, mer 22 S Water Ennion, acct 54 Filbert E H, tinware manuf 256 High George, gent 71 N 7tli George, biicklr N 11th n Sassafras E Henry J, atty at law 98 1-2 S 4th H St (;, mahogany and lumber vai"d

211 Walnut H, mahogany and lumber mer 211

Walnut Hiram, 209 Sassafi-aa



Williams Isaac, boarding house 209 Sassafras James W, sign 8t ornamental painter

31 Chesnut Jesse, boarding house 298 Sassafrt- s John, grocer 12 Strawberry John, acct SheaflTs al John, house cai-p 7 Howard's ct J Woi-thington, atty at law 50 S 6th Joseph, labourer b of 29 Mulberry -f-Judith washwoman 157 N 6th Mary, mantua maker 22 N 8th Mr & Mrs, seminaiy Coatcs al fMoses, profile cutter 47 arcade d

h 10 Sterling al Richard, dry good mer 19 High d h

14 Church al Robert, weaver Sch 8th n Sassafras Samuel, 107 N 9th Sarah, 219 Walnut Samuel J, comb im' 9 Knights ct Thomas, school master 8 Union

Thomas, leather mer d h 14 Lombard Thomas, cabinet maker 75 Sassafras Thomas, grocer N W cor Cedai' and

Penn William, private watchman 220 S 3d William, watchman 24 Little Water William, stone cutter 2 N 11th William J, gent 102 S 5th wid Catharine, 8 Cypress al ■j-widow, 246 LombiU'd Williamson David, dry good mer 67 High Edward, bricklayer Randal's ct Isaac, hatter 193 N 2d dh 76 Vine Jesse, sail maker Sassafras sti'eet

wharfd h 93 N Water Joseph, distiller N W cor 11th &

Sassafras d h N ab 10th J V, storekeeper 9 N 2d Michael, Front ab Chesnut Mrs, grocer S W c 10th & George Robert, ladies shoe mr 116 N 3d Samuel, house carp 209 Cherry widow, 93 N Water Willig George, music store 171 Chesnut Willing Francis, 50 Pine

George C, atty at law 34 S 6th Richard, mer d h 42 Pine Robert, merchant 64 Pine S, storekeeper N 10th 2 d bel Vine Willis Jonathan, mer 332 Mulberry L, 7 Relief al

bricklayer 114 Cherry

Susannah, shopkr S 13th ab WaJnut W

5 & L, storekeepers 13th ab George

6 Yardley, 31 S Water & 21 S whs widow E, b h 89' N 9th

Wills Josiah, labourer 4 Black Horse al

S and S, b of 381 High Wilmer James, mer 8 N Front d h 417 High

J and P, mers 8 N Front Wilmer John, accountant 113 N 5th

Peregrine, mer 8 N Ft d h 417 High *ccmmtant 59 N 7th

Wilmer Thomas, shopkeeper 48 N 2d Wilson Benjamin, fur mer 4 Minor

Charles, house cai-p Liberty ct Charles W, dniggist 100 S 2d Enoch, 194 S F'ront ' George, acct 223 S Front George, stone cutter 137 Pine George, morocco leather manuf store

35 N 3 d h and factory 608 N 3d George, hatter 1 02 N Front George, boot & shoe mr 32 S 3d J and J, dry good store 38 N 2d James, mer N W cor 8th & Sassafras James, pmnter and glazier 52 Walnut James, printer 70 Union James, labourer Cleavers al James, cordwainer 3 Bryan's ct James R, atty at law 100. Mulberry Rev James P, D D pastor of the first

Presbyterian ch 24 Sansom J, S 13th bel Pine John, boot & shoemaker & constable

d h Penn John, innkeeper 293 High John, baker High W Sch 5th S John, 37 S 13th John B, acct 56 Union Joseph, shopkeeper 38 N 2d Joseph, tailor 40 St Mary Mihdei-t, Rotterdam hotel 124 N 4th Doyleston Easton and Bethlehem stage office. Robert cotton manuf cor Ann (C) 8c

13th Robei-t, tobacconist 147 N 2d Robert & Wm, sih'er spoon manuf 82 N 5tli N W cor Cherry d h 100 CheiTy Robert, cordwainer Sch 8tli n Vine Samuel P, M D 24 Sansom Thomas, coach painter 12 Library d h

44 Chester Thomas, panacea man 66 Dock Thomas, mai-ble mason Fries ct T, 130 Mulberry William, 48.CuiTant al William, paper hanger 148 S 4th William, grocer 323 High wid Mai-garct, tailoress 5 Laetitia ct widow, Wilsons ct Wilstack G B, lott broker 173 Sassafras G B, acct 28 Cherry widow, S W cor Vine and 2d Wiltbank Rev James, 283 Chesnut John, M D 163 N 9th John, brass founder 262 High Wiltberger Charlotte, Cheriy n 9th N

Chi'istian, collector 170 Cherry Isaac & Lassalle S B, iron foondery

High E of Sch 7th S Peter, foundery 236 Filbert Thomas, di-uggist 169 N 2d Wiltbohn J, lott brok N E cor Walnut & 2d d h 3 ab Green widow Catharine, gentw 143 N 6th



Winard Mrs B, hoiise 151 S 9th Winebremr Da^ id, mcrch Uiilor 100 Chesnut

d h 172 S 4tlj Windett 'Wniiam, shopkeeper 189 ChciTy Winjrate F B, comniis mer over 1 N 4t]i Whin Peter, labourer Filbert n Sch 8th Winnemore Thomas, luitter 212 S 2d

wid Ann B, 100 Union Winrow John, lUtli 2d door N of Walnut Winter AbnJiam C, pattern nir 125 N Water James, scourer & band box maker '2>7

Mulberry J and S, clothing' store 6 S Water Joseph, tiulor 6 S AVater d h 21 Keys al Stacy, tailor 6 S Water d h back of 21 Keys al AVinters Mark, grocer S W cor Vine & loth Wirtz Wyncoop, teacher b of 90 N 9th Wise John 8t ti, painters &, glaziers 190 Vine Philip, baker 341 Sassafras William, house carp 117 N 3d Wiser Leonard, shopkeeper 19 Mulbeiry Wistar Bartliolomcw, mer 133 High d h Mul- beiT}' S W cor N 7tli Casper, M D resident physician at the Pennsylvania Hospital 184 Mulbeny Richard, jr merch 117 High d h 110

Chesnut Slter & Price, mers 133 High Thomas, gent 377 High wid Ehza, gentw Washington square wid Sarali, genlw 377 High Witham A, jeweller 74 Locust

widow, mai'kct woman 32 Coatcs al Withington Samuel, jeweller 119 Chesnut d

h S Sch 8di n High W Withy H J, bookseller 31 N 4th

Hannali L, young ladies seminaiy and

boarding school 95 Pine Samuel J, teacher 31 N 4th Witmer Henry, innkeeper 30 N 5th Henry, shop 91 S Water John, 128 N 4th J &. H, storekeepers 321 High Witsel G, cooper George W Sch 3d & High Witzeman J, baker 182 Locust V/oglom John, 149 N 9th

wid Jane, gentw 75 N 8th Wolbert Jacob, 10 Littleboys cl Wolff Aaron, acct at navy yard d h 6 Union Wolf Abraliam, mer 213 Cherry Benjamin, distiller 167 Cedar E D & J, storekeeper 226 S 2d Jacob, baker 140 N Front Jacob, house carp 9 Cypress al J, jeweller 7 Nonis al Lewis, dentist 30 Sugar al Peter, musician 206 Cherry WUham B, h£u-dware mer d h 55 N 6th widow Sjirah, tailoress 13 Willings al Womrath George, furrier 24 N.4th Wonderly John, grazier 177 Cherry- Joseph, grazier 102 N 8th

Wonderly Samuel, comb maker 1 N 4th d h 98 Crown N L Mrs, 102 N 8di widow, 262 Lombard . Wood & Abbott, mers 89 High

Chailes, coixlw'ainer 163 S Front Charles J, grocer 47 Currant al Klijali, blacksmith 95 N 7tJi George, suspender manuf Sch 6th n

Chesnut W George B, M D 122 Mulberry Henry, tailor 33 Cheiry' James, saw & shovel manuf 161 N2dd

h 20 new market n l James, lace & fringe weaver 65 Chesnut James B, wheelwright 42 d h 44 Spruce Jehn, tobacconist 111 Sassafras John, accountant o5 Sassafras John, weaver George n Sch 3d John & Thomas, morocco manuf 108

Walnut J & T ik, CO, dry good mers 65 High Joseph, accountant 10 N 8th Joseph, mer 65 High d h 47 Mulberry Margaret, seamstress 22 1-2 Walnut & Morgan, mer 'o5 High Richard, druggist 65 Mulberry Richai-d C, atty at law 58 S 6th & 70

S4tl\ Samuel, storekeeper 27 N 9th Samuel C, mer 121 High d h 72 S 4th Samuel R, tanner S W cor Noble and

4th X L d h 108 Wahiut Thomas, mer 65 High d h 23 Mulbeny Thomas, morocco dresser 108 Walnut Thomas & Pai-ke, tailors 92 Sassafras WiUiam, cordwainer 57 Midberry William, grocer 55 High W'iUiam h. co, mers 8 N 2d WiUiam B, comedian George ab 9th S widow Barbara, 159 N Front widow, 285 Chesnut widow Ehzabeth, gentw 92 Sassafras \vidow, 100 S 5th Woodhouse Samuel, capt U S navy 26 Sansom Woodin John, capt 197 S 4th Woodman George, carter 144 Spruce

wid, dry good store 55 High Woodruff Archibald, Zane Jacob, Little Pine Moses, grocer 4 Sassafras Woods Daniel, stable keeper 252>^ Sassafras Thomas, innkeeper 226 s' 6th W 8c J, mers 277 High William, mer 277 High d h 10 N 7th Woodskie John A, sign &. ornamental painter 61 S 5th M, storekeeper 44 S 2d Woodward Charles, tobacconist and dry good store 122 High d h 89 N 6th Charles, printer UN 4th J J, booksr &. stationer 279 High Samuel, tobacconist 17 S 4th



Woodward W(m W, printer St booksr 47 S 8th widow Ann, seamstress 92 Cherry Wooley Robert, 10 Frombergers ct Woolman Charles, plasterer 36 Chester WoUe Peter, D U pastor of tlie Moravian ch

S E cor of Broad and Sassafras Woolmer John, cooper 3 Harmony ct

William, paper hanger Coates al Woolston Benjanjin, gent 74 S 6th Woolworth Richard, 279 High Wooster Isaac, sea capt 188 S 2d Workman George, 14 S 10th

John, drayman 18 Sugar al Works Frazier K, storekeeper 155 Cedar Worley Francis, mer 131 High d h 118 S 3d

and Welsh, mers 131 High Worn Philip, bookbinder 110 Vine

Thomas, house cai-p 315 Sassafras Worrell Ann, milhner N E cor 8th & Spruce George W, tailor 17 N 6th J R, 219 Spruce Worrells & Richai-dson, mers 177 High

Wm, mer 177 High d h 68 N llth Woi-thington Thomas H, carter 15 Crown Wray Wilham, tailor 160 N Water Wright Aaron P, mer 57 d h 160 N Front Charles, mer 160 N Front Enoch, mer tailor 80 Mulberry Isaac, cordwainer 41 Coates al James, groc S W cor Ft &. Mulbeny James, tobacconist 142 N Water Jarvis, house cai-j) S 12th bel Spruce John, umbrella maker 56 High John, cheriiist 154 Lombard Jonathan M, storekeeper 10 N 3d Joseph, blacksmith Hartiuigs al Joshua, mer 160 N Front J & L, umbrella manuf 56 High J M, hardware mer 10 N 3d d h 49

Sansom Patrick, tallow chandler Cypress Peter, china &c mer 27 N 3d d h 153 Vine Peter F and co, commis leather store 40 Chesnut Robert, printer 64 Walnut d h 161 S

llth Samuel, blacksmith Sch 8th bel Vine Samuel, dry good store 184 S 2d . Samuel G, mer 13 S dh 160 K Front Tliomas, salt merch 123 N Water d h ?03 N 4th ?r L Thomas 8c co, salt mers 123 N Water William, blacksmith Sch 8th bel Vine William,, accountant 24 Pear Wilham, cab mr 8 Whitakers row Wilham St James, gi-ocer S W cor N

Front & Midbeny William W, mer d h 161 Walnut w idow, milliner 135 S 6th widow, 68 Midberry Wiirner widow, boarding house 20 Bank AVuns Charles S, merchant 126 S 3d & CO, dry good mei's 175 High

Wurts John, atty at law 36 N 5th d h 91 S 3d Wm, mer 175 High d h 7 Fi-anklin row Wylie Rev Samuel B, D D classical academy d h Francisville inquire at 213 Wal- nut Wj'man Abel, mer 13 S Front Wynkoop 8t Shippen, agent Sch coal com- pany 41 Dock

Wm, tailor S E cor Lombard & Ft Wytlie Mrs, 126 CheiTy

Yard Charles P, lotty broker 129 Chesnut Edmund, tax collector 5 Laurel ct Elizabeth, shopkeeper 3 N 7th James, merch Walnut st wharf d h 240

Walnut John, cabinet maker 30 N 4th John, jr comb & button mr 123 Mulberry Pearson, dry good store 151 N 3d Yardley Isaac, accountant y^ S 2d

J J, bookbinder zfiVIidberry Thomas, mer 142 S 2d William, mer 142 S 2d widow Rachael, milliner 42 Mulberry Yaiuiall Benjamin H, u'oiunonger 91 High d h 34 Sansom EUis, gent 557 Higii E St C & CO, druggists 39 High Israel, 104 N 2d John, dry good store 35 S 2d Yates and co, lottery brokers 127 Chesnut and M'lntp-e, managers Union Canal

lotteiy 121 Chesnut Wilham, Mint ct Yatman John, Venetian bhnd mr 104 N 5th d

h Coates n 7th n l Yeager Casper, comb maker 5 Cherry Charles, 174 Vine Hemy, Cherry n Wagners al Joseph, engraver 37 Chester Nicholas, labourer 446 Sassafras Peter, cordwainer 8 Branners al Wilham, 153 N 6th Yeates Edmund, sen merch 76 1-2 High d h 154 Spruce Edmund, tin plate worker 166 S 6th Yerkes Jonathan, Normans al

Titus, innkeeper Red Lion hotel 200 High Yohe Catharine, innkeeper Washington hotel

6 St 8 N 4tli York Edward, auctioneer 146 Mulberry Bower, Sassafras bet Sch 7th & 8th wid Mary, gentw 146 Mulberry Young Chai'les, watchman Wagners al

St Durnell, blacksmiths 156 Sassafras Edwin, teacher Union academy 27 N

5th d h 35 S 10th Francis, tailor Fearis ct George, labourer b of 17 N 8th Henry, cooper 207 S Front Henry, S W cor Sch 8th 8i Sassafj-ai


Young Henry, carver & pkler 104 Union

Isaac, tin plate worker 6 Penmi avenue Jacob, coachsmiUi Millers ct d h 166

Loinbiuxl Janies, silk dyer 13 Lombanl James H, engraver d h 73 Gaskiil John G, storekr 13 Fennsylva avenue John L, innkr 50 N 4tli cor Appletree al John, printer Hlackliorse al Mari;^ 127 S ytii

Mark, atty at tiie mayors offi 133 S llUi Philf]), coi"d\v;uncr 2 Littleboys ct Kobei-t, drover 35 S Juniper Siunuel, tmiterer N E cor Keys al &2d Sanih, S W cor 6th and Prune Thomas, h carp 8c di'um mi" 43 S Front Thomas, boot & shoemr 155 N 3d William, printer 87 N 7tli ■William, manuf 15 Bank d li 18 S 3d William Son 8c co, manuf ot' superfine clotli cassimeres &c Delaware wool- en manul' warehouse 15 Bank William, gent 27 Pine widow Rosanua, marketw 28 Sugur al widow Sai-ali, confectioner 259 S 2d

Young widow, 78 High

Zane James, house carp 15 N 6th

Jesse, weigh master 91 S Front d h 19

Mulberry Zane John, house carp 7 Hoffmans al Zantzinger Thomas B, atty at law ^ruce ab

12th Zcbley Benjamin F, b of 455 Mulberry Zeckcndorfi" W S C, toy store 44 N 4th Zehnder Jolni, baker 120 Sassafras Zell Christopher, grocer and flour dealer S £

cor Sassafras £c Mulberry al Thomas, haixlware mer 272 High Zeller Peter, cordwainer 6 Franklin ct

Jacob, wood corder Smitli's wharf Zelley Catliai-ine, hat binder 13 Mulberry al

John G, tailor 329 Sassafras Zentler Conrad, printer 28 N 3d Ziglcr widow Ann, 74 New Zimmerman Godfrey, baker 86 S 3d Zollickoffer Henry M, druggist & apothecary

Pine N E cor 6th Zottman Ann, dry good store 76 N 4th


Abbatt John, near 71 Budd

Abbott Eihvarcl, sea cap 214 N Front

Jolin, stoiv kr c Callow liill & R road Abel Antliony, shoemaker 82 Budd

John, door keeper conimissioncrs hall John, glass-blower, Kensington g-lass h Joseph, sh maker I'oplar lane near 4th Peter, capt of the watch Abraham widow Hann:ili, victualler Apple n

Poplar lane Abram Abmliam, br mak Poplar lane n 4th. Adams Alexander, groceiy & tavern S E cor Laurel and Hudd Benjamin, h carpenter Mintzer's ct Daniel, drayman 10 Kessler's al widow Marg-:u'et, mant maker 79 Budd Zephaniah, wharf br Beach u Shack-

amaxon and Simmons, lum mer 217 N Water Adcock WiUiam, clerk Coates n 7th

\vidow Elizabeth, Coates n 7th Albrecht Charles, g'ent 97 Vine Allison widow Bernice, g'entlew'n 218 N 4th widow Sarali, tailoress, S E cor Brown and Stoiits' alley Alexander William, 188 N 5th AUman widow Marg-aret, seamstress Wood 2

doors E Gaixkn Allchin Geo, back g'amnionboai-dmr 163 Vine Allen Georg'e AV, merchant 81 Wood Alsop Othneil, \'ineg-ar mer 149 d h 167 Vine Altemus James, wheelwright N W comer of 2d and Beaver

, keeper of city hospital comer

Sch 4tli and Francis's lane Thomas, porter in the Philadelphia bank d h cor Schuylkill 4tli and Francis's lane Samuel, wheelwrig-ht Klett's ct Alter S storekeeper 243 N 2d Ama Jacob, blacksmitli 70 Frankford road Andreese Catharine E St John n Poplar lane Andress Georg-e, tobacconist Frankfoixl road

Michael, bricklayer 7 Pratt's ct Andrews 8c Povalthon

Jacob, bncklayer Frankford road ab

Otter Joseph &, Sons, 259 N 2d S E cor Callowhill O

Andrews Isaac, carter 175 St Johns

Thos. cunier 5 Wood (Brewer's al) William, tobacconist 470 N 3d Annadow'n Thomas, ladles' shoemaker 207 N

Front N E corner Vine Anstice Wm. liv sta keeper N Front n Maiden

WilUam, cor 3d and Green Anthony Georg'e, plasterer Pascall's al near Old York road Jacob, shipwrig'ht, 57 Coates Joseph, house carp 57 Coates App Charles, saddler back 207 Coates Apple John, shoemaker ciSS N 3d Applcton Cluistopher, cai-ver and frett cutter

167 N 4th Arbuckle James, intersec of 2d and Ger road Archard Charles, brushmaker 124 Coates Aixher Job, labourer Lilly alley near Green Ambruster Jacob, brushmaker 220 N 3d

Nicliolas, grocer 361 N 2d Armour Wm diy gd sto 3d n Coates Armstrong Andrew, groc d h 6 ab Callowhill Geo. H. mari Maiden n Front (K) Henr}% plasterer 133 Green John, house car])enter 95 Budd Wilham, tailor 343 N Front Arthur widow Margaret, nurse 12 Budd. Asai John, shoemaker Witman's alley Asay John, shoemaker 5 bel Callowhill Ashbrook Th. C. tailor 27 Wood (Brewer'ral) Ashbiuner Adam, supercargo 321 N 2d

Benjamin, jun tanner 315 N 2d d

h 321 N 2d John, tanner N 2d W, mer 7 S wharve d h 321 N 2d Ashman Charles, ladies shoemaker 260 N 2d Ashton George, boatbuilder b of 294 N Front

widow Susanna, 94 Crown Atherton Humprev, merch 108 St. John's Atkinson C L & E A, milliners 284 N 2d

James, Uv sta keep 99 Poplar lane Samuel S, liv stable keep 468 N 2d Auner J G & C H, booksel & sta'rs 229 N 3d Austin James A, druggist 273 d h 258 N 3d

^vid Rebecca L, bonnet mak 335 N2d Aydelot Rev Mr, Wood n 10th Ayers Da\'id B, apothecary & druggist Beach opposite tlie market house (K) Jonathan D, teacher 373 N Front



Bach Frederick, house carp Kesslere al Bachelor William, carter Ton-'s court Bacon David, hack-master 8c carp 192 N Front stables 1 New Market (Cable la) Joseph, g-entleman 190 N Front Richard, cabinet maker Queen near

Mai^borough Samuel & Co, ironmongeiy & fishing

tackle store 188 N Front Thomas, ironmon d h 25 New Market Badger Bela, inspector of domestic distilled

spirits, 10 Ann Baggs Hemy, hatter Mentzer's court

James B, 6th ab Willow Bailey Samuel S, 222 Green

Robert, pocket book mak 8 Magnolia Baines Artehus, M D & diiiggist Beach near

Maiden (K) opposite the market Bams Richard W, weaver 120 Coates Baker George N, lum merch d h 432 N Front George, victualler 122 Budd Geo Cj bi-ass founder Budd ab Sassafras George, house carp b of 143 Vine Henrv, liv st:ib keeper 51 Noble Jacob, victualler 32 Browne Jacob, victualler 47 Budd John, tav keep N E cor Front & Otter Joseph, 34 Old York road Michael & sons, lum mer N W cor 2d

and Brown Michael sen lum mer 74 Brown Michael jr 127 N 3d d h 330 N Front Mrs shopkeeper 114 St John ■wid !Mar}", victualler 123 Old York road Samuel, shoemaker Rose al n Coates William, auctioneer d h N E cor Law- rence and Vine Wilham J, clerk 221 N 6th wid Christiana, m:uk wo 236 St Jolui's wd Elizabeth, 126 Browne Bald Adam, gi-ocer 472 N 2d cor Poplar lane Bait Frederick, labourer Hanover n Prince

Hemy, victualler Hanover n Prince Ball George, acc't 232 Green Balhnger Catharine, nurse 137 N 5th Baner^Mark, porter 218 N 4th Barbazet widow Mary, niu'se Ton-'s ct Barclay Andrew C, merch and Boston Packet office 38 S whan-es d h 248 N 2d widow Jane, gentlew 224 N 3d widow of John, gentlew 227 N 3d Barcroft Stacy, drygood sto c CaUowhiU £c 3d Barger \\'m, rigger 78 Budd Barlow Asliton, grocer Vine bet 11th & 12th

Wm, weaver 8 Poplar lane Barnard Lewis, mariner and ia\ keep S E cor

Water and Ciillowhill Barnes Isaac, tailor N W comer Kunkle and Callowhill wid Mary, keeper of dr.iys 183 Green Bamhoit Frederick, \ ictualler 237 St John's George, victualler 237 Callowhill

Barnholt George, tav keep N E cor James &

Ridge road Barnitt Tho, tiumer & mac mak 198 N Front BarrasJohnB, tailor 1 99 Noddh 40 Tammany

widow Sarah, 122 Callo\\-hill Ban-ett Robert, whipmaker 419 N 2d Ban-olet Miss Matilda, mantuamak 221 Vine BaiTy Samuel S, planemaker 183 St John's Bart Gotleib, wliite and locksmith 283 N 2d Baitholomew Peter, victualler 9 Carlton Bartle H Rudolph & co stonecutters cor Ridge

road and Callowhill Bartlett ^largaret, bandbox mak 66 Coates Henr\' cabinetmaker 485 N 2d & Ke'hi-, cabinetmakers 269 N 2d Bart?am Isaac, late druggist 13 Julianna Barwell John, painter & gla 105 Old York rd Basset Samuel, sea capt 81 Green

Jolin, house carpenter Cobb's court Battle John, dep flour insp S John ab Beaver Bauchnian Jacob, house carp Rose al Baxter Josh, weaver N E cor Allen & Frank- ford road Bayliss Benjamin, tailor 484 N 2d Beagle Henr}', blacksmltii 5th ab Callowhill Beal Wm house carp Rose al near Green BeUer Tobias, sugar refiner 36 Ann Beam Jacob C, collector 41 Brown Bean James, gent Vine n 8th Beans Benj J, stove manufacturer 70 N 6th

d h 249 Vine Beard Nichohis, victualler 36 Charlotte Bewley James, clerk 82 Tanraiany Bechtel George, shoemaker 29 Duke Beck Daniel B, painter and glazier intersec of Old York rd &. 4th d h Ridge rd Hemy A &. Son, druggists 248 N Front Lewis, 34 Ridge road Beckenback Jacob, shoemaker 85 Green Bcdaux Sarah, 326 N 5th Bedford Thos, h painter & glazier 114 Dillwyn Bedwell Tho, druggist S W cor 2d & Tammany Geo, acc't S W cor 2d and Tammany Beebe Hemy, printer 155 Vine Beer John, house caqo Brooke near Coates' Beideman John, shoemaker 349 N Front Beighauser Jacob, accountant Wood (Brew- er's aUey) op K\mckle Belair Lewis D, justice of the peace od bel

Coates Bell widow Ehzabeth, 101 Crown J, cor Brown and Oak Wm R, wliip manufactiu^r 79 St John's Beltzner Mi-s Catharine, shopk'r 264 N 4th Bender Charles, shoemaker 154 St Johns John, house carp 122 Callowhill

, shoemak Stout's al n Coates

Benezet wid Catiiai-ine, board'g ho 280 N 2d Benfer J C, tailor 359 N Front Benner Geo, baker Frankfoi-d rd n Queen (K) Hannali, shopk S E c 4th & Poplar la Henrj-, grocer and tav keeper S W cor Beaver and Pitt



Banner John, chemist 289 Vine

John, biscuit liaker 300 N Front Jacob, jr siuUler N 3d :ib Wood John &. (ieo, bis bakers 300 N Front Peter, oak cooper 365 N 2d Renners Georg'e, su]h icai>(o 200 N 4tii Hennet Jacob, merchant 303 N 2d Nicholas, carter 38 Juliana M id Elizabeth, nurse llfi St John's Rcnnett John, shipw Reach n Marlboro' (K)

Lewis, watchman 13 Laurel Bennis Mitchell, acct Julianna ii Wood BentJey Clmstian, tobacconist 348 N 2d Berg Henn-, tailor 14 Rudd

Henrj', jr tobacconist 14 Budd J, hairdresser 121 Browne Berklvimer Henrj-, waterman Lilly al Bergcr Jacob, house carj) 56 Callowhill Berks John jr, grocer N W corner Rudd and

Poplar lane d h 605 N 2d Bernard Lewis, seaman 5 Callowhill Bideman Henr}', Quince ab Rishop (K) Biggard John, oystennan 62 Green Bigler Jacob t:\ilor 1 Rodger's ct Binder Danl, cabinet maker 75 Green N W c or Lilly al

Wm, hatter 286 N Front Wm jr, hatter 375 N Front Bisslaimmer Martin, 3d ab Poplar lane Bird Geo, agent for the Union line of N York packets 22 S Wharves d h S W corner Coates and 2d John G, confectioner 72 Budd Blsbing George, oak cooper 200 N 5th Bishop Benj, cab mr 192 Callowhill n Julianna Edwin, jeweller 73 St John's Nathaniel, oyster-cellar 6 AVaiTcii Bispham Harriet, shopkeeper Francisville Bitting Lewis tavern keepc r 78 Green Blackman Enoch, inkeeper 337 N Front Blair James, grocer N 3(1 at the intersection of the Germantown road James, 174 N 3d ab A'ine Blanchard wid Barbara, tailoress 105 Noble Blatchford Stephen, licensed pawnbroker money lent on watches. silver plate jewelry &c on low terms 117 N 5th Blanchard John, shipw Hanover n Queen (K) Bleeker Heniy, ced coop Ridge rd op Wood Bleyler John, taveni keeper 235 N 3d Bhght John, shipwright 28 Rrowne Blinn Jacob, house carpenter 408 N 4th Blood Eleanor, tavern keeper N W cor Marsh

and Beach (K) Blye John H, sea captain 403 N 3d Boate wid of Horatio, d h 133 N 5th c Wood Bockius Wm, cor Poplar lane and 4th

Jacob, brush maniifac 212 N 2d Boileau Isa;\c, jus of peace 2d ab Reaver Boishart John, cedar cooper 42 Old York rd Boehm Wm, 207 St John Boley Frederick, cedar cooper d h 280 N 3d Bolt John, victualler 17 Charlotte Bond Jacob, saddler, 231 N 2<1 Bonnell Samuel, hard w store 2d bel Callowhill

Bonsai 1 Ilcnrj' L, grocer 146 N 4tli d h 43

Ol<i Yoixl road n Green Boon Anflrew, wood-conler Reach (K) Rnoth George, wiaver 15 Rudd

Wm, coachmaker 115 Rrowne Wm, weaver 14 Rudd Rorer Jacob, sock manf Crown bel Callowliill Roreaf Henry, victualler cor 6th and Green Ronkn Josc])h, shoeniuker 31 Coates Rornman John, sen victualler Juliana ab Cal- lowhill John jr, victualler 16 Frankford rd Boustead James, currier 276 N Front d h 12

Emlen's ct Boureau Henry, ironmonger cor 2d & Coates

d h Front ab Laurel Bowen AVm, 13 Wood (Brewer's al) Rowers Daniel, tav keep N W cor Cliaries & James David, grocer Callowhill op Charles Frederick, nail cutter 100 Coates' George, cor Front & Maiden John, labourer 4U Fi-ankford road Jos M, ship build Penn n Maiden (K) Joshua, ship builder Reach n Shack-

amaxon (K) ^^■id Maiy, shopk 425 N 3d Michael, surgeon-barber 403 N 3d Rower Samuel, ship build Penn n Maid (K)

Samncl S, Penn n Maiden (K) Rowles Renjamin, stone cutter 3 Union ct Rowman Jac, Avood sa'yr Stout's al n Coates' Michael, comb-maker 390 N 3d Michael J, N 4th ab Brown Tliomas, accountant 9 Pfeiffcr's al wid Sai-ah, seamstres 105 Noble Boys wid Mary, drygood store 287 N 2d Royd Alexander, leatlier gilder 228 N 6th Rev George, Coates n 8th wid Susannah, shopk 3 Wood Boyer Jacob, laborer N 9th ab Wood

James, acct 4 Wood Brewer's al Royle & Jones, 200 Callowhill Rrackin wid Margaret, milliner 44 Wood Brackney Samuel, tailor 86 Green Rradfonl Thomas, laborer 473 N 2d Rraeutigam Daniel, books &, hware 194 N 2d Brandt John, house carp Coates bet 2d & 3d Rrannan Edward, umbrella maker 231 N 2d Rray & Rarcroft, w sale dry gdsto 217 N 3d

Daniel, merchant d h 184 N 3d Rrazier John, blacksmith 171 Green Rresslaw Ann, 382 N 2d Bricker Jacob, weaver 473 N 3d Bridwell Charles, shoemaker 56 Budd Briggs Russel T, machine maker 13 Pratt's ct

\\ id Elizabetli, 55 Tammany Brindlc James, groc Frankford road bel Otter Britton James B, storekr 57 New Market John, gentleman ?>Ian'a;a Village Broadbent John, mercli 45 Old York road Brock Charles, storekeeper S W cor Callow- liill and 2d Brockennan Wm, tobacconist 50 Tammany Rrodie Andrew, grocer S E c 2d & Coates Brooke Caleb & John, blacksm's 88 Callowhill



Brooke James, blacksmith Charlotte n Brown

Ignatius, innkeeper 295 N 3d Brook wid Susannah, board h 6 Chailotte Brookovert John, carter 64 N Juniper Brooks John, house carp 32 Garden

John, accountant 179 Callowhill Brooks James E, 218 N 7th

Lewis, blacksmith 54 Noble Oliver, broker 228 N 6th Broom wid Elizabeth, grocer 104 Budd Brown Adam, brewer 363 N 3d Francis, tailor Francisville Henry, cooper 40 Julianna James, gunsmitli Front ab Callowhill Jacob, grocery & tavern S W corner |

Oak & Noble wid Elizabetli, 126 Callowliill wid Hannali, gentlewoman 250 N 2d John T, bnis'h mak 182 St. John's Wm, printer Wagner's al d h 6 John Browne John C, sbjp smith 334 N Front d h Kensington John G, apothy &, drugt N E cor Vine

and 3d -j-Lunar, sweep master 147 Browne Michael, rigger 8 Margaretta Peter, brush mr 11 Wood Brewer's al William, Budd ab Poplar Lane Wm, 21 Green Wm, tanner Penn n Marsh (K) d h

Frankford road n Otter Wm, laboui-er Beach n March (K) wid Mary, shopkeeper Noble wid Mar^^, shopkeeper 237 St John I-iberty, justice of the peace S W cor

3d and Noble •j-Thos oyster cellar under 220 N 3d Bruff Robert, tnmk maker 297 N 2d Brulte Peter, 241 N 2d Bninell Andrew, rigger 12 Margaretta Bruner Adam, skin dresser 2 Margaretta

Benjamin G, blacksmith Ridge road n Ann d h Ann n Ridge road Brush J, tav keep Poplar lane bet 3d &. 4th Brusstar Samuel B, Inn kr Beach (K) Bryant H, druggist 205 N 8th

Moses H, tailor 83 Browne

Bryant M Y, superintendent of water Ann n Callowhill Tiberius J, justice of the peace 205

N 8th Wm, cabinet maker 34 Garden Buck Christopher, shoemaker 367 N 4tli <,: Leoniu'd, cedar cooper 331 N 3d Buckwalter Jacob, grocer 148 Sassafras d h

1 Wood Bulfinch wid Mary, layer out of the dead 107 Dillwyn

Benjamin, wool merchant 32 N 3d d h 5 Browne Bullock, Davis & co wool & woollen ware- house 32 N 3d & 473 N front Bumbach Mai-tin, boanling h 333 N 3d Bui'chell wid, Jackson house Garden ab Wood Burke Tlios, coach trim Callowliill n 13th BiU'khart Isa;ic, sea captain 6th ab Willow Burkleback Jacob, house cai"p 226 Green Burkellow Isaac, broker, 258 N 2d Burn John, cliina store 262 N 2d

Josejih, dry good st 244 N Front BiUT Geo H, mer d h N W c Front & Vine Samuel, h carp Julianna 2 d bel G^een widow Rebeca, gentw N W c Front & Vine Burras J, shoemaker St John n Poplar lane BmTOUgh Levi, taylor 482 N 2d

W'illiam, gentleman 11 Vine Burrows John W, 243 N 3d Bushell John J, morocco dresser Lawrence n Buttonwood &, Graff, morocco dressers 210 Vine Busher captain Moses, Coates n 8th Buskill David, plasterer 152 Callowliill Butler John, ^mariner 32 Duke

John, shoemaker 116 DLLl\vyn Joseph, tailor 88 Crown Wm, lumber mer 368 N Front wid Jane, tav keeper 44 S 8th *

wid Isabella, 14 Margaretta Butterworth John, tin plate worker 448 N 2d Butz George, innkeeper sign of the Pennsyl- vania Farmer 216 N 3d Buzby wid F W, diygood store 268 N 2d Buzzard Peter, brewer 204 Noble Byerly J, sliipwright Hanover n Beach (K)



Cafruy James, storekeeper 192 N 2d Cain Robert, tiiilor 60 St John Caldwell David, clerk U S dist 8c circt courts office I'l-anklin Institute d h N 6di neai' Noble James, bhicksmitli Browne bel Ft John, weaver 26 JJudd John, tiiv keeper S VV cor Maiden &

Beach Samuel W, 2d teller N I- bank 40 N

lOtli I'ldmyra scjiiare ■md Eliza, Browne bel Front Calhoun F and C, store kr N K cor Vine 8t 4th Call Stephen, slioemaker b of 85 Browne Callaphan Ciiarlcs, measurer of gniia 9 Wood Camblo Charles, 33 ^'iiie Camp David, cor N 4di and Maiia Campbell A, 305 N 2d

wid Catharine, nurse 18 Vine James, tailor 268 St Jolms lYistinim, tiiilor 341 N Front Cantrell wid Abbott, tiv keeper 313 N Front Carben Augustus, oyster house 267 N Front Carland George, bricklayer 219 St Jolm Carlisle Abraham, g-ent 219 N 4th David, cor 6th and Coates Carmack wid Mary, tav keeper 163 N "Water Carmalt James, conveyancer 298 N 3d

Jonatlian, gent 302 N 3d Cam Jacob, Callowhill n 4t]i Caniell William, Gennantown road n 5th Carpenter Bcnjanun E, grocer 230 and 232 N 3d ab Calowhill d h 213 N 3d & Gorgas, wholesde gi-ocers 230 &

232 N 3d ab CaUowliill Miles N, grocer 232 N 3d d h 81

Wood Powell, bricklayer 95 Callowhill Carr Samuel, tailor 68 Noble

wid Elizabeth, boarding h 22 Knuckle Cartwright Matthew, tinman 29 Rrown Carver Jacob, trunk and shoemaker 377 N 2d

Jacob, clock & watch mr 126 St John Cash Andrew D, scrivener N 6th ab Callowhill Casner Cliristopher, mariner 4 Callowhill Cassey wid Hannah, siiopkecper 178 Coates Cassaday John, baker 172 Coates Cassin William, Callowhill n Gaiden Castner wid Susan, mantua maker 81 Browne Cathcart wid Laetitia, shopkeeper 7 Duke Cathrall Ceorge, paper hanger 5 Poplar lane CaufFman Lawrence, cliina store 207 d h 207

1-2 N 3d Chamberlin John, house carj) 50 Kunckle Chamberlain Lydia, dry good store 278 N 2d wid Mary, gentw 353 N 3d W and B N, grocers 355 N 3d Richai*d, house carp 246 N 3d Chambers wid Mary, 71 Coates Chandler George, shoemaker 79 Green

Joseph, teacher 164 N 3d d h 25 Old York road Chardon Anthony, gent Frankford road Chase wid Ann, shop keeper 388 N Front

Chatfield John, shoemaker 177 St John

•f Chavers wid Amilia, shopkeeper Ridge road

dear CaUowliill ,

Cheevens wid Ann, 11 Duke Chevallior Clement E, jeweller 6 Palmyra sq (;hew Isaiic A, slioemr Queen n I'rankfonl r (;hild John, clock St watchmaker 452 N 2d Cliristman Henry, shoemaker 235 N 2d Chumiu'd James, waterman Peim n Maiden (K) Chu-k Daniel, black St whitesmith Poplar lane ab St John Davkl W, cai-penter n Buttonwood 8t 8th John, weaver Beach n Maiden (K) in- quire at 270 S 2d Isaac S, upholsterer St bedding ware h

2 Old York road N W cor of Yine

Robert S, gent Ridge rd ab Green

Thomas, stone mason Francisvillc

Clai'ke Joseph A, merchant d h 249 Vine

Clay Geo F, drayman 200 St John's n Coates

Claypole Josiah, dep keeper Walnut st prison

183 Coates Clayton David, h carp Beach n Maiden (K) Clever wid Elizabctli, gentw 103 St John

wid Maiy, 215 N 8th Clemens Mrs Ann, midwife 70 Green

Benjamin S, musical instnunent mr

49 Callowhill Jacob, 70 Green

Joseph, inn kr Haraiony hall Fair- view Bush-liill Clemmons William, victualler 103 Garden Clement widow Elizabeth, 70 Crown Clifton Isaac, luitter 1 Wood Brewer's al Ciine widow Mary, 397 N Front Clinton Robert, acct n stone bridge (K)

Wm, sliipwTight Maiden n Penn (K) Clopp John, 174 N 4th Close Henry, grocer 385 N 3d Clotliier wid Barbara Ann, 365 N Front Cloussen Nicholas, skin ch'esser21 Murgaretta Cluley Francis, wire -worker 107 Dihvyn Clulen Daniel, tailor rear of 21 Callowhill Clymer Jacob, house carp 75 Crown Coalscott Otlineil, house carp S W cor Noble

and Lawi'cnce Coates Thomas, house csLvp 99 Dillwyn

wid Margai'et, gentw S W cor Front & Coates Coats Thomas, jr justice of the peace 316 N 3d Cobb William, house carp N 10th 1 door bel CaUowliill W, cabinet maker 108 Frankford road Coclu-an widow Catliarine, gentw 39 N 10th

(Palmyra square) Coe James, storekeeper 202 N Water Richaid, merchant Callowhill n 5th Robert, 427' N 2d Coffee Jonathan, blacksmith intersection Vine

N 9th & Ridge road d h 292 Vine Coffin Mrs Martlia, morocco hat mr 9 Wood

(Brewer's al) Coyles Daniel, tallow chandler 102 Crown Cole John G, tailor 28 Tammany



Cole Samuel T, house carp 10 Kunckle William, tailor 62 Tammany ,. wid Ann, N 9th ab Wood Coleman James, whip manufact 70 N d h 115 Dillwyn Jacob, 419 N 2d Philip, glue mamif 22 Noble wid Margai-et, shopkeeper 63 Coates Colewater wid Ann, marketwoman 211 N 8th Coller Jacob, cor Quince and Cheny (K) Collin wid Margaret, gi'ocer & taveni keeper

184 N 2d Collins Moses, weaver 15 Laurel

wid Sai-ah, tailoress Stouts al n Browne Collom CjTus, gi'ocer 160 Coates

John, clei'k N L market 122 Coates Jonathan, teacher 132 Coates Wm, upper storv N L commissioners hall 325 N 3d d'h 116 Green Colms Seth Q, teacher 273 Callowliill Colson Jonathan, china merch 11 N Front d h

136 Dillwjai Combes John R, gi"oc Oak c Noble dh 44 Oak Condall Thomas, tallow chand 233 Callowliill Condon wid Sarah, b house Penn n Marsh Conger John, shoemaker 261 N Front

wid Ehzabeth, marketw 53 Browne Connell John, steel manuf 3d n Tammany Connelly Jacob, blacksti Callowhill n Ridge Conner wid Eleanor, shop kr 232 N Water Conrad John, clerk of the court of Quarter Sessions office W wing of the state house d h N E cor 5tli and Callowhill Cook George, plane maker 30 Lam-el John, dealer 199 Callowhill Lewis, cigar manuf 82 Browne Cooper Benjamin C, tailor 76 Crown

Conrad, shoemaker 256 N Front widow Hannah, gentw 194 N Front . Henry, printer 188 N 5th Isaac, gent Vine ab 6th James, gent 249 N Front

M D 125 N 5th

Coupar D, collector 110 Old York road Cope Godfrey G, victualler N W cor Tamma- ny and 4th Jacob, acct Tammany n Old York road John, 366 N 2d Samuel, tailor 272 N 2d Samuel, tailor 51 Browne Copeland Nathaniel, inspec of flour 159 Vine Corfield Edward D, justice of the peace N E cor Front & Callowliill d h 2d bel Noble Corndaffer John, employed at a brewery 115

NlOth Cornish Henry, 273 N 8d Cornman Adam, sugar refiner 28 & 30 Wood

Brewer's al CornweU Robert, blacksmith 410 N Front Cosfeldt Francis, whitesmith 449 N Front d h

264 St John Cossart wid Mary, seamstress St John n Po - lar lane

Coste 8c Raymond, tallow chandlers 198 Cal- lowhill Coston Benton, cabinet maker 438 N 4th wid Ehzabeth, Cobb's ct wid Mary, tailoress Cobb's ct CoudenJohn, stone cutter Old York road n

Green Coulston Bernard, Vine n 8tli

George W, innkeeper 271 Vine Councel Thomas, hatter Juliana bet Wood 8c

Callowhill Comlney Samuel P, ^ueen bel Hanover (K) Coward James, acct rear of 33 Vine

E, N W cor Wood and Crown Cowperthwaite Joseph, acct 82 Dillwyn

Samuel, mer 15 d h 204 N Ft wid Sarah, gentw 204 N Ft Cox James, boatman 11 CallowliHl

Isaac, shoemaker 365 N 3d Couzens John, ch-ajTuan 166 St John Craige, Huston and co, saddleiy Sc Globe mill

wai'ehouse 110 High Craig Andrew, laboiu-er N 10th ab Wood Miss Msa-y, tutoress 194 St John Thomas, saddler 520 N Front Cragg George, dyer 529 N 3d Cramer Joseph, teacher 121 Coates' d h 407

N4th Crane Avid Elizabeth, spooler 16 I^aurel Crap George W, tin plate worker 2 Wood

Brewer's al Crayen Ishi, acct 422 N 2d Crawford Alexander, tailor 28 Kunckle .

Henry M, cunier Chesnut bel 2d d h

Noble n Front Samuel H, boat builder 326 N Front Cress Alexander, shoemaker 85 Budd

George, jr harness maker 249 Vine Cresson Richard C, grocer 406 d h 391 N Ft Crilly James, Gennantwn road intersection 3d Crispin Hcitty, gentw 215 N 6th

Peter, waterman Budd n Browne Croasdill AVilliam, acct 88 Crown Crock Bai-tliolomew, dra} man N W c Coates

and 7tli Croman John, painter 8c glazier 123 Coates Cromwell Oliver, bricklayer 134 Dillwyn Crooks Geo R, currier 216 N 2d dh 127 N 5th Crowell Samuel, diy good store 186 N 2d Cnicy William, house carp Juliana bet Wood

and Callowhill Crum Samuel, labourer Rose al Cugar Samuel, shoemaker 62 Noble Culin George, book binder 244 N 2d Culnan Daniel, cuiricr Coates n Ridge road

George, tailor 40 Ann Cidp Jacob, wholesale and ret:iil grocer 222 8c

224 N 2d d h 32 New Market Cable lane Cummins Abraliam, weaver 495 N 2d Cummings Enoch, grocer 453 N 2d d h 396

N3d Cummins John, house carp 152 Coates Gumming wid Martha, gentw 276 N 2d



t-'uniming Richard V, tin plutc worker 270i d h 299 N 2tl Samuel S & co, drujr{,nsts 288 N 2d Oumniin}^ Solomon, milkman 368 N od Cnnninj;li:iiii .lolm II, printer h of 13 N 7tli d

h N W cor NN'ood is. 9tli Ciipps Francis, 18.? Oallowliill Curran A K, t^rocery & tav keeper N W cor

Oak and Wliiteliall Curi'v Joshua, hatUr 17 Julianna Curtis Asa, wholesale & retail gi-ocer 282 N 2d d h 15 Vine •lonathan, weaver 23 Duke Curving- Ileniy, mariner Poplar ct Cutlibert Mrs EUzabctli, 397 N Front

Datfey Dennis, grocer 22 Poplai' lane Dale Mrs Mary, circ libraiy 296 N Front Dallman John, blacksmith and pump maker

202 N 8d\ Damon wid Elizabeth, tailoress 97 St John Dance widow Sarali, b house 23 Old York r Dannaker Georg-c, 2 West al Danncnhowcr Jolui, flour insp 116 St John Daniel F.phraim N, clotliier 339 N Front Daniels Georg-c, jr h carp 16 Franktbrd road

John L, shoemaker 106 Crown Dardine John L, 0}ster cellar Ilig-h ab 4tli d h

177 Green Davidson Nathan, merchant 239 Vine Davis Anthon}', merchant 47 Browne Benjamin, merchant 177 Vine Benjamin, biickmaker Coatcs & 6th David M, India silk warehouse 82 Hig-h d h 89 Wood Edward, carter 34 Budd Elnatlxan, pilot 68 Coatcs Jesse, ciu-ter 179 Coates John, cor Callowhill and 10th John, hatter Wood 1 door E of 9th Joseph, inn kr Hamilton villag-e Isaac, tanner &. cnmer 200 d h 202 N 3d Mrs Margaret, g^entw 98 Wood ab 7th Robert, house carp 19 Garden Thomas, bookseller & statr 171 High d h 83 Tammany

Thomas, cai'pet weaver 29 Browne Thomas, house carp 369 N 3d

stone mason Francisville

wid Mary, shop keeper 77 Budd Davies William, flour and feed store N W cor

Browne and Front Davison William, grocer N E cor Tammany

and Old York road Day Michael, collector Marlborough ab Queen

(K) Dcffenbach Charles, skin di-csser S E c Cal- lowhill & 9th d h 9th 1 d bel Callowhill Deal Charles, grocer 46 Wood Brewer's al

John, baker Charles n Buttonwood Dean John, laboui'er 19 Vine

Dean wid Jennet, markctw 194 St John's Deck Anthony, hairdresser 204 N 8lh Dedaker Catluu-inc, teacher 1'13 Coates Deeves Trial, blacksmith d li 105 Dillwyn l)t forest C E, gentw N 13th c Buttonwood al Deg'aii Jolm (i, slioinuiker Wood n 6th Dehaven John W, tobact Callowhill n Ridge r Delacroix L & J Donath, cortUal distillers 8c

liquor store 388 N 2d Dcmme Rev Charles R, 184 N 4tli Dennison James, potter 131 St John's Denny Samuel, victualler Front ab Beaver

wid Susannah, nurse Stout al nBrowne DeiT George L, comb mr Poplai- lane n Old York road John, silver plater 83 Browne John, sugar boiler 33 Ciarden Derringer Henry, gun & rifle manuf 370 NFt Deschamjjs Edward, dom manuf 408 N Front Dcveney C, grocer cor Coates and Brook Devis Thomas, painter b of 132 Callowliill Dewey wid Mary, 20 Budd Dcwine Maiy, Queen (K) Dewitt wid Mar)', 2 Green Dickens Fowler, gun sm N Fi-ont ab Browne Dickey William, weaver Lilly al Dickerson John, lumber mer 11 Browne Dickinson Daniel, miniature painter 107 Vine Hugh, shomaker 185 St John's Jesse, jr collector Noble bel New

Market Joseph, flour and feed merch 208 Callowhill d h LawTence Dillin Joseph, shoemaker 111 Poplar lane DiUing-er David, dry good store 196 N 2d Dillingham wid Margt, gentw 11 Pfeiffersal Dihiman Christopher, hair ch-esser 437 N 2d Dobbins Joseph, tav and ferry house keeper Pcnn n Maiden (K) wid Abigail, seamstress 51 Browne Dodd Joseph, drayman 8 York ct Domseler Lewis, house & sign painter 87 Budd Donagan Thomas, storekeeper S W cor 6th

and Buttonwood Donahay John, shoemaker Beach n Marsh (K) Donaldson Andrew, mast mr Penn n Maiden (K) d h 308 N Front widow Mary, gentw Beach near Maiden (K) Donath J jr, distiller 264 N 2d Donnehower Charles, tobacconist 4 Charlotte Donnelly James, painter & glaz 168 Coates Matthew W T, store N W c Wood and 12tli Dood Richard, weaver Callo\\hill n 9th Dorman John, paper stainer 48 Callowhill Dorsey Jeremiali, tailor 25 Garden

Thos, shoem S W c 6th &, Buttonwood Dotterer Adam, currier 451 N Front d h 91 Budd &. Fell, curriers 451 N Front Dougherty wid Susannah, 117 Callowhill Douglass Peter, brush maker 13 Wood



Douglass Thomas, tailor b of 13th Callowhill Doughty John, ironmonger Vhie bel 6th Doidar John, gunsmith 174 Coates Doule Thos B, grocer S E cor 2d and Green Dover Joseph, Gennantown road n 5tli Dowden Thos C, pr 125 Callowhill Dowell wid Catharine, teach Frankford road Dowling John, plasterer b of 48 Kunckle Downer & Stackhouse N 4th n Vine Drafts Wm victualler ChiU'les n Pleasant Driivkhouse Jacob, tin plate wr under 1 1-2

S 5th d h N 6th ab Callowhill Drla John, weaver 466 N 2d Di'um John, victualler Spring Garden

William, victualler 8th ab Callowhill Dnuy Michael, merchant 85 Wood Duffield wid Betsy 460 N 2d Dungan Jacob, tobacconist 254 N Front Dunn R, S E c Tammany & 4th

James H, trader 10 Lawrence

Thomas, M D 171 Vine Dunlap Wm gro N E c 4th & Noble Dunnot Charles house carp 114 Dillwyn Dunton George, sea capt 30 Green Duplain wid Rachel C, gentlvv 202 N 4th •j-Durham wid Sarah, washw Wood c Garden Duy Lambert, drygood nier 1 N 5th d h 5th ab Callowliill ^

Dyer Wm brewer 121 Green

Eakin Wm, tav keep Beach n Maiden (K) Earick Henry, house carp 47 Wood (Palmyra

square) ab 10th Earl wid Elizabetli, store keep 393 N Front Eastman Thomas, S E cor Wood & Lawrence Ebertli Conrad, gentleman 23 JuUanna

Joseph, house carp and measurer 210

N 5tli d h 143 Vine Ebhng Robert, shoemaker 83 Budd Eckart Michael, cor Frankford i-oad & Crown Ecker Christian, tav k Coates n Old York r Eckhard Adam, labourer 271 Callowhill Eckhardt Chas H, soap & tal chand 336 N3d

Frederick, tav keep 193 Callowhill Eckle & Warn-en, 1 80 N 2d Eckhn Samuel, printer 175 N 4th Eckstein Jolin, grocer & tav k 199 N Water

Samuel, paper store 206 N 3d d h 4th ab Callowhill Edel Wm, labourer 19 Charlotte Edenborn Phihp S, currier Tammany n 4tli Edgar John, ])rinter, Callowhill n Ridge r Edle Josiah, cor Poplar la & Apple Edle Mathias, stocking weaver 5 Kunckel Edwards Charles acc't 270 N Front

Edward, gent 28 Green

Edward jr, flour merch 221 N Front d h 28 Callowhill

Jghn tav keep 222 N Front

Edwards wid Sarah, tailoress 459 N 3d Egert wid Mary, storekeeper 214 N 2d Eggleton John, team-mas Allen n Frakford r Eginton Wm, tav keep 240 N Front S W cor

Callowliill Einwechter Wm, brickl'r St John n Beaver Eisen Daniel, tallow chand 90 Green Eisenhut John D, coppersmith N E cor 2d &

Vine Elberson John, l9,bourer 4 Pratt's ct Elder AVm T, merch d h 241 Vine Eldi-idge Eli, cabinet mak 241 N Front

wid Phoebe, b house 188 Callowhill Elfreth Jacob R, acc't 15 Wood Elfridge wid Elizabeth, tailoress 48 Duke Elkinton Geo M, soap 8c tal chand 202 N 2d Elias Henry, dry good store 200 N 2d Ellicott Thos, millwright 30 Peg Elliott Chas, store keep 431 N 2d

John, inn keep intersec of Bridge and Lancaster turnpike road EUis Daniel C, acct 11th n Callowliill

George, bottler 350 tav keep 327 N 2d Wm. house carp 84 Dilwyn Ely Benjamin, gent 185 Green

John, lottery brok d h 10 Palmyra row Enicrick Henry, shoemak 14 Pratt's ct , Jacob, stoi-ekeeper 218 N 3d P K, china st 210 N 2d d h 10 Old York rqad Engard Adam, shopkeeper 180 St John

John, tav keep 418 N 2d Engle Martin, tailor 408 N 3d

Richard tanner 529 N Front Engles Wm, whaf buikl Maiden n Penn (K) Enghsh Elisha, house carp 110 Crown

John, inn & feny kr N E c Marsh n Beach Enters Lewis, inn keep and gun stock manuf

54 Callowhill Epplesheimer Lewis, sugar refiner 168 N 5tli

d h 157 Vine Epstein Jacob, dealer N 4tli n Tammany Erdman David H, house carp N 9th n Morgan

d h FrancisviUe Erwin Casper, bottler 229 Callowhill N E c John Edw teacher 8 Frankford road wid Mary, band box makr 231 N 6th Esderton Andrew, grocer 51 Bedford Esewein Chai-les, tobacconist 267 N 2d Esling Nicholas, trader Callowhill ab 8th Essig Christian, baker 443 N Front Etress James, blacksmith 130 St John Ettinger Wm, bricklayer 129 Callowhill Evans Charles, gent Wood 2 doors bel 9th N side David, grocer 11 Budd David R luin mer d h 79 Tammany & Dungan, wholesale 8c retail grocers 210 N 3d



Evans Jolm &. son, lumber yard 6th n Noble John, hinihcr mcr c 6lh & Noble d h

145 \ Gtli Owen, t;illow chandler 39U N Front llobi- i-L, bricklayer 28 Uid},'-e Road Thomas, g-rocer N \V c Hcucli & Man-

dcrson (K) wid An)elia, shop ki- 119 Browne wkl Ann, 171. N 4th wid Charlotte, 171 St John wid Kllen, 64 Tammanj- Ruth 471 N 2d Kveng'cr Wni sliocmakcr 180 Coates Evcrhait wid Miu-g^aret, cake baker209 N 2d Everett Jolui, shoe maker 13 York ct Everly Samuel, pocket book maker 55 Wood Everson Thos, coach ti-imr 151 N 6tli Eyre Frankhn, ship build Roucli n lianover Isaac, ship wright Ueach op M:a'k('t(K) Jehu, ship build Beach n Hanover & Landel, boat and sliip builders Penn n Maiden (K) Eyres John, tav keeper 354 N 3d Eytinge B:u"net, wholesale fancy store 16 N Front d h 28 Callowliill

FagTindus Jacob, brass founder 99 Noble

Fairman Jabez, comb mkr 358 N 3d

Falbright Mai-tin, shopk 94 Vine

Faring widLydia, gentlw Beach n Maiden (K)

Farland Hester, boai-ding h 212 N Water

FiU'ley James, tailor 351 N Front

FaiT John, chemist 91 Crown

& Kunze, chemists Coates' n 4th Farrell John B, acct N L Bank d h Old York

road n Willow Fearis Wilham, dealer Vine n 13th Feg-enbush Deti-ick. shoemaker 429 N 2d

Jacob, snoemaker 420 N 2d Fell Christian, cunner 109 Poplar la

Jacob, tanner 109 Poplar la Felter PhiUp, brewer 185 St John Fennimore Joseph H, innkr S W cor Front

and Green Fenimore Wm &. Gerhat 8c co, N Front Fanner John F, tobacconist oSS N 2d Fenton Andrew, sail mr 68 N Water d h 234 N Front * '

Peter, di'ayman Kessler's al Ferguson Edward cor Quince & Bishops Fess John E, cabinet maker 85 Browne Fetters Peter, sliipwiig-ht 43 Budd

Richai'd, ferr\'man Camden N J Field David, gio S E c Callowhill & Ridge r James, gro 8c tav keeper Ridge road n Ann Francisville Finn Hemy, baker Cobb's ct

wid Sophia shop kr 127 Green Firth Preston C, house carp 28 Ann Fisher Andrew, victualler 15 Julianna Frederick, baker 341 Callowhill

Fisher Jacob, house carp 50 Browne John, coach mkr 606 N 3d Jolm, comb ndcr 341 N 3d John, victualler b of 32 Ridge ro«ul John, tav keep S E c Oak & Browne Jolm, victualler 90 Giuxlen Jolm, liouse carp 50 Browne Pliillip Jr, cabinet mkr 606 N 3d d h

Poplar Lane widow, Elizabetli, 146 Coates Flsmire Snyder, 11 Budd Fiss Geo, slioemr 6 York ct

Wm, blacksmitli 158 St John Fithian .Mathias, printer 29 New Market Ca- ble lane Fitler Daniel, victualler Germantown r n 5tli William, insp of bark d h c 2d &. Otter Fitzgerald Thos, store kr 217 N 2d Fizzel wid Ann, 209 Callowhill Fyan wid Catlj^-inc, 39 Coates Fysmicr Christ, cabinet mkr Callowhill n 9th Flaherty Jolm, weaver 442 N 3d Flanagan James, tav keep 403 N Front

wid Margai'et, shop kp Charlotte n Poplar la Flegel Geo, di-}good store 420 N 2d Fhnn Patiick, laborer Rose al n Green J'hnn Robert, plasterer 216 N 6th Flint Almond, house cai-p Green n 3d Flintliam wid Elizabeth, gentlw N s of Wood

bel Ridge road & lOtli Foering Abra'ni P, measurer of grain 109 Vine Frederick, cuixier 6 n Gei-mantown r SamueljCollector of tiixes 109 Vine Fogg Aiu-on, bricklayer N s of Wood be Ridge

road 8c N 10th FolweU Job, shoemaker 312 N Front

T I Sc R, dn good merchts 97 High d h 343 N 3d Foote Nisan, comb mkr 262 N 4th

widow, Innkeep Callowliill n Juniper Foi-d Jesse, house carpenter Wood ab 10th Forepaugh Wm, cuirier 42 N 7tli d h 261 N 3d wid Cliristianna, washwoman 12

Kunckle wid Mar}, drjgood sto 261 N 3d Forst Abraham, victualler 62 Garden Fortner 8c Gorgas, wood cor Oak n Browne Foster John, tobacconist 155 Coates Fouse Matthias, shoe mkr 271 N Front I'oust Henrj', saddler 186 Callowhill Fowle Jonatlian, attv at law 275 N 2d Fowe AVm, victuidler b of 298 N 7th Fowler Samuel, tobacconist 341 N 2d d h N 3d n Poplar la Stacy, gunsmitli Poplar la n St John's d h St John's ab Poplar la Fox Christian, wafer manuf 8c weaver 113 Green John, cabinet mkr 107 Budd John, victualler 54 Browne Joseph, teacher d h Wood ab N 10th wid Frances, cabinet ware rm 175 N 3e



Fraley Enoch, boot & shoe mkr 353 N Front Franck Geo, button mki- 3X7 N 2cl

Geo C, tobacconist 317 N 2d John, laborer 175 St Jolm's Frankhn wid I.ydia, tailoress 217 St John's franks Henry, tobacconist 365 N 4th

Jacob, house carp N 6tli n Noble Wm, tobacconist 369 4tli Fraser Thos, h carp Poplar la n St Jolm's Frederick Wm S, grocer 354 Callowhill d h

Callowhill n 8th Fredi-ickson Henr}-, gi-ocer Ft n Callowhill wid Cathai'ine, g-rocer N W c Sch 4th & Callowhill Free Geo, looking- g-lass silverer 339 N 3d Freedly Samuel, M D 280 N 2d French Wm H, bricklayer 98 Dillwyn Freshmuth Jacob, tobacconist 225 Callowhill Mich, cedar cooper 227 Callowhill Fricke Frederick, cabinet raki" 209 St John's

Henry, 3 Pfciffer's al Frick Jacob, one of the editors of the Ameri- can Sentinel and clei'k to the boai'd of Commiss of Fenn township d h Pal- myi-a Row n 1 1th Michael, brass founder 364 N 3d Flicker John, cabinet mkr 69 Green

Mar)', shopk 33 Green Fries Conrad, g-rocer 16 Frankford road Fritez Peter F, acct 14 Lawrence n Wood Fromberg-erJohn, tobac 9 1-2 S 6tlidh 30 Ann

Fi-yer wid , sliopk 356 N 3d

Fullerton Wm carter 119 Callowhill Fulmer Wm, groc S W c4th & Coatesd h338

N4th Fultz Jacob, baker 137 Green Fulwiller John, house carp Mag-nolia Funston Joseph, weaver 374 N Front

Tiios, gro N W c Beach & Marlbo- rough (K)

Gabel Jacob, shoe peg mkr 21 Browne Peter, insp of lumber 9 Browne Peter jr, house carp 9 Browne Galbraith wid Margaret, 93 Dillwvn Gaily Joseph, tobac N W c Callowliill & 13th Gamble John, skin dresser & morocco manuf

Margaretta n Front d h 253 N 2d Gammell James, weaver 8 Pratt's ct Gantz Geo W, Penn n Marsh (K) Gardner Richard, whet- 1 wht b of 158 Sassa- fras d h 32 Wood (Brewer's al) Henry, coachmaker Wood be 9th &

Garden N side Jacob, gi-azier 293 Vine Wm, skin dresser 291 Vine Gamett Michael, house carp 49 Wood Garrigues Isaac B, stone cutter 39 Zane d h

91 Wood Garrison Abraham, hair dresser 239 N Front Benj, carter St John's n Poplai- la

Garrison Clement, house carp 200 N 8th

Eli, mast mr Queen n Shakamaxon John, M. D. Beach op the Mkt (K) Gatchell Geo, druggist N W c lltli & Vine Gates T R, editor of tlie Refoi-mer 290 N 3d Gavd Frederick jr, brewer cor of New Mkt &c Callowhill d h cor 2d and Pegg John F, house carp 180 Coates' Gaimtt Charles, lieut U S navy 8 Palmyra sq Gauss Jacob F, baker 258 N Fron.t Gay James, gi-ocer 264 N 2d Gearson Joseph, gunlock filer 85 Dillwyn George Joseph, carpenter Callowhill ^n Hth M and L Bragg, milliner 123'n 5th Germon Greenbury D, gold & silver smith

248 N 2d Gen-ish Levi, flour & feed store 2 N Wharves

d h 92 Poplar la Gesner Geo, baker 277 N 3d Getz Geo A, victualler 156 St John Gcyer George, house carp 77 Garden Ghrisky Lewis, ship chandler & turpentine

cUstiller Marsh n Front Gibbs Job, house carp 193 Green Gibson John, house carp 30 Garden

Sarah, washw 20 Kunckel Gideon Geo, chair maker 202 N 8tli

wid Mary, victualler 202 N 8th GifTord Alpheus, mariner 263 N Front

Ely, shoem 276 N 3d Gilbert Geo, engraver on wood 139 N 6th d h 84 Tammany Jacob, innkr(Lion & his Den)300 N 2d John G, tailor CallowhiU n 2d Peter, innkeeper cor Buttonwood

and Garden Samuel, tobacconist 208 N 2d V/m, waterman 460 N 2d Giles Wm, accountant 19 Green Gill Edward, accountant 165 N 4th

Robt jr, wliitesmith N E c Wood & N 4th Morris, ch'ayman Mai-garetta Gillam Jesse, cordcr Callowliill wliaif d h 2

Callowhill Gillaspig Thomas, drover 17 Lawrence Gillespie John, St John ab Brown Gillet Adna, h & sign painter 202 N Front Giliiams Lewis, gent 43 Noble tiiUingJiam James, 368 N 2d Gilinan- Isaac, t Noble & 4th Gilmorc Jolin, drayman 181 Coates Ginther David, insp of salt provisions 137 N Water d h'38 Budd wid Frances, victualler 42 Budd Glazier David, blacksmith 191 St John's

Henry, shoemaker 81 Budd Goddard Geo, gent 313 N2d Golf John C, c Frankford road & Marlborough

wid Maiy, shoebinclcr 373N 4tli Gogier Henry, cigar maker Cobb's ct Goldsmith Cieo, plane mr 38 Laurel

I'hos, plane mr 349 N 2d d h N 4tli ab Poplar la



Coming'er wid As'nes, 83 Callowhill Good David, c Cidlowhill & AVuU-r Goodnun Cliurles, :iltv :it hiw :27.) N 3d Geo F, pr 87 Cidlowliill John, justice of tlic pi;ici' &. notary

pubVic H7 Cidlowliill John, printer 12 Kunckel wid Miirv, g'cntlw 12 Ivuncki I Goodricli M'ni, hatter 176 N 3d Gorgas (ico, hinihor nierch 282 N 2d

Geo, ckrk in a };t() Wood :ib Ciiirden Josc'])h (', j;-r()ocT d ii HI Wood Joseph, lumber nicr N 9tli bcl Vined h 185 Callowhill Peter K, luinbcr mer N 9th bcl Vine d h 18.5 CallowluU Gossman John, victualler 20 Ganlen Gossncr Joseph, potter 205 Coatcs Gould wid Sarah, teacher 83 Duke Goulker wid Marg^.u-et, 1.16 Callowhill Grace Gcorg'e, tanner Urooke n IJrowne

John, weaver Wood n 13th Gracey John, constable Vine :uid 12th Graeff John, tav keep N W c Callowhill and

St John's Graff Henrv', baker 474 N 2d

Jacob, victualler Callowhill i\ Ridge rd Graham James, ostler Julianna bcl Callowhill Eliza niu'se 81 Browne Martha, nurse 386 N 3d Gransback Geo, shoem 31 Browne Grant Horace, oak cooper 203 N 3d GraiJ John, baker 334 N 2d

Wm, grocery &. tav 15 Queen (K) Gray Caleb, di-y good sto Vine n N 12tli Henry M, mai'iner 126 Coates James, teacher 351 N 3d John, carter 13t]i n Callowhill Robert, dmyman 13 Pojdar la Wm shoem Morgan's ct Wm, cor of 3d & Franklin (K) Grear John, t:iv keep Callowhill n 8th

Nicholas victualler 234 N Stli Greaves wid of Thos, drygood sto 478 N 3d Green Benj, house carp 99 Crown Jacob, millwright 191 N 8th John, shoem N W c 4th & Noble Joseph, plasterer 128 Dillwyn Stephen, fisherman 135 Green Greensley John, wood corder Beach n Shack- amaxon

Casper, mariner 8 Callowliill Wilson, shoem 66 Noble wid Margai-et, g-entlw 165 Green Gresimer Jonah, tailor 284 N 2d Grlce Samuel, ship builder Penn n Marsh(K) Griffin Da^•id, mei-chant 92 Wood

Isaac, gent 138 Dillwyn 'Griffing Moses, sea capt N K c Vine & Ann Griffith Mary, milliner 363 N 2d d h 134 St Jno (iriffiths Klijah, cor Green and 4th

. Jesse, M D 363 N 4th 1 d ab Green office 258 N 3d

GrilFiths John R, slater slate yard N 6th ab

Noble d h 191 N 6th Gnggs Anthony, pr Whitehall d h 16 Ridge

road (irim Peter, brick mr 480 N 3d Grieuer Wiu, acet 35 Wood (iriscom Samuel, grazier 20 Noble Groves Daniel, bricklayer 169 Vine Michael, house carp 31 Ann Grub wid Catharine, Beach n Mars h(K) Guest Jonatlian, merch 13 (Jarlton sq Gunil Nathaniel, teaclun- N W c 4th &: Vine Guy Jonathan, caipenter c (> Y K and Noble

Haas Frederick, stocking weaver 361 N 3d Frederick, carp Spring Garden n 8th John, oak cooper 3d ab Coates Hacker Geocge, stoi-ckeei)er 427N*2d

Leonaixl, shipw Penn n Maiden (K) Haig Robert, potter Poplar lane n 5th

Thomas, manuf crockery ware 4th ab Poplar lane d h 4th n Brown Hain John, packer of China &c w^are Hinc-

kles's covu-t b of 249 Vine Haines John, ship builder intersection 2d st of Germantowu road Samuel, hatter 214 N 2d llalberstadt wid Ann, gentw 247 N Front Haklei-man Joseph, tav keep N W c Laurel

& Front Hall Isaac, wood corder 73 Noble

James, hav & cow market 6th ab Cal- lowliill ' Joseph, c George & 2d (K) Maiy, 256 N 2d

Wm, blacksm Coates' n Oak d h 12 Budd wid Margaret, stokr 307 Callowliill Hallowell Edward, mer Callowhill n Crown John, assistant judge of the district court near the first gate Ridge ^ I'oad Jolin, drayman 168 Coates' William, gent 197 N 3d Wm, S hardware mer 192 N 3d wid Rachel, 66 Tammany Hallrich A H tobacct 38 High d h 7 Browne Halzel Pliilip, fancy chair nianuf 515 N Front llama Godfrey, grocer S E c Green & St John Hamilton Alexander, L) trunk mr 348 N Ft John, hatter 46 Duke John, slilpwr'ght 16 Browne William, shoe'naker 34 Garden William, lahoiner N lOth ab Vine Hamm Phineas,. E engraver 30 Ridg'e road Hammitt John, shipwi-ight Beach (K) Hanabercv 'I'homus, ;;ail Uiaker b of 351 N 3d Hancock Robert, silk dyer &c 91 & 93 Vine Robert, jun dyer &c 161 N 4th SamiiL-l, wood corder wliarf oj) 70 Oak d h Beach n Maiden (K) Hand Jeremiah, tavern keeper 13 Callowhill



Hand Thomas, tav kr Callowhill n the wharf Handbach, widow Elizabeth St John Hankinson Samuel, bricklayer Lawrence ab Noble

Thomas, bricklayer 139 Coates Hanly John, team keeper 167 Coates'

Wm, druggist &, apothecary 210 N Ttli Hannon William, shoemaker 373 N 3d Hanse Jeremiah, grocery & feed st 90 Biidd Hansell Charles, T combmaker 204 N 8th

John, combmaker AVood bet Gai-den and 8th Harbert Charles, lumber mer S W cor 10th

and Callowhill d h 9th ab Wood Hardman Richard, neat's foot oil glue and but- ton manuf near Prince and West (K) Harker George, mariner 9 Kessler's alley

Thomas, carter Oak Harkman Christian, labourer 263 St John Harley Rudolph, tanner and cun-ier Maiden n

Frankford road Hai-man widow Mar}', seamstress 40 Wood

(Brewer's Alley) Harmoning Heniy A, baker 95 Crown Harp Abraham, shoemaker 194 Callowhill Hai-pel Jeremiah, teacher Callowliill n Gai-den Harper Peter, blacksmith 243 St John

Peter, dealer 444 N 2d Harris widow Ann, tavern keeper 88 Green Harrison Henry H, c 4th and St. Tammany

Hamilton, house carp b of 212 NSth Joseph, grocer Browne ab 2d Richard, shoemaker Poplar lane n

St John Richai'd G, engraver Wood bel lOth William, shipwright Duke n Front W'ilHam, F tavern keeper Geiraan- town road n Otter Hart Abraham, saddler N 4th ab Wood James M, innkeeper 184 N 3d John V, merchant d h Callowhill n 5th Thomas, wholesale g-rocer 231 N 2d d h

Vine ab 6th Thomas & AVm, wholesale gro 231 N 3d wid Cathai-ine, shopkr 337 Callowliill Hartman Sebastian, brickmr Callowhill n 13th Harver Richard, carter Frankford road Haslam Thomas, weaver b of 150 St John Haslett William D, potter 314 N 3d Hassinger Jonathan K, millstone manuf 6 Sth

al and 28 Old York road Hatfield Abraham, shoemaker Hinckle's ct

b of 249 Vine Hause John, house carpenter 18 Garden

John, ostler b of 125 N 4th Hawkins widow Lydia, g-entw 372 N 3d Haworth widow Mary, g-entw 9 Vine Hay John, oak cooper Beacli n Maiden

Peter, printer 30 New Market Cable la Kays Addis, superintendant of Spring Garden Hayward John, baker 79 Callowhill Hazlet William, b of 314 N 2d Hazleton Bernard, hatter Pegg Willow n 2d Heatons Joseph, dyer 371 N 4th

Heatons Thomas, house carp Pascall's al Heckman George M, 206 N Water & 208 N

Front Heimberger wid Henrietta, teacher 7 Pfeiff-

er's al Heinold Samuel, tailor 138 Callowhill Heisinger wid Mary, tav kr 195 Callowhill Heiss Wm, coppersmith and coppei-plate ma- ker 213 N 2d , Hellerman John, house carp Browne n 4th Hellings widow Ehzabeth, 6th n Callowhill Helt Lewis, shoemaker 45 Coates Helverson Nicholas, cabinet maker N E cor

St Jolui and Coates Hemback J, shoemaker 114 Oak Henderson widow Sarah, mantua maker Budd

n Browne Hendricks Levi, shoemi' 120 Frankford road Henricks Solomon, lamp reflector manufacto-

rv, N 8th n Callowliill Henk George U, baker 475 N 2d Henry Peter, oysterman 410 N 4th

