PHILIPPINE John E.duPont Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from IMLS LG-70-15-0138-15 onograp cries 2 published by tbe Delaware Museum of Natural History Oreenville Delaware Witt, color illustrations ky: George Sandstrom an d Jo!i„ R. P eirce PHILIPPINE BIRDS EleutKere duPont Library of Congress catalog number 70-169119 Editorial production and design by James H. Weidner Associates , Cinna- minson, N.J. Manufactured in the United States of America at Kingsport Pi ess, Kingsport, Tenn. Copyright (c) 1971 by the Delaware Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be duplicated or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. Address all corre- spondence to the Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville, Dela- ware 19807. IV orewor A plan for a complete ornithological survey of the Philippines was “on the books’’ at the American Museum of Natural History a gener- ation ago. The times were not propitious and it was never undertaken. My late good friend Tom Gilliard did explore portions of Luzon where he had campaigned as a soldier during World War II. Meanwhile, Jean Delacour and Ernst Mayr, then both at the American Museum, wrote their Birds of the Philippines. Intended as a guidebook for the thousands of troops in the Philippines, its chief drawback was the lack of illustra- tions in color. Nevertheless, in the absence of any modern work on Philippine birds, it was of great scientific as well as field value. After World War II, ornithological investigations of the Philip- pines continued piecemeal. Several museums secured material from D. S. Rabor, who worked out of Silliman University on Negros Island and who is now affiliated with Mindanao State University. Canuto Manuel, G. Alcasid, and others did what they could, using the Philip- pine National Museum in Manila as a base despite the almost total destruction of the Museum there during the war. A few were able to visit and work in the Philippines from elsewhere, but usually on only one island or for brief periods. Among them were T. Gilliard, F. Salomonsen on Mindanao, A. L. Rand, and K. C. Parkes on Luzon. It is too bad that these efforts have been so scattered, because more ornithological novelties came from the Philippines during and since World War II than from any comparable area on earth. Peruvian Amazonia and perhaps New Guinea were runners-up, but no more than that; it would be a reasonable guess that there are more new birds to be discovered on some of the remote Philippine mountains. Among those already known are several of which knowledge is fragmentary. The curious little fruit pigeon ( Ptilinopus arcanus), described by S. D. Ripley and D. S. Rabor and known only from a single female specimen, is a good example. Fortuitously, the time has arrived to bring together and summarize what is known of Philippine birds. John duPont has done exactly this in the present volume. A comparative newcomer to the study of Philip- pine ornis, he has amassed at the Delaware Museum of Natural History, which he founded, one of the finest collections of Philippine birds in existence. Of course, some specimens are absent, as they would be in any museum, but Mr. duPont has diligently sought them out in other institutions. He has also led significant expeditions in the Philippines, starting in 1958; and anyone who knows John duPont will realize that, once in the islands, he heads for the nearest mountains and jungles: he is not one to dawdle about in the gardens of local officials. Philippine Birds will speak for itself. It contains a colored figure, a description, and the range of most all species and races of Philippine birds. It is not a highly technical work, nor does it attempt to be erudite about what little is known of the habits and ecology of these birds. The Philippines, notwithstanding their close association over the years with the United States, are not yet within the ken of the recently popular organized bird tours. This is unfortunate, because the rich tropical forest on which the choicer elements in the animal and plant life of these islands depend is being destroyed at an appalling rate. When timber is being slashed off and shipped, not merely to factories in the Philippines but to the United States and Japan, what can be expected? A legacy of erosion and floods will follow to haunt later generations; meanwhile the wildlife is gone forever. But while the islands remain off the beaten track of the bird tours, who will speak out against the unnatural pillage? If the present publication can help to halt such trends, even in a small way, it will be one of its most important services. DEAN AMADON New York vi Introduction The archipelago of the Philippines is a zoological crossroads of the southwest Pacific. Ever since its emergence from the Tethys Sea in the early Tertiary Period, its thousands of islands have heen stepping stones for the invasions of land animals from Asia and Malaysia. The distribu- tions of the birds have waxed and waned across the thousands of islands, very often forming isolated subspecies. The Philippines have been an interesting stage for the evolution of birds— one with a complex history. The boundaries of the Philippine subregion are indistinct because of the impingement of neighboring faunas, such as the predominant Malaysian influence in Palawan and the Bornean aflinities in the Sulu Archipelago and Mindanao. Zoogeograph ical accounts have previously been published in earlier books listed in our bibliography. Twenty-five years have passed since the appearance of Delacour and Mayr’s excellent Birds of the Philippines. Since that time an increase in held explorations and nomenclatorial changes has necessitated a fresh survey of this complex avian fauna. The purpose of this book is to present a ready identification guide to all the known Philippine birds, with a colored illustration of most species. The ecology and habits of these birds is sparsely known, and such a task for the future would be done best by workers who have lived in the Philippines and made held observations over a period of several seasons. Our format is as simple as possible, with a brief description, original citations, and the Philippine occurrences accompanying the Latin and popular names. The type localities are added in parentheses at the end of each bibliographic reference. All measurements are in millimeters and represent an average of a series. Soft-part colors have been taken from previous works and from labels; in the case of a discrepancy, the author has referred to his own held notes. Birds known to be limited to the range listed have been designated as “Endemic.” vn nowie I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Kenneth C. Parkes of the Carnegie Museum, who made available to me his most invaluable and extensive unpublished notes, and to Dr. Dean Amadou of the American Museum of Natural History. Both of these gentlemen read early versions of the text and offered invaluable suggestions in the planning and organizing of this book. My thanks are also extended to the following persons for the loan of material, locality records, and kindnesses shown me when I visited their institutions: Mr. Rodolphe M. deSchauensee and Dr. Frank B. Gill of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Dr. Charles Vaurie and Mrs. Mary K. Le Croy of the American Museum of Natural History; Dr. David W. Snow, Dr. Philip J. Burton, and Mr. Ian C. J. Galbraith of the British Museum (Natural History); Dr. Austin L. Rand and Mr. Melvin A. Traylor of the Chicago Field Museum; Dr. Oscar T. Owre of the University of Miami; Dr. Dioscoro S. Rabor of Mindanao State University; Dr. Canuto G. Manuel of the Philippine Bureau of Science; Dr. Godofredo L. Alcasid of the Philippine National Museum; Dr. S. Dillon Ripley and Dr. Richard L. Zusi of the United States National Museum; and Dr. Charles G. Sibley of the Yale Peabody Museum. I also wish to express my thanks to artist George Sandstrom, who stopped other work to complete the Philippine plates where the late John R. Peirce had left off. I am deeply indebted to my secretary, Airs. Ann Wix, for her patience and care taken in preparing the manuscript for publication. JOHN E. duPONT Contents Foreword v Introduction vii Acknowledgments viii Systematic Arrangement of Families Podicipedidae— Grebes 1 Procellariidae— Shearwaters 1 Phaethontidae—Tropicbirds 3 Pelecanidae— Pelicans 3 Sulidae— Boobies 3 Phalacrocoracidae—Cormorants 4 Anhingidae— Anhingas 5 Fregatidae— Frigatebirds 5 Ardeidae— Herons 10 Threskiornithidae— Ibises 22 Ciconiidae— Storks 23 Anatidae— Ducks 26 Pandionidae— Ospreys 34 Accipitridae— Hawks and Eagles 35 Falconidae— -Falcons 53 Megapodiidae— Megapodes 54 Phasianidae— Pheasants 55 Turnicidae-Button-quail 57 Gruidae— Cranes 66 Rallidae— Rails 66 Jacanidae— Jacanas 76 Rostratulidae— Painted-snipe 77 Charadriidae— Plovers 77 Scolopacidae--Sandpipers 84 Recurvirostridae— Stilts 102 Phalaropodidae— Phalaropes 102 Burhinidae- -Thick-knees 103 Glareolidae— Pratincoles 103 Stercorariidae - Skuas 103 Laridae— Gulls and Terns 104 Columbidae— Pigeons and Doves 114 Psittacidae— Parrots 139 Cuculidae— Cuckoos 151 Tytonidae— Barn Owls 166 Strigidae— Owls 167 Podargidae— Frogmouths 177 Contents Caprimulgidae— Nightjars 178 Apodidae— Swifts 182 Hemiprocnidae— ' Tree Swifts 189 Trogonidae— Trogons 189 Alcedinidae— Kingfishers 190 Meropidae— Bee-eaters 206 Coraciidae— Rollers 207 Upupidae— Hoopoes 207 Bucerotidae— Hornbills 210 Capitonidae— Barbets 213 Picidae— Woodpeckers 216 Eurylaimidae— Broadbills 224 Pittidae— Pittas 224 Aland idae— Larks 227 Hirundinidae— Swallows 232 Campephagidae— Cuckoo-shrikes 234 Dicruridae— Drongos 244 Oriolidae— Orioles 248 Corvidae— Crows 251 Paridae— Titmice 254 Sittidae— Nuthatches 257 Rhabdornithidae— Creepers 258 Timaliidae— Babblers 262 Pycnonotidae— Bulbuls 276 Irenidae— Leafbirds 286 Turd idae— Thrushes 290 Sylviidae— Old World Warblers 303 Muscicapidae— Old World Flycatchers 326 Motacillidae— Pipits 355 Artam idae— Wood-swallows 360 Lani idae— Shrikes 360 St urn idae— Starlings 364 N ect arin i idae— Sun birds 372 Dicaeidae— Flowerpeckers 385 Zosteropidae— White-eyes 399 Incertae Sedis 408 Ploceidae— Weaverbirds 409 Estrildidae— Grass Finches, Mannikins, Waxbills 409 Fringillidae— Finches, Grosbeaks 415 Bibliography 421 Index 437 x Birds Family PODICIPEDIDAE GREBES COMMON DABCHICK PLATE 1 Podiceps ruficollis philippensis (Bonnaterre, 1790) 1790 Colymbus Philippensis Bonnaterre, Tabl. Encyc. Meth., 1:58, (Philippines) 1948 Podiceps ruficollis cotabato Rand, Fieldiana: Zoology, 31:201, (Cotabato Province, Mindanao) Description: Head, neck, back, wings, upper breast, and tail tuft blackish brown; chin blackish brown; sides of face and throat chestnut; lower breast and abdomen white. Immature and nonbreeding birds differ by being duller, with the chin and sides of face buffy. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; legs dark blue-black. Measurements: Wing 105; tail 20; bill 21; tarsus 32. Range: Freshwater lakes of the Philippines. (Endemic.) BLACK-NECKED OR EARED GREBE PLATE 1 Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis C. L. Brehm, 1831 1831 Podiceps nigricollis C. L. Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutsch., 1:963, (Germany) Description: In breeding plumage, head and neck dark gray-black; ear-tufts golden yel- low; back, wings, rump, and tail tuft brown-black; breast and belly white with some rufous on the flanks. Wintering bird upperparts gray; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet gray-black. Measurements: Wing 125; tail 20; bill 38; tarsus 23. Range: Central Luzon (once); a straggler from Asia. Philippine Family PROCELLARIIDAE SHEARWATERS WHITE-FACED SHEARWATER PLATE 1 Puffinus leucomelas (Temminck, 1835) 1835 Procellaria leucomelas Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 99, pi. 587, (Japan) Description: Upperparts brown; sides of head, neck, and upperparts white; wings brown on top but white underneath; primaries tend to be darker. 1 Procellariidae Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris dark brown; feet pinkish. Measurements: Wing 328; tail 139; bill 46; tarsus 51. Range: Recorded from Luzon, Mindanao, and Negros; may breed on offshore islands. WEDGE-TAILED SHEARWATER PLATE 1 Puffinus pacificus chlororhynchus Lesson, 1831 1831 Puffinus chlororhynchus Lesson, Traite d’ Orn., 8:613, (Shark’s Bay, Western Australia) Description: Upperparts dark brown; underparts gray-brown. Soft Parts: Bill rose; iris slate; feet rose. Measurements: Wing 269; tail 125; bill 36; tarsus 45. Range: Luzon (once); a straggler from the Pacific. DARK-RUMPED PETREL Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichensis (Ridgway, 1884) 1884 Oestrelata sandwichensis Ridgway, in Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway’s Water Bds. No. Am., 2:395, (Hawaiian Islands) Description: Upperparts dark gray; feathers of the back with light margins; underparts white; under-wing white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; legs and upper fourth of foot flesh color, rest of foot blue-black. Measurements: Wing 293; tail 145; bill 37; tarsus 35. Range: Negros (once); a straggler from the central Pacific. TAHITI PETREL Pterodroma rostrata rostrata (Peale, 1848) 1848 Procellaria rostrata Peale, U. S. Expl. Expd., 8:296, (Mts. of Tahiti) Description: Upperparts blackish brown; throat and upper breast dark brown; belly and under tail-coverts white; under-wing dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; legs yellowish flesh; feet black. Measurements: Wing 285; tail 1 15; bill $38, $34; tarsus 47. Range: Negros (once); a straggler from the central Pacific. 2 Phaethontidae — Pelecanidae — Sulidae Family PHAETHONTIDAE TROPICBIRDS WHITE-TAILED TROPICBIRD Phaethon lepturus dorotheae Mathews, 1913 1913 Phaethon lepturus dorotheae Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2:7, (Queensland) Description: All white except for stripe through eye, leading edge, and a bar on the base of the wing and the flanks, which are black. Soft Parts: Bill yellowish, base gray; iris dark brown; legs pinkish; feet black. Measurements: Wing 254; bill 46; tarsus 19.5. Range: Negros (once); a straggler from the southwest Pacific. Family PELECANIDAE PELICANS PHILIPPINE PELICAN PLATE 2 Pelecanus philippensis Gmelin, 1789 1789 Pelecanus philippensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:571, (Philippines) Description: Almost all white; wings and tail grayer than the rest; primaries black; a brownish streak down back of neck. Soft Parts: Bill pinkish yellow with blue spots; pouch purplish brown; iris dirty white; legs and feet light brown. Measurements: Wing 514; tail 187; bill 311; tarsus 76. Range: Luzon and Mindanao. Family SULIDAE BOOBIES BLUE-FACED BOOBY PLATE 1 Sula dactylatra personata Gould, 1846 1846 Sula personata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 21, (Raine Island, north Queensland) Description: All white except for wings and tail, which are dark brown. Immature — differs by having head, throat, and mantle dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill, male brown, female pinkish; face bluish; iris yellow; feet olive-brown. 3 SULIDAE PHALACROCORACIDAE Measurements: Wing 435; tail 185; bill 102; tarsus 59. Range: Small islands offshore from Luzon to Mindanao. RED-FOOTED BOOBY PLATE 1 Sula sula rubripes Gould, 1838 1838 Sula rubripes Gould, Syn. Bds. Austr., app. 7, (Raine Island, north Queensland) Description: All white except for primaries, which are dark gray-brown. Immature — all brown with yellow legs. Soft Parts: Bill blue with brown tip; face bluish; iris gray; feet red. Measurements: Wing 395; tail 221; bill 78; tarsus 36. Range: Small islands off Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, and Palawan. BROWN BOOBY PLATE 1 Sula leucogaster plotus (Foster, 1844) 1844 Pelecanus Plotus Foster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 278, (New Caledonia) Description: Head, neck, and upperparts brown; underparts white. Immature — all brown with yellow legs. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris white; feet light green. Measurements: Wing 390; tail 189; bill 99; tarsus 46. Range: Small islands off Luzon, Mindanao, and Palawan. Family PHALACROCORACIDAE CORMORANTS GREAT CORMORANT PLATE 2 Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Shaw, 1801) 1801 Pelecanus sinensis Shaw, Nat. Misc., 13:529, (China) Description: All black with dull greenish gloss. Some white on head, neck, and thighs in breeding season. Soft Parts: Bill black with a strong hook; iris emerald-green; feet black. Measurements: Wing 348; tail 178; bill 75; tarsus 63. Range: Northern Luzon and offshore islands. 4 Anhingidae-— Fregatidae Family ANHINGIDAE ANHINGAS ORIENTAL ANHINGA PLATE 2 Anhinga rufa melanogaster Pennant, 1769 1769 Anhinga melanogaster Pennant, Ind. Zool., p. 13, (Ceylon and Java) Description: Head and neck brown with a white stripe on side of neck; chin white; upper- and underparts, wings, and tail black; white flecks on wing-coverts and second- aries. Soft Parts; Bill brown with light yellow-brown on sides; iris yellow; feet black. Measurements: Wing 350; tail 226; bill 88; tarsus 42. Range: Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Negros. Family FREGATIDAE FRIGATEBIRDS GREATER FRIGATEBIRD PLATE 2 Fregata minor minor (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Pelecanus minor Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:572, (Christmas Island, Indian Ocean) Description: Male — upperparts dark brown-black; wing-coverts buffy brown; underparts brown-black. Female— similar but has throat and breast white. Soft Parts: Bill, male black, female red; iris dark brown; feet, male blackish brown, female pink. Measurements: Wing 592; tail 382; bill 1 19; tarsus 18. Range: Small islands in the Sulu Sea. LESSER FRIGATEBIRD PLATE 2 Fregata ariel ariel (G. R. Gray, 1845) 1845 Atagen [sic] Ariel G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 3, pi. 185, (Raine Island, north Queens- land) Description: Male — all black with a purplish green gloss on head and neck; flanks white. Female — brown-black except for white collar, flanks, and breast. Soft Parts: Bill gray; pouch red; iris black; feet black. Measurements: Wing 510; tail 334; bill 68; tarsus 50. Range: Bantayan, Cagayancillo, Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, and Palawan. 5 PLATE 1 A B C D E F G WHITE FACED SHEARWATER (Puffinus leucomelas ) — page 1 WEDGE-TAILED SHEARWATER (Puffinus pacificus) — page 2 RED FOOTED BOOBY ( Snla sula ) — page 4 BLUE FACED BOOBY (Sula clactylatra) — page 3 BROWN BOOBY (Sula leucogaster) — page 4 BLACK-NECKED OR EARED GREBE (Potliceps nigricollis) — page 1 COMMON DABCHICK (Podiceps ruficollis) — page 1 6 PLATE 1 PLATE 2 A GREATER FRIGATEBIRD (Fregata minor) — page 5 B LESSER FRIGATEBIRD ( Fregata ariel) — page 5 C ORIENTAL ANHINGA (Anhinga rufa) — page 5 D PHILIPPINE PELICAN (Pelecanus philippensis) — page 3 E GREAT CORMORANT ( Phalacrocorax carbo) — page 4 8 PLATE 2 Ardeidae Family ARDEIDAE HERONS COMMON BITTERN PLATE 3 Botaurus stellaris stellaris (Linne, 1758) 1758 Ardea stellaris Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:144, (Sweden) Description: Upperparts light brown mottled with dark brown; chin and upper throat white; underparts buffy streaked with brown. Soft Parts: Bill yellow-green, darker at tip; iris yellow; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 350; tail 1 10; bill 81; tarsus 1 10. Range: Luzon (once); a straggler from Asia. BLACK BITTERN PLATE 3 Dupetor flavicollis flavicollis (Latham, 1790) 1790 Ardea flavicollis Latham, Ind. Orn., 2:701, (India) Description: Top of head and upperparts dark blue-black; chin and throat white with a dark chestnut stripe down the middle which becomes dark blue mottled with chestnut and white further down the neck as it approaches the breast; sides of neck golden yellow; breast and belly dark blue-black. Immature — browner and heavily streaked. Soft Parts: Bill red-brown; iris light red; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 216; tail 71; bill 89; tarsus 72. Range: Cebu, Luzon, Marinduque, Mindanao, Negros, and Samar. CHINESE LEAST BITTERN PLATE 3 Ixobrychus sinensis sinensis (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Ardea Sinensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:642, (China) 1918 Ixobrychus sinensis astrologus Wetmore, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 31:83, (Laguna, Luzon) Description: Male — top of head and crest black; mantle dark olive-green; wing-coverts light olive; primaries and tail black; sides of head and neck pale rufous; underparts white, streaked and washed with dark yellowish tan; under tail-coverts pure white. Female— streaked below. Immature — top of head streaked; heavy streaking on wing- coverts and breast. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible dark brown, lower mandible light brown base with outer third olive; iris yellow; legs and feet yellow-green. Measurements: Wing 128; tail 43; bill 56; tarsus 41. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 10 Ardeidae SCHRENCK’S LEAST BITTERN PLATE 3 Ixobrychus eurhythmus (Swinhoe, 1873) 1873 Ardetta eurhythma Swinhoe, Ibis, p. 74, (Amoy, Shanghai) Description: Top of head and crest black; sides of head and hind neck rufous; mantle, back, and rump dark chestnut; wing-coverts olive; primaries and tail gray; chin and sides of throat white; throat, breast, and belly light olive-tan with a row of blackish brown feathers that forms a streak from the chin to the belly; under tail-coverts white. Imma- ture— heavily spotted with white above; underparts streaked. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris dirty yellow; legs and feet green. Measurements: Wing 145; tail 41; bill 51; tarsus 45. Range: Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, and Samar. CINNAMON LEAST BITTERN PLATE 3 ixobrychus cinnamomeus (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Ardea cinnamomea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:643, (China) Description: Male — top of head and upperparts dark cinnamon; chin and sides of throat white; breast and belly pale rufous; a row of dark brown feathers runs from the chin to the belly, forming a streak. Female — top of head dark brown; rest of upperparts rufous- brown with buffy edges to wing-coverts; underparts golden buff heavily streaked with dark brown. Immature — underparts streaked. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible yellow; iris yellow; tarsus yellow. Measurements: Wing 150; tail 46; bill 53; tarsus 50. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. JAPANESE BITTERN PLATE 3 Gorsaehius goisagi (Temminck, 1835) 1835 Nycticorax goisagi Temminck, PL Col., livr. 98, pi. 582, (Japan) Description: Head and crest chestnut; upperparts brown with dark vermiculations; flight feathers of wing black with rufous tips; primary coverts rufous; throat and neck buffy, a dark line down center of throat; underparts streaked black and buff. Immature — duller on head; darker and more uniform on back; wing-coverts more rufous. Soft Parts: Bill greenish; iris yellow; feet green. Measurements: Wing 260; tail 95; bill 43; tarsus 55. Range: Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, and Siquijor; a visitor from eastern Asia. 11 PLATE 3 A COMMON BITTERN (Botaurus stellans) — page 10 B BLACK BITTERN (Dupetor flavicollis) — page 10 C CHINESE LEAST BITTERN (Ixobrychus sinensis ) — page 10 D SCHRENCK S LEAST BITTERN (Ixobrychus eurhythmus) — page 1 1 E CINNAMON LEAST BITTERN (Ixobrychus cinnatnorneus ) — page 1 1 F JAPANESE BITTERN ( Gorsachius goisagi) — page 1 1 G MALAY BITTERN (Gorsachius melanolophus) — page 18 12 PLATE 3 PLATE 4 A LITTLE MANGROVE HERON (Butoricles striatus) — page 18 B CHINESE POND HERON (Ardeola bacchus) — page 19 C CATTLE EGRET (Bubulcus ibis) — page 19 D REEF EGRET ( Egret ta sacra) — page 19 E CHINESE EGRET ( Egret ta eulophotes) — page 20 F LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta) — page 20 G LESSER EGRET (Egretta intermedia ) — page 20 H GREATER EGRET (Egretta alba ) — page 20 14 PLATE 4 PLATE 5 A GIANT HERON (Ardea sumatrana) — page 21 B GRAY HERON (Ardea cinerea ) — page 2 1 C PURPLE HERON (Ardea purpurea) — page 2 1 D BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON (Nycticorax nycticorax) — page 22 E RUFOUS NIGHT HERON (Nycticorax caledonicus) — page 22 16 PLATE 5 Ardeidae MALAY BITTERN PLATE 3 Gorsachius melanolophus kutteri (Cabanis, 1881) 1881 Butio Kutteri Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 29:425, (Philippines) Description: Top of head and crest blue-black; sides of head and hind neck rufous; back, rump, and wings dark rufous with fine black streaks; primaries with white tips; tail black; chin and throat white with a row of blackish brown streaks that run down the neck; sides of neck olive-brown; breast, belly, and under tail-coverts white with buff, rufous, and black streaks. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible grayish green; iris yellow; feet olive-green. Immature — -upperparts brown spotted with black; crest black with white spots; underparts buffy streaked with dark brown. Measurements: Wing 256; tail 1 13; bill 44; tarsus 65. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except Palawan. Gorsachius melanolophus rufolineatus Hachisuka, 1926 1926 Gorsachius melanolophus rufolineatus Hachisuka, Ibis, p. 591, (Iwahig, Palawan) Description: Differs from kutteri by being darker above and with richer chestnut on neck. Range: Palawan. LITTLE MANGROVE HERON PLATE 4 Butorides striatus javensis (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Ardea Javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:190, (western Java) 1924 Butorides striatus carcinophilus Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14:294, (Casiguran, Luzon) Description: Top of head and crest dark purplish green; neck, back, and rump gray; tail gray with a green gloss; wings gray with a green gloss, coverts with buffy margins; ear- coverts white; malar stripe blackish; chin and throat white; breast buffy in center; sides of breast, belly, and under tail-coverts gray. Immature — upperparts brownish with buffy spots; underparts gray-white with black streaks. Soft Parts: Bill greenish yellow; iris yellow; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 168; tail 73; bill 59; tarsus 41. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Butorides striatus amurensis (Schrenck, 1860) 1860 Ardea ( Butorides ) virescens var. amurensis Schrenck, Reise Amur Lande, 1:441, (Amurland) 18 Ardeidae Description: Differs from javensis by being larger and having upperparts darker and greener; sides of face whiter. Range: Calayan, Cebu, Luzon, Mindoro, Negros, and Samar; winters in Philippines from Asia. CHINESE POND HERON PLATE 4 Ardeola bacchus (Bonaparte, 1855) 1855 Buphus bacchus Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2:127, (Malay Peninsula) Description: Head and neck chestnut; back black with long plumes; rump, wings, and tail white; chin white; throat chestnut; rest of underparts white. Immature — head and neck streaked; back and scapulars olive-brown. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible tip black with greenish yellow base; iris yellow; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 310; tail 68; bill 60; tarsus 56. Range: Luzon and Negros; a straggler from eastern Asia. CATTLE EGRET PLATE 4 Bubulcus ibis coromandus (Boddaert, 1783) 1783 Cancroma Coromanda Boddaert, Table PI., enlum., p. 54, (Coromandel) Description: All white except for center of crown, crest, and stripe down center of neck, which are pale rusty. Nonbreeding birds not as rusty. Immature — pure white. Soft Parts: Bill yellow; iris yellow; legs and feet yellow to reddish; immature — greenish. Measurements: Wing 236; tail 97; bill 62; tarsus 82. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. REEF EGRET PLATE 4 Egretta sacra sacra (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Ardea sacra Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:640, (Tahiti) Description: Forehead and crown dark blue-gray; neck dark brownish blue; elongated feathers of the back dark blue-gray; tail and wings dark brown; a white stripe from chin part way down the neck; underparts dull gray. Also an all white phase. Immature — browner. Soft Parts: Bill blackish, lower mandible with pale base; iris yellow; legs dark green; feet black. Measurements: Wing 262; tail 92; bill 84; tarsus 71. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 19 Ardeidae CHINESE EGRET PLATE 4 Egretta eulophotes (Swinhoe, 1860) I860 Heroclias eulophotes Swinhoe, Ibis, p. 64, (Amoy, China) Description: All white with very long plumes on the nape and back in breeding season only. Soft Parts: Bill yellowish; iris yellow; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 267; tail 100; bill 91; tarsus 93. Range: Bohol, Cebu, Panay, and Samar; a visitor from China. LITTLE EGRET PLATE 4 Egretta garzetta nigripes (Temminck, 1840) 1840 Ardea nigripes Temminck, Man. d' Orn., 4:376, (Sunda Islands) Description: All white with long plumes on head, neck, and back in breeding season; lores naked and pinkish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow'; legs black; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 270; tail 102; bill 93; tarsus 103. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. LESSER EGRET PLATE 4 Egretta intermedia intermedia (Wagler, 1829) 1829 Ardea intermedia Wagler, Isis, p. 659, (Java) Description: All white; lores naked and greenish; long plumes on head, neck, and back in breeding season. Soft Parts: Bill black in breeding season, otherwise yellow; iris yellow; legs and feet black. Measurements: Wing 296; tail 121; bill 74; tarsus 109. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. GREATER EGRET PLATE 4 Egretta alba modesta (J. E. Gray, 1831) 1831 Ardea modesta J. E. Gray, Zool. Misc., p. 19, (India) Description: All white with long plumes on back in breeding season; naked lores yellow-green. 20 Ardeidae Soft Parts: Bill black in breeding season, otherwise orange; iris yellow; legs above knee yellow; tarsus and feet black. Measurements: Wing 370; tail 154; bill 110; tarsus 131. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. GIANT HERON PLATE 5 Ardea sumatrana sumatrana Raffles, 1822 1822 Ardea Sumatrana Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:325, (Sumatra) Description: Upperparts gray; head and neck paler with some red; chin white; throat gray with some long whitish feathers; rest of underparts dirty white. Immature — uni- formly browner; upperparts spotted with buff; underparts heavily streaked. Soft Parts: Bill black, lower mandible yellowish at base; iris light orange; feet black. Measurements: Wing 475; tail 196; bill 183; tarsus 154. Range: Bantayan, Basilan, Bohol, Mindoro, Negros, and Palawan. GRAY HERON PLATE 5 Ardea cinerea jouyi Clark, 1907 1907 Ardea cinerea jouyi Clark, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 32:468, (Seoul, Korea) Description: Top of head gray with a black crest; back of neck and upperparts gray; primaries black; chin white; throat streaked with blackish green; breast dark gray with wide white stripes; rest of underparts white. Immature — darker above and heavily streaked below. Soft Parts: Bill yellow; iris yellow; tibia yellow; feet green; naked loral area green. Measurements: Wing 450; tail 187; bill 133; tarsus 152. Range: Guimaras and Luzon; an occasional visitor from eastern Asia. PURPLE HERON PLATE 5 Ardea purpurea manilensis Meyen, 1834 1834 Ardea purpurea var. manilensis Meyen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 16, suppl. 102, (Philippines) Description: Top of head black; sides of head and neck light chestnut with black stripes; upperparts dark gray with chestnut ends to plume feathers; breast with long gray plumes; rest of underparts dark chestnut and black. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible dark brown, lower mandible yellow, brighter at base; iris yellow; tarsus brown; feet yellow'. Measurements: Wing 385; tail 148; bill 141; tarsus 125. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 21 Ardeidae— Threskiornithidae BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON PLATE 5 Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax (Linne, 1758) 1758 Ardea nycticorax Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:142, (southern Europe) Description: Forehead white; crown black with two long white feathers in the breeding season; sides of face and hind neck white; back black with a green gloss; wings and tail gray; underparts white. Immature — dull greenish brown streaked with white. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible pinkish, becoming greener at base; iris red; feet yellow; naked loral patch light green. Measurements: Wing 300; tail 1 12; bill 72; tarsus 75. Range: Calayan, Luzon, and Mindanao; a visitor from Asia. RUFOUS NIGHT HERON PLATE 5 Nycticorax caledonicus manillensis Vigors, 1831 1831 Nycticorax Manillensis Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 31, (Manila, Luzon) 1926 Nycticorax caledonicus major Hachisuka, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 46:103, (Zam- boanga, Mindanao) Description: Head and crest dark blue-black; back dark rufous; rump, wings, and tail rufous; chin white; throat, breast, and thighs light cinnamon; belly and under tail- coverts white. Immature — heavily streaked above and below. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; legs and feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 299; tail 120; bill 65; tarsus 78. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Family THRESKIORNITHIDAE IBIS WHITE IBIS PLATE 6 Threskiornis aethiopica melanocephala (Latham, 1790) 1790 Tantalus melanocephalus Latham, Ind. Orn., 2:709, (India) Description: All white; upperparts tend to be grayish; naked head and neck black. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 320; tail 138; bill 150; tarsus 100. Range: Luzon; a straggler from Asia. 22 THRESKIORNITHIDAE ClCONIIDAE GLOSSY IBIS PLATE 6 Plegadis falcinellus peregrinus (Bonaparte, 1855) 1855 Ibis peregrina Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2 : 1 59, (Java and Celebes) Description: Head, neck, and mantle dark chestnut; back, rump, tail, and wings black with purplish green gloss; breast and belly chestnut. Soft Parts: Bill olive; iris brown; feet dark green. Measurements: Wing 280; tail 96; bill 128; tarsus 105. Range: Luzon and Mindanao. LESSER SPOONBILL PLATE 6 Platalea minor Temminck and Schlegel, 1849 1849 Platalea minor Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold's Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 120, (Japan) Description: All white; naked skin on head black. Soft Parts: Bill slate-black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 361; tail 101; bill 178; tarsus 120. Range: Luzon; a straggler from eastern Asia. Family ClCONIIDAE STORKS WHITE-NECKED STORK PLATE 6 Ciconia episcopus episcopus (Boddaert, 1783) 1783 Ardea Episcopus Boddaert, Table PL, enlum., p. 54, (Coromandel coast) 1904 Dissoura neglecta Finsch, Orn. Monatsb., 12:94, (Celebes, Java, Sumbawa, Lom- bok, Philippines) Description: Crown blue-black; rest of head and neck white; back, wings, and tail black glossed with green; breast black glossed with purple; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black with red tip; iris red; legs and feet red. Measurements: Wing 470; tail 193; bill 131; tarsus 148. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Calayan, Leyte, Luzon, Marinduque, Masbate, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Panay, Polillo, and Samar. 23 PLATE 6 A WHITE-NECKED STORK (Ciconia episcopus) — page 23 B LESSER SPOONBILL ( Platalea minor ) — page 23 C GLOSSY IBIS (Plegadis falcinellus) — page 23 D EASTERN SARUS CRANE ( Grus antigone) — page 66 E WHITE IBIS (Threskiornis aethiopica) — page 22 24 PLATE 6 Anatidae Family ANATIDAE DUCKS WANDERING WHISTLING-DUCK PLATE 7 Dendrocygna arcuata arcuata (Horsfield, 1824) 1824 Anas arcuata Horsfield, Zool. Res. Java, pt. 8, pi. (64), (Java) Description: Top of head dark brown; back, wings, and tail black; wing-coverts rufous; feathers of mantle edged dark fulvous; chin and throat dirty white; breast fulvous with black spots; belly pale cinnamon; under tail-coverts dirty white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet gray-black. Measurements: Wing 203; tail 68; bill 46; tarsus 48. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. SPOTTED WHISTLING-DUCK PLATE 7 Dendrocygna guttata Schlegel, 1866 1866 Dendrocygna guttata Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 6:85, (Celebes) Description: l op of head, stripe down hind neck, back, wings, and tail dark brown; upper tail-coverts black and white; face, chin, and throat light gray; lower neck dark brown; breast and flanks fulvous with white spots; belly whitish. Soft Parts: Bill dark red; iris dark brown; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 219; tail 84; bill 45; tarsus 46. Range: Basilan and Mindanao. SHELDRAKE PLATE 7 Tadorna tadorna (Linne, 1758) 1758 Anas Tadorna Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:122, (Sweden) Description: Male — head and neck black with a green gloss; a white collar on lower neck and upper breast; lower breast chestnut, forming a band across upper back; back and rump white; tail black; wings multicolored (white, chestnut, and green); belly white; vent black; under tail-coverts cinnamon. Female — like male but without knob on bill and with white feathers at base of bill. Soft Parts: Bill and knob red; iris brown; feet pink. Measurements: Wing 324; tail 1 18; bill 50; tarsus 51. Range: Winters in Philippines from Asia. 26 Anatidae PINTAIL PLATE 7 Anas acuta Urine, 1758 1758 Anas acuta Linne, Syst. Nat,, 1:126, (Sweden) Description: Male— head and neck brown with a white line on the side neck; mantle and sides gray with fine black bars; back and rump gray; tail black; wings gray with a bronze speculum; scapulars are black with light buffy edges; breast and belly white; flanks creamy; under tail-coverts black. Female — above brown with black specks; below buffy with black spots on breast; speculum greenish. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris brown; feet gray. Measurements: Wing 264; tail <$ 1 94; bill 49; tarsus 41. Range: Winters in Philippines from Asia. COMMON TEAL PLATE 7 Anas crecca crecca Linne, 1758 1758 Anas Crecca Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:126, (Sweden) Description: Male — head and neck chestnut except for a green patch that extends from the eyes to the nape, edged by a yellowhsh line that also extends to the bill; back and flanks gray with fine black bars; tail gray; wings gray with a green speculum; scapulars black and white; breast red-brown with black flecks; belly white; under tail-coverts black. Female — brown mottled with black; belly whitish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet gray. Measurements: Wing 178; tail 68; bill 33; tarsus 29. Range: Winters in Philippines from Asia. SPOTBILL DUCK PLATE 7 Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha Swinhoe, 1866 1866 Anas zonorhyncha Swinhoe, Ibis, p. 394, (Ningpo, China) Description: Top of head and stripe down hind neck black; a black line runs from the bill through the eyes and another from the base of the bill to the ear-coverts; rest of face, chin, and throat buff; back and tail blackish brown; wings blackish brown with a blue speculum; outer edge of the two inner tertiaries white; breast dark tan with black mark- ings; belly black. Soft Parts: Bill dark greenish brown with yellow tip; iris dark brown; feet dark orange. Measurements: Wing 257; tail 131; bill 59; tarsus 46. Range: Winters on northern islands; a visitor from Asia. 27 PLATE 7 A WANDERING WHISTLING-DUCK (Dendrocygna arcuata) — page 26 B SPOT TED WHISTLING DUCK (Dendrocygna guttata) — page 26 C SHELDRAKE (Tadorna tadorna), male — page 26 D COMMON TEAL (Anas crecca), male — page 27 E PINTAIL ( Anas acuta ), male — page 27 F PHILIPPINE MALLARD (Anas luzonica) — page 30 G SPOTBILL DUCK (Anas poecilorhyncha) — page 27 28 PLATE 7 Anatidae PHILIPPINE MALLARD PLATE 7 Anas iuzonica Fraser, 1839 1839 Anas Iuzonica Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 113, (Luzon) Description: Top of' head, stripe down hind neck, and stripe from bill through eyes to nape dark brown; sides of head, chin, throat, and neck rufous; back, rump, and tail dark brown; wings gray-brown; breast and belly gray feathers with rufous tips; under tail- coverts dark brown; speculum greenish. Soft Parts: Bill blue-black; iris brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 253; tail 104; bill 55; tarsus 42. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. (Endemic.) EUROPEAN WIDGEON PLATE 8 Anas penelope Linne, 1758 1758 Anas Penelope Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:126, (Sweden) Description: Forehead and crown huffy; a green patch behind eyes; rest of head and neck dark chestnut; back gray with fine black specks; tail black; wing gray with a green specu- lum; breast reddish purple; belly white; under tail-coverts black. Female — similar to male but with a dark gray head and breast. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris brown; feet gray-blue. Measurements: Wing 260; tail 101; bill 35; tarsus 35. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. GARGANEY TEAL PLATE 8 Anas querquedula Linne, 1758 1758 Anas Querquedula Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:126, (Sweden) Description: Male — crown black; stripe from eye part way down neck white; rest of head chestnut with white flecks; back and tail dark brown; wing gray with a green speculum bordered with two white bands; scapulars black and white; breast light brown with black flecks; belly white; flanks gray finely barred with black. Female — brown with black flecks and olive speculum. Soft Parts: Bill dark gray; iris browm; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 191; tail 65; bill 38; tarsus 25. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. 30 Anatidae COMMON SHOVELER PLATE 8 Anas clypeata Linne, 1758 1758 Anas clypeata Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:124, (Sweden) Description: Male — head green; back black; tail black and white; wings gray with a green speculum; scapulars blue and white; breast white; belly chestnut; under tail- coverts black. Female — dull buffy brown with black flecks; green speculum; a pale eye stripe. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet orange. Measurements: Wing 233; tail 79; bill 64; tarsus 35. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. EUROPEAN POCHARD PLATE 8 Aythya ferina (Linne, 1758) 1758 Anas ferina Linne, Syst. Nat., 1 : 1 26, (Sweden) Description: Male — head and neck chestnut; rest of upperparts light gray; tail black; breast black; belly gray. Female — mostly brown; wings and belly grayer; a light brown stripe extends from behind the eye. Soft Parts: Bill gray-blue with a paler band in the middle; iris, male red, female brown; feet blue-gray. Measurements: Wing 215; tail 51; bill 46; tarsus 37. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. TUFTED DUCK PLATE 8 Aythya fuligula (Linne, 1758) 1758 Anas fuligula Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:128, (Sweden) Description: Male — head, crest, neck, and breast black with a purple gloss; back black with a few white flecks and green gloss; a white speculum in the wing; tail black; belly white; under tail-coverts black. Female — mostly dark brown; some individuals have white feathers at the base of the bill; underparts gray; under tail-coverts may be brown or white. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris dark yellow; feet blue-gray. Measurements: Wing 199; tail 50; bill 41; tarsus 31. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. 31 PLATE 8 A EUROPEAN WIDGEON (Anas penelope), male — page 30 B GARGANEY TEAL (Anas querquedula), male — page 30 C EUROPEAN POCHARD (Aythya ferina), male — page 31 D COTTON TEAL (Nettapus coromandelianus) — page 34 E COMMON SHOVELER (Anas clypeata ), male — page 3 1 F GREATER SCAUP DUCK (Aythya marila), male — page 34 G TUFTED DUCK (Aythya fuligula), male — page 31 32 PLATES Anatidae — Pandionidae GREATER SCAUP DUCK PLATE 8 Aythya mariia mariloides (Vigors, 1839) 18:19 Fuligula Mariloides Vigors, in Beechey’s Voy. "Blossom,” Zool., p. 31, (Bering Sea) Description: Male — head, neck, and breast black with a green gloss; back and wings gray barred with black; tail black; belly white; under tail-coverts black. Female — head, neck, and breast dark brown; white feathers at base of the bill; rest of upperparts gray-brown; belly white. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris dark yellow; feet blue-gray. Measurements: Wing 220; tail 58; bill 44; tarsus 36. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. COTTON TEAL PLATE 8 Nettapus coromandelianus coromandelianus (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Anas coromandeliana Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1 :522, (Coromandel, India) Description: Male — crown and eye-ring black; rest of head and neck white; back and wing-coverts dark green; primaries black with a white band toward end; tail black; breast white with a dark green band; belly white. Female — browner than male; white areas spotted with black; a black line through eye. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 160; tail 73; bill 22; tarsus 23. Range: Luzon and northern islands. Family PANDIONIDAE OSPREYS OSPREY PLATE 9 Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (Linne, 1758) 1758 Falco Haliaetus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:91, (Sweden) Description: Head white with a dark brown streak from forehead to nape and from bill through eyes and down neck; back, wings, tail dark brown with purplish gloss; primaries with white bars; throat, breast, and belly white; upper breast with a few brown streaks. Soft Parts: Bill blue-gray; iris yellow; feet greenish white. Measurements: Wing 490; tail 210; bill 40; tarsus 61. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines. 34 Pandionidae — Accipitridae Pandion haliaetus melvillensis Mathews, 1912 1912 Pandion haliaetus melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1:34, (Melville Island) Description: Differs from P. h. haliaetus by having a whiter head; also somewhat smaller (wing $4 10, $447). Range: Resident throughout the Philippines. Family ACCIPITRIDAE HAWKS AND EAGLES CRESTED LIZARD HAWK PLATE 9 Aviceda jerdoni magnirostris (Kaup, 1847) 1847 Hyptiopus magnirostris Kaup, Isis, p. 43, (Davao, Mindanao) 1888 Baza leucopias Sharpe, litis, p. 195, (Palawan) Description: l op of head dark brown with a black crest; back and wings dark brown with some rufous and white edges to feathers; tail dark gray with black bands; sides of face gray; throat gray with a black streak; rest of underparts buffy with dark rufous bars. Immature — head and underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill blue-gray; iris yellow'; feet greenish yellow. Measurements: Wing 300; tail 190; bill 32; tarsus 36. Range: Mindanao, Palawan, and Samar. (Endemic.) BARRED HONEY BUZZARD PLATE 9 Pernis celebensis steerei Sclater, 1919 1919 Pernis celebensis steerei Sclater, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40:41, (San Antonio, Negros) Description: Head and neck buffy with dark brown spots; long black crest; upperparts dark browm with some lighter streaks; tail almost black with dark brown bars; throat buffy with black streaks; breast and belly light buff with brown bars. Immature — paler and streaking less distinct; underparts sometimes pure white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet yellow; cere yellow'. Measurements: Wing 360; tail 254; bill 28; tarsus 47. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, and Samar. (Endemic.) 35 PLATE 9 A OSPREY (Pandion haliaetus) — page 34 B CRESTED LIZARD HAWK (Aviceda jerdoni) — page 35 C BARRED HONEY BUZZARD (Pernis celebensis) — page 35 D ASIATIC HONEY BUZZARD (Pernis apivorus) — page 38 E BLACK WINGED KITE (Elanus caeruleus) — page 38 F BLACK-EARED KITE (Milvus migrans) — page 39 PLATE 9 Accipitridae ASIATIC HONEY BUZZARD PLATE 9 Pernis apivorus philippensis Mayr, 1939 1939 Pernis apivorus philippensis Mayr, Orn. Monatsb., 47 :74, (Mindanao) Description: Head and neck light buffy white, feathers having dark shafts; back, rump, and wing-coverts a mixture of light and dark brown; primaries dark brown with white tips, barred below; tail light brown with five or more dark brown bars, terminated with a white tip; lores, feathers around and behind eye blackish gray, looking somewhat like scales; underparts white, some specimens having a few dark shaft streaks on the breast. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet dirty yellow. Measurements: Wing (5425; tail (5278; bill <536; tarsus <5 49. Range: Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao, and Negros. (Endemic.) Pernis apivorus palawanensis Stresemann, 1940 1940 Pernis apivorus palawanensis Stresemann, Arkiv. Naturge., 9:171, (Palawan) Description: Differs from philippensis by having a small crest; upperparts much darker and underparts barred with dark brown; also slightly smaller. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Pernis apivorus orientalis Taczanowski, 1891 1891 Pernis apivorus orientalis Taczanowski, Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., 39:50, (eastern Siberia) Description: Differs from philippensis by having darker upperparts and a longer and fuller crest; underparts light brown with a few dark streaks; subterminal band on tail twice as wide. Range: Winters in the Philippines from eastern Asia. BLACK-WINGED KITE PLATE 9 Elanus caeruleus hypoleucus Gould, 1859 1859 Elanus hypoleucus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 129, (Macassar, Celebes) Description: Head, back, and most of wing pale blue-gray; wing-coverts black; primaries dark gray; tail light gray with white outer tail feathers; a few dark feathers around the eye; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 298; tail 150; bill 22; tarsus 36. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 38 Accipitridae BLACK-EARED KITE PLATE 9 Milvus migrans lineatus (J. E. Gray, 1831) 1831 Haliaetus lineatus ]. E. Gray, in Hardwicke’s 111. Ind. Zool., 1:18, (China) Description: Upperparts brown streaked with black, especially on head and neck; sides of face and chin whitish streaked with black; breast dark brown with black shaft streaks; belly, thighs, and under tail-coverts huffy. Immature — upperparts have pale ends to feathers. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; cere yellow; iris yellowish brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing $475; tail 350; bill 37; tarsus 59. Range: Palawan (once); a straggler from northeast Asia. BRAHMINY KITE PLATE 10 Haliastus indus intermedius Blyth, 1865 1865 Haliastur intermedius Blyth, Ibis, p. 28, (Java) Description: Head, neck, and breast white with dark shaft streaks; back, wings, tail, and thighs chestnut; primaries black. Immature — upperparts dark brown with buffy tips to feathers; head, neck, and breast buffy, heavily streaked and washed with brown; belly buffy. Soft Parts: Bill yellowish; iris brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 405; tail 212; bill 34; tarsus 54. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. WHITE-BREASTED SEA EAGLE PLATE 10 Haliaeetus leucogaster (Gmelin, 1788) 1788 Falco leucogaster Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:257, (New South Wales) Description: Head, neck, and underparts white; back and wing-coverts dark gray-brown; primaries black; tail gray, whiter toward end. Immature — head, neck, and underparts buffy; browner on chest. Soft Parts: Bill blue-gray; iris brown; feet light yellow. Measurements: Wing $564; tail 302; bill 54; tarsus 94. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 39 PLATE 10 A BRAHMINY KITE (Haliastus indus) — page 39 B WHITE-BREASTED SEA EAGLE (Haliaeetus leucogaster)- — page 39 C GRAY HEADED FISHING EAGLE (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus) — page 42 D SERPENT EAGLE ( Spilornis holospilus) — page 42 E MARSH HARRIER ( Circus aeruginosus ) — page 42 F PIED HARRIER (Circus melanoleucus), male — page 43 40 PLATE 10 Accipitridae GRAY-HEADED FISHING EAGLE PLATE 10 Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Falco Ichthyaetus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:136, (Java) Description: Head and neck gray-brown; rest of upperparts dark brown; tail white with a blackish brown subterminal band; breast light brown; belly, thighs, and under tail- coverts white. Immature — upperparts brown with buffy edges to feathers; tail brown with a dark brown subterminal band; underparts streaked brown and white. Soft Parts: Bill bluish gray; cere gray; iris yellow; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing $135, $475; tail 240; bill 55; tarsus 90. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. SERPENT EAGLE PLATE 10 Spilornis holospilus (Vigors, 1830) 1830 Buteo holospilus Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 96, (Manila, Luzon) 1890 Spilornis panayensis Steere, List Bds. Mamins. Steere Expd., p. 7, (Guimaras, Panay, Negros) 1919 Spilornis cheela palawanensis Sclater, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40:38, (Palawan) Description: Head and nape dark brown; back and rump brown with white spots; wings dark brown with inconspicuous barring; tail gray-brown with three blackish brown bars; chin and throat dark rufous streaked with black; breast, belly, and thighs rufous with white spots. Soft Parts: Bill blue-gray; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 374; tail 264; bill 34; tarsus 83. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. (Endemic.) MARSH HARRIER PLATE 10 Circus aeruginosus spilonotus Kaup, 1847 1847 Circus spilonotus Kaup, Isis, p. 953, (Asia) Description: Head and neck white streaked with dark brown; back brown; tail gray barred with dark brown; wings grayish; outer primaries dark brown; underparts white; chin, throat, and upper breast streaked with light brown. Soft Parts: Bill blackish; cere yellow'; iris yellow-brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 345; tail 200; bill 26; tarsus 79. Range: Winters in the Philippines from China. 42 Accipitridae PIED HARRIER PLATE 10 Circus melanoieucus (Pennant, 1769) 1769 Falco melanoieucus Pennant, Ind. ZooL, p. 2, (Ceylon) Description: Male — head, neck, chin, throat, and back black; rump gray-white; tail gray; wings gray with a white shoulder patch; primaries black; breast and belly white. Female — top of head dark brown, rest of upperparts brown; tail rufous-brown; sides of face buffy white; underparts buffy streaked with brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; cere yellow; iris brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 320; tail 205; bill 23; tarsus 66. Range: Winters in the Philippines from eastern Asia. ASIATIC SPARROW HAWK PLATE 11 Accipiter gularis (Temminck and SchSegel, 1845) 1845 Astur (Nisus) gularis Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold’s Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 5, (Japan) Description: Male — upperparts blackish gray; tail gray with black bars; chin and throat white; breast and belly rufous finely barred with dark gray; under tail-coverts white. Female — differs by having underparts white heavily barred with brown. Immature — upperparts dark brown feathers with pale edges; underparts white, streaked and barred with brown. Soft Parts: Bill blackish; cere yellow; iris yellow-orange; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 175; tail 127; bill 14; tarsus 53. Range: Winters in the Philippines from China and Japan. PHILIPPINE SPARROW HAWK PLATE 11 Accipiter virgatus confusus Hartert, 1910 1910 Accipiter virgatus confusus Hartert, Nov. Zook, 17:209, (Laguna de Bai, Luzon) Description: Male — top of head and all upperparts blue-gray; tail dark brown with darker bars; under-wings barred; chin and throat white; breast rufous; belly and thighs white, some individuals more or less barred with rufous and gray. Female — upperparts brown; tail light brown with dark brown bars; underparts white heavily streaked with brown. Immature — similar to female but with buffy edges to feathers on upperparts and washed with buff below. Soft Parts: Bill blue-gray; cere blue-gray; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing $160, $179; tail $126, $ 145; bill $ 14, $20; tarsus $ 47, $54. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except Palawan. 43 PLATE 11 A ASIATIC SPARROW HAWK (Accipiter gu laris), male — page 43 B PHILIPPINE SPARROW HAWK (Accipiter virgatus), male — page 43 C CRESTED GOSHAWK (Accipiter trivirgatus) — page 46 D GRAY FROG HAWK (Accipiter soloensis) — page 46 E GRAY-FACED BUZZARD (Butastur indicus) — page 47 F COMMON BUZZARD (Buteo buteo ) — page 47 44 PLATE 11 Accipitridae CRESTED GOSHAWK PLATE 11 Accipiter trivirgatus extimus Mayr, 1945 1945 Accipiter trivirgatus extimus Mayr, Zoologica, 30: 106, (Mindanao) Description: I’op of head and sides of face gray; rest of upperparts brownish; tail light brown with three dark brown bars; chin and throat white with a black medial stripe; breast white with rufous streaks; belly and thighs white barred with dark brown; under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; cere yellow; iris yellow-orange; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing $ 187, $ 206; tail <$ 14 1, $172; bill 23; tarsus 48. Range: Leyte, Mindanao, Negros, and Samar. (Endemic.) Accipiter trivirgatus castroi Manuel and Gilliard, 1952 1952 Accipiter trivirgatus castroi Manuel and Gilliard, Am. Mus. Novit., 1545:3, (Ani- bawan, Polillo) Description: Differs from extimus by having the back dark blue; underparts darker and more heavily barred; wing and tarsus tend to be somewhat longer. Range: Polillo. (Endemic.) Accipiter trivirgatus palawanus Mayr, 1949 1949 Accipiter trivirgatus palawanus Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., 1415:5, (Taguso, Palawan) Description: Differs from extimus by having the upperparts somewhat browner and the underparts with heavier barring. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) GRAY FROG HAWK PLATE 11 Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Falco Soloensis Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:137, (Java) Description: Upperparts dark blue-gray; tail barred with black; under-wings with no markings; chin white; breast and belly very pale rufous; thighs and under tail-coverts white. Immature — upperparts brown with huffy edges to feathers; underparts buff streaked with brown. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; cere yellow'; iris dark red-brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing $195, $205; tail $126, $133; bill 17; tarsus 41. Range: Luzon and Mindoro; a winter visitor from Asia. 46 Accipitridae GRAY-FACED BUZZARD PLATE 11 Butastur indicus (Gmelin, 1788) 1788 Falco indicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:264, (Java) Description: Top of head, hind neck, and upper back gray with black streaks; rest of upperparts rufous-brown; tail brown with black bars; lores, chin, and throat white; breast brown with white bars; belly and thighs white. Immature — upperparts brown with huffy edges to feathers. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; cere yellow; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing <3323, 9 330; tail <3 185, $ 195; bill 28; tarsus 58. Range: Found throughout the Philippines; a migrant from Asia. COMMON BUZZARD PLATE 11 Buteo buteo japonensis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845) 1845 Faclo [sic] buteo japonensis Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold’s Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 1 6, (Japan) Description: Head and hind neck brown w'ith white streaks on crown; upperparts dark brown; upper tail-coverts white; tail brown with a white base and huffy tip barred with dark brown; chin and throat brown with white streaks; breast white heavily streaked with brown; belly buffy with dark brown bars. Immature — crown lighter and feathers of upperparts edged with buff. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; cere yellow; iris yellow-brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing <3376, 9400; tail <3 1 95, 9220; bill 32; tarsus 74. Range: Northern Luzon (once); a visitor from Asia. MONKEY-EATING EAGLE PLATE 12 Pithecophaga jefferyi Ogilvie-Grant, 1896 1896 Pithecophaga jefferyi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 6:17, (Paranas, Samar) Description: Crown and crest yellowish with dark brown shaft streaks; upperparts dark brown with pale edges to feathers; tail dark brown with blackish bars and a white tip; chin w'hite finely streaked with black; throat, breast, and belly gray-white; thighs buffy w'ith dark shaft streaks. Immature — lacks the dark chin and striped thighs. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris blue-gray; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 625; tail 500; bill 85; tarsus 127. Range: Luzon and Mindanao; formerly on Leyte and Samar. (Endemic.) 47 PLATE 12 MONKEY-EATING EAGLE (Pithecophaga jefferyi) — page 47 PLATE 12 PLATE 13 A CHANGEABLE HAWK EAGLE (Spizaetus cirrhatus) — page 52 B PHILIPPINE FALCONET (Microhierax erythrogonys) — page 53 C PHILIPPINE HAWK EAGLE ( Spizaetus philippensis) — page 52 D ORIENTAL HOBBY (Falco severus) — page 53 E KESTREL ( Falco tinnunculus) — page 53 F RUFOU S-BELLIED EAGLE ( Hieraaetus kieneri) — page 52 G PEREGRINE FALCON (Falco peregrinus ) — page 54 50 PLATE 13 Accipitridae RUFOUS-BELLIED EAGLE PLATE 13 Hieraaetus kieneri formosus Stresemann, 1924 1924 Hieraaetus kieneri formosus Stresemann, Orn. Monatsb., 32:108, (northern Celebes) Description: Head, crest, back, and wings dark blue-black; tail dark brown with lighter bars; chin white; throat white with fine black streaks; breast dark rufous with wide black stripes; belly and under tail-coverts rufous. Immature — upperparts brown wfith white tips to feathers; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; cere yellow; iris dark brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing c? 340; tail 196; bill 35; tarsus 66. Range: Luzon, Marinduque, Mindanao, Negros, Panay, Samar, Sibuyan, and Tablas. CHANGEABLE HAWK EAGLE PLATE 13 Spizaetus cirrhatus limnaeetus (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Falco Limnaeetus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:138, (Java) Description: Found in two phases: dark phase — all dark brownish black with a dark gray patch in the center of the tail; light phase — upperparts dark brown mottled with white, tail heavily barred, and underparts buffy. Soft Parts: Bill black; cere greenish brown; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing $404; tail 276; bill 40; tarsus 98. Range: Lubang, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Palawan. PHILIPPINE HAWK EAGLE PLATE 13 Spizaetus philippensis Gould, 1863 1863 Spizaetus Philippensis Gould, Bds. Asia, 1, pt. 15, (Luzon, Philippines) Description: Feathers of head and neck buffy with dark brown centers, giving a streaked appearance; crest long and black; back and wings dark brown; tail brown with dark brown bars, underneath light gray with a subterminal black band; chin, throat, and breast pale rufous with heavy dark brown streaks; belly buffy; under tail-coverts brown; thighs and tarsus brown with fine white bars. Soft Parts: Bill black; cere dark gray; iris yellow; feet light yellow. Measurements: Wing 367; tail 270; bill 34; tarsus 94; crest 63. Range: Basilan, Leyte, Lubang, Luzon, Masbate, Mindoro, Negros, Palawan, Samar, and Siquijor. (Endemic.) 