, cabinet maker 329 N 3d

Samuel C, carver b of 99 Old York r Henszey Samuel, accountant 8 John Hentz Jacob, grocer Callowliill n Lawrence Hei-iges John J, tobacconist 471 N 2d Hersel John G, baker c 5th and noble Hen-ington widow Mary, 64 Garden Hesketh John, weaver 27 Duke Hess Elisha M, tin plate worker under 188 Callowhill

John C, potter 26 Duke Peter, shoemaker 193 N 3d Philip, oak cooper 96 St Johns Samuel, grocer c of Vine and Sch 8th widow Susannah, shopkr 247 St. John Hesse Peter, cigar maker Vine ab 2d Hesselback Henry, 3d ab Brown Hestel John, oak cooper 340 N 2d Hester Conrad, accountant 73 Crown Heston A, c Budd and Brown Hetzell John, baker 91 Browne Hewitt Andi-ew, shoemaker Queen n Frank- ford road

B R, diiigt 8 Ridge rd 4 doors ab Vme widow Elizabeth, milliner 182 Coates Jidiana, teacher 99 Wood widow Susannah, 58 Browne Heyberger Jacob, grocer 505 N 2d d h 96 Poplar lane widow Mary, gentw 6 Noble Heyl John jr, brush maker 6 n Noble

Philip, house carpenter 173 Green Heylin Isaac, M D 1 Palmyra row

Lucius, gentleman 1 Palmyra row Heysham Robert, naval clerk at the custom

house 9 ab Wood Hiatt Andrew, victualler 49 Garden Hicks Charles, house carpenter 17 Duke Higgins Joseph, cumer St John n Poplai- la Hilbum Benjamin, wheelright Callowhill n Sth

Thomas, milkman 125 Dillwyn Hildebrandt Augustus, 89 Crown Hiles Peter, g-rocer 387 N Front



lilies Joseph C, combmakcr 7th ab Noble M, 110 St John

Samuel, house carpenter Coatcs n 7th Samuel, tallow cliamllerN E c Callowhill

and Uug"an William, tin jjhvte worker 3 Duke Uillman Eliakim, mariner Scott's ct

wlflow Miu-y, teacher 4;) A^inc Hilsec Elizabeth, store kr 68 Frankfonl roarj Ililton Wm W, musician cor of Wood and

Crown Hinchman Joseph B, labourer Maiden n

Marsh (K) Hinckel Adam sen, victualler N E c Callowliill and Lawrence

Adam, jr \'ictualler LawTcnce ab Cal- lowliill Henr}-, drayman Callowliill n 9th John, blacksmitli 29 Lawrence Peter, victualler 269 Callowlvill widow Elizabeth, nurse 40 Ganlen Hipperstell John, shoemaker 349 N Front Hippie William S, 12 Lawrence Hii-st Thomas, tin plate worker 170 N 4tli Hobson Wliitton, grocer and tav kr 68 Oak Hooker John, stone cutter 342 N 3d Hockreiter Bartliolomew, 44 New Mal-ket Ca- ble lane Hodges Benjamin O, upholsterer and import- er of bed ticking- 270 & 272 N 2d Hodg-son Bobert, hatter Shackamaxon near Queen (K)

William, tailor Maiden n Front Hoeckley Jacob F, scrivener 312 N 2d HofF John, shoemaker 16 York ct

John, gent 179 Vine Hoffman Frederick, silversmith Toit's ct John, stocking weaver 99 Green John, distiller S W c Old York road and Noble, d h 35 Old York road John S, blacksmith Callowliill n 8th Philip, baker 8th n Callowliill widow Margaret, market woman

Beach n Maiden (K) widow Mary, grocer 24 Kunckel Hogg Thomas T, sign painter 246 N 3d Holby Wm, carver 4 New Market Cable lane Holgate Jacob, county commissr Noble n 5tli Hollaway Jacob, deputy kr of prison 78 Crown Thomas, steam engine and machine maker 109 d h 106 Budd Hollowbush Mary, shop keeper 339 St John's Holme James C, drj- good store 395 N Front Holmes John, cotton manuf globe mill Ger- mantown road John, machine maker 23 Green Joseph, 2d ab Coates Roswell, pawn broker 133 Vine Holt Seth, grocer 353 N 2d Hook widow Elizabeth, gentw 312 N 3d Hooker James, victualler 92 St John's Hookey Anthony, cabinet maker 395 N 3d Anthony, 101 Green Nicholas, grocer 349 N 3d

Hoover John, labourer Charlotte n Pophu- lane Lawrence, mast mr Pcnrt n Miu-sh (K) Hopper Joseph M, acct N E c 4tli k. Noble Horn John, clniggist N E c 3d and Browne widow Mary, lajer out of the dead 81 Tammany Hornc William, 40 Nol)lc 1 lornebergcr l'i;ter, victualler Blockley Hotz Daniel, %-ictualler 235 Callowliill Johti, victualler Spring Garden Peter, sen c Spring Garden & 8th Peter, jr sea captiiin Itidge r n Green Hough Benjamin, 49 ^^'ood ab lOtli

Constant, sea cajitiiin 17 Coates John, shoop keeper 237 N Front Houpt Jacob, diy good store 190 N 2d House William, mariner 131 Budd Householder Acbim, looking glass and picture

frame maker Poplar lane n 3d Houseman Daniel, victualler 26 Margaretta Houser widow Sarali, victualler Wood bet

Garden and 8th Howe James, house cafpenter 129 N 4th

Jedediali, stereotj-pe founder c Crown and CaUowhill, d h 220 N 5th How John, measurer of carpenters work 1 29 N4th DsLxid H, currier 129 N 4th Joseph, dealer 58 Tammany Howard widov/ Catharine, boai'dlng house

Beach n Shackamaxon (K) Howell Israel, curr'r 107 Chesnut d h 240 Nod James, store keeper 449 N 2d Joseph, carter 201 N 6tli Lemuel, dry good str 24 Ridge road William, blacksm Beach n >Ltrsh (K) ZaclmriaJi, house carp 6 Poplar lane Hoy Thomas, shoemr Stout's al n Coates Hubbeil Benjamin, shoemaker Pascall's al

Christian, cabinet maker 494 N 2d Huber Frederick A, 27 Old Y'ork road

George, vict Buttonwood n Garden James S, gent 84 Callowhill Hukill Jeremiali, saddler Callowliill n 9th Huffnagle George, 42 Tammany '

Huggins Samuel, morocco manuf 2 1-2 N 3d

d h 3d ab Coates Hugh John, storekeeper 239 N Front Hulinn, Jonathan, baker 485 N 3d Hulfish Obadiah, shoemr Chiirlotte n Browne Humburg Peter, Callowhill & Gai'den Hummill Casper, tailor 365 N Front d h 102 Coates' Jocob, skin dresser N 3d n Beaver Huneker John, dry good store 371 N 2d Hunter W M, capt U S navy 19 Palmyra row widow Margaret, nurse Stout's al n Browne Hurley Thomas, jr accountant 178 N 4th Hustler John_, commission mer 21 N Front and dr\' good store 244. N 3d

widow ElJzabctli, gentw 206 N 4tk Hutchinson Charles, carter 266 N 4th



■j-Hutchinson David, labourer 25 Charlotte Hute wid Catharine, grocer 202 N Water Iljoner Steplicn, watchman 23 Charlotte Hyn^man John, innkeeper 242 N 2d

VVilli:inl, gi'ocer 121 Browne

Ingard Christopher, watchroan 57 Charlotte Ing-rahani John, shoemr Poplai- la ri 6th Ireland Geo, vineg-ar mr 48 Browne James, bottler 188 N 8th James, carter Oak n Coates John, caiter Jame's n Rug-an Jackson George W, c:trp Lawrence ab Noble John W, cordwainer 127 Browne c 2d Jonatlian, laborer 11 Callowliill Jonathan, 17 Tammany Joseph, wood corder 2d wharf bel

Callowhill d h 245 N Front Wm B, cordwainer 127 Biidd Jacobs Alexander J, merchant 10 Noble Wm blacksmith 263 N Front Wm, h carp 34 Wood (Brewer's al) Jacoby Francis, gent Frankford r n Harts tav

Martin, house carp 258 St Johns Jahns Christian, (baker) patent wall colourer

& painter 210 N 8th James Charles W, fancy chair mr 337 N 3d Isaac, M D cor Vine and 8tli James, comb maker 214 Gi'een John, grocer 360 N Front John H, house carp Apple n Poplar la J F & F P, c Vine & 8th Mason, stone mason 8 Union ct Thos, laborer Penn uMaiden (K)

Wm, cottan master (K)

Janny Benj S, M D 312 N 3d

Jarden Robert, chocolate and mustard manuf

154 N 3d d h 10th ab Vine Jai-man Ezekiel, sto keeper 443 N 2d Reuben, store keep 435 N 2d Jasper James, sea capt 323 N 2d Jaiu-etche J P, coilfectionor 201 N 3d Jeans Jacob, M D 208 N Front Jeanes Joshua T, merch 155 N Water

Isaiah, salt merch 155 N Water d h 208 N Front Jeffrey wid Barbara, milk wo Coates n 4th Wm, laborer 17 Poplar la Charles, waterman 112 Fi'ankford rd Joseph G, capt Fi'ankhn steam Boat 2 New Marlcet Jenks John, pr Callowhill n Ridge rd

Jonathan, turpentine manuf Penn n Maiden d h Beach n the Market (K) Joseph R, floiu* merch 76 S Wharves d h 5 Vine Jennings Joseph, gent 46 Old York rd •j-Jerome, John S, hair di-esser 295 Vine Jester Elias, dry gqod store S E cor 5th and Callowhill and Old York road

Jeyde Leonard, tailor '^5 St John's Jobson Samuel, glue manuf 273 N 3d

Samuel jr glue manuf 273 N 3d . Johnes Charles, mi-rch 69 Vine Johns Daniel, jjaintcr & glazier 187 Mulberry d h 94 Tammany Wm and Daniel, painters* and glaziers

cor Callowliill Wm, painter & glazier 187 Mulberry d h 41 Old York rd Johnson Andrew, box maker 149 St John's Ann, teacher Penn n Maidfen Charles, liouse ciu-p 185 Coates' James, blacksh Penn n Maiden (K) John, dealer 49 Noble J H &. R H, coachmrs 349 N 2d Jonatlian, h carp CidlowlilU ab Crown N & I, steam engine manuf Penn n

Mai-sh (K) Nicholas, blacksh d h Penn n Mai- den (K) Robert S, iron store 69 & 71 N Wa-

terdh 115 Vine Wm, lumber merch d h 90 Dillwyn Wm, Gei-mantown rd ab Master wid Hannah T, gentlw 225 N 4th wid Sopliia, 98 Coates Jones Abraham, turner 48 Tammany Daniel, blacksh 207 Coates David, blacksmith Old York rd n Tam-

manv Edward, silk dyer 264 N 2d Jesse, tailor 72 Callowhill John, floiu- & feed store 228 N Front John, tailor 123 Budd John F, plane mr 219 St John's John K, coach mr 219 St John's Joseph, turner 322 N 2d Joseph, mercli 231 Vine Robert, weaver Morgan's ct Samuel, mariner 45 Green Samuel S, acco\intant 299 Vine Thos, shoemaker 69 Budd Catharine, Queen bel Marlborough (K) wid Ehzabeth, b h 205 Callowliill wid Mary, shopkr Charlotte n Browne Jordan, Fi-ederick, brass founder N 4th above Poplar la Henry, shoemr & leather' sto 229 N 2d Tlios W, shoemr 1 Morgan's ct Josler & Heaton, c Front and Green Joules wid Sarali, milliner 480 N 2d Joyant Charles, surgeon barber 405 N Front Justice Geo M, liardwaa-e merch 149 High d h 213 N 4th n Tammany Jacob, hardw merch d h 117 Vine Joseph, engraver 314 N 2d Josepli P, printer 481 N 2d Justus Pliilip, house c:u-p 24 Wood

wid Susannah, gentlw 481 N 2d Juvenall Barth, starch manuf 392 N Front

Jacob, starch manuf Ridge r n Green



Kumpman Francis (', lirewer N 4Ui ab Wood

d h York io;ul nh Cullowliill Karsten Jolm II, M 1) 298 N Kronl Katcz widow Dorotliy, j^cntw 30 N 7tli Katz Gf<Mf^o, wood colder 195 N VVaUr Jacol), plum- inr DiUwyn ii T;uuniun> .loliii, 247 N 2d

MIcImicI, wood coixkr 41 Kimckle William, (.li;ilcr in wood 145 N Water Kauderer \\ illRlmiiui, cake baker 329 N 2d Kay Heiij );r() 2uO N Water and 2U5 N Front Keenile Isaac A, scrivener 18 Callowlull Keen Charles, cashier of the Kensinjfton bank F,li, shoemaker Smith's al n Cootes' llarinan, tailor 189 St John's James C, s;ul maker James, cotton manuf Beach n Shacka-

maxon Jocol), shipwrig-ht Penn n Maiden (K) . John E, 511 N Front Joseph, cun-ier d h 27 New Market Robert, tailor lU S Water d h 189 St John Kehr Samuel, cabinet maker 440 N 3d Keichline John, potter 314 N 2d d h 44 Duke Keim John, turn ik coal jd 125 &. 127 N 4tli Keintzley Cotkib, baker 46 Green Keitli How^e, saddle tree nu- 130 Frankfordrd Keller Sanmel, shoemaker Juliana ab Vine b Ke pton Aaron, mer 43 1-2 JS Front d h 221 N4th Moses, mer d h 188 N 4th Samuel, accountant 101 Wood Kendeirlinc Jacob, house cai-])enter 314 N 3d Kennard Anthony, house carp 208 St John

f James, waiter c Poplar ct and Miles's al Kennedy Robert, g-entlemau 471 N Front

Wm M, starch manuf Cold Springs W c Otter &. Front d h 471 N Ft wddovv Catharine, Scott's ct Kensell George, h carp St John bel Beaver Lewis, carter 270 St Johns widow Margaret, 7 Kunckle Kenworthy James, cor Old York r and Coates Kerlin widow Elizabetli, tav kr N W c 3d &

Coates' Kem George, labom-er 127 Old York road

John, taylor 3 Hickon ct Kessler D, comb maker 206 St John's Kessler John, just of the peace 386 N 4tli . John, jr gent 166 Coates

William, victualler, Poplar lane w idow Mar}-, gentw 202 N 4th Ketler Joseph, teaclier of the public school N

3d ab Browne d h 111 Old York road Keyser Charles, teacher 28 Palm}Ta row

and Dickinson, lumber merchants Oak

& Gorgas, lumber mei-s 235 N Water

John, grocer N E c Coates' h Budd

John, iimkeepcr 34 Lawrence

J G, 367 N 3d

Joseph, watchmaker 226 N 2d

Kcyscr Andrew, gauger 265 N 2d

Nathan L, lumber nier d h 232 N Ft I'cter, lumber mer d ii 35 Callowlull William, oak eoopi r 204 St John's wid EJizabc ih, shopkr 266 St Jolms wid Mad«;line, sliopkeejier S W c St Johns and Taminany Kiel Coni-ad, carpet weaver 418 Coates' Kiker Jacob, victualler Coblj's ct Killie A:u-on, mer 4-3 1-2 N Front d h 27 Vine Killi)atrick Francis, tiiUow chandler 320Cal-

lowhill Kimball Edwaixl \V, shoe & domestic store 54

High, d h 75 Wood Kindall w idow Mary, 209 Old York road King Charles, ca]-|)enler Callowliill n 11th King Francis, currier 304 N 3d Hennanus, tailor 301 Vine James, gent 210 N Front John, gold beater d h 216 N 5th wid Cathaiine, seamstress 187 Coates' wid Mary, shopkeejier 115 Callowlull Kirchofi" Jacob, tobacconist 394 N 3d Kiik Miss Priscilla, 155 N 4th

and Schlatter, storekeepei-s 183 N 3d AVm J, drygood store 183 N 3d Kirkpatrick Mi-s S:u-ah, Wood bel Garden Kissick John, engineer of Fair Mouut water

works Kitchiu wid Ann, teacher Callowhill n 9th Kite ls;uic S, house carpenter 13th n Y'ine Kithciul James, n c Germantbwn road and 2d Kitts Rev Thomas, Coates ab 4tli Klett Andrew, printer 24 Rose al

Frederick, di-ugt N E c 2d & Callowlull Gollieb, shoemaker 52 Browne Kline Benjamin, bricklayer 109 Dillwyn Jolm G, tiivern keeper 492 N 3d Peter, bricklayer 374 N 3d Wm O, 599 N 3d attorney at law Kliiigle Geoi-ge, il D 226 N 2d Ivlotz John, cai-pet weaver Rose al n Green

widow Elizabeth, shopkeeper 2 York ct Kncss Christian, weaver 295 Callowhill Knecht John Geo, victu'r Callowhill Juliannjt Knicht Gabel, drover 67 G;u'den

Jonathan, gentleman 305 N 2d Joseph, ii-on and coal mer 219 N 2d Knipe John R, storekr S W cor 3d & Wood Kjuttel wid Catharine, Rugau n Callowliill Knower Abraliam, Hanover below Quince Knowles Thomas, grocer Beach opposite tlie

market (K) Knows Jacob, shoemaker 69 Crown

Joseph, shoe seller d h 84 Crown w id Mary, sho.pkeeper 30 Kynckel Knox Cornelius, 451 N 2d

John, grocer 294 N 2d widow Sar;vli, storekeeper 451 N 2d Kochei-sperger Daniel, innkeeper Francisville Kockci-sperger George, hair di-esser 410 N 4th John, engineer Penn n Maiden Koecliling wid Aim, cake baker 26 Callowhill Koehler Frederick, c Coates' and 4tli



Kohl Georg-e, tavern keeper N E c Franklbrd

road and Alanderson (K) Kohlcnkanip Nicholas, tin plate worker 226

N Front Kohler John, hardware store 328 N 2d KonigTnacher wid Elizabeth, g-entw 221 N 4th Koons Isaac, w sale gTo d h 284 N od Korklaauss Andi-e\v, mer d h 76 Wood Kramer Conrad, baker Budd n Coates'

Mattliias, Marlborough ab Queen Ki-ebs wid Elizabeth, gentw 6th n Callowhill Kreider Heiuy, liatter 255 N 2d Krips Jacob, cliairmaker 462 N 2d Ki'ips wid Marg-aretta, store keeper 464 N 2d Kritzer Jacob, oak cooper 207 Callowhill Ki'omer John, surveyor Callowhill bel 2d

wid Margaret, inn keeper Callowhill bel 2d Kroom Heniy, -victualler James n Charles Kucher Jacob, silversmitli Liberty ct n A'ine

and 11th Kuen Samuel, comb maker 399 N 3d Kuhn Frederick, victualler 75 Garden Kugler wid Catliarine, g-entw 89 Cidlowhill Kuhn widow Ehzabcth, 54 Crown Kunzi A, chemist d h 185 Coates' Kuilz Georg-e, painter &. g-lazier 9 Carlton sq

Labarthe Michael, hatter N 4th n Browne Lace Jacob, blacksmith Lilly al LafFerty Arcliibald, shoemr 8 York ct Edward, sea capt 52 Coates' Lake Lucas, blacksmith Penn ab Marsh d h

Marsh n Poplar la Lamarzella Peter, hair dresser 44 Duke Lamb Wm, malster 97 St John Lambert Geo, g-unsmith N lOtlxS E c Wood Gersliom W, merch d h 6th ab Vine John, N E c Tiu-ner's la and Ridge r Lancaster John, lumber merch 6th ab Vine d h 176 N 4th Levi, carter 32 Garden Moses, house carp Old York road Land Michael, laborer To Green Landv John, house carp 59 Coates Landell wid Mary, 377 N Front Lane wid Ann, 173 N 4th Langebartel wid Elizalietli, gTO 95 Coates Lange John, M D 256 N Front Joseph Langer, manuf Shakamaxon n Queen Laning Richard G, h & sign painter 269 N 2d Lan>on Thos 1, saddler 281 N 3d Laplanck John B, cake baker 336 N 2d Lapp Catharine, milliner 446 N 3d Lappin John, weaver Frankford r n Queen(K) Lai'e John, boat builder 49 Duke Larkins Edw, teacher PaschaU n Old York r LasaUe Joseph, dealer & trader 303 N 2d Lasky John, baker 169 N 4tU Lauck Joseph, baker 130 Callowhill Laudenslager Adam, victualler 39 Garden Lavjck Deborah, c 4th h. Callowhill

Law James, gent 5 Wood (Brewer's al) Lawrence Cluistian, vict James n Rugau Geo W, blacksmitli 275 Vine wid Mary, gi-o 471 N 3d Laws George, tanner 7th ab Callowhill dh 80 Wood James, tanner N E c Noble and 7th d h

84 Wood James tanner 10 John John, silver plater 61 Tammany d h 8c groceiy 153 St Johns Lawson Thos, dealer N E c Browne & Budd Lazarus Abraham, dealer 246 N 2d Leatherman Michael, drayman 7 Lilly al LeatherbeiTy Abel, shoemr 246 St John's

Wm, shoemr Queen (K) Lechler Geo, victualler 426 N 4th Jacob, gunsmith Lilly al Joseph, storekeeper 442 N 2d Lee David B, attorney at law Wood n 7th Franklin, tax eollecter Poplar lane bel 2d Jacob, morocco di-esser 20 Poplar la Leedom Benj J, 180 Callowhill Leeds wid Ann, 5 Duke Leely F T, oi Vine Lees Jacob, victualler 117 Old York r

Peter, tailor 107 Vine Lcgg Isabella, milHner 303 Callowhill Lehman David, stocking weaver 181 St Johns Geo, trader 28 Lawrence Peter, blacksmith 306 N Front Pliilip, tax col Beach n Maiden (K) Samuel 8c sons, shipsmiths Penn n

Maiden (K) Samuel, blacksmith 296 N Front Lehr Henry, storekeeper 288 N Front Leib wid s"usan, gentlw204 N 4tli Lelbrandt Andrew, skin dresser 264 N 3d Frederick, shopkr 199 St Johns John A, skin di-esser 490 N 2d Lewis H, skin dresser 490 N 2d Leichtel Philip, drayman 133 Coates' Leidy Com-ad, shoemaker 196 N 3d

Phihp, hatter 180 N 3d LeiflFberry John, shipwTight Bishop (K) Leinau George, hatter 97 Wood Leiper James, gro c Callowhill Sc loth Leitmann Hemy, gro 181 N 3d d h 59 Tam- many Lenard Thos gro Callowhill at tl-ie inters of

10th and Ridge road Lentz Christian, house cai-p b 314 N 2d Geo, victualler 137 Coates Geo, Callowhill n Garden John, cabinet maker 444 N 3d /

Joseph, victualler 137 Coates Leonard wid Susan, seamstress Wood ab 8th Lesher Charles, coach nu- d h 52 Tammany Wm, milhvTight Beaver b of 37 & 39 Cherry Lesly Joseph, accountant 22 Wood

Peter, cabinet maker 54 N 3d d h 151

Vine Robert, acct 22 Wood



Lcvan Wni, gro 195 N 3d d h 217 N 6th

l.i vcriiig- Cluu-Ics, ^occr97 C:illowhlllbcl3d

& Ciiuio, 182 Callowliill l.cxick Kbcnczer, ciiitkt aiulUutlier store N N\ c 2d ami Callowhill

U R G V'ansant St co, shoestorc 2d n Callowlull wis John, victualler 56 (iardcn John, C Noidc .and lijirdcn Joseph, c;utcr 210 St John Mrs Calharine, 2 Union ct w id Hachcl, boarding- h 371 N 4th Kchcccii, teacher N ^V c \h\c & 4tli Lex ChiU-les, conibnir 430 N 4tli

Chai-les, victualler CallowliiU n Piig-an Heniv, can-er Hinckles ct b of 249 dh

151 Vine Ricluu-d, skin dresser 335 Callowhill wid M:a-garct, victualler 61 Gaixlen Life Richard, 47 Wood LJmeburner Geo, book binder 88 Poplar lane

John, innkeeper 459 N 2d lindall Daniel, chaimiuker 99 N Front d h

278 N 3d Lindner Ad:un, tallow cliandler 56 Browne Linker Daniel, potter 64 Noble John, constable 5 Wood John and Daniel, potters 302 N 2d Mm, potter Noble n 2d Linn E & M A, 203 Callowhill

Simon, g-ent 203 Callowhill Linnanl Jno, wootl cor N Front n Poplar la

John, Mast maker d h 24 Callowliill Linton John, tobaccomst 55 Tammany Lippincott Benj, shoemr 11 York ct

wid Amelia, boarding' h 288 N 2d Little Da\'id, teacher Brooke n Browne

John, weaver Frankford r n Queen(K) Livensetter John, teacher 18 New Market LlewelUn Tliomas, trader n 8th Sc Buttonwood Lloyd Richard L, iiouse carp 201 N 4th Lockwood George, house ciu-p b of 212 N 8tli Lodge Isaac, lumber merch Penn n ^L^den

Leo Robert, carter Rugan n James

Logan Thomas, tanner 107 Poplar lane

Logo Joseph, tailor 60 M'^ood

I nng Andrew, shoemr N 4th n Tammany John, tallow chandler 193 N 6th Samuel, tallow chandler 193 N 6th Stephen, major in tlie U States army 32 Palm\Tarow

Long wid Mary, innkeeper 159 N 4tli Loughead James, oak cooper 2 Pcgg

Joseph, teacher d h N 4th ab Pop

lar lane Thomas, sea captain 54 Green Love James, laborer 29 Duke

"W'm, shoena- 21 Cljarlotte Luffijcrn, John, sliipwriglit 96 Budd Lovcjoy John, blacksmitli Witman's al Loveiing Joseph S, sugar refiner 73 Vined h 4th ab Cidlowhill Wni, paper hanging manufd h 97 Callowhill Lo^^•be^ Bowers, shoe store 207 N 2d

Wm &: Daniel, tanners 251 N 3d Daiiiel, tanner d h 243 N 3d Lower AbrJiam, cabinet nir260N3ddh 98 St John's wid Elizabetli, teacher 11 Callowhill Lowr>- Andrew, victualler b of 32 Ridge road Crozier, tav keeper 94 Coates Geo, gro & tav kr 48 c Poplar lane 8c 3d Lewis, ^■ictuallcr >"ine and 10th Pliilip, victualler Stli ab Callowhill Abigxiil, upholsterer 29 Callowhill Margaret, shop keeper 29 Callowhill Luders Kampman &. co, brewers N 4th above Vine op tlie Indian and Kampman, 4 ab Wood Thos C, brewer d h 55 Wood Ludwlck Geo, innkeeper forks of the Lancas- ter road wid Sophia, 105 Vine Luebben wid Catharine, cake baker 316 N 2d Lukemyers Charles, carter 21 Duke Lukens Ephraim, sign Benj Franklin 318 N 3d Joseph, gent 181 Green Reuben, flour & feed sto S E c 3d and Tammany d h 59 Tammany Lumbemy John, bottler 204 N 6th Lupton James, tiulor 463 N Front Lutz Conrad, ship carp Hanover n Queen (K) George, ship carp Sliakamaxon (K) Hemy, cedar cooper 467 N 2d Philip, victualler James's Lybrandt Frederick, locksmith 198 N 2d

rev Joseph, 194 N 5th Ljnnan Edward, paper stainer 32 Kunckle Lyniing Wm watennan Lilly al LpidaU David, chairmr 278 N 3d

wid Maria, dry good sto 360 N 2d



M'Adam Wm, innkeeper S W c of Y R and

Coatcs M'Allister David, grocer 88 Oak

Jdlin, wlijp manuf 34 p'l-ankford rd M'Analy Patrick, tanner 36 Kunckel M'Avoy Richard, grocer S E c of Budd and

Browne M'Bride Andrew, tavern keeper 528 N Front Robert Y, saddler 257 N 2d "William, tavern keeper, 528 N Front M'CafFerty James, tailor & storekr 192 N 2d M'Cann Aaron, tanner b of 6 Noble M'Carthy John, c Queen and iLtiden (K) M'Calla William H, clerk Ridge rd n Wood M'Cleery Hiig-li, weaver 6 Pratt's ct M'Chne Robert, cordwainer 87 St Johns M'Clintock Thomas, artist 107 Coates

Tiiomas, druggist c 5th and Cal- lowliill M'Clurg Samuel, oak cooper N E c of New

Market and ilargaretta d h 45 Callowliill M'Callister widow Elizabeth, cake baker 335

N 3d M'Connell Anthony, drover Vine n 8th M'Cray Thomas, weaver Lilly al n Green M'Crea Thomas, star h manuf ilaiden n stone

bridge (K) M'CreUish Archibald, soap and tallow chand- ler 267 N 3d M'Culley John, M D Emlen's ct M'DaniJls John, assistant kr criminal depart-

mejit Arch st prison d h 152 Wood MTDevitt Thomas, plumber 7 Umon ct M'Donald John, cedar cooper St John n Pop- lar lane McDowell Jolin, Budd n Browne

John, cordwainer 279 N 3d Joseph, bookbinder 12 Ann M'Elroy Robert, weaver 26 Green M'Ewen James, lively stable keeper 357 N 2d M'Ferran Mar}', gentlewoman 424 N 2d William, gentleman 454 N 3d wld Hannah, teacher 61 Charlotte M'Gill Michael, grocer 322 N Front M'Ginlcy Daniel, paper seller 265 N 3d M'Gowan Wilham, umbrella maker 255 N 2d M'Guire John, c 4th and CallowhiE M'lllienney Samuel, accountant 49 Old York r M'Kee Andrew, saddler N 10th bet Wood 8c

Callowhill M'Keever Charles, oak cooper 15 York ct M'Keighan Marv, seamstress John ab CaUow-

hiU M'Kinlcy John, g^o 5 S 3d d h 47 Tammany M'Koy Thomas, shipwright Beach n Shacka-

maxon (K) M'Lane John, tailor 388 N 3d M' Archibald, gi-ocer 196 N Gth

James, weaver 14 Browne M'Laughlin G.;orge W* fringe and military store 2bl N ^d

M'LaughLn J M, painter and glazier. 108 Budd M'Michael John diy gd store Callowhill n 6tli M'Michael Martin, attorney at law Callowhill

bel 6th M^Mullin Neal, tavern keeper 319 N Front M'Murray Alexander, weaver 10 York ct M'Murdy Jonathan, 442 N 2d M'Murry John, grocer 334 N Front M'Neal Isaac, bookbinder Rose al n Green M'Toy Wm, shopkeeper 4th ab Poplar lane M'Quaid P'elix, tallow chandler Old York road

c of Noble M'Quinn Archibald, rigger N 2d bel Coates

John d h 5 St Tammany Macauly Isaac, floor cloth manuf Bushhill Mack Conrad, watchman 13 Ann

George, cordwainer 47 New Market

Cable Lane Jacob, cordwainer 47 N Market C lane Nicholas, tavern keeper 315 N 3d Mackerson widow Hannah, 22 Duke Macklot John, gent 206 N 6th Madarj- George, carter Rugan n James Maddlin widow Grace, 34 Juliana Magrady John, tavern keeper 10 Chailotte Magrath Michael, tallow chandler 25 Wood

Brewer's al d h 34 Ann Maguire John, grocer 143 N 4th S E c Cal- lowhill Maguire Thomas, innkeeper & carter opposite

new penitentiary Francisville Mahany James A, attorney at law 89 Sassafras

d h 119 Vine Main James, shipwright Maiden n Front (K) Manderson Andrew, dry good store 445 N 2d and Peale, gros and tav krs S W c St Jolms and Poplar lane Manheimer Jacob, trader Maiden n Beach (K) j Manloff Robert, coachman Poplar court op

Miles's al Mann Benjamin, house car 49 Wood ab 10th John, wheelwTight Callowhill n 9th d

h 72 Garden Peter, house carpenter 78 Garden William, teacher S W c Vine and N 3d

d h Coates bel 2d widow Catharine, mantua mr 79 Vine widow Elizabeth, 72 Garden Manual Andrew, baker 144 Coates ^lannepenny widow Lois, tailoress 66 Noble Maneficld John G, 425 N 2d Marcer Nathaniel, house carpenter 17 Juliana Mariner Andrew, watennan 33 Coates Marker Philip, blacksmith John n Front Markle Jacob, house carpenter 96 Tammany

widow Maiy, 132 DillwjTi Marlin Thomas, di'uyman 36 Laiu-el MarUn Vance, weaver N E c Poplar laane 8t

Apple Marlsberger James, 364 N 2d



Marot Joseph, bookseller 87 Hiph d h 10 Ann Samufl, cftbiiKt mftkor 4C^7 N oil AVm, bk biiulir y.> Hipb d h 111 Vine Marsludl ls:uic, c 4th ami IJrowue

Mosis 1), conlwiiiniT 396 N Front M:in>ton Jolui, g;iuisniitli 179 N 4th

willow Catluiriiie 179 N 4tli Miirtin Abniham, acct 1 13 Wood Edward, plasterer 17 Budd Edwjird, saw maker 31 New Market

Cable hinc and Hart, g-rocers 233 N 3d Jacob, grocer 287 N 3d James, merchun 183 Vine n 6th Joseph, M D 8 Carlton sq Callowhill Joseph, M D 272 N 2d and Piu-ham, cabinet makers 343 N 2d Prosper, 91 St John Willi;un, cabinet maker 101 Noble Wm, iron founder Maiden n Beach Mason James, house carpenter Browne n 4tli Mussey James W, plane maker Kunckel n Callowhill Robert V, currier 245 N 3d wid Elizabeth, store kr 316 N Front Master William, ladies' shoemaker 145 Vine Matcher John, 231 Callowhill Matthews John, waterman Lilly al n Green

widow Lucy, 15 Browne Matthias Abel, liouse carpenter 94 St Johns Mattingley Lewis, cortlwainer 212 N 8th Matts wid I^Lory, tailoress Stout's al n Browne Maul Caleb & co, lumber yard 323 N Front Maull Israel, house carpenter 14 John P T Maurer Fredk tav keep S W c 3d & Browne

widow, M D 27 Lawrence Maxfield Joseph, accountant 208 N 4th Maxwell Robert, Queen bel Marlboroug-h Wm, weaver Beacli ab St John's May John, brickmaker Beaver ab St John's Mayberry Jeremiah W, gi-ocer 268 N Front Mayhew Hazel, combniaker Browne bel 2d Mayhoffer widow Ann, E of 216 N 8Ui Mayland James, tobacconist and cig'ar maker

120 Budd Mayne William, ladies' shoemaker 233 N 2d Mayweg John, ^n smitli 52 Callowhill

John & Wm, gim smiths Dillwyn n Green Meade ^vid >Lar}-, drj- good store 202 N 6th Mears Wasliington, M D 69 Vine Mecke John, cabinet maker 408 N 2d Medary Samuel, ship chandler 337 N Front d

h Frankford road Metcalf Wm, teacher 174 Germanto\\ni road Meeker Corj', constable Margaretta n Front Meeser Christian, upholsterer Runners ct Megee Andrew, house painter and glazier 97

Noble Megraw Thomas, cordwainer 159 Coates Meinecka Clu-istian, coixiwainer 277 Vine Melchor John, oak cooper 12 South al d h N 4th ab Poplar lane

Mcnns Joscpli, victualler S W c Charles and

PK'as:mt Mentz Charles, tobacconist 55 Green Mentzer John G, tavern keeper 406 N 2d Meredith Benjamin, gentleman 98 Crown Benjamin A, accountant 51 Duke wid .Margaret, tivern keeper But- tonwocxl n 5th Merkel Christian B, accoiintant 34 Garden Merritt George, ship smith Beach (K) Metier Samuel, ju.stice of peace c 2d & Green Mettler Wm, Bucks county hotel 2d n Coates Metz George, house Cio-p Tammany n 5th John, toljacconist Button wood n 6th Metzgcr John M, tailor 479 N 2d Meyer Jacob, cordwainer 96 Crown Meyci-s Tliomas, receiving teller in Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank 82 Wood

wid Hannah, innkeeper 269 Vine Middleton Allen, iron mer 2d ab Marietta d h Noble n Front Charles R, h c:.rp 37 Old York rd Enoch, bricklayer 78 Dillwyn Gabriel, lumber mer d h 188 N 4th Joseph, tailor 22 Union al Lewis, cabinet maker 151 N 4th and Woolley, lumber merchants S

W c Green and 4tli wid Hannal), teacher 101 Dillwyn Miles John, attorney at law 86 Callowhill Mrs Catliarine, gentw 429 N 3d wid Catharine, store kr 429 N 3d wid Maiy, gentw 84 Callowhill Millas Wm, shoemaker Lilly al n Tammany Millard Charles, sliip carp Beach n Maiden .

James, teacher 70 Budd Miller Chiu-les, chocolate manuf and grocer 172 N 3d ab Vine Charles, cabinet mr Charlotte n Browne C M & CO 290 N 2d Conrad, tailor 345 N Front Daniel, gent Browne bel 2d Daniel K, earthen w &c manuf 310 N 2d Daniel H, merch Coates ab 7tii David, cedar cooper 18 I>aurcl George, ship joiner 33 Charlotte George, cordwainer 275 St John Hannah, teacher 238 St John Henr), sawtiler42 Mvdberr)', d h 106 9t

John Henrj H, victualler 8th n Noble James, oyster cellar under 216 N 3d John, constable 126 Callowhill John, tobacconist 350 N 3d John, weaver 136 St John John, sea captain -426 N Front John, 13 Kunckle

John, saw filer 7 N Maiket (Cable lan.e) Jonathan, tailor 5 Pratt's ct and Moses, earthenwiUe and portable e.irthe II furnace nianiifs 3l0 N 2d and 131 St John



Miller Samuel, house carpenter 47 Green Susan, marketwoman Coates n 4th Wm, sig-n of the wag-on, 340 N 5d widow Elizabeth, 59 Garden widow Margaret, grocer 348 N 3d wid Sarah, marketwoman 10 Margaretta Minis Nehemiah, cabinet maker 108 Crown Milliman James M, h carp Wood n Garden Millman William, shoemaker 369 N 2d Mills widow of Smith, 33 Vine Milward William, mast maker 15 Duke Milwood John, ship car Maiden n Bridg'e (K) Mink Adam, carter b of 269 N 2d Mintzer Adam, jr ladies' shoemr 217 St John Adam, cai-ter 321 N 3d Ehzabeth, Mintzer's ct widow Deborah, 313 N 3d Mitchell Abraham, accountant 74 Dillw}'n

Francis, just of peace Wood n 10th Georg'e, clerk Wood n 10th and Brooks, flour store 4th ab Vine James, grocer 8 Old York road Samuel, weaver Morg-an's ct d h 8

Old York road and Sheetz, grocers 12 Old Y'ork rd widow Margaret, gentw 51 Wood Mitcheson Robert, distiller &c 275 N 3d Moffit Spencer, weaver 283 N 3d Mon widow Elizabeth, boarchng house 367 N

Front Montgomery John, house carpenter Noble ab 6th d h N W c 9th and Wood

Thomas, gent N E c Wood and

John William J, 3d above Tammany Montmollin wid Hannah, gentw Wood 1 door

EofN 10th Mooney Jacob, victr St John ab Poplar lane Patrick, dyer & bleecher 23 Laiu-el Moore Anthony, cordwainer 53 Browne

Bethuel, house carp 1 Carlton square Charles, drayman Kesslcr's al Jacob, millwright Sarah (K) John, storekeeper 248 N 2d John, shipwright 316 N Front John, house carpenter 120 Dillwyn John, victualler 41 Garden Isaac, waterman 94 Frankford road Margaret, milliner 364 N 2d Moore Robert, labourer N 10th c of Wood

Robert M, accountant 22 New Market

Moore V/illiam, house carpenter 120 Dillwyn Moorhead Turner B, mcr 135 Vine Morgan James, pictiu'e frame mr 198 N 8th John, glue manuf Wood bel 12t]i William, glue manuf Wood bel 12th Wm, tanner Beach n Maiden (K) Morris Aaron, dra}-man 98 Budd

Benjamin, cordwainer 5 York ct John, printer 137 N 5th Reese, agent N W c 5th and Wood widow Rachel, seamstress 15 Pratt's ct Morrison Jehu, ladies shoemr 97 Poplar lane

John, coal merchant 8 Noble Morton Isaac, rope maker. Shakamaxon (K)

Joseph, boat builder Maiden opposite Ffankford road Moser George, earthenware manufr 131 John Henry vict Hanover u Queen (K) Mott WilUam B, cliina store 223 n 2d d h 360 N 3d Moulder Wm, county treasurer office W wing

of the state house d h 330 N 2d Moui'ev wid Hannah, shopkeeper 80 Green Mower wid M, seamstress 100 Wood Mowiy Andi'ew, victualler Callowhill n 8th Aloyers wid Catharine, 141 N 5th Moza Isaac, weaver 103 Budd Mulligan widow Magdalen, boarding house 91

CailowWU Mulhnson John,, bricklayer 63 Tammany Mulock E, cordwainer 33 LawTcnce Muquet Francis, hair dresser 236 N Front Murdock wid Ann, Maiden op tlie Market (K) Murdock James, W sea capt 2 Carlton square Mui'phy Arthur, brickla}er 4 ab Callov.-hill

Charles, shipwright Marlborough n

Bedford (K) Daniel, storekeeper 12 Frankford rd Henrietta, St John n Poplar lane Patrick, inn kr and tallow chandler

N W cor 3d and Coates AVm, waterman 120 Frankford road MuiTy Mrs Mary, 97 Crown

Michael, tailor 19 Noble Musgrave Joseph P, gent 87 Wood Myei's Jacob, merchant 73 Wood

Warnet, house and sign painter and

glazier 287 N 2d William, hair ch*esser 99 Callowhill viad Margaret, nurse 105 Vine



Nag«l Georpe, dry good store 209 N 3d Niiglcc Ik'ii), Imuber nicrcli Viird llcach (K) II iiit^li lhn(l},'c d li 434 N 2d John, lunilxT incrcli yard Ucuch (K)

n Hif^h Hridge d h 413 N Front Jost'pli, nicrch 446 N 2il wid Marj^arct, giiitlw 446 N 2d Naphous Cornelius O, h ciu'p Wood 1 door

ub 10th Norris James, store keeper c 6th and Wood Nash \f\d SiU'ah, wcnthv 12 Kuncklc Nathans David, mcrch 252 N 2d

Isaiali, dry j^ood mcrch 252 N 2d Jacob, brushmaker 252 N 2d Naylcr wid Cliai'lotte, tailoress Sansom's al Naylor Samuel, shipw rij^ht 10 Pratt's ct Ncagle Johj\ B, engraver N 10th 2 doors S of

Wood Neal John, clerk in Kensington bank Beach n Sliakamaxon wid Ann C, sliop keeper 306 N 2d wid Elizabeth, cai-pet weaver Vcgg n

Front ■wid Sai-ah, 16 Nobie Neeling Mary Ann, mantua mr 1 Pratts ct Neft' Jacob, tailor N 4tii ab Green

Jacob, turner ^lagnolia n Noble Rudolph, gro N W c of 8th & ^'ine Neill Samuel, c Geniiantown road &. 2d Neimann H, merchant 81 ■^^■ood Nelson Wm, victualler Pleasant n Charles Nemand Caspar, blacksmith 285 N 3d d h 95 Crown & Smith, blacksmitlis285 N 3d New Wm, fisherman Queen n Warlboi'h (K) Newberry James W, clock and watch maker 18 Frankford road Robei-t, g;i'ocer 392 N Front Newbum Sarah, tailoress 89 Old York r Newcomb H, tanner cor ith. and Noble d h

Old York road n Willow NewUn Daniel, tav keep Beach n Shakamas-

on (K) Newman Daniel, 8tl\ ab Callowhill John, distiller 75 St John Jacob, acct 214 N 6tli wid Lucy, shop kr 294 N Front Newport Benj, wheelwright next to the S E c of 3d )k Tammany d h 217 N 4th Jesse, N 2d n Noble Newsom Thos, cordwainer N E c of 6th and

Noble Newton Richard, blacking & heel ball manuf N AV cor Coates and Front wid Margaret, gro S E c of 8th and Callowliill Nice Frederick, cordwainer 100 Poplar lane James, gauger 26 Wood (Brewers al)

d h ba 201 N 3d Levi, turner and machine maker 51 Old

York road d h b 201 N 3d Washington, b 201 N 3d Wm, currier 129 Coates Nicholson John, house carp 117 N 5th

Nicholson Samuel, laborer Noble n 6th Ninesteel Jolin D, victutiUcr 81 Garden Nippcs Abm, 111 Dillwyn

Wm, gunsmilli 127 Dillwyn

will Maria, 262 St Johns Nisbit John, grocir 381 N 2d Noble Samuel, N 3d'

Samuel, cordwainer 111 Browne Nolan Jos, sliingie cb-css 27 Wood Brewers al Nolcn wid Mary, shop kr Oak n Coates Nonemakcr John, coach driver 339 (Jaliowhill Norbury Joseph B, atty at law 71 Wood Norman Joseph, flour and feed sto Lawrence

n Callowhill Norris Isaac W, rope maker and ship chand- ler 137 N Water d h 218 Front

Joseph, ship chandler Beacii u Shaka. maxon (K) North Anthony, saddler 202 Noblo John, teacher 159 Green

Josiah, shijnvright Marlborough above Beach (K) Norton James, wheelwright 444 N Front

Thomas, brass founder Beaver N 2d Nugent wid Mary, Frankford road ab Otter Nuskey John, rope mr 132 Frankford road Nutz wid Susan, seamstr.. ss 263 N 3d

Oakfovd & Penrose, tanners St Jno n Beavr Oat Gcorg-e H, acct N 10th 1 door ab Vine

Joseph, coppcrsmitli 199 N 4th O'Brist Abraham, whipstock mr Tammany n

4th O'Conner Peter, gro N W^ c of Wood &. Gar- den O'Dear Sprogel, wheelwright Ridge r c of

•I'on's ct O'Donald Hugh, carter N W c of Old York r

and Noble O' Neill John, c Geitnantown r Sc Green (K) Odcnheimer wid Barbara, gentlw 492 N 2d Oft'erman Fredei-ick, hair dresser 445 N 3d Ogden John M, house carp Vine bel 10th Micliael, mariner 41 Noble Robert, cashr Camden Bank Camden (NJ) Ohler Henry, victualler 101 Garden Ohver George, merchant 90 W^ood

Philip, rope mr 8th n Buttonwood Wm G, teacher Kensington academy Beach (K) Ord John, teacher 57 Tammany On-ell Wm 8c Son, reed mr 502 N 2d Osterheldt Fredk hog victualler 100 Garden Ott Jacob C, turner O York road ab Wood d

h 86 N 6th Otto John, comb mr 153 Coates John, sen 8 Charlotte Samuel, china packer 7 Garden Ourts Charles, comb maker 452 N 2d Overholt J;icob, dealer 28 New Market



Owen John, silver smith Callowhill n 2d

wid Mary, grocer 71 Budd

widow Sarah Ann, tailoress St Johns n

, Poplar lane

Packer Amos, house carp 135 N 5th Painter George, caulker Marlborough near Queen (K) Henry, brass founder Gerraantown r

ab2d Isaac, tav keep 312 Callowhill Jacob, late grocer 42 Garden Jacob, inn keeper 476 N 3d John, house carp Poplar lane Nathan, shipwright Hanover (K) Philip, cordwainer Oak n Browne Wm, cordwainer Marlborough (K) wid Mary, 488 N 3d wid Mary, Prince n Hanover (K) Palmer Aaron, comb mr 57 Browne

Amos, liquor store 149 N 4th d h 21

Old York road wid Sarah, Otto (K) Pancoast Charles, cordwainer 35 Coates

Samuel, gent 181 Vine Parham Robert, cabinet maker N 2d d h 39

Noble Parke Charles B, iron founder Beach d h Perm n Maiden (K) & Tiers, brass and bell founders Penn n Maiden (K) Parker Edward, farmer N E c of 8th & Cal- lowhill Edward, bookseller 173 Vine James, oystermau 260 St Johns Jos, justice of the peace 86 Wood Peter, hatter 249 N 2d Parrish Robert A, hardware merch 238 N 3d Parry Isaac, plasterer 300 N 3d Par\'in John, merch N 7th n Callowhill Pastorius John, N 5th n Button^\'ood Patterson Alexander, CallowliiU i> 13th Abner, grocer Coates ab Oak rev James, 304 N 3d John, weaver Callowhill n 13th John, fancy chair mr N 2d ab Coates Samuel, 402 N 2d Patterson Wm, gro N E c of Water and Mul- berry d h 29 Vine Samuel, rule mr 14 1-2 Grays al d

h 200 N 5th wid Margaret, seamstress Torrs ct wid Rachel, gro 20 PalmjTa row wid Sophia, weaver 2 Pratts ct Patton Robert A, acct Johns n Front Paughbaugh wid mary, victualler James n Ru-

gan Paul Joseph, tailor 14 Franktord road

Jos, blacksmith St Johns n Tammany wid Alice, wentlw 12 Green wid Jane, shopkeeper 405 N 3d

Paxson James, shipwright Shackamaxon (K) James, shipwright 20 Browne James, shipwTight Duke n 2d Peacock James, house carp 20 Coates Peal Robert, c Coates and Budd Peale Rubens, portrait painter 7 Palmyra row Pearce wid Maiy, mautua mr 87 Brewer Pearl James, deputy measurer 20 S Wharves d h 316 N Front John, box maker Lilly al n Green Pearson David, skin dresser 8th ab Callowhill David, jr 8th ab Callowhill John, tanner 445 N Front Samuel J, teacher 8th ab Callowhill Peart wid Susannah, teacher 432 N 4th Peck Levi, gimsmith 137 Green Pedrick wid Hannah, Liberty ct Peel James, c Sarrel & Budd Pciffer Fredk, c Prince 8t Marlborough (K) Peiffer John, 11 Laurel Peirce James L & co, grocers S E cor Noble and 3d Timothy, cordwainer Rodgers ct

Pelham , Brooke n Browne

Pelitit John, skin dresser 291 Callowhill Peltz Susan, marketwoman 80 Browne Pember Christian, cordwain b of 30 Kunckle Pennington Wm, shipwright Beach n Maiden Pennock Honitio B, 137 S^ine Penrose Thomas N, tanner 94 Dillwyn Pepper H I, silver smith d h 38 Kunckle Perkenpine George, cedar cooper N Front n Maiden John, skin dresser Rugan n Cal- lowhill Perkins Benj, wharf builder Frankford road n Queen (K) Henry, wheelwright Frankford road n Queen (K) Peterman Lewis C, grocer 139 Poplar lane Peters Chai'k-s, book binder 153 N 4th

George, oak cooper Riigan n James Michael, laborer b of 198 N 8th Nicholas, oyster shop 3 High d h cor Coates and Front Peterson Thomas, keeper of drays 152 Wood

wid , 93 Callowhill

Pfeil John, cabinet maker 338 N 2d Pliilhps Jacob, tlealer 90 Cro\vn

Jacob, patent balance mr 39 N Mar- ket John, confectioner 326 N 2d & Lovering, suger refiners 73 Vine Thomas, cordwainer 175 Coates Wm, hatter 231 N 6th wid G, boanhng house 33 Callowhill Philson Robert A, di'uggist S W c of 3d and

Coates Phipps Stephen, ironmonger 237 N 3d d h Old York road Stephen &c Thomas, ironmongei-s 237 N3d



Phipps Mary & Sai-ali, gx;iitw 139 Dillw) ii Pliysic Mi-s Abigail, i,'-cntlw 210 N 4lli I'ickcniif; Klilui, im reliant d li 198 N 6th lieoriyc, tailor 103 Coatcs Joseph, clock & watch maker 315 N Front ridfjcon John, bniss founder 11 Pratts ct Pierce J L &. co, S E c Noble and 3d Pierson Favctte, printer 33 Vine

John, tanner 370 N 2d i'ifer Chiules, dealer in bark Lilly al n Green Piper l-'redcrick, tiinner 2d bel Coates

John, victualler Ciiarles n Jluttonwood Phinclc John, oak cooper 277 N Front Pleiss Mathias, th-ugt &. apotJiecary 460 N 2d Plish wid llebecca, wasiiw Hose al n Coates Plowman Thomas L, oil store Callowlull S E

c Juliunna Pliuidej- Chai-Ies, pewterer 9 Kiinckle Poachiu John, 323 N 2d

John, grocer and baker op tlie Mar- ket (K) Point Pleasant packing machine, Pcnn (K) Polack Hynuui, merchant 72 Wood Pond Joseph, comb mr &. looking' glass store

2 N 3d d h 155 Green Pool John, tailor Juhanna be Wood and Cal-

lowhiU Poppe Heniy, 67 Noble Porter Isaac, tii\ phite worker 375 "N 2d

Wm, mer dh 3 New Mkt (Cable lane) wid Elizabeth, shop keeper 11 Wood Post John, laborer b of 286 St Johns Pote Cluistian, glass blower Wood ab Queen (K)

Henrj' P, house carp Bishop (K) Peter H, fishennan Queen n Bishop (K) Peter M, fisherman Wood n Queen (K) Potts Wm, button manuf Julianna bet AVood

and CiUlowliill Poulson Samuel, tanner 32 Callowhill d h 3

New Market (Cable lane) Pounder Jonathan, physician Front bel Noble PoweU John, tin plate worker 51 Callowhill Pray John, victualler Charlotte n Poplar lane Prestman Jacob, carter Poplar lane n 4th Preston Samuel, laborer 12 Pratts ct

wid Catharine, 52 Duke Prettyman wid EUzabeth, nurse 37 Charlotte Price Abijah, asst keeper of Walnut street pri- son 71 Crown John, grinder of medicine N E cor Cal- lowhill &. St John d h Mintzers ct Philip M, sur\eyor Callowhill n Ridge r Prichett wid Marj-^, gentlw Beach n Shaka-

maxon (K) Prime Daniel, bricklayer 5 Carlton sq Pringle Mrs, shopkeeper Frankford road Prise Joseph, tobacconist 370 N 3d Probasco Simon, print<;r 350 N 2d Prj or Edmund, drug^st and apothecaiy 373 N Front Samuel, grocer 2 Pfeiffers al

Pryor Thos E, druggist and apothecary 375

N Front Thomas W, merch 575 N Front Purcil John, Gennantown road n 5th Purfil ls:il)clla, tav keeper 355 N Front Pursell Thos C, c Brown and 2d

Quinton Joscpli, tav keep N E c of Maiden

and Beach (K) Quaid Edward, c Prince & Palmer (K) Quinn B, grocer 2d

Daniel, weaver 19 Laurel Quinton Alex, c Beach and Manderson (K) Thomas, c Frankford road and Man- derson (K)

Rabjohn George, oak cooper 229 St John Uaborg wid Mar}', gentw 3 Palmyra row Vine liaff'ort}- James, weaver 420 N 4tli Rainold Frederick, baker Garden n Vine Ralston Edward, weaver 3 Pratt's ct Rambo widow Hannah, 43 Green

Philip, shipwright Hanover n Bed- ford (K) Randall David, carter 207 Callowhill

James, gioccr Beach n Maiden (K) Robert, cordwainer Browne n 4t]i Riindolph Edward, jr N 6th ab Callowhill Richard, mercliant d h 243 Vine Robert, shoemaker 31 Callowhill Wm, lumber merchant 223 N Wa- ter, d h 14 Juliana Rankin Alexander, combmaker N Front n Poplar lane

William, blacksmith 328 N Front Rasinger George, cordwainer b of 10 Budd Riiwley widow Sarah, nurse 1 Pratt's ct Ray David, stone cutter Liberty ct

James, laboiu-er Rugan n Callowhill John, shopkeeper 417 N Front Raymer John, Poplar lane n 2d Rca Daniel, sea captain 30 Budd Read Christian, grocer 48 Budd John, gi-occr 439 N 2d Joseplis, apothecary and druggist N E c 3d and Callowhill Reath Samuel, grocer 340 Callowhill Rechel George, gi-ocer 290 N 3d Redman Jolin E, teacher 6 New Market Reed Aiidi-ew, cordwainer Coates n 7th

Isaac, clock St watch maker 176 N 2d widow Catharine, teacher 25 Callowhill Rccdman William, brewer 119 Green Rees Hopkins, gi-ocer 277 St John Reese Adam, cordwainer 33 Browne Evan, collector 19 Budd John, c Old York road and Green widow Mailha, shopkeeper 246 N Ft Reeves Biddle, plasterer N 9th ab Wood



Reeves Timoth}', tav keeper 333 N Front Reiff" Daniel, S E c Noble and Front Reid llainuili, milliner 7 Carlton

Samviel, gun stocker 91 Dillwyn Reift'Abraliam, tav keep 125 Old York roatl Matthias S, gro & tav keep N W c Pop- lar lane and Fi'ont Reilly Bernard, tavern keeper Bush hill

Conrad, c Frankford road & Queen Reinsimav Charles, cotton spinner Charlotte

n Poplar lane Reip Philip, house carpenter 100 Budd Reiter John, glover 239 N 2d Remington Charles, lumber merchant N W c 6th and Vine

Clement, gent 192 N 6th Isaac, M U 190 N 6th Remmcy John, cordwainer 286 St John llennals Michael, shopkeeper Wood n 6th Renz Christian F, baker 122 Dillwyn Repsher Joseph, tavern keeper N W cor Browne and St Johns

Rex widow , 32 Old York road

Reynolds Charles, dmggist 491 N 2d Rhener John, Germantown road n 5th Rhine Joseph & Thomas, grinders of medi- cine 69 St John Rhoades Charles, cake baker 18 Ridge road Rice James, house carp Crown n Callow hill Joseph, blacksmith 93 Old York road Michael, gro N E c 6th and Callowhill Peter, fishennan Hanover bcK-iucen (K) Win, fishennan Hanover n Beach (K) Wm, coppersmith 341 N 2d William, 43 Browne Rich George, gi'ocer 477 N 3d Richard Adam

Richards Lewis W, grocer 27 Old York road Samuel, brush finisher S7 Noble 128

Sassafi'as Thomas, gi-ocer N 4th ab Callowliill Richardson OUvcr, cordwainer 121 N 4th

Ross B, bellows and brush maker 273 Callowliill d h 166 N 8th •)- Ricketts Cato, porter 18 Kunckel Rickhow Daniel, sliipwight 38 Frankford rd Riday John, Ijiickmaker 193 N 8th Richie Robert, currier 240 d h 256 N 3d Riclmiond John, carver &. g-ilder 428 N Front wid Maiy, shop keeper 269 St John Ridgway Jiicob, plasterer 220 N 4th

Bichard, livery stable keeper Poplar

n3d R S, innkeeper, c Green '.and Old York road Riebel John, grocer 22 -Charlotte Riehlc Wm, tanner S E c of Noble and 4th d

h 53 N 4th Klhl Heniy , house carpenter 248 St John Rihl & Sti-aun, cabinet mr N 3d n Poplar lane Riley Edward, tavern keeper N E c Queen 8t Frankford road (K) Jacob, baker 165 Vine Joseph S, currier 171 N 3d d h 81 Vine

Riley Jacob J, mast and spai" mr d h 9 Duke

Samuel, shipwright 12 Budd

Rink Jacob, tavern keeper S W c Charlotte

and Poplar lane '

wid Juliana, teacher 2 Wood Brewers al

Risdcll Isaac, tailor 15 S 5th d h 66 Tammany

Ristine Jacob, tailor 82 Oak

John, comb mr Penn ab Marsh (K) Riter Cieorg-c, horse auctioneer 131 Vine

Michael, gi-o 180 CallowhUl dh 216 N 5th Rittenberger Richmond, weaver 3 Kessler's al Rittenhouse Benjamin, gent N 9th ab Vine Charles, tav keep 452 N Front Henry, house c:u'p 77 Crown Ritter Edward, cliair maker 317 N 3d

John G, printer and German booksel- ler 263 N 3d Rizer George, teacher 389 N 3d Roach I, book binder 14 Poplar lane Roat Jacob, doorkeeper commissioners hall

Spring Ciardcn Robbins Benjamin, h(»^se carpenter S W cor Buttonwood and 7th widow Ami, 25 Wood Roberts Charles, house carpenter 375 N 4th George, drayman 209 Old York road Jonathan, coUcc of taxes 38 Kunckel Thomas P, treasurer Union Canal company 7 Palmyra square William, cordwainer 329 N 3d William, cordwainer Rose al n Tam- many Wni G, cordwainer 9 York ct Robinson Benjamin, rigger Penn n Maiden Charles, waterman 30 Duke Matthew, boot and shoemaker 427

N Front Septimus, mariner 72 Crown AYatsoii, blacksmith 22 Giu'den Rockenburgh George, painter and glazier 251

Vine Rockhill widow Mary, b of 20 Budd Rockwell Justus, smitli & farrier Ridge road

c Wood d h Callowhill ab 9th Roe and Kay, storekeepers 186 N 2d Rogers Josepli, glue and cowskin whip and neats foot oil manuf 4 Pegg Solomon, blacksmith Poplai" la n 3d Rogers Josepli, c Poplar lane and St John Roiir Charles, M D 345 1-2 N 3d Rohrman Adam, baker Lilly al n Tammany Henry, sen wheelwright back of 441

N2d_ Hemy, jr tin plate worker 441 N 2d Roney John, taimer and currier S W c Beaver

and N 2d Rookstol Jacob, bricklayer 150 Coates

Samuel, house carp 4 Kessler's al Rootc Nicholas, Brooke n Browne Rose Francis, shopkeeper 30 New Market Jacob S, M D S E c Callowhill 8c Juliana wid Ann, midwife 63 Wood (Brewer's al) near 2d Ross John, grocer 426 N 2d

William, accountant 46 Browne



UouU Andrew victualler Garden n Pleasant KQVoudt Peter, cliinu and queen's ware store 4 d li 18 Old York road Wni, dru^;^ist and apotliccary 18 Old York road S \V c of Wood Uow George, sugiu- boiler b of 214 N 8th Kowe Henry, toll jjatliercr upper feiTy bridge

Schuylkill Rubicam Cliarlcs, hatter 387 N 2d Rudolpli Christian, turner St .loim n Poplar la John, oak cooper 96 Green Joseph, oak cooper Rose al Uumsey John gentleman, 284 N 3d

Wiliiiun, gentleman 284 N 3d William, ivi D 284 N 3d Runner John, victualler 121 Old Y'ork road

wid Sarah, victualler 121 Old Y'ork r Rush James, ii-on founder Bush hill d h 12 Palmyra row Vine John, siilp carver 469 N Front 8c iluhlenburg, iron founders Bush liill c house cyr 9th and Vine Rusk wid M:ugaret, marketw 245 St John Russel Philip M, merchant 118 St John Thomas, carter Jidiana n Wood William, sliipwTight Marlborough (K) Ruth James, accountant 51 Tammany Rutlierford Jacob, team master 44 Ann Rutter Tliomas, sea captain 211 N 6th Ryan W^illiam, labourer N 10th op Wood

Sabma Ellis, Getmantown g op Globe mill Sackriter David, cabinet maker 259 N 7th Saeltzer Benjamin, grocer 445 N 2d Sagee Andrew, furrier 459 N 3d

Luther, United States inspector of arms 41 Green Sager Thomas, cabinet maker 87 DillwjTi Sailor Henrj-, stonecutter Palmyra row Vine

ab 11th

Thomas, draptian 87 Coates S;unt Jean Catharine, wid 8 Palmyra sq Y''ine Sallade Frederick, weaver Lilly al rvj Green Salter Samuel, gent n West & Prince (K) Saltzman Jacob, tavern keeper 303 Vine Sampson John, grocer c Mai-sh & Penn (K) Sanders John, house carp 544 N 2d n Beaver Sands Nathan, cordwitiuer 36 Juliana Sanno Frederick D, brass founder n Marsh (K) Sansbury Horatio, M D 426 N Front (K) Sansom John, whai-f builder Maiden n Penn Baring Nicholas, wheelwright Callowhill n

Garden Savage \Vm, house carp 4th ab Poplar lane Savery Wm and Thomas, lumber merchants

yard S W c 5th and Buttonwood Saville W'ilham, silver plater 129 Green Savin Samuel," sea captain 13 Duke Savmg John, grocer N W c Browne & Front Savitz George, grocer 224 N Front Sawyer James, gentleman 151 N 5th Peter, gent 366 N 3d R

Sawyer Robert, blacksmith d h 29 Noble Scantling Patrick, bricklr Juliana n Callowhill Scattergood \N illiam, victualler 27 Garden Tiiomxs, cordwainer 460 N 2d Wiiliiui), 354 X 2d wid Aiui, gentlewoman 278 N Ft SchaefTer Charles, tav kr S E c Browne &4th Schatmienkesser Frederick, gent 352 N 2d Scheetz Conrad, hatter 103 Noble

Daniel, grocer Old York road n Wood, d h 129 Vine Scheide Chi-istian, baker 89 Callowliill Schell IIcuiT, jr brush manuf 54 High d h 68 JS'oblc John G, sugar baker Lilly al n Green Shenck Christian, cordwainer 406 N 3d Wm F, cordwainer 145 Coates Schively George C, Queen bel Marlborough SchUchter Andrew, gentleman 345 N 3d

Jacob, vict Coates bet 4th and 5th Schmeiding Frederick, turner d h 130 Browne Schnatz Fi-ederick, baker 215 Callowhill Schneck Pliilip, victualler James n Ridge road Schnider wid Rachel, tav keep 290 N Front Schobcr Michael, beer house 56 Green Schoch widow Mai-garet, boarding house 13

Browne Schocn widow Deboi-ah, teacher 99 Coates Scotield 8c Law, looking glass & picture frame

makers Beach n Maish (K) Schrack Heiir)', skindresser b of 281 N 2d d h Margaretta n 2d Joseph, tavern keeper (Red lion)

Wood n 4th wid Cathai'ine, b house 65 St John Schreiner Joseph H, hardware mer 296 N 2d Nicholas, turner Luke bel 2d d h 8 Jones' al Schreyer John, collector 143 Coates Schi'iver Peter, victualler James n Rugan

wddow , vict Cliarles n James

Schroeder Heivrv-, innkeeper 50 Callowhill Schronk wid Cathaiine, shopk 2l'0 Coates Schrver George, skin di-esscr glue & cowskin whip and neats foot oil manufactory, 333 Callowliill Shultz John, groceiy store & tav 283 N 3d Schweitzer Wm, hau- dresser 187 Callowhill Schweppenheiser Nicholas, tailor 435 N 3d

John, Pitt ab Beaver Sch\vikkai'd Mary, wafer and sealing wax

manuf 127 Vine Scott John, lathe and shuttle maker b of 449 N 3d d h 105 Coates Job, tavern keep N W c Browne 5c Oak Scull Gideon, mercht cor Callowhill and 11th wid Ann, tavern keeper 335 X Front widow Elizabeth, tutoress 3 Carlton Searl Enos, draymaji 92 Frankford road Seiser John, tailor 2 ab Callowhill Searight wid Mary, shopkeeper 57 Budd Seckel Joshua C, distiller and manufacturer

of Varnish il? Vine Seddinger Wm J, cordwainer Queeo n Marl- borough (K)



Segel Jacob F, labourer 255 St John Sell Elizabetli, shopkeeper Beach n Shaka- maxon (K) Solomon, tailor 76 Browne Sellers Jesse, g-ro 97 Sassafras d h 178 N 4th Sellins John, paper stahicr b of 48 Kunckcl Senn Henry,cordw^ner 151 Green Sensfield widow S;irali, 3 Ann Severn William, victualler 220 N 8th Sexton Johji, wood dealer Penn n Marsh (K) John, whaifbuilder Beach n Marsh (K) Seybert John, bi-ushmaker 122 St John Hemy, labourer 77 Green AViUiam, sea captain 91 Green Sej-ferheld John, shipwright Shakamaxon ab Queen (K) John C, shipuTight 53 Green Seyfeit John, blacksmith 90 St John

John H, blacksmith 90 St John Shade Georg-e, hatter 256 N 2d Shaeffer Christian, victualler 8 n Buttenwood Shaft'er George, cordwainer LUly al Jolin, bricklayer Coates n 7th John, house carpenter 401 N 3d Michael, house cai-penter 199 Green Shefler John, blacksmith St John n Beaver Shaine Benjamin J, supercargo 216 Green Shane Thomas, store kr d h Tanunany n 4th

AVm, weaver Coates n Ridge road Shanks Abi-aham, taUor 211 St John Shannon Benjamin, sliip cai-penter Hanover n Prince (K) Henr}', shipwright Queen n Marlbo- rough (K) Sharpe Benjamin, sen gent 213 N 6th Shai-pless Joseph J, diy good store 16 1-2 S

2d d h Callowhill n Kunckel Shaw Abel, sa^^yer 1 Pratt's ct

Edward G, silversmith 67 Tammany John, justice of the peace 409 N 2d Lucretia, weaver 1 Pratt's ct Sheaff Charles, house carp b of 118 Dillwyn Shearer Clunstian, cordwainer 86 Budd Sheed Wra W, sea captain 3d ab CallowhiU Sheepshanks Wm, merchant 275 High d h 18

PalmjTa row Sheetzllne Michael, carter 9 Laiu'el Shehnerdine William, 475 N 2d Shelmire Wrn, livery stables 16 Old York rd d h S E c 4th and Vme

, cabinet maker N 9th ab Wood

Shepherd Jacob, victualler James n Ridge rd James, caulker Marlborough n

Prince (K) John, gun lock filer 135 Green John, victualler James n Rugan wid Catharine, milliner .6th ab Cal- lowhiU .Sheppard wid Catharine, gentw 57 Vine Sherburne Wilham V, baker 2d ab Browne Sherer Isaac, house carp Brooke n Coates Shenner A & J, cab & pegg mrs 42 Browne Jacob, cabinet maker 44 Browne wid Elizabeth, milliner 433 N 3d .

Shetzline John, cordwainer 52 Green Shewell John K, coach maker Callowhill ab

6th d h 24 Budd Shields Mrs Ehzabetli, N 13th n Button- wood al wndow EUzabeth, 205 N 4th Shillingsford Thomas, caulker Vienna n Duke (K) Thomas, blacksmith 517 N 3d Shindler John, sailor d h 11 Emlen's ct Shinkle Jacob, ^^ctualler Vine and 10th Sliimiick Louis, bricklayer 21 Juhana Shipley W^Uson, 302 N 2d

wid Ann, teacher Palmyra row n 12th Shirkey wid Ann, shopkeeper 24 Bedford (K) Shivcly Matthias, victualler 7th ab Coates Shoch George P, laches' shoemr 78 Browne Samuel P, ladies' shoemaker Poplar lane n St Jolin Shocker wid Margaret, washerwoman Char- lotte n Browne Shoemaker Christian, labourer 61 Coates

Henrj', cordwainer Hanover n

Prince (K) J, silversmith 2d ab Green Samuel, gent 104 St John Samuel P, druggist 288 N 2d William, 13 Palmyra square Shorty Mar}-, cigar maker 55 Browne Shotwell Edmund, bricklr 4th ab Tammany Shoui'ds Benj, cabinet mr N W c Vine and 3d Showaker Jacob, comb maker Old York rd

ab Green Shreeve John jr, rigger Becks wharf 1 bel

High d h 50 Green Sliriver 'N^'illiam, victualler 51 Garden

wid Christiana seamstress 19 Garden Shubard George, fisherman Hanover n Prince

(K) Shubert George, cordwainer 102 Wood

John, cordwainer 5 Union ct Shugart George S, hardware store 385 N 2d Shutz Gustavus, clock and watch maker 331

N 2d Shultz Wm, cordwainer mechanic n Vine Shuster Lawrence, victualler 22 Lawrence

Peter, victualler 32 LawTence Shute Wm, turner and umbrella maker N 4th

n Browne Sidbottom Thomas, weaver Callowhill n 9th Sidd:ill Joseph, calico printer 211 N 2d J H, surveyor 3d bel Tammany Siddons Joseph, tailor 25 N 3d d h 112 Green Side Joseph R, cordwainer 438 N 3d Sicser Frederick, tailor 179 St John SUzelman S, storekeeper 188 N 2d Simmons Edward, jr merchant 85 Wood

John, bookseller S W c 3d & Tam- many Mordecai teacher 172 N 4th Stephen, lumber merchant 179 N

Water d h 253 Vine Wm, weighmaster 77 Tanunany



Simmons wld Ann, g'entw 67 Wood widow Mar)', Coates n 7th Simon John, grocor S W c (Janal and Frank- fort 1 road Joseph, Frankford road ali Otter Michat!, shipwright Frankford road n

Quetn (K) Wilham, c Queen and Wood Simons Henry, wlieclwrig^ht Oak op Circen

William, hatter 3ii7 N 2d Simpson Andrew, weaver 261 St Jolm

Georg'e, wood mcrcht 6 Poplar lane Wm, tiivern keeper Wartman's row

Old York road widow Hanjiah, nurse 193 Green Singerly George, tavern keeper 400 N 3d Singleton wid Phoebe, shopkeeper 499 N Ft Sink Abraham, jr 6 Union ct Sittler Richard, rigger 19 Coates Skinner Wm, house carpenter 6 Rodgers's ct Slack Daniel, wharf builder 12 Browne Slater James, cotton manuf 272 N Front Sleeper John R, broker and commission mer- chant 274 N 2d Slingluff Joseph, flour & feed store 400 N 3d Slusher EU^abeth T, gentw 60 Wood Small wid Mary, gro S W c 8th & Callowhill SmaJJwood widow Pnscilla, 93 Dillwyn Smashey James, cordwainer 244 St John Smiley John, tailor Hinckle's ct b of 249 Vine Smith Alexander, tailor 13 Pfeiffer's al Arthur, c Maiden and Penn Catharine A, teacher 201 Callowhill Cliristian, shipwright 90 Poplar lane ComeUus, mariner 222 Green Daniel, house carpenter 222 Green -j- Diamond, 34 Coates Eleazer, shoemaker 141 Vine EVi, carter Old York road n Green Frederick, blind match mr 144 St John George, carter Stout's al George, silversmith 279 Vine & Gibbons, ship smiths Beach (K) Henry, blacksm 54 Oak d B heuch (K) H F, storekeeper 219 N 2d f Horatio, labourer Browne n 4th Jacob, gent 224 Callowhill John, stone cutter Callowhill n Ridge r John, victualler 66 Garden John A, accountant 31 Duke Jonathan P, bricklayer 7th ab Noble Joseph, innkeeper 191 N 3d Joseph, house carpenter 179 Green Justin, nail manuf 221 N 2d d h c New

Market and Mai-garetta Newberr\% gent 227 Vine Peter, tailor 137 Callowhill Samuel, teacher N 4th n Callowhill Thomas, labourer Pitt ab Bread T & H, lumber merchants yard S E c

Queen and Old Y'ork road Thomas, lumber merch Vine n 7th Wm, tobacconist 197 Callowhill Wm, carter 142 Browne

SmiUi Wm, sea captain 10 Emlen's ct

Wm, morocco dresser Ke»sler's al Wm E, currier, 355 N 3d Wm W, gent Wood n 11th widow Catliarine, gentw 314 N 2d wid Grisckla, gcntw 233 Vine widow, baker 113 Vine widow Susannah, shopkeeper N E c Vine and lOtlt Smyth John, c Maiden and Penn Snare George, carter 118 Browne

Wm, innkeeper N W c Callowhill & 3d Wm, innkeeper Buttonwood n 6th Snell wid Elizabeth, tav keep 159 Callowhill Snethen David J, grocer 309 Callowhill Wade, distiller 339 Callowhill Snowden Joseph, china mer d h 242 N 3d Leonard, gent 242 N 3d Miles, cliina &c store 55 N Front d h 26 Wood Snyder Adam, chair maker 120 Browne Christian, grocer 215 N 3d David, bricklayer Allen n Fi-ankford r George, shopkeeper 251 N 2d George, accountant 125 N 5th George, c Old York r & St Tammany Jacob, tailor 25 Juhana John, cabinet maker 379 d h 389 N Ft Peter, oak cooper 404 N 3d Thomas, brigade inspector and inn- keeper 322 N 2d Wm, c Queen and Marlborough f Solomon John, liair dresser Poplar lane n St

John Somerville Wm, iron founder d h Beach op

the market (K) Song Lamb, Frankford road ab Otter Sorber Jacob, blacksmith 481 N 2d Souder Charles, just of tlie peace 212 N 6th Charles, cooper Noble n Front Ehzabeth, milliner 278 N 2d Jacob, bricklayer 2d n German John, innkeeper 50 Callowhill Wm, plane maker 134 St John widow Elizabeth, 386 N 3d Sowers J, merchant 6 ab ^'ine

widow Clmstiana, di"ay keeper Law- rence n Noble Sowerman Frederick, b of 440 N 2d Sowerwalt widow Margaret, 7 Kunckel Spackman Samuel C, bricklayer Callowhill

bet UthantU'-th Sparks Joseph, watchman Oak

widow Sarah, 154 Coates Speace Wm, hair di-esser Beach n Maiden (K) Speel George, baker 130 Callowhill Spencer James S, gent 13 Palmyra row

Joseph, gent 18 Palmyra row Spiegel John R, combmaker Old Y'ork road

N E c Paschall's al Spiers Moses, dealer 66 Callowhill Spriggs \vidow Margaret, gentw 313 N 3d Springer Peter, hatter 36 Kunckel Sprong David, house carpenter 3 NoitIs' al d h Beach n Maiden (K)



Sprong John, h carp Beach n Maiden (K) Stainrook David, black and whitesmith 131 N 4th d h 26 Old York road

Stall wid , marketwonian b of 32 Ridge r

Stanton Richard, dealer in second hand goods

190 N 3d Stark Christian, victualler 215 N 8th Starne Maurice, cvu-rier 52 Duke Starr Charles, house carpenter 92 Dillwyn Isaac, carter b of 34 Budd Joseph, druggist 31 Vine Moses, blacksmith and boiler maker 101 Budd Stearly Jacob, comb maker 236 Coates Steel Robert, hatter Noble n 4th Steele \vidow Catharine, b of 18 Ann Steinbeck Adam, victualler 13 Lawrence Steiner wid Elizabeth, shop keep 97 Coates Steinhauer Michael, cordwainer S3 Vine Steinman Frederick, gunsmith 31 Green

John, gunsmith 59 Green Steinmetz wid Elizabeth, innkeeper N W c

Rugan and Callowhill Stelwaggon Jesse L, iron store S W c Old York road &. Callowliill d h Sassafras ab 8th Stephens Benjamin, accountant 93 Green

David, 139 Gi-een Stetler Philip, blacksmith Pitt ab Beaver

widow Susan, tavern keeper Callow- hill n Broad Stevens Samuel, heut of city watch 373 N 2d

wid Mary, tailoress 373 N Front Stevenson Augustus, diygood mer 225 N 3d d h S E c Callowliill & Kunckel Daniel, 11 Carlton sq Callowhill and Hart, wholesale drygood store

225 N 3d John, ship joiner 8 Emlen's ct John, ship joiner Beach bel Marl- borough (K) Robert C, 3d and Poplai* lane Samuel, grocer N W cor Callow- hill & Water William, currier 252 N 3d Williaju, cedar cooper 226 N 3d wid Ann, mantua uu- 81 Browne Steward Charles, teacher N E c Budd and Green

wid , seamsti-ess 265 St John

Stewart Charles, leather store 196 Callowhil, d h Oak n Wood Henry B, morocco dresser S E c of

Vine and Crown d h 29 Juliana John, shipwrig-ht 22 Duke John, house carp 86 Poplar lane John M, teacher over 125 Vine wid Elizabeth, Lilly al n Green wid Hester, artificial florist 379 N 3d Stiles H & J, lumber mers 1st whf ab Coates Henry, hmiber mer 1st wharf ab Coates

d h 386 N Froot James, tanner 426 N Front John, umber mer 1st wharf ab Coat6s d h 384 N Front

Stiles wid Ann, shopkeeper 8 Callowhill

widow Nancy, gentw 23 Coates Still Francis, tin plate worker 44 Green StiUman Richard, blacksmith 487 N 2d StDtz Michael, cordwainer 486 N 2d Stimble Bcnj, bricklayer Tammany n Dillwyn Stimell George, bricklayer 148 St John Stinchman Caspar, rope maker Hanover n

Queen (K) Stock Frederick, house carp Tammany n 4th Stockton John, tailor Callowhill n Ridge rd Samuel W, clock and watchmaker 371 N Front Stoddart John, gent 208 N 3d Stokes Aquila, flour and feed store NW c Front and Callowhill Joshua, house carp 23 New Market Mordecai, china &c store 49 N 3d d h 25 Wood Stolz Micliael, cordwainer 447 N 3d Stone wid Nancy, nurse Frankford road Stoneman Wm,^ sawyer 53 Charlotte Stoopes James, drayman Charlotte n Browne Stop wid Maiy, innkeeper, Callowhill n New

Market, Storit George, bricklayer 125 Coates Stouse Joseph, druggist 417 N 2d Stout George, Pfeiffer's al - ^

George, whipmaker 84 Crown Jacob, brickmaker 95 Green James, cigar maker 2 Poplar lane John, wliip maker 52 Crown John L, cabinet maker 180 Coates Stow John, shipwi'ight Marlborough (K) Stoy Henry, shipwright Beach n ^Marlborough Stratton Levi, house cai-penter 75 Budd Strawn Daniel, house carp.Pitt ab Beaver

Jacob, plasterer 15 Carlton Straws Michael, tailor 48 Wood

Stravline wid , milkwoman Ridge road n

Callowliill Streeper John, 3d ab Poplar lane Street Robert, finding shop 48 Green Stretch Nathan, bricklayer 14 York ct Strieker widow Bai'bai-a, 16 Ann

Leonard, G9 Green Strleby Joseph, brass founder 402 N Front Strobet John, cordwainer 420 N Front Stroup John, jr tailor 4 and 8 N Water d h

205 N 2d Stuart John, cab maker 176 3d ab Vine Stuckert David grocer, 205 N 3d d h 36 Old York road George, baker 362 N 3d Wm druggist c Gerraantown rd & 2d Stull Adam, victualler Buttonwood n Ridge r

Adam, vict Wood bet 8tli & Garden Sturges Lemuel, cordwainer 93 St John Stykes George, cabmet maker Beach n Mai- den (K) Sulger Cliristian, baker 194 N 3d Summers widow Catharine, 69 Noble Super John, blacksmith c New Market and Margaretta d h 13 New



Supplee and Goldey, tavern keepers S W c

Coates and Oak Suter Charles J, tobacconist 222 N 3d

wid Mary, boarding house 286 N 3d Sutton Edward, shipwrijjht Hanover n Prince

(K) Georfjo, shipwright Marlborough n

Prince (K) John, shipwright Queen n Shacka-

maxon (K) Thomas, 202 N 3d

WLUiam, ship builder Beach n Shack- amaxon Swain John, painter and glazier 301 N 2d

Thomtis C, umbrella maker 363 N 2d Swan Andrew and sons, tanners Beach n High bridge (K) Andrew, tanner Beach n High bridge

(K) Da\-id, tanner Beach n High bridge (K) John, tanner Beach n High bridge (K) Swartz Daniel, carpet weaver 282 N 3d George, carpet weaver 189 N 3d Jacob, sliip joiner Shackamaxon (K) Joseph, carpet weaver 319 N 3d Swectzer Jacob, combmaker 254 St John Swindle Wilham, Beach ab Maiden (K) Swink John, house carpenter 48 Kunckel

♦Taber Benjamin, caulker Queen n Shacka- maxon (K) Tacy Joseph M, hair dresser 324 N 2d Tallman Joseph V, mcr S W c ilargai-ctta & Ft wid Mary, boarding house 275 N 2d widow Mary, 262 N Front Taxis John, cabinet maker 32 Green * Taylor Abraham, tallow chandler 124 St John Adam, mariner 21 Duke Chirles, bricklayer Wood n Garden Curtis, tallow chandler d h Palmyra row Taylor Isaac P, teacher 3 Carlton sq

CallowhiU John, gent S W c Front & Margaretta Joseph, gent 6th. n Noble Moses, teacher 1 Carlton square Nathan, cordwainer 11 Tammany Tracy, justice of the peace and iron- monger S E c Beach & Maiden (K) wid Mary, shopkeeper 56 Tammany Teal LycMa, 18 Poplar lane Teany Jacob, house carpenter Wood 2 doors

ab N 10th Tees Jacob, shipwiight Beach n Shackamax- on (K) John, shipwright Cherry n Prince (K) Matthias, rope maker Shackamaxon (K) Peter, shipwright Beach n Marlborough (K) Teese Frederick, farmer Point Read Templin Samuel, grocer 479 N 3d Terrier Fredericks, gent 297 N 3d Terry David, dealer Paachall's al

Wm, worsted yam manuf 28 Budd

Test John, brush maker 209 N 2d Thackara R A, c 3d and Franklin Thatcher wid Mary, gentw 309 N 3d wid Sarah, geiitw 396 N 3d Thaw Charles, accountant 69 Coates

Wni, accountant 4th ab Tammany Thomas Ann, teacher Vine N W c Old York road, entrance Vine Erasmus, M D 223 N 6*1 Ezra C, shipwright 10 Frankford rd George, cordwainer S E c St John

and Browne Jacob M, merchant 45 N Front d h

181 CallowhiU James, tavern keeper N W c Browne

and 4th Jonathan & co salt merchants N E c

Vine and Water Jonathan, salt merchant do d h 212

N Front Joseph L, M D 254 N 2d Joseph W, cordwainer Liberty ct Samuel, ferryman 391 N Front Wm, cabinet maker"154 Coates V/m, cedar cooper b of 116 DillwjTi William, labourer 46 Budd Thomasson Augustus G, lock and white smith

Willing's al d h 17 Browne Thomman Frederick, grocer S W c Wood

and Crown Thompson Chavles, shipwright Penn n Maid- en (K) John, printer c St John and Noble Wm, carter S E c Allen & Frank- ford road wid Hannah, Callowhill n 13th v/id Rebecca, seamstress 205 N 4th Thoniton James, weaver 10 Garden James, carter 4 Garden John, jr, silver plater Broad & Wood Thorp John, accountant 342 N 2d ' ' Thudium Christian, baker 210 N 2d Thumbert George, cordwainer 242 St John Tichcnor Richard, dep sheriff N 5tii ab But-


Tiller Robert, bricklayer 139 Green Timings Charles P, druggist 185 N 3d

& Holme, dry good mers 395 N 3 Ft Thomas, clerk to the N L commis- sioners, 395 N Front Todd Samuel P, purser in^e U S navy 11

Palmyra row Tomlin Hudson, drayman 102 Budd

Samuel, drayman 76 Budd Townsend J, wood corder Oak n Browne d h 47 Duke Joseph, plumber d h 216 N 4th Toy Isaac, fisherman Queen n Beach (K)

John, shipw Queen n Shackamaxon (K) Matthias, rope maker Shackamaxon (K) Train widow Catharine, S W c Noble & 4th Trank Peter, cordwainer 10 Browne Trask Josiah W, tavern keeper 40 Browne Treddle Jacob, caulker Beach n Shackamax- on (K)



Treft Christian, baker 423 N 3d

Treviller John, house carp Ridge rd op Wood

Triebels Peter W, hatter 387 N 2d

Trimnul Cornelius, soccer}' and liquor store

277 N 2d d h 85 St John Trinkle John, cun-ier 72 Wood Brewer's al Tripler Jacob, & co wholesale and retail gro- cers 240 N 2d Jacob, wholesale and retail grocer 240 N 2d d h 292 N 3d Tripple Daniel, \-ict Charles n CaUowhiU Tripner George, ^ict Charles n Callowhill Troost Gerard, M D Coates n 4th Trost Martin, brass founder 118 Crown Trotter Joseph, accountant 215 N 4th

Mary", gentw 223 X 4th Trout Henry, -vict Buttonwood n Ridge road Trowzel John, house carp 113 Browne Tull James, house carp N 6th n Buttonwood John, shipw Beach n Shackamaxon (K) Tully Patrick, tallow chandler 157 N 4th Tumea widow Hannah, confectioner N 6th n

Yme Tumbull George, baker 173 Coates Turner Edward, h carp shop Paschall's al

Isaiah, cordw Smith's ct b of 117 N 5th Jenkins P, shoemaker Poplar la n 3d Joseph, tavern keeper N E c Penn &

Maiden (K) Wm, shipw Hanover ab Queen (K) widow Rosanna, 51 Wood Tuttle James, shipw Queen (K)

John, shipw Marlborough (K) Richai'd, shipwi-ight Beach n Marlbo- rough (K) Wm, caulker Queen (K) Twamley \ndow Elizabeth, gentw 14 Palmy- ra row Vine Tyson Isaac, dry good store 371 N 3d

Leech, clock and watch mr 368 X 3d * Philip, drayman 2 Kessler's al widow Martha, 21 Callowhill

Uber wid Elizabeth, market woman b of 54 Charlotte wid Ehzabeth, shopki' James n Rugan

Uhee Spencer, morocco dresser 4 York ct

Uhler George, ^I D 414 N Front John, juu M D 416 N Front John, baker 199 N 3d

Ulrick Abraham, tobacconist Sd ab Bro-wne Abraham H, tobacconist 199 N 3d Frederick, drover 203 N 8th Henn', tobacconist 7 Brownie >Irs Mar\-, 192 St John

Ulmer David, sugar boiler

John D, c Beach and Marlborough George, cordwainer 456 N 3d

Umpleby John, weaver 318 N Front

Unger George Germantown road n Master

Union Glass Works c Beach and Warren Upman Matthias, saddler 128 Callowhill Upperman Adam, milkman Duke n 2d Urwiler Benjamin, 2d n Master (K) Usher wid Elizabeth, market woman 39 Char- lotte

Vallette Eli, accountant 102 Poplar lane

Eh A F, na\'y officer 308 N 2d Van Arsdall John, collector N E c 4th and

W^ood Vanbaun Wm D, 28 Kunckle Vandergrifl wid Elizabeth, iseamst Smith's ct

b ofll7N 5th Vanderjlice Charles coach mr S W c of New Market & Margaretta d h 105 Sassafras Geoi-ge, cordwainer Garden n

Wood Hemy, ship joiner 350 N Front Vandusen Matthew, ship carpenter HanoTer

n Beach (K) Vandiventer Joshua, h carp 122 Frankford r

wid , of Peter, N 6th ab Pop- lar lane Vandyke Wm, c of Hanover & Frankford rd

Mrs , nurse Poplar lane n 2d

Von Forsen Thomas, h carp 42 Juliana Vanhoff Abraham, tav keep 431 N Front Vanhook Wm, shipwright Queen n Marlbo- rough (K) Vanholt S''alentine, en^eer at Fair mount

water works Vanhom John, coach driver b of 48 Kunckle Vansise wid Jane, gentw 196 N Front Vansciver Jacob, 252 N Front Vansciver Charles H,

Vanstavoren Cornelius, h carp cor 42 Juliana

Varrest wid Philomina, confectioner 334 N 2d

Vaughan James, shipwright Marlborough ab

Beach (K)

John, sliipwu'ight Kensington

Thomas, shipw Chcrrj' n Prince (K)

Thomas, jr shipwright Chcrrj' n

Prince (K) Wm, shipw Queen n Marlborough Vice David, shipw Marlborough ab Beach Vickerv' Benjamin, comwainer 241 St John ^'inyard James, sailmaker Flintham's wharf d

h 47 Vine Vogel Frederick, bricklayer N 6th ab Callow- hiU

John, currier 46 Tammany Voight wid ilarj', 6th ab Camac Vonnelder Jacob, tav keep. 440 N 2d AVackerly Jacob, ^-ictualler Germantown road

n2d Waddington Jonathan, mariner Coates n St

John N\'ade Lewis, cigar maker 20 Browne Wadlow Moses, saddler 212 Green




Wagiier Jacob, tanner 19 Lawrence

Wni, house ciu-p N 6th n Noble Wiiinwright Jonatlian, block 8c pump maker

d li Kensington \Vakehani Thomas, (icrniantow n road n 5Ui Walbran wid Man, 297 \ine >\ lUker Henry, innkeeper S E c 3d & Coates Uenr\', tavern keeper 104 N 3d , Jolin't;, tailor 297 Callowhili Matthew, grocer 302 N 3d HolHrt, shopkeeper 112 Crown Robert, hcadtloek cleaner, 12 York ct Wallace John, house cari)euter Shackamaxon n Prince (K) Uobcrt, lumber merch 517 N Front d

h N E c Front and- Haddock Sampson, {jhic boiler c of Vcgg and

Emleu's ct Wm, oak cooper 204 N Water Wm, potter N 2il N Camac Wm, shipw Hanover n Prince (K) Wm, tiivern keeper 441 N Front Wallhimer widow EUzabeth, boai-ding house

363 N Front Wallover John, shipNyinght Bradford n Marl-

boroug'h (K) Wallow Wm, storekeeper 209 N Water W'alter EUwood, bookseller d h 145 N 5th Joseph S, bricklayer 23-7 Vine wid Maiy, 332 Sjf Front Walters James (J, mer tailor 412 N Front

Philip, 16 Poplar lane Walton Benjamin, gi-ocer N W c Mtuden and Penn (K) Darnel, looking- g-lass frame maker'C

6th & Green George, house carpenter Adelpliia al James, coi-dwainer 104 Crown Jeremiah, cord\\ainer 427 Browne Walz Rev John, of the Lutheran church 19

Juliana i

Ward Nathan C, ttulor 249 St John Ware John T, sliip joiner Rodgers's ct Wai-ner Jacob, collector 189 Green

John F, justice of the peace and gro- cer Rising- Sun John, vict N W c Callowhili & 8th Philip, blacksmith 41 Callowhili Wm, victualler 24 Lawrence W^arnock Albert, chair mr Lilly al n Green Francis, house cai'penter Wood ab Garden . Warr John, jr engraver 7 W'ood

M'illiam W, eng-raver 7th n Race widow, tavern keeper 305 Vine Warren David, 548 N 3d John, 86 Crown Joseph, hatter 198 N 2d d h Wood n

Ann Uriah, tobacconist 26 N 4th d h 198

N2d William, coixlwainer 296 N 6th William, house and sign painter and ijlazier 245 N 2d

Wartman Abi-aham, vict cor 5th & Noble Abraham, victualler 96 Garden Adam, drayman 96 (Joatcs Edward, victualler Wartman's row

Old York loud n 5th George, victualler Wartman's row Old York road n 5th Waterman John, paper store 456 N 2d J S, d h 262 N Front Lewis, weaver Co!>b's ct and Osbournc, grocers 290 N 2d Watkins Robert, innkeeper Falls of Sell Watson Benjamin, labourer 260 St John Charles, gent 6th ab Vine George, jji-inter Lilly ally n Green Samuel, cabinet maker Paschall's al Samuel, consUiIile 4th ab Coates Way Joseph, accountant 31 New Market Le\sis, wheelwright 57 Budd Wm, city and county weig-hmaster 37 Wood Wayne Joseph, acct 34 New Alarket n Vine Weaver Chitrles, & co stove manuf 325 N 2d Daniel, Pojilar lane and 8th Hemy, combmaker 134 Coates Jacob, weaver 393 N 3d John P, innkeeper N W c Old York

road and Green Joseph, dry good store 190 N 2d Michael, rope maker and ship chand- ler 20 N Water d h n the intersec- tion of Germantown 8c Frankford r William, stove manuf 325 N 2d Webb Georg-e and Wm, weavers Frankford road n Queen (K) Henrj-, engineer 5 Carlton square widow Rebecca, gentw 140 DiUwyn wid Rebecca, g^entw 137 Callowhili Webber Jacob, gi-ave digg-er 44 Tammany Webster Moses, iimkeepern new prison

William, carter Poplar lane n N Ft Weckerly Abraham, victualler 131 Coates Abraham, victualler 177 Coates Conrad, gent 205 N 3d John, victualler 127 Coates Ulrich, oak cooper 153 Coates Weeks Caleb, d h 274. N 3d livery stable c 2d & Tammany lotty office 3d ab Noble Esther, tailoress 115 Green Joshua, n;ul cutter 483 N 2d Weir James, gi-ocer c CaUowliiU and 6th Weill Henry J, trader 192 N 5th Weir Joseph, labourer 48 Callowliill Wclkcl P St J, lott office N E c 3d 8s Wood Welsh Ilezekiah, printer 98 Wood

John, saddler and harness maker Cal- lowhili n Front Wells John, coach maker b of 216 N 8th Wentling David, pohce officer of Spring Gar- den George, farmer Coates n Schuyl- kill Wentz Dilworth, grocer 6th n Noble Wescoate Joel, wood corder N E c Oak and Coates d h 401 N Front



West Benjamin, bricklayer 89 Budd G, c Coates and 4th widow Hannah, druggist Queen n Marl-

boroug-h (K) widow Mary, gentw 16 Lawrence Wetlicrstine Adam, gi-ocer and tavern keeper

Tammany n 5th Weyman Daniel, tavern keeper 308 N Front Wharton Isaiah, coixlwainer Kessler's'al James S, cordwainer 193 N 3d Wheaton William, sea captain 391 N Front

%vidow Marj^, 54 Tammany Wheeler Enoch, gent 99 Vine

John, musician N E c Budd & York

court Jonathan J, sea capt 5 Pfeiffer's al wid Lytlia, seamstress Ton-^s ct Whetherstine Samuel, nail cutter 9 Lilly al Wliistlcr David, mer tailor 87 Old York road Wl^taker James, -j-on merch d h 107 Old York road S E c Tammany James, 202 N 4th J 8c J, nail and iron store bet Vine & Callowhill & 4th &. Old York r Joseph, accountant 8 Ann Thomas, blacksmith Beach n

Shackamason (K) wid Jane, shopkeeper Noble ab 5th White and Blummer, turners and machine makers 352 N Front Hannah, 380 N 2d Jacob, plane maker cor Old York road

and Callowhill James, nail cutter b of 24 Duke James B, house carp 4th ab Poplar la Dr John, chemist n new Prison John, blacksmith 54 Frankford road ' John, combmaker 339 N 3d

Joseph, hardware merch 103 Old York

road - Lemuel, teacher of elocution 141 N 5th Samuel, house carp, Noble n 6th Thomas, teacher 369 N Front William, tallow chandler 236 N 3d William K, c 4tli and Poplar lane widow Sarah, gentw 97 Green Wliitehall printing office Ridge road ab Cal- lowhill Whiteman wid Rachel, mantua mr 17 Green Whiteside Alexandei', plasterer 156 CallowluU Whiteman Charles, dl'ayman Lawrence n No- ble Jacob, 32 Ann Peter, carter 35 Lawrence Whitton Abeduego T, grocer Queen (K) Whittlesey widow Mary, gentw 352 N 3d Wiall John, tailor 347 N Front Wibel Thomas; boat builder Queen n Frank- ford road Widdifield George, house carp 106 St John shop b of 171 High . Widener Mrs P, b of 205 N 4th Wiegand and Snowden, surgical instrument

makers 49 N 7th d h 209 Callowhill Wight Thomas, cordwainer 217 N 8th

Wilbank John, printer James op Rugan

Wilcox Samuel, gent 72 Wood

Wildey Richard, ship joiner Oak n Coates d h

172 St John Wile Charles, victualler Buttonwood S W c Garden

George, cabinet maker 6th n Coates Wiley Ewen, door keeper at the U S Mint 134 Callowhill Isaiah, carter Oak n Coates Samuel B, Francisville Wilkinson W, atty at law 258 N 3d Willett Ebenezer, c Prince and Hanover Jeremiah, plasterer 6 Ridge road . Joseph B, bricklayer n Wood 8c 7th Williams Charles, currier 463 d h 457 N 2d Daniel, accountant 23 LawTence John, lumber mer Buttonwood n 6th John A, 286 N 2d Rhoda, seamstress 45 Charlotte Samuel, currier 247 N 3d d h 273

N 2d Samuel, cordwainer Callowhill n 9th S 8c A, dry good store 459 N 2d 8c Wilson, milhners 297 N 2d Williamson Eden, hatter 311 N 2d

widow Jane, gentw 311 N 2d Wilson Andrew, weaver 17 Laurel

Benjamin, cabinet maker 55 Browne widow Beulah, quilter and mantua mr

4 Budd widow Catharine, teacher 35 Vine David, stone cutter Noble n 6th George, morocco leather manuf store

35 N 3d d h 608 N 3d George, ston^ cutter 6th n Callowhill James, grocer Coates n 6th Joseph, boat builder 27 Callowhill R T, 19 Browne

Wm, stone cutter c 4th and Callow- hill d h Wood 1 door bel N 10th William, house carpenter 14 Budd Wm,.whipmr Hanover n Beach (K) W^m, carter Queen n Marlborough (K) widow Mary, grocer d h 28 Wood widow Mary Ann, gentw 61 Budd widow Susan, teacher 19 Budd Wilt Abraham, gent 3d n Green

Jacob, ship joiner b of 57 Coates Wiltberger T 8c M 8c co, druggists 8c apothe- caries S E cor Callowhill a,nd 6th Wiltsee 8c Turner, comb mrs 28 Garden Wineberg Jonas, mariner 34 Noble Winter and Mason, c Vine and 13th Winters Garret, coal and wood merchant 1st wharf ab Coates d h 424 N Front

Nicliolas, sugar boiler 39 Callowliill Wipple George, cordwainer 84 Budd Wireman John, cordwainer Charlotte n Pop- lar lane Wise Elias, baker 4th n Poplar lane Wiser George, cordwainer 187 St John Wltham Joseph, wool coihber b of 40 Coates Withey wid Elizabeth, washwoman 10 Budd



Woelppcr David, justice of tlic peace and vic-

ijalltr 18 Lawrence Uoelpper Aduni, victualler 18 Lawrence Georf^f, victualler 247 Vint- widow Mary, g-entw 80 Cfown Wolbcrt C J, auctioneer 72 Green

Frederick, justice of the pcaca 406

N2d Catharine, layer out of the dead 193 St John "Woolf Daniel, cordwaiaer 477 N|2d Wolf John L, justice of the peace N 10th 3 doors bcl Callowhill wid Elizabeth, Shackamaxon n Frank- ford road Wonder Samuel, victualler Wartman's row

Old York road Wood Isaac, boat builder 10 Green Jacob, last maker 379 N 4th James, saw shovel and spade manufac

161 N 2d d h 20 New Market John wheelwright Queen n the Frank- ford road (K) Samuel R, tanner S W, c Noble &. 4th

d h 108 Walnut Wm, stone mason Frankford road Wm, cordwaincr Coates n 3d . wid Marg-aret, shop keeper 55 Coates wid Martha, boarding h 88 St John wid Sarah, nurse Rose al n Green Woods James, house carpenter 18 Ann Woodside John packing box mr 150 St John Woodward John G, shipwright Frankford rd ab Bedford widow Mary, 197 Green Woollev George, lumber merchant d h 168

N4th Wooley wid S, boarding house 14 Green Worl George, cedar cooper 179 N 3d Worman John, labourer 57 Noble Worn John, cabinet maker 178 N 3d Worrell wid Sarah, gentw 273 St John Worrell William, 178 N 2d Worstal Arnos T, currier 55 Chesnut d h 37

Coates Worthington Thomas H, carter 21 Laurel Wray Andrew, saddler 319 N 3d

William tailor 170 Coates Wright Ellis, house carpenter 3 Duke

George, shipwright Prince n Marlbo-

foiigh (K) Isaac, grocer 29 Coates Mary, shopkeeper Marlborough n

Queen (K) Nathan, house carpenter 76 Green Peter, china &c merchant 27 N 3d d h 153 Vine Wunder George, vict Germantown rd n 4th Jacob, victualler Germantown road

n 4th

Samuel, victualler Baker^s ct "Wurtz John, vict Charles Spring Garden AVyant George, cigar mr 62 Coates ' S . "

Wyant I'ettr, h larf) Pegg d h 124 Dillwyn Wyle Charles, teacher Rose al n Green Wynkoop Abraham, 128 St John

John, com mer Vine n Broad

Yager lienjamin, victualler 53 Garden Valkc Klias, hair dresser maiden n Kensington

niurkot Yard wid Charlotte, gentw 169 Green Yardley Joshua, house carp Tarnmany n 6th Yarnali Wm jun sea captain 186* N 4th Yarnell l«rael, 278 N 2d Yates Jacob, waterman 175 Coates Y tnian John, venitian blind maker 104 N 5th

d h Coates n 7th Ye age r George, skin dresser Torr*s ct Yenser George, constable Poplar Ian Ridge rd Yerg-er John, skin dresser 284 N Front Yerkes Harman, stable keeper 85 Tammany

Silas, flour merchant 333 & 335 N 2d Yetter Charles, house carpenter 128 Browne Yockle widow Mary, 2 Oak Yohe Samuel, house carpenter b of 198 N 8th j Youck Wm, house carpenter 30 Garden Young Andrew, tailor 284 St John

Andrew, labourer Kensington n glaa*

house Benjamin, shipwright Hanover n

Queen (K) Clayton, tanner 279 N 3d Daniel, watchman Orange (K) &. Felton, coach painter 210 Callowhill John, c Poplar lane and Budd John, plasterer 7 Pfeiffer's al Joseph, blacksmith Frankford road Peter, tanner 196 N 4th Peter, baker 191 N 4th - Peter, milkman Broad n Ridge road Philip, cordwainer 110 Crown Wm, coach painter 210 Callowhill d h

210 Noble widow Elizabeth, 81 Callowhill wid Mary, Vienna n Duke (K)

Zane Aaron, house carp b of 216 N 8th

William, tanner Scott's ct Zargable Anthony, cordwainer Frankford rd Zeugubel Godfrey, labourer Callowhill n

Ridge road Zcll Jacob, drover 7 John Zeller Jacob, wood corder Smith's wharf N

d h 42 New Market Ziegler Geo, tav kr 116 c Callowhill & Crown

Samuel, innkeeper 224 N 2d Ziller Peter, cordwainer 398 N Front Zimmerman John G, S E c Green and 3d

^ Sebastian, grocer 6th n German- town road Zimmus Margaret, storekeeper 367 N Front Zitler Charles, Frankford road op Queen



Abbott wid Mary, g^lover 8 Catharine Abcnictliv John, 109 Prime Adair Ann, 293 S 4th

AViUiam, bootmaker 76 German Adams Robert, sail maker 18 Ahnond

Robert, 3d bel Christian Aiken Rol)crt, tailor 283 S Front Albcrson Gilbert, g-ent 103 Swanson

William, mariner 119 Swanson Alexander Austin, 2 Shippen

Georg-c, mariner 17 Swanson John, mariner 43 Moyameiising' r AVilliam, 271 S 4th "William 83 George W G, g-rocer 284 S 2d cor Shippcn wid Eleanor, 29 Shippen Algeo James, grocer 2d and Clu'istian

James, 353 S 2d Albriglit Jacob, watchman 80 German Allen Adam, house carp 657 S 2d Albertis, 3d bel Christian David, shoemaker & sexton 3d Presby- terian church 34 Christian John, M 1) 308 S 4th John, S W cor (christian & 6tl\ Robert, distiller 286 S 3d Thomas, 67 Plumb Wm, 150 Catharine wid Mary, boarding house 458 S Fi"ont AUig'ood Thomas, mariner 567 S Front Allison James, sail mr S 2d 1 door bel Prime

John, house cai'p 13 Catharine AUogood WilUam, mariner 307 S Front Alloway Daniel, oak cooper 32 Swanson Ames Josiah, sea captain 52 Mead al Anderson Charles, victualler Washing-ton John, 287 S 4th

Matthew, N W c Christian & 2d James, mai-iner 58 Catharine wid Elizabeth, g-entw 65 Shippen Annesley William, 265 S 5th Anthony Joseph, mtu'iner S E c 3d and Plum Joseph, tavern and oyster house 2d near Plum Apker Henry, hackney coachman b of 365 S 2d Applegate David, cnrter 180 Swanson Ardis John, houie carp 563 S 2d Armltage wid Sarah, teacher 125 Moyamen-

sing road Arnold capt Thomas, nautical academy 295

S Front Ash Jonathan, hog victualler S Front bel navy yard and Whailon 3t

Ash Joseph, grazier 144 Swanson Joshua, grazier 54 Christian Ashley Thomas, mariner (mate) 98 German

'I'homas, 99 German Ashmead Thomas, acct 154 Cedar A.shton Samuel, cab &. cbair maker 273 S 2d Aston Frances wid of James, shopkr 37 Queen Atkinson Andrew, g-ent 68 Queen st Augustin Joseph, stevadorc 140 Swanson Austin Hosea, oysterman 122 Swanson James, cailer back of 37 Queen S wid Margaret, teacher 364 S 2d Avis Joseph, saw-sharpener 20 Shippen

Babington James, shoemaker 11 Mead al

John, brush maker 163 Cliristian Bachelor Elizabeth, 114 Shippen Backer Thomas, 95 German Badhm .1, soap & candle manuf 10 Vernon Bag-ge John G, 10 John Bailey wid .lane, seamstress Christian bel 6th

wid Jane, glover 28 Catliarine

John, dyer and scourer 216 Cedar Bakely wid Ann, shopkeeper 322 S 3d Baker John, tavern keeper 42 Cedar

wid Abigail, seamstress 31 Christian Balelot Arnaud, merchant 72 Christian Ballanette Adolph, grocer 195 Cedar BalUnger Amariah, shoemaker 166 Shippen Banckert George F, morocco dresser 328 S 3d Bane James, 77 Pass} unk rd Banks Heddin, shoemaker 272 S 5th

William, shallopman 500 S Front Baptiste John, labourer 276 S 6th Parbazet Jacob, cabinet maker 114 German

Jacob, 308 S 4th Barber Thomas, 232 S 3d

William L, coixlwainer 23 Christian Barbour John, blacksn)ith 525 S 2d Barcla}^ wid Elizabeth, 324 S 3d

John, shoemaker 551 S 2d Barker Francis, S W c Blunib & 4th

Jacob, 3d bel Clu-istian Barnard John, house carp 491 S Front Barnes, sea captain 30 Catharine

George W, shipwright 5 S Front John F, 108 Shippen Barnhart A, boarding- house 45 Mead al Bamett Joseph, labourer 1 5 Fitzwater

and Pearson, sliip builders Queen st wharf lower side



Bamett Thomas, staich manufacturer S 8th n

Passyunk road Barret John, weaver 300 Cedar ab 7th j-Barrett Thomas, coachman 201 Sliippen Barrington Samuel, M D 268 S 2d Barry WmK, 386 S 2d

William, tobacconist 285 S 4th AVilham, labourer 100 Plumb wid Ann, g-entlewoman 134 .German BaiT Samuel J, Carpenter Barton and Akins, shoemakers 122 Cedar Barti-am David, 300 S 3d Barton Arnold, Carpenter Bateman wid Ann, boarding house 41 Plumb Rates wid EHzabeth, nurse 440 S Front Baton Augustine, jr jeweller cor Christian &

7th Battis Nicholas, fisherman 96 Swanson Nicholas, innkeeper 37 Swanson Baxter William, jrxipholsterer 244 S Front Bayai'd George, tin plate worker 304 S 3d Bayne James, bookbinder 77 Passyunk road Joseph, rulemaker Chi-istian n 3d Nathaniel, shoemaker St John bel 2d Samuel, ladies shoe maker 350 S 2d Beackley Edward, house carp 77 Queen Bean William, shoemaker 249 S 3d Beatty James, weaver 310 S 7tli Beattes W' dliam, 35 German Beatlie Arthur, liquor store 464 S Front

Samuel, grocer S W cor Cedar and 3d William, gent 308 S 2d Beck Henry, shoemaker Wharton bet 2d and Moyamensing road Peter, 192 Shippen

wid Ehzaljeth, gentw S 2d 2 doors ab Federal Beckhorn GaiTet, collector 62 Shippen Behncke John C, tavern keeper 24 Swanson Bell Alexander, grocer cor Cedar Sc "N'ernon John, tav keeper &. grocer 308 S 3d S W

cor German James, cordwainer and sexton of the new

Ebenezer ch 157 Clmstian Samuel, grocer 236 Cedar wid Mary, g-entw Christian 3 doors bel 6th |Bend Thomas, porter S 4th bel German Bener Wm, painter and glazier Little Wash- ington bet Front & 2d n navy yard Benezet Anthony, M D 50 Shippen Benners John L, tailor 180 Shippen Bennett James, dealer 493 S Fi-ont

Joshua, housf carp 37 Moyamensing r wid Mary, shopkeeper 274 S 7th Bennet WiUiam, sawyer 321 S 3d Benson Wm, gi-oc S 3d bet German &, Queen Beirell wid Mary, millinery store 198 Cedar Beriy widow, innkeeper S W cor Cedar and

Swanson Benyman Richard, shipwright 31 Mar}^ Berne William, 336 S 2d Besselievre F P, groceiy store SB Fitzwater

John, jeweller 9 Fitzwater BeiBswicke Ann wid of John, diy good store 366 S Front

Beterton George, Carpenter Bickerton Thomas, oak cooper 45 Christian Bickham wid Sarah, gentw 254 S Front Biddle James, blacksmith 245 South Biderman Peter, 305 S 5th Bidgood Mary, 336 S 2d Bigart Wilham, house carp 10 Mary Biggs Augustus, 544 S Front op navy yard Bigley and Sweeney, tav keeper 175 Shippen Biglow Thomas, Crab Bilt:iton George, cor 6th 8c Carpenter Bishop WlUiam, house carp 58 Moyamensing r Bissel wid Laetitia, 520 S Front Black Alex, gi-ocer N E cor Sliippen and 6th Da\id, morocco dresser b of 198 Cedar James, plasterer 244 1-2 S 3d John, weaver 8 S 9ih bel Sliippen Isaac C, tav keeper 22 Passyunk road Joseph, laboiu-er 86 Swanson Thomas, hatter 42 Passyunk road Thomas, collector 102 Plumb William, weaver S 7tli cor Fitzwater Blackburn John, 51 Plumb Blackford Joseph, bricklayer 208 S 5th Blackston John, sea capt 49 George Blackson Thomas, house carp 584 S Front bel

the navy 3ard Blakey Jolm, cab mr Swanson bel Swedes ch Blanchai-d Ebenezai", upper 25 Mead al Blunt Leven, weaver 219 Christian Bockius John, sea capt 381 S Front Bode Rudolph, 138 Cedar Bodet Anthony, cor 5th & Queen fBohonnon Charles, jr 2d hand clothes cellar S 2d bet Pine & Lombardd h 220 Shippen Bond Wm, clock dial mr 159 Moyamensing r Boone Cornehus, labourer 57 Cathaiine Booth James, 78 Plmnb Borie Simon, paper st^iiner 192 Cedar Bost wid Cadiarine, milkwoman Catharine bet

Passyunk road and 7th Boughre Simon, 234 S 5th Boughman Peter B, 271 S 5th Bourke Hugh, shipsmith Swanson cor Beck's

al d h 30 Christian Bovier Peter, victualler S W cor of Moyamen- sing roiid and Prime Bowen Ananias, cabinet maker 3 S^eorge d h Cai-penter 4 doors ab 4th •|;WiHiam, waiter Clu'istian bel 4th Bower John, baker 253 S 7th

Solomon, segar manuf 203 Cedar Bowers Henry, cordwainer 325 S Front

John, baker 72 Swanson Bowie wid Jane, cby good store 282 S 2d Bwoles Wm, block & pump mr 13 Swanson Bowman Charles, mjuiner 36 Mead al Boyd John, Man-iott's lane Boyle Barney, Chi-istian bel Third

William Pass\amk road Bracelin Jeremiah, tailor Washington b of 57 Moyamensing road John, Venetian blind manufacturer & upholsterer Washington b of 57



BracclJn Moyamcnsing- i-oail Bradley John, tailor '3d bcl iMiini

Micluici, lal)ouivr 84 Gcori^c Thomas, OKI 2d & Moyamcnsinef roiwl Rradstctul Conudiiis, shoemaker 28 Hcdlbrd limy KIkanah, sea cai)tniii ,M3 S '2d

J r, sign painter 142 South IJrazzilhv H, S K cor Almond &. Swanson Ihvarly Wni, sliipwrig-ht Almond St wliarf Urcamer Miss Sarah, china store \\p 52 Cedar Hrelsfbrd John, shipw riglit 33 C.ln-islian Brewton Daniel, sea captain 444 S Front Broailhead Joseph, mariner 44 Mead al Bi-ock William, 69 Passyiuik road Broker Joiui, mariner 48 Mead al Bronson John, I'urrier 92 Swanson Brooker Benjamin, pawnbroker 180 S E cor

Cedar and 5th Brooklyn George, labourer 250 Cedar Broom Thomas, 118 South

wid Hannal), gentlewoman 118 Cedar Brown Ancb-ew, innkeeper 36 Cedar Adam, 136 Gei-njan Daniel, 184 George David, sea captain 332 S Front George, oyster house 196 Cedar Gowan, cordwainer 16 Carpenter James, labourer cor Queen and 4th John, stevadore George bel Sliip]3en John, blacksmith Prime bel I'ront John, 122 Queen

Joel, saddletree maker 142 Swanson wid Isabella, gentw 130 Phmib ■j-Mon-is, shoemaker Sliippen ab 7th Alichael, Bovlc's al Passjiuik Rev M, 241 Shippen Richard, combmaker 353 S 2d Sarali, 92 Shippen Thomas, 8 Prime "William, bottler 48 George Wilham, 61 Plum mai'iner Galbraith's ct Queen wid Christiana, 440 S Front Deborah wid of Dr, midwife 42 George Brotherton Hugh, boot and shocmr 314 S 2d Bryan Hugh, maiiner 13 Chiistian

John, 314 S 3d Buck & ElUott, smiths &. famers 1 76 Shippen Hugh, smith and fanier 176 Sliippen d h 12 Crabb Bucknell Samuel, lapidary 566 S 2d Bull Francis F, porter S 5th bel German Bullard Mrs Catliarine, shopkr 54 Shippen Bundick John S, 90 German Bunker Charles, confectioner and frmterer 106

Cedar Buntin John, 139 Catharine Biuxlen wid Haimah, shopkeeper 529 S Front Burge John, confectioner 480 S Front Burgess wid Mary, gentlewoman 280 S 6th Burk Thomas, 33 Plum Burkart Frederick, shoemaker 469 S Front Burkhart George, baker 433 S Front Burkhardt Jolui G, shoemaker 377 S 3d Burman Ciodfrey, victualler 269 S 5th Bum Peter, cabinet maker 134 (;edur

Burns Margaret, S W cor Front h Queen Mrs, Queen bet 2d and 3d Peter, 404 S 4th Burton Charles, shipwright 549 S 2d

Uobert, shij) builder 260 Swanson Bnsby William, 268 S 4tli

Hush sea captain ('hristian ab 2d

John, 113 (Christian Bussicr Burtlioloniew, 272 S 4th

F, tin i)latc worker 241 d h 321 S 2d wid (JathariMC, gentw 37 Almond Butcher John, tin plate worker 383 S Front

Sunniel, ladies shoemaker 80 Shippen Buverc Peter, c Prime & Moyamensing rd Buzzell Daniel, button manufacturer S 4th 2 doors bel Catliainne

Caldwell James, 76 German John, 85 Old 2d

Jonathan, printer 18 Moyamensing r Ninian, S W c Almond and Swanson Thomas, sea captain 22 Christian

Callard Abraham, baker 473 S Front

Calvert John W, 34 Calvert Nathaniel, 34 Gennan

Campbell Antliony, carter 294 S 3d Catliarine, Queen n 6th James, tailor 245 S Front James, labourer 121 Queen James A, house carp 156 Cedar Joshua, grocer 284 S 7th c Shippen Micliael, 54 Phim Patrick, 295 S 4^1 wid Catharine, 208 Queen

Cannon John, cor Catharine & 2d

Carlley Jeremiah, shoemaker 70 Shippen wid Rebecca, midwife 53 Sliippen

Carey Edwai-d, 4th bel Christian

Cary James, S 4th

Carman wid Ann, dry good store 462 S Front

Cai-nes wid Elizabeth, 96 Christian

CaiT James, innkeeper 87 Plum

Carre Chai-les, blacksmldi 395 S 2d d h 52 Moyamensing road

Carrel John, Galbraith's ct

Thomas, S W c 2d and German

CaiTcr Richaitl, weaver 37 Mead al

Carroll gixjcer S E cor Plum and 4th

Carson Geoi-ge, shoemaker 192 Cedar

Robert, slioe store 251 S 2d d li Prime

Carter Joseph, cut nail manuf 331 S 2d

Thomas, mast maker 104 Swanson

Carteret Joseph W, cab maker 399 S Front

Cartwright Mrs Mary, marketwo 44 George

Carty Jereniiali, shoemaker 1 Federal

Casady Henrj', tobacconist. Crab widow, 78 German

Cassady Mary, dry good store 387 S Ft

Cassidy Hugh, b 17 German

John, tavern 218 Cedar

Cassan wid Hannah, gentw 279 S 2d

Cavenaugh Hugh, corder Almond st wharf Micliael, S E cor Queen & 2d



Cecil wid Eliza, seamst 5 S 9th bel Shippen Chaloner Thomas, cracker's earner b of 102

Christian Chamberlain Lewis J, tailor 39 Plnni Chambers Joseph, grocer lower 166 Swansea Robert, sea captain 68 Swansoo Sarah, 281 S 6th Chance Walton, sea capt 60 Jfoyamensin^ r Chanceaulme Martin, cabinet mr 44 German Chappusa Henry, and co 148 S 4th Chauvenet Anthony, grocer 254 S 6th

M William, 81 Sliippen Cheeks Catharine, 131 Catharine

Henr)', apothecary and drug'gist S E cor 6tli and Sliippen Chew J, confectioner 262 S 5th

Jeffrey, 328 S 4th ■{•Christian Daniel, oyster cellar d h 254 S 5th

John, mariner 67 Catharine Christy Archibald, cor German and 3d WUliam, cordwainer 46 Cedar Churchill Stephen, sea captain 33 Almond Clampliill Cook, pUot 94 Swanson Clark Georg-e, boatman 257 S Front

James, tavern 182 S W c Cedar and 5th Jesse, 289 S 4th Mary, 273 S 2d Robert, 156 Christian Robert, grocer 120 Swanson Timothy, tailor 490 S 2d William, tailor 17 German William W, 17 German wid Jane, cotton winder 115 Christian wid Juliana, seamstress 31 Chi-istian wid Susan, seamstress 200 S 5th wid Susan, mantua maker 12 John Clayton Curtis, shoemaker 247 S Front Clevenger William, S W c Catharine and 3d Cleavenger W S, teacher of the Lombard st

pubhc school d h 143 Catharine" Clement Joha, house carpenter 231 Shippen Chfford George, 224 S 3d Clinton Francis, soap boiler 292 S 3d

John, liquor sto 272 c Cedar and 7th Clover Thomas, tailor 7 Shippen Clymer Andi-ew B, cui-rier 76 Chiistian

Arcliibald, tailor 317 S 4tli Coates John, printer Almond

AVilliam, shipwright 158 Swanson Cob Samuel, house carp and joiner cor Chris-

istian and 4th Coburn Robert, distiller 74 and 119 Cedar Cochran John, 72 Plum Cog'ill Arnold, cordwainer 470 S Froot Cohen Barnett, cabinet maker 272 S 7th Coit Richard, cordwainer 7 Bedfoixi Colcord John F, printer 47 Catharine Cole Joseph, (mate) mariner b of 500 S Front Coleman Thomas, grocer 127 Plum

William, labourer 264 S 5th Colhoun J, boot and shoe maker 306 S Front Colligan Bernard, 82 George CoUin rev Nicholas, D D lector of the Swedish Lutheran ch Swanson n S W c Christian

Colling James, shoemaker 13 Pass5runk road Collins John, acct S 4th 3 doors bel Catharine

Robert, fanner 120 German Collinson Joseph, sea capt 17 Shippen George, boatman 288 S 4th Samuel, block maker Almond bel 2d CoUom William, teacher 152 Cedar Cohnan William, 264 S 5th Colnenn John, jeweller 26 Catharine Colvin James,- labourer 229 S 4th Condic D F, M D 153 Catharine Connelly Jacob, blacksmith 274 S 3d

Petei', cordwainer 119 Swanson Connery Thomas, labourer 268 S 5th Connor Edmund, slioemaker Wharton bet 2d and Mox^amensing road wid Margaret, gentw 280 S Front Conrad Joseph, bricklayer b of 22 Plum Constable WilUam, boot and shoemr 403 S 2d Conway Edward, 89 Plimi George, 260 S 3d Cook wid Hannah, tutoress 40 George John, labourer 14 Shippen John, stevadore 33 Penn William, boot maker 334 S 3d Coombs Benjamin, teacher 50 German

David, teacher & justice of the peace 3d bel Gei-man d h 50 German Cooper James, oak cooper 204 S AVater &. 205 S Front Michael, Sliippen Cope Daniel, watemian 29 Catharine Hannah, Old 2d

wid Hannah, shopkr 90 Moyamensing r wid Maiy, 18 Moyamensing road Copeland wid Ameha, 524 S Front

Asa, sliipwright 524 S Front Connick David, (mate) mariner 29 German

David, 279 S 3d Cornell Joseph, pilot 16 Chi-istian Cosker Jacob, Marriott's lane bet 5th and 6th Cotton John S, carter & tav kr 34 Passyunk r Countryman wid Elizabeth, German ab 5th Countrjman wid Elizabeth, German ab 5th Court John, 16 German Cowan wid Hannah', seamstress 32 Almond John, shoemaker 274 S 6th John, tailor 64 Cedar Cox John R, shoemaker 435 S 2d Cozens Benjamin, carter 559 S 2d Crance Peter, 39 S 5th Cranston wid Sarah, china store 32 Almond Crawford John, 162 Swanson

u-idow 332 S 2d Cribbins wid Mary, shopkeeper 394 S 2d Crispin Benjamin, shipwright b of 63 Q,ueen Cristy Hug'h, Marriott's lane Crocket m id Mai'ia, gentw 78 Christian Crombeck widow 3 Merriott's nin Cross Shall, 107 Prune Crouble Smith, Old 2d Crouse wid Elizabetii, 13 Federal Crow wid Jane, 126 Plum Crozier Andrew, grocer 424 S Front



Cnimback Godfrey, tavern keeper Swanson n

niivy yiuxl Ciiblcr George, carter Clirislian ah 5tli ('ortVc James, V2 (.icorg-e Culipi'iin Ik-riuird, labourer 82 (ieorgc Culin C'loorjcf I, 155 Catharine

Isaac X, tailor N F- cor 4th Sc Catharine Samuel, ladies sJioemaker 42 iMuin Cirilin .lolm, shallopman 30 John Cullen Thomas, sea capt 348 S Front Ciimmiiig's ANilliam, 26 Fhim CunnJng'hani, William, shallopman 227 S 5th Curnjin wiilow, 264 S 4th Cun-ey William, 88 South Cuirie Vt'm, M D 570 S Front op na^•y yard Cuny William, type founder 198 Shippeu Cui-tis , potter b of 407 S Front

Hera-y W, 407 S Front

John, 405 and 407 S Front

John, 409 S Front

John II, tobacconist 448 S Front

•j-wid Rebecca, sweep mistress 24 Powcl d h Shippen ab 5tli

wid Rosctta, 211 Shippen Cushuig wid Marg-ai'ct, gcntw 423 S Front Cutlibert Samuel, 47 German

Elizabetli, 397 N Front Cuskaden G, 118 German

Dale Peter, sfen carpenter ab 4th

Peter, jr rope mr Carpenter ab 5th

Mai-j-, circulating' library 296 S Ft Daley Joseph, mariner 220 Cedar Dallas Alexander James, shoemaker 2 Car- penter ab Moyamensing road Alexander, boot and shocmr 14 Mary Dalrymple Evan, ladies shoe maker 380 S 2d ' James, ladies shoe maker 379 S 2d Dalton James, storekeejier d h 144 S Front Dalzell WilUam, grocer S E c 5th and German Daniels John R, tailor 368 S Front Davis Amos, Man-iott's lane

C K, 61 Almond

Jehu, hatter 392 S 2d

John, Taylor's ct Plum

John P, S W cor Catharine and 4th

John, tailor 62 Plum

Lewis, 223 S 5th

Samuel, labourer 5 Fitzvvater

Samuel B, 440 S Front

Thomas, 40 Plum

wid Hetty, spinner 113 Christian Davison Alexander sail maker bel Wharton S 2d and Moyamensing road Robert, 116 South Dawes Timotliy, sea capt 568 S Front Dawson A, boot and shoemaker 168 Shippen

George, chandler 377 S 2d Dawson Job, acct 51 Almond Day William, 282 S 2d Deamer wid of Lewis, gentw 395 S 2d Deaves James, sign 8s, ornamental painter S 4th

Dcbender William, Iif)usc carp 158 Hwanson Deckhart Jacob, victualler 586 S Front l)e Grass Jeremiah, hulies shoe mr 361 S 2d De Patron John, coi-dwiiiner 426 S 2d Dtmpscy Thomas, coixlwainer 136 Swansea Dennis James, 321 S 4th Kobert, 273 S 5th

Elizabeth, widow innkeeper Jersey hotel N W c Almond and Swanson Derham Joseph, bleeder & tooUi di-awer 220

Shippen Develin Arthur, weaver 215 Cliristian Dever wid Ellen, 9 Redford Devereux John, mer 446 S Front Dewey Paul, shoonaker S 3d bel Christian Dewry \\ id Catharine, shopkeeper 96 i'lum Diamond Ilug-h, carpenter 96 Cedar

John, distiller 172 Cedai- Dick John, tailor 50 Moyamensing road John B, S AA' c Carpenter and 3d Peter, tailor 50 Moyamensing road Peter, Carpenter Wilham, tailor 123 Queen Diels George, dver and scourer 23 Sliippen Digcns John, 268 S 5th Dilkes Cliester, cai-ter 558 S Front Dill Josepli H, sea captain 32 Catliarine Dillin wid Susan, shopkeeper 37 Passyunk r Dillon James, grocer cor Passyunk r & Plum John, cor Carpenter and 5th Robert, weaver 234 S 4th Dimon Hugh, carpenter 96 South Dixey William, pump maker b of 298 S 7tli Dixon John, 154 Christian Dobelbower Chai'les, printer 332 S 2d Docey Simon, jeweller Christian bet7t]i & 8th Dolby John, lottery broker 18 Plum

Joseph, oak cooper 372 S Front wid Marj', shopkeeper 338 S Front Dolman John W, boot & shoemi' 136 Gennan DomeUy John, tavern keeper c Penn & Cedar Donaldson John, stone mason 310 S 6tli and Evans, 307 S 2d and Lang's mast yard 69 Swanson Donalson AYeston, mast yard 60 Swanson d h

427 S Front Donley Alex, carter 5S Moyamensing road Donnelly Peter, tav keeper 258 S 3d

Philip C, drygood store 208 S 5th wid Jane, seamstress 52 Bedfoixl wid Mary, nurse 323 S 6th Donlevy Robert, 29 Gennan Donaghy James,. S E cor 4th and Shippen Dougherty Edward, blacksmith 122 Shippen John, labourer S Bedfoixl Joseph, messenger of the Pliila-

delphia Ins company 22 Oak Joseph, 22 Oak John, 224 Catharine Michael, tav keeper 222 Cedar Thomas, tavern 278 Cedar William, shoemaker 500 S 2d Douglass Samuel L, 36 George Donnell L F, mariner 107 Swanson



DoughU', widow

Dowling' John, pawn broker 288 S 6th

Downie James, 120 South

Downing' wid Sarah, tailoress 105 Catharine

Doyle wid Elizabeth, seamstress 89 German

Georg-e, mariner (mate) 553 S 2d Drebe Christian, Pass}Tjnk road Dubois John, 60 Plum

Samuel, bootmaker 305 S 2d

William, Laetitia ct Dubosq, 13 Somers' ct South 2d

Theodore, 148 Catharine Duboy John, back of 116 Christian" Duffield John, ship carpenter Catharine n the

public school house Dug'gin Peter, grocer 257 S 7th Dukes Thomas, cordwainer Shippen n front Duling- Philip, S 5th bet South and Siuppen Dunn John, spar mr S E c Christian & Church Dunbar A, merchant 145 Catharine Duncan Jolin, Marriott's lane Dunlap Robert, 2nd hand furniture store 72

Cedar ■j-Dunmore John, carter cor 9th and Christian Dunnohue Charles, black -mith cor Christian &

Swanson d h N E cor Federal and 2d Dunseeth wid ilaria, teacher 109 Queen Dupree Staten R, carv and gilder 94 Plum Dupuy Charles, 320 S Front Durand Francis, paper hanger 88 Christian Dumey John, biscuit baker 303 S 2d

Paul, accountant 303 S 2d

Tobias, confectioner 278 S 2d Dusha wid Jane, gentlewoman 22 Catharine Dutts Sandy, tavern keeper 94 Swanson

Eack Ann, widow 443 S Front Eaden Sarah, tavern keeper 94 Swanson Edwards John, 150 Catharine Robert, acct 45 Plum William, 66 Swanson Marj% widow 14 Parham's al Ksenminger wid ElLzabetli, carpet weaver cor

6th and Passjimk road Elberson Francis, pilot 442 S Front Eldridge Anthony, sea captain Queen bel Ft James M, sea capt Federal 4 doors bel Moyamensing road Isaiah, sea capt 79 Christian Isaiah, sea capt Christian bel 2d Phineas, coy Carpenter and 5th widow Jane» cor Carpenter and 5th Elliott James, gent Christian cor Passyunk r James, boot and shoe store S E c 2d

and Cedar Robert, acct S 4th 1 door bel Catharine . Thomas, blacksmith & farrier 176 Ship- pen dh 312 S 6th ■^Ellison Andrew, waiter S 7th bel Shippen Elwell Heniy, ship smith 8 Mead al d h 380 S

Front Emerick wid Hannah, grocer 429 S 2d

Emery Edward, labourer 300 S 7th Enders Henrj-, baker 49 Moyamensing road Eneu James, jr justice of the peace 200 Ship- pen d h 2 Fitzwater Samuel, constable 284 8 6th Engels John, 113 German Engles widow, 265 S 5th

XCcliael, ship joiner 29 Mary England Erasmus, grocer 255 S 5th

William, feed store intersection of S

5th and Passyunk road William, flour L feed store 56 Cedar Engles Henrj, justice of the peace 349 S 2d Ennis wid Susannah, grocer 288 S Front Erben Henry, patent bal weigher 9 John Erwin wid ^Margaret, cotton manuf 109 Plum Esher Conrad M, keeper of teams Christian bet

5th and 6th Essex John, bookseller 350 S 2d Estlcr William, carter .\lmond st wharf Etris Samuel, cabinet maker 501 S Front Evans Britton, justice peace 262 S 4th mt

EUis, 326 S 4th ' "f

307 S 2d wid >Iary, 125 Swanson Thomas, messenger of the Marine Ins

company 51 George wid Hannah, china & queensware store Everhart Anthony, oak cooper 21 Swanson Everly William, 3d bel Christian Ewing wid Maiy, gentw 72 George

Fagan Patrick, 17 South 5th.

Fair John, gunner U S navy 35 Federal

Fairfowl James, mariner Parham's al

Fairweather Robert, mariner (mate) 19 Mead al

Fallin Peter, grocer 87 Sliippen

Farrell Andrew, labourer 196 Shippen

Farren John, boot and shoemr 105 German

Neal, dealer 4 Shippen Farrow Wm, b of 300 S 3d Farthing George, Pine al

James, lottery broker S 5th Fanille Ehzabeth, grocer 104 Swanson Fawl wid Ehzabeth, tav keeper 287 S Front Fearis Francis, 62 South Feno John, Queen n 5th Fenner wid Ehzabeth, gentw 350 S Front

John H, mer S whs bel Spruce d h 350

S Front Ferat Charles, confectr & coffee h 78 Cedar Ferguson Ebenezer, justice of the peace and inspector of lumber 83 Shippen

John, weaver b of 39 Christian

John L, sea capt 304 S Front

W D, baker 58 Swanson Ferman, machine maker 262 S Front Femandes Joseph, hairdresser 60 Cedar Field Charles, house carp c Moyamensing road

and Prime Rllej' Andrew, Carpenter Finney Charles, hat manuf 270 S 2d Fisher David, 247 S 4th



Fisher Samuel 80 riiiin Fitch S S, surfCfon dentist 54 Almond Fithian John M, furrier 122 Swanson. Fit/.patriek (uorpe, gurdirier 60 f'assyxnik r Fitzininidns nern;uxl, ship chand 251 Swanson Flanag'an Owi n, trader S E cor (Jiiristuin and Chureh Stepiien, pilot 444 S Front \Nm, eordwainer ("Inistian n 5th Flenapui \Vm, S \V c Queen and 5th Fkniiu}^ Aiexandir, sea capt S W cor Cedai'

^\m, 200 (iueen and Front Flemmiufc .losepli, 1;> Queen'

N\illiam, sia capt 19 Catharine F'letcher Hin jarain, 103 1-2 Ciu-istian Thomas S, 103 1-2 Clu-istian . 'l'iu)nias, machine maker 162 1-2 Christian f liekwir Henry, iiouse carp 24 German

JeremiaJi, chiig' and apotliccaiy 351

S E cor Mead al and 2d wid Rebecca, g-entw 24 German Flidc Sm-ali, 382 S 2d Flin Thomas, Uoyle's al Passyunk road Flintou Francis, 300 S 3d FlomeHelt Gcoi-g'e, broker 58 Cedar, d h 121

Swanson Plorence David, boat bviilder 30 Swanson d h Queen bel 2d and Sheetz, boat builders 30 Swanson Sarah, 111 Queen Flo}d John, jr g-ro S E cor 4th and German

John, 3d bet Plum and Sliippen Foley John, baker 354 S 2d

John, 390 S 2d F'ollanshee John, slioemaker 58 Queen Foi-d wid Ann, grocer 337 S Front

•j-Jacob, waiter 199 Shippcn Forman M'illiam, sliopkeeper 291 S 7th Forsytli James, stone mason 225 Shippcn

wid Elizabeth, g-entw 16 Swanson F"orth Lewis, shoemaker 58 Queen Fortescuc Thom:is, house caip Cliristian oppo

tile new Ebenezer Foster wid Ljdia, nurse 11 Passyimk road

Silas, sea capt 36 Almond Fowler wid Rebecca, niu'se 63 Catharine F'ox Nicholas, grocer 206 Cedar Francis Christoplier, 27 Sliippen F'l-anklbrd wid Jane, 348 S Front grazer John, starch maker cor Clu-istian and Marriott's lane William, mariner 217 Swanson William, S 6th Fi-celand John, ladies shoemaker 31 German Freeman J W E, 134 Christian Freytag- M, justice of tlie peace 198 S 5th F'riel w id Catliarine, grocer 244 Shippcn Fritz Clu-istopher, 249 S 3d FuUen Barnet, boot and shoemr 26 Christian Fulton Alexander, g-aixlener Bedfoi-d n 8th Funk w id Louisa, 509 S 2d Furber Jonatiian, carter 101 Swanson Furst Ephsam, dealer 210 S 3th

liale Malachi, cotton nianuf 85 Passyunk.

Gakr Philip, 322 S 2d

(;alaway J<)se[)h 1), 158 S 2d

(iall I'hilip, tav keeper 37 Swaiiioii

William, 279 S 5th Gallag-her Ann, 251 S 5th

Peter, faiijier 67 Bedford Gamble James, ship joiner 80 Christian

widow Jane, upper 14 Queen Gampher Micliael, 274 S 5th

Michael, 5tli ab Carpenter Gandy S, grocer S K c Catliarine and 2d (iarchner Daniel, 99 Prime

Jonathan, baker 100 Catharine ^\ id Mary, g-entw 341 S 2d Gamson, pawnbroker 3d near Shippen

Samuel, dealer 51 Catharine Garvin John J, sea capt 132 Christian John, 132 Christian Tliomas, 89 (ieorg-e Gai-wood John, shoemaker Carpenter ab 4th Richai-d, sea capt 420 S F'ront wid 15arl)ary, 9 Mary wid Elizabeth, 549 S Front Catchall John, 281 S 5th Gates Mattliias, house carp Moore's ct b of 111

German Gavin, widow 5th n German Gaw John, black and white smitli 223 dh 260 Cedar Robert, sen 280 S 2d Geislngcr David, lieut U S navy 316 S Front Richard S H, acct at the custom-house 454 S Front Gibbs James, grocer 46 Passyunk Gibson Jacob, tin plate worker 334 S 2d John, 196 Queen James, distiller 87 Shippen wid Sarah, boarcUng- house 4 Swanson Gilder Reuben, tavern 240 Swanson Gilfert Dinkworth, shopkeeper 80 Plum Gilfry V\i]liam, laboiu-cr 590 S Front (iilham Georg-e, hatter 107 Christian Gilkey John, cai-ter 49 Fitzw^ater Gillan Ai-tluir, Gidbreath's ct Queen Ilug-h, Galbreath's ct Queen Gillct Thomas, Prime bet Old and New 2d Gillingham, 107 Christian Gillis Robert, S 5th Gih-oy John, bootmaker 106 Christian Givan Thomas, caiter 160 Shippen Givin Andrew, 240 S 4th

WiUiam, 160 Christian Glading- John, oak cooper 23 Swanson d h 73

Penn Godshaw Paul, caiter b of Mo)amensing road Godshal William, Passyunk road Godfrey widow. Carpenter Goftwid Elizabeth, nurse? 18 Mary Gordon David, house carp 108 German Heniy, baker 163 Shippen James, porter 382 S 2d bel Catharine widow , 296 S 4th Goring w id Catharine, shopkeeper 296 S 4th



Gorley James, 244 S 4tli

Good John, innkeeper 577 S Front

John, cor Front and Prime Graham John, shopkeeper 166 Swanson John, 5th and Moyamensing- road Thomas, tobacconist 83 Plum Graves Jacob, carter 522 S Front

John, sea capt 334 S Front Gray William, gi-ocer N E c 5th and Plum Greaves Alexander, mer 376 S Front Green Daniel, laches shoemaker 3d n Catharine

Mar}-, milliner 427 S 2d

Samuel, saw sharper 327 S Front d h Catharine

Stephen, fisherman 135 Green

sea captain 17 Queen

Wilham, broker 306 S 6th

wid Hester, sliopkeeper200 Cedar Grew James, shoemaker 91 Cluistian

James, 15 Somers's ct S 2d Gribel James, 130 Christian Grice wid Maiy, boarding- house 446 S Front Griffinburg- Christian, 49 Georg^e Griffiths Wilham, baker 125 Swanson Grimes wid Catharine, tailoress 497 S Front Grimshur "Wilham, rigger 97 German Grouer Thomas D, wharf builder 21 Christian Gm-ley James, 244 S 4th

Haas Norbit, grocer 468 S Front

wid Barbara, shopkeeper 298 S 7th Habbick J Heiuy, plajing card manuf"2 Plum Hackal Matthew, labourer 110 Plum Hacket Matthew, 81 Plum Hackel John, 91 Plum Hagerson Marj', spooler 3 Bedford Haines John, blacksmith 125 Swanson

Lawrence, mariner 4 Moore's ct b of 111 GeiTnan Hains Wm, 4th bel Chiistian Haynes David, ladies shoemr 326 S 3d

John, 326 S 3d Hall Alexander, grocer S W c Penn & Cedar James, printer 353 S 5th Peleg, sea captain 238 S Front Robert S, grocer S E c Christian and 2d Wilham, waterman 94 Catliarine Halfoi-d Henry, hotel keeper 221 S 6th Halzel wid Maiy, shopkeeper 555 S 2d Hamer Peter, mariner 98 Cedar Hamilton Andrew, cor 5th and Christian George, mariner 76 Bedford Mary, 5 Crab

Stephen, shoemr Carpenter ab 4th Wm, iron founder 323 S 6th n Cath wid Ann, seamsti-ess 124 German Hamley George, baker 240 Cedar Hamlin Thomas, 234 S 3d Hamm Anthony, shipwright 94 Swanson Hammell Butler, gent 28 Almond Hammet John, New Jersey Hotel 44 Cedar Hampton John H, sea capt 318 S Front

Hamrick Jolm, bricklayer 276 S 7th Hance David, 326 S 3d

Joseph, 326 S 3d Hand EUjali, sea capt 72 Catharine t Ezi-a, sea capt 34 Almond

John, stevedore 452 S Front Handren wid Murj-, siiopkeeper 224 Cedar llunnali Wm, hquor store 255 S Front Haney Michael, carter 266 Cedar

wid Judith, S 4tli bel German Hanna Daniel, mai-iner 567 S Front Hanker Abraham, copper plate piinter 106

Cediir Hansen John, wheelwright 215 Queen Harbm-n Joseph, mariner 11 Shippen Harden widow, 5 Plum Hardie David, sea capt 28 Oak Hardy Charles G, Dr 280 S 2d

Fi-ancis A, cor Old 2d and Carpenter

Francis, S W cor Carpenter and Moy- amensing road

John C, gent 362 S 2d

Patrick, cai-ter 97 Plum Harding wid Mary, gentw 366 S 2d Harker Benjamin, bricklayer 24 Almond Harkin Edward, carter 74 Plum Hai-per WiUiam, accountant 47 Shippen Harris John, 312 S 2d

John, 121 German

Thomas, M D 230 SMppen Hamson Henry K, druggist 472 S Front Jolm, 142 Shippen Tiiomas, sea captain 72 Almond Thomas, locksmith Queen HarrLzell Martine, mai'Lner 43 Catharine HaiTod widow Jaiie, layer out of the dead 20

Almond Hiulley Joseph, bedding wai-e h 264 S 2d Hartnett William, boot and shoemaker Cedar n7th

widow, Cedar n 7th Hartman John, dentist 272 S 2d Hassall w'id Margai-etta, nurse 409 S 2d Haven wid Miu'v, 112 Swanson Haw Hoffman 278 S 3d Ha\bui-ner John Haydon Frederick, tailor 310 S Front

wid Elizabeth, grocer 472 S Front Hays Stephen, labourer 115 Swanson Haylon William Hazard John, tobacconist b of 145 German

Patrick, tallow chandler 235 c Shippen and 7th Hazlett John, grocer cor Almond and Front Hazzard Ebenezer, labourer 445 S Front Healy James, shoemaker 241 S 4th Heidelman William, b of 93 Christian Heighton Vvilham, 325 S 4th Hendricks Gteorge, mariner 38 Christian Henry Henderson, 9 German

Heziah, 304 S 4th

James, Carpenter

John, S 4th

Patrick, 284 S 4th



Havwanl John, baker 4th bel Cedar

Wil]i:im, ouk cooper 208 S Wat. r h 3,1 (;;itlim'iiie Hophiirn Charli's, h:ittor 64 (ieorgc llcpphcrd Cli:iilis, 64 Shippt-n Herbivt William, .". Somcrs's ct S '2d HeiTOaii EzekicI, lU-aler in 2(1 haml clothes under 69 S 2d d h 293 S 2d wid Hiinn:Ui, 69 MoviimcnsingToad widow, cor Ohristian and 2d Ilcirin John, cor 4th and Sl)i])pen Heitz Charles, 272 S 5th

Peter, 392 S 2d Heiiwood Abraham, carter 66 Plum Hcse James, 264 S Sth Hess William, mariner 21 Maiy Ilewit IJ H, P;ussyvu\k road Hickman wid iVIarg-aretta, 88 Gemian Hig^g-inson John, carjiet weaver 7 Mary Hildreth Uanlel, grocer 101 Swanson Hilsee Charles, button maker 111 Christian Hinds wid Ann, seamstress 238 S 5\h Hines James, stevadore b of 118 Swanson Jani*s, b of 10 Christian widow 5th ab Shippen Hodg-es Kdward, boot & shoenir 108 Christian Hofinian Georg-e, victualler 14 Bedford

Noah, mast 'maker 107 Swanson Hogg' Clu"istopher, Passyunk road

James, weaver 93 Passjunk road Holbrook Benjamin, sea capt 562 S Front Holden Isaac, 5th n Carpenter Holgate Samuel, jr shoemaker 389 S Front Holland James J, pilot 345 S 2d

WilUam, weaver 227 Shippen Holhday W'illiam, shopkeeper 88 Cedar Holmes James, 112 Shippen Holscomb Mar)', boarding- house 306 S 2d Holt Jacob, cabinet maker 65 Queen

Jacob, cabinet maker 304 S 2d w

Hood Geoi-ge, 148 Christian James, 198 Queen Wm H, 148 Christian Hook John, 254 S 3d Hooton Andrew, dep keeper crim depart Arch

St prison 264 S 6th Hoover Chi-istopher, S 2d

Jacob, rope maker 49 Moyamensing r John, New 2d bel Carpenter John, rope maker 62 Moyamensing r Hoppel John, Passyunk road Homer Mrs, Chiistian bel 2d Hortpn William, shoemaker 492 S 2d Hosack Joseph, innkeeper 28 Swanson Houser wid Martha, shop keeper c Fitzwater

and Passyunk road How Philip, tavkeeper 2 Bedford Howell Samuel L, M F 201 S 5th

and Merrit, ship smiths 168 Swanson wid Mary, shopkeeper 38 Mary Howland Isaac, sea captain 160 Swanson

John, jeweller 168 Swanson tlubbel Robert A, sea capt 307 S Front

Samuel, h cai-p 79 Moyamensing road U

Ihibbel Samuel, 83 Old 2d

liuckel Fmncis, chair maker 38 Cedar

Robert, tailor 79 S Water

Samuel, watchmaker 38 Cedar Ilucklott Frederick, fjent 82 Christian Hudson William, superintendant of tlie district

of Southwark 109 Moyamensing^ road Hufty Samuel, 261 S 3(1 Hughes Amos, shoemaker Queen bel 5th

Benjamin, i^ent Moyamensing road

Benjamin, jr grazier 33 I'lum Humble William, (mate) 12 Parham's al

James W, la(hes shoemaker b of 108 Christian Hull)c rt Kbenezer, labourer 1 Federal Iluley John, luboiu'er 70 Christian Humes James, grocer 298 S 4tli

widow, 77 Plumb Ilumplu'ies Richard, 32 Swanson Hunt Joseph, cun-ier 12 Oak Hunter James, mariner (mate) 293 S Front

James, shoemaker 48 German

John, justice of the peace 186 S 5th Huntcrson John, Marriott's lane Hurley George, confectioner 318 S 2d Hurriil wid Mary, 7 Gennan

wid Biddy, shopkeeper 2 Oak Hurst Joseph, labourer 183 Shippen Hushfelt Barbara, 3 Plumb Ilusto!! Richaixl, Queen n 6th Hutton Benjamin, sliipwright 70 Queen

Nathaniel, shipwright 70 Queen

Ingram Jacob, 19 Plum

Innis Cornelius, boot and shoemr 125 Plum

James, 3d bel German Irwin J N, 257 S 4th John, 296 S 3d Jackson Jacob, stevadore 53 Catharine Samuel, 226 S 3d Wilham, mariner 10 Shippen wid Ann, gentw 95 Christian Jameson Robert, shipwright 547 S Front Jarman Daniel, constable 2d n German JaiTet wid Ann, baker 255 S Front Jermin Charles, 32 Plumb

James, 287 S 3d Jeffries wid Rachel, tailoress b 116 Cathaiine Jennings Jacob, sausage maker 182 Shippen John Frederick, labourer b of 364 S 2d Johnson Andi-ew, mariner 53 Mead al Andi'ew, 119 German Catharine, 21 Plumb George, shoemaker 283 S 3d George, cordwainer German bel 4th Henry, waiter 304 S 7th Henry, turner 287 S 3d Henry, 154 South John, painter 38 Catliarine Joseph, sea captain 59 Queen Mary, 47 Plum



Johnson Henry, gro 154 S E c Cedar Sc 4th P, 88 German

Robei-t, shopkeeper 72 Shippen Thomas, manner S 3d bel Sliippen \vid Sarah, washw b of 109 Christian Johnston Benjamin, tailor 101 German Benjamin B, 32 German Ernest, 248 S 5th Peter, mariner b of 77 Cliristian Thomas, grocer 81 Passyunk road A^' illiam, 248 S 5th Jones ^David, tailor 8 Queen