52 Falconidae Family FALCONIDAE FALCONS PHILIPPINE FALCONET PLATE 13 Microhierax erythrogonys erythrogonys (Vigors, 1831) 1831 Hierax erythrogonys Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 96, (Luzon) Description: Top of head and rest of upperparts black with a bluish gloss; throat, breast, and belly white; flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts black. Immature — ear-coverts reddish. Soft Parts: Bill black; cere black; iris brown; feet blue-black. Measurements: Wing $105, $114; tail 69; bill 14; tarsus 24. Range: Luzon and Mindoro. (Endemic.) Microhierax erythrogonys meridionalis Ogilvie-Grant, 1837 1897 Microhierax meridionalis Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, p. 220, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) Description: Differs from M. e. erythrogonys by being larger (wing $115, $ 120). Range: Islands south of Luzon and Mindoro to Mindanao. (Endemic.) KESTREL PLATE 13 Falco tinnuncuius interstinctus Horsfield, 1840 1840 Falco interstinctus Horsfield, (1839), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 154, (Assam) Description: Forehead rufous; head and neck blue-gray; back and wing-coverts chestnut with black spots; primaries dark red-brown; tail blue-gray with a white tip and a black subterminal band; ear-coverts light gray; throat buff bordered with a black moustache stripe; breast, belly, and flanks dark buff with black spots, much heavier on flanks. Soft Parts: Bill gray-blue; cere yellow; iris dark brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 245; tail 162; bill 18; tarsus 40. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. ORIENTAL HOBBY PLATE 13 Falco severus severus Horsfield, 1821 1821 Falco severus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:135, (Java) 1843 Falco guttatus G. R. Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 11:371, (Philippines) Description: Head, neck, and upper back black; lower back, rump, and wing-coverts dark gray; primaries dark slate; tail slate with inconspicuous darker streaks; chin and 53 Falconidae — Megapodiidae throat huffy; rest of underparts dark chestnut with black spots and streaks. Soft Parts: Bill blue-gray; cere yellow; iris dark brown; feet yellow-orange. Measurements: Wing $218, $255; tail $98, $ 1 15; bill 18; tarsus 32. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. PEREGRINE FALCON PLATE 13 Falco peregrinus ernesti Sharpe, 1894 1894 Falco ernesti Sharpe, Ibis, p. 545, (Mt. Dulit, North Borneo) Description: Fop of head, face, and hind neck black; back, rump, and tail dark blue-gray mottled with black; primaries black; chin white; throat and upper breast buffy white finely streaked with black; rest of underparts dark blue-gray spotted and streaked with black. Soft Parts: Bill bluish with black tip; cere yellow; iris brown; feet orange-yellow. Measurements: Wing $282; tail $144; bill 25; tarsus 47. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Falco peregrinus calidus Latham, 1790 1790 Falco calidus Latham, Inch Orn., 1:41, (India) Description: Differs from ernesti by being paler and larger (wing $320). Range: Palawan (once); a winter straggler from Siberia. Family MEGAPODIIDAE MEGAPODES MEGAPODE PLATE 14 Megapodius freycinet pusillus Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Megapodius pusillus Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 765, (Cebu) 1877 Megapodius dillwyni Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 766, (Manila) 1924 Megapodius cumingi balukensis Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14:294, (Baluk Island) 1931 Megapodius freycinet tabon Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 153, (Piso, Mindanao) Description: Head olive-gray; all upperparts olive-brown; underparts olive-gray. Soft Parts: Bill dirty yellow; iris brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 239; tail 95; bill 24; tarsus 62. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except Palawan. (Endemic.) 54 Megapodiidae — Phasianidae Megapodius freycinet cumingi Dillwyn, 1853 1853 Megapodius Cumingii Dillwyn, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 1 19, (Labuan Island) 1875 Megapodius lowii Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. Ill, (Labuan Island) Description: Differs from pusillus by being much darker and having slate-blue under- parts. Range: Balabac and Palawan. (Endemic.) Family PHASIANIDAE PHEASANTS CHINESE FRANCOLIN PLATE 14 Francolinus pintadeanus pintadeanus (Scopoii, 1786) 1786 Tetrao Pintadeanus Scopoii, Del. FI or. et Faun. Insubr., p. 93, (China) Description: Male — top of head chestnut striped with brownish black; mantle black with white spots; lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts black finely barred with white; tail black with white bars; scapulars bright chestnut; wing-coverts spotted; lores and stripe through eye black; stripe from bill under eye to ear-coverts white, followed by a black stripe beneath; chin and throat white; breast and belly spotted with black and white; thighs and under tail-coverts chestnut. Female — brown above; buff barred with black below. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dark yellow. Measurements: Wing 146; tail 79; bill 26; tarsus 46. Range: Introduced around Manila from China. BEARDED PARTRIDGE PLATE 14 Perdix barbata barbata Verreaux and Des Murs, 1863 1863 Perdix barbata Verreaux and Des Murs, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 62, (Trans- baikalia) Description: Male — top of head buffy streaked with black, shafts of feathers almost white; hind neck, back, rump, and central rectrices gray coarsely barred with chestnut and finely barred with black; wing-coverts gray-brown, barred with chestnut and with white shaft streaks; primaries dark brown with buffy spots; outer rectrices chestnut; chin, center of throat, and breast orange-buff; sides of throat and breast gray; chin feathers elongated; belly dirty white with a large black patch in the middle; flanks dirty white, heavily barred with chestnut. Female — similar to male but lacks the black patch on the belly. 55 Phasianidae Soft Parts: Bill horn; iris brown; feet flesh. Measurements: Wing 146; tail 73; bill 21; tarsus 35. Range: Introduced around Manila from China. PAINTED QUAIL PLATE 14 Coturnix chinensis lineata (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Oriolus lineatus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 87, (Luzon) Description: Male — forehead and around eyes blue-gray; lores white; upperparts mottled brown and black, some feathers having white shafts that give a streaked appearance; throat black with white border, which in turn is bordered by black; breast and flanks blue-gray; belly chestnut. Female- — like male above except no blue-gray on face; light brown stripes over eyes; throat white; breast dark brown mottled with black; belly buffy white with brown bars. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris dark red; feet dark yellow. Measurements: Wing 69; tail 30; bill 9; tarsus 16. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. ASIATIC MIGRATORY QUAIL PLATE 14 Coturnix coturnix japonica Temminck and Schlegel, 1849 1849 Coturnix vulgaris japonica Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold's Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 103, (Japan) Description: Upperparts brown with some dark brown mottling; shafts of neck and back are light buff, giving a streaked appearance; underparts light buffy brown; breast and flanks spotted and streaked with dark brown and chestnut. Soft Parts: Bill tan; iris yellow-brown; feet flesh. Measurements: Wing 95; tail 33; bill 14; tarsus 25. Range: Luzon; a straggler from Asia. JUNGLE FOWL PLATE 14 Gallus gallus galius (Linne, 1758) 1758 Phasianus gallus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:158, (Pulau Condor, off mouth of Mekong River) 1939 Gallus gallus philippensis Hachisuka, Tori, 10:601, (Sigaboy, Mindanao) Description: Male — head mostly bare red skin; neck has elongated, glossy, reddish orange feathers; back and wing-coverts glossy maroon; rump has elongated, glossy, deep red-orange feathers; wings brown and glossy green; tail black with green gloss; all under- 56 Phasianidae— ' Turnicidae parts dull black. Female — mostly dull brown with fine black streaks; neck feathers black with golden yellow margins. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible dark brown, lower mandible light brown; iris orange- red; feet yellowish gray. Measurements: Wing 240; tail S 500; bill 21; tarsus 78. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. PALAWAN PEACOCK PHEASANT PLATE 15 Polyplectron emphartum Temminck, 1831 1831 Polyplectron emphanum Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 88, pi. 540, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) 1831 Polyplectron napoleonis Lesson, Trade d’ Orn., 8:650, (Luzon = Palawan) 1891 Polyplectron nehrkornae Blasius, Mitth. Orn. Ver. Wien., p. I, (Palawan) Description; Male — top of head and crest metallic blue-green; mantle and wing- coverts metallic blue-green with basal half of feathers dull black; back, rump, and tail black with fine buffy specks; upper tail-coverts and rectrices with large metallic blue-green ocelli with black and gray borders; eyebrow stripe and ear-coverts white; underparts dull black. Female — all light brown with fine black specks; face whitish; tail brown with dull blue-green ocelli. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 201; tail $273; bill 21; tarsus 70. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Family TURNICIDAE BUTTON-QUAIL STRIPED BUTTON-QUAIL PLATE 16 Turnix sylvatica whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, 1897 1897 Turnix whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, Handb. Game Bds., 2:276, (Quinta Market, Manila, Luzon; supposedly captured at Paranaque, Luzon) Description: Male— forehead and sides of face buffy white with fine black spots; top of head blackish with a buffy stripe on center of crown; back, rump, and tail mottled gray- black with some chestnut; wing-coverts pale chestnut with dark brown spots; scapulars mottled with chestnut margins; chin and throat white; breast pale chestnut with fine black spots on the sides; belly white. Female — differs from the male by having a mottled rufous collar and the chestnut breast darker. 57 Turnicidae Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris pale yellow; feet pale bluish. Measurements: Wing c? 63, $66; tail (524, $21; bill 11; tarsus 19. Range: Central Luzon. (Endemic.) Turnix sylvatica celestinoi McGregor, 1907 1907 Turnix celestinoi McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:317, (Guindulman, Bohol) Description: Differs from whiteheadi by having the upperparts black barred with dark chestnut; chin and throat feathers tipped with buff; feathers on sides of breast have a wide black bar. Range: Bohol. (Endemic.) Turnix sylvatica masaaki Hachisuka, 1931 1931 Turnix sylvatica masaaki Hachisuka, Ois. et Rev. Fran. d’Orn., 1:472, (Go- gong, Cotobato Province, Mindanao) Description: Differs from celestinoi by having the barring on the upperparts gray with only the occasional dull rufous bar; chin and center of throat pure white; feathers on sides of breast mottled with chestnut and black; inner secondary coverts have chestnut and black centers with buffy margins. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Turnix sylvatica suluensis Mearns, 1905 1905 Turnix suluensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:83, (Jolo) Description: Female differs from masaaki by having the spots on the sides of the breast dark chestnut; breast paler; wing-coverts more rufous; lower back, tail-coverts, and tail blacker. Range: Jolo. (Endemic.) WORCESTER’S BUTTON-QUAIL PLATE 16 Turnix worcesteri McGregor, 1904 1904 Turnix worcesteri McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:8, (Quinta Market, Manila, Luzon) Description: Top of head dark brown with three buffy streaks, one over each eye and one down the center; back, rump, and tail dark brown with buffy edges; wing-coverts light buff mottled with dark brown; primaries gray-brown; sides of head light buff with some dark browm bars; throat white; breast rufous with dark browm and black mottling on sides; belly white, becoming rufous on thighs and under tail-coverts. Female — similar to 58 Turnicidae male but upperparts are much darker; sides of head black with white specks; throat and belly light rufous. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris pale yellow; feet pinkish. Measurements: Wing S 70, $74; tail 35; bill 10; tarsus 18. Range: North and central Luzon. (Endemic.) BARKED BUTTON-QUAIL PLATE 16 Turnix suscifator fasciata (Temminck, 1815) 1815 Hemipodius fasciatus Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 3:757, (Manila, Luzon) 1888 Turnix haynaldi Blasius, Ornis, 4:317, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Male — top of head dark brown with gray stripe; a slight chestnut collar on hind neck; back, rump, and tail mottled with black, gray, and chestnut; wing-coverts buffy with black spots and some chestnut; chin and throat white; breast buff with black bars; belly whitish; under tail-coverts light chestnut. Female — throat black; chestnut collar on hind neck. Soft Parts: Bill yellow-brown; iris pale buff; feet yellow-brown. Measurements: Wing 78; tail 30; bill 1 1; tarsus 22. Range: Calamianes, Luzon, Masbate, Mindoro, Palawan, Panay, and Sibuyan. (Endemic.) Turnix suscitaior nigrescens Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Turnix nigrescens Tweeddale, (1878), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 765, (Cebu) Description: Differs from fasciata by having the chestnut collar on hind neck wider and all upperparts much darker. Range: Cebu and Negros. (Endemic.) SPOTTED BUTTON-QUAIL PLATE 16 Turnix ocellata oceilaia (Scopoli, 1786) 1788 Oriolus ocellatus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 88, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Male — top of head blackish chestnut with three white stripes, one over each eye and one down the center of the crown; a slight rufous collar on hind neck; back, rump, and tail dark brown mottled with gray and black; wing-coverts buffy with large black spots; rest of wing gray-brown with buffy edges to primaries; throat and sides of head white; breast rufous; belly buff-brown. Female — differs from male by having a wide chestnut collar on hind neck and throat and by having sides of head black. Soft Parts: Bill greenish yellow; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing cj97, $108; tail 43; bill d>2 1, $19 ; tarsus 28. Range: Central Luzon around Manila. (Endemic.) 59 PLATE 14 A MEGAPODE (Megapodius freycinet) — page 54 B PAINTED QUAIL (Coturnix chinensis), male — page 56 C PAINTED QUAIL (Coturnix chinensis ), female — page 56 D BEARDED PARTRIDGE (Perdix barbata), male — page 55 E BEARDED PARTRIDGE (Perdix barbata), female — page 55 F ASIATIC MIGRATORY QUAIL (Coturnix coturnix ), male — page 56 G ASIATIC MIGRATORY QUAIL (Coturnix coturnix), female — page 56 H CHINESE FRANCOLIN (Francolinus pintadeanus), male — page 55 I JUNGLE FOWL (Gallus gallus), female — page 56 J JUNGLE FOWL (Gallus gallus), male — page 56 60 D PLATE 14 PLATE 15 PALAWAN PEACOCK PHEASANT (Polyplectron emphanum ) — page 57 PLATE 15 PLATE 16 A STRIPED BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix sylvatica), female — page 57 B STRIPED BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix sylvatica), male — page 57 C WORCESTER’S BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix worcesteri), female — page 58 D WORCESTER S BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix worcesteri), male — page 58 E BARRED BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix suscitator), male — page 59 F BARRED BUTTON QUAIL (Turnix suscitator), female — page 59 G SPOTTED BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix ocellata), male — page 59 H SPOTTED BUTTON-QUAIL (Turnix ocellata), female — page 59 64 PLATE 16 T URNICIDAE GRUIDAE RALLIDAE Turnix ocellata benguetensis Parkes, 1968 1968 Turnix ocellata benguetensis Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 88:24, (Mt. Data, Luzon) Description: Differs from T. o. ocellata by having smaller wings ( $ 88, $ 97) and Gill ( <5 16. 9 17): the rufous on the lower breast tends to be more extensive. Range: Northern Luzon (Mountain Province). (Endemic.) Family GRUIDAE CRANES EASTERN SARUS CRANE PLATE 6 Grus antigone sharpii Blanford, 1895 1895 Grus (Antigone) sharpii Blanford, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 5:7, (Burma) Description: Head and neck naked but bright red; upperparts pearl-gray; underneath somewhat darker gray. Soft Parts: Bill greenish; iris yellow; legs and feet pink. Measurements: Wing 560; tail 216; bill 120; tarsus 274. Range: Northern and central Luzon. Family RALLIDAE RAILS SLATY-BREASTED RAIL PLATE 17 Rallus striatus striatus Linne, 1766 1766 Rallus striatus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:262, (Manila, Luzon) 1924 Hypotaenidia striata paraterma Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14:295, (Samar) Description: T op of head and neck dark chestnut with a few inconspicuous dark streaks; back, rump, wings, and tail dark olive-brown with white specks; chin and upper throat white; lower throat and breast slate-blue; belly and flanks dark olive-brown with white bars. Soft Parts: Bill, basal half reddish pink, terminal half horn; iris red; feet olive-brown. Measurements: Wing 1 16; tail 51; bill 34; tarsus 34. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 66 Rallidae BROWN-BANDED RAIL PLATE 17 Rallus mirificus Parkes and Amadon, 1959 1959 Rallus mirificus Parkes and Amadon, Will. Bull., 71:303, (Dalton Pass, Nueva Vizcaya, Luzon) Description: Top of head and neck dark chestnut; back, rump, and tail olive-brown; wings and tail olive-brown with fine buff bars; chin and upper throat whitish; lower throat and breast brownish gray; belly and under tail-coverts dark olive-brown with white bars. Immature — without chestnut on head. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible brownish, lower mandible pale horn at tip becoming redder at base; iris and feet unrecorded. Measurements: Wing 108; tail 40; bill 25; tarsus 29. Range: Central Luzon. (Endemic.) BANDED RAIL PLATE 17 Rallus philippensis philippensis Linne, 1768 1766 Rallus philippensis Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:263, (Philippines = Luzon) Description: Top of head and neck brown with black streaks; lores, streak through eye, ear-coverts, and narrow collar on hind neck rufous; back, rump, wings, and tail feathers brownish black with yellow-brown margins having scattered white spots; chin and upper throat whitish; lower throat olive-gray; breast and belly gray-white with black bars. Soft Parts: Bill, basal half dark red, end tan; iris red; feet olive-brown. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 61; bill 27; tarsus 44, Range: Batan, Luzon, Mindoro, and Samar. (Endemic.) BARRED RAIL PLATE 17 Rallus torquatus torquatus Linne, 1766 1766 Rallus torquatus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:262, (Philippines) 1949 Rallus torquatus quisumbingi Gilliard, Auk, 66:275, (Camarines, southern Luzon) 1949 Rallus torquatus sanfordi Gilliard, Auk, 66:276, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) Description: Forehead olive-gray; crown, back, rump, wings, and tail olive-brown; lores and eye stripe gray-black with a white stripe underneath; chin white; throat black; upper breast black with fine white bars; lower breast has a rufous band with fine black bars; belly black with white bars; thighs gray-brown with faint white bars. 67 Rallidae Soft Parts: Bill brownish; iris red; feet olive-brown. Measurements: Wing 146; tail 58; bill 36; tarsus 43. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. (Endemic.) MALAY BANDED CRAKE PLATE 17 Railina fasciata (Raffles, 1822) 1822 Rallus fasciata Rallies, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:328, (Benkulen, Sumatra) Description: Head and neck chestnut fading into dull chestnut on back, wing-coverts, tail, and rump — the latter with a few black and buff bars; chin and throat very pale chestnut; breast chestnut; belly and under tail-coverts with black and white bars of equal width. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet bright red. Measurements: Wings 130; tail 58; bill 23; tarsus 43. Range: Balabac, Mindoro, and Palawan. PHILIPPINE BANDED CRAKE PLATE 17 Railina eurizonoides eurizonoides (Lafresnaye, 1845) 1845 Gallinula eurizonoides Lafresnaye, Mag. Zool., p. 368, (no locality = Philip- pines) Description: Head and neck chestnut; back, rump, wings, and tail olive-brown; chin and upper throat very pale chestnut; breast chestnut; belly and under tail-coverts black with white bars. Soft Parts: Bill dark gray above, blue-gray below, apple-green for basal third; iris orange- red; skin around eye orange-yellow; legs slate-gray. Measurements: Wing 124; tail 67; bill 23; tarsus 40. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Cagayancillo, Cebu, Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Panay, and Sulu. (Endemic.) DWARF RAIL PLATE 18 Porzana pusilla pusilla (Pallas, 1776) 1776 Rallus pusillus Pallas, Reise Versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3:700, (Dauria) Description: Center of forehead, crowm, and whole hind neck chestnut with black streaks; lores and stripe over eye gray; ear-coverts chestnut; back dark chestnut with black and white streaks; rump and tail dark chestnut with black streaks; wing-coverts chestnut, primaries gray-brown; chin and throat light gray; breast blue-gray; belly and under tail-coverts black with white bars. 68 Rallidae Soft Parts: Bill dark green; iris red; feet olive-green. Measurements: Wing 85; tail 42; bill 18; tarsus 28. Range: Winters on Luzon, Marinduque, and Negros; a visitor from Asia. RUDDY CRAKE PLATE 18 Porzana fusca fusca (Linne, 1766) 1766 Rallus fuscus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:262, (Philippines) Description: All upperparts dark olive-brown; chin and upper throat pale rufous; lower throat and breast dark olive-rufous; belly dark olive-brown with small white bars; under tail-coverts black with white bars. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris dark red; feet reddish. Measurements: Wing 98; tail 46; bill 19; tarsus 33. Range: Cagayancillo, Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, and Samar. CHINESE BANDED CRAKE PLATE 18 Porzana paykullii (Ljungh, 1813) 1813 Rallus Paykullii Ljungh, Kungl. Svenska Vet. — Akad. nya Hand!., 34:258, (Borneo and Java) Description: Upperparts dark olive-brown; chin very pale rufous; throat and breast dusty rose; belly white with flanks and under tail-coverts black and white barred. Soft Parts: Bill dark gray; iris dark red; feet pink-red. Measurements: Wing 121; tail 54; bill 27; tarsus 39. Range: Basilan (once) from China. SOOTY RAIL PLATE 18 Porzana tabuensis tabuensis Gmelin, 1789 1789 Porzana tabuensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:717, (Tonga Tabu, Tahiti) 1932 Porzana plumbea flipina Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 234, (Luzon) Description: Head dark slate-black; wings, back, and rump dark reddish brown; throat light slate; breast and belly slate-black; under tail-coverts black with white spots. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark red; feet pinkish. Measurements: Wing 72; tail 42; bill 18; tarsus 25. Range: Luzon. 69 PLATE 17 A PLAIN SWAMPHEN ( Amaurornis olivaceus) — page 74 B WHITE-BREASTED SWAMPHEN (Amaurornis phoenicurus) — page 74 C MALAY BANDED CRAKE ( Rallina fasciata) — page 68 D PHILIPPINE BANDED CRAKE (Rallina eurizonoides) — page 68 E BANDED RAIL (Rallus philippensis) — page 67 F SLATY-BREASTED RAIL (Rallus striatus) — page 66 G WHITE-BROWED RAIL (Poliolimnas cinereus) — page 74 H BARRED RAIL (Rallus torquatus) — page 67 I BROWN-BANDED RAIL (Rallus mirificus) — page 67 70 PLATE 17 PLATE 18 A WATERCOCK ( Gallicrex cinerea ) — page 75 B PURPLE SWAMPHEN ( Porphyrio porphyrio ) — page 75 C RUDDY CRAKE ( Porzana fusca ) — page 69 D CHINESE BANDED CRAKE (Porzana paykullii) — page 69 E SOOTY RAIL (Porzana tabuensis) — page 69 F DWARF RAIL ( Porzana pusilla ) — page 68 G BLACK COOT (Fulica atra ) — page 76 H GALLINULE ( Gallinula chloropus) — page 75 72 PLATE 18 Rallidae WHITE-BROWED RAIL PLATE 17 Poliolimnas cinereus ocularis Sharpe, 1894 1894 Poliolimnas cinereus ocularis Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 23:130, (Philippines) 1926 Poliolimnas cinereus collingwoodi Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46:60, (Philippines) Description: Forehead, crown, and lores dark olive-gray: hind neck, back, rump, wings, and tail dark olive-brown; small stripe above lores and stripe beneath eye, chin, and throat white; ear-coverts and upper breast gray; lower breast and belly white; flanks olive-brown; under tail-coverts pale rufous. Soft Parts: Bill yellow-brown; iris red; feet greenish yellow. Measurements: Wing 98; tail 43; bill 24; tarsus 35. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. PLAIN SWAMPHEN PLATE 17 Amaurornis olivaceus olivaceus (Meyen, 1834) 1834 Gallinula ohvacea Meyen, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 16, suppl. 109, (Manila, Luzon) Description: All upperparts dark olive-brown; chin light gray; throat, breast, and belly dark slate with an olive cast; under tail-coverts dark rufous brown. Soft Parts: Bill greenish; iris red; feet dark yellow. Measurements: Wing 151; tail 62; bill 34; tarsus 57. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for Palawan and the Sulus. (Endemic.) WHITE-BREASTED SWAMPHEN PLATE 17 Amaurornis phoenicurus javanicus (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Gallinula Javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:196, (Java) Description: Crown and rest of upperparts olive-slate; forehead, sides of head, throat, breast, and belly white; sides of breast and belly dark slate; thighs and under tail-coverts rufous. Soft Parts: Bill, basal part red, rest dark green; iris dark brown; feet greenish yellow. Measurements: Wing 158; tail 79; bill 39; tarsus 55. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 74 Rallidae GALLINULE PLATE 18 Gallinula chloropus lozanoi Lletget, 1918 1918 Gallinula chloropus lozanoi Lletget, Bol. R. Soc. Esp. His. Nat., 18:76, (Luzon) Description: Head and neck black; back, wings, and tail dark olive-brown; breast and belly slate-gray, some individuals having various amounts of white on the belly; a white stripe on flanks; under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill, base red, tip yellow; shield red; iris red; feet olive-green. Measurements: Wing 155; tail 75; bill 28; tarsus 50. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. This race is an intermediate population between indica to the north and orientalis to the south. Some individuals from the northern Philippines are extremely close to indica and may prove to be migrants from Asia. WATERCOCK PLATE 18 Gallicrex cinerea (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Fulica cinerea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:702, (China) Description: Male — head and neck blackish brown; back, wings, and tail dark brown, some feathers having light brown margins; throat and breast black; breast gray-black with light brown edges to feathers; under tail-coverts white with brown bars. Female — brown with light brown streaks above and blackish bars below. Male in eclipse plumage much the same as the female. Soft Parts: Bill, base red, tip yellow; shield red; iris dull red; feet greenish brown. Measurements: Wing <5226, $175; tail 581, $64; bill 536, $30; tarsus <5/5, $58. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. PURPLE SWAMPHEN PLATE 18 Porphyrio porphyrio pulverulentus Temminck, 1826 1826 Porphyrio pulverulentus Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 68, pi. 405, (“South Africa”; error= Philippines) Description: Head, neck, and upper back gray-blue, the latter a little darker; back, rump, and some wing-coverts bronze-green, rest of wing blue; tail greenish blue; throat, breast, and flanks blue; belly blue-gray, some individuals with varying amounts of white; thigh slate-blue; under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill dark red; shield red; iris dull red; feet red-brown. Measurements: Wing 236; tail 95; bill 39; tarsus 85. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Panay. 75 Rallidae — Jacanidae BLACK COOT PLATE 18 Fulica atra atra Linne, 1758 1758 Fulica atra Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:152, (Sweden) Description: Head and neck black; back, rump, wings, and tail dark slate-gray; edge of primaries white; underneath all slate-gray. Soft Parts: Bill and shield white; iris brown; feet greenish black. Measurements: Wing 215; tail 54; bill 32; tarsus 61. Range: Luzon. Family JACANIDAE JACANAS COMB-CRESTED JACANA PLATE 19 Irediparra gallinacea gallinacea (Temminck, 1828) 1828 Parra gallinacea Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 78, pi. 464, (Menado, Celebes) 1932 Irediparra gallinacea nakarnurai Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 261, (Leguasan Swamp, Mindanao) Description: Lop of head and hind neck black; back, wings, and tail glossy bronze; fore- head, sides of throat, and upper breast golden yellow; chin and throat white; center of breast and flanks black; belly and thighs white. Soft Parts: Bill, lower mandible base yellow, central section black, and tip gray, upper mandible base and comb dark red, central section black, and tip gray; iris yellow; legs green with a red patch on the front of the tibia. Measurements: Wing 138; tail 41; bill 29; tarsus 58. Range: Mindanao. PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA PLATE 19 Hydrophasianus chirurgus (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Tringa Chirurgus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 92, (Luzon) Description: Forehead, top of head, face, chin, and throat white; nape and a stripe down the side of the neck black; hind neck golden yellow; back dark brown with a reddish purple gloss; rump and tail black; wings white with black tips to primaries; breast and belly dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill blue; iris brown; feet bluish. Measurements: Wing 1 18; tail 230; bill 26; tarsus 50. Range: Calayan, Luzon, Mindanao, and Mindoro. 76 Rostratulidae — Charadriidae Family ROSTRATULIDAE PAINTED-SNIPE PAINTED-SNIPE PLATE 19 Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis (Linne, 1758) 1758 Rallus benghalensis Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:153, (Asia) Description: Male — top of head greenish brown with a huffy stripe down the center; eye- ring white; back gray finely barred with black; scapulars greenish brown with a metallic wash, feathers with buffy eyes; wings and tail gray barred with black and with large buffy spots; chin white; throat and upper breast gray-brown; rest of underparts white. Female — similar to male in pattern but much more colorful; underparts strongly washed with metallic green; throat and hind neck dark chestnut; band on upper breast dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris blue-black; feet dark dull green. Measurements: Wing 143; tail 42; bill 54; tarsus 45. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Family CHARADRIIDAE PLOVERS GRAY-HEADED LAPWING PLATE 19 Vaneilus cinereus (Biyth, 1842) 1842 Pluvianus cinereus Biyth, journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 11:587, (Calcutta) Description: Top of head, back, and scapulars light olive-brown; wing white except for primaries, which are black; rump and basal two thirds of tail white, subterminal band black, tip buffy; chin, throat, and breast pale gray-brown; brown band separates the breast and the belly; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill, terminal quarter black, rest yellow; iris dark yellow-brown; feet yellow- green. Measurements: Wing 242; tail 1 15; bill 44; tarsus 78. Range: Luzon (once); a straggler from China. BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER PLATE 19 Pluvialis squalarola (Linne, 1758) 1758 Tringa squatarola Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:149, (Sweden) Description: Top of head, back, and wing-coverts black with white margins; rump white; tail barred black and white; wings black with a white stripe; axillars black; lores and a 77 Charadriidae faint eyebrow stripe whitish; chin and throat white; breast white mottled with brown; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 182; tail 74; bill 28; tarsus 39. Range: Bantayan, Bohol, Cebu, Cuyo, Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, Palawan, Polillo, and Siquijor. PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER PLATE 19 Pluvialis dominica fulva (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Charadrius fulvus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:687, (Tahiti) Description: Top of head, back, rump, tail, and scapulars black with buffy gold margins; primaries black; sides of head and faint eye stripe golden with fine brown streaks; chin white; throat, breast, and Hanks gray with brown margins; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill blackish brown; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 163; tail 66; bill 26; tarsus 45. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. RING-NECKED PLOVER PLATE 20 Charadrius dubius dubius Scopoli, 1786 1786 Charadrius dubius Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 93, (Luzon) Description: Forehead and stripe behind eye white; forecrown black; back of head gray- brown; white collar on hind neck; rest of upperparts gray-brown, becoming darker on end of tail; lores, stripe under eye, and ear-coverts black; chin and throat white; breast band black; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible orange-yellow; orbital ring yellow; iris brown; feet pinkish black. Measurements: Wing 1 10; tail 69; bill 17; tarsus 26. Range: Breeds throughout the Philippines. Charadrius dubius curonicus Gmelin, 1789 1789 Charadrius curonicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:692, (Kurland) Description: Differs from C. d. dubius by having the black markings duller and less extensive; bill slightly shorter and lacks the orange-yellow base of the lower mandible. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. 78 Charadriidae KENTISH PLOVER PLATE 20 Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus (Swinhoe, 1870) 1870 Aegialites dealbatus Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 138, (southern China, For- mosa, Hainan) Description: Forehead and stripe over eye white; lores and stripe behind eye blackish; forecrown blackish; crown and hind neck rufous-brown; collar white; back, rump, and tail brown; wing brown with a white stripe; primaries dark brown; underparts white except for incomplete dark brown band on breast. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 107; tail 54; bill 18; tarsus 27. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from China and Japan. MALAY PLOVER PLATE 20 Charadrius peronii Schlegel, 1865 1865 Charadrius peronii Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4:33, (Samau) Description: Forehead white followed by some rufous; crown, hind neck, and back pale gray-brown; rump and upper tail-coverts dull black; tail dull black; outer rectrices white; lores dark brown; ear-coverts rufous; eye stripe, chin, and throat white; partial band on breast rufous; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black with some orange on the base of the lower mandible; orbital ring orange; iris brown; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 96; tail 37; bill 17; tarsus 27. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. MONGOLIAN PLOVER PLATE 20 Charadrius mongolus mongofus Pallas, 1776 1776 Charadrius mongolus Pallas, Reise Versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3:700, (Siberia) Description: Upperparts pale brown; primaries black; eye stripe whitish; sides of head olive-gray; chin and throat white; breast band olive-gray; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 135; tail 54; bill 18; tarsus 30. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Siberia. 79 PLATE 19 A PAINTED-SNIPE (Rostratula benghalensis), female — page 77 B PAINTED-SNIPE ( Rostratula benghalensis ), male — page 77 C PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER (Pluvialis dominica), winter plumage — page 78 D BLACK BELLIED PLOVER ( Pluvialis squatarola ), winter plumage — page 77 E COMB-CRESTED JACANA (Irediparra gallinacea) — page 76 F GRAY-HEADED LAPWING (Vanellus cinereus ) — page 77 G PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA ( Hydrophasianus chirurgus) — -page 76 80 PLATE 19 PLATE 20 A ORIENTAL DOTTEREL ( Charadrins veredus ) — page 84 B RING-NECKED PLOVER (Charadrius dubius) — page 78 C MALAY PLOVER (Charadrius peronii) — page 79 D MONGOLIAN PLOVER (Charadrius mongolus) — page 79 E KENTISH PLOVER (Charadrius alexandrinus) — page 79 F LARGE SAND PLOVER ( Charadrius leschenaultii) — page 84 82 PLATE 20 CHARADRIIDAE SCOLOPACIDAE LARGE SAND PLOVER PLATE 20 Charadrius leschenauftii Lesson, 1826 1826 Charadrius leschenaultii Lesson, Diet. Sci. Nat., ed. Levrault, 42:36, (India) Description: Upperparts pale brown; tail brown, tipped with white; outer rectrices becoming white; forehead and eyebrow stripe white; lores and ear-coverts light brown; underparts white except for a narrow, pale brown band on the breast. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet dark olive. Measurements: Wing 145; tail 56; bill 25; tarsus 38. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. ORIENTAL DOTTEREL PLATE 20 Charadrius veredus Gould, 1848 1848 Charadrius veredus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 38, (northern Australia) Description: Upperparts have brown feathers with rufous margins; primaries dark brown; tail dark brown with white tips to central rectrices; outer rectrices very pale; forehead and eye stripe pale golden brown; patch behind the eye browm; throat dirty white; breast pale buff; belly and under tail-coverts dirty white. Soft Parts: Bill olive-brown; iris brown; legs yellow-brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 165; tail 59; bill 23; tarsus 49. Range: Winters on Luzon and Palawan from Asia. Family SCOLOPACIDAE SANDPIPERS PYGMY CURLEW PLATE 21 Numenius minutus Gould, 1841 1841 Numenius minutus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 176, (New South Wales) Description: Upperparts dark brown mottled with buff; tail gray with dark brown bars; primaries dark brown; chin and throat pale buff; breast buff with dark red-brown shaft streaks; belly pale buff; thighs barred with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown, base of lower mandible flesh color; iris dark brown; feet gray. Measurements: Wing 178; tail 74; bill 42; tarsus 50. Range: Luzon, Marinduque, and Mindanao. 84 SCOLOPACIDAE WHIMBREL PLATE 21 Numenius phaeopus variegatus (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Tantalus variegatus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 92, (Luzon) Description: Upperparts dark brown slightly mottled with gray; rump gray with fine brown streaks; tail dark brown with light brown bars; superciliary and stripe down cen- ter of the crown gray-buff; sides of face and throat gray finely streaked with brown; breast buff streaked with brown; center of belly white; flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts dirty white with brown bars. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible dark brown; iris dark brown; feet plum- bous. Measurements: Wing 231; tail 108; bill 80; tarsus 54. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Siberia. COMMON CURLEW PLATE 21 Numenius arquata orientalis C. L. Brehm, 1831 1831 Numenius orientalis C. L. Brehm, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutsch., 1:610, (East Indies) Description: Upperparts gray-brown heavily streaked with dark brown; rump and upper tail-coverts white with a few dark brown streaks; chin white; rest of underparts white streaked with brown. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown, base lighter; iris brown; feet whitish gray. Measurements: Wing 295; tail 145; bill 195; tarsus 87. Range: Luzon, Masbate, Negros, Palawan, and Samar. LONG-BILLED CURLEW PLATE 21 Numenius madagascariensis (Linne, 1766) 1766 Scolopax madagascariensis Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:242, (Macassar, Celebes) Description: Upperparts gray-brown heavily streaked with dark brown; chin pale buff; sides of face and rest of underparts buffy streaked with brown. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible flesh color; iris brown; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 315; tail 1 15; bill 190; tarsus 95. Range: Winters on Bohol, Cebu, and Negros from Siberia. 85 PLATE 21 A PYGMY CURLEW (Numenius minutus) — page 84 B WHIMBREL (Numenius phaeopus) — page 85 C COMMON CURLEW ( Numenius arquata ) — page 85 D LONG-BILLED CURLEW (Numenius madagascariensis) — page 85 E BLACK-TAILED GODWIT (Limosa lirnosa) — page 88 F BAR-TAILED GODWIT (Limosa lapponica) — page 88 G REDSHANK (Tringa totanus) — page 88 H MARSH SANDPIPER (Tringa stagnatilis) — page 89 86 PLATE 21 SCOLOPACIDAE BLACK-TAILED GODWIT PLATE 21 Limosa limosa melanuroides Gould, 1846 1846 Limosa Melanuroides Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 84, (Port Essington, Australia) Description: Upperparts brown; head somewhat grayer; rump dark brown; upper tail- coverts white; tail dark brown; outer rectrices with white bases; wings dark brown with a white band; chin white; throat and breast pale gray-brown; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill, terminal half dark brown, base pinkish; iris brown; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 204; tail 78; bill 87; tarsus 70. Range: Winters on Luzon, Negros, and Samar from Asia. BAR-TAILED GODWIT PLATE 21 Limosa lapponica baueri Naumann, 1836 1836 Limosa baueri Naumann, Handb. Naturg. Vog. Deutsch., 8:429, (Victoria, Aus- tralia) Description: Upperparts gray-brown mottled with dark brown; rump gray-white barred with dark brown; tail dark brown with light gray bars; chin and throat buff with fine brown streaks; rest of underparts pure whitish. Soft Parts: Bill, terminal half blackish, basal half pinkish; iris brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 224; tail 79; bill 99; tarsus 57. Range: Winters on Bantayan, Bohol, Cuyo, Luzon, Negros, and Samar from Asia. REDSHANK PLATE 21 Tringa totanus eurhina (Oberholser, 1900) 1900 Totanus totanus eurhinus Oberholser, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 22:207, (Tso Moriri Lake, Ladak) Description: Upperparts olive-gray; lower back and rump white; tail finely barred with olive-gray and white; forehead, superciliary, and chin white; rest of underparts white finely streaked with rufous-brown. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible orange -red; iris dark brown; feet reddish. Measurements: Wing 154; tail 63; bill 47; tarsus 48. Range: Winters on Bantayan, Basilan, Bohol, Cebu, Cuyo, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Palawan, and Siquijor. 88 SCOLOPACIDAE MARSH SANDPIPER PLATE 21 Tringa stagnatilis (Bechstein, 1803) 1803 Totanus stagnatilis Bechstein, Orn. Taschenb. Deutschl., p. 293, (Germany) Description: Upperparts pale olive-gray; lower back and rump pure white; tail white mottled with olive-gray; bend of wing and primaries brownish black; underparts pure white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet brownish black. Measurements: Wing 143; tail 63; bill 38; tarsus 49. Range: Winters on Luzon from Asia. GREENSHANK PLATE 22 Tringa nebuiaria (Gunnerus, 1767) 1767 Scolopax nebuiaria Gunnerus, in Leem’s Beskr. Finm. Lapper, p. 251, (Norway) Description: Upperparts olive-gray mottled with dark brown; lower back and rump white; tail white barred with olive-gray; bend of wing and primaries dark brown; under- parts white. Soft Parts: Bill dark gray; iris dark brown; feet gray black. Measurements: Wing 185; tail 77; bill 55; tarsus 56. Range: Winters on Bohol, Cebu, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, and Polillo from Asia. SPOTTED GREENSHANK PLATE 22 Tringa guttifera (Nordmann, 1835) 1835 Totanus guttifer Nordmann, in Erman’s Reise Naturh. Atlas, p. 17, (Okhotsk) Description: Upperparts pale gray; lower back and rump white; tail somewhat grayer; bend of wing and primaries blackish brown; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet greenish yellow. Measurements: Wing 179; tail 69; bill 54; tarsus 43. Range: Winters on Cebu and Luzon from Siberia. 89 PLATE 22 A GREENSHANK (Tringa nebularia) — page 89 B SPOTTED GREENSHANK (Tringa gut t if era) — page 89 C GREEN SANDPIPER (Tringa ochrophus) — page 92 D WOOD SANDPIPER ( T ringa glareola ) — page 92 E COMMON SANDPIPER (Tringa hypoleucos) — page 92 F GRAY-TAILED TATTLER (Tringa incanas) — page 93 G TEREK SANDPIPER (Xenus cinereus) — page 93 H TURNSTONE (Arenaria interpes ) — page 93 90 PLATE 22 SCOLOPACIDAE GREEN SANDPIPER PLATE 22 Tringa ochrophus Linne, 1758 1758 Tringa ochrophus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:149, (Sweden) Description: Upperparts olive-brown; basal half of tail white, terminal half barred with olive-brown; primaries dark brown; chin white; throat white finely streaked with olive- brown; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill brownish black; iris dark brown; feet gray-black. Measurements: Wing 134; tail 60; bill 39; tarsus 32. Range: Winters on Bohol, Luzon, Negros, Polillo, and Samar from Asia. WOOD SANDPIPER PLATE 22 Tringa glareola Linne, 1758 1758 Tringa glareola Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:149, (Sweden) Description: Upperparts dark metallic brown with a few white spots on the margins of the feathers; rump white; tail white coarsely barred with metallic brown; primaries blackish brown; chin white; sides of face, throat, and upper breast gray finely streaked with olive-brown; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 124; tail 55; bill 28; tarsus 34. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. COMMON SANDPIPER PLATE 22 Tringa hypoleucos Linne, 1758 1758 Tringa hypoleucos Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:149, (Sweden) Description: Upperparts dark metallic olive-brown sparsely barred with dark brown; chin white; throat white with faint olive-brown shaft streaks in the center, becoming heavier towards the sides; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill brownish black; iris brown; feet gray-green. Measurements: Wing 1 12; tail 57; bill 29; tarsus 22. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. 92 SCOLOPACIDAE GRAY-TAILED TATTLER PLATE 22 Tringa incanas brevipes (Viei I lot, 1816) 1816 Totanus brevipes Vieillot, Diet. Hist. Nat., 6:410, (Timor) Description: Upperparts olive-gray; superciliary white; lores black; chin white; throat, breast, and flanks olive-gray; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible gray-brown; iris dark brown; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 172; tail 72; bill 40; tarsus 31. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Siberia. TEREK SANDPIPER PLATE 22 Xenus cinereus {Guldenstaedt, 1774) 1774 Scolopax cinerea Guldenstaedt, Novi Comm. Sci. Petropol., 19:473, (Caspian Sea) Description: Upperparts pale olive-gray with dark brown shaft streak on the back; super- ciliary pale gray; chin white; throat white finely streaked with olive-gray; breast, belly, and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black, lower mandible base yellowish; iris dark brown; feet olive-gray. Measurements: Wing 130; tail 55; bill 50; tarsus 26. Range: Winters on Bohol, Cebu, Masbate, Negros, and Palawan from Asia. TURNSTONE PLATE 22 Arenaria interpes interpes (Linne, 1758) 1758 Tringa interpes Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:148, (Gotland, Sweden) Description: Forehead white; sides of face black and white; crown dark brown mottled with white; back and wing-coverts dull chestnut mottled with black; lower back and rump white; upper tail-coverts dark brown; basal half of tail white, terminal half dark brown tipped with white; primaries blackish brown; chin white; throat and sides of breast black; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet orange-red. Measurements: Wing 149; tail 64; bill 24; tarsus 25. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. 93 SCOLOPACIDAE ORIENTAL DOWITCHER PLATE 23 Limnodromus semipalmatus (Blyth, 1848) 1848 Macrorhamphus semipalmatus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 17 :252, (Calcutta) Description: Upperparts dark brown, feathers having buffy margins; rump white barred w'ith dark brown; tail dark brown with buff bars; primaries dark brown; sides of face and chin gray with hue dark brown specks; throat and breast pale rufous with fine browm streaks; belly pale buff-gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark browm; feet black. Measurements: Wing 172; tail 60; bill 74; tarsus 49. Range: Winters on Luzon from Asia. JACK SNIPE PLATE 23 Limnocryptes minimus (Brunnich, 1764) 1764 Scolopax minima Brunnich, Orn. Boreal., p. 49, (Christianso) Description: Lop of head dark brown; superciliary buffy; lores dark brown; back brown with a blue-green metallic wash; scapulars brown mottled with chestnut; innermost scapular pale buff, forming a line on either side of the back; tail brown, feathers having chestnut margins; wings brown with gray tip; chin white; throat, breast, and flanks mot- tled brown and white; belly white. Soft Parts: Bill dark browm; iris dark browm; feet greenish brown. Measurements: Wing 1 12; tail 50; bill 42; tarsus 21. Range: Luzon (once); a straggler from Asia. MARSH SNIPE PLATE 23 Gallinago megala Swinhoe, 1861 1861 Gallinago megala Swinhoe, Ibis, p. 343, (between Takoo and Peking, China) Description: Upperparts gray-brown streaked and barred with dark browm and buff; throat whitish; breast buffy; belly white; under tail-coverts buffy mottled with brown; tail, the most important key, having eight broad central feathers, the rest narrower. See Plate 23. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris blackish browm; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 137; tail 54; bill 62; tarsus 35. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. 94 SCOLOPACIDAE PINTAIL SNIPE PLATE 23 Gallinago stenura (Bonaparte, 1830) 1830 Scolopax stenura Bonaparte, Ann. Stor. Nat. Bologna, 4:335, (Sunda Islands) Description: Differs from G. megala by having 10 broad central tail feathers and the rest very narrow and pinlike, much narrower than the outer tail feathers of megala. See Plate 23. Range: Winters on Calayan, Luzon, Mindanao, and Palawan from Asia. COMMON SNIPE PLATE 23 Gallinago gallinago gallinago (Linne, 1758) 1758 Scolopax gallinago Linne, Syst. Nat., 1 : 1 47 , (Sweden) Description: Differs from G. megala and G. stenura by having the entire tail consisting of broad feathers. See Plate 23. Range: Winters on Bohol, Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, and Mindoro from Asia. WOODCOCK PLATE 23 Scolopax rusticola Linne, 1758 1758 Scolopax Rusticola Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:146, (Sweden) Description: Forehead dark huffy brown; rest of upperparts basically brown but heavily mottled and blocked with black, chestnut, and buff; lores black; chin buffy; rest of under- parts golden buff finely barred with black. Soft Parts: Bill flesh color; iris blackish brown; feet dull gray. Measurements: Wing 178; tail 68; bill 82; tarsus 40. Range: Winters on Luzon from Asia. KNOT PLATE 23 Calidris canutus canutus (Linne, 1758) 1758 Tringa canutus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:149, (Sweden) 1913 Canutus canutus rogersi Mathews, Bds. Austr., 3:270, (Shanghai, China) Description: Upperparts brownish gray; rump and upper tail-coverts barred dark gray and white; tail gray; primaries dark brown; underparts gray-white finely streaked on the throat, breast, and flanks. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dark greenish brown. Measurements: Wing 165; tail 66; bill 31; tarsus 33. Range: Luzon; a visitor from Asia. 95 PLATE 23 A ORIENTAL DOWITCHER (Limnodromus semipalmatus) — page 94 B JACK SNIPE (Limnocryptes minimus) — page 94 C WOODCOCK (Scolopax rusticola) — page 95 D KNOT (Calidris canutus) — page 95 E GREAT KNOT (Calidris tenuirostris) — page 100 F MARSH SNIPE ( Gallinago megala ) — page 94 G PINTAIL SNIPE ( Gallinago stenura ) — page 95 H MARSH SNIPE ( Gallinago megala ) — page 94 I COMMON SNIPE ( Gallinago gallinago ) — page 95 96 PLATE 23 PLATE 24 A SANDERLING (Calidris alba) — page 100 B LITTLE STINT (Calidris rufcollis) — page 100 C LEAST SANDPIPER ( Calidris subminuta ) — page 100 D TEMMINCK’S STINT (Calidris temminckii) — page 101 E CURLEW SANDPIPER (Calidris ferruginea)— page 101 F BROAD BILLED SANDPIPER (Limicola falcinellus) — page 102 G SHARPTAILED SANDPIPER ( Calidris acuminata ) — page 101 H RUFF ( Philomachus pugnax) — page 102 98 PLATE 24 SCOLOPACIDAE GREAT KNOT PLATE 23 Calidris tenuirostris (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Totanus tenuirostris Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 13:192, (Java) Description: Upperparts pale gray, feathers having brown centers; tail dark gray-brown; primaries dark brown; underparts white except for sides of throat, breast, and flanks, which are finely spotted with brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dark greenish brown. Measurements: Wing 173; tail 62; bill 43; tarsus 35. Range: Winters on Luzon, Negros, and Sitanki (near Sibutu) from Asia. SANDERLING PLATE 24 Calidris alba (Pallas, 1764) 1764 Trynga alba Pallas, in Vroeg’s Cat., p. 7, (North Sea) Description: Forehead buffy; upperparts gray mottled with dark brown; white stripe in wing; primaries dark brown; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 123; tail 52; bill 25; tarsus 25. Range: Winters on Luzon and Polillo from Asia. LITTLE STINT PLATE 24 Calidris ruficollis (Pallas, 1776) 1776 Trynga ruficollis Pallas, Reise Versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3:700, (Transbaikalia) Description: Upperparts gray-brown, some feathers having dark shaft streaks; rump, tail, and primaries dark brown; underparts white with a gray band across the chest. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 95; tail 42; bill 18; tarsus 20. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Siberia. LEAST SANDPIPER PLATE 24 Calidris subminuta (Middendorff, 1853) 1853 Tringa subminuta Middendorff, Reise Nord. und Ost. Siberien, 2:222, (Stanovoi Mountains and mouth of the Uda) Description: Upperparts dark brown streaked with buff; chin white; breast and flanks buffy finely streaked with dark brown; belly and under tail-coverts white. 100 SCOLOPACIDAE Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 89; tail 35; bill 20; tarsus 23. Range: Winters on Basilan, Luzon, Mindanao, and Palawan from Siberia. TEMMINCK’S STINT PLATE 24 Calidris temminckii (Leisler, 1812) 1812 Tringa Temminckii Leisler, Nachtrage zu Bechstein’s Naturg. Deutschl., p. 64, (Germany) Description: Upperparts brownish gray; a pale gray stripe over light brown lores; throat and upper breast dark gray; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill olive-brown; iris dark brown; feet olive. Measurements: Wing 97; tail 48; bill 19; tarsus 16. Range: Negros; a visitor from Asia. SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER PLATE 24 Calidris acuminata (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Totanus acuminatus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:192, (Java) Description: Upperparts brown streaked with dark brown, pale buffy margins to back feathers; wings and tail dark brown; underparts gray-white; throat and breast finely spot- ted with brown. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible brown; iris dark brown; feet olive-yellow. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 52; bill 26; tarsus 29. Range: Winters on Batan, Luzon, Mindanao, and Panay from Asia. CURLEW SANDPIPER PLATE 24 Calidris ferruginea (Pontoppidan, 1763) 1763 Tringa ferruginea Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, 1:624, (Christianso Island off Bornholm, Denmark) Description: Upperparts gray-brown with a slight olive wash; upper tail-coverts white; tail and primaries dark brown; chin white; throat gray finely streaked with brown; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 127; tail 48; bill 40; tarsus 28. Range: Cebu, Luzon, and Negros; a visitor from Asia. 101 Scolopacidae — Recurvirostridae — Phalaropodidae BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER PLATE 24 Limicola falcinellus sibirica Dresser, 1876 1876 Limicola sibirica Dresser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 674, (Siberia and China) Description: Upperparts gray-brown; rump, tail, and primaries dark brown; chin white; throat and upper breast gray finely striped with dark brown; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 102; tail 40; bill 34; tarsus 20. Range: Winters on Bohol, Cebu, Cuyo, Luzon, Negros, and Palawan from Asia. RUFF PLATE 24 Phiiomachus pugnax (Linne, 1758) 1758 Tringa Pugnax Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:148, (Sweden) Description: Upperparts brown, feathers with buffy edges; tail brown; primaries dark brown; chin white; throat and upper breast gray-brown; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris black; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 175; tail 71; bill 34; tarsus 47. Range: Luzon (once); a straggler from Asia. Family RECURVIROSTRIDAE STILTS WHITE-HEADED STILT PLATE 25 Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus Gould, 1837 1837 Himantopus leucocephalus Gould, Syn. Bds. Austr., pi. 34, (Australia, Java, Suma- tra) Description: Top of head white; neck black; hind neck white; back and wings black with a greenish gloss; rump and tail white; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; legs and feet red. Measurements: Wing 230; tail 73; bill 60; tarsus 1 15. Range: Basilan, Luzon, Malamaui, and Mindanao. Family PHALAROPODIDAE PHALAROPES NORTHERN PHALAROPE PLATE 25 Phalaropus lobatus (Linne, 1758) 1758 Tringa tobata [sic] Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:148, (Hudson Bay) Description: Winter plumage — upperparts mottled gray-brown; wings have a prominent 102 Burhinidae — Glareolidae — Stercorariidae white stripe; primaries with white shafts; chin and upper throat white; throat and upper breast white with gray bars; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 103; tail 47; bill 23; tarsus 21. Range: Winters on islands in Basilan Straits, Calicoan (off Samar), Luzon, and Min- danao from Asia. Family BURHINIDAE THICK-KNEES REEF THICK-KNEE PLATE 25 Esacus magnirostris (Latham, 1801) 1801 Charadrius magnirostris Latham, Ind. Orn., suppl., p. lxvi, (New South Wales) Description: Top of head, back, and tail light brown; wings pale gray with dark brown and white stripes; dark brown patch in front of and behind the eye is bordered with white; underparts pale gray, becoming white on the belly. Soft Parts: Bill, base yellow, rest black; iris yellow; feet chartreuse. Measurements: Wing 274; tail 117; bill 80; tarsus 86. Range: Calayan, Camiguin North, Fuga, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Palaui, Palawan, Polillo, and Tawi Tawi. Family GLAREOLIDAE PRATINCOLES PRATINCOLE PLATE 25 Glareola maldivarum Forster, 1795 1795 Glareola (Pratincola) Maldivarum Forster, Faunula Indica, p. 11, (Maidive Islands) Description: Top of head, back, rump, and wing-coverts olive-brown; wing primaries dark brown; upper tail-coverts and basal half of rectrices white, terminal half dark brown; outer rectrices longer than inner; chin and throat buff with a white and black necklace; breast brown; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black, base red; iris brown; feet blackish brown Measurements: Wing 178; tail 81; bill 15; tarsus 33. Range: Calayan, Luzon, Negros, anti Palawan. Family STERCORARIIDAE SKUAS POMARINE JAEGER PLATE 25 Stercorarius pomarinus (Temminck, 1815) 1815 Lest ris pomarinus Temminck, Man. d’ Orn., p. 514, (arctic Europe) 103 Stercorariidae — Laridae Description: All upperparts dark brown; upper tail-coverts barred with white; chin, throat, and breast white heavily barred with brown; belly dirty white with a few brown flecks; under tail-coverts white with brown bars. Description and illustration taken from only Philippine specimen that is an immature. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris brown; feet blackish brown. Measurements: Wing 275 (worn); tail 160; bill 43; tarsus 49. Range: Mindanao (once); a straggler from Asia. Family LARIDAE GULLS AND TERNS BLACK-HEADED GULL PLATE 26 Larus ridibundus Linne, 1766 1766 Larus ridibundus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:225, (coasts of Europe) Description: Head white with brown spot behind eye; upperparts gray; tail white; outer primaries white, forming wedge-shaped neck; primaries blackish below, contrasting with rest of wing; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill dark red; iris light brown; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 318; tail 120; bill 45; tarsus 45. Range: Winter records from Luzon and Mindanao; a straggler from Asia. HERRING GULL PLATE 26 Larus argentatus vegae Palmen, 1887 1887 Larus argentatus Briinn var. vegae Palmen, in Nordenskiold’s Vega-Expd. Vet- ensk. Iakttag., 5:370, (Pidlin, Siberia) Description: Head white; upperparts gray; tail white; primaries tipped with black and a white spot; underparts gray-white. Soft Parts: Bill yellow with a subterminal spot of red; iris whitish; feet fleshy or yellow; eye-ring yellow. Measurements: Wing 430; tail 165; bill 54; tarsus 63. Range: Winters on Luzon from eastern Asia. WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN PLATE 26 Chlidonias leucoptera (Temminck, 1815) 1815 Sterna leucoptera Temminck, Man. d Orn., p. 483, (Mediterranean coasts) Description: Forehead white; hind crown and nape black; hind neck white; rest of upperparts gray; rump whitish; underparts white. 