David, house cai-p Christian n 4th

David, 168 Christian

Edward, cor 3d and Catharine

Elizabeth, 326 S 2d

Jeremiah, shoemr 534 S Ft cor Federal

John, carter S 9th bel Shippen

John, pawnbroker 192 Cedar

Joseph, wheeh\Tiglit N E cor Moyamen-

sing- road and Piime Peter, plasterer 45 George Phenice E, S 2d Robert, sea captain 152 Cedar Samuel, blacksmitli and wheelwTnght blacksmith shop Penn below Cedar wheelwrig-ht shop 309 d h 303 S Ft Samuel P, 330 S 3d Samuel, 265 Catharine Tliomas, tailor 98 Christian wid Mary Ann, gentw 43 Almond vvid Patience, seamstress 265 Catharine Jordan Richard, di-ug-gt N W c Christian & 2d Jourdan Sai-ah, g-entw 34 Queen Justice Samuel, 268 S 5tli

Kamerly John L, liaker 56 Plum

Kamly George, 354 S 2d (

Kane George, 354 S 2d

Karney Plulip, upholsterer 244 S 3d

Kay Mrs Hestei-, boai-ding house 563 S Front

Kean John, 234 S 5th

Edwai'd, labourer 298 Cedar and M'Eean, 234 S 4th Rogei', milkman 89 Shippen Kearny Rachel, 20 Oak Keatin widow, 284 S 4th Keating' Joseph, 83 Shippen

John, 289 S 4th Kehrum William, tav keep c Shippen and Ft Keefe John, merchant 9 Federal

John & James, vermicelli manuf Prime ab Front Kelch James, shoemaker 21 Plum Kelley Cornelius, shoemaker 5th bel Shippen Edward, Christian John, 288 S 3d John, carter 297 S 5th William, ship\\Tight 9 Christian Kelly Hugh, Man-iott's lane John, tailor 128 Plum William, 265 S 5th Kelsey Mary, milliner 309 S 2cJ

Keltz James, 24 Plimib

Kelter David, combmr 140 Cedar

Kendall Josliua, oak cooper 328 S Front

Robert, Old 2d bel Wharton market wid Ann, milliner 25 Plum wid Francis, gentAV 350 S Front Kennedy wid Hannah, board house 302 S 2d Keogh Nicholas, acct 146 Swanson Keran P'rancis, type founder 178 Shippen Kernan James, boot and shoe maker Passyunk

road n German Ketler PhiUp, boot and shoemr 269 Catharine Klnnim Thomas, mariner (mate) 1 Shippen Keziah, wid 15 German Kiernan wid Margai-et, 264 S 4th Kimball James, ovster cellar Sliippen 2 doors

bel 4tli Kimmy Abraham, sea capt 38 Almond Kiner Hemy, labourer 37 Moyamensing road King George, Buck road

John, grocer 330 S Front Richai-d, house carp 24 Oak William, acct 72 Almond wid Jane, teacher 105 Christian Kingston Stephen B, 145 Catharine

Thomas, 328 S 4th Kinney John, imikeeper 202 Cedar Kirkpatrick Ferguson,- grocer 188 Cedar

Georg-e, grocer 242 S 6th Kinsley John, tailor Almond Klapp Harvev, M D 292 S 2d Joseph, M D 290 S 2d Kline John, late porter 31 Fitzwater Khng-man Mrs Leali, carpet weaver 5 Shippen Kloz Dr G F, 260 S 4th Knight James, wheelwright 372 S Front

Wilham, sailing master U S navy 275 S Front Knowles James B, house carp 163 Christian

Sarah, nurse 277 S Front Knox Jacob, mariner 22 Mead al Jolm, ^'ocer 294 S 3d Joseph, 7 Plum Kollock David H, cabinet mr 316 S 2d

Pliihp, boarding house 26 Swanson Krider John J, biscuit baker 70 Swanson

widow, 246 S 4th Krown Gabriel, S W c Marriott's lane and 4th Kiidl George, 94 Shippen Kugler Jolui, cooper 45 Passyunk road

Lackey widow, tav keeper 36 Plum LafFerty widow, tailoress 260 S 3d Lake Ann, 47 George

Thomas, acct 47 George Lamb James, grocer 174 South

Peter, sea capt 24 Catharine Lambert wid Elizabeth, grocer 148 Swanson

cor of Queen Lame Joseph, 278 S 5th Lanagan, tailor 3d bel German Lancaster Wilham, 258 S 3d Landine Lucy, confectioner 375 S Front Lane John, mariner 50 Swanson



Lane John, shocmakrr b of 31 Fitzwatcr Lapslcy Mosvs, ciirtcr 54 Passyiiiik road J.uroclu- Inmcis 1', mariner N K cor Christian

and l''n)nl I^assoiir Sanuifl, 75) Lascy Jessy, I'Jt Queen Ijitinier Thomas, l,i I'liini Laiiphliii Tl\omas, sliojikeeper 217 S 6th Lauderhack H;UTis, hricklayer 279 S 2d Lavallc Josej)!!, ropemaker S Trent bcl tlic na\)' \M\l Widow, S Front Iicl the navy yard Law Samuel, Cln-istian liel od Lawrence Jacob, carter 357 S 2d

James, ropemaker 569 S 2d Jolin, paper haiig'cr 20 Mary William, g'rocer oOO S 2d Lawton Daniel, bricklayer 500 S Front Leach |{ichard, N E cor Cliristian and 2d Thomas, Carpenter William, mariner 25 Catliarine Leathcrman wid Ann, washw Catharine n 7tli Lechler I'^lizabcth, 238 S 4th Lecter William, 67 Moyamensing" road Lee Henrj', watcnman 9 German John, mariner 565 S Front Kol)ert, bellows maker o5 Shippen Leich Richard, tailor 437 S 2d Lejee John R, dry g-ood store 262 S 2d Leland Jolm, cabinet maker 20 Queen Leon Philip, toy shop 54 Ced;ir Lesher Christian, h carp Cedar bet 6tli 8c 7th John, grazier Christian n 7th Samuel, mariner 25 Catharine Levering N, 100 Swanson Levis M M, 372 S 2d

wid Theresa, gentw 330 S 2d Levy Andrew, 2d hand clothing sto 214 Cedar Lewis Benjamin, teacher b of the old Ebene- zer ch d h 469 S 2d Benjamin, 3d bel Christian George, shopkeeper 397 S Front Job, fishmonger S W c Small and 5tli wid Ehzabeth, gentw 260 S Front Liddle wid Comfort, weaver 32 Fitzwatcr Liech FYederick, 161 Clii-istian LilJey John, 324 S 4th Lingo Levi, 90 South Linn Henry, 8 German

Robert, mariner 49 Btead al Linton wid Martha, shop keep 221 Swanson Little Charles, cooper 29 Swanson John, 43 Shippen Wm, cor South and Ball al WUham, N E cor 3d and German Lister Thomas S, 300 S 4th Livezely Jacob, wheelwright and blacksmith

61 Plumb Lloyd Thomas, newspaper canier 378 S Ft Lockhart John, sea captain 256 S Front Lockwood Oliver, Queen n 4th Lodor Benjamin H, merchant tailor 55 Wal- nut d h 16 Almond Lodcrs Edward, weaver 298 S 10th

Logan John, weaver 312 S 7th Loghrey Daniel, 291 S 4th Logue l'',(lwaitl, carter 5-1 J'assyunk road l.oiigaker William, carpenter 96 Plum I .oiigmier Natlianiel, 48 George I^onginire Francis B, S 2d I^ongstreth Abraham, 237 Sliippcn Lott Henry, dr}g(K)d store 386 S Front Louden John, tobacconist 311 S 2d Longhead Robert L, justice of the peace 248 S 6tli widow Jane, shopkeeper 74 Bed- foi-d Louderback James, 5 Somers's ct, S 2d Love James, gi'ocer 2 Christian Low Bennet, 32 Gennan

widow Marian, 125 Swanson Lowden Henry, 262 S 5th

Thomas, 262 S 5th Lowry Geort,e, victualler 469 S Front Lower John, S 4th

Loyd wid Sarah, shopkeeper 232 S 3d Liunber Samuel, watennan 88 German Lutz Mary, Old 2d

Liizenburg Joseph, teacher of French 40 Ce- dar Lyle Thomas, sea captain 328 S Front L,yons E J, 250 S 4th Lynch David, grocer 38 S Front

David, 83 Shippen

Michael, 83 Shippen

M'Affee Jolm, carter 130 German

wid Mary, gentw 483 S 2d M'Afee Robert, turner b of 198 Cedar M'Alister Charles, Carpenter M'Arthur Alexander, shipwright 521 S 2d

Daniel, tailor 3d near Shippen M'AIeer Daniel, grocer and tavern keeper

254 Cedar M'Bride William, Queen

William, shoemakfer M'Bryan Jacob, carter 310 S Front M'Cafferty Isabella, 39 German M'Call John, grocer 368 S, Front James, cor Queen and 6th Wn» and son, cor 6th and Queen Williiim, c 5th and Maniott's lane M'Cawley Neal, morocco manuf 174 South n

5th M'Calagan Samuel, 84 Sliippen M*Cann Daniel, pilot 310 S Front

Henry, bank watchman 233 S 3d M 'Carter Ja:mcs, 273 S 4th M'Cartney Patrick, labourer 5 Federal M'Carty w id Mary, 502 S Front M'Caslin John, storekeeper 310 S Front M'Cauley James, lieutenant U S navy yard S Front Wm, weaver 293 S 4th M'Clean Areliibald, cabinet mr 496 S Tront



M'Clellan David, tin pedlar 304 S 3d M'Claskey widow Lydia, circulating library

249 S Front M'Cloud Daniel, mariner 102 Swanson M'Closkey James, house carp 218 Cedar M'Ciun Samuel, 41 S 5th M'Comb James, weaver 30 Federal Robert, weaver 124 Plum William 165 Clmstian wid Elizabeth, tailoress 124 Plum wid J, 30 Fede]'al M'Connomey Michael, 291 S 4th M, tailor 290 S 4th M'Conochy Emery, 12 Crab M'Conog'hy John, plasterer 111 Christian M'Connell George, weaver 50 Passyunk rd M'Cormick Dominick, carter 89 Plum

Francis, boiu-ding house 415 S Ft John, mariner 13 ?vread al Patrick, grocer 254 N W cor 6tli and Shippcn M'Coy John, tallow chandler N E c Mead al

and Front M'Culin Mary, 23 Crab M'Culloch Henry, 67 Plum

Joseph, shoemaker 87 Shippen Robert, 332 -S 3d Samuel, 302 S 3d wid Rachel, 24 Mead al M'Dermot wid Catharine, teacher 272 S 7th M'Devitt William, cordwainer 272 S 2d M'Donald Daniel, silversmith 23 Mary

James, house carpenter 483 S Ft William, 13 German M'Dowel Andi'ew, Queen n 6th M'Dowell James, tailor 10 Oak M'Donnough Thomas, 261 S 5th M'Elwaine John, Carpenter M'Elwee Ann G, 114 German

wid Catharine, teacher 348 S Front M'Euen James, cabinet maker 20 Vernon d h

280 S Front M'Farland James, gent 212 Sliippen

Robert, steel manuf 69 Christian wid Charlotte, teacher 292 S Ft M'Fee widow Alice 15 Plum M'Ferran John, cqrdwainer Cathamne bet 3d

and 4th M'Gaffigen PhiHp, tailor 222 S 5th M'Garvey, widow 236 S 5th M'Gauley wid Mary, grocer 428 S Front M'Gee Patrick, 114 Plum

Patrick carter 86 Shippen Fannv, milliner c 2d & Almond M'Gilly James, S 4th M'Ginnis James, 249 S 4th Neal, 110 Plum William, Passyunk road M'Ginley Hugh, c Swanson and Primp M'Glaughhn John, 130 German M'Glathery widow, 53 George M'Glensey Patrick, grocer 67 Cedar

William, drygood store S W cor 2d and Cedar N'Gonnigle Nicholas, 83 Plum

M'Gonnigle Mary, widow grocer 222 Cedar

M'Gonnag'h Patrick, 74 Pkun

M'Gowen M, 111 Plum

M'Gown Ambrose, 267 S 5th

M'Grath Andrew, S W c Shippen and 4th

Patrick 227 S 3d M'Guigan Ann, fancy store 52 Cedar

Patrick, type founder 205 Shippen M'Guire Edmund, 70 Plum

John, carter 283 S 4th M'Harg James, cordwainer 545 S 2d

Francis, 207 S 4tli M'llvain George, printer 119 German M'Intire James, draj-man 17 Fitz\vater

Isaiah, cordwainer 133 S Front M'lver widow 62 Shippen M'Kaig cai'penter74 Passyunk M'Kay Ricliard, cor 2d and Federal M'Kee Joseph, Carpenter M'Keever J & J B, gi-ocers N E cor 2d and Shippen wid Jemima, gentw 45 Almond M'Kenrick James, weaver 300 Cedar M'Kerney Abraham, house carpenter Plum M'Kenzie Hugh, sea captain 126 Christian M'Kinley Alexander, cordwainer 324 S 3d David, cordwainer 283 S 4th James, plasterer, 324 S 3d Nathaniel, 116 German M'Kinla James, 324 S 3d

Thomas, S 5tlii M'Kinzie John, 60 Sluppen M'Lanahan Thomi'.s, mer 221 Swanson M 'Learn Samuel, jr tailor 47 Passyunk road M'Laren Samuel, house cai-p 41 P,assyunk rd M'Laughlin Henry, boatman Plum bel 5th

James, c Fitzwater and Passyunk Patrick, tav keeper 54 Cedai' M'Lear Daniel, tavern keeper30 Prime M'Lean John, S W c Cedar and 4th

Samuel, 225 S 5th M'Leod J, Queen bel Front M'Manamy Thomas, grocer 226 S 5th M'Mullin Archibald, cU-ayman 288 S 7th

Mrs Jane, shopkeeper 12 Christian John R, sliipsmith Swanson n the

navy yard d h 25 Prune Joseph, mer c Almond and Swanson Robert, 23 Prime Robert, ^en lumber merch 161 d h

62 Swanson Robert, jun lumber merchant d h

361 S Front Wilham, 97 Prime widow, 227 S 3d M'Nalley Bernard, tobacconist 298 S Front Wm, coach trimmer etc n the N E c 7th and Pine ' M'Nally Georg-e, tavern 89 Shippen M'Namer Ma\irice, smith 105 Shippen M'Namara Henry, 109 Prime Joshua, 103 Prime M'Neale Malcolm, 234 S 4th M'Neely Thomas, carter 216 Shippen M'Neilledge Alexander, sea capt JOG Chrstian



M'Nelly Gcorg«, 89 Sliippen

John, '282 S 6th M'Nenim Mulcomb, ijont 3;>6 S I-Yonl M'rlierson llii}>li, si-:i capt 464 S 2d M'Quillin Abniliam, ^ ictualkr Mary M'Quin Janii's, grocer J14 S 2cl M'Williams wid .M:u\ , milliner 123 S 5th M.ias Uavid, dealer J';issviink road c GeiTnan Mackoy Hichaixl, N W c Fedend and Moya-

mcnsing i-oad Macomb William, labourer 165 Christian Maddox Josi;di, Phlladclphiu bank watchman

560 S Front Maflet Uavid, master waixlen 274 S Front Mag^arvy Jolm, bellman 26 Shippen Aragoody wid Ann, waslnv b 14 Oak Mag'raw William, weaver 197 Christian Mag"y Anthony, house painter 302 S od Mailer John, bottler 522 S Front Mahlen Daniel, 238 S 3d Mahlon Philip, trunk maker 86 Plum Main Charles, mariner 75 Christian M:dr James, warper 47 Fitzwater Major Robert, house carpenter 76 Almond Mallender Mid Mary, store keep 374 S Fi'ont MiUlet John L, mariner 497 S Front M:dseed John, coi-dwainer 66 Shippen Mandei-field Henry, constable 39 Mary Manly Reuben, 198 South Mann John, 263 S 3d

Thomas, macliine maker 263 S 3d Manneiy Enoch, 85 Prime

John, maiincr 542 S Front Mansfield Thomas, tiiilor 266 S 5th Mapes Wm, cordwainer Oak Mai-ker John, dealer 278 S 7th

Thomas L, b of 385 S 5th Marott wid Ehzabeth, seamstress 19 Christian Marselis Isaac N, M D N E cor Catharine and

2d Marsh James, a^ent 50 Almond Martui Benjamin,

Henry, S 4th

Robert, coachmaker 303 S 5th

Silvester 281 S 4th

Thomas, tavern keeper 91 Sliippen

, mai-iner 384 S Front

William, 62 German W^illiam, Carpenter W S, printer 276 S Front Maas D, auctioneer Passpmk

wid Saridi, shop keeper 24 Mead al Mason Ehas, tailor 449 S Front George, 294 S 4th W^ilham, 164 Chi-istian William G, 144 Christian wid Elizabeth, nm'se 11 German wid Sarah, Swanson n the navy yard Massey Lemuel, gi-o N W c Shippen and 5th

Samuel, coach maker 68 Almond Matlack Abraham, 330 S 2d Matthews John, mariner 137 Pbim John, waiter 35 Q»ieen

Matthews Wm, weaver 44 Passyunk road Mattliews William H, l)akcr 89 Cedar and 267

S2d Maull William, shipwrif,dit 567 S 2d

wid Mary, seamstress 19 Christian Maxwell John, fjrocer 240 S 4th

John, house carpenter 116 Christian Mead Rev William C, 302 S 2d Meade widow Elizabeth, mantua mr 291 S 3d Meg'eh John, saddler 364 S 2d Melchor John, 46 Plum MellieiTan Gcorg-e, baker 277 S 4th Mercer Bemawl, house carpenter 114 Swanson Robert, sea captain 1 Mary Tliomas, S W c Christian & Swanson Mercier (^liarlcs, wood coi-der Queen st wharf

d h 53 Queen Meriman wid S, AV cor Queen and 3d Merrick Alexander P, sea captain 254 S Ft Meny John, tavern c Wasliington and Front Merwine widow, 81 Plum Metz Lawrence, 11 Plum Meyers Thomas, mariner 507 S 2d Michael wid Rachel, nurse 100 Swanson Middleton Ann, shopkeeper 186 Cedar Midlen Walter, sea captain 379 S Front Miercken John W, sea captain 20 German Mierly David, 192 Passyunk Miles Thomas, mariner 384 S Front

William, mariner 275 S 4th Miller Elizabeth, 68 George Frederick, 34 German George, Mamott's lane Georg-e, drayman 58 Almond John, 356 S 2d John B, stevedore 275 S 3d John C, tavern keeper 568 S Front John C, mariner 176 Swanson Cornelius, Queen

James, tobacconist b of 116 German James, labourer 298 Cedar John, labourer 570 S 2d Thomas, sea captain 40 Almond William, grocer 368 S Front William, sea captain 485 S Front

, sea captain 15 Queen

widow Hannah, 572 S 2d Jlilon Thomas, S 5th Millette Joseph, type founder 273 S 7th Mills widow Ann, 419 S Fi-ont Mittchel wid Ann, gentw 491 S Front Mitchell Ann, grocer 36 CedJir

George, shipwright 42 Christian Jolin, 30 Plum

James, professor of music 22 Shippen Joseph, labourer b of 106 Christian Moffat David, master warden 274 S Front Moffit Thomas, carter 554 S Front Moliere Henry, merchant 37 Shippen

L, 27 Shippen Moloney James, bootmaker 92 Cedar Monacb wid Mary, drygxxxi store 386 S 2d



Money Joseph J, corder Queen st wharf d h

140 Swanson Montgomery James, mariner b of 106 Christian Mooney Cornelius 270 S 4th

John, pedlar 293 S 5th Moore Da\-id, mariner (mate) 12 Gennan James M, grocer 166 Swanson James, flour store S W cor Christian

and Front James, keeper of carts 111 German John, plasterer 27 Mary John, ladies' shoemr 98 Cathai-ine Robert M, 366 S 2d Robert, grocer 270 S 7th Samuel, coidvvainer 91 Passyunk road Wm, morocco dresser Queen n 3d WiUiam, gi-ocer 27 Fhmi Wilham, printer 5tli bel Christian back widow Mary, nurse 10 German Moorehead W, bookseller 315 S 2d Moose John, tavern 326 S Front Morgan Avery, niai-iner 14 Christian Da\'id, b of 10 German George, sea captain 55 Queen George, cordwainer 561 S Front John, mariner 11 Mead al Solomon, c South and 4th Thomas, painter 92 Cedar Morion wid Priscilla, washw 12 Swanson Morrel John AV, 152 Christian Morris George, sprig cutter 244 S 5th J George, 45 Shippen ■j- Simeon, porter Christian bet 5th and

6th widow Ann, seamstress 42 German Morton Benjamin, hatter 343 S 2d James, printer 212 S 5th John, grocer 222 S 5th widow Elizabeth, 49 Catharine Moses Aaron, 2d hand clothing sto 186 Cedar Mosley Samuel, cabinet maker 301 S Fi'Ont Moss John, dyer and scourer 200 S 5th Moulder Joseph, sliipwright 516 S Front Moimtain James M, 306 S 4tli

James, mariner 278 S 3d John, gTOcer 306 S 4th Much Adam, shipwright 502 S Front Muir Daniel, cordwainer 38 Christian Mullan Edward, 122 Plum Mullin Edward, mariner 13 Mead al "William, shoemaker 14 Oak Murdock Samuel, grazier Moyamensiug road

bel Wharton Murphy Arcliibald, soap and tallow chandler 144. Cedar Matthew, distiller Marriott's lane Richard, tailor 41 Almond "William, 91 Sliippen William P, grocer cor Oak and 5th widow Mary, nui"se 41 Almond Murray John, 265 S 5th

James G, tavern keeper 30 Cedar John, ship watchman 83 Swanson John, coniwainer 495 S 2d

Mun-ay Lewis, smith and farrier 159 Shippen Murrow Peter, grocer S E c Moyamensing rd

and Federal Murta Chai-les, grocer 106 Plum M} ers .lames, house cari^cnter 266 S 4th Joseph S, gi-ocer 391 S 2d WiUiam, sliipsmith 457 S Eront widow Mar}-, S 6th n Fitzwater wid Rachel, gentw 32 Claristian IMjTtelius wid Susannah, seamst 43 Christian Myrtolus Christopher, oak cooper 43 Chrisdah

Naglee Wm, shipwright 127 Moj'amensing rd

Naper ^\■idow, Marriott's lane

Nautical Academy, 295 S Front

Navan-e Peter, baker 212 S 6th

Jiavy Yai-d and oflices, entrance S Front

Nealy widow, 100 Plum

Neff" Jacob, 268 S 2d

John D:u-id, baker 207 S 6di Rachel, drygood store 268 S 2d Negley William, pilot 460 S Front Nigley Wm, vict c Aloyamensing and Federal Nelson widow Jlary, seamstress 3 Sluppen Nerth widow Jane, nurse 65 Mead al Nesbitt W^m, diygood store 416 S Front Newell James, Chiistian bel 3d Newkirk Isimc, house carpenter 144 Moya- mensiug road Ne^rton Charles H, drover 6 Almond j Nicholson John, sweep master 219 Ship- pen Mary, 20 Oak Nletscke Joh»^. S, cordwainer 16 Vernon Nisbcy John, mariner 59 Mead al Noble Helen, drygood store 381 S 2d

Willi;im, 128 German Noe Ehas, 10 Prime

Noi-grave Jeremiah, sea captain 282 S Front Norris William, cordwainer 122 Shippen Norton William L, justice of the peace 272 S

Fi-ont Nooerr Jolui, bread baker 340 S Front

Oakford John, 45 George

widow Rebecca, 319 S 2d O 'Boyle Bernard, grocer 94 Christian O'Conncr Daniel, bottler 15 Mead al 0'Da%-is John, g^io S W cor 4th & Catharine O'Donnell Dennis, boarding house 24 Prime Edward, tavern 191 Cedar Hugh, distiller 392 S 2d O'Kane DavicC 246 S 4th

David, tavern keeper 244 S 4th O'Neil Ai-thur, tavern keeper 287 S 4th O'Neal Arthur S 5th

K\Tan, gi-ocer 204 Shippen Luke, 7 German

Robert, hoiise carpenter 9 Gftsldll d h cor Cedar and George



O'Neal, cor Cedar and (icorgp

widow Susan, 82 Ccdiir t)d() Liwis, 78 Soutli Odonluinicr Jacol), pent 267 ratliarinc O^i^dtn Z, jcrsrv hotel c '2d and >\'asliini^ton Ogilby Joscpli, slupwriglit 59 Swanson

'riionnas 1), slnpwri}cl\t 5-20 S Fi-ont Oliver Hobei-t, tavern keeper 28 iMum

I'honias, apothecaiy and drugj^st 413 S Front

William, sea ea])tain 42 Almond Oniidt "William, mariner 14 (lerman Ord Henrietta, g-entw 354 S Front Orrman Hemy, tavern 270 S 6th o-l>orne Ebenezer, liouse carpuntter 52 Cedar rev Freeman, 1st I'reshvterian clun-eh Southwark tl li 3 doors bel Catha- rine Owen John S, 4th bet Shippen and South

Peter, 228 Catharine Owens James, house carpenter 272 S 6th

John, mariner (mate) 73 Christian

Samuel, sea captiiin 14 John

Packer John, livery stable keeper 335 S 2d I*ugc John, Carpenter

John, S 6th ab Fltzwater Painter John, house carpenter 119 Swanson

Julia, gentw 147 Catharine Paisley John, innkeeper 203 Shippen Palmer Richard, justice of peace 64 Sliippen

Simeon, pilot 118 Swansea Pap pal \ViUium

Park Cuthbert, Johnson's ct Passyunk road Pai'ker Benjamin, cabinet maker 258 Cedar John, watcnnan S 3d bel Cluistian John, pawnbroker 14 Fitzwater Joseph, bricklayer 137 Catharine Lewis, mariner 32 Catharine f Mar}-, whitewasher 4th bel German t Silas, porter S 4th n Gennan Thomas, shopkeeper 338 S Front widow Hannah, giocer 34 7th S E c

Zane widow, 263 Catliarine Parrish capt Ebenezer, surveyor 115 Swanson Pany David, flour store c Catharine and Ft Pascall John, Lebanon garden S E c 10th and

Cedar Pastorius Abraham, sea captain 452 S Fixjnt Patereon Hugh, Marriott's lane Patterson Joseph, ship joiner 57 Mead al

Thomas, block and piunp maker 63

and 65 Swanson Wm, mai-iner (mate) 42 Catharine Patton Francis, mariner 375 S Front

Henrietta, shopkeeper 218 S 3d R A, acct 260 S Front Samuel, accoimtuit 47 Plum Pattrick Margaret, 202 Queen Paul Wm B, mariner (mate) 72 Queen

Wm W, sea captiiin 72 Queen Paxon James, shipwright 29 Swanson

Payntor f^emucl, grocer 117 German

William, house carpenter 126 German I'ayren Stephen, hatter 22 Swanson Peake Thomas, shipwright Swanson n the na-

vv janl Peal'e Charles W, 269 S 3d

Edmund, 269 S 3d Pearson Geo, regulator of Southwark 399 S 2d James S, shij) joiner 138 Swanson John, house carpenter 446 S Front Thomas, saddler and trunk maker 24 Shippen i'ei-1 Henry, pewtcier 294 S 2d Pcirce Peter, umbrella mr b of 294 S 4th Peloux PcHer, gunsmith 190 Cedar Pelt/, Pliilip, jun M I) 324 S 2d Peni-ose Charles, g-cnt 93 Penn Pepper Amos, nailor 534 S Front Peppers Michael, ship joiner and house car- penter 232 Catharine Peril Stephen, 80 South Perkins Benjamin, labourer 3 Shippen Pcn'in WiUiam, dealer 50 Cediir

f Henry, porter 226 Shippen John, rigger b of 136 Swanson Jonas, miu'iner 5 Mead al Thomas, 513 S 3d widow Abigail, seamstress 55 Ca- tharine widow Elizabeth 44 Christian Pew Ezekiel, constable

Robert, tailor 46 German Philler Andrew, jun boot and shoemr269 S 2d Philips John, 390 S 2d Pliillips .lohn, coi-dwauier 390 S 2d Richard,

^^'illiam, sea captain 258 S Front widow Mary, 137 Moyamensing road Phipps Lewis, 397 S Front Pickel captain, 126 Cedar

widow Ann, gentw 126 Cedar Pickering Thomas, 300 S 4th Pidgeon Da\ id, 2d bel Mead al

Robert, wheehvTight Galbraith's ct Wm, deputy keeper Walnut st pri- son 352 S" 2d John, 352 S 2d T^rce John, gent 36 Christian ^^ Joseph M, mariner 166 Sw'anson

widow Retjecca, gentw 104 Swanson

Pinyard William, inspector at the navy yard

425 S Front

widow Elizabeth, 93 Christian

Plumb Joscpk, tavern keeper Christian bet

7th and Passyunk road Plummer, (eldei-) Frederick, 13 Shippen and

Kaighton Poalk Solomon, bottler 244 S 3d Pleiss Jacob F, stove manuf 272 S 2d Pollai'd John, cordwaincr 48 German Polls Mar}-, 248 S 5th Poole William AV, jeweller 144 Swanson Poppal George, victualler 178 Cedar Powell EH, chair maker 113 Christian George, 67 Plum



Powell Jacob, stove manuf 238 S Front d h 46 Venn wid Rhoda, tailoress 13 Queen Powers Pierce, gent 17 Mead al

, glass blower 384 S Front

Pouner Francis, porter of the Mechanics' bank

3 Fitzwater Pratt James, tobacconist 128 Cedar Price Ann, 7 Somers's ct S 2(1

David, sea captain 303 S Front William, pawnbroker 84 South Prentis John, broker S W c Shippen and 5th Preston John, painter and glazier 110 Swanson Prichett WilUam B, brewer 367" S Front Pricket William, carter 577 S 2d Priest Emanuel, caulker 12 Mary Primoner E, store and tavern 221 Shippen Putney Richard, 87 George Puti'on John D, boot & shoemaker 426 S 2d

Quas John, cabinet maker 46 Plum Queen William, cordwainer 489 S 2d

wid Mary, 67 Queen Quinn Bernard, 243 South

Felix, tavern and store Cedar

Radcliff George, grocer 395 S Front Ramage WiUiam, S E c 6th and Catharine Rambow David, Moyamensing road ■j- Randolph Joseph, painter and glazier 212

Cedar Rawhns wid Catharine, dealer 15 Shippen Ray David, tailor 241 S 6th

Robert, sea captain 33 Almond widow Sarali, gentw 17 Christian Raybold John, house carpenter 51 Fitzwater Joshua, prothonotory of the supr ct state house d h 51 Fitzwater Read Joel, labourer b of 364 S 2d Reaves Abraham, 49 German Reckles Antliony, rope maker 570 S 2d Redman James, weaver Man-iott's lane Reed Alexander W, gro S W c Cedai"and6th Samuel, watcliman 315 S 2d William, gTocer 35 Pass}'unk road widow Jane, 320 S 2d Rees George, bootmaker 276 S 2d Reeve John P, 3d bel Christian Reid Alexander J, grocer 251 S 3d N E c of Shippen, d h Sluppen and Merriman, grocers Sliippen ab 2d wid Jane, tavern and grocery 320 S 2d Reilly John, tavern 130 Cedar M, 245

Matthew, cordwainer 243 S 4th Pliilip, grocer S W c Sliippen and 2d Reinhart John E, sbipsmith 116 Swanson Remington wid Sarah, store keep 308 S 2d Renick Cornelius, mast inaker 9 Mead al

Renshaw Richard, justice of the peace and no- tary public 302 S 2d Reynolds James, tailor 310 S Front Rhlnehart John, shoestore Cedar n 4th Rliume Henry, baker 447 S Front Richards George, 136 Christian

James, 9 Somers's ct S 2d Joseph, waterman S 3d bel Christian William, 138 Catharine Rickerds Nuttei-, 143 Catharine Rickson Andi-ew, rigger 69 Queen Ridel Jolui, Queen Rigeway Richard S, 4th bel Queen Riley James, 575 S Front

Matthew, 4th bet South and Shippen Rinehart Joseph, 150 Cedar Rink John, button maker 74 Queen Rinker wid Cathai*ine gentw 574 S Front Ritchie Thomas, M D 264 S Front Rite John, Sliippen

Rivel George, shipwright 55 Moyamensing i-d Rizer Charles, apotliecary and di'uggist junc- tion of 5th antl Passyunk f Roach Benjamin, mariner 112 Christian Roach Rev Mailing B, 128 Christian Robb James, Catharine and 2d

widow, 10 Plum Robbins Isaiah, labourer Wharton bet Moya- mensing road and Federal William, mariner 34 Mead al Robeno Andrew, 142 Catharine

John, 144 Catharine , John, tailor N W c Front and Cedar

d h 96 Ctu-istian Roberts Jacob, cordwainer 25 Christian

Jeremiali, Marriotts lane bet 5th & 6th Lewis, g^-ocer and boarding house 322

S Front Nicholas, mariner 289 S 4th Samuel, gi-o S W c 5th and Shippen Seth, Moyamensing i-oad Sylvester, printer 66 George widow Ann, doctress 161 Cliristian Robinson Andrew, giocer S W cor 6th. and Fitzwater George, sea capt 15 Catharine James, mariner 65 Catharine John, mariner 15 Christian mariner, 2d bel German John, rigger 2 Almond st wharf d h

41 Clii'istian Joseph, sea captain 45 Swanson Joshua, l40 Catharine Sarah Ann, 244 1-2 S 3d f Rodgers WiUiam, steward of the steam boat

Delaware Christian n 4th Rohan Michael, 248 S 4th Rolph Wm, flmcy chair mr Queen bet od & 4th Rolland John, 44 German Ronaldson James, type founder Cedar bet 9th and 10th Richiu-d, type founder Cedar bet 9th and 10th Room Barzillai, waterman S E c Swanson and Almond St wharf



Hooncy Jiimes, N E cor 4th and Gentian Ross Fnilcrlck, pointer uiid i^Lizicr 012 S 2(1

Joseph, },'-focci- 221 Shi]>pcn

Oliver, 12 IMum

wul Kli/.;il)tth, cig^r maker 121 I'luin

widow Man', o42 S 2d Roiisseuii Joseph, tailor .^2 Cedar Row Geor^^e, conlwa'iner 2d np AVhai'loii mkt Rowan wid Amelia, luii'se 28 Queen Rowland Sarah, ch'j gvotl store 102 Swanson Roy Uernard, grocer 1G.> Shippcn Ruilenian William, 29 Gemiaii Rue John, shipwi'ight 498 S Front Rule John, tdlow chandler 104 Plum

and Ton-ens, distillers 222 S 5th Rumel Jacol), jdasteier 6th n Marriot's lane Itunip Voter, Carpenter Runipf I'cter-, Carpenter bet 5tli and 6th Rusha wid Elizahctli, gentw 112 Catharine Rutcr Henry, 572 S 2d Ruttei-s Mary Ann, Moyamcnshig' road Ryan William, drj' good store 146 Cedar Kyerson Thomas, gent 370 S 2d

Sagnier Henry A, riding' master 353 S Front Sailor Samuel, painterand glazier 272 S od , Selby James, sea captaiii 47 Ahtiond 1 _ James, jun sea captain 28 Almond Thomas, sea captain Almond Sampson Samuel, tavern keeper 15 Swanson Sandei-s John, house carpenter 135 Catliarine

Richanl, Moyamensing i-oad Sandgrave Charles, sea captain 477 S Front Saunders John W, Front ab Cathaiine Savage John R, 60 Cedar

Mattliew, weaver 229 Shippen Saxton Charles, wheelwTight 238 Cedar William, wheelwright 238 Cedar Scanlan Matthew, grocery and tav 279 S 4tli Scantlin Jeremiah, S W c Soutli and Crab Scheffel Christian, baker c Queen and 5tl» Schellinger Joseph, sea capt 74 Catharine

WiUiam, pilot 105 Swanson Sliade Peter, gentleman 41 Almond Shenk Nicholas, weaver b of 386 S Front Schilling Jacob, baker lower 490 S 2d Scholefield JoJm, cai-pet manuf 176 Cedar Schooles widow Ehzabcth, 41 S Front Scofield Thomas, grocer 90 Swanson Scott Hamilton, shipwright 60 Swanson

Simon, rope maker 145 Moyamensing r William, tailor Christian bel 5tli Seafoss Benjamin, 125 Queen Sedgwick Ann, boanling h6use 28 Swanson Seer Joseph, sea captain 523 S 2d - 1 Semon M, 2d hand clotliing store 224 Cctlar Secton John, soa]) &, tallow chandler 43 Plum Seib Jacob, deider 80 Shippen Seip Jacob, jun 91 German Sementa Catliarine, 88 Shippen Shaffer Com-ad, carter 133 Carpenter Erwin, 9 Plum X

Shaffer John, carter S W c Cedar and 12th Mre l.ydia, 217 Christian widow Hannah, shoemaker 9 Plum Shafer George W, Piissyuiik road Shafer Henr}, Passyiink road Shanakan wid Mary, gentw 305 S Front Siiane Daniel, I'assyunk roiul Shankland Charles H, sea captain 11 NLu*y Shanklin WiUiam, sea captain 393 S Front Siiannon wid Ann, washw b of 13 German Sharp Henry, sea captain 306 S 2d

John, tailor 317 S 2d

John, pilot 40 Queen

Jonah, fancy chair maker 62 Plum Shaw Joshuii, artist 142 Chlrstian

Charles, coUcctjOr 103 Swanson Shear John, shipwright 446 S l->ont Sheer Frederick, victualler Federal n Moya- mensing road

wielow Elizabeth, gentw 22 PKun Sheetz Jacob, boat builder 30 Swanson Shercr widow Hannah, 63 Queen Shei'iff Charles, coach maker c Plum and 5th Shennan Conger, printer 203 S 5tli Sherwood William, shipwright 565 S 2d Sliibe William, shipwright 496 S Front Sliindler Michael, c 5th and Shippen Shingle John, mariner 35 Mead al Shirke John, 106 Plum Shirley widow U, cake baker 300 S 3d Sliced George, 275 S 5th

Thomas, 274 S 5th Shutc Sarah, 338 S 2d Shuts Jacob, boat builder 454 S Front Shrlver Henr), 411^ Front Sibbald Charles F, naval store Swanson Sickles John,>tavern keeper 110 Cedar Side John N, S 5th Silva Francisco, supercargo 23 Plum Simes Peter, Carpenter

William, Carpenter Simmons Edward, coach maker 54 Almond Noali, shopkeeper Mead al wid Elizabeth, shop kr 25 Mead al Simons Margaret, 252 S 5tli Simpson Mrs Elizabeth, 23 Bedford

Isaac, cabinet maker 6 Shippen Thomas, 266 S '4th James, carter 62 Catharine

■>' RichaKl, csrdwaincr 21 Fitzwater wid Deborah, teacher 3 Mead al Sinclair Jolin, ship joiner 212^ Swanson Singleton David, coi-dwainer 499 S Front Jiunes, sliijiwrigjit 30 Mary James, 95 Prime Skill John, b of 116 Christian Slack Benjamin, S W^ cor German and 3d Slide Sarali, siiojikeeper 378 S 2d Smith Andrew, 5th n Christian

Benjamin, 103 Christian

Edward, feed store 257 S 5th intersec- tion of I'assyunk road

Edwartl, S E c Christian and 2d

Edward, gent 4 Mo) amensing road

and Evans, 223 South



Smith F M 8c co, brewers 223 S 3d F M, brewer 223 d h 267 S 3(1 George, coach trimmer 60 Plum Smith George A, b of 116 Christian George, 166 Christian Hear)-, cooper 224 S 3d Houston, tobacconist 278 S 4th James E, cor Christian and 3d James D, 104 Christian John, cordwainer 417 S Front John, tavern keeper 72 German John A, 296 S 3d , John D, 159 Christian Joseph, rigger 50 Mead al Mrs Lydia, 491 S 2d Patrick, shoemaker 245 S 6th Robert, Catharine n 4th Robert, sea captain 395 S Front Robert, victualler 16 Passyunk road Roger, sea captain 391 S Front Samuel, 61 Plum Samuel, carter 55 Bedford Thomas M, mariner (mate) b of 71

Christian Thomas, coach owner 300 S 4th Wilham, 115 German Wilham, marmer 8 Almond wid Barbara M, 142 Cedar wid Ehzabeth, grocer c Passyunk and

German Ellen, shopkeeper 573 S Front wid ilaigaret, 117 Moyamensing road wid Mary, tailoress 38 Mead al wid Marj', shopkeeper 326 S 6th widow Susan, 3d bel Plum Snedgrass wid Sarah, nurse 9 Mary SneD Benjamin, mariner (mate) 103 Chiistian Crawford, shopkeeper N E c 6th and Shippen Snow Samuel P, accountant 116 German Snowden Joseph S, commission merch Swan- son bel Swedes' Church Snyder Henry, painter 566 S Front Snider Joseph, blacksmitli c Chi-istian and

Swanson d h 352 S Front Solomon widow Frances, umbrella maker 100

Cedar Southern Dispensarj", 98 Shippen Southwark B*nk, 266 S 2d Spangler Hemy, blacksmith 32 Cedar

George, sen blacksmith and stove

manufactory 250 S Front George, jr blacksmith etc 248 S Ft Sparks Peter, druggist 258 S 2d

Sinnickson, carter 7 Queen Thomas, plumber and shot manuf 49 S wharves d h 478 S Front and shot tower 21 Jolm widow Elizabeth, 286 S 4th Speck Charles W, baker 60 Almond Speer Andrew, tavern keeper Ozea's wharf n

Cedar Spence Abraham, 257 S 4th

Spencer James, victualler 113 Moyamensmg r

James, Old 2d bel Federal Spencer Nicholas, 326 S 4th Springer Wm F, 1 Somers's ct S 2d

William, house carp b 116 Christian Sprogell Marshall D, 356 S Front Stafford Patrick, weaver 113 Plum Stancliff John, cordwainer 56 Passyunk road Stead Hem-y, pi-inter 22 Cedar Steed Henry, 113 Queen Steel John, tav keeper Yellow Cottage inn London, carter S 7th n Fitzwater William, pilot 475 S Front \vidow Keziah, 15 Gemian Steelman Nicodemus, waterman 84 Swanson Steenberg wid Mary, shopkeeper 118 Plum Steenbergh wid Mary, seamstress 200 S 5th Stelwaggon Daniel, sailing master U S navy 12

Fedei-al Stephens Jas R, flour and feed sto 232 S 5th James, labourer 488 S 2d John, waterman 14 'Mary f Stevens Wm, kbom-er b of 70 Bedford

wid Amelia, drygood sto 70 Almond Stevenson John, cor Prime and Old 2d

Peter, 47 George Sterret James, carter 83 Bedfoi-d Stewart Alexander, secretary to the U S In- sm-ance Company 278 S Front Isabella, 102 Sliippen James, S W c Cluistian and 4th James, house cai-penter 17 Plmn John, wood corder Queen st wharf d h Swanson bet Catharine and Queen Robert, Pine al Robert D, 328 S 2d \vid Sarah, 17 Plum widow, Shippen Stiles Daniel, pilot 32 Queen Stilton Robert, 102 Phun Stinceman Jacob, coi-dwahicr 568 S 2d Stitt Alexander, sexton of the 4th Presbyteri-

rian Church 26 Oak Stockdale Gei-aldus, teacher 8 Plum

John, select academy for young gentlemen b of 6 d h 8 Plum Stocker Abi-aham, 256 S 5th j

Stockley John G, shipm-ight 438 S Front

P, cordwainer 363 S Front Stockman Cliristopher, mariner 297 S Front Stokeley Scarborough, tailor S Water ab the

drawbridge d h 327 S Front Stone Andrew, plumber Chiistian

John, Federal Story Benjamin, bet South and Shippen

Avidow Ehzabeth, 293 S 3d Stout John, harness maker 342 S 6th Stranaghur James, grocer 245 Shippen Stratton John, laboiu-er 5th bel Sluppen _

Street George, cordwainer 40 Passyunk road -J Strine John< Moyamensing road "

Stretch wid Emma, grocer 112 Swanson Strickland x\braham, house carp 262 S 3d



Strickknd James, cor Christian and 4Ui Peter, 229 S 3d

wid Isabella, g-roccr 102 Sliippen SuirjjLon Rohi-rt, mariner 134 Swanson Stur>^es w id Mary, shopkeeper 93 Swanson Sliirg-is Jolm, paper hanj,'er 127 tiueen Suai-ez Josejih, merch 341 S Front Snmmers William, 380 S 2d Summer Andivw, 150 ChrLstian Sutherland Jot;l B, attorney at law 41 Gcorg-e Sutler Thomas, 13 German Sutton John H, 454 S Front Swain John, 29 German

Shul)crt, 137 Catharine . Swan James, wea\er 30 Mead al Swanson Andrew, bottler 18 Swanson Swartz and Loudcrbach, sliip joiners 214

Swanson Sweeney Archibald, tavern keeper 330 S 6th James, rope maker Carpenter bel 5th Samuel, gro N W c 3d and Geiman Terence, carter 74 Plum Sweeny Daniel, 57 Piissyunk road John, 177 Passjiink road James, Carpenter Sweeter WilUiuii, Coombs's ct German Swing Samuel, 306 S 3d Swope AValtcr, carter 580 S Front

Tack John C, tailor 162 Shippen Tag'gert wid Ann, ta'doress 13 Vernon Tanner widow, Carpenter Tarrant Thomas, pUot 127 Swanson Tarris John, sea captain 489 S I'l-ont Tate Robert, tav keep 4th bel Shippen Tatem wid Mar\', midwife 62 Almond Taylor Charles, Christian n 5th

Isaac, 43 Passyunk road

Isaac, 43 S 5th

John W, 101 Prime

James, 6 4th and Carpenter

John, bricklayer b of 77 Cliristian

Johji, baker 52 Swanson

Philip, saddler 223 Swanson

Richard, 104 Cedar

Richard G, confectioner 104 Cedar

Richaixi, 418 S Front

Thomas, cordwainer 291 S Front

Thomas, coixiwainer c Carpenter and Passyunk

T, 258 S Front

Wm, jr Carpenter n 4th

widow Maiy, 111 Christian Teeple John, cordwainer b of 161 Christian Teer widow Maiy, 88 Shippen Tees John, shipwright 25 Federal Teese Wm, cooper 177 Shippen Tempest Wm, t\ pe founder 94 South Tennery Eleazer il, accountant 55 Mead al Tennison Thomas, coixiwainer 163 Christian Thaw Chai'les, 3d bel Christian

Thomas Amor, tailor 60 Shippen

Benjamin, Johnston's lane and 5th

Charles, hair dresser 273 S 3d

Frcilcrick, Marriott's lane

James, grocer 265 S 3d

Jacob, house car]) S 11th bel Cedar

Janus, tav keup b W c Br<jwne fit 4th

Richanl, painter and glazier b of 13

(iennan wid Clu'istiana, gcntw 138 Swanson Thompson David P, 225 S 3d David, 85 George James, cordwainer 66 f assj-unk r John, weaver 223 Queen John, just of the peace 242 S 4tli Jolin, jr deputy sheriff' 76 Plum Weaker, grocer 262 S 2d f Wm, waiter 70 Bedford widow 85 George Thomson Wm, mast maker 29 Prime ThornliiU Patrick, t;dlow chandler 75 Plum Thornton Heniy, tcdlow cliandler 47 Mead al Thniston Robert, sea captain 128 Christian Tiiuin Margaret, 267 S 2d Tiers Cornelius, block and pump maker 115 S Water rope maker and ship chand- ler 50 S wharves d h 74 Swanson James D, 74 Swanson Tilge Henrj-, 269 S 3d

John, hatter 289 S 3d f Tilghman Daniel, porter b of 68 Bedford f Till wid Rachel, washwoman 532 S 3d IJlly widow Mar\ , 561 S 2d Tilton wid Eunice, teacher 370 S Front Tittermary R, 10 Plum

wid Ann, teacher 450 S Front Toland John, mariner 20 Mead al Tool Arthur, twern S E c Cedar and 6th Tone Gabriel, maiiner 46 Mead al Tonkins W, 90 Sliippen Ton-ens Aaron, cai-ter 293 S 5th

Daniel, soap and candle man 10 Pas-

sjiink road wid Catliarine, shopkeeper 222 S 5th Town John, sail maker Swanson be! the Swedes' church Nicholas, cooper 23 John Richartl, drug store N E c Cedar h Ft Toy Andrew, shipwright 13 Mary Trainer Samuel H, tavern 170 Swanson Traner Fehx, grocer 179 Swanson Travers widow Cathai-ine, 462 S 2d Traviss I, ink maker 210 Cedar Trebit William, 193 Carpenter Trefls George Adam, baker 240 Cedar Trimble Samuel, 11 Cluistian t Tripple Stephen, 290 S 7th Troll widow Mary, baker 340 S Front Trott Frederick, 5th n Christian

Wm, rope mr 159 Moyamensing road Truitt Wm, innkeeper 155 Swanson Truss Thomas, lioiise carpenter 146 Catharine Trumper Henry, 1 1 Fitzwater



Tubman John, sea capt 54 Moyamcnsing n)ad Tucker wid Priscilla, 4 Maiy Tully Anthony, cordwainer Oak

Thompson, house carp 117 Catliarine Thomas, cordwainer 50 Moyamensing r Turnbull Alexander, 43 Gei-man Turner John, sea captain 392 S Front

John, and co merchants 33 S Front

and 251 Swanson John & CO, ship chandlers 251 Swanson John, merchant 33 S Front and 251 Swanson d h 64 Queen widow Mary, gentw S E c Christian and Front Turpin Benjamin, oysterman 14 Shippen Twigs Levi, capt U S marines 442 S 2d

Ulary Anst, boarding house 365 S Front Ulman Mayer, tavern keeper 57 Shippen Urquhai-t widow Mary, gentlewoman 31 Ca- thainne

Vaccoch Ann, widow 423 S Front

Veacock Saml S, Moyamcnsing bel Carpenter

Valleau Henry, select academy 219 S Front d

h 3d bel Catliarine Vallence William, Law's ct b 110 Christian

William, pUot 134 Swanson Vallentine Jacol), Man-iott's laijp Van Amring Samuel, 265 S 3d*

Beil Harman, broker store Shippen S E

c Crabb Blonk Richard, mast mr 480 S Front Vance Arthur, shipwright 10 Federal

John, 87 Prime Vanclave H Aaron, lottery office 271 S 2d Vandeever Peter, mariner 17 Mary Vannenian Frederick, tailor 347 S 2d Vanzolc, doctor 103 Gernian Vanzylc John, M D 95 Plum VaiTO Henry, teacher S Front op Shippen d

h 3d bel Christian Varmerman John M, tailor 358 S Front Velthoven Richard, tavern keeper 270 S Ft Venalile Josiah, labourer 145 Moyamcnsing r Verdier widow Pliilippa, gi'ocer and tavern

keeper 91 Christian Vincent wid Elizabeth, gentw 9 Federal Vinyard William, 425 S Front Virtue James, cordwainer 400 S 4th Voorhes James J, clothier 39 Moyamcnsing r

Wackcr Christopher, baker 559 S Front

Christopher, jr baker 559 S Front Wade John, gi'ocer c of German & 5th Wade wid Mary I), shopkeeper 254 S Front Wagnej' Wm, mer Swimson n the navy yard William, lu6 German

Wagner wid Priscilla, cigar maker 504 S Ft WauivvTight wid Elizabeth, 13 Federal Walker David, N E c S Front & Almond John, silversmith 305 S 2d John, b of N E c 6tli and Carpenter Wall George, tailor 6 Swanson d h 61 Penn. Patrick, gi-ocer S E cor Catliarine and Swanson Wallace Thomas, 1 8 Almond

Thomas, weaver 273 S 7th William, gi'ocer 248 Cedar Wallin Isaac, labom-er 37 Queen Wallwork Joshua, grocer c Queen & Swanson Walmut John, Carpenter Walpool Thomas, Queen n 6tli Walsh Christopher, Moyamcnsing rpad

John, tavern keeper cor Queen & 2d Walter Samuel, 39 George

widow. Carpenter Walters George A,- cordwainer 246 S Front Walton Boaz, cabinet maker 330 S Front I Wand vi^idow Christiana, 137 Plum Ward James, 14 Crabb Ware Isaac, b of 116 Christian Job, 270 S 5th

James, cordwainer 534 S Front Warner John H, 144 Shippen Jacob, 76 Catharine Joseph, sea captain 518 S Front Robert, 4 b of George Warnick William, constable 258 S 6th Wart wid Lydia, gi-occr S E c Plum & 5th Waterman George, c Man-iott's lane and Pas-

syunk road AVaters George A, coi-dwainer 246 S Front Watkins John, rope maker 573 S 2d

Samuel R, se?, capt 96 Catharine Watson Anna, mantua maker 363 S 3d John, S W c Christian & 3d John, shipwright 18 Mary John D, waterman 23 Catharine Samuel F, teacher 271 S 3d Waval Josliua, labourer 6 Federal Way Joseph, sen pilot 10 Cedar

William, clothing store 1 Swanson Weaver George, grocery and tav keeper S W c of Shippen and 3d d h 252 S 3d

. Jacob, lathes' shoemaker 336 S 3d James, 252 S 3d

James, apothecary for the Southern Dispensary 98 Shippen d h 252 S 3d Webb Burkitt, cliina store N E c Queen 8c Ft Buakitt, provision store 431 S Front Mrs Eleanor, 34 Cathaiine William, 149 Catharine widow Rebecca, gentw 443 S 2d t Webber Isaac, porter 290 S 7th Wectoat wid Ann, i^arber 280 S 4th Weems Patrick, shopkeeper 242 S 6th Welden George, cordwainer 3 Federal James, cordu ainer 36 Catharine John, lai)Ourer 3 Federal John, cordwainer 429 S Front



Welden Tliomtis, rope maker " Fctleral M'clls Levi, l:itc tiirmir 117 Swunson

wid M;irv, biilorcss 100 ClirisUaii widow, 110 CiuistiaM Welsli ChristJiin, carter Fcdci-al n Moyamcn- siiigf roiul E Richanl, 35 German James, grocer S W c Hcdfoiil and 7tli Jolui, S W c Queen and 2d John, mariner 64 (.'atharinc John,.dnig-gist S E c 6tii and Shippen West William, jun 8 German

William, jun sea captain 18 German Westcoat Ajin, 272 S 4th Weston Ahi-aham, Christian

bmshmaker 12o Plum Westney Charles Al, mariner (mate) 7 Mead al Wetlierill Joseph, button manuf 324 S Front

wid Elizabetli, j^entw 324 S Fi-ont Wetherly William, 21 Plum Wharft' Abraham, mariner (mate) 19 Vernon Whai-ton Cliarles, jr grocer cor Cliristian and

Swanson Whcaton Joseph, mariner 14 Cedar Wheeler, widow Carpenter Whilldin Oliver, 360 S 2d White James, collector 107 Moyamensing rd John, plinnbef- b of 116 Clmstian John, tavern keeper 122 Cedar -(■ Lewis, miuiner 306 S 7th Miles, sawj'er Christian ab 5th Samuel, dyer and scoui'cr 40 Christian Deborah, 236 S 4th Whltebi-ead Joseph, house cai'p b 71 Christian Whitehead Caleb, coKlw;uncr 294 S 4tli

WiUet, 330 S 4th Wluteman John, Carpenter Wiggins Wm, tavern keeper lower 232 S 3d

Wilcr , watchman 92 Chi'istian .

Wiley George, shipwright 35 Plum Wilkinson George, 138 Queen Williams Jolni, rigger 110 Catliarine

John, carter b of 110 Catharine W, 318 S Front

■j- wid Ann, washwoman 7 Crabb Wightsman Jacol), 87 Old 2d Williamson Abraliam, 234 Catliarine

IJcnjamin, carpenter op lOtli Edwaixl, 45 German Jesse, house c;u'p 22 German Peter, druggist N E cor 2d and

Almond Wm, sea captain 506 S Front widow Aima, nui-sf^ 246 Cedar Willing Eobeit H, 136 Catliaiiue Wilsey John, labourer 5 Federal W^ilson Adam, Ball al

-j- UenjiuTiin, porter 300 S 7th James, weaker Cedar ab 12th James, mariner 28 Shippen Wilson Joseph, cordwainer 12.6 Queen Uobert, weaver 213 Queen .

Wilson wid Margjiret, gentw 236 S 3d wiow M;u-y, nui-se 110 Cluistion widow, 151 Cuthai'ine Wimer Henry, 83 George

John, 280 S 3d Wing Jacob, sea captain 401 S Front ^Vinnemore Charles, Soutli

Hemy, sea captain 29 Jolrn Winner Rachel, 158 Christian

widow Maj-garet, 280 S 2d Winright James D, hatter 311 S 2d Winslow Robert, weaver 232 Cedar Winter Tliomas, 246 S 5tli Winters wid Ann, 90 Swanson Wise William, Iilacksmith 142 Swanson Wiseman Jacob, ropemr 83 Moyamcnising rd Witham Thomas, cabinet maker 165 Sliippcn Wolf wid S avail, taUoress 10 German Wolverton Jacob, house carp 22 Fitz water Wood Isaiic, cabinet maker 25 Plum Hugh, 302 S 4th

John, of the U S navy 467 S Front Robert, sea captain 85 Chiistian William, 380 S 2d Woods & Quigg, dry good store 258 S 4th Woodi-uff Harriet, b of 300 S 2d Woodward John, sliipwright 3 Mary Woolbcrt Frederick, 27 Shippen AVooten John, 285 S 3d Work Samuel, jr house cai-p 277 S 3d Workman John, lumber merchant 67 Swanson d h 314 S Fi-ont Wniiam B, lumber merchant 67 Swanson d h 314 S Front Wray, widow Carpenter Wright Elisha H, carp Queen 1 door bel 4th John, gent 42 Sliippen John, weaver 89 Passyunk road John, sawyer 149 Swanson widow Ann, g-entw 293 S Front widow Ann, teacher 53 Almond Elizabeth, b of 108 Christian Writer wid Sai'ah, 3 dooi-s ab Front

Yardley Isaac, tallow chandler 108 Plum Yates David,

Yeardslcy Samuel, sea captain 3 Swanson Yhost Ezekiel, blacksmith c 6th and Passyunk

road d h Carpenter Yockle Miss Marj', milliner 108 Cedar Yorke Samuel, sea captain 17 Cathai"ine Young Alexander, distiller 2 Passyunk road Alexander, 95 Plum & Cake, painters and glaziers 252 S Ft Daniel, grocer S W c Sliijipen & Crabb> George, basket maker 4 Federal Jeremiah, cabinet maker 266 S 2d Jeremiah, 388 S 2d Jacob, jr Queen n 6th John, Hansen's i-un



Yoreous Henry, baker 18 Christian Young Nicholas, house carp 5th bel German

Nicholas, 327 S 4th

Philip, 113 Queen

William, tailor 29 Passyunk road

William, ir 229 S 3d

William, 229 S 3d

widow EHzabeth, 304 S 2d

Young widow Sarah, confectioner 259 S 2d

Ziegler widow Ann, gentw 74 New Zimmerman William, tailor 8 Federal Zobel William, morocco dresser Marriotts lane


CrsTOM riocsE, ^ViUiarn Jones, collector. John Kern, deputy collector, riiilip S. Miirkley, nuv;il officer. Jolin 1). George, deputy naval ofiiccr. James Glcntwortli, surveyor. James (ilentworth, jr., deputy surveyor. John Steele, jr., weigher. Samuel Uoss and George Dannecker, deputy

weighers. Robert Milnor and William Tlethell, gaugers. John Scott, Joseph Abbot, James U. Scott, and Samuel L. Palmer, measurers of salt and coal. Samuel Uoss and Thomas Stewart, appraisers.

Directions. Desk, No. 1. Thomas F. Vallctte. Registering desk, as also for entering and clearing vessels from and to fo- reign ports. ■*' No. 2. Robert Steele. Cashier, as also entering and clearing vessels from and to ports in the United States. No. 3. Richard L. Howell and Thomas Latimer. Ascertaining duties and drawbacks. No. 4. Cliarles Treichel, import book- keeper. No. 5. David Gibson, bonds for duties

granted, and pennlts taken. No. 6. Jolm C. Pechin, debentures

paid. No. 7. Tiiomas Ashmead.exportbonds taken, and export permits grunt- ed. No. 8. Richard S. II. George, record

of exports. No. 9. Abraham Martin, cash book- keeper. No. 10. J. Henry, issue of protections.

Inspectors of the Customs. Charles Anderson "^ ^

Thomas Cash Chambers Gaw William P. Gaw John P. Schott /* ^ ^

Jacob II. Visler ct o'

John Heed Joseph Patterson Benjamin A. Meridlth _ Benjamin Ashmead ~\ Joseph R. Dickson John Davis John W. Durant Henry Ihibor I3enj.unin H. Springer Ctn-tis Gvubb Benjamin Uache |

John Sutcr J

5 ^ re'

^ S- CI.

-• - 2. C!5 ft J*


Wm. Dazcll "^

Robert Hopkins ^

Andrew Jackson >-i n

Joseph Kobinsou

John Boyd

John Dichl

Daniel Adgate

Robinson R. Moore

Robert S. M'Calla

Charles J. Hopkins J Joseph Brown, measurer of dry goods. Job Whipple, captain of revenue bai-gc. Andrew Geyer, keeper of public stores. David Rose, at Lazaretto. Frederick Shull, at Marcus Hook. William Anderson, at Chester. Rowland Smith, at Schuylkill.



PrtEsiDENT. Joseph P. Norris. CASHiEn Elihu Chauncey. Wm. Samsom. Jacob Rldgway-

Abraham Sharpless. Charles Penrose. Joseph Hemphill. Joseph Hiester, Tobias TFagner. P. L. Laguerennc.

George Vaux. Anthony Stocker.

John White. Jonas PrestonL

William Brown. Abraham Okie.

Thomas Cave. Peter Wager.

Mark Richards. John R. Neff.

Robert Ralston, jr. William Coleman George IV. Morgan. John T. SuUivan. John H. Palethorp. William J. Leiper.

Discount Days, fFednesdays & Saturdays.

Notaut, C. C. Biddle, 39 Dock, below- Second St.

Directors of the Farmers find Mechanics' Bank.

Joseph Tagert, President

J. J. Borie

Nathan Bunker

Seth Craig

William W. Fisher

William Gerhard

Charles A. Harper

Joseph Howell

Hugh F. Ilollingshead

James M'Alpin

John Purdon

Sanniel Richards

Robert Toland

Henry Kuhl, Cashier Discount days Tuesdays and Fridays. Dividend, May and November. Notary, II. G. Freeman, No. 49, Walnut Street.


IHreclors of the J}ank of the United States, ] Kicholas Ciddle, President. Horace Binney John Bohlen Henry Pratt Thomas Cadwalader Richard Willing Henry Toland Ambrose White Matthew L. Bevan John Hemphill Manuel Eyre Paul Beck, jr. Lewis Clapier Samuel B. Morris John Potter, of South Carolina George Hoffman, of Maryland Roswel L. Colt, of Maryland Walter Bowne, of Nev) York William B. Astor, ofNc-ui York Nathaniel Silsbee, of Massachusetts Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts

Directors of the Bank of North America. Henry Nixon, Esq., President John Morton Daniel Smith Timothy Passon George Fox George M'Callmont Charles Macalester Jacob S. Wain Alexander Elmslia Richard Randolph Charles H. Baker Coleman Fisher

DirectoTB of the JMechanics' Bank. Lemuel Lamb, President -Timothy Caldwell George Peterson W. S. Crothers Joseph Solms Charles Watson Thomas W. Pryoi James M'GuIloch Thomaa G. Hollingsworth Jonathan K. Hassinger Allen Armstrong Nicholas Thouron John W. Downing

Directors of the Commercial Bank of Pennsijl- vania. Andrew Bayard, President Caleb P. Wayne Edward Hallowell Lawrence Lewis Bankson Taylor James Dundaa Thomas Reeves, jr. William Wilson David R. Sergeant William Lynch Robert S. Johnson

John Moss j

Thomas Earp <

Directors of the Kensington Bank. John C. Browne, President Michael Day George Wilson W'illiam G. M'Cahan Jonathan Wainwright {

Robert Earp Daniel J. Rhoads Thomas W. Duffield John Vaughan Joseph Baker John E. Keen Edmund Pryor Thomas Wickersham

Directors of the South-cvark Bank. Samuel Comly, President Daniel Smith, jr. Benjamin Jones, jr. Benjamin Tevis Joseph Huddell Peter Williamson James Spencer Thomas Sparks William M'GUnsey William G. Alexander William Cummings Walter Thompson Robert M'MuUin, jr.

Directors of the Bank of the J^orthern Liber- ties. James Whitehead, President Andrew C. Barclay Samuel Grant George Gorgaa Thomas Hart Joseph R, Jenks Jonathan Knight Thomas Latimer Thomas Loyd, jr. Isaac W. Norris James Paul John Ta)lor Joseph Thomas John Naglee Isaiah Jeanes

Directors of the Schuylkill Bank.

William >Ieredith, President

Edward Smith

Aaron Denman

Joseph Montgomery

Bartholomew Wistar

Edward Burd

Robert Flemming

Frederick Brown

Samuel Breck

James Boggs

John Holmes

John Ford

Samuel P. W^thenll


Directors of the rhiladdplHa Ikmk, John Head, President Jacob S perry John Wclsli Samuel Smith Samuel W. Jones J. U. Evans Benjamin Stillc Charles GrafT William Yardley John M. Price William Philips Joshua Long'strcth Kobert Patterson J. M. Linnard Alexander M'Carraher Michael liiter

jyiscount Day."-. United States, Tuesdays and Fridays. Fennsylvania, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Philadelphia, Mondays and Thursdays. Farm. & Mechan. Tuesdays and Frida}'9. North America, Mondays and Thursdays. Commercial, Tuesdays and Fridays.

Mechanics, Tuesdays and Fridays.

Schuylkill, Tuesdays and Fridays.

North. Lib. Tuesdays and Fridays.

Girard's, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Sonthivark, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Kensington Bank, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

IjrsunANCE Offices. Directors of the Office of the Pennsylvania Com- pany for Insurances on Lives, &c. Thomas Astley, President William Boyd Hyman Gratz William Parker Silas E. Weir William Kirkham John Moss Clement S. Miller Benjamin Masden Levi Ellmaker Dr. John K. Mitchell John li. Newman John Cos

Directors of the Atlantic Inajirance Covipaiiy. Daniel W. Coxe, President Jacob Sperry Charles Massey, jr. Jacob S. Wain Joseph Gratz John M'Crea Jacob U. Smith Richard Oakford William Piatt J. B. M'llvaine P. G. Laguerenne Ashbel G. Ralston Charles Vezin

Directors of the Jifanne Insjirancc Compavj. John Leamy, President

I'lihu Cliaunocy Peter Halm f ohn B. Newman Georgo M'Callrmwit Samuel N. Lewis Isaac W. Norris William Head John Latour Arthur St. Clair Nichols Benjamin Chew * Norris Stanley Jonathan K. Ilassingcv

Directors oftfie Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylva7iia. Charles M'Alcster, President Daniel Smith Henry Pratt Henry Nixon Paul Siemen George Fox Simeon Toby Anthony Stocker John Markoe Gustavus Colhoun John Cox William Redwood James Schott

Directors of the Union Insrurance Company of Philadelphia. Hugh Colhoun, President Matthew Lawler Lewis Clapier John Bohlen Stephen Girard William Davis William Lynch Bankson Taylor Austin Montgomery Chailes GrafT John R. Neflf Samuel Wetherill William T. Birch

Directors of the Insurance Office ofJVhrth Ame- rica. John Inskeep, President Alexander Henry .lohn Stille Samuel Mifflin Thomas Astley Andrew Petit Samuel W, Jones Jacob C. WikofF Edward Smith Samuel Archer Matthew L. Bevan Silas E. Weir John A. Brown John White Charles A. Harper

Officers of the Philadelphia Dispensary. William White, President, 89, Walnut street.



Eobert Sihith, Union, corner of Front street. Joseph Crukshank, No. 16, Church Alley. Elliston Perot, No. 299, Market street. Roberts Vaux, No. 346, Mulbery street. Joseph Parish, No. 109, Mulberry street. Thomas Cadvvalader, corner of Ninth and Arch

streets. John Markoe, No. 293, Chesnut street. Philip F. Mayer, Ny. 87, Sassafras street. William Davidson, No. 268, Walnut street. Robert Toland, No. 168, Chesnut street. Samuel Emlen, jr., corner of Seventh and Arch


Mtending Physicians and Surgeons,

For the c%.— Doctors John Bell, No. 148, south Fourth street; Charles F. Matlack, No. 85, Arch street; Jonas Green, No. 79, Walnut street; Andrew Comstock, No. 98, Arch street; William D. Gallaher, No. 67, Spruce street; Caspar Wistar, No. 184, Arch street.

North Western District. George Mifflin, No. 351, Market street.

South Western District. Thomas Wharton, No. 240, Spruce street.

Consulting Physicians and Surgeons. Doc- tors Thomas Parke, Thomas C. James, Philip Syng Physic, Thomas T. Hewson.

Treasurer. Joseph M. Paul, No. 60, north Front street.

Jlpothecary. Joshua W. Asb, at the Dispen- sary.



Vice Presid.

Officers of the Historical Society, WiUiam Rawle, President Roberts Vaux Dr. T, C. James James Ross, of Pittsburg J. B. Gibson, of CarlisleJ T. I. Wharton, Corresponding Secret. Wm. B. Reed, Recording Secretary W. M. Walmsley, Ti'easurer Gerard Ralston, Curator Thomas II. White ^ C. J. Ingersoll Wm. Rawle, jr. Dr. B. H. Coates Edward Bettle G. Washington Smith Thomas M. Pettit William B. Davidson John Hare Powell Edward Pennington Dr. Isaac C. Snowden Dr. George B. Wood Joshua F. Fisher J

Officers of the Franklin Ivstitute.- James Ronaldson, President

Mathew Carey 1 yice Presidents

T. Pletcher 3

Isaac Hays, Corresponding Secretary

Thomas P. Jones, Recording Secretary

Samuel V. Merrick, Treasurer

John Harrison

Abraham Miller

Adam Ramage

James M'Alpin

Isaac B. Garrigues

A. G. Ralston

llufus Tyler

John Struthers

John O'Neal

M. W. Baldwin

Joseph H. Schreiner

Samuel J. Robbins

Isaiah Lukens

William Strickland

Henry Horn

M. \j. Lewis

W. Rowland

Jacob Souder

Charles H. White *

G. Emerson

George Fox

W. Stevenson

Andrew Young

Christian Gobrecht

Directors of the dthenaKm. Roberts Vaux Thomas L. VVhaxton George Vaux William Smith Jacob Gratz William Lehman Quintin Campbell Benjamin Tilghman John Vaughan Clement C Biddle Peter S. Duponceau Edward Ingersoll John M. Scott James S. Smith Samuel Norris

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Instituted in March, 1821, and incorporated in February, 1822, is held in the lower room of the German Society's Hall, between Nos. 10 and 12 south Seventh street. The manage- ment of the institution, and regulation of the School of Pharmacy are committed to sixteen trustees, one half of whom are elected semi- annually, and the officers of the college areer officio members of the board. The annual election for officers is held on the last Tues- day in March. The lectures commence in the first week in November, and continue thrice a week until finished. The present officers are WiUiam Lehman, President Charles Marshall ^ yice Presidents

Samuel Jackson, M. D. 3 Edward B. Garrigues, Treasurer Daniel B. Smith, Secretary George B. Wood M. D. Professor of Chemis- try Benj. Ellis, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica

Trustees, Henry Troth, Chairman Alexander Fullerton, jr.. Secretary


Fetcr Lehman Charles Yaniall Jacob Digonet A. S. Itobcrts Warder Morris Joseph Heukirt Edmund Pryor BenjanVin Kllis, M. I). Samuel P. (Irithtts Abraliam Kunzi I'eter Tliomson, jr. Charles Ellis Elisha Crowell Caleb E. Pleasants

Good Intent Fire Hose Company. The 2nd Company, formed in Philadelphia, (instituted, March 8, 1804.)

The stated meeting's are held the lat Tues- day in every month at the Resolution Hose bouse.

George Jeffries, President

George K. Childs, Vice President

W'illiam Cliew, Secretary

Jacob C. Tomkins, Treasurer Dirtdors.

Adam Farris

James Bayne

"William P. Thompson

George Clark

George Kane

John Turney

Scots Thistle Society. Adam Ramage, President George Hogg, Vice President John Cochran, Treasurer Adam Waldie, Secretary

Comicil. D. Watson William Black George M'Leod ^ Samuel White Thomas Duncan

The America Beneficial Society. Robert Ralston, President J. F. Sparks, Vice President Thomas Taylor, Treasurer Charles Show, Secretary Meet the first Tuesday in every month. Annual Meeting, January.

Columbia Beneficial Society. Thomas Taylor, President Capt. E. Wallington, Vice President John Cuny, Treasurer Robert Ralston, Secretary Meet the fourth Thursday in every month. Annual meetings, February.

Pennsylvania Beneficial Society of the city and Couuty of Philadelphia. Incorporated, April, 1827.

G. W. Twibill, President, No. 151, south Front

Street (leorge Snyder, Vice President, N. Liberties Anliiony Scyfert, Secretary, No. 10, Pear st. George Haws, Treasurer, Rticc, between Fifth

and Si>:tl» streets John Reel, Messenger

Meet every first Thursday in the month, at George Haws', Hacc street.

United States Beneficial Society of Philadelphia . Instituted, Nov. 1323, and incorporated, March, 1824. Meet the lat Wednesday of each month, at the N. Vf. corner of Sixth and Carpenter Btreets. Initiation fee, from twenty to twenty-five, ip3; and 50 cents for every year to forty; above, no man can be admitted. Montiily dues 50 cents. Allowance to sick, from $3 to S>5 par week. To member, on decease of his wife, ^2Q\ and to widow, 5540. Election in December, annually. The follow- ing ai'e the oflicers for the present year:

Isaac Attemus, President Wm. Edwards, Vice President W. T. Flanagan, Secretary Thos. Stokes, Assist. Secretary H. B. Stewart, Treasurer George Fox, Messenger John Field -> q..„.„d„ Jacob Centers ^^^^^'^'^^

Officers of the American Philosophical Society, P. S. Du Ponceau, President Zaccheus CoHins"j^ R. M. Patterson > Vice Presidents N. Chapman j George Ord "^ C. C. Biddle I ^ Franklin Bachc ^&^<='-etarics

J. K. KaTie J

John O. Adams~\

Wilham Short I -^ r o

John Sergeant [^Counsellors for o years

Samuel ]^Ioore J

Robert Adrian, Counsellor for 1 year

James Mease "^

W. E. Horner C Curators

Samuel P. "W'etherillJ

John Vaughan, Treasurer

Officers of the Pennsylvania Literary Association of Philadelphia. Instituted in 1820 number of members li- mited to 25. Meet once a week at Harmony Hall, south Fifth street.

Objects Debating and improvement in lite- rary composition.

Wm. R. Mansfield, President Henry C. Corbit, Vice President William Maulc, Secretary Samuel F. Troth, Treasurer Caleb Ash, Recording Secretary Joseph Gill, Corresponding Secretary



Samuel F. Troth "^

Samuel C. Sheppard j

Marshall Attraore >Stand. Committee

Joseph Corbit j

Benjamin S. Wilson J

Officers of the Society oftlie Sons of St. George, Established at Philadelphia, for the advice and assistance of Englishmen in distress.

Robert E. Griffith, President

Joseph Bel], Vice President

William Page, Treasurer

Joseph Todhunter, Secretary

Richard North

James Kitchen

William Young Birch

William C. Cardwell

John Moss

Horatio Mann

Lawrence Brown

John Haviland

Richard Peters, jr."^

William Meredith V Counsellors

George M. Dallas J>

Thomas T. Hewson T

Robert E. Griffith, jr. V. Physicians

James Kitchen, jr. J

Jeremiah Biggs, Messenger

■Officers of the Philadelphia Samng Fund Society, " Incorporated, February 26, 1819. Open for deposites and payments, on Mondays and Thursdays, only, between the hours of 4 and 7, P. M. Office, No. 66, Walnut street.

Andrew Bayard, President

Samuel Grant, Secretary

George Eillington, Treasurer

John M'Crea "^

Thomas Hale

Clement C. Biddle,

Richard Peters, jr.

Samuel Archer

Daniel B. Smith

J. J. Vanderkemp

Samuel R. Wood

Lawrence Lewis

John C. Lowber

John Wharton

John R. Neff )>Managers.

Thomas Fassitt

Ashbel G. Ralston

Quintin Campbell

John C. Smith

George Vaux

John A. Brown

Francis R. Wharton

Francis Gurney Smith

Thomas H. White

William Davidson

William Smith

Officers of the Pennsylvania MoUtion Society. William Rawle, President Jonas Preston, M. D. ? y Presidents Benjamm Tucker 3

Edwin P. Atlee, M. D. ^ gecretarieB. Edward B. Garrigues 5 «^<^'^^^^®'''



Henry Troth, Treasurer John Sergeant "\

D. P. Brown {

J. C. Lowber ^ Counsellors

Joseph P. Norris, jr.

William Rawle, jr.

Thomas Earle

Washington Hopkins, for Lancaiter Cctmti/

Mattliias Morris, Bucks

Joseph W. Rowland, Montgomery

Samuel Edwards, Delaware

James M. Porter, Northampton

John Gardner, York

Board of Education. Isaac Barton George Peterson Thomas Ridgway

D. Weatherly T. Earl

E. P. Atlee Joseph Evans M. Attmore Thomas Parker, jr. Peter Wright

C. S. Cope Joseph Parker John Bouvier Joseph Todhunter William Jones Joseph M. Truman

D. C. Wood Jesse Stanley James Mott p. Stackhouse Robert Murphy Robert Evans Edwin Walter W. S. Hallowell

Officers of the German Society, contnbiiting for the relief of distressed Germans in the state nf Pennsylvania.

Isaac Wampole, President

William Spohn, Vice President

Andrew Korkhauss, Treasurer

Samuel Keemle, Solicitor

John C. Lowber

George Fox


F. Erringer F. Shober J. H. Fisler Lewis Mayer Wm. Montelius Jacob Alter


Officers of the Provident Society. Right Rev. Dr. White, President Joseph Watson ? ^^^ presidents Roberts Vaux > Richard Price, Treasurer John C. Lowber, Secretary

Managers. Thomas Astley


Silas E. Weir Jacob Duntoii Pliilip Garrett John S. Henry Dcnjamin Tucker Ambrose >Vliitc nichard Price John «. Ncff Jamea Kerr A. M. Buckley Charles Bird Solomon Allen l-'urman Learning Frederick Erringet Abraham llilyard John B. Ellison Thomas Zcll Wilham Kitchio Isaac Lawrence Samuel Hildeburn William H. Richards Samuel Bispham James Fassitt

Officers of the Society for the commemoration of

the landing of IVilliam Penn, Honourable Richard Peters, President Joseph P. Norris, Vice President Peter S. Duponceau, Corresponding Secretary Thomas I. Wharton, Recording Secretary John Bacon, Treasurer John F. Watson, Curator


Dr. Thomas Parke

George Vaux

Roberts Vaux

Dr. Thomas C. James

Zaccheus Collins

Charles J. Ingersoll

Richard Peters, jr.

William Smith

Joseph Watson

Joseph S. Lewis

Thomas Morris

Clement C. Biddle

William Mason Walmsley

Officers of the Philadelpkia Society for Alleviat- ing the Miseries of Public Prisons. Wm. White, D. D., President Thomas Wistar ')

Nicholas Collin, D. D. 5 Roberts Vaux, ■> Secretaries and Corn-

Bartholomew Wistar 3 niit. of correspondence Joseph M. Paul, Treasurer James Gibson ? Counsellors James J. Barclay 3

Electing Committee. James J. Barclay Roberts Vaux William H. Delancey George Williams John Paul Edward Yarnall Benjamin IjL. Coates

■Vice Presidents.

Philip Garrett William Wayne

Officers of the Northern Difipcnsury. George Boyd, President Joseph S. Riley, Secretary John C. Brown, Treasurer Edmund Pryor, Apothecary John Kessler, jr., Collector

J\lanag'crs. Rev. George Boyd Ilev. James Patterson Joseph Townsend Jonathan Roberts Jiobert A. Parrish Joseph S. Riley Henry Stiles William S. Stevenson Dr. George Ulder Dr. Jacob Jeans Thomas W. Pryor Dr. E. P. Atlee

Directors of Public Schools. 1st Section. By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, on the 10th inst.

1. Roberts Vaux

2. Wm. W. Fisher

3. Thomas Leaming

4. Francis G. Smith

5. Philip Garrett

6. Benjamin W. Richards

7. Clements S. Miller

8. William Wharton

9. IL M. ZoUickolTer

10. Thomas Dunlap

11. Richard Price

12. Samuel Paton

13. Joseph L. Inglis

14. Dr. G. Emerson

15. George M. Stroud

16. Joseph Watson.

17. Geo. W. Toland

18. John A. Leamy

19. Thomas Yardley

20. George Fox

21. James Carstairs

22. Isaac Starr

23. Richard S. Smith

24. Jacob Lex

25. Charles F. Jenkins

26. Thomas Earp

27. Robert Murphy

28. Rev. W. H. Furncss

29. John Pemberton

30. Isaac Norris

31. Rev. W. H. Delancey

32. T. G. llollingsworth

33. Alex. Benson

34. Lawrence Lewis

35. Gerard Ralston

36. Elliott Cresson

Scamd Section. By the commi^ioners of the Kensington



District of the Northern Liberties on the 2nd inst.

1. John C. Browne

2. Adam Richard

3. Michael Day

4. George V/ilson

5. Hugh Roberts

6. Charles Non-is

By the commissioners of the Incorporated Disti'lct of the Northern Liberties, on the lOtli inst.

7. Isaac W. Norris

8. Joseph Warner

9. Benjamhi Naglee 10. John Child

11- John Ileyl, jr. 12. John C. Dacosta

Third Section. By the commissioners of tlie District of Southwark, on the 17th Inst.

1. Richard Palmer

2. Robert -r'ilullin, jr. S. Ebenezer Ferguson

4. George M'Leod

5. John Cowan

6. "William II. Hood

Fourth Section. By the commissioners of the District of Spring Garden, on the Tth inst.

1. Rev. George Boyd

2. Frederick Haas S. "William Warner

4. John F. Warner

5. Thomas Meyere

6. John M. Ogiien

Ninth Section. By the commissioners of the Township of Moyamensing, on the I8th inst.

1. James Ronaldson

2. Francis Huckle S. James M'Cann

4. Joshua Raybold

5. John K. M'llvaine

6. F. A. Raybold Roberts Vaus, President T. M. Pettit, Secretary

District of Spring Garden.

Justices of the Peace. Tiberius Jefferson Bryant, David Woelpper, Joseph Parker, Francis Mitchell, John L. Wolf, Charles Sou- der, Thomas M. Rush.

David Wentlig, High Constable

Corporation of Spring Garden.

1. Lawrence Shuster, President; 2. John M. Ogden; 3. Isaac B. Garrigues; 4. Daniel C. Ellis; 5. Isaac Shunk; 6. Jacob Gardner; 7. Frederick Haas; 8. Henry Miller; 9. Henry Boreaf; 10. George Schryer; 11. DanielHotz; 12. Isaac M'Caulley; 13. Charles Souder.

Jacob Frick, Clerk— Peter Shuster, Trea- surer— P. M. Price, Surveyor Addis Hayes, Superintendent Isaac Remington, Vaccine Physician Jacob Roat, Messenger.

The Commissioners meet on the first Mon- day in every month, at their Hall, in Vine, near Ninth street.

Managers of the Union Canal Company of Pemisyharua, Samuel Mifflin, President I. P. Roberts, Treasurer

Managers. William Lehman George Vaux William Boyd William Read Charles Graff John C. Stocker William W. Fisher Jacob Gratz Francis G. Smith Peter Hahn WiUiam Y. Birch Samuel Baird, of Reading

Officers of the Pudge Turnpike Company, William Rawle, President Thomas H. White, Treasurer

Managers. John Patterson George Esher Robert Watkin Peter Robeson Matthias Holstein John Markley Robert Evans John Elliott John Davis, (Miller) Frederic Stoever Andrew Crawford John Tkliller

Officers of the Lancaster Schuylkill Bridge Co.n pany. Jacob Ridgway, President Thomas P. Roberts, Secret. &. Tieasurcr-

Managers. Samuel Richards Henry Nixon Thomas Biddle Thomas Hart Henry J. Williams Charles Roberts


Officers of the Chamber of Commerce. Robert Ralston, President Lewis Clapier Thomas P. Cope ; Robert Smith, Treasurer John Vaughan, Secretary

Vice Presidents

I Officers of the Protestant Episcopal Sunday and [ Adult School Society of Philadelphia.

Right Rev. Bishop AVhite, Patron Right Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, President Thomas H. White, Vice President George Hawkins, Treasurer

Rev. William Delancey, Corresponding Sccl'y William Robinsoiji, Recording Secretary


University of Pennsylvania.

This institution has obtained a just distinc- tion for its Mtdiral Lectures. They bepin on the first Monday of November, in eacli yc:ir, and terminate about the 4tli day of Marcli. It is the oUlest and the most frequented medical scliool in tliis country, and its celelM-ity has been widely estabiislied upon the labours of its medical faculty. JJeginning- in liie year 1761, through the enterprise of l)rs. Morgan and Shippen, who found themselves, at first, surrounded by only about a dozen students, the Medical Lectures have been frequented for the last twenty-five or thirty years, by aa average number of more than four hundred young men, representing all the states in the union, the British provinces in North America and the West Indies. Notwithstanding the numerous medical schools which have been established since, in the United States, amount- ing, probably, to twenty or thirty, its numbers are undiminished, and the intellectual and mo- ral characters of its students have improved successively.

Tiie course of instruction consists in

Six lectures a week on Anatomy, by P. S. Physick, JI. D. and W. E.Horner, M. D., con- jointly.

Six lectures a week on the Practice of Me- dicine, by Nathaniel Chapman, M. 1).

Four lectures a week on Materia Medica, by J. 1{. Coxe, M. D.

Four lectures a week on Midwifery, and the Diseases of women and children, by Thomas C. James, M. D. and AV. P. Dewees, M. D., con- jointly.

Four lectures a week on Chemistry, by Ro- bert Hare, AL D.

Four lectures a week on Surgery, by Wm. Gibson, M. D.

I'wo lectures a week on the Institutes of Medicine, by Samuel Jackson, M. D.

•Two lectures a week on Clinical Medicine, by N. Chapman, M. D.

•Two lectures a week on Clinical Surgery, by W. Gibson, M. D.

Besides which, a course of Practical Ana- tomy is conducted under the direction of Dr. Horner, beginning early in November, and ending the last of February.

A very extensive and valuable cabinet of Anatomy is open to the inspection of students, twice a week. Its foundations were laid by numerous dried preparations and models, made and collected by the late celebrated Ur. Wis- tar, and generously jiresented, at his death, by his widow to the University for the use of the Medical Faculty. Their numbers have been increased by a similar act of munificence on the part of the Pennsylvania Hospital. In ad-

These lectures are delivered on Wednes- days and Saturdays at the Infirmary, belonging to the Philadelphia Alms House, an institution, from its extent, abounding in the most inte- resting cases of Medicine.


dition to which, the collection lias been more than doubled by contributions from the pre- sent professors of anatomy, in numerous and varied preparations in spirits of wine, 8iC. il- lustrative of the morbid altei-ations of tlie hu- man body, as well as of its natural condition.

A vahiyJjlc cal)inct of wax models and oil paintings is also possessed by the professor of surgery, and intended to illustrate his course of lectures.

The Commencement, for conferring medi- cal degrees, is held once a year, about the first day of April, 'llie number of graduates varies from one hundred to one hundred and thirty.

Medical Institute of Philadelphia.

This institution, having for its objects the improvement of medical education in this country, began in the year 1817, under the auspices of N. Chapman, M. D. The course of instruction lasts for a whole year, begin- ning about the first or second Monday of April, and ending about, the last of the following March. It is divided into two terms, one ex- tends from April to the last Saturday of Octo- ber, a vacation being allowed during August, and consists in lectures. The second term be- gins early in November, and is continued to the end of March; it consists in examinations.

From inconsiderable beginnings, the Medical Institute has reached to the condition of a sys- tematic and popular course of instruction. For- some years past, more than one hundred stu- dents "have been annually registered on its list. Students are riot permitted to enter for one set of lectures only, but must engage in the whole, as it induces them to adopt an exten- sive and varied course of medical scftoohng, much to their advantage.

A degree in medicine is not conferred, but a certificate, signed by the lecwrers, respective- ly, is issued, indicating the time, during wiiich the lectures have been followed. _ It has been thought inexpedient to issue medical degrees upon this course of instruction, be- cause, emanating originally from one of the professors of the University, the Institute has been intended, invariably, as subsidiary to the course of instruction there; and has heretofore been conducted with Ih .at view.

The lectures are as follows, viz.

N. Chapman, M. D., on the Practice of Me- dicine.

W. E. Horner, M. U-, on Anatomy.

W.P. Dewees. M.D., on Midwifery.

Samuel Jackson, M. D., on Materia Medica.

John Bell, M. D., on the Institutes of Medi- cine.

John K. MitchlsU, M. D., on Chemistry.

Hugh L. Hodge, M. D., on the Principles of Surgery.

Thomas Harris, 51. D., (Surgeon of the Unit- ed States Naval Hospital, at Philadelphia,) on Operative Ljurgery.

From ten to twelve o'clock every day, dur- ing the course of lectures, is left for cUnicul



instruction, at the Philadelphia Alms House Infirmary, and at the Pennsylvania Hospital.

During" the course of Lectures in the Uni- versity, Drs. Jackson, Bell, Mitchell, Hodg-e, and Harris conduct tlie examinations on the several branches of Medicine.

A further Supplement to an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinance for the Regulation of the Own- ers and Drivers of llachuy Coaches, Wa- gons, Carts, and Drays, within the City of Philadelphia. Passed April 16, 1812.

Sect. 1. Be it ordained and enacted hy the ci- tizens of Philadlephia, in Select and Common Councils assembled. That from and after the period of ten days, after the passing- of this Or- dinance, the rates or prices to be taken by the owners or drivers of Hackney Coaches or Car- riages for the conveyance of passengers shall be as follows, viz:

For conveying one passeng-er from any place within the city limits, east of the centre of Broad street, to any other place within the said limits, and east of the centre of Broad street, or from any place within the city limits, west of the centre of Broad street, to any otlier place within the said limits, west of the centre of Broad street, twenty-five cents; and twenty- five cents for each additional passeng'er, pro- vided that not more than four passages shall be charged for any one carriage.

For conveying- one or more passengers in any other direction within the limits of the pavement, twenty -five cents per mile for each passenger. And if any trunk, box, case, port- manteau, or other baggage, of sufficient size or weight to exclude a passenger, be placed inside the carriage, at the request of the owner of such bagi^ao-e, twenty-five cents for each passenger that miglit be excluded thereby; and twelve and a hdf cents for every trunk, box, case, portmanteau, or other baggage, that may be placed on the ouWide of said carriage; provided, that no greater sum than twenty-five cents, in the whole, shall be' charged or paid for so conveying such baggage on the outside of such carriage.

For conveying one passenger fi-om any place within the city limits, east of the centre o'fBroad street, to any other place within the said limits, west of the centre of Broad street, or from any place within the city limits, west of the centre of Broad street, to any other place within the said limits, east of the centra of Broad street, fifty cents, and if there is more than one pass- senger, twenty-five cents for each passenger, with the same charge for luggage as is allowed above.

For conveying one or more passengers, when a carriage is employed by the hour, one dollar per hour; and the same rate for a longer pe- riod.

Sect. 2. Jlnd be it further ordained and en- acted by the authority aforesaid, That if any Owner or driver of any -of the said hackney

coaches or carriages, shall ask, demand or re- ceive any larger sum than he may be entitled to receive as prescril)ed by the first section of tl>is opdinanc,e, he shall forfeit and pay for such ofience the sum of five dollars, and may be dc- pvlv^d of his license at the pleasure of the Mayor.

Sect. 3. And he it further ordained and en- acted by the authority aforesaid. That no driver of ;my hackney coach or carriage, wliile wait- ing for employment on any stand, which is or may be appointed for coaches or ciu-riages, or on the public streets or wharves of the city, sliall crack or flourish his whip, or shall molest or disturb any person passing, or'sliall stand or remain on the side walk, or shall be more than fifteen feet from his carriage, except when he sli-all be necessarily absent therefrom in the course of his duty and business; and whoever sliall ofi'end against any provision of this sec- tion, shall forfeit and pay for each offence one dollar.

Sect. 4. And be it further ordained and en- acted by the authority aforesaid. That there shall be fixed up, in a conspicuous place, within each hackney coach or carriage, in such a man- ner as can be conveniently read by any person in the same, a card or paper, containing the number of the license, the name and residence of the owner, together with the whole of the first section of this ordinance, under a penalty of three dollars for every time such carriage shall go upon either of the public stands, or the public streets or wharves of the city, or shall convey a passenger or passengers, with- out having such card or paper so placed, which penalty may be recovered of the owner or driver of' such hackney coach or carriage.

Sect. 5. And be it further ordained and en- acted by the authority aforesaid. That no driver of an}' hackney coach or carriage, licensed in pursuance of the ordinance, to whicJi this is afurther supplement, sliall, while stand- ing unemployed on an}- of the puiilic streets or wharves of the city, refuse or neglect to con- vey any person or persons, or their baggage, to anyplace or places witiiin the limits of the pavement, upon being applied to for that pur- pose, imder penalty of five dollars for every such offence, provided, that notliing contained in this ordinance shall be so construed as to extend to coaches or cain-iagcs whicii, though kept for hire, are not upon any occasion sent by t!\eir projirietorsupon tlie public stands, or upon any of the wharves for hire, but which are only let for hire upon special application to the proprietors, and upon special agree- ment.

Sect. 6. And be it further ordained and en- acted by the authority aforesaid. That the city clerk shall cause to be printed, on cards or paper, a sufficient number of copies of the first section of this ordinance, togctlierwith a blank form for the niunber of the license and name and residence of the owner; and it shall be his duty, immediately after the passing of this or-



tlinance, and on tlie granting or renewing- of every license, :inn\i;illy, to tiirnisili to tlie oWncr of'siicli hue kiiey coach or carriage, two copies of the same for eveiy licensed coach or car- riaf^e; and, in case of loss or acciileiit, to fur- nish the same whenever specially ai)|)lied to, by any such owner or owners, free of cost.

Sect. 7. JInd he it furlhcr onlainrtl and en- acted bf/ the autliorily r/forcsaid, 'I'iiat all and every fine and lines, penalty and penalliis, ini- ])osed by this ordinance, shall be recovered with costs, !)y any person who will sue iur the sjime, in the manner, and for the uses pre- scribed in relation to the penalty inflicted by the seventh section of the ordinance lowliich this is a. supplement. Enacted into an Ordinance at the {;ity of I'hi-

ladel|)hia, the twenty-fourth tlay of .laiuiary,

in the year of our Lord eighteen hunihed

and twenty-eight.

J. PEPtCIVAL, President of the Common Council.

.KJHX M. SCOTT, President of the Select Council.

Natiiax I{. Hotts,

Clerk of- the Common ■Council.

Wardens of the Port of Philadelphia.

David Maffet, Muster Warden; Stephen Gi- rard, AVilliam West, Samuel Votans, Uunkson Taylor, Charles Peni'ose, Joseph llejnokls, Assistants.

Caleb Earle, Harbour Master.


Every vessel arriving from, or bound to a foreign port, is required by law to receive a pilot; or, to pay half pilotage in the Warden's office, where the master of every such ves- sel is required, under a penalty of 10 dollars, to make report within 36 hours after his ar- rival, and again before his departure, signing his name to said report in the Warden's book.

Every vessel of 75 tons and upwards, ar- riving from, or bound to, any port within the United States, and the masters of all such ves- sels are bound as above.

The pilot of every vessel is required to in- from the master of bis having to report at the Warden's offlce.

All vessels obliged to receive a pilot, are re- quired to pay SlO in addition as winter jiilot- age from the 20tli of November to the 10th of March, l)0th days inclusive.

Foreign vessels, i, e. French, Spanish, Por- tuguese, Neapolitan, Danish, llussian, South American, and Ilaytien, to pay ;p2 67 cents in -•addition to other pilotage.

Every pilot, detained more than 24 hours, by any master, owner, or consignee, is enti- tled to §2 per day for every day he is so de- tained.

Every pilot detained more than 48 hours by the ice, after he has conducteil his vessel to a place of safety, is entitled to §2 per day for every day he is so detained.

Every pilot, compelled to perform quaran-

tine, is entitled to $2 per day for every day he is so detained, and cannot be discharged in less than six days witlH)Ut his consent.

Every pilot, obliged by the ice, or stress of weather, to proceed to another po^-t, is, when there, entitled to his pilotage; and if there discharged, to 8 cents a mile for every mile he has to travel home.

Every pilot is required, under a penalty of $\'2, to make report within 48 lioiu's, at the ^^'arden's ofhce, of every vessel he conducts to the city.

If any master, or captain of any ship or ves- sel, oi' otlier person, shall refuse or neglect to ^omply with the directions of the harbour master, in matters within the jurisdiction of his olhcc; such person shall, for each and every such offence, severally forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ^100. And the said harbour master shall, in full compensation for his services, be entitled to have, recover, and receive, from the master, captain, owner, or consignee, of each and every ship or vessel, arriving at the port of Philadelphia (coasting vessels not exceeding the burtlien of 75 tons excepted) the sum of •t'l for each and every voyage by such ship or vessel performed, and no more.

Every ship or vessel tliat may arrive in this harbour, and that shall come to anchor in the stream, any where between Almorid and Vine streets, having previously caused her gun- ])o\vder, if any she had on board, to be landed as tlie law directs, may remain in that situation 24 hours, and no longer, taking care to lay as near to the island, or sand bar, as may be con- sistent with lier safety. But if, from the cir- cumstance of a vessel having servants on board, or from any other cause, it may be thought necessary or convenient to lay a longer time in the stream, then, and in every such case, the owner, master, pilot, or other person, having the charge or direction of such vessel, shall re- move her from opposite the city, and shall moor her, or cause her to be moored to the northward of Yine street, with one anchor and cable up, and one anchor and cable down the stream, and in both the above-mentioned situa- tions, the regulation contained in the next suc- ceeding article t^ be duly attended to.

If any vessel, properly moored in the stream, shall have her anclior or cable overlaid by an- other vessel, in anclioring or mooring, the master or person having the care Or direction of such, last mentioned vessel, shall immedi- ately, or as soon as may be, after application made to him by the parly aggrieved, cause the said anchor or cable, so overlaying, to be taken up and cleared..

When any ship or vessel shall be hauled in to any wharf or dock, or alongside of another vessel that may be lying at sucli wharf or dock, the owjici', master, pilot, or whoever may have tlie command, care, or direction of her, shall have her securely made fast; and if outside of another vessel,- shall get one good fast from each end of the vessel to the shore, with sufR-



cient fenders between them and the Inside vessel, and shall cause the flews of tlieir an- chors to be taken on board, and within 24 hours thereafter to cause her jib-boom, sprit- sail yard, main boom, spanker and ring'-tail booms, if any they have, to be rig-j^cd in, and their lower yards topped up, in such a man- ner as least to interfere with vessels passing-.

If the fasts of vessels when moored at a •wharf, shall extend across a dock, so as to ob- struct the passing and repassing- of shallops, lighter, or other craft or vessel, the master, or other person having the command of such sliip or vessel, shall, upon the first application, im- mediately cause such fast or fasts to be ca|j; oflT, or slacked down.

No outward-bound vessel, putting off from a wharf, shall lay longer in the stream between Vine street and Almond, in the district of Southwark, above-mentioned, than '-24 hours. And if vessels, lying at the end of wharves, so much interlock with each other as to prevent vessels hauling in and out of the docks, the master, owner, pilot, or other person having the charge of the same, shall, immedi.ately on application from any person so wanting to iiaul his vessel in or out of the dock aforesaid, have the vessel or vessels, so interfering, moved in such a manner as to accommodate the one ap- plied for; in which case the vessel making room for another to haul in or out, shall have liberty to make her warps fast to the most con- venient place adjacent, for a reasonable time, and that all sea vessels, when transporting, or w^anting to haul in to a wharf or dock, or to make sail in order to proceed to sea, shall have the same privilege.

When any ship or vessel may be lying along- side any wharf, and not actually taking in or discharging, she shall make way for, and per- mit any vessel, .that wants to unload or load, to come inside next the wharf, until she dis- charges or loads her cargo; and the said ves- sel, when so discharged or lo.aded, shall haul outside and give way to tlie vessel that first occupied the wharf; provided, that from the 10th day of December to the Ist of j\Iarch, no vessel shall be compelled to move from her birth, (only those at Gloucester Foint Piers,) excepting to let vessels in apd out of dgcks.

No ship or vessel lo.iding or dischari^iiig hemp at any wharf, or within any dock, shall be allowed to have any fire on board; neither shall any vessel laying outside or near her, be permitted to have fire on board, while it may be considered dangerous. And no tar, turpen- tine, rosin, or pitch, shall be heated on the wharf, or on board any vessel lying at any wharf, within the limits of the city.

Annual return,' of the Marriages^ Baptisms and Buriah of the Episcopal Churches in Phila- . delpkin, by the Ckrks and Sexlons of said Churches, together with an abstract of the Marriages, Baptisms and Burials in the va- rious congregations in the city and suburbs.

from December 25, 1826, to December 25, 1827.

Eeiscoi'Ai. Chcbches.

Christ Church, St. Peter*s and St. James'. The Right Rev. Bishop White, Rector. Rev. Dr. Abercrombie, Rev. Mr. Kemper, and Rev. Mr. Delancey, Assistant Ministers. Marriages, 61; baptisms, 54; burials, 77. |

St. BauPs Episcopal Church. Rev. Mr. Al- Ij len, Rector. Marriages, 20; baptisms, 24; bu- rials, 31.

St. John's Episcopal Church, .V. L. Rev. Mr, IJoyd, Rector. Marriages, 5; baptisms, 25; burials, 12.

St. Stfjjhen's Church. Rev. Mr. Montgo- m.ery. Rector. Marriages, 10; baptisms, 25; burials, 9.

St. Andrew's Church. Tlev. Mr. Bedell, Rector. Marriages, 10;. baptisms, 28; burials, 8.

Trinity Church, Southwark. Rev. Mr. Meade, Rector. Marriages, 8; baptisms, 49; burials, 22.

—Rev. Dr. Collin, itisms, 38; burials, j

;.— Rev. Dr. Schaf- A .—Baptisms, 198; \

Swedish Lutheran Church. Rev. Dr. Collin, Rector. Marriages, 39; baptisms, 38; burials, 83.

German Lutheran Churches.- fer and Mr. Demme, Pastors. Baptisms, burials, 108.

Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John. Rev. Dr. Mayer, Pastor Baptisms, 70; burials, 48.

Moravian Church, or United Brethren. Rev. ]Mr. Wolle, Pastor. Marriages, 9; baptisms, 11; burials, 10.

Ro^tATT Catholic CHrncHES.

St. Mary's Church. The Right Rev. Bishop Conwell, Uector. Rev. Wm. Vincent Harold, and Rev. John Ryan, Assistant Rectors.

St. Joseph's Church.— Rev. .John Hughes, Rev. T. J. Donahoe, Rev. John Reilly, Pastors of St. Joseph's, and occasional Pastors of St. Mary's. Marriages, (both included,) 100; b.aptisms, do. 300; burials, do. 150.

St. .Augustine's Church. Rev. Michael Hur- ley, Superior Pastor. Rev. Edward Mayne, Rev. Geo. Carroll, Assistants.— Marriages, 22; baptisms, 14.1; burials, SO.

Ilo/y Trinity Church. Rev. Francis T{olof, Pastor. Marriages, 6; baptisms, 76; burials, 30.


German Reformed Church. Rev. Mr. Hel- fcnstein. Pastor.— Baptisms, 48; burials, 78.

German Befurmed Church, N. L. Rev. Mr. Bibighaus, Pastor. Marriages, 19; baptisms, J 83; burials, 39.

First Befurmed Dutch Church of Spring Gar. dtr.. R(;v. Mr. Sears, Pastor. Marriages, 10; baptisms, 10; burials, 14.

First Reformed Dutch Church, (Crown street.) Rev. Dr. R.G.Livingston, Pastor. Marriages, 33; baptisms, 19; burials, 28.



Pnr.siiTTEBiAN CiifncnES.

Firs\ Prcslnjienan Chiircfi.—Ucv. Dr.'Wil- 8on, Pastor.— -Marriages, 13; baptisms, 28; burials, SO.

Second rrcsln/tcriun Church.— Jlev. Dr. Jane- way, I'astor. .Marriages, 23; baptisms, 43;bu- . rials, 37.

Third Presbyterian Church.— Uev. Dr. Ely, Pastor— Marriages, 28; baptisms, 56; burials, 44.

Fourth Preshi/ierian Church, Rev. Mr. Potts, Pastor.— Baptisms, 53; burials, 37.

Fifth Presfji/tcriun Church. Kcv. Mr. Skin- ner, Pastor.— Marriages, 24; burials, 4.

Sixth Presbiittrian Church. IJcv. Mr. Ken- nedy, Pastor.— Mairiagcs, 5; baptisms, 20; bu- rials, 9.

Seventh Prcf^lii/fcrian Church or Tuhermtrk. IJev. Mr. Eng-lcs, Pastor. Marriages, 10; baptisiTW, 18; burials, 16.

Kii-hth Pre!>biitciian Church. Rev. Mr. M'Calla, Pastor.— Marriages, 25; baptisms, 18; burials, 26.

J\'iitlh Presbyterian Church. Re v. Mr. Cham- bers, Pastor.— Marriages, 50; baptisms, 70; bu- rials, 39.

Fird Presbyterian Church, N. L. Rev. Mr. Patterson, Pastor. Marriages, 15; burials, 14.

Firat lieforiiied J^rcsbyterian Church. Rev. Mr. "Wiley, Pastor.- Marriages, 11; baptisms, 38; burials, 16.

.flssuciute Church. Rev. Mr. Beveridge, Pas- tor.— Marriages, 3; baptisms, 6; burials, 11.

Friends' Meeting. Burials, 116.

Baptist CHcncnES,

First Baptist Church. Rev, Mr. Brantly, Pastor, Second street, between High and Mul- berry streets. Marriages, 15; baptisms, 44.

Second Baptist Church.— llev. Mr. Kitts, Pas- tor.— Marriages, 62; baptisms, 30; burials, 36.

7'hird Baptist Church. Rev. Mr. Ashton, Pastor.— Baptisms, 17; burials, 43.

Fifth Baptist Church, Sanso/n Street. Rev. Mr. Uagg, Pastor.— Marriages, 19; baptisms, 23; burials, 22.-

JVtu^ Market Street, Baptist Church. Rev. Mr. Cushman, Pastor.— Marriages, 68; burials, 18.

Iklr.TiioBisT Episcopal CiiunciiF.s.

Union Md/iod/st.Cintr:h.—]lr\. Mr. Manning Force, Pastoi". Marriages, 35; baptisms, 9; burials, 26.

St. John's .iretbodi.ll Episcopal Church, ^'.

L. Rev. Mr. MilKr, Pastor. Marriages, 7;

baptisms, 35; burials, 150.

^ Universalist Churches, \st and 2nd.— llev.

Messrs. Fisk and Smith, Pastors. Burials, 32.

Christian Church. Rev. Mr. Plummer, Pas- tor.— Marriages, 27; baptisms, 5; burials, 34.

Unitarian Church. !!ev. Mr. Furness, Pas- tor. Marriages, 4; bajjtisms, 3; burials, 11.

Nevj Jerusalem Society of Suuthwurk. Rev. M.B. Roche, Pastor.— JIarriages, 30; baptisms, 37; burials, 24.

Christ Church, N. I..— Rev. W. Metcalfe,

Pastor.— Marriages, 4; baptisms, 6; burials, 43.

ArnicATf CncncHT-B.

St. Thomas' Epixcopal Church: Rev. Mr. Vanpclt. Baptisms, 5; bin-ials, 28. .Ifricun Baptist Church.— Ilcv. Mr. Simmons, Pastor. Marriages, 16; baptisms, 16; burials, 16.

.African Mcl/mdisl Church.— Hqv. Richard Allen, Pastor.— Marriages, 54; baptisms, 154; burials, 108.

Jlfrican Union Methodist Church. Rev. Mr. Coinish, Pastor. Burials, 17.

African Presbyterian Church. Burials, 1. j

Hebrew Synagogue.— 'Rnrhh, 1.

. Marriages this year, as far as obtained, 881 this year 1879

Burials this year 1841

Increase of marriages this year 137

Increase of baptisms this year 428

Decrease of burials this year 634

Post Officf, PhiiadeIiPHIA. Establishment of the Mails for the year 1828.


Mails for New York Citv, arrive, daily, at 6 A. M.— Close, daily, at 2"p. M. ,

For New Yoi-k, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and Maine States, arrive, daily, at 6 A. M. (;lose, daily, at 2 P. M.

For Andalusia, Bristol, Tullytown and Mor- risville, Pa., Burlington, Trenton, Princeton, New Brunswick, Woodbridge, Rahway, Eliza- bethtown, Newark, Jersey City, Amboy, and Morristown, New Jersey, arrive, daily, at 6 \. M., except Monday. Close, daily, at 2 P. M., except Sunday.

For Kensington, Frankford, Holmesburg, Bustletonand Byberry, arrive, daily, at 11 A. M., except Monday. Close, daily, at 3 P. M., except Stmday.

For Newtown and Attleboro', arrive, Thurs- day, at 6 A. M.— Close, Tuesday, at 2 P. M.

For Newton, Attleboro', New Hope, Lum- berville, Erwinna and Durham, when the steam- boats are running, arrive, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 A. M.— Closes, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 2 P. M.

For Bordentown, New Egypt, Pittstown, Vansvcklcs, New Hampton and Hunterdon and Monmouth Counties, N. J. arrive, Wed- nesday, at 6 A. M.— Close, Saturday, at 2 P. M.

Via" Easton, Pa., for Sussex and AVarren counties, and Schooley's Mountain, Morris countv, N. J., arrive, Tuesday, at 6 P. M. Closej Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 3 A..M.

All other places in East New Jersey, arrive, Wednesday, at 6 A. M.— Close, Monday, at 2 P. M.

sorTHr.n:^ mail.

Mails for Delaware State, and the Eastern



shore of Maryland and Virginia, arrive, daily, at 1 P. M.— Close, dally, at 7 A. M.

, For Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi and Lou- isiana States, and Arkansas and Florida Terri- tories, arrive, daily, from 8 to 11 A. M. by steamboats, according to the tide and weather. Close, daily, at lialf-past 11, A. M.

For Nashville, Ten. and the Soutli and Wes- tern partof 'I'ennesse.e State, Oliio State, South Kentucky, Indiann, and Missouri States, and Washington, Brownsville, Union Town, Pa. and Wheeling, Va., arrive, daily, at 1 P. M. When the steamboats stop running, the south- ern mail will arrive at 1 P. M. and close at 7 A. M.

For the Eastern part of Tennessee State, arrive, Sundajs, Tuesdays and Fridays, at 1 p, M. Close, Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays, at half-past U A. M.


Mail for Pittsburg, Pa. and intermediate of- fices, and via Pittsburgh, for Ohio State, west, and Michigan Territory, arrive, daily, at 9 P. I^. —Close, daily, at 5 A. M.

Via Harrishurgh, Pa. for Sunbury and.North- iimberlund, daily, except Sunday, at 9 P. M.— Close, dailv, except Saturday, at 5 A. M.

ViaHarr'isburgh, Pa. for Mifflin, Peny, Hun- tingdon, Cambria and Indiana counties, arrive, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 9 P. M. Close, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5

A. M.

Via Harrisburgh, for Danville, Milton, Wd- liamsporl:, Bellefonte, and Union, Columbia, Centre and Clearfield counties, arrive, Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 P. M.— Close, Monday, Wednesday and Frld.ay, at 5 A. M.

Via Columbia, for York and Adams counties, arrive, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 9 p. M.— Close, Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, at 5 A. M.

Via Downingstown, Pa. for Kennett Square, New London >< Roads, Oxford, [Ch. Cy,] and Marshalton, arrive, Wednesday, at 9 P. M.— Close, Tuesday, at 5 A. M.

West Chester, Edgmont, Russelville, Clin- gansand Mount Vernon, arrive, Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, at 2 P. ]\L— Close, Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 A. M.

West Ciiester via Downington, arrive, Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, at 9 P. M. Close, INlonday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5

A. M.

Kimbcrton, Valley V/oiks, Chester Springs, Morgantown, New Holland and Leacock, ar- rive, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 P. M.— Close, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5 A. M.

Mads for Reading and intermediate offices, and Berks and Lebanon counties, arrive, dally, at 6 P. M.— Close, daily, at 3 A. M.

Via Reading, for Schuylkill county, arrive, Monday and 'Thursday, at 6 P. M.— Close, Tuesday and Friday, at 3 A. M. Via Harrisburgh, for Potter and M'Kean coun-

ties, arrive, Monday, at 6 P. M. Close, Satur- da}', at 3 A. M.

Jlails for Easton, Pa. and intermediate ofii- ces, arrive, Monday, Wednesday and I-Viday, at 6 P. M. Close, Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs- day, at 3 A. M.

Via Easton, Pa. for Pike and Wayne coun- ties, arrive, Monday and Friday', at 6 P. M. Close, 'J'uesday and Thui-sday, at 3 A. M. . Malls for Bctlilehem, and intermediate of- fices, arrive, daily, except Sunday, at 6 P. M. Close, daily, except Sunday, at 3 A. M.

Via Bethlehem, for Nazareth, Wilkesbarre, Luzerne, Susquehanna and Bradford counties, arrive, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 P. M. Close, Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, at 3 A. M.

Mails for Skippaclc, Sumnytown, Sellers- ville, Trexlertown and Kutztown, arrive, I'l'i- day, at 2 P. M. Close, Wednesday, at half- past 2 P. M.

Mails for Rising Sun and Germantbwn, arrive, ' daily, except Sunday, at 8 A. M. Close, daily, except Sunday, at 4 P. M.

Mails for Manayunk, lloxborough and Nor- rlstown, arrive, daily, except Sunday, at 11 A. M. Close, dally, except Sunday, at half- past 12 P. M.

Mails for Mount Holly and Moore's Town, N. ,T., arrive, daily, at lialf-past 12 P. M. Close, daily, at half-past 12 P. M.

Mails for Malaga, Glassboro, Melville, JEtna Furnace and Beesly's, N. J., arrive, Tuesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Close, Wednesday and Saturda}^ at 3 A. M.

Mails for Pemberton (or New Mills') and Vincentovvn, arrive, Monday and Friday, at 4 P. . M. Close, Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 A. M.

Mails for Bridgetown, [W. N. J.] and inter- mediate offices, dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M. Close, daily, except Sunda}-, at 10 A. M.

Via Bridgetown, for Cedarville, Fairton and Dividing Creek, arrive, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 3 P. M. Close, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, at 10 A. M.

Via Bridgetown, for Port Elizabeth, Dennis' Creek, Cape May, C. H. and (^ape Island, ar- rive, Monday and Friday, at 3 P. M. Close, Tuesday and Friday, at 10 A. M.

Mails for Roadstown, Alloway's Town and Greenwich, N. J., arrive, Tuesday and Friday, at 3 P. M. Close, Wednesday and Saturday, •^ at 10 A. M. J

Mails for Sweedsboro, Sharptown, Woods- 1?ovvn and Salem, N. J., arrive, dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. JL-— Close, daily, except Sun- day, at 10 A. M. ''\

Mails for Hamington Glass Works, Pleasant's > Mills, Gloucester Furnace, Gravelly Landing and Leeds Point, N. J., arrive, Tuesdays and Fridays, at 3. P. M. Close, Wednesday and Satvu-(la)% at 10 A. M.

Mails for Evesham, Medford, Sooy's Inn and Tuckerton, arrive, Tuesday, at 3 P. M Close, Thursday, at 10 A. M.

Mails for Haddonfield, Absecom, May's Land-



ing' an<l Somer's Point, N. J., arrive, Tuesday, at ;> P. M.— Close, Thursday, at 10 A. M.

Mails for (Mk-w's Luiid'mi;', (JuiupbcU's Ta- vern, Cross Ki ys^ Stcplicn's Crct-k, ami 'I'lick- alioe, N. .1., iiii'ive, Tuesday aiul 'llitirsday, at 3 l*. M. Close, Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 A. M.

Svvif'tsure ]\Iail, via llranchlown, Ilatboro, Ilartville, Jonkintown and New Hope, Pa.; L:i!nl)ertsville, IJiiij^oc's Bound IJrook, Somer- ville and Scotch Plains, N. J., arrive, Tuesday, Tluirsday and Saturday, at 9 P. M. Close, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M.

Letters must be left at tli'e Post Office williin the time specified, to insure Jj'oinjjf in tile mail of the daj'; and newspapers half an hour before that time. As there are several places of the same name in the United Slates, it is necessary that the directions should be particular; the states should be distinguished.

and when it mipht be doubtful, the counties. When letters are not for a Post Town, the nearest I'ost Town ouf^lil to be mentioned.

The oilice is open daily, from sun-rise to 8 P. -M. except Sundays, tlie I'ourth of July, and (;hristmas day, when it is open from 8 to 9 A. M. and from 1 to 2 P. M.

Persons wishing* to pay postage when the office is shut, can enclose the money with the letter, directed to "The Post OIKce." •Those who keep accounts with the carriers, or offifce, will please to enclose the letter, directed in tile same manner, wit,li a request that the post- ag'e be charg'ed to their account.

All notes or letters deposited In this office, directed to any part of this city, this side of Rroad Street, and to the populous parts of the Northern Liberties and Southwark, will be carried out with the Eastern, Southern and Western Letters.


Rates of Commissions, vecommended ffli' puneval ndopiion, ami allowed by ilie Pliiladelpliia Chamber of Commerce, when no agreeiueiii subsists to the contrary, established at a stated meeting on the lOth March, 1S23.

Mf.hchandisk, Sales, - - . - .

Purchase and Siiipment, or accepting Bills for Purchases, Landing and reshipping goods from vessels in distress, Receiving and forwarding, ...


Vessels, Sale or Purchase, .... Procuring Freight or Chartering to proceed to another

port, Collecting Freight or general Average, Paying outfits or disbursements,

Mahine Lvsuhances, effecting, when'the premium does not exceed 10 per cent. When the premium exceeds 10 percent. - Adjusting and collecting losses witliout litigation,

Fire Insuuancks, eflTccting, .... Adjusting and collecting losses,

Foreigx and inland bills of exchakge and notes of


Drawing or F.ndorsing, and negotiating in all cases,

PiU'chase, witiiout Endorsing, ...

Sale, do. do. ....

Collecting, ......

P.ay ing over the amount, ....

Remitting, ......

Public stocks, specie, bank notes oa drafts not cur- hent.

Sale, . - . . . .

Purchase, ......

Collecting Dividends on Public Stock, Advances, in money, or by coming under acceptances, in

all cases, .....

Accounts, Collecting disputed or litig.ated accounts, or

claims on ijisolvent estates, Moneys, Receiving, from which no other commission is de- rived, .....

Paying, do. do. do. -

Paying and receiving, do. do. - Guarantee, in all cases, ...



































































on gross amount, on cost and charges, on currfent value, on do. do. on responsibilities incur- on gross amount, [red.

on do. do.

on amount collected.

on aggregate amount.

on amount insured, on amount of premiun>. on amount recovered, on amount of jiremium. on amount recovered.

on the proceeds, on cost and charges, on the proceeds, on amount collected, on amount paid over, on amount remitted.

on proceeds.

on cost and charges.

on amount collected.

on amount advanced.

on amount recovered.

on amount received, on amount paid, on amount received, on amount guaranteed.



Ob billt remitted for collection under protest for non-acceptance or non-payment, half commission to be charged.

On consigrnment of merchandise, withdrawn or re-shipped, full commission lobe charged to the extent of advances or resp»nsibilitii's incurred, and half commission on the current value of ihe residue.

On sales ofmerchaiulisc oritcinallj- consipnt d to auothtr house, but withdrawn, and where no responsibilities are incurred, only half commission to be charced 'ju llie curi- nt value.

The current value, in all pases, to be settled by ccrtifieales of two respectable merchants, auctioneers or brokers.

The above C'.>Himissions to be exclusive of Kuaranlee,'brokerape, storage, aud every other charge actually incurred.

The risk of loss by fire, unless insurance be ordered, and of robbery, theft, and other unavoidable occurrences, if the usual care be taken to secure the property, is in all cases te be borne by the proprietor of the gaods.


Almonds, Do. -' - -

2S per hogshead.

6 per bag.


25 per hogshead.

Do. - - -

12i per tierce.


S i>er bag.

Ashes, ...

61 per barrel.

Bagging, -

li per piece.

Bark, quercitron,

30 per hoi;shead.

Beef, ...

t\ per barrel.

Bottles, -

8 per gross.


25 per pipe.

Bristles, -

25 do.


1| per firkin.

Candles, -

14 per box.

Cassia, - - -

6.^ per do.

Do. - .

^ per mat.

Chocolate, -

11 per box.

Cloves and Nutmegs, 8' per ease.

Coals, -

14 per bushel.


2 per bag.

Do. - - -

20 per hogshead.

Do. - - -

12i per tierce.

Codfish, -

25' per hogshead.

Do. - - -

2 per box.


20 per hogshead.

Do. - - .

12j per tierce.

Do, - - -

5 per barrel.

Do. - - .

2 per bag.

Copper, in pigs,

15 per ton.

Do. in sheets or


30 do.

Do. brazier's bot-


50 do. -


25 per hogshead.


S7i per ton.

Cotton, round, -

15 per bale.

Do. square.

121 do.

Do. East India,

8 do.

6J per barrel

1 per box.

2 per cwt. 62J per ton. 10 per tierce,

3 per barrel 25 i»fcr pipe.

2 jier case. 2 per hair. 1 per bushel.

Dry Goods, in boxes

or bales Duck, Earthenware,

Do. Fish, pickled, no. dry, - Do. in bulk. Flax, Flaxseed, Flour, Gin, - Do. - Ginger,

Grain, - > Hardware, - Hemp,

Hempen Yarns, Herrings, Hides,

Hops, . . Horns, Indigo,

Do. - -

Iron, in pigs, -

Do. in bolls, bars,

hoops, sheet*, or

nail rods, - - 20 do.

Lard, - - 12i per firkin. Lead, in pigs or

sheets, - - 15 per ton. Do. dry, or g^'ound

[Do. -

1 per cubic foot. Paints,

1 per bolt. Paper, wrapping,

15 per crate. Pepper,

25 per hogshead. Pimento, -•

Pork, Raisins,

Do. - Rice, Rum, - Salmon,

Do. Salt,

Saltpetre, Shot,

25 per hosrshead. Soap, imported.

621 per ton. 20 per reel.

I pc-r box.

II per hide. 15 per bale. SO per ICOO.

4 per seroon. 8 Jier box. 15 per ton.

in oil. Leather, - Lemons, Molasses, - Nails, - Nuunegs, - Oil,

30 do.

1 per side.

6J per box. 25 per hogshead, 30 per ton.

see cloves. 30 per pipe.

Steel, in bars or bun- dles. Steel, in tubs. Sugar,

Do -

Do. -

Do. Havana,


Do. - Tea,

'lin, biBck, Tin Plates, - Tobacco, -

Do. - -

Do. - - Whiskey,

Do. - Whiting, Wine,

Do. -

Do. -

Do. bottled, Wood, dying,

li per dozen. 30 per ton.

1 per ream.

2 per bag. 2i per bag, 6J per barrel. 2 per keg.

i per box. 12j per tierce. 25 per puncheon ei per barrel.

i per keg.

1 per bnshel.

2 per bag. 6| i)er keg.

4 per bos.

20 per ton.

2 per tub.

25 per hogshead.

5 per barrel.

2 per bag. 8 per box.

25 per hogshead. 6| per seroon.

3 per qr. chest. 15 per ton.

IJper box. 25 per hogshead.

6J per seroon.

2 per keg. 25 per hogshead.

6i per barrel. 25 per hogshead. 25 per pipe. 12i per hogshead.

(>\ per qr. cask.

1 4 per dozen. 30 per ton.

All articles not herein enumerated, to pay according to measurement, at the rate of 2^ cents per square or super- ficial foot of proui'.d floor occupied.

The proprietors ol the goods, in all cases, to be at the expense of pfltting them in store, stowing away, and turning out of siore.

All goods taken on storage, to pay one month's storage; monlli, to pay full month's storage.

Board of Health. Cornelius Comegys, President; R. E. Grif- fith, Secretary; James Kitclien,. Treasurer. City Members. Cornelius Comegys, S. I. liobbins, Edward Wallington, James Kitchen, Charles Lukens, M. D., R. E. Griffith, HI. 1).

j\''orthern Liberties. "William Binder, George Gorgaus.

Kensington. John Harrison.

Penn Township. Charles Souder, Esq.

Southwurk. J. R. Burden, M. D.

Moyamensing. R. L. Loughead, Esq.

Officers of Board of Health. Joseph Pryor, Clerk; John Buckingham and Alex. AVliithym, Messengers; John Robbins, Steward of the Lazaretto.

Officers appointed by the Governor. George F. Leliman, M. D., Lazaretto Phy- sician; Josiah Stewart, M. D., Port Physician;

if remaining in store one day after the expiration of the

Henry Kenyon, Quarantine Master; William Mandry, Healtli Officer.

St. Patrick's Beneficial Society of Pennsylvania.

John Waters, President; Paul Reilly, Vice President; Charles Tisdall, Treasurer; James Akin, Secretary. Doorkeeper, Patrick Reilly.

Stated Meetings, the first Monday in every month, at the I'hocnix Hall, in Zane Street, between Seventh and Eighth streets.

Officers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. Jonathan Fell, President 1

John Cox

Josiah White Erskine Hazatd James Bchot John Moss Hartman Kuhn Thomas Earp Timothy Abbott Epliraim Haines John Cook, Ches. st. _, Otis Ammidon, Treasurer Edwin Walter, Secretary

> Manager

])ijjlumatic Department-.




Ureal nritain, viiciint.

U illiuin U. Lawrence, secretary of le- gation, .lames Brown, to France.

Daniel Sheldon, secretary of legation. Henry Miildleton, to Russia.

Charley Pinkney, secretary of lega- tion. -\. H. Everett, to Spain.

John A, Smitli, secretary of legation. Joel U. Poinsett, to Mexico.

John Mason, jr. secretary of legation. Ileman Allen, to Chili.

Samuel Larned, secretary of legation.


^Vi^iam Shaler, consul general to Al- giers.

Samuel D. Heap, consul, Tunis.

Charles D. Coxe, consul, Tripoli.

John MwUowny, consul, Tangier, Mo- rocco.


Thomas L. L. Brent, to Portugal. Christopher Hughes, to the Netherlands John J. Appleton, to Sweden. Beaufort T. Walts, to Colombia. Wi!liam Tudor, to Brazil. Wm. B. Rochester, to Central America. John M. Forbes, to Buenos Ayres. James Cooley, to Peru. Henry Wheaten, to Denmark.



London Thomas Aspinwall.

Liverpool James Maury.

Bristol Herman Visger.

Falmouth— Robert W. For.

Plymouth Thomas W. Fox.

Kingston-upon-HuU William Davy,

Isle of Wight— Robert R. Hunter.

Leilh— Joel Hart.

Glasgow David Walker.

Dublin Thomas Wilson.

Cork Reuben Harvey.

Belfast Samuel Luke.

Gibralter Bernard Henry.

Isle of France

Turks Island Thomas Wynns.

r.ermuda William R. Higinbotham,*

Nassau, N. P. John Storr.

St. ChristoTDher and Antigua

Demarara Edmund Roberts.

Kingston, Jamaica Peter Lanman.

Island of Trinidad Charles L. Bartletl:"

Barbadoes John M. Kankey.* FRAjXCE.

Paris Isaac Cox Harnett.

Bordeaux Daniel Slrobel.

Marseilles Joshua Dodge.

Nantes— F. C. Fenwick.

L'Orient Edward Church.

Havre de Grace— R. G. Beasley.

Lyons James F. Cooper.

Cette Alex de Tubeuf.

La Rochelle .las. Jos. Debesse.

Giiadaioupe Island— Francis B. Feur.gS.

Martinique Island— Silas Mareau. RUSSIA.

St. Petersburg.— Abraham P. Gibsoo. SPAUX.

Cadiz— Alexander Burton.

Barcelona C. Douglass.

Valencia Obadiah Rich.

Malaga George G. Barrell.

Alicante R. Montgomery.

Bilboa-F. X. de Ealo. Island of Manilla George W. IlubbeJJ, Island of Tennerifle— Payton Gay, Balearic Islands George P. Ladico.

Havana, Cuba Thomas M. Rodney.*

Trinidad, Cuba Robert R. Stewart."

St. Jago, Cuba Thomas Backus.* Baracoa, Cuba— Henry K. Stearns.* Malanzas, Cuba Lewis Shoemaker." Porto Ricco William Simmons, jr.*

PORTUGAL. Lisbon— I. P. Hutchinson. Oporto

Island of Madeira— John H. Marsh. Fayal Charles W. Dabney Cape de V. Islands— Samuel Hodges, Jr.

KE THERL.^.YDS. Amsterdam John W. Parker. Rotterdam— E. Wambersie. Antwerp— Charles Barnett. Surinam Thomas Trask. Island of Curacoa-Lewis Palmboeuf. Batavia— John Shillaber. Ostend Louis Mark. St, Eustatia-J. HoUingsworth.*

SWKDE.X. Stockholm, David Erskinc. Gottenburg— C. A. Murray, Christiansand— Henry Janson, jr. St. Bartholomews— -ilobert M. Harrison

Diplomatic Deparlmtrit,

WjVITED MEXrCAjX STATES. Mexico James S. AVilcoks. I'ampico George K. Iiiobertson. Aguatulco— 'riionias Keiley. Acapiilco Harvey Gregg. Vera Crtizand Alvarado- Win. Taylor. Refugio on Rio Grande Dan. W. Smilh Chiliiialuia— Charles W. Webber. Santa Fe

Saltillo— James W. M'Goffin. {Jampeachy Henry Perrins. Mazp.tlan James L. Kennedy. San Antonio Mexico Uavid D'xon. REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. Carthagena John Macpherson. La Giiayra J. G. A Williamson. Santa Martha William J. Seaver. Giiyaquil AVilliam Wheelwriglil. Maracaybo -Abraham B Nonts. Forto Cabello Francis Litchfield. Panama

BRAZIL. ■Rio de Janeiro— W. II. D. C. Wright. San Salvador WooObridge Odlin. Pernambuco John T. Mansfield. Maranhao— J. de S. Montiero. 3'ara Charles B. Allen. Monte Video Joshua Bond. Isle of Maranham- -Leonard Corning. REPUBLIC of CE.XTRAL AMER. Guatam.ala Charles Savage. RR PUB Lie of BUEJ\''OS AYRES. Buenos Ayres— George W. Slacum.

CHILL Valjiaraisr. Michael Hognn. St. Jago de Chili. Daniel Wvnne.

REPUBLIC OF PERU. Qtiilca and Africa. William F. Taylor. Lima William Radchff".

DEJWMARK. Copenhagen John livnals. Isle of Santa Cruz Robert l^aques. Island of St. Tliomas Nathan Levy. Island of St. Croix Joseph Ridgwav,

J^RUSSU. Eli)crfield John (i. Boker.

SAXOA^r. Leipzig C. F. Goehring.

II. iA'^SEA TIG TO WjYS. Hamburg Jolin Cuthbert. Bremen F. J. Wicheihausen. Lubec Joseph H. Clark.

ITALIAjX STATES. Leghorn, Tuscany Thomas Appleton. Florence, Tuscany James Ombrosio. Genoa, Sardania Robert Campbell. Kice, Sardania V. A. Sasserno. Ti'ieste, Austria George Moore. ROMAAT STATES and KLYGDOM

OF THE Tiro SICILIES. Eome Feijx Cigognani.

Naples Ale.x. Ilammet. Palermo Benjamin Gardner. Messina— John L. Pavson. S.MrRS''A. Smvrna David Offlev.

' HAYTI, fST. IJOMIJVGO.J Port au Prince A. Armstrong.* Aux Cayes James A. Holden.* Cape Havtien James E. Brice.* SAjYDWICH ISLAJVBS. Sandwich Islands John C. Jones, jr.*

CHLXA. Canton John H. Grosvenor. J\'o!t. Agents for Commerce and Sea- men are distinguished by an aslerisk.(*)

Jlinisters, Consuls, and Commis- saries of Foreign Powers.


From FRAjYCE. Count de Menon, charge d'affaires. Mr. D. St. Andre, consul general. Mr. Signet, consular agent, Boston. Count d'Espinville, consul, New York. Mr, Pillavoine, consul, 44 Pine street,

Philadelphia. Mr. Henri, considar agent, Baltimore. Marquis de Fougeres, consul, Charles- ton. Mr. Deseze, vice-consul, Norfolk. Mr. Thomasson. vice-consul. Savannah. Mr. Batre, consular agent. Mobile. Mr. Guiilemin, consul, New Orleans.

From GREAT BRITALY. Charles Richard Vaughan, minister pie- nipotentiary and envoy extraordinary. Ciiarles Bankhead, esq. secretary of le- gation. W. G. Ouseley, esq. and Percy W. Doyle, esq. attached to the legation, A. St. Jolin Baker, esq. consul general,

at Wasliington. Donald M'Intosh, esq. consul, Ports- mouth, N. H. George Manners, esq. consul, Boston,

Massachusetts. John B. Gilpin, esq, Newport, R. I. Jas. Steward, esq. New London, Conn. Jas, Buchanan, esq. consul for the state

and city of New York. Gilbert Robertson, esq. consul 4 Libra-

ry street, Philadelphia. John Crawford, esq. consul, Baltimore. Charles J. Peshall, esq. consul, Wilmingf

ton, N. C. ^V■m. Gray, esq. consul, Norfolk, Va. Henry Newman, esq. consul, Charleston South Carolina.

Diplomatic Department.

Anthony N. I,. Molincnx, esq. consul, l{ene (iotlard, vice-consul for South

Savannali, lico. Oarolina, Cliarlcston.

George Salkeld, esq. conMil, N. Orleans F.lias Uacd, vice-consul for Georgia,

consul, Pensucota. Savannali.

James Baker, esq. vice-consul, Alexan- IIcnr\ Mutton, vlce-consulfor Louisiana

dria, I). C. and Gulf ot Mexico, N. Ovii^ans.

James C. Uuclianan, vioe-consul,N. Y. From jlUSTHLL

Fiom RUSSIA. Baron de Ledercr, coi..;ul ior N. York,

Baron Krudner. envoy extraordinary New Jcisev, Pennsylvania, Maryland

and miiiisiei plenipotentiary. and Virginia.

Baron Maltilz, first secretary of lega- From PRUSST.i.

tion, acting now as charg-e.d'aH'aircs L. Neiderstetter, cliarjied'aliaircK, Arch

Prince Lieven, second secretary of le- str-jet, n^ ar TweiRIi, PhiladelpUia.

gation. T. Searle. ctnsul, Boston.

Mr. \\allenstein. attached to tlie lega'n. J. W. ^chnl^dl, consul. New York.

'J'he>)dore Ivanofl", consul general, 70, Jacob Sparry, consid, 99 soiith Front

Valnut St. Pliiladflphia. street, PhdHcielpliia.

J. Prince, agent, Salem. Louis Tranman, consul, Cliar!eston.

E. Mayo, agent, Portland. Aom HJMBUJiGII

J. G. Bogert, vice-consul. New York. Charles N. Buck, consul general, 30

Thomas H. lleas, agent, Charleston. Walnut st. Fliladelphia.

F«rtescue Whittle, agent, Norfolk. Vincent Nolte, consul. New Orleans.

Charles Pindar, vice-consul, Pensacola. Fredeiick Christian Graf, vice-consul,

E. Hollander, vice-consul, N. Orleans. Baltimore.

From SPjlIJK''. Anthony C. Cazenove, vice-consul, Al-

Don Francisco Tacon, envoy extraordi- exandria.

nary and minister plenipotentiary, Jacob Wulff, vice-consul, Charleston.

270, Walnut st. Philadelphia. John VV. Schmidt, vice-consul, N. York,

Don Hilario de Rivas y Salmon, secre- From FRAA' k'FOlil).

tary of legation. A. Halbach, consul, 81 south Front st.

Don Miguel Tacon, attached to the le- Philadelphia.

gation. From DEJ^MJRK. Don Francisco Hernandez de Nogues, Steen Bille. charge d'affaires and con- consul, 50, south Fifth St. Philada. sul general, ad interim, until the re- Don Raynnindo Chacon, consul, Boston. turn of P. Pederson, esq. Philada. Don Francisco Slaughton, consul, N.Y'. William Ritchie, vice-consul, Boston. Don Juan Bautista de Bernabeu, con- K. E. Peterson, vice-consul. New York.

sul, Baltimore. John Bohlen, vice-consul, 67 south 4th

Don Pablo Chacon, consul, Norfolk. street, Philadelphia.

Don Antonia Argote Villababos, consul, Lewis Brantz, vice-consul, Baltimore.

New Orleans. Jonathan Swift, vice-consul. Alexandria

From PORTUGAL. Moses Myers, vice-consul, T orfolk.

Chevalier Joachim Barroza Pereira, Hanson Kelly, vice-consul, Wilmington,

charge d'affaires and consul general. North Carolina.

218, Ciiesnut st. Philadelphia. James L. Ladsden, vice-consul, Charles- Philip Marett, vice-consul for the New ton. South Carolina.

England states, Boston. W. Scarbrough, vice-consul. Savannah.

Chevalier J. C. de Figaniere e ^lorao, W. Wver, vice-con'^ul. New r.rleans.

consulforN.Y. and' East Jersey. 'From WIRTEMRERG.

John Vaughan, vice-consul for Pennsyl- Christian Mayer, esq, consul general,

vania, Delaware, and West Jersey, residence Baltimore. Inquire of May-

107, south Front st. Philadelphia. er &. Lohmaii back of 95 north Wa-

John S. M'Kim, vice-consul for Mary- ter street, Philadelphia.

land, Baltimore. From SAXOJ\'Y,

Christopher Neale, vice-consul for Dis- Charles Augustus Davis consul general.

Irict of Columbia, Alexandria. Frederick Augustus Meusch, consul

Walter de Lacy, vice-consul for Virgi- New York.

nia, Norfolk. Robert Ra'ston. jun. consul, 9, South

John P. Calhorda, vice-consul for North Front street, Philadelphia.

Carolina, Wilnungton. R% JL Douglass, consul, Baltimore.

Diplomatic Department.

F-rem SWEEDEX A.XD A'OnJVJY. Baron Stackleberg', charg'e daflaires,

Wash! nif ton. Cl)f-valier S. Lonch, consil g^cneral,

218, Chesnut street, Philadetpliia. \V. Rollins, vice-consul, Boston. II. Gatin. consi;l, New York. John Vaiiq-han, 107, South Front st

Pliiiadelpliia. S. Law'son, vice-consul, Baltimore. C. Neale, vice-cons'il, Alexandria. J. Brette, vice-consul, Norfolk. Jos. Winthrop, vice-consul Charleston. A. Foster, jr. vice-consul Savannah. John A. Merle, vice-consul, N. Orleans.

From THE XETHEJtLJ.VDS. Chevalier Haug'einan Huyt^ens, envoy

extraordinary and minister plenipo- tentiary. T. C. Zimmerman, consul. New York. J. J. Hag's '.erft, consul, Baltimore. Mr. Casanove, consul, Alexandria. Moses Myers, consul. Norfolk. Lewis KiTimbhaar, Agent, No. 217,

Market street.

From SICILY. H. Castro, vice-consul. Providence. Martin Mantin, vice-consul. New York. A. O Hammond, vice-consul, Charleston N. Edward Fowle, consul general, 41

Nr)rth Eighth street, Philadelphia. ■William Reed, vice-consul. Dock above

Second street, Piiiladelphia. ROME. Charles Picot, vice-consul, Washington

square above Seventh st. Philada. From SARDLYA. Chevalier Don Y'gnace, Caravadnssy de

Thoet, consul general, 394 \\a!nut

street, Philadelphia. C. Cazenove, consul, Boston. S. V. Bouland, consul. New Y'ork. A. Garibaldi, consul, I'hilatlelpliia, C Valdor, consul, Baltimore. y. F. Brette, consul, Norfolk. Y. Auze, consul, Savannnii. Y'. Y. Viel, consul, Ciiarlesiori. A. F. George, consul. Mobile-. V. V. Dubourg, consul, New Orleans.

From MEXICO. Don Pablo Orbregon, minister plenipo. iJon Ignacio Montoya,sec'ry of iegalirin Don Sebastian Mcrcado, second sccic-

tarv of legJtion.

Don Isidro Delqado, consul, Boston. Don ^■entura Obregon, consul, N. \. Don Jose I'olon, consul, 58 Walnut st. Philadelphia.

Luke Tiernan, esq. consul, Baltimore, Richard W. Cogdell, esq. consul Charleston.

Don Francisco Pizarro Martinez, con- sul, New Orleans.


Alejandro Y'ekz, charge d'aH'aires and consul general, corner of Fifth and Library streets, Philadelphia.

Juan Antonio, Rauseo, Juan de laCrna Dominguez, and Francisco Davila, officers of legation.

James Andrews, vice-consul, Boston.

Peter Geilineau, commercial agent. Con. and Rhode Island.

Javier de Medina, vice-consul, N. Y.

Edward Barry, vice-consul, 33 Walnut street, Piiiladelphia,

Robert W. Glil, vice-consul. Baltimore.

Tho. Middleton, vice-consul, Charleston

John Myers, vice-consul, Norfolk.

Robert Goodwin, vice-consul. Savannah

Isaac N. Cos, do. St. Augustine.

AY. H. Robertson, do. Mobile.

Samuel P. Morgan, do. New Orleans. From DRJZIL.

Jose Sllvestre liebello, charge d'aflPaires Washington.

Andre da Silva Lisboa, sec'ry of legation

F'r.incisco Jcaquim de Lima, consul gen- eral, lOS, South Front street, Philada.

Archibald Forte, do. Massaciiusettb New Hampshire and Maine,

C. GrifTen, do. New London.

Samuel Snow, do. Providence.

Herman Bruen, do. New York.

James Morrell, vice-consul, Philada.

Edward J. Coale, do. Maryland.

Christopher Neale, do. Alexandria D C.

John P. Calhorde, do. Wilmington,

Frederick Myers do. Norfolk.

Samuel Chadwick, do. Charleston.

John W. Anderson, do. Savannah.

James Waters Zacharie, do. N. Orleans Fiom JiUEKOS AYRES.

General Alvear,minist. plenipotentiary.

Colonel Yriarte, <:eretarv of legation. From aUATEMELJ.

Anthony J. Canas, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary.




United States^ Almanac.











Selected in order to be extensively useful throughout the Country, In Travellers and Residents.






Desilver^s Almanai


Fixst ^out\\,



Moon's Phases.

0 Full

C Last % New 1) First O New


2 10 16 23 31


55 15











ets' Places




D's Lat.

Alioth on Mer.



»2 :il 05 ti^






H. M.










5 S

5 59










3 S

5 33



22 28








5 7











4 41


!^52^ 15 13






2 S

4 16


slow dec S place

Moon south



Sun rises and sets.

New I Phila- Wash. &| New

York. I dclphia. Lexin. | Orleans.

Tu W

Th F


6: Sun

7\ M

8 Tu

9l W

10: Th

Hi F

12| Sa

Vo Sun

14i M

151 Tu

16; w


F Sa Sun

M Tu W Th

F Sa Sun

M Tu AV Th

$ sets 6 15 T) runs high

day 9 14

Epiphany Ij opposition

Sirius S 11 2 ]) runs low

j) in perigee returns rises [10 59 ^ conjunction

h south 10 54

2/ rises 3 2 4th Sun af Eph Spica rises 114






218 1418

2518 3517 4517

4 16 28 lOj 22 4 16 29

^ 11 24

^ 8


58 53

47, SI 41 1 34[n^ 27 19 11 2 5:!,

11 56 morn

0 43

10 35

11 37 aft



6 20

5 21

6 21

6 21

4 18

1 13 26

S! 8 09|18 20i 8 57I19

ll 9 44I19 13 10 3l|l7 25:11 17|16


57 N 39 N 36 N 55 N 41 N 2N 3 N

3 S

8 S

4 S 49 S

29 S

30 S

9 S 45 S 54 S 47 S 51

31 51

30 30 29 29 29 28 28 27 \7 26 25 24 24 23 22 21

S7 20 22 S7 19 42 s!7 18 51 N|7 18

3n!7 17 45 N|7 15 47 N:7 15

5 n!7 14

35 m 13

13 N7 12

2 N7 10

58N7 9

11 Ni7 8

41 N7 7

26 57

26 5J7 25 ob 25 5:7 24 5|7 24 23

22 21 7 21 7 20 7 19 7 19 7 18 17

5 5

517 57 5\7 5\7 57

16 16 15

14 13 57 12 57 11 57

10 5'7

10 57

8 57

8 57

6 5 5 5


3 57

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5|7 5\7

¥ 517


20 516 20 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 9


Be it remkmberki), that on the nineteenth day of September, in the fifty-first year of the independence of the United States of America, A' D. i8'27, Robert Desii-ver, of the said district, hath deposited in ll>is office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words fo'lowinof, to wit:

"TAe United States'' .Almanac, comprising Calculations for the Latitudes and Meridians of the J^orlhern, Southern, and Western States, with a variety <>j public information aiid interesting Masonic matter; to- gether with a correct list of the ^rmy and .iVav;/ of the United Stales. Members of Congress, Courts, Sfc. Se- lected in order to be extensively useful throughout the Country to Travellers and Residents.^^ Calculated by Seth Smith.

In conformity to the act of the congress of the United Slates, intituled " An act for the en- couragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, aud books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." And also to the act, entitled, " An act supplementary to an act, entitled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned," and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." D. CALDWELL,

Cterk of t!te Eastern District of Ptivnsylvanm

Vesilver's Jtlmaivac,


First •NVouUi,



Moon rises and sets.


!,,„,„„ 1 New 1

Philii- 1

Wasii. 1 New

B<«ton.| York. 1


& Lox. Orleans





rises rises


5 23

5 28

5 29

5 31 5 51


6 18

6 21

6 22

6 24

6 41


7 15

7 17

7 18

7 19

7 o:i


8 12

8 13

8 15

8 16

8 26


9 10

9 10

9 12

9 13

9 19


10 10

10 11

10 10

10 10

10 12


11 10

11 9

11 9

11 8

11 06








0 10

0 $

0 9

0 8

0 2


1 15

1 13

1 12

1 10

1 0


2 21

2 19

2 17

2 15

2 1


3 27

3 25

3 23

3 21

3 5


4 34

4 31

4 28

4 25

4 7


5 31

5 28

5 26

5 23

5 6


6 30

6 27

6 25

6 23

6 7








7 15

7 17

7 19

7 20

7 30


8 27

8 28

8 29

8 30

7 36


9 36

9 ^7

9 37

9 07

9 38


10 45

10 44

10 43

10 42 10 38


11 48

11 47

11 46

11 4511 36








0 48

0 46

0 45

0 44

0 33


1 47

1 45

1 43

1 41

1 28


2 43

2 41

2 39

2 'i7

2 22


3 37

3 34

3 31

3 28

3 11


4 25

4 22

4 19

4 16

4 0


5 7

5 4

5 2

5 Oi 4 44


5 47

5 44

5 42

5 40' 5 26


6 23

6 21

6 18

6 17

6 5


Slave trade abollslied and importation proliibited, 1808. Jesuits expelled from Petersbiiri^-li and Moscow, 1816. (Jen. Wilkinson's trial commenced at Utica, (N. Y.) 1815. Ship Ontario lost at Sooratoo, 1799. Academy of Fine Arts established at New York, 1803. Unsuccessful atUick on Buenos A}'res l)y the Ent^lish, 1763. Galileo Galilei, great mathematician, died at Florence, 1642. Defeat of the British at New Orleans; loss 2600 men, 1815. Truce between Gen. Jackson and the British Gen. Lambert,

to bury the killed on the 8th, at New Orleans. Linnxus the botanist died at Upsal in Sweden, 1778. The Adelphi School of Philadelphia, opened, 1808. Darkness so great in England that no person could read atii

noon day, 1679. i

The Spaniards defeated at Cuenca by marshal Victor, 1809. The Swiss Cantons armed against France, 1798. Masquerades and masqued balls prohibited in N. Y'^ork, 1810. Battle of Corrunna, in Spain, 1809.

Fer. VII, of Spain, issued an edict against Freemasons, 1815. The inside of the Exchange, Liverpool, des. by fire, 1795. Lord Wellington takes Ciudad Rodrigo by storm, 1812. Died in London, D. Gan-ick, the celebrated tragedian, 1779. Louis XVI beheaded, 1793.

Greeks defeated by Gen. Jackson at Tallapoosa, 1814. Thanksgiving in N. Orleans on ac. of Jackson's v Gen. Lee surprised the British g-ar. at Georgetow Destructive fire at Poitland, (Maine.) 1811. Arnold sentenced to be reprimanded by Wasliington, 1779. Gen. Floyd repulsed and defeated the Indians with great

slaughter at Camp Defiance, 1814. Died, Henry VIII, king of England, aged 56 years, 1547. A volcanic eruption in the sea at St. Michael, Azores, 1810. The British troops reembarkcd, after the signal defeat at|]

New Orleans, the 8th preceding, 1815. J

London docks at Wapping first opened, 1805. J

sa, 1814. ji

victory, 1815. 1 j vn,S.C. 1781.1]



1. An Eclipse of the Sun on the 14th of the Fourtli month, ( April,) at 4h. 17 min. in the morning, invisible.

2. An Eclipse of the Sun on the 8th of the Tenth month, (October,) at 7h. 17min. afternoon, invisible.

Venus will be Evening Star till the 28th of the Seventh month, (July,) after whicii, it will be Morning Star to the end of the year.

On the 22(1 of the Sixth month, (June,) and 2d of the Ninth month, (September,) "Venus will shine with the greatest splendour; and for a day or two belore and after these tijjies. mav be seen at noon.

Desilvefs Almanac.

^econA M^ontli,




O Planets- Places, &c. Iw

D's Ahoth

l] Moon's Phases.

"t ©S

Lat. on Mer.

r D. H. M.

D H. M;


ri d; Last 8 2 54 Afternoon.

1 'I2i29!l5

13 27 10 10 0116

5 S 3 48

11 % New 15 5 44 Morning'.

7 1812914


17 2l| 0122

0 S 2 24

U 3 Fir^ 22 9. ^8 Morning.

13 24l--ll4

14 .