104 Laridae Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 218; tail 73; bill 27; tarsus 20. Range: Recorded from Mindanao and Palawan; a straggler from eastern Asia. WHISKERED TERN PLATE 26 Chlidonias hyhrida javanica (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Sterna Javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:198, (Java) Description: Forehead white; hind crown and nape black; hind neck white; rest of upperparts gray; underparts white. Differs from C. leucoptera by having a shorter bill and lacking the contrasting whitish rump. Soft Parts: Bill, tip blackish, base dark red; iris brown; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 225; tail 82; bill 36; tarsus 22. Range: Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, and Palawan. Chlidonias hybrida fluviatilis (Gould, 1843) 1843 Hydrochelidon fluviatilis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 140, (New South Wales) Description: Differs from javanica by having the upperparts much paler. Range: Luzon. GULL-BILLED TERN PLATE 26 Gelochelidon nilotica nilotica (Gmelin, 1789) 1789 Sterna nilotica Gmelin, Syst, Nat., 1:606, (Egypt) Description: Forehead white; spot in front of eye and ear-coverts gray-black; hind crown and nape dark gray; hind neck white; rest of upperparts gray, primaries darker; under- parts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 312; tail 136; bill 39; tarsus 30. Range: Winters on Luzon, Negros, and Palawan from eastern Asia. CASPIAN TERN PLATE 26 Hydroprogne caspia (Pallas, 1770) 1770 Sterna caspia Pallas, Novi Comm. Sci. Petropoh, 14:582, (Caspian Sea) Description: Top of head dark gray-brown flecked with black, darkest around eye; hind neck white; rest of upperparts gray; tail paler; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill bright red; iris red-brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 400; tail 135; bill 72; tarsus 42. Range: Manila Bay, Luzon (once); a straggler from Asia. 105 PLATE 25 A REEF THICK KNEE (Esacus magnirostris) — page 103 B NORTHERN PHALAROPE ( Phalaropus lobatus), winter plumage — page 102 C WHITE-HEADED STILT ( Himanlopus himantopus) — page 102 D POMARINE JAEGER (Stercorarius pomarinus), immature — page 103 E PRATINCOLE (Glareola maldivarum) — page 103 106 PLATE 25 PLATE 26 A BLACK-HEADED GULL (Larus ridibunclus) — page 104 B HERRING GULL (Larus argentatus) — page 104 C GULL-BILLED TERN (Gelochelidon nilotica) — page 105 D LITTLE TERN (Sterna albifrons) — page 1 10 E CASPIAN TERN ( Hydroprogne caspm) — page 105 F BLACK NAPED TERN (Sterna sumatr ana) — page 110 G WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN (Chlidonias leucoptera) — page 104 H WHISKERED TERN (Chlidonias hybrida) — page 105 108 PLATE 26 Laridae LITTLE TERN PLATE 26 Sterna albifrons sinensis Gmelin, 1789 1789 Sterna sinensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:608, (China) Description: Forehead white; crown and eye-stripe black; rest of upperparts gray; tail paler; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill dull yellow, tip black; iris dark brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 180; tail 85; bill 31; tarsus 15. Range: Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Palawan, anti Polillo. BLACK-NAPED TERN PLATE 26 Sterna sumatrana Raffles, 1822 1822 Sterna sumatrana Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:329, (Sumatra) Description: Top of head white; black line runs through eyes and joins on the nape; upperparts pale gray; outer primary edged with black; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 220; tail 165; bill 36; tarsus 17. Range: Luzon, Palawan, and Sibuyan. BLACK-BILLED COMMON TERN PLATE 27 Sterna hirundo longipennis Nordmann, 1835 1835 Sterna longipennis Nordmann, in Erman's Verz. Thier. Pflanz., p. 17, (mouth of Kutchui River) Description: Forehead white; crown pale gray streaked with blackish brown; upperparts pale gray; bends of wing dark gray; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill, base coral-red, tip blackish; iris dark brown; feet reddish. Measurements: Wing 278; tail 144; bill 38; tarsus 19. Range: Bohol and Calayan (north of Luzon). ROSEATE TERN PLATE 27 Sterna dougallii bangsi Mathews, 1912 1912 Sterna dougallii ba?igsi Mathews, Bds. Austr., 2:364, (Foochow, China) Description: Top of head and nape black; upperparts gray; outer three primaries dark gray-black; underparts white. 110 Laridae Soft Parts: Bill, terminal half horn, base yellowish: iris dark brown; feet coral-red. Measurements: Wing 220; tail 170; bill 37; tarsus 20. Range: Corregidor, Culion, and Palawan. SOOTY TERN PLATE 27 Sterna fuscata nubilosa Sparrman, 1788 1788 Sterna nubilosa Sparrman, Mus. Carls., p. 63, (Indian Ocean) Description: Forehead and stripe above eyes white; upperparts black; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill dark reddish black; iris dark brown; feet reddish black. Measurements: Wing 288; tail 173; bill 42; tarsus 20. Range: Negros, Palawan, Siquijor, and Sulu Archipelago; a visitor from the Indian and Pacific Oceans. BROWN-WINGED TERN PLATE 27 Sterna anaethetus anaethetus Scopoli, 1786 1786 Sterna Anaethetus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 92, (Panay) Description: Forehead and stripe that extends behind the eye white; crown black; upperparts brownish black; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 258; tail 192; bill 42; tarsus 20. Range: Didikas Rocks (north of Luzon) and Panay. CRESTED TERN PLATE 27 Sterna bergii cristata Stephens, 1826 1826 Sterna cristata Stephens, in Shaw’s Gen. Zook, 13:146, (China) 1915 Thalasseus bergii halodramus Oberholser, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 49:522, (Pata Island, Sulu) Description: Forehead white; crown and crest black; hind neck white; rest of upperparts gray; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill greenish yellow; iris black; feet black. Measurements: Wing 315; tail 162; bill 59; tarsus 30. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Ill PLATE 27 A COMMON NODDY (Anous stolidus) — page 114 B WHITE-CAPPED NODDY (Anous tenuirostris) — page 114 C BLACK-BILLED COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo) — page 110 D CHINESE CRESTED TERN (Sterna zimmermanni) — page 114 E CRESTED TERN ( Sterna bergii ) — page 1 1 1 F ROSEATE TERN (Sterna dougallii) — page 1 10 G BROWN-WINGED TERN (Sterna anaethetus) — page 111 H SOOTY TERN ( Sterna fuscata ) — page 1 1 1 112 PLATE 27 LARIDAE COLUMBIDAE CHINESE CRESTED TERN PLATE 27 Sterna zimmermanni Reichenow, 1903 1903 Sterna zimmermanni Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 11 :82, (Shantung, China) Description: Forehead white; crown and crest black; hind neck white; rest of upperparts gray; primaries blackish; underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill orange-yellow with a black tip; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 305; tail 155; bill 62; tarsus 24. Range: Once, from “Philippines”; breeds in China. COMMON NODDY PLATE 27 Anous stolidus pileatus (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Sterna pileatus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 92, (Philippines) Description: Forehead and part of crown whitish; rest of bird brownish gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet red-brown. Measurements: Wing 271; tail 164; bill 43; tarsus 20. Range: Cagayan Sulu, Luzon, Mindanao, and Palawan. WHITE-CAPPED NODDY PLATE 27 Anous tenuirostris worcesteri (McGregor, 191 1) 191 1 Micranous worcesteri McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 6:183, (Cavilli Island) Description: Similar to A. stolidus but smaller. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet red-brown. Measurements: Wing 222; tail 120; bill 43; tarsus 21. Range: Cavilli Island, Sulu Sea. (Endemic.) Family COLUMBIDAE PIGEONS AND DOVES WHISTLING GREEN PIGEON PLATE 28 Treron formosae filipina Hachisuka, 1952 1907 Sphenocercus australis McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:344, (Camiguin North) 1952 Treron formosae filipina Hachisuka, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 72:95, new name for Sphenocercus australis McGregor, 1907 114 COLUMBIDAE 1958 Treron formosae mcgregoni Husain, Ibis, 100:343, new name for Sphenocercus australis McGregor, 1907 Description: Male — crown dark apricot; collar grayish olive-green; mantle and wing- coverts maroon; rest of upperparts dark olive-green; sides of face, throat, and breast green; belly yellow; thighs and under tail-coverts dark green with wide, pale yellow margins. Female — differs from male by having upperparts all green. Soft Parts: Bill light blue, tip whitish; iris pink; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 192; tail 139; bill 23; tarsus 27. Range: Batan, Calayan, and Camiguin North. (Endemic.) THICK-BILLED GREEN PIGEON PLATE 28 Treron curvirostra erimacra Oberholser, 1924 1924 Treron curvirostra erimacra Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14:297, (Balabac) Description: Male — top of head gray; neck greenish gray; back and mantle maroon; tail- coverts and tail brownish green; wings black with yellow; underparts green; thighs green and white; under tail-coverts cinnamon. Female — similar to male but mantle is green. Soft Parts: Bill, base red, rest of bill yellowish green; iris orange; feet red. Measurements: Wing 138; tail 88; bill 15; tarsus 20. Range: Balabac, Mindoro, and Palawan. (Endemic.) POMPADOUR GREEN PIGEON PLATE 28 Treron pompadora axillaris (Bonaparte, 1855) 1855 Osmotreron axillaris Bonaparte, Consp. Av„ 2:13, (no locality— southern Luzon) Description: Top of head gray; neck green; mantle maroon; rump and tail green; wings black with yellow; underparts yellow-green; thighs green and yellow; under tail-coverts white. Female — similar to male but mantle is green. Soft Parts: Bill, base red, rest of bill bluish; iris blue; feet blue-black. Measurements: Wing 154; tail 101; bill 16; tarsus 23. Range: Central and southern Luzon, Mindoro, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Treron pompadora amadoni Parkes, 1965 1965 Treron pompadora amadoni Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 85:138, (San Mariano, Isabela Prov., northern Luzon) Description: Male — differs from canescens by having the gray crown and maroon upper- parts darker, without a gray band at posterior edge. Female — grayer below than either canescens or axillaris. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) 115 PLATE 28 A THICK BILLED GREEN PIGEON (Treron curvirostra), male — page 115 B POMPADOUR GREEN PIGEON ( Treron pompadora), male — page 115 C PINK-NECKED GREEN PIGEON (Treron vernans), male — page 118 D WHITE-EARED BROWN FRUIT DOVE ( Phapitreron leucotis) — page 118 E WHISTLING GREEN PIGEON (Treron formosae), male — page 114 F AMETHYST BROWN FRUIT DOVE (Phapitreron amethystina) — page 119 116 PLATE 28 COLUMBIDAE Treron pompadora canescens Parkes, 1965 1965 Treron pompadora canescens Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 85:137, (Santa Catali- na, Negros) Description: Male — differs from axillaris by having the maroon darker; distinct gray band between the maroon and the green on the upper back; crown tends to be grayer; underparts less yellowish. Female — grayer above and below. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, Negros, Panay, Samar, and Siquijor. (Endemic.) Treron pompadora everetti (Rothschild, 1894) 1894 Osmotreron everetti Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 1:41, (Bongao) Description: Differs from canescens by having the mantle chestnut-maroon; neck lighter green and underparts paler yellow; tends to be somewhat larger. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) PINK-NECKED GREEN PIGEON PLATE 28 Treron vernans vernans (Linne, 1771) 1771 Columba vernans Linne, Mantissa, p. 526, (Philippines) 1924 Dendrophassa vernans nesophasma Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14:297, (Cotabato, Mindanao) Description: Male — head, chin, and upper throat gray; throat and neck gray-violet; mantle, back, and wing-coverts gray-green; tail-coverts tan; tail gray with black tip; breast dull orange; belly green with yellow near vent; under tail-coverts cinnamon. Female — mostly all green. Soft Parts: Bill, base black, tip bluish; iris blue; feet red. Measurements: Wing 150; tail 110; bill 15; tarsus 21. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. (Endemic.) WHITE-EARED BROWN FRUIT DOVE PLATE 28 Phapitreron leucotis leucotis (Temminck, 1823) 1823 Columba leucotis Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 32, pi. 189, (Manila, Luzon) 1930 Phapitreron leucotis mindorensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:146, (Balete, Rio Baco, Mindoro) 1930 Phapitreron amethystina polillensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:145, (Polillo) Description: Forehead and forecrown gray; hind crown and neck brown; lores and eye stripe black; ear lines white; upper back bronze glossed with green; rest of upperparts 118 COLUMBIDAE and tail dull bronze; chin light rufous; throat and breast fulvous with greenish gloss; belly dull fulvous, becoming grayish near vent; under tail-coverts gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet red. Measurements: Wing 131; tail 90; bill 15; tarsus 17. Range: Alabat, Catanduanes, Luzon, Mindoro, Polillo, and Verde. (Endemic.) Phapitreron leucotis nigrorum (Sharpe, 1877) 1877 Phabotreron nigrorum Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1:346, (San Bernar- dino, Negros) 1930 Phapitreron leucotis limucon Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:146, (Badajig, Tablas) Description: Differs from P. 1. leucotis by having sides of head and upper throat paler; ear lines buffy, not white. Range: Cebu, Guimaras, Masbate, Negros, Panay, Sibuyan, Tablas, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Phapitreron leucotis brevirostris (Tweeddale, 1877) 1877 Phabotreron brevirostris Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 832, (Pasanan- ca, Mindanao) 1907 Phapitreron albifrons McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:317, (Tagbilaran, Bohol) 1909 Phapitreron samarensis Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:436, (Samar) Description: Differs from nigrorum by having the upperparts darker and a stronger gloss on the mantle. Range: Bohol, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao, Samar, and Siquijor. (Endemic.) Phapitreron leucotis occipitalis (Salvadori, 1893) 1893 Phabotreron occipitalis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21:68, (Basilan) Description: Differs from brevirostris by having the nape red-bronze and the throat slightly darker. Range: Basilan and Sulu. (Endemic.) AMETHYST BROWN FRUIT DOVE PLATE 28 Phapitreron amethystina amethystina Bonaparte, 1855 1855 Phapitreron amethystina Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2:28, (Philippines) 1930 Phapitreron amethystina polillensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, 14: 145, (Polillo) 1936 Phapitreron amethystina celestinoi Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:300, (Sevilla, Bohol) 119 COLUMBIDAE Description: Head brownish gray; nuchal collar reddish violet; rest of upperparts bronze with greenish gloss; tail with gray tip; chin and throat cinnamon with dark edges to feathers; breast and belly brownish gray; under tail-coverts dark cinnamon. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 150; tail 100; bill 23; tarsus 23. Range: Bohol, Leyte, Luzon, Mindoro, Polillo, and Samar. (Endemic.) Phapitreron amethystina maculipectus (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Phabotreron maculipectus Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1 : 1 0, (Negros) Description: Differs from P. a. amethystina by having underparts much paler; otherwise very much the same. Range: Negros. (Endemic.) Phapitreron amethystina frontalis (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Phabotreron frontalis Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 110, (Cebu) Description: Differs from maculipectus by having under tail-coverts gray tipped with chestnut. Range: Cebu. (Extinct.) Phapitreron amethystina mindanaoensis Manuel, 1936 1936 Phapitreron amethystina mindanaoensis Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:301, (Agusan, Mindanao) Description: Differs from P. a. amethystina by having head darker and grayer and under tail-coverts paler. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) SOUTHERN BROWN FRUIT DOVE Phapitreron cinereiceps cinereiceps (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Phabotreron cinereiceps Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:8, (Tawi Tawi) Description: Similar to P. amethystina (Plate 28) but differs in lacking the white line below the eye. Range: Tawi Eawi. (Endemic.) 120 COLUMBIDAE Phapitreron cinereiceps brunneiceps (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Phabotreron brunneiceps Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:10, (Basilan) Description: Differs from P. c. cinereiceps by having the hind neck redder. Range: Basilan, as well as Mt. McKinley and Mt. Katanglad on Mindanao. (Endemic.) YELLOW-BREASTED FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptifinopus occipitalis G. R. Gray, 1844 1844 Ptilonopus occipitalis G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2:467, (Luzon) 1877 Ptilopus incognita Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:538, (Butuan, Mindanao) 1930 Leucotreron occipitalis brevipes Hachisuka, Orn. Sot. Japan, 14:147, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Fore part of head gray; maroon band runs from eye and below, to nape, to other eye; mantle, back, and rump green with dull brownish gloss; wings green with yellow margins to primaries and secondaries; tail green; chin white; throat gray; breast deep yellow-orange; upper belly with deep red band, rest greenish gray; under tail- coverts green and white. Immature — all green but differs from immatures of P. leclancheri by having under tail-coverts cream color and lighter tips to the rectrices. Soft Parts: Bill, base red, tip yellow; iris red; feet red. Measurements: Wing 156; tail 120; bill 17; tarsus 22. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except Palawan. (Endemic.) MERRILL’S FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptiiinopus merrlili merrilli (McGregor, 1916) 1916 Leucotreron merrilli McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 11:269, (Paete, Luzon) Description: Head gray; neck greenish gray; mantle, back, rump, and tail green; wings green; primaries black; secondaries green with a crimson hairlike patch near the tip; throat and breast gray with a slight green tinge; narrow dark green line separates the breast from the all-white belly; flanks and under tail-coverts mottled green and white. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris dark red; feet red. Measurements: Wing 170; tail 120; bill 15; tarsus 26. Range: Eastern and southern Luzon and Polillo. (Endemic.) 121 COLUMBIDAE Ptilinopus merrilli faustinoi (Manuel, 1936) 1936 Neoleucotreron merrilli faustinoi Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:307, (Mt. Tabuan, Cagayan, Luzon) Description: Differs from P. m. merrilli by having a red patch on the crown. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) MARCHE S FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptilinopus marchei (Oustalet, 1880) 1880 Ptilopus ( Rhamphiculus ) Marchei Oustalet, Le Naturaliste, 1:325, (Bayabas, Luzon) Description: Top of head and nape crimson; blackish patch on sides of head from the eye to the ears; sides of neck gray; back, wings, and tail black with green gloss; primaries have yellow' edges; secondaries have crimson hairlike patch; tail has gray tip; chin buffy; throat bright orange; upper breast red; lower breast and belly gray; under tail-coverts buffy. Soft Parts: Bill reddish yellow; iris red; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 179; tail 144; bill 17; tarsus 30. Range: Luzon and Polillo. (Endemic.) NEGROS FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptilinopus arcanus Ripley and Rabor, 1955 1955 Ptilinopus arcanus Ripley and Rabor, Postilla, 21:1, (Mt. Ganloan, Negros) Description: Forehead grayish; rest of upperparts bright green; wings green with a yel- low stripe; primaries dark greenish black; tail green above, gray below lighter terminal band; underparts green; under tail-coverts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; orbital skin yellowish; feet dull purplish-red. Measurements: Wing 100; tail 54; bill 13; tarsus 16. Range: Known only from the type. (Endemic.) BLACK-CHINNED FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptilinopus leclancheri leclancheri (Bonaparte, 1855) 1855 Tererolaema leclancheri Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41:247, (New' Guinea = Manila, Luzon) Description: Head, neck, throat, and breast light gray; nape somewhat greenish; upper- parts green; chin black; wide brownish maroon band separates the breast from the all- green belly; under tail-coverts cinnamon. Immature — all green but differs from imma- 122 COLUMBIDAE cures of P. occipitalis by having the under tail-coverts pale rufous. Soft Parts: Bill yellow; iris red; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 144; tail 1 10; bill 15; tarsus 21. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for Palawan and the Babuyan and Batan Islands. (Endemic.) Ptilinopus leclancheri longialis (Manuel, 1936) 1936 Leucotreron leclancheri longialis Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:307, (Batan Island) Description: Differs from P. 1. leclancheri by being larger (wing 164; tail 118; bill 18; tarsus 25). Range: Babuyan and Batan Islands. (Endemic.) Ptilinopus leclancheri gironieri (J. Verreaux and Des Murs, 1862) 1862 Leucotreron gironieri J. Verreaux and Des Murs, Ibis, p. 342, (Palawan) 1932 Leucotreron leclancheri palaivana Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 187, (Iwahig, Palawan) Description: Differs from P. 1. leclancheri by being darker; back much greener. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) SUPERB FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptilinopus superbus temminckii (Des Murs and Prevost, 1849) 1849 Kurukuru Temminckii Des Murs and Prevost, Voy. “Venus," Zool., pp. 234, 268, (Celebes) Description: Male — top of head purple; hind neck reddish orange; green patch on sides of head from the eyes to the ears; back and wings bright green, some feathers with blue centers; tail blue-green; chin and throat gray; upper breast reddish purple; lower breast blue-black; belly buffy; thighs green. Female — all green with some yellow on belly; crown dull purple. Soft Parts: Bill green with red base; iris blue-green; feet olive. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 93; bill 17; tarsus 21. Range: Sulu Archipelago. BLACK-NAPED FRUIT DOVE PLATE 29 Ptilinopus melanospila bangueyensis (A. B Meyer, 1891) 1891 Ptilopus bangueyensis A. B. Meyer, Journ. f. Orn., 39:70, (Banguey Island) 1924 Haemataena melanocephala enantia Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14: 296, (Cagayan Sulu) 123 COLUMBIDAE Description: Male — forehead, forecrown, sides of face, and neck gray; hind crown and hind neck black; back, wings, and tail bright green; chin and central throat yellow; breast and belly bright green; feathers around vent and short under tail-coverts orange; long under tail-coverts red. Female — all green with some yellow on belly. Soft Parts: Bill yellow-green; iris yellow; feet pink. Measurements: Wing 1 18; tail 84; bill 15; tarsus 20. Range: Basilan, Mindanao, Palawan, and Sulu Archipelago. GREEN IMPERIAL PIGEON PLATE 30 Ducula aenea aenea (Linne, 1766) 1766 Columba aenea Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:283, (Manila, Luzon) 1854 Carpuphaga chalybura Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39:1074, (Philippines) 1936 Ducula aenea glaucocauda Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 60:410, (Mt. Matutum, Cotabato, Mindanao) Description: Head pinkish gray; nape with dark chestnut patch; back, rump, and wing- coverts green with a strong bronze gloss; primaries and tail dark green; all underparts pinkish gray; under tail-coverts dark chestnut. Soft Parts: Bill gray; iris red; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 245; tail 135; bill 25; tarsus 30. Range: Central Luzon south to the Sulu Archipelago. Ducula aenea nuchalis (Cabanis, 1882) 1882 Carpophaga nuchalis Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 30:126, (Isabela Prov., Luzon) Description: Differs from D. a. aenea by having a chestnut patch on the nape. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Ducula aenea fugaensis (Hachisuka, 1930) 1930 Muscadivores aenea fugaensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:150, (Fuga Island) Description: Differs from aenea by being much larger (wing 265; tail 165). Range: Fuga Island, north of Luzon. (Endemic.) Ducula aenea palawanensis (Blasius, 1888) 1888 Carpophaga aenea palawanensis Blasius, Ornis, 4:316, (Palawan) Description: Differs from aenea by having upperparts slightly bluer. Range: Balabac, Calamianes, Dumeran, Palawan, and Banguey Island off North Borneo. 124 COLUMBIDAE GRAY IMPERIAL PIGEON PLATE 30 Ducula pickeringii pickeringii (Cassin, 1854) 1854 Carpophaga Pickeringii Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 7:228, (Mangsi Islet, North Borneo) Description: Head gray; back, rump, and wings green; primaries and tail glossy green; throat white; underparts pinkish gray. Soft Parts: Bill dark gray; iris red; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 240; tail 174; bill 20; tarsus 26. Range: Sulu Archipelago and islands off northern and eastern Borneo. Ducula pickeringii langhornei (Mearns, 1905) 1905 Muscadivora langhornei Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:84, (West Bolod Island) Description: Differs from D. p. pickeringii by having upperparts paler and underparts darker; white around bill and eye is more extensive. Range: East and West Bolod Islands and Loran Island. (Endemic.) Ducula pickeringii palmasensis (Mearns, 1909) 1909 Muscadivores palmasensis Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 32:436, (Palmas Island) Description: Differs from D. p. pickeringii by having paler underparts; also somewhat smaller (wing 240; tail 156—160). Differs from langhornei by having upperparts darker. Range: Palmas Island. (Endemic.) PINK-BELLIED IMPERIAL PIGEON PLATE 30 Ducula poliocephala poliocephala (G. R. Gray, 1844) 1844 Carpophaga poliocephala G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2:469, (Philippines = south- ern Luzon) Description: Head gray; back, rump, and wings dark green with coppery reflections; tail green with a subterminal white band; chin light chestnut; throat and breast dark green; belly pinkish gray; thighs, area around vent, and under tail-coverts dark chestnut. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet bright red. Measurements: Wing 216; tail 151; bill 21; tarsus 34. Range: Cebu, Luzon, Mindoro, and Panay. (Endemic.) 125 PLATE 29 A MERRILL’S FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus merrilli) — page 121 Head of P. m.faustinoi — page 122 B BLACK-CHINNED FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus leclancheri) — page 122 C YELLOW-BREASTED FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus occipitalis ) — page 121 D BLACK-NAPED FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus melanospila) — page 123 E MARCHE S FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus marchei) — page 122 F SUPERB FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus superbus) — page 123 G NEGROS FRUIT DOVE (Ptilinopus arcanus) — page 122 126 PLATE 29 PLATE 30 A GRAY IMPERIAL PIGEON (Ducula pickeringii) — page 125 B SPOTTED IMPERIAL PIGEON (Ducula carola)— page 130 C NUTMEG IMPERIAL PIGEON (Ducula bicolor) — page 130 D MINDORO IMPERIAL PIGEON (Ducula mindorensis) — page 130 E PINK-BELLIED IMPERIAL PIGEON (Ducula poliocephala) — page 125 F GREEN IMPERIAL PIGEON (Ducula aenea) — page 124 128 PLATE 30 COLUMBIDAE Ducula poliocephala nobilis (Hachisuka, 1931) 1931 Zonophaps poliocephala nobilis Hachisuka, Ois. et Rev. Fran. d'Orn., 7:398, (Mt. Canloan, Negros) Description: Differs from D. p. poliocephala by having very strong coppery reflections on back and wing-coverts. Range: Basilan, Dinagat, Leyte, Masbate, Mindanao, Negros, Samar, Sibuyan, Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) NUTMEG IMPERIAL PIGEON PLATE 30 Ducula bicolor (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Columba bicolor Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 94, (New Guinea) Description: All white except for primaries, secondaries, and terminal third of tail, which are black. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 225; tail 138; bill 25; tarsus 28. Range: Found throughout the Philippines on small islands. MINDORO IMPERIAL PIGEON PLATE 30 Ducula mindorensis (Whitehead, 1896) 1896 Carpophaga mindorensis Whitehead, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 18:189, (Mindoro) Description: Forehead, chin, and throat pinkish gray; top of head and neck gray; a gray- black ring around eye and line extending from behind down the neck; mantle has a purple-black V, becoming reddish purple as it extends down back and on wing-coverts; back and rump bronze-green; basal third of tail green; middle third of tail dark gray; terminal third of tail blue-black; wings glossy green; breast gray; rest of underparts dirty gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet red. Measurements: Wing 240; tail 173; bill 17; tarsus 31. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) SPOTTED IMPERIAL PIGEON PLATE 30 Ducula carola carola (Bonaparte, 1854) 1854 Ptilocolpa carola Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39:1075, (Philippines) 1854 Ptilocolpa griseipectus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39:1075, (Philippines) 130 COLUMBIDAE Description: Male — head, neck, and mantle light gray; wing-coverts, back, and rump gray with black spots and a strong reddish purple gloss; primaries and tail glossy dark green; throat white; upper breast light gray, followed by a white line; lower breast dark gray; belly dark chestnut. Female — differs from male by being somewhat darker, with chestnut belly lighter. Soft Parts: Bill pink with white tip; iris white with some pink; feet pink. Measurements: Wing 205; tail 121; bill 18; tarsus 28. Range: Luzon, Mindoro, and Sibuyan. (Endemic.) Ducula carola nigrorum (Whitehead, 1897) 1897 Ptilocolpa nigrorum Whitehead, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 6:34, (Negros) Description: Differs from D. c. carola by having upper breast black. Range: Negros. (Endemic.) Ducula carola mindanensis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1905) 1905 Ptilocolpa mindanensis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 16:16, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Differs from nigrorum by having chin and throat white; breast gray-black. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) METALLIC WOOD PIGEON PLATE 31 Columba vitiensis grtseogularis (Walden and Layard, 1872) 1872 Ianthoenas griseogularis Walden and Layard, Ibis, p. 104, (Guimaras) Description; All upperparts black; head with purple gloss; hind neck with green gloss; mantle, back, and rump with purple gloss; primaries, secondaries, and tail without gloss; chin, upper throat, and sides of face gray; breast dark gray with purple gloss; belly gray, slightly glossed with purple. Soft Parts: Bill red with yellow tip; iris yellow; feet red. Measurements: Wing 251; tail 174; bill 24; tarsus 32. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except Palawan. SLENDER-BILLED CUCKOO DOVE PLATE 31 Macropygia phasianella tenuirostris Bonaparte, 1854 1854 Macropygia tenuirostris Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39:1111, (Philippines) Description: Male — head rufous; upper back rufous with fine black bars and washed with lilac; rump, wings, and tail having dark brown feathers with rufous edges; chin 131 COLUMBIDAE buffy; rest of unclerparts rufous. Female — no lilac gloss on back; darker in appearance because of fine black bars on breast which are more extensive on back. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris reddish; feet bright red. Measurements: Wing 178; tail 175; bill 17; tarsus 23. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for the islands north of Luzon. (Endemic.) Macropygia phasianella phaea McGregor, 1904 1904 Macropygia phaea McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:9, (Calayan Island) 1930 Macropygia tenuirostris septentrionalis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14: 151, (Botel Tobago) Description: Differs from tenuirostris by being darker and larger (wing 200; tail 207; bill 18; tarsus 23). Range: Islands of Batan, Botel Tobago, and Calayan. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE TURTLE DOVE PLATE 31 Streptopelia bitorquata dusumieri (Temminck, 1823) 1823 Columba dusumieri Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 32, pi. 188, (Manila, Luzon) 1930 Streptopelia dusumieri gutierrezi Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 2:152, (Cotabato, Mindanao) Description: Forehead light gray; top of head gray; hind neck having black collar with green gloss, followed by a reddish collar; back, rump, wings, and tail brownish gray; chin white; throat and sides of head gray; breast pinkish gray; belly whitish; under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill bluish tan; iris red-brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 155; tail 126; bill 17; tarsus 26. Range: Found throughout the Philippines and North Borneo. DWARF TURTLE DOVE PLATE 31 Streptopelia tranquebarica humilis (Temminck, 1824) 1824 Columba humilis Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 44, pi. 259, (Bengal and Luzon) Description: Forehead light gray; crown and neck dark gray, followed by a black collar on hind neck; upper back and wing-coverts vinaceous red; lower back and rump dark gray; wings and tail almost black; outer tail feathers have terminal third white; chin pinkish gray; breast and belly vinaceous red; thighs and vent gray; under tail-coverts white. 132 COLIJMBIDAE Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 98; bill 14; tarsus 19. Range: Calayan, Lubang, Luzon, and Mindoro. SPOTTED DOVE PLATE 31 Streptopelia chinensis tigrina (Temminck, 1810) 1810 Columba Tigrina Temminck, in Knip’s Les Pigeons, p. 94, (Timor and Batavia) 1932 Streptopelia chinensis palawana Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 212, (Iwahig, Palawan) Description: Forehead light gray; top of head and neck pinkish gray; nuchal collar black with white spots; upper parts brown; feathers of wing-coverts have dark shaft streaks; outer tail feathers with white tips; chin light gray; throat and breast vinaceous red; belly and under tail-coverts buffy. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris gray; feet pink. Measurements: Wing 145; tail 138; bill 16; tarsus 24. Range: Balabac, Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao, Negros, and Palawan. ZEBRA DOVE PLATE 32 Geopeiia striata striata (Lin no, 1766) 1766 Columba striata Linne, Syst. Nat., 1 :282, (Java) Description: Forehead gray; head brown; back, rump, and wings brown with black bars; tail brown, outer feathers with white tips; throat pure blue-gray; sides of throat, breast, and belly buffy white with fine black bars; center of breast vinaceous red; belly and under tail-coverts whitish. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris pale blue; feet red. Measurements: Wing 98; tail 102; bill 12; tarsus 16. Range: Introduced on Lubang, Luzon, Mindoro, and Verde from Borneo. GREEN-WINGED GROUND DOVE PLATE 32 Chaicophaps indica indica {Linne, 1758) 1758 Columba indica Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:164, (East Indies = Amboina Island) Description: Forehead, lores, and stripe over eye gray; top of head dark gray; mantle dull vinaceous; back, rump, and tail grayish black; wing-coverts bright emerald-green with a bronze gloss; shoulders white; chin pale vinaceous; throat and breast vinaceous; belly dull gray. Immature — dark brown; paler below. Soft Pans: Bill red with darker base; iris brown; feet bluish. Measurements: Wing 148; tail 104; bill 19; tarsus 22. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 133 PLATE 31 A METALLIC WOOD PIGEON (Columba vitiensis) — page 131 B DWARF TURTLE DOVE (Streptopelia tranquebarica), male — page 132 C SLENDER BILLED CUCKOO DOVE (Macropygia phasianella) — page 131 D PHILIPPINE TURTLE DOVE (Streptopelia bitorquata) — page 132 E SPOTTED DOVE (Streptopelia chinensis) — page 133 134 PLATE 31 PLATE 32 GREEN-WINGED GROUND DOVE (Chalcophaps irulica), male — page 133 BLEEDING HEART PIGEON (Gallicolumba luzonica) — page 138 ZEBRA DOVE (Geopelia striata) — page 133 NICOBAR PIGEON (Caloenas nicobarica) — page 139 JUH('R..ppJ)ice PLATE 32 COLUMBIDAE BLEEDING-HEART PIGEON PLATE 32 Gallicolumba luzonica luzonica (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Columba Luzonica Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 94, (Luzon = Manila, Luzon) Description: Forehead and crown gray; nape and hind neck purplish; mantle, back, and rump brownish purple with green gloss; wings brown; wing-coverts with light gray tips forming bars; tail blue-gray with a black band; a black line runs from the lores behind eye and down the neck; throat white; sides of breast gray with green gloss; bright red spot in center of breast with lighter pinkish feathers around outside, giving a “bleeding” effect; belly pinkish white; under tail-coverts buffy white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris purplish; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 158; tail 125; bill 17; tarsus 35. Range: Central and southern Luzon and Polillo. (Endemic.) Gallicolumba luzonica griseolateralis Parkes, 1962 1962 Gallicolumba luzonica griseolateralis Parkes, Postilla, 67:1, (Mt. Sicapo-o, Ilocos Norte, Luzon) Description: Differs from G. 1. luzonica by having the crown and wings darker gray; female has Hanks and under tail-coverts darker; lower breast and belly whiter, less “stained" in appearance. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Gallicolumba luzonica platenae (Salvadori, 1893) 1893 Phlogoenas platenae Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21:583, (Mindoro) Description: Differs from G. /. luzonica by having head and neck green without gray cap; back, rump and wing-coverts more chestnut; tail gray; red spot on breast is much reduced in size and is orange. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Gallicolumba luzonica keayi (Clarke, 1900) 1900 Phlegoenas keayi Clarke, Ibis, p. 359, (Negros) Description: Differs from G. 1. platenae by having the red patch elongated, not round; prominent white bar on the wings; tail browner. Range: Negros. (Endemic.) Gallicolumba luzonica criniger (Pucheran, 1853) 1853 Pampusanna criniger Pucheran, Voy. Pole Sud, Zook, 3:118, (Mindanao) 1918 Phlegoenas crinigera basilanica Hartert, Nov. Zook, 25:434, (Basilan) 138 COLUMBIDAE PSITTACIDAE Description: l op of head and neck green; rest of upperparts cinnamon; tail dark gray with black subterminal band; chin and throat white; breast gray-green with central red spot bordered with white; rest of underparts huffy. Range: Basilan and Mindanao. (Endemic.) Gallicolumba luzonica leytensis (Harterf, 1918) 1918 Phlegoenas criniger leytensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 25:434. (Leyte) Description: Differs from G. /. criniger by lacking white borders to red breast spot, which lies in a green and gray breast band; cinnamon of underparts more restricted; belly whiter. Range: Leyte and Samar. (Endemic.) Gallicolumba luzonica menagei (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Phlogoenas menagei Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci ., 1: 10, (Tawi Tawi) Description: Differs from criniger by having the underparts much paler; breast spot is orange and belly is off-white. Range: Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) NICOBAR PIGEON PLATE 32 Caloenas nicobarica nicobarica (Linne, 1758) 1758 Columba nicobarica Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:164, (Nicobar Islands) Description: Head and neck black with purplish blue gloss; neck with long blue-green feathers that form a ruff; back, rump, and wing-coverts green with a bronze gloss; wings bluish; tail white; breast blackish; belly dark green. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet purplish. Measurements: Wing 248; tail 80; bill 22; tarsus 40. Range: Found throughout the Philippines on small islands. Family PSITTACIDAE PARROTS MINDANAO LORIKEET PLATE 33 Trichoglossus johnstoniae johnstoniae Hartert, 1903 1903 Trichoglossus johnstoniae Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:10, (Mt. Apo, Min- danao) 139 PSITTACIDAE Description: Forehead, lores, malar patch, and chin rose-red; crown green; dark purple band runs around back of head from eye to eye; rest of upperparts green; some yellow on underside of secondaries; throat, breast, and belly feathers yellowish green with dark tips. Soft Parts: Bill yellow-red; iris brown; feet blue-black. Measurements: Wing 105; tail 72; bill 14; tarsus 13. Range: Mt. Apo and Mt. Katanglad, Mindanao. (Endemic.) Trichoglossus johnstoniae pistra Rand and Rabor, 1959 1959 Trichoglossus johnstoniae pistra Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 39:275, (Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) Description: Differs from T . j. johnstoniae by having darker red on head; nuchal band is blue-black, not deep purple; upperparts darker; underparts more vivid yellow. Range: Mt. Malindang, Mindanao. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE COCKATOO PLATE 33 Kakatoe haematuropygia (P. L. S. Muller, 1776) 1776 Psittacus haematuropygius P. L. S. Muller, Natursyst., suppl., 1776:77, (Philippines) 1930 Kakatoe haematuropygia mcgregori Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:157, (Polillo) Description: Bird all white except for crest, wings, and tail, which have varying degrees of yellow; under tail-coverts reddish pink. Soft Parts: Bill dirty white; iris brown; feet bluish. Measurements: Wing 212; tail 1 13; bill 26; tarsus 19. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. BLUE-HEADED RACKET-TAILED PARROT PLATE 33 Prioniturus discurus discurus (Vie i I lot , 1822) 1822 Psittacus discurus Vieillot, Gal. Ois., 1 :7, (Mindanao) 1890 Prioniturus discurus var. suluensis Blasius, Journ. f. Orn., 38:140, (Jolo) Description: Top of head and neck blue; back, rump, wings, and tail green; more yellow- ish on foreback; tail with two central feathers elongated with bare shafts on outer half and terminated with rackets; sides of head and underparts light green. Soft Parts: Bill bluish tan; iris dark brown; feet dark blue-gray. Measurements: Wing 142; tail (without rackets) 73; bill 17; tarsus 12. Range: Jolo and Mindanao. (Birds from Bohol, Leyte, and Samar are intermediate with whiteheadi .) (Endemic.) 140 PSITTACIDAE Prioniturus discurus mindorensis Steere, 1890 1890 Prioniturus Mindorensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 6, (Mindoro) Description: Differs from P. d. discurus by having a green forehead, not blue; also, the blue on the head is tinged with violet. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115: 224, (Negros) Description: Differs from P. d. discurus by having the blue on the head much reduced to just the crown; green of back darker, lacking yellowish area; also, wing is longer (164). Range: Cebu, Masbate, and Negros. (Endemic.) Prioniturus discurus nesophilus Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Prioniturus discurus nesophilus Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115: 225, (Catanduanes Island) Description: Differs from whiteheadi by having blue reduced to center of the crown, and then only a slight wash; underparts darker green. Range: Catanduanes, Sibuyan, and Tablas. (Endemic.) CRIMSON-SPOTTED RACKET-TAILED PARROT PLATE 33 Prioniturus montanus montanus Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 1895 Prioniturus montanus Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 4:41, (Mt. Data, north- ern Luzon) Description: Male — forehead and crown blue with a crimson spot in the center of the crown: back and rump brownish green; wings and tail green; tail with two central feath- ers elongated with bare shafts on outer half and terminated with rackets; sides of head and underparts dull yellow-green. Female — all-green head. Soft Parts: Bill bluish; iris dark brown; feet blue-black. Measurements: Wing 150; tail (without rackets) 79; bill 16; tarsus 14. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Prioniturus montanus waterstradti Rothschild, 1904 1904 Prioniturus waterstradti Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:72, (Mt. Apo, Min- danao) 1909 Prioniturus malindangensis Mearns. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:437, (Mt. Malin- dang, Mindanao) 141 PSITTACIDAE Description: Differs from P. m. montanus by lacking the crimson spot on the head, but blue is more extensive and darker. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Prioniturus montanus verticalis Sharpe, 1893 1893 Prioniturus verticalis Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:10, (Tawi Tawi) Description: Differs from P. m. montanus by having bluer cheeks, lighter yellowish back, and blue in the wings. Range: Bongao, folo, Sibutu, and Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) GREEN-HEADED RACKET-TAILED PARROT PLATE 33 Prioniturus luconensis Steere, 1890 1890 Prioniturus Luconensis Steere, List Bds. Mamins. Steere Expd., p. 6, (Marinduque and Luzon) Description: Entire bird yellow-green; head and underparts paler; tail with two central feathers elongated with bare shafts on outer half and terminated with rackets. Soft Parts: Bill light blue; iris dark brown; feet blue-gray. Measurements: Wing 155; tail (without rackets) 74; bill 16; tarsus 11. Range: Luzon and Marinduque. (Endemic.) PALAWAN RACKET-TAILED PARROT PLATE 33 Prioniturus platenae Blasius, 1888 1888 Prioniturus platenae Blasius, Braunschweig. Anz., 37:335, (Palawan) 1888 Prioniturus cyaniceps Sharpe, Ibis, p. 194, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Head and neck blue; back, wings, and tail green; tail has two central feath- ers elongated with the outer half of shaft bare except for rackets on the end; underparts green washed with blue. Soft Parts: Bill bluish white; iris yellowish; feet black. Measurements: Wing 160; tail (without rackets) 90; bill 20; tarsus 12. Range: Balabac, Calamianes, and Palawan. (Endemic.) BLUE-NAPED PARROT PLATE 34 Tanygnathus lucionensis salvadorii Ogilvie-Grant, 1896 1896 Tanygnathus salvadorii Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, p. 562, (Mantanani Islands) 1927 Tanygnathus lucionensis horrisonus Bangs and Peters, Occ. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. His., 5:263, (Maratua Island) 142 PSITTACIDAE 1930 Tanygnathus lucionensis koikei Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:160, (Davao, Mindanao) 1930 Tanygnathus lucionensis paraguenus Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:160, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) 1934 Tanygnathus lucionensis moro Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 87, (Jolo, Sulu Archipelago) 1953 Tanygnathus lucionensis nigrorum Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:218, (Mt. Canloan, Negros) 1953 Tanygnathus lucionensis siquijorensis Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:220, (Siquijor) Description: Head blue-green; neck and back brownish green; rump and tail green; wings green mottled with blues and browns; underparts dull brownish green. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible red with yellow tip, lower mandible yellow; iris light orange; feet black. Measurements: Wing 175; tail 1 19; bill 31; tarsus 18. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for Luzon, Mindoro, and Polillo. Tanygnathus lucionensis lucionensis (Linne, 1766) 1766 Psittacus lucionensis Linne, Syst. Nat., 1 : 146, (Philippines= Luzon) Description: Differs from salvadorii by having more blue on the head; back is bluish, not green. Range: Luzon and Mindoro. (Endemic.) Tanygnathus lucionensis hybridus Salomonsen, 1952 1952 Tanygnathus lucionensis hybridus Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:347, (Polillo) Description: Differs from T, l. lucionensis by having less blue on the head, also paler; tends to be somewhat larger. Range: Polillo. (Endemic.) LARGE-BILLED PARROT PLATE 34 Tanygnathus megalorynchos megalorynchos (Boddaert, 1783) 1783 Psittacus megalorynchos Boddaert, Table PL, enlum., p. 45, (New Guinea) Description: Head bright green; back and rump light blue; tail-coverts light green; tail green; wings blue-green with black and yellow coverts; underparts yellowish green. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris yellow; feet black. Measurements: Wing 242; tail 144; bill 43; tarsus 20. Range: Balut Island, off southern Mindanao. 143 PLATE 33 A PHILIPPINE COCKATOO (Kakatoe haematuropygia) — page 140 B PALAWAN RACKET-TAILED PARROT (Prioniturus platenae) — page 142 C GREEN-HEADED RACKET-TAILED PARROT ( Prioniturus luconensis) — page 142 D BLUE-HEADED RACKET-TAILED PARROT (Prioniturus discurus) — page 140 E MINDANAO LORIKEET ( T richoglossus johnstoniae ) — page 1 39 F CRIMSON-SPOTTED RACKET-TAILED PARROT (Prioniturus montanus), male — page 141 144 PLATE 33 PLATE 34 BLUE BACKED PARROT (Tanygnathus sumatranus), female — page 148 LARGE-BILLED PARROT ( Tanygnathus megalorynchos) — page 143 BLUE-NAPED PARROT (Tanygnathus lucionensis) — page 142 GUAIABERO (Bolbopsittacus lunulatus), male — page 148 PHILIPPINE HANGING PARAKEET (Loriculus philippensis) — page 149 PLATE 34 PSITTACIDAE BLUE-BACKED PARROT PLATE 34 Tanygnathus sumatranus everetti Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Tanygnathus Everetti Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:553, (Butuan, Min- danao) Description: Head green; mantle, wings, and tail dark green; lower back and rump blue; underparts dull green. Soft Parts: Bill, male red, female whitish; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 189; tail 132; bill 33; tarsus 19. Range: Leyte, Mindanao, Negros, Panay, and Samar. (Endemic.) Tanygnathus sumatranus duponti Parkes, 1971 1971 Tanygnathus sumatranus duponti Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 91:97, (Bo. Disu- lap, Isabela Province, Luzon) Description: Differs from everetti by having the blue of the lower back lighter and less purplish blue; under wing-coverts yellowish instead of green. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Tanygnathus sumatranus freeri McGregor, 1910 1910 Tanygnathus freeri McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 5:108, (Polillo) Description: Differs from everetti by having the crown lighter green and a yellow collar on the hind neck; back lighter blue; also, much larger (wing 235; tail 170). Range: Polillo. (Endemic.) Tanygnathus sumatranus burbidgii Sharpe, 1879 1879 Tanygnathus burbidgii Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 313, (Sulu Islands) Description: Differs from everetti by being darker; head slightly lighter; also, larger wing (220). Range: Sulu Archipelago. GUAIABERO PLATE 34 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus lunulatus (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Psittacus lunulatus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 86, (Luzon) Description: Male — top of head green; lores, orbital ring, chin, and narrow collar on hind neck are blue; mantle and wings green; primaries have blue edges; lower back and rump greenish yellow; tail green; underparts light green. Female — less blue on face; yellow collar instead of blue; rump with fine black bars. 148 PSITTACIDAE Soft Parts: Bill gray with black tip; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 101; tail 35; bill 18; tarsus 11. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Bolbopsittacus lunulatus intermedius Salvador!, 1891 1891 Bolbopsittacus intermedius Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20:505, (Leyte) Description: Differs from B. 1. lunulatus by having face and collar darker blue; under- parts more green. Range: Leyte. (Endemic.) Bolbopsittacus lunulatus callainipictus Parkes, 1971 1971 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus callainipictus Parkes, Bull. Brit. Grn. CL, 91:96, (Bonga, Samar) Description: Male — differs from intermedius by having the face and nuchal band paler and more greenish blue; blue area on cheeks less extensive; body color yellower green. Female — nuchal band richer yellow. Range: Samar. (Endemic.) Bolbopsittacus lunulatus mindanensis (Steere, 1890) 1890 Cyclopsitta Mindanensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 6, (Mindanao) Description; Differs from intermedius by having less blue in face and darker blue collar; top of head sometimes brighter green. Range: Mindanao and Panaon. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE HANGING PARAKEET PLATE 34 Loriculus philippensis philippensis (P. L. S. Muller, 1776) 1776 Psittacus philippensis P. L. S. Muller, Natursyst., supph, 1776:80, (Luzon) Description: Male — forehead bright red; crown yellow-green; hind neck with small golden collar; back, wings, and tail green; rump and tail-coverts bright red; chin green; throat with a bright red patch; rest of underparts green. Female — differs by having blue on face and throat instead of red. Soft Parts: Bill, male bright red with black tip, female light yellow; iris dark brown; feet dark orange. Measurements: Wing 98; tail 47; bill 14; tarsus 1 1. Range: Banton, Catanduanes, Luzon, Marinduque, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Loriculus philippensis mindorensis Steere, 1890 1890 Loriculus Mindorensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 6, (Mindoro) 149 PSITTACIDAE Description: Differs from L. p. philippensis by lacking yellow on the crown, having no collar on the hind neck, and having a turquoise patch each side of the red rump. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Loriculus philippensis bournsi McGregor, 1905 1905 Loriculus bournsi McGregor, Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 25:16, (Sibuyan) Description: Differs from L. p. philippensis by having a small yellow patch next to the bright red on the crown. Range: Romblon, Sibuyan, and Tablas. (Endemic.) Loriculus philippensis panayensis Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Loriculus panayensis Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 538, (Ilo Ilo, Panay) Description: Differs from bournsi by having more yellow on the crown and some red feathers on the hind neck. Range: Masbate, Panay, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Loriculus philippensis regulus Souance, 1856 1856 Loriculus regulus Souance, Rev. et Mag. Zool., 8:222, (Negros) Description: Differs from panayensis by having whole crown yellow and with more red on hind neck. Range: Guimaras and Negros. (Endemic.) Loriculus philippensis chrysonotus Sclater, 1872 1872 Loriculus chrysonotus Sclater, Ibis, p. 324, (Cebu) Description: Differs from more northern forms by having hind crown, neck, and upper back bright golden yellow; throat orange-red. Range: Cebu. (Extinct.) Loriculus philippensis worcesteri Steere, 1890 1890 Loriculus Worcesteri Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 6, (Samar and Leyte) Description: Differs from L. p. philippensis by having entire crown reddish orange, which extends down on the back; red throat patch smaller. Range: Bohol, Leyte, and Samar. (Endemic.) Loriculus philippensis siquijorensis Steere, 1890 1890 Loriculus Siquijorensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expel., p. 6, (Siquijor) 150 PSITTACIDAE CUCULIDAE Description: Differs from worcesteri by having crown, neck, and back green; throat, rump, and tail-coverts dark red. Range: Siquijor. (Endemic.) Loricuius philippensis apicalis Souance, 1856 1856 Loricuius apicalis Souance, Rev. et Mag. ZooL, 8:220, (Mindanao) 1877 Loricuius hartlaubi Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 819, (Mindanao) 1930 Loricuius salvadorii Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:163, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) Description: Differs from L. p. philippensis by having the entire crown scarlet and the nape orange; rest of upperparts more golden. Range: Bazol, Dinagat, and Mindanao. (Endemic.) Loricuius philippensis dohertyi Hartert, 1906 1906 Loricuius philippensis dohertyi Hartert, Nov. Zool., 13:757, (Basilan) Description: Differs from apicalis by having the hind neck bright red and the back red- dish yellow. Range: Basilan. (Endemic.) Loricuius philippensis bonapartei Souance, 1856 1856 Loricuius Bonapartei Souance, Rev. et Mag. Zool., 8:222, (Sulu Archipelago) Description: Differs from apicalis by having the nape deeper orange, becoming an orange wash on mantle; bill black (red in other races.) Range: Bongao, Jolo, and Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) Family CUCULIDAE CUCKOOS RED-WINGED CRESTED-CUCKOO PLATE 35 Ciamator coromandus (Linne, 1766) 1766 Cuculus coromandus Linne, Syst. Nat., 1 : 1 7 1, (Coromandel) Description: Top of head and crest black, crest having a blue gloss; white collar on hind neck; back and mantle black with green gloss; tail black with purple gloss, small white tips to feathers; wings bright chestnut; throat orange-buff; breast and belly white; thighs gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris pale red-brown; feet dark blue-black. Measurements: Wing 168; tail 226; bill 25; tarsus 24. Range: Winters in the Philippines from China. 151 PLATE 35 A LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO (Cuculus sparverioides) — page 154 B RED WINGED CRESTED-CUCKOO (Clamator coromandus) — page 151 C COMMON CUCKOO (Cuculus canorus) — page 155 D ORIENTAL CUCKOO (Cuculus saturatus) — page 155 E VIOLET CUCKOO (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus), male and female — page 159 F MALAY BRONZE CUCKOO (Chrysococcyx malayanus) — page 158 G HORSFIELD'S HAWK-CUCKOO (Cuculus fugax) — page 154 H SHORT-WINGED CUCKOO (Cuculus micropterus) — page 154 152 PLATE 35 CUCULIDAE LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO PLATE 35 Cuculus sparverioides sparverioides Vigors, 1831 1831 Cuculus sparverioides Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 173, (Himalayas) Description: All upperparts with bronze gloss; head and neck gray; mantle, back, and wings brown; tail brown with three dark brown bars, buffy at tip; lores white; chin dark gray; throat and breast streaked with rufous, gray, and white; lower breast and belly white barred with dark brown; under tail-coverts white with one or two brown bars. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible yellow; iris dark brown; feet bright yellow. Measurements: Wing 234; tail 184; bill 27; tarsus 23. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. HORSFIELD'S HAWK-CUCKOO PLATE 35 Cuculus fugax pectoralis (Cabanis and Heine, 1863) 1863 Hiracococcyx pectoralis Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., p. 27, (Philippines) Description: Head, neck, back, and wings slate-gray; tail slate with dark bars, rufous at end; chin gray; throat white with gray streaks; rest of underparts rufous with some white; under tail-coverts white. Immature — upperparts dark brown barred with chestnut; underparts whitish heavily streaked with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill olive-green with black tip; iris brown; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 173; tail 155; bill 19; tarsus 19. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except Palawan. (Endemic.) Cuculus fugax hyperythrus Gould, 1856 1856 Cuculus hyperythrus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 96, (China) Description: Differs from pectoralis by being lighter in color and having longer wing (200). Range: Winters in the Philippines from China. SHORT-WINGED CUCKOO PLATE 35 Cuculus micropterus micropterus Gould, 1837 1837 Cuculus micropterus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 137, (Himalayas) Description: Upperparts light bluish gray; tail black with white spots; throat and upper breast gray; lower breast and belly white coarsely barred with black; under tail-coverts buffy barred with black. 154 CUCULIDAE Soft Parts: Bill tan with yellow base; iris brown; feet dull yellow. Measurements: Wing 214; tail 140; bill 24; tarsus 21. Range: Recorded from Mindoro and Negros; a straggler from eastern Asia, Borneo, and Java. COMMON CUCKOO PLATE 35 Cuculus canorus telephones Heine, 1863 1863 Cuculus telephonus Heine, Journ. f. Grn., 11:352, (Japan) Description: Head, neck, mantle, back, rump, and wings dark gray; primaries and tail dark olive-gray, the latter with a white tip; throat gray; breast and belly white with fine black bars. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 210; tail 165; bill 22; tarsus 20. Range: Winters in the Philippines from northeast Asia. ORIENTAL CUCKOO PLATE 35 Cuculus saturatus horsfieldi Moore, 1857 1857 Cuculus horsfieldi Moore, in Moore and Horsfield’s Cat. Bds. Mus. Hon. East- India Co., 2:703, (Java) Description: Upperparts bluish gray with bronze gloss; tail black with white spots; throat and upper breast light gray; lower breast and belly white with black bars; under tail- coverts slightly rufous with black bars. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible dark green; iris gray; feet green- ish yellow. Measurements: Wing 185; tail 150; bill 22; tarsus 16. Range: Winters in the Philippines from China. BAY-BANDED CUCKOO PLATE 36 CacomanUs sonneratii fasciolatus (P. L. S. Muller, 1843) 1843 Cuculus fasciolatus P. L. S. Muller, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., p. 177, (Sumatra) Description: Upperparts dark chestnut, barred with dark brown, and glossed with bronze; underparts grayish white with fine black bars. Soft Parts: Bill .black; iris dark brown; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 106; tail 107; bill 19; tarsus 17. Range: Calamianes, Palawan, and Tablas; also Borneo, Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra. 155 PLATE 36 A KOEL (Eudynamys scolopacea), female — page 160 B KOEL (Eudynamys scolopacea), male — page 160 C SCALE-FEATHERED CUCKOO (Phoenicophaeus cumingi) — page 161 D BRUSH CUCKOO (Cacomantis variolosus) — page 158 E BAY-BANDED CUCKOO (Cacomantis sonneratii) — page 155 F PLAINTIVE CUCKOO (Cacomantis merulinus) — page 158 G DRONGO CUCKOO (Surniculus lugubris) — page 159 H PALAWAN MALCOHA (Phoenicophaeus curvirostris) — page 160 I ROUGH-CRESTED CUCKOO ( Phoenicophaeus superciliosus) — page 161 156 PLATE 36 ClJCULIDAE PLAINTIVE CUCKOO PLATE 36 Cacomantis merulinus merulinus (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Cuculus merulinus Scopoli, Del. FI or. et Faun. Insubr., p. 89, (Panay) Description: Top of head gray-bronze; back, wings, and tail glossy bronze; throat and upper chest pale gray; rest of underparts pale rufous; tail feathers barred with white. Immature — upper parts light chestnut streaked and barred with brown; underparts, chin, and throat creamy white streaked with brown and washed with light chestnut; rest of underparts creamy white barred with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 112; tail 115; bill 15; tarsus 17. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. (Endemic.) BRUSH CUCKOO PLATE 36 Cacomantis variolosus sepulcralis (S. Muller, 1843) 1843 Cuculus sepulcralis S. Muller, Verb. nat. gesch. Nederl., p. 177, (Java and Suma- tra) Description: Upperparts gray with a strong bronze gloss; chin and upper throat gray; rest of underparts dark cinnamon; white tips to tail feathers. Immature — upperparts dark chestnut barred with dark brown; underparts gray barred with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill lemon-yellow with black tip; iris brown-gray; feet bright lemon-yellow. Measurements: Wing 118; tail 128; bill 16; tarsus 16. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for Basilan and Sulu Archipelago. Cacomantis variolosus everetti Hartert, 1925 1925 Cacomantis variolosus everetti Flartert, Nov. Zook, 32:166, (Tawi Tawi) Description: Differs from sepulcralis by having cinnamon chin and throat, darker under- parts, and somewhat less clear gray head; also smaller wing (1 13.5). Range: Basilan and Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) MALAY BRONZE CUCKOO PLATE 35 Chrysococcyx malayanus malayanus (Raffles, 1822) 1822 Cuculus Malayanus Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:286, (Malay Peninsula) Description: Head, neck, back, wings, and tail dark bronze with green gloss; underparts barred with bronze and white; throat and breast washed with rufous. Soft Parts: Bill dark black-red at base; iris red; feet dark green. Measurements: Wing 95; tail 66; bill 16; tarsus 17. Range: Basilan, Bongao, Mindanao, Negros, and Tawi Fawi. 158 ClJCULIDAE VIOLET CUCKOO PLATE 35 Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus amethystinus (Vigors, 1831) 1831 Lampromorpha amethystina Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 98, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Male — entire bird bright blue-violet except for lower breast and belly, which are barred with dark green and white; tail feathers with white tips. Female — upperparts bright bronze tinged with gr^en; throat and upper breast barred with bronze and white washed with rufous; lower breast and belly barred with bronze and white; tail feathers with white tips. Soft Parts: Bill yellow, base red; iris red; feet dark olive. Measurements: Wing 100; tail 70; bill 19; tarsus 17. Range: Basilan, Cebu, Leyte, Luzon, Mindoro, and Samar. (Endemic.) Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus xanthorhynchus (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Chalcites xanthorhynchus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:179, (Java) Description: Differs from amethystinus by being lighter, more reddish purple, not dark blue-violet; also, more white in tail. Range: Palawan. DRONGO CUCKOO PLATE 36 Surniculus lugubris velutinus Sharpe, 1877 1877 Surniculus velutinus Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1 :320, (Malamaui) 1953 Surniculus lugubris suluensis Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115: 237, (Tawi Tawi) Description: Entire bird dull velvety black; thigh feathers mostly white; under tail with small white spots; primaries with a white spot. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 117; tail 110; bill 22; tarsus 15. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, Samar, and Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) Surniculus lugubris chalybaeus Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Surniculus lugubris chalybaeus Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115: 237, (Lanrao, Bataan Peninsula, Luzon) 1958 Surniculus lugubris mindorensis Ripley and Rabor, Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., 13:38, (Alcate, Victoria, Mindoro) Description: Differs from velutinus by having head, neck, and underparts glossy black. Range: Luzon, Mindoro, and Negros. (Endemic.) 159 CUCULIDAK Surniculus lugubris minimus Baker, 1919 1919 Surniculus lugubris minimus Baker, Nov. Zool., 26:292, (Iwahig, Palawan) Description: Differs from velutinus by being greener and lighter on upperparts; under tail-coverts with more white. Range: Balabac and Palawan. (Endemic.) KOEL PLATE 36 Eudynamys scolopacea mindanensis (Linne, 1766) 1766 Cuculus mindanensis Linne, Syst. Nat., 1:169, (Philippines) 1934 Eudynamys scolopacea onikakko Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 214, (Calapan, Mindoro) 1934 Eudynamys scolopacea paraguena Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 213, (Taguso, Palawan) Description: Male — entire bird glossy blue-black. Female — upperparts dark brown barred with light rufous; underparts huffy with wide dark brown bars on breast, becom- ing narrower on belly. Soft Parts: Bill dark green; iris red; feet steel-blue. Measurements: Wing 188; tail 186; bill 28; tarsus 32. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for Calayan and Fuga. Eudynamys scolopacea frater McGregor, 1904 1904 Eudynamis [sic] frater McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:21, (Calayan North) Description: Differs from mindanensis by being larger (wing 240; tail 227; bill 31; tarsus 33). Range: Calayan and Fuga Islands. (Endemic.) PALAWAN MALCOHA PLATE 36 Phoenicophaeus curvirostris harringtoni (Sharpe, 1877) 1877 Dryococcyx Harringtoni Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1:321, (Balabac) Description: Head and neck dark gray; naked red patch extends from bill to behind the eye; mantle, wings, back, and basal half of tail glossy green with some deep blue on ends of feathers; terminal half of tail chestnut; throat light rufous; rest of underparts dark chestnut. Soft Parts: Bill green; iris red; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 175; tail 280; bill 38; tarsus 38. Range: Balabac, Calamianes, and Palawan. (Endemic.) 160 CUCULIDAE ROUGH-CRESTED CUCKOO PLATE 36 Phoenicophaeus superciliosus superciliosus Dumont, 1823 1823 Phaenicophaus superciliosus Dumont, Diet. Sci. Nat., ed. Levrault, 28:451, (Philippines) Description: Upperparts black with strong greenish gloss; a large, bare orange patch around eye; long superciliary feathers bright red; underparts dull black with slight greenish gloss; tail feathers with a white tip. Soft Parts: Bill pale green; iris yellow; feet greenish. Measurements: Wing 155; tail 235; bill 37; tarsus 37. Range: Catanduanes, central and southern Luzon, Marinduque, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Phoenicophaeus superciliosus cagayanensis Rand and Rabor, 1967 1967 Phoenicophaeus superciliosus cagayanensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 51:85, (Mt. Cague, Sierra Madre, Luzon) Description: Differs from P. s. superciliosus by having shorter superciliary feathers and less white at the base of these feathers; tail feathers with smaller white tips; breast with a more yellowish green wash. Range: Cagayan Province, northeast Luzon. SCALE-FEATHERED CUCKOO PLATE 36 Phoenicophaeus cumingi Fraser, 1839 1839 Phaenicophaus Cumingi Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 112, (Luzon) Description: Head and throat gray, the latter being lighter and both with elongated feathers terminated with a black spangle; upper back dark chestnut; wings, lower back, and tail glossy dark green; tail feathers with a white tip; breast chestnut; belly dull black. Soft Parts: Bill tan; iris red; feet gray. Measurements: Wing 155; tail 233; bill 37; tarsus 41. Range: Luzon and Marinduque. (Endemic.) COMMON COUCAL PLATE 37 Centropus sinensis bubutus Horsfield, 1821 1821 Centropus Bubutus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:180, (Java) Description: Head, neck, and throat black glossed with blue; upper back and wings chestnut; lower back and tail black glossed with green; underparts dull black. 161 CUCULIDAE Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 210; tail 298; bill 40; tarsus 58. Range: Balabac, Cagayan Sulu, Luzon, and Palawan. Centropus sinensis anonymous Stresemann, 1913 1913 Centropus sinensis anonymous Stresemann, Nov. Zook, 20:323, (Tawi Tawi) Description: Differs from bubutus by having wings darker chestnut; also smaller (wing 163; tail 230; bill 47; tarsus 41). Range: Basilan, Jolo, and Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) STEERE’S COUCAL PLATE 37 Centropus steerii Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Centropus steeru Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:14, (Mindoro) Description: Head and throat black glossed with green; neck, back, and wings blackish brown; tail glossy green; breast and belly dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 150; tail 220; bill 41; tarsus 42. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE COUCAL PLATE 37 Centropus viridis viridis (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Cuculus viridis Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 89, (Antigua, Panay) 1790 Cuculus aegyptius Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:420, (Philippines) 1812 Centropus rufpennis Uliger, Abhandl. Berl. Acad., p. 224, (Philippines) 1817 Cuculus philippensis Cuvier, Regne An., 1:436, (Philippines) 1823 Corydonix pyrrhopterus Vieillot, Enc. Meth., 3: 1 353, (Philippines) 1850 Centropus molkenboen Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1:108, (Philippines) Description: Entire bird dull black glossed with green, except for wings, which are bright chestnut; tips of primaries darker. Immature — top of head, back, chin, throat, and breast dark brownish black barred with white; shaft streaks huffy; wings chestnut barred with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 157; tail 255; bill 26; tarsus 42. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except for Batan and Mindoro. (Endemic.) 162 CUCULIDAE Centropus viridis mindorensis (Steere, 1890) 1890 Centrococcyx Mindorensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 12, (Calapan, Mindoro) Description: Differs from C. v. viridis by having wings much blacker, similar to rest of body. Wing 160; tail 250; tarsus 41. Range: Mindoro and Semirara. (Endemic.) Centropus viridis carpenteri Mearns, 1907 1907 Centropus carpenteri Mearns, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:356, (Batan Island) Description: Similar in color to mindorensis but differs by being larger (wing 166; tail 278; tarsus 42). Range: Batan Island. (Endemic.) BLACK-FACED COUCAL PLATE 37 Centropus melanops Lesson, 1830 1830 Centropus melanops Lesson, Trade, d’Orn., 2:137, (Mindanao) 1848 Centropus nigrifrons Peale, U. S. Expl. Exped., 8:137, (Philippines) 1934 Centropus melanops banken Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 221, (Paranas, Samar) Description: Forehead, lores, cheek, and behind the eye black; crown pale buff; neck buffy chestnut; wings dark chestnut; back and tail black with a greenish gloss; throat pale buff; breast and belly black. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 168; tail 244; bill 36; tarsus 41. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) RUFOUS COUCAL PLATE 37 Centropus unirufus (Cabanis and Heine, 1863) 1863 Pyrrhocentor unirufus Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., p. 118, (Luzon) 1930 Centropus unirufus polillensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. japan, suppl. 14:177, (Poliilo) Description: Entire bird rufous; black shaft streaks make crown look darker; underparts slightly lighter. Soft Parts: Bill green with yellow tip; iris rufous; feet black. Measurements: Wing 165; tail 242; bill 37; tarsus 43. Range: Luzon and Poliilo. (Endemic.) 163 PLATE 37 A PHILIPPINE COUCAL ( Centropus viridis) — page 162 B RUFOUS COUCAL (Centropus unirufus) — page 163 C LESSER COUCAL (Centropus bengalensis), breeding plumage — page 166 D STEERE'S COUCAL (Centropus steerii) — page 162 E COMMON COUCAL (Centropus sinensis) — -page 161 F BLACK-FACED COUCAL (Centropus melanops) — page 163 164 PLATE 37 CUCULIDAE TYTONIDAE LESSER COUCAL PLATE 37 Centropus bengalensis philippinensis Mees, 1971 1971 Centropus bengalensis philippinensis Mees, Zool. Med., 45:190, (Calapan, Mindoro) Description: Head, neck, and throat black glossed with green; shaft streaks quite shiny; back and tail black, slightly glossed with green; tips of tail feathers huffy; wings mottled brown and chestnut; wing-covert shafts are whitish, giving a streaked appearance; under- parts dull black. Eclipse plumage — head, neck, and back dark brownish black with light shaft streaks, giving a streaked appearance; wings and tail light chestnut heavily barred with blackish brown; underparts pale buff with light shaft streaks; sides of throat, breast, and Hanks lightly barred with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 160; tail 218; bill 25; tarsus 40. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Family TYTONIDAE BARN OWLS GRASS OWL PLATE 39 Tyto capensis amauronota (Cabanis, 1872) 1872 Strix amauronota Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 20:316, (Luzon) Description: Crown dark orange-brown; face white; black spot in front of eyes; ruff- feathers white, outer ones having black ends; hind neck huffy; mantle and wings dark orange-brown with small white spots; tail white with four dark brown bars; throat and belly white; breast washed with buff. Soft Parts: Bill white; iris dark brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 360; tail 135; bill 45; tarsus 89. Range: Basilan, Batan, Calamianes, Cebu, Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, Panay, and Siqui- jor. (Endemic.) BAY OWL PLATE 38 Phodilus badius badius (Horsfield, 1821) 1821 Strix baclia Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13:139, (Java) 1927 Phodilus riverae McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 32:5 18, (Wright, Samar) Description: Crown dark chestnut; face pinkish white; ruff-feathers white with chestnut edges; mantle, back, and wings chestnut with some black and white spots; underparts pinkish with small black spots having white edges. 166 Tytonidae — Strigidae Soft Parts: Bill yellowish: iris black; feet yellowish brown. Measurements: Wing 220; tail 1 15; bill 35; tarsus 54. Range: Samar (once, in 1924). Outside the Philippines: Burma and Malay Peninsula to Borneo. Family STRIGIDAE OWLS SCOPS OWL PLATE 38 Otus scops longicornis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1894) 1894 Scops longicornis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:51, (northern Luzon) Description: Forehead white; crown bright rufous; a white line over each eye; face light buff; hind neck whitish, a part of a white collar that is wider and whiter on the breast; mantle, back, and rump rufous with black spots; wings and tail similar but darker; throat white with black spots; breast rufous with large black spots; belly white with rufous and black. Soft Parts: Bill dull green, tip dark brown; iris yellow; feet flesh color. Measurements: Wing 148; tail 72; bill 17; tarsus 33; ear-tufts 31. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Otus scops calayensis McGregor, 1904 1904 Otus calayensis McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:18, (Calayan Island) 1952 Otus bakkamoena batanensis Manuel and Gilliard, Am. Mus. Novit., 1545:4, (Basco, Batan Island) Description: Differs from longicornis by being larger (wing 169; tail 85). Range: Batan and Calayan. (Endemic.) Otus scops mindorensis (Whitehead, 1899) 1899 Scops mindorensis Whitehead, Ibis, p. 98, (Mindoro) Description: Differs from longicornis by being smaller (wing 135; tail 63). Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Otus scops romblonis McGregor, 1905 1905 Otus romblonis McGregor, Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 25:12, (Romblon) Description: Differs from longicornis by having very distinct black streaks on the head; also, somewhat larger (wing 158). Range: Banton and Romblon. (Endemic.) 167 Strigidae Otus scops cuyensis McGregor, 1904 1904 Otus cuyensis McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:17, (Cuyo) Description: Differs from romblonis by being larger (wing 175). Range: Cuyo. (Endemic.) Otus scops mirus Ripley and Rabor, 1968 1968 Otus scops mirus Ripley and Rabor, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 81:31, (Agusan Province, Mindanao) Description: Differs from longicornis by having the upperparts more heavily streaked anti the underparts lighter, especially the belly; also smaller (wing 131; tail 58). Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Otus scops sibutuensis (Sharpe, 1893) 1893 Scops sibutuensis Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:9, (Sibutu) 1909 Otus steerei Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:437, (Tumindao Island) Description: Differs from mirus by having the wing-coverts paler and the underparts darker; also, somewhat larger (wing 136). Range: Sibutu. (Endemic.) RUFOUS SCOPS OWL PLATE 38 Otus rufescens burbidgei Hachisuka, 1934 1934 Otus rufescens burbidgei Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 51, (Sulu) Description: Forehead fulvous; head and ear-coverts dark tawny-rufous; face rufous, darker around eyes; black line runs from ear-coverts down sides of neck; upperparts red- brown with buff spots; tail rufous, darker than back; underparts rufous with some black streaks on breast. Soft Parts: Bill cream; iris gold; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 66; bill 19; tarsus 27; ear-tufts 25. Range: Sulu. (Endemic.) ORIENTAL SCREECH OWL PLATE 38 Otus bakkamoena megalotis (Walden, 1875) 1875 Lempijius megalotis Walden, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 9:145, (Manila) 1895 Scops whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4:40, (Lepanto, northern Luzon) 168 Strigidae Description: Gray phase crown blackish; eye stripe white; upperparts gray brown with white; scapulars form a white line; underparts light gray with dark streaks; red phase similar but rufous. Soft Parts: Bill brownish with a light tip; iris yellow-brown; feet dirty white. Measurements: Wing 190; tail 108; bill 28; tarsus 44; ear-tufts 40. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Otus bakkamoena everetti (Tweeddale, 1878) 1878 Scops everetti Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 942, (Zamboanga, Min- danao) 1907 Otus boholensis McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:323, (Sevilla, Bohol) Description: Differs from megalotis by being smaller (wing 162; tail 71) and not having the feathering of the tarsus reaching the foot. Range: Basilan, Bohol. Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Otus bakkamoena nigrorum Rand, 1950 1950 Otus bakkamoena nigrorum Rand, Nat. His. Misc., 72:3, (Negros) Description: Differs from everetti by having head and neck bright rufous; also, wing smaller (147). Range: Negros. (Endemic.) Otus bakkamoena fuliginosus (Sharpe, 1888) 1888 Scops fuliginosus Sharpe, Ibis, p. 197, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Differs from everetti by having a reduced collar on the hind neck and more rufous above; face and chin rufous-brown, not white; underparts darker brown with heavy dark brown streaks; also smaller (wing 139). Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) GIANT SCOPS OWL PLATE 38 Mimizuku gurneyi (Tweeddale, 1879) 1879 Pseudoptynx gurneyi Tweeddale, (1878), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 940, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) Description: Crown dark rufous with dark brown stripes; back, rump, and upper tail- coverts rufous with black spots that form three long stripes; wings rufous with brown; tail brown; throat plain rufous; breast and flanks rufous with black streaks; belly lighter rufous with fewer streaks. Soft Parts: Bill gray; iris brown; feet light gray. Measurements: Wing 240; tail 1 19; bill 31; tarsus 45; ear-tufts 42. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic). 169 PLATE 38 A PHILIPPINE HAWK OWL (Ninox scutulata) — page 176 B BAY OWL (Phodilus badius) — page 166 C GIANT SCOPS OWL (Mimizuku gurneyi) — page 169 D RUFOUS SCOPS OWL ( Otus rufescens) — page 168 E ORIENTAL SCREECH OWL (Otus bakkamoena) — page 168 F PHILIPPINE BOOBOOK OWL (Ninox philippensis) — page 174 G SCOPS OWL ( Otus scops ) — page 1 67 170 PLATE 38 PLATE 39 A SELOPUTO OWL (Strix seloputo) — page 176 B GRASS OWL (Tyto capensis) — page 166 C SHORT EARED OWL (Asio flammeus) — page 177 D PHILIPPINE HORNED OWL (Bubo philippensis) — page 174 172 PLATE 39 Strigidae PHILIPPINE HORNED OWL PLATE 39 Bubo philippensis phiiippensis (Kaup, 1851) 1844 Scops Philippensis G. R. Gray, List Spec. Bds. Brit. Mus., Accipitres, p. 45, ( nomen nudum ) 1848 Syrnium philippense G. R. Gray, List Spec. Bds. Brit. Mus., Accipitres, p. 105, ( nomen nudum ) 1851 Pseudoptynx philippensis Kaup, Arch. f. Natiirg., 17:110, (Luzon) Description: Feathers of all upperparts rufous with a black streak in center; tail dull rufous barred with dark brown; chin light rufous; throat whitish; rest of underparts very pale rufous with dark brown streaks. Soft Parts: Bill tan w'ith light tip; iris yellow-brown; feet light gray. Measurements: Wing 341; tail 170; bill 47; tarsus 70; ear-tufts 34. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Bubo philippensis mindanensis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906) 1906 Pseudoptynx philippensis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16:99, (Davao, Mindanao) Description: Differs from B. p. philippensis by having upperparts darker; underparts with darker and more numerous streaks. Also may be larger, but this proves doubtful. Range: Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE BOOBOOK OWL PLATE 38 Ninox philippensis philippensis Bonaparte, 1855 1855 Ninox philippensis Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41:655, (Luzon) Description: Head, mantle, back, rump, and wings dark brown; scapulars with large white spots; tail brown with dark brown bars; chin white; rest of underparts white with broad rufous-brown stripes. Soft Parts: Bill greenish with yellow tip; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 162; tail 88; bill 20; tarsus 29. Range: Leyte, Luzon, Marinduque, Polillo, and Samar. (Endemic.) Ninox philippensis proxima Mayr, 1945 1945 Ninox philippensis proxima Mayr, Zoologica, 30: 108, (Masbate) Description: Differs from N. p. philippensis by having the upperparts darker brown, white spots on wings smaller, and striping of underparts darker; also, longer wing (175) and shorter tail (80). Range: Masbate and Ticao. (Endemic.) 174 Strigidae Ninox philippensis centralis Mayr, 1945 1945 Ninox philippensis centralis Mayr, Zoologica, 30:108, (Siquijor) Description: Differs from proxima by having the upperparts duller brown; also larger (wing 186; tail 91). Range: Bohol, Guimaras, Negros, Panay, and Siquijor. (Endemic.) Ninox philippensis spilocephala Tweeddale, 1878 1878 Ninox spilocephala Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 939, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) Description: Differs from N. p. philippensis by having more rufous spots on head and neck; white spots on wings slightly larger. Range: Basilan and Mindanao. (Endemic.) Ninox philippensis reyi Oustalet, 1880 1880 Ninox Reyi Oustalet, Bull. Assoc. Sci. France, 1:206, (Sulu Archipelago) 1897 Ninox everetti Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 6:47, (Siasi Island) Description: Differs from spilocephala by having more prominent rufous barring on the head and back; striping underneath is lacking on the belly; also larger (wing 194). Range: Bongao, Siasi, Sulu, and Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) Ninox philippensis mindorensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1896 1896 Ninox mindorensis Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, p. 463, (Mindoro) 1899 Ninox Plateni “Blasius” Hartlaub, Abh. Naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 16:271, (Mindoro) Description: Differs from N. p. philippensis by having the upperparts duller brown and barred; underparts barred; also larger (wing 170). Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Ninox philippensis spilonota Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Ninox spilonotus Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:8, (Cebu) Description: Differs from mindorensis by having the underparts heavily barred; also larger (wing 191; tail 98). Range: Cebu, Sibuyan, and Tablas. (Endemic.) 175 Strigidae PHILIPPINE HAWK OWL PLATE 38 Ninox scutulata randi Deignan, 1951 1951 Ninox scutulata randi Deignan, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 64:41, (Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) Description: Forehead white; top of head dark brown; rest of upperparts very dark red- brown; tail red-brown with dark brown bars; primaries dark brown with lighter red- brown edges; underparts white heavily streaked with red-brown. Bill and feet much larger than in other races. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris yellow; feet yellow. Measurements: Wing 240; tail 135; bill 28; tarsus 33. Range: Basilan, Cebu, Luzon, Marinduque, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Siquijor. (Endemic.) Ninox scutulata palawanensis Ripley and Rabor, 1962 1962 Ninox scutulata palawanensis Ripley and Rabor, Postilla, 73:4, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Differs from randi by being smaller (wing 195; tail 108). Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Ninox scutulata japonica (Temminck and Schlegel, 1850) 1850 Strix hirsuta japonica Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold’s Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 28, (Japan) Description: Differs from randi by having the upperparts browner and the red-brown in the wings and tail much reduced; underparts not as heavily streaked. Range: W inters in the Philippines from Japan. Ninox scutulata florensis (Wallace, 1864) 1864 Athene Jlorensis Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 488, (Flores) Description: Differs from japonica by having the upperparts much paler and the under- parts not so heavily streaked. Range: Luzon; a straggler from China. SELOPUTO OWL PLATE 39 Strix seloputo wiepkeni (Blasius, 1888) 1888 Syrnium Wiepkeni Blasius, (March) Braunschweig. Anz., 52:467, (Puerto Prin- cesa, Palawan) 1888 Syrnium whiteheadi Sharpe, (April) Ibis, p. 196, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) 176 STRIGIDAE PODARGIDAE Description: Upperparts dark brown with white spots; wings slightly lighter; tail brown with light brown bars; face and chin buffy; white patch in middle of the throat; breast has brown feathers with white bars; lower breast and belly have white feathers with brown bars. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet feathered, with black nails. Measurements: Wing 330; tail 190; bill 34; tarsus 58. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) SHORT-EARED OWL PLATE 39 Asio flammeus flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763) 1763 Strix Flammea Pontoppidan, Danske Atlas, 1 :617, (Sweden) Description: Upperparts golden brown with dark brown streaks; tail light brown with dark brown bars; underparts golden brown, not so heavily streaked with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill blackish brown; iris yellow; toes black. Measurements: Wing 310; tail 168; bill 27; tarsus 41; ear-tufts 30. Range: Luzon; a straggler from eastern Asia. Family PODARGIDAE FROGMOUTHS PHILIPPINE FROGMOUTH PLATE 40 Batrachostomus Septimus microrhynchus Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 1895 Batrachostomus microrhynchus Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4:41, (Mt. Data, Luzon) Description: Head red-brown with a few lighter bars; white collar on hind neck; scapu- lars buffy; back, rump, and tail red-brown; wings brown with a few white spots; under- parts pale brown with two white stripes, one on lower throat and the other on lower breast. Soft Parts: Bill light brown; iris light yellow; feet buff. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 104; bill 21; tarsus 17. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Batrachostomus septimus menagei Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Batrachostomus menagei Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:11, (no locality = Philippines) 177 PODARGIDAE CAPRIMULGIDAE Description: Differs from microrhynchus by having browns darker and light areas light- er. Also larger (wing 140; tail 10(3). Range: Negros and Panay. (Endemic.) Batrachostomus septimus Septimus Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Batrachostomus septimus Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 542, (Pasananca, Mindanao) Description: Differs from menagei by being larger (wing 160; tail 121). Range: Basilan, Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) JAVA FROGMOUTH PLATE 40 Batrachostomus javensis chaseni Stresemann, 1937 1937 Batrachostomus javensis chaseni Stresemann, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 22:326, (Taguso, Palawan) Description: Upperparts rufous with a white collar on hind neck; tail barred with dark rufous; throat with large white spots; rest of underparts rufous. Soft Parts: Bill horn color; iris yellow; feet brownish. Measurements: Wing 129; tail 98; bill 24; tarsus 12. Range: Banguey Island and Palawan. (Endemic.) Family CAPRIMULGIDAE NIGHTJARS PHILIPPINE EARED NIGHTJAR PLATE 40 Eurostopodus macrotis macrotis (Vigors, 1831) 1831 Caprimulgus macrotis Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 97, (Manila, Luzon) 1878 Lyncornis mindanensis Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 945, (Mindanao) Description: Crown rufous with black spots; sides of head and ear-coverts darker; hind neck with light brown band, becoming white on throat; mantle, back, rump, and wings mottled with browns; scapulars with black spots; tail black with buff bars; chin, breast, and belly dark brown with black bars. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 280; tail 178; bill 10; tarsus 18. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Samar. (Endemic.) 178 Caprimulgidae JAPANESE NIGHTJAR PLATE 40 Caprimulgus indicus jotaka Temminck and Schlegel, 1847 1847 Caprimulgus jotaka Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold’s Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 37, (Japan) Description: Upperparts dark gray mottled with black and a little chestnut; tail dark gray with black bars; wings dark brown with a white stripe near tip; chin and lower throat dark gray with fine black bars; upper throat white; breast and belly gray and dark rufous with fine black bars. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 210; tail 143; bill 12; tarsus 16. Range: Winters in the northern Philippines; a visitor from Japan. LONG-TAILED NIGHTJAR PLATE 40 Caprimulgus macrurus johnsoni Deignan, 1955 1955 Caprimulgus macrurus johnsoni Deignan, Sarawak Mus. Journ., 6:315, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Crown and nape gray-brown with buff streaks; back and rump gray and black; tail brown with black marks; outer tail feathers with white tips; wings brown and black with three white bars and a white patch near end of wing- chin dark brown and black; throat with a white stripe; underparts gray with fine brown and black bars. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 195; tail 339; bill 13; tarsus 14. Range: Calamianes and Palawan. (Endemic.) Caprimulgus macrurus manillensis Walden, 1875 1875 Caprimulgus manillensis Walden, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 9:159, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Differs from johnsoni by having the white patch in the wing primaries and in the outer rectrices reduced. Range: Most of Philippine Islands, except for Basilan, Mindanao, and Palawan. (Endemic.) Caprimulgus macrurus delacouri Hachisuka, 1931 1931 Caprimulgus macrurus delacouri Hachisuka, Ois. et Rev. Fran. d’Orn., 1:471, (Sigaboy, Mindanao) Description: Differs from manillensis by having upperparts darker; white spots on wings much sharper. Range: Basilan and Mindanao. (Endemic.) 179 PLATE 40 A PHILIPPINE EARED NIGHTJAR (Eurostopodus macrotis) — page 178 B JAVA FROGMOUTH (Batrachostomus javensis) — page 178 C SAVANNA NIGHTJAR ( Caprimulgus afjvus ) — page 182 D PHILIPPINE FROGMOUTH ( Batrachostomus septimus ) — page 177 E JAPANESE NIGHTJAR (Caprimulgus indicus) — page 179 F LONG-TAILED NIGHTJAR (Caprimulgus macrurus) — page 179 180 PLATE 40 Caprimulgidae — Apodidae SAVANNA NIGHTJAR PLATE 40 Caprimulgus affinis griseatus Walden, 1875 1875 Caprimulgus griseatus Walden, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 9:160, (Philippines = Manila, Luzon) Description: Male — upperparts pale sandy brown vermiculated with black; underparts much the same but more rufous; white patch on sides of throat, in wing, and on sides of tail. Female — without white areas. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 168; tail 102; bill 9; tarsus 18. Range: Gatanduanes, Cebu, Luzon, Mindoro, Negros, and Sibuyan. (Endemic.) Caprimulgus affinis mindanensis Mearns, 1905 1905 Caprimulgus affinis mindanensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:85, (Malabang, Mindanao) Description: Differs from C. a. griseatus by being darker and having less white in the tail. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Family APODIDAE SWIFTS HIMALAYAN SWIFTLET PLATE 41 Collocalia brevirostris whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 1895 Collocalia whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, p. 459, (Mt. Data, Luzon) Description: Head and upperparts sooty black with a slight greenish gloss; tail has a more purplish gloss and is slightly forked; underparts brownish gray; tarsus without feathers. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet red-brown. Measurements: Wing 137; tail 55; bill 6; tarsus 12. Range: Bamayan, Batan, Bohol, Gagayancillo, Gatanduanes, Cebu, Luzon, Mindoro, Sibuyan, and Verde. Collocalia brevirostris origenis Oberholser, 1906 1906 Collocalia origenis Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 58:191, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) 1930 Collocalia apoensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:172, (Apo Lake, Min- danao) 182 Apodidae Description: Differs from C. b. whiteheadi by being darker above and below. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Collocalia brevirostris palawanensis Stresemann, 1914 1914 Collocalia lowi palawanensis Stresemann, Ver. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 12:10, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) 1934 Collocalia whiteheadi tsubame Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 176, (Puerto Prin- cesa, Palawan) Description: Head and upperparts dirty black with a green gloss; underparts brownish gray; tarsus feathered. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 127; tail 53; bill 5; tarsus 10. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) EDIBLE-NEST SWIFTLET PLATE 41 Collocalia fuciphaga germani Oustalet, 1878 1878 Collocalia germani Oustalet, Bull. Soc. Philom., 2:1, (Cochinchina) Description: Head and upperparts sooty black with green; rump pale gray with dark shaft streaks; tail dull greenish purple; underparts grayish brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet light brown. Measurements: Wing 1 15; tail 50; bill 5; tarsus 9. Range: Palawan and Sulu Islands to Indonesia. GRAY SWIFTLET PLATE 41 Collocalia vanikorensis amelis Oberholser, 1906 1906 Collocalia unicolor amelis Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 58:193, (Irisan, Benguet, Luzon) 1912 Collocalia veslita mearnsi Oberholser, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 42:17, (Paoay, Benguet, Luzon) Description: Head and upperparts blackish with dark green; back and rump paler; throat gray-brown; breast and belly gray-brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 1 15; tail 56; bill 4; tarsus 10. Range: Bohol, Cebu, Luzon, Marinduque, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Palawan, and Panay. (Endemic.) 183 PLATE 41 A GRAY SWIFTLET (Collocalia vanikorensis) — page 183 B EDIBLE-NEST SWIFTLET (Collocalia fuciphaga) — page 183 C GLOSSY SWIFTLET (Collocalia esculenta ) — page 186 D HIMALAYAN SWIFTLET (Collocalia brevirostris) — page 182 E PYGMY SWIFTLET (Collocalia troglodytes) — page 186 184 PLATE 41 Apodidae PYGMY SWIFTLET PLATE 41 Collocalia troglodytes G. R. Gray, 1845 1845 Collocalia troglodytes G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 1:55, (Philippines) Description: Head, back, wings, and tail black with a blue-green gloss; rump mostly white; throat and breast light brown; belly buff. Tail with slight fork. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 90; tail 40; bill 3.5; tarsus 9. Range: Luzon, south to Mindanao and Palawan. (Endemic.) GLOSSY SWIFTLET PLATE 41 Collocalia esculenta isonota Oberholser, 1906 1906 Collocalia linchi isonota Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 58:208, (Irisan, Benguet, Luzon) 1945 Collocalia esculenta septentrionalis Mayr, Zoologica, 30:1 10, (Calayan) Description: Crown, tail-coverts, and tail dark green with bluish cast; rest of upperparts greenish; wings blue-green; sides of head, throat, and breast brown with narrow white margins to feathers; belly and flanks grayer with wider white margins to feathers. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet brownish. Measurements: Wing 101; tail 42; bill 4; tarsus 8. Range: Babuyan, Calayan, Camiguin North, and northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Collocalia esculenta marginata Salvadori, 1882 1882 Collocalia marginata Salvadori. (March) Atti. R. Accad. Sci. Iorino, 17:448, (Cebu) 1882 Collocalia cebuensis Rutter, (April) Journ. f. Orn., 30:171, (Cebu) Description: Differs from isonota by being slightly smaller; feathers of rump have white margins. Wing 97; tail 42. Range: Central Luzon, south to Bohol and Palawan. (Endemic.) Collocalia esculenta bagobo Hachisuka, 1930 1930 Collocalia esculenta bagobo Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:173, (Apo Lake, Mindanao) Description: Differs from isonota by having somewhat darker throat and less white on abdomen. Range: Mindanao and Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) 186 Apodidae NORTHERN SPINE-TAILED SWIFT PLATE 42 Chaetura caudacuta caudacuta (Latham, 1801) 1801 Hirundo caudacuta Latham, Ind. Orn., suppl., p. lvii, (New South Wales) Description: T op of head and upperparts light brown; tail and wings black with a green gloss; chin and throat white; breast and belly brown; under tail-coverts white tipped with brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris black; feet black. Measurements: Wing 215; tail 60; bill 10; tarsus 16. Range: During migration it may be found most anywhere in the Philippines because it breeds in Siberia and winters south to Australia; however, as yet it is unrecorded from the Philippines. MALAYSIAN SPINE-TAILED SWIFT PLATE 42 Chaetura gigantea gigantea (Temminck, 1825) 1825 Cypselus giganteus Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 61, pi. 364, (Bantam, Java) Description: Head and upperparts black with a blue gloss; sides of forehead, flanks, and under tail-coverts white; rest of underparts gray-brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet reddish brown. Measurements: Wing 200; tail 68; bill 9; tarsus 16. Range: Calamianes, Culion, and Palawan. Chaetura gigantea dubia McGregor, 1905 1905 Chaetura clubius McGregor, Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 34:15, (Mindoro) Description: Differs from C. g. gigantea by having gloss more violet, less blue; wing 222. Range: Luzon and Mindoro. (Endemic.) Chaetura gigantea manobo Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Chaetura gigantea manobo Salomonsen, Vicl. Mecld. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:239, (Malaybalay, Mindanao) Description: Differs from dubia by having a shorter wing (215). Range: Basilan, Mindanao, and Negros. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE SPINE-TAILED SWIFT PLATE 42 Chaetura picina Tweeddale, 1878 1878 Chaetura picina Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 944, (Zamboanga, Min- danao) 187 Apodidae Description: Entire bird black with a blue gloss, except for throat and under wing- coverts, which are white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 161; tail 32; bill 6; tarsus 9. Range: Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao, and Negros. (Endemic.) WHITE-RUMPED SWIFT PLATE 42 Apus pacificus pacificus (Latham, 1801) 1801 Hirundo pacificus Latham, Inch Orn., suppl., p. lviii, (New South Wales) Description: Head, wings, back, and tail dark brown; rump white; throat white; breast and belly brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 178—182; tail 77; bill 7—8; tarsus 14. Range: Found throughout the Philippines on migration from eastern Siberia to Austra- lia. HOUSE SWIFT PLATE 42 Apus affinis subfurcatus (Blyth, 1849) 1849 Cypselus subfurcatus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 18:807, (Penang) Description: Upperparts black; rump white; chin and throat light gray; breast and belly white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 143; tail 51; bill 7; tarsus 10. Range: Camiguin North, Luzon, and Mindoro. PALM SWIFT PLATE 42 Cypsiurus parvus pallidior (McGregor, 1905) 1905 Tachornis pallidior McGregor, Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 25:27, (Anao, Luzon) Description: Head and back almost black; wings and tail dark brown; rump and tail- coverts light brown; throat gray; breast and belly lighter gray, some feathers showing white margins. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet blackish. Measurements: Wing 1 19; tail 62; bill 5; tarsus 7. Range: Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, Negros, Polillo, and I'icao. (Endemic.) 188 Hemiprocnidae — Trogonidae Family HEMIPROCNIDAE TREE SWIFTS LESSER TREE SWIFT PLATE 42 Hemiprocne comata major (Hartert, 1895) 1895 Macropteryx comata major Hartert, Nov. Zool., 2:473, (Luzon) 1930 Hemiprocne comata nakamurai Hachisuka, Orn. Sot. Japan, suppl. 14:172, (Samal Island, off Mindanao) 1939 Hemiprocne comata barbarae Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86:95, (Bayog, Mindoro) Description: Head deep blue; a white stripe above and below eye; ear-coverts chestnut on male only; back and rump bronze; wings and tail deep blue with a green gloss; outer half of tertials white; chin white followed by a deep blue band on throat; rest of underparts bronze, except for latter half of belly, which is white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 80; bill 5; tarsus 6. Range: Luzon, south through the Sulu Archipelago; not found on Palawan. (Endemic.) Family TROGONIDAE TROGONS PHILIPPINE TROGON PLATE 43 Harpactes ardens ardens (Temminck, 1826) 1826 Trogon ardens Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 68, pi. 404, (Mindanao) 1848 Harpactes rodiosternus Peale, U. S. Expl. Expecl., 8:166, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) Description: Male — crown black, suffused with maroon; neck and mantle orange-brown, becoming lighter on rump; central tail feathers rufous with black tips, outer feathers mostly white, rest black; wing-coverts black with fine white bars; primaries all black; throat black; breast pink; belly scarlet. Female — upperparts like those of male but duller; wing with tan stripes, not white; breast and belly orange-brown. Soft Parts: Bill green, tip yellow; iris dark brown; feet olive. Measurements: Wing 145; tail 181; bill 25; tarsus 16. Range: Basilan and Mindanao. (Endemic.) Harpactes ardens linae Rand and Rabor, 1959 1959 Harpactes ardens linae Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 39:276, (Sanda- yong, Bohol) 189 Trogonidae — Alcedinidae Description: Differs from H. a. ardens by having somewhat more black on the head; upperparts also slightly duller and black throat is wider. Range: Bohol. Leyte, and Samar. (Endemic.) Harpactes ardens iuzoniensis Rand and Rabor, 1952 1952 Harpactes ardens Iuzoniensis Rand and Rabor, Nat. His. Misc., 100:2, (Dinampan, Luzon) Description: Differs from H. a. ardens by having a smaller bill (22): upperparts darker and duller brown. Males have anterior half of crown black, without maroon wash. Range: Central and southern Luzon and Marinduque. (Endemic.) Harpactes ardens minor Manuel, 1957 1957 Harpactes ardens minor Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 86:3, (Anibawan, Polillo) Description: Differs from Iuzoniensis by having the reds much darker; also smaller (wing 133). Range: Polillo. (Endemic.) Harpactes ardens herberti Parkes, 1970 1970 Harpactes ardens herberti Parkes, Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc., 23:351, (Mt. Pala- uan, Isabela Province, Luzon) Description: Male — differs from Iuzoniensis by having the entire crown washed with maroon; underparts duller and less rufescent. Female — differs by having head browner. Range: Northeast Luzon. (Endemic.) Family ALCEDINIDAE KINGFISHERS RIVER KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Alcedo atthis bengalensis Gmelin, 1788 1788 Alcedo bengalensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:450, (Bengal) Description: Head blue-green, feathers tipped with light blue; lores and a stripe to ear- coverts ferruginous; greenish blue band with light blue spots runs from lower mandible to a white patch on the side of the neck; back, rump, and tail-coverts light blue; wings and tail blue-green; throat white; rest of underparts rufous. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible pinkish; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 73; tail 33; bill 39; tarsus 9. Range: Found throughout the Philippines; probably a migrant. 190 Alcedinidae MALAYSIAN KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Alcedo meninting amadoni duPont, 1971 1971 Alcedo meninting amadoni duPont, Nemouria, 3:2, (Iwahig, Palawan) Description: Head mostly black with azure-blue on sides and bars on crown; lores rufous; white patch on the sides of the neck; hind neck azure-blue; back, rump, and tail-coverts very bright blue; wings blue; tail black; throat white; rest of underparts rufous. Soft Parts: Bill blackish; iris brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 65; tail 30; bill 42; tarsus 9. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Alcedo meninting verreauxii De La Berge, 1851 1851 Alcedo Verreauxii De La Berge, Rev. et Mag. Zook, 3:305, (Borneo) Description: Differs from amadoni by having the blue of the upperparts darker and less azure-blue. Range: Borneo and Sulu Archipelago. DWARF RIVER KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Ceyx cyanopectus cyanopectus L a f res n aye, 1840 1840 Ceyx cyano-pectus Lafresnaye, Rev. et Mag. Zook, 4:33, (Luzon) 1892 Ceyx steeni Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 17:187, (Mindoro) Description: Male — head has mostly deep blue feathers witli light blue tips; lores rufous; a rufous spot on sides of neck; back, rump, and tail-coverts bright blue; tail black; wings dark bluish green with light blue spot on the scapulars; chin white; underparts chestnut with two rich blue bands on chest. Female — similar to male but chestnut underparts are darker and only one blue band on chest. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible black, lower mandible red; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 61; tail 23; bill 36; tarsus 10. Range: Luzon, Marinduque, Masbate, Mindoro, Polillo, Sibuyan, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Ceyx cyanopectus nigrirostris Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Ceyx nigrirostris Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Sci., 1:13, (Panay, Cebu, and Negros) Description: Differs from C. c. cyanopectus by having upperparts lighter blue; breast has only one blue band, which is darker (navy blue) in the male and incomplete in the female; bill is all black. Range: Cebu, Negros, and Panay. (Endemic.) 191 PLATE 42 A HOUSE SWIFT (Apus affinis) — page 188 B NORTHERN SPINE-TAILED SWIFT (Chaetura caudacuta) — page 187 C WHITE-RUMPED SWIFT (Apus pacificus) — -page 188 D LESSER TREE SWIFT (Hemiprocne comata) — page 189 E MALAYSIAN SPINE-TAILED SWIFT ( Chaetura gigantea ) — page 187 F PHILIPPINE SPINE-TAILED SWIFT ( Chaetura picina) — page 187 G PALM SWIFT ( Cypsiurus parvus) — page 188 192 PLATE 42 PLATE 43 PHILIPPINE TROGON ( Harpactes ardens ) — page 1 89 194 PLATE 43 PLATE 44 MALAY FOREST KINGFISHER (Ceyx erithacus rufi dorsum) — page 198 SILVERY KINGFISHER ( Ceyx argentatus) — page 198 PHILIPPINE FOREST KINGFISHER (Ceyx melanurus) — page 199 DWARF RIVER KINGFISHER (Ceyx cyanopectus) — page 191 VARIABLE FOREST KINGFISHER (Ceyx lepidus) — page 198 MINDORO FOREST KINGFISHER (Ceyx erithacus motleyi ) — page 199 MALAYSIAN KINGFISHER (Alcedo meninting) — page 191 RIVER KINGFISHER (Alcedo at this) — page 190 PLATE 44 Alcedinidae SILVERY KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Ceyx argentatus argentatus Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Ceyx argentatus Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:533, (Dinagat) Description: Head black with small white spots on sides of crown from eyes to nape; a white patch on the sides of the neck; back, rump, and tail-coverts white; tail black; wings black; secondary coverts have white tips; throat and belly white; breast, Hanks, and under tail-coverts black with bluish cast. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris black; feet red. Measurements: Wing 61; tail 25; bill 39; tarsus 10. Range: Basilan, Cebu, Dinagat, Mindanao, Negros, and Panay. (Endemic.) Ceyx argentatus flumenicola Steere, 1890 1890 Ceyx flumenicola Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 10, (Samar and Leyte) Description: Differs from C. a. argentatus by having underparts darker and with a pur- plish cast. Range: Bohol, Leyte, and Samar. (Endemic.) VARIABLE FOREST KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Ceyx lepidus margarethae Blasius, 1890 1890 Ceyx margarethae Blasius, Braunschweig. Anz., 87:877, (Mindanao) 1890 Ceyx suluensis Blasius, Journ. f. Orn., 38:141, (Jolo) 1890 Ceyx Bournsii Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 10, (Basilan) 1890 Ceyx Malamaui Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 1 1, (Basilan) 1905 Ceyx goodfellowi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16:17, (Piso, Mindanao) 1941 Ceyx goodfellowi virgicapitus Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sc i ., 74:367, (Batobato, Tawi Tawi) Description: Head, neck, back, rump, wings, and tail deep to light blue (the variation is quite extreme); lores rufous; a white patch on side of neck; chin, throat, and middle of belly white; rest of underparts rufous. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 64; tail 24; bill 38; tarsus 8. Range: Banton, Basilan, Bongao, Cebu, Jolo, Mindanao, Negros, Romblon, Sibuyan, Siquijor, Tablas, and Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) MALAY FOREST KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Ceyx erithacus rufidorsum Strickland, 1847 1847 Ceyx rufidorsa Strickland, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 99, (Malacca) 198 Alcedinidae 1892 Ceyx euerythra Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 17:179, (Malacca, Sumatra, Labuan, northwest Borneo, Palawan, Mindoro) Description: Upper parts red washed with lilac; head and rump slightly darker; wing primaries and secondaries black; tail reddish; lores deep yellow; chin and throat white washed with yellow; rest of underparts deep yellow. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 59; tail 25; bill 39; tarsus 9. Range: Balabac, Bongao, Calamianes, Palawan, Panay, and Tawi Tawi; a hybrid with motleyi. Ceyx erithacus motleyi Chasen and Kloss, 1929 — PLATE 44 1929 Ceyx erithacus motleyi Chasen and Kloss, Journ. f. Orn., 77:108, (Bettotan, North Borneo) 1939 Ceyx erithacus vargasi Manuel, Phil. Journ. Sci., 69:383, (Puerto Galera, Min- doro) Description: Head red with two black spots near bill; bluish patch near ear-coverts; back, rump, and tail reddish purple; wings black with a bluish gloss; chin white; rest of under- parts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 22; bill 34; tarsus 8. Range: Mindoro; a hybrid with rufidorsum. PHILIPPINE FOREST KINGFISHER PLATE 44 Ceyx melanurus melanurus (Kaup, 1848) 1848 Alcedo melanura Kaup, Verb, naturhist. Ver. Grossherz. Hessen, p. 74, (Luzon) Description: Head lilac-rufous with brighter rufous spots; lores deep yellow; band of white on sides of neck with a blue spot above; back, rump, and tail lilac-rufous; black band on each side of the mantle; wings black with faint blue spots; throat and belly white; rest of underparts lilac-rufous. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 53; tail 18; bill 30; tarsus 8. Range: Luzon and Polillo. (Endemic.) Ceyx melanurus samarensis Steere, 1890 1890 Ceyx Samarensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 10, (Samar and Leyte) Description: Differs from C. m. melanurus by being darker, especially on the back; less white on belly; also much larger (wing 66; tail 30; bill 30; tarsus 1 1). Range: Leyte and Samar. (Endemic.) 199 Alcedinidae Ceyx melanurus platenae Blasius, 1890 1890 Ceyx Platenae Blasius, Braunschweig. Anz., 87:877, (Davao, Mindanao) 1890 Ceyx Minclanensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 10, (Ayala, Min- danao) 1890 Ceyx Basilanica Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 10, (Basilan) Description: Differs from C. m. melanurus by being much larger and from samarensis by being not so dark and having more rufous on back and wings. Also lacks the blue spot on the neck found in the other two forms. Wing 58; tail 21; bill 36; tarsus 9. Range: Basilan and Mindanao. (Endemic.) STORK-BILLED KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Pelargopsis capensis gouldi Sharpe, 1870 1870 Pelargopsis gouldi Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 62, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Head, neck, and underparts rich ochraceous; back and rump light blue; wings and tail bluish green. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 152; tail 89; bill 81; tarsus 13. Range: Balabac, Galamianes, Lubang, Luzon (north and central), Mindoro, Palawan, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Pelargopsis capensis smithi (Mearns, 1909) 1909 Ramphalcyon capensis smithi Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:466, (Dumurug Point, Masbate) Description: Differs from gouldi by having head and underparts more huffy. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Leyte, southeast Luzon, Masbate, Mindanao, Negros, Panay, and Samar. (Endemic.) Pelargopsis capensis gigantea Walden, 1874 1874 Pelargopsis gigantea Walden, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 13:123, (Salok, Sulu Islands) Description: Differs from smithi by having head and underparts very pale buff. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) WHITE-COLLARED KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Halcyon chloris collaris (Scopoli, 1786) 1786 Alcedo collaris Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 67, (Manila, Luzon) 200 Alcedinidae Description: Crown greenish blue with a black circle around the bottom extending from one corner of the mouth around to the other; spot of white behind each nostril; back and wings greenish blue; rump light blue; tail dark blue; throat, collar, and underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 105; tail 70; bill 50; tarsus 13. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. RUDDY KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Halcyon coromanda major (Temminck and Schlegel, 1848) 1848 Alceclo ( Halcyon ) coromanda minor Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold's Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 75, (Japan) 1915 Entomothera coromanda ochrothorectis Oberholser, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48: 652, (Palanoc, Masbate) Description: Upperparts rufous lightly washed with violet; stripe on lower back and rump bright blue-violet; tail heavily washed with violet; chin white; rest of underparts buffy, darker on breast. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 118; tail 73; bill 60; tarsus 16. Range: Luzon, south to Mindanao; a visitor from Japan. Halcyon coromanda bangsi (Oberholser, 1915) 1915 Entomothera coromanda bangsi Oberholser, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48:652, (Yaeyama, Ishigaki Island, Riu Kiu Islands) Description: Differs from major by having the upperparts heavily washed with violet, the rump light whitish lilac, and the underparts darker. Range: Luzon, south to Mindanao; a visitor from the Riu Kiu Islands. Halcyon coromanda minor (Temminck and Schlegel, 1848) 1848 Alcedo ( Halcyon ) coromanda minor Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold’s Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 76, (Borneo and Sumatra) Description: Differs from major by being much darker. Range: Palawan and Tawi Tawi. WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Halcyon smyrnensis gularis (Kuhl, 1820) 1820 Alcedo gularis Kuhl, in T. von Swinderen’s Buffoni et Daubentoni Fig. Av. Col. Nom. Syst., p. 4, (Philippines) 201 Alcedinidae Description: Head and neck dark chestnut; back, wings, and tail blue; upper wing- coverts black; rump light blue; throat white; underparts dark chestnut; underside of tail black. Soft Parts: Bill red; iris dark brown; feet red. Measurements: Wing 124; tail 80; bill 62; tarsus 15. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. BLACK-CAPPED KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Halcyon pileata (Boddaert, 1783) 1783 Alcedo pileata Boddaert, Table PL, enlum., p. 41, (China) 1934 Halcyon pileata palawanensis Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 142, (Palawan) Description: Crown black; cheek white; neck with a white collar; wings, back, and tail purplish blue; rump lighter blue; throat and breast white; Hanks and belly dark rufous. Soft Parts: Bill dark red; iris dark brown; feet dark red. Measurements: Wing 132; tail 78; bill 56; tarsus 14. Range: Balabac, Basilan, Palawan, and Sulu Islands; a migrant from China and Korea. WINCHELL’S KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Halcyon winchelli winchelli Sharpe, 1877 1877 Halcyon Winchelli Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1:318, (Isabella, Basilan) Description: Male — crown dark blue with a light blue margin; lores and collar rufous; black patch on the sides of the head; back, wings, and tail dark blue; lower back and rump light blue; underparts white. Female — underparts light rufous. Immature — crown and back dull black. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dirty green. Measurements: Wing 104; tail 74; Hill 44; tarsus 14. Range: Basilan. (Endemic.) Halcyon winchelli mindanensis Parkes, 1966 1966 Halcyon winchelli mindanensis Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 86:83, (Matam, Mindanao) Description: Differs from H. w. winchelli by having upperparts brighter blue, sides of head not so black, and wing and tail shorter. Immature — crown and back black with blue wash. Wing 98; tail 72; bill 42. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) 202 Alcedinidae Halcyon winchelli aifredi Oustalet, 1890 1890 Halcyon aifredi Oustalet, Le Naturaliste, p. 62, (Bongao) Description: Differs from mindanensis as females are paler buff underneath; tail a bit longer (79). Immature — only crown has blue wash. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) Halcyon winchelli nigrorum Hachisuka, 1934 1934 Halcyon winchelli nigrorum Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., p. 142, (Canloan Vol- cano, Negros) Description: Differs from H. w. winchelli by having more black and less blue on head, especially on crown; also, a black patch at the bend of the wing of males; bill shorter (38). Range: Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Negros, Samar, and Siquijor. (Endemic.) Halcyon winchelli nesydrionetes Parkes, 1988 1966 Halcyon winchelli nesydrionetes Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 86:84, (Badajoz, Tablas) Description; Differs from aifredi as the females have much paler underparts but a bright orange-buff breast band. Upperparts of both sexes slightly darker. Range: Romblon, Sibuyan, and Tablas. (Endemic.) SPOTTED WOOD KINGFISHER PLATE 45 Halcyon lindsayi iindsayi (Vigors, 1831) 1831 Dacelo Lindsayi Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 97, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Male — crown green with a yellowish rufous streak extending back from the bill in the center and to each eye; band of blue extends from above the eye below the crown around to the other eye. This is followed by a black band that runs from the lores around under the blue band, then followed by a chestnut band that extends down the throat, except for the malar patch, which is blue; wings and mantle olive-brown with buff spots; tail olive-brown; breast and belly have white feathers with green margins. Female — similar to male but chestnut on head and throat is replaced by green. Soft Parts: Bill black, lower mandible yellow underneath; iris dark brown; feet light green. Measurements: Wing 108; tail 83; bill 47; tarsus 16. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) 203 PLATE 45 A RUDDY KINGFISHER ( Halcyon coromanda ) — page 201 B STORK-BILLED KINGFISHER ( Pelargopsis capensis) — page 200 G WHITE-COLLARED KINGFISHER (Halcyon chloris) — page 200 D SPOTTED WOOD KINGFISHER (Halcyon lindsayi) — page 203 E WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER (Halcyon smyrnensis) — page 201 F BLACK-CAPPED KINGFISHER (Halcyon pileata) — page 202 G HOMBRON'S KINGFISHER (Halcyon hornbroni) — page 206 H WINCHELLS KINGFISHER (Halcyon winchelli) — page 202 204 STI!.ok\^ PLATE 73 Muscicapidae YELLOW-BELLIED WHISTLER PLATE 73 PachycephaJa philippinensis philippinensis (Walden, 1872) 1872 Hyloterpe philippinensis Walden, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 10:252, (Luzon) Description: Upperparts olive-brown, top of head somewhat browner; chin and throat white with dark shaft streaks; breast band pale olive; rest of underparts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet bluish gray. Measurements: Wing 83; tail 71; bill 17; tarsus 21. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Pachycephala philippinensis failax (McGregor, 1904) 1904 Hyloterpe failax McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus.,4:27, (Calayan Island) Description: Differs from P. p. philippinensis by having the top of the head browner, the rest of the upperparts darker olive-brown, and the flanks darker. Range: Calayan Island. (Endemic.) Pachycephala philippinensis iilex (McGregor, 1904) 1904 Hyloterpe illex McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:348, (Camiguin North) Description: Differs from P. p. philippinensis by having the breast and flanks yellower; also larger (wing 93; tail 75). Range: Camiguin North. (Endemic.) Pachycephala philippinensis siquijorensis Rand and Rabor, 1957 1957 Pachycephala philippinensis siquijorensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 42:15, (Poo, Lazi, Siquijor) Description: Differs from apoensis by having the underparts somewhat paler and the bill slightly larger (19). Range: Siquijor. (Endemic.) Pachycephala philippinensis apoensis (Mearns, 1905) 1905 Hyloterpe apoensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:86, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Differs from P. p. philippinensis by having the upperparts bright olive- green and the bill smaller (15). Range: Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Pachycephala philippinensis boholensis Parkes, 1966 1966 Pachycephala philippinensis boholensis Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 86:170, (Cantaub, Sierra Bullones, Bohol) 354 Muscicapidae — Motacillidae Description: Differs from apoensis by having the outer margins of the primaries gray and the underparts paler yellow. Range: Bohol. (Endemic.) Pachycephala philippinensis basilanica (Mearns, 1909) 1909 Hyloterpe apoensis basilanica Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:442, (Basilan) Description: Differs from apoensis by having the crown brownish, rest of upperparts paler, and the underparts a brighter yellow. Range: Basilan. (Endemic.) Family MOTACILLIDAE PIPITS FOREST WAGTAIL PLATE 74 Dendronanthus indicus (Gmeiin, 1789) 1789 Motacilla indica Gmeiin, Syst. Nat., 1:962, (India) Description: Upperparts olive-brown; tail black and white; wings black with two white bars and a white patch in the primaries; superciliary, chin, and throat white; a black band on the breast; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 79; tail 72; bill 14; tarsus 22. Range: Balabac and Calayan. (Only two records; a straggler from Siberia.) YELLOW WAGTAIL PLATE 74 Motacilla flava simillima Hartert, 1905 1905 Motacilla flava simillima Hartert, Vbg. pal. Fauna, 1:289, (Sulu Archipelago) Description: Top of head and neck blue-gray; back and rump olive-green; wings dark brown with light margins; tail dark brown, outer rectrices white; superciliary and chin white; ear-coverts dark gray; underparts dark yellow and slightly darker on sides of breast. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible yellowish; iris brownish black; feet blackish gray. Measurements: Wing 82; tail 73; bill 14; tarsus 29. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Siberia. 355 PLATE 74 A GRAY WAGTAIL (Motacilla cinerea ) — page 358 B FOREST WAGTAIL ( Dendronanthus indicus) — page 355 C PIED WAGTAIL (Motacilla alba) — page 358 D YELLOW WAGTAIL (Motacilla flava) — page 355 E ORIENTAL TREE PIPIT (Anthus hodgsoni) — page 359 F PETCHORA PIPIT (Anthus gustavi) — page 359 G RED-THROATED PIPIT (Anthus cervinus) — page 359 H RICHARD’S PIPIT (Anthus novaeseelandiae) — page 358 356 PLATE 74 Motacillidae Motacilla flava taivana (Swinhoe, 1863) 1863 Budytes taivanus Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 274, (Formosa) Description: Differs from simillima by having the superciliary huffy yellow and the chin and throat with a yellowish wash. Range: Luzon and Palawan; a migrant from Siberia. GRAY WAGTAIL PLATE 74 Motacilla cinerea robusta (Brehm, 1857) 1857 Pallenura robusta Brehm, Journ. f. Orn., 5:32, (Japan) Description: Upperparts gray; rump olive-yellow; tail black, outer rectrices white; super- ciliary white; throat black in spring, white in winter; breast, rump, and under tail- coverts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 84; tail 97; bill 13; tarsus 21. Range: Winters throughout the Philippines from Asia. PIED WAGTAIL PLATE 74 Motacilla alba ocularis Swinhoe, 1860 1860 Motacilla ocularis Swinhoe, Ibis, p. 55, (Amoy, China) Description: Forehead and sides of face white, except for a black stripe through the eye; crown and hind neck black; back and rump gray; tail black, outer rectrices white; wings dark brown with light gray coverts and margins; chin and throat white; breast with a black band; rest of underparts gray-white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet red-brown. Measurements: Wing 89; tail 90; bill 14; tarsus 22. Range: Balabac, Calayan, Lubang, Luzon, Negros, and Palawan; a migrant from Asia. RICHARD S PIPIT PLATE 74 Anthus novaeseelandiae lugubris (Walden, 1875) 1875 Corydalla lugubris Walden, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 9: 198, (Guimaras) Description: Upperparts light buffy brown streaked with dark brown; tail brown, outer rectrices white; underparts buffy white; breast finely streaked with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris dark brown; feet pinkish brown. Measurements: Wing 82; tail 66; bill 16; tarsus 29. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. 358 Motacillidae PETCHORA PIPIT PLATE 74 Anthus gustavi gustavi Swinhoe, 1863 1863 Anthus gustavi Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc, London, p. 90, (Amoy, China) Description: Upperparts light brown streaked with brownish black; superciliary and face buff; chin and throat white; breast buffy streaked with black; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris dark brown; feet flesh color. Measurements: Wing 84; tail 60; bill 13; tarsus 23. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. ORIENTAL TREE PIPIT PLATE 74 Anthus hodgsoni hodgsoni Richmond, 1907 1907 Anthus hodgsoni Richmond, in Blackwelder’s Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash., 1:493, (Bengal) Description: Upperparts olive-brown; head and back streaked with black; lores, super- ciliary, chin, and throat buffy; breast and flanks dark buff streaked with dark brown; white. Soft Parts: Bill light brown; iris dark brown; feet flesh color. Measurements: Wing 85; tail 66; bill 16; tarsus 22. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. Anthus hodgsoni yunnanensis Uchida and Kuroda, 1916 1916 Anthus maculatus yunnanensis Uchida and Kuroda, Annot. Zool. Japon, 9:134, (Mengtz, southern Yunnan) Description: Differs from A. h. hodgsoni by almost completely lacking the streaking on the back. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. RED-THROATED PIPIT PLATE 74 Anthus cervinus (Pallas, 1811) 1811 Motacilla cervina Pallas, Zoo. Rosso- Asiat., 1:511, (Kolyma) Description: Upperparts dark brown, feathers with buffy margins; tail brown, outer rec- trices white; chin, throat, and superciliary reddish; breast and flanks buffy with dark brown streaks; belly buffy. 359 Motacillidae — Artamidae — Laniidae Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris dark brown; feet flesh color. Measurements: Wing 88; tail 70; bill 15; tarsus 21. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. Family ARTAMIDAE WOOD-SWALLOWS WHITE-BREASTED WOOD-SWALLOW PLATE 75 Artamus ieucorhynchus leucorhynchus (Linnaeus, 1771) 1771 Lanius leucoryn(chus) Linnaeus, Mantissa, p. 524, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Upperparts slate-gray, except for the rump which is white; chin and throat slate-gray; rest of underparts white. Soft Parts: Bill light blue; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 133; tail 67; bill 21; tarsus 18. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. Family LANIIDAE SHRIKES TIGER SHRIKE PLATE 75 Lanius tigrinus Drapiez, 1828 1828 Lanius tigrinus Drapiez, Diet. Hist. Nat., 13:523, (Java) Description: Top of head, hind neck, and upper back gray; rest of upperparts red-brown with some black flecks; a black stripe through the eye from the lores to the ear-coverts; underparts gray-white. Soft Parts: Bill blue-black; iris dark brown; feet plumbous. Measurements: Wing 80; tail 77; bill 20; tarsus 22. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Asia. BROWN SHRIKE PLATE 75 Lanius cristatus lucionensis Linnaeus, 1776 1776 Lanius Lucionensis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:135, (Luzon) Description: Top of head gray; back and wing-coverts gray-brown; rump and tail dull rufous; superciliary white; lores and ear-coverts black; chin and throat white; breast, belly, and under tail-coverts pale rufous. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 89; tail 91; bill 20; tarsus 24. Range: Winters in the Philippines from China. 360 Laniidae Lanius cristatus cristatus Linnaeus, 1758 1758 Lanius cristatus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:93, (Bengal) Description: Differs from lucionensis by having upperparts more rufous. Range: Winters in northern Philippines; a migrant from eastern Asia. Lanius cristatus superciliosus Latham, 1801 1801 Lanius superciliosus Latham, Ind. Orn., suppl., p. xx, (Java) Description: Differs from L. c. cristatus by having the top of the head as well as the back rufous. Range: Winters in northern Philippines; a migrant from eastern Asia. SCHACH SHRIKE PLATE 75 Lanius schach nasutus Scopoli, 1786 1786 Lanius nasutus Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 85, (Panay) Description: Top of head and hind neck black; back gray; rump pale rufous; wings and tail black, rectrices tipped with white; chin, throat, and breast white; flanks, belly, and under tail-coverts pale rufous. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 91; tail 125; bill 18; tarsus 27. Range: Found throughout the Philippines, except the Sulu Archipelago. Basilan and Mindanao populations are intermediate toward suluensis. Lanius schach suluensis (Mearns, 1905) 1905 Cephalophoneus suluensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:86, (Bual, Sulu Island) Description: Differs from nasutus by having the upperparts paler, especially the back and rump. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) STRONG-BILLED SHRIKE PLATE 75 Lanius validirostris validirostris Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 1894 Lanius validirostris Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:49, (northern Luzon) Description: Upperparts gray; wings and tail brown-black; a black streak on the side of the head from the lores to the ear-coverts; all underparts gray-white, except flanks, which are rufous. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet brown-black. Measurements: Wing 86; tail 94; bill 18; tarsus 26. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) 361 PLATE 75 A SCHACH SHRIKE ( Lanius schach ) — page 361 R BROWN SHRIKE ( Lanius cristatus ) — page 360 C STRONG-BILLED SHRIKE (Lanius validirostris) — page 361 D TIGER SHRIKE (Lanius ti grin us) — page 360 E WHITE-BREASTED WOOD-SWALLOW (Artamus leucorhynchus) — page 360 I PLATE 75 Laniidae — Sturnidae Lanius validirostris tertius Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Lanius validirostris tertius Salomonsen, Vicl. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:278, (Mt. Dulungan, Mindoro) Description: Differs from L. v. validirostris by having the breast and belly washed with rufous; flanks and under tail-coverts darker rufous; also smaller. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Lanius validirostris hachisuka Ripley, 1949 1949 Lanius validirostris hachisuka Ripley, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 69:121, (Apo Lake, Mt. Apo, Mindanao) 1958 Lanius validirostris quartus Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 39:85, (Duminagat, Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) Description: Differs from tertius by having the rufous wash on the breast and belly and the rufous flanks darker. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Family STURNIDAE STARLINGS LESSER GLOSSY STARLING PLATE 76 Aplonis minor todayensis (Mearns, 1905) 1905 Lamprocorax todayensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:88, (Mt. Apo, Min- danao) Description: All black with a purplish green gloss. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 97; tail 69; bill 16; tarsus 18. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) PHILIPPINE GLOSSY STARLING PLATE 76 Aplonis panayensis panayensis (Scopoli, 1783) 1783 Muscicapa panayensis Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., p. 96, (Philippines) Description: Black with a green gloss. Immature- — white below, streaked with black. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 109; tail 79; bill 21; tarsus 23. Range: Found throughout the Philippines. (Endemic.) 364 Sturnidae VIOLET-BACKED STARLING PLATE 76 Sturnus philippensis (Forster, 1781) 1781 Motacilla Philippensis Forster, Ind. Zool., p. 41, (Philippines) 1783 Motacilla violacea Boddaert, Table PL, enlum., p. 1 1, (Philippines) Description: Male — top of head huffy white; back black glossed with violet; rump varia- ble, black-buffy white to orange-buff; wings and tail black glossed with green; ear-coverts and half collar dark chestnut (the latter may be prominent or nearly absent); chin and throat white; sides of breast and belly white. Female — upperparts gray-brown; under- parts whitish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet dark green. Measurements: Wing 105; tail 150; bill 18; tarsus 23. Range: Winters in the Philippines from Japan. SILKY STARLING PLATE 76 Sturnus sericeus Gmelin, 1788 1788 Sturnus sericeus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:805, (China) Description: Top of head buffy and hind neck buffy white; back and rump light gray; tail black with a green gloss; wings black with a green gloss and a white patch near shoulder; chin and throat white; breast gray; belly whitish. Soft Parts: Bill red with a dark tip; iris whitish; feet orange. Measurements: Wing 1 18; tail 60; bill 26; tarsus 29. Range: Winters on Calayan; a straggler from China. GRAY-BACKED STARLING PLATE 76 Sturnus sinensis (Gmelin, 1788) 1788 Oriolus sinensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1 :394, (China) Description: Male — top of head buffy gray, rest of upperparts gray; wings black with a white shoulder patch; tail black with a terminal white band. Female — differs from male by being duller and having a gray shoulder patch. Soft Parts: Bill gray; iris white; legs light brown. Measurements: Wing 106; tail 64; bill 20; tarsus 24. Range: Winters on Calayan and Luzon from southern China. 365 PLATE 76 A VIOLET-BACKED STARLING (Sturnus philippensis) — page 365 B GRAY-BACKED STARLING (Sturnus sinensis) — page 365 C ASHY STARLING (Sturnus cineraceus) — page 368 D SILKY STARLING (Sturnus sericeus) — page 365 E PHILIPPINE GLOSSY STARLING (Aplonis panayensis) — page 364 F LESSER GLOSSY STARLING (Aplonis minor) — page 364 366 PLATE 76 Sturnidae ASHY STARLING PLATE 76 Sturnus cineraceus Temminck, 1835 1835 Sturnus cineraceus Temminck, PI. Col., livr. 94, pi. 556, (Japan) Description: Head black with a green gloss; forehead and ear-coverts streaked with white; back brownish gray; rump whitish; tail dark brown with a white tip; wings dark brown; chin and upper throat gray-green; breast and flanks gray; center of belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill orange with a dark tip; iris brown; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 133; tail 70; bill 37; tarsus 32. Range: Winters on Luzon from eastern Asia. CRESTED MYNA PLATE 77 Acridotheres cristatellus cristatellus (Linnaeus, 1766) 1766 Gracula cristatella Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:165, (China) Description: Upperparts blackish; tail black tipped with white; wings black, primaries white at base; underparts dull black; under tail-coverts tipped with white. Soft Parts: Bill olive-yellow; iris yellow; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 136; tail 84; bill 24; tarsus 39. Range: Introduced around Manila and Luzon from China; spread to Negros. MOUNT APO MYNA PLATE 77 Basilornis miranda (Hartert, 1903) 1903 Goodfelloivia miranda Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:11, (Mindanao) Description: Top of head, hind neck, and back glossy blue-black, a crest of decomposed feathers (length = 27); lower back and rump white; tail blue-black; wings brownish with blue-black coverts; underparts glossy blue-black. Soft Parts: Bill greenish yellow; iris yellow-brown; bare skin around eye yellow; feet yel- low-gray. Measurements: Wing 124; tail 173; bill 25; tarsus 30. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) COLETO PLATE 77 Sarcops calvus calvus (Linnaeus, 1766) 1766 Gracula calva Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:164, (Luzon) 368 Sturnidae 1949 Sarcops calvus mindorensis Gilliard, Am. Mus. Novit., 1429:4, (Mt. Dulangan, Mindoro) Description: Forehead, stripe down center of crown, and nape black; back, rump, and tail-coverts silvery gray; wings and tail glossed with blue-green; underparts dull black; under tail-coverts mottled gray and black. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris pink; bare skin around eye pinkish; feet black. Measurements: Wing 127; tail 116; bill 28; tarsus 31. Range: Catanduanes, Luzon, Marinduque, Mindoro, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Sarcops calvus melanonotus Ogilvie-Grant, 1906 1906 Sarcops melanonotus Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16:100, (Davao, Min- danao) 1952 Sarcops calvus similis Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:361, (Balang-Bang, Tolong, Negros) 1952 Sarcops calvus samarensis Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:361, (Oras, Samar) 1952 Sarcops calvus minor Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:362, (Burungkot, Upi Municipality, Cotabato Province, Mindanao) Description: Differs from S. c. calvus by having a wide black patch in the center of the back. Range: Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao, Negros, Panay, Samar, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Sarcops calvus lowii Sharpe, 1877 1877 Sarcops Lowii Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1 :344, (Sibutu, Sulu Islands) Description: Differs from melanonotus, as does S. c. calvus, by lacking the black patch on the back; but also differs from both northern races by having the wings and underparts brownish black. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) TALKING MYNA PLATE 77 Gracula religiosa palawanensis (Sharpe, 1890) 1890 Mainatus palawanensis Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 13:104, (Palawan) Description: Top of head black; rest of upperparts black with a strong blue-green gloss; wings with a white patch in the primaries; underparts dull black. Soft Parts: Bill orange; iris dark brown; eye wattles yellow; feet yellowish. Measurements: Wing 159; tail 81; bill 29; tarsus 36. Range: Balabac, Calamianes, and Palawan. (Endemic.) 369 PLATE 77 A COLETO (Sarcops calvus) — page 368 B MOUNT APO MYNA ( Basilornis miranda) — page 368 C TALKING MYNA (Gracula religiosa) — page 369 D CRESTED MYNA ( Acridotheres cristatellus) — page 368 370 PLATE 77 Nectariniidae Family NECTARINIIDAE SUNBIRDS PLAIN-THROATED SLNBIRD PLATE 78 Anthreptes malacensis paraguae Riley, 1920 1920 Anthreptes malacensis paraguae Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 33:55, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Male — top of head and upper back metallic purplish green; lower back and rump metallic purple; tail dark brown; wings brown, edgings greenish or faintly orange, bend metallic purple, and ends of scapulars reddish; lores and patch behind the eye greenish brown, sometimes with orange tinge; chin and throat dull reddish bordered with a metallic purplish stripe; breast and belly yellowish. Female — upperparts dull olive-gray; underparts yellowish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brick-red; feet olive-brown. Measurements: Wing 65; tail 49; bill 18; tarsus 16. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Anthreptes malacensis chlorigaster Sharpe, 1877 1877 Anthreptes chlorigaster Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1:342, (Negros) 1926 Anthreptes malacensis basilanicus Hachisuka, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47:68, (Basilan) Description: Differs from griseigularis by having the chin and throat more reddish brown and the breast and belly more yellowish as in paraguae; red of wing edgings very dark. Range: Cebu, Lubang, Masbate, Negros, Panay, Romblon, Sibuyan, Tablas, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Anthreptes malacensis heliolusius Oberholser, 1923 1923 Anthreptes malacensis heliolusius Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 13:228, (Basilan) Description: Differs from chlorigaster by having olive-brown cheeks, not reddish; red of wing-coverts and edgings paler; underparts slightly brighter. Range: Basilan and western Mindanao. (Endemic.) Anthreptes malacensis wiglesworthi Hartert, 1902 1902 Anthreptes malacensis wiglesworthi Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9:209, (Sulu Island) Description: Differs from heliolusius by having underparts an even brighter yellow, cheeks redder, and edges of remiges paler and brighter. Range: Sulu Archipelago, except Sibutu. (Endemic.) 372 Nectariniidae Anthreptes maiacensis iris Parkes, 1971 1971 Anthreptes maiacensis iris Parkes, Nemouria, 4:44, (Sibutu) Description: Crown and dorsum steel-blue. Male — differs from wiglesworthi by having the underparts brighter yellow; flanks and under tail-coverts grayer. Female — differs by lacking the reddish wash of the wing-coverts and edgings. Range: Sibutu, intergrading with wiglesworthi on Bongao. Anthreptes maiacensis cagayanensis Mearns, 1905 1905 Anthreptes cagayanensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:6, (Cagayan Sulu) Description: Differs from wiglesworthi by being much brighter yellow below and by having olive, not red, edges of wing feathers. Range: Cagayan Sulu. (Endemic.) Anthreptes maiacensis griseigularis (Tweeddale, 1877) 1877 Anthothreptus griseigularis Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 830, (Suriago, Mindanao) Description: Differs from paraguae by having the top of the head and upper back metal- lic green, the sides of the face redder, the chin and throat gray, and the rest of the under- parts dull olive-green. Range: Leyte, northeastern Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Anthreptes maiacensis birgitae Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Anthreptes maiacensis birgitae Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115: 251, (Barit, Abra Province, Luzon) Description: Differs from griseigularis by having a much longer bill (19) and underparts darker and duller. Range: Luzon and Mindoro. (Endemic.) VAN HASSELT’S SUNBIRD PLATE 78 Nectarinia sperata sperata (Linnaeus, 1766) 1766 Certhia sperata Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:186, (Manila, Luzon) 1952 Cinnyris sperata manueli Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:356, (Karlagan, Polillo) 1952 Cinnyris sperata minima Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:356, (Limot, Mati Municipality, Davao Province, Mindanao) 1953 Cinnyris sperata trochilus Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:256, (Talacogon, Agusan Province, Mindanao) 373 Nectariniidae Description: Male — top of head metallic coppery green; mantle maroon; lower back, rump, and tail-coverts metallic green; tail black; wings black, primaries and secondaries edged with orange-red; chin and throat metallic purple; breast scarlet; belly and under tail-coverts yellowish olive. Female — olive-green, brighter below; edging to wings brownish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 51; tail 32; bill 18; tarsus 13. Range: Central Luzon, south to Mindanao; also Palawan. (Endemic.) Nectarinia sperata henkei (A. B. Meyer, 1884) 1884 Cinnyris henkei A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 1:207, (no locality = northern Luzon) 1894 Cinnyris whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:50, (mountains of northern Luzon =Benguet) Description: Male — differs from N . s. sperata by having the mantle black. Range: Babuyan Islands and northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Nectarinia sperata marinduquensis duPont, 1971 1971 Nectarinia sperata marinduquensis duPont, Nenrouria, 3:3, (Boac, Marinduque) Description: Female — differs from N. s. sperata by having the lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts dark red; outer margins to primaries and secondaries burnt orange. Male — similar to those of N. s. sperata. Range: Marinduque. (Endemic.) Nectarinia sperata juliae (Tweeddale, 1877) 1877 Nectarophila juliae Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 547, (Malanipa Island) Description: Male — differs from N. s. sperata by having the breast bright yellow. Range: Basilan, Malanipa, western Mindanao, and Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) Nectarinia sperata theresae Gilliard, 1950 1950 Nectarinia sperata theresae Gilliard, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 94:500, (Lamao, Bataan Province, Luzon) Description: A hybrid between N. s. sperata X henkei. This hybrid is easily recognized by the intergradation of the maroon and black on the mantle. Range: Bataan Province and central Luzon. Nectarinia sperata davaoensis Delacour, 1945 1945 Nectarinia sperata davaoensis Delacour, Zoologica, 30:115, (Martina, Davao, Mindanao) 374 Nectariniidae Description: A hybrid between N. s. sperata X juliae. This hybrid is easily recognized by its orange-vermilion breast. Some specimens within the same population tend to be more like sperata and others like juliae. Range: A band from Davao to Gingoog City, Mindanao. (Endemic.) MACKLOT’S SUNBIRD PLATE 78 Nectarinia calcostetha Jardine, 1843 1843 Nectarinia calcostetha Jardine, PI. Col., livr. 23, pi. 138, (Java) Description: Male — top of head metallic green; hind neck and upper back black; lower back, rump, and wing-coverts metallic green; wings and tail black; chin and throat me- tallic coppery red bordered with metallic purplish blue; breast metallic purplish blue; pectoral tufts yellow; belly and under tail-coverts black. Female — top of head gray- brown; rest of upperparts olive-yellow; underparts gray washed with olive-green. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris black; feet black. Measurements: Wing 60; tail 52; bill 20; tarsus 14. Range: Balabac and Palawan. OLIVE-BACKED SUNBIRD PLATE 78 Nectarinia jugularis jugularis (Linnaeus, 1766) 1766 Certhia jugularis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:185, (Philippines) 1905 Cyrtostomus clinagatensis Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:5, (Dinagat) 1908 Cyrtostomus jugularis mindanensis Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:443, (Zamboanga, Mindanao) 1941 Cinnyris picta Hachisuka, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 54:52, (Atong-Atong Planta- tion, Basilan); type a composite specimen Description: Male — upperparts olive-green; tail black tipped with white; throat metallic blue-black; breast and belly dark yellow, sometimes with brown band bordering throat patch. Female — similar to male but the throat is yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 32; bill 20; tarsus 14. Range: Central Luzon to Mindanao and Basilan. (Endemic.) Nectarinia jugularis obscurior (Ogilvie-Grant, 1894) 1894 Cinnyris obscurior Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:50, (northern Luzon = Benguet) Description: Differs from N. j. jugularis by having the underparts paler yellow'. Most males have a brown band between the throat and breast. Bill slightly narrower at base (cj 3. 5-4.0 vs. 4. 3-4.4). Range: Northern Luzon. 375 PLATE 78 A VAN HASSELT’S SUNBIRD (Nectarinia sperata), female — page 373 B VAN HASSELT’S SUNBIRD (Nectarinia sperata), male — page 373 C OLIVE-BACKED SUNBIRD (Nectarinia jugularis), male — page 375 D OLIVE-BACKED SUNBIRD (Nectarinia jugularis), female — page 375 E MACKLOT’S SUNBIRD (Nectarinia calcostetha), male — page 375 F MACKLOT’S SUNBIRD (Nectarinia calcostetha), female — page 375 G PLAIN-THROATED SUNBIRD (Anthreptes malacensis), male — page 372 H PLAIN-THROATED SUNBIRD (Anthreptes malacensis), female — page 372 376 A PLATE 78 Nectariniidae Nectarinia jugularis aurora (Tweeddale, 1878) 1878 Cyrtostomus aurora Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 620, (Puerto Prin- cesa, Palawan) Description: Male — differs from N. j. jugularis by having a bright orange spot on the breast; however, it may cover the entire breast or appear to be nonexistent, as this is a very variable character. Range: Cagayan, Calamiane and Cuyon Islands, and Palawan. (Endemic.) Nectarinia jugularis woodi (Mearns, 1909) 1909 Cyrtostomus jugularis woodi Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:444, (one of “Three Islands” south of Sibutu) Description: Male — differs from N. j. jugularis by having center of the throat metallic purplish blue. Range: Sulu Archipelago. HACHISUKA’S SUNBIRD PLATE 79 Aethopyga primigenius primigenius (Hachisuka, 1941) 1941 Philippinia primigenius Hachisuka, Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, 11:6, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Top of head and neck dark gray; back olive-green; rump bright yellow; tail and wings dark olive-brown, rectrices tipped with white; chin and throat dark gray; breast and center of belly white; flanks and under tail-coverts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brick-red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 51; tail 37; bill 20; tarsus 15. Range: Mt. Apo, Mt. Katanglad, and Mt. McKinley, Mindanao. (Endemic.) Aethopyga primigenius diuatae Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Aethopyga primigenius diuatae Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115: 275, (Mt. Hilong-Hilong, Diuata Mountains, northeast Mindanao) Description: Differs from A. p. primigenius by having the upperparts somewhat paler; throat darker with a central pale gray-white streak ending with a yellow spot on the breast; belly richer gray-white. Range: Diuata Mountains, northeast Mindanao. (Endemic.) APO SUNBIRD PLATE 79 Aethopyga boltoni malindangensis Rand and Rabor, 1957 1957 Aethopyga boltoni malindangensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 42:17, (Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) 378 Nectariniidae Description: Head, back, and wings dark olive-green, forehead with a metallic green gloss; rump light yellow; tail black with a green gloss, all but two central rectrices tipped with white; chin and throat light yellow with dark gray sides; breast orange-yellow with some bright orange tufts on the sides; belly olive-yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 56; tail 53; bill 22; tarsus 17. Range: Central and western Mindanao. (Endemic.) Aethopyga boltoni boltoni Mearns, 1905 1905 Aethopyga boltoni Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:4, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Differs from malindangensis by having the top of the head duller; under- parts also duller, especially the breast. Range: Mt. Apo and Mt. McKinley, eastern Mindanao. (Endemic.) FLAMING SUNBIRD PLATE 79 Aethopyga flagrans flagrans Oustalet, 1876 1876 Aethopyga flagrans Oustalet, Journ. Institut., p. 108, (Lagune, Luzon) 1895 Cinnyris excellens Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4:18, (Albay Province, Luzon) Description: Male — forehead and forecrown metallic blue-green; hind crown, back, and wing-coverts bright olive-yellow washed with orange; upper tail-coverts metallic blue- green; tail black with metallic green edges; chin dark metallic purple; throat and breast dull black with a bright reddish orange stripe in the middle extending to the central part of the belly; rest of belly and flanks olive-yellow; under tail-coverts whitish. Female — upperparts olive-green; underparts grayer with a yellowish patch in the breast. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 49; tail 29; bill 18; tarsus 14. Range: Catanduanes and northwestern and southern Luzon. (Endemic.) Aethopyga flagrans decolor Parkes, 1963 1963 Aethopyga flagrans decolor Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 83:8, (Cape Engano, northeastern Luzon) Description: Differs from A. f flagrans by having the upperparts dull olive-yellow and the breast stripe and patch on the belly less red. Range: Northeastern Luzon. (Endemic.) Aethopyga flagrans guimarasensis (Steere, 1890) 1890 Cinnyris guimarasensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 22, (Guimaras) Description: Differs from A.f fagrans by having the mantle blood-red. Range: Guimaras and Panay. (Endemic.) 379 PLATE 79 A MOUNTAIN SUNBIRD (Aethopyga pulcherrima), male — page 382 B MOUNTAIN SUNBIRD (Aethopyga pulcherrima ), female — page 382 C FLAMING SUNBIRD (Aethopyga flagrans), female — page 379 D FLAMING SUNBIRD (Aethopyga flagrans), male- — page 379 E HACHISUKA’S SUNBIRD (Aethopyga primigenius) — page 378 F APO SUNBIRD (Aethopyga boltoni) — page 378 380 PLATE 79 Nectariniidae Aethopyga flagrans daphoenonota Parkes, 1963 1963 Aethopyga flagrans daphoenonota Parkes, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 83:8, (Luzuriaga, Cuernos de Negros, Negros) Description: Male — differs from guimarasensis by having the blood-red mantle more extensive and the orange of the underparts darker; wing-coverts and edgings orange, not greenish. Female — has orange edgings and is greener, less gray above. Range: Negros. (Endemic.) MOUNTAIN SUNBIRD PLATE 79 Aethopyga pulcherrima pulcherrima Sharpe, 1876 1876 Aethopyga pulcherrima Sharpe, Nature, 14:297, (Basilan) 1878 Aethopyga dubia Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 112, (Dinagat) Description: Male — forehead and spot behind the eye metallic purplish green; crown and back olive-green; rump bright yellow; upper tail-coverts and wing-coverts metallic green; tail black glossed with metallic green; primaries and secondaries olive-green; chin and throat bright yellow; breast yellowish with traces of a red-orange patch; belly grayish yellow. Female — differs from male by having upperparts olive-green, except rump; underparts dull olive-gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red-brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 48; tail 22; bill 19; tarsus 14. Range: Basilan, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Aethopyga pulcherrima jefferyi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1894) 1894 Eudrepanis jefferyi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 3:50, (northern Luzon) Description: Male— -differs from A. p. pulcherrima by having the forehead dark metallic blue, the lower back bright yellow like the rump, and the metallic green of the wring- coverts extending to edges of primaries and secondaries. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Aethopyga pulcherrima decorosa (McGregor, 1907) 1907 Eudrepanis decorosa McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:330, (Guindulman, Bohol) Description: Male — differs from jefferyi by having the primaries and secondaries edged with metallic purplish blue, the rump paler yellow, and the red breast spot obsolete. Range: Bohol. (Endemic.) LOVELY SUNBIRD PLATE 80 Aethopyga shelleyi shelleyi Sharpe, 1876 1876 Aethopyga shelleyi Sharpe, Nature, 14:297, (Palawan) 382 Nectariniidae Description: Male — crown metallic purplish green; hind neck and upper back dark red; lower back and rump bright yellow; upper tail-coverts and tail metallic blue-green; sides of head dark red; chin and throat yellow with a red margin followed by peacock blue- green malar stripes; breast yellow streaked with red; belly pale gray. Female — upper- parts olive-green; underparts grayish yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 46; tail 45; bill 16; tarsus 14. Range: Balabac, Calamianes, and Palawan. (Endemic.) Aethopyga shelleyi flavipectus Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 1894 Aethopyga flavipectus Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:49, (northern Luzon) 1894 Aethopyga minuta Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:18, (Mindoro) Description: Male — differs from A. s. shelleyi by having the red on the breast nonexistent or only slightly traceable. Range: Luzon, Mindoro, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Aethopyga shelfeyi rubrinota McGregor, 1905 1905 Aethopyga rubrinota McGregor, Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 25:30, (Port Tilig, Lubang) Description: Male — differs from flavipectus by having the breast lighter yellow. Range: Lubang. (Endemic.) Aethopyga shelleyi bella Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Aethopyga bella Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:537, (Surigao, northern Mindanao) Description: Male — differs from A. s. shelleyi by having fewer red streaks on the breast; also, somewhat smaller (wing 43). Female — rump yellow. Range: Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Aethopyga shelleyi bonita Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Aethopyga bonita Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:17, (Negros, Cebu, Masbate) Description: Male — differs from bella by having the yellow of the lower back and rump darker and the breast very heavily streaked with red. Range: Cebu, Masbate, Negros, Panay, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Aethopyga shelleyi arolasi Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Aethopyga arolasi Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:17, (Tawi Tawi and Sulu) 383 Nectariniidae Description: Male — differs from bella by having heavier orange-red streaking on the breast; also, slightly larger; abdomen and under tail-coverts yellower. Female — has yel- low rump reduced. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) YELLOW-BACKED SUNBIRD PLATE 80 Aethopyga siparaja magnifica Sharpe, 1876 1876 Aethopyga magnifica Sharpe, Nature, 14:297, (Negros) Description: Male — forehead black with a metallic purplish gloss; crown and back dark red; rump bright orange-yellow; tail black with a purplish gloss; wings black; chin, throat, and breast bright red; jugular stripes metallic purple; belly and under tail-coverts black. Female — head, back, and rump dark olive-green; tail black with some red on margins; wings dark brown with rufous edges; underparts gray-green. Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 49; bill 21; tarsus 15. Range: Cebu, Negros, Panay, Sibuyan, and Tablas. (Endemic.) LITTLE SPIDER HUNTER PLATE 80 Arachnothera longirostra dilutor Sharpe, 1876 1876 Arachnothera dilator Sharpe, Nature, 14:298, (Palawan) Description: Crown olive-brown; rest of upperparts dull olive-green; chin and throat gray; breast and belly pale grayish green; pectoral tufts dull orange-yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red-brown; feet blue-black. Measurements: Wing 65; tail 47; bill 34; tarsus 17. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Arachnothera longirostra flammifera Tweeddale, 1878 1878 Arachnothera flammifera Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 343, (Leyte) Description: Differs from dilutor by having the upperparts with a faint ovange-green wash; flanks, belly, and under tail-coverts yellow; pectoral tufts bright orange. Range: Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Arachnothera longirostra randi Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Arachnothera longirostris randi Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:271, (Basilan) Description: Differs from flammifera by having a much longer bill (34). Range: Basilan. (Endemic.) 384 Nectariniidae — Dicaeidae NAKED-FACED SPIDER HUNTER PLATE 80 Arachnothera clarae luzonensis Alcasid and Gonzales, 1968 1968 Arachnothera clarae luzonensis Alcasid and Gonzales, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 88:129, (Pakil, Laguna, Luzon) Description: Upperparts olive-green; edges of primaries and secondaries burnt orange; chin, throat, and breast gray; belly, flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts pale gray- brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris black; feet light brown; naked skin on face pinkish. Measurements: Wing 85; tail 42; bill 35; tarsus 19. Range: Known only from Laguna Province, central Luzon. (Endemic.) Arachnothera clarae philippinensis (Steere, 1890) 1890 Philemon philippinensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 21, (Samar) Description: Differs from luzonensis by having the forehead naked and the underparts greener. Range: Leyte and Samar. (Endemic.) Arachnothera clarae malindangensis Rand and Rabor, 1957 1957 Arachnothera clarae malindangensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 42:17, (Masawan, Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) Description: Differs from luzonensis by having the upperparts lighter olive-green, edges to primaries and secondaries golden, and underparts olive-gray. Range: Central and western Mindanao. (Endemic.) Arachnothera clarae clarae Blasius, 1890 1890 Arachnothera clarae Blasius, Braunschweig. Anz., 87:877, (Davao, Mindanao) Description: Differs from malindangensis by having the underparts paler olive-gray. Range: Eastern Mindanao. (Endemic.) Family DICAEIDAE FLOWERPECKERS OLIVE-BACKED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Prionochilus olivaceus parsonsi McGregor, 1927 1927 Prionochilus parsonsi McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 32:520, (Malinao, Luzon) Description: Upperparts golden olive; tail and primaries blackish brown; lores and sides of throat and breast black; center of underparts white. 385 Dicaeidae Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brick-red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 28; bill 11; tarsus 14. Range: Sierra Madre, eastern Luzon. (Endemic.) Prionochilus olivaceus olivaceus Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Prionochilus olivaceus Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:536, (Dinagat) Description: Differs from parsonsi by having the sides of the face, throat, and breast pale olive-gray. Range: Basilan, Dinagat, and Mindanao. (Endemic.) Prionochilus olivaceus samarensis Steere, 1890 1890 Prionochilus Samarensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 22, (Samar and Leyte = Samar) Description: Differs from P. o. olivaceus by usually lacking the white loral spot; sides of breast browner, tending to streak at posterior end. Range: Bohol, Leyte, and Samar. (Endemic.) PALAWAN YELLOW-RUMPED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Prionochilus plateni Blasius, 1888 1888 Prionochilus plateni Blasius, Braunschweig. Anz., 37:335, (Palawan) 1888 Prionochilus johannae Sharpe, Ibis, p. 201, (Palawan) 1948 Anaimos plateni culionensis Rand, Fieldiana: Zoology, 31:205, (San Pedro, Culion) Description: Male — upperparts blue-black, except for red patch in center of crown and yellow rump; chin and malar stripe white; throat, breast, and belly yellow with a red spot in the middle of the breast. Female — upperparts olive-green; center of crown and rump yellowish; chin and throat whitish; rest of underparts yellowish. Soft Parts: Bill black, base of lower mandible gray; iris dark brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 58; tail 29; bill 12; tarsus 13. Range: Balabac, Culion, and Palawan. (Endemic.) STRIPED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Dicaeum aeruginosum aeruginosum (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Prionochilus aeruginosum Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:20, (Cebu and Mindanao — Cebu) Description: Upperparts brown; underparts white streaked with brown, heaviest on breast. 386 Dicaeidae Soft Parts: Bill brown; iris brown; feet dark gray. Measurements: Wing 65; tail 40; bill 9; tarsus 13. Range: Cebu, Mindanao, Mindoro, and Negros. Mindoro specimens intermediate toward striatissimum. (Endemic.) Dicaeum aeruginosum striatissimum Parkes, 1962 1962 Dicaeum aeruginosum striatissimum Parkes, Postilla, 67:4, (Solsona, Ilocos Norte Province, Luzon) Description: Differs from D. a. aeruginosum by having the upperparts darker and the underparts more heavily streaked. Range: Luzon and Sibuyan. (Endemic.) Dicaeum aeruginosum affine (Zimmer, 1918) 1918 Acmonorhynchus affinis Zimmer, Phil. Journ. Sci., 13:348, (Brooke’s Point, Pala- wan) 1936 Piprisoma diversum Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 49:113, (Puerto Princesa, Palawan) Description: Differs from D. a. aeruginosum by having the upperparts more olive-green and the underparts paler because of narrower streaks. Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) GRAY-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Dicaeum proprium Ripley and Rabor, 1966 1966 Dicaeum proprium Ripley and Rabor, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 79:305, (Mt. Mayo, Davao Province, Mindanao) Description: Male — -upperparts blue-black with a light, glossy, greenish wash; primaries dark brown; white tufts under wings; chin and malar stripe gray-white separated by a blue-black jugular stripe; throat, center of breast, and belly taupe; flanks darker; under tail-coverts gray-white. Soft Parts: Unknown. Measurements; Wing 62; tail 29; bill 10; tarsus 12. Range: Known only from the type locality. OLIVE-CAPPED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Dicaeum nigrilore Hartert, 1904 1904 Dicaeum nigrilore Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 15:8, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) 1941 Dicaeum isag Hachisuka, Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap., 11:1, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) 387 Dicaeidae 1953 Dicaeum nigrilore diuatae Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:274, (Diuata Mountains, Mindanao) Description: Top of head light olive; back brownish; rump olive; tail and wings dark brown; lores and patch under eye black; chin white; throat, breast, and belly gray; flanks and under tail-coverts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet gray. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 29; bill 16; tarsus 15. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) YELLOW-CROWNED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Dicaeum anthonyi anthonyi (McGregor, 1914) 1914 Prionochilus anthonyi McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 9:531, (Mt. Polis, Luzon) Description: Male — forehead and lores black; crown orange-yellow; rest of upperparts black with a blue gloss; chin and throat white; breast and belly yellowish; under tail- coverts orange-yellow. Female — upperparts dull olive; underparts grayish white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 57; tail 31; bill 12; tarsus 16. Range: Mt. Polis and Mt. Tabuan, Luzon. (Endemic.) Dicaeum anthonyi kampalili Manuel and Gilliard, 1953 1952 Dicaeum rubricapilla Manuel and Gilliard, Am. Mus. Novit., 1545:5, (Mt. Kampalili, Mindanao) 1953 Dicaeum kampalili Manuel and Gilliard, Auk, 70:90, new name for Dicaeum rubricapilla Manuel and Gilliard, 1952 Description: Male — differs from D. a. anthonyi by having the crown redder and the underparts grayer; also smaller (wing 55; tail 25). Range: Mindanao, except Zamboanga Peninsula. (Endemic.) Dicaeum anthonyi masawan Rand and Rabor, 1957 1957 Dicaeum anthonyi masawan Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana; Zoology, 42:16, (Masawan, Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) Description: Male — differs from kampalili by having the breast and flanks washed with yellow and the belly much yellower. Range: Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindanao. (Endemic.) 388 Dicaeidae BICOLORED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Dicaeum bicolor inexpectatum (Hartert, 1895) 1895 Prionochilus inexpectatus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 2:64, (Mindoro) Description: Male — upperparts black glossed with blue; underparts gray with a whitish streak down the middle. Female — upperparts olive, browner on crown; underparts gray with an olive wash and a lighter streak down the middle. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red; feet black. Measurements: Wing 52; tail 24; bill 9; tarsus 12. Range: Catanduanes, Luzon, and Mindoro. (Endemic.) Dicaeum bicolor viridissimum Parkes, 1971 1971 Dicaeum bicolor viridissimum Parkes, Nemouria 4:51, (Canlaon Volcano, Negros) Description: Male — differs from inexpectatum in having iridescence of upperparts, espe- cially rump, green rather than blue. Female — less purely gray on underparts and more washed with olive-green; green of upperparts extends farther forward to head. Range: Negros. Dicaeum bicolor bicolor (Bourns and Worcester, 1894) 1894 Prionochilus bicolor Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1: 20, (Ayala, Mindanao) Description: Male — differs from inexpectatum in being whiter below, with almost no gray on flanks; dorsal iridescence more purple. Female — more different: much darker green above and quite glossy; underparts like female viridissimum. Range: Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) FOUR-COLORED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 81 Dicaeum quadricolor (Tweeddale, 1877) 1877 Prionochilus quadricolor Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 762, (Cebu) Description: Male — top of head and hind neck black; back feathers black with bright orange-red ends; lower back and rump greenish yellow; tail and wings black; underparts grayish white. Female — upperparts olive-brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 54; tail 30; bill 10; tarsus 13. Range: Cebu. (Extinct.) 389 PLATE 80 A LOVELY SUNBIRD (Aethopyga shelleyi), female — page 382 B LOVELY SUNBIRD (Aethopyga shelleyi), male — page 382 C YELLOW-BACKED SUNBIRD (Aethopyga siparaja ), female — page 384 D YELLOW-BACKED SUNBIRD (Aethopyga siparaja), male — page 384 E NAKED-FACED SPIDER HUNTER (Arachnothera clarae) — page 385 F LITTLE SPIDER HUNTER (Arachnothera longirostra), male — page 384 G LITTLE SPIDER HUNTER (Arachnothera longirostra), female — page 384 390 PLATE 80 PLATE 81 A PALAWAN YELLOW-RUMPED FLOWERPECKER (Prionochilus plateni), male — page 386 B PALAWAN YELLOW-RUMPED FLOWERPECKER (Prionochilus plateni), female — page 386 C GRAY-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum proprium) — page 387 D OLIVE-CAPPED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum nigrilore) — page 387 E BICOLORED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum bicolor ) — page 389 F STRIPED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum aeruginosum ) — page 386 G FOUR-COLORED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum quadricolor) — page 389 H OLIVE-BACKED FLOWERPECKER (Prionochilus olivaceus) — page 385 I YELLOW-CROWNED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum anthonyi), female — page 388 J YELLOW-CROWNED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum anthonyi ), male — page 388 392 PLATE 81 Dicaeidae PHILIPPINE FLOWERPECKER PLATE 82 Dicaeum australe australe (Hermann, 1783) 1783 Pipra australe Hermann, Tab. Aff. Anim., p. 223, (New Guinea = Luzon) 1789 Pipra papuensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1:1004, (New Guinea= Philippines) 1894 Dicaeum flaviventer Meyer, Journ. f. Orn., 42:91, (Cebu) Description: Upperparts black with a bluish gloss; chin and throat white; breast and belly gray with a scarlet stripe in the middle. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 56; tail 28; bill 11; tarsus 9. Range: Basilan, Bohol, Camiguin North, Cebu, Dinagat, Leyte, Lubang, Luzon, Marin- duque, Masbate, Mindanao, Samar, Ticao, and Verde. (Endemic.) Dicaeum australe haematostictum Sharpe, 1876 1876 Dicaeum haematostictum Sharpe, Nature, 14:298, (Guimaras) 1926 Dicaeum haematostictum whiteheadi Hachisuka, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47:55, (Mt. Canloan, Negros) Description: Differs from D. a. australe by having a black collar on the upper breast and by having the scarlet stripe much wider. Range: Guimaras, Negros, and Panay. (Endemic.) MINDORO FLOWERPECKER PLATE 82 Dicaeum retrocinctum Gould, 1872 1872 Dicaeum retrocinctum Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 10:114, (Mindoro) Description: Upperparts blue-black with a scarlet collar on the hind neck; chin and throat black with a red goatee; sides of throat, breast, and belly gray-white; in the center of the breast and belly is a scarlet stripe with black margins. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark red-brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 52; tail 25; bill 13; tarsus 15. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) ORANGE-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 82 Dicaeum trigonostigma xanthopygium Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Dicaeum xanthopygium Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:95, (Monte Alban, Luzon) 394 Dicaeidae Description: Male — top of head and upperparts dark blue; a bright red-orange patch in middle of the back; rump yellow; tail blue-black; lores and sides of head black; under- parts yellow with an orange wash. Female — upperparts dark olive-green; rump yellow- ish; underparts olive; yellow in center of breast and belly. Soft Parts: Bill blackish; iris light brown; feet blackish. Measurements: Wing 53; tail 25; bill 12; tarsus 12. Range: Luzon, Marinduque, Mindoro, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma sibuyanicum Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Dicaeum sibuyanica Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1: 18, (Sibuyan) Description: Male — differs from xanthopygium by having the rump very dark olive- green and the chin and throat gray. Range: Sibuyan. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma intermedia Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Dicaeum intermedia Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1: 19, (Romblon and Tablas) Description: Male — differs from sibuyanicum by having the chin and throat much paler gray, washed with pale yellow; olive-green patch on rump reduced or absent. Female — duller below. Range: Romblon and Tablas. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma dorsale Sharpe, 1876 1876 Dicaeum dorsale Sharpe, Nature, 14:298, (“Palawan”; error= Panay) Description: Male — differs from xanthopygium by having the rump dark blue and the breast and belly more orange. Range: Masbate, Negros, and Panay. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma paliidius Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Dicaeum pallidior Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1: 18, (Cebu) Description: Male — differs from dorsale by having the upperparts lighter blue and the underparts uniform yellow with only a trace of orange on the breast. Range: Cebu. (Extinct.) Dicaeum trigonostigma cinereigulare Tweeddale, 1877 1877 Dicaeum cinereigulare Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 829, (Butuan, Mindanao) 395 Dicaeidae Description: Male — -differs from dorsale by having a grayish band across the center of the throat and the breast and belly darker orange. Range: Bohol, Leyte, Mindanao, and Samar. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma besti Steere, 1890 1890 Dicaeum besti Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 22, (Siquijor) Description: Male — differs from cinereigulare by having less yellow on throat. Also larger (wing 52 vs. 49; bill 1 1 vs. 9). Range: Siquijor. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma isidroi Rand and Rabor, 1969 1969 Dicaeum trigonostigma isidroi Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 51:163, (Camiguin South) Description: Differs from cinereigulare by having the throat paler yellow and the sides of the throat purer gray-white, lacking yellow wash. Also larger (wing 56 vs. 51). Range: Camiguin South. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma assimile Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Dicaeum assimilis Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1: 19, (Sulu, Tawi Tawi) 1941 Dicaeum dorsale hanadori Hachisuka, Tori, 11:87, (Siasi) Description: Male — differs from cinereigulare by having the rump yellow, the chin and throat dark gray, and the breast and belly paler orange. Range: Jolo, Siasi, Sulu, and Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) Dicaeum trigonostigma sibutuense Sharpe, 1893 1893 Dicaeum sibutuense Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 3:10, (Sibutu) Description: Male — differs from assimile by having the rump dark olive-green. Range: Sibutu. (Endemic.) WHITE-BELLIED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 82 Dicaeum hypoleucum obscurum Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 1894 Dicaeum obscurum Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:50, (mountains of north- ern Luzon = Benguet) 1962 Dicaeum hypoleucum lagunae Parkes, Postflla, 67:5, (Pangil, Laguna Province, Luzon) 396 Dicaeidae Description: Upperparts olive-brown; tail and primaries dark brown; underparts grayish olive. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet brownish. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 27; bill 12; tarsus 14. Range: Northwestern and central Luzon. (Endemic.) Dicaeum hypoleucum cagayanertsis Rand and Rabor, 1987 1967 Dicaeum hypoleucum cagayanensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 51:89, (Mt. Cagua, Gonzaga, Cagayan Prov., Luzon) Description: Differs from obscurum by having the underparts paler and washed with yellow. Range: Northeastern Luzon. (Endemic.) Dicaeum hypoleucum pontifex Mayr, 1946 1877 Dicaeum Everetti Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 4:537, (Dinagat); not Priono- chilus everetti Sharpe, 1877 1878 Dicaeum modestum Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 380, (Panaon); not Prionochilus modestus Hume, 1875 1946 Dicaeum hypoleucum pontifex Mayr, Zoologica, 31:8, new name for Dicaeum Everetti Tweeddale, 1877, preoccupied Description: Differs from obscurum by having the underparts gray-white. Range: Bohol, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao (except Zamboanga Peninsula), Panaon, and Samar. (Endemic.) Dicaeum hypoleucum hypoleucum Sharpe, 1876 1876 Dicaeum hypoleucum Sharpe, Nature, 14:298, (Basilan) 1877 Dicaeum mindanense Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 547, (Pasananca, Mindanao) Description: Male — differs from pontifex by having upperparts blackish and underparts lighter. Female — more olivaceous. Range: Basilan, Bongao, Jolo, Zamboanga Peninsula of Mindanao, and Siasi. (Endemic.) PYGMY FLOWERPECKER PLATE 82 Dicaeum pygmaeum pygmaeum (Kittlitz, 1833) 1833 Nectarinia pygmea (in text; pygmaea on plate) Kittlitz, Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Petersb., 2:2, (Luzon^ Manila) 397 Dicaeidae Description: Male — top of head, back, wings, and tail olive-black with a blue-green gloss; rump dull olive-yellow; face and sides of throat gray; chin and center of throat white; rest of underparts buffy. Female — similar to male but much duller. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet brown-black. Measurements: Wing 47; tail 25; bill 10; tarsus 11. Range: Southern and central Luzon, south to Mindanao (except western peninsula). (Endemic.) Dicaeum pygmaeum salomonseni Parkes, 1962 1962 Dicaeum pygmaeum salomonseni Parkes, Postilla, 67:6, (Mt. Sicapo-o [Mt. Sim- minublan] , Ilocos Norte Province, Luzon) Description: Male — differs from D. p. pygmaeum by having the back blacker, lacking the green gloss; face and flanks grayer. Female — differs by being grayer. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Dicaeum pygmaeum davao Mearns, 1905 1905 Dicaeum davao Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:87, (Cotabato, Mindanao) Description: Differs from D. p. pygmaeum by having the face, sides of throat, and flanks darker; belly and under tail-coverts more yellowish. Range: Western peninsula of Mindanao. (Endemic.) Dicaeum pygmaeum palawanorum Hachisuka, 1926 1926 Dicaeum pygmaeum palawanorum Hachisuka, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 47:55, (Iwahig, Palawan) Description: Differs from D. p. pygmaeum by having the upperparts slightly lighter, except the rump, which is duller olive-yellow; underparts lighter; also larger (wing 50). Range: Balabac, Calamianes, and Palawan. (Endemic.) FIRE-THROATED FLOWERPECKER PLATE 82 Dicaeum ignipectus luzoniense Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 1894 Dicaeum luzoniense Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 3:50, (mountains of northern Luzon = Benguet) Description: Male — upperparts dark glossy green; sides of head and neck dull black; chin whitish; throat and upper breast scarlet; breast whitish; flanks olive; under tail- coverts orange-yellow. Female — upperparts similar to male but lighter, especially the rump; underparts gray-white, except the flanks and under tail-coverts, which are similar to those of the male. 398 DlCAEIDAE ZOSTEROPIDAE Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 54; tail 32; bill 9; tarsus 12. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Dicaeum ignipectus bonga Martert, 1904 1904 Dicaeum bonga Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:80, (Samar) Description: Differs from luzoniense by being smaller (wing 47). Range: Samar. (Endemic.) Dicaeum ignipectus apo Hartert, 1904 1904 Dicaeum apo Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 14:79, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Differs from luzoniense by having the sides of the head glossy green, the flanks darker olive-green, and the under tail-coverts lighter yellow. Range: Mindanao and Negros. (Endemic.) Family ZOSTEROPIDAE WHITE -EYES PHILIPPINE WHITE-EYE PLATE 83 Zosterops meyeni meyeni Bonaparte, 1850 1832? D(icaeum) flavum Kittlitz, Kupfert. Naturg. Vogel, (2), p. 15, (Luzon) 1850 Zosterops meyeni Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1:398, new name for D. flavum Kittlitz, 1832 Description: Upperparts light olive-green; forehead, chin, throat, and under tail-coverts light yellow; eye-ring white with a very small dark spot in front of the eye; breast and belly dirty white. Soft Parts: Bill gray; iris brown; feet gray-black. Measurements: Wing 53; tail 38; bill 11; tarsus 14. Range: Banton, Calayan, Lubang, Luzon, and Verde. (Endemic.) Zosterops meyeni batanis McGregor, 1907 1907 Zosterops batanis McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:343, (Batan Island) Description: Differs from Z. m. meyeni by having upperparts brighter olive-green, espe- cially the crown and rump; belly with a light yellow wash; also larger (wing 57; tail 40; long bill) and black loral spot more distinct. Range: Batan Island and small islands to the north. (Endemic.) 399 PLATE 82 A PHILIPPINE FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum australe), female — page 394 B PHILIPPINE FLOWERPECKER ( Dicaeum australe ), male — page 394 C ORANGE-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum trigonostigma), male — page 394 D ORANGE-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER ( Dicaeum trigonostigma), female — page 394 E WHITE-BELLIED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum hypoleucum) — page 396 F MINDORO FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum retrocinctum ) — page 394 G FIRE-THROATED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum igmpectus), male — page 398 H FIRE-THROATED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum igmpectus), female — page 398 I PYGMY FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum pygmaeum ) — page 397 400 PLATE 82 PLATE 83 A PHILIPPINE WHITE-EYE (Zosterops meyeni)— page 399 B MOUNTAIN WHITE-EYE (Zosterops montana) — page 404 C EVERETT’S WHITE-EYE ( Zosterops everetti)— page 405 D YELLOW WHITE-EYE (Zosterops nigrorum) — page 406 E CINNAMON WHITE-EYE (Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus)- — page 408 F GOODFELLOW’S WHITE-EYE ( Lophozosterops goodfellowi) — page 408 402 PLATE 83 ZOSTEROPIDAE MOUNTAIN WHITE-EYE PLATE 83 Zosterops montana whiteheadi Hartert, 1903 1903 Zosterops whiteheadi Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:13, (Lepanto, Luzon) Description: Upperparts olive-green; eye-ring white with a black spot by the lores that breaks through the eye-ring; lores and forehead light yellow-green; chin and throat yel- low; center of breast and belly whitish; flanks light gray-brown; under tail-coverts yellow. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris gray; feet black. Measurements: Wing 50; tail 39; bill 11; tarsus 14. Range: Luzon. (Endemic.) Zosterops montana halconensis Mearns, 1907 1907 Zosterops halconensis Mearns, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:360, (Mt. Halcon, Mindoro) Description: Differs from Z. m. whiteheadi by having the upperparts darker olive-green and the throat and under tail-coverts deeper yellow; also, much larger (wing 58; tail 42; bill 14; tarsus 16). Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Zosterops montana gilli duPont, 1971 1971 Zosterops montana gilli duPont, Nemouria, 3:5, (Matabang Bundok, Kilo-Kilo, Sta. Cruz, Marinduque) Description: Differs from halconensis by having the upperparts brighter yellowish olive- green; yellow of chin, throat, and under tail-coverts brighter and more extensive. Range: Marinduque. Zosterops montana parkesi duPont, 1971 1971 Zosterops montana parkesi duPont, Nemouria, 3:4, (Mt. Mantalingajan, Pala- wan) Description: Differs from whiteheadi by having upperparts much yellower green, fore- head and face golden green, eye-ring bolder, chin and throat richer yellow and more extensive, flanks same whitish color of breast and belly, and under tail-coverts richer yellow; also, much larger (wing 55; tail 40). Range: Palawan. (Endemic.) Zosterops montana pectoralis Mayr, 1945 1945 Zosterops montana pectoralis Mayr, Zoologica, 30:116, (Canloan Volcano, Negros) 1956 Zosterops montana finitima Ripley and Rabor, Condor, 58:290, (Luzuriaga, Mt. Cuernos de Negros, Negros) 404 ZOSTEROPIDAE Description: Differs from whiteheadi by having the upperparts paler olive-green and the yellow of the underparts lighter and more extensive, often forming a streak down the belly; also larger (wing 58). Range: Negros. (Endemic.) Zosterops montana diuatae Salomonsen, 1953 1953 Zosterops montana diuatae Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren,, 115:280, (Mt. Hilong-Hilong, Diuata Mts,, Mindanao) Description: Differs from whiteheadi by having upperparts paler olive-green; forehead, throat, and under tail-coverts lighter yellow; flanks gray; also larger (wing 57). Range: Mountains of northern Mindanao from Mt. Malindang to the Diuata Mts. (Endemic.) Zosterops montana vuicani Hartert, 1903 1903 Zosterops whiteheadi vuicani Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 14:14, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Differs from diuatae by having the flanks much browner and the yellow of the throat and under tail-coverts paler. Range: Mt. Apo and Mt. Katanglad, Mindanao. (Endemic.) EVERETT’S WHITE-EYE PLATE 83 Zosterops everetti basiianica Steere, 1890 1890 Zosterops Basiianica Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Expd., p. 21, (Basilan, Samar, Leyte = Basilan) 1922 Zosterops forbesi Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zook, 65:83, (Camiguin South) Description: Upperparts olive-green; eye-ring white broken by a black dot in front of the eye; chin and throat yellow-green; stripe in center of breast, belly, and under tail-coverts yellow; sides of breast and flanks dark gray. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet lead color. Measurements: Wing 55; tail 38; bill 12; tarsus 14. Range: Basilan, Camiguin South, Dinagat, and Mindanao. (Endemic.) Zosterops everetti boholensis McGregor, 1908 1907 Zosterops laeta McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:329, (Bohol) 1908 Zosterops boholensis McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 3:283, new name for Zosterops laeta McGregor, 1907 405 ZOSTEROPIDAE Description: Differs from basilanica by having the upperparts richer olive-green, the yellow of underparts more golden, and the gray of the sides of the breast and flanks lighter. Range: Bohol, Leyte, and Samar. (Endemic.) Zosterops everetti everetti Tweeddale, 1878 1878 Zosterops everetti Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 762, (Cebu) Description: Differs from boholensis by having the upperparts slightly darker and a dark line under the eye. Range: Cebu. (Extinct.) Zosterops everetti siquijorensis Bourns and Worcester, 1894 1894 Zosterops siquijorensis Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1:21, (Siquijor) Description: Differs from boholensis by having the upperparts lighter, the yellow of underparts brighter, and the gray of the sides of the breast and flanks paler. Range: Negros and Siquijor. (Endemic.) Zosterops everetti mandibularis Stresemann, 1931 1931 Zosterops everetti mandibularis Stresemann, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17:221, (Maimbun, Sulu) Description: Differs from basilanica by having the upperparts lighter olive -green; the chin and throat yellower; the sides of the breast and flanks paler gray; and the yellow stripe down the center of the breast, belly, and under tail-coverts brighter yellow. Range: Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) YELLOW WHITE-EYE PLATE 83 Zosterops nigrorum luzonica Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 1895 Zosterops luzonica Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4:22, (Mt. Mayon, Luzon) Description: Forehead and lores olive-yellow; rest of upperparts olive-green; eye-ring white; underparts dark yellow; sides of breast and flanks olivish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet lead color. Measurements: Wing 52; tail 36; bill 12; tarsus 15. Range: Central and southern Luzon. (Endemic.) 406 ZOSTEROPIDAE Zosterops nigrorum aureiloris Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 1895 Zosterops aureiloris Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4:40, (Lepanto, northern Luzon) 1969 Zosterops nigrorum sierramadrensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 51 : 1 65, (Mt. Cagua, Cagayan Prov., Luzon) Description: Differs from luzonica by having the yellow of the forehead more extensive and brighter than the throat; rest of upperparts brighter green and the yellow of the underparts brighter. Rump yellower than back. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) Zosterops nigrorum meyleri McGregor, 1907 1907 Zosterops meyleri McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:348, (Camiguin North) Description: Differs from aureiloris by having a broader white eye-ring; also larger (wing 54 vs. 52). Range: Camiguin North. (Endemic.) Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis Parkes, 1971 1971 Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis Parkes, Nemouria, 4:60, (northern slopes of Mt. Halcon, Mindoro) Description: Richest, deepest yellow of races of Z. nigrorum, both above and below; blackish color under the eye slightly more extensive and white eye-ring slightly broader than in Luzon races. Range: Mindoro. (Endemic.) Zosterops nigrorum nigrorum Tweeddale, 1878 1878 Zosterops nigrorum Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 286, (Valencia, Negros) Description: Differs from luzonica by having the upperparts duller olive, a black spot in the front of the eye-ring, and the throat and under tail-coverts richer yellow. Range: Caluya, Cresta de Gallo, Masbate, Negros, Panay, and Ticao. (Endemic.) Zosterops nigrorum richmondi McGregor, 1904 1904 Zosterops flavissima McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:26, (Cagayancillo Island) 1904 Zosterops richmondi McGregor, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 17:165, new name for Zosterops flavissima McGregor, 1904; not Zosterops flavissima Hartert, 1903 Description: Differs from Z. n. nigrorum by being lighter, especially the underparts, which are brighter yellow; also larger (wing 57 vs. 54). Range: Cagayan Island, Sulu Sea. (Endemic.) 407 ZOSTEROPIDAE INCERTAE SEDIS Zosterops nigrorum catarmanensis Rand and Rabor, 1969 1969 Zosterops nigrorum catarmanensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 51:13, (Camiguin South) Description: Differs from richmondi by being paler, especially the underparts, which are lighter yellow. Range: Camiguin South. (Endemic.) GOODFELLOW’S WHITE-EYE PLATE 83 Lophozosterops goodfellowi goodfellowi (Hartert, 1903) 1903 Zosterops goodfellowi Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:13, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) Description: Forehead and sides of face gray-brown; lores blackish; upperparts olive- green; chin and throat dirty white; breast and flanks olive-green; belly yellowish. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris red-brown; feet olive. Measurements: Wing 72; tail 47; bill 14; tarsus 19. Range: Central Mindanao around Mt. Apo. (Endemic.) Lophozosterops goodfellowi malindangensis (Mearns, 1909) 1909 Zosterops goodfellowi malindangensis Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:443, (Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) 1969 Lophozosterops goodfellowi gracilis Mees, Zool. Verhandelingen, 102:195, (Mt. Hilong-Hilong, northeast Mindanao) Description: Differs from L. g. goodfellowi by having the forehead grayer and the under- parts washed with brown. Range: Northern Mindanao. (Endemic.) INCERTAE SEDIS CINNAMON WHITE-EYE PLATE 83 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus Hartert, 1903 1903 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14:13, (Mt. Apo and Katanglad, Mindanao) 1957 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus malindangensis Rand and Rabor, Fieldiana: Zoology, 42:18, (Mt. Malindang, Mindanao) 1962 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus pallidigula deSchauensee and duPont, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 114:171, (Daggayan, Misamis Oriental, Mindanao) 408 INCERTAE SEDIS Pl.OCEiDAE-— IISTRILDIDAE Description: Upperparts cinnamon-rufous; tail and primaries darker; chin, throat, and breast buff with a cinnamon wash; belly gray-white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris unknown; feet black. Measurements: Wing 89; tail 55; bill 16; tarsus 19. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Family PLOCEIBAE WEAVERBIRBS TREE SPARROW PLATE 84 Passer montanus saturatus Stejneger, 1885 1885 Passer saturatus Stejneger, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 8:19, (Riukius = Okinawa) 1941 Passer montanus manillensis Hachisuka, Tori, 11:88, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Crown and hind neck chestnut; upper back and wing-coverts olive-buff streaked with brown-black; lower back and rump olive-brown; tail brown; wings dark brown; chin, center of throat, and ear-coverts black; rest of under parts gray-white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet, light brown. Measurements: Wing 71; tail 54; bill 13; tarsus 18. Range: Introduced around Manila, Luzon, from Japan or Formosa. Passer montanus malaccensis Dubois, 1885 1885 Passer montanus malaccensis Dubois, Fauna Hi. Vert. Belg. Ois., 1:572, (Malacca) Description: Differs from saturatus by having the upperparts more rufous, especially the back, rump, and wings. Range: Introduced around Cebu City, Cebu, from the Malay Peninsula. Birds reported from Negros may be assigned here. Family ESTMLBIBAE GRASS FINCHES, MANNIKINS, WAXBILLS RED AV ADA VAT PLATE 84 Amandava amandava (Linnaeus, 1758) 1758 Fringilla amandava Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:180, (Calcutta) Description: Male— top of head mottled olive and dark red; back olive-brown; upper tail-coverts dark red; tail black; wing-coverts dark brown with white spots; under- 409 Estrildidae parts bright red with fine white spots on sides of breast and flanks. Female — upper- parts olive-brown; chin and throat whitish; rest of underparts buffy. Soft Parts: Bill bright red; iris orange-red; feet pale brown. Measurements: Wing 47; tail 34; bill 10; tarsus 13. Range: Introduced around Manila, Luzon, from southeastern Asia. GREEN-TAILED PARROT-FINCH PLATE 84 Erythrura hyperythra brunneiventris (Grant, 1894) 1894 Chlorura brunneiventris Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:50, (northern Luzon) Description: Forehead black followed by a blue band on the forecrown; rest of upper- parts bright green; underparts dark cinnamon-rufous; sides of breast green. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark brown; feet pinkish. Measurements: Wing 61; tail 39; bill 10; tarsus 14. Range: Northern Luzon and Mindoro. (Endemic.) GREEN-FACED PARROT-FINCH PLATE 84 Erythrura viridifacies Hachisuka and Delacour, 1937 1937 Erythrura viridifacies Hachisuka and Delacour, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 57:66, (Manila, Luzon) Description: Upperparts dark green; upper tail-coverts and tail dark red; underparts green. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris unknown; feet unknown. Measurements: Wing 58; tail 46; bill 12; tarsus 19. Range: Luzon and Negros. (Endemic.) MINDANAO PARROT-FINCH PLATE 84 Erythrura coloria Ripley and Rabor, 1961 1961 Erythrura coloria Ripley and Rabor, Postilla, 50:18, (Mt. Katanglad, Mindanao) Description: Forehead dark blue; crown, back, rump, and wings dark green; upper tail- coverts and tail red; cheeks dark blue followed by a bright red patch; chin with a few blue feathers; rest of underparts dark green. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 53; tail 38; bill 11; tarsus 17. Range: Central Mindanao. (Endemic.) 410 Estrildidae NUTMEG MANNIKIN PLATE 84 Lonchura punctulata cabanisi (Sharpe, 1890) 1872 Oxycerca (Uroloncha) jagori Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 20:317, (Luzon) 1890 Munia cabanisi Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 13:353, new name for Oxycerca (Uroloncha) jagori Cabanis, 1872 Description: Upperparts brown with pale shaft streaks; tail more olive-yellow; chin and upper throat dark brown; rest of underparts mottled brown and white. Soft Parts: Bill horn-blue; iris brown; feet bluish. Measurements: Wing 51; tail 39; bill 11; feet 14. Range: Luzon, Mindoro, and Panay. (Endemic.) WHITE-BREASTED MANNIKIN PLATE 84 Lonchura leucogastra everetti (Tweeddale, 1877) 1877 Orycerca everetti Tweeddale, Ann. Mag. Nat. His., 20:96, (Monte Alban, Luzon) Description: Upperparts dark brown; shaft streaks white on back and wing-coverts; chin, throat, breast, flanks, and under tail-coverts brown; belly white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris dark red-brown; feet dark bluish. Measurements: Wing 53; tail 41; bill 12; tarsus 13. Range: Catanduanes, Luzon, Mindoro, and Polillo. (Endemic.) Lonchura leucogastra manueli Parkes, 1958 1958 Lonchura leucogastra manueli Parkes, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 108:280, (Isabella, Basilan) Description: Differs from everetti by having the browns richer and darker and the bill slightly larger. Range: South of Luzon to Tawi Tawi. (Endemic.) Lonchura leucogastra palawana Ripley and Rabor, 1962 1962 Lonchura leucogastra palawana Ripley and Rabor, Postilla, 73:11, (Macagua, Brooke’s Point, Palawan) Description: Differs from everetti by having the dark browns very dark brown-black and the bill smaller and more slender. Range: Calamianes, Palawan, and Sulu Archipelago. (Endemic.) 411 PLATE 84 A TREE SPARROW (Passer montanus) — page 409 B RED AVADAVAT (Amandava amandava ) — page 409 C GREEN-TAILED PARROT-FINCH (Erythrura hyperythra) — page 410 D GREEN-FACED PARROT-FINCH (Erythrura viridifacies) — page 410 E MINDANAO PARROT-FINCH (Erythrura coloria ) — page 410 F NUTMEG MANNIKIN (Lonchura punctulata ) — page 41 1 G WHITE-BREASTED MANNIKIN ( Lonchura leucogastra ) — -page 411 H CHESTNUT MANNIKIN ( Lonchura malacca ) — page 414 I DUSKY MANNIKIN (Lonchura fuscans) — page 414 J JAVA SPARROW ( Padda oryzivora ) — page 414 412 PLATE 84 A Sands Estrildidae CHESTNUT MANNIKIN PLATE 84 Lonchura malacca jagori (Martens, 1866) 1834 Fringilla minuta Meyen, Nov. Acad. Leo. Car. Nat. Cur., 16:86, (Philippines) 1866 Munia ( Dermophrys ) Jagori “Cabania” Martens, Journ. f. Orn., 14:14, (Manila, Luzon) 1953 Lonchura malacca gregalis Salomonsen, Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:265, (Opol, Misamis, Mindanao) Description: Head, neck, chin, throat, and upper breast black; back, wings, and tail chestnut; rump dark reddish chestnut; flanks dark chestnut; center of belly and under tail-coverts black. Birds from the north have a proportionately higher percentage of browner heads. Soft Parts: Bill bluish brown; iris dark brown; feet bluish. Measurements: Wing 54; tail 36; bill 12; tarsus 15. Range: Central Luzon, south to the Celebes. Lonchura malacca formosana (Swinhoe, 1865) 1865 Munia formosana Swinhoe, Ibis, p. 365, (Formosa) Description: Differs from jagori by having the top of the head gray-brown and the chestnut parts paler. Range: Northern Luzon. DUSKY MANNIKIN PLATE 84 Lonchura fuscans (Cassin, 1852) 1852 Spermestes fuscans Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 6:185, (Borneo) Description: All dark brown; underparts darker. Soft Parts: Bill blackish; iris dark brown; feet blackish. Measurements: Wing 51; tail 45; bill 13; tarsus 12. Range: Borneo and Cagayan Sulu. JAVA SPARROW PLATE 84 Padda oryzivora (Linnaeus, 1758) 1758 Loxia oryzivora Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:173, (“Asia and Ethiopia" = Java) Description: Top of head black; back and wings light blue-gray; rump and tail black; sides of face white; chin black; throat and breast light blue-gray; belly purplish gray; under tail-coverts white lightly washed with purple. 414 Estrildidae — Fringillidae Soft Parts: Bill pink; iris brown; feet pinkish. Measurements: Wing 68; tail 50; bill 18; tarsus 19. Range: Introduced on many islands from Indonesia. Family FRINGILLIDAE FINCHES, GROSBEAKS BRAMBLING PLATE 85 Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus, 1758 1758 Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:179, (Sweden) Description: Male — head, sides of throat, and back black with buffy edges to feathers; lower back and rump white; tail blackish brown; wing, bend of wing, scapulars, and ends of upper wing-coverts chestnut; rest of wing brownish black; chin and throat chestnut; lower breast, belly, and under tail-coverts white. Female — duller and upperparts browner. Soft Parts: Bill blue-black; iris brown; feet pinkish brown. Measurements: Wing 90; tail 64; bill 14; tarsus 18. Range: Calayan (once); a straggler from Asia. LITTLE BUNTING PLATE 85 Emberiza pusilla Pallas, 1776 1776 Emberiza pusilla Pallas, Reise Versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3:647, (Daurian Range, southern Chita, southeastern Siberia) Description: Top of head blackish brown with a chestnut stripe down the center; face chestnut; back, rump, and wings brown, streaked with dark brown; tail brown with white outer rectrices; chin chestnut; throat and upper breast white streaked with dark brown; belly and under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible dark brown, lower mandible light brown; iris dark brown; feet light brown. Measurements: Wing 66; tail 55; bill 10; tarsus 17. Range: Recorded from Calayan and Luzon; a straggler from eastern Asia. JAPANESE YELLOW BUNTING PLATE 85 Emberiza sulphurata Temminck and Schlegel, 1848 1848 Emberiza sulphurata Temminck and Schlegel, in Siebold’s Faun. Jap., Aves, p. 100, (Japan) Description: Crown and hind neck olive-green; back gray-green with dark brown stripes; 415 Fringillidae rump gray-green; tail dark brown with white outer rectrices; wings dark brown; throat, breast, and belly olive-yellow; under tail-coverts white. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet light brown. Measurements: Wing 71; tail 60; bill 11; tarsus 19. Range: Recorded from Calayan and Luzon; a migrant from eastern Asia. BLACK-FACED BUNTING PLATE 85 Emberiza spodocephala Pallas, 1776 1776 Emberiza spodocephala Pallas, Reise Versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 3:698, (Daurian Range, Siberia) Description: Male — top of head gray with a few dark chestnut streaks; mantle brown streaked with dark brown; rump brown; tail dark brown with white outer rectrices; lores and chin black; throat and breast gray washed with olive; belly and under tail-coverts buffy white. Female— similar to male but lacks the black lores and chin and the gray on the throat and breast, which is replaced by brown and buff. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible dark horn color; lower mandible cream; iris blackish; feet pale brown. Measurements: Wing 73; tail 66; bill 13; tarsus 21. Range: Recorded from Catanduanes (once); a straggler from eastern Asia. MALAYSIAN FINCH PLATE 85 Serinus estherae mindanensis Ripley and Rabor, 1961 1961 Serinus mindanensis Ripley and Rabor, Postilla, 50:13, (Mt. Katanglad, Min- danao) Description: Male — forehead, forecrown, and sides of face golden yellow; lores olive- gray; hind crown and back dark olive-brown; lowrer back, rump, and ends of upper tail- coverts golden yellow'; tail black; w'ings black with two yellow wing bars; chin and throat golden yellow; breast and flanks gray-white streaked with dark browm; belly and under tail-coverts dirty w'hite. Soft Parts: Bill olive-horn; iris unknown; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 70; tail 49; bill 9; tarsus 15. Range: Mt. Katanglad, Mindanao. (Endemic.) EUROPEAN SISKIN PLATE 85 Carduelis spinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1758 Fringilla spinus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1:181, (Sweden) Description: Male — crown black; mantle dark olive-green; rump yellow; tail with dark 416 Fringillidae brown central rectrices and basal two thirds of outer rectrices yellow; wing dark brown with a yellow bar; chin and center of throat black; sides of face and throat, breast, and flanks greenish yellow; belly and under tail-coverts white. Female — lacks black on crown and chin; paler yellow below, with heavier streaking. Soft Parts: Bill, upper mandible dark brown, lower mandible light brown; iris black; feet dark brown. Measurements: Wing 71; tail 50; bill 14; tarsus 13. Range: Calayan (once); a straggler from Asia. PHILIPPINE BULLFINCH PLATE 85 Pyrrhula leucogenys steerei Mearns, 1909 1909 Pyrrhula steerei Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:445, (Mt. Bliss, Mindanao) 1941 Pyrrhula leucogenys apo Hachisuka, Tori, 11:88, (Mt. Apo, Mindanao) 1961 Pyrrhula leucogenys coriaria Ripley and Rabor, Postilla, 50:17, (Mt. Katanglad, Mindanao) Description: Top of head, lores, and chin black with a bluish gloss; ear-coverts white; mantle brown; rump whitish; tail black with a blue gloss; wings mostly black with a blue gloss; ends of wing-coverts brown; outer margin of innermost scapular red; throat, breast, and belly brown; under tail-coverts rufous-brown. Soft Parts: Bill black; iris brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 77; tail 65; bill 11; tarsus 17. Range: Mindanao. (Endemic.) Pyrrhula leucogenys leucogenys Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 1895 Pyrrhula leucogenys Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4:41, (Lepanto, northern Luzon) Description: Differs from steerei by being larger (wing 79; tail 66; bill 12). Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) RED CROSSBILL PLATE 85 Loxia curvirostra luzoniensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 1894 Loxia luzoniensis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3:51, (mountains of north- ern Luzon — Benguet) Description: Top of head reddish; mantle, wings, and tail very dark olive-brown; rump reddish; throat and breast mottled red and gray; belly white streaked with dark brown. Soft Parts: Bill dark brown; iris dark brown; feet brown. Measurements: Wing 82; tail 55; bill 17; tail 54. Range: Northern Luzon. (Endemic.) 417 PLATE 85 A BRAMBLING (Fringilla montifringilla ) — page 415 B LITTLE BUNTING ( Emberiza pusilla ) — page 415 C JAPANESE YELLOW BUNTING (Emberiza sulphurata) — page 415 D BLACK-FACED BUNTING (Emberiza spodocephala) — page 416 E MALAYSIAN FINCH (Serinus estherae) — page 416 F EUROPEAN SISKIN ( Carduelis spinus) — page 416 G PHILIPPINE BULLFINCH (Pyrrhula leucogenys) — page 417 H RED CROSSBILL (Loxia curvirostra ) — page 417 418 PLATE 85 lograpny It ALCASID, G. L., and P. GONZALES 1968 A new race of naked-faced spider-hunter (A rachnothera clarae) from Luzon. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 88:129-130. AMADON, D. 1942 Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, XLIX. Am. Mus. Novit., 1175:1-11. 1951 Notes on Chinese egret, Egretta eulophotes (Swinhoe) . Phil. Journ. Sci., 80:53-54. 1952 A new bird to Palawan. Phil. Journ. Sci., 81 : 139. 1962 A new genus and species of Philippine bird. Condor, 64:3-5. AMADON, D., and J. E. duPONT 1970 Notes on Philippine birds. Nemouria, 1:1-14. AMADON, D„ and S. G. JEWETT, JR. 1946 Notes on Philippine birds. Auk, 63:541-559. BAIRD, S. F., J. CASSIN, and G. N. LAWRENCE 1858 Rep. Expl. and Surv. R. R. Pac., 9: 1-1005. BANGS, O. 1922 Notes on Philippine birds collected by Governor W. Cameron Forbes. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zook, 65:77-84. BOURNS, F. S„ and D. C. WORCESTER 1894 Preliminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage Scientific Expedition to the Philippine Islands. Occ. Papers Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1: 1-64. BRODKORB, P„ D. EMPESO, and R. GONZALEZ 1969 White-tailed tropic-bird, an addition to the Philippine avi- fauna. Auk, 86:357. 421 Bibliography CAIN, A. J. 1954 Subdivision of the genus Ptilinopus (Aves, Columbae) . Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Zool., 2:267-284. CHASEN, F. N. 1940 Notes on some Javan birds. Treubia, 17:263-264. CHASEN, F. N., and C. B. KLOSS 1929 Two new Malaysian birds. Bull. Raffles Mus., 2:22-23. DEIGNAN, H. G. 1946 Races of the striated marsh warbler. Auk, 63:381-383. 1947 A new canary flycatcher from the Philippine Islands. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 60:61-62. 1950 The races of the collared scops owl, Otus bakkamoena Pen- nant. Auk, 67:189-201. 1951 A new race of the hawk-owl, Niyiox scutulata, from the Philip- pines. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 68:41-42. 1955 Four new races of birds from east Asia. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 64:145-147. 1955 The long-tailed nightjars of North Borneo and Palawan. Sarawak Mus. Journ., 6:314-315. 1961 Type specimens of birds in the United States National Mu- seum. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 221 : 1-718. DELACOUR, J. 1941 On the species of Otus scops. Zoologica, 26:133-142. 1943 A revision of the subfamily Estrildinae of the family Ploceidae. Zoologica, 28:69-86. 1946 The name of the white-faced titmouse of the Philippines. Auk, 63:433. DELACOUR, J., and P. JABOUILLE 1940 Liste des Oiseau de L’Indochina Francaise. Ois. et Rev. Fran, d’ Orn., 10:89-220. DELACOUR, J., and E. MAYR 1945 Notes on the taxonomy of the birds of the Philippines. Zoo- logica, 30:105-107. 1946 Birds of the Philippines, pp. 1-309. 422 Bibliography de SCHAUENSEE, R. M. 1957 Notes on Philippine birds. Not. Nat., 303: 1-12. DE SCHAUENSEE. R. M., and J. E. duPONT 1959 Notes on Philippine birds. Not. Nat., 322: 1-5. 1962 Birds from the Philippine Islands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 114:149-173. duPONT, J. E. 1971 Notes on Philippine birds (no. 1) . Nemouria, 3: 1-6. EDWARDS, G. 1743 A Natural History of Uncommon Birds, 1 : 1-52. FINSCH, O. 1902 Notes Leyden Mus., 23:151. GILLIARD, E. T. 1949 A study of the coleto or bald starling ( Sarcops Calvus) . Am. Mus. Novit., 1429:1-6.. 1949 Five new birds from the Philippines. Auk, 66:275-280. 1949 Two new orioles from the Philippines. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 62:155-158. 1950 Notes on a collection of birds from Bataan, Luzon, Philippine Islands. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 94:461-504. GRANT, O. W. R. 1896 On the birds of the Philippine Islands, part VIII; the high- lands of Negros, with fieldnotes by John Whitehead. Ibis, pp. 525-565. GRANT, O. W. R„ and J. WHITEHEAD 1898 On the nests and eggs of some rare Philippine birds. Ibis, pp. 231-247. HACHISUKA, M. 1929 Contributions to the birds of the Philippines, no. 1. Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 13:1-137. 423 Bibliography 1930 Contributions to the birds of the Philippines, no. 2, part VI. Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 14:141-222. 1931-35 The Birds of the Philippine Islands. Parts 1 and 2, pp. 1-439; parts 3 and 4, pp. 1-469. 1939 A new race of bronze-winged dove. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59: 45-47. 1939 The red jungle fowl from the Pacific Islands. Tori, 10:596- 601. 1941 Further contributions to the ornithology of the Philippines. Tori, 11:61-89. HARRISSON, T. 1962 Hoopoe Upupa epops in the Philippines. Ibis, 104:417-418. HARTERT, E. 1910 Vog. pal. Fauna, 1 :65-66. 1922 Types of birds in the Tring Museum; B, types in the general collection. Nov. Zool., 29:365-412. 1929 On various forms of the genus Tyto. Nov. Zool., 35:93-104. HELLMAYR. C. E. 1914 Die Avifauna von Timor. Zoologie von Timor, 1 : 1-112. HOOGSTRAAL, H. 1951 Philippine zoological expedition 1946-1947 (narrative and itinerary). Fieldiana: Zoology, 33:1-88. HUMPHREY, P. S„ and K. C. PARKES 1959 An approach to the study of molts and plumages. Auk, 76:1-31. JOUY, P. L. 1910 The paradise flycatchers of Japan and Korea. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 37:651-655. LINNAEUS, C. 1758 Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae . . . , 1 : 1-824. LINT, K. C., and K. STOTT, JR. 1948 Notes on the birds of the Philippines. Auk, 65:41-46. 424 Bibliography McGREGOR, R. C. 1903 On birds from Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Cagayan Sulu and Palawan. Bull. Phil. Mus., 1:3-12. 1904 The birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo. Bull. Phil. Mus., 3:13. 1904 The birds of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan Group. Bull. Phil. Mus., 4:9. 1908 Notes on a collection of birds from Siquijor, Philippine Islands. Phil. Jour. Sci., 3:275-281. 1909 A Manual of Philippine Birds, pp. 1-769. 1910 Additional notes on birds from northern Mindanao, Philip- pine Islands. Phil. Journ. Sci., 5:197. 1914 Description of a new species of Prionochilus from the high- lands of Luzon. Phil. Journ. Sci., 9:531-535. 1920 Some features of the Philippine ornis with notes on the vege- tation in relation to the avifauna. Phil. Journ. Sci., 16: 361-437. 1921 Birds of Antique Province, Panay, Philippine Islands. Phil. Journ. Sci., 18:537-557, 2 pis. 1921 New or noteworthy Philippine birds, III. Phil. Journ. Sci., 18:75-84. 1921 New or noteworthy Philippine birds, IV. Phil. Journ., Sci., 19:691-706. 1924 Birds of Ilocos Norte Province, Luzon. Phil. Journ. Sci., 25:111-121. 1927 New or noteworthy Philippine birds, V. Phil. Journ. Sci., 32:513-527, 2 pis. 1928 Birds of the Philippines. Distribution of Life in the Philip- pines, Bureau of Science Monograph 21, Manila Bureau of Printing, pp. 168-213, 2 pis. 1936 Birds new and rare in the Philippines. Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:317-326. McGREGOR, R. C., and D. C. WORCESTER 1906 A hand-list of the birds of the Philippine Islands. Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 36:1-123. 425 Bibliography MANUEL, C. G. 1934 Food and feeding habits of the barred ground dove. Phil. Journ. Sci., 55:69-78. 1934 Observations on the Philippine weaver, Munia jagori mar- tens, II; foods and feeding habits. Phil. Journ. Sci., 53:393-419. 1935 New birds from northern Luzon, Philippine Islands. Phil. Journ. Sci., 56:93-96. 1936 A review of Philippine pigeons, I; the genus Phapitreron. Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:300-301. 1936 A review of Philippine pigeons, II; subfamily Ptilinopodinae. Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:327-336. 1936 A review of Philippine pigeons, III; subfamily Treroninae. Phil. Journ. Sci., 60:157-163. 1936 A review of Philippine pigeons, IV; subfamily Duculinae. Phil. Journ. Sci., 60:407-420. 1936 New Philippine fruit pigeons. Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:307-310. 1937 Avifauna of Catanduanes. Phil. Journ. Sci., 63:185-189. 1937 Beneficial swiftlet and edible birds’ nest industry in Bacuit, Palawan. Phil. Journ. Sci., 62:379-392. 1937 A review of Philippine pigeons, V; subfamilies Columbinae. Geopeliinae, Phabinae and Caloenadinae. Phil. Journ. Sci., 63: 175-184. 1939 Notes on recent collections of birds from Palawan and Bus- uanga. Phil. Journ. Sci., 69: 101—123. 1939 Studies on Philippine kingfishers, I; genus Ceyx. Phil. Journ. Sci., 69:377-388. 1941 Studies on Philippine kingfishers, II; genera Alcedo, Halcyon and Ramphalcyon, with additional notes on the genus Ceyx. Phil. Journ. Sci., 74:367-384. 1956 (1957) Neotypes of some Philippine birds. Phil. Journ. Sci., 85:315-321. 1957 Resident birds of Polillo Island. Phil. Journ. Sci., 86:1-12. MANUEL, C. G., and E. T. GILLIARD 1952 Undescribed and newly recorded Philippine birds. Am. Mus. Novit., 1545:1-9. 426 MAYR, E. 1944 Bibliography The birds of Timor and Sumba. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 83: 123-194. 1945 Tree swifts (family Hemiprocnidae) ; in Delacour and Mayr, Notes on the taxonomy of the birds of the Philippines. Zoologica, 30:105-117. 1947 Notes on tailorbirds ( Orthotomus ) from the Philippine Is- lands. Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 37: 140-141. 1949 Geographical variation in Accipiter trivirgatus. Am. Mus. Novit., 1415:1-12. 1957 New species of birds described from 1941 to 1955. Journ. Orn., 98:22-35. MAYR, E., and D. AMADON 1941 Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, XLVI. Am. Mus. Novit., 1144:1-11. 1947 A review of the Dicaeidae. Am. Mus. Novit., 1360: 1-32. MAYR, E., and C. VAURIE 1948 Evolution in the family Dicruridae (birds). Evolution, 2:238- 265. MEARNS, E. A. 1905 Descriptions of eight new Philippine birds, with notes on other species new to the Islands. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18:83-90. 1907 Description of a new genus and nine new species of Philippine birds. Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:355-360. 1909 A list of birds collected by Dr. Paul Bartsch in the Philippine Islands, Borneo, Guam, and Midway Island, with de- scriptions of three new forms. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:463-478. 1909 Additions to the list of Philippine birds with descriptions of new and rare species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36:435-447. 1916 On the geographical forms of the Philippine elegant titmouse, Pardaliparus elegans (Lesson) , with descriptions of three new subspecies. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 51:57-65. 427 Bibliography MEDWAY, LORD 1966 Field characters as a guide to the specific relations of swiftlets. Proc. Linn. Soc. London, 177:151-172. MEES. G. F. 1957 A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (part I) . Zool. Verhandelingen, 35:1-204. 1961 A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (part II) . Zool. Verhandelingen, 50: 1-168. 1969 A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (part III) . Zool. Verhandelingen, 102: 1-390. 1971 The Philippine subspecies of Centropus bengalensis (Gmelin) (Aves, Cuculidae). Zool. Med., 45:189-191. MEINERTZHAGEN, R. 1923 A review of the genus Oriolus. Ibis, pp. 52-96. MERRILL, E. D. 1907 The ascent of Mount Halcon, Mindoro. Phil. Journ. Sci., 2:179-203. MISHIMA, T. 1956 Notes on Ninox scutulata. Japan Wildlife Bull., 15:25-26. OBERHOLSER, H. C. 1915 A review of the subspecies of the ruddy kingfisher, Entorno- thera Coromanda (Linnaeus) . Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48:639-657. OGILVIE-GRANT, W. R. 1896 On the birds of the Philippine Islands, part VII; the high- lands of Mindoro. Ibis, pp. 457-477. 1897 On the birds of the Philippine Islands, part IX; the islands of Samar and Leite. Ibis, pp. 209-250. 1906 On the birds collected by Mr. Walter Goodfellow on the volcano of Apo and in its vicinity, in southeast Min- danao, P.I. Ibis, pp. 465-505, 2 pis. 428 Bibliography OLIVIER, G. 1947 Note sur Lanins validirostris Gant 1874 des lies Philippines. Ois. et Rev. Fran, d’ Grn., 17: 182-185. PARKES, K. C. 1949 Rallus philippensis on Mindoro, Philippine Islands. Auk, 66:200-201. 1957 Taxonomic notes on the lesser coucal, Centropus bengalensis. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 77: 115-116. 1957 The plumage sequence of the Philippine coucal, Centropus viridis. Ibis, 99:518-520. 1958 Nomenclatorial notes on Philippine pygmy woodpeckers. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 78:6-7. 1958 Extra-limital records of the Australian whiskered tern. Emu, 58:288. 1958 Taxonomy and nomenclature of three species of Lonchura (Aves: Estrildinae) . Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 108:279-298. 1958 A revision of the Philippine elegant titmouse ( Parus elegans) . Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 71:95-106. 1958 A new race of the blue-headed fantail ( Rhipidura cyaniceps) from northern Luzon, Philippine Islands. Am. Mus. Novit., 1891:1-5. 1958 Specific relationships in the genus Elanus. Condor, 60: 139- MO. 1959 Notes on some non-passerine birds from the Philippines. An- nals of Carnegie Museum, 35:331-340. 1959 Supspecific identity of introduced tree sparrows, Passer mon- tanus, in the Philippine Islands. Ibis, 101 : 243-244. 1960 Notes on some Philippine tailor-birds. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 80:76-78. 1960 New subspecies of Philippine birds. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 73:57-62. 1960 Geographic variation in the lesser treeswift. Condor, 62:3-6. 1960 A drongo new to the Philippine list. Condor, 62:296-297. 1960 The races of the citrine canary flycatcher, Culicicapa helian- thea. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 73:215-220. 1961 A substitute name for a Philippine tailor-bird. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 81:33. 1961 The crested lizard hawk ( Aviceda jerdoni) in the Philip- pines. Postilla, 51:1-10. 429 Bibliography 1962 The red junglefowl of the Philippines— native or introduced? Auk, 79:479-481. 1962 New subspecies of birds from Luzon, Philippines. Postilla, 67:1-8. 1963 The races of the flaming sunbird ( Aethopyga fiagrans ) . Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 83:7-8. 1963 Additional notes on the Philippine elegant titmouse, Parus elega?is. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 83: 148-150. 1963 A new subspecies of tree-babbler from the Philippines. Auk, 80:543-544. 1963 A substitute name for the Luzon race of Copsychus saularis. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 83:50. 1965 A small collection of birds from the island of Buad, Philip- pines. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 38:49-67. 1965 The races of the pompadour green pigeon, Treron pornpa- dora, in the Philippine Islands. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 85:137-139. 1965 Character displacement in some Philippine cuckoos. The Living Bird, 4:89-98. 1966 Geographic variation in Winchell’s kingfisher, Halcyon ivin- chelli, of the Philippines. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 86:82-86. 1966 A new subspecies of the yellow-bellied whistler, Pachycephala philippinensis. Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 86:170-171. 1967 A new subspecies of the wattled bulbul, Pycnonotus urostictus, of the Philippines. Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 87:23-25. 1968 An undescribed subspecies of button-quail from the Philip- pines. Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 88:24-25. 1969 Subspecific status of the small skylark, Alauda gulgula, in the Philippines, with notes on age characters and moult. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl„ 89:117-119. 1970 The Philippine races of the rufous-capped grass warbler, Megalurus timoriensis. Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 90:111-115. 1970 A revision of the Philippine trogon ( Harpactes ardens) . Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc., 23:345-352. 1971 Taxonomic and distributional notes on Philippine birds. Nemouria, 4: 1-67. PARKES, K. C., and D. AMADON 1948 The winter range of the Kennicott willow warbler. Condor, 50:86-87. 1959 A new species of rail from the Philippine Islands. Wil. Bull., 71:303-306. 430 Bibliography PETERS, J. L. 1939 Collections from the Philippine Islands: birds. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 86:74-128. POTTER, N. S„ III 1948 Notes on the yellow-breasted sunbird. Wil. Bull., 60:159-163. 1953 The birds of Calicoan, Philippine Islands. Wil. Bull., 65: 252-270. PUCHERAN, J. 1854 Etudes sur les types peu connus du Musee de Paris (onzieme article. Passereaux conirostres.) Rev. et Mag. Zool., 6:62-74. RABOR, D. S. 1936 Life histories of some common birds in the vicinity of No- valiches, Rizal Province, Luzon, I. Phil. Journ. Sci., 59:337-356. 1936 Life histories of some common birds in the vicinity of No valiches, Rizal Province, Luzon, II. Phil. Journ. Sci., 60:143-156. 1938 Avifauna of the Gigante Islands. Phil. Journ. Sci., 66:267-274. 1938 Birds from Leyte. Phil. Journ. Sci., 66: 15-34. 1952 Distributional notes on some Philippine birds. Auk, 69:253- 257. 1954 Notes on the nesting of some Philippine swifts on Negros and Mindanao. Silliman Jour., 1:45-58. 1959 The impact of deforestation on birds of Cebu, Philippines, with new records for that island. Auk., 76:37-43. 1970 A list of land vertebrates of Negros Island. Silliman Jour., 17:298-302. RAND, A. L. 1940 New birds from the 1938-1939 expedition. Am. Mus. Novit., 1072:1-14. 1948 Five new birds from the Philippines. Fieldiana: Zoology, 31:201-205. 1950 Three rare Philippine birds. Nat. His. Misc., 60: 1-5. 1950 A new race of the Philippine creeper, Rhabdornis inornatus (class Aves) . Nat. His. Misc., 59:1-3. 431 Bibliography 1950 A new race of owl, Otus bakkamoena, from Negros, Philip- pine Islands. Nat. His. Misc., 72:1-5. 1951 Review of the subspecies of the sunbird, N ectarinia jugularis. Fieldiana: Zoology, 31:597-607. 1951 Birds of Negros Island. Fieldiana: Zoology, 31:571-596. 1958 The races of the shrike, Lanins validirostris. Fieldiana: Zool- ogy, 39:85. 1960 A new species of babbling thrush from the Philippines. Field- iana: Zoology, 39:377-378. 1970 Species formation in the blue monarch flycatchers, genus Hypothymis. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc., 23:353-364. RAND, A. L., and R. L. FLEMING 1957 Birds from Nepal. Fieldiana: Zoology, 41:1-218. RAND, A. L., and D. S. RABOR 1952 Two new birds from Philippine Islands. Nat. His. Misc., 100: 1-3. 1952 Notes on Philippine birds. Nat. His. Misc., 107:1-5. 1957 New birds from the Philippines. Fieldiana: Zoology, 42:13-18. 1959 Three new birds from the Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology, 39:275-277. 1 959 Notes on some Philippine birds. Auk, 76: 102-104. 1959 Notes on some Philippine bulbuls. Auk, 76: 102-104. 1960 Birds of the Philippine Islands: Siquijor, Mount Malindang, Bohol and Samar. Fieldiana: Zoology, 35:221-441. 1961 A new race of crow, Corvus enca, from the Philippines. Field- iana: Zoology, 39:577-579. 1967 New birds from Luzon, Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology, 51:85-89. 1969 New birds from Camiguin South, Philippines. Fieldiana: Zoology, 51 : 157-168. RICKETT. C. B. 1900 Additional notes on the birds of Fokien. Ibis, pp. 52-60. RIPLEY, S. D. 1941 Notes on the genus Coracina. Auk, 58:381-395. 1942 A revision of the kingfishers, Ceyx erithacus and rupdorsus. Zoologica, 27:55-59. 432 Bibliography 1949 A new race of shrike from the Philippines. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 69: 121-122. 1950 Comments on specimens in the Hachisuka Collection from the Philippine Islands. Condor, 52: 165-166. 1951 Remarks on the Philippine mallard. Wil. Bull., 63:189-191. 1952 Additional comments on Philippine birds and a new record from the Archipelago. Condor, 54:362. RIPLEY, S. D„ AND J. T. MARSHALL, JR. 1967 A new subspecies of flycatcher from Luzon, Philippine Islands (Aves; Muscicapinae) . Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 80:243-244. RIPLEY, S. 1955 1956 1956 1958 1961 1962 1966 1968 D., and D. S. RABOR A new fruit pigeon from the Philippines. Postilla, 21:1-2. Birds of Negros Island, Philippines. Condor, 48:283-291. Birds from Canlaon Volcano in the highlands of Negros Island in the Philippines. Condor, 58:283-291. Notes on a collection of birds from Mindoro Island, Philip- pines. Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., 13:1-83. The avifauna of Mount Katanglad. Postilla, 50: 1-20. New birds from Palawan and Culion Islands, Philippines. Postilla, 73:1-16. Dicaeum proprium, new species (Aves; family Dicaeidae) . Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 79:305-306. Two new subspecies of birds from the Philippines and com- ments on the validity of two others. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 81:31-36. SALOMONSEN, F. 1928 Two new Acrocephalus-forms from the Indo-Malayan region. Orn. Monatsb., 36: 1 19. 1952 Systematic notes on some Philippine birds. Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 114:341-364. 1953 Miscellaneous notes on Philippine birds. Vid. Medd. Dansk nat. Foren., 115:205-281. 1960 Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae), 2; the primitive species of the genus Dicaeum. Am. Mus. Novit., 1991: 1-38. 433 Bibliography 1960 Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae), 3; the species group Dicaeum concolor and the superspecies Dicaeum ery- thro thorax. Am. Mus. Novit., 2016:1-36. 1961 A new tit-babbler ( Stachyris hypogrammica, sp. nov.) from Palawan, Philippine Islands. Dansk Orn. Foren. Tids- skrift, 55:219. 1962 The mountain bird fauna of Palawan, Philippine Islands. Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskrift, 56:129-134. SIMS, R. W. 1959 The Ceyx erithacus and rupdorsus species problem. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 44:212-221. STEERE, J. B. 1890 A List of the Birds and Mammals Collected by the Steere Expedition to the Philippines, pp. 1-30. 1894 On the distribution of genera and species of non-migratory land-birds in the Philippines. Ibis, pp. 41 1-420. STOTT, K„ JR. 1947 Notes on the Philippine brown hornbill. Condor, 49:35. STRESEMANN, E. 1952 On the birds collected by Pierre Poivre in Canton, Manila, India and Madagascar (1751-1756). Ibis, 94:499-523. TEMMINCK, C. J„ and L. DeCHARTROUSE 1824 Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees d’Oiseaux. TICEHURST, c. b. 1938 A Systematic Review of the Genus Phylloscopus, pp. 1-193. TWEEDDALE, MARQUIS of (see also Walden, A., Viscount) 1878 Contributions to the ornithology of the Philippines, no. IX; on the collection made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the island of Palawan. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 611-624. 434 Bibliography 1878 Contributions to the ornithology of the Philippines, no. X; on the collection made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the island of Bohol. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 708-712. VAURIE, C. 1947 Two new drongos from the Philippines. Am. Mus. Novit., 1335:1-3. 1949 Notes on some Ploceidae from western Asia. Am. Mus. Novit., 1406:1-41. 1949 Notes on some Asiatic finches. Am. Mus. Novit., 1424:8. 1951 A study of Asiatic larks. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 97:431- 526. 1951 A new species of flycatcher from Mindanao, Philippine Islands. Am. Mus. Novit., 1543:1-4. 1952 A review of the bird genus Rhinomyias (Muscicapini) . Am. Mus. Novit., 1570:1-36. 1953 A generic revision of flycatchers of the tribe Muscicapini. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 100:453-538. 1954 Systematic notes on Palearctic birds, no. 9; Sylviinae: the genus Phylloscopus. Am. Mus. Novit., 1685:1-23. 1959 The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna, Passeriformes, 1:1-762. 1965 The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna, Non-Passeriformes, 2:1- 763. VERHEYEN, R. 1953 Contribution a 1’etude de la structure pneumatique du crane chez les oiseaux. Bulletin Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 29:24. WALDEN, A., VISCOUNT (see also Tweeddale, Marquis of) 1877 A list of the birds known to inhabit the Philippine Archi- pelago. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 9: 125-252. WHITEHEAD, J. 1890 Notes on the birds of Palawan. Ibis, pp. 38-61 . WHITFORD, H. N. 1906 The vegetation of the Lamao Forest Reserve. Phil. Journ. Sci., 1:373-428, 637-679. 435 Bibliography WOLFE, L. R. 1938 Birds of central Luzon. Auk, 55: 198-224. WORCESTER. D. C. 1898 Contributions to Philippine ornithology, part II; notes on the distribution of Philippine birds. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 20:567-625, pis. 55-61. WORCESTER, D. C. and F. S. BOURNS 1898 Contributions to Philippine ornithology, part I; a list of the birds known to inhabit the Philippine and Palawan Islands, showing their distribution within the limits of the two groups. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 20:549-625. ZIMMER, J. T. 1918 A few rare birds from Luzon and Mindoro. Phil. Journ. Sci., 13:223-232. 436 A abbotti, Hirundo tahitica, 233 Hypurolepis javanica, 233 abraensis, Dicrurus balicassius, 245 , 245 Abrornis olivacea, 319 Accipiter gularis, 43 Accipiter soloensis, 46 Accipiter trivirgatus castroi, 46, 46 Accipiter trivirgatus extimus, 46, 46 Accipiter trivirgatus palawanus, 46, 46 Accipiter virgatus confusus, 43, 43 Accipitridae, 35, 38-39, 42-43, 46-4 7 , 52 Aceros leucocephalus leucocephalus, 212 Aceros leucocephalus waldeni, 211 Acmonorhynchus afjinis, 387 Acridotheres cristatellus cristatellus, 368 Acrocephalus arundinaceus harterti, 317 Acrocephalus arundinaceus orientalis, 317 Acrocephalus fasciolatus, 316 Acrocephalus sorghophilus, 31 7 Acrocephalus stentoreus harterti, 317 Actenoides hombroni, 206 Actenoides moseleyi, 206 acuminata, Calidris, 101 acuminatus, Totanus, 101 acuta, Anas, 21 , 27 Aegialites dealbatus, 79 Aegithina tiphia aequanimis, 286, 286 aegyptius, Cuculus, 162 aenea, Carpophaga, 124 Columba, 124 Ducula, 124, 124 Ducula aenea, 124 Muscadivores, 124 aequanimis, Aegithina tiphia, 286, 286 aeruginosum, Dicaeum, 386, 387, 387 Dicaeum aeruginosum, 386 Prionochilus, 386 aeruginosus, Circus, 42 aethiopica, Threskiornis, 22 Aethopyga arolasi, 383 Aethopyga bella, 383 Aethopyga boltoni boltoni, 379 Aethopyga boltoni malindangensis, 378, 378 Aethopyga bonita, 383 Aethopyga dubia, 382 Aethopyga flagrans, 379 Aethopyga flagrans daphoenonota, 382, 382 Aethopyga flagrans decolor, 379, 379 Aethopyga flagrans flagrans, 379 Aethopyga flagrans guimarasensis, 379 Aethopyga flavipectus, 383 Aethopyga magnifica, 384 Aethopyga minuta, 383 Aethopyga primigenius diuatae, 378, 378 Aethopyga primigenius primigenius, 378 Aethopyga pulcherrima, 382 Aethopyga pulcherrima decorosa, 382 Aethopyga pulcherrima jefferyi, 382 Aethopyga pulcherrima pulcherrima, 382 Aethopyga rubrinota, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 382 Aethopyga shelleyi arolasi, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi bella, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi bonita, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi flavipectus, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi rubrinota, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi shelleyi, 382 Aethopyga siparaja magnifica, 384 affine, Dicaeum aeruginosum, 387 affinis, Acmonorhynchus, 387 Apus, 188 Caprimulgus, 182 Penelopides, 21 1 Penelopides panini, 211 Stachyris capitalis, 266 Zosterornis, 266 agusanae, Hypothymis helenae, 349, 349 alaris, Rhabdornis inornatus, 262, 262 Alauda arvensis wolfei, 227 Alauda gulgula wolfei, 227 Alaudidae, 227 alba, Calidris, 100 Egretta, 20 Motacilla, 358 Trynga, 100 albescens, Pardahparus, 255 Parus elegans, 255 albifrons, Phapitreron, 119 Sterna, 110 albigularis, Rhinomyias, 328 Rhinomyias gularis, 328 albiloris, Oriolus, 250 Oriolus xanthonotus, 250 albiventris, Hyloterpe, 351 Pachycephala cinerea, 351 Philentoma, 328 Rhipidura cyaniceps, 328 Alcedinidae, 190-191 , 198-203, 206 Alcedo atthis bengalensis, 190 Alcedo bengalensis, 190 Alcedo collaris, 200 Alcedo ( Halcyon ) coromanda minor, 201 Alcedo gularis, 201 Alcedo melanura, 199 Alcedo meninting amadoni, 191, 191 Alcedo meninting verreauxii, 191 Alcedo pileata, 202 Alcedo verreauxii, 191 alexandrinus, Charadrius, 79 alfredi, Halcyon, 203 Halcyon winchelli, 203 alopex, Megalurus timoriensis, 310, 310 437 Index altera, Coracina coerulescens, 23 5 alterum, Edoliosoma, 235 amabilis, Parus, 256, 256 amadoni, Alcedo meninting, 191, 191 Treron pompadora, 115, 1 15 amandava, Arnandava, 409 Fringilla, 409 Amandava arnandava, 409 amauronota, Strix, 166 Tyto capensis, 166 Amaurornis olivaceus olivaceus, 74 Amaurornis phoenicurus javanicus, 74 amaurotis, Hypsipetes, 286 amelis, Collocalia unicolor, 183 Collocalia vanikorensis, 183 americanus, Merops, 206 Merops viridis, 206 amethystina, Phapitreron, 118, 119, 119, 120, 120 Phapitreron amethystina, 119 amethystinus, Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus, 159 amurensis, Ardea (Butorides) virescens var., 18 Butorides striatus, 18 anaethetus, Sterna, 111 , 1 1 1 Sterna anaethetus. 111 Anaimos plateni culionensis, 386 Anas acuta, 27 , 27 Anas arcuata, 26 Anas clypeata, 31, 31 Anas coromandeliana, 34 Anas crecca, 27 Anas crecca crecca, 27 Anas ferina, 31 Anas fuligula, 31 Anas luzonica, 30, 30 Anas penelope, 30, 30 Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha, 27 Anas querquedula, 30, 30 Anas tadorna, 26 Anas zonorhyncha, 27 Anatidae, 26-27, 30-31 , 34 anderseni, Saxicola caprata, 296, 296 andersoni, Brachypteryx montana, 291, 291 andromedae , Myiothera, 300 Zoothera, 300 Anhinga, Oriental, 5, pi. 2 Anhinga melanogaster, 5 Anhinga rufa melanogaster, 5 Anhingas, 5 Anhingidae, 5 annectans, Bhuchanga, 245 Dicrurus, 245 anonymous, Centropus sinensis, 162, 162 Anous stolidus pileatus, 114 Anous tenuirostris worcesteri, 114 anthonyi, Dicaeum, 388, 388 Dicaeum anthonyi, 388 Prionochilus, 388 Anthothreptus griseigularis, 373 Anthracoceros lemprieri, 212 Anthracoceros marchei, 212, 212 Anthracoceros montani, 212 Anthreptes cagayanensis, 373 Anthreptes chlorigaster, 372 Anthreptes malacensis basilanicus, 372 Anthreptes malacensis birgitae, 373, 373 Anthreptes malacensis cagayanensis, 373 Anthreptes malacensis chlorigaster, 372 Anthreptes malacensis griseigularis, 373 Anthreptes malacensis heliolusius, 372, 372 Anthreptes malacensis iris, 373, 373 Anthreptes malacensis paraguae, 372, 372 Anthreptes malacensis wiglesworthi, 372, 372 Anthus cervinus, 359 Anthus gustavi, 359 Anthus gustavi gustavi, 359 Anthus hodgsoni, 359 Anthus hodgsoni hodgsoni, 359 Anthus hodgsoni yunnanensis, 359 Anthus maculatus yunnanensis, 359 Anthus novaeseelandiae lugubris, 358 antigone, Grus, 66, 66 apicalis, Loriculus, 151 Loriculus philippensis, 151 apivorus, Pernis, 38, 38 Aplonis minor todayensis, 364 Aplonis panayensis panayensis, 364 apo, Callisitta frontalis, 258 Dicaeum, 399 Dicaeum ignipectus, 399 Dryobates moluccensis, 220 Muscicapula melanoleuca, 338 Pyrrhula leucogenys, 417 Rhipidura superciliaris, 327, 327 Sitta frontalis, 258 Apodidae, 182-183, 186-188 apoensis, Collocalia, 182 Hyloterpe, 354, 355 Pachycephala philippinensis, 354 Apus affinis subfurcatus, 188 Apus pacificus pacificus, 188 Arachnothera clarae, 385 Arachnothera clarae clarae, 385 Arachnothera clarae luzonensis, 385, 385 Arachnothera clarae malindangensis, 385, 385 Arachnothera clarae philippinensis, 385 Arachnothera dilutor, 384 Arachnothera fammifera, 384 Arachnothera longirostra dilutor, 384 Arachnothera longirostra fammifera, 384 Arachnothera longirostra randi, 384 Arachnothera longirostris randi, 384 arcanus, Ptilinopus, 122, 122 arcuata, Anas, 26 Dendrocygna, 26 Dendrocygna arcuata, 26 Ardea cinerea jouyi, 27, 21 438 Index Ardea cinnamomea, 11 Ardea episcopus, 23 Ardea flavicollis, 10 Ardea intermedia, 20 Ardea javanica, 18 Ardea modesta, 20 Ardea nigripes, 20 Ardea nycticorax, 22 Ardea purpurea manilensis, 2/, 21 Ardea sacra, 19 Ardea sinensis, 10 Ardea stellaris, 10 Ardea sumatrana, 21 Ardea sumatrana sumatrana, 21 Ardea (Butorides) virescens var. amurensis, 18 Ardeidae, 10-11, 18-22 ardens, Harpactes, 189, 189, 190, 190 Harpactes ardens, 189 Trogon, 189 Ardeola bacchus, 19 Ardetta eurhythma, 11 Arenaria interpes interpes, 93 argentatus, Ceyx, 198, 198 Ceyx argentatus, 198 Larus, 104, 104 ariel, Atagen, 5 Fregata, 5 Fregata ariel, 5 arolasi, Aethopyga, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 383 arquata, Numenius, 85 Artamidae, 360 Artamides cebuensis, 235 Artamides mindanensis, 234 Artamides mindorensis, 234 Artamides panayensis, 234 Artamus leucorhynchus leucorhynchus, 360 arundinaceus, Acrocephalus, 317 Arundinax canturians, 303 arvensis, Alauda, 227 Asio flammeus flammeus, 177 assimile, Dicaeum trigonostigma, 396 assimilis, Dicaeum, 396 Oriolus, 250 Oriolus xanthonotus, 250 astrologus, Ixobrychus sinensis, 10 Astur (Nisus) gularis, 43 Atagen ariel, 5 Athene florensis, 176 atra, Fulica, 76, 76 Fulica atra, 76 atricapilla, Pitta, 225 atricaudatus, Pycnonotus urostictus, 277 , 277 atriceps, Pycnonotus, 276 Pycnonotus atriceps, 276 Turdus, 276 atrocaudata, Terpsiphone, 350 atrogularis, Orthotomus , 324 , 324, 325 atthis, Alcedo, 190 aurea, Zoothera dauma, 300 aureiloris, Zosterops, 407 Zosterops nigrorum, 407 aureus, Turdus, 300 aurora, Cyrtostomus, 378 N ectarinia jugularis, 378 australe, Dicaeum, 394 Dicaeum australe, 394 Pipra, 394 australis, Sphenocercus, 114, 115 Avadavat, Red, 409, pi. 84 Aviceda jerdoni magnirostris, 35 axillaris, Osmotreron, 115 Treron pompadora, 115 Aythya ferina, 31 Aythya fuligula, 3 1 Aythya marila mariloides, 34 azurae [sic] , Hypothymis, 348 azurea, Hypothymis, 348, 348 Hypothymis azurea, 348 Muscicapa, 348 B Babbler, Ashy-headed Ground-, 262, pi. 56 Bagobo, 262, pi. 56 Black-crowned Tree-, 265, pi. 57 Brown Tit-, 269, pi. 58 Falcated Ground-, 264, pi. 56 Gray-faced Tit-, 268, pi. 58 Luzon Wren-, 264, pi. 56 Miniature Tit-, 276, pi. 58 Negros Tree-, 268, pi. 58 Palawan Tree-, 268, pi. 58 Pygmy Tree-, 265, pi. 57 Red-headed Tree-, 263, pi. 56 Rough-templed Tree-, 267, pi. 57 Streaked Ground-, 263, pi. 56 Striped Tree-, 267 , pi. 58 Whitehead’s Tree-, 267 , pi. 57 Babblers, 262-269, 276 bacchus, Ardeola, 19 Buphus, 19 badia, Strix, 166 badius, Phodilus, 166 Phodilus badius, 166 bagobo, Collocalia esculenta, 186, 186 bakkamoena, Otus, 167, 168, 169, 169 Balicassiao, 244, pi. 53 balicassius, Corvus, 244 Dicrurus, 244, 244, 245, 245 Dicrurus balicassius, 244 balukensis, Megapodius cumingi, 54 bangsi, Entomothera coromanda, 201 Halcyon coromanda, 201 Sterna dougallii, 110, 1 10 439 Index bangueyensis, Ptilinopus melanospila, 123 Ptilopus, 123 banken, Centropus melanops, 163 barbarae, Hemiprocne comata, 189 barbata, Perdix, 55, 55 Perdix barbata , 55 Barbet, Crimson-breasted, 213, pi. 46 Barbets, 213, 216 Barn Owls, 166-167 basilanica, Ceyx, 200 Dendrobiastes, 337 Ficedula, 337 Ficedula basilanica, 337 Hydrocorax hydrocorax, 213 Hyloterpe apoensis, 355 Pachycephala philippinensis, 353 Penelopides, 2 1 1 Penelopides panini, 211 Phlegoenas crinigera, 138 Ptilocichla mindanensis, 264 Ptiocichla [sic], 264 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 329 Zosterops, 405 Zosterops everetti, 405 basilanicus , Anthreptes malacensis, 372 Oriolus, 249 Oriolus xanthonotus, 249 Poholophus, 277 Pycnonotus urostictus, 277 Yungipicus, 219 Basilornis miranda, 368 batanensis, Hypsipetes, 286 Hypsipetes amaurotis, 286 Otus bakkamoena, 167 batanis, Zosterops, 399 Zosterops meyeni, 399 Batrachostomus javensis chaseni, 178, 178 Batrachostomus menagei, 177 Batrachostomus microrhynchus, 177 Batrachostomus septimus, 178 Batrachostomus septimus menagei, 177 Batrachostomus septimus microrhynchus, 177 Batrachostomus septimus septimus, 178 baueri, Limosa, 88 Limosa lapponica, 88 Baza leucopias, 35 Bee-eater, Blue-tailed, 206, pi. 46 Chestnut-headed, 206, pi. 46 Bee-eaters, 206-207 bella, Aethopyga, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 383 bengalensis, Alcedo, 190 Alcedo atthis, 190 Centropus, 166, 166 benghalensis, Rallus, 77 Rostratula, 77 Rostratula benghalensis, 77 benguetensis, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 318 Turnix ocellata, 66, 66 bergii, Sterna, 111 Thalasseus, 1 1 1 besti, Dicaeum, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma, 396 Bhuchanga annectans, 245 bicolor, Chimarrhornis [sic], 294 Columba, 130 Dicaeum, 389, 389 Dicaeum bicolor, 389 Ducula, 130 Prionochilus, 389 Rhyacornis, 294 birgitae, Anthreptes malacensis, 373, 373 bitorquata, Streptopelia, 132 Bittern, Black, 10, pi. 3 Chinese Least, 10, pi. 3 Cinnamon Least, 11 , pi. 3 Common, 10, pi. 3 Japanese, 11, pi. 3 Malay, 18, pi. 3 Schrenck’s Least, 11 , pi. 3 Bluebird, Palawan Fairy, 287, pi. 61 Philippine Fairy, 290, pi. 61 boholensis, Coracina striata, 235, 235 Macronous striaticeps, 269 Otus, 169 Pachycephala philippinensis, 354, 354 Penelopides panini, 21 1 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 329, 329 Stachyris capitalis, 266 Stachyris nigrocapitata, 266 Zosterops, 405 Zosterops everetti, 405 Bolbopsittacus intermedius, 149 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus callainipictus, 149, 149 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus intermedius, 149 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus lunulatus, 148 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus mindanensis, 149 boltoni, Aethopyga, 378, 378, 379, 379 Aethopyga boltoni, 379 bonapartei, Loriculus, 151 Loriculus philippensis, 151 bonga, Dicaeum, 399 Dicaeum ignipectus, 399 bongaoensis, Parus elegans, 256, 256 bonita, Aethopyga, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 383 bonthaina, Muscicapa, 337 Boobies, 3-4 Booby, Blue-faced, 3, pi. 1 Brown, 4 , pi. 1 Red-footed, 4, pi. 1 borealis, Cettia diphone, 308 Cettia minuta, 308 Phyllopneuste, 320 Phylloscopus, 320 440 Index Phylloscopus borealis, 320 Botaurus stellaris stellaris, 10 bournsi, Loriculus, 150 Loriculus philippensis, 150 bournsii, Ceyx, 198 Brachypteryx brunneiceps, 291 Brachypteryx malindangensis, 291 Brachypteryx mindanensis, 291 Brachypteryx montana andersoni, 291 , 291 Brachypteryx montana brunneiceps, 291 Brachypteryx montana malindangensis , 291 Brachypteryx montana mindanensis, 291 Brachypteryx montana poliogyna, 290 Brachypteryx montana sillimani, 291, 291 Brachypteryx poliogyna, 290 Brachypus cinereifrons, 277 Brachypus urostictus, 276 brachyura, Pitta, 226 Brachyurus mulleri, 226 Brachyurus propinquus, 225 Brachyurus steerii, 226 Bradypterus caudatus caudatus, 309 Bradypterus caudatus malindangensis, 309 Bradypterus caudatus unicolor, 309 Bradypterus luteoventris seebohmi, 308, 308 Brambling, 415, pi. 85 bres, Criniger, 278 brevipes, Leucotreron occipitalis, 121 Totanus, 93 Tringa incanas, 93 brevirostris, Collocalia, 182, 183 Phabotreron, 119 Phapitreron leucotis, 119 Broadbill, Wauled, 224 , pi. 48 Broadbills, 224 brunneiceps, Brachypteryx, 291 Brachypteryx montana, 291 Cisticola juncidis, 311 Phabotreron, 121 Phapitreron cinereiceps, 121 Salicaria ( Cisticola ), 31 1 brunneiventris, Chlorura, 410 Erythrura hyperythra, 410 Bubo philippensis mindanensis, 174 Bubo philippensis philippensis, 174 Bubulcus ibis coromandus, 19 bubutus, Centropus, 161 Centropus sinensis, 161 Bucco haemacephalus, 213 Bucco philippinensis, 213 Buceros hydrocorax, 212 Buceros hydrocorax hydrocorax, 212 Buceros hydrocorax mindanensis, 213 Buceros hydrocorax semigaleatus, 213 Buceros leucocephalus, 212 Buceros manilloe, 210 Buceros mindanensis, 213 Buceros montani, 212 Buceros panini, 210 Buceros semigaleatus, 213 Bucerotidae, 210-213 Buchanga palawanensis, 244 Budytes taivanus, 358 Bulbul, Black-headed, 276, pi. 59 Chestnut-eared, 286, pi. 60 Mottled-breasted, 284 , pi. 60 Olive, 279, pi. 60 Olive-brown, 277 , pi. 59 Philippine, 279, pi. 60 Plain-throated, 285, pi. 60 Wattled, 276, pi. 59 White-throated, 278, pi. 59 Yellow-vented, 278, pi. 59 Zamboanga, 284 Bulbuls, 276-279, 284-286 Bullfinch, Philippine, 417, pi. 85 Bunting, Black-faced, 416, pi. 85 Japanese Yellow, 415, pi. 85 Little, 415, pi. 85 Buphus bacchus, 19 burbidgei, Otus rufescens, 168, 168 burbidgii, Tanygnathus, 148 Tanygnathus sumatranus, 148 Burhinidae, 103 Bush-warbler, 303, pi. 65 Mountain, 308, pi. 65 Butastur indicus, 47 buteo, Buteo, 47 Faclo [sic], 47 Buteo buteo japonensis,47 Buteo holospilus, 42 Butio kutteri, 18 Butorides striatus amurensis, 18 Butorides striatus carcinophilus, 18 Butorides striatus javensis, 18, 19 Button-quail, 57-59, 66 Button-quail, Barred, 59, pi. 16 Spotted, 59, pi. 16 Striped, 57, pi. 16 Worcester's, 58, pi. 16 Buzzard, Asiatic Honey, 38, pi. 9 Barred Honey, 35, pi. 9 Common, 47, pi. 1 1 Gray-faced, 47, pi. 1 1 c cabanisi, Lonchura punctulata, 411 Munia, 41 1 Cacomantis merulinus merulinus, 158 Cacomantis sonneratii fasciolatus, 155 Cacomantis variolosus everetti, 158, 158 Cacomantis variolosus sepulcralis, 158 caeruleus, Elanus, 38 cagayanensis, Anthreptes, 373 Anthreptes malacensis, 373 Chibia, 248 441 Index cagayanensis (com.) Dicaeum hypoleucum, 397, 397 Macronous gularis, 269 Mixornis, 269 Orthotomus cineraceus, 326 Orthotomus sepium, 326 Phoenicophaeus superciliosus, 161, 161 Calamanthella tinnabulans, 311 C.alamodyta sorghophila, 3 1 7 calayensis, Ficedula hyperythra, 336 Muscicapula, 336 Otus, 167 Otus scops, 167 calcostetha, Nectarinia, 375, 375 caledonicus, Nycticorax, 22, 22 Calidris acuminata, 101 Calidris alba, 100 Calidris canutus canutus, 95 Calidris ferruginea, 101 Calidris ruficollis, 100 Calidris subminuta, 100 Calidris temminckii, 101 Calidris tenuirostris, 100 calidus, Falco, 54 Falco peregrinus, 54 Callaeops periophthalmica, 350 callainipictus, Bolbopsittacus lunulatus, 149, 149 calliope, Erithacus, 294 Motacilla, 294 Callisitta frontalis apo, 258 Callisitta frontalis cebuensis, 257 Callisitta frontalis insignis, 257 Caloenas nicobarica nicobarica, 139 calva, Gracula, 368 calvus, Sarcops, 368, 369, 369 Sarcops calvus, 368 camarinensis, Cyornis herioti, 339 Muscicapa herioti, 339 camiguinensis, Hypsipetes, 286 Hypsipetes amaurotis, 286 Camiguinia personata, 348 Campephagidae, 234-235 , 238-241 , 244 Cancroma Coromanda, 19 canescens, Treron pompadora, 1 18, 118 canorus, Cuculus, 155 canturians, Arundinax, 303 Cettia diphone, 303 canutus, Calidris, 95 Calidris canutus', 95 Canutus, 95 Tringa, 95 Canutus canutus rogersi, 95 capensis, Pelargopsis, 200 Ramphalcyon, 200 Tyto, 166 capitalis, Mixornis (?), 266 Stachyris, 265, 266, 266 Stachyris capitalis, 266 Capitonidae, 213, 216 caprata, Motacilla, 296 Saxicola, 296, 296 Saxicola caprata, 296 Caprimulgidae, 178-1 79, 182 Caprimulgus affinis griseatus, 182 Caprimulgus affinis mindanensis, 182, 182 Caprimulgus griseatus, 182 Caprimulgus indicus jotaka, 179 Caprimulgus jotaka, 179 Caprimulgus macrotis, 178 Caprimulgus macrurus delacouri, 179, 179 Caprimulgus macrurus johnsoni, 179, 179 Caprimulgus macrurus manillensis, 179 Caprimulgus manillensis, 179 carbo, Phalacrocorax, 4 carcinophilus, Butorides striatus, 18 C.arduelis spinus, 416 carola, Ducula, 130, 131 Ducula carola, 130 Ptilocolpa, 130 carpenteri, Centropus, 163 Centropus viridis, 163 Carpophaga aenea palawanensis, 124 Carpophaga chalybura, 124 Carpophaga mindorensis, 130 Carpophaga nuchalis, 124 Carpophaga pickeringii, 125 Carpophaga poliocephala, 125 caspia, Hydroprogne, 105 Sterna, 105 castaneiceps, Orthotomus, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis, 324 castroi, Accipiter trivirgatus, 46, 46 catarmanensis , Hypothymis azurae [sic], 348 Hypothymis azurea, 348 Hypsipetes everetti, 285, 285 Zosterops nigrorum, 408, 408 caudacuta, Chaetura, 187 Chaetura caudacuta, 187 Hirundo, 187 caudatus, Bradypterus, 309 Bradypterus caudatus, 309 Pseudotharrhaleus, 309 Ceblepyris chilensis, 240 Ceblepyris coerulescens, 235 cebuensis, Artamides, 235 Callisitta frontalis, 257 Cittocincla, 296 Collocalia, 186 Copsychus, 296 Coracina striata, 235 Cryptolopha, 319 Phylloscopus, 319, 320, 320 Phylloscopus cebuensis, 319 celebensis, Pernis, 35, 35 celestinoi, Megalaema haemacephala, 213 442 Index Megalaima haemacephala, 213 Phapitreron amethystina, 119 T urnix, 58 T urnix sylvatica, 58 centralis, Ninox philippensis, 175, 175 Centrococcyx mindorensis, 163 Centropus bengalensis philippinensis, 166, 166 Centropus bubutus, 161 Centropus carpenteri, 163 Centropus melanops, 163, 163 Centropus melanops banken, 163 Centropus molkenboeri, 162 Centropus nigrifrons, 163 Centropus rufipennis, 162 Centropus sinensis anonymous, 162, 162 Centropus sinensis bubutus, 161 Centropus steerii, 162, 162 Centropus unirufus, 163 Centropus unirufus polillensis, 163 Centropus viridis carpenteri, 163 Centropus viridis mindorensis, 163 Centropus viridis viridis, 162 Cephalophoneus suluensis, 361 Certhia jugularis, 375 Certhia sperata, 373 certhiola, Locustella, 316 cervina, Motacilla, 359 cervinus, Anthus, 359 Cettia diphone borealis, 308 Cettia diphone canturians, 303 Cettia diphone seebohmi, 308 Cettia minuta borealis, 308 Cettia montana palawana, 308, 308 Cettia seebohmi, 308 ceylonensis, Culicicapa, 347 Culicicapa ceylonensis, 347 Platyrhynchus, 347 Ceyx argentatus, 198 Ceyx argentatus argentatus, 198 Ceyx argentatus flumenicola, 198 Ceyx basilanica, 200 Ceyx bournsii, 198 Ceyx cyano-pectus, 191 Ceyx cyanopectus cyanopectus, 191 Ceyx cyanopectus nigrirostris, 191 Ceyx erithacus motleyi, 199, 199 Ceyx erithacus rufi dorsum, 198 Ceyx erithacus vargasi, 199 Ceyx euerythra, 199 Ceyx flumenicola, 198 Ceyx goodfellowi, 198 Ceyx goodfellowi virgicapitus, 198 Ceyx lepidus margarethae, 198 Ceyx malamaui, 198 Ceyx margarethae, 198 Ceyx melanurus melanurus, 199 Ceyx melanurus platenae, 200 Ceyx melanurus samarensis, 199 Ceyx mindanensis, 200 Ceyx nigrirostris, 191 Ceyx platenae, 200 Ceyx rufldorsa, 198 Ceyx samarensis, 199 Ceyx steerii, 191 Ceyx suluensis, 198 Chaetura caudacuta caudacuta, 187 Chaetura dubius, 187 Chaetura gigantea dubia, 187 Chaetura gigantea gigantea, 187 Chaetura gigantea manobo, 187, 187 Chaetura picina, 187, 187 Chalcites xanthorhynchus, 159 Chalcophaps indica indica, 133 chalybaeus, Surniculus lugubris, 159, 159 chalybura, Carpophaga, 124 Charadriidae, 77-79, 84 Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus, 79 Charadrius curonicus, 78 Charadrius dubius, 78 Charadrius dubius curonicus, 78 Charadrius dubius dubius, 78 Charadrius fulvus, 78 Charadrius leschenaultii, 84, 84 Charadrius magnirostris, 103 Charadrius mongolus, 79 Charadrius mongolus mongolus, 79 Charadrius peronii, 79, 79 Charadrius veredus, 84, 84 chaseni, Batrachostomus javensis, 178, 178 Chat, Pied, 296, pi. 63 cheela, Spilornis, 42 Chelidon dasypus, 233 Chibia cagayanensis, 248 Chibia cuyensis, 248 Chibia menagei, 248 Chibia worcesteri, 248 chilensis, Ceblepyris, 240 Lalage nigra, 240 Chimarrhornis [sic] bicolor, 294 chinensis, Coturnix, 56 Oriolus, 250, 250, 251 Oriolus chinensis, 250 Riparia, 232 Streptopelia, 1 33 , 133 chirurgus, Hydrophasianus, 76 Tringa, 76 Chlidonias hybrida fluviatilis, 105 Chlidonias hybrida javanica, 105 Chlidonias leucoptera, 104 chlorigaster, Anthreptes, 372 Anthreptes malacensis, 372 chloris, Halcyon, 200 chloronotus, Orthotomus, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis, 324 Chloropsis flavipennis flavipennis, 287 443 Index C.hloropsis flavipennis mindanensis, 287, 287 Chloropsis palawanensis, 287 chloropus, Gallinula, 75, 75 chlororhynchus , Puffinus, 2 Puffinus pacificus, 2 Chlorura brunneiventris, 410 Chrysococcyx malayanus malayanus, 158 C.hrysococcyx xanthorhynchus amethystinus, 159 Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus xanthorhynchus, 159 Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus erythrocephalus, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus grandis, 221, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus haematribon, 220 Chrysocolaptes lucidus lucidus, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus montanus, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus montium, 220 Chrysocolaptes lucidus ramosi, 220 Chrysocolaptes lucidus rufopunctatus, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus xanthocephalus, 221 Chrysocolaptes maculiceps, 221 Chrysocolaptes montanus, 221 Chrysocolaptes rufopunctatus, 221 Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus, 221 chrysolaus, Turdus, 302, 302 Turdus chrysolaus, 302 chrysonotus, Loriculus, 150 Loriculus philippensis, 150 Ciconia episcopus e pisco pus, 23 Ciconiidae, 23 cineraceus, Dicrurus, 244 Orthotomus, 326 Sturn us, 368, 368 cinerea, Ardea, 21, 21 Fulica, lb Gallicrex, 75 Geocichla, 300 Motacilla, 358 Pachycephala, 350, 351 Scolopax, 93 Zoothera, 300 cinereiceps, Drymocataphus, 262 Hemichelidon, 341 Hypsipetes siquijorensis, 285 I ole, 285 Muscicapa, 341 Orthotomus, 325, 325 Phabotreron, 120 Phapitreron, 120, 121 Phapitreron cinereiceps, 120 Trichastoma, 262 cinereifrons, Brachypus, 277 Pycnonotus plumosus, 277 cinereigulare, Dicaeum, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma, 395 cinereogenys, Oriolus, 249 Oriolus xanthonotus, 249 cinereus, Pericrocotus, 240 Pluvianus, 77 Poliolimnas, 74, 74 Vanellus, 77 Xenus, 93 cinnamomea, Ardea, 11 Terpsiphone, 349 Terpsiphone cinnamomea, 349 cinnamomeus, Hypocryptadius, 408, 408 Ixobrychus, 11 Pericrocotus, 241 Zeocephus, 349 Cinnyris excellens, 379 Cinnyris guimarasensis, 379 Cinnyris henkei, 374 Cinnyris obscurior, bib Cinnyris picta, bib Cinnyris sperata manueli, bib Cinnyris sperata minima, bib Cinnyris sperata trochilus, bib Cinnyris whiteheadi, 374 Circus aeruginosus spilonotus, 42 Circus melanoleucus, 43 Circus spilonotus, 42 cirrhatus, Spizaetus, 52 Cisticola exilis semirufa, 311 Cisticola juncidis brunneiceps, 311 Cisticola juncidis mcgregori, 311 Cisticola juncidis nigrostriatus, 311 , 31 1 Cisticola juncidis tinnabulans, 311 Cisticola semirufa, 31 1 Cittocincla cebuensis, 296 Cittocincla niger, 295 Cittocincla superciliaris, 295 Clamator coromandus, 151 clarae, Arachnothera, 385, 385 Arachnothera clarae, 385 Clivicola riparia ijimae, 232 clypeata, Anas, 31, 31 Cockatoo, Philippine, 140, pi. 33 coelestis, Hypothymis, 349, 349 Pitta steerii, 226, 226 coerulescens, Ceblepyris, 235 Coracina, 235 Coracina coerulescens, 235 Coleto, 368, pi. 77 Collaris, Alcedo, 200 Halcyon chloris, 200 collingwoodi, Poliolimnas cinereus, 74 Collocalia apoensis, 182 Collocalia brevirostris origenis, 182 Collocalia brevirostris palawanensis, 183 Collocalia brevirostris whiteheadi, 182 Collocalia cebuensis, 186 Collocalia esculenta bagobo, 186, 186 Collocalia esculenta isonota, 186 Collocalia esculenta marginata, 186 Collocalia esculenta septentrionalis, 186 444 Index Collocalia fuciphaga germani, 183 Collocalia germani, 183 Collocalia linchi isonota, 186 Collocalia lowi palawanensis, 183 Collocalia marginata, 186 Collocalia origenis, 182 Collocalia troglodytes, 186, 186 Collocalia unicolor amelis, 183 Collocalia vanikorensis amelis, 183 Collocalia vestita mearnsi, 183 Collocalia whiteheadi, 182 Collocalia whiteheadi tsubame, 183 coloria, Erythrura, 410, 410 Columba aenea, 124 Columba bicolor, 130 Columba dusumieri, 132 Columba humilis, 132 Columba indica, 133 Columba leucotis, 118 Columba luzonica, 138 Columba nicobarica, 139 Columba striata, 133 Columba tigrina, 133 Columba vernans, 1 18 Columba vitiensis griseogularis, 131 Columbidae, 114-115, 118-125, 130-133, 138-139 Colymbus Philippensis, 1 comata, Hemiprocne, 189, 189 Macropteryx, 189 compilator , Hypothymis azurea, 348 confusus, Accipiter virgatus, 43, 43 Dryocopus javensis, 217 Thriponax javensis, 217 Coot, Black, 76, pi. 18 Copsychus cebuensis, 296 Copsychus luzoniensis luzoniensis, 295 Copsychus luzoniensis parvimaculata, 295 Copsychus luzoniensis superciliaris, 295 Copsychus niger, 295 Copsychus saularis deuteronymus, 294, 294 Copsychus saularis heterogynus, 294 Copsychus saularis mindanensis, 295 Coraciidae, 207 Coracina coerulescens altera, 235 Coracina coerulescens coerulescens, 235 Coracina mcgregori, 239 Coracina morio elusa, 238 Coracina morio everetti, 238 Coracina morio lecroyae, 238, 238 Coracina morio mindanensis, 238 Coracina morio ripleyi, 238, 238 Coracina ostenta, 239, 239 Coracina striata boholensis, 235, 235 Coracina striata cebuensis, 235 Coracina striata difficilis, 234 Coracina striata guillemardi, 235 Coracina striata kochii, 234 Coracina striata mindorensis, 234 Coracina striata panayensis, 234 Coracina striata striata, 234 coriaria, Pyrrhula leucogenys, 417 Cormorant, Great, 4, pi. 2 Cormorants, 4 C.ornix philippinus, 254 coromanda, Alcedo ( Halcyon ), 201 Cancroma, 19 Entomothera, 201 Halcyon, 201 coromandeliana, Anas, 34 coromandelianus, Nettapus, 34 Nettapus coromandelianus, 34 coromandus, Bubulcus ibis, 19 Clamator, 151 Cuculus, 151 Corvidae, 251, 254 Corvus balicassius, 244 Corvus enca pusillus, 251 Corvus enca samarensis, 251 Corvus enca sierramadrensis, 251 , 251 Corvus macrorhynchos philippinus, 254 Corvus pusillus, 251 Corvus samarensis, 251 Corvus striatus, 234 Corydalla lugubris, 358 Corydonix pyrrhopterus, 162 cotabato, Podiceps ruficollis, 1 coturnix, Coturnix, 56 Coturnix chinensis lineata, 56 Coturnix coturnix japonica, 56 Coturnix vulgaris japonica, 56 Coucal, Black-faced, 163, pi. 37 Common, 161, pi. 37 Lesser, 166, pi. 37 Philippine, 162, pi. 37 Rufous, 163, pi. 37 Steere’s, 162, pi. 37 Crake, Chinese Banded, 69, pi. 18 Malay Banded, 68, pi. 17 Philippine Banded, 68, pi. 17 Ruddy, 69, pi. 18 Crane, Eastern Sarus, 66, pi. 6 Cranes, 66 Craniorrhinus [sic] waldeni, 211 crecca, Anas, 27 , 27 Anas crecca, 27 Creeper, Plain-headed, 259, pi. 55 Striped-headed, 258, pi. 55 Creepers, 258-259, 262 Crested-cuckoo, Red-winged, 151, pi. 35 crex, Megalurus timoriensis, 310, 310 criniger, Gallicolumba luzonica, 138 Pampusanna, 138 Phlegoenas, 139 Criniger bres frater, 278 Criniger everetti, 285 445 Index Criniger frater, 278 Criniger haynaldi, 285 Criniger palawanensis, 279 crinigera, Phlegoenas, 138 crissalis, Hyloterpe, 350 Pachycephala cinerea, 350 cristata, Sterna, 1 1 1 Sterna bergii. 111 cristatella, Gracula, 368 cristatellus, Acridotheres, 368 Acridotheres cristatellus, 368 cristatus, Lanius, 360, 361, 361 Lanius cristatus, 361 Crossbill, Red, 47 7, pi. 85 Crow, Large-billed, 254 , pi. 54 Little, 251 , pi. 54 Crows, 251, 254 crypta, Ficedula, 337 Ficedula crypta, 337 Muscicapa, 337 Cryptolopha cebuensis, 319 Cryptolopha flavigularis, 319 Cryptolopha malindangensis, 318 Cryptolopha mindanensis, 318 Cryptolopha nigrorum, 317 Cryptolopha xanthopygia, 320 Cuckoo, Bay-banded, 155 , pi. 36 Brush, 158, pi. 36 Common, 155, pi. 35 Drongo, 159, pi. 36 Horsfield’s Hawk-, 154 , pi. 35 Large Hawk-, 154, pi. 35 Malay Bronze, 158, pi. 35 Oriental, 155, pi. 35 Plaintive, 1 58, pi. 36 Red-winged Crested-, 151, pi. 35 Rough-crested, 161, pi. 36 Scale-feathered, 161 , pi. 36 Short-winged, 154, pi. 35 Violet, 159, pi. 35 Cuckoos, 151, 154-155, 158-163, 166 Cuckoo-shrikes, 234-235, 238-241, 244 Cuculidae, 151 , 154-155, 158-163, 166 cucullatus, Orthotomus, 321 , 321 Cuculus aegyptius, 162 Cuculus canorus telephonus, 155 Cuculus coromandus, 151 Cuculus fasciolatus, 155 Cuculus fugax hyperythrus, 154 Cuculus fugax pectoralis, 154 Cuculus horsfieldi, 155 Cuculus hyperythrus, 154 Cuculus malayanus, 158 Cuculus merulinus, 158 Cuculus micropterus, 154 Cuculus micropterus micropterus, 154 Cuculus mindanensis, 160 Cuculus philippensis, 162 Cuculus saturatus horsfieldi, 155 Cuculus sepulcralis, 158 Cuculus sparverioides, 154 Cuculus sparverioides sparverioides, 154 Cuculus telephonus, 155 Cuculus viridis, 162 Culicicapa ceylonensis ceylonensis, 347 Culicicapa helianthea mayri, 347 , 347 Culicicapa helianthea panayensis, 347 Culicicapa helianthea septentrionalis, 347, Ml Culicicapa helianthea zimmeri, 347, 347 culionensis, Anaimos plateni, 386 cumingi, Megapodius, 54 Megapodius freycinet, 55 Minodoria striaticeps, 269 Phoenicophaeus, 161 Phoenicophaus, 161 cumingii, Megapodius, 55 Curlew, Common, 85, pi. 21 Long-billed, 85, pi. 21 Pygmy, 84, pi. 21 curonicus, Charadrius, 78 Charadrius dubius, 78 curvirostra, Loxia, 417 Treron, 115, 1 15 curvirostris , Phoenicophaeus, 160 cuyensis, Chibia, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus, 248 Otus, 168 Otus scops, 168 cyanescens, Terpsiphone, 3 50 Zeocephus, 350 cyaniceps, Muscipeta, 327 Prioniturus, 142 Rhipidura, 327, 327, 328 Rhipidura cyaniceps, 327 cyanocollis, Eurystomus, 207 Eurystomus orientalis, 207 cyanogaster, Irena, 290, 290 Irena cyanogaster, 290 cyanomelana, Ficedula, 339 Ficedula cyanomelana, 339 Muscicapa, 339 Cyanomyias helenae, 348 cyanopectus, Ceyx, 191, 191 Ceyx cyanopectus, 191 Cyclopsitta mindanensis, 149 Cyornis herioti, 339 Cyornis herioti camarinensis, 339 Cyornis herioti herioti, 339 Cyornis lemprieri, 339, 339 Cyornis mindorensis, 340 Cyornis paraguae, 338 Cyornis philippinensis, 340 Cyornis rufigaster litoralis, 340 Cyornis rufigaster mindorensis, 340 Cyornis rufigaster philippinensis, 340 446 Index Cyornis rufigaster simplex, 340 Cyornis rufigastra litoralis, 340 Cyornis simplex , 340 Cypselus giganteus, 187 Cypselus subfurcatus, 188 Cypsiurus parvus pallidior, 188 Cyrtostomus aurora, 378 Cyrtostomus dinagatensis, 375 Cyrtostomus jugularis mindanensis, 31b Cyrtostomus jugularis woodi, 378 D Dabchick, Common, 1, pi. 1 Dacelo lindsayi, 203 dactylatra, Sula, 3 daggayana, Ficedula hyperythra, 336, 336 daphoenonota, Aethopyga flagrans, 382, 382 Dasycrotapha speciosa, 267 dasypus, Chelidon, 233 Delichon, 233 Delichon dasypus, 233 dauma, Zoothera, 300 davao, Dicaeum, 398 Dicaeum pygmaeum, 398 Orthotomus atrogularis, 324 davaoensis, Nectarinia sperata, 374, 374 dealbatus, Aegialites, 79 Charadrius alexandrinus, 79 decolor, Aethopyga flagrans, 379, 379 decorosa, Aethopyga pulcherrima, 382 Eudrepanis, 382 delacouri, Caprimulgus macrurus, 179, 179 Delichon dasypus dasypus, 233 Dendrobiastes basilanica, 337 Dendrocopos maculatus fulvifasciatus, 219 Dendrocopos maculatus leytensis, 219 Dendrocopos maculatus maculatus, 219 Dendrocopos maculatus menagei, 220 Dendrocopos maculatus ramsayi, 220 Dendrocopos maculatus siasiensis, 220 Dendrocopos maculatus validirostris, 219 Dendrocopus moluccensis igorotus, 219 Dendrocygna arcuata arcuata, 26 Dendrocygna guttata, 26, 26 Dendronanthus indicus, 355 Dendrophassa vernans nesophasma, 1 18 Dendrophila lilacea, 258 Dendrophila mesoleuca, 257 Dendrophila oenochlamys, 257 dennistouni, Stachyris capitalis, 266 Zosterornis, 266 derbianus, Orthotomus, 321, 321 deuteronymus, Copsychus saularis, 294 , 294 Dicaeidae, 385-389, 394-399 Dicaeum aeruginosum aeruginosum, 386 Dicaeum aeruginosum affine, 387 Dicaeum aeruginosum striatissimum, 387, 387 Dicaeum anthonyi anthonyi, 388 Dicaeum anthonyi kampalili, 388 Dicaeum anthonyi masawan, 388, 388 Dicaeum apo, 399 Dicaeum assimilis, 396 Dicaeum australe australe, 394 Dicaeum australe haematostictum, 394 Dicaeum besti, 396 Dicaeum bicolor bicolor, 389 Dicaeum bicolor inexpectatum, 389 Dicaeum bicolor viridissimum, 389, 389 Dicaeum bonga, 399 Dicaeum cinereigulare, 395 Dicaeum davao, 398 Dicaeum dorsale, 395 Dicaeum dorsale hanadori, 396 Dicaeum everetti, 397 Dicaeum flaviventer, 394 D(icaeum) flavum, 399 Dicaeum haematostictum, 394 Dicaeum haematostictum whiteheadi, 394 Dicaeum hypoleucum, 397 Dicaeum hypoleucum cagayanensis, 397, 397 Dicaeum hypoleucum hypoleucum, 397 Dicaeum hypoleucum lagunae, 396 Dicaeum hypoleucum obscurum, 396 Dicaeum hypoleucum pontifex, 397 , 397 Dicaeum ignipectus apo, 399 Dicaeum ignipectus bonga, 399 Dicaeum ignipectus luzoniense, 398 Dicaeum intermedia, 395 Dicaeum isag, 387 Dicaeum kampalili, 388 Dicaeum luzoniense , 398 Dicaeum mindanense, 397 Dicaeum modestum, 397 Dicaeum nigrilore, 387, 387 Dicaeum nigrilore diuatae, 388 Dicaeum obscurum, 396 Dicaeum pallidior, 395 Dicaeum proprium, 387, 387 Dicaeum pygmaeum davao, 398 Dicaeum pygmaeum palawanorum, 398, 398 Dicaeum pygmaeum pygmaeum, 397 Dicaeum pygmaeum salomonseni, 398, 398 Dicaeum quadricolor, 389 Dicaeum retrocinctum, 394, 394 Dicaeum rubricapilla, 388 Dicaeum sibutuense, 396 Dicaeum sibuyanica, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma assimile, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma besti, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma cinereigulare, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma dorsale, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma intermedia, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma isidroi, 396, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma pallidius, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma sibutuense, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma sibuyanicum, 395 447 Index Dicaeum trigonostigma xanthopygium, 394 Dicaeum xanthopygium, 394 Dicruridae, 244-245, 248 Dicrurus annectans, 245 Dicrurus balicassius abraensis, 245, 245 Dicrurus balicassius balicassius, 244 Dicrurus balicassius mindorensis, 244 Dicrurus balicassius mirabilis, 245 Dicrurus cineraceus rebaptizatus, 244 Dicrurus hottentottus cuyensis, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus menagei, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus palawanensis, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus samarensis, 248, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus striatus, 245 Dicrurus hottentottus suluensis, 248 Dicrurus leucophaeus, 244 Dicrurus leucophaeus leucophaeus, 244 Dicrurus leucophaeus var. whiteheadi, 244 Dicrurus mirabilis, 245 Dicrurus palawanensis, 248 Dicrurus striatus, 245 Dicrurus suluensis, 248 difficilis, Coracina striata, 234 Graucalus sumatrensis, 234 dillwyni, Megapodius, 54 dilutor, Arachnothera, 384 Arachnothera longirostra, 384 dinagatensis, Cyrtostomus, 375 Dinopium javanense everetti, 216 diphone, Cettia, 303, 308 discurus, Prioniturus, 140, 140, 141, 141 Prioniturus discurus, 140 Psittacus, 140 disposita, Ficedula crypta, 331 Muscicapa bonthaina, 337 Dissoura neglecta, 23 diuatae, Aethopyga primigenius, 378, 378 Dicaeum nigrilore, 388 Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 318, 318 Zosterops montana, 405, 405 divaricatus , Lanius, 240 Pericrocotus, 240 Pericrocotus divaricatus, 240 diversum, Piprisoma, 387 dohertyi, Loriculus philippensis, 151, 151 Dollar Bird, 207 , pi. 46 dominica, Pluvialis, 78 dorotheae, Phaethon lepturus, 3, 3 dorsale, Dicaeum, 395, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma, 395 Dotterel, Oriental, 84, pi. 20 dougallii, Sterna, 110, 1 10 Dove, Amethyst Brown Fruit, 119, pi. 28 Black-chinned Fruit, 1 22, pi. 29 Black-naped Fruit, 123, pi. 29 Dwarf Turtle, 132, pi. 31 Green-winged Ground, 133, pi. 32 Marche’s Fruit, 122, pi. 29 Merrill’s Fruit, 121 , pi. 29 Negros Fruit, 122, pi. 29 Philippine Turtle, 132, pi. 31 Slender-billed Cuckoo, 131 , pi. 31 Southern Brown Fruit, 120 Spotted, 133, pi. 31 Superb Fruit, 123, pi. 29 White-eared Brown Fruit, 118, pi. 28 Yellow-breasted Fruit, 121, pi. 29 Zebra, 1 33, pi. 32 Doves, 114-115, 118-125, 130-133, 138-139 Dowitcher, Oriental, 94, pi. 23 Drongo, Crow-billed, 245, pi. 53 Gray, 244, pi. 53 Spangled, 245, pi. 53 Drongos, 244-245, 248 Drymocataphus cinereiceps, 262 Dryobates moluccensis apo, 220 Dryococcyx harringtoni, 160 Dryocopus javensis confusus, 217 Dryocopus javensis estholterus, 218, 218 Dryocopus javensis hargitti, 218 Dryocopus javensis mindorensis, 218 Dryocopus javensis multilunatus, 218 Dryocopus javensis pectoralis, 218 Dryocopus javensis philippensis, 218 Dryocopus javensis samarensis, 218 Dryocopus javensis suluensis, 219 dubia, Aethopyga, 382 Chaetura gigantea, 187 dubius, Chaetura, 187 C.haradrius, 78, 78 Charadrius dubius, 78 Duck, Greater Scaup, 34, pi. 8 Spotbill, 27, pi. 7 Spotted Whistling-, 26, pi. 7 Tufted, 31, pi. 8 Wandering Whistling-, 26, pi. 7 Ducks, 26-27, 30-3 1,34 Ducula aenea aenea, 124 Ducula aenea fugaensis, 124 Ducula aenea glaucocauda, 124 Ducula aenea nuchalis, 124 Ducula aenea palawanensis, 124 Ducula bicolor, 130 Ducula carola carola, 130 Ducula carola mindanensis, 131 Ducula carola nigrorum, 131 Ducula mindorensis, 130 Ducula pickeringii langhornei, 125 Ducula pickeringii palmasensis, 125 Ducula pickeringii pickeringii, 125 Ducula poliocephala nobilis, 130 Ducula poliocephala poliocephala, 125 Dupetor Jlavicollis flavicollis, 10 duponti, Tanygnathus sumatranus, 148, 148 dusumieri, Columba, 132 Streptopelia, 132 448 Index dusumieri (corn.) Streptopelia bitorquata, 132 E Eagle, Changeable Hawk, 52, pi. 13 Gray-headed Fishing, 42, pi. 10 Monkey-eating, 47, pi. 12 Philippine Hawk, 52, pi. 13 Rufous-bellied, 52, pi. 13 Serpent, 42, pi. 10 White-breasted Sea, 39, pi. 10 Eagles, 35, 38-39, 42-43, 46-47, 52 edithae, Pardaliparus, 254 Parus elegans, 254 Edoliisoma elusum, 238 Edoliisoma everetti, 238 Edoliisoma ( Graucalus ) panayensis, 239 Edoliosoma alterum, 235 Edolisoma mcgregori peterseni, 239 Egret, Cattle, 19, pi. 4 Chinese, 20, pi. 4 Greater, 20, pi. 4 Lesser, 20, pi. 4 Little, 20, pi. 4 Reef, 19, pi. 4 Egretta alba modesta, 20 Egretta eulophotes, 20 Egretta garzetta nigripes, 20 Egretta intermedia intermedia, 20 Egretta sacra sacra, 19, pi. 4 Elanus caeruleus hypoleucus, 38 Elanus hypoleucus, 38 elegans, Pardaliparus, 254, 255 Parus, 254, 254, 255, 255, 256, 256 Parus elegans, 254 ellae, Irena, 290 Irena cyanogaster, 290 elusa, Coracina morio, 238 elusum, Edoliisoma, 238 Emberiza pusilla, 415, 415 Emberiza spodocephala, 416,416 Emberiza sulphurata, 415, 415 emphanum, Polyplectron, 57, 57 enantia, Haemataena melanocephala, 123 enca, Corvus, 251, 251 enganensis, Siphia, 339 Entomothera coromanda bangsi, 201 Entomothera coromanda ochrothorectis, 201 episcopus, Ardea, 23 Ciconia, 23 Ciconia episcopus, 23 epops (?), Upupa, 207 erimacra, Treron curvirostra, 115, 115 erithacus, Ceyx, 198, 199, 199 Siphia, 338 Erithacus calliope, 294 ernesti, Falco, 54 Falco peregrinus, 54 erythrocephalus, Chrysocolaptes, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 221 erythrogaster , Pitta, 224, 224, 225, 225 Pitta erythrogaster, 224 erythrogastra, Pitta, 224 erythrogonys, Hierax, 53 Microhierax, 53 Microhierax erythrogonys, 53 Erythrura coloria, 410, 410 Erythrura hyperythra brunneiventris, 4 10 Erythrura viridifacies, 410, 410 Esacus magnirostris, 103 esculenta, Collocalia, 186, 186 estherae, Serinus, 416 estholterus, Dryocopus javensis, 218, 218 Estrildidae, 409-411, 414-415 Eudrepanis decorosa, 382 Eudrepanis jefferyi, 382 Eudynamis [sic] frater, 160 Eudynamys scolopacea frater, 160 Eudynamys scolopacea mindanensis, 160 Eudynamys scolopacea onikakko, 160 Eudynamys scolopacea paraguena, 160 euerythra, Ceyx, 199 eulophotes, Egretta, 20 Herodias, 20 Eumyias panayensis, 346 eurhina, Tringa totanus, 88 eurhinus, Totanus totanus, 88 eurhythma, Ardetta, 11 eurhythmus, Ixobrychus, 11 eurizonoides, Gallinula, 68 Rallina, 68 Rallina eurizonoides, 68 Eurostopodus macrotis macrotis, 178 Eurylaimidae, 224 Eurylaimus steerei mayri, 224 Eurylaimus steerii, 224 Eurylaimus steerii mayri, 224 Eurylaimus steerii samarensis, 224 Eurylaimus steerii steerii, 224 Eurystomus cyanocollis, 207 Eurystomus orientalis cyanocollis, 207 everetti, Cacomantis variolosus, 158, 158 Coracina morio, 238 Criniger, 285 Dicaeum, 397 Dinopium javanense, 216 Edoliisoma, 238 Hypsipetes, 285, 285 Hypsipetes everetti, 285 Lonchura leucogastra, 4 1 1 Ninox, 175 Orycerca, 41 1 Osmotreron, 1 18 Otus bakkamoena, 169 Scops, 169 Tanygnathus, 148 Tanygnathus sumatranus, 148 Tigra, 216 449 Index everetti (cont.) Treron pompadora, 118 Zosterops, 405, 406, 406 Zosterops everetti, 406 excellens, Cinnyris, 379 exilis, Cisticola, 311 extimus, Accipiter trivirgatus, 46, 46 F Facto [sic] buteo jnponensis, il falcata, Ptilocichla, 264 , 264 falcinellus, Limicola, 102 PI egad is, 23 Falco calidus, 54 Falco ernesti, 54 Falco guttatus, 53 Falco haliaetus, 34 Falco ichthyaetus, 42 Falco indicus, 47 Falco interstinctus, 53 Falco leucogaster, 39 Falco limnaeetus, 52 Falco melanoleucus, 43 Falco peregrinus calidus, 54 Falco peregrinus ernesti, 54 Falco severus, 53 Falco severus severus, 53 Falco soloensis, 46 Falco tinnunculus interstinctus, 53 Falcon, Peregrine, 54, pi. 13 Falconet, Philippine, 53, pi. 13 Falconidae, 53-54 Falcons, 53-54 fallax, Hyloterpe, 354 Pachycephala philippinensis, 354 Fantail, Black and Cinnamon, 328, pi. 69 Blue, 326, pi. 69 Blue-headed, 321 , pi. 69 Malaysian, 328, pi. 69 fasciata, Rallina, 68, 68 Turnix suscitator, 59 fasciatus, Hemipodius, 59 fasciolata, Locustella, 316 fasciolatus, Acrocephalus, 316 Cacomantis sonneratii, 155 Cuculus, 155 fastosa, Pitta, 226 faustinoi, Neoleucotreron merrilli, 122 Ptilinopus merrilli, 122 ferina, Anas, 31 Aythya, 31 ferruginea, Calidris, 101 Tringa, 101 Ficedula basilanica basilanica, 337 Ficedula basilanica samarensis, 331 Ficedula crypta crypta, 337 Ficedula crypta disposita, 337 Ficedula cyanomelana cyanomelana, 339 Ficedula hyperythra calayensis, 336 Ficedula hyperythra daggayana, 336, 336 Ficedula hyperythra luzoniensis, 331 Ficedula hyperythra malindangensis, 336, 336 Ficedula hyperythra montigena, 336 Ficedula hyperythra nigrorum, 336 Ficedula mugimaki, 331 Ficedula narcissina narcissina, 330 Ficedula platenae, 338 Ficedula westermanni palawanensis, 338 Ficedula westermanni westermanni, 338 filipina, Porzana plumbea, 69 Treron formosae, 114, 114 Finch, Green-faced Parrot-, 410, pi. 84 Green-tailed Parrot-, 410, pi. 84 Malaysian, 416, pi. 85 Mindanao Parrot-, 410, pi. 84 Finches, 415-417 Finches, Grass, 409-411 , 414-415 jinitima, Zosterops montana, 404 flagrans, Aethopyga, 379, 379, 382, 382 Aethopyga flagrans, 379 flammea, Strix, 177 flammeus, Asio, 177 Asio flammeus, 177 Pericrocotus, 241 , 244, 244 Pericrocotus johnstoniae , 241 flammifera, Arachnothera, 384 Arachnothera longirostra, 384 flava, Motacilla, 355, 355, 358 flavicollis, Ardea, 10 Dupetor, 10 Dupetor flavicollis, 10 flavigularis, Cryptolopha, 319 flavipectus, Aethopyga, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 383 flavipennis, Chloropsis, 287 , 287 Chloropsis flavipennis, 287 Phyllornis, 287 flavissima, Zosterops, 407 flaviventer, Dicaeum, 394 flavostriatus, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 318, 318 flavum, D( icaeum ), 399 florensis, Athene, 176 Ninox scutalata, 1 76 Flowerpecker, Bicolored, 389, p. 81 Fire-throated, 398, pi. 82 Four-colored, 389, pi. 81 Gray-breasted, 387, pi. 81 Mindoro, 394, pi. 82 Olive-backed, 385, pi. 81 Olive-capped, 387 , pi. 81 Orange-breasted, 394 , pi. 82 Palawan Yellow-rumped, 386, pi. 81 Philippine, 394 , pi. 82 450 Index Pygmy, 397 , pi. 82 Striped, 386, pi. 81 White-bellied, 396, pi. 82 Yellow-crowned, 388, pi. 81 Flowerpeckers, 385-389, 394-399 flumenicola, Ceyx, 198 Ceyx argentatus, 198 fluviatilis, Chlidonias hybrida, 105 Hydrochelidon, 105 Flycatcher, Black and Orange, 331 , pi. 70 Black Paradise, 350, pi. 73 Blue Paradise, 350, pi. 73 Blue-breasted, 339, pi. 71 Brown, 346, pi. 72 Citrine Canary, 347, pi. 72 Ferruginous, 341, pi. 72 Goodfellow’s Jungle, 330, pi. 69 Gray-headed Canary, 347, pi. 71 Gray-spotted, 341, pi. 72 Hill Blue, 339, pi. 71 Japanese Blue, 339, pi. 71 Little Pied, 338, pi. 70 Little Slaty, 337, pi. 70 Luzon Jungle, 330, pi. 69 Mangrove Blue, 340, pi. 71 Narcissus, 330, pi. 70 Palawan, 338, pi. 70 Rufous Paradise, 349, pi. 73 Rufous-tailed Jungle, 329, pi. 69 Sooty, 341, pi. 72 Thicket, 331, pi. 70 Vaurie’s, 337, pi. 70 Verditer, 346, pi. 72 White-throated Jungle, 328, pi. 69 Flycatchers, Old World 326-331 , 336-341, 346-351, 354-355 forbesi, Megalurus palustris, 309, 309 Zosterops, 405 formosae, Treron, 1 14 , 114, 115 formosana, Lonchura malacca, 4 14 Munia, 414 formosus, Hieraaetus kieneri, 52, 52 fortichi, Ptilocichla mindanensis, 263, 263 Fowl, Jungle, 56, pi. 14 Francolin, Chinese, 55, pi. 14 Francolinus pintadeanus pintadeanus, 55 frater, Criniger, 278 Criniger bres, 278 Eudynamis [sic], 160 Eudynamys scolopacea, 160 freeri, Tanygnathus, 148 Tanygnathus sumatranus, 148 Fregata ariel ariel, 5 Fregata minor minor, 5 Fregatidae, 5 freycinet, Megapodius, 54, 54, 55 Frigatebird, Greater, 5, pi. 2 Lesser, 5, pi. 2 Frigatebirds, 5 Fringilla amandava, 409 Fringilla minuta, 414 Fringilla montifringilla, 415, 415 Fringilla spinus, 416 Fringillidae, 415-417 Frogmouth, Java, 178, pi. 40 Philippine, 1 77, pi. 40 Frogmouths, 177-178 frontalis, Callisitta, 257, 258 Orthotomus, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis, 324 Phabotreron, 120 Phapitreron amethystina, 120 Sitta, 257, 2bl,258, 258 fuciphaga, Collocalia, 183 fugaensis, Ducula aenea, 124 Muscadivores aenea, 124 Oriolus chinensis, 251 fugax, Cuculus, 154 fugensis, Hypsipetes, 286 Hypsipetes amaurotis, 286 Fulica atra, 76 Fulica atra atra, 76 Fulica cinerea, lb fuliginosus, Mulleripicus, 217 Mulleripicus funebris, 217 Otus bakkamoena, 169 Scops, 169 fuligula. Anas, 31 Aythya, 31 mariloides, 34 fulva, Pluvialis dominica, 78 fulvifasciatus , Dendrocopos maculatus, 219 Iyngipicus, 219 fulvus, Charadrius, 78 funebris, Mulleripicus, 217 , 217 Mulleripicus funebris, 217 Picus, 217 fusca, Porzana, 69 Porzana fusca, 69 fuscans, Lonchura, 414 Spermestes, 414 fuscata, Sterna, 111 fuscus, Rallus, 69 G G(algulus) philippinensis, 279 Gallicolumba luzonica criniger, 138 Gallicolumba luzonica griseolateralis, 138, 138 Gallicolumba luzonica keayi, 138 Gallicolumba luzonica leytensis, 139 Gallicolumba luzonica luzonica, 138 Gallicolumba luzonica menagei, 139 Gallicolumba luzonica platenae, 138 Gallicrex cinerea, 75 451 Index gallinacea, Irediparra, 76, 76 Irediparra gallinacea, 76 Parra, 76 gallinago, Gallinago, 95 Gallinago gallinago, 95 Scolopax, 95 Gallinago gallinago gallinago, 95 Gallinago megala, 94 , 94 Gallinago stenura, 95 Gallinula chloropus lozanoi, 75, 75 Gallinula eurizonoides, 68 Gallinula javanica, 74 Gallinula olivacea, 74 Gallinule, 75, pi. 18 gallus, Gallus, 56, 56 Gallus gallus, 56 Phasianus, 56 Gallus gallus gallus, 56 Gallus gallus philippensis, 56 garzetta, Egretta, 20 Gelochelidon nilotica nilotica, 105 Geocichla cinerea, 300 Geocichla mindanensis, 300 Geokichla interpres minima, 297 Geopelia striata striata, 133 germani, Collocalia, 183 Collocalia fuciphaga, 183 Gerygone rhizophorae, 303 Gerygone simplex, 303 Gerygone sulphurea simplex, 303 gigantea, Chaetura, 187, 187 Chaetura gigantea, 187 Pelargopsis, 200 Pelargopsis capensis, 200 giganteus, Cypselus, 187 gilli, Zosterops montana, 404 , 404 gilliardi, Parus elegans, 255, 255 gironieri, Leucotreron, 123 Ptilinopus leclancheri, 123 glareola, Tringa, 92, 92 Glareola maldivarum, 103, 103 Glareolidae, 103 glaucocauda, Ducula aenea, 124 Godwit, Bar-tailed, 88, pi. 21 Black-tailed, 88, pi. 21 goiavier, Muscicapa, 278 Pycnonotus, 278, 278 Pycnonotus goiavier, 278 goisagi, Gorsachius, 11 Nycticorax, 11 gonzalesi, Pericrocotus flammeus, 244 , 244 goodfellowi, Ceyx, 198 Lophozosterops, 408, 408 Lophozosterops goodfellowi, 408 Rhinomyias, 330, 330 Zosterops, 408 Goodfellowia miranda, 368 Gorsachius goisagi, 11 Gorsachius melanolophus kutteri, 18, 18 Gorsachius melanolophus rufolineatus, 18, 18 Goshawk, Crested, 46, pi. 1 1 gouldi, Pelargopsis, 200 Pelargopsis capensis, 200 gracilis, Lophozosterops goodfellowi, 408 Gracula calva, 368 Gracula cristatella, 368 Gracula religiosa palawanensis, 369 grandis, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 221, 221 Rhabdornis, 259 Rhabdornis inornatus, 259 Grass Finches, 409-411, 414-415 Graucalus guillemardi, 235 Graucalus kochii, 234 Graucalus sumatrensis difficilis, 234 Graybird, Barred, 234 , pi. 51 Black, 235, pi. 51 Moluccan, 238, pi. 51 Sharp-tailed, 239, pi. 51 White-winged, 239, pi. 51 Grebe, Black-necked, 1, pi. 1 Eared, 7, pi. 1 Grebes, 1 Greenshank, 89, pi. 22 Spotted, 89, pi. 22 gregalis, Lonchura malacca, 414 griseatus, Caprimulgus, 182 Caprimulgus affnis, 182 griseigularis, Anthothreptus, 373 Anthreptes malacensis, 373 griseipectus, Pseudotharrhaleus, 309 Ptilocolpa, 130 griseisticta, Hemichelidon, 341 Muscicapa, 341 griseogularis, C.olumba vitiensis, 131 Ianthoenas, 131 griseolateralis, Gallicolumba luzonica, 138, 138 Grosbeaks, 415-41 7 Ground-babbler, Ashy-headed, 262, pi. 56 Falcated, 264 , pi. 56 Streaked, 263 , pi. 56 Gruidae, 66 Grus antigone sharpii, 66, 66 Guaiabero, 148, pi. 34 guillemardi, Coracina striata, 235 Graucalus, 235 guimarasensis, Aethopyga flagrans, 379 Cinnyris, 379 Hypsipetes philippinus, 284 Iole, 284 Pardaliparus elegans, 255 gularis, Accipiter, 43 Alcedo, 201 Astur (Nisus), 43 Halcyon smyrnensis, 201 452 Index Macronous, 268, 269 Philedon, 279 Rhinomyias, 328 gulgula, Alauda, 227 Gull, Black-headed, 104, pi. 26 Herring, 104, pi. 26 Gulls, 104-105, 110-111,114 gurneyi, Mimizuku, 169 Pseudoptynx, 169 gustavi, Anthus, 359, 359 Anthus gustavi, 359 gutierrezi, Streptopelia dusumieri, 132 guttata, Dendrocygna, 26, 26 guttatus, Falco, 53 guttifer, Totanus, 89 guttifera, Tringa, 89 gutturalis, Hirundo, 232 Hirundo rustica, 232 H hachisuka, Lanius validirostris, 364, 364 haemacephala, Megalaema, 213, 216 Megalaima, 213, 216 Megalaima haemacephala, 213 haemacephalus, Bucco, 213 Haemataena melanocephala enantia, 123 haematostictum, Dicaeum, 394 Dicaeum australe, 394 haematribon, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 220 Pic us, 220 haematuropygia, Kakatoe, 140, 140 haematuropygius, Psittacus, 140 halconensis, Zosterops, 404 Zosterops montana, 404 Halcyon alfredi, 203 Halcyon chloris collaris, 200 Halcyon coromanda bangsi, 201 Halcyon coromanda major, 201 Halcyon coromanda minor, 201 Halcyon hombroni, 206 Halcyon lindsayi lindsayi, 203 Halcyon lindsayi moseleyi, 206 Halcyon pileata, 202 Halcyon pileata palauianensis, 202 Halcyon smyrnensis gularis, 201 Halcyon winchelli, 202 Halcyon winchelli alfredi, 203 Halcyon winchelli mindanensis, 202, 202 Halcyon winchelli nesydrionetes, 203, 203 Halcyon winchelli nigrorum, 203, 203 Halcyon winchelli winchelli, 202 Haliaeetus leucogaster, 39 haliaetus, Falco, 34 Pandion, 34, 35, 35 Pandion haliaetus, 34 Haliaetus lineatus, 39 Haliastur intermedius, 39 Haliastus indus intermedius, 39 halodramus, Thalasseus bergii, 111 hanadori, Dicaeum dorsale, 396 hargitti, Dryocopus javensis, 218 Thriponax, 218 Harpactes ardens ardens, 189 Harpactes ardens herberti, 190, 190 Harpactes ardens linae, 189, 189 Harpactes ardens luzoniensis, 190, 190 Harpactes ardens minor, 190, 190 Harpactes rodiosternus, 189 Harrier, Marsh, 42, pi. 10 Pied, 43, pi. 10 harringtoni, Dryococcyx, 160 Phoenicophaeus curvirostris, 160 harterti, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, 317 Acrocephalus stentoreus, 317 hartlaubi, Loriculus, 151 Hawk, Asiatic Sparrow, 43, pi. 1 1 Crested Lizard, 35, pi. 9 Gray Frog, 46, pi. 1 1 Philippine Sparrow, 43, pi. 1 1 Hawk-cuckoo, Horsfield's, 154 , pi. 35 Large, 154, pi. 35 Short-winged, 154, pi. 35 Hawks, 35, 38-39, 42-43, 46-47, 52 haynaldi, Criniger, 285 Hypsipetes everetti, 285 Turnix, 59 helenae, Cyanomyias, 348 Hypothymis, 348, 349, 349 Hypothymis helenae, 348 helianthea, Culicicapa, 347 , 347 heliolusius, Anthreptes malacensis, 372, 372 Hemichelidon cinereiceps, 341 Hemichelidon griseisticta, 341 Hemipodius fasciatus, 59 Hemiprocne comata barbarae, 189 Hemiprocne comata major, 189 Hemiprocne comata nakamurai, 189 Hemiprocnidae, 189 henkei, Cinnyris, 374 Nectarinia sperata, 374 herberti, Harpactes ardens, 190, 190 herioti, Cyornis, 339, 339 Cyornis herioti, 339 Muscicapa, 339 Herodias eulophotes, 20 Heron, Black-crowned Night, 22, pi. 5 Chinese Pond, 19, pi. 4 Giant, 21, pi. 5 Gray, 21, pi. 5 Little Mangrove, 18, pi. 4 Purple, 21, pi. 5 Rufous Night, 22, pi. 5 Herons, 10-11, 18-22 heterogynus, Copsychus saularis, 294 heterolaemus, Orthotomus atrogularis, 324 Orthotomus cucullatus, 321 453 Index heterolaemus (com.) Phyllergates, 321 Hieraaetus kieneri formosus, 52, 52 Hierax erythrogonys, 53 himantopus, Himantopus, 102 Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus, 102 Himantopus leucocephalus, 102 Hiracococcyx pectoralis, 154 hirsuta, Strix, 176 Hirundinidae, 232-233 hirundo, Sterna, 110 Hirundo caudacuta, 187 Hirundo gutturalis, 232 Hirundo pad feus, 188 Hirundo rustica gutturalis, 232 Hirundo rustica saturata, 232 Hirundo saturata, 232 Hirundo striolata, 233 Hirundo striolata striolata, 233 Hirundo tahitica abbotti, 233 Hobby, Oriental, 53, pi. 13 hodgsoni, Anthus, 359, 359 Anthus hodgsoni, 359 holospilus, Buteo, 42 Spilornis, 42 hombroni, Actenoides, 206 Halcyon, 206 homey eri, Hyloterpe, 351 Pachycephala cinerea, 351 hoogstraali, Irena cyanogaster, 290, 290 Hoopoe, 207, pi. 46 Hoopoes, 207 Hornbill, Palawan, 212, pi. 47 Rufous, 212, pi. 47 Sulu, 212, pi. 47 Tarictic, 210, pi. 47 Writhed-billed, 211, pi. 47 Hornbills, 210-213 horrisonus, Tanygnathus lucionensis, 142 horsfieldi, Cuculus, 155 Cuculus saturatus, 155 hottentottus, Dicrurus, 245, 248, 248 humilis, Columba, 132 Streptopelia tranquebarica, 132 hutchinsoni, Rhipidura, 328 Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea, 328 hybrida, Chlidonias, 105 hybridus, Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143, 143 Hydrochelidon fluviatilis, 105 hydrocorax, Buceros, 212, 212, 213 Buceros hydrocorax, 212 Hydrocorax, 213 Hydrocorax hydrocorax basilanica, 213 Hydrophasianus chirurgus, 76 Hydroprogne caspia, 105 Hyloterpe albiventris, 351 Hyloterpe apoensis, 354 Hyloterpe apoensis basilanica, 355 Hyloterpe crissalis, 350 Hyloterpe fallax, 354 Hyloterpe homeyeri, 351 Hyloterpe illex, 354 Hyloterpe major, 351 Hyloterpe mindorensis, 351 Hyloterpe philippinensis, 354 Hyloterpe plateni, 351 Hyloterpe whiteheadi, 351 Hyloterpe winchelli, 351 hyperythra, Erythrura, 410 Ficedula, 331 , 336, 336 Muscicapa, 331 Muscicapula, 331 hyperythrus, Cuculus, 154 Cuculus fugax, 154 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus, 408, 408 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus malindangensis, 408 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus pallidigula, 408 hypogrammica, Stachyris, 268, 268 hypoleucos, Tringa, 92, 92 hypoleucum, Dicaeum, 396, 396, 397, 397 Dicaeum hypoleucum, 397 hypoleucus, Elanus, 38 Elanus caeruleus, 38 Hypotaenidia striata paraterma, 66 Hypothymis azurae [sic ]catarmanensis, 348 Hypothymis azurea azurea, 348 Hypothymis azurea catarmanensis, 348 Hypothymis azurea compilator, 348 Hypothymis coelestis, 349, 349 Hypothymis coelestis rabori, 349 Hypothymis helenae agusanae, 349, 349 Hypothymis helenae helenae, 348 Hypothymis occipitalis, 348 Hypothymis samarensis, 327 Hypothymis superciliaris, 326 Hypsipetes amaurotis batanensis, 286 Hypsipetes amaurotis camiguinensis, 286 Hypsipetes amaurotis fugensis, 286 Hypsipetes batanensis, 286 Hypsipetes camiguinensis, 286 Hypsipetes everetti catarmanensis, 285, 285 Hypsipetes everetti everetti, 285 Hypsipetes everetti haynaldi, 285 Hypsipetes everetti samarensis, 285, 285 Hypsipetes fugensis, 286 Hypsipetes palawanensis, 279 Hypsipetes philippensis, 279 Hypsipetes philippinus guimarasensis, 284 Hypsipetes philippinus mindorensis, 284 Hypsipetes philippinus philippinus, 279 Hypsipetes rufigularis, 284, 284 Hypsipetes siquijorensis cinereiceps, 285 Hypsipetes siquijorensis monticola, 284 Hypsipetes siquijorensis siquijorensis, 284 454 Index Hyptiopus magnirostris, 35 Hypurolepis javanica abbotti, 233 Hypurolepis javanica mallopega, 233 I Ianthoenas griseogularis, 131 ibis, Bubulcus, 19 Ibis, Glossy, 23, pi. 6 White, 22, pi. 6 Ibis peregrina, 23 Ibises, 22-23 ichthyaetus, Falco, 42 Ichthyophaga, 42 Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, 42 igneus, P(ericrocotus), 241 Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, 24 1 ignipectus, Dicaeum, 398, 399 igorotus, Dendrocopus moluccensis, 219 ijimae, Clivicola riparia, 232 Riparia riparia, 232 illex, Hyloterpe, 354 Pachycephala philippmensis, 354 ilokensis, Pycnonotus urostictus, 211 , 277 incanas, Tringa,93 Incertae Sedis, 408-409 incognita, Ptilopus, 121 indica, Chalcophaps, 133 Chalcophaps indica, 133 Columba, 133 Motacilla, 355 indicus, Butastur, 41 Caprimulgus, 119 Dendronanthus, 355 Falco, 47 indus, Haliastus, 39 inexpectatum, Dicaeum bicolor, 389 inexpectatus, Prionochilus, 389 inornatus, Rhabdornis, 259, 259, 260, 260 Rhabdornis inornatus, 259 insignis, C-allisitta frontalis, 257 Rhinomyias, 330, 330 intermedia, Ardea, 20 Dicaeum, 395 Dicaeum trigonostigma, 395 Egretta, 20 Egretta intermedia, 20 Megalaima haemacephala, 216 Xantholaema, 216 intermedins, Bol’oopsittacus, 149 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus, 149 Haliastur, 39 Haliastus indus, 39 interpes, Arenaria, 93 Arenaria interpes, 93 Tringa, 93 interpres, Geokichla, 297 Turdus, 297 Zoothera, 291 Zoothera interpres, 291 interstinctus, Falco, 53 Falco tinnunculus, 53 Iole cinereiceps, 285 Iole guimarasensis, 284 Iole mindorensis, 284 Iole monticola, 284 Iole philippinus saturatior, 279 Iole siquijorensis, 284 Iole striaticeps, 279 Iora, Black-winged, 286, pi. 61 Irediparra gallinacea gallinacea, 16 Irediparra gallinacea nakamurai, 76 Irena cyanogaster, 290 Irena cyanogaster cyanogaster, 290 Irena cyanogaster ellae, 290 Irena cyanogaster hoogstraali, 290, 290 Irena cyanogaster melanochlamys, 290 Irena ellae, 290 Irena melanochlamys, 290 Irena puella tweeddalei, 281 Irena tweeddalei, 287 Irenidae, 286-281 , 290 iris, Anthreptes malacensis, 313, 373 isabelae, Stachyris capitalis, 266, 266 isabellae, Oriolus, 250, 250 isag, Dicaeum, 387 isarog, Sitta frontalis, 251 , 257 isidroi, Dicaeum trigonostigma, 396, 396 isonota, Collocalia esculenta, 186 Collocalia linchi, 186 Ixobrychus cinnamomeus, 11 Ixobrychus eurhythmus, 11 Ixobrychus sinensis astrologus, 10 Ixobrychus sinensis sinensis, 10 lyngipicus fulvifasciatus, 219 Iyngipicus menagei, 220 lyngipicus ramsayi, 220 J Jacana, Comb-crested, 16, pi. 19 Pheasant-tailed, 16, pi. 19 Jacanas, 16 Jacanidae, 16 Jaeger, Pomarine, 103, pi. 25 jagori, Lonchura malacca, 4 14 Munia (Dermophrys), 414 Oxycerca ( Uroloncha J, 41 1 japonensis, Buteo buteo,41 Faclo [sic] buteo, 47 japonica, Coturnix coturnix, 56 Coturnix vulgaris, 56 Ninox scutulata, 1 16 Strix hirsuta, 176 javanense, Dinopium, 216 javanica, Ardea, 18 Chlidonias hybrida, 105 Gallinula, 74 455 Index javamca (com.) Hypurolepis, 233 Mirafra, 227 Rhipidura, 328 Sterna, 105 javanicus, Arnaurornis phoenicurus, 74 javensis, Batrachostomus, 178, 178 Butorides striatus, 18, 19 Dryocopus, 217 , 218, 218, 219 Thriponax, 217, 219 jefferyi, Aethopyga pulcherrima, 382 Eudrepanis, 382 Pithecophaga, 47, 47 jerdoni, Aviceda, 35 johannae, Prionochilus, 386 johnsoni, Caprimulgus macrurus, 179, 179 johnstoniae , Pericrocotus, 241 Pericrocotus flammeus, 24 1 Trichoglossus, 139, 139, 140, 140 Trichoglossus johnstoniae, 139 Jole schmackeri, 284 jotaka, Caprimulgus, 179 Caprimulgus indicus, 179 jouyi, Ardea cinerea, 21, 21 jugularis, Certhia, 375 Cyrtostomus, 375, 378 Nectarinia, 375, 378 Nectarinia jugularis, 375 juliae, Nectarinia sperata, 374 N ectarophila, 374 juncidis, Cisticola, 311, 311 Jungle Fowl, 56, pi. 14 K Kakatoe haematuropygia, 140 Kakatoe haematuropygia mcgregori, 140 kampalili, Dicaeum anthonyi, 388 katanglad, Turdus poliocephalus, 302, 302 keayi, Gallicolumba luzonica, 138 Phlegoenas, 138 kelleri, Merula, 302 Turdus poliocephalus, 302 Kestrel, 53, pi. 13 kettleuielli, Macronous, 269 Macronous striaticeps, 269 kieneri, Hieraaetus, 52, 52 Kingfisher, Black-capped, 202, pi. 45 Dwarf River, 191 , pi. 44 Hombron’s, 206, pi. 45 Malay Forest, 198, pi. 44 Malaysian, 191, pi. 44 Philippine Forest, 199, pi. 44 River, 190, pi. 44 Ruddy, 201 , pi. 45 Silvery, 198, pi. 44 Spotted Wood, 203, pi. 45 Stork-billed, 200, pi. 45 Variable Forest, 198, pi. 44 White-collared, 200, pi. 45 White-throated, 201, pi. 45 Winchell's, 202, pi. 45 Kingfishers, 190-191, 198-203, 206 Kite, Black-eared, 39, pi. 9 Black-winged, 38, pi. 9 Brahminy, 39, pi. 10 Kittacincla parvimaculata, 295 Knot, 95, pi. 23 Great, 100, pi. 23 kochi, Pitta, 225, 225 kochii, Coracina striata, 234 Graucalus, 234 Koel, 160, pi. 36 koikei, Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143 Kurukuru temminckii, 123 kutteri, Butio, 18 Gorsachius melanolophus, 18, 18 L laeta, Zosterops, 405 lagunae , Dicaeum hypoleucum, 396 Lalage melanoleuca melanoleuca, 239 Lalage melanoleuca minor, 240 Lalage nigra chilensis, 240 Lalage nigra mitifca, 240 Lalage schisticeps, 240 Lamprocorax todayensis, 364 lanceolata, Locustella, 316 Sylvia, 316 langhornei, Ducula pickeringii, 125 Muscadivora, 125 Laniidae, 360-361, 364 Lanius cristatus, 361 Lanius cristatus cristatus, 361 Lanius cristatus lucionensis, 360 Lanius cristatus superciliosus, 361 Lanius divaricatus, 240 Lanius leucoryn(chus), 360 Lanius lucionensis, 360 Lanius nasutus, 361 Lanius schach nasutus, 361 Lanius schach suluensis, 361 Lanius superciliosus, 361 Lanius tigrinus, 360, 360 Lanius validirostris, 361 Lanius validirostris hachisuka, 364 , 364 Lanius validirostris quartus, 364 Lanius validirostris tertius, 364 , 364 Lanius validirostris validirostris, 361 lapponica, Limosa, 88 Lapwing, Gray-headed, 77, pi. 19 Laridae, 104-105, 110-111, 114 Lark, Bush, 227, pi. 50 Larks, 227 Larus argentatus, 104 Larus argentatus vegae, 104 Larus ridibundus, 104, 104 456 Index latirostris, Muscicapa, 346, 346 Leafbird, Palawan, 287, pi. 61 Yellow-billed, 287, pi. 61 Leafbirds, 286-287, 290 leclancheri, Leucotreron, 123 Ptilinopus, 122, 123 Ptilinopus leclancheri, 122 Tererolaema, 122 lecroyae, Coracina morio, 238, 238 Lempijius megalotis, 168 lemprieri, Anthracoceros, 212 Cyornis, 339, 339 Leonardina woodi, 262, 262 lepidus, Ceyx, 198 lepturus, Phaethon, 3, 3 leschenaultii, Charadrius, 84, 84 Lestris pomarinus, 103 leucocephalus, Aceros, 211, 212 Aceros leucocephalus, 212 Buceros, 212 Himantopus, 102 Himanlopus himantopus, 102 leucogaster, Falco, 39 Haliaeetus, 39 Sula, 4 leucogastra, Lonchura,4 1 1 , 41 1 leucogenys, Pyrrhula, 417, 417 Pyrrhula leucogenys, 417 leucomelas, Procellaria, 1 Puffnus, 1 leucophaeus, Dicrurus, 244 , 244 Dicrurus leucophaeus, 244 leucopias, Baza, 35 leucoptera, Chlidonias, 104 Sterna, 104 leucorhynchus , Artamus, 360 Artamus leucorhynchus, 360 leucoryn(chus), Lanius, 360 leucotis, Columba, 1 18 Phapitreron, 118, 118,779, 119 Phapitreron leucotis, 118 Leucotreron gironieri, 123 Leucotreron leclancheri longialis, 123 Leucotreron leclancheri palawana, 123 Leucotreron merrilli, 121 Leucotreron occipitalis brevipes, 121 leytensis, Dendrocopos maculatus, 219 Gallicolumba luzonica, 139 Micromacronus, 276, 276 Micromacronus leytensis, 276 Penelopides panini, 21 1 Pericrocotus, 241 Pericrocotus flammeus, 241 Phlegoenas criniger, 139 Yungipicus, 219 lilacea, Dendrophila, 258 Sitta frontalis, 238 Limicola falcinellus sibirica, 102 Limicola sibirica, 102 limnaeetus, Falco, 52 Spizaetus cirrhatus, 32 Limnocryptes minimus, 94 Limnodromus semipalmatus, 94 limosa, Limosa, 88 Limosa baueri, 88 Limosa lapponica baueri, 88 Limosa limosa melanuroides, 88 Limosa melanuroides, 88 limucon, Phapitreron leucotis, 119 linae, Harpactes ardens, 189, 189 linchi, Collocalia, 186 lindsayi, Dacelo, 203 Halcyon, 203, 206 Halcyon lindsayi, 203 lineata, Coturnix chinensis, 36 lineatus, Haliaetus, 39 Milvus migrans, 39 Oriolus, 56 litoralis, Cyornis rufigaster, 340 Cyornis rufigastra, 340 lobatus, Phalaropus, 102 Locustella certhiola ochotensis, 316 Locustella fasciolata, 316 Locustella lanceolata, 3 16 Lonchura fuscans, 414 Lonchura leucogastra everetti,411 Lonchura leucogastra manueli , 4 1 1 , 411 Lonchura leucogastra palawana, 411, 41 1 Lonchura malacca formosana, 4 14 Lonchura malacca gregalis, 414 Lonchura malacca jagori, 4 14 Lonchura punctulata cabanisi, 4 1 1 longialis, Leucotreron leclancheri, 123 Ptilinopus leclancheri, 123 longicornis, Otus scops, 167 Scops, 167 longipennis, Sterna, 110 Sterna hirundo, 110 longirostra, Arachnothera, 384 longirostris, Arachnothera, 384 Rhabdornis, 258, 259 LJpupa, 207 Upupa epops (?), 207 Lophozosterops goodfellowi goodfellowi, 408 Lophozosterops goodfellowi gracilis, 408 Lophozosterops goodfellowi malindangensis, 408 Loriculus apicalis, 151 Loriculus bonapartei, 151 Loriculus bournsi, 150 Loriculus chrysonotus, 150 Loriculus hartlaubi, 151 Loriculus mindorensis, 149 Loriculus panayensis, 150 Loriculus philippensis apicalis, 131 Loriculus philippensis bonapartei, 131 457 Index Loriculus philippensis bournsi, 150 Loriculus philippensis chrysonotus, 150 Loriculus philippensis dohertyi, 151 , 151 Loriculus philippensis mindorensis, 149 Loriculus philippensis panayensis, 150 Loriculus philippensis philippensis, 149 Loriculus philippensis regulus, 150 Loriculus philippensis siquijorensis, 150 Loriculus philippensis worcesteri, 150 Loriculus regulus, 150 Loriculus salvadorii, 151 Loriculus siquijorensis, 150 Loriculus worcesteri, 150 Lorikeet, Mindanao, 139, pi. 33 lowi, Collocalia, 183 lowii, Megapodius, 55 Sarcops, 369 Sarcops calvus, 369 Loxia curvirostra luzoniensis, 4 17 Loxia luzoniensis, 417 Loxia oryzivora, 414 lozanoi, Gallinula chloropus, 75, lb lucidus, Chrysocolaptes, 220, 220, 221 , 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 221 Pic us, 221 lucionensis , Lanius, 360 Lanius cristatus, 360 Psittacus, 143 Tanygnathus, 142, 142,143, 143 Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143 luconensis, Prioniturus, 142, 142 lugubris, Anthus novaeseelandiae, 358 Corydalla, 358 Surniculus, 159, 159, 160, 160 lunulatus, Bolbopsittacus, 148, 149, 149 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus, 148 Psittacus, 148 luteoventris , Bradypterus, 308, 308 luzonensis, Arachnothera clarae, 385 , 385 Phylloscopus cebuensis, 319 Phylloscopus olivaceus, 319 luzonica, Anas, 30, 30 Columba, 138 Gallicolumba, 138, 138, 139 Gallicolumba luzonica, 138 Zosterops, 406 Zosterops nigrorum, 406 luzoniense, Dicaeum, 398 Dicaeum ignipectus, 398 luzoniensis, Copsychus, 295 Copsychus luzoniensis, 295 Ficedula hyperythra, 331 Harpactes ardens, 190, 190 Loxia, 417 Loxia curvirostra, 4 1 7 Muscicapula, 33 1 T urdus, 295 Lyncornis mindanensis, 178 M mcgregori, Cisticola juncidis, 31 1 Coracina, 239 Edolisoma, 239 Kakatoe haematuropygia, 140 Malindangia, 239 mcgregorii, Treron formosae, 115 Macronous gularis cagayanensis, 269 Macronous gularis woodi, 268 Macronous kettlewelli, 269 Macronous mindanensis, 269 Macronous mindanensis montanus, 269 Macronous striaticeps, 269 Macronous striaticeps boholensis, 269 Macronous striaticeps kettlewelli, 269 Macronous striaticeps mearnsi, 269 Macronous striaticeps mindanensis, 269 Macronous striaticeps striaticeps, 269 Macropteryx comata major, 189 Macropygia phaea, 132 Macropygia phasianella phaea, 132 Macropygia phasianella tenuirostris, 131 Macropygia tenuirostris, 1 3 1 Macropygia tenuirostris septentrionalis, 132 Macrorhamphus semipalmatus, 94 macrorhynchos, Corvus, 254 macrotis, Caprimulgus, 178 Eurostopodus, 178 Eurostopodus macrotis, 178 macrurus, Caprimulgus, 179, 179 maculatus, Anthus, 359 Dendrocopos, 219, 220 Dendrocopos maculatus, 219 Picus, 219 maculiceps, Chrysocolaptes, 221 macuhpectus , Phabotreron, 120 Phapitreron amethystina, 120 madagascariensis , Numenius, 85 Scolopax, 85 magnifica , Aethopyga, 384 Aethopyga siparaja, 384 magnirostris, Aviceda jerdoni, 35 Charadrius, 103 Esacus, 103 Hyptiopus, 35 Mainatus palawanensis, 369 major, Halcyon coromanda, 201 Hemiprocne comata, 189 Hyloterpe, 351 Macropteryx comata, 189 Nycticorax caledonicus, 22 malacca, Lonchura, 414 , 414 malaccensis, Passer montanus, 409, 409 malacensis, Anthreptes, 372, 372, 373 , 373 Malacopteron palawanense, 263, 263 malamaui, Ceyx, 198 malayanus, Chrysococcyx, 158 Chrysococcyx malayanus, 158 458 Index Cuculus, 158 Malcoha, Palawan, 160, pi. 36 maldivarum, Glareola, 103 Glareola (Pratincola), 103 malindangensis, Aethopyga boltoni, 378, 378 Arachnothera clarae, 385 , 385 Brachypteryx, 291 Brachypteryx montana, 291 Bradypterus caudatus, 309 Cryptolopha, 318 Ficedula hyperythra, 336, 336 Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus, 408 Lophozosterops goodfellowi, 408 Merula, 301 Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 318 Prioniturus, 141 Pseudotharrhaleus, 309 T urdus poliocephalus, 301 Zosterops goodfellowi, 408 Malindangia mcgregori, 239 Mallard, Philippine, 30, pi. 7 mallopega, Hypurolepis javanica, 233 mandibularis, Zosterops everetti, 406, 406 manilensis, Ardea purpurea, 21, 21 manillensis, Caprimulgus, 179 Caprimulgus macrurus, 179 Nycticorax, 22 Nycticorax caledonicus, 22 Passer montanus, 409 manilloe, Buceros, 210 Penelopides panini, 210 Mannikin, Chestnut, 414 , pi. 84 Dusky, 414 , pi. 84 Nutmeg, 411, pi. 84 White-breasted, 411, pi. 84 Mannikins, 409-411 , 414-415 manobo, Chaetura gigantea, 187, 187 manueli, Cinnyris sperata, 373 Lonchura leucogastra, 411 , 411 marchei, Anthracoceros, 212, 212 Ptilinopus, 122 Ptilopus (Rhamphilculus), 122 marchesae , Pericrocotus, 244 Pericrocotus flammeus, 244 margarethae, Ceyx, 198 Ceyx lepidus, 198 marginata, Collocalia, 186 Collocalia esculenta, 186 marila, Aythya, 34 mariloides, Aythya mania, 34 Fuligula, 34 marinduquensis, Nectarinia sperata, 374, 374 Martin, Asiatic House, 233, pi. 50 Gray-breasted Sand, 232, pi. 50 masaaki, Turnix sylvatica, 58, 58 masawan, Dicaeum anthonyi, 388, 388 mayonensis, Merula, 301 Turdus poliocephalus, 301 mayri, Culicicapa helianthea, 347, 347 Eurylaimus steerei, 224 Eurylaimus steerii, 224 Mulleripicus funebris, 217 mearnsi, Collocalia vestita, 183 Macronous striaticeps, 269 Orthotomus, 325 Orthotomus atrogularis, 325 megala, Gallinago, 94, 94 Megalaema haemacephala celestinoi, 213 Megalaema haemacephala mindanensis, 216 Megalaima haemacephala celestinoi, 213 Megalaima haemacephala haemacephala, 213 Megalaima haemacephala intermedia, 21 6 Megalaima haemacephala mindanensis, 216 megalorynchos, Psittacus, 143 Tanygnathus, 143 Tanygnathus megalorynchos, 143 megalotis, Lempijius, 168 Otus bakkamoena, 168 Megalurus palustris forbesi, 309, 309 Megalurus ruficeps, 310 Megalurus timoriensis alopex, 310, 310 Megalurus timoriensis crex, 310, 310 Megalurus timoriensis mindorensis, 310, 310 Megalurus timoriensis tweeddalei, 310 Megalurus tweeddalei, 310 Megapode, 54, pi. 14 Megapodes, 54-55 Megapodiidae, 54-55 Megapodius cumingi balukensis, 54 Megapodius cumingii, 55 Megapodius dillwyni, 54 Megapodius freycinet cumingi, 55 Megapodius freycinet pusillus, 54 Megapodius freycinet tabon, 54 Megapodius lowii, 55 Megapodius pusillus, 54 Melaniparus semilarvatus, 256 melanocephala, Haemataena, 123 Threskiornis aethiopica, 22 melanocephalus , Tantalus, 22 melanochlamys, Irena, 290 Irena cyanogaster, 290 melanogaster, Anhinga, 5 Anhinga rufa, 5 melanoleuca, Lalage, 239, 240 Lalage melanoleuca, 239 Muscicapula, 338 Pseudolalage, 239 melanoleucus, Circus, 43 Falco, 43 melanolophus, Gorsachius, 18, 18 melanonotus, Sarcops, 369 Sarcops calvus, 369 melanops, Centropus, 163, 163 melanospila, Ptilinopus, 123 melanura, Alcedo, 199 459 Index melanuroides, Limosa, 88 Limosa limosa, 88 melanurus, Ceyx, 199, 200 Ceyx melanurus, 199 Meliphaga mysticalis, 258 melvillensis, Pandion haliaetus, 35, 35 menagei, Batrachostomus, 177 Batrachostomus Septimus, 177 Chibia, 248 Dendrocopos maculatus, 220 Dicrurus hottentottus, 248 Gallicolumba luzonica, 139 Iyngipicus, 220 Phlogoenas, 139 meninting, Alcedo, 191 , 191 meridionalis, Microhierax, 53 Microhierax erythrogonys, 53 Meropidae, 206-207 Merops americanus, 206 Merops philippinus, 206 Merops