3 24 X



5N 3 00


19 X ]



r,T2 1

3 29

5 0 N 1 2 37 1


25 1 6 ]


1410r 9| 23i29jlli5 si 2 14 1









Sun rises and sets.




dec S





New Phila. & |Wash. &| New


York. Colunib. | Lexin.


r ^


\l south 10 5

13 5c

17 14

SI 19


10 36 N

7 5 5

7 2 57 0 5

6 58 6 6 41 6

W 2


[ ^ sup conjun

14 1

16 57

m 1

0 45

7 2S

7 5 5

7 1 56 59 6

6 57 i

) 6 41 6

r ^



14 8

16 40


1 29


7 3 5

7 0 56 58 6

6 56 6|6 40 6

fi "*


"^ quartile

14 14

16 22


2 14

0 53 S

7 2 5

6 58 6 6 57 6

6 55 t

6 39 6

In ^


7 ::+c's set 1 46

14 19

16 4

:£- 8

2 59

4 57 S

7 15

6 57 6 6 56 6

6 54 e

6 38 6

11 ^


14 24

15 46


3 45

8 52 S

7 0 5

6 56 66 55 6

6 55 e

6 38 6

in ^


14 28

15 27

ni 4

4 32

12 26 S

6 59 6

6 55 66 54 6

6 52 e

6 37 6

ii ^


14 31

15 9


5 22

15 27 S

6 57 6

6 54 66 52 6

6 50 6

6 36 6

|] 9


Sirius south 9 6

14 :i:i

14 50

/ 1

6 1617 43 S

6 56 6

6 53 6

6 51 6

6 49 6!6 35 6



3 nins low

14 34

14 30


7 13 18 56 S

6 55 6

6 51 6

6 50 6

6 48 6

6 34 6



14 35

14 11


8 1218 59 S

6 53 6

6 50 6

6 49 6

6 47 6

6 34 6



14 35

13 52

>y 14

9 1317 45 S 6 52 6\

6 49 6

6 47 6

6 46 6

6 33 6

f 13


3) in perigee

14 3413 31


10 1215 18 S

5 51 6

6 48 66 46 6

6 45 6

6 32 6




14 32

13 11

^ 14

11 1011 46 S

S 49 6

6 46 6 6 45 6

6 43 6

6 31 6



14 31

12 51


Af 8 7 23 S

5 48 6

5 45 6'6 44 616 42 6

6 30 6



14 27

12 30

X 14

1 OS 2 54 S

5 47 6

5 44 6;6 43 6

6 41 6

6 29 6



Sirius S 8 35

14 23

12 9


1 55 1 47 Ni6 45 6|

5 43 6'6 42 6

6 40 6

6 28 6



14 19

11 48

T 13

2 46 6 15 N

5 44 6

5 42 6:6 40 6

6 39 6

6 28 6



(v) enters X

14 13

11 27


3 36 10 15 N

5 43 6 6 40 66 39 6

6 38 6 6 27 6 1

II 20


Ash Wednesday

14 7

11 6

« 9

4 24 13 S5 N

5 42 66 39 66 38 6

6 37 6 6 26 6

II 21


\l south 8 42

14 1

10 44


5 1316 12 N(

5 40 6

5 37 66 o6 6

6 35 6 6 25 6 f

11 22


day lOh 50m

13 SS

10 22

n 4

6 02il7 59N(

5 38 6

5 o6 66 35 6

6 34 6 6 24 6

II 23


13 46

10 1


6 5118 54 N(

5 37 6<

5 35 66 34 6

6 33 6] 6 23 6r



1st Sun in Lent

13 37

9 39


7 3918 58 N(

5 36 6 6 34 6 6 33 6\

6 32 6

6 23 6



% rises 1 19

13 28

9 16

Zo 10

8 26;i8 11 N(

) 35 6 (

5 33 6 6 32 6

6 30 6

6 22 6f

II 26


13 18

8 54


9 13il6 37 N 6 33 6(

5 31 6 6 30 6

6 29 6

6 21 6

II 27


13 7

8 32

SL ~4

9 59 14 21 N 6 31 6t

> 30 6 6 29 6

6 28 6

6 20 6[

1 28


12 56

8 9 16|

10 4411 28 N 6 30 6<

5 28 6 6 28 6

6 27 6

6 19 6j

I] 29


_i__— __-».—

12 45

7 46



11 281 8 2N6 29 6(

5 27

6 6 26 6

6 25 6

6 18 6|


Many, who were personally acquainted with this celebrated character, have frequently heard bun relate the foliowiog- anecilole:

Being professor of anatomy, he once procu- red, for dissection, the bodies of two criminals who had been hanged. The key of the dissect- ing-room not being immediately at hand when they were carried home to him, he ordered them to be laid down in a closet which opened into his own apartment. The evening came, and Junker, according to his custom, proceeded to resume his literary labours before he retired to rest. It was now near midnight, and all his fam- ily were fast asleep, when he heard a rumbling noise in his closet. Thinking that, by some mis- faJfe, the cat had been shut up with the dead

bodies, he rose, and, taking the candle, went to see what had happened. But what must have been his astonishment, or rather his panic, on perceiving that the sack which contained the two bodies was rent through the middle! lie approached, and found that one of them was gone.

The doors and windows were well secured, and he thought it impossible the body could l)ave beeu stolen. He tremblingly looked round the closet, and observed the dead man seated in a corner.

.Junker stood for a moment motionless; the dead man seemed to look towards liim, he mo- ved both to the right and left, but the dead iuan.. still kept his eyes upon him.

The professor then retired, step by step, with his eye still fixed upon the object of his alarm,

Desilver's Mmanac.

¥ebYVV'A\->j ,






11 12


[1 14

15 1 16


20 21 22


1 24



127 1 28 129^

8 56

9 57 10 58


0 2


7 12

8 20

9 26

10 31

11 34 morn

0 32

8 56

9 56

10 55

11 59 morn

1 4

2 8

3 10

4 7 4 58

5 41


7 13

8 20

9 25

10 30

11 32 morn

0 29

8 56

9 55

10 54

11 58 mom

1 2

2 6

8 56

9 54 10 53

5 40 sets

7 13

8 19

9 24

10 29

11 31

11 57 morn

1 C

2 4

5 38


7 1^

8 18

9 23

10 28

11 29 morn ' morn

0 28

1 24

2 14

3 0

3 42'

4 20|

4 55^' 4 53

5 27 5 26

0 26



2 40; 3 38 18 4 16


Nonintercourse with G. H. established by congress, 1811. Gen. A. St. Clair elected Pres. of the Am. congress, 1787. Gencrul Moultrie defeated and drove tlie British from Port Royal island, (S. Carolina,) 1779.

8 55jCeo. Lillo, celerated dramatic writer, born in London, 1693. Chesapeake declared in a state of blockade, 1813. Eng'land granted letters of marque and reprisal against Ame- rica, 1777.

Cardinal di Monte elected Pope Julius III, 1550. moi'nJMaiy, queen of Scotts, beh'd. in Fothering-ay castle, 1587.

0 45 First parliament, subject to Eng. opened in Corsica, 1795.

1 48jDied in Paris, Chs. dc Secondat, baron Montesquieu, 1755.

2 46Sur. o! Fort Bowyer to the Bri. byLt, Col. Laurence, 1815.

3 45|Died in Bo.ston, capt. J. Manly, of the U. S. navy, 1793. 40 Splendid sword, presented by the state of New York, to

commodore M'Donough, 1817. Died, in his 56th year, sir Wm. Blackstone, the celebrated

commentator, 1780. Hard foug-ht battle between Bonaparte and Blucher, at Mont-

mirail, 1814. Lieut. S. Decatur, United States navy, destroyed the frig-ate

Philadelphia, 1804.— Also his birth day, 1779. Treaty of Peace with Eng'land ratified, 1815.

9 17 Died at Jsleben, (Up. Sax.) Martin Luther, aged 64, 1546. 10 23JTreaty for the cession of Florida, finally ratified, 1821. f 1 26|U. S. sliip Constitution captm-ed the Cyane andLevant, 1815. morn Charles Brockden Brown died at Fhilad. ag-ed 40, 1810.

0 16, Washington's birth day, 1732. rice 17 inches th'ck on the I D^aware, 1817.

1 3 Died in London, Sir Joshua Reynolds, aged 69, 1792.

1 54 U. S. brigHomet captured the Peacock, 1813.

2 40 Oak wood sold at from $16 to 18 pw cord, in Fhilad. 1811.

3 24 Bonaparte sailed fi-om Elba for France, 1815.

4 4 Battle of Orthes, between WeDington and the French, 1814.

4 51^ 4 42!General Pichegiu arrested by Bonapaxte, 1804.

5 25 5 19i

9 50

10 45

11 46

5 27


7 16

8 14

and holding the candle in his hand until he reach- ed the door. The dead man instantly started up and followed him. A figure of so hideous an ap- pearance, naked, and in motion the lateness of the hour the deep silence which prevailed every thing concurred to overwhelm him with confusion. He let fall Ibe only candle which he had buroing, and all was darkness. He made his escape to his bed-chamber, and threw him- self on the bed, thither, however, he was pur- sued: and he soon felt the dead man embracing his legs, and loudly subbing.

Repeated cries of " leave mel leave me!" re- leased Junker from the grasp of the dead man, who now exclaimed, " Ah! good executioner! good executioner! have mercy upon me!"

Junker soon perceived the of what had happened, and resumed his fortitude. He in- forme'i the reanimated sufferer who he really was, and made a motion ia order to call up some

of the family " You wish then to destroy me!" exclauned the criminal. " Jf you call any one, my adventure will become public, and I shall be taken up and executed a seccnd time. In the name of humaiiitv, I implore you to save my life."

The physician struck a light, decorated his guest with an old night gown, and, having made him drink off a cordial, requested to know what had brought him to the gibbet. " It would have been a truly singular exhibition," obser- ved Junker, " to have seen me, at that late hour, engaged in a tetc-a-iele with a dead man, decked out in a night gown."

The poor wretch informed him t(iat he had enlisted as a soldier; but that, having no great attachment to the profession, he had determi- ned to desert; that he had unfortunately entrus- ted his secret to a kind of crimp, a fellew of no principle, who recomraonded him to a woman

JDesilvei^s Mmandc.

T\\i¥d ^loivth,







0 -^



Planets' Places, &c.

ti»|T)'s ; AJioth ui* Lat. Ion Mer.

aq , ,

^ p ! H. M. I6I4 S' 1 58

Moon's Phase

11 1



\l. 9


9. 29

D. H. H O F^ill 115

35 13

1413 15

X 29

C Last 9 0 17 Morning.


17 1


1416 22



22^3 n' 1 36

% New 15 4 37 Afternoon.


23 ' 1


13119 29



28' 5 N 1 14

3) First 23 5

L Morning.


29 ' 1





412 SO 52

O Full 31 5 18 Morning-.


T5 : 1


13 25 14



10 5 S! 0 30





m 1 ©'s r^

slow dec S ^ place

Moon 5 's Sun rises and sets.

south dec Boston.! ^T 1 PWIa.&.|Wash. & 1 York. 1 Colum.] Lextn.

New Orleans.



Jl rises 10 46

12 33 7 23liru 10


4 15 N6 27 66 25 6]

6 25 6

6 24 6

6 17 6



2d Sun in Lent

12 20 7 0



0 14N

6 26 66 24 6

6 24 6

6 23 6

6 16 6



I2 south 7 59

12 6 6 37

=2= 5


3 51 S

6 25 6 6 23 6

6 22 6

6 21 6

6 16 6



% quartile

11 5^ 6 14


1 45

7 49 S

6 23 66 21 6

6 21 6

6 20 6

6 14 6



^ gr elong-ation

11 39

5 51

"l 1

2 33

11 28 S

6 21 6 6 20 6

6 20 616 19 6

6 14 6



7 ;l<'s set 11 52

11 25

5 28


3 23

14 37 S

6 20 66 19 616 19 6l6 18 6

6 13 6



11 10

5 5


4 15

17 2 Sj6 19 66 18 6'6 17 6 6 17 6

6 12 6



10 55

4 41

/ 11

5 10

18 30 Sle 17 6|6 16 616 16 6 6 15 6

6 11 6



10 40

4 18


6 06

18 54 S 6 16 6

6 15 66 15 6j6 14 6

6 10 6



10 24

3 54VJ 9

7 04

18 6 S 6 14 6

6 13 66 13 6

6 12 6

6 9 6



\l sets 2 49

10 8

3 31


8 02

16 9 S6 13 6

6 12 6:6 12 6

6 11 6

6 8 6



3) in perigee

9 52

3 7

^ 8

9 00

13 9 S

6 12 6

6 11 616 11 6

6 10 6

6 7 6



9 35

2 43


9 58

9 19 S

6 10 6

6 9 66 9 6

6 9 6

6 6 6



9 18

2 20!x 8

10 53

4 56 S

6 9 6

6 8 66 8 6

6 8 6

6 5 6



5 & 5 conjun

9 1

1 56


11 46

0 18 S

6 7 6

6 7 6 6 7 6

6 6 6

6 5 6



4th Sun in Lent

8 44

1 32

cy 6

aft 38

4 15N

6 5 6

6 5 66 5 6

6 5 6

6 4 6



5 inferior conj

8 26

1 9


1 29

8 30N

6 4 6

6 4 66 4 6

6 4 6!6 3 6



8 9

0 46

8 4

2 20

12 ION

6 3 6

6 3 6

6 3 6

6 3 66 2 6



7 51

0 22


3 11

15 6N

6 16

6 16

6 16

6 166 16

20 Th

(v) enters <y>

7 33

N 2


4 01

17 16 N

6 0 6

6 0 6

6 0 6

6 0 66 0 6

21 F


7 15

0 26


4 50

18 29 N

5 58 7

5 58 7

5 58 7

5 58 7|5 58 7

22 Sa

6 55



5 39

18 52 N

5 57 7

5 57 7

5 57 7

5 57 7

5 58 7

23 Sun

6 37

1 13icr5 6

6 27

18 23 N

5 56 7

5 56 7

5 56 7

5 56 7

5 57 7



]) in apog-ce

6 19

1 36 18 7 14

17 4 N

5 54 7

5 54 7

5 54 7

5 55 7

5 56 7



6 0

2 OjSl 8 00

15 2 N

5 53 7

5 53 7

5 53 7

5 54 7

5 55 7



5 41

2 24 12 8 46

12 22 N

5 51 7

5 52 7

5 52 7

5 52 7

5 55 7



5 23

2 47 24 9 31

8 8N

5 50 7

5 50 7

5 50 7

5 51 7

5 53 7



5 4

3 llTTJJ 610 15

5 29N

5 48 7

5 49 7

5 49 7

5 50 7

5 53 7

29j Sa

4 46

3 34I 1811 00

1 32 N

5 47 7

5 48 7

5 48 7

5 49 7

5 52 7

30! Sun

4 27

3 57l^ 1|11 46

2 33 S

5^45 7

5 46 7

5 47 7

5 47 7

5 51 7



4 8

4 20




6 38 S

5 44 7

5 44 7

6 45 6

5 45 7


50 7

in whose house he was to remain concealed; that this woman had discovered his retreat to the officers of Police, &c.

Junker was extremely perplexed how to save the poor man. It was impossible to retain him in his own house, and keep the affair a secret, and to turn him out of doors was (.0 expose him to certain destruction. He resolved to conduct him out of the city, in order that he migiit get into a foreign jurisdiction; but it was necessary to pass the gates, which were strictly guarded. To accomplish this point, he dressed the man in some of his old clothes, and covered him with a cloak, and, at an early iiour, set out for the country with his proteg<^ behind him. On

arriving at the city gate, where he was well known, he said in a hurried tone, that he had been sent for tovisit a sick person who was dy- ing in the suburbs. He was permitted to pass. Having both got into the open fields, the deser- ter threw himself at the feet of his deliverer, to whom he vowed eternal gratitude; and, after receiving some pecuniary assistance, departed> offering up prayers for his happiness.

Twelve years after. Junker having occasion to go to Amsterdam, was accosted on the Ex- change by a man well dressed and of the best appearance, who, be had been informed, was one of the most respectable merchants in that -city. The merchant, in a polite lone, inquired

JJesilver's jilmanac.

TVuYiV *MouU\,


18^8. I


Moon rises and sets. Ntw ' Phila- I AVMh. 1 New Y»>rk. jdelphii».|& Lex.'OrWns

rises 6 51 8 54

8 55

9 58 11 3 morn

0 6

2 54

3 41

4 23

5 2 5 37 sets 8 18 8 24

10 26

11 23 morn

0 17

1 5


rises 6 51

morn 0 2

1 1





5 38


8 17

9 22

10 23

11 20 morn

0 12 1

rises 6 51

10 59 morn

0 1

1 0

1 57

2 49

3 37

4 2:

5 :

5 3! sets

8 16

9 21

10 22

11 18 morn

0 10 0 59


6 51

7 51

8 52

9 54

10 57

11 59 morn

0 58

1 55

2 47

3 35

4 19

5 0

rises Bonaparte landed at Frejus and resumed the crown, 1815.

6 52(The Americans cannonaded Boston, 1776.

7 48 Battle of Brier Creek, 1779.

8 44 James Monroe inaug-urated president of the U. States, 1817.

9 43 Died in Philadelphia, in Iiis 43d year, Jos. Reed, 1785.

10 43 N. Bonaparte dechu-ed traitor, by Louis XVIII, 1815.

11 42 Ame. frigate Randolph, capt. N. Biddle, blown up, 1778. morn TJie Ame. privateer Leo, cap. by the Bri. ship Tiber, 1815.

0 40 Chai-ette the famous Vendcan chief shot at Nantes, 1796.

1 49 British schr. Lottery sunk by the Ame. schr. Adeline, 1813.1

2 32 Maria Louisa of Aus. mairied to Bonaparte by proxy, 1810.

3 29 Gustavus Adolphus IV, king of Sweden, dethroned, 1809.

4 12 Insolvent law of Pennsylvania passed, 1812.

4 57 British admiral, John Byng-, shot at Portsmouth, 1757.

5 39 Battle of Guilford, 1781.— Ice broke up in the Del. 1740. sets sets French, under mar. Ne\', entered Chalons-Snr-Marne, 1814.

8 15 8 7 Charles II declared war ag-ainst Holland, 1672.

9 20 9 9 Bonaparte assumed the title of king of Italy, 1805.

10 20jl0 6 Arbitration law of Pennsylvania passed, 1810.

11 16|11 1 Bonaparte opened the siege of St. Jean d'Acre, 1799. moni|ll 51lDied in London, L. Sterne, author of Tris. Shandy, 1768.

0 8imorn Treaty between the United States and Cherokees. 0 57| 0, Capt. Biddle, Penguin, 1815. Rt. Rev. William White, born 1747-8, O. S. The French seized on Florence and Leghorn, 1799. Gen. Hull found guilty, and sentenced to be shot, 1814. Creeks defeated by Gen. Jackson, at Tohopeka, 1814. Capture of the American frigate Essex by the British ships

Phoebe and Cherub, 1814. Bonaparte abolished the slave trade in France, 1815. 5 lOjConvention between England and Sweden, 1802. rises ' rises lAtiempt made by a woman to steal the crown from the tower of London, 1815.


2i! :


31' . S.

361 7





4 1

4 35

■whether he was not professor J unker, of Halle ; and on being answered in the affirmative, he requested, in an earnest manner, his company to dinner. The professor consented. Having reached the merchant's house, he was shown in- to an elegant apartment, where he found a beautiful wife, and two healthy children: but he could scarce suppress his astonishment at meeting so cordial a reception from a family with whom, he thought, he was entirely unac- quainted.

After tlinner, the merchant, taking him into his counting-room, said, " You do not recollect me.'" "Not at all."— " But I well recollect you, and never shall your features be effaced from my remembrance. You are my benefac- tor. I am the roan who came to life in your clo- set, and to whom you paid so much attention. On parting from you, I took the road to Hol- land. I wrote a good hand, was tolerably expert at accounts; my figure was somewhat interest- ing, and I sooa obtained employment as a mer chant's elerk. My good conduct, and ray zeal

for the interests of my patron, procured me his confidence and his daugliter's love. On his re- tiring from business, 1 succeeded him, and be- came his son-in-law. But for you, however, £ should not have lived to experience all these enjoyments. Henceforth look upon my house, my forlune, and myself, as at your disposal,"

Those who possess the smallest portion of sensibility can easily represent to themselves the feelings of Junker.


The following admirable production, deliver- ed before a company of volunteer soldiers, du- ring our revolutionary struggle, upon the eve of their going ' forth to glorious war,' was cal- culated to inspire them with more than Hercu- lean strength and courage. Parthenon.

Jiline Frinds: Ven virst you corned here, you was boor and lousy, and now frienls you is prout and zassy. and yous gotton on your uni- corns, ant dem vits you like a dongs upon un faogs pack j now mine frients, let me dell von

Desiiver's Mmanuc.

1 ¥o\\yU\ ^Ioiv\\\,



Moon's Phases.


Last 7 New 14 First 22 Full 29

II. M.

7 6 Morning.

4 17 Morning-. 0 Morning-.

5 44 Afternoon.

Planets' Places, &c.

•l^ ©

i T

I 12








%\ % 9 ^Q,





>:jii 29.


2027 22^27 26l26

__ ts*] J) s Ahoth J

^ en"! Lat. on Mar. Ij

^i [l

-- ^ D. H. M. 1]

6 12V2j26 81 19; 10[26




cn'i Lat.

on Mar.


^ D.

H. M.

17 0

0 1



11 39



11 17


5 S

10 55


4 S

10 33




D's place

Moon south

D's dec

I Boston.

Sun rises and sets.

New ' Phila. & Wash. & New

York. I Coluin. Lexin. Orleans.

9 10 11

12 1

14 15

16 17 18 19 20 211 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 29































^ rises 8 45

Jj quartile Good Friday

Easter Sunday

1) in perig-ee

7 >j<'s set 9 43

^ 's gr elong. @ eclips invis

11 rises 7 ST j) runs hig-h

]) in apogee Spica S 11 9 % rises 11 50

% in conjun

0 57

0 41

0 26

0 11


0 19

0 33





8 29

8 42

9 1 9 34 9 56

10 17 10 38

10 59

11 20 11-40

12 0 12 20

12 40

13 0 13 20 13 40

13 59

14 17 14 36 14 54

0 36 26









3 51

9 43

10 35

11 25 aft 16




27 Si5

48^18 18

27 15 1 47 31

8 16

9 1 9 46

10 33

11 23 morn


47 S 26 S 10 S 48 17 39 59 29 23 57

34 N 53 N 46 N

ON 29 N

5N 46 N 36 N 32 N 45 N 19 N 17 N

48 N 58 N

4 S 10 S

8 S 42 S 40 S

43 7 41 7 40 7 39 7 37 7 5

5 44 7i5

35 7 34 7 o3 7 32 7 30 7 29 7







19 7







10 9 7 7 7 6 7 5 7 4 7

42 41

40 7 39 7 37 36 55 33

18 715

17 715

15 7\5

14 7i5

13 7|5

12 715

10 7\5

9 715

8 7l5

7 7I5

44 7p 43 7'5

41 7J5 40 715 39 7\5 38 7|5 36 75 35 75 34 7\5 32 7\5 31 7\5 31 7\5 29 75 28 7I5 26 75 25 7 5 24 7^5 23 7^5 21 7\5 20 7\5 19 7|5 18 7I5 17 7'5 15 7\5 14 7i5 13 75 12 75

11 7 9 7 9 7

49 48 47 46 46 44 44 43 42 41 40 40 39 38 36 36 35 34 33 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 27 26 25 25

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

dis, a man is a man if he's no bigger as my dumb. Ven Tavid vent out to fight vid Goliah, he dook nothing vid him put one sling; now don't mis- take me mine frieats; it was not a rum sling; no, nor a gin sling; no nor a mint vater slingj no, it vas a sling mate vit an hickerj- sthick. Now ven Goliah sees Tavid coming, he says, " you little tampt scoundrel, does you come to \ ight me? I will give you to the pirds of the fielt, and de p^asts of the air.'' Tavid saj's, Goliah, The race ish not alvays mit the shwift, nor ish the pattle mit tliS strong, and man is a man if he's DO pigger as my dumb. So Tavid he fixes a sthone in his shhng, and he drows it at Goli- ah, ant Unociis him rite in the vorehead, and den Tarid takes Goliah's swort and cuts off his

heat and den all the pretty caals of the shiddy comes out, and strewed flowers in his way, and sung Saul is a creat man, for he has kilt his dousands, put Tavid is creater as he, vor he has kilt Goliah.

Now mine frients, when you coes out to fight mit the tampt Pritish, remember vat I dell you, dad a man is a man, if he's no pigger as my dumb.


A short time since, a dog, belonging to a certain limb of the law in an adjacent township, very unceremoniously entered a butcher's shop, and made free with an excellent leg of mutton; neither stopping to inquire the price nor to as-

iJcsileer's JJbnunuc.


Fourt\\ JS\a>u1\v,




Moon rises uiiil sets.

Di Boston.

New iphila.& VTwih. ' New York. Iloluiii. Ct Ux.'Orlc-.u»s

II 7 57 r 561 7 551 7 54i 7 U 8 11 8 lOJ 8 9 7 56 10 VIO 310 l| 9 45 411 9;ll 611 411 2 5 morn j mom ; morn 1 1 59 ej 0 8 71 0 59

8 1 47

9 2 30 10| 3 7 111 3 46

;i2 4 18

13 5 ;

14 sets


15 8 17

16' 9 19

ll/jlO 15

U 50 1 45

U 54 1 43

2 29

2 27

3 7

3 6

3 45

3 44

4 20

4 20

5 5

5 6



8 15

8 14

9 16

9 15


8 12

9 13

10 12110 1010 7 9 51

morn j morn ' mom mom

0 32 0 29l 0 27

Fiftt thcftiny of congi'ess under tlie fed. constitution, 1789. Action Hi Frcisuc Ijct. tiie Imperialists and Fren<, 1797. .\rcluliike Josepli chosen and crowned king' of liome, 1764.

10 lojManjuis de Laf;i\ ette embarked for America, 1777-

11 44:Uonaparte accejited tlie I. of Kl!)a as liis residence, 1814. morn iMassiicr^ of Ame. pnsoners at Dartmoor prison, Eng. 1815.

U 37:l)ied at Verona, the empress of Austria, 1816.

1 27|Charles IV, of Spain, revoked liis abdication, 1808.

2 16,Sir r. Hurdett arrested and sent to ihe tower, 1810.

3 OBank of the United States incorporated, 1816.

3 42'Napole()n officially abdi. the crown of France and Italy, 1814.

4 23|FhHadelpliia Dispen.sar\' instituted, 1786.

5 14 Col. Saml. Miles elected mayor of Philadelphia, 1790. sets lAction at Millesino .ind Dogo, Italy, between the French

and Austrians, 1796. g 39i Ame. Gens. Lee and Marion invested fort Watson, S. C. 1780. 8 58 Shakspeare born at Stratford upon Avon, 1564.

Commencement of the negociation between Mr. Erskine and tlie American g-overnment, 1809. ^

11 5 11 2[ll 0 10 57 10 42 Washington, HaU, N. Y. sold by auction for t52,250,*1817 11 5011 47111 4511 4211 27 Battle at Lexini^ton, (Mass.) 1775. Cessation of hostilities

with Great Britain, 1783. mom Died at Wash, city Geo. Clinton V. Pres. of tlie U. S. 1812. ^0 11 Was^jington an-ived at Trenton, 1789. I]

'O 49 Hattle of Ecknmhl, bet. Bonaparte and A. duke Chls. 1809. J 1 27 Fort Watson sunendered to Gens. Lee and Marion, 1781. 2 10 2 4 Baltimore privateer schooner Surprise, captured the Engli-sh brig- Kutusoff; 1812. 45' 2 44J 2 43 2 42 2 39Baltimorians seize tipon the provincial magazine, 1775. 13 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 151Fort Meigs invested by the British and Indians, 1813.

3 42 Ame. Gen. Eaton at. and earned Derne in Barbary, 1805.

4 28jPrivateer York Town caj3. the English brig Avery, 1813. rises IPeaeock captured the British brig Epervier, 1814.

8 7 56, 7 54 7 39 Unsuccessful attempt on Porto Rico by the British, 1797. ||

certain (he weight thereof. Tlie dog, however, it appears, was well known, and the pour buUh- er immediately proceeded to the owner's hr)use. The case (barring the person's name to whom the dog belonged) wasstated to Mr. Laiitat, and inquiry madeif the value of the mutton could not be recovered. " O, most certainly, I will write t.0 the person immediately.' The cunning ' flesh- er' having thus ascertained the law of the case, begged leave to inform the attorney that his dog was the aggressor I " O ! very well, what is the price of the mnltun.'" •' Three and four- pence," exclaimed ihe overjoyed butcher. " There it is Sir," replied the attorney, tin ow- ing down the money, which was eagerl} taken up by the other, who then proceedeii very lei- surely to leave the house, when tlie attorney called him back, and addressed him in the fol- lowing language: " I hnve paid you for the mutton; my charge for advice is 6s. 8d. which I insist upou vour paying immediately!" The butcher put on a dreadful face at the mortifv- T> V

ing information; and knowing there was no way to escape, drew forth the money, snd paid the lawyer his fee, determined, in his own mind, never to attempt to outwit an attorney again.

From the Jfaniucket Enquirer. The Sea Serpent has again made his appear- ance in a variety of shapes. Certificates and affidavits duly avouched i-y comoTon and p-op- er names, are muUipl\ iog upon the wide mouth- ed worM. Capt. SpilHeton of tlie topsail schoo- ner Polly and Barabas, from Ea?t Puzzleburg^ for Knuckleshougli, in lalilude 97, longitude 372, saw a stiauge animal with a head like a tar-barrel and a tail like an auchor fluke, ser- pentming majr'sticaliy over the sea's surface at a distance of (brty-one feet three inches and a barlevcora The monster was exactly seven- teen furlongs in length from end to end, or from beginning to beginning. iJeing a phrenologist, the captain particuliarly noticed the humps, of which there were eighty-.'bur. in the shape ■■


Uesilver^s Almanac.

Moon's Phases.

Last New First

O Full


6 13

21 29


0 4 6


32 49 10 16

Aftenioou. Afternoon. Afternoon. Morning.


7 13 19


Planets' Places, &c

©.y hz^i' ?:

11 2,15! 9

17 2'15: 8

23 216

28 2 16

Ib> 5 's ; Alioth 8 Qi'^'Lat. on Mer.

101 25! 19l25 18 3 N 12Ze2| 29125 24 5 N 8|«1125!30 2 S

n4i 217

713 714' 615
























25,' ■|26|

28| |j291

k 3i:

141 23

i9|n 6


\l sets 11 49 j) in perigee

Sirius sets 8 44

Ij rises 6 1

9 gT elongation



Sa Sun M Til W Th F Sa

SunfArctu S 10 51 M ]]) ^ in conjun Tu W Th F

Sa I

Sunj-j, rises 10 47 M 1 5 in appog-ee Tn '■

W ig) enters n Th F Sa Sun M Tu W Th

F j) runs low Sa 1 3 in perigee

© I © I 5's Moon; fiist |dec N place south I

24i 6 5

2412 1



3 7il5 13/

3 14jl5 31

3 20jl5 48M

3 2716 5

3 32 16 22-

3 3716 39

3 42] 16 56\

3 46jl7 12;x 13

3 49117 28

3 51 17 44 Y-" 18 0 18 151 y 18 30j 18 44ln

18 59!

19 121 53119 26'g5 51 19 5i

4 i. 18, 2

2i 3

53 3 54 3 55 3 56 3 56 3 55





7 27i 8 341 Hi 9 231 24,10 13

11117 46,8

9jl8 45 S

7jl8 35 S

5!l7 10 S

4114 43 S

Sun rises and sets.

New York.

jPhUa. & Columb.

0 /•

1 715 0 7\5

59 815

58 8'5

5 6 715 8



59111 23 S 4 57 8:5 0

521 7 26 Si4 56 S!^ 59 8,5

3 7 S,4 55 84

1 19NJ4 53 84 57 8;4 59 8

5 37 N 4 52 8;4 56 84 57 8

9 35 N 4 51 8j4 55 8I4 57 8

7jll 3il3 1 N 4 50 8:4 54 814 56 8

2011 53115 45 N 4 49 8|4 54 84 55 8

3 aft 45il7 40 N 4 48 8|4 52 84 54 8

15 1 33}18 41 Ni4 47 8|4 51 8'4 5'3 m 56 8

28 2 22|18 ^9 N 4 46 8 4 '50 84 52 8J4 55 8

Wash, &i Xew


5 10 5 8

5 7

5 6

5 5

5 4



0 59 8 58 8 58 8 57 8

3 48llc^-52,St

^ in conjun % south 10 7

20 4 20 16;


20 28rt3j 10 6 54 20 40,

20 5lU

21 2i 21 12'nv 21 22; 21 32!

7 39

8 24

9 12 10 2

10 57

11 54

18 aN4 45 8 4 49»8!4 51 84 54 8

5716 31N}4 44 8:4 48 8'4 50 8i4 53 8

43 14 17 N 4 43 84 48 8'4 50 84 52 8

2711 27 N 4 42 814 47 8'4 49 8i4 52 8

10 8 8n!4 41 8*4 46 84 48 8J4 50 8

27Ni4 40 8i4 45 8 4 47 8;4 50 8

32 Nk- 39 8'4 44 8'4 46 8|4 49 8

32 814 39 8:4 44 8:4 46 8|4 49 85

32 Si4 38 8'4 43 814 45 8 4 48 85

14 Si4 37 84 42 84 44 84 47 8

34 S'4 36 8:4 41 8;4 44 84 47 8

5 s'4 36 8'4 41 84 43 8!4 46 8

21 42 / 13jmornll8 32 Sl4 35 8^4 40 84 42 8^4 45 8

21 51 27| 0 54il8 50 S4 34 8*4 39 84 42 8!4 45 8i5


7 7

7 7

i I



7 7 7


12 7fl 12 7W


o7 7 7k\ 77H 7 7i'

67, 6 7

wool sacks. On discl>arg-iDg a rotten potato, the serpent pop^.ed under the water and was off. The cook's mate, a very respectable coloured gentleman, well known to tlic Rev. Mr. Wigs- by, wbo was at lliat moment irying onions in the cambooso house, with his face towards (he weather door, tcsUlics also to the foregoing facts.

Auo'hcr equally autiionlic relation is given by the master and crew of a INova .Scolia East ludiamat'i, bound on a mackarel voyage to (he German ocean. W bile off Cape Scliaarkro, they boarded the wreck of a large brigt tbc masts spars, sails and rigging were all gone. 'Near the hatchway, which was open, lay several ob-

long substances resembling large bladders of snuff; "these were carefully deposited in the boal. On going af(,,ono of (be men observed written upon tiie binnacle, this memorandum: " Jnne 4tb, squally closcreefed foretopsail at 10 P iM. all 'lands devoured by a sea ser- pent; so ends these twenty four hours." While consulting on this strange inscription, a noise was heard belou ; pnseiitly a hogsljead'of to- bacco was seen slowly rising out of the hold; and as it ascended, two enornsous jaws were discovered grasping its nether bilge. The ter- rified seamen hurried into the boat, and took to their oars. By the time they had rowed off two cibles^ lengths, the hog- head reached aaalfi*-

Desilver^s .Almanac.


l \1\U *^VouU\,

^Va^' ,


Moon rises and sets.


N«-w 1 Pliiln- Yurk. Idt'lphiii.

y 6 9 3j 9 1

10 710 310 1

11 ^210 5910 57 U 5211 4911 48


0 35

1 14

1 51

2 22

2 56

3 29

4 3 sets

morn 0 33

3 32

4 7 sets

8 4

8 57

9 45 9 28

11 5

14 8 1 15 9

16 9 48 1171 9 31

IBII 8 ] 19 11-41 11 39

20: mom mom

1 21 0 12j 0 11

122 0 44 0 43 |2d 1 13, 1 13

J24| 1 42} 1 42 1 43

1 ! I 25 2 13i 2 14 2 15

26, 2 47 2 49 2 50

\27 3 26 3 29. 3 31


0 32

1 12

1 49

2 23

2 58

3 32

4 8 s«ts

8 2

8 55

9 43 9 26

11 4

11 38


0 10

0 42

1 13

28 4 5 4 10

29 rises rises

4 11 rises

4 13 rises

4 32 rises

30! 8 54 8 51 31 9 46 9 44

8 49

9 42

8 46

9 40

8 29

9 25


8 59

9 59

10 55

11 46 mom

0 30

1 11

1 48

2 23

2 59

3 33

4 10 sets

7 59

8 52

9 40 9 24

11 2

11 36



0 41

1 13

1 43

2 16 2 51



3 43

4 24


7 4

8 36

9 23 9 9

10 49

11 26 morn

0 2

0 37

1 12

1 46

2 23

3 2 3 46

Aus. Netherlands invaded by the Frencli Gen Riron, 1792. J Bonaparte consti. fh-st consul for a 2d term of 10 yeare, 1802. L Seven hundred persons mamcd in London, 181^6. L*

French repulsed at Koussclair by th<^ allies, 1794. 'J

First attack upon f)s\veg-o by the British, 1814. Fort Moidtrie on Sulivan's Island sur. to the British, 1780. Duke of Savoy de. near Turin by the Due de Vcndome, 1704. Died in PhiJadeiphia, in his 72d year, Robert Monis, 1806. . Cohimbus sailed from Cadiz, 1501. i*

Ellen Kllis, of Beaumais, in AngleseVvbrought to bed, aged fJ

72, 1776. [t

1491 years before Christ, Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea. Capt. M'Guire ascended in a balloon rrom Dublin, 1784. Lord Aiidley Mervin convicted of sfdomy and a rape on his!

wife, iianged, 1631. Cornerstone of new fortMoultrie laid, Charleston, S. C 1808. Fort Granby, S. C. suirender dto Lt. Col. Henry Lee, 1781. Surrender of B. ship Little Belt to the U. S. fr.'Pres. 1811. Vasquez de Gama discovered the continent of India, 1498. First attempt to engrave on ^■■, by .M. de Puymaiuin, 1787. Loi-d Edward Fitzg-erald arresfed in UubUn, 1798. O'Coigley executed at Maidstone, for hig^h treason, 1798. h Oconner and Binns recommitted on another charge of trea-r

son, 1798. h

U. S. fi-igate Congress captured British brig Diana, 1813. ii Cecili^ Hegnauh, aged 20, atempted to assassinate Robes-|l

p8*re, 1794 ||

England refused to ratify tlie treaty with the United States , j

made by Mr. Erskin'e, 18G9. Congress resolved to engage Indians in their ser\-ice, 1776. Congress resolved to establish the bank of N. America, 1781. Gens. Boyd and Lewis carried fort George by assault, 1813. Amer frigate Alliance captured two Br sloops of war, 1781. L British repulsed 'jy the Accomack militia at Pontgoteago i I

Creek, 1814 ' ||

Pr. Jefferson's proclamation erecting the dis of Mobile, 1804. J Destructive fire at Newburyport, Massachusetts, 1811. (|

lude of forty-five degrees, supporsed by the black bead and shining neck of an entirmous creatpre of the snake species. After arriving at the ship. Captain Dunderdunck watched the reptile with his glass, and distinctly saw the tobacco fairly engorged. VVher> upon a classi- cal passenger from Oxford exclaimed:

Quidquid in ahum forluna tulit, ruitura le- vat.

The snuff col ured spheroids, which are un- doubtedly serpent's eggs, have boen carried to London, where, under the direction of the Royal Society, they are to be hatched during the next sitting of parliament.

The sea serpent was not a stranger to the aboriginal inhabitants of New En:?land. Some time io the fifteenth century, the Indians upon this and the neighbouring islands suffered ex- cessively fromaloDg drought. The corn blades

were crisjjeJ. Hit (urn pike vines lyithered; .11(1 the green bh.ckberries, bifure they were ■I'H. rlrnr-pfd frr; the bushes. In such a state of things, the appearance i)f a heavy black cloud approaching from the south west, was greeted by (lie tawny popnhice wit!) loud deinon.stra- tions of joy; the chiefs whooped, the squaws grinned audib1\. arsd thf^ papooses chattered. But before the anti' iprtbd soppfy rouM reach Nantucket, a huge serpent emerged from the sea. ri 'ng perpendicularly and hurrying his head in .he cloud, win nee he absorbed every particle of moisturf . \n i the vapoury remnant blew over, like a puff from the pipe of Manshop, without shedding a single tear. As (he monster lo',vercd hisun\vieldl\ length, he fell partly on the southern shore, and forcing his way across land into our harbour, again attained his ele- ment. The line of ponds and vallies along the


JOesilvefs Almcmac.

^ixtlv M_oiit\v,


1S^8. "?1

Moon's Phases.

Planets Places, &.c.

Vi<j3)'s j Alioth ^ ^j •e'lLat-ion Mer.,

Last New

First Full


4 12 20 27








12 52


Afternoon. Morning-. Morning-. Morning.




P fast

© 1 D's

dec N, place



Sun rises and sets.






New York.

Phila- delphia.

Wash. & Lexin.

New 1 Orleans. [ |



\l soutli 9 2,7

2 31

22 71 Ic? 27

2 54

15 38 S

4 32 8

4 38 8

4 40 8

4 43 8

5 5 7}\



2 22

22 15csy 12

3 52

12 25 S

4 32 8

4 37 8

4 40 8

4 43 8

5 5 7LI



2 12

22 23 1 26

4 47

8 32 S

4 32 8

4 37 8

4 40 8

4 43 8

5 5 7f 5 5 7J 5 4 7V. 5 4 7L


Arcturus 9 20

2 2

22 29iX 10

5 40

4 15 S

4 31 8

4 36 8

4 39 8

4 4:5 8

fl 5


1 52

22 36' 24

6 30

0 12 N

4 31 8

4 36 8

4 38 8

4 41 8



1 41

22 42It 8

7 19

4 33N

4 31 8

4 36 8

4 38 8

4 41 8

!j 7


% rises 9 16

1 30

22 48


8 8

8 36N

4 30 8

4 35 8

4 37 8

4 41 8

5 4 7}\

L g


1 19

22 54

8 4

8 57

12 8 N

4 30 8

4 35 8

4 37 84 41 8

5 4 7L"

11 9


1 8

22 59


9 46

15 3 N

4 29 8

4 34 8

4 37 8 4 40 8

5 3 7f.



Pro rises 9 5o

0 56

23 4


10 35

17 12 N

4 29 8

4 34 8

4 37 84 40 8

5 3 7L«



St Barnabas

0 44

23 8

n 12

11 24

18 30 N

4 28 84 34 8

4 36 84 39 S

5 3 71


11 14


0 31

23 12


aft 13

18 55 N

4 28 84 34 8

4 36 84 39 8

5 3 71"


0 19

23 15 25 6

•1 01

18 28 N

4 27 8:4 ':i2, 8

4 35 84 39 8

5 2 7f|


0 7

23 18


1 50

17 ION

4 27 8,4 33 8

4 35 84 39 8

5 2 71'



T) in apogee

slo 6

23 20

SI 1

2 35

15 14 N

4 27 8}4 33 8

4 35 m 39 8

5 2 7P,



0 19

23 23


3 20

12 31 N

4 27 84 33 8

4 35 84 39 8

5 2 5 2 7, 5 2 7" 5 2 7\ 527I 5 2 7f, 5 2 7' 5 2 7},



0 31

23 25


4 04

9 21 N

4 27 8l4 32 8

4 35 84 38 8



Spica S 7 27

0 45

23 26

n 6

4 46

5 49n:4 27 8:4 32 8

4 35 84 38 8



0 58

23 27


5 29

2 0 Ni4 27 84 32 8

4 35 84 38 8



1 11

23 27

6 13

1 57 S4 27 8l4 32 8

4 35 8:4 38 8



0 enters 05 AntarusSlOll

1 24

23 28


6 58

5 55 S 4 27 8 4 32 8

4 35 84 38 8

22 11 23 1124


1 57

23 27


7 46

9 45 S;4 27 84 32 8

4 35 84 38 8


9 shine Mith gt [splendour

1 50

23 27

ni 9

8 37

13 11 s;4 27 8,4 32 8

4 35 814 38 8


2. 2

23 26


9 32

16 2 S'4 27 84 32 8

4 35 8I4 38 8

5 2 7^



2 15

23 24

t ^6

10 31

18 2 Si4 27 8,4 33 8

4 35 8|4 39 8

5 2 7fj

11 26


\l south 0 28

[elong ]) perigee ^ gr St Peter

2 27

23 22


11 31

18 52 S4 27 84 33 8

4 35 814 39 8

5 2 7k' 5 2 7f|



2 39

23 20

05 6


18 25 S4 27 84 33 8

4 35 8{4 39 8



2 52

23 17


0 33

16 41 S4 27 84 33 8

4 35 84 39 8

5 2 7l^



3 4

23 14

SI 6

1 33

13 48 S4 28 84 34 8

4 36 84 39 8

5 3 7fj



Lyria S 11 53

3 16

23 10


2 31

10 0 S

4 28 84 34 8

4 36 84 39 8

5 3 7|

middle of this island, aotl the ship channel over the bar, mark the serpent's track to this day,


Dominico, the harlequin, going to see Louis XIV, at supper, fixed his eye on a dish of par- tridges. The King, who was fond of Ids acting, said, "Give that dish to Dominico.'' "AnJ the patridges, too, Sire?" Louis penetrating his art, replied. " And the partridges too." The dish was gold.

with the same unwearied brightness, yet it should be preserved as a sacred fire, never to be totally extinguished.

A lady, who made pretensions to the most refined feelings, vvent to her butcher to remon- strate witl> him on his cruel practices. ' How,'' said she, ' can you be so barbarous as to put in- nocent little lambs to death?' " Why not, ma- dam?" said the butcher; " you would not eat them alive, would you."

Itisasubjectof true wisdom to bring togeth- A gentleman, seeing an Irish woman skin-

er every circumstance which may kght up a ning eels, said to her, " how can you bear to

flame of cheerfulness in the miod; and though be so cruel? Donl you think you put them to a

we must indeed be insensible, should it burn great deal of pain?" '* I might sir," she replied,-

JJesilver^s Mmanac.


SixUv t^ii)i\U\,



Mo«)n risi's and sets.

Nfw I'liila- i Wasli. | N.w Yi)i-k. |>l>'l|)irnu|Si. LeK.|Oi-K-aii»

1(733 io"lTl(r29Kr27iio 15


11 13

10 51


0 26

0 59

1 30

3 55 sets

8 24

9 2 9 40

10 14

10 43

11 12

11 40 morn 0 9

0 39

1 12

1 51

2 37

3 30 ri»es

8 20

9 3

9 44

11 1211 11

11 5llll 50

nioiMi ' morn

0 26 0 26

2 6

2 43

3 22

4 2 sets

8 21

9 0 9

4 4 sets 8 19 8 58 38! 9 36 10 13110 11

10 42 10 41

11 1211 11

11 40;11 40

morn , morn

0 10; 0 10

0 41

1 15

0 42

1 16


8 17

9 1

9 42

11 lO'll 11 11 4911 43 morn morn

0 26| 0 25




45 261

4 6] sets I 8 16j 8

8 57\ 8

9 34; 9 10 910

10 lO.lO

11 1011

4 25 sets

11 4011 42 morn morn 0 11 0 16

0 43 0 52


1 18 1 31

1 58

2 45

2 15


2,7\ 3 40


8 16

9 0

rises 8 14 8 58

9 41 9 40

Action between the U. States frigate Chespeakc and British

frig-ate Shannon, 1813. Constitution ot New Jersey adopted, 1776. Constitution of South Carolina adopted, 1790. riie American prisoners in Tripoli liberated, 1805. Fort ConwaUis, Aug-usta, Geo. surrrendered to the Ameri- can g-eneral Pinckney,"1781. Botanical society formed in Philadelphia, 1806. Cong'ress for the time, styled the colonies, the Twelve]

United Colonies, J 775. Freaty between the U. S. and the Leaf Indians, 1816. U. S. br. Rattlesnake cap. and des. British br. John, 1814. Action between com. Barney's flotilla and the British ves- '

sels of war, 1814. Died, near Edinburgh, Wm. Robertson, the historian, 1793. Apollo theatre, Philadelphia, South wark, first opened, 1811. Bonaparte prohibited the exportation of grain, 1810. Joan of Arc burned as a witch at Rouen in Normandy. Wasliing'ton ap. g-cneralissimo of the Ame. army, 1775. Constitution of .Mas.sacluisetts ratified, 1780. Battle of Bunker's Hill, 1775. Battle of Waterloo and total prostration of the Colossal |

power of Bonaparte, 1815. Cong'ress renewed the nonintercourse act, 1809. Priv'ateer schr. Peny cap. British schr. Ballahou, 1814. First U. S. squadron put to sea from New York, 1812. Bonaparte proclaimed his son. Napoleon II, emperor of the ]

French, 1815. Lieut Angus with 9 American gunboats compelled 2 British |

frigates to leave their anchorage in Dela. bay, 1813. Died in Philad. Thos M'Kean formerly gov. of Penn. 1817. 2 54 Privateer Gen. Armstrong cap. a Portuguese ship, 1814. 4 1 Conspiracy discovered at Malta against the Order, 1749. rises Hampton, Virginia, evacuated by the British, 1813 8 0 U. S. si. of war Wasp. ca'd. the Bri. si. of war Reindeer, 1814.

8 48 Com. Decatur commenced negociation with the Dey of Al-

giers, 1815

9 34;U. S. sloop of war Peacock ca'd. Bri. ship Nautilus, 1815.

" when I first commenced business; but I have dealt in them twenty years, and by this time, they must be quite used to it."

Two friends exchanging pinches of snufFat a coffee house, an observer remarked, " you are making a profitable barter, gentlemen."' " That cannot be," said one of the snulf takers, " as it is only pinch for pinch.' "IN:iy," rejoined the observer, " you each get scent for scent by it !"

God answers prayer sometimes, says one, lest we should think he liath not the power; he de nics it sometimes, least we should he too much after the world; he punishes sins in part here, lest we might think he does not abhor them; he

leaves some unpunished, as a proof of a jud- ment hereafter.

The reason why some women do not wish to admire St. {'aul's writings, I suppose, are these: His being, as it is usuaJJj' thought, a bachelor; his advising people not to marry in troublous times; his commanding wives to submit to their husbands: his not allouing- women to speak in public; his unwillingness (hat Ihey should broi- der their hair, or wear trinkets; his charging the fall upon Eve; his disregard of old wives fa- bles; and his saying that young widows became tattlers and busy bodies.


A Scotch blacksmith, being asked the mean- irig of metaphysics, explained it as follows;


JJesilcer^s Mmmtac.

[^ ^fcYfenth M.oi\t\\,



Moon's Phases.

([ Last 4

O Naw 11

]) First 19

O Full 26



8 29 11


0 Morning.

Afternoon. 2 Afternoon. 19 Afternoon.


Planets' Places,








^ja;:* ai— 1



22 4] 9





22 5 7






2,3 5







24 5







25 5





3's I Alioth Lat. on Mer.

D. H.

4 N] 6 3 S 5

5 S 5

0 S; 4

5 N! 4


3 38 13 49



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


1 1 26 I 27 {28 1 29 fj30 ||31

Tu \V Th F Sa Sun M Tu W Th F Sa Sun M Tu W Th F Sa Sun M Tu W Th F Sa Sun M Tu W Th


% in opposition Visit B V Mary day 14 46 Independence

% south 11 23 % sets 0 11

5 in apogee \l in conjunc

Lyra S 10 33 Mai'garet

Mag-dalen ^ opposition ^ inf conjunc St Jaiffes 3 in perigee

9 inf conjunc

% south 9 52

slow dec N

3 27 3 38

3 50

4 0 4 10 4 21

31 40 49 5d 6 14 21 28 ■3,5 41 46 51 55


23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 59J20 2 20






Moon south

26 19 10 59 48 37

8 27

9 15 10 4

10 52

11 39 aft 26

D's dec

11 55

38 21 3 48 35 24 15

8 10

9 9

10 10

11 11 morq

0 10

1 9

2 5

2 59

3 51

42 S 11 S 18 N 31 N 13 N 18N

39 N ION 51 N

40 N


Sun rises and sets.

New I Phjla- Wa^h. &| New

York, delpliia. Lexin. I Orleaas.

4 28 4 29 4 29 4 30 4 30 4 31 4 31 4 31 4 32 4 32

84 34 8,4 34 8:4 34 84 o5 8!4 35 8'4 36

36 N 4 33 49 N 4 33 23 N 4 34 22 N 4 3,5

8;4 84 84 84 8 4

57 N 15 N ■3,7 S 31 S 19 S

50 S

51 S 11 S 31 S 43 S 35 S 15 S 47 S 35 S

1 S

40 N


39 39 40 4 42 4 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

8 4 S9

m 39

84 40

8!4 41 8'4 41

8J4 42 84 43 8 4 44 84 44 84 45 84 46 84 47 8i4 48

4 48

4 50

4 50

4 51

4 52 Sk 54 8

8!4 36 8J4 -3,7

84 37 84 37 84 ^37 8;4 38 8l4 39 4 39 4 40 4 40 8|4 41 8,4 41 814 42 8;4 42 8'4 43 8'4 44 8*4 44 84 45 8:4 46 Sl4 46 84 47 84 48 84 49 8l4 50 84 50 84 52 84 52 8|4 53 4 54

8,4 54 8

4 39 85

4 40 85 4 40 8'5 4 41 8 5 4 41 85 4 41 8 5 4 42 8j5 4 42 8,5 4 43 8I5 4 43 8I5 4 44 815 4 44 8|5 4 45 8I5 4 45 8:5 4 46 815 4 47 85 4 47 8 4 48 8 4 49 85 4 49 8:5 4 50 815 4 51 8I5 4 52 8|5

52 85

53 85

54 85

55 85

56 85

57 85

58 8;5

59 815

" When the party that listens dinna ken what the parly who speaks means, and the party who speaks dinna ken what he means him.self that is metaphysics." /

What would be the effect of a poem, one line serious, on burlesque, on one and the same subject, in tragi? and comic alternation'? Would not the reader cry with one eye andjaugh with the other.''


A late traveller notices a singularly degra- ded people of this name, xvho inhabit the valley of Leize, in a wild part of the French side of ■WiQ Pyrenees. They appear to be as wretched

as human beings can be the outcasts of soci- ety, a separated and degraded race, whose ve- ry touch is a pollution; even at the churches tliey are required to enter by a particular door, and no one will even use tlie " holy water" if they have dipped a finger into it. They are much affected with the goitre, and some of them are rendered hideous by it, and " their com- plexions are cadaverous in the extreme." They are supposed to be descendants of the Saracens, and for ages have been kept in their degraded state by the successive and cruel prejudices of other persons who hardly respect them as be- ing of the human species. Such a race of men conld not be preserved rn the United States.


Bestlvefs Almanac.


^i'\ vuWy t>\uu\\\,


IHiS. 1

Ml Moon rises ami sets.

DL . 1 Nfw I Pliila- Wash. Ni-w

2|10 54 311 24


Ill 58 mom morn morn morn


0 ?.5

1 1.5 8 1 54

11 4 15 4 20 4 22 4 24

16 9


11-44 morn




0 15

0 50

9 7

9 36 10 6

10 27

11 11

11 48 mom

0 28

1 18

2 15

3 17

10 38,10

11 12111

4 25 rises 8 13 8 49

9 24 9 26

9 00

9 2

11 49;11 51 mom I morn

0 30, 0 32

4 4:


7 54

8 30

9 4

York. Iddpliia.;-: Lc\. Oi-.c-angi

iO~2ulTo'^ilO 18 10 16 Bonaparte took Alexandria, Egypt, 1798.

10 55110 55|10 5510 iS'Bntish, under Howe, took possession of Staten Island, 1777.

11 26lll 2711 2911 36^-<"i'ii>^''"<^i'il tivaty between England and America signed n Loudon, 1815.

Thomas Jeflcr.son died, aged 83 years llvree months and two , days. John Adani-s died in Ins 92d year, 1826. First battle of Chippewa, at SU'ut's Creek, 1814. Fivncli and American troops airived at White Plains, 1781. Wasliington ap. Lt. Gen of the American Annies, 1798. The leaden equestrean staliie ol George III, in New York,

tlirown down and run into bullets, 1776. .i

Morcau defeated tlie Arcii Duke Charles at Ethngen, 1796. W Montezuma, emperor of Mexico, killed with an an'ow by one N

of his own subjects, 1520. U. S. brig Rattlesnake captured by the British 50 gun ship

Leander, 1814. Gen Hamilton killed in a duel by Col. Burr, 1804. Capt Cook sailed on his second voy. round the world, 1772. The blood-thirsty Marat assas by Cliarlottc Cordette, 1793. Bonaparte and suite surrendered to Capt. Maitland of the

Relerophon, 1815. Treaty of peace between Morocco and the U. S. 1786. American privateer Dolpliin, 2 guns, captured ii British ship

of 14 gims and 18 men, 1812. A. M'Gillioray and 28 Creek chiefs arrived af Philad. 1790. U. S. brig Nautilus, of twehe guns, captured by a squadron

of Britisli frigates, 1813. , Convention of Pilnitz between Austi-ia and Pmssia, 1791 Battle of Shrewsbury, 1403. Battle of the Pyramids in

Egypt, 1798. Gov. Snyder called out 14,000 militia, the quota of Pa 1814. Havre de Grace, Fr bombarded by a Hritish squadron, 1804 Marj-, queen of Scotts, compelled to resign her crown, 1567- The celebrated baron Trenck guillotined al Paris, 1794- Died in England, John "Wilmol, eitrl of Rochester, 1680. Robespicn-e and his colleagues airested at Paris, 1794. Mutiny and murder on board the schr. Plattsburgof Bal. 1816. Action in the Delaware between eiglit American gunboats

and the British sloop of war Martin, 1813. Action between the U S. brig Julia and the British ships

Earl Moira and Gloucester, 1813. Lafayette appointed a Maj Gen by Congress, 1777-

rises 8 12

8 50

9 27 9 3

1 22

2 19

3 21

4 29 rises 8 11

8 50

9 28 9 4

10 47

11 25

morn 0 5

0 49

1 41

2 40

3 40

4 47 rises 8 8

8 51

9 32 9 13


Take of Cream of Tartar three drachms the Rind of one Lemon pour on them a quart of boiling water; and when ci'ider, add a suffi- cient quantity of fine Sugar to render the li- quid palatable.

When circumstances do not forbid its, a small quantity of white wine may be also join- ed with it, to improve the flavour.


Game or poultry may be preserved for a long lime, by tying a string tight round the neck, so as to exclude the air, and by putting a piece of cbarcoalinto the vent".


Pick the leaves of roses from all seeds and stalks, put them into a clean earthcrn vessel, glaaed within; or a clean wooden vessel. Pour spring water on them, so as to cover them; set the vessel in the sun in the morning at rising, and leave it in the sun-shine til! sun-set; then take them into the house; repeal this for six or seven days, and in three or four days there will be a fine yellow oily matter on the surface of the water; and in two or three days more, there will appear a hcum upon the surface, which is the otto of roses. This may be taken up with cotton, and squeezed into a phial with the fin- ger and thumb.


JJesilver's Almanac.

If a^^M^^x


Augwsl, 18^8.






Planets' Places, &c.


3)'s Alioth Lat-on Mer.

f ' Moon's PI

W Wh



^9, 25U=

r D. H. M. 1

SI ^yos


H. M.

[1 C Last 2 10

38 Morning. 1

? 0|26i 6






3 59

1] O New 10 11 '

i2 Morning. 7

15 0|26






5 S

3 36

[1 3) Fb-st 18 9 ^ 1] O J-'ull 25 0 f

tS Morning. 13

21 027


3 2527



2 S

3 13

27 Mor7iing. 19

26 W 29 28




a 10 19

9 4 N

2 50

II (L Last r.l 11 .

38 Afternoon. 25 n^2\ 29l29




2019115 3 S

2 27

B Mi w





MoonI ]) 's

Sun rises and sets.





south dec


1 New Phila- Wash. &

1 New


York. delphia. : Lexm.

Orleans. 1

[l 1


% south 9 23

5 56

ir 56

Y" 2f

4 43

10 06 x\

4 51 t

4 55 84 57 8;4 59 8|5 17 7

IJ 2


5 52

17 43

« 11

5 33

13 21 N

4 52 c

4 56 8

4 57 8|5 0 7

5 17 7

J 3


5 48

17 26


,6 22

15 56 N

4 53 b

4 57 8

4 59 815 1 7

5 18 7!

fj 4


day 141i

5 43

17 9

n 6

7 12

17 43 N

4 55 8

4 58 8

5 0 7i5 2 7

5 19 7L

II ^


y, sets 10 29

5 3f

16 53


8 1

18 37 N

4 56 fc

4 59 8

5 1 7i5 4 7

5 20 7F

i! 9


5 31

16 37

25 1

8 50

18 39 N

4 57 S

5 0 7

5 2 7;5 4 7

5 20 7k


Atau- S 10 30

5 24)16 20


9 38

17 50 N

4 58 b

5 2 7

5 3 75 5 7

5 21 7f


5 16

16 3


10 25

16 17 N

4 59 8

5 3 7

5 4 75 6 7

5 22 7 1


]) in apogee

5 8

15 46

SI 6

11 10

14 03 N

5 0 7

5 4 7

5 5 75 7 7

5 22 7f



4 59

15 28


11 50

14 11 ISfi^ 1 7

5 5 7

5 6 75 8 7

5 23 7L

Li 11


4 50

15 10

tt^ 0

art 38

7 56N5 3 7

5 6 7

5 8 75 10 7

5 24 7f



^ gT elong-ation

4 41

14 52


1 21

4 18NJ5 4 7

5 7 7

5 9 75 11 7

5 25 7k



4 30

14 34


2 4

0 30 N\5 5 7

5 9 7

5 10 75 12 7

5 26 7



days 13 38

4 19

14 15

^ 6

2 49

3 23 S\S 6 7

5 10 7

5 11 75 13 7

5 26 7\



4 8

13 57


3 34

7 10 Si5 7 7

5 11 7

5 12 75 14 7

5 27 7f



r >(<'s ri 10 26

3 56

13 38

'n, 1

4 2010 42 Si5 9 7

5 12 7

5 13 75 15 7

5 28 71



3 44

13 19


5 1013 48 S|5 10 7

5 13 7

5 14 75 16 7

5 29 7f|



3 30

12 59


6 316 09 S'5 11 7

5 14 7

5 15 75 17 7

5 29 71'



3 17

12 40

/ 10 6 58!l8 00 SJ5 13 7

5 15 7

5 17 7i5 18 75 30 rfl



3 3

12 20


7 55 18 36 S,5 14 7

5 17 7

5 18 7\5 19 7 5 31 7 i'

II 21


Ij^ rises 2 43


12 0

'<J 8

3 56

18 10 S 5 15 7

5 18 7

5 19 7j5 21 75 32 7f\



(V) enters "JJ

2 33

11 40


9 55

16 19 S 5 17 7

5 19 7

5 20 75 22 75 33 7V

II 23


2 18

11 20

Xf 8

10 54 13 25 S!5 18 7

5 20, 7

5 21 75 23 7j5 33 7f\



J) in perigee

2 2

10 59


11 52

9 36 Sp 19 7

5 21 7

5 23 75 24 715 34 7 if



1 46

10 38

X 9


5 09 S 5 20 7

5 23 7

5 24 7.;5 25 71 5 25 7^5 26 7

5 35 7 1



day 13 10

1 29

10 17


0 49

0 28 S 5 22 7

5 24 7

5 36 7\



Lyra S 8 5

1 12

9 56

y 9

1 43

4 11 N5 23 7

5 25 7

5 26 75 27 7l5 37 7\l 5 27 75 28 7|5 38 7|



St Augustine

0 55

9 35 23l

2 37

8 28 N5 24 7

5 26 7

|]29 F

0 37

9 14 « 6\

3 29

12 06JVi5 26 7

5 28 7

5 29 75 30 715 39 71 5 30 7j5 31 7\5 39 71]

rjoO Sa

19 8 521 20 4 21

L5 00N!5 27 7

5 29 7

r 31' Sun

^ soutli 9 24

0 0 8 3lin 2 5 121

L7 04N|5 29 7

5 30 7

5 31 7\5 32 7\5 40 7|j

TO c^E.'^^' .ill sorts of metal. Mix half a pint of refined neat's-foot oil, and half a giJl of spirits of turpentine. Scrape a lit- tle kernel of rotton stone; wet a wo lien rag therewitli, dip it i'Jto the scraped kernel, and rub the metal well. Wipe it off vvith a soft ciutb, polish witli dry leather, and use more of the kernel, In respect to bteel, if it is very rusty, use a little powder of pumice with the liquid on a separate wollen rag first.


Mix six ounces of spirit of salts, and half an ounce of rock salt of lemons, powdered, togeth- er. Drop a little on the stains, and rub it with a cork till it disappear. Wash off with cold water.


Put an (gjT for one miuulein water just about to boil, (it will not in that time be hard), and it will afterwards keep well for a month. Sleep one a little while in sweet oil, and it will keep for half a year.


After having gently warmed the paper stain- ed with grease, wax oil, or any fat body what- ever, takeout as much as pubsibleot'it by means of blottmg paper. Then dip a small orush in the essential oil of well-rectified spirit of turpen- tine, heated almost to an ebuihiion (for when coJd. in acts only rery weakly), and draw '^

JJesUvefs Jibnanav,


V^\iL\\i\\ •NVuuiU,







[14 15 16




20 21

22 12, 24

1 25

1 26



1 29

1 30 31

Moon rises a%d sets. N<-w 1 Philii- York. 'delphia^

10 38iio •:->9

11 53

4 53 sets

7 44

8 11

8 40

9 13 9 45

10 24

mom 0 56

2 0

3 11

4 25


7 25

8 1

8 40

9 18 9 55 9 36

11 16 11 57


0 42

1 28

2 19

3 10

4 2

4 55

sets 7 43

11 12 morn

7 27

8 43

9 21 10 0 10 41

11 17 11 59


0 44

1 31

2 21

3 12

4 4

4 56


7 4:

8 12

8 44

9 17 9 50

10 29

11 14 morn


7 16 29

10 42

Wiish. I Now !sc I. ex. Oilemis

5l 10 55 1911 35


0 1

0 45

1 oo

2 2,

3 14

4 6

4 58 sets

7 42

8 12

8 44

9 18 -9 52

10 31

11 16

7 27

8 5

8 45

9 23 10 3

10 44

0 20

5 12


7 41

8 14

8 5U


U. S. frig'atc .Java of 44 guns lanclied at Baltimore, 1814. (Jallant clctence of fort Stcplicnson, by maj. Geo. Grog^han,

ag-ainst tlie l^ritish, 1813. American j)ri\ ateer shr. Atlas, captured the British armed

ships I'lusiiit and Planter, 1812." Treaty between tlie U. S. and Chippewa Indians, 1816. Nelson's monument, at Glasg-ow, struck by lightning-, 1810. Died, n. ar Wilmington, (JJela.) P. Saml. Dupont de Ne- mours, in his 78th year, 1817. Commodore Preble's second attack on Tripoli, 1804. First meeting of the Ame. and Bri. ministers at Ghent, 1814. Com. Decatur settled the differences between the United

States and the Dey of Tripoli, 1815. The navigation of the Scheldt opened liythe French, 1795. Treaty of peace between Sweden and Russia, 1790. D'Estaign's fleet dispersed in a gale off Ithode Island, 1778. Fr. Gen. Joubert niarciied against the allies in Italy, 1799. U. S. brig Argus captured by tise British brig Pelican, 1813.

9 28|Briti<-h rcpul. with groat loss in an assault on IbrtErie, 1814. lO 6 Gen ral Hull sun-endered Detroit to the British, 1812.

10 .47 Died, in his 75th year, Charles Frederick, king of Prussia,

sur-named the great, 1786.

11 35 British surprised Gen. Sumpter, at Fishing Creek, 1780. morn U. S. frigate Constitution cap. the Guemer, 1812. General

Lafayette amved at New York from France, 1824. 0. 27 Jas. Shaw shot in Charleston, S. C. by Rd. Denni, jr. 1804.

1 26 General Montgomery with the American continental army

arrived at Ticonderoga, 1775.

2 29 French Convention adopted a new constitution, 1795.

3 36 Am, privateer schr. Patapsco cap. British brig Europe, 1814.

4 44Britisli attacked the America ns near fort George, and were repulsed, 1813.

Died at Edinburgh, David Hume the historian, 1776. Captain James Cook sailed from Plymouth on his first voy-

7 29 age of discovery, 1768.

8 lliA number of volunteer companies left Philadelpliia for

Kennett's Square, 1814.

8 57 Died at Frankfort, Louis I, king of Germany aged 70, 876.

9 39 Died, Schreta, celebrated astronomer, of Liliennthal, 1816. 10 22 Bonaparte entered the Tyrolese territory, 1797.

4 The Russians defeated by the Poles at Olita, 1794.

gently over both sides of the paper, which must be carefully kept warm. The operation must be repeated as many times as the quantity of the fat body imbibed by the paper, or the tliick- ncss of Uie paper, may render necessary. When the greaey substance is entirely removed, re- course may be had to the following method to restore the paper to its former whiteness, which iS not completely restored by the first process. Dip another brush into highly rectified spirit of wine, and draw it, in like manner, over the place which was stained, and particularly round the edges, to remove the border, that would still present a stain. By employing these meaus, ■with proper caution, the si'O^ will tolallv disap- f

pear; the paper will resume its original white- ness; and if the process has been employed on a part written on with common ink or printed with printer's ink, it will experience no alter- ation.


When seeds are to be preserved longer than the usual period, or wht n tiiey are to be sent to a great distance, iu^iar, cotton, salt, saw- dust, paper, ^c. have bcfii ".idofiled with dif- fet'ent degrees of success. Chinese seeds, dried by means of sulphuric acid, in Leslie's! manner, may at'terwards be preserved for any necessary Jeustlj of timp. by keepijig them in an airv si'


Besilvefs Almanac.


Xmi\v Moi\t\\,



iS2<8. 1




Planets' Places, &c.

])'s| Alioth


'l Moon's Ph


1 D. H.

1] O New 9 3







on Mer











H. M.


33 Morning.









4 S

2 8

1 ]) First 16 6 1] O Full 23 9

26 Afternoon.


15 29







4 S

1 46

12 Morning.










1 24

1 a Last 30 4

6 Afternoon.


26 29







1 02










1 S

0 41

li M

,1 D






0 ])'s jMoon dec N place south

J)'s 1 Sun rises and sets.

dec 'Boston. N*"" ^ Phil*- , Wash. &, New


York. 1 delphia. Lexiiu |




't sets 0 6

0 20

8 9n 15

6 3

18 14 N 5 30 7;

5 32 75 32 7

5 33 7

5 41 7

11 2

Tu % runs hii?h |

0 39

7 47


6 51

18 33 N 5 31 7

5 33 75 34 7

5 35 7

5 42 7

i! 3


0 58

7 25

55 9

7 40

18 00N5 32 7

5 34 75 35 7

5 36 7

5 43 7

•] 4


1 17

7 03


8 28

16 38N5 34 75 36 7,5 36 7

5 37 7

5 44 7

r 5


3 in apogee

1 36

6 41

a 3

9 14

15 16 N5 35 75 37 75 38 7

5 39 7

5 44 7

Ij 6


^ sup conjunc

1 55

6 18


10 00

11 58 N 5 37 7 5 38 75 39 7

5 40 7

5 45 7

J 7


2 16

5 56


10 45

8 49 N5 38 7 5 39 75 40 7

5 41 7

5 46 7

fj 8

M day 12 h 38 |

2 35

5 33TIR 9

11 29

5 16 N 5 40 7 5 41 7 5 41 7

5 42 7

5 47 7

J 9


2 56

5 10 21

0 12

1 31 N.5 41 715 42 7i5 43 7i5 43 7

5 48 7



3 17

4 48:ii= 3

0 55

2 21 S.5 42 7 5 43 7\5 44 7

5 44 7

5 49 7



Ij rises 1 36

3 39

4 25


1 40

6 09 S 5 43 7 5 44 T5 45 7

5 45 7

5 49 7



3 59

4 01


2 26

9 46 S 5 45 7 5 46 75 47 7

5 47 7

5 51 7


Sirius rises 2 5

4 19

3 39

ni 10

3 15

12 58 S;5 47 7 5 47 7\5 48 7

5 48 7

5 51 7


4 40

3 15


4 6

15 35 S,5 48 7 5 49 7\5 49 7i5 49 7

5 52 7

lis] M i 5 runs low

5 1

2 52

/ 7

5 0

17 29 S 5 50 7,5 50 75 50 7J5 51 7

5 53 7


Tu : ^ south 8 24

5 22

2 29


5 56

18 23 Sl5 51 7j5 51 7|5 52 715 52 7

5 54 7

W day 12 14

5 43

2 06

VS 4

6 53

18 13 S5 52 7S 53 7,5 53 75 53 7

5 55 7


6 4

1 42


7 50

16 57 S:5 54 7|5 54 7i5 54 7>5 55 7

5 56 7


F Aldeb nses 9 41

6 25

1 19

vtv *J

8 48 14 34 S 5 55 7|5 55 7i5 56 7\5 56 7

9 4511 12 S,5 56 7|5 57 7 5 57 7.5 57 7

5 57 7



6 46

0 56


5 58 7

II 21

Sun : D in pcrip^ee

7 7

0 32


10 41

7 7 Sj5 58 7

5 58 75 58 7,5 58 7

5 58 7

22 II 23


-^ enters zC!=

7 "27

0 09


11 37

2 35 Sl5 59 7

5 59 75 59 7 5 59 7

5 59 7


7 49

S 14

cyj 2


2 06Ni6 0 6;6 0 6'6 0 6.6 0 6

6 0 6



8 9

0 2,7


0 30

6 34N|6 2 66 2 66 2 66 2 6

6 1 6

II 25


7 if's rises 8 1

8 30

1 01

« 1

1 23

10 33 N 6 4 6:6 3 66 3 6.6 3 6

6 2 6

11 26


8 50

1 24


t 2 17

13 49 Ni6 5 6:6 5 66 4 66 4 6

6 3 6

11 27


9 10

1 47


' 3 10

16 17 N

6 7 66 6 66 6 66 6 6

6 4 6



day 11 46

.9 30

2 11

n 13

4 02

17 48 N

6 8 66 7 66 7 66 7 6

6 5 6



j) runs high

9 50

2 34


4 53

18 26 N

6 10 66 9 66 8 66 8 6

6 6 6



10 10

2 58

:Zo t




09 N




6 10 66

10 6 6 10 6

6 7 6

nation in common brown paper, and occasion- ally exposing them to the air in a fine day, es- pecially aflenlainp weather- This method will succeed with all the larger mucilag'inous seeds. Very small seeds, berries, and oily seeds, may probably require to be kept in sugar^ or among currants or raisins.


Rub it well with soap, then scrape some fine chalk, and rub thai also in the linen; lay it on the grass; as it dries, wet it a little, and it will conae out after twice doing.


^'.eef tiie plate ia soap ley for Uie space of

four hours; then cover it over with whiting, and with vinegar, so that it may stick upon it, and dry it by a firo; after which, rub off the whi- ting, and pass it over with dry bran, and the spots will not only disappear, but the plate will look exceedingly bright.


These who keep their fruit in storehouses, for the suppi}' of the I^ondo;: and other njarkets, as well as lliose who have not proper fruit rooms, may keep their apples and pears in baskets or liampers; putting some so.t paper in the bot- toms an ; round the edges of the baskets, k.c, to keep the fruit from being bruised; then put in a layer cf fruit, and over that a layer of

JJesilver's Jllmanac.


iS'iuUv Mi)uVV\,

J ^*

Moon rises tiiul sets.

0 "


New York.







11 2<.)


11 53

11 54

1 2






11 ^

0 15

0 20

0 22

0 24

0 44


1 8

1 13

1 14

1 16

1 35

1 ^

2 2

2 7

2 8

2 10

2 26

J ^

2 58

3 2

3 3

3 5

3 19

n ~

3 55

3 58

3 59

4 0

4 11

1 ^

4 55

5 56

4 57

4 58

5 5

1 ^






' 10

6 52

6 54

6 54

6 54

6 59


7 25

7 28

7 29

7 30

7 39


7 55

7 59

8 00

8 1

8 13


8 32

8 37

8 38

8" 40

8 55


9 14

9 19

9 20

9 22

9 40

1 15

10 1

10 6

10 8

10 10

10 31

' 16

10 56

11 1

11 3

11 5

11 24


11 56







0 1

0 3

0 5

0 22


1 1

1 5

1 7

1 y

1 25

11 20

2 13

2 16

2 18

2 19

2 34


3 25

3 28

3 29

3 30

3 35

J 22

4 38

4 40

4 41

4 41

4 47









6 40

6 42

6 43

6 44

6 53


7 17

7 21

7 23

7 25

7 37


7 58

8 2

8 4

8 6

8 22

8 42

8 46

8 48

8 50

9 8

1 |28

9 27

9 32

9 34

9 37

9 57

1 |29

10 16

10 21

10 23 10 25

10 45


11 8

11 13

11 15

11 17

11 37




Uiecl, in his 73tl ye:u-, Louis XIV, king^ of France, 1715.