philippinus philippinus, 206 Merops vindis americanus, 206 mernlli, Leucotreron, 121 Neoleucotreron, 122 Ptilinopus, 121 , 122 Ptilinopus merrilli, 121 Merula kelleri, 302 Merula malindangensis, 301 Merula mayonensis, 301 Merula thomassoni, 301 merulinus, Cacomantis, 158 Cacomantis merulinus, 158 Cuculus, 158 mesoleuca, Dendrophila, 257 Sitta frontalis, 257 mesoluzonica, Napothera rabori, 264 , 264 meyeni, Zosterops, 399, 399 Zosterops meyeni, 399 meyleri, Zosterops, 407 Zosterops nigrorum, 407 Micranous worcesteri, 1 14 Microhierax erythrogonys erythrogonys, 53 Microhierax erythrogonys meridionalis, 53 Microhierax meridionalis, 53 Micromacronus leytensis, 276 Micromacronus leytensis leytensis, 276 Micromacronus leytensis sordidus, 276, 276 micropterus, Cuculus, 154, 154 Cuculus micropterus, 154 Micropus nehrkorni, 257 microrhynchus, Batrachostomus, 177 Batrachostomus Septimus, 1 77 migrans, Milvus, 39 Milvus migrans lineatus, 39 Mimizuku gurneyi, 169 mindanaoensis , Phapitreron amethystina, 120, 120 mindanense , Dicaeum, 397 mindanensis, Artamides, 234 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus, 149 Brachypteryx, 291 Brachypteryx montana, 291 Bubo philippensis, 174 Buceros, 213 Buceros hydrocorax, 213 Caprimulgus affinis, 182, 182 Ceyx, 200 Chloropsis flavipennis, 287 , 287 Copsychus saularis, 295 Coracina morio, 238 Cryptolopha, 318 Cuculus, 160 Cyclopsitta, 149 Cyrtostomus jugularis, 375 Ducula carola, 131 Eudynamys scolopacea, 160 Geocichla, 300 Halcyon winchelli, 202, 202 Lyncornis, 178 Macronous, 269 Macronous striaticeps, 269 Megalaema haemacephala, 216 Megalaima haemacephala, 216 Mirafra javanica, 227 Mirafra philippensis, 227 Muscicapula, 337 Pardaliparus elegans, 255 Parus elegans, 255 Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 318 Ptilocichla, 263, 263, 264 Ptilocichla mindanensis, 263 Ptilocolpa, 131 Ptilopyga, 263 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 329 Serin us, 416 Serinus estherae, 416 T urdus, 295 Volvocivora, 238 mindorensis, Artamides, 234 Carpophaga, 130 Centrococcyx, 163 Centropus viridis, 163 Coracina striata, 234 Cyornis, 340 Cyornis rufgaster, 340 Dicrurus balicassius, 244 Dryocopus javensis, 218 Ducula, 130 Hyloterpe, 351 Hypsipetes philippinus, 284 lole, 284 Loriculus, 149 Loriculus philippensis, 149 Megalurus timoriensis, 310, 310 Muscicapula hyperythra, 331 Ninox, 175 460 Index Ninox philippensis, 175 Otus scops, 167 Pachycephala cinerea, 351 Penelopides, 210 Penelopides panini, 210 Phapitreron leucotis, 118 Prioniturus, 141 Prioniturus discurus, 141 Sarcops calvus, 369 Scops, 167 Surniculus lugubris, 159 Thriponax , 218 T urdus, 301 Turdus poliocephalus, 301 Zosterops nigrorum, 407 , 407 minima, Cinnyris sperata, 373 Geokichla interpres, 297 Scolopax, 94 minimus, Limnocryptes, 94 Surniculus lugubris, 160, 160 Minivet, Ashy, 240, pi. 52 Fiery, 241, pi. 52 Flame, 241 , pi. 52 Minodoria striaticeps cumingi, 269 minor, Alcedo ( Halcyon ) coromanda, 201 Aplonis, 364 Fregata, 5 Fregata minor, 5 Halcyon coromanda, 201 Harpactes ardens, 190, 190 Lalage melanoleuca, 240 Pelecanus, 5 Platalea, 23, 23 Pseudolalage, 240 Rhabdornis, 259 Rhabdornis mysticalis, 259 Sarcops calvus, 369 minuta, Aethopyga, 383 Cettia, 308 Fringilla, 414 Ptilocichla, 263 Ptilocichla mindanensis, 263 minutus, Numenius, 84, 84 mirabilis, Dicrurus, 245 Dicrurus balicassius, 245 Mirafra javanica mindanensis, 227 Mirafra javanica philippensis, 227 Mirafra philippensis, 227 Mirafra philippensis mindanensis, 227 miranda, Basilornis, 368 Goodfellowia, 368 mirificus, Rallus, 67 , 67 mirus, Otus scops, 168, 168 mitifica, Lalage nigra, 240 Mixornis cagayanensis, 269 Mixornis (?) capitalis, 266 Mixornis nigrocapitatus, 265 Mixornis plateni, 265 Mixornis woodi, 268 modesta, Ardea, 20 Egretta alba, 20 modestum, Dicaeum, 397 molkenboeri, Centropus, 162 moluccensis, Dryobates, 220 Pitta brachyura, 226 Turdus, 226 Monarch, Black-naped Blue, 348, pi. 72 Celestial Blue, 349, pi. 72 Short-crested Blue, 348, pi. 72 mongolus, Charadrius, 79, 79 Charadrius mongolus, 79 montana, Brachypteryx, 290, 291 , 291 Cettia, 308, 308 Zosterops, 404 , 404, 405, 405 montani, Anthracoceros, 212 Buceros, 212 montanus, Chrysocolaptes, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 221 Macronous mindanensis, 269 Passer, 409, 409 Prioniturus, 141, 141, 142 Prioniturus montanus, 141 monticola, Hypsipetes siquijorensis, 284 Iole, 284 Monticola solitarius philippensis, 297 montifringilla, Fringilla, 4 1 5 , 415 montigena, Ficedula hyperythra, 336 Muscicapula, 336 montigenus, Pardaliparus elegans, 254 Parus elegans, 254 montis, Seicercus, 320 montium, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 220 morio, Coracina, 238, 238 moro, Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143 moseleyi, Actenoides, 206 Halcyon lindsayi, 206 Motacilla alba ocularis, 358 Motacilla calliope, 294 Motacilla caprata, 296 Motacilla cervina, 359 Motacilla cinerea robusta, 358 Motacilla flava simillima, 355, 355 Motacilla flava taivana, 358 Motacilla indica, 355 Motacilla ocularis, 358 Motacilla oenanthe, 297 Motacilla philippensis, 365 Motacilla violacea, 365 Motacillidae, 355, 358-360 motleyi, Ceyx erithacus, 199, 199 mugimaki, Ficedula, 331 Muscicapa, 331 mulleri, Brachyurus, 226 Pitta sordida, 226 Mulleripicus fuliginosus, 217 Mulleripicus funebris fuliginosus, 217 461 Index Mulleripicus funebris funebris, 217 Mulleripicus funebris mayri, 217 Mulleripicus funebris parkesi, 217, 217 Mulleripicus pulverulentus pulverulentus, 216 multilunatus, Dryocopus javensis, 218 Thriponax, 218 Munia cabanisi, 41 1 Munia formosana, 414 Munia ( Dermophrys) jagori, 414 Muscadivora langhornei, 125 Muscadivores aenea fugaensis, 124 Muscadivores palmasensis, 125 Muscicapa azurea, 348 Muscicapa bonthaina disposita, 337 Muscicapa cinereiceps, 341 Muscicapa crypta, 337 Muscicapa cyanomelana, 339 Muscicapa goiavier, 278 Muscicapa griseisticta, 341 Muscicapa herioti camarinensis, 339 Muscicapa hyperythra trinitatis, 331 Muscicapa latirostris randi, 346, 346 Muscicapa mugimaki, 331 Muscicapa narcissina, 330 Muscicapa panayensis, 364 Muscicapa panayensis nigriloris, 346 Muscicapa panayensis nignmentalis, 346 Muscicapa panayensis panayensis, 346 Muscicapa rufigastra simplicior, 340 Muscicapa sibirica, 341 Muscicapa sibirica sibirica, 341 Muscicapa westermanm palawanensis, 338 Muscicapa westermanm rabon, 338 Muscicapidae, 326-331, 336-341, 346-351, 354-355 Muscicapula calayensis, 336 Muscicapula hyperythra mindorensis, 331 Muscicapula luzoniensis, 331 Muscicapula melanoleuca apo, 338 Muscicapula mindanensis, 337 Muscicapula montigena, 336 Muscicapula nigrorum, 336 Muscicapula samarensis, 337 Muscicapula westermanni, 338 Muscipeta cyaniceps, 327 Myiothera andromedae, 300 Myna, Crested, 368, pi. 77 Mount Apo, 368, pi. 77 Talking, 369, pi. 77 mysticalis, Meliphaga, 258 Rhabdornis, 258, 259 Rhabdornis mysticalis, 258 N nakamurai, Hemiprocne comata, 189 Irediparra gallinacea, 76 napoleonis, Polyplectron, bl Napothera rabori, 265 Napothera rabori mesoluzonica, 264 , 264 Napothera rabori rabori, 265 Napothera rabori sorsogonensis, 265 Napothera sorsogonensis, 265 narcissina, Ficedula, 330 Ficedula narcissina, 330 Muscicapa, 330 nasutus, Lanius, 361 Lanius schach, 361 nebularia, Scolopax, 89 T ringa, 89 Nectarinia calcostetha, 375, 375 Nectarinia jugularis aurora, 378 Nectarinia jugular is jugu laris, 375 Nectarinia jugularis obscurior, 375 Nectarinia jugularis woodi, 378 Nectarinia pygmaea, 397 Nectarinia pygmea, 397 Nectarinia sperata davaoensis, 374, 374 Nectarinia sperata henkei, 374 Nectarinia sperata juliae, 374 Nectarinia sperata marinduquensis, 374, 374 Nectarinia sperata sperata, 373 Nectarinia sperata theresae, 3 74 , 374 Nectariniidae, 372-375, 378-379, 382-385 Nectarophila juliae, 374 neglecta, Dissoura, 23 nehrkornae, Polyplectron, bl nehrkorni, Micropus, 257 Parus semilarvatus, 257 Neoleucotreron merrilli faustinoi, 122 nesophasma, Dendrophassa vernans, 118 nesophilus, Prioniturus discurus, 141, 141 nesydrionetes, Halcyon winchelli, 203, 203 Nettapus coromandelianus coromandelianus, 34 nicobarica, Caloenas, 139 Caloenas nicobarica, 139 Columba, 139 niger, Cittocincla, 295 Copsychus, 295 Nightjar, Japanese, 179, pi. 40 Long-tailed, 179, pi. 40 Philippine Eared, 178, pi. 40 Savanna, 182, pi. 40 Nightjars, 178-179, 182 nigra, Lalage, 240, 240 Terpsiphone, 350 nigrescens, Turnix, 59 Turnix suscitator, 59 nigriceps, Orthotomus, 325, 325 Orthotomus nigriceps, 325 nigricollis, Podiceps, 1 , 1 Podiceps nigricollis, 1 nigrifrons, Centropus, 163 mgrilore, Dicaeum, 387, 387, 388 nigriloris, Muscicapa panayensis, 346 462 Index Stoparola panayensis, 346 nigrimentalis, Muscicapa panayensis, 346 Stoparola, 346 nigripes, Ardea, 20 Egretta garzetta, 20 nigrirostris, Ceyx, 191 Ceyx cyanopectus, 191 nigritorquis, Rhipidura, 328 Rhipidura javanica, 328 nigrocapitata, Stachyris, 266 Stachyris capitalis, 265 nigrocapitatus, Mixornis, 265 nigrocinnamomea, Rhipidura, 328, 328 Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea, 328 nigrorum, Cryptolopha, 317 Ducula carola, 131 Ficedula hyperythra, 336 Halcyon winchelli, 203, 203 Muscicapula, 336 Otus bakkamoena, 169, 169 Phabotreron, 1 19 Phapitreron leucotis, 119 Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 317 Ptilocolpa, 1 3 1 Stachyris, 268, 268 Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143 T urdus, 301 Turdus poliocephalus, 301 Zosterops, 406, 407, 407, 408, 408 Zosterops nigrorum, 407 nigrostriatus, Cisticola juncidis, 311 , 31 1 Oriolus, 249 nilotica, Gelochelidon, 105 Gelochelidon nilotica, 105 Sterna, 105 Ninox everetti, 175 Ninox mindorensis, 175 Ninox philippensis, 174 Ninox philippensis centralis, 175, 175 Ninox philippensis mindorensis, 175 Ninox philippensis philippensis, 174 Ninox philippensis proxima, 174, 174 Ninox philippensis reyi, 175 Ninox philippensis spilocephala, 175 Ninox philippensis spilonota, 175 Ninox plateni, 175 Ninox reyi, 175 Ninox scutulata florensis, 176 Ninox scutulata japonica, 176 Ninox scutulata palawanensis, 176, 176 Ninox scutulata randi, 176, 176 Ninox spilocephala, 175 Ninox spilonotus, 175 nobilis, Ducula poliocephala, 130 Zonophaps poliocephala, 130 Noddy, Common, 114, pi. 27 White-capped, 114, pi. 27 novaeseelandiae, Anthus, 358 novus, Pericrocotus, 241 Pericrocotus flammeus, 241 nubilosa, Sterna, 1 1 1 Sterna fuscata. 111 nuchalis, Carpophaga, 124 Ducula aenea, 124 Numenius arquata orientalis, 85 Numenius madagascariensis, 85 Numenius minutus, 84, 84 Numenius orientalis, 85 Numenius phaeopus variegatus, 85 nuntius, Orthotomus ruficeps, 326 Orthotomus sericeus, 326 Nuthatch, Velvet-fronted, 257, pi. 55 Nuthatches, 257-258 nycticorax, Ardea, 22 Nycticorax, 22 Nycticorax nycticorax, 22 Nycticorax caledonicus major, 22 Nycticorax caledonicus manillensis, 22 Nycticorax goisagi, 1 1 Nycticorax manillensis, 22 Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax, 22 o obscurior , Cinnyris, 375 Nectarinia jugularis, 375 obscurum, Dicaeum, 396 Dicaeum hypoleucum, 396 obscurus, Turdus, 303, 303 occipitalis, Hypothymis, 348 Leucotreron, 121 Phabotreron, 1 19 Phapitreron leucotis, 119 Ptilinopus, 121 Ptilonopus, 121 occularis, Rhinomyias, 330 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 330 ocellata, Turnix, 59, 66, 66 Turnix ocellata, 59 ocellatus, Oriolus, 59 ochotensis, Locustella certhiola, 316 Sylvia ( Locustella ), 316 ochrophus, Tringa, 92, 92 ochrothorectis, Entomothera coromanda, 201 ocularis, Motacilla, 358 Motacilla alba, 358 Poliolimnas cinereus, 74, 74 oenanthe, Motacilla, 297 Oenanthe , 297 Oenanthe oenanthe , 297 Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe, 297 oenochlamys, Dendrophtla, 257 Sitta frontalis, 257 Oestrelata sandwichensis, 2 Old World Flycatchers, 326-331 , 336-341, 346-351,354-355 463 Index Old World Warblers, 303 , 308-311 , 316-321 , 324-326 olivacea, Abrornis, 319 Gallinula, 74 olivaceus, Amaurornis , 74 Amaurornis olivaceus, 74 Phylloscopus, 3 19 , 319 Pnonochilus, 385 , 386, 386 Prionochilus olivaceus, 386 omkakko, Eudynamys scolopacea, 160 orientalis, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, 317 Eurystomus, 207 Numeruus, 85 Numenius arquata, 85 Pernis apivorus, 38, 38 Salicaria turdina, 317 origenis, Collocalia, 182 Collocalia brevirostris, 182 Oriole, Black-naped, 250, pi. 54 Dark-throated, 248, pi. 54 Isabella, 250, pi. 54 Orioles, 248-251 Oriolidae, 248-251 Onolus albiloris, 250 Oriolus assirmlis, 250 Oriolus basilanicus, 249 Oriolus chinensis, 250 Oriolus chinensis chinensis, 250 Oriolus chinensis fugaensis, 251 Oriolus chinensis palawanensis, 250 Oriolus chinensis sorsogonensis, 251 Oriolus chinensis yamamurae, 250 Oriolus cinereogenys, 249 Oriolus isabellae, 250, 250 Oriolus lineatus, 56 Oriolus nigrostriatus, 249 Oriolus ocellatus, 59 Oriolus poliogenys, 249 Oriolus samarensis, 248 Oriolus sinensis, 365 Oriolus steerii, 249 Oriolus suluensis, 250 Oriolus xanthonotus albiloris, 250 Oriolus xanthonotus assimilis, 250 Oriolus xanthonotus basilanicus, 249 Oriolus xanthonotus cinereogenys, 249 Oriolus xanthonotus palawanus, 249 Oriolus xanthonotus persuasus, 249, 249, pi. 54 Oriolus xanthonotus samarensis, 248 Oriolus xanthonotus steerii, 249 Orthotomus atrogularis castaneiceps, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis chloronotus, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis davao, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis frontalis, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis heterolaemus, 324 Orthotomus atrogularis mearnsi, 325 Orthotomus atrogularis rabori, 324 , 324 Orthotomus castaneiceps, 324 Orthotomus chloronotus, 324 Orthotomus cineraceus cagayanensis, 326 Orthotomus cinereiceps, 325, 325 Orthotomus cucullatus heterolaemus, 321 Orthotomus cucullatus philippinus, 321 Orthotomus cucullatus viridicollis, 321 , 321 Orthotomus derbianus, 321 , 321 Orthotomus frontalis, 324 Orthotomus mearnsi, 325 Orthotomus nigriceps, 325 Orthotomus nigriceps nigriceps, 325 Orthotomus nigriceps samarensis, 325 Orthotomus panayensis, 324 Orthotomus ruficeps nuntius, 326 Orthotomus samarensis, 325 Orthotomus sepium cagayanensis, 326 Orthotomus sericeus nuntius, 326 Orycerca everetti, 41 1 oryzivora, Loxia, 414 Padda, 414 Osmotreron axillaris, 1 15 Osmotreron everetti, 118 Osprey, 34, pi. 9 Ospreys, 34-35 ostenta, Coracina, 239, 239 Otus bakkamoena batanensis, 167 Otus bakkamoena everetti, 169 Otus bakkamoena fuliginosus, 169 Otus bakkamoena megalotis, 168 Otus bakkamoena nigrorum, 169, 169 Otus boholensis, 169 Otus calayensis, 167 Otus cuyensis, 168 Otus romblonis, 167 Otus rufescens burbidgei, 168, 168 Otus scops calayensis, 167 Otus scops cuyensis, 168 Otus scops longicornis, 167 Otus scops mindorensis, 167 Otus scops mirus, 168, 168 Otus scops romblonis, 167 Otus scops sibutuensis, 168 Otus steerei, 168 Owl, Bay, 166, pi. 38 Giant Scops, 169, pi. 38 Grass, 166, pi. 39 Oriental Screech, 168, pi. 38 Philippine Boobook, 174, pi. 38 Philippine Hawk, 176, pi. 38 Philippine Horned, 174, pi. 39 Rufous Scops, 168, pi. 38 Scops, 167, pi. 38 Seloputo, 176, pi. 39 Short-eared, 177 , pi. 39 Owls, Barn, 166-167 Typical, 167-169,174-177 Oxycerca (Uroloncha) jagori, 411 464 Index P Pachycephala cinerea albiventris, 351 Pachycephala cinerea crissalis, 350 Pachycephala cinerea homeyeri, 351 Pachycephala cinerea mindorensis, 351 Pachycephala cinerea plateni, 351 Pachycephala cinerea winchelli, 351 Pachycephala philippinensis apoensis, 354 Pachycephala philippinensis basilanica, 355 Pachycephala philippinensis boholensis, 354, 354 Pachycephala philippinensis fallax, 354 Pachycephala philippinensis illex, 354 Pachycephala philippinensis philippinensis, 354 Pachycephala philippinensis siquijorensis, 354, 354 pacifcus, Apus, 188 Apus pacifcus, 188 Hirundo, 188 Puffinus, 2 Padda oryzivora, 414 Painted-snipe, 77, pi. 19 Painted-snipes, 77 palawana, Cettia montana, 308, 308 Leucotreron leclancheri, 123 Lonchura leucogastra, 411 , 41 1 Sitta frontalis, 258, 258 Streptopelia chinensis, 133 palawanense, Malacopteron, 263, 263 palaivanensis, Buchanga, 244 Carpophaga aenea, 124 Chloropsis, 287 Collocalia brevirostris, 183 Collocalia lowi, 183 Cringer, 279 Dicrurus, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus, 248 Ducula aenea, 124 Ficedula westermanni, 338 Gracula religiosa, 369 Halcyon pileata, 202 Hypsipetes, 279 Mainatus, 369 Muscicapa westermanni, 338 Ninox scutulata, 176, 176 Oriolus chinensis, 250 Pernis apivorus, 38, 38 Phyllornis, 287 Pitta sordida, 226, 226 Spilornis cheela, 42 palawanorum, Dicaeum pygmaeum, 398, 398 palawanus, Accipiter trivirgatus, 46, 46 Oriolus xanthonotus, 249 Pallenura robusta, 358 pallidigula, Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus, 408 pallidior, Cypsiurus parvus, 188 Dicaeum, 395 Tachornis, 188 pallidius, Dicaeum trigonostigrna, 395 pallidus, Turdus, 302, 302 palmasensis, Ducula pickeringii, 125 Muscadivores, 125 paludicola, Riparia, 232 palustris, Megalurus, 309, 309 Pampusanna criniger, 138 panayensis, Aplonis, 364 Aplonis panayensis, 364 Artamides, 234 Coracina striata, 234 Culicicapa helianthea, 347 Edoliisoma (Graucalus), 239 Eumyias, 346 Loriculus, 150 Loriculus philippensis, 150 Muscicapa, 346, 364 Muscicapa panayensis, 346 Orthotomus, 324 Pardaliparus elegans, 254 Spilornis, 42 Stoparola, 346 Xantholestes, 347 Pandion haliaetus haliaetus, 34 Pandion haliaetus melvillensis, 35 , 35 Pandionidae, 34-35 panini, Buceros, 210 Penelopides, 210, 211 , 21 1 Penelopides panini, 210 papuensis, Pipra, 394 paraguae, Anthreptes malacensis, 372, 372 Cyornis, 338 paraguena, Eudynamys scolopacea, 160 paraguenus, Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143 Parakeet, Philippine Hanging, 149, pi. 34 paraterma, Hypotaenidia striata, 66 Pardaliparus albescens, 255 Pardaliparus edithae, 254 Pardaliparus elegans guimarasensis, 255 Pardaliparus elegans mindanensis, 255 Pardaliparus elegans panayensis, 254 Pardaliparus elegans suluensis, 255 Pardaliparus elegans visayanus, 255 Paridae 254-257 parkesi, Mulleripicus funebris, 217, 217 Zosterops montana, 404 , 404 Parra gallinacea, 76 Parrot, Blue-backed, 148, pi. 34 Blue-headed Racket-tailed, 140, pi. 33 Blue-naped, 142, pi. 34 Crimson-spotted Racket-tailed, 141, pi. 33 Green-headed Racket-tailed, 142, pi. 33 Large-billed, 143, pi. 34 Palawan Racket-tailed, 142, pi. 33 Parrot-finch, Green-faced, 410, pi. 84 Green-tailed, 410, pi. 84 465 Index Parrot-finch (coni.) Mindanao, 410, pi. 84 Parrots, 139-/44, 148-151 parsonsi, Prionochilus, 385 Pyionochilus olivaceus, 385 Partridge, Bearded, 55, pi. 14 Parus amabilis, 256, 256 Parus elegans, 254 Parus elegans albescens, 255 Parus elegans bongaoensis, 256, 256 Parus elegans edithae, 254 Parus elegans elegans, 254 Parus elegans gilliardi, 255, 255 Parus elegans mindanensis, 255 Parus elegans montigenus, 254 , 254 Parus elegans suluensis, 255 Parus elegans visayanus, 255 Parus quadrivittatus, 254 Parus semilarvatus nehrkorni, 257 Parus semilarvatus semilarvatus, 256 Parus semilarvatus snowi, 256, 256 parvimaculata, Copsychus luzoniensis, 295 Kittacincla, 295 parvus, Cypsiurus, 188 Passer montanus malaccensis, 409, 409 Passer montanus manillensis, 409 Passer montanus saturatus, 409 Passer saturatus, 409 paykullii, Porzana, 69 Rallus, 69 pectoralis , Cuculus fugax, 154 Dryocopus javensis, 218 Hiracococcyx, 154 Thriponax, 218 Zosterops montana, 404 , 404 Pelargopsis capensis gigantea, 200 Pelargopsis capensis gouldi, 200 Pelargopsis capensis smithi, 200 Pelargopsis gigantea, 200 Pelargopsis gouldi, 200 Pelecanidae, 3 Pelecanus minor, 5 Pelecanus philippensis, 3, 3 Pelecanus plotus, 4 Pelecanus sinensis, 4 Pelican, Philippine, 3, pi. 2 Pelicans, 3 penelope, Anas, 30, 30 Penelopides affinis, 21 1 Penelopides basilanica, 211 Penelopides mindorensis, 210 Penelopides panini affinis, 211 Penelopides panini basilanica, 21 1 Penelopides panini boholensis, 211 Penelopides panini leytensis, 21 1 Penelopides panini manilloe, 210 Penelopides panini mindorensis, 210 Penelopides panini panini, 210 Penelopides panini samarensis, 211 Penelopides panini subnigra, 210 Penelopides panini ticaensis, 211 , 211 Penelopides samarensis, 21 1 Penelopides schmackeri, 210 Penelopides subnigra, 210 Penelopides talisi, 210 Perdix barbata, 55 Perdix barbata barbata, 55 peregrina, Ibis, 23 peregrinus, Falco, 54 Plegadis falcinellus, 23 Pericrocotus cinereus, 240 Pericrocotus cinnamomeus igneus, 241 Pericrocotus divaricatus divaricatus, 240 Pericrocotus flammeus gonzalesi, 244, 244 Pericrocotus flammeus johnstoniae , 241 Pericrocotus flammeus leytensis, 241 Pericrocotus flammeus marchesae, 244 Pericrocotus flammeus novus, 241 P(ericrocotus) igneus, 241 Pericrocotus johnstoniae, 241 Pericrocotus leytensis, 241 Pericrocotus marchesae, 244 Pericrocotus novus, 241 periophthalmica, Callaeops, 350 Terpsiphone atrocaudata, 350 Pernis apivorus orientalis, 38, 38 Pernis apivorus palawanensis, 38, 38 Pernis apivorus philippensis, 38, 38 Pernis celebensis steerei, 35, 35 peronii, Charadrius, 79, 79 personata, Camiguinia, 348 Sula, 3 Sula dactylatra, 3 persuasus, Oriolus xanthonotus, 249, 249, pi. 54 peterseni, Edolisoma mcgregori, 239 petersoni, Phylloscopus trivirgatus, 319, 319 Petrel, Dark-rumped, 2 Tahiti, 2 Phabotreron brevirostris, 119 Phabotreron brunneiceps, 121 Phabotreron cinereiceps, 120 Phabotreron frontalis, 120 Phabotreron maculipectus, 120 Phabotreron nigrorum, 119 Phabotreron occipitalis, 119 phaea, Macropygia, 132 Macropygia phasianella, 132 Phaenicophaus superciliosus, 161 phaeopus, Numenius, 85 phaeopygia, Pterodroma, 2 Phaethon lepturus dorotheae, 3, 3 Phaethontidae, 3 Phalacrocoracidae, 4 Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis, 4 Phalarope, Northern, 102, pi. 25 466 Index Phalaropes, 102-103 Phalaropodidae, 102-103 Phalaropus lobatus, 102 Phapitreron albifrons, 119 Phapitreron amethystina, 119 Phapitreron amethystina amethystina , 119 Phapitreron amethystina celestinoi, 119 Phapitreron amethystina frontalis, 120 Phapitreron amethystina maculipectus, 120 Phapitreron amethystina mindanaoensis, 120, 120 Phapitreron amethystina polillensis, 118, 119 Phapitreron cinereiceps brunneiceps, 121 Phapitreron cinereiceps cinereiceps, 120 Phapitreron leucotis brevirostris, 119 Phapitreron leucotis leucotis, 118 Phapitreron leucotis limucon, 119 Phapitreron leucotis mindorensis, 118 Phapitreron leucotis nigrorum, 119 Phapitreron leucotis occipitalis, 119 Phapitreron samarensis, 119 phasianella, Macropygia, 131, 132 Phasianidae, 55-57 Phasianus gallus, 56 Pheasant, Palawan Peacock, 57, pi. 15 Pheasants, 55-57 Philedon gularis, 279 Philemon philippinensis, 385 Philentoma albiventris, 328 philippense, Syrnium, 174 philippensis, Bubo, 174 Bubo philippensis, 174 Colymbus, 1 Cuculus, 162 Dryocopus javensis, 218 Gallus gallus, 56 Hypsipetes, 279 Loriculus, 149, 150, 151, 151 Loriculus philippensis, 149 Mirafra, 227 Mirafra javanica, 227 Monticola solitarius, 297 Motacilla, 365 Ninox, 174, 174, / 75, 175 Ninox philippensis, 174 Pelecanus, 3, 3 Pernis apivorus, 38, 38 Podiceps ruficollis, 1 Poliolophus urostictus, 277 Pseudoptynx, 174 Psittacus, 149 Pycnonotus urostictus, 277 Rallus, 67 , 67 Rallus philippensis, 67 Scops, 174 Spizaetus, 52, 52 Sturnus, 365 Thriponax, 218 T urdus, 297 philippinensis, Arachnothera clarae, 385 Bucco, 213 Centropus bengalensis, 166, 166 Cyornis, 340 Cyornis rufigaster, 340 G(algulus), 279 Hyloterpe, 354 Pachycephala, 354 , 354, 355 Pachycephala philippinensis, 354 Philemon, 385 Philippinia primigenius, 378 philippinus, Cornix, 254 Corvus macrorhynchos, 254 Hypsipetes, 279, 284 Hypsipetes philippinus, 279 Iole, 279 Merops, 206, 206 Merops philippinus, 206 Orthotomus cucullatus, 321 Phyllergates, 321 (Turdus), 279 Philomachus pugnax, 102 Phlegoenas criniger leytensis, 139 Phlegoenas crinigera basilanica, 138 Phlegoenas keayi, 138 Phlogoenas menagei, 139 Phlogoenas platenae, 138 Phodilus badius badius, 166 Phodilus riverae, 166 Phoenicophaeus cumingi, 161, 161 Phoenicophaeus curvirostris harringtoni, 160 Phoenicophaeus superciliosus cagayanensis, 161,161 Phoenicophaeus superciliosus superciliosus, 161 Phoenicophaus cumingi, 161 phoenicurus , Amaurornis, 74 Phyllergates heterolaemus, 321 Phyllergates philippinus, 321 Phyllopneuste borealis, 320 Phyllopneuste xanthodryas, 320 Phyllornis flavipennis, 287 Phyllornis palawanensis, 287 Phylloscopus borealis borealis, 320 Phylloscopus borealis xanthodryas, 320 Phylloscopus cebuensis cebuensis, 319 Phylloscopus cebuensis luzonensis, 309 Phylloscopus cebuensis sorsogonensis, 320, 320 Phylloscopus olivaceus, 319 Phylloscopus olivaceus luzonensis, 319 Phylloscopus trivirgatus benguetensis, 318 Phylloscopus trivirgatus diuatae, 318, 318 Phylloscopus trivirgatus flavostriatus, 318, 318 Phylloscopus trivirgatus malindangensis, 318 Phylloscopus trivirgatus mindanensis, 3 18 467 Index Phylloscopus trivirgatus nigrorum, 317 Phylloscopus trivirgatus petersoni, 319, 319 Picidae, 216-221 picina, Chaetura, 187, 187 pickeringii, Carpophaga, 125 Ducula, 125 Ducula pickeringii, 125 picta, Cinnyris, 575 Picus funebris, 217 Picus haematribon, 220 Picus lucidus, 221 Picus maculatus, 219 Picus pulverulentus, 216 Picus validirostris, 219 Pigeon, Bleeding-heart, 138, pi. 32 Gray Imperial, 125, pi. 30 Green Imperial, 124, pi. 30 Metallic Wood, 131, pi. 31 Mindoro Imperial, 130, pi. 30 Nicobar, 1 39, pi. 32 Nutmeg Imperial, 130, pi. 30 Pink-bellied Imperial, 125, pi. 30 Pink-necked Green, 118, pi. 28 Pompadour Green, 115 , pi. 28 Spotted Imperial, 130, pi. 30 Thick-billed Green, 115, pi. 28 Whistling Green, 114, pi. 28 Pigeons, 114-115, 118-125, 130-133, 138-139 pileata, Alcedo, 202 Halcyon, 202, 202 pileatus, Anous stolidus, 114 Sterna, 1 14 pinicola, Rhipidura cyaniceps, 327, 327 pintadeanus, Francolinus, 55 Francolinus pintadeanus, 55 Tetrao, 55 Pintail, 27, pi. 7 Pipit, Oriental Tree, 359, pi. 74 Petchora, 359, pi. 74 Red-throated, 359, pi. 74 Richard's, 358, pi. 74 Pipits, 355, 358-360 Pipra australe, 394 Pipra papuensis, 394 Piprisoma diversum, 387 pistra, Trichoglossus johnstoniae, 140, 140 Pithecophaga jefferyi, 47, 47 Pitta, Black-headed, 225, pi. 49 Blue-winged, 22<5, pi. 49 Koch’s, 225, pi. 49 Red-breasted, 224, pi. 49 Steere’s, 226, pi. 49 Pitta atricapilla rothschildi, 225 Pitta brachyura moluccensis, 226 Pitta erythrogaster, 224 Pitta erythrogaster erythrogaster, 224 Pitta erythrogaster propinqua, 225 Pitta erythrogaster thompsoni, 225, 225 Pitta erythrogastra yairocho, 224 Pitta fastosa, 226 Pitta kochi, 225 , 225 Pitta sordida mulleri, 226 Pitta sordida palauianensis, 226, 226 Pitta sordida sordida, 225 Pitta steerii coelestis, 226, 226 Pitta steerii steerii, 226 Pittas, 224-227 Pittidae, 224-227 Platalea minor, 23, 23 platenae, Ceyx, 200 Ceyx melanurus, 200 Ficedula, 338 Gallicolumba luzonica, 138 Phlogoenas, 138 Prioniturus, 142, 142 Siphia, 338 plateni, Anaimos, 386 Hyloterpe, 351 Mixornis, 265 Ninox, 175 Pachycephala cinerea, 351 Prionochilus, 386, 386 Stachyris, 265 Stachyris plateni, 265 Platyrhynchus ceylonensis, 347 Plegadis falcinellus peregrinus, 23 Ploceidae, 409 plotus, Pelecanus, 4 Sula leucogaster, 4 Plover, Black-bellied, 77, pi. 19 Kentish, 79, pi. 20 Large Sand, 84, pi. 20 Malay, 79, pi. 20 Mongolian, 79, pi. 20 Pacific Golden, 78, pi. 19 Ring-necked, 78, pi. 20 Plovers, 77-79, 84 plumbea, Porzana, 69 plumosus, Pycnonotus, 277 Pluvialis dominica fulva, 78 Pluvialis squatarola, 77 Pluvianus cinereus, 77 Pochard, European, 31 , pi. 8 PoDARGIDAE, 1 77-1 78 Podiceps nigricollis, 1 Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis, 1 Podiceps ruficollis cotabato, 1 Podiceps ruficollis philippensis, 1 PoDICIPEDIDAE, 1 poecilorhyncha, Anas, 27 polillensis, Centropus unirufus, 163 Phapitreron amethystina, 118, 119 poliocephala, Carpophaga, 125 Ducula, 125, 130 Ducula poliocephala, 125 Zonophaps, 130 468 Index poliocephalus, T urdus, 301 , 302, 302 poliogenys, Oriolus, 249 poliogyna, Brachypteryx, 290 Brachypteryx montana, 290 Poliolimnas cinereus collingwoodi, 74 Poliolimnas cinereus ocularis, 74 , 74 Poliolophus basilanicus, 277 Poliolophus urostictus philippensis, 277 Polyplectron emphanum, 57, 57 Polyplectron napoleonis, bl Polyplectron nehrkornae, bl pomarinus, Lestris, 103 Stercorarius, 103 pompadora, Treron, 115 , lib, 118, 118 pontifex, Dicaeum hypoleucum, 397 , 397 porphyrio, Porphyrio, 75 Porphyrio porphyrio pulverulentus, 75 Porphyrio pulverulentus, lb Porzana fusca fusca, 69 Porzana paykullii, 69 Porzana plumbea filipina, 69 Porzana pusilla pusilla, 68 Porzana tabuensis, 69 Porzana tabuensis tabuensis, 69 Pratincole, 103, pi. 25 Pratincoles, 103 primigenius, Aethopyga, 378, 378 Aethopyga primigenius, 378 Philippinia, 378 Prioniturus cyaniceps, 142 Pnoniturus discurus discurus, 140 Prioniturus discurus mindorensis, 141 Prioniturus discurus nesophilus, 141, 141 Prioniturus discurus var. suluensis, 140 Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi, 141, 141 Prioniturus luconensis, 142, 142 Prioniturus malindangensis, 141 Prioniturus mindorensis, 141 Prioniturus montanus, 141 Prioniturus montanus montanus, 141 Prioniturus montanus verticalis, 142 Prioniturus montanus waterstradti, 141 Prioniturus platenae, 142, 142 Prioniturus verticalis, 142 Prioniturus waterstradti, 141 Prionochilus aeruginosum, 386 Prionochilus anthonyi, 388 Prionochilus bicolor, 389 Prionochilus inexpectatus, 389 Prionochilus johannae , 386 Prionochilus olivaceus, 386 Prionochilus olivaceus olivaceus, 386 Prionochilus olivaceus parsonsi, 385 Prionochilus olivaceus samarensis, 386 Prionochilus parsonsi, 385 Prionochilus planteni, 386, 386 Prionochilus quadricolor, 389 Prionochilus samarensis, 386 Procellaria leucomelas, 1 Procellaria rostrata, 2 Procellariidae, 1-2 propinqua, Pitta erythrogaster, 225 propinquus, Brachyurus, 225 proprium, Dicaeum, 387, 387 proximo, Ninox philippensis, 174 , 174 Pseudolalage melanoleuca, 239 Pseudolalage minor, 240 Pseudoptynx gurneyi, 169 Pseuaoptynx philippensis, 174 Pseudotharrhaleus caudatus, 309 Pseudotharrhaleus griseipectus, 309 Pseudotharrhaleus malindangensis, 309 Pseudotharrhaleus unicolor, 309 Psittacidae, 139-143, 148-151 Psittacus discurus, 140 Psittacus haematuropygius, 140 Psittacus lucionensis, 143 Psittacus lunulatus, 148 Psittacus megalorynchos, 143 Psittacus philippensis, 149 Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichensis, 2 Pterodroma rostrata rostrata, 2 Ptilinopus arcanus, 122, 122 Ptilinopus leclancheri gironieri, 123 Ptilinopus leclancheri leclancheri, 122 Ptilinopus leclancheri longialis, 123 Ptilinopus marchei, 122 Ptilinopus melanospila bangueyensis, 123 Ptilinopus merrilli faustinoi, 122 Ptilinopus merrilli merrilli, 121 Ptilinopus occipitalis, 121 Ptilinopus superbus temminckii, 123 Ptilocichla falcata, 264 , 264 Ptilocichla (?) mindanensis, 263 Ptilocichla mindanensis basilanica, 264 Ptilocichla mindanensis fortichi, 263, 263 Ptilocichla mindanensis mindanensis, 263 Ptilocichla mindanensis minuta, 263 Ptilocichla minuta, 263 Ptilocolpa carola, 130 Ptilocolpa griseipectus, 130 Ptilocolpa mindanensis, 131 Ptilocolpa nigrorum, 13 1 Ptilonopus occipitalis, 121 Ptilopus bangueyensis, 123 Ptilopus incognita, 121 Ptilopus (Rhamphilculus) marchei, 122 Ptilopyga mindanensis, 263 Ptiocichla [sic] basilanica, 264 puella, Irena, 287 Puffinus chlororhynchus, 2 Puffinus leucomelas, 1 Puffinus pacificus chlororhynchus, 2 pugnax, Philomachus, 102 Tringa, 102 pulcherrima, Aethopyga, 382, 382 469 Index pulcherrima (cont.) Aethopyga pulcherrima, 382 pulverulentus, Mulleripicus, 216 Mullenpicus pulverulentus, 216 Picus, 216 Porphyrio, 75 Porphyrio porphyrio, 75 punctulata, Lonchura, 411 purpurea, Ardea, 27, 21 pusilla, Emberiza, 415, 415 Porzana, 68 Porzana pusilla, 68 pusillus, Corvus, 251 Corvus enca, 251 Megapodius, 54 Megapodius freycinet, 54 Rallus, 68 Pycnonotidae, 276-279 , 284-286 Pycnonotus atriceps atriceps, 276 Pycnonotus goiavier goiavier, 278 Pycnonotus goiavier samarensis, 278, 278 Pycnonotus goiavier suluensis, 278, 278 Pycnonotus plumosus cinereifrons, 277 Pycnonotus urostictus atricaudatus, 277 , 277 Pycnonotus urostictus basilanicus, 277 Pycnonotus urostictus ilokensis, 277 , 277 Pycnonotus urostictus philippensis, 277 Pycnonotus urostictus urostictus, 276 pygmaea, Nectarinia, 397 Stachyris plateni, 265, pi. 57 pygmaeum , Dicaeum 397 , 398, 398 Dicaeum pygmaeum, 397 pygmaeus, Zosterornis, 265 pygmea, Nectarinia, 397 Pyrrhocentor unirufus, 163 pyrrhopterus, C.orydonix, 162 Pyrrhula leucogenys, 417 Pyrrhula leucogenys apo, 417 Pyrrhula leucogenys conaria, 417 Pyrrhula leucogenys leucogenys, 417 Pyrrhula leucogenys steerei, 4 1 7 Pyrrhula steerei, 417 Q quadricolor , Dicaeum, 389 Prionochilus, 389 quadrivittatus, Parus, 254 Quail, Asiatic Migratory, 56, pi. 14 Barred Button-, 59, pi. 16 Painted, 56, pi. 14 Spotted Button-,59, pi. 16 Striped Button-, 57, pi. 16 Worcester’s Button-, 58, pi 16 quartus, Lanius validirostris, 364 querquedula, Anas, 30, 30 quisumbingi, Rallus torquatus, 67 R rabori, Hypothymis coelestis, 349 Muscicapa westermanni, 338 Napothera, 264 , 264, 265, 265 Napothera rabori, 265 Orthotomus atrogularis, 324, 324 Rhabdornis inornatus, 259, 259 Rail, Banded, 67 , pi. 17 Barred, 67 , pi. 17 Brown-banded, 67, pi. 17 Dwarf, 68, pi. 18 Slaty-breasted, 66, pi. 17 Sooty, 69, pi. 18 White-browed, 74, pi. 17 Rails, 66-69, 74-76 Rallidae, 66-69, 74-76 Rallina eurizonoides eurizonoides, 68 Rallina fasciata, 68, 68 Rallus benghalensis, 11 Rallus fuscus, 69 Rallus mirifcus, 67, 67 Rallus paykullii, 69 Rallus philippensis, 67 Rallus philippensis philippensis, 67 Rallus pusillus, 68 Rallus striatus, 66 Rallus striatus striatus, 66 Rallus torquatus, 67 Rallus torquatus quisumbingi, 67 Rallus torquatus sanfordi, 67 Rallus torquatus torquatus, 67 ramosi, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 220 Tersiphone unirufa, 349 Ramphalcyon capensis smithi, 200 ramsayi, Dendrocopos maculatus, 220 Iyngipicus, 220 Siphia, 339 randi, Arachnothera longirostra, 384 Arachnothera longirostris, 384 Muscicapa latirostris, 346, 346 Ninox scutulata, 176, 176 Saxicola caprata, 296, 296 rebaptizatus, Dicrurus cineraceus, 244 Recurvirostridae, 102 Redshank, 88, pi. 21 Redstart, Philippine Water, 294, pi. 62 regulus, Loriculus, 150 Loriculus philippensis, 150 religiosa, Gracula, 369 retrocinctum, Dicaeum, 394 , 394 reyi, Ninox, 175 Ninox philippensis, 175 Rhabdornis grandis, 259 Rhabdornis inornatus, 259 Rhabdornis inornatus alaris, 262, 262 Rhabdornis inornatus grandis, 259 Rhabdornis inornatus inornatus, 259 Rhabdornis inornatus rabori, 259, 259 470 Index Rhabdornis inornatus zamboanga, 262 Rhabdornis longirostris, 258, 259 Rhabdornis minor, 259 Rhabdornis mysticalis minor, 259 Rhabdornis mysticalis mysticalis, 258 Rhabdornithidae, 258-259, 262 Rhinomyias albigularis, 328 Rhinomyias goodfellowi, 330, 330 Rhinomyias gularis albigularis, 328 Rhinomyias insignis, 330, 330 Rhinomyias occularis, 330 Rhinomyias ruficauda basilanica, 329 Rhinomyias ruficauda boholensis, 329, 329 Rhinomyias ruficauda mindanensis, 329 Rhinomyias ruficauda occularis, 330 Rhinomyias ruficauda ruficauda, 329 Rhinomyias ruficauda samarensis, 329 Rhinomyias ruficauda zamboanga, 329, 329 Rhipidura cyaniceps albiventris, 328 Rhipidura cyaniceps cyaniceps, 327 Rhipidura cyaniceps pinicola, 327 , ?>21 Rhipidura cyaniceps sauli, 327 Rhipidura hutchinsoni, 328 Rhipidura javanica nigritorquis, 328 Rhipidura nigritorquis, 328 Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea, 328 Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea hutchinsoni, 328 Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea nigrocinnamomea, 328 Rhipidura sauli, 327 Rhipidura superciliaris apo, 327 , 327 Rhipidura superciliaris samarensis, 327 Rhipidura superciliaris superciliaris, 326 rhizophorae , Gerygone , 303 Rhyacornis bicolor, 294 richmondi, Zosterops, 407 Zosterops nigrorum, 407 ridibundus, Larus, 104 , 104 riparia, Clivicola, 232 Riparia, 232 Riparia chinensis tantilla, 232 Riparia paludicola tantilla, 232 Riparia riparia ijimae, 232 ripleyi, Coracina morio, 238, 238 riverae, Phodilus, 166 robusta, Motacilla cinerea, 358 Pallenura, 358 rodiosternus, Harpactes, 189 rogersi, Canutus canutus, 95 Rollers, 207 romblonis, Otus, 167 Otus scops, 167 rostrata, Procellaria, 2 Pterodroma, 2 Pterodroma rostrata, 2 Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis, 77 Rostratulidae, 77 rothschildi, Pitta atricapilla, 225 rubricapilla, Dicaeum, 388 rubrinota, Aethopyga, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 383 rubripes, Sula, 4 Sula sula, 4 Ruby-throat, 294, pi. 62 rufa, Anhinga, 5 Tchitrea, 349 rufescens, Otus, 168, 168 Ruff, 102, pi. 24 ruficauda, Rhinomyias, 329, 329, 330 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 329 Setaria, 329 ruficeps, Megalurus, 310 Orthotomus, 326 ruficollis, Calidris, 100 Podiceps, 1 , 1 Trynga, 100 rufidorsa, Ceyx, 198 rufidorsum, Ceyx erithacus, 198 rufifrons, Trichostoma, 263 rufigaster, Cyornis, 340 rufigastra, Cyornis, 340 Muscicapa, 340 rufigularis, Hypsipetes, 284 , 284 rufipennis, Centropus, 162 rufolineatus, Gorsachius melanolophus, 18, 18 rufopunctatus, Chrysocolaptes, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 221 rustica, Hirundo, 232 rusticola, Scolopax, 95, 95 s sacra, Ardea, 19 Egret ta, 19 Egret ta sacra, 19 Salicaria (Cisticola) brunneiceps, 31 1 Salicaria turdina orientalis, 317 salomonseni, Dicaeum pygmaeum, 398, 398 salvadorii, Loriculus, 151 Tanygnathus, 142 Tanygnathus lucionensis, 142 samarensis, Ceyx, 199 Ceyx melanurus, 199 Corvus, 251 Corvus enca, 251 Dicrurus hottentottus, 248, 248 Dryocopus javensis, 218 Eurylaimus steerii, 224 Ficedula basilanica, 337 Hypothymis, 327 Hypsipetes everetti, 285, 285 Muscicapula, 337 Oriolus, 248 Oriolus xanthonotus, 248 Orthotomus, 325 Orthotomus nigriceps, 325 471 Index samarensis (cont.) Penelopides, 2 1 1 Penelopides panini, 211 Phapitreron, 1 19 Pnonochilus, 386 Pnonochilus olivaceus, 386 Pycnonotus goiavier, 278, 278 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 329 Rhipidura superciliaris, 327 Sarcophanops, 224 Sarcops calvus, 369 Setaria, 329 Sanderling, 100, pi. 24 Sandpiper, Broad-billed, 102, pi. 24 Common, 92, pi. 22 Curlew, 101, pi. 24 Green, 92, pi. 22 Least, 100, pi. 24 Marsh, 89, pi. 21 Sharp-tailed, 101 , pi. 24 Terek, 93, pi. 22 Wood, 92, pi. 22 Sandpipers, 84-85, 88-89, 92-95, 100-102 sandwichensis , Oestrelata, 2 Pterodroma phaeopygia, 2 sanfordi, Rallus torquatus, 67 Sarcophanops samarensis, 224 Sarcops calvus calvus, 368 Sarcops calvus loivii, 369 Sarcops calvus melanonotus, 369 Sarcops calvus mindorensis, 369 Sarcops calvus minor, 369 Sarcops calvus samarensis, 369 Sarcops calvus similis, 369 Sarcops lowii, 369 Sarcops melanonotus, 369 saturata, Hirundo, 232 Hirundo rustica, 232 saturatior, Iole philippinus, 279 saturatus, Cuculus, 155 Passer, 409 Passer montanus, 409 saularis, Copsychus, 294 , 294, 295 sauli, Rhipidura, 327 Rhipidura cyaniceps, 327 Saxicola caprata anderseni, 296, 296 Saxicola caprata caprata, 296 Saxicola caprata randi, 296, 296 schach, Lanius, 361 schisticeps, Lalage, 240 schmackeri, Jole, 284 Penelopides, 210 scolopacea, Eudynamys, 160, 160 Scolopacidae, 84-85, 88-89, 92-95, 100-102 Scolopax cinerea, 93 Scolopax gallinago, 95 Scolopax madagascariensis, 85 Scolopax minima, 94 Scolopax nebularia, 89 Scolopax rusticola, 95, 95 Scolopax stenura, 95 scops, Otus, 167, 168, 168 Scops everetti, 169 Scops fuliginosus, 169 Scops longicornis, 167 Scops mindorensis, 167 Scops philippensis, 174 Scops sibutuensis, 168 Scops uihiteheadi, 168 scutulata, Ninox, 176, 176 seebohmi, Bradypterus luteoventris, 308, 308 Cettia, 308 Cettia diphone, 308 Seicercus montis xanthopygius, 320 seloputo, Strix, 176 semigaleatus, Buceros, 213 Buceros hydrocorax, 213 semilarvatus, Melaniparus, 256 Parus, 256, 256 ,257 Parus semilarvatus, 256 semipalmatus, Lirnnodromus, 94 Macrorhamphus, 94 semirufa, Cisticola, 31 1 Cisticola exilis,311 sepium, Orthotomus, 326 septentrionalis, Collocalia esculenta, 186 Culicicapa helianthea, 347, 347 Macropygia tenuirostris, 132 septimus, Batrachostomus, 177, 178, 178 Batrachostomus septimus, 1 78 sepulcralis, Cacomantis variolosus, 158 Cuculus, 158 sericeus, Orthotomus, 326 Sturnus, 365 , 365 Serinus estherae mindanensis, 416 Serinus mindanensis, 416 Setaria ruficauda, 329 Setaria samarensis, 329 severus, Falco, 53, 53 Falco severus, 53 Shama, Black, 296, pi. 62 Palawan, 295, pi. 62 White-eyebrowed, 295, pi. 62 sharpii, Grus antigone, 66, 66 Shearwater, Wedge-tailed, 2, pi. 1 White-faced, 1 , pi. 1 Shearwaters, 1-2 Sheldrake, 26, pi. 7 shelleyi, Aethopyga, 382, 382, 383 Aethopyga shelleyi, 382 Shortwing, Blue, 290, pi. 62 Shoveler, Common, 31 , pi. 8 Shrike, Brown, 360, pi. 75 Schach, 361 , pi. 75 Strong-billed, 361, pi. 75 Tiger, 360, pi. 75 472 Index Shrikes, 360-361, 364 siasiensis, Dendrocopos maculatus, 220 Yungipicus, 220 sibirica, Limicola, 102 Limicola falcinellus, 102 Muscicapa, 341, 341 Muscicapa sibirica, 341 sibutuense , Dicaeum, 396 Dicaeum trigonostigma, 396 sibutuensis, Otus scops, 168 Scops, 168 sibuyanica, Dicaeum, 395 sibuyanicum, Dicaeum trigonostigma, 395 sierramadrensis, Corvus enca, 251 , 251 Zoster ops nigrorum, 407 sillimani, Brachypteryx montana, 291, 291 similis, Sarcops calvus, 369 simillima, Motacilla flava, 355, 355 simplex, Cyornis, 340 Cyornis rufgaster, 340 Gerygone, 303 Gerygone sulphurea, 303 simplicior, Muscicapa rufigastra, 340 sinensis, Ardea, 10 Centropus, 161, 162, 162 Ixobrychus, 10, 10 Ixobrychus sinensis, 10 Oriolus, 365 Pelecanus, 4 Phalacrocorax carbo, 4 Sterna, 1 10 Sterna albifrons, 110 Sturnus, 365 siparaja, Aethopyga, 384 Siphia enganensis, 339 Siphia erithacus, 338 Siphia platenae, 338 Siphia ramsayi, 339 siquijorensis, Hypsipetes, 284, 285 Hypsipetes siquijorensis, 284 Iole, 284 Loriculus, 150 Loriculus philippensis, 150 Pachycephala philippinensis, 354, 354 Tanygnathus lucionensis, 143 Zosterops, 406 Zosterops everetti, 406 Siskin, European, 416, pi. 85 Sitta frontalis apo, 258 Sitta frontalis isarog, 257, 257 Sitta frontalis lilacea, 258 Sitta frontalis mesoleuca, 257 Sitta frontalis oenochlamys, 257 Sitta frontalis palawana, 258, 258 Sitta frontalis zamboanga, 258, 258 Sittidae, 257-258 Skuas, 103-104 Skylark, Small, 227, pi. 50 smithi, Pelargopsis capensis, 200 Ramphalcyon capensis, 200 smyrnensis, Halcyon, 201 Snipe, Common, 95, pi. 23 Jack, 94, pi. 23 Marsh, 94, pi. 23 Painted-, 77, pi. 19 Pintail, 95, pi. 23 snowi, Parus semilarvatus, 256, 256 solitarius, Monticola, 297 soloensis, Accipiter, 46 Falco, 46 sonneratii, Cacomantis, 155 sordida, Pitta, 225, 226, 226 Pitta sordida, 225 T urdus, 225 sordidus, Micromacronus leytensis, 276, 276 sorghophila, Calamodyta, 317 sorghophilus, Acrocephalus, 317 sorsogonensis, Napothera, 265 Napothera rabori, 265 Oriolus chinensis, 251 Phylloscopus cebuensis, 320, 320 Stachyris whiteheadi, 267 Sparrow, Java, 414, pi. 84 Tree, 409, pi. 84 sparverioides, Cuculus, 154, 154 Cuculus sparverioides, 154 speciosa, Dasycrotapha, 267 Stachyris, 267 sperata, Certhia, 373 Cinnyris, 373 Nectarinia, 373, 374 , 374 Nectarinia sperata, 373 Spermestes fuscans, 414 Sphenocercus australis, 114, 115 Spider Hunter, Little, 384 , pi. 80 Naked-faced, 385, pi. 80 spilocephala, Ninox, 175 Ninox philippensis, 175 spilonota, Ninox philippensis, 175 spilonotus, Circus, 42 Circus aeruginosus, 42 Ninox, 175 Spilornis cheela palawanensis, 42 Spilornis holospilus, 42 Spilornis panayensis, 42 spinus, Carduelis, 4 16 Fringilla, 416 Spizaetus cirrhatus limnaeetus, 52 Spizaetus philippensis, 52, 52 spodocephala, Emberiza, 416, 416 Spoonbill, Lesser, 23, pi. 6 squatarola, Pluvialis, 77 Tringa, 77 Stachyris capitalis affinis, 266 Stachyris capitalis boholensis, 266 Stachyris capitalis capitalis, 266 473 Index Stachyris capitalis dennistouni, 266 Stachyris capitalis isabelae, 266, 266 Stachyris capitalis nigrocapitata, 265 Stachyris hypogrammica, 268, 268 Stachyris nigrocapitata boholensis, 266 Stachyris nigrorum, 268, 268 Stachyris plateni plateni, 265 Stachyris plateni pygmaea, 265, pi. 57 Stachyris speciosa, 261 Stachyris striata, 267 Stachyris whiteheadi, 261 Stachyris whiteheadi sorsogonensis, 267 stagnatilis, Totanus, 89 Tringa, 89 Starling, Ashy, 368, pi. 76 Gray-backed, 365, pi. 76 Lesser Glossy, 364, pi. 76 Philippine Glossy, 364 , pi. 76 Silky, 365, pi. 76 Violet-backed, 365, pi. 76 Starlings, 364-365, 368-369 steerei, Eurylaimus, 224 Otus, 168 Pernis celebensis, 35, 35 Pyrrhula, 417 Pyrrhula leucogenys, 4 11 steerii, Brachyurus, 226 Centropus, 162, 162 Ceyx, 191 Eurylaimus, 224, 224 Eurylaimus steerii, 224 Oriolus, 249 Oriolus xanthonotus, 249 Pitta, 226, 226 Pitta steerii, 226 stellaris, Ardea, 10 Botaurus, 10 Botaurus stellaris, 10 stentoreus, Acrocephalus, 317 stenura, Gallinago, 95 Scolopax, 95 Stercorariidae, 103-104 Stercorarius pomarinus, 103 Sterna albifrons sinensis, 110 Sterna anaethetus, 1 1 1 Sterna anaethetus anaethetus, 111 Sterna bergii cristata, 111 Sterna caspia, 105 Sterna cristata, 1 1 1 Sterna dougallii bangsi, 110, 110 Sterna fuscata nubilosa, 111 Sterna hirundo longipennis, 110 Sterna javanica, 105 Sterna leucoptera, 104 Sterna longipennis, 110 Sterna nilotica, 105 Sterna nubilosa, 1 1 1 Sterna pileatus, 1 14 Sterna sinensis, 110 Sterna sumatrana, 110, 1 10 Sterna zimmermanni, 114 , 114 Stilt, White-headed, 102, pi. 25 Stilts, 102 Stint, Little, 100, pi. 24 Temminck’s, 101, pi. 24 stolidus, Anous, 114 Stoparola nigrimentalis, 346 Stoparola panayensis nigriloris, 346 Stork, White-necked, 23, pi. 6 Storks, 23 Streptopelia bitorquata dusumieri, 132 Streptopelia chinensis palawana, 133 Streptopelia chinensis tigrina, 133 Streptopelia dusumieri gutierrezi, 132 Streptopelia tranquebarica humilis, 132 striata, Columba, 133 Coracina, 234 , 235, 235 Coracina striata, 234 . Geopelia, 133 Geopelia striata, 133 Hypotaenidia, 66 Stachyris, 267 striaticeps, Iole, 279 Macronous, 269, 269 Macronous striaticeps, 269 Minodoria, 269 striatissimum, Dicaeum aeruginosum, 387, 387 striatus, Butorides, 18, 18 Corvus, 234 Dicrurus, 245 Dicrurus hottentottus, 245 Rallus, 66, 66 Rallus striatus, 66 Zosterornis, 267 Strigidae, 167-169, 174-177 striolata, Hirundo, 233, 233 Hirundo striolata, 233 Strix amauronota, 166 Strix badia, 166 Strix flammea, 177 Strix hirsuta japonica, 176 Strix seloputo wiepkeni, 176 Sturnidae, 364-365 , 368-369 Sturnus chineraceus, 368, 368 Sturnus philippensis, 365 Sturnus sericeus, 365, 365 Sturnus sinensis, 365 subfurcatus, Apus affinis, 188 Cypselus, 188 subminuta, Calidris, 100 Tringa, 100 subnigra, Penelopides, 210 Penelopides panini, 210 sula, Sula, 4 Sula dactylatra personata, 3 Sula leucogaster plotus, 4 474 Index Sula personata, 3 Sula rubripes, 4 Sula sula rubripes, 4 Sulidae, 3-4 sulphurata, Emberiza, 413, 415 sulphurea, Gerygone, 303 suluensis, Cephalophoneus, 361 Ceyx, 198 Dicrurus, 248 Dicrurus hottentottus, 248 Dryocopus javensis, 219 Lanius schach, 361 Oriolus, 250 Pardaliparus elegans, 255 Parus elegans, 253 Prioniturus discurus, 140 Pycnonotus goiavier, 278, 278 Surniculus lugubris, 159 Thriponax javensis, 219 T urnix, 58 T urnix sylvatica, 58 sumatrana, Ardea, 21, 21 Ardea sumatrana, 21 Sterna, 110, 110 sumatranus, Tanygnathus, 148, 148 sumatrensis, Graucalus, 234 Sunbird, Apo, 378, pi. 79 Flaming, 379, pi. 79 Hachisuka’s, 378, pi. 79 Lovely, 383, pi. 80 Macklot’s, 375, pi. 78 Mountain, 382, pi. 79 Olive-backed, 375, pi. 78 Plain-throated, 372, pi. 78 Van Hasselt’s, 373, pi. 78 Yellow-backed, 384 , pi. 80 Sunbirds, 372-375, 378-379, 382-385 superbus, Ptilinopus, 123 superciliaris, Cittocincla, 295 Copsychus luzoniensis, 295 Hypothymis, 326 Rhipidura, 326, 327 , 327 Rhipidura superciliaris, 326 superciliosus, Lanius, 361 Lanius cristatus, 361 Phaenicophaus, 161 Phoenicophaeus, 161 , 161 Phoenicophaeus superciliosus, 161 Surniculus lugubris chalybaeus, 159, 159 Surniculus lugubris mindorensis, 159 Surniculus lugubris minimus, 160, 160 Surniculus lugubris suluensis, 159 Surniculus lugubris velutinus, 159 Surniculus velutinus, 159 suscitator, Turnix, 59 Swallow, Bank, 232, pi. 50 Barn, 232, pi. 50 Mosque, 233, pi. 50 Pacific, 233, pi. 50 Swallows, 232-233 Wood-, 360 Swamphen, Plain, 74, pi. 17 Purple, 75, pi. 18 White-breasted, 74, pi. 17 Swift, House, 188, pi. 42 Lesser Tree, 189, pi. 42 Malaysian Spine-tailed, 187 , pi. 42 Northern Spine-tailed, 187, pi. 42 Palm, 188, pi. 42 Philippine Spine-tailed, 187, pi. 42 White-rumped, 188, pi. 42 Swiftlet, Edible-nest, 183, pi. 41 Glossy, 186, pi. 41 Gray, 183, pi. 41 Himalayan, 182, pi. 41 Pygmy, 186, pi. 41 Swifts, 182-183, 186-188 Tree, 189 sylvatica, Turnix, 57, 58, 58 Sylvia lanceolata, 316 Sylvia (Locustella) ochotensis, 316 Sylviidae, 303, 308-311, 316-321, 324-326 Syrnium philippense, 174 Syrnium whiteheadi, 176 Syrnium wiepkeni, 176 T tabon, Megapodius freycinet, 54 tabuensis, Porzana, 69, 69 Porzana tabuensis, 69 Tachornis pallidior, 188 tadorna, Anas, 26 Tadorna, 26 Tadorna tadorna, 26 tahitica, Hirundo, 233 Tailor-bird, Ashy, 326, pi. 68 Black-headed, 325, pi. 68 Common, 324, pi. 68 Luzon, 321, pi. 68 Mountain, 321 , pi. 68 Rufous-crowned, 326, pi. 68 White-eared, 325, pi. 68 taivana, Motacilla flava, 358 taivanus, Budytes, 358 talisi, Penelopides, 210 Tantalus melanocephalus, 22 Tantalus variegatus, 85 tantilla, Riparia chinensis, 232 Riparia paludicola, 232 Tanygnathus burbidgii, 148 Tanygnathus everetti, 148 Tanygnathus freeri, 148 Tanygnathus lucionensis horrisonus, 142 Tanygnathus lucionensis hybridus, 143, 143 Tanygnathus lucionensis koikei, 143 Tanygnathus lucionensis lucionensis, 143 475 Index Tanygnathus lucionensis moro, 143 Tanygnathus lucionensis nigrorum, 143 Tanygnathus lucionensis paraguenus, 143 Tanygnathus lucionensis salvadorii, 142 Tanygnathus lucionensis siquijorensis, 143 Tanygnathus megalorynchos megalorynchos, 143 Tanygnathus salvadorii, 142 Tanygnathus sumatranus burbidgii, 148 Tanygnathus sumatranus duponti, 148, 148 Tanygnathus sumatranus everetti, 148 Tanygnathus sumatranus freeri, 148 Tattler, Gray-tailed, 93, pi. 22 Tchitrea rufa, 349 Teal, Common, 27, pi. 7 Cotton, 34, pi. 8 Garganey, 30, pi. 8 telephonus, Cuculus, 155 Cuculus canorus, 155 temminckii, Calidris, 101 Kurukuru, 123 Ptilinopus superbus, 123 Tringa, 101 tenuirostris, Anous, 114 Calidris, 100 Macropygia, 131, 132 Macropygia phasianella, 131 Totanus, 100 Tererolaema leclancheri, 122 Tern, Black-billed Common, 110, pi. 27 Black-naped, 110, pi. 26 Brown-winged, 111, pi. 27 Caspian, 105, pi. 26 Chinese Crested, 114, pi. 27 Crested, 111, pi. 27 Gull-billed, 105, pi. 26 Little, 110, pi. 26 Roseate, 110, pi. 27 Sooty, 111, pi. 27 Whiskered, 105, pi. 26 White-winged Black, 104, pi. 26 Terns, 104-105, 110-111, 114 Terpsiphone atrocaudata periophthalmica, 350 Terpsiphone cinnamomea cinnamomea, 349 Terpsiphone cinnamomea unirufa, 349 Terpsiphone cyanescens, 350 Terpsiphone nigra, 350 Tersiphone unirufa, 349 Tersiphone unirufa ramosi, 349 tertius, Lanius validirostris, 364 , 364 Tetrao pmtadeanus, 55 Thalasseus bergii halodramus, 111 theresae, Nectarinia sperata, 374 , 374 Thick-knee, Reef, 103, pi. 25 Thick-knees, 103 thomassoni, Merula, 301 T urdus poliocephalus, 301 thompsoni, Pitta erythrogaster, 225, 225 Threskiornis aethiopica melanocephala, 22 Threskiornithidae, 22-23 Thriponax hargitti, 218 Thriponax javensis confusus, 217 Thriponax javensis var. nov. suluensis, 219 Thriponax mindorensis, 218 Thriponax multilunatus, 21 8 Thriponax pectoralis, 218 Thriponax philippensis, 218 Thrush, Ashy Ground, 300, pi. 63 Blue Rock, 297 , pi. 63 Dusky, 303 , pi. 64 Dyal, 294 , pi. 62 Golden Ground, 300, pi. 63 Island, 301, pi. 64 Japanese Brown, 302, pi. 64 Kuhl’s Ground, 297 , pi. 63 Pale, 302, pi. 64 Sunda Ground; 300, pi. 63 Thrushes, 290-291, 294-297, 300-303 ticaensis, Penelopides panini, 211, 211 Tiga everetti, 216 tigrina, Columba, 133 Streptopelia chinensis, 133 tigrinus, Lanius, 360, 360 Timaliidae, 262-269, 276 timoriensis, Megalurus, 310, 310 tinnabulans, Calamanthella, 311 Cisticola juncidis, 311 Tinnunculus, Falco, 53 tiphia, Aegithina, 286, 286 Tit-babbler, Brown, 269, pi. 58 Gray-faced, 268, pi. 58 Miniature, 276, pi. 58 Titmice, 254-257 Titmouse, Elegant, 254 , pi. 55 Palawan, 256, pi. 55 White-fronted, 256, pi. 55 tobata [sic], Tringa, 102 todayensis, Aplonis minor, 364 Lamprocorax, 364 torquatus, Rallus, 67, 67 Rallus torquatus, 67 totanus, Totanus, 88 Tringa, 88 Totanus acuminatus, 101 Totanus brevipes, 93 Totanus guttifer, 89 Totanus stagnatilis, 89 Totanus tenuirostris, 100 Totanus totanus eurhinus, 88 tranquebarica, Streptopelia, 132 Tree-babbler, Black-crowned, 265, pi. 57 Negros, 268, pi. 58 Palawan, 268, pi. 58 Pygmy, 265, pi. 57 Red-headed, 263, pi. 56 Rough-templed, 267, pi. 57 Striped, 267 , pi. 58 476 Index Whitehead’s, 267 , pi. 57 Tree swifts, 189 Treron curvirostra erimacra, 115, 1 15 Treron formosae filipina, 114, 1 14 Treron formosae mcgregorii, 115 Treron pompadora amadoni, 115 , 115 Treron pompadora axillaris, 115 Treron pompadora canescens, 118, 1 18 Treron pontpadora everetti, 118 Treron vernans vernans, 118 Trichastoma cinereiceps, 262 Trichoglossus johnstoniae johnstoniae , 139 Trichoglossus johnstoniae pistra, 140, 140 Trichostoma rufifrons, 263 trigonostigma, Dicaeum, 394 , 395, 396, 396 Triller, Black and White, 239, pi. 52 Pied, 240, pi. 52 Tringa canutus, 95 Tringa chirurgus, 76 Tringa ferruginea, 101 Tringa glareola, 92, 92 Tringa gut t if era, 89 Tringa hypoleucos, 92, 92 Tringa incanas brevipes, 93 Tringa interpes, 93 Tringa nebular ia, 89 Tringa ochrophus, 92, 92 Tringa pugnax, 102 Tringa squatarola, 77 Tringa stagnatilis, 89 Tringa subminuta, 100 Tringa temminckii, 101 Tringa tobata [sic], 102 Tringa totanus eurhina, 88 trinitatis, Muscicapa hyperythra, 331 trivirgatus, Accipiter, 46, 46 Phylloscopus, 317, 318, 318, 319, 319 trochilus, Cinnyris sperata, 373 troglodytes, Collocalia, 186, 186 Trogon, Philippine, 189, pi. 43 Trogon ardens, 189 Trogon id ae, 189-190 Trogons, 189-190 Tropicbird, White-tailed, 3 Tropicbirds, 3 Trynga alba, 100 Trynga ruficollis, 100 tsubame, Collocalia whiteheadi, 183 Turdidae, 290-291, 294-297, 300-303 turdina, Salicaria, 3 1 7 T urdus a triceps, 276 Turdus aureus, 300 Turdus chrysolaus, 302 Turdus chrysolaus chrysolaus, 302 Turdus interpres, 297 Turdus luzoniensis, 295 Turdus mindanensis, 295 Turdus mindorensis, 301 Turdus moluccensis, 226 Turdus nigrorum, 301 Turdus obscurus, 303, 303 Turdus pallidus, 302, 302 Turdus philippensis, 297 (Turdus) philippinus, 279 Turdus poliocephalus katanglad, 302, 302 Turdus poliocephalus kelleri, 302 Turdus poliocephalus malindangensis, 301 T urdus poliocephalus mayonensis, 301 Turdus poliocephalus mindorensis, 301 Turdus poliocephalus nigrorum, 301 T urdus poliocephalus thomassoni, 301 T urdus sordida, 225 Turnicidae, 57-59, 66 Turnix celestinoi, 58 Turnix haynaldi, 59 Turnix nigrescens, 59 Turnix ocellata benguetensis, 66, 66 T urnix ocellata ocellata, 59 T urnix suluensis, 58 Turnix suscitator fasciata, 59 Turnix suscitator nigrescens, 59 Turnix sylvatica celestinoi, 58 Turnix sylvatica masaaki, 58, 58 Turnix sylvatica suluensis, 58 Turnix sylvatica whiteheadi, 57 Turnix whiteheadi, 57 Turnix worcesteri, 58, 58 Turnstone, 93, pi. 22 tweeddalei, Irena, 287 Irena puella, 287 Megalurus, 310 Megalurus timoriensis, 310 Tyto capensis amauronota, 166 Tytonidae, 166-167 u unicolor, Bradypterus caudatus, 309 Collocalia, 183 Pseudotharrhaleus , 309 unirufa, Terpsiphone cinnamomea, 349 Tersiphone, 349 unirufus, Centropus, 163, 163 Pyrrhocentor, 163 Upupa epops (?) longirostris, 207 Upupa longirostris, 207 Upupidae, 207 urostictus, Brachypus, 276 Poliolophus, 277 Pycnonotus, 276, 277 , 277 Pycnonotus urostictus, 276 V validirostris, Dendrocopos maculatus, 219 Lanius, 361, 361, 364, 364 Lanius validirostris, 361 477 Index validirostns (cont.) Picus, 219 Vanellus cinereus, 77 vanikorensis, Collocalia, 183 vargasi, Ceyx erithacus, 199 variegatus, Numenius variegatus, 85 Tantalus, 85 variolosus, Cacomantis, 158, 158 vegae, Larus argentatus, 104 velutinus, Surniculus, 159 Surniculus lugubris, 159 veredus, C.haradrius, 84, 84 vernans, Columba, 118 Dendrophassa, 1 18 Treron, 118 Treron vernans, 118 verreauxii, Alcedo, 191 Alcedo meninting, 191 verticalis, Prioniturus, 142 Prioniturus montanus, 142 vestita, Collocalia , 183 violacea, Motacilla, 365 virescens, Ardea (Butorides), 18 virgatus, Accipiter, 43, 43 virgicapitus, Ceyx goodfellowi, 198 viridicollis, Orthotomus cucullatus, 321 , 321 viridifacies, Erythrura, 410, 410 viridis, Centropus, 162, 163 Centropus viridis, 162 Cuculus, 162 Merops, 206 viridissimum, Dicaeum bicolor, 389, 389 visayanus, Pardaliparus elegans, 255 Parus elegans, 255 Volvocivora mindanensis, 238 vulcani, Zosterops montana, 405 Zosterops whiteheadi, 405 vulgaris, C.oturnix, 56 w Wagtail, Forest, 355 , pi. 74 Gray, 358, pi. 74 Pied, 358, pi. 74 Yellow, 355, pi. 74 waldeni, Aceros leucocephalus, 211 Craniorrhinus [sic], 211 Warbler, Arctic Willow, 320, pi. 67 Asiatic Grasshopper, 316, pi. 66 Bush-, 303 , pi. 65 Common Fantail, 311 , pi. 67 Dubois’ Leaf, 319, pi. 67 Golden-headed Fantail, 311 , pi. 67 Gray’s Grasshopper, 316, pi. 66 Great Reed, 317, pi. 66 Long-tailed Ground, 309, pi. 65 Mountain Bush-, 308, pi. 65 Mountain Leaf, 31 7, pi. 67 Philippine Leaf, 319, pi. 67 Rufous-capped Canegrass, 310, pi. 66 Russet Scrub, 308, pi. 65 Speckled Reed, 317, pi. 66 Streaked Grasshopper, 316, pi. 66 Striated Canegrass, 309, pi. 66 Yellow-breasted Flycatcher, 320, pi. 67 Yellow-breasted Wren-, 303, pi. 65 Warblers, Old World, 303 , 308-311 , 316-321 , 324-326 Watercock, 75, pi. 18 watermanni, Ficedula, 338 Ficedula westermanni, 338 Muscicapa, 338 Muscicapula, 338 waterstradti, Prioniturus, 141 Prioniturus montanus, 141 Waxbills, 409-411,414-415 Weaverbirds, 409 Wheatear, 297, pi. 63 Whimbrel, 85, pi. 21 Whistler, White-bellied, 350, pi. 73 Yellow-bellied, 354, pi. 73 Whistling-duck, Spotted, 26, pi. 7 Wandering, 26, pi. 7 White-eye, Cinnamon, 408, pi. 83 Everett’s, 405, pi. 83 Goodfellow’s, 408, pi. 83 Mountain, 404, pi. 83 Philippine, 399, pi. 83 Yellow, 406, pi. 83 White-eyes, 399, 404-408 whiteheadi, Cinnyris, 374 Collocalia, 182, 183 Collocalia brevirostris, 182 Dicaeum haematostictum, 394 Dicrurus leucophaeus, 244 Hyloterpe , 351 Prioniturus discurus, 141 , 141 Scops, 168 Stachyris, 267 , 267 Syrnium, 176 T urnix, 57 Turnix sylvatica, 57 Zosterops, 404, 405 Zosterops montana, 404 Zosterornis, 267 Widgeon, European, 30, pi. 8 wiepkeni, Strix seloputo, 176 Syrnium, 176 wiglesworthi, Anthreptes malacensis, 372, 372 winchelli, Halcyon, 202, 202, 203, 203 Halcyon winchelli, 202 Hyloterpe, 351 Pachycephala cinerea, 351 wolfei, Alauda arvensis, 227 Alauda gulgula, 227 Woodcock, 95, pi. 23 woodi, Cyrtostomus jugularis, 378 478 Index Leonardina, 262, 262 Macronous gularis, 268 Mixornis, 268 Nectarinia jugularis, 378 Woodpecker, Crimson-backed, 220, pi. 48 Great Slaty, 216, pi. 48 Pygmy, 219, pi. 48 Sooty, 211 , pi. 48 Three-toed, 216, pi. 48 White-bellied Black, 217 , pi. 48 Woodpeckers, 216-221 Wood-swallow, White-breasted, 360, pi. 75 Wood-swallows, 360 Worcester i, Anous tenuirostris, 114 Chibia, 248 Loriculus, 150 Loriculus philippensis, 150 Micranous, 1 14 T urnix, 58, 58 Wren-babbler, Luzon, 264 , pi. 56 Yellow-breasted, 303, pi. 65 X xanthocephalus, Chrysocolaptes, 221 Chrysocolaptes lucidus, 221 xanthodryas, Phyllopneuste, 320 Phylloscopus borealis, 320 Xantholaema intermedia, 216 Xantholestes panayensis, 347 xanthonotus, Oriolus, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250 xanthopygia, Cryptolopha, 320 xanthopygium, Dicaeum, 394 Dicaeum trigonostigma, 394 xanthopygius, Seicercus montis, 320 xanthorhynchus , Chalcites, 159 Chrysococcyx, 159 Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus, 159 Xenus cinereus, 93 Y yairocho, Pitta erythrogastra, 224 yamamurae , Oriolus chinensis, 250 Yungipicus basilanicus, 219 Yungipicus leytensis, 219 Yungipicus siasiensis, 220 yunnanensis, Anthus hodgsoni, 359 Anthus maculatus, 359 z zamboanga, Rhabdornis inornatus, 262 Rhinomyias ruficauda, 329, 329 Sitta frontalis, 258, 258 Zeocephus cinnamomeus, 349 Zeocephus cyanescens, 350 zimmeri, Culicicapa helianthea, 347, 347 z immermanni, Sterna, 114 , 1 14 Zonophaps poliocephala nobilis, 130 zonorhyncha, Anas, 27 Anas poecilorhyncha, 27 Zoothera andromedae , 300 Zoothera cinerea, 300 Zoothera dauma aurea, 300 Zoothera interpres interpres, 297 Zosteropidae, 399, 404-408 Zoster ops aureiloris, 407 Zosterops basilanica, 405 Zosterops batanis, 399 Zosterops boholensis, 405 Zosterops everetti, 406 Zosterops everetti basilanica, 405 Zosterops everetti boholensis, 405 Zosterops everetti everetti, 406 Zosterops everetti mandibularis, 406, 406 Zosterops everetti siquijorensis, 406 Zosterops flavissima, 407 Zosterops forbesi, 405 Zosterops goodfellowi, 408 Zosterops goodfellowi malindangensis, 408 Zosterops halconensis, 404 Zosterops laeta, 405 Zosterops luzonica, 406 Zosterops meyeni, 399 Zosterops meyeni batanis, 399 Zosterops meyeni meyeni, 399 Zosterops meyleri, 407 Zosterops montana diuatae, 405, 405 Zosterops montana finitima, 404 Zosterops montana gilli, 404 , 404 Zosterops montana halconensis, 404 Zosterops montana parkesi, 404 , 404 Zosterops montana pectoralis, 404 , 404 Zosterops montana vulcani, 405 Zosterops montana whiteheadi, 404 Zosterops nigrorum, 407 Zosterops nigrorum aureiloris, 407 Zosterops nigrorum catarmanensis, 408, 408 Zosterops nigrorum luzonica, 406 Zosterops nigrorum meyleri, 407 Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis, 407, 407 Zosterops nigrorum nigrorum, 407 Zosterops nigrorum richmondi, 407 Zosterops nigrorum sierramadrensis, 407 Zosterops richmondi, 407 Zosterops siquijorensis, 406 Zosterops whiteheadi, 404 Zosterops whiteheadi vulcani, 405 Zosterornis affinis, 266 Zosterornis dennistouni, 266 Zosterornis pygmaeus, 265 Zosterornis striatus, 267 Zosterornis whiteheadi, 267 479 Publication date: December 30, 197 1 ABOUT THE AUTHOR John E. du Pont was singularly equipped to produce Philippine Birds, the first work on the subject since 1946 and the first book to combine color reproductions of the birds with the most current scholarship. At 33, Mr. du Pont is a member of the board of directors of the National Audubon Society. He is Director of the Delaware Museum of Natural History, an institution founded in Greenville, Dela- ware, in 1957. A graduate of the University of Miami where he majored in marine biology, du Pont has led expeditions into the Philippines since 1958 to observe and collect the specimens which illuminate this work. Some of the expeditions required armed escort, strategically provided by the Philippine government when its lead- ers realized that this young and ambitious scientist had every intention of tramp- ing around in head-hunter country. As Dean Amadon points out in his foreword: “Anyone who knows John du Pont will realize that once in the islands he heads for the mountains and jungles; he is not one to dawdle about in the gardens of a lot of local officials.” Previous works by the author include The Living Volutes (with Clifton S. Weaver, Delaware Museum, 1970) and two documentary films: The Search for the Perplicata and Voyage to the Moon Near Suva, which report on the shell and bird life of the Great Barrier Reef and Fiji.