Treaty between llu; U. S. and Kickapoo Indians, 1815.

Died, in his 59th year, Oliver Cromwell, 1638.

Priz- ketch Intrepid blown up in the liarb. of Tripoli, 1804.

Uritish brig' IJoxer taken by the U. S. brig' Knterjjrize, 1813. |

Died in a mad house, England, Geo. Alex Stevens, 1784.

Sf.inislaus Augustus II elect d king of Poland, 1764.

Constitut. of Maryland society for ijie abo. of slavery, 1789. j

United States, first st^vled so, 1776.

Perry's victory on Lake Erie, 1813.

Battle of liranch'wine, 1777. Macdonough's victory onLake [

Champlain, 1814. Major general Ross of the British army, killed at the battle!

of North Point, near Baltimore, 1814. rhe Turks under Solyman besieged Vienna, 1529. Died, in his 81st year, Charles RoUin the historian, 1741. Plot to murd: r the British at Lisbon, discov< red, 1810. Britisi) repulsed by the Amc. at Hiiarlem heights, N. Y. 1776. Federal constitution of the United States adopted, 1787. U. S. sloop of wai- Wasp lanclied at Newburyport, Mss. 1813. Action between the American private* r General Hancock]

and British frigate Levant; the Levant blew up, 1778. Manheim surrendered to the Frencli, 1795. Duel between Mr. Canning and lord Castl rt ah, 1809. Charles XII, king of Sweden, defeated the Russians nearj

Anolenstro, 1708. British frigate Serapis captured by the American frigate]

Bonne Homme Richard, 1779. |]

Philadelphia illuminated on account of Pen-y's victory, 1813. | Columbus sailed from Cadiz on his first voyage, 1493. American pi'ivateer schooner Saratoga captured the British]

packet brig Morgiana, 1813. Died at Charleston, S. C. in his 76vh year major Gen. Wm.

Moultrie, 1805. Americans under Gen. Marion defeated the tories at Black j

Mingo, 178(1.

Ame. frigate Raleigh cap. by two British men of war, 1775. French Gen. Houchard arrested and sent to prison, 1793. |J

paper; and so on, a layer of fruit and of paper, alternately, till the basket or hamper be full: cover the top with paper three or four limes double, to exclude the air and frost as much as possible. Every different sort of fruit should be packed separately; and it will be proper to fix a label to each basket or hamper, with the name of the fruit that it contains, and the time of its being fit for use.


Paper may be stained of a beautiful yellow by the tincture of turmeric, formed by infusing an ounce or more of root, powiiered, in a pint of spirit of wine. This, by afterwards adding water to it. may be made to give any tint of yellow, from the lightest straw to the full col- mrr called French yellow, and will be equal

in brightness even to the best died silks If yellow is wanted of a warmer or redder cast, annotto, or dragon's blood, must be added to the tincture.


A very fine crimson stain may be given to paper, by a tincture of the Indian lake, which may be made by infusing the lake some days ia spirits of wine, and then pouriug off the tinc- ture from the dregs.


Cover the letters with philogisticated orprus- sic alkali, with the addition of a diluted miner- al acid; upon the a plication of whicii tlie let- ters change very speedily to a deep blue colour of great beauty and intensity. To prevent th«


Desilvefb Almanac.


Tfcnt\\ 3StoiiU\,




Ij Moon's PI

lases. M.



Planets' Places,


l^s) D's Alioth




9 SI


5 S Lat.oh Mer.

i] D. H.



2=^ D. H. M.

1 % New 8 7

1 8 Afternoon



28 3




241723! 5 Si 0 18

IJ 3 First 16 1

46 Morning.



28; 3




rtv41729! 2 S: 11 54

1 O Full 22 8

12 Afternoon







1317 5; 4N 11 32

11 C Last 30 11

33 Morning.








201611 3N 11 09






4' 20



261617 4 8 10 47


'- M









Sun rises and sets. [




dec S



dec j Boston.



Wash. &

New 1




Lex in.

Orleans. |



S S74

10 28

3 21



6 31

17 02 n'6 12 6


11 6

6 11 6

6 11 6

6 8 61

1 ^


10 47

3 44



7 19

15 12NJ6 13 6


13 6

6 12 6

6 12 6

6 9 61

n "^


J in apogee

11 5

4 07


8 4

12 53 N

6 15 6


14 6

6 14 6

6 13 6

6 10 6f

1 ^


11 23

4 31


8 48

9 46 Is

6 16 6


16 6

6 15 6

6 15 6

6 11 6^

n ^


11 41

4 54



9 32

6 19M

6 18 6


17 6

6 16 6

6 16 6

6 11 of

1 ^


9 gT elongation

11 58

5 17


10 16

2 37 N

6 20 6


18 6

6 18 6

6 17 6

6 13 6L

11 ''


12 15

5 40


11 1

1 15 S

6 21 6


20 6

6 19 6

6 18 6

6 13 6f

1 ^


0 eclip iiivi

12 32

6 03



11 46

5 07 S

6 22 6


21 6

6 20 66 19 6

6 14 61

1 ^


12 48

6 26


aft 32

8 49 S

6 24 6


23 6

6 22 66 21 6

6 15 6?

1 10


13 3

6 50



1 21

12 10 S

6 25 6


24 6

6 23 66 22 6

6 16 el



\l rises 11 59

13 18

7 11


2 11

15 01 S

6 26 6


25 6

6 24 &6 23 6

6 17 Gf



13 33

7 34



3 5

17 05 S|6 28 6


26 6

6 25 e^e 24 6

6 17 6^



9 rises 2 33

13 47

7 56


4 0

18 13 S

6 29 6


27 6

6 26 eje 25 6

6 18 6?



14 1

8 18


0 4 56

18 20 S

6 31 6


29 6

6- 28 616 27 6

6 19 6^


14 14

8 40

14 5 53

17 20 S

6 32 6


30 6

6 29 6:6 28 6

6 20 ef



Aldeb rises 8 3

14 26

9 02

29 6 49

15 19 S

6 33 6


31 6

6 30 66 29 6

6-21 6\



14 38

9 25


13 7 43

12 19 S

6 35 6


3,1 6

6 32 66 30 6

6 22 6f



14 49

9 47

27 8 37

8 33 S

6 36 6


34 6

6 33 66 32 6

6 23 6}


Sun 5 in perigee

15 0 10 09


12 9 31

4 16 S

6 38 6


36 6

6 35 66 33 6

6 24 6|



15 lljlO 30

2710 24

0 16N

6 39 6


37 6

6 36 66 34 6

6 25 6|


Tu ^ quartile

15 20 10 51


1011 17

4 44 N

6 40 6


38 6

6 37 6 6 36 6

6 25 6f


W ! ^ greatest eloii

15 29'] 1 13

25 morji

8 56 N

6 42 6


39 6

6 38 66 37 6

6 26 6


Th 0 enters Tn

15 5711 34


8 0 10

12 32 N-

6 43 fl


40 6

6 39 66 38 6

6 27 6*



15 4411 5o

22 1 2

19 22 N

6 44 6


42 6

6 40 6 6 39 6

6 28 6|

II 25

Sa % sets 11 19

15 51 12 16


6 1 55

17 20Ni6 46 6


43 6

6 42 6 6 41 6

6 29 6f



15 5712 36

19 2 47

18 19 N'6 47 6


45 6

6 43 66 42 6

6 30 6 8



Ij quartile

16 212 57


1 3 39

18 22NJ6 49 6


46 6

6 45 6 6 43 6

6 31 6



9 rses 2 53

16 713 17

13 4 28

17 29 N 6 50 6


47 6

6 46 6 6 44 6

6 31 6 6 32 6 1



16 I0;i3 37

26 5 17

15 55Ni6 51 6


48 6

6 47 G6 45 6



16 1313 57


7 6 3

13 39 N:6 5S 6


50 6

6 48 66 46 6

6 33 611



7 *'s S 1 11

16 16

14 16


6 47

10 50 N





51 6

6 49 6 6 48 6


34 61

spreading of the colour, which, by blotting the parchment, detracts greatly from the legibility, the alkali should be put on first, and the dilu- ted acid added upon it. 'J'he method found to answer best has been, to spread the alkali thin with a feather or a biC of slick cut with a blunt point. Though tiie alkali should occasion no sensible change of colour, yet the moment the acid comes upon it, every trace of a lelter turns at once to a fine blue, which soon acquires its full intensity, and is beyond comparison stron- ger than the colour of the original trace. If, then, the corner of a bit of blotting paper be carefully and dexterously applied near the let- ters, so as to imbibe the superfluous liquor, tfie

staining of the parchment may be in a great measure avoided ; for it is this superfluous liquor which absorbing part of the colouring matter from the letters, becomes a dye to whatever it touches, ('are must be taken not to bring the blotting pa|jer in contact with the letters, be- cause the colouring matter is soft whilst wet, and may easily be rubbed off. The acid chiefly employed is the marine: but both the vitriolic and the nitrous succeed very well, ihey should be so far diluted as not to be in danger of corroding the parchment, after which the de- gree of strength does not seem to be a matter of much nicptv

JJesilvefs .Almanac.


TeuVVv JNVouVV\;


M Moon rises and sets. i

liiuostonJ <«''7 P^'i^- Wash. S.» I \ork. (lt'l|ihia. .^ I.i x. Orli-niw

llniorn morn morn morn morn

21 0 2i 0 7\ 0 9, 0 11 0 24

0 58| 1 2| 1 4 1 6' 1 12

4l 1 56! 1 58| 1 59. 2 12 8

51 2 52 2 54 2 55' 2 56 3 5

1^8^ ]J


3 51

4 49

5 49 sets

6 42

7 24

8 7

9 0

3 51

4 50

5 49


6 46

7 28

8 12

9 5

58!l0 Oil

morn morn

0 6

1 17

0 11

1 20

2 27 2 29

4 49 rises

4 49 rises

5 56 6 0

6 39, 6 43

7 23

8 12

9 3 28 9 5610 29:10 5310 57

7 28

8 17 9



3 53 3 59

4 501 4 50 4 5,5

5 49 5 49 5 47 sets ] sets sets

6 47i 6 49 7 3

7 291 7 31 7 48

8 I4i 8 16 8^6

9 7 9 9 9 29

10 510 710 28

11 711 911 28 morn mom morn

0 13

1 21

0 14 0 30

1 22 1 34

2 30 2 31 2

3 39 3 40 3 43

4 49j 4 49 4 47 rises i rises rises

6 1

6 44

6 3 6 18 6 46 7 4

7 30 7 32 7 53

8 191 8 21 8 42

9 lOi 9 12 9 32 10 3ilO 510 2-J 10 5811 Oil 17

30-11 4911 52;il 5311 55 morn 31 !m||^n morn morn morn 0 9

Marine Corps lirst established in Knpland, 1684. Died in I'liihulcipliiu, g-encral oftlje Ame. unny, 1782. The public ofhces removed to Columbus, Ohio, 1816. First loan office established in the United States, 1776. American conunodore Chauncey captured five British shoo- j

ners on Lake Ontario, 1813. The combin d American and French armies opened their I

trenches against Yorktown, Va. 1781. Definitive treaty of Aix la Chapelle sig-ned, 1748. Died, aged 56, John Hancock, governor of Mass. 1793. Unsuccessful assaidt by the Ame. on Savannah, Geo. 1779. Providence adopted the nonintercourse agre. ment of Aug. I

1768, 1769. Bahamas first discovered by Columbus, 1492. St Domingo ceded by the inhabitants to the British, 1793, Murat taken pr. and shot same day, in Upper Calabria, 1815. John Baliol declared king of Scotlai-.d, 1292. Count Pulaski surprised in the night by the British, 1778. French National Convention decreed that death was but an|

eternal sleep, 1793.

First Provincial Congress of Ma.ssachusetts met by adjourn- j

ment, at (Joncord, 1774. Congress presented to Gen. Greene two field pieces taken

from the British, 1785. Bonaparte left Moscov.' with principal part of his force, 1812. Bank of Philadelphia robbed by W. L. N. Learned, 1816. Died in Ite y, in his fifty -first year, Tobias Smollet, 1771. Died in Philadelphia, aged 52, Peyton Randolph, president [l 1 of the first C mi gress, 1775.

The Kremlin blown up bj' the French under Mortier, 1812. Official information received in Philadelphia of the capture |

of Comwallis, 1781. U. S. frigate Congress captured British ship Rose, 1813. Eaithquake at Constantinople, Algiers, &c. 1802. Eclipse of the sun visible in Boston, 1780. Battle of White PlaiTis, 1776. Died in his 78th year. Dean Swift, 1745. Ar. D. Chai-les defeated by the French at Caldiers, 1805. U. S. frigate Philadelphia cap. by the Tripolitans 1803.


Keep if possible in motion, and take care not to go near a fire or into any very warm place, so as to occasion a suddeu heat, till some time after you have been able to procure dry clothes.


Touch it with mercury, and it becomes so brittle that a slight blow with a hammer will break it.


Those who are nice about Steaks, never at- fempt to have any, except in weather tohich per- mits (he meat to-be hung till it in tender and

give the Butcher some days notice of their wish for them.

The best steaks are those cut from th^ mid- dle of a Rump, that has been killed at least four days in moderate weather, when they can be cut about six inches long, four inches wide, and half an inch (hick do not beat them, unless yoH expect the\ wiW not be lender Desire the Butcher to cut them <>f even thitkness if he does not, divide the thicker from the thinner pieces, and give them time accordingly.

Take care to have a very clear brisk fire, throw a little salt on, make the Gridiron hot, and set it slanting, to prevent the fat from drop- ping into the fire, and making a smoke. It re- quires more practice and care than is <renerally supposed to do Steaks to a oicety ; and for want-


Desilvefs Almanac.

of these little attentions, this very common dish, which every body is supposed capa bio. pf dres- sing, seldom comes to the table in perfection..

Ask those you cook for, if they like ft under or tkyoughly done; and what accompaniments they like best, it is usual to put a tablespoon- ful of Catsup, or " Balls' C'uvice," and a lit- tle minced Shallot into a dish before the fire, while you are broiling- turn the Steak with a pair of Steak tongs it will be done in about ten or fifteen minutes; rub a bit of butter over it, and send it up garnished with Pickles SLnd finely scraped Horseradish are the Sauces usu- ally composed for Chops and ^iteaks.

N. B. Macbeth's R8ceij)t for dressing' a Beef Steak is the best

" xB/ien 'th clone, Uurre ivftf


Take half a pint of milk, and mix with it ain equal quantity of vinegar, so as to coagulate the milk. Separate the curds from the whey, and mix the latter wilh the whites of four or five eggs, after beating them well up. The mis- lure of these two substances being complete, add sifted quick-lime, and make the whole in- to a thick paste of the consistency of putty. If this mastich is carefully a;.'plied to broken bo- dies, or to fissures of any kind, and dried prop- erly, it resists water and fire.


Take an ounce of vinegar, one ounce of sfavesacre. well powflercd. half an ounce of ho-

Vesilvers Jllmanac.






H'riic I'rovinciul (loiij^TCbs of Soiitl» Carolina met, 1775. 5l|Ct;n. Waslnngton's farewell orders to the Am. ajinies, 1783. 4-lCLn. Coffee <ltf. the Creek Indians at Tullushatshes, 1813.

Dreadfid earthquake at Quito, (S. A.) 1797.

(ien. Thos. MiHiin electeil President o' Pennsylvania, 1788.

John Dickenson elected president of Pennsylvania, 1783.

Died Cath. II, Empress of Russia, 1796. f

6 33!l{ritish att^icked Mud fort, now fort Mifflin, 1777. j

7 25|Britisli repulsed in an attempt upon Ogdensburg-, 1813. !

8 22!French under mar. Davoust en. Posen, in Poland, 1806. | Battle of Williamsburg' U. Canada, 1813. f \m. army under Gen. Montg-omery entered Montreal, 1775. | Died at Roston, R. T. Paine, jr. aged 38 years, 1811. f French marshal de Crequi took Fribourg-, 1677. i Fort Mifflin evacuated by the Americans, 1777. '' r Treaty between the U. S. and Choctaws, 1805. i Picliej^ni defeated the Prussians at Sarbruck, 1793. I Am. under Gen. Greene evacuated fort Lee, 1776. I Am. evacuate Red Bank by order of Washington, 1777. U. S. schr. Retaliation captured by 2 Fr. frig'ates, 1798. G. F. Cooke the celebrated trag-edian made his first appear- ance in the U. S. in N. York, as Richard 111, 1810.

Washington retreated to Newark, (N. J.) 1776.

Ant. privateer Tom cap. Rritish packet Townsend, 1812.

Am. privateer Rattlesnake sunk at Newcastle, 1812.

The planet Mercury passed over the Sun's, 1769.

Died ii) his 63d year, 01. Ellsworth, c. just, of the US. 1807.

Britisli frigate Southampton and her prize, U. S. brig Vixen,

totally lost of}' the island of Conception, 1812. Am. privateer Lee captured the British brig Nancy, 1775. Earthquake in Philadelphia, 1783. Charles XII, of Sweden, defeated tlie Russians, at Nama, 1700.

11 39 morn 0 29

ney, half an ounce of sulphur, and two ouDces of sweet oil: mix the whole well together into a liniment, and rub the head repeatedly with a Httle thereof


A solution of the silver caustic in water is the foundation of all the nostrums for this pur- pose. It must be well diluted before used.



Make a water of soap and alum, with which wet a cloth or paper; lay it either on a print or picture, and pass it once under the rolling' press, then going round the other side to take it up, you win have a very fine copy of whatever you shall have laid it upon.


A solution of blue vitriol dropped into any li- <iuid in which arsenio has been put will turn it green.


Cuttfaem through the long w?y, score them, sprinkle a little pepper and salt on them, and run a wire sktwei- through them, to keep from curling on the Gridiron so that they may be evenly broiled.

Broil them over a very clear fire, turning tbein often till they are done: they will take about ten or twelve minutes, if the fire is brisk: or Fry them in Butter, and make gravy fpr them in the pan [after you have taken out the kidneys,] by putting in a tcospoonful of flour; as soon as it looks brown, put in as much wa- ter as will innkc gravy: they will take five min» utes more to fry than to broil.


See if the liquor will burn aw, ly without leav- ing any moisture behind. As spirit is much lighter than water, place a hollow ivory ball in it; the deeper the ball sinks, the lighter the liquor, and consequently the more spirituotis.


Besilver's Almanac,

T^ve\m\ Moi\t\\,


Moon's Phases.

0 New 3) First 13 O Full C Last

D. H. M.

6 11 14 Afternoon.

4 38 Afternoon.

21 1 28 Morning.

29 5 40 Morning.


7 13 19 25

Planets' Places, 8cc.

©I¥ h :tni\ 9


9 15




XSl "lIX ^ Oj 4 28i 1 29 0 4 29| 51T\,7 0' 4/li 9 14 0' 3 213 21 0 3 3il8 28


1424 1 S

14 1 5N 7

13 7 2-^ 7

13 13 4 Sj 6

13 19 4 S 6

H. M.

8 16

50 23 57 30


^ gr elongation day 9 26 7 >f!:'3 sou 10 46 j) runs low ]) in perigee Ij south 3 6

day 9 10

% sets 10 44 ]) runs high \l south 2 20

[mas ]) in ap Christ Aid south 10 2

Sirius S 11 55

fast dec S; place

Moon south


33121 10 22

56 22



































;9 03 08 12 16 19 21 23 25 26 27 28 27 27 26 24 22 19 16 13 09 04 n\^



7 30

8 14

8 59

9 49

10 41

11 36 aft

1 31

2 29

3 26

4 21

5 1

6 5

6 55

7 44

8 34

9 25

10 15

11 06 11 56 mom

0 45

1 34

2 20

3 04 47 29 12 55


2 13 S 6 04 S 9 44 S

13 02 Sl7

15 47 S

17 41 S

18 32 S 18 14 S

16 42 S

14 08 S 10 40 S

6 38 S

2 23 S 1 68 N 6 22 N

10 16 N 13 32 N

16 05 N

17 47 N

18 53 N 18 24 N 17 21 N

15 33 N 13 06 N

10 7N 6 54N

3 06 N 0 40 S

4 29 S 8 11 S

11 37 S


Sun rises and sets. New^ Phila- lWa.sli. &! New Yoik. d.lphia. 1 Lexin. [Orleans.

26 5 7

27 5 7

28 5 7

28 5 7

29 57 29 5 7

29 5 7 3<J 5 7

30 5 7

31 57

31 57 311 5 7

32 57

33 5J 33 5'7 33 5|7 33 5|7 33 5\7 33 5\7 33 5J7 33 5 7 33 5\7 33 5\7



















28 5













15 5'6

16 5|6

17 56

17 56

18 56

18 56

19 56

5 5

25 ^\7 25 5\7 25 5\7 25 517 25 5\7 25 517 25 517 25 5 7

54 54 55 55 55 56

56 6 56 6

56 6

57 6 57 57 57 58 58 58 58

6 6 6

6 6

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


If the paper used in superior ediiions of books, and which sinks so as to prevent its being writ- ten on, be dipped in alum-watfir, it may be written on. Tbis practice was adopted by Peircsc.


Large Oysters will do for stewing, and by some are preferred; but we love Ihe plump, jui- cy natives. Stew a couple of dozen of these in their own liquor; when they are coming to a boil, skim well, take them up and beard them; strain the liquor through a tammia sieve, and

lay the oysters on a dish. Put an ounce of but- ter into a stewpan, when it is melted, put to it as much flour as will dry it up, the hquor of the Oysters, and three tablespoonsful of milk or cream, and a little white pepper and salt; to this some Cooks add a little Catsup or finely chopped Parslev, grated Lemon Peel, and juice; let it boil up for a couple of minutes, till it is smooth, then take it ofl'tlie fire, put in the Oysters, and let them get warm; (they must not themselves be boiled, or they will become hard;) line the bottom and sides of a hasb-diah with bread sippits, and pour your oysters aod sauce into it.

■iJesilver's Ainianav.



TYjfcimi *>i«uU\,



Moon rises and sets New I Phila- \Viisli. Yolk. (Iflpliia. 8i

1 21

1 22

3 16

4 20

5 26

6 29 sets

6 33

7 41

8 49

9 56 11 6

1 21 1 21

3 15

4 18

5 24

6 2& sets

6 38

7 45

8 5:,

10 0

11 8

mom morn

0 15 0 16

1 24! ^ 24

1 29 1 28

3 341 3

4 35| 4 oo

5 36| 5 33

6 30 6 27

rises vises 6 161 6 20

101 7 13 7j 8 9 3! 9 4

59:10 0 5!lO 56

r|28;il 54:1 1 54

29i morn! morn 3o' 0 52 0 51

31; 1 51

1 49

Xcw OrK-.ins




sets I 6 40'

1 21

2 19

3 13

4 16


6 ^o sets

6 42

7 49

8 56 10

11 9

morn morn

0 16 0 17

1 23- 1 23

2 27 2 26

3 3l' 3 29

4 32; 4 30

5 31' 5 29

6 25 6 21

rises 6 22

rises 6 24

7 15: 7 17

8 10 8 12

9 5 9 6 10 1 10 1

10 5710 57

11 5311 53 morn morn

0 50 0 49

1 48! 1 46


6 i sets 7

Died, aged 71, Oliver Wolcott, Gov. of Connecticut, 1797. Hoiiaparte crowned emperor of France, at Paris, 1804. Dekware adop. the Fed. Constitution, being the first, 1787- ll Madrid sur. to Bonaparte without resistance, 1808. Fred. JI, king of Prussia, de. Jhe Austrians, atLeuthen, 1757- Am. privateer brig- Montgomery cap. Br. ship Surinam, 1812. 13onapaile in disguise an-ived at AVilna in a sledge, 1812. ij 2|lrish convention met in Dublin, for a reform of Pari. 1785.

8 7 Abdication of <^hii.s. Emanuel I, king of Sardinia, 1798.

9 11 lien. Wasliington mar. from Whitemarsh to Swedesford, 1777.

10 13lndiana admitted as a new state into the Union, 1816.

11 15 U. S. Brig Chippewa lost on the N. W. point of the Grand

Caicos, 1816. morn 'Pennsylvania adopted tlie Federal Constitution 1787.

0 19iBritish evacuated Charleston S. Carolina 1782.

1 2liMaiTiage between Bonafiarte and Josepliine formally dis- solved, 1809.

The colony of Plymouth, New Eng-land, established 1620. U.S. Frigate Constitution sailed ft-om Boston on a cruise 1814. The remains of Washington consigned to the tomb 1799. New Jersey adopted the Federal Constitution 1787. The U. S. Frigate Charleston captured by the British ships

Qiu^bec and Diomede 1782. ]M

Died aged 82, Maxamilian de Bethune duke de Sully 1641. jj St. Paul's Cathedral, London, robbed of plate to tlie amount [|

of 2000/. sterling 1800. |J

Bible Societies prohibited in Hungary 1816. ||

8 27JBonaparte called out 125,000 men of the conscription 1811. |j

9 16 Vermont became an independent State 1777- m 10 6preadful destruction of the Hichmoud Theatre 1 811. ||

10 59 u. S. sclir. Carolina blown up on the Mississippi river 1814. ||

11 53jBritish defeated in an atta„;k on the American lines, 1814. ij morn The British ship Java captured Ijy the Constitution, 1812. li

Americans again cannonaded the British near N. Orleans 1814. ii Cong-ress passed a law granting the Bank of N. America a |j 'charter 17SI.


6 42

7 34

0 45

1 38


Bismutk dissolved iu aquafortis is pearl white. This though at first it whitens, afterwards black- ens the skin, as all preparr^tions from lead do; and therefore none of them are safely to be used.


Drop a few drops of vitriolic aether upon loaf sugar, and, let it dissolve in your mouth; or drink a few drops of sther, added to a solution of sugar, in water, to prevent i»s immediate ev- aporation. —


Sprincle sugar on tliem The Turks wash fresh wounds with wine, and sprinkle sugar on them. Obstinate ulcers may be cured with su- gar dissolved in a strong decoction of walflut leaves,


The largest and finest Oysters are to be cho- se n for this purpose: simmer them in tlieir own liquor for about five minutes, take them out and lay them on a cloth to drain, beard them, tlien flour them, egg and bread-crumb them, put them into boiling fat, and fry them a del- icate brown.


Faddy, who was arraigned before a court for horse-stealing, after having pleaded not guilty, the judge asked him hy whom he would be tried.^ " By welve apostles," answered the prisoner. The judge told him that would not do, for if he was tried by them he could not have his trial till the day of judgment. " Faith," says Paddy, " and 1 have no objection to that neither, fbr I am in no htirrv about it at alK at all"

26 Desilvefs Almanac.


Of the most ancient and honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic jarisdiclion tkereunlo belonging, according to the Old Constitution.

GRAND OFE'ICERS.— Elecied on Monday, 4lh December, A. D. 1826, A. L. 5826. Thomas Kittkxa, K W. Grand Master. Samuel Badger, R. W. Dep. G. Master. Michael Nisbbt, R. W. Sen. G. W jrden.— John Steele, jun. R. W Jun G Warden. Robert Toland, R. W. G. Treasurer. Samdel H Thomas, R. W G. Secretary.

^ppoinlmtnts by Ike R. W. Grand Master, Jor the year 1827, viz. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS.

FIRST DISTRICT. Garrkk Mallery, of Wilkesbarre, Luzerne county; for the counties of Luzerne* Pike, Wayne, and Susquehanna.

SECOND DISTRICT. Joseph Kingsbery, of Sheshequin, Bradford county; for the counties of Bradford and Tioga,

THIRD DISTRICT— George B. Porter, of Lancaster; for the counties of York and Lancaster.

FOURTH DISTRICT. Thomas H. Crawford, of Chambcrsburg, Franklin county; for the counties of Franklin, CuDiberland, Adams, Perry, and Bt-dford.

FIFTH DISTRICT.— C/iar/es Shaler, of Pittsburg; for the counties of Westmoreland, Alleghany, Fayette, Greene, VVashingion, Butler, Beaver, Armstrong, Jefferson, and Indiana.

SIXTH DISTRICT —Isaac Hiester, of Reading, Berks county; for the counties of Berks, Schuylkill, Northampion. and Lehigh.

SEVENTH DISTRICT.— /amps Helton, of New London Cross Roads, Chester county; for the counties of Chester and Delaware.

EIGHTH DISTRICT— jR.!u. Henry Lenhart, of Williamsport, Lycoming county; for the counties of, Norlhiimberland, Union, and Columbia.

NINTH DISTRICT. —r/iowas Burnside,o{ Beliefont, Centre county; for the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Centre.

TENTH DIS rRlCT— Stephen Barlow^ of Meadviile, Crawford county; for the counties of Crawford, Mercer. Erie. Warren, and Venango.

ELEVENTH DISTRICT.— Jo/tii H. Hill, of Hatborough, Montgomery county; for the counties of Backs and Mont£;omery.

TWELFTH DISTRICT.— Jo/m De Pui, of Harrisburg, Dauphin county; for the counties of Dauphin and Lebanon.

Grand Deacons, Senior, Elhanan Vl^. Keyser; Junior, Joseph R. Hopkins.

Grand Marshal. John K. Kane. Grand Sioord Bearer, Henry Horn. Grand Pursuivant, David Nathans. Grand Chaplains, Rev. Geo C. Potts, Rev. G, T Bedell, Rev. W. E. Ashton, Rev. R U. Morgan, and Rev.

. Benjamin Allen. District Grand 'Jhaplains. Second District, Rev. Solomon Everts. Third District, Rev. Richard D. Hall and Rev. L. S Ives. Eighth Dissrict, Rev. James De Pui Ninth District, Rev. Robert Piggot and Rev. W. H. Rees. T,inth District, Rev. T. Alden. Twelfth District, Rev. J. B. Clemson.

STANDING COMMITTEES, viz. Committee of Correspondence, Tristam B. Freeman, Samuel H. Perkins, Charles S. Coxe. Committee to Examine the By-Laws of Subordinate Lodges, Samuel H. Thomas, Stephen W. Smith, N Fowle. CfOmmittee to Examine the Tiansaslions of the past Year, and Select for Publication, Nathan R. Potts, Samuel

Wonderly, Thomas M. Pettit. Committee of Charity, Solomon Allen, Joseph R. Hopkins, Henry Y. Carter, and Robert Kid, (one vacancy.) Hall Committee, Frederick Erringer, G. W. Jones, William Weaver.

Committee of Finance, Wm Page, W, Boyd, Brittain White, John M. Read, James M. Linnardi Appointment by the Grand Secretary. Samuel H. Perkins, Deputy Grand Secretary.


The Grand Officers, by virtue of their offices; and the following persons, elected by the Stockholders on the 1st January, 1827, viz. Edvvard Burd, Stephen Girard, Thomas Hale, Solomon Allen, Joseph Swift, and Thomas Biddle.

President of the Board, Edward Burd. Treasurer, Thomas Hale. Secretary, Samuel H. Thomas.

List of Lodges Held under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Fennsylvania.


!2 Vhilddelpliia, Nicholas Saring. 2d Monday.

1^ S Do. Samuel VVebb.^ 3d Tuesday.

* 9 Do. John S. Furey.' 1st Ft-iday.

19 Do, Wm. II. Matthews. 1st Thursday.

Perseverance . 21 Harrisburg, Joel Bailey. 2d Wednesday.

22 Siinbiirtf, Isaac Huttenstein. Full Moon.

JJesilver's Almanac.



Harmony . .

WashingU)n Hope andrGood Intention


Lafayette Philadelphia Phcenix . . Hiram . .

St. Tammany's

Columbia Orange . . Jerusalem Philanthropic

Western Star

Union . . .

Ohio . . . Solomon's

St. John's .

Amicitia . .

North Star .

Union . . .

St. John's . Hennan's

Rising Star .

Temple . .

Phcenix . .

Industry . .

Brandywine .

Franklin . . Rox!)orough . Friendship . Schuylkilll . Hiram Tyrian Village . . Geo. Washington Charity . . .


25 Bristol, 43 Lancnsterf

45 Pittsburg,

46 Liiiz,

50 ff^est Chester,

51 Pliilndeiphia, 5^2 Do.

69 Do.

60 Brownsville,

61 fVilkesbarre,

62 Reading, 04 Greenshurg,

66 Morgantown,

67 Philadelphia,

69 Chester,

70 Athens,

71 Philadelphia,

72 Do.

75 Charlestown,

81 Germantown,

82 Milford,

83 Damascus,

84 Somerset,

91 Philadelphia,

94 JVew Hope, 102 Frankfort, 104 J\'ew Holland,

106 Williamsport,

107 Kaskaskias,

108 Wysox <^* Orwell,

113 Pittsburg,

114 Philadelphia,

115 Do.

116 Marietta, 119 Gibson,

121 Philadelphia, 123 Fork,

125 Philadelphia,

126 Do. 128 Do.

130 I>o.

131 Do.

132 TVaynesburg,

133 Beaver,

134 Philadelphia,

135 Jlanayunk,

136 Mina-ton, Tp. 138 Or u' i o^stt/ j'^"/} ,

141 Ualifax,

142 Humphreyville,

143 Chambersburg,

144 Milton,


Matthew M'Kclly.

Richard Robinson.

M. Manderhack.

Samson Babb.

Jumrs Gowcn.

Jacob Connelly, Jr.

Fred^^rick M. Smith. 2d Tuesday.


Sat preceding v. m. 2d VVednebday. Last do.

2d Saturday. 4tli Thursday. 1st Wednesday.

Robert Clarke.

Isaac Bowman. Isaac Hiester. Frederick A. Wise. Isaac S. Bonsall. William Baker. R. U. Morgan. Joseph Kingsbery. James B- Scott. George H. Bicking. Ellis Lewis. Thomas Ripley. Danl. M Broadhead, Calvin Skinner.

Benj. T. Neal. Thomas Thompson. William F. Page.

Henry Lenhart.

Hiram Mix. Sheply R. Holmes. James Harper. Alexander Diamond. Abner Thomas. Joseph Wasburn. David C. Skerret. Daniel llgenfritz. Henry Korkhaus. James Page. William Keegan. J. R. Chandler. George Hortter, jr. Effinger Happersett.

Samuel H. Thomas. James Renshaw. John M. .Jones. William B. Potts. Richard Rogers. J. H. Scolfield. Samuel Fahnestock.

1st Monday.

1st Monday.

1st Wtdnesday.

2d Monday,

Sat. preceding f. m*-

2d Friday.

Sat. preceding f. m.

4th Wednesday. 2d Tuesday. Sat. preceding f. m. The same.

Tues. of or before fm. F. M. or Mo. following. 1st Monday. 4th do.

Mon. preceding f. m. Thur. preceding f. m. F. M. or Mon. after Full Moon.

2d Wednesday.

3d Friday.

1st Wednesday*

1st Saturday.

AVed. of or prec. f. m.

3d Thursday.

2d Tuesday.

4th Friday.

4th Tuesday.

3d Tuesday.

3d Wednesday.

2d Thursday.

3d eve. prcv. to f. m.

Wed. before f. m.

2d W^ednesday.

Saturday after f. m.

M'ed. after f. m.

Tues. at or after f. m.

Evening of f. m.

1st Saturday.

1st and 3d Fridays.

Evening prev. to f. m.


Besilver's Almanac.


Western StaF

Freedom . . .

Mount Moriah .

Jordan . . .

Easton . . . Waynesburg

Mount Moriah . Wm. Washington

Meridian Sun .

Columbia . . .

\'0. HELD AT

146 Meaclville,

147 Bethany,

150 Troy,

151 Allentown, 15i2 Easton,

153 fVayyiesburg, 15o riiiladelphia, 156 Chestnut Level,

158 Philadelphia,

159 Danville,

La Reconnaissance l60 Philadelphia, 1 fio ^ •^e^ London

Cross Roads,

163 Toivanda,

164 Washington,

165 Pittshurs,

Fidelity . .

Evergreen Washington . Mil nor . . . Doylestown > Benevolent 5 Eastern Star Lawrence . , Mount Lebanon Hamilton . . Downingtovvn Morning Star Delaware . . . Mount Moriah Zebulon . Eaton . . Mercer Farmers' . Fairvievv . Franklin . Eastern Star Integrity . Cement . Charity Hermanos Legi-"J

timos de la luz il9l Mvarado,

del Papaloapam J


John Dick. Joseph Castle. Charles Taylor. J. S, Gihsun. James M. Porter.

Robert" Thomas. Robert Sproul. Frederick Plummer.

Martin Eckendorft'. James Kelton. Geo. Scott.

Geo. W. Bradley. Joseph Hough.

168 Doylestown,

169 Columbia,

171 Pottstoivn,

172 Lebanon,

173 Lawrenceville,

174 Duwningtown,

176 Mount Pleasant,

177 Delaware,

178 Huntingdon,

179 Middle Smith field, John Turn, im Jefferson, Samuel M«Guire

Robert Spear. David Rutter. William Ralston. W. W. Fetterman. George Boyer. John Stouffer,

David R. Porter.

1 82 Mercer,

183 Paoli,

184 P'airview,

185 Braintrim,

186 Philadelphia, 187, Do.

189 Wellsborough,

190 J^orristown,

Centre Lafayette . . Philanthropy Morning Star . Cumberland Star Silentia . . . Lafayette . . Good Samaritan Mauch Chunk . Mount Pisgah , Jackson . . . Columbus . . Evening Star Mornins Dawn .

192 Belief onte,

194 JWit? Berlin,

195 Hatborough,

196 Mercersburg,

197 Carlisle,

198 Sliippensburgh,

199 Jersey Shore,

200 Gettysburg,

201 Mailch Chunk,

202 Greencastle,

203 Mifflin,

204 Tunkhannock,

206 Middletown, Tp.

207 Brooklyn, Tp.

Epaphroditus Cosset Elijah Lewis. Alvin C. Thayer. Wait S. Skinner. William Stephens. James Hickey. Samuel VV. Morris. William Powell.

James Armor. John Baskin. William Craven. William M'Kinstry. Jacob Squires^ ^^ illiam A.. Finley. William- Babb. Rob.Go 'dloe Harper. John Leisenrinji. Danl. C. Newcomer. Henry G. Hesser. Luman Ferry. William C. Turrel. F/benezer Gere.


Tues. af. at, or of f. us.

Tues. of, or bef. f. m.

Mon. of, or bef. f. m.

Mon. preceding f. M.

1st Thurs. after f. m.

5d Monday.

4th Tuesday.

Sat. of, or before f. m.

1st Tuesdaf.

Tues. of, or after f. h.

4th Monday.

Last day of the mo.

Wed. preceding f. m.

5d Wednesday.

Sat. of, or before f. m.

1 st Tuesday. "*■ Saturday after f. m. Sat. of, or before f. m. 1st Wednesday. 4th Saturday. Wed. of or prece. f. m. Sat. of or prece. f. m. Tues. fol. 2d Mond. Saturday after f. m.

Wed. of, or bef f. m. Thurs. before f. m.

Thurs. biefore f. jr. 3d Thursday. 1st do.

Monday before f. m. Wed. after f. m.

Full Moon. Thurs. of or prec. f. m. 1st and 3d Tuesday. Sd Wednesday. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

1st and 3d Thursday. Sat. preceding f. m. 1st an;": 3d Thursday. Monday before f. m.

Thursday before f. m. Tues. cf or bef, f. m.

Desilvet's Almanac.



Golden Rule Hillsboro' Union

Mount Zion . .

Keiisinj^ton . .

Mount Patnios .

Montrose . .

NO. linLD AT

i208 Laudisbiirff,

209 llilLsboruugh,

210 Jl'Connelslrurg,

21 1 kenaington,

212 IlaiiDvev,

213 Montrose,


R. H. M'Clelland. J, M. Davis. Andrew liindsay. Tracy Taylor. W. 1). Gobrecht. Jonah Brewster.


Last Wednesday.

Grand Lodge of A^eiv Fork.

The Grand Lodge of New York was fust constituted by a warrant from the duke of Athol, dated London, Tjtb September, A D 1181.

In conformily to the example which had been sel by the grand lodges of several states after the revolutionary contest, on the fifth Septi.inber, A D. nS7, the masters and wardens of the several lodges within the state, having bsing duly notrfied, assembled in the city of New York; and the late provincial grand lodge having been closed sine die, formed and opened an independent grand lodge, and elected and installed their grand officers.

There are now (1826) two Grand Lodges in the state of New York. One held in Albany, of which Stephen Van Rensselaer. Esq. is M. E. Grand Master The other is held in the city of New York, and Martin Hoff- man, Esq. M. £. Grand Master.

Officers of the Grand Lodge of tlie state Grand Stewards of Charity,

of M-ew York. First Class.

M. W. Elisha W. King, Esq., Grand Master. ^ie! Gray, - of No. 368.

R. W Richard Hatfield, Esq., !>. Gronrf /JoUer. Samuel H.Rogers, 378.

R. VV Henry J Feltus, Esq , G. S. fVnrdtn. -^ol'" ^ Sibell, 390.

R. W. Matson Smith, Esq. M D., G. J Warden. Second Class

R. W. George VV Hjer, Esq. G. Treaswrer. Cornelius P M'Elwa.n, - - - - - of No. 1.

^- ^^\^^""^ ^ r^tr; TT-'- Etienne Millon. - 71.

5' w*'c*\^'^''"^'m^v ^' i^P'l r 1 Anthony W. Jones, 143.

R. W. & Rev. Jona. M. Wainwrjghf, f Grand ■' '

R. VV. & Uev James G. Ogilvie, t Chaplains. Third Class.

R. W. & Rev. Frederick C Schaeffer, J William E. Ross, of No. 2.

R W. Matthew Reed, Grand Stcorrf Beorer. Thomas Cleary, -------- 107.

R. \V Mordecai Myers, G^and ^larshal. Ferdinand L. Wilsey, 371.

R. W. Charles G- Ferris, Giana Standard Bearer.

W. William M. Price, ~) Fourth

z. s '«£:::: o--*-^. si^s'mS,"' -■.■.-.■ .w f"- ,s

W. Wm. L Morris, J Lebbeus Chapman, 304.

W. \nthony W. Jones, G. S. D. ^. ^ . o , r ,

W Francis Dubuar G J. D. -*"* Grand Sleioard^^ Lodge meets quarterly, on the

B Joseph Jacobs, G P. last Wednesday in February, May, jiugust, and J^Tc

B Gerrit Lansing, i. G P. vember.

B. Robert Young, G. Tyler.

TheQuarterly Communications of the Grand Lodge ^ The First Class from February to May, Sc- are held on the first VVednesiiays of .March, June, Sep- oond Class from May to August, Third Class from tember, and December. The Election of Grand Offi- August to November, Fourth Class from November cers is made at the June Communication. to F bruary.

List of Lodges, and their times of meeting in JV*eu: Fork.

Designation. iN'o. Held at W'^rshipful yJaslers. Slated Meetings.

St. John's 1 Masonic Hall, Broadway C. P M'Elwiiu 2d ^ 4lh Thursdays

Independent, R. A. 2 Do A. R. Thompson 2d & 4th Mondays

St. Andrew's 7 Do James Robinson 2d & 4fb Fridays

Hiram 10 Union Hall Harris Scoville 1st & 3d Tuesdays

Holland 16 Masonic HalL Br adway E('mund Seaman Isf & 3d Tuesdays

Howard 35 * Do Geo. Barrell 2d & 4th Wednesdays

Trinity 39 St John's Hall J. G. Finn 2d & 4th Mondays

Phoenix 40 Do D L. Tuthill 2d & 4th Wednesdays

L'Union Francaise 71 Masonic Hall, Broadway R. Pardessus 1st & 3d Tuesdays

Fortitude S\ Military garden Brooklyn D. ^torms 1st & 3d Mondays

Abram's 83 St. .Mn*s Hall Peter M'Namara Tst & 3d Mondays


JJesilver's Almanac.


Xo. Held at

Worshipful Masters.

a toted Meetings,


84 Masonic Hall, Broadway

A. F. Cernau

1st and 3(1 Tuesdays


91 Do

Wm Rockwell

ls( & 3d Thursdays


100 Saw Pits West Chester

H. R. Powell



107 Masonic Hall, Broadway

P. Sluyvesant

2d Sf 4th Tuesdays


108 St. John's Hall

1. H. Thompson

1st & 3d Thursdays

La Sincerite

122 Masonic Hall, Broadway

Venerable Chegaray

1st & 3d Mondays

Mount Moriab

132 Union Hall

S. Van Beuren

1st & 3d Thursdays


142 St. John's Hall

James Spence

2d & 4tn Tuesdays


143 Union Hall

James Herring

2d & 4th Mondays


163 Do

J. E Solomons

2d & 4tb Tuesdays

New Jerusalem

158 St. John's Hall

James Flanagan

lst&3d Wednesdays


304 Do

T. C. Williams

2d & 4th Mondays

German Union

322 Union Hall

J. G. Rohr

2d Sc 4th Thursdays


338 Military garden, Brooklyn

Jos. Sprague

2d & 4th Mondays


339 St- John's Hall

John Gilmore

2d & 4th Wednesdays


360 Masonic Ball, Broadway

Charles Adams

1st & 3d Mondays


867 St John's Ball

Jas. Bowers

Ist & 3d Tuesdays

New York

368 Masonic Ball, Broadway

D. M. Prall

2d Sf 4th Thursdays


370 Union Ball

Gilbert Reynolds

1st & 3d Fridays


371 Masonic Ball, Broadway

W. G. White

1st & 3d Mondays


373 St. John's Hall

Silas Butler

2d & 4tb Thursdays


378 Masonic Hall, Broadway

D. F. Lee

1st & 3d Thursdays

Eastern Star

379 Eastern Hall, Manhattan

Island. 330 Union Hall

C. B. Simpson

1st & 3d Thursdays


Charles Cleever

2d & 4th Fridays

Corner of Christopher

(ijirf Hudson streets


ggj until the first oj May; ! ajttr thai, at the cor- ner of Sixth Jlvemie and Fifth street. J

Danl. H. Weed

Ist & Sd Thursdays


384 Tomkinsville

' Benjamin Wood

1st & 3d Tuesdays


385 Union Hall

Saml. Morton

2d &. 4tb Wednesdays


386 Do

Lemuel Wells

1st & 3d Mondays


387 St. John's Hall

Daniel M'Lean

2d & 4th Thursdays


388 Do

E. Sturges

1st & 3d Fridays


389 Do

H. C. Atwood

1st & 3d Mondays


390 Masonic Hall, Broadway J. Hunter's Tavern, 'i

John F. Sibell

1st &, 3d Fridays


391 Brooklyn, near the V old Ferry S

Samuel Hart

2d & 4th Wednesdays



A. D. Wilson


Grand Lodge of JVew Jersey.

A convention of free and accepted masons of the state of New Jersey, was holden agreeable to previous notice, on the eighteenth December, A. D. 1786, at the city of New Brunswick, when a grand lodge for the said state was duly constituted, and the Hon. David Brearly, Esq. chief justice of the state, was elected first grand master.

List of Subordinate Lodges.


Solomon's Lodge

St. John's








Olive Branch


Mount Holly





JVo. Held at.

1 Middlebrook

2 J^ewark 5 Trenton

8 J^ewtown

9 Bridgetown

1 1 fVoodhury

12 .\ew Briinsioick

13 Orange

14 Hamburg

16 Greenwich

1 7 Whippany

18 Mount Holly

19 Salem

21 Orange

22 Port Elizabeth

23 .^tieitsfi



Hope Lodge


Sharp Town


Schrewsbury Washing.











JVb. Held at.

25 Ftemington

26 Hope

3 1 Washington

32 Sharp Town

33 Chatham

S4 Ealim Toion 35 Cedarville

38 Pittstown

39 Mloways

40 Plainfield

41 Elizabeth Town

42 Deerfield

43 Tuckerton

44 Caldwell

45 Camden

46 Berkshire

JJesiiver's Jllmunac.



Of the City of Pliitadelphin, District of Southivark, Toivuahip of tlie JS'orlhern Liberties, Penn and Kensington.

District M>. 1. 1. JAS. S. SPENCER, No 13, Palmyra Row.—

From the north side of Vine street to the soulh side

of Callotvhill street, and froDi the west side of Sixth

street to Schuylkill. :?. THOS. LEWELLEN, corner of Eighth and But-

tonwood Lane. From the north side of Callowhill

street tu the south side of Hickory Lane, and from

Sixth street to Schuylkill.

3. WM. ESHER, near Turner's Lane, west of Ridge R6ad From the north side of Hickory Lane to the boundary line df Penn Township, and from Schuylkill to Sixth street, taking in the west part of Germantown road.

District JVb. 2.

4, JOSEPH BAKER, on Germantown IWad.— Be- ginning on the west side of New Front street and the Cohocksink Creek, up the said Front Street to Camac street, up Camac slreet to New Second street, down New Second street to the above named creek.

5. THOS H. CRAIG, at Globe Mill.— Commencing at the Cohocksink creek and Germantown Road, up the Germantown Road west side to the intersection of Second street, up Second street, west side, to the township line, along the township line to the Ger- mantown Road, down the Germantown road to the east side of Second street; down Second street to the Cohocksink creek, along the Cohocksink creek to the place of beginning.

6, JACOB DEAL, near the Globe Mill.— Commenc- ing at the Cohocksink creek and Second street, up Second street west side to Germantown road, up Germantown road west side to the intersection of Sixth street, down Sixth slreet east side to the Co- hocksink Creek, along Cohocksink creek to the place of beginning.

DlUrict Ao. 3. ". GEO. APP, on the Frankford Road, near Queen

street Beginning at the mouth of Cohocksink

creek and the river Delaware, then running up the

river to Shackamaxun street, thence up Shacka-

mnxun street to Frankford road, thence up said

road to Master street, thence along said Master

street to the easterly side of New Front street,

thence up said street to Mud lane, then crossing

the said street to the westerly side thereof then

down said street including both sides thereof to Co- hocksink creek, then along taid creek to the place

of beginning. S. GEO. W. LEHMAN, Beach, above Maiden

street. Beginning at the foot of Shackamaxun

street and the river Delaware, thence up the north

side of said street to Frankford road, thence up the

east side of said road lo Hanover slreet, thence

down the south side of said street to the Delaware. 9. THOS. VAUGHAN, corner of Queen and Marl-

borough streets. Beginning at the foot of Hano- ver street and the river Delaware, up the north side

of Hanover street to the east side of New Second

street, and along said street to the township line,

then following the township line to the river Dela- ware.

District JS'o. 4.

10. JOHN KESSLKK, Jr. No. 166, Coates' street. From the north side of Poplar lane to the south side of Cohocksink creek, and from the river Dela- ware to Sixth street.

11. JAS C. WALTERS, No. 412, north Front street. From the south side of Poplar lane to the north side of Brown street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street

12. SAMUEL KUEN, No, 401, north Third street. From the soulh side of Brown slreet t(. the north side of Coates' street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

Dtsivict t^Q 5

13. ROBERT A PHILSON, S. W. corner of Coates' and Third streets. From the south side of Coates' street to the north side of Green street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street

14. ROBERT PARHAM, No. 39, Noble street.— From Green to Tammany street, and from Sixth street to the Delaware.

15. HENRY L KEIHLE, north Sixth street, below Noble. From the soulh side of Duke street and south side of Tammany street to Peg's run, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

16. DANIEL K. MILLER, Second street below Tammany From Peg's run to Callowhill street, and from Sixth street to the Delaware.

District Ao. 6. n. JOSEPH EBERTH, No. 143, Vine street.—

From Callowhill to Vine street, and from Sixth

street to the Delaware 13. FRANCIS PEROT, No. 120, Vine street.—

From the south side of Vine street to the north side

of Race slreet, and from the Delaware to Sixth


19. ABR\HA^I RITTER, No. 16, south Seventli street From the south side of Race slrei t to the north siile of Arch street, and from the Delaware to Sixth street.

District ^o. '.

20. BENJAMIN E. VALENTINE, No. 154, Arch street From the south side of Vine to the north side of Arch slreet, and from the west side of Sixth to the east side of Ninth street.

21. JAMES WEST. Montgomery Square, Tenth street between Cherry and Rare streets. From the south side of Vi c to the north side of Arch street, and from the west side of Ninth to the east side of Twelfth slreet.

22. EDWARD B. GARRIGUES, corner of Sixth and High streets. From the south side of Arch to the north side of Market, and from the Delaware to the east side of Eleventh street.

Pistrict JVo. 8.

23. LEWIS TAYLOR, corner of High and Fifth streets From the south side of Market to the north sideof Chesuut, and from the Delaware to the east side of Eleventh street.


Desilvers Jilmanac.

24. JACOB FRALEV, No. 24, Walnut street.— From tlie south side of Chesnut to the north side of Walnut, aud from the Delaware to the east side of Eleventh street.

25. CHAllLES H. WHITE, No. 109, Walnut street.i From the south side of Walnut to the north side of Spruce, and from the Delaware to the east side of Seventh street.

Dbtrict M). 9.

26. TIMOTHY CALDWELL, corner of Walnut and Front street, from Schuylkill. From the south side of >ine to the north side of Arch street, and from the west side of Twelfth street to Schuylkill.

27. JAMES B. SMlTrl, No. 340, Arch street.— From the south side of Arch to the north side of Chesnut, and from the west side of Eleventh street to Schuylkill.

28. JOHN CREAN, Jr. corner of Twelfth and Spruce streets. From the south side of Chesnut to the north side of Spruce, and from the west side of Eleventh street to Schuylkill

District J^o. 10.

29. EDW\RD PARKER, No. 243, High street From the soutii side of Walnut to the north side of Spruce, and from the west side of Seventh street to the east side of Eleventh street.

30. JA'MES HUTCHINSON, No 146, south Se- venth street. From the s.Tuth side of Spruce to the north aide of Cedar, and from Tenth street to Schuylkill.

31. GEORGE JEFFRIES, No. 197, south Fifth street. From the south side of Pme to the north side of Cedar, and from the west side of Fifth street to the east side of Tenth street.

District J^o. 1 1.

32. SAML. ALEXANDER, No. 31, Walnut street. From the south side of Spruce to the north side of Pine, and from the river Delaware to the east sidtf of Tenth street,

■JOHN GILDER, No. 36, S. Thirteenth street.

33. LEWIS WALTON, No 209, south Second street. From the south side of Pine to the north side of Cedar, and from the Delaware to the east side of Fifth street.

District JVo. 12.

34. JOHN ROGERS, No 257, south Secend street. From the south side of Cedar street to the north side of Sbippen street continued, aud from the river Delaware to Passyunk road.

•35. WM. TO WELL, Fourth street below Christian.

—From the south side of Shippcn to the north side ^ of Plum street and north side of Fuller's alley and

from the river Delaware to Passyunk road.

36. HENRY ELWELL, No. 380, south Front street, fifth house above Queen street. Shop No. S, Mead alley. From the south side of Plum street and south side of Fuller's alley to the north side of Ger- man street and north side of Mead alley, and from the Delaware to Passyunk road.

District J^o. 13.

37. JOSEPH CARTER, No. .3-31, south Second street. From the south side of German street and south side of Mead alley to the north side f Qseea street, and from the river Delaware to Passyunk road

38. WM. L. BARBER No. 23, Christian street. From the south side of Queen street (between

the east side of Second street and the river Dela* ware) to the southern boundary of the district. 39. ANDREW CROZiER, No 424, south Front street. From the south side of Queen street to the southern boundary of the ufstrict, and from the west side of Second street to Passyunk road.

Officers of the General Board.

JOHN GILDER, President, No. 36, south Thirteenth street.

THOMAS A. ALEXANDER, Treasurer, No. 45, north Front street.

GEORGE HEYL, Sfccretai7, No, 25, north Seventh street, and s. w. corner of Front and VValnut streets.

JOHN M. SCO IT, Solicitor, No 143, Chesnut street. .Igent.

JACOB FITLER, corner of Tammany and north Fourth streets.

.Sssistanl ^genl.

JOSHUA MERRICK, No. 8, Mary street, District ol Southwark.

Managtrs of the JilmsHouse.

JOSEPH TAVLOR, President, north Sixth street, second door above Noble street.

JOHN HUFFN AGLE, dwelling house No. 429, High street, Store, corner of Fifth and High streets.

THOMAS ROGi'-RS, No. 411, Arch street.

ELISHA W. COOK, No. 105, Pine street, and back of No. 'lb. Dock street.

BENJAMIN KLINE, corner of Dillwyn and Noble streets.

EDMUND SHOTWELL No. 211, north Fonrth street

WILLIAM FLANAG.\N, dwelling house No. 609, south Front street, Shop, No. 8, Walnut street.

CHARLES FINNEY, No. 270, south Second street.

JOEL ATKINSON, No. 6, Tenth above Cherry street.

GEORGE HEYL, Secretary B. M. No. 25, north Seventh street.

JEREMKH PIERSOL, Steward, ) Of the Alms MARGARET Si B BET, Matron, $ House, &c. Pkysicians to the Out-door Poor.

H. M. TUCKER, No. 230, Arch street, for the Eastern District of Penn Township, extending from the north side of Vine street to the south side of Coates street, and from the west side of Sixth street to the east side of Thirteenth street.

R. M. HUSTON, No. 308, Race street, for the Western District of Penn Township, to extend from the west side of Thirteenth street to the river Schuylkill, and from the north side of Vine street to the south side of Coates' street

JOHN WILTBANK, No. 314, Vine street, near Ninth street to extend from the north side of Coates' street to the northern boundary of Penn Township.

J'JHN M'CULLY, No. 363, north Front street, be- low Green street, for the District of Kensington, and the whole of the unincorporated part of the Northern Liberties

GEORGE VV. MEARS, No. 69, Vine street, for District No 1 Northern Liberties, from the nortli siae of Vine street to the south side of Noble street, aud from the river Delaware to Sixth street.

CHARLES H ROHR, north Third street, next to S. E. corner of Green street, for District No. 2. Nort;cra Liberties, fiom north side ojf Noble street

VesUver^a Almanac.


la lue south side ol Coatcs' street, and from llie river Delaware to Sixth street.

T. H. I'AItDI.EY, No 219, north Fourth street^ above Tamuiany street, for District No. 3. Northern Liberties, from the oorth side of Coates' street to the northern boundary of the incorporated part of the Northern Liberties.

SAMUEL WILSON, No. 146, north Eighth street, from the south side- of Vine to the north side of Chesnut street, and from the river Delaware to the cast side of Ninth street.

SAMUEL M. FOX, No. Walnut below Tenth street, from the south side of Vine street to the north side of Chesnut street, and from the west side of Ninth street to Schuylkill.

HENRY M. READ, oiricc, No. 146, south Fifth street, dwelling, No. 176, Chestnut street, from the south side of Chestnut street to ^the north side of Cedar street, and from the Delaware to the east side of Ninth street.

DAVID C. SKERRETT, No. 153, south Tenth street, first door above George's street, from the south side of Chesnut street to the north side of Cedar street, and from the west side of Ninth street to Schuylkill.

HARVEY KLAPP, No. 292, south Second street— from the east side of Third street to the river Dela- ware, and from the south side of Cedar street, to the southern boundary of the District of Southwark.

DAVID F CONDIE, No. 153,- Catharine street, second door from Fourth street, from the west side of Third street to the southern and western extre- mities of the District of Southwark. ..Apothecaries.

For Kensington, HANNAH WEST, Queen, near Marlborough street

For the Northern Liberties, JOHN HORN, N. E. corner of Third and Blown streets.

For Penn Township. PETER HUMBURG, N. W. corner of Callowhill and Garden streets.

For the City, WILLIAM BAKER, No. 6, north Fifth street.

For District of Southwark, THOMAS OLIVER, N. E. corner of Catharine and Front streets.


JAMES WEST, President, north Tenth street, be- tween Cherry and Race streets.

EDWARD B. GARRIGUES, Treaiurcr, corner of High and Sixth streets.

HENRY J. RIEHLE, Secretary, Sixth street below Noble.

FRANCIS PEROT, No. 120, Vine street.

JAMES B. SMITH, No. 340, Arch street.

DANIEL K. MILLER, north Second street, below Tammany.

ANDREW CROZIER, No. 424, south Front street MARTHA DUNGAN, Matron at Asylum.

Physician to the Children's Asylum. MATTHEW ANDERSON, M. D. corner of Se- cond and Christiau streets.

Committee on Coloured Children's .Asylum. W^ILLIAM L. BARBER, No. 23, Christian street, JOHN CREAN, Jr. corner of Twelfth and Spruce

streets, THOMAS LEWELLEN, corner of Eighth street

and Buttonwood lane.

Prison Committee. LEWIS WALTON, No. 209, south Second street. JACOB FIIALEY, No. 4, Walnut street. SAMUEL KUEN, No. 401, north Third street.

Physicians to the Mms House.

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, No. 9, York Buildings,

WM. GIBSON, corner of Locust and Wasbingloa Square.

SAMUEL JACKSON, corner of Seventh and Wal- nut streets.

J. K. MITCHELL, No. 119, south Fifth street.

WM, E. HORNER, Chesnut, between Eighlji anfl Ninth streets.

J. RHEA BARTON, No. 194, Chesnut street.

H. L. HODGE, No. 181, Walnut street.

RICHARD HARLAN, S. W. corner of Sanrom and Ninth streets.

HENRY NEIL, No. 112, Spruce street. >

N. SHOEMAKER, No. 210, Chesnut street. S

For the lying-in Department.

governmp:n r of the state of Pennsylvania.

Governor J. Ancliew Shulze.


Secretary of the Commonwealth Isaac D. Barnard.

Treasurer Williaiu Clark.

Auditor General 'avid Mann.

Secretuay of the Land Office ^Joshua Dickerson.

/Surveyor General Gabriel Heister. Deputy Secretary James Trimble.


Chief Justice John Bannister Gibson.

fThomas Duncan,

-, . r X- J M oul ton C. Rogers, Jlssociate Justices,-^^ j^,^^ .j,^^^^ »

I^James Huston.


The following is the arrangement oj the Courts of the several Judicial Districts in the state of PennsylvaniSj with the times of their commencement and duration, in 1837.

First District. Philadelphia CuwUij.

On the first Monday iu March, June, and December, and third Monday in September. No limitation to the terms>


Second District York and Lancaster. In York ou the first Mondays in January, April, August, and November, to continue two weeks. Lancaster on the second Monday after the coinmeucenient of the courts in York.


Desilvers Almanack.

Third D'lStricl. Berks, J^orlhampton, and Lehigh.

Berks, on tlie first Moudaysiu January, .April, August, and November, two weeks. Psorthamp- ton, second Mondajs after the commencement of courts in Berks, two weeks. Leliigli, on the Mondays after the courts in Nonhampton, two .weeks. Fourth District. Htmtingdon, J\Jifflin and Centre.

Huntingdon, on the second Mondays of Ja- nuary, Apiil, .August, and November. MifHin, on the third Mondays of the same months. Cen- tre, on the fourth Mondays of the same months. Fifth District. Butler, Beaver and Megbany.

Butler, on the first Mondays in January, April, July, and October. Beaver, on the se- cond Mondays of January and April, fourth Mondays of August, and third Monday of Oc- tober. Alleghany, third Mondays in January and April, and first Mondays in August and November, without limitation in Alleghany. Sixth District. Fenango, Mercer, Crawford, Erie and Warren.

Erie, on first Mondays of August, November, February, and May Crawford on first Mon- day after Erie. Mercer on second Monday af- ter the courts in Erie. Venango on the third Monday after Erie. Warren, first Monday af- ter Venango.

Seventh District. Montgomery and Bucks.

Montgomery, on the third Mondays of Au- gust, November, January, and April, two weeks. Bucks, on the fourth Monday in April, and second Monday in February, September, and December, two Aveeks.

Eighth District. Columbia, J^orthumberland, Lycoming and Union.

Columbia, on the first vloudays of January, April, August, and November. Northumber- land, second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Columbia. Lycoming, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Northumberland. Union, on the second Mondays after the commencement of the courts in Lycoming. Ji''mth District. Perry, Cumberland and Adams.

Perry, on the first Monday in January, April, August and November. Cumberland, on the second Mondays of the same months, two weeks. Adams, on the fourth Monday of the satne months, iwo week.

Tenth District. Westmoreland, Armstrong, Indiana and Cambria

Westmoreland, on the Mondays preceding the courts in yomerset county. Armstrong, on the third Mondays in March, June, September and December. Indiana, on the Mondays iol- lowing the courts in Armstrong. Cambria, on the Mondays following the courts in Indiana.

Eleventh District. Luzerne, Pike and Wayne.

Luzerne, on the first Mondays of January, April, August, and November, one week. Vike. ou the third Mondays of the same mouths.

one week. Wayne, on the fourth Mopdays oi

the same months, one v^eek,

Ticeffth District Schuylkill, Lebanon and Dauphin.

Schuylkill, on the last Mondays of March, July, October, and December. Lebanon, on the first Monday after the courts in Schuylkill. Dauphin, on the third Monday in January, April, August, and November, two weeks. Thirteenth District. Susquehanna, Bradford, and Tioga.

Tioga, on the second Mondays of January, April, August, and Novemder. Bradford, on the Mondays next after Tioga. Susquehanna, on the Mondays next after Bradford. Fourteenth District. Fayette, Green and Washington.

Fayette, on the first Mondays of January, March, and June, and fourth Monday in Octo- ber, one week. Greene, on the Mondays next following those of Fayette. Washington, on the Mondays next following those of Greene. Fifteenth District. Delaware and Chester.

Delaware, on the third Mondays in January and October, second Monday in April, and fourth Monday in July, two weeks. Chester, on the second Monday after the commence- ment of the courts in Delaware, two weeks. Sixteenth District. Franklin, Bradford and Somerset.

Franklin, on the second Mondays of Janu- ary, April, August and November, two weeks. Bradford, on the fourth Monday in January, April, August and November, one week. So- merset, on the following those of Bradford, one week.


District Court of the city and county of Phi- ladelphia on the first Monday in March, June, Septembei- and December, to sit nine months in each year.

District Court, for the city and county of Lancaster, and county of Dauphin; this Court expires on the twenty- eighth of March, 1828.

Lancaster, first Monday of February, second Monday of June, first Mondays of September and December.

Dauphin, on the third Mondays of February and December, fourth Monday in May, and the first Monday after the second Tuesday in Oc- tober. ,

Courts in the state of New York.

The Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors is held in Albany, during the sitting of the state legislature (and sometimes, by special statute for that purpose, when the legislature is not in session. J

Supreme Court, (to hear and decide on points oflaw and practice,') i'i held at Albany the 3d Monday in February and October, at New York the 1st Monday in May, and at Utica the 1st Monday in August.

Court of Exchequer. Is held at the same time with the supreme court.

Court of Chancery.— StSiled terms at New York, 2cl Monday in June, aud last in September; at Alba-

JJes liver's Mmanav.


uy, Sd Monday in January, and 2d in November altcriibic at the pleasure of the Chancellor.

Circxdl Courts (for the trial of civil causes) and Courts of Oyer and Tirminer (for the trial of crimi- Dal matters,) are held, by statute, in and for the county of Albany on the second Tuesdays in April, and first in^Octobcr; and in Rensselaer on the second Tuesdays in July and Deceu)ber.

In the counties of Dutchesi and Oneida, the same courts arc held twice in each year, and in the other counties once in each year, at such time and times as the Supreme Court shall ai)point, provided that one term of the supreme court shall intervene between the appointment of such time or times, and provided such time or times shall not be the same with other courts legally appointed to be held in such county.

The Common Pleas and General Sessions are held in the several counties as undermentioned; excepting that where the name of the month is printed in Italics, the Common PUas only, is held in that term.

Jllbany 3d Tuesday in March, June, September, and December.

Allegany. 4th Tuesday in June and October, and 2d Tuesday in February , Broome. 2d Tuesday in February and September.

Cattaraugvs. 3d Tuesday in June, 2d in October, and last in January.

Cayuga. 3d Monday in May, Sept. and January.

Chautaqv^. 4th Tuesday in- June, and 2d in Oct.

Chenango- 2d Tuesday in Feb. June and Oct.

Clinton. 1st Tuesday in January, 2d in May, and 1st in October.

Cmirtlaiid 2d Tuesday in May and September, and last in December.

Columbia. 1st Monday in June, 2d in September, and 3d in January.

Delaware 1st Monday in June, Oct. and Feb.

Dutchess. Last Monday in June, and 2d in Oct. and February.

Erie. 1st Monday in March, June, and December, and 4th in August.

Essex. 2d Tuesday in April.

Franklin Last Tuesday in April, and 2d in Oct.

Genessee 1st Tuesday in February, and 2d in June and October.

Greene. Last Tuesday in January and May, and 1st in September.

Hamilton. 3d Tuesday in February, and 4lh in June and November.

Herkimer. 1st Monday in June, July, and Octo- ber, and 2d in February.

Jefferson. 1st Tuesday in June, Sept. and Dec.

Kings. 3d Tuesday in April, July, Oct. and Jan.

Lewis 1st Tuesday in January, and 3d in May and September.

Livingston. Last Tuesday in January, May, and September.

jyiadison. 1st Tuesday in February and October, and 3d in June.

Jtfonroe. 4th Monday in March, 2d in June, and 1st in October and December.

Montgomery. 2d Tuesday in June, September, De- cember and March.

Aew York. (Sess.) 1st Tuesday in Feb. .\pril, June, August, October, December.

JsTiagara. 1st Tuesday in May, Sept. and Jan.

Oneida.— 2i Monday in March and September, at

the C. H. in Whitestown; 2d Monday in June and Dercmber, at Rome.

Onondaga. 4th Monday in May, Srpt. and Jan.

Ontario. Sd Tuesday in February, Nlay, and Au- gust, and 1st in November.

Orange. 2d Monday in February, last in May, and 1st in September ami December.

Orleans. 3d Tuesday in Feb. May, and Sept.

Oswego. 1st Tuesday in February and June, and 3d in September.

Otsego. 1st Tuesday in February, 3d in June and October.

Putnam. 1st Tuesday in February and June, and 2d in October.

Q,ueens. 1st Tuesday in June, and 2d in Nov,

Rensselaer. Last Monday in Jan. May, and Sept.

Rockland. 1st Tuesday in Ftbruary ^ud Novem- ber, and 3d in April.

fiic/tmonrf— 2d Tuesday in April, September, and December.

Saratoga.— 2A Tuesday in April, and last in Aug. and December.

Schenectady. 3d Tuesday in May, Sept. and Jan.

Sckohoi-ie. 1st Tuesday in February, June, and October.

Seneca. 2d Tuesday in May, and 1st in October and February.

St. Lawrence. 2d Tuesday in January and Octo- ber, and 1st in .June

Suffolk.— Last Tuesday in May, ^d 1st iu Octo- ber and January.

Steuben.— 1st Tuesday in February, 3d in June and October.

Sullivan. 2d Tuesday in June and October, and last in January.

Ticga. 1st Tuesday in January, May, and Sept.

Tompkins.— 4lb Tuesday in Jan. May, and Sept.

Ulster. 2d Monday in Jan. .April, June, and Sept.

Warren. 3d Tuesday iu April and October.

Washington 2d Tuesday in March, last in May and August and 1st in December.

Westchester— 3d Monday in January, aud 4th in May and September.

Wai/»ie.— 4th Tuesday in May, June, and Sept.

Yates. 1st Tuesday in June, last in September, and 2d in January.

Courts in the state of Rhode IsLA}n>.

Supreme Judicial Courts. At Newport, first Monday in March, and fourth in August, At Providence, third Mon- day in Marcli anB September. At South King- ston, fourth Monday in April, and second in October. "At Bristol, second Monday in March and September. At East Greenwich , second Monday in .^pril. and first in October.

Common Pleas. At Newport, third Monday in May, and first in November. At Providence, fourth Monday in May, and second in December. At South Kingston, first Monday in February, and se- cond in August. At Bristol, second Monday in January, and first iu June. At East Greenwich, third Monday in January and .\ugust.


Desilvefs Almanac.

Courts in the state op Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Courts.


Suffolk. Boston, first Tuesday in March. Essex. Salera, sixth Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday in September. Middlesex. Cam- bridge, third Tuesday next after fourth Tues- day in September. Bristol, Plymouth, Barnsta- ble, and Dukes County. Plymouth and Taun- ton, alternately, fourth Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday of September. Worcester. Worcester, first Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday in September. Berkshire. Lenox, week following secotid Tuesday in September. Norfolk. Dedham, fifth Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday of September. Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin. Northampton, Mon- day next preceding fourth Tuesday in Septem- ber. Nantucket, first Tuesday in July. NISI PRIUS TERMS.

Suffolk and Nantucket. Boston, seventh Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday in Septem- ber. Essex. At IpsAvich, eighth Tuesday next after first Tuesday of March. Worcester. At Worcester, sixth Tuesday after first Tuesday in March. Middlesex. At Concord, secimd Tuesday in Apfil. Norfolk At Dedham, third Tuesday in February. Berkshire and Plymoulh. At Lenox, for Berkshire county, and at Ply- mouth, for Plymouth county, tenth Tuesday next after first Tuesday in March. Also at Le- nox second Tuesday in September. Hampshire. At Northampton, eighth Tuesday next after first Tuesday in March. Hampden, Barnstable, and Dukes County. At Springfield, for Hamp- den county, and at Barnstable, for Barnstable, and Dukes counties, ninth Tuesday after first Tuesday in March. Also, county of Hampden, at Springfield, first Tuesday of September. Franklin and Bristol. At Greenfield, for Frank- lin county, and at Taunton, for Bristol county, seventh Tuesday next after first Tuesday in March. Also at Greenfield, second Tuesday of September.

Courts of Common Pleas.

Suffolk. Boston, first Tuesday in January, April, July, and October. Essex. Ipswich, third Monday of March and third Monday of December. Salem, third Monday of June. Newburyport, third Monday of September. Middlesex. Concord, second Monday in Sep- tember, second Monday in March, and second Monday of June. Cambridge, second Monday in December. Hampshire. Northampton, fourth Monday in March, third Monday in Au- gust, and third Monday in November. Ply- mouth. Plymouth, second Monday in April, second Monday in August, and third Monday in November. Bristol. Taunton, second Mon- day in March, June, September, and Decem- ber. Barnstable. Barnstable, third Tuesday in April, and first Tuesday in September,

Dukes. Edgarton, first Monday in December, and last Monday in September. Nantucket. Nantucket, fourth Monday in May, and first Monday in October. Worcester. Worcester, first Monday in March, third Monday in June, Monday next after fourth Monday in August, and second Monday next after ffturth Monday in November. Berkshire. Lenox, fourth Mon- day of February, June, and October. Norfolk. Dedham, fourth Monday in April, third Mon- day in September, and third Monday in De- cember. Franklin Greenfield, Tuesday of the next week after fourth Monday in March, se- cond Monday in August, and second in No- vember. Hampden. Springfield, third Monday in March, fourth Monday in August, and fourth Monday in November.

Courts of Sessions.

Essex. Ipswich, second Tuesday of April. At Salera, second Tuesday of July ; and atJVew- buryport, second 'Puesday of October. Middle- sex. Cambridge, first Tuesday of January, and at Concord, second Tuesday in May, and third Tuesday in September. Hampshire. North- ampton, first Tuesday in September, and first Tuesday in March. Plymouth Plymouth, third Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in \ugust. Bristol. Taunton, fourth Tuesday in March, and fourth Tuesday in September. Barnstable. Barnstable, second Tuesdays of April and Oc- tober. DuUes county. Edgarton, Wednesday next after third Monday in May, and Wednes- day next after second Monday in November. Nantucket. Nantucket, third Monday of April, and second Monday of October. Worcester. Worcester, fourth Tuesday of March, and se- cond Tuesday of September. Berkshire, Le- nox, last Tuesday io April, and last Tuesday in September. Norfolk. Dedham, third Tuesday of April, and fourth Tuesday in September. Franklin. Greenfield, first Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in September Hampden. Spnngfield, first Tuesday of April, and second Tuesday in September.

The Municipal Court of Boston, is holden first Monday in every month. The Police Court for tke city of Boston, sits ^very day (except Sunday) at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 3 o'clock, P. M. The Justices'' Court for the county of Suf- folk, sits every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 o'clock A. M.

Courts in the state of New Hampshire.

Courts of Common Pleas. Rockingham, at Portsmouth, third Tuesday in January, and at Exeter, third Tuesday in August. Strafford, at Rochester, first Tuesday in January, and at Gilmanton, first Tuesday in August. Merrimack at Concord, last Tuesday in October, and at do. second Tuesday in April. Hillsborough, at Amherst, second Tuesday in February and at do. first Tuesday in Septera-

Desilver^s Almanac.


ber. Cheshire, at Kcenc, third Tuesday in March, and at (,'harleslown, third Tuesday in September. Graflou, at Haverhill, fourth Tiics day in February, and at PI) mouth, rtrsf Tues- day in October. Coos, at Lancaster, lirst Tues- day in March, aud third Tuenday ui July.

Courts in the state of Maine. Supivnu- Judicial Courts.

At York, last Tuesday of April. Alfred, third Tuesday of September. Portland, first Tues- day of May, aud first Tuesday of xNovember. Wiscassel, third Tuesday of .May, and ttiird Tuesday of September. Augusta, second Tues- day next after third Tuesday of May, and first Tuesday of October. NorridgewocU, third Tuesday next after tiiird Tuesday of May. Castine, fifth Tuesday next after third Tues- day of May, and fourth Tuesday of October Bangor, fourth Tuesday next after third Tues- day of May. Machias, sixth Tuesday next after third Tuesday of May. Patis, fourth Tuesday of August.

Circuit Courts of Common Pleas.

Alfred, second Tuesday in February, and third do. in October. York, last Tuesday in May. Portland, first Tuesday of March third Tuesday in June, and first Tuesday in October. Paris, first Tuesday in June, and fourth Tues- day in November. Warren, fourth Tuesday in December. Wiscassel, fourth Tuesday in April. Topsham fourth Tuesday in August. Augusta, second Tuesday in .'\priJ, Augusi, aud December. Norridgewock, second Tuesday in March, last Tuesday in June, and first Tues- day in November. Castine, third Tuesday in March, second Tuesday in Jul), third Tuesday io November. Bangor, first Tuesday of Janu-

ary, June, and October. Machias, first Tues- day in .March, and third Tuesday in September. Court of Sessions. York, Tuesday next preceding last Tuesday in May. Allied, second Tuesday in October. Portland, third I'ucsday in April, and fourth Tuesday of September. Paris, tliird Tuesday in June, and second Tuesday in October. Wis- cassel, second Tuesday in May. Topsham, se- cond Tuesday in September. Warren, second Tuesday in January. Augusta, last I'ucsday ia April, fiist Tuesday in .August, and last Tues- day in December. Norridgewock, third Tues- day in Marcli, and first Tuesday in October. Castine, Tuesday in April, and Thursday previous to third Tuesday in November. Ban- gor, first Tuesday in April and September. Machias, second Tuesday in March, and fourth Tuesday iu September.


Supreme Courts. .

At Manchester and Bennington, alternately, third Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday in January. At Rutland, first Tuesday next after fourth Tucs'lay in Jai.uary. At Middlcbury, third Tuesday in January. At Burlington, first Tuesday in January. Al St. Albans, last Tues- day save one in December. Al New fane, fourth Tuesday in iVJay. Al ( helsea, last Tuesday in August. At Danville, Wedne.sdaj next after first Tuesday in September. At Guildhall, thiid Tuesday in September. At Woodstock, second Tuesday next after fourth Tuesday in May. At Montpolier^Tuesday u^xt after fourth Tues- day in Se[)tciriber. At Irasburg, fourth Tues- day in September.


President, John Quincy Adams. Vice President, John C. Calhoun.

department of state. Secretary, Henry Clay. Cliief Cltrk, Daniel Brent. Suptrintendant of the Patent Office, Wm. Thornton.

Ministers, Consuls, and other Diplomatic avd Com- mercial •Agents of the United Statts in foreign coun- tries, and of the places of their residence. England

Albert Gallatin, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, London.

Wm. B. Lawrence, Secretarj of Legation, London,

Thos. Aspinwall, .'\gtnt. &i. and '""onsul, London.

James Maury Consul, Liverpool.

Herman Viso;er do Bristol.

Robert W. Fox do Falmouth.

Thos. Were Fox do Plymouth.

William Davy do Kingston upon Hull.

Robt. R. Hunter do Cowcs, isle of Wight.

Joel Hart do Leith, Scotland.

David Walker do Glasgow.

Thomas VMIson do Dublin, Irelaml

Reuben Harvey do Cork.

Samuel Luke do Belfast.

Bernard Henry do Hibrahar.

do <sle of France.

Thomas Wynns do Turks Island.

Wm. R. Higinbotham, Commercial Agent, Bcroiuds,

John Slorr do Nassau. N. P.

Consul, .St Chris, and Antigun-

Edmund Roberts do Demcrara.

Peter Lawman do Kingston, Jamaica.

Clias. L. Bartlett, Commercial agent, Island of Trini- dad.

John M. Kankcy do Barbadoes.


James Brown, Envoy Extraordinary and !VIiD>stcr Plenipotentiary, Paris.

Daniel Sheldon, Secretary of Legation, Paris.

Isaac Cox Barnett, A^ent, &c. and Consul, Paris.

Daniel Strobel Consul, Bourdraux.

Joshua Dodge do Marstillcs.


Desilvefs Almanac,

F. C. Fetmick do Nantes.

Edward Churcli do L'Orient.

11. G. Beasley do Havre de Grace.

James F. Cooper do Lyons.

Alex, de Tubeuf do Cette.

Jas. Jos Debesse do La Rochelle.

Francis B. Faures do Guadaloupe island.

Silas Marean do Martinique.


Henry Middleton, En?oy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, St. Petersburg,

Charles Piakney, Secretary of Legation, St. Peters- burg.

Abr'm P. Gibson, Consul, St. Petersburg. Spain.

Alex. H. Everett, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Madrid.

John A. Smith, Secretary of Legation, Madrid.

Alexander Burton, Consul, Cadiz.

Chs, Douglass do Barcelona.

Obadiah Rich do Valencia.

Geo G. Barren . do Malaga.

R. Montgomery do Alicante.

F X. de Ealo do Bilboa.

Geo. W. Hubbell do Isle of Manilla.

Payton Gay do Isle of Teneriffe.

George P- Ladico do Balearic Islands.

Tbos. iVL Rodney, Commercial Agent, Havana, Cuba.

Robert R. Stewart do Trinidad Cuba.

Thomas Backus do St Jago do

Henry K Stearns do Barascoa do

Lewis Shoemaker do Matanzas do

William Simons, jr. do Porto Rico do


Thomas L. L. Brent, Charge d'affaires, Lisbon. I. P. Hutchinson, Consul, Lisbon.

do Oporto. John H. Marsh do Isle of Madeira,

Charles W. Dabney do Fayal. Samuel Hodges, Jr. "do Cape de Verd Islands.

Netherlands. Christ'r Hughes, Charge d'affaires, Brussels and the

Hague. John VV. Parker, Consul, Amsterdam. E. VVambersle do Rotterdam.

Charles Barnett do Antwerp.

Thomas Trask do Suritiam.

Philip Robinson do Island of Curacoa.

John Shillaber do Batavia.

Louis Mark do Ostend.

J. Hollingsworth, Commercial Agent, St. Eustatia.

Sweden. John J. Appleton^ Charge d'affaires, Stockholm. David Erskine, Consul, Stockholm. C, A. Murray do Gottenburg.

Henry Janson, Jr, do Christiansaud.

Rob'tM. Harrison do St. Bartholomews.

' United Mexican States,

Joel R. Poinsett, Envoy Ex.ti-aordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary, Mexico. John Mason, Jr Secretary of Legation, Mexico. Jas. S. VVillcocks, Consul, Mexico. Geo. R. Robertson do Tampico. Thomas Reiley do Aguatulco.

Harvey Gregg do Acapulco.

William Taylor do Vera Cruz and Alvarado.

Daniel W. Smith do Rufugio on Rio Grande.

Chas. W. Webber do Chihuahua.

do Santa Fe. Jas. W. M'Goffin do Saltillo.

Henry Pearne do Campeche.

James L. Kennedy do Mazatlan. David Dixon do San Antonio, Mexico.

Mission to Tacubata. John Sergeant, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary, Tacubaya, Mexico. Joel R. Poinsett, do do

Republic of Columbia. Beaufort T. Watts, Charge d'affaires, Bogota. .)ohn Macpberson, Consul, Carthagena. J. G. A. Williamson do La Guayra. Wm. J. Seaver do Santa Martha.

Wm. Wheelwright do Guayaquil. Abra'm B. Nones do Maracaybo.

Francis Litchfield do Porto Cabello.

William Radcliff do Panama.

Brazil. Condv Raguet, Charge d'affaires, Rio de Janeiro W H. D.^C. Wright, Consul, Rio de Janeiro. Woodbridge Odiin do San Salvador.

John T. Mansfield do Pernambuco.

J. de S. Montiero do Maranhao.

Charles B. Allen do Para.

Joshua Bond do Monte Video.

Leonard Corning do Isle of Maranham.

Republic of Central America. Wm. B. Rochester, App'd Charge d'affaires, Guate- mala. Charles Savage, Consul, Guatemala.

Republic of Buenos Ayres. John M. Forbes, Charge d'affaires, Buenos Ayres. Geo. W. Slocum, Consul, Buenos Ayres.

Chile. Heman Allen, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister

Plenipotentiary, St. Jago de Chile. Samuel Larned, Secretary of Legation, St. Jago de

Chile. Michael Hogau, Consul, Valparaiso. Daniel Wynne do St. Jago de Chile.

Republic of Peru. James Cooley, Charge d'affaires, Lima. Wm. F. Taylor, Consul, Quiica and Arica. William Tudor do Lima.

Denmark. Henry Wheatou, Charge d'affaires, Copenhagen. John Raynals, Consul, Copenhagen. Robert Jaques do Isle of Santa Cruz.

Nathan Levy do Isle of St. Thomas.

Joseph Ridgway, Consul, island of St. Croix.

Prussia. John G. Baker, Consul, Elberfield.

Saxont. C. F. Goehring, Consul, Leipzig.

Hanseatic towns. John Cuthbert, Consul, Hamburg. F. J. VVichelhausen do Bremen. Joseph H. Clark do Lubec.

Italian States. Thomas Appleton, Consul, Leghorn, Tuscany. James Ombrosio do Florence, do

Robert Campbell do Genoa, Sardinia. Vr. \ Sasserno do Nice, do

Georee Moore do Trieste, Austria.

Besilver^s Almanac.


KoMAN States, and kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Felix Cigojrnani, Consul, Rome. Alex Haminet do Naples. Benj Gardner do Palermo John L. Payson do Messina.

Smyrna. David OfBey, Consul Smyrna.

Barbary Powers. William .Shalcr, Consul General, Algiers. Samuel D. Heap do Tunis.

Charles D. Coxc di> Tripoli.

.John Mullowny do Tangier, Morocco.

Hayti, (St. Domingo.) A. Armstronp;, Commercial Agenl, Port an Prince. James A. Holden do Aux Cayes.

James E Brice do Cape Haytien.

^ Sandwich Islands.

John C. Jones, Jr. Commercial Agent.

China. John H. Grosvenor, Consul, Canton.

treasury depatment. Stcretav}), Richard Rush. Chief Clerk, Edward Jones, First Comptroller, Jos. Anderson. Second Comptroller, Richard Cutis First JludUor, Richard Harrison. Second ..Suditor, William Lee. Third x^iidilor, Peter Hagner. Fourth Jltiditor, Tobias Watkins. Fifth .Suditor, Stephen Pleasonton. Treasurer, Thomas T. Tucker. Register, Joseph Nourse.


Director, John Moore. Treasurer, James Rush. Chief Coiner, Adam Eckfeldt.

^ssayer, Joseph Richardson. Metier &{ Refiner, Joseph Cloud. Engraver, William Kneass ,

POST OFFICE department.

Post. Master Genera/. John M'Lean.

t^ssistant P. Master General, Abra- ham Bradley, jr.

Assistant P. Master Gen. Phincas Bradley.

Chief Clerk, Andrew Coyle. general land office.

Commissioner, George (Jraham.

Chief Clerk, John Gardiner.

Superintendant of Indian Affairs, Thomas L- M'Kenney.

Chief Clerk, Jer. W. Broadish.


Chief Justice, John Marshall.

Associate Justices, Bushrod VVash- ington, William Johnson, Gabriel Duvall, Joseph Story, Smith Thompson, Robert Trimble.

Attorney General, William Wirt.

Marshal, Tench Ringgold.

Clerk, Carroll.

u. s. district c^urt for the east- ern district of pennstlvania. Judge, Richard Peters. AUorney, C J. Ingersoll. Marshal, John Conard. Clerk, David Caldwell.

Places and time of holding the Supreme, District, and Circuit Courts of the United Stales.


The Supreme Court of the United States must be holden at the city of Washington, and have one session every year, to commence on the first Monday in January.

district courts.

For Maine, to be holden at Wiscasset, on the last Tuesday of February, and the second Tuesday of September, annually; at Portland, on the first Tuesday of June, anoually.

For New Hampshire, to be holden at Exeter and Portsmouth, alternately, on the third Tues- day of December, 1789, and three sessions pro- gressively, on the like Tuesday of every third calandar month thereafter.

For Massachusetts, at Boston, on the third Tuesday in March, the fourth Tuesday in June, the second Tuesday in vSeptember, and the first Tuesday in December, annually.

For Rhode Island, at Newport, on the second Tuesday in May, and third Tuesday in Octo- ber; at Providence, the first Tuesday in Au- gust, and first in February, annually.

For Connecticut, at Hartford and Newha- ven. alternately, on the fourth Tuesday of Feb- ruary, May, August, and November, annually.

For New York, at the city of New York, for the southern district on the first Tuesday of November, 1789, and three other sessions on the first Tuesday of every third calendar month, in each year thereafter; and for the northern district at Albany, on the last Tuesday of Ja-

nuary, and at Utica, on the last Tuesday of August.

For Vermont, at Rutland, on the sixth day of October, and at Windsor, on the twenty- fourth day of May, annually.

For New Jersey, on the second Tuesday of March and September, at New Brunswick, and at Burlington, on the third Tuesday of May and November, annually.

For the eastern district of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, on the third Mondays in Febru- ary, May, August, and November, annually; and for the western district, at Pittsburgh, on the first Monday of May, and second Monday of October, annually-

For Delaware, at New Castle and Dover, al- ternately, on the fourth Tuesday of November, 1789, and three other sessions, progressively, on the fourth Tuesday of every third calendar month thereafter.

For Maryland, at Baltimore, on the first Tuesday of December, 1789, and progressively, ou the first Tuesday of every third calendar month thereafter.

For the eastern district of Virginia, at Rich- mond, on the 2d day of April, and 15th day of October; and at Norfolk, on the 1st day of May and first day of November, annually; and for the western district at Wythe court-house, on the first Mondays of April and September; at Lewisburg, on the Fridays succeeding the first Mondays of April and September; and at Clarksburg, on the fourth Mondays of May and October, aonually.

For Kentucky, at Frankfort,, on the seconr!


Desilver^s Jilmanac.

Monday in April, and lirst Monday in October. For Ohio, at Columbus, on the second Mon- day in January and September, annually.

For :\orth Carolina, at Edt-nton, in and for the district of Albemarle, on the third Monday of April, and the third Monday of October, at Newbern, in and for the district of Pamptico, on the first Monday after the third Moftday in April, and third Monday of October; at VVil- mington, in and for the district of Cape Fear, on the second Monday after the third Monday of April, and third Monday of October, annu- ally.

For the eastern district of South Carolina, at Charleston, on the third Monday in March and September, and the first Monday in July, and second Monday in December; for the west- ern district, at Laurens court- house, on the se- cond Monday in May, anuually.

For Tennessee, at Kooxville, for East Ten- nessee, ou the third Monday in April, and se- cond Monday in October, and at Nashville, for West Tennessee, on the fourth Mondays in May and November,

For Georg'ia, in the city of Savaanah, on the second Tuesday in February, May, and August; and in Augusta, on the second Tuesday in November.

For the eastern district of Louisiana, at New Orleans, on the third Mondays of November, February, and Vlay; for the Western district, at Opelouses court-house, on the third Monday of August, annually.

For Indiana, at Corydon, on the first Mon- days in May atid November, annually.

For Mississippi, at the courthouse of Adams county, ou the first Mondays in' April and Oc- tober, anuually.

For Illinois, at V^andalia, two sessions annu- ally, on the first Mondays of May and Decem- ber.

For Alabama, at Mobile, on the first Mon- days of January and Jutie; and at Cahawba, on the first Mondays of April and November, an- nually.

For Missouri, at St. Charles, on the first Monday in June, 1822, and progressively on the like Monday, in every fourth calendar month thereafter.


In the district of Maine, at Portland, on the first day of May, and at Wiscasset on the first day of October, annually.

In the district of New Hampshire, at Ports- mouth and Exeter, alternately, on the eighth

of May, and the eigiith oi October, anuuaUy.

In the district of Massachusetts, at Boston, on the first day of June, and the twentieth day of October, annually. *

In the district of Khode Island, at Newport and Providence, alternately, on the fifteenth day of June, and fifteentli day of November, annually.

In the district of Connecticut, at Hartford and New Haven, alternately, on the thirteenth day of April, and the seventeenth day of Sep- tember, annually.

In the district of New York, at New York, on the first day of April, and the first day of &eptember, annually

In the district of Vermont, at Rutland and Windsor, alternately, on the twenty-first of May, and the third of October, annually.

In the district of Pennsylvania, at Philadel- phia, on the eleventh day of April, and the ele- venth day of October, annually.

In the district of Delaware, at New Castle and Dover, alternately, on the third of June, and the twenty-seventh of October, annually.

In the district of Maryland, at the city of Baltimore, on llie first day of May, and the se- venth day of November, annually.

In the district of Virginia at Richmond, ou the twenty-second day of May, and the twenty- second day of November, annually.

In the district of North Carolina, at Raleigh on the twelfth day of May, and the twelfth day of November, annually.

In the district of .South Carolina, at Charles- ton, on the twentieth of November, and at Co- lumbia, on the twentieth of April, annually.

In the district oi Georgia, at Savannah, on the fourteenth day of December, and at Mil- ledgeville; on the sixth day of May, annually.

In the district of Kentucky, at Frankfort, on the first Monday of May and November, annu- ally.

In the district of Tennessee, at Nashville, on the second Monday in June, and at Knoxville, on the second iVI )nday in October annually.

In the district of Ohio, at Columbus, on the first Monday in January and September, annu- ally.


Circuit Courts for the District of Columbia, at Washington, on the first Monday in October, and second Monday in April; and at Alexan- dria, on the first Mondays in November and May; and the District Court for the same dis- trict, on the first Mondays of December and June.

JJesiiver's Jllmanac.


Srereiari;, James Barbour. ChitJ Clerk, Charles J Noursc.


Geiural in Chief, Major General

Jacub Hrown. Brigadier General Br. Major Gen.

Edmuil P Gaines. Brigades ilaff Br. Maj. WiuiCeld

Scott. Chief Engineer Br. Maj. General

Alexander Macomb.


(luatler MaMer Gtneral, Brigadier

Gen 'I'lioinas S. Jcsup. Jidjuiant Getmal, Colonel Roger

Junes. Inspecloi- General Br Brigadier

General John E. Wool. Inspector General, Colonel George

Croghan. Paymaster Oetural, Colonel Nathan


Chief of the Ordnance, Col. George

Bonifurd. Inspector (f Ordnance, Col. Jnnics

Bankhcad. Commissary General of Subsistence,

Colonel George Gioson. Commiisitry General of Purchases,

Callcndcr Irving. Surgeon General, Dr. Jos. Lovell

Major Gk.veral. Jacob Browu

Brigadier Gekerals. Edmund P. Gaines Winfield Scott Thomas S. Jesup C0L0NEU.S. Alex. Macomb Slugb Brady Henry Atkinson John E Wool George Gibson W. K. Armstead DuBcan L Clinch Josiah Snelling Matthew Arbuckle John R. Fen wick James House Roger Jones H. Leavenworth George Croghan John M'Neal, jr,

Lieut. Colokels, William Lindsay William Mac Rea George Bomford William Lawrence Willoughby Morgan George M. Brooke Charles Gratiot Zach. Taylor James B. Many Abraham Eustis A. R. WooUey Enos Butler

Majors. W. Linnard Jacob Hindman James Bankhead John B, Waibach Joseph G, Totton Samuel Babcock Alex. Cummings Daniel Baker Henry Stanton Josiah H. Vose

David E. Twiggs J. B. Crane Wm Davenport Wm. Whistler George Bender Trueman Cross W. S. Foster Captains.

1812. Roger Jones Alexander S. Brooks John A. Burd

1813. William Gates A. C. W. Fanning Sullivan Burbank Stephen VV Kearney J, F, Heileman George Blinder John Bliss James H Hook George Talcott Sylvester Churchill Benjamin Watson Daniel Kctchum Benjamin K. Pearce Syiv. Thayer Henry K, Craig

1814 Thomas Hamilton M M. Payne Alex. R. Thompson J. Fowie W. J. Worth "John Green Newman S. Clarke M. P. Lomax

1815 R. E. De Russey W. Wade

1816 Milo Mason Charles J. Noursc George Birch

1817 Henry Whiting

J. S. M'Intosh Elijah Boardnian John Garland Rufus L. Baker Francis S. Bclton Jame« H. Gale William Browning

1818 James M. Glassell Francis L. Dade J. Erving Philip Wager Wm Armstrong Bcnnet Riley Thomas J. Beall R. H. Hyde T. W. Maurice R. A. Zantzinger

1819 Nathaniel Young W. V. Cobbs Gustavus Loomis Nenry Wilson Thomas F, Smith

E, Shaler Richard M. Sands Wo). Hoffman

R. B. Mason John Mountfoi't J. S. Nelson J. H. VVilkins

F. Whiting Trueman Cross Greenlcaf Dearborn Felix Ansart

1820 Thomas Staniford Thomas E, Legate Thoinas F, Hunt Daniel E. Burcli Stephen H. Webb J. L. Smith Wm. H. Ker F. W. Brady

1821. J. Plymplon


W. G. Belknap

D. Wilcox

Samuel Spotts

Levi Whiting

G. C. Spencer

J. Clark, jr,

Henry Berryman

^Leas Mackay 1823

Benjamin A. Boyntou

Owen Ransom

John Gantt

W. L. M'Clintock

J . L. Gardner

Henry Saunders 1824

N. Baden

Robert A. M'Cabe

W. Lear

John Philbrick

Nath. Clark

George Blauey

N. G. Wilkinson

R. M. Kirby Thomas Hunt Ethan A. Hitchcock

182i. W. H. Chase John Monroe Jacob Brown L Schmuck VV. S. Harney J. Yancey J. P. Taylor James W. Ripley John A. Uix ,

Nath. G. Dana * B. L. E. Bonneville Pierce Butler

182fi Z. C. Palmer VV. N- Wicklifff John B. Clark Kdw. E. Brooks Henry SniTi Thomas Cliilds


Secretary, Samuel L. Southard. Chief Clerk, Beitjnmin Hotnans. Ccmmissiojiers, John Rodgers, Pr. Thomas Tingey, Lewis Warrington, Charles W. Goldsborough, Secretnry. Chief .Vaval Constructor, I3avid Humphreys. J^aval Constructors, John Floyd, Josiah Barker, Samuel Hartt, William Doughty,

Francis Grice, Charles D. Brodie, James Keen J^avy Jlgenis, Enoch G. Parott, J^imes K. Paulding,

George Hairison, James Riddle, James Beaty, Miles King, William Sinclair, John P. Henry, Nathl. Cox, Saml. R. Overton, Rd. D. Harris, Michael Hogan, Richard M'Cnll, Baring, Brothers & Co.— JH'aval Storekeepers, John P. Decatur, Geo. Bates, Tunis Craven. Robert Kennedy, Gabriel Gait, Sam' T Anderson, Carey Selden.


Desilvefs Almanac.


John Rotlgers James Barron Wm. Bainbridge Thomas Tingey Charles Stewart Isaac Hull Isaac Chauncey Jacob Jones Charles Morris

Louis Alexis Sidney Smith "William Carter Wolcott Chauncey E. P. Kennedy Alexander J. Dallas John B. Nicolson 35. V. Hoftman

Arthur Sinclair Lewis Warrington William M. Crane, James T. Leonard James liiddle Charles I). Ridgeley Daniel T. Patterson Melan T. Woolsev

John O. Creighton John Downes John D. Herdey Jesse D. Elliott Robert Henley Stephen Cassia James Renshavv Thomas Brown

e. C. B. Thompson

Alex S. Wailsworth George W. Rodgers George C. Read Henry E. Ballard David Deacon Samuel Woodhouse Joseph J. Nicholson


Jesse Wilkinson Charles W. Morgan

George Budd Lawrence Kearny

T. Ap.Catesby Jones Foxall B. Parker John Porter Edward R. M'Call

William B. Finch Daniel Turner William B. Shubrick David Conner Benjamin'W. Booth John Gallagher Alexander Claxton Thomas H. Stevens

James P. Oellers Samuel W. Adams Joseph Smith Lawrence Rousseau George W. Storer Joseph Cassin Robert M. Rose Beverly Kennon Edward R. Shubrick

1814 Charles A. Budd Francis H. Gregory John H. Clack Philip F. V^oorhees Benjamin Cooper "William L. Gordon Silas Duncan James Ramage David Geisinger Robert F. Stockton T. S.Cunningham Isaac M'Keever John P. Zantzinger Charles E. Crowly William D. Salter Charles S. M Cauley John H. Hell Thomas M. Newell Elie A.F.Vallette William A. Spencer Thomas T. Webb John Percival John H. Aulick

Jona. D. Williamson

1817 Uriah P. Levy


William V. Taylot* Hiram Paulding: Mervine F*. Mix Bladen Dulany Silas H. Stringham Wm. A. C. Farragut Enoch H. Johns George B. M'Culloh Charles Boarman Stephen Champlin French Eorrest IBL^. Edgar Freeman

Isaac Mayo ^^'m, E. M'Kenney

William K. Latimer William J. Belt William Mervine Chas. H. Caldwell Thomas Ciabb William Jamesson

Edward B. Babbit William Boerum

Thomas Paine, jr,

1816. James Armstrong Joseph Smoot

Chas. L.Williamson Charles Gauntt Wm W. Ramsay Ralph Voorhees

Robert B. Randolph Henry Henry

Samuel L. Breese John Evans Benjamin Page, jr John T. Ritchie John A. Wish John Gwinn

Sam I. W. Downing William Pottenger Henry W. Ogden Alexander Eskridge Ebenezer Ridgeway Thomas A. Conover

Thomas W. Wyman Arch. S. Campbell James L.. Morris William Taylor Andrew Eitzhugh John C. Long John K. Carter John H. Graham

Joseph Cross John H. Lee

Abra'in S. Ten Eicfc^ 1818

Thos. S. Hamei'sley James M. M'Intosh, John White Josiah Tatnall

William M. Robins William T. Temple

William M. HunteP John D. Sloat Matthew C. Perry Charles W. Skinner Frederick W. Smith 0th 0 Norris John T. Newton

George M'Cauley Hugh N. Page John A. Cook William Inman Joel Abbott Lewis E. Simonds John M. Dale H. H. Cocke Wm. J. M'Clunev E. 1). Whitlock James Goodrum J. B. Montgomery Horace B. Sawyer C. K. Stribling James E. Legare Joshua R. Sands Allen Griffin

1820 John J. Young Charles H. Bell Ahra'm Bigelow Henry C. Newton Frank Ellery Frederick Varnum Joseph R. Jarvis Thomas W, Freelon Pardon M. Whipple James W illiams Saml. W. Le Compte Charles T. Piatt

1821 Wm. M. Armstrong Wm.F. Shields

besilver's jUmanat.

li. J. Peiulcigtast Win. C. Nicholson

1 S'32 James B. ('oopcr \ 1 825

Daniel H. Mackcj E. VV. Carpcnder John L. Samulers Jo«fepii B. Hull, jr. Jott Stone Paine John E. Prentiss John M. Sullivan Joseph Moorohcail Samuel B. I'helps William T. Rodgers Thomas Pettigru Augu-itus Cutts, jr. John S. Chauncey Irvine Shubrick Charles Ellery Thomas R. G^rry John Kelly Hugh Dulany Edmund Byrne Edward S. Johnson William H.Gardner

JJavid G. Farragut Richard S.l*inckney SfepluMi B. Wilson Edward C Riitledge William S. Harris lliomas Ddrtiin John P. Tuitle Robt. B.Cunningham James Glynn Joseph Myers William C.Wetmore Win. B. Nicholson, Thomas R. Gedney John Bubier Victor M. Randolph Joseph Cutts.jr. Jacob Crowninshield Frederick Engle A. J. D. Browne Jesse Smith John H. Smith Francis Sanderson John Rudd Russell Baldwin Jona. W. Sherburne, iiobert Ritchie

David R. Stewart Wm. AV. M'Kean Benj. Tallmadjjje, jr. Franklin Buchanan Hubbard ll. Hobbs Samuel Mercer Charles Lowndes L. M. Goldsborough George N. Hollins D. N. Ingraham John Marston.jr. Henry Bruce, Wm. D. Newman Henry A. A<lams Alex. B. Pinkham William H. Homer James D. Knight Joseph Mattison William S. Walker Alexander Slidell James G. Boughan George F. Pearson

1826 James T. Gerry John S.Nicholas

Samuel F. Dupont William L. Hudson William H.Campbell Joseph M. Nicholson James P. Wilson (ieorge A. Magrudcr J. Edward Calhoun John Pope Henry D. Scott Jjevin M. Powell Charles Wilkes, jr. Elisha Peck John R. Coxe, jr. William Seton John A. Carr Alex. H. Hopkinsou Thomas J. Manning William Pearson William Foster William L. Howard William P. Piercy Richard A. Jones Arch. R. Bogardus John Swartwout Thomas J. Leib


Edward Cutbush Sam. R. Marshall Lewis Heermann Jonathan Cowdery Robert L. Thorn William P.C.Barton George Logan ^Thomas Harris Milliam Turk Hjde Ray

William Belt Benjamin A. Wells T. V. Wiesenthal James R. Boyce William Williamson Step.ien Rapalj^- Benjamin R. Tinslar Water Smith Cornelius Moore Thomas J. Bradner

W. W. Buchanan Gerard Dayers Benjamin P. Kissam John A. Kearney Bailey Washington William Swift Thomas B. Salter Peter Christie Samuel Jackson Andrew B. Cooke


Benjamin F. Bache R. P. Macomber Augustus A. Adee John R. Chandler Thomas Dillard Augustin P. Beers Ricliard Kennon John H. Imlay James M. Greene Gideon White, jr.

John H. Gordon Leonard Osborne Thomas Williamson George S. Sproston Elnathan Judson Benajah Ticknor Mordecai Morgan Thomas J. Boyd John W. Peaco William Birchmore

S' MATES. William Plumstead George W. Cod wise John F. Brooke Charles Wayne Henry S. Coidter G. R. B. Horner Robert J. Dodd William Seal Samuel G. Clarkson Henry C. Pratt

James Cornick Charles Chase

D. S. Edwards Isaac Hulse

A. M. Montgomery John S. Wily George Terrill John Haslett

E. L. Dubarry Henry W. Bassett

W.S.W.Ruschenber- Samuel W. Ruff[ger Samuel B. Malone William C. M'Call Mifiiin Coulter William Johnsoa John Denny Samuel Moseley Wm. Fairlie Patton George W. Palmer


Isaac Garretson Gwinn Harriss Nathaniel Lyde

Clement S. Huntt John H. Carr Saml. Hambleton

Jol'.n B. Timbcrlake Thomas I. Chew


DeBilvefs Almanac.

Thomas Shields Lewis Dt^blois Fras. A, Thornton James M. Halsey Edvvai\l Fitzgerald Alex. P. Uarraaih William S. Rogers Samuel P. Todd George Beale

John Cook James Brooks James Everett

James H. Clark

Joseph Wilson Joseph B. Wilkinson William Sinclair John N. Todd Timothy Winn William M. Sands Joseph H. Terry Thomas Breese

Gaidner Th'omas John De Bree Charles O. Handy Silas Butler Edward N/Cox Nathaniel H. Perry John N. Hambleton Joseph Watson William M'Murtrie

Garret R. Barry Wm, P. Zantxingei Danl. M'F. Thornton Josiah Colston Robert Pottengei* Dudley Walker M'Kean Buchanan Henry Etting


Addison Searle Cave Jones

Burgess Allison John W. Griep



George Adams Henry J. Auchmuty Robert M. Aid en Joseph Arnold Chas. M. Armstrong Gurden C. Ashton Mark T. Anderson Wm. H. Alexander Henry Amelung

B Samuel Barron Timothy G. Benham Oscar Bullus Abra'iii J. Bennett George S. Blake Theodorus Bailey, jr. Joseph II. Blake T.,M'K. Buchanan Edward B. Boutwell .Joseph R. Brown John Q. A. Boyd John E. Bispham S. M. Breckenridge Edward O. Blanchard John E Bunner. Patrick F. Bradlee John L. Ball George Briard Robert L. Browning Henry H.Bell I'jdward Boyd Junius I. Boyle John R. Bryan Owen Burns. George M. Bache Joshua J. Boyd Solomon D. Betton Francis Barllett

Simon B. Bissell John M. Berrien Thomas W. Brent Francis G. Beatty James Bradford


Albert E. Dovvnes Fitz Allen Deas Nathaniel W. Duke Thomas Dimmock

Lorenzo T. Bennett John A. Davis William H. Browne Charlee H. Davis Henry Booraem C'harles H. Duryee

Agenor Bosque ~ ~~ "

Charles S. Boggs Philip M. Box"

Ezra T, Doughty Joseph O. Devezin Jarnes F. Duncan John C. Davidson C John A. Dahlgren

Henry D'Arcantal Benjamin M. Dove

,E Henry Eagle, jr. Francis B.Ellison William B. Everett Alex. H. Edwards Thos. O. L. Elwyn F Horatio N. Cady Lewis C. F. Fatio Philander F. Canedy Andrew H. Foot Walter C. Cutts Ebenczer Farrand Jerome Callan Archibald B. Fairfax

Frederick Chatard

Joseph S. Corn well Joseph S. Cannon Charles B. Childs Samuel B. Cocke John Cassin John Colhoun Thomas T. Craven C W. Chauncey W, C. G. Carrington

Charles Crillon John B. Cutting, jr. John C. Carter Richard S. Coxe Jolin W. Cox, jr. Daniel Cameron Joseph Cohen

Robert Fitzhugh Timo. B. Field Wm. C. Farrar James N. Forsyth John Fisher G William Green Alex. G. Gordon

James W. Crenshaw William M. Glendy Daniel Carter Charles W. Gay

Wm. Chandler John Graham

Robert A. Cassin Sylvanus Godon Wm. C. Chaplin Farnifold Green

John Addison Edward M'Laughlin

Alexander Gibson John J. Glassoa Guert Gansevoort Israel S. Griffin William F. Grymes Helmuth J. Gaedicke James B. Glentworth J. R. Goldsborough John Graham Arch. M.Green John P. Gillis Spencer C. Gist Charles Green John M. Gardner Oliver S. Glisson Theodore P. Green George R. Gray Alberto Griffith Edwin L.t^reenwootl Samuel T. Gillet

H Levi M. Harby Stern Humphreys Andrew A. Harwood John Hamilton James T. Homans Cary H. Hansford Paul H. Hayne Thomas J. Harris William W. Hunter John W. Hunt, jr. Samue^,F. Hazard Edward Hoban Neil M'C. Howison Edward H. Hubbard JohnE. Holt, jr. \\ illiam C. Homes William E. Hunt Henrv Hoff

JJesilver^s Almanac.


Horatio M. Houston George M. Hooe Cliarles G. Hunter William A, Ho\yard John S. Hart Robt. B. Hitchcock George Hurst Mark Hale Timo. A. Huntt William F. Hooe Robt. M. Harrison Robert Handv John Harker George N. Hawkins Crawford W. Hall Francis Huger Edward L. Handy Lewis P. Higbee Charles Hey wood

I George Izard, jr. Jona. Ingersoll Harry Ingersoll William F. Irving Andrew M. Irwin Edgar Irving

J Joshua H. Justin Robert W.Jones Zach. F. Jolniston Charles H. Jackson Kinsey Johns Robert Joftes John T. Jenkins Stephen Joiinston Joseph W. Jarvis William J. Jenkins Jas. W. M, Jenkins Joseph Johnson

K William H. Kennon e. H. A. H. Kennedy Augustus H. Kilty Francis S. Key Lewis G. Keith

L Arthur Lewis Andrew K. Long John H. Little William F. Lynch James L. Lardner Samuel Lockwood Sidney Smith Lee N. C. Lawrence

Janjcs B. Lardner ^^ illiam J^ Lyne Robert J. Livingston Joshyu W. Lark in Josepli Lanman Win. P. Livingston Saml. Phillips Lee Cranstoun Laurie

M H. A. H. Morris John Marshall Alexander M. Mull Charles V. Morris Henry W. Morris John Manning Richard D. Millen Uich'd R. M«Mu!lin John W. Mooers Richard H. Morris John H. Marshall Charles H. M'Blair William M.A.Moore Samuel Evans Munn Albert M'Daniel Murray Mason John H. Maulsby John S. Missroon Alex. H. Marbury AVilliam M'Blair Augustus Marrast Edwin W. Moore Matthew F. Maury *ohn K.Mitchell Henry M()or Henry Kip Mower Horatio G. Myers Ezekiel Mulford Alexander C. Maury Thomas W. Melvill James P. M'Kinstry James T. M'Donough Richard W. Meade James F. Miller

N Robert H.Nicholls Frederick A.Neville Lloyd B. Newell Wifliam H. Npland James Noble Jefferson Nailor

0 William S. Ogden Gabriel A. O'Brien Lewis Ogden

John W. Palmer Reuben R. Piiikhain Hugh Y. I'lirvlance Henry Pinckncy AKxander F. Porter James M. Prevost Amasa Paine, jr. C. W. Pickering Law. Pennington William D. Porter James S. Palmer Charles H. Poor George A. Prentiss Richard L. Page William H. Peter Cicero Price Samuel Penhallow

R Edmund M.Russell John G. Rodgers John M. Rinker Cadw. Ringgold Hillary H. Rhodes Robert G. Robb Daniel L. Randolph Quinton Ratcliffe Frederick Rodgers William Rowan H. E. V. Robinson James H. Rowan Cluirles S. Renshaw John A. Russ William Radford Charles K. lluffin Stephen C. Rowan Robert James Ross Charles S. Ridgely William Russell

S Thomas 0. Sel fridge Albert G. Slaughter Isaac S. Sterett Thompson D. Shaw Samuel Swartwout Thomas Sands Joseph Stallings Samuel W.Stockton Sanford A. Street David M. Stokes Francis Stone Edw. Schermerhorn William J. Slidell Philip A. Stockton

Arthur Sinclair, jr. William Smith Grey Skipwith Augustus R. Strong Lloyd L. Spilman Jona. W. Swift Cary W. Selden James Southard James B. Sullivan John C. Sharp Benjamin S. Slyc N. G. C. Slaughter James F. Schenck Burrett Shepard Melancthon Smith Raphael Semmes, jr. Israel D. Smith John-L. Spencer Ferdinand Smith Henrv A. Steele

T. John Leeds Thomas EHas C. Taylor Robert D. Thorbum Charles C. Turner Edward J. Til ton Henry K. Thatcher Benjamin J. Totton John W. Turk Peter Turner Chas. A. Thompson Bushrod W. Turner Alfred Taylor Paul H. Trapier Henry Tooley Geo. M. Thompson Fred. A. Thompson John A. Turley John R.Tucker Edward R.Thomson

U George P. Upshur

V G.J. Van Brunt H. H. Van Rensselaer Edward M. Vail Pedro C. Valdes


W. S. J. Washington Wm. G. Woolsey John W. West Wm.C. Whittle Hampton Westcott George J. Willard


Besiivefs Almanac.

James M. Watson THnmas S. Wayne

James U. Ward Eciw. Worthington

G. G. WilliaiDson John T. Wallace

T. M. Washington Oeoige B. Wingerd

Chas. E. VVadsvvorth John Weems

D, G. VVoodbridge Harrv P. T. Wood

Wm. J. Wiswall John Wm. Willis

William Knight Edward Bairy Jonathan D. Ferris Salvadore Catalano Augustus Ford Biscoe S. Doxey A. B. Bloodgood Iiobet;t Knox James B. Potts

Edward Linscott David Eaton Thomas R. Smrth John Woods

George Marshall George Jackson Stephen Jones John Lord


William Va;jghan Marmaduke Dove Cornelius Bennett Charles F. Waldo John Clough F. H. Ellison Francis Mallaby Nathaniel Stfjodly William T. Malbone

John C. Winans Alex. W. Wilson Wm. W. Wetcroft William Ward Zeb. P. Warden William A. Wurts Henry H. Watters

MASTERS. Samuel C. Hixou D. S. Stellwagen James Ferguson Robert S. Tatem Philip S. Meyer Joseph Williston William Miller Nahum Warren Henry Worthington

John J. White S. A. Washington

Thomas H. Yeatmau John Young Alex. K. Yancey

John Carlton A. Cunningham John Robinson James Tewksburv Peter Carson John Quin S. J. Dusenberry N. A. Prentiss Jacob Mull


James Banks Simon Jordan

Eli Dill John Smith

James Evans James Thayer

William Smith David Wesley


John Blight Joseph Andrews

Samuel Hebberd Asa Curtis

Walter Cochran William B. Brown

Thomas Stanley Daniel Kelly


Richard Thomas Nehemiah Parker John Fisher Zaccheus R. Fuller Samuel Phillips Joseph White

John Snider Thomas Armstrong John A. Dickason


Henry Van VoorheesJames R. Childs Bt-njamin Crow

Benj. B. Burchstead Nathaniel B. Peed Samuel B. Banister Isaac Hall Amos Lewis

John Ball

Richard A. Munroe

Edward ingraham

John Burns

John R. Covington

Caleb Nash John South wick

Christian Nelson



Arch'd Henderson

CAPTAINS. R.Smith, Bvt. Lieut. Col.

R. D. Wainwright 1 ^i,„j,„„„, Colonels ^^-^^ ^- ^^*^°^^ Samuel Miller > T. n^n,..* William H. Freeman

John M. Gamble J ^^ ^^'^^'''*' J. L. Kuhn, Pa,, Mr.

Wm. Anderson, Bvt, Major. Charles R. Broom

Desilver's Mmmia




Captnina by Brevet. E.J. Weeil.^r.Jlfrt'i-, Ward Marston A. N. Brccvoorte

Lewi Twigfrs Joseph (]. Hall Charles C. Tuppcr Andrew Ross

John Harris \Villia!.> W. Dulany A. \. Nicholson Wm. A. Bloodjrood

Tlionias A. Lintan Thomas S. ICnglish Jaiiu b M'rawloy Richard Douglas Rich'd T. Auchmuty Thomas B. Barton Benjamin Macombcr Job.G. Williams Jami's Ede'in Georjre VV. Walker

P. G. Howle^rf.«5^/w. Charles Grymes

Charles F. Spering Alvin Edson Horatio N, Crabb Henry B. Tyler


Joseph li. C. Haidy John G. II ynolds George F. Lindsay Ht^nry W. Fowler Wm. A. Randolph Francis C. Hall Landon N. Carter Constantine Smith

Francis S. Neville 'I'lio*>. L. C V\ atkins Thomas Lee F. N. Armistead



Ships of the Line






John Adams





Schooners, ^i'c



Sloops of War.







Frigates, Qd Class.



North Carolina








Frigates, \st Class.



Alert, (store ship)

United States

Fulton, (steaiTi)


Sea Gull, (galliot)



I'ay Rations


Pay nations


her in




ber in



service month








8 ra's

Captains' Clerks


1 ra

Do. of a vessel above

Masters' Mates


1 do

20 and under 32 guns


6 do

Boatswains' Mates


I do




5 do

Carpenters' Mates


1 do

Lieuten'ts. comman'g


4 do

(Oxs wains


1 do




3 do

Ou.irter Gunners


1 do




2 do

Quarter Masters


1 do

Surgeons' Mates



2 do



1 do




2 do



1 do




2 do



1 do




1 ra



1 do

Sailing Masters



2 ra's



1 do




2 do

Marine Corps.




2 do


t 1


6 ra's




2 do




3 do

Sail -makers



2 do

First Lieutenants



3 do

School Masters


2 do

Second Lieutenant?





Desilver's Mnianac.


Of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States.



Albion K. Paris Martin Van Buren John Branch Dominique Bouligny

John Chandler. Nathan Sanford. Nathaniel Macon. Josiah S. Johnson.


Levi Woodbury Samuel Bell.


Nathaniel Silsbee Daniel Webster.


Samuel A. Foot. Calvin Willey


Ashur Robbins Nehemiah R. Knight.


Dudley Chase Horatio Seymour.


Mahlon Dickerson Ephr^im Bateman.


William Marks IsarCC D.. Barnard.


Louis M'Lane Henry M. Ridgeley.


Samuel Smith Ezekiel Chambers.


L. W. Tazewell John Tvler.


William Smith Robert Y. liayne.


J. M. Berrien Thomas ^Y. Cobb.


Richard M. Johnson Elias K. Kane John Rowan. Jesse B. Thomas*

William Hendricks James Noble.


Thos. H. Williams Powhattan Ellis. '


John H. Eaton Hugh L, White.


Wm. H". Harrison Benjamin Ruggles.



John Anderson Samuel Batman Bufus M'Intyre Jeremiah O'Brien James W. Ripley Peleg Sprague Jos. F. Wingate


David Barker, jr. Ichabod Bartlett Titus Brown. Joseph Healy Jonathan Harvey Thos. Whipple, jr.


Heman Allen. Daniel A. A. Buck Jonathan Hunt Rollin C. Mallarv Geo. E. Wales


Samuel C. Allen John Bailey Isaac C. Bates B. W. Crowninshield John Davis Henry W. D wight Edwd. Everett Benj. Gorham.


John Locke

John Reed Joseph Richardson John Varnum


Tristram Burges Dutee J. Pearce.


John Baldwin Noyes Barber Ralph J. Ingersoll Orange Merwin Elisha Phelps David Plant


Daniel D. Barnard Geo. 0. Belden Rudolph Bunner H. C. Martindale Dudley Marvin John Magee C. C. Cambreleng Samuel Chase John C. Clark John D. Dickinson Jonas Earll, jr. Daniel C. Garnsey Nath. Garrow John T. De Graff John Hal lock, jr. Selah R. Hobbie Martin Hoflfman Jeromir? Johnson

Ricijard Keese Henry Markell John Maynard Thomas J. Oakley S. Van Rensselaer Henry R. Storrs James Strong John G. Stower John W. Taylor G. C. Verplank Aaron Ward John J. Wood Silas Wright, jun. Silas Wood David Woodcock


Lewis Condict Geo. Holcombe Isaac Peirson Samuel Swan Hedge Thomson Ebenezer Tucker


Kensey Johns, jr.


Wm. Addams Samuel Anderson Thomas Barlow James Buchanan Richard Coulter Chauncey Forward Joseph Frey, jr.


William R. King Henry Chambers.


Thomas H. Benton David Barton.

Innes Green Saml. D. Ingham George Kremer Adam King. Joseph Lawrence Daniel H. Miller Charles Miner John Mitchell Samuel M'Kean Robert Orr, jr. Wm. Ramsay John Sergeant Jas. S. Stevenson J. B. Sterrigere Andrew Stewart J. B. Sutherland Espy Van Home James Wilson George Wolf


John Barney Clement Dorsey Levin Gale John Leeds Kerr Peter Little Michael C. Sprigg Geo. C. Washington John C. Weems Ephraim K. Wilson


Robert Allen Mark AlexBn<fer

JJesilver's Jilmanac.


Wm. S. Archer Win. Armstrong, jr. John S. Barbour Philip P. Rarbour Burwell Bassett Thomas Newton Jobn Randolph Wm. C. Rives John Roane N.H.Claiborne Tho3. Davenport John Floyd Isaac Lefler Lewis Maxwell Charles F. Mercer Wm. M'Coy Alexander Smyth Andrew Stevenson John Taliaferro. James Trezvant


Willis Alston D. L. Barringer John H. Bryan S. P. Carson H. W. Conner John Culpepper Thomas Hail Gabriel Holmes

John Long Li'iniicl Sawyer A. H. Shepherd Daniel I'urner Lewis Williams


John Carter Warren R. Davis Wm. Drayton- James Hamilton, Geo. M'Duffie Wm. Di Martin Thos. R. Mitchell W. T. Nuckotts Starling Tucker


John Floyd Tomlinson Fort Chas. E. Haynes George E. Gilmer Wilson Lumkin Wiley Thompson (Vacancy in room of Forsyth elec'd Gov.


R. A. Riicker James Clarke Henry Daniel Joseph Lecompte

Robert P. Letcher Chittenden Lyon. Thomas Metcalf*; Robert M'Hatton Thos P. N)o()re Chas. A. Witklifte Joel Yancey (One vacancy.)


John Bell John Blair David Crocket. Robert Desha Jacob C. Isaacks Pryor Lea John H. M arable Jas. C. Mitchell James K. Polk


Mordecai Bartley Philemon Beeclier Win. Creighton, jr, John Davenport James Findlay Wm. M'Lean Wm. Russell John Sloane Wm. Stanbery Joseph Vance

Saml. T. Vinton Elisha Whittlesy John Woods JohnC. Wriglit


Wm. I.. Br<M)t Henry H. Gurley Edward Livingston


Thomas H. Blake. Jonathan Jennings . Oliver H. SmWi Mississn-i'i. William Haile


Joseph DuncanJ


Gabriel P. Moor a Geo. W. Ov»en John M'Kee.


Edmund Bates.


Arkansas, Henry W.

Conway Michigan, Austin E.

Wing Fioridas, Joseph M.



MILITARY ACADEMY.— WEST point, new york.


Brevet Major General Alexander Macomb, Chief Engineer (ex officio) Inspector of the Military Academy.


Brevet Lieutenant Colonel S. Thayer, Corps of Engineers.


Brevet Major W. I. Worth, (1st artillery.) ^


Captain Ethan A. Hitchcock, (1st infantry.)

2d Lieutenant James Grier, (5th infantry.)

2d Lieutenant Wm. A. Thornton, (4th Artillery.)

Brevet 2d Lieutenaut John M. Berrien, (2d Infantry.) ^


1st Lieutenant Z. J. D. Kinsley, (3d Artillery.)



Jared Mansfield.


1st Lieutenant Samuel S. Smith, (3d Artillery) Brevet 2d Lieutenant Thomas S. Twiss (Corps of Engineers.) G




Composed of Ten Companies, detatched from the several Regiments of ArtilhTy.

Lieutenant Colonel, Abraham Eustis, 4th Regiment Artillery.

Major J. B. Crane, 4th Regiment Artillery.

Adjutant, Daniel Tyler, 1st Regiment Artillery.

Assistant Quartermaster, Lieutenant H. W. Fitzhugh, 2d Regiment Artillery.

Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, Lieutenant T. Green, 1st Regiment Artillery]

Surgeon, Josiah Everett.

JtfKtant Surgeon, Henry Stephenson.

ClfUnancc OflBcer, Captain R. L. Baker, 1st RegiHienfc Artillery.

Asst. Lieutenant Wm. H. Bell. 4th Regiment Artillery. Instructor of Mathematics. Instructor of Engineering. Instructor oi Military Drawing. Professor of Chemistrv.

Memoranda of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Chancellor Wythe, of Virginia A lawyeF, a judge of the purest morals and deepest learn- ing, idle and dissipated until thirty years of age, ■when he first apphed himself to the law, the preceptor of Jefferson.

George Read, of Delaware An eminent lawyer. His biography is ample, interesting, and authentic.

William Williams, of Connecticut Origi- nally a town clerk, but liberally educated then an upright, benevolent merchant, sacri- ficed the greater part of his gains to the public service.

Samuel Huntington, of Connecticut a mere ploughman until his twenty -second year, after- wards an eminent lawyer, president of Con- gress, chief justice of iiis state, and governor. Ilis biography highly curious.

William Floyd, of New York A farmer, a general, enjoyed a large share of state honours.

George Walton, of Georgia Originally an apprentice to a carpenter in Virginia, self-edu- cated to the law, a colonel, wounded in battle, twice governor of Georgia, chief justice, sena- tor of the United States.

George Clymer, of Pennsylvania A mer- chant, food of literature, a terse, sententious writer, an efficient and honourable patriot. His biegfpapby full and interesting, but; diffuse:

" Goodness his delight,

Wisdom his wealth, and glory his reward."

Benjamin Rush, as a physician and an author, omni laiide cumuiatu/!, tlie most celebrated of the American faculty, distinguished for his po- litical connexions and labours.

Matthew Thornton, of New Hampshire A successful practitioner of medicine, army sur- geon before the revolution, a president of the provincial convention, a judge of the Supreme Court, a man of wit and humour, continued to practice physic while a judge, wrote political essays for the newspapers, and prepared a me- taphysical work for publication, after he was eighty years of age: died in his eighty-oiath year.

William Whipple, of New Hampshire Ori- ginally a cabin boy and sailor, a captain at the age of twenty-one, then a merchant, a general, who fought with Gates, and elsewhere, arranged the capitulation of Burgoyne, a judge of the superior court; " As a sailor," says the biogra- phy, " he speedily attained the highest rank in ilis profession, as a merchant, he was circum- spect and industrious, as a congressman, he was firm and fearless, as a legislator, he was honest and able, as a commander, he was cool and courageous, as a judge, he was dignified and impartial, and as a membepof many subordinate

JJesUver^s Mmanat.


public olliccs, iie was alert anil persevering^. lie bore all his honours with modesty and pro- priely."

Dr. John Witiioispoon, of New Jersey, an eminent and profound pivine, |)resident of Nas- sau Hall College, a political writer of force and talent, a statesman of great influence and ener- gy. His bion^raphy is ample and instructive.

Robert Morris, of Pennsylvania, a merchant, the unrivalled financier of tlie revolution, the pecuniary soul of the cause. His biography, like that of others, needs compression, but it is in- teresting and correct.

Abraham Clark, of New Jersy, a surveyor, a lawyer, and pi^ve gratuitous counsel.

Francis Lewis, of New York, a merchant, and soldier, before the Revolution, very useful as a rebel, his fine estate on Long Island de- strojed by the British, and his wife carried oft" a prisoner, she died soon after, from the ill treat- ment which was experienced. He was ruined by the part which he took on the American side died in the ninetieth year of his age.

John Pann, of North Carolina, uneducated in early life; became a lawyer, and eminent, by opsimalhy.

James SVilson, of Pennsylvania, a lawyer, of rare capacity, and of surpassing faculties as a speaker and writer, an efhiient political essay- ist, the principal advocate of tlie Constitution of 1787, in tlie Pennsylvania Convention, pro- fessor of law, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States. His biography is replete with valuable information and political anecdote.

Carter Braxton, of Virginia, a planter, be- ca"me a merchant, lost all, and died of a broken heart.

John Morton, of Pennsylvania, a surveyor, speaker of the General Assembly of Pennsylva- nia, a judge of the Supreme Court of the com- monwealth, gave the casting vote of the Penn- sylvania delegation, for the declaration of inde- pendence, originally a ploughboy.

Stephen Hopkins, of Rhode Island, a plain farmer, surveyor, became speaker of the as- sembly, chief justice, then governor of Rhode Island, a man of superior sense, and a good and successful writer, a distinguished mathemati- cian, and natural philosopher, though his edu- cation was slight, and a member of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society. His signature of tlie declaration is the only crooked and feeble one. " As it indicates," says his biographer, '* a very tremulous hand, in perfect contrast with the bold and prominent writing of President Han- cock, it may have engendered surmises unfi- vourablc to the dctcrmmcd spirit of Mr. Hop- kins. We therefore state, tliat for a number of years previous, he had been afflicted with a ner- vous affection, and when he wrote at alK which

was seldom, he was compelled to guide bis right hand »vilii his loft."

Thomas M'Kcan, of Pennsylvania, a lawyer of great abilities and ardent revolutionary pa- triotism, chief justice of the commonwealth, governor, died eighty-three years old. His bi- ography entirely authentic, and replete with instructive details.

James Smith, of Pennsylvania, lawyer and surveyor, remarkable for facetiousness and ec- centricity, practised the law for upwards of six- ty years, died a nonagenarian. His article very pleasant.

Thomas Nelson, of Virginia, educated in England, an opulent planter, active military officer, commander-in-chief of the Virginia mi- litia, whom he bravely and skilfully headed at the siege of Yorktown, governor of V^^^, died in reduced circumstances, havioj^^He enormous pecuniary sacrifices to the n|!ffi- tionary cause.

Joseph Hawes, of North Carolina, a success- ful merchant, bred a Quaker, died when attend- ing Congress, in 1779.

George Taylor, of Pennsylvania, on arriving in America from Ireland, bound himself for a term of years, as a common labourer, at the iron works at Durham on the Delaware, near East- on, was made clerk to the works, the proprietor dying, he espoused his widow, and finally be- came himself owner of the whole, amassed a large fortune, got into the provincial assembly, a member of business- Nothing more is recol- lected of him in the vicinity of his residence, than that " he was a fine man and a furious whig."

John Hart, of New Jersey, a farmer, surnam- ed " honest John,'' had never held a public office, when he was ciiosen a delegate to Con- gress, his farm pillaged and destroyed by the Hessians, bis biography possesses a peculiar interest, as a very edifying- illustration of the character and course of an American yeoman.

Lewis Morris, of New York, gentleman far- mer and large landed proprietor, his whole do- main laid waste and ruined by tlie enemy, ha(t three gallant sons in the field, the celebrated Gouverneur Morris iiis half brollier.

Wm. Ellery, of Rhode Island, a well educa- ted lawyer, an early revolutionary patriot, a very useful member of Congress, throughout the war. " He often,*' s«ys his biographer, " spoLe oftliG signing of tlie Declaration of In- dependence, and he spoke of it as an event, which many regarded with awe, perhaps, witli uncertainly, but oouc with fear. He used io relate, tliat he placed himself beside the Secre- tary, Thompson, and eyed each delegate close- ly as he affixed his name to the document, and he saw dauntless resolution in every 'counte-' nance. EHery died witliout pain at the iige of


jUesdvefs Mmanac.

niiicty-tlirce, silting npright in bed, and read- ing Tully'9 Offices in the Latin.

"Of ;io (lijteniper, of no Ijlait lie died, Hiu fell li(«- auiunin-fmit that niellow'd lonp; Kv'n worMt-r'd at bi cause he falli no sooner. Fate neemL-d to wind up (or fonrscortf years: Yet fretlily ran hi' on twelve winti-rj more; Till, like a clock woni out with e-atiug time, 'I'he wheel of weary life at last »tood ttill."

Lyman Hall, of Georgia, an crnigrarrt from Connecticut, a well trained physician, a useful menriber of Congress, made great sacrifices, Governorof Georgia, 1783.

Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut, a graduate of Yale College, cai'tain in the army before the Revolution, studied modicine, a major general of militia, aided in conqueiing Burgoyne, a judge, finally Governor of Couaeclicut.

Richard Stockton, of IVew Jersey, an accom-

lawyer and scholar, unrivalled at the his slate. After acquiring a competent in his professioq, travelled with much eclat in Great Britain, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, embarlied early and vehemently in the Revolution, surprised and captured by the enemy, and committed to the common jail at Mew York. Congress direct- ed General Washington to interfere in his be- half, and threaten retaliation, his health impair- ed, hia property devarjinted, died prematurely of complicated afHictions, occasioned by his pa- triotism. . "

Button Gwinnett, of Georgia, ori^ioally a merchant, became a planter, an enthusiastic rebel; president of the provincial council, killed in a duel with general M'Intosb, 177?, at the age of forty-five.

Fortign JtfonJks, Weights, and Measures. General Index of ibc Foreign Monies, Weighls, and

Measures referred to in the Consular Repor/s, with

coBiparisons and explanations. By Dr. Kelly.

It should be observed, that all the comparisons and explanations of foreign measures are here computed according to the new Bniisb imperial standard, which. is about 3 per cent, larger than the U inthester measure, or, more nearly, 31 gallons, bushels, uc of the new, answer lu ii2 of the old. tJence (o reduce jtnperial rueasurc to Winchester, add the thirty-first part to Ihe number of gallons, kc; and for the re- verse opeialion, subtrnct the tliirly-second part- The contrary caleulatiou ir.ust of course, be observed wji.h regard to prices. But these several proportions can be only stated with perfect accuracy in a regular treatise on Metrology, and as this index is rnciely intended to give general illustiations, all minute fractions are omitted.

^Ibtrls Dollar, a monry used in I.ibau and Riga; worth about 43. Cd. sterling.

Jlltiucire, a corn n.eaiurc in Portugal, answering to three imperial gallons.

Jirrahu, a Spanish weight, answering to 25 l-41bs. avoirdupois.

Barrel, or Ttmna, a corn measure in' Sweden, an- swering to 4 l-S imperial bushels. Barrel is also a

Josiah Bartlett, of New Hampshire, a suc- cessful practitioner of medicine, a lending whijj in his province, commanded a regiment, the first who voted in Congress for the Declaration, and the second who signed it, chief justice of New Hampshire, the first republican governor of that state.

Philip Livingston, of New York, one of tlie committee of five appointed to prepare the De- claration of Independence, a graduate of Yale College, a prosperous and honoured merchant, conspicuous member of the provincial Legisla- ture, speaker, died while attending Congress, in 177<3, a martyr to his public zeal.

Roger .Sherman, of Connecticut, also one of the committee of five, apprentice to a shoema- ker, and pursued the business until after he was twenty-two years of age, travelled on foot with his tools, gaining a livelihood, nourished bis mind by various reading, kept a country store, turned surveyor, applied himself to the law, acquired practice and fame, member of the colonial assembly, member of the Albany con- vention of 1754, judge of the superior court of Connecticut, twenty-three years, member of Congress from the opening of the first in 1774, down to the period of his death, in 179B, of great authority and usefulness, a member of the corw vention that framed the present constitution of the United States, took a considerable and ior fluential part in the debate, a senator in Con- gress, a shrewd and reajly writer, a logical de- bater, a model of probity, discretion, and stead- fastness, as much revered as any patriot of the times. His biography is full of instruction, but prolix to tediousness.

weight for flour in America and weigh8'1961bs, avoir- dupois.

Bois^eau, a corn measure in Bordeaux, contaioiog 2 1-2 imperial bushels.

Cent, or Centime, the 100th part of a coin. It is of various values, according to the unit.

Chtirge, a corn measure at Marseilles, Nice, &c. answering to 4 1.2 imperial bushels

Chttwert, a corn measure in Russia, which con- tains 5 3-4 imperial bushels

Ciftc, a Russian money, the 100th part of the rouble.

Dollar, a Spanish coin, and intrinsically worth 4s 3 3-4d., liut is generally valued at 48. 6d. The paper dollar of exchange in Spain is worth 36d. ster- ling, and at Leghorn 48d.

Ducal, a gold coin in Hollanr', of extensive use in the corn trade, is worth about 93. 4d. sterling. There arc various other ducats in dififerent countries, in gold, silver, and paper.

Far^tga, a corn measure in Spain, containing about one bushel 4 1-2 gallons imperial nricasurc; there are however different sized Faoegas: (bus, there are the large, the regular, and the small Fanega, which are to each other as 11, 10, and 9, neiirly.

Ferraiu, a corn measure at Corunna, about 3 3-4 imperial gallons'.

JJesilver^b^ Almanac.


J-Uirtn. d cuin and money of account in variuns countries. In Holland it is also culled the Guilder, and is notth about 2 Id sterling. It is divided in Hol- laud into 'JO stivers of IG piciiniiigs each; but in oihcr countries into (iO Krcutzcrs. FIs. Gr. meaus!, at Dautzic, Florins and Cirdscheii. The !Netherlaiul guilder is divided into 100 cents, and is equal to llic florin io exchange.

Franc, a silver coin and n:ooey of account in France and other places. It is generally valued at lUd. sterling, which is something above its intrinsic value

Grosche, a money of account in various parts of Germany, and of diderent values; 24 generally make (he rixdollar.

Grote, half of a Dutch stiver, and at Hamburg half the sol or shilling.

Guilder, also called Gulden, a money of Holland. See florin. The gold guilder is much used in the corn trade, and is reckoned worth 28 stivers, or about 30d. sterling.

Giulder Current, a money of the Netherlands, seven of which equal six guilders ofcxchauge.

Halsier, a corn measure in the Netherlands, an- swering to about 6 1-2 gallons imperial me&sure.

HtclolUre, the principal corn measure of France, answering to 2 3-4 imperial bushels.

Killo, a corn measure in Turkey, containing about 7 1-2 imperial gallons.

Kilogramme, the principal weight in France, an- swering to 21b, 3oz. 4(lr. avoirdupois.

KrtvJtzer or Cieutztr, a small coin and money of account in Germany and other northern nations. In Austria it is at present worth about 7d. sterling.

Last, a lur;;e measure for corn in HuJland, Germa- ny, &c. varying from 10 to imperial quarters.

Livre, an imaginary money oi France and several other countries. It is generally considered of the same ralue as the franc. In Italy it is called the lira, and is mostly divided into 100 centimes.

ImJ', a corn measure in Libau and Riga, contain- ing about 1 7-8 bushel imperial measure.

jValler, a corn mfeasuic in many parts of Germany; 9t Frankfort it answers to four imperial bushels.

JVaraviidi, a small muncy of uccou^t in Spain, 34 of which make the real or rial.

Metzt, a corn measure in Fiume and Trieste, an- swering to 1 3-4 imperial bushel nearlj'.

Milrea, a money, of account and exchange in Por- tugal, worth about 5s. 7d. sterling.

les. The rtb^uit


alue Md

Mina, a torn measure in Gcnc<a, equal to about 3 bushels J gallons imperial measure.

Mudde, a corn measure in Holland, answering for- merly to 3 1-4 English bushels; but iu the new system of the Netherlands the mudde is reckoned, the aame a* the hectolitre. 9Paolo, a money of Italy, worth about 5d sterling.

Peseta, a Spanish silver coin: one-liflh of the harJ dollar.

Pe::o, the dollar of exchange at Leghorn: worth about 4s. sterling.

(luuUal .'Uf/M^uf, a French weight of lOOkile- grammcb, answering to 'Z20 1-2 lbs. avoirdupois or 2 ctyt. less 3 1-2 lbs.

Qutn/ai, a Spanish weight of 4 arrobas, or 100 Castilian pounds, answering to about 101 l-^lbs. avoirdupois. It is also a corn measure at Bordeaux, containing about 2 imperial bushels.

Real, a Spanish money of diUerent values. The real.Vellon is the most common, and is worth 2 1.2d. sterling; 20 such reals make the hard"]'

Rixdollar, or Thaler, a coin and money of t _ io most northern nations. It is of different value^ variously divided.

Rouble, a money of Russia, which bas varied con- siderably in value, viz. from 3s. 2d. down to 9d. ster- ling; lOd. is its present price.

Rubbio, a com measure in Ancona, answering to Bcaily an imperial quarter.

Sacco, a corn measure of Leghorq, containing about 2 imperial bushels.

Scudo, an Italian coin, worfji about 4s. 4d. sterling.

Seller, a corn measure in France, answering to about I 1-2 imperial bushel.

Sheffel, a corn measure at Dajjtzic answering to about 1 1-2 imperial bushel. It varies, however, in several parts of Germany.

Sfti/litio:, a division of the rixdollar. In Sweden it is the 48th part, and is divided into 12 rundesleeken.

Soma, a corn measure in the V'enitian States, an- swering to 2 3-4 imperial bushels.'

Slajo, Ji corn measure in Italy, of various dimen- sions. In Friuli and Trieste it answers to about 2-'t imperial bushels.

Slivir, a money of Holland, worth nearly Id. ster- ling. It is I-20th of the florin or guilder, and is di- vided into 16 pfennings, or 12 dcniers,

Xjradxml change of the Earth^s Sii If a small lake or extensive mill-pond, with very uneven bottom, were suddenly emptied by a sluice or opening in its lowest part, a vast nuruber of pits or pools, of various size and shape, would be left among the inequalilies of the bottom. But supposmg lain to continue falling, or frequently to recur, a remarkable change would soon be effected; each pool by running over at its lowest part, and sending out a streamlet either iiitb another lower pool or into a channel lead- ing directly to the sluice or opening, would be wearing away the part or side over which the wafer was run- ning, so that the breach or channel would become gia- dually deeper, aud the water in the pool would conse- quently become shallower; while at the same time the Ijottom would be filling up with the sand or mud \vash-

rface piGduced by A..nniiig JP'aier. ^down by the rain from the elevations around; and these two operations being coniinued, the pool nould at last disappear altogether. This operation going on io every pool through the wiiole of the emptied mill- pond, the buttom would .it last exhibit only a varied and undulated surface of dry land, with a beautiful arrangement of ramifying channels, all sloping with a precision unattainable by art, to the general mcii»h or estuary The reasou that in the supposed case, and in every other, a water course soon becomes so singularly uniform as to dimension and descent is, that any pits or hollows in it are soon filled up by the send and mud carried along th&stream, aud deposited where the cur- rent is slack; while any elevations are worn away by the action of (he more rapid current which accompa-


Desilver^s Almanac.

Dies shallowness, uulil throughout the whole line only a uniform and gradual slope remains.

The present kingdom of Bohemia, for instance, is the bottom of one of the great lakes which once cov- ered Europe. It is a basin or amphitheatre, formed by circular ridges of mountains, and the only gate or opening to it is that remarkable one by which the wa- ter escapes from it, and which has evidently been gra- dually cut or formed by the action of a running stream. As the bottom became uncovered by the smking of the water, and by the formation of a regular sloping chan- nel from every part, the former lake was converted into a fine and fertile country, a fit habitation for man; and the continued drain from it is the beautiful river which we now call the Elbe.

In Switzerland, even now many of the valleys which were formerly lakes, have the opening for the exit of water so narrow, that, as happened in one of them a few years ago, a mass of snow or ice falling into it, converts the valley once more into a lake On the occasion alluded to, the accumulation of water witliin ^vas very rapid; and although, from the danger foreseen to the country below if the impediment should suddenly give way, every means was Iried to remove it gradually, the attempt had not succeeded, when the frightful burst took place, and involved all below in common ruin.

The magniflcent Danube is the drain of a chain of basins or lakes, which must at one time have dischar-

Dancing with a prince. Vou did not know

Maria D , 1 think; but i did: and fairer prospects

toever dawned on the sunny eye of youth, beauty, and intelligence, than seemed to be hers. But unfortu- nately, her mamma had once been in England; and as ill luck would have it for poor Maria, had danced in the same room, nay, I believe, in the same set with the prince of Wales. Of course she could never talk or think of any thing else all her life afterward. It was shrewdly suspected that she put her husband to a lingering death with this story; and it is pretty cer- tain that it caused all thd misfortunes of my little as- sociate, on whom nature had showered all the blos- soms of spring, and who promised a rich product of delightful fruits in summer and autumn. But this on- lucky dance spoiled all. The mother told the story morning, noon, and night, and danced that fatal dance over and over again, to the same tune, until the young lady could think, and talk, and dream, of nothing but figuring at court, and dancing with princes and lords, whom she fancied something or other, she knew not Avhat, but far above any thing on this side the water.

The mother never heard of a foreigner being i* town that she did not get the fidgets, until .he ^^s brought and introduced to the daughter, who soon, in her anxiety to go abroad, actually paid such broad at- tentions to those exotics, that instead of being alluring to the worthy among them, she became ofiensive. Un- fortunately, though she had not fortune to tempt the avai'icious, she possessed sufficient beauty to attract the voluptuary. One of these wandering creatures,

gcd or run over one into anotlicr, but the coutioueQ stream cutting a passage at last low enough to empty them all, they are now regions offertility, occupied by civilized man, instead of the fishes which held them formerly The lake of Geneva, for instance, although confined by granite rock, is cutting and lowering its outlet, and the surface has fallen considerably within the period of accurate observation and records, and the wearing of (he neighbouring mountains, brought down by the winter torrents, are filling up its bed. If the town of Geneva last long enough, its inhabitants will have to speak of the river in Ihe neighbouring valley, instead of the picturesque lake which now fills it. Already several other towns and villages, which were close upon the lake a century ago, have fields and gardens appearing between them and the shore.

The immense continent of Australasia, or New Holland (larger than Europe,) is supposed by some to have been formed at a different time from what is cai.ed the old world; so different and peculiar are many of its animal and vegetable productions; and the idea of a later formation receives some counte- nance from the immense tracts of marshy or imper- fectly drained land which have been discovered in the interior, into which rivers flow, but which seem not yet to have \vorn down or formed a sufficient outlet or discharging channel towards the ocean. di-noWs El- ements of Physics,

who stroll about the world to cheat the rich, and be- tray the inexperienced; who come to our country no one knows whence, and live no one knows how; and who gain a footing in our social circles by means of this pernicious leaning towards strangers,— chanced to come prowling that way, and was as usual, brought to the house of the good lady who once had the honor of dancing in the same set with the. prince.

He passed for a man of rank, talked of his noble relations, of going back to England, of the delights of courts, watering places, and, in short, played on all that light artillery before which the ill-fortified citadel of woman's heart so often yields The good lady mo- iher talked with the man of rank about certain lords whose names she had heard in England, and who were all his intimate acquaintances. He described them at a hazard, or rather at no hazard, for he soon discovered my lady knew as little as himself about them. In short, to make an end of a long story, the old lady fidgeted, the young one played off the fine lady, lill. at last, with great apparent circumspec- tion, the illustrious foreigner asked her Laud in pre- ference to running away with her, because she had a few thousand dollars portion. The catastrophe rapidly took place. ' As soon os he had got possession of the money, and was tired of his bride, he ran away, no one knew where Poor Maria never was presented at court; but pines away, in the most heart-sickening widowhood a destfrtcii wifi ; and the poor mother has never since told the story of dancing in the same set with the prince.





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SIiQwinff the hours and minutes that are to be added to the Moon's southing, to Jinu the tijne of High-water at all the under-named places.


Albany, Amboj,

Anapolis, (Maryland) Baltimore, - Boston, - - - Brunswick, (N. C.) Cape Ann, Cape Fear, - Cape Henlopen, Cape Hatteras, Cockspur, (Georgia) Charleston Bar, - Geqrgetown Bar, Nantucket, Newburyport, New Haven, New London,

' H.





































Nev Providence,

New York, - _ .


Plymouth, - . ,

Port Royal, (>S. C.) -

Portsmouth, - - -



Reedy Island, -

Rhode Island,

Salem, - - -

Sandy Hook,


Saybrook, - - -

Suubury, (Georgia)


Williamsbury, (Virginia)

8 SO


Required the time of High-water at Philadelphia, on the 6th of January.

On the 6th of January the Moon's Southfng, taken from the Almanac, is, To which add the time opposite Philadelphia, in the above Table, - - -

The time of High -water required.


United States,



Farmers ^ Mechanics,

JVorth America,




J^orthern Liberties,



Tuesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mondays and Thursdays. Tuesdays and Fridays. Mondays and Thursdays. Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Wednesdays and Saturdays.


1. Maine -

2. New Hampshire

3. Massachusetts

4. Rhode Island 6. Connecticut - 6. Vermont

■; . New York

8. New Jersey -

9. Pennsylvania -

10. Delaware

11. Maryland

12. Virginia

9 votes, Districts.

8 do General ticket.

1 5 do do.

4 do do. 8 do do.

7 do Legislature.

36 do Districts.

5 do General ticket. 28 do— do.

3 do Legislature.

11 do Districts. 54 do Geoeral ticket.

13. North Carolina

14. South Carolina 16. Georgia

16. Tennessee n. Kentucky

18. Ohio

19. Indiana

20. Illinois -

21. Missouri

22. Louisiana

23. Mississippi

24. Alabama

15 do— General ticket.

11 do— Legislature-

9 do do.

11 do Districts.

14 do 3 Districts.

18 do General ticket,

5 do Legislature.

3 do Districts.

3 do do.

5 do Legislature.

3 do— General ticket.,

6 do— do.


Eequired number to constitute an election by the people